■ ■ ■s. mm ' ■'. ^< B"^ - '**!) «" PJ v- P^-M-r*^ Q^LyU^M , X LIBRAET Thi sological Seminary. PRINCETON, N. J. Case Sin If 5c^^oi,ion /y^rcp-^ Book.. No .' ' - A D O N A T 1 0 N ut. $K V.">. * v\ -«'\> vv;;^\ TREATIS Concerning the {^^tffc^p^. , /// HARMONY O F T H E Four Goipels: TOGETHER, With a TABL E, reprefenting in One Eafy and Clear View the Harmony of the Four Gofpels ; fo far forth as relates to the Order of Time , wherein the feveral Paflages of the Goftel Hiflory did fucceed One Another. BjEDWARD^VELLS. D. D. Kettor of Cotesbach in Leicefterfhire. LONDON, Printed for James Knaptot?, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1718. • V \ y . .. i V ■ ili.i, r -ul.- - ■ ■ . ■■ .' ' ' iii..i i — ; - THE PREFACE. ALL that needs be here taken No- tice of by way of Preface to the following Treatife, is this : . What in relation to the Firft Paragraph thereof I drew up the faid Treatife while my Paraphrafe on the Revelation of St. John was in the Prefs, which is fince publifh'd; and that My Paraphrafe on the Gofpels of St. Matthew and Mark are now in the Prefs. That in reference to the Paragraph in the lower Part of¥«z. 8. of this Treatife ^ where- as it is there faidy I have drawn a prick'd Line from this PafTage of St. Matthew, &c; the Reader is to Tmow that the Printer in printing the Table has not exa&ly followed the Copy fent him in fuch little Matters : but in- Jeadof a frickd Line drawn from this Pajfage of St. IVlattheWj to the Column of St. Luke,, A 2 and The PREFACE. and that Immediately under the Paffa^e of St. Luke, which the forefaid Faff age of St. Matthew dor come next "after • the Printer has fat a Continued black Line under the JaidPaffage of St Matthew, and made it to direU to the tajfage of St. Luke which plows immediately .after. So that although the Method ufed by the Printer is not exadly the fame defcribed in the Treatife as to that Particular ■, yet it comes to the fame. And perhaps there may he fome other fitch immaterial Variations between the Table and the Treatife- which t thought however Pro- per to advert ife the Reader of here, that he might thereby be prevented from givingHimfelf any Needlefs Trouble about them. v^-h is. p. 55: i'^Qi l8ry;7 ™-- r- $. /. 5. - 5 That from bottom, r. relJo^, and fo elfewhere \ 7 / \*?T \t ^ H would have thee to do "«vnere. P- 70. I. ^from bottom, r. I A TREATISE Concerning the HARMONY OF THE Four Gofpels. H' I. *y "*y AVING already publiflied the Epijlks of the I. New Teftament, (which I began with, as be- thor*e fil- ing more Difficult to be underftood than thz\0™ulr,jje, 'f1 Gofpels,) and the Revelation of St. John be-P"aphrafe on. ing now in the Prefs, I defign (GOD wil- $"" Gof" ling) to compleat this my Undertaking, by publilhing in the like manner the Remaining Books of the New Teftament, wa. the Gofpels and AEls of the Apoflles. 2. Now in order to a Right Understanding of each Go/pel r 2. by it felf, it is Neceffary to have a Right Underftanding of ^Le^nhe the Harmony of the four Gofpels one with another. To this Harmony of End there have been drawn up fuch Harmonies by Learned the Gof^ ab- Perfons, particularly and lately by Mr le Clerc, and MrCeffaryy/» «•- JVhifton^ andtho'thefe differ in fome Particulars, yet their fa to know Harmonies are each of good Ufe in the Main. Both thefe'^"6^^ Writers have fet down the Text of each Gofpel at large , which Method, as it is moft ferviceable in {oms. Re- B fpefts 3 A Treatife concerning the fpe tbeGtfpa areter ccntam d in them. phced in the j have had Occafion already to obferve that Luk. I. 1--4. Tab,e* is placed theF/r/2 or Bighejl of all the Paflages in the Tables, becaufe as it is the Preface or Introduction to St. Luke's Gof- pel, fo it may no lefs fitly ferve for a Preface or IntroduBton to the Whole Gofp el-Hi ft ory, and confequently to this Harmo- ny. I need here only obferve further,thatin thisPreface we are taught to look on the Gofpels as containing fuch things as are moflfurely Believ'd among Us Chriftians. The reafon why I obferve this, is to fhew, that John I. 1 — 5. is duly placed the very next in order to the Preface. For iince the Divinity of our Blefled Saviour is One of thofe things, Harmony of the Four Gofpels. j tilings, that are moft furely Believed among Us j and fince our BlefTed Saviour did exift in his Divine Nature, and therein Created All things, long before his Incarnation or any Particular belonging thereto and related in the Gofpels ^ hence this hrft Paflage of St. Johns Gofpel wherein Chrift's Divinity &c. is afferted, ought to ftand next after the Preface and before all the Padages in the Gofpel relating more immediately to Chrifts Incarnation. And therefore the Har- monies both of Mr. he Clerc and Mr. Whijlon are faulty" herein. Among fuch Paflages as relate more immediately to Chrift's Incarnation, and are contain'd in the Gofpels, the Firft is the Hiftory of the Conception of St John Baptift, the Fore-runner of Chrift. Wherefore $-u!t. (ox lajlj of LuK I. is duly placed next in Order or the third 'in Order j forafmuch as in this Portion of St. Luke's Gofpel is contain'd the Hiftory, not only of the Baptift's Conception, but alfo of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary ox Conception of Chrifts and of other Particulars efpecially the Birth of the Baptift ^ AH which fucceeded one the other in Order of Time, according to the Order of Place wherein they are related by St. Luke. And here it may be proper to obferve to the Reader, that where- as the Table will not allow of fo much as barely mention- ing all the feveral Particulars contain'd in fuch long Portions of the Gofpels, This DefeEi may be eafily fupplfd by hav- ing a Bible by one to confult and fee the feveral Pa^ages- contain'd in fuch long Portions. Indeed I have taken Care in fuch cafes to fet down in lhort as many of the ParTages, as I poflibly could in the Room allow'd for it j by which Means one that is well vers'd in the Hiftory of the Gofpels, will be enabled to recoiled at leaft the moft Material Paifages contain'd in fuch long Portions of the Gofpel, without the help of a Bible by him. In Order to Mention as much as I could, I have ufed fome Abbreviations, as d. for days <3cc. Of which there will be a Catalogue with their Explanations fet down at the End of this Tracl, if not in the Table itfelf. g 8. In a Line with $—uh. of Luk \. I have placed 6— 8. r/jfTi u~ (erfe of John. I. forafmuch as it may I think molt properly be / j»hn i. 6. underilood S A Treat if e concerning the underilood of the Birth of the Baptift or his Coming into the World. For whereas it is here Ciid, There was a MAN fent from GodSzc. by the Word MAM feems here to be deno- ted, not that what is here faid, is fpoken of John's Miniftry or Baptizing, when he was come to Man's Eftate ; but ra- ther MAN here is oppofed to GOD in v. i. and thereby is denoted, that whereas the Word (Chrift) was truly GOD, John the Baptift, who was fent as his Fore-runner was no other than a mere MAN. And this Acceptation of v. 6. is favour'd or enforced, by confidering that the Evangelift do's afterwards take Notice of the Incarnation and Birth of Chrift in the Paffage of St. John's Gofpel cited next in the Table. And therefore what is faid v. 6. of the Baptift, may moft properly be underftood of what related to him before the Birth of Chrift, that is, of the Baptift's being fent into the World by being Bom into it. The next Paffage in Order of Time is the Account of what happen'd, between the Conception of Chrift and his Mo- ther's going to Bethlehem and his Birth there -, which is con- tain'd in the latter part of Matth. I. viz. from v. 18. to the End of that Chapter. And becaufe the Generation or Genealogy of Chrift is (as has been before obferv'd) a Par- ticular which do's not properly regard any peculiar Time, and therefore may be as well fet down before Chrift's Birth, as after it, therefore I have not made two diftincl: Paffages, One of the Genealogy, the Other of what happened between Chrift's Conception and Birth t but have fet down in the Table all Matth. I. (viz. I. i — tilt.) as One Paffage. And becaufe this Paffage of St. Matthew ftands fb far off in the Table from that of St. Luke which it fucceeds immediately •to in Order of Time, that the Eye may not readily difcern which is -the Paflage of St. Luke that it do's fo fucceed to j therefore to pevent any Miftake in this Cafe, I have drawn a prukd Line, from this PafFige of St. Matthew (thro' the Column belonging to St. Mark, and fo) to the Column belonging to St. Luke, and immediately under the Paflage of St. Luke, which the forefaid Paifage of St. Matthew do's immediately come next after. By which means the Eye asay prefenty difcern that .1. \-ult. of St. Matthew do's immediately Harmony of the Four Gofpeh. 9 immediately fucceed 5 — ult. of Luk. I, as in Order of Time, fo likewife in Order of Place in the Table. And the fame Method is ufed all along the Table in like Cafes, or where it is judged more Needful to guide the Eye aright. Luk. II. 1 — 21 is evidently the next Parage in Order of Time, as containing the Account of Chrift's Birth and Circum- cifion Sec, at Bethlehem : And therefore this Paffage is placed next in the Table. And here it is to be obferv'd, that in fuch large Portions of Chapters, when any thing more remark- able is to be fet down in the Table, which do's not ftand at or near the beginning of fuch a Portion, then the Verfe where it occurrs, is fet down after it, or on the Right-hand Jideof the refpeclive Columns. Thus v. 7, 21 denotes that She brought forth her Son-Jefus, is contain'd in v. 7 and 21 of Luk. II. To this fucceeds next, both in Order of Time and of Place in the Table, the Account of the Wife- Men £*V«w< here is not us'd in the like manner, as a.py*y&m there. For d^*mr*t or Begin- ning here plainly refers to teaching mention'd in the Claufe immediately foregoing ; fo that the full Import of the Text is this : He flirs up the People, TEACHING thro" all Judea, BEGINNING this his TEACHING or to Teach from Galilee, and thence continuing it even unto this place. So that the word ipfy^mt is not in reality put here Absolutely, but only the word that belongs to it, and mould (to fpeak Fully) be exprefs'd and join'd with it, viz. A&V*wy, is Omitted, as being fufficiently underftood from the Expreffion of the fame Verb in the Claufe immediately foregoing: But now in Luk. III. 23. there is no mention made of Chrift's Teaching or Preaching in the whole Chapter, to which drxfauot may refer. And therefore to underfland «v3fcfr**»? or Beginning here, of the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry, when there is not a Syllable of Chrift's Minijlry mention'd in the whole Chapter , is quite a different Cafe from underftanding «V£<*>sm or Beginning in Luk, XXIII. 5. of Chrift's Teaching or Minijlry, where Chrift's Teaching is mention'd in the Claufe immediately foregoing. And there- fore the underftanding of Beginning in this latter place with reference to the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry, is no Proof, that Beginning in the former place ought to be fo underftood. Q. E.P. Haviug thus largely (hewn in what refpect Mr. Whifton's firft Inftance hfaidty, and confequently no Proof of what it was brought to prove j I fhall be the fhorter on his follow- ing Inftances, forafmuch as they are faulty, (or not parallel to Luk, III. 23.) in the like refpect. Mr. Ifhijlonsfecond D 2 Inftance ao A Treat if e concerning the Inftance is in AS. I. 21, 22. where St. Peter thus fpeaks : Wherefore of thefe Men, which have companied with us, all the time that the Lord Jefus WE NT IN and OUT amongfl Us, iH&a.p.ivoftinig&vrYiyy.eLloi lo&tv*, B EG I N N I NG Qiis preach- ing, adds Mr. W hi/ton,'] from the Baptifm of John <3tc. Here it is evident likewife at the firft View or Reading, that ife<£u.ms or Beginning refers to Chrift's Going out and in amongfl his Difciples, (whereby is imply'd his Miniftrf) mention'd in the immediately foregoing Claufe. So that this Inftance is not parallel to Luk. III. 23. where no- mention at all is made in the whole Chapter of Ch riffs Going out and in amongft his Difciples, or of any other Circumftance im- plying Chrift's Miniftry. The laft Inftance cited by Mr. Whifton is A3. X. 37. That word ye know which was- publifo'd thro' all Judea df^dynvoi sLrrb %s Tu.Mha.icti, beginning from Galilee after the Baptifm which John preached. Here it is to be obferv'd, that the Generality of Copies read it, not d^d^vs but dfciynytv, and fo make it to agree with pS^*, the Word mention'd in the foregoing Claufe, and confequently not to be put abfolutely. And tho a>?«'aTref be allowed to be the Trueft Reading,as being authorized by the beft Copies, yet it will come to the fame \ forafmuch as tho' dfed^vt^ muft agree with Jefus underftood, yet it refers to the Word mention'd in the foregoing Claufe, and which fliou'd have been prepeated here if St. Luke had ex- prefs'd himfelf fully:, viz. thus : That WORD ye know which was publifi'd thro' all Judea } He (T. e. Chrift) beginning (the fa id WORD) from Galilee after the Baptifm which John preach' d. So that Beginning is by no means put in this place Abfolutely or without any mention of Chrift's Teaching or Preaching or any thing elfe relating to Chrift's Miniftry, as it is Luk. III. 23. And confequently no good Argument can be drawn hence, for underftanding Beginning there of Chrift's Miniftry, becaufe it is fo underftood here. Indeed this laft Text, AB. X. 37. affords a new Proof, that Chrift's Baptifm was not after, but before the Beginning of the Word, or Chrift's Miniftry, here mention'd j and confequently before the Beginning of the Miniftry fuppos'd by the faid Prelate and Mr Whifton to be mention'd or referred to in Luk. III. 23. For it is not to be doubted but St. Luke fpeaks in both Places of the fame Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry. Harmony of the Four Gofpels. a i Miniftry. But St. Luke exprefly reftrains the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry here fpoken of, to be That from Galilee after the Baptijm of John • whereby it is plainly fignify'd that it was the fame mention 'd by St. Matth. Ill- 12, 17. where he tells us, that when Jefus had heard that John was cap into Prifon, he departed into Galilee, and from that time BEGAN to Preach &c. But this will appear more plainly, by confidering diftindly the two Particulars whereby St. Luke explains here in AB. X. 37, What BEGINNING of Chrift's Miniftry he fpeaks of, viz. That which was from Galilee , and alfo after the Baptifm of John. Now it is fufficiently evident to any impartial Reader of Joh. I. that the very firfl Beginning of All Chrift's Mini fry was not in Galilee, but at Bethabara beyondjordan, where John (the Baptift) was baptizing, as we are taught v. 28. of Joh. h For furely the very Firfl Beginning of All Chrift's Miniflry is in reafon to be reckon'd from his very Firfl Be- ginning to gather Difciples and to inflruB them, thefe being manifeftly two Ads of Chrift's Miniftry. But now we are inform'd Joh. I. 35 <3tc. that Jefus firft of All began to gather Difciples and inftrud them at Bethabara aforemention'd. For the Evangelift having told us, v. 28. of this Chapter, that it was at Bethabara, that the Baptift was Baptizing j proceeds to obferve v. 29, what was done the next day :, and v. 35, what was done the next day after , viz. that John (the Baptift) flood, and two of his Difciples.. And looking upon Jefus as he walked, He (i. e. the Baptift) fays, Behold the Lamb of God. And the two Difciples heard him /peak, and they follow'd Jefus, in order to be inftruded by him, and become his Difciples, as appears from the following Verfes. For it being about ten a Clock (viz. in the Morning, for St. John ufes the Roman Way of reckoning the Hours of the Day) they went prefently with Chrift to the Houfe where he lodg'd, and there tarried with him All that Day, receiving Inftrudions from him. One of thefe two Perfons we are exprefly told v. 40. was St. Andrew j and the other is with very great proba- bility thought to be the Evangelift St. John himfelf, it being his ufual Method to conceal his Own name. St. Andrew being now convinc'd that Jefus was the Meflias^ and 22 A Treatife concerning the and fo become Hi mfelf One of his Difciples, was out of a true Principle of Piety follicitous, that Other his Friends and Acquaintance might fiiare in the lame Happinefs,and there- upon departing from Jefus, refolves to go and acquaint them prefently with what had pafs'd between Jefus and Him. He firft finds his own brother Simon, (as we are inform'd v. 41) and fays unto him, We have found the Mejfias- — and he brought him to Jefus, v. 42. Then v. 43. the Evangelift obferves, that the Day following, Jefus hav- ing now begun thus to gather Difciples, and being accor- dingly attended by St. Andrew and Peter and John his Near and Firft Difciples, would go forth, viz. from Bethabara, where ■ he yet ■ was, into Galileee j and findeth Philip, and fay sunt 0 him, follow Me. By which Words as it appears, that Chrift had now began to gather Difciples, fo from what follows, it appears likewife that Andrew and Peter attended Jefus from Bethaba>-a :, for v. 44. it is obferv'd, that Philip was of Bethfaida, the City of Andrew and Peter. Whereby is denoted, that the outward Occafion of Chrift's > lighting on Philip, was his Acquaintance with Andrew and Peter, who were now attending on Jefus. I have been the longer on this matter, that it might the more plainly appear, and beyond all reafonable Exception, that Chrift did firft of all B EG IN his Miniflry at Bethabara beyond Jordan, and not in Galilee. And therefore it neceffarily follows, that the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry from Galilee menti- on'd by St. Luke AB. X. 37. can't be undcrftood, with any Colour of Rcaibn, in reference to the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry at the very Firfi of all, or (in other words) in reference to Chrift's more private Miniftry, but only in reference to Chrift's more \ publick Miniflry which he began in Galilee, after that he had heard that John was caft into Prifon, as Matth. III. 12, 17. Wherefore as Mr Whifton refers us to the fignification of *p£«W»j here A&. X. 37. and alfo Luk. XXIII* 5. for to know the true fignification of apx^"** Luk III. 23. fo by confulting thefe places we find, that fince <*$■£*'<«>">* in both places is evidently underftood by St. Luke only of the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry from Galilee, this Reftri&ion being exprefiy added in Harmony of the Four Cofpeh. asp in both places j it thence rationally follows, that according to Mr-Whifton's own Rule for rinding out the true fignificati- on thereof, diyh^m in Luk. III. 23. is to be underftood likewife only of the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry from Galilee. Which being not till after the Baptifl was im- prifon'd, it therefore could not be till after Chrift had been baptiz'd. So that Mr Whifton and all others that follow the contrary Opinion, lye under a great M:fhke. And this has been lo fully made out, that 1 need not add any more concerning it, but that 1 am not willing to omit that other Evidence thereof, added by St. LukeyAth X. 37. namely that the Beginning of Chrift,'? Miniftry there fpoken of by Him, was, not only from Galilee (of which I have treated in the foregoing Paragraph) but alfo after the Bap- tiftn of John, the Force of which Expreflion I come now to confider. It is then obfervable that St. Luke here joins together two Particulars, which in other places he ufes feparately. Namely Luke XXIII. 5. it is exprefs'd, Begin- ning from Galilee j and Ad. I. 22. Beginning from the Baptifm of John : Both which Reftridlions are here AB. X. 37. join'd together, Beginning from Galilee after the Baptifm which John preached Whence it appears that St. Luke in all thefe places fpeaks of the fame Beginning of Chrift's Miniflry, viz. of That which was from or after the Baptifm of John. By which Expreflions is properly de- noted, From or After the Time that John had ceafed to baptize being caft into Pnfon \ not From or After the Time that John began to baptize. For From or After are under- ftood to relate to the End of the thing fpoken of, if nothing is exprefs'd to the Contrary. Thus From or After the Reign of fuch a Prince, denotes from or after the End of that Reign, not from or after the Beginning thereof. When After, or From taken in the fame fenfe, is put to re- late not to the very End of a Thing, but only to the End of fome part of it, then it is ufual and requisite to exprefs the fa id part. Wherefore it is Reafonable to under- stand, by From or After the Baptifm of John, From or After the End of John's Baptifm j efpecially fince it is ap- parent that St. Luke adds this Reftridion, on purofe to prevent 0 4 A Treatise concerningthe prevent any Mijiake that might happen, in reference to the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry fpoken of by him ^ and therefore the better to prevent any fuch Miftake, would have exprefs'd himfelf thus, From or After the Beginning of John's Baptifm, if he had meant what he faid in fuch a fenfe. Since then the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry mention'd AB. X. -37. was That from or after the Baptifm of John. i. e. from or after the Time that John ceafed to baptize, being cafl into Prifon and fince it is certain that Chrift was baptiz'd before John was cajl into Prifon ^ it hence clearly follows, that Chrift was baptiz'd BEFORE the Beginning of Chrift's .Miniftry mention'd AB. X. 37. and confequently the Begin- ning of Chrift's Miniftry mention'd AB. 1. 22, and Luke XXIII. 5. For of the two Reftriclions, whereby the Be- ginning of Chrift's Miniftry is fpecifyd or diftinguijfrd m AB. X. 37, One is apply "d to the Beginning of ChrifPs Miniftry mention'd Luk. XXIII. 5. and the Other to That mention'd AB. I. 22. and confequently it is One and the fame Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry mention'd in all the forecited three places. Wherefore fince thefe three be the Places , and All the Places , to which Mr Whifldn refers us to learn the genuine Signification of df^n'Of or Beginning in Luk. III. 23 j it appears that'we are in Reafon taught by thefe Places to underftand d^^o^vos or Beginning, (Suppofe it to be fpoken of the Beginning of Chrift's Miniftry, not of the very firft Beginning of Chrift's more private Miniftry, but only of the Beginning of Chrift's more publick Miniftry, namely after John had done baptiz- ing and was cafl into Prijon j and confequently after Chrifl was baptiz'd. Q. E. P. It remains now to fhew the Weaknefs of thofe Arguments, which are brought by Mr Whijion (p. 137, 138 of his Harmony) to confirm his Opinion. And the firft is this : " Our Saviour's Baptizing was one part of his Miniftry, " but he Baptiz'd before his own Baptifm, and by a plain " confequence, his Miniftry alfo began before it. When " our Lord defir'd to be baptiz'd of 'John, his Anfwer was, " I have need to be baptiz'd of Thee ^ and come ft thou to Me . V " @', Now when all the teople were bap- E tiz'd 16 A Treatife concerning the " tiz\l, it came to pafs that Jefus alfo being baptized and " praying, the Heaven was opened. From whence 'tis Clear that our Saviour's Baptifm was at the Conclufion of John's " Miniftry, and that now he had in:tiated his SuccefTor, He " was in a (hort time to difappear. " What Mr Whifion fays of Chrift's Baptifm being placed in the other Evangelifts after the Hiftory of John's Miniftry, is very fallacious :, and when rightly underftood, makes nothing for, but againft him. For the faid Evangelifts did not deugn to give the whole Hiftory of Johns Miniftry, but only occafionally introduced it, as it ferves to (hew, that our Saviour was the true Meffias, by the completion of that Prophecy of Ifaiah concerning his Fore-runner, which each Evangelift takes exprefs notice was compleated in the Baptift •, and alfo as it ferves to intro- duce the Relation of our Saviour's being baptiz'd by the Baptift. Wherefore there being this Occafion for the faid Evangelifts to mentionthe Miniftry of S. Johnt the Baptift, the common Rules of Method directed them toy^ all together what they thought fit to fay concerning it -, and then to adjoin the Relation of our Saviour's being baptiz'd by him. And there is nothing faid by the faid Evangelifts concerning the Miniftry of the Baptift, but what plainly enough refers to the Beginning of the Baptift's Miniftry, rather than to the End thereof, as will quickly appear to an impartial Reader, by confulting Matth. III. i — 12. and Mark. I. 2 — 8. [o that I (hall forbear enlarging thereupon in this place. As for St. Luke, if Mr. Whiflotfs Argument from his placing the Account of our Saviour's Baptifm, A LER hisDi- grejjion about John the Baptift, EVEN AS LOW as his very lmprifonment , be of any Force, it proves a great deal too much, and fo overthrows itfelf. For if it be a Good Argument, that our Saviour's Baptifm was AFTER the Mini fry of the Baptift, becaufe the Account of our Saviour's Baptifm is placed by St. Luke AFTER the Ac- countof the Baptift's Miniftry : then by parity of Reafon it is as Good an Argument, that our Saviour's Baptifm was AF- TER the lmprifonment of the Baptift, becaufe the Account: of our Saviour's Baptifm is likewife placed by St. Luke A F- TER i Harmony of the FonrGofpeif. 27 TER the Account of the Baptift's Imprifonmenr. But now as Mr. Whiflon will acknowledge, that notwithflanding our Saviour's Baptifm is related by St. Luke after the Bap- tift's Imprifonment, yet it was perform d before it; So Mr. Whiflon ought likewife to acknowledge, that ahho' our Sa- viour's Baptifm is related by St. Luke after what he fays about the Baptift's Miniftry, yet it was perform d a con- siderable time before the Ending of the Baptift's Miniftry j my raither in no long Time after the beginning of the Baptift's Miniftry. For as our Saviour began his more pri- vate Miniftry, in no long Time, viz. about fix Months after the Baptift began His, fo it is not to be doubted but our Saviour was baptiz'd Before he began his faid Mi- niftry ; forafmuch as the contrary Suppofition, not only has no Grounds in Scripture, but alfo implies the greateft Ab- furdities, as has been (hewn. 12. As for the other Argument, which Mr. Whifton draws from Luk. III. 21. to confirm his Opinion, I can't £ . I2, but wonder how He could take up with fuch a palpably 2 i.'expiain'd falfe Inference, when a very moderate Skill in the Greek Tongue is fufficient to difcover the Falfenefs of it. St Luke's Words are thefe, 'Eylnlo ji l» -nl fccLTt-nSftvot i-^M-w. W aW, &c. which our Tranflation renders thus, Now when all the People were baptiz'd, it came to pafs that Jefus alfo being baptiz'd, and praying, the Heaven was open'd. From whence, fays Mr. Whiflon, 'tis clear that our Savi- our's Baptifm was at the Conclufion of John's Miniftry. But, fay I, that this is fo far from being clear from the Words of St. Luke aforemention'd , that it do's by no means follow Truly from them. Thofe Words of our Englifti Tranflation, When all the People were baptiz'd, is indeed capable of a Double Meaning, viz. either After that all the People were baptiz'd, or elfe, IVhilfl that all the People were baptiz'd ; our Englifti Particle When being ufed to fignify, fometimes After that, fometimes Whilft or While. And therefore our Englifti Tranflation does indeed favour Mr. Whijlon's Opinion as well and as much as Mine. Butth:n the Original Greek Expreffion gives it Entirely on my Side, forafmuch as 'Ev tJ £*;7/£3V*t fo much as get fufficient time to eat BreaJ or re- frefli themfelves as they fhould and wanted: On all thefe Confederations I think it is not improbable, that that whole. Day was taken up with Healing &c. So that our Saviour did not deliver his Sermon till the next Day, when He went up again into a Mountain, (probably the very fame where he had afore chofen the Twelve,) and being [at down there taught his Difciples, tk'c. as St Matthew obferves. How- ever I lay no great ftrefs upon the Sermon being delivered on the next Day after our Saviour is related by St Luke to come down from it, and to ft and in the Plain, tho5 I think it probable. It is fufficient to my purpofe, that our Saviour's Refreshing himfelf in the Houfe mention'd by St Mark (or at leaft going thither to refrefh himfelf) and his Twelve Difciples, which he had newly chofen j and the Healing of fo great a number of infirm Perfons, muft take up feveral Hows after our Saviour was come down from the Mountain. After which, when he had done Healing, he proceeded to Teaching (the Company coming to hear, as well as to be heal'd, as is expresfly noted Luk. VI. 1 7.) and in order hereto went up again into the fame Mountain j and there de- livered his Divine Sermon. Sure I am, by either of the foremention'd Suppofitions, St Matthew and St Luke are both eafdy reconciled as to the Circumftances mention'd by them relating to the faid Sermon :, and J dare leave it to any fober Perfori, whether fuch a Solution is not much to be preferred to the groundless, (not to fay, extravagant) buppo- fition of St Matthew's Gofpel being writ, as to the feveral Parts or Periods of the former part of it, at firfl feparately and upon feveral di(iin£i Papers, as Sir YVhifton fancies p. s 108. of his Harmony. st Ma"t. 18. And here is a proper phce to obferve •, that St Mat- thcw's chief therms Chief Care in penning his Gofpel feems to have been £irmoreth's' ***' to ret.down more Fully our Saviour's Difcourfes or Vuiiy o»rSa- Inftrufiicns, during his more pubiick Miniftry in Galilee, and wawVDif- afterwards in Judea, excepting only thole private Difcourfes ro'Tle and In- , • , <-, J- , l , . ° . J „ . r . . . _ - a» ft.uftiom which our Saviour made to his Apoftles at his toft Paflover. On this Account, our Saviour's Sermons on the Mount beinff (as it is generally efteem'd) the pj-indpal of thefe his Dif- courfes, Harmony of the FourGofpelr. 43 courfes, and indeed no other than a jhort Syftem of Chrijli- anity, St Matthew makes choice of This to place in the very Beginning of his Hiftory of our Saviour's Miniftry, without any Regard to the Order of Time wherein our Saviour de- liver'd this Sermon, this being not till nigh, if not quite, a Tear after he had began his more publick Miniftry in Ga- lilee. In like manner St Matthew gives a very large Account of the Parables deliver'd by Jefus, in his Chap. XIII \ whereas St Mark takes notice but of Three of them, and St Luke of None. So St Matthew is much larger Chap. XVIII. in fetting down the Difcourfes of our Saviour, which fol- low'd upon the Difpute among his Apoftles, which Jbould be the Greateft, than either of the other two Evangelifls afore- named. So our Saviour's Parable concerning the ten Vir- gins, and that which follows cbncerning the Talents, and his Difcourfe concerning the Day of Judgment, All which were deliver'd after our Saviour was come out of Galilee into Judea and as he was fitting on the Mount of O- lives) are taken notice only by St Matthew Chap XXV. tho' the Former part of our Saviour's Difcourfe at that time is taken notice of by St Mark Chap XIII. and by St Luke Chap. XXI. as well as by St Matthew Chap. XXIV. Now St Matthew having (as has been (hewn) a fpecial Regard to the recording of our Saviour's Inftru&ions, and thereupon beginning his Hiftory of our Saviour's Miniftry with our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, as of Principal Ufe to be known by all Chriftians :, and the giving this Firft place to the faid Sermon, requiring the Evangelift not to obferve the Or- der of Time wherein it was deliver'd \ hence He feems to have judg'd it a matter indifferent, in what Order he related the Miracles done by our Saviour, and the other Events, that fell out before the Delivery of the Sermon on the Mount, and for fome time after it, namely tilL He came to take notice of the Baptifl being beheaded by Herod, or rather of what pafs'd after the Return of the twelve Apoftles, which he does Chap. XIV, and after which he obferves the Order of lime in his Relations, as well as the other Evangelifts do. 1 9. Now as St Matthew for the Reafon aforemention'd 1 9. iudg'd it a matter indifferent in what Order he related theMira- st Ma"hew ' ° M J-* , never ujet VJ 2 Cles Words, that 44 A Treat ife concerning the denote order des and Events mention'd by him, before Chap. XIV. of wbtnktos h's Gofpel, fo He has taken Care fo to exprefs himfelf, as nor obferve that his Words never denote Order of Time, where the Time Things related did not fucceed in fuch Order of Time. For inftance, after our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, follows Chap. VIII. I <3cc When he was come down from the Moun- tain, great Multitudes follow' d him. And behold there came a Leper, Sic. Where it is vulgarly thought, that the AND do's fo connect, the coming of the Leper to Chrift's coming down out of the Mountain, as if it immediately followed af- ter Chrift's coming down out of the Mountain j whereas in reality, the Lepers coming to Chrift, was a good while before Chrift's preaching the Sermon on the Mount,, as will appear by confulting the Table. Nor do's the Words ufed by the Evangelift fignify the Con- trary. For the only Word, that can relate to or denote the Time n hen the Leper came, is That which is render'd in our Bibles And. But now if St Matthew writ in Hebrew, then the Particle ufed by him here, which was ] , fignifies AW (as it is taken to fignify, not any particular Time, but only the Beginning of a New Subject or PaiTage, or a Note of Tran- Jition or Faffing from one Subject to Another) as well as And. Nor is the Cafe different, if St Matthew be fuppos'd to write in Greek, forafmuch as it is well known by the Learned, that the Greek k«j is ufed by the Hellenifts (i. e. fuch Jews. as write in Greek) in the fame Extent of fignification, as the Hebrew •, and therefore is ufed by them to fignify ] AW in the Senfe aforemention'd, as well as And. This being fo, it follows that **, wherewith the coming of the Leper is introduced, do's not here fignify any fuch Connexion between Chrift's coming down from the Mountain, and the Lepers coming to him, as implies This to be after That j but only fignifies the Beginning of a new and different Subject, or a Tranjition from what relates to the Sermon on the Mount, to fomewhat elfe, which was done at a certain Time, whe- ther afore or after the Sermon matters not , nor is at all denoted by the Word k«j, according to the Intention of St Matthew, which may be thus exprefs'd at large. When Jefus was come down from the Mountain, great Multitudes follow' d him. NOW (I proceed to relate fome Miracles per- formd Harmony of the Four Gofpels. 45 form'd by Jefus ^ and the firfl which occurs to my Thoughts, is this :) Behold there came (at a certain time) a Leper to him dec. In like manner is to be underftood the PafTage of the Cen- turion, which is related next by St Matthew, tho' it was done a long time after j namely the Cure of the Leper was done before the Sermon on the Mount a confiderable time, whereas the Cure of the Centurion's Servant was done upon Chrift's firft coming into Capernaum after the faid Sermon, as appears from comparing the Evangelifts in the Table. Whereas then it is faid according to our Tranilation, Mat. VII f. 5, See. And when Jefus was enter 'd into Capernaum, there tame unto him a Centurion 6cc. It is thus to be under- ftood \ And or Now the next Miracle which I flail relate, is this : When Jefus was entered into Capernaum &c. that is, the Particle And muft be underftood to denote, not Connex- ion of Time, as if the Cure of the Centurion's Servant fol- low'd prefently after the Cure of the Leper j but only Con- nexion of Relation. Befides it is here obfervable, that the Particle, which our Translators render And, is not KaJ but &$t which they frequently render Now, as particularly v. 18. of this Chapter :, and the Hebrew } is promifcuoufly render'd by the feventy Interpreters KaS or as. So again Chap. VIII. 14, 15. And when Jefus was come in- to Peter's Houfe Sec. is not fo to be underftood, as if this coming into Peters Houfe was prefently after our Saviour's parting from the Centurion. For it is evident from Com- paring the Evangelifts St Mark and Luke, (as may be feen in the Table,,) that this coming of Chrift into Peter's Houfe, and Curing his Wife's Mother, was long before, not only the Curing of the Centurion's Servant, but alfo the Sermon on the Mount, and the Cure of the Leper, viz,, during Chrift's Firfl ftay at Capernaum after the Impriionment of the Baptift, and a little after he had calfd Peter and his Brother Andrew 6cc. from their Fiftiing-trade to follow him. Wherefore by And, v. 14. is to be underftood (as is afore obferv'dj not Connexion or Order of Time, but only Connexion or Order of Relation ^ as if the Evangelift had faid : And the third Miracle which I flail relate^ flail be Thin j^6 A Trealtfe concerning the This : When Jefus (on another certain time during his Stay at CapernaumJ was come into PeterV Houfe, Sec. But then the Cafe is quite different, v. \6. of this Chap. VIII. For as there St Matthew ufes Words which exprefs a particular Time, to That which is there related, did accord- ingly follow according to the Order of Ti?ne there [pecified, as appears by comparing the other Evangelifts in the Table. Namely, when the Evening (of that Day, whereon our Sa- viour went into Feters Houfe) was come, they brought unto him Many that were poffefs'd with Devils, 5cc. But then v. 18 again, as there is no Word, which de- notes any particular Time, fo what is there related, is not to be fuppos'd to have fell out immediately, or in a port time after, what is related v. 1 6 : Forafmuch as it appears by comparing the Evangelifts in the Table, that it did not come to pafs till a good Long time after. And therefore by Now v. 1 8. is to be underftood thus much : Now the next: 'Particulars of Ckrifi's Hi/lory that occur to my Thoughts, are thefe : when (on a certain time) Jefus [aw great Alul- titudes about him 5cc. 20. 20. It would be too long to go after this manner through Textsfeem- All the Paffages, which follow hence to the end of Chap. hk mSF* XIIL And indeed k is Needlefs fo do it here, fince I de- fwegmg Afler- fign (God willing) to do it in my Paraphrafe on this Gof- tkn conf,Jer'd i j fl^n therefore content my felf here with taking no- and jJiewn not r . - , n rr J ■ • i r * * to be really re- tice only of two or three Pallages, which may ieem not to pugnanc. agree t0 the Obfervation I have above made, tho' the In- ftances already fpecify'd do agree thereto. And the firft PaHage (lull be that in Matth. IX. 18. While he fpake thefe things unto them, behold, there came a certain Ruler and worfbipp'd him, faying, My Daughter is even now dead, &c. Here the Expreflion, While he fpake thefe things, do's fpecify a particular Time, and feem to im- ply that the Ruler came to Jefus, while Jefus was now f peak- ing to the Difciples of John about the Queftion they put to him v. 14. And yet it appears from the other two Evange- lifts, St. Mark and St Luke, that this Ruler did not come to Jefus, till long after that Difcourfe of Jefus with the Difciples of John Baptifl. So that here it may be thought that St. Matthew does not only mifplace the Rulers coining, but give Harmony of the fourCofpels. 47 give expresfly a falfe Account as to the Time when the Ruler came. But Mr le Clerc's Solution of this Difficulty, is I think very Natural and Eafy, viz. That tho' it was a long time after Chrift's Difcourfe then with the Difciples of the Baptift, that this Ruler Cjairus') came to Chrift •, yet at That very time the Ruler did come, upon the like Occafion again given, Chrift hap'ned to be again Difcourfing upon the fame Sub- ject he had formerly Difcours'd with the Baptift's Difciples, namely, the Proper Method to deal with the yet inlirm Tempers of his own Difciples. Which he iiluftrated by the fame Familiar lnftances he had formerly ufed. No Man puts a piece of New Cloth into an Old Garment, rtatife concerning the 22. 22. But now I perfuade myfelf, that my Opinion carries TteAu. in it no fach Strangeness, as to occafwn the Cenfures of any tnSnZlh" Sober, Judicious, and Unprejudiced Perron again ft Me. fame. For it is no other than this, viz. that St Matthews princi- pal Defign in penning the Hiftory of our Saviour's- Mi- niftry, was, to deliver down to Poflerity an Account of his Difconrfes and DoBrines. And agreeably hereto Mr Wbif- ton obferves (p. in. of his Harmony) that it mufl be own J that as to the mojl confuierable part, the account of our Sa- viour's Do&rine and Difcourfes, St Matthew is more particu- lar than either St Mark or Luke, who give us yet fome Hif- tory of the fame things j and is therefore (notwithflandino- the occafonal Diforder of thirteen Chapters in point of Time,) even in that Tranjlation we nozv have, One of the mojl Valu- able, if I may fo fpeak, of all the Evangeli/Is. Now as Mr Whifton's foregoing Observation is fo far juft in itfelf, and agreeable to the firft part of my Opinion, viz. that St Mat- thew s principal Defign was to give a more particular and full Account of our Saviour's DoBrines and Difcourfes j fo the Other parts of my Opinion are very Agreeable to the firft, and are thefe, viz. that St Matthew thought it proper to his principal Defign aforementioned, to place in the Beginning of his Hiftory of Chrift's Miniftry, the Sermon on the Mount, as being the principal of all our Saviour's Difcourfes, and' containing as it were a Summary of the Chriftian Do&rine. • Now this Sermon being not deliver'd till a long time (near if not quite a Tear) after Chrift had began his- more publick Miniftry in Galilee j hence the Placing of it at the Begin- ning of the Hiftory of Chrift's Miniftry, tho' it was agree- able to St Matthew's principal Defign in penning the fa id Hiftory, yet was difagreeahle to the Order of Time, wherein the faid Sermon was deliver'd. It being thus Requifite for St Matthew, Not to obferve Order of Time fox fome part of his- Hiftory, He feems to have pitch 'd upon a certain and remarkable Period, after which He would obferve Order of Time in his Hiftory ; which Period was the Death of John the Baptift, -or rather the Return of the Twelve Apoftles to Chrift after their firft Miffion. Having pitch'd upon this Period, as he began that Part of Chrift's Hiftory which goes before Harmony of the FoHrGofpeh. tt tefore this Period with the Divine Sermon on the Mount ; fo he referv'd for a like Conclujion of the faid Part of Chrift's Hiftory, that excellent Difcourfe by way of Parables in Chap XIII. concerning the Sower that went forth to foiv, Sic. and concerning the Tares, and the Muftard feed, and the Leven, and the hidden Treafure, and the Pearl, and the Net. For after this excellent DifcoUrfe, St Matthew takes no- tice only of our Saviour's going unto Nazareth, where he had formerly liv'd, and how he was there defpis'd by his faid Townfmen j and then proceeds to take Notice of the Death of the Baptift, Chap. XIV. I. &c. and what was done after the Return of the Apoftles, v. 13. compar'd with other Gofpels :> after which he obferves Order of lime in his Relation, as well as the other Evangelifts. St Matthew be- ing thus determin'd, to begin That part of his Gofpel, in which he mould not obferve order of Time, with the Ser- mon on the Mount, and to end it with the foremention'd Dif- courfe by way of ¥ arables ^ fince He did not obferve the ex- a& Order of Time in this part of his Gofpel, thought it of no Confequence, in what other Order he related the Parti- culars belonging to this part of his Gofpel •, and therefore fet them down as they hap'ned to come into his Thoughts. Such is my Opinion, which I think contains nothing in it, but what is either Evident, or Natural and Eafy to fup- pofe or infer from what is Evident. And yet according to this my Opinion, may all the Difficulties (relating to the Dif- order and Confufion in point of Time to be found in the Piflages contain'd) from Matth. IV. to the end of Matth. XlII. be as fully folifd, as by Mr Whijlon's Hypothefis, which according to his own Confeffion, carries Strangenefs in it. In fhort, I fuppofe that St Mattthew writ his Gofpel at the firft, in the very fame Order it now (lands in ^ and the Reafon, why he writ that part of his Gofpel contain'd between Chap. IV. and XIV. in fo confufed or diforderly a manner in point of Time, is above explain'd after a very probable manner. However when any one (hall impart to me a more probable manner, I (hall readily embrace his Opinion, and give him my Thanks into the Bargain. H 2 We *> 2 A Treatife concerning the We are now to go on with the Paflages of the Gofpel-hif- tory after the Sermon on the Mount, as they (land in the Ta- ble, and to fhew that they (land there in their due Place in refped to Order of Time. And fince we are to be guided herein, Ctill we come to Matth. XlV.j) only by St Mark and Luke fingly or jointly, it follows that there is no Reafon to doubt, but All from Luk. VI [, i. ("which follows immedi- ately after St Luke's account of the Sermon on the MountJ to Luk. VIII. i — 3. is placed Right j there being Nothin* of it taken Notice of by St Mark. In the following part of Luk. VIII. there is a diforderly placing of Particulars in point of Time, as is confefs'd by Mr Whifton himfeif, pag. 99, of his Harmony. For whereas St Luke relates the Parable of the Sower, before the Coming of Chrift's Mother and his Brethren to him, it is evident from St Mark, (with whom alfo agrees St Matthew) that Chrift's Mother and Brethren came to him, before he deli- ver'd the Parable of the Sower. 23. 23. And here it is proper to obferve, that the like Reafon Another ob- that Mr Whiflon afligns for St Luke's here not obferving Cfc iJEOwfer of Time, may alfo be affign'd for St Luke's not obfer- v. 1. ving Order of Time, in fetting down the Call of Simon and Andrew <3cc. Chap. V, 1. &c. Namely, St Luke having Chap. IV. 31. omitted taking Notice of the faid Call, pre- fently upon Chrift's coming down to Capernaum, where it mould have been related \ and having after Chrift's coming to Ca- pernaum immediately taken notice of his teaching there on the Sabbath-day : He was thereby naturally led on orderly in the next Place, to relate the Cure of the Man which had a Spirit of an Unclean Devil, as being perform'd when he went on the Sabbath-days into the Synagogue to teach. After which the Evangelift was Orderly led to take notice of our Saviour's Curing Peter's Wife's Mother, after he was come out of the Synagogue, and then to take Notice of the Many Sick that were heal'd that fame day at Evening ; and then of Chrift's departing into a Solitary Place, the next Morn- ing when it was Day } and then of his going to Preach in the other Synagogues of Galilee : where the Thread of the feveral Paflages, which immediately fucceeded one the other, from Harmony of the Four Go/pels. 5 3 from the mention (v. 31.) of Chrift's teaching on the Sab- bath-days at Capernaum, is firft ftopt and broken off. So that this was the Firft proper Place, where St Luke could take no- tice of the Call of Simon, See. after that he had once omit- ted it in that Place, where It/Jmdd have been related accord- ing to the Order of Time, (viz. in v. 31. after the mention of Chrift's coming to Capernaum} and had mention'd Chrift's teaching on the Sabbath-Days at Capernaum. To proceed again now with the Order of the PafTages of the Gofpel-hiftory, as fet down in the Table. The Coming of Chrift's Mother and his Brethren to' him, as it is mention'd by St Luke Chap. VIII. 19 — 21, fo is it alfoby St Matthew Chap. XII. 46 — ult. and by St Mark Chap. III. 3 1 — ult. And hereby we have good Light given us, whither to refer what is immediately before related by St Mark, concerning the Scribes afcribing Chrift's Power to cafl out Devils, to the Prince of the Devils, Chap. III. 22 — 30. Namely, it is hence evident, that this is no other than that Pafiage, which is related more fully, or with more particular Circumftances by St Matthew Chap. XII. 22 — 37. For after our Savi- our's like Difcourfe therewith the Scribes or Pharifees con- . cerning the Abfurdity of their Notion, that he cafl: out Devils by the Prince of the Devils } and alfo his Difcourfe with them upon their Demanding a Sign from him, (which is not taken notice of by St Mark) follows the like Account of Chrift's Mother and his Brethren coming to him, <3cc. St Matthew exorefly obferves Chap. XIII. 1. that the fame Day, that Chrifthad the foregoing Difcourfe with the Scribes and Pharifees related Chap. XII. went Je us out of the Houfe, where he was when his Mother and Brethren came to him ^ and fat by the Sea-fide, — and fpake in Parables, faying, Be- hold a Sower went forth to Sow. ckc. So that it is hence evident, that this and the following Parables are rightly placed in the Table, after the Coming of Chrift's Mother &c. to him. And St Mark obferves Chap. IV. 35. that the fame Day at Evening, Chrift fays, let us pafs over unco the other fide, viz. of the Sea of Galilee. And then Chap. V. he proceeds to relate Chrift's coming into the Country of the Gadarenes-^ and his Return again unto that fide of the Sea, where he was afore. j- a A Trefltije concerning tfor afore, and of the Ruler Jairus's coming to him about his Daughter. Which all manifeftly follows one the other in Order of Time as well as of Place in the Table. And ac- cordingly All' thefe PafTages follow one the other in St Luke as well as St Mark •, as they do alfo in St Matthew, except only the coming of Jairus the Ruler, which is mif- placed in St Matthew's Gofpel as to Order of Time, but is reduced to its proper Place in the Table, even in that refpeft likewife. Prefently after the account of Chrift's raifing Jairus's Daughter to Life, St Mark relates that he went out from thence, viz. where he had done the forefaid Miracle, and came into his Own Country, Mark VI. i. And St Matthew relates Chip. IX. 27. &c. that When Jefus departed thence, viz. where he had raifed Jairus's Daughter to Life, Two Blind j'en followed him, &^q. So that it is not to be doubted, but that this PafTage of the two Blind Men, and alfo that o- ther of the Dumb Man, Alatth. IX. 32. hap'ned in Order of Time, as Chrift was departing from the Place, where he had raifed 'Jairus'' s Daughter, into his Own Country :, and therefore are Rightly placed in the Table before Chrift came into his Own Country. And by comparing the laft cited Chapters and PafTages of St Matthew and Mark, we learn that what is faid Matth. XIII. 54 — ult. of Chrift's coming into his own Country, do's according to Order of Time come in between v. 34 and 35 of Ch. IX. of St Matthew. For as St Mark prefently adjoins to the Relation of what hap- ned upon Chrift's coming to Nazareth, that he went rounda- bout the Villages Teaching, Mark. VI. 6- fo St Matthetv ob- ferves the fame Chap. IX. 35. After this fucceeds next both in St Matthew and Mark, Chrift fending forth his Apoflles to Preach, and to work Mi- racles. And this is alfo the next Particular taken notice of by St Luke after the Raifing of Jairus's Daughter. So that All the faid three Evangelifts concur, in fhewing us the true Place thereof to be That in the Table. And now we are come to the Account of Herod's beheading John the Baptift, which as it is taken notice of by All the three former Evangelifts j fo after this, or at leaft after the Return Harmony of the four Gofpets. 0$ Return of the Apoftlesreferr'd to v. 13. compar'd, with other Gofpels in the Table, St Matthew (as has been afore ob- ferv'd) is as exacl in relating Particulars according to Order of Time, as the other Evangelifts are. So that the bare Agree- ment of the Evangelifts, in relating the Pallages they take no- tice of in the fame Order, is fufficient Authority that the laid Paifages are related according to the true Order of lime wherein they fucceeded one the other. And forafrauch as this Agreement may be feen by barely looking on the Table, therefore I need only take particular notice of thofe/^w Paf- fages, wherein the Evangelifts do not agree in relating them after the fame Order, -, and of one other Material Point more, which is this. St. Matthew, Chap. 1. &c. takes notice of that Qjieftion put to Chrifl by his DifcipieS', Who is the greate/t in the Kingdom of Heaven} And of our Saviour's Difcourfe on that; Subjed, and fame others which were then offer'd to. him. And this taking up all that Chapter, he obferves Chap. XI. I. that when Jefus had fnifi'd thefe fayings, He DEPART- ED from GALILEE, and CAME into the Coafts of JUDEA BE2 OND JORDAN : that there the Pharifees came to him, tempting him and faying, Is it lawful for a Man to put away his Wife for every Caufe, v. 3. &c. that after this there were brought unto him LITTLE CHILDREN ) and thus he came ("as we learn from Job. VII.) to the Feafi of Tabernacles. After which St Luke mentions our Saviour's coming to the Village of Martha, Chap. X. 38.) that is, Bethany; and then going through the Cities and Villages, teaching and journeying again to Jerufa- lem, Chap. X. 22.) namely to the Feafi of Dedication, (Joh. X. 22.) After which St Luke mentions fChap. XVII. 11.) Chrift pa/Jing through the mids of Samaria and Galilee, as he went to Jerufalem j and then his coming (yiz>. through Judea beyond Jordan) unto Jericho , Whereas St Matthew a nd St Mark, having taken Notice of Chrift's I 2 Depart- 60 A Treatife concerning the Departing from Galilee (Matt. XIX. I. and Mark. X. i.} Omit our Saviour's going diretlly through Samaria, to keep the Feaft of Tabernacles at Jerufalem j as alfo his going through the Cities and Villages teaching after the Feaft of Ta- bernacles, and fo journeying towards Jerufalem again, to keep there the Feafl of Dedication ^ and laftly, they omit Ch rift's going from Jerufalem after the Feaft of Dedication to Judea beyond Jordan, and thence to Ephraim, and thence through the mids of Samaria and Galilee. All thefe Journeyings They omit, and (after our Saviour's Departure from Galilee, when he had ftay'd there two Tears') they proceed to take no- tice next of our Saviour's coming into the Coajls ^Judea be- yond Jordan, which was in his laft Journey, as he pafsYl through the mids of Samaria and Galilee from Ephra'mi :, and when he came from Judea beyond Jordan unto Jericho. Sot that thefe feveral Paffages being fet down in the Table ac- cording to the foregoing Obfervations, are I think in Reafon to be efteem'd Rightly placed in thefaid Tables. I proceed to obferve, that from considering the large Sup- plements made by St Luke to the Gofpels of St Matthew and Mark, (namely, firft in the Beginning of hi3 Gofpels, con- cerning the Conception and Birth of John the Baptift and Chrift, Chap. L and II. and then again more largely here concerning the feveral Journeys ot our Saviour from his Firft departing out of Galilee, after he had exercifed his more publick Miniftry there for two Years {pace, till his laft Jour- ney to Jerufalem j which laft and large Supplement is con- tain d Chap. IX. 51 — XVII. 11. From confidering, I fay, thefe great Supplements^) it feems Reafonable to fuppofe, that St Luke had feen the Gofpels of St Matthew and Mark, be- fore he fet about penning his Own \ and that having Obferv'd the Defetis of the laid two Gofpels, He Purpofely fet himfelf to fufply the faid Defetls : (As St John the Evangelift is faid to have purpofely fupply^d the Defe&s of all the three for- mer Evangelifts :) And that this is the Reafon, why St Luke is generally forter than St Matthew, if not than St Mark al- fo, in relating fuch Particulars as had been afore taken notice of by them •, and fo long and full in relating fuch other Parti- culars, as had not been afore taken notice of by them. 27. I Harmony of the Four Co/pels. 61 27. lam now to take notice of thofe/hp Places, wherein 27. the Evangelifts have not^ m the remaining parts of their re- kokxxn. fpettive Gofpels, obferv'd Order of Time in their Relations i\ua^°' and they are I think no more than Two. And the firft of them, which I mall mention (hall be Luk. XXII. 24— -30. Where the Evangelift takes notice, that there was a (irife a- mong the Apofles, which of themJJjould be accounted the Great- tefi : Which notice of the faid Strife, he places after that Chrift had inftituted the Lord's Supper, and had acquainted them, that One of them mould betray him. Whereas it can't be Reafonably thought, that this Strife was aflually after Chrift had told them of his being to be Betray'd by One of them •, nor does it feem fo Probable, that Chrift then took notice of their Strife, as that he did it afore he rofe from Supper, and warned his Difciples Feet, (as is related fohl XIII.) forafmuch as that very Ad of Chrift, as well as his Difcourle thereon, were plainly defign'd by our Saviour, as an excellent Antidote againft fuch Ambitious Strife. And as a ftronger Antidote againft it, or rather as a fure Means quite to Extinguish fuch Ambitious Thoughts, our Saviour proceeds to inform them, not only that he mould be fo far from en- tring then on the Glorious State of his Kingdom, that on the contrary He mould be Betray' d into the Hands of his Enemies, and that too by One of themfelves. For thus Our Saviour's Acquainting them of his being to be Betray'd by One of them is placed by St John, after his Warning their Feet : Which feems the moft natural Place for our Jsaviour to have given them fuch Information. Wherefore Our Sa- viour's Difcourfe to them concerning there foremention'd Strife, may Reafonably be fuppos'd to be mifplaced by St Luke, in placing it after our Saviour had inform'd them, that One of them mould betray him. 28. The other inftance is Mark XIV. 26, 27. where it 2g# is faid, When they had fang an Hymn, they went out to the MarUxiv. Mount of Olives. And Jefus fays unto them, All ye f3a.ll be^Jf' "">' offended becaufe of me this Night, die. And juft after the fame Order are thefe Particulars related by St Matthew XXVI. 30, 51. Whereas St Luke Places Our Saviour's foretelling Peter's Denying of him, f occafion'd by our Sa- viour's 6i A 'Treat t ifa c oncerm ng |jff Yiour's faying, All ye jh all be offended <3tc. before his going to the Mount of Olives, (Chap. XXII. 33 — 39-) as iikewife does St JohnChzy. XIII. 36. &c. compar'd with Chap. XVIII. 1. And St John being moft accurate in his Relating Parti- culars according to their due Order of Time, it feeras mod Reafonable to look on Chrift's foretelling Peter's Denyal of him, to have been before Chrift's coming out to the Mount of Olives j and Consequently to be nnfplaced by St Mat- thew and Mark. 29# 29. Indeed lam of Opinion that All thofe Difcourfes men- joh. xv, tion'd by St John from Chap. XIII. to Chap. XVII. in- xvi, xvn. clufively, were deliver'd, tho* not in the fame Room, yet in tle\'imt'n the fame Houfe, where our Lord eat his laft Paffover. I Houfe, th' know I differ herein from the Opinion receiv'd by feveral Zom^Jh™ Learned Men, according to which the Difcourfes in Joti Joh. xiv. or XV, XVI, XVII. are fuppos'd to have been, after Chrift "hut™ the was gonefrom fhe Houfe, where he eat his laft Paffover. But' Ptjfover. then it is obfervable, that they are not agreed where the faid Difcourfes were delivr:'d. Grotius and Dr Hammond (who are follow d in the Appendix to Mr Marjhal's Tables) fup- pofethem to have been deliver'd on the way, as Chrift was going to the Mount of Olives j Mr he Clerc fuppofes it to be done, when Chrift was arriv'd at the Mount of Olives. And of the two Opinions, the latter feems the more prefera- ble in it {elf. But what St John fays Chap. XVIII. 1. feems not confident with either of the aforefaid Opinions. His Words are, When Jefus had fpoken thefe Words, «fEf*0i( he went forth with his Difciples Over the Brook Cedron, where was a Garden, into which he entered and his Dijciples. Now ^haSs^ He went forth, is verv Properly faid in refpeft of Chrift's going forth of the HOUSE where he had eat his laft Paffover ; whereas it is not fo Properly faid in refpecl of the MOUNT of Olives, that I^aSs, He went forth of it, but aVIMe, He went from it. Again, it may be Truly faid, that Chrift went forth of the HOUSE Over the Brook Cedron, where was a Garden, the City of Jerufalem being on one fide of the Brook, and the Garden on the other : But it can Not truly be faid, that Chrift went forth, i. e. from the MOUNT of Olives Over the BreokCedron, where was a Garden. For Of Harmony of the Four Gofpels. 6$ (if he will but allow, that the faid Place where the faid Gar- den was, is ftill known by Tradition ; we muft allow, that) the faid Garden lay between the Foot of the faid Mount, and the faid Brook, and confequently was on the fame Side of the Brook with the Mount. So that it hence follows, not only that there was no Need for Chrifti to go Over the Brook Cedron in order to go from Mount Olivet to the Garden of Gethfemane :, but alfo that it is altogether Inconfiftent with the Nature of Things or Situation of Places, and confequently with Truth, to fuppofe that Chrilt went forth from Mount Olivet Over the Brook Cedron, to the Place where was the Garden of Gethfemane. And therefore the Words of St John, as they anfwer to the Situation of the Houfe where Chrift eat his laft Paffover, and of the Garden :, and may Truly be understood of going from the Houfe to the Garden •, fo in Reafon ought to be underftood thereof. As for thofe Words Joh. XIV. ult. Arife, let us go hence, they do not neceffarily imply, that Chrift then went from the Houfe, as they are by fome underftood •, but only that He went out of the Room, where they had eaten the Paffover, and our Saviour had warn- ed his Difciples Feet. Which they might do, only by Re- moving into another Room, not by quite Departing from the Houfe j> which in all probability they did not, till Chrift had fpokenthefe Words, (i e. what is contain'd Chap. XV. XVI, XVII.) when He went forth of the faid Houfe, Over the Brook Cedron, to the Place where was a Garden, into which He entered and his Difciples. Joh. XVIII. I. And thus 1 have laid together, what I judge requifite to fay here, con- cerning the true Order of Time, wherein the feveral Paffages of the Gorpei-hiftory were tranfacled :, what has been faid, being fufficient to (hew, that the Paffages of the Gofpel-hif- tory are placed in the 'Table according to the faid Order of Time. 50. I fhall next obferve, that by the help of the faid Ta- ~0< ble fo compil'd, it is eafy for to draw up the Whole Gofpel- The Ufeful- hiftory, contain'd in All the four Gofpels, into One conti- nTe^B°/^ere^ nucd Methodical Hiftory according to Order of. Time. Imt0 belonging, Namely, by tranfcribmg out of the feveral Gofpels the feve- '» drawing up ral Paffages of the Gofpel-hiftory, and placing them one HiftwrvofAe after Gofpef. 6\ A Treatife concerning tlx after the other, according to the Order wherein they are pla~ ced in the Table ; and where the fame Paffage is related by two or more of the Evangelifts with different Circum(lancesy there all the faid different Circumffances are to be taken no- tice of, and adjufied according to the Nature of them. fc^uftw 31' Another Ufefulnefs of the Table , or knowing nefio/^nowf^ the Harmony of the four Gofpels, is this: That thereby the Harmony we are enabled to know frequently the true meaning of an °J J^^5' Expreffion, which is in itfelf capable of a double Meaning or tbeuaefeafe More. And confequently we are hereby enabled, without "mtiiVi " any M°re ado, t0 remove fome feemingly great Difficulties, . or Contradictions, which feem to be in the feveral Gofpels. For inftance, St Matthew Chap. XX. 29. fays, As they departed from Jericho, two Blind Men, &c. And fo St Mark X. 46. As he went out of Jericho, blind Bartimxus , <$Cc. Whereas in St Luke XVIII. 35. it is according to our Tran- slation, As he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind Man, &c. So that according to our Tranflation of this Paffage in the faid Evangelifts, there is a manifeft Contra- diction in the Account thereof, St Matthew and Mark ex- prefly faying, that it was as he was Departing or Going out of Jericho, and St Luke on the other Hand faying exprefly, that it was as he was Come nigh to Jericho. But now this feem- ing Contradiction may be folv'cL, by confldering that the Word s>ri£» which St Luke makes ufe of, may very well fignify, not only to come nigh, but alfo limply to be nighy whether Coming to or Going from Jericho. That, which induced our Tranflators to render it, As he was Come nigh, was doubtlefs what follows Luk. XIX. 1. where it is faid, that ^jefus entered and pafs'd trough Jericho; which feem'd plainly to imply, that the Cure of the Blind mention'd juft afore, was performed Before Jefus had entered Jericho, and confequently as he was Come nigh to it. And to take off the Force of this Argument, which plainly favours our Com- mon Tranflation of St Luke Chap. XVIII. 35, it is fuppos'd by fome, that the Firft Verfe of Chap. XlX. is only a Re- aJD'uming the Thread of the Hiftory. Whereby muft be meant, that the entring into Jericho, there mention'd, was before the Xwe.of.the Blind, tho' it be mention'd after it : Whereas I cant Harmony of the Four Gofpels. 6^ ican't fee, to what manner of Purpofe St Luke mould go back (after he had related the Cure of the Blind) to take notice of the faid Entring into Jericho, if it were really before the faid Cure. I therefore am of Opinion, that to folve Fully and Clearly the foremention'd feeming Contradiction, the Entring into Jericho, as it is mentioned Luk. XIX. i. after the Cure of the Blind, fo is to be underftood as really in Fatt after the faid Cure ^ And that not only «>#£«* is improperly render'd Luk. XVIH. 35. by our Tranflators, but alfo c**b- f^oi/W Matth. XX. 29. For whereas in this laft place ■Uims&oirtpav twran &c is render'd, As they DEPARTED from Jericho, it mould rather have been render'd, As they went out. tf Jericho, juft as lumg&oitin «w is is Mark X. 46. For tho' to depart from a place, is to go out of it ; yet to go out of it, is -not Always to depart from it : Forafmuch as He is faid to depart from a place, \\\2tgoes out of it with a Defign Not to return at lead under a Confiderable time :, whereas a Man may go out of a place with a Defign to Return into it in a a very ftiort time, within one fingle Hour's fpace. Upon the Whole therefore it feems Reafonable to fuppofe, that out Saviour being come to Jericho, made fomey?^ there. Surely it feems very Improbable that he only enter d and pafs'd through Jericloo, without making any flay, as Luk. XIX. 1. imports. Now during Chrift's ftay here, (tho' it were but for a Day, or part of a Day,) he might upon forae Occafion go out of Jericho, of which is to be underftood the UOTfji/a^W «utS of St Matthew, and the inTn^va^dun of St Mark. .As he was thus going out, when he was got but a little way -out of Jericho, He came where the two Blind Men fone of which was named Bartim&m, and was the mod Known) fat ■by the Way fide ; and therefore as it is truly faid by St Mat- thew and St Mark, that as he WENT OUT from Jericho \ fo it is no lefs truly faid by St Luke, that As he was NIGH unto Jericho, the Blind fat by the way fide. Our Saviour hav- ing done, what he went out of Jericho fur, at That Time and that Way which led not to Jerufalem, Return'd from whence he went, and then, as St Luke obferves XlX. 1. ni- ter'd again Jericho, and making Little or No ftay now, pafs'd through Jericho, taking the Way that led to Jerufalem. Upon K the kiftory. 6$ A Treat ife concerning the the Whole therefore, as according to this My Expofition AH Difficulty is quite taken away } and not only Matth. XX. 29. and Murk. X. 46. is Reconcil'd entirely with LuK. XVUf. 35 :, but alfo St Luke here is fairly and entirely Re- concil'd with Himfelf Ch. XIX. 1. fo from this fingle In- fhnce or Paifage it clearly appears, Of what great Ufe it is to have a Clear fight of the Harmony of the Gofpels, in or- der to find out the true or proper Meaning of Words. And the Reafon, that Little or No Notice of the Difficulties in the laft cited Texts is taken by thofe Commentators or Ex- positors, which are of Moft Repute among Us, feems to be chiefly Owing to their Not having fo fully ftudy'd the Har- mony of the Gofpel-hiflory, as is Requisite to remove fuch Difficulties. o2. 32. Before I put an End to this Treatife, I think it Expe- o/ffechro-dient to take fome Notice here of the Chronology of the Gof- *teVti*ibe Pel-hift°rv '•> partly becaufe Chronology ferves to give a Clear- er fight of the Harmony of the Gofpels, in refpect of the Order of Time wherein the feveral Pafiages of the Gofpel fuc- ceeded one the other :, and partly becaufe this Difcourfe will likely fall into the Hands of Many, that not having Ability to procure themfelves Larger and fo Dearer Treatifes of this Nature, are Much, if not Altogether, in the Dark as to fe- veral Matters of Chronology relating to the Gofpel-hiflory, and taken Notice of here in the remaining part of this Trea- tife. That the Way of Reckoning Time commonly ufed among us is from the Nativity or Birth of Chrifr, is what no one, that has had any liberal Education, can well be fuppos'd Ig- norant of. But then it may be Queftion'd, whether there be not feveral, th A have bj.r:n bred up not only at School but at the Univerfiry'too ;, and yet have not in theCourfe of their Studies look'd fo far into Chronology, as to know that the Common j£.ra from the Nativity of'Chrift, (or which is the fame) the Common Reckoning by the Tears of our I or J, is not exactly true, or agreeable to the real Time of drift's Birth. And yet this is to be known, in order to have a Right know- ledge of the Gofpel-hiflory. The Harmony of the Four Gofpels] 6j The Way of reckoning Time by the Tears of our Lord was not ufed till after the Beginning of the fixth Century ; when it was Firft introduced and made ufe of by Dionyfms Exigu- us, who fiourifh'd about A. D. 533. But this otherwife Learned Perfon miftook in fixing the Epoch of the Chriftian JZra, or Head of our Vulgar Computation by the Years of our Lord, and placed it two or three Years too Low or too Late :, forafmuch as 'tis obfervable from Hiftory, that the Death of Herod the King was two or three Years before the Year, to which the Birth of Chrift is referr'd by Dionyfius, and from which we commonly reckon the Years of our Lord. But it being mod evident from the Hiftory of the Gofpels, that Chrift was born in the days of Herod the King, hence it becomes abfolutely neceifary to place the real Birth of Chrift two or three Years Sootier or Higher, than it was Juppofed to be by Dionyfms, and confequently than we Commonly rec- kon it according to the Computation by the Years of our Lord. 33. Hence the Chrijlian Jlra, or Way of reckoning Time 25. by the the Tears of our Lord, is diftinguilh'd by Chronolo- Tbej£.rs(ar gers into the True and (Vulgar or) Common, thislaft being fo ^r^axi) of call'd, becaufe it is That, which is follow 'd in our Common chrift two- reckoning of Time by the Years of our Lord. I have al- ^/0';^"e "^f ' low'd Room for both thefe Accounts in the Table, the two or common, Outer and leffer Columns being aflign'd thereto, viz. the Ou- '■ '■ Common- ter Column on the left Hand contains the true Years of y ' Chrift's Life, and the Outer Column on the right Hand con- tains the Years of the Common ./Era, or Way of reckoning by the Years of our Lord. 34. The Difference between the trite aiid common ./Era or 04. Account is, as I have above obferv'd, two or tloree Years. Dirierence For the Learned in Chronology are not agreed in that Point, ;^TX«'f 0/ fome making it two, others three Years. This laft Opinion shrift u, by is follow'd in Mr Marfial's Chronological Tables, and by^™*£d Mr Whifton. And I fhould have readily follow'd likewifety0;/w/w!,'e the faid Opinion, could I have but found any Way to make notable but Luk. III. 23. agree to fuch a Computation. Such as fuppofe " the Birth of Chrift to have been Truly and Really three Years before the Year wherein He is fuppos'd to have been born K 2 accord- <5S A "Treatife concerning the according to our Common Account, are thereby forced to uti— derftand dr/J-&& Luk. [II. 23. of the Beginning of Chrift's, Minijiry , viz. his Whole and more Private Miniftry £. Whereas I have largely (hewn, that there is no good or tole- rable Ground at all in the Writings of St Lake or of the New Tefhment, to underftand the laid Word in fuch a Senfe in that Place. Niy, I have (hewn that All the places cited by Mr Whiflon (who may reafonably be fuppos'd to cite All, or at leaft the Beft, that made for his Opinion) do clearly make againfl the Opinion he defends, inafmuch as d&dmv@- in all the faid Places is expresily limited by St Luke to the Beginning, not of Chrift's Whole Miniftry, but only of his more Publick Miniftry, which he enter'd upon in Galilee, after the Imprifonment of the Baptiff. To all which I here further add this Obfervation, that None of the Primitive Writers- underftood, a>xW©- L-ak. III. 23. of the Begiiming of Chrift's Minifry, but of his Beginning to be then- about 30 Tears of Age, according to the S^nfe wherein our Tranfh- tors have render'd tire fdd Word j and that too mod Rightly , as may be Reafonably inferr'd from the foregoing Confidera-- tions. 35. 35. As for- the Objection drawn (by (*) Mr Whijlon and o- Lu k. 1 11 thers) from the Strangenefs of the Greek Phrafe, if it be render'd. 'l-J"ff'he> 'according to our Common Tranflation, and not in reference to Chrift's Miniftry j in Anfwer thereto I fay, it is much more- flrange to Me, that Any one that has learn'd his Greek Gram- mar, fhould not re member that Rule, Verba incipiendi, definen- di, die. genitivo gaudent} utn^h Im kvv»s dtx?v*i*; ^ut to^ pafs over a great deal more, that might be faid upon this. Criticifm, it will be abundantly fufficient to obferve, that it is very Unreafonable in our Modern Criticks, to pretend: to know what is or is not true Greek, Better than the Pri- mitive Greek Writers themfelves. It is evident, that. Enfe - bius thought the Expr^fllon dgx'^-'Q- ""«» fidvn*, to-be True. Greek, when he fay? 'lib. u ch. 10. of hisEcclef..Hiftory,)- ltiffKi O ^fcwTf n ©««. «fX°<*51©" "V« ?T«V QlaKtr-Ttt, COT 75 \udtt*@dT7IJ(4cL^ mes-yivtru- For it is evident that d^o^nQ- do's here refer to. (?) See pag. 136. of his HirmoDy. Harmony of the Four Cofpels. dp fw^wwra, there being, not here (as in Luk. III. 23.) ?/> or any other Word, Verb or Participle, to which the Gen1,:ive lisp ?«a'wcTw may be referr'd. And therefore it is alfo p'ain from hence, that Enfebius underftood the Text in the fame Senfe, as it is render'd in our Bibles j; as likewife it might be fliewn, that the other Primitive Writers did :, had not Enough been Already faid, to (hew the great Weaknefs of the forementiqn'd Objecl'ion. Wherefore (ince the Birth of Chrift can't be placed THREE Years before the Epoch or Beginning of our Common Ac- count by the Years of our Lord, unlefs Lulu. III. 23. be underftood in fucb a Senfe, as there is no tolerable Ground to under fland it in, but very good Ground not to under fland'w. fo j I therefore cannot follow fucb an Opinion, but rather the Other Opinion, which places the Birth of Ghrift but TWO~ Years before the Common ^Era or Account \ forafmuch as Luk. III. 23. underftood in its common and genuin Senfe, do's very well agree thereto. Indeed, fuppofing there be Oc- cafion, I can't fee, why the DMes of Time in the Jewifli Hif- torian jfofephus., or any other Common Author, fliould not be fo underftood, as to make them comply with a Sacred Text or elfe be accounted / concerning which St Luke obferves in the Text fo of- fUm'd. ten cited above Chap. III. 23. that Jefus began to be about Thirty Tears of Age, when he came to be Baptiz'd of John the Baptift, and a little after which he enter'd upon his Mi- niftry, namely, That part of it which went before the Impri- fonment of the Baptift, and which was more Private than the other part of his Miniftry, which was after the Baptift's Imprifonment. I have above largely (hewn, that the Common Rendring of Luk. III. 23. is to btpreferrd, before that other Rendring which is follow'd in the Appendix to Mr Marfljal's Tables and by Mr Whijlon. I come now to fhew, In what Senfe I conceive the Common Rendring is to be underflood, or In what Senfe St Luke is to be underflood, when he fays, that Refits B E- G AN to be ABOUT THIRTT Tears of Age, when he came to the Baptift to be baptiz'd of Him. It is then to be Well obferv'd, that there is a great deal of Difference, between Beginning the thirtieth Year of ones Life, and Beginning to be About Thirty Years of Age. A Man may be Truly and Properly faid to begin the thirtieth Year of his Life, the very next Day or Hour after he is Full 29 Years Old 5 but He cannot then Truly and Proper- ly be faid, to Begin to be About Thirty Years of Age. The Expreffion About Thirty, do's truly and properly denote On- ly fo much Time as is nearer to 30 than to Any other num- ber, more particularly than to 2 ^ on one fide, and 3 1 on the Harmony of the four Gofpeis. J I the other fide. So that a Man then Begins to be About Thir- ty', when he is full 29 Years and an Half Old \ and then Ce/ifes to be About Thirty, when He is Full 30 Years Old aud an Half. Again it is obfervable, that the word Beginning is feldom taken to denote one (ingle Po'mt in Time, but generally is understood in fome Latitude. Thus by the Beginning of a Week is underftood, not only the firft Hour or Day of the Week, but fo Much of it as is Nearer to the very Begin- or Firft Day of it than to the Middle :> and consequently the fecond as well as fir ft Day of the Week is ufually com- prehended under the Beginning of the Week. In like man- ner, not only the firft or fecond Day of a Month, but the whole firft Week is comprehended under the Beginning of a Month. And fo, not only the firft or fecond Month, but al^ lb the three firft Months of a Year is comprehended under the Beginning of the Year. Wherefore by parity of Rea- fon, not only the firft Day, or Week, or Month After our Saviour was Full 29 Years Old and an Half, He might be Properly faid to Begin to be About Thirty, but alfo for the three Months after, or till he was 29 and three Quarters. And this will agree very Well with St Luke's faying, Chap. Ilf. 23. that, when he came to be Baptiz'd, He Be- gan to be About thirty Tears of Age*. For the Baptift (being Haifa Year Elder than Chrift,) was 30 Years Old at the fore- going June 24, and not long after began his Miniftry : Namely St Luke, Chap. HI. 1. &c exprefly informs us, that it was in the Fifteenth Tear of Tiberius, that John the Son of Zacharias came into all the Country about Jordan, preaching the Baptifm of Repentance. Now the Death of Auguftus is afTign'd in Mr Mar foal's Table, to A. D. 1 4. Aug. 19. when confequently muff, begin the Reign of his SucceiVor Tiberius. But Tiberius 1. beginning A. D. 14. Aug. 19. Therefore 7 iberius 15. mud begin A. D. 28. Aug> 1 9. And therefore fince the Baptift did begin his Miniftry, in the X'jth of Tiberius, it follows that He could not be- gin it before Aug 19. A. D. 28. that is, before Aug. 19. of the 30th Year of the true ./Era or Life of Chrift. And if we fuppofe him to begin it prefently after, there muft be at leaft a Month's time allow'd for the Baptift's Fame to be fo fpread 7* iy the Devil, particularly recur Jed by the Evange- litis. A Treat ife concerning the fpread over Judea, that armhai^ All forts of People from All Quarters Ihould be baptiz'd of him, as Luk. III. 21. was done when Jefus was Baptiz'd, v. 23. So that Jefus can't be Reafonably fuppos'd to have been Baptiz'd but a very lit- tle before Sept. 24 or 25 that Year. 87* 37. According to this Suppofition, the forty Days that TeX'SnseChrift fafted in the Wildernefs, will end about the latter end »f our saviour of OBober. Namely, fuppofing Chrift to be Baptiz'd Sept. 20. and to have withdrawn that fame Day into the Wilder- nefs, the forty Days of his Fading there would end OB. 30. Now it is evident from the Gofpel-hiftory, that as Chrift was tempted during the faid 40 Days of his Falling, fo he was alfo tempted of the Devil for fome time after. For the Temptations recorded by the Evangelifts are only Thofe, that the Devil made ufe of, after that Chrift having already fa ft- ed 40 Days and 40 Nights, Afterwards became Hungry ; Matth. IV. 2. And fo St Luke Chap. IV. 2, &c. more ex- presfly : Being 40 Days tempted of the Devil, and in thofe Days he did eat nothing : and When they were ENDED, He afterward Hungred : And the Devil faid unto him Com- mand this Stone that it be made Bread, Sec. Now there is nothing in the Hi (lory of the Gofpel, which makes it Necef- fary oj* Requifite to fuppofe, that the three Temptations mention'd by St Matthew and Luke, were experimented upon our Saviour, in one or two or three Days. For ought that appears in the Sacred Hiftory to the Contrary, the faid Temptations might not be All made ufe of under the Space of one or two or three Weeks, or even More yet. Indeed there are not wanting fome Confiderations, which make it but ;Reafonable to fuppofe, that the faid three Temp- tations did not follow immediately one after the other, but that rather fome Time came between them. For as it is Certain, that our Saviour's being Hungry, after his 40 Days and Nights Fading, was the Oc cafion of the Devil's temptinghim, to com- mand the Stones to be made Bread j fo there feems to be Ground for making a good Conjecture, What it was that gave the Devil the Hint or Occafion to tempt our Saviour next (by the Authority of Pfal. 91. 11. He /ball give his Angels Charge over Thee &c.) to cafl Him [elf from the Pinacle or Battlement Harmony of the Four Gofpels. 73 "Battlement of the Temple. Namely our Saviour having re- jected the Temptation to command the Stones to be made Bread inorder to fatisfy his Hunger, the Devil thereupon left him for that time, as feems Probable to me, and the Angels came end miniftred unto him, bringing him fomewhat to fatisfy his Hunger with, and to ftrengthen Himfelf thereby. The De- vil obferving that the Angels thus miniftred unto Chrift in this his Neceffity, and remembring how Chrift had rejected his former Temptation with a Text of Scripture, was by this Mini ftry of the Angels to Chrifl put in mind of Pfal. XCI. 11. as a proper Text whereon to ground a New Temptation j which therefore He accordingly made ufe of the next Time 'he came to Chrift, taking up Chrift through the Air unto the Holy City or Jerufalem, and there fitting him on a Pinnacle of the Temple \ and faying unto Him, If thou 'be the Son of God, caftthy felfdown : >For it is written, He -jb all give his Angels charge over Thee, &c But this Temptation of the Devil being grounded on a Wrong Interpretation or Application of the Text cited by him, was vanquifh'd by our Saviour's Oppofing thereto another Text in its true Meaning. Whereupon it feems Probable to me, that the Devil left our Saviour for the Prefent again to fhift for Himfelf, and to get down from the Pinnacle as well as he could. This I fay, feems much more probable to Me, than to fuppofe that the Devil would be fo far Obliging to our Blelfed Saviour, as to Free him from the Danger he had now put him in, by taking him from the Pinnacle in order to car- ry him immediately to the exceeding high Mountain. No, it feems much more Agreeable to the Nature and lVlalice of the Devil, to leave our Saviour in that Dangerous Place where he had put him j and then it feems but Reafonable to fup- pofe that Our Saviour was fafely took down from thence by the help of the Angels, that now miniflred unto or attended him, as there was Occafion. It can*t be well fuppos'd that our Saviour got down any other way } forafmuch as it was Impracticable for him to get down Himfelf by any meer Hu- mane Strength or Art of his Own , and if he was helfd down by Human means afforded him by the Jews or Any about the Temple, without doubt He would have been ex- L amin'd •n a A 'treatise concerning the amin'd, How he came up thither •, and this Matter would have made fiioh a Noife in Jerufalem, that we mould have had fome Notice of it left upon Record in the Writings of the Jews theinfelves. Upon the Whole therefore, as it feems Reafonable to fuppofe, that the Devil left our Saviour upon the Pinnacle, and that the Angels took him down from thence 5 fo it feems Probable that the faid Angels fet our Saviour down upon the Ground, in the near eft Place that was con- venient, or where our Saviour might walk away without any Notice taken of Him. This I fay is more Probable, than, to fuppofe that the Angels carried our Saviour through the Air back to the fame Place, whence the Devil brought him, or to any other Place diftant from Jerufalem j forafinuch as- the Wifdom of God never Works Miracles without juft Caufe § or for the Doing of That which may be done by Natural Means. But now Our Saviour might go to any fuch Place, being Once fet down upon the Ground, without the Angels miraculoufly carrying him thither, as the DeviL had brought him. It being thus mod Probable, that our Saviour was left at Jerufalem upon his vanquishing the Devil's fecond Tempta- tion, it will feem but Probable alfo, that our Saviour made fome flay there, at lead fo long as was requisite to Refrefh himfelf with the NeceiVaries of Life, and to enable him to go to the Place, whither He thought fit to retire from Jerufa- lem, and where the Devil came to him again, the f/?«v/and lafl time mention'd by the Evangelifts. So that it appears from what has been faid, that between the fecond and third Temptation, there muft in Reafon be fuppos'd at leaft the Space of two or three Day?, if not More. After Chrift had vanquifti'd the third and laft Temptation of the Devil on the exceeding high Mountain, it is likely that? the Devil left him there likewife to ihift for himfelf, and to get down thence as he could. And forafmuch as fuch ex- ceeding high Mountains are exceeding Dangerous alfo to go up, and rather more Dangerous to come down I; and it is al- together impoflible by meet Humane Means-ro get up to or down from the very Top of fuch a Mountain, wbkre our Sa- viour muft be fuppos'd to be placed by the Devil, agreeably to Harmony of the Four Cofpelf. j* to the Circumftances of this Temptation : On thefe Confede- rations it is moft Probable, that our Saviour was taken down from the Top of the faid Mountain by the Angels that Mini- ftred unto him. It may be objected, that it is only Once faid, and that af- ter the third or laft Temptation aforemention'd, Then the. Devil leaves hint, and behold, Angels came and mini fired unto him, Matth. IV. 1 1. In Anfwer whereto it is to be obferv'd, that St Matthew's mentioning only this One time of the Devil's leaving Chrift, and the Angels coming and miniflring unto him, can in Reafon be no Better or Stronger Argu- ment, that the Devil did not hkewife leave Chrift for fome time after each of the two former Temptations and the An- gels come and minifler unto him, thin St Luke's not mentioning at All the Angels Coming and minftring unto Chrift is an Ar- gument, that the A?igels did not at All come and mini (I er un- to him. The Reafon, why St Matthew and Luke mention the Devil's leaving Chrift Only after the third Temptation, feems to be this, Becaufe the Devil then left him for a Sea- fon, as it is exreffed Luk. IV. T3. that is, for a longer Time by much, than he left Chrift between each of the three foremention'd Temptations. 38. And as I have here a proper Opportunity to obferve, 38. fo it feems not Unworthy to be obferv'd, that from what of the or- has been aforefaid concerning the three Temptations of the *?T°f tb-oi"ty^" 28. according to the Computation follow'd in Mr Marfial's he e'nter'd up. Tables. It has alfo been obferv'd, that fuppofing the Bap-^'x^'"'/- tift to begin his Miniftry Prefently upon the beginning of the i^th Tear of Tiberius, yet our Saviour mult be reaibnably fuppos'd to be 29 Years Old and very nigh three Quarters, when he was baptiz'd \ which mult be about Sept. 24. at which time it might be properly laid of our Saviour, that He began to be About Thirty Tears of Age. It has been further obferv'd, that reckoning the 40 Days of our Savi- our's Failing from the Time of his Baptifm, fuppofe Sept. 20. they will end Otiob. 30. Further yet it has been ob- ferv'd, that What relates to the three Temptations recorded by the Evangelilts after the 40 Days Fait of our Saviour, may Reafonably be allow'd (upon due Confideration of all. Circumstances) to take up about a Fortnights time, andfo to end about the middle of November. Laftly, it has been ob- ferv'd, that it is not exprefs'd in the Gofpel-hiftory, How Ions: Time was between the End of all that relates to the aforefaid three Temptations, and Chrift's Return to the Baptift at Bethabara j nor yet How long Time Ch rift was with the Baptift there, before the Baptift made known that Jefus was the Chrift, or Lamb of God that takes away the Sins of the WorJd : However tint it may be probably in- f\rr'd from Job. I. 26. &c. that our Saviour was for fome Time, even (for ought that appears to the Contrary) for fome Weeks, with the Baptift, After his Return out of the Wildernefs, where he had been Tempted, Before the Bap- tift mad; known that He was the Chrift. So that upon the Whole, there is Nothing in the Gofpel-hiftory that hinders, but that the following Decetnb. 25. was come, and fo Chrift was Full Thirty Tears of Age, Before he; enter'd upon his Miniftry, even the more Private part of his Miniftry, which began at Bethabara, namely, with Chrift's there raking An- */?•£!» and the other Difciple of the Baptift's Home to his Own Lodgings, and there giving them fuch Injlnttlwns as convin- ced them of his being lhe Chrifli and thereupon induced them 80 A Trfatife concerning the "them to become His Difciples, from that time Forward, anJ as fuch (with Peter now likewife become Chrijl's Difciple) to attend Chrift into Galilee the next Day after, as is related Job. I. 35. &c. There, is I fay, Nothing related in the Gofpel-hiftory that hinders but that Chrift did thus enter in- to his Mini dry after Decemb. 25. of the 15th Tear of Tibe- rius, that is, after He was Full thirty Tears Old. On the other Hand it appears from what has been obferv'd out of the Gofpel-hiftory, concerning the fever al Circwnflances relating to the Beginning of the Baptift's Miniftry in the 15th Year of Tiberius, to our Saviour's 40 Days Faft, to his three Temptations fpecify'd by the Evangelifts, and to his Return Afterwards to and Abode with the Baptift \ it appears I fay trom thefe feveral Circwnflances in the Gofpel-hiftory, that Chrift mnfl be within a Little of thirty Tears Old, namely, within five or fix Weeks of it, Before he enter'd upon his Miniftry. And if Numb, IV. 3. in the Old Teftament is fo to be und^rftood, as that No one was to enter upon the Miniftry till he was Full thirty Tears Old ^ and if our BlefTed Saviour thought fit to conform himfelf to the fame Rule j then We may be entirely AfTur'd, that our BlefTed Saviour was Full 30 Tears of Age, Before he enter'd upon Any part of his Miniftry : This, I fay, we may be entirely AfTur'd of from the foregoing Confiderations, without underftanding dix°v*v& Lnk. III. 23. in fuch a Senfe, as is not Warranted in Scripture :, or altho* Chrift ("according to the Plain and Common Meaning of the Words in Luk. III. 23) did but Begin to be about thirty Tears of Age, when he was Bap- tiz'd. 40. As for the remaining Years of Chrift s Life, they are 4°* not mention'd exprefly in the Gofpel-hiftory, but are ro be five Paffovers inferred from the Mention made of the feveral following during our so- Pajfovers. For as it has been afore obferv'd, that Chrift was "t'rT,or Jfier ?u" tbirty Tears Old, when he enter'd upon his Miniftry, bh Bapti/m to and confequently when He went from Bethabara with his f. is Death. ^cw rj)}fcjp]es \nto Galilee, as is related Job. I. 43. fo it thence follows that the Pajfover mention'd Job. II. 13. was in the 31/? Tear of our' Saviour's Life ; and it fell on April ■ 18. according to Mr -MarfbaVs Appendix. And Harmony of the Four Gofpch. 8 1 And hence it will follow, that the next Paffover referr'd to Job. V. i. was in the ^ici Tear of our Saviour's Life. The Words of St John in the forecited Text are thefe : Af- ter thefe things there was a Feafl of the Jews, and Jefits went up to Jerufalem. Now 'tis true, that the Word Is?™, Feafl, dc/s not of itfelf diftindtly denote the Paffover any more than any other of the Jewifh Feafts. But then it is to be remember 'd, that the fdid Common Word laj^, Feafl, thus put by itfelf is, according to the receiv'd Ufe of Words or Ufual way of Speaking, to be underftood by way of Emi- nence of the principal Feafl of the Jews, which was the Paf- fover. And agreeably hereto, the faid Word is never ufed in any of the Evangelifts by itfelf to fignify, either the Feafl of Weekly or the Feafl of Tabernacles } whereas it is fo ufed more than Once to fignify the Feafl of the Paffover, viz. Mark XV. 6. Luk. XXIII. 17. And therefore Job. V. 1. may more accurately be render'd thus : After thefe things was (Not A, but) THE Feaft of the Jews, emphatically fo call'd, i. e. the Paffover. But our Tranihtors chofe rather to render it A Feaft, becaufe fome do underftand it not of the Paffover, and therefore they would render the Word in its full Latitude,and not concern themfelves in the Controver- fy, by reftraining the Word to a particular Senfe. How- ever the Reafons for underftanding it of the Paifover are I think moft Weighty •, and therefore it is fo underftood by moft Commentators \ and as this therefore was the Second Paffover after our Saviour's entry upon his Miniftry, fo it fell on April 7. The Third Paffover after our Saviour's entring into the Miniftry was in the %%d Tear of his Life, and was March 26. This Paffover is not exprefs'd in the Gofpel-hiftory by fo much as the name of (a, or) the teaft •, but is inferr'd fromCircumilancesmention'd in the Gofpel-hiftory : Namely, from Chrift's walking through the Com Fields on the Av-nej- vfarv Sabbath, and his Difciples plucking the Ears of G)rn, and eating, rubbing them in their Hands. Luk. VI. I. Mark II* 23. and Matth. XII. 1. Now by the Aimjoa-?*™ Sabbath may be underftood, either the Second (Firft ov) Great Safc- • M bath. A Treatife concerning the bath (i. e. the Day of Pentecoft or VVhit-funday, the Day of the Paffover being the Firft Great Sabbath in the Jewifh Year,) or elfe the Firfl Sabbath after the Second Day of the Pafchalov Paffover Solemnity, namely the Fir ft Sabbath of the Seven, which were to be counted from the Day that the Sheaf of the Wave Offering was to be brought, (Levit. 23. 15.) that is, the Fir ft Sabbath of the Seven, that were to be from the Paflbyer to Pentecoft. Now the Learned are divided as to, Which of the foremention'd two Senfes oTf»w e-Jg/i&it, is to be taken in. Some underftand thereby Pentecoft or Whii-funday as being the Second Great, Sabbath of the Year j and then the faid Pentecoft may be underftood alfo, to be the Next to the Paffover referr'd to Joh. V. 1. and fo there will be but Four Pailbvers during our Saviour's Miniftry. Where- fore others take the frvn\<>'ns*mv Sabbath in the other Senfe, namely, to fignify the fir ft Sabbath after the Paffover j for- afmuch as then it can't poffib'y refer to the fame Paffover that is mention'd Joh. V, 1. under the Name of the Feaft of the Jews., becaufe it was not Poffible, that Chrift mould go from ferufalevi, where he was at that Feaft or Paffover in Joh. V. and do All that he is related by the Evangelifts to do in Galilee, before the next Sabbath after the faid Poffover, i. e. in a Weeks or lefs Time : And therefore the Jiv-n^'ovta-nt Sab- bath muft neceffarily refer to the following Paffover (after •that in Joh. V.) and fo there will be in Ail Five Paifovers during our Saviour's Miniftry, as will appear from what is to follow. And this Computation being mod Agreeable not only to Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, but alfo to the Time of Harveft in judea, 1 therefore prefer it to the ©ther, which reckons but four Paffovers during our Savi- our's Miniftry :, and confequently J prefer that Acceptation of the ^KTiff^ffflTtc Sabbath, which agrees to the Computation of Five Paffovers during -our Saviour's Miniftry. Three of the faid Paffovers have already been taken notice of \ the Fourth is exprefly mention'd by St John in his account of the Miraculous Feeding of 5000 in the Defart, "Joh. Vf. 4. And the Paffover, a Feaft of the Jews, (or The i. e. The principal Feaft of the Jews) was nigh. This Paffover was ■Jpril 14. in the %tfh tear of our Saviour's Life. And it is obfervabie Harmony of the Four Cofpels. obfervaMe, that our Saviour ftaid this Paffover^ as he had al- fo done the laji, in Galilee. The fifth and laft PaJJ'over during our Saviour's Miniftry was That, whereat he was Crucified : which was April i. and in the tfth Tear of our Saviour's Life, that is in the ^dTear of the Common Rxz or Account by the Years of our Lord. Whence it comes to pafs, that our Saviour is Commonly , but erroneoujly, fuppos'd to have fuffer'd in the 33c/, Tear of his Life. And thus I have here laid together, what F thought Requifite to fay concerning the Harmony of the four Gofpelsy and forae other incidental Matters. S3 FINIS. ABBREVIATIONS made ufc of in the Table hereunto be longing. c, came or come, or the like. Js. Capern. Capernaum. Ch. Pr. Chief Priefls. CompaJJton. day or days. Difcipleu hand. Comp. d. Di[c h. Hn. Heaven. Jefus. Jerufm. Jerufalem. Mult. Multitude or Multitudes Phar. Pharifees. Pr. Priefls. Sabb. Sabbath. at Sabbath-days Spt. Spirit. Synag. Synagogue. Wn. When. Wilds. Wildernefs. T. Tear or Tears. BOOKS W/tttm by tb? Reverend Dr. Wells ; Printed for James Knarptop, at the Crown in St. Paul'* Church-Yard. . COnrriverful Treatifes againft the DiJJenters. Vi%. A Letter to a DifTenting Parfhi- ooer. A Letter to Mr. P. Dow'eyi Diffenring Teacher. A Copy of Mr. P. Dob* /s/,'s Letter to Dr. WW/*, with the Dr's. Anfwer Teftimonies concerning the Law- fitlnef's of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, and theUnlawlulnefs ofSeparatingfrom.it. Examination of Mr. Peirce's Remarks on the Dr\» Lener to Mr. P. Dirvley. Letter to the Remarker in reference to his Remarks on the Dr's Letter to a DifTenting Parifhioner. Tbefes againft the Validity of Presbyterian Ordination. Numb. I. H. Ill, IV. Animadversions on Mr. Barter-. Invalidity of Presbyterian Ofd'uuithn prov'd from the i-re-oyterians own Decline of the Twofold Order; or, a Summary View, fyc. Ail Anfvver to Mr. Peice'i Pcflfcripc. The Sixth Editisn. To which ire added, Lirerxa ce!eberrimis Pafbribus & FrofefToribus Ecclcfix ik Acade- miae Gensvenfu ad UDiverficatem Oxmknfem tranlnriT.r, una cum Refrmilo ejufdejn U.iiveriltatis Oxon : ad eafdem literal Necnon D. D. Edvardi Welts Epifkla adAutbo- rem Anonymum Libel!* non ita prid-em Editi, cui Titulus, StrifturjE Breves in Epi- llolas D. D. Genevenfium & Oxonienfium. The Common Chrijlian Rightly and Plainly inftrufted in the Grounds of Chriftianity •, or, an Expofition of the Church Catecbifm, more particularly adapted to the Capacities and Circumftances of the Common People. 8vo. Prayers on Common Occasions, appertaining to the foremention'd Expofition of the Church Catechifm. Sio. An Help for the more Eafy and Clear Underftanding of the Holy Scripture; : Eeing All the Epijiles of the New Tefiament, together with the Revelation of St John^ (ana the Boo^of Daniel,) Paraphras'd, w/th the Original or Greek Text amended accord - fhg to the beft MSS. &c. 4^0. The Duty of being Griev'd for the Sins of Others : Briefly let forth in a Sermon preach'd in St. Martin's Church in Leicejler, April 26. 1710. at the Vifitation of the Reverend the Arch- Deacon of Leicefier. A Letter to a Friend concerning the Great Sin of Taking God's Same in Vain. An HiJTorical Geography of the Old and Hew Teftament ; being a Geographical and Hiftorical Account of the feveral Places or People mention'd in the Holy Scriptures ; very Ufeful for Underftanding the Hiftory of the Holy Scriptures, and of feveral par- ticular Texts. The Whole is illuftrated with Maps and other Cuts, and Chronological ' Tables, In rc^ur Vol. 2 10. ■ Mtwani'^Gi-Jtiiim-aticJlii^ op a- View of the' Agreement between the Latin and Greek Tongues ; as to th£ Declining of Words. 8xe. The Young Gentleman's Cturfe of Mathematic^s : Containing fuch Elements as are moft ufeful and Ejfy to be Known, in Arithmetic^, Geometry, Trigonometry, QAe- ebanicli/, Opticas, Atyronomys Clnonology, and Dialling. In three Volumes. 8vo. Unworchinefs no Excufefor Not Coming'to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper : Briefly (hewn by wa.y.of-' Dialogue between a Minifkr and.his Parifhioner. tivo. The Rxh Man.s, Great arid Indifpenfable Duty to contribute Liberally to the Tie- building. Building, Impairing, Beautifying, and Adorning of Churches, Largely fet forth, and laid before the Kokilily, Geri,y, and All other Rich Perfonsof whatever Rank or Denomination, dye. Second? Edition. A Difcourfe. concerning the Grearand Indifpenfab'e Duty of a Decent and Reverent Behaviour in Church at- All Times, and moreefpecially in the Time of Divine Service. Price $d. 1 00 for 1 1. Forty Six Propofitions Briefly proving, that His Prefent Majefty King George is the Only Rightful and Lawful King of Great Britain. And alfo that the Non-juring Bi- fhops, fyc. were Rightfully, and Lawfully Deprived. Price Six-pence. Of Children's Capacity. to Receive Religious lnjirullions, and of the Manner how to gi»e them fuch Inftfuftions : Together with Prayers Adapted to the Capacities and Ufeof Children : Defigold more Particularly for the Children of Blvhly Parifti. Price One Penny. T A A B L E REPRESENTIN G In One Eafie and Clear VIEW the HARMONY of the FOUR GOSPELS, So far forth as relates to the ORDER of THE, wherein the feveral Paffages of the GOSPEL-HISTORY i Did SUCCEED One Another. ~r^— By EDWARD WELLS, D. D. Reftor of Cotesbach, in Leicefter-fiire. The JW/£ KA, or Yean of the Lifr of CHRIST. St. MATTHEW. I, i~-u!t. The Book of the Generation of Jefui Chrifl, (3c. ■■■ The Sltt'a Jefus was on this wife, (3c n. 18. II 1-11 Now when Jcfus was born, there came Wife-men, (3c 13-11. When they (Wile-men) were departed, Angel appeared to JofcAying, Flee into Egypt, &C ll— uli. He (Jefepb with Child Jefm) tiirncd afide into Galilee, & carr#wclt i; Ka^areth, (3c ----------- III. i- 1 1. I» thofc Days came John ibe Baptifl, preaching in the WiMerae epent, (3c lj uli. Then comes Jefus from Galilee to John, to be baptised of biamc. - • [V, i- 1 . Then was Jefus led up of the Spirit into the WiJdernefs V b^npted cf the Devil, (3c. ' 1 1. When Jeflli had heard that John was eafl into Prifen, he dec. TecBto Galilee 13-17, And leaving Ka^areth, he came and dwelt at Capernaum. — Jotnb»t Time Jcfus began to fetch, and to fay, Repent, for (he K.i"gdtm of Heav n fgtmtid, ver. 17. iS-:j. Jcfus walling by the Sea of Galilee, law two Brethren, St ad Andrew, (3c. VIII. 14, 15. When Jcfus was come into Peter's Houfe, he fav, | ffifi't Mother Cck of a Fmrr, Qfc. 16-17. When Evening was come, they brought unto him many t \ert p°ff'ffei, (3c. IX. 1-8. ThtJ bn ugh) onto turn' a Alan nek of 'the Patfi'e, (3c. ' - 9-17. A* Jefm raffed from thence, he dw Matthew fitting at the F 'P "f Cuflim, (3c Xtl. 1-8. I His went on the Sabbath-day through the C* tfc. - . . . 5. 11. When be departed thence, he went into the Synagogue, ^'behold a Man ■ I M od bim gmtf multitudes from CWi7«, 5c from D*'*» & Judea, (3c. y WI.VII Hi And feeing the multitudes, he went up into a mount, ^to Difciples} \ 1 itofaim, ind he taught tbtm,fy\n%tBtaj[td art the Poor •>,»'."», (je. . Wbeojifiu was entred into CffeniMm, there can ■■x^mwtm,Cc, St. MAR K. St. L U K E. I. 1-4. rOR AS MUCH as many have taken in ham] to fet forth in Order a Dc J? claracion of thole Things, which arc moji furtlj believed among usfc &e. I. 1-8. The Beginning of the Gofpel ■ John did baptise in the WiJdernefs, and preach, (3c. v, .4. 9_i 1, Jefutcime from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptised of John in Jordan, (3 c. U-I3- Immediately the Spirit leads him into the Wildernefs, & he was there Forty Days tempted of Satan, (3c. 14. After John was put in prifen, Jcfus came into Galilee. .-._'.. ib. C?i 5 Preaching the Gofpel of the Kingdom of God, and fayirg, The Time is fulfilled, and the KJngdom of God is at band : Repent, (3c. 16-10. Ashe walked by the Sea of Galilee, he faw Si/hch and Atdtew his Brother, Qffc Zt-28. And they went into Capernaum, & on the Sabbath hi entred the Synagogue, & there a Man with an unclean Spirit, (3c. 29-31. When ibey were come out of the Synagogue, they ertrcd into the lioufe of Simon and Simon's Wife's Mother, t3c. 32-34. When the Sun did fet, they brought unto him All that \uw difeafed, (3t 35-38. I* the Morning, he departed into a fi/itaijr Place, and prayed, (3c. - IV. I3-S4 And Jcfus went about all Galilee, teaching in rheir $jn*g*$ •'- h«*Ui>g, tf<-^fc -39. He prca-thtti ui liicu Sji.»+ - ^uoi^^gliJa^ad^^tj'^^A^^,. VIII. ;-4- BthoM there came a Leper, and wor Hupped him, faying Laid, &. ... 40— «/r. There came a Leper 10 him, befecching him, & kneel ifig io^n to- him, c5c vlt. There came a Leper to turn, befcechinR him, II."*l-ii. Again, he entred into Capernaum, and they come bunging one lick of the Palfn, (3c. 13-11. He went forth again by Sea-fide, — and as he patted by, he faw /.. fitting at the Heceipt of Cujhm, (3c i%— tilt. He went through the Corn Fields on the Sabbnth-dat, Cf<-". -•<•.. Ill 1-12. He entred again into the Synagogue, and there was a Man who had a mther'd hand, (3c 13-19. He goes up intoa Mountain, and he ordained Tn-e.v,^ 20-11. The Multitude (waj mention'd v. 7, S. (turn Galilee, &;.} CDmcs togctliet again, (3c. \I 1 1 JVben Jebi heir I in Prilon the Works of Cbriji, he (ttf T^ttf'li, m.\ -_ I hou He. f Qitin wherein m-il cf hi) «J|i:. ' XII 21-17. Then ' Red — Pb*r. la.d.Thii fellow.-/?' -■' Owflrf, 8«/?.^f_ , Matter. «wwld/«*i'^"'"iftthee,(fr, la.ked w»h ihL- People, hn Mtttm B( bis F .■■■■■ " . T,**^«'. ©:. j] rhela^DayJcluswtn . J^f^'i;^ Vill. , s . ; 7 . Now }v usgan Corovuindmeor to drf+rymt*"ei"'c,J' '* **■ - - - . 28 Wf. When lie ««ttwinriir «*, theicflTetTn. To-/ ^' jff?^''^ DC 1. He cnrte.1 into .j4Sr.tr. and^j/"rrf*wr, and came into his ■ ***renuUm) 18-26. While he f/ake, came a J^frr, and worfhipH» Uy'?Ch' ' JJ^ » ^r- - - :^.J4. Who- '-'"*» deptned thence, T^n blind Men f°lloW^ .4.f ) «t, XIII- i4»'« When he wi* come into bit «w C«wi"7. (Vl7, i> - I ' I - - IX *.$ ■*'« Jefos went*iv«» «f tbtCities and Vt Sages teaching - mk^ I .' " - X \1 1 When be bad called his 12 Difciples he gave rhem !'-«.. ;>f */^O,0(. X(1V. 1-12. At that Time Hrr*J /if Ttnanb beard of the f*«f / J * - - . i3.14.Wn. Js.hcard of it. hedepaned by Ship into a Defrt P^J^-^fn'd, g, IJ-J 3. The Diiciplei came, fa>ing. Send multitude *r**j. &1' T\ ^ JS^'' ®e ik. 31. When Evening wis come, he was alone, but tn« 3 ' m mdfi cf the Sea, toffcil, (3c , flf G*1^*1* H 14 11/x. When they were 5eiw«.«r, they came into the 1^ ?lO*, for ri<7 »«yb nef, Gfc 4 j 21-18- Then Jcfus departed into Coaflse-fT^z and Sidon. Ana 2o-?t. lelui J^pancd'.htiuc. and came nigh Sea c/Gr • " » .. j.. £riU W, He i>as kdiftub. & b, the Prince of Devils efts he em Devil,, S, 3 1 «/>. Then came /.« M./lrr & *,V Bre.i.en, & /W.»J »';'«•«'■ fr"' ""°, ™' ,'. ^' 1V3,.J4. He entred »,. - «,>. &/«_* uughr by Parable, : T^ «■ »^ « 3ft£ 35 tv/f. The/rfMif J-y, when Evening was come, be lays, i-« » / J V.Li'o.The^c. over to ether fidefr there mcthimrjii/^^Tomf'a Man ^;^J"ew"";^ II. When Jcfus was /*0W over again, much People gathered ion. - & te> the Sea. w j^ile Daughter (3c xx ult. There came one of the Rulers of the Synag. Jairus, frying, W VI. t-6. He went out thenre, and came into/"'/ «»" Country, Oc ibid. — And he went round about the ViHaget teaching. . c-.rits f>- I - 7-I3. He calls to him the Tw^c, & gave them Power over uncle* ■: _' ' 14-19- King Herod heard of him, (for hn Same was fpread '*'"*{. ' A|l things, (3c. 30. And the Apcfiles gathered themfeives eoge;her unto Jefui, and n""- ' .,,etb.to bim (3c 3i-34.Helaid,Comcyc;t>ttr//;„/i/j//,intoa0^r/P^-&^^ " *~ l nv eo a'-^ ^^ Sread,(3c- 3 5-46. His Difciples came and faid, Send them away, that they may h ^ ^ ^mf 47.51. When Evening was come, the Ship was in the midjl of tee • ^ ^ I the Land. (3c --------- 'rgret& f3c S3- ult. When they had faffed over, they came into the Land cf GeaBm' VII. L23. Then came* Scribes and Pharifees, 8c asked. Why w*jb not tbj ^fcifles, (3c. 24-3oThence he went into Borden ef Tyre G? S.don. And a Wm "S '^Jt^ft ai.a.'*. Departing from Coafts of Tj>e— he came to Sea *f Gali.ee, - c mat bad 5— w/f. There was in the Days of Herod a Prieft named ^tcharias, (3c .. Elizabeth's full Time came, and llic brought forth a Son.— John. ver. $7, 60. f II. i-2t. In thofe Days there went out a Decree, (3c And Jhe (Mary) brought \ lorth her San Jefui, v. 7. 21. .-...- 22-38. When the Days of her (Mary) Purification were accomplilhcd, (3c {■39-40. They returned into Galilee, to their own City Ka^areth. And the Child \ (Jcfus) grew, Gfr. T41 - 111V. His Parents went to Jemfalem every Year at Paffover. And when he (Jcfus h "t was Twelve Tears old, (3c. - - .-.-.- - . - -j*" HI, 1-20. In the Fifteenth Year of TiAeni«f— — came Jdm preaching the Baptifm of Repentance, (3c. v. 3, 4. 21-21. When all the People were baptized, Jefus alfo bt'mg baptised, (3c {13— ult. Jefui began to be about Thirty Tears of ^c, being (as was fuppofed) thel Son of Jofeph, (3c. f IV. I-13. Jefus was led by the Spirit into the Wildcrnefs being Forty Days tempted of the Devil, (3c. 1428. Jefus rcturn'J in the Power of the Spirit into Galilee —— and he came to Na&retb, (3c 19-32. They tbruft him out of the City [Nuztretb) and he came down to Capernaum, & taught them on tht Sabbath-daj?, t$*c. V. 1- 1 1 . (t) He flood by the Lake or Gtnefarttb, and law two Ships, — 8c entred into one of them, which was Simon's, (3c, IV. 31-37- And in the Synagogue was a Man which hid a Spirit of an unclean Devil, (3c. 38-39- And he arofe cut of the Synagogue, & entred ir.;o Simon's Houfe, 8( Si Wifet Mother, (3c 40-41. When the Sun was fating. All that had any fyk with divers Difcafc brought them, G 'e. 41-4.3. When if was Day, he departed inro a Defer t P, St. ] O H N. I. t-i. In the Beginning was the Hard, cV the W&crfwaj with God, and the WndwasGod,(3e 6-8. There was a Man ftut from Cud, whole Name Wai John, (3c. 9-14. That (He Ward) was the trnc Light, (3c. — He came to hii Own, Cfc v. t l.T The Word was made Flejh, (3c v. (4. - - . f 1 5— ult. John bare witneft of him, (3c: Jefus would go forth into Galilee, (3c. II. 1 — ult. The Paffover waj at hand, and Joius went up to Jerusalem, (3c v. 13. - - III. 1 — ult. John was nor yet caft into Pnfou, v. 24. IV. I— ult. He (Jefus) left Judta, and departed again into Galilee, (3c v. j, St 43, V. l— ult. After this, was a Feafl of the Jcw.and Jcfus went up to Je rufalem, (3c. . . He [vi\. the BaptiftJ was a burning Light, 8< yc wire willing/"- afeafon, (3c. v. 35. ./'" Y&. h"nr: J-'"'' "*■ Lh*i *>*»»*•• ■\ . 11-n?. When he was in a certain City, 1 any fvk. with divers Diic Place, ic Years Before the Common £RA of CHRIST. Years of the' Com. &KA. 30 City, behold a Man full at Lepcfie, (3c 11-1.6. On a certain Day, as he was teaching Men br.ug.lit a Man taken with the P.tlli.; (3c. IJ— ult. After this, he went funh, and faW Levi fining at the Receipt of Cufiam, (3c. VI. I-S. On the J'if\ic^tuvv, Sabbath, he went thro' the Cern-fi:ldt, (3c - - - - 6-11. On another S.il'bath he entred into the Synagogue, & (here was a Man whole- i^Ar hand was withered, fife, 12-16. He went out into a mountain to pray and he c&eft Twelve, (3c 17-19. He came down, and Itood in the Plain and a treat Multitude out of all Judea (3c 6 to— ult. And he lift up his Eyes en bit Difiplei, and faid, Bltffed be the Poor, See. VII. 1-10 When he had ended all his Sayings, he entred into Ctpvnttum, 8c zCenturitn'i Servant, &c 11-17. The Diy after, he Went inro 3 City called fVt, Sec. 3i,rr/.^»TO,i. VII. 1 .After thisjs. MtfrtohObf; for he would »« «/t '»>»9,becjew fc^ShS: .1. • - - > U . Ma, M. - *-+* a-r. —■ «*| F- ■ .fciiaialAaa , - w*.~. ««•..•. «->*-— . «*■«• _ L „ ,W Ito In •' V « am ■ m tto • hk»« Ha .« . : • ■ .a. ■ / I ww. ■ - •/ x thai to .ftVaaW bnaau . J. lf.,1 Ml Mtk •[■'" ' XXVII ii tVto .>••• • •: , I II IV. i. . .1 I, [..I^Ul., l»i«Mi.iiJ(,» aduJaur.."' ,to faaf i to Gatrraoa, « amml re tafaf/r « »* till I ..— ito • k IW • •■ IW .« ". -AaJ CM aV! • ' • A to. Con. fen tarita-faiAa— Wl maalli. « -4M. itorr . irr- . .,«!•'-•, «fc»i Ktw* can. I aahAmtacaaat Mi • U. ...^Krfiw..il.|,>IMiit .■lirlMllll| -»C llat In.w a*d,toa, rearm, Mhwi.pni — ■afar. i... - •- Haa% to aaVA. ad* I> W . . c-i. («* — J, S.' kov.iWlite), V • Hr»--. • ^.ta-»- - ■ amttto,!*. . .^..i.!^ ' U«,i»ll*i».V,«-, .kaxi^^AIMIiunijWIrvHV^.h ■ XI i W to. Ito* hm a H- i«- .. ma O LtkrfWntf-MfMm, .••.« i. J#-» « .. A--J » ~u»u.'n A Ml- » .- a*av * ■ i M - IcAm »-i. Ha» u •, I ■ lk.tr - . aadltol "•nl«n..,.ulkllJlr! . - ••i erf — linrord * i»ic ' . . . ratar-, mtw *wra tolBl ^OfWf-«Cr Ad to latei I n ^*'*»«Unro a *.k.»— and Jclui «.., «.., ' ' ' ' ""• V- s ... . . Ml . ll»ii.,|^t«..s*«,>k«»llJI, "".' , l'C™'1 kill him. Afceeea-d/ . .« : ■)«n.»W|hM,«iCwf1,(h '••». V. ..cat ..»-, m fV... . ,- to^ t*. tttot, ikUrtiniimlrf. $ntm }+.!%, • -icwc? ar« i " ••» I .. tfr. ' ' «.ftfraKVJ.-<. a\ 'tt. .w#-*l- - «- tin C«. -i VuUfa, r«W<«. .4 /^ XVI r \. ^«Mlkrhtl4a^llia^rH4K,jt to^»vl- < traa,., «v„ ha. to/- li 1» Hcioo»tWu.»toia,<,WfJt.^»7^1i •U|»^x*»/Ui».**-rX». XIX 111 [fM.fncl.r. • tjifto ,a ik, c|«» to iku hajkkv A Mm atojaal , r«v< p/c. i huf rnrt fa. &>«. ilui .br, ■ A»c *» 41 . . ML, X\l i 4. H- . XXII ij s .. ibe r,./> ,i t. - il immjacta »c"J AcJ to In, rm*. . < Ttot* . ,..**•■ i ■ PJaBat fr*»k, ««#» 7«tif. * I M.J., <-. . ■ •H Pi.«a W torn ■»■?, ind drlim'J i i ^-f (to. ito A ..• c/ aW *« -■"/W — •*"" «*• ■M--»i »ha«».'c«T«ttan Jcfc'J, *». * imllkCnatl,'',. I •i it I;. I l». H ■■ Ito... m |c cam an lara Ttaicunaa. aral k. i . » r/ rab-aanto . >■ « HtaJ. «k' Yatox-crVa*. Of- \ i n Atv« ,to ..„!• o< ,to Fccrt Waaa f .-. ik, TV., , ^.. -.aiatoa ito ■>«• ,/ /«*«.»«,. ,„.l it »|, *•,„„, (*t - -* »+.««,•< — laammaaw) '^rt -Wc. Aaj iaap ^.^ tf, M ••••. fcl a»ai «„,,, i-„, i-fi.,,.^. 1 XII . ,, Ir 1 ■*.. . . : . . .km a, k,.l I.mo.1 ■ ' ,-**» ^k. ' ,i»aawi.wof(hir*»lil ■ ! Itoliai, .„„, i„rl,.,^(/, . iftaaV ,nd 7.MU 1 , «.. 1 1 l» < to. ito arh com iton w«i IX, ~> . , ...... ^lltoO.— a U.iba. to .JCaW / yea,* 4»-«^ "YnL-'ianaaUaj waai wai dooc, lajiaf, l. LVfl Wtoair i +im*t~. Etc Wto. S.I l..k «u ta». A*-* AtfiMW. toMl »ar.. ft am. » ,k, j, •akW a-ll Wto. |rf« ... . c ta>t>. ito Fit* Dij of ito Wach. He a»a>V «... »l nil Arar ckm to •Pr-aml i«I..l ik. .i iart •« iaa> lac C^ar-, a>^ . . to ifTaaml « ito liraaa, as tk> fai m Mi. ../ n lina, «a )« aam all tat Warki, tpV. XIII ii Waul, MajnaJeaiyV, «ad led him io f./aw, <*. ....... i t I e 1 1 vt ' . , v . , - -..I.I4.S.HI- auc'4 1 ..,' . ' XXIV ■•I Oa tto 4 A Diy of tto w,. „,. ,^ ,—,,, Mil Tw.f,i^w„u I !»-«■. A, ttoi ■ 4-i H.J.U mm .»,-. Tan. a- tto w.,j, .wu I kau, am / 6, u ikrn ... . * • '"MlrKr.^..,,-.|- ^kP,fa,llulia-l,|.||i,l.,fc,i0/, ' •"*. W„. • .„. .krn „ »., ,r, ,1.,., IfcaUf a/tiff,.., iXlll, 1 • A N HELP For the more Eafy and Clear Under/landing O F T H E HOLY SCRIPTURES: BEING The Four Go/pels and the Acts of the Apoftles, Explain d after the following Method, viz*. 1. The Original or Greeks Text amended according to the Beft and moft Ancient Readings. 9 II. The Common Englijb Tr (inflation render'd more Agree ' ~.z the Original. III. A Paraphrafe, wherein not only the Difficult Exprejfions and Paffages are explain'd i but alfb Each Book is divided into Proper Sections and Paragraphs : and withall it is obferv'd, What Gaps or Omijfions are in each Gofpely and how Supply d by lome other Go/pel; and what Paffages are not plac'd Aright^ as to Order of Time. To the End of each Book is fubjoin'd a Sytiopjis of the Contents thereof. IV. Annotations relating (as Occafion requires) to the Several Particulars. To All which, after the General Preface, there is prefix' J i. A Difcourfe concerning \\vzjewijh Rulers, as alfo the Tharifees and Sadducees, &c. mention'd in the New Tcftament. 2. A Difcourfe concerning iheflerodian Family, and iheProfelytes among the JewSj&c. 3. A Chronological Table of the Hiftory of the New Teftainent: Bv Edw. Wells D. D. Rettor oiCotesbach in Leicefterjljire. OXFORD, Printed at the Theater, for Jatnes Knapton at the Crown in S. Pauls Church-Yard, London. 171 8. Vi . LX X - Imprimatur, J 0. BARON VICE-CAN. OXON. Mail $. i*ji8. ' ERRATA. Page 8. line ult. read lyrtis. p. 98. v. 8. r. afyajrots. p. lip. t. 6. from bottom ofParafhrafe, after Luke 6. r. add, thro' the Corn. /M37./.11. r. catches away. p. 138. ■». 16. r. itxdrw. p. 142. v. 48. r. «wsS. 150. /• I. y. «fe<««uo». /. 152.11.3. c Aj«7» kj »j«f<5. f. 154. v. 9. r. ilfotuKK\i*t. p. 194. i/. 12. r. They fay unto him. p. 198. /. 3. /row io«o>» r. both the Prophet.' />. 112. i\ 16. r. 7&/ JJV». p.zi^. I, 5. from bottom r. If God (hen make Good. p.z\6. v. 4. r. xxXa. p. 242. i). 29. y. »cj 0 t^. ^. 260. v. 73. r. trams, p. 279. m j?V/? tfjar- gin«/ no«»r. molt probably, />. 285. /. if. r. of his Temptation, p. 288. "y. 3 r. r. K^xiJimt. p. 293. /. j. of Paraph, r. in the Houfe where he was , not improbably, p. 294. ti. 14. r. faw Levi. p. 297. /. «A. of Paraph, r. Therefore the Son of Man. p. 304. -v. 28. r. >£ j3A«- c-tyrnuaf. p. 33 1. I. penult. ofParaph. r. to go, toward, f. 334. f. 9. r. i9ir«7T. /". 538. f • 3- *■. as. /). 346. ti. 17. r. XnxetSels. p. 348. f . 19. r, JZ >»««. ^>. 352. ti. 44. f. it. p. 360. t/. 34. r. ifiTj. />. 365./. 6. from bottom r. with aShe-afs his Dam. p.$66.v. 1 2. r. BijJawW. />. 367. i» »fee TTMe o/«foe SeSiion r. Chap. XL 12. — 19. p. 382. v. 16. r. j£ 0 «s to. /. 399. /. t-Priefihood. And hence it is moft probably, that we find Two mention'd, wis. Annas and Caifhas(Luh. 3. 2.) as H'r: hPriefts, together:, whereof Annas'vrxs the.No/iyindCaipbas the Aaronical High-Prieft, moft properly and commonly fo Chief Priefts and Elders. $■ fo call'd in the Scriptures; thefe two differing one from the other much as did Mofes and Aaron. And fo much for the Chief Priefts and High-Triejls mention'd in the N. T. or Gofpel-Hiftory. Another Sort of Perfons, of which confided the great San- g. he aria, were the Elmers, who were chofen out of all the El- of the Ei- ders or Heads of Families among the Lay Tribes, and by ders- Impofition of Hands receiv'd into the fa id Sanhedrin. Theie were ftyl'd Elderj of the People, Matth. 2r. 23. and 26. t). and Elders of 1ft ael, Ad:. 4. 8, whereby they were diftinguifh'd from the Reft of the Elders or Heads of Families who were not Members of the faid Sanhedrin, a nd were fimply call'd Elders. The third and laft Branch or Members of the great San- hedrin were the Scribes, Te^u^Hf, i. e. fuch as had been of f/Jtaibes. taught Tetwfl*., the Writings or Boohs of the Law, and in- truded in the meaning of them. Thofe that were taken into the faid Sanhedrin, were flyled Scribes of the Teople (Matth. 2. 4.) to diftinguifh them from the Reft who did only keep School, and teach the Law, and were ftyl'd limply Scribe s. It remains only co oblerve in Refe- rence to the great Sanhedrin, that it is generally denoted in the Gofpel Hiftory by naming All three, or fome of the three Branches of it aforemention'd ; as the Chief Priefts and Siribes and Elder s*bf the Peofle, Matth. 26. 3. and 16. 2 1. Thi Chief Priefts and Scribes, Matth. 21. 15. Toe Chief Pritjls tnd Elders of the Peofle, Matth. 21. 23. &c. The Words Pharifees %n& Sadducees were -not Titles of 10. Authority, but only Names of two different Sects among of the ?h2ri- the Jews. In Reference to which it is to be known, that S„«Ss"is"d" there were even among the religious or pious Jews, fome that contented themfelves to do that only which was com- manded by the Law, who as they were call'd Kjra'm or Kjirxi , from the Word Kjira, fignifying in Hebrew to Ready whence Kj:rxi denoted fuch as adher'dto the Letter of the Law ; fo what was commanded by the Law was call'd Seaek or their Righteoufmf, which he that perform'd, fa- tisfy'd the Obligation of the Law, or fulfills the Righteouf- nefs thereof, wiience fuch were alfo call'd Saaikim or Sad- B ducees, lo Of the Jerviflj Rulers, Sec. ducecs, i. e. the Righteous. But there were fome others a- mong the Religious Jews, that did not content themfelves in many Refpe&s to do only what was commanded by the Law, but perform'd voluntarily fome Things which the Law did not require. And what was thus done over and a- bove what the Law requir'd, was callM their Chefed or ex- traordinary Goodntfs or 'Piety > and filch as praftis'd this, were thence ftyled Chajidm or JJii.eans, i. e. the extraor- dinary Pious. And of thefe we rea.d exprefly, i Maccab. 2. 42. where they are defcrib'd to be wtutyfyntu t$J toy.?, which we render, Voluntarily devoted to tie Law ; whereas the Greek Expreffion fignifies (as Dr. Hammond has obferv'd in his Treatife of Wilhwrrjlrif, Sect. 28.) Thofe that in their Obedience performed voluntarily fome Things which the haw required not. Thefe Jjideans are thought to be the f.m. that are otherwife cali'd Ejjens, this latter being (as it feems) a Word only made or corrupted from the former. Now the Jjideans or Eflhzs, as they thought themfehes not obliged by the Law to do feveral Acts of Piety or Religion which they did, fo much lefs did they go about to lay an Obligation on all others to do the fame. But at length there arofefome among them, who began to form fuch Voluntary Acts of Piety into Precepts, and to lay an Obligation on All to do as they did. And then being not obey'd in their fevere Prefcriptions, they feparated themfelves from All others,' even from the Jjideans ; and thence took to themfelves, or had given them, the Name of Ptu.rifees, from the Hebrew . j Word Pbaras, which fignifies to fefarate. This I take to be the beft Account, both of the Rife of the Sadducees and Pha- rifeesy and alfo of the Import of their Names. There oc- curring no mention of them in the Canonical Books of the Old Teftament, it is not to be doubted but thefe two Se£ts arofe in the Time between the Times of the Old and New Teftament. D I S- ( II ) DISCOURSE II. Of the Herodian Family , fo far forth as is requifite for the better Under ft anding of the Hiftory of the New Teftament. As alfo fvme Obfervations concerning the Profelytes mentioned in N. T.; and the Diftin&ion between Hebrews and Hellenifts. AS Herod furnam'd the Great was KJng of fudea, i. when our Wetted Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST^ Ufefof- was born ; ib feveral of his Family or Defcendents, were ^^ h^o- Princes either of Judea or of fome neighbouring Country ', dian Fumiij. during the whole Time taken Notice of in the Hiftory of the Go/pels or oAtts of the A[oJi!es ; and fo are occasio- nally mention'd in the laid Hiftory. Whence it comes to pafs, that in order to have a right and clear Notion of feve- rs;! Pajfages in the Gofpels and Acts ; it is neceffary to have a right and clear Knowledge of the Herodian Family, and of the feveral Perfbnt thereof mention'd in the facred Hiftory. And the beft Way to give the Reader fuch a Knowledge of this Family is, to give an Account thereof (To far forth as re- lates to the facred Hiftory) here All together, rather than by feveral Parcels canton'd into particular Notes on the Places of N. Teftament, where the faid feveral Perfons are men- tion'd. Herod, who was KJng of Judea largely taken for the Ho- 2. ly Land in general; was by Extraction an laumean or Edo-u-.Tcd, ;n B 2 mhe7wbi"'erme 1 7 Of the Herodian Family, &c. ch^ist was mite, that is, of the Race of Edom or Efr on account of his Railing himfdf to the Great- nefs of a King, and that too a Powerful one. Among the feveral So;n he had by feveral Wives, it will be - Sufficient to my purpofe to take notice of thefe four, viz. of hi f sens. AriftoluluSy-ArcbeUius, Ant i fas, and Philif. Of drift&lulus it is requifite to take Notice here, not on „ 4* his own account (He being put to Death by his Fathers Means bu'u' the Fa- about four or Five Years before our Lord was born, and there tberj'K-ag being conlequently no mention made of him in the Sacred A£*ip?a- Hiliory:) But on account of his Son Agnffa, who came in time to be a great Prince and King, and is mention'd h\ gAct. XII. under the Name of his Grandfather Herod, and laftly wlio had feveral Cliildren mention'd in N. T. I fhall therefore fpeak more of him below in his Proper place,orafcer I have fpoken of his three Uncles above mention'd, viz. oArchelaus, ylnlifas, and Philip. Upon Hxrous Death, which was in the March next after 5- our Lords Birth,aecording to Herods Will confirm'd by the Ro- o/ArchUaiis, man Emperour Agifhis, his Son A ch.Jaus fucceeded him in wbgragnedin the greater!: part of his Dominions., viz. Judea properly lbcal- iaien&cT"1' ^ *et*' Id*meat &nd Samaria. Accordingly we read in Matth. . I. 22. that Jofeph being return'd out of Egyft with the Child Jefus and his Mother, when he heard that oArchelaus did reign m Judea in the roan of his Father Herod, he was afraid to go thither. And this is the Only place where Archelaus is mention'd in the Hiftory of the Gofpel. For the Under- ifanding the Reafon whereof it is obfervable that about nine Years after our Lords Birth, or Somewhat better, eArchelaut having been accus'd by the Jews and Samaritans, was Outed of all by Augufius the Roman Emperor, and banifh'd to Vi- enne in France; his Territories viz.Jndea^afua, la, and Idumea, being reduced into the form of a Province, and joyn'd to Sy- ria. Upon his Father Herod's Death, and according to his Will nth (confirm,d or confented to by Augujliu) Anti£as became Gover- JOj Herod An- li0i' • Of the Herodian Family 3 Sec. i 2 nor of Galilee and Perea or the Country beyond Jordan, "withtiPas>T^''»'c* the Title of a Tetranh. This oAntipas is called like wife o/Gllike* Herod, Luk. III. 1. Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee ; and the fame is the Herod, that imprifon'd and beheaded John "Bapti/t, Luk. III. 19, 20. Matt. XIV. 1 — 10; and la ft ly, this is the Herod, to whom Pilate fent our BlefTed Lord JESUS, and v/\\ofet him at nought and mocked him. Luk. XXIII. 7 — 12. In .4. D. 40. this Herod was, by Caligu- la the then Roman Emperor, not only Outed of his Tetrar- chy, but alfo banifli'd for ever to Lyons in France. The Emperor gave his Tetrarchy to Kjng Agrippa, the* Son of his Brother Arifiobuhs abovemention'd, and fo his Nephew, and who was alfo his Brother-in law, being the Brother of Htrodias, who had been firft the Wife of Philip, and leav- ing him, cohabited with this Herod againft the Admonitions of "jam Baptift, and thereupon became the Caufe of the Baptift's Death. But Providence juftly and remarkably punilh'd Her, in making her likcwife the Caufe of this He- roas Banilhment, by letting him on (out of Envy to her Brother Agrippa? s Greatnels, who was made a f\j%gi) to go to Caligula the Emperor, and to feek for the fame Honour. But the'Emp:ror initeadof making Him a Fj&g, took away his Tetrarchy, and fent him into perpetual lianifjjuizut, as is afore obferv'd : a jult and remarkable Punifhment for One, who had fet at nought the Bleffed JESUS, who is K.ING of KJngs. {Revel. 19. 16.) The only Sou of Herod the Great, which is mention'd in 7. N. T. and remains here to be fpoken of, is 'Phillip, who Fmrtbfyt according to his Fathers Will, upon his Death became Te-^fet^K trarchoi Iturea and Trachouit is, (&c.) as is mention'd Luh.iwei and III. 1. This is the -'Philip, whole Wife He'rodi'as his Bro-Trachoniti£- ther Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee got from him. In the 22./. Year of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, which an- fwers partly to A. D. 35, and partly to oA. D. 36, dyed this Pailip ; and upon his Death his Tetrarchy (viz.. Iturea and Trachelitis, Sec J was added to Syria by Tiberias. g^ Having given Account of the three Sons of Herod the Creat, 0f King A. who are mentioned in N. T. viz. Archdaus, Herod (oAti- grippe or »s tipus,) and Philip; I proceed now to fpeak of Agrippa tW^jJJS ,£ Granajon Grejt. 1 4 Of the Herod ian Family, Sec. Grannfon of Herod the Great by his Son ArifioluJus above- mention'd in §. 4. This Agrif£a was by Order of the Em- peror Tiber ins a little before his Death (viz. A. D. 36.) clapt into Bonds, and kept Prifoner, at Ca£ria, for faying, He fhould be Glad to fee Caligula Efoperer. Wherefore 37- bbrtKS was no fooner dead, but Caligula being thereby now become Emperor, order'd Jgrifpa to be pleas'd, (which was A. D. 37.J and withal fent him a Crown, making him KJ'% of his late Uncle Philips Tetrarchy, and alfo adding thereunto the Tetrarchy of Lyfanias mention'd Lul\ III. 1. In A. D. 41. this King Agripfa had new Favours beftow'd upon him by Claudius, who was now the Roman Emperor, and who gave him All his Grandfather Herod's Kingdom, and moreover Abyla, and Mount Ulams. Hereupon proba- bly He might take upon him the Name of his Grandfather viz. Herod, as being not only Equal to him, but was Supe- rior now in Power : on which Account He was ftyl'd Agrif- fa the Great, as his Grandfather was ftyl'd Herod the Great. Certain it is that this is He who is call'd Herod the Kjr.g, Att. XII, and who putjames the Son of Zjbedee to Death, and imprifon'd 'Peter for the fame purpofe, as is related in Jti. XII. After Paflover A. D. 44, He went to Ce/area, where being cry'd up for a God, and not Givitig Glory to God by difapproving fuch blafphemous Flatteries, He was fmitten by Gcd with a grievous Difeafe, being eaten of Worms, in order to teach Him that He was but Flejh or a Mortal Man. After his Death Claudius the Emperor re- duced his Kingdom into a Province. 9. There is one more Prince of the Herodtan Family men- QfKwg\. tion'd in N. T. and who is there exprefly called A^ripfa, fhlTr^K^^KJ'gAgrif^Kei. XXV, XXV I. This was the Son of Agrippa; and the former Agrtyfa, Claudius the Emperor would have made [£f*D*rfuf" him King of his Father's Kingdom, but was difwaded. D, 55. He had four Cities alfo given him H by Of the Herodian Family , &c. 1 5 by the Emperor Nero, viz. Ahila, Julias, Tiberias, and Tarichaa. And therefore it muft be in this laft Refped, viz. of his Kingdom of Tturea, Batanea, Trachelitis, &c. that He is ftyied Kjng in 48, XXV, XXVI, forafmuch as what is there related, fell out A. D. 60 ; and fo feveral Years after the Kingdom of Chalets had been taken from - Him. It remains only to obferve, that Dri.filla the Wife of Felix, mention'd Act. XXIV. 24, and Hernice, menti- on'd Act. XXV. 1 3, were Both Sijiers to this laft K. eA- grippa. Having taken fo much Notice of the Herodian Family, as IO# is requifite for Understanding the Gofpel- history, I pro-o/^p'ofe- ceed now to fpeak of the Profslytes among the Jews ; this tytes ""■""'<"<'«! being likewife requifite to the Knowledge of the Sacred 'nMr' History, there being Four times exprefs mention made of thefe Profelytes in N. T; and alfothey being much more frequently refer fd to along the HiStory of the Ads of the Apoii'es. The Word Profelyte is of Greek Extraftion, and in that Ix> Language denotes One that comes to Another ; whence it is The gen/rai uied in Matters of Religion to denote One that comes over^P0"0/^ ft cm one Religion to another, as is the Word Convert, which the time Jim- is of Latin Extradion, and of the fame or like literal Im-'^h the port in the Latin Language. Hence by a Jewifl? Profelyte ^fe'°^°"r is denoted in general Any One, who renouncing Heathen- ifm or the Worfhip of falie Gods, became a Worfhipper of the True God, or God of the Jews. In this Senfe is to be understood -the Word nd^vo, in feveral, if not in all the Pla- ces of the Ads where it occurs, which is fometimes ren-. der'd by our Tranflators Devout, but truly denotes no more than One that being a Jewifh Profelyte, was a Wor- f\rif\>er namely of the True God. Thus oAci. 17. tui yt n- Co/uvw EKhiiray TnhC ■arA.H s»$, oAnd of the devout Greeks a great Multitude, as in our Translation ; where by the nC fy.it m ba- Atic«f Devout Greeks, are meant only Gent He Profelytes. And in like Manner v. 17. of the fame Chapter we read To7f ixJkiMf ^ Tci; iAvot( j where ntst/im' by itfelf denotes Profe- lytes, and is therefore oppos'd to the Jefos by Birth as well as Religion. But 1 6 Of the Herodian Family^ &c. I2. But there were two Sorts of Profelytes among the Jews, Two sorts of viz. Some that became Profelytes or Converts fo farr as rtfy'll^te to Jidmit to Circumcifion, and lb to the Obfervance of All ligitn.1 C the legal Rites and Ceremonies. And fuch were dilfinguifh'd and dignify 'd by the Name of Profelytes of the Covenant, as having as full a Title to the Privileges and Ble flings of the Mofaical Covenant as the Jews themfelves. On the like Account they were alfo ftyled Profelytes of Righteouf- nefs, as by their Circumcifion and Obfervance of the Law fulfilling the Righteoufnefs thereof. The other Sort of Pro- felytes were call'd Profelytes of the Gate, as being permit- ted to dwell among the Jews ; but ftill efteem'd of by the Jews in many Refpe&s r 2?. The oApoJiles and Elders and Brethren fend Greet- ing unto the Brethren which are of the GENTILES in in it. And therefore it is very reafonable to fuppofe, that under the Name of the Jews that oppofed the Gofpel, are to b*e underftood, not only the Jews by Birth, but alfo the Circumcis'd Gentiles, as being no lefs Jews by Religion than the Other, and fo no lefs Zjalous for the Law, and preju- diced againft the Gofpel.- Whereas on the contrary the Gentiles who were Profelytes of the Gate, plainly fliew'd by Not fubmitting ThemJ elves to Circumcifion or the Ob- fervance oi the Law, that they had no efteem of Circum- cifion or the legal Rites, as necejfary in Themf elves to ren- der them acceptable to the true God, tho' He was the God of Jfrael ; who had given the Law and commanded Cir- cumcifion to the Seed of Abraham a And therefore no Won- der that Thefe were fo Readily difpos'd to receive the Gofpel, as wrnwg from theTrue God viz. the God, of lfrael-y and Of the Herodian Family, &c. i? and yet not requiriug Circumcifion and the Obfervance of the Law as necejfary to Salvation ; and herein being Agre e- able to their former Notions and Practice. But now altho' the Circumcifed Profelytes of the Gen- i 5 tiles, as well as the natural Dependents of Abr<:Mm,ofth^>- were both comprehended under the common Name of^^*" s JEWS, as being One as much as the Other JEWS tit andReiknii}? Religion ; yet They were wont to be diftinguilh'd by o- ther DifterenPNames agreeable to their different Extraction. Namely, Thofe that were JEWS, i. e. of the Jewifo Re- ligion, and defcended trom ^Abraham, were therefore diftin- guifh'd by the Name of Hebrews, in Reference to Abraham their Progenitor, who was of the Hebrew Race : Whereas Thofe that were JEWS, /'. e. of the Jewifi Religion, and were by Delcent Gentiles, were diftinguifh'd by the Name of Hellenifts ; becaufe All Gentiles, in and before the Times of the Gofpel were denoted by the Name "emm^, Greeks, by Reafon of the Gentiles neighbouring to Judea, gene- rally ufing the Greek Tongue, and conforming themfelves to the Greek Cuftoms j from the fetting up of the Greek Empire. Accordingly we find this Diftinclion eAc?. VI. 1. Where it is faid, that there arofe a murmuring of the Helle?iijis for as it is in our Tranflation, Grecians) againjt the Hebrews, becaufe their Widows mere neglected in the dai- ly Mini ftrat ion. Namely, it feems probable, that thofe en- trufted with the Daily Miniftration were Hebrews, and fo fhew'd moreKindnefs to the Widows that werealfo Hebrews or Defcendents of Abraham, than they did to the Widows that were He llenijis or of Gentile Extraction. There is another O* pinion concerning the Import of theforemention'dDiftnicT:i- on bet wen the Hebrews and the Hellenifts, and which is fol- lowed by me in the Notion the Title of the Epiftle to the Hebrews : but on more mature Deliberation I judge the G- pinion mention'd to be the moft Preferablee. As the Word imva is ufed by the Sacred Writers to x6t denote, not only the Greeks properly fo call'd, but alfo TheMethodob* (for the Reafon mention'd in the foregoing Paragraph; JfJJg «* All the Gentiles in general : So I have obferv'd this Method Uhmi. in core&ing our Tranflation, wherein it is indifferently ren- der'd, fbmetimes Greeks, fometimes Gentiles: viz. where C 2 it . ao Of the Herodian Family* Sec. t it is fpoken of the Greeks properly fo calPd, or at lea ft fo call'd by common Authors in a larger Acceptation, there I have render'd it Greeks ; but where it is fpoken of fuch as were not Greeks properly or by common Authors fo call'd, there I have render'd it at large Gentiles, ij- It ntay be of Ufe to obfeive here in the laft Place, that cfthcMknif- by the Helleniflick Tongue or Form of Speaking or Writing is Tonga, denoted no other than the ufual Way of fuch as were born Jews, and fo were not well skilled in the (Sreek Tongue, to exprefs themfelves when they fpoke or wrote in Greek, after fuch a Manner as was comformable to their Way of expreffing themfelves in the Hebrew or their own Lan- guage: This being no other than what is natural, and therefore obfervable in any Foreigners now adays, when they fpeak or write in a Language they are not well skill'd in. Agreeably hereto the Greek Verfion of the O. T. commonly call'd the Septuagint Verfion, as alfo the Greek of the New Teftament, abounds with Examples of the Helleniflick Way of ExpreJJion, or wherein the Greek Ex- preflion is adapted to the Hebrew or Oriental Idiom or Pro- priety of Speaking or Writing. This Way of Speaking or "Writing feems to have had the Name of the Hellenif- tick Language given to it, by fuch as judged the Hellenijts mention'd in the A£ts to have been fuch Jews by Defcent among the Smww or Gentiles that fpoke Greek ; and yet not underftanding the Greek Tongue well Themfelves, were wont to exprefs themfelves according to the Hebrew Idiom. And this is all I judge requifite to take Notice of here. The CHRO- ( ai ) THE CHRONOLOGY O F T H E . New Teftament, Trve Years Years °f of CHRIST. common Ac- count from CHRIST Years of Roman Emperors ditgujlus 28. Viz. ft om his '<*<>wgAlexan iria in Egypt, ;r according '0 Ptolemy's Canon. It an yvers to Na- bon} 74<. 29 ■lemarkable Particulars either exprefly mention'd in N. T. or relating hereto. The Annunciation of the Bl. Virgin, x Conception of CHRIST, March 25- The Birth of John Baptift, Jun. 24. Jofeph and Afary go up toBethlehem to be tax'd. Chrifl is horn at Bethlehem, Dec- 25. Our Lord's Circumcifion, Jan. 1. The Wife-Men come to him at 'Bethle- hem. His Prefentation in the Temple. The f%fo of >y^£, &c. with the Child JESUS into Egypt. The Maf- facre of the Infants. Toward the middle of March this Year, Herod the Great dies at Jericho^ being 70 Years Old. Augujlus the Ro- man 22 True Years] of Years of common Ac- A Chronological Table. r-uPTQT (count from l^HKlhl. CHRIST; Hi I — Years of Roman Emperors 3° 3l 32 54 31 Remarkable Particulars. man Emperor gives to Heroes Son Arch'elaus the chief Parts of his Fa- thers Dominions, viz. Judea, and ldu~ nea and Samaria : To Herod's Son Anttyas he gave Galilee and 'Percy? ; and to his Son Philip, Iturea, and VrO^honiiis* Herod being dead, and Archelav.s reigning in Judea, Jofeph and the Vir- gin Mary with the Child JESUS re- urn out of Es.yft» I Jun. 27. Auguftus adopted Tibe- us. Archelaus was now accufed by the Jews and Samaritans. Archelaus is depriv'd of All by Au- uftus for Mifgovernment, and banifh'd to Vienna in Gaul. His Territories ^iz. Judea, Samaria, and Idumea were educed to the Form of a Province, iftd )oin'd to Syria* Quirinius calPd Lull. II. 2. Cyreni- csc was now fent into Syria by ,4a- . «j$?« to levy a Tkv there, according to :he Valuation of Eftates formerly made, oiz. in the Year when Chrift was born. 'Judas A Chronological Table. 2 3 True Years of CHRIST. Years of common Ac- count from CHRIST Years of Roman Emperors. 12 10 Tiberius I. 16 14 ■ 28 '. 26 12 29 27 *J • 3° 28 14 CHRIST comes up to Jerufalem be- ig 12 Years of Age, to the Pajjover, Luk. II. 42. in A'igufi 19. The Emperor Angtjtus dies at AWtf in. Campania^ being 76 Years of Age. To whom Tibtrius ucceeds, who reigned 22 Years, 6 Months, and 26 Days. Remarkable Particulars. Judas of Galilee now in the D^j of this Taxing drew away much People «fter him. AcL V. 37. cPohtius Pilate is fent by Tiberius to be Procun tor cf Judea. ' Agrippa junior, the laft King of the Jews, is bora. We read of him Art. XXV, XXVI. Bemice Sifter to King Agrippa, and mention'd Ait. 25. 13, was born this Tear. Our Lord, beginning to be about thirty Tears of Age, Luk. IJI. 23. came to be baptised by John Baptirh After which follow his Faft forty Days, and Temptation in the Wildernefs. Then He returns to the Baptift at 'Bethabara ; where Andrew and John and Pffer become his Difciples. Joh. I. 28. 40, 41. Hence therefore is to be dated the very jirji Beginning of his Minifiry. April True Yearfc of CHRIST. Years of i common Ac-i count from CHRIST. A Chronological Table. Years of Roman Emperors. 29 M Kemarkable Particulars. April 18. was the FIRST PASSO- VER after our Lords Entring into his Miniftry, which he kept at JeruJaJetn. Joh. II. 1 3 . John "Baptijl was not yet caft into Prifon. Joh. III. 24. 52 30 ?J Si 16 *7 April 7. was the SECOND PASS- OVER after our Lord's Entrance on his Miniftry, which He kept likewife at Jerufalem. "Joh. V. 1. John Baptift was now caft into Tri- fon, as may be reafonably inferr'd from Chrifts faying, He WAS a burning and afbinjng Light. Joh. V. ^5. JESUS going fometime after this in- to Gclilee, begins that Part of his Miniftry., whiclvis taken Notice of by St. Matthew, Mark and Luke, viz. af- ter the ■ Imprifonment of the Baptift. Matth. IV. 12. Mark. I. 14. Now upon his preaching and doing Miracles in a more fettled PUBLICK manner than Afore, the People GA- THERED to him in vaft Multitudes, Matth. IV. 24, 25. Whereby was Fulfilled JAcOtS Prophecy, (Gen. 49. 10.; the SCEPTER alfo being then Reported from J.nlah . March 26. was the THIRD PASS- OVER, after our Lords Firft Entry upon this Miniftry, which he kept not at Jerufalem, flaying in Galilee by Reafon of the Malice of the Jewifh and becaufe his Hour Rulers againft Him, A Chronological Table. True Years of CHRIST Years of common A c- count from CHRIST 34 Y ea rs of Roman Emperors. 5 32 Remarkable Particulars. Hour was not yet come. He was in Galilee now in Harveft Time (which always began on the XV th of Nzfant which was March 16. this Year) as appears from his Difciples plucking there the Eats of Com, Sec. Mark. If. 2 j. Luk. VJ. 1. April ^ this Year was the FOURTH PASSOVER after our Lord's Firft En- ding upon his Miniftry, when He ft ay7 din Galilee, as he had done the Year afore ; as appears from Job. VI. 4. £$c. On May 1 r, of this Julian Year, or fome little time later, ended the (jeveu Weeks and Sixty two Weeks (viz. of Years) from theTiventieth ofJrtaxerxes 'Nehem. II. J eAfte r which, and Before the End of another Year, the Mejjias was to be cut off according to Dan. IX. 26. viz. at the Paflbver next en- fuing when accordingly our Lord was cut of. Oh the 15 th of the Hebrew Month Tifri was always the Feafi of Ta- bernacles, which 15 th of Tifri fell this Year about the middle of our October* Our Lord came up to Jerufalem to keejf thisFeaft there, Job. VII. 2, 10. On the 25th of the Hebrew Month Cifleu, which anfwer'd this Year to our Decernl. 16. ^according to Riccioli^") was the Fea/i of the Dedication, which D our a<5 True Year; of CHRIST. Years of Roman Emperors. A Chronological Table, Remarable Particulars. our Lord likewife kept, at Jerusalem, as appears Job. X. 22. April 3. was the FIFTH PASSO- VER after our Lord's Firft Entring upon his Miniftry, at which he fufie- red, viz. on the forefaid April 3. Be- ing then the tPreparation-cDay or the Day before the Jewifh Sabbath, which accordingly anfwers to Our Friday. April 5. our Lord rofe from the dead; Forty Days after He aj 'tended into Hea- At Pentecoft May 24, feven vet Weeks after our Lord's Refurre£Ho% the Holy Gtoft dtfcended on the eApoJl- [es. And what "elfe is related in the •jrft five Chapters of the Affs, is fup- pos'd to have fell within this Year. The Inftitution and Ordination of the firft feven Deacons. Toward the End of this Year began the Persecution of the Church at 'Jeru- salem, in which Stephen was fton'd. Philip, one of the Deacons, makes Converts at Samaria, and among ci- thers converts Simon Magus, who after- wards became the Author of great He- refy in the Church. Philip converts alfo the Ethiopian Eunuch* SauVs or St. TauFs Converfion. He goes into Arabia ; where he had his Revelation immediately from Chrift, Gal. I. 12. In A Chronological Talk. 27 True Years of CHRIST. Years of common Ac- count from CHRIST Years of Roman Emperors. 37 35 21 38 36 22 39 37 Caligula 1 40 38 s Remarkable Particulars. In 2 2d Year of Tiberius dy'd Pfo7/f die Tetrarch without Children. About this Time the Samaritans breaking out into open War, dilate kills many of them. Saul or St. Paul ftay'd All this Year in Arabia. On Pilate's killing fome Samaritans, as is mention'd in the foregoing Year, He is accufed of Murder before Vitellim the Prefident of Syria ; and order'd by him to Rome. Tetrarch Herod's Army was now routed by oAretas King of Arabia, who had now garrifon'd cT)amafcus. March 16 this Year dies the Empe- ror Tiberius, and is fucceeded by Cairn Caligula, who reigned 3 Years 10 Months 8 Days. Pilate is banifh'd by Cains to Vienne in Gaul or France. Agrippa Son of Ariflobulw and Grandfon of Herod the Great, is'madc 1 KJng by Caius, who gave to him the Tetrarchy of his Uncle Philip, and alfo the Tetrarchy of Lyfanias. This is He whom St. Luke calls Herod, Ad. XII. 1, fcJfc St. Paul returnM to Damafcm ouc of aArabia, and there preaches. St. Paul efcapes from. TJaiiiafc^s to Jerusalem, whence ("to efcape being D 2 '-nM kilPd aS True Years of CHRIST. Years of common Ac- count from CHRIST. A Chronological Table. 4-i Years of Roman Emperors. 42 39 40 43 ; 44 41 Remarable Particulars. 'ull'd by the Hellenifts) he went -to 'afarea, and fo to Ta-ifas. Claudius Now had the CHURCH Reft thro' ill Judea, Samaria, andGalilee. Peter partes thro' all Quarters, and comes to Lydia, and Jo\ fa, and thence to Cafa- <\ea, where he converts Cornelius, kc. 42 Tetrarch Herod had his Tetrarchy now taken from him by the Emperor Zaius, and is banifh'd for ever to Lyons in France. Cains gave Herod's Te- :rarchy to his Brother Agriffa. Januar. 24 Cains the Emperor is 'dll'd by Confpirators. His Uncle Claudius Cafar fucceeds, and reigns 1 5 Y. 8 m. 20 d. King Agriffa had now new Favours jeftow'd on him by Claudius, viz. ill his Grandfather Herod's Patrimo- ny, and more ever \Abila, and Mount Libanus. And therefore probably He might take upon Him the Name of his 3randfather, as being not only e- qual to him, but Superior now in Pow- Barnabas is now fent by the Church at Jemfalem to Antioch in Syria, AcV XI. 32. Hamabas fetches Paul from Tarfus to Antioch CAB '. XL 23, 25.) where Luke is judg'd to have been converted by St. Paul. James A Chronological Table. True Year J Years ?f *9 of CHRIST. 47 :ommotiAc- ount from :hrist Years of Roman Emperors 45 Remarkable Particulars. James Son of Zjbedee is hl'Pd by Hi rod- Jgrippa, and Peter imprifoii'd by him, but miracuhufly deliveSd. Herod himfelf dies quickly after, being eaten with Worms (AQ:. XII.). About this Time St. Matthew pro- bably writ his Gofpel. Paul and Barnabas carry the Contri- butions of the Chriftians at Antioth to :he Elders at Jerufaletn, whence they return to oAntioch, bringing with them 'john furnam'd Mark, Sillers Son to Barnaluis. The Beginning of this Year (if not che Ending of the la ft) Tattl and "Barria- tas are by the Direction of the Holy Ghoft feparated to the Office and Work of Apoftles. AS. XIV. 4, 14. Accordingly They fet forth from intioch to Seleucia, and fo to Cy- prus. About this Time, viz, fometime in the Twelfth Year after Chrift's eAfcen- /ion, 'tis generally believ'd that the A- poftles left Jerufalem to go and preach in the feveral Provinces of the Getitile World. Paid and 'Barnabas fail from Cyprus to Perga in Pawpbylia, where John Mark left them, returning to Jerufa- lem. Paul and 'Barnabas go on to An- tioch in Pijidia. oAtt. XIII. 14.. Thence 3° T,ue Years of CHRIST Years of | years of common Ac-, Rmm CCHRttXlEmfeiMS- ^ Chronological table. 49 5° 46 . Ptftf/ and &7) aim irjyiw iu Xiuua. There Lafo ioin'd them. g/4#. XVI. 10. From TVtfdy they all go to Philip pi in Macedonia. Thence All but hue True Year.' of C HRIST 54 55 5* A Chronological Table. Years of common Ac count from r CHRIST. EnW°rs J** 52 Years o' Roman 12 5J 54 i4 Nero. Remarkable Particulars. Luke (as appears AB. XVI. 17.) went :o Tbejjalonica. Paul goes from Thejj'alomca to Be- w, and fo to Athens, and Corinth, where S/'jaj and Timothy come to him. We. read no more of Silas after this. PW is judgM now to write his III Bpiftle to the Theffelonians, Paul (till itays at Corinth, where he is accufed before Gallio. He is judg'd now to write his lid Spiftle to the Thejjfhnians. After 1 Years 6 Months ftay at Co- inth, Paul fails to[Epb'efus9 and fo to Cxfaresr, and goes thence to jferufalm it Pallover. Thence he goes to. oA ich in Syria (_Atl\ 18. 22. ) Thence thro' Galatia and Phrygia to £jpjbc /kr. OBoler 13. Dies Claudius the Em- peror, being poifon'd by his Wife A- grifpina Mother or N&ror who-fuc- needed and reigned 1 3 Years 7 Months 28 Days. Peter is faid to have come ijo Corinth gone about this Time, and . to have thence to Rome . Paul continues (till at Ephefus, preach- ing in the School of Tj/ramus, for two Tears, (Jcf« 19. 1 o.) felix ?4 True Year of CHRIST. 57 . Years of common Ac- count from CHRIST. 55 Years of Roman Emperor. A Chronological Table. Remarkable Particulars. 59 6o 62 57 58 60 Felix, who was made Governor by Claudius, and came into Samaria at che Beginning of A. D. 49, is con- tirm'd in his Government by Nero. ?c\ Romm -^Emperors. 61 64 62 ("> 63 8 66 64 10 3* Remarkable Particulars. After 3 Months flay in Malta, Paul fails thence to Syracufe, and fo to Rbe- tum, and Puteoli for Rome. Whither .ie came about February in the Seventh of Nero, as Bifhop Pearfon largely proves in his Annai. Paulin. In the End of this Year St. Paul is judged to have writ four Efiflles in the Order following, viz. to the Philtypi- ans, Epbefians, ColoJJia/is, and Philemon. In Beginning of this Year Paul ha- ving his Liberty went from Rome, but was flill in Italy, where he writes his Epiftle to the Hebrews. In the End of this Year Paul and Timothy going for Judea fail'd unto Crete. Sometime after Paul's Departure from Kflwf, and \Peters, Irenaus in- forms us, that ikforfe and Luke writ their Gofpels, and confequently Luke muft alfo write the Acls : The Parti- cular Year is not Certain. Paul is now judg'd to have ordain'd Titus Bifhop of Crete : Then failing thence with Timothy to have come into Judea according to his Intention (Hebr. 15. 2$.) Thence to have gone into A/ia, and there at Ephefeis to have left Timothy with Authority over the Teachers, i e. to have made him. Bifiop. E Pa«t 34 True Year.' of CHRIST. 67 Years of ommon Ac ount from CHRIST 65 68 69 Years of Roman Emperors. A Chronological Table. Remarkable P articular*. 11 66 67 12 J1 Paul went from Ephtj us to Macedonia (1 7/w. I. 3.) and fo to Thilippi (Pi;!. I. 2 5.J He wintered at Nicofolis in E- pirus, (as Bifhop Pear [on proves) not in Macedonia. Paul writ III Epiftle to Timothy and alfo That to litus. From Nicopolis Paid went to Corinth, where he left Era/ins (2 Tim. 4. 20.) He was alfo at Troas (v. !■$.) and Mi- letus, where he left Trophimus fick (v. 20. Paul ventnrM to Rome, the Perfec- tion being over above two Years fince, and Nero alfo being now in Greece. But TauJ found another Nero there, viz. Helius, to whom Nero had left the Go¥ernment with full Power in all Matters, to adt as he pleas'd, even without confulting him. Paul was fo well known at Rome, that he could not be hid. He was therefore taken, and kept now a clofe Prifcner, infomuchthat Onefphorm had much ado to find him (2 Tim. I. 17.J He was call'd to a Trial before Hehus, for his Life. None of his Friends dar'd to appear for or with Him j but &'hl forfook hi v. (2 Tim. 4. 16.) B*ut Go J then deliver'' a him out of the Mouth of the Lyon, (ib.J namely He- ius. After his firft Trial before Helius, Paul writ his Sec ottu Epijile to Timothy being _ _. I Years of TrueY&ricommiAc. of CHRIST count fron CHRIST A Chronological Table. g 5 Remarkable Particulars. Years of Roman Emperors. 70 68 '4 73 98 100 102 71 96 being then in near Expe&ation of Death '2 7)w. 4. 6.) "Peter writes his Second Epiftle. February 2$. St TW was martyred at /lo/tff under the Governors in Nero's Abfence, as Clemens^ Romanus witnef- fes. St. Peter alfo is faid now to have fuffer'd Martyrdom together witli St. Paul. June 9th. Nero kills himfelf. -< 1 — .i -1 — . jude might now write his Epiftle, which feems to have been defign'd a- gainft the Ebionites, who now broke out of the Country round about Telia. 98 100 St. John might now write his Ift Epi- ftle. And not long after his other Two, Toward the End Of Domitiatfs Reign, (who was kill'd Sept. 1 8. this Year,) He writ his Book of Revelations. After Domit tan's Death he return'd from the Ifle of Patmos to Ephefus. He now writ his Gofpe I at the Re- queft of the Bifhops of oAJia. This Year being the $d of Trajan the Emperor, dy'd St. Johny the longeft Liver of the Apoftles. E2 THE The fever al Se&ions into which the following Pa- raphrafe of Sr. MATTHEWS Gofpel is diftin- guiffjd. SECTION I. CONTAINING fuch Particulars as arc taken Notice of by St. MATTHEW, from the Birth of CHRIST to his Vaptifm, when he began to be about Thirty Years of Age. Which Particu- lars take up the twofirft Chapters of the faid Gofpel, and begin Tage% SECT II. Containing fuchParticulars as are taken Notice of by St. MATTHEW in Reference to theBaptifmof CHRIST, when he began to be about thirty Years of Age, and from thence to CHRIST'S entring ■on the more fublick Tart of his Miniftry, after the Imprifonment of John the Baptift, when CHRIST was in the thirty fecond Year of his Age. Thefe Particulars take up Chap. Ill — IV. n. of the ig to Bethpfcnge and Bethany, and riding thence in Triumph unto Jeruflem:- Which Particulars take up Chap. X. and begin p. 355 SECT VI. Containing an Account of CHRIST's coming to the Mount of Oliver, and citing. in a Lowly and yet Triumphant manner unto Jerusalem; with The CONTENTS. with fuch other Particulars as are related by St. MaARK,, and were done on the fir ft day ofthePtfj/?<3#-w^fc,commonlycalPd P Aim-Sun. day: Which Particulars take up Chap.Xl. i — n. and begin p. 365 SECT VII. Containing an Account of fuch Particulars as were done on the Se- cond-day, or the Monday of the Pasfion-week, and are related by St. MoARl\,Chap. XI. 12—19, and begin p. 367 SECT VIII. *. Containing fuch Particulars as were done on the Third day ovTuef- day of the Pasfwn-weekt and before the Evening thereof, and which are related Chap. XI. 20 -XII. ult. and begin p. 369 SECT IX. v Containing an Account of CHRIST'S Difcourfe to his Difciples,^^ fce came out of the Temple at Evening on the TftirdDay, or the Tuef- day of the Pasfion-weeh;viz. concerning the Defirutiion oftheTemplet and the Laft Judgment : Which Difcourfe takes up Chap. XIII. and was almoft wholly deliver'd on theMount of Olives, and begins p.? 79 SECTX. ■ Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfadted on the Fourth day or Wednefaay of the Pasfion-weel, and are related by St. MARI^ Chap. XIV. 1—9. This Section begins p. 287 SECTXI. Containing fuch Particulars as were done on the Fifth day or Thurfday in the Pasfton-zveek, namely he fore the Evening or Sun-Jet that Day, and which are taken Notice of Chap. XIV. 10-16. and begin p. 58a SECT XII. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfatled from Thurfday-Evening to Friday-Evening in the Pasjion-week, that is, on the Tafiover- day itfelf, which was in the thirty fifth Year of CHRISTh Ltfe^but A. T). 33. or in the thirty third Year of the Common Chrifiian JEra. The chief of the Particulars contain'd in this Section, are the - Inftitution of the Lord's Suppper, the betraying of CHRIST, his Tryal, Crucifixion, Death and Burial ; which are related Chap. XIV. 17— XV. ult. and begin p. 389 SECT XIII. .Containing 'fuch Particulars as fell out after CHRISTs Refurrecfion, chiefly on Eafter-day, and are related Chap, XVI. and begin p. 407 A N HELP For the more Eafy and Clear Under/landing O F T H E HOLY SCRIPTURES: \ BEING The Two Gofpels of S' MATTHEW and S" MARK, Exphirid after the following Method, viz. I. The Original or GreekJText amended according to the Beft and moft Ancient Readings. II. The Common Englijb Tranjlation render'd more Agreeable to the Original. III. A Paraphrafe, wherein not only the Difficult Exprefftons and Pajfages are explain'dj but alio Each Gofpel is divided into Proper Seclions and Paragraphs ; and withall it is obfervd, What Gaps or OmiJJions are in each Gofpel, and how Supply d by fbme other Gofpel i and what Pajfages are notplac'd Aright as to Order of Time. To the End of the Paraphrafe is fubjoin'd a Synopfis of the Contents of Each Gofpel. IV- Annotations relating ( as Occafion requires ) to the Several Parti- culars afore-mention'd. By Edward Wells D. D. Rector oiBlechley, Bucks. OXFORD, Printed at the Theater, for James Knapton at the Crown in S. Pauls Church- Yard, London. 171 7. , ^ii ■— ^ '?i>fiy vtttyyt^a^fim Sec. For the Indefinite i^>tysv (accord- ing to the ufe of the fai.il Tenle) .rr>ay be render'd not only edidit, as it is by the Old Tranflator, but alfo ediderat ; and fo may be eafily taken away All the Dif- ficulty of this Paffage ; Irenam thereby only and Rightly affcrting in general, that St Matthew tad writ his Gofpel, ■ token Peter and Paul preach'd at Rome &c. (t) Id his Life of St Matthew §. 7. A 2 TO to kata The GOSPEL MAT0AION ACCORDING TO ETArrEAiON. S< MATTHEW. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Chap. I. Kttp. a!. ■ J IBAOS yatnas A N * Account of theGe- BI B A O S >wW 4 N neration of J E S US CHRIST, thefon ANNOTATIONS (*) See Luke 3. 15. (*) It being the general Tradition of the Ancients, that St Matthew writ his Gofpel in Hebrew, ( concerning which fee more in the Preface ) it is not to be doubted, but the two firft Words, wherewith his Gofpel began in Hebrew, were rn'jin "IflD agreeably to what we read in the Hebrew Bible Gen. j. 1, And therefore as the Seventy Interpreters render'd the faid Hebrew words in the fore* cited Gen. y. 1. by the Greek Bi'£a«s >«*««> fo the Greek Interpreter of St Mat- thew's Gofpel render'd the fame Hebrew words by the fame Greek words, in conformity to the Septuagint Tranflation. Hence it follows , that the True meaning of /Si'"a«s jtiinus is to be difcover'd, by conGdering the True meaning of rnVin "ISO. Now *1BD do's primarily or literally fignify a Reckoning up, or an Account, or Catalogue ; and thence came to fignify Secondarily, That wherein is written my Reckoning, Catalogue, or Account, whether it be a fingle Paper or RoB, or a Book. Hence frZxes fignifying a Book in Greek, it was us'd by the LXX Interpreters, according to the Helleniftical method, in as Large a Senfe as the Hebrew 1SD; and confequently it was us'd by them to fignify not only a Book confiding of many fingle Papers or RoUs, but alfo a fingle Paper or a Jingle and leffir Roll, particularly (as in the inftance before us) luch a Paper or Roll as contain'd no more than the Genealogy or Pedigree of a fingle Perfon. Now for want of taking Notice of this Hellenifiical ufe of the word /3iSa«,-, Many learn- ed Perfons here underftand the word /3i£a«s to fignify, according to the, more ufual Ggnification of it among the Greek Authors, a Book, and fo to be a general Title to the Whole Gofpel of St Matthew; to which end they obferve, that the other Hebrew word rnSiH fignifies, not only Generations , but alfo Events of what nature foever. But it is well to be obferv'd on the other hand, that altho' rn^iP may in fome places ofO.T. fignify any Events, yet in Gen.y.r. (which is the only Place where it is join'd with 1SD) it evidently fignifies no other than Generations ; and neither "IjpD in Hebrew, nor &%*<* confequently in Greek, can there fignify a Book, but only a Roll or Catalogue or Account, viz. of the Genealogy of the Patriarchs before the Flood. For by "IflD or /8 i ^ cO » ' nam. t-yimarsT loncix.* Ioaa* Jt ryimm \ Abraham begat I faac, and t laucuC' IctjaiS y* t'cv ro c°b begat Tudas and his bre- x, t«5 «.S\\4»yvtox r $otpes iT Z*£$c ex t ©*- 3 And [udas begat Phares * « (v\. ' « c «/ c x. and Zara of Thamar, and Pha- ^- fepf A (>«»«■ r Erpoyf Ecrpa* res kgat Efrom J a'nd Efi.om JV e>«vy>iaE t AgptJ.' 4 Apxj« cTfc iyw- begat Aram : mac £ A^vc^C- A^y*<&£ «tf S>fc- , 4 And Aram begat Amina- , \ ' iki 1 / °-aD> an" Aminadab begat Na- vviac t N**oora»- Naaoa-«y *y- mon ■ *.-»,?> ~ ~ '/° r, \? ti S And Salmon begat Booz mac T Boot; o* TVS Pct^G- Bo< A of Rachabj aQ(J Bo*2 kgat »>«v>iae r ClQ$ he £ Py'fl* ri£»cA / w /o / wife of Urias : 7 SoXo/iav J* c>«w« t PoCoa^Po- ^ And Solomon begat Rq_ GoalfA Si iymwi t aCix- A&a, Si boam, and Roboam begat Abia, ' ' « . ' o » 1 ts! > ' and Abia besat Afa : tywmt t Aacr 8 Aaa «tt £>«vy>iac " " /» , -, ^ , , , x lanupAT we tImVI*^ andjoatham begat Achaz, and A e>4yy>icre t A^a^ A^jt^ J^ lymviae Achaz begat Ezekias : t 701 ANNOTATIONS. V. (*]) Ozias begat Joatham ; and (8) Joatham begat Ahaz; and (9) Ahaz begat Hezekias; and v. 10. 8 S. Matthew, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. T E£exiew 10 E^exXx* <$ vymnvi $ Mxi&otyi' MajoiotfTis vos, liquet* tywwi r 2*A*- ^wA* 2*A<*9i>jA <^» iyimat rZopoCx- fceA* 13 ZopoCxCeA AC»«^ 4vv>i and Abiud begafElia- / _ , m , , * ?/ kirn, and Eliakira begat Azor : jutfv EAtMuv. to tymim r A(>p« H And Azor bcgat SadoCj 14 A£«p <$ eyevwcre -J- Seteftwc Sot- and Sadoc begat Achim, and V fO . / » . / . \ M Achira begat Eliud : to* Jfc £ywxre r let- xttS* 1 5 Ieuta£ JV lymncre rlacrop 10 And Hezekias begat Ma- nafles , and Manafles begat Amon , and Amon begat Jo- fias : 11 And Jofias begat Jecho- nias and his brethren, about the time *of the carrying away to Babylon. 12 And after * the carrying away to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel, and Salathiel begat Zorobabel : 13 And Zorobabel begat A- a/J]oct Motp/ctf, ?£ *s iywriSn lr\pdfios yisjqii. 1 7 n*osu «v «j H So all the generations , , . . P \ „ t>\ from Abraham to David, are >«vcch ^Tre AtfaxA e*S Aat i A ye. fourteen generations; and from KM hvjLTiostL^t;- x, ^Tra AaCl<^ 'tax David until the carrying away q n i _ /a . ~ i rv to Babvlon, rtrf fourteen "ene- ^ ^ ,A ^ rations; and from the carrying TEOjapes- Xj ^jniTjt«/oix*t7Tet« Ba.GvA«- away to Babylon unto Chrift, w Us ? XpwS, ^e«i AwraWfes. are fourteen "generations. 1 8 T? ANNOTAT IONS. (i) It is hereobferv'd by Commentarors, that S: Matthew fa) s, ALL the Generations from Abraham to David were fourteen, as denoting there were in Reality no More; whereas fpeaking of the Generations/™;*? David to the Capti- vity, He omits the word ALL, as knowing three Generations in that Inrerva! were omitted by him ; and confequently that there were More Generations in Reality. Whereto may be added, that in like manner the word ALL is omit- ted with reference to the Generations from the Captivity to Ckrift, and that fas it is but reafonable to fuppofe) on the like account. For whereas from Zorobabel to fefus are reckon'd inclufively but Twelve Generations by St Matthew, there are reckon'd by St Luke (Ch. 3. 23—17.) Twenty one Generations; which great Difparity of Number in the two Genealogies can't be more reafonably accounted for,than by fuppofing that /owe Generations in the third Interval or Part of Chrift's Genealogy are omitted by St Matthew, as well as in the fecond. Of which fee more in the following Note(w). (1) If it be ask'd, Why Theft three Kings are omitted, rather than any Other three? a Better Anfwer can't I think be return'd, than by asking this Queftion on the other hand, viz. Gnce Three Kings were to be omitted ro recuce the Number to Fourteen, Why fliould not Thefe three be omitted, as well as any Other three? (m) One great Proof of the true MeJJtat being this, that he Was to be of the Family of DAVID, 'the Divine Wifdom therefore thought fie , to render this Proof of the faid Meflias as "Unexceptionable and Evident in it fclf , as were the Reft. And becaufe Spiritual Concerns might not be of Influence enough to in- duce feveral of the Jews tobeCarefull in keeping an Unexceptionable Account of what Tribe and Family they were; therefore the Divine Wifdom made ufe of Temporal Confiderations (as may be feen Lew?, if. 10. Numb. 17. 8 — II. and 36. -8. Deut. lf.y, 6.) to inauce fuch as Spiritual Confiderations would nor, to be Carefull in keeping ExaB Accounts, not only of the Tribe they bebng'd to, but alfo of the Particular Houfe or Family in each Tribe to which they apper- tained. Hence in e< ery Cuy of the Jews there were Autkentick Regiffers, or Publick Genealogical Tables kept, of the feveral Families belonging to tnat City or its Jurifdi&ion. Accordingly in Bethlehem, as being the City of DAVID, was kept a Publick Genealogical Table of All the Dependents of DAVID, that were Males. For the Females there needed no Account to be taken, other Provifion being made to prevent the Confufion of Tribes by them. And hence appears (1 think) rhe R'eafon why All (die Jew's) went To 'be taxed, Every one to his Own City, as we are inform 'd Luke z. 3. Namely becaufe thefe Publick Genealogical Tables ferv'd as fo many Catalogues or Lifts, whereby it might be the more Eafily known , whether All came to be taxed, or not. Now in thefe Publick Genea- S. Matthew, Chap. I. n PARAPHRASE. tier* of Reckoning, the Genealogy of Chrt fit from Abraham is difiwgui [li- able [perhaps for Better Remembrance fake) into three Equal Tarts , namely Each con/i filing of Fourteen Generations. For in the foregoing Genealogy [k)t\\\ the Generations from Abraham to David are Fourteen Generations ; and from David until the Carrying away to Babylon are likewife reckon d no more than Fourteen Generations; the three Jucceed- tng Generations to Joram , viz. ( / ) Ahaziah his Son , Joajh his Grand- fon, and Amaziah his great Grandfon, being omitted, in order to reduce the Generations in this Interval to the Equal Number of Fourteen with the Generations in the former Interval: and from the Carrying away to Babylon unto Chrift are (m) likewife reckon d no more than Fourteen Generations. And this Genealogy isfuffcient to prove what it was brought for to prove, viz. tbatjefus is {as was above v. i. afferted) the Son of Abraham and David. For He was begot, either after the Ordinary way, or after an Extraordinary one : If after the ordinary way, viz. of his Mother Ma\y by her Hufband Jofeph , then Jofph exprefly appearing by the foregoing Genealogy to be the Son or Dependent of Abraham and 'Da- vid, it follows, thatjefus being his Natural Son mujl likewife be the Son or ANNOTATIONS. Genealogical Tables or Regifters at Bethlehem were exactly fet down ALL the Male Delcendents of David, and confequently the three Kings, Ahaziah, Joaflj and Amaziah, whieh fucceeded immediately one the other between Joram and Ozias, But becanfe in the firft Part of this Genealogy there were in reality no more than fourteen Generations ; therefore in Common uje , and probably for Better Remembrance fake, it was ufual to reduce the fecond Part of this Genea- logy but to fourteen Generations alfo, leaving out the three Kings between Jc- ram and Ozias. And This beipg the way Commonly made ufe of in reckoning up the Genealogies from David to the Captivity, therefore St Matthew feems to have thought it Advifable, in Conformity thereto and on the ljke Account, to infert likewife into this Genealogy from the Captivity to Chrift no more than fourteen Generations; Omitting fo many as were Requifite,and fuch as he thought fie, in order to reduce the Generations in the laid laft Interval to the Niimber of fourteen. And as this Method did tend to help the Memory; fo it did only fiorten, not at ail falfify rhe Genealogy, as to the End and Defign of it. Fpr fince, for inftance, Jojeph was the Dependent of Ozias ; therefore that Jofeph, ( and confequently our Saviour ) was the Defcendent of David, is altogethei Equally true, whether Ozias was the immediate or mediate Defcendent of Joram. And confequently St Matthew's omitting the three Kings between Joram and Ozias do's not at all alter the Truth of the Gencaiogy he gives us, as to the Defign thereof. Indeed it can't be reafonably imagin'd , that St Matthew ( or St Luke) would go about to put upon the World a Fa/fe Account cf Chrift's Ge- nealogy ; fince it was fo Eafy for to have found out the Falfenefs thereof, by the Publick Genealogical Tables or Regifters then preferv'd among the Jews. And accordingly it is an Undeniable Argument of the Truth of the Genealogies given us both by St Matthew and St Luke, that the^fuw of old never objected any thing againft either of the faid Genealogies, as knowing them to be agreeable to their Publick Genealogical Tables. B x V. ig. IX S. Matthew, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 18 TS Si t X&SV >? y*vv»iaj« o'u- rmm Itl. MwTwJetows fi ths (juntos axfy MaeidS tcI laHTHQ, ©/>'» « 0weA- tv en ,00.(0$ a.yiss. jj> Iaxretp J« 0 «v»p oot^J, Sl^os a/, £ /ju\ %\ai aunbuo tGrQy.S't*yjU-a.TUM\ , tCovXit^m XolJ^. ^brBAvstt) outrluo. 20 Taora cTfe ca/£ Jt£T OVOCf ityxn rf£/7», Ae>itf. 21 Te^eTot| cTlB ifo», K2' KscAea-eis To 010 fix ats£ I H 2 O X N' cu>to$ >^ ctuotj to/ Aaoy scvtv ^td r etfuifnai <*oto». 22 ( TttTo y ye^pyev, i8NowthebinhoPChnft was on this wife : When as his mother Mary was efpous'd to Jofeph , before they came to- gether, flie was found with child of the Holy Ghoft. 19 Then Jofeph her huf- band, being a jufl man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. 20 But while he thought on thefe things, behold, the angel of the Lord appear'd unto him in a dream, faying, Jofeph thou fbn of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceiv'd in her is of the Holy Ghoit. 21 And fhefhall bring forth a Ton, and thou fhalt call his name JESUS: for he (hall fave his people from their fins. 2i (Now all this was done, Jya ANNOTATIONS. V. 18. f !»»■» is not read in Vulgar Latin, nor Beza's MS. at Cambridge, nor Perfick Verfion; nor in Irenseus, wbo argues againft fame of the Hereticks in his Age from In*-* being not read here but only x^. I. cap. 7, And the Jews of old never objecling any thing to the contrary, is an Undeniable Proof of theZV»r£ both of the Inference and Thing; whatsoever fome Moderns may object. (o) It is rightly obferv'd by Criticks , that Sixcu®- may fignify not only jujt, but alfo (according to the Heller iftical ufe of it) mercifully and perhaps it for which comes to the fame, the Hebrew word pHtf, to which it anfwers) was made choice of by the infpir'd Pen- man, as having both thefe Significations, which are Both very Proper here. For Jojeph's not being willing to make Mary a Publick example, was indeed an Inftance of his Good and Mercifull Temper ; bur yet fuch as conclude' hence, that &«*©" is to be here underftood to fignify only Good or Mercifully conclude too haltily. They feem not duly to confider, that hereby they take away one confiderable Argument for our Saviours being born of a Virgin } which is founded on the other and more common Senle of S. Matthew \ Chap. I. 13 PARAPHRASE. or 'Dependent ofAhraham and David. And the fame holds Good, or may be truly Inferr'd, tho Jefus was begot after an Extraordinary way, viz. of his Mother Mary, not by her Husband Jojeph, but by the Supernatural Operation of the Holy GhoH. For (») Mary, having no Brother, was ob- Itg'd by the Law {Numb. $6.6 — p ) to marry an Husband, that was not only of the fame Tribe \ but a/fo of thejame Family in the faid Tribe, as her Father was of, and cotifequently that She her J elf was of. Where- fore She man ying Jojeph, who exprejly appears, by the foregoing Genea- logy, to have been of the Family of David, it follows that She her J elf mu ft be alfo of the Family of 'David. 1 8 Now what relates to the Miraculous Conception and Birth ofje- "• fus, whom we believe to be Chrift, fo far forth as is taken Notice of by lom cmaptiTof St Mat/hew, was on this wife. VVhen as his Mother Mary was efpous'd chrift, and his to Jofeph, before they came together, /. e. before they were married and liv'd together, fhe was found with Child by the Supernatural Operation of the Holy Ghoft. ip Then Jofeph her yet only ejpous'd Husband, who was hitherto altogether Ignorant that fhe was with Child of the Holy GhoB, being a (o)juft Man, and fo not willing to do what was incon- fifient with the Law, as was the Retaining or Taking of fuch a Wife ; and wit ha 11 being a merciful Man , and/o not willing to make her a Publick example, was minded to uje this method, as an expedient where- by he might fhew both his JuBice or Regard to the Law, and alfo his Merci/ulnejs or Regard to Mary, namely, to put her away privily, by giving her a Bill of Divorce, not before any Tublick MagiBrale, but be- fore two Private Witneffes and Friends. 20 But while he thought on thefe things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appear'd unto him in a Dream, faying; Jofeph, thou Son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy yet efpous'd Wife, and to compleat the Ejpoujals by Marriage : for That, /. e. the Child, which is conceiv'd in her, is conceivd by the Supernatural Operation of the Holy Ghoft. 21 And fhe fhall bring forth a Son, and thou fhalt call his name JESUS; for he fhall fave his People , i. e. fuch as truly Believe and Obey his Gofpel, from their Sins ; namely, from the Tower as well as Guilt of Sin here, and fo from the Tunifhment of it hereafter ; ;'/ being altogether in Vain, and againft the whole Tenour of the Gofpel, for any one to expecl to be fav'd by ChriB from the Eternal Tunifhment of Sin m Hell hereafter, that is not fit B fav'd by ChriB from the Tower of Sin here, i. e. that do's not live a Godly, Righteous and Sober Life on Earth. ( 22 Now all this was ANNOTATIONS. 2ix.u4<&, as it denotes one ju/l. For the H. Ghoft feems to give this Character of Jofeph, to denote that if the Virgin Mary had been Unfaithful to him, and our Saviour had been begotten of Her by any other Man, He would by no means have conceal 'd ic , at Icaft fo far as to go about to cheat his Countrymen with a pretended miraculous Conception of the Child, as beiDg the fo long expected Mef- fiat or Chrift. (/>) Whereas 14- S.Matthew, Chap. I, II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Vvo, wAnpa^M to pnjii •xjzsq ?Kt/p»'v a/^ t5 ($u T??€Tcq L)0» , Xf KjtAeayoj To o'vo^o* tva<7X«v auiilw, 'ia>S % 'tifiW. tni vjoi cujtws 7ov Qjowtbtoxov, £ ejytAeo-e to svo/ua «*tS I H 2 O T N. Kep. Q> . Ty $sv7o$- l» Bti)-Aee/* t IyJW*?, e» ^pajsHpa)- cT« y @>x$ , I'Jy /na^i ^bri ctvot7o- Aav c7^rey£vo»^ as IepocroAv,aa, \iy>i- Tli' 2 HIV 8) Whereas it is ask'd by (bme, Whether Jofepb knew his Wife Mary after fhe had brought forth her firft-born Son ? The BeftAnfwer thereto I think is this, that it is an imprudent and ufelefs Enquiry , and confequently fuch as deferves no Anfuier : but as the Divine Wifdom has feen it Beft , to leave ic Undeter- min'd in the facred Hiftory ; fo we ought not to be vainly Curious in going about to determine what can never be determind, there being plaufible Arguments on Both Sides. (?) See the Geographical Account of this Place in my Hiftorical Geography ofNewTeft. Part 1. chap. x. § or numb. 3. asalfo my Hift.Geogr.of O.Teft. Vol. 3. chap. 1. feet. 2. § 11. (r) Of the various Acceptations of the word Judea , fee my Hift. Geogr. of N. T. Part 1. chap. 1. §. 4. and fo an Account of all Countries, Cities, Towns, &c. mention'd in thisGolpefor any of the reft, may be feen in my Hilt. Geogr. of New Teft. by the help of the Index thereunto belonging. (/) How long after our Saviour's Birth it was, that the Wife Men came to Je- rufalem, is not Eafy to be determin'd. What is faid v. 16. of this Chapter, would induce one at firft to think, that it was Above a year after at leaft- But then as this is not reconcilable to other Points in Chronology ; fo what is faid v. i*. S. Matthew, Chap. I, II. 15- PARAPHRASE. was done, that it might be fulfill'd, which was fpoken of the Lord by the Prophet Ijaiah, { chap. 7. 14. ) laying: 23 Behold, a Virgin (hall be with Child, and fhall bring forth a Son, and they fhall call his Name, and conjequently He fhall be Emmanuel, which name being interpreted is as mac/} as to Jay , that the [aid Child fhall be no other than GOD wuh us.) 24 Then jofeph being rais'd from ileep, did as the Angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him Mary for his manned Wife ; 25- and knew her not by Carnal Copulation, (p) till (he had brought forth her firlt-born Son; and he call'd his name JESUS, ac- cording to the "Directions of the Angel abovementiond. Several other Par- ticulars belonging to the Conception of 'Chrifi,- and omitted here by St Mat- thew, are 1 elated Luke 1.26 — 38. And feveral Particulars, which be- long to the Birth of Chrifi, and are pafs'd ever by St Matthew, are related Luke 2. 1 — 20. particularly what Circum fiances the Divine Providence made ufe of to bring things about fo, as thatjefusfoould be born at Beth- lehem, according to what had been prophefyd of him in 0. Tefl. Chap. II. Now when Jefus was born m (f) Bethlehem a City of The «£-*»«» (r)Judea, in the days of Herod the King ofjudea, behold, fome (/') time come f™ the after his Birth there came Wife-men, 1. e. certain Per Jons skjlfd, as in fhf cluidYeS other Parts of Learning, fo particularly in Aflronomy, from the (/) Eaft, i. e. from fome Country or Countries lying EaB ofjudea, to Jerufalem , faying , 2 Where is the King of the Jews that is born not longfince ? for we have feen a (») new Star, from the Appearance of which, we have certainly ANNOTATIONS. V. i » / -t / _ c fhip him. «^ 3 Ax.tf*a4 A HF.i)^5 o £«- ? when Herod the king cjAeus £7ctp*v9j), xst-i w&ovc hejtro. Au^ot ^er ch>tv. 4 Kot| crcu/a>a- (JLO.TUS TV Aay, £7ru^^aV67B <7T? ouo- ian rov o X&ws ywooTaj. j* Oi S"e &7ni OJUT1&- Ev Bn^Aeew 7715 IV- rf • , ; / v* * Ancl ttiey Iald unt0 ttim> Stycts- oyTa> >«p ye^cLTiic^ D^g. TV In Bethlehem of J udea: for thus in&pto' 6 Keci av Bi\J\Kft, V* ic is wrmen, bV die Prophet; , , . ~ , , ^ , 6" And thou Bethlehem in IttJk, ovAt^s £Aa^9X « o# tbis the land of Juda , art not the jjwuoiv I&fcc ck o* >«p ^«Att- lead among the Princes of Ju CtT&\ HJPU/wfy/©-', 0915 770i;tUM'| T01 Aaov (UV tbv ItrpctxA. 7 Totb Hpa- ^M? Act1)-^, JcscAeoos TVs ^.ctynJS , had heard t he fe things, he was troubled, and all Jerufalem with him. 4 And when he had gather'd all the chief priefts and fcribes of the people together, he de- manded of them where Chrift fhould be born. And they laid unto him, ,'.C yK&'occat 7iap outiat 70V yyvov TV m , a.TialyuKa.Tl bring me word again . that j fjui, o-ms xay<» i\Jmi 0 ' «\ , ' 1 ~ -alfo. m> o«t$>. 9 Oi h xnvowns rv p when they had heard the 9>x - • n ~ ~ 'i the "ar> wn'ch they faw in oiuSbitiTy cua.]oA»,®f»Y\yi<)MTVs, the eaft, went before them, tt eats ANNOTATIONS. There JhaB come a Star out of Jacob &c. Numb. 14.. 17- Which Prophecy, as it was at firft deliver'd by a Gentile to the other Gentiles, viz. the Moabites &c. fo no doubt but it was preferv'd by Tradition down to Future Ages among the Gentiles ; efpecially among the Chaldeans and Inhabitants in Mesopotamia, where not only Balaam dwelc, but where alfo dwelt Multitudes of Jews after their being . carried away Captive to Babylon in Chaldea. (w) This S. Matthew, Chap. II. r? PARAPHRASE. certainly gather V, A6«/ 7&? Mefjias or Great Prince of the Jews, who both from Tradition and Prophecy is expecled about this time by {w) the Gentiles as well as Jews, is accordingly lately bom in Judea. This Star, which from the Defign of it thus to make known unto the Gentiles the Birth of this King of the Jews, may be fitly caWdt\\% Star, We have feeu in the Eaft, and are come to worfhip him. 3 When Herod the King had heard thefe things, he was troubled, as fearing this new King might in time get the Kingdom of Judea from Him or his Heirs ; and all Je- ■rufalem was troubled with him, as fearing what Cruel measures this might put Herod upon, in order to fecwe the Kingdom of Judea to him- (elf and his Heirs. 4 And when he had gather 'd all the Chief Pnefts and Scribes or Infirufeers of the People together, he demanded of ihcm, Where the Mejjias or Chnft fhould be born according to the Prophecies concerning him. $ And they faid unto him, that Chrifljhould be bom according to a Prophecy ofO- Tefi. in Bethlehem of Judea ; for thus it is written by the Prophet Micah(ch.s.x.) 6 And thou, Bethlehem in the Land of Judah, tho thou art One of the Lea/1 Cities of Judah as.' to Bulk or Extent of Territory, yet art by no means One of the Leaft as to Ho- nour or Renown among the Princes, /'. e. Principalities of Judah : for out of thee fhall come a Governour of the moft Eminent note, that fhall/o*' ever rule my People, viz. not only the Believing pious Jews, but alfo the Believing pious Gentiles , who together make up the True (x) I frael of God. 7 Then Herod being more confirm d by this Anjwer and Prophecy in his Sufpicion, that the Child {viz. Jejus) enjuir'd offer by the Wife- men was Certainly to be King of the Jews , if not prevented by proper Means, rejblv'd {'fpoffible) to prevent it by murdering the Child; and the Better to bring about this his wicked Purpofe , he conceals it under a Shew of 'Piety. Wherefore when he had privily call'd the Wile-men, he enquir'd of them Exactly, What time the Star appear'd./fr/J to them in their own Country or Countries. 8 And then he fent tnem to Beth- lehem, and faid, Go and fearch diligently for the young Child; and when yc have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worfhip him alfo. p When they had heard what Herod the King had thus Jaid unto them, they departed ; andlo, the Star which they faw in the Eaft, appearing to them again when they were going to Beth-, lehem, ANNOTATIONS. (to) This appears, among other Inftance6, from the Fourth Eclogue in Virgil, in the Beginning whereof are thefe Verfes : Ultima Cumsei venit jam carmiois atas. Magnus ab integro Seclorum nafcitur ordo. ' Jam redit & Virgo, redeunt SatBtnia regna: . Jam nova Vrbge?iies ccelo demittitvr alto. dec. ■ . The fame is likewife taken noticexaf by Tacitxs and Suetomtu. (x) See Rom. 9 6. and Galat . 6. if, 16. r 1 u\ Cai.. i8 S: Matthew, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. eas eA^y 'lw Imia S iu> to Treq&ay. till it came and flood over .,., «\ i * / * / where the young child was. 10 1W h 7»i a^c, %*p*«*v 10 When they law the flar, y&&i ptykhkij ctpoJ\fX. . n Ketj thev rejoyc'd with exceeding l^4ijMgi »&$$ ■£& when they were ^J Metros ^ pT?°* cuitS. x.«4 to- come into the houfe, they faw ^^emWi^' x*i%£•' *<>Ttty. tney departed into their own country another way. 13 A**;wpwwTOv £« flWTO», I'Sy' 13 And when they were de- >/„„.' , • n» v ? parted , behold, the Ansel of xvyitesKvW p*mT«j **/ ""P ^ the Lord appeareth to Jofeph Ia>ori

> r 1 ' ~ „' take the young child and his ■n jwjftM M4 £Q pi*^ «W, jtcH mother? ^ |ee imo Egypti oAr Jtatj i'oSi c£*4 e«s and be thou there until I bring h efr» «*,'• p'M^ >8 Hp^l* fall thee word: for Herod wiU reek , , i, ', , ', , * the young child to deftroy him. to 7r*|c«oi>, t« ^7rt>Aecou, CMI7B. 14 O I+; And when hearoierhe $ extols w^eAaGe to TitqJto/ £ toi '■«*><* .the young child and his , , _* ' j , , , . . • mother by night, and departed pmpec, co& ivuns, Jt*) ane^pus-ey as jnto Egypt j Ai>wflov if Kot| k2 &$ «W r w- 1 S And was there until the ~ ,, r. f/ _j, ». um death of Herod : that it might Aujtvs Hp»V «v* **np«^ to p^v be fulfiird whlch was fpQfen v7rt i/Kup/v £ia ^QpopjtTV, A«jp»S>j» of the Lord by the Prophet, n£ v'1 ' J2 . ' '\ ± " fayinR? Out of Egypt have I E§ KxyMi oxaAeoo, t Mov pju. call'd my fon. ^ ~/ ,, /(v 'to '/ » itf Then Herod, when he 16 Ton Hpa^s »i)V, l^w/MW^fl A «*»• the wile-men, was exceeding 1 . » /. » ~ S. Matthew, 'ChapML t9 P'ARAPHRA S'E. IV. eei ints hbem, went before them, till it came and flood over where the young Child was. 10 When they faw the Star again, being ajjur'd thereby of the Continuance of the 'Divine 'DireBion, they rejoyc'd with exceed- ing great |oy. n And when they were come into the Houfe, to whtch the Star had graded- them; they law the young Child Jefu^ with Mary his Mother, and fell doWn and worlhipp'd him: and when they had open'd their Treafures, they prefented unto him Gifts, viz. (y)Gotd, Frankincenfe and Myrrhe ; it being one Mark^of Refpecl in thoje Eafl- ern Countries, {and that to this day) to make Prejents to Great Perfons. 12 And being warn'd of God in a dream, that they fhould not return to Herod, they departed intti their own Country another way. i? And whtn they wer^ departed, the Child Je[us havine been afore . r ,IV: «-»■ • > i i t ■-.'■ ii i i I ,i ["'^ph flees m Lircumas a, namely, waen-he was Eight days o/d; and the days of Toe Egypt with th< Purification (s) of his Mother, according to the Law, being now sccom- ^'^otTheer"s and phjh'd, i. e. tt being now Forty days from the Birth of Chrifl mclujively, they brought the Child to [fe'tufalem to pre/en t him to the Lord in the Temple, and to offer a Sacrifice i as is related Luke.l. ii-— If® Jfikl while they were at jfaup&m , as feems wofl probable , as Jqotf as they had per J irtn'd All. things xt here according to.th'eLnw of the Lord; "beHold, an Angel of the Lord appears to Joieph in a dream, faying : Arile,- and take the young Child and his Mother, and flee into. Egypt; and be thou there until I bung thee word, when thou tnayfl return with fafety to the Child; for Herod will feek the young Child to defhroy him. ' 14. And when he arofe, he took, the young Chfldahd his Mother by night, and departed into. Egypt ; is\ and was there until the- Death of Herod.- Now this was Jo or der'd by Divine Providence^ thfat it might befiilfrll'd, which was fpoken -of the Lord by the Prophet Hofea (ch. n. 1.) faying, Out of Egypt have I call'd my Son : which words, as they were fpofan for- ineily of the Children ofljraeljo under the Type of Them had their Piin- 'cipal refpecl to Chrifl. ■ - . ■ 16 Then, 1. f. after that fufph was pdwif bibs Child ffefus and his HerJ'com- Mother into Egypt ,, Herod, when he faw that Ke was mock'd of th emands (he am- Wife-men, by their wt returning in hnn as hi had direffed them, andZ!,l^?oZ bringing him word where the Child [ft [us was,_ at Bethlehem, was ex-i»». ceeding wroth-, and lent forth and flew all the Children that were in Bethlehem and in all the Crafts thereof, t. e. hi tilths neighbouring Town! -'; .'.ami A N NO TATIONS. (y) Some infer hence,- that the Wife Men were only Arabians, becaufeGold, Frankincenre and Myrrhe*rc the Prod'-ds oi Arabia. But this is a very weak Argument, fince Gok^&c, arc not the I 'rojudb; of Arabia only j or if they were, 'might be howetvr procur'd by the Wife Man, the/ they liv'd in aether Country. £j See my Trcati* of tb, Harmon, of the Four Gojfeh cone, (g Point § \. r , v to ao S. Matthew t Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. flw-njs, -&m b&Zs & JC#TO7«p», *aU thereof, from two years old and \ , ., , l/0 or \ _apf under, according to the time Toy xpm 0y w&Gacrt ©^ 7^ which he had enquir'd *exa6l- yuayay. 17 Tot? t7iK*fce3n 70 jM- ly of the wife-men. q.v t 1 T ' ~ » N' it Then was fulfill'd that Jt, i}(&" 18 feAo5 Kueiv jfjrf' «V *«M«1 W beh°ld' 1™ ™gfl °f ^ „ , , , Lord appeareth in a dream to n$ lamp c* Aiyo-Tria, 20 Ae>ov, Jofeph in Egypt, Bytfirtis \ 1 > j ~ » the young child and his mo- /«i-n©6 ouv, K5" ^p^V «*?&> I^ thcr, and go into the Land of gjcwA* Ttjtin&oi £ e* fyrvms 'duo Ifrael: for they are dead who ■ 1 *j , _ to . a 1 fought the young child's life. 4g« n wtfl* « O A ey*P^ * AnJ ^ g *ft> and ^ <7-nAa.Ce to 7rct)Stoy X5t* t^° /"*ts£?c the young child and his mo- wtdJ , vi «A^ey els ykT 'i^A. threTr> and came into the land ,,„ , o M °f Ifrael. 22 A*V he was afraid to g0 thi. ^[jUL'niQrui e*7os *A»S«VeT«j. IhaU be call'd a Nazarene. Kap. ANNOTATIONS. V. 18. t e««'os "*¥ 's not read in Syr. Arab. Coptick , Ethiopick, or Perfick, or Vulg. Lat. Verfion, nor in fome MSS. nor in Juftin Martyr, or Jerom. And v. is obiervable, that this Reading is agreeable to the Hebrew ; and that $tfi»s S.Matthew, Chap. II. n PARAPHRASE. and Pillages, from Two years old and under ; forafmuch as according to the Time of the Starsfirfl appearing, which he had enquir'd exactly of the Wife-men, Jefus could not be jet above Two years old. 1 7 Then was fulfill'd that which was fpoken by Jeremy the Prophet (ch. 31.1 j.) faying: 18 In Ramah was there a Voice heard, namely of Weeping and great Mourning; Rachel weeping for her Children, and would not be comforted, becaufe they are not, /'. e. are ki/l'd. Which words, tho' fpoken at fir ft of the Babylomfh Captivity, and the great Number of the jews that were thenjlatn, yet were intended by the Holy Spirit to have a principal or ultimate RefpecJ to the Slaughter of the Innocents. 19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an Angel of the Lord appears j0feph «'„„.,,, te in a dream to Joieph in Egypt, 20 faying, Anfe, and take the young '^P"1^ of \ad. Child and his Mother, and go into the Land of Ifrael : for they, i.e. y^L and his mo- Herod and his Son Antipater\d) are dead, who fought the yound Child's'^", and dwells Life. 21 And he arofe, and took the young Child and his Mother," Nt3J"e,h- and came into the Land of Ifrael. 22 But when he heard that Arche- laus did reign in the Province gfjudea properly fo calld, in the Room of his Father Herod, he was afraid to go thither to dwell, left this new King Jhould imitate his Father's Cruelty, ingoing on to kill more Children out of the fame Sujpicion his Father had; especially he having already made fufficient T>iJcovery of his Tyrannical and Cruel Temper. But, be- ing warn'd of God in a dream what to do in this Cafe, He, viz.Jofepb together with the Child Jefus and his tStfotber turn'd afide from Judea properly fo call'd and taken to denote only the Southern Province of the Holy Land, and return d again into the Parts of (b) Galilee, which is the Northern Province of the Holy Land, and where he and tSMary dwelt afore they went up to Bethlehem to be tax'd. 23 And he came and dwelt in a City of Galilee call'd (b) Nazareth, being the very fame City wherein He and his Wife i3iary dwelt afore they went to Bethlehem. And Jefus, from his living with his Mother and reputed Father here at Nazareth, was call'd a Nazarene, that it might be fulfill'd, which was fpoken by the Prophets, viz. He, ;'. e. Chrifl fhall be call'd a Nazarene, in ANNOTATIONS. «*/ has been added out of the Septuagint Verfion : which, by the way, is an Evi- dence of this Gofpel being wric by St Matthew in Hebrew. (a) It is, I think, well obferv'd by Mr Whiflon [p.166. of his Harmony of the Gofpels ) that if we confider the falfe , cruel and ambitious Temper of Anti- pater, and his Endeavours to fupplant All that hinder'd his way to the Kingdom, (as is related iajofephus) we fhall not wonder that He fought the Life of the young King of the Jews, as well as his Father Herod. And fince his Father and He were both Dead in the compafs of Five days time, and after the Departure of Jofeph for Egypt, we fhall not need to wonder, that his Father and He arc join'd together by the Angel ; and fo They, in the Plural number, are faid to be Dead, that fought the young Child's Life. {(>) See my Hift.Geogr. ofN. T. Part r. chap. 1. §. 6, 7. and ch. 4. §. 7- (c) Hereby •it S.Matthew, Chap. III. , t e~x"t. • " "translation. Kea. y . Ev rau x^spoifS caw- , _*-"aP- "*« T , , r , , r - , In thofe days came John the V6M« ,©$ji>tveT«i J«xiv>is o frwriiw*, Baptrft, preaching in the wil- xwpuwwv ci W fpiitta t^J Iouikia* , dernefs of Judea, ANNOTATIONS. CO Hereby the Objection made by Dr Whitby in his Notes on this Text, againft the Interpretations which refer this to ChrilVs being call'd Netzer, i. e. the Branch, is taken away. For whereas the Dr fays, this Interpretation fails in this, that it gives no Account, hew this was fulfill' d by chrift' s being at Naza- reth, He being as much the Branch, when he w.ts bom at Bethlehem, and before toe •'viitit to Nazareth: It is anfuer'd, that tho' it Ee true, that Chrift was as tnrich the Branch, befvte he iiii»«>,- and N^j«Te; are -Synony- mous words. J And Luke t8. 37. And they tvld him, that Jefus i Hxtpecux; faffes by. So John 18. y. They anfwer'd him , Jefus ret N*^§« of the Nazarenes. And the fame appears from Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. I (hall make but oneObfervation more in reference to tbis Name or Prophe- cy, and that is this: That fome Learned PerfonsaTc of Opinion, that J«<&. 13 7. is more immediately resetted by St Matthew in this chap, i; ult. Forafmuch as it - S.Matthew, Chap. III. *3 PARAPHRASE. in J ever al Senfes of that Word. Namely as ChriB is By I'd Ifai. n. i. Jer.ii$. Netzer or JVezer, and Zach. 6.11. is [aid to be the Man, wfjofe Name is (which is the fame as to /ay, Who foattbe calfd) Nezer, i. e. the Btanch;viz. of the Root ofjejfe; Jo the name Nazarene may be taken to denote That Per Jon, who is the Nezer or Branch fo oft fpoken of by the Prophets, Again, as the word Nazarene may be denv d from the He- brew Nazir, which denotes one Je par a ted from the Comforts of Life, and confeaueutly in a mean and abjecl and contemptible Condition, ( and in this jcnfe is apply 'd tojojeph, who was a Type of ChriB, Gen.t 49. 26.) fo the name Nazarene may- here denote a/Jo That 'Per (on who was to be 'Defpis'd and Rejecled of Men, according to fever al Prophecies, asPjaL 22. 6, fac. Pfal.69 ii&c Pfal. 118. 22. Ifai. y 3 . 3 , &c. Nowjofeph's coming with the Child jfefus and his dMother to dwell at Nazareth, {a Place fo call'd m reference to one of the forementiond Hebrew words , as is probable, viz either in reference to Nezer, as abounding with Trees and Jo with Branches ; or elje in reference to Nazir, as being a Mean dejpicable place,) as it was the more immediate Reafon fChriB's being call'd a Nazarene, in that fenfe of the Word which denotes an Inhabi- tant of Nazareth; fo like wife by the over-ruling Providence of God, it was thereby made the (c) Occafional Means of fulfilling thofe many Pro- phecies, wherein Chrijl is fpoken of, either as the Branch, or as a T>ejpis'd P-erJon ; forafmuch as the word Nazarene may denote That Per Jon which is prophefyd of under the name of the Branch, or under the character of a foejpis d Per Jon, as well as a Per Jon that is an Inhabitant of Nazareth. SECTION II. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by S. MAT- THEW in reference to the Baptifm of CHRIST, (cc) when he began to be about thirty years of Age, and from thence to CHJ\IST's entring on the more Publick part of his . Mi- nistry after the Imprijonment of John the Baptiji, when CHRJST was in the (d) thirty fecond^ear of hit Age. Thefe Particulars tak[e up Chap. Ill— IV. \1.0f this Gojfel. Chap. III. S. Matthew (e)pajfes by the Hiftory of ChrifTs Life, from a ihon Account his coming to dwell at Nazareth {after his Return out of Egypt) to his ^ ?•>'"• B^t; ft md Baptifm : and in order to introduce what he relates concerning ChriB s '"s 7' Baptifm, He fir ft gives ajhort account of John Baptijl and his Mtnijlry in the following manner. In thofe days, i.e. during the time that Je fits dwelt at Nazareth, and when the Time drew near that He was to enter on his MiniBry, came John the Baptid, ( which Surname was given him from his being comuiifjiond by God, to Baptize wuhy\raier unto Re- pentance, as v. ii.) preaching in (/) the Wjlderneis, i. e. in That lejs inhabited Part cfjud^a, which Jay along and on each fide of the River 14 S. Matthew, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2 KS" Ae^v, M*7»vo6m« Yifynutyx} * And faying, Repent ye: < „ / ~ . ~ ~» ^ for the kingdom of heaven is jj #*<7jA«* -nay Vpava?' 3 Out^ at jian(j >«p £5?v 0 pYifui utto Haw,iV?ai/,oip«- 3 For this is he that was tv, \iy&i> *«v« jg0Svre$ iv ™ ep£- JP?ke» of by luhe ProPh" E' ^ , , t , ' , iaias, laying, The voice or one W E7oi/wcaw.TB Ttw o<&v Kt/p/v, ey- crying in the wildernefs, Pre- JiiOi wm-n t»5 7?/Cv5 cu# 4 Au- P»r,c !fe the way of the Lord, , , t , * w . ~ make his paths ltraight, 70s Jfe 0 laxms e*% to tiShfM. a*rv + And the fame joha had ■^JttJ T£/ycM y&t*M\* of Chrijl, Hefoall be a Nazarite from the Womb. Now fuppofing Sampfbn to have been a Type of Chrift, yet it is certain that our Saviour was not a Nazarite in the fenfe wherein the word is apply 'd to Sampfon, namely, as thereby is meant One oblig'd to Jeparate bimfelf from Wine andftrong Drink, and to let no Rafbr come on his Head, and to come at no Dead Body, &c as Numb. 6 1 — xi. For it is certain that our Saviour drank Wine, came near to a Dead Body, &c. And therefore He can be faid to be thus a Nazarite only in an Allegorical or Moral fenfe, viz. as being feparated from all Moral Impurity or Sin from his Mother's Womb. Wherefore fince our Saviour can be a Nazarite like Sampfon only in an Allegorical fenfe ; but was really the Perfon tuhofe Name was Netzer the Branch, viz. that fhouldgrow out of the Roots ofjejfe; hence I am induc'd to think, that Zach. 6. ix. and Ifai 11. 1. were rather the Prophecies that were more immediately resetted by St Matthew ; and chiefly that of Zachary, foraf- much as St Matthew's exprelfion, Hejliall be call'd a Nazarene, is exactly fyno- nymous or equivalent to Zachary's exprefllon, The Man iuhofe Name is Netzer. (cc) See Luke 3.X3. (d) Concerning the Difference between the true years of ChriJFs Life , and the years of the Common Mr a of chrift, or Common way of Reckoning by the years of Chrift, fee the latter Part of my Treatife concerning the Harmony of the four Go/pels. I (hall on!y obferve in fhort here, that the ixd year of Chrift's Life anfwers mod probably, 1 think, to the 30th year of the Common ./Era of Chrift, or to A. D.%o- (e) And fo likewife do All the other Evangelifts; only St Luke takes Notice of One Paffage during the faid long Interval, namely, of our Saviour's going up tojerufalem, when be %uas Twelve years Old. Luke 2. 4.x to the end. (f) Concerning this Wildernefs ofjudea fee my Hilt. Geogr. of N.T. Part 1. Chap. 3. §. 1. (g) See i Kings 1.8. (») See Lev. 11. xx. Some indeed underftand here rather feme Sort of Herb or Tree or Shrub, becaufe itx&hs the word here us'd in the Greek may as to its Etymology fignify the Tops of Herbs or Trees, or the like. But ftpce the faid word S. Matthew, Chap. III. z? PARAPHRASE. Jordan; z and laying, Repent ye: for the Kingdom oftheMeffaSy prophefy'd of by 'Daniel, {chap. 2. 44. ) as which Jbould be Jet up by the God of Heaven in the days of the four Kingdoms of the Gentiles, is at hand or now about to be fet up accordingly ; Namely by the preaching of the Gofpel, which is to be look' d upon as a Body of the Laws of this Kingdom of Heaven, to which Obedience is to be pay'd by All fuch as will be True Subjecls of this Kingdom, and Jhare in the Blejjings thereof. Now according to the Tenour of theje Laws of the -Kingdom of Heaven, (/'. e. in one word of the Gofpel,) No one is to reB in the bare Outward Obfervance of the Legal Rites and Ceremonies., or in the Ob/ervance of This or That Law of God, as if fuch an Outward and 'Partial Obedience was fujfiaent to entitle him to God' J Favour and EverlaBmg Life, tho He be never fo fficked in other RefpeSis ; but He muB Renounce all fuch wrong Notions or T)oSrinest which are taught now a-days by the Scribes and Than fees ; and mu/l be fincerely and entirely Chang 'd, both Inwardly as to his Mind and AffeElions, and Outwardly as to his Life and Ai~iions \ fo as to DeteB and abhor from his Heart whatever is Sin- ful/, and not to Allow him f If in the Willfull 3 each of any One of the Laws of God, but to endeavour fincerely and to the utmoB of his Tower to keep All God's Commandments. Such is the Repentance preach' d and requir'd by John the BaptiB , according to the Trophecies that were of Him in the Old Tejlament. 3 For this John BaptiB is He that was fpoken of by the Prophet Ifaiah, [chap. 40. 3 ) faying, As great Trinces are wont to have Officers Jent before them, whoje Bufine/s it is to have the Ways prepar'd or made Convenient for their Trinces more eajily tra- velling; fo before the great eB of Trinces, the Meffias, fhall enter upon his Trophetical Office, or Teaching the Teople, there fhall be heard The Voice of One crying, i. e. preaching Openly in the Wildernefs ofjudea, Prepare ye the Way of the Lord, make his Paihs flraight, /. e. by Re- pentance, or for faking the crooked Taths of Sin, and returning into the flraight Tath ofTiety, prepare your Hearts Jo, that when ChriB comes, He may find a ready Way for Admittance into your Hearts, as his true and faithful 'Difcip/es. 4 And the fame John rejembled {g) Elias the Trophet, in Habit as well as in Spirit : for he had his Raiment of the CourfeB fort of Camel's hair, and a leathern Girdle about his Loyns ; and his Meat was ajort of(h) Locufts, not unufually eat by the meaner Sort in that Country, and wild Hony, i. e.J'uch Hony as he found in the fVoods ANNOTATIONS. word is never us'd, as I know of, in this fenfe any where elfe in the N. T. or LXX Verfion of O.T. and fince it is us'd in NT. and moft frequently in O.T- for Locujlt ; and fince it appears from Lev.zi- %it iz. that fome fort of Locufts were eaten, I can fee no Reafon to rejeH the Common Tranflation, but to f re- fer ic before any other. i6 S.Matthew, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. f Tot* dfctTmpiveTO tufas co/tbv Iepo- avAi/jua,, Xj 71U0TX. j) Iv IopeTbtVM *\^Cr OU/^, o^o^oAoyy^cfyoi t»s ajUapTia^ oo'tov. 7 l^*>v efV ttoMvs t $apia^qfflv ^ 2a£- ^bra Tils fjutWiay.i o'pywjj 8 noiw- ffrtle oitt t ^pTiw ct^iov tws fte&voiaj. 9 Kot) («>) <^?ht6 Aeyea °* southIs' n*Tt'px lyofjuH roi AQfjicL/w Xiya y^f v(4ii "vn SwD&Tcq o ®io$ c/x. TM htjcw (ouray £y«7pa| tsjcvcc 7S0 A^paa.^. io WH(JV1 Jfe KS" ^ a?ivn ©fos t p<(>ay t dsvfyay /veiTot|. ?ray cc«/ S^'vefyov #>? vnniui y&ymv KscAoy, cypoco^IeTotj , jcs^* as tsrup /3xAAercq. 5" Then went out to him Jerufalem and all Judea, and all the region round about Jor- dan; 6 And were baptiz'd of him in Jordan , confefling their fins. 7 But when he faw many of the Pharifees and Sadducees come to his Baptifm , he faid unto them , O generation of vipers , who hath warn'd you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bring forth therefore * fruit meet for repentance. 9 And think not to fay within your felves, We have Abraham to our father: for I lay unto you, that God is- able of thele {tones to raife up children unto Abraham. io And now alio the ax is laid unto the root of the trees : therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and caft into the fire. ii Ey ua Qx-fi'ita u^s iv CJkw » J indeed baPt,ze y°u , , f v , , , with water unto repentance ; us pi invotetr a h ottxcu fw« Jp^o- but he tnat comeih after me (foot, Ic/v&nzss fuv '@ii, Q yx. elpu is mightier than I, whofe flioes \ i * »> & m '' i ' i I am not worthy to *carry : he HULKS Ttt VTTOSV^ 0X5WW CUTIS flw„ bapt]Ze yQU wjth the ho_ v/xclS Qa.'Bio^ it itviu /ja]i ct.yiq x) 7itip<. ly Ghoft, and with fire. _*■ \ j\t . i» \ , -r \ 12 Whofe fan /j in his hand, i 2 Ou tv ^o» £y T| ^.p» ou^, **< and he wiU lhroughly »cleanf(| Jletx.a^t6<4 t «.Aa»v«t ctuy, & vuuaZ,{ his floor, and gather* the wheat 4* £™ t a'S ¥ ^braSaw)* atf, 7* tf ™to his gf neru: J>ut hf W|U „ , , , p/ ourn up the chaff with un- ap^po» Jta&fcou '* ,. ' ./I'll iij i a t ' Galilee to Jordan unto John, rotAiAo.^ 6*1 t IopJW ^os T Iaaw- tQ be baptIZ>d of him vkc, ? i8et^ie^v«f utt' «$ 14 O §1 14 But John * refus'd him , \axm\S PARAPHRASE. ft Further yet, and particularly in Reference to this Baptifm of Mine > I warn and mBruByou, that you do neither rely on the bare Outward 'Performance thereof, as if this Alone would conduce to your Salvation \ nor think too Highly of Me who adminiBer this Baptifm to you. For to fetyou Right in both thefe Points, you are to know that I indeed baptize vou with Water, but then 1 do this, not as if the bare Outward Baptifm or IVaJlring you with Water it of any Efficacy to your Salvation, but be- caufe Outward Baptifm is a proper Sign of your Obligation unto Repen- tance, which is as it were an Inward and Spiritual Bapttjm or IVafhing away the Filth of Sin. And then as to thisJSpiritual Baptifm or Wajh- mg away of Sin by Repentance , you are not to Conceive of me, as if I by my Outwardly Baptizing you did of my J elf or from my fe/f convey or confer upon you avy Grace or Spiritual Strength, whereby ye may be enabled to bring forth Fruit meet for Repentance; but you are to know th a"d vtto oV /3a-7rJicQ>ivaj, % ov t0 me ? ep^V ^fosftti if AwKfiJils Jli iy And Jefus anfwering IvitrSs eiTrt 4S&S a* Tor "Apes apTr faid «nto him, Suffer // /o be .. o , , \ « ~ _. ~ Jo now : for thus it becometh oIt» >^ bottom** v*M Trfuifaaaj us t0 fblHl aU righteoufncfs. •ffciowi Jl^oootlkt/. Tots «p/naiv Then he fufFer'd him. MTor. i<$ Keti &l*1i^> tS lifu-n; in the foregoing Claufe, yet not only common Reafon will ct 11 one, that ic refers not to that paufe. ("for to what purpofe fhould Chrift ftay in the Water, and not come out rf it imme- diately as foon as he was bapdz'd ? ) fo properly as to the following Claufe ; but alfo there are not wanting Inftances of the like Nature in the Beft Com- mon Greek Writers, as may be feen in the Cricicks: and Co Mark 1. 9. may be pointed and conftru'd. (») Some by He here underftand only the Baptift. But it feems better to un- dcrltand Chrift himfelf, (not exclulively of the Baptift) fince the plained Syntax requires it, which ought not to be departed from, without neceffity. Whereas there is no fuch neceffity here; there being not only no Incongruity in fuppofing Chrift himfelf to fee the Spirit defcending, but alfo there being a good Reafon for ir, viz. in order to fupport him the more under his enfuing Temptations. 3* S.Matthew, Chap. Ill, IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. fcxj ufo Tt TFuZfzx tv ©ead" x.a&- SaTvov «j eac t tfpa- ?»», Aey«oa« Outbs 6^fv 0 i\o$ /luv 0 etyocTniwi, u a eudox^oa. Keip. J\ . Toil 0 Ihovj av>! v9« as i1 epji^wy 'vlsro t wizu/talos, nru^.- o8vi»otf -Ocn! va/^CoAy. 2 Raj to- TBuffttS tijuefxi Tiwx^'xoy^a x) »ojc^ •nwag^owvla, yfi*l& the mouth 0f God. 0eod. f T0T8 i©^SaAa,u£aye< ao- rh 0 S^QoAas us tVjo kyicw 7roAiy, $ i'?wi» ao7oy *0j to -srltfuyiov tS «e£$J- j Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and fetteth him on a pinnacle of the temple. 6 x,x) ANNOTATIONS. (o) As is recorded John 1.33. (/>) This Expreflion, Like a Dove, is capable of two Senfes. Either that the H. Ghoft defcended on Chrift only in the fame manner at a Dove is wont to defcend or pitch, viz. Hovering for fome time over the thing or place which it defcends or pitches upon: or elfe that the H, Ghoft did defcend in a Bodily Shape refembling that of a Dove. Now fince Sc Luke exptefl, aflerts, that the H Ghoft iftd defcend in a Bodily Shape (Luke 3. 2% ) and fince we sre affur'd AUs 1. I- that the H. Ghoft did at Pemecoft defcend on the Apuftlcs in the Ap- pearance of Cloven Tongues ; I can fee no Reafon why that Opinion lluuld not fee preferr'd, wh.ch (uppoles that the Bodily Shape, wherein the H. Ghoft de- fcended on Jelus after his Baptifm, did refemble the Shape or Likene/s of a Dove. It is however abfurd, I think, to fuppofe that the H. Gaoft did affume the real Body of a Dove : no, as the H. Ghoft did defcend updn the Apoftles in the Ap- pearance of Cloven Tongues , which Tongues were not real Fire , but only lite as of Fire; (o the H. Ghoft defended on our Saviour at this time in the Ap- pearance or Shape of a Dove, which was not a real Dove, but only like a Dove. (?) Concerning the Wildernefs wherein our Saviour was tempted ; and alfo concerning S.Matthew, Chap. Ill, IV. 33 PA RAPHRASE. 111. over con'.- (as liksvoife the Baptiji, according to the Sign afore (o) appointed by God for the BaptiB to /know ChriB by,) law the Spirit of God defending (p) like a Dove, and lighting upon him, i. e. Chrijt. 17 And lo, a Voice came from Heaven, laying, This, on whom the Spirit defcends, is my beloved Son, the MeJJias or Chnfl that was to come into the World, in whom I am well pleas'd, and who conjequently is to be hearken d to and obey'd, as to what hejhall command or teach. Chap. IV. Then was Tefus led up by the Impulfe of the Spirit from , , ' the River Jordan into (q)jome more retir dTart of the Wuderneis ad- the Temptanon* joining ; and he was led up tlxther by the Spirit to be tempted of the"/ *" f)ev,,1 '" Devil, that thereby it might appear that He was made like unto Us in All things, Stn only excepted, and conjequently was liable to the Tem- ptations of the Devil as we/las fVe\ and therefore that by his Example We might learn how to refiji and overcome the 'Temptations of the 'Devil. 2 And when he had faded forty days and forty nights by a fuper natural AffiBance, (as Mofes and Eli as, the two great Prophets under the Law, had done) that fupernatural Ajfiflance being withdrawn, He was after- wards Hungry, j And when the Chief of the Fain or Evil Angels, call'd emphatically the Devil, and from his firB Tempting All others whether Angels or Men, to Sin, call'd alfo emphatically the Tempter, cams • to him, as looking upon his prefent Hunger to offer a fair Opportunity to difcover in what Senfe He was lately call'd ly the Voice from Heaven, the Son of God; viz. whether He was only a meer Man, belov'dbyGod in an extraordinary manner, by reafon of his extraotdinary Tiety; or whether He was tn realtty more than a tJMan , and the Son of God by nature , and as fuch was invejied within Htmfelf with an Almighty Tower. Whereupon the Tempter being come to Cbrijl, He faid : If thou be the Son of God, command that theie Stones here by us be made Bread for to fatisfy thy Hunger with. 4 But Hu, i.e. ChriB well knowing the Aim of the 'Devil in jetting him upon jo Miraculous a Work, anfwerd him in fuch a manner, as that the Devil could not thence dij cover, whe- ther he was any thing more than a meer Man, or not. For he anlwer'd and faid, It is written, (Deut. 8. 3.) Man (hall not live by Bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, /. e. by any other Means which God ' fha/l appoint for the fuftaining of Life. $ Then the Devil, not being able to ai/cover by the foregoing Anfwer what he aim'd at, thinks of another way to try his Divinity ; and forthwith takes him up from the Wildernefs into the (r) Holy City or Jerufalem , and fets him on a Pinnacle of the Temple. 6 And having obfervd that Chrijl ANNOTATIONS, concerning the exceeding high Mountain, whereon the Devil fhcw'd him All ihe Kingdoms of the Worla &c. Ceo my Hift. Geogr. of N. T. Part i.ehap. 3.§. 3. (/) Concerning JeiuUlem fee roy Hift. Geogr. of N.T.Part 1. chap. 2. § 4. as alfo Hift. Geogr. of O.T. Vol 3. chap. a. §. z, &c u S. Matthew, Chap. IV. T E XT- TRANSLATION. 6 Jt*j Ae-j4 ouwrcj>' Ei qos ei TV ©etf, jSxAe o-«aoTt>v x.a.T»' T^^a^ot) ■j^- Otj 7015 ctyy/AoiS ttoTtf C4T5AfcyS 'S^?J A/^ov Toy "ttbJ*- cod. 7 ET$f. 9 Koq Ae^ oa,7$' Toutk. wstyT* ctdi (feoti) , lay 7rsfeAoi xsfoaYih- 7cy, xotj.SV/oi.ii .) He (hall give his Angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands they fhall bear thee up, left, at any time thou dafh thy foot againlt a itone. Now this AJfurance plainly fuppojes or refers to fuch a Cafe as thou art in at prefent, and therefore fence there is no other likely IVay for thee to get down fife, thou may ft reafonably depend on God's making good this Promife to thee , ?/~ thou be his Son. 7 lejiis faid unto him, In expounding or applying Scripture this Rule is always to be obferv'd, That One Text be not fo expounded or apply' d as to be Contrary to Another. Whence it follows that the Text cited out of the giji Pfalm is wrongly apply 'd\ forafmuch as it is writ- ten again on the other hand (Deut. 6. 16.) Thou fhalt not tempt the Lord thy God, as in other Cafes, fo by Wilfully throwing thy felf into apparent Danger, on purpofe to tempt or try God's Power and Goodnefs toward thee, whether it will work a Miracle to prefer ve thee. Where- fore T will not caft my felf down hence ; but rather Hay here relying on God's good Providence, that it will open fome IV ay for my getting down fafely, without the expence of a Miracle. 8 Again the Devil being thus difappointed of the Difcovery he thought to make f Chrijl's 'Divinity, be- gins now to infer fom Chrift's Refufwg to exert or give any Instance of his Divinity, that He was really Not a Divine Per/on, but only a Meer Man, tbo of extraordinary Piety . Whereupon he refolves to attack Chi ijl once more, and that 'With the moft powerful Motives to induce a meer Man to comply with what he tempted him to. Accordingly the De- vil takes him up into an exceeding high {a ) Mountain, in the jame Wil- dernefs where he was afore, according to Tradition ; and fhcws or makes a Reprefentation to him c/all ihe Kingdoms of the World, and the Glo- ry of ihem : 0 And fays unto him, All thtfe things, i. e. AM>tbe Riches and Honour and Pleafure that the whole World can afford, will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worfhip me. 10 Then lays Tefus unto him with indignation, Get thee hence, Satan, i.e. thou Hater of Man- kind: for it is written {Deut. 6. 13 ) Thou (halt worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou ferve. 11 Then the Devil, defpatring to jucceed in any other Temptation, leaves him ; and behold , good An- gels came and minilter'd unto him, i.e. Jupply'd him with whatever he wanted, or his prefent Circumftances requir'd. (/) IV From the Time that cur Bl. Saviour thus Triumph' d over the Devil J^f w^V0' in Our Nature by Vanquijhmg All his Temptations, to the Time that be fpei.astothc/.'- enter'd upon the more Publtck part of his Mmislry after the Imprijon- ""r and non fo- ment f the Baptifi, {which took up the (t) Interval or Space of a whole chrift'j MMafcy, Tear and a Quarter and Jbmewhat more,) no Account is given us of our is hefe brk,flv Saviour's Life or Anions by any of the Evangeliffs, but only St John. c'Si/ri 0°f l°}oh». E 2. fir g6 S.Matthew, Chap. IV. PARAPHRASE. Fot it feems {u)Evident from computing together the feveral Gojpels, that fome time after ChriB had vanqwjtid the Temptations of the Devil, he return d to the BaptiB at Bethabara ; and that after this his Return it was, that the Baptifl bore that IVttnefs of htm rem ded by St John the Evangelift, Chap, i;Vi J, &c. and that looking on Jejus as he walk'/, the BaptiB J aid to two of his Difciples that were fiat/ding by him, Behold the Lamb of God, cjyc. (John i. 35-, 3d ) Whereupon the Jaid two Dtfci- pies of the BaptiB following J ejus to the houfe where he lodg'd, and be- ing tnBrufled by him, and convinc'd by his InBruiJwns, that He was the <3ttejjias or ChriB, prefent/y became the 'Difciples of Jejus. One of thef'e two Difciples we are exprefly told was Andrew , who forthwith brings his Brother Simon or Peter to Je/us, who likewife became his Di- fctple. The other of the twofiifi Difciples was doubt lejs John the Evan- geliB himfelf, it being his ujual Method all along his Gofptl to conceal his own Name. Now the Beginning of Chi i/l's Minijlry may be juftly dated from his thus inBrufting Andrew and John and Peter, and receiving them as his Difciples. The next day ChriB attended with fhefe his three Difciples went into Galilee, and there made two Converts and Difciples more, viz Philip and Nathaniel. All which Particulars are contain d or imply 'd in John 1. 37 — ult. In John 2. we have an Account of the Marriage at Carta in Galilee, where Jejus wrought his, fir B Miracle by turning Water into Wine. After that, v. i$-of Chap. 1. we are inform 'd °fJefus gow& UP tojerufalem to keep there the Pajsover which then was, being the Fir ft Paffover after Chrifl's Baptifm and entnng upon his Mi- nijlry, and confequently in the 3 \)l year of ChriB's Life. In the re- maining part of John a. and all John 3. we have an Account of what Chrift did ANNOTATIONS. returned this time from Jerufalem after the Paffover into Galilee, can't be exaffly known ; but there are Realons to believe, that it was not long ; and theiefore this uncertain Time above the whole Tear and quarter, I have exprefs'd by fomewkat more. (») It has above in the Notes (&) and (/) on Matth. 3. been obferv'd , that it is mod reafonable to fiippofe, that there was no vifible Delcent of the H Gboit in the likenefsof a Dove on Chrift before his Baptifm, but only after his Ba- ptifm i and confequently that the Delient of the H.Ghoft mention'd John 1. ^1,11 was no other than that mention'd Matth. 3. 16. Wherefore, fince what is reined John 1. 15 — ulr. muft be after Chnft's Baptifm and the Defcent of the H. Ghofi upon him, (forafmuch as trie Biptift ihere tells us v. 32., 33. how he had leen the Spirit defending on Chrift;) it thence follows, that what is related John 1. 1? — ult. muft be alfo after Chrift had beem tempted by rhe Devil : For we are inform'd Mark 1 iz. that IMMEDIATELY ( vz afcr Chrift's Ba- ptifm and the Delcent of the H, Gr.oft up-n rtim ) the Spirit led him into the Wildemefs; and confequently there was no Space between the Delant of the H. G oft on Chrift, and Chrift's going into the Wiidernefs to bt empted,for to iranlact what is related John 1. 15 — ult. And therefore it mift be [ anladleii after Ctrift hadvanquijh'd theTemptations of the Devil, and was returned again to the Baptifl at Bethabara. (™) See S. Matthew, Chap. IV. 37 PARAPHRASE. did at Jeruja/em this time; and Ch-i- 24- it is pat ticularly obferv'd, that Juhn ( the BaptiB ) was not yet caB into Pnjon. John 4. begins with informing us v j . that Jefus now left Judeat and departed again into Ga- lilee, going the neareB way, and [0 thro' the Province of Samana, where he dijcours'd with the Woman of Sychar or Sichem , <&c. ' The Account whereof tak$s up Chap 3 to v. 43. IV heme to the end of that Chapter we have an Account of ChriB's Coming into Ga/iiee, and there Curing a No- bleman's Son, who was fie k at Capernaum John $. begins with inform' ing us, that after this was the FeaB of the Jews , 1. e. the Puffver em- phatically Jo call'd as being the Principal FeaB of the Jews ; and that Jefus went up to Jerufalem to keep it. And all the reft of the Chapter is taken up with giving an Account of what Chriji then did at Jerujalem. And v i<>- of the fud Chapter ChriB /peaking of the BaptiB lays, He WAS a Burning and a Shining Light, fee. IV hie h Expreffton implies that the bapttft was now Cafl into 'PRISON, and thereby was hinder 'd from being a Light any longer to the Jews. Lujily, it appears from v. 1. of John 6. that Jefus {after he had kept the Pajiover or FeaB mention d John 7. 1. and which was m the yid year of his Life , and the fecoud Paffover after his Baptifm and Entrance into his ur payi ur en- ter'd on the more Publick part of bb MiniftryySwe time After the Paffover that was in the $zd year of kit Life ; fo the Time of the next PaJJover, which was ir»: g8 S.Matthew, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 12 A*Was Si o Uavs U I»*v- , *\ Now when Jefus had ~. , , , , heard that John was calt into v>is e<&% £u%>fwti us tU* Tet- pnfon, he departed into Ga- \1X0u\cu. 13 Koti KS^*AiOT» t' Net- ^ce' . , VT , _ v ( , , , 13 And leaving Nazareth , £ctper, lA^>» y&tqm\ whJclYs uP°n Vh' £*" r- ^ v^-^ coaft, in the borders or Zabu- Zott«Aa» xcw Neip^aA^. 14 I»a Ion and Nephthalim: ~r± „„. u~~'; .. ~Z i+ That it might be fulfill'd r 1 vi -YS7- ^ which was ipoken by Elaias iBOQvTtt y A£^pv7@-" if T>i Z*. the prophet, faying, p ■. \ ' ~ vT „r\_v ' r is) o. ij" The land of Zabulon , GouAav *«< y* Ne^A^, ,&, fr- Md*he ]and of Nephthalim ; Act'ojv;, tite^ck tv IopJ^vy, TctAiAotj* *in the way of the fea beyond _sp/>><\ ~ ^ y-N v ^ r c^.' o Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles: T^var 16 O Actcs • w^os J I(J The people which fat in c* PARAPHRASE. A. D. 3 2.) JFfoVA Particulars take up Chap. IV. 12 — X/K 1 2. /n which large Part of this Go/pel S. MATTHEW do's gene- rally Not obferve Order or Time , as to his Relation of the • Particulars therein contain d. As I have judgd it Expedient to comprehend under One Se&ion All that lirge 'Part of this Gcfpel, wherein the Evange/i/i has not plica' his Relation of things according to order of Time, that the Reader by the Help of the foregoing general Title of this StcJion might the{y) better fee, In what pan or years ofChrijl's Life the Particulars of this Seel ion were Iran faBed : So on account of (he Largnefs of this Stilton, I have judgd it alfo Expedient to Subdivide it into feveral Branches^ with their re' fpecJive Numbers affix t thereto, as follows. SECT. III. N° 1. Containing an Account ofChrijl's coming into Galilee after the Impriionment of the Baptift; of his leaving Nazareth i and his coming to dwell at Capernaum j of his Entring on the more Publick/w/ of his Miniftry; and of his calling Peter and Andrew, James and John to be his conftant Attendants. of chrift's com- 12 Now when Jefus had heard that John the Baptiji was cafl into ing irto GtiiRe Pnfon, He departed from Jerufalem, {where he had kept the (a) Pajfover, " \feo"Zfufi; that was next after thefmprijonment of 'the Baptiji, and in the 3 xdycar of S. Matthew, Chap. IV. 39 PARAPHRASE. our Saviour's Own Life ) into Galilee. 13 And he came to (a) Naza- ™^s() &"'££ re th, where he had hitherto generally dwelt from his Return out of Egypt ing to dwu at u- in his Childhood; but by reafon of the "Difrefpefi and Infidelity of the In- p™*™ > j""1^ habitants, and their ^oing about even to Kill 'him, leaving Nazareth, He „,""§ mu\ part came and for l he future dwelt, or made his chief Abode as at hisDwel- of tis Miw/Sy. ling place, in (b) Capernaum, which is a City upon the Sea-coaft of the Sea of Galilee, and lying in the Borders of the two Tribes of(c) Zabulon and NephthaLm : 14 that it might be fulfill'd which was lpoken by Elaias the Prophet, Ch a- 1, 2. faying thus, [namely fo much of the Taj- Jage being omitted, as is Not neceffary to be here mention 'd :) 1 $ Happy flail be the Land of Zabulon and the Land of Nephthahm, eJpeciaUy the City Capernaum, which Jhall be fituated in the Borders of 1 he J aid two Tribes , and more particularly (d) in or along the Common or moB frequented Way or Taffage of Travellers over the Sea of Galilee to the Countries lying on the other or EaBern fide of the faid Sea, and Jo be- yond Jordan: MoB happy Jhall thefe two Tribes or Lands be, t ho' fi- tuated in the mojl Northern and remote Tart of the Holy Land from Jeruja/em, and Jo lying next to the Gentile Nations, and inhabited by many Gentiles as well as Ifraelites, whence it is peculiarly call'd Galilee of the Gentiles, to diBingutfh it from the more Southern parts of Galilee ; MoB Happy, I fay, Jhall the People of thefe Tarts be. 16 For as the People thereof were the Fnfi of the Ifraelites, (e) which fat in the Dark- nefs ofAffliclion and Captivity brought upon them by the King of AfSyria; fo by way of Recompence of this heavy Calamity above the reB of their Brethren, it may be faid of them by way of Trophecy, which by reafon of the Certainty of the Events foretold frequently fpeaks of things to Come as ANNOTATIONS. in the 33^ year of his Life is referr'd to Matt. \z. I. compar'd with Luke 6. 1. And then the Paffover in the ^thyear of our Saviour's Life -was nigh at hand, when He fed about 5000 -with five loaves and two filhes; as we are inform 'd John 6 4, &c. Which Miraculous feeding of the faid Multitude is begun to be related in the very next verfe of St Matthew's Gofpel, after that where this long Section 111. ends, viz. Matt. 14.. 15-, &c. This may alfo be plainly feen in my Table of the Harmony &c. (y) This may moft clearly be feen in the Table laft mention'd. (z) Sztjohn y. 1. compar'd v/itiijohn 3.14 and 5*. 35. (a) See Luke 4.. irj, &c. \b) See my Hift. Geogr.of N.T. Part i.chap. 4. §.7. (c) See my Hift. Geogr. of O T. Vela, chap y.'§. 14 and ijp£j #a.<7jAe<'a iwy fc^yay. 1 8 riepi7iaTwy Si 0 Iwvs iri>k\ t ^aAetwxv £ rctAiAotja? eicffe ttfioLs y s, Iocko)Cov T ? ZeC«J(ft)V, £ Ldoui- v!t« T khXtpai ojj§) oi tj$ 7iKolci> pj ZtQiPxty yTtargos at-ray, Jtstlttp-n^ov- ^£, TO JVcI^St CCOT' Xf tY&teWi OUiTVS. darknefs faw great light : and to them which fat in the re- gion ■& Ihadow of death, light is fprung up. 17 From that time Jefus be- gan to preach, and to lay, Re- pent, lor the kingdom of hea- ven is at hand. 18 And Jefus walking by the fea of Galilee, faw two brethren , Simon, call'd Peter, and Andrew his brother, call- ing a net into the fea ; ( for they were fifhers : ) ip And he faith unto them, Follow me , and I will make you filhers of men. 20 And they ftraightway left their nets, and follow'd him. 21 And going on from thencd he faw other two bre- thren, James the Jon of Zebe- dee, and John his brother, in a fliip with Zebedee their fa- ther, mending their nets: and he call'd them. 22 o< ANNOTATIONS (/) The full Import of what our Saviour thus preach'd, fee explaia'd in the Paraphrafe of Matt . 3. x. (g) That Jefus had long afore this made and receiv'd fome as bit Difciples, is evident from John 1. 3?— ulc. where we have an Account of Andrew and Jok?i firft, and afterwards Peter, and then Philip, and laft of all Nat katiiel becoming the Dilciples of Chrilt. And it is not to be doubted, but thefe inform'd All their Relations and Acquaintance with the great Truth they had difcover'd and were convine'd of Tbemfelves, and thereby brought many others to be likewife Chrift's Difciples. Particularly it is not to be doubted, but by the means of John aforemention'd as One of the Two firft Difciples of Chrift, his father Zebedee, and his brother James, and all the reft of that Family were made the Dilciples ofChuft. (h) For tho'Pe^er and Andrew and John were become the Difciples of Chrift at Bethnf-ara, and did tbe?ice attend him, into Galilee ; yet it appears from the Gofpel Hiflory, particularly from this place, that they were not afore his Co»- fiant Attendants, but follow'd their own Trade. (<) As is related John 1. 37 — ulc. (t) Namely S. Matthew ; Chap. IV. 4-1 "paraphrase- ZZZZT" to be Miracles, as well as Ear-witneffes of his 'Difcourfes while he liv'd, and t"ni^,"ff>' "*" thereby flmild be the better qua'liffd to publifo both his Miracles and Do- Brine thro' the World after his T>eath. Wherefore, as he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he law thofe two Brethren, whom he had injlrucled and made his 'Dfciples ( i ) at Bethabara, ( where and when he thereby firjl enter d upon bis Miniflry) viz. Simon, whom Chrifl uponfirjl com- ing to him at Bethabara call'd Peter, and Andrew his Brother, cafting a Net into the Sea, ('for they were Fifhers :) ip and he faid unto them, Take your leave now of your Common Trade, and come , and for the fu- ture follow me as my conftant Attendants ; and I will make you Fifhers of Men, i. e. ye Jhall gain and convert tSMenfrom Sin and tjMifery to Righteoufnejs and Happinefs. 2.0 And being prepared to obey Chrifl's Call by being Afore his "Difciples, they flraightway left their Nets, and follow'd him as his conftant Attendants for the future, being very wil- ling to be rather employ 'd in Jo much better a Work as the Salvation of Men. it And going on from thence, h# faw other two Brethren, James the Son of Zcbedee, and John his Brother, in a fhip with Zebe- dee their Father, mending their Nets; and he call'd them likewije to come and follovo him as his (h) conftant Attendants for the future. For John {i)was that other of the Two Difaples of the Baptiff, who, upm the Bapti/i's feeing Jefus as he walked, and telling them that He was the Lamb of God or Chrift, went to Jefus at Bethabara, and were infltucled by him, and became there his 'Dtjciples. And John being thus from the very firjl Beginning of Chrifl' s Mimftry one of his 'Difapks, and Jo for confiderably above a year, it is not to be doubted but He had inform* d his Brother James {as alfo his Father Zebedee) that Jefus was the Chrift, and had long Jince brought him to Jefus, fo that James alfo was long Jiuce a T>ijciple of Jefus , ( and the Father Zebedee ) as well as John. F 22 And 4-x 5. Matthew, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 22 O/ & iujidi 0Lw» outv as cAkc t£w Sudor xoq /zs^oTivey- JtgtV cuItcS Wclv^, TVS Y&X.&S 'i^l- ^L4, 77BI?UA«|J »0ivine Autho- rity of Jefus that call' d his Sons) and follow'd him henceforward as his conftant Attendants. And it is to be obfervd^ that hitherto St Matthew has related the Particulars ffe takes notice of, according to the due order of Time, wherein they j'ucceeded one the other. 23 But he do's not objerve order of Time in what he relates next. For of (as will clear lj appear from my Table of the Harmony of the Go' pels) He by st Matthew n0( only takes no notice at all offome (i) Particulars, which Jhould have Tmf/^dmof- been infer ted here according to order of Time \ but fuch Particulars as derto make way he do's take notice of and belong to this Place in due order of Time, he sJvioar'TLmZ mentions not till Chap. 8. 14 — 17. Namely it was not till the day after on the Mount in Jefus had curd Peter's Wife's Mother of a Fever, that this was Jet about his Acwun? tfWbicb St Matthew relates in this v. 23. viz- And Jefus went about all our saviour's M,- Galilee, teaching in their Synagogues, and preaching the Gofpel or glad Tidings of the ( /) Kingdom of the Meffias or CbnH foretold by "Daniel , and now to be Jet up; and in order to prove his Divine Authority and Tower, and Jo the Truth of what he taught, He went about not only teaching, mjtr). S. Matthew, Chap. IV. 4-3 PARAPHRASE. teaching, but alfo miraculot'Jly healing all manner of Sicknefs, and all manner of Difeafe among the People. 24 And his Fame hereupon quickly went throughout not only the Jeveral Provinces of the Holy Land, out alfo all [rh] Syria , of which the Holy Land was only afmall Tart : and they brought unto him all fick People, that were taken wiih divers Diieafes and Torments, and thofe who were polTefs'd with Devils, and thole who were Lunatick, and thofe that had the Palfy ; and he heal'd them. And here again St Matthew makes a Skip, aJ maY be Jeen in my Table of the Harmony of the Gofpels; which he do's, that he might hajlen to that moft "Divine Sermon of our Saviour on the Mount. For St Matthew's chief Care in penning his Gofpel being {as it Jeems) to deliver down to Po- flerity an Account of our Saviour's (») Difcourfes or Doctrine ; He therefore judg'd it expedient, after asjhort an Introduction as might be, to place in the Beginning of his Account of our Saviour's Minijlry the Sermon on the Mount, as being the moft compleat Syjlem of'Chrijlianity, that our Saviour ever deliver 'd in one Difcourje. Wherefore, tho' it be certain that great Multitudes did follow our Saviour at fever al other times Afore as well as After the 'Delivery of the f aid Sermon ; and confequently St Matthew might pofjibly have a general RejpeSl to all thofe times : yet it is evident from Ch.f.i. that he has in this lajl verfe ofCh. 4. more immediate and particu- lar Rejpe Si to the Multitudes that were prefent at the Delivery of the faid Sermon. And the fame further appears (0) from the Gofpels of St Mark and Luke, as may be feen in my Table of the Harmony of the Gofpels. For which Reafons it is, that I have plac'd in the faid Table feveral Partial- lars between v. 24 and 2?. of this Chapter, placing there immediately be- fore the Sermon on the Mount what St Matthew fays here in v. 2.f. And there follow'd him on a certain time (00) great Multitudes of People from ANNOTATIONS. (t) Namely Chrift's going Pack into Capernaum, after that he had thus caWd Peter and Andrew &c. and there on che Sabbath-day in the Synagogue coming a Man that had an unclean Spirit ; as alfo Chrift's departing ( the Morning after that Sabbath-day, and his having cur'd Peter's Wife's Mother in the Evening thereof) into a Solitary Place, and there praying &c. afore he -went to preach about all Galilee &C. (I) See i he Paraphrafe on Matt. 3. x. (m) See my Hift. Geogr. ofN.T. Part 1. chap. i.§. 13. and ofO.T. Vol. 1. chap. 3. (eel:. ?• § 4.. (») Accordingly St Matthew gives us the fulleft Account of our Saviour's Di- fcourfes, during the Time of our Saviour's Miniftry, which he takes notice of, and during (at lead; his Stay in Galilee after his beginning the more Publick Part of his Miniftry. (0) Namely by comparing the Parallel places of St Mark and Luke fet over againft this v. zf. of Matt. 4. in my faid Table. (00) The Learned Bifhop of Worcefter refers the Fulfilling of that famous Pro- phecy of Jacob Gen. 49. 10. to the Gathering of the People after Jefus here taken notice of by St Matthew. For the Scepter was the*) departed from Judah, i. e. 44 S.Matthew, Chap. IV, V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. The Introdu- ftjon. TV) i TaAiActiotS x.06) AeK^'^Aeaj xau\ Kes cu^, zafotmA- Aej^y from Galilee,, and from Deca- polis, and from Jerufalem, and />w« Judea, and fxom beyond Jordan. Chap. V. And feeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain : and when he was fet, his difci- plcs came unto him. a And he open'd his mouth, and taught them, faying, 3 Bleffed are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the king- dom of heaven. 4 Bleffed are they that mourn : for they fhall be com- forted. $ Bleffed are th£ meek : for they fhall inherit the earth. 6 Bleffed are they which do oTi awmi Iqii » /SctcnAwa tSv ifpa»5y. 4 WicLxgLtAoi oi ■ m.iJoul'Tts' on cu>- Sl /©■^^AxSd'gdv^). f Ma^'dUoi oj ttrfctui- 077 ocotoi ^vtpovo/x^ayaj T )w. 7 MotJ^pioi oi eAeM,9n'(n)y'2). 8 Ma^o. ol i^Wi for0th^ J13,11 obtai" mercy- - tJ v >9* T \ « , 8 Bleffed are the pure in t? HStpStoc ott ubi TBy ©eoy ortyirq* heart : for they fhall fee God. 9 M*K£- PARAPHRASE, from (p) Galilee, and from (p) Decapolis, and from Jerufalem, and from other Cities and T laces of the Province of the Holy Land properly call'd (p) Judea, and from (p) beyond Jordan. SECT. III. N° 2. Containing our Saviour's mofl Divine Sermon on the Mount, which takes up Chap. V^ VI and VII. Chap. V. And feeing the Multitudes mention d in the Verfe imme- diately foregoing, viz. the laB verfe of Chap. 4. He, /. e. ChriB went up into a Mountain : and when He was fet jo as to be bejl heard, his Difci- ples came neareB unto him, the Reft of the Multitudes /landing behind tbem> and Jo as that they might hear al/b, as many as were dejirous (0 to do. 2 And he open'd his Mouth, i. e. [poke with the louder voice, that he might be heard the better, and taught them All, but more particularly directing his 'Dijcourfe to his ZXfciples, and faying : j Bleffed. S. Matthew, Chap. V. 45- P A R A P H R A Si E, g Bleffed are the Poor in Spun, i. e.Juch as have a trite Jenje of their The J1^ . Spiritual Wants or Inability of them fe Ives to All that is Good; and 'who w„ „r b/^Jj confequently out of fuch a fenfe are truly Humble and Lowly in Mind: ™°™ pa»'<;uiar- C r ■ ■ l -ir I 1 ri • , 1 y ;/■! , > ly belonging CO lo tor theirs is the Kingdom or Heaven, /. e. they are did) qualify a to be- manyfPeciaia«*. come Members of the Church of God or Kingdom ofGi ace here, and of the "/"";,»'.»f <■*>* Kingdom of Glory hereafter. 4 Bleffed are they that Mourn \ i.^e. are ciuif?' c'p " affecled with a true Godly forrow, as for their own Sins, fo alfo for the Sins of others , and the dislreffed State of the Church arifwgfrom the fVickednefs of Men : for they (hall be comforted with Juch a Meafure of the inward Comfort of the H. Spirit here iq-fjjis Life, as God fees fit for them , and with fulnefs of Comfort for ever in the Life to come. y BlelTed are the Meek, i.e. fuch as are of a gentle and quiet Temper, not apt to give Themfelvesjiny Offence to Others, and patiently bearing with any Offence given Them/elves by Others: for they fhall inherit the Earth, i. e Jhallreap this Advantage by fuch their meek Temper, viz. as thereby generally to live in the Quiet and Comfortable Enjoyment of their Eflates in this World by the peculiar Providence of God; or at leafl Jliall have an Inheritance in that New Earth, wherein Righteoufnefs, fhall dwell, 2 Pet.$. 13. and which is more largely defcriti d Revel 21 andri.. 6 Blefltd are they which do hunger and thirft after Righteoufnefs, ?'.) Concerning all thefe Provinces lee my Hift.Geegr. of NT. Part 1. ch. 1. ^ +, 7, ti and 12. (a) Ether. 4*6 S. Matthew, Chap. V. TEX i\ 9 M*X5tpio« ol eip«vo7ro(o/' on mtqi t\oi ®ti «A>i3»)cro»7oq. 10 Ma^exoi oi $\$iu>y$i)oi 'evtYjti S\y$\ooxww on aujTUi '(&V >> ^xajAact tov oug^vav. ii M.a.ti&tiioi e?s, otdiv ova&orixnv t'/iocf kcu $\a£uS. 12 XoijpeTt jcoj «.J«MlAo3e' 071 0 (JW&Of i)fj%f 7T0- Aus oi 10T5 XgfLtolf &t» )b ££ia£a# TVS , xcq K^wra?^^ ^7TB 14 T^aaj \va?) ttoAjs k/>i>£>iv*j e»a»« cpys xw jt^mi. 1 j- OuJfc K*iV) theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 1 1 Wherefore to apply this laB Blejjing to you who are my Dijciples , and who are to expeil Perfections as jour Lot; you may rejl mojt AjSur'd, that blefTed are ye, when Men fhall revile you, and perlecute you, and {hall fay all manner of Evil againft you, if fo be they do this (/)Falfly or without any juJIOccafion given them by you on your own Account, and only lor my lake, or becauje you are my Difciples or M/ntJiers, and pro- fefs and adhere to and endeavour to propagate the true Religion, which I teach you from God. 12 Rejoyce, and be exceeding glad at fuch Til ujage : for more than ordinarily great is that your Reward which is re- fervdforyou in Heaven. And you have the lefs Reajott to be difcourag'd at fuch Perfections, for as much as you well know that fo perlecuted they, i.e. Wicked Men the Prophets who were before you, and whom you now believe to be mojl amply rewarded by God for fuch their Sufferings. 13 Having thus in the firB place, by jetting before you the foremen- Th "J; f tion'd Bleffmgs , fet before you the great Encouragements there are for chriftians"™ be- to be fo Qualify d as I require of my Difciples to be ; I proceed next to "$' °'h'ri l>?th Jet before you more particularly the fever al Tarts of your 'Duty as my ftfn and illm- Dijciples. Ye are then to know , that ye are defignd by me to be as it tte!- were the Salt of the Earth. Namely as it is the Property andUfe of Salt to preferve things from Corruption, and to give them a Savoury tafle ; jo you are by your good Lives and Doclrine to preferve and reclaim Men from corruption of Manners, and to teach them how to live Acceptably unto God. But as if the Salt has loft its Savour, /'/ may be well askjl, Where- with fhall it be faked ? as implying that there is Nothing which can re- cover it to its former Savour and UJefulnefs ; but it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be call out of doors, and to be troden under foot of Men : So in like manner, if ye my Dijciples are not Jo mfluene'd by what I do and teach, as to AcJ agreeably thereto by living Holy Lives your feives , and promoting Holme fs in others as much as m you lies \ there is No other Means left, which can have a Greater Influence on you in order to make you dij'chai ge your Duty ; but ye will become the mojl Ujelejs and WorB of Men m the fight of God, and will be dealt with by Him as fuch. 14 Again, your Duly may be illuBrated by other familiar Instances The (J^Var.he.. or Similitudes. Ye arc defend by me to be as it were the Light of the liiuftrated. V*lor\d,Jhewing dMen by your Doclrine and Example the True Way wherein theyjhould walk jo as 10 be accepted by God. And as a City that js fet on an Hill cannot be'hid,/j as not to be jeen or taken Notice of by T offers by ; fo the Chriflian Church is defignd by me to be a Society of Mtn , which fhall be render d mojl Confpicuotis, and on many Accounts full be taken mo ft diligent Notice of by the ReB of Mankind, is Nei- ther do Men light a Candle, and put it under a Bufhcl, but on aCan- {fiEphefi 14—17. (r) See the Paraph. on v. 3. (f~) Compare iP^.i^&c. 48 S.Matthew, Chap. V. text. TRANSLATION. Avyuou,*) Ax^tH ™<* 6i~s •» tm oijua. » g' vcth- J'81" unt0 a11 that * , . , , ~ , '~ „ are in the houfe. 1 6 Oui» Ax^xtw to ?>a)5 b/uar g/t- l6 Let your n&Ht fo Qiine ■GfocQa t iijfotww, 'iims I'<5W vfiui before men, that they may fee < \ „ ' \\rt « ' your good works, and glorify to KStAa ep>a, $ ; tvs isf>Qf outo T«s xv^paTTVS , eAx^roS men fo, he fhall be call'd the .*><*> ~ n n ' m / • ~ leaf! in the kingdom of hea- xAnV £tds ^ej«s and teach f£«w, the fame fhall ' A *'.'W> ~.o', v ' ~. » , ~ be call'd great in the kingdom x.A»7«iTeJ ey tm /3si<7jAa* t iepety/ay. 0f heaven. 20 Ae'} )8 up* , 07i exy pi -a£«r- 20 For I fay unto you, Ex- , c , r ~ . ~ ~ cept your righteoufnefs fhall o-eudM y, bw°<™» «A««» ^"°v Ta>y exceed /(6, righteoufnefs of the vxpcx-nay £ pY, * pi aV- Scribes and Pharifees, ye fhall , , u / ~, > ~ in no *\vife enter into the king- «A9>)T4 as t fSaojAax* r Vpxyay. dorn 0f heaven. 21 Hx.Vow,]e, PARAPHRASE. dleftick; and it gives Light unto all that are in the Houfe: Agreeably whereto, fiuce ye are defignd by Me as fo many Candles to them among whom ye five; ye ought not to go about to hide jour Light from others , fuppofing the T)ivme Ti evidence puts it in yourTower/o to do. 1 6 Where- fore Jince in many Cafes the Divine Providence Jhall put it out of your Pow.r to hide your fetves; and when it is in jour Tower to hide your f elves, yet ye ought not to bide your Light from others ; IFhxt remains to be done by you, but that you be Careful in all Ctrcumjlances to let your Light' lb flune before Men, that they may fee your good Works whether ■ of Teaching or Living, and, being thereby converted to Chrisliamty, may glorify S. Matthew, Chap.V. 4.9 PARAPHRASE. glorify GW, w/6o thro' Me is in afpecial manner your Father which is in Heaven, namely for making you the happy Injlruments of their Converfion. v 17 And as Chrijiianity thus obliges you to promote the Salvation of all chn'ft came »•< others, as much as in you lies ; fo think not that I am come to deftroy. ?i,f,7J',rbut i° -', ' ,. , /, ,.././.. /., ,_ J /«//?« the Law R or jree you from the Obligation of performing your f elves any moral Duty the rrophew. contain 'd and en fore' d in the Law or the Prophets: I am not come to deftroy thus, but to fulfill the Law and the Prophets; namely, by Fully performing whatever was Typify d ofi tdTj «p. ii Ye have heard, that it f , / ,< inj ,\ ' was laid * to them of old time, tftair Ou po»a«r«s- os $ is^ccj tw x.eJi p/ eer of the Tuderoent. «Tfc Aeya «,*„, 07, a-ets f JW" 22 But I fay unto you, that (mS//@j t$ aJV\. aorS eocii , evo- whofoever is angry with his _ /fa_, •' , ~ ' 1 »> «' j\, «'.'«-.. brother without a cai.fe, (hall o , ~ ,Vr i ,/ .» ? be m danger or the Judgment : 1$ i.S\h. «»o^ Raca, (hall beindan- „' , , ' ~. ger of the council: but who- X®* i^H ui ™* ywcw rv ww- toever (hall (ay, Thou fool, ej's. 23 Biv ku nfoottms ro Si- ^n bc m danger of hell-fire. , _t ' ■»■ ■ , » » 23 Therefore) if 'hou bring e^v s, here render'd by our Tranflators Judgment, may denote likewife a Court ofjuflice. And there being mention made in the next Claufa of the «-o"*ty>«i», i.e Sanhedrim,vrh\ch is render'd by our Tranflators the Council, and was certainly a Court ofjujlice among the Jews ; hence ic is very probable, that by «&*<"* and «a»»here mention'd,our Saviour did intend to denote the Greater itidLeJfer ' or Higher zod Lower Sanhedrim or Courts of Juftice in tbeJewilhSta;e. And forafmuch as our Saviour here evidently ufes an Afcending Climax, as to the Punifhrnent referr'd to; hence it will follow, that by_xe*»j; is reafonably to be un- derftood the lejfer or lower Sanhedrim, by o-twifymj.\\e greater or higher Sanhedrim . (vi) That the Expreffibn of Fool or Raca may be Lawfully us'd by way OSfJifft and charitable Rebuke, is abundantly evident ftom Scripture, or 'the Practice o; our Saviour himlelf and his Apoftles. (x) The word yii** is not improperly thought to be made up of two Hebrew or Orientalwords, which denote the Valhy ofVCmnom. See 2 Kings 13. 10. s^ S. Matthew, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. XT? avS' 24 Atptf 6a.\ to c5%5V c\S 'iftlS&cd-li TV *]uitm, 59 0 Kpnys at *vii«/. 27 Hx.Voa.Ti 071 ippe'^JI i" 7o~S ecp- ^.ioii' Oo ^ivfci/ffws. 28 Eya A Ai> u^Tv, 077 -arotj 0 /8Ag7TOv 5*o/a7- K5t fZ3£?S 70 '^^UfWffBU, CLOTHS, fl^ remembreft that thy brother hath "any thing againft thee; 24 Leave there thy gift be- fore the altar, and go thy way, firlt be reconcile! to thy bro- ther, and then come and offer thy gift. x$ Agree with thine adver- fary quickly, uhilft thou art in the way with him : left at any time the adverfary deliver thee to thejudge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be caft into prifon. 26 Verily, I fay unto thee, Thou fhalt by no means come out thence, till thou haft paid the uttermoft farthing. 27 Ye have heard that it was faid*to them of old time, Thou fhalt not commit adultery. 28 But I fay unto you,That whofbever looketh on a wo- man to luft after her,hath com- mitted adultery with her al- ready in his heart. 29 E» PARAPHRASE. remembreft that thy Brother, /. e. Any other has any thing againft thee, i.e. has receivd any Injury or Offence from Thee, Jot which he may he jujlly dijpleas'd with thee ; 24 Leave there thy Gift before the Altar, and go thy way, and firft do what in thee lies in Reafon or "Duty in order to be reconcil'd to thy (aid Brother, and then come and offer thy Gift, with a well-grounded Hope ( at leaft in this refpefi ) that thou foal t be accepted by God: Otherwife it is tu vain to hope for Acceptance at God's hands, whatever the Scribes and Tharijees Jhall do and teach to the con- trary. And as you are carefully to obferve this Rule of mine concerning Re- conciliation, m the manner here literally exprefs'd, for the time that the Legal Di/penJ at 'ion or Service of the Temple Jhall continue , and ye jhall attend it : So from hence you may eajily infer, what will be your "Duty to do in the like Cafe, when the Christian 'Difpenjation and Service Jhall wholly take place \ Namely that you ought to uje your fincere Endeavours to be Reconcil'd to Any one t hut you have given juH Offence to , before you & Matthew, Chap. V. y? PARAPHRASE. you pre fume to come to the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; and even before you jo much as Tray to God either Privately or Fubtickjy, if you have Time and Opportunity to ufe Juch Endeavours of Reconciliation; or if you have not, Jincerely to purpofe to lay hold of the fit Ft Opportuni- ty you fiall have to endeavour a Reconciliation ; and to afit accordingly. 2y Arid to enforce this 'Duty of Reconciliation the Jlronger upon you, and to make you more clearly fee the Reajbnablenefs of it, I fhall farther illu- strate it with a familiar Inflame. Whojoever thou art then {fuppofing that One, whom thou haft made thine Adverfaiy byfome Injury done unto him, be about to have thee before the Judge or Magi/Irate,) Thou wilt readily acknowledge This to be the bejt Advice that can be given thee in fuch a Cafe; namely, to Agree with thine Adverfary quickly, whilft thou art in the way with him going to the Judge; left at any fuch time, for want of making up Matters thus in the way, at length being come to the Judge, the Adverfary deliver thee to the Judge, and the Judge, upon hearing the Cauje and finding thee Guilty , deliver thee to the Officer, and thou be caft into Prifon. z6 Verily I fay unto thee , and thou can ft not well be ignorant of the Truth of it, as being what hath fo com- monly happen d to Others in the like cafe, viz- that being thus cajl once into Trijon, Thou (halt by no means befuffer'd to come out thence, till thou haft paid the uttermoft Farthing that was requifite to be paid, in order to make full Satisfaction for the Injury done by Thee. In like man- ner, it. is moft advijable for thee to make Reconciliation with Any one that thou haft offended, without delay, and whilH thou art yet in the Way to the other JVorld, where God fhall be thy Judge ; left by having an End put to thy Ufe here fooner than thou did ft expeiJ , thou fhouldft be took out of this World and calt'd to the Judgment of God, before thou haft made Reconciliation : For then the Time will be pajl for making it, and there will remain nothing but endlejs Tttwjhment for Juch a wilfull Negleft of fo great a Duty. 2.7 I proceed next to exemplify, how I am come to Fulfill the Law rhev^nd x by teaching you the fulllmpoi t of it, in relation to the feventh Command- fiance of drift's ment. Ye have heard that it was faid to them of old time, Thou fhalt ""V"| «° /«//« not commit Adultery: whence the Scribes and Tharifees infer and teach, that only the Aft of Adultery is forbidden by this Commandment. 0.8 But I fay unto you, that wholoever only looks on a Woman to hilt after her, i. e.fo as to entertain any unchajl 'Dejlres or Intentions toward her, has committed Adultery with her already in his Heart, and confe- quently m the fight of God, who chiefly regards the Heart) and will pu- mp ANNOTATIONS. V. 17. f ToTe afXxlois is not read in Cant, nor very many other MSS.'nbr in Syr. Arab. Ethiop.Copt. VerGons; however I have retain'd it, bccaufe it is read in the Old Vulg. Latin or leal. Verfion, the moft Anc. of the Veif. and by Irenxus. V. TO. 5-4 S.Matthew, Chap.V. text. TRANSLATION. 20 El Si o ifl*\fus avv o Agios *9 And if thy right eye «\ r7i .;r N » \ , „ / v *make thee to offend, pluck it mcuSbLM^i at, t&\t cu>roi, & /3*Ae out> and caft it from thee . for ^brs cnjif* cv/Lupifi yk% avi, i'vot ^3r«- it is profitable for thee that one ■ n ,\ ~ i \ r/s of thy members fhould perifh, A^jv w» pAa» «,«, *«, p, oAoy and ^^ that thy vvho]cKbody' to crap* aov t et-TnA*)-*! as Tseyyot*. Ihould * go into hell. « v ! „' ' J\.£ J ,~. A >™- Jtv 3° And if thy right hand J _ ^ f/ * , ,** , t make thee to offend, cut it off, * e*xo-v}/o» co>t£u», ^ /3xAe ^Jmi and caft r'f from thee : for it is avS- ovfttfti yk? ?n>fa<7i9y. 32 Ey« «Hg tey* v. /ttiy, ot: os cty ^ttbAikth tuo jc«/ai- jyc o«/7bJ, ar«^efc705 Aojpu wopvaas •7TOI4 oCOT^to t ^jy^^ia/ye^ , »ot| 'is lew '^JbroAgAu^tM/ yoiyum , fut- 32 Bat I fay unto you,That whofoever fhall put away his wife, * except for the caufe of fornication , caufeth her to *have committed adultery: and whofoever fhall marry her that is divore'd, committeth adul- tery. 33FIxAiy ANNOTATIONS. V. 19 and 30. f So it is read, and not iSAuS-ji in Cant. MS. which is of the greateft Antiquity, and alio in Vulg. and Arab. Vcrfions, and fome other places. In fhort, Since there is an obvious Reafon for turning im&*i into y3A>£»i, as feeming a more proper way of Speaking, but no Reafon for turning fi^n into «wn'x&i) , therefore it is fcarcely to be doubted but imA^y was the true Original Greek Reading. V. 31. f Oti is not read in the Beft Copies. (y) So the Senfe requires that «*«iA«a«£« fhould be underftood here ; and this Rendring is accordingly taken notice or by our Tranflators in the Margin, tho' they made au 111 choice in preferring the Common Acceptation of this Verb, wherein it fignifies to offend; whereas according to the Helleniftical ufe it may alfo very well be onderftood to fignify, to caufe or make to offend, as anfwering to the Hipbil Conjugation of the Hebrews. Thus «>««»«• v. 4.5. of this Chapter is neceffarily to be render'd, not rifet, but makes to ri/e. V. jx. f Before I ever con ful ted the Various Readings , I was of Opinion that the true Senfe of our Bl. Saviour was not given us in the Common Greek , nor confequently in our Tranllation thereof. For according to both thefe, the Charge of Committing Adultery upon or by means of the Divorce is laid only to the S. Matthew, Chap. V. sf PARAPHRASE. ~ mfh fucb an One as a Breaker of the feventh Commandment , as much as if he AfluAly compleated the Sin; fince not his Will was wanting thereto , but only Opportunity, ap And , forajmuch as the Obfervance of this jeventh Commandment ( and fo of others ) in that more exalted Senfe, wherein I have ex plain' d it in the foregoing Verje, may feem very difficult to be praclisd, like plucking out a right Eye, or cutting off a right Hand; therefore to excite yon however to the Traftice of thefe necejfary ^Duties , I add further, that if thy right Eye (/) make thee to offend or Jin agamjl God, it is advij'able for thee to pluck it out, and cafl it from thee : iora/much as it is profitable for thee, that One of thy Members fliould perifh, and not (/. e it is better for thee., that One Member fhould peri/}], than) that thy Whole Body fhould go or be cafl into Hell. 30 And in like manner, if thy right Hand make thee to offend, // is adv. fable for thee to cut it off, and calt it from thee : for it is profitable for thee that One of thy Members fhould penfh, and not that thy Whole Body fliould go or be cafl into Hell. vm 31 A third In fiance, wherein IJhall exemplify, how I come te fulfill a Third in(hnc= the Law, namely by Cample ating what was ImperfecJ in it, and ^ifi^gf^oJui/u'Thc the Morality and Piety of my 'Difciples to the higheft Degree that humane l*» &c Nature is capable of, fhall be this : It has been faid in the Law, 2)eut. 24. 1. Wholbever fhall put away his Wife, let him give her a Writing containing an Account and the prefer ib'd Form of Divorcement; where- hy the Law did indeed permit a Man thus to divorce or put away his Wife m many Cafes. 32 But I fay unto you, that/row the Beginning it was not Jo ( Chap. ip. 8. ) ;'. e. This was net according to the Original Dejign tf God in making Mankind Male and Female, as appears from Gen.i.%^. and this was permitted in the Law ofMoJes, only becaufe of the Har ti- ne js of your Hearts {Chap. ip. 8. ) namely to prevent your running into greater Evils. Wherefore under the Chriflian Oeconomy or InBitution whofoever fhall put away his Wife, except for the Caufe of Fornication, in general jo call'd, i. e. for being Unfaithful to his Bed, do's thereby ren- der his and her Cafe to be fuck in Effect, as if they had never been mar- ry'd one to the other, and confequently thereby canleth her to have in effeSi done no other all the while they conforted together, than committed Adultery with him, and fo renders himfelf alfo guilty all that while of committing Adultery with her: and whofoever fhall marry her that is thus divore'd, commits Adultery. 33 Again> ANNOTATIONS, the Wife that is divorced, and the Husband is charg'd only with making her to commit Adultery ; whence All .the Expofitors and Commentators that I have taken notice of, refer what is here faid in this Claufc to what {hould happen after fuch a Divorce. But -now fince our Saviour fuppofss the Wife to be di- vore'd unwiliitigfy as well as unreafonably , therefore Reafon makes -one to ex- pect that our Saviour fliould lay a much Heavier Charge or Blame on the Huf- S6 S.Matthew, Chap.V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 33 rixAiv yixavmcn, o7i Ippe^H $tt«}4$ (TOO. 34 E>), otj i>7n>- vrihoi '6$i t 7mStoi *!&<)• (Mm us Ie- £2ov\v(io(,, 077 7roA.i5 '££? Tfc ,ue>aAof /3*?. 3<$ M»T6 ci tm jcepaAw (TV 0(40(TH$, 071 OV <5\t04ffO} /^OW 7?i^« X&ndtM « jt«Aot)vav 77Di>JoU|. 37 E Se 0 Ao jps U/t-$c/\ Neq , v<*r Ow , ou* to A "Storey TDur&jy, cv* t£ vrevvi- 38 Hjcvaa?e, otj eppg'Stj- OpfcA- /lm» a»Ti o ^Ty, fJM «V7J97)V0t) T&> TTDVHpffl' O.M 051$ 7z» kou To , , ', , , y t f * Y , , tny coat> ^et "lm have thy i/t*7Jov. 41 Kot) o blefs them that yaTt T*s K5trapa^oo45 f^5, **- curfe you, do good to them Kai 7roiem t 7ms (Aiavmv vfuis, x.ou\ that hate you , and pray for / ~ » \ op«. ?/ them which delpitefully ufe ^tu^Qt Mf rW i*nipeaf>7BV you? and perfecu£ you : £^ct$ £ ^lODtoyrav J^waS" 45" 07TO5 4? That ye may be the / _ « \ ~ \ < ~ ~ , > children of your Father which 7«H(Se M01 TV TOTTfOS U0W TW U V- fc ,„ heavt/n j fe, he maketh gjcvoTs, 07i tbv «Aiov coJtS ctwTtMet bis fun to rife on the evil ,^\ \ , » ft i \ „ / and on the good, and fendeth Oh mnps & ayet^s, XflH gpi^a rain on the juft and on lhe '^i Su&ioif, *, «^xo^. 46 Ecu $ unjuft. , 1 n \ , ~ ,~ , ~ ^ 44, _ •> ~ >. / i 2 Otov «y 77Ciij5 eAen^cn/vnv, oh ffaA-7no-v)S e.w^pO'aSsv c^> aaojp ol vin- Hf i7otf ttwo-iv £» raTs fft/va>i)>aTf $ oi brethren only, what do you more /^a« or^rj ? do not even the * Heathen fo. 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Chap. VI. Take heed that ye do not your*nghteoufnefs before men, to be feen of them : otherwife ye have no reward of your Fa- ther which is in heaven. 2. Therefore, when thou doft thine alms,donot found a trum- pet before thee, as the hypo- pocrites do in the fynagogues, and in the ftreets, that they may have glory of men. Veri- av7p«7ra»« eiftUo Aeyn v/un, xitv^ioi Jy 1 fay unto you, they have 7bv /Modvi ounui. 3 Xv Si Tniinvs tne 71 7T0I4 » dityoL CM' 4 07^)5 M (TV *\ iM-A[Mm>VA ot t$ %f villa- & 0 &&- 3 But when thou dofl alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth : 4 That thine alms may be in fecret : & thy Father which feeth in fecret, himfelf Ihall re- ward thee. * ANNOTATIONS. V.47. f So it is read in Cant, and fome other MSS. and Vulg. Latin, Copt, ^thiop. Perfick, and Arab. Verfions; and fo was it read by Chryfoftom, &c V. 1. | Aiko4»cv,Iu> not (\%*(* is read in Cant, and fome other MSS. and was read in the Copies us'd by mod of the Primitive Writers; as alfo by the Vulg. Latin Interpreter. And fo it is moft Agreeable to our Saviour's Methodj viz. that the Caution or Precept to avoid feeking Vain Glory Qiould be given in thejfr/? place in relation to Rigbteoufnejs, i. e. All Acts of Religion in general; then in relation to Aims, Prayer1, &c. in particular But fome one or other of Old not obferving this Method in our Saviour's Difcourfe, and knowing that fmmoovm is us'd in the LXX. Verfion of O.T. for itentuav>n, therefore either put in the latter inftead of the former, or at leaft pu; tMnpKnnlut in the margin as an Explication of JtxMotmiLj , whence it was afterward taken by fome other into the Text. {dd) Compare 'Luke 6. 36. V. 4.. f E» ™ ^"sj? is nut read in Cant, or Vatican Copies ; nor in Vulg. Lat. tnd Cope. Verfion 3 nor by Origen,Jerom, or Auguftin; which lalf particularly remarks, S. Matthew, Chap. V, VI. 61 PARAPHRASE. thrcn only, what do you more than Others, even than the Worji of Men in four efleemf for do not even the Heathen lo. 48 Be ye therefore Juch as have a Perfe£t, i. e. (dd) Univerjal Love to all Mankind, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect in refpeB to his Univerfal Love to all Mankind, as well as in all other RejptBs. And thus 1 have given you fix fcveral Inflames jhewing, How I am come not to destroy t hut to fulfill the Law and the Prophet: ; and that as in other refpeBs, fo partuuLrly by Freeing the Law and "Prophets from ihefalfeGloffes or Expofition of the Scribes and Thar ijees; and consequently by flawing you Jo many /ever al Instances, wherein Tour Righteoufnejs must exceed the Righteoufnejs of the Scribes and Than fees, if ye will be true Christians, and, as juch, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Chap. VI. I proceed now to injlance in feveral other PraBices of the ReU,™'^at ,„ Scribes andPbarifees, wherein TourRigbteouJneJs mujl alfo exceed Theirs, general are nor. tfye will be true Christians. In the fir si place then take heed that ye £keGd™e.ou{of do not your Righteoulnels, /'. e any Religious AB before Men, with the fame intent as the Scribes andPhanJees generally do, namely only to be ieen, and have Glory for Jo doing of Them : Otherwife, i. e. if ye be not care full to avoid all Juch vain Glory, but do thus propofe to your J elves the procuring of the Glory or Praije of Men, as the Reward of your Religious. ABions, ye have no Grounds to expeB any Reward of your Father which is in Heaven. XIII, a To infiance in fome particular ABs of Religion and Piety. There- And particularly fore, when thou doff ^/w thine Alms, do not found or cauje to be founded in the firft Place» a Trumpet before thee, nor ufe any other Means to proclaim and publifh oe g'ven onfuch what thou art doing, as the Hypocrites among the Scribes andTbarifees a Motive. do, in the Synagogues or places of Common Concourfe, as Market-places, and in the Streets, that they may have Glory of Men. Verily, I fay unto you, They have their Reward of Glory and Applaufe from tJMen, which they feek for , and are to expeB no other from God. 3 But when thou dolt give Alms, let not ihy Left hand know what thy Right hand do's, / e-do it with the greateflSrcrecy; {excepting always fuCh Cafes where it is requifite for ycu to do it openly, in order to ftir up others by your good Example, ana fo to let your Light fhine before Men, that they may glo- rify G d by following your good Example, according to the Rule afore laid down Chap. $. 16. For in juch Cafes, giving your Alms openly , not to p> 01/iote your Own , but God's Glory , you do no other than yua Duty , and what Gud will rew.-rd you for. But in all other Cafes take Care) 4 that thine Alms may be done in fecret, and fo only out offincere Love and "Duty to God : and God thy Father which fees this thy Jincere Love and 'Duy Jhewn to him in fecret, Himfelf fhall reward thee, and that openly, viz, m the fight of Men and Angels at the lasl Judgment for the farm. * And 6l S. Matthew, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. y K*| oray °'JK tfff «au?p oj 'Csjbx^ctom/ 077 piAycrjy o* reus <7K6'}«?s £ ii m7s yaiicqs r eii ipstvaoj "mi cciJfd'7iT>ii' cc/ulto Ae- ya vf-tli, 07i «,7rsyyai 7uy ujoSvi eu>- i»». <5 2u Jfe oia-y 'Sr£2f, 64 a- iXji eli 70 m/mt*oi o-y, $ xAe<(7»S lico *)"ugjcy o-y, <&g2 ot "tu> Kfvnlai' xou o ztr&Tnp ci utn)T8, aaOTp ol tjnxo'r ,«ay «» ^yoy i%in , <©£? ry u,u*s oq- TJJSttJ 0UUTZ1. 9 O'Jtos ola/ ©pooei/yerO-e V(ms- riATEP nfic** ° °* ™s o^ioiS' a>iae8yi7tB 73 "yo/xa. crou. 10 EA^s- 70 ^ @x«y»^j)7« 7D ^sAm- jU« o-y, a»5 sy ygjcva, Xf •ai 7HS >;:s. 5- And when ihou prayefr, thou Ihalt not be as the hy- pocrites are : for they love to pray ftanding in the fyna- gogues, and in the corners of the ftreets, that they may be feen of men. Verily I fay unto you, they have their re- ward. 6 But thou,when thou pray- eft, enter into thy clofet, and when thou haft (hut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in fecret, and thy Father which feeth in fecret ftiall Veward thee. * •7 But when ye pray, nfe not vain repetitions, as the hea- then do : for they think that they thall be heard for their much fpeaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them : for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 9 After this manner there- fore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. 11 Tay ANNOTATIONS. remarks, that he found it in no Greek Copies in his time, but only in fome Latin. It is fcarcely to be doubted, but it has been added by way of Explication and Ai.tichelis or OppoGtion to i' t* x^wrtt in the beginning of the Verfe. And the fame is to be understood as to the following Verfes , where it is read in our Common Copies &c. (e) Compare Luke u. 2. (f) The i . i i ■ i ■ — ii. — i i — , i u t -^—^— » ■ ■ — i it , S.Matthew, Chap. VI. 65 PARAPHRASE. 5- And when thou Praycft, i. e. jayjt thy own Private Prayers, thou *IV- (halt not be as the Hypocrites among the Scribes andPharifees are : for perform^ out erf They love to pray ftandine in the Synagogues or places of Common Con- Vai" Glory- wi,il / j - 1 r> c L C L L L C J ! <"h" InHrull 1011* courje, and in the Corners or the Streets, that they may be ieen and bane relating topr»y- Glory of Men ; to which end i hey make choke of the Comers of the Streets, "■ that they may be Jeen by the More, viz by fuch as are in the fever al Streets that meet at fuch Corners. Verily I lay unto you , they have their Reward which they proposd to themfelves, viz. the Glory of Men , .and are to expefi no Reward at God's hand, for af much as they feek not His Glory byjmh their Prayers. 6 Buc thou, when thou prayelt, i. e. fay/l thy Private Prayers , enter into thy Clofet, and when thou haft fhut thy Door, pray to thy Father which is. there prefent with thee , and beholds what thou doft in fecret , and thy Father which fees thy Piety in fecret fhall reward thee, and that openly, if- not here, at lea/1 at the Day of Judgment. ~] But when ye pray, ufe not vain Repetitions, or an injigmficant and fuperfluous Multitude of Words , as the Heathen are wont to do : for They are fo Weak and Ignorant as to the true Na- ture of God, that they think that they fhall be heard, if on no other Ac- count,yet at leaft for their much Speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them : for God is thro' Me in a peculiar manner your Father ; and therefore, as he knows what things ye have need of, even before ye a-sk him, fo he is ready to give them unto you without uftng Multiplicity of Words ; and Prayer is made a neceffary Means of Obtaining what ye have need of, becaufe it is an Acknowledgment of your own Infuffkiency, and of God's All-fufficiency, and Jo is a very proper Means to keep up in you a due Senfe of God's Glory, and your own Frailty. 9 After this manner, i. e. in this Form (e) therefore pray ye: 0 God, rheUrd; Prayer, which thro' our Bl. Redeemer art in a /pedal manner Our Father, /'. e. the v/ilh 3 "J""' £x- Father of all Chrifiians, and as fuch art mojl ready to hear our Prayers -fl""" r and which art in Heaven, i. e. art Able to grant them : It is our 'Duty in the firjl place to be concern d for thy Honour and Glory, and therefore Hallo w'd be thy Name, /. e. Grant that all things which do mote imme- diately relate to Thee {as thy IVord, Sacraments, thyMmifiers, the Places of thy Publick Woifhip or Churches ) may have all due Regard JJ^ewn to them, ejpectally by not being Prof and or look'd upon as Common things : io Thy Kingdom come, i.e. Grant that thy Kingdom of Grace may be extended over the whole World, or { which comes to the fame ) that the GoJ'pel may be preach' d to and embracd by all People : and more efpecially that thy Kingdom of Glory and Eternal Happinejs, which is referv'd for the Saints, may be haflend ; that fo We, with all that are departed this Life in the True Faith, may have our Perfeft Confummation and Blifs, both in Body arid Soul. Grant aljo that thy Will may be done in Earth, with the hike Readinejs, Cheerfulnejs, Sincerity, Z.eal and Conflancy, as it is in Heaven by the Saints and Angels. 1 1 Having thus m the fir ft 64- S. Matthew, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 1 1 Toy ttp7ov tiftM r '6fa{s •ms tyuKirqs Iftai. 13 Ko}pi e«r- I3 And lead us not into tulkys v/u*s Hi 7rcipao^.oy, ^d py. temptation, but deliver us from c ~ • > > ** ~ r„ «?«-.•* evil : f For thine is the king- ttj vpts ^r. y ttdv^v [_ot* £* us TVs glory, for ever. Amen.] cqavcc^. i(tUo.l 14 Eav y>f «0mtb H For> if Ye forgive men ~,a/ ' •*, o / «■ » ~ their trefpafles , your heaven- 7Bt5ctv8p»7roi5TO^ct7rl«^o«"WV, Iy Father wlU alfo forgivc etpjjcnj £ UjttTv 0 ra^p i^wcav a WgyutoS. you. if Eiv^^ccV^70^cc'v9p^15m, I\But ^ ve forgive not ' r T^ , lr r v c ^ men their trefpafles, neither oi'nla{ut,'& euvw, yfo 0 m1>ip v^ai will your Father forgive your etpjjoTJ -m nzfypi&aptafo vjuai. trefpaiies. 16 Otov Si iwfon, pS x'H«3e , l6 Moreover, when ye fall, f, • , , , f , be not as the hypocrites, or a 6)cro;p of xjaoxfilan, oTto9p»7ro/- aV iw ©datura «Jnw, oW fig«ie their faces . that they ^ «-~ . . / „ » , may appear unto men to fait. 1 _, \ 17 But thou, when thou i7 Zv St nwm *\u^**rt >&»**- fafteIt> anoint thi„e head, and paAJw, x.*) td '3i£?atiJ7n)v / P\ ^ t be full of light. [ml cry (tarwoi tax*' 23 Ea» h 0 " £ , . » a , , , ,, , 23 But if thine eye be evil, <>0x\(JjO{ (tdv 7itn&S «, oAov 7D era- thv whole body fliall be full im » wUh U. u o7w TtJ q>2s ??*'*™fs: .IFtJcreFor* ^ , , v ,1 v / V. iight that is in thee be dark- ■vs or avt, oxot^ '@i, 713 oxot^ nefs, how greats that dark TTCcrov.j 24 OltS'Ui J\uou.tou\ J\u toi ha f.u- l8 07TO5 /AM (pMKi TQIS wjfd 7TDIS VW- [>7rTSu' Xj 0 TlOLTVif (TV 0 QhiTTUV Of 19 Mm Sncxud^tTi iifi» Snoao- py$ 'On ttjj y>s, 'o7nu mi xon ^c3(7is eiipcu^i, fcoq G7ry x.Ae7rlcq S*opuo>roucn Jtctj JcAgTrlycn* 20 ©vioaodv'n <^e f^iv 9)ioTxvpyj sv M&.'ico, oTry y-rs cms «Te £pao:s a*4 £904 xj ^ KScpSta t/,«a». 22 O Au^yf^ t5 .ys >J, oAov to cra- eafure, then voi II your Heart be chiefly on the things of this World; infmuch that you •will not be able to work, or prejerve my our Je Ives, that Readme fi ofMnd to part with all you have tn this World , for the Jake of God, or in 'De- fence andTeftimony of his true Religion made known unto you by Me and my ApoHles , which I require of you, if ye will be my true DifcipL'S. Whereas on the other hand, if you value, and by your Piety lay up or fe- ture to your f elves the Riches, i. e. the Happmefs and Glory of the IVorld to come, as your Tr eafure ; then willy out Heart be chiefly fet on the things above, or of the other World, and you will be always ready to part with All you have in this World for the fake of God, or in Obedience to Him ; and fo you will be duly qualify d to be my true Difciples. 22 To make you the more fenfible, that it is of Principal C/fe and Concern to you in re- lation to your Spiritual Welfare, clearly to fee or perceive, and to prejerve tn you a clear Sight or Perception of the tran/cendent Value and Excel- lency of Heave nl) Riches above Earthly, and to Ail accordingly in laying up your Ti eafure in Heaven, and not on Earth; [fall illuBrate the matter by a familiar Inflance. Tou know that the Lighc ot the Body, i. e. that Part whereby the Body is enlighten 'd, and fo enabled to guide it/elf fafely without falling or running into mam fejl Bodily 'Danger, is the Eye : In like manner, That whereby the Soul becomes truly enlighten d, undfo enabled to guide it felf ftfely, without falling or running into Spiritual Danger, is a clear Sight of the Excellency of Heavenly Riches above Earthly. To carry on then the Similitude: As it therefore thine E.ye,which is the Light of the Body, be tingle, i e.gcod or clear-fighted, thy whole Body fhall be full of Light, i. e full huve all the Light it is capable of, and all that is requifite to guide it atight and fafe from Bodily Danger ; So if Thou haft a clear Sight or Right Peiception of the Excellency of Hea- venly Things above Earthly, thy whole Soul fall be full of Light, i. e.Jhall have all the Light it is capable of] and all that is requifite to guide it aright and fafe from Spiritual Danger. 23 But on the other hand, As it thy Eye , which is the Light of the Body, be evil, /. e. any ways fo hurt, as to have lo/t its Faculty of Seeing, at lea/1 of Seeing aright, thereby thy whole Body fhall be full of Darkncis, 1 e fall want wholly th.it Light which is requifite to guide it aright, or' fafe from Bodily Danger ; So if Thou haft not a clear Sight, but a wrong Perception of the Difference there is between Heavenly and Earthly Riches, thy whole Soul fall be full of Darkrtefs , 1. e.Jhall want wholly that Light which is requifite to guide it aright, or fafe from Spiritual Danger. 24 Moreover, As no Man can ferve two Matters of different Intel ejls : forajimich as either He will, and mtijl in the Nature of things, hate the One,?.nd love the Other; or elfe at 68 S. Matthew, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 hos hjihr^, »«( TV i-nov K*&- or clle h,e ,wUl hold to the , , m ft , one, and dtlpile the other. p^vn^. a ^aoS-e ©e? dts ^J *n <5n»T»' pt^J 7$ cm/MtTi your life, what ye fhall eat, or . t qo/j ' ' t\ <> > ~\ «• I \ what ye fhall drink; not vet vrff, what ye ^u wA&av '6§i 7i)5 7%citpv\i, x$j tv cru/Mx. put on : Is not the life more TO c*ftW@-i 2« ^/^fl than* food, and the body than , r tt- , . J , raiment? us to ttst«v«, t* o.^vod , 07i y x6 Behold the fowls of the omlwoii, ®Hi ^ nei[her , , , , c , , do they reap, nor gather into yycnv us ^mSnws, xo* o navy? u- barns; yet your heavenly Fa- /uai e V&inos 7t?eT%Ji 27 T,s 21 Which of you by *being /-L> , \ rv , <~ ~ unio his flature? J61^ *** -fa^M *»™ ^X\ 28 And why* are ye folli- £Vol j 28 Kotj »zze<< oi^^ttaj©^ ti citous for raiment ? Confider . ,„ , ,?— ., _ 'Q,™. wJ *.„'„.» the lilies of the field, how they ~ ™ p ~ > / . ~ grovvJ they toil not, neither TV ajfod 7TO5 ttn^xii' oil Yj07na,, do they fpm. ov& ,!,H 29 Afa & wh fa *• ,. 2S> And Pt l fay unt0 ,f?!?» l \ , , » ~ l"at even Solomon in all his & SoAo^av h w&ay tm J&£«. cwTb1 glory was not aray'd like one *Z&{tCa.AlT0 US 'It TVTCtl. 30 El ° Uri. r -c r- 1 r kt ,y „, 30 Wherefore if God fo le 7oy ^op7t)V t5 «>foJ, a-^e£5» oV- cloath the * flower of the field, jf.i ' ..y , o>»% ' which to day is , and to mor- 7 row is call into the oven,Jhau ftVoY, 0 QtoS auras afapienvain , ou /6i? not much more chat h you, %A~ ~., f ~ >v „' O ye of little faith ? '^ ^ 31 Therefore * be not iolli- 31 M« v» fzteAfitriHmTi, XtyJliS' Ti citous, faying,. What fhall we > ^/> mu- OTttTHp UfiOlt 0 0J£^CVI@-', OTt ^PM~ £eT5 Sura* a.7riX»Tffly. 33 Zviret- ©eocJ, xoq t£u» hwiouvhv ao-rod, fun 34 Mw el«/ lA.i&tJ.nwn u$ tIm au&QV i\ y^f avubtoi (te&]uw td KS^P" 7B» tZ«/ eat ? or what (hall we drink ? or wherewithal fhall we be cloath'd ? 3 2 (For after all thefe things do the Gentiles leek) for your heavenly Father knnweth that ye have need of all thefc things. }} But leek ye firll the kingdom of God , and his righteouinefs , and all thele things (hall be added unto you. 34 * Be not therefore f'olli- citous for the morrow : for the morrow fhall * be follicitons for the things of it felf : fuffi- cient unto the day is the evil thereof. Chap. VII. Judge not, that ye be not judg'd. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye fhall be judg'd : and with what meafure ye mete, it fhall be meafur'd to you again. 3 And why beholdcfl: thou the mote that is in thy bro- ther's eye, but confidereft not the beam that is in thine own eye ? 4 Or how wilt thou fay to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye ; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, firft caft tfbx.oi' ANNOTATIONS. V. l. f It is read only itttirftw-mi in very many MSS. and in Syr. /Echiop. Arab and Perf.Verfiois ; and in Theodoret, Theoph) lacl, &c It (eems to have been tum'd into *t2»/««-. not judg'd your Jelves in the like manner by God. 2 For with what «»/"'"/> 3S t0. °- Judgment ye judge others, ye fhall be judg'd by God; and with what \^Th)l f^Unf, Meafure ye mete, it fhall be raeafur'd to you again at the day ofjudg- without minding ment. 3 And why bcholdefl thou the Mote that is in thy Broker's, ones °"n Faul"- i. e. any other's Eye, i. e. takeft notice of his hffer Faults, but confidereft not the Bsam that is in thine own Eye, ;'. e. takeft no notice of thy Own much greater Faults ? This parti.il Ailing of Thine carit^ proceed from a true 'Principle of Piety. 4 Or indeed how wilt thou, without Shame even m reJpeB of Men, fay to thy Brother, Let me pull out the Mote out of thine Eye ; and behold, a Beam is in thine own Eye ? i. e. Let me give thee Advice and good Inftruclion to amend thy Life as to fuch and fuch lefjer Faults, when thou thy felf lives! in the Commiffion of much greater Faults, 5 Thou Hypocrne in thus ailing, leave off thy Hypo- 7x S. Matthew, Chap. VII. 1 J^ X i. TRANSLATION. StMi , eye; and then fhalt thou fee SiLgJoAi-jfM oxba.A«v to jytppoScvX 6 M« (tais to o.;wov roii XAJtn, (jvhH clearly to call out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither calt ye your pearls before iwine, c8ev t %ifuv {wmli ^.^Tmnicucni ieft they trample them under eu&us iv mi www oJtov, £ qpxtpiilts their feet, and turn again and 7 AiTeos, jcocj bhiq know ho^ t0 give good gifl8 tbTs lixmi v/uZv , srosco ^uaAAov a unto your children, how much i < ~ <■ > ~ > ~ tv'_i more fhall your Father which sr*TOp t^v o M i,,* ^,0«, >*ij that ye give not that which is Holy, i. e. Godly Infirn&ion or Reproof^' v'eeto0t "*■ unto the (h) Dogs, /. e. tojuch wicked Terfons, as ye have good Re a fan to think will not be wrought on thereby : neither call ye your (?) Pearls before Swine, /'. e. lay not the mofi noble Motives of Eternal Happinefs, and the like, before Terfons fo brutiflj and debauch 'd, as ye have good Rea- fon to think will not be influenc'd by them; left they trample them under Feet, i. e. only make a Jeff of and ridicule Religion the more, and turn again and tear you, i. e. make you no other Return for your pious Charity toward them, than doing you Jome great Hurt or Mfchief. 7 Now that you may be enabled to pratlifc the Rules I here lay be- The ^fc'eg„ of fore you, you mujl be affified with the fpecial Grace of God's Holy Spirit : Prayer, and ufing in order to the obtaining of which, Ask, /'. e. pray for it as ye ought with G,eaceMea"sd th°ef Faith and Sincerity, and it fhall be given you: but you muB not con cenahty of ob- tent your [elves with Asking. or Praying for it Once or Twice, and doing ?'?in8,. th.ereby nothing el/e; but must leek for it by diligent and constant Prayer, and Grace, as ihaii be by a due Ufe of all other Means of Grace prefcrib'd by God, as Hearing ru*ci(™ » sai- and Reading his IVord, Receiving and Frequenting the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and the like , and ye fhall find it. But if it jo happens, that after you have done what is afore mention d for a confiderable Time, ye do not perceive that ye are affiled with fuch a Meafure of Grace as ye have hitherto pray'd and fought for; Be not hereby difcourag'd, but Knock, /. do ye evcn vftus 7n»w7« cwnuV- wtos >^y> '6hv fb to them: for this is the law « / iij ■ ^^ ~ and the prophets. 1 3 eWa9ii» al* £ wfr toA*i*- s J Emer Ve in at the Rrait „ . „~ , / \ > , , gate; * becaufe the wide gate, trn yfrAlu* » 7whr\f Key eypu^apos * and broad way, is that which 'eSbs jf imyvm us t^o kiruXuaji, £ leadeth to deftruclion , and „ , '» < , r . k » » ~ many there be which go in m*Kt>i aoiv ei uvif^fXtyoi S\ ctvms. thereat ■ 14 07» 9?v)i « -toAji, ^ TijAitifA/n 14 *^W becaufe the flrait ' < Ki « • - , ■ f 1 > . \ v gate, and the narrow way, is a .Jb< iiMywa «f <>*«,, *«, fhat\vhlch leadeth ^^ oAijpj aojy 01 U)£aw.oi%$ owilm. and few there be that find it. if npo$ fet before the latter, (as I have put And in the Englifh VerfionJ there would have been no Room left to doubt of what I here fay. Whereas for want of »$. as many may be apt to refer the latter 'in to the Claufe immediately foregoing, viz. as the Rea- fon, why Many go in at the wide Gate ; fo it feems that in the moft Early Times Some, altho' they perceiv'd that the latter 'in was not fo properly to be referr'd to the Claufe immediately foregoing, yet did not perceive that it was to be re- ferr'd to the Precept of Entring in at the flrait Gate ; as a New and Second Reafon (befides that in v. 13. ) for. fo doing : and hereupon they thought it fliould be not in, but n, and put n accordingly for it. And this being done in fome one or more Copies in the moft Early Times , the laid Reading thence fpread it felf into the generality of Copies that were afterward tranferib'd; as par- ticularly into thofe that were us'd by all the Ancient Interpreters in the Polyglot, who S.Matthew, Chap. VII 75" PARAPHRASE. ii And therefore, if God thus deals with Mankind, as to give them AnU^;rMRl(U •whatever they can Reasonably expeB from a moB Kind and Loving Fa- compriOng'our' ther ; then ought ye aljo Jo. to deal One with Another, viz. All things ^"''UP^ t0 whatfoever ye would in Reafon, that other Men fhould do to You, do yeour "s even fo to Them : for this is the Sum of your whole Duty to your Neigh- bour, and contains injhort whatever is [aid thereof in the Law and the Prophets. i $ The Trailice of the Rules / here give you may pojjibly feem very Th= ^."v o{ Difficult to fome, and to be like Entring in at a Gate, which is fo /trait, String with, or that one can't get thro' it, without great Striving and 'Pains : However y'"h£1D?jn£ M Enter ye in at the jatd Itrau Gate, I advifeyou for thefe two weighty Rea- and ?/<„/<«■«, if fons: Fir ft, becaufe the (w)Wide Gate and the Broad Way is that which we wi" enter leads to Ddlruction ; and the Gate being thus Wide, and the IVay Broad, mi0 therefore Many there be which go in thereat, i.e. the Jinfull Tleafures and Vanities of this World as they are more Agreeable to Flejh and Blood, or the meer corrupted Nature of Man, and are therefore purju'd by the greater Tart of Mankind, fo they end in Eternal Mifery and Torment ; which is therefore a moft weighty Reafon for not taking the Broad Way of Jinfull Pleasures, but rather to take the Narrow Way, and Strait Gate. 14 And the fecond Reafon for fo doing is no lefs weighty, and is this, viz. becaufe the Strait Gate and Narrow Way is that which leads unto Life: and the Gate being thus Strait, and Way Narrow, therefore it is that in comparijon Few there be that will be at the Tains fo much as to find it ; or having found it , to keep in the faid Way, and to enter thro' the faid Gate: i. e. the Trailice of the Rules I give you, however difficult it may appear to meer Flefh and Blood, and therefore is obfervdbut by Few in comparifon , yet at length it Jhall be Rewarded with eternal Happinefs and Glory ; which furely will be a moH ample Recompence for whatever Difficulty ye Jhall undergo here in the faid Trailice ofthefe my Rules or InilrucHions. 1$ Now ANNOTATIONS. who tranflate it by way of Amplification, or Admiration, viz Howftrait ii the Gate &c. Whether this be not a more probable Account of this matter, than fome Others taken notice of by Dr Mill, let the learned Reader judge. It may be of fome ufe to obferve here further, that it is not an unufual Way for the (acred Pen-men, when they deliver feveral diflintl Reafons for the fame thing, to fet down the faid feveral Reafons one after the other, only ufing fome Cau/al Particle (jS, or in, &c.) Whence arifes the Obfcurity of feveral Places in Scripture, while Readers are apt to refer the faid Caufal Particle to fomevhat juft before, rather than to what U at a great DiHance , altho' that Diftance be really occafion'd only by fome other Reafon of the fame Thing fet between the faid Thing and the latter Reafon. There is One thing more to be obferv'd here, viz. that I have in thefe two Verfes alter'd our Common VerGon fo, as I think makes our Saviour's Arguing much more plain. Nor can there be any Objection againft my Rendring the iir J. n6 S. Matthew, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. tvs- [dim CT/Me- yyojv ^7T» a^v^ay pupuAlto , h "&n 7£i£oAa>i ff^Kje; X7 Quia mxi JW 4>ov ajoc^oyKStpT^S^AVS 7n>4- to <(V fftfJc^y tTfev«/V>o» KscpTrys 77cyjipvj ttoj^. 1 8 Ov Stuoa.rtt\ JWjsjy aja^y jytp- itvs 7nin^i Ttoivii, ovfi ov ow,- ■s^oy jytp"^^ j >ycAfcs TOiyy. 1 9 flaty £«ytyoy /*« 7n>iouo yjcpTmi ^Xoi q/k- MTfti^, Xj Hi 7rtip /SotM.6^). 20 Apif- zgaisftf!/" p™* agreeable to meer Fkjh and Blood, therefore there will artje in the fever al p>"" °r Evil Ages of the Chri/ltan Church Jeveral Ter/bns, who by the Infligation of the 2)evil and of their own corrupt AffeSlions fhall pervert the '3offrines deliver 'd by Me and my Apoftles , and fhall feduce both themfelves and others by mf-reprefnting Jbme ChriBian 'Doilrine or other ; after fuch a manner, or in fuch afenfe, as fhall be more agreeable to the wicked Af- fections of Men, and fhall feem to render the IVay to Heaven more eajy : Wherefore Iforewarnyou exprejlly to beware of Falfe Prophets or Teach- ers, who will come to you in Sheep's Cloathing, /. e . in the Habit, or at leaB in the Outward Appearance of the Stri&nefs and Innocence of fome of the more famous Ancient Prophets; but inwardly they are in- fluencd by mother Motives than thofe which influence Ravening Wolves, viz. S.Matthew, Chap. VII. 77 PARAPHRASE. viz. the Dejire to get Trey or Booty, i. e. fame Temporal Advantage to themfelves; and in order to fatisfy their Covetous or Worldly Defer es, they Jhall miferably feduce, and Jo defiroy the SouJs of their Followers. 16 Ye (hall upon due and unprejudic'd Confederation know them by their Fruits, ii e. by the Tendency of their Doclrine in fame refpecl or other to promote Impiety or the Breach of fome 'Divine Command; and alfo oft limes by their letting fall their Sheep's Cloathing , or betraying their Hypocrify ' by fome more apparent Evil Tracl ice , jut table to their inward Wicked Dtjpofetions. Do Men gather Grapes of Thorns, or Figs of Thirties ? 17 Even fo as every good Tree brings forth good Fruit, or fit for Man's Nourifhment, viz. the Fine brings forth Grapes, and the Fig-tree Figs \ but a corrupt Tree brings forth bad Fruit, i. e. fuch as is not fit for tjMan's Nourishment: So every good Trophet or Teacher preaches only good and found DoSlrine, tending to the true Noun foment or Benefit of the Souls of their Hearers and Followers ; but afalfe or cotrupt Trophet or Teacher preaches a/ways Jome evil and unfound Doctrine, tending to the DeBruftion of his Hearers and Followers. 1 8 Nay further, as a good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit; neither can a corrupt Tree bring forth good Fruit : Soa good Trophet or Teacher cannot preach evil DocJrine ; nor afalfe and evil Trophet or Teacher preach only good Do- Sirine. 19 And as you are not ignorant, that every Tree that brings not forth good Fruit, viz. for Mans eating, however it may look Fair and be full of Leaves , yet is generally counted by Men as good for No- thing, but to be hewn down and cafi into the Fire: In like manner every Trophet or Teacher that preaches not good and whole fome Doctrine, whatever fhew he may make of Tie ty\ fhall, without fpecial Repentance, be caB at laB into Hell-fire. 20 Wherefore, it being of the greateB conjequence not to be Je due d by falfe Trophets or evil Teachers, I have thus largely forewarn' d andjhewd you, that by their Fruits ye fhall know them, as is above v. 16. explain d. 21 And I now further add by way of Forewarning, as to Others, Jo more ejpecially to falfe Trdphefs or evil Teachers themfelves, that they are Not vainly to imagine , that Every one that fays unto Me, Lord, Lord, i. e. pretend to be myDifci- ples, or yet more, to be even Trophets or Teachers Jent by Me, fhall en- ter into the Kingdom of Heaven : but only He that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven, according to the particular Station where- in God has plac'd him; and therefore if he be a Trophet or Teacher, has done the IVill of my Father, particularly m not preaching any. evil Doctrine. ANNOTATIONS. Words fo, but that the Article i {landing between wa«t«* and ota*, and between 1 il(ixaf& and >iU &c. fcems to favour the Common Transition. To which, I think, it is a fufScient Anfwer, that the facred Pen-men feem not to have been fo exact Obfervers of fuch Niceties of Speech. {n*\ See 78 S.Matthew, Chap. VII. TEX T. TRANSLATION. 22 rioMoi izynn (Mi ci c*e<»H rq 22 Many will fay unto me < / .,, ..I ; « ~' ■> t in that day, Lord, Lord, have WW R,C4«, K«cxe, KtoW^ow- we not Jrophefv-d £ lhy luvn fQgjtipvilivovLfMV, *j 19 fff*m xn depart from me ye that work i[M 01 ipyx.^6/j8fioi T iw/uiar. iniquity. 24 riatj y » o5iJ etx-V^ /x\i TVS \S- 24. Therefore , whofoever yvs t*tv$, **j 7n>.$ cto'rts, op«i<»c» hea/«h !he[e ^^ oj mine, , , , v , „ , ; u and doth them, I will liken currov *v.n « 7 * < 25- And the rain defcended, Wti. » fyoj*, *, »aV .1 Tnfc^i, x) and (he floods camej and 33 e7rv<&rav ot avi/EMi, 19 'ZJ^osttwdv Ty winds blew, and beat upon e.V* txifa, s ** ^ it^eM-5 lhat hofufe : /nd ic fel1 not',for e T, / , ~ <■ , , it was founded upon a rock. £ 'Oi t tot? «#. 26 Koh »tf 0 ***«* 2(J And every one that hear. /KV rds \oy doth them not, (hall be liken'd TVS, otunhaQ «^« f(«p«,09K «*>- unto a fool]{h man whlch buiU Socmen t oit/ac ou>TV '^i tUjo kfifxor his houfe upon the fand : 27 & Xjn«&> » /W> 4 ?\9o» ol m- *\ An$ thf rain defcended, \ \ » yi ' " * an" the "oods came, and the TOp», x, gTn^crew 01 0t7e/va« V^«3* <**% « Aeiag.jt., 4 K<*/ Ar^ OfcT^ 0 IVH70U5' OgJC jUfltffcvi giTTMS' ^A\t, (7£so;7D» JVTijoy to i'epa, Maoris, us ,uapTV^ov ewrois. f EiVe^'v-n & t&) Ijiov as Kot- mpvoLVju, <®£3ar,\'h'i owt^i eKStTOv&p- V©-" ©^KtcAav ooTov, 6 jtot) As- ya>v Kvtn , o sroiis (tov (ZiCh-/\Tct\ ot rn o'iAol (0^/l\utixos, Sums £*- ow.vi^OjmV©-'. 7 K*j \ey4 ow^ ° Imis' E>a i\fav %gp.7nuT 2 And the Firjl Miracle, which St Matthew here relates, is One that The Miraculous -r i. Krr. 82 S. Matthew, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. under my rocf : but fpeak the word only , and my fcrvant fhall be heal'd. 9 For I am a man under authority, having foldiers un- der me : and I fay to this ''Jol- T^ra, 7ropfci/'9j)7T, ^ itn^ixii^' £ and IfaaC) and X$ci IcucaC ot xy QoloiXucl r^f oh- Jacob in the kingdom of hea- _ < (O < \ ~ „ x 1 ven. &w 12 Oi A M„i t»j &*m\um I2 Bu£ the chjldren ofthe o*£A»9j|Lo XZH TtV?i°SV>'-vJ|-«p9», x.oq Jtn- )«»td7$. itf 04^*5 $* ysvof^ons .««»«»« hi- lars related in Chap. 9. ti, 11, and 13. werefirfl tranfatled; as wiU.ap- "" ""' pear mo/l clearly from my Table of the Harmony of the four Go f pels. For, as St Markjy) exprefly informs us, It was the Day when Jefus [pake the Tar able of the Sower fee. and more particularly flill, it was the Even- ing of that 'Day after that Jejus had deliver d the faid T arables , that when Jefus faw great Multitudes about him , being Fatigu'd with the Bufinej's of the Day pafl, and willing to retire from the Multitude a little to Refrefh him/elf, and being at that time near the Sea of Galilee on the Weil fide, He gave Commandment to his Attendants to get ready a Boat in order to depart unto the other or Eaftern lide of the faid Sea- 10 And while the Boat was getting ready, a certain Scribe or Dotior of the Law came, and faid unto Him, Matter, I will follow thee whitherfoever thou goefl. 20 And Jefus, perceiving (as is probable from his Anfwer) that the faid Scribe was tnfluene'd only or chiefly by Temporal Confi derations ; as conjefiuring by the great iSMiracles Christ perform d, and the great Admiration He was thereupon had in by the Teople, who were continually flocking after Him m great Multitudes, that Chrijl \f ) would Jhortly be made a King by them, and fo come to great Temporal Tower and Glory: Jefus, I fay, perceiving that the faid Scribe was influenced byfuch Con- fiderations, fays unto Him, The Foxes have holes, and the Birds of the Air have nefts ; but the Son of Man ( by which Title it is True indeed that the Trophet (/) Daniel refers to the Mefpas, and to teach you that lam the faid Meffias, I therefore fo often apply the faid Title tomyfelf) has not, nor jhau have during his Abode now on Earth, fo much as an Houfe of his Own, where to lay his Head; The Kingdom {u) foretold by Daniel to be given to the Son of Man, as to the Outward Glory and Splendor of it, Not belonging tt the State of the Earth that Now is, but $6 S. Matthew, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2i ETepoS & r/^aSnioy aify Smv «e- 21 And another of his di- ? tw •/o' » ,^„~ ' •* fciples faid unto him, Lord, t£ KuP«,^7pe> ^0, ^a>Toy a7r*A- ^ me firft w gQ ^ bufy» y£i, *) <^4/0tl t JTaTtpa, ,uv. 22 O £« my father. I>,aS$ Zm, »•*$• Ako\vJ{ frn, i Zpti _ J* But Jefus /a.id »"t0 Jft , , . «' ~ , Follow me , and let the dead Ttf 5 vj^ys ^a-vj/oq TVs eo«/TOv vexffe'S. bury their dead. 23 K*j e^Cavli tftfTsS eis to ^AoTov, 13 And when he was entred >i*>*cu9w>w.f *Jtj$ 0/ ,u*3>lT*i ouItoJ. j"to / flup, his difciples fol- , . , , , , , r , low d him. 24 Koq ij«, (tuc^os (U) 1 .\ fomuch that the fliip was co- TBecd*) a_^ w» xufwar cutos /« ver-d wjth the wayesr. but he crt*^^. 2f Kotj Kv&i, crairov »,u«,£, ^ttbMi* /$)<*. ing, Lord, fave us: we perifh. 25 k4a^-*^15- T.' J\«Ao? fo, ^' And he faith unto them , '' ... :.,,„ , ' Why are ye fearful!, O ye of o\iy>7ny>i ; T « is this, that even the winds and ^aActojo, '^j&a.xx avail o.ut$; the fea obey him! 28 K*t sA^ovtj ctui^D HjTo 7TS- 28 And when he was come e*v mV tU V^y r5y rfD^ojj. to the other lide into the coun- *< ; ^ , „ , try of the Gergelenes, there met vay, 'OsrxvTwra.y auT&) & ftn i^uuf might pafs by that way WoL.-&Xfi>J}U'i 2^' -rrii 'o$v docum. 2p And behold, they cry'd 25, K«i .W ixp^«, A«jpm«- T/ out, faying, VVhat have we to ■ * , « ,v "«.''. ■' ' ^. do with thee, Jeliis thou Son or »^»'v Jtou i £1 ■ ~i ■ Cnnlt miracu- forejaid Scribe and One of his Dijciples, and was enter d into a Ship, hisioufly aims « Difciples that were his more Conflant Attendants follow'd him vwfo theT""^ **,?'* bJ /.,£}. iiiiiii r n-. nir. commanding the Jatd Ship. 2+ And behold, there arole a great Tempeft in the Sea, jn- winds and the fomuch that the Ship was fometimes cover'd with the Waves; but He Sea t0 be ftiI1# being (as is above cbferv'd) very much Fatigu'd with what he had done the Day afore , was afleep in the hinder Tart of the Ship. 27 And his Difciples came to him, and awoke him, faying, Lord, fave us, or elfe we penfh. 26 And he fays unto them, Why are ye Fearful! in fitch a manner ? 0 ye who have been IVitneffes of my "Divine Tower to work Miracles , and consequently might have reafonably J'uppos'd, that being with Me youfhould not penfh in the IVaters, had ye not beenyet of little Faith. Then he arofe, and rebuk'd the Winds and the Sea, /. e. com- manded them to be Jlill\ and there was a great Calm. 27 But the Men that were in the Ship, and own 'd it or belong d to it, as well as the Di- jciples, marvell'd, laying, What manner of" Man is this, what extraor- dinary Tower has he, that even the Winds' and the Sea obey him ! 28 And when he was come to the other, viz. Eaflern fide of the Sea . Yir- . of Galilee into the Country (w) of the Gergefencs, there rhet him two lou/cure ofThe poflc-fs'd with Devils, coming out of the Tombs, or Sepulchers oftheTwo oemmiacits Dead, it being u/ual for them to abide in thofe folitary T laces, where ^^,11^ Dead Terfons wsre then wont to be buried; and they were exceeding Fierce, ib that no Man might pafs by that way with fafely. 29 And behold, they, i.e. the Devils in them and by their mouths cry'd out, faying, What have we to do with thee, Jefu's thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the Time? /. e. Let us alone, and do ANNOTATIONS. [iv) I Sow thj« Account of St Matthew is to be reconcile with that ofSt Mark, will oe moft proper to flicw when we come to St Mark ; and fo in other Che lilie Cafes, with reference to any of the other three Evangelilts. 88 S. Matthew, Chap. VIII, IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 30 h» si i*tx&i «* **7Wiyito 3° And lhere was a &?od , „ ft, , ., way oft from thetu an nerd or ^oipay ttoM«» Mu^m. 31 Oi A many fwme feedlng. J^audjuatii -sreifiXsifouv ouItov, Kiyt- 31 So the devils befought ' _» , /a , , *. frii • him, faying, If thou callus W B c^tMas */ks, Qaret^ out> fu&r *s t0 g0 away mt0 iifSiv «.7nAjui us thu iytAlui rati the herd of fwine. '• . * . „ v \ * . ' ~ -~./ xi And he faid unto them, i r ^oipav ty tk down a Iteep place into the fea, WW «* ^ }»**»»», xoq *7nVvs» and Per,fh'° in the waters- • ~ "iv. ^« jo a' 33 And they that kept them of r X) iraA^TM us tU ttoAii, the city, and told every thing; . / - „ / , \ ~ „, and what was befallen to the «?ni>r«A*y Br*»TO, xet| ^ « tw ,T«q. po{rd$.d of (he de vl,s (Aoa^o fj^ui. 34 Ket) i/tf ■arctffa « 34 And behold, the whole •.A. „ 'JK~xyn$ au*Toy arc^>€)(jtAeaa» befought him that he would Urns /«raC? ^m ray S^y c^rSy. dePart out of their coafts- Kep. J'. Key IfiQis us to T^oToy . , , ChaP' ,JX' r, v ^ . . .,;« And he enter d into a fhip, SxtTtt^fft, wi xA'j-ey us -zko i«/W and pafs'd over, and came into woAjy. his own cuy- 2 K*l i'^ Wpepoy «'•*£ mpec- J. And khold, they brought , , . , ' , ' , to him a man lick or the pally, AuTDCoy *Wj xA/v>i5 /3eCAJi^uoy' \st-i lyjng on a bed : and Jefus lee- »^y 0 IvktSs -riw 7n9iy owToiy, u?n ing the«r faith, faid unto the » or ~ , . , , / fick ot the pally, Son , be of i$«^iAum«- 0iP^ T»^yoy, a?>a- d chee d fins be for. wvrccj (TBI 0C4 ccfictpnon aw. 3 kx( ti/iou 7iy£« ray y^/zfixiim u-mi O* iCU/Tolf given thee. j And behold, certain of the fenbes laid within them- selves, This man blafphemeth. 4 K*j ANNOTATIONS. (*) See Mart %. I, &c. and L»& y. 17, &c. or my Table of the Harmony of the Gofpels. (y) As Father was a Name given among the Jews by all Inferiors to their Superiors; S.Matthew, Chap. VIII, IX. 89 PARAPHRASE. do not torment us before the Final Day of Judgment, which is the Time appointed by God for paffing the Final Sentence of our Punifhment. 30 And there was a good way off from them an Herd of many Swine feeding. 31 So the Devils befought him , faying, If thou call us out of the Men we at prefent poffejs , luffer us to go away into the Herd of Swine. $2 And he fa id unto them, Go. And when they were come out of the two Men , they went into the Herd of Swine: and behold, the whole Herd of Swine ran violently down a fteep Place into the Sea, « and penfh'd in the Waters. 3 3 And they that kept them fled for fear, and went their ways into the City, and told every thing that had befell their Swine, and alfo what was befallen to the two tjMen that had been polfefs'd of the Devils. 34 And behold, the whole City (as is ufual to Jay concerning the much Greater Tart thereof) came out to meet Je- fus ; and when they law him, [not making a Right UJe of the great Mi- racle he had wrought , but on the contrary being more terrify d with his 'Power, and vex'd at the Lojs of their Swine, than pleas'd with his Good- nefs in cafling the Devils out cf the two Men) they befought him that he would depart our of their Coalts. Chap. IX. And thy hereby flaw- ing how Unlikely they were to be wrought upon by his InJlruElions, with- out any further 'Delay He entcr'd into a Ship, (moB probably the fame that he came in thither, ) and pafs'd over the Sea of Galilee again , and came into Capernaum, call'd here his Own City, as being the Place he made choice of for his Dwelling-place, or ufual Refidence. 2 And this mention of our Saviour s Returning to Capernaum feems to The ^"acuious have brought to St Matthews Mind next a Miracle, which, tho' related cure of one taken here , yet was done Long afore ; namely upon Christ's Returning to Ca- Wlth the **'&■ pernmm after he had cur d the Leper mention d in the JfrB <3tfnacle of this Seclion, as appears from (x) St Mark and Luke. Having- thus ob- ferv'd the due Order of Time wherein this tjMiracle was perform d, T proceed to the Account given thereof by St Matthew: Behold they brought to him a Man lick of the Palfy; of which he was fo very III, that his Friends were fore d to biing him lying on a Bed. And Jefus being then (x) in an Houfe with a great Multitude about him , infomuch that they could not bring the Sick^ of the Palfy nigh Him for the Croud; hereupon they uncover d the Roof where he was, and Jo let down the Bed whereon the Sick^ofthe Palfy lay. By which AEiions Jejus feting their Faith, i.e. that both the fickjMan and his Friends did firmly believe that He was able to perform the Cure they defir'd, faid unto the Sick of the Palfy, (y) Son, be of good cheer; thy Sins, which are the Cauje efthisjtf- flicJion falling on thee, be forgiven thee. 3 And behold, certain of the Scribes faid within themfelves, This Man blafphemes, by pre fuming thus to ANNOTATIONS. Superiors; fo on the contrary Son (or Daughter) was a Name given by any Superior to his Inferior. M (a) Compare 90 S. Matthew , Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4 Ktt) »&)» e hwms wJoftiW 4 And Jefus*perceiving their » ~ * _ i.. ~ , « ~ 0 thoughts,faid,Wherefore think «.TO», «7W IVttTZ UftllS tlJvfMtQt 77D. ye ^ ,„ your heans p ixpi h to?5 xypSlctff t//^/"; j* It yet? f For whether is eafier to IweJ^aawpoi, el^Tr A?c'«v7«/ w %.Thy fins be forg.ven thee? y V ~ c or to lay, Anfe and walk ? Eyeipcq >£ «ofe<- « 6fr •? y*s a't£. 8 IJW , 8 Bu,1 when the, ""Itjtude ., ,„ , , r , ,«. c , faw/'/, they marvelld, and glo- Jt ei o^Aoi et<"A*t, & £<«>?*t t ©eoy, nfy'd God, which had given t JoV& ££;wim tetcurw &s ifofUTms. fllcn Power unt0 men- 9 Koq w^dtjcav o I»ov$ ejceT^sy, a. p And as Jefus pafs'd * by Al &V™ ^9^0V '&i TO T*A«- fr°"]JthenCu' herf3W a T r , •'/ • nam d Matthew, fitting at. the vioy, MaT^ov Xty/^or £ Aeyl «*- receit of cuflom : and he faith *4, A*o\fy{ (Mi. Koj ivetfas, mo. untohim, Follow me. And he , , a , , , n, , ~ arofe, and follow d him. Av9a«» **& |. t« K*, »yw6 ««tv 10 And lt came t0 ^ as wtLKu^v ii tm oma, 59 »$V, 770M0) Jefus fat at meat in the houfe, TtASv*, i J^p7-Aoi .A9»'m« ow. behold' «"»y Ppbl'cans and , ^- p ~ •, ~ ' imners came and fat down with lejceoS 79 Inirv ^ Tot's /uaSnmus ai%. him and his difciples. 1 1 KcJ iJeVns el papioofoi, Z tto* toTs * [. And when the Pharifees ft^ , t" a ' v ~ . ~'i faw //, they faid unto his difci- Aea9»/«$ «v- AiaTi ^ t TtA^y^ & pIes Why eateth your mafter a,jua.fa>Aci)i toQi{ 0 hS)icnta.\oi v/uay, with publicans and finners ? 12 O JV Uavs ixiaas, l™ «LfS. 2 I2, B^ ,when Jcfia heard , . , „ , , , , „ that, he laid unto them, They Ou ^rtli «a7foJ, tharbe * well need not a phy- 2>a' 01 lyotas i^»i«, 13 .napA- iP^Wi but they that are fick- cl'„_.- nx 'a. ' isx. c^ cl' 13 But go ye and learn what I 'T^7 , , , ^ that meaneth, I will have mer- A&> , Jcot) qu 7-wnar ou >^y) jjA^oy cy, and not facrifice : for I am (sO Compare iMii/i 1. 1 j — xi. aud Luke S- *7> &c. 3tstAe«q ■■—Ill* I I I II ■■>!■!■— I ■■! Mll»l— MOW»«— MMMt— I— M>IWMWW— ia«IMMiWIII I S. Matthew, Chap. IX. 91 PARAPHRASE. to forgive Sins, which is the Prerogative of God alone. 4 And Jefus per- ceiving their thoughts, faid , Wherefore think ye Evil of Me in your Hearts ? ^ For whether isEalier to lay, Thy Sins be forgiven thee? or to fay, Arife and walk? Surely the Latter is No Eajier to be done than the Former; it requiring the fame Divine Tower to cure the 'Dijeaje which is the Confequence of Sins, as it do's to forgive the Sins which are the Caufe of the Difeafe. 6 But I chofe to exprefs myfelffo as I did, that, by your feeing my Sentence of Abfolution vifibly confirm d by the Miraculous Cure of this Man, ye may know that the Son of Man [by which Title as you acknowledge that the Trophet Darnel denoted the Mefjias ; fo by my applying the faid Title to tny felf, I teach you that 1 am the Mejjfas ) has Power on Earth to forgive Sins. Had it not been for the foregoing Reafon, I could as well have us'd the Latter as the For- mer of the two ExpreJJions mention d v. j. which therefore for jour fur- ther SatisfaSiion and Conviclion IJloall now make ufe of: Then lays he to the Sick of the Palfy, Anfe, take up thy Bed, and go unto thine Houfe. 7 And he arofe, and of a fudden had the Ufe of his Limbs re fiord to him infojlrong a manner, as that he took up his Bed, and departed to his Houfe. 8 But when the Multitude law it, they marvell'd, and glo- rify'd God, who had given fuch Power unto One , who as to his Hu- mane Mature was (Sin only excepted') but like unto other Men. 9 And as Jefus pafs'd by from thence where he had cur' d the Man . IX- Jtck of the Taffy, (z) toward the Sea of Galilee, He faw a Man nam'd m<.JjL."o i Matthew, fitting at the Receit of Cuftom, ft e. at the Tlace where the his Difcipie,&c. CuBom or Tribute was pay'd and receivd : and he faith unto him, Fol- low me. And he arofe, and folio w'd him, and made a great. FeaB at (z)his Houfe. 10 And it came to pafs, that as Jefus fat at Meat in the faid Houfe, behold, Many of Matthew's FeUow-Pablteam, and many others that were Sinners , i. e. either Heathens or Jews known to be loofe Livers, came and fat down with him and his Difciples. 1 1 And when the Phanfees faw it, thinking that now they had got agoodOcca- fion to vilify Jefus, they faid unto his Difciples, as thinking they might not be fo well Able to juBify their MaBer in the Matter, as He might be to juflify his ownCondufi; Why eats your Mafier, who pretends to be a Reformer of Manners, with Publicans and Sinners ? which you k>iow We refufe to do, as fcandalous and inconfiflent with our Tiety. 1 2 But when Jefus heard that, he laid unto them, As they that be Well need not a Phyfician, but they that are Sick : So thofe that are truly Reli- gious already need not my LnBruEiions and Exhortations to Repentance, but thofe that are fFicked. 13 But whereas you objeB again/i my thus Converfing with 'Publicans and Sinners , as Jcandqlbus and inconJlBeul with trueTjety; go ye, and learn what that means in Hofea 6.6. I will have Mercy, and not, i.e. rather than Sacrifice. For the true Meaning thereof is this, that God do's prefer Afis of Mercy and Charity, efpecially Chrift calls Sr 91 S. Matthew, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. JCStAe'ffOJ £l<$uois , ^A\ a.fiCLfiu\o6? t 14 Tort e^ocrep^v^) tu>7$ 01 put- 9»7*| Ia>xvvv, Aey>v%$, Ajet-ri m^&s ^ 01 papitJBUoi vwTsuo/UiV 7n)Ma, 01 eTfe ^iwt- Snlcct oV y »»?Et;yai ; 1 j Kot)e4 7TCV ec*- toij 0 Inov«* M» cfbvav^) 01 tjoi %iv[i- piyoi 7rs»9sT», e

Tai '6$ii 0 vvpxpios; i\ixj• otjp^ >> to T^v^pa^a ou/£ ^5n Ttf l/noLmy, koui ^eTyv WapM yiuru\. 17 Ovfr jS*M.V(7iv oiyoy yeov as acnc&S TraAajys- fc< sffc /**>«, p^uv^) 01 scxo/, $ 0 oivo? c^^Ttc^, ^ oi imoi ~&n- AWTotj' «Mci &xMtfaiv oivov rsov &S drays ^vfcS, $ a^poTEpa. trvvrHpSv^). not come to call the righteous, but finners to repentance. 14. Then came to him the difciples of John, faying, Why do we and the Phanlees fait often , but thy difciples faft not? 15 And Jefus faid unto them, Can the children of the bride- chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with ihem ? but the days will come when the bridegroom fhall be taken from them, and then fhall they faft. 16 No man putteth a*patch of new cloth upon an old gar- ment: for "'the patch taketh from the garment, and*a worfe rent is made. i*j Neither do men put new wine into old bottles : elfe the bottles * burft, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles * are loft: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preferv'd. 18 ToutTot. PARAPHRASE. in Spiritual Matters, fucb as Converting and Reforming bad Men, before the Obfervance of the Ritual Lavas of Not converfing with Heathens or Unclean Terfons. IVherefore I do by no means tranjgrefs any Lavs of God, or give you any juji Caufe of Offence, by my thus Converfing with Publicans and Sinners ; fine e I do it only as a Means to infirutJ and reform them, Agreeably to the 'Defign for which I came into the World: for I came not to call the truly Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance ; as thereby is more properly denoted a Change of the Mind and AffeSiions and Life from Evil to Good : Which Change, Juch as are already Righ- teous , need not ; tho' tbey will Always Baud in Need of Care in this World to Treferve them/elves in their Righteoufnefs , and to Advance x. them/elves to greater Degrees of Perfection therein- eta*'* Anfwer j^. Then came to himfome of the Difciples of John the Baptijl, fay- l°f ibeBapiitt con! Mg, Why do We and the Pharifees faft often, but thy Difciples faft not at S. Matthew, Chap. IX. 93 PARAPHRASE. at all} 1 7 And Jefus laid unto them, Can you be ignorant that it would "^^1*™ be the greateflAbfurdity for the Children of the Bride-chamber to mourn Dif«yie, d,d not or fajl, as long as the Bridegroom is with them ? i. e. Ton can't but con- '>"nM- fefs that it would be mojl /4b fur d for the Guefts at a Marriage to Fa ft or Jhew any token of Sorrow , during the Marriage-fea ft: Wherefore, T being as it were the Bridegrtom, and my Church the Bride, and my Stay novo on Earth as it were the Time of the Marriage-feaji, and my Difci- pies as it were the Children of the Bed-chamber, or Friends and Guefts ofd/He the Bridegroom] it would m like manner be equally Abfurd for them to Faft, during my Stay now with them : But the Days will come, when /the Bridegroom (hall be taken from them; and then (hall they alio ( as well as you Now ) prafiife Religioufly the Duty of Fafting, as knowing it then their "Duty to Fait, as well as to perform other Religious 'Duties. 1 6 Further, as no Man, that will not acl Abfurdly , puts a (a) Patch of new cloth upon an old Garment, for the/e Reafons , viz. fitjl, becaufe the Patch of new Cloth not agreeing in Colour with the old Cloth, takes from the Garment that Samenefs of Colour throughout, which is requifite to make the Garment look tolerably Handfome ; and Secondly, becaufe the Patch of new Cloth being Stronger than the Old , upon any confiderable Straining or Pulling of the Garment , // will be apt to wake the old Cloth tear; and fo a worfe Rent is made, /. e. a Rent worfe than was the Hole which was atfrfl patch' d up : Wherefore as it is thus Ab- furd to put new and old Cloth together into the fame Garment ; fo it is no lefs Abfurd to join tSMourning and Re/oycing, as my Difciples would dofjhould they Fajl while they enjoy my vifible Pre fence with them here on Earth. 1 7 Once more, neither do Men, who ail Prudently, put new Wine into old Bottles; forafmuch as Elfe, /'. e. if they do put new IVine into old Bottles, the Bottles, which are us'd in thefe Countries at leaft to tbis*purpofe, being made of Leather, and fo grown Rotten with Age, will be apt to buril; and fo both the Wine runs out, and the Bottles are loll: but they put new Wine into new Bottles, and/o both are preferv'd: In like manner, Ifhould ail very Imprudently, if / Jhould put thofe, who as yet are but Newly become my Difciples, upon the Praclice tfthe more fever e Duties of Religion ; fuch as is Fafting. iBA ANNOTATIONS. V. 13. f Ei; ftimtiu* is not read in the moft Ancient Cant. MS. nor (as is probable) in the Alex. MS. this not having the fame in the parallel Place of St Mark ; nor yet in Vulg. Latin, Syr. Ethiop. and Fe/fick Verfions&c It feems to have been nrft a Marginal Explication taken from Luke 5 32. and fo to have crept into the Text, and that Early, being read by the Coptick Intepreter, Eufebius; &c. {a) Em'oAo/yi Ggnifies rather a patch put on, than a piece put into an old Gar- ment : And confequently w*Ay>H& is fo to be here underllood. 1 (b) This 94 S. Matthew, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 1 8 Tau.ro. at% AaASvSs cu,tv]$, 18 While he fpake thefe »,, > ,i , »\ ')'?»/ things unto them, behold, i Jy Wv sA^-fipf ^oaiwW w^ As- there came a certain ruler ancj >«v 07i * JuytTH? /uv oifTt vxihiu- worfhipp'd him , faying , My THViV «Mn eA*)"<»v, 'QfitS T V«c> atf It awdw, x.*\ tyailcu. 19 Ket) lyiffui 0 lucres «>coAv9»)ffe» ctt>i$ , $ Ot fi&SnTou OUUTOO' 20 ( Kat) iJoU y«/» otjjttoppovffot ^«lJ^K5t eiif, Q/weA- Ttf «'/UOt7lOU flWTOd. 21 EAe>s )b ci cowry E«.v jOovov a.-^"8/^ T* 'i"*- •nou owTot) , cra^Jiero/^. 21 O J\\ Inovs 'QtspcLipui Xf l$bi cuirlut, urn' ©xpirtf ^ujotTtp* ^ wvnt x.un$) 23 K«c) l\fai a \wnZs iXi lilA OIKtMf TV ip^OVTBJ, X$\ '^«» daughter * was even now a dy- ing : but come and lay thy hand upon her, and (he final! live. 19 And Jefusarofe,and fol- low'd him,&yi> Chap. IX. 97 PARAPHRASE. 1 8 A con fider able Time after what is related in the foregoing Tar a- „,. xi. , , J. ;cv/- • rv ;>_r t .-> r . i The Miraculous graph, namely when Jefus was just come back pom the Country of toe cme of the m- Gergelenes, (as was related Chap. 8. 28 — 9.1.) fome others hem to have man ,wi[h the ." cv,V 1 )/• 1 l\ r, t n I rr l I B/Wy flux , and come to Jefus about the fame {b) Subject; whereupon He gave them the Rl^;ri,lg ra;rus>s fame Reafons, why it was not proper for his Dijciples to Faji yet. And Daughter to Lift. n?w it was, that while he ("pake ihcfe things unto them, behold, there came a certain Ruler of the Synagogue , (c ) Jatrus by name, and wup- fhipp'd him, faying, MyDaughrer was even now, when I came from my Houje, (d) a Dying : but be thou pleas 'd to come, and lay thy hand up- on her, and I firmly believe that fhe fhall live thro thy 'Divine Tower, tho'JIie be already a 'Dying. 19 And Jcfus arofe and follow'd him, and fo did his Difciples. (20 And behold, as he was going to the Houje of Jiiirus , a Woman which had a Bloody Flux twelve years, and had \c)Jpent all fhe had upon Thyjicians, and was nothing better, but rather grew worfe, came behind him, and touch'd the Hem of his Garment. 21 For (lie faid within her felf, If I can but touch his Garment, I fhall be cur'd : and accordingly Jloe was, upon touching his Garment, immedi- ately curd. 22 But Jefus, by his Divine Knowledge knowing what was done to her, and not being willing that fo excellent an Injiance of Faith Jhould pafs Undi (cover d, turn'd him about, and faid , Who touch'd my Cloaths in order to be cur'd of the Ail they had} And when the IVoman faw, that fie was (ej not hid of undifcover'd, [he fearing and trembling came, and fell down before him, and told him all the Truth before all the Teople : And when he faw her come thus unto him, he faid (e) Daughter, be of good Comfort; thy Faith has cur'd thee, i. e- thy extraordinary Faith has been the happy Means, by which thou haft obtain d the Cure of thy Diftemper. And the Woman was cur'd from that hour.) 23 Hav- ing thus given an Account of what happen d in the Way , as Jefus was going to the Houje ofjairus, the Evangelist proceeds with the Account of the Miraculous Cure ofjairus's Daughter : And when Jefus came in- to the Ruler's (Jairus's) Houfe, and law the Mindrels, /. e.fuch as plafd on a certain Sort of iSMuJical Instrument us'd in thoj'e Countries at the Death and Funerals ofTerfons, and the reft o/the Company that was there making fuch a mournfull Noife as was ujual in thoj'e Countries for the ANNOTATIONS. to Chrift at his firft Coming to him , that he bad Faith enough ro believe , that ChrTft could recover his Daughter, and fave her Life, tho' (lie was fo near to Death: But it is alio (ufficiently.imply'd, that his Faith -was not fo great as to believe , that Chrift could reBore to Life his Daughter when quite Dead, till Chrift tncreas'd and confirm 'd hit Faith by faying unto him, upou his being told that his Daughter was quite Dead , Be not afraid, only believe, viz. that I can refiore her to Life, tho' quite Dead ; as well as I could have fav'd her Life, tho' juft a Dying, and it fhall be fo done unto thy Daughter. (e) See the laft Note (y). 96 S. Matthew \ Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 24 xiyi ouo-rms' Ava^apem* y y> a7rE^a.ve to KO(y.T%f, Xtycor Kara f 7n5in t5^av ysv^xTiM VfM. 30 Koq iveay^Hffav ogotov 01 op^AjUor x,oq cJeCs^pWw au7Bi5 a \y\M$, Ae>io-e» 0 sea. 8 S. Matthew, Chap.IX,X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ev 7$ apvov-n iw Sutfioum hC£fc{ He cafteth out the devils \ f^ / -i through the prince of the de- TO Xui 7VOffVL$ Koq tow xaftcLS, $\Sbk07toi ci ra»$ cuuxynyous ccu-roy , jtecj xm- puorav 70 ewa/yeAiov ttis /SaoiAaas", £ 5sg^c7rsi>fl!v 7ra»uay i iox.u\$i)oi xcq Ip'pi/^i^uoj auei Tt^- Gara pi e^ov^t 7TDi(j8fa.. 37 Tots Aeya toTs" /ua/JiToiis avtbcT' O a^u fiCAOpLOS ttoAus", oj £e ep>«T«f o\ly>\. 38 AewjxTe oat/ tS >u/£*«*$[*>, and not c*xo.v(3/!uj in the mod Ancient and greateft Numbor of MSS. as alfo in BafiU Chryfoftom, Theophylaft; and the Vulg. Latin Verfion ( and the like is to be underftood of molt of the other An- cient Verfions ) renders it, not dijfoluti, as it would had it been auMhv^fu, but •vexati, which anfwers exactly to imvX/S/Jci. In fliort, fince there can be no Rea- fon given, why o*aia«/4°«' fliould be chang'd into imvXfS/iei- but there is a very obvious way how irnvxpini may come to be chang'd into ,vfiiitt3 viz. as being a Word lefs us'd, and whofe fignification therefore was not fo well known, and Co was at firft explain'd by cieMAi^tw put in the Margin,which thence was afterwards taken vils. ] 3 j- And Jefus went about all the cities and villages , teach- ing in their fynagogues , and preaching the gofpel of the kingdom, and healing every (icknels, and every difeafe.* 36 But when he faw the multitudes, he was mov'd with compaflion on them , becaufe they * were weary 'd, and fcat- ter'd abroad, as fheep having no (hepherd. 37 Then faith he unto his difciples, The harveft truly is plenteous^ but the labourers are few. 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harveft, that he will fend forth labourers into his harveft. Chap. X. And when he had call'd un- 5. Matthew, Chap. IX, X. 99_ PARAPHRASE. feid, in order to lejfen bit Efteem among the People, He cafbout the De- vils, not thro the Tower of God, but thro' the Permiffion and Contrivance every Sicknefs, and every Difeafe. 36 But when he favv the Multi- tudes that came to hear and be inBrutled by him, He was mov'd with €ompaffion on them, becaufe they were weary 'd and fcattei'd abroad, wandring for want of faithftiU Guides and Teachers , as Sheep having no Shepherd. 37 Then fays he to his Difciples, The Harveft truly is plenteous, i.e. there are a great Number of People willing and prepaid to receive InJirutJions ; but the Labourers fit to be employ din this Har- veft, i. , • i , fl , ~ clean fpirits, to caff, them out, <*<* wG*M«v«>w, x, Jt&inuM m. and t0^,eal aI1 manner oflick_ i o twelve apoftles are thefe; The / , , , , , firfr, Simon, who is call'd Pe- htyf^joi n^Tfos, x, Aitytat o *AA- ter> and Andrew his brother ; <\- \ , -f ,/, John his brother ; I«xr»)is o «AAy« «# j *,A»*ww, ^ phllipj and Barthoioraew . x.ou Bet/>9°Ao/^os- ©a^uas, jtot) M<*T- Thomas , and Matthew the ^tt)05 0 TiAay^s* IxxaCot 0 $ AAipw'v, xctj AeCCctJos 0 '@nx.Ay\ftli ©a^JWios' 4 2'^v 0 Ka.1a.un/1s, x.*] IvtTeis 0 I(7X*6nn> and commanded them, ,^ ,. ~ , , , _ , , faying, Go not into the way cA«Aora o'l&y Io-pa»A. 7 Flo- fheep of the houfe of Ifrael. prftf'/A/oi k- O-n *? £nd "J* §°> Prefa£h> fay „ j , , C ing > The kingdom or heaven nyytui » /SctciAwa r tfgstvav. 8 A- is at hand. odtvouo'Qz, 9sg«t7rEuiTB, M-afii K^V- 8 Heal lhe M* cIean^ the 1? + 1'' . •; t\ ' » lepers, raife the dead, caft out i ANNOTATIONS. V. 8. f NtxfBj £y«'gi7j is not read in very many MSS. nor yet in Bafil, Chry- foftom, &c. But it being read in the moft ancient Cant. MS- and alfo in Vulg. Latin and Syriack Veifions, I have retain'd it: the Reafon aflign'd by Dr MiU for the Probability of its being an Addition^ being rather, I think, a Reafon for the Probability of its being Omitted in the Generality and Left ancient of the MSS. namely, becaufe it is not read in the N. T. that the AfoHles did raife any Head Per/on tiU after Cbrift's Refurreffion. {ft See S. Matthew, Chap. X. 101 ~"~ PARAPHRASE. (that they might do it with the greater Efficacy, and Openly prove their 'Divine CommiJJion by the Miraculous Tower of doing Good, which they were invested with,) gave them Power over Unclean Spirits; namely to call them out of Juch Terfons as were pojfefs'd by them, and to heal all manner ofSicknels, and all manner olLhfcafe. 2. Now the Names of the Twelve 'Difaples, who from their being thus The l^mt) of J'ent forth to Treacly were peculiarly ca/l'd Apoftlcs, i.e. Terfons Sent tiwTwelv«Apo- forth, are thele : The hrlt in Order Simon, who is call'd Peter alfo, be- m"- ing Jo nam'd by ChriB long afore at bis fit ft (t) Coming to him at Betha- bara, and Andrew his Brother ; James the Son of Zebedce and fur nam'd the Great, and John his Brother; 3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Tho- mas, and Matthew the Publican as was; another James the Son ol Al- phens, (;/) otherwife call'd James the Lefs, the fir ft Bfoop ojjerufakm and Writer of One of the Epiftles in N.T. and Lebbeus, whole lumame was Thaddeus, and who was uljo call'd 'Judas orjude {11) being the Bro- ther of James laf I mention d, and IVriter of another Epiftle in the N. T. 4 Simon the (k) Cananite, 1. e. who was formerly of the SeSl among the Jews call'd the Canamtes in Hebrew, to which anjwers the Greek^word Zelots; and Judas Ifcariot, who alfo betray 'd him. S Thefe Twelve Jefus lent forth (/) Two by Two, and commanded chnfi gives the them, faying, Goye at Trefent, not into the Way or any Tlace of the Apoiiies /■»«/ (m) Gentiles, jo as to preach the Gofpel to them; and in Me manner at 0"bferv'd?n°his Trefent into any City of the Samaritans enter ye not for that End. th«r Miffion. 6 But ye are at this Time to go rather to the loft Sheep of the Houfe of Ifrael, i.e. to the Jews, who alt ho' they have err d and flra/d from the Ways of God like loft Sheep \ yet God is gracioujly pleas' d tojloew the 2)i- fiinguifbing Love he jiill bears to them as being his once Teculiar 'People, by giving them in the Fir ft place the gracious Offers of the Gofpel. 7 And accordingly as ye go, preach, faying, The (tf) Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 8 And to difpofe them the fooner to give Ear to your Inftrucl 'ions , by convincing them that you are J'ent from God, I give you the Tower to work Miracles, viz. to heal the Sick, cleanfe the Lepers, raife the Dead, calt out Devils : And as Freely ye have receiv'd this Miraculous Tower ■ from Me, as well as CommiJJion to Treach; fo do ye Freely give, or make ufe of the fame without expelling any Reward from thoj'e you Benefit thereby. ANNOTATIONS. (i) Sstjohn 1. 4x. («) See Note ( a ) chap. 12. 47. and Atari if. 40. and Lute 6. 16. and Jude 1. and Notes to the Preface before the Epiftle of St James. (k) This Name is fo like to Canaanite, that this laft is put for it by miftake in fome of our Common Bibles ( &c ) printed now a-days ; in thofe formerly printed it is Right. (I) Compare Mark 6. 7. (m) Compare Aiis 3. ult. and 13. 46. (») See the Paraph, on Chap. 3. 2. (0) Thus I ox S.Matthew, Chap. X. text! translation. 9 M>i KiviMcdt vpucrov, (JunSi oifyu- 9 Provide neither gold, nor •o % \ ? \ p r ' < on/, filver.norbrafsin yourpurfes: poy, [»& xl\w>^ us ms £«v*s vffi JQ Nor fcnp foJr y0lfr Jour. io Mw ttji^cv as oJbv, pi^ m, c^eraaatTt -ns c* axrm \ »■< 14. And whofotver fliall not ' , t J , , , , receive you , nor hear your /*" ^?0 ^i"*5> i"^' a***™ t&s Ao- words: when ye depart out of 7VS »m i&py^oi * o»xU 3 * tto- *" h2uf° or C1'y » fhake off ,/,/>•■'"« i M the dult of your feet. Aeas tituiYis, Iktiix^xU t xaviopTov t ij- Verily I fay unto yon, inSS* vfiai. if Afdu> Xka luti' Ic ftaI1 be more tolerable for , „/ „ „ , , ,. the land of Sodom and Go- xnzloTip* f?«f yy, Zobiwi x, TofUf- morrha , in the day of judg- pm h ti/aeftt Kficnais, $ T« 7ni\{ ix.wy. ment, than for that city. 16 lS ' %/ ' o "* 1 asfheepin the midfi of wolves: «f««WAw)«^v»^- be yeFtherefore vvife 33 fer. iifMi as ot otpus, Kf ct/^pojoi as cm ' a. ' 1 "7 But beware of men; for Tim. 1 7 Ufomytk Si ^Tra r xvjpct- , ' ,, , , ' , r «. / ^ t ^, , /r they will deliver you up to the -7na»- crPfitS'affVOT y) i^juxs us cvnfyix, councils, and they will fcourge S h mis wxfayx\s xuw fixWaW y0Uoin the,ir fy^gogues. , , , , . , u-i 18 And ye fliall be brought v/mlS. 18 KxttTn vytfuixi Si x, ^a- before goveraors and kings fbr axhus ANNOTATIONS (0) Thus this PafiTage of Sc Matthew may be eafily reconcil'd to Mark 6. 8. as Dr (?/<«•£ has obferv'd in the Notes to his Paraphrale. And it is to be further noted, that the Beft or moft Ancient MSS- and alfo art the moft Ancient Ver- fions but the Perfick, have only the Singular a Staff, not the Plural Staves. If) The S.Matthew, Chap. X. ^ro§ PARAPHRASE. thereby, p And yet ye are to provide neither Gold, nor Silver, nor Brafs in your Purfes, to buy you Victuals; 10 nor yet to carry along with yon Victuals m any Scrip for your Journey, neither two Coats or any more C/oaths than ye ufuaUy have on, neither any moire Shoes than ye have on your Feet, nor yet {p)any more Staves than a Staff apiece in your hands, as at other Times. F or, Jince in the Common Opinion of Mm kind, the Workman is worthy of his (p) Maintenance: ye, whilflye are thus Working for to promote the Spiritual Welfare of Others, may most Reafonably expeSi to partake of Jo much of their Temporal things, as is requifite for your Maintenance in a competent Manner. 1 1 And into whatsoever City or Town ye fhall enter, enquire Who in it is well Difpos'd to receive your InBrutlions, and fo Worthy to receive you m his Houfe as his Guefts, and there abide till ye go thence, /. e.from that Oty or Town. 12 And when yejfrfl come into an Houfe, Salute it, i e Jhevoyour Refpetl and Kindnefs to the Family, faying , Peace , i. e. All prosperity be to this Houfe , i. e- to the Family therein, 13 And it the Houle be worthy, let your Peace, i.e. God Jhall grant your Requeji for the faid Houfe, and his Blefpng fhall come upon it : but if it be not worthy, let your Peace return to you, i. e. the BleJJingyou requeftedfor the Jaid Family fhall be beBow'd on your felves, and the faid Family Jhall reap no Benefit by it, but the Contrary. 14. And accordingly wholoever fhall not receive you , nor hear your Words or InflruEiions : When ye depart out of that Houfe or City, (hake offthe Dull of your Feet, {f)for * TeBimony againB them , i. e. as denoting thereby that you will have nothing more to do with them, but leave them to the Judgment of God- 1 j Verily I fay unto you, It fhall be more tolerable for the land, i. e. Inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrha in the Day of Judgment, than for that City ; becaufe it has rejected greater Means of Salvation, than were offer d to them of Sodom and Gomorrha. 16 Behold, I fend you forth on Juch an Employ as will expofe you Chrjft IV. particu- to like 'Danger as Sheep are expos' d to in the midfl of Wolves : Be ye lar'y inftru&s his therefore Wife, in avoiding by all proper and prudent Means the Dan- fh^Behavio™ gers ye Jhall be expos' d- to, as Serpents are remarkable for; and Harmlefs, with reference as Doves are more efpecially taken notice to be. 1 -7 But after allye muft t0 t"licMi°ns- beware of wicked Men; for the Time will come, that they will deliver you up to the Councils, and they will fconrge you in their Synagogues or judicial Affemblies. 18 And ye fhall be brought not not only before Jewijh Magiftrates, but alfo before Gentile Governors and Kings, upon no ANNOTATIONS. (/>) The Greek *%«& may fignify not only Meat, as it is taken to denote in general all Food, but alfo whatever elje is requifue to Nourfoment, as Cloaths,&C. and therefore the faid Greek word may bebeft render'd here, and in the like places, Maintenance ; as including both Food and Raiment. (a) Compare Mark 6. II. Luke 9. y. IO^ S. Matthew t Cbap. X. text. TRANSLATION. TVpiov aUiTvis it/ tdis i^ncni. 19 O- 7DtV Si >8 t^A«5 *,u7y. 21 FlagjtS'axnl Jfc eLSttyos tLSiAtpll Ui ^lATOI, x) 7raT«p TBJtVOV $ e?iav*9Vms, *ou ^ayanoo-yoiy owtVJ. 22 K*j ececO'e (MaVi&jQi vvn 7ta»T(6i Q^ to o'yo/u* ftflu1 0 Si •\jwifA.uiajc, ui TtAos, ou- tdj ota9»i'o-eT«|. 2 3 Oto.1 Si havM- ctiv a^uas ci ry ttoA^ ^T», QevytT* 6(5 lit* aMto>* a,«k« 5b Aeya UAiv, O'J ^LMl TIAJOKT* T&$ VT0\Ui TV Iff- pawA, ea>$ ay eAjw 0 tjos TV a»7pa- 'mu. 24 O^x. e$ 0 XA)(10S OJUTV. U T OVM SiOOOO-duJ Eii\C,lC^C tKcLAt- ova, vnaa /^aA\oy tvs onua.x.ys oi£; my fake , for a teftimony * to them and the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up,*be not follicitoushow or what ye fhall fpeak ; for it fhall be given you in that fame hour what ye fhall fpeak. 20 For it is not ye that fpeak , but the Spirit or your Father which f peaketh in you. 21 And the brother (hall de- liver up the brother to death, and the father the child : and thechildren fhall rife up againft their parents, and caule them to be put to death. 22 And ye fhall be hated of all men for my names fake : but he that endureth to the end fhall be fav'd. 23 But when they perfecute you in this city, flee ye into another : for verily I fay unto you, ye fhall not have gone over the cities of Ifrael till the Son of man be come. 24. The difciplc is not a- bove his mailer, nor the fer- vant above his lord. 1$ It is enough for the di- fciple that he be as his matter, and the fervant as his lord : if they have call'd the matter of the houfeBeelz.ebub,ho\v much man full the) call them of his houfhold ? 25 M« PARAPHRASE. no other Account than for my Sake , or for preaching the Truths of the Go/pel '; and this full fall out for a- Teftimony, or Means of making known the Gofpel, to them, i. e. the Gentile Governors and Kings before whom ye fhall be brought, and to the reft aljo o/thc Gentiles 19 But when they deliver you up, ;. e. thus bring you before Kings or other Magistrates, be not ^ - . - . t -n . S. Matthew, Chap.X. 105* PARAPHRASE. not follicitous how or what ye fhall fpeak in your own Defence; for it fhall be given you, i. e.yejhall be directed by the Spirit of God, in that fame Hour, what ye fhall fpeak. 20 For it is not ye that fliall then fpeak; but rather the Spirit of your Father, which fpeaks in you. 21 And further I acquaint you a forehand, that the Perfections, which fall be rais'd againfl Chrifiianity, Jhall be fo great and unnatural, that the un- believing Brother fhall deliver up the believing Brother to Death ; and the unbelieving Father, the believing Child : and the unbelieving Child- ren (hall rife up againlt their believing Parents, and caufe them to be put to Death. 22 And ye Chriflians, more efpecially the Preachers thereof, ihall be hated of all other Sorts of Men, only for my names Sake, or on Account of your being Chriflians or Treacher s ofChriflianity: but he that endures, /. e. per f ever es in the Truth of the Go f pel to the End of*his Life, notwithstanding all the Perfections he Jhall meet with, the fame fhall be lav'd, /. e. be rewarded with Eternal Happinefs; which is afufficient Encouragement to undergo the greatest Terfecutions with Conjlancy and Perjeverance. 11 But altho' it is your indtfpenfable Duty to undergo 'Perfecution with Patience andPer fever ance, when the Providence of God brings it Unavoidably upon you ; yet ye are not hence to think that it is hkewife your "Duty Not to endeavour to avoid Perfecution, when ye have an Opportunity or any Lawful IV ay jo to do : On the contrary therefore, when they perfecute you in this, i*e. one City, flee ye into another in order to efcape your Perfecutors, if ye have Opportunity fo to do. For/a far is God from requiring his fait hfuil Servants Not to endeavour to efcape Perfecution by proper Means, that Verily I fay unto you, with refpefit to your felves more efpecially, that ye fhall not have gone over the Ci- ties of Ifrael, preaching to the Jews , till /, who amjoretold by Timid under tfie Title of the Son of Man, be come to take Vengeance on the Unbelieving Jews by Dejlroying their Temple and State, and fo to deliver you from their perfecting Malice. 24 Further tojkew you, how little Reafan there is for you to be Difcontented, that ye are to fuffer at all Per- fecution and slffliBions , conjider that the Difciple is not in Reafon to ex- peEl to be Above, or fare better than, his Mafler, nor the Servant to ex- peEl to be Above his Lord. Wherefore fince I your Lord and Mafler do and fhall undergo the greateH Reproaches and yfffl/cJions and Perfec- tions \ you have no Reafon to be Difcontented, if ye my Servants and "Di- fciples undergo the like, is For Jurely it is enough for the Difciple, that he be, or fare, as his Matter ; and the Servant, as. his Lord : But you know it is no more than Reafonable in it felf, and therefore generallytra- Slis'd, viz. tojhewmore RefpeEi to the Mafler of the Houfe than to Them of his Houjhold. Wherefore if, notwithflanding this, they have call'd me, who am as it were the Matter of the Houfe to which you pertain, np ie/s than Beelzebub, which is the Name given to the Prince of the Devils, how much more fhall they not Bick to call Them of his Houfhold, /. e. io6 & Matthew, Chap.X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2a o,tuy h t^ o-Koiict,, umlt c# T55§ ^acn- ^ 'o as to w ax.veiJ, >ui« 28 Koq pt ^oCh^vit* ^n t ^bre- KluioiTW TO i yo^uioTJTB, 2-n «A%y /3a- Aeu eipMnk? '^i 7&« yk*> chc «A- — ~ — _. — _ 2«7tpa J^t]* •nils piTfos ofco-niJ, XW w(i$lu/ K9^* IMS TTiV^JgJCS cuItm?. 3 (J Kct| l^pof ry «.»^-p«7rv, 01 onuaxol ca$ 37 O One e9i fun H^tos' ko\ 0 qn\m i\ot *£<(§h 38 Koc) -is V Aa.fiCa.ii "rev SBtu^jv otoToo, x.ob) etJtoAcu1)"^ oOTcra /twu, owe "vn uou l^i((^. J9 Oe«. pav flu) ^>uy/lu> ootdo, ^jreAetn| oto- 40 O •ffc^o^®" ufuiif ifii <&- toj tdv ^7r59«iActV7a jt«. 41 O (&' lZB£9 US OiOfJUK. Ae- ya tyuv, ou #>i am\eff» toy ,tu- c§ov oul7cc). K«WS ots itiXtaii x, x^poaj-«» ev Toqs m\ec7iv awia/. a O ^ laxvms ajtojoa^ ci to <^074ffl7»£xa T* epy* t£ X&c6)j«ey j 4 Keq ^n- xfi^eis 0 Introuff, e4 7TCY os/toTs- llo- pdjfirtts a.7rctyy t* A&ti IaanM * cbcoueTS x.oq |3Ae7reTS. J* TvipAoi ivaOuTrycn, Jtotj ;^aAo« t^irtATV- cn, Aetsiyi l^ae^oiiTaf, $ juixpoj a righteous man, fliall receive a righteous man's reward. 41 And whofoever fhall give to drink unto one of thefe little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a difciple, veri- ly I fay unto you, he fhall in no wife lofe his reward. Chap. XI. And it came to pafs, when Jefus had made an end of com- manding his twelve difciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities. 2 Now when John had heard in the pnfon the works ofChrifl, he fent two of his difciples, 3 And laid unto him, Art thou he that fhould come, or do we look for another? 4 Jefus ahfwer'd and faid unto them, Go and fhew John again thofe things which ye do hear and fee : t The blind receive their fight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleans'd, and the deaf PARAPHRASE. being a Righteous Man, the fame fliall receive a Righteous Man's Re- ward, /. e. fliall be rewarded, as if he bimfelf bad perform' d [ucb Emi nent Afits of Right eoufnefs or ofChriBian Love and Charity as the faid Righteous Man has done ; tho He that thus receives him is not able AftuaUy to perform the like Eminent Affs of Charity, by reafon offuch different ' Cir cum fiances of his State and Condition, as are not in his Tower to Amend or Advance. 42 And laftly, whofoever fhall give to drink unto One of thefe Little ones, /'. e. of the Lower Rank^of my Difciples, a Cup of cold Water only, or fliall do any the like fmalleft Office of Kind- nef's to him, in the Name of, i. e. meerly on the Account of his being a Difciple of mine, Verily I fay unto you , that you may ajfure fuch as you are fent to preach to, that He, that thus Jhews the LeaH Kindnefs to S. Matthew, Chap. X, XI. 1 1 1 PARAPHRASE. to the LeaH of my Difciples , meerly as fuch, (hall in no wife loie his Reward for Jo doing. vni Chap. XI. And it came to pafs, when Jefus had made an end of com- jerushimfiifgoes manding his Twelve Difciples or JpoBles, i. e. of giving them the In- *h°™hi'„e',ch'"£ & ftruilions fet down in the foregoing Chapter, He him f If departed (r) thence, where he had given the fore f aid InTlruSiions , to teach and to preach in their Cities, viz. of Galilee, being Not now attended with any of the Twelve Apoflks. SECT. Ill- N° j-. Containing fuch Particulars as are fet down Chap. XI. 2 — XII. ult. 2 Now a confiderabk Time before Chrifi's fending the Twelve '"oursaviour'j^.- preach, mention d m Chap. 10. {as appears from the Table of the Hat- g»mtnt to the Di- mony fee. or comparing the other Gofpels) when John Baptifl had heard rct$csth°a^ rhhee^J in the Priibn , wherein he was put by Herod , the Works or Miracles the ImeUejfmoz of Chrift; tho' it is not reafonably to bej'uppos'd, that He himfelf anychr'P- ways Doubted of Chrifi's being the Mefjias, yet to Confirm bis Difciples in the Faith of ChriB as fuch, {for a/much as his Jmpnfonment and ap- proaching Death might tempt them Not to believe Chriti to be the MeJ- fias; they imagining that if ChriH were Really fo, He would not permit his Fore-runner the Biptiji to be thus kept in Prifon, much lefs tojuffer Death, as he was about to do : On tbeje Confiderations, to confirm his Difciples in th; Belief of Chrift to be the true Mefjias,) He, viz. the Ba- ptift fent two of his Dilciples ( for his Difciples had leave to come to him in Prifon, and (/) had told him of the Works of Chrift ;) 3 and by them faid unto him, 1. e. to Chrift, Art thou He, viz. the Mefjias that fhould come according to the Prophecies of the 0. T. or do we, i. e. are we to look {or Another Per [on to be that Mffias ? 4 Hereupon Jefus wrought feveral Miracles before their Eyes; and then anfwer'd and faid unto them, Go and (hew John again thofe things which ye do hear of Others, and fee alfo your f elves , and which are fufficient to convince any Unpreju- dic'd Per Jon, that I am no other than the true Mefjias that fhould come. j For you have heard and feen, that by my Power the Blind receive their Sight, and the Lame walk, the Lepers are cleans'd, and the Deaf hear, the ANNOTATIONS. (r) The Generality of Commentators fuppofe ihe place, -whence our Saviour departed at this time, to have been Capernaum ; inferring this from Chap. 9. r. But it is plain that our Saviour had more than Once departed from Capernaum, After his Coming thereto referr'd Ch. 9. 1. and Before his Sending his Difciples to preach, which is related Ch. 10. Indeed it feems moft likely, that Chrift gave the Twelve the Inftrudtions in Ch. 10. not in Capernaum, but in fame pri- vate retir'd Flace, perhaps not far from Capernaum, and on the Mountain com- monly call'd the Mountain of the B.atitudes, where Chrift deliver'd the Sermon fet down Ch.? — 7. (f) See Luke 7. 18. (t) See HZ S. Matthew, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. %oi fcuayytA/^oyroq. 6 Kocj fia.- tlSZAos 'fill o$ toil /til > C# l (Ml. 7 TtfT»v Si wofdio/j5fiu9f wp£o,. 70 o I»(7bus hsyen 7dTs SyAolS -5^ Iwdtwou* Ti c^^A^sts 6*s t£u5 epvi/^y 9sxoac5£ j yJ.\climi \jzri i.nft\{ < ~ \ o ' ' Vfili , KOlj TieAOSOTt&l t?£?pU7DU. 10 Owns y^f '6$l t&t ov yfcygje- ^ol\' IJ^y tya ^5TJ9??Affl 7o» cLyyi- Ao» fjM ts£3 GS&ouTtV (TV, %5 >(£&- OKiVAff^ ll(M 0S0I o-y ift'tf&cdzi cy. 11 A/uka Aeya> w^ttTf, owt iyvtytp- Teej cV >«vv>17bT$ 5*M/c*ixoy (tu^ai Ifflotyyy tv B&9r7iT jSacriAeia Ta>y oug^yaiy /U&tQay owt5 '^y. 12 Atto cTfe -ray tifitpav Iascyyou t£ @>ArreliS gas ip7» » $x(nA«A Ta>y ov^yay /3ia- £eTeq, x-otf j8iet$uj apTTa^ot/ffiv aoiito' hear, the dead are rais'd up, and the poor have the gofpel preach d to them. 6 And bleffed is he whofo- ever fhall not be offended in me. 7 And as they departed, Je- fus began to fay unto the mul- titudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilder- nefs to fee ? A reed fhaken with the wind ? 8 But what went ye out for to fee ? A man cloath'd in fort raiment ? behold , they that wear foft clothing are in kings houfes. 9 But what went ye out for to fee ? A prophet ? yea, I fay unto you , and more than a prophet. 10 For this is he of whom it is written , Behold , I fend my meffenger before thy face, which fhall prepare thy way before thee. 11 Verily I fay unto you, among them that are born of women , there hath not rifen a greater than John the Bap- tift : notwithftandmg, he that is leaft in the kingdom of hea- ven is greater than he. xi And from the days of John the Baptift, until now, the kingdom of heaven fuffer- eth violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 n*yT£$ S. Matthew, Chap. XI. 115 PARAPHRASE. the Dead are rais'd up, and the Poor have the Gofpel preach'd unto them as being not only Mo lefs capable of obtaining Salvation , but even better difposd and qualify d generally to obtain it , than the Rich. 6 And Bleffed is He, whofoever, having jo good Grounds for his ConvcJion that lam truly the Meffias or Chrijl, fhall not be offended in me, / e. either Ajhamd of my Doff tine, or Di/courag'd from obeying it bj> any Temporal Evils : and conjequently Wojhall be to Him , whofoever after All JhaU be thus offended in me- •7 And as they, i.e. the BaptisTs Difciples departed, Jcfus began to Chrift's tv/;»..- fay to the Multitudes concerning John , What went ye out into the »y °f the Dignity Wildernefs to fee? Surely not to fee a Keed (haken with the Wind, er^^foizht on any fuck trifling Account? 8 But what went ye out for to fee ? A 7<»" «* their Man cloth'd in toft Raiment, or very fine Apparel? behold, They that *™S^Z ' wear foft Clothing , orfuch very fine Appaiel ', are to be feen in King's and Himfeif Houfes, rather than hi a Wildernefs. p But what went ye out for to fee ? A Prophet ? Yea , I fay unto you, And or even more than a Pro- phet, io For this John , whom ye thus went out for to fee, is He of whom it is written (Alalachi 3. 1.) Behold, I fend myMeiienger before, thy Face, which fliall prepare thy Way before Thee, /'. e.fhall prepare Men for receiving the Go] pel, when Thou, who art the Meffias or Chrtfl, Jhalt come into the World to preach the Gofpel. 11 Verily I fay unto you, Among them that are born of Women, there has not rifen hitherto any Prophet or Holy Man that has been employ d in a Greater Office by God, than John the Baptift; as being the immediate Fore-runner and Mejfeuger of Chrijl, fent to prepare the Way for Chris! , and the Fuller Reception of the Gofpel, by preaching fame great Doclrines more clearly than ever they had been Afore, and alfo as being the Per fori that baptizd ChrtU himfeif, fyc. Notwuhlranding He that is the Lead or MeaneU Treacher of the Go/pel in the Kingdom of Heaven now Jet up, is im- ploy'd in a Greater or more Excellent Office and Mini fir y, than He, viz. John the BaptiB was : f or a j much as every juch Mean Treacher of the Gofpel is entrusted with the Preaching of fever al MyBeries and 'Do- fir ines of the Gofpel, which were either IVholiy unknown, or not fo clear- ly known to the Biptijl; and alfo on other the Hike Accounts. 12. And from the days of John the Bjptilt beginning to preach that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand or come, until Now, the Kingdom of Heaven Cut- ters as it were Violence, and the Violent take it by force, i.e. Many Gentiles as well as Jews , many Publicans and the GreateB of Sinners as well as Thofe that were afore Religioufly difpos'd, do prefs to hear the Go/pel and embrace it with a Pious Fervor and EarneBnefs; and being A&ed by fuch a Christian fVai mth and Eagei nefs , do readily perform the Terms of Salvation requir'd of them in the Gofpel, and fo fecure unto themfelves Eternal Happmejs ; labouring to do this, as if they feiz'd it to P themfelves 11^ S.Matthew, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. i 3 nivm £ 01 *ao^ya(t\ £ o tofus *3 For a11 the prophets & „ ' , t __ \ the law prophefy'd until John. £fflslfl*vvy *oewnww. 14 Koq ,4 Ami ,f ye Wlll recuve a ^Ae-re A'£acQ£ , oa'755 'filv HA/as */, this is Elias which was for < 1 •; . 1 y O e^ai am , ? He ,hat hath ears to hear, «JCoJe 16 But whereunto fliall I cna too vsvea.v (ojj'Vmj ; ouoia. bgi , , ,. ... ~ '/ liken this generation? It is like crccjcTbteioiS ci i^pgatTs jyt^Ji^ois , unto children fitting in the ** ^jqwoi tcIs Iralvis *.to», ?fIrfwB> and callinS umo lheir 7 » , / . - fellows, 17 Jtcq Aeyutnr HuA/Knx^v v/un , in And faying, We have xcq ovx. apx'yxm&v ijmiiimftii pip'd unto you , and ye have «. „ i ••»■»■/! « o notdane'd: we have mourn a w/tiv, *ou om c^s^cd-2. 1 3 HA- unto you> and ye have not ]a. % y^f lai&ms jurm l .. / , (\ \ " 10 The Son of man came 1 1 ■ , ~ ^ating and drinking, and they j(a>7n$ (pxy>s xol\ oivo7nJ77)S, TtAavav fay, Behold, a man gluttonous pfAo* *«j a.uapwASf *« *W9» and a wine-bibber, a friend of , , \ ~ 1 ' ~ publicans and nnners: but wii- » rop/a. ^Jjra -ray mvav owttjs- dom is jullify'd of her children. 20 To't* JfofaS oNei^av th« to- . 2° Then be§a"he.t0 "£ . , e - Drai" tne Cltl<-S wherein molt Aeu, ci *?$ iywoi-n cu TT^aVo) Ju- of his mighty works were done, O ai becaufe they repented not. 21 Wo unto thee, Chora- ik/xui cu%, Oil V ^eT9V0H<£. 2 1 ovi XotyQv, you . _ / ' ^- tc > ' _ ' t> for if the mishty works which tr* , were c'one in you nac' been vci,«e4yo,aV^ °* ^A,v> sr^Aoq done in Tyre and Sidon, they .\ » / \ ,~ / would have repented long aeo Atya vfiiv Tupa x*i Si- i2 But l % unt0 you, It i)n» cLnx.TVTi£$i \t&\ h ytjuepct JttVi- \ r/ 071 k^iv. 23 Kot) av K«.7np vaou,« , *i ea>5 TV ougjtvoJ u^aju avt , gas a,(fbo >C5C,ra.tiCac3r»(J>) e< Iv SoJb'^aois lycWTo ot\ ohcuai/uui ouj yviofii'tq h *e«va 7$ i(3^p? ^TiBJtat- ^-eis 0 IwW, &i7T6v E^o^wAoyS/^ c{, u fin 0 vps, x) a* lay /3tfAviTaj 0 t\o$ "i^MHstXii-^ajj. 28 Aeu-re syos ,«e ?ra»TJ5 0/ /WthSv- 1S5 $ 7Hi> caa.-na.um> V/A3LS, 29 Apale tov y^'y (MOO Ip £,uas, >9 (JiA%rt in i/nao, 'cm •Qf^oi tofju, x) fgLTtwoi Ty ■ny.ftiet,' k«j\ iv- pvmT& a.ia,7t avow *^ti5 -\u\dl? v/jmi. 30 O >> £py>s fi- 2.6 Even fb, Father, for Co it feenfd good in thy fight. 2-j All things are deliver'd unto me of my Father: and no * one knoweth the Son but the Father : neither knoweth any * one the Father, * but the Son, and he to whomfoever the Son will reveal him. 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden , and I will give you reft. 19 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart : and ye (hall find reft unto your fouls. 30 For my yoke is eafy, and my burden is light. Chap. XI L *In that time Jefus went on pu>3« 0 Ijntous toiS r 01 S\ /ML^TiTOJl CUiTV I7te.il 0,09,1 , yya.iy xajj 970161 V x.x\ Yip%ci979 TiMejy jw- icQietv. 2 Oj Si i£>' l£y ol fxac- vroiovcni f 11 OtcQCxTQ. Ovx. (TOV "2 ere?: ocuyycoTi it o si t7!Diy](7Z Uttl corn , and his difciples were * hungry, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. 2 But when the Pharifees faw it, they faid unto him, Behold , thy difcrples do that which is not lawful to do up- on the fabbath day. 3 But he faid unto them , Have ye not read what David Aa£i£, ANNOTATIONS. Now it beioj thus Rcafonable ro underftand c* £«<»» r& xcupS in the Senfe aboveinention'd, with refpedt to Matt. n. 1. and 14.. 1 . it will be but Reasonable to underftand it (b likewife in this Chap. 11. 25. which is the only other Place, wherein, I think, it is us'd in this Golpel. And the Reafonablencfs hereof will further appear by confidering, that it is evidenc from Luke 10. 2 1. that our Bl. Saviour us'd fuch a Thankfgiving upon the Return of the Seventy to him ; and therefore that it is highly probable that this Thankfgiving was alfo us'd by him upon the Return of the Twelve to Him : Efpecially fince St Matthew takes no notice of fuch their Return, (as St Mark and Luke do) tho' he do's of their being lent ii9 S. Matthew, Chap. XI, XII. JFklTk PHRAS K. as Children, do gladly embrace it- 2.6 Even To, Father, hafl thou most jujily difpos'd things : for lo it became Thy infinite Goodnefi andju/liee to do ; and therefore fo it feem'd good in Thy Sight, or to the H-'ifdom of thy All-feeing 'Providence., to do. 17 All things relating to Man's Salvation are deliver'd unto me, as Man, of my Father: And as No one {whether Man or Angel) knows the Son, either in refpeSt of what they are to Believe concerning Him , or to 'Do in Obedience to Hnn , but the Father, and He to whom the Father will have reveal'd juch Particulars relating to the Son ; fo on the other hand, neither knows Any one the Father, but the Son , and he to whomioever the Son will reveal him, 2.8 Wherefore come unto Me, All ye that labour and are heavy laden, either with the Burden or under the l^oke of jour Own Sins, or of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Mofaical Law, and I will give you Rtllfiom Both thej'e. 29 Namely on Condition you take my Yoke upon you, /'. e. Sub- mit to the Mules TJhall prefer ibe you\ and IJljalt ' prefer ibe no harder Rules unto you, than to learn or Me, or follow the Example I my /elf (hall give you, as in other Rejpe&s , Jo primarily as to Meeknejs and Lowhnefs or Humility of Heart, this being the FtrB Preparative or Ground-Work to Piety, for accordingly among all the other Particulars of a good Example Ifhallfet you,you may eafily obferve, that I am in an extraordinary man- ner Meek and Lowly in Heart : and if 'ye fljall follow my Example here- in, and fo proceed in the Practice of the Virtues conjequent to jucb a pious Meeknejs and Lowlinejs, ye fhall find Reft unto your Souls. 30 For, tho' the Rules I Jhall prejeribe are a Yoke or Reflraint in fome 'Degree, yet this my Yoke is Ealy in refpecl of the Take of Sin or the Ritual Law; and in like manner, tho the Precepts I fhall give you are fome fort o/'Bur- den,j/et this my Burden is Light in comparij'on of the Burden either of Sin or of the Ritual Law. Chap. XI 1. In or during (w) that time alfo, viz. of Christ's Miniflry chrift j»jnp, in Galilee after the Imprisonment of John Baptist, but long before the his Difciples in Particulars related in the foregoing Chapter, [as appears from my Table lw an" \f,"i„l of the Harmony of the Gofpels) Jciiis went on the Sabbath-day (frj/ZytheEauofcon: the ^Tief'®e?>7Bi/ Luke 6. 1.) and his Difciples were hungry, and know ™fht SAbl">"" ing what the Law permitted them (x) to do in fitch a Cafe, began to pi uck the Ears of Corn, (xx) and rubbing the Corn out of the Ears with their hands, to eat it, x But when the ^hanlees faw it, they laid unto him, Behold, thy Difciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sab- bath-day. 3 But he faid unto them, Have ye not read, (/) what Da- vid ANNOTATIONS. lent forth to Preach ; unlefs we luppofe him to have penn'd down this Thanks- giving in Reference thereto. (w) See the foregoing Note (»). (x) See Deut 23. y. (xx) Compare Luke 61. (7)1 Sam, 2 1 . a,yui, t§k$$ tbTs ^e? , p » \ ~ < - / OtlTDt) , £4 |tt» TBI? Itfivm (JUOIOiS ; f H oux, iieyvwn oi tc5 vo^a, oti tdi; crocQGiori 01 iepeti ci to iep&) to cwbCctToy /3et>iAS(n , x.at) ivau- oto< acrj ; fo. 7 Ei JV lyaKUTi tz '^y EAeoy ^eAa JtOt) ou *)-u<7»gw>, oux. ot» K5tT€^JC5t- OTt,T£ T0U> ayotjTJOi£. 8 Ku^®-" y^jo '^/ 3c«j t5 aa.QQa.Tw o i\os TV ay^pflTry. us t\im cuvcLWyloo cuuTW- 10 Kot) <J(rat.» otuToy, Ae- ^pyT«j* E« e^«5z tbTs (PxQQa.cn ^p*- did when he was *hungry, and they that were with him; 4 How he enter'd into the houfe of God, and did eat the fhew-bread , which was not lawful for him to eat, * nor for them who were with him, but only for the prieits? f Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the fab- bath -days the prieits in the temple profane the fabbath, & are blamelefs ? 6 But I fay unto you, that in this place is one greater than the temple. 7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mer- cy and not facrifice, ye would not have condemn'd the guilt- lefs. 8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the fabbath-day. p And when he was depart- ed thence, he went into their fynagogue. io And behold, there was a man which had his hand wither'd : and they ask'd him, faying, Is it lawful to heal on PARAPHRASE. vid did, when he was hungry, and they that were with him ; 4 How he enter'd into the Houfe of God, which was then the Tabernacle, and did eat the Shew-bread m this Cafe of NeceJJity to j at isfy Hunger, which otherwife or in ordinary Cafes it was not Lawful for Him to eat, nor for them who were wnh him, but only for the Prieits? Now if This he no where Blam'd in Scripture as a Sinfull Aclion or Violation of the Ritual Law , either in David and his Men for Eating the Shew-bread, or in the Triejlfor Giving it them to eat ; why jhould you thus Blame tr.y 'Dijciples for T lucking and Eating a few Ears of Corn on the Sabhath- daj, and thereby go about aljo to Blame Me for permitting them Jo to do ? S Of S. Matthew \ Chap. XII. ixi PARAPHRASE. J Or have ye not read in the Law, how it requires that on the Sab- bath-days the Priefls in the Temple fhould do thofe Works, which being done Elfewhere by Others would profane the Sabbath ; and are Blameleis notwithstanding, becauje they do it by God's Appointment and to his Ser- vice? 6 But I fay unto you, that in this Place is One Greater than the Temple in all Re f peels relating to this Cafe ; forafmuch as {among other Confederations) He a&s by the mojl immediate Appointment of God, and that to promote the Service and Honour of God more than the Temple could conduce thereto. Wherefore if the IVorks, that the PrieBs do on the Sabbath in the Temple, are exempted from Profaning the Sabbath, as being done for the Service of the Temple, or to the Honour of God; (hen V lucking and Rubbing the Ears of Com may much more Reajonably be esteem 'd, as exempted m my 'Difap/es, from profaning the Sabbath, for- afmuch as They are employ d in my Service, which at prejent has made it neceffary for them fo to do ; and by being employ 'd in my Service, do promote the Honour of God more than the Temple- Service could. 7 But further yet, if Ye had known what this meaneth Hofea 6. 6. where God Jays , I will have Mercy, and not, i. e. rather than Sacrifice; had ye known, I fay, the True Meaning hereof to be, that God prefers IVorks of Charity before the exaff Obfervance of Ritual or the like Pofitive Laws ; ye would not have condemn'd my "Difciples for not obferving the Sabbath in the JtricleB Rigour of the Law, that they might the Better attend Works of Greater Importance , viz. promoting the Salvation of Others; Jince on this Account they are, in the Sight of God, Gu title ft, m refpecJ of what you blame them for. 8 And it will appear ftill more plainly, that my T>ifciples are thus Guiltlefs , forafmuch as it may be eafily tnferr'd from the Paffages of Scripture already referr'd to, that the ftritl Jewijh Obfervation of the Sabbath , and all other fuch like Ritual and Pofitive Inftitutions, are not {like 'Duties of Moral and Eternal Obligation) to be obferv'd Indtfpenfably, or in whatever Extremity and NeceJJity a Man may be; but the faid Obfervation of the Sabbath fee. was, made or ap- pointed by God for the UJe and Benefit cf ffov, xocj <%e- Tem' K*j ^reKscTefa1)-!) «>««, as tl aMw. 14 Ol & QAtHTOAOl HT@-' 18 IcTbu 0 jiaTs /two, oy Dp«7iffa' 0 aj-aTm-rcS ,tty, e*s oy eudo- juio-ey ii -v}^^1 A"11" 9»i£W to vntJuiuh ueu \ftA^. 19 Oux. i&oi, V$ Xfaw ■ykoi, ouJV ix.Vc{ tij ci toTs 7rA.«.- T&'ais lico (pa»ttc> owtoJ. 20 Kx- Aa£U)y ciutfiTCiiufAkjoi ov ,KS.Tia,^ti, xaj A~»oy TUtpofj&tioi ou oGUw'iaS the fabbath-days? that they might ace ufe him. 1 1 And he faid unto them, What man (hall there be among you, that fhall have one fheep, and if it fall into a pit on the fabbath-day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out ? 12 How much then is a man better than a fheep ? where- fore it is lawful to do well on the fabbath-days. 13 Then faith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand : and he flretch'd // forth ; and // was reftor'd whole, like as the other. 14 Then the Pharifees went out, and held a council againft him, how they might deftroy him. if But Jefus * knowing //, withdrew himfelf from thence: and great multitudes follow'd him, and he heal'd them all ; 16 And charg'd them that they Ihould not make him known : 17 That it might befulfill'd which was fpoken by Efaias the prophet, laying, 18 Behold, my fervant whom I have chofen , my be- loved in whom my foul is well pleas'd : I will put my fpirit upon him, and he fhall mew judgment to the Gentiles. ip He fhall not ftrive, nor cry, neither (hall any Man hear his voice in the ftreets. 20 A bruifed reed fhall he not break, and fmoaking flax fhall he not quench, till he £y S. Matthew, Chap. XII TEXT. \1l TRANSLATION. et» o«€*A>» «« »7x,©- tZ«) x.diw. fend forth judgment unto vi- 21 Ko4 & -4 Mimm woS tfn ^ Aad in his name mi t\'m6v(n. the Gentiles truft. 22 Tort PARAPHRASE. Opinion to heal on the Sabbath-days? that, if he did any ways offer t this to be Lawfuli, they might Accufe him as a Profaner of the Sabbath, and Jo not of God. n And he faid unto them, What Man {hall there hz found among you, that fhall have one Sheep, and if it fall into a Pit on the Sabbath-day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out ? 12 How much then is a Man better than a Sheep? Wherefore it is Lawfull, ac- cording to your own Opinion and Praclice, to do Well, ;'. e. what is Ne- cejfary or Requifite to the Lift and Welfare of a Living Creature , and therefore efpecially to Men, on the Sabbath-days, and confequently to heal this poor Man. 1 3 Then faith He to the Man, Stretch fonh thy Hand : and he ftretch'd it forth; and it was reftor'd whole, like as the other. vn 14 Then the Phanfees went out, and being enrag'd that Chrift had chrifi charges thusfhewn the Unreafonablenefs of their endeavouring to find Fault with [J^t ^^^" him, and fo had baffled them, /Af/helda council againlt him, how they,,,,, „ ma^ i,;m might deltroy him fome way or other, Right er Wrong. 1 $ But Jefus <"">*> and why. knowing it by his Divine Ommjcience, withdrew himfelf from thence into a retir'd place by the Sea-fide. And great Multudes difcovering whi- ther he went, folio w'd him, and he heal'd them all. i /tue^oSyow, 5C5t9 eowniS, IpH^tfTof ^ it felf, is brought to defola- TrSoa ^A,5 j i£/« ^e^eTa* v8* JJPJJ = »n d ™7 §$ *r h°ufc ^ , ,t divided againft it felf, fhall not ecunvs, V ?w3}i ots eu* sw9«oiT«| felf . how ft^] the° his king_ ij j3*oiA«ix *otdcJ; 27 Koq u lycc domfland? ei BeeA^A c*£aMa, kA JqfiA. ^ And if I by Beelzebub ,,-,., , , _ 1 can out devils, by whom do Vict, 01 i\oi vjufifc* 7jyi o*CciA\Vc7j ; your children caft them out? al* wn> «Vi raw iW«j Jt&jToi xht,T efore they {ha11 be y°ur 28 E< J^ o# ww/ttt-n ©eoj ^ 2g But ifI caft out devih C*AA« 7» i'cti^ovia , dtpa 'itpfaoti t

taj to axeun o»7ncf into a ftrong man's houfe, and ^ 1 ,\ \ ~ ' rv ' w ' fpoil his goods, except he firft b*fwm, ten w tv»ipi jto? r 1%u. bind fhe ftrong man *md then ojv, ^ tots r1 oi')u«* outv ^o^>3aOT| ; he will fpoil his houfe. 30 O ANNOTATIONS. (z) Hence it, is evident, that it was a receiv'd Opinion among the Jews that there is an eftablifh'd Government among the Evil Angels- They having One for their Chief or Prince. Him the Jews here eaL'd Beelzebub, from the Idol-god of the Ekronites of that Name ; which (Ekronitesj gave the faid name to their falfe S. Matthew, Chap. XII. ii? PARAPHRASE. 22 Then, /. e. After this a confiderable Time (as appears from com- rhrift VIII. heals paring the Go/pels of St tJMark and Luke , or from the Table of Harmon) Blind and Dumb &c.) was broughc unto him one poilefs'd with a Devil, and a/Jo Blind upaonn; ^[j"^ and Dumb: and he heal'd him, infomuch that the 'Devil was . caft o«/,jev/S to avoid the «Wthe Man that was afore both Blind and Dambfnow both Spake and Xd/aZji"* Saw. 23 And all the People were amaz'd, and laid, Is // not plain by theje Miracles, that this is the t3ie£ias, who in Scripture is Jiy I'd em- phatically the Son of David? 24 But when the Phanfees heard it, being hirdend themfelves againjl all Conviction, and having nothing bet- ter to objecl\ they laid among themfelves, This Fellow does not calt out Devils by the Tower of God, but by the Power of(z) Beelzebub the Prince of the Devils. 25- And Jefus knew their thoughts, and faid unto them: Tis evident to Common Understandings , that Every Kingdom divided againlt it felf, is brought to Defolation by JuchDiviJions in it felf; and Every leffer Society, as City or Houfe, divided againlt it fcif, (hall not ftand, or continue in a good or flourijhing State. 26 And therefore, if the Prince of the Devils, whom you call Beelzebub, but the Scripture calls Satan, enables me (who preach a Doclrme moB direSily agatnft his In- ter ejl, as tending to deliver Men from his Power) to calt out the infe- rior Devils, who are fo many Inflruments or Servants of Satan , He is divided againlt himfelf, Ailing by me in Oppofition to what he acJs by the inferior Devils; and how fhall then his Kingdom Hand or continue long ? So that nothing can be more Abfurd as well as Malicious , than this Objection of yours again fl me- 2*7 And yet I fhall further Jhew the Abfurdity of it by another Confideration. lf'I by Beelzebub caft out Devils, by whom do your Children, /. e. Countrymen undertake to caft them out ? therefore they fhall be your Judges, i. e.fince 1 caft out De- vils by no worfe Means , nor to any wor/e purpoje , than your own Coun- try-men undertake to do it , Theje muft condemn you of Partiality and unjuft Judgment ; or elfe ye muft acknowledge that I caft out Devils by a Divine Power. 28 But if'// be thus Apparent, that I caft out Devils by the Spirit of God ; then here is a Convincing Proof, that the King- dom of the MeJJiah, which according to the Ptophecies of Daniel was to be Jet up by God at this Time, is accordingly come unto you. 29 Or thirdly , to add another Argument that I caH out Devils by a Power Greater than that of the Devils or their Prince, and confequently by the Power of God; How can One enter into a ftrong Man's houfe, and (poil his Goods, except he be Able firll to bind the itrong IVLn ? and then indeed, viz. if he be Able fir fl to bind the ftrong Man, he will be Able alfo eajily to fpoil or plunder his Houfe. In like manner I could not by my ANNOTATIONS. falfeGod, as being Lord of Flies, (for fo the word fignifies in the Hebrew) which they gave out, their God kept out of his Idol-temple. And accordingly the like Greek Names or Epithets, riz. pf«««j ienppiftioij &c. were given by other Hea*- thens to their Idols. fr.z) Spp n6 S. Matthew, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 30 O (*M VI fliT i(MO , V&T l(JLQ$ '&l> x.ou 0 /xn oixjuLyn &it e/LtoS , aKofm^i. 31 Aix Tyre \iya v/tiv rLcLtnx a. /ml f Ti a. xol\ &Aa.crq,iii/Mx a» Aojpv Jtajct TV 40(f t5 Q.iJfQTmu , CCiaaTe to JeifJjooy }($cAoy, Jtoq to» 3(5cp7re» owtV jcsiAoV » 7n»iia«Te to 0V CTC'S^V , JlOtJ TDK JtSCp7ni» CC0- TV ffB£,«8/>o»« c/x. y^>f TV K^P'foJ tJ «ftivt5tpS^C£« TO qtfUC AaA^. 30 He that is not with me, is againft me : and he that ga- thered not with me, fcattereth abroad. 31 Wherefore I fay unto you , All manner of fin and blafphemy fliall be forgiven unto men : but the blafphemy againft. the holy Ghoft fhall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whofoever fpeak- eth a word againft the Son of man, it fhall be forgiven him : but whofoever fpeaketh a- gainft the holy Ghoft, it fhall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good , and his fruit good ; or elfe make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt : for the tree is known by his fruit. 34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, Ipeak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. 3f O PARAPHRASE. my 'Power , as it were, enter againft jhe Will of Satan, into the Bodies of Men already pojfefs'd by Devils, and cajl them out thence, except the Power I ail by was Greater than That of the "Devils or their Prince \ and confequently no other than the Power of God. 3 o Lajlly, you know tis a Common Saying, us'dby or in refpeil of One Party that is at Irre- concilable Enmity with Another, He that is not with me, is againft me; and he that gathers not with me, foatters abroad : Wherefore fence it is evident, that I am not with Satan, nor gather with htm, i. e. do by no means promote his Interejt ; it thence follows, according to the foremen- tion'd Proverbial Saying, grounded on Reafon and Common Experience , that I am againB Satan, and do aU I can to deftroy his Intereft and Kingdom. 3 1 Wherefore it being thus as evident , as ispofpble, that lea ft S. Matthew, Chap. XII. 117 PARAPHRASE. I caB out 'Devils and do all other Jucb miraculous IVorks by the Spirit of God, I fay unto you, All manner of other Sin, and that even o/Bla- iphemy (hall be forgiven unto Men upon their Repentance : But the Blafphemy againft the Holy Ghoft, i.e. that ObBinate and 'Diabolical Degree of Wtckednefs and Enmity againft God, which makes Men choofe rather to afcribe the Miracles and other Miraculous or Supernatural Af- ftBance ofChriB and his ApoBles, to the Tower of the Devil, than to yeild to the Conviction which fuch Miracles and Miraculous or Super- natural AjJiRance carry in them of the Truth of Scripture or Reveal 'd Religion, fhall not be forgiven unto Men, for this plain Reafon, be- caufe God in his mofl juB Jugdment will not afford to fuch *31en any further Means of Conviction, and conjequently no further Means of Repentance and Forgivenefs. 32 And this being a Matter of great Importance, I repeat the fame again, Jomewhat more diBtnilly. All other Sins and Blafphemy may be forgiven iSMen ; Even whofoever ( confidering me only as a Mean Man ) lpcaks a Word, i. e. Blafphemy againft Me for averting my Jelf to be the Son of Man emphatically fo caWd, Dan. 7. 13 . that is , the Meffias, and is not convincd by my Do- Urine, thd it tends only to promote Piety, and is mofi agreeable to Scri- pture; yet fuch an One by duly confidering the Tower of the Holy Ghojl, which not only evidences it f elf in me at prefent, but foall be more II- luBrious in my ApoBles after the Dejcent of the Holy Ghojl upon them, may at length be convincd of the Truth of the Go/pel, and Jo Repent; and upon fuch his Repentance of his former Blafphemy againB me, it fhall be forgiven him : But whofoever obftinately refifls the Conviction arifingfrom the Gifts and Operations of the H Ghojl evidently appearing in me and my Apoflles; and fpeaks blafphemoujlj againft the Holy Ghoft, by choofing rather to ajcribe Juch his Gifts and Operations to the Tower of Evil Spirits, than to yeild to the Truth of the Gojpel, as for fuch his Blafphemy, it fhall not be forgiven him for ever, or neither in thisWorld, nor in the World to come; forafmuch as God in his jujl Judgment fhall not afford him any other Means of Conviction, nor confequently of Repen- tance ; and without Repentance there is no ForgiveneJ's. 3 3 A Man may be compard to a Tree , and his Words to the Fruit. fVherefore either you muB take care to make the Tree Good, and then his Fruit will be Good, i. e. if you were really the Holy Good Men you pretend to be, then you would not thus blaj'pheme the Holy Spirit of God: or elfe if you make the Tree Corrupt, and his Fruit alfo will be Corrupt, and Jo fhew the Corrupt nefs of the Tree, i. e. as you your f elves are really IVicked and bad Men, fo your Words will be agreeably, and fhew the fVickednefs of your Hearts : For as the Tree is known by his Fruit, Jo is a Man's Heart known by his Difcourfe or Words. 34. O Generation of Vipers, /. e. of perverfe and malicious Men, how can ye, being Evil, fpeak Good things : for out of the Abundance or Treafure of the Heart, the Mouth fpcakcth. 3^ Namely, n8 S.Matthew, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 j O iyajos a.iJpo>7ns o/x. TV <*)«- is A good man out of the aja^Bf X) o Tnn^ji a.vjpu7n$ 6x TV and an evil roan out of the evil ™«e* J Swat/yd" d*C*M$ otw^L ^fusr*» br,DSe,h forth cvl1 16 A.e)ct Si uftii, 'o-n mi p*f*A ap^py, 3 6 But I fay unto you, That 0 e*i \ ^&- eve7 ldIe word that men flla11 ~ 1 , r _ / , t , , ipeak, they fhall give account own -5fe< cov Aojpv e* u^p* jq> moi. thereof in the day of judgment. 17 Ex. }8 ¥ Ao'?oy ,, .. f ^ oZ ^alt be juftify'd, and by thy c* t Aoy «y o* Wfcft>c*a*r?. words thou ftalt be condemn'd. 38 Tots *7rsx.&&>ioay -mes Tan 38 Then certain of the vet^ewwi & ?*& , , ~ ~ lwerd, faying, Matter, we AiJWxaAe, yiAoA£» ^td *K \TV. 40 Slaxap yH »v Ia- icis ci tm xaihi'a. rv x.mvi t^us ilfttpau; x.eq 7$uS luxf^U,' Vtbs 'Waj[ 0 tjo5 tv ay^p»7r« 11 tm )($cp£:a r yyis TffetS Ji^epa« £ t$us vux/^Lf,. 41 Ay- 4>e« NiyeuTroq ava'puro/]*) ly Th Xf<- this generation, and fhall con- <*J $ 'tis yinls &,t»s, g w&¥. d^mn # becaufe they repent yycny ao-rio." oti /t«TSvonowy as th x.h- pvyfj.0. lava,1 $ i£y, 7i^«oy Iojvoc. oiJ^. 42 BaoiAiwo. yo7ty eytp^/iueToti ci T» Kfio^ jutlx ivi ytncLf ^{jTYii, tj this generation, and fhall coa YS^A ™-d"' o-n ■ demn U: f°r ftc CamC fr°m ed at the preaching of Jonas; and behold, a greater than Jo- nas fa here. 41 The queen of the fouth fhall rife up in Judgment wiih 5a9i» c*ct2» dea]nu: , ^ the uttermoit parts of the earth ^-ctTay -£ 5^5 ax.yoo^ t *" Tot) §\ xwfyav 7B7rav, fyryi i.t>.nd W'fe of Jufeph tbeir real F ther. And fierce it will alfo follow, that the V. Mary is mention da being at our Saviour '1 Crofs by 'he R x other igx S. Matthew, Chap. XII, XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 47 El** Si tww.cn, {■». brethren (land without, de- tSvts's ctdi AaAJfoo). 48 O <$ ^TrB- firing to fpeak with thee. ri -1 '• » ? ' / ' e _/ > 48 Butheanfwer'dandfaid x^«j, a** ^ «7n.»Ti *n# Til iw unt0 him ,hat told h]r0j who >} jaw-nip («V, Jtctj1 wes acnv 01 .. ,r ' > ' t> ~ mv brethren ? O01 ad. Behold my mother, fc * / in' ~ and my brethren. fo O915 >b in TroinffM to %\w& tv so For whofoever fhall do Togo's w tv h *pctvo7s , etoins w the will of my Father which >t\^ \ < »^s v « ' v-l.' is in heaven , the fame is my wfrh,a.A r. t .~~, v*_i _2, '..' The fame day went Jefus **y*, 0 w *»• iw w , out of the houfy and f j by cocciShto ©-^ t ^tAotojav. 2 Kom the fea-fide. cue>« v9wm na^s oeJ-roy JvAo. toA- * A"*1 great multitudes were \ ,, . , . 1 -jo. j. . gather d together unto him, Ao», «a>55 omtbv as to 7rAo»o» e#. f0 that he went into a fhip, and C*w» xs#Sc&*r x«j tws 0 ovA©* fat; and the whole multitude •^ \ „ , , , , . \,t flood on the fhore. •670 t ai}iA7Sv 0 amipeoi V earn- r ' peiv. 4 K*( oi t<$ aui'tpuv ootbv, oL 4 And * as he fow'd, fome , ^^ , , the* birds came and devour d ^■e t» 7rsTe«y ouiet. them up. ; AMot ^ c'Tncre* 'Oi Ti tts^- ^ Some fell upon ftonypla- ; 0 ,->!■■♦ ~ , > ces, where they had not much ^1, 077BU ovk u%t ^Luj oroMZw xoq earth : and forthwith they i^lus ^JperuAi, 2$ to /& I- 'prung up, becaufe they had r>ic/^ t *s no deepnefs of earth: %M Ra.J^' yyi. 6 HAT@- cyKoui(jLd /way. 7 AAA* f°me an hundred-fold , PARAPHRASE. 47 Then one. //&7Ss /GAe^is , x.<*| ou pi feeing ye fhall fee, and fhall Star i,e*t^;Ti -JX^ peopk,s heart h* TV ActoJ tou7Bt», Hoy tbTs am is wax'd grols, and their ears faices «*yray, kou Tfes oaW^ys are dull of hearing, and their , ~ , , , ' ^ eyes they haveclosd; left at ootov tKXMtwnu, funnm *£wn tois any time they fhould fee with opJoLAueis, xou wis «oif ixouoom, their eyes> and hear with their \ ~i ~ , ,- / ears, & fhould underfland with xv rj jfjtp^cc otwam, ** Qnye. ,^/r heart, and fhould be con- ■\>ucn, % l n_ . H a ns> 16 But blefleda/v? your eyes, A /« Vpioi o« ;?V^' > j* ft* for they fee ; and your ears \ Wai' k«j\ 7» oit» (//t»», 07i dx,W- for they hear. 9 O «V»v «7» kxMui, xxveta. 10 Kaj '©C?<7eA%vTJS 0/ /U«3ji- Toq, e*7rov tw^)1 Aitt7j ci r©^«- GoAoqs AaA&iS ootbis; 11 O /s cTfeibrocj j^aveq 7u /UJUTntux tm /3*. «p e;^ , x«\ 0 e;^, ap- Sfl'o-eTaj aw octou. 13 Act tvto ot (Qr^QoXaJti euuroii AetAaf, 'on /SAeweynj y BAfmivtn, i»^Vl COTtpgv akquoi' xoq n jutttijuiat. tv oqa- yo5 ^UTV, jyu x a7ro,T!i ry ttAwtou cution arifeth becaufe of the word,*forthwith he is offended. 22 He alfo that receiveth feed among the thorns, is he that heareth the word : and the care of this world, and the deceitfulnefs of riches choke / , 1 . / i'„ _the word , and he becometh ffvitmiyl Tov Aojpy, jucj axsq>ir@- unfruitful. ■yinTx{. 23 O Si '6}a -rid )lu> tLo _ 23 But he that receiveth jfjcAko coc&petS , fc'TCS '&ti 0 Toy Ao- y>i oucouay, fcoq cuotar 'os Sv Jfjcp- cropopl, x.ob| 71B14, 0 jttey enjtTo'y, 0 <& t^yixanix,, 0 Si T&%%0VTTX. feed into the good ground, is he that heareth the word, and underftandeth it, which alfb beareth fruit, and bnngeih forth fome an hundred fold, fome Gxty, fome thirty. 24 AMwy PARAPHRASE, which ye fee, and have not feen them ; and to hear thofe things which ye hear, and have not heard them. 18 , Hear ye therefore the Explication or Meaning of the Parable of the Sower, which ye defir'd to {aa) hear of Me. By the Sower is' to be under flood the Treacher of the Gofpel, and by the Seed, the 2>ofl tines of the S. Matthew, Chap. XIII. 137 PARAPHRASE. the Gojpel. And whereas I told you, fome Seeds fell by the Way fide, which is altogether unfit to bring forth Fruit ; fo the Gofpel is heard by fome, who ate not at all difpos'd to embrace and prafitife it: And where- as the Fowls came and devour d up the Seeds that fell by the Way fide \ 19 fo when any One, that is not at all dijpos'd to embrace and praffife what he is taught , hears the "Word of the Kingdom , i. e. the Gojpel preach 'd, and underftands it Not, /'. e. never thinks more of what he has heard, at leajl do's not meditate on it fo as to under (land aright the Im- portance of it, and his own 'Duty agreeably thereto; then this is brought about by this Means, viz. there comes the wicked One, and, as it were, cafteth away that which was fown in his Heart, i.e. prefently puts out of his Thoughts , by fome Means or other, what he had just afore heard Treach'd; fo that he never more Remembers it, or at leajl never Regards it. This is He who receiv'd Seed by the Way-fide, i.e. who is denoted by the IVay-fide thatjome of the Seed fell on. 20 But he that receiv'd Seed into Stony places , /'. e. he that is figmfyd by the Stony places on which other Seed fell, and where it had not much Earth, and forthwith fprung up , becaufe it had not Deepnejs of Earth ; and when the Sun was up, was Jcorch'd ; and becaufe it had not Root, wither d away; the lame is he that hears the Word or Gofpel, and forthwith or for the pre- Jent with Joy receives it. 21 Yet has he not Root in himfelf, but dureth for a while only, i. e. whereas he receives or embraces the Gojpel not upon mature Conjideration and J'olid Reajons, he as Qgickty renounces it again, as he at fir ft embrac'd it : for when Tribulation or Perfecution anfes becaufe of the Word or Gofpel, forth with or prefently he is offended at it, i. e. renounces it. 22 He alio that receiv'd Seed among the Thorns, i. e. is denoted by the Thorny Ground, the fame is he that hears the Word or Gofpel preach 'd; and the Care of this World , and the DeCeitfolnefs of Riches (either in making Men value them Overmuch, or in withdraw- ing them from the Concerns of Religion to the 'Purfuit ofJinfullPleafures, or the like ) choak the Word , /'. e. take away or hinder the EffecJs thereof; and/o he becomes Unfruitfull, fofar at leajl as to bring no Fruit to Perfection. 23 But he that receiv'd Seed into the good Ground, i.e. is denoted by the good Ground which receiv'd Seed, and brought forth fruit according to the different Goodnejs of the Soil, fome an hundred-fold^ fome fix ty,wJWro7tti, ei 7ro¥ awra- Kueue, oir^t x^Aoy car if. jml 'tamifoLi or tsj aa a-lqu ; 7n>ftv ouu tyi to £i£av»cti 28 O A' e'ip>i tf*7Bl5' Ev^pSS iy^paTTDS TfcTO S7TOJM- esv. Oi Ae^cejutl ooto ; J9 O A eipn* Ou* ^770x4 cpjMey>i- tjs to £i£xyi<*, exfi^aoxTe ct^twt at- ~ \\ ~ . y t 7BIS T oitdv. 30 AipeTS p«i'GU/£a.ye- c* t& jytjpoi ? frcUo^S sfJ-ms %&- jrttJ* 2uM«?a.TS cyaTOy iny^avj*, £ ^(TctT« own* as (Tio^ca^ , «- 31 AM.L0 <£>§&> au>T\i' 32 O (UKfOTlgyi (HI '6& WOLVTCei TOy 24 Another parable put he forth unto them, faying, The kingdom of heaven is like un- to a man which fow'd good feed in his field : 25- But while men flept, his enemy came and fow'd tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26" But when the blade was fprung up, and brought forth fruit , than appear'd the tares alfb. 25 So the fervants of the houfholder came and faid unto him, Sir, didft not thou fow good feed in thy field ? from whence then hath it tares ? 28 He faid unto them, An enemy hath done this. The fervants faid unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and ga- ther them up? 29 But he faid ; Nay ; left while ye gather up the tares, ye root up alio the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harveft: and in the time of harverft I will fay to the reapers, Gather ye toge- ther firft the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them : but gather the wheat into my barn. 5 1 Another parable put he forth unto them, faying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of muftard-fccd, which a man took and fow'd jn his field: gz Which indeed is the leafl caxp/MtTai' S.Matthew, Chap. XIII. 39 TEXT. TRANSLATION. OTIWOICU Of "mi xAxJVis oj/£. 33 AMtco *rra£oAfto eAaAvioiv ou>to~s# OfMix tTii v\ /SswjAaa r tfpa- of all feeds : but when it is grown, it is the greateft among herbs , and becometh a tree : fo that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof H Another parable fpake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three meafures of meal, till the whole was leaven'd. 34 Town* PARAPHRASE. 24 Another Parable put he forth unto them, faying, The Kingdom TheP^Meof of Heaven, i.e. State of the Go) pel in this IVorld is like unto a Man the r^* . which fow'd good Seed in his Field: %s But while Men flept, his Ene- my came and fow'd Tares or Cockles among the Wheat , and went his way. 26 But when the Blade was fprungup, and brought forth Fruit, then appear'd the Tares or Cockles alfo. 27 So the Servants of the Houfholder came and faid unto him, Sir, didft thou not fow good Seed in thy Field ? from whence then has it Tares? 28 He faid unto them, An Enemy has done this. The Servants faid unto him, Wilt thou then that we go, and gather them up ? 29 But he faid, Nay ; left, while ye gather up the Tares, ye root up alfo the Wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the Harveft : and in the time of Harveft I will fay to the Reapers , Gather ye together firft the Tares , and bind them in Bundles to burn them : but gather the Wheat into my Barn. This Tarable our Saviour himfelf explaining v. $7 — 43. therefore needs not to be explain d here. 31 Another Parable put he forth unto them, faying, The Kingdom v- of Heaven, or State of the Gofpel, is like to a Grain ofMuftard-feedjthecL/Vt"/^- which a Man took and fow'd in his Field : 32 which indeed is the^-M- lealt of all Seeds; but when it is grown, it is the greateft among Herbs, and becomes a Tree m thoje Parts of the World ; fo that the Birds of the Air come and lodge in the Branches thereof For in like manner, tho the Gofpel at its fir H appearing be receiv'd only by a very few and mean Terfons\yet in time it Jhall fpread it felfover the World, and be embrac'd by the fever al Nations thereof. 3 1 And to the fame pur pofe of illuflrating the great Trogrefs the Gofpel Jljouid make, another Parable fpake he unto them, viz- The Kingdom of0n.Mv'*.r Heaven is like unto Leaven, which a Woman took and hid in three Meafures orBufiels of Meal, till the whole quantity of Meal was leaven'd : S 2 For vr. The Parable i+o S. Matthew, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 34 TstuTW srxvra \\xMuit o U- 3+ Allthcfe things fpake ~>*k/°N~ ~v-w \ ]zi\.\s unto the multitude in. cVS o* ^clGoAcV -mi o^Ao.s, *«, parabieSj and without a parable vaeis aro^>ttCoA>t5 o\>x. tAct.Au oto- ipake he not unto them : 7»Ts. 3f Ottos nhnocoJnToM 3J That it might be fulfill* , ~ , J L T f which was lpoken by the pro- 2j& TV fSfcepxTV, Ae^tkJ, A»o/- phet, faying, I will open my |« ot vufxCo^s to 55'^ ^y mouth in parables, I will utter , ,y ., ., , P things which have been kept fftofrfw xtKfvftfSfia, V?ra jfjwaGo- fecret from the foundation of A«s 5woju,ou. the world. 36 Tots ct'ipeis tvs o^Ays, 'riA%t 36 Then Jefusfent the mul- Je i! JL2 ' t r;- ' ^ ~\a. ' titude away, and went into Hi r QMxji 0 UcVi' x, "S)focr,A7Zl cut- . u r j-r: 1— «! ~ the houfe : and his dilciples t$ 01 /uaSnron auuy, AiyiTiS j $£^c- came unto him, faying, *Ex- J9» £/£, t' ACa^ r* (. He that foweth the ./ c >\ ~ > . / „ .1 good feed, is the Sen of man : 65ii 0 Hos TV a.fyw 38 O o$, esjy 0 yJioTu.^- td JV x.aAsy the good feed are the children / *•./>'■ c \ <• „ ,/ of the kingdom: but the tares a^f/at, vm e.oz» 01 M°< £ /SasjAaa*- are the chfldren of[he wkked iw d! C^ayict, 6 , vi < pp; 40 As therefore, the tares 40 Hc^p yy c^Mcyi/cq ra ^«na, Me garher'd and burnt in the £ 7roei \£&x.ai«T«r vraj eVcq ey tm fire ; fo (hall it be in the end n . / v >~ / . of this world. cuvliAua. V &i<£ios Tfc"rv. 41 Kvn- _. r „ „ ,', ,, „ ,- ( . , , 41 The Son of man lhall 5?A4 0 i,05 v , / ^a^ ke wailing and gnafinng tuActoffMs K) 0 fyuyu.ns t oSciTui. of teeth. 43 Toti S.Matthew, Chap. XIII. 141 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 43 Tots 01 ti/yjipi cA.Xa.(i-^n £?-£,{ t *% o» i'JQ'v7< K#Ay s fMLP)*£*'Q4' 4 Mjp^crey ocoToy. 47 n*A/y OjtMi'a '^jy £ /2ctcnAe<* t? S^^cySy ovtywy (ZAnfuoy els # Jci- Aacwxy, £ ix. 7rayTos >«yys QMtaSajySiavj. 48 Hy, ore gTrAnpa^Ji, a.vxCtCa.oxw'Jis '6}n T <*|>t*Aoy, £ >yt^Wy7ej, oi/veAe- ?oh' to K^A* as cc>f«ct, to Si eCxAoy. 49 O'inas eVeq ci T»T felleth all that he hath , and buyeth that field. 4^ Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant- man, feeking goodly pearls : 4<$ Who when he had found one pearl of great price , he went and fold all that he had, and boyght it. 4-7 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cafl; into the fea, and ga- ther'd of every kind. 48 Which, when it was full, they drew to fliore, and .fat down, &gather'd the good in- to vellels,but call: the bad away. 49 So (hall it be at the end of the world : the angels fhall cuvlihua. M rtjUvos' efeAetuBv^) 0/ a.F- come forth, and feparate the >«Aoi, x) apopttfjj TVS TTOvMpys iK iua*- GoAaS ^tos, ^eTMpey cAfcl^y. wicked from among thejuft; 5-0 And fliall cafl them into the furnace of fire : there fhall be wailing & gnafhing of teeth. ji ''"Have ye underftood all thefe things? They fay unto him, Yea, Lord. j 2 Then faid he unto them, Therefore every fenbe which is inflrucled unto the kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is an houlholder, which bringeth forth out of his trea- furc things new and old. jj And it came to pafs, that when Jefus had finifh'd thefe parables, he departed thence. J4 K*j S. Matthew, Chap. XIII. 143 PARAPHRASE. 44 . Again, Jefus [pake unto them another Parable, viz. The Kingdom TheVp1aIrIa'b!e of of Heaven is like unto Treafure hid in a Field : the which when a Man the Treafure mi* has found, he hides, and for Joy thereof go's and fells All that he has,'tf'fW- and buys that Field: For in hke manner the Tiety and Happinejs fet forth by the Go/ pel isfuch a Trea/ute, that every truly Good and fViJe Man, that has once come to the Knowledge of the Gofpel, will part with all he has in this (Vorld, tofecure to bimjelf t he Happinefs promts' dly the Gofpel. 4J- Again , the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Merchant-man , 1X- Peeking goodly Pearls : 46 who, when he had found one Pearl of great a m^^"/^.^ Price, he went and lold All that he had, and bought it : For in like man- s^b v«",s- ner the Tiety and Happinejs of the Gofpel is a Jewel offuch Trice, that whoever really feeh after his Chief Good will quit All Earthly Enjoy- ments in order to attain this Tiety and Happinejs. 47 Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Net that was caff, in- x- to the Sea, and gather'd or inclos'djbme F/fli of every Kind : 48 Which, the Net?" when it was full, they drew to Shore, and fat down, and gather'd the good Ffh into Veflels , but caft the Bad away. 49 For Co fliall it be at the End of the World: then the Angels of God (hall come forth and feparate the Wicked, that j/jall have been gather' d into the Vijible Church on Earth by the Trenching of the Gofpel, from among the Juft; 50 and (hall call them into the Furnace of Fueprepar'd for the Devil and his Angels : there (hall be (b) Wailing and Gnafhing of Teeth, yi Have ye underltood All thefe things, that I have taught you by Tarablesl They fay unto him, Yea, Lord. 72 Then faid he unto them, Therefore you are to be Carefull to Treafure up in your Memory what I thus teach you ; forafmuch as Every one that is to be a Scribe or Treacher of the Gofpel, and which is therefore inftru&ed in the \3iys~leries or DocJrines relating unto the Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. unto the Gofpel, is to look on it as his Duty to act Like unto a Man that is an Houfholder, which brings forth out of his Treafure or Store-houje things New and Old j.e. of the Trefent and Former Years growth ) to entertain his Friends or Guejls with : For in like manner every Treacher of the Gofpel Jhould be Able, out of the Treafure of his Knowledge, to produce fuch InfiruB 'ions < as are Juitable to all Capacities and Occajions. y-7 And it came to pafs, that when Jefus had finifh'd thefe Parables, he departed thence. SECT. III. N° 7. Containing an Account of our Saviour s being flighted by his own Townfmen of Nazareth, and alfo ©/"Herod's beheading the Baptift : Which are related Chap. XIII. f4 — Chap. XIV. 1 2. where ends that Part of this Gojfel; wherein Order of Time is generally not obferv'd in the Order of Relating the fever al Particular^ which make up tbii Part of St Matthew's Gofpel. 144 & Matthew, Chap. XIII, XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ttf, ISlJWxey o»TSJ5 ly t>i aiuia.yjuy'n tuiiar a?? ex.7^^eoJ^ ouiT^j, ^ Ae- y«v Flimsy t*t&> y\ ovipla. out?/, fcaj Suux/j,ui; SS Oo^' £tdj '^» o tv 7lJtfcvo5 t(oS j ^ '» (JUnVf «It5 A«>«3 Mctexx^, X) oi *ui>- Cos, koi\ lams, x,<*j S('(tt&y, x, IvSbii ; f6 Koq ecj ci )^p& jj'x,y- ovt HpaJVs 0 -nTfap^ns -riw- axohu Ivktoo* 2 K*| ei7n 7djj -nu>t(ni au>- tw Ovtds '6i5 0 Ba,7rL97fV auros J?>4p3» ^Tra 7^/ y«xf »y , Jtoj $■4 And when he was come into his own country ,he taught them in their fynagogue, m- fomuch that they were afto- nifli'd, and faid, Whence hath this man this wildom, and thefe mighty works ? fS Is not this the carpen- ter's fon? is not his mother call'd Mary ? and his brethren, James, and Jofes, and Simon, and Judas ? $6 And his fillers, are they not all with us ? whence then hath this man all thefe things ? J7 And they were offended in him. But Jefus faid unto them , A prophet is not with- out honour, * except in his own country, and in his own houfe. $8 And he did not many mighty works there, becauie of their unbelief Chap. XIV. * In that time Herod the te- trarch heard of the fame of Jefus, 2 And faid unto his fer- vants, This is John theBaptift, he is rifen from the dead, and PARAPHRASE. chriali 1, db H •dhh0' & Matthew mentions Jefus coming into his own Country his owii'towm- here immediately after his departing from the Tlace , where he had de- men at Nazanih. foyer d the foregoing Tar able s \ yet it is evident from my Table of the. Harmony of the Go/pels , that our Saviour did not immediately depart thence into his own Country or Town of Nazareth. For St Mark Chap. 4. 3>-, fee. exprefly tells us, that the fame 2)a/, when Evening was come, CbriB gave Order to his T>ifciples for paffmg over unto the other Side of the Sea of Galilee \ which was accordingly done, and they came into the Country of the Gadarenes. And we read, Mari{$.ii,&c. that when Chrijl was S.Matthew, Chap. 'XIII, XIV. 14. r PARAPHRASE. was re turn d again unto the We Bern fide of ~ the Sea of Galilee, Jairus came to him, defiring him to cure his Daughter. Sifter which it was (as we learn Mark 6. i, foe.) that Jefus went into his own Country that Time, as is referr'd to by St Matthew in the following part of this Ch.i j. And when he was come into his own Country, i.e. Town, viz. Naza- reth, He taught them in their Synagogue, and wrought feme Tov ^jra- xHuvouf, liTla/ auTov «^ov. 6 Ttnaim ti ed him as'a prophet, i^p^iay tS HpaSv , uw™& * V 6 Bllt when Herod's birth' <^ tv. ' n * ? / i daY was kept, fhe daughter of 3*T»p * HjwJUJW o* ^ ^cr«- & Herodias danc'd before them, wpetre t^ Hpafy. 7 O^sv ^y opjtou and pkas'd Herod. «> ./ ■> ' ~ » ~ ,v > v ' / "7 Whereupon he prorais'd miTo^. 8 H JV , 'Zj^^iCtto3-«ffw fbever the would ask. -£**! ** /xht^ a*i» , A^ tut, „ 8 A?d ?£' bein«lhcfo» 5' , ~ , , • v *; flruCted of her mother, laid, at meat, he commanded it to 7>ivoq. 10 Kom Trtfi^ai a-Tn-^a.. be given fa •ov laxviiiu or t« <2vActx.a 10 And he fa Aio-e tov fent and behead- t» 1 ' cw ' ,„ *3 ' J! voi ed John in the prifon. tr K«f ,y£^ , M^A^.^rv tti 11 And his head was brought TTvaxt , x.«j scTb^ii t^ noty.» ao7?J- *«i jAto'v- and took UP the body and bu* , > _ ' f T p ry'd it, and went and told ra <*m?\uhcu t$ Inno. Jefus. 13 Kcq S. Matthew, Chap. XIV; 147 PARAPHRASE* Jeen fit thus to attefi the Truth of bis being fent by God; as aifo the Truth of what he [aid, as to its being UnlawfuUfor me to have my Br(h tber Philip's Wife, and confequent'y to make Tublickly known my great Sin in Beheading him : and therefore, altbo Before the Bapttil did no (C5t?' i$ia#. Koq ax.v *»* 1 , -^ , ^ ,,,,/ • » was mov d with companion to- tks, . & e^e^7r<^« t«s m>av jng) his difciples came to him, Tss- Epti/Mf (£*i 0 tdW, £ >) »^t faying> This is a defert place, ,/. <<- >, , /% \ « . and the time is now part ; fend »JV| ^A^ey ^tjAwtdv Tfcs o^Ao**, the niuitltude away> that they '»'»«, awiA^yn^ as tws KUfiaLS, iy>- may go into the villages, and / ' ~ n , „ ^-./pi buy themfelves victuals. l6 fiut Jefus fajd umo them> Inavs «7i?y ou»7oTs* Ou ^et$' Owe We have here but five loaves, IjWi £<* ef ukl ^m'^-rv*- *«} J^o ^ jye fates. _ ' «'' „ ~ r0"> *' ' 18 He faid, Bring them hi- ^>««t *8 O Si iATn- era Occafus, which begins with the tbhSs-fttukg* Others diftinguiftt itlinto Vejfera Soils, when the Body of the Sun fets ; S. Matthew j C&ip. XIV. 14^ PARAPHRASE- SECTION IV. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St Matthew, from fame little time afore the Paflbver that was in the thirty fourth Tear of our Saviours Life {or A. D.32.) to his Departure out of Galilee in order to his keeping his laft Paflbver at Jeru- falem, which was in the thirty fifth Tear of his Life {or A. D. 33.) Which Particulars take up Chap. XIV.x 3— Ch. XV III. ult. and are related by St Matthew in due Order of time ; which is likewife very well obfervd in all the remaining Part of this Gojpel. 1 j When Jefus heard of if, (viz. of the Baptijl's Death, and alfo the 1, Account given him by his own Apoftks of what they had done and taught ^^/"^l' upon their being fent by him, Ch.io) he departed with his Apoflles thence uma, tnd <™ by Ship into a Defert place (e) belonging to Bethfaida, apart from tbef""tllBJh"' Multitude , which came fo ( f) continually to them , that they had not time to eat : and when the People had heard thereof, or whither he was gone, they too/^a Compafs by Land, and follow'd him on foot out of the Cities, and many got before him to the Place where he Landed. 14 And Jefus went forth out of the Ship, and faw a great Multitude come toge- ther, and being pleas' d with their Faith and Diligence in Following him, was mov'd with Companion toward them, and he heal'd their Sick, ( And the T off over, a Feajl of the Jews was nigh, John 4. 4.) i? And {g) when it was the Beginning of the Evening, his Difciples came to him, laying, This is a Defert place, where no Victuals are to be had, and the Time for Dinner is now part ; therefore fend the Multitude away, that they may go into the neighboring Villages, and buy themfelves Vi- ctuals. 16 But Jefus fliid unto them, They need not depart to buy Vi- ctuals; give ye them to eat. 17 And they fay unto him, We have here but five bail) Loves, and two Jma/l Fifhes : and what are they among fo many. 18 s4»dhe laid, Bring them hither to me. ip And he com- manded his Difciples to make the Multitude to fit down upon the Grafs {h) by Hundreds and Fifties in a Company. And then he took the five •Loaves and the two Fifhes, and looking up to Heaven, he blefled them, bjr giving Thanks to God for Them , and craving the Divine Bleffing on them, and brake and gave the Loaves to his Difciples, and the Difciples to the Multitude : and in hk§ manner he divided the two Fifhes among them Alt. 20 And they did All eat, and were fill'd ; and they, took up ANNOTATIONS, . , fets ; and Velpera.Lummis , when tho Beams or Light of the Sun fets Or ceafcls. (h) Luke 9. 14. Mark 6. 39, 4.0. .(') The ij-o S.Matthew, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. «oct» iv ^oreJa? f xAee<7A*TO» &u- of the fragments that remain'd, ' , / . '\ twelve baskets full. J*** xopirMf 7^»p«s. ^iOi/e 2I And they that had eaten iedioms 5e$ ai- were about five thoufand men, \ ~ , ,.' befide women and children. „ , .ft, , / , . ~ 22 And Itraiehtway Jeius zz K«< eu?i«f wvayjtstoi. o I» \ > \ t him unto the other fide, while £$Mgr« i f*o*ywi **™ « ™ *W he ftnt the multitudes away. ects £ ^fcreAuo^ rvs ovAVs. 23 Keq 23 And when he had lent «. ./ , ', « .. ' » '/» • _j the multitudes away, he went ^7r8Ai» hue was there alone- ~ '/' - « m • * * *, 24 But the fbip was now tt^oio/ wJ* /« < „ - , .\ contrary. etamos 0 xitfus. 2; TimpT? St 2y And in the fourth watcn (puXoVK* •? iuK-ni *?r>iA9* 'Ofoi autrvi of the night, Jefus went unto e v ~ ' c. ~ v^! vn s ootov o( (Uct^-jiJoq '(da faw him walking on the fea, u fL'.« ~ c _r* ' ' c they were troubled , laying , T^^^mrv,m,»ra^; Ici.fp.rit; and they cr/d Key>in$' On tpx^oj^x '&l- x, ^tto out for fear. 3>'& ilx^lar. 27 E^as^A*- ' 2^ But |#,^ Jc§s , „ , ~ , _, lpake unto them, faying, at A««» tti/TBij 0 I«ovs, Aryan- ©e^o-w- of good cheer, It is I, be not •JV iye t!fw [x» Lord it it be thou, Cjli, (a ov u, yJkKiuvii (u -Qfoi at i\- bid me come unto thee on the }-«» .ft) ^ JJJkSe. 29 O Si u-TVtr "^LA Ke (aid, Come, And EA^s. Kou -Kg.-m.Qxi ~^m t? 7jAo/v 0 when Peter was come down Itiictf, ^'e^n,«y 'Oi «i ^m, °"1 of the fll'P> he ^lk'd on * , m t 'the water, to go to Jeius. jA^ein ttfoi t In?*t •' t C> J7 and beginning to link, he cry d vfr-TmW^eoJk, «>V*?e, Ae>»ic Kw/>u, faymg, Lord, favc mc. cum S. Matthew, Chap. XIV. i?i TEXT. TRANSLATION. oxooiv (W«. 31 Eii^as s ©eoJ q'os tT. 3 1 And immediately Jefus ftretch'd forth his hand, and caught him, and faid unto him, O thou of little faith, where- fore didft thou doubt? 32 And when they werecome into the fhip the wind ceas'd. 33 Then they that were in. the fhip, came and worfhipp'd him, faying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. 34 K*| PARAPHRASE, up of the Fragments that remain'd twelve Baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five Thoufand Men, befide Women and Children. 22 And f traightway Jefus, knowing that the Multitudes hereupon de- chrift »Mk! •» Jign'd to make htm a King {John 6. is.) and that this might be pleafing*^ ?« '° •>"» to his 'Difciples, conftram'd his Difciples.to get into a Ship, and to goDlc,pC5, before him unto the other, ;'. e. North-eaB Side of the Sea of 'Galilee , namely to Bethjaida {Mark 6. 45".) while he fent the Multitudes away. 23 And when he had fent the Multitudes away, he went up into a Moun- tain apart to pray ; and when the latter Part of the Evening was come, he was there Alone. 24 But the Ship was now in the midlt of the Sea, tofs'd with Waves ; for the Wind was contrary. 25 And in the {i) fourth or lafl Watch of the Night, Jefus went unto them, walking on the Sea. 26" And when the Difciples fa w him walking on the Sea, but bad not Light enough tojee diftinclly who he was, they were troubled, faying, It is a Spirit or apparition \ and they cry'd out for fear. 27 But ftraightway Jefus fpake unto them, faying, Be of good Cheer, It is I, be not Afraid. 28 And Peter anfwer'd him and faid, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the Water. 2p And he faid, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the Ship, he walk'd on the Wa- ter to go to Jefus. 30 But when he faw the Wind boiftrous, he was afraid ; and beginning to fink, he cry'd out to Jefus, faying, Lord, fave me. 31 And immediately Jefus ftretch'd forth his hand, and caught him, and faid unto him, O thou of little Faith, Wherefore didft thou doubt? 32 And when they, 1. e. Chrijl andTeter were come into the Ship, the Wind ceas'd. 33 Then they that were in the Ship came and worfhipp'd him, faying, Of a. truth Thou art the Son of God. 34 And ANNOTATIONS. (*') Thefour Watches of the Night are mention'd bySc Mark, Chip. 15. 57. under Names taken from their refpedtiv e Par s of the Night, viz i-^< the Even, mrttiitktt Midnight, and i*i*1$i<>f*>f* Cock-trowing, and /0_ / gone over, they came into the ryjuj revvurapeT. 3 J *«< 67n>*o»- land of Gennetaret. *ns aoTW o« avjy>e« t5 -TOTry o*«voy, 3 J And the men of that , , » « « t\ c' > ' place * knowing him, fent out a7r^.Xa# as o\lw r *&•%>& e*t* intQ all that country round a. via/, ^ '®£$a>'iveyKS'» auT^S TJW^ rV i bout , and brought unto him HSilws t%i'{cu,. 3?rs Iepo &~ A ' unto them, Why do* even you v/uus iGrfcy.CoufitTt t or-Tvhlcu ?©ev, God by your tradition? of'" ^'iv ' /-\ „^A 4. For God commanded, fay- ^^ ; ,?■ , 7 w in8' H°nour 'by father and ®ioi hiru\ let hhn die ' T r " i d- < the death- KtXoym wvxipy. x p^e* > P-v*™ y But ye fay, Whofoever 78AeuraT«. f T^as <& Ae>4T8- Os fl»H % to i« father or his ,v ,; ? 1 ,\ ~ ' a ~ mother, // is a gift by what- a» ^tth -4 tbltv » ™ pm^, Am- foever thou raight(l ^ proHt. e?» 'o eiv f >'•' in flood Capernaum. 37 And the Men of that Place knowing him, as having been often there Afore, fent out into that Country round about, and brought unto him All that were difeas'd: $6 And they befought him, that they might only touch the Hem of his Garment ; and as ma- ny as touch'd it, were made perfectly whole, agreeably to their Faith or flrong Belief of bis Tower to heal them. Chap. XV. Then came to Jefus Scribes and Pharifees , which were iv. of Jerufalem , faying : z Why do thy Difciples tranfgrefs the Tradi- f^iff"]£ tion of the Elders, /. e. thofe Rules which our Ancestors have deliver d ing «,m unw^a down to us to be obfervd as Fences of the Law} for they wafh not their j^f^fo7^rl«r- hands, when they eat bread; whereas our Elders have ordain 'd, that grepng thecom- f or fear of any 'Defilement that may have happen d to them, Men f}jouldr"mdi.o(JCodby l n i ■ tt i 7 r ■** i. i r >j j /- -i their iWifiM/. always wafh their Hands before Meat. 3 But he anlwerd and laid unto them, There is much greater Reafon for me to ask, Why do even you tranfgrefs the Commandment of God by fome part of your Tradi- tion, which is fofar from being a Fence to the Law, that it is direttly Contrary thereto ? 4 For God commanded, faying, Honour thy Father and Mother; and alj'o {Exod. 21.17.) He that curies Father or Mother, let him dye the Death : 5: But ye iay, Whofoever lhall fay to his Fa- ther or Mother, when they ask or Band in need of any Relief from him. It is a Gift, /. e. I have vow'd or Swore that T wiU not give you what you ask for Relief, and therefore it is become no lefs Untawfull for me to give it, than it would be to give you an) thing devoted to God : Who- foever fhatt thus fay , It is a Gift, namely , That by whatfoever thou •(*. e- his Father or Mother) might'ft be profited or relievd by me, 6 and whofoever hereupon fhall not honour his Father and Mother by Reliev- ing them, he lhall be free from the Obligation laid upon him by the Com- mand of God to Honour, and confequently to Relieve his Parents. Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of no effect by your Tradition. "7 Ye Hypocrites, well did Ifaiah {Chap. 29. 13.) prophefy of you, by faying of your Fathers what holds as true of you their Children : 8 This People draws nigh unto me with their Mouth, and honours me with their Lips; but their Heart is far from me: 9 But in vain they do (*) Concerning this Land of Gennefaret, fee my Geogr.ofN.T.P.i.Ch.4.^ 9. 1 54 S. Matthew, Chap. XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION." 9 MctT«» ti <7cCev7tf| /n«, fc^xev-n? P But in vain they do wor- .[> „ , ,«(, ^ »«/ fhip me, teaching for doctrines hSti.t$' Oi<5ks, thou that the Pharifees were on oi' (pae^octToj dxvoavns t Aa/w, offended after they heard this IffWhttitOTiowi 13 oti^MKCi- aylrn3S 'fiat he anfwer'd and Jus, urn- flora. puW, h &* £ / > p ,> / a Heavenly Father hath not 011 0 m7»P pv 0 *Pxvio«, repi^VO- p^ted, fhaU be rooted up. 14 Ape78 ettTys* 0 jVi/oi' eloi TuipApl 14 Let them alone : they be mJa^Zu -r. «i J* iv' — «i«u j v„ llki.,2 blind leaders of the blind. And Tu^y.T^Xfi^^^eavo^y^, tf ^ Uind kad the ^ ecfipoTtfoi us (Zojvioi mcvty. both fhall fall into the ditch. if Awwte^* «N 0 n«7f@-, «- V Then anfwer'd Peter, , ? , t „ , /» an° *ai" unt0 him, Explain ttsv cun$- $^ot>» x^uiv Tito 7iu&.Go~ unto us this parable. Ak! tutIw. i5 0<^ Iww «- *<* And Jefus faid, Are ye , , \ « ~ , / y , alfo yet without underftand- TTSr Ax./ulu> xjj n^«* «OTtte7o; est; jn„> 17 Oi/7ro yoerre, 'on vroii tb electro- n Do not Yc yet under- a / q > 1 / >. ji ftand, that whatfoever enter- f&o^o* us td rofut, us tUm xoi- eth in a£ the momh> goah iQ. A/av y«pa, w\ e<5 ttipsSpayec lx.£ctA- to the belly, and is caft out c* TV 5-o[iOLT@r, ox 'ms y^haA proceed out of the mouth, ^'pyer^, xdwa. jomioT tm «i- come forth from the heart, and ^ , , they defile the man. JfUTnu i9 Ex. yxf t»s jcs^/ccs ip For out of the heart ANNOTATIONS. (i) It is well to be obferT'd, that our Saviour's Difcourfe here relates only to fuck Commandments, of Men as, are oppofite to the Commandments of God, and Co render the Commands of God of No effe&-7 as did ^Tradition of the Jews here mentioned S.Matthew, Chap. XV. iSf PARAPHRASE. worfhip roc, teaching for Doctrines neceffary to Salvation foe b the Com- mandments of Men (/) as are oppofite to tie Commandments of God. 10 And he call'd the Multitude, and faid unto them, Hear and un- Thev' true no- derftand what 1 am going to fay ; concerning what I have been difcourfing ti°n of nM™«/i about with the Scribes andPhariJees. n Not that which goes intoftatedin fll0"1 the Month, i. e. Nothing that one eats or drinks, defiles a Man, as being Unclean in its own Kind or Nature; for (m) every Creature of God is in its own Nature Good and Clean : ( it is inly the Intemperance in eating or drinking too much , which is a Pltce of the Mind, that defiles : ) but that which comes out of the Heart thro' the Mouth, viz. all evWDi- fcourfe or Words, this defiles a Man, i. e. renders him Sinfull in the fight of God. 12 Then came his Difciples and faid unto him, Knowefl thou that the Pharifees were offended after they heard this faying , i. e. thy J peaking thus Openly againjt their Traditions? 13 But he anfwer'd and faid , Every Plants which my Heavenly Father has not planted, fhall be rooted up, i. e. Both thefe Falfe Teachers and their Doftrines , not being from God, fhall be brought to nought in God's good time. 14 Let them alone, and trouble not your Je Ives about them : They be blind, i. e. ignorant of the Truth, and jet will not be taught it, but take upon them to be Leaders of the Blind, /'. e. of others that are as obftinately ignorant of the Truth as tbemfelves. And if the Blind lead the Blind , Both fhall fall into the Ditch, i.e. receive their juH Puni/Jjment at lafl. Vl_ 15- Then anfwer'd Peter and faid unto him , Explain unto us this And here fur- Parable, or poor t pithy Saying which thou deliver ed'Jl unto us jufi now,viz. c eI'xPu"''d- v. 1 1. Not that which goes into the Mouth defiles a Man, eye. 16 And Jefus faid, Are yealfo, who fhould teach others, yet without Understand- ing in fo plain a Cafe} 17 Do not ye yet underftand, that whatfoever Meat or Z)r7»/^enters in at the Mouth, go's into the Belly, and is caft out into the Draught; and fo only pafles thro' the Body, without having of it felf, merely for being of This or That Kind, any effeEl upon a Man to make him Better or IVorfe? 18 But thofe things which proceed out of the Mouth, i. e. 4tt IVords or T>i fcourfe, come forth from the Heart ; and they do or do not defile the Man. 1.0 For out of the Heart proceed Evil ANNOTATIONS. mention'd by our Saviour in relation to the Relief of Parents. In other Cafes, where the Commandments *f ' Mtn^xe. not contrary to the Commands of God, and given by fuch Men as have Authority to command ; there it is an indifpenfable Part of che #&>/&//> of God to obey fuch Commands of Men ; and They do in vain viorfliip God in other refpedb, who do Not teach for Dotlrines neceflary to Sal- vation fuch Commandments of Men ; agreeably to thofe Scriptures, Children, obey your Parents in All things &c. Col. 3 . 10. Submit your Selves to every Ordiname of Man, for the Lord 's Sakecjj-c. iPet. x.ij. Obey them that have the Rule over you &c. Hebr. 13. 17. Servants, be fubjecJ to your Mailers &c. 1 Pet. z. 18. (m) See iTim.4,. 4. iS6 S Matthew, Chap. XV. T E X i. TRANSLATION. &epy°iTcu Jta*o>Mj&oi -TToynpoj, 77Bpve«*(, ^ottoj, •vfiuA/Mf- thefts, falfe witnefs, blafphe- TUdiecj, jSAetcr^x/xioq. 20 T«*to i<7i mies. , ~ « ./ ft I, io > / 20 Thefe are the things TO XC.VVVTCt T «VW TO ft Iff- whkh defi]e a fflan . but t0 °t Son "veptn y c/x.^%1 0 Inavs, 21 Then Jefus went thence, iutftimi us m W* T«5p» ^ 2«- x^nTsidoT ** "^ °f <&v©-\ 22 Kccj 1 £y, > ^ iv) ' daughter is grievoufly vex'd Vtxas ^cv^cafi^erflcf. 23 O ft ovx, wit£ a devil. «i7itx.ei9>» ocot?- Xfljpv. Kotj 'WiyoiA- 23 But he anfwer'd her not )y, otj x/>a£v •' help me- 25 o ft «wMtei>J, Sw Owe d and :<#Aoy AetCe*y t ap7cy *wy TJJtyay, )gij faid, It is not meet to take the /3*A£y toTs *u*aeio«*. 27 H ft J- J^ bread> and t0 caft " 7«y Nocf Kue^e* ^1 >«p to wvlua. 27 And fhe faid, Truth, '<&{ ini wy ^Mtfy to, *nfl0',TOV LordL: yet the dogs eat of the , , „ 1? ~ 1 t ~ crumbs which fall from their TWS T^c.7n^»s to, ptye^ffl' owTay. matters table. 28 Tow iimteftti's 0 Imov$; www 28 Then Jefus anfwer'd and , „ z , f , faid unto her, O woman, great eu>T>r a ^yoq, iuy*n oSi » -thtu- is thy faith: be it unto thee -/MM3JIT0 cro» as 5s'a«s. Ko) ia^n n even as thou wilt. And her f. 1 ' ~ > ) o ,/ , / daughter was made whole from ^T/ip ot*77)5 «7ro ^ »po< £x^»»s. that very hour. 2> Kctj S.Matthew, Chap. XV. 177 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 20 KoJ frtm&s ixMde* 0 biejign or Intention ; and then out of the Mouth proceed the Words or Difcourfes, by which they are brought about and put in AcJ ; as do alfo Falfe Wunefi, and Blafphemies, or Sailings, Slanders, and the like. 20 Thefe are the Things which defile a Man : but to eat with Un- wafhen hands, defiles not a Man. vn a 1 Then Jefus went thence, and departed into the Coafls of Tyre chrift heals the and Sidon. 22 And behold a Woman of Canaan, i. e. defcended of the ?iaihtr..°lJthm Old Canaamtes, and an Heathen, and living in thoje parts which JiiU man , and ««- retain d the Name of Canaan in the Eajlern Languages , but was call'd™"']' '"r &'">t Phoenicia or Syrophcenicia by the Greeks, came out of the fame Coafls, and cried unto him, faying , Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou fon of David, as I believe upon what I have heard of thy great Miracles and good Works, and of the Jews eXpe filing about this time fuch a wonderful Per [on to come into the World, who fhould be a Dependent of 'David: my Daughter is grievoufly vex'd with a Devil; may it pleafe thee to heal her. 23 But he anfwer'd her not a word. And his difciples came and befought him, faying, Give her fome Anfwer or other, and fo fend her away ; for fhe is very troublefome to us, while fhe thus cries after us. 24 But he anfwer'd and faid, As yet I am not fent unto the Gentiles, but («) the Firjl offers of the Go/pel are to be made unto the loft Sheep of the Houfe of Ifrael, as being hitherto the Peculiar People of God. 2j Then came fhe and worfhipp'd him, faying, Lord, help me. 26 But he anfwer'd and faid, As it is not meet to take the Childrens Bread, and to caft it to Dogs ; fo thofe Favours which God has fent me to be flow among his peculiar People the Jews, I muB not difpofe to the Gentiles and Strangers. 27 And fhe faid, Truth, Lord : Yet as the Dogs are per- mitted to eat of the Crumbs which fall from their Matters Table ; fo Itruft that /, tho a Gentile, may be permit ted to obtain this one requefl out of that bounteous Liberality, wherewith you difpenfe God's Favours among the Jews. 28 Then Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto her, O wo- man, Great is thy Faith, Greater than L have ordinarily found, even among the Jews themfelves : therefore be it unto thee even as thou wilt, or dejirejl. And her Daughter was made whole from that very hour. vm. 2p And Jefus departed from thence, viz. the Coajls of Tyre and Si- mfay!zad^in- don, and came nigh unto the Sea of Galilee, (p) not directly, but thro' cn\ouhy feeds four thaufttrM and [n) Compare Luke 24.. +7. Ads 13. 46. Rom. z. 9, to, (») See Mark 7.31. ^^jfj'l tfactunliiJ*****11®"' if8 5. Matthew, Chap. XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. oua&xs lis to op©-*, ck&Jyito o*i 30 K«j 'Gr&cnih'fav ccot$ ^£Aoj 7roA- Apl, g^ovTSs j«e^-' eaoTOv ^>a>\vs, rcv- ie*5 , vaAous 'S^Tra-rowa- tot, x.*)' TupAous |3Ag7ro»^L/.« £ eJb- §iim&.s ??£s <&£2op.wov ^icu. 3y £ Tr*)^*. 39 Ke*j "^areAi/oas T«5 OVA«5, C#e£n Hi TO 7&UH01, KU\ yA%l M to o&<* Mcty«vo,a«- ns Xeyvri , E<$ec wvfpai^ei )8 0 £• ^tvo?. 3 Koti -Ogyi', S^ws^y ^e<- ^taJ?' imppaL^i )8 gi/J^a^av 0 VpxvoS. Y7toXtAcq , to ^e» *z«^ati>woy Ttf tf- g^cvoc) ^vaweTe 2^gtx.eive annua, t ^(pay tf <$Y««io3e; 4 Te- vea, •TTOvngjc Jtoq jtwi^aAi? mftuov 'Qt- fut to ojjtcaoy lava t5 ©fopnTV. Koc) K£TaAi7roy otuTVS, X7rn\% j" Kobj eA^ovn* o» (Ucc^JfToe^ 000^ 645 TO STe'^tV, ETHAa^/TO CtpTVS Aa- QuV. 6 O Jfe IvKTfcS &7TEV cUiTTHi' O^CTS X.OJ 'ZJ^ffi^Tl ^TTD 7»S CjU- 7 Oj i^ovTo oi 'eavrois, Ae- ^pyT6S- Oti ctpTVS QfX eAoc€o|tiev. defir'd him that he would fhew them a fign from heaven. z He anfwer'd and faid un- to them, When it is evening, ye fay, It will be fair weather : for the sky is red. 3 And in the morning, // will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites., ye can dif- cern the face of the sky, * and can ye not dijcern the figns of the times ? 4 A wicked and adulterous generation feeketh after a fign; and there lhall no fign be giv- en unto it, but the fign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. 5 And when his diiciples came to the other fide, they * forgot to take bread. 6 Then Jefus faid unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Phanfees, and of the Sadducees. 7 And they reafon'd among themfelves, faying, ft is be- caufe we have taken no bread. 8 rWs IONS. A N N O T A T (pf) Compare Mark 8. 11. (q) See note (g) in my Paraphrafe on Revel. 13. 13. (qq) So theBifhop otWorcefter has obferv'd by his Computation. (r) This feems to have been the Courfe of' our Saviour's going from place to place at this Time, becaufe we find Mart 8.az. our Saviour to have come next to Bethfaida, which lay on the North-Eaft Part of the Sea ; and thence to have travell'd loCefareaPhilippi along the EaSiern fide of the Jordan. Now theRea- fon of our Saviour's taking Ship or Boat at Magda/a, tho' he went to another Place on the fame EaBern Side of the Sea, feems to be that he might fail by the Coafts of the Gadarenes and Gergefenes, where he had been afore, and fo did not think fit to pafs thro' them again. (/) See Mark 8. 14.. (t) See S. Matthew, Chap. XVI. 161 PARAPHRASE. IX. Chap. XVI. And here the Phanfees with the Sadducees came, and chrift anfwers tempting him, i. e. asking {pp) him fome captious Qgeftions , that they qUl™ « %» /rw might find fome Opportunity of Reproaching and Accufing him; but after Heaven of him, aU , finding nothing fpoken by him that they might lay hold of, deiir'd "th*s a}*rCj £"° him that He would (hew them a miraculous Sign immediately from n. 38, &c (y ) Heaven, which might beyond all doubt demonstrate him to be fent by God. x He anfwer'd and laid unto them, When it is Evening, ye fay, It will be fair Weather, for the Sky is red ; 3 and in the Adorning ye fay, It will be foul Weather to day, for the Sky is red and lowring. O-ye Hypocrites, ye can difcern what fVeather it is like to be by the Face or Colour of the Sky, and can ye not difcern from the Signs, i. e. Tredtclions of the Prophets, and the Things which ye fee accordingly come topafs, that the pre fent Times are the Times of the Meffias, {the {.iiaovu;'e're t«j ttevt? oLprys Tay Trey&juqjAiay , xsq sro- GQ14 -natpUoi^ eAa£eT8 ; 10 Oo/fe A/av Jt«j srooaf azri/^JW lActCelg- II n«5 V yoes^ *p- 5(S"ay i 12 Tots owMWi , 071 Qffc ei7rs Ksgfoiyui ^bro tmS £u- fws tv *pry, 3a\ ^ra t»$ £ix, Ae>i)v T/v* ^c« Ae/tfajy ' >' ft Sfj \N M T" 5 « / 01 «.v7pa'^oi e«vocf, t i|oy v ayjpaTy; 14 Oi' iy t B} 'iya T3 zzfo 2,1) U 0 XpCJOS, 0 VjQS V ®iV X QciVTBS. 17 Kac\ 'zmzfijus 0 Inavs, urni t*j af/i* Ctf7« ^vrex^Aa-Xs ^'j ^A. 0 710.1710 /40V, 0 Of TTHS V&.V0HS. 8 Which when Jefus per- ceiv'd, he faid unto them, O ye of little faith, why reafon ye among your felves, becaufe ye have brought no bread ? 9 Doyenotyetunderitand, ne i ther remember the five loaves of the five thoufand, and how many baskets ye took up ? 10 Neither the feven loaves of the four thoufand, and how many baskets ye took up? 1 1 How is it that ye do not underftand, that I fpake // not to you concerning bread, that ye fhould beware of the leaven of the Pharifees and of the Sadducees ? 11 Then underftood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pha- rifees and of the Sadducees. 13 When Jefus came into the coafts of Cefarea Philippi, he ask'd his difciples, faying, "Whom do men fay, that I the Son of man am? 14. And they faid, Some fay that thou art John the Baptm, fome Elias , and others Jere- mias, or one of the prophets. 15 He faith unto them, But whom fay ye that 1 am? 16 And Simon Peter an- fwer'd and faid,Thou art Chrift the Son of the living God. 17 And Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto him, Bletled art thou Simon Bar-jona : for flefh and blood hath not reveal'd // unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 Kclyco S Matthew t Chap. XVI. i6? PARAPHRASE. xr. ie Opinion of that he faith this unto us. 8 Which when Jefus perceiv'd, he faid un- to them, O ye of little Faith, why reafon ye among your felves, be- caufe ye have brought no more Bread? p Do ye not yet underftand how eafily I could [apply the want of move Bread , if that was what I am concern 'd about ? neither remember the Miracle I wrought by feed- ing with five Loaves no lefs a Multitude than that of the five Thoufand, and how many Baskets ye took up of the Fragments that were left i 10 Neither remember ye the miraculous feeding with feven Loaves the Multitude of the four Thoufand, and how many Baskets ye took up ? 11 How is it that ye do not underftand from thefe two Miracles, that I fpake it not to you concerning Bread, that ye fhould beware of the Leaven of the Phanfees and of the Sadducees? 12, Then underftoorl they, how that he bade them not beware of the Leaven of Bread, but of the Evil Doctrine of the Phanfees and of the Sadducees , which was apt to fpread as Leaven. 1 3 Je[us ft ill keeping on the Easlemfide of the Sea of Galilee, comes TI; next to Bethfaida, {which lay on the North-eafl part of the Sea,) as is the p«»j»£ and of related by St Mark (Cb. 8.21 — 2$.) but omitted by St Matthew, ™hoffr^L£™»- proceeds next to take notice ofChrifl's Coming into the Coafls of Cefarea and his" Anfwer Thilippi, which lay dire&ly North of Bethfaida. Now when Jefus came [° ^ thcrt into the Coafts of Cefarea Philippi, he ask'd his Difciples, faying, Whom do Men fay, that I, who have ajfum'd to my felfno other Title yet, than that e/The Son of Man, mention' d by 'Daniel (Chap. 7. 13.) and which denotes no more than that I am an Extraordinary Man : IV horn, I ask, do Men fay that I not ? 14 And they faid , Some fay that Thou art John the Baptift rifen again from the Dead, fome Elias, and others fe- remias, or One of the other old Prophets, ij- He fays unto them, But whom fay ye, that I am? 16 And Simon Peter anfwer'd and faid, IVhereas others take thee to be at moH only an Extraordinary Man, (as appears from v. i+. ) we believe that Thou art the promts' d MeJJias or Chrift, and accordingly not only the Son of Maji , or an Extraordinary Man, but aljo the Son of the living God, and [0 a truly Divine Terfon. \7 And Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto him, BleiTed art thou Simon Bar- jona, i. e. the Son of Jonas, and All fuch as have the like Faith : for Flefli and Blood has not reveal'd it unto thee and them, but my Father which is in Heaven, i.e. this Faith and Confeffion is not founded on bare Hu- man Tefii*nony,'but on the Divine Testimonies ofmyDoclrine and Mi- racles duly and impartially iveigtid and confider d, and fi having, by the concurring Grace of the Holy Spirit, their due Influence in working a full Convt£tion of this Grand Fundamental Truth. 18 And whereas Thou art the Terfon who haH made this ConfeJJton, but not only in thy own X 2 Name. 164. S. Matthew, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 18 K«>fS '&) £ >5s, eVoq AA^'o» °f ht*™n = and whatfoever ^ ' , «, , , , x , ,_, thou ihalt bind on earth, (hall ct -nis ypctvois- * V ~ o ~ earth, fhall be loos'd in hea- 20 Tots Jies-e 0 Ina?, >i'pfaTD 'ffrtn/ucZi oun$, Xeyar ing, Be it far from thee, Lord: IAe^s < K^e- « pi ku, thee- 23 O PARAPHRASE. Name, but alfo in the Name {t) oftbyFeUow-Difcipks, I fay alfo unto thee, partly in refpefi? to t/jj/ Self in particular, and partly in refpeiH to the Reft, that Thou art Peter, i. e. a Rock, [0 nam'd by me as fore feeing, that by thy Conflancy in this Confejjion after my RejurreSiion and Afcen- Jion, thou Jhalt Eminently be what thy Name imports, viz a firm and unmovable 'Prqfeffor of the Truth ; and as upon the Foundation of my Apofiles in general, fo upon Thee this Rock in a fpecial manner, namely as the Firft and more Eminent Tart of this Foundation, I will build my Church; and the Gates of Hell fhall not prevail againfl it, /. e. itjbalt never be utterly deflroyd. 19 And I will give unto thee in particular the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven , /'. e. the Privilege or Honour of Fit fl preaching the Go/pel after my RefurrecJion both to Jews and Gen- tiles, and thereby («) Opening, as it were, the Doors of Heaven to Man- kind: S.Matthew, Chap. XVI. i6f PARAPHRASE. kind: And 1 fay atfo unto thee, not only in th] Own Name, but alfo in the Name of thy Fellow-dtfciples, Whatfoever Ordinances or Rules for the well governing of the Church, thou, by the Dire ft ion of the H Spirit, or agreeably to the fVord of God, (halt continue or make anew in order to bmd or oblige Men to the Observance thereof on Earth , by the Same Men fliall be bound in Heaven; or Whomfoever for any enormous Jin- full Misbehaviour in the Church thoujhalt bind, or oblige to undergo 'Pe- nance in order to obtain Forgivenefs of his Sin on Earth , or in refpeft to the Outward T>ilapltne of the Church, the Same pall be bound thereto like wife by God, in order to obtain Forgivenefs in the Court of Heaven : And on the other hand, Whatfoever Ordinances or Institutions thou fhalt loofe Men from the Obligation of on Earth, they fhall be loos'd from in Heaven ; or Whomfoever upon his Submitting to the Cenfures of the Churchy and thereby Outwardly attefting his Repentance, thou fhalt loofe from the Jaid Cenfures , arid fo forgive his Sin on Earth, or as to the Outward Difcipline of the Church, the fame Jhall be likewife loos'd from the faid CenSure in the Court of Heaven; and if his Repentance be Inward as •well as Outward, he fhall obtain P erf eft ForgiveneSs of his Sin, namely, not only in refpeft of EcclefiaBical Penance here , but alfo in refpeft of Eternal Puniflment in the IVorldto come. 20 Then charg'd he his Di- fciples, in whoje Name (as well as his own) Peter had made the fore- mention d Confeffton , that they (hould tell no Man , that He was the Chnit, till after his Refurreftton ; it being very improper for to have this exprejly ajfertedby his Difciples at this prefent time for many Reafons; particularly for that his "Difciples t hem f elves had not yet a Right Notion of the Nature of his Kingdom as Chrift, and what was to be yet done and fufferd by Him, which therefore he proceeds now to acquaint them with. 21 From that time forth began Jefus to (hew unto his Difciples, who Teri]S („J^nt his had now made Confeffton of their Belief that He was ChriB, how thut'M'eri^s Death, & He mud go unto jeruialem, and, tho He was Chrifl, mufl fufFer many tp*2n™™ things of the Elders, and Chief Priefts, and Scribes, and even be kill'd, from it ; & (hews and then be rais'd again the third day. 22 Then the Difciples were^®^ °/e^ greatly furpriz'd her eat, and Peter, always forward to fpeak in behalf of 'true Difdptei to them All, took him and began to rebuke him, faying, Be it far from ^*"^kef^'r,: thee, Lord; this fhall not be unto Thee, as being altogether inconfiflent pe^n s«ferinS; ntiilh f°r tl>e Truth of VUil" the Gofpel. ANNOTATIONS. V. 10. f '>!«■& 's not read in Syr. Arab, or Perfick VerGons, nor by Origen, Chryfoflom, &c. nor in many MSS. ( t ) See John 6. 69. («) This ieems to be the moft Natural Interpretation of the Keys. As to what is. commonly call'd The Power of the Keys , that is cor.tain'd in the following Words, And whatfoever thouflialt b'md&c. Which lb immediately following after the mention of the Keys, has given Occafion to comprehend under the Keys the Power of Binding and Looting to mencion'd immediately after it. 166 S. Matthew, Chap. XVI, XVII TEXT. TRANSLATION. 23 O Ji tpipui , fcT-TT? t$ Ui-T^u- 23 Butheturn'd, and laid ,/_ , > _, „■ ~ / - / unto Peter, Get thee behind r*a>« 6wwa #<2a&»x, nuwfeA* ^ SaUDj thou art aQ oftcnce (jlM a' b'-n &■ tpfoius to TV Osv, ttMx unto me : for thou favoured ; ~ » x /_ -./ - T «* not the things that be of God, TO T aitp»7T£f. 24 Tjts 3 I? 7*5 , , , ° , ,- ' ^_ 'r m jm ti ° but thofe that be or men. 57TB 7dTs f4A^n\-ni\i out*' Ei' 7i5 9*A^ 24 Then faid Jefus unto his r'-m/tr. i,oJ>^7, Z~~*.;~J ^ -'„, -~', difciples, If any man wilj C7777W Z*V cAjUl, etTratJXJBta^; SO07B7, r r . 1 • 1 ,,, „ ,,-. ., come after me, let him deny MM xecf.™ t <&.- and follow me. 1 r ~ • , /,»'.', 2y For whofoever will fave £*» mtv roraj , VreAeffJ «fcTiw os his life, ihall lofe it : and who- jf It '&7n\iz* r l.y.i cut* ettxa foever will lofe his life for my * ~ 1 /_j ».' •„ _/e * fake, ihall find it. •*¥, upftftf «,TU^ 2(J Ti £ »f>e, ^ Fof what ]S a man pro, XuTou[ a.yJfU7n5} lai 7C» >co5 exchange for his foul ? «*?; 27 M/Mi )8 2 ufe V kftfav 27 For,the S,°n °f m^U ^a11 „ x, 757s ^miclvi tyj.?a he fta11 reward every man ac- -» >^. „»."•; i r ' cording to his works. ^TW ■»*• 28 A^ Ae>* 2g Veri!y 1 fay umo y0Uj t-/tclr, u Li{ 0 Ivjo-Jj t ITeTfsj, fytxmu. And after fix days, Jefus tak- /?». J i~l„ 1. t 'iv-i^1 'T. ' eth Peter, & lames, & John his 7 , , , , , , brother, and bringeth them up tiia.pc{{ cuTVi ta opt uiJflAoi K5tT into an high mountain apart, »Sictr 2 y.xj frit/twite* *fivf s«8e» r a A"d was "a1nsH§ur:dJbe: , „ , 1 / »,, . l°re them, and his face did eo>TO», x, iAnn^L 7B -a>j»3ra7n)» eav as fhme as the fun, and his rai- 0 ^'Aios- t» «TS <'^7J* u#'ry«& \tuvj. ment W3S uhlte as thc Ijght- . , , v r , ^ 3 And behold , there ap- us -n^CK. 3 Ka< . Jv, a,?>^ eu.Tc.5 p^r'd unt0 them Mofes and Mcujrs $ HA/o«, fiifd^n^x^iliS. El«s talking with him. 4 A7TB- S.Matthew, Chap. XVI, XVII. 167 PARAPHRASE. with the Notions we have of Chrijt, whom we believe Thee to be, and Thou acknowledgtst Thy felf to be. 2.3 But he turn'd, and faid unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan, i. e. who afteft in this as an Inslru- ment of Satan, being an Adversary to the Good of Mankind therein: Thou art an Offence unto me, as Tempting me to that which is contrary to the IViU of God: for hrretn thou ikvour'it or undersiandeB not the things that be of God, 1. e. the UnexpeSiedWay whereby he defigns to bring about Maris Salvation; but thou fpeakejl as One that is guided by thofe wrong Notions of the Meffias , that be owing to the Worldly Defies of Men, who are fond of Worldly Grandeur and Tleafure. 24 Then faid Jeius unto his Difciples, If any Man will come after me as my True Dijciple, let him know that it is Necejfary for him to refolve to deny him felf all the Tleafure and Riches of this Worlds and to take up his Crofs, /. e. to undergo the greateB Suffering, if God fees Jit to call him thereto, and Jo to follow me as bis Misler. z$ For whofoever will fave his Life here on Earth, by doing any thing contrary to the Truth of my Religion, fhall lofc it Eternally ; and whofoever will lofe his Life here for my Sake, fhall find that he fhall fave it in the true/If enje, viz. Eternally. 26 For what is a Man profited, if he fhall gain the whole World here, and lofe the Eternal Happinejs e/ his own Soul, and render it Eter- nally Mifer able ? Or what fhall a Man give as an Equivalent in exchange for the Eternal Happinefs o/his Soul? 27 For the Son of Man, too he appears at prejent in a mean helplefs State and Condition, fhall come in the fame Glory that he is partaker oi with his Father, particularly at- tended wi th h is own A ngels, and with other Ctrcumjlances oj Divine Glory; and then he fhall reward every Man according to his Works; ejpecially fhall eternally punijh fuch as have renoune'd Christianity in order to fave their Lives, or to efcape Affitfftons here, andjhali eternally reward fuch as have c ho fen to lofe their Lives, or undergo Ajjftifiions here, for the Jakg ofChnflianity. 18 And tho the Time of the Final or Lafi Judgment God has feen fit not to make known, yet verily I fay unto you, There be fome Handing here, which (hall not tafte of Death, 'till they fee the Son of Man coming in the Tower of his Kingdom, i. e. in that Tower inhere with He is mvefled as the LordChrifl, to execute Pengeance upon the obftinately unbelieving Jews of this Age. Chap. XVII- And after fix Daysjefus takes Peter, and James, and John pn- his Brother, and brings them up into an high Mountain apart from //^^vfandSi rejl of the 'Difciples. x And being willing to give them fome /mall Re- m wJ,at <*•»<* prefentation of bis future Glory, whilfl be was {w) praying, He was tranf- f^XdZ'^z rigur'd before them, /. /. his Body was chang'd into the Appearance of a Se«fc He upm it Glorify 'd Body ; and his Face did fhine as the Sun, and his Raiment was "*"' white and glittering as the Light. 3 And behold there appear'd unto them Mofcs and Elias talking with him, namely of what he was tofuffer, (to) Compare Luke 9. 19. i68 S.Matthew, Chap. XVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4 AmxiifeJls Si o n*7t?os , urn t& 4 Then anfwer'd Peter, and _ ~ „, , / , c ~ «-* gQod f()r usJtQ be here . /f thou « ^i\ui, 7niyicu/jLiv aft 7?a5 okmzs, wilt, let us make here three \ i. i ,„ ~ / i * m' tabernacles; one for thee, and S Etj ou/Ttf AaAowiTos, loAy ve^eAn J £5TtWl'«ff?V OttTyS* JtOCJ i'£y pa>vH c/t tjiS veipeAn?, Ae^lfjOTt* Ou- TQS 'fill 0 IjOJ ,000 0 i.^CLTm'mi , oV OJ one for Mofes, and one for EUas. y While he yet fpake, be- hold, a bright cloud over- fhadow'd them: and behold, a voice out of the cloud, which faid, This is my beloved Son, a»JWa- cuv Men. 6 Kv «**-. in whom j am wdl pleas-d; cavles oi' tt*9»)]<*j, eTTEfrov '6* ,Qfo*. . '/"V*?!, the ,dlfc|Ples , \ V \- • « heard //, they fell on their face, 7 Kom '©£?ff?A<)-av o Ihotjus, w^td and were fore afraid. oJiTm, xmj uttcv E^pSnif, xeq (*m 1 And Jefus came Sctouch'd /»~ „ o,.'/ i\» v them, and faid, Arife, and be 0obesm$' T< o'uu a ^x/4/^a.Teli Ae- ywnv, oTi HAfay ^4 sA^av ■srpaTcy; 11 O 5riiH5tTWi> A N N O T A T I O-N S. (x) It is well to be obferv'd, that the Amwmtuns, of which it is faid Mai. 4. 6. that Elias (according to the LXX. Verfion) ^roetmroV^ wff'.aci 7mi^is •mrtffcs p. 16 Kaf tr&armyyjL olvtvi 7»»s fta.- 3moa$ (nu, xcq q'jx. yifouuvjiwni av- 0 InovZs, U7tir §1 yiux cLmsos xot) $\iqpaL/U,pfyjY\ , g«S 7TO78 t0T)|HSL/ /«)• v^y; gas 7/oTi in^o/^i v(jZi; is «£jts cvxeows. 12 But I fay unto you, that Elias is come already; and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatfoever they lifted : likewife fhall alfo the Son of man fuffer of them. 13 Then the difciples un- derltood that he fpake unto them of John the Baptift. 14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, 15 And faying, Lord, have mercy on my fon, for he is lunatick, and fore vex'd : for oft-times he falleth into the fire, and oft into the wa- ter. 16 And I brought him to thy difciples, and they could not cure him. 17 Then Jefus anfwer'd and laid , O faithlefs and perverfe generation, how long fhall I be wiih you ? how long fhall I fuffer you ? bring him hither to me. 18 And Jefus rebuk'd the devil, and he departed out of him: and the child was cur'd from that very hour. i$> To7« ANNOTATIONS. Not in a glorious or illufiriotu Manner, but mean and obfcure. Nor is it further to be omitted, that the word rmymtitt, as it is indeed Once us'd (1 Tim. 1. 10.) of Chrift's Virfi Coming, fo it is, in AU other Places of N.T. where it is fpoken of Chrift, us'd of Chrift's Second Coming, namely no lefs than Four times, viz. 1 Tim. i Aeya nfni, e*v tym mivos y& dx7npfjui1ai\, r«tAiAo^a,ei7ity otvuroTs 0 Ijiffys* MrA- %ugp.s a»^pai7roy 23 *oq ^brax.T8- WffJV 0MI7BV, $ Ty T£4TM YlfilfCt. tyif- Jrjnk ■^jra Tiray Aa/iCayyaj tsAh, >) juiytroyj ^m r 4«y at/Toy, >i ^jt» t apMoie^ay > 25 Aeyi cuut^o niTfoS' A-mi r 4M0. TQ/a>i. Epy 0 ImhIS' Afttyt eAetL 7spo< u utfwui faTJjgjt* c-fceuov AaCa», pa wpccr- nA^oy 01 ytwc^HTfltj t^ l>io-y, Ae'^VTSs' Tis *pet jaei^av '6£jv c* Tvt /SotffiA^a, •ray fe^yay ; a Ko^ **» P* SpapnTj *<*1 >«- e«$ T /3«,uto, outos '6^rv 0 (iu^ai h r» /3*- ajAwa. ray ow^cyay. T0» 8? :6^1 1$ W/iAll (JjOU, ifjtf &- VToij. TSt> , »'»* vjtfi*- eQ-ij iawA@-' o'yi>co5 '67TJ 73 y Tpx^Aoy ttOTV, x.ct| JtSt&ToyTtoSvT e* ^ 7rt- Aayi twj ^tA^aJVJ. 7 Ou*j t?$ xi- ajjua 'sJjrB ray (77tavap e5i» eA^wy ra oxxi^Kg.- r7th!Uo you tj$ iy^pa^a 6*«vw, $t tf to axctyjof,- Aoy gp^«^)- 8 Ei Si » v«p try, 3) 0 cometh up : and when thou hall open'd his mouth , thou (halt find a piece of money : that take and give unto them for me and thee. Chap. XVIII. At the fame time came the difciples unto Jefus, faying, Who is the greateft in the kingdom of heaven? x And Jefus call'd a little child unto him, and fethim in the midft of them, 3 And faid, Verily I fay un- to you, Except ye be convert- ed , and become as little chil- dren , ye (hall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4 W.hofoever therefore fhall humble himfelf as this little child , the fame is greatelt in the kingdom of heaven. j And whofo Hull receive one fuch little child in my name, receiveth me. 6 But whofo fhall offend one of thefe little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a milftone were hang'd about his neck, and that he were drown'd in the depth of the fea. *7 Wo unto the world be- caufe of offences : for it mult needs be that offences come ; but wo to that man by whom the offence cometh. 8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot * make thee to offend, cut them off, and call them from thee : it is better for thee to enter into life halt ormaim'd, us T ^aUii ^>Aoy jj KJUfaoi, $ Mo ^7pe« rather than having two hands » S\io S. Matthew, Chap. XVII, XVIII. 175" TEXT. TRANSLATION. * ^oTraJks \ynU jSAv,3m*ccj us -m iwf °* *» feet, to be caft into f *• \ , t , . everlafting tire. to ewanoy. 9 K«| a o otpja.r\fMS e fires, and other fices, as this little Child, the fame is the Greateft in the Kingdom of Heaven. 5 And whofo fhall receive, i.e. entertain, encourage, afjift, or fellow chri* \^nt t0 tbeDoiirine or Example of One fuch Terfon as is thus qualify 'd 'with Hu- theEncwagement mility and Innocence, as is this little Child, in my Name, the fame fhalt be lg°;dwt* rewarded as one that receives me. 6 But who! b fhall offend, i.e. defptje of the ladpunift- or difcourage,perfecute or/educe One of thefe little ones which believe in IJJ™'^ ™°[! me, i.e. any fuch humble and innocent Chrijlian, it were better for him that rage, perficute, or a Milftone were hang'd about his Neck, and that he were drown'd in the^"^e8nood hum" depth of the Sea, than that hejhould thus offend one fuch Per/on. 7 Wo unto the World becaufe of Juch Offences in contemning and difcouragmg, perfecuting and feducing fuch humble and innocent Terfons : for, confidcr- ing the State of Things and iVickednefs of Men, it muft needs be that fuch Offences come, and the Providence of God may, for wife Reafons, permit it to be Jo : But wo to that Man by whom the Offence comes, /'. e. by whofe Fault any humble fe good Man JJjall be perjecuted, difcourag'd or perverted and entic'd to Sin. 8 Wherefore if thy Hand or thy Foot make thee to offend, cut them off, and caft them from thee, i. e. whatever is like to be the Means of tempting and prevailing on thee thus to offend by perjecuting, difcour aging or feducing any humble good Man, how Dear or Ujefull foever it may be in other rej peels, be fur e to part with it, whether it be a beloved Pleafure or Companion : it is Better for thee to enter into Life everlafting Halt or Maim a , i.e. by denying thy felf fuch a Pleafure or Companion , 176 5. Matthew, Chap. XV 111. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ™*v<5W4 «i, e&Ae ecu'™, & /3*Ae thee to offend, pluck ii out, and ~ i vt} 'a- ca" lt *rolT1 tnee: n 1S better ■&n (tv K*Afl» <™ W jM'iotp^.XfMt for thee t0 enter into llfe wjlh etf r 6w ao-eA^eo, 3 o 0 H<55 5/ come to fave that which was iiJoa'TtV wr«<-nyi xiffa-xa have an hlindred flieep) and iicsc^y ^C*to, $ w^cw^m S» ^ one of them be gone affray, , fivjeli, £iM ^ 7^*- mountains, and ieeketh that > 0 -. tt ' ;.}.. «iuu^«,. C.'„B7„ which is gone aftray ? ew'ro, «/wt«5 Aeya> uf*"r 'Qrn XM?i it, verily I fay unto you, he §,/ ctu^ yu^Moy, S 'fli ms w,eF>.- rejoyceth more of that >&«■/>, y ~ \ n > than of the ninety and nine xoy&evve* , mi P* 7ti7chxm!W > ~ v or~ y°ur Falher which is in t* mtrqos u/ffl, tvj» oy©t»o«, *ep5V.*a4 "">» a^A- ^o'y ), /C^cAaCt («e7x o ftafriifm >! of two or three witnefTes every <\~ ~ f~ ,_ c^u word may be eflablifh'd. 7^«y sa^ w*» f»^ LT. E*y ^ Aijd jf hg ftall negle then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth S. Matthew, Chap. XVIII. 177 PARAPHRASE. mofl belov'd and darling Tleafure or Companion, makes thee to offend as qforefaid, pluck it out, and call it from thee, i..e.be fare to pait with Juch a Plea/ure or Companion : it is Better for thee to enter into Life with one Eye, /. e. deprtvd of juch a Tlea/ure or Companion, rather than having two Eyes, i.e. enjoying Juch a Pleafure or Companion, to be cafl into Hell-fire. 10 Take heed therefore that ye defpife nor, nor dijcou- rage, nor perj'ecute, nor an] way draw into Sin One of thefe little ones, i.e. the meanefl humble and good Man: for I fay unto you, that in Heaven their Angels do always behold the Face of my Father which is in Hea- ven; and fince God has Juch a Concern and F'alue for them, as to appoint them certain of his Angels to minister unto and watch over them, it is evidently the 'Duty of other Men to take heed not to 'Dejptfe them. 1 1 Nay there is a ft ill greater Reafon why no one ought to defpije or offend them, namely, forajmuch as the Son of Man himfelf \% come to fave that which was loft ; and confequently he that thus defpifes or offends , i. e. perfe- cutes or draws into Sin a good humble Man, ails in direct Oppojition to the Intent of my Coming into the World, ix How think ye? if a Man have an hundred Sheep, and one of them be gone affray, do's he not leave the ninety and nine, and go's into the Mountains, and feeks that which is gone affray ? 13 And if fo be that he find it, verily I fay unto you, he rejoyces more, i. e. exprejies more joy at the Finding of that Sheep, than at the Safety of the ninety and nine which went nor affray. 14 Even fo it is not the Will of your Father which is in Hea- ven , that any One of thefe little ones, i. e. the tneanest humble good Christian fhould perifh ; but he has Jent his Son to redeem them, and fends his Angels to minister unto and preferve them ; and expects that yejhould, in your fever al Stations, endeavour to encourage thofe that /land, and with Tendernefs to recover thofe that fall. if Moreover to this Turpofe IJhall 'give you the following Directions: xix. If thy Broihei-Chri/lian tranfgrefs againft thee, go and tell him his Fault <„„ w'e arew JL between thee and him alone ; if he fhall hear thee,_/o as to repent of his with our m.»- Fault and amend , thou haft gain'd thy Turpofe by being thus instru- ""jf' ""'^J ae.n mental to the Good of thy Brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, Jo gainft us. as to repent and amend, then take with thee one or two more, that in or by the Mouth of two or three Witnefles every Word may be elta- blifh'd, /. e. either that the Motives made life of to bring him to a Senfe of his Fault being approv'd of, and fo establijh'd or confirm d to be Rea- sonable and Weighty, by the concurrent Opinion and Judgment of the f aid two or three Witnejfes, may have the greater Influence on him they are us'd to ; or elj'e that the (aid two or three Witnefles may befufficient Evi dence, that proper Methods have been us'd to reclaim him by private Ad- mnnifmn. hfifnrp it nnax mad<= a Afaf/pr nf tmhlirb fno-n>r./jnr/>. T 7 Fhr 178 S.Matthew, Chap.XVlII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. xxncnq,' tail Si Jcoq THS o-xxAn<77a.s (Gr&.x.'ttati , \<&> coi accuef o ijwcos xot| o TjAavvis. 1 8 Afilui Aeyai v- fMi , oryj. 21 Totb "Ofoaihjai a.vT$ 0 Yli- TpoJ, e<7r6« Kupie, woazxxtJ a^apT»cnj '- » ' r ' IV., ' ' » ' * ? £f /2aaiAey at;TW. 24 Ap- 5*(«V'ou QpttXin/iS fAJuzj.aii auTDy 0 hvc/cs auTfar ©/>a^-J|yot|, X) r yjUj^T/s cufy, jrais- &ycc, ^ 7ia/7a, 'oVac e<^e* xj "Z&nSbJnxi. 25 rieoiMy yy 0 SvAos Qfso-exW au7&), church : but if" he neglect to hear the church, let hiro be unto thee as an heathen-man and a publican. 18 Verily I lay unto you, Whatfoever ye fhall bind oa earth, fhall be bound in hea- ven : and whatfoever ye fhall loofe on earth, fhall be loos'd in heaven. 19 Again I fay unto you, that it two of you fhall agree on earth as touching any thing that they fhall ask, it fhall be done for them of my Father which is in heaver. 20 For where two or three are gather'd together in my name, there am I in the midtt of them. 2 r Then came Peter to him, and faid, Lord, how oft fhall my brother On againft me, and I forgive him? till feven times? ii Jefus faith unto him, I lay not unto thee, Until feven times : but, until feventy times feven. 2 j Therefore is the kingdom of heaven like unto a certain king, which would take ac- count of his fervants. 24 And when he had began to reckon, one was brought vm- to him , which ow'd him ten thoufand talents: 25 But forafmueh as he had not to pay, his lord command- ed him to be fold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. 2 cvt. 30 O £i ovx. JiJiAtv , \fy4 8*1$' AyAe Truynfe, 7iaaav ifto oip&ihlui IkuiUju citpyixst- ni > wa crViy&Aiacls (u- 33 OjX. e£^ jcoc[ a? •Ae>ifftt| t ouu^Aoi avu, as $ £?;<7^ t;,«iy, £xy #« H5tpJt«y u/uftf'm )a'flta,ua.'(gc olvtui, Kep. »j . Kou tyvivn , oil tit- Aeo-rv 0 lv\avvs rat Aoy>ic, tcv- ■nvg , fitivfii ^biB tyis TetA.Aouas , paifion, and loos'd him, and forgave him the debt. 28 But the fame fervant went out, and found one of his fellow-fervants , which ow'd him an hundred pence : and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, laying, Pay me that thou oweft. 29 And his feUow-fervant fell down at his feet,& befought him,faying,Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 30 And he would not : but went and cafl him into prifon, till he fhould pay the debt. 31 So when his fellow-fer- vants faw what was done, they were very forry,and came and told unto their lord all that was done. 32 Then his lord, after that he had call'd him , faid unto him, O thou wicked fervant, I forgave thee all that debt, becaufe thou defiredft me : 33 Shouldfl not thou alfo have had companion on thy fellow-fervant, even as I had pity on thee ? 34 And his lord was wroth, and deliver'd him to the * jay- lors, till he fhould pay all that was due unto him. 35 So likewife fliall my hea- venly Father do alfo unio you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trefpafies. Chap. XIX. And it came to pafs, that when Jtfus had finifh'd thefe fayings, he departed from Ga- S. Matthew, Chap. XVIII, XIX. 181 PARAPHRASE. with Compaflion, and Joos'd him or fet him at Libert), and alj'o tbrgave him the Debt, tho' it was fo very great. 28 But the fame Servant went out, and found one of his Fellow-fervants, which ow'd him an hun- dred Pence, or a very Jmall Sum : and he laid hands on him, and xook him by the Throat, faying, Pay me that thou oweft. 20 And hisFel- low-fervant fell down at his feet, and befought him, faying, as he had faid to his Lord, Have patience with me, and m fome time 1 will pay thee AH. 30 And he would not; but went forthwith and call him in- to Prifon, till he fhould pay the Debt. 31 So when his Fellow-fer- vants faw what was done by him, they were very {'ony /or it, and came and told unto their Lord all that was done. 32 Then his Lord, after that he had call'd him, faid unto him, O thou wicked Servant, I for- gave thee all thai great Debt thou owedft to me, becaufe thou deliredft me: 33 Shouldft not therefore thou alfb have had Compaffion on thy Fellow-lervant, even as I had pity on thee, and have forgiven him that Jmall 'Debt be ow'd to thee? 34 And his Lord was wroth, and de- liver'd him to the Jaylors to be kept in Prifon, till he lhould pay all that was due unto him. 37 So hkewife ihall my heavenly Father do alfo unto you, /. e. he fkall by no means forgive you four much Greater and Oftner Trefpajfes againft him, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his Brother their Smaller and Fewer TrefpafTes againft you. SECTION V. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St Matthew, from Chrift's Departure out of Galilee in order to his Com- ing up to Jerufalem at that Paflbver whereat he Suffer'd, and which was tn the thirty fifth Tear of his Life (or A.D.^ 3.) to his Coming to Bethany or Bethphage,and Riding thence in Triumph into Terufalem: Which Particulars take up Chap. XIX and XX. Chap XIX. And it came to pafs, that when Jefiis had finifh'd the chrift jrpartj Time of his long Stay in Galilee upon his fir ft Cominz thither after the irom G'l,l™> and t- ■/■ j .r in n 7 ■ 1 o r 1 ■ j-. /•• comes into Jmita fmprijonntfnt if the Haptijt ; which Stay of his was From fome time t.0<,»d j<,,dan. . after the 'Pajfover that was in the thirty fecond Tear of his Life, T« form time afore the Feaft of Tabernacles, that was m the thirty fourth Tear of his Life, and Jo near, if not quite, or (as fe-ems moft probable) even fomewhat more than two Tears ; during which Time it was that Jefus deliver V All thefe fayings or Difcourfes Jet down from Chap. 4. 1 2. to the end of Chap. 1 8. fVhen Jefus, I fay, had finifh'd this his long Stay in Galilee , he departed from Galilee in order to re ttt> to terufalem for i8r S. Matthew, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. £ iih% m to "oZ*a £ lvShias, Tn^ajt ^'ee> and came into the coafts 7l»pAi«. ^2K^»A^«^ °f J°^ g'Ja°tniJl°£e; fol. oyfisi 7reMo<' $ i%p%7itvapi- 3 The Pharifees alfo came *ajoi, vu&toiits aim , net) Ke- unto him, tempting him, and 0 * e ? wj« ' « ' ' laying unto him, Is it lawful jpv/es *ut$- E» e£e9iv eti^pawe a7n». for a man lo put away his wife Avovs -rio) yjjja+tg. a^T? ^ zraovci f°r every cau^e -? ' / _ r.> > n \ * 4 And he anfwer'd and faid eqTiw ; 4 O * ftWDxfi, V, a ™ ^ ^ ^^ yfi nQt rea(J> «.wm\S' Oux. any on, ott 0 immwis that he which made them at JX? 'J'm.«JZ* 'J,~,. vJi .. ?su»/.a , the beginning, made them male ttTT ap^HS, otp«» Xflif ^-jjAw CTrBino-eif antj female ? a%U; j Koq utnr Eiett* Sfov , And faid, For this caufe X£toA(k'44 et»3-pa-7r@- tcv jja-n'e*. fhall a man leave father and \ . \ 1 ■ \ nr mother, and fhall cleave to his x«f iu*jum&.^ *<* to&motonSn' Wlfe: and they two aaU be ffefixf th" }oc«*|5U auTW x.a\ 'i7r& fm j°yn'd together, let not man y, ', » o , put afunder. /C»£i$ c*ere is taken notice of only by St Luke from Chap. \q n> to Chap. 1 j. ult. And the Occurrences or HiHory of our Saviour's. Life from after the Feafi of the 'Dedication to his lafl Re- turn out of Galilee throjudea beyond Jordan tojerufalem, in order to keep there /.-js Lasl Taffover, is \aken notice of only by St John Chap. 10. 39 — I 1. j-j.. arid St Luke Chap. 14. 1 — i&. 14. St John tells us Chap. II. 54. S. Matt hew y Chap. XIX. 183 PARAPHRASE. 11. $4. that {after the Feasl of the Dedication) J ejus went unto a City call'd Ephraim. Now this City lay in the fVilderHef's of Judea near the Edge of Samaria. And therefore what St Luke [ays Chap. 17. 11. of Chrifi's paffvig thro the mid si of Samaria and Galilee in order to go to Jerufalem, may be very well underfiood of our Saviour's going from the jorement ion d City Ephraim thro' Samaria and Galilee between the Feafl of the 'Dedication aforementiond and his La/i Paffover. And it was at this Time of his Departing again from Galilee in order to go up tojeru- falem to keep his Lift Pafover, that be came not the Jhorteft Way, but round about thro Judea beyond Jordan. For accordingly it is After what St Lukf jays {Chap. 1 7. 1 1 .) of Chrifi's pafjing thro' the midfl of Samaria and Galilee in order to go to Jerufalem, that St Luke relates the Bringing of young Infants to Chrifl, and Chrifi's Curing the blind Man at Jericho^ and other Paffiges which are related by St Matthew and St Mark to have happen d in Chrifi's Journey from Galilee to Jerufalem. So that it is evi~ dent that St Matthew , as a/fo St Mark, omit and pafs by infdence All that occtirr'd from Chrifi's firjl Departure out of Galilee after the Death of the BaptiB to the Feasl of Tabernacles \ and take notice only of his Departure from Galilee hinted at Luke 17. I'fc in order to his going to Jerufalem to keep his LaH Pafover. This being obferv'd, Ifljall now go on with the Htfiory of St Matthew's Gofpel. Our Bleffed Saviour then fometime after the Feasl of the Dedication aforementiond, being come ftom the City of Ephraim thro' Samaria into Galilee, after a fhort Stay and only pafjing thro' it, be departed again from Galilee , and came into the Coalts of Judea beyond Jordan. 2 And great Multitudes follow'd him, and he heal'd them there likewije, as be bad done afore in Galilee and other Places. 5 The Pharifees alfo came unto him here, as they had done in other of D,ll'rrt> ancj Places, tempting him to fay fomewhat which they might take hold oftothsui/t of'comi- Accuje him, or at leaft to 'Difcredit him among the People, and faying"""7- unto him , Js it lawful tor a Man to put away his Wife for every Caufe as he has a Mind} 4 And he anfwer'd and faid unto them, Have ye not read ( Gen. i- 27.) that He who made them at the Beginning, made them Male and Female; $ and faid moreover ( Gen. 2. 24.) For this Caufe fhall a Man leave Father and Mother, and fhall cleave to his Wife ; and they two (hall be look' d upon to be join d together in foJiuSi an Union as to be but one Flefli or Body , being no more to be feparated than the Members of one and the fame Body ? 6 Wherefore by the Com- mand of God they are no more to be look d upon as Two diftincl Bodies, but as One Fleih or Body. What therefore God has joyn'd together, let not Man, i e. no Man can put afunder without violating the forejaid Pru mitive Law of God. 7 They fay unto him, Why did God by Mofes 1 84 S. Matthew, Chap. XIX TEX To TRANSLATION. •jfg'sj/ev vfSti ^fcroAucTX) m.$ yjujxvH&i v/xuf k.7t apV^S «J^ S4 yiy>nv aura. 9 Ae>) *M!a/, (JLOl-X*.- Xxy %oq 0 ~&rn>\iAv(A&vlw •yxfjwowi , flBtygbToq. 10 Ae'y«(7J» OtOT^S Ot /MX- 3»Taj outoJ- Ei ouTos '6$li it cutiet TV i^fOiTTOU /Uilx TTJS yWX\YAS , OV ovjutpepi ya.fMx xoiAi9»iaay owt«* x.aj etaiv ew- you vo« , omits euyouy 7104- S** , - Auei? aura iA^-yy '©jys ji«* 7^/ }S 7wV7t«)y '^7y ^ jSaajAe/a iwy tfpayay. fts, becaufe of the hardnels of your hearts, fuffer'd you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not fo. 9 And I fay unto you,Who- foever {hall put away his wife, except ;/ he for fornication, and (hall marry another, com- mitteth adultery : and whofb marrieth her which is put a- way, doth commit adultery. 10 His difciples fay unto him, If the cafe of the man be fo with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he faid unto them, All men cannot receive this faying, * but they to whom it is given. 12 For there are fome eu- nuchs, which were fo born from their mothers womb : and there are fome eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themfelves eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens fake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive //. " 13 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he fhould put his Hands on them, and pray : and the difci- ples rebuk'd them. 1+ But Jefus faid, Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me : for of fuch is the kingdom of heaven. (£) See Mark 10. 10. *f Kcq S. Matthew, Chap. XIX. T8r pARAPHRASE_ becaufe of the Hardnefs and ' Perverfenefs of your Hearts, and Jo to pre- vent greater Evils you would other wife run into, not becauje it was Goo J in it /elf, futfer'd you to put away your Wives; but from the Begin- ning or Creation it was not fo permitted or allow 'd of, {as you find by the forecited Gen. 2. 24.) p And I fay unto you, that under the Gofpel- Jlate, which is dejignd to reftore Primitive Perfection as much as Hu- mane Nature is capable of Whofoever (hall put away his Wife, except it be for Fornication, or Unfaithfulnefs to his Bed, and fliall marry an- other, commus Adultery : and whofo marries her that is put away, do's commit Adultery. 10 His Difciples (b) afterwards privately in a cer- tain houfe fay unto him, If the Cafe of the Man be fo with his Wife, that he cant put her away for any thing lej's than Adultery or Unfaith- fulnefs to his Bed, it is not Good to marry. 1 1 But he laid unto them, All Men cannot receive this Saying, /. e. cannot live without Marriage, and within the Bounds of ChaBity, but they only to whom it, /'. e . the Gift of Continence or Tower of living Cha/llj without Marriage, is given by God. 12 For there are fome who. live as Eunuchs> i\e. Jingle and yet chafe Lives, who were fo born from their Mother's Womb, 1. e. who are enabled to live Jingle and chaUe by the Happinefs of their Natural Temper and Constitution: and there are fome Eunuchs, ( which Alone are commonly fo call'd,) who are made Eunuchs by Men, either them- Jelves or others unnaturally maiming their Bodies : and there be others^ who may be alfo call'd Eunuchs, who have made themfelves as Eunuchs, not by unnaturally maiming their Bodies , but only by a Voluntary and firm Refolution. of fubduing their natural Inclinations ; which Refolution they have taken up for the Kingdom of Heavens fake, i. e. that they might be more free from the Cares of this World, and fo the better attend the Bujinefs of Religion. And tho' this be an Excellency, yet God has not t/d up Men to attain unto it, but left them to their Liberty ; fo that He that is Able to receive it, • let him receive it, /'. e. he that thinks hitn- fs if Able to attain to this more excellent State of Life, may, if be pleafe, endeavour to attain unto it. 13 Then were brought unto him little Children by fome Believing . m- Jews, that he fhould put h;s hands on them, i. e. blejs them, and pray his Difciples for for them : and his Difciples, thinking thofe that brought them to do ah'ndlins L,"'« needlefs or improper thing herein, rebuk'd them. 14 But Jefus fa id to t",^ m°, ;,.». his T)tfiip!cs, Suffer linie Children, and forbid them not to be brought and Jo to come unto me : for however improper or needlefs this mayfeem to you , yet their being thus brought , and what I have and Jhall more Jay and do, upon this Occafion, will be of great. (7/e to the IV hole Church in relation to the Controverfies that Jhall artfe concerning receiving In- fants into the Church, or Baptizing them: Namely I fay unto you, that i86 S.Matthew, Gbap.XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 5TEV CU)T$- Al<$V.3Tt«.Ae «)«^j 71 »}<*•■ t y And he laid Aw hands on them, and departed thence. 1 6 And behold, one came and faid unto him, Good ma- iler, what good thing (hall I do that I may have eternal life? 17 And he laid unto him, 17.O A «™ *mf>' T, fu \iyui wh calicft thou me d? ©eoj. ei Si %\a? uo-iXjui us rdt^ £etlw, T»p»£t OTJU, Jtaq 7icw yunTngp.. x.ou\' AytTTYtCM t •/JToicnov o\tt as gioutw. 20 Ae- •)4 *"'7^ 0 vecw/ox©-" niyiw, ^3^- to eptAa^x^Jo/ cv* veoTJ?7ts (ttoo* 71 e'71 U9^pcJ; 2t E(p>l attTJM 0 In- dus' Ei %\e*s •rcAa©-' eivoq, 2*a- >e , 7raA>iu t« ^^jrctpyoyTW , 31*} Jo's aTTavoTs- x.oq e£«s Showo- /&/? ?j none good but one, that is God : but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the com- mandments. 18 He faith unto him, Which ? Jefus faid, Thou fhalt do no murder, Thou fhalt not commit adultery, Thou fhalt not Ileal, Thou fhalt not bear falfe witnefs, zp Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf. 20 The young man faith unto hirn, All thefe things have I kept from my youth up : what Jack I yet ? 2r Jefus laid unto him, It thou wilt be perfect, go and fell that thou haft, and give to the poor, and thou fhalt have £5» PARAPHRASE. fit 'Per fans to be made Members of my Church on Earth, and Inheritors of the Kingdom of God in Heaven, if And be laid his Hands on them, by tufty of ' Bit fifing them, and departed thence. iv. 16 And behold, One, viz- a young Mm (as appears from v 2.0.) of id's Inftru- „ ftions to iheTmmg a~ a great E/tate came and faid unto him, Good Mafter, / e. I take Thee Hich Man. to be a Truly Good Teacher fent by God, and therefore T come to thee to know , What more than ordinarily Good thing fii»H I do, that I may have the Joys and HapfJitefs o/£ternal Life m a more than (c) ordn-.aty 'Degree, as God has been pleas 4 tofjve we 'tie Comforts and Riches of this Lrfe in a more tlxrn ordinal y (J}egr:e} 17 And he faid unto him, In the fir/t place why calleft rhou me Good in fach manner? Tin I am S. Matthew, ChaprXIX; HTa r a p h r a S'e: a'Teacher lent by God, yet thou art to know that there is None that Can be properly call'd TRULT, or by way of D TSTlNCTlO N and EMINENCE, Good, but Orie, that is God, the Author and Giver of all Goodnefs. But to come to the Slueflion, If thou wilt enter into Eternal Life at all, thou art to keep the Commandments. 18 He fays unto him , Which i5 Jefus laid , That the Commandments of the First Table of the 'Decalogue, and which relate more immediately to God him- felf, are to be kept in order to attain Eternal Life, is allow 'd by All your Rabbies or Doilors. And whereas the Commandments of the Second Table are All, or Mo ft of them, render d of no Effect, or the Obligation to the true Observance of them is taken away by the Traditions or falfe In- terpretations of your Elders or Rabbies \ I jay unto thee , that the true Obfervance of thefe Commandments alfo of the Second Table is neceffarj to the Attainment of Eternal Life, viz. Thou fhalt do no Murder, Thou fhalt not commit Adultery, Thou fhalc not Steal, Thou fhalt not bear falfe Witnefs, ip Honour thy Father and thy Mother, which feems to be mention d After the four Commandments of the j aid Second Table already mention a, and fo contrary to the Order wherein the Command- ments are Jet down in the Table it /elf, as being a Command most nolo- rioufly render'd of no Effect by the Tradition of the Elders, or falfe Ex- position of the Rabbies ; as appears from what our Saviour has afore f aid of it, Chap. if. 4 — 6. And Jo likewije the Other remaining or tenth and last Commandment of the Second Tabk is necejfary to be obfervd to at- tain Eternal Life, which is exprefs'd indeed in the Dscakgue by, Thou fhalt not Covet fee. but may be Otberwife exprejsd, and ind&ed the Im- port of All the Commandments of the Second Table may mfhort be com- prehended under This, viz- Thou fhalt love thy Neighbour as thy felf,; /. e. Thou fhalt do to Others, as Thou wouldit Others fhould do to Thee, according to the Rules of Right Reafon. a© The young Man fays unto him, All thefe things rejuir'd by the fore faid Commands have I kept or obfervd, fincerely or without any Evafio», in following the Tradition of the Elders, from my youth up : What lack I yet to do, not only in order barely to attain to Eternal Life, but that an Entrance \d) thereinto may be minifterd unto me Abundantly , or that I may attain to a more than ordinary Degree of Happinefs therein} 21 Jefus faid unto him, If thou wilt be One of the more Perfect here on Earth , or arrive to One of the greater Degrees ofPerfeition in Religion in this World , that fp thou may' ft arrive to a greater Degree of Happinefs in the World to come, go and fell that Estate thou halt, and give what thou fettejl it for to the Poor, and thou fhalt have Treafure, /'. e. a more than ordinary Reward, and ANNOTATIONS. 188 S. Matthew, Chap. XIX. ~~~~ TEXT. TRANSLATION. A ci v&su' **| My, ieoA*^ treafure in heaven: and come / .. r / o «»v, in^A^ AuTtt^©-" k£ £ heard that laying, he went rl r? .v k away forrowful : for he had $g *5^? TU*'I , 8rcat poflcflions. 23 O « ven- . ,_,',,, , 2| ^rid agatn I lay unto ojSJfy eu)eo*aTie5» Mi KJtpiAc* 2?# y0U) tt fS€a(fa for a came[ lo WtfwWSs pap/Jos $UA9e»», » TiAtf- 8° through the eye of a needle, f \i- 1 -.~ ■ ,„- than for a rich man to enter am us t famfww V ©e* «ffiAb«v. jnt0 the kingdom ofGod 27 AiVacurliS JV o/. ,ua')"'1'rxl at-TV, 2j When his difciples heard ,ir , ' /„ . > .' ~ r' (/j they were exceedingly a- **i*w>™ *H«, Ai^w^ r/s ^ jl,.^ who theYcan Jtf h few, £*» «t& n«^i»- fr *ut Jefu» M«g ,thera> L , , , , ^c < ro and laid unto them, With men 3-paOTJS Ttfra aL&wsiTcv 69^, <*r£$t Js this is imp.oflible, but with ©e? :*p(& ftwim & Gcd aI1 thinSs are PPffib,e- '27 Tots- ^rote^-sis o n«7?©-, 2-7 Then anfwer'd Peter, f ■p.^,'~'' o ' and faid unto him, Behold, we e< gfv i* --n oigjc. thee; what (hall we have there- jjgj $%$ 28 O ^ ^ £$ f0re" A .. f " ..- , . . t / - - ,/ ' ~ 28 And Tefusfaid unto ihem, oaTD.j- AulwMyn «*»», mij/juiS Verily I fay unto you, that ye wl aX0A^i$£lr& m, °* TV **- which have follow'd me, in the ' ,- / ,} '• a' f m ~ • regeneration when the Son of Aty|4vecn*, M«ti .K9t^ > >/ v or wife, or children, or lands, « >«««*, .„ . wcra, „ *w*>™*»* for my names fake, {hall re- iiofJA-ni just, 6nst7ov^t7r\ai- ceive an hundred-fold, & lhall •J*Toq, & f«k) «<£,», *A*ie,io^. inherit cverlafting lift. \ , „ a ~ h «r 3° many /A?/ ^rvWs he fcnt thera J0 h/s ££.v, «t7T€9?iAe» owtvs ew, « 4. And faid unto them, Go *«»,« M*«r T»)iii <* ««< *f yetlfo into the vineyard, and tcv A^7rEAava" jjjw 0 i&i y h\^\oi, whatfoever is right, I will give ti,ou ifai- o; jv ^av r n*- y°u- And they went their way- ,fc . \ i|'v . \ > / s Again he went out about Aiv JZi\Je*i -©e< tKTlw Key o*icl- the fixth and ninlh houfj an. d Ylt- did likewift. d A rul l^^rUo &&, ifayb, . 6 tQd about the eie?entlJ f ]; • x ■ 1 ■ , nour ne went out> an° *ound •«?«€» ctMo^ £7ws &py>vs, i&\ Ae- others ftandmg idle, and faith yi cwtbTs- f 1 «A e^^Ts oAfc* t^» unt° th^ Why ftand ye here % , , ' • , ,» all the day idle ? flPfO* *PJ<"J^ 7 Ae^vaiy *ui^- ^ They fayuntohim3 Be- '"'Oti 65^15 iiftZs i/LUcdwcn.™, Aiyi caufe no man hath hir'd us. He , m , , , ~ . > > faith unto them, Go ye alio m- *utb«. Tnayvn « ^«s •(« toi a^- t0 the vineyard) & whatfoever ■^reAav* , ^ 0 lay w 5l^oy, A>i-vjxc9e. is right, //6 - i r,i » r' n ^» > ~ them their hire, beginning from ,» ^«9w, ^oi^os ^m ™» the laft unto the firft. p And when they came that were bird about the eleventh hour, they receiv'd every man a penny. 10 But when the firft came, they fuppos'd that they fhould have receiv'd more, and they likewife receiv'd' every man a i'^a.-mii y ws T$f "Qfo&TUs. 9 K«t} ih^HITiS 01 ?&i tLu hfWjLTM CilfoU/, 'i\a.Coi ■ dv a. SwLejLOH. 10 EA^ov- -n$ cTf 01 t^»7Di , c*o to us, which have born the 13 O Si ymttAjus, n™ m *o- burden and heat of the day. T3^ Erstipe, Qoc aSuJ ov oDvl. 13 But he anfwer'd one of r. „/:. / ' . them, and faid , Friend, I do ft«e« om^»mm put 14 Apov thee ^ wrong ;d)dft ^ thou to ctbv , jco^ Waye. ^sAa S$ {euro agree with me for a penny? n& ioAro) J\^ as **, m. if H r4 Take *A«/ thine is, and ', ,,s ', - a. oj . go thy way: I will give unto C8TC e£eiaai 0 ysAa o* this laft, even as unto thee. tdTs e«k«j >S 0 lfl*.\tus anu aro- »* Is " "ot lawfl11 for me r • ,J „ , v , / to do what J will with mine lays #j», ott sya «;«>« m/m; own? is thine eye evil becaufe id OuTaS ei, •&fa>- I am good ? ,' « . ;''3 « « * ' l6~ So the laft (hall be firft, •n>r x, 01 ^tb,, e^w ™Mo,,«p and the firft laft: -for many be Jca V01T01, oa/jpi JV 6kMiJoI. call'd, but few chofen. 17 Koq ANNOTATIONS Wherefore the Real", >n here given by thole that were hir'd about the eleventh hour for their ftanding idle, viz Becaufe no Man had hir'd them, muft belong only to Such as do not come into the church, or live according to the Gofpel till it is Late, bccau:e they were not afore call'd into the Church, or had not afore the Knowledge of the Gojfrel. So that this is very far from affording any Encouragement to Such as $. Matthew, Chap. XX. 1 9 3 p a rT phrase. fhall ye receive. 8 So when the Evening was come, the Lord of the Vineyard fays unto his Steward, Call the Labourers, and give thera their Hire, beginning from the Labourers that were catt'd or hir'dhH into the Vineyard, and fo proceeding unto the Labourers that were bird firft. 9 And wh«n they came that were hir'd la/I, viz. about the ele- venth hour, they receiv'd every Man a Penny. 10 But when the firlfc that were bird came, they fuppos'd that they ihould have receiv'd More; and they likewife receiv'd every Man a Penny, n And when they had receiv'd it, they murmur'd againlt the good Man of the Houfe, 12, faying, Thele that were bird lalt, have wrought but one hour in the Vineyard, and thou haft made them equal in Tay unto us, who have born the Burden of the IV hole , and conjequently the Heat alfo of the iVW/-day. i j But he anfwer'd one of them, and faid , Friend, I do thee no wrong : didft not thou agree ( verje i ) with me for a Penny ? 14 Therefore take that thine is, /. e. that thou haft right to according to thy Agreement) and go thy Way, having no wrong at all done to thee according to our /Agreement : I will give unto this that was bird one of the Lafl, even or as much as unto thee. 1 ? Is it not Lawfull for me to do what I will with mine own ? Is thine Eye evil or envious^ becaufe I am Good orBountifull in thus giving this lafl as much as thee ? 1 6 So, i, e. after this manner Man) that are the (;') Lafl call'd into the Church, {hall be equally rewarded with tbofe that are Firfl call'd and Aloil re- warded; and Many that art the Firfl call'd into the Church, fhall be no better rewarded than tbofe that are Laft call 'd and Lea/i rewarded: for of the Many that be call'd into the Church, there are but Few in corn- par ifon thatjloew fuch true Zeal for the Honour and Service of God, as to dejerve to be of the Number of tbofe that are Chofen to be rewarded voith the Firji or Higher Degrees of Happinefs and Glory. 17 And ANNOTATIONS. as do not come into the Church, or live according to the Gofpel till it is late, altho' they have been early talfd to come into the Church , or have early had the Knowledge of the Gofpel. (/) As by the Firft and Lift may very well be underftood in this Parable the Jews and Gentiles in companion of One t0 tne Other in general, the Jews be- ing call'd to the Knowledge of the Gofpel before the Gentiles : fo alio by the Fir si and hail may very well be undertlood the Jews that were firfl call'd in refpeel: of the Jews chat were or fhall be later call'd thro' the feveral Ages of the World, fince the Beginning of the Gofpel ; as alfo the Gentiles that were firs! call'd in refpect of the Gentiles that were or fhall be later call'd ; and laltly fuch whether Jews or Gentiles chat are call'd in the firft Tears of their Lives with refpect to fuch as are call'd later in their Lives. Namely, the general Defign of the Parable feems to be this, viz. to fhew that the Difference of Rewards do's ip4- S. Matthew, Chap. XX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 17 K*j iictCtuim 0 IncrSs as Ie- *7 And Jefus going up to ' **,' /° < tv'iv Jerufalem. took the twelve di- ej^At;^, «H>«*»G« T^Jfcftjut M*- fcipleS apart in the way, and Sjitks Kstf i^tcw ey tm* oja, xot) «th» faid unto them, ' ~ „ lf,\ » /° ' ' T 1 8 Behold, we so up to Te- T" "«tf«™5"T rufalem,andtheSonofman ZfevAufix, $ o uos sT iy'J-paTiv /g^Sju fhall be betray'd unto the chief j^cw'^'L. mZ* ~**m*«£L~, j ^„«„„., prielts, and unto the fcribes, 7Su<7i, £ ?c?7a>c/>ivvcny eH/7Dy ^afara- to death, io Koq a^&yw ceo™ toTs 'ffyyeojy »» And thall deliver him , , „y , , ^ to the Gentiles to mock, and to «? to tfniaifa x, /«A«z>r fwi- 20 Then came to him the _~ '~ -7 /° n ' v ~ mother of Zebedee's children, ,,J « ^ _ L , , "with her fons, worthippmg ij«y ogths, tz£3«, and defiring a certain T?ff»' 71 «■«/ mtv. 21 O ^ «- thinS of him- „ . , ., , , > o 21 And he faid unto her, Tny «*>• T, ^e*«s; Aiyi «*t$, What wilt thou? She faith un- EiVi iW KS$ottojy £tbj 0/ ,* , V* e- » ^ two fons may fit, the one on tuv,us o* %>ow, *«, e,5 thy right hand, and the other I/O; tuowfiUiv, ot tm /3*<7iA«ec crow, on the left in thy kingdom. 22 Amxefius ti 0 UmZs, aW**f » |utJefa5 anfwer'd and , , „ , faid, Ye know not what ye Owe oioVn 71 o^-mege. Auactofre ask. Are ye able to drink of w»«» to wro'cui, 0 eya ^A\« in- the CUP that J ftaI1 dr,nk of, , , . , ,, lV , x „ and to be baptiz'd with the ve*y, xaj to gxTrfio^a, 0 ey« £«- baptiftn that I am baptiz'd ^°/W> /SA^iaSvotji Ae'jpyffjy oco- with? The fay unto him, We p -; i «i „. \ . / . » are able. t# W.tt^. a 3 ^ A^ M. 2? And he faith unto them, 7oT$* To (xit 'TitTVitioi /md 7Tiiodt , Ye fhall drink indeed of my %«j ri /S^ttou*, "o iy^> jSctw-n'- cup, and be baptiz'd with the , , , , baptifm that 1 am baptizd C,o/4^j, $X7r-nj. prepar'd of my Father. 24 K*j S.Matthew, Chap. XX. 197 PARAPHRASE. , — — ; VIII. 17 And Jefus going up now to Jerufalem, took the twelve difciples jefus theiw apart or by themjehes in the Way, and faid unto them again the Third f™eD*"™*m0\ time, viz. m order to prepare them the more for what Jhould befall him hisDeathorSuf- and them at Jerufalem : 18 Behold, we go up to Jerufalem, and the^""^' Son of Man fhall be betray'd unto the Chief Priefls and unto the Scribes, and they fhall condemn him to Death, ip and fhall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to fcourge, and to crucify him ; and the Third Day he fhall rife again. 20 Then came to him Salome the Mother of Zebedee's Children, with chr;ft»f '^faer her Sons James and John, worfhipping him, and defiring a certain thing to the Requeji ot of him. x\ And he faid unto her, What wilt thou ? She, together^0™ J°\ ahnedr with her Sons remembring what Jefus had late/}1 (viz- Ch. ip. i%.)faid, \s Js er«| o* vfur «.A\ o5 eav 7SA-/1 o* ^iy yt«)«s 27 Kaj 0$ exv jeAw o# v/uu e«vocf ©/>4>k*> '«TV AoTfov ctv7i 7roMft)V. Ieer^a , flxoAS&Jicrev a^ o^A©- ^roAuJ. 30 Kot) j'Jy, S)jq TVCey> AejpviK, EAeVov i/Ua* Ko&e, ifos Aa£/<5\ 32 K«j ?as 0 biennis e^avvio-fv auTHS, xaj «tjv T/ ^sAe?e r7nnnm> iS^ttTy - 33 Ae- ^P!>cn» ttina' Kv&tt , »W diotrffaow v/J^f 01 otp*fo\(ju>i. 34 S77Aa/vvi- oSys (Ts 0 IncrvJ #4*70 to» ecp^aA- 24 And when the ten heard ;/, they were raov'd with indigna- tion againft the two brethren. 2j" But Jefus call'd them un- to him, and faid, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercife dominion over them, and they that are great exer- cife authority upon them. 26 But it (hall not be fo a- mong you : but whofoever will be great among you , let him be your minifter. 17 And whofoever will be chief among you, let him be your fervant. 28 Even as the Son of man came not to be miniftred unto, but to minifter, and to give his life a ranfbm for many. 29 And as they *went out of Jericho, a great multitude follow'd him. 30 And behold, two blind men fitting by the way-fide, when they heard that Jefus pafs'd by, cry'd out, faying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou fon of David. 31 And the multitude re- buk'd them, *that they *might hold their peace : but they cry'd the more, faying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou fon of David. 52 And Jefus flood (till, & call'd them, and faid, What will ye that I fhall do unto you ? 33 They fay unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be open'd. 34 So Jefus had companion on them, and touch'd their (JM1 S.Matthew, Chap. XX. 197 TEXT. TRANSLATION. At£v avw * ilFttai ckiiCht^a.1 clv- eyes : and immediately their ~ , , K x , , ,_ > e eyes receiv d fight, and they •rov 01 offiX/Mi, x, >i)w;\y3)limV, 2 A^y wtdT*- no- of Olives, then Tent Jefus two '0- 3i ' 11 -»J ,7 « ~ 1 d,fclPles>. , „ . poi^jm t ju^uiy r x7nioulivfiav $ a Saying unto them, Go in. «w9s«* ewnora Svov A „ , 1 f The Lord hath need of them ; >*J";'' iV* f^^ TO j^' ^ * &ftraightwayhewiufendthem, oyoptfTV, \eyilci' f EiWJe t»T ^t>- 4 All this was done, that ^ %&i> Uy, S taAeJj ik>M&i y Tell ye the daughter of '*5ti S'yov, k«\ TrSAoy $i ^^Wou. Sion, Behold, thy king cometh ^ ,-r CL' |j « jv1 I I > lint0 thee' meek» an0 ,ml0S 6 nopew^ms cTs ei ^tSu/sa, x, wow- upon an afS) and a colt ,ne foaj avctlts xjftvs tSffoaira.^ii auo&i 0 In- of an afs. v ii v , « ~ 6 And thedifciples went,& <**, ^ 7 »}«JP1 t 01011 x, t TraAoy, did as jefus commancled them, x,ct| £7reS>|)C5" i7iaia cwmi to /^Tta "7 And brought the afs, and * ~ « » u t 1 ■ • ~ the colt, and put on them their ww, a*, cmxst^ci i*xi. «T»h cIoaths;&th/yfet/^thereon. 8 0^ -^A.6i5os o^Aos «9p«(7w.y eoy- 8 And a very great mnl- •m m «>£n* oi tm SJ«- ^Moi 4 titufe fPread *eir 8arments ,, , , \'M 'r 1 in the way ; others cut down e>cms x, oi axflA^to.- went before, and that follow'd, tsj, e*^t'{oy,' hiyms- -Cltm-Hx t$ cry'd, faying, Hofanna to the if a ANNOTATIONS. and Mark agree with the Relation thereof by St Luke; concerning which fee more in my Treatife of the Harmony of the Go/pels, pag. 64, or §. jt. {*») It fcems very ftrange to me, that when bo:h the Prophets t'oxetold, that Chrift (liould ride on the Afs as well as the ic»#, and agreeably hereto St Mat- thew exprefly fays, that they brought the Afs as well as the Colt , and put on them S. Matthew, Chap. XXI. 199 PARAPHRASE. ~ ' ~ SECTION VI. Containing an Account ©/Chart's Coming to Bethphage, and Rid- ing in a Lowly and yet Triumphal Manner tojerufalem; with juch other Particulars as are taken Notice of by & Mat- thew, and were done on the Firft Day of the Paflion- Week , flow calld Talm-Sunday ; and take up Chap. XXI. i — 1 7. • Chap. XXI. And when they drew nigh unto Jernfalem , and were chnft'ndesto come to Bethphage," and fo unto the Mount of" Olives, on or at the Foot Jernfalem in a of which the Pillage Bethphage was fituated, then Jefus fent two Difci- Itl^L^ft pies, 2, faying unto them, Go into the Village overagaintt yon, and and'hercwr. ftraightway ye (hall Hnd an Afs ty'd, and a Colt ty'd with her, on which never Man jat {Mark 1 1.2.) loole them, and bring them unto me. 3 And if any Man fay any thing unto yon, ye (hall fay, The Lord hath need of them; and ftraightway he will fend them. 4 All this was done, that it might be fulfil I'd which was fpoken by the Prophet Zechariah, faying, j- Tell ye the Daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King comes un- to thee, Meek, and Lowly, viz. fitting on an Afs, and a Colt the Foal of an Als. 6 And the Difciples went, and did as Jefus commanded them , 7 and brought the Afs and the Colt , and put on them their Cloaths, and they fet him (m) thereon, i. e. on them both, viz. fome part of the IVaj oh the Afs , and fome part en the Colt, that even this young brutijb Creature quietly [ujfering our Saviour- to ride on it, tha never Man badfo much as jat on it afore , might by fuch its extraordinary and no lefs than miraculous Gentlenefs atteji orjhevo, that its Rider was an ex- traordinary Terfon. 8 And a very great Multitude fpread their Gar- ments in the Way; others cut down Branches from the Trees, and ftraw'd them in the Way, as is ujual in ihofe Countries and in thofe Times to do at the Triumphal Entrance of a great 'Prince. 9 And the Multitudes that went before, and that follow'd, cry'd, faying, Hofanna, i. e. ANNOTATIONS. them their Cloaths, and fet him **-*>« *w&, upon thewr yet fome will not allow that Chrift did ride upon Both, but only upon the Colt ; becauib St Mark and Luke mention his riding only on the Colt : Whereas it is to be obferv'd that tnefe two Evangelifts do likewife mention only a Colt all along their Relation of this Pafiage, viz. that 'twas only a Colt that was ty'd at the Door, and which the Difciples loos' dznd brought &c. Of much lefs Importance is it, that \tfee?/is improbable that our Saviour fhould change the Beaft he rid on in fo little a way. Surely fince! St Matthew exprelly fays, tha: they fet him- upon Them in the plural, luch an exbrefs JtfTertion fliould our-weifh bareh fiionos'd lmi>mt>nl>ilitu><- onrl 100 S. Matthew, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ci 1-iou.xti Kvcaw Slnaix ot tvH ' t' io Kx] aarA^vros carets Ie£$« aziKufx.x, taucQi) took, if 77oAi5, Aeyy- aa* T<5 £97» k"ro$ ; 1 1 Oi <& ovAoj eAejpv Ou7K £9zv bub's 0 ayo^-ros, 0 "Ssbra Naytpe1)- t raAiAeua«. 1 2 Kx] eictmA^sv 0 Iwy* e<5 to /g^y ?0ey, $ oS^&xAg tw»^j, Tyj 7raAfarv^£, £ ajp- g^ov'tali. tv t$ /epa, ^ to? 7f a7n^et4 fyax, TYJ TniXouxtiai Tas 'd&i&g?.?. 13 Kq \ey4 OM-nTii' Tty^x'Tf^' O oi- xoj fey, oix<35 "SfftxriV^ii Vo^Ve^)- v- pcm ocmA9o» ac7^ ivpAor £ ^Ao» ci 7$ /epa* x,ct| e9i^c7nyae» ootvj. iy L&'ms JS 0/ if^tifus xx\ 0/ ^x/u^cxrtts to JxvfxaLnx * i7nwiy kx) ry's -srouShLs x^x^ovtcli ci t$ /epa; , Jtaj Ae^v^(4 , £2ffa.»va. 7$ qa- AdCiS", «}«vctx.7>iaay. 1 6 K«| U7toi xv7&" Awns 77 ?7bi Xiyvcni i O ,U«.70S V>1- TTtoy x, SnAa^ovTOy jycTupTira cti»ovj 17 Kot) KftmAiTrov outus, cccj Agy^ a*>T«' Mux-eir 6/k. (too *j£p- 97C5 yivviToti fe*s tov oqaVA. Koq o^d- £$t'9fl ©^ypvi.ua, vi aiiYJA. 20 Kcoj libvTSS 01' .aa^DTeq, £^au- ^•/15*v3ji w TB15' A/i^ ^g- ^IgcJc^^MTe , £ . B7TOTB' ApS»|77, fcotl /3A«- S;iti as lit* ^ocA^ojav, >«v>io-eTsq. 18 Now in the morning as he return'd into the city, he was hungry. 19 And when he (aw a fig- tree * by the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and laid unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And prefently the fig-tree wichtr'd away. zo And when the difciples faw it, they marvell'd, faying, How foon is the fig-tree \vi- ther'd away ? 2i lefus anfwer'd and faid unto them, Verily I fay unto you, If ye have faith and doubt not, ye fhall not only do this which js done to the fig-tree , but alfo if ye (hall fay unto this mountain , Be thou re- mov'd , and be thou caft into the lea ; it {hall be done. 22 Kotj ANNOTATIONS. (/>) See Mark 11 13. (a) This is a very eafy and probable Way to reconcile what is related con- cerning thia matter by St Matthew and St Mai k. Whereas, when St Matthew exptclly afli^ns (he Driving ouc of the Traders to the firft day or" the Faflion- week, and S. Mark as exprcfly affigns it to the Second ; to fay that one of the Evangelifts negle&ed the Exaffnefs of Time as of no Importance, is to (ay that one of them is guilty of a downright Falfity in his Relation j which is norto be unagin'd ot an Infj>ir'd Writer. (r) This is evident from St Mark's Relation, Chap. 1 1. 10 &c. (/) Compare Mark 11. zt— z±. and read my Paraphrafe thereon. That the Apoftles and other Primitive Saints, who were enabled to work Miracles, had „i they were :o ule Prayer and Falling for the Divine Alfiftance, according to Ch. 17.11. (r)See S. Matthew, Chap. XXI. aog PARAPHRASE. SECTION. VII. Containing an Account of fuch Particulars as mere done on the (e- cond Day or the Monday of the Paflion-Week,tf»dl are taken notice of by St Matthew, Chap. XXI. 1 8, 19. 1 8 Now in the Morning, viz- of the fecond'Day of the Pa/fion-Week, chrift ««•/« the 33 he return'd from Bethany into the City, he was hungry. 19 And F^V"o r°l^on when he faw a Fig-tree (p)afar off, as be was going along in the Way, it. He went out of the Way and came to it, and found nothing thereon, but Leaves oniy ; and he (aid unto it, Let no Fruit grow on thee hence- forward for ever : And this our Bl. Saviour is very probably thought to have done, to intimate that in like mariner the Jewifh Nation, having now for the Generality of it only a Formal Trofeffion of Religion, and not bringing forth the Fruit of it ^fliould fuddenly be Curs' d and Rooted out. And prelent- ly, viz. before the next Morning, the Fig-tree wither'd away. Then con- tinuing his Journey to'Jerufa/em, he came thither, and went again into the Temple, and finding the Money-Changers and other Tiaders (y) got again into the Outer Court, notwithstanding what he had done and [aid to them the Day afore, He drove them All out again, repeating again his Injiru- filtons to them concerning the 'Defign of, and Reverence due to the Houfe of God: Whereupon the Chief 'Priejls and Scribes fought how to deslroy him. And when the Evening was come, he went out of the City back again to Bethany. And this Relation of his Coming this'Day alfo into the Temple, andDrtving out the Traders, we have from St Mirk on/y.[Ch. 1 1 . 1 j — 19.) SECTION VIII. Containing fuch Particulars as were done on the third Day or the Tuefday o/W;ePaffion-Week,a»^ before the Evening thereof and which are taken notice of by St Matt. Ch.XXl.20-XXIII.ult. zo And when the Difciples faw it, viz. the Fig tree wither'd, as{r) The mo'fl imP,f- they went again the next ( i. e. Tuefday) Mornin? from Bethany to 5>.A*'«[hi"gsin^- Vi u II >J /- • tt / ■ L j-i -i > 1 "*rc t0 be done bv rujalem , they marvelld, laying, How loon is the rig-tree wither d f«,>/,. away? 21 Jefus anfwer'd and (aid unto them, Learn hence to have (/) Faith in God: for Verily I fay unto you, U upon the Impulfe or Sugge/lion of the H Spirit to undertake any thing as tending to the Glo- ry of God, and what yejha/l be enabled by him to peiform, ye have due Faith in Gods Tower \ and thro IVant of fuch Faith doubt not, but mojt firmly and without all doubt believe , that what thus by the Suggestion of the H- Spirit you jay, or cammand to be done,Jhall accordingly be done by the Z>ivme Omnipotence ; ye lhalJ not only do as much as This which is done to the Fig-treei but alfo fuch things as are moll impolfible to be io^ S. Matthew, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 22 KoC) 7TOV7W. oW (i. V C*(T7?07m » TM 23 Koq iKjvvn 00119 e<« to /epov, pas $ o» ■aftaQiiTi^i V AaS, Ae^pv- w Ev 7raicc tfytcnet, ^Zm 7nius ; $ 24 A-wo/^i^j Si 0 Iy\) e£ etv^paTOv; Oi A £le- Ao>i'(,oyTO ct^5 eocuTOiV, Ae^VTSS' Eiv U7ai(ui, E% ^^cvS* Ip4 «#Tv Ai*t/ ouo ii'x, '^75?i;ffa7e 0019 j 25 Eav cTfe1 ilTmfui , E% av^-pa7rav poCot;- /^e1}* toii oyAov TtatTiS )b 'i%V$ •Gpotpynluii. 27 Koq ^t>- K/>(^»Te5 t&) IwrSr, e<7n>y Oux, oi'iJei.- /uev. E ^i"lv ^v w/et invoice fauvx vntcS. 28 Ti h ufiii iox.4 j Av9pa7705 u-)a TDtv* iTl/'o, x) tspotrzKjai t&) tsfarcc, a7jv Tex.vov, o^rays, cw,aepoy sp^wCjV £H t$ «.(nn\mi («V. 29 O r , „ ~r , , aid the will of his father? They TiaypSs; Aihsaii ojjtQ- O tifa>(oi. Asyl fay unt0 him, The firft. Jefus 8*75/ S PARAPHRASE. it fhall be done by the Divine Omnipotence. 22 And further, All things whatfoever ye fhall ask in your Common or daily returns of Prayer ; if they be Jitch thing s as ye ought to pray for, and are agreeable to the (fill ofGody and requifite for you ; and if ye are Believing, cr doubt not but thro' God's Tower andGoodnefs jejhalli eceive them, ye fhall receive them accordingly. zg And when he was come into the Temple, the Chief Pnefts and How "*hrjft * Elders of" the People came unto him as he was teaching, and laid,. By imc'd the jews, what Authority doft thou thefe things, viz. Come into the City i»fnchj^"d ^Jg^t Triumphal manner as thou did ft lately, and turn the Traders out of the his Uuthnitj. Outer Court of the Temple, and Teach the People ? and who gave thee this Authority ? 2^ And Jefus , knowing that they who were not con- vwc'd by his 'Doclrine and Miracles would much lej's be convmc'd by his bare affirming in a dtrecl Anfwer, that he was Authorized by God, chofe rather to Jilence them by retorting upon them another Queflion, and that Jitch an One as that the right Solution thereof Jhould carry in it a full An- fwer to their own Queflion put to him : Wherefore he anfwer'd and faid unto them, I alio will ask you One thing, which if ye tell me, I in like- wife will tell you by what Authority I do thefe things. 25 TheBa- ptifm of John, i.e. the Authority by which John baptizd, was it from the God of Heaven , or only a Contrivance of Men ? And they reafon'd with/« themfelves, faying, If we fhall fay, From Heaven; he will fay unto us, Why did ye not then believe him, particularly as to the Te- ftimony he gave of Me ? 26 But if we Ihall fay, that Johns Baptifm was only a Contrivance of Men, we have renfcn to fear we Jhall generally enrage the People ; for All of them hold John as, ;'. e. to have been a Pro- phet Jent by God. 27 And hereupon they anfwer'd Jefus, and faid, We cannot tell. And he faid unto them, Neither tell I you by what Au- thority I do thefe things ; it being evident, that you who believe not the BaptiB, whom yet ye daie not exprejly and openly deny to be jent from God, will much le/s believe me, Jlmtld I tell you that I do thefe things by an Authority which I have receiv d lihewife from God. 28 But what think you of this "parable, which will ferve fitly tojliew, m that whatever high Opinion you have of your f elves, you are muchlVorfe chrin Aiews by than thole you de/pife and fhun as Sinners. A certain Man had two Sons, 'che ParLabIe ,°! ''"" 11 £. r«- 11 1 r ■ 1 c 1 -it- > Sons, ihaz thePha- and he came to the hint, and faid, Son, go work to day in my Vine- rifm &c were yard. 29 He anfwer'd and faid, I will not; but afterwards he repented ""['u.^\^e and went. 30 And he came to the Second, and faid likewife. And hmo"'.' ao6 5. Matthew, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ootdTs o Uvii- A.ulcu Aty* vfui, on faith unt<> them, Verily I fay , « / / < ~ unto you , that the publicans M TSAavaq & «* TTCpja, «f »*yvoi» u/«S and the harlots gQ ^ tfae ta r Qa.aiAu.xt ii ©sotf. 32 HA^s kingdom of God before you. e , - ~ . t , .'.«■(, 32 For John came unto you £ «&< ufMi l«*t^ o# of* ^0. in ^the waJy of righteoufayfs f ciumi, kx\ Qf/C oThssiW-rs awaf' oj and ye believ'd him not : but JS) **\Z.~t J »i rJ>«M, :GJ,-c»m „ «n the publicans and the harlot^ dt TSAiSVOH, >£. XI 7re3V5U 6709^(^0,11 0W- 11,11 . j 1 < ~ •'••?> > • / beiievd him. And ye when •Rp* t^y<;i9»lTe ye had feen it, repented not v9tP9i, tS TttkrtW «Lt£. afterward , that ye might be- et P ' 1 , , lieve him. 33 AMlo/ crPaGoAZo, iMt9v.il. Si Hear another parable: Afyenns rts iw oi'xoJWow*, b'e^co» a*. hedg.d K round abo7utj and i& -s^e'Sflx*, X.0C4 apo^€» ii ajuT$ An- digg'd a wine-prefs in it, and \ 1 ■ «i 1 1 »£' built a tower, and let it out „,, *«h ?»> V" Trt/pjpr x«, <&- t0 husbandmeri) and went into Jb7B aui7Bv yiuppif, x.oLf xtnfatjwm. a far country. 34 Ore J^ Jrf«i 5 wd< r^ wp- . H And. Whe" th? !!mf °f 'T j , , ,v ■ „. ^ the fruit drew near, he lent ■7rav, «.7r?5?iAfc T«s SVAVs outi* &fis his iervants to the husband- ry J ywpyv's, te£*v t*s kWj ou#. men> that v E^cc.^^vt^ »°to tne,f his fon' fay'nS» , , , v , , Iney will reverence my Ion. li]0i^. 38 Oi St yico^yn iSontS 38 But when the hiisband- t mi, z™ h icivToii' oZiii v&v 0 men fav the !on' 'hcy fald,a- , , „ , , mong themlclves, This is the xM^iofMS , fruit, "Xmxluwftti cm- heir, come, let us kill him, and 7Dy, x,cq t(st.TZ>ia/i)fiii -rlw JcX^^o/utouv *ct us 'eize on n!S inheritance. , v» „»i >/!««&«'*• a far Country. 34 And when the Time of the Fruit drew near, He""" &c' lent his Servants to the Husbandmen, that they might receive the Fruits of it, i. e. the Vineyard, is And the Husbandmen took his Servants, and beat one, and kill'd another, and fton'd another. 35 Again he lent other Servants more than the Full; and they did unto them like- wife. 37 But lait of all he lent unto them his Son, faying, They will not be fo (Vicked to the higheH Degree,' as not to Reverence my Son , as they ought. 38 But when the Husbandmen faw the Son, they faid among themfelves,This is the Heir, come, let us kill him, and let us feize on his Inheritance. 35) And tlxy caught him, and caft him out of the Vineyard, and Hew him. 40 When the Lord therefore of the Vineyard comes, What will he do unto thofe Husbandmen, think\ye ? 41 Thty, not perceiving yet that this Parable was defign'd to reprefent the great Wickednefs of their Nation tnperfecuting and killing already the Prophets, and in their bein? about to kill alfo Chri.fi him/elf within a Fe.w a'avs . xo8 5. Matthew, Chap. XXI, XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. x*Mr«s ii toTs wtois ow-nay. 42 Ae- hi™ the fruits m their feafons. . , w , _,*/ , / 42. Jefus faith unto them, yf oeoTDJS 0 Ivirous^ OuJ*7ioT« ave- Dld ye never read in the fcri. yult h rats -^xfaui' Al%i ov km- ptures, The ftone which the . , . . - ~ *■ builders reiecled, the fame is hjufnow o« oixohfMTts, *tw tyt- becometheheadofthecorner? v«3») us Kz witou;; Grty. Kv- this is the Lord's doing, and it 1 , < *«- u Wl11 8nnd him t0 powder. '_i ' ' t^ > ' /_ 1,, ,' 4 J And when the chief x/moJ *>"»'; ^K^w^feo, p„efts and Phanfees had heard ap^epas jyy 01 d tWi, IpoC^oav t«5 oytels, i«r«- the multitude, becaule they . 1 , / . •, i * took him for a prophet, d^t af \tuo xi/tbv e*"Vov. r r , ', , , Chap. xxir. ^ Ke

vhich made a marriage for his •red- 3 K«i xTnreiAg t^s «^yAV5 3 And fentforthhisfervants AVTV KctAejcq t«s xtx-Avi^^ «4 t0 cal1 them that were bi^en , , , » >in % to the wedding: & they would t«« yx^w^* x*1 C^c >i^Aov eA- not come ^■«». 4 rixAiv a^5i»A6V j I/y, to a£^95» f«o «W/**aa.• 01 have prepar'd my dinner : my TOU£S-J S. Matthew, Chap. XXI, XX11. " 109" PARAPHRASE. der him the Fruits of the faid Vineyard in their Seafons. By which Anfwer they unawares gave Judgment againB themselves, that it was but Juflfor God to rejetJ and deflroy the Unbelieving Jews, and to call the Gentiles to the Knowledge of the Gofpel, whojhould obey it. 42 Jefns fays unto them, 7f have rightly Judg'd ; Even thus will God deal with you. And, whereas perceiving now the Drift of the Parable, they would have recall d their Words, faying, God forbid, {Luke 20.16.) Jefus added, Nay thus it muH certainly be : for Did ye never read in the Scriptures, {Pfal. ir8. 2.2.) The Stone which the Builders reje&ed, the fame is be- come the Head of the corner ? this is the Lord's doing, and it is mar- vellous in our Eyes, i.e. Christ, whom the Unbelieving Jews rejec7ed, Jlhill thereupon receive the Gentiles into his Church, and fhall unite the Believing Jei&s and Gentiles into his Church, as the principal ' Corner- flone unites and joy ns together the two Sides of a Building. 43 Therefore I fay unto you, The Privilege and Happinefs of being the Kingdom or People of God fhall be taken from you Unbelieving Jews, and given to a Nation or great Society, confijlmg ofjome Believing Jews, but chiefly of Believing Gentiles, bringing forth the Fruits thereof, i. e. anfwerable to juch a Privilege or the Knowledge of the Gofpel. 44 And whofoever fhall fall on or Bumble at this Stone mention d afore 11.42. fhall be broken ; but on whomfoever itfhali fall, it will grind him to Powder; i.e. who- foever fhall disbelieve any Part of the Gofpel, or not live according to any of its Rules, fhall be fever ely punifh'd: but he that fhall utterly andfi* nally rejeSi the Gofpel, and behave himfelf fo as to defer vs the utmoH Wrath which is threaten d in the Gofpel, fiall accordingly be utterly and miferably deBro/d. 45- And when the Chief Priefts and Phanfees had heard thefe his Parables andDifcourfes, they perceiv'd now plainly {par- ticularly from v. 43.) that he fpake of them. 46 But when they fought to fay hands on him, they fear'd the Multitude would not let them, becaufe they, /'. e . the Multitude took him for a Prophet \ and therefore the Chief PtieBs fee. forbore apprehending him, 'till thy had a proper Opportunity. Chap. XXII. And Jefus anfwer'd and fpake unto them again by Pa- The rlwbie of rabies, and laid, 2 The Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. the Gofpel-ftate is $e ^"Uge of a like unto a certain King, that made a Marriage for his Son : the King & ' s°"' denoting God ; the Son, Jefus ChriB ; and the Marriage, the Calling of Men into the Church {the Spoufe or Bride ofChrifi ) by the preaching of the Go/pel- 3 And the /aid King fetu forth his Servants, viz. the Af- files during ChriJl'sStay on Earth, to call them that were bidden to the Wedding, i. e. to preach the Gofpel to the Jews, who were the Peculiar People of God, and had been afore admoniflSd of the Coming of the Mef- Jias by the Prophets and BaptiB: and they would not come, i.e. re- jected the Gofpel. 4 Again he fent forth other Servants, viz. not only aio S.Matthew, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. mv&i fjuu ^i i» omfBt Tijv/j&fiot,, oxen and wy failings are kill'd, « » «• ***■• • ._' ' and all things are ready : come /tw«$. j: Ol Si i^Xyxnalts, a.7ni\' 5- But they made light of/'/, V 0 fjSJi us Toy frioy iy&h 0 ' £a915 oJixT- O ^ ycU 8 Then faith he to his fer- r, , , , vants, The wedding is ready, jit©- 67Di(CMS 'e^Ty , 01 Si iuxM(dt>oi but they which were bidden Or* way *|«oi. 9 nofw«e9e eta were not worthy. »/ai 1 tv. £>« -SPA « «~ ' 0 Go ye therefore into the Ol t»s Ho^S itfotou *-» high -ways, and as many as cffDtg <£y eilpnts, JtstAeoaT* e<$ tvs ye fhall find, bid to the mar- yl[jM4. 10 Kom founts o» «J£- na§e- ; '' • -Mr , ~ , , , v ■ , 10 So thofe fervants went Xu oxwvot e<5 tos o t\ / < > v / ^ « f they found, both bad and good : **, «yaV *** «**>r<3? 0 y^ andJthe wedding was furmfli'd jufySy cLKLx.ufjfyi(ei. 1 1 EiVeA^ay Si with guef ts. 0 0*cnAei>s VoaoStt, TVs «y**e<- . xi And when the king came , „ ,r,/a. » > in to fee the guefts, he faw ^ooi$ , e< Sit 0x4 ctv^-paTTOy ou^ o*. there a man which had not on SiSv^ot ItSoyuL yifMv. 12 K«j a w«dding-garment : ^^„ -.'"— & t:- ~ — ~, 'J^%Q.,, 12, And he faith unto him, ' , t/ * r ' y , Friend, how cam It thou in hi- aSi [am t%u>i tiJ^v/Mi yxfiuvi O Si ther, not having a wedding- £>^3«. 13 Ton Zmt 0 (3*01- garment? And he was fpeech- Ae*s 7015 a/^txoyois* A>?oayT(i5 ow^ 13 Then faid the king to ^Jki x„ti yueai, iW7i WT^y, x«| thc, fervants Bind hfm hand Il*»,'«^ / , ,fc, and foot, and take him away, oxtaAe/e ei5 to wotos to o8;«Tepoy and caft /;/w into outer dark- ck| S. Matthew, Chap. XXII. in TEXT. TRANSLATION. o*3 «?"«| 0 kXoluJ(ju>$ x«j 0 fyvyuls nefs: there fliall be weeping ~» »rv' T-, .. \ 1 » _ and gnafhing of teeth. toJW I4noMotw^^. 14 For many are caD'd, but roi, ohlypi Si c/kXvJsi. few are chofen. 17 ToVe "paraphrase. Dinner; my Oxen and my Failings arekill'd,and All things are ready; come unto the Marriage, i. e. All things requijite for the Redemption of Man on Chnsl's Tart is novo accomplijli d , and the Gofpel-Covenant now efabli/h'd , and ye are invited by God to embrace it. $ But they, i. e. the jiews made light of it, and went their Ways, One to his Farm, Another to his Merchandile : 6 and the Remnant took his Servants, and entreated them fpitefully, and flew them. 7 But when the King heard thereof, he was wroth ; and he fent forth his Armies of the Ro- mans, and deftroy'd thole Murderers, viz. the Jews, and burnt up their City, eia. Jerufalem. 8 Then fays he to his Servants, The Wedding . is ready, but They, i. e- the Jews which were bidden, were fo Unwije and Wickgd as to render them f elves , by making light of the Invitation given them. Unworthy offucb a Favour and Benefit, p Go ye there- fore into the High- ways, i. c. to the Gentiles , and as many as ye fliall find, bid to the Marriage, i- e. preach the Gofpel to All thoje ye come to. 10 So thofe Servants went out into the High- ways, i.e. to the Gentiles, and gaiher'd together, /. e. receiv'd into the Church, All as many as they found willing to come in; among which there were both Bad and Good: and the Wedding was furnifh'd with Guefts, i. e. great Multitudes were receiv'd into the Church. 11 And when the King came in to fee the Guefts, he faw there a Man which had not on a Wedding-garment: Thus God fees or knows thofe that be Bad, or Chrijiians only in Trofeffton, not living according to the Rules of tl)e GoJpeL 12 And he fays unto him, Friend, how cam'fl thou in hither, not having a Wedding-gar- ment? And he was Speechlefs, i.e. had nothing to fay for himfelf \ as Jljall All thofe at the Day of Judgment, who having profejs'd the Go/pel, and been thereupon admitted into the Church, have not liv'das Members of the Church. 1 3 Then laid the King to the Servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and caft him into Outer Darkneft, 1. e. turn him Out of Doors into the Dark. So /hall God at the la ft Day caft thofe that have profefs'd, and not obey'd the Gofpel, out of the Light orHappineJs of Heaven into the Eternal Darknefs and Torments of Hell: (/) there fliall be Weeping andGnafhing ofTeeih. 14 For Many are call I'd to the Knowledge of the Gofpel; but Few of them in comparifon walkfo in Obe- dience to the Go/pel, as to be of the Number of Thofe thatjhall be chofen iix S.Matthew, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. if Tsitwif^'rwoi^fWoi, 15 Then went thePhanlees, Pr ,i p „ \ ' ^ and took counfel how they av^hm eAaGov ottqs cum mtyx- might *enfnare him in hu ta)k, Stvauaiv it Aaya. \6 Kx\ ^ttsWa- k* And they Tent out unto - T_« ■ l rv ' «.«._» him their difciples, with the *w» w^tw p«SnT*S cu™ tf Herod]anSj fty£& Rafter, we •ray Hpffijtetvay, AeytliS' AnJWxaAe, know that thou art true, and «?&!.«. X« i*„cj, *? „' J.\. ijsl. ».r; teacheft the way of God in „.' , ■ • ( , truth, neither carelt thou for ®iV on clA-aJucl $\Ste,x.§i t%m J$iq wini give tribute unto Cefar, or not? ,. / ,v ,i „ _ i m > , ~ I, 18 But Tefus perceiv'd their K*oap«, vv^ 1 8^ Tivs h o Um t wickednef^ an5 faid : Why 'mntKUJi cui-mi , &71V tx (u wet^i. tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? > < n ' _ * 'y io Shew me the tribute- Cm.TTO^j ,9 E^«n^ money. And they brought un- 7Z lofuajxet. tV tomom* Oi Si zafocnmf- to him a penny. U» »•*$ Waco*. 20 K^ A&tf »° And he faith unto them, "„ , t , , „ /; Whofe « this image and iu- aoTois* To©-' >) axxiiy cutyi «.<*) » perfcription ? '^tw^; 21 Aeyvcw <*£•*$• Kow- _ « They/aY ?nt0 him,' Ce' ' , , , ■ '„ , lars. Then faith he unto them, cap©-. Tots Aeya au-rois- Attc- Render therefore unto Cefar tort oTw to KoMff«p(^, Kooowei- g the things which are Cefar's : >~~~ f and unto God, the things that ?a ry ©etc, 7$ ®tcc. 22 K*| ax.V- are (jod>s mxvns Ijaufixcixr jcoj £. 22 When they had heard i >_~^(\ thefe «wiA9cy 23 The fame day came to aiSWWvu^oi, oi AeVv^ej tuilT) iy*. him the Sadducees, which fay , , c , , , that there is no refurrection , sawn* $ ivnipaTT^ wm, 24 Ae^y- and ^y him> Tii- AitoLm&ht, Maxnis Sttsv E*» ~~ .T . t,c unto his brother. nciampw^ccfr^w^ 2rU% ^ Now there were wjth «^ «rP jj/wTy eTrlst ctfoAfor ^ 0 'opaics, us feven brethren, and the firit 5«pie3t^ S.Matthew, Chap. XXII. 11$ PARAPHRASE. VI. 15- Then went the Phanfees, and tookCounfei how they might en- of paving Tri- fnare him in his Talk. 16 And they fent out unto him feme of their bute unt° ^P'- own Difciples, who looked on the Roman Government as an Ufurpatiou, with fowe of the Herodians who adher'd to Herod as a Right full K;>ig, and consequently maintain d the Right full Authority of the Roman Go- vernment, by Virtue of which Herod was made King : Accordingly Thefe Terfons of two different and directly contrary Opinions came to Chrift, laying in a flattering- manner, the better to conceal their Infidioufnefs \ Matter, we know that thou art a True Teacher come from God, and as fitch teacheft the Way of God in Truth, neither carett thou for any Man fo, as not to fpeak^the Truth either out of Fear or Flattery : for thou regarded not the Perfon of Men in fitch an unwarrantable and baje manner. 17 Tell us therefore, What thinkeft thou? Is is lawfuil to give Tribute unto Cefar, or not? By which Question they thought they had certainly laid fuch a Snare for him, as he could not avoid: for if he allow'd it to be Lawfuil, he would thereby offend the People, who gene- rally Jided with the 7 bar fees in looking on the Roman Government to be an Ufurpatton ; if he faid it was Unlawfull, he would offend the Romans and Herodians, which lafi would certainly give information againji htm to the Roman Magistracy. 18 Butjefus perceiv'd their Wickednefs, and faid, Why tempt ye me, ye Hypocrites, who thus feem outwardly to have a Refpefi for me, only that ye might the better compafs your ma- licious Dejigns again H me} ip Shew me the Tribute-money, where- with ye pay the Roman Taxes. And they brought unto him a Roman Penny. 20 And he fays unto them, Whofe is this Image and Super- fcription, that is upon this piece of Money} 21 They lay unto him, Cefar's. Then fays he unto them, Render therefore unto Cefar the things which are Cefar's by your own Acknowledgment ; and unto God, the things that are God's. 22 When they had heard thefe Words, they roarvcll'd at his prudent Anfwer, and left him, and went their way, as perceiving he was not to be enfnar'd by them in his Z>ifcourfe. 23 The fame day came to him the Sadducees, who lay there is no chriftITc'onfute Refurreclion of the Body, nor Angel nor Spirit (Ac7s 23. 8.) and confe- theS*id»«*Gph. quently deny a Future State in another World, and ask'd him, 24 fay- ^%^JJ°fmB ing, Matter, Mofes faid, If a Man dye having no Children, his Brother3 ' ""' fhall marry his Wife, and raife up Seed unto his Brother; the Children fo begot being to be efleem'd to all intents and purpofes as the Children of the Z)eceas'd, no left than if they had been begot by him. 7.$ Nov/ there were with us feyen Brethren ; and ihe Pirfl when he had nhrry'c^a 114- S. Matthew, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. aniffuc, ip^M tUo yu/ouxg. ai/TV 7$ aftA/pa CLUTVO. 26 O/MlOiS KOJj 0 SluTtf®", xscj 0 7^iT@-, 'ius T$f \t&%. 27 Yqs&i Si •ara.vrm ctV«- fjpi xaj vi yxju-fl. 28 En Ty ouu ayafcto^, was tov ztOIol iVctj yjujA ; HT&VTiS "^>f i°uOl whb£. 29 A7TO- x.^diS A 0 Introus, ei7pe» aw-reTs' riAava!o3e, pi tiSbns mi %a.(psLs, fjwfc ilui fouixfui tv Qiao, 30 E» y^f tm etyaccte^ «r« yx^Sw, vrt c/x.yx.fx^,oirau{ , "Shk cm ayytAoj t5 ©eod oi oygjtya um. 31 II«d JV ttJs avctssKre<»s Tt»y vex/>2y Qf3c «,ve- yvaTi to pnfii v/mi r\^zoi> ts? ©eocf, As^pyr©-" 32 EycB u{.u 0 ®toi AQ&olju, Kotj 0 ®ioi Io-stax,, Jca) 0 ©eos Ia>tak; ou& ey, *M* £«yT»y. 33 Kay ajttf- crstvres 0/ SyAai , ol;e73?\.>)&roy(0 '^i T>i £l **l °* '°'A»i tm 4°>V ffVj ^ ev oAh tm S^otvojct o-v. 38 Au- 39 AdtTS^t J^ o/Wa auTj' Ay*. -7^)0-64? Toy ^Aimov (TOW 6>S cre0U/T3V. 40 Ey &UTO.I5 Tons S'woiy iv^AaTs oAos 41 St^n^e'vay iov$, 4a Ae- y»y* T/ J^Ty *| u$\oi T'tnSbti cry. 47 E» cuxi A&CtJ\ Y&Xu ol-jTqi KuSaoi, 7ms ' \\QS aUT? '&1 i 45 K*| ©fofeiS iS\l. yet to auTZf) et 7T0)q> i^Jfyoq Aojpy ©hfc jtjAjIukte tjj «,cea ferve and do ; but do not ye , , , , after their works : for they fay, em-mi fM\ Tni&iil' XtySSm ytf, *«* oo and do not Tnviau . 4 Atc^iu^ai >S <^,t" ders; but thty themfelves will *?&« <«W* ^'Avm xiwiti e»m. "ot m°ve them Wlth one of ' / . , „ r-J- ~ tneir nngers. S n«.y7» Si to ep>«. «xito» -zroivoi j- But all their works they tsas -ni 9s«9flV«( tbTs «vfr«7iws- do , for to be feen of men: they , , , , , «, make broad their phylacteries, STAenwiVai Si to a<04MjOG>&>(st9s cjj.sss h toTs xy>}wfit x, xjtAu^ vm Rabbi, Rabbi. t dv^p^Trov, ^Cei, p*CC«'. 8 XftM 8 But be not ye call'd Rabbi: m ■ , ~ f pa, r / , , ~ for one is your mailer, «w» d> jtai x>ui9>m piG&* as >«p e• v \ 1 « you Father upon the earth: «*« $, «M*., 191. ^KcHjtMij* p. for 0Re is yo/r Father whkh KjtAecni]* v/nm '0n $ y,'i' us )<*p loRnnes. 8 But be not ye cali'd Rabbi or Majlef^upon anj'fud) Account : for one is your .Matter -a* this refpeB, even Cfinit; and Akfye are to behave your f elves in this refpesl one towards another as .Brethren. p And, whereas the Jews are wont to call the Principal of any School among (hem, Father, what be J aid or taught bemg not to Joe^otcii'aailled by any of his Scholars, I fay unto you,, Call no one (y) among you Fa- ther in this fenje upon the Earth : for One is your Father in tbisfmf, which is in Heaven, to whoj'e will and 2>ireSions .alone -you owe «».«&.* folute and entire Subjection and Compliance . io And whereas the Jews are wont to give alfo the Title of Leaders to their chief Teachers, each of them leading his Followers int^> .d^eymt'&Bh Qr {Pjrtiejj nndjh^t with great Contention and Animofity one to the -other, I fay unto ym» Neither be ye cali'd- Leaders or Guides on any fuch Account : for One'is your Leader, even Chritt, whovatlone ye ought to follow your fe$ues } and only to >be Serviceable to others in hinging tfiem to Chriil as your Leader in general, n But He that is. for Order fake Greateft among you ANNO TAT IO^^. (x) This Habit is -ehjbyny Numb.^.tf. (7) DrpW has well obferv'd, that the Words fern mojl iiaturally tofignify fo ; as will, I think, diffidently appear from confidering the Beginning of the Verfe afore, and after. Be YE not caU'd Rabbi v. 8- Neither be YE cali'd Leaders v. 10. Whence tis natural "to fuppofe, that the true Meaning of the Begin- ning of v. 9. between (tie other two is, Not Call no JMan"*JtbUR father, but 210 5. Matthew, Chap. XXIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 01 vuai, hcu v/uw Suxovos. 12 O- am0Dg you> A"11 be your fer- vanr. 12. And whofoever fhall e- xalt himfelf, fhall be*humbled ; and he that fhall humble him felf, fhall be exalted. 1 3 But wo unto you, fcribes and Pharifees, hypocrites ; for ye fhut up the kingdom of hea- ven againft men : for ye nei- ther go in your felves, nor fuf- f'er ye them that are entring , iai- TOf xoj o9Z5 &7r«v»ff^ eocutdv, v-^a- 13 On oh \tK uoifjgcQe, ov- 14' Ooot) v/xii ")%*Je t ^tAaoa«.» $ t ■£«££»., '^oiJioTq £»o '5J£Jio-)jAotov £ otov ytmToq, Troistre ottiTov qo» yiiini £i7JAoTe£$» u,«a». 16" Ouoq t^ttM e^jpj TvpAoi, 01 Ae. ^pv?e5* Os o» O/two-Ji c#- 7$ yaw, ©£&» cs7r oS m \i 7&) £$1 xaj TJpAcl, ti >^y5 CSlS>lX.£v7I 04170/. 22 KstJ ^va t? ©eoJ )tx) h t$ xstSx^tV? £7rxya> ow7od. 23 O'JOCj U,t4t» ^f*/W- fJUXTUi KX] tpXtAOTXAM r\J5nh\gt.rvTS to ^oo^co» ^ 70 a.vn- %» KX\ 70 ZVUilOl , X.X\ cii TopAoi, 01 S^'A^oyTSj 7t>y na- lum, -dm %i tS TTDTneiy XW\ TYIi /7pp0*\jL- £©■*, 'tcxijii $i yi(Mva%i ' xpmyvs **i i.x.^.aixc,. 26 $x&cuAi Tuyte, x&- fa&tOUl '&&>T01 TO C#T0J Ttf 7T0- thzmv toq TJJ5 ar«^4^S,(^-•, "ix yk- nrx\ xoq to ca.tqs ojvtui y&Jol&i. or the temple that fan&ifieth the gold ? 18 And whofoever fhall fwear by the altar , it is no- thing: but whofoever fwear- eth by the gift that is upon it, he is * bound thereby. 19 Ye fools, and blind : for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that fandtifieth the gift? 20 Whofo therefore fhall fwear by the altar, fweareth by it, and by all things thereon. 21 And whofo (hall fwear by the temple, fweareth by it, & by him that dwelleth therein. 21 And he that fhall fwear by heaven , fweareth by the throne of God , and by him that fitteth thereon. 2j Wo unto yoa , fcribes and Pharifees, hypocrites : for ye pay ty the of mint, and anrie, and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, Judgment, mercy, and faith : thefe ought ye to have done, and not to kivt the other undone. 24 Ye blind guides, which flrain at a gnat, arid (wallow a camel. 2f Wo unto you , fcribes and Pharifees, hypocrites ; for ye make clean the omiide of the cup and ofthe platter, -but within they are full of extor- tion and excefs. 2<$ Thou blind Pharifee , cleanfe firft * the infide of. the cup and platter, trur'theout- fide of them, may be clean ajfo. 27 Oust) S. Matthew, Chap.XXlH. 12^ paraphrase- Gold, or the Temple that fanclifies the Gold, or makes it Sacred? there- fore to /wear by the Temple muji be as great or a greater Oath than to fwear by the Gold of the Temple. 18 And in like manner ye fay, that Whofoever fhall fwear by the Altar, it is nothing obligatory: but who- ibever fwears by the Gift that is upon it, he is bound thereby to perform his Oath. 19 Ye fools, and blind : for whether is Greater or more Sacred, the Gift, or the Altar that fanclifies or makes Sacred the Gift? 20 Who- fo therefore fhall fwear by the Altar, fwears by it, and by All things thereon , and confequently by any Gift or Offering thereon ; and aljo by Him to whom the Offering is made, viz. by God himfelf. 2,1 And who- fo fhall fwear by the Temple, fwears by it, and All that belongs unto it, viz- the Gold thereof, and by Him that dwells therein, i. e.by God himfelf. 22 And he that fhall fwear by Heaven, fwears by the Throne of God, and by Him that fits thereon, /. e.by God himfelf. 23 Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharifees, Hypocrites : for ye pay Tythe of Mint and Anife and Cummin, and have omitted the weightier Matters of the Law, fuch as Judgment or Works ofjuflice and Equity, Mercy or Cha- ntablenefs, and Faith or Truth toward God and Man : Whereas Thefe ought ye to have done in the firslt Tlace , and Not to leave the other Undone, as being alfo requtrd by jour Conftitution. 24 Ye blind Guides, by being thus carefull about the Smallest things , and negleHing the Greatejl , ye de as abfurdly as thofe who in drinking ftrain at a Gnat or fuch j mattes! thing, and fwallow a Camel or a thing a thoufand times bigger, if Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharifees, Hypocrites: for ye hc7 as thofe who take great care to make clean the Outfide of the Cup and of the Platter, but care not at all how foul the Infide of them is : for fo ye are very carefull to appear fir i ft in the Obfervance of the Outer Tart of Religion, but within, in your Hearts and fecret AFiions,ye are no other thanThey who are full of Extortion and Rapine and Excels or Incontinence. 16 Thou blind Phariiee, as it is requifite to cleanfe firffc the Infide of the Cup and Platter, that the Outfide of them may be cfteem'd clean alfo ; // being fuffxeient Reafon to call or e/leem in common ufe that Cup or Platter to be foul, whofe Infide ( as well as Outfide ) is Not clean : fo it is requifitefor thee to be pure and holy Inwardly m thy Heart and mojl Jecret Atltons, that thy Obfervance of the Outward 'Du- ties of Religion may be efteem'd by God as Ails ofVurity and Holme fs. 27 Wo ANNOTATIONS. V. ay. f E| is not read in Cant, and feveral other MSS. and it feems raoft probable to have been added by fome lefs skilfull hand, lines the fame veib )*fm ziq. S. Matthew, Chap. XXIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 27 Ovx\ v/Mi y^x/xfixlui xm\ oip>iTBir. 31 £2?? /nciflvfuii nw- 7BiS, '071 qo« \qz 7»» ! 54. 32 K*) C^elj 7^.«pa- ntTS ro utT^M t«v ar*TJpa» u/^tA 33 OtpuSy'yiiiv/iix'faL i^iSioii, ttoj pu- ynlt'i&nT Xficnas ryiivwSi 34 Aix t^7d, iV^y, kyu sfcreWMa ©/>oS v^waj rtxi' kou c/J; aoTai ^cTox.7ev«Te x.aq ^tvfdJiTi, xccj ^ euiToi; /uxTtyiatlt ti 7«i5 (PjixyooycLii vju%f, x.x] h^tit "£m '7n\tas us 7m\w 3 f owas eAQh lp u^uas Ttat ai[ix$\%2J\ii, tK^vojuftfioi 'On £ yvs, "^Tn ? «vea» ^jjtLu. 37 Iepy)5 'vl^ra tos '£efW}«.s, xou\ QfX «?jA«aaT«j 38 I^V, a(p/eT«j (^(wTv 0 oi>tos u^uav gpw/ws. 39 Ae>y •p VftiV Ov (AM fd IMTt 9.-7C ctp77, 'ton olv eiTmre* Ei>/\$y>i(j8flo$ 0 epvo- /$U0S cJ OlOfJULTl Kf6e7D "^573 T? i'epV $ «ZJ^a»A^0l 0/ /mslSmtoji owtv 'c^Ja^oq ettTtjf mi olxofo/jboit TV l'«£S(F. 2 O JV I»- trcuS fci7rEy «/7o~$* Ou $A£7T6t* rav- 706 &uto j a^fo/ Aeya u,u7i > V fwi ipe^i «=Tfe Aft©- »^i a K5"»Ai/3»i'cJiTst(. 3 KaSnfihov ?,a~v , "srort touto rachias, whom ye flew between the temple and the altar. 36" Verily I fay unto you, all thefe things {hall come up- on this generation. 37 O Jerufalem, Jerufalem, thou that killeft the prophets, and ftonefl them which are fent unto thee, how often would I have gather'd thy children to- gether, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not ! 38 Behold, your houfe is left unto you defolate. 39 For I lay unto you, Ye {hall not fee me* after a while, till ye Ihall fay, Bleffed ft he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Chap. XXIV. And Jefus went out, and de- parted from the temple; and his difciples came to him, for to fhew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jefus faid unto them, See ye not all thefe things ? verily I fay unto you, There fhall not be left here one flone upon another, that fhall not be thrown down. 3 And as he fat upon the mount of Olives, the difciples came unto him privately, fay- ing, Tell us, when fhall thefe XII. Clirift laments over Jerufalem , PARAPHRASE. whom ye flew between the Temple and the Altar. 36 Verily I fay unto you, aTuniJhment as Terrible as if ye had actually committed All thefe things, i. e. Murders, fhall come upon this Generation of you. 37 O Jerufalemjerufalem, thou that killefl the Prophets, and ftonefl ^l^1!h«ee-them wh'cn are fti" unt0 thee 5 how often would I have gather'd thy of Children S. Matthew, Chap. XXIII, XXIV. 2.17 PARAPHRASE. Children together, even as a Hen gathers her Chickens under her Wings, h e bow often have /invited you Jews to Repentance, and thereupon ten- der d you the Offers of Tar don and Mercy ', with all the Tendernefs that a Father canjhew to his Children, and ye would not hearken to fitch my Invitations , nor accept of fuch my gracious Offers \ 3 8 Behold there- fore now your Houfe, i. e. City and Temple and whole Nation is decreed to be left by me unto you to be made Defolate, or miferably deslroyd by the jufl Judgment of God, which fliall come upon you in no long time. Tour Houfe, I Jay, is now thus left by me. 39 For I fay unto you , Ye fhall not lee me after a while, i.e. after my Burial ye (hall no more fee my Perfon, and after the foremention'd 'Defolation of your City and State ye fhall no more fee me in any Teachers or Ministers that I 'fhall fend particularly toyou, 'till the Time comes, which is yet very far off, viz. the Time of your general Converfiou at my Jecond Coming, when ye f jail acknowledge me to be the Meffias or Chrifi, and when, as fuch, ye fhall fay and apply to me thofe fVords of the Prophecy relating to my Second Coming, and contain dPf.11%. 2.6. and for the Children's applying where' of to me you were lately fo dtfpleas'd, viz. BlefTed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. SECTION IX. Containing an Account ©/"Chrift's Difcourfe to bis Difciples, After he came out of the Temple at Evening on the third Day or Tuefday of the Paflion-Week ; namely concerning the Deftru- &ion of the Tem pie, and the Laft Judgment. Which Difcourfe takes up Chap. XXIV and XXV. and was almofi wholly deliver d by our Saviour as be fat on the Mount of Olives. t. Chap. XXIV. And when it was Evening Jefus went out, and depart- r.^/ ofthe b!5 cd from the Temple to the Mount of Olives, as he had done the two nights oUhejmijhSme, afore ; and his Difciples came to him as he went out of the Temple, for ^r/i(a ° ° to fhew him, or to defire him to obferve the Buildings of the Temple; infinuating that it was pity fo noble a Building fiould be deBroy'd and brought to 'Defolation, together with the City, as he had intimated {v- 38. of the foregoing Chapter) it Jbould be. 2 And Jefus laid unto them, Sea ye not all thele things? i.e. as certainly as ye fee them, fo certainly, Ve- rily I fay unto you, There fhall not be left here one Stone upon ano- >v ther , that fhall not be thrown down , or loofen'd and pluckjd afunder* 3 And as he fat upon the Mount of Olives (c) over againft the Temple, fame of the Difciples, viz Peter, James, John and Andrew, came unto him, and as£d him privately, ie. being now by themfelves {the Others j - ill/. 7 r- . v t* r\ . 7 \ r> nr* 11 1 n8 S. Matthew, Chap. XXIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. eVfltf, **} -n 70 cn-ftuoi 7rs c^s ^V- aixt, KCU\ TTiS cz&/TsA«as t£ oucSvfS)-' i 4 Kotj ^rraxfi^y* o hivnvs, «7ts» au- J" rioMsi )b iAeuoou^ '67b 7$) oiO/UaiTj fwi>, XtytiTii' Eye u(M o Xe^C0jc5 770- iravTtt yiiicQvq- "&K iim '&i 70 ti- A@-. 7 E^p^JiWoq >^o 'tji^f !(xn '&(&, jcoq /SaojAelx '^7 /Setoi- Aeiar x.*| 60D»7oq Ai/uci, Jceq XsifMi} 5C*J CUCJU.01 t^X 7377045. 8 IlxV- 7W. cf^ &UTO. ay>v» &}£iyav. 9 Tt- Aotyf. 11 K*| 7roAAfli ^dZ/Jo'S^- ^»Tcc| e>spS>icrovTetj, ^ TrKxininvoi ■tzqAAovS. 12 Keq i^- 70 7r?ui- «ijA* Ty oixau- all the world> for a witnefs un. fidpn, &$ (uipTvttoi mim td~s e^eor to all nations, and then fhall . t r/j»i '»,/», the end come. X) TOTS >/£? TO T?A(y^. ~ »• '/^ 1 „pa.l(&, (m\ x*) Let him which is on the W.T*£*n™ apai nck^s oUUs houfe-top, not come down to , ~ '«<>?. ~ \ take any thing out of his home: ootv. 18 Koh, 0 or t$ x^a, im\ l8 Neither let him which 'finqpt-^lm) ottkko cTp«( m //ttraot is in the field, return back to <• ~ _, \ m' ~ , \ take his cloaths. «*tv. 19 CM s tv ,m , the beginning of the world to ».»> v / \ • \ this time, no, nor ever fhall be. ovJ\ y fui ytvureq. 22 K*t u ft* ' 21 And except th0ie days crtoAoCaSfirav a] Wp<*l ) 5h' fin wu or there: believe;'/ not. 5wo).7e. 24 E^W^K 24 For there fhall arifefalfe , , „ T , Chnlts, and falfe prophets, and ^ S ^»- flullfhew great figns and won- ffyen (ra/iaa ^j^Act ^ ts^7*" W ders' infomuch that (if 7/ *"»* _. ~ . . l ' 1 ., „ , poflible) they * fhould deceive C7Aav>l3tt), 61 (5WTBI', X, TV? tK\iX.lVS. e' telar Gods, fet up on the Battlements of the Temple, ( whofo reads that Trophecy, let him confider it well, that he may rightly underftand //, as what is dejignd to contain a plain Sign of the End ofthejewp State:) 16 then let them which be injudea flee into the Mountains to J'ave their Lives, and that with the greatejl Speed they can. 17 Let him which is walkjng or otherwife employ'd on the Houfe-top, {which inju- dea was generally fat, and us' d to walk on and converfe upon) not come down and /lay to take any thing out of his Houfe: 18 neither let him which is in the Field return back to take his Cloaths. ip And wo unto them that are with Child, and to them that give fuck in thofe days, and fo pall not be in a Condition to make a fpeedy Efcape. 20 And pray ye that your Flight be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath-day, when either the Badnefs of the Seafon, or the holy Regard that is Jo be had to the Sabbath according to your receiv'd Notions thereof, may delay or hinder your Flight. 21 For then (hall be Great Tribulation, fuch as was not fince the Beginning of the World to this time, no, nor ever (hall be. 22 And except thofe Days fhould be fhorten'd, there fhould no Flefh be fav'd or ejcape : but for the Elecls, ;'. e. Chriftians fake, who Pall be in thofe Tarts, the Extremity of the Calamity in thofe Days (lull be fhorten'd. 2j Then if any Man fhall fay unto you, Lo, here is the Mefifiah or Chrift, or there, viz. in order to deliver the Jews and to de- ftroy their Enemies \ believe it not. 24 For there lhall arife falfe Chnfts, and falfe Prophets; and fhall fhew great Signs and Wonders; infomuch that ( if it were poffible ) they fhould deceive not only the Unbelieving Jews, but alfo the very Eleft or true Chrijtians themfelves x? Behold, I have xgi S. Matthew, Chap. XXIV. " TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2j- IJ\«, ©yeipnicst w/iut. 26 Eav 2y Behold, I have told you ^ „ t ~ ..) »-»'•' before. oto/ «7raa3V u/tw liV, o* Tw fp^a 26r Wherefore, if they Qiall '6$i> w %eh3nru *~. , ' „.. '»..",, a ~ 27 For as the lightning com- ToAay, ^ p*mT«< *( <>W^y h f h ^ ^ h curas e?-oq ?cot) » •uToc^ouoj* TV qocJ even unto the weft: fo lhall r* «y}P»™/. 28 Owou yV l*» a'f<> the coming of the Son of ; , c , man be. »j to tD-Ttffw, 0x4 ^cty^froyToi 28 For wherefoever the car- 01' aeToc'. ca'e *s> tnere will the eagles be » v «» v / ' f gather'd together. 29 Eu^a* «Tfe pj r ^Ai-^v t »At«r 29 Immediately after the tri- pSv iftfctl*! 0 fajos *<( to »J. 30 K«* flljll be fllaken ttte ipewiiaV^) 70 annual *tjS ? iv- 30 And then lhall appear n / , p ' ~ , ' 'to the lien of the Son of man in }fm*V » ^ Vfxir h™ xo^ovfy heavesn. and lhen mi all the 7ra3BL) ou is ttoMjis. ven , with power and great 31 K«| sfcre?*^ t«5 «Avs a/in 8!ory- ., . r „ , 31 And he lhall fend his $ $ Qam (uyxtoi- x,'67r2- angels wjth a great found of cuvx&m tv 5 tK\iMi «i%d* -mi a trumpet, and they {hall ga- / , / , y „ • ~ ther together his elcdt from the Tewaj)«» «k^, ,«w ctxfffly Vpavav fmu wmds? from one end of ioi cLxfav otoTay. heaven to the other. 32 Atto ^ r cvwt im&% V A- , ^ Now *»* a Parable °l y ■ „ r , , ^ , thehg-tree: When his branch GoAxi- oTtty )) jS) 0 JtAaJeS euims y«y»i J JS yet tender, and putteth forth aroAos, £ to Ye know that fummer rn t^i to ^poS. 33^0t>TO S «^««, ^ solikewife ye, when ye oTav I'iJVtTe 7rayT«. tojut*, ^yiojeere lliall fee all thefe things, know OTt S. Matthew, Chap. XXIV. 233 PARAPHRASE. I have told you before hand of it, that ye may not be deceiv'd by them. 2.6 Wherefore, if they fhall fay unto you, Behold, He, i. e. the Mejjias or Chrift, is in the Defert, go not forth as to meet him there; or if they fay, Behold, he is in fecret Places, believe it not. 27 For as the Light- ning comes out of the Eait, and fhines in an inflant as it were even unto the Weft ; fo (hall alio the Coming of the Son of Man be in a very dijcernible and [pee dy Manner, i. e. the Tower ofChri/l in dejiroying his Enemies Jball then demonBrate it Jelf evidently thro' alljudea at once. 28 For, to give you another Similitude to the fame Purpofe, As where- foever the Carcafe is, there will the Eagles be gaiher'd together with incredible Swiftnefx; fo when the Jews Jhall have JiU'd up the Meafure of their Sins, and thereby Jli all becqme Ripe for Z)e/lruc?ion, the "Providence efGod Jhall very quickly fend the Roman Army , whofe Enfign is the Eagle, to dellroy them. 29 Immediately after the Tribulation of thofe Days, (hall the Sun hl d be darken'd, and the Moon fhall not give her Light, and the Stars fhall the ?«« upii, V pi wec,iAfy »>*ve* This generation ihall not paG, *0Ttf, e»S *» srotvTac &uT* >Weq. till all thefe things be fulfill'd. J:'-* \ . « ~ «£ v ' 3? Heaven and earth (hall 3* O vt>i" *,« y» ^fAwniTMi- pafs>awayj but my words fl^ 0t <$ Aojpi (mm V pi vppihjwi. not pafs away. 36" rieei <^ £ «ppV*%s x, ™r= were eating and drinking, mar- res, yct/wms x) hyet/ui^onts, a^ei rying and giving in marriage, *• « 1 ' *\o.vi~ > \\ f> 1 until the day that Noah entcr'd 39 K*| C*f ej^affav , e<»S JiA^sy 0 3.9 And knew not until the H*7*tA«cjak, **> ?P« &™^ o!5- flood ca™en,and,r°°u ^ aU „ » « r ~ c~ «» away : lb ihall alfo the coming tui iT«4 Jtai >j sreifVmoL rV i\V rv of the Son of man be. cwfyaw. 40 ToVe A/'o Mm c* „ 4° Then fhall two be in the * , ~ , ~ or ^ / field , the one ihall be taken , j, <7$ *^m- 0 as «^$cteA£*»eT«i , & and the other left. 0 ek «p/er«j. 41 Auo *A*'}w«| ?» 4» Two tw/*f« >*# fc > ». <* * , , grinding at the mill, the one ^ ^A«i»- 0« *P?*.tenQxilT and the other uia. citptiTcn. left. 42 rp« yifuTt cuv , o-n c&t w- 41 Watch therefore, for ye ytx<^. 43 Exwvo & yitanurt, 43 But ^ye know this, that 2tt ei m#A^ 5 io»xoJWoor»iJ, tu/a 90. if the good man of the houfe ~ ', , ■ „ , ' , had known in what watch the Aeu-v. 0 x\v*ms y%tTcn , i^jrys- the thief would come,he would pucrev av , x,a» QTX ay ilact hopv- have watch'd, and would not ,~ . \ > i ' p A \ have fuffer'd his houfe to be y»icq Tiu. oj^icw cwtbJ. 44 Aix broken Hp# 7buto ^r«iryi 7w no Man,* no, not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father only, and by h°^eL^Lf^K confequence God the Son and Holy Ghoft, as being of the fame •Individual and of the world, and Qmnifcient SubHance or E/fence. 37 But tho' the Wrfdom 0fGodand^<:S,"1iZ'"fr Jees it not fit, that any Created Being Jhould fore-know, the exact 1 ime of the coming w of the End of thejewifb Nation or of the IVorld, yet it fees fit to inform Both you af ore hand , that Both thefe great Changes Jhall come very Juddenly and unexpetledly to the Generality of Mankind; namely, As m the days of Noah Men were furprizd with the Flood, tho' they had been fore- warn d of it, fo (hall they alfo, at the Coming of the Son of Man to put an End to the Jewifh State and to the World, be equally (urpriz'd. 38 For as in the days that were before the Flood, they were Eating and Drinking, Marrying and giving in Marriage, untill the day that Noah enter 'd into the Ark; 39 and knew not the exact Time when the Flood would come, untill the Flood came, and took them All away unprepar d for it : fo fhall alfo the Coming of the Son of Man be in both the forementiond Qifes, viz. Men pall eat and drink, marry, &c. and know not the exact Time either of the End of t he Jewif]} State or of the World, till it comes upon them unexpectedly. 40 However at thefe two remarkable Times there fhall be a remarkable Difference made between Men by 'Divine Providence ; infomuch that then fhall two be in the Field, the one fhall be taken or deflroyd, and the other left or prefervd. 41 Two Women fhall be grinding at the Mill, the one fhall be taken, and the other left. So remarkable Jhall the Distinction be^ which Divine Providence fiall then make between Terfons equal, or -not at all distin- guifh'd as to their Worldly State and Condition. 42 Watch therefore, ioxafmuch as ye know not what Hour your Tt,e J«lt Dur> Lord do's come to call you to thefe Trials, or tven to Death it J elf and of m>tehfninefi. Judgment. 43 But ye know this, that if the Good Man of the Houfe had known in what Watch or Hour of the Night the Thief would come, z^6 S.Matthew, Chap. XXIV, XXV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. OTt if apt* V JbfcWTB, 0 l\0S TV 9.1' ^■p«7reu k'p^eTcq. 47 In a^ '^y X^ii^o-sv o jo^©-* oa»tS 'On rtjs %gp.'7ruat eutTV , tv £lt- tctmi{' $1 xot) yi^o7o^i /8cc- cjAaa t Vpavay .ft'iys ^P^s'yois, oumis AaQcoq t»j ActAtToAts owToy if JjA^oy «s d7rcuT>ifon/Mi fAaCav 'eAcqoi £y tcTs ttlytiois euumi $ r Aet|t<7ranv l£y o w/u.s was a cry made, Behold, the » 'K' o '.. '~1 ■> i" bridegroom coraeth, eo ve out ep^ro^, 4^cSe a J «7ra>™«pSnartv arourau, ou\ <7p?%w 7 Then all thofe virgins a- PARAPHRASE. fotafmuch as in fuch an Hour as you think not, the Son of Man comes, viz. to put an End to the Jewijh State, or to the World; and in like man- ner to every Mans Life. 4? Who then is a faithfull and wife Servant or jDifciple of 'mine ', whom his Lord has made Ruler over his Houfhold, to give them Meat in due feafon, 1. e. Instructions fuitable to their fe- veral Occafions. 4 nnf tn meet liim n Tli.n nil tVinf^ taa Vircrinc VII. xg8 S. Matthew, Chap. XXV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. cauw , A t*oop.r\w **s *a.n*ti*s *<>&> and triram'd their lamps. , ^ < ti » •" > ° ^"d tne foohfli faid unto avmi. 8 Ai / « ~ \ « ~ but go ye rather to them that OBI- M»™7c o«* «pwV vw * W felJj 8aJ buy foryour feIves. Tropeo'esQe J*ft ^wtMov o^oJ Tys.tfuAyv- io And while they went to ^,^*5P«tW7i(iA?s» a wnh him to the marriage, and wwp'ns- $qi™f**i* , , ,, j «_ c' « / ii Afterward came alio the e*s rvs yxfivs, jccq tKAupx. other virgmSj fayingj Lord, 1 1 T<7«po» cT(; epy>»*) £ *j Aoi7Taj crfc- Lord, open to us. *» - % / \,, , « r ii But he anfwer'd and faid, Jim , Aeyvo-otr Km, xupie, avoigov Veflly j fay uat0 y0Uj j know iifiiu 12 O^ ~2hnK&Jus , toTCtr you not. *A.f ' %' « ~ ' *-cl. '« ". **J M Watch therefore, for ye A^ Aey« 4K»s»> <»&. ■«<«*. know neither the day nor the 13 rpnypem .ouu, on fa-* eiJViTB fko hour, wherein the Son of man ituf*, M ¥ fa.* cometh- . ,. . - ' r ( „ *4 F°r /& kingdom of he a- 14 &cotep >^>/> iv^paJTr^ "^tto- t»?« is as a man travelling into to fW &*&>"<» ™ M<* Jfout, a f« country, who ralfd h.s r , „ , own fervants, and deliver d un- kouj wxfihfMt outnui o^jara.f^oivct to them his goods : tM- i, K<4 £ $> tito* vrim ,- x\ *nd unt0 one,he Save r. ~ ^ve "tents, to another two, TaAovra, ai i3\ dlio, a Jfc g'r |?C5t- and to another one, to every ~ ** Jf •■'?*J r\. ' ... « man according to his (everal 9-4. k*TO ««. .fca, Jto^ur ««f abllityj and ^igh^vay took aTrej'v/jMiTiy *»%&. 16 n.opd>y&s hisjourney. ,v i ' ' ' '. . /»\ ' itfThenhethathadreceiv'd A a m ^-n mA*.m M&.r, e. p- ^ five talems wem> and trad. yawn or awms, xojj Ittdihoiv *A.- ed with the fame , and made 1 1 _. , r&7/; other five talents. At mm »A«m. i7t2 *«} one ' went and diS8d ln ^ , , , , , , ~ / t earth, & hid his Lord's money. a-rot^ to *pyue«» ™ *t^y «- Ip After a Iong timej t^e tS. 19 M6to «Ti vyvov 7n\uv'if. lordofthofe fervants cometh, * 1 /?i ~3P.r n/.x » ' and reckoneth with them. %ST«< 0 *„*©- 7^ ^A« C>*«- 2Q And fo he ihgt had ^ iui , xcq ffitvxifi yAr ajitai Aayov. ceiv'd five talents, came and „,. v.,! ^~,-^>(vAu i -J ^«« »J brought other five talents, fay- z[ , „ ing, Lord, thou deliver dft un- Aeufo, AetGay , fsr&vwiytei iAAa, t0 me five talents : behold, I t^vtj mAa»& , A^v K^e, -mm have &ain'd befides them five _9W ''<^ "^ talents more. laActvTi* (Mi crPe^iyts- 1A, «.AAo, 2I His lord faid unto him, wsm 7»Aa»7» cyxep^oa £tt' ootbTj. Well done, thou good and iv? * * t 1 ^ * r faithful fervant; thou haft been 21 Ep« Si ;£*-£?<.¥ T* xw- 22 He alfo that had receiv'd Ci« w. 22 ne^eA^iv Si w 0 ™°til™ts} ,camf *nd fald' , , , ,. , Lord, thou deliver dlt unto me 7a Jbo t»A*v& AetCav, eiTn* Ku- two talents: behold, I have 6ee, Svo ToActVTa (Ui <3>lSto#s- \'i\ &ia'd two other talents b€lides , , 7 f ;'• V .,, them. i-Mct / ._ j, l ./oi ..~ ., 0 make thee ruler over many oAiy-tx ns nn^i. bin 7roM.a>» ere y^ /*- , ■ . , .„. . • /." \ ^ things: enter thou into the joy •FXra* i*at\% us tUo ^ot^cv rv haj- of thy lord. ' « , i-r >(>» pj 1 ' 24 Then he which had re- 2u : " ' ' ~ ceiv d ihe one talent, came and to t» TaA4»7c» eiA»pa)5, tlm- Ko- laid, Lord, I knew thee that .< ,1 . ? * »/ r\ thou art an hard man, reaping t, / ftraw'd: xoq ra^ayay 0^, y S\iaxofinM* ^ Anipe, xoU[ oiwxyo ofti oh SwTKofmcnx,' 27 E 24.I PARAPHRASE. went, and digg'd in the Earth, and hid his Lord's Money, ip After a long time the Lord of thofe Servants comes, and reckons with them. 20 And fo he that had receiv'd five Talents, came and brought other five Talents, faying, Lord, thou deliver'dft unto me five Talents : be- hold. I have gain'd betides them five Talents more. 21 His Lord faid unto him, Well done, thou good and faithfull Servant: thou haft been faithfull over a few Things, or in a fmall Truji, I will therefore make thee Ruler over many Things , i. e. greatly reward thee : Accordingly enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. 22 He alfo that had receiv'd two Talents, came and laid, Lord, thou deliver'dft unto me two Talents: behold, I have gain'd two other Talents befides them. 23 His Lord faid unto him, Well done, good and faithfull Servant : thou haft been faithfull over or m a few Things, I will therefore make thee Ruler over many Things : Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. 24. Then he which had receiv'd the one talent, came and laid, Lord,- I knew thee that thou art an hard Man, reaping where thou halt not fown, and ga- thering where thou haft not ftraw'd, /'. e. requiring more than thougaveji : 2f and I was afraid left injlead of improving the Talent thougaveji me3 /might bj fotne Mifchance lofe it ; and therefore I went and hid thy Talent in the Earth, that it might be Jafe: lo, there thou haft that is thine, i.e. as much as thougaveft me or entrujledji me with; and there- fore fure/y thou cans! not in reafon be angry with me. Thus cunningly did the faid Servant endeavour to excufe his Sloth and Tdlenefs. 16 His Lord anfwer'd and faid unto him, Thou wicked and flothfull Servant, thou kneweft, as thou thy felf acknowledge/], that I reap where I fow'd not, and gather where I have not ftraw'd, i. e. that Ipould expeEi fomt Improvement of what I entrujied thee with : 27 Thou oughteft there- fore, that thou might' ft not be condemn d out of thy own Mouth, to have »-.-i *Ha C (fflUi /.,„£ -. ,**... J- 1^1 S.Matthew, Chap. XXV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. iya oxofMrnlfilw uc •refeteVTO. 29 ( Ta £> s^ovti wc^'n' S\ iv fjLti g^yTBS, <, 0 t^i, «.p]jnnTa\ i-x tWTVO-) 30 Kouj T a^pwov !5^^ '£&} ^po- »« cipaeJi^i to isfoCcLTn ^tb t3 ejv- ^ £ ^foQuvx. iK Sl%iai owTV, to «7»' e^Y'-icra, xocj 677071- cotT5 (W ^e yoj i'piv, $ <7t/yn}«?>«Te ^u* 35 Tvii'ios, t} ^aQxKtii fif y.c&nn- sn,^, tm-TKe^ouQi /if ly^yAaJta.Ji-pi*, 59 jiA^sts ©/>oj ym. 37 Tsts ^ttsx/i- coming I fhould have receiv'd mine own with ufury. 28 Take therefore the ta- lent from him, and give jt unto him which hath ten talents. 2p For unto every one that hath (hall be given, and he {hall have abundance : but from him that hath not ihall be taken away, even that which he hath. 30 And call ye the unprofit- able fervant into outer dark- nefs : there {hall be weeping and gnafhing of teeth. 31 When the Son of man fhall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then fhall he fit upon the throne of his glory. 32 And before him Ihall be gather'd all nations; and he fhall feparate them one from another, as a fliepherd * fepa- rates his (heep from the goats : 33 A nd he fhall let the fheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then fhall the King fay unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blefled of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepar'd for you from the foundation of the world. 3y For I was '" hungry, and ye gave me meat: I wasthirfly, and ye gave me drink : I was a flranger, and ye took me in : 3 1

t?Kv, lytto/ l7rei»oaTe. 41 Tots Ip4 xocj tbTj o^ turnvfidir riopeweeQe *7r e^d 01 y&tti &.$#<» us to 7aif to ouanoi, To 67Bi/w.o^te- »ov "79 Qg£o\a x.«j tbTj iy>4Aoi5 «W7bJ. 42 EftilioLOix, y^f, kw oiik -l^jycTS ^ttflj pctyeo* iSt^aw,, x.aj 00* i'mtiofx/n fit' 43 £evos yijulw, x«< * cw^nj^yeTe ^e* yo/iios, x.oq £ "O&eCotAeTS ^e* acSev»s x,ot) £n pu- A*x.w, $ tfx, eflrsoTce-vJ^tOs £6. 44 To- ft ^5TBty> i^Hfft^cq ecfcTsS £ «*£», Ae- y>irts' Kupje , 7roTe »^)j(re7oq (tbToliy Aej4»v A/*!a/ Ae>a> u^Ty, lp OflDV fcx t7nt>touk HI TtfTOy T fAct^i- ^»)V, ©)hfe l/MJ £77DI»<7tt7g. 4(cfj[oi us t^Xui owavior. Kep. xs~ • Ksq syweTD ore £*n- Aeo-ev 0 Ijhtous Woty'^li TVS \0yx4 (o\j-ni$ , elwe toTs {tti3»iraTj outdo* 2 0»'<$*Tf otj ^etci Xo Vftf&S 39 Or when faw we thee fick , or in prifon , and came unto thee ? 40 And the King (hall an- fwer, and fay unto them, Ve- rily I fay unto you, Inafmuch as ye have done ;/ unto one of the kaft of thefe my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then fhall he fay alio unto them on the left hand , Depart from me, ye curfed, in- to everlaftmg fire, prepar'd for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry, and ye gave nie no meat : I was thirfty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a ftranger, and ye took me not in : naked, and ye cloath'd me not : fick , and in prifon, and ye vifited me not. 44 Then fhall they alfo an- fwer him, faying, Lord, when faw we thee hungry, or athirft, or a ftranger, or naked, or lick, or in prifon, and did not mi- nifter unto thee ? 4J- Then fhall he anfwer them, faying, Verily I fay un- to you, Inafmuch as ye did /'/ not to one of the leaft of thefe, ye did it not to me. 46" And thefe fhall go away into everlafting punifhment : but the righteous into life*ever- lafting. Chap. XXVI. And it came to pafs, when Jefus had finifh'd alf thefe fay- ings, he faid unto his difci- ples, 2 Ye know that after two tS S.Matthew, Chap. XX V, XX VI. 147 "paraphrase. cloath'd thee? 39 Or when faw we thee Sick, or in Prifon, and came unto thee? 40 And the King fhall anfwer and fay unto them, VeriJy I fay unto you, tho' ye have not done it to me in Terfon, yet inafmuch as ye have done it unto One of the leall of thefe true Believers and faith- full Servants of God, whom I efteem as ( * . r> 1 it j r 177;; » 7. j /> 7 fturriiTime of his to Bethany to lodge there, as he had done the three Nights afore: but approaching &»- whereas he had gone the three former Days to Jerufalem , he did not go «■#*»»> namely thither this Day, but Bay'd at Bethany till a little before the Evening "" *J' of the next Day following, or Thurfday, when the Day of the Ta/fover be- gan, on which he was to be Crucify' d. And this was the Reafon why he flafd at Bethany alt Day Wednefday, and till a little before the Evening c/ThurJday, viz that he might keep out of the Malice and Tower of his Enemies till his Hour or the Day of his Suffering was come. Dw ing his Stay at Bethany on the Wednefday, the better to prepare his Di fa pies for the Trial they were now fhortly to undergo, he forewarn d them a fourth Time of his Taffion; and not only fo, but alfo wuhm what a vetyfiort Time it would be; namely He faid unto his Difaples, 2 Ye know that 14-6 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ... ■ II— I III . I . ■ H ■ '" " ■'-■■'■■■'■■■ — M.I ■ . I ,|, . ., ■ „ . || | | 1 | . ., . _ . . — — to mpf. yaireny x) o ips tf ctv^paTTfc days is tt>e fea/i of ihe pztibver, or ^ » ■ \ (,- and the Son of man is betray'd nsfybhTcy us to savpa^ioq. tQ bc crucify>d. 3 Tots euvr, v^oav oi «pWs * 3 Then aflembled together „-•'.£ P, ~ ~ the chief pnefts,and the fcribes, ei x&ftp,*'** *) « ^w&me$i * Act* and the eiders 0f the people , us t ccuAlco y s V My>i3jJov unto the palace of the high „ h'i \ p . / xg^ryioxm JoAa, x) "^mkIu- might take Jefus by fubtilty, - c-k ^L -ka^ ' ~r and kill him. Mffh J E^«y.i JV M* c# tv, eop- $ But ihey &|^ No( on ^ T)i, Vvet pi %pt/£(uH y«»i7et) Iv ^ Aoia. feaUVrt/, left there be an up- „ ■ - . > roar among the people. c) yiVofXtyov o* B»- in the houk ot Simon \-fl- ■ • * v . ^IP the leper, 7 &&mK)ti owt^ yw/« aA*Ga^o» 1 There came unto him a ^tc'pv eyyoot ^aLfwrifMv, x, wriytti woman having an aUbafter- ,ry\ .ft , , ~ , t box of very precious ointment, 6*1 tZw wpaAfa, ou.t« cucUiu&>ov. aQd pour.d ,, oa his head> as 8 Iib'vTts tv v\ya.- he fat at meat. ul~~ _- %' 1 c'- ' « » ' 8 But when his difciplesfaw 1 f ■• ^ 7/,theyhadindignation,faying, A&a ou>tvi ; 9 HS'ta'*70 >^yj t£to To what purpole/j this wafte? ^"»vccj arTO^oTs. 10 Tvous V ^Ao» ye the woman? for ihe hath upyam-n us kfj. 11 FIct»T07s y^» wrought a good work upon me. \ n K „ ni < ~ , , 11 For ye have the poor al- t«5 t!r/«^ ey T» fuj teuw tfu ways wuh you, but me ye have & V sra'vnm e'vere. 12 B=tA5ffa not always, c •/_ > ' ~ ,/->\ -7- - iz For in that flie hath ( r . ' ~ pour d this ointment on. my 70S fx\S, "Stfos 70 tvrotipixfltti «e rai'n. body, flie did it for my burial. *» 3 A«^ ^' ^ • '°™ «• WhireS 5&P Q yjipu^H 70 ujxyyt\toi T^7o 0* eAa be preach'd in the whole world, •^ xoo^a, AaA)^^^ £ S JTra/^ef ^rf ^^ flf* this' that this ff , , „, woman hath done be told tor at,T*i, w5 (mfMvuvoi awns. a memorial of her. 14 TeT8 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. 14.7 PARAPHRASE. this , and the Thurfday following , is the Feall of the Paffover ; and / acquaint you novo more plainly and 'particularly , that then the Son of Man is to be betray'd and to be crucify 'd. I Agreeably hereto, Then, i. e. on the fame Wednefday, aifembled to- Thechiefpnicd. gether the Chief Pnelts, and the Scribes, and the Elders of the People, &c- «»M ">«e~ unto the Palace of the High-pricft , who was calJ'd Caiaphas , 4 and £?,? Jefl" '"'" conftilted that they might take Jeius by Subtilty, i.e. after a wayfo well contrtv'd as not to make an Uproar or Tumult among the People, and kill him. j- Bat they faid forne of them, If we take htm, it will not be expedient to kill him on the Feaft-day , leit there be an Uproar am«g the People. But the contrary Opinion prevail 'd, {viz. to kill him even on the FeaH day, if they could) not without the Over-ruling Tower of God's "Providence, that Jo they might accompliflj the Will of God, by killing Him that was the True Pajchal Lamb on the very 'Day of killing the Common Paffover. 6 Nowjefus being in Bethany, in the Hon fe of Simon the Leper, The ^J- a_ that had been and was curd by Chrift, 7 there came unto him a Wo- mints chrift at man having an Alabaiter-box of very precious Ointment, and pour'd jt Bethany, on his Head, as he fat at meat. 8 But when (/) fome of his Difciples law it, they had indignation, i. e. were very angry with the Woman for doing fo, faying, To what Purpofe is this Wafle of the Ointment ? 9 For this Ointment might have been fold for much, and the Money it was fold for might have better been given to the Poor. 10 When jefus uqv derltood it, he faid unto them, Why trouble ye the Woman ? ye ought not to be thus angry with her, for fhe has wrought a good or pious Work in thus pouring the Ointment upon me. 11 For ye have the Poor al- ways with you ; and at any other time, when you will, you may fliew your Charity to them; but Me ye have not always. 12 For I floall be veryjhort/y taken from you and put to death, as I but lately toldjou ; and in that fhe has pour'd this Ointment on my Body, fhe did it, tho Un- wittingly, for my Burial ; and therefore if it be accounted by you, accord- ing to the Ufage of your Country, no Wafle, but a good Work\ or Piece of jRefpefl to anoint the dead Bodies of your Friends, whyfhould it be counted a Wajle, and not a good Work or Piece of RefpeB in this Woman, to be- Siow this Ointment on my Body yet living indeed, but fpeedily to be put to Death? 13 Verily 1 fay unto you , This is jo good a IVork of this Woman, fuch a Teftimony of her great Love and Honour for me, that Wherefoever this Gofpel fhall be preach'd in the whole World , there (hall alfo This that this Woman has done be told for a Memorial of her, i. e. in honour of her Memory to future Ages. * ,1.4 ( f) Confult the Paraphrafe and Note on the following 7. 14.. of this C laottr. 24-8 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 14 Tare itif&fus ts t $&)&, 14 Then one of the twelve, , , . _ / . / , call'd Judas Ifcariot, went unto 0 My>i&J0t IvSks I«*p»fi»T>i5, a.J\u. fought opportunity to betray 17 Tj Al -©^'th t5» i^*» him- ' ; : ~b 1 n 1 ? ~ / 17 Nowthe firlt^ofthc <©£?roA9ov oj ^la^Tot) t$ Iw*, Ae- /^yj? gfunleaven'd bread, the y>yjts aut4- n5 9*AeiS empuuu/iii difciples came to Jefus, faying » r _ _ »i ^ unto him, Where wilt thou i ,And the Naples did as , ; 't , , Jefus had appointed them, and x, mmfULiwi -n x?a.%x.. they made ready the paifover. 20 04ta< PARAPHRASE. SECTION XI. Containing fuch Particulars as fell out on the fifth Day or Thurf- day of the Paffion-Week, namely before the Evening of that Day j and which are taken notice of by StM&t.Ch.XXFI.iq.—if. tltTr.,"]Z"s'.' ' T4 Then' after \7eJushad 'thus reprovd his Difciples for finding fault with what the foremention'd Woman bad done, one of the Twelve, call'd Judas Ifcariot, who was of a very covetous Temper, and therefore was without doubt (g) the chief Per/on that had found fault with the Woman, and would have had the Ointment fold, that the Money it was J old for being put into the Common Purfe, which he was entrujied with, he might have the Opportunity of keeping fame of it to bis own private ufe, as he had done in other Cafes : This Judas , being thus chiefly concern d in finding fault with the Woman, and therefore being chiefly aim'd at and touch 'd by our Saviour's Reproof \ and alfo being nettled at his Dfappoint- tnent S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. 14.9 PARAPHRASE. ment of fingering the Money he would have had the Ointment fold for , and jo of Gratifying his Covetoufnefs by taking fome of the faid Money to his own Ufe, the Devil makes ufe of this his prefent Difcontent to ftir him up to go to the Chief Triejls, and to bargain to betray f ejus for fome Mo- ney; by which means hefhould not only Revenge hitnjelf on Jefus for his late Reproof and "Dif appointment of his covetous Defires, butfhou/d alfi gratify bis Jaid Covetoufnefs , and Jo get fome Amends for his late Dif- appointment. Accordingly Judas , when Wednefday Night was come% and the Difciples departed to their refpe&ive Lodgings ■> took ( as is pro- bable) that Opportunity of being more feci et in his Defigns , and went to the Chief Pnefts: i $ and coming to them fometime that Night or early the next Morning, i. e. Thurfday Morning, faid unto them, What will ye give me, and 1 will deliver him «nto you ? And they covenanted with him to do it for no more than thirty Pieces of Silver, a Sum (h) no greater than the Price of a Slave's or of a Servant's Life. 16 And from that time he fought Opportunity to betray him, and accordingly took the firjl that offer d it felf namely the Night following or Thurfday Night. n Now on this fame Thurfday at Evening began the firif. Day of the „ u; , ,. ' ,-Xt i .ir. i i i i n i w? / r, ■ } ■ r- Some ol the Di- Feaft or Unleavend Bread, which lajted till the next Evening, viz. of fdpies are rem to the Friday ( cafl'J by us Good Friday ) according to the Jewijl) IVay tfW"e the Pa^°" reckoning their Nuchthemera , or Natural Days of twenty four flours™ from Evening to Evening ; within which Space of Time the Tafiover was to be kiWd. therefore fome time on Thurfday before Evening the Di- iciples came to Jefus, faying unto him, Where wilt thou that we pre- pare for thee to eat the Paflbver, here at Bethany {i) or at Jerufalem ? 18 And he faid, Go into the City Jerufalem to fuch'a-Man, and fay unto him, The Matter, /'. e. Jefus whom jou as well as we acknowledge to be the Chrijl, fays, My Time to be crucify' 'd is at hand ; and therefore as in order thereto it is requifite for me to keep this Taffover at Jerufa- lem, Jo I will keep, in fuch a manner as the Circumstances of my ap- proaching Death will allow of, the Jaid Paflbver at thy Houfe with my Difciples. ip And the Diiciples did as Jefus had appointed them, and they made ready the Paifover fo far forth as was requifite, according to the Dire&ions which ChriB had given them. SECT. ANNOTATIONS. (g) Sec John 12. 4.— 6. (h) See Exod. %i. 31. (/) It is evident from the Gofpel-hiftory, that our Saviour kept the Paflbver the two laft Years, not at Jerufalem, but in Galilee, namely to keep out of the Malice of the Jews till his Hour was come. Wherefore the Difciples not know- ing whether he would venture to keep the Paflbver iu Jerufalem any more this . Year than the two former, may v«ry well be und»ftood to imply in their Que- flion, Whether he would keep it at Bethany. And that they did fo, feems evi- .#.-—•. 1 1. j -1 1 -f r. xyo & Matthew, Chap. XXVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 20 O^'a* Si yoio(j&in\i ii'tKWn $ rm ^sSJ^hjc. 21 K*j icdiovToi em-mi j «7TEv A(dw Xeya vfxxi, o*n & iLo %£&., yiis (At ts^$- 7oq• V&\h lui cU)T$, u qvk iymriSn 0 *v^p«7jw twits. 27 A7nxfijel$ J\ lySbis, 0 $n3<*SviSV5 eutTti, urn* M«7i tyt ufM, paGGii Xty\ ctoT^- 2u Satan. 26 EcQionuv h %rci$, 'ix.Xa.ai, x) t$i- S'y S7i /uaSx&T?, $ «?«• AlQtlt, i- fciples. And knowing that He {the True Tafchal Lamb or Tajfover) was to be f aerified or Jlain Hrmfelf at or about the ufual Time of Sacrificing the Typical Tafchal Lamb \ and confequently knowing that by his thus approaching Crucifixion He Jhould be prevented from the more folemn Ce- lebration of the Tajfover by facrificing and eating the Lamb ; therefore he refolves however to keep the Tajfover in fuch a manner as his Circum- Jlances would at prefect allow of\ and in which manner it was ufual for fuch to keep it as could not come to Jerufalem, and he himjelf had kept it in Galilee the two Tears loft pajl : Namely, he refolves to keep the Taf- (over by eating only the unleavend Bread and bitter Herbs, in Remem- brance of the /IJfiilions m Egypt and the "Deliverance out of them ; This being ufuallj call'd by the Jews the Tajfover, as well as facrificing and eating the Lamb. And his prefent Circum fiances requiring him to keep the Tajfover, not only in this manner, but Trefently or at the Beginning of the Tajf over-day, if he would keep it at all; hereupon accordingly in a little time after the Evening of the Thurfday in the Taffion-lVeek. was come, He fat down with all the Twelve Apojlles, Judas the Tray tor be- ing fome time afore return d to him. 21 And as they did eat this Com- memorative Taffover of unleavend Bread and bitter Herbs, {Jo call'd to diflinguiji) it from the Sacrifical Tajfover, wherein the Lamb was a/fo f aerified and eaten ;) He faid, Verily I fay unto you, that One of you (hall betray me to the Chief TrieBs &c. to put me to death. 22 And they, i.e. the Eleven bejides Judas, were exceeding forrowful, and be- gan every one of them with great Concern to fay unto him, Lord, is it I? 2 j And he anfwer'd and laid, He that now dips his hand with me in the Difh, the fame (hall betray me. 24 The Son of Man go's, i.e.jl)all indeed fitffer, as it is written of him: but wo unto that Man by whom the Son of Man is betray'd j it had been good for that Man, if he had not been born. 2.5- Then Judas which betray'd him, not at all terrify d at the Severity $f the Judgment denouncd by Chrijl againft him thatpould betray him, but harden d in his IVickednefs, and as if he thought he could conceal his wicked T)efign, anfwer'd and faid, Mailer, is it i thatjjjall betray thee ? He faid unto< him, It fhall be as thou haft faid. 23V n'liTil^ OJU^Tia/lti' 28 TVtd >ap £97 70 ou/ttt (UV to -? j^- y>j5 JuSws, to rf&^Sjt ■77oM.5v epc^vo- j<^iC/o» «5 aipecnv a.jUa,p77®v. 29 Ae>i> jWy5 ffXftV- StLXicQyaiodi iv Iftoi h tm wxli ^V)jf V^et^laj >^ nara^u) T 7*01^*., ^ 2^3t(77top7ncQ»(7e^) Ta 'S^Cafc £ 7n>ifin$t 32 Me-ra u#cis as t1 raAjAeusw. 33 Ayroxfijus Si 0 YleTgos, eT^ny ao- '?$• E» $ 7RWTS5 a y'u, I will not drink henceforth of this Fruit of the Vme, until that day when I drink it New with you in my Father's Kingdom, i. e. {k)Iwill not have you to continue any longer the Celebration oflhejewifij Tajfover as a Comme- moration of the 'Deliverance out of Egypt; but inBead thereof ye Jljall henceforth celebrate the Sacrament now Newly instituted by me, as be- ing a Completion of what was typify d by the Jewijh Tajfover ; namely, as oft as ye eat this Sacramental Bread and Wine , ye jhall do it m Re- membrance of my Body broken, and my Blood Jlied- on the Crofs for the Redemption of Mankind. 30 And when they had fung an Hymn, as was ufual for the Jews ^a™^ttlMi tojing at the Tajfover, they went out to the Mount of Olives, but not them ^tu of their till after what is related v. 31 — 35-. had been faid, asjeems mofl probable frf*ki»g Mm, & from comparing St Luke and John : 3 1 Namely, Then, i. e. during the i"Jh\m. 'S mj~ Time they were in the Houfe where they had kept the Tajfover, fays Je- lus unto them, All ye fhall be offended becaufe of me this Night, i. e- ye floall be fo difheartend by what ye Jljall fee befall me, that ye Jhall leave me and flee from me, as Terfus afraid to own me : ..for it is to Night that there Jhall be accomplish' d that Trophecy written {Zech.iy].,) I will finite the Shepherd, and the Sheep of the Flock (hall be Jcatter* abroad. 32. But neverthelefs Twill not forfake you; but after I am rifen ?gaia, 1 will go before you into Galilee, where I will appoint x^P lace for you to meet me. 33 Peter anfwer'd and faid unto him , Tho' all Men (hall be offended, ;. e. afraid to own thee, and fall from thee, becaufe of what Jhall befall thee to night, yet will I never be offended. 34. Jefus (aid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, that this Night, before the Cock crow twice, i. e. before the third Watch of the Night {denoted by the time of Cock-crowing , and which laBed from twelve at Night, to three in the Morning) is over, thou (halt deny me thrice, 3;- Peter faid unto him, Tho' A N N O T A T I ,Or),N S. (k) This feems to be the moft eafy and fo rooft genuine Meaning of the Wordf, ISA* 5. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. oua crol "^nfyMtti, tf pi fioi tey/Afioi re^onpw 59 \s- ■j4 tois pt^fltgcTs-. Kft^iraTt ojj§, zas JctTTtA^av "safoaivQa^ ex.4. 37 Ksq <3-PxA«.£a>y t Yleifoi x\ Ttfs Jb'o tjV5 ZeSeS'owy,>)p|*S Au7T£iic3£ £ a^jtwyeTr. 3 8 Toil Aeyi wtois* ned/i •^^! ^y gas 'Ja.voc.TV /uetvctTt a>«ffe, $ "ftnypuTt fitl £«£. 39 K*| gjj°o- tAfai p>tpoy, e7rsory '£fa T^o-anni ctiuTX, 'Ofonv'^ofJ^ioi, x) Kiyar norrep (M, t\ SiwcLiii I91, ^eA^Tta aV l,uSr 7B 7nryit*ai t*7d. -^Akci tfy as e>at 9s Aa>, 3X\ as crj. 40 Koq ep^f^) ®)°^ t«* ^a^HTixs, x) ivftmi otory ? >t£0^- JbytsU, x) Xiy\ T^neTfffl* Ootwj £& Tj£tW]e pew «pay^>]^p>J(jiq pi l^5j 41 rpi^ppaTi $ ©poo-eu^eS-e, "v« pi «cteA9))ti e«S &ugp.op.oi. 70 $ 7rveu- #a '3>£?l),t/fwy , >i Sb . aa.p§ icQ-twe. 42 n&Aiy Ik S&Ttpy «7TEA^ay •za/>ocr- w|i?\Ju'i m l^wv, «xy pi out? raiaay jxxp awm>i ol op^aAp] jSeCetyvifxfyJoi. 4.4 Kec!) apeis •wry s ewraA^an 7iaAty , ts&mvZxto I fhould dye with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewife alfo faid all the difciples. 36 Then cometh Jefuswith them unto a place call'd Geth- femane, and faith unto the di- fciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. 37 And he took with him, Peter, and the two fons of Ze- bedee, and began to be forrow- ful, and very heavy. 38 Then laith he unto them, My foul is exceeding forrow- ful, even unto death : tarry ye here and watch with me. 39 And he went a little fur- ther, and fell on his face, and pray'd, faying, 0 my Father, if it be poflible, let this cup pals from me : neverthelefs , not as I will, but as thou wilt. 4P And he cometh unto the difciples, and tindeth them a- fleep, and faith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour ? 41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation : the fpirit indeed/V willing, but the fiefh is weak. 4a He went away again the fecond time, and pray'd, fay- ing, 0 my Father, if this cup may not pafs away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. 43 And he came and found them afleep again : for their eyes were heavy. 44 And he left them, and went away again , and pray'd on S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. zsr TEXT. TRANSLATION. c/k. tqjuw , Toy aural Aoyov utmi. 4f Tore ifyiloc\ . i^6 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 46 Rife , let us be going : behold, he is at hand that doth betray me. 4-7 And while he yet fpake, lo , Judas one of the twelve came , and with him a great multitude with fwords and (laves from the chief prielfo and elders of the people. 48 Now he that betray'd him, gave them a fign, faying, Whomfoever I fhall kifs, that fame is he, hold him faft. 49 And forthwith he came to Jefus, and laid, Hail mailer; and killed him. ^o And Jefus faid unto him, Friend , wherefore art thou come ? Then came they and Ton and drew his VA(^ty etuTW* x, 710.10,^0.5 t oT'yAoy TV clp^peas, -apeiAev u iUm ywyufttvi us Toy 70- Troy olvthS' Ttavrts y^/> 0/ AetCayres f? H J^oxus o7i y J^aoay^J ap7J 46 Eya'pecQ-e, aiyufier li'y, >>>{ij«y 47 K*j e'71 ocory AotAvy7cj, j\/\y, l*Jks eiV 7»y *£i£ys ootbv, e^yx-ey cwtuis ohju&qi, \tyav Oy oty ipiA>iffw, aura? '^' xfATMatiLlt «,u7oy. 49 Kaj eC9s«s 'twere A^-ay tsS I>i<7oc), «7jv Xowpe pitCCi' Kaj jytTe^/A«- » ~ rf ->_, < , . ~ yy In that fame hour faid \, tl • ' , , •,*. Jefus t0 l"e nnuutudes, Are ToT? i'^AoiS' Hs :^h A»9)Jy i^iiUjiTi' ye come out as agajnft a thief S. Matthew, Chap. XXVI. in TEXT. TRANSLATION. u£ ^avoqpaif & £uAav ox/MetGv ^ej with fwords and ftaves for to .» , , \ < ~ , r\ Pt tv take me? I fat daily with you 5C5C9 *W<" WOS V^i HW^opi, St- teachjng jn lh(. temi)le> and ye bLoxai h TZjS /epa, £ tfx. exf cltiI\otx.% fa, laid no hold on me. S 6 tSto J^ 'o'?vov ytym, U M«Pa- t ^ But a11 thf[s done> 'hat '^ t , ' „ , , the fenptures or the prophets Jam oq ?f *?>*i t o^oip^TOv. Tore o« might be fulfill'd. Then all the fiaSnty mm Itpara cturov ti. dtlciples forfook him, and fled. 57 Ol PARAPHRASE. 46 Rife, let us be going; behold, he is at hand that do's betray me. 47 And while he yet fpake, lo, Judas, one of the Twelve came, and ,efus Js'i,elrityd with him a great Multitude with Swords and Staves, from the Chieft>'yjudas,and<- Priefls and Elders of rhe People. 48 Now he that betray'd him, gave^snrffi b* ll*e them a Sign, faying, Whomfocver I fhall kils, that fame is he, hold him fall. 49 And forthwith he came to Jei us, and faid, Hail Matter, and killed him. yo And Jefus faid unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come thus attended} Then came they, and laid hands on Jefus, and took him. ji And behoid, One of them that were with Jefus, viz. Teter, ftretch'd out his Hand, and drew his Sword, being One of the Two which the 'D'fciples had at this time took, with them by Chrisl's ( I) Ap- pointment, and ftruck a Servant of the High-pneft's,and fmote off his Ear. sz Then faid Jefus unto him, Put up again thy Sword into his place: for All they that take the Sword without lawfull Authority to revenge ihemjelves lhall thereby become liable to perilh by the Sword, andjhall often ailual/y fo perijh. S3 Thinkeft thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he fhall prefently give me more than twelve (*») Le- gions of Angels to rejeue me} ^4 But how then fhall the Scriptures be fulfill'd, wherein it is foretold that thus it raufl be ? s$ In that fame hour faid Jefus to the Multitudes, Are ye come out as againfl a Thief, with Swords and Staves for to take me ? I fat daily with you teaching in the Temple, when ye might eaftly have laid hold on me, if T had de- ferv'd fuch C/fage, and ye laid no hold on me then. ji /» ».~ 1 W"h ^ ferVantS t0 ^ the ofcot^To ^era t uvnjpeTiv, j«/*«v to end. T8A05. ;9 Oi &~*oytttZis tcocJ o/ 59 Now the chief priefts ^o, , , ' „ ,?, and elders, and all the council, Vfic^Ttfoi $ to cwW^ioy oAov s£«- fought falfe witnefs againft Je- -JVv ■^vfo/MLflvftou & ylwVy eras fus to Put h"" t0 death, » r ft i ' \ > *. do But found none : yea , ww^vaiaaaoi- tfo ^ ^ ewpoy. tho* many falfe witnefles came, >9 77bM5» •v^ti Thls ^ J^o -^oJ^^tapTi/pes, y oixoJfyw- ^ And the high prieft a- ereq mItw. da Km ayajas o «>«- rofe> and faid unto him» An" , * » o , ., , , fwer'ft thou nothing? what is fuis, urn wi$> OuSti ^rs)t6ci?i fc w^f/6 thefe witnefs againft tj ?7o/ a« r&fofiteLfiupyoii ; 6$ O JlJ thee? , ~ . / T, i » ft > t , 5? But Tefus held his peace. Ixw wiajia^KoM -srajytfeis o «p£e- Ancf the hJlgh prieft aXer*d peti'j, fc(7jrEy ao7aS- Ecjopjt/c^o oi ^ j?" and faid unto him, I adjure rss,£ hiya 54 Jefus faith unto him , < ~' , . „ ,, . v, ,, r. , Thou haft faid: neverthelefs vftii, cLTt ap-n o-^iSi r i\oi ry *i- I fay unt0 ybllj Hereafter fhaU tp«7reu j^^'in^oy o« J^wy 4> A.y 'o >^l> ~. . ~ ~ the rieht hand of power, and gMft x, ep^/^oy^ r n^wr* coming in the clouds of heaven. b'pxyoJ. df Totj o £p%itpuj$ Jlgppn^e i|Ct«) c«oA£ipi»tty otoTov 01 S\ eppfiCTncrety, 68 Ae^py- 785" I"l£Sip>|T<&0-DV Jj^iTy XdxW , 715 V^y o srocioa^ t*/($t9jlT0 c* T>) *oAy* Teat) '2>£?3?;A9sy oai^ ^/a, th^^jxvi , AryVaw,' Koq or) >)o3a p£ Iwtf t5 TotAiAoMy. 70 O ipvMJ- Aoy o-e ttoi^. 74 To76 Ji'p£ )C9t^t- ya^ctTi'^eiy , xaj o/umur Oti QfJc oi^t 7oy av^pa 77oy. Key u/Jeai etAe- JtTOp iwM>r(3)-' ttin^S, O71 -ardv aAex,TO£jx, v>iou|, rpis «7iapv>io-M ^e. Kot) f|- behold, now ye have heard his blafphemy. 66 What think ye? They anfwer'd and faid, He is*\vor- thy of death. 67 Then did they fpit in his face, and buffeted him, and others fraoie fain with the palms of their Hands, 68 Saying, Propbefy unto us, thou Chrilt, who is he that fmote thee. 69 Now Pfter fat without in the palace : and a damfel came unto him, faying, Thou alio waft with Jefus or Galilee. -70 But he deny'd before them all, faying, I know not what thou fay 'ft. 71 And when he was gone out into the porch , another maid faw him, and faid unto them that were there, This/e/- hw was alfb with Jefus of Na- zareth. 72 And again he deny'd with an oath, I do not know the man. 71 And after a while came unto him they that flood by, and faid to Peter, Surely thou alfb art one of them, for thy fpeech bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curfe and to fwear, faying, I know not the man. And immediate- ly the cock crew. 7? And Peter remember'd the words of Jefus, who *had faid unto him , Before the cock crow, thou fhalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly. Ki) By theExpreflion, Guilty of Death, we now adays commonly underftand A«. .1,..:. r»..:i... „n....,j — L:iPJ ...«& * /-\., _ .1 :_ ./... r^_ ./ r %6% & Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. avg- 3 Tots »V>»y IouJ^s o /©^tjl- 3 Then Judas which had be- « \ ' < « '~ tray'd him, when he faw that bus «,7«, ot, wmsdi, ^to^. he\vas c0'ndemn>dj repented h-Ajdi , a.m'jpi'^ to t&i(Lhoi'&. if. himfelf, and brought again the *Aa.s. ~Z, 2«,.,.«~_ . ' ~ ^ thirty pieces of iilver to the yj£Aa.. £bi>$ OU/ML ijceOV. 0» ey.aix.i u% uuT^f Toy a- yg.jy ts? ■M&tJUias , els 7u.ptu> toTs §eyoi$. 8 Aio c/tA>i9M o ct'yfii5 o-xav©^ ctygjs sw/ua']@j, egg th* ))Ty, A«5PVT@- Kq eAct^oy to^x- the prophet, laying, And they xoitjt, ct,pyu6<*j tZo. 7i/i!ttl t£ TS7i- tookthe thirty pieces of filver, »>..,*.{,», «iu J—.J^- -v*™ '~ '» the price ofhim that was valu'd, ^c»A« 10 K«| e^bjKjty outo as 7sy aypoy t* jce^^osffls, j^)a cicuem%s 11 O cTfc Jmrous e's* e^war^cd-ey TV ^ytjOov^* xotj l7n)p»T»oty ouJ. ■ray 0 jj^^oay, Xtyur 2u a 0 /Sa- cnAetis -ran IyJk/fflv; O Si Inoys 'it£ 0 ITi- him, Heareft thou not how • ._> ' t ~ many things they witnefs a gainll thee ? 14 And he anfwer'd him to PARAPHRASE. ; Then Judas which had betray'd him, when he faw that Matters IX. Judas himgt himfelf. were gone fo far that He, i.e-Jefus wascondemn'd already by the Chief- prieBs and Elders of the Jews as worthy of Death, and that they were likely to prevail to put him a finally to Death, repented himfelf of what he had done in betraying him, and brought again the thirty Pieces of Silver, which were given him for betraying him, to the Chief priefts and Elders, 4 faying, I have finn'd in that I have betray'd the Innocent Blood, /. e. an Innnocent Man to Death. And they faid, \Vhat is that to us ? fee thou to that. $ And he call: down the Pieces of Silver in the Temple, and de- parted, and went and hang'd himfelf. 6 And the Chief-priefts took the Pieces of Sliver, and faid, It is not lawful for to put them into the Trea- fury among the Offerings conjecrated to the Service of God, becaufe it is the Price of Blood. 7 Andthey took Connfel, and bought with them the Potter's Field to bury Strangers in. 8 Wherefore that Field was call'd, The Field of Blood unto this day. 9 Then was fulfilfd that which was fpoken by Jeremy the Prophet, in that Tart of his Prophecy which now adays is reckon d Tart of the Trophecy (q) ofZechariah, and makes the ninth, tenth and eleventh Chapters o/Zechariah; in which C/6.11.13. we find the Trophet faying, And they took the thirty Pieces of Silver, the Price ofhim that was valu'd, whom they of the Children of Ifrael did value, 10 and gave them for the Potter's Field,as the Lord appointed me. 1 1 And Jefns flood before Tilate the Roman Governor of'Judea, and The iw«z of je- the Governor ask'd him, faying, Art thou the King of the Jews, as thy fus befoie pilate- Accufers witnefs thou affirmesl ofthyfelf? And jefus faid unto him, I am indeed what thou fay'ft; but then my Kingdom is not of this IVorld, or in relation to worldly Affairs ; and therefore I do by no means deny Cefar's Right, or Jet up my felfin Oppofition to him. 12 And when he was accus'd of fever al other things by the Chief-priefls and Elders, he an- fwer'd nothing. 13 Then fays Pilate unto him, Heareft thou not how many things they witnefs againft thee? 14 And he anfwer'd him to never ANNnTATlflN!! X. x64- S.Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. • «ircS'e9S sfrtf "«» P«/*** »Si V- never a word» info™uch th,at ,? Y , , / \ the governor marvel! d greatly. At«CetV ^ »W"»* *'«• Ii' K*TO ij- Now at /to feaft the Si copiko eia'H o «>«/«»» ^raAuyy governor was wont to releafe „ bmvv.h «2 d «a_, unto the people a prifoner , £v* ^ o^Aa %*«oy, ov nfrtoy. whom they would. i5 ETvov e$ 7B1B effc'o^,ioy 'ffcimfMi 1 6 And they had then a*no- . ! 0 „ /=/»~ .„ -c .. torious prifoner, call'd Barab- y/jLiiM ouv aivT^fy &i7riv autois o 17 Therefore when they Ui\iT&- T/v* ^AeT* ^fereAtloa W gatheur'd tog"her» Pjjate c „ ^ C „ , fa id unto them, Whom will ye t^j I>iw -roy Ae- that I releafe unto your1 Ba- yo^oy X&ts-evs *8 H<^e< >^ rabbas, or Jclus, which is call'd <•/ \ rt/ /N. ' ' Chrift? ot7 2/# ^avoy wcifeStauu aviw. i8 For he knew that for 19 KaSn^oo i- envy they had deliver'd him. ~, . , , < > \ < 10 * While he was * fitting **t@K avnraAe ^5 A-rroy « on the judgment-feat, his wife yta/i at/r£, \iy>vt feni unto him, faying, Have < ?tv' » ' ^ .* v \ ' thou nothing to do with that xcq ^ ^ o^«»y ™\\Ayy ,uItman: f(Tr I have fuffer'd t7nt%i miJUi&i y&t ova? h Avroy. many things this day in a dream, 20 0» Si AMPM x«j oi «rp€ ~ ' n\' -r' "* ' 2.2, Pilate faith unto them, V ' / What fhall I do then with Je- ou \y\qduu> , Tov \ty>/AjJov Xe^ltiy ; fus , which is call'd Chrift ? Aiynon tlnS vims- Xtao?v- They all fay unto h,m , Let 1 ,.\ < \ „ . him be crucify d. Sjito. 23 O S\ nytftai ttpw Ti 2J ^nd the governor faid, y±f H50w» iWiiaey ; Oi ^ ia£/ff. Why, what evil hath he done? ~ „ c. / But they cry'd out the more, ous ut&Zai, \tyiTtS- Xrcufft., faying, Let him be crucify'd. Sara. 24 I.Jb'y ^e Moreover while he was fitting on the Judgment-feat, his Wife fent unto him, fay- ing, Have thou nothing to do with putting to death that jufl man: for I have futfer'd many things this day in a Dream becaufe of him, 1. e. I have been much troubled about him in a Dream, the Jeveral Particulars whereof all tend to witnefs his Innocencj : And this Accident made Pi- late the more willing tofave Jefus. 20 But theChief-prieftsand elders perfwaded the Multitude, that they fhould ask for to have Barabbas re- leas'd, and that they fiould urge the Governor /odellroy Jefus. 21 The Governor anfwer'd and faid unto them, Whether of the two will ye that I releafe unto you? They faid, Barabbas. 22 Pilate fays unto them, What fhall I do then with Jefus which is call'd Chrift? They all fay unto him, Let him be-crucify'd. 23 And the Governor faid, Why, what evil has he done? But they cry'd out the more, faying, Let him be crucify 'd. 24 When Pilate faw that he could prevail nothing on the People for to make choice of Jefus for to be releas'd, but that rather a Tumult was made by reafon of his appearing fo much to favour Jejus, he took Water, and wafli'd his hands before the Multitude, favine, I z66 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2f Then anfwer'd all the people, and laid, His blood be on us, and on our children. 2(j Then releas'd he Barab- bas unto thtm: and when he had fcourg'djefus, hedcliver'd him to be crucify'd. 27 Then the foldiers of the governor took Jefus into the To J§ ip' ii(M>s , xocj '^i Ta liwx Jifjbfjf. 26 Ton cimAvni otu- tbis t BaL^CQli' r CSty '^7 t3 JtepetAta, ... if >/ £ '?'?-/ mock'd him, they took the robe «**. jj 1 K«q on mwfc™ w>t$, ifr. otf from fai^ ^ pul hls Qwn Jfc/^, oturay t y\a.imjS)x, ^ iye'SV^ cu>- raiment on him, and led him. ' 1 « '.1 1 y* 1 » ' 'i awav to crucifv him. , ' _, >• / \ 3Z And as they came out, &$ to fcjupsioTtf. . 32 E^p^s^o. «Tfc, they found a man of Cyrene, uesv *v V™ KvfMi, Woiuvn 2i'- Simon by name : him they com- and put on him a fcarlet robe. 2p And when they had plat- ted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand : and they bow'd the knee before him , and mock'd him, faying, Hail King of the Jews. 30 And they fpit uuwi him, affd ft vfyafdL^ fra apw T frti/poy pell'd to bear his crofs. ■futm- tvvttiiJyxf^uAAfittittutei 3J And when they were ^ ' 0 g°tha, that is to fay, a place y.iopw ToAyrft., oS i?t Aty>f^jos xf&- °£ a ^cujj y/« TC77D5, 34 ?<^5(£ti eaToS OTfcTy 34 They gave him vinegar vr v ii to drink, mingled with gall: W tft%>»* WHJfum- *Y***- and when he had tailed //;^C/> (jdpos, Vx. %%te 7nuv. 3J" 2&up«- he would not drink. ^ ^ and parted his garments, C3lt- tix cu/^, /3aMoy/es xA^poy Vycc TlAvi- jng Jots; that it might be ful- S. Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. focJ» n ?y\% v-rn ^CfopiTV Aitfu- hlld whlch was fpoken by the i ' r , , / , < ~ \ prophet, They parted my par- 5«ravG m uta.™ fuu tcuims,^x.q ments among themj and upon 'Oil r i/Mt'nop.oi (At eCocAov x\v\z$u my vefture did they caff, lots. 17 Kou\ £7rt3«KStv imm •? JwpaAvIs oo^ 37 And fetup over his head t£u>' 267 XI. An Account of PARAPHRASE. be anfwerable for it- 2? Then anfwer'd all the People, and faid, If there be any Guilt in Jliedding his Blood , let it be on us , and on our Children. 26 Then releas'd he Barabbas unto them; and when he had fco 11 rg'd Jefus, he deliver'd him to be crucify 'd. 27 Then the Soldiers of" the Governor took Jefus into the Common Hall, and gather'd unto him the whole Band of Soldiers. 2.8. And be- what "pVfTfrom cauje they beard that he flyl'd himfelf King of the Jews, they ftript him [fhJ"t«/w of his own Cloaths, and in mockery put on him a Scarlet or Kingly Robe. 29 And when they had platted a Crown of Thorns, they put it on his . . Head,, and a Reed in his right Hmdfor a Scepter; and they bow'd the Knee before him, and mock'd him, faying, Hail King of the Jews. 30 And ihey fpit upon him, and took the Reed, and fmote him on the Head. 31 And after that they had mock'd him, they took the Scarlet or Kingly Robe off from him, and put his own Raiment on him, and led him away with the Crof's on his Shoulders, to crucify him. 32 And as they came out of the City, they found or met with a Man of Cyrene, Simon by name; him they compell'd to bear his Gcofefurther 6n; either becaufe Jefus was weary d and unable to carry it any farther himfelf, or becauje they fufpecled Simon to be a Favourer of Jefus. 33 And when they were come to a place cali'd Golgotha, that is to fay, A place of a Scull, 34 they gave him Vinegar to drink, mingled with Gall, i.e. with fame bitter intoxicating Ingredients, wherewith was made the Stupifying Tot ion ufually given to Male floors in compafjion to them, viz. that they might not be Jen/ib/e of their Tains: and when he had tafied thereof, he would not drink; /hewing thereby his entire Submifjion tofuffer, with- out ufuig art fill Methods to kjien his Tain. 37 And they crucify 'd him, and parted his Garments, calling lots {J) for his Pefture or Coat with' out Seam; that it might be fulHII'd which was fpoken by the Prophet, They parted my Garments among them, and upon my Vefture did they caff, lots. 36 And fitting down, they watch'd him there, that no one might lake him away; 37 and fet up over his Head his Accufation i68 S. Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. t cMTi'ay ou# yv)%a.n$i>-w OYTOS nis accufauon written, THIS ESTIN IHSOT2 O BA2IAETS oVtHE JEWSE ^^ T£2N IOYAAlftN. 38 Tots w 38 Then were there two pSvrcq cm*?" oJ-rS «fc/'o A»5-«i. els c* thievescrucfy'd with him: one c~ v .e • on the right hand, and another ^lav, ^ 615 ^ iximvyMi. on the left. 39 Oj Jt' 'iB^pTnf&Sfttw l£Aeu 39 And they that pafs'd by, / » \ i . revil'dhim.waggingtheirheads, cp^yi ooray , Myym$ TO5 x^aAas +0 And fey^fhou that de- awzai, 40 $ AejpvleS* O Ksc&Auay ftroy eft the temple, & buildeft i^v ui» 1 r , , . ron // in three days, fave thy lelf: t w.i, * ev ttioii ^.p«|s oixoA^, if thou be th/fo'n ofGo4come cracrcy otowrer u qoj ei ¥ ©e?3 sycra- down from the crofs. C$1 -&A rjauyJ. 41 o^s j^ .«a Lik7ife ua]fo th.e,chiff , , , w ; /> _» ~ Prie"s mocking him, with the xoq 01 *p%ttfus, I^TToqQovTJs p£ tov fenbes and elders, faid, ^ttfifunimi £ 9fvrQviitm. eAe-u»v , ^ He fa^'d others> hiraf?lf „ - „ t , , , _ ~ he cannot lave: if he be the 42 *A\W eotooiy, eooToy y JWJ era- king of" Ifrael, let him now cai" el gaoiA^'s Icrpa>iA g«, ^^Cato come down from the crofs, and "».» \'(i ~ , » > p we will believe him. '* wo **i * sw/p«, J -mjsuntM *>■*£. 43 He trufted in God ; let 43 ne7n»9sy '^jT0eoy* -ft/ai»cOa> yoy him deliver him now if he *de- ««*J« ,'Q,\j ' '' ■> ' _ ^~ lights in him : for he faid, I am «W7w, a ^A^ corny, um ycif On ©e* tj° fon of God ci^iu 405. 44 To h oui-ro £ 0/ Awsuj, 44. The Thieves alfo,whicli 0/ cafl , , „ t't / b ~ the lame in his teeth. 4f A7to J> tKTVs apat *> ' land unto the ninth hour. , „ I m "?"* ™&°*<™ 4<5 And about the ninth 0 Ihovs ) \m;.l'JLP ~ ' »^ voice , faying , Eli, Eli, lama HAi, Aa^flaCa^v. i ^Vr'^, fabachthan. ? that is to fay, ©ee AV, ®«e AV, /yetrt ^e iyKgL-nhi- % God , My God , why haft 7re« • a - TnL A' JsfJ/ ' -f ' ' lnou forfaken me ? ^•Sj 4/ lives d6 7iv c^4 iTUtat c r l 1 n j , , „ i» v», iimin 47 Some of them that flood h them ran, and took a fpunge, S.Matthew, Chap. XXVII. %6g PARAPHRASE. written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38 Then were there two Thieves crucify 'd with him, one on the right hand , and another on the left : which as it was done by bis Enemies, that the Teople, feeing bim thus executed in the midft offuch MalefaSiors, might be the more firongly prejudic'd to believe him an Imposlor ; Jo by the Over-ruling Providence of God, thereby was fulfill 'd that Prophecy, (t) He was number d with the Tranjgre/fors. 30 And they that pafs'd by revil'd him, wagging their Heads, 40 and An A*"'unt af- faymg, Thou («) that deftroyeft , i.e. /aids! thou couldsl deslroy the what pait from Temple, and buildeft, i. e. faidji thou couldft build it id three days, fave £!* c™f*"n w thy ieli'now, if thou has! really fuch Tower ; for it requires no greater Tower to fave thy J "elf, than to deslroy the Temple and build it again in three days : or, if thou be the Son of God, come down from the Crofs, as a Troof of thy being Jo. 41 Likewife alfo the Chief-pnefts mocking him, with the Scribes and Eiders, faid, 41 He fav'd others, as his Fol- lowers pretend, from Death by raijing them Miraculouflj to Life ; iffo, how comes it to pafs that Himfelf he cannot fave : If he be the King of Ifrael or Meffias, let him now come down from the Crofs, and we will believe him. 45 He trufled in God as his Father ; let him deliver him now, if he (at) delights in him as in his Son : for he faid, I am the Son. of God. 44 The Thieves alfo, which were crucify 'd with him, caff, the fame in his teeth , or reproach'd him in Hie manner, and that for Jbme time Both of them ; but afterwards {y) One of them became a Con- vert or Believer. 4^ Now from the fixth Hour, or from about twelve at Noon, there was Darknefs over all the Land ofjudea and the adjacent Countries unto the ninth Hour, or to about three in the afternoon; which- " 'Darknefs was not caus'd by any natural Eclipfe , but by fome preterna- tural or miraculous Way. 46 And about the ninth Hour Jefus cry'd with a lpud Voice, faying, Eli, Eli, lama fabachthani ? that is to lay, My God, My God, why haft thou forfaken me ? 4"} Some of them that ftood there, when they heard that, faid, This Man calls for Elias ; they being made to thinks fo by the likenefs of the word Eli to Elias. 48 And Itraightway one of them ran, and took a Spunge, and fill'd it with Vine- gar, ANNOTATIONS. (t) Compare Mark if. 27,18. (u) Compare Ch. 26. 61. and John \. 79. (x) So9^ fignifies frequently in the LXX. Verfion, and fo k muft fignify here agreeably to the Hebrew Text Pfal. 21. 8. here referr'd to by the Jews. (7) Compare Luke 23. 40, &c. lyb S. Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. n\*sxc, n o^Vi, x.x\ 'rfeAtoS w.\&. and fiil'd /'/ with vinegar, and ».,. iJL ? „ -.!— ' , rS h! * put tf on a reed, and gave him 7!X>i \\ty>r Apes , i^tyuey « if^Ta»rn (ityctAy , apir-ie to zB-m/Lcm.. fi Kacj t'Jfcy , to KSWWTmwo^ta. t* »aoJ t%'oSv us let us fee whether Elias will come to fave him. so Jefus, when he had cry'd again with a loud voice, yield- ed up the ghoft. Si And behold, the vail of tio ^370 a.w% ea>$ yJ.-Kr x.x\ £ $ *e temple was rent in two ■. p «''•:. \ » / •, - / from the top to the bottom; (fp&r ^ oq Br.7?^ ^^loSTiffav. and the earth did quake, and J 2 Keq to /uw/nzict. xnay^nsvcr $ the rocks rent, .. \ ' ~ „' « fi And the graves were mVia.ow/ww, 7»y *e«H^a, «. ^^ and maify bodies of >io>v >?>Aiy, Kcq and went .into the holy city, MtpeulcQumi ttdMoTj. $4. O JV and appear'd unto many. / ' , , , , „ ■ $4 Now when the centu- exstToyrap^®- x.«Ji 01 A«T cwtoc) , rion, and they that were with Tii&uoTis rpi Ivimuo, iSims t an- him' watching Jefus, fa w the \ \ \ / , ,0/. earthquake, and ihofe things ajioi kx\ to yviofttm, fpoGx^ray thac were done> th=y feary crpofytt, AeypiTii' A\t\fas ©e£r i\U greatly, faying, Truly this was *'* 5„ff&. -it ts! > P ~ the Son of God. tw *r©-. f 1 H«iA c«j tctm,. „ And many womcn were >U5 7rpMeq, ^ttb /ua.x.pfyi %a£yJ3VJi" there (beholding afar offjwhich follow'd Jefus from Galilee , miniftring unto him. j<5 Aroong whom was Ma- ry Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Jofes, and the mother of Zebedee's children. Si When the even was come , there came a rich man of Anmathea, nam'djofeph, who alio himfelf was Jefus di- fciple; sS He went to Pilate, and >!T>W£ a\i\ni WtfASj-Sflcray t$ UaV "sfcri tms retAiAeqa^, Jtaxoyjoo, a.im$. f6 Ey ouslut Mae>t h MaySbLAw)), ^M«- tia. it Ty I«t>t9 I«otJ piT)ip, xoq 5-7 0.-|ta4 cfi1 ^yo^nj^A^y hfya- vro? ttAvoioj ^tb Api^cwt^tq^, t$iojua ;8 ChJtds '3^?» « ft o_~ > Pilate commanded the body to niAxTQJ^ o«£AdOfft» ^sniJb7)ivot| to be ddiver'd. tro^x. 79 K*f AetCiv to aca^* yo.And when Jofeph had 0 I»- " PARAPHRASE; gar, and put it on a Reed, and, tcv'/^ the Reed lifting up the Spunge to his Mouth-, gave him the Vinegar to drink. 4p The reft laid, Let be, let us fee, whether Elias will come to fave him. yo Jefus, when he had cry'd again with a loud Voice, faying., (z) It isfniflj'd, viz. All that the Scriptures foretold he was to ftiffer ; and therefore now Father into thy Hands I commend my Spirit, yeilded up the Ghofl. yi And be- hold, the Vail of the Temple, which parted the Holy of Holies from the Sancluary, was rent tit two from the top to the bottom, {a)fignifywg the 7>iJJolution of the Jevoifl) Dfpetifatwn , and the Opening to all true Believers an Entrance into the Holiejl, that is, into Heaven by the Blood ofjejus ; and the Earth did quake, and the Rocks rent, Jignifytng fome great Alterations were working by the Almighty and immediate Tower of God; 52 and the Graves were open'd, and many Bodies of'Samts, which flept or had been dead, arole, jj and came out of the Graves after his Refurre&ion, and went into the holy City Jerufalem, and ap- pear'd unto many ; Signifying that Chrifi by his 'Death and ReJurrecJwn had overcome the Tower of Death, and given EarneB of a General Re- furreilion. 5-4 Now when the Roman Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jefus, faw the Earthquake, and thofe things that were done, they fear'd greatly, faying » Truly this Man Jefus was the Son or a righteous iJMan in an extraordinary manner beiov'd of God. 55- And many women were there, beholding afar off, which followed jefus from Galilee, miniftring unto him, i. e. attending upon him, and providing his Neceflaries. 5-6 Among whom was Mary Magdelene, and the Virgin {aa) Mary, the Mother of our Lord while living, but that Re- lation as it were ceafwg by our Lord's Death , therefore the EvangeliB feems now and henceforward tojljle her rather the Mother, as being the Mother-in-law (aa) of James and Jofes (and Simon andjude) the Children of Jofeph by a former Wife , and who were yet living ; and Salome the Mother of Zcbedec's Children, viz. James and John. S~j When the Evening of the Tajfover-day or Friday was come, and XI1L before Sun-fet, when the Taffover-day ended, and the Sabbath-day began, 0: >ius, there came a rich Man of Arimathea, nam 'd Jofeph, who alio himlelf was fecretly Jefus Difciple. j8 He went to Pilate, and begg'd the Body of Jefus : then Pilate commanded the Body to be deliver'd. jo And Of rhc EhtUI xyz S.Matthew, Chap. XXVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. o Iccantp, oniiXi^it au7B Lo , cz«/>iy9jiatt.y 0/ ap- ^lepeTs xot) oj a>aii clvtov , x.*j e<7raaj 7$ Aaa* HyepSn ^7tb TOy vexffflv. £ erotf >j ei 7tf\.avn yapav £ ©^a- T>lf. tSf E(P« cfV ttU7B15 0 niAxTof* E^tTe x.tfs&jS'iar iimyilt, acnpaA/- <7«eQ-e as oiJ^Te. 6(5 Oi Tirtpzu- fyiTtf yiffrpa.xlca.yw t mpov, crffipa- taken the body, he wrapp'd it in a clean linen cloth, 60 And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock : and he roll'd a great ftone to the door of the fepulchre, and departed. 61 And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Ma- ry, fitting over againft the fe- pulchre. 62 Now the next day that folio w'd the day of the pre- paration, the chief pnefts and Phanfees came together unto Pilate, 61 Saying, Sir, we remem- ber that that deceiver faid.while he was yet alive, After three days I will rife again. 64 Command therefore that the lepulchre be madefure un- til the third day, left his difci- ples come by night, and (teal him away, and lay unto the people, He is rifen from the dead : fo the la It error (hall be worfe than the firft. . 6y Pilate faid unto them, Ye have a watch ^ go your way, make it as fure as you can. 66 So they went and made the fepulchre fure, fealing the ftone, and fetting a watch. Ktf. S. Matthew, Chap. XXVII. 27.3 PARAPHRASE. when Jofeph had taken the Body, he wrapt it in a clean linen Cloth, 60 and laid it in his own new Tomb, which he had hewn out in the Rock, defignmg to lye in it himfelf when dead: and he roll'd a great Stone to the Door ot the Sepulchre, and departed. 61 And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary [mention d v. $6. viz. the Virgin Mar/) fitting over againfl the Sepulchre, and obferving where the Body ofjejus was laid: which when they had objerv'd, they went away to pre- pare Spices and Ointments for to embalm the Body ofjefus , as foon as the Sabbath was over. For the Sun was now fo near Jet ting , and con fe- quently the Sabbath was now [o near, that tbey could not do it before the Sabbath would begin, whereon it was not lawfull to do any fuch thing. Wherefore the J aid Women rejled the Sabbath-day according to the Com- mandment, Luke 2 j. jay before, which there- Jefusis f«»r'd. fore was call'dThe 'Day of the Preparation. This Tear the Taj] over-day b.ippen'd to fall on fuch a "Day of 'Preparation , or on the 2)ay before the Sabbath ; Jo that the next Day that follow'd the Day of the Pajfover was the Jame that follow' d the "Day of the Preparation this Tear; and both Expreflions denote inflwt no more than the Sabbath-day, which follow 'd this Tear next after the Pafjover-day. On this Sabbath-day then the Chief1 priefts and Phanfees came together unto Pilate, 63 faying, Sir, we re- member that that Deceiver faid, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rife again. 64 Command therefore, that the Sepulchre, where he lies , be made fure until the third Day, left his Difciples come by night, and fteal him away, and fay unto the People, He is rifen from the Dead : fo the laft. Error, into which the 'People may by this means be fedue'd, fhall be worfe than the firft. 6j- Pilate faid unto them, Ye have a Watch, go your way, make it, viz- the Sepulchre as fure as you can. 66 So they went, and made the Sepulchre fure, feahng the Stone that was roll'd to the 2)oor of the Sepulchre fo a! they might difcern if the Stone had been mov'd by the breaking of the Seal, and fetting a Watch, or Guard of Soldiers. X7+ V. S. Matthew, Chap. XXVIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Chap. XXVIII. * Late in the night after the fabbath, as it began to dawn towards the firft day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, to iee the fepukhre. z And behold, there was a Kep. xu'. 0>f* ft ffaC&tTOf, ry f6fa! ui P*tu mGQoLTai, mA^s Metdi* h MftyfttAHVJf, x.a\ y) 4M« Madia, Jtafiety Toy -rapov. 2 Koq lS~Vt auojAos iynfn fxaycts' aLPyihos •yap Kv&V K^TwCas <% Vg^»5> Of o ' ~ great earthquake; for an angel tXfm tL7nxM\tn tdv A<> *sn t*is of the Lord defcended from ^•u^cs , x*j ckatSflTO eTetfoi o»7ncf. heaven , and came and roll'd iO,t >^ ' r ' > -j back the ftone from the door, 3 Hv ft i, .ft* «*™J as «?a*v, and ftt fc x) to (im/m, ewrv \6LiK01 avu %ai. 4 Atto ft' tS po£tf om*t5 io-eJe^TioTt? o« mzjuoTif, Xj iywovro aau nxfoi. f A'Tnx.e/fus ft 0 ay^A©', «7rs to~S ywcq%t' Ma ipoCao3"£ v/t£fS' e?<$k }8 otj I«o-£y "rev £jztvpa>A$uov £»- T«TS. pon 3 His countenance was like lightning, & his raiment white as fnow. 4 And for fear of him the keepers did fhake, and became as dead men. 5 And the angel anfwer'd and faid unto the women, Fear not ye : for I know that WTeek Ou*MZ»«ft- «-W$»yxf, Jcfus, which was crucjf/d. USt-Jas uTct. fttm, I'ftTB to* T0'7ni 6 He is not here: for he is "— ,. ", .^. I v'e.~e ~ v-J m.> rifen,as he faid : come, fee the o«M wm 0 Kuttofc^ 7 Ko, m^U place'where lhc Lord ]ay Trop^eifftq, «4 7iaT» rot* /ua^JiraTs a*- 7 And go quickly and tell , r^ , y , , X from the dead : and behold, he *5r&xyi vjMtS us f TaAiXoucu- iKU goeth before you into Galilee; cuts* o4»e9«. frv, m ww i^r. 8 K*j there {hall ye fee him; lo, I have c^eA^Sooi reuyj ~&n y (iw/uuv ^era (f>oCoV X.O) ^*©tS ,«€>«A>15, €»* Xoupe7e. Ai fto7°offfA- And they came and held him timw*™£. Sunday novo commonly call'd Eajier-day, came Mary Magdalene, and the menwkhchriA't other Mary mention1 dCh. 27. s- Galilee, and there (lull they of the ■£ ;eV * had , , ■ ,' r „, , taken counlcl,theygavc*a large «p>opia ijyty* g^sjcstv 7oi5 ^Anamis, {um ofmoney unto the foldiers, 13 Aewlty E'lmit, On o»/w»9iir«l "3 SayinS> SaY Ye> His d/- , *» m . «/» „ , » » , ~ fciples came by night, and ltole eov «"t/os iKJQihi ex-Ag^av eut-Toi yipai him away while we llept. K0i/LtU($)a>y. 14 Kccj gav ax.Vo3^ t£- 14 Ar,d if this come to the ,s*,\ ~ t / t ~ • / governor's ears, we will per- to Oi Tvwfu>M,w«s mini*** fwade h,mj and fecure yo£ cu>toi», $ i;/^«,s ajtup/,uv«5 7mwn'ixei. if So they took the money, T « /^>.' jv' ■>, ^°' 0 - _J ' , ' :_' c and did as they were taueht: :■ . , ' ' ' / an" tnis "ymg IS commonly as i$\S)&ffii $ Swpyi/Mcdyi o Aoyos reported among the Jews until £td5 • rsrbx Isr&t/ois Hiytx $ o»fu&n tnisday-, , , '.':. ~ ,„ ^ „ -\ iT c l6 Then the eleven difci- i ~ t ~ , , .„ > , had appointed them. eo.7B«s o Inw. 1 7 K»H »&v/gS e«Toy, ,7 Aod when they faw hjm> vfonxjon^ outi$' o! Si i $?»<£. 1 8 Ketij they worlhipp'd him : but fome ,CL\ r T ~ >./. > ~. doubted. |ff«» auww, , g And Jefus came> & fpake Af^a*' EJ^Sn ^twi TOcrot, c^Vffi* i» ou- unto them, faying, All power „ ..z J 'r^U ^/. , i-t , o.'.,^.- ^. is given unto me in heaven fca^levVctTS cravTot to g'^vn, ^ct^/- ip Go ye therefore &*make 6v?e5 etna's ^ to win Z-mwls, dlfciPles '« all nations, baptiz- Yl~"^ \ ~ « / ' n^ ln6 tnem ,n tne name °^ tne x-flq r« q*, xom ry a>iV o-»«»^©» Father, and of the Son, and of 20 AtSbiTKOiliS avtvs Tucuv Wvtdc. the Holy Ghofl : „ , N / .-,,.,,,., ao Teaching them to ob- o the time when St Matthew wrote this Go/pel. 16 Then fome time after, about a Week^as it is probable, the Eleven chria!J'3 Difciples went away into Galilee, to a Mountain where Jefus had ap- ance in Galilee, pointed them. 17 And when they faw him, they worfliipp'd him: but '^^ist^flT fome that accompany 'd the Eleven Apofiles, and then fit ft faw him after fcipies. his Refmreclion, or elfe fome others of his Difciples that had not feen htm, but only heard of his Rejurre&ton by others, doubted of the Truth and Certainty thereof. 1 8 And Jefus came (/) and appear d frequently unto his Difciples at other times , during the fort) days between his Re- furreliion and Afcenfion, and among other things (/ ) pertaining to the Kingdom of God or 'Propagation of the Gofpel, he {pake unto them, fay- ing, All Power is given unto me, as the Son of Man and Head of the Church, in Heaven and in Earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and make Di- fciples to me in all Nations, namely by baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, as the Rite of Ini- tiation or admitting them into the Church ; 20 and by teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you, as the indi- fpenf able Condition of their obtaining Salvation by me: and lo, I am with you, /'. e. my Difciples or Church, al way, even unto the End of the World. (&) Amen- (e) Compare v. 16. of this Chapter. (/) Compare Alts 1.3.. (g) See the Note on Amen at the end of St Mark. orA7r>» 4/«n- afterthe bute at Capernaum, 22 - n/r. i'm/>r«- Difcourfe concerning Humility and forgivenefs, XVIII. 1 - 11. Parable of i\ing pigment L accounting with his Servants, 13 - ult. of the f Difcourfe of Divorce and Marriage, XIX. 1 - 11. Bleffing Children, 13 -if. Dif- Baptifi. courfe with Toung Rich Man, 16- 22. Of great Temptation of Riches, 23 - 16. Which Reward of Leaving all for Chrift, 17 - ult. may be Parable of Labourers hir'd into the Vineyard, XX. I - 16. ^Anfwer to Zebedee't diftin- Wifes Request, 20-29. Cure of two blind men, 30-u/f. guifti'd Chrilt's Ridiug into Terufalem, XXI. i-it. Driving Traders out of the Temple, in:o, . „_ „_ &c. t2 - 16. Curfing of the fig-tree, 17- 21. Silencing the Jews as to hit Authority, 23 -17. Parable of two Sons, 28 - 32. of Vineyard lei tut, 33 - »/r. Parable of the King's Son's Marriage, XXII. 1 - 14. Pjying Tribute to Cefar, if - 22. Confutation of Saddueeos, and Proof of RefurreCtion, 23-3;. Anfwer to Lawyer, 34- 40. Po/I>i,j the Pharifees about David's Son, 41 -»/r. Difcourfe about Scribes and Pharifees, XXIII. 1-33. Definition of Jerulalcm fore- told, it- ult, Deftru&ion of Jerufalem again foretold, as alfo£»» fumamT was the fame with /M« furnam'd Mark mentioned in the Hiftory oftheM"r^ Ads of" the Apoftles , or a different Perfon. That there were Two at lead of this Name, and of fome Note in the Apoftles days, is fufficient- ly evident from StTaul's not contenting himfelf to name only a Mark in (b) his Epiftle to the Colofllans, but adding thereto by way of Di- flindtion of him from fome other of the fame Name, Sifter's [on to Bar- nabas. And fince it is on all hands agreed, that the Mark here mention'd by St Paul was the fame with John furnam'd Mark, who accompany'd St Paul and Barnabas (c) as far as to Perga in Pamphylia, and afterwards accompany'd {d) Barnabas into Cyprus, and after that was with (b) St Paul at Rome during his firfl Imprifonment there, as appears from the fore- mention'd Epiftle to the Colofllans ; and again (e) was order'd to be brought to him by Timothy during his fecond Imprifonment at Rome: thefe Confiderations induce me to prefer That Opinion, which fuppofes John furnam'd Mark, SiBer's fon to Barnabas, to be a different Perfon from Mark the EvangeliB, who according to the general Tradition of Antiquity was the conftant Attendent and Interpreter of St Teter ; for- afmuch as fuch a conftant Attendance of our Evangelift. on St Teter feems not conjiftent with the foremention'd Account which we have from Scri- pture it felf, thatJWw furnam'd Mark, not only was/0 often and much •with St Taul and Barnabas, but alfo was fb much at liberty and at the Command of St Taul, as to be order'd to be brought to him, when he (a) See i Pet . 7. 1 3. (&) Col. 4 10. In the Epiftle to Philemon v. ^4. he is barely nam'd 'without any luch Di/lixffion, becaule the faid Epiftle was lent at the fame time, and by one of the fame Perfons by whom the Epiftle to the Co- InfTkrK was fenr: and Philemon liv'd at CololTe alio, and fo mitfht well know bv i8o THE PREFACE. thought fit. To which might be added feveral other Conliderations to the fame purpofe, were not thefe already mention'd abundantly fufficienf. n. it is the Tradition of the Ancients, that this Gofpel was writ at Rome, A^Gofy^'ZZ uPon tne Requeit of the Converts there, who, not content to have heard writ. St Peter preach, defir'd St Mark to commit to writing an Hiftorical Ac- count of what St Peter had deliver'd to them. Which feems to have been chiefly meant of what St Peter had deliver'd to them, not in re- • lation to the "Dcftrine of Chrift, but in relation to his Life and ABions : whence this Gofpel takes but little notice of Guilt's Difcouries, and is almoft wholly made up of Chrift's Miracles and other molt remarkable Adlions, together with his Death, and after that his Refurredtion and AfcenGon. nt. From the Paragraph immediately foregoing, it follows, that this Go- i7w\?'"t\l. "'"" fpel was W*it after St Teter had preached at Rome : and Irenxus more particularly fays, that it was writ (f) after tfyJbr, i. e. either the 'Deceafe or Departure of St Teter, And the latter Senfe of the Word is in reafon to be preferr'd, Gnce this is, and the other is not, confident with that other Part of Ancient Tradition, which fays, that when St Mark had drew up his Gofpel, St Peter perus'd it, and ratify d it with his Autho- rity, commanding it to be Publickly read in Religious Affemblies. In- fomuch that for thefe and other Reafons aforemention'd, this Gofpel was call'd fometimes by the Ancients St Teter's Gofpel. It being thus writ after St Peter's Departure from Rome, it might be writ fometime between A. D. 49 or $2, and 61 or 64. rv. From what has been laid, efpecially in the fecond Paragraph, it ap- Th.sGorpci.fcjw ^a jp that it is Not probable that this Gofpel was only extracted an Epitume of St r > ? r , r • Matthew's. from St Matthew s, as a dehgn d Epitome or Abridgment thereof. And ■» the fame is confirm'd by coniidering, that St Mark do's not only not oh- ferve the fame Order in relating Matters, as they are related in by St Mat- thew; but alfo mentions feveral Particulars omitted 'by the Other: Both which are not agreeable to the DeGgn or Nature of an Abridgment. How- ever in a large and lets proper Scnfe this Gofpel may be look'd on as (f) See the Paflage of Irenaus fee down in the following Note g). I know there are not wanting fome, who are (\> far from allowing S't Peter to have been at Rome twice, that they der.y him to have been there fo much as once; and canfequently deny the litter Senfe of the Word i?^©" here, which I prefer. But as thele have not a reafonable Regard for Antiquity, fo it is but reaforable to have no Regard for them herein, however learned they may be otherwife. It is evident, that according to the Tef.imonies of the Ancients compar'd toge- ther , St Peter was alive after Sc Mark had writ this Gofpe! ; otherwife he could not have perus'd and ratify 'd it. And if he was alive, then f|«f®- in Jre- na»us can't fignily his Death at tiie fame time, bu; only his Departure from Rome. And if he departed from Rome, then he was there twice, forafmuch as fuch bis Departure muft be before the time that he was put to Death there. And as I know of nothing in Scripture tha" contradi&s this; fo I have hitherto met with no Argument elfewhere to the contrary, which is fufficient to overthrow the forcfaid i'eitimony of Antiquity. an it cement THE T RE FACE. 281 an Epitome of the Other; inafmuch as it gives a [hotter Account of our Saviour's Life, &c. . There is indeed a very great Agreement, not only as to fingle Words, ouhej^ but alfo as to the Expreffion of whole Sentences, to be obferv'd m the '" "'"dl ™d £: Gofpels of St Matthew and Mark. And I fuppofe that as it is hence in- st ^uhew'Tand ferr'd that Sc Mark had feen the Greek Gofpel of St Matthew, fo-it fg stMark'sCofpei*, likewife inferr'd further, that St Mark only drew his Gofpel out of St Matthew's lying before him; inferting fome Particulars by the direction of St Peter. The Firfl of thefe Inferences is embrae'd by fome Learned Men, who rightly reject, the Second. But I think the Firfl is not a good Inference, any more than the Other; forafmuch as the fame Agreement between the Expreffions in the two Gofpels might be occafion'd after a quite contrary manner, and more probably was lo. That St Matthew's Gofpel was writ before St Mark's, is indeed affirm'd by the Ancients j but then they affirm it only in refpec~t to the Hebrew Original of St Mat- thew's Gofpel; as is plain from the Paflage (g) of Irenaeus cited below. So that this hinders not, but St Mark's Gofpel might be writ before St Mat- thew's Hebrew Gofpel was tranjlated into Greek; and fo the Tranflator thereof might mukfi u/e of St Mark's Greeks Gofpel in turning St Mat- thew's Hebrew one into Greek. And hence, I think, may moll: Natu- rally be accounted for the little 'Difference of a Word ox two, when all the reB of the ferje fhall be exprefs'd alike in both Gofpels : Namely the Tranllator, tho' in rendring St Matthew s Hebrew he made ufe of St Mark's Greek, and rendcr'd One by the Other, where he could keep to the 'Original, yet elfe where in order to keep to the Original, he was oblig'd iomct:m.s to (h) leave out a Word or two. which were in St Mark, or to {h) put m a Word or two which were not in St. Mark, or laftly, to ufe a Word or fingle Expreffion different {h) from that us'd by St Mark, even where the Senle was the fame. I confefs the Hypothefis here fuggeiled by me is, for ought I know, entirely new : but this will be no good Objection againlt it, if it appears more natural than the contrary one, hitherto commonly receiv'd. I could add more in the de- fence of it, were it proper here or neceffary. • (g) O fttv & M«t9»7«, ci %~is EZ^aitu iy (N.B.) <<% S^Xiktu our an, ^ tfityZw e§ii'- rsyxi» ZhnyytXin, H Tlit%u *$ 2 lUu/Xv ci Vafn\ ibxy^tXiilc^iiit, j§ ^sA<;;»r*>» *J» cMtctoaicw. Mime iitiv rirm f%efov, M«{kjs J ffgij>n>i; x^ tg[Mivii IHt^is, Kj outzs to lira nk$B %y^uT- s >>uh Tm^xSi^hm. Lib. 5. cap. I. (h) Compare Mat. 9. 14 — 17. \n\\.\\Markx. 18 — zi. in which Paflages there is an Example to be found of all the three feveral Ihftances or different Cafes abovemention'd. i8i to kata The GOSPEL MARKON ACCORDING TO ETAfTEAION. S< MARK. TEXT. TRANSLATION. APXH TV iva.jyi\tou UnS Xesrv, t[v tv \\ ©eocf. z Sis yvftx- JL Kth ^ PrePare thy way ^ . \ a , , ~ before thee. <©£^/ oSit Kueiv, in the wildernefs, Prepare ye »a. ' ~ ' '/<> ' r the way of the Lord, make his uijua* mm-n to? t&Qovs ao-rod. paths ft>rajght 4 EyoiiTo 'lawns ^cL^i^ai w t» 4 John did baptize in the IpW, X* wip<5 and Prcacrh tr!e ba- , ' > „ «. „ , ptilm or repentance, for the re- maA us Aipiaii cL/MUf-Tiai. y Kot) miffion of fins. i^iTn^nutn «j5£?s otttTo'y tiuoo, « 1st- J And there went out un- r> ' ' i < T N ~ 1 to him all the land of Judea, At.cc p&, * „ Iwntopny m and they of Jerufa,emJ and' tb*7rl/£oyTo trJvtjs oi 1$ Iop) tto- were all baptiz'd of him in W« if mtv, '&tu\*yitto» «« the river of Jordan, confeffing « ' ' '~3Pr 7U jvT ' their fi^. n^-na* caTit/. \to|. j^ . and he ^ eat Iocufts XSH lodiccv ctxei^bts koj\ fieM aiyeAQV. and wild hony. (a) Read the Paraphrafe on Matt. 3. 3. (») See the Paraphrafe on Matt. 3. 4. 7 Kccj i8g The GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S< M A «R K. PARAPHRASE. f SECTION 'I. Containing fuch Particulars, as are taken notiqe of by St MAs\K^t in reference to the Baptifm ofCHs\IST, when he was about thirty Tears of Age ; and from thence to CHi\IST's En- tring on the more Publick Part of his-Miniftry after the lmprifonment of John the Baptijl, rvhen CHi\ISTrvas in the thirty fecond Tear ofhii Age. Thefe Particulars take up Chap. /.i — i j. of this Gojpel. Chap I / M HE History of the Conception and Birth, both of John of >*»' Baptm § Baptist the Forerunner of ' Chrift, and a/fo ofChrijl htm the Fore-runner -*- /elf; and all other Particulars relating to the Infancy and0 Minority of Christ ( which ate taken notice of Matt, i and 2, and Luke I and 2.) are pafs'd over by St Matk, who takes the Beginning of the Gofpel, i e. Hi/iory writ by him of the Life andT>eath of Jems Chrift, the Son of God, from the Coming of John the Bapttjl to preach. 2 For as it is written in- the Prophets, {viz. Ma/.}, i.) Behold, I fend my MefTenger before thy Face, which (hall prepare thy Way before thee: 3 (and Ifai. 40. 3. ) The Voice of One crying in the Wildernefs, Pre- pare (a) ye the Way of the Lord, make his Paths ftraighr. jvu t vim- h\lMrm auTOci. 8 Eya> fai tCcL ^i ra- AiAouas, $ iCa^/aS?/ 'xI^ot Iaetvvv as r lofaiUv. io Koj ei^'aj, ayaSxj- im ^jri xtSb.'tos, uh <%ko f£i>sis tvs •> i , \ ~ < \ (-> \ J/0*V^5j £ 70 ■ffnufVL UGH 'Ztfe<5?pXV, H5CTaCc4)»o» It' avTB». 1 1 Koj j lysvero -tyx tuv oupstvav 2i» Ix.^ Of tm spHjMffl ii/u.i^.5 ii0m.e2.wnL, ■&UfX^Q{fyjO$ 1/71X1 if 2,0.1 Met' K, W $ t 3?)6«Br s£ 01' oiy{i\oi $ivr/J»vt a.ltS. 14 M«7a j *r « o IJ And faying. The time is ™**>,^> !•' , 1 lbe Sea of Galilee, he faw Si- Aaojxv -? 1 aAiAaia* ads z,iuaia. x, j a j u l u , ^ » , ~ ~r~" » mon, and Andrew his brother, Aifyiew t zfoAtpai a.i/TV /8xM.o»^U calling a net into the fea : for ifttfGtoyoi <* T? fcAa'wy (Wf they Wefe fi(hefS- i « *■ » t^'* > ~ « 17 And Jefus laid unto them, y*fjt\ius.) 17 Kxj ami auTo.s 0 Come ye after mCj and x wiU I*avsm AeoTj 07zij» ^wo, x.«j in^- make you to become fifhers of ■ ~ ' o_^ tv ~ » e\ f men. , '; , t , ,'r ( 18 And flraightway they 1 8 K09 gu^sas cupems m SWua xu- forfook their nets, and follow'd T$f, VM\i^ma vjt$. i9 Koj hlm- ^^i°\, » ~o_»,/ *rv t' 10 And when he had gone ^« e*«Jii oA,^, kAiIxx^- a 1,4 further thence, he law Cor t TyZtQiSitiy, *ocj IooliiIw tov Tames the [m ofZebcdcc, and iMpi. «i& g cftr* ci n& 7*0(0 >ha his b£ther> Jho f? . a * • , , ' ■ were in a (hip mending their Yje.Ta.fT.^Qyfdj, to hx.Tvct. 20 Kxj nets. eujs'a? ckaAeaif a»r&- *a< ape'». 10 And flraightway he ^ \ / apPrrr a .. ~ , call'd them : and they left their tm to, vx-ntf. _ p after him. 21 Kxj y'cz7Sipeu3y2 e<5 KaTrspva^' 21 And they went into Ca- > 5(L' ~ '/O/o » vft_\ • pernaum, and Itrai2hr*way on * w9««S ™5 TOGGatw wrcK^af e,$ tKhe fabba!h-day Ke ?nter^ into uuca.yirjjjj , EJiJkjxe. 22 Koi c^g- the fynagogue, and taught. ttA^vS '^i t5 h" wereaRonifli'd <£. «, , '. r ft' , , at his doctrine: for he taught £ ftfe?x«v aoT«s as ifyiam e^v, ^ them as one that had autho- y% is 0/ ^a^cxreTs. 23 Kx/ ZcT rKy» and not as the fcribi?s- » ~ ~ , ~ „ , 23 And there was in their o# th oax>7? ttt>r«y nve ; ri\%$ ^roAejaj jfyuas ; oi<&t or Ti5 ut 0 a.yi(§y> t5 ©eou. 2f Kx) £7^'nia»Kny owtsS 0 Ijktcuj , Ae>ov ^^3)177, x.ot} 'i£i\% e£ «Am , s^iiA^sy l£ ttUToJ. 27 Kaj E^a/^G«3«(7a» srxvTij, &>& crrv£>iTe4y "77? y\ SMii^ti y\ ^)v» aoT>) , 071 ^jtr O^OIX* KOUj ToiS VTtiU ^UL(JX TDIS 9.Y&- cjy aoTSt ■» 28 E|>iA9s <^ » a»o» aery eo'J-uj e<5 oAZu> t£u> 'z&tyazji 7715 rocAiAwa^. 29 Kcc) i.v%ai he t»s cuucLicDyiss S^eA^VTSj, ijA^cv &s T oi'jwov 2<]c&i)V0$ xaj Ay//>6V, ^£f» I*x/i)£y $ Iax'yvV. 30 HA ttev^^c Xlfjuuim wvuLU-n) 7ropsi5, ore e itfoi 'duo Jvpouf. 34 Kou\ e9s^c7rew(7i AaA&v tbo SbufMHA, on «£&£, «u«tdip. 33 And all the city was ga- ther'd together at the door. 34 And he heal'd many that were fick of divers diieafes , and cad out many devils, and fufFer'd not the devils to (peak, becaufe they knew him. 3f K«J PARAPHRASE. and he cry'd out, 24 faying, Let us evil Spirits or Devils alone ; what have we to do with Thee, thou Jefus of Nazareth, i.e. Idefire thee to have nothing to do with us} Art thou come to deftroy us, or put an End to our Tower over Mankind, before the Time appointed of God t for I know thee Who thou art, the Holy One, i. e. Mejfiah or Son of God. 2f And JefuS not /landing in need of "bis Teftimony rebuk'd him, i.e. the Devil, faying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him, /. e . the Man poffefi'd. 2.6 And when the unclean Spirit had thrown him into Convulfions, and cry'd with a loud Voice, he came out of him. 27 And they that were prefent , were all aroaz'd, inlbmuch that they queftion'd among them- felves, faying, What a wonderfuU thing is this? what new Doctrine is this, that is attended with fuch Power in the Teacher of it? for with Authority commands he even the unclean Spirits , and they do obey him. 28 And immediately his Fame fpread abroad throughout all the Region round about Galilee. 29 And forthwith when they were come out of the Synagogue, Chrjft^'urejPe. they enter'd into the Houfe of Simon and Andrew, viz. Jefus enter 'dws mfa u>ti,er thereinto, and Simon and Andrew, together with James and John. 30 But ollFcver- Simon's Wifes Mother lay fick of a Fever, and forthwith they tell him of her. 31 And he came and took her by the hand , and lift her up from the Bed or Couch where fie was lay'd; and immediately the Fever left her, and (he minilfred unto them, 1. e. got ready what they wanted, and attended on them. 3Z And at Evening, viz. when the Sun fet, and fo the Sabbath-day A„d '„»•:• was over, they brought unto him All that were difeas'd, and them that olh"s- were poffefs'd with Devils. 33 And ma manner All the City, viz. Capernaum was gathered together at the Door of Simon and Andrew' s Houfe, to fee the Miracles he did. 34 And he heal'd many that were fick of divers Difeafes, and caft out many Devils, and fuffer'd not the Devils to fpeak, becaufe, or to fay that they knew him ; choofing to prove his "Divine Commifjion rather by the Goodnefs of his 'Doctrine and the 290 S. Mark, Chap I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3? And in the morning rif- ing up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a folitary place, and there pray'd. j . A11 men feek f fu>7ii>Xui , ita KSttq XMfu^at' us ri- jas, «^>jA^s' xoq a^A^sy «« epu- 35 Kotj ksct*$W;«*- ^•xeioSv. 43 Kaj ifi€&t[AM V«p*> ^4it a" /- °penly enter mto a c,ty> but *n\Jw «M e£« 04 epx/uis to- was without in defert places: thus Za» , xm) «pyo»7D 'B^J aoTo» and they came unto him from vw&voV • eV"y qUa"er- * Kep. 191 PARAPHRASE. VII. 3 j- And in the Morning rifing up a great while before Day, He went out of Capernaum, and departed into a folitary Place, and there pray'd. throughout ghh«, 36 And Simon and they others that were with him, i.e. with Simon , "j1 cafts ouc Dc~ vis. his Brother Andrew, and James and John, mijjing Chrijl, follow'd after him going out of Capernaum to feek him. 37 And when they had found him, they faid unto him, All men at Capernaum feek for or en- quire after thee. 38 And he laid unto them, Let us go into the Neigh- bouring Towns notwithftanding, that I may preach there alio, as well as at Capernaum : for therefore came I forthyo early this Morning out of Capernaum , that I might the better get away thence , and preach in other Places, according to the Intent of my Coming into this World. 29 And accordingly he preach'd in their Synagogues throughout all Ga- lilee, and caft out Devils. vm 40 And there came a Leper to him, befeeching him, and kneeling AL*/«-cur'd. down to him, and laying unto him, (0) If thou wilt, I am per [waded thou canfl make me clean, i. e. cure me of my Leprofy. 41 And Jefus mov'd with companion, put forth his hand and touch'd him, and lays unto him, I will, be thou clean. 42 And as foon as he had fpoken, immediately the Leprofy departed from him , and he was cleans'd. 43 And he ftraitly charg'd him not to tell abroad what he had done for him, and forthwith fent him away ; 44 and fays unto him, See thou fay nothing of this miraculous Cure to any Man : but go thy way, fhew thy fell to the Priefl, and offer for thy Cleahling, i.e. being cur d of thy Leprofy, thofe things which Moles commanded,- which do for a Tefti- mony unto them, / e. unto the Jews, that I am fent from God. 45 But he went out, and for Joy began to publilh it much, and to blaze abroad the matter ; infomuch that Jefus could no more openly enter into a Ci- ty or larger Town, where he was well or perfonally known, by reafomof the great Multitudes that pre fently flock d after him, but was forcd to continue generally or frequently in delert or folitary Places: and even there they came to him from every quarter. zyz S. Mark, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ki^«.. much that there was no room faV 510U tAOLA.4 CUITOIS TB» AO'IPV. , ,. .^ , , , «£ t0 receive /#«» , no not io 3 Ket| ep^ovTct) '©£^5 *i/Tov, ^ct- much as about the door: and hunx.ll (Depots a.WV Itu> tuml- hepreach'dtheworduntothem. , , , - 3 And they come unto him, pav. 4 Kcq pi Suoa.f^joi «tt| auT^ a^J to» c^Aoy, iW- yaoav tZco ?EyZ«/ 'ouw id, k*\ i%o- fU%0WrtS ;£AAa<7J TOV XtyCCsLTOV , jp' &> o orct^iAuTj/WS JUfnJceiTB. J Ic&>V cffc 0 ItfOTltJs tZm> •/JTrZy OL'J- Tyfy htyi 7a zra.gy.Xwn.Ka' Te- X.V3V, a^eayrcq (TO I 01) d^UOtpTIOl) 0T)U. 6 Hcav 1^0»^) £V £Cttl7o7s, ei7TE» etUTBTs" T< ■^th, ^af-?^yi^tcQ-e u ra^s Kscp- £1045 v/d^fi 9 T<' '^/v to>co7roT8- yy, «7r£*y TO ?rV>a,AuTixxj, A^eay- Tet) i utTui, Eyw pcq, x.ot| apoy otju 7oy x.gp.CCoL'nv, tot| -e^<7r»t^ j jo Iva & «,£?¥ t jc£^.CCs(.7cv ay, ^ uray* as T oijcov ay. 12 Koq i^pSj) eu^sas, )tx| cL&t-S t x.£^C£a.73y, o^A^jy eyew- <&£x£eiv f ©eoy, Ae^yras' On iSi- -7TOT8 y7»5 fc'lJbjOteV. that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive tins, (he faith to the lick of the pally,) 11 I fay unto thee, Anle, and take up thy bed, and go thy way unco thine houfe. 12, And immediately he a- rofe, took up the bed, and went forth before them all, info- much that they were all amaz- ed, and glorified God, laying, We never faw * any thing like this. 13 Kcu PARAPHRASE. Chap. II. And again he enter'd into Capernaum, after fome days, and 0ne ^ f the thd he enter d not openly {as Ch. L ttlt.) it was nois'd m a little time paifr cured. about the City, that he was in the Houfe, where he was not improbably in his own Houfe where he dwelt with his Mother after his coming to dwell at Capernaum (Matth. 4. 13.) 2. And ftraightway many.Avere gathered together, infomuch that there was no room to receive them in the Houfe, no not fo much as about the Door: and he preach'd the Word unto them, j And they come unto him, bringing one fick of the Palfy, who being not able to go himjelfwzi carried in a bed by four. 4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the Croud, they un- cover'd the Roof of the Houfe where he was ; and when thy had broken it up,they let down the bed,wherein the fick of the Palfy lay. _$• When Jefus faw (p) their Faith, he laid unto the fick of the Palfy, Son, thy Sins be forgiven thee. 6 But there were certain of the Scribes fitting there, and realbning in their hearts, 7 Why do's this Man thus fpeak Blafphemies? who can forgive Sins but God only ? 8 And immediately, when Jefus perceiv'd by his "Divine Spirit, whereby he was enabled to know the Thoughts and Secrets of others Hearts, that they fo reafon'd within themlelves, he fuid unto them, Why reafon ye of thefe things in your hearts? Q Whether is it eafier to fay to the fick of the Palfy, Thy Sins be forgiven thte: or to fay, Anfe, and take up thy Bed and walk? 10 But that ye may know that the Son of Man has Power on Earth to forgive Sins, (he fays to the fick of the Palfy,) 11 I fay unto thee, Anfe, and take up thy Bed, and go thy way unto thy Houfe. 12 And immedately he arofe, took up his Bed, and went before them All, in- fomuch that they were All amaz'd and glorify 'd Gcd, faying, We ne- .. c,. „.,.. ,u.«'« i;ir^ .v.;,. a/,.- „^ .,;„,., n,.~~ j„*.„ Z...-C... l„ .. ha 294- S. Mark, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Aifwxv x\ ms o oyAoS Mp>«70 s®gjS clvtci, x, l^xSbunctv avrys. 14 Kotj ippiytti') tiSi Aewv t t£ AApctjtf *$t- 3niuVoy :^b 70 TiAanov 19 Aej9 a.fjL ttoA\o), 19 ^jcoA^^Jiaay ettn^. I<5 Kow oi ypa^/U*Te<5 xj o» papurecioj •J^yTSS an Toy EoSroy^i y§ rm TlXawi X) ijiwtpTtaAay, eAe^py 7o7s /ttc^DTaJs tturfc* Ti 07j ^J 7iA»y«y $ a^ec^- TaAay tc&il X) Trt'y^j 17 Ka> «.*£- aas 0 lucres, \ty4 tu&^s' Ou yy&aui tjgsoiv 01 l%yoms 'loLTgv, 4a\ ol )(jt. YAii 'i-^ilii. Ofx. %\%1 KjcAeaott £1- X5t(Vs, «Ma kftcifKiAlds t. 18 Koti >ji?otj IfflstwV £ oj t v wtivovJtS' k] £p^?0 & ^e" /tfaj/ cm 7a* Aia7i or ,«a,9n^C( lactyvy ^ 01 t ^otpiaajay vvifeilvc^y, 01 T 13 And he went forth again by the fea-fide, and all the mul- titude reforted unto him, and he taught them. 14 And as he palled by, he fay Levi the Jon of Alpheus fitting at the receit of cuftoro, and faid unto him. Follow me. And he arofe and follow'd him. \S And it came to pats, that as Jefus fat at meat in his houfe, many publicans and tin- ners fat alfo together with Je- fus and his difciples: for they were many, and they follow'd him. 16 And when the Scribes and Phanfees faw him eat with publicans and tinners, they faid unto his difciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and tinners ? 17 When Jefus heard it, he faith unto them, They that are whole, have no need of the phyfician, but they that are tick. I came not to call the righteous, but tinners to repen- tance. 18 And the difciples of John, and of the Phanfees us'd to faff ; and they come, & fay unto him, Why do the difciples of John and of the Pharifees fafr, but thy difciples raft not P ip And Jefus faid unto them, Can the children of the bnde- chamber fait, while the bride- groom is with them ? as long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot faft. 20 But the days will come, when the bridegroom fhaU be vn S.Mark, Chap. II. 1-9S PARAPHRASE. 13 And he went forth again by the Sea-fide, and all the Multitude chrift calls ttai- thcm to follow him. reforted unto him, and he taught them. 14 And as he pafs'd by from : the houfe where he had been, toward the Sea- fide, he fa\v Levi, other wife cuU'd Matthew, the Son of Alpheus at the Receit of Cuftom, or Place where the Receivers of the Cuftom or Taxes fat, and faid unto him who was one of the /aid Receivers, Follow me henceforth as my 'Dijciple. And he arofe and lollow'd him asfuch, leaving his former Employ, is And jt came to pafs, that Matthew (q) made a great Feafi for Jefus at his Houfe; and as Jefus fat at meat in his Houfe, many Publicans (r) and Sinners fat alfo together with Jefus and his Difciples : for there were (j) many of Chrifis Difciples invited with him, and they accordingly fol- low'd him to Matthew's Houfe. 16 And when the Scribes and Phari- fees faw him eat with Publicans and Sinners, they faid unto his Difci- ples, How is it that he eats and drinks with Publicans and Sinners? 17 When Jefus heard it, he fays unto them, They that are whole, have no need of the Phyfician, but they that are lick: I came not to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance. 18 And the Difciples of John Baptitl, and alfo of the Pharifees, us'd whcyh^s £«£ to Faft ; and they come and fay unto him, Why do the Difciples of John, pies did »«/«/». and of the Pharifees faft; but thy Difciples faft not? ip And Jefus faid unto them, Can (/) the Children of the Bride-chamber fall, while the Bridegroom is with them ? As long as they have the Bridegroom with them, they cannot be expeiled Reafonably or without Abfurdtty to faft. 20 But the Days will come, when the Bridegroom fhall be taken away XI. Chrift fliews ANNOTATIONS. V. 17. t E(5 C1™"* is not read here fas Iikewife not Matt. 9. 13.) in Alex, or Cant, or feveral other MSS. nor in Vulg. Syr. Copt. Goth. Perf Echiop.Ver- fions. It was probably taken from Luke 5. 32. ( q) Compare Luke 5. 29. \r) See my Parapb. on Matt. 9. 10—13. ( s) Some Commentators by the Many here ," underftand the many Fublicans and Sinners aforemention'd j and by this Expreffion, And tkeyfollo-w'd him, un- derftand, that the faid Publicans and Sinners were converted by Chrift at Mat- thew's houfe, and became thenceforth his Followers or Difciples. And tho' this is a very material Circumftance, and which more deferves notice ; yet the Senfe follow'd in the Paraphrafe feems to be moft eafy and natural, and fo the true Meaning of the Evangelift. (t) Read my Paraph, on Mat. 9. 15—17. («) S«e xptf S.Mark, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. , , „ t , __ i then ihall they rait in thole cVjjv £V ex,avoc|S Toqs w,«£pqs. 21 Kcq d s# y^«s '^CAn/iut />**.«$ iyvlw '^ip- U No man alfo feweth a »y n )Ai < ' . ~ » m ' * patch of new cloth on an old pzicfowiinwmtoir « A^*, gaKrment: elfe the new* patch oq'pet to 'nh.lifupd, av$ to jy4»o» t£ takcth away from the old, and v ~ 1 ~ „{ rSf „„ it J. *aworferent is made. ^wxrw &«.<$. 22 K« 22 And no man putteth fe-S&ts /SxM.4 oho/ rga» as airjctfs ^ra- new wine into old bottles, elfe AqyV « ^ ^, pW« 0 oTy©- 0 the new wine doth burft the , , , , , , ~ , ~~ bottles, and the wine is (pile, yeos TVS * ~ toTs ^Catw i 9U '&* 5 ^ not lawful? , , , „ , *, . / ij And he laid unto them, 2f Koq outos eAey«v oujtois' OcTfc- Have ye never read what Da- im% knym-it tj IttoiW AscCiA vid did, when he had need and f/ , „ . , / • > , < was hungry, he, and they that en £Pa<* t%, x, way*™ ootos x, 01 were wuh him ? lUiT dj/Ji 26 Flaj u?, x.014 rys ixpTV5 7»5 '<37i^9soT*y ou»7oiV To ""',-:' ',_- , , „ ft , , 2- And he faid unto them, ouGCxtdv a/j Toy cty^pojTTo, lytfiis, Thg fabbath was madc for manj fe-y 0 ay,)-pa)'3r@-' Mgt to ffa'CGttYoy. and'not man for the fabbath : „ _ - / , c *i "•»«'/ 28 Therefore the Son of 28 Qjl: JU^OS f«f 0 M0J TV «.f^pa. man JS Lord ,ev£n-ofthe fab. ■7TV 19 TV ctxGCxtV. baih. S. Mark, Chap. II. 297 PARAPHRASE, away from them, and then fhall they fait in thofe days, ai No man alfo feweth a patch of New cloth on an Old garment : elfe, i. e. if a patch of New cloth be few 'd on an Old garment, the New patch takes away from the Old cloth, and a worfe Rent is made. 22 And no man puts New wine into Old bottles : elfe, / e. if New wine be put into Old bottles, the New wine do's burft the bottles, and the wine is fpilt, and the Battles are loft or de/lroy'd: but New wine mult be put into New bottles, if you will preferve both. SECTION III. Containing fuch Particulars at are taken Notice of by St Mark, From the PafTover that was in the thirty third Tear of Chriil's Life, (or A. D. 31.) To a little before the PafTover that was in the thirty fourth Tear of his Life (or A. D. 32.) Which Par- ticulars take up Chap. II. 23 — VI. 30. i. 23 And it came to paft, that he went through the Corn-fields on the hisc £ 'fc,tf fi" Sabbath-day, which was ftyfd(ii) fum&w™, and was at the time of the picking, rubbing, Taffover; and his Difciples began , as they went, to pluck the Ears *"rds 0efa "^ta '£° of Corn, and to rub them in their hands, and eat the Corn, being Hungry, the SM.uh. 24 And the Phanfees faid unto him, Behold, why do they on the Sab- bath day that which is not lawful? z$ And he faid unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was hungry; nay he, and alfo they that were with him? 26" How he went into the Houfe of God, or Tabernacle (w) about the time of Abiathar the High- prieft (viz a little before his father Abimelech was kjll'd by Saul's com- mand, upon whofe Death he fucceeded of courfe in the H/gh-prieJihood,) and did eat the Shew-bread, which it is not lawful to eat, but for the Priefts ; and gave alfo to them that were with him. 27 And he faid unto them, The Sabbath (x) was made for Man, and not Man for the Sabbath. 28 Thefore the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. . Chap. III. ANNOTATIONS. (u) See Luke 6. 1. and the Note thereon. (w) E?ri fignifies about as well as in the time referr'd to ; and accordingly is fo render'd by our Tranihtors Mat. 1. n. and mould likewife hive been fo ren- der'd here. (x) Read my Paraph, on Mat. n, 8. 19% S.Mark, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kep. y. KotJ uaHiX^i -sra.hu ei's Chap. JH. • , , , \ . ^ , p ,/ - And he enicr'd again into lico pztt/ajaj^' **« Uo ca\ av?pa- the fynagoguc, and there was -tt(3>* cJ£yi&.(i(Afilw eyav tJco ;£« pa. a man there who had a wuher'd „ i r ' \ ' ~ i/a hand. a K*, aapsTOp*' «*ro» «^i$ craG. a And ihey wat£h>d ^ Q>a. » ~ %. / 0 /^ S And when he had look'd ««t«^ *«t ^j^ ovtouwufr®* round about 0Q them wuh an_ '&l T*i 7ro>pa? vap airy 'as * ttM». 6 Ketl e^eA^o'vTls 0/ pet&otqoj , eu^ws ^ Toy Hp&)$1efy>a» oi//£tCvAixoAv3)lffay atnc/>, x.a< ~&m "tyis IV- Jfeuixs , 8 xeti ^T3 Ieg^troAujUay , »*} ^5H T>)5 iSVf^a?, Jtttl 7TEp*f t5 // out : and his hand was re- ftor'd whole as the other. 6 And the Phanfees went forth , and firaightway took counfel with the Herodians a- gainft him , how they might deflroy him. 7 But Jefus withdrew him- felf with his difcipJes to the fea : and a great multitude from Galilee foLlow'd him, and from Judea, 8 And from Jerufalem, and from Idumea, and from beyond Iop<&tW ANNOTATIONS. V. f . t *>« is not read in Alex. Cant, and many other MSS. nor in the old Verfions. It has been added here from St Matthew. (y) Compare Luke 6. 6. (z) Compare Mat. 12. n, iz. (a) See this and all other Places, mention'd in thisGofpel, defciib'd in my Geography of the New Teft. Part 1. as the Index thereto direft*. (c) Compare S.Mark, Chap. III. 199 PARAPHRASE. — — - 11. Chap. III. And he enter'd again (y) on another Sabbath-day into the chrift cures a Synagogue at Capernaum,znd there was a Man there who had a wither'd ^lson"i^Lt hand. 2 And they, i.e. the unbelieving Jews, particularly the Phari' i>.uh. fees mention d below v. 6. watch 'd him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath-day, that they might accufe him as a Breaker of the Sab- bath, if he did. 3 And he fays unto the Man who had the wither'd hand, Stand forth. 4 And they having askid him, faying, Is it lawfull to heal on the Sabbath-day, he fays unto them , By way of ' Anjwer to jour §lue/lion, I ask you this, viz. Is it lawfull to do Good on the Sab- bath-day, or to do Evil in neglecling to do Good, when an Opportunity offers it felf, tho' on the Sabbath? to fave Life, or to Kill by not Javing Life when it is in ones Tower, becaufe it is on the Sabbath? Bat they held their peace, being Afham'd on one hand to T>eny [0 plain a Truth , as that it was lawfull to do Good andjave L'fe on the Sabbath ; and be- ing Unwilling on the other hand to Grant it to be lawfull, becaufe this would be to jufiify what Jefus was about to do. j And when he had look'd round about on them with Anger, and being Griev'd for the Hard- nefs of their Hearts, which would not fuffer them toyeild to the Force of his convincing Argument, and openly to acknowledge the Truth, He fays unto them further, {that the People might fee how they acktiowledg'd the Truth by their own common PracJice, which they thus refus'd to acknow- ledge now with their Mouths,) Which of you (z) /hall have a Sheep, and if it fall into a 'Pit on the Sabbath, will not lift it out ? How much then is a Man better than a Sheep ? Wherefore it is lawfull according to your own PracJice to do Well, 1. e. what is requifile to the Life or Welfare of a living Creature, and therefore efpecially of a Man, on the Sabbath ; and confequently to heal this Mian's hand; and then he fays unto the Man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he ftretch'd it out ; and his hand was re- flor'd whole as the other. 6 And the Pharifees went forth of the Synagogue, and being enragd chriit^ithdnw, at Chrifl's having thus plainly Jhewn the Unrea/onablenefs of their going incoprivarePiac« about to find fault with him for healing on the Sabbath, Itraightway took ^Lt! ^l is* counfel with the Hcrodians, i. e. fuch as acknowledg'd the Roman Sove- f°u°»'d by the reignty over them to be no Ufurpation , and confequently Herod to have Fe^le- a nghlfull Authority, as being made Tetrdrch or King of Galilee by the Romans ; with theje Herodtans the Pharifees, {tho' them/elves of a dif- ferent Opinion generally in this matter, as looking on the Roman Govern- ment to be no other than an Ufurpation over than,) look counfel again It him, how they might deltroy hnn. . - But feius, knowing it by Ins 7)i~ vine Omnifcience, withdrew himfelf with his Dikiples out of Caper- naum to private and foli tar y Places about the Sea of Galilee; and a great Multitude notwithjlanding difcoveritfg where he was, follow 'd him from 3°o 5. Mark, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Iop^tVOW 7&\ 01 'Z&A Tu£JV xot| 2«- ^Sivei, tjAm^s -ttbAu, a>cot;i7av7e5 ore, t'TToli, jjA'J-oy rsrgfS awror. 9 Kot| urn roii ^waSiitgus owrv, »* flAoia.- 6) *)v>u£a!i7jv auToy. 10 rioMovs ^SyJ \,%gf.'xd> 0TOV ©cod. 12 Kot)1 ttoMoc 't7rm(AX cm. idis, 'ivct <«» ou)7oy Jfe)($c, "11a. aai fiir aurv, HSfJi 'lux. ^JbreWMM outvs >cwpucvre Toy ctiArApoy tS Ictx£>£ou' (**j r7ft9if*n ootb7s ow/mio, Bo&itpyts , 0 '&iv, u[Qi jS^jviw.) 18 K«j Ay- c/y«at# , X.06) ^/AiTrwoy , jcocj B*/>9oA0- itUyoy, xoq Mar^oy , x.^ Q>a jjmi , kouj laixoGov iii tfAAponV, 9 ©*£- Jordan ; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him. o And he fpake to his difci- ples, that a fmall fhip Ihould wait on him, becaufe of the multitude , left they fhould throng him. 10 For he had heal'd many, infomuch that they prefs'd up- on him for to touch him, as many as had * ails. 11 And unclean fpirits,when they faw him, fell down before him, and cry'd, faying, Thou art the Son of God. 12 And he *ftriclly charg'd them, that they Ihould not make him known. 13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would : and they came unto him. 14 And he ordain'd twelve, that they fhould be with him, and that he might fend them forth to preach.; iy And to have power to heal ficknelfes, and to caff out devils. 16 And Simon he furnam'd Peter. 1*7 And James the fin of Ze- bedee, and John the brother of James ( and he furnam'd them Boanerges, which is the fons of thunder.) 18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Mat- thew, and Thomas, and James the f on of Alpheus, and Thad- S.Mark, Chap. III. 301 TEXT. • TRANSLATION. «fW, xc4 Ziftaia. tcv Kwxuiiw , deus, and Simon the Cananite, , «t, 10 AndJudasIfcariot, which 15, x«f ItfJki Iwe*fj«w, os $**>«- alfo betray.d him. and they Stmt* eu>iiv x,*j epyovTetj e<5 olxof. went into an ho ufe. 20 K*f PARAPHRASE. and even they about Tyre and Sidon in a great Multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him. 9 And he fpake to his D;fciples,thac they fhould get a fmaU Ship or Boat which fhould wait on him, that fo he might go into it when he jaw fit, becaufe of the Mul- titude, lelt they fhould throng him. 10 For he had heal'd many, in- fomuch that they prefs'd upon him, for to touch him, as many as had Ails. 1 1 And unclean Spirits or 2Jevils, when they favv him, fell down before him, -and cry 'd, faying, Thou art the Son of God. 12 And he ftri&ly charg'd them that he heal'd, that they fhould not make him known, i. e. not make known to his Enemies, the unbelieving Tharifees and Herodians mention d v. 6. where he was. And by ChriB's thus re- tiring into private Tlaces, and keeping himfelf there unknown to the Tha- rifees, fee. was fulfill 'd that in If at. 42. 1, 2, fee. Behold my Servant whom I have chofen fee. He Jhall not flrive nor cry, neither /hall any Man hear his yoke in the Streets, fee. 1 2 And he go's up into a Mountain , and bavin? (c) pray'd there all _. 'v- . . • 1 1 ■ 1 7 11 1 ■ . ° r /, J 1 Chnft chooles night, when it was day, he calls unto him up into the Mountain whom the twive^*,- he would of his 'Difciples \ and they came unto him. 14 And heor-^"- dain'd Twelve, {viz. Eight befides the Four he call'd afore •, (d) upon his firB Entring upon his Tub/ick Mini/lry,) that they fhould be with him as his conftant Attendants, and that he might fend them forth to preach, 15- and to have Power to heal Sicknefles, and to caft out Devils. 16 And the /aid Twelve were thefe ; Simon whom he formerly furnam'd Peter, 17 and James the Son of Zebedee, and John the Brother of James, (and he furnam'd them Boanerges, which is, the Sons of Thunder, thereby denoting that they fhould be ( » i •/ ?■ ~ eth together again, fo that they p. Sum^utvs /um yfaqxiyui. couid¬ fo m6uch as eat bread. at K*| a)cV o'" S t^ pt^^\ \ tv i by the prince of the devils call- ^0»7j T btyCMVf d» £*GxA\4 TO &tytU|ia. glJ, he ^ut devl]s . 2$ K*f '5>fo How can Safan caft yaTccj ffccmicLs carovsiy o-KkaMav j out Satan? ef ^etcnAaet kingdom cannot Hand. cW»»i. 2y K*j lay oixia Ip eon- 2f And ifahoufe be divided .-, fc» ■■",T. ; ^ c > againft it felf, that houfe can- •rfu. /tcepic9">), 5/ dbia.lj oi- not ftan(]. ?u* cWvm. 2(J Kcq ei a remia$ ^ And if Satan rife up a- , , , . , , , * . . i gamft himfelf, and be divided, a»e9» tp favToy « t*l*U**\ > * «"" he cannot ftand, but hath an vxtql\ faSflve^ , aAAx •nA©- 'i%U. end. _■. ,./ q ,'ft?i »_'?-' 27 No man can enter into 27 0« «ki*7q*J«S to <**•. * ,£«- a ^ man.s houfe> and fpojl pV, eiofA^ay as t oi'xiow ac/^, 2/#p- his goods, except he will firft ~* * >? r- .*:** *»■ I^SaKEfc- ,he" fccq tots -rito oijuow *nTy a^gcpTOtr^. 28 Verily I fay unto you, 28 A/dw As'j* v/m* o'tj trwto, ape- A11 Jns fl"fl be forgiven unto , „ , t , „ *V~ » the Ions of men, and blafphe- t««/«| to AiM.pmftA'fr tvis hois T»y mies wherewith foever they av^p^TOy , x.au jS^gtcrtp*)^**? oovuz ■- 29 But he that fhall blaf- ■msHnpnimmmr 29 os «A ctv £A*- pheme againft the holy Ghoftj cxpYifxJvrn us tv TrvtZjUx tv xyioi, vx. hath never forgivenefi , but •II,,' ' w »~ > > ./ / is * liable to eternal damna- *A^1' a- «AA evovis • . *^7y ct)«v/v xpiotos. 30 Otj '%hiy>r • 30 Becaufe they laid, He ™^* (taiVp™ 2^^. hath an unclean fPirit- c -T- « j(s.v^> > ?t There came then his 31 Ep^^r*, ^ 0, .J**., m. br4reQ and hjs mothes> and ^1 /wiiDp aCrv* >c*« t^a i<&Tii «7rs- ffanding without, fent unto raAoty ^s etCTo'y, p»»5yTts au-iBV. him' c*Ui°S |jira- '\ _ , Y / v 1 31 And the multitude fat 32 Kcq cka^«TO o^/A@- -cfe^ ftu- about him, and they faid unto tbV wTny ^ a^- iW, » A«iwp ^ *Vm' Behold' tb^ motJlei 3rd , . , , „r P „ , thy brethren without leek for x.«( oi oc.J«Apo< ay e£a ^>iT5u(7j ce. tjiee 33 Kcti S.Mark, Chap. III. 305" TEXT. TRANSLATION. 33 K*i «7Ti>q>/3« AVTzii, Atyoor T/s 33 And he anfwer'd them, >/l ■ ,' * «' » I* w ' faying, Who is my mother, or 6#» m fMnvf fuv, n 01 * him, and laid, Behold my mo- I and my fifter> afid fm i pir*p >&. , mother. ^ iy Kep. «/* . Koq raAiy xp£a.fo StoV And he began again to teach tntw *y cu)7o7i ey ry Ji<^t^>» auTy 3 AfctfeTt" liv, t!i!$\%i o cnrufcn t5 i v X) ClUlit to&s awrvi cvXes 'ttdAuj, o>?e a»7B'y IftGcLim us 70 TT^oToy, XsOfleStf/ c* things by parables, and faid un- to them in his doftrine, 3 Hearken, Behold, there went out a fower to low: 4 And it came to pals as he azrapocj. 4 Koq ey«ve7B o# t$ azra- fow'd, fome fell by the way- pay, 'o ti tmn hM t otii, 4 wAft Gde> and th« * Birds came and devour'd it up. f And fome fell on llony ground, where it had not much earth, & immediately it fprang up, becaule it had no depth of earth. 6 But when the funwas up, it was Icojch'd, and becaufe it had no root, it wither'd away. •7 And fome fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choak'd it, & it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that Iprang up and increas'd, and brought forth fome thirty, and wiw )un ttptfti, ei i&fo, %'ti fome lixty, & fome an hundred. \%am'bi i el «>c*tm. o Keel 'iteyn „ 9 And he faid unto them, , * „ ,. , , , , He that hath ears to hear, let MiTOH- O (%>1 wtcc hkvw, cutveTW. him hear. io O-ts TO 7KTU10.T , JCCCJ )tSt7l(P4y ttUTC. J AMo 9 ctvg'Cuoay otf ctJOtv^, ^ 8 Keq *Mo t7noiv tis t >))y t \5tA))y ^ iM« JC5tp^» «va.£eu'yoyra. ^ oo/^x- S.Mark, Chap. IV. 307 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 10 Ot* <$ syimo ust-m^oioa , HfCtT^ CUlTOI 01 -ZSfet CUiTQI QUO TOM StoSbW $ vrVa.£o\lu>. n Koq eAe- yvt tu&ni* Yffn Sifb1ou\ j*a>va| (u/*- reroq- 1 2 '/vet /3A6 wov'ns @At7moi} 10 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve ask'd of him the parable. 1 1 And he faid unto them, Unto you it is given to know the myftery of the kingdom of God : but unto them that are without, all thefe things are done in parables : I a That feeing they may fee, xou\ x. The ratable of PARAPHRASE, them of his 2)ifciples which fat about him, and faid, Behold my Mother and my Brethren. 35- For whofbever fhall do the Will of God, the fame is in my Efieem my Brother, and my Sifter, and Mo'Jier. Chap. IV. And the fame (I) day voentjefus out of the Houfe, and he began again to teach by the Sea- fide : and there was gather'd unto him the &mr! a great Multitude, fb that he enter'd into a Ship, and fat in the Sea; and the whole Multitude was by the Sea on the Land. 2 And he taught them many things by Parables or Similitudes, and faid unto them in his Do&rine, or as he was teaching ; 3 Hearken, Behold, there went out a Sower to fow. 4 And it came to pafs as he fow'd, fome fell by the Way-fide, and the Birds came and devour'd it up. s And fome fell on ftony Groundj where it had not much earth, and immediately it fprang up, becaufe it had no Deprh of Earth. 6 But when the Sun was up, it was fcorch'd, and becaufe it had no deep Root, it wither'd away. 7 And fome fell among Thorns, and the Thorns grew up and choak'd it, and it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good Ground, and did yield fruit that fprang up and increas'd, and brought forth fome thirty fold increafe, and fome fixty fold, and fome an hundred/o/ fgAnlui ; ko\ 7ra$ jntrcts ■raj furgjjCoAsU yyacn1, TOV lamp^OV £V TDUS )(5tp^iot|5 cu)T$f. 16 Kct\ £tdi' e«vo- (^>r\i ^A/mU^s « ^a^a? ^/^ T Ao- y>v, Vi%a$ ffKa.iSh.\i^6i]e(j{. lg KocJ OUTDJ 61C7JV OJ US TOW 0LY&1Qft.S azrupo- /jdpoi, 01 t Aojpv etJctfornS' 19 x.tt\ aj nittyaon, t5 oway@- 6>utv, Kotj w «.7raT>i Ttf •tjaoutV , Jtew eq 7rsc< t« Aocttu '^fo^^etf fciazrop^OjUevoq orjuitviyVoi tov Xoy>i, x.ai Hvjipxos yatToui. 20 Ken ol/7b< a'ajy 01' '6^1 Ttw ^Ztw t£u> ^/\.lcu cGo&fivns, o'i rt- its a.xx'diji t Aojpv, $ A^'vula]- xsu \9tp,aroipopS<7iv , ey tqjloLkoito. , % ei 'tZiMoifgc., xou 'h e^jtroy. and not perceive ; and hearing they may hear, and not under- stand : left at any time they fhould be converted, and their tins fhould be forgiven them. 13 And he faid unto them, Know ye not this parable ? and how then will ye know all parables ? 14 The fower foweth the word. 1? And thefe are they by the way-fide, where the word is fown ; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediate- ly, and taketh away the word that was fown in their htarts. 16 And thefe are they like- wife which are fown on * as ftony ground, who when they have heard the word , imme- diately receive it with gladnefs: 1 "7 And have no root in themfelves, and fo endure but for a time: * namely, afterward when affliction or perfecution arifeth for the word's fake, im- mediately they are offended. 18 And thefe are they which are fown on, *) See my Paraph, on Matt. 13. ai. 3io S. Mark, Chap. IV. TEXT- TRANSLATION. 21 Kot) eAey«v oM/TBis* Mrm o Sloy TijZ, * ^J tW x.Ai»^ ; ouy »v* '^t liw Au^v/ay '67b- -TS1)-^} 22 Ou yfy '6$l Tl %fU- Ttloi 0 lav ,a» fiir^Cf) tszjWfymTam ufJui 7BU ixououajv. 2f Os yzp av ev>), Jb^->icre7ot^ ou>i$- \ ,\ _* >/ j > i\ •' j > ri / x,ati o5 QOt e^l, Koef 0 e^<) apj>j- 7ni j8*- Ay Toy earayv '&i •? y^s* 27 Kotj Kjc^eufy, ^ lyeipulflq vux.& £ Wp«*' % 0 awiss j3/\£ftxv>i, $ {jukwwIoui as S/JC Oi/feV CMiTOJ. 28 A07BfM6T» 50 H y» ^CStp-TTD&pops^, 'Qg5°7By yopTvv, t* tm ®&; « ot -mice «'-. ^™, ~ >/3U 31 /'m like a grain of mu- xokk? «y*OT««, 05, orwcmp^ai ftard.f?ed) which when it is -£ >};?, ,6u>c/>oT«pos 7iavTW» t cOTEpjttarav (own in the earth, is lefs than >&i ™ ,7- •,*. vJ. 'i--„ ^„, all the feeds that be in the earth. 657 t b7n t >»?. 32 Koo otoli com.- . . . _ , , , , % / « 32 °ut wnen u IS 'own ll p>7, etvaGowv^, % yinloq mi-mi t A y , ■ ~ fhooteth out great branches, fo Ays, ax?? JWo^ r^zjp r oTiioy ootv that the fowls of the air may to mruix % v&iv wfacwwii- lodSe under the A^dow of it. 33 K«l £i 35- And the fame day when Wp* , W*t >«»o^«- A,£'a>^v the eve,nin8 was come> h5 faith , \ , , , , y ~ . unto them, Let us pals over eis -re -^estv. 3A\*fi£xn»'ve7c« A*iA*4/ and there, were alfo WJth him > z - < , ., / „ , , #ther little fhips. f °iT o w ' ^ '-> >/oi -~ °eat into the fhip, lb that it ^Ce^-( 3« K*l « *^« ^ TJ was now ful] F' 'GfupLiy y6fa to 'Z2faax,iAAu/a* ; 30 Kec) fte>*pVs iw. reft th?Q "ot that w« pcrilh ? ' • » ./ , ^ ~ / 3P And he arofe, &. rebuk'd Tipitre 7^ cluw, *jU7tt TM^aA*w>i- the wind, and faid unto the fea, S. Mark, Chap. IV. gig P A RAPHRASE. till at length it obtains and produces its full Effect. But at the End of the World Christ will again vifibly appear to take to himfelfand reward thofe who have recetvd the Go/pel, and brought forth the Fruits of it. And alfo in like manner with reference to particular Per fans, when Chrifi has once made known our 'Duty to us, he expects without more ado. that we fet to the Performance of it, make good Re folutions, bring forth good Fruit ; and when we have thus pioujly fimjh 'd our Courfe, he then takes us to himfelf and rewards us. 30 And he faid, Whereunto/a/V&r (hall we liken the Kingdom of rhe *l£bl of God, i.e. State of the Go/pel? or with what other Companion {hall we the G«m\rf m». compare it? 31 It is like a Grain of Muflard-feed , which when it \^fiMH"i- fown in the Earth, is lels than all other Seeds that be /own in the Earth. 32. But when it is fown it grows up, and becomes greater than all Herbs in thoje Eastern Tarts of the World, and flioots out great Branches, fo that the Fowls of the Air.may lodge under the Sha- dow of it. In like manner thd the Gofpel f'eems at fir ft mean and de- fpicable , being preach 'd only injudea, a little Spot of the Earth; jet it Jhall in time fpread it J elf thro all the Nations of the World, and become most confiderable. 33 And with many fuch Parables fpake he the Word unto them, i.e. n^cS taught the People, for as much as they were not able or fit to hear it any other the p"pi' by F«- ways, but in Parables, or obfeurely ; the great Doctrines of the Gojpel being "' fuch as if plainly taught them at firjl , would have offended them, and not been believdby them. 34. But this was in a great meafure remedy d by Parables ; and therefore without a Parable fpake he not unto them , i.e. the People in general : and when they, i. e. he and his Difciples, were alone, he expounded all things, he had taught in Parables , to his Di- fciples. 3^ And the fame day when the Evening was come, he fays unto xviv them, i. e. his Difciples, more particularly the Twelve, Let us pafs overa£.„^. ' unto the other, i.e. Eastern Side of the Sea of Galilee. 3d And when they had lent away the Multitude, they took him even as he was in the Ship, wherein he had fat wh'dfl he taught the People ; and there were alfo with him other little Ships that went over. 37 And there arofe a great Storm of Wind, and the Waves beat into the Ship where he was, fo that it was now full, (/) and ready to fink- 38 And he was in the hinder part of the Ship, afleep on a Pillow: and they awake him, and fay unto him, Mufter, careft thou not that we perifh? $$ And he arofe, and rebuk'd the Wind, and faid unto the Sea , Peace , be ftill : (/ ) Compare Luke 8. 13. 314- S.Mark, Chap. IV, V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2fS, Jcfl^ iym-n )«A>jy>i fuyahy\. calm. . 40 K«i e<7m otoToTf Ti J\u\oi m 4° And he ftid unt0 them> ./ , ~ » ,/ / -_■ 1 Why are ye fo fearful ? how «t»j WWe^TO.; 41 Kom it /that y"ou have no faith ? epo£«^>t<7w,y i 41 And they fear'd exceed- „ »> v»» 'vi -t-' " * ' >/v inely, and faid one to another, lAfli6* TlS XP«. QVTOi bSlV, ,-im. c ■ .u „ , , , What manner of man is this, 'on x.u) 0 ttve^(^ jcx) yi ^It&ozu. that even the wind and the fea vrnKVotmiaiiS; obey him? ' 7 Chap. V. K«p. t. K«J wA%y as td m&i And they came over unto ~ ,, „ / . 1 , ~ „ the other fide of the fea , into tw fcAcww, us -A* %>&' « v r*" the country of the Gadarenes. <^tpnvSy. 2 Kotj lfeA%'v7T <#/75f d-x 2 And when he was come ~ ^. ^ 'q_' » ' *■« out of thefhip, immediately ' ; ' y there met him out or the tombs, c/x. ray ^yWjWaay ay^paTfos sv imu- a man with an unclean fpint, im-ri i^pro,- 3 U t&J W- 3 Who had bis dwelling a- ^ , ' „ . , mong the tombs, and no man xwni ei^/ey o# tbis ftn/tuois, x, y-re could bind him, no not with ciAurcojy t§frih)s yhwxTo oumy Svswi' cna,ns : , , , , , , 4 * For he had been often 4 ^ to ootov ttdAAgous Tresis bound W]th fetters and chains, x-cq iAu'^oj ^J¥ , ^ , , , , , , afunder by him, and the fetters \J& oj^ mi oAvtrus, Jtcci tos m. broken in pieces: neither could £ts cium^'p^f Xttl oc7g?t^)i(T«» AUI79- -j And cry'd with a loud 7 *«1 xe^«« 9<»f m&i, $™ voif' andura^' wIhftha!f;cI t-7^^ ^ ' r^/ '' to do with thee, Telus, thou T( tfMt xa.i (to j I»JBt) t|g TV ©eod Son of the molt high God ? I ~ '< t' « jp * ~ \ 1 adjure thee by God, that thou TV v-diqcv, op5wCa ae tov ©eay im\ j ,. J ' T r •> ^ torment me not. fit $& E^eA^i S.Mark, Chap. IV, V. giy TEXT. TRANSLATION. lL%lf\% TO -WltUfML TO ati&JcLfTM c/K t5 a.vfpu'Tm'j.} 9 K*| £7nipan» eco-rev T<" ctoj oio/m; Kot) ctTrs^/Sn, Ae>air Ae^au o'vo^x ^ai* on 7n\- A01' £<^tt«y. 10 Kot) sre^eKS'A'i *o- i'|« i>5s p£«<^- 11 Hv JV cvkm Come out of the man , thou unclean fpint.) 9 And he ask'd him, What is thy name? And he anfwtr 'd, faying, My name is Legion : for we are many. 10 And he befought him much, that he would not fend them away out of the country. 11 Now there was there PARAPHRASE, and the Wind ceas'd, and there was a great Cairo in the Sea. 40 And he faid unto them, Why are ye fo fearful? how is it that you have no Faith, fo as to trujl and rely on my Tower and Care of you , notwith- Jlanding the fever al Injiances ye have had of both ? 41 And now they fear'd or were /urpriz'd exceedingly at the miraculous Ceafing of the Storm, and laid one to another, viz. not only the Di/ciples, but a/Jo the Men that own'd the Ship he was m, and aljo thofe that were in the other little Ships or Boats, What manner of Man is this, what wonder falTower has he, that even the Wind and the Sea obey him ? Chap. V. And they came over unto the other Side of the Sea, into , r ™ »•. the Country or the Gadarencs, or as tt may be otherwije call d,\as lying zu^on oiDnits. between or near both) the Country of the {u) Gergefens. x And when he was come out of the Ship, immediately there met him out of the Tombs a Man with an unclean Spirit, or pojfejs'd by the 'Devil, {and one of the Two (u) mention d by St Matthew :) 3 Who had his Dwelling a- roong the Tombs, and no Man could bind him, no not with Chains. 4 For he had been often bound with Fetters and Chains, and the Chains had been pluck'd afunder by him, and the Fetters broken in pieces: nei- ther could any Man tame him. $■ And always night and day he was in the Mountains and in the Tombs, crying, and cutting hirafelf with Stones. 6 But when he law Jefus afar off, he ran and worfhip'd him, 7 and cry'd with a loud Voice, and laid, What have I to do with thee, Jefus, thou Son of the molt high God ? } adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not: 8 (For he ^Wfaid unto him, Come oui of the Man? thou unclean Spirit ) 9 And he, / e. Chrifi ask'd hnri, {tojbcw his Tower over the 'Devils , be they never fo many, and the great Deliverance the Man pojfefs'd was about to have) What is thy Name ? And he anfwer'd, faying, My Name is Legion : for as a Legion in an Army confifts of ma- ny Soldiers \ jo We , who are in this Man , are many Devils. 10 And hp l.P the 75,'7«7r hv thp Afntith nf tha ttntTotc'd /1f,in hfirinaht him mtirh. 3 16 S. Mark, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION." ^J to om ayeAn Wp»y (CteyscAJi n,Sh unt0 the mountains a „ . / „ , / great herd of fwine feeding. £wjtoAty«. u Ko, sra^Aeoay 12 And all the devils be. ao7Dv arct/TSS oi' J\cu(juans, Aeyovns* fought him , faying , Send us „/ i « ~ ' \ / „ into the Swine, that we may cwrys unxjw/xw. 13 Koh eTmife- ig And forth with Jefus gave L„ ~?,~»7? do,' , » tI—S, f ! ij:,i them leave. And the unclean T, , , \ > / lpirits went out, and enter d %itcl to miuftA1^ ra aJtstVPT* > into the fwine; and the herd ran «mA% «'$ tw vo/ow- £ «SWey IS violently down a fteep place , , ~ ^ ~ , \y , into the lea, (they were about *yiA» *£» T* xf»0iv «s t >Aacwttir, two thoufand,) & werechoak'd V,,/ ^ IT ^ S H And they that fed the *# 9*WV. 14 Oi to famoms fwlne fled) and toid it in the T«S ;^>/g$*s e'po>J>» > t*< avwyiaAav city, and in the country. And » _j «*'•'• /. \ > 1 . , they went out to lee what it us ^votoi kx> us TVS Wf> was that was done. Koq I^A^oy i'£&y 71 '(fa to ytyios. 1? And they come to Jefus, •»«• v.,! J?.'.*-,—. .^.^ „.*. t ~ and fee him that was polfcfs'd IX K^pfcoiw, W T» ho,**, Wllh the devil? and had\he le. Jtcu ^apVaj Toy Soi\fuu^of^joi n&Jv- gion, fitting, and cloath'd, and Ay*« i , ■ i,- ■'■ , ■, ., ~ , , «. him that was poffefs'd with the nub tt^TBis 01 ic^vtss, ims iym(o dev]lj and alfo concerning the T& ^^wyi^o^wa, it, me) tbv Wpay. fwine. ,„ r, \ " r qr . ~ • , it And they began to pray 17 K*i ^*,ro ^VA«I( a«- hjm 't0 deparf QUst of ^ Toy ctTnA^tiiy ^rs Tay oeiay clut$A coafls. ,« v-^2, ^°J.,r^ ' t" /, -.* ^a ~ 18 And when he was come ,;,'.*, , , into the lhip, he that had been 3r«/>6JC#A& auToy 0 ./'ctjiaoyicQ-efS ljy* pollefs'd with the devil, pray'd VHiTa.lT*. i9oHliiww^ him that he might be with him ,• '„ , v > \ / , p ^P Howbeit, Jelus lurferd «(p»)uy ctjToy, «.M* Aeye* auT^- him not, but fanh unto him, T7iay« 6»s Toy oTjwy avu tzs&i tvs Go nome to ihyfrieaJs , and 1 \ , f r , ~ r/ tell them how great things the cvs,^ kcli ctyayJaAoy auTB.s oow osi Lord hath done for ,hee> and 0 Kl/£^(^-' f7nimt , k&\ r\\ty[oi at. hath had compaffion on thee. 20 Kcu S.Mark, Chap.V. 317 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 20 Keti ocTraA^e, scan >ip^*7o juj- /JtWeiv ev Tm Ae)C5C7rrA6<, era IWvi- (T«y ccyra 0 Ihotji/s' Jteu wants l^au- 21 Ka.i 2^of.Tng2.awi{o$ ylwx h TO) 7iAota ■mKii eis to 7rfp*v, cpjvmvSd °%to$ srohus iit etuTor ^ loi srPo. T ^aAaojav. 22 Ka< ijy , epyeTaj 20 And he departed, and began to publifh in Decapo- lis, how great things Jef us had done for him : and all men did marvel. 21 And when Jefus was pafs'd over again by fliip unto the other fide, much people gather'd unto him, and he was nigh unto the Tea. 22 And behold, there corn- er PARAPHRASE, was there nigh unto the Mountains a great Herd of Swine feeding. 12 And all the Devils befought him, faying, If thou wilt fend us out of this Man, permit us to go into the Swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forthwith Jefus gave them leave. And the unclean fpirits went out of the Man, and enter'd into the Swine ; and the Herd ran violently down afteep place into the Sea, (they were about two thoufand,) and were choak'd in the Sea. 14 And they that fed the Swine fled, and told it in the City ofGadara, and alfo of(u) Gergefa, and in the Country about it. And they went out to fee what it was that was done. 1 j- And they come to Jefus, and fee him that was poffefs'd with the Devi), and had the Legion of Devils, fitting, and cloath'd, and in his right Mind; and they were afraid ofChrifl, when they faw what he had Tower to do. 16 And they that faw it, i.e. that had been pre fent font the Beginning, and Jaw all that herd been done, told them that were jufl come out of the City fee. how it had befaln him that was -poficfs'd wnh the Devil, and alfo con- cerning the Swine. 17 And they began to pray him to depart out of their Coafts. 18 And when he was come into the Ship to depart ac- cordingly, he that had been pollels'd with the Devil pray'd him, that he might be or go along with him. 19 Howbeit Jefus fuffer'd him not, but fays unto him, Go home to thy Friends, and tell thtm how great things the Lord has done for thee, and m what great manner he has had Com- paffion on thee. 2.0 And he departed accordingly, and began to publifh in Decapolis, (which was theTiovince whet einjlood Gadara and Gergefa, and fevei al other Cities, to the Number of- ten in all, from which Number the Jaid Province tov/^lhe Name of 'Decapolis) how great things Jefus had done for him : and all men that heard it did marvel. **nL 21 And when Jefus was pafs'd over again by Ship unto the other, woman with the -• „ urn o.J . '-*",.£.. c- .i?r:.KKa „,,,^u o J_ „.,,u...-m .,«.,» u,~ R/„„/» f/,.,- mA 3i8 S.Mark, Chap. V. TEXT. " TRANSLATION. M r 0.^0101 sLyo>yj>i, oiofjuili I&upof eth one of the rulers of the fy- i » i > \ ijri, \ i , nagogue, Tairus by name ; and W ,&» cu,r0v, vttii .} ->^ ,., #->_ < a. ' ' 1? And befought him great- . , ' H r , \ rZ ly, faying, My little daughter ficu i^a-TVi '$%{• 'bat. i\J»v '(drifts heth at the point of death; / o^t? t»5 v^s, fcas «*#• x«j W /Aw come and lay thy pr ^ , , ,7 hands on her, that lhe may be ^»crsTcq. 24 Kocj tmrn\% ml «,. heal'd, and fhe fhaU live. •re J- x«j iixaAvJi wn$ oy\<& m- 24 And W*. went wit,h v , , - ••/ y , him; and much people folio w'd Au5,^ x, ow^AiGoy gcotbv. ay ( K*) him, and throng'd him. yuujy\ 7i5 otW ci ^uot| oi^talos e-nj ">■$ And a certain woman n 1 is \ »."-«- which had * the bloody flux Oit xqit ifwiian 28 For fhe faid.Ifl may touch a*TV ct-^'WJj owSd'tb/^. 29 K«j buthiscloaths,I fhallbe whole. «#«* ^i3n 5 Wl t5 «W@< bloTdy flux waTlSprLd fhe tttnw xoq e^-o) t$ ozo/u.X'n, on 'W*\ felt in her body that fhe was ^vrra nZe u^^fiSL, ,« v ' 'qj heal'd of that * ail. •sere 7715 ^«9iy(Jr. 30 Keu £0%a5 a j t r • j- 1 f ~ »/-> V » « e 3° An" Je'us immediately 0 I>nreu5 'bfayvovs ci iuut$ -AuL 1% knowinginhimfelf, that virtue oJtv huxuu %i\Jvow, 'fibCTd. had §one ollt of him, turn'd 1 , o „ „ him about in the* throng, and «- T/5 xuu faid, Who touch'd my doaths ? ?4i 3l And hls difciples faid • e < -. \ > p , unto him, Thou feefl the mul- ow^ 01 (uSnrsn ou,Tod- BAe*«f titude thronging thee^ndfayft ■rev o^;?v5V cw^A/oovto a? , ygl \i. thou, Who touch'd me? „..,-. -r>, ,,,, " , „ i n ?2 And he look'd round a- i ! I ™ ^r v2 ^ ^e* b°'c i° fee her that had d°ne GA£?T6(o i^» ii > r. and trembling, knowing what (uvm, fct«TMc* o yiy>w nc *rry, was done in her, came and fell jjA^s xaj 'ds^ciTaciH ouutS, tcq &* down before him, and told him o - , » >.. in all the truth. 7Tev auia •zzr&ffa.v rUu zMjuM' », > , ~ _/ < 34 And he laid unto her, 34 O i a ' \ ,j>_i ~ ! of thy * ail. p^via/, jc*j ioSi vyuns ^n •w /u«9i- ' x _ , ~ ~ k While he yet fpake, y>i vT«j ^tts t5 if^tcuvxy^yhi, the fynagogue's /««/£ certain Ae^VTSS' 319 PARAPHRASE. behold, there comes thither one of the Rulers of the Synagogue probably in Capernaum, Jairus by name; and when he faw him, he fell at his feet, 23 and befought him greatly, faying, My little Daughter lies at the point of Death; I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that fhe may be heal'd, and I believe that thereby (he fliall live. 24. And Jefus, pleased with his Faith in him, went with him'; and much people follow'd him, and throng'd him. 25- And a certain Woman who had the Bloody Flux twelve Years, 26 and had furfer'd many things, 1. e. us d many Retnedies prefcrib'd of many Phyficians, and had fpent ail that fhe had infeeking to be curd, andjv? was nothing better'd, but rather grew worfe; 2*7 when fhe had heard of Jefus, came in the Throng behind him, and touch'd his Garment. 28 For fhe faid, If I may but touch his Cloaths, I fhall be whole. 29 And ftraightway her Bloody Flux was ftopt; and fhe felt in her Body, that flic was heal'd of that Ail. 30 And Jefus immediately knowing in himfelf, that Virtue had gone out of him to heal the faid Woman, turn'd him about in the Throng, and faid, Who touch'd my Cloaths? 31 And his Difciples laid unto him, Thou feeft the Multitude thronging thee, and faylt thou, Who touch'd me, when 'tis unavoidable but Jeveral muB touch thee? 32 And he neverthelefst knowing that the faid Woman had touch'd him with a fpecial Turpoje or 2>e/ign, look'd round about to fee her that had done this thing. 33 But the Woman fearing and trembling, as knowing what a Cure was done in her by touching him, and perceiving that Jhe Jhou/d he di/cover'd, tho jhejhould endeavour to conceal her (elf, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. i± And he faid unto her. Diui;hter. thv gio S.Matk, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ktynw Otj i, Juy^TVf nu im- which faid , Thy daughter is „ i ., , \ . «/ dead, why troubled thou the %t»f ti «ti 3*7 And he f utter d no roan JW auiaS <7zu/aswAoo9nfla| , e< ^ to follow him , * except Peter, n«7fo» k«| Ixxa£ov *oq Ia*yyZa> To» and James> and Joha thet>ro- \ '/° 1 1 Tl tnel" °^ J3"1"' «JU« *,' j -'__~, -r' a. /°~ o ■ 19 And when he was come , y , , , in, he faith unto them, Why KAwn j To arotj^or oox. awe^ayev , make ye this ado, and weep ? aM* >CS#«^«. 4° Kaj x*™. 'he daLmfel 1S not dead ' but ' P ^ • p \ ,t Heepeth. Afflv a.u-nd' O Jt, o*£«,Aay arav- 4.0 And they laugh'd him &, , >A.\xiA.QiA toi writ* TV *? fcorn : but,when °e had put , \ . , i \ \ tnem a" outi ne taketh the fa- orcqjtau x.a» -rfw /wm^c , xa< tv* tner and the mother of the fitT A'WoS , k«] a'aoBpeuerocj o7roy damfe], and them that were . f i ^ » / „ , with him, and entreth in where Zo. to tt-^o, MKUftooi.^ 41 K«j the damlel was lying. X£cctjijx5 tm$ vays rS orctjSiju , 41 And he took the damfel >■='.>,, -..'.^~ -r -*&.v ~ '/ >/t. by the hand, and faid unto her, ' *^ Tahtha cumi, which is, being /xe^sp^iydoo^oy To xog^cTioy ^ odj interpreted, Damfel, (I fay un- v'. \ " »,- 1 -o' ' ' to thee) anle. A^) ryujq. 42 K«) e#« ctre* ^/nd lira, ghtway the dam- 5» to /MgjtCTjov, Jtai tJ^£7rxTf Zal fe^ a role, and walk'd ; for flie x' >~ tv'iv \ .&■/ •. was of the ate of twelve years: y^f stov ^^K5C' x*i c^«9J»t$, on x, fou>oL~ fms TQiouiToui 2$& to» ^ap»» etx/fc Y- vovt*j; 3 Oo^ tfTOS '6$ll 0 tbjc- t»v, o 1^05 Metros, aJ^Apos £ oi ao'7$. 4 EAtyt Jt ouiTaiS o lww Ott &** 691 sZtr&pviTHS cL'T1fi@J} e* (M) ci rlj totc^ our?, X, c* Wis avfyium, fc £y t>i oiiua au^. J- Koq tfx, »is cifpoqaiS 'Gfajus mi V&i£jc?, £m us "dun (^mUu vaAtov 9 AM. '^jmhh/j^ys ffav5 ecv oj;- eA9»m Ixw^sy. II Kaj oovi > t>i 7IB" A« d*«v». 12 K and Gomorrha in the day ot judgment, than for that city. iz And they went out, and CvfliflpuWBy, PARAPHRASE. what Wifdom is this which is given unto him, that he is enabled thereby to inftruEi fo well; and alfo what Tpwer is he endu'd with, that he is enabled to perform even fuch Mighty works, as are wrought by his hands ? 3 Is not this the Carpenter, ( y) bred up to that Trade by his (fuppos'd ) Father Jofepb, the Son of Mary, the reputed Brother, or Brother in Law of James and Jofes, and of Judas and Simon? and are not his reputed Sifters, or Sifters in Law fill here with us ? And they were offended at him, i. e. flighted him by reafoti of his Mean Education and Relations-, and fcorn'd to be "Dijciples or Followers of fuch a Mean Terfon. 4 But Jefus faid unto them, A Prophet gmr/7^ is not with- out honour, but in his own Country, and among his own Kindred, and in his own Houfe. $ And he could there do no juch Mighty work as he did in other places, by reafbn of their Unbelief, which would not per- mit them to be duly wrought upon by his Miracles; Jo that the more or greater had been the Miracles he had per form' d among them, they would only have render d them the more Inexcujable: for which reafon he chofe to do none, except that he laid his hands on a few tick Folk that had Faith to be heal' d, and heal'd them. 6 And he marvell'd becaufe of their great Unbelief, i. e. at the Unbelief of the Nazarens in general. And he went round about the Villages adjoining to Nazareth, teaching. 7 And he calls unto him the Twelve, and began to fend them forth chrift 'fends by Two and Two, and gave them power over Unclean Spirits ; 8 and f'rth the Twelve commanded them that they fhould take nothing by way ofProvtfion for t0 *"*'"' their journey, (z) except a Staff only apiece m their hands to walk with: no Scrip to carry things in for their journey, no Bread, no Money in their Purfe: 0 But fhould be Ihod with Sandals, or the fame common fort of Shoes they us'd to wjar, and then had on; and fhould not put on two Coats. 10 And he faid unto them, In what place foever ye enter into an Houfe, there abide till ye depart from that place. 11 And whofo- ever fhall not receive you, nor hear yon, when ye depart thence, fhake offthe Buft under your Feet for a Teftimony againft them. Verily I fay unto you, It fhall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the 3*4- S.Mark, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. O*«puojoy, «W /uerayoxatiioi. 13 K*| Sbu/Mn* ttoM.* ef gC*^oy xon w A«- *p3w, kou 2l£& t^td ottfyiow oej $Uu 0 Hpa^Hs ^braTetAo^ cyx^tTJiaE Toy Ia*yy»y, xoj ei^ici-y auToy c* tm pu- A*x.m, 2^ HfahdSbL ■? >t/vot^X5t $1- A/TrTrV §■" a^ApS aiyTV, oti auT^M- iyctfumi. 1 8 EAe>e >8 0 Iaat'yyus tj$ Hp«Sy Oti Mk e£g?i croj eve«y iiuJ yuootjJKH V «ioy' $ cuutjyi- t7TO/e<, x, »J«as ou>& xx.ye. 21 Kou yilOfAfiYlS Ylfiipat WHSLtpV, 071 Hpa^us 7d»j ycnv /"« 'o eay 9sA>iS, xs" ^«™ «T><'. his lords, high captains, and the chief eftates of Galilee: 22 And when the daughter of the faid Herodias came in, and danc'd, and pleas'd Herod, and them that fat with him, the king faid unto the damfel, Ask of me whatfoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee. 23 Kai XXI. An Account of PARAPHRASE, preach'd that Men fhould repent. 13 And they call out many Devils, and anointed with Oil many that were fick, according to the cujiom of the Jews injuch cafes ; and fuch a [upernalural finite attended their Anotnting the Sick, is heal'd them. 14 And King Herod heard of him, i. e. Jefus, (for his Name was fpread abroad now, by the preaching of his ApoJUes, and their doing Mi- Herod's beheading racks) and he laid, That John the Baptift was nfcn from the Dead, John the Baptlft- and therefore mighty works (a) do lhew forth themfelves in him. i^ Others faid, That it is Ehas come again. And others faid, That it is a Prophet of Old rais'd again to Life, or a New Prophet that had like Tower as One of the Old Prophets, id But when Herod heard of him, he laid, It is John whom I beheaded ; He is rifen from the Dead. 1 7 For Herod himfelf had fent forth and laid hold on John, and bound him in Prifon for Herodias fake, his Brother Philip's Wife : for he had married her. 18 For John on the contrary had faid unto Herod, It is not law- ful for thee to have thy Brother's Wife. 19 Therefore Herodias had a grudge againft. him, and would have kill'd him, but (he could not yet prevail on Herod to yield to it . 20 For Herod fear'd tokilljohn, know- ing that he was ejleem'd of the People as ajufl Man and an Holy; and indeed Herod himjelf could not forbear having himfelf fome EJleem and RefpeSi for him on this account, wfomuch that he Jometimes obferv'd the 'Directions given by Him ; and when he heard him Di/cour/e or Teach, as he would fometimes, he did many things in compliance to the BaptijVs InftruSitons, and heard him Gladly, or with a great deal of 'Satisfaction and Pleafure. 21 And, i. e. but when a Convenient day was come/or Herodias to exercife her Malice againft the Baptift, by having htm put to "Death, viz. when the time came, that Herod on his Birth-day made a Supper for his Lords, high Captains, and the chief Eftates of Galilee ; 22 and when the Daughter of the laid Herodias came in, and danc'd, and pleas'd Herod, and them that fat with him, the King faid' unto the 31tf 5. Mark, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 21 Km auanrauri, m a **v fu eq. i J And he fware unto her, , x „' , , o 0 Whatlbever thou {halt ask of nvwi, &>ou m, ea$ m/uavs r 0a- mCj j w,jj glve 7/ theej um0 oiAu'ck (WV. 24 H <# e|*A^iff«, «7rE the half of ray kingdom. v t ~ _, ■ „ m 24 Andfhe went forth, and th piTfi M-nw • Ti «,7W«^*f ; H A fajd unt0 her ffi£)therj what eJsw T«v M, Aeyvor*.* way with hafte unto the king, ©&a U (hi $us g mw '&1 «. and ask'd, laying, I *defire that T, , ' , ^ _ n thou give me by and by m a v*5u r1 te Ig>xvv« v Bx7riist>d. charger, the head of John the z6 Kx) t^ ^ lat with him, he would no: 27 Koq tujias ^JlfniAat, 0 fiacnAivS * refufe her aucKVAaLTUfoi, litim^ii l»ev^«i'oq t 2-7 And immediately the itfpxAk! «*# 28 O A- iwA^ kingfentan executioner, and f r . 6 , , ^ commanded his head to be a7rt*e) (pi/Aax.w, brought. x. fay** t wpaA&J *$ '&i 7riya)u, . ^ A"d he went and be- , - , , » , . , headed him in the pnfon, and x, tSbw etuTico t# Ya&mu' x, to xo- brought his head in a charger, epviov thnui airduu tm fui7fl auTOS. and gave it to the damfel : and „ > . r < ^. ' . -f thedamlelgave it to her mother. a9 Ko, «xotwi« 01 j"*9>it« *i* , 2p And when hls dlfc]ples yA^M xoif m£«» to -nrVbyuL tturv, tttj heard of it, they came and took ./a. ,'\ . / up his corps, and laid it in a 30 Koqcrwx.yityoi'&nsDAofGrfoi 30 And theapoftlesgather'd ir Uwt i infau**, ^ mi*y $ themrelves together unto Jdus , / . „ . /(\ r and told him all things, both one eTTooirov, ^ oca. i$\Sk%A\or k. 7c*(» ^3TB racn»» t TOAeay Place, and ran afoot thnher out . , • , -. „ of all cities, and outwent them, otwsfya.fu' o«4> & tJ^viA^v «ut«j, and came together unto * the jco) cowjA^o* d. TVs , 7»x i?rsA^oms us tvs jco'xAw 36 Send them away that v \ ' / they may go into the country ct^ob* *x» wpu, *y>&&m(M And they % ™to him, Shall , , v ;,■ ., « we go and buy two hundred ty&iwntti $w*ztai xp-rvs, xxi <^'^ev • peny- worth of bread, and give aw-mt *T« & many loaves have ye? go and I'/fc-re. Kx) yi/ovns, \iyvor rievTS, $ fee. And when they knew, they V > a' w ' ' ' c - ~ ftyi Five, and two filhes. •J*, , , , 39 And he commanded them ctvcutAivoq TrnifdJ, avfi7n7ix aii/x7TQJix to make all (it down by cora- '&l -^ vAapi ya'pTai. 40 Kxl «.'»«- Pan,es uP°n the green Sra<«. ^ x y . , , , 40 And they fat down in 7fS(W 'O£aoiai t^e^*', *»* «**to» 'companies by'hundreds, and x.a» avi 7nyn)xov^c. 4tKaiAxC.iiai, " ^„ j -,;, i\' ' cl' 41 And when he had taken TVS 7TIVT8 XpTVS K. TVS dbo IVJuXS, ,l ' / £- i , , , ' , , , v ^ ' the nve loaves and the two xvetCAf^ts us tiv fa'pewov, e'jAo>»or, filhes, he look'd up to hea- i Ksfn'tAatrt t«'« ^p-rys- ^ Ift^ ^ ven' and h]fs'^ and, brake l,h.e , ^ „ c.- * , ~ loaves, and gave them to his ^aSiiratiS aurfa-, iva -^xfccait clvtois- difciples to fet before them: 1 S. Mark, Chap. VI. 319 TEXT. TRANSLATION. km r& Jtfo lyjUi tfuexat wZm. and the,two £ihes dividd he . , , , , among them all. 42 Kctf ii ■warns, km s^pra- 42 And they did all cat, and «S*w. 43 K«j ?e^v xtoc^iw '. ^ And they took up twelve Safins PARAPHRASE theCourfe of the Ship, Many thereby knew ?'/, v/a. the private (c) place /o w^/'f^ C&r^? «» Shall we go and buy two hundred peny-worth of bread, and give them to eat ? 38 He faith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and fee. And when they knew, they fay, Five, and two Fifhes. 39 And he commanded them to make all fit down by Companies upon the green Grafs. 40 And they fat down in Companies by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And when he had taken the five Loaves and the two Fifhes, he look'd up to Heaven, and blefs'd, and brake the Loaves, and gave them to his Difciples to let before them : and the two Fifhes divided he among them all. 42 And they did all eat, and were till'd. 43 And they took up twelve Baskets full of the Fragments ANNOTATIONS. (O It is, I think, fufficiently evident from the Senfe in the very next Claufe, that «*'T>f here is to be referr'd not to Chrift, but to fy«/™ meiuion'd in the foregoing verfe. And it is obfervable, chat this Interpretation is confirm'd not only bv <**« iri the following Claufe, bun alfo by there biinti no mention made ggo S. Mark, Chap. VI. TEXT. ibS^HSt. xo$noi$ 7i?\yipus , k*\ ~^7n •ray lyflvai. 44 Kon Jiffttv 0/ ooiw|a<££. 47 Kaj on}**? y4vo^ev>i5 !«> to 7^.0101 ii (A- ffCO TYIi ^fltA^OJi;?, X.0t( OtOTOS (MOV®* '&» ths >5is. 48 Kocj eTiVv owt«s &xnLii£ofiiiot£ or i$> \\oMHUr (hZ >«p 0 a.nuos otJpm©* oJtoTs ) *xj ,u£< TETap-rJiw ths yufcTos *?^°H '**'£?* otoTas, tfexmrftf 'On ■? 5*^'iw>ts' ^ >j7«Ae srfceA^ly at rfc's. 49 Oi «Tte, «yn« euro'v •s&jjaTiryU '<&7 tmS fcAaojvs, e&f*v afay. jo (n*W$ $ cwTBy & Joy, £ fmejt^Snoay) Kaj eJ. lias sAxA»ct ^e? ao-roy, x) \iy\ wo- tdTs* Qafffutt, tyj> ujm, (Mi (poCutQt. Jl Ka| aygb>i rzs&S aura US to 5»Aoioy X.*) c>*o'ra<7ty 0 cLmu©" x, JztyS, %aj ftow^ua^oy. f 2 Ov -y±f cuvy^sLi '&) tcTs IpToiS' hZ y*f r\ TRANSLATION. baskets full of the fragments , and of the fifhes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves were * five thou- fand men. 4^ And ftraightway he con- flram'd his d.fciples to get in- to the fhip, and to go to the other fide before unto Beth- faida, while he fent away the people. 4 yUu re»v)<7aper- x«f -a^trap- land of Gennefaret, and drew ' rv_ v ' 'K \o./._ ' to the ihoar. /u&nti. f+ Koh «&**»wi «- ^ And whefl they ^ ' ruv PARAPHRASE. Fragments of the Loaves, and of the Filhes. 44 And they that did eat of the Loaves and of the Fijhes were five thoufand Men. 4f And ftraiehtway he, perceiving, that the Multitudes hereupon de- _, ."• „ /t£« tUa %fA.QQi.TOlS TVS 1S&KJUS i^/^jC, t^>i(pi. pe«v, o-jtv vkVoi otj tx.§ l 7TB- Xus, h a^VS, or rods iytpaus iti- Jauu TVS cicdtiotuifdjL, xttj vppvtj.- T^uxj cUitoi 'tix x.di tv xja.ani$v V ifMLnv outTV ct^avTrtj' xx\ oni ecy Kip. £ . Koq ouvtLy>ty "Ofl$ out. TCI 01 0O.£«JBl| oj, Kgy TiHi TOy JfOL{4- ficcTiui , t\%ms ^bre IegjffoAu^v. 2 Koq tcTbvTBS was tov /Mt^niuv ecu- tv whims %t}^y> qxt&eojoi xj wiins ol IyJaToi, ixi fix nwyiy u-^uilx\ it\s yu&s, C&t icQ-ivn, y^xtowLtiS t\ja /tj^t'- <5W 7»y ©peo-Ctm'pay. 4 K*) ^jri ajpgjcj, lay pi /Sa-nJ/cmiVTcii , GfJc ie9"/ouai* 3t*i etMa 77»M* 'ifi&y a tf-reA*Coy xfocTm, /3cc7i7ifljK,HS 7707^- eiay $ £e<»ay 19 ^cAxlon x, JtAiyay.) J" E^rei-nx- e7rsp«T«(7j» wrov 0/ b t1 evreAko tf©ei?, xf*- TM-n r ©^SjiJW t cLiJfunxti, /3*. ^lafiVS ^e?ov $ woiJ/p/av ^ *M<* d He anfwer'd and faid un- to them, Well hath Efaias pro- phefy'd of you hypocrites, as it is written, This People ho- noureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 Howbeit, in vain do they worlhip me, teaching for do- ctrines the commandments of men. 8 For laying afide the com- mandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the wafh- ing of pots and cups : and many other fuch like things ye do. 9 Kaj PARAPHRASE. of the Ship, flraightway they, /. e. the People in thofe parts knew him ; ^j- and ran thro' that whole Region round about, and began to carry about in Beds thofe that were lick, where they heard he was. j^yi urn- Tifix Ta» ■ara.'ri&t. » ■ara.'ngjt. h fttiT»^t , f&- vxT 1 1 TfiZLs Si Ae- yvrv Ecu U7tn owfra*©- t& va.- % t0 his lather or mother, // \ * ~ , v p~ /'„ t/r. 1S Corban, that is to fay, a gift, tsa w T? (m>t&- KopCcu (0 £/, by whatfoever thou mightft JSg5») o lay ^ ifu>$ upt\-/ijyis. ^e profited by me : he Jbali be \z Kcq Qnci*n «.q>Un avtoi <§Hsi ■nBiMJiq t$ srct7£J «i>tS » t£ pijfl tt07B(F. 13 Aku&uotis rlt Aoyov t5 ©eod Tm <©^S$tia.u7» 7T0M* "TniUTi. m 7»y oyAoi, cAeyef au7B?s» Ax.tte- TS /UOW TOVTSJ, J(5U fflWttTt. if Oo- «ft» '6&V e£if^pA vLit oLxM , ts. ing the parable. . o v ' 1 ' ■> ~ ^'i » f8 And he faith unto them, i8JC«|_Aiy« «idis- Ota, *a< Are ye fo without underftand- jngalfo? Do ye "not perceive, V,UU5 (teUltTOt i- PARAPHRASE. o And he faid unto them ironically , Full well, i.e. very ill do ye to (/") make the Commandment of God or no effect, that ye may keep your own Tradition. 10 For inflame \: Mofes faid, Honour thy Father and thy Mother: and, Whofo curfeth Father or Mother, let him dye the Death. 1 1 But ye fay, If a Man fhalWay to his Father or Mother, It is Corban, that is to fay, a gift, by whatfoever thou mightfl be pro- fited by me : he fhall be free. 1 2 And ye fuffer him no more to do any thing for his Father or his Mother: 13 making the Word of God of none effecl through your Tradition, which ye have dehver'd : and ma- ny fuch like things do ye. 14 And when he had call'd all the People (g) unto him, he faid unto chrift^,ves tj,e them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand. 1 j There People a true No- is nothing from without a Man that entring into him can defile him:tion of CUmn'f'- but the things which come out of him, thole are they that defile the Man. 16 .If any Man have Ears to hear, let him hear. 17 And when he was enter'd into the Houfe from the People, his Difciples ask'd him concerning the Parable. 18 And he faith unto them, Are ye fb with- out Undemanding alfo? Do ye not perceive, that whatfoever thing from without entreth into the Man, it cannot defile him, ip becaufe it enters not into his Heart, but into the Belly, and go's thence into the Draught; Nature by the] e Operations purging or carrying of all Unclean- nejs or 'Defilement that may happen to any Meats we eat. 10 And he faid , That which comes out (/j) of the Man , that defileth the Man. 21 For from within, out of the Heart of the Man, proceed evil Thoughts, (f\ *lpf* mu Par-anli nn M/itt ir •> c./f 33<> S.Mark, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. UTitpujQiJou, luiyuq, vnpuq, ow, thoughts, adulteries, fornica- \ yf i tions, murders, 22 JcAo-TTen, 7*\eoye£<*f, TJWiaaj, ai Thefts, covetoufnefs , (Jb'Ao?, ctoiAyei*, os 7nm&s, wickednefs, deceit, lafciviouf- „ / co / » » nels, an evil eye, blafpheray, Qtecrpvfiux, Tjs^pewia, apvoum pride/foolifhhefs: 23 nofcvra, 'Soto to -Troyy^ k'(7ttf^« 23 All thefeeviLthingscome ! / n , - « •/ q. from \vithin,and defile the man. „ ' ' ~«v » i'« *.« ' 24 And from thence he a- ^ 24 K^ w«^ avapxs aTJxAfr mc rofci and went int0 the borders to fxt^fix TupV k, SiiSyw x, e!ff?A- of Tyre and Sidon, and entred q\ > v > 1 ' (j ./n. ~ into an houfe, and would have V et «JW«3)i AaSay. 2/ AJt^fTaffa not be hid. £ >oy» <& cu#, « fo -ni fr^o* & For a JcerttiQ Y°™n ~ , ,_ %. \ «•* whofe young daughter had an ecvms sryfcu^a a^apfcf , sA^ouaa. unclean fpirn, heard of him, 4v0 $ «para. adWy, fra 7d and fhe befought him that he ,. f>. .1 a*,v '■ «!-8 \ ' would cad forth the devil out fythoi HtGaMa £* * fyj«ir« aw- of her daughter. Tri. 27 O <$ Iurou? «7T8y aur$* 27 Butjefusfaid unto her, a„ , -.„""_ „ « 1- cC, '_:.-.,» Let the children firft be fill'd: e I r~ \ . / ror it is not meet to take the >8 j($tAov '6?j AaGa y r aproy t TS&y«y, childrens bread, and to caft it £ |8*A«i ws xw*eW. 28 HA' unt0Qthfd,°^: r ,. , , , , , ? , ( 28 And (he anfwerd and flwnxf j9ii, & A^ avj$- Naj Kupie- x, faid unto him, Yes, Lord : yet $ TO XWXCtX tv' r, < the childrens crumbs. tdti-xmr-^wn r wufcmi. 29 K«, ip And he faid unt0 her) ti-Tni aur^* Ai* TV7oy t Ao^py ura>«' For this faying, go thy way, »£ %'% a. ' ^ . ' ' ^ o_ the devil is gone out of thy t%i\v,\v% tv ^^yioy cy« * frj«- daughter. I Tfos o-y. 30 K*f ciTnA^c/cra as toT- 30 And when (he was come xoy.«W, eSpe tzJ ^^'fW» ?^A»,A^, t0,her houle' ^/^^ thede" < V n n> p 1 \ o / v" §one out» and "er daughter j, t TN^jepa /3etA)i^u>iy '^ -f xhmt. laid upon the bed. 3 r K*j raAiy efeA^y ?* r Sp/«i ,. 3 » And again departing from t- ' t ^ rv- ■> 0 i u « r r tht coalts of Tyre and Sldon> T«p« ^2i^»o?, «A^ t$ 33 Kocj ~&m>?g.£o/j&jjr>s tuyni -&m rv Atf$ clvtv us to am cu$ $ -3?uoa5 #%}/x2) •?■ yAawHJ ou/^. 34 Kct) ayoc- C\i^a4 as t fa-potvow, 69*'va£e, $ Aey/ lilee, through the midft of the coafts of Decapolis. 3 1 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his fpeech : and they befeech him to put his hand upon him. 33 And he took him aGde from the multitude, and put his fingers in his ears, and he fpit, and touch 'd his tougue. 34 And looking up to hea- ven, he fighed, and faith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, be open'd. 3 7 K«\ vr. Chrift cures the PARAPHRASE. Adulteries, Fornications, Murders, 22 Thefts, Covetoufnefs, Wicked- nefs, Deceit, Lafcivioufnefs, an evil Eye, i. e. Envy, Blafphemy, Pride, And all Foolilhnefs or other Sinfulness whatfoever. 23 AH thele evil things come from within, and defile the Man in thejight of God. 24 And from thence he arofe, and went into the Borders of Tyre and Sidon, and. entred into an Houle, and would have no Man know DMgh'te7"of !he it, but he could not be hid. 2y For a certain Woman, whofe young •Wh«»'««»wo- Daughter had an unclean Spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his Feet : 26 (The Woman was a Greek or Gentile, a Syrophenician by Nation) and Ihe befought him that he would caft forth the Devil out of her Daughter. 2-7 But Jefus faid unto her , Let the Children firft be fill'd : for it is not meet to take the Childrens Bread, and to call it unto the Dogs. 28 And fhe anfwer'd and laid unto him, Yes, Lord : yet the Dogs under the Table eat of the Childrens Crumbs. 29 And he laid unto her, For this faying, go thy way, the Devil is gone out of thy Daughter. 30 And when Ihe was come to her Houfe, fhe found the Devil gone out, and her Daughter laid upon the Bed. 31 And again departing from the Coafts of Tyre and Sidon, he came chrift "ares a unto the Sea of Galilee, not direffly, of to tie neareftpart of the Western D'4 Man thai Shoar of the faid Sea, but thro' the midlt of the Coafts of Decapolis. J^^E*' 32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an Impediment Sfacb. inhisSpeech: and they befeech him to put his hand upon him. jj And he took him alide from the Multitude, and put his Fingers into his Ears, and he fpit, and touch'd his Toneiue. 2a. And lookine ud to Heaven. 558 S.Mark, Chap. VII, VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 7 Kot) iuftas $\y\iotyfii\ov<.i olvtV Cbj OLYjO^' X.DUI i\l/^n 0 S$O]U,0S Ti)S yAaoJW auTva , k.<*\ iA&A o.vtvs fafting t0 their own houfes, n?us us oT>w» a.viai, c*At/9»i'VTaj they will faint by the way ^ for oi t*i oS'a- TIHS jb OLUT§f fMLX.p6jt0pTOJ«t) CtpTOV 67T lp»- fiu&i; f Ket) £7nipa7tt o.utvs' Tlo- ^le^MeTo, ^AAm i&icJmpoi tx.ii- poanv 37 Kaj 'Cj^fZ^oj-aS o£e- 97Ahojovw, AejjivW KaAas nraimx. 7tt7niyxjt' % TVS x.atpvs wbj^ invui, >c) TVs aAaAf^ AaAeTf. Keip. « . E» lituiaj[S irus «,«epaj$, 7ra.fA7nto.ou o vAy cvtos, ^ pi «;£«■»- to» -n «• g Act£a» TtfS e-ffta ctpTVs, tciyaeUgJiaaS 'ix.\a.ax , ^apa,)•aff;• xetj Wec^eSWJ^y tz$ o'yAa. divers of them came from far. 4 And his dilciples anfwer'd him, From whence can a man fatisfy thefe men with bread here in the wildernefs? 5 And he ask'd them, How many loaves have ye ? And they faid, Seven. 6 And he commanded the people to lit down on the ground : and he took the fe- ven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his di- fciples to let before them : and they did fet them before the people. 7 Koc} S. Mark, Chap. VIII. 339 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 7 Kocj S^o» (yOuSl* oAiyt.' x.a\ tu- foyitc&Z, urn ftrgpfuvoij tct« aura. 8 E"% feeds /.«r them, x I have compallion on the Multitude, becaufe they have now rimifMi- been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: 3 And if I fend them away faffing to their own Houfes, they will faint by the Way: for divers of them came from far. 4 And his Difciples arifwer'd him , From whence can a Man fatisfy theie Men with Bread here in the Wil- dernefs? $ And he ask'd them, How many Loaves have ye? And they faid, Seven. 6 And he commanded the People to fit down on the Ground : and he took the feven Loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his Difciples to. fet before them : and they did fet them be- fore the People. 7 And they had a few fmall Fillies : -and he Welled, and commanded to fet them alfo before them. 8 So they did eat, and were fill'd : and they took up of the broken Meat that was lcfc feven Baskets. 0 And they that had eaten were about four Thoufind, and he fent them away. IX 10 Andilraightway he entred into a Ship with his Difciples , and chrift's Anfw« came into the Paris of Dalmanutha or (?) M'gdala. 1 1 And the Phan- £j?™ ^2T 34.o 5. Mark, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. II Koti <&V 01 o p ~ <*> forth , and began to queftion »p£av7D av&TM *>i$>, £nT*ms Wlth hitn, feeking of him a figa av$ cnj^eTov ~&m TV fe^vS, -&&&- from heaven, tempting him. '? ■, i T, \ . />- e 12 And he fish 'd deeply in £oit« au™ 12 K* awwafo *$ hjs fpintj and fa*h> why70th imufiOili a.w, Xeyl1 Ti h ytnoL oLta this generation feek afterafign? fc» i otj^woy. generation 1 3 K«j «p«'s »Ws, iMs *«A.v elf T3 And he left them , and , L , ~ 0 , i ; entnng into the Jhip again, de- to ttaoiov, a?rnA7JV e, ~ / «ying» Take heed, beware or 7TST8 ^n ins £wpw tbv uoWM the leaven of the Phanfees, **i tvis (v/jlms Hf&Sbu. 16 K«| and of the leaven of Herod. -. , iy MAo^, fcynfes- themfeives> faymg} It u be. Oti ap-rys &X. e^^y. 1 7 K*j yvVS caufe we have no bread. ». - . > j ' ~ t-'„#, ^1 And when Tefus knew ;'/, .h»ow,A^«w T* 0/5*0- hefahhuntotheiwhyreafon yifyod'i °7t a.pou; ouKt^iTii ou7TO ye, becaufe ye have no bread ? voeTre, ^ ouoUrt ; U wtupcc V*?™ ^,not ?"> ne"her , - * „ , , ~ underitand? have ye your heart ^^> e^€Te r j^pfta* vfxai ; 1 8 O- yet * flow of undemanding ? ,,,,, \ , and having ears, hear ye not ? a-nt e^ovTes ou% ajwueTe ; xai ou and do ye not remember ? un/AovtviTt ; 19 OTe t«s wevTe »9 "When I brake the five >/" • 1/ ' \ o. . / loaves among five thoufand , ttp7V.J eviaja e^j t^s ttev&^^s, how many bfskets ful, of frag» 7ncmi4 xotpiiots 7ihripus x.\oia]u,aiTai ments tooke ye up? They fay f^*h*?.ff ****** "TohaT,h*:hefevena. 20 Ore Ji rys gTrla as Te7fa,5u^*- mong four thoufand, how ma- \I014, tto^v ouoei^y TiKn&iMr* "Y baskets full gf fragments .. , „ n -.vU- -ij took ye up? and they faid, /tActoTtstTay »pa/ei Oi J« mttbv Ew*. Seven. 21 K«,| S. Mark, Chap. VIII. 34-1 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 21 Koh eAeyiv cwtd7s« Has V w- 2* And he fald umo them» , How is it that ye do not un- W1* '> derftand ? 22 Ko4 *WeTlimo ^ and |efought JtStA&aiy auroj , j'va autv a^Toq. him to touch him. 23 K«j PARAPHRASE. . lees came forth, and began to queftion (i) with him, feeking of him a Sign from Heaven, tempting him. iz And he figh'd deeply in his Spirit, i.e. from his Heart, and fays, Why do's this Generation feek after a Sign, when they have had fo many and infallible Signs of my be- ing the Chrift already vouchfaf'd unto them? Verily I fay unto you, There fhall no Sign from Heaven be given to this Generation ; no other fort of Sign than what has been already given, except the Sign of the Pro- phet Jonas. 1 1 And he left them, and entring into the Ship again, de- parted to fome place on the fame Ea&ern CoaB with Dalmanutba, but lying to the North of'Dalmanutba; on which account Chrifl may be here fatd to have departed or fail' d from Dalmanutha to the other fide. 14. Now the Difciples had forgotten to take Bread, neither had they ^ *x' %.- . V ni -ii i_ t r a j 1- 1 > 1 i J Chnft warns his m the Ship with them more than oneLoar. if And he chargd them, Difcipiej againft faying, Take heed, and beware of the Leaven of the Pharifees, and of the 'hhe hf'vm o! the Leaven (/) of Herod. 16 And they reafon'd among themfelves, faying, It is becaufe we have no Bread. 17 And when Jelus knew it, he faith unto them, Why reafon ye, becaufe ye have no Bread ? perceive ye not yet? neither underftand? have ye your Heart yet flow of underfland- ing? 18 Having Eyes, fee ye not? and having Ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? 19 When I brake the five Loaves among five thoufand, how many Baskets full of Fragments took ye up? They fay unto him, Twelve. 20 And when the feven among four thoufand, how many Baskets full of Fragments took ye up? and they faid, Seven. 21 And he faid unto them, How is it that ye do not underftand, that by the Caution /gave you, I intended to warn you not of the Leaven of Bread, but of the evil 'Dotlrine of theTharifees,follow'd and maintain'd in many Tomts by Herod alfo ? 22 And he, keeping Bill on the Eaflern Side of the Sea of Galilee , cht£\ re comes to Bethfaida, and they bring a blind Man unto him, and btfought b/™« Mm by him sr""e> &c- ANNOTATIONS. ,^ r„, rtn rtf 341 S.Mark, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 23 Koq 'QnAaCo/Jjuos T-ytufos ?iv- 2J And he took the blind ~ ,yrr > » "z \ 1 1 man by the hand, and led him " '» • ' _«. * his hands upon him, he ask'd nxs Xapct* «i& e^paet «*u™ urn hm jfhe ^ ought_ /3Ae* H And he look'd up, and BAe7ro Tfcs «v9pa7r«s as he piu^ ^a«pa< '6^7 T«s otpfyXfjiMi IT* ou^ Mf TO* u^f Kw- Cefarea yj - . and by |he p&os r $(A<*7r«* £ ci th oSa £7m- way he ask'd his difciples, fay- paw t& ,u*W* «tS?,' Ae> av- «g unto than Whom do men , , « „ „ % that lam? 7015- To* ^te Afyyoiv o« eujpaTrci 28 And they anfwer'djohn «y*j j 28 O/ ft amxei9ww I«*v- the Baptift: but fome Jayy E- « „ ^ / , „ . „ lias; and others, One of the 1*1 t Bxvdw x, olWoi, HA*ior ctM.o« pr0phets. ft, 'ha. t fZB^py\T^i% 29 K*J au7os 2.9 And he faith unto them, \L 1 'ff". -*- ~ (v» ' v' But whom lay ye that I am ? teyi «&>$• Ta«s ft m p« AeytTi And Peteranfwereth and faith tT) ; A-TTOKf iSas ft 9 rie7f of, Ae^ cto- unto him, Thou art the Chrift. M&x«f cturys, oti , 31 fQd he began to teach ~ vv ,x ^ , , , -m them, that the Son or man mult Su t mo» v =tv7p«7ry TniAAct TOjei v, *, fuftir many things, and be re- ^7n>&5u ptcQ«»ot| :&tfni r ®/>eff Qep»y ^ je<^ed of the elders, and of the . / , / , , /, ' chief priefts and fcribes, and be ctp^ep^y & WW*™, 5^«. kill.d> and after three days rife 0>ivoc|- ^ ^eTa 75>iTs )Ja««p'*5 avar^q" again. 32 K«i S. Mark, Chap. VIII. 34-3 T E X.T. TRANSLATION. 32 Kcq mp'pnmcf. -f \oy>v eAs'-A'i* Ket| li£2a\a.Qo${jos etCmsv 0 neTfos, >ip- £a70 '6faT\(JLcLl a.lrtti). ■$$ O Si '6fa- qpcLtpus, $ l&bi Tbs c to) nE7ga>, Xtyuv Yra/e 07T1GZ1) (Jte CVL^O.' 077 &1 IppOV&lS TO ? ©e£, aM.a to t$J av^paxav. Smi avToTj* Otis %Au o-mau i*M 32 And he ipake that lay- ing openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him. II But. when he had turn'd about, and look'd on his difci- ples, he rcbuk'd Peter, faying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou favoured not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men. 34 And when he had call'd the people unto him, with his difciples alfo, he faid unto them, Whofoever will come ixB-eiv, PARAPHRASE, him to touch him. 23 And he took the blind Man by the hand, and led him out of the Town ; and when he had fpit on his Eyes, and put his hands upon him, he ask'd him if he faw ought. 24 And he look'd up, and faid, I fee Men as Trees walking. 2^ After that he put his Hands again upon his Eyes, and made him look up : and he was r'eltor'd, and faw every Man clearly. 26 And he (ent him away to his Houfe, faying, Neither go into the Town, nor tell it to any in the Town. 2*j And Jefus went(w) out, and his Difciples, into the Towns of xn-, Cefarea Philippi : and by the way he ask'd his Difciples, faying unto concerning"""'1 them, "Whom do Men fay that I am ? 08 And they anfwer'd, John chrift. the Baptilt : but fome fay, Elias; and others, One of the Prophets. 29 And he faith unto them, But whom fay ye that I am ? And Peter anfwereth and faith unto him, Thou art the Chrift. 30 And he charged them that they fhould tell no Man of him. 3 1 And he began to teach them, that the Son of Man muft fufrer many things, and be rejected of the Elders, and of the chief Priefls and Scribes, and be kill'd, and after three days rile again. 32 And he fpake that faying openly, i. e. told them in flam and Exprefs tet ms, that he mujl Juffer and be kilTd. And Peter took h»m, («) and began to rebuke him. 3 3 But when he had turn'd about, and look'd o& his D'^'P^i he rebuk'd Peter, laying, Get thee behind me, Sawn : lor thou tavoureft not the things that be of God, but the things that be of Me"n. 34 And when he had (0) call'd the. People unto him, with his Di- Th^",;t of fcipks alfo, he faid unto them, W-hofoeyer will come after me, let him ui -j„s Hf the crop. (m) See my Paraph, on fytat. i5. 13, &c. 34-4- S. Mark, Chap. VIII, IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. i\Jui, aTOpv»i<"*^a» tawny, £ ecfxirn T 7&U&1 OLltTV, % XXOteJeltU (Mh T 4°^y tt!^T^ s^5"1 ^ & T* w'*^ >*A«V, V7BS mac^ o.umi. 38g t5 4t/;t*v *^T«; 37 H ti Stioi oiific67ns *»mM*fri £ -v^^fs avTVi 38 OS $ *y £7104- %W)-m fii x, T<&S 'W*$ \oyV5 ot Ty 7oAa>, ^ 0 lJos y ixv^-paTry e7ioj%wo- Sd'ct^ auToy, amy eA^y 0* Ty *A«» 7»y a>i»y. Keii au7oiS' KfAut \eyet v/mi, oit uct.?&fiCoivl 0 Inajs 7ty rieT^sy £ t IaJcaCoy £ £ laxyyfo/, $ dvctipepu at/rys us op©-' w4*tXcy K5tT iSiow /Wo'y«5' ^ /jaitfiof. 0»9ij e^iz9^o8ey atlnwy. 3 Koq to Ifmrtx °<* }*<*-7B~s HA/at« crjy Maw|' $ >l£ fft/MaA£yTM •ra§ I/ict?. f Koh ^brexfifiws 0 rieTf J?, after me, let him deny himielf, and take up his croft, and fol- low me. 3? For whofbever will lave his life, fhall lofe it ; but who- foever fhall lofe his life for my fake and the gofpels, the fame fhall fave it. 36 For what fhall it profit a man, if he dial) gain the whole world, and lofe his own foul? 37 Or what (hall a man give in exchange for his foul ? 58 Whofoever therefore fhall be afham'd of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and finful generation, of him alfo fhall the Son of man be afham'd when he'cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels. Chap, IX. And he faid unto them, Ve- rily I fay unto you, that there be lb me of them that fland here, which fhall not talte of death, till they have feen the kingdom of God come with power. 2 And after fix days Jefus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themfelves: and he was transfigur'd before them. 3 And his raiment became fhining, exceeding white as fhow ; fo as no fuller on earth can white them. 4 And there appear'd unto them Elias, with Moles : and they were talking with Jefus. y And Peter anfwer'd and A^ S. Mark, Chap. VIII, IX. 34-r TEXT. TRANSLATION. vets t^us, troi ^/ow, $ Mao- 4 ^tuac, Xoq HA/a. fiicu. 6 Ou }^y >>)A?s f o« 7>js npetos, A«- ^puaa* Outbs '^» 0 qos 9 K*ra£*jVaviti)V JS aJrav "5>7r» TV og^£', $\i ootdTj, '/»* ptcAsVi Stu/iioWoij «, a- Jbv, u /lwi otay o t^o i ry ay^paTroo Koq 7jjy Ao- c/K. veKfa» «»a- faw no man any more, * 'except Jefus only with themfelves. 9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charg'd them that they fhould tell no man what things they had feen, till the Son of man were rifen from the dead. io And they kept that fay- ing*to themfelves, queftioning one with another what the riling from the dead ihould mean. 1 1 And they ask'd him, fay- ing, Why fay the fcribes that Elias muft firfh come? ra Andheanfwer'dandtold them, Elias verily cometh firft, and reftoreth all things : and how it is written of the Son of 'i„ ~Z ZA-J^u 7„„ ~™\\Z ~J<±u man> l^at ne mi,ft fuffer many , ,- r „ j / things, and be fet at nought. 11 Kaj e7mp»Ta» auTov , Agyoyns- On Myvtni ot •^enf^ut.. Ul t^ynti TU$, "oti HA«oc ^ l\J> 12 O A sJjrox.e/)-«s, ei^iv ao-roTs' 9*4 TravTW x, 7ros yi%>*'mfy '6fa Toy uftii, o7i k, HAtcbs IA»Ao9s> $ eTTBIJI- mi 0*7$ oast £^A>i 1 to him, faluted him. ™. j6 Koo emp-nn TVs %*/<- tf And he ask'd the fcribes, ixolTus' T* ffi^Ta TS t" ^ * J7 And one of the multi- 17 K*, *r»yr>$ us VLVofrst, utk- tude anfvrer'd and faid, Mafter, AiiW^aAe, Imhyt. r t^oy fiV ttfii 01, I have brought unto thee my '--•,.£. mc?>,.* H\*\ u. To v ' "—,, fon, which hath a dumb fpirn : y*& yevA* «.A*A0y jg KcqoTTV >$ And wherefoever he^tak. ay cu>7oy 30t7»Aat», p»ar^ ecoTo'y eth him, he*throws hira-down ; ivjias TcaA 0 oyh&s iStn HCXj S. Mark, Chap. IX. 34/7 PARAPHRASE. round about, they faw no Man any more, except Jefusbnly with them- felves. p And as they came down from the Mountain, he charg'd them that they fhould tell no Man what things they had feen, till the Son of Man were rifen from the dead. 10 And according// they kept that Saying to therafelves, quelhoning one with another, what the Rifing from the dead fhould mean, n And they ask'd him, faying, Why fhould this appearance of Elias be made fuch a Secret , Jince lay the Scribes that Elias muff firft come before the Mejjiasjliall come-, or at lea/1 mamfefl himjelf as fuch? 12 And he anfwer'd and told thero, Elias verily comes fird, and that Literally, Perfonatty and Bodily before the Coming of the Great and Z>readfuli Day of the Lord, i.e. before the Se- cond and more Eminent Commg and Man if e flat 'ion of Chrifl, when God reftores All things in this IVorld to their Primitive and Happy State ,. wherein they were before the Fall ; and (f) after he had told them with- all, that Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him what they lifted, he again objerv'd to them, How it is written of the Son of Man, that he hkewife mult fuffer many things, and be fet at nought of them, i.e. the Jews. 13 But as to Elias, I fay unto you, that by Elias in a Figurative Senfe is to be under/hod ( Mai. 4 6. ) another Perfon coming only in the Spirit and Tower of Elias before the Fir SI Coming ofChrifl; and this Other Per fon accordingly is indeed come already, as it is written of him; and they, /'. e. fhe Jews and Herod have done unto him what- fbever they lifted. Then the 'Difciples underftood} that by Elias in this v.i$. he meant John the Baptijl. 14 And when he came (r) to his Difciples, he faw a great Multitude ( about them, and the Scribes queftioning with them, viz. probably as to a Dnii, which the Reafon, (Vhy they could not caji the 'Devilout of the Mans Son which ^'f'¥« «*« was brought, whence the Scribes began to infer that Cbrijl himjelf could not do this Cure, and fo to leffen the People s Opinion ofChrifl. if And therefore ftraightway all the People, when they beheld him,, i. e. Cfoi/l coming, were overjoy'd, as being Bill of Opinion that Chrtfl was able to cure the Man's Son, and fo longing to have his Power experimented and prov'd hereby, and the Scribes malicious Suggeflions difprov'd; and running to him, they laluted or welcom'd him. i<5 And he ask'd the Scribes, What queltion ye with them ? 17 And one of the Multitude anfwer'd and laid, Mailer, I have brought unto thee my Son, which hath a dumb Spirit : 18 And wherefoever he taketh him, he throws xv. (a) Compare Mat: 17. 11,12. (r) Compare Mat. 17. 14., &c. and fee my Paraph, thereon. 3+8 S. Mark, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. «" *s 7nm 5j, c/KuAieTO etpgj^ay. 21 Kat) emipce- P(^7v, a$ Ttt7D yvyww au/ra; O tffe «7n- n<*(J|o9*y. 22 Kxj ttdA\*>u$ aVTtl X) US 7Tt/p etaAe as SJVt m, etAA e*7j &«;*- CVJ , Com^jktdv ^7/ cro-Aaiyyie&eiJ ep y/uas. 23 O c)V I»«r«5 eT^y amrS' To ei hw&cwi 'm^iZsvJi, 7n»yn* JWet7W TO CTiTtuoyrr. 24 K*) to- ^SCtfS K&J&hyO 715177^ ? 7TO^y, |U«- 7» Stixfuai 'Iteyv Umuce, ^ fcorffu jUV tm iTTKficf.. 2/ I^y aA^Aoy $ avTOu, Jcot) [Miywn uaiAjyS us tuvni. way : and I fpake to thy difci- ples, that they mould caft him out, and they could not. 19 He anfwer'd him, and faith, O faithlels generation, how long mail I be with you ? how long fhall I fuffer you ? bring him unto me. 20 And they brought him unto him : and when he faw him,itraightway the fpirit*cafl him into convulsions, and he fell on the ground, and wal- low'd foaming. 2 1 And he ask'd his father, How long is it ago fince this came unto him ? And he faid, Of a child. 22 And oft-times it hath caft him into the hre, and into the waters to dcftroy him : but it thou canft do any thing, have compaflion on us, and help us. 23 Jefus laid unto him, If thou canft believe,all thingsare pofllble to him that believeth. 24 Aud (traightway the fa- ther of the child cry'd out, and faid with tears, I believe ; help thou mine unbelief. 2 y When Jefus faw that the people came running together, he rebuk'd the * unclean fpirit, faying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf fpirit, I charge thee, Come out of him, and enter no more into him. 16 And the fpirit cry'd, and *caft him into great convul- . T,. \ //- , v >y cait mm inco great touvui- , ^.J?**8"' j& ™M* ^P*?" fions, and came out of him ; eto7sy, i&A%' Xj \y®3o atru niLpos, and he was as one dead, m- S.Mark, Chap. IX. 34-9 TEXT. TRANSLATION. a><&. woAAys Aeyav 'oil a.7nJoiin. 27 O *v7B»* jtoa ave^Tf. 28 K*| eioiA^ovTct auTcv fomuch that many faid, He is dead 2-7 But Jefus took him by the hand, and lifted him up, and he arofe. 2.8 And when he was come us PARAPHRASE, him down! and he foameth, and gnalheth with his Teeth, and pineth away : and I fpake to thy difciples, that they fhould cafl him out, and they could not. 19 He anlwer'd him, and fays, in reference (s) to the Scribes aforefaid, O faithlefs Generation, how long (hall I be with yon ? how long (hall I fuffer you ? bring him unto me. 20 And they brought him unto him : and when he faw him, ftraightway the fpirit calt him into ConvulGons, and he fell on the Ground, and wallow'd foaming. 21 And he ask'd his Father, How long is it ago Gnce this came unto h*m? And he faid, Of a Child. 22 And oft-times it hath cafl him into the Fire, and into the Waters to deltroy him : but if thou canft do any thing, have compaffion on us, and help us. 23 Jefus faid unto him, If" thou canft believe firmly and without all doubt to the contrary , that F am able to do this, thou wilt thereby become qualify d to have fuch a Mer- cy vouchjafd unto thee : for All things fit to be done by me are podible for me to do to him that bclievts truly in my Tower Jo to do. 2+ And ftraightway the Father of the Child cry'd out, and (aid with Tears, I Jtncerely- defire to believe fo: and if there be any 'Degree of Unbelief in me, help thou, i. e. tak^ away or elfe be merciful! to fuch my Unbelief. 25: When Jefus faw 'that the People came running together, He rebuk'd the unclean Spirit, faying unto him , Thou dumb and deaf Spirit, 1. e. Thou Devil that caufejl this Child to be dumb and deaf, to convince All here prefent, and particularly the Scribes, that the Reafon why my Di- fciples could not cafi thee out, was not for any Want of Tower in me to enable them to have done it, had they been. duly qualify d\ I my felf now charge thee, Come out of him, and not only Jo, but enter no more into him. 26 And the Spirit cry'd, and oft him into great ConvulGons, and came out of him ; and he was as one dead, infomuch that many faid, He is dead. 27 But Jefus took him by the hand, and lifted him up, and he arofe perfe&ly recover d and cur' d. 28 And when he was come into ANNOTATIONS. f Chap. IX. v, 24. K»'&^«s ** »JW3li- could not wer caft hi'm out? [Mi -* ' » and * travell'd about thro' Ga- . nip*.™ a£j w r^A^- *«, IiJee. and he woui^^c that QOt Ji^Agy, /va tjs -y>q. 31 E£i- ^ n y man fhould knolFf/. few $ rvs /Madras avreJ, i&u 21 For he taught his difci- ' ~ _ c f\ ~ , . , pics, and laid unto them, The eAeyev gutsis- Ott a Mo$ T* av^a- - Son of man is deliver'd into Try (w^tiSbTacf us -vu&t.s av^pa- tne hands of men, and they ' 1 .» ~ • > , . fhall kill him, and after that he TOI, M| ^WlllVOlf «0W * fe*K 1S kl[rdj h£ ^,j nfe {he thlrd xlcujus, tm 7eir>i M^wipa ava^o*^). day. 32 o; J^ fcwV n ft^, i ho- , i\ But they undcrftood not x.~ , , , ^ r ^ that laying, and were afraid to btfvTo cutTvi trnfanrievn. ask \mri 33 Kot) wA^sv as KaOTpvayV & 33 And he came to Caper- ev th oi'tt? >«i^os, iTmparo «L- faurn, and being in the houfe, / , , ~ t J ,' , he ask d them, what was it that T^' T< of Tp eJty •s^s eooreus ye difputed among your lei ves, SleWftc^s; 34 Oi <$ lojaTiwr by the way? ^«^ '»'»„ v» «v,v/ ft « 34 But they held their peace: , If «ny man define to , , _. ^ , _v be hrlt, the fame lhall be Lift tov ^socov©-. ^36 Koq teCav of all, and fervant of all. urct(Jt'o», e9T/cTtv otvro of luaat aO- , 36 And he took a child, and «p/> \ .^■■fcii' , fet him in the midit of them: T\ *"* f*V*ttAlff*^(^ «. and when he had taken h.m in to, aTTEv au7oij« 37 Oj ed» ev his arms, he faid unto them, T3^ ™*™» ^^ ^rcq '«J 57 Whofoeverflnll receive „ , / , :, x r y ^ one of inch children in my •ra oio^aat (a\s} lym A'^eToq* ^ 05 name, receiveth me : and who- S.Mark, Chap. IX. 35-1 PARAPHRASE. into the Houfe, his Difciples ask'd him privately, Why could not we ca(l him out ? 2.9 And he faid unto them, By (/) reafon of jour Unbe- lief alfo in great meajwe ; hovcbeit this kind can be made to come forth by nothing, but by, i.e. •without extraordinary Prayer and Failing jotu'd to pur Faith. xvi. 50 And they departed thence, viz from the parts about CefareaThi- chrift Paiies pn- lippi, and travell'd about thro' Galilee ; and he would not that any man l^nlTtdUtne fhould know it, and therefore went private ways. 31 For he had a Difciples again of mind to have Opportunity to give his Difciples fame Private Injiru- tm Dea"'- fitions ; and ejpeciallj to prepare them jet more for his Sufferings and Death, which was now not far off: and accordingly he taught his Di- fciples, and faid unto them, The Son of man is deliver'd into the hands of" Men, and they fliall kill him, and afttr that he is kili'd, he fhall rile the third day. 31 But they underflood not that faying, /. e. what he faid to them about his being deliver'd up, andkjttd, and rifing again, and were afraid to as'k him to tell them the matter more Plainly : For tho thej could not under/land aright, what he meant bj being 'Deliver'd up, and Rijing again ; jet thj could not but kriow what he meant in ge- neral, by being Kili'd, and they were exceeding jorrj to hear that ; and therefore were afraid to k*iova more of the matter, leB the more they knew, the more occafion thejjljould have for their Sorrow. 33 And he came to Capernaum (a) where he paj'd Tribute-money, ch^'teaches and at the fame (w) time being in the Houfe, {probably his Own Houfe his Difciples the •wherein he dwelt when at Capernaum) he ask'd them, What was it thatDut>'ofH'""'7'fJ'- yedifputed among your felves by the way? 34 But they held their peace, being ajbam'd to tell : for by the way they had difputed among themfelves, who fhould be the Greatelf. 37 And he fat down and call'd the Twelve, and fays unto them, If any man defire to be Firft?« my Kingdom, the fame fhall be, i e. muji ail and behave himfelf as if he was Laft of All, i. e. mofl humbly, and as if he was Servant of" All, i. e. mu/l be mofl ready to do All the good and Chriftian Offices he can to others. 36 And he took a {x) child, and fet him in the midfl of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he faid unto them, 3-7 Who- mever fhall receive one of fuch Children in my name, receives me; and who- ANNOTATIONS. (t) Compare Mat. 17. ao. («) Compare Mat. 17. 14. (10) Compare Mat . 18. 1. and read my Paraphrafe thereon, (x) Read my Pawph. on Mat. 18. 3, &c. (y) Read ISi S Matk, Chap. IX. TEXT; TRANSLATION. iw i/ju Si&reui, OSX ifd JWcq, ^v" ^i[] receive me, receiv- .»'..«»•' ' etrl not me3 but him that lent ^AAa, r aTTDraAcWTM /i«. me 38 ATrejcfiSn eJV oa^° 0 Wvws, : 38 And John anfwer'd him, ./r . r.i . >/r n' > ' ? Tayins;, Matter, we faw one Mfm- A, oto/ua.'n £ botimtu, aO- forbad him becaufe he foliow« I , » , ~ , not us. •rei', 077' *x xycoWfti »ful. S9 O 3p But Jefus faid, Forbid IMS Svn- Mj| xflAiieii auTov *£as him I10' : ,f°r there is,no man , , , , , j ? , , which thill do a miracle in my y*f tw'os 7roinoi SlvcLUti 6ft t& ovo- name> tnat can *ea{jly fpeajj /jATi fuM, $ Siiin^J) TavJ K^>wAo>^- ev,l °f me- ^ c ' ■' n' « oofl 4° For he that is not acainft caj pi. ^40 Os jb xk vnwa y>fl/f, USj 1S on our paru v?np yiucui £517. 41 Os )b siv m-nay 41 For whofoeverfhall give < ~ • ' nr f/rvf • > „S ' / ' ,. you a cup of water to drink VUOUi 7TD/>}piOV l/d«,(0S £V 7© Q10UXTI U V ^ long to Chnfr, verilv I fay &n\i A „ ' ' reward. mau$h.Ai _ , ~ , , 1 , „ , that believe in me, it is better « ^xaj Ai%s pu\ixas «oe« t Tp*- for him, that a milttone were %\oi«xff, i j3i£a>£) as t ^iteww-y. nang'd about llls neck> and he ' , 1 , \ * i> < / were call into the lea. 43 Kw £*v oxM^XiC,* o*r,Xu? ^v auTor njtAo» e ybmas, as to Trtp To cioGtw that never (hall be quench'd: 46 OttV S.Mark, Chap. IX. 1S3 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4 at ., \ , \ nor,and the fire is not quench'd. * J° ™* * aQimT^ 47 K»M tf» ^ And .f thine ^ , make o os o\s oxflif^tA/^ «, «*- thee to offend, pluck it out : it CccAe Ufi> xje^i nt 'fit ^i^0*A- » be«er for thee to enter into , -•,•«_ , ,. ~ the kingdom of God with one (xoi uoiXfui us r f&xoi\ii *"'*•' J#' c / c 48 Where their worm di- >«w« * tocj«» 48 0*« 0 («»Mi§ eth not> and the fee is not auiw* & TiAeS'St, $ 7B Trop « ?£«««$• quench'd. 49 rias PARAPHRASE. whofoever fhall receive me, receives not me only, but alfo Him, i.e. God that lent me. 38 And John /& Apoftle anfwet'd him, faying, Matter, we faw one rsm. calling out Devils in thy name, and he follows not you ever with us ; if^Goft^Tm and we forbad him, becaufe he follows not us. 39 Butjefus laid, For-nottobeWn^r'i, bid him not: for there is no man, who fhall do a Miracle in my Name, " W""™* '*■ that can eafily, i.e. without expofing himfelf as one ailing Abfurdly therein, fpeak evil of me; 40 and alfo ■, iorafrnuch as He that is not againft us in this Cafe, is to be efteemd on our part, and therefore to he Encourag'd. 41 For whofoever (hall give you a Cup of Water to drink in my Name, becaufe ye belong to Chrifl, verily I fay unto you, he fhall not lofe his reward. 42 And whofoever fhall offend one of thefe little ones that believe in me, it is better for him, that a milftone were hang'd about his neck, and he were call into the Sea. 43 And if thy Hand ( y) make thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into Life maim'd, than having two Hands, to go into Hell, into ^he fire that never fhall be quench'd : 44 Where their Worm dies not, ;'. e . where the Souls of the tmpenitently Wickgdjhall be for ever tor- tnentedwtth fruit lefs Remorfe or Grief for their pajl Sins, and~ it repa- rable Follies \ and the Fire is not quench'd, butjhatlfor ever torment their Bodies. 4f And if thy Foot(/) make thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into Life, than having two Feet, to be cafl into Hell, into the Fire that never fhall be quench'd : 46 Where their Worm dies not, and the Fire is not quench'd. 4*7 And if thine Eye make thee to offend, pluck it out : it is better for thee to enter into the Kingdom of God with one Eye, than having two Eyes to be cafl into Hell-fire : 48 Where their Worm dies not, and the Fire is not quench'd. 354 S. Mark, Chap. IX, X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Tiara Jvcna. ctAi ctAicQiKrej. fo Ka- Aay to aAetJ- eay de to a,Aas aya- Aoy ytMToui, ot 7zyj etuTo apTuoiJe; f^€TE or IcumhS aAaj, $ e«pjiv6veT8 cV etAA>iAoi?. Kep. «'. Kot,x.w9s» elvctjas ^p^Totj 615 TW OCX* 7715 IV$#a4, ^95 75 J Tng^y t5 Iop<^tvy Xj cvfimptAjovlom 7ia\iy o^Aoj bi»A,uff«|t j" K*| ^wd^a i o lycnZs, ei7TEy ettToTs' vfxii t1 JktoAwv fcfMTM. 6 A7ro.iaw e7ro»i- cny aoTfes o ©eos. 7 Evex«» TVry H^^Aejvj/ei av^pa,7r@J 7oy 7nmf£jc. c%oM.n9)iffiToij <©£?$ -rfw jxa/a«)(5t ai/Hs?' 8 Koq tffov^ oi Sho us owp- ^.iai. aapf • 9 "O oi/y 0 ©eos ciwe<^ni- fey, a.iJfG)7ns \m -^tA^Ttt. 10 K«j ci th oiV.tqc. ra\jy 0/ ^uaSjiTctj au§ T&t TV owtdJ ETntpaTT/ffBty ecoTo'y. 11 Kot) A<^<3 ett/ToiS' oj eay X7n>- \voy t }at/*p(5 *i5tS, 9coc!f yx.(Ju!\oy a-Mw, fMWx etuTT)?, 13 Keq 'SJ^oicpeyy «,'jt?$ 7704. yjtTot) e7TSTi^uay tdis 'Z^ffrpeyucny. 14 l Atyo v/mv 05 £*v (am <&- if Verily I fay unto you, z j \ n n' ~^T', Whofoever fhall not receive fyxq -rfc* MH« TV ©so J «s the kingdom ofGod as a little 7ra(Sioy, y (jj» ucrzhjy as clutLo. child, he fhall not enter there- l6K^ oJ«^cstXi«f^ «»*«j; »£ And he took thero up in TifuS irxs VW£S*S m at/T», nuAo- his arms, put his hands upon yu ctOTa'. themJ and b^eile(1 tnem- . * tj- J ' ' a ', , ■« -r ' « (0 17 And when he was gone 17 Km tvyu&v w7n}ncw; clvtm, one running, and kneel'd to ranum awwV A<^7x«Ae «>«#, «n' }jim> and **£ J"™' Good Ma- J, „ > " ,, , fter, what fhall 1 do that I 'zroixcra iva c,o»iv aj<»uoy xA^iofMutm ; may inherit eternal life ? i8o o' ' «s ' "• oJ ' • ' Why calleft thou me good? teyus «}«?ov; M*s *>«>?, « pi ,^ j, none good, but one, us, o tos. 19 T*5 wtdT&s oT* * roiff* - xi Then Jefus beholding A **) «7iii ^ E» crvi ^pm- J™ lov'd him, and /aid unto „ v „ , , r. , him, One thing thou lacked : U7ia>«, oirot e^iyj 7raA>iffBy, k*j x, Jeuy, «*>A*^ ^1 *e*5 in heaven; and come, take up T 9-owpoy. 22 O How hard]y ^j they 01 tog ^p«j«a.cn\ua¥ that have riches enter into the ? 0efa? woiAeJtn.y'Oi 24 O/ JV ,ua- kingdom °J ?od' ■ \ , fi„ "-< , „ y ^, 24 And the difciples were SJi/ct) f^tvyre '67b TciJ Ao^>« cu%. aftontfh'd at his woFds. But O Si Incrvs ^aAiy -^umtftfus, \eyi Jefl,s anlwereth again, and jff~ , ~ rv' / »/-u ' faith unto them, Children, how cutis' Tw*, TOS^o-Aoy «/r«« bard is it for them that truft in 7re77oi9o^ '^rl itls ffl*jMtm, us ¥ riches, to enter into' the king- n n ' w^"1 ' ,r r-' dom of God ? - ■• f \ \ c ~ 25- It is ealier for a camel to OT-rspoy '^r )CStptAo» ^l* x 7fu/na.Aii*.s g0 thro' the eye of a needle, 5 Access J»eA9-«», ^v TiAvcjjoy «$ ^ than for y«o6 a rich man to , ^ ^, «. .-* t., enter into the kingdom of God. /3CWJAWCW * ©e* «4 0tA^eir. 2(J Oi Jte a6 And they were aftoni(h'd ■c&ioras 't%i7&\.y\om1o, hiyflit j *<&Apys, v aJ^ApaS, § note?*, $ fuije'p*, >} >c«y «#v & * ■e»&y(t\iV, 30. ea» p; AscCm its&vla.- Tr^v&ffj'avx vu£ c* "raS JC#p£ tk't« ©«- x*a$, ^ kfoxipts, $ ctAA^a,*, 19 pn*- ptff, & *?$&» $ WJtOWf $ c# tj$ ot|ayi Ta Ip^juVa £g»Zoi eqaywy. 31 rioMof $£ 'iavilon ■&f>v'<0if Skatci* 32 Hffav £?*}, 19 «xo- Av^Svtis ey naAiy W* Stofo)[gL, rif^Aio cutToiS Ae- yeji t« /CMAAoyra. outcS sv7oy ^oty*- Ta>, $ ?7*Po-y(7jy flco roy 7oT$ e^yeai" 34 Kou tfiVa\^<««* of you, There is no Man that hath left Houfe, or Brethren, or Sifters, or what 'they w Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Children, or Lands, for my Sake and inthijworid.for the Gofpels, 30 but he fhall receive an Hundred-fold, i.e. whatJ}:aUlhtfaks °fCMt be an Hundred times, or very much Better, even Now in this time : namely, for his own Houfe he [hall be kindly receiv'd into tie Houfes of all Good men, and in [lead of his own Brethren or Sifters fe>c. he Jhall find all Good perfons ready to afjlB him, as [0 many Brethren, and Sifters, and Mothers ; and inftead of his owp Lands he fhall be readily afJiUed with what the Lands or Elates of Good men can procure or afford ', as if they were his Own : Thefe Comforts Jhall he receive together with the Perfections he JJjall undergo ; and not only thefe Comforts Jhall he fo receive, but the Far greater Comforts of Inward Satisfaction of Mind, and of fincere Joy by the Influence of the Holy Spirit; and in the World to come, he fhall receive Eternal Life. 31 But many that are firlf, fhall be laft : and the laft, firft. VII 32 And they were in the way going up to JerufaJem, and Jefus went Jefus foretells before them; and they were amaz'd, i. e. began to be very Apprebenfive1^^""'™ of the Dangers they fhould be Jlwtly expos' d to, and to be very much d«i*. Concern d at it, and as they follow'd, they were afraid, i.e. they could not now follow him without continual and great Fear of what was about to befall them. And, *'. e. Namely, he had now took again the Twelve, and began to tell them more Plainly in refpeil of feveral Particulars, than he had ever Afore, what things fhould happen unto him, 3 3 Say- ing, Behold, we go up to Jerufalem, and the Son of Man fhall be de- liver'd unto the chief Priefts, and unto the Scribes: and they fliall con- demn him to death, and fhall deliver him to the Gentiles; 34 And they fliall mock him, and fliall fcourge him, and fhall fpit upon him, and fhall kill him : and the third day he fhall rife again. vm. 3 y And James and John the Sons of Zebedee come unto him ( i ) with f^rrhrt'oft'ts. A°" their Mother, faying £j their Mother, Mafter, we would that thou fliouldflqUcft 0f jamet' do for us whatfoever we fliall defire. z6 And he faid unto them, Whatan'17',!;'!'and his ■ J Inilruitioris $6z S. Mark, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 37 O/ J?i wxoi owt^« Aos vifiii if* as c* dfc£ia» (too x&l i*i o% ivaivf-LM crow ts^attfiti ©f t? Jb- ?m T>ie/o» 0 ly» <7n- y», xoq to /2ct^?«o-,wct 0 iya> /2a- ^o^oq, /2ot-^(0&-«y«j ; 39 0/ i (ui>, One 'fan i/uoi <$W&cq, "&K 015 ^td/'/U*^. 41 K*] djwuaay- Tes 01 c/^g^j vfezrn iy^fJAKJUi ■&1& loucaGw xaj Iaiayyoy. 42 O ft InavZs <5^0TtctAeoTfc^@- ay. 7VJ, Asye< ch-toTs' Oi'&tTI 07: o»" cft»coiu*Te$ otp^ay toii j'J-ySy , 5(5C7W- xufiuMoii ow'tSv x.a] 0/ #e}«Ao» ow- ™» Jl5t7»|vcn*4v- 45- Kocj £ 0 H'os What would ye that I fhould do for you? 3*7 They faid unto hint, Grant unto us that we may fit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory. 38 But Jefus faid unto them, Ye know not what ye ask : can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptiz'd with the ba- ptifm that I am baptiz'd with ? 39 And they faid unto him, We can. And Jefus faid unto them, Ye fhall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of: and with the baptifm that I am baptiz'd withall, fhall ye be baptiz'd : 40 But to fit on my right hand, and on my left hand, is not mine to give, but it foall be given to them for whom it is prepar'd. 4t And when the ten heard it, they began to be much dif- pleas'd with James and John. 41 But Jefus call'd them to him, and faith unto them, Ye know that they which are ac- counted to rule over the Gen- tiles, exercife lordfhip over them; and their great ones exercife authority upon thero. 43 But fo fhall it not be among you: but whofbever will be great among you, fhall be your miniftcr: 44 And whofoever of you will be the chiefcfl, fhall be fer- vant of all. 4J- For even the Son of man came not to be mtniftrcd unto, "■ i — ^^— ii inn nim S. Mark, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 47 K«4 ifctfcas oTi Ijio-£?5 0 Na.£a>poHOS e9iv, >ipf **yl garment,rofe, and came tojefus. S 1 And Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto him, What wilt thou that 1 fhould do unto thee ? The blind man faid unto him, Lord, that I might receive my fight. j x And Jefus faid unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath cur'd thee. And immediately he receiv'd his fight, and fol- low 'd Jefus in the way. Chap. XI. ' And when they came nigh to Jerufalem, unto Bethphage, and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he fendeth forth two of his difciples, x And faith unto them, Go your way into the village over againft you ; and as foon as ye be enter'd into it, ye fhall find a colt ty'd, whereon never man fat ; loofe him, and bring him. 3 And if any man fay unto you, Why do ye this ? fay ye that the Lord hath need of him ; and ftraightway he will fend him hither. 4 And they went their way, AaQj\ l»i7ucI, avctjas jjA^s t$- PaC- 7v* xia.Qhi-\>a>. fz O tTE e^ty i^a bin t* a,wip$pv w ^«Ao» ^ Toy n AnJ they brought the colt Inroua, t<*j s7rt£aAoi xwtp to r>v/« the * evening was come, he , ~ f . » went out unto Bethany with ^era *n»v JsK?» the twelve. 12 Koj T^eaaypioJ e£eA9cv.i»»ew- 12 And on the morrow ~ -.» ! r. r- '> ■— ' , „ 1 when they were come from Be- w^BeV««fc <*«»*«• »3Kcm thany/ he was hungry. fo^v g^juiv /Lux.xfo%i 'l^vmi ' ~ \ off. having leaves, he came, if - >'ii - ' '_f« -'.«! * '' * haply he might hnd any thing sA7oi» £-7r ooo-rux/, (gin}>» eupgy a ^x thereon : and when he came to 0uMa- y^ 5f <^P« wW 14 K«\ "' he, found nothing but leaves ; , , , ^ ^ , ^ tor the time of hgi was not yet. drnxfijuso Uws, U7m OMT;y M»- I+ And Jefus anfwer'd and xbti lie r & >)*Vov 01 fucStiTcn ca^. lus dHcipIes heard //. 15- Koq ep^o»3 «s Ieycro^t/.wa' x, ij- And they come tojeru- »oiA^» i Ihctvj «5 ig ('6p5,, ^|x7o falen^: and Jefus went into the , „, , ~ , , r, ,V :fl temple, and began to call out ixbaMnj ryj •TO>Avv/a« & ajppa^oyjas them that fold and bought in * Of S. Mark, Chap. XI. 367 PARAPHRASE. they faid unto them even as Jefus had commanded: and they let them §0. 7 And they brought the Colt to Jefus , and call their Garments on him; and he fat upon him. 8 And many fpread their Garments in the Way: and others cut down Branches oft" the Trees, and ftraw'd them in the Way. 9 And they that went before , and they that fol- low'd, cry'd, faying, Hofanna, blefted is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. 10 Bleffed be, i. e. aU Prof per ity attend the Kingdom of the Mefjiab, the Son or Z>efcendent o/'our Father or Anceflor David, as being the Kingdom that comes in the Name of the Lord , /. e. is to be ere fled according to the Promt fes and by the Tower of God: Hofanna in the Higheft. 11 And Jefus enter'd into Jerufalem, and into the Temple; and when Heg0>sil he had look'd round about upon All things there, andfeen how the Outer Ttmpte , and at Court of thefatd Temple was prof and by being made like a Market-*™™^]™™ place, being fill 'd 'with the Stalls of Money changers, and of them that fold Cattle and Z)oves; and when he had driven (m) thefe Traders out of thefatd Court of the Temple, and had cui'd fome that were Lame and Blind, and had had fame "Dijcourfe with the Chief Trie/is and Scribes, and now the Evening was come; he went out of Jerufalem unto Be- thany with the Twelve, for to lodge there. 11. SECTION VII. Containing an Account offuch Particulars as were done on the Se- cond day, or the Monday of the Paffion-week, and are re- lated ty&Mark, Chap. XL 12—9. 12 And on the Morrow when they were come again from Bethany, chrift returns to and going to Jerufalem, he was hungry. 13 And (a) feeing a Fig-tree lH"^"'' 3nrd in afar oft, having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing there- F^-tri!. * on : and when he came to it , he found nothing but leaves ; for the time of Figs was not yet. 14 And Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto it, No Man eat Fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his Difciples heard it. if And they come to Jerufalem : and Jefus went into the Temple n. again, And finding the Traders {o)got thither again, he began to caft outT"^„ "^"f^ again, as he had done if) the day before , them that fold and bought in Temple. ANNOTATIONS. (wr) Compare Mat. 21. 12, &c. and read my Paraph, thereon. («) See my Paraph, on Mat xi. 9. 3 68 S.Mark, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. ot i& UfZ- g mi Tt;a7Ti^ and overthrew the N/o'~, i a.ft „ •> tables ot the money-changers, AuCj«p« « , xeej ,J 8 And the fcribes and chief • p, , i , y , prieits heard it. and fought c^we tic* ot.-rcv *7roAwy<7ir t avTev, 07: Trass o "vAos <^«- f°r they fear 'd him, becaufe all ■~*. ' ~ 'zroi ~ t^ iv. ~ ' f tne people was aftoniih'd at TfcvcKri™ faj^ktoxy avnd. his d^nfc 19 Kctj oTt o-y^i. tyaiTO) o^e7ropeue(p 19 And when *evening was «£» 777S 7Tft\£fflJ. • C°me' He Weilt 0Ut 0f the city. 20 Kaj 'Qgyi (0^j477Bp<^o,<4ooi , 20 And in the morning, as **.«•' f~ «K 'f • they pals 'd by, they faw the a^bv -du> ovkIw <%k&,uiu^ o* fig.treedry'dup from the roots. pi(m. 21 Koq iiaL/uncQr&is 0 [~li- 2I And Peter calling to re- /^ ^ j ' ? -r, pr "(v « raembrance,laithuntohim,Ma- 7f(Jh, A£^ «u«q)> P*GG<, ift, * fter, behold, the fig-tree which ovkH lu> whet*™) ^«Pa0" 2Z Kct* th°U curfec1il Is wuncr'd away. a. <■-■•. ~ , , ~ 22. And Jelusanfwe'ring faith cL7nx.eAjus Urnus, Xtyu avms- „nto them, Have faith in God. EyeTi 7nt9nv ©eocf. 23 A^ko >^ 23 For venlv l % "nto / r ~ „ ,, v „ » v you, that wholbever fliall (ay Aeya> u^v, ctj 0$ i» etir^ t&) c?u umo this mountain,, Be thou £uTjvej« gcjxj ctwo) 0 e*» uvn: have whatloeverhe faith. 2+ Aix TOTo A«> i£r" tov™ W a4 J?erefPre X /^ "mo / , Z y°lli Wlvit things foever ye a.? C7»0(Tew^3jtA«o» etiTeieQ-g, 9n7^t;e7s dclrre when ye pray, believe 071 S. Mark, Chzp.XI. PARAPHRASE. the Temple, and overthrew the Tables of the Money-changers, and the feats of them that fold doves ; 16 and would not fbfrer that any Man fhould carry any Velfel, i. e. any Burdens or Goods or Merchandizes, thro' the Courts of the Temple. 17 And he taught, faying unto them, Is it not written, My Houfe fhall be call'd of all Nations the Houfe of Prayer ? but ye have made it a Den of Thieves. 18 And the Scribes and Chief Pnelts heard it, and being vex'd to fee ChriB take fuch Authority upon him, and thus openly to find fault with what they allow d of, fought how they might deftroy him : for they fear'd him, how fir he might in time influence the People againB them, becaufe they perceiv'd that all the People were aftonifh'd at, i. e. did admire greatly his Doctrine. 19 And when Evening was come, he went out of the City again to Bethany. tf9 SECTION VIII. Containing fuch Particulars as were done on the Third day or Tuefday of the Taifion-week, and before the Evening thereof and which are related Chap. XI. 10 — XFI.ult. 20 And in the Morning of the next Day, as they pafs'd by again from '• Bethany to Jerufalem , they faw the Fig-tree dry d up from the Roots. fZA^gs i7n£ 21 And Peter calling to remembrance, faith unto him, Mailer, behold, ture may bep«- the Fig-tree which thou curfedit is wuher'd away, aa And jefus an- form'dby54"*' fwering fays unto them, Learn hence to have Faith in God, fo as mojl firmly to Believe, and to Rely on his Tower to do whatever Jhall be necef- faryfor his Glory, and propagating the Gofpel. 2 j For verily I fay un- to you, that whofoever, by the Impulfe or SuggeBion of the H- Spirit, fjall undertake the moB impoffible thing in Nature , the [aid H. Spirit fuggefting to htm that it Jhall be for the Gloiy ofGod,- and that he fhall be enabled to perform it ; for in fiance , whofoever by the faid SuggeBion of the H. Spirit (hall fay unto, this Mountain of Olives, whereon we now are, Be thou rcroov'd, and be thou caft into the Sea; and at the Jame time, upon perceiving Inch a Suggeflion of the H. Spirit, fhall Hot thro' want of a due Faith in Gods Power doubt in his own Heart, but fhall believe that thole things which he faysyV, thus by the Suggeflion of the H. Spirit, commands to come to pafs, fhall (come to -pals, he fhall accor- dingly have tnoB certainly hi ought to pafs, by the Omnipotence of God , whatfoever he fays, or, thus by the Suggeflion and Dire&ion of the Holy Spirit, commands to come to pafs. 24. Therefore I fay- unto you fur- ther, What things loevcr ye delire when ye pray, i . e in your Common 'vrZitily Prayers, if they be fuch things as ye ought to pray for, and are rrr' 11 £* s~* 37° 5. Mark, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. on A*,uCxvnv *■<** *f«< WjtW. 2^ Kolj 0IW.V 9T|!U|TS tifOcdj^Of^JQl, x.oM a araTwp u,^/ o c# .mis 'ou- v/J%f. 26 Ei <& u^as yx. a/t^/' 0 ev tbTs oy- gjtioTs ir k, i.r7n-rnt' Exv uirufui' i% ov&uoS , ifii' Aia.'n cwu chc '6fa- qiumx.1t uui$i 32 Ato'ta»fchra\«€v Ei; ety^-p»rav» £f>oCotu/To Toy AaaV ct7nr»7e< >5 eJ^oy t Iax-vyko, on wtws TO, AeyVtn nS L»ov- Ovx. oi'Sk^ttu that ye receive them, and ye (hall have a6>w. 25- And when ye Hand praying, forgive, if ye have *any thing againlt any : that your Father alfo which is in heaven may forgive you your trefpafles. 26 But if ye do not forgive, neither wiU your Father which is in heaven, forgive your tref- paffes. 27 And they come again to Jerufalem : and as he was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priefts, and the lcnbes', and the el- ders, 28 And lay unto him, By what authority doll thou thele. things? and who gave thee this authority to do thefe things? zp And Jelus anfwer'd and laid unto them, I will alfo ask of you one queftion, and an- fwer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do thele things. 30 The baptiftn of John, was it from heaven, or of men ? anfwer me. 3 r And they reafon'd with theralelves, faying, If wc lhall fay, From heaven, he will lay, Why then did ye not believe him ? 32 But if we lhall fay, Of men , they fear'd the people : for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed. 3.3 And thrv anfwer'd and laid iwio Jelus, We cannot teU. S.Mark, Chap. XI, XII. 371 TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ko4 0 I>i *"* "*&* ^ >*aP" t0 the husbandmen a tenant, , - , , ~ r ~ . that he might receive from the y»» A5tG« **» T¥ vpTrod TO w husbandmen of the fruit of the '-teAcbv©-'. 3 0« /e, AetComs coi- vineyard. \ ./ . \ » '_ v .., >„ i And they caught &/», and tov **«•«, *« «m*A« wio«. be/t him, and fent^ away 4 Kot) anxAiv etTTST^Ae '©^S ecu- empty. TOs aAAfl» ^A*r *«'*«vo» A»>. 4 And again, he fent unto , , ; , them another iervant ; and at CoA««7rMToy 6 Having yet therefore one ' ~ » . * > • ' ' fon, his welbeloved, he fent car* <^. ^xi auiDf ^ «. h)m' a]fo laft umo th;m> fay_ TOS i^arov , Xtyar Oti o*7f a- jng, They wifl reverence my 7n,<,.T«, rS, £. ^. Y7^l fon7 But thQfe husbandmen It 01 yiuify>i utcw ns^i tcwnvS' faid among themfelves, This is Otj ouns '&U 0 w*ipo»^@» «/W- ^e heir, come let us kill him, and the inheritance ihall be 76 , "&mK\uvG>twi stuTcv , xeti njuai »« , «3v/l ««./«» W [Mil V.V lUt , n-^" 'IfAtjBW OUTS. gg£ h xhvfoiofti*. ? K*» ActSevns 8 And they took him, and > , ' < n , »?-'/o . .'/y -v kill'd /&/*», and cafl him out of ou>Tov, >"^d"nto others. , A , , , 10 And have ye not read o.nyvwrii Aljw w a.mfoTUfuum.'i via<. 1 1 riapa K'jp\ra Af.it m r « nH rami 374- S.Mark, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. J&TTcaAe, q'{$&imi on xAn'Sni u, ^ V (A\{ j3Ae- -ffui e*i •xjzmx.tJiwi , ei^m euwnni' T< |Ue srag^tTS ; Oi)j auT>} iyq >] '6kf)%x to t5 ©eod, t$ ®ta. Kotj ifowfAx.* CttV 67T OtUTSi). 18 K*j ep^O SaW«3w«o» '5>£9S ctoTov, oi wes Aeyyoii ayxfaw f") *'J" 19 £7r«pci)T>f<^ ata*To», Xiyiiln* 19 Ai- S)t>7x&\t" Mams ejgOA^v -/ifiii,'im ixi 7ivos xh\£ TTjtfot jiwi apw, Vv* AgCa 0 d >t/veu)(5c, xj ^JTB^ioxav fcx. st!pvi>ce caxp/xx. 21 Kcq 0 J)t« om^yutc X) 0 t^itus a>vcu>- •raj. 22 Kxj gAaCov ouit£u< 01 £7rU, Iter, we knew that thou art true , and cardl for no man : for thou regardeft not the per- fon of men , but teacheft the way of God in tnuh, Is it law- full to give tribute to Cefar, or not ? Shall we give, or fhall we not give? if But he knowing their hypocrify , faid unto them , YVhy tempt ye me ? bring me a penny that I may fee //. 16 And they brought //: and he faith unto them, Whofe is this image and fuperfcri- ption ? And they faid unto him, Cefar's. 17 And Jefus anfwering, faid unto them, Render to Ce- far the things that are Cefar's : and to God the things that are God's. And they marvell'd at him. 18 Then come unto him the Sadducees , which fay there is no refurredtion, and they ask'd him, faying, 19 Mafter, Mofes wrote un- to us, If a man's brother dye, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother fhould take his wife, and raife up feed unto his bro- ther. 20 Now there were feven brethren : and the firil took a wife, and dying left no feed. 21 And the fecond took her, and dy'd, neither left he any feed : and the third like- wife. 22 And the feven had htr, K8U S. Mark, Chap. XII. 37f TEXT. TRANSLATION. K*\ GOc ap»Kjiv axref/M*.' eo^otTvi wavrouy x7nJAyt x.oi) y> yew*. 23 Ev Tw o'juu avafao-et, orav avxTaor, "n- v^ aut~r§J itpn yui'y\ i 01' yy iSx twi clvtIu) j^u/aiKjt. 24 K#| am. Jc^fctS 0 UnZi , ei^nv cujtoTs' OO 2^ tVto "^Ac^oco3e , /Mi eufb-ns •mi yg?.tpxf , {JwSi t£u> J>woxym t5 ©eocf; 2f Otoi y^jo &* ve- Xfav otyaracny, outi }«,ttai/cny, gi/t» •}caC; 27 Oux, 651V 0 ®iOi KKfai, 28 Kcc) "SffucnX^cii m ¥ ^x/ytct.- oti K5tAa? ao7oT? *7re>9)/9«, e7rop4>TW- crcy ol'jtdv uo/* 651 ©)°aTji raffwyey- Tj>\yi ; 2y O^i IhoVS *7rt)Cf i srcttrav t c*7»Aay Ax.ye Io-^txA, Ku&os 0 ©ess J)#i»v, Ku6 $ I? oAns 4 4^^s oV, $ e£ oAvis £ 2$&maA o-y, >£ e£ oAviS -?1 i'%uos crow oiuTH •zsj'aTH ly7oA^. 31 Kctj S&6- •rtpet O/MIA, O.VTYI' AycCffHimS T 7rA.>1- <7Joy o-y 0 %xfqu,tt}w KaA »$, ^i^ATxaAg, eV rt.Avi'J-yo^ eiroJ, 071 as '^/ ©eos, % yx. mi aMoj 7zAZtJ ox^- 33 K«j 7?) a>«'7ra» au7oy l£ oAnf £ ^pjta<, $ e£; oAwj £ avunas, x) £^ oAws •£ 4*1- v»iJ, x, £5 oAni t i%voS, K) td etj-a-Jray t 77^ntnoy is eot«7cy, TrAaoy £9Z 7rav- 7wv t oAofcauTO/wrwy ^ 7wy ^uoiay. dead, that they rife : have ye not read in the book of Moles, how in the bufh God fpake unto him, faying, I am theGod of Abraham , and the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob ? 2-7 He is riot the God of the dead , but the God of the living: ye therefore do great- ly err. . 28 And one of the fcribes came, and having heard them reaioning together , and per- ceiving that he had anfwer'd them well, ask'd him, Which is the firft commandment of all? 29 And Jefus anfwer'd him, The firft of all the command- ments is, Hear, O Ifrael, The Lord our God is one Lord; 30 And thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with ail thy mind, and with all thy flrength : this is the firft commandment. 31 And the fecond is like, namely this, Thou lhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf. There is none other commandment greater than thefe. ji And the Icribe faid unto him, Well, Mafter, thou haft laid the truth : for there is one God , and there is none other but he. 33 And to love him with all the heart, and with all the underllanding,and with all the foul, and with all the ltrength, and to love his neighbour as himlelf, is more than all whole- burnt-offerings and facnrices. 34 K»h S.Mark, Chap. XII. 377 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 34 Koq o I«o-5s i(5^v «070» 07i wit- « ^bri $ j3awjAa'a$ y@i5. Kotj V$us fe'JUTi tTv\fix «.'J7cv e7rep»TX3tt|. 3f Kot) tt7re>tf(9£«s o Indies eAe>t, ^XfiflOilbtS, 071 0 Xp«5DS LjOJ 691 A(X- C/}is bei?s i>*v«i'* 378 S.Mark, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. iS> Kop/o [M YLlJ\t Ik] <&£<»»>« , faid to my Lord, Sit thou on „ ' ,\ 1 p \ , a. i ,, c ' my right hand,till I make thine £«5 « V •«? f#Pw <* -wwj- en* mfes thy f(;otftool Jiov to» -*Oc&>v ov. 17 Au7B« ow 3^ David therefore himfelf ActCl^ aM «w» wW *«i *»9« caD,eth 1Jim f?r(t; and wh1en,ce M , „ ' , , v „ _ is he then his ion ? And the i\os cu>tv 6$l ; K ,Beware °f the ^'f f t ~ _c icnbes, which love to go in fULTim i»» ^sAovtov or 5dA*s 'S&A- long*garments,and Jove faluta- sraTMf, i wwv.op.4s or -mis *y>fm, tions m the market-places, 1 «- n . , , - 39 And the chief feats in 39 Mj qr and the upper. •^ysas, $ ©/•»£ AAieneK £» toTs SWwvojS' mod * feats at feafts : n.' (dyoi' long prayers : thefe fhall re- vtw A^ov7«1 -s&^TJpon x^T^a. ceive §reater damnation. 41 Kocj }(£^W 0 Uovvs 5(5iT8- 41 And Jefus fat over againft A ~ p „ ? >n / the treafury, and beheld how »ft»7i t«3^W,^P«otJ the people call money into the 0 o^Aos /2*M^ vciAjmv as 70 y«t£o- treafury : and many that were piA&uon- »«,' ™Mo) **&,„. KGtA- rich caft » m,uch' , 1 ' o ~ / 42 A°d there came a cer- Ao» aroMa. 42 Kcq sA^uoo, ^a tain poor widow, and fhe threw yr\&. zs-luyyi e£*Ae AewU J*uo, in two mites» which make a ./.a, » / . tt ' farthing. 0 £f »,^*»t«. 43 K«< f*oc?w*- 43 And he cal],d umo him Aeoa/nVos T«5 ^ua^JiTas out* Xtyi his difciples, and faith unto oJtdTs- A^ *&» ^«. '0't, « ™'p* tJem».yerily I fay unto you f/ ( , ~ , tp tnat tn,s Poor w'dow hath can oioT»t * ^ayvi 7ihuoi 7rav70v £eGA»x* more in than all they which have caft into the treafury. 44 For all they did call in * out of their abundance : but fhe *out of what fhe wanted for her felf did caft in all that fhe had, even all *fhe had to live upon. KttiOl' 44 riiVTf? yoty QA. t5 ifeiOJ-fVOITVS CtCTBiS ttetAfiV OCUTH d« £X. 771$ L/^p>l- ffi«5 OJiTTAS 7TCC7W. 005t «>«» ibCtAel' , OAOV 7DV jSlOV OUiTMS. S. Mark, Chap. XII. 379 PARAPHRASE. my right Hand, till I make thine Enemies thy Footftool. 37 David therefore himlelf calleth him Lord ; and whence or how is he then his Son? And none of the Scribes were able to anfwer hint) and were there' upon vex'd; but the Common People heard him gladly^, e. were pleas' d to hear him thus puzzle their Scribes or Teachers. 38 And he faid unto them, i.e. his 'Dijciples and the People, in his chrift caution* Dodlrine, :. e. as he was teaching them , Beware of the Hypocrisy and3$3,nA^e .%»- Pride of the Scribes, who love to go in long Garments, as is u/ud for"\[* ™rii>t" wife and learned Men and fuch as are Teachers of Others, and love Sa- lutations, i. e. RefpeB to bejhewn them by others in the Market-places, and other fuch publickPlaces, 39 and the chief Seats in the Synagogues, i.e. any public \Affemblies, whether Civil or Religious, and the upper- moft Seats at Fealb>, as Men of thegreatejl Worth and 'Dignity ; 40 who devour (w) Widows Houfes, and for a Pretence, orjhew only of Piety., make long Prayers : wherefore for fuch their Hypocrijy, they {hall receive greater Damnation. Ix 41 And Jefus fat in the Temple over againft the Treafury, or Chefi chrin com- into which they put their Free-will Offerings for Pious and Charitabk^aJit]""'1' Uj'es; and beheld how the People call Money into the Treafury : and many that were Rich call: in much. 42 And there came a certain Poor "Widow, and Ihe threw in two Mites, which make a Farthing. 43 And he call'd unto him his Difciples> and faith unto them, Verily I fay unto you, that this poor Widow hath call more in than all they which have call into the Treafury. 44 For All they did call in only fome fmatt Portion out of their Abundance or great EJiates : but Ihe, out of what flie wanted for her felf, did cad in All that Ihe had, even all Ihe had to live upon at leaBfor the prefenf. fo great is her Zeal to be Charitable, or to Contribute whatjhe can to pious and good Ends. I SECTION IX. Containing an Account of Chrift\f Difcourfe to bu Difciples, After he came out of the Temple at Evening on the Third day, or Tuefday of riePaffion-weekj namely, concerning the Deftru- <5tion of the Temple, and the Laft Judgment. Which Dif- courfe takes up Chap. XIII. and was almofi Wholly deliver d on the Mount of Olives. (w) See my Paraph, on Mat. i%, 14.. 380 S.Mark, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 7B(J q/x. tv Ueso, Aey4 twrf m t5» fAxSnm>v omtZ' .AiiWxetAe, \% •m- rtwgk? • BAeTra? ^uras i»5 (iiyi.- A*5 olxafo/Mi$ ; ov /mi a.J^iy 7TBTe TOUTK, «C^, 5t«j ii to (Mfielov, otov /Ltifoy snxyfo, &t/T<* cr«mAe4e5tt|. J- O cTli I>j- CBUS *WBH5«^eis 0LVTO~$, >l'p£^y> lAex/cR)v7ocf '6^7 tzS o'yo- ^tatTi ,two, \£y>rns' 0-n lya &w- A^uay, jtcH ^gjaeDe'' ^ >^o >*ye- <\j£' ^A ouVoj 7B tsAo*. 8 E>«p- Sw'oir^ >^P e>v©- 'Oi e>y©-, xecj /SaoiA&a '6fo $a,<7jAe/ar x.*j 60tv7ccj aeifljtoi ^r;\ -reVy?, ^ ecrovlaj Ai^l Jtq ra^^. Ap^otl a>£ly<»y ^utr*. 9 BAg^e A VfilUS \a.u%U' <7ppuipt>v3fl- V*| 75 iva.FyiAloi. II Oray !V«i77ttfV yo6<7Q> ) tot? 01 ci TW Itf£*j& (p£y>«TT»ffWy WS 7TX Op)P i/ O Si 'Qn t5 ba>tuft(&, (m\ y&' 7BcS*77a 6i'j licO 015UCW, fUl/fc feifftA- id K*| 0 us TV) aj^oy ay, pi 67W- tjpi-jacrti US TW OTTOta, etpotj 7B I^X- •noy cuItou. 17 Ouot| yToc| >^o otj wppcc) cvX&lV«| ^A«-4*s, o'/ec is" y«- ^pye ToiauTn x-tt ap^»s lumos vis iKTtm 0 ©eo5, gas t£ iuu, Jtaf S/ pi >w^). 20 Kot| u (Ml Kv&os Ikq- Ao&bcte tws yfiifas, &% av eotd9h 71S- ca. owp?' *A\i Sti tHS IxAe&Tfc's vs that fpeak, but the holy Ghoft. 12. Now the brother fhall betray the brother to death, and the father the Ton: and children fhall rife up againft their parents, and fhall caufe them to be put to death. 13 And ye fhall be hated of all men for my names fake: but he that fhall endue unto the end, the fame fhall be fav'd. 14 But when ye fhall fee the abomination of defolation, fpoken of by Daniel the pro- phet, ftanding where it ought not, (let him that readeth, un- derfland ) then let them that be in Judea flee to the moun- tains : 15- And let him that is on the houfe-top, not go down into the houft, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his houfe. 16 And let him that is in the field, not turn back again for to take up his garment. 17 But wo to them that arc with child, and to them that" give fuck in thofe days. 18 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. 19 For in thofe days fhall be affliction , fuch as was not from the beginning of the crea- tion which God created, unto this time, neither fhall be. 20 And except that the Lord had fhortned thofe days, no flefh fhould be fav'd: but for the elects fake, whom he hath chofen, he hath fhortned the days. 21 K*| S.Mark, Chap.XIir. TEXT. 383 rii. 23 fftSs Si faim-tv l__, '5>£?£LOu' here " _. 1 , \ Cnult, or Jo, A? w there : be- rtxjtnm. 22 Eyifjyunmx] >b ^eu- "eve Aw not. %«*4«^_*™r ,4* &.il\^f „_-'j£> _| oV after ~ , , , , , that tribulation, the iun (hall $ T ^x,^» tx.unv, 0 vMos moltedv be darkned, and the moon (hall a\ £ >5 or Aw y «fty<^ t» pey^* <8»- not §lve her ljght: - ( , , 1 ~ » ~„ 2jr And the (tars of heaven mis- if Key o! agipes 5/ ypaitf ecrovj fliall ^ ^ ,hc powers that kTTuJom?, $ eej' S\j^a.juets cq £» tbTs are in heaven fliall be Ihaken. . a_ / <* . „ 1 ' 26 And then (hall they fee VftmsmhnJwV. atfKoHTK, the Son of man coming in the ^°0 ^ ^i0' ^ av^pavry ipyofdjjoi h clouds, with great power and mp^s j$ toil**, *.»& jMfa. ^- And th£n ^ he fend 27 Koq Tsre ^rossA} rys a/yiAys his angels, and (hall gather to- cuIt?, g 'Qtmi&Zi r& IkWlTVS cw- Sethf his deft from the four „, , , , , , „ winds, from the uttermoft part tvwt rewttjjffly «V£^;v, qltt a.x/>y 0f the earth to the uttermoft We»s3ixfVV&1*' part of heaven. 1 M ~ 'o_ 2& N°w learn a parable of 28 Awa «fc ™ cwwjtftfsTe the fig-tree : When her branch -riuJ »©-jS^£oAk^. Or« ccgtms wivo)(W£T€ on e7>t»s To ^s- 2p So ye in like manner, P@- '<#». 29 Oi5i» *' faa*, oVw when ye Oj?11,^ the[e thin&s rv-^ ,; ' . y / ,/ come t0 Pa"i know that it is tooto ihrt ytyo/^jcL, yitamart on nigh, even at the doors. tfyfi 'G11 '& %ms. 30 Aw \iya , 3° ,Yenly l fay. unto you, c „ . „ • -v ■•■■/« ■« \ f/ tnat this generation fliall not t/Ativ, oTi y pw TrapgABw » yive* owth, pafSj ^1 aji thcfe things be fityzts y sravra tiToq. done. _ < , t ~ , / «. < j 1 Heaven and earth fliall 31 O yp*i« «, » ^ wpeAwrav^ 01 pafs away . but my words fcall ', • 5, " *?&'»« 32 But of that day and hour , , , „r «, , ^ , , knoweth no man, no not the oi^v, y a man taking a far journey, oiJUotf S. Mark, Chap. XIII. tff TEXT. TRANSLATION. oiidaur ouItoJ , xot) tTbt/$ 7»Ts u- who left his houfe, and gave A«f nW i&J ^ouoi'm, xtj «(*- authority to h.s Servants, and ' f ' ? ~ y work, and 9"ia to ep^» ootoJ , x.*| Ttj5 fufeepu commanded the porter to cJeTa'teTD »vx >fn^»p«. 3f Tf)i- watcn- ~ "° /^i, ''(v v' _/_ sr Watch ye therefore, (for W«u o>M, (one ..fen vV »•* ye3krnow notywhen lhe n'la\ler o we*©* rcvii oiw«« ep^eToq, o%|*, of thehoule cometh; at even- PARAPHRASE. 24. But in thofe days, after that Tribulation, the Sun lhall be dark? of ™-Eni o( ned, and the Moon fhall not give her Light: 27 and the Stars of the jmtp, state Heaven fhall fall, 'and the Powers that are in Heaven fhall be fhaken. *on£tlof lhem>Hi 16 And then (hall they fee the Son of Man coming in the Clouds, with lomcy' great Power and Glory. 2-7 And then fhall he lend his Angels, and fhall gather together hisEleit from the four Winds, from the uttermofl Part of the Earth to the uttermofl Part of Heaven. 28 Now learn a Parable of the Fig-tree: When her Branch is yet ThecZixn** tender, and putteth forth Leaves, ye know that Summer is near : zp So the Emm, hete ye in like manner, when ye fhall fee thefe things come to pafs, know ££"ft-d anS Vn- that it is nigh, even at the doors. 30 Verily I fay unto you, that this «««;«!; of the Generation fhall not pafs, till all thefe things be done. 31 Heaven zr\&?'"fT"!!°i Jf*1 r-i t n n r i ... 1 n 1 1 r ' n i ouddenneft or Un- Eanh (hall pals away ; but my Words inau not pals away. 32 But ot«/wS7«i coming that Day and Hour knows no Man, no not the Angels which are in ^fh'ehe fJj1deEvij* Heaven, neither the Son as he is Man, but the Father. However this «me. e/ /" can (a) inform you of, that the f aid Day and Hour, when it do's come, will come Juddenly or unexpectedly, as did-the Flood in the Days of Noah. 3 3 Therefore take ye heed, watch and pray : for as much as ye know The y'x Kioven the Gofpel, and therein to every Man his Duty what he is to do, expefts to find every Man exercisd therein, whenever hejhali come to call him to account- %s Watch ye therefore, (for ye know not, when the Mailer of the Houfe, who in this Parable reprefents Me the Son of Man, comes to call you to account-, whether it will be at Evening, 3 86 S. Mark, Chap. XIII, XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 5} (wrowx.'iiov , w i\tx!G^8 tSto '©££,- Sityaj enaya 7£-«*)w<7j«» ^y*ei»y, k, Jb^jJyaj 7t>7s ttIovjTs. K«l eyeSpi^uaySi o»tm. T 'M7nt4 iffo^iym j X$cAoy «p>py ufya.ou.To t c# I^cmi' 7 rictyroTj yV ths -nlayvs even /u1)- eawiay, 19 ouxy 9fA>m, JWeSe eu.T^s eu Troixotti' i/xi H & nrinolt 't%ilt. 8 O u%ti «1'tjj , ?7ro/>icrr ing, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morn- ing :) n . 36 Left coming fuddenly, he find you fleeping. 3*7 And what I fay unto you, I fay unto all, Watch. Chap. XIV. After two days was the feajl of the palTover, and of unlea- ven'd bread : and the chief priefts, and the fcribes fought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. 2. But they faid, Not on the feaft-a^, left there be an up- roar of the people. 3 And being in Bethany, in the houfe of Simon the leper, as he fat at meat, there came a woman having an alabafter- box of ointment of fpikenard, very precious; and (he brake the box, and pour'd it on his head. 4 And there were fome that had indignation within them- felves, and (aid, Why was this waft of the ointment made? f For it might have been fold for more than three hun- dred pence, and have been giv- en to the poor. And they mur- mur'd againft her. 6 And Jefus laid , Let her alone, why trouble ye her? flie hath wrought a good work on me. 7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whenfoever ye will ye may do them good : but roe ye have not always. 8 She hath done what the <5oete£e S. Mark, Chap. XIII, XIV, 387 PARAPHRASE. or at Midnight, or at the Cock-crowing, or in the Morning : which as they denoted the four Quarters into which the Jews dijiingujjh'd their Night ; Jo are here taken to denote the fever al Tarts of a Man's Lfe, or of the Interval between Chriji's Afcenfion and his fecond Coming to deflroy the Jewijh State, or laftlj, the fever al Tar Is of the Interval between ChrijYs Afcenfion and his fecond Coming to judge the World) 16 Left coming fuddenly, /'. e. unexpectedly, he rind you fleeping, i. e. not performing your 'Duty. 37 And what I fay unto you here, I would be under/hod to fay unto All Men in AU Ages, Watch, i. e. Of all things take care to live pre- paid, by Holtnefs of Life, for Death and Judgment, whenever it be. SECTION X. Containing fuch Particulars as were tr an fabled on the Fourth day, or Wednefday of the Paflion-Week, and are related by St Mark Chap. Xlf. 1 - 9. Chap. XIV. When (b)Jefus had finifid this Difcourfe on the Mount The \Kie{ of Olives , he went without doubt to Bethany to lye there this Tuefday- Priefts, &c. con- Night, as he had done the two Nights afore. And now After two Days, ^J0 'PP'1"'"1 viz. Wednefday and Thurfday, ( namely, reckoning Thuifday, according to the Jewijh manner, to end at the Evening or Sun-Jet that day ) was the Feaft of the Paifover, and of the eight [c) Days wherein the Jews were by the Law to eat Un leave n'd Bread. And on (Vednefday the (d) Chief Priefts and the Scribes fought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. % But they faid, Not on the Feaft-day, left there be an Uproar of the People. n 3 \ndjejus being in Bethany all Wednefday , it came to pafs that Awomm «- in the Houfe of Simon the (e) Leper, as he fat at Meat, there came a n£""infhnti " Woman having an Alabafter-Box of Ointment of Spikenard, very pre- cious; and fhe brake the Box, and pour'd it on his Head. 4 And there were fbme that had indignation within themfelves, and faid, Why was this waft of the Ointment made? y For it might have been fold for more than three hundred Pence, and have been given to the Poor. And they murmur'd againft her. 6 And Jefus faid, Let her alone, why. trouble ye her ? fhe hath wrought a good Work on me. 7 For ye have the Poor with you always, and whenfoever ye will ye may do them good : but me ye have not always. 8 She hath done what fhe could, to ANNOTATIONS. V. 6. f So it is read in Alex.Cintand the far greateft part of MSS. andTheo- phylact. And it is very probable it is the Original Reading, as being more agreeable to the Hebrew way of Speaking. (b) See my Piiaph. on Mat 16. i,&c. (A NT/imply f-rnm thp i/irh fn rh^ -» ifl- r\f V#/*« in/»1nfit/plir ... 388 S.Mark, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ©poeActCe fjwtunn f*V to Aov T jwojto*, £ o 'nnnYitm auuTil) Aat- io K&j o ItfJks o l7xapiaT>is, us t $dhn&, A'mA^ tSfli TVS 9.f%tifUS, i'yct srPatiTa otfcTov owtoTs. 1 1 Oj iT4 arS* £V3^pa$ OOTCV /©^^a. ftai, ots tb 7ra^a e^uov, Aeytfajv ocwaT oi /wa,S»)Tot) at^ n5 9sAe<5 a7r*A9ov- •nj iTtifutmifiii Woe pxyMj to mj/ti 13 K*j "ZTnTzwi Ai» , £ aLmiTftg^ vfTa av^pa- 770s oug^fuoi u«TitTos £*?»£«»•_ «xc- Av^wwre ttwt/. 14 Kctj 'oVov iav eiffiA^-ji, umm t$ oncoJWrorH* Qti 0 Sl&wxaAos hiy{- nSf '«#j to j^dt- 'Av/m, oTry to Trct^a fitja 7»» ^a^n- tov ^y u(J&j>«ii "rn\- yuar vk\ tnt/Munx.'n «jWu. i<5 Kaj c^vIa^ov 0/ /<*3»iTocj eu^, *aj >)A9o» e*s -dw 7reAiv, x.09 ti»g$v 3t5^<»s umi CtUTBIS" X*| «T0/(tt*<7W,y TO 7fB#A. could : (he is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. 9 Verily I fay unto you , Wherefbever this gofpel (hall be preach'd throughout the whole world, this alfo that ihe hath done fhall be fpoken of, for a memorial of her. 10 And Judas Ifcariot, one of the twelve , went unto the chief pnefls, to betray him un- to them. 1 1 And when they heard rt, they were glad, and promis'd to give him money. And he fought how he might conve- niently betray him. 12 And the firlt day of un- leaven'd bread,when they kill'd the pafTover, his difciples faid unto him , Where wilt thou that we go and prepare, that thou mayft eat the paflbver ? 13 And he fendeth forth two of his difciples, and faith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there (hall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water : follow him. 14. And wherefbever he fhall go in, fay to the good man of the houfe, The mafter faith, Where is the guefl-chamber , where I fhall eat the paflbver with my difciples? if And he will fhew you a large upper room furniih'd and prepar'd : there make rea- dy for 11s. 16 And hisdifciples wentfbnh, and came into the city, &. found as he had faid unto them: and they made ready the paflbver. i7K«j S.Mark, Chap. XIV. 389 PARAPHRASE. tojhew her dffefiion and RefpeEi to me : and indeed flie is conic arore- hand, unwitting ly to her [elf, but by the Direction of God, to anoint my Body to the Burying it is now quickly to have. 9 Verily I fay unto you,, Wherefoever this Gofpel ihall be preach 'd throughout the whole World, this alfo that (he hath done flail be fpoken of, for a memorial of her. SECTION XI. Containing fuch Particulars as were done on the Fifth day or Thurfday in the Paffion-week, namely before the Evening or Sun-let that day, and which are taken notice of by St Mark Chap. XIV. 10—16. 10 And Judas Ifcariot, one of the Twelve, {f)fometitne fVednefday «aAu kr aim Night or early Tburjday Morning, as is probable, went unto the Shieftoir/wj jeius. Priefts, in order to bargain for to betray him unio them. 11 And when they heard ir, they were glad, and promis'd to give him money. And he fought how he might conveniently betray him. iz And on (g) Thurfday at Evening or Sun Jet began the Firfl day n- of Unleaven'd Bread , when, i. e. before the Ending of which Day, viz. Difciples areient before the Evening or Sun- ft on the next 'Day or Friday ', they kill'd the *-° frtm «ke Palfover: Whereupon his Dilciples faid unto him, Where wilt thouPa °vcr* that we go and prepare, that thou mayft eat the Pallbver? 13 And he fendeth forth two of his Difcipk*s, and faith unto them, Go ye imo the City, and there flail meet you a Man bearing a Pitcher of Water : follow him. 14 And wherefoever he fhall go in, fay to the Good Man oftheHoufe, The Mailer faith, Where is the Gueil-chamber, where I fhall eat ihePaflbver with my Difciples? 15- And he will fhew you a large upper Room furmfh'd and prepar'd : there make ready for us. 16 And his Difciples went forth and came into the City, and found as he had faid unto them: and they made ready the PafTover. SECTION XII. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfafled from Thurfday- Evening to Friday-Evening in the Paffion-weekj that is, on the Paflbver-day it felf which was in the thirty fifth Tear of Chrift's Life, but A. D. 33. or in the thirty third Tear of the Common Chriftian iEra. The Chief of the Particulars contain d in this Seclion are the Inflttution of the Lords Supper, the be- traying of Chrift , his "Trial , Crucifixion , Death and Burial ; which are related Chat). XIV. \i — Xl/. ult. 390 5. Mark, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. rmt, XjicQlJITUV, UTIil 0 I«ff«5' AjLMIV Xeya uftiff on ui <£, vfiau cr9x^na^ iu, o iodiai par tff.oo. 19 Of & >ip£ayTO Xo7CU\^, $ Ae'yet? *'jtzS «* K?5 fcis1 Mon iy*i x, aWos* M«7j £>«; 20 O Ao>wx5 eJcAao-e* Jtecj e'cPiu^gv au7oTj, $ H7rt' ActCele-t t£- ■to '^7 to tro^ ,av. 23 Ka) AaCay 77315' ^ f«oy ^ oU/^ TOVTtt?. 24 K*J ei 7T8V 0.07015' TtfTD e'91 TO Otl/^X ^V TO ths v$\ni I^YnMi, to -a£« TrcitAay o^^yoiuVov. 2f Apty Aey® "» is not read in Alex. Cant, and feveral other MSS- nor in any of the other Ancient Vertices. So chat it has been probably added here out of St Matt fonu. However I have thought fit 10 retain it in the Englifh Veriion in a different Character. (U\ ^« m this night be- , , «. ' „ , ', , fore the cock crow twice, thou a.KtK(o&. cpav/icu), 7^5 *7rap»)ii ^e. (halt deny me thrice. 31 O Si qa. T&txri 't\tyt /^toov 31 But he fpake the more _ f fj - ~ / vehemently . It I fliould dye Exifu S*» ip£*TO o«WCtteStu *aj to be very heavy; ,. ~ i: / , > ~ _ 34. And faith unto them, *SMfioiuv. 34 K*t Aiyl tutcis- lie- My lool-]s exceeding (orrow- eiAo^TBJ '#/» » 4™ ^ ea« >yx7oer ful unto death ; tarry ye here, / »■* \ ~ ., < and watch. /AMA-n ufr, * WW-*™- ff K* jf And he went forward a C^eA^ay (M*f oy , e7rto«i '^l *£ >*«• little, and fell on the ground, i -a _ t/ ■ tv '• t/v and pray'd, that, if it were pof ^ojywu^T. »y* , h, .W.I fa, ^^ £* mJg^pafs ^ WfA1)-!) ot^r etu7D() 17 »£«t. 35 Kat| him. ft0«< ACC* 0 nvnip, **'ito JV • S« And he faid, Abba, Fa- , a., [ , , , ther, All things , , . , „ , what I will, but what thou .rai£f*Mx 7i to. 37 Kct| ep^ereq *on WJIt. f»tm.{ avtvs rs'fcii&i'tduc,' xsej Ae. 3T And hecometh,a'nd find- 1 _J? ft' -o' pl ' «' eth them fleeping. and faith ^^n^ */«*, vW^j unto ptter, Simon, Ueepelt QfJij i^ucrt^ (tt/ct*1 afjtf >f«^>p>iaBq i thou ? couldft not thou watch 38 rp-^p^1^ ^^, »x ontbho^r/tcll yeam, pray; ,eft fin wcteA^hts ws ar«£«co^ \ 1. » 1. 0 fame words. 9pe^ *pev «t«« 7raA ( 5«ti )8 01' opfaAfiu) aoiai (ZiC«fr\- he found them afleep again , \ , x , , „ , >_p , ( for their eyes were heavy j ttiiMu) Xf Xk ««A£ioav 71 mi? ^gnxfi- neither * knew they what t0 Jam. 41 K«t «p V«7oq id t^io», >g anfwerhim. , ., «, , , , 41 And he cometh the third teyi acTcij- K*.yn>Si-n to Aoittov, x, time,and faith unto them, Sleep ««5Btw«fl&-e' wmyii «a9s> « «e^* onnow> a,nd la^e y°ur reft: , , «■ .., ?;..„, ~ . o. / n is enough, the hour is come; »«Ay , «r£^WoTsc< 0 ho? T* *»tpa- behold, the Son of man is be- ■sr« PARAPHRASE. though all {hall be offended, yet will not I. 30 And Jefus faiih unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, that this Day, even in this Night, before the Cock crow twice, thou (halt deny me thrice. 3 1 But he [pake the more vehemently, If I fhould dye with thee, I will not deny thee in any wife. Likewife alfo faid they all. 32 And they came to (I) a Place which was nam'd Gethfemane : and IV. he'lauh to his' Difci pies, Sit ye here, while I fhall pray. 33 And he bedlLJ"Yhom taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and began to be lose hit Mmngi. amaz'd, and to be very heavy ; 34. and faith unto them, My Soul is exceeding (brrowful unto death : tarry ye here, and watch. 3;- And he went forward a little, and fell on the Ground, and pray'd that, if it were poflible, the Hour might pafs from him. 36 And he faid, Abba, Father, All things are poflible unto thee, take away this Cup from me: nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt. 17 And he com- eth, and findeth them fleeping, and faith unto Peter, Simon, fleepeft thou? couldft not thou watch one Hour? 38 Watch ye and pray, left ye enter into temptation : the Spirit truly is ready, but the Flefh is weak. 39 And again he went away, and pray'dj and fpake the fame Words. 40 And when he return'd, he found them afleep again, ( tor their Eyes were heavy) neither knew they what to anfwer him. 41 And he cometh the third time, and faith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your Reft : it is enough, /. e. it is to no purpofe to fay any more to you about not Sleeping; the time for Watching is now paBt the Hour for my being betray d is come : behold , the Son of Man is betray'd into 394- S.Mark, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. it* us 7WJ yu&s T^/tt/^tpTfflAay. tray'd into the hands of (inners. t~ > <^ * 'tO ' °k 42- Rife up, let us eo; lo , 42 EyttficQ-t, (tya/ttr iiV, 0 £ t ap^tjpifflv xocj ray 44. AtSttx.4 Si 0 {rPaJt^ys ao7B» ova- ayifioi auToii, Xeytor Ov ipa)')'3(7jy Trains e^ujpv. fi Koq «j T75 v«a*/- <7xoi wAv)j ct-j^ , -3^. . , / ~ » o , „ , , to the high-priefl: and with cL^tfex- Xf wu^J cujt$ milts o< «p- him were aflem bled all the chief yttoea x, ol TZfMitm x) ol X*W"«- pndh' and the elders' and the i, , , , , fcnbes, rus. f4 Kifciples or Apoftles, All forfook him, and fled, yi And, alt ho they All thus fled at firft, yet in a little while re- covering himfelf of bis Fear, there follow'd him a certain young Man of his Apoilles, viz. {n)John, having a linen Cloth calt about his naked Body; he having perhaps put off' his upper Cloaths, that he might not be thought to be One ofCbriB's T)ifciples that were pre fen t with him when he Was taken, but One that accidentally hearing a noife, as they brought "Jefus along, was got in ha fie out of his Bed to Jee what was the matter : and fome o/the young Men, that were Cent out by the Chief Triejls and Elders to apprehend Jefus, either out of Sufpicwn that he was a Difciple ofChrift, or only out of meer Curio fity, or Sport, as feeing him in fuch a Z>refs, laid hold on him. yi And. he, fearing the worfl , and per- ceiving thai he could get from him that bad laid hold on him, if he would leave the linen Cloth , which he had on , behind him , the Other holding him only by holding of the faid Cloth, left the linen Cloth, and lied from them naked. ■vj And they led Jefus away to the High-priefl: and with him were ch, ift* \UI ^ allembkd all the Chief Priefts, and the Elders, and the Scribes. j-|. And fore .he n;Sb- friefi. (m) See Mat h. 16. 47 — t(J. and my Paraphrafe thereon. 196 & Mark, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ' wcoA&froiv aun$ eas too us t eu,~ a^ar °ft even into the palace ... \ t* . / x o r ^' o of the hiah-prieft: and he fat *U*v«Mifw^ x, *, ovlrutonitoos with the fer£nts> and W(trm-d $ t t;7nip«T»v, j£ Jtff&jw/jdjjos 'Of Is himftlf at the fire. r*Ze e« r\'. jv' *.,,, ~. J "% » 5? And the chief priefts, and pas. JX Of Js etoyiipus % oAov to n ■. , r f ,• ' ■ / ,p, £r r. all the council fought for wit- cuvefyioi I£»tvv %p sTIhoV fULflvfiaa, nefs againft Jefus to put h;m us TV yvxrZwi ow-ray, £ *y ,{5piW0». t0 d*a£ ' and foLund 5°*- - v ' c , . y , S<> For many bare fane wit- 56 rioMoi -p i^iuhfULyn&iui v&] nefs againft him, but their wn- «x# ko< Tfftq cc| fttflveiq but wai. Defs * was not {ufficient "?«' „ / , / > ■ . n , &*» /o death. 57 K*) ti»« civxfwyTis e^eu&AtapVu- y7 And there arofe certain, £$uv x#t' aoTccf, Kilns' y8 O-n ar-d bare falfe wnnefs againft *f*£s ^ov^uife^iy&s- O-n hl"8\Venhc'ardhimfay,Iwill epC5tTa,At;:ni> t »ao» t%tw t y«pfl- deftrcy this temple that is made ~ni ,',_,„ „ ' ~»J ~ • ~ ».' with hands, and within three ^i-TDi, ** 2fr 7?^ .^pw *Mo» days j wj!1 » uUd another mde *XU&7niftToi oixoh[M)cm. f$ Kaej without hands. and ask'd Je- / . ./ / *. , „ fus, faying, Anfwereft thou ^»W^'i -m/way ustfct^cip- nothing? what is it which iupV v , 61 Btithe held his peace, a*wemm n*Ai» o^epeus C9m- and anfwer'd nothing. Again para aCrov, jtoy Aey^ etuT^* 2u the high- prieft ask'd him, and a a V^ic»;« X ,'i^ ^-C; '-i , — r ^a»d unto him, An thou the ^' ' T ^ fW/^wJ* Chr,ft,theSonoftheBleHed? 62 O fr lnffv$ umr Eyu tifju. *, 62 And Jefus faid , I am. o-^tadi Toy lj'ov t? ct'y'Vp^Trv xst^i- Andye fhall fee the fon of man - . y ~ , , fitting on the right hand of Mm ca. K$w oi $ r irepeAai y ougatiotf. of heaven. ^, rt rsi ' \ , ">t'K < 63 Then the high prieft rent 6; O A a^peuf, a/^pp^«« T^S his cloathS) and faltn j What '^-nmax, auT^, Aeyf Ti' sti vpa'a* need we any further witnef- " 1 ' ~ fes ' t^Wi ^^P«»> J54 H*vwn 77* 64 Ye haye heard the blaf. :2?&r«5 i TEXT. S.Mark, Chap. XIVT ■sr^iTii JCStisx-exyav aii-rey Siotj ero TRANSLATION. they all condemn'd him to be ^ov ^a»dtiv. 6 j K«j Mfgarra ims * worthy of death. fcw-iuii! X adiunt thou teius Art lhou the chnft the s / w% M that Mos faid, I am. And ye fhall fee the Son of Man SSg 7n .he R^ hand of Power, and coming in the Clouds of Heave*. "<£ Thtt X" neiiesr 6+ Ye have heard the Blafphemy : what think ve ? And they on 12 A ^ l° ^ WOrnhy °f:Deaih" * A!ld b^Ugn to fZ on him, and to cover his Face, and to buffet him, and ta° fay unto 397 g98 S.Mark, Chap. XIV, XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 66 Kot) ©IT©-' TV ri£7?0U ci TM otc«» tv ap^epeas. 67 Kct) iJtyorx. /ni rUTfov Jip/^v6[Avo* , i/u^At^*.- an eum$ , \iyi- Kotj cai pj t£ Nou ^rt^vivoJ Ihotjc) hod~&. 68 Oh «p»»iA- ^ev e£a eip£et,TD teyui rois "src^fiquyJxriv , On o£t(3^ o^ oturay 't>£jy. 70 O «Tfc craAiy iipvetTo. Koy jUeTO uik&v 7ia\n o( !?-Peix^{. 71 O yi- (jlo.(1(& y unii ctbTcS 0 InavV Otj crexy «.Ae>c(op« pavvtJOM Sis, ct7rapy»<7w ^« T$iS. Koq '^bSiAav, e*A<*|e. Rep. it • Keti vu%as '6fa td -Qfai av/u.Qv\iov vnin" zzrccAiv nrnpftr*! <,i before iW«/«; 4-QO S.Mark, Chap. XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. G^yj i'ft «roc* us ovxi-n «v nothing? behold how many things they witnefs againft thee. j- But Jefus yet anfwer'd no- a in**,, fa ***** *^*2fgng niAxroy. 6 Kctra ft eop-riu* *to- ieas>d unt0 tj,em one pri{oner, Aoey *vtbTs fa SiepM, "™? ?***" vhomfoever they defir'd. , ' _, „ /v>~ n And there was one nam d 7 H» ft « My/A^ Baskets ^erco T9^/ 1 X.eiIT«.». 8 Kotj otVfltSoJiW o e^A®- > »P* £cito oureTo&oj , V*)-** (to* W« etoTmS. 9 0ft riiAaroS a.m%fi- 3n auToTs , As>»»' ©6'A67* ^i»Au- ow v/KN tov jSewiAe* -J3^ IvJW»» 5 10 (E>t»»ffxe >^° o-n a£g5 (p^'ov rt^ftftS*e«<»a» auTov 01 *p^»epeV J^x-o» evroijiffil ; Oi them)Vhy, what evil hath he J\i /-r^W more exceedingly, Crucify fiovXo/jd^^' 1$ o^A« to ijytvoJ 15- And fo Pilate willing jp ~ ' '. ' ~ _* n- content the people, releas'd BT- ounou, »«M,«. «T0.^r., B*- Xas unto mem, and deliver^ &.CCZ.1 , **j tsrenfi^UTU to» Uovuo jefus ? wnen he had fcourg'd *7j2t($cAout7tt oAZa/ iha 7rIoy tw§ r1 %i Y&7&I4U, & eveTiIuoy MUO CUiTZii. 20 K%) 0T» cigVoC^a* 16 And the foldiers led him away into the hall, call'd Pre- torium ; and they call together the whole band. 17 And they cloath'd him with purple, & platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head: 18 And began to falute him, Hail king of the Jews. 19 And they fraote him on the head with a reed, and did fpit upon him , and bowing their knees, worfhipp'd him. 20 And when they had outlet PARAPHRASE. thou nothing? behold how many things they wltneil againfl thee. 5 But Jefus yet anfwer'd nothing ; fo that Pilate marveU'd. 6 Now at that Feafl: he releas'd unto them one Prifoncr, whomfoever they de- lir'd. "7 And there was one nam'd Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made Infurre&ion with him, who had committed mur- der in the Infurredtion. 8 And the'Multitude crying aloud, began to defire him to do as he had ever done unto them. 9 But Pilate anlwer'd them, faying, Will ye that I releafe unto you the King of the Jews? 10 ( For he knew that the Chief Priefts had deliver'd him for envy. ) 1 1 But the Chief Priefts mov'd the People, that he (hould rather releafe Barabbas unto them. 11 And Pilate anfwer'd, and faid again unto them, What will ye then that I {hall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews? 13 And they cry'd out again, Crucify him. i^Then Pilate faid unto them, Why, what evil hath he done ? And they cry'd out the more exceedingly, Crucify him. ij- And fo Pilate willing to content the People, releas'd Barabbas unto them, and deliver'd Jefus, when he had fcourg'd him, to be crucify 'd. 16 And the Soldiers (s) led him away into the Hall, call'd Pretorium; and they call together the whole Band. 17 And they cloath'd him with Purple, and platted a Crown of Thorns, and put it about his Head : chr'ft'* c,ndem- 18 And began to falute him, Hail King of the Jews, to And they ";}" h,s fn" imote him on the Head with a Reed, and did fpit upon him, and bow- ing their Knees-, worfhipp'd him. to And when they had niock'd him, IX. An Account oi whit paft from 4-oi 5. Mark, Chap. XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. au'izS, Ifcehow ou>tqi iu* 7n}7B» to i(M,7iA own cioatbs on hiro? and kd to JW xoq <^*yv<7i» eu/rcy, 7y* him out to crucify him. /■ » / », < > 21 And they compel one Si- yavparacny .ttUTWs. 2i K«| «yy*.. monaCyrenianjWhopafS'dby, pewVox /a^jt^vTO Tiv* S/Vway*. Kv- coming out of the country, the , ~ . ( i - ' o ... '— ' '..>.. f _* father of Alexander and Rufus, P»iv«<», (ip^o» «r ayes J , tm m ^ hjs crofs «r*TBp* AAe|*y which . , )nl ,,* ft~ , „ is, being interpreted, the place pvojy o»7oy b7n YaKyljL Tcmr o 23 K«j lt\huu wjt$> ttim fc^ti/pyj- cpS/iPi oiyoy 0 Si yx. 'i\a.Ct. 24 Kocj jBtupaoayTSS auroy, hi/M&^ov to i/MTta. airy, /3«£Mo»7K xA>i£$y ^ ttumc, 715 71 apv). 2f Hy Js cogp. 7eJ7T», j^ efaupwaay «07oy. 2i 77JS euTtat oiutoJ of a fcull. 23 And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh : but he receiv'd it not. 24 And when they had cru- cify'd him, they parted his gar- ments, calling lots upon them, what every man fhould take. IS And it was the third hour, and they crucify 'd him. 26 And the fupericription of his accufation was written over, THE KING OF THE 'Qttyvy&wdiri' OBA2IAET2 JEWS. 27 And with him they cru- cify two thieves ; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left. 28 And the fcripture was fulfilTd, which faith, And he was numbred with the tranf- greffors. 29 And they that pafs'd by, rail'd on him , wagging their T il.N I O T A A I a N. 27 Km* mw ctu7q§ 5au£$W * « *■ heads, and faying , Ah , thou «*7t», **, fifes' O,*, o «*&. thatd'eftroyerf^^pie^nd Aua>y t y«»y, t, h 7f iojv W/ttepajs onw- buildefl 7/ in three days, V^r, 30 -»nr )A X£TObcCJT3 ¥Ud >7T» V JW/pV, I1& idV. fur K) Ti^ucmfin. Kaj\ 0/ uuotmvpae- (Apoi tt.in$ amhfyf 0.VT91. 33 T€»o- /uftwiif i' Ijy, HAict* ;, ton Mct£ja 'a TV IeucaCou t5 (tun/>oJ, tow Iacw /LMfTup, & 2*- Aapc 41 A* tai ots lut ot tm retAiAtt/ot, rjfcoAfc^ac/ «*7i$, £ $t»- -/MVow/ ttuT^S* totj *AAet) 7roAA*« cq cwafaC&ffBU, auT$> ws Ie^croAu^ct. 42 K*l #<& o^ta? yiio(£i)-M, Cmu ten ©eV, ToAfM'ffcii utfv7u- and calling unto him the cen- 1 » / 'Jj.' /* turion, he ask'd him whether &»iVe. 4; Kwj ;Ws ~£m vm%- 4 J And wnen lie knew it , , .. , o- , ~ o , of" the centurion, he gave the exavoJ, £d&p»ffa(c 7o am /mi t$ Iatnjip. body to Jofeph. 4<* K«j PARAPHRASE. preted, My God, my God, why hall thou forfaken me ? 3J And fbme of them that flood by, when they heard it, faid, Behold, he calleth Elias. 36 And one ran, and fill'd a Spunge full of Vinegar, and put it on a Reed, and gave him to drink, faying withall, as did likgwije the (ft) reft of the Unbelievers, Let alone ; let us fee whether Elias will come to take him down. 31 And Jefus cry'd with aloud Voice, and gave up the Ghoft. 38 And the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. 39 And when the Centurion, which flood over againft him, faw that he fo cry'd out, and gave up the Ghoft, he faid, Truly this Man was the Son of God. 40 There were alfo Women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary (««) the Mother of our Lord hintfelf, and Mother-in-Law of }a.vacsfurnam'd the leisfrom his little Stature, and one of the Apoftles, and of Jofes, and Salome the Wife ofZebedee ; 41 who alfo when he was in Galilee, follow'd him, and miniltred unto him; and many other Women which came up with him unto Jerufalem. 41 And now when the.Evening was come, but before Sun-fet when of th the TaJJ over -day ended, and the Sabbath begun, ( becaufe it, viz. the of chrift. Toff over-day happen d this Tear on the Friday or fix th Day of the PVeek, and jo alfo was the Preparation, that is, the Day before the Sabbath) 43 Jofeph of Arimathea, an honourable Counfelleri t. e. one of the Great Sanhednn, but who alfo waited for or expected the Kingdom of the Mejjias to be about this time erected by God, and did believe in his heart that Jefus was the j aid Mejfias, tho' he durfl not yet openly declare hun- f elf to be One of his Dt/ciples, came, and went in boldly, and crav'dthe Body of Jefus ; his Boldnefs herein confining in this, that he durH ap- pear fo far to have a RefpecJfor Jefus- 44 And Pilate marvell'd that he were already dead, it being not ufual for fuch as were crucify'd to dye fofoon; and calling unto him the Centurion, he ask'd him whether he had been any while dead. 4^ And when he knew it of the Centurion, he gave the Body to jofeph very readily; as being' himfelf afore per* XI. 4.06 S.Mark, Chap. XV, XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. aoToi C4u\vm Ty wtscTS7i- xcy ofUTev li ftiYiftflq, 'o fw A«Aa£fui- ^wo» q/x. 7msoi x*j Mct&'a Ij t? Ieoca£ot; ^ 2aAapt »!jp^c(7a.» (tp&jjucm. , iV« jA^ot/fau, etAa^/aw ecoTOf. 2 Kaj AUJ\io{ vi/tii Tot hlfov c* rUts ^■w£5cs T? (Mux^so j 4 K*j av<*- tAe-|3ro)«)toA«- 5WJ 0 Af')•(5}■'• k£ >^y> ,ae>«5 0^9- «fy>*. ^ K*j aVeA^Wttj «'* to a»>»- jeeToy, «A» nJpiVKoi TUt^n/Moi oV tb7j \Uu \d»dci' xcq tfitfaiuQiiSnmi. 6 O Si \eyu ao7»Tf M»j c/K^fiQu^v \y\mwj {htut* rot Na{«/»iii9) to» lfttupai^6»or Jyep9», Cihc efz* 58 S.Mark, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 6*5 mtoi o-vkcd-e, w.Jas una there fhall ye fee him , as he o v < •« m- ' " faid unto y°u- v{mi. 8 Koh ofceA^ottj ra^o, tjx.f Magdalene, out of whom he «w7x J\oi/u«W io E*a'v« 9TBp<^. had caft feven devils. , , „ , , r io And lhe went and told Jute. cL-myyuhi -na far awnd them that had been with him, yao/j&fois , -sTtiJoZn x«j xWouox* as they mourn'd and wept. _, > ~ » / o w ^~ . ii And they, when they ii K*x«ioi, umimilts oix £«, *, had heard thatJhe was allvej «9s*9n ,\1^3' ao7Tis, Wf&ffta. and had been feen of her, be- i fO*-~ * ' 'g • ~ ^evd not- 12 MeiaJs G^T»5,ot7jve?o»TO» I2 After that he appear'd •ogrfJittTSfow £?>a*«p»3j) c# g-n'p* A*«P- *? another forra unt0 two of , » , y . them, as they walk'd, and went ??, 7mp«/of«vo.« e.5 a^or. 13 K«- ,nt0 the country. xZim i.7ti\%itii i.'KAyyuXtLi toT/*' li And they went and told , ,0 , / ,~/ // unto the * reft : neither be- Koi7niS' vjH okmou bjawmi. lie v'd they them. 14 Y?*pov, oLinxufWaii oJtois tq~s 14 Afterward he appear'd ".is.„- '„ /cu. ' ' 'cv. _r ' unto the eleven, as they fat at «Jt<* i*«tj«i9», *oq .,„*„ ib meat, and upbraided them with ec/nfio* au,-mi , jc*| raAriesiyepSiar their unbelief, and hardnefs of , ,^ ' r them which had feen him after QOt 'Wtwcw. he was rifen. if K«j uw a*™? Tlofdfit,- J5- And he faid unt0 them> , , „ „ Go ye into all the world, and tti us tw Koop.01 xmife , /Oifu^ot-n preach the Gofpel to every to eJ*i^Aio»,7ntT» t>T JcninJ. .16 O creature- . , '. ' , ,„ 16 He that believeth and is mnvozts x«j fa-rindus, ouStmloq- baptiz'd, flull be fav'd; but 0 A iini MS T^petvsv, $ ej^- tiy cuvipyWTVs, x, T \oy>i ^tCou^u 70S 2}& t £7ra)0)A«^V»7a» crM^aav. + low them that believe ; In my name lhall they caft out de- vils, they (hall fpeak with new tongues, 1 8 They (hall take up fer- pents, and if they drink any deadly thing it (hall not hurt them ; they (hall lay hands on the fick, and they fhall recover. ip So then after the Lord had fpoken unto them, he was receiv'd up into heaven, and fat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth and preach'd every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with Ggns following. * ANNOTATIONS. V. ao. f A/kW is not read here in Alex*. MS. nor in Vulgar Latin, Syr. Arab, or Perfick Verfions; nor in feveral or moft ojher Copies. Indeed it feems to have been firft added here, in conformity to the'Gofpel of St Matthew, ending with this Word. But it is obfervable that there was a very juft Reafon for St Mat- thew to end hisGofpel fo, becaufe the Words' immediately before area Gra- cious Promife of our Lord's to be with his Church to the World's End. To which Promife it was very pertinent and proper for St Matthew to adjoin Amen^ as de- noting his hearty With or Prayer for the Accomplifhment of the faid Promife, and S.Mark, Chap. XVI. 4ii PARAPHRASE. Miracles here mention d (hall follow or be given to them that believe : Viz. In my Name fhall they call out Devils; they fhall be able to fpeak New or Strange Tongues, which they never learn d; 18 they fhall take up Serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it fhall not hurt them; they fhall lay Hands on the Sick, and they fhall recover. 19 So then after the Lord Jefus had fpoken or given thefe, and what And vJ^mdl up other InBrutlions hefaw fit, unto them , for Forty 'Days after his Re- into Heaven. furreclion, He then led them (e) unto the Mount of Olives, and thence, in their Sight, was receiv'd up into Heaven, and fat on the Right Hand of God. 20 And they, i. e. the Dijciples after this went forth from Jem- Jalem, and preach'd every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Truth of the Word or Go/pel which they preach'd, with Signs or Miracles following or perform d by the /aid ' Dijciples. ANNOTATIONS and his firm Aflent to the Truth thereof: In like manner as St John ufes Amen, Revel. 1. 6, 7. and ix. 20. But now there is not the like Reafon for adding Amen to the End of this Gofpel of St Mark , . nor to that of St Luke, and leaft of all to that of St John. Whence it may be reafonably fuppos'd, chat Amen has been ad- ded to all the three latter Gofpels , not by the Writers of the faid Gofpels, but by fome others fince in conformity to that of St Matthew. if) Compare Luke 14.. jo. and Ails 1. \%. STNOTSTS. STNOTS/S. The Gofpel of sc Marl; is diftin- guifli- able in- to thefe Three genera! parts, viz. *I. An Account of the Baptifm of Chrift by John Baptift, and of his Temptation, I. i - 13. 'Chrift's Coming into Galilee, and Beginning to Preach, 14., if. His Calling of Peter, ^Andrew, James and John, 16- 10. His Carting a Devil out of a Man in the Synagogue at Capernaum, 21 - it. His Cure of Peter's wifes Mother and Others, 29-34. His Curing and Preaching thro' all Galilee, 3 y - 39. His Curing a Leper, 40 - alt. CureofPalfy, II. r - 12. Call of Matthew, 13 - 17. Of Difc. not Faffing, 18 -23. Defence of Difciples plucking and rubbing and eating Kars of Corn, 23 - ult. Cure of wither'd lund, and Others, III. 1-12. Ordaining the twelve apoftles, ft. An Ac- 13-2:. Of Blafphetny againft Holy Ghoft, 22-30. His Mother and Brethren, count of wlio, 3 1 - ult. his Mini- Parable of Sower, IV. 1 - 20. Duty of Minijlers, 2t - z;. Parable of See d, 26 - 29. ftry,dav'wg of Grain of Muflard- feed, 30-34. Stilling a Temped, ?,;-u!t. his (lay for Cure of Man pofiefs'd with a Legion of Dev.ls, V. 1 - 20. Cure of Woman with (probably)^' Bloody Flux, and Jairm's Daughter, 21 - ult. two years He is contemn'd by the Nazareas, VI. 1 -6. Apoftles feat forth to Preach, &c. and up- 7-13. Of Beheading the Baptift, 14-29. Apoftles Return, 30. Miraculous ward in feeding of five thoufand, 31-44. Walks on the Sea, 4.5- - J2. He returns to the Galilee, s land ot Gennefaret, fj-ult. viz. What defiles a Man in God's fight, VII, 1-23. He Cures the Daughter of the SjF- rophenician Woman, 24- 30. and a Der.f Man that had impediment in his Speech, 51- ult. He Miraculoufly feeds four thoufand, VIII. r-o. The Pharifecs feek a Sign from Heaven, 10-13. He warns Difciples of Leaven of Pharilecs, 14.- 21. Cures Blind Man of Bethfaida, 22-26. Goes into the Coafls of Cefarea thilippi, 27 -IX. r. He is Transfigurd, IX. 2 - 1 3. Calls out Devil which Difciples could not. 14.-29. Foretells Dilciples of hit Death, 30-32. Of Humility, 33 - 37. Of not tbf- couraging good Men, 38 - ult. II. An Account ofchrifts more Publicly Mini- ■ I firy, or his M»- niflry afterthe* impri- fonment of the Baptift: Which may be diftin- guifli'd into, 'Of Divorce, X 1 - 12. He bleffcs Children, 13 - J 5. Difcourfe with a Toung Rich Man, and of Riches, and Forfaking All for Chrift's Sake, 17-31. He again foretells Difciples of his Death, 32 - 34. His AnCwer to Requefl of James and John, 3/ -4.5-. Cure of blind Bartimem, 4.6 -.ult. He rides on an Afs in Triumph to*)erufalem, XI. r - 10. Turns Traders out of Temple, and curfes the Fig-tree, 11-16. Silences the [ews cjuefiioning his Au- thority, 27 ult. Parable of Vineyard let out to Husbandmen, XII. 1 - 11. Of paying Tribute to Cifar, 13-17. He confutes the Sadducees, and proves a RefurreSion, 18 - 27. The Chief Command, which, 28-34.. He puzzles the Scribes with Queftion concerning Chrift's being David's Son and Lord, 3J-40. Of the Woman cafting two Mites into the Treafury, 41 -ult. Of Dcftruclion of Jerufalem, and End of the World, XIII. 1 - 27. Parable of Fig- tree, 28-32. Great Duty of uatchfulnefs, ^-ult. Jewifli Rulers Confult to KJUJefus, XIV. 1, 2. A Woman anoints him, 3-9. Judas bargains to betray him, 10, 11. Paffover is prepar'd and eaten, and Lord's Supper inftituted, &c. 12- 31. He iv apprehended and carried before the Highpriefi, 32 - 6"r\ Peter's Denial of Him, 66 - ult. His Trial before Pilate, Condemnation, and Crucifixion, &cc. XV. 1 -41. His Bu- rial, 42 - ult. I ,IH. An Account of his RcfurreUion and ^fcenfion, and what was done between them, XVI. 2. An Ac- count of hislAiniflry after his lafi leaving of Galilee,^ which was not long afore his Crucifixi- on, viz. FINIS. A N HELP For the more Eafy and Clear Under/landing O F T H E HOLY SCRIPTURES: BEING The GOSPEL of S4 J O H N Explain d after the following Method, viz. I. The Original or GreekJText amended, according to the Beft and moft Ancient Readings. II. The Common Englijh Tranflation render'd more Agreeable to the Original. III. A Paraphrafe, wherein not only the Difficult Exprejfions and Pajfages are explain'd ; but alfo the faid Gofpel is divided into Proper Seftions and Paragraphs : and withall it is obferv'd , What Supplements to the three other Gofpels are given us by St John in this his 'Gofpel. To the End of each Treatife is fubjoin'd a Synopfis of the Contents thereof. IV- Annotations relating (as Occafion requires) to the Several Particulars. By Edw. Wells ,D.D. Re£tor oiCotesbach in LeiceflerJJjire. OXFORD, t»„:.-*.~j _« tu_ T1,, r_- TT #0£. SHIP'PEN c Off oh. 2. i ii ?. ^VICE-CAN^OXOiV: : .1 c . . IT .1 . ' • . bfl£ oT ' ■ ' . ; E R R A T !A. Page i<). Verfe 19. read, did not care to forfake. p. 41. v. 53. r. St "jo; ns Ik. i§ hn-rdjm twiif, <£ «' t'txitt. p. 70. /. ult. r isTm. p. 81. v. 6. It (hould have been ob- ferv'd, that p* -9?. at bottom fliould ftand this Reference Exod. 3. 14. p ii«. v, 49: andelfe- where r. Caiaphas. p. 137. v. 16. After the/e words, when Tba'/e'dipp'd it in the Difh, add, And when he had dipp'd the Sop, he gave it toJt;das Ifcariot, the fon of Simon. The other Difciples &c. p. 16$. v. 9. r. k-rmxim, p. ij$ . v. y. r. mfifvpsK p. 1S1, v. 31. r. as being not a Sabbath only, but alfo the Firft day of unleaven'd bread : And thenfirike out All the reji of the Parentbefis. For on further confdermg the Point in drawing up my Paraphrafe ov the Pentatwch, it 'feems clear to me, that That Opinion if to be prefer'd, which underftands lbs firft, ?iot /econd day of Unleaven'd bread; tho' Dr. Whitby prefers the latter Opinion, whereas Dr. Hammond had more Rightly follow d the former. Th< The Sections, into which the following Tara- phrafe of the Gofpel according to St John is diftinguifh'd. SECTION I. Wherein St John aflerts the true and eternal 'Divinity of Ch ri s t; and then gives a fhort or general Account of our Lord's Incarnation, and of John Baptift ; taking notice only of fuch Particulars of the Bapti/l's Miwjlry, as he judg'd requifite to be added to the Account given thereof in the three former Gofpels. This Sedtion takes up Chap. 1. 1 — 37. and begins , Page 4. SECT. IL Containing fuch Particulars, as are related by St John, From Chriji's very Fir ft Entring upon his Minijlry, even before the Imprijbnment of the Baptift, To thePaJfover next enfuing, which was in the thirty firfi year otChri/l's Life, but A. 7). 2.9. Thele Particulars take up Chap. I. 38 — II. ii, and are wholly pafs'd over by the other Evangelifts, and begin Page ij-. SECT. III. Containing fuch Particulars as were taken Notice of by St John., From the Paffover that was in the thirty fir ft year of Christ's Life, or A- Z>. 29, To the Tajfover next enfuing, viz. in the thirty Jecond year of Christ's Life, or A. 2). 30. Which Particulars take up Chap. II. 1 3 — IV. ult. and are All pais'd over by the Three former Evange- lifts, and begin Page 21. SECT. IV. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St John, From the Tajfover that was in the thirty fecond year of Christ's Life, or A- T>- 30, To a little before the Pa/fover next enfuing, or which was in the thirty third year of his Life, and A T>. 31. Which Particulars take up all Chap. V, and are wholly pafs'd over by the Three former Evangelifts, and begin Page 4.3 . SECT. THE CONTENTS. SECT. V. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St "John, From a little before the Tajfover that was in the thirty third year of Christ's Life, or A D. j i, To a little before the Feajl of Tabernacles, which was in the thirty fourth year of his Life, ox A. D. 32. Which Particulars take up Chap. VI- 1 — VII. i. of this Gofpel, and confift chiefly of our Sa- viour's Miraculous Feeding about Five Thou/and, (which is alfb taken Notice of by All the other Evangelifts, and Co ferves to (hew the Con- nexion of the Hiftory of our Saviour's Miniflry given by this Evange- lilt, with the Hiftory of the Same given by the Three other Evange- lifts) and of the Dif'cowfc which was Occafion'd thereby, which is v'holly Omitted by the other Evangelifts. This Section begins Page 5-3. SECT. VI. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St John, From a little before the Feajl of Tabernacles, which was in the thirty fourth year of Christ's £jfe, or A. D. 32, To the Feajl of the Dedication next enfuing, or in the fame year. Which Particulars take up Chap. VII. 1 — X. 21, of this Gofpel, and are Wholly Omitted by the Other Evangelifts, and begin Page 69. SECT. VII. Containing an Account of what pafs'd between Christ and the Jews at the Feajl of the Dedication, which was in the thirty fourth year of Christ's Life, or A- D- 32. Which Account takes up Chap X. 1 — 39, and is Wholly Omitted by the other Evangelifts, and begins Page 101. SECT. VIII. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St John, From Christ's 'Departure from Jerufalem, after he had been there at the Feaft of the Dedication, in the thirty fourth year of his Life, or A. D- 32, To a little before the Tajfover next enfuing, which was in the thirty fifth year of his Life, or AD. 33, and the PaJ/over at which he was Crucify d. Thefe Particulars take up Chap. XI. 1 — $4; and are Wholly omitted by the Other Evangelifts, and begin Page 111. S E C T. IX. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by Ztjobn, From Christ's Coming to Bethany Six days before the Tajfover, (at which he SufFer'd, and which was in the thirty fifth year of his Life, or A. D. 33.) To the Night before he was Crucify'd. Which Particulars take up Chap. Vf <■ e — VTI till and hpain Panro t«. t THE ClOi-N'TJE NTS. SECT. X. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St John, and were tranfa<5led in the former part of the Night before Christs Crucifixion, viz. From his Coming into the Houfe where he eat the Pailbver, To his "Departing thence to the Garden of Getbfemane, where he was. Appre- hended. Which Particulars take up Chap. XIII. i — XVII. ult. and, except one or two, are Wholly omitted by the former Evangelifts, and begin Page 1313. SECT. XI. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St John, and were tranfa&ed, From Christ's leaving the Houfe where he had eaten the Tajffover {&c.) and going to the Garden of Getbfemane, where he was Apprehended^ To his Burial. Which Particulars take up all Chap. XVIII and XIX, and begin Page 167. SECT XII. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by %xJohn after Christ's Refurrefiion, together with the Conchjion of this Goipel : Which Particulars take up the Whole of the two remaining Chapters, viz. Chap. XX and XXI, and begin Page 185. The The GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S< JOH N. THE TRE Fs4C E. AS it is attefted by the Ancients of Beft Au- The l)a**d thority, fo it is generally agreed on by the &Z corPaums more Learned among the Moderns, that St John writ this Gofpel at Ephefw in $, \gy>5 T ®t01, £ ®iOS lut 0 2 OVTOS till il *py*) IB&i T ®ioi. 3 rixv-nt ^i axfy tymTV' y>m. 4 Ev ftxnt^ £a« Id, %, h £a» tu> 7t 7ra». j Kot) 7B fchriftin r r i >■ r> 1 sy ■ i , , ; ,. 6,T Ins Divmc Na- . than his Birth or Conception, which relate to his Ha- wre , before his inanity ; St John the Writer of this Gofpel judg'd it necejfary to begin in«™«">n ™a the fame with taking notice of the Pre-exiftence of Chris! before his Con- ception, and of his True and Eternal 'Divinity. And indeed it was the more necejfary to do this, becaufe before the Writing of this Gofpel there were arifen Hereticks, who affirm' d Chrift to be no more than a meet Man. The Fdfenefs whereof as St John had hinted at in his Eirjl Epi- (lle, fo now he more Fully Jhews ; m Oppofition to the faid Heretical No- tions, plainly teaching, that In the Beginning, according to the Common Acceptation f the faid Expreff ion among the Jews, wherein it was taken to denote, not only In the Beginning of the Creation, or barely Before the Creation, but alfo and by conjequence (a) From all Eternity, was the Di- vine Per/on caU'd the Word, and the Word was with God the Father; and not only fo, but alfo the Word was One God with the Father, as be- ing of the fame Divine Effence or Subjlance, and having no other Dijlin- cJion in reference to the Divine Nature, than what arifesfrom their dif- ferent Perfonalities. 2 Nay the fame Divine Per/on, catt'd The Word, not only was in the Beginning with God the Father; 3 but further, as being Not ever Made Himfetf, but of the Same Unmade or Uncreated Nature with the Father, All things, that were ever made, were made by him more immediately or particularly; and without Him was not Any thing made that was made. 4. And as thus All Creatures deriv'd their Natural Life from him, fo hkewije do All Creatures capable of that Bet- ter Life, viz. a Spiritual and Eternal Life, derive it from Him ; whence it may be truly faid, that from the Beginning In or By him was the faid Spiritual or Eternal Life-, forajmuch as AU that ever have or Jhall par- take of the J aid Life, Jhall do Jo Thro' him : and as the faid Divine Per- Jon was and is thus the Life of Men, Jo alfo He was from the Begin- ning and Jlill is the Light of Men, inafmuch as All the Revelations or Di [cover ies of the means to obtain Eternal Life, that have been ever made to Mankind, have been made by Him \ in a more efpecial manner the Re- velation of the Gofpel, of which St John gives an Account in this Trea- tije. y And the Light of the faid Gofpel now fhines in Darknefs, /'. e. among Men, the Generality of whom have their Under/landing darken d with wilfull Ignorance, unreufonable Prejudices, or finfull Affeclions ; and hence the faid Darknefs apprehended it not, i. e. the faid Igvorant, John, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 6 Eym™ oLvffU'Tr©' «7njBtA- vdpos /&§£ ®i$> ovo/ml ceoTja Imav- ns. 7 Outos h\%i us (icufTutxtM, ivet (tco^JTVpjKTH iz&i TV (pans, tiX Tiavns 7Ti7Ujwo^co». io Ev t&) xou^ta la*, x.ot| o xoc]u,(Gy &\ ar/rv i-yniTo- xj o va- opc(^ cmToi yx. iyirm. n Ei'« t» i'St* jiA^s, ^ oi' \'$ioi aujToi w vr'Pi- teCov. 12 Otroi W- cj£, tois 7n<>etyffiy &£ TO o'yo/wc cu/g" 6 There was a man fent from God, whofe name was John. 7 The fame came for a wit- nefs, to bear witnels of the light, that all men thro' him might believe. 8 He was not that light, but was fent to bear wnnefs of that light. S> That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. io He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. ii He came unto his own, and his own receiv'd him not. 12 But as many as receiv'd him, to them gave he power to become the ions of God, even to them that believe on his name : I? Oi PARAPHRASE. Prejudiced, and Vitious Generality of ^Mankind, neith.r have, nor do difcern that the Gofpel is no other than a Mawfeftation of the Witt of God, requiring nothing but what is mofl Reajonable to be dune, ami JSTecelfary to be done, if they will partake of Eternal Life or Hap- pinejs. ■ 6 Aid herein the Jews in particular are moft Tnexcufable, farafmuch TheEn/of John #s there was One, who was indeed no more than a meer Mjii, lint from K.tpuft', coming God, whofe name was John. 7 And the fame came, or was thus fent or Miniftry. ^ ^j £ a Wjtne(Sj mmgfy lQ J,^ Wjtnefs Qf jefus that He waS the promts' d ALfJias, and confequently the Light that was to enlighten All men, more particularly and primarily the Jews, with (he Lajl audmojt Full Revelation of God's Will : This was the aforefaid John jent to bear witnejs of him, that All men, ejpecial/y among the Jews, thro' him, i.e. by means of this Tefltmony of 7John, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 13 O'i ix. <% oufxaiai, vSt &x %\y\' IfU, *M.' ex. ©eS lywvSti£- 14 Kaj v/jut, (%) e^saoa.tte^a. r ays, MyDi' Ovtcs k* o» e«77DV 16 Kst) c/k tv 7!\ypa>{MLJ(5y' aoTod y*eA(&" 17 Otj 0 V9jw(^ a/# 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flefh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was made flelh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glo- ry as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. 1$ John bare witnefs of him, and cried, laying, This was he of whom I fpake, He that cometh after me, is pre- ferr'd before mej for he was before me. 16" And of his fulnefs have all we receiv'd, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given Ma not of Blood, i, e. not by the Observance of the Bloody Rite of Circumcifion, or the like ; nor of the Will of the Flefh, /'. e. nor by thofe Natural Dejires which excited their Jewijh Parents to beget them, and whereby they became T>efcendents of Abraham; nor of the Will of Man, *. e. nor by barely Natural Strength enabling them to perform fome Moral 'Dalies; {by which three Means the Jews are wont to think They may be- come the Sons of God:) but they were born or become Sons of God by the Grace oi God, that is, by the.Jupernatural and fpecial Influence and Af- fiflance of the Holy Spirit, firji Preventing and Difpofing them to Believe and Embrace the Gofpel, and then Affifling and Enabling them to live Obediently thereto in all Purity and Holme fs of Life. 14 And the Word, ;. e- the TJtvine Terfon fo call'd, in order to come unto his Own people as is mention d v. n, was made Flefh, ;'. e. Man; and as before his Incarnation he frequently conversd with Holy men, and dwelt {as it were) with the Jewijh Church in the Wildernejs, appearing and abiding among them in a Bright fhining Cloud, which in Scripture is call'd bis Glory, and by the Jewijh Writers his Shechinah,, i. e. Tabernacle or Ha- bitation, fo in his Humane Nature (after his Incarnation) as in another " She- S. John, Chap. I. PARAPHRASE. Shechinah (b)he dwelt among us: (and, alt ho his Bodily Shechinah or Tabernacle had not fuch a F'tfible, Outward, Glorious or Shining Ap- pearance, as the Cloud aforementiond had; yet by means of his 'Divine Doctrines and Works, we as plainly perceiv d his 'Divinity, as if we had with our Eyes beheld fuch his Glory as he was wont to appear in- before his Incarnation: namely, the Glory or Excellency of his Doctrines and Miraculous works was fuch, as plainly Jhew'd thej could be no other than the Instructions and Works of the Only begotten of the Father; for both in what he did and taught he was) Full of Grace and Truth, i. e. his Miracles were AH fo many Acts of Grace and Mercy, tending to the gracious Relief of difireffed Per fans ; and his Doctrines were no other than Further Declarations than had ever been made Afore ; of God's mojl Gracious purpojes to five Mankind, and in order thereto of God's most Gracious readinefs to pardon the great eji Sinners upon Repentance, and performing the Duties of the Go/pel, by which Duties was re qui) ' d that True Religion and Holinefs of Life, of which the Jewjh Religion and Rites were only Types and Figures. i j As to the manner of Chuffs Conception and Birth, and aljo as to 0 elv; his Coming to the Baptift to be baptiz'd, when he was about thirty years the Baprift's be»t- of Age ; thefe Particulars bang fully enough related by the former Evan- '"& w'»9ir v ?&&'* & & £Ay\Ju<*. 3d$ lr\S XSA» 0 XcU- 9b'j. 21 Koq wp<»T>taa» wnr T» ola/; HA<'*5 « Wi Kaj Ae^'' Oux. e^f. O <©cI?p>iTwS ei at> ; Koq T$« Tis £; 7va ^bnWe-tw i^jUsv Wis wi/«- ^ouw yt/Mi,S' 11 Aeyets ife* viauVtii 23 Ei |3o5vt{§H ci Ty Ipx^a ' Ev^ixit *rfa 0 Jck Kt»- fciy ^^as fc<7n» Hatqa* 0 '3£?p»i- T»5. 24 Koq 01 *7rtfttAf$uoi »aav o* T3^ 0*e<«Jaj<»v 2j Koq «pa>- Tnaav ouJtbk, *eq «wov *ut&>* T/ cw ficf£i^us, u ov Col tt 0 Xex- <&f, VT» HA/*5, \tT% 0 fGr&a j8*Trl/^« o* {JJkn* /tu- ff^ cf£ U/6$lf eSWU» OK VfiUS QT5t fltfTbtTV 17 A0755 '&lv 0 OTTlTta by Mofes: but grace and truth came by Jefus Chnft. 18 No * one hath feen God at any time ; the only begotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Father, he hath declar'd him. * 19 And this is the * witnefs of John, when the Jews fent priells and Levites from Jeru- falero, to ask him, Who art thou ? 20 And he confefs'd, and deny'd not ; but confefs'd, I am not the Chnft. 21 And they ask'd him, What then ? Art thou Elias? And he iaith, I am not. Art thou that prophet ? And heart* fwcr 'd, No. 22 Then (aid they unto him, Who art thou ? that we may give an anfwer to them that tent us : what faylt thou ofthyfelf? 2.3 He fa id, I am the voice of one crying in the wilder- nefs, Make ftraight the way of the Lord, as (aid the prophet Efaias. 24 And they which were fent were of the Pharifees. 2y And they ask'd him, and faid unto him, Why baptized thou then, if thou be not that Chnft, nor Elias, neither that prophet ? 26 John anfwer'd them, fay- ing, I baptize with water : but there ftandeth one among you, whom ye know not ; 27 He it is, who coming after me, is preferr'd before jpk«' S.John, Chap. I. ii PARAPHRASE. gurative, conJiHtngmoFtly of Types and Shadows of things to come; and alfo did not contain Full and Clear Promifes of Tar don to All Sinners upon Repentance, nor yet of the Affiflance of the Holy Spirit to enable Men to perform their "Duty : but Grace and Truth caroe by Jefus Chrift, i. e. the Go/pel contains the Fullesl Promifes of Grace or Pardon to Pe- nitent Sinners, and of the Gracious A//i fiance of the Holy Spirit to ena- ble Men to perform the Duties of the j aid Go/pel; which Duties contain the SubHance cr True real Holme/s of the Things prefigur'd or figmfy'd by the Types of the Law. 1 8 No one that is a Creature, whether Man or Angel, has ieen God at any time in fuch a manner, as thereby to be Let into, or to be Able to Difcover, tbefe Gracious Defigns of God: The Only begotten Son, who as fuch is Himfelf aljo Very God, and who is in the Bofom of the Father, i. e. moB intimately United to the Father, fo as to know all the Will and Purpofes of God, he has dedar'd the Will and Purpofes of Him, i. e. of God unto ust more Fully than ever they were declar'd Afore. 19 And this is the Witnefs of John Baptift, which he gave concerning ^notJr'In(imce Jefus Another time, when thejews lent Prieits and Levites from Jeru- of the fame, ialem, to ask him, Who art thou ? 20 And he confefs'd, and deny'd not; but confefs'd, I am not the Chrift. 21 And they ask'd him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he fays, I am not. Art thou ihstother Pro- phet of whom Mofes (peaks Deut. 18. 19, 18, 1 p. or (c) any other of the OldProphets befides Elias ? And he anfwer'drNo. 22 Then faid they unto himj Who art thou? that we may give an anfwer to them that fent us: what fayft thou of thy felf? 23 He faid, I am the Per fan fore- told in ihefe JVords of the Holy Scriptures, The Voice (d) of one cry. ing in the Wildernefs, Make itraight the way of the Lord, as (aid the Prophet Efaias. 24 And they which were fent were of the Pharifees. 2S And they ask'd him, and faid unto him, Why baptized thou then, if thou be not that Chrift, nor Elias, neither that Prophet? 2.6 John, anfwer'd them, faying, I baptize (©5. 28 Tau- m e» Bn^a^apa i>4veS Tnpcw TV lop. •Tbcyy, o7r« Ico laxini QatHi^m. 29 TiJ tTrnvfioi /GAe^ 0 I&>xvv>i5 r I/iaWv epw^Voy 07*05 atmv, x.sc| Myi' lcTfe 0 «/tyos iT ©etf 0 otipav t a/uafncw §■ yxiojxy. 30 OUtos I?? -z^pi is" t>a fciTrey OTrtau (tv 'e'p^) *V>,P> cS *!"* •&f>Qc&ii juv yiy>iir otj isfaToi /lcV »». 31 Kot>a Ctf* M ^A^ov iyi) iyt tS uShLu /6ct7J?<'£aiy. }Z Kotj if4&fn>fY\r O71 ts- JicLf&i to TZTto^w* KstTBtScwvov a<;&< «5^5Bpiy s| VpewS, $ E/U&vev £7T ii ihc iftui auToV ecM, 0 Tre^-j^ (tie ficLTrji^eii h '■LSti.m, 'utu- vos /twi e<7rsy E

p*K5t, <# £u(uapTi!pnK$' 07j Stos '(^y 0 ijos v ©e£. laatjm, Jcot) q/k. T$f ^aSflT&iy etu- 70 J 1»- cr* i^jraTSyn , Xty{' IcTfe 0 a/*yo$ t« ©t£. 37 Koq «x,yoay cu>ri oi Jb'o ^aSuTosi a»AV»7@", x.«j w>wAtf- 3»ott» 79) Ino-y. me ; whofe (hoes latchct 1 am not worthy to unloofe. 28 Thefe things were done in Bethabara beyond Jor- dan, where John was baptiz- ing. 29 The next day John feeth Jefus coining unto him, and faith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketK away the fin of the world. 30 This is h« of whom I faid, After me cometh a man, which is preferr'd before me : for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not: but that he fhould be made manifeft to Ifrae), therefore am 1 come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare* witnefs, faying, I faw the Spirit de- fending from heaven like a dove, and it abode npon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that lent me to baptize with water, the fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou lhalt fee the Spirit defending and re- maining on him, the fame is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghoft. 34 And I faw, and bare * witnefs that this is the Son of God. 3f Again, the next day after, John flood, and two of his difciples : 36 And looking upon Jefus as he walk'd, he faith, Behold the Lamb of God. 37 And the two difciples heard him fpeak, and they fol- low'd Jefus. 38 2t?*- ae S. John, Chap. I. i? PARAPHRASE. Shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloofe. 28 Thefe things were done in Bethabata beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 29 The next day John Bapttjl fees Jefus coming unto him, and fays to A third inthmce. //6o this whole Go/pel, not exprefsly to men- tion his Own Name : Theje two) flood with the Baptist- 36 And look- ing upon Jefus as he walk'd, he lays, Behold the Lamb of God. 3-7 And the two Difciples he;:rd him Speak this; and they being dijpos'd to become T)ifciples henceforward of Jejus, by what they bad been taught of the Baptist concerning him, follow'd Jefus, ;. e. went after him as be walk'd along: 14 S. John, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION- 38 Si?*?** Si h I„w, fc ?«*• r 38 Then Jefus turn'd, and , . „ , , , - „ _ / , law them following, and faith bemg Interprececii JiJVWaAe ) -7TV (wiygtSi 40 A.sy{ Mafter) where dwellell thou? • ~ _ c^. < «(v m(L 1 40 He faith unto them, »to.<- j-p^e x, .Jfcit. ^ HA%v u, Co^e an(J fe£ They came anj eTv Tti /$}&' Kf nap oot&) iixuiaj) faw where he d welt, and abode '¥ J/tUv faitfe- <2P* *' *2 & JV wLuh h'm thatuday : for ic was ,Y^T , r , \ about the tenth hour. vsltyi. 41 Hy Ai^eca 0 a*ffeAt$' 42 Eoewx We havc found the Mef_ y\ ou»tzS* E^pin5C(Ciey f Meaner, 0 e he «* Th0" artnS,f,i!iht<™ K>i- caU'd Cephas, which is by in- jpai- '0 IfiAmvif) ni7?oi. terpretation, * Peter. 44 f? eTO<5p.o» ft'Axoif 0 I«aSS 1 44 The day f. following j, I«- ~ »••(• 1 , ' / 1 fos would go forth into uali- eijeA^ay eij r raAiAgiiar 19 eueuratf ]ee, and findeth Philip, and Si'Aiirww, g Al>^ »t# AxoA*94 ^i. faith unt0 him> FolIow me> 4J Hy ANNOTATIONS. V. 42. f The Alex, and fome o.her MSS. as alfo Vulgar Latin, Syriack, Au- bick, and Ethiopick Verfions, and Theophyladt, and Nonnus read 7T>{ does not, and therefore was not chang'd from terpreted, Matter) where dwellef t \.ho\\f or what houje art thou at-, during %£{£" ot thy flay here in Bethabarai 40 He fays uftto than, Come and lee. They came and faw where he dwelt, and abode with him all the reft of that Day; for it was about the Tenth hour, namely according to the Roman Account, ujed alfo here in England, and Jo it was about Ten in the Morning : During this Memamder of the Tfafi it is not to be doubled but the Two Dtjcip/es of the Baptiji that thus follow d Chrtjl, having ac- quainted Him for what Reajon they did Jo, viz- as being taught by the Baptifl that He was the Meffias or Chrtjl, by whom therefore they de- fer d to be further Instructed in their Duty to God, and to become hence - Jorward Difciples to Him ; hereupon our Blejfed Saviour did give them Jitch Inflructtons as he Jaw proper for them, and thereby farther, and be- yond all 'Doubt, convinc'd them, that he was the Meffias, as the Baptiji had told them. 41 One of the Twp which heard John fpeak, and fol- lowed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 42 He firU (?'. e. be- fore John the other Dijciple whofe name is conceafd) finds his own bro- ther Simon, who was likewije come to Bethabara to the Baptist, being without doubt a Dtfciple of the Baptifl, as well as Andrew, and fays un- to him, We have found the Melius, which is, being interpreted, the Chnft 43 And he brought him to Jefus. And when Jefus beheld him, foreknowing what an Eminent Mmijter of the Gojpel he JI)ou/d hereafter become, he fa id, Thon art now known by the Name of S\mon the Son of Jona : Thou (halt be call'd, ana better, known hereafter, by the name of Cephas, which' is by interpretation, in the Greek Tongue wherein St John writ this Gcfpel (ee) Peter ; Both names in their refpettive Tongues Jigni- fying the Jame as a (/) Rock, m our Engl/Jh Tongue. And Jefus having thus now got three Difciples, viz. Andrew and Peter, and the Other 'Dtfciple who came to him at the fir/l with Andrew, and who was in all probability (as has been afore v 'j cbjervd) John him/e/fwho writ this Gojpel; therefore the very First Beginning of Christ's Miniftry is to be i6 S. John, Chap. I. text. TRANSLATION. 4 j- Hv s Ave/jaey 5, fl£7fV. Peter. 45 El&Ts.i Qfaimns t Na^a- 46 Philip findeth Nathanael, \, j: »' 1 jf_S f-, i, - ', and laith unto him, We have ^ , A*^ T. . , _• found him of whom Mofes in M t5 I««p write> Jf", of Nazareth the , , , p, , \ * Ion or Joieph. 7»» ^m N^ctp^. 47 K* **» 4_ And Nathanael faid un- «Lt& Nx^avanA- Ex. Na^ape}- iii- to him, Can there any good va ' ,(,.•» . ■' , ' 9 thine come out of Nazareth ? rcq m «>«*,, mM); Aijft «M phllfp fa)th unw hinij Come $/Ai,7r7r(y)J* Ep^V >& i'^. 48 Ei- and lee. fa 0 IjktouJ to» NafcvaJjA gpvo- 4» Jefus faw Nathanael , j >,J/V, coming to him, and faith of ^«voy rar£?5 ttI>7t'j *> *«>« "Ofe* «u" 'him, Behold an Ifraelite io- t5- lJfe •Ah'tus Jtr^tnA/TJi?, ci a deed, in whom is no guile. rti/rs ^j, •' +'' '}~s 49 Nathanael faith unto dbAuS^ Qrtc e ,,TU , n , w it "lm» Whence Jcnowelt thou Na^avaiiA' no?*' A« yiiaw.ua A- me? fefus anfwer'd and faid W3« 5 Iacrous, ?cc4 «a«f aiizS- un,!° h,im> B,cfore, that ?hiliP , „, • , „. „ ' call d thee,when thou wait un- Iles TV or QiKiTfTni iYi j ' ? faith unto him. Rabbi, thou art *e^Na>ya>,A, *aj A«W art* the Son of God, thou art the Pa££i, otJ u 0 \.\os tv ®ev, u o King of Ifrael. /2a<7iA^'f t5 WjmA. ci AwiJcei- Ji Jefus anfwer'd and faid , * , „ ,. , unto him, Becaufe I laid unto 3d IwVs * / „ , j ili fee greater things than thefe. rnvrtvus ; fruCa TV-mi o-Li. JzKou . , , f ■ , , / , 9 - r ~ ^2 x^nd he faith unto him, A«y4 atln^- Ajtwiy «piy /\ey& v/xu' Verily verily I fay unto you, AW ANNOTATIONS. ( g) For it appears from the hiftory of the other Gofp«Is, that when Jefus be- gan the more Publick part of his Miniftry, viz. after the Imprisonment of the Baptift, Ho had no Difciple then attending him; but Andrew^ and Peter, and John were following their Own Trade, as Matt. 4. 18, Sec. (h) For Nathanael is mention'd John 2 1 . 1. with Peter, and Thomas, and our Evangelift 7»^*> and his brother Janes ; fo that it may be realbnably infer'd thence, S.John, Chap. I. 17 PARAPHRASE. Philip was of Bethfaida, the City of Andrew and Peter: IVhich our Evangelift Jeems to take Notice of in order to bint unto us, How Thilip was made a Difciple ofChrift ; Namely, it is probable that Andrew and Peter (with John) being become Tfifciples of thrift at Bethabara, when Chrijl went thence, went along with him into Galilee, their Own Coun- try, and there met with their Town/man Philip, whom they presently acquainted with their Happinefs in having found themselves the MeJJias, and forthwith brought Thilip to Jefus ; who knowing the Good T>JpoJi- tion of his Heart, and not Unlikely having had fome 2)ifcourfe with him whereby he further confirmed him, that He was the MeJJias, order d him to become his Follower for the (g) prefent, which accordingly Thilip rea- dily did; and not only fo, but withal becomes Injlrumental to the bring- ing of another 7)ifciple to Chrift. m 4.6" For Philip finds Nathanaei, who is very probably thought to have AndNtihMaH been the fame, that was otherwife call'd (h) Bartholomew ; and fays unto or «"**•'•»«»• him, We have found Him, /. e. the t3fejjiast of whom Mofes in the Law and the Prophets did write: for we are fully convinc'd that Jefus of Nazareth the Son of Jofeph is the [aid MeJJias. 4*7 And Nathanaei knowing that the MeJJias was to be born at Bethlehem, and being wit hall Jome how prejudiced with an III notion of Nazareth, laid unto him, Can there any Good thing or Terfon, ejpecially the MeJJias, come out of Na- zareth? Philip faith unto him, Come and fee. 48 Jefus faw Nathanaei coming to him, and lays of him to them that were prefent, and in Na- tbanael's own Hearing, Behold, here comes an Ifraelite indeed, *. e- One who is truly (1 ) of the Ifrael of God, i. e. in whom is no Guile or Hypo- crifj, but a Sincere De/ire to know and do the Will of God. 49 Natha- naei fays unto him, Whence knoweft thou/o much ofM.t,fince 1 dare fay you never Jaw me Afore? Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto him, Before that Philip call'd ihee, when thou waft under the Fig-tree, I law thee : and therefore as This is fuffcient to Jhew you, how much you were mi' Jlaken in thinking I had never feen you Afore 5 Jo from hence you may eajily infer, that I may alj'o Know you thoroughly. 50 Nathanaei an- fwer'd and laith unto him, Rabbi, I am fatisfy d by what thou haft al- ready J aid, that thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Ifrael, /. e. in one word, the Meffias. si Jefus anfwer'd and faid, Becaufe I faid unto thee, I faw thee under the Fig-tree, believeft thou me to be the MeJJias ? Thou (halt fee Greater things than thefe, to convince or con- firm thee further in the faid Belief. 5-2 Aud he fays unto him, Verily verily I fay unto you my jDt/ciples here prefent, that Hereafter you fhaU ANNOTATIONS. i8 S.John, Chap. I, II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Att' aott o'^e t Kpctvov iawy>U, & Hereafter you (hall fee heaven , / , T -• ~, P i V < open, and the angels of God TV? «/y»A*s ry ©e* «MGauvov&* $ alcending and defcending upon ^aCau'voy^ 'fib' t i|ai ? uiOpattV. the Son of man. pi Tr \ ~ ' i ~ / Chap. II. Kep.G. Koq T« «/iff T^T^' And the third day there was t? }<*/"(§)-' e>«»e7B o* K*va ths a marriage in Cana of Galilee; „ . . ) i . * r > un ~ r and the mother of Jefus was lA\l\0U0H- K&\ UO X piTVip TV IH- j J ox>cT c-*|. 2 Ek.Am9h i ciutoJ as td» j^oov, 3 K«j usspjWvr©" oiW, Ae'yw i /tw*Tnp tS Lktdo /a^js au- tev ■ Otvov QOc ?^« yuasqj V7ra yiku y a>pa fi\f. f Ae- yu >j (jurtYip au75cJ tdTs a/vy.)Wi|oi5 • O, *n av Aey? "£"» wboiowt*. ««Vev«f H*mv tdv K*>e^» T$/ % water-pots of ftone, after 1 ] ' ' , the manner or the ' walhing oi hvfoiLiai, ^u^ZsO] etva ^eTpnTOS the Jews, containing two or Jb'o A Tp£s. 7 A«y« ««wTj o IN-, three firkins apiece. , , , , „. ^ Jefus laith unto them, Fill rous- re^f^ii toj v^&iflcc u and *carry ■i'Jw , jc<4 was made wine, and knew not ; , , ^, , '„ , whence it was, (but the ler- '&i\ oi S\i Sj&iuvoi M^eioav oi vants which drew the water wtXujcoW to U^p) ^ava tb'v vua- knew) the governor of the fealt , , , , -. , call'd the bridegroom, q>tn o ap^iT^JtAiv©-', io Kotf lo And faith unto him, E- Aeyu olvt$ • HoLt *ify»w©- «f»- very man at the begrnning 701 vited, and his difciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jefus faith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jefus faith unto her, Wo- man, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. 5 His mother faith unto the fervants, Whatfoever he faith unto you, do it. 6 And there were let there S.John, Chap. I, II. 19 TEXT. TRANSLATION. W lit XStAov otvo» ti'Sjiot , **} 0. doth fet forth good wine ; and «, , , , , when men have well drunk, ■n*? fiiiJvcdttiJi , 'nn 70 v ETutwa' then that which is worfe : but an PARAPHRASE. fee Heaven open, and the Angels of God afcending and defending upon or unto the Son of Man, or on his Account, and at his Command., which was literally verify d at his Agony in the Garden, and at his Refurreffion, and Afcenjion; not to add the Deliverance of Teter out ofTrifon by an Angel, and the like. Chap. II. And the third day, from the time that there pafs'd, between ci„.;ft ,'„„„ Va. Jefus and Nathanael, what is related in the end of the foregoing Chapter, *« in.to w>™ « there was a Marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the Mother of Jefus was^'"* mGMa' there, i And both Jefus was invited, and his Difciples af ore-mention d in Chap. 1. namely, All or Some of them, to the Marriage. 3 And when, by reafon {as is probable) of the Company being bigger than was expeffed, at length they wanted Wine, the Mother of ]efus knowing him {as is probable) to have, before his Entring on his Miniftry, exerted fame times his "Divine Tower to relieve the private Wants of his Friends, privately fays unco him, They have no Wine left 5 intimating her Defire that He would Mir aculoufly help her Friends in this their Exigency. 4 Jefus fays unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee in this refpecl ? i. e. It is not proper for you, tho' my Mother, to direSl me any wije m things re- lating to the Exerting of my Divine Tower : My hour, or the proper Sea- fon for to do this by performing Miracles, is not yet come; nor is the matter you are fo much concern d about, of fitch moment as to deferve a Miracle. However, Jince you have mentwid it, and intimated your De- file to me, / pall for this once Not. refufe to gratify you. s H's Mother lakh unto the Servants, Whatfoever he faith unto you, do it. 6 And there were fet there fix Water-pots or Cifterns of Stone, after or in com- pliance with the manner of the Wafhing of the Jews, viz. of their Wajh- ing their Hands before they eat, and aljo their Cups before they ufe them, and the like, containing two or three firkins apiece. 7 Jefus fays unto them, viz. the Servants {as v. 5.) Fill the Water-pots with Water. Antt they fill'd them up to tbehnm. 8 And he fays unto them, Draw out now, and carry what yon draw to the Governor, i. e. chief Direftor or Manager of the Feaft: and they carry'd it. 0 When the Governor of the F call: had tailed the Water that was made Wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the Servants which drew the Water knew) the Go- vernor of the Feaft call'd the Bridegroom. 10 and favs unto him. Eve- 20 •S. John, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ox> nnv\p\X9LS r %g.toi otvov 'eat kpn» ii Towdu> i7nnoi t i-fytco t? 78 :ni^ t IV- Jki«», 19 etyeb)i ets It&oihvfM, 0 Ih- ovs. 14 Kauj tufti h iu> lep&i TtfS S?P*$, x> TVS JUp^utTifas H^SfA^'y** if Kotf TTDincwi ppaytWiov Ix. cwiv/av, jnxvTaj o^ebccAey q/x. y i'ep5, tbi 75 'ZS£?Cc(.TO £ TVS jSoctV £ TO» JWA- Au&gay c^e^e to xip^x, *aj tbs T£$c.7te£cc« av«<^>e\fV 16 Kaj tbTs TKS 5T?6<5T^t« ttoAvjiv e<7rcr Ag$c- tb &uTDt evVeti^sv /«) Tniwri t oi)coy ? jra7e$s (MV oijwy i/x7n>eJy. 17 E,M- Modv£ «- oM V3.Ti$ the Temple, and the Sheep and the Oxen ; and poured out the Changers out c ' eT""e!e- Money, and overthrew the Tables : 16 And laid unto them that lold Doves, and the other things aforementiond, Take thefe things hence; make not my Father's Houfe, which was defignd to be an Houfe of Prayer, or Place of God's Worfiip, an Houfe of Merchandize. 17 And his Difciples/emg this his Zeal for God's Houfe, and the great Dinger he expos' d him/elf to in thus turning out thence the Traders, remembcr'd that it was written in Pj'al. 69. to. (which Pfalm was probably underflood by the Jews themfelves to relate great part of it to the Mejfias) The Zeal of thine Houfe has eaten me up, t. e. has fo influenced me, as to make me to expofe my felfto the Devouring Malice of the IVicked, in order to make them (hew to thy Houfe the Honour due thereto. And hereby his Difci- ples were Jt ill more confirm d in their Belief of him as the Mefjias. 18 Then anfwer'd the Jews, and faid unto him, What Sign or Proof n. fheweft thou unto us, feeing that thou dolt thele things, th.it thou has! ,^b'-a f"retj"| Authority from God, as a Prophet, to do them ? 19 Jeiiis anfwer'd and Ktfum^m, un- faid unto them, Toujhall in due time deftroy this living Temple of mine, fr the Fi6ure of I. Will. Ml P.. .1 |. ■ |.»MI ■■ ■ !■— - 'I' ■ ■".! - ■_■'-■ ' ' ' L- IL. I- I -■- ■ ■ ■ ^ ^^ S.John, Chap. II, III. TEXT- TRANSLATION. T«7o», *, 'n t^mi vfumf iyifi eu. p'e> a"d in three days I will , v /j- « . *~ _ raife u up. •re*. 20 Eiw»v mw o. Ittfaior Te7cvj 21 Ex.ai»o5 <^6 eAeya 21 But he fpake of the tern- i, i/nnii ^ctcpw, x, t$ Ao- believ'd the fcriptnre, and the ya> 2 Zmi 0 Imvs. word whjch Jefus had raid- 23 ns Si ti> h lmm*i(iuis ^ -4 , H ,Now whe,n he £as in , v ,/?L, c » jeruialem at the pallover , m«n ev Tyeopiij, ttoMoi 6*t9ai^ e<5 m the feaft * tjmCj many -re ovo/ta, cu#, ' ftapSrviiS ou# t» oh- believ'd in his name, when ~ ,\ , , . , \ «i <• T ~ they faw the roiratks which fA.ua. a. i7niu. 24 Avtvs Js 0 IjkxW j^ ^ yx. '(dasvuvi louwnn ocJtoiV, Jti to etc- 24 But Jefus did not cotn- \ / / rt» „~ 't/ ' mit himfelf unto them, be- lay yiiatncui naiOu,' 2f kou on V r , , n ' ' ,.-_•• , caule he Knew all men, %euaj/ u^i not 7J5 [i&fTUfiicni ?&i 25 And needed not that any ? «vW«- 0^5 £ i»Wf 3 UX &oM %My of man: for he ' , knew what was in man. h -4 *»^p»*«. ^ ^ * chap. IIL K«p. y. H» <^f iv}-pa>770s 9 tnni JuiS- PaCC), by night, and laid unto him, »/(v • f/ »j w~'v/v a tv(\' Rabbi, we know that thou art o.Jk^v o-n ^ra ©e« jAjiAo^s ftfti- a tcachert:ome from God: for cTtaAes* ^^5 )>/) ^ti/TW. 7» cmnua. no man can do thefe miracles <\ 1 ttoius, i&v /a# y 0 ■ , , • ' r ©eo5 /-ur ou^1. 3 A7nxfi% 0 I>iff$s 3 Jefus anfwer'd and faid ^ Zmt cci^T- A^ V" ^^ «'» Unt° hum' ^n,y Ve"ly IfS ,s -, \, „ , , nmo thee^ Except a man be ecu fu» 7J5 yitnjn etva^y, 5/ 5"t«/a.- born again, he cannot fee the t«j itiii i2w frun\ti(u t5 ©eocF. kingdom of God. 4 A/y1/ S.John, Chap. II, III. 2-3 PARAPHRASE. meant) his Body, and in three days I will raife it up to Life again, and then and thereby give you an Undeniable Sign or Proof, that I have Au- thority to do what I have done in turning you out of the Temple. 20 Then iaid the Jews, [having not obfervd how he clapp'd his hand to his Body, when be J aid, Deflroy this Temple; or at leaji not underftanding what he meant either by jo "Doing or the IVords he J "poke, but thinking after all he J poke of the Temple of Jemfalem where they were) Forty and fix years has this Temple been Building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he fpake what he faid (vi$.) of the Temple of his Body, not of the Temple of Jerufa/em. 22 When therefore he was rifen from the Dead, his Difcipies rememberd that he had faid this unto them, i.e. to the Jews : and .they thereupon more firmly believ'd the Truth of the Scripture, and die foremention d words which Jefus had hid, foretelling fuch his Refurreclion, as being fully Venfy'd by his bang Actually rais'd from the Dead. 23 Now when he was in Jerufalem at the Padbver, in or during ra- the Feaft. time, Many believ'd in his Name, when they faw the Miracles believe m° je'iu", which he did. 24 But Jefus did not commit or trujt himfelf to them, but "•' f'""r'':- ■ becaufe he knew the Hearts of h\\ men; 25: and needed not that any others fliould come and teflify or acquaint him with the Deceitfulnefs of Man ; for he knew thoroughly by his own Divine Omnifcience, what Wtckednefs and Treachery was in Mm : and hereby he particularly knew, that Several of the Many that profefs'd to Believe in him, {as is men- tiorid v.7.1) did not do it on True and Solid Principles ; and therefore would quickly renounce their Faith, when they were like to come into any Danger on that Account ; and would not Stick to deliver him up to the IVill and Malice of the Chief Pi lefts, and others of the Great Sanbediin : for which Reafon, he did not commit himfelf {as is faidv- 25.) or trujt himfelf with them [0 Far, as to put it into their Power to deliver him to his Enemies, forafmuch as his Hour or the Time of his Suffering was not yet come. Chap. III. Now among them that believ'd in Jefus at this Feaft, there hr . *v- .. was a man of the Pharilees, nam'd Nicodemus, a Ruler of the Jews, 1. e. C0JL with At. One of their Great Sanhednn or Supream Court. 2 The fame, tho' he ™itm*>- was not yet fo Stanch or Stout a Believer, as to dare openly to profe/s him- J elf Such, yet was a Sincere Honeft man, and conjequently One to whom Chrift knew be could commit himjelf Jafely, and let know where he might come to him by night ; who accordingly came to Jefus by night, and laid unto him, Rabbi, We know, i.e. I as well as fever al others are con- vine d, that Thou art a Teacher come from God: for no Man can do • Ua^ \li 1 i-i^!a« rnit J I 'iw An a i.4t Cl^A ko mifU I-Ji.t. T „.*• ,£,...„ X4 S. John, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4 Atfu •s>f>oi ecu-rev o Htxofafjus- n«s 4 Nicodemus faith unto f,' i\ " n c^ i 'i him, How can a man be born Jbi*3 he cannot enter into jKafes, * *yw)ijtuyoy ex £ 6 Tnat whicn lsborn of the - ry> , s /■" , flefli, is fleih ; and that which capKof , oapS 69i- & to ^vy^voy ex ]s born of lhe Splnt) is f[Jirit y 7n{M,%s, mtv/Mx ij few- 1 Marvel not that I faid un- i but canft noj * 'o •/ <2\ ~"« >r ' •/ • < whence it cometh, and oi Jiis 7n>7sv ep^J $ WV t;7ra{/ei* a-ras i , p p Nicodemus anfwer'd and 9 Attsk^m UixcSvtios x, uim <9» o Ino-vs x, «?nv ctwd- Zu « o St- Unto him, Art thou a ma- cTbt'o7caA(S^ PARAPHRASE. fee the Kingdom of God : intimating hereby, that as the Whole reyuir'd of a Man to fit him for the Kingdom of God might injhort be denoted by his being Born again ; fo the Change to be made by any Man, in re/peff of his Corrupt Shifull State of Nature, was to be no Lefs than what may be fitly flyld his being Born again. 4 #Nicodemus mifunderflanding Je- fus, as if he had meant Literally a Natural or Common Birth, (ays unto him, How can a Man be born when he is Old? can he enter the fecond time into his Mother's Womb, and be born ? y Jefus anfwer'd, Tis fo evident that a Man cannot be bom again the way you mention, that tis Jlrange youjhould think I could mean fo : and it is fo ufual for you Jews to fay of your Profeljtes, when tbey are Baptiz'd, in Token of their be- coming Such, that they are then New Born ; that it is no lefs Jlrange you fhould not rather think, that what I faid of being Born again, was to be underftood in a like Figurative Senfe. Indeed fVater-Baptifm is a very Troper Rite for Initiating Pro/elytes, or Admitting them into your Church \ S. John, Chap. III. zy PARAPHRASE. Church; and therefore I ' defign the fame Ritejhallbe retain' d for /idmit* ting Per Jons into the Chriftian Church ■ What you Jews are to blame in, is this, that you rely Too much on this Outward Rite of Water- Baptifm, which denotes only the IVafhing away of your Sins, and your Renouncing your former Evil courfe of Life ; and neither do's nor can this Baptifm of tt felf enable you to lead Holy Lives for the future, which yet is abfo- lutely nece[fary to Salvation. Such Inward Spiritual Strength is to be re- ceiv'd only by receiving the Holy Spirit ; for which reafon, fuch as being duly Qualify'd Jhall be admitted into the Chrijlian Church by Baptifm, Jball, together with their Baptifm, receive fuch a meajure of the Holy Spi- rit, as fljaU enable them, if they will make ufe of it, to lead Holy Lives for the Future. Wherefore I fay infhort, Except a Man be Born of Wa- ter in Baptifm, and thereby receives of the Spirit a New and Holy Prin- ciple of Life, by means whereof hejhall attually live an Holy life, He can- not enter into the Kingdom of God. 6 That which is born ofthe Flefh, is Flefh, i. e. by being born of their Natural Parents Men can receive or partake of only Natural Strength and Abilities, fuch as can enable them to perform the Operations of a Natural Life; and therefore could <31en be born never fo often of their Natural Parents, it could avail them no- thing to the fitting of them for the Happinefs of a Supernatural and Heavenly Life: and that which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit, i.e. Tt is only from the Spirit of God, which Chrijlians receive at their Baptifm, that they receive Grace or fuch Spiritual Strength, as enables them to lead Spiritual or Holy Lives, and fo to become fit for Spiritual and Eternal Happinefs. 7 Marvel not that I faid unto thee, Ye muff have fuch a Change wrought in you by the Operation ofthe Holy Spirit, that ye may be fitly J aid to be Born again, and become New Creatures : for that fuch a great Change may be wrought by the Holy Spirit, tho' the faid Spirit be Jnvifible, may be illuflr ate d to you from Common Inflances. 8 Form' Bance, The Wind bloweth where it lifteth ; and altho' thou can ft not fee it, yet thou hearcft the Sound thereof) and often feefl Great effecls done thereby, but canft not tell whence it comes, and whither it goes: fo is it with every one that is born of the Spirit ; altho' no one can fee the Spirit himfelf nor difcern how, by the Operation of the faid Spirit, a Bad man is chang'd or converted to a Good man ; yet the Change, when made, is as Great and as Manifefl in refpeSl to the Purpojes of a Spiri- tual and Eternal Life ) as is the Change made by a Mans Natural Birth, in refpeSi to this his Natural and Mortal Life. 9 Nicodemus being ujed as a Jew to the Objervance and Confideration of Outward and Vifible Rites only or chiefly, could not readily apprehend this Dif courfe of our Saviour's concerning the Spiritual and fnvilible Oberaiions of the Hah 16 S. John, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. y ytvamui ; 1 1 kfuhl ci(ilu> tela avi, on o o'ifoifdp T^Aou/wV, fcot| o TE4 gcuHX , '7TlTiV0'tTi ^ 13 tGeCx 0 QA. TV ygjcvo J J^TO-CxS , TV cty^paTT ) Vepici) ■ [toy. 12 El iftV- U fJLH t , 0 M 1^05 \ 14 Koq *£%>* Ma>or,$ v-\>uat tdi y ay^-ponry ij" '/y<* 7ras 1 0 TTC'jEuav e<5 ottTsv, #>j ^otAhtoj, «A\ )b yynmavt 0 ®ios 16 Ov 1 ^aUo ccitfvioy rcy jcoo^toy, cm TV Toy /wvovtyvi ed&>- ^trAwtoj, aAA IjOV Vv* ^>vo>4yx >uy, «»* wa5 0 Tnreuay us ewizi /<» ^TraAMTaj, «.AA \"YY) ^atw oua- vtov. 17 Oy )0 «7nTe<\e 0 ©eos -f qoy awry eis to* koojaqi , '/yet x.£jv»j fter of Ifrael, and knoweit not thefe things ? 1 1 Verily verily I fay unto thee , We fpeak that we do know, and teftify that we have feen; and ye receive not our wnnds. iz If I have told you earth- ly things, and ye believe not, how ftuil ye believe, if I tell yon of heavenly things? 13 * Namely, No man hath afcended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 14 And as Mofes lifted up the Serpent in the wildernefs, even fo mult the Son of man be lifted up: 15: That whofoever belie- veth in him, fhould not perifh, but have eternal life. 16 For God fo Jov'd the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him, fhould not perifh, but have everlafting life. 17 For God lent not his Son into the world to condemn \ 701 ANNOTATIONS. (w) It has been long fince obferv'd by Learned men, that as the Hebrew \ is us'd in very many Senfes in that Tongue ; fo in conformity the correfpondent Greek *.- I 8 O TWiiUiOt us OJiTVI, V tu\, on fxn TtiTTiTui-ai us tv oio,ua, V /Mioywvs ify iT ©e5- i? Autm efts ffZy « Kfiais, on th ;<7ttV 01 CtV^pfflTTBI /W-aMoy to (77COTOS $ to pas' Za- y ttdvu^cx ocoToy to epja. 20 Has £> 0 tpajuT^g. -T2£y.owi, (juo-$ to S' Xj Vk if^Touj «> «7i e» ©ea «' & ix\ hlTflCi f4.il aUTOV, x) iCa.7(ll^i». 7.1 Hi JV & laaans fanA't^ai ii Ai- »av, ilyi>s y Xa.hu fz, o-n v Sella, Tivh- Age lu> c/KU' xj <7->>e>4yoV78 x) iQa.'Bi- £oy£. 24 Ouwta >S k£ (liQhr\[jdns 14$ t (pyAotx,*lv 0 I«xyy»j. the world ; but that the world thro' him might be fav'd. 18 He that beheveth on him, is not condemn'd ■: but he that believeth not, is con- demn'd already , becaufe he hath not_believ'd in the name of the only begotten Son of God. ip And this is the condem- nation, that light is come into the world, and men lov'd dark- nefs rather than light, becaufe their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doth evil, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, left his deeds fhould be reprov'd. 21 But he that doth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifefl, that they are wrought in God. 22 After thefe things came Jefus and his difciples into the land of Judea, and there he tar- ry 'd with them, and baptiz'd. 23 And John alfo was ba- ptizing in Enon, near to Salim, becaule there was much water there: and they came, and were baptiz'd. 24 For John was not yet call into pnfon. iS Eytwv ANNOTATIONS. proceeded from the fame Evil Spirit that at firfl fedue'd Adam and Eve. And on their Addrefs to God by Mofes for a Remedy, God order'd the Image of a Ser- pent to be fet on a Pole, to denote that tho' the Devil had caus'd them to Sin in Murmuring, and fo had bit or bruis'd as it were their Heels ; yet the Devil's Power fhould be One day dejlroyd by the Death of Chriil on the Crofs, the Seed of the Woman that (hould bruife his Head, according to Gen. 3. iy. Compare alfo Revel. 11.9. and Coloff. x. iy . Tis very ftrange that any judicious Terfon fhould think k S.Jobn, Chap. III. 19 PARAPHRASE. condemn the World or Men for their Sins already pasl, or to Encreafe their Guilt, and Jo their 'Damnation, by their Refufing to believe in his Son ; but that the World thro' him might beSav'd. 18 He that believes on him, is not, orjhall not be condemn'd : but he that believes not, is con- demn'd already, namely, by the very Tenor of the Go/pel Covenant now offer d to Men, becaufe he has not belie v'd in the Name of the Only be- gotten Son of God ; and the Jaid Go/pel do's condemn All fuch, or exclude them from Eternal Happinefs. ip. And this is that which aggravates the Sin of Unbelievers, and Jo renders the Condemnation of them moB juft, viz. that the Gojpel as a Light which plainly pews Men their Duty, and what they mufl do to be Sav'd, is come into the World; and fuch Men lov'd to continue in Darknefs, or the Ignorance of their Duty, rather than to come to the Light of the Go/pel by Embracing it, becaule they did not come to for fake their Deeds, or former Tratl/ces, which were Evil. 20 For every One tbat do's rejolve to continue his Evil courfe of Life, hates the Light of the Gofpel, neither comes to the Light thereof by em- b) acing and confidenng it, left his Evil Deeds fhould be reproved thereby in [0 plain and reafonable a manner, as that He could not but be Afbama thereof, or at leafl terrify d and dijlurb'd with the Fear of thofe JuB and Dreadful Tunjhments, which are therein denouucd againft fuch Evil Deeds. 21 But he that do's obey the Will of God, and live as the Truth of the Go f pel requires, willingly comes to the Light, or embraces the Go- jpel, that his Deeds may be made manifeft to Himfelf, by comparing them with the Rules of the Gojpel, that they are wrought in God, 1. e. are agreeable to the Will of God, and conjequently fuch as He may take Comfort in, and ground on them a Rational Hope of Ever la fling Life, by the Gracious Terms of the Gofpel. Such was the Divine Difcourfe which our Saviour had with Ntcodemus : IVhat Influence it bad on him, our Evangelist has not told us ; Only He takes Notice of him again Chap. 7. yo. and alfb that he affifted Jofeph of Arimathea in the Burial of our Lord after his Crucifixion ; which Jliews that He at the leafl flill kept his Terfwafion, that CbriB was a Teacher come from God, as v. 2. v 22 After thefe things came Jefus and his Difciples from Jerufalem, chr.d go's from into fome other part o/"the land of Tudea, and there he tarry'd with them,-'.cruUl"r t0, and many others became his Dijaples, and by his (0) Order were baptiz. d in judn. by fome of his former Difciples. 23 And John the BaptiB alfo was ba- ptizing in Enon, near to Salim, becaufe there was much Water there: and they, /'. e.fome of the People came to him, and were baptiz'd of him. 24 For John was not yet call into Prifon. 2j Then A XT XT r\ T A T T r\ VT C ?o & John, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2 j" Eyvtt-ro ouxj tymms 6a "n>*9o» rS'£?5 TDK \d!(L,iltU , X.5C) M97DV 06OTO$- PaC- C\, OS III $ ff£ 7T6^t» TV Iop2C¥¥>1S X.0CJ 61" 71*1' Ou ^ularot) otv^paTT^ te,u- £*yeT$ 6a t£ fe^voJ. 28 Autdi V/ue.\{ fjuii /itcLpTupuT* on U7nt% Oux uyu iya a X&7>$ , aM. o-n otTTE- 29 O e^yy T>jy yu^s yjj axtfaiy ouitdc), ^p* V^P8* Ji ^rtgjc, a ifin 7n7rA>jp&>^). 30 Ext(- voy In ao£«.ye«v, g^ JM eAa.TJWcQa). 31 O ava^sy epp^iuV(^'> t^aya mw- iai 't&v 0 iei 6a TKi yys, 6a its yvii '6%i, jyu 6a £ '/ns 7&*.\% 0 et 2j- Then there arofe a que- flion between fome of John's difciples and *a Jew, about purifying. 26 And they came unto John, and faid unto him, Rab- bi, he that was with thee be- yond Jordan, to whom thou bareft witnefs , behold , the fame baptizeth, and all men come to him. %-\ John anfwer'd and faid, A man can receive nothing, ex- cept it be given him from hea- ven. 28 Ye your felves bear me witnefs, that i faid, I am not the Chnlt, but that I am fent before him. 29 He that hath .the bride, is the bridegroom : but the friend of the bridegroom , which ftandeth and heareth him, rejoyceth greatly, be- caufe of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is ful- fiU'd. 30 He mufl increafe, but I muji decreale. 31 He that cometh from a- bove, is above all : he that is of the earth, is earthly, and fpeaketh of the earth : he that TV ANNOTATIONS. V. ay. fSo it is read in Alex, and great Number of other MSS. as alfo in Syr. and Perf. Verfions; and in Eufebius, Chryfoftoro, Theophylact, Euchym. and Nonnus. Indeed it is much more likely that l*itu* fliould be turn'd into luiuitn, than u$Mt» into lsJ^'aj and therefore intaiu fcems to be the true Original Reading. (/>) See S.John, Chap. III. 3i PARAPHRASE. 2j Then there arofe a Queftion or Dijpute between Tome of John's D,rVI' Difciples and a Jew, about the Uffuhefs or Efficacy of Johns Baptifm theVaiidhy^otEf- to the Purifying of thofe that receivd it. For the Jews urg'd, that iftheficicyoi J'hn't the Baptijm perform d by John were of Sufficient Validity to Purify, then "/" what needed Any one to be baptiz'd with the Baptifm of ChriH ? which yet John was Jo far from Oppofing , as that he rut her Ownd it to be NeceJJary. 25 And they, 1. e. the Baptijl's 'Difciples not being Able to anjwer this Objection, came unto John, and laid unto him, Rabbi, He that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou bareft witnels, behold, the fame baptizes, and in comparifon All men come to him, i. e. more a great deal come to him now to be Baptiz'd, than to you. 27 John aniWer'd and laid, A man can duly receive nothing of Tower or Autho- rity, except it be given him from Heaven. 28 Ye your felves muB bear me witnefs, that I faid, 1 am not the Chrift, but that I am fl-nc be- fore him to prepare his way, i. e. to dijpoj'e the Teople to receive and fol- low after him as their Chief Teacher and Guide. 29 Ton know that he that has the Chief and Only Right to the Bride, is the Bridegroom; but the Friend of the Bridegroom, who helps or is ferviceable to him in Gain- ing the Bride, as he do's not pretend to the Right in Her which the Bride' groom has, Jo when he Hands and hears him, viz. the Bridegroom prove Succe/sful in addreffmg to, and winning the Affections of the Bride, he re- joyces greatly becauie of the Bridegroom's Voice, or Addrejs to the Bride, proving Jo Succejsful. And Juch is the Cafe between Chriji and me : The Church of God is the Bride, and Chriji is the Bridegroom ; I am Only one lent to dijpoje as it were the [aid Bride to yield to the AddreJJes cf the faid Bridegroom, t. e. to difpofe you of the Jew^p Church or Nation to embrace the Go pel of Chrifl ; and therefore as I am as it were the Friend cf the faid Bi idegroom, fo it is my Tart as fuch to Re- Joyce that the Teople do come to Chrifl in fuch Numbeis. This my joy therefore is fulfil I'd by what you -tell me. 30 And I tell you further yet, He mult increafe more and more in the Number of his Difciples and Followers, but I mull decreafe Jiill more and more as to the Number of my Followers; it being not only Suitable to my Office to give Tiace to Him, but aljo to the Dignity of his Nature or Terjon above mine. 3 1 He that comes from above, /. rnnle/juenffa can r.f F-iimfeli tench tin hitrher '/r)nJ7ii>iei nr 3X S. John, Chap. Ill, IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. tv fo"'i atoToJ •*&« /Mpw&cu, H He that hath receiv'd his , „ <• _ » » . ,»/ ./5l.u teltimony, hath fet to his lea), iotp&ymi oti o 0eflS'*An3>i* 6#i. that God ]S true- 34 Oi >*y *T* fent, fpeaketh the words of p^am TV ©eoJ A*M« V ^W Gq£ ^ God glyeth ^ lhe fUTg^w ^<5Wiy 0 ©eos to Tirew^av Spirit by meafure unto him. ^ ',.•» ' ~.2! rJa ,!i« v«i 3.S" The Father loveth the 5^ , , ^ » ' r Son, and hath given all things 7iuv7» t«y on Tij %&& ewrod. into his hand. 16 O mrticn us T M'ov, 1M d>ii • 36 He thatbelieveth on the -,, , , , „ o ,, » Son, hath everlaiting lire: and euaiior 0 n «Mr«7»» t& m«, CWt he that believeth not the Son, o-vUtch («ke, aM.' i °'pW T* ®M{f fha11 not fee llfe ' but the 7 ,?,-'»/ wrath of God abidethon him. juya fcTT owtov. chap> jy Ke, *«} 3 He left Judea, and de- „ ' , »,.»*_ / parted again into Galilee. ctTnrATs ^*A'V &* "rf"1 r*AiAaiow. + And he muft nee(js g0 4 EJ\a J\J ttoTov ft«p>«o&«/ a/^t £ thro' Samaria. / _ « * • . • /% e y Then cometh he to a city 2a^«/««4. S Ep^3) VI 645 ttoAh r q[ Samanaj whkh ^ ^y ^ Set/Mc^w'ctj Xtfof^uo Si^*p> TiAnmoi char, near to the parcel of tv" gopfe * «*»»» Ia^€ Ia,ff>!^ ^ foTjotejIh? JaC°b S3Ve t0 hK tJS ou^i 6 Hi <$ Uy 7rn)^i tS la- 6 Now Jacob's well was (?) See CW<# a. 3, 9- (?J G». +8. %%. HMMMHHHH S. John, Chap. Ill, IV. 33 PARAPHRASE. prefent : wherefore He, wz. C/5r//? that comes from Heaven, as being God, is jujlly to be preferr'd above All the laid Prophets and 'my felf. 32 And hence it follows, that what he has feen and heard, i. e. what is mofi cer- tainly True, That He teftifys: and therefore fo far am I from being Dif- pleas'dthat he has fo many Followers, that I am on the contrary moji hear- tily concern d that he has no more, but that in Comparifon of the Generality of the Unbelieving Jews, it may befaidthat No Man receives the Tefli- mony, or the Dofirines which he teaches and teftifys, to be Necejfary to Salvation. 3 J He that has receiv'd his teftimony, has fet to his Seal, /". e. As the chief manner among Men to tejlify their Ajfurance, is by fet- ting their Seal to what they profeji themf elves to be AJJurd of; jo fuch an One has in the highefi manner teHifyd his Ajfurance, that God is True ; namely, As in making Good his Promtfe of fending the Meffias, fo alfo in that he would not fuffer Delufions to be impos'd on Mankind, by giving fuch Tower of Working Miracles to Any one, that was not what he pi 0- fefs'd Himfelf to be. 34 For //' we will be guided by the Principles of Right Reafon, which God has vouch/of 'd unto us for our Fundamental or Primary Guide, we can't doubt but He whom God has fent, in fuch an extraordinary manner as never Any Afore was fent in, fpeaks the Words of God: for God gives not the Spirit by meafure, or under certain li* mitations unto him, as he has done to All others that were ever fent by him; but without any limitation, Jo as that in this Perfon, viz. Chnft,(p) dwells the Fulnefs of the Godhead, or He has All Knowledge and other Per- feilions in Himjelf jy Injhort, the Father loves the Son, i.e. this Perfon Chrijl, and has given All things, and confequently All Power and dominion, into his hand. 36" So that here is a plain and Jim t Account of the Conditions, on which Mens Ever la fling State will depend: He that believes on the Son, i. e. Chrijl, Embracing his Gofpel, and living in Obe- dience thereto, has here on Earth a Sure Title to, and if he per/everes to the end of his Life here, jliall actually enjoy Everlafting Life; and he that believes not Chrijl to be the Son of God, and confequently is not obe- dient to him or the Rules of his Go/pel, (hall not fee Everlafting Life or Happinefs ; but the Wrath of God abideth on him for Ever, i. e. he pall be TJamrid eternally. Chap. IV. When therefore the Lord knew, how the Pharifees had cimft go''s into heard that Jefus made and baptiz'd more Difciples than John, 2 {fh.6 Sam">* ">*><*«■ Jefus himfelf baptiz'd not, but his Difciples) 3 heleftjudea, the bet-m 3"""' ter to avoid the malicious Dejigns of the Pharifees, or of the Great San- hedrin or Council that was at Jerufalem, and which conjifted chiefly of Perfons that were then Pharifees; and departed again into Galilee. 4 And to go the 'Direcl way, he mufl needs go thro' Samaria ; this Coun- try Ivin? between 7udea and Galilee, r Then comes he to a Citv of Sa- 3* S. John, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. wC- o oTw Ims wjtumus ca. t there: Jefll,s therefore being , , „.<. ,/ )/C1i ~ weaned with his journey, fat ohimocu,, cA.cCpC^'n «t»s bin Ty thus on the well : audit was TroyM. «#c k£ iati Utn. about the flxth hour- _ /i \ , ~ _ t There cometh a woman 7 Ep^t/acj yu,vi c* TM ^*j<*. 0f Samaria to draw water : Je- peia< stvTAJiffDi) U^p. Ae^ ootti o (us faith unto her, Giye me to I«^ lng,LFor his djfcjples were jxu.'ifalxi ou/tf ctTnAnAu')'^ as r wo- gone away into the city to buy " v » / \ , / meat. %-. • b c v * - ° Then faith the woman or 5<| cw> «tn$ i? y^!? « Sct^ec^eiTis- Samaria unto him, How is it nis oi) IvS**©- m 1& ifiV mZi that thou being a Jew askefl , „ „ , drink or me, which am a \vo- ouTas, fecnts ywq-MS S*£«f «. fi'ft of God, and who it is that ©e*, »d iaa£ cwtdv, *cy drink; thou would!! ha ve ask'd thmt h m>i !5&» £«». ri Ai>4 ofhiro> an,d he uou!d haveSi- , „ , ; t *i m ven e "VII1S water- ttuT^t) n -)uuv Kutitf an ivrAnAwt- n The woman faith unto ivw, **j -re 0pe«p '#J |8c#- 7T0- him, Sir, thou haft nothing to o ^ ,/ , tf. i «.„ draw with, and the well is >y ccu> s^eis to o% to £»i ; deep : from whence then halt 12 Mw ou /tta'fav a t5 ©-otTeis tho« that llvlDg water? . qd/> T '/» .> -/(v « ~ t 12 Art thou greater than *tW IcucjaG, •<* .k» ,/j» to our father jacob) whlch gave ppestp, Tcsq oiJto'j o^ aor£ eSne, xoij us * this well, and drank there- ' ' \ ' r \ q. / of himfelf, and his children, 'f etU7oJ' *«< . TO W*™ and his cattle? 13 Jefus anfwer'd and laid unto her, Whofoever drink- eth of this water fhall thirft 01 H7tti auTM* U.a.5 0 imm Ik y iiJbt- t©- t^tv, h-lnwl toAiv. 14 Os J» ft) w w TV vd&TiGy V tya K/ . p > i .. ., « .^, of the water that I fhall give Jfcoo owt^, « p, ft^o-y 6*5 oMS). hin)) flia]] never thirft: but »a* ^Vv.x to vfoup 0 ^bow *uT^, the water that I fhall give him, again : 14 But whofoever drinketh yivti- & John, Chap. IV. IS TEXT. TRANSLATION. vht- fodl be in him a well of water fpringing up into everlafting cucmoi. ],fe if Aeyi PARAPHRASE. Jacob's Well, fo call'd as being at kaft fuppos'd to have been diggd by &>», was there. Jefus therefore being weaned with his Journey, having travelld (as feems probable) from Morning till about fix in the Afternoon., fat thus wearied as he was, and without any thing at pre Jen t toRefreJlo him, on the Well : and ic was about the faxth hour, according to the Ro- man account which St John follows, and confequently it muB be about fix in the Afternoon , Chri/l being wearied with his Journey that day,- as the Evangelijl obferves in the former part of the verfe. 7 There comes a Woman of Samaria to draw Water: Jefus faith unto H;s r^'ourfe her, Give me to drink. 8 For his Difciples were gone away into the with the &»».«■;- City to buy Meat. 9 Then fays the Woman, knowing Jefus probably ""' '"8M4"' &c- by his Speech or Garb to be a Jew, How is it that thou being a Jew askeft Drink of me, who am a Woman of Samaria ? (for, as the Evangelijl here obferves, the difference between the Jews and Samaritans about matters of Religion, particularly as to what is mention d below, v. 20, is/uch, that the Jews have no Dealings by way of Friendfljip or Civility, tho' in cafe of NeceJJity they would by way of Buying and Selling deal with the Sa- maritans ; this being no more than what they would do with any Fo- reigners, even Heathens.) 10 Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto her, If thou knewtft the Gift, 1. e. the Gracious Opportunity now given thee of God, to receive the GreateH BleJJing that can be offer d thee, and who it is that fays to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldft have ask'd of him, and he would have given thee Living water. 1 1 The Woman not under- jlanding what Jefus meant by Living water, but taking the expreffion in the Senfe in which it was commonly us'd among them, namely, to de- note Frejh Running, or Spring water, juch as was in the Well, lays unto him, Sir, thou halt nothing to draw with, and the Well is deep: from whence then haft thou, i. e will you have that Living water you /peak of? from Jome other Well or Spring hereabout} 12 Art thou Greater in Wifdom or Holinefs than our Father Jacob, who gave, or digg'd for us this Well, and ejleem'd it the Bejl water in the Neighbourhood; infomuch that he drank thereof himfelf, and his Children, and his Cattle ? 1 j Je- fus anfwer'd and faid unto her, Whofoever drinks of this Water fhall thirft again: 14 But whofoever drinks of the Water that I fhall give him, (hall never thirft: but the Water that I fhall give him, dial! be 36 S.John, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. a ' j ~~J, „',-', L *>,,,.'■*. v.'.pic if The woman faith unto J ~ i "rv 9 ^ m ~ h,m> Sir> &lve methls water> As fMi rvn to vAty, »* fin iV|>a>, that I thirlt not, neither come uMX1fV»iwl&hiiT\M. 15 Ac'- hither to draw ^ ,ri, ~, f % i and comehi- lifyxfi, *, i\% h'jik. 17 Atts- ther. /n < s , i- ~-> " " n J7 The woman anfwer'd xf »3n » ><*» * «w Ou* e^ *»J)p«. and fajd j faave no h fa d Aei^ auTvi o Iviavs* Kahai uim.? Jd us faid unto her, Thou haft „. >/ « • >/ , « n^^r -Si wc'l f^id. I have no husband : r a- ■ » « ' 8 For thou haft had five iivfywi tyts- & »ti» oi 'e^«5, ax, eft oV husbands, and he whom thou «»V TVTo i\y?Hs «>»**«. i? a^ nowv.ha!t,jano' lhy h,usband: r , / n ~ r/ ln (hat laidit thou truly. otuiaS » >vn- Kupie, ^apa am <®Z3- lp The woman faith unto bud,eve ™> * worfhippers of him. , z V ) •■ a* » 1 24 God m a Spirit, and they 0 ©eos- it, TVS rs&ffKiwVi'Qu.. ttuTov, that worfhip him, ruuft wor- h mtoixA-n x. i\deia. $$ -afOTKvmn rn>P ^m in fpint and truth. , , ? , , ^. „ 2y The woman faith unto 2 j Aey« tto-^ « ytu.»- Oioffrine of the Gofpel, which whofoever embrac'd, and livd ac- cording/), Jhould thereby be advancd to Ever lofting Life and Happinefs, vohenhejhould be Freed from all Bodily Appetites or Wants, as Thirjl, and the like, is But the Woman (lill mi/underftanding Jefus, as if he fpake of fome natural or common Water, but Extraordinary in its kind, fays unto him, Sir, give me this Water you Jpeak of that I thirft not any more, neither may have Occafion to come hither to draw any more Water hence. \6 Jefus fays unto her, Go, call thy Husband, and come hither. 17 The Woman anfwer'd and faid, I have no Husband Jefus faid unto her, Thou haft well faid, I have no Husband : 18 For thou haft had Five Husbands, and he whom thou now haft, is not thy Law- ful Husband : in that faidft thou truly. 19 The Woman fays unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a Prophet. I deftre therefore to know your Opinion m the 'Difpute between Us and the Jews concerning the Tlace of God's Wotjhip. 20 For Our Fathers, as we call lhem,viz. Abraham and Jacob, worfhip'd in this Mountain Gerizim which is hard by; and ye Jews fay, that in Jerufalem is the Place where Men ought to worfhip. 21 Jefus fays unto her, Woman, believe me, the Hour comes when ye fhall neither in this Mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem worfhip the Father; forafmuch as not only both the Temple here on Mount Gerizim, and alfo at Jerufalem, Jliall be deftroyd, but a/Jo Sacrifices fhall ceaje : and therefore you fee there is the lefs Reafon for you to be concern d as to the 'DJpute between you and the Jews. 22 Howjoever, I fhall tell you, that ye Sa- maritans worfhip ye know not what, as not having Right notions of God, nor worjhipping htm in a Right way ; whereas we Jews know what we worfhip, /'. e . both know God aright, and worfhip him aright, by means of the Revelations which he made to us: for Salvation, as thereby is de- noted either the Revelation of the Way and Means thereto, or the Mef- fias the Author of it, is of the Jews ; the Holy Scriptures being reveal d to them, andChrtB being defcended of them. 23 But what is of chief Concern for you to know, is this, that the Hour comes, and now is, when thoje fhall be efteem'd the True worfhippers of God, that fhall worfhip the Father, not in this or that particular Tlace, but wherever it be,JhJl do Win Spirit and in Truth, i.e. with then Hearts and Souls, and by afincere and univer J al Obedience to all his Laws: for the Father feeketh fuch Wor- fhippers of him, by the Preaching of the Gofpel. 14. And no wonder God Jeeks J'ucb Worfhippers, forajmucb as God htmfelf is a Spirit, having no Bo- dy; and therefore they that will worlhip him Acceptably, muft worfhip him, not only with Outward Rites or Bodily Worfhip, but chiefly in theirSpi- rit,or Spiritual and Rational? 'art, wherein Alone they are L1ke to God, and Jo in Truth or Sincerity. 25- The Woman, not being fully fatisfydwith 38 S.John, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. navict. 2<$ Agye* cwtm o lupous* E)>, *n Aa- Ae«s /i«t' ootws; 28 A^vixev ouu US ^ -ffoAiv, $ Aej^ tbTs «»^-p»7n»ij' 29 AewTt, "J^Tt oiv^-p<»-7TOV oS urn '^rv 0 Xe/qis; 30 E^A^oy £y o* m$ vroAtas, X) >ip^V7B is^i outw, 31 Ev Si 7$ (LM7w|u Jip«7W» 0W7Oy 0/ /twt^oq, Ae^priW Pa££i, (pays. 32 O «iV fc»5TSy CUTOii' E>a @p5 iifius Qf)c oiJkT?. 33 EAejpy mil oj fca9)|7ot) ^ff^i aA- AwtoJs1 Mjjtjs ^yg/jce» «wgf <«> w^Ty, £^ct^cw T& oqfahiMS v/xui, Jcoq 9saaac8e ras ys>c>f> otj Ae«!(3M an 'Z5£js 5texojuoy ji'^m. 35 Kcq 0 fyt^oi, fModvi Aetjaboty^, x) ozwayi X3Lp7iiv fu$ {alio AMayioy '/fct %m| 0 «relp»y when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jefus faith unto her, I that fpeak unto thee, am he. 27 And upon this came his difciples, and marvell'd that he talk'd with the woman : yet no man faid, What feekeft thou ? or, Why talkeft thou with her ? 28 The woman then left her water-pot, and went her way into the city, and faith to the men, 2p Come, fee a man which told me all things that ever I did : is not this the Chrift? 30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. 31 In the mean while his difciples pray'd him, faying, Mafler, eat. 32 But he faid unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of 33 Therefore faid the difci- ples one to another, Hath any man brought him *any thing to eat? 34 Jefus faith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that fent me, and to finifh his work. 35- Say not ye, There are * hence but four months, and then cometh harveft? behold, I fay unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields ; for they are white already to harveft. 3 (J And he that reapeth re- ceiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that foweth, and he ojuv S.Johnt Chap. IV. 39 TEXT. TRANSLATION. o/M ^iPv>, Koui 0 %a.{w. 37 Ev that reapeth, may rejoyce to, y&f tdutu 0 Xc'y(^ '#7v 0 «A«- ' 3-7 And herein is that fay- Vf, PARAPHRASE. otherwife, or by Interpretation in the Greek Tongue, Chrift : when he is come, He will tell us All things. 26 Jefus fays unto her, I that fpeak unto thee, am he. 2-7 And upon this came his Difciples, and marvell'd that he talk'd with th? Woman : yet no Man faid, What feekeft or want- eft (hou of her ? or, Why talkeft thou with her ? 28 The Woman then left her Waier-pot, and went her way into the City, and fays to the Men, 29 Come, fee a Man which told me All things that ever I did : is not this the Chrift? 30 Then they went out of the City, and came unto him. 31 In the mean while his difciples pray 'd him, fay- ing, Mafter, eat. 31 But he faid unto them, I have Meat to eat that ye know not of. 33 Therefore, thinking Jefus had fpokjn Literally of Common Meat, faid the Difciples one to another, Hath any Man brought him any thing to eat? 34- Jefus then, to explain what he meant by Meat, fays unto them, As Neceffary and as Refrejhing as my Meat is to my Body when hungry, fo it is no lefs Neceffary and Refrejhing., or "De- lightful in my efteem, to do the Will of him that fent me, and to finifh his Work that he fent me about; Juch as is the Teaching of Men the Will of God, and Me am of Salvation. 3J Say not ye Jews that are Huf- bandmen, Proverbial//, and' by way of Encouragement to undergo the Toil of Plowing and Sowing, when ye are about it, There are hence, viz. from the Time of Plowing and Sowing, but fb„ur Months, and then comes Harveft? Behold, I fay unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the Fields ; for they are White already, fo Ripe is the Com and fit to he reap'd, or for the Harveft, 1. e. Look on yonder Multitude of Samaritans coming from Sychem to me, prepar'd to receive my InflrucJions. 3 6 And as this is the Spiritual Harvefl you are defigrid to be employ din by me as Reapers : fo, for your Encouragement in this work, J mind you, that as Common Reapers have great wages, greater than for other work of Husbandry; fo he that reaps in this Spiritual 'Harveft 'receives Itkewife great Wages; and that not only in rejpeil of the Great Happimjs hejhali have confet r'd on Htm/elf, as his Wages or Reward, but alfo in ref petit of the Great and Peculiar Satisfaction which floall arjfc to him from this, that he gathers Fruit, /'. e. has been Inftrumental to the bringing of Others unto Life eternal. And this your gathering of fruit unto Life eternal Jhall likewrfe be matter off Joy to the Sowers of the faid Fruit, i. e. the 4-0 &Job*, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Jills, 07i *M@- '#!» o carufon, **} ing t™e, One foweth, and an- „ f n >s> a r < • ' ■> otner reapeth. atoos o ^<>. b 38 E^xm *« ***' and ye are entred into their us to» xo7T0i aviai er O71 £/UTi S^cf. t aku A /to Galilee : **«. 44 Autos $> 0 Iws tftA?™- ^ For Jefus himfdf (efti. pufftv o7t (Q£2 the Galileans re- r*A»A*oi, tt**]* la^yums «, sWu- ce»v'd him, having feen all the , . . / , ~ t ~ , , things that he did at lerufalem ait ti UfunKufuMti Tj torn- x, au- at th* fcaft. for theyJalfo w£nt toI ^ >iA%i us t eopT«v. 4^ HA^sv unto the feafl. Vi I Imvs TriA.v «$ t^ Kav* ^ la- 4<« So Jefus came again in- , „ , , ( ,/ tv ^ t0 ^-ana °* Galilee, where he AiA««»«, otrv £7toi>iot to Id^p oi»o». made the water wine. And Kocj l<2 tis /3ct(nAixo5, oZ 0 there was a certain noble man, S. John, Chap. IV. 4-1 TEXT. TRANSLATION. ijos yodzm it K*7i»pvaV^. 47 Ou- t(3^ kvjO\)**'> Son. IX. oraet in- 41 S.John, Chap. IV, V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. -/ijteMe yap "£7nJiYim.ui. 48 Ei7m Jw a IhuSs 'SJCjs o»7Bv Eay /u* on- 49 Aeyi '5^5 ou>T5v 0 (8acaAixx)J- Ku£^e, jywroiCji^i btci* ^Tre^vSv to 7?tt|$W #y. yo Ae'yi ttwcfi 0 JnffSs- riop&uy 0 \\U cy £>T. Kot) '^35"tW- ci» 0 ay^p^'/TW tcj Asia &> «7I?V «*- 7$ IjioVS* fceq {-/TOpufeTO. fi Hi^l i>]eiAotf, Ae- ^pyles* O-n 0 ?rcu$ oV Q- f 2 Eot- 7JTB otw srP oc^Tay r a>pxy ey >i >W(a. •v^Ttyy eV- xj eiTroy 0 7ra,i»p '?. Jtoq jT(y-tj(Tt.^a^O-KJj 01'xix etuT(J oAvt. f4 Tv-ro sr»/>"* man at the thefda, i.e. the Houfe of Mercy, having five porches, (r) or arches, or iTthesMi'h. * other places from which One might fie p down into the faid Pool; the Ufe of which was as follows, viz. 3 In thefe lay a great multitude of Im- potent folk, of Blind, Halt, Wkher'd, waiting for the moving of the ANNOTATIONS. 44 S.John, Chap.V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. /.dpan t tv vfofloi juvmojv. 4 Ay- tm Ko^vjuCyiffct., x) iTWp*c\re to li/U*Tf. f Hv ,' i, r/ «~ \ nvera mm, air, i navei Tiov K* e#>, ^ct, ■ ora.* «p*^9^ to when the water js troubled> to i>4bbaTov. 1 1 ATOiqu'^fl auTo7«' O 770i»io3^ ,we V)«J, IKUIOi (£W» &7TEV AfOV T XfatS- CotTov o-y, & «C^7mT^ 12 Hp«- T»£ ct«/ ttuTov T«7i a^apTave, '/v* pi veT- foi 7i ffui y^^' *f A^nA^sv o av- o7i Imovs '6?iv o Tnmcvtj; awni oytYi. l6 K<*J £l£ TtfTD eSlfflJtOK t Ihovv oi' Itf Johoi, x.014 ifytvi ax»7B» ^crBJcJeoci), 07i feZm. 'anm h oxx.QQa.Ta. 17 O c^«3» ^'i6?^ ipykf o/j$j. 1 8 Aia t5td olb /UojA- XOV f^TVV 0U)7D» oi' Iv^oaoi ~&7n>Klti- yaj, 07j £ ,a«vov eAue tb okCColtoi, ^M.ct x& mrrig?. i'S^ov eAr/6 7*» ©e0» , Jfftflt tCtJUTOI 7TO»ffl» 7$ ®tcp. 19 A7tsjc£^«.t» elu/ 0 Iho-ks <# ei- •7TE» otOToTs* AfAw cifiLo Ae>3 V/MVf a $twa.Totj\ 0 \\ss 7n>tuv i

t$ ep)«!, l'»* t^/^fci $ Jouv/xa^vnt. 2i I2aOTp >^y> 0 71a- .T))p eyy'pw Ws yexf& x.*\ £ao7n>i$, him in the temple, and faid unto him, Behold, thou art made whole : iin no more, left a worfe thing come unto thee. iy The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jelus which had made him whole. 16 And therefore did the Jews perfecutejefus,and fought to flay him,becaufe he had done thefe things on the fabbath- day. 1/7 But Jefus anfwer'd them, My father worketh hitherto, and I work. 18 Therefore the Jews fought the more to kill him, becaufe he not only had broken the fabbath, but laid alfo, that God was his * proper Father, making himfelf equal with God. 19 Then anfwer'd Jefus, and laid unto them, Verily ve- rily I fay unto you, The Son cali do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Father do : for what things foever he doth, thefe alfo doth the Son like- wife. 20 For the Father loveth the Son, and fheweth him all things that himfelf doth : and .he will fhew him greater works than thefe, that ye may mar- vel. 2. 1 For as the Father raifeth up the dead, and quickneth •1 VTOt PARAPHRASE, him in the Temple, being come thither, as may be Reafonably fuppos'd, to return Thanks to God for his late Care > and faid unto him, Behold, thou art made whole : (in no more, left a worfe thing come unto thee. iy The S.John, Chap. V. 4/7 *~ PARAPHRASE. ~ If The Man now knowing that it was Jefus that curd him, and think- ing (as may be well fuppos'd) that he ought in Gratitude to make the Au- thor of fitch his Cure known, that he might have the Glory of it, departed, and told the Jews thac it was Jeiiis which had made him whole. 16 And jet jo far were the Jews from being convmcd hereby T that Jefus was an extraordinary Vet-Jon fent by God, that therefore did the Jews perfecute Jefus, and fbughc to Hay him, becaule he had done thefe things on the Sabbath-dav. ir. 17 But jefus anfwer'd them, God who is my Oivn [s) proper and ' pecu- ^^ Dir- hitherto, m Governing and Trejerving the W01 Id, and in giving Life, done- and doing all other Acls of Goodnefs and Mercy, ana that on the Sabbath, as well as on any other day : and therefore I, who am his T roper Son, Fery God of Very God, and Jo have the Jaine Divine Authority and Tower, both do and may work Ikewife, or perform Aits of Goodnefs and Mercy, and whatjoever elfe feews Good unto me, on the Sabbath-day . 1 8 But this Anfwer was Jo far from Jatisfying the Jews, that therefore the Jews fought the more to kill him, becaufe he not only had broken the Sabbath m their opinion, but laid alio that God was his Proper Father, 7. e . by Nature ; fo making himfelf of the fame Divine Nature, and con- fequently of the Jame Divine Authority and Tower, and in all thefe re- Jpecls Equal with God. 19 Then aniwer'd jefus and faid unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, that, As it is true that I am the Son of God by Nature, and fo Equal with God the Father, as to All the At- tributes of the Divme Nature, excepting only Juch as an fe from the dif- ference of Terfonahties ; So it being utterly inconfijlent with the Ter fe- ci ion of the Divine Nature, that iheie foould be any Difagree?nent be- tween the fever al Terjons in the Godhead, but that All the three Divine Terfons flmuld acl with the mojl per feci Harmony or Agreement, and fo with due Subordination OneTo the other, agreeably to their different 'Per- fonalities; it hence follows that the Son can do nothing of Himfelf, /'. e. as in Oppofttion to the Father, but what he lees the Father do, or knows the Father to Approve of : for what things foever he the Father do's, or approves of to be done, thefe alio do's the Son likewife. and confequently according to the Father's Will as well as Example. 20 For the Father loves the Son, and fhews, or communicates to Him All things that Him- felf the Father do's, or would have done: and he will fhew, or com- municate his Will to Him to perform Greater Works than thefe you have yet feen, that ye may marvel yet more, tho you will not be convincd 4-8 S.John, Chap.V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. bio ko\ o lJoS vs 'H^e* ^mo-mau. 22 OuSi y*f o 7iaTVf xtim efrfe- etMat iiw k&oii ZffcLSVt.1 / Si- v*, Sn>Y£ T$ l\Z' 23 Iv* ZiTXITii n- jjZoT, 70» t{01t YJiJciS TlfJiUITl 7B» 71CL- TE^C. 0 [M\ TlfJ3p T l\01, V TJjWt tov •m'tigy. Toy 7i«,a4« vfi* , on o mft-^a.i'n /u*, eve< £ako cuaviov* $ «s x.6» £ak» ^v, 2tj tf^Toui &&., kou itw 'f$ll, oil 01 ve>c£$i axouJovTotj tms pa»»s TV ijoJ TV ©£0O' X,0tj 01 aLXQumiTiS ^crovTet). 2 o 7ntT»p eve! £&>!«> cJ eoujt^t Vitus 'iSbiYA 27 Kaj c^Vcrta* iShiY.ii blutS )t»f xtmi -&01U1 y oTi i\oi ay^paTTOu 1^7. 28 M>j JaviMx.^m tvto* o-n epytTot( i^c ci m xstxith o» ci ibT? ^Y»(Me(of5 «JO)uo-DyTot| T»S pa- vrfs etu7B(j, 29 x.5^ c^TrepeooTjr- Tot| oi i» aja^a wmi warns , us avafaaiv £«»!$ * 01 S\ to pai/Aet i2£jfJZea/ht but is pafs'd from eternal Death unto eternal Life, z? Verily verily I fay unto you, The Hour is coming and now is, when feveral of the Dead (hall hear the Voice of the Son of God ; and they that hear (hall live, as the Widows Son of Nain,Jairus' s "Daughter, Lazarus, and thofe that arofe out of their Graves at our Saviour's Refurreilion. x6 For as the Father has Life in Himfelf, as the Fountain of the Godhead, fo has he given to the Son, even as Man, to have Life in himfelf, ;. e. fo as to give Life in this World to whom he will, by raifing them from the Dead; 27 and has given him Authority to execute judgment alfo on his Enemies even in this World, which accordingly jhall be executed on your Nation in due time by the Dejlruilion thereof for their objiinate Unbelief; and this Authority has the Father given the Son, becaufe he is become the Son of Man, and as fuch flail condejcendjl ill further even to the Death of the Oofs for the Redemption of Mankind. 28 And yet marvel not at this I have already told you, I having flill that to tell you which is more Marvellous : for the Hour is coming, in the which all that are in the Graves dial] hear his Voice, 29 and being rais'dto Life, fhall come forth of their Graves, and Jhall All be Rewarded or Puwftid by my Sentence; viz. they that have done Good jJ:aU come forth of their Graves unto the Refurredlion of Life, i. e. Jhall after their Refur- reilion be rewarded with eternal Life; and they that have, done Evil, and dyd without due Repentance thereof , JJjall come forth unto the Re- furredtion of Damnation, /'. e. jhall after their Refurreilion be damn a unto eternal Torments. 30 I can (as /Jaid afore v. 19) of my Own felf, as in Oppofition to the Father, do nothing of thefe Marvellous Par- ticulars, which I have told you, from v. 24 to v. 29 : No, as I hear or SO S.John, Chap.V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ny from Man : but thefe things I lay, that ye might be fav'd. 3? He was a burning and a fhining light i and ye were willing for a feafon to rejoyce in his light. 36 But I have greater wit- 4 S *fiais i I/mS *««'* Stt> %n V Jn13 and.my judgment is juft ; be- Vnyw>*n f~> ^ v- ^ a ^ caufe I leek not my own will, 70 tsAm^u* TvifMifCtfaoLTojiMna-V but the will of the Father vAn-UnU v m-r?'os. 31 E*v W which hath fern me. 7» m7 T < n , ' 31 If I bear witnefsof my M*fh?u '$& tf*cw^f « /Mfiufia, /Cty K* feifj my Wltnefs .ft not true. e'waAnOk 32 AMos tdv 0 ftHflvfai 32. There is another that r \ , ~ , -j-tv rr » ^ cv 1 »/x, e beareth witnefs of rrie, and I *fe* tftv, x, oiJk on ciAndns 6#» » know that the witnefs whkh fioiflvfU >)» /uoLf%p§ >z&t if*v. 33 T* he witnelfeth of me is true. ~ » '. i(m.?e ai&Mia- »S?»of '3^5 a'ptt? ci t© pam ottTtf. . ,. 1 *? .; u 1 / '> ~ nels than^*/of Tohn: for the jf.£>a ft e^ t mfluiiu t**C>* TV works which the Father hath Iaayvv t» ^«p ep>« a «<$W ^wi 0 to- given me to finifh, the fame < ti N / »2J ' '' _j •' works that I do, bear witnefsof ^p «• oi Ahoku <*t», »m w ^ ^^ the j^ hath fint me ol £) tath bora ,,, , , , witnefs or me. Ye have no- •^04 we aa/xp, xotos (Mftct.fjufyite tste< ther heard his voice at any e>£. #n paw ca# a;uf>co*76 otttotj, «me> "or ften his * appearance. •1 *irt-' ,-0 * •■'•; „ T^ 1 « 38 And Ye h376 not n's VT6 £4«Tb5 «^ ta>&wn. 38 K*)T word abiding in you: for AoJov ei# *Ve;*TS (C^o»& ev o^tuv ott whom he hath fent, him ye ,\ , 1 . , ~ / « ~ • believe not. cv a7n9«Ae» txtmi, t^to, vftu SMia- ^ ^^ {he fcriptoreS) for 5tu£"n. 39 EpfcuvaTt iws ^ctipas, o'n in them ye think ye have eter- <~.~ , »~^\ »/ tial life, and thev are thev „ ,,«.'/» » ^ c» which teftify of me.. «^«v it, ejc(u»oii « «a eA>iAi/}a. h t$ oyo- pum * mn^oi fiV, Kf V AcCjMbetveTe /ue* e&y etMoS eA9>( ey 7$ 010/na.Tt 7$ i Jto, ex.«vov A>i'4*o3e. 44 n«s <^'v*- cQe u^ua $ Trrreuooj, Sb%cw «rW ctMM- Aay Aa^CetvovTif, x> t Jo'|o* t $?-£* ? iOo»y ©eS « £vi7em; 47 M>i x.«i? o7i tjV im'JVJt'Ti MoHty, 'QfrtlUtTt dLV 6/WOI • 'Z^i >b £,a5 Ijceiyos e^a^y. 47 Ei J^ 7oT« £X.6jW -^LfJ^AO.dV) «' 9nre«m, ots 7bTs e^twis pyii*BLai 7n??uai7e; Kep. S". M6T» &ut» etTfJiA^sy 0 In > ittfui CUbTVO TO (THfltiOL O. t7n>iU 'Qn 7^/ a'cd"evoi;y7»y. 3 AyJjA^s cTfe «5 73 Op@-' 0 I» From a lit- tle before the PafTover that was in the thirty third year of Christ's Life, or A. D. 31, To a little before the Feaft of Tabernacles, which was in the thirty fourth year of his Life, or A. D. 32. Which Particulars take up Chap. VI. 1 — VII. 1. of this Gofpel, and confifi chiefly of our Saviour's Miraculous Feeding about Five thoufand, {which is alfo taken Notice of by AU the other Evangehfisy and fo ferves to Jhew the Con- nexion of the Hiflory of our Saviours Miniftry gz'twz by this Evangelifi, with the Htftory of the Same given by the Three other Evangelifis) and of the Difcourfe which was Occafiond thereby^ which is wholly Omitted by the other Evangelifis. Chap. VI. With the end of the foregoing Chapter, ends that Large Sup- chris 'mi***, plement, which St John our EvangeliB has given us to the Three former l,ufly f"dl saco Go/pels, in reference to the Fnji part of our Saviour's Miniflry, viz. be' in fore his beginning to Preach in Galilee after the imprtfonment of the Ba~ ptifl. For After thefe things which are related, in the foregoing Chapter ; the Baptift being now put into Prifon, Our Saviour go's into Galilee, and begins to preach Repentance; as is related by the other three Evangelifis t who having given a fuffcient Account of our Lord's Miniflry during his /lay in Galilee, after this his Coming thither, till he left Galilee to come to the Feajl of Tabernacles ; therefore our Evangelifl St John takes Notice but of One Particular during All that lime, which is ai'Jo taken notice of by the Other Evangelifis as to the Matter of the Miracle, andfome other Circumftances, but not as to the 'Difcour/e occafion'd thereby, and fotne other Circumjiances, which therefore St John thought fit to Add here. The Twelve App/i/es then being return d {t)from their Firjl Miffon, Je- fus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is othet -wife call'd the Sea of Ti- berias, from the City of that Name flanding on the South-weft part thereof. 2. And a great Multitude follow'd him, becaufe they faw the 5-4. S- John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ± H» H \Fyia to myc, i, lo?T» to* 4 And tb-e paflbver, a feaft Zi-.. ± , ^ t< , ~ . i of the Jews, was nieh. Iyfruav. ; E«apa< yy o I»- &J eyes, and faw a great com- -v »/ .W # -a > ' ' % ' j pany come unto him, he faith At* ^A©- ifxO ^ *»™; *«>4 unto Philip, Whence fhall we »,. k *>* »*»t hi^rthsc tf (Tyre <& eAe>« ■aretQpC.m outim, what he would do) mths y*f fa tt e'^AAe 7n»«v) , 7 Philip anfwer'dhim,Two .'»„,._ . ' . hundred penny-worth of bread 7 ATiiKtim cui-4 $&£?• 8 Ae^( ao-raj) us cA. r fix- drew, Simon Peter's brother, a. ~ »'V * n ' r ' r^„^ ■*'' faith unto him, 3»t»v cuv,. A'<^ « *Mp« Sj, p There isa Where, which ftaios ne7^y 9 E ' > * *• ~ r , ' tncv amo°g fo many ? Jb3 o^e^ef etJWa. &ut» Tj 5#Jy e<$ io Andjefus'faid,-Make the ttaw; ; io Eks A I Uavs- now- men, C* d°wn- N™ *«e \as „ » , . , , « . , much grafs in the place. So the » \ c \ ii And Jefus took the ouo oi xityt rot «&9/ui wet w*i- loaves, and when he had given toju^Ajoj. ii EAaCe cffe' TVS If- thanks he diftnbuted to * them r . ~ , > i . / k that were fet down : and like- ■Wj hov*. x, «.^C49»«« Jl^M Wlfe of the fiflieSj 'as much as t. toTs d»*xel(M^oolS• o/xoias x, )/(*is auTV ther up the fragments that re- ZuvcLyaydt m i. ^fW together,and fill'd twelve >«V» 5h *> iy*fu£ <^<^K5t )M?>iiW baskets with the fragments of / , ~, / ./ m ./ the five barley-loaves, which *\*c^x7»y tx. t mm ap-roy r x^iji. remain*d over and above, unto y«y, a s7rs&coj-£ucre 7n~s QiGpuxom. them that had eaten. 14 O* S.John, Chap. VI. SS TEXT. TRANSLATION. 14 O/ oTw $.fyt»mi , i'&Ws 0 *4 Then-there men, when z J ", ■" ~ ,. _ they had fee 11 the miracle that mow* -0W«ov 0 Incw, eAe^pv O-n jefus dld> faidj This 1S of a ?7C5 fov ct^os 0 « > ~ «-• come into the world. && «*,* xocpoi. if toWW ls When jefus therefore yds ori {MfoXml epve^i' ^ ap;wt£av perceiv'd that they would come auToy PARAPHRASE. their Coming .to this Ea/lerw fide of the Sea, being if) to Retire a little from the "People, in order to Kefrejhthemfeives. 4 And the Paifover, a Feaft of the Jews, was nigh. J When Jefus and his Difciples had a little Jlefrefhd themfelves Alone on the Mountain, they came down, and be then lift up his eyes, and law a great Company come unto him, and he jfoys unto Philip, Whence (hall we buy Bread that thefe may eat? 6 (And this he laid to prove him : for he himfelf knew what he would do) n Philip anfwer'd him, TW6 hundred penny-worth of Bread is not fufneient for them, that every one of them may take a little. 8 One of his Difciples , Andrew, Simon Peter's brother , fays unto him, p There is a Lad here, which hath five Barley-lpaves, and two fmall Fifties :, but what are they.among fo many ? 10 And Jefus Cud, Make the Men fit down. Now there was much Grafs in the place. So the Men fat down, in number about Five thoufand. 11 And Jefus took the Loaves, and when he had given Thanks he dillributed to them that were fet down ; and likewife of the Fifties, as much as they would. 12 When they were fill'd, .he faid unto his Difciples, Gather up the Fragments that remain, that nothing be loft. 13 Therefore they ga- ther'd them together, and tili'd twelve Baskets with the Fragments of the five Barley-loaves, which remain'd over and above, unto them that had eaten. 14 Then thofe Men who had been thus Miraculoujly fed, when they ^,1^^ had fcen the Miracle that Jefus did, (aid, This is of a Truth That mojl way his Apoftiesl eminent Prophet, i.e. the dMtffias, that fhould come into the World ; ^jjlj£~™ and hereupon they began to take a Refolution forthwith to take him, and reopie, that they fet him up as their King, and proclaim him to be Such according to the m,fhc "°'fft}»m Common Notion the Jews had, that their MeJJjas was to be a great Tern- "f or ' e'r '"'" poral King, iy When Jefus therefore perceivd that they would come ANNOTATIONS. S6 S.John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himfelf ajone. 16 And when evening was now come, his difciples went down unto the fea, 17 And entred into a fhip, and went over the fea towards xutii Vva vmilivucn? auToi $*ajAga, ctH%>pyiWto, j^teCvi^ 01 (Mfimlaui clutv 'On T ^a- A£OJO,y. 17 kct) S^CxVTJS «5 TB TzAoToy, wp-vcvTo Tnpcw £ >A*mv$ ets !°d weni r, T/C r / «- ^ Capernaum: and it was now KaTreptatfjtt. *■** otcotk* >i£h tyvpw, dark, and Jefus was not come WJ CWe eA«A#ei ^s cwtVs 0 I)i- t0'*em. ' , , , 18 And the fea arofe, by 18 Hts >A*wx, ctufiV Ate- reafon 0f a great. wind that blew. 19 So when they had row'd about five and twenty, or thir- ty furlongs, they Tee Jefus walking on the fea, and draw- ing nigh unto the fhip : and they were afraid. 20 But he faith unto them, It is I, be not afraid. 21 Then they willingly re- ceiv'd him into «Ay mioifos, ^niyeipeGu 19 EAh- Actions «v us )9fl^. 20 O Si Aej4 om&s - E>» ufu, /ah QoGuadu 21 H^sAey wio AaCay ocuto» us to TTAoToV KOL) (V%03S TO T^oToV b/HliTV '@n r yns us lu> r\Lfls,^»« 2Z Ty e7»aoexoy 0 o^A(§H 0 ty, ^AAa /^ovei 0/ /ttaSnroH cturS? aTTMA^oy 23 AA\* S\ jiA?s 2 j (Howbeit there came other boats from Tiberias, nigh ■7*Koi tyyvs unto the place where they did rv tow o-ttv 'iH Toy apTov, eu- eat bread, after that the Lord / n/?s ~ 1 ~ had given thanks) a*ei9W*W©- tv KvtAV. ^ 24 Oft 2+ When the p^p^ thcre. ouo uhi 0 e%tes 07: Imvs vk mi fore faw that Jefus was not oocu. S. John, Chap. VI. T7 TEXT. TRANSLATION. o*i- there, neither his difciples, , » \ > i , ~ , -^ 0 they alfo took fhipping, and ntf x, *>™ u( to ■**<>«, & *\%i came t0 0^™^ fecking us K*7i?pvayV> £>ir£»7es to* UoduZ. for Jefus. PARAPHRASE.' and take him by force, to make him a King, he withdre w Unobfervd by the Multitude, and departed again into a Mountain, mention d v. j. Himfelf Alone, not Jo much as taking any of the Twelve Apojiles with him ; partly that he might the Better get away from the Multitude Un- obferv'd, and partly, if not chiefly, becaufe he knew the Apo files them- [elves were in Expectation of his becoming a Temporal King, and jo would be too Ready to join with the People m fitting Him up for their King : for which Reafon, as jome of the other Evangeltjis obferv'd, he order 'd the Twelve to go over back again to the other fide of the Sea, while he fent the People away; and he was oblig'd to lay his Commands on the Twelve fo to do with jome Eat ne fine js, (u) and to Confirain them to do it, They being very Unwilling to lofe the Opportunity, that now presented it [elf, of feeing their Mafier Jet up for a Temporal King 16 And by this means, when Evening was now come, his twelve Difci- ples went down unto the Sea, 17 and entred into a Ship, and went over the Sea toward Capernaum: and it was now dark, and Jefus was not come to them. 18 And the Sea arofe, by reafon of a great Wind that blew, ip So when they had row'd about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they fee Jefus walking on the Sea, and drawing nigh unto the Ship; and it being fo Dark, that they could not difcern who it was, they Juppos'd it had been an Apparition, and they were afraid. 20 But he fays unto them, It is I, be not afraid. 21 Then they will- ingly receiv'd him into the Ship, and immediately the Ship was at the Land whither they went. 22 The day following, when the People which flood on the other, The Peo i. e. Eaflern or North-Eafi fide of the Sea, faw that there was no other low jefus to c»- Boat there the Night before when the 'Difciples went away, but that One !""""*• whereinto his Dilciples had enter'd, and that Jefus went not with his Difciples into the Boat, but that his Difciples were gone away alone: 2 j (Howbeit afterwards there came other Boats from Tiberias, nigh unto the place where they did eat Bread, after that the Lord had given Thrills) 24 When the People therefore, having for fome time\as is probable) fought after him, faw that Jefus was not there on that fide of the Sea. neither his Diicioles. thev alfo took Shinninp- in the Shiht m. 5-8 S.John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 2.6 Amx-tA^m ovum* o Uanv? xa\ itTnv A/uUo ol/jlUv \tyt> ii/fii, */W 071 io\- Ttcm >«. * ©eV; 29 A- 'Tnxu.^n 0 Ihovvs, x.<*\ ami owtoTs- Tou7d '<^ 70 epjpv ry ©eocF, ' ' a.' i/b na in thedefert: as it i< wri» . *•#•. i **v ^ s r*rw ten, He gave them bread from fWoi- ApTov eye TV S/g^vod edia- heaven to eat. xiv atoToTs payay. 32 Emy otc£ 31 Then Jefus fafd unto < ~ K* x. ~ t I bread from heaven. t*V WW t/^iv Tcy ctprc, c^ tv „ For the bread of God is Vgjtvod Toy eiAji^voy. 33 O -y^f * tr*at which cometh down •V®. r5 0eoJ «*, 5 w»C^r« i theaVw^ldnd ^^ ** «* TV v^cvoJ, x«q d;«&i) h^s -4 H Then fajd thcy untQ yjoojjlu. 34 EiTroy out asfls ecu- tm> Lord, evermore give us ' vi 1 ki r ~ , this bread . 7t»' Ku^6, 710*7076 SoS Hftll 7EV ,„ Ai ,, f [■ _., ,, ~ ^ ., , ^ ', ■ 3? Aa<* Jcf* faid unto apToy TV7D». 3f Eitts * a> 0 d'PT@- ™ {halJ fle- ' ' ' « £L ' ."^S*** ver hunger ; and he that be- ef ((%&*(§' <&&s ni, v (m vet- lieveth on me, fhaJl never vqcar>t* Jtet» 0 7n?fvai us ttu, v pi limu- t/(t „*. , ,, , etn me, ihall come to me : and 0 m-rvf, i/m* ? visits fent me- //« j« tSt. a' v& n-i o?» r 39 And tn,s is the Father's ^cf. 3J> Tvto i\ 6S1 to %\ma. * Wlll which hath fen£ mej that -Tr^-^yroJ /fe mxreos, wet way 0 JV- of aiJ which be hath given j ^ould lofe nothing, but , , , , „, r^t , Ihould raife it up again at the ay*9»ffw «tuTo c* t>i iyx-TH yifiipa.. laft day. 4° T?to S.John, Chap. VI. 61 PARAPHRASE. to what was done by Mojes : for Our Fathers did eat Manna in the De- f c rr, for no lefs than forty years together, and were vajlly a Greater Num- ber than we were yefter day ; and what they eat was not Common food, Juch as you gave us, but Bread or Food from Heaven, as it is written {T/al. 78. 2 j.) He gave them Bread from Heaven to eat. 31 Then faid Jefus unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, Mofes gave you not that Bread from Heaven really and properly Jpeaking, it being Jaid in the forecited Text of Scripture to be Bread from Heaven, only on account of its being given to your Fathers by the more immediate Tower of God who is in Heaven, or elfe on account of its being made of fomewhat which fell down out of the Air, which is fometimes called Heaven : But my Father gives you the True Bread from Heaven. 33 For the Bread thus given jou of God is That which comes down from Heaven Truly j peaking, T myjelf and my 'Doctrine being that Bread, who Truly came down from Heaven moH Truly fo cali'd, or the HigheB Heaven ; and accordingly this Bread I f peak, of gives Life unto the World. 34 Then the People, undet /landing h-m flill to fpeak of fbme firange and extraordinary Bread, faid unto him, Lord, not for One or Two meals, but Evermore give us this Bread. 3 j And Jcfus then judging it Requifite to fpeak more Thin- ly to them, faid unto them, I am the Bread or Food of Life / have hi- therto been telling you, of: He therefore that comes to me as his Spiritual Guide and Saviour, fliall Evermore have this Bread as you defire, and confequently {hall never juffer flarving Spiritual hunger ; and he that be- lieves on me as fuch, (hall never Juffer killing Spiritual ihnll ; ;'. e.Jliall never want any thing Neceffary to his Spiritual Happmefs, forafmuch as He has thofe Means which will more certainly Jupport him to Evertaftmg life, than tSffeat and 'D\ ink do fupport the Body/, in this ^Mortal life. 36 But the Cafe is with you, as afore (v- 2.6) I faid unto you, viz. that ye have even ken me working Miracles fufficient in them/elves to con- vince you to Believe in me, as I require of you, and yet ye believe not: which can be juflly attributed only to your Own Terverfenejs and Obfli- nacy. 3-; For All that the Father gives me, i.e. All that make a Right ufe of God's Common preventing Grace, fo as to be of an Hone ft, Sincere, Humble and Teachable 'Difpojition, and confequently Rightly and Im- partially to weigh and confider my TJoclrine and Miracles, fhall thereby, be convincd of my being Jent from God to be the Saviour of the IVorld, and fhall come to me as fuch ; and him that thus comes to me, I will in no wile call out, or refufe to receive- 38 For I came down horn Hea- ven, not to do mine Own will, i.e. not to do as One that acts ac- cording to his Own will in Oppofition to God's will, but to do the will nf Him rhat fent me. 20 And this is the Father's will who has fenr 6% S. John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 40 T?7D <# 'fa TV <%Ml*A V Tlifi- 4*y7o5 fit, j'v* TSas 0 %afcii 7bv i]Jy, *«j TrtTeuay* m eu>iwf t^a ^a!a) cciaviov - Jtocj av«.9j|czi) oU7cv tjj Tiji s^ATh ^pcc 41 E^yit/^o* CUD o» IVdbttOJ 'Ztfe* euoTV , en u- Ttir Eya t*fu 0 otpr©-' 0 jcscro£as cv* t? V&.'ioL 42 Kec| 'ihiy>r Oux, vni '&li InffVs 0 HflS Ia>o"H" O71 ex. v &pavv K#7a,Ce &!)(£; 43 A7re- h.&»3« »w 0 Iwvs x,oq e<7rsy eeoToTs' Mw y>lyL(J\i fit} ciAAttAay. 44 Oo- S'ws &tf»etTocj lA^&Jy ttr£?s ^e, eav /*« 0 7iaT«p 0 ntifJL^aJi fit ihxvay oudtoi, k<*i ho> cLvcl<&ia,fip,tw h icis fQ&qmTcqi' Kocj t\ tv ©eocf. n*s oko 0 'lf£T0l\ » «£« 0 apTos 4 £«>}?. 49 Oi jrempes t^oSy 'ii 10 yttayvet sv tij ep^a, 19 a7re)*yoy. yo Outds t9iy 40 And this is the will of him that fent me, that every one which feeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlafting life: and I will raile him up at the lalt day. 41 The Jews then murmur'd at him, becaufe he laid, I am the bread which came down from heaven. 42 And they faid, Is not this Jefus the fon of Jofeph, whofe father and mother we know ? how is it then that he faith, I came down from hea- ven? 42 Jefus therefore anfwer'd and faid unto them, Murmur not among your ftlves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath lent me draw him : and I will raife him up at the laft day. 4y It is written in the pro- phets, And they fhall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learn'd of the Father, cometh unto me. 46 Not that any man hath feen the Father, * except he which is of God, he hath feen the Father. 47 Verily verily I fay unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlalting life. 48 I am the bread of life. 4P Your Fathers did eat manna in the wildernels, and are dead. jo This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, IV* S.John, Chap. VI. 63 PARAPHRASE. again at the laft day to Life eternal. 40 And further jet, this is the will of Him that fent me, that every One who fees the Miracles wrought by me his Son, and thereupon believes on him the faid Son, may have Everlafting life, in Bod) as well as Soul; and to this end it is that I wilJ raife him up in his Body at the laft Day. 41 The Jews then mur- mnr'd at him, laying afide All the Refpett they had for him the "Day aforet when they would have made him their King ; and they did this, becaufe he faid, I am the Bread which came down from Heaven. 42 And they faid, Is not this Jefus the Son of Jofeph, whole Father and Mother we know ? how is it then that he fays, I came down from Heaven? 43 Je- fus therefore anfwer'd and faid unto them, Murmur not among your felves again/l me, as if I could not come from Heaven, becaufe I am not only a Man, but as fuch defended of a mean Family as to its prefent Circumjtances. Thefe are not the Principal Reafons which keep you from believing on me., but your Own Worldly and Sinful Affections and !Dif- po/itions. 44 As I faid afore, v. 37. /ill that the Father gives me come unto me ; fo agreeably thereto I fay now on the other hand, that No man can come unto me, except the Father who has fent me draw him, i. e. except he make a Right ufe of that Common Preventing Grace which God vouch f aft s to All men, Jo as thereby to be Honeftly and Sincerely and Humbly dijpos'd to Receive the Truth; and fuch a One will come to me or believe in me, as I afore faid, and I will raife him up at the lafl day to Everlafting life. 45 It is written in the Prophets, And they fhall be A1J taught of God, namely, in a more Immediate and Extraordinary manner, when the Aleffias jhould appear on Earth, to teach and in- ftrucJ Men : And this Prophecy is now Actually fulfill 'd. Every- Man therefore that has heard, and haslearn'd of the Father, comes unto me. 46 Not that Any man has feen the Father, and fo heard and learn' d of the Father, in a Literal Jenfe, except He, ;'. e. the Son, who is of God; he has feen the Father in a Literal Jenfe : whereas, when I faid {v- 4J .) that every Man that has heard and learn d of the Father comes unto me, my meaning is, that whofoever makes a Right ufe of God's Common Pre- venting Grace, fo as to have his Heart thereby Honeftly and Sincerely dijpos'd to receive the Truth of God, when made Known to him, and Con- firm'd by Sufficient Evidence, will believe on Me. 47 And verily ve- rily I fay unto you, He that believes on me, has Everlafting life, i.e. has that which will nourifi) and bring him to Everlafting life. 48 For as I faid afore (v. 3J.) I am The Bread of Life ; with which the Mannn you [poke of (v. 31.) is not to be compar'd. 49 Your Fathers did eat Manna in the Wildernefs, and are Dead Eternally for their Sins, Jucb as were Tmpenitently wicked among them ; the Eating of the Manna not 64 S.John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. '/»* lis <% ou.tv faiy. j i Eya «£« <* *PTO* o (, i k / ' i>* o ap-ros Js oi tya Auuu, h ffap£ ^« *#J», 2u) eyjJ <&>ow u-srep t J? X007AV (,«>!«. 5"2 E/tucyoyS «» 'S£?S *M«- Atfs 01 IvJaMoi, AeTomS' n«s v tiiiy lay fvi Q&wn Tjjy aa.pK5t 5" qv Ttf ay^paTry, $ OT»T« CU/£ TO OWjC«*, OfX. t^Tt K^OUM Of eowTois. J4 O 7f»y«y («y i{to awpxjc, 5£5tj wvay ^V to «iftet, ey^ ^ai/jv outfyiov $ syce etyctTxcz* $ 'ziya^v to ty/Mt, b i(*u>\ (w{, xayoj \t uuizf. that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 5-1 I am the living bread which came down from hea- ven: if any man eat of this bread, he fhall live for ever : and the bread that I will give, is my flefh, which I will give for the life of the world. ji The Jews therefore ftrove among themfelves, lay- ing, How can this man give us bis flefh to eat? Si Then Jefus faid unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, Except ye eat the flefh of the lbn of man, and drink his blood , ye have no life in you. .5-4 Whofo eateth my flefh, and dnnketh my blood, hath eternal life, and I will raife him up at the lafl day. Ss For my flefh is meat in- deed, and my blood is drink indeed. S6 He that eateth my flefh, and drinketh my blood, dwell- eth in me, and I in him. ANNOTATIONS. (x) That this Text, and the whole Difcourfe relating thereto, is more parti- cularly to be underftood of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, has been always my Own Judgment, ever fince I have been Able to make a Judgmenc, and be- fore I had confuked the Opinions of Others. And upon Conluliing the Primi- tive Fathers, it will appear that the faid Text &c. was fo underftood by Them in general ; as is ftiewn at large, in a Treatife entitled, The Unbloody Sacrifice and Altar Unvail'd and Uncover dt writ by the Reverend and Learned Mr John- fin, Sect.?. pag.3jr, &c. 17 Ko- S. John, Chap. VI. 6$ PARAPHRASE. *" may eat thereof, and thereby not Dye Eternally, yi Namely, I tett you again, that I am the faid Living, /'. e . Life-giving Bread, which came down from Heaven : if any Man truly eat of this Bread, he fhall thereby, as a Principal means appointed for the obtaining the Tar don of his Sins and Eternal life, live forever : and the Bread that I will give them to eat thai believe on me, more properly and efpeciaUy is my Flefh or Body, the Life of which I will give as a Sacrifice for to expiate the Sins of the whole World, and ' fo for the Life of the whole World, i. e. that All that truly believe on me may obtain Eternal Life, as well as the Tar don of their Sins. 52. The Jews therefore ftrove, i.e. difputedwith greater warmnejs than afore among themfelves, faying, How can this Man give us his Flefh to eat? 5-3 Then Jcfus gave the tn a fomewhat more full or particular Description of the Two potts of the Sacrament of the ford's Supper, which he defign'd to inflitute in due time ; and alfo foretold them the [ndifpenfable NeceJJity of Receiving it; and laid unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, that the Time is coming, namely After my In- flitution of the J aid Sacrament, that Except ye eat (^)the Flefh or Body of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood tn the Myflerious and Sacra- mental Manner which Ifiall appoint, when ye are come to Tears ofDif- cretion or Under /landing enough to perform this Duty as it ought, and fhall have Opportunity of performing it, ye fhall have no Spiritual life in you, and confequently cannot attain to Eternal life; the Neglefl of this Duty of Receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, if Impeni- tent ly continud or liv'din, being no lejs fuffcient to debar you of Eternal Happinefs, than the Living in any other wilful Sin. 54. Whofo Wor- thily, or being duly Qualify d, namely, with a fincere Repentance of All his Sins pajt, and a jincere Rejolution of Amendment, or For faking All his former Sins, and Living an Holy life for the Future : Whojo, I fay, thus eats the Bread which /fhall inflitute or appoint to be eaten in the Sa- crament of the Lord's Supper, as a Symbol 01 Reprefentation of my Flefh or Body crucify 'd, and drinks the JVme that I fhall appoint to be receiv'd in the faid Sacrament, at a Reprefentation of my Blood pour' d out on the Oofs, has Eternal life: and tho he Jliall not hereby be exempted from the Common Sentence pa fs'd on Mankind of undergoing Bodily Death ;yet I will raife him up at :hc Laft day, even in his Bod), that in it, as well as in his Soul, he may partake of the Joys of Eternal life. $S Wbofo worthily partakes of the Lord's Supper, I fay, has Eternal life : for, as Natural or Cammon Meat and Drink do nouriflj in a Natural manner , or in refpecll of the Natural life ; fo the Sacramental Bread which is my Flefh or Body, is Spiritual meat indeed, and the Sacramental Wine which ts niy Blood, is Spiritual drink indeed, ;. e. do nottrifh fucb as duly par- 66 S.John, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. S7 Ka8a« ewnreiAe ym o (ai mTYio, 51 As the living Father , , >~ , •« i t ' - hath fent me, and I live by the KQW O 04-& T "a*"?*' $ ° y1' Father: fo he that eateth roe, 3i«Tot| £i' fyw. even he (hall live by me. o ^» ', (*raCxs- £ Kjt^aJ e^a^pi oi ;ra- as your fathers did eat manna, 7^>ci)>*iy tvtov tov a.p7By, ^» ~ * ■ / ,^ difciples, when they had heard ^Swtoi, wr*, HTicr Z*A»i{ o Ao^PS- ti j Sula.^) JjJ§ autVw ; wgi who can hear it? . r'tO r\_' ' t ~ ' ' ?" r 6i WhenTefusknewinbim- 6i EitoshoImsiiw>4o>ny>I- felfthath.sd.faplesmurmur'd yo^Vffj 'Zjfej TV7V o» (Uct^wr*) out*, at it, he (aid unto them, Doth **$?■ ^^r^/q; ""LofK/:"difyefll,„ree iT8 t qo» t« iv^pa- the Son of man afcend up wi1o7nwv, »i neth, the flcfh profiteth no- rap£ Q04 apeA$ s&fiv. iti p^m thing: the words that I fpeak ,\ , i P t ~ ~ , , , p / unto you, they are fpirit, and * tyv AaAcJ ufui, ma, fix m x, (,«» tfaj are j,fe. '&lu (>\ AM.' uoii &, vffftf- mn <5+ But there are fome of ,\ ' i v.. x i »k ' ~ y°u that believe not. For Te- o« V rnrww. ^ yfc >V <% *fps fus knew from the beginning, o IhoVs Tins ucni ol fjun ttxtujoi- who th«y were that believ'd ™> PARAPHRASE. and I in him, i.e. in a mojl intimate and unconceivable manner is Spiri- tually unit eel to me, and a Spiritual Member of me, and as fuch par- iahs more and more of the Holy Spirit and Grace \ the Tar taking of the faid Holy Sacrament being intended by me to be one Principal Means of Partaking of Grace, both as thereby is denoted the Pardon of Sins paft, andalfb the stfliflance of the Holy Spirit to Refill and Overcome Sm for the future, si As the Liying Father, /. e. the Father who is the Foun- tain S.John, Chap. VI. 67_ _____________ tain of the Godhead ■, has fent me, and I live by the Father, as deriving my Life from Him; fo he that eats me, in the Myflerious or Spiritual manner IJhall appoint, i.e. in the Sacrament, even he {hall live by me, i.e. jhall derive Eternal life from me. 58 To conclude therefore. This, viz. I my felf, is That Bread which came down from Heaven, in order to be eaten or fed upon in the Spiritual manner aforefaid; not to the fame end as your Fathers did eat Manna, viz. only to nourijh their Mortal Bodies in their Natural life, and are Dead therefore in their Bodies : hut to a much Nobler end ; for he that eats of this Bread, {hall thereby re- ceive juch Spiritual Nourijoment, as to live for ever, jp Thefe things faid he to the Jews in the Synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 60 Many therefore, even of thofe who had hitherto profefs'd to be his chrift 'further Difciples, when, they had heard this Qifcourfe, faid, This which he has difcourfas on the faid of his being Bread, and giving us his Flefli to eat, and Blood to drinkt (30™ o{ Jheis ^ and our Eating him &c. is an Hard or Abfurd faying, who can hear it, «>'«, th_ were i. e. believe it to be True ? 61 When Jefus knew that jome of\i\% Difci- '£' "£% faaitd_wlut pies thus murmur'd at it, he laid unto them, Doth this oftend you? 6x What and if ye fhall lee the Son of Man Afcend up into Heaven, where he was before he came down upon Earth ? Is it not as Strange and Incredible to you at prefent, that IJhould do the One as the Other} let you fjall Jome of you fee me /ijcendinto Heaven, and then you will not wonder at mj Coming down thence. A>id bejides, this my Afcenfion into Heaven, with my Flejh or Body, will then teach you not to under- /land what I have faid of Eating my Flejh, in the literal and grofs fenfe you now Terverfely under/land it in. 63 IVhereas you might have per- cent d from what I faid afore, that It is the Holy Spirit that quickens, or gives Spiritual Life to fuch as duly partake of the Bleffed Sacrament of my Body and Blood: The Flefli, whether you under/land thereby my Natural Flejh or Body, or Any other material thing dignify d with that Character, as the material Bread us'd m the Sacrament ; in which ever of theje fenfe s you under/land the Flejb I have fpoken of, It of It felf profits Nothing toward the Attainment of Eternal life. The Words that I fpeak unto you, both in this and other the like Cafes, they are Spi- rit, and they are Life, i. e. they are to be under/load in a Spiritual Senfe, wherein the things fpoken of do really conduce, Agreeably to the True meaning of fuch my 'Dijcourfes, to a Spiritual and Eternal life. 64 But your being Offended at this my "Difcourfe concerning my Flejh and Blood, do's at the bottom proceed from no other caufe than this, viz. becaufe there are fome of you, i. e. fuch of you as are thus offended, are Thofe that believe not Sincerely, or on found Principles, tho' they Trofefs to Believe. For Tefus knew from the Beginning of his Mini/In, and pather- 68 S.John, Chap. VI, VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. its, £ ms 'ftli o and who fhould betray him. i •>. <$y K«{ eA*>*« Aia tvtd apW »- 6y And he faid, Therefore /U», 07i V$ui huieQ eASeiv „ ~ " r* ' I *li ' 66 From that time many of ,V _^ . nis difciplcs went back, and «x^7j far cu\; -zzfe<6 7raTVy. walk'd no more with him. 67 eTttcv vi o lwvs tws &>&■*&> 67 Then faid Jefus unto the ■> , . ~ o- , r -a .. twelve, Will ye alfo go a- Kfi'Sfl «v twi$ 2,1(401 HiTfof KuCti, 68 Then Simon Peter an- < ', ' . 'a. " ^ fwer'd him, Lord, to whom j& «M a^^eV^^m ^ we gQ? tho>u ha{t ihe £«»$ ouuriv t%jut. 6$ Kaj vfiils ts- words of eternal life mruwfia £ iWw*** 'ot, ^ ^ J > 6p And we believe, and are , y\, X- ~ ^T*~ fure tnat tnou art that Chrift Xpi^DJ o ljos y Sefc y ^705. 70 A- tne Son of the living God. m*ffa*oniSaUY. r, 1 >k < •~ « Have not I chofen you twelve, TVS Sb&w i&Xi&iw, x, it, vfuti us and one of you is a devjl ? JiaCoXo's e9i» i 71 EAeie <^ T Itfr^ « ' ! ~> t..*L"' x Now the Tews feaftof ta- < 2H,A iJyui l "P^ T ^'a; bernacles was at hand. ^ (7XMyoTJi>ia. 1 E.\rm>i Vi ztfoi aJj-ni 3 His brethren therefore faid 01 PARAPHRASE. to Believe in Him, that it was He who fhould betray him, when the 'Proper time for it was come. 6$ And he faid, Therefore faid I (afore v. 44.) unto you, that no Man can come unto me as a True Sincere Be- liever, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66 Hereupon, from that time many of his Difciples who were not Sincerely Jucb, per- ceiving S. John, Chap. VI, VII. ^ PARAPHRASE. VI. Know- ceiving by what he [aid (v-6^6$.) that their Infincerity was not Un- known to him, went back, i. e. off from him, and walk'd no more with him, i. e. were no longer his "Dijciples. 6~\ Then faid Jeius unto the Twelve Apojlles, Will ye alfo go away Chryt£„. from me, and be no longer my Difciples ? 68 Then Simon Peter an- ledge o\m men, fwer'd him, Lord, to whom thai) we go, to/ to thee? for Thou haft the g^jj^ of Words of Eternal Life, i. e. Thou alone canji truly guide and inflrucH us what to do in order to attain Eternal life, which ought to be our chief concern. 69 And, i.e. namely, we believe and are lure from what we have Jeen and heard, that Thou art That Chriff, the Son of" the living God, which has been jo long pr amis' d to us by God, to guide and inflrucJ us unto True HappineJ's. 70 Jefus anfwer'd them, Have not I chofen you Twelve out of all my 'Dfciples to be my Conflant Attendants, and to be admitted into the Clofejl Friendfhip and Intimacy with me ? i. e. Altho' I have done this, yet to let you fee that I perfectly know the Hearts of you Twelve, as well as of my other 'Difciptes ; I fay unto you, that tho' Teter has made a Commendable Confeffton with refpecl to me in the Names of All you Twelve, yet I k/iow you do not All believe fo fin- cerely in your Hearts, and that One of you is at the Bottom fuch a Child of the Devil, or fo very IVicked, and jliall be Jo far influencd by the 'De- vil, us to Betray me to my Enemies when the Time appointed of God for it is come, qi This he fpake of Judas Ifcariot the Son of one Simon: for he it was that fhould Betray him, being One of the Twelve. Chap. VII. After thefe things for fome confiderable Time, (as may be chiift ftays in Befl jeen by looking on my Table of the Harmony of the four Gofpels) Je- atBhe, not go- lbs walk'd, /. e. continud in Galilee, going from place to place to teach lem'^t'the""''- and injlrucl the People: for he would not walk in Judea, properly /o reaver. call'd, becaufe the chief Rulers of the Jews, who rejided generally and mojl of them atjerujalem in Judea, fought to kill him; fo malicioufly exajperated were "they aga'wjl him. • S E C T I O N VI. Containing fuch funiculars as are related by St John, From a little before the Feaft of Tabernacles , which was in the thirty fourth year a/Christ's Life, or A. D. 3 2, To the Feaft of the Dedication next enfuing, or in the fame year. Which Par- ticulars take up Chap. Vll. 1 — X 21, of this Gofpel, and are Wholly Omitted by the Other Evangelifls. 2, Now the Jews Feaft of Tabernacles, fo call'd and kept in memory r1„;I' „,, ,„ 70 & John, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 01 afrAtpo) ou>tv- MemCji^ hnJu. unt0 him, Depart hence, and cl »■•* % ^ T,,fi > .- , go into Judea, that thy difci- 9i», X0C4 uto)* as t I*JW ,v* x, pIes alfo may fee th/works 01 jUaSflTot) oV 9s«p>icrwoi tw ep)« ay that thou doft. .\ ~ **!**.), s. I ' ? 4 For there is no man. that T - v. , V V / any thing in lecret, and 7i 7roi«, £ £>1T4 mwoi 7rap|5«oia hehimftlf feekethto be known Mto^ • « T«t» Troias, p* T^'n,"' ^r!? thlfe •\ » , , , , things , fhew thy fclf to the oiaujToi t$ yj)oju.a. y OuJs y*f world. oi iMpal cul-rtf '6nreM» as «m , J For neither did his bre- , . ^ ' ~ f ~ thren believe in him. tf Atyi wo ob-ms o hvvr O <«- s Then Jefusfaid unto them, gjs o lottos V7na ardtpefii' o ^- My time is not yet come: but i- « t.h- ah t i vx, « your time is alway ready. CSS 0 UiMTtpKj)-' Z?cL1 TUTt 6#¥ 6701- J — , , , J ft ., v , , , 7 The world cannot hate /U.&. 7 Oo Vwjoltou o x^©" you; but me it hateth, becatife Luaut CpZe tug Si luou U ryd JKftifyofir .that the works «. e, . ~ „ , „ , thereof are evil. ^T/pa « oca- g Go ye up untQ thjs feaft . t5 Tnn&i 'fcti. 8 Tttas av*£>n» I go not up yet unto this Vj»'< * «• ? »«''+'.' ' fea't> f°r my time is not yet US tum toprw xgiur»r iy* ' Vx. avot- , n c £ouva eic J3 eopTJiv &u-w, oti o yjcj- # p when he had faid thefe pos o i/us y'sra ttstjAjIpO- 9 Tow- words, lint0 them> he abode./?/// ,0 • i ■ ~ „ , ~ „ in Galilee. to A «tov owTois, «A«ve* » in T«- IO But w},en his brethren AiAou*. io Cli Si xuQy\{, al £St\ ' / , ' i . i/o ' w f i alfb up unto the feaft, not OU^, TOT* & UHBSCLUZ* US T eopTT}^, opcn]^ ,,„, as T ^ ^ ft_ i ^avepas, ^NA as b nfuTTT^. cret. ii Oi ANNOTATIONS. V. 8. t So it is read in Cant, and feme few other MSS. and in Vulg. Lat. Syr. and Perfick Verfions j as alfo in Chryfoftom, Cyril and Auguftin. And indeed it is not to doubted but i hat era is the Original Reading, becaufe there can be no Reafon for turning i'm into era, but there is an obvious Reafon for turning era into w»w, viz. that our Lord might not feem to fay one thing, and do another. And that era was thus turn'd here into inn on fuch an account, is put beyond all doubt, by conGdering that Porphyry, that Enemy of Chriftianity, do's endeavour from this very Paflage to render our Lord guilty of fpeaking an Untruth, In fay- ing firft he would Not go to the Feaft, and afterwards Going: Whence as it ap- pears beyond all Doubt, that it was read era, and not ww, in Porphyry's time, fo it appears alfo, I think, beyond all reafonable Doubt, that hence "wa came to be put «—— I— ^— ' - ■ " ■-■ "■ ■ ■■-■■ ■■■■■— -^ I-— — S.John, Chap. VII. 71 ~ PARAPHRASE. ~~ Simon andjude : of which Two, James andjude, were of the Number of the twelve Apoflles, which were c ho fen a conjiderable time before this : So that what is [aid in the following V'erfes 3 —8, cant be Reafonably un- der flood of thefe Two ; but may very well be underjlood of the Two other, who as they were not Apoflles, Jo probably were not f, becaufe they were fuch as are defer ib'd here v. s and 7; and therefore no wonder theyjhould take upon them to Z>irec7 our Lord What to cDo, and When to go up to the Feafl here mention d, as our EvangeltB here tells us they did, viz- Thefe Two of his Brethren that were not Apoflles, when they Jaw Jefus not preparing to go to the Feaft, therefore (aid unto him, Why doft thou not Depart hence from Galilee, where thou hafi now ft aid Jo long, viz- near, if not quite, or even above Two years, and go into Judea, that thy Difciples alio that be there may ice the Miraculous works that thou dolt, and thereby alfo the Number of thy 'Dtjciples may be increasd, by Others being indued by thy Miracles to follow Thee as fuch ? 4 For there is no Man of Common Prudence that do's any thing Extraordinary in Secret, as Galilee maybe efteem'd to be in refpetl of Jerufalem m Judea, efpecially at a FeaB time s and he himfelf leeks or defves at the Jame time, by what he do's thus Extraordinary, to be Known Openly, or to As Many as he can: wherefore if you do thefe things with an Intention to be Known, and to get Followers, go now to this Feoff at Jerufalem, where thou wilt have the Opportunity to Ihew thy Self wjome that come to the /aid Feajlfrom many different Tarts of the World. $ For neither did thefe Two of his Brethren believe in Him fo, as to have ajuft Reverence for Him ; but thought that He acled out of a jDfire of Pam-glory and Worldly Honour, or the like. 6 Then Jelus laid unto them, My proper time for avoiding the malicious Defigns oftbejewjh Rukrs at Jerufalem, when I get thither, is not yet come: but your time is Always ready, /'. e. you may go whenyou pleafe, without T)*nger. 7 The World cannot have any Reafon to hate you, while you are acled by IV or Idly Principles your felves, and fo do not oppofe Others that are Jo : but me it hates, becaufe I teftify 'bat the Works thereof, i. e.Juch Works as are done out cfmeer JVorldly Principles, and (0 contrary to the Will of God, are Evil. 8 Go ye up unto this Feaft : I go not up yet unto this Feaft, for my time is not yet full come. 9 When he had laid thefe Words unto them, he abode ftill in Galilee. 10 But when his fuid Brethren were gone up, then went he alfo up unto the Feaft., Notyo Openly as he was wont to go about Galilee with vaB Multitudes following him, or flocking to hi v Vht '&i C/X.W@Ji 12 Kctj JP^foO^tOS 7TO- Aus t^J ou$ foi oi tbTs o^XojJ. 01 /«» eAej*/, o7i ct)«5°$ £5iv. olMoj i' O'u- *M.et TlActvct T o^Xpv 13 Otl^elj /ttsyTBj ira.f>j>Y\a\a 1&* °"$> 3/# T ^oCo» T I«<5Wffl». 14 H ihShma. if Koq ijxufia.^01 ol IyJUToi, AeyiltS' n5s l6 ATTiKfiSm OLVTois 0 Iv|0-tfS £ «?«»• H £/wi ^tik^j frx. e ^nr|* 0 17, and confeyuently are not in a Capacity to judge Aright of the Truth of my T^ofirine. For did not Moles p/ive vou the Law from God. as vou tour 74 S.Johnt Chap.VIT. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 20 ATTiXf/Sn o oyfos £ £uoi 'i^us- *nf en £«r$ ^JiM.T£, 'no. fXA) At/'J-Vf 0 IOJJjOS MCCOIQS, i(JJ)i ^0- A Jt^'ar Jt&tcn* fc&<- »a.T«. 27 EAejp* ola/ -nia ix. T$f lti£ymAvfJU^a1• Oux. Miti sw ov (vi- tSoiv ^braxleTycq; 2tf Kon t'Ar, rop- pyiafiet. ?&A§, x.etj %i ttfii' *oq kit ■■.uojl'x Vx. eAwA'j^a, ctM hii otAw^J- vos 0 Tafi^ouc, (is, ov u,«e<5 ^Sx. cMe. 29 E><* iAu^ \\ apa ou$ 31 floA- Afll «ft) t£* t5 o'^Ay 'Qvreunti us aurii, t) 'tMy>r Otj 0 X&ts emu eA")-*f , (UW7T 7i^e4o»a i>, UflUS V eTb'va- c&e eA^eTv* 37 eTttb* &v 01* ItfScuoi Chrift cometh, no man know- eth whence he is. 28 Then cry'd Jefus in the temple as he taught, faying, Yc both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of my felf, but he that Tent me is true, whom ye know not. 2.9 But I know him, for I am from him, and he hath Tent me. 30 Then they fought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, becaufe his hour was not yet come. 3 1 And many of the people believ'd on hiro,^nd faid, When Chrift cometh, will he do more miracles than thefe which this man hath done? 32 The Pharifees heard that the people murmur'd fuch things concerning him: and the Pharifees and the chief pnefts fent officers to take him. 33 Then faid Jefus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that fent me. 34 Ye fhaU feek me, and fhaU not find me : and where I am, thither ye cannot come. 35- Then faid the Jews a- T3£?S PARAPHRASE. Chrift, that when Chrift comes, no Man Jhall be able to declare his Ge- neration, or knows whence, or of what Parentage , he is defcended. 28 Then cry'd Jefus, i. e. At this be [pake with a more loud and earneft yoke than Afore, in the Temple as he taught, faying, Ye both know me that I am the Man Jefus, who was bred up in the former part of my Life for near Thirty years together at Nazareth, and ye know whence I am S. John, Chap. VII 77 PARAPHRASE. am as to One of my Parents, viz my Mother ; but jet ye know not whence I am as to the Other part of my "Parentage, or How I was begotten of my Mother; and therefore the Prophecy you referr'd to in the foregoing Verjc is neverthelejs Verify d in me, or notwithjlanding All the Knowledge you have Whence I am : But there is alfo a Farther Truth in your Words , tho' not intended by you, viz. that by my Do&rme and Works ye may both know me and whence I am ; and that I am not come of my fell, or my own Head, to teach you, as Falfe Prophets do ; but that He that fern me is no other than God, -who by thus fending me has manifejled Himfelf to be True to his Promtjes made in the Holy Scripture ; and whom ye know not Alight as to his Will and Purpofes of bringing about Man's Salva- tion, notwithjlanding you boaH fb much of his being your God, and your Knowing his IVill or Law. 29 But if ye will believe me, I tell you plainly, that I Only and Perfectly know him, or what his Will is, and how he is to be Worfhipp'd and Obey'd; for I am from Him in fuch a pe- culiar and exalted manner as no other is or can be, being his Only begot ten- Son by Eternal Generation as God, and being begotten as Man by the Mi- raculous Operation of the Holy Spirit, and accordingly he has lent me with fuch a Full Commifjion both to infirutlt ^Mankind, and to confirm my 'Doctrine by Miracles, as no other ever had or Jhall have . 30 Then, upon Jefus thus plainly Averting his Divine Commifjion and Authority to be fuch as ought to Over-rule the Authority of the Sanhedrin, or Jewiflj Rulers, they fought to take him forthwith ; but God fo order' d things, that no Man laid hands Actually on him, becaufe his Hour or Time of Suffering was not yet come. 3 1 And One thing that kept the Rulers and their Partizans from laying Actual Hold on him was this, that many of the People believ'd on Him, and (aid, We mujl never think to know Chrift by the Tefltmony of Miracles, if This man be not Chri/i : for when Chrift comes, will he do more Miracles than thefe which this Man has done? 32 The Pharifes heard that the People murmur'd fuch things con- Iir- cerninghim: and the Pharifees and the Chief Priefts fent Officers to rend png themfelves , Whither „ c ~ » r r 0 , r will he go, that we fhall not cOu^ fa >r^e*5 «£ »fW^ *«tw; find himb? will he g0 umothe /U« as t5 ai^GOTpdi t EM>»»»» ^6 A- difpers'd among the Gentiles, i o_ ' ts.M_ ' tv and teach the Gentiles ? A« ^peue=d«/ , ft WW««r ™ E*- 3g What ««»»- */ faying \IuhX4 i 16 T/s mi VT9i 0 \oy@-' is this that he faid, Ye fhall %, eW ZnTiSorn *f, ft «V »?$- le^c me, and (hall not find Wr : , x , , , ~ • K/ an" where I am, thither ye can- oiu' £ 'ottsi ufti tya, vfitus V mix- not come? e9-e sA^vi 37 Ei «tf ry fe*nj . 3 1 ^ the laft day, that great , '•„ , „ , ~ , f" \ day of the feaft, Jefus flood, tine?* tvj tayetAy t> eopnjs «5Xxe( 0 anrj c^ faying, If any man InffSff, <"*l «te*£«» Aeyar E*i -n* thirft> iet him come unto me, _• , ~ , • tr, > < > a"d drink. St^a, (?%<&» <&OS Mi, *«< we-nx, }8 He that bdievethon me> 38 O mrww lis (fill, Y&°fs **' as tne Scripture hath laid, out « \ \ . of his belly fhall flow rivers of oti « jf«9», 7T8m^>i c* ms icon Jjvlng watJer# A/<*4 ou$ pui'sVoiv yJkl©-' £a>vT(§)-'. 39 *Now this fpake he of ,„ -r^-r- iv1 .*« «-£' ™ ^,„i.:#,v tne Spirit, which they that be- ■ ^ >r , Jieve on him mould receive : t©-' V t.ueMov A2,"bouet» 01 ^n- for the holy Ghoft was not yet 7-wW «S ftiw kto £ Zw ttv£- £"*«> becai,i? ,that Jefus was ,/ t 1 .*. not yct gioniy d. fix kyiov, 'on 0 Uovs ©s&tjw fJb- 4o Many of the people ZitQ),. 40 noMol «i k V 0 VAV there fore,when they heard this , / w / ./ ~% 1 faying, fa'd, of a truth this is aJttfffavTSS t Xoy>v, i\tyr Outcs *a prophet. l:,J ,' n«-,^,L faid, That Chrift cometh of Xeiw iptf)^ 4;- O^ « W« the leed of David, and out of mttii, o-n ex. ? czzj?p^«to5 AfttirT, $ the town of Bethlehem, where •£m Be^Ae^ 4^ xJpiS W« lH Act- Dav^ was? -x , „ , » 43 So there was a divihon G«<$\ 0 Xpigus ep^Jj 43 S^o^.* vi among the people becaufe of £i iff) oy\a> iyinlo $\ aorov. 44 TiveJ him. to „n C" \z - ~ t •> ' ' ' 44 And fome of them would Jfc »^Afi» ^ auTOi ^i*0tt| a^rai- *A\ haveT taken him . but no man M$us tTFiC&Mi it' (Xutoi to5 ^«pa$. laid hands on him. 4f HA?oi S. John, Chap. VII. 79 PARAPHRASE. faid the Jews among themfelves, Whither wiU he go, that we fhall not End him? will he go unto the 6iCpcn'd Jews among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles ? 36 What manner of Saying is this, i. e. What is the meaning of this that he laid, Ye fhall feek me, and fhall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come? 37 In the lad day, that Great or more Solemn day of the FajJt, when there was an Holy Convocation or Full Ajffembly, it being the Cuflom on that day to fetch Water to the Temple from the Fountain of Siloam, Jome of which they drank, Jinging (z)thoJe (Vords of Ifaiah, fVithfoy {z) fhall they draw Water from the Wells of Salvation ; and fome they offer' d as a 'Drink-of- fering to God, and that as a Commemoration of their Fathers being Mi- raculoufly reliev'd when they Thirjled in the Wildemefs \ Jcfus objerving this Rite, and alluding thereto, ftood in a convenient place and cry'd, 1. e. Jpoke with a Loud voice, faying, If any Man thirlr, i.e. earneftly defires to be truly Righteous and fo Eternally Happy, let him come unto me, and drink the Spiritual IVater, i.e. receive my Gofpel. 38 He that believes on me, as the Scripture (a) has faid, Out of his Belly fhall flow Rivers of Living Water, i. e. He fhall not only be fill'd with Spiritual Wtfdom him/elf, or Jo far as is Requifite for his Own Salvation ; hut he Jhall alfo be endu'd in fuch Abundance with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit^ as thereby to be enabled to Teach and Convert Others to the Belief of the Gofpel, and fo to bring Them alfo to Salvation. 39 Now this he fpake of the plentiful Effujion of the Spirit, which they that believe on him fhould receive after the 2)e/cent of the Holy Ghofl at the Pentecofl next enfuing: for the Holy Gholt was not yet given to Any of his Difciples in fuch an Extraordinary manner, becaufe that Jefus was not yet afcend- ed into Heaven, and there Glorify 'd. 40 Many of the People there- fore, when they heard this faying, i.e. heard him Jay, If any Man thirft, let him come to me, &c. with fo much Fearlefnejs and Authority, faid, Of a Truth This is the Prophet which MoJ'es fpeaks of 'Deut. 18. 1 j, 1 8, or fome fuch Extraordinary Terfon. 41 Others laid, This is the Mejjias, or Chrifi bimjelf. But to this fome other s^ led away with the Common Mijlake of Jefus being born at Nazareth in Galilee, faid, fhall Chrifi come out of Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture faid, That Chrifi comes out of the Seed of David, and out of the Town of Bethle- hem, where David was born ? 43 So there was a Divifion among the People becaufe of him. 44 And fome of them would have taken him ; but no Man laid hands on him. ANNOTATIONS. /_\ a ■ n. im:.i.. 1... «ur »j 8o S. John, Chap. VII, VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4f HA%y Vi el i>7r»fty iSfos T\is £p%tfZs % papiaalys* $ timi cuntis oocSvoj- Aia. ti Qrx iiyctyvn ootbv; 4} c* tow ipae/- ffjq ti rmi^i fi A7TE- 'AfiSnon.1 fc wmi gu/rd' M« x) at< ix, r TaAiAaciai w ; epetmnrov, $ fcft, 07j 'Sr£?,p>tT>ts c>* *? TaAiAixia^ £x Iy>i- yipTiq. fi K«< i-OTpto'Sj) giyc^j Js 7Bi oixoy ai/TV. Kep. »i . I»«tdus £?5 0.U7DV x*j XS-jlcwZ itiSbLTKii omt&s. 3 Ayy<7i /fc oi p^ct^eire*; xoy 01 px&oaioi 'Z2£9$ ttvTcy ya/ctiK5C ci ^ttoiy&ia XstTaAri^evkf xa) sjioetyTts aimjy ey (U« lhis woman was taken in , , n' to adultery, in the very act. e-rrat/Tzxpapa /xoi^ivi^. f Ei ft f Now Mofes in the Jaw i& ioua> Maoris rifuv inTib&'ro ms commanded us , that fuch i/r n p . ~ oc«; m Ae- fg ft thou? yas ; 6 T*to <& eAe/oy <7r«p*£ovns i OU7BIT, PARAPHRASE. iv. 4J Then came the Officers to the Chief Priefts and Pharifees; and The they faid unto them, Why have ye not brought him ? 46 The Officers cum mthmt «/>- anfwer'd, Never Man fpake, /. e. taught like this Man, and that in the tr,hiniin!. cbrift- Opinion of All the People as well as of Vs. 47 Then anfwer'd them the Pharifees, Are ye alio deceiv'd? 48 Have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharifees believ'd on him? 49 But this Common People, who knows not the Law aright, 'tis no wonder if they are fo eafijy led away by an Impoftor, and Jo are Curs'd of God. so Nicodemus fays unto them, {namely, He that came to Jefus by Night, as is afore related Chap. 3. being One of them, i.e. of the Sanhedrin or Rulers; and tho he was a Favourer of Jefus, yet being of a Timorous Nature, andfo not daring to interpoje 2>rec7ly in his Behalf but however being not able to forbear to jay fome thing in general that might allay their Heat, and di- vert them fi om fudden Attempts againji him : under theje Orcumflances Nicodemus jays unto them) 51 Do's Our Law allow us thus to Judge and Condemn any Man, before It, /'. e . before We, according to its 'Di- rections, hear him, and fo from his Own mouth know what he do's? 52 They anfwer'd and faid unto him, IVhat, art thou alfo a Favourer of this Impoflor of Galilee i3 Search the Scriptures, and look to find there- in, if you can, any Jingle Text that [peaks of any Prophet that JJjould arije out of Galilee : lor Jure we are} that according to the Scripture, out of Galilee arifes no Prophet. 73 And hereupon the Sanhedrin or Coun- cil broke up, and every Man went unto his Own houle. Chap. VIII. At Evening Jefus went unto the Mount of Olives, pro- A mm/„ taken bably to Bethany, to the Houfe of Lazarus and Mary and Martha, and'1" ^ ,hat they might have to ., _ ~ , , , ?r. , accufe him. But Jcfus ftoop'd k IwVi W™ ™~\*4, -4 <^*™Aa» down > and with hu ^ 'iy^tpv, as "rfco pito. 7 Cls o when they commit d ei7« 'Zj£?s ou»TV5' O ava/wiprnT^ asking him, he lift up himfelf, ,',,//";. *-^Z~-/?Xj -Ju > tL« ;J ^,,'t-C and laid unto them, He (hat is , , , , without tin among you, let ^OiXiTtt. 8 Key 7iaAiii K^to Jtu-^0^ him firfl caft a (lone at her. Zy©c®i» hi -Ao >^. 9 Oi' >-/ 0 . i qo/> /o / being convicted by their own us, ^xj^joi^n rW VfwQvTi. confc:ence, went out one by pay ceft tov \oyoumr xocj KscnAa'pSfl one, beginning at the eldeif, i as t ■'»•<•, , c » , / f^/f* unto the lalt: and Tefus {M& o Iww. & » ^ o, ^ wasicfi alone, and the woman 'ewaoc. io Avatto^s J^ o Iao^s, ftanding in the midft.. x«f p.ft'»* W^©" jTAfol w io When Jefus had lift up ^ r ^ , ; , ~ himfelf, and law none but the ywtyxos, ami ou.T>f H /"/», 7tV woman, he faid unto her, Wo- eiw c*a »o« oi T&Tmpvi crv ; &*'$ man> w,her,e are lhole lh|nc ac: , •'*••* , cukra? hath no man condemn d ,y , - / / i And Tefus faid unto her, Nei- OuA ew or unaxf ' »■> ' I2 Then lpake Tefus again 12 n*A„ W.lw« ^'^A*- unto .hem, faying, I am the A«ot, Ae>i>v E>a/ «(04 75 ipas y yjo- fight of the world : he that fol- , } ^ , T ■ f/r7 ' ~ eath for thy paft Sin of Adultery, but ex- hort thee to go and Sin no more. 12 Then fpake Jefus again unto them, faying, I am the Light of the World: he that follows me, (hall not walk in Darknefs, but (hall have the Light of Life. 13 The Pharifees therefore faid unto him, TheuJ^ beared Witnefs of thy felf; thy Witnefs is not true- 14 lefus an- * VI. Clirift'sDjyr.«'/» afterwards to the 84 S.John, Chap. VIU, ~ TEXT. T RAl^LATTo"Nr~ Tvp/a juy» oTi olSn 7n% »A%», x.x\ nefs is true : for I know tt£ <3*a»- i^a* Si vk oiSbL-n m% whenLce l came> and thither I ./ , ~, , „ go; but ye cannot tell whence «P#KW> & *V uaaj«. if T^eis ^ 1 come, and whither I go. r ra,'pK<* xflmt, iy* V xfim ®hfc'w. K *1 Ye judge after the flefh, ,, p ' n, J (V , \ t , , I Judge no man. »i-» »*'*.'■ «o » '^ > - * And >'et if I judge, mv t/Mi «Am3«s 6&i. 07i fw@- QDC judgment is true: fur I am not «>], ^Aa' £>J £ '0 7iiju4*s ue Tia.Tr,?. ?ion^ but * and th-e Father rr • • «A»9iis £,,. ,g Ey« Ufu o f^f- l8 I am one that beat wit- Tfpa» -afei e,acu,TV, $ A^P'rvp^ -Zcfei ners of mY klf) and the Father if* i w+« W mra/p. i, EAe- . JfjJ^1 me beareth w'tnef* ^p» £* oo'tsS- nv '^7» o TratTTip ov; ' rp Then faid they unto AKKtlSn 'o Uw Ou'ts i^ oi'cTale !"m' W h"eA is thy Father ? Je- * ■ i > , , „r - "S anfwerd, Ye neither know W r TBttifA w u ifn ? Jem, & i me, nor my Father : if ye had mra'po. ^ »hm iv. 20 ToTra tm !,f*.l* ^A«W o I*a*f o# ttS ,«. 20 Thefe words fpake Jcfus ^oQvteua, Jl^wxav £v tsS /ep«« xj in tne treafury, as he taught ^eis *&7*aev oatcV &n jra 'lA„. LV^ j^V a"d ,no man 4/i r« . "' Aw laid hands on him, for his hour Auje* >? «^t oaTV. was not yet come. 21 Ei^nv «v toA<» 0*7015 a I«o-VJ# 2I Tncn ^aid Je^us again aUcLpncL v/xav ^xnfyiucdt' fay iya In yourGns: whither I go, ye v^a,, ifS, y JW)£ JAflffJ 22 E- can"oti?,rae- ♦ ■•.••'-. , 21 Then {aid the Jews, teyn b* 01 IvJfcior M»tz ^bra*w^ Will he kill kimfelf? becaufe so^liy, 'o'tj A«^- Ott^ £^ i««/i, J^s he lalth' Whither I go ye can- V iViAvi tAQuii 23 Kfltj eiTrsv el&u- 23 And he faid unto them, {b) Exod. 3. 14. S.John, Chap. VIII. 8? PARAPHRASE. Witnefs is true : for I know whence I came, viz. from Heaven^ and whither I go again, viz. to Heaven ; and T being a T>ivine Per/on, and One EJfential Attribute of the Godhead being Truth, therefore it necejjariiy follows that my Jingle Teflimony of my felf muH be True : and this you would readily Acknowledge, but thaAy means of your Un- reafonable Prejudices ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go, /. e. ye will not believe me to come from Heaven, and to be a Z>ivine Per- /on. is And fuch your Prejudices arife from this, that ye judge of me and my T)oc7rine after the Flefh, or Carnal and Worldly Affettions, and not according to the Reajcn of Things. On the contrary, jo far am I from being led by fuch Prejudices to judge wrong of Men, that at prejent I judge no Man, but only endeavour to bring Men jo Repentance by my Teaching. \6 And yet if \floould take upon me at this pre fent to judge and Condemn you for your Obflmate Unbelief , my Judgment is True, /. e. would be jttjl : for alt ho' as 1 objervd afore (v. la.) my fingle Teflimony of my felf is True; yet not to mjifl on that, but to give you Further Evi- dence of my Truth, and that in your Own way, I fay further now, that I am not Alone in bearing Witnefs of me, but I and ihe Father that lent me. i q Now it is allu written in your Law, (b) that the Teflimony of Two men is True. 18 Agreeably hereto, I am One that bear Wuncls of my ielf, and the Father that fent me bears Witnefs of me: fo that ac- cording to your Own Law there is fujficient Teflimony given you of me. ip Then laid they unto him, Where is thy Father, which thou appeakfl to as thy Other Witnefs ? Jefus anfwer'd, Sufficient means have been and Jlill are given you, whereby to know me and my Father ; but fuch are your Worldly Affefiions and Unreafonable Prejudices, that indeed after all, ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had made a Right life of the means vouchfifd you, and thereby had known me, ye fhould from thence have known my Father alfo to be no other than God the Father; but fince ye know not me, or will not yet acknowledge me to be the Chrifi or a True Prophet, 'twill be to no purpofe for me to tell you Exprefly, that God is my Father, ^o Thefe words fpake Jefus in the Treafury, as he taught in that part of the Temple : Which as it was a Place whence he could not eafily have efcap'd, fo it was a Place where bis worjl Enemies, the Chief Priefls and Rulers, frequented; and yet no Man laid hands on him, for his Hour was not yet come. 21 Then faid )efus again unto them, knowing that their Hearts boyl'd chlift"oreteils againjl him, and that they were defirous to Kill him, I go my way Jhortly them of his a»- to Heaven, and ye fhall leek me, and fhall die in your Sins, i.e. be de-in& ""•■jSa- Jlroydin this World, and condemn d Eternally for them in the other ; for to that t>lace of f-Tabtiinels whither I po. ve cannot come, whi/fi voa 86 S. John, Chap, VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Xixui 3TB- ^a.y«c3*e iv Tsui kfj.ajixa^i v/uZr eay •fi /Ml r7Tl<;iD(Ty\n 071 lyCi 61(04, ^Tre- Jaiiicd~i oi tous a.fi&p'noms i/ffif. 2f EAe^pv yy ou^' 2t> 'n's hi K*| »n x.*) A^Aa t/ftTv. 26 ["IoAAx 't^a t&t L(aui AaA6is 'fift ' Ketya a, HJt^aw, vr? tufy, (g.vnx. Alice us T xaojioi. 27 Oux. iyce^ "otx t Tta- 28 EiTrey yy oui&Tj 0 InoVf Oray u-vpMffvn* t ijoy ry avjpaicrv, -tot* y»aa€cSe oti «ya ufu, ^ «7r iftcwrv mia v Aoya iq i/uc}, aAn- Jas jMtStflcq ,uv ed- 32 jcocj yya- o-jc8e £ aAw^ejar, $ ^ «.A>j9e*« eAev- Ye are from beneath, I am from above: ye are of this world, I am not of this world. 24 I faid therefore unto you, that ye fhall die in your tins: for if ye believe not that 1 am be, ye (hall die in your fins. ij- Then faid they unto him, Who art thou ? and Jefus faith unto them , Even the fame that I faid unto you from the beginning. 26 f have miny things to fay * of you, and to judge^o« for; but he that (uk me is true ; and I fpeak to the world thofe things which 1 have heard of him. 27 They^ underltood not that he fpake' to them of the Father. 28 Then faid Jcfus unto them, When ye have lift up the Son of man, then fhall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of my felf; but as my Father hath taught me, I fpeak thefe things. 29 And he that fent me, is with me : the Father hath not left me alone: for I do al- ways thole things that pleafe him. 30 As he fpake thefe words, many believ'd on him. 1 1 Then faid Jefus to thofe Jews which believ'd on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my difciples indeed; 32 And ye fhall know the truth, and the truth fhall make you free. 33 Atts- S. John, Chap. VIII. 87 PARAPHRASE. No, I ' flull not kill my [elf: what I [aid (v. 21.) has a quite different Meaning, viz. that whereas ye are from beneath, and jo acll altogether agreeably to your Earthly Original, placing your Aff eft ions on Things of the Earth ; on the contrary, 1 am from Above, and jo JhaU return thi- ther again : whereas ye are of this World, and, as fuch, f'eek chiefly the Things of this fforld, I am not of this World. 24. I laid therefore (v. 21.) unto you, that ye fhall die in your Sins; namely, totajmuch as if ye believe not that I am He, /. e. the Chri/l, ye fhaJl die in your Sins. 2j Then laid they unto him, Who art thou? And Jefus fays unto them, I can, nor need give you any other Account, thin that I am even the Same that I laid unto you from the Beginning of my Minijiry. %6 I have many things to fay of you, becauje of yottt 'Unreasonable Un- belief, and to judge you for: but however you may dijlike them, they are mofl certainly T> ue, becauje He that lent me is True; and 1 lpcak to the World nothing but thole things which 1 have heard of him, in relation to thefe matters. 17 They JIM understood not that he lpake to them of God the Father; and Jttch was their Prejudice, that Cbrifl Jaw it would be to no piopo/e to jpeak mot e Plainly, but would only jerve to mcreaje their Malice agamfl him. 28 Injiead therefore of faying Exprejly that God was his Father, he VUI- proceeded to lay fuch things before them, as might be a Foundation for \y "f ^i"'™"-- their Repentance and Faith Afterward, when thryjhou/d fee thofe things />*><>»■ fulfill' d in him, which he now foretold of Himfclf. Then laid Jefus unto them, When ye have lift up the Son of Man on the Crofs, whereas ye fhall think, at fir ft, that thereby je have done your Work effectually ; on the contrary, then fhall ye have Jlronger Evidences vouchfaf'd unto you, whereby ye may know that I am He, /. e. the Chrifl, and that 1 do no- thing of my Iclf; but as my Father has taught me, 1 1 peak thefe things : 29 and that he that lent me, is with 111c; and that the Father has not left me Alone; for 1 do always thole things that pleale hm: And if "je will not be brought to know this by the Jlronger Evidences thereof, which fliall be afforded you prefently after my Crucifixion; ye fhall however be made to Know it by the mofl Jevere judgments which ffjall befall your whole Nation for your J>erfijling m your Unbelief. 30 As he lpake thele Words of what jiKtild befall himjelf and the Jews, with fo great Authority and Certainty, Many behev'd on him. 31 Then laid Jefus to thole )cws which behev'd on him, It ye continue in the Pra&ice of my Word or Z)uc7rine, not with/landing all the Per fe- cut ions ye may meet with on that Account, then are ye my Difciples in- deed; 32 and ye fhall aff, as thofe who peifecJIy know my 'Doclrme to be no other than the Truth of God, and your thus Living according to 88 S. John, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 33 Awuv/Sfloav owt$- 27nf/u«, 33 They anfwerd him, We o , / , ^u, , / be Abraham's feed, and were AGpact^ tqpev, x, «Ji« JW«Aw3C9V«e» never in bondage to any man : irwrilt- 7ms av \ifui- On eAetl^spoi how fayft thou, Ye {hall be / a . /~ ' ~ » T made free ? yvmcQii «4 Awf^ wtois o I«r J4 Jefusanfwer'd them,Ve- ffSs* AjLMiv a,«Ico Ae/a , ' tC*«i '/p-f .S Whofoever committeth fin, is ^T "„ , , the bond-iervant or lin. k/uoynan. 35" O * ' . i° i *■ indeed. 37 OiU on az*p** ACew IV- r know that are A, *Ma ^ni/em ,ue ^3re>t/6 becaufe n,y W0ld hath ,;,, «< 1 ? / - no PIace m y°u- ota&.i& '©-&$< ^ «if' AV, ActAa, ?8 I fpeak that which I £ upas mju 0 ea>e^KStTe ©$* ^ *«- have feen Wlth my Father : , , „, ~ i„ and ye do that which ye have rti VfSff, imwn. 3? hmx.V3n- leen wjtn your father. erotv Jcot) eiww cu/rc^ O roTi-ip ^/Jft/* 39 They anfwer'd and faid *("„.. ' ;~ a '-J „'^.7^ I Tv..^. c,' unto him, Abraham is our fa- „ p \ «, y , ~ l"iU Je'us 'aith unto them, If 7s')cvot, t5 AQ^cl/u >,Te, to ep>« Ttf ye were Abraham's children, ASpa*^ l-mw ft. 40 N«2 «fc' 61 . Ye ,W0llld do the works of' A- , -i ,/„ ,i 1 braham. Tfe-n fit ccTiDXluity, Mffaniw 0$ iw ^Q But now ye feek to kill i\*Jucut ufut AeA^'AvtK5t, lt» Uvcm. me) a man that hath toId you ori »■„ p ~ A/o \ > the truth, which I have heard && tv ©eoJ- ryro AQ&xfi one ofGod . this did nol Abraham_ I >/ t7niy\ati. 41 T^ys vniwn -m tpya. ^1 Ye do the deeds of your t5 TrarejS vam. eTttov oti/ m-rS- fe^ Then fa .d they to him, ^ , , / ca -/' We be not born or rormca- Hfius Ik rtopiuac, v yiyunffiv ev* tjon. We nave one Father, iraiifA 'tyofiti, r ©eav. 42 Ei7rsy «y fw« God. , ~ , • ~ L^e u.j 1 42 Jefus faid unto them, If «>tois 0 lms> Et 0 ©eas w*7Mp God were your Father, ye v/uai lu>, yiyoLTra.it *» £/«• £>J ^ ««• would love me: forlproceed- (U) Compare Gal. 4. ax, 30. (bbb) See G<»/. 4. 7. TV & John, Chap. VIII. 89 PARAPHRASE. 3 j They anfwer'd him, thinking he had Jpoken of a Civil and Bodily His ^fr<:ourie Freedom, We be Abraham's Seed, and fo have a Natural Right to Free- wkh'the jews a- dom, the /aid Father of our Nation being a Freeman \ aud as for our bout ^4m'",ot- Selves, We were never in Bondage or Bond-flaves to any Man: how fay ft thou, Ye (hall be made Free? 34 Jefus anfwer'd them, Verily verily I fay unto you, Whofoever committeth Sin, is the Bond-fervant of Sin. 3 J And whereas ye value your [elves as being of the Seed or Houfe of Abraham, you fiould remember, that Ifimael, tho' of the Seed of Abraham, yet after a certain time was cajl out of Abraham's houfe, being the Son only of a Bond-maid, and fo a Bond-fervant ; and Ifaac his Son by his Wife Sarah only, and his Toftenty, were ejleem'd by God the Heirs of Abraham or of his Houfe, as to the Bteffngs promis'd thereto' Now Ifhmael (bb) was a Type of you Jews under the Bondage of the Ri- tual Law, and his being caft out of Abrahams houfe denotes, that the Bond-fervant abides not in thelHoufe for ever, i. e. that ye Jews are not Always to be the Teople of God by adhering to the Ritual Law; but as Ifaac was a Type ofChriB, and the Promis'd Seed, and abode in the Houfe of Abraham for ever as his Heir ; fo every one that believes in me, typify d by the Son f/aav, abides for ever in the Houfe of God, as Heir ofGod(bbb). 36 If therefore the Son fhall make you Free, /. e. if ye become my Di- fciples, and fo partakers of the Grace of the Gofpel, thereby ye fhall be made Free indeed ; as being Freed not only from the Bondage of the Ritual part of the Law, but alfofrom the Power and Dominion of Sin, which by the Law, confiderd as juch, or in contradiflwcJion to the Gofpel, ye can't be Freed from. 37 I know that ye are Abraham's Seed in a Natural Jenfe \ but I know alfo that ye are no Seed of Abrahams in the Spiritual fenfe thereof, or as He is efleem'd the Father of the Faithful! : for ye leek to Kill me, becaufe my Word or Doclrine, which is no other than the Truth of God, has no Place in you, i. e. is contrary to your Worldly and Wicked Affections, which will not fufferyou to receive it. 58 For I fpeak that which I have feen with, i. e. know to be Agreeable to the Will of , God my Father ; and ye do that which ye have as it were feen with, ;'. e. is Agreeable to the Will of, your Father the Devil. 39 They anfwer'd and laid unto him, Abraham is our Father. Jefus fays unio them, If ye were Abraham's Children in the Befl or Spiritual fenfe, ye would do the Works of Right eoufnefs, as Abraham did. 40 But now ye feek to kill me, a Man that has told you the Truth, which I have heard of God : Any wicked thing like to this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the Deeds of him that is more truly in a Spiritual fenfe your Father, viz. the "Devil. Then faid they to him, We be not born ofParents 9o $■ John, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ?©£ ^aV, i to' V& # ** fc- ed f°rth' andTcanJe fr°mrG°d i , >, ~z , , neither came I of my felt, but ou/J 6A«A^5*, *A\ ttcetvos A" a^raAe. j,e fent rae 43 Awn t teAuv t i/uSi £ >n»«^t£- 43 Why do ye not under- „ , .» _ , / , i « ftandmy fpeech? even becaule (»* °-" * «&"*£« ***"» ™ ^ T ye cannot hear my word, g^coy. 44. T/uSs Ix. 7nt7t?os v SuCoAy 44 Ye are otyour father the ^ 1 , 1 ,/-, a » *■ \ < ~ devil, and the lulls of your fa- m, * mtjMfujH* * m^v/un ther;ewiUd0; he wasamur- %Afn 7roiuv. ixuios *v8pffl77B»7cvo5 hi derer from the beginning, and £*' «™, i h *5 iX*9«'* iv fa- aJode not in the truth, becaufe ,/ > .7 » '/ » • e f/ there is no truth in him. when :«»• 077 fcx. 69iv aAfl^a* ev <*w9. oral he fpeaketh a lye, hefpeaketh A*A« to J,w &5, k t itiay A*a£ S-n of hls own : forrhe is a !yar> , , ' , , , , , , _o , and the father of it. ^w* 3 4y And becaufe I tell /c» 07i T aAyfrao, Ae/a, * -mTtvili A"*' the truth, ye believe me not. . _/ >r c ~ ,, /r i c> « 4°" Which of you convinc- 46 Tistvpai *€}#/**& *(i«f- ethmeoffin? Aftdiflfaythe 7i'a$; a J^ i\Y)fucu> Aey»> hxm v- truth, Why do ye not believe **l « ™^™ ?liJ? ,° ^vv *** m 47 He that is of God, hear- ©e£r, iw p^fiala v ®tv and faid Unt0 him' Sa? We "0t „ , * \ \ * 1 well, that thou art a Samari- C7j X&iMfwns u ov, kch ShufuiM tanj and haft a dev,1? «^«s j 49 AmnfiSn I*MS' E>« Jki- 49 M™ anfwer'd , I have • .# . . \ ~ w » not a devil; but I honour my ^1101 GM*W> *AAcc TiAM, t TO^p* Father> and ye dQ dlfhonour A^y, & ^^s a7iAi«^€Te A", jo E?« me. J* v Cw ¥ Ag« aiv Ks« 5 C«t5v x) 5° ,And J , feek .not m.ine r- -r 11 ,r ' ~ 1 own glory : there is one that ^ \>iw,i«<»pno->) «s t »<»»*. f 2 Ei- he foal] never fee death. tov ow tdi^oi' IV^tTor Nw* s^«- fi Then faid the Jews unto o „ J / ,/ , p \ him, Now we know that thou K*A&> oTi ^iawviov e^«J. AG^aA* haft a devil. Abraham is dead, a7re}oue x) 01 'Zj^ipyiTocf, xoq cnJ Ae- and the prophets; and thou yui' S.John, Chap. VIII. ~9r ' PARAPHRASE. " proceeded forth, and came from God ; neither came I of my felf, but he fent me. 43 Why do ye not underftand my Speech, even novo when I fo Thinly tell you who / am, in anfwer to your Quejlion v. 2$, and what I mean when I fay lam from Above, as v. xj, &c. The only Reajon why you will not underftand or believe me, when I jo plainly tell you that I came from God, is no other than this, even becaufe ye cannot endure to hear my Word or Doctrine, or to believe it is the Word of God, becaufe it is fo contrary to your Lufts and Sinfull Ajfett tons. 44. Hence ye zrefuch as may be more truly f aid to be Children of your Father the Devil; and as Children Govern d by him, according to the Lulls or Sin- fullDeJires of your Jaid Father ye will do. He was a Murderer from the beginning of the Creation, procuring the "Death of Adam and his Pojiertty, and feeding /till the Deftrulimn of all Good men ; and in imu tation of him, you, as his Children, now fee k to Murder me : and in order to procure the Fall of Man, he abode not in the Truth, becaufe there is no Affe&ion to Truth in him, it being contrary to All his Wicked defigns ; but he Deceiv'd ourFnfi Parents by a Lye, and he (till continues to deceive All wicked Perjbns by Lying, or Mifreprejenting things to them. When he fpeaks a Lye, he fpeaks of his Own, i. e. t.hat which he Firfl gave Rife to, and what is Agreeable to bis Devili/h Nature : for He is a Lyar, and the Father or Author of It, /'. e. Lying ; and as fitch can't endure the Truth, which is not for his Turn. 45- And herein a/fo you, as his Child- ren, referable and imitate him ; and becaufe I tell you the Truth, ye be- lieve me not. 46 Which of you convinces me of Sin, or doing Any thing which renders me Unworthy of Belief} And if I fay the Truth, Why do ye not believe me? 47 He that is of God, heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, becaufe ye are not of God. 48 Then anfwer'd the Jews, and faid unto him, Say we not Well, i. e. Rightly, that thou art a Samaritan, ;. e. an Enemy and Hater of our Na- tion and Religion, and haft alfo a Devil which makes thee Mad, or talk like a Madman} 49 Jefus anfwer'd, I have not a Devil; but I Ho- nour my Father, and ye do Dilhonour me: yo and altho' T value not what you jay of me on my Own account, becaufe I feek not my Own Glory; yet there is One, vis. God, that feeks my Glory, and judges, and will Jeverely punf}} you for thus Djhonouring me, except ye Repent thereof. 5-1 And notwithfianding all your moil Reproachfull Language toward me, yet in Pity to you, and m order to bring you to Repentance, Verily verily I fay unto you, If a Man keep my Saying, i. e. obey my Gofpel, he (hall never fee that which Emphatically may be call'd Simply Death, viz. Death Eternal, or the Torments of Hell. ?2 Then, per- /• _ l: .r - our father Abraham, which is AGfMfi, owaTrtJavej &o» <&W»- dead-? and the prophets arg t«j aTTeGcwov. n'w i av 7imm dead: whom makeft thou thy U Ain*tfal*w Eh fei A$ft« fe» > Jefi]s anfwer.dj If j hQ_ i/ioujiii, >i Jb'Jjci ^« sfofev '£#• esiy o nour my felf, my honour is aa™ (jlM S j know hlrnnot) 7ei , imH&i oTtoi©-" wa^/5 46o'9"5* * fllaI1 be a i>rar like umo y°u : , • • » . viv » t . i v / ' ~ but I know him, and keep his «M oidfat- 0W7HV, x, Toy \oy>* ootv fayin„ r Tupa. j Thou art not yet fifty , „,/„,/=> \ years t"", an" halt thou leen ttdcovtbi em V 7TC» t%us, x) AGpa*^ Abraham? £»£**$(?; J" 8 El™ cwtbTs o l»i . , , , ,r . ~ » .*> , Verily verily I lay unto yon, A^uty «^!» Aei» ^iv, cpiy Atpata/^ Before Abraham was, I am. yiugQxti, iya (*fju. f? Htyi ouv S9 Then took they up %«v n nu > •' -* / -' ~ ftones to calt at him : but Te- A<^ »v* /3xA^yj7r MTtv.^Iiirts fus hid himfelfj and went 0Jut tT^ )A9sy cvx ? iep5, of the temple, going thro' the ikA^f 3/^ ^ ^T3^ ^ Tiap.. ™dft °f them' and f0 Pafs'd yii V-rus. Chap. IX. Ktp. J'. K«j ©&[y*» ««fi» *v- _ And as >/«j pafs'd by, he , , v ^. , law a man which was bund ^pa>770v Ti/pAfly ipaT«oziy «J7B» oi /m*9«tbh aoToJ, . » And his difciples ask'd , f>f>\ , „ * him, faying, Matter, who did Ae^y-ns- Pcttti, -ns x/tttpTSy, ^tos flIlj this mail> or hjs parentS} $ oi jpvys ow^", 'iva ivpAos y«vy)i^ ; that he was born blind P 3 A7TE- S.John, Chap. VIII, IX. 95 PARAPHRASE. ~~ phets 5 and thou fay ft, If a Man keep my Saying, he fhall never tafte of Death, si Art thou greater than our Father Abraham, which is Dead ? and the Prophets are Dead : and whereas thefe great and holy Per/ons could not free Them/elves from Death, and you pretend to free Others from It, whom makeft thou thy felf? s\ Jefus anfwer'd, If I go about to honour my felf, by pretending to be what I am not, my Honour is nothing, /'. e. will come to nothing, except turning to my Dijhonour : but it is my Father that honours me, by bearing Tejlimony to the Truth of myDoclrine, by enabling me to perform fitch Miracles as I do, and who alfo gives me {as Man) Tower to preferve from Eternal Death fuch as keep my Sayings : and that ye may know whom I mean by my Father, I tell you again plainly, that it is He, of whom you fay, that he is your God. yj Yet I mull tell you ye have not known him bright, or his Will; but I know him and his Will Perfe&ly; and if I fhould fay, I know him nor, i. e. know not his IVill to be fuch as I teach you, or Agree- able to my Gofpel, I IhalJ be a Lyar like unto you; but I therefore aver that I know him and his Will, and keep his Saying, /. e. do according to his Will in All things I do or teach. $6 As to my being Greater than Abraham, I fay, Your Father Abraham long'd to fee my Day, i. e. my Appearance in the World as you do nma; and he faw it by the Eye of Faith, and Jo far as it pleas' d God to Reveal it unto him, and was Glad thereat ; which argues that Abraham thought me a much Greater Perfon than Him felf, tho you do not. j7 Then, Jfill going on Perverfly to un* derjland our Saviour's Words in the mofl abjurd benje they could, laid the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet any thing near Fifty years Old, and haft thou feen Abraham, or he theei j8 Jefus faid unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, Before Abraham was, I did exijt, being One and the Second of the Three 'Divine Perfons in the Godhead, and fo being together with the Father and Holy Ghoji That your God, who Jent Mofes to bring your Forefathers out of Egypt, and told mi out/$' ^K 'Ua. 4 E,«i 5"eT ep>«Xe^ 7a *e'P5'a £ piffi- ■^xitos fjJi 'ices fif&tpit '6frv tf)£) »u£, on vieis SJva^ ifyd^e^ S Omy $v t&) XQtqia a, Jcotj eWW vmAov ex. v -^oo^ecr^, x) ineyeAve t TniAoy '6^1 TVs op^xA- (jiMi V TopAV. 7 Kotj 6<7m , ttey>v Ou% Vtos '&li eAejpic Otj vtts £5JV iAAoi 5 iyeav^nowy / ' 1 man mat is can a jews, mauc TDtAoy i-rnwi, x, att^um (4* T*« clay, and anointed mine eyes, cp^tA/tV?, **j Z'Tti pui- Ttityi els and fe'd ""to me, Go to the « o/. t* ^ , 1. pool of Siloam, and wafh: and T xoAu.uG^po* V SiAa*^, x, y/^. j went and waflVd) and I re. A^A^aiv «N x) yj-4*^@^, ctye'CAe- ceiv'd fight. ■ ,,-!■ * •> » n~ > » ~ 12 Then faid they unto 1*. 12 E.7T0, V, *«^. nv *9W 06M- him> wherc is he? H/fald> T v@"j AeW- Oux, oTJk." know not. ' 13 Ayyojy wafh'd, and came feeing. 8 The neighbours therefore, and they which before had feen him, that he was blind, laid, Is not this he that fat and begg'd? 9 Some faid, This is he : others fare/, He is like him: but he faid, I am he. 10 Therefore faid they un- to him, How were thine eyes open'd ? 1 1 He anfwer'd and faid, A man that is caD'd Jefiis, made S. John, Chap. IX. 9S TEXT. TRANSLATION. 13 Ayvoiv ctuTOV rzzgjs T«s ay-light to work ; fo after the appointed Time for my flaying no longer here on Earth is come, IJhall perform no more juch works in my Own Per/on. $■ As long as I am in the World, I am to be the Light of the World, both in a Natural Jenfe, or Giving Sight to the Blind; and aljo in a Spiritual fenfe, or Giving Spiritual InJhucTion and Knowledge to the Ignorant. 6 When he had thus fpoken^he fpat on the Ground, and made Clay of the Spittle, and he anointed the Eyes of the Blind man with the Clay, -, and laid unto htm, Go, walh your Eye s with fame of the Water that is in the Pool of Siioam (which word in the JewifJj Language is the fame by Interpretation, as in our Enghft Language is the word, Sent; and therefore This might give the Blind man and Others occafion to think, of ChrijTs being the Meffias, who was prophefy'd of under the like name, Viz: Shiloh [c) The Sent, denoting Emphatically the Perfon that was Sent from God in the moB Extraordinary manner that ever Any one was.) He went his way therefore, and walh 'd, and came Seeing; but JeJ 'us in the mean while was gone on his way. 8 The Neighbours therefore to the Man that was thus cur'd, and All they who before had feen him that he was Blind, faid, Is not this He that fat and begg'd? 9 Some laid, This is he: others faid, He is like him : but he faid, I am he. 10 There- lore faid they unto him, 'How were thine Eyes open'd? 11 He an- fwer'd and laid, A Man that is call'd Jefus, made Clay, and anointed mine Eyes, and faid unto me, Go to the Pool of Siloam, and walh : and I went and walh'd, and I receiv'd Sight, iz Then faid they unto him, Where is he? He faid, I know not. 1? The matter comim to the Pharifees Ears, they pave T>irec7ions to vjh- XI. 96 S. John, Chap. IX. TEX t7~ TRANSLATION. ct6v o Inws, $ ciiiafa ou$ T«s op. day when Jefus made the clay, , __ '»'' > ■ 4ijf *'> , and open'd his eyes. Vv«**'c 1/ nv tins' Out©- o Lijfa. the Pharifees, This man is not ms Cbc 'in *%* t5 0g5, 2ti tJ of God> ^au,fe.he kACPueth , -T«. „ not the fabbath-day. Others ffaGGstTov « r>ipe<. AMo» gAejpr faid, How can a man that is a lias - had been blind and receiv'd ^ , wjT1. >s / , vL, £ 1 h,s fi§ht> unul they call'd the vets ou^ * atv*GAg4otv/@-. 19 Kcq parents of him that had re- >ipar>i<£ aItvs, \iy>flii' OZtis gfw c"v'd his fight. , ,v c ~ ,, c ~ , „ f/ 19 And they ask'd them, 0 Moj «,««», ov vf^sheyik o-n -w then doth he now fee ? 20 Atthc^ at,™ o< y>»«« «x^ ft 2Q Hjs parents aQfwer.d &i77BV« Oi'tJU^v c7i yxDS I9i» o lJoS >t- them and faid, We know that fSn & fci ^p^« ^vv^M. 21 n^ SJ0,rsn1Sbcj•I;dfon, and that he was J^ vuv QKi-iti, ««. oifaiAti, % ™ «»o»- 21 But by what means he &v VW& 5/tt«$ ax oi- n°w feet,h> we know not ; or ,,,„.,,, who hath open d his eyes, we ?Af&j' *vns xAixteU' e^, auToy gpa- know not: he is 0f agCj ^ imaHv *'jtqS b oun1^ui7v Jews : for the Jews had agreed o< S.John, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 01 IvJouoi, m let* -ns cum IfuKo- already, that if any man did , , " t ,_ cornels that he was Chrilt, he •y>yr» Xe^y, *.7rocuv&yuys yiinj. fhould be put out of the fyna- 23 At* tJtd oi y>mi , , in 2l Therefore laid his pa- »Ai)Uo* t%i, owtbv ifUTvmlt. 24 E- rents, he is of age ask him. v!>ni & u hutifv % Mi»™ %i h . 2+ The" asain «^ they r ^ ; \ #*> » tne man tnat was Wind, and rv'7r(5)J St®-1 k,uoLfm\oi 'fell, 2f A7rt- kfiXfTTUhoS 't&1, Chi £>TJk- 8» 01- Jk, 07i T/opAos o)V, apTi /3AeTO. ai out; Tats wife oV rys o'p^A- (tt**; 27 Ato^^h eu>7Di5' Ei^v upv >j£h , x.«J GfX woui AeAct- AviviSy 0 ©ess- tSto» cd<9»i 0 ttv^poiTr^, x,«) slTTiv o^tcTs- Ev £> 70UT ^fiWiit«.'75y '^V, 071 VftUf OVX. Toui o(f>Jx\f.'.oui. 31 Ofrapv t$* Ev etftcif- praife : we know that this roan is a firmer. 2.5 He anfwer'd and laid, Whether he be a (inner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I fee. 26 Then faid they to him again, What did he to thee? how open'd he thine eyes ? 27 He anfwer'd them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would ye hear /'/ again ? will ye alto be his difciples? 2.8 Then they revil'd him, and faid, Thou art his difci- ple ; but we are Mofes difci- ples. 29 We know that God fpake unto Mofes: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is. 30 The man anfwer'd and faid unto them, Why, herein, is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he haih open'd mine eyes. 31 Now we know that God heareth not finners : but if any man be a worfhipper of God, and doth his will , him he heareth. 32 Since the world began was it not heard that any man open'd the eyes of one that wai born blind. 3 j If this man were not of God, he could do nothing. 3+ They anfwer'd and faid unto him, Thou waft altoge- ther born in fins, and doft S. John, Chap. IX. 99 1 EXT. TRANSLATION. $\S)&tkus v\[JuMi Kaj oSjsCxAov ow- •ni i^a>. 3 J" Hxavoii o IhjJs otj l^eCxXai etvToy e£a>* kou\ nufai euu- TB», 6i7Ii» CUiT$' SU 7TlTlVU$ US •rav l|o» tbJ ©eodj 3$ ATOJcei- Kuttt f Vy* Tnrwcra eis avtov; thou teach us r And they call him out. 3? Jefus cait him ou found him, Dolt thou of God? 3<5 He Who is he, believe on heard that they had t; and when he had he laid unto him, believe on the Son anfwer'd and faid, Lord, that I might him? 37 Ei7rs PARAPHRASE. Jlrument of this Blejjing: for we know that this Mznjefus is a Sinner, being a Breaker of the Sabbath, ts He anfwer'd and faid, Whether he be a Sinner or no, I know not : one thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I See. 26 Then fiid they to him again, What did he to thee? how open'd he thine Eyes? 27 He anfwer'd them, I have told you Already, and ye did not hear fo as to believe me: wherefore then would ye hear it again? will ye alio be his Diiciples? 28 Then they revil'd him, and faid, Thou art his Difciple; but we are Mofes Diici- ples. ap We know that God fpake unto Moles: as for this FeUow, we know not from whence he is. 30 The Man anfwer'd and (aid unto them, Why, herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he has open'd mine Eyes. 31 Now we know that God hears not Sinners, fo as to grant them Tower to work Mira- cles or the like, in Confirmation of any Sinful or Falje DoSirine ; at leaji without being Oppos'dby fome Holy 'Per fans who are mveftedwith Tower to do greater Miracles in order to keep Men from being Seaitc'd by the Others : but if any Man be a Worihipper of God, and do's his Will, him he hears, and has often been pleas' d to give tofuch Holy men the Tower of working Miracles in confirmation of tbeir being Sent from him, and Doing his Will, in what they Do and Teach. 32 Since the World be- gan, was it not heard that any Man open'd the Eyes of One that was born Blind ; 33 and therefore if this Man were not ol God, he could do no juch thing. 34 They anfwer'd and faid unto him, Thou wait altogether born in Sins, (d) as we kjiow Juffciently from thy being bom Blind, and doit thou teach us? And they caff him out of the Syna- gogue , i. e. Excommunicated him out of the Jewijh Church as an Apo- Jlate. 35- Jefus heard that they had caft him out; and when he had l j 1 u., /L:j ._ u: rt.si. .1 l .1: .u. c__ _f/^_j^ 100 S.John, Chap. IX, X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3- Eitte Si CLVT& o I«ffSf«* Kq m- £?.\Zi ci.utov, KaL\ o AeiAav ^ oV, c^iiHioi :6§7v. 38 o si ipy n<- 3^ K*) ^7T6V 0 IVUTJOS' Eis 5tev<- AX £>i> 64$ 75V XO£^U,0» 7BU7BV >)A- %»• Vva 01 /urn /3A«7n»7«5 (Zhiirum, JtOt) 01 JbAe7T0VTS5 Tti^Aoi >4Vi»»Tcq. 40 Kct| >ix.tfcra,y tyx. 7»v (pa^oujay fel/TBt 01 011755 ,t«T 00$ , it) £i7T*y etuis,* M» xaj ^ys TupAoJ eo^tev ; 41 Ei7T6» aii7oTs 0 InffVS' Ei TupAoi ? > ,\ i> « / ~ (0 >m, i/Jt «.v e«^*Ti ct/adpTiot** vua J« Ag'^471* O-n CAiitofuv £ own kjudf. 1 < ~ / 710. UflCil (JU1U> Kep. 1, A/^iv a/^iv Ae>i> t//«ir, 0 «.'jAIu> t IJoCirai, ctAAa. avatsovfflV 37 And Jefus laid unto him, Thou haft both feen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. 38 And he faid, Lord, I bel.e/e. And he worfhipp'd him. 39 A r,d Jefus [aid, For judg- ment 1 am come into this world: that they which fee not, might fee; and that they which fee, might be made blind. 40 And Jo me of the Phari- fees which were with him heard thefe words, and faid unto him, Are we blind alfo ? 41 Jefus faid unto them, If ye were blind, ye fhould have no fin: but now ye fay, We lee ; therefore your fin re- maineth. Chap X. Verily verily I fay unto you, He that entreth not by the door into the iheep.bld, but climbeth up (ome other PARAPHRASE. him' 3~ And Jefirs (aid unto him, Thou halt both feen him, and it is he that talks with thee. 3S And he faid, Lord, I believe on account of what thou haft done and /aid to me, that thou art the Mefftas or Son of God. And he kneel'd down and worfhipp'd him. 39 And Jefus faid, For to mamfeji the juft Judgment of God on Men I am come into this World, namtly, that ihey who See not, might See, i. e. that fuch as are Ignorant, and wit hall Humble, and [0 fenjible of their Ignorance, and defirous to be Inftrufied in their Duty to God, might accordingly know their Duty in the fu/le(i manner; and on the other hand, that they which See, might be made Blind, i. e. that fuch as are 'Proud, and think they know the Will of God and then Z)ut) to htm, when they are Ignorant thereof, may be made Mamfefi to be thus Ignorant, and render d more Inexcufable. 40 And fome of the Phanlees which were with him heard thefe words, and faid unto him, Are we Blind alio? 41 Jefus faid unto them, If ye were Blind in rejpecll of Spiritual Light or Know- ledgey S.John, Chap. IX, X. I0I PARAPHRASE. ~ ledge, in like manner as Thofe generally are who are Blind m rejpeil of the Common Light ; namely, if ye were Ignorant of the Will of God, not thro' your Own Fault, but meerly for want of the Light of Revelation or Reajon, or having it made known to you, ye fhould have no Sin : but now ye lay, We See, /. e . you not only Faljly think that ye know the Will of God, but a/Jo are fo Proud, as that you will not be convinc'd that you do not know the Will of God, or understand the Scripture Aright ; and fo Wicked that you will not hearken to me who would teach you the True Will of God, but rejetl my Doclrine Only at the bottom, becaufe it is in- conjijlent with your Worldly and Sinfull Affe&ions: therefore you not only Sin in not knowing the Will of God, but aljo your Sin remains more Inexcufable. And hei e Jeems to end the Account given us by Si John, of what our Saviour did at the FeaB of Tabernacles. Which after our Saviour had been at, he left Jei ujalem again, and went teaching thro' the Cities and Pillages that were m other parts of the Holy Land, till his Return tojerujalem again at the next enjuing Feajl, viz. of the Dedica- tion. Of this part of his Minijlrj, viz. between the Feajl of Tabernacles aforemention d, and the Feajl of the Dedication next enjuing, St iJMat- thew and Mark take no Notice ; and therefore St Luke has given us this Supplement to the two frB Go f pels, which is contain d Luke \o.\-, — 13. ult. But St Luke aljo giving no Account of what ChriB did, either at the Feajl of Tabernacles aforemention d, or at the FeaB of the Dedi- cation next enfuing ; therefore St John has given us this Supplement to the Htflory of all the three former Go/pels, by giving us an Account, as of what was done at the Feajl of Tabernacles, Chap, q.z — p. ult. fo of what was done at the Feajl of the Dedication in the following Chap. 10. SECTION VII. Containing an Account of what pafs'd between Christ and the Jews at the Feaft of the Dedicacion, which was in the thirty fourth year of Christ's Life, or A.D. 32. Which Account takes up Chap. X. 1 — 39, and is Wholly Omitted by the other Evangelijcs. Chap. X. Jefus, after his being at the Feaft of Tabernacles, as is afore cfcri^ Dif_ related, having left Jerufalem to teach in other Tluces, and being retw « Vcourie about the again tojerujalem at the Feaft of the Dedication, as we learn from v. zi, S^!f^fle,t&'. took occafion tofhew the great Difference between True and Falje Teach- ers, and more particularly between Himjelf and the Scribes and Thari- r.». :.. *L.r„ i~. --. ...£.,/, L. j;j..,.j„~ - c:...ii:... 7„ r. ,/.. ...>j :.. — — — 101 S. John, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. AM9J)5. 2 O <# Mffip^0|t^/@- 2/# 3 Tvto o Jvpa£$s cLioiyj, xol\ to fZSgjQailX, Tfii fiViT0U\ ' 3C*| 106 '57£^£a7» o*t?» aiwA^ej, o7i o»- Jbtaj t&* p<»yko oar?. f AMo- ^£u£oVTOJ 0C7T ttOTV 071 fcX, OldttffJ 7»y aA\07^iav i^y mlcv. 6 Toto- Tia/ r 7ra£$i,iuay &<7nv oui7b~j o I>|. ~ » <~ co • »/ c ' < * & cAa A<^ eu)Tt~s. 7 EiTsy «y 7iaA(v oui- rms o Iwvf A/U-M a/«y Xtya v/uli, tl < t ' »i> W^tU » JL/f* TOy tJ£JbA7&)y. 8 nivns o(^oj >2)£$ e^ JtA^-*^'- t3x| «ci x.ot) Avi^aj' aM oux. >jy.ot;- ff«,v ctuTay to a.m. 9 h>w U(M v %(&• $1 e/Utf eay 71? woiA- ")-m , ffrii9«airct) • x.ot) fctoiAet/orToq Xeq o^eAfcfffiTaj, x.ot) yo^fai ei/p/jc^. way, the fame is a thief and a robber. 2 But he that entreth in by the door, is * a (hepherd of the fheep 5 To him the porter open- eth ; and the fheep hear his voice : and he calleth his own fheep by name, and leadeth them out. 4 And when he putteih forth his own fheep, he goeth before them, and the fheep fol- low him: for they know his voice. j- And a flranger will they not follow, but will flee from him : for they know not the . voice of ftrangers. 6 This parable fpake Jefus unto them: but they under- stood not what things they were which he fpake unto them. 7 Then faid Jefus unto them again, Verily verily I fay unto you, I am the door of the fheep. 8 All that ever came before me, are thieves and robbers: but the fheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door : by me if ^any man enter in, he fhall be fav'd, and fhall go in and out, and find pafture. 10 O PARAPHRASE, way, the fame is a Thief and a Robber. 2 But he that entreth in by the Door, is a Shepherd of the Sheep. 3 To him the Porter opens ; and the Sheep hear his voice: and he calls his own Sheep by name, and leads them out. 4 And when he puts forth his own Sheep, he goes before ihcm, and the Sheep follow him : for they know his voice. S And S. John, Chap. X. 103 PARAPHRASE. $ And a Stranger will ihcy not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of Strangers. 6 This Parable f pake Jefus unto them, /. e. the Jews, and more particularly the Scribes and Thar/fees : but they underltood not what things they were, i. e. the meaning of the foregoing Parable, which he fpake unto them. 7 Then laid Jefus unto them again, by way of Explanation of the /aid Parable, Verily verily I fay unto you, I am the Door of the Sheepfold, by which both the Sheep and Shepherds mu/l enter Regularly into the Fold; i. e. T am the Head or Governor m Chief of the Church of God, whereof no One can become a Member, and jo attain to Salvation, but by Believing on Me, and Obey- ing my jDo&rine ; and likewife no One can become a True Teacher or Minijter of the Chuich, but who teaches Men to Believe in, and Obey me, as the Only way to Salvation. 8 All the Shepherds that ever came before me, and did not enter (as v. i)by the T>oor into the Sheep/old, but climb' d up feme Other way, the fame are Thieves and Robbers, 1. e. All that have fet them) 'elves up for Teachers and InflruEiers of Men accord- ing to the IV til of God, or in the Way appointed by God unto Salvation, {and the fame holds True alfo as to fuch as flail at any Time Hereafter fet themfelves up for fuch Teachers) and whofe 'Doctrines have not tended to teach Men to Believe in Me, according to the Difpenjation or Revela- tion made of Me in the Time the Jaid Teachers liv'd, as the Only means to Salvation; the Same have been (or are and flail be, according to the Different Ages they live in) Falfe Teachers, fitting themfelves up as Teachers only for their own Worldly Advantage fake : but the Sheep did not hear them, i. e. Sincere, />one/i, and well-difpos'd Terfons, by the Grace of God have all along, and likewife flail, not hearken to juch Falfe Teachers, or be fedue'd by them. 9 1 am (as I faid afore v. "/.) the Door of the Sheepfold: by me if any Man enter into the Sheepfold, i.e. if any Man truly becomes a Member of the Chrifiian Church by truly Be- lieving m and Obeying me, He (hall be fav'd, and, i. e. namely, fuch from the Wild beafts, and out in the T)ay time for to Feed, and fhall always find good Paflure, i. e. fuch a True Member of my Church, by a due Ufe of the means of Grace prefer ib'd by me, fhall in All Circum- fiances and Events be enabled to Refift fuch Temptations as fhall be put m his way, and to perform his Z>utj fo as to become meet to attain Eter- nal life according to the Gracious Terms of my Gofpel. And like wife every Juch Shepherd as enters into the Sheepfold by the T)oor, (as v. 2.) the fame is a Shepherd of the Sheep, i.e. every fuch Teacher as is fent by me, and accordingly preaches that Salvation is to be attain d only by Faith in, and ic>4 S.John, Chap.X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 10 O WtHhs vx- *P^°H « (mi '»»* XAe'-vf/w 19 ^-yffM ^ ■^rBAgV*)' !>)A9o» 11 Eya u/.u 0 r7nifjkv 0 y&Xoi. 0 rm\(JLui 0 xjlXos iluu rj/yvko airy li^naii t>7rep t»h » 7ni/LtUv, v vx. not TO. -t^CaTO »£;*, ^ape* T Au- x, (pvuyi' Xj 0 Aujwj ap^ei awn*, 19 ffx.of7n(^u m t2£jQa.Ta,. 13 O o£x7ov. 14 E/3 ujlu 0 7nifdu> 0 x#Ao$, & yiicajxco to, ijML, x) >tyaax.o/^M 1/77D i3 l/^Uy. if KaOas >jyau7t^ #« o nam?, x.«c- y« yiiaTKU) tvi Ttan^c, x) nw *\u- %lu> /uM Ti^/xt t;7np tov <^£?Ca.ray. Id Kct) aMa. 'ZS£?£ttT* e^i) a. owe ifii ik •? *uA)ls ^ot»5* fcencav* ^e $4 *3«yej5 ^y ctxVoVoi* x) yin but for to fteal, and to kill, and to deftroy : Jo Falfe Teachers take upon them to teach, only in order to fuck Worldly Advantage or Gain out of Them they can Seduce ; whereas in the mean time they become the S, John, Chap. X. 105- PARAPHRASE. the mojl Unhappy Inftruments of the Spiritual and Eternal Defhuclton and Death of Them that are fo Seduc'd by them ; unlefs this be prevented by the Timely Repentance ofjiich Sedac'd Terfons. On the other hand, as AU True Teachers come to teach the True way to Eternal life, namely, thro' Faith in me: fo now I am come my felfinto the IVorld, that they who are my True Difciples might have Life, and that they might have it more Abundantly, i e. not only that /might make kjjown to Men, mare Fully than ever was done Afore, the Will of God, and Jo the way to Eter- nal life ; but alfo that / might procure Eternal life for all True Believers, by laying down my Own life, n For I am the Good Shepherd, Em- phatically fo call'd, as being the Chief Shepherd of God's Flock, and the Good Shepherd which gives his Own Life for the Eternal welfare of\ho. Sheep. 12, But as He that enters not by the Door into the Sheepfold, but climbs up fame other way (as vi) is a Thief and Robber, or Falje Teacher : Jo He that enters into the Fold by the Door, i. e. is Regularly conflituted a Mtnifler of the Gofpel, and leaches True Dotlrine, if he was influene'd to take upon him the Minify, and fill is influene'd to exerctfe the [aid Minijlty or Office of Teaching, Only or Chiefly by Worldly Gain artfing therefrom; fuch a One may be1 fitly fly I'd an Hireling, and He is one that has not the True concern or care of a Shepherd, and fo ails as One whofe Own the Sheep are not: for when he fees the Wolf coming, he is concern d Only for his Own prefent Safety, and leaves the Sheep, and flees; and the Wolf catches them, and fcatters the Sheep; i. e. in Time of any Adverftty or Terfecution befalling the Church, J itch an Hire- ling confults only his Own Temporal Safety, and in order to fecure this, will leave the People committed to his Care, expos' d to All Temptations to renounce the Truth of Religion; fo that many of them will be Overcome thereby, and fo become a Trey to the Devil 13 The Hireling flees, becaufe he is an Hireling, or is influene'd only by Selfifl Worldly In- terefl, and cares not for the Eternal Welfare of the Sheep. 14 I am the Good Shepherd, and know who are my Sheep, or True 'Difciples, and am known of mine, /. e. am believ'd on by all Sincerely Honejl and Reli- gious Terfons, and fo there is an intimate Agreeablenefs and Affetlion or Love between me and my Sheep or True Difciples : 17 as the Father knows me, and I know the Father, i. e. as there is a moB intimate Agreeablenefs and AffeSiion or Love between the Father and me : and out of both thefe Motives, viz. Love to my Father and to my Sheep, it is, thatfhortly I lay down my Life for the Salvation of my Sheep. 16 And other Sheep, or Faithful Difciples, I have to call, which are not of this Fold, i.e. of the Jewijh Nation, but Gentiles; in the appointed Timet Them alfb I mult brin? into mv Fold, bv the breaching of mv Aooll/es io6 S. John, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 17 AlA TV7B 0 7ia7«p [M *>«7fB, 071 iyoi lihfu ¥ 4^^' /teV,Vyot toAiv AetSa oW7>i/. 1 8 Ou^as otip^ 0U)77JV i-TT e^S* 71&AH teCaV O07W. &UT71V T C*7B- Ajjv eAet£oy zia^SjJ * tot? os /jM. 19 2v!c^ei «v 7raAiy iyittlo h Sis IvSccioif £lct TVS Xofvs tVtVj. 20 E- Ae/ov q 7rcMo» e| ouciay Acqjiwviov e^> 59 JH^Vi^)* 71 cus$ ix-Vtii i 2 1 AMoi 'iteyr Toutfgt. to pytfixla. Xk i«ve?o <£ Vy et«7Dy 01' IvJcmo/, X) eAe/oy etw^' Eas ttbt* t -v^Zo! «- ^tay atfUi; u u 0 XtAWf, e<7rs vifjui mf'pvmcf,- 2/ Aflrcxf /'9w eui^Ts 0 Ixo-Ss- Ei7rov U/iuy, £ fa" '7n9e«e7i' to tfya. a f>a ttoicb ti ia> oioixam y mlfos /ttV, ^07a |Uct^7up4 'S^i «/*£. 26 AM. ^as &■ nniixinv \i yif \<7* ex. t ©/>o- 27 T* (QgjC&la. to e^ t paw /U« iitvi, Kctya ynuffKo a* to, & axo- Ay^Soi jtwi. 28 Ke^d £a>itf ouayioy Xt^jtu ca>7pTf, £ v fm ^raAay^) as 17 Therefore doth my Fa- ther love me, becaufe I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 1 8 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of my felf : I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I receiv'd of my Father. 19 There was a diyilion therefore again among the Jews for thefe fayings. 20 And many of them faid, He hath a devil, and is mad ? why hear ye him ? xi Others faid, Thefe are not the words of him that hath a devil : Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? 22 And it was at Jerufalem the feaft of the dedication, and it was winter. 2 3 And Jefus walk'd in the temple in Solomon's porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and faid un- to him, How long doll thou make us to doubt ? if thou be the Chnft, tell us plainly. 2.$- Jefus anfwer'd them, I told you, and ye believ'd not: the works that I do in my Fa- ther's name, they bear witnefs of me. x6 But ye believe not; be- caufe ye are not of my fheep, as I faid unto you. 2-7 My fheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 And I give unto them eternal life, and they thall ne- 7oy S.John , Chap. X. 107 PARAPHRASE. Chief as the One and Supream Head thereof. 17 Therefore do's my Father love me, becaufe for this Great End of procuring Salvation for all true Believers, Gentiles as well as Jews, I lay down my Life : which IJliall not do infuch a manner as to continue under the Tower of "Death, as Other men do ; but on [itch Terms, that I might take it, u e. my Life again, in a very Few, viz. Three days time. 18 IVhence it will ap- pear, that No man takes it from Me againfl my Will, but that I lay it down of my Self, or Own Will or Choice: for 1 have full Power to lay, or not lay it down ; and as I Jhall lay it down of my felf; there- fore fo I have Power to take it again. This Commandment, or Com- miffion to take it again, when I have laid it down, I have receiv'd of my Father. i_p There was a DiviCon therefore again among the Jews for thefe ft Wa "-he Feaft Sayings. 20 And many of them faid, He has a Devil, and is Mad;0fiheD«ttMnw. why hear ye him? 21 Others faid, Thefe are not the Words of him that has a Devil, and is Mad; nor are the Works that he do's fitch as Can Reafonably be thought to be done by him thro the Affiftance of the Devil: for can a Devil open the Eyes of the Blind, and that too of One that was Born blind, which we all know this Man has done} 22 And it was at Jerufalem the Feaft of the (e) Dedication, fo call' d and kept in Remembrance of Judas Maccabeus Clean fing the Temple, and Setting up, and Confecratwg or Dedicating a New Altar, after the ^Profanation of the Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes : and it was Winter, this Feaft be- ginning on the twenty fifth of the Jewiflj month Cifleu, which anjwers to part of our November and "December, the faid 2.5 th Day anfwering that Tear to our Dec. 16. according to the Calculation of Ricciolius a teamed Aftronomer. 23 And therefore Jefus walk'd in the Temple, namely in that Cover 'd part of it call'd Solomon's porch. 24 Then amefome of the Chief of the Jews round about him, and jewSgo't(,*.»« faid unto him, How long doft thou make us to doubt? If thou be the chrift for w,«^ Chrift, tell us plainly. 27 Jefus anfwer'd them, I have already x.o\&hmM GU- you plainly enough, that I am the Chrift, and ye believ'd not my Words •when I faid fo ; and therefore to what purpofe Jbould I tell you again ? befides, the Works that I do in my Father's name, they bear Witnels of me Sufficient enough, that I am the Chriffi and yet ye will not be Convincd by them. 26 But the true Reajon why after all I have faid and done, ye believe not, is not for want of Sufficient Evidence both from my Words and Works ; but becaufe ye are not of my Sheep, i. e. Sincerely difpos 'd 'to receive the Truth, as I faid unto you. 27 My Sheep hear my Voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 And I give io 8 S- John, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. td'v cm»voi g 0 7ra.77ip e» ioju.ii. 30 land w; Father are one. 31 e£W $1 ™A»v A/^s 01' Itf- ft JI Then theJews,took up ' a , , , . "ones again to ftone him. Souot, 11a. \ij*cmm ootov. 32 Atte- 32 Jefus anfwer'd them, a/''9» *«toTs 0 I«ffS?«' noMx K*\a, ^any good works have I ». 1. .,„ , ■« / . x ihew d you from my Father : tfycc iXut;* vftn ex. v mi^os fiv hx for which of thofe works do ttoTo? ctoTOy ep/ov Xi^ili /jut; 33 A- ye ftone me? /jv ■ p < _ „~ ^/ 33 The Tews anfwer'd him. ™*ttom.i u*4 01 IvJ*oj, Ae^vTW- faymgj Foj? a g00d WQrk wc' Fleei K^AoJ epyv it Ai^o/tii at, ftone thee not; but for bla- jwx ~£. ' a\- . ' . ' "_ fphemy, and becaufe that thou, *AA* ^ ^UM^wcac , |M| .71 &ng * maflj makeft thy fd» cTu iv^paTTCS &>v 77cie«J, in&i vs 0 hoys hs ©etf e>«- * there was, and the fcripture wo, x, v Stob&f) \uJliboui » %* 39 E^«tV» «» 7retA.iv civtcv -mx- (J5L)' £ t^ilA^V £* £ ;£64£JS 0M)7tt». 40 Kot) «.7I7)Ats 7faA.iv Trspotc Ttf IoplitVtf, «S T 7077»» 07r« it* Io#ot»y>i5 TO -Ogy7DV j8*"7f]/^«V' X5H tjKet"** **$• 41 K*j WBAAol WA^OV '©£JS OttJTBV, £ eAejpr O71 Iaivvjij /* on^aov £7tdi>i- (76V GfafsV" 7ia'vTBfr Si 0j« *i» 0 lJos TV ©eoJ £1 au-jWJ. J" H>/>\ ~ ,?, ' „i < T him, Mafter, the Tews oflate PoGCi, tto. e(>7Vv at A~ f T ~ jj> j cs.'iv„ ' o Tefus anfwer'd, Are there * J /^ not twelve hours in the day? e4<7i» apct) t>)« «|ui^cs; e*v tjS "S^* if any man walk in the day, he *,n =y* w ; * #«»«w SBSRRSSSS^ fath 07i to pas tw VAoyM tootV fiAeTrer I0 But if a roan walk in io Eav Si 715 -s&tot* h T« iwn, the night, he ftumbkth, be- , - „ x ~ , „ caufe there is no light for fZHZfOKQ-TAw on to ^ «• , and after that, he faith unto TKTD teyi CLUTOli' A*C*p^ 0 ?,- them ^ 0ur friend Lazarus A(S^ tiftui x.«>w/'/a>•7a^• «?v\a wepen'o- flcepeth; but I go that I may u '£ / ' / «._ c^_, awake him out of fleep. M ax ™ *»™. ^ 12 Ei*»v M Then faid hjs £fcipleS) w« o/ /m*9jitgc| ~ '3 Howbeit Jefus fpake of 0 Ijicvs «afe< tv >v*TV ou$« ckwvoi his death: but they thought Si tSbfa U <£< tyis Koiuvo-ios t5 th_at ^ had fpoken of taking „ . / ■ ^/ *~ %• .«- of reft in fleep. imV Ae^. 14 T071 ouv urn aiXsiS I4 Then faid Jefus unto 5 J>i<7V* *aj>p»ioi<>f Act^apoj i-Tttfan' them plainly, Lazarus is dead : _, v » rl * ' ~ /« / if And I am glad for your if K«, ^po. ft v/ms (i»* yirM-- fakes> that ! was not therCj t0 cdti) o7i Qpt i'/wiy o*^* 2a\' «x>»- the intent ye may believe ; ne- .«.. ^V ,_/ ,^- c,-_ T^. verthelefs, let us go unto him. jfr ^05 urn, itf E^y c«^ j6 Thgn fiJ ThomaS) ©a^tttSj, 0 Ae^pwVos A/Jl/jU^, 7o7$ which is call'd Didymus, unto cvwulJutms-' Aya&J xch »A h" fellow-difciples , Let us fl , , • , -. alto go, that we may die with iy* ~&m>Jwia/Mi far cufy. 17 EA- him. }ai ouv 0 Ims wpe» tturoy nos*. J7 Then when Jefus came, < , ,1^1 » ? he found that he had lain in e*s ifW* m« •#»** w ^ ^«W- the grave four days already. 18 Now Bethany was nigh Iepo- Mtlo. 18 (Hi Si h Brfma, i&s r S.John, Chap. XI. ii? TEXT. TRANSLATION. IcpoaoAv/uaf,*; -&n <&hm fiwrnih) unto Jerufalem, about fifteen „ < „ * . ~ T * ' >* */ furlongs off: I9 K«< TTOttol Eft T Iubuflll t\l\\U' 19 And many 0f the jews •J-tt^ «v« ras -s^i MctpSof fc Mapi'cw, came to Martha and Mary, to • r PARAPHRASE. the fame place where he was, that Jo Lazarus might be Dead and Bu- ry d for fome days before he came to Bethany. 7 Then after that fays he to his Difciples, Let us go into Judea again. 8 His Difciples lay unto him, Mafter, the Jews of late fought to (tone thee; and gocft thou thither again? 9 Jefus anfwer'd, Are there not twelve hours in the Day? as there are Always in reference to the Jewi/h way of Counting Time, who throughout the fVhole year divided the Time between Sun Rijing and Setting into Twelve hours. Now As If any Man walk in the Day, he {tumbles not, becaufe he Tees the Light of this World ; 10 but if a Man walk in the Night, he {tumbles, becaufe there is no Light for him, i. e. no Day-light or Light fuffkient to let him fee his Way clearly : So while my Day, or the Appointed time for my Life here on Earth lajls, IJhall not Suffer by any Malice of the Jews; but when my Night, or the Time of my Suffering is come, then indeed I foall permit them to Apprehend me. 1 1 Thefe things faid he : and after that, he fays unto them, Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps; but I go that I may awake him out of Sleep. 12. Then laid his Difciples, Lord, if he Sleep, he fhall do well. 13 Ho wbeit Jefus fpake of his Death, which he call 'd Sleep, be- caufe He was to be rais'dfrom his Death, as a Man is awak'dout of his Sleep; but they thought that he had (poken of taking of Reft in Sleep. 14 Then faid Jefus unto them plainly, Lazarus is Dead: ij and I am glad for your lakes that I was not there, namely, to the Intent that ye may believe more Firmly -on me, bj what you JkaU fee me do on Him; and therefore altho he be Dead , nevenhelcis let us go unto him. 16 Then laid Thomas, who is alfo call'd Didymus, which Name Signi- fies a Twin, unto his Fellow-difciples, Since we can't prevail on our Majler Not to go into Judea, and to expoje himjelf there to the Malice of his Enemies, let us alfo go with him, that, // he be taken and put to Death by his Enemies, we may Dye with him, rather than for fake him. 17 Then when Jefus came unto Bethany, he found that he, i.e. La- zarus had lain in the Grave four days already. 18 Now Bethany was meh unto Terufalem. about fifteen Furlongs, i. e. not auite two Miles 1 14, S. John, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. fret ds^juv^atonoui ettTtfS >B&t' TV i/fcApoJ' flwittv. 20 H ouu Map- ^a v>$ vwMcnv 'dm 0 lnovZi tpytToq, *^j&mtw ei»2 o)S »3£ ,mV ovx. «.» itlf- VYDCW 22 AAAsi, X.0^ 1UA) OltTbt, 071 0ITS6 CCV bUTHGH 7CV ©MV, ctaicnj (TOI 0' ©605. 23 A^ ouiTm 0 Imrous* Av*9JfV^) 0 iStAtpof aV. 24 Ae- ^ 007$ Mip^of Oi<^t o-n a.mt» 0 lr\- avvi - Eye u^u vi avagrwi? . x.*i >? £a>T a ?n?i(ja>ie.\$ i/M, kat ^ov>~ 7*»y».£tireT*T. i(J KoM was fl C,a)V £ -Tns-ewa* e«5 e^tw, & ^iw! ^rt^t-VM els 7B» Ota/a. Oi9~e.oeiS Ttf75 ; 2.7 A«- v<| *CT^, Not) Ku&e* e>s 'mxavoit, fyy'peloq ra^y, Jtct| e'p^«^) rSr^i ou>- lit. 30 (Outo Si eA»Au^e* 0 I». tSs i{$ t1 vmujiw aM.' ia» f» t^ tb- Tffl oVy uTt'wrftavi a.u79 « MapV-) comfort them concerning their brother. 20 Then Martha, as foon : as fhe heard tha t Jefu s was com- ing, went and met him : but Mary fat_/?7//m the houfe. 21 Then faid Martha unto \Jefusi Lprd, if thou hadft been here , my brother had not dy'd. 2i But I know, that even now whatfoever thou wilt ask of God, God Will give // thee. 23 Jefiis 'faith unto" her, Thy brother '{hall rife again. 24. Martha faith unto ruin, I know that he fhall rife again in the refurrection, at th£ laft ' day"' ■ ' lyjefus faid unto her, I am the reiurreition, and the life : he that believe'th in me, tho' he ,vwe¥e de^d, yet fliall he lire; 1 ,25 And whofoever liveth, "and^believeth 111 die, 'fhall ne- ver die. Believeft thou this? 27 She faith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou -art the Chnft the Son of God, which Ihould come iriio the world. 28 And when (lie had fo faid, fhe went her way, and call'd Mary her'fiTrer iecretly, faying, The maimer is come, and callefh for thee. 29 As foon as fhe heard that, fhe arofe quickly, and came unto him. 36 Now Jefus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. 31 Oi S. John, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 I Ol' OUO IxStUOl 0/ GmS (JUcT O.V- ivs h tvj ornqt, $) 9r9*pu>$£.(*em avj~ 1 ' tv' . 11 » » ' " ' » ' x.\rtu(7>» £x,^. 32 H S5i Mip'a a* ?A- ^6* OTTtf »)» 0 I»ff5S) IcPwa ttUTBV, «7re- ce* ei5 TVs yriSus *u§} Aefoav. etC'raS' 0 cLftApos, 33'lwvs w, as ufri 31 The Jews then which were with her in the houfe,and comforted her, when they few Mary that {he rofe up haftily, and went out,, fbllow'd her, faying, She goeth onto the grave, to weep there. 3 a Then when Mary was come where Jefus was, and faw him, (he fell down at his feer, faying unto him, Lord, if thou hadft been here, my brother had not dy'd. 33 When Jefus therefore . . .. ■ ; — - ; 1 ; PARAPHRASE. but Mary, not hearing of Jefus Coming, fat {till in the Houfe. 21 Then faid Martha unto Jefus, Lord, if thou hadft been here, my Brother had not dy'd. 22 But I know, that even now whatfoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. 23 Jefus fays unto her, Thy Brother fhall rile again. 2+ Martha fays unto him, I know that he (hall rife again in the Refurrection, at the Laft day. 25- Jefus faid unto her, I am the Author o/the Refurredtion and the Life to which Dead Bodies fhall be rats' d at the Lafl day; and therefore I am Able to Raife up any Dead Body to Life at Any time, as well as at the Lafl day : Wherefore He that believes in me, tho' he were Dead, yet fhall he Live, or berais'd up to Life again, not only at the Lajl day, but aljd at Trefent, if I pleafe : 26 and whofoever lives at prefent, and believes in me, fhall never dye, fo as not to be rais'd again at the Loft day to Life eternal. Believeft thou this? 27 She fays unto him, Yea, Lord: for I believe that thou art the Chrift the Son of God, which fhould come into the'Wbrld, andcon- fequently that thou canjl do this, and whatever elfe thou plea/eft to do. 28 And when the had fo faid, fhe went her way, and call 'd Mary her Sifter fecretly, faying, The Mafter is come, and calls for thee. 29 As foon as fhe heard that, (he arole quickly, and came unto him. 30 Now Jefus was not yet come into the Town, but was in that place where Martha met him. 3 1 The Jews then which were with her in the Houfe, arid comforted her, when they fay Mary that fhe rofe up hafti- lit 1.. .. r_ii. r„... .u<, r:,„..„ .^ Ii6 S.John, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. olvtIw xAcutfirctr, xeq TVS. cwi\%i- tcU avTw lySbiivs K\ouona.s, cieCpi- (jLMm-rv t$ rrnJuiJULTi , **j £Tapa£ev lauwriv 34 Jtoq «tiv V& TiJiiy&T* avTDi; AiyVaxi (tlity' Kii&ct, kqh 'lh. IS EiW/uo-e* 3tf EAt^p* owu o't IyJkioi* lr\i'i^ o£er 7iT«^)TaTo5 y^f 'fti. 40 Ae- yu aim) 0 l/invi' Ovx. U7m oxi ott ta.i mTivcryS , c-\>u tUu St^cm tS OeotTi 41 H©t» ouv tc» A/- %», v Uv 0 *njn>u*s *e<'(i$i/(3)-j. O , x.on «?«• UxTEp eu^ae^'jw avi oti vxovms nM. 42 Ej<» i iuya\y (yx&.Cyaot ■■• Ax'^ape, £evy (•'£«. faw her weeping, and the Jews alfo weeping which came with her, he gron'd in the fpirir, and was troubled, 34. And fa id, Where have ye laid him? They fay unto him, Lord, come and fee. 33- Jefus wept. 3 6 Then faid the Jews, Be- hold how he lov'd bim. 37 And fome of them faid, Could not this man, which open'd the eyes of the blind, have caus'd that even this man fhould not have dy'd? 38 Jefus therefore again groning in himfelf, cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a (tone lay upon it. 39 Jefus faid, Take ye away the ltone. Martha, the fifter of him that was dead, faith unto him, Lord, by this time he ftinketh : for he hath been dead four days. 40 Jefus faith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldft believe, thou (houldft fee the glory of God ? 41 Then they took away the front from the place where the dead was laid. And Jefus lift up his eyes, and faid, Fa- ther, I thank thee that thou hall heard me. 42. And I knew that thou heareft me always : but becaufe of the people which ftand by, 1 faid //, that they may believe that thou haft fent me. 43 And when he thus had fpoken, he cry'd with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 K°M S. John, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 44 Koh 1%*\% o Ttjwws, frh- 44 And he that was dead Q^ v /. i \ ~ came forth, bound * hands and A^@- tous wokis x«| m$ x*&.s feet whh graYe.cioaths . and xu&oi\i' <# « o4<* aowJ PouSbLeAu his face was bound about with r> (V is A • ' ~ ' i ~ a napkin. Jefus faith unto i&iAAra. . Aeye, auw . ]«*„*• thera, Loofe him, and let him Avozcn etuTty, >cot| a LI. U. „J f„« ;.u n. ■■ : — - n8 S.John, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. 01 iAjoMS tbi. 4«^» «« >i *fW*< prJ{[s and fhe phrirjfces a x.sq o«' (paexoufoi eiu/eSexoi, x*j eAe- council, and faid, What do OPV Ti' nw^; hi 5ns 0 &V* We? /°rthisman doth many r , ~ (. \ miracles. -ms ttoMx crc^ei* ™>i\. 48 Exv 48 If we let him thus alone, *pS,i«v oJtbv ifi», wbvtw Tnwoyoii a11 men wil' be]ieve on him; , , , , , « ~ and the Romans (hall come and us MTBi' $ eAevrovToH 01 P»/^oi, take away both our place and Kou\ ap5<7i» wm^ fc "*»» 7D7n>v x,oj To nation. »o_ /*►» r-^ iv' 'K '_r 49 And one of them nam'd #1©-. 49 l!S ^ ^4 «w» Caiphas, being the high pneft KaVxipa<, etp^epews a* ? »viT«j. Ji IVtb At fi And this fpake he not of , , , ~ > ^ » \ . 1 himfelf: but being high prieft tup tcurv Mk umr «M* if^yus that year> hc prophdy'd that a>i v inauTV 6KWV, GS&tipiiTUKm Jefus fhould dye for that na- o-nwKv 0 hm jm^meaumt yl And not for that nation y V^-vvs* f 2 x.*> ^ i>7np ? IJiSSS only, but that alfo he fhould Aw'vov, «Lm' i'v* ^ 1^ ^*ytt ? 0e5 g"hfr tofe'he; ^ one> rthe , .' , , , „ children or God that were lcat- t» twmojrttioTjLtyaL ciwaLycryy us th ter'd abroad. r 3 hrt c*mn oVv 4 v/M'pctf evn- c ^ Then from that day ,, , „ • , 1 » , forth, they took counlei toge- GvAewffBtVTo im ^nKTummi owni. ther lor to put him to death. f4 Ino-5s «» yx. Ie'tt 7iap/»)i<7iee. tfea- 54 Jefus therefore walk'd / 1 . » # ' *, j ».. \ ', ~ o no more openly among the vxji awslvfaois, «A\* a7r>,A^» jews. but ^en/thence unto a lxu% us wil ^e>» *^M *? «f »^V> country near to the wildernefs, ui S. John, Chap. XL up PARAPHRASE. which came to Mary, and had feen the things which Jefus did, believ'd on him. 46 But fome of them that were pxefent were fo 'Malicious and Incorrigibly Wicked and Harden d in their Vnbelief that they pre- Jently went their ways to the Pharifees, and told them what things Je- fus had done ; that fo they might take proper Means Jpeedily to pre- vent the Influence Jo Great and Undeniable a Miracle might: have on the People. 47 Then gather'd the Chief Priefts and the Pharifees a Council, and T, I,r- faid, What do we, i, e. is to be done by its ? for this Man Jefus do's many \eis «;L on" Miracles? 48 If we let him thus Alone, All Men, i.e. All our People chri(Vs D""h- will believe on him as the Mefjias, and Jo will jet him up for the King of Our Nation ; and hereupon the Romans (hall come againft Us, as Raijers of Sedition and Rebellion, and overcoming Us Jball, byway of Pun?Jb~ ment to Us, take away both our Holy Place or Temple, and Nation, or the Government we at prejent are permitted by them to exercife both in Church and State. 49 And, whereas feme among them, or of the San- hedrin, as probably JSlicodemus and Jojeph of Arimathea, had objervd on the other fide, that it would be very ill in the fight of God, and might be alfo of 'Dangerous Conjcquence even to the State, to take away the Life of an Innocent Perfon : One of them nam'd Caiphas, being the High Prieft that fame year, faid unto them, Ye know nothing at all, as to what is Fit to be .done in this prefent Juncture \ . so nor eonfider that it is expedient for Us, who are God's Peculiar People, and therefore no doubt but it ■will be wore Acceptable to Him, that One man, tho' Inno- cent, fhould dye for die faid People of God, and that, i e. rather than the whole Nation [hould perilh, or be dejlroydby the Romans on account of the faid Innocent man. $i And this fpake he Not of himfelf: but by the Over-ruling Direction of Providence, being High Prieft that year, Hefpoke this, intending it Himfelf in a Politick or Worldly Scnfe, and Jo Unwittingly prophely'd that Jcfus (hould dye for that Nation; ja and not for that Nation of the Jews only,- but that ajfo he fhould gather to- gether in One Church, All the Children of God that were fcatter'd Abroad, i.e. AH that fhould believe in the Gentile parts of the World, and \b fhould become mow Truly the People of God, which the Unbelieving Na- tion of the Jews fjjould ceafe to be. si Then, i. e. upon what the High Prieit Caiphas bad thus (aid, it was rejelvd by a great Majority of the Sanhedrtn, that there was no Rea/on to con/till any longer, Whether Jefus J})0uld be put to Death ; but tbe Only point to be fettled was, How it fhould be done. And accordingly from that day forth, thty took coun- fel iogz\\\e,x frequently, What waywasBeJl to be taken, for to put him 110 S. John, Chap. XI, XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. us Epfcti'f* teyfjdphv wo\ir kclk\ $\'tT£/&i $ r {ulSmw ouitv. S J H» Si kfyui 70 ■arot^a T^c/* IVi '»»* kyi'ieuoH taumuS* f6 Etynuo ouu tov Inm^ **| eAe^P* /tar' *AA«A«» ci t$ i'ep« e gA1}-*) »$ t£co eofxUoi $7 Atfoi>- kuotx.1 h kou\ oi if^ttfus Kai] ot ' ~. Tcfus, and wip'd his feet with y I„t$, he was a thief, and had the v. ' " iji » * ' < ' bag, and bare what was put 2M. 0-n xAeicini uo, x, to yAaara- therein jw,cu)» ei^e, 19 to /"""aMojtctya. eCxfa^en 7 El7nv yy 0 IntryV A (pes afnir as pa3»l Ik ■£ oa^jjS V fMipV. 4 Ar^ poy y*. i-e»joat.3« 7?ioi5to(7:ii)y 'j^otexffli', % iSo^n ^u^i ; 6 Ei7re tev ew-re. 8 T«J 7lla>yVi y^f wuvtots e^ele /$) 'oxjutui, i[A Si y wavtoti «>«t*. j> Eyya o\w c'vAos 7roAu? Ik t»v IyJkiflJV 'o-n tifca i ^» i ' " zarus alfo to death:" " ,,,,,„ , 11 Becaufe that by reafon ttoMoi "ft aoToy C-7Tiiy>v t IyJkiay, of him many of the Jews went £ ETnrevoy J$ t Iw«y. away^ ™d ^elicv'd on Jefus. , „ N , , 12 On the next day much 12 Ty £7riv ei's t 6opr»y, xKVowla 'im eW^ ^aft, when they heard that Je- , ~ ■> , „ fT fus was coming to Jerufalem, 0 Iqffys «s lepoosAu^, 13 eA*Goy tJ Took branches of palm- ■&I 0<4* t (poiv/jooy, ^ e^A^oy m's u7iay- trees, and went forth to meet S.John, Chap. XII. ixg PARAPHRASE. txow *W, %*j ex£$t£o» • fiucV'V*) him, and ciry'd, Hofenna, Blef- wAoy^'®' 0 »y6>@- ci ,'»,'- fed\ ^ King of Iirael that w^/nf^Qj/ r/t r-i w cometh in the name of the fuuTi Kwgiow, 0 @>* r 0»&- PARAPHRASE. (k) Simon, was One of" them that fat at the Table with him. 3 Then, while they were at Table, took Mary, whofe Temper (/) led her not to be fo follicitous about the Common way ofjhewing Refpeff to oar Lord, by Entertaining him with Meat and Drink in the BeB manner /he could, but by fame other Unujual and Extraordinary way, as the Greater Tefti- mony of Love and Reverence to our Saviour ; and all this by the Over- ruling Direction of Providence, making thefe her Pious Inclinations and Dillons tend to an End, (as appears v. -j.) which Jhe thought nothing of: Thus partly acled by Her Own Temper andPious Regard to our Saviour, and partly by the ODireclton of Divine Providence, Mary took a pound of" Ointment made of Spikenard, very Coftly, and Anointed the Feet of Jefus, and wip'd his Feet with her Hair: and the Houfe was fiU'd with the Odour of the Ointment. 4 Then fays one of his Difciples, Judas Ifcanot, Simon's Son, which ihould betray him, j- Why was not this Ointment fold for Three hundred pence, and given to the Poor? 6 This he faid, not that he car'd (m) for the Poor; but becaufe he was a Thief, and had the Bag, and bare what was put therein. -7 Then faid Jefus, Let her alone: againfl the day of my Burying hath (he kept this. 8 For the Poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always. 9 Much People of the Jews therefore knew that he was there : and they came, not for Jefus fake only, but that they might fee Laza- rus alfo, whom he had rais'd from the Dead. 10 But the Chief Priefts Confulted, that they might put Lazarus alfo to Death; 11 becaule that by reafon of him many of the Jews went away, and Believ'd on Jefus. 12 On the next day, anfwering to our Talm-funday, much People that Chrift"'/Ar, were come to the Fealt, when they heard that Jefus was coming to Jern- Triumph into je- falem, Riding fn a fort of a Triumphant manner, attended by his T>ifci-'^atem- pies already with him, 13 They alfo took branches of Palm-trees, and went forth to meet him, and cry'd, Hofanna, Blefled is the King of If- rael that comes in the Name of the Lord. 14 And the manner wherein in H4 S. John, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. oiiuoi, ivjfym in ail*, ustjas ifei'o3* o I»o-*$, ten 17 E(tt«^'ivp« olui o ovAos o «y fid ou/£, o7i t Act^ag^v epa?*ii,Mej'- ?\fff7ns AeTvoi tj$ IwffSr. 23 O j apa i'yot « u/tcTv, eet» pi 0 xox.xo5 y «y ^re'Ja- »y, at;Tos /tco'nos pyf fay ^ ~&nfyw}, fuund a young afs, fat there- on; as it is written, 1? Fear not, daughter of Sion : behold, thy kingcometh, fitting on an affes colt. 16" Thefe things understood not his difciples at the firft: but when Jefus was glorify 'd, then remerubred they that thefe things were written of him, and that they had done thefe things unto him. 17 The people therefore that was with him when he call'd Lazarus out of the grave, and rais'd him from the dead, bare * witnefs. 18 For this caufe the people alfo met him,for that they heard that he had done this miracle. 19 The I'hanfees therefore faid among themfelves, Per- ceive ye how ye prevail no- thing? behold, the world is gone after him. 20 And there were certain ''Gentiles among them, that came up to worfhip at the feaft: 21 The fame came therefore to PhilipjWhich was ofBethfai- da of Galilee, and defir'd him, faying, Sir, we would fee Jefus. 21 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew : and again, Andrew and Philip told Jefus. 23 And Jefus anfwer'd them, faying, The hoifr is come, that the Son of man fhould be glo- rify U 24 Verily verily I fay unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground, and dye, it abideth alone : but if it dye, S.John, Chap. XII. iij^ PARAPHRASE. 2)i/ciples, where might be found a young Afs, and they had brought it to him, he lat thereon, and fond tojerufalem; as it is written, i f Fear not, Daughter of Sion: behold, thy King comes, fitting on an AfTes Coir. 1 6 How by thefe things the forejaid Prophecy was fulfill'd, un- derftood not his Diftiples at firft. but when Jefus was afcended into Heaven, and there in his Human Nature glonfy'd, then remember'd they that thefe things were written of him, and that they had done thele things unto him. icj Now the Great Miracle lately wrought by Jefus in ratfing Lazarus from the Grave, after he had been 'Dead Four days, was That which chiefly indue 'd the 'People thus to attend Jefus to Jerujalem m fo 7 riumphaut a manner. Namely, the People therefore that was with him when he call'd Lazarus out of the Grave, and rais'd him from the Dead, bare Witneis to the Truth theteof by their Attending on Chrifi in this Solemn manner tojerujalem : iS and for this fame caufe the People alio, that were come to the Feafl from all parts, when they heard that Jefus was coming, went out of feru/alem, and met him ; namely, being indued fo to do, for that they heard that he had done this Miracle. 19 The Pharifees therefore faid among lhcrnfclves, Perceive ye how Chr-J^'hn Dir, ye prevail nothing by All ye have done hitherto, to flop the People fiotn ro«r/e in ihe following tots Man ? for on the contrary, behold, how great a Multitude Ti;mPle- of People, that live not only m the Holy land, but are come hither from feveral other parts of the World to keep the Feafl, is gone after him. 20 And accordingly, be/ides Thofe that went out to meet Jefus, when he firfl came to Jerujalem, there were certain Genules among them that came up to worthip at the Feafh being Profelytes of the Gate, i. e. who were Converts to the Jewfh Religion, fo far as to acknowledge the "Di- vine Revelation of the Scripture or Old Tefiament, and fo the True God, tho' they did not fubmit to Circumcifion and feveral other Rites of the Law ; and who accordingly were permitted to perform their Worjhip to God by Prayer in the Outer Court, tho tb y were not allow 'd to eat of the Pajfover. 21 The fame dwelling in or near Galilee, and fo being acquainted withPhilip, came therefore to Philip, which was of Beth- faida of Galilee, and dclir'd him, faying, Sir, we would fee Jefus. 21 Philip comes and tells Andrew : and again, Andrew and Philip told Jefus. 23 And Jefus anfwer'd them, by ordering the fad Gentiles to be brought to him, and thereupon faying, The Hour is now come, that the Son of man fhould be glonly'd ly the Gentiles Beginning to believe en him as well as the Jews. 24 But verily verily I fay unto you, As except a Corn of Whear Lii into the Ground, and there as it were dye, ir akirlps Alnnf. nr rautii/fjft hut Our' Rnttlr Cnrn- hur iFif A\i* ir Krinoc Ii6 S.John, Chap. XII. ^TEXT. TRANSLATION^ -mKutt KoLfmi fl^n lofe jt . and he lha> Keif o (MTUi tIcjo 401 V^«! *fcTV it 1$ hateth his life in this world, ' /,_ \ r i ' '/ - fhall keep it unto life eternal. ,C ' ;" ', \ . \ ~ 2<5 Iranymanferve me, let te£e< ouithv. 2wv>i him follow me; and where I mi, ifui ixaWjuiu- *oq 'otfV sTitl ? m> threre ^^ alf° my *«*«« , , , o , » . ' ' » ' ■' i be : if any man ferve me, him tya, vx.\ x, o 2J&M0S o e^cm e^' will mjr Father honour. ^ ««.» tjj ipun S^xoiy, Tzptotj ott- *7 Now is my foul trou- >"« ' i; V1 ~ « I „ ' ,, bled: and what fhal) I fay? TBI o amp. 27 Nuo , ^ ^ Father, fave me from th.shovir: TST»£9t>tTct| • **t *n «7ra; nxTsp, but for this caufe came I unto i ~ "V'W » v n <, , 28 Father, glorify thy name. O^j. rv-m nA.yo» us t aestv (stuTMv. Then came there a voice from 28 FIctTsp, nvon. AM01 eAejpf Ay- faid, an angel fpaketo him. y*@< lm? \thitou,. 30 Ath- S.o Jefus anfwer'd and faid , t '«, , ^ , ♦, , This voice came not becaufe of xfi^n 0 I»(Tk>'5 Jtotf aviiy 00 ^1 e^tta me, but for your fakes. i 5 Qm* Yy>™> «^* St* ^- r3[ N°W,iS the il^g,me,m ^ , ^ , , of this world; now (hall the 3 1 Nua xf/ajs 'igj Ti< xoo^v TVTy prince of this world be call iuu 0 iy V yaojaM t^tV £X.CAm9))- out* i\ "t „ ' ' -v « » (v~ » 32 And !» ifI be lifted up njtt;a. 32 Ka)*, ea» u-\>aj(t tx. from the earth, will draw all t" yiii, imfkt, i\)oucru "Grfos Iftcufloi. men unto me. 33 (tSto PARAPHRASE. forth much Fruit : So bow much foever Tmaj be made known to, andhe-. liev'd on by the Gentries as well as Jews, before my Z>eath; yet the Num- ber of Believers before my "Death, will be Nothing in Companfon of the much Greater number of Believers that will be after my Death. 2y And as for this Jteafon IJball willingly lay down my Life ; Jo Ukgwije I tell you, S.John, Chap. XII. M1 PARAPHRASE. you, that He that loves his Life in this World, Jo as not to perfot m bis Ditty to God in order tofave it here, fliall lole it, i.e. the Happinejs of Life in the World to come : and he that hates, ;'. e. do's not love his Life in this World, Jo as to negleil his Duty to God in order tofave it, fhall keep it unto Life Eternal. 2.6 If any Man lerve me truly, let him follow me, in being wiling to undergo the Greatefl Afflictions for the Glory of God: and he that thusfuffers like me,hefhalibe alfo rewarded like me, and where I am, /. e. as IJhall be m Heaven, fo there lhaii aU'oJucb my Servant be: for if any Man ferve me thus truly, him will my Fa- ther honour in proportion as he honours me. 2.7 Tis true that Suffer- ing is Naturally Grievous to Flejh and Blood ; and therefore ye are not (0 to under Jl and me, as if ye were to thmk your j 'elves Not true DJctpIes, fo long as you find any Relutlancy in you to Suffering. No, this is Na- tural to you, and can't be quite laid afide, but is Only, to be Overcome by you. For it is fo even novo with my /elf, thro' the Infirmity of my Hu- man Nature : for now is my Soul troubled at the Apprehenjion of my approaching Sufferings: and what (hall I lay ? This, Father, lave me from this Hour, /. e. the Sufferings J am Now about to undergo; This the Natural Defire of Life do's incline me to wiflj : bin yet when 1 ' con- fider that for this caufe, viz. to undergo thefe Sufferings for promoting Man's Salvation and Jo God's Glory, came 1 into the World, and have (lafd therein unto this Hour; /with all Willmgnejs and Cheerfulnefs cboofe rather to undergo fhefe Sufferings, as tending to glorify God; and therefore inflead of faying, Father, Jave me from this Hour, I fay, a8 Father, glorify thy Name, as hitherto by my DoSirine and pira- cies, fo now by my Sufferings and Death. Then came there a Voice from Heaven, faymg, I have both glonly'd it Already by thy 'Doclrine and Miracles, and will glorify it again, as by thy Death, Jo aljo by thy ReJurreSiion, fee. no The People therefore that flood by, and heard it only as a Noi/e of Thunder, laid that it Thunder'd: Others, that b?ard the Voice dijlinclly, (aid, that an Angel lpake to him. 30 Jclus an- fwer'd, and laid, This Voice came not becaule of me, as if I flood in need of any fuch Tejlimony of God 's Favour to me ; but for your fakes, as a Teftimony to you that I am thus Favour'd by, and fo fent from God; and that All the Sufferings I Jhall jlmtly undergo, I fliall undergo not by way of Tunijhment as an Impoflor or Deceiver, but in order to Glo- rify God, as by olher means, Jo particularly by the Spreading of the Go- fpel. 31 For now is at hand the Judgment of the (Viclgd Spirits and Towers, that at prefent chiefly rule in this World: now fliall the Prince of the j 'aid Evil Spirits and Towers, which reigns in Wicked, men, and //> in thf f2i>in>r/i]itv nf this WnrlH- \\e raft nut nf ih/it orpnt c/}nminint7 n8 S. John, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 33 (TV7D Si iAtyt, mfj&ioi 7n'ta ^». »xt» tju,iM.a a.7irc9v>i<77ce(v) 34 A7Ji- xpi'jfa aun$ 0 oVA©— Hfius iikV- cvt/j.vi ix. ry vq/jlV, 'on 0 X&qos (ju&i eafflu>ou{ tzi ujoy t£ a.»^-po)'7rv ; 715 '^v £t(§^ 0 h'os TV av^paTTH; 37 Et7m ouo ogtoTs 0 Ivio-ys" Eti fuxjoi ^avoj 7D 5 to pa5 t^t-n, rm- TUJiTi i*i to s, (Vet qoi ^- vvic^'e. Taunw I^AxffEV o InoV5, )(5U aTnA^av exfuC>i *7r cutiai. 37 TooauTtx «TS eu*7oJ ay fit* a. tmr^'ov £4 5 auTny. 38 Iva 0 Ao- •y®-' Hort'iV too ^z«j^p«7Bo 7^.»- pa^JT, liy urn" Kudxe, lis 'Qnrui' at tm axo>) i/^/J xoh 0 @&L%tai Kueiy *n'vi 39 Aja 7BU7B GTX «<5Wry»7D WlTiJUUI , 07J aratAiy 6<7ny Hito/jo*' 40 TeTwp- Aa«y ainw -rvk d.6.9. *1 S. John, Chap. XII. 119 PARAPHRASE. 33 This of being Lift up from. the Earth he faid, fignifying what Death he fhould dye. 34 The People perceiving fo much by the [aid Ex - preffion, that he fignify'd thereby his Departure from the Earth fame way or other, anfwer'd him, We have h-ard out of the Law, /'. e. Scri- * pture of the OldTeJlament, that Chrill abides for Ever as a King; which furely is to be unde flood of his hiding for ever here on Earth, where his Kingdom is to be founded: and how fayfl thou then, that Thou the Son of Man mud be lift up, and fo took away from the Earth, when the Son of Man is the Title of the tJMeffiah according to Daniel? Who therefore is this Son of Man you mean, when you call your felf by that Title, Jince He cant be the <3feffiah, if he is to be lifted up or taken from the Earth? is Then Jeius knowing that this Cavil proceeded, not from want of due fri/lrucJion herein by what he had formerly Jaid, but from their Terverfenefs and Obflinacy, faid unto them, The only Anjwer requifite for me to give to your Slue/lion is this, Yet a little while is the Light, i. e. the Means of knowing "Divine Ttutb, to be with you : walk, /. e. be duly convincd of your Duty, in refpeil of what ye are to Bilieve and Do, while ye have the Light, left Darknefs come upon you ; for he that walks in Darknefs knows not whither he go's, ;. e left the Means of Saving Knowledge be juflly taken from you, and fo ye be left to wander in the Darknefs of Sinful Ignorance and Praftice. 36 Where- fore again I fay unto you, as. the Lafi warning J Jli all give you, While ye have Light, or the Knowledge of Gods Will and Truth offer'd unto you, believe in the Light, i. e. believe what ye are thereby taught is the IViU of God, and the Truth of Religion, that ye may be the Children of Light, i.e. that ye may Truly and Rightly know the IVill of God and bis True Religion, and prailife accordingly here in this Life; and fo be Rewarded with the Light of Heavenly Glory and Eternal Happinefs in the Life to come. Thefe things fpake Jefus, jufi before he went out of the Temple at the Evening of the Third day of the Paff over-week, which anfwers to our Tuefday in the Pafjion-week; and then departed at Even- ing out of Jerufalem, and went to Bethany, and there did hide or conceal himfelf from them, till he was Apprehended; never more mftrucltng them, or fo much as returning to Jerufalem, till the Night he was Ap- prehended, when he came back to Jerufalem to eat the Paffovn, of which St John begins to give us an Account in the next Chapter. 37 But here S. "John proceeds to obferve, that tho' he had done fo some Rmarkf of many Miracles before them, yet they believ'd not on him: 38 that'he Evangeiiit the faying of (0) Ifaiah the Prophet might be fulfill'd, which he fpake, uZ'Z* and Lord, who has believ'd our Report? and to whom has the Arm, i. e,Mini"i \ews- Tower of the Lord been reveal'd? jo Therefore they could not be- I^O S>/j;z, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ia.m>ncH eutTvvs. 41 Toot* umi * Haouai 'cm th tLo £i>%aur auToo, X.OL\ fA^AtfOl t^t O.VTX. 42 0(ACi)i fUi 701 x.Wj 6/x. Tyif Ap;voV7ay ttdA- Afli '^nTuiaoci ut aoTor aMx Q^g. tdv$ fu\oy>tu/t 'tya. {Mi -^mvuxixwyH yuairam. 43 H- yct7Ti\cnx.i y*>f t£w So^ou T$f a»- JpaTrui (OaAXoi wvrep t&* ^y »A70» iiaL Jcevrai TBI jwo^coy , «.AA wet cruet* toi vJacjjiOH. 48 O £1^7^/' i^ue Jieu fU) Aa^oxvMK tk. pri/noLiei /uov, iyu Toy KSJioiTa. it/roy* o AoyfS)-' ov eAaAitffa, JJcav®-1 icpivc| ainroy cV Tm f°^£TV) ^uepa- 4j 07: e>a c^ e/tetoT? fcx. eAaAnaa- «M, o 7rt,u- -v[> c*7DA» oa^ ^au wavwJ Mm heart, and be converted, and I fliould heal them. 41 Thefe things faidEfaias, when he faw h» glory, and fpake of him. 42 Neverthelefs among the chief rulers alio, many believ'd on him; but becaule of the Phanfees they did not confefs him, left they fhould be put out of the fynagogue. 43 For they lov'd thepraife of men more than the praife of God. 44 Jefus *had cry'd and faid, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that fent me. 45- And he that feeth me, feeth him that fent me. 46 I am come a light into the world, that whofoever be- lieveth on me,fhould not abide in darknefs. 47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to fave the world. 48 He that rejecleth me, and receiveth not my words, hath *that which judgeth him : the word that I have fpoken, the fame Hull judge him in the laft day. 49 For I have not fcoken of my felf; but the Father which fent me, he gave me a commandment, what I fhould fay, and what Ifhould fpeak. jo And 1 know that his commandment is life everlaft- S. John, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. '£ir & o%u -K3.K® iya, Jcst^ha* u^mk «ig! whatfoever I fpeak there- fore, even as' the Father faid /Mi 0 TntTHf, via ?&\ca. unto me, fo I fpeak. Kep. PARAPHRASE. and be Conjjerted , and I fhould heal them. 41 Thefe things faid Ifaiah, when, by the Spirit ofTropbefy, he law his Glory, 1. e. fore f aw the Glorious Appearance ofChrift on Earth in refpeti of the Excellency of his 2)oc7rine and Greatnefs of bis Miracles, and fpake of Him, i. e. pro- phejy'dof Chrifl. 42. But alt ho' the Generality of the Jews did not be- lieve on him, as is Jaid v. \7, nevenhelefi, not only among the inferior fort, but among the Chief Rulers alfo, Many believ'd on him; but be- caufe of the Unbelieving Pharifees, who made up the Majority of the Sanbedrin, they did not confefs him Openly to be the d/lfejfias or Chrifl, left they Ihould be put out of the Synagogue, or Excommunicated the Jewifh Church as Apoflates. 43 For they lov'd thePraife and Honour of Men, particularly that Honour which was paid them as being of the Sanhedrin, {which they could no longer have been Members of had they been declard Apoflates) more than the Praife of God. 44 Whereupon Jcfus had, Jometime afore he bid himjelf Cry'd and faid, *'. e. faid with a louder and more Earnejl Voice than u/mHj/ ; He that believes on me, believes not on me, but on Him that fent me: '4/ and he that fees me, or my Miracles, therein fees manifejled the Almighty Tower o/"Him that fent me. 45 I am come a Light into the World, that whofoever be- lieves on me, fhould not abide in Darknels. . 4*7 And if any Man hear my Words, and believe not, I judge him not at pre fent: for I came not at prefent to judge the World, but to lave the World. 48 He that rejects me, and receives not my Words, has that which judges him, i. e. which will teflify againjl, and render him Tnexcufable, and fo wor- thy to be Condemn d by me, when I come to judge the World: the Word that I have fpoken, the fame lhall judge hirryn the Laft day. 49 For I have not fpoken of my felt; but the Father which fent me, he gave me a Commandment , what I fhould fay, and what I fhould fpeak. jo And I know that Obedience to his Commandment is the Only way to Life Everlaftmg: whatfoever I fpeak therefore, even as the Father faid unto me, fo I lpeak: and therefore fince whatever I teach you, is no- other than the Commandment of God, Obedience to which is an Indtf- penfable Condition of Salvation ; it follows plainly, that ye are Indifpenfa- bly bound to Believe and Obey what I teach you, if ye will attain to 1^1 i ?i S. John, Chap. XII, XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kep. ty. ripo Si tJ5s eopTHS tS 7ra^a, uStes o Iwrovs on eAhAuV AVTV bM C/i (£>£$. , jy* /ueTabi*! «. ■7TW0US TttS l$iot£ T«S C* 7$ X^ttffl, ets tsAps «>«7rn(TEy a.hr'di. 2 Kocj SaTrvy ^tvoit^ov, frfe? S^g.CoX'd Ufa /2e£A»yir@-' «'s t£w! )C£p£iow Ifc cvk&o©-^ KveM, (JtM U7(\uS T«5 "ftlShii ; 7 A7Ti)c£*3T! Chap. XIII. Now *Jefus knowing that before the feaft of the pallover, * his hour would have been come that hefhould depart out of this world, unto the Father, having lov'd hi| own which were in the world, he lov'd them unto the end. 2 And * being at fupper, (the devil having now put in- to the heart of Judas Ifcariot, Simon's Jon, to betray him) 3 Jefus knowing that the Father had given all things in- to his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God, 4 He rifeth from fupper and laid ah'de his garment, and took a towel and girded hini- felf $• After that, he poureth water into a baibn, aird began to wafh the difciples feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. 6 Then cometh he to Si- mon Peter : and Peter faith unto him, Lord, doft thou wafh my feet ? -j Jefus anfwer'd and faid unto him, What I do thou PARAPHRASE. v-is and J<5: forafmuch as the fVords in v. is and l^, were the Laft Words fpoken by our Lord, and related by St John, before he. departed from the Jews, {as is mention d v. j<5.) and conceal'd himjelf, namely at Bethany, till the Night he being return d to Jerufakmy and having eat there the Pajfover with the Twelve, was afterwards yjpprehended. Of •wbich St John proceeds to give an Account tn the next Chapter. SECT S.John, Chap. XIII. 133 PARAPHRASE. SECTION X. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St John, and were tranfabled in the former part of the Night before C h r i st's Crucifixion, vi%. From hit Coming into the Houfe where he eat the Pajfover, To his Departing thence to the Garden of Gethfemane, where he was Apprehended. Which Particulars take up Chap. XIII. i — XVII. ult. and, except one or two, are Wholly omitted by the former Evangelifis. Chap. XIII. Now fometime the 'Day before the Tafjover-day, i.e. chrift »,.»>.« the fometiffte on Thurfday in Tafjion-week, Chrift having Jent {q) Two off''1 of h's AP°- his Difciples from Bethany to Jemfaletn to prepare the Taffover that he Jhould eat ; at Evening (r) the fame Thurfday, when the T off over- day be- gan, Chrifl comes him fe If with the rejl of the Difciples to the place where- he had appointed the Tajfover to be got Ready for him. And Jelus knowing that before the ufual time for eating the Feafl of the PafTbvcr or Tafchai Lamb {this not being done till after Three in the Afternoon on the Taffover- day,or Friday) His hour would have been come, that he (hould be Appre- hended, Condemn dy Crucify d, and Dead, and fo depart out of this World, unto the Father (tho' before his proper Afcenfion into Heaven;)ha.v\ng lov'd in ajpecial manner his Own Di/tiples,in a [pedal manner fo call'd, t. e. the Apojtles, he lov'd themyo unto the End of his Life : and therefore Jince. he fjould not be in a Capacity or live to eat the Tafchai Lamb with them, he refolvd to eat the Taj/ over with them in Juch (j) another way as his Circum/lances would admit of; and accordingly told them, when he fat down, that he had Earneflly defird to eat that Tajfover with them; namely, as for other Reafons, fo on account of the feveral Ufeful Fnftru- ffions he Jlnuld give them, as in relation to the Church in general, jo to themfelves in particular, x And the firB Injlance of his Love and In- Jfrufilions now to his Apo/lles, and taken notice of here by St John, is this: viz. Being at Supper (the Devil having now put into the Heart of Judas Ifcariot, Simon's Son, to betray him) 3 jefus knowing that the Father had given All things or Tower into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God, 4 he rifts from Supper, and laid ahde his upper Garments, and took a Towel and girded himfelfl j After that, he pours Water into a Bafon, and began to wafh the Difciples Feet, and to wipe them with the Towel wherewith he was girded. 6 Then comes hefojl to Simon Peter; and Peter being greatly Surpriz'd when he faw what he was going to do, fays unto him, Lord, (Tfl'A/*/ "i^rtfT rVirm tupnti tn rnu/tp f'rpvid in n tltiYHr fn t/y/iPir,rf/iv nf thpp /»* 13+ S. John, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. m. 8 A94 ^ IliTjf©-- 8 peter fauh umo hjmj O'j fw» m-\>m T«s 7roJks /*« ui Tt» Thou fhalt never wafh my feet. r~— a ™* . ''a.. .. '™»n I i..-Z,. c'u Tefus anfwer'd hiro, If I wafh , ^, rt ' , , , _ thee not, thou halt no part (M) ii-\>a n, 5/x. 't^MS /tupas [Ml t/M. with me. o Aey| oo'-t^ 2i>»v Minos' Kfoe, ? simon Peter falth unto , , , , N , , him, Lord, not my feet onl y, fM T«5 7[*&LS ftit [U101, *M* & TO* but aJfb w;, hands and ^ yu&LS vjj TTjD %epaAk«> io Aej-4 head. "' ? ' x ~ ~ . . 0' * 1 10 lefus faith to him, He cu>t$ 0 I>i^ tdv O'^ 7ravTSS K5t^*y/ e?s. 12 Ots CM) 'e'vi\k TtfJ mJitS OOTOIf, £ g?^C« TO IJjUiTtX CtG7DU, scv*7rS(ra» 7nxAi», clean, but not all. 1 1 For he knew who fhould betray him; therefore faid he, Ye are not all clean. 12 So after he had wafh'd their feet, and had taken his garments, and was fet down again , he faid unto them , ztTtti au>Tvi$' rivaraeTS tj 5rsW»>C5t Know ye what I have done to you? 13 Ye call me Mafler, and Lord : and ye fay well ; for/a I am. 14 If 1 then, your Lord and Mailer, have wafh'd your feet, ye alfo ought to walh one an- others feet. 15- For I have given you an example, that ye (hould do as I have done to you. v/mi; 13 Thus (Z,v, j»a y&^us iyca l'mir\(m. v/n\i, xoq l/xus 16 Verily verily I fay unto -16 A^ «nv, toy* v/uu y0U) The fervant is not great- Qrx e'97 J^AoS fxu^m V wupix ocatv, er than his Lord, neither he - iyc* l8 T rPeak not of you all; ,, r r , , , r/ , v I know whom I have cholen : oifra yj l§«Ae5*/MW- *M »v* x ?$*p» buc that the Icripture may be PARAPHRASE, know'ft not now the meaning of, but thou (hall know afterwards. 8 Pe- ter fays unto him, It is a Condefcenfion (o infinitely beneath thee, that I am refolv'd, unlejs I fee fome good Reafon for it, Thou (halt never wafh my Feet. Jefus anfwer'd him, I will give thee a good Reafon for it; If I Wafh thee not {Alluding hereby to that Turity and Holme fs of Mind, which is fitly reprefented by fVafljing or Cleanfing the Body with Water) thou haft no part with me, or in my Family, i. e. catifl not be my 2)i- * fciple. p Simon Peter fays unto him, Lord, if it be fo, be pleas'd to wajh not my Feet only, but alfo my Hands and my Head. 10 Jefus fays to him, He that is walh'd Once, and fo cleans d all over bis Body, needs not thenceforward except to wafh his Feet, which are apt fre- quently to contrail Dirt ; but is clean all over the other parts of his Body, which are not apt to become Foul or Dirty as the Feet are : By this Allufion denoting, that He who has Once heartilj Embracd, and for fome time Obey'd the Gofpel, is not to be fuppos'd ever after to (land in need of an entire Change of Heart and Mind, but only to clean fe him fe If Conti- nually from the Unavidable Incurfions of daily Infirmities. And ye my Apoftles are thus Clean, but not All of you : 1 1 for he knew who fhould betray him ; therefore faid he, Ye are not all Clean. 12 So after he had wafh 'd their Feet, and had taken his Garments, and was fet down again, he faid unto them, Know ye what I have done to you ? I know ye do not, and therefore now I will tell you the meaning thereof. 13 Ye call me Mailer, and Lord : and ye fay well ; for fo I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Matter, have walh'd your Feet,and thereby condefcended to do One of the meanefl Offices of Service and Kindnefs to you my Dijci- pies and Inferiors ; then jurely ye are hereby mojl evidently taught, that ye, /'. e. my 'Difciples in general, alfo ought to wafh one anothers Feet, i. e. to be Ready to do all ASis of Humility, Kindnefs and Charity to One another, who, in Companion of Me, are really All of you but Equals and Fellow- fervants, notwithjlundtng the Superiority you may have One over the Other, as to the Civil or Ecclefiajlical State or Government. ly For I have given you an Example, that ye fhould do as I have done to you. \6 Verily verily I fay unto you, The Servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is fent greater than he that fent l^ S. John, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. TxXwpaSjT O 7?a><3V fur IficS tot xynv, Wvovi in ifd -zho 7Hepicu au>TV. J 9 Att aLpn Ae>i» v/ua "Q/fo tv yiiioQvii, i'v* orcty ywrocj, rm rtvcnm o7i 'fyn ufM. 20 Afdcv a.,ulu> teya vfiii' O 7&/*£*iai ia. •met ■ar'ilu-\>a> , leu \x/u.CJiiu' 0 i OTjiis eTDt^v^J) t$ 7rv£u,a). 27 Kxi ^7/N to ■^a/u.ioi 7vn fc»a»AQy e<« tx.u- yoy 0 2Ta> 0 YAnvf O sroiws, 'Trolnoxi ra^oy. fulfill'd, he that eateth bread with me, hath lift up his heel again ft me. 19 Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pafs, ye may believe that I am he. 20 Verily verily I fay unto you, He that receiveth whom- soever I lend, receiveth me: and he that receiveth me, re- ceiveth him that (eat me. 21 When Jefus had thus faid, he was troubled in fpirit, and teftify'd, and faid, Verily verily I fay unto you, that one of you (hall betray me. 22 Then the difciples look'd one on another, doubting of whom he fpake. 2 j Now there was leaning on Jeflis bofom, one of his di- fciples whom Jeius lov'd. 2+ Simon Peter therefore beckned to him, that he Ihould ask who it fhould be of whom he fpake. 2j- He then lying on Jefus breaft, faith unto him, Lord, who is it? 16 Jefus anfwer'd, He it is to whom I (hall give a fop, when I have dipp'd it. And when he had dipp'd the fop, he gave it to Judas Ifcarior, the fori of Simon. 27 And after the fop, Satan entred into him. Then laid Je- fus unto him/'' What thou dofl, do quickly. (f) Pfil:+i. 9. (») See Matt. z6. %%. 2% T*7D & John, Chap. XIII. 137 PARAPHRASE. chofen to be Apoftles: but I chofe never thelefs One of you, that the Scripture (t) may be fulfill'd in him, viz. He that eats Bread with me, hath lift up his Heel againft me. iy Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pafs, ye may believe that I am He, i. e. the CbriB ; namely, forafmuch as by my Foretelling you thereof you may be convinc'd that All my Sufferings are fubmitted 'to by me of my Own choice, not by Force and the meer Prevalency of my Enemies. 20 And theje Confederations Jloall be means to Comfort and Uphold you like- wife, in all Dangers and Afflictions ye Jliall undergo in preaching the Go/pel; forafmuch as ye may hence infer, that nothing can befall you without my Foreknowledge and Permiffion. And for the Comfort of them that foall believe by your Preaching, Verily verily I lay unto you, He that receives whomfoever I fend, receives me : and he that re- ceives me, receives him that lent me. xi When Jefus had thus faid, he was troubled in Spirit, and teflify'd, and laid, Verily verily I fay unto you, that one of you fhall betray me. 22 Then the Difciples look'd one on another, doubting of whom he fpake. 23 Now there was leaning on Jefus bofom, one of his Difciples whom Jelus lov'd, i. e. hadjhewn a particular Love to, being us'd to difcourfe with him with more Freedom and Familiarity than the Reft ; and this Difciple was Our Evangelifi St John himfe/f, according to the general Confent of Ancients and Moderns. 24 Simon Peter therefore beckned to him, that he Qiould ask who it Ihould be of whom he fpake. 25- He then lying on Jefus. breaft, fays unto him with a Low voice, or even whifpering in his ear, Lord, who is it ? 16 Jelus anfwer'd, likewife whifpering him in the ear, or elfe with fo Low a voice that the Other Difciples heard not what be faid, He it is to whom I fhall give a Sop, when I have dipp'd it in the DiJJj. The Other Difciples not hearing what Jefus faid, and being very De/uous to know Who it was, began then to ask him («) each of them, Lord, is it I? To which Jefus anfwer'd, He it is that now dips his hand with me in the 'Dtfh. Whereupon Judas Jfcariot being the Per- fon that had then his hand with him in the cDifl), faid as by way of Sur- prize, and as if he was Confcious to himfe/f of no fitch DeJign, Mafler, is it P And Cbrtfl then plainly told him, It is you. 27 And Judas not relenting all this while, but concealing his Wicked Intentions as if he had been Innocent, not only after the Sop had been given him by Chrifi upon S. Johns privately asking him, Who the Traitor Jhould be ; whereas even from Chrifl's fo giving the Sop to Him, He could not but conjecture, that it was done to Diflmguifh or Mark him out as the Traitor ; but a/Jo not relenting and Con/ effing his Sinfull Intentions, upon Chrifl's openly telling i38 S.John, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 28 TV-re efts vSi\$ 'tyca T irnxu. f&t>m iSbxauu , inn n y\ac- GT>YjO(JU>1 fc'f^YtV 0 loilSbii, 071 Aiyi CUt- t&) 0 IyicvvS' Ay>(y.ovv a>i ^acu yoii Vvot 71 <5\a. 30 AxQai oiw HZi i$bi sv ««7cS. 32 Ei 0 ©eos acu7o» iv eewi$, $ aJfluS (Tb^ocwj au7c». him in himfelf, and fliall 33 Tex.v/a, stx ^x^cy iAoi5. 36 Aeyet clvtS 2i/xav riiT^@-- 0 lnovZi' O^ vnayai, y Suyasoq (juoi yuM axoAyJrJflotq, uftgyi S^i olko- AvShWs put. 17 Aeyet o.ut$ a * fpeedily glorify him. 33 Little children, yet a lit- tle while I am with you. Ye fliall feek me : and as I faid unto the Jews, Whither 'I go, ye cannot come; fo now I lay unto you. 3^ A new commandment I give unto you,That ye love one another; as I have lov'd you, that ye alfo love one another. 35- By this {hall all men know that ye are my difci- ples, if ye have love one to another. 36 Simon Peter faid unto him, Lord,whithergoeft thou? Jefus anfwer'd him, Whither I go, thou canft not follow roe now; but thou {halt follow me afterwards. 37 Peter laid unto him, TltT^ai- KueUe, 2/#ti v Jb'vet/^' cm Lord, why cannot I follow Cf.JC- S.John, Chap. XIII. 139 PARAPHRASE. he might betray him as foon as he would, for that He was now Ready to Suffer. 2,8 Now, notwithjianding Chrift had told them that the /aid Judas Jloould betray him, yet not thinking that it Jloould be done fo Qttrckly, no Man at the Table knew for what intent he {pake this unto him. ap For fome of them thought, becaufe Judas had the Bag, that Jefus, by what he had faid unto him, meant, Buy thofe things that we have need of againft the at~iual eating of the Feaft or Vafchal Lamb, it being not many Hours now to that Time; or that he fhould give fomething to the Poor. -30 He, i.e. Judas then having receiv'd the Sop, and heard and done what elfe is related in the other Evangelifls, and above mention d in Jhort, went prefently, or in a very little time aftet , out: and it was Night. 31 Therefore when he was gone out, Jefus faid, Now is the Time chrift l'ftrettBt come that the Son of Man fooutd lay down his fJfe for the Salvation of his Apofties of Man, for which Hejhallbe glorify 'd, not only by all 'Pious men on Earth^J"^^] but alfo by being exalted after his Afcenfion to the Right hand of God, as Departure ouc of a Reward of this his Obedience even unto Death ; and conje/juently God thli WorId- is to be now glorify 'd in him, thus Suffering for the Salvation ofdMan in Obedience to the Will, and in Conformity to the Goodne/s of God to Mankind. 32 If God as to his great Goodnefs and Macy to Mankind be thus glorify Jd in him, God fhall alfo glorify him m Himfelfj by exalt- ing him to his Right hand, and fhall fpeedily thus glorify him. 3 3 Little Children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye fhall feek me, or defire to be with me : and as I faid to the Jews (w) lately, Whither I go, ye cannot come ; fb now I fay unto you, in refpeft not only of the Trefent time, but for fuch a Time as TJhall judge proper for each of you to con- tinue in this IVorld. 34 Tn the mean time therefore be careful to te- Jltfy your Love and Faithfulnefs to me, by keeping my Commandments. And now a New Commandment I give unto you, as a principal Teft of your Love to me, viz. that ye love one another, not only according to the Ordinary manner of the World, or even Thofe higher 'Degrees of Love which are thought to have been hitierto requir'd by the Scripture or Old Tefiatnent, but in the very Highejl "Degree; namely, As I have lov'd you, that ye alio To love one another, is By this fhall all Men know that ye are my Difciples, if ye hive fuch Love one to another. 36 Simon Peter faid unto him, Lord, whither goeft thou, that we An/rfPtt . cannot come thither? Jefus anfwer'd him, Whither I go, I fay in 6/^DmUiof w'w. ' manner as I afore (v- 3 %.)faid, thou canfl not follow me now, but thou fhalt follow me afterwards, when I fee jit to take thee unto me out of this World. 37 Peter faid unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now ? I4jo S.John, Chap. XIII, XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. oy 3">«ra. 3 5 A7nx.£^S>i xwaf 0 Ivs- Aplv xply Ktyct ni, V pi ihixjesp Kap. lift'. M)j Ta^too-ea3zy [i/x'jeV >j j^cp^x- •Tnreue'n as t Oeoy, stow £<5 ep mTiuiii. 2 Ef Ti) oi)ua &- raTgj? (ttw pyx} 7reM*| aw a <& (*yi, u7n>i xy ujjuf Tropeto/^54 tTviuoi.- ffot) -nTizi \jfjxi. 3 Kot| Ixy Tropa/- « ^ . - 1 < ~ r /», fcXj 6701,0*711) H(ttlV 7B7TDy, STX- Aiv ep^oyjLj x.xj /ar^A^vIc/^oi u,u«$ 'S^s iMBui-m* V** 07r^ «/*' ^>®> & u/*& 0 Imovs' Eyx U(M y\ oShs, Kay y\ xA^ax, fc « £flM. gfofflS *?/£u '&'&* T- OTTSpX, a #>? $1 i/ux. 7 Ei' vyvofKwn hi, xaf t TraTtpx «« £y»«^«Te xy x, ctTT xpTj yiiaaxilt «u4 owt^/ $iAi7t7m- Ku- til, ■f'aloj If'/MI "TIV TOTS£%, *J ap. xa ^Tv. 9. Aey'i **»''? 0 Incrouf thee now ? I will lay down my life for thy fake. 38 Jefusanfwer'd him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my fake? Verily verily I fay unto thee, the cock fhall not crow, till thou had deny'd me thrice. Chap. XIV. Let not yoiTr heart be trou- bled : ye believe in God, be- lieve alio in me. 2 In my Father's houfe are many maniions; if it were not fo, 1 would have told you : I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come a- gain, and receive you unto my felf, that where I am, there ye may be alfo. ^ And whither I go, ye know, and the way ye know. $ Thomas faith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goeft, and how can we know the way ? 6" Jefus faith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye fhould have known my Father alfo: and from *a while ye know him, and have feen him. 8 Philip faith unco him, Lord, fhew us the Father, and it lufriceih us. p Jclus faith unto him, To- PARAPHRASE. I will lay down my Life for thy fake. 58 Jefus anfwer'd him, Wile thou lay down thy Life for my fake ? Verily verily I fay unto thee, The Cock fhall not crow, till thou haft deny'd me thrice. Chap. S.John, Chap. XIV. 141 paraphrase- Chap. XIV. .Tien Jefus continud his Difcourfe to his Difciples, fay- chriftTs' further ing, Let not your heart be troubled, fo as to be Dejected and over- Difcourfe to his whelm d with Sorrows, on account of what I have faid unto you concern- t???1", " thl ^1 • r ' i-i 11 xr 1 1 ■ y~> 1 1 1 *'ltj'e where lie 7»£ f«/ Going from you now in a little while ' Ye believe in Crod as able cat the Pajfevn to prefer ve you under the Greatejl 'Dangers and afflictions ; ye are to be w,th thenv lieve alfo in me as able to do the fame, even when [am not Bodily pre- jent with you. 2 In my Father's houfe are many iVhnlions, /. e. in Heaven are fever al 'Degrees of Happinefs, which are to be Bejlow'd on Perfons fuitably to their Degrees of Piety and Service to God: if it were not fo, I would have told you : 1 go ftom you, that I may fend the Holy Ghoft unto you, fo toAffifl and Direct you, that ye may do the Great fVork you are defign'd for, m laying the Foundation of my Church by the preaching of the Go/pel; and by thus making you here on Earth in an Ex- traordinary manner Injh umental to the Glory of God, to prepare or fit you to enjoy a Place of Extraordinary Glory and Happinefs in Heaven, which Jhall be given you as a Reward iot the Extraordinary Service you jliall have done in the Church. 3 And if I go from you to the fore/aid end, and, i. e. namely, to prepare a Place for you ; you may be certify d thereby, that I will come again, when I have thus prepar'd a Place for you, i. e. when you are prepar'd by your Eminent Services to be Emi- nently Rewarded; and receive you next unto my Self"/« Heaven, that where I am, there ye may be alfo, 1. e. that ye may be rewarded with a Degree of Happinefs and Glory, proportionally to, and Jo next to That of my felf as Man. 4 And thus whither I go, ye may, from what / have faid, fujffciently know, and alfo the way thither ye may fuffciently know, $ But the Minds of the Apojlles being not yet taken off from the Expectation of Temporal Tower and Glory, did not undet /land Aright what our Lord had here faid to them : infomuch that in particular Tho- mas fays unto him, Lord, we know not yet whither thou goeff, and how much lefs then can we know the way thither} 6 Jefus fays unto him, I told you frequently that I go to my Father, and v. 2. that T go to prepare a Place for you in my Father's Houfe : and I have alfo fre- quently told you, that I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, /'. e. the True and only way to Eternal Life is by Faith in, and Obedience to Me; and that No man comes to the Father, but thus by me. So that it is Jlrange that, after all this, you JJiould not know- the way. q But whereas Thomas's words imply, that ye know not the way, becauje ye know not my Father, and therefore know not whither F go, bj my faying I go to my Father ; this is no lefs jlrange: fir it ye had known me, ye fhould have known my Father alio, ;/ being in Effect the fame thing In btimt) ihp Orip as to hnnva the Other • and iherefmr fmm a while. / e. 14-x & John, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. tWtdv faow /o9' !>i«a>v ft,tu, s£ 5/x. i^i»K5J« fit i[U, iupcLYJt T 7nXTSpot* £ 7TOS OT; A«- yeis* Ae«^ov ii^Tv t 7ra.7«psi; ioOu ' > . / I/O. TJip Of f/^C{ 657 ; 6» 7a 7ra,7?i, x, o ra- it/ l\ J » TO pYlfJXTBt. 0. iy* AaAa u/Utv, iic i/uuJfy V ActAa* o r , i \ / ■ >J P ' ?ntTj)p o £v e^uoi [Mini, owns 77014 ra £»■;«. 1 1 u ni5~eoeTe ,001 671 tym ti 7$ ra7ipi, £ 0 7iaT»p g» l(CM< '6^y* ei >, 2ij. t» 'ifyx 007a TnyaueTe /.wi. 12 Afdio x/lcUo Asia U(Mi», 0 •vnreuav eis s,«g, to ep)« a tya ■woja, x.«.x.fciv@j wdwotJ, j£ ,£t&i£ova Ttfirstv ttoiho^' 071 sya <72^i r 71a- Tip* ^v Tropeoo/^j. 1 3 Kcq 0, 7J air OUTttTnlt h 7$ 013JMXTI fiV, Ttf70 TTOIH- a»' '/y* . 14 Ea» 71 oUTyiown sv iq> o^o/mlti ,«y, zycd 7miy\ • ' 9 ' i to K<*| eya EpaTura t 7raT5p!X,, x.ou a.M.ov 7rap*^\>i^v ^otJ u^tiv, 7v* fitiy fitj v/J%T £i5 7B» ouavet* 17 To 7rva>;U« t»5 aAM^ao^, 0 0 >coo£tos 5/ Suoarai AaCav, 071 V 9*ape7 ocotb, @fch JW06T*' VflUi Jt yivwoxt- TS 01070, 071 C7^> VfUl fitly, k3-e. 20 Ev q/kuva t<) yi/Ucfx ymoteQ'i u/uus 071 tyco OS TO) ZB"XT1°} /MV, KoUf V- (itls h i(Mt, x.ci,yv 0* vfiii. 21 O pav atoms, dfcuios '(feii 0 «)«7ra» /tts* 0 «Tli ijaTian (Ue, d^-etTm^ncrE- aj«f7n,'cto ax>7Bv, fccq tjupxnaa at/To) IficuuToi. 22 Aeyei aun$ Iouiks1 (^ 0 Izjcaexjcn;*) Kvtn, 77 y«jp- v£* 073 «,«iv ,«iMejOTJ OtO- \ 1 1 ' ' ' v ' n TOlf, 5CX) '3^5 Ct' T0» lAvuTOtlVft. , xcq (jui'uu nr&f auiTfy zravi\j ayttxov ,we, tdus \0yn4 fi\S V T»py • Jcstj 0 Aoy©""' 01 ttxVe. 4*»7TS fit TtXT^U. 2f TatJ7W, Ag- AstAnKSt w*AMl at3 i/VTv ,t«r«v. 26 O tTfc 57-PxX.A«7o5, TO 'TniUfJUL TO (X.}i01, 0 fn/t^lu 0 nrxTHf o* 7&> 010/ua.Tt JUV, OKWOS V/MtS £l(Tet£« 7TctVTO, £ comfortlefs; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world feeth me no more : but ye fee me: becaufe I live, ye (hall live alfo. ao At that day ye (hall know, that I am in my Fa- ther, and you in me, and I in you. 21 He 'that hath my com- mandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth mi- and he that loveth me (hall be lov'd of my Father, and I will love him , and will manifelt my felfto him. 22 Judas faith unto him, (not Ilcariot) Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifeft thy (elf unto us, and not unto the world ? 23 Jcfus anfwer'd and faid unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not, keepeth not my fayings : and the word which you hear, is not mine , but the Father's which fent me. 25- Thefc things have I fpoken unto you , being yet prefent with you. 26 But the Comforter,tt/6/fi6 is the holy Ghort, whom the Father will fend in my name, he (hall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance , whatfoever I have faid unto you. 27 Ei'- S.John, Chap. XIV. i*S TEXT. TRANSLATION. 27 EipW i „\r, , . my peace I give unto you : not Sitofu i^cir k V9«« « W7*9* ^ W, as the world giveth, give I un- \yo\ $\i&>lM vfiii. fXM fgLpzaxiaQtu vfc&i to you. Let not your heart PARAPHRASE. you Comfortlefs fo, as not to come any more Bodily to you; but on the contrary, I will come to you even Bodily. 19 Yet a little while, and the World indeed fees me, Bodily pre/enl as now, no more : but yefhaU fee me again Bodily pre frit with you : for after my 'Death I fiaU live again in my Bod) ; and becaufe I live, ye fhall live alio again, even in your Bodies after your Death. 20 A t that day, viz. when I am Rifen again, and Amended, and have fent the Holy Ghojl upon you, ye fhall know mere Fully and Plainly, that I am in my Father, aiimg and [peak- ing All things by and with Him; and you in me, as Members of my Myjlical Body, and I in you, as enabling jou by my Power tofpeak and do All things NeceJ/ary for the Propagation of the Gofpel. 21 Only ye mujl be fure Always to remember, that he that has, /'. e . knows my Com- mandments, and keeps them, He only it is that truly loves me: and he that loves me (hall be lov'd of my Father, and I will love him, and will roan if eft my felf to him. 22 Judas fays unto him, (not Iicariot) Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifcfl thy felf unto us, and not unto the World? 23 Jcfus anfwer'd and faid unto him, If a Man love me, he will keep my Words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him. and make our Abode with him, by Communicating the Holy Spirit to him. 24 He that loves me not, keeps not my Sayings; and fuch an One alfo loves not the Father : and the Reafon is, becaufe the Word (or Commands) which you hear of me, is not minefl«^, but the Father's who lent me; and therefore not to keep my Commandments is, not to keep the Commandments of the Father alfo. 2j Thcfe things have I Ipoken unto you, in fuch manner as the fljort Time will permit, during my being yet prefent with yon. 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Gholt, whom the Father will fend in my Name, he ih.;ll teach you All things requifite, more Fully and Plainly, and bring All things to your Remembrance, wbadbeyer I have laid unto you. 2~ I mujl now very quickly take my Leave of you, and all ho' when I Jay in refe- rence thereto, Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you, I ufe much the fame Form of taking Leave as is ufual for Others in Common 14-5 S. John, Chap. XIV, XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 28 H*v- ■ T-7rxy« E» «)«- 770 on be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 Ye have heard how I faid unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye lov'd me, ye would rejoyce, be- caufe I laid, I go unto the Fa- 29 Keci ther '•' for my Fatner ,s greater ' than I. oven on tya ttTiti v/x.i\ TcHtl fit, IjpfVm O.V 077 ill 1 II' ffuo/uoii t2£j$ 7bv craTi^c vui apxtSt *W1 welt yaiedrq' im 29 And now I have told omi ytmriq, mruioym. 30 Oux. yo« before it come to pafs, that „ _.„ 1 . »» Q.' « cpo .» whcn » ,s come to pais, ye eTi m\A£ AaA«cn> /utj Uf£/J- ep- mjght believe. veTeq y^o 0 toc) ko^U-ou toutdu 30 *1 fhali not talk much * ' i . , \ ' « , more with you : for the prince ap^y, ** Vym or* «*« ow- o{th!S worfd comcth> andPha^ Jfcv. 31 AAA »»«, ^fiM 0 jcc?- nothing in me. A@- on *}«7ro- Try w&-n&., *etj 3 l Bllt tnat tri!; world may Qx , , / c 1 know that I love the Father: xsftas cjiTuA*™ fui 0 sromip, and as lhe Father gave me vra nroiu. iyuftf «A>i77y», xot) 0 7ra7»p /^o 0 yanf. yS '(fa. 2 fliV K^/jLOL ci CjUOl /«) ip£g_J» Jt5tp77TIV , ofpe4 OU/70 WdLl \ TO owto , tvoL 7rAeiova Jt«^7rcy (p*p>i« I am the true vine, and my Father is ihe husbandman. 1 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he * cleanfeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean thro' PARAPHRASE. be over troubled at my 'Departure from you, neither let it be Afraid of what Jhall fall upon you, Jo as to be Dejecled or Driven thereby from your Duty. 28 Ye have heard how 1 laid unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye lov'd me with a Wife and Underflanding siffeflion, ye would rejoyce, becaufe I faid, I go unto the Father: for my Father is Greater than I, as in refpeil of my Human Nature, fo alfo in re [petit of the Terfonal Relation between us as to our Divine Nature, this being not at all inconfijlent with Our Equality as to all the Perfe- ctions S.John, Chap. XIV, XV. 14/7 PARAPHRASE. (lions of the 'Divine Nature or Effence: 29 And now I have told you thus much before it come to pals, that when it is come to pafs, ye might have the more reafon to believe on me in all other Cafes. 30 I (hall not talk much more with you at pre lent : for the Hour wherein the Prince of this World, i. e. the 'Devi!, is permitted to fet bis [nftruments on to take me, and even pur nie to Death, comes, or is now juji come ; and ye are to krww that the JaidDev-l h nothing in me, 1. e. has no Tower of him- felf to prevail thus over me again/l my Own (■Fill : 3 1 but / will per- mit the Devil to do this to me, that the World may know that I love the Father, Jo as to Obey his Will even unto Death', and as the Father gave me Commandment as Mm, but not wtioout my Own Consent as God, 1. e. as the Father jent me into the World, and I IVillmgly and of my Own Choice came into the World, for to fuffer what is Coming now upon me, even fo I do now willingly and 'Cheerfully Jubmit thereto. Let U! now arife from Table, and let us go hence, 1. e. either from the Table to another part of the fame Room, or elfe to fome other Room in the fame Houfe. Chap. XV. Our Bkffed Lord having eaten the Tajfover with his Di- (^gJSiiewiifi fciples, and inftttuted the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and made to his Apofties the foregoing Difcourfes from Chap. 1 3. 12 to Chap. 14. ult. at the fame "({'0^b^"^J" Table, arijes thence, {as we ate inform d Chap. 14. ult.) and then , ei- where he eat the ther in fome other part of the fame Room, or fome adjoining Room in the p*JJ' x.\rfijMx. X SuuolIoj\ jc^P7"" ) ^avif e* tm a^TrtAa' y-raj ©fofe u/luis, lay pi ev t/uoi /uu~ vvm. s Ey® **,"* * cLftrntos, vftus •to x.hii/MLTn.' 0 (tAu^y ev JjWoj, x.a,yco il OJUtS, &"!"(§)-' y oTi vapis l^tt y ^/yaoOe 7niit7v c* s^oi, e^A^^Ji e£a> a? 7B x.AJJ^aa, & c^Hpxy^Ji- Jtotj cuvxyymv ax-m, \p us 7rup /2xMV<7J, £ WiTajl- 7 Exv {tawn ey eVoi, ^ to pnfUATu, (4M ev o^iy |Wfe«yM, 0 exv ^SA>1T8 OdTTICrEcO'H) $ y4VJim' fcoq ytv*)- aio^e tjuoi (UaSrilot). 9 KaOas y\"} 1 T>i'pvi)yt, x.%] (t«v&j ou^ ev tw a>cc7r>j. 1 1 Ta*& A«AgcA»X5t ^Tv,i'va « ^«p* « e^x ev u^Tv ^e^VM, $ £ ^apa v,uui -7rA>i- patty. 12 Autji efiv >j evioA» « f^t/j, iva. vSa.-m.-n aMviAvs, >t5t.0£«)5 Ji^aTrnoTX w- /£*s. 1 3 Mej'^ova &uT*|S a^Tniv «'- &US i%i, 11% 775 T -yf^fy CUV J-A UTTCp the word which I have fpokeq unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of it felfj except it abide in the vine: no more can ye, except ye abide in me. y I am the vine, ye ate the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the lame bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do no- thing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is caft forth as a branch, and is wither'd;. and men gather them, and caft them into the fire, and they arc burn'd. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye fhall ask what ye will, and it Hull be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glo- rify'd, that ye bear much fruit, *and fo fhall ye be my difci- pies. 9 As the Father hath lov'd me, fo have I lov'd you: con- tinue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my command- ments, ye * fhall continue in my love : even as I have kept my Father's commandments , and * continue in his love. 11 Thefe things have I fpoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. ii This is my command- ment, That ye love one ano- ther, as I have lov'd you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay S. John, Chap. XV. 14.9 TEXT. TRANSLATION."" T (BiAav &uv. 14 T,W«S /.v;' for the future is to be Careful to Abide Con ft ant and Firm in your Faith in me, and then you may be ajfm'd \ will abide in my Love and Care of you, by giving you All Bleffings Spiritual and Tem- poral reqwjite for you. And to convince you how Aojolutely neceffuiy it is for you thus to Abide in me, fobjbve to you, that As the Branch can not bear Fruit of it felf, except it abide in the Vine; fo no more can ye bring forth the Fruit of Righteoujnefs, except ye thus abide in me. 5 For as //aid {v. 1) I am as the Root and Stock of ibe Vine, and ye are to me as the Branches to the Fine ; and confequentiy He that abides in me, ami I in him, the fame brings forth much Fruit: for without me, affi/Ung you by my Grace or Spun, ye can do nothing that is Good or Available unto Salvation- 6 If a Man abide not in me by an Holy Faith and Life, he is calf forth from me, and condemn d as a falje Chri- Jlian and no true Member of my Church, and caft into Hell-fire ; juft as a Branch that bears not Fruit is cut off from the Vine , and fo is vvi- ther'd ; and Men gather them, /'. e. Juch wither d fruitlefs Branches, and caft them into the Fire, and they are burn'd. 7 If ye abide in me, and, i.e. namely, if my Words abide in you, by your keeping them and pratlifing accordingly, ye fhall ask what ye will, as being necejfary either for your Own Salvation or Propagation of the Gofpel, and it fhall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorify 'd, namely, that ye bear much Fruit ofHolineJs; and fo fhall ye be my Dilciplcs indeed, not by a bare Trofejfion of Faith in me without an Holy life an/weiable thereunto. p As the Father hath lov'd me, lb have I lov'd you : continue ye in cimii /»«««& my love. 10 If ye keep my Commandments, ye fhall continue in my tisApoftlesof bit love : even as 1 have kept my Father's Commandments to me as Mari,^lm ^d'al? and continue in his love. 11 Thefe things have I fpoken unto you/Mankind, \ni*j- that my Joy, i.e. the Joy which ye have taken in mfTrefence, might re- fof them,*"nd1rf main in vou when I am Abjent; and not only fo, but a/jo that your joy his l»w ro them might be' full, or increas'd to the Height by the Coming of the HJy Ghoft. in Pa,ticnl" *c- And thus it will be with you, if ye keep my Commandments. 12 Novo this is my princip.il Commandment, viz. That ye love One another, even as I have lov'd you; which is to the Highejl degree poffible, as you will I/O S. John, Chap. XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. if Ovyu-n v/uai XtY* (JVAs^' on o SttA©- ohc oTi\sc (5C t/jUCtS, IV* UjMfeTs /t«^7T0S U^V |W^f ivx 0, 71 in ao- 77107178 T TOTEpat, ci 7J$ 010/J.O.n [AM, S'at uVTv. 17 To*tm, e»T»M.o/<# o. ,tuv, ivot aya?n*T6 aVv«A^?. 1 8 Ei' o >coir/x(Gy vjMni fuu\, yi~ i/aaxeTS 'on EjtM t?g5»7B» uu3t fuo-^ JjttoK 0 YJi^Uios. 20 Mw^aovew^e y Aoyy & c>eiti ei7rov J^aTv Owe efi SVAoS /nii^M & ?a»div awry. « \\*A iSia^ou, X) v[wLs $\®£)sioir et tbv Ao- JPV (UV 67T1pw£, $ T UfAltfOI TVip*- 0V7JV. 21 AM* TDtUTW, 7TOIM3VW u,ui» Dig. td ovoiUa ,«W, oti OfH 01- i)tfv, Afitufneu Vx. otner man did, they had not PARAPHRASE. /"ore henceforth I call, ;. e. treat you not as Servants; for the Servant ufuallj knows not what his Lord does : but I have call'd or treated you as Friends ; for all things that I have heard of the Father to that end, I have made known unto you. 16 Moreover, as another in/lance of my Love to you, ye know that ye have not chofen me, by doing any AEis of Kmdnejs to me; but I have Freely chofen you, and ordain'd you to be my Apojlles, and that as Jucb you fhould go into the World, and bring forth Fruit by Convening Men to the Faith, and that this your Fruit fhould remain in a Succeffion of Chi ijlians to the Worlds end; and that whatfbever ye (hall ask of the Father in my Name, as necejfary to the 'Propagation of the Go/pel, he may give it you. 17 Thcle things men- tion'd (v. 9 — 16.) I command, or mind you of, that ye may thereby be indue d the more to Love one another. 18 As to the Unbelieving part of the World, ye mufl expili to be hated chrift/ore*e# thereby: and if the fatd World hate you, ye know however that it and fo /.rt-«,' hated me, before it hated you; fo that there is no reajon for you to beh'lXn$f£Z** jurprizd thereat, or to think much of it. 1 p If ye were /uch as the Un- nw. believing pan of the World, the fatd World would love his Own, 1. e. would love you as being like itfelf: but becaufe ye are not of that part of the World, but I have cholen you out of the Jdid part of the World, and that in order to reprove their Wickednefs, therefore the [aid part of the World hates you. 20 Further, remember the word that I formerly faid unto you, The Servant is not greater than the Lord. And there- fore if they have peritcuted me, you have Reajon to think, that they will alfo perfecute you, and vcithall not to think much of your Suffering fuch Perjecution: as on the other hand, if they had kept my Saying, then you might Reafonably have expe&ed, that they would keep yours alfo. 21 But under all your Sufferings you will have this Comfortable Con ft dera- tion to fupport you, that All thefe things will they do unto you, as for my Names fake, fo becaufe they know not him that fent me. 22 If I had not come and fpoken unto them the Words of my Father, they had not had Sin, in not knoiwing him that jent me, and confequentiy m not be- lieving on me: but now they have no Cloak or Excu/e for their Sm, ;'/ proceeding not from a IVant of Sufficient means to ktfow my Father and I fi S.John, Chap. XV, XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. eivcy* yjx> S\ xx\ ea^t^cn kou\ {yU/MJi-iSLOl Xoq iUJi Jtsq 7t» txTO.. I ' tl Ttgjf. (xa\). 2f AAA jva 7rf\'4- fa>J^ o teyQr o yty &/*!&(& of tS to/ua cujtY/' Ott i/ular,mi (as $)i)fizi. z6 Oray S\ t\J» o /SX£jt;cA>iT(tj)-', '01 eys vn/x-^a vfiii /srfet?, TV vrcLTZj;, (u ttuijW* tyu iplMO. 27 KoU VfXUS to AeAaAvi:^ o,aTv, 'jyst \m (TA.dphx.'Kiojy'i'n. z h.7n- cuvttyoiyii 7n>r<)OT>voii vjMf 2AA if>yeToC\ ij^t , IVX wZs 0 "^TTVcTti- fui Tq> 0ei- await vein , otj CVX eyva-ffav 7cv tot*^, ®s^« e^ts. 4 AA?^ too- ra AeAaAniCSc VW> *»* oTay eA^H •4 oa°yi, /Uvn^ovet/viTS ouiTJt/, oti £><<) ■?• . ~ «■ M ' ~ 'K ' e*7n>y t;^iv. toots. 6\ vy.ii vZ, ap- ^»5 Ol/X. fc{77Bjf j 071 .UtJ V JffJ « • v u$f if am fit' ri'j'} r\jan.yniy 6 AAA en rauivx AeAxAvi^ u- ,u»y, « Au7m 7i*^»paj«i J/X^/5 ¥ had fin : but now have they both feen and hated both me and my Father. a j- But this comet h to pafs, that the word might be fuirill'd which is written in their law, They hated me without a caufe. ■2.6 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will fend un- to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which pro- ceeded from the Father, he fhali * bear witnels of me. 27 And ye alio (hall bear witnels, becaufe ye have been with me from the beginning. Chap. XVI. Thefe things have I fpoken unto you, that ye fhould not be offended. a They iTnll put you out of the fynagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whofoever killeih you, will think that he doth God fervice. 3 And thefe things will they do unto you, becaufe they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But thefe things have I told you, that when the time fhall come, ye may remember that 1 toid you of them. And thefe things I laid not unto you at the beginning, becau'e 1 was with von. $ Bin now I go my way to him that lent me, and none of you asketh me, Whither goeft thou ? & But becaufe I have faid thtfe things unto you, forrow haih fill'd your heart. 7 AAA' S. John, Chap. XV, XVI. iyg PARAPHRASE. did ever afore, in confirmation of my Do fi tine being the Will of God, they had not had Sin in Jo great and inexcujable a 'Degree as now '■ but now have they both feen me doing fuch fVorks as could not be done but by the Tower of God my Father, and by not being Convinc'd thereby, thro' their Aver/ion to the Piety and Virtue requird by the Go f pel, have a&ed asjuch as hated both me and my Father. 2f But this comes to pafs, that the Word might be fulfilled which is written in their La\v,They hated me without a catife. 26 Bin notwithjianding all their Hatred and Oppoji- tion to the Gofpel, when the Comforter is come, whom I will fend unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceeds from the Father, he {hall bear witnefs of me with fuch efficacy, as that my Doclrine Jhall be embrae'd throughout the World with incredible Succejs. 27 And ye alio, tho' now fo Weak, Doubting and Fearful, (hall then be the Happy and Powerful Injlruments made ufe of by the J aid Holy Spirit to bear Wunefs of All that I have taught or done from the begin- ning of my Minifiry ; becaufe ye hive been with me, either from the very firji beginning of All my Mmijlry, as (e) Andrew, John, Peter, &c. or e/fe from the beginning of my Minifiry after the Imprifonment of the Baptifl, as (/) Matthew, &c. Chap. XVI. Thefe things {from v. 18. to 2.*]. of the foregoing Chapter) have I fpoken unto you aforehand, that ye fhould net be offended, /. e. furprizd and terrify'd thereby, fo as to be difc our agd from per fifing in the "Performance of your Duty. 2 And now I tell you further, and more particularly, that they, i.e. the JewiJJ} Rulers (hall put you out of the Synagogues, i. e. excommunicate you the Jewifl) Church as Apojhtes ; yea, the time comes, that whofbever kills you, will think that he doth God fervice. 3 And thefe things will they do unto you, becaufe they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But thefe things have I told you, that when the time fhali come, ye may remember that I told yoii of them. And thefe things I faid not unto you at the beginning, becaufe I was then to be with you my J elf in Perfon, and fo could fupport you in all Difficulties by my Own Perfonal or Bodily Pre fence. $ But now I am in a very few hours to go my way to him that fent me; and none of you asks me, Whither goeft thou, namely, by way of Enquiry (with Comfort and Satisfaction) as to the End of my Going away, and the Benefits you will receive thereby ; but on the contrary, becaule I have faid thele things unto you, the Sorrow arifing from the bare Confideration of my Going from you has fill'd your Heart fo, as that ye confider not, nor enquire at all, as to the foafon of my Going, and the Advantages thence arifing to you, which would allay your Sorrow, and be matter offohd Comfort. i^ S.John, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 7 Am' e>a T&* «.A^e*oc Xiya i>fZv, ov/u.^/> pi at7nA^, o /s-^- jcAmt©-' Qoc eAfcoi7i7oH <©£jJ w^uas* t/jxcis. 8 K*j tA^ay d^^v©-, I- A*y£e< tcv jwo^ey 7re&< a^et^Tiaj x» ts&< alJ($qo*V AaA>t<7tf ap fou/£, aAA oaa civ oMtfay, A*A»o-«, x, t« ff^ofSjJO. ttvay^tAw wpy. 14 E»eT»@- t/A &>ZjeAe« wpy. 1 y rixv]a oW e y{ 7 Neverthelefs, I tell you the truth : It is expedient for you that I go away : for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will fend him unto you. 8 And when he is come, he will * convince the world of fin, and of righteoufnefs, and of Judgment; 9 Of fin, becaufe they be- lieve not on me; 10 Of righteoufnefs , be- caufe I go to my Father, and ye lee me no more ; 11 Of judgment, becaufe the prince ol this world is judg'd. 12 I have yet many things to fay unto you, but ye can- not bear them now. 13 *But, when he the Spi- rit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he {hall not fpeak of himfelf; but whatfoever he {hall hear, that {hall he fpeak: and he will fhew you things to come. 14 Hefhallglonfieme: for he {hall receive of mine, and fhall {hew it unto you. is All things that the Fa- PARAPHRASE. ehriftX«w/.n, 1 Neverthelefs tho'you do not your J elves make fuch proper Enquiries his Apofties with in reference to my Going away as you Jhould, namely, as to the Reafon theX™£/LW 'E»d 'thereof, yet I will tell you the Truth, i.e. the True Rea/on a Comforter, when and End of my Going away from you, viz. It is expedient or Advanta- !w8one hom&ous for you that I.go away : i'orfuch ts the Difpenjation and Appoint- ment of the Eternal and Ail-wife Counfel of God, that if, i.e. before I go away, the Comforter will nor, i. e.fiiouldnot come unto you ; but it i. e. after I depart, I will, ;. e Jhould fend him unto you. 8 And when he S. John, Chap. XVI, ijs_ PARAPHRASE. he is come, He will abundantly comfort and fupport you under all the Troubles you {hall meet with, and will alfo convince great multitudes of the now Unbelieving World, of'Sin, and of Righteoufnefs, and of Judg- ment, p By the Miraculous Gifts he foall be/low on you my Apojiles, He Jhall convince great Numbers of their Sin, bccaufe they at prefent believe not on me, thro' whom fuch Miraculous Gifts are beftowd on you by the Holy Spirit, and that in Confirmation of the Truth of my Do- Urine: 10 The Holy Spirit Jhall ' hie wife convince them ol ['my ^ Righte- oufnefs, or being Truly the Meffias, becaufe the Miraculous Gifts where- with He f hall endue you, Jliall be an Evident Proof that tho' /permit my felf to be put to Death by my Enemies, yet I Suffer not as being ti uly an Impojlor, but on the contt ary that by fuch my Sufferings I do only fubmit to the Will of God, and in Reward thereof go to my Father, being exalted to his Right hand in Heaven in refpecl of my Human Na~ ture, there to continue for Ever in the greateff Glory and Majejly; and that this is the Reajon that ye are to fee me no more Bodily and Conti- nually prefent with you, as now before my Death. 1 1 Lajlly, by ena- bling you to propagate my Go] pel with wonder full fuccefs, notwithjland- ing all the Oppojition made thereto, the Holy Spirit frail convince great Numbers of my Tower to execute Judgment upon my Greateft Ene- mies; becaufe by fuch a propagation of the Gofpel it will be manifejl, that the Prince which reigns iu the Wicked Men of this World, i. e. the 2)evil, is Judg'd by me, or fubjefi to my Retraining and finally Tunifh- ing, and quite Overcoming, or putting an End to his 'Dominion. 12, I have yet many other things relating to the Selling and Eftablifhing the Chrifltan Church, (fuch as the Ceafing of the Jewijh Ceremonial Law, &c.) to fay unto you ; but ye cannot bear them now, i. e. are not yet prepared and fitted to receive and underjland them. 1 3 But when He that is to be your Comforter after I am gone, namely, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all Truth, i. e.flullinflrucl you in all neceffary Truths relating to the Settlement of my Church: for he fhall not, /. e. do's not come to fpeak of Himfelf, i. e. to fet up any new Do- lirine different from mine; but whatfoever he (to fpeak in Condefcenfion to your Under /landings, and after the manner of Men) fhall as it were hear, i. e. whatfoever he in conjuntlion with the Father and Me, the three Eternal Perjbns of the glorious Godhead, and All three One God, have from all Eternity decreed to be the means of Man's Salvation, that fhall he fpeak, or make known unto you; and he will alfo fhew you, not only what things are to be done in pur Own times, but alfo things to come to pafs in Ages after you. 14 He comes not to fet up any New I?6 S. John, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. o raTTip, ifmi 'fel' 2j& ryv> ei ttov om Ik tv ifioS A«-^r«i, xom iixy. yiA§ vftii. \6 MiX£?\, jcocJ y 9*«pem fit' %oy sraAiv fu%£$i, Hoy o-^e&i ^e, on tya '^jara.ya ib^js r 7RtT«£?c. 17 ETttcv cot/ t>* tow fM.^m'rai ou- tdo 'Zj^S aAA»Aff££ ' T/ '£?7 TK7D 0 Aeyet ^T»* MiK£2V, Jtet) « ^a- p6)TC ^e • xajj ■ara.Aiv ,tux.£$v , x.cq o-^tc&e fa- ?cct| • Otz iya •\jsyxya I2£js toi m.Ti£cf.\ 18 EAe^py £»• t5to 71 '(fyi 0 Ae')^, 75 ^Xf 01 ; £% o\'S)*.(jS{j 7i A#A^. 19 Ej^a cat) 0 Iy\ovZs 'cm >(?sA9» oW7ov ipaTcty, Jccq jtteT aAA»Affl» 071 eiwov Mocfoy ^ y ^sapem jut' %*\ wa.An /mxpoi, %a\ o-vj/e«$s ,«e; 20 A,«kc a^ko Atya o^Tv, 071 ^Aouictets Jtcq ^-pnvn- j 21 H J/Ot/JJ 071X11 71X.TM, A^7rJa» eve<, oTi jiA^jv » a>£$t ou>tyiS' brav eTfe ^VVMffJl 70 W^JlOV, QDt 671 ,UVV1 • a"d your heart fliall , v x < ~ > ' <, ,;•,,., w rejoyce, and your joy no man *, t %t?xi u,«a>v yS^s <*p» >'" * /«» again, that ye may be witneffes of the Jame, and m your fight willafcendd^thf:" his into Heaven , that ye may aljo be witneffes that I go to the Father. 17 Then laid fome of his Diiciples among themfelvcs, What is this that he fays unto us, A little while and ye fhall not fee me : and again, a little while and ye fliall fee me: and, Becaufe I go to the Father? 18 They faid therefore, What is this that he fays, A little while? we cannot tell the meaning of what he fays, 19 Now Jefus knew that they were defirous to ask him, and laid unto them, Do ye enquire among your felves of that I faid, A little while and ye fliall not fee me : and again, a little while and ye fliall fee me ? 20 Verily verily 1 fay unto you, that in a few Hours ye fliall weep and lament, by rea- Jon of my being put to Death; but the World fhall rejoyce thereat, as a peifeeJ Triumph over me : and ye fliall indeed be forrowful thereupon, but your Sorrow fliall quickly be turn'd into greater Joy. 21 A Wo- man when flie is in Travail, has Sorrow, becaufe her hour is come : but aflbon as fhe is deliver'd of the Child, flie remembers no more the Anguifh, for Joy that a Man is born into the World. 22 And in like manner ye now therefore have Sorrow, becaufe I have told you I muff tOflttO 4tn4t • Kl-lf »//-/ 1ll,imi l\t.4i\> C sffta%* T llTlll /. .. vm.i ,.nn.,t „*./.„„ T ..... if8 S. John, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. yjc epaTOxeis yJ\v. A{*lu> k(Aju> f\tm VfilV, 071 OJCC O.V 0MTJKTW7S T 7raT8p* ll t$ owimlti fiV, S^tri uftiV' 24 Ea>S otp7T yjc MTWarxle yJ^y Iv ra 010/Mx.li fjiM' owtwt?, >£ A»-\jt 67i e» ■m.£2ifjdajis AaAwra u^Tv, aM.x jiappjicnot ^< ry tzra.7?os xictyftAZ «/£«». 2d E» cyKw'vw tv) v/uepa. cV i&> oiojuatx ,uy ouT)i«c&'e • Jtoq y Aeya v/uii on 27 Autos j^jo 0 araTtfp a «s^t y ©ey e^tjA- 9o». a 8 e£wA9o» srag^ y tf&Tfos, jcgcj eAuAu^oc e*j tbv xoot^ov 7ibAi» «.i(r!a Aet- hus, >cj ffayi/tw vh/niat* Atyus. 30 Ntf* oiik|M^/ on oieTits tovto, ^ y ^aeu e'^&s »»* *ns ce ifora. c* Tyra OT9£ti'ol«fcv ori ^bra ©ey o^viA- 9s5> 31 A7rtXf/3j| CUUTDii 0 I» xcq iuZ lAn'Ai/frv, i'fot <7Xop7ncQ)iiTB 23 And in that day ye (hall ask tue nothing: Venly verily I fay unto you, Whatloever yc (hall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. 24 Hitherto have ye ask'd nothing in my name: ask, and ye (hall receive, that your joy may be full. 1.$ Thefe things have I fpoken unto you in proverbs : the time cometh when I Ihall no more fpeak unto you in proverbs, but 1 lhall (hew you plainly of the Father. 26 At that day ye (hall ask in my name : and I fay not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you : 27 For the Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have lov'd me, and have believ'd that I came out from God. 28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world : again , I leave the world, and go to the Father. 29 His difciples faid unto him, Lo, now fpeakeft thou plainly, and fpeakeft no pro- verb. 30 Now are we fure that thou knoweft all things, and needed not that any man (hould ask thee: by this we believe that thou earned forth from God. 31 Jefus anfwer'd them, Do ye now believe? 32 Behold the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye lhall «K£- S.John, Chap. XVI. 15-9 PARAPHRASE. 2 j And in that day or Time, viz. after my Refurreclton, there will be , .p- t£ ■ 1 ■ cn r .1 / ■ a a Chnft teaches no need for my tarrying long m rerjon with you to in/truer you upon every them t0 p«)> <» Occafion ; and therefore in a few days after my Refurreeiton Ijhall afcend lm N"me aficr Ilis to my Father in Heaven, and fo ye fhall have Opportunity i 'henct •/ w- fH-""^""^^ ward to ask rae nothing in Perfon, becaufe there will be no Occafion for how thfy n>°"! > \ i s«k - h/ own, and fhall leave rae alone: vov *?nw W «* W ("»&'> ™ and yet I am not alone, be- o narrif (**t IfM 'fcl- 33 T«*- to. AeActAw f,«iv, »* o* euoi e<- p;ivko e^i'ni °* ^ wo^a ^Ai'4" txv ■&Qcr}jt.QV. Ki ^fxroy OWO)- »ioV. 3 A'utw <^ '65iv « owcevi^ ^!va<7Xcoc7j 1- caufe the Father is with me. H Thtfe things have I fpoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye (hall have tribula- tion: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Chap. XVII. Thele words fpake Jefus ; and lift up his eyes to heaven, and faid, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son .alio may glorify thee : 2 As thou haft given him power over all flefh, that he fhotild give eternal life to as many as thou haft given him. 5 And this is life eternal, that they *do know thee the only true God, and Jefus Chrift whom thou haft fent. 4 I have glorify 'd thee on the earth: I have h'nifh'd the cvuo Xc*95». 4 E}*" ffi «?*TO- work which thou gaveft me to 'Gil t" y»i' to tfyt Its Ae< aero, 'o - <&)5^CS (Ml IV* 71VWVU. f K*j vuo <&£>» m ^ov nz£j tS t jcoo^ov u), trfyl axti. 6 Epcwepacw oV to ovo- fjuu roit i q/k TV xojjA.'d' an i »otxv, xoq sftoi do. 5 And now, O Father, glo- rify thou me with thine own felf, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 6 I have manifefted thy name unto the men which thou gaveft me out of the world: thine they were, and thou auurvs PARAPHRASE. ye fhall be All fcatter'd, and flee every Man from me to provide for his Own Safety, and fhall leave me Alone to the Will of my Enemies : and yet I am not ever, nor consequently Jhall be then Alone, becaufe the Fa- ther " S.John, Chap. XVI, XVII. i6i_ PARAPHRASE. ther is with mt Always, gj Thefe' things have I fpoken unto you aforehand, that thereby in me ye might have Peace and, Con/fort : foraf- much as l have not only told you, that in the WorJd, i. e. from the Un- believing part of the World, ye fh'all have Tribulation \ but alfo that ye ought never thelefs to be of Good cheer, becaufe that you have not only fieri, that I have hitherto overcome all the Malice of ipy Enemies in the 'World, but Jhall alfo fee further, and very quickly after my Suffer- ings, the moH convincing Proofs, that I am able -to Overcome Ad the Malice of the whole Unbelieving IVorld, Devils as well as dMen. Chap. XVII. Thefe words fpake Jefus, and lift up his eyes to Hea- chr™;„eM(! ven, and concluding All with the following Prayer, faid, Father, the ah MsDifcourfej Hour or Time of my Sufferings is come: glonry thy Son by enabling \"hl^ h^'"[' the me as Man to undergo All that is coming upon me, and then by raffing v^ver, with * me from 'Death, and exalting me into Heaven; that/o thy Son alfo may Pr"J"r- glorify thee by fuch his Sufferings and 'Death for the Salvation of Man, and by his Refurre&ion, Afcenjion, feuding the Holy Ghoft, and fo pro- pagating the Go/pel thro' the World: z according as thou halt given him this Power'over all Flcfh, or Mankind, viz. that he fhould give Eter- nal Life to as many as thbu haft given him, i. e. to fuch as by a Right ufe of thy Common preventing Grace firji believe on him, and then per /ever e in ^Sincere Obedience to his Go'fpelto their Lives end. 3 And, i. e. namely, this is the Condition, or thefe are the Terms, injhort, of Eternal Life ; that they do know Aright, and, agreeably to fuch their Knowledge, Faithfully and" Per/ever ingly Strive Thee, vim together with' the Son and Holy Ghofl, • indryrfibly United in One and the Same Godhead, art the Only' true God, in oppofition to all the Falfe Gods in the Heathen IVorld; and alfo do know Aright, and accordingly Jerve Faithfully and Perfeveringly the Man Jeias, who is the tine Chr ill, whom thou haft lent into the World at the appointed Time, according to thy Promijes, and the Pro- phecies of the Old Tejlament. 4 I have glorify'd' thee on'the Earth, inafmucb as I have finifh'd the Work of my Prophetical Office, which thou gaveft me to do, viz. by making known thy will, fo far forth as is- requijitefor it to be yet made known. 7 And now O Father, according to the {g) Reward Jet before me as Man, glorify thou me, After J havT perform d what remains to be Jl ill done, in relation to my Pnejl/y Office, by offering up my jelf a Sacrifice to Death for the' Sins of the World; After this I fay, glorify me, even in refpeSl of my Human Nature, with thine Own felf, namely, with the Glory which I had m my Divine Na- ture with thee before the World was. 6 I have manifelted thy Name or Dolirine unto the Men which thou gaveft me out of the World: i6i S. John, Chap XVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. lY^v&ax- 7 New lytaY&i 'on ra*- rn, oera, JVtWxs iui, rag^c ov '^v* 8 Otj toc prfjiuiTO i cTfe^yjt* ^wi, •Tt^^ct au>WS' fceq ttorti 't\gt.Goi, £ 'iy/aoix.i oLA^cii 'on nafji. oV c^hA.- 9t>v, acq 'b^Tei/oay 'en cry ^ *7n. 5T*CV< # YXOJjl\{ lp«TO, «Ma TTtiJ &>» JV^i^s /twi, on cvi urn. 10 K:q to, ifxa, -naiTa, otl e<»i, $ to m \yw fc"7BI ci T<$ K20]U.Cf) VOX, X.OLJ \y» putrov auiTcuf ot lai oyofuun atf , - yifitAS. 12 Oti infjltA (jut etoTO* > e / » \ > > * < ci i<$ oiofXAn try ys JV^xje's ^twi fj?oAa?a, x.oq i«>y&is o£ a«T»v ctTro- Ae7B, e4 jtut 0 q'os £ a7ra>A64a«' »»« 5 "YiP?* TiAxpa^a. 13 Nxo J^ 1?£?S fft 'fp^*/-^, £ Taucnx ^gcAu it Tq> Hovfiu , i'»a 'iyaxn tUju V*f^» t&*v l^anv 7« T^YtfoifJti-lw ci *utoiV. 14 E>ii JV<&*ei c6t^Ts t A'^v av, $ e.Koafios i/mauifciples : 10 and, / e. namely, All Mine are Thine, as being taught by me to believe in and oby Thee ; and Thine are M:ne, mafmuch as all truly Religions Per Jons do, and will readily believe in and obey me, and fo I am glorify 'd in them as well as Thou, n And for a [much as now I am to continue no more in the World, but thefe my Apojlles are to continue in the World, and I am to come to thee: Holy Father, / pray thee to keep thro' thy Own Name, /'. e. by thy more immediate and extraordinary Power and Grace, Thofe whom thou haft given me, that they may be One as We are, namely in jointly and perfeveringly carry- ing on One and the fame great End that We carry on, viz- God's Glory, and Klin's Salvation ; and that they m.iy be never drawn or driven from this by any Temptations. 12 While I was with them in the World, I kept them in thy Name, i. e. by my Example and continual admonition, and the Tower and Authority which thou committedji unto me : Thofe that thou gaveft me, particularly for Apojlles, I have kept; and none of them is loft, or fain iff from me, fo as never to Recover himfelf by a due Repentance, but to pcrijh Eternally, but the Per [on who is to betray me, and who may be fitly fly I'd the Son of Perdition, on account of this his thus Peti/hing etemallj, notwithjhndiug all the Means of Grace and Sal- vation which he enjofd; but this is done that the Scripture {h) might be fulfiird, in which this his Treachery, fee. is foretold. 13 And now come I to thee, and therefore thefe things I fpeak, or pray for unto Thee in their Behalf, while I am yet in the World, and alfo m their Own hearing, that hereby they might have my Joy fulfill'd in them- felves, /. e. might be filld Themfelves with the like Joy I have, not with- ftandmg all my Approaching Sufferings ; while they have Juch Reajbn to expett, that they /hall All along continue under thy fpecial Care andPro- teclion. 14 I have given them thy Word; and the World has hated them, becaufe they are not of the World, even as I am not of the 1 6^ S. John, Chap. XVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. »pw$ a'JTtfs 6k tV x.oa/uY, aA\' 'iv* J >J; THfVicni5 etnovS Ox. td6 "Tnn^i 16 Ex, tv koo/uM oux. eioi, KaJfjiS fya cv* tv xoafcv 5/x ajui. l7 A- I >ia. x7&~u/\a. aSj-vys en r hooju.m> &(4.xvtw, (v« **t a.vToi acnv »>^a., jTRTip, h i/Aot, Kcf,yce h Si^om Ui V», x.cc^-5 ii/jiZi 'ti iiafyoi us 'li , x<*j »Va, >»«- Aa$> x,o^ Yfya'mGVLC, olvtuvS , Kafas ifxn nyct7mw4. 24 LlxTsp, ys Js- dotyc/Ls (mi, 7sAg> (ya, c5ry &(,«( ey», KAKuvoi asn fj.tr ijuoo • iW ^a- pi fo 1 66 S.John, Chap. XVII, XVIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ■xxi lOp, @" at GGV. •i tytu, Oi lyvuif x.ou\ 4i . Tetom 647TUI 0 IwrovS l%Yl\% QUO TBIJ JUaSnTOUS CU>TW 7T6- gp.1 tv %u{Aa>ypV T$f Ke'cfy>av, o7r« ItZ -MTrffi, us ov uo»\%i eUiTcs tf 0/ ,aa3n5sq our v. z H£u ipe^Lt, €p^*TO) C*M (Uf"* i- crb'5 cw e*r5^)5 7irxv7W to i^fj^pa. Tact £mt«ts; f A7rcx.e&i<£ <*u- unto them, Whom feck ye? 4 *»: fus of Nazareth. Jcfus faith Tt»s 0 I»o-v$' E>ci) ufJU. Ejsw^ ufu, x.7r>i\%i Hi to ottww , etoTDus ETTnpiaTTjo-e • Tt o lulls' Ei7roy i^iuy ape-re TVTtSS uroywy. 9 lysi 777UI- pa3iT 0 Aoy®-" oy uTrtr On fc's Si- Su'-^i t*-o>, C;oTJt ^ auTOV %StioL. 10 2'^v »Lit> ni^os r>iv ^viffa*, aA^o-ar avT>jy, 59 S7r»(o-e T TV ap^iepias £*Aoy, $ i-rrsjto-vj^v ao§ to ai77o» to (Ti|jsv. ko Stoio/na. tz§ SVAa MxA^oj. 11 EiTTty ola/ 0 Iwxs 79 neTf^' Ba.Ae t (M\dj{fxi ov e»s t 3«'x^». to ■znm'&oy 0 SiSsmi (tUll 0 /TttTMp, 4C jMt Til® . %ci k, 01 u7rY\j>tT<&i Tay Itt£ou«y cwe- AetCjy 7jy Ino-yv, x,*j eiVo-a.y et'jTo'y. 13 Kot( *7r«^«^py auToy 'ar^s Avvae -OgjsTOy k* )b 7TSv9*pos ? Kxixipx, ,>-->' \ ~ ■> ~ , / 0$ Uo Xfi^tiffJUS TV tlloUiTV Ofc&Htf. 14 Hy Si Kxix(pa4 0 a>ju.£<\e<^)'v'7rif V ActVt if H- Yx\ij\ Si «pi & otwu- known unto the hl§h Pr.ieft» ■ «. rt o ~»,,»v ~, and went in with Jefus into wA% >4 Uv* us -A* wA»y t* *p- the pa,ace of the hlgh priefl 16 O Si TltT?©' wmu 16 But Peter flood at the WF»s- s®£?S PARAPHRASE. which betray'd him, flood with them. 6 AUbon then as he had faid unto them, I am He, His words were not only Jpoken with fuck Free- dam and Unconcernednefs, but alfo withjuch Majejly and fad a "Divine Tower accompanying them, that they who came to apprehend him were Jo jurpriz'd and ajiowfh'd thereat, that they went backward, retiring from him., and fell to the Ground. 7 Then, as foon as they were re- cover d from their Surprize, ask'd he them again, Whom feek ye ? and they faid, Jefus of Nazareth. 8 Jefus anfwer'd, I have told you that I am he. If therefore ye feek to take me Only, let thefe that are with me, meaning his Apojiles {befides the Traytor Judas) go their way Qgietly; 9 that the faying might be fulfill'd, which he fpake, Of them which thou gaveft me, have I loft none. 10 Then Simon Petter hav- ing a Sword, drew it, and fmote the High Prieft's Servant, and cut oft his Right ear. The Servant's Name was Malchus. 11 Then faid Jefus unto Peter, Put up thy Sword into the Sheath : the (?») Cup which my Father has given me, fhall I not drink it? Then faid Jefus to the Jews that were come to feize him, Be ye (*) come out as again s~l a Thief} When I was daily with you in the Temple, ye fir etch' d forth no hands againfi me, Jo as to apprehend me : but this is your Hour, and the Tower of "Darknejs. 12. Then the Band of Soldiers, and the Captain of them, and other where "; is „ Officers of the Jews took Jefus, and bound him, 13 and led him p 'denied , and away to (0) Annas firfl : for as he was the Nafi or Chief Ruler of the £J a^JX^£ Jews that Tear, which Nafi is likfiw'tje ftyl'd the High TrieB; JocJa(heJs TJ$ ^67?l^)• M« >& Oil EX. T /ua^jnSy a tf ^pawy t£tv ; Ae^ keS 19 ^p/<*jVOjwVoJ. 19 o OtU/ cip^ltp&uS HpOlTJfCrE T IUffS^V tt^ Ojj£. 20 ATTlXfl'^J) ccw» 0 Ijhtoos* E><2 7iapj0)icn«. sAaAikto 7$ ^a^tffl* £>a 7iay7Bis eSliWja. Iv TiJ crca/ajayw $ h i& I'epa, ott^ 1 7rc*m$ 01 Iy£euo< c7t>yep- >?0» & °* Kf1"^ eAcc-Anra. ©^Ts*. 21 T< /C4« i7rifcercf,i ; sflrep&>Tvicn>v tk? ot<^bcc7iv «. e<7rov sya. 22 Touto 7r>!peT&>y sape- 9»x.a5 ex.&iy tjm ap^ep^ ; 23 A^Kf/Sn «U/7t^ 0 IHCT?5- El 5(5>Wi)S €A^A«ra,, fjULf%fnni i kic7aTD c*e& ta «fts -©£$•( a* ^ cwtoI Gflc eiawA^ov 64 5 to tr£$UT«exov, i'v* pi pew^a- C7jy , oAA ivcc tparyaai to ^*^- 29 e£)Ja9" «"* 0 riiAfltT©- '©eis (ptfiji ys-to, too iv^pawy tout*; 30 ArnxoSnoKi x«} e77roy M&(j!ki outo'v. 31 Ei7nv «v chjtoTs 0 niAeiT©-' • ActCeTt ec«Te» * ~ \ \ W / * GO P . J V/iltlS, X.0M, wn* T VOflOV V/J&/J X£*- y*T» etuTev. Ei7rey ouv aliTq) oi IV- fStw Ffyttv owe e^e9z» ^brofcTavoq ©yjfiy*. 32 Iy* o Aoy<§y t£ IxaV 77^Jip»9», OV 64 7T6, OHftCUWV W« 9*- »*t« lifiifa&t "shnQnoxui. 33 Ei- OTiA^sy fev a5 to ^ar^jwraeAoi tibAiv 0 ITIiT^Tes, x,oq \iti gy» IySWs K^tu; to e^yos to crov $ oi ap^epws man, whofe ear Peter cut off ) faith, Did not I fee thee in the garden with him ? 27 Peter then deny'd again, and immediately the cock crew. 2.8 Then led they Jefus from Caiaphas, unto the hall of judgment: and it was early, and they themfelves went not into the judgment-hall , left they fhould be defil'd; but that they might eat the paflbver. 29 Pilate then went out un- to them, and faid, What accu- fation bring you againlt this man? 30 They anfwer'd and faid unto him, If he were not a roa- lefadtor, we would not have deliver'd him up unto thee. 31 Then faid Pilate unto them, Take ye him and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore faid unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: 32 That the faying of Je- fus might be fulfill'd, which he fpake, fignifying what death he fhould die. 33 Then Pilate entred into the judgment-hall again, and call 'd Jefus, and faid unto him, Art thou the king of the Jews ? 34 Jefus anfwer'd him, Sayfl thou this thing of thy felf, or did others tell it thee of me? 3 j Pilate anfwer'd, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation, and the chief priefts have deliver'd 7TOp«- S.John, Chap. XVIII. 173 TEXT. TRANSLATION. stW who they call'd Bhjphemy in Owning himfelf to be the ChriB, and Jo the]c0 h-"fth y,eld' King of the Jews, ltd they Jefus from Caiaphas'f Palace to the Common «f}'d- and Great Hall of Judgment, where the Roman Governor fat as Judge: and it was Early in the Morning, and they themfelves, i. e. the Chief Priejls and other Rulers of the Jews, went not into the Judgment-hall, left they fhould be defil'd by Jome Legal pollution; but flood without, that they might not be fo defil'd, but might eat the Paflbver or Pafchal Lamb, which was to be eaten m the Afternoon of that day. 29 Pilate then went out unto ihem, and faid, What Accufation bring you againft this Man? 30 They anfwer'd and faid unto him, If he were not a Malefactor, we would not have deliver'd him up unto thee. 31 Then faid Pilate unto them, Take ye him and Judge him according to your Law. The Jews therefore faid unto him, It is not lawfull for us to pur. any Man to Death, as this Man dejerves, forfeiting himfelf up to be the Meffias, and confidently Our King: 32 Now this was done, that, thro' the Malice of the Jews in being to befatisfjd with nothing lefs than the Death of Jefus, and that as a Seditious PerJ'on, and an Enemy to Cefar, the faying of Jefus might be fulfill'd, which he fpake (s) former- ly, fignifying what Death he fhould die, viz. that of the Crofs, which was a Death inflicted 'by the Romans on great Malefactors. 33 Then Pilate enter'd into the Judgment-hall again, and call'd Jefus, and faid unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews? 34. Jefus anfwer'd him, Sayft thou this thing of thy felf, i.e. make/l thou this Enquiry meerly for thy Own Satisfaction, or did Others tell it thee of Me by way of Ac- cufation ? whereas it is no jujl Ground for an Accufation, if rightly under- Jlood. 3 j Pilate anfwer'd, Am I a Jew, or do / know what Jen/e you take words in, or what are your Prophecies and Expectations} All J have to fay agatnB thee, is this, that thy Own Nation, and the Chief Priefts have deliver'd thee unto me, as worthy to be put to Death, on ac- rritint AT -tf\*i\- lt£>iu/> si x*> sit t tr\*j r t7^af lr,*t .■»»>.-/ ^\t-*> / a *.> Vj »//> t s\ U/% * /■% -.4.- A f. 17. - • 1 74- | John, Chap. XVIII, XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ami >i ep) Vx. i9ii ik V koojaV tvtv dom is not of this world : if . , ^ / / . . ■* « n . < my kingdom were of this « f» V tuojiV tvtV l«. M /We,* world, then would ray fervants >j i/x*, oi uOTipe^) *» o/ euoi wjW- *have fought, that I fliould C" (vo" _~- «,«■-{ „. °ot be deliver'd to the Tews: , t /«.!'» . Dut now ,s my kingdom not hum i i was I born, and for thiscaufe utu w. w us tvt* vyun/w, m came T imo the world> ^ j ei's TV7B lA^iAu1)* as tbv yavjjlm, Vya fliould bear witnefs unto the ' ~ *% a. ' n-, I L ;« truth. Every one that is of the ^~ % r , ' , / ~ ~ truth, heareth my voice. TTJ5 «A*fr«e«, axva a*« ™* paw*. 3 8 Pilate faith unto him, * 8 Ae;^ *wt/o riiAxTcs- T/ <5iv *A«- What is truth ? And when he . ., i ~ • , i 'K~-vQ_ nad l^d [hIS> ^e went out a- Juxi Kcq tvtb e<7rev, twA.v c^A^i gam unt0 the JewSj and fajth <5?ejs Tys Iv^ouv?, xotj \iyi aMTtls' unto them, I find in him no _ \ ,' f. / • i « / > ' e fault at all. V , ~ ,. rf e ~ 35> But ye have a cultom, 39 E5Z cTfe vuvtiQuct. v/iav i'»* e»* o^i» that 1 fliould releafe unto you S*reA<5o* iv tzS xafvt' /SvAe^e «w °ne " the paflover: will ye «' „ , , „ , M ^ / therefore that I releafe unto VIA.W aTroAutra t /3aajAe* t Iv<5*5«^ ovui TraAiy 7ravns, Ae- 40 Then cry'd they all a- - 1 »«v r v,« * « r. Pi°~ sain, faying, Not this man, but P>7«- *» 1V», ^A*^r Bap^Sar ^'^ 8^ Barabbas'was io» J^i 0 B Hai! kin2 of r, / \ ,./. . ? f the Tews: and they fmote him , ^ t^n omItbv again, and faith unto thcm,Be- „y t, , > a , , hold, I bring him forth to you, e£a, iwyaii on o* <*^ *JV«av that ye may know that { find etj-n'ow eti'eitDca. j E^A^v ouv o no fault in him. . ~ ,/r \ . < n f f Then came Tefus forth, U*vs fa popav tw «x*v^o» cxj 7d "^Bpipt/pSv l (juchTtai . Kct) and the purple robe. And Ti- Aeyf PARAPHRASE. yfoj or ChriB, and fo the King fo long expefted by the Jews : but then my Kingdom is not in regard to the things of this World, and fo no ways tends to caufe anfDiBurbance in the Government, or do any Injury to the Authority of the Roman Emperor: if my Kingdom were of this World, then would my Servants have fought, that I fhould not be de- liver'd to the Jews: but now is my Kingdom not from hence, i. e. dos not confijl of IVoridly Tower or Grandeur, but is of a Spiritual nature. 37 Pilate therefore fatd unto him, Art thou a King then? Jefus an- i'wer'd, Thou fayft that which is true ; for I am a King in the fenje I have told you. To this end was 1 Born, and for this caufe came I into the World, that I fhould bear Witnefs to the Truth, tho it cosls me my Dfe thro' the Malice of tho/e who are Enemies to Truth. For Every one that is a jinceve Lover of the Truth, hears my Voice or 'DoSirine, and is convwc'd by it and embraces it. 38 Pilate fays unto him, What is // you mean by Truth ? And when he had faid this, he went out again unto the Jews, and fays unto them, I can find in him no Fault at all, at leaH no Juch Fault as deferves Death by the Roman Law. 30 But ye have a Cuflom, that I fhould releafe unto you One at the Paflover: will ye therefore that I releafe unto you this Man, whom you accuje for fetting himjelf up as the King of the Jews? 40 Then cry'd they all again, faying, Not this Man, but Barabbas. Now Baribbas was a Rob- ber. Chap. XIX. Then Pilate, thinking to Jatisfy them with fome leffer Tunifhment than Z)eath, therefore took Jefus, and Scourg'd him ; 2 and in Derifion of Him as a King, the Soldiers platted a Crown of Thorns, and put it on his Head, and they put on him a Purple Robe, 3 and faid, Hail King of the Jews: and they fmote him with their Hands. 4 Pilate therefore hoping thereby to jatisfy or flop their Malice, went forth again, and fays unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you in the Zfrefsyoufee, that ye may know that I find no Fault in Him war- ftiu f\f cT}£>nth ' Ufif nrj/v nt>\rtVthv r»T t7)pr 1 tin*} nnst JWnrbpi 1/ in ll\f* *yinmipr 176 S. John, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. \iy{ xuitis' iSi o av8po»7ros. 6 On Ml tiStl ttU7D» 01 Xf^fili *, 01 U7TJ1- peTotj, ex.£jtu>«ffa», Af jpvns* 2too- p«ffDv, S"oe*p»ffov. Aey^ au7oTs o IIi- AotTOS1 AxbeTB Ct07DV i>ft&$, Kf Tcui. paancn* l>a y& xy nuturtLd c# au- t$> ouiiicu. 7 A7nx.ei9»KTOy etoiqS 0i IvdkTor H/^tTj vojtMif e^O(«V, xocj jfjtra 7B» »0(tco» «/^/' otpetAu ^bre- "Tciyyy, ott scum i^oy &- ®ey ettooi- oti, 8 Ot« oiui MJctfcrcy o n»Aot7o5 Too7B» 7oy Aojpy, jUaM.oy JipoC^n. 9 K*j «<7>iA9s» els -re i&oscnoeioy 7m\ty, x.ot} \iy{ t$ IxaoJ* rio^sy M TO; O iavs ^7T5Jt6«7iy is-*, e^a>wy au^. io Aiy{ ouo o fli- Act704* E^uol £ A^Aas j vk olSics "om Ufaicnaji t%> 9"ou/p5ou| ai, $ o^«ojotr '«;£> ^TroAiJaiq at; n A7Ttttp<")->i o IhoVS* Oox. eT^*5 ^voiot* ttStjulaur K5C? e^V, ei ^ui 2e2> croi JVtojityJov ay»- 9sy. a£gt t^to o «^cJiJ^s (n m\ (jaktfiHa. kftctfrlcu 'i%{. 12 Ex. rv- TV *£>iW o FIiAaToJ ^breAuaBq aw- ToV oi' Si lyStuoi txf a£oy, Aejpyta* E*y TV-coy «77»Aucr>)5, &x, eT p«Ass 5" Koh@-. 7T45 o jSocaiAe* at/Toy •tfoiay, ii7i\ey4 t$ Ketjaapi. 13 O «y riiA*T05 etjcvnts tStoi $ Ao'jpy, »)«>« «£• * I»«rvy, **/ fjcst^iffiy //J%f gwjpttcw ; Attb- fcei^Hrav 0/ if%ifu$' Oux. ep^.wV SixmXta. e* /u.n Kx«rapa. jjS Tot* ^ / 1\ • 1 ' ~ « OtM> sr«^>£du//.e» OOTBV OUiTOlS JVX n%pi?&Cit S\ T Iu<7y» Z) i'TTnIxyi. 17 Koq i3:t?a^C()V roi &i auroJ o^ijA^n Js tb» Xiyi&tJM Kpxv/y td- 97oy , 'is xiyiTcq EC&LiiX ToA^p^a1 1 8 Owy *UTB? ifaupa^, x) /*«] ou$ aMV* & ycxxfxpiw IHSOTS O NA- ZHPAIOS O BA2IAET2 THN IOTAALQN. 20 Ty. (e» ou» t tjtAo» ■jto>Ao( aviyvcd^, T Iy<5War on I/Jo's lu> -? wcAeas 0 To- wns o7ry e5,ot*p»<)"->i 0 Irwtfs* j£ >iv >s- y^if^u.eioi ECgjt'i'TJ, EMkufi, P«- (40.191, 21 EAe/01 v» t<$ FIiAxto) 01 «p;^epa$Tly$*<0V M >i p^xpe- O /3x- aiAws t" IfcJa<<»r aM on ikuioS u- 7»v BaaiAeu's a^ t Iv^sqaf. 22 Aot- Kj>.'9/i 0 riiAa^'J' O yt/p*^*, ye/peupx. 14 And it was the prepara- tion of the paflbver, and about the fixth hour: and he faith unto the Jews, Behold your King. if But they cry'd out, A- way wuh him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate faith unto them, Shall I crucify your king? the chief priefls an- fwer'd, We have no king but Cefar. 16 Then he deliver'd him therefore unto them to be cru- cify'd. And they took Jefus, and led him away. i'-/ And he bearing his crofs went forth into a place call'd the place of a. skull, which is call'd in the Hebrew, Golgo- tha: 18 Where they crucify 'd him, and two other with him, on either fide one, and Jefus in the midft. ip And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the crofs. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This title then read ma- ny of the Jews: for the place where fcfus was crucify'd was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, aWGreek, and Latin. 2i Then faid the chief priefls "of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The king of the Jews; but that he laid, I am king of the Jews. 2a Pilate anfwer'd, What I have written, I have written. 23 Ot S. John, Chap. XIX. 179 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 23 Oi omj T&.'ntoToq, or* efK,up- oav 7tv in crony, tA&Qoi to l/juuna. eK?V4> ^oa7Jc«)tm jttu^sj jcoI tb» ;^- TOY** ko J"fc 0 V|TO» ippotip^, ex. T *v#9sv c^owtos Jt oAtf. 24 Ei- ttov oSv 'Zjjys ctM^Ays' Mx ^JOtt^U 23 Then the foldiers, when they had crucify 'd Jefus, took his garments (and made four parts, to every ioldier a part) and alfo his coat : now the coat was without Team, woven from the top throughout. 2+ They fa id therefore a- mong themfelves, Let us not rent it, but ca(t lots for it, whofe it fhall be : that the fcri- pture might be fulfilJ'd, which Aeyyow PARAPHRASE. the («) Preparation of the Paffover, i.e. the "Day of the Pajfover-week which was before the next Sabbath, and about the fixth hour in the Morning, namelj, according to the Roman (or Our) account foliow'd by St John : and he fays unto the Jews, Behold your King. 1 j- But they cry'd out, Away with him, away with him, Crucify him. Pilate fays unto them, dial! I Crucify your King ? the Chief Pnelts anfwer'd, We have no King but Cefar. 16 Then having pafs'd Sentence on Jefus, he deliver'd him therefore, /'. e. to fatisfy th? Jews, and fo to prevent their Accufing of ' Himfelf to Cefar, unto them to be Crucify 'd. And they took Jefus, and led him away. 1*7 And he bearing his ctrifj ^ Crofs went forth into a place call'd the place of a Skull, which is call'd /*'<*, and^»>j. in the Hebrew, Golgotha: 18 where they Crucify 'd him, and two other with him, on either fide one, and Jefus in the midft. 19 And Pilate order' d to be wrote a Title, and to put it on the Crofs, And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This Title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jefus was Crucify 'd was nigh to the City: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. 21 Then, not liking this Title, faid the Chief Priefts of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he faid, I am King of the Jews. 22 Pilate anfwer'd, What I have written, I have written. 23 Then the Soldiers, when they had Crucify 'd Jefus, took his Garments (and made four parts, to every Soldier a part) and alfo his Coat: now the 1 Crttci- i8o S. John, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. , / \ < i i My\icccj '6fa tIa i/mhtk^si (jiM e'CaAflv KAy\W> Oi (£p out qfx- 77aT6t) ^ora. Ivrooicctr. 27 Ei-* x « rod KA«to, x.otj Moteict >j Mcty«fetA>iv/i. 2^ I»ffV5 o-Jv i^a? tIu prregje, ?tot| Toy ^uajnTOo sroty>e7a ov »j<| 7$ /xa. Jr.- TA- iSV VI fCHTMp fftf. KoCJ Ct7r iKH- MS tms a'^jcs eAaGev a.vilu> 0 jua.- Jy\ths us to 'fox. 28 Men* t^tb ei Itiify&v ojJ§ tS io"VS, &J7T6" TtiiAe^iDCj • k*| xa/vc^ t£w x£^y> (try*- An >> iifM^c. ty>:it>n t5 axQCaliy) «pii)T>i(7ac Toy lli?^7oy jya. ^"naya- faith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my ve- fture they did caft lots. Thefe things therefore the foldiers did. 25- Now there flood by the crofs of Jefus, his mother and his mothers fitter , Mary the •wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 16 When Jefns therefore faw his mother, and the difci- ple Handing by whom he lov'd, he faith unto his mo- ther, Woman, behold thy fon. 27 Then faith he to the dilciple, Behold thy mother. And from that hour that di- fcipfe took her unto his own home. 28 After this, Jefus know- ing that all things were now accomplifh'd,that the fenpture might be fulfill'd, ftith, I ihiift. 2p Now there was fet a vef- fel full of vineger : and they fill'd a fpunge with vinegar, and put it upon hylfop, and put it to his month. 30 When Jefus therefore had receiv'd the vinegar, he faid, It is finifh'd : and he bow'd his head, and gave tip the ghoft. 31 The Jews therefore, be- caule it was the preparation, that the bodies fhould not re- main upon the crofs on the fab- baih-day (for that fabbath-day was an high day) befought Pi late that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. 32 HA- S. John, Chap. XIX. 181 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 32 HAV ouZ 01 r^-nZroJi, *eq 32 Then came the foldiers, „, , , j. , , and broke the legs or the nrlr, TV ^y tya-i* K9tT8*5ev to ffxeA«, and of ^ other which was jc*J TV r "ls *e8s- ?4 AA\' PARAPHRASE. They parted my Raiment among them, and for my Vefture they did caft Lots. Theie things therefore the Soldiers did. x$ Now there flood by the Crofs of Jefus, his Mother and his Mothers Sifter, Mary the Wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jefus there- fore faw his Mother, and the Difciple Handing by whom he lov'd, i.e. St John himfelf, he turning his face toward St John, lays unto his Mo- ther, Woman, behold him who will take care of thee henceforward, as much as if he bad been thy Son. 27 Then turning his Face to his Mo- ther, fays he to the fame Difciple, Behold her whom I would have thee henceforward take as much Care of as ifjhe had been thy Mother. And from that hour, after they were come from the Crofs, Jefus being dead, that Difciple took her unto his Own home, and did accordingly. 28 Af- ter this, Jefus knowing that all things foretold of him before his Death were now accomphlh'd, except that Prophecy of their giving him Vinegar to Think, that this 'Prophecy a/Jo of ihe (w) Scripture might be fulfill'd, lays, I thirft. 29 Now there was let a Veflel full of Vinegar: and they HI I'd a Spunge with Vinegar, and put it upon HyiTop, and put it to his Mouth. 30 When Jefus therefore had receiv'd the Vinegar, he laid, It is Hnifh'd: and he bow'd his head, and gave up the GhofL 31 The Jews therefore, becaufe it was the Preparation, that the Bodies fliould not remain upon the Crofs on the Sabbath-day (for that Sabbath- day was an high-day) as being not a Sabbath only, but alfo the Second day of Unleaven'd Bread from whence they reckon d their Pentecoji, and the 'Day of pre/en ting the Sheaf -offering, and Jo a triple Fejiival) be- fought Pilate that their Legs might be broken, that they might dye the J'ooner ; and that Jo being dead they might be taken away before the be- ginning of the approaching Sabbath and Great day. 32 Then, Pilate rfwifetntikity noyptn /"*imp tnp \Anipre onn . KrrtL-p the I prrc r\k rn* firfr nr\A i8x S. John, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 34 AJS\' us T$f re^*"ffliwv Kof^y oJtS iko TiKvjgy.v evi>£6, Jtoq iuJliS ^YiAfy cujug, jjjy vShf. If Keq o OU.T&! 't£ii h JUXX.pTV&CL* KC/LKUV^' o'lhi on ci\y\^iii \eyi, «'»a i/jutoS in- re« 07)15. 3^ ^uj7a 7v* » ^apjj 7iA»pa}->f • OS'S* V ouu- eTEgjt ^*(p« Kiyw 0\Jx>vTaf e*s ev o^ ex.6 v m aav. 38 Meia ?ff5 u)» HiAa-rov 0 laovitp 0 ^ttb A&<,c«.9ousi$, ( iv /ua,3«T7)f TV iTicrfa", lUiLfiififjUiioi & Hlg. i»» psCov lav JviWaiv) »'v* CtpW 7B Cti!^4 TV blOV JtOt^ £7T?Tfe- •vJa* 0 riiAa^J. viA^v cuiu 9 ype to em>/n« ? IvtCTS". .39 HA^s ^ ^ Njxo- $m/m>$ (0 iAja>v Grgji t I»ovi/ vujctoS IB -O^tdv) ipepaiv ^yJLA aju.vfnf % aXcus aaa \'n^cu, e>C9CTov. 40 E- ?^Sov cat/ 7c ffu^ct tS IhoV, & e^M- ffaV OWTB O^Dv/fllS $ T»V XfO) jM&IWI, ■UStlfas 'ij^oi '&i -riii IvSauotS evto- Qix^ui. 41 Hv JV £V t^ TD7rai 07ry sVoaipaSJI, xxnms, ^ £v Ti^ wma ftw- /uwo* x.a)yav, ev a fcCS Za> TO ^VM^MOy, 34 But one of the foldiers with a fpear pierc'd his lide, and forthwith came there out blood and water. 3$- And he that faw it, bare *witnefs, and his *wiuuls is true : and he knowcth that he faith true, that ye might be- lieve. 36 For thefe things were done, that the fcnpture (hotild be fuifill'd, A bone of him fhall not be broken. 37 And again another fcri- pture faith. They (hall look on him whom they pierc'd. 38 And after this, Joleph of Anmathea (being a difciple of Jefus, but fecretly for fear of the Jews) befbught Pilate that he might take away the body of Jcfus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jcfus. 39. And there cameaifoNi- codcraus ( which at the firfl came to Jefus by night ) and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. 40 Then took they the body of Jefus, and wound it in linen cloaths, with the '{pices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. 41 Now in the place where he was crucify 'd, there was a garden ; and in the garden a new fepulcher, wherein was never man yet laid. 41 There laid they Jefus therefore, becaufe of the Jews preparation-^/, for the fepul- cher was nigh at hand. Kep. S.John, Chap. XIX, XX. 183 TEXT. TRANSLATION. Ktip. x.. TiJ Si fua. T$f <™&- TOf '©£5% &W, et; TO Chap. XX. The firlt day of ihe wei;k comech Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the v. He is bwyi. PARAPHRASE. 34 But one of the Soldiers with a Spear pierc'd his Side, and forthwith came there out Blood and Water. 3^ And the Writer of this Gofpel is He that faw it, and bare Witnefs thereof; and his Witnefs, being that of an Eye-witnefs, in reafon if> to be ejleetn \d True : and he him/elf knows that the main Reafon that he fays or relates this Particular to be Tiue, is this, that ye, who read this Go/pel, might believe in Jefus as the Chrtft. 36 For thefe thfmgs were done, {x) that the Scripture fhould be fultiU'd,. A Bone of him fhall not be broken. 37 And again another Scripture lays, They fhall look on him whom they pierc'a 38 And after this, Jofeph of Anmathea (being a Difciple of Jefus, but fecretly for fear of the Jews) befought Pilate that he might take away the Body of Jefus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came there- fore, and took the Body of Jefus. 39 And there came alio Nicodemus (who at the firft (y) beginning of his Mmiflry came to Jefus by Night) and brought a mixture of Myrrh and Aloes, about an Hundred pound weight. 40 Then took they the Body of Jefus, and wound it in Li- nen clothes, with the Spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. 41 Now in the place where he was Crucify 'd, there was a Garden; and in the Garden a new Sepulcher, wherein was never Man yet laid. 42 There laid they Jefus therefore, becaufe of the Jews Preparation- day, i. e. becaufe it was now very late in that 'Day, and fo the Sabbath and High day {mention d v. 31.) was jufl beginning; for the Sepulcher was nigh at hand. SECTION XII. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St John after Ch r i s t's Refurredtion, together with the Conclufion of this Gofpel: Which Particulars take up the Whole of the two remaining Chapter \r, vb{. Chap. XX and XXI. Chap. XX. Jefus being buried on the Preparation-day anfwering to our . & Friday in the Paffion-week, and the Sabbath anfwering to our Saturday fro„ u,'eng£ in the fame Week being pafl, on the Firft day of the next Week anfwer- w*" to M"7 184. &>£«, Chap. XX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. fin/tuov x*| /3Ae-jr« -ray Ai'V h'p- fePulcher> a°d Teeth the ftone „, t _ < taken away from the fepulcher. <&»» c* t* ^vn/i^y. 2 Tpe^ei a Tnen ^ runneth) and wjj k«\ ep^Tcq <5^J tov aAAs» cometh to Sjtnon Peter, and to _ • 1 ,t , ,. r T 1 the other difciple whom Tefus ft*$n^ „ £p,Ae< ^ IwuS- ** Iov.d> and ^ untQ ^ Aeyec cu>td7j' H^cv ttv Ku&ov c« They have taken away the ~ '.. ' Aii "i\ 0 ^™ f Lord out of the fepulcher, and i( ^ ^ , \ ^ ^ , we know not where they have t3«K£v euiTOi. 3 E£>iA9sv ouv 0 laid him. n^©- *«i '0 **©- M*$n™> c I Petfuther^« j./vent ,,, , , ~ forth, and that other difciple, toH »p^v70 eo» fi 0/ JV/'o c^cf, *«j 0 aA- 4 So the^ran both toge- J~ _, , /. / ther : and the other difciple A^ ^a^TMS x.oq ter following him, and went in- uMw els to ftntiun, xoti Jw- to the fepulcher, and feeth the i. « \ft, k L , » linen cloaths he; pei to ojloiu* xu^jo., 7 k*\ to n And tne napkm that was oV ~, jq / / 1 \ the linen cloaths, but wrapp'd TV, W $ r ofriuu KUfuioi, aMx together in a place by it fclf. ^eis evTSTtAi^-e'yov as gyx T37roy. 8 Then went in alfo that , ^- ~ . 1 t ./..^ other difciple whi-sh came rirfl 8 T0tj oi» Mhjt .xoh 0 ttAA^ t0 ,he fepulcher, and he faw, (tta^nTTif 0 sA^av ©faT@-' a? to and bcliev'd. ' ^ is. ! >/o;^^ y For as vet they knew not urmi.01, k*i etJs, xou bKrr&ioiv. ,~r y , J /. / -.'■.'■' .!:•■:; '■»> \ , the ienpture, that he mult nie 9 OLt!67ra y) vtaeiaa-v tj;» ^xip'to, again from the dead. o'-n Jy Mi vk vexpS, iyaw^ 10 Then the difciples went ^ „,, , , , , away again unto their own 10 AtthA^c* olw nahii t\u home. ol fixtnrey. 1 r Maeia JV eiVwei : l But Mary ftood wJ'hout , , ^ / „- at the fepulcher, weeping: and I2&s to ftuftuoi xa<*&™. tt,ar as as fhe weptj fhe Itoop'd down, «» 'tK\a^f, vrfcew^ii us tv (innuoi. and look' d inio the fepulcher, 12 Kotj S. John, Chap. XX. i8f TEXT. TRANSLATION. 12 TvT xepaAw, Jcq g»a 'S^ys to is tto- oiv, oVy e3teifciples knew, or underjiood not aright the Scripture, fo as to have learnt from the Prophecies therein, that He mufl certainly rife again from the Dead. 10 Then the Difciples went away again unto their own home. 11 But Mary, with the other JVomen, continu'd JliU at the Se- pulcher, and Hood without for fome time : till by and by, while Jhe and the other Women were thus Jlandmg at the Sepulcher Weeping, One {a) Angel firs! appear 'd to them, and bid them not be Afraid, but follow him into the Sepulcher : and hereupon they follow' d him into, or a little within the Mouth or 2)oor of the Sepulcher ; whither being come, as She, (/'. e. Mary Magdalene) wept, fhe, with the refi of the Women, ftoop'd down and look'd into the Sepulcher, 12 and there fees another Angel bejides that which they had follow d into the Sepulcher, and fo now two Angels in White, each now fitting, the one at the head, and the other 1 86 S. John, Chap. XX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. »«ti tov WW MV> *«j Cttc oulk they have taken away my Lord, ' „ . , \ L„ , and I know not where they tt* e^JiKStv aa-rei. 14 K«i fcura a- have jajd him- Trfa-ffa, l^px'n r/ laid, fhe turn'd her felf back, pei TjuffW esa«' *** ** *fc« on and fiw Jefus ftandin& and 0 lwvs 'fit- I J A(y4 i , coiija on 0 xMTty&t '6fr, whom feekeft thou ? fhe fup- hiyi Jui&' Kltxt, u &fao*i *J>- PofinS him ,t0 be *.e S"dc?cr> / , ,' „ , , „ , , iaitri unto him, Sir, it thou 7cy, em (U«i -tt* ou/tbv eSjtustf' 3to£,>i> have born him hence, tell me oui-rev apS. 16 Aeyi «l^ 0 Iwfisr where thou haft laid him> and , ~ ,,',,, 1 will take him away. Ma^x. STfa^ffa c*un Aeyi tut- l6 jefus fauh untoher,Ma- i$- PstCCvv), 0 AeyQ, J»^*'<^*Ae. ry- She turn'd herfelf, and ./ ' ~ c T ~ ../ laith unto him. Rabboni.which 17 Aey« «T, o Incrow M>, ^ is t0 fay, Mailer. ctTily y 7ra ^ ftvaCsCiiKst ©fos t 71a- 17 Jefus faith unto her, t«L, ,u. r~».c.'tj jv' ^-=^ *J* 'JV> Touch me not: for I am not -np 0* flipuv A ^5 r*s «JW ya afcend£d iQ my Fa[hef: J afce"d lmo ml , , , , , ~ Father and your Father, and ?c«i ©eov ^w« x, ©eoy t//**v. 18 Ep- to my God and your God. ^Tcq M*6(* » Ma.ySbt.Alio), imy i8MaryMagdalenecameand , „ V. „ , , told the difciples, that fhe had yWMra, 7B« a**3»T8MS, e-n ea^x* feen the Lord, and that he had r Kupiov, $ foura. e^rey ojuth. fpoken thefe things unto her. „,» ^ , ,f ~" t / iQ Then the fame day at 19 Ouow ow 0^ t? njufcf. evening) being the firft^/ of «x.eiy>i tj; /jua. t1 oaCSx-ray, ^ t Ju- the week, when the doors were Fiv Y*K\uopUmh 'bn Wv bi ^Si,. ' ^^ Jhfr5 thfe d'^ples were r , ~ \ fl ^ affembled tor fear or the Jews, roq ««/>i;>^eyo« ^ix t ^obo» i&y la- came Jefus and flood in the &UW, U9s» i Iw5* >c*J 89W »S tJ midft and faith unto them, , , , , , ^ , , . ~ Peace be unto you. H* 1 ' 1 again, Peace be unto von: as Mr «iP«m ufur JCjtfas «™j«_A„e ^ Father hath f > even ym 0 7iaT>if , Jca^ 7n,w7ra v/MdS. lo lend I you. 22 Ka* PARAPHRASE. Becaufe they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. 14 And when fhe had thus faid, One of the Angels re- ply d, {b) His Body is not taken away by Others, as you vainly imagine; but He is n fen from the Dead, as he told his Difciples before his Death he Jhould rife on the third day. Leave off therefore weeping, and go quickly and tell his Difciples that he is Rifen. Hereupon (he turn'd her ielf back with the other IVomen, and went out of the Se pule her in order to go tell the Difciples : and before they were gone out of the Garden wherein the Sepulcher was, fhe and the {c) other IVomen faw Jefus Handing, and knew not that it was Jefus. 1 y Jefus fays unto her, Wo- man, why weepeft thou ? {for not being fatisfy'd with what fhe had feen, and had been told by the Angel, fhe JliU kept weeping :) Whom feekeft thou? (he fuppofing him to be the Gardener, fays unto him, Sir, * if thou have born him hence, tell me where thou haft laid him, and I will take him away. And having faid Jo, fie went on. 16 Jefus here- upon, with the fame fort of face he formerly us'd, fays unto her, Mary. She knowing this his Poke, turn'd her ielf toward him, and now know- ing him alj'o by Sight, fays unto him, Rabboni, which is to fay, Matter: and then fhe with the other Women fell down at his Feet, and holding him by the Feet woijhipp'd him. 17 Jefus fays unto her with the reft, Touch, i. e. hold me not, nor endeavour to detain me now; for I am not yet afcended to my Father: but go to my Brethren, /. e. Apoflles, and (ay unto them, that I am rifen from the Dead, and I afcend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God, as I told them before my Death it was expedient I Jhould do. 18 Mary Magdalene, with the {d) other Women came and told the Difciples, that fhe had feeu the Lord, and that he had fpoken thefe things unto her. „ 19 Then the fame day at Evening, being the Firft day of the Week, chrift ^u to when the doors were fliut, where the Difciples were aHembled for fear the $'£'"' "** of the Jews, came Jefus and flood in the midfl, and fays unto them, Peace be unto you. 20 And when he had fo faid, he fhew'd unto them his hands and his fide, where he was piercd, to fat iffy them that he was not only an Apparition. Then were the Difciples glad, when they were thus beyond au Doubt ajfur'd, that they really law the Lord. 21 Then i88 S.Johny Chap. XX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 22 Koui tv™ a Tray &ifpv- J^KSt, 0 Ae^p/ufy©-' A/)epe t (Titx.'rvAoy try uh, kol\ oy, **| /2*Ae us rnv inAui&Hv ,uv & jiMi >«'»« ai'Tn&s, aMct tttbj. 28 Kct) dm %gfy»i 0 ®a>/xeii, $ e<7nv awnf- O Kv£ao$ MV **} ° ®«* i"tf' 29 Ae- y^ etu*ra) 0 ln Jefus faith unto him, Thomas, becaufe thou haft feen me, thou haft believ'd : blefled are they that have not leen, and/?/ have believ'd. 30 rioA- S. John, Chap. XX. 189 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 50 FloMx (a. yy tj iMa . 31 Taura. £i yi- y&'nloof, '/yet Tn^a/own, o-n 0 IhoVS 30 And many other figns truly did Jefus in the prefence of his difciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But thefe are written, that ye might believe that Jefus is the Chnffc the Son of God, and that believing ye might have -life thro' his name. Kep. PARAPHRASE. 22 And when he had faid this, he breath'd on them, and fays unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghoft to direclt and ajpsl you in the Execu~ tion of your Office or Miniftry. 23 Whole foever Sius, on their true Re~ pentance, ye remit in my Name and by my Authority, they are, i. e. Jhall be remitted, unto them in Heaven, where your Sentence of Abfolu- tion foall be ratify'd and confirmed; and whole foever Sins ye retain, or remit not on account of their Misbehaviour or Impenitence, they are, i. e. Jhall be retain'd, or not forgiven in Heaven, but the Cenfures ye foall pajs on them on Earth fhall be confirmed in Heaven. 24 But Thomas, one of the Twelve, call'd Didymus, was not with chrin */.;«» *. them when Jefus came, is The other Difciples therefore faid unto |*in to the ^0- him, We have feen the Lord. But he faid unto them, Except I fhall m",'was preiem! lee in his Hands the print of the Nails, and put my Finger into the print of the Nails, and thruft my Hand into his Gde, I will not be- lieve. 26 And after eight Days, again his Difciples were within, and Thomas with them : then came Jefus, the Doors being fhut, and flood in the midlt, and faid, Peace be unto you. 27 Then faith he to Tho- mas, Reach hither thy Finger, and behold my Hands ; and reach hi- ther thy Hand, and thruft it into my Side: and be not Faithlefs, but Believing. 28 And Thomas anfwer'd and faid unto him, I am fully cou- vmc'd that thou art no other Perfon thanjejus who was Crucify 'd, and whom I acknowledge to be my Lord and my God. 2j> Jefus fays unto him, Thomas, becaufe thou haft feen me, thou haft Believ'd : Bleffed are they that have not feen, and yet have Believ'd. 30 And many other Signs of his being Truly rifenfiom the 2)eaddid Jefus give in the prefence of his Difciples, which are not written in this10 f««ne of°Bis Rr>r.L- ->T Rur lhr>Cf> inUirh arf> written /tro f.Mr,o«,t J?«.iJ**,r* c tn^t ^P'P1" m G*'<- IV. He affetrt again 190 S.John, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Keip. **'. Mera &utw epowepoioiv tawny m\n o Inavvs tdis {ixfiiTouS '&n ■? foAoiosvs t" Ti£e&/dv@* Ai- SvfMS, % Na^tvaJjA o ~£m Kaysi ths raAiAowc^, 19 0/ y ZiQiSbLiM, $ *A- ^tox t jUaSwTOv ea$ aAieoe<». Aey w o"'7'/' Ep^o.cte^oc *, Vims crw otji. E^mA9o», Xj inCrto-at Ty ywt*n 'Qrix£ «iAsv & ^uevTDi tfJW^ oj fi, ^ fcx, era oujto eAJuWj »%Uffay ^TTJ t5 T^W^^J TOY j'^uan. 7 Aeyee quo 0 /uct,fy\THS (kuvqS ov yiyctm 0 Uaxs, t$ nirfa' O Kudos (^7. Si/ta*" p«* n«7if(^', *XVoU5 071 0 Kudos 191, T {7reVth;TM» &e£aff*7B, (ko yb 5^/Mios) x,oij e&u Ae* 'iouuToi m t 5*Agto» eot as it were two hundred cu- bits) dragging the net with fifties. o Aflbon then as they were come to land, they faw a fire of coals there, and fifh laid thereon, and bread. 10 Jefus faith unto them, Bring of the fifti'which ye have now caught. 11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land, full of great fifties, an hundred and 7TSV- PARAPHRASE. Chap. XXI. After thefe things afore related and done at Jerufalem, the ylpoftles went into Galilee from Jerufalem, according to the (e) "Directions given them. And here Jefus (hew'd himfelf again to the Dilciples at the Sea of Tiberias; and on this wife fhew'd he himfelf: 2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas call'd Didymus, and Nathanael other- wife call'd Bartholomew of Cana in Galilee, and the two Sons of Zebe- dee, and two other of his Difciples. 3 Simon Peter fays unto them, I go a fifliing. They fay unto him, We alio go with thee. They went forth, and entred into a Ship immediately; and that Night they caught nothing. 4 But when the Morning was now come, Jeiiis flood on the fhore: but the Difciples knew not that it was Jefus. y Then Jefus fays unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They anfwer'd him, No. 6 And he faid iimo them, Caft the Net on the right fide of the Ship, and ye fhall find. They call; therefore, and now they were not able 10 draw it for the multitude of Fifties. ~ 7 Therefore that Difciple whom Jefus lov'd, i. e. John himfelf, fays unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his Fifhers upper coat unto him (for before he put that on, he was naked, 1. e. had on only his Shirt) and did caft himfelf into the Sea, and Jo /warn to Jefus on thejlme, before the Boat could be got thither. 8 And the other Difci- ples came in a little Ship (for they were not far from Land, but as it .were two hundred Cubits, i. e. half a Furlong or three hundred Feet) dragging the Net with Fifties, p As fcon. then as they were come to Land, they faw a Fire of coals there, and Fifh laid thereon, and Bread. iyz S.John, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. wevT>i>cov7*7S'ja»- ^ TOffV-nav oiiai tfx. fifty and three : and for all , , .. \ J n i / > >c?~ < tnere were fo many, yet was t%d» to hilvai. *2 Aryi cw&.s o not the net broken. Iaovs* Aeim, eipi^jjoo/rt. oMs $ 12. Jefus faith unto them, . /v - r. ~ >k / 'i Come and dine. And none of £to^« to» fMSniaa <%tm Su tis ei; aJbrss oti 0 KutAOi '(fa*. Who art thou? knowing that 13 Epve*) Sv 0 I«w, £ Ac^ye, " ™ AeLord. »/ < / ' ~ 7 , / x3 Jeius tnen cometh and t- ipTwi, £ £i<5W octroi, x, to o'^a- taketh bread, and giveth them, exov o^'af. 14 t5to vh TeiToy and ^M^wlfe. u L. - , , t , 14 This is now the third tpeuepaSx 0 I*ws tou ftdrflcus «u- time that J*s Ihew'd himfelf tv, lycftils ok yejq>av. t0 his difciples, after that he ^ , , , , o was rifen from the dead. if Ot« otw vtASttozu, \tyi -4 ls So when they had din'd, Sfcom ne7f a 0 Iiktows- 2i>av I»»*, Jefus raith t0 Simon Peter, Si- » ~ v~ . ./ mon fan of Jonas, loveft thou cipurets ^e T^aov 70Uto»; A«ye, me more thln thefe? He faith *m$* Not) Kuexe- Yea> Lord \ thou , , ? , , knoweft that I love thee. He at. Aeyu auiQ' rio/^ve to faith unto him, Feed my (heep. ^€*ra ^ 17 Aeyw cu lllou knoweft all ^ things; thou knoweft that I »»otc«5 otj ipiAa ot. Aej^ «,ut^ 0 In- love thee. Jefus faith unto him, ow- Bfau «i «|*'Cft7£ fcv. 18 A- FeeJ 7 TeP- -, T r U. •^ 18 Verily verily I lay unto fxluj oLfdui \tyx ?' , ! » _c ' thou girdedft thy felfand walk- t«s ottv i'^jAeJ* omi JV yH&o-ns, but when thou Ihalt be old, S. John, Chap. XXI. 195 TEXT. TRANSLATION. «MW«s raj yZfls <*, &4 &v\os n J*0" °^l\ <*«"* f°rt,h thV f , u ', , hands, and another (hall gird 4 »,«!,„ •h0I7^pXhe, Cgnify. PARAPHRASE. Fifhes, an hundred and fifty and. three: and for all there were fo many, yet was not the net broken. 12 Jefus fays unto them, Come and dine. And none of the Difciples durft ask him, Who art thou ? knowing that it was the Lord. 13 Jefus then comes and takes Bread, and gives them, and Fifh likewife. 14 This is now the third time that Jefus fhew'd himfelf to his Difciples, /'. e. Apo/lles, being together in a Body or Com- pany, after that he was rifen from the Dead. if So when they had din'd, Jefus fays to Simon Peter, Simon fon of He ciiar'g„ Pe_ Jonas, 4x>veft thou me more than thefe the reft of my Apoflles do, thinkejl ttr to feed hi» thou now as thou {f)/eemed/i to think before thy Denial of me ? He fays f^hfJZn unto him, Yea, Lord, tho I did thus bafely "Deny thee, and am there- of his Death. by taught not to make Comparifon of my Jelf with All others, yet thou knoweft that I fincerely love thee. He fays unto him, Feed (fF) my Lambs, i. e. exprefs thy Love to me by taking Care of my Flock com- mitted to thy Charge. 16 He fays to him again the fecond time, Si- mon fon of Jonas, lovefl rhnn me ? He fays unto him, Yea, Lord ; thou knoweft that I love thee. He fays unto him, Feed my Sheep. 17 He fays unto him the third time, Simon fon of Jonas loved thou me ? Peter was griev'd, becaufe he faid unto him the third time, Lovefl; thou me, forafmuch as Chrifl feem'd thereby to Jufpefi his Sincerity: and he faid unto him, Lord, thou knoweft all things; thou knoweft that I love thee. Jefus fays unto him, Feed my Sheep. 18 Verily ve- rily I fay unto thee, I know thou wilt faithfully difcharge thy Truji, even unto 'Death. Namely, now when thou wait Young, thou girdedft on thy fclf thy FJIiers-coat, and walkedft whither thou wouldft, Jlretch- ing (g) out thy Hands to fwim to me : but when thou fhalt be Old, thou fhalt ftretch forth thy Hands, being fore 'd fo to do, and another fhall gird thee, namely to a Crofs, and/0 carry thee whither thou wouldft not, t. e. to the place of Execution, ip This fpake he, fignifying by ANNOTATIONS. 194- 5, John, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Vara '<&£*"'*« to» ©eov. ing by what. death he fhould ,' ~ »'-.i.: !;-j , )» ** »^wa4 Iwif, uxa- Jefos lov'd, following; which A^5»7«, k £ a»eWi> I, *$ Ww> alfo lean;d °n hIs brfaJt at f"P" , , ' _* _»,«,. , ' per? and laid, Lord, which is '6kt to 9hf@J cu%, $ fc(7re*- Kuexe, he that betrayeth thee ? I»ffW KueUt, thiS man J0? Vtbj /<^> *" *37iys at J fft> ijcoAV^ (juai. thou me. _r~.n i*"-*'*'' ,* ' ~<), 2.? Then went this*fayme 23 E&A5.I «^o A*^ V7M •« T«5 abJad among the ^^ a<&A v , ^ him. He fhall not dye : but, If o'-n ** ^bnSvwaxf- ^A* E ..- if This is the difciple 24 Outbs ^7v 0 a*?«7?)s a mt- which teftifieth of thefe things, Tvp»» -si&i t*tov, $ x&4«4 &uto- and wrote thefe things: and , „. ft „ , „ ■ / wl r we know that his teftimony is *et) o^btjtcV 0,n *A)OJIS 6- mie Ti/ei* cturj. 25- E91 JV Jccci 01M* 2y And there are alfo many .. \ w > / t % ~ Aa em e7i>i»mv <» 1>!^^ w*. ±e which if they (hould be sav y£jc^DT(*j ^st^- el, ©site auTcv written every one, I ftippofe .?,.«■ *,,. „1,«, -v^.^rtMi -»' i»«i«n ^at even the world it felf tiHH ™ "W" WW ™ W could not contam the books ,ufya /SibAi* '. that fhould be written * V. 25-: f Af«» is not read in Alex, or Cant. MSS. &c nor in Vulgar latin, Syriac, Arabic, or Perfic Verfions. & John, Chap. XXI. 197 PARAPHRASE. what Death, namely that of the Crofs,he Ihould glorify God. And when he had fpoken this, he fays unto him, Follow me. 20 Then Peter turning about, fees the Difciple whom Jefus lov'd, chriftVIj-;reteII, i.e. John himjelf, following; which alfo lean'd on his Bread at John's living nit Supper, and laid, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? 21 Peter ^ *e £^£ feeing him, fays to Jefus, Lord, and whatlhall this Man do? 22 Je- u'm. fus fays unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. 23 Then, upon this ambiguous Answer ofje* Jus, went this laying abroad among the Brethren, /. e. Chrifltans, that That Difciple ihould not Dye, but continue Alive till ChriH's Final Coming to Judgment.- Yet Jefus laid not unto him, He lhall not Dye; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, Namely to take Vengeance upon the Obflinately Unbelieving Jews, by dejtroying Jerufalem and putting an End to the Jewifh State, which St John did accordingly live to fee ; What is that to thee ? The CONCLUSION. 24 This, viz. John, is the Difciple who tefiifys thefe things, and wrote thefe things contain d in this Gojpel: and we know, i. e. fure I am, that his Teftimony is true. 2j And there are alfo many other things which Jefus did, befides thofe related in this Gojpel; the which if they fhould be written every one, I fuppofe that even the World it felf could not contain (which feems to have been a Proverbial Exprejpon to denote, that there would be a very great Number of) the Books that ihould be written. Bbz ST NOT SIS. S T N 0 7> S I s. The Corpel of St John may be diftin- <, guilh'd into thefe Parts, viz. V. An Ac- coint of Christ's Minifiry, which may be di- ftinguifh'd into two partSi viz. I. An Account of his Miniftry be- fore the Impri- fonment ef the Baptift; which is WhollyOmit-* ted by the other three Evange- lifts , and con- tains thefe Par- ticulars, viz. ( I. Of the Prc-exiflcncc of Christ in his Divine Nature before his Incarnation, and from all Eternity, Chap. I. i - $-. II. Of the End or Defign of Jthn Baptifi's Coming or Miniftry, I. 6-8. III. Of the Incarnation of Christ, and the EwioFhis Coming into the World, 1. 9- 14. IV. The Baptift's TeBimmy of Christ at Bethabara, I. 1 j - 37. "Christ begins hit Mintflry by gathering Difciples, viz. Andrew, John and Peter at Bethaban ; and Philip and Nathanael in Galilee, I. 38 - ult. He turns water into Win: at Cana in Galilee, n. I - 1 1. Go's to Capernaum, 12. He go's up to Jerufalem to the Pajfover, and turns the Traders out of the Temple, II. 13 - ult. His Difcourfe with Nicodemtu, HI. 1 -21. Leaving Jerufalem, He go's into fome other part of Ju- dea, where his Difciples baptise; with Difcouries oc- cafion'd thereby, III. 22 - ult. Leaving Judea, He paffes thro' Samaria, where he dif- couries with a Woman of Sychar or Sichem, and tar' ries there ttco days, IV. t - 42. He comes into Galilee, and cures a Nobleman's Son of Capernaum, IV.^j-K/r. He go's up to Jerufalem to the Pajfover, where he cures an infirm man at the pool of Bethefdt on the Sabbath; . with the Difcourfe thereon, V. 'He returns into Galilee, where he miraeuloujly £eeds jood; with the Difcourfe thereupon, VI. He goes to Jerufalem at the Feaft of Tabernacles, with his Diicourfe then, VII. 1 - 31. The Pharilees fend Officers to fcix,e him, but they do it not, ■ji.-ult. A Woman taken in Adultery is brought to him , VIII. 1 - 11. His Difcourfe afterwards , wherein talking of Abraham, the Jews go about to fione him for mak- ing himfelf Greater than Abraham, 12 - ult. He cures a Man bom Blind, IX. He is at the Feaft of the Dedication, when the Jews go to fione him for what they call'd Blafpliemy, X. 1 - 39. He go's to Bethabara, 40 - ult. He raifes Lazarus from the Grave, XI. 1 - 46. The Rulers refolve to l^ill him, 47-/3. He retires to Ephraim, f4- The next Pajfover is at hand, which was Christ's Lad, XI. yr - ult. Six d-iys before ihe Pafl'over, he comes to Bethany, XII. 1 - 11. On the next day rides into Jerufalem in Triumph ; with relation of what was done, 12 -ult. The Night before he Sufi'er'd, He wajhcs hit Difciples Feet, &c. with his large Difcourfe to, and Prayer for them, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. He is apprehended and carried before ^Annas firft , and then Caiaphas, XVIII. 1-27. He is carried before Pilate, condemn'd, and crucify'd, XVIII. 28 -XIX. 18. What pad after hit Crucifixion to his Burial, XIX. 19- ult. VI. An Account of Christ's ReTurre&ion, and hit Appearing and Converfing after- B wards with his Difciples, XX, XXI. 1. An Account of his Miniftry af- ter the lmprifon- mcnt of the Ba- ptift ; Which , contains thefe Particulars, moftly Omitted by the other E- vangelifts, viz. FINIS. A N H E LP For the more Eafy and Clear XJnderftanding O F T H E HOLY SCRIPTURES: BEING The Two Sacred Treatifes of S< LUKE, Viz. His Gofpel and the Afts of the jdpoftles, Explain d after the following Method, viz. I. The Original or Gree\Text amended, according totheBeft and moft Ancient Readings. II. The Common Englijb Tranjlation render'd more Agreeable to the Original. III. A Paraphrafe, wherein not only the Difficult Expreffions and Pajfages are explain'd ; but alfo Each Treatife is divided into Proper Sections and Paragraphs : and withall it is obferv'd , What Supplements to the two Gofpels of St Matthew and Mar^ are given us by St Luke in his Gofpel. To the End of each Treatife is fubjoin'd a Synopfis of the Contents thereof. IV- Annotations relating (as Occafion requires) to the Several Particulars. By Edw. Wells D. D. Re&or oiCotesbach in LeiceflerJInre. f Imprimatur, ROB. SHIPTEN VICE-CAN. Oxon.Jm.$. ^Advertifement. THE ASis of the ApoBles being writ by St Luke, as well as the Gofpel that go's under his Name, I have therefore judg'd it Proper to publifh Both the (aid facred Treatifes of St Luke together. As the Gofpel of St John was writ the Lail of All the Books of the New Teftaraent, fo it is the Only one that remains to be Tublifh'd with my Paraphrafe : which it will be, as faft as it can be work'd off by the Prefs. I defign (God willing) to paraphrafe (&c.) in like manner the Bookj of the Old Teftament ; and have by God's Bieffing prepar'd in the Mam for the Prefs i\\efive Books of Mofes : Which will therefore be fpeedily put to the Prefs, and publifh 'd as fafi as they can be wrought off The Book of 'Daniel has been publifh 'd fome time fince, in order to the Better Understanding of the Book of the Revelation. ERRATA in St Luke's Gofpel. Page 2. line i. read i Tim. f.18. p 7- £i+- r. Eighth of the twenty four. p.ti. I. 6. from bottom r. into the Province, p-97- 1 1 7- of the Paraphrafe r. the Month Tifri- p. no. v. 6 r. -jmx&Twi. p. 14.1. v. xf. r. «y*paj. p. ijj.v. 11. r. If there- fore ye have not been. p.i^.v."]. r.iniman. />.ior/. 9. from the bottom r. fhould forfake thee, I would never, p 206. v. 70. r. i/uis xiytit 0, u «j«i cif/4. p. 222. v. 42. r. ixji®: ERRATA in the Acls of the Apoflles. Page 4. verfe 12. read Olivet which is near to Jerufalem, being diftant but a Sabbaih-days journey. And fo read in the Paraph. p.i6.v.$i. r. ityvrfavS. p.x-j. •v.n.r. Oun'f Kit i Ai>s 0 'i&JtiiiSitf. p. 29. /. 9. from bottom r. Eye and Ear-Wit- nefles. p 38. v. 2f r. xmjyyuMi. ibid. v. II. f. mrtiy. p. y 1. 1). \ J. r. yi ityitt. p. 53. /. 7. /raw bottom of Paraph, r. to theRiter. />. 93. /. 1. of Paraph, r. men have their ;. lit. /. 13. from bottom r. to Circumcife the Gentile Converts, p 119. /. 2 /*•<>»» bottom r. well reported of. £. iy8. w. 20. r. «Aa01. ^ 177. v. j. <>///;>* Paraph, r. which from Jefus of Nazareth, p. 197. A 16. of Paraph, r. Michaelmas- flowes. p. 206. v. 10. r. Ttnfixi^ivm. The Contents, or federal Se£lionsy'mto which the following Taraphrafe of the Go/pel according to St Luke, and of his Treatife of the A&s of the ^poslles, is diftinguifh'd. i The fever al Sections (&c.) into which the following Paraphrafe of St Luke's Gofpel is divided. St L U K E'S own Preface or Introduction to his Gofpel, which takes up Chap I. i — 4. and begins Page $". SECTION I. Containing an Account of the Conception and Birth both ofJobnBaptiJi the Fore-runner oi~ Chri/1, and oiCbriJl himfelf; together with fuch other Particulars, as are taken Notice of by St Luke, till Chrift began to be about thirty Tears of Age , and was baptiz'd by John. Which Particulars take up Chap. I and II. and begin Page 7. SECT. II. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St Luke, in re ference to the Baptijm ofChri/i} when he began to be about thirty Tears of Age; and from thence to his Entring on the more publ/ck> Tart of his Miniftry after the Imprifonment of John the Bapti(r,when ChriB was in the thirty fecond Tear of his Age. Which Particulars take up Chap. III. 1 — IV. 13. and begin Page 31. SECT. III.. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St Ltdr, From Chri/i's Entring on the more Tubhck part of his Mimflry, which was fome time after the Tajfover that was in the thirty J'econdYt&T of his Life (but A.D. 30.) To the TaJJover next enluing, or in the thirty third Year of his Life ( but A. D. 31.) Which Particulars take up Chap. IV. 14.— V. ult. and begin Page 43. SECT. IV. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken Notice of by St Luke, From the Tajfover that was in the thirty third Y ear of Chrift' s Life (or A. D 31.) To a little before the TaJIover in the thirty fourth Year of his Life (or A. D. 32.) Which Particulars take up Chap. VI. 1 — IX. 0. and begin Page si- SECT. THE CONTENTS. SECT. V. Containing fiich Particulars as are related by St/^t?,, From a little. he. fore the TaJJover that was in the thirty fourth Y "ear of Chrifl's Life (or A. D. 32.) To Chr'AYsf r/i 'Departure, out of Galilee after the Im- prifonmenc of the Baptjli, namely to keep ztjerufalem the Fealt of Tabernacles., which was in the fame Tear aforemeimon'd. Which Particulars take up Chap. IX. 10 — $&■ and begin Page 89. SECT. J VI. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St Luke, From Chri&'s Departing from Galilee to go to Jerufalem in order to keep there the Feajl of Tabernacles, which was in the thirty fourth Year of his Life (or A. D. 32 ) To Chrifl's Departure again from Jerufalem after the laid Fealt. Which Particulars take up Chap. IX. 51 — X. 16. and are wholly pafs'd over by St Matthew and Mar^; and begin in this' Paraphrale Page 97- SECT. VII. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by 'St Luke, and were tranfacted (as feems molt probable) Between Chuff's Departure from Jerusalem, after he had been there at the Tea ft of Tabernacles in the thirty fourth Year of his Life (or A. D. 32.) and his Return tojerw falem at the Feajl of the Dedication in the lame Year. Which Farti- ■ culars are likewife wholly pafs'd over by St 'Matthew and Mark, and take up Chap. X. 17 — XIII. ult. of thisColpel; and begin in this Paraphrale . • Page 103., S E C T. VIII. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St Luke, and were tranf- acted (as feems molt probable) After Chrifl's Departure from Jeru- falem, when he had been there at the Feajl of the Dedication, in the thirty fomth Year of his Life (or A. D. %i.) and Before his Begin- ning his lajl Return tojernjalem, in the thirty fifth Year of his Ufe (or A. D. 33.) Which Particulars are likewife wholly pafs'd over by St Matthew and Mark, and take up Chap. XIV. 1 — XVII. io. of this Gofpel; and begin in this Paraphrafe Page 139 SECT. IX Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St Luke in our Saviour's las! Journey to Jerufalem, in order to keep there his laH Taffover, which was in the thirty fifth Year of his Life (or A. D 33.) Which Particulars take up Chap. XVII. 11 — XIX. 28. and begin THE CONTENTS. by St Luke, and were done on the Firft-day of the Tafjion-voeek, now commonly call'd Talm-funday. Which Particulars take up Ch. XIX. 29 — 46: and begin Page 1*77. SECT. XI. Containing the general and Ihort Account given by St Luke of what Chrift. did on the Second Day or Monday of the Pallion- week; which is contain'd Chap. XIX. 4-7, 48. and begins Page i8r. SECT. XII. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfacfed on the Third Day or Tuefday of the Taffion-voeek, and before the Evening thereof; and which are related by St Luke Chap. XX. 1 — XXI. 4. and begin alfo Page 181. SECT. XIII. Containing an Account of Chrifl's Difcourfe to his Difciples, After he came out of the Temple at Evening on the Third 2)ay or Tuefday of the Tajion-voeek ; namely concerning the 'DeftruSiion of the Temple, and the la ft Judgment. Which Difcourfe takes up Chap. XXI. j — ult. and begins Page 189. SECT. XIV. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfa6led on the Fourth 2)ay or Wednesday of the T affion-voeek , and are related by St Luke Chap. XXII. 1, i. and begin Page ij»y. SECT. XV. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfa&ed on the Fifth 7)ay or Thurfday of the Tafjion-weekj, namely before the Evening or Sun-fet that day; and which are related by St Luke Chap. XXII. 3 — 13. and begin alfo Page ip$\ SECT. XVI. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfafted from Thurfday- Evening to Friday-Evening in the Taffion-week , that is, on the Ta(fover-day it felf, which was in the thirty fifth Year of Chrifl's Life, but A.D33. Which Particulars take up Chap. XXII. 14 — XXIII. ult. and begin Page 1.97. SECT. XVII. Containing fuch Particulars as fell out after Chrift 's RefurreEiion, more efpecially on Eafter-day ; and are taken notice of by St Luke Chap. XXIV. and begin Page 117. Tb* THE CONTENTS. The fever al Seniors, into -which the following Paraphrafe of the Acts ot the Apoiiles is diftmguijhd. SECTION I. Containing an Account of our Lord's Afcenfion, the EUSiian of Mat- thias to be an Apoftle, the Defcent of the Holy Gho/I, and other Par- ticulars, which were tranfadted before the Ending of A. D. 33. or not long after. Which Particulars take up the fir & five Chapters , and begin Page 3. SECT. II. Containing fuch Particulars as are fuppos'd to have been tranfacled during A. D 34. viz. the firB Ordination of "Deacons , the Death of Stephen, the Convey fion of the Samaritans, and Baptizing of the E- tbiopkk Eunuch &c. Which take up Chap. VI, VII, VIII. and begin Page 43. SECT. III. Containing an Account of Saui's (or St Paul's) Converfion A. D.3^. and his preaching axDamafcus anAJerufattm, and his being lent thence to Tarfus at the end of A D. 38. or beginning of A. D. 39. Which Particulars take up Chap. IX. 1 — 3 1. and begin Page 67. SECT. IV. Containing an Account of two Miracles perform'd by St Peter, one at Lydda, and the other ujoppa ; and of Cornelius fending for him by the Direction of GOD, and of Cornelius with his Family &c. becom- ing Christians &c. Which Particulars leem to have been tranfacled A.D.39 and 40. and take upCh. IX. 31 — XI. 18. and begin Page 73. SECT. V. Containing an Account of Particulars tranfacled from the Firfl preaching (A. D. 41 ) of the Gofpel at Antioch in Syria, to Barnabas and 'Paul's Return itomjerufalem to Antioch. Which Particulars take up Chap. XI. ip — XII. ult. and begin Page 87. SECT. VI. Containing an Account of the planting Chriflianity by St Paul and Bar* nabas, From their Fir ft Jetting forth on that Defign from Antioch in Syria, A. D- 34 ending or 37 beginning, To their Return thither A. D. a.n. Which Particulars take ud Chan X11I and XIV. and begin THE CONTENTS, Lam. Which Particulars were tranfa&ed A. D. 49. and take up Chap; XV. 1 —37- and begin _ Page in. ' 'SECT VIM 'z ^ Containing an Account of St Taul's planting or preaching the Gofpel, From his Second Departure on that Deiign from Antiocb A. D. yo, To his Return to Antiocb A. D. $4. Which takes up Chap. XV. 36" — XVIII. 22. and begins Page no. SECT. IX. Containing an Account of St Paul's preaching the Gofpel, From his Third "Departure on that Defign from Antiocb A. D. f^-.i ' ■ ■ • i i i* ' « <-«-i « nJerabie Sufpic-lo much on ((/J Other Accounts mention d by Some, as) on This Ac- fo'rmer°the tw°counc' v^z That as on the One band he either pajjes over, or elfe is very Jhort in relating what the two former Evangelifta had related \ fo on the Other hand He has given us eonfiderable- Supplements in refpedt of feveral Parts of the Gofpel-hifiory, which are omitted by the two for- mer Evangelifrs. Such is the Account of the Conception and Bnth of John theBaptift; as alio of the Conception of CHRIST himfelf,and the Manner of his Birth at Bethlehem, and his Trejentation in the Temple, and Going up to the Tajfover at twelve Years of Age : Which Particulars take up the two firft Chapters of this Gofpel. And yet That is a much larger Supplement, wherein this Evangeliil gives us an Account of CHRIST'S MiniBry, From his FirB leaving Galilee after his coming thither upon the Impnfonment of the Baptift, To his Lafi leaving or pajjing thro' Galilee, and coming thence into Teraa or the Country be- yond Jordan, in order to his keeping the Paflbver mjerujalem, at which he was Crucify 'd : Which Supplement takes up AD from Chap. IX. ji. to XVIIf. is- So that the two Supplements already mention'd (to pafs over fome other lels eonfiderable; as the Account oiChri/i's Appearing to the Two Difciples going to Emmaus, Chap. XXIV. t g — 3 Si &c) take up no fewer than Ten whole Chapters, befides^w/ of Two other of the Twenty four which make up this Gofpel. So Much of the Gofpel-hifio- , ry do we owe particularly to St Luke. iv. We are inform'd by Irenaus ( Lib. 3. Cap. 1.) that St Luif writ his when.'I'nd p*« Gofpel after the ffy&v of St Taul; which that it is to be underftood, not where this Go- of St Paul's "Death, but of his Departure from Some, is fufficiently evi- fpei was writ. ^Qt ^ ^pm wjia£ ^ jjeen above obferv'd concerning St Paul's citing fome Words of this Gofpel in his firfi Epiftle to Timothy. Whence it plainly follows, that this Gofpel, according to the two Obfervations here made , muff be writ fometime between St Paul's Departure from Rome, and his Writing the firfi EpiBle to Timothy, that is, between A. D. 62 and 6s. But there are Some, who having no Regard to the (d) See Dr Mill's Prolegomena concerning this Gofpel. (e) And confequently this is a Confirmation, that the faid '4°&s is to be under- ftood in the fame fenfe with reference to theTime of St Mark's writing his Go- fpel. Of which fee the Preface to St Mart's Gofpel. Teftimony THE PREFACE. Teftiroony offrenaus, upon their own meer Conjecture place the Writ- ing of this Gofpel between A. 2). J i and j8. and fuppofe it to have been done at Thilippi in Macedonia. Whereas Jerotn fuppofes it written in the Confines cfAchaia and Boeotia, grounding his SuppoGtion ( as is probable) on the Tradition that St Luke preach' d at Thebes, which he underftood of Thebes in Boeotia; whereas according to the ("aid Tradi- tion it was rather Thebes in Egypt ', whence (/) Others make this Gofpel writ at Alexandria in Egypt. So that hence it appears only, that no- thing of Certainty can be deterrain'd as to the P/ace where it was writ. (f) The Syriack Interpreter in the Tide ac the Beginning, and the Writer of the Apoftolical Conftitutioas, A 2 T O to kata The GOSPEL AOTKAN ACCORDING TO ETAfTEAION. S< LUKE. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kep. a'. "■ i FfaSWp 7roAAol 'nn- Tax, 2 Jlsc'J-as WcLfefoowi yfjui oj «-7T «pv>is euiiZ'Trlon j^ f\^o'>ipeTot( yiioiA/joi tv Ao^u* 3 €i y£^4*f> x,^c7i9B 0eoiy cLoxpx- Xuclv. Chap. I. FOrafmuch as many have taken in hand to fetforth in order a * narrative of thofe things which are mod furely believ'd among us, i Even as they deliver'd them unto us , who from the beginning were eye-witneffes, and minifters of the word : 3 It feem'd good to me alfb, having had perfecT: underftand- ing of all things from the very firft, to write unto thee in or- der, moft excellentTheophilus; 4 That thou mightft know the certainty of thofe things wherein thou haft been in- ftrudted. S Eytmo ANNOTATIONS. (<*) So the Original Word primarily fignifies. (&) As for the contrary Opinion, viz. that the Narratives here referr'd to by St Luke were full of Fabulous Stories or Falfe Accounts of things, there fcems :o be no good ground for it, either here in St Luke, or in any other Primitive Writer. (c) See the third Paragraph of my Preface to this Gofpel. (d) Tho' it be true, that the word Theophilm do's literally fignify a Lover of God, and fo is applicable to every good Chriftian in general , and may be Only a Feign 'd Name ; yet it feems more probable that it was here us'd by St Luke as the re*/ and proper Name of a particular Perfon, fince the Title of Moil excellent is adjoin'd to the faid Name, a Title ufually given only to Great Pcrfons. We may probably fuppofe him (fays Dr Cave in his Life of St Luke ) to have been (bme Magiftrate, whom St Luke had converted and bapciz'd, and to whom he dedicated The GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S< L U K E. PARAPHRASE. St LI) t\Es own Preface or Introduction to his Go/pel. F Chap.I."«~"^Orafmuch as many have taken in hand to fet forth in Or* der a Narrative, /'. e . to draw up andpublifh an Hijlorical Account of thofe things relating to the Life andT)oclrine ofChriB, which were lately (a) tranfatled and are moll; furely believ'd among us Christians , 2 even as they deliver'd or told them unto us Christians, who from the very Beginning ofthefe things were Eye-witnefles of them, and Minifters or Attendants on Chrtji during his Mimflration of the Word or Preaching of the Gofpel: and alt ho' they., that have writ fitch Narratives or Accounts , have writ nothing (b) hup what is True; yet forafmuch as they have either quite omitted [ever al things, as both the foregoing Evangelijls St Matthew and St Mark , or elfe have not jet them down according to the Order of Time, wherein the) were tranfatled, (as St Matthew from Chap. 4. to Ch. 14.) 3 For theje Reafons it feem'd good to Me alfo, having {a)exaSlly trac'd, and Jo had perfccf Knowledge of All things relating hereto from the very firft, to write unto thee not only a Fuller Account hereof than has been hitherto writ, namely by taking Notice and Enlarging more ejpecially on thofe Taffages relating to our Saviour's Ufe and2)oc7rine, which have been (c) omitted by former Writers ; but alfo to fet down at leas! the Main Taffages in the Order wherein they were tranfatled: This Method I have judg'd BeB to obferve in writing this Historical Account dejign'd for thy Ufe, molt (d) excellent Theophilus; 4 namely, that thou might'it the better know the Certainty of Thofe things relating to Chn&ianity, wherein thou haft been catechtzd or inf trusted in order to fit thee for Baptifm. S E C ,T. S. Luke, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. f T7Tm7D b tous Wp*f5 Hp«£« * J—i /3ct7iAe«s £ Iy5"w«4, /epfeJs its otifia.li Zx^ifiCbi, o? tQniASpictt Abl** £ w y^« okf ex. t ^■y)«'i?pav A*p»r, ^ td olro^Uflt otoTHS EAioa'CeT. 5 H<£ «ffe' Si^oi *Mjy oe-reis Tswoy, yjt^'n * EAjjb&- feer «y 5?7p«, x#| ifitpoiipoi <57£?£e- Qtixans ot twfi v{ttpcc\s cuiiai «oay. 8 Eytmv ft c* t^S UfXTeuui ewni Of TM TB^ TWS itpYlfuddf CUiToS t'yctvn t? ©eoo, 9 k£to 7B e^®* •7715 UpATeiai, eActye tS ^otuxottf, eioiA^ay us Toy y*oy t? Koeioi/. 10 Kocj tjr*y to 7iA)i')-@- t£ Aav Zco fzg^aixiyoi^iini t£a tm apot tv 9"o^x/MtT(^. 11 &p9n Jte' o»- •^ ot/^A^ KveJiou 6oC%f Zayaeix' Sto7i umx.\ti ffV EAiaa'CeT >«v»«<7^ LJO* CHJI, X,*} H£(.teoeiS TD OHOjML OUTV Iax»vl«-'. 14 Koq ercq ^f-^c |/)(7t| frjf^MaV, gTDJ/lWWBU, 12 And when Zacharias faw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. 13 But the angel faid unto him, Fear not, Zacharias : for thy prayer is heard \ and thy wife Elizabeth lhall bear thee a fon, and thou (halt call his name John. 14 And thou (halt have joy and gladnefs, and many fhall rejoyce at his birth. 15 For he fhall be great in the light of the Lord, and fhall drink neither wine nor flrong drink; and he fhall be fill'd with the holy Ghoft, even from his mothers womb. 16 And many of the chil- dren of Ifrael fhall he turn to the Lord their God. 1 1 And he fhall go before him in the fpirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers * with the children, and the difobedient to the wif- dom of the juft, to make ready Kvtia ANNOTATIONS. (/) Thus fay Jofephus andPA/7o, as Dr H«;»/»0»iA 0 "aroLfiW- Kus iidTnoi ri ©eoo* £ eun^dxlw AaAntrcq !^>|CT)VTeq as -niy v&\£$i ai>T$f. 2t Kocj ko 0 AaoS fZS&a- SoyZi mi Za^&eiar x.oq i^-otw/*«t^o v Of to) V£$»<(,«v aorov Of t&) vaa. 22 E^eA^av <$ QTfc *<$Wa7o AaA)J- he could not fpeak unto them * ~ \ , 1 ,/ > o and they perceiv'd that he had ~ ioQv- ffa» oq j5(«£pscf 777s A«fewp>i*5 omi- ts J, cItthA^h «'« *"» otxoy auToiF. 24 Men* fiilUl/ 27 To a virgin efpous'd to PARAPHRASE. People prepar'd by him as his Harbinger or Fore-runner, for receiving or acknowledging and believing in the Lord, Meffias, or Chrijl, when hefjould appear. 18 And Zachanas faid unto the Angel, Whereby fhall I know that this you tell me (hall certainly come to pafs ? for I am an old Man, and my Wife well Itricken in years, fo as to be pasKTSbtld-bearing ac- cording to the Common Courfe of Nature. 19 And the Angel aniwer- ing laid unto him, I am («) Gabriel, One of the feven Arch-angels that ftand in the more immediate Prefence of God in Heaven : and as I was fent of Old to 'Daniel and Others, Jo now /am lent to fpeak unto thee, and to fiiew thee thefe glad Tidings. 20 And behold , Jince thou re- quireH a Sign to ajfure thee, that what I fay fliall come to pafs, thou Jhalt have a Sign, viz- thou fhalt be Dumb, and not able to fpeak, un- til the Day that thefe things (hail be perform'd ; and fo this Sign fiaU alfo be ajuji Tumjhment of thee, becaufe thou believed not my Words, which lhall be fulrill'd in their due time. 21 And the People waited lor Zacharias, and marvell'd that he tarry'd fo long in the Sancluary o/the Temple, 22 And when he came out, he could not fpeak unto them : and they perceiv'd that he had feen a Vilion in the Temple ; for he beckon'd unto them, and remain'd fpeechlefs. 23 And it came to pafs, that afloon as the Days of his Miniftration , or performing the Temple- fervice according to the Order of his Courje , were accomplilh'd, he de- parted from Jerufalem into the Hill-country ofjudea to his own Houfe, faid by the Ancients to have been at Hebron. 24 And prejently after thofe days of his MiniBration, his Wife Elizabeth conceiv'd, and hid her felf, i.e. rettr'd fomewhither where fhe might dwell privately for five Months; which fhe did partly to avoid the 'Dijcourfes and Impertinencies of the People, and partly to have the more time for her "Devotion and Re- turning Thanks to God for this wonderful Mercy, faying, 25- Thus gra- cioufly has the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he look'd on me, to take away my Reproach, viz. the Reproach of Barrennefs, which was a very Great one, among Men, /'. e. the lews. \1 S.Luke, Chap. I. text. TRANSLATION. iify) 2 Sio/m IcomQ, % ofau A*, a man whole name was Tofeph, r ■ , • , „ ~ ., of the houfe of David ; and QiJ\' km to oio/io. TAi -arciffiw, the virgins name «>^o £&&<* k»- g^c TZf> ®ta. 31 Koq 1 eTbu 9 at/A- Aw^ji ev yasj°<, *oq T»£y lJoV Jtoq JCStAecraS to ovo^ot aorS IH5JOTN. 32 OuT@^ eVcq (iiya.$ , km ifos £4*<;bo x,Av1^»IffiTot^, x.oq ^ot| eu/nj) Higheft; and the Lord God {hall give unto him the throne of his father David. 33 And he lhall reign over the houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there fhall be no end. 34 Then faid Mary unto the angel, How fhall this be, feeing I know not a man ? 3 j- And the angel anfwer'd -.• -a.' r « .%/tsl, "<•_.. ' ~ a°d faid unto her, The holy >maV ° ayy*©* ««f «»rr Ghoft ^ come'upon lheey, rivttijCt* ct>iov e7r6Afc«o-EToq f^» at, and the power of the Higheft TV w&Tfos aJjito. 33 Koq £*- oiAew'«nj '^ roi oixov IeucaC as TtfS tti'ava$, x,oq tjjs j8*t7iAe4o!« cu^ oux. «ViAov Yiai 'i?ouj xmto, \-7tu olvS1^ V yivaoxo ; $f Koq Jtoq ^WUX/MS v-^qvv '6fa*pct mtyh' fhall overfhadow thee: there- fore alfo that holy thing which fhall be born of thee, fhall be call'd the Son of God. 36 And behold, thy coufin Elizabeth, fhe hath alfo con- ceiv'd a fon in her old age: S. Luke, Chap. I. I? TEXT. TRANSLATION. X) §T0$ fiUo 'WloS '(& 1 (UiTn tm K5t" & this is the fixth month with her who was call'd barren. 3*7 For with God nothing e& ^ ®e£ w£v W«t. 38 ET?re fhall be impoffible _, , , , , , 38 And Mary faid, Behold, to Mafias Wv, v fv\* Koww the handmaid of the Lord, be PARAPHRASE. Houfe of David ; and the Virgins Name was Mary. 28 And the An- gel came in unto her, and faid, Hail thou that art highly favour'd ; the Lord is with thee : blefied art thou among Women. 29 And when fhe law him, fhe was troubled at his faying, and caff, in her Mind what manner of Salutation this fhould be. 30 And the Angel faid unto her, Fear not, Mary : for thou haft found favour with God. 31 And be- hold, immediately from this time thou fhalt conceive in thy Womb, and bring forch a Son, and fhalt call his Name JESUS, i. e. Saviour ; for (0) be Jhall fave bis People from their Sins. 32. He fhall be Great, even no other than the fo long promis'd and expected Mejfias, and fhall be call'd, i. e. according to the Hebrew or Scripture way of Speakjng,foall Really be the Son of the Higheft or God; and the Lord God fhall give unto him as Man the Throne (p) of which fo much isjpokgn of in the Sacred Hi /lory among the fignalTromifes made to his Father or Anceftor David, viz. the Throne that Jhould be eftablijb'd for Ever. 33 And ac- cordingly he fhall reign over the True or Spiritual Houfe of Jacob, or the Ifrael (?) of God, i. e. the Church, for Ever, and of his Kingdom there fhall be no End. 34 Then laid Mary unto the Angel, How fhall this be, which you fay of my Conceiving immediate!) from this time, feeing I know not a Man, i. e. am at prefent a Virgin ? 35- And the Angel anfwer'd and laid unto her, The Holy Ghoft fhall come upon thee, and the Power of the Higheft fhall overfhadow thee: therefore alfo That Holy thing, ;'. e. Terfon which fhall be born of thee, (hall in this refpeff, as well as others, be call'd, i. e. really be the Son of God. 36 And be- hold, thy Coufin Elizabeth, fhe hath alfo conceiv'd a Son in her old Age, and this is the fixth Monih of being with Child with her who Was afore call'd Barren. And the fame "Divine Tower, that has caus'dher who was both Barren and pafl the Age of Child- bearing to conceive, can and will caujeyou alfo, tho' continuing a Fir gin, to conceive like wife. $"1 For with God nothing fwtable to his T>ivine Nature or Peifeffions fhall be imDoffible. 28 And Mary faid with (treat Faith aad Humility-, Behold. ■•'■ ■ "I — ' — — — — - — ■ ■■ -* 14 S. Luke, Chap. I. T E X~T. TRANSLATION?" yiioni [ui x*t» to fifii avu. Koej » unto me according to thy , ~ n . > ' ~ t ./ r^ word. And the angel departed «7njA7sy aw ojutvS o cLyJiA(Gy. ftQm ^er r 39 Avatfaca, St Mapia# sv ralj 39 And Mary arofe in thofe e / ,71 *_ * 'cl. «\ _y '., • days, and went into the hill- >o«pcc)S (Aureus, £77Dp«v3« eis Tico opy- J ' • . ,.r. T/-*t"~i «- ~i j j r *» r country with hafte, unto a city »ko ,tteTDS oajoufos , e<5 Mot^o*, «1S' 3COM e^AneO ttvuj^aI^' .. „.,! £— « c'v ,.0' a loud voice, and faid, Bleffed , , ; r\ , » r ' "r/ tnou arDong women, and an c* 3«> funrrtp TV Kt>- Lord fhould come to me? ei°u fMv nz&s fts, 44 WW 7^, 44 F.or io, atfoon as the , , , , x ~ , ~ voice of thy falutation fbund- as eysvem „ (pan tv «an9.oj& onv ed in mine ears, the babe leap'd Hi to ana (u>v, ientiphati oi iya.\- ia my womb for Joy. . / 1 \ n ' ~. . / 4? And blefled is fhe that Aixcni to &W& o* r, ^.A/a (#{. h^y,d . for lhert; flul] be a 4J* K«H /Moyc^a ^ TnTEyoaoa* oti performance of thofe things • J...~,, rrS:, •)l,\-\ ' ' ~ which were told her from the er«f Tihuaxns tdi5 AeA*A»,o«voi3 owtm t , *s^i Kueitt. 4<5 Ko^ e<7n Mapix^a* 46 And Mary faid, My foul Me>«A^'j « -Xy v« ^u to, Kufteor doth magnify lhe Lord> , , , ■. , T ~ , , „ 47 And my fpint hath re- 47 & X) joycJd in God my Saviour. ©ew t^ aa-ni&i juv. 48' On ivnQte- 48 Fof he hath regarded the . >ri2 w 1 c »' , ~ low eftate of his hand-maiden: ! , 1"?"™™ °aTV' for beholc1> from henceforth aU I^« ^, ^bra ? »t^ (JAi&pium fu Trams generations fhall call me bleffed. ',, ' ,„ z-v * ' ' 49 For he that is mighty ^v^. 49 Oy™,,*,*, *«,«. hath done to me great things, Awa 0 J>jy*T05, Xf ajioy tb ovo^ot ot^. and holy is his name. fo Kxj S.Luke, Chap. I. ir TEXT. TRANSLATION. fo Kocf to eAe(3^ ainvS us yc- yo And his mercy M.on them v „ /on/ > / that fear him, from generation nct,( ymm tois (pobou^ou avrov. t0 generation. ji E7n>,Ve Jce^T©^ ci /3^c^/ov» Ji He hath Ihew'd ftrength aura' nr. PARAPHRASE. *»irec7ion and Infpi- ration., (he fpake out with a loud Voice, and faid, Bleiled art thou among Women, in being thus made choice of by God to be the Mother of the MeJJias, and bletled is the Fruit of thy Womb. 43 And whence is this Honour done to me, that the Mother of my Lord, the Meffias or Chrifl, fhould come to viflt me ? 44 For lo, this is fo great an Honour, that aflbon as the Voice of thy Salutation founded in mine Ears, the very Babe within me, as if it were fenfible of the faid Honour, leaped in my Womb for Joy. 4J- And bleiled is ihe, /'. e. you Mary that believ'd the Meffage brought you by the Angel: for there fhall be a Performance of thole things which were told her, i. e. you Mary, from the Lord. 46 And then, by the fpecial Infphation of the Hly GhoB, Mary broke out into an Hymn of Thank/giving , and laid , My Soul do's magnify the Lord, 47 and my Spirit hath rejoyc'd in God my Saviour, on account of the tno/l extraordinary Favour he has vouchjaf'd unto me. 48 For he has regarded the low Eftate of his Hand- maiden : for behold, He has been fo far from flighting me on the account of my mean Condition, that he has done me the Greateft Honour in making choice of me to be the Mother of Chrifl ; on which Score, from henceforth all Generations Ihall call me i6 S.Luke, Chap. I. text. TRANSLATION. a/^voC£pSta< xhr^f. i"2 Ka8e<- A« Slwi^S ~&m fzjiai, tot) u^fflo-e o-«y aya^av, Jtaj 7ihou^uM7a,5 '(%*- ■mruM KiiVS. |"4 AyTsAct£eto Ia- with his arm, he hath fcatter'd the proud in the imagination of their hearts. y2 He hath put down the mighty from their feats, and exalted them of low degree. 53 He hath fill'd the hun- gry with good things , and the rich he hath fent empty &l>i\ ■&*\$\>i ttu7oJ, /xwodyixi l- away. A^, sy ( xs#«s iAiMn <&oi M; He hath holpen his fer- , , v , ~ p x vant Ifrael, m remembrance of t«j ■ar&in&.s *jJ%f, i$ AS^a^, &J mercy, x«i iaS auifftxTt «.vtv ) e<5 ts» m- Tf (As he fpake to our fa- pj ' \ \ thers, to Abraham and to his ava. y6 E,ae4y»nt /t«iT>tp ak^, e«7rsir Ou^' ^AA* xAn- 9«ff£^) Ifflxvvxf. 61 Kot) fclTniy ^05 auT^co- Oti toHsis '6§iv U tm ox»y- ymlct ovu, os KStAwTiX) t&) oiofixn tutu. 62 Eyeyewoy cfi 7$ 7ist7fl eu$, his father how he would have ' * cl'x v ~ is S6 And Mary abode with her about three months, and return'd to her own houle. J7 NowElizabeths full time came, that flie fhould be deli- ver'd ; and (he brought forth a fon. j8 And her neighbours and her coufins heard how theLord had fliew'd great mercy upon her ; & they rejoyc'd with her. 59 And it came to pals, that on the eighth day they came to circumcife the child; and they call'd him Zacharias, after the name of his father. 60 And his mother anfwer'd and faid, Not/o; but he fhall be call'd John. 61 And they faid unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is call'd by this name. 62 And they made figns to S.Luke, Chap. I. 17 TEXT. TRANSLATION. \alims '&) td oio/M*. dJ§. Koq ifau>- ywaoay 7iams. 64 Av«fflyS« Si to qo/JA cwy /st^^nfM , & « yAaJwo, euiTV Kon iXa.A{ zutoyav tov ©eov. t t^ opeivy His name is John. And they marvell'd all. 6a. And his mouth was o- pen'd immediately , and his tongue loosd, and he fpake, and prais'd God. given remarkable InBances of his Power an J Goodnefs, in that he has lcatter'd the Proud in the very Imagination of their Hearts, t. e. be- fore they have compa/s'd their proud "Dejigns '■ or elfe yi he has put down the Mighty from their Seats, i. e. fuch as were actually advancd to high Efiate ; and on the other hand exalted them of low Degree. 5-3 He has fill'd the Hungry with Good things, i. e. has unexpe&edly blefs'd the Needy and Z)e/litute with the Comforts of this World which they afore wanted; and on the contrary the Rich he has lent empty away, /'. e. brought to the greatejl Poverty. 74 But in ajpecial manner he has holpen his Servant, i.e. peculiar People Ifrael, in Remembrance of his Mercy, which he promts' d to fiew unto them, as in other rejpecls , fo above all in fending into the World a Saviour who fiould be defended of Them ; yy according as he fpake to our Fathers at fever al Times and in fever al Ages , viz. firs~l to Abraham, and afterwards to his Seed or Po/iertty ; and indeed this giving unto us and to the florid a Saviour is a BleJJing for Ever. 56 And Mary abode with her, 1. e. Elijabeth about three Months, and return'd to her own Houfe. S*] Now Elifabeths lull time came, that Ihe fhould be deliver'd; and The ^ f {he brought forth a Son. $8 And her Neighbours and her Coufins the&?«>{td5 Kiipios 0 ©60s t^ la^.n\ , on ir7Tia%i\a.rm xcq t7iiivtn huT^acnt to) Act£ out?' 69 *oq ny&pe xig?cs oaTnalot* »,tm, c* 79 oi')tffl AaCloA tv 7rcMJbS «.ut5' 70 Jtst^iis eAxAno-e 2^ gn'^etToS t a>iay t sc-tt eoavos '&foi3ncr>f nzzsm^iuo-A yap £2cTi>7roy Ku&ov, eToi/^aaaj os not read in Alex . Cant, and feveral other MSS. norVuIg. Lat. Syr. G Jthick, Coptick, Perf. Ethiop. Verfions, nor in Irenseus. It has been probably added by way of Explication. (r) This may be underllood Literally in refpedt of the Millenary Reign of the Saints on Earth. (/) The Oath here referr'd to is that recorded Gen. 21. 16— 18. and what is \\p-rt* (z\A rtf (~inA7£ ovsijit ititr tnttn ut tU*t nnp fhniilA tip rlplinipr rl. nut nf tUp k/tn/lc ro S. Luke, Chap. I, II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. TAd*S tzS Acta ou& oi *v o»tb»- 78 3/5 2zr?^* «A6«S 7g Through the tender mer- ©eS w/^A oJ ofs Imme-^xro v/mLs cy of "our God; whereby the « ?■, \ >e 1/ 1 i/Q_ ~ ~ day-fpring from on high hath aVtt(cA>j o£ u-^W 79 67i7l^°'S> 79 To give light to them -/fa. ~- J. ^tv,, r <*>/» ,', that fit in darkneis, and in the TV Y&TeUjlUlty TVS 7TMU.S HJUMJ 6(5 A , rji -j *™/.' | , r ,>» lhadow of death, to guide our oJ^n apjivas. 80 To'Jfe 7rc^^ioy it/fave feet into the way of peace. km c*&hvn wewV-n- **j fc* il 8o And the ^Ud grew and _. ,, »■:«'■/ » 7'Z waxed ftrong in fpirit, and was -reefs £p»Awu n»« >//«e** ava^eas ja tne deferts till the day of cam? „ / / . fl t that all the world fhould be ^7T5^ac(p« 'Qgyrn lyweTo iryifumoi- 2 (And this *tax was firfl TBS £ 2uei«« Kww/ou.) 3 Kaj two- *levy'd wjVen Cyrenius was go- , ' ' „ vernor of Syria.) P^ovto tsraHTH ^ra^otpecOa/, eJfjc- 3 And al] xvent t0 be tax>d> 9bs as -xicd /£icw 7roAiit. 4 A»e£»i every one unto his own city. Si x» *"™

. .1 / 'rom Galilee, out or the city 7ntea>$ Not<;«^> eti tko louScucu , of Nazareth, into Judea, unto as -tttjA.v AclG}, fas x*A«t«| B>fr- thfi; ,c,ty of David . which is s . , , ^ ' \ .t- »/ ca'^d Bethlehem, (becaufe he *«A«, ( a/5 to nrccf cutov c£ ojjwu was 0f thehoufe and linage of jcocj ■m.T&ia.i A«.CtJ\} f -zkmy%) avid) yuou\/U , oucy} iyyuou. child. 6 EycitTo ANNOTATIONS. ff) Zecbar. 3. 8. and 6. 12. in the Septuagint Verfion. (») Read my Paraphrafe on Matt. 4. 16. (*) Concerning this Expreflion, blithe World, being taken to denorc the Chief Empire of the World in the feveral Ages of holy Writ, fee Dan. z. 38. with my Paraphrafe and Note (m) thereon. (y) See Mr Marjhal'i Chronological Tables. Wit S.Luke, Chap. I, II. zi PARAPHRASE. is to be attain d by fincere Repentance, as a Condition Jo necefjary to the Remiffion of their Sins, that it need net be here exprejly mention d, but muB according to the whole Tenure of Scripture be here prefuppos'd to the Remtjjion of Sins : -ft lVhicb Remiffion Jhall be granted upon our Repentance, thro' the tender Mercy of our God ; whereby the MeJJias or Chriji, who, by reajon of the Clear Revelation which he JJiall make of God's Will in the Gofpel, is Figuratively Jlyl'd (t) in the OUT the Ri/ing Sun, or theOay-fpnng from on High, i.e. Heaven has vifited us, be- ing now conceiv'd in the Womb of the Bl. fir gin Mary, 79 in order to give (u) the Light of true Spiritual or Saving Knowledge by his Gofpel to them that fit in («) the Darknefs of Sin full Ignorance , and fo as it were in the Shadow (u) of Death; and by Means of the Light he thus gives unto us, to guide our Feet into the Way of Peace, i. e. tojhew us the true Way to Eternal Happinefs. 80 And the Child John grew, and wax'd ftrong in the Spirit, i. e.gave every Day more and more Evidences of his being endu'dwtth the Holy Spirit in an extraordinary manner ; and when he was come to Ripenejs of Tears, he was, /. e. kept himfelf in the Deferts till the Day or Time appointed of God for his fhewing unto Ifrael or the Jews, as a Prophet Jent from God. r • Chap. II. And it came to pafs in thofe days, 1. e- not long after this, The Birth of that there went out a Decree from Cefar Augufhis, the then Roman £>«. christ. peror, that all [x) the World, i. e. Roman Empire fhould be tax'd, /. e. everyPerjon therein fhould have his N.ime and Condition of Life fet down in the manner of Court-rolls , in order to the better knowing how to lay a Tax thro' the Empire or on the fever al Provinces thereof, when there fhould be Occafion. 2. ( And alt ho' this Decree in order to the j aid Tax came forth about this Time, yet this Tax was firft actually levy'd not till (y) about nine Tears after, when Cyrenms, or {as the Latins write the Name) Qgirinius was Governor of Syria, being fent thither. b)Auguflus to levy the f aid Tax according to the Valuation of Ejiates formerly made, viz. upon the Coming forth of the Decree aforementiond) 3 And all wen to give in their Names and Conditions, in order to be tax'd , when the Emperor jliauld Jee fit, Every one unto his own City, i. e. to the City where the Anceftors of his Family were born, or to the Difh'ifl andju- rifdtcJton of which the Village they were born in did belong; the Decree pub/iJJid by the Emperor ordering that this method fhould be objerv'd in Regifiring the Names and Conditions ofTerjons. 4 And accordingly joieph alio, as well as others, went up from Galilee, out of the City of - Nazareth where he dwelt, in the 'Province of Judea , unto the City of David which is call'd Bethlehem, (becanfe he was of the Houfe and Li- 1Z S.Luke, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 6 Eyiirm ioS/iaav Ojea70703wy, Jtoq £OT70.p)«yaffiv oLwnii, xot( ave*Ajyey avTov c* ta ci-jtcTj Totf®* or tS 8 Kx\ Tntf^jii v\p<* coms q>v?g.xsf.$ TT\i iukIos '$n tu^ ■ml/^iiui ttJ-rav. 9 Kctj \lv, xfyi- Ao« K'JSM InvTH cL'jTms, x) $X%% Ku- Sfloay po©oy ^tuj^cv. 10 K*j ei?rey cwtdTs 0 a.Iyi'hsi' M» poCaoQ-e- i'5"S* >^>° j eJa/j^A/^o^ ^Tv ^«^c» A«- yxAho , #71* eTctf ■stc^ti 7» Acta. 11 Otj £"ny9w ^"^' ;- TWp, ■ (of '627 Xd^srss Kue^oi) £y toA^ AxClX. 12 Kotj T*70 t/^twy TO J- /*«ov Ecpjiom |8pep(S}-' icarxfyxice- /c^oot, xa'^o? |y th parry. 1 3 Koq ifr / » / '?»'»' d$xiirar 14 Aofa ci li-yi^is ©ja, x.oq '6fo >5f apivvt, c* «y')'Pa'7BIS wJW*. ij Kc^ iyi- Wn , as x7T>rA%i xtf au>T§f as Toy avgp.101 o«' otyyiAfii, Xcq 0/ av- Jp*7ni o» TnifjdfH ei/7oy ^s^i aMn« 6 And fo it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplifh'd that (he fhould be deliver 'd. ■7 And the brought forth her firft-bom fon, and wrapp'd him in fwadling cloaths, and laid him in a manger, becaufe there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the fame country fhepherds abiding in the field , keeping watch over their flock by night. 0 And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord fhone round about them ; and they were fore afraid. 10 And the angel faid unto them r Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which fhall be to all people. 1 1 For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Chrift the Lord. 12 And ihis Jba M fo a fign unto you; Ye fhall find the babe wrapp'd in iwadling cloaths, lying in a manger. 13 And fuddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly holt praifingGod, and faying, 14 Glory to God in the highefl , and on earth peace , good will towards men. 15 And it came to pafs, as * foon as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the fhepherds faid one to ano- AoiS* S. Luke, Chap. II. x^ TEXT. TRANSLATION. X.0U[ \St0fit1 7D ptffMf. TV7B 7D yty- VOJ , ther, Let us now go even uato Bethlehem, and lee this thing which is to come to pals, which the Lord hath made known unto us. I(j Raj wr. PARAPHRASE. grt/-','*» lhey made known abroad pyftot.1®' TV AaAM^yroS 007515 her heart. Ayo* £y r? k*P£i* at,™?. 20 Ka, 2Q And the mepherds re_ Z7iii-l>&v 01 Ttvtfiivts, Jo^a^oyns x, turn'd, glorifying and praifing ~.*Z.$„ S. <=*,L »/Oi _£,«. „f, S*uJP < God for all the things that they „ , , , , Y "ad heard, and feen as it was e«fby v&Jas £AaA«9tt az^i ttvTVS. told unto them. 21 Kot)oTee^A«o3n«^^ep«fo?t7« « And when eight days ~ c < is.' > ' » /o were accomplifh'd for the cir- t* ifeA-ntMi 7, mboif x«j «tA„9a cumcifing £ the child> his to oyo^Mt o*t5 Intro us, to x.A»7Ey name was call'd JESUS, which c \ ~ > ' ,, _ * t» .. «~ was fo nam'd of the aneel ^,7 ?"?v v? * «^"^- before he was conceiv'd inrhe votj aoToy ey t^ jcoiA'a. womb. 22 kocj o'ts i^w «i W- i, p. AndGwhen the days.of „, r ■ , „ , their purification, according pq Ty jc*>&jo7aoJ "■ aural KStT» to the law of Mofes, were ac- Tjy yoooy Manas , iihy. <\r \ \ _~ ,v ~ ' 24. And to offer a facrifice XA^OIT-, )( 24 ^ T^ A^ acco^mg tQ tha£ which |s fa|d J'jtnav, j^ito to eipn^Eyov oi yo^a in the law of the Lord, A pair Kweiou, (euy©- 7ffU>py«y, S^o of turtle-doves, or two young yeaiwous nt n him J oo7B/. 26 Ko] ka !?h°ft; ius to 7rsu|jov IvovuZ, tv Jefus> fo do for him after the ■ \- ' ^ 'a ' ~ cuftom of the law, mwW «*t«s icscia % a^voy tw 28 Then look he him up vojttv -a^J ou$' 28 «jj cto7D5 £JS|aTo in his arms, and blefs'd God, » i ' _ii. ' \ < ~ s ' a°d faid, otOTO as 7«f ayyjtAoj at/TV, x. eu- T j 1 .» n. 1. , T ~ , 2£ Lord, now ietteft thou Ao^xor t ©eov, £ U7n- 29 N^'^re- thy fervant depart in peace, xLus rfttii ». 30 O71 &i, vl1 \* which were fpoken of him. ynni cu>t\!S 2,vfM0ii, x, wm isfos M*. and faid unto Mary his mother, p»o> ¥ pmpa oo^- I JV, ^rcs *e7) ^old this f^ is fet for the *«*••• »-» ~ > )A , xetj as f^jor flia11 be rPoken a'g»inft : f , ~ ,. , ■. ~ i) 1 • , 3 j (Yea, a i word (hall pierce 3f («j <* J* cw-nif t >^v ^Ae«. through thy own foul alio) c*3 pojuQaux) ottos oil ~&ni&\vpjQ6- iliac the thoughts of many «„ ' 11'- iv. ~ „ , v f' hearts may be reveal'd. ^y c^ TTCMay xjcpStcy q&tovopoi. ^ An j there was one Anna 3(J Keej Um Ay»a 'Zj^^tis, ^i;ji(po fit tons of Mens Hearts may be di /cover d. 36 And there was one Anna a Prophetefs, the Daughter of Phanuel, of the Tribe of Afer ; ANNOTATIONS. x8 S.Luke, Chap. II. text. TRANSLATION. $owyjjA, o/x. ~&7n Vnpv, wraoqs £ (ffeJiorcrj AetT^euycra YUX.& ^ iifitpew. 38 Kct) aurvi aurij Kvfia, Jceq i\a.\{ 'o£j av§ mvi tdiS •BfooSb^ftJtiois Au7f aovt h Iepyaw\>il«. 39 Kct) as £TEAeaa.v aravtst 7« ^r;> t vo^ttoy Ko&itf, V7n^pi-\a» us r r&AiA&wa*, els 7* 77tAiv oJtov Nfc^apeO. 40 To JV TTOJjhoi W%CUIi, x.ou\ c>#p«.- $ ")(>>£M ©eoc) lu> ITC OLVTO. 41 Kouj «77t>peuovw 01' y>ms aurS 3C£T 6705 «s IjpyaaA»(« tm eopTvi' Ttf JTO^a. 42 K*j 078 ly'tn^o etbv sat)Au- #cc 5ytT» 70 e^os £ eop77is, 43 Kc^ 7iAwaaav7oy t»s tiftipctf, ev 79 ut7B- n»tf <>»7wl. 44 Ityuowms A 44 But they, fuppofing him e»T3» 0* T« ctw/oSl'a. eTvcq , jfA^oy to have been in the company, «*-/''*» 1 >" >/ > \ , went a days journey; and they yiuzpcLi odor xou aveCviTotu/ oaTOV £» /- Lu L_ 7 ■ 1 ■ */* o" , , ~ ,. • 'ought him among their kins- tdTs c./y>tVeC7i Jtoq or 7b7s yvagoTs. folk and acquaintance. 4f K«j pi envies ewrw, ^jaim. , . 4* And when they found -!, -1 <- s^ ^ j v^w ^ r him not, they turn d back again ^cw as IepyowAa^, Qurvi-ns aw-m/. tojeruialera, feeking him. ±6 Kaq ey4vero , pf We** ltf«* c 4„. . v , » , ~ « after three days they round him euyv awT9» of Si. queftioos. 47 E^i'faiS JV Brims 0/ t 1 ' ~ . were aftonifh'd at his under- OOTV, 07T Til OKi/tOT X.OM mis xtb- a j- j r ' 3 I V > Son, why » jtMiTWp ou^ et7rg- Tex.vov, 71 £7ro<»i- haft thou thus dealt with us? cus h£v Vw, ft« S tot«p 6-y x.a>J behold, thy father and 1 have , „ , ' fought thee forrowing. ohwv^oi tCprvtw ffi. 49 Kstf 49 And he faid unto them, e<7ni 'Sffls alrir jl o-n 'ifyruii ym. ; How is it that ye fought me? > .r., „ , ~ t- / _r * knew ye not that I muft be We. »f«7« 07! 6K 7015 y TOTfOS ^ ^ aboQt m^ Father,s bufinefs ? uiaq fie; yo Koq ou-toi v uvnifsi jo And they underftood not jf, d »% /. ' ~ m T, \ the faying which he fpake un- 7D pYlfJUL 0 t\x\y[<7l1 OUiTOlS. f I Kct) tQ ^^ ° ^ K9i7«S>i (Wel ootSv , ^ jjA^' «'f Na- 5^1 And he went down with f^- >& % MfcowdtHS (uJtbTs. Kot,' ^T ' '"J ""I? t0 NaZ"Ctb f « ' 'T^r. 'j '«• i«' J and was fubjeft unto them : >f piTvip cu-v ^eTnp1 T T T T ..I, 7.L.. ... /■-... ,„7./3, g i 5. Luke, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. iiyiiumorns iWv riiA*7V £ loo- Pontius Pilate being governor , o / of J udea, and Herod being te- Xqcbt , *, •m?*fW'ns * TciAtA*^ trarch 0f Galilee, and his bro- HpaJS*, SiXiTCTtv Si X aJUpS «*£ ther Philip tetrarch of Iturea, o r 4 / and of the region of Trachoni- m?*fXWni * I^P*^ & Tp*^,H- tis? and Lyiamas the tetrarch -nJbs ^£?t5 , ^ At/trotv/v £ ACiAvmvis of Abilene, * > > / . 2 Annas and Caiaphas being •xiTf^fTOS, ^ 2 i* aPW«. Aw* the hlgh.prjeftSj theF word 05f Jtaj Kaixp*, iyntTO pupa. ®eod 'Qti God came unto John the fon ¥ ' f. .J- „.£ v- ~»'c.»- 'i. «i «-C of Zacharias in the wildernefs. , ^ A V ~ , 3 And he came into all the Ipn/uct. J K*| J)A?s» as jraoav tico country about Jordan, preach- T&W&1 * Iop&vy, xMf&asw Hldi- JPS «he kpt'fra of repentance, ^ , , „ , for the remnlion or lins ; cpa. fAimioiat £4 5 ctipera a.(tApnc»r 4 As it is written in the book 4 <^ yt^xw*) e» 0/GfcB Aoyav HcujV of the wor^s of Efaias the pro- r / x/ ' N „ ~ phet, faying. The voice of one * oypiiTV, \ty>rns- 9ai» goayTos crying m £e Wlldernefs> Pre. tv Ty ifv/AU' E70J/«6aaTi t o«Tb\ Kt/- Pafe ye the way of the Lord, , >. , ' ~ i //3 , _o make his paths ftraight. t».w, uJucls Truism ras 7?i£ys «*. y Every valley fhall befill'd, f naoa q>i&y% W?wip»9>lWaj, £ and every mountain and hill ^ „ , x , Ihall be brought low; and the 7ia» epos x*) (loiujQi SMr«vo)9»««, x«| a^ llle r0lJ8h waYs {hali bc t , , j , , made fmooth ; oq -7?*^««q £4J oStfS Aeietj-. 6 >toq 6 And all fieQi fhall fee the o-xU7oe| to}<&ofAt>ois titude that came forth to be 0 vAois Mc&v*! rxl^r' air*- Hy- baPtiz'd of h,m> ? gyration '? 1 or VIpers> who hath warnd r/\[XATO. i^i^mi , ra rsZj&ij^ufcu you to flee from the wrath to c~ ~,\-~ r »~ come ? W» \ « t: • k. % t \ gin °ot to fay within your /rtmiMtf- S^n ^^ JWy « ?elV€s> We h/ve Ab^han", t0 eotoTDTs* FlaTS^c eY0|«g» t ACpact^- o«r father: for I fay unto you, N/ «'~f/ tv'ii '<-,»» «9 that God is able of thefe ftones Ae^ y>^.v, oTi W/«, o ©eos f* T t0 raift up chll(]ren unw Abra. Ai^y T^TWy £Jfe(pa| te'jcv«, tsS A^paot^. ham. 9 HJM S.Lttke, Chap. III. 33 TEXT. TRANSLATION. £v tTtviTptfi jce7Di$* O iyen Sbo vu Twyo,*, (jcrntSbTa 7jjD jam evovn* *ocj o '1%cm fyayuafig. , ouotai 7itnuro>. 12 HA%» i- roq* x.eq a Troy {ji' fAvfoi Tthioi (QrQy. tb Q^ef.'ii'nK.yfJ.iioi vfiuy 'Q&.oj-ni. 14 ETmpaTtfy A ooTov ^u tay70S iM TV Aetocf , xa) Sf&T&yifyfyjai 7rayT«y ly toTs K£p- $1*jS ai>7wy Tree* tv laayyy, fMi7n% auuTos ut\ 0 XbtqoS, 16 kmtfUatfo 0 laxins , ct-jracTi Aey»v Eyct fAi t%v£$Tt&$ ,«y, £ £& y'^ai j'k^vos Au- fltt) T Ifi&nO. T "N^STO^ ,1*470) y 0*70^' % -mitt. 17 Qu 70 Tiluoy sy th vapi <"$* & S^J-XS^ae^ t ctAaya ft'JTfc* k*1 uuvxc,i 7Bi en-ray «5 t£co "zhrozfr,- kIui at/TV 70 cffc aiyy&l }(acmx.aocnf *7a»e4 iffCeVa. 18 FloiWa $ y> & down , and caft into the fire. 10 And the people ask'd him, faying, What fhall we do then ? 1 1 He anfwereth and faith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him dolikewife. 12 Then came alfo publi- cans to be baptiz'd, and fa id unto him, Mafter, what (hall we do ? 13 And he faid unto them, ExacT: no more than that which is appointed you. 14 And the foldiers like- wife demanded of him, faying, And what (hall we do? And he faith unto them , Do vio- lence to no man , neither ac- cufe any falfly, and be content with your * pay. \S And as the people were in expectation , and all men mus'd in their hearts of John, whether he were the Chrifl or not; 1 6 John anfwer'd, faying unto them all , I indeed bap- tize you with water ; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whofe fhoes I am not worthy to unloofe : he fhall baptize you with the holy Ghoft, and with fire. 1 "7 Whofe fan is in his hand, and he will throughly *cleanfe his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner: but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable. 18 And many other things S.Luket Chap. III. 35" TEXT. TRANSLATION. AcVoj vie msS'^e} Hpa£ixs -£ >t/vq- 7rc«Tav a* iTmwtt vnnfoii 0 Hpasi\iJ, 20 wycrE^Wite Jtcq tStd '^i sraa:, in his exhortation preach'd he unto the people. ip But Herod the tetrarch, being reprov'd by him for He- rodias his brother Philip's wife, and for all the evils which He- rod had done, 20 Added yet this above all, PARAPHRASE, hewn down, and cafl into the Fire. 10 Such were the Lnflruclions hi gave in general to All; and as to the Duties more peculiar to the fever al Sorts and Conditions of Men, when the People ask'd him, faying, What fhall we do then, that we may not be caB into Hell- fire} n He an- fwers and fays unto them, He that has two Coats, /. e. one to [pare, let him impart /'/ to him that has none ; and he that has Meat to /pare, let him do likewife , i. e. As ye are to objerve all other Common 'Duties of Life, fo efpecially be carefull thatyejhew Charity to the truly Poor and Heed), according to your Ability, by Cloathing the Naked, and Feeding the Hungry, and the like. 12 Then came alio Publicans to be baptiz'd, and faid unto him, Mailer, what (hall we do, /'. e. what more 'peculiar Duty are we to objerve? 13 And he faid unto them, Tou are peculiar- ly to be Carefull, that ye Exail no more from Others for Taxes and the like, than that which is appointed you by the Law. 14 And the Sol- diers likewife demanded of htm, faying, And what (hall we do more pe- culiarly} And he faid unto them, Tour more peculiar Duty is , to do Violence to no Man, neither to accufe any falfly as difaff'etled to the Go- vernment, that you may have the 'Pillaging or Plundering of them; and to be content with your Pay. 15- And as the People were in expecta- tion that He would make feme further Mamfeftation of him/elf and All Men mus'd in their Hearts of John, whether he were the Chrifi or not; 16 John anfwer'd, faying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with Water ; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whole Shoes I am not worthy to unloofe : he flnll baptize you with the Holy Ghoft, and with Fire. 17 Whofe fan is in his Hand, and he will throughly cleanfe his Floor, and will gather the Wheat into his Garner ; but the Chaff he will burn with Fire unquenchable. 18 And many other things in his exhortation preach'd he unto the People. 19 But, to put here together All the Hijiory of John Baptijl , which is deliver d by the two fnrtvipr PihinopliFlt f-'tiaratph nr in fian ditliuFl hlaces of iht-ir (7nft>f>lt 3* S. Luke, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. g KjitsxAwji t I«xvv»y sy if puAaxw. th-at he fhut up John in pri- 21 E>wto JlS ci t$ QxtAhOtwih 2I Now *while all the peo- 2tTOV7W t Aaoy, $ Inov /2a.<7j]ic(Sh=ii7os P^ were baptizing, it came to »ov 22 >9 j^TaQvoq td miv/Mt, 75 ct>io? cra^TiJiO) fct^, aa£4 'Z^TEpxv, it au-njy xou\ y (as otofti- £«td) ijoj lacnip, TV HAj, 24 T? MotT^aT, tS Aim, tJ MeA^i, tS Iayya., tv Iatnxp, 2 y tS Ma-rla^ty, TV Aftas, TV Ncto^u, TV EcrAi, TV Nienx, TV Zo£$£x£eA , TV SaAa^ A , TV N»d, 28 TvMeA^l, tv AWi, TV Kara!^ , TV E\fcaJ\xju , TV Hp, 29 tv Ia>a>j, tv EAie£ep, ry Iapy^, rv M*T7«!r, tv A<&/, pafs that Jcfus alfo being ba- ptiz'd, and praying, the heaven was opsn'd ; 22 And the holy Ghofl de- fended in a bodily fhape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which faid, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleas'd. 23 And Jcfus himfelf began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was fuppos'd) the fon ofjofeph, which was the fon ofHeli, 24 Which was the Jon of Matthat, which was the fon of Levi , which was the fon of Melchi, which was the fon of Janna , which was the fon of Jofeph, 25- Which was the fon of Mattathias, which was the fon of Amos, which was the Jon of Naum, which was the fon of Efli, which was the fon of Nagge, 26 Which was the fon of Maath, which was the fon of Mattathias, which was the Jon of Semei , which was the Jon ofjofeph, which was the fon of Juda, 27 Which was the fon of Joanna, which was the fon of Rhefa, which was the fon of Zorobabel, which was the fon of Salathiel, which was the fon of Neri, 28 Which was the fon of Melchi, which was the fon of Addi, which was the fon of Cofam, which was the fon ofElmodam, which was the fon of Er, ip Which was the fon of Jofe, which was the fon of Eliezer, which was the fon of Jorim, which was the fon of Matthat, which was the fon of Levi, 30 TV S.Luke, Chap. III. 37 PARAPHRASE. m. His ^Aze at tin's Cc- done afore, that he firjl fliut up John in Pafon, and then fometime after beheaded him. 21 Now while all Sorts e/the People were baptizing by 'John, it ch"^ came to pafs that Jefus alio came out of Galilee to be baptized of l)im\t>w&d- and being baptiz'd, and come out of the Water, while he was pray- ing, the Heaven was open'd ; 22 and the Holy Ghoft defcended in a Bodily Shape, or vifibly, like a Dove upon hun , and a Voice came from Heaven, which faid , Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleas'd. 23 And Jefus himfelf began (l)nowat his Baptifm to be about thirty Years of Age \ being Really bom after a Miraculous manner only of the time, and his Flight Mary, but as was fuppos'd the Son of'Joieph as well a s of his "^ °r Pedc Wife Mary; it being Commonly thought that Jefus was procreated of Both the aforejaid feifons after the ordinary Manner ofProcreation. Now this Jofeph was Literally or Naturally (m) begot by Jacob, (as Malt. 1. \6.) but then being thus begot of Jacob on the fVtdow of his deceas'd Brother Hell, in order to raije up Seed to his J aid Brother according to the Law, hence thejaid Jofeph was Legally, or in the Conjh uflion of the Law, the Son of the [aid Heir, and therefore St Luke [peaks of him in this Legal Senfe, when he Jap, that Jefus was fuppos'd to be the Son of Jofeph , who was the Son of'Hcli. 24 /Igain it is obfervable , that tho 'Jacob and Heh had Both one and the fame Mother, jet they had two different Fathers; Both which were defended from cDavid, but from different Sons of 'David, viz. Jacob's Father from Solomon, (as M-itlh. 1. 7.) and Hell's Father from Nathan, (v. 31.) thus : who (viz. Heli) was the Son of Matthat , who was the Son of Levi, who was the Son of Melchi , who was the Son of Janna, who was the Son of Jofeph, 25- who was the Son of Mattathias, who was the Son of Amos, who was the Son of Naum, who was the Son ofEfli, who was the Son ofNagge, 26 v. ho •was the Son of Maath, who was the Son of Mattathias, who was the Son of Semei, who was the Son of Jofeph, who was the Son of Juda, 27 who was the Son of Joanna, who was the Son of Rhefa, who was the Son of Zorobabel, who was the Son ofSalathiel, who was the Son ofNeri, 28 who was the Son of Melchi, who was the Son of Addi , •who was the Son of Cofam, who was the Son of Elmodam, who was the Son of Er, 29 who was the Son of Jofe, who was the Son of Elie- zer, who was the Son of Jorim, who was the Son of Matthat, who was the ANNOTATIONS. (/) See my Treatife of the Harmony of the Goffels, §. 1 1. 3 8 S.Luke, Chap. Ill, IV. TEXT. TRANS L A T I 0 N. 30 t5 2itf«»», TV I&k, TVl««p, . 30 Which was tie fin of x ~ _ 1 ~ Simeon, which was the fon or tv l»w,jn Etonx*/*, 31 t* jlld3j which was the fon of MeAsot, t? Metjvav, TV MaT?*^, Jofeph, which was the fon of ~ vi a. ' T" a P n ~ Jonan , which was the fon of TV l*"' . ' j2 T* Eliakim, Kara], TV HCjiJ, TV Boo£, tv 2a- Mattatha, which was the Jon of fh, t£" 1V&., 34 TV UxAC, TV Nathan, which was the fin of , *, ^ v , ~ David, Ira,**., tv AG^a.^, TV ©*p«t, TV 32 which was /A? /o» of Nayap, 37 Tfc 2, TV **Aex, TVjiGep, TV 2**2, Booz> whlch was /Ar /6„ of 3j, TV 2"i% tv AiV, TV ©eod. Phares, which was the fon of Juda, 34 Which was the fon of Jacob, which was the fori of Ifaac, which was the fon of Abraham, which was the fon of Thara, which was the fon of Nachor, 3 j Which was the fon ofSaruch, which was the fon of Ragau, which was the fon of Phalec, which was the fen of Heber, which was (he fon of Sala, 36 Which was the fon of Cainan, which was the fon of Arphaxad, which was the fori ofSem, which was the fon ofNoe, which was tie fon of Lamech, 3*7 Which was the fon of Machufala, which was the fin of Enoch, which was the fon of Jared, which was the Jon of Maided, which was the fon of Cainan, 38 Which was the fon ofEnos, which was the fon ofSeth, which was the [on of Adam, which was the fon of God. tt - a« r > •« / Chal}- IV- Kttp. V. lwvi Si TnfvfuiGs a)-iV And Jefus being full of the ■xhlifK imUi ^bri V looS&V -l hoIy Ghoft> return'd fromjor- !/«■', p / , „ dan, and was led by the fpirit t,ytb ti 75) ttv^^ti £15 Tit* ep>yui, int0 the wildernefs, 2 Repots S.Luke, Chap. Ill, IV. PARAPHRASE. 39 the Son of Levi, 30 who was the Son of Simeon, who was the Son of Juda, who was the Son of Jofeph, who was the Son of Jonan, who was the Son of Eliakim, 31 who was the Son of Melea, who was the Son of Menan, who was the Son of Mattatha, who was the Son of Na- than, who was the Son of David, 32 who was the Son of JefTe, who was the Son of Obed, who was the Son of Booz, who was the Son of Salmon, who was the Son of Naaflbn, 33 who was the Son of Ami- nadab, who was the Son of Aram, who was the Son of Elrom, who was the Son of Phares, who was the Son of Juda, 34 who was the Son of Jacob, who was the Son of iiaac, who was the Son of Abraham, who was the Son of Thara, who was the Son of Nachor, 3^ who was the Son of Saruch, who was the Son of Ragau, who was the Son of'Phalec, who was the Son of Heber, who was the Son of Sala, 36 who was the Son of Cainan, who was the Son of Arphaxad, who was the Son of Sem, who was the Son of Noe, who was the Son of Lamech, 37 who was the Son of Mathufala, who was the Son of Enoch, who was the Son of Jared, who was the Son of Maleleel, who was the Son of Cai- nan, 38 who was the Son of Enos, who was the Son of Seth , who was the Son of Adam, who was the Son of God, not by natural Gene- ration, but by Creation. Chap. IV. And Jefus being full of the Holy Ghoft, return'd from Jor- dan after he bad been there baptiz'd, and was led by the Spirit into the by'theiw.' Wildernefs, *-»■ IV. His Temptation ANNOTATIONS. ing j and confequently have been deliver'd down to the fucceeding Chriftians in the next moft Primitive Ages, who folve the Difference in the two Genealogies in the fame manner mention'd in the Paraphrafe. Nay, it feems very flrange that Si Luke fhould not have known this ; for had he known any fuch thing, and agreeably thereto purpos'd to have given us the Natural Pedegree of Mary, he would futely have exprefs'd himfelf after a very different manner, and mere clearly, viz ir;ftead of faying, Jefus — Being (at iuos fuppos'd) the Son of Jofeph, who -was the Son of He/i , He would rather havefaid, Jejus — being the Sou of Mary, mho was the Daughter of He I/, &c. V. 36. f Cainan is not read in the Hebrew or Samaritan Copy of Genefis. However it is thought no wonder that it fhould be here mention'd by St Luke, when he elfewhere follows the Septuagint, even where ic differs from the He- brew, as Atis 7. 14. Of which in its place. It is fufficient to obferve here, that there are not wanting fome Confiderations to induce us to believe, that Cainan was added to the Septuagint by fome After-hand, and alfo to St Luke from the LXX- Or if it were not fo, yet this do's not at all affect the Authority of this Gomel, Gnce the LXX' might u^aName, which Moles had for Brevity fake 4-o S. Luke, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. TV' 2 Yifiepas Ttoj?x.£y.xovlai. wupnQfApos •\jzuv tZ 2/ao'CoAy xvj) One 'i7H^» WejvotffF. ? Koti eia Cpa\Ta\ 0 av^pa- ttcj, ^A\ 'Oh ■arJp'n pyi/x^rt ®ioS. $• Kou) a.ia.ya.yj)') au>itvo 2J^.QoAos eis c'pos u^Aoy , 'iht^ii twitji -mxv, twj @a.2*eUl ObTOV 071 1/tCOi <5>^Sj44 07rt:r&> ,«ou 2*- rova.1 yv^xiaom yap nyffxac/^ae*? Ku£^ov t ®ioi « tf 0£V, /ixAe C7CW7BV £V/^75» ^tcd" 10 >-ep^cc-7r?(Xf yap Otj 7e7s ay^AoiS otoTW cjTi\uTou\ -o^j o-ocT, V a/j.?uAct|ot) ov 11^ o\}S "Spas A<'9ov T 7ii$)x. cry. 1 2 Koq ^brox.ex'J'as, aim aui$ 0 Inovs* Oi% e^purq' Oux. iK'rtagy.o-iJiS YLuZaov 7ev ©eo» crcu. 13 Kot) oiwnKie&c, -mi - to sre»g$>coju,ov 0 :^!£oA(3^, «7rt)ta*i o^viA^s K*^;' oA>i5 £ of him through all the region c / . . c ' •> i° t.t ' 'i round about. tjfe)A9s» ui rluL Ntt^e^-, 16 AndhecametoNazareth, * t* _a. 0 '/Ki » ' ~% nif \ nfi ' phetEfaias; and when he had ^tv- *eq xixvlufa to frQ\,o,, £pen>d the book, he found the tuft tci T07iw ou Lu yt^&fiiidjjov place where it was written: 18 rWfc* Kwdot/ tit iu*, oZ hi- . l8 The fP|™ of «hf Lord „ , , r „ is upon me , becaule he hath 5U» tXU(ri P*' «"uy»AVo&«f w''a' anointed me to preach the go- vols a^fstAxi r« , utoaeQa/ Tfe« fpel t0 the Poor> he hath fent 0 , , , . , . *. me to heal the broken-hearted, ouumcwMntf -riu, xstpJto, xnpt^ot t0 preach deliverance to the a^/UatAa-rtNS oL(p6<7jy , xaj TvipAoTs captives, & recovering of light 2„ ' P\ 1 v.'_» ~«'J « /to the blind , to fet at liberty ayaGA^y , *a»WA«, T^pcu^yo*; them ^ ar£' bruIS>dj or iqxo-^' 19 Kvifu^an eyiaoToy Kt>- I0 To preach the accepta- Oov JUto'i. 20 Kaj w7t5P«* to He year of the Lord. c,/0. / *>* -4 -v^r* , anc] hegave ., agajn tQ the mi. cvxa^io-e' x.ol\ ■nra.iTm oi tw <7zwa- nifter, and fat down : and the ^«^« J i*tL \ „ ', ?:,,»,. > >? _, eyes of all them that were in , ? !•■,.. tne iynagogue were raiten d ori autTtj). 21 Hf^aTO A Ae'ye^y e$°os him. auTVS- O77 c^eyy Tr^^Ta* 2,x And he began to fay un- v „ , »••«■«'«, to them, This day is this fen- « yt>

J auT« Of Tots «oiv i//^/*. pture fulfiU'd in your ears. 22 Kocj S» Luke, Chap. IV. 4,3 PARAPHRASE. SECTION III. Containingfuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St Luke, From Chrift s Entring on the more Publick Part of his Miniftry, which was fometime after the Paflbver that was in the thirty fecond Tear of his Life, {but A. D. 30.) To the Paflbver next enjuing, or in the thirty third Tear of his Life, {but A.D. 31.) Which Particulars take up Chap. IV. 1 4 — Chap. V- ult. How the Gap here, in this Go/pel, as to the Former or more Private chrift begins his Part of Chris? s MmisHiy, is to be fupplyd from the Gojpel of St John ,™°re FMhKM- may be feen in my Paraphrafe between Matt. 4. v. 1 1 , and 1 2. St Luke, "'firy' like the two former Evangelijls, prefently after Chrifl's Temptation, pro- ceeds here to give an Account of his more Public \Miniftry in the follow- ing manner: 14. And Jeius, having heard that John Baptift was cast into Pnjon, return'd by the Power of the Spirit, /. v//, goJ- was, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath-day ; and now he dta^'t1 to i'"h,mt 1 /• 11 n j 1 n r 1 11 1 it 17 > ; 1 whereupon he not only jo, but alfo ltood up, and as/^d for the Bible that belong d to /Of/MWrNaiar«h. faid Synagogue to be brought him for to read, and expound fame Portion of Scripture, as was ufual to be done. 1-7 And, there was deliver'd unto him tneBook of the Prophet Uziahfome Portion of that Biok being pro- bably in Courje to be then read and expounded; and when he had open'd the Book, he found, or by the 2)irec7ion of Providence lighted on, the Place, viz. Ifai- 6. 1. where it was written : 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, becaufe he hath anointed me to preach the Gofpel to the Poor, he hath fent me to heal the Broken-hearted, to preach Deliverance to the Captives, and recovering of Sight to the Blind, to fet at Liberty them that are bruis'd, 19 to preach the acceptable Year of the Lord. 20 And he clos'd the Bfcok, and he give it again to the Minilter, and fat down : and the Eyes of#l ihem that were in the Synagogue were faften'd on him, expecJin? to bear IVhat Expofition he would give of the 44 S. Luke, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. t^*cJ/t«t^oir '^7 toTs Aojpis £ £*pi£*> t, eAejPv* Ouy 5j"tb5 £9Jh b \\o$ lacnxp; 23 Keq wm "sifoi dusui* YlwTtts i(a- ts /mi t ^PctCoAlto (5jTJjs <$W]fl$ £9Z» £» TM 7Ta7)f fo au£ 2 J E-7T aAii^ew^ j^ h feis «|Ue'pot|j HA/V ev tS ItrpctJiA, eT8 exAeloSv 0 y^os '(dn "ita Tpi'ct x) ptva« e£, «s iyiifn XifMi [Ayts '0n TTetaav t^ piu/. 26 K*) '3^5 ©fofe- (tuar cuiTai i7n/ui r\f rVipm \iroe 4-6 S.Luke, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 28 Koq e/*A«aSfr<£ tovtk fufti h Ta avocfaWs o^cCaAov cuiTey efa t?)S wtiAeaS- Jt(*| y\yt uroi 'eces th$ opcuas TV ofVS, itp \£ v\ 7nKis ac7&y aowJb'/xwie, eis to j^&jqw^v/aaj otToy. 30 Autos Si h&hjcti 2^ /ueaV out- 31 Kccj Y&TYlhJiV US KcLTnpXM fly 7roAiy tyu raAiAouov $ fai SlJ^axasv euTVS ii rois s axj§. 33 Ket) Y£j.z,t io-y Na.£c^»iv£; JiA^ss ^TreAestq vfuis ; oi(§)-■ t£ ©eotF. 3f K*j etts- #n/wtui» currS 0 UavZs , \iyav $'- ^uaQfl-n, xq e£eA?s c£ ow'tocF. Kou\ pi-^OLt OLUTOi TO J\oC\JM1t01 US TO /au> owtdv. 36 Keq tytwn fe/u&os '£& tou^- $ ozcotAxAw ■of Is "Swii- A«?, Aeyvns- Tis 0 Aoy>s Vtoj, otz £y dZ,Sio\aL x.014 Sxwifi{ 'Qma.or{ tdTj ajyt^apToiS ■muina.01, Jtoq J^ep^iTom ; 17 Koq i^frnfUjiTX) Jiyos ^< ouitX US 7ISVR& TDTTOy T1 •Z^l'MoVt 28 And all they in the fyna- gogue, when they heard thefe things, were fill'd with wrath, 29 And rofe up, and thrufi him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill (whereon their city was built) that they might calt him down headlong. 30 But he pafling through the midfr, of them went his way: 2i And came down to Ca- pernaum, a City of Galilee, and taught them on the fab- bath-days. 32 And they wereaftomfli'd at his do&rine : for his word word was with power. 33 And in the fynagogue there was a roan which had a fpirit of an unclean devil, and cry'd out with a loud voice, 34 Saying, Let us alone ; what have we to do with thee, thou Jefus of Nazareth ? art thou come to dcltroy us? I know thee who thou art ; the holy One of God. 3J- And Jefus rebuk'd him, faying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midft, he came out of him, and hurt him not. 36 And they were all amaz'd, and fpake among themfelves , faying, What a word is this? for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean fpirits, and they come out! 37 And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about. 38 Ayafas S. Luke, Chap. IV. 4-7 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 38 Avetfas Si tyx. -? cuvaryayiii, jtcV'vi 7rt/peTia ^e^Aa- x.ow » pa intra,* atUTcv •cfe* aoTHJ. 39 Koq '£fofas 38 And he arofe out of the fynagogue, and enter'd into Si- mon's houfe : and Simon's wifes mother was taken with a great fever ; and they befought him for her. 39 And he flood over her, and rebuk'd the fever, and it PARAPHRASE. Naaman the Syrian : fo alfo now God mil not vouchjafe to you, by rea/bn of jour Unworthmefs or Unbelief the tike gracious Means of Conviclion and Happmefs, as be will to Others. 28 And all they in the Synagogue, when they heard thefe things, were fiU'd with wrath, 20 and role up, and thruft him out of the City, and led him unto the Brow of the HilJ, (whereon their City was built) that thty might caff, him down headlong. 30 But hi s Time for permitting him j "elf to be put to Death being not yet come, he miraculoujly palling thro' the midlt of them undifcover'd, or at leaft without their being able to apprehend him, went his way from thence. 31 And he came down to Capernaum, a City of Galilee, and thence- IIL forward {p) dwelt there, and taught them on the Sabbath-days. 32 And npJ^Lw^wLn they were aftonifh'd at his Do£trine : for his Word was with Power, J?c dme!lj for the /. e. his DoiHrine was Excellent in it J'elf and deliver d with a remark- mt"t>ivii. "f/' able Authority and Gravity, and confirm d by Miracles. 33 And accord- ingly, on a certain Sabbath-day, in the Synagogue there was (q> ) a Man which had a Spirit of an unclean Devil, and cry'd out with a loud Voice, 34, faying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jelus of Nazareth ? art thou come to deftroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God. 35- And Jefus rebuk'd him, faying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the Devil had thrown him into Convulfions, and fo into the midlt of the Synagogue or Congregation therf, he came out of him, and hurt him not really, or fo as that the lU Effetis remain d after the Devil was caft out ; tho' tojome he feemd to be dead. 36 And they were all amaz'd , and fpake among themfelves , faying, What a Word is this? for with Authority and Power he commandeth the unclean Spirits, and they come out. 37 And the Fame of him went out into every Place of the Country round about. 38 And he arofe out of the Synagogue, and enter'd into Simon's IV. He cures Pirtt't 4.8 S. Luke, Chap. IV, V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. iffljjwv ouyxiui' afaymt** tvi$. them. 40 At^ovtos <^ tS «Aioo, 7rai5es 40 Now when the fun was % ; f ^ , \ " nY "ck W1(h divers diteales , • >\yay>i arras TVi. 41 -E§v,p^eiB S\ 41 And devils alfo came out x, J\om(iontx. ^ri ™?*w, Kf>i^ov7w. t, pf many, crying out, and fay- „ _ \ * < .. 1 c -\ ~ ing, Thou art Chrift the Son Ae^i^OTioi^oXe^flMoSTy of°God. And he rebuking ©ev. K*i '^Tiwiav ^jc e»a aura Aitis&.S l^tKjai 42 And when it was day, iTWoa/Sa us coti^f td'^v, £ 01' o'vApi he departed and went into a ,p, i ■,', 1 » „ , T. , defert place: and the people e£»TOv aercv, x.oq wA9o» gas cav **» fought him, and came unto T&luw owtov * pi Trepw'ecX iV etu. h'm 1 and ftay'd hiro » ,hat he ~ , * \ , 1 fhould not depart from them. TO». 43 O A UTIS HfOS XVTVi.. OTZ ^ And hg fcjj umo them> $ t»7s gT?px(5 -ttoAioii eu'ci/y«A/'ette6ttj I muft preach the kingdom of »p . - n ■ 1 t-_. r " ■ God to other cities alio : for /« ^ ^ &loi\ucu \t 9^i; on US therefore am I fent. T*Ta «.7rtjBiA1t{cq. 44 Kocj Jo! jcupotr- 44 And he preach'd in the ~ w t- . . ' fynagoeues of Galilee. Klip. %. Eywew ti t» t$ rlt A , . ChaP" V" ,. , " >/3_ ~ ^ ' ? ~ > ' * And u came t0 Pa^> triat as o^Aoy foKHcQzq auTji T« axVui T the peopie prefs'd upon him to Ao'^pivQe?, ^ au7os f<^ e^j g?^j« hear the word of God, he flood . \ . / . r • 1 » «. by the lake of Gennefareth, •rite Aiuilcu revvJioutptT' 2 xou etdfe , ,- „ . , „* , , „ , ~ ^ , , , 2. And faw two lhipsitand- jo 7iAoict t At^Uv ing by the lake: but the fifher- 01' Si oAieTs ^raSivTis ix av-ffl men were gone out of them, , , , , „ P s , and were wafhing //6«r nets. aTTiTrW to ft*/e«^ ^3 EaC*j d imo one t«s i? 7ay ttAoi^v, 0 Zto 5" 2/^av(^-', of the (hips which was Simons, * >_ ' ' -» ' R .*"> > and pray'd him that he would «pmn mtn v»> * ^ f».«y>. thruP ynt a 1]tt]e from the yeTv o'Ai^pi* x.ot)' j^^'ows IhSbLTKH land : and he fat down and 6x S.Luke, Chap. IV, V. 49 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4 Q.s g/x. rv 7chwv TVS oy\ys StftOIOL' EmiCLy and healing many others after Sun-Jet) and the next, when he departed from Capernaum, to preach in the other Cities of Galilee; being thus led by the Connexion of the foregoing Particulars one to the other, to pa/s over in its proper place, as to order of Time, the Calling of Peter and Andrew, James and John to be his con ft ant Attendants, St Luke now goes back to relate the fame after this manner. And it came to pafs,that/>»?/c7//^ after Jefus coming from Nazareth to Capernaum, and(t) before that Sabbath- day on which he cajl out the unclean Spirit, and cur'd Petei 's Wifes Mother of a Fever, one day as the Peop'e prels'd upon him to hear the Word of God, he (food by the Lake of Gennefareth, other wife caU'd the Sea cf Ga- lilee ; 2 and (aw two Ships, or Fifter-mens Boats, (landing or lying upon the Shoar by the Lake: but ihe Fifher-men were gone out of thrm,and were wafhing their Nfcts, as they ufe to do when they have done FiJImigfor the pre fent. \ And he enter'd into one of the Ships which was Simon's or Peter s, and pray'd him that he would come into his Ship or Boat again with him, and have vniwns , esiii tA&Cow 'Qa Si taken nothing: neverthelefsat p tf . / i'„.# thy word I will let down the to pufixTi 7s /aw-yeis toTs oi - v ' ' came, and fill'd both the fhips, (Pjtox m ^oia, ^ ^K^ ctfcTO. f() that they began to fink. 8 I<5to»l cTs 'Zluav FleTfos 'Z?^£7t'7nffi 8 When Simon Peter faw ws ^ tS I„t$, to the draught of the fifnes which tm oi^ct T$if lyftuai ? ffiwiT&Qov they had taken : ,^ r-.,. ' , jV ~ ' i f„«/" ' t ' io And fo urns alfo Tames ', , fit . , , and John the Ions of Zebedee, >!w , i|Vs ZtCiSouv , o'< iiffay 3wiya>yo» which were partners with Si- TzS 2«W K«J mot ^£S5 t 2.'«ay* mon- And Jefus faid umo Si- ~ v x>„ , , ~ «, , mon , Fear not; from hence- o Ucvs' M/i ^oGy ^re Ty y:w «y- forth thou (halt catch men. 1 1 And when they had brought their fnips to land, they fbrfook all, and follow'd him. JfCD'Tt'di lay ^cc^Zi. 1 1 K<4 xjt^t- )«^PVT?5 tt» tzAoi* '^1 TZiD yZcfc , 12 Kct^ iynfn ci tsD eT) ouitov 12 And it came to pals, ^ fuS, t5i T^Aeay, ^ ,\fc„, iv^p ^J"k was in a certain city, , , , , „ J behold, a man full of leprofy : ■^Axpvis \e''a^cf.i' ^ idbiiy t T/inuu, who feeing Jefus, fell on /for face, and befought him, fay- ing, Lord, if thou wilt, thou \syav Kum, txi ^iA>)?, Vuutum Ui canfi make me dean. I j And he put forth his e, say ?sA>)?, Sxu/aasq u& ^£,c>j S.Luke, Chap.V. 5"! TEXT. TRANSLATION. ^Tp*, jj'-vjxxS ou#, u7mt' ®i\a>, xsfyt- hand> and t0«ch'd him, laying, „'a 9 r^ < 'n ' < .> • ~ n I will; be thou clean. And C*S»i/i. Kcqa/^^Ai^xwA^y immediately the leprofy de- vk > • nq.^ 14 And he chare'd him to *uv? p*hn u«uy *\*«n;tf»i tel]n"oman: but g* atld (hew £«£o» ffioM/7BV 19 icpl, ^ f&£2&myw& thy felf to the prieft, and offer PARAPHRASE. y And Simon anfwering faid unto him, Mafter, we have toil'd all the » Night, and have taken nothing : neverthelefs at thy Word I will let down the Net. 6 And when they, i. e. Peter and his Brother Andrew, had this done, they enclos'd a great Multitude of Fiihes ; and their Net brake. 7 And they beckon'd unto their Partners, which were in the other Ship, that they fhould come and help them. And they came, and till'd both the Ships, fo that they began to link. 8 When Simon Peter faw it, he fell down at Jefus knees, laying, Depart from me, for I am a finful Man, O Lord; and Jo unworthy of the Prefence of fo Great and 'Divine a 'Per for/, as thou art, whom I know to be the Meffias from what pafs'd formerly between («) us at Bethabara. 9 And this miraculous Drmght of Fifties fir v'd to revive afrefh in his Mind the Divinity ofChrift's Per Jon : for he was altonifh'd, and all that were with him, at the Draught of the Fifhes which they had taken: 10 And fo was alfo James and John the Sons of Zcbedee, which were Partners with Simon. And Je- fus faid unto Simon, Fear not ; from henceforth thou Ihalt catch Men. 11 And when they had brought their Ships to Land, {w) they, /. e. Pe- ter and Andrew, James and John forfook all their (Vorldly Employ and Goods, and henceforward follow'd him as his constant Attendants, and according as he had now c all' d upon them to do. After this it was that Jefus cajl out the unclean 'Devil (as is related v. 33, <&c. of the foregoing Chapter) and then went out of the Synagogue into Peter's Houfe with Andrew, James and John ; and then the next day went from Capernaum to preach in the other Cities of Galilee. And accordingly now St Luke goes on hence with the Thread of his Hiflory. ii And it came to pafs, when he was in a (x) certain City, behold, H^wi a Man full of Leprefy ; who feeing Jefus, fell on his Face, and befought „ ut„ ; him, faying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canft make me clean, 13 And he put forth his hand, and touch'd him, faying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately the Leprofy departed from him. 14 And he charg'd 5-x S. Luke, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. t&t TV ii&fy.eAy Jtoq >jaw,v >t#S« M to ia-c&xj! a.iiT&i. 1 8 K*i iSV, av- fyii SUAe^e- «u£ o< iga/tftxlus x, oi pa^trcqoi, Ae- ">pv7c5- T/s g«?JV ?7DJ os ActA| iSAotOTpu- ,«ie£< ; tis ^ttt/a.^) aipi6yot| afULfTias u 1*m Mas 0 ®tos ; 22 Eth^Ws Si 0 for thy tleanflng, according as Mofes commanded for a lefti- mony unto them. 15- But fo much the more went there a fame abroad of him : and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be heal'd by him of their infir- mities. id And he withdrew him- felf into the wildernefs, and pray'd. 17 And it came to pals on a certain day, as he was teach- ing, that there were Pharifees and doclors of the law fitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Ju- dea, and Jerufalem: and the power of the Lord was prefent to heal them. 18 And behold>rncn brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palfy : and they fought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him. 19 And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in, becaufe of the multitude, they went upon the houfe-top, and let him down through the tiling with his couch, into the midft before Jefus. 20 And when he faw their faith, he faid unto him, Man, thy fins are forgiven thee. 21 And the fcribes and the Pharifees began to reafon, fay- ing, Who is this which fpeak- eth blafphemies ? Who can forgive fins but God alone ? 22 But when Jefus perceiv'd Inovs S.Luke, Ghap.V. SI TEXT. TRANSLATION. \wSii TVs iXA'huyKTjxVi auTOv, "&mKfi- Jul &7CI ?}fQS CLVTW Ti $\OL?4')i(tl<& iiTaqsY&yhansvptZv, 23 Ti i (he (aid unt0 the iick of the ,) i >/ \ \ >^' palfy) I fay unto thee, Arife, eyuW , w *&$ to xAtyifto? ovu , and take up lhy couchj and g0 ttopivw «s rh onw'y ~ 2 j- And immediately he rofe A^p^* avctfas wo.™ «un^ up before lhem> an/took up 4^c5 £ip a "t&mwm , aTnjA^iv &s that whereon he lay, and de- lit olxoy dirSf, ^£«» ™ ©eo'y. Pa,rted £° j?" own houfe> 8l0' ' ' 2 , nryingGod. 26 Koq gx.f«.c7j5 eAabev a7r<^^ , 26 And they were all aroaz'd, x«j i«fcii6>» Toy 06or x*f £7^*- and **? glorifyyGod, and 1 ,~- -, ,1 were hlld with fear, faying, cSwracv poCou, Key>rns- Oti aJtym \ye have feen flrange things 27 Kotj j$ fcura, e|>iA9s, $ 6^a- 27 And after thefe things cro.6 7% \im Mftrfi AbuJ*, x^'a^ov j* went f°rtTh> andr faw a P"b- , , , , ^ ,0 hcan namd Levi, Gttingatthe '67ft to -nAayiov, £ ei^y au7$- Ajw- receit of cullom : and he faid *#Hfjut. a8KouXjc7*Ai7ra»*Jia*k, unto him, Follow me. , ' v , ,.., , 28 And he left all, rote up, ayetfas uxoAvSnw «yi$. 29 Koq and f0l]0w'd him. ETTDixo-e M*y /t«>«Ari» 0 Atuii olutS u *9 And Levi made him a ~ , , , ~ , «, „ ~ great feaft in his own houle: th 01x19 ciotw x, ni o^AoS «nA«W and there was a great company 7roAuS, $ *M»y o'i >joay ^r' <*^ray of publicans, and of others that 1 0 __v >.» (/- * < fat down with them. UHaxu^oi. . ^e;. K«i iy>^y x) oi papiottioi syos rilees murmur'd againft his di- t& pi&tvis *M, Ai>7is. Aian' f<¥^ f?yU1\ Why d° ye "J J ■ c %> * « , an" drink with publicans and pj 7«Aa>vciy j£ a^apTOAay £«9ieT8 $ finners? WHS 31 Ka) ^re^^s 5 Iww, r 3l And Jefus anfwering ^ , , , , , „ laid unto them, Thev that are M7R ©/>05 a.vTVi- Oo ^peicw e^<7iv whole need not a phyfician : ot uyioqioilts laL7£V, aA\' 01 -hs-ms e voy. Dl1t 'hey that are fick. ^, . / . . /_ «, 32, 1 came not to call the -nu 32 Owe jAhAuJ* K*Ag«j ft- righteous, but linners to re- x.oq«s, aMi oificiflaWs uf fit-mwiou/. pentance. 33 O/ and make praJyers. Jccq cTfe>ic7e<5 -7reiou2;Tccf, ofMtaS x,ocj 01 and likewile /^ difciples of Twy S.Luke, Chap.V. SS T E X T. TRANSLATION. TOV (pOLZHOVJiCiV 01 ^ 0"0 ( (cQlOVUl X.CCJ t3*/voL»OT¥ ; 34 O (Ti e*7rs i?suo-Vajv ev \x.niu\i tauii yfApoqi. 3 * ■& $ iT-fax- CoAIm) 'G&s avrvi' On vlui 'Qn- thePharifees ; but thine eat and drink? 34 And he (aid unto them, Can ye make the Children of the bride-chamber fair, while the bridegroom is with them ? 3? But the days will come, when the bridegroom fhall be taken away from them , and then fhall they fall in thofe days. 36 And he fpake alfo a pa- rable unto them, No man put- Qhv\fiO. xr. PARAPHRASE, unto thee, Arife, and take up thy Couch, and go into thine Houfe- 2y And immediately he rofe up before them, and took up that where- on he lay, and departed to his own Houfe, glorifying God. 26 And they, / e. the Common Teople, were all amaz'd, and they glorify d God, and were fill'd with Fear and Reverence to the Per/on ofChrift, faying, We have feen ftrange things to day ; fuch as we never Jaw the like be- fore., and could not have thought any Man could have done. tr\ And after thefe things he went forth (z) toward the Sea-fide> and faw a Publican nam'd Levi, otherwife call'd Matthew , fitting at the t" U^«£S Receit of Cultom : and he faid unto him, Follow me. 28 And he lefc ^«y*> p«^ a leoi oh©* TksS cltxSH , jc*) ouitos o^v^9»)oi7o^, Jteu oi aitntQt ^broAoitf- tocj. 38 A>A* oivov »gov 6i5 £ii'«3iov, •v{/a^ovT8s raTs ^1 007015' Ti TTBiejT* 0 QfJc e§efi 7roie*» c* tou crcGGaoi; 3 Koy ^cTB^e^^J 'iSryJ *ct«s u-mi 0 U^i' OuJ^ tStd iuyu% 0 iWti- <7S A«,Cl*sto S. Luke, Chap. V, VI. SI TEXT. TRANSLATION. 6 Eytntv & h eTtfu enx.QCa.Ta 6 And it came to pals alio on another fabbath , that he enter'd into the fynagogue and taught : and there was a man PARAPHRASE. Proceeding by a plain Similitude : No Man putteth a Patch of a new Garment upon an old: ifotherwife, then both the new maketh a Rent, and the Patch that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old. SI And no Man putteth new Wine into old Bottles; elle the new Wine will burft the Bottles, and be fpill'd, and the Bottles will be loft. 38 But new Wine mult be put into new Bottles; and both are pre- ierv'd. 39 No Man alfo having drunk old Wine, which is [moot h , grateful to the Palate, and agreeable to the Stomach, ftraightway delires mftead of it new, which is ufually har[h to the Palate , and offenfive to the Stomach, by reafon of the Lees not being yet fettled and Jo clear'd out of it: for he fays, The old is better. In like manner m_y Z)ijciples would not be fo eafily prevail' d upon to leave their old Cujloms or Rites , and to embrace my new fnfitutzon, fhould I atfirjl clog it with Burden- fame, and as jet Unnecefjary Impofitions. SECTION IV. Containing fuch Particulars as are taken notice of by St Luke , From the Palfover that was in the thirty third Tear e/Chrift's Life (or A. D. 3 1 .) To a little before the PaiTover in the thirty fourth Tear of his Life (or A. D 32.) Which Particulars take up Chap. VI. 1 — IX. 9. Chap. VI. And it came to pais on the (b) firfr. Sabbath ofthefeven chrift )«##« which were reckon d after or from the fecond Day of Unleaven'd Bread, h/"et°iC;iplJ,1j? or of the Paffover toPentecoJl, that he went thro' the Corn-fields ; arid ths "ieiuntf his Difciples, being hungry, pluck 'd the Ears of Corn, and did eat, rub ■Cam- bing them in their hands. 2, And certain of the Phariiees faid unto them, Why do ye that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath-days? 3 And Jefus anfwenng them, faid, Have ye not read fo much as this, what David did, when himfelf was hungry, and they which were with him : 4 How he went into the Houfe of God, and did take and eat the Shew-bread, and gave alfo to them that were with him, which is not lawful to eat but for the Priefls alone? s And he faid unto them, that the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. s$ S.Luke, Chap. VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. fcxj v\ va'p au>rv h t).aJi cay. 8 Auto* i£jc» e^ovn t ^pa.' Eyapxj, ^ 9>j^i eis -re jttfcrov. O cTfe avaf^s e9». 9 Et7nv ouv o leases Qfoj at/rvs* E^EpaTmra vficts it' E%t?i tois cvlCCdLcnv «t)«%- •j7Bi>)0Tq, « \5»co7TBi>ifftt); -v|x/>»fV 7UI )c&HffttV 1 2 EyiiiG «T*fe ev raTs w/«px|S ^yxi- TttJS, c^)lA5sV «5 TD OpOS QfOffgtl^aeO^* & Id 2i^.yvx.ltfivai or Ty y* v ©eod. 1 3 Kot) /Ac7r77D» x) B«^%Ao/^ov 1 y Ma?. •)afo» $ ©a(Urf», IstJuaCffl* r TV AA- 0*V, 19 Xi(*aicL T \5cAV(tifciples, out of Capernaum, to private folitary Places about the Sea of Galilee- 12 And it came to pafs in thofe days, i.e. a little after this, that He J";„tthe he went out (d) into a Mountain to pray, and continu'd all Night in twelve ^.jw»/. Prayer to God 13 And when it was Day, he call'd unto him his Di- fciples : and of them he chofe twelve, whom alfo he nam'd Apoflles : 14 Simon (whom he alfo nam'd Peter) and Andrew his Brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, ij Matthew and Thomas, James the Son of Alpheus, and Simon call'd in Hebrew theCananite, or, which is thejame in Greek, the Zelot, 16 and Jude the Brother of James, and Judas Ifcariot, which alfo was the Traitor. 17 And he came down from the Mountain with them, and flood in the Plain adjoining, and there flood with him the whole Company of his Difciples, i.e. all the reft of his "Difciples that were there prefent, be/ides the Twelve afore- mention d, which be had chofen out of them : and alfo there was got to- gether there a great Multitude of other People out of all Judea and Jeru- falem, ANNOTATIONS. :_ a 1 /-»-_.. . mon • Tr _i_ 60 S.Luke, Chap. VI. TEXT- TRANSLATION. f\tm\i>fi, i •? (B&hiV Tvm $ S«- rufalem, and from thefta-coafl: V~ ' «\ * n • ' ' ~ \ ' ofTyre and Sidon,which came £7uv otoTwr 1 8 Ket^ of their difeafes ; ' „'* &Z.A.,., „c^ »-*.„=. ,.JL~*» '„.. 1 8 And they that were vex'd , ^ v , , , with unclean ipints : and they fytpmr Jtai t9«£9t'7rsi'0¥TO' '9 Kcq were heal'd. eras o oyA©* e^TT^ecO^ eu# I0 And the whole multi' „ . / > ' ~ ,£/ o- \ tude fought to touch him : for 07» Suexfus *r«f mtV ^»p^6, x*s there webm virtue out ofhmj) »a75 sriy^ti. and heal'd them all. 20 Raj yuii o» ttv>p«7roi, xal oray ^a11 feparate you /Jew /£«r 1 t ~ 1 > cv' i j company, and fhall reproach «poe*o*<7ii W *, omhmm, $ c*- yot^ and caft 01U your n^me as CxAaoj 7o oyo^ot u^y as 7rcvn£sv, evil, for the Son of man's fake. , , , ~, , '.", , L} and leap for joy : for behold, ey e>teow r» H/Mepa x, wpTHretTr »£fe your reward is great in hea- $>, '0 /Modi* vftf/'mtis h t£ Vpaia- *e?:, forrin, the llke raanner ~~ e , , ~ / , o'd their fathers unto the pro- )(p Q/MVX. -fi £7T0(Vy TDU tZfQtp^TWfi oi phets. ■noLTtfii oucray. 24 riA>jv Voq' vfZv &$ 24 But wo unto you that ^r\,,J. , "~ '~1 -. " 3^' i are rich: for ye have received ~ ,c ~ <, your conlolation. u^y. 2fOvaJiVf^iorifim'7r\r\a^6m, 25- Wo unto you that are o-n sreoao-ele- Ou«j o^Ty 0/ y*f\ams fuU : for Ye fo3'1 h"r»ger. Wo ~ „ «/ « , r > , •, 1 unto you that laugh now : for jor o-n 7reve»Ts ix.Wp »'~ — ~_ hear, Love your enemies ; do WTlTBj^pWu^ «*««m"> and Pray for them which « < ~. . ^/ _ « * -^ defpitefully ufe you. t,7r*p t £7nipea^o»7Wv vpxM. ^ 29 To 2p And unt0 him that fmit. ■nj-floni ai '6ki ¥ va., ™*ft% jtoj eth thee on the one cheek, of- u ".*» < ^* < r- »■' '- ' fer alfo the other: and him r xMlo,. *, ^ T^wyiTBJ w to that nketh away Ay doke> i',a«770v , Hoy Toi ^t»vsi /mi m\ucrfls. forbid not to take thy coat alfo. ,,» n rJ iV —S -.'-^...J — ts'iv<. < ?o Give to every man that , _ ,, -J , , ' , , " asketh of thee; and or him that "Stfra Tv oMyvtoS to aw, A*" a-7r*T«- alfo to them likewife. - -. < ~ > < ~ / ,._< 32 For it ye love them wov<§« v/ots, 7i»i* ^» £* what thank »*» 58 01' a^*pTCi)A9< f»» «>«*are tvs ^Gpw mie5S) and do gQ^ \nA ,end> uuui, Kot] e {hal] be the chjlj 8 n ^ |hfi ly^tMov ™\us, x.sq to-eoSe qo« TV v-\i. Higheft : for he is kind unto v oil ouItss ^pji^J *^7» *07 Ws the unthankful, and /a the d;£*eW xm mn^U. 3 \ » \ ,, and ve fhaU not be condemn'd : wmhv^Ti, Mi v m ^ms^^- folgyej and ye ihall bc for. o3>iTe* ^roAueTe, x.ou\ ^7n\vfrio-tSt. given : 38 AiStrt, S.Luke, Chap. VI. <*? TEXT. TRANSLATION. 38 At fort, )uxj Sbftiotlam vfiir fiL us tcv 5wA7n>» t^av ia> y^f ouut$ iifiiv. 39 Ei7n Si /©^jcCoAZo) ou»- TBlf* M«"n SuV&TOUl TUipKoi TU « fall into the ditch ? tk^t^ ; 40 Ovk m iM^ntni u- 40 The dlfciple is not above Trip t ^J^cotaAov tLi>& Kst/apTjo-fiwos his ruafter : but every one that 10 ~ •/ < < k.i\' i/?s ' ~ is perfect fhall be as his matter. fr »$ ir* »s 0 ft Wa@- oar*. ^ And why beholdeft th()u 41 Ti S\ QhiXus to KSCppos to ev tg) the mote that is in thy bro- hpy\nZ * iJ*A«£ rttr t( JV ioxiv lJersu e?e; ubuc ■ PW!™ not tj , ' , , r _ , „, the beam that is in thine own 42 H tos cMo?, woifcv JC^p-^oy otL'zs&r not forth corrupt fruit: nei- vSi siifyo, ra-ojoo/, ™5v k*p™ **- *» doth ? """P1 tree br,ns „ , r , forth good fruit. Aon. 44 Exetgov £> Jfey^ooy ex, * »fty 44 For every tree is known XitpTrS yimox qupuAluj. 47 O dyecjos oil- grapes. « _. . r ' i^o. ~ £ 45" A good man, out of the V™ c* v *y«% Smmup * Xftp- g0Jj tre5afure of h]S heart j fta$ oaTV tQ£fptp{ to a.ya.%r x.cu bringeth forth that which is 0 Tirnvs & V*m c* V 7rovy,p5 9». 8.00d : and a" evil man>out of Y ', , «. ' , the evil trealure of his heart, oavyJ t Jtapfta< etoT^ ^e^?)ep< to bringeth forth that which is sroyjifyr 6a. ^ t5 «jgi«ra;'A«*Ss ^ e,vll: for of the abundance of ^ r, , , , _, , the heart his mouth fpeaketh. x.apyi>',.", ., .on ' >zo- • o_ ' you to whom he is like. , » , , , , r 48 He is like a man which Ts. oiitahfU'MTi oiuw, « ««4 built an houfe.anddigg'd deep, x.oq tCxfiuii x.<4 g^Jix* ^-g^eAioi :G)n and laid the foundation on a Tvui PARAPHRASE. Blind? fhall they not both fall into the Ditch? In like manner, if ye remember and praclije your (elves tbefe things, and teach others the fame, then ye Jljalt be True and Proper Guides to Others ; elje ye will be but as Blind Guides to them. 40 The Difciple is not above his Mailer; and therefore ye are not to think thefe Precepts too Severe or Hard to be born, fince they a> e no other than I my Je/f praffife, and fet you an Ex- ample to do o> fuffcr : but on the contrary, as every One that is a Scholar or Zfifciple is then e&eern'd to become perfect in what he is taught, when he (hall be ttrle to do as his Mafter can\ Jo if ye will become per fecit in the True Religion, ye mufl follow my Example in pra&ifwg that which is Good, and undergoing the great eft Injuries and Persecutions. 41 And indeed it is very Improper for you to Jet up for Teachers of Others, if you do not prattije your Jelves what I teach you ; as may be illuftrated by thej'e In/lames, viz. Why beholdeft thou (I:) the Mote that is in thy Brother's Eye, but perceiveit not the Beam that is in thine own Eye? 41 Either how canft thou fay to thy Brother, Brother, let me pull out the Mote that is in thine Eye , when thou thy felf beholdeft not the Beam that is in thine own Eye ? Thou Hypocrite , ca£t out firft the Beam out of thine own Eye, and then (halt thou fee clearly to pull out the Mote that is m thy Brother's Eye. 43 For moreover ye cannot be truly my Difciples or good Chri/lians, unlefs ye praclije your fives that which is Good, as well as teach it Others ; namely, as a good Tree (/) bringeth not forth corrupt or ^j*/ Fruit : fo neither doth a corrupt Tree bring forth good Fruit. 44 For every Tree is known by his own Fruit: for of Thorns Men do not gather Figs, nor of a Bramble-bufh gather they Grapes. 45- A good Man out of the good Treafure of his Heart, bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil Man out of the evil Treafure of his Heart, bringeth forth that which is evil : for of the Abindance of the Heart his Mouth fpeaketh. 46 And mjhorl (m) why call ye me Lord , Lord , and do not the things which 1 fay ? ;. e the Former will be no Advantage unto you without the Latter. 4*7 For to 66 S. Luke, Chap. VI, VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. r m-rear 7zA>i^f a* ii yuofityiis, rock : and when the flood arofe» ,.c r r „ , ~ , , , ; the {bream beat vehemently up- ^0(7Bp/))i§«v o to/ccaus t? ow* Eketff, on that houfe? and could not x, vx. 't%u/2Li JJ ~ without a foundation, built an 'r x ' , „ ,7» r « noule upon the earth; agamlt -^>tM fcpuAiw m ©/Wpp>i£ey 0 •m'fa. which the {tream did beat ve- ins' **} As eOTffi, £ tym-n rl heniently and immediately it „ , , , , , fell, and the rum or that houle pvyuct. t oikicls oxeivvis yuya.. was great. Ke^.'f!'. E*a«nii^5pfl.«w*f- xT Chap* VII \ t, „ ' r ' 1 » ' < Now when he had ended all m 7w puptfc, >wnous ras axoas his fayings in the audience of TV AaocF , umKja us Ka.7npa.auft. the people, he enter'd into Ca- ^E^ymp^v JV to®- JSaos KSt- per2naAnd a certain centurion's jcois eyav, >ipMe TsA<&ray , os ko fervant, who was dear unto -'..-.? ". /^lj , »...«£_« tv1 — C' him, was fick and ready to dye. „.'„.,, 3 1' » 1 3 An° wnen "e heard of Je- TXlnoy, cL7tt?u\t s>foS ouutoi ■Gftcr- fus, he fent unto him the el- Cviivv 7%fl\tMm, kurtfc,;™, ders °f the Jews befeech.ng H v r _ ~ , ^ him that he would come and 07TO5 eA^ai a^roa-a t ^fe'Aov atiTtf. heal his fervant. 4 O/ JV &x&.yvo$Joi msy 'cm cL%ioS 'fcli a -aroLfS^i worthy for whom he fliould ~ . ~ «? \ ./p, t ~ do this : TV-re- j- Ay*™ £ t» #,os niun, 5 For he Ioveth our na. xcq 'dco cuvayuyUv ccdtos axofb. tion, and he hath built us a u*ffiv ti(ili. 6 O Si Ua-ys i7ntix)t(o ^"/g^tie. , » ~ ,/ 1 , ~ , , « Then Jelus went with sua cm-Tins, ith cffc ei'jTfa' V /MDL&Li them. And when he was now iwivofi©' ^ri t?5 oUlai, "wnA* not far fro™ *c. houfe, the y* , , , t , . T centurion lent friends to him, •a7°os ou>78v 0 eyjtTwrap;^ p/TsM* , iaying unto him, Lord, trouble Ae'xnv *wqf- Ku6 < \ f, , , . , , , thy that thou Ihouldft enter ytf *(u ucstvoj met *^m -dm <&yUo ^^ my roof; (U« aoiA^-yis- 7 A10 c&ir^g e^at/Toy 7 Wherefore neither thought itiiaczx. S.Luke, Chap. VI, VII. 61 TEXT. TRANSLATION. Aoya, xol\ Ja^iKxeTaq o Woujs yuan. 8 K*j >dj) tyco ctvjpaTTtf &<3 -rtfTa* llopso- 9«7T, j£ 77DpelleTc*^• ^ *Ma' Ep^V> ^xnw. 0 Ivkhji/J, e^ato,itao-«» awToc oy\a titt' Aeya u/u.w , wv, £«£$» T°» «o3ev£v& returning to the houfe, found / the fervant whole that had JbvAov t>>teuvoV7W.. ^en g^ ii Ka) iyiwo ci th e|>i?, J7ro- ii And it came to pafs the i ' \ . ' 4 v, >. j day after, that he went into a poieTo as 7T0A»v K£Aot/W«vla/ Neur x> 7 ,,,? KT , ,- " ^ <~ c? city call a Nam; and many or c7ut/e,zr3peuov7D owrcj) oi iWa^nrcq at»Ty his difciples went with him, ;^01, jc«J S'vA®' tro^S. 12 Hs and much people 1 7/ ~ i ~ > i 12 Now when he came nigh Jfc >iy>iffe tv) 7toA>) tms 7n\ius, xoq t0 the gate of the city, behold, fty, -%tiu>ttlC,ti9 Ttjnxjus, v]U yu». there J« a,dead man carry'd v , , r , v out> tne only fon of his mo- voy*v>is th /wire* *W7Bd- xoq rtorvi ,her. and fl,,, was a wldow . v»pa. x.*! "yAos 771? 'TttMcoi iVjaos and much people of the city , * \ > ~ ., i »f,i ' _f \ was with her. Uo cm, mix*. 13 K«| i^cw-ritt. I3 Andwhcn lhe Lord faw o Ko6(@-', icarT&yyvicQyi It ccotm, her, he had compallion on her, < *_ '_~ x/ii, w7, T, c-J a°d faid unto her, Weep not. x, e<7rsy auTvc M« XA*iE' '4 Ko^ . , , > , * , ,, ^ T ^ p /« i i , , fat up, and began to fpeak : Awv *eq tfaw ewrov p wt& and he de[1Ver'd him to his etuTOtl". i *'£ p \ ^ \ n ' 16 And there came a fear ms , ^ jJ^oi to/ ©e0» , Ae>py. on al] . and they glonf-yy God> •HJ* 07t '-mi\s /xeyxs iytryif- faying, That a great prophet ^'. i..7«. ^-! "». l^n-,,!- l«^. i is rifen up among us; and, ~ , , 7~ i ,»-- That God hath viuted his oiV woMVS ip And John calling unto him two of his chfciples, fent them unto Jefus, faying, Art thou he that fhould come, or look we for another ? 2.0 When the men were come unto him , they faid , John Bapuft, hath fent us unto thee, faying, Art thou he that fhould come, or look we for another? 21 And in that fame hour he cur'd many of their infir- mities and plagues, and of evil PARAPHRASE. Faith, no, not in Ifrael. 10 And they that were fent, returning to the Houl'e, found the Servant whole that had been lick. 11 And it came to pafs the day after, that he went into a City call'd He t^'SiDtxA Nain ; and many of his Difciples went with him, and much People. Man to ufe at 12 Now when he came nigh to the Gate of the City, behold, there was*5""" a dead Man carry 'd out, the only Son of his Mother; and fhe was a Wi- dow: and much People of the City was with her. 13 And when the Lord faw her, he had compaffion on her, and laid unto her, Weep not. 14. And he came and touch 'd the Bier, ( and they that bare him flood Hill ) and ne faid, Young Man, I fay unto thee, Arife. 15- And he that was dead fat up > and began to fpeak ; and he deliver'd him to his Mother. 16 .And there came a Fear, or awful Reverence ofChriB, on k\\ prefent; and they glorify 'd God , faying, That a Great Prophet is rifen up among us; and, That God hath gracioufly viliied his People IJrael, byjendmg jo great a Vrophet among them. 1-7 And this Rumour of him /. e. the Fame of this Miracle done by him, went forth through- out all Judea, and throughout all the Region round about. 18 And the Difciples of (/>) John Baptijt went to him now in Pnfon, Hu JjJL, to «»<;, and unto many that , , „ , -. , r were blind he gave fight, -re £Ae7reiy. 22 K«< ^ttb^i^J o 22 Then Jefus anfwering, Ivio-S?, fct7nv cL'jToii' nopeujs'yle* «?rail faid unto rhem, Go your way, /. ¥ > & >/«. , > / and tell john what things ye yUAXTt IaXVVH ct^JVn a WW»W have feenJ and beard. how5tl/at 07j TwpAoi avaCA£7ryo7, ^Xol -a^- the blind fee, the lame walk, ^.n-Zrr. \,^~,r} „~a~„V 1 ~ v the lc pers are clea ns'd . thedeaf T' Tf ^^M^ ', T' hear, the dead are rais'd, to the cuiWcn, nxjoi £y&ipov7a|, Trtar^oj e«^ poor the gofpcl is prcach'd. ^rfo»T«,. 25 Kocj /i«KstW^» r 23 4nc!,blefr"d '^T1}0' ,, , x v * , -, ' foever (hall not be offended m OS toil fMI CTJCOlVd&AlcSfy Of i/XOl. me ■ 2+ A7rEA^o»TO)» Si T$f xyyi- 24 And when the meffen- >,„. \„L ,.„. "£_•>,' 1 gers of John were departed, he , v » / >c began to fpeak unto the people Tys o^Avs -za^ Iaxvvov T< o£eA>i- concerning John, What went Atftaii els -rfe* epn^v ^€*a»c&-6q ; ?e °ut, int0 the wildernefs for , t , , / , ' to fee? A reed fliaken with •H&'tefMi '\JQ9 cMfuu avcAzuo/idtioi -, the wind? 2f AA\a 71 ifeAnAt^-n i^fcTvj *y_ • 2* Bllt what went ye out « , ».*■#■, for to fee? A man cloathd in ■fysTny c# interns i^-nois *n- foft raiment ? Behold, they pieejtte'yoy; i'Sv\ 0/ ci if^n-ncj^Z oi- which are gorgeoutly appa- rv'?- \ ~ , / , rell'd, and live delicately, are ^« x*i Wj^^ib, « in kings courts. 7b»5 @x 'cl,_, ,>~ _^„,.'_j ' for to fee ? A prophet ? Yea , - ^ , ^r ^ I fay unto you, And much more Aeyoi o/ A. ^1 ufiii, ftel^m o/ yiiiYtTcii yuiwpZ'i mong thofe that are born of . ' t 1 t /5 o f , ft / women, there is not a greater yvpws U*.m X Mw& S*h« prophet than John the Bapt.ft: (for 0 S\ fMKpoTi&s 11 ry (ZaunAueL but he that is leaft in the king- t-Z (3i.«X ,.J?. .. •> i° 'cx, v ' do™ of God, is greater than he. TV 0.0,1, W&l O^ &. _ 29K^ ^ And ^ ^ peopk lhat ■srcLi 0 Acco5 kKXcwz, x.«| oi 7?Aay v ©eS jfls-njcwv I3 wyers rejected the counfel of , t , , , t *-j*» God*towardsthemfelves,being ets ecM/rys, ^ux (la.'tiicdivTis ott ou$. not baptiz'd of him. 3 1 tTiVi «» »>>iacm. t«s ivWvs [..3* Whereunto then fhall I , , ' liken the men or this genera- t> yiuZi ^.Irm; £ tjvi eioiv 0^101; tionPandto what are they like? 32 O^woioj PARAPHRASE, evil Spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave Sight, 12 Then Jefus anfwering, faid unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have feen and heard; how that the Biind lee, the Lame walk, the Lepers are cleans'd, the Deaf hear, the Dead are rais'd, to the Poor the Gofpel is preach'd. 23 And bleli'ed is he whofoever fhall not be offended in me. 24 And when the Mefleneers of John BaptiB were departed, he be- . vm- / , i_ n -1 T 1 i-iri HisDifcourfc to gan to lpeak unto the People concerning John, What went ye out into the people con- the Wildernefs for to fee ? A Reed fhaken wnh the Wind ? 25- But ceming the u^- what went ye out for to fee ? A Man cloath'd in foft Raiment ? Behold," ' they which are gorgeoufly apparell'd, and live delicately, are in Kings Courts. 26 But what went ye out for to fee? A Prophet? Yea, I fay unto you, And much more than a Prophet. 27 This is he of whom it is written, Behold, I fend my Meflenger before thy Face, which fhall prepare thy way before thee. 28 Fori lay unto you, Among thofe that are born of Women, there is not a greater Prophet than Joha the Baptift: but he that is leaft in the Kingdom of God, is greater than he. 29 And all the Common People that heard him with well-difpos'd hearts, and the Publicans alfo that heard him Jo qualify d, juftify'd God, 1. e. approv'd and prais'd the IViJdom and Goodnefs of God in thus calling them by the Preaching of the Baptiji to Repentance, and Jo to Salvation ; being agreeably hereto baptiz'd with the Baptifm of John. 30 But the Phanfees and Lawyers rejected the Counfel of God towards themfclves, i. e. the Counfel or gracious Tkfign of God to bring them to Repentance by the Preaching of the Bapti/1, being Proud and Conceited of their own Right eoufnefs , and (b of their needing no Repentance , and consequently being not baptiz'd of him, i. e. the Baptiji in token of their Repentance. •> i W^h(=rpnntn tKifn fhill T iilrpn thf Men of this frpnprjrinn ? and tn 71 S. Luke, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 32 0/M)iol ixai -n^hois tvh h iypaf, Aok, x.ot) Aeydair HuAnffa./«» u^wTv, jcc^ k-x, ap^fuaoSe- t^pnyjitTa/tev £,u7v. x.ct) QTJt cA.\aunPx.rn. 33 EAviAu^e ^V1 Ifflxvvus 0 @%7cliAaiY. 3f Ket| eSV^aSn 11 croip/a "SsCTa to>v 3<5 Hpara. i5 auT>i5 <^e'/W(Xoa-e, Jcaj kjcts- (p/A ^"j^t**, tyiwn.ii av 7is koi\ tto^toi * i.a^« 31 They are like unto chil- d-n fitting in che market-place, aod calling one to another , and faying, We have pip'd un- to you, and ye have not dane'd: we have mourn'd to you, and ye have not wept. 33 For John the Baptift came neither eating bread, nor drinking wine; and ye fay, He hath a devil. 34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye fay, Behold, a gluttonous man, and a wine-bibber, a friend or publicans and finners. 3 j But wifdom isjuftify'd of all her children. 2<5 And one ofthePharifees delir'd him that he would eac with him. And he went into the Pharifee's houfe, and fat down to meat. 37 And behold, a woman in the city, which \vas*former- ly a (inner, when fhe knew that Jefus fat at meat in the Phari- fee's houfe, brought an alaba- fter-box of ointment, 38 And flood at his feet be- hind him weeping, and began to wafh his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kifs'd his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. 39 Now when the Phaiifee which had bidden him, faw *'/, he fpake within himfelf, fay- ing, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who, and what manner of wo- HTlS S.Luke, Chap. VII. 73 TEXT. TRANSLATION.. '^. 40 Kxj ^^raJce^* '° Imrou* , coi 7i fciTraiv.. O '' and began to wafh his Feet with Tears, and did wipe them with the simun. Hairs of her Head, and kifs'd his Feet, and anointed them with the Ointment. 39 Now when the Pharilce, which had bidden him, faw it, he (pake within himfelf, faying, This Man, if he were a Prophet, won'd have known who, and what manner of Woman this is that toucheth him : for (lie is a Sinner, arid Jo by touching bitnjlie defiles him. 40 And Jefus anfwering, faid unto him, Simon, J have fomewhat to fay unto thee. And he faith, Mafter, fay on. 41 Then J Jus faid on thus: There was a certain Creditor, which had two Debtors : the one ow'd five hundred Pence, and the other fifty. 42! And when they had nothing ANNOTATIONS. 74- S.Luke, Chap. VII, VIII. TEXT- TRANSLATION. reel ~£mfoutioui , i/uQoTigjis iya.&- mJo. Tis ouv olutui uTti , 7iKuw ai/TQv ecyeevmaii 43 Awoxfi^eis Si 0 2/(06; v, uTttv Y7nA ucYih.%1 avu us -duo oUiaw, 'i$bf 'On rys 7rlS)x.s /mv chc e«ta- Y&S* aim ilut yjnpa.Alu> fuv CM, «Ae<■vJ^• cUityi JV juAjfa «A«- %f« /tWU T«5 7TO<5kj. 47 Ou Vat- •naf tUiTYis eq TroMo)' 077 »}i ap/eTeq , oA<- ^p» ayaTra. 48 eTto cA; ctoTM' Aip£etv7B 01 oiwcwxx.elij8fioi Xtyut c* KWTvtS" Tls ovtos '(fai "oS *.&] a^ap- 7704 eUpUoVI j JO El7J1 <& 'Z*£?S Ttw •ycunuiiS' H <^79Zf try aEcraxi ov ' ' * -/ « Kap. y\ . Kou\ i-ytHTQ ct T§> lisij' t%Y\S , koch aItos $\Q&tt ^* no- thing to pay, he frankly tor- gave them both. Tell me there- fore, which of them will love him moll? 43 Simon anfwer'd and faid, I fuppofe that he to whom he forgave moft. And he faid unto him, Thou haft rightly judg'd. 44 And he turn'd to the wo- man, and faid unto Simon, Seeft thou this woman ? I entred in- to thine houfe, thou gav'ft me no water for my feet: but file hath vvafh'd my feet with tears, and wip'd them with the hairs of her head. 47 Thou gav'ft me no kite : but this woman, fince the time I came in, hath not ceas'd to kifs my feet. 4.6 Mine head with oyl thou didft not anoint : but this wo- man hath anointed my feet wiih ointment 47 Wherefore I fay unto thee, Her fins which are many, are forgiven ; * iherefbre Ihe has lov'd much : but to whom little is forgiven, the fame lov- eth little. 48 And he faid unto her, Thy fins are forgiven. 49 And they that fat at meat with him, began to fay within themfelves, Who is this that forgiveth fins alfo? jo And he faid to the wo- man, Thy faith hath fav'd thee; go in peace. Chap. VIII. And it came to pais after- ward, that he went throughout Ai» S.Luke, Chap. VII, VIII. IS TEX T. TRANSLATION. Aiv x.ofc| x&(4.Uu, juipuww x*| «,«./- every city and village, preach- ., „ ~ n mg, and {hewing the glad ti- yiKfylOii©' t VcLoiAuai V* ®tod- dings ofthe kingdom of God: x.on PARAPHRASE, nothing to pay, he frankly forgave thero both. Tel] roe therefore, which of them will love him moft? 43 Simon anfwer'd and laid, I fuppofe that he to whom he torgave molt. And he (aid unto him, Thou haft rightly judg'd. Let us then apply this now to the prejent Cafe. 44 And he turn'd to the Woman, and fa-id unto Simon, Sccfi thou this Wo- man ? I entred into thine Houfe, thou giv'fl me no Water for my Feet : but Ihe hath wafo'd my F-.-et with tears, and wjp'd them with the hairs of her Head 45- Thou gav'ft me no Kifs, according to the ordinary manner of Salutation or Expreffion of Kmdnefs ; but this Woman, Cnce the time I came in, hath not ceas'd to kifs my Feet. 46 Mine Head with Oyl thou didft not anoint : but this Woman hath anointed my Feet with Oiniment. 47 Wherefore I fay unto thee, Her Sins, which are or have been indeed many,' are Jo far from rendring her novo Unwor- thy to come unto me, that they are forgiven her upon her fine ere Re- pentance ; and out of a deep Senje of the great Mercy of God in thus for- giving her Sins , therefore fhe has lov'd, and Jlill does love God much, and consequently has now exprejsd fuch her extraordinary Love in an extraordinary Manner : but to whom Little, in companion of the Sins of Others much more Wicked, is forgiven, the fame, according to the na- tural W01 kings of the Heart or Affeffwns , proportionality loveih God Little in comparifon ofThofe, who having been much greater Sinners , have had greater Inflames of God's Love in forgiving fuch their greater Sins. 48 And he laid unto her, Thy Sins are forgiven. 49 And they that fat at meat with him, began to fay within themfelves, Who is this that forgiveth Sins alfo, which is the fble Prerogative of God? jo And he faid to the Woman, Thy Great Faith hath fav'd thee, i. e. been the happy means of qualifying thee for obtaining proportmiably Great Mercy and Pardon : go in peace, i. e. with full Affarance of God's Favour to thee, and with full §(uietnej's and Satis faff ion of Mind thereupon. Chap VIII. And 11 came to pafs afterward, that he went throughout every City and Village of Galilee, preaching and the wing the glad Ti- ajT"«-"^' dings of the great Spiritual Bleffings , that were now offe> 'd by God to '«&»■ AliJ'ueh, as would become true Subjects of the Kingdom of /16c Meffias ANNOTATIONS. x. 76 5. Luke, Chap. VIII. T E.X T. TRANSLATION. £ 01' ^/fexjc <*W* 2 Kocj >t/yau- xi? 7i»es eij how Ti%£?.'7rdj/i&pou\ ^ttb ttv^'^twv 77oy>ipav K) ccodiwar Mct- &i KJtAtyuVd MctytTitAwT!, ap jis coq/xeuet. i7s\ci c^eAvtA^ , 3 jcoh looxiia. yvn Xy£a '67rtT£Q7CV Hpai sr£a.£oA/j atl7^. 10 O JV e«7ny T^tTy cTt^Tai ^ayct) to ^97) pia *r»s &>xo\\ua4 TV ©eocJ" 70T5 j ' , / ~ ~ c ~ < The feed is the word of God. p($- £» o Aojps t* ©eoj. ». Oi I2 Thofc by the way.fide, Si /ur^ rdu> cJV'v , ej'cnv 0/ 'i '".'1 ''/•life" \ eth the devil, and taketh away W «m ip^rcej 0 a/^CoA©-, *«, tfae ^ ^ of ^ ^ cttp^ tov Ao^jy ^fers -njs ^pSiaS oo- left they fhould believe, and Tvf , 1*) "7nis Tt^naii* ^M. 'Ch Aoyv/o? '6fo- Ti'bno-ii , 7»x 01 uazrcp&jQfd/joi j@Ae- Tracn "ra «p '6<^ x/>y- orloii '0 £ e£5» ynv\o-iTx\m ©foffe "^Tnpcpuipov 0 y ^ac^Jsra), *oq as ^y; ct» e^«, JbSJlot- Toq oot$)- Jt*| 05 &v #>j eyw , Kou\ 0 eyiyo»7D Si j jtMtTup ^ 01 a«ffcApoi ou^", x.ccj chc o^/Aov. 20 Kom aTrny^An ctuTi$, Ae^p»7t»v H ,a)/r>ip crou jcoh oi' ciJ^A- 13 They on the rock, i y ©e£r olkVoi. Tii, %) 77Cl^VT!i ttUTOV. auToj iveCn as ^AoTov,^ oi' ,ua(M<*j cu$ 21 And he anfwer'd and faid unto them, My mother & my brethren are thefe which hear the word of God, and do it. 22 Now it came to pafs on a certain day, that he went into a fhip wjth his dtlciples : Mfl6| XII. h>Duty of the PARAPHRASE. Seed that fell on the Rock, are they, which when they hear, receive the Word with joy ; and thefe have no Root, which for a while believe, and in time of Temptation fall away. 14 And They that are denoted by that Seed which fell among Thorns, are they, which when they have heard, go forth, and are choak'd with Cares, and Riches, and Pleafures of this Life, and bring no Fruit to perfection. 1 $ But they denoted by that Seed which fell on the good Ground, are they, which in an honeft and good Heart, having heard the Word, keep it, and bring forth Fruit with Patience. 16 And he /aid moreover unto them: No Man, when he has lighted Th>_ (/) a Candle, covereth it with a Veflcl, or putteth it under a Bed : but oif^tieifiTiZ fetteth it on a Candlcftick, that they which enter in may fee the Light. f^f^^f*''' 17 For noihng is fecret, which fhall not be made manifeft: neither any thing hid, .that fhall not be known, and come abroad. 18 Take heed therefore how ye hear : for whoioever hath, to him fliall be given ; and whofoever haih not, from him fhall be taken even that which he feemeth to have. 1 0 Then, /. e- the fame day that Chrifl deliver d the foregoing Tar able u1l0 mh'haeem of the Sower, {and J ever al others mention d by St Matthew and Mark , *« his m«*«- & tho pafs'd over by St Luke) but before Chrijl went cut of the Houfe whet e B"""en> &c- be was talking with the Set tbes and Tharijees, and went to the Sea, as evidently appears both from (t) St Mat/hew and Mark, came to him his Mother and his Brethren, and could not tome at him for the Crowd. 20 And it was told him by certain, which laid, Thy Mother and thy Brethren fland without, defiring to fee thee. 21 And he anfwer'd and faid unto them, My Mother and my Brethren are thefe which hear the Word of God, and do it. Kt,- if r'Ttrvt* tr\ r\i fc r\rt o r*£> cfun f.A *k* r.. J*„ iU/tt XIV. 8o S. Luke, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. $ urn &fos aLtUS' AteAjtD/jai ui 70 7n£?cv •mi Kl/xni- Kot) ivw^Sncrcu. 23 IWionav o£il9sVT8S JS e^au/wnra-v , Ae^pca.i i/rax-VVw ctwra ; 25 Ka< K5tTe7rAa(aaf ui r ^(f^rn T3 TaJkpvivav, >)'tis '^7v avnvrEpctv tt5j TctAiAouc^. 27 E^eA^ovTi w, vTtwTyurii olvt<$ a'vwp 715 ex, r woAe&ij, 'is eia< cftx^via ex, vyvav IV oijucc, Vx. 'i/jdyti, ctAA £1/ 70 is ^yfl- ptOIV. 28 I«fe!| ^ T IWM, X) Ct-VOt,- pjaAw ^cre- T/ f/io» tcow i, lvi<7^ qe TV ©efc v t^gcu ; ^io^jj av pi #e (ZaLOvcnays. 29 n&fMy/eiAe >^y tcD mivfMLTi t& a j^^pTfii) f^eA^eiv "^cri t^ etV7p»7roLc ttdAAchS y^)° v^vois and he faid unto them, Let us go over unto the other fide of the lake. And they lanch'd forth. 23 But as they fail'd, he fell afleep : and there came down a ftorm of wind on the lake, and they were fill'd wttb wa- ter, and were in "danger. 24 And they came to him, and awoke him, laying, Ma- tter, mailer, we perilh. Then he aroie,and rcbuk'd the wind, and the raging of the water: and they ceas'd, and there was a calm. zy And he faid unto them, Where is your fanh ? And they being afraid, wondred, faying one to another, What manner of man is this ? for he com- manded even the winds and water, and they obey him. 2.6 And they arriv'd at the country of the Gadarenes , which is over againft Galilee. 2*7 And when he went forth to land, there met him *a cer- tain man of that city , which had devils a long time, and ware no cloaths, neither abode in any houfe , but in the tombs. 28 When he faw Jefus, he cry'd out, and fell down be- fore him , and with a loud voice, faid, What have I to do with thee, Jefus thou Son of God moft high ? I befeech thee torment me not. ^r, (For he had commanded the unclean fpint to come out of the man; For oftentimes it CTO/>ip- S. Luke, Chap. VIII. 81 TEXT. TRANSLATION. CUOVIQ7taX.{ CLUTtV X) ihojUUTJ) OL\l)lTii '(fat on- fitti O £\ erffe* Aiyour oit l. via. 7roM,a ugyiK%i us clu-tvi. 31X011 vpptKd^-i awTBV i»* pi '^ti*|m ao7B7s ws ^ etCuww ATti\Jui. 32 Hv Je cv«4 ayl\>i ^"'p11" ''w^' ^oTKOf^Jjai had caught him : and he was kept bound with chains, and in fetters ; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wildernefs.) 30 And Jefus ask'd him, faying, What is thy name ? And he faid, Legion : becaufe many devils were enter'd into him. 31 And they befbught him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. 31 And there was there an herd of many fwme feeding on h PARAPHRASE. Difciples : and he faid unto them, Let us go over unto the other, i. e. Ea/lern-Me of the Lake, viz. Gennejaret or Sea of Galilee- And they lanch'd forth. 23 But as they fail'd, he fell afleep : and there came down a Storm of Wind on the Lake, and they were fill'd with Water, and were in danger. 24 And they came to him, and awoke him, fay- ing, Matter, matter, we perifh. Then he arofe, and rebuk'd the Wind, and the raging of the Water : and they ceas'd, and there was a Calm. ay And he faid unto them , Where is your Faith ? And they being afraid, wondred, faying one to another, What manner of Man is this? for he commandeth even the Winds and Water, and they obey him. 26 And they arriv'd at the Country of the Gadarenes, (w) which is He J"'- over againft Galilee. 27 And when he went forth to land, there met L%;m ofDtviit. him a certain Man of that City or Country, {one of the two mention d by St Matthew ) who had Devils a long time , and wore no Cloaths , neither abode in any Houfe, but in the Tombs. 18 When he faw Je- fus, he cry'd out, and fell down before him, and with a loud Voice faid, What have I to do with thee, Jefus thou Son of God moft high? I befeech thee torment me not. 29 ( For he had commanded the un- clean Spirit to come out of the Man. For oftentimes it had caught him : and he was kept bound with Chains, and in Fetters; and he brake the Bands, and was driven of the Devil into the Wildernefs.) 30 And Jefus ask'd him , faying , What is thy Name ? And he faid , Legion : becaufe many Devils were enter'd into him. 3 1 And they befought 8r S.Luke, Chap. VIII. TE X_T.' TRANSLATION" ci t& iffi' xa\ 4??'tYjt.\vjLu ai-nt'liA the mountain: and they be- ,A '/f ' ~ ' > >' > v0~ fouehthira that he would fuf- $feip4y co,™ asHiavvs ao^V. fer?hem t0 enter int0 ihert. Kci) t7rt7^iyii ccuTvis. 33 EfeA^o'y- And he fuffer'd them. to A' to fcc^n* ^ t5 i,}poi, ttpv- faw what was done> lhey fltd> i , 0 , , i and went and told it in the gj>y xq canhfy-ns av^yyaAay CJty and in the courury. 6»$ tJoJ tstoAiv tot) &s Tfcs ayyuJ. 35 Then they Went out to ,_ eJml (V 'r.~ / » fee what was done; and came 3f E?MV JW«i toj^vo*. *«, t0 JefuS} and found ^ man /?A%y 'zs^s Toy IvjffBua, Jtcq eo^y out of whom the devils were JlsOWoi ™ &V™, ^'^ departed, fitting at the feet of , ,K /j , , ' Jefus, cloathd, and in his right fcmionx U$i\-fl\\ffi , i/Mt,7iG&*oi Kf mind: and they were afraid. rappoyo^TO, /o^e t*s cro Tv < i%s •£ -s^- darenes round about, befought , ' „ j1 r 1^, ~ ' x o_~ ' ' him to depart from them ; for )pp m r*^p>,ytty, ««AV ** h WJ uken wuh ' etoray, o7j ^obo; ^tijMxAaj okc/'6j^ovtb' rear: and he went up into the Ms Si IjuUius rl ^AoToy, Wt. ^'P' a"d retu™'d back a§aiIV . r o- , . ~ « , v 38 Now the man out of !p whom thedevilsweredeparted, a>' Q %t\*\ij{ to ^df^na , avou befought him that he might be \ ' p ■> , ^ ' \ ' wn" him : but Jefus fent him cub au/70' a.7ti\vGt it cutToi o In- away faying, ot)Zs, Xiyar 39 Y7niA9s , xs'-j' 'oAlvu thee. And he went his way, j,; '%,. i... / _, w ' / » and publifh'd throughout the •ri*^» x^pu^y oo* iniwi »- wholecity, how grlat things t& 0 lwvs. jefus had done unto him. 40 EyillTD S. Luke, Chap. VIII. 8? TEXT. TRANSLATION. »Sv, jiA^ik a.v»p a oioficb Ictapos, ^ au- ctov a&^i t«s 7roJVs s?InaV, 7iape>C5C- Aei owtov aa-eA^eTy ui t oinoy oajTy* 42 Oti ^t/^TVip (tWV0>t»»lJ ia> «&TZ$ 40 And it came to pals, that when Jefus was return'd, the people gladly rtceiv'd him : for they were all waiting for him. 41 And behold, there came a man nam'd Jairus, and he was a ruler of the fynagogue: and he fell down at Jefus's feet, & befought him that he would come into his houfe : 42 For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and fhe lay a dying. PARAPHRASE. they befought him that he would fuflfer them to enter into them. And he fufter'd them. 3 3 Then went the Devils out of the Man , and en- tred into the Swine : and the Herd ran violently down a fteep place into the Lake, and were choak'd. 34 When they that fed them faw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the City and in the Country. 37 Then they went out to fee what was done ; and came to Jefus, and found the Man out of whom the Devils were departed, fitting at the feet of Jefus, cloath'd; and in his right Mind : and they were afraid. 36 They alfo which faw it, told them by what Means he that was poflefs'd of the Devils, was heal'd. 37 Then the whole Multitude of the Country of the Gadarenes round about, befought him to depart from them ; for they were taken with great Fear : and he went up into the Ship, and return'd back again. 38 Now the Man out of whom the Devils were departed, befought him that he might be with him : but Jefus fent him away, faying, 39 Return to thine own Houfe, and fhew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and publifli'd throughout the whole City or Country^ how great things Jefus had done unto him. 40 And it came to pafs, that when Jefus was (x) return'd to the other, He ^.^ the i. e. Wejlern fide of the Lake or Sea, the People gladly receiv'd him : for b/Wj f/«.v, and they were all waiting for him. 4.1 And behold, there came a Man nam'd "llcs, lairus'' ■ 11 i-> 1 r 1 <-* 11 r n 1 r- > DtM'nler to 84. S.Luke, Chap. VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. (Ev JV t$> ^jaiym aiiii, 01 J'vAoi (But as he went, the people v , , , i' I.- \ * throng d him. cuvtmiyi a*™. 43 K^ >ov>, van ^ An(j a woman having a or puai «W@- ^bra etov ^Jtorje , * bloody flux twelve y?a.rs > » , \ / t, which had fpent al] her living wnsus uyis 9fonLw\amm oAoy upon phyfic£ns> neither could T jS/oy, cbc lt%uvii r^J& ©fofsvos %- be heal'd of any, _ » ««- touch'd the border of his gar- cQ-tv, b-^Tv iM xfa.azn$y TV ijmctiv nient : and immediately her -.rs. i ^^ «, ^ rs 'H°%flft» who cu/MX.(eS cuiTr)$. 47 Koq &<7rsy 0 In- touch'd me? When all deny 'd, avs- Tit 0 a^^V's /*v ; Apw^av ?™r> and theY that * ere w,lth m ^ * t > 1 « /p nitn,iaid, Matter, the multi- ftimrmi, hthi 0 nn^ot x«t 01 a*/ tude throng thee, and prefs * outv- ETTtsum, 01 evAoi ouueyvai thee > and ,ay'ft thou , Who « -^ &.%'/",, <\ > t ' « touch'd me? oc ?, ^AiGwn, **, Aeyws- T,tj 46 And Jefus faid> Some k^clpdflos fuv, 45 O JV Ir\ayi u- b° i, *i perceive that virtue is gone Till* H-^octv juV Tti' tyce 50 tyym ah- out 0f me_ vafui £i\Jv°w he i/M, 47 I$£r- +7 And when the woman ^ c v „ , „ , faw that (he was not hid, fhe cy-ncw *4*td cuit* x-Tryyytxtei for what caufe (he had touch'd cw'tzS wra trmtos tS AaSf, * «? him> ?nd how flic was heal'd ,, ' „ , X immediately. ict^w 57a0c^pviiu*. 48 O Jfe iu7ny 48 And he faid unto her, c^t«. ©ip^^^w Ivriwow Daughter be of good comfort: , , , , , , N thy faith hath made thee whole; ireatfxjt at' zropwov e«5 ufnilcu. j go in peace.) 49 Em *J>r* ActAS^s , ifytrj -ni ^ ^hile he yet fpake there T* 5 r^ , cometh one rrom the ruler or p V k^oiLua.ytyV, Xiyai ouna- the fynagogue's houfe, faying to O, ^..". J **, »«• ^ «iA- "», Th, daugteis tod ; ^gt 7bv Ji^,(7x*Aqv. yo O (ft In- jo But when Jefus heard //, ~ > / » ttsi *i_? \ > he anfwer'd him, faying, Fear oks «was .^idn cwt^, Aey^v no£: believconi^and ffieflwll M>i tpoCv" ittoioy -Tn-TEoe, ^ cra}-«(7e^. 1 be made whole. fi Ei'oiA- S.Luke, Chap. VIII. 8y TEXT. TRANSLATION. f i EiaiAjcev S\ eis tIuj oikiow, ovx. x, IctK«Coy $ la&nltu, $ T waT?p« $ 7&J[fos Xf r pm£jc. fz ExAct)ov A AWTeS $ C/W7J?0V7B flWTW* O *tu'ous tws p^eipos aJjTHi, lioT,Aej and prefs thee, and fay'ft thou, Who touch'd me ? 4voS. Keep. ¥ '. 2oi)C5tAera^(/os id«y aipeTS a 5 t odo», fWTg ctp>o^ty vpcls, s£ep- yofjdjjoi ^td TWDAeiDS cecums, $ -ray /wyiop-ray ^/ra t 7roi£>y t^taay ^rsTivx- %oi.1t} ui fMLflupiov %7t auras' (J E^ep- ^OXglfOf Si ^l)lp^0V^ 5(?^TOS YMilM>ii,iX)xf- >4At£o,ueyoi 99 %ptx.7tiuovns rayf^ VV. 7 HxMat Si HpoeSvs 0 Te7?xp- ^>ts to yuopuvx fv^cr ca^ •3-x'vto* xoq &»7rep^ , 3/^ 78 Ae'yte&'a) 'Oaro •may, oti Iaxy>»s h^ytf^) c* vex^ay. 8 T7/0 -may Si, ort HA/xs l^xyn* aMtfy i\, oti *©^(p>)7T)5 e<5 T ap- ^qaiy ave^if. 9 Kx) urni 0 HpnSviS' Iaixvyjiy £><» xVe5tfpxAim,mnv ****. all that they had done. And AaCay avtVs, i"7(i^06py\oi K$er \$\» c'~/5 ^' ~ tftey knew it. foLlow'd him: •^auTDK^m^A^rv an/he rece/v>d then]) and ©eocJ, ^4 r'is XfucM l^Qims fig?.- fpake unto them of the king- Wots 1*75. I2HJ1 We* «PI«S dom of God, and heal'd them > i \ T I l"at "ac* need °* healing. xAi»«r ^aocreA^v-ns ft o< ^Ajyt, I2 And when the day be_ tinni a.\n&' A7nAv0vt« «$ m* ™*A« xo/^s x, Send the mulmude away> tha» rvs a?f«f, nsflgL\u / i/ >>• rv. » > f i and country round about, and i "' , ^ v , r, ,' ,' lod§e, and get victuals : for we tof4,n. 13 Elftt h "Of os autw Ao- are here in a'defert place. it avms v/uus fia.'(gL. 14 Howv yap aeu Ivfyts Wey®HU«£Alor UTtl «Ag "Qf OS T«5 ^a- 3JITO5 ao?- KeflctKhtiaflt a.vTVS X.A/- cnat *va arev7»5cov'5c. 1/ Kotj sW>i- OBty ootw Key etvexAivay ct7r*vtS/;. i and « < A/ , / 1 , looking up to heaven, he blefs'd fa-^cyoy, wAeww cturvs- xcq ^xtb- them> and brake> and gave t0 xAetcnE, >9 e,h'Jbo 7bTj ^a^jiTaTs ^*- ^e difciples to fet before the —a.' „? " ^ it » " multitude. ^«, 7^ 0A,A?. 17 K«, e^jpy , ^ Afld thfiy did ^ and xoh e^opmo3^<"*y W*y7t5' x.e*j «p^« were all fill'd : and there was 14 For they were about five thoufand men. And he faid to his difciples, Make them fit down by filties in a com- pany. 1^ And they did fo, and made them all fit down. 1 6 Then he took the five 7B S.Luke, Chap. IX. 89 TEXT. TRANSLATION. to ifeioj-iZoM au-rois »Acto74*T«» , taken „up of fragments that , , remain'd to them, twelve bas- •xapmi dWfcicsc. kets. 18 Koo, PARAPHRASE. SECTION V. Containing Juch Particulars as are related by St Luke, From a little before the Paffover that was in the thirty fourth Tear e/Chrilt's Life (or A.D.32.) To Chrift's firft Departure out of Galilee after the Imprtfonment of the Baptifi, namely to keep at Jerufalem the Feafi of Tabernacles, which was in the fame Year aforemention d. And thefe Particulars take up Chap. IX. 10 — fi. 10 And the Apoftles, when they were rttvm'd from their firft MJ- cjlriftI'in!fiai- fion related at the beginning of this Chapter ', told him All that they had loudy feeds about done. And he took them, and went afide as privately as he (c) could^ve th'uf'""1- by Ship into a defert Place belonging to the City call'd Bethfaida : for where he was afore , there were many coming and going continually, fo that they had not leijurefo much as to eat. 1 1 And tho be went away as privately as he could, yet fome of the People Jaw them going ; and fee- ing which Way theyjleer'd the Boat or Ship, thereby they knew the Tlace whither he was retiring, and told others : whereupon the People, when they knew it, follovv'd him : and he receiv'd them, and fpake unto them of the Kingdom of God , and heal'd them that had need of healing. 12 And when the Day began to wear away, then came the Twelve and faid unto him , Send the Multitude away, that they may go into the Towns and Country round about, and lodge, and get Victuals : for we are here in a defert Place. 13 But he faid unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they faid, We have no more, but five Loaves and two Fifhes; except we Ihould go and buy Meat for all this People. 14 For they were about five thouiandMen. And he faid to his Dilciples, Make them fit down by fifties in a Company, iy And they did fo, and made them all fit down. 16 Then he took the five Loaves and the two Fillies, and looking up to Heaven, he blefs'd them, and brake, and gave tn the nifriiilc? to let hcfnre thti Multitude n And thev did cat. and 90 S.Luke, Chap. IX. T^ X T."~ ~T R ANSLATION. 1 8 YL<* ty«e7» ci t$ «r«f oaVoy l8 And ic caaje to pafs as , o he was alone praying,, his di- ©focrar^^ov K*&A"va«, Qun% e»i$> fcipies were wi,h him : and he 0/ fta9ii7otj- *, ETnip^TJiajv ocZryV, Ae- ask'd them, faying, Whom fay _/ K> ' •> ■■ t*. the people that I am ? >v 17w j« toyvoi, m ^Ao. e^ 5 ,J They anfwenng, faid, 19 Oi ^ "^TnyLfiJzvit;, u7ftv Iaxvvnv John the Baptift : but fome S n J _i "v^. islu^ "^ is.1 (aVt Elias: and others /a/, that w ; ;" one or the old prophets is rifen 07: tzs&qwTM txi TW ky'yttm a.ie ~ <* , r . x 21 And he ftriftly charg'd (fan 1*0004 cwwi, ^hyiuM lAMftn thenj} and comffianded them wtw t5to- 22 Ei'tov. O-ti JS£ r lj'ov to tell no man that thing ; t < n ' , _„ » o.~ 1 o (v 2Z Saying, The Son of man * «» V*y TmM* *#«», * ^rcJW- muft f|]f£r *any things> and iJtAc&iio^ ~£m r "Qfio&vTipai $ £f%ti- be rejected of the elders, and sc, tJT TOTijf «/t«po{. £>«p3*lvotf. day. 23 EAe>« ^ resell nmfa. Ei'itS Tr23 And he faid t0 ^em all, , . , , ~- • » / " any nian w"l come alter 7sA4 oOTcra imv sA^ety, aropvHaac^ mCj ]et him deny himfelf, and «fl»7o», ^ a'e^Tta t faueiv ooItS nst8' take UP his crofs dallY; and fo1" * y , ', . , ,\_ low me. n/ttfa*, % cixatotju-ia fui. 24.0s 24 For whofoever will fave 58 etv ?sAvj T&* 4y>;^a' eU'T^ ^^ > ^'s **&> ^a^ '°k 't: ^ut w^°" ^•-_ •>.'_] ' '_t ' t\ .' a > ,/ w foever will loie his life for my ^^^f . ~ ? ^"; v >T fake' ihe fame fha11 fave ,r- 4t,^l» *ut^ evenev e,aS, «7bs otd'otI aw- 2^ For what is a man ad- oi»» afliam'd, when he fhall come in i\» aiJ.«.,Kiu .-i- , t \ , -. his own glory, and in his Fa- «A^ Ey tf J^^ aw 3, ^ TOTfos, s r ther's, and of the holy angels. ftyim ifyiAai. 27 Ai}a» Si ii/mi i.M- 27 But I tell you of a truth, S Luke, Chap. IX. 9i TEXT. TRANSLATION. yZs, urn mm -m>i a>& ewxoTm, o'l v there be fome {landing here \ 1 „ . / t/ ,N „(. u which {hall not tafle of death, p y«i«n)»7«^9avxiV, Ml . / rr-. j 1 , ■ nioni concerning ot LMke having mention d v. p. our Saviour s coming to a place belonging jrfm. to Bethfaida, omits All that is recorded by the two former EvangehHs , and was done between This and his coming to Bethfaida mention d Mark 8. 22. For being come to Bethfaida ( as we learn Mark 8.22 and 27. ) he went thence into the Towns belonging to the T)iHri£l orjurifdicltion of Ce fare a Philtppi. And it came to paf, as he w as going forn Beth- faida, he went {as is probable') thi 0' the T)efert or folitary Place belong- ing to Bethfaida, ana" mention d v. 10. of this Chapter; and being thus alone, he laid hold of this Opportunity for to fpend Jome time in praying, his Difciples joining herein with him , they being the only Perjons that were then with him. And having thus piay'd, quickly after, as he was travelling along with them, he ask'd them, faying, Whom (d) fay the People that I am? 19 They anfvvering, (aid, John the Baptift : but fome fay, Elias: and others lay, that one of the old Prophets is rifen again. 20 He faid unto them, But whom lay ye that I am? Peter an- fwering, faid, the Chrift of God. 21 And he ftnftly charg'd them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing, viz. that he was Chrift, tiH after the Refurre&ion; 22 fay ing fur t her , and by way of Reafon why it was not to be made known that he was Chrtfi , The Son of Man, or Chriji according to the Prophecies of the Old T. mult fufltr many things, and be rejecfed of the Elders, and Chief Priefts , and Scribes, and be flain, and be rais'd the third day. Whereupon (e) Peter began to dijjuade him from entet timing any thoughts offuffering fuch things : for which Chrift fharply reprovd htm. 23 And then calling the People to him, he faid to them all, If any ni- Man will come (f) after me, let him deny himfelf, and take up h is ,-,x Lfacttfa Crofs daily, and follow me. 24 For whofoever will fave his Life, fhaLI lofe it: but whofoever will lofe his Life for my fake, the fame lhall fave it. 25- For what is a Mm advaniag'd, if he gain the whole World, and lofe himlelf, or be call away ? 26 For whofoever fhall he nfhjimV) r\F me jn.1 nf m\7 Wnrdc nf" him flial] the Snn nf Man he 9x 5. Lafo, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 28 EytiiG} he took Peter) an(j johri) t neifoi x, laxnlto $ IxvmQcv, iii£y\ and James, and went up into ' * " , >K . *r*R«J- i9 Andashepray'd, the veto c* T9 ,^? -.'-o 2-,-.. , ...' alter'd , and his raiment was < , , ~ \ ,jr • white and glittering. iIM.'tutjj.qs airy Adfows <^as-££,7ttav. 30 And behold, there talk'd 30 K«j Iti, Zifyt* Mo ciwtA&Aouv with him two men, which were ,?,,'* r „ , , Mofes and Elias : *w$ 01 Tjves xoav Moms $ HAicts- 3I who appear'd in glory, 3r O/ otftrns ci >, eAejpi t£w and rPake of hls deceafe which "g r , y> « •> .r . ~ . „ he fliould accomplifh at Teru- e£oip&y ev Ie- falem< p«aaAw/M. 320^ YleTfoi x) 0/ oily 32 But Peter, and they that * f » o /° «' "_ ~t were with him, were heavy cc^ »TOy 0eC«^i «***' zfc. wnh fleep . and when the* ^v\,y>fii as C^te&aj »t«5 iw ei#, i (Aicut HA/ot' /x« a'^as 0 Aey^. ing what he faid. ,. -r ~ rO •'i" i' .'"'•' 3+ While he thusTpake, 34 T»« A caV A^?70S, .^.td the^ came a doud an/over: ViH» e»'s ¥ as they entred int0 the cloud- / . , v , , , o 3^ And there came a voice nf\-ni, Xtyvm' Oltti l< i^ ' ' 3 6 And when the voice was ? / cy u v ,7, ^ , Pa"> Jefus was found alone : t^ ytnoj^ t \i tijuepct,, JCSCTSA^'vTav a.>jTfyf ^ttJ tS 0^14 , auoYiiTHaiv clut$ o'yA©-' WoAuS. 38 Kot) (Jbu, avup ^ttb TS* oVAou dve£o>i0i, Aeyair AtS)A7xa.\i, Sio- [&] , 'OfaCAt-^ov '(ifa 7ov ijov (two, on jtiovo}«vns '6£j /to 1. 39 Ksm I'jfcu, 3-7 And it came to pais, that on the next day, when they were come down from the * mountain, much people met him. 38 And behold, a man of the company cry'd out, faying, Matter, I befeech thee look upon my fon, for he is mine only child. 3P And lo, a fpirit taketh him, and he fuddenly crieth IV. PARAPHRASE. 28 And it came to pais, about eight Days, [namely (g) inchjively of chriit is the *D ay from, and the 'Day to -which the Evangelifl here reckons) after fsHr'd- thefe Sayings, he took Peter, and John, and James, and went up into a Mountain to pray. 20 And as he pray'd, the fafhion of his Coun- tenance was alter'd, and his Raiment was white and glittering. 30 And behold, there talk'd with him two Men, which were Mofes and Elias : 31 Who appear'd in Glory, i.e. in a glorious manner or form likevoife, and fpake of" his Deceafe which he fhould accomplifh at Jerufalem. 32 But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with Sleep: and when they were awake, they faw his Glory, i. e. glorious appearance, and alfb the glorious appearance of the two Men that flood with him. II And it came to pafs, as they departed from him, Peter faid unto Je- fus, Matter, it is good for us to be here ; and let us make three Taber- nacles, one for thee, and one for Mofes, and one for Elias: not know- ing what he faid. 34 While he thus fpake, there came a Cloud, and overfhadow'd them : and they fear'd as they entred into the Cloud. 3y And there came a Voice out of the Cloud, faying, This is my be- loved Son, hear him. 36 And when the Voice was paft, Jefus was found alone : and they kept it clofe, and told no Man in thofe days any of thofe things which they had feen. 3*7 And it came to pafs, that on the next day, when they were come v- down from the Mountain, much People met him. 38 And behold, a Man Dnii%h\ohh*. of the Company cry'd out, faying, Matter, I befeech thee look upon my Difdfiu amid Son, for he is mine only Child. 39 And lo, a Spirit taketh him, and he '""' 94- S. Luke, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. xpaCi, x) cm%°?.cKr{ aural u$ ippv, out> and "* throws him into , , , r , > , y"

and bruiGng him, hard- auTii. 40 Koui ifrtijluj r /W*3»iTav ly dcparteth from him. „ » pt^. ' » . ' ' cv 40 And I befoueht thy di- av .<« c*G*M»W «ro, *, ** „JV,- ^ [Q caft h|nf out/and y«9naav. 41 Atfoxfi^etf A 0 lucres, they could not. Zmv nyveiiTnwitevciufjfa, +1 A?d .Kus anfwering , £d»$ TnTi etro^ot) ■a/'a? tz/wes, $ <£vi£o- ^ u/lS$J\ npoffa,>«c)^ ffl^ r i\oi ass. 42 Etz 7ny to icrous t$ faid, O faithlefs and perverfe generation, how long (hall I be with you, and fufter you ? Bring thy fon hither. 41 And as he was yet a com- ing, the devil threw him down, and *put him into convullions : sTrnifMin 6\ 0 inmvs t$> *MV**« and Jefus rebuk'd the unclean 7$ i-W.Ja.pTu, x, i'icrat,7o I ■wZSht.' z, fpint, and heal'd the child, and tlTttSuiUI O.UT0V T&) /TaTJ^l Ctl/TV. 43 E£e^7v>i1(7iy 0 luff??, urn SffoiTV? fia.hla.exd' 44©jcSe t ~ « < -> < ~ ■ / > t/^eiJ £p»ro». 47 0« deliver'd into ih< hands of Si >jyysv» to pri/ua. ryro, x) n vPPolvjc- men 'Kgt.Xufif^ia'i iauuTtt' 48 xot) bIttev etu- toTs- Oj lay Si%nTan t^to to Trc^Si)* Whofoever fliall receive this S.Luke, Chap. IX. 95- PARAPHRASE. fuddenly crieth out, and it throws him into Couvuliions that he foameth again, and bruifing him, hardly departeth From him. 40 And I befought thy Difciples to calt him out, and they could not. 41 Andjefus anfwer- ing, faid to the (h) Scribes that had been making wrong Inferences from his T>ijciples not being able to cafi out the fid "Devil ■> O faithleft and perverfe Generation , how long (hall I be with you , and fuller you ? Bring thy Son hither. 42 And as he was yet a coming, the Devil threw him down, and put him into Convuiflons: and Jefus rebuk'd the unclean Spirit, and heal'd the Child, and deliver'd him again to his Father: 43 And they, i. e. the People, were all amaz'd at the mighty Power He fj^un, his of God which thus fliew'd it f elf in Chrift : but while they wondred Difciples again every one at all things which Jefus did, he faid unto his Difciples , %£%£(' "*"' 44 Let thefe Sayings link down into your Ears,/o as to be well ' remem- hred by you, that t/jereby you may be prevented from making wrong In- ferences from this Tower you fee in me to do Miracles ; namely (/) what I have afore told you plainly of that notwithjlanding this mighty Tower you fee in me, yet /the Son of Man (hall be deliver'd into the hands of Men , and they Jhall kill him , and the third day heftjall rife again. 4y But they underitood not the Meaning of this Saying ; and by means of their being prepojfefs'd with a falfe Notion of the great Worldly Gran- deur the Mefftas Jloould appear in, and by their natural De fires itjhould be (b, it was hid from them, that they perceiv'd it not : and they fear'd to ask him the Meaning of that Saying, either left Chrift Jloould reprove them for their flownefs of Understanding herein , and their tVorldly Mindednefs which kept them from underfianding what was faid; or elfe left theyjhould be undeceived as to thofe great Hopes they had entertain d of Jharing themjelves in the Grandeur and Glory of the Mefjias their Mafter. , ' vn ' 46 But fofar was Chrift's Admonition ( v. 44.) from having its due He exhorts them Ejfecl on the Twelve, that on the contrary, out of the forementiond No- to Humility, tions of the Worldly Grandeur of the Mejjias which they were poffefs'd with, even then there arofe a (k) Reafoning among ihem, which of them fhould be greateft. 47 And Jelus perceiving the thought of their Heart, took a Child, and fet him by him, 48 and laid unto them, Whofo- ANNOTATIONS. (h) Compare Mark 9. 14. and Matt. 17. 14. (i) Such is the true Import of ^ in feveral places of Scripture; it being to be _i_ n 1 •.«../• 71.. i_..^ \ 1 . r. ..■_ n _- 1 -£" t*..~ 1 * .• 9<5 £. Lttke, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. E7n, uSb/ukv 7j»a 'b7b tzJ5 0^0^01,7: OVLfJlW O.VTV1, "oTl UK ctJCoAyf]^ ^rep yi Eywe7o J^ h 7$ <7t/l«'3Avip£eO£ 75 "SofouxnTni civvy iqy\tAc,t fc "/ropyjesj^ «« Ie^yuawAMjU. J2 Koq «7rE9«Aey child in my name , receiveth me : and whofoever (hall re- ceive me , receiveth him that fent me: for he that is leaft among you all, the fame fhall be great. 49 And John anfwer'd and faid, Matter, we faw one call- ing out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, becaufe he followeth not with us. jo And Jefus faid unto him, Forbid him not : for he that is not againft us, is for us. j r And it came to pafs , when the time was come that he fhould be receiv'd up, he fledfaftly let his face to go to Jerufalem, rz And lent meflengers be- fore his face : and they went, Jevns vur. PARAPHRASE. ever (hall receive this Child in my name, receiveth me : and whofoever fhall receive me, receiveth him that fent me: for he that is leaft among you all, the fame fhall be great. 40 And Tohn (/) the Apostle anfwer'd and faid, Matter, we faw one Such as propagate ^ ■> .. V ' / ,. ! ' . . » ' . , the Gofpci , are calling out Devils in thy name ; and we forbad him, becaufe he rolJoweth not to be hatred. not wu]1 us. ^Q And Jefus faid unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not againft us, is for us. And here it is obfervable, that St Luke is much Jliorter in that part of the Go/pel- hiBory, which is contain d 'from the be- ginning of Chap. 8. to this place., than either of the two former Evange- lifts ; and that, as it Jeemsfor this very Reajon, viz. becaufe he faw the other two had given an Account large enough of that part of the Gofpel- hijlory. Whereupon he rightly judg'd, that it would be more Jerviceab/e, not to repeat all the Particulars taken notice of by them, but to haBen rather to Jupply that moB confiderable Gap or Tiefett as to our Saviour's Mini/lry, which is made in the two former Go/pels ; and this he accord- ingly does next. {I) See Mark 9. 38. SECT. S. Luke, Chap. IX. PARAPHRASE. 97 SECTION VI. Containing fuch Particulars as are related by St Luke, From Chrift's Departing from Galilee to go to Jerufalem in order to keep there tbeY ea.fr of Tabernacles, which was in the thirty fourth Tear of his Life, (or A. D. 32.) To Chrift's Departure again from Jerufalem after the [did Feaft. Which Particulars take up Chap. IX. fi — X.16. hut are wholly pafs'd over by St Mat- thew and Mar\. St Luke now proceeds to fupply the moH con ftder able Gap or DefecJ, chrifl '■• '?, h'" which is to be found tn the two former Go/pe/s ; and tots he does very h refus'd r<«- Laigely : this Supplement taking up no lefs than Eight whole Chapters ?'"" bY the s*~ of this Gofpej, with part of Two others, {viz. Ch. 0. j-i — 18.14) Where- fore this Supplement being [0 long , and aljo the nature of the Matter therein contain d properly requiring it, I have dijlinguifli d it into fever al SecJious, which will fei ve to give the Reader a clearer or more diBinSi Kuowle ige of the fever al Tarts of our Saviour's Life. To return then ta our facred Hjloiian. 5 1 And it came to pafs, when the time was come now near that He fhoiild be crucify 'd, and being rais'd again from the "Dead Jfsould be recerv'd up into Heaven, notwithjlanding he fully fore- knew, that by his going up to Jerufalem and preaching and working Mi- racles there , he fhould but mcreafe the Malice and Rags of the Jewfh Riders again Fi him , and fo m its due time bring on his Sufferings and 'Death ; yet he ftedfaltly let his Face to go to Jerufalem at this time, in order to be pre [tut at the next Feajl of Tabernacles, which was always on the fifteenth of the Month Tt/in , (that was now about the middle of oar Oiiober.) The Reajon of his coming up to this Feaft was, that he might have the better Opportunity ofpubljhiug the Go/pel, both by his "Preaching and doing Miracles, to the Jews, not only that came out of other parts of the Hoi) Land, but al/o out of other Countries, to the I aid Feajl. Alow the Reajon why St Luke is fojhort in his Account of this Journey, (it ending at v. 16. of the next Chaptei ) may be very well tnfen'd from what St John fays Ch 7.8 — to v.'Z thatjejus did not go up to the /aid Feaft when his B> eathren did, but afterwards ; and therefore made the more ha/ie when he went, and in order thereto went not openly, but as it were m Jecret ; fo that he perform d probably no Miracle, nor did any thing remarkable , but what St Luke takes notice of in this fljort Compafs be- tween v- J l. of this Chapter, and v. 16. of the next. To return then to 98 S.Luke, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. %irts ut ifo- £ot,VTO OUiTCV, OT1 TO 1&fOOZi>7rOV oU/tf >}V Tto^dio f&yoi us IgpvoutA^a. ^4 lJbv- TSS (ffc 01 ^a^roti otoTis' Iclioj>QoS x.vj[ lotxvms, t\7nr Kutti, %Kus uituniv avotAauty aoTyJ, as ^ HAia« Ivnwoi ; ^ e<7TSV Owe o'uF&Te OlOU 7J?et/,£W7CS £5? k^?. j(J O jo i^os tf ayjpaTry QT3c JjA^s 4U^C''5 iv^paTrov ^raAe- otq , ^AAx atUott). Ket| e7ropeuS»uray S7 Eyiyilo £g 7Ttfdio/LdjJW/ ouitov, il TV) OdC? U7tt TIS tO- Av^Jicra cvi "ova a.y «7rfpvv), Ku&AgtfS eyjftn, X) to Tiiluisi % J^^CVV, ^TBLOTCWOiO-US' 0 Si 1{0S TV elv9pa>7ry vx, gy^ sr£ t5 >uiv xac<3AV()',/ |U0|. O Jg &7IV Ku^g, '^ITfe-vJiy ,tWI a7nA9ov77 o/>3Toy ^-vf/cq t TO-TCpa /uy. 60 Elm H olutS 0 Ino-Js1 Apgs Ttt's ygKf«s ^a-vf/oq Ttfs gcunr vgxfVs* otJ $1 <*7TEA0a>v Stx>fgAAe t i8«.ffjAe/a* ^©gS. 0Toy oAg '^rrpg-^v ,twi a7n>TO5AcQTfy tbis «s Toy (ujcoy fwu. and entred into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. Si And they did not receive him , becaufe his face was as though he would go tojeru- falem. S^. And when his difciples James and John faw this, they (aid, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, & confume them, even as Elias did ? 55 But he turn'd, &rebuk'd them, and faid, Ye know not what manner of fpirit ye are of. 56 For the Son of man is not come to deflroy mens lives, but to fave them. And they went to another village. 57 And it came to pafs that as they went, in the way a cer- tain man faid unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whitherfo- ever thou goeft. 58 And Jefus faid unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nefts, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. $9 And he faid unto ano- ther, Follow me : But he faid, Lord, fufFer me firft to go and bury my father. 60 Jefus faid unto him, Let the dead bury their dead; but go thou and preach the king- dom of God. 61 And another alfo faid, Lord, I will follow thee : but let me firft go bid them fare- well which are at home at my houfe. 62 EtTTS S. Luke, Chap. IX. 99 PARAPHRASE. fore hint) to make read] things where he was to lodge, again & he came : and they went, and entred into a Village of the Samaritans, to make rea- dy for him. si And they did not or would not receive or entertain him, becaufe his Face was as tho', /. e. they could eafily perceive that he would go to Jernfalem to tVorfhip, or keep the FeaH of Tabernacles ; whereas the Samaritans (m) contended, that not Jerufalem but Mount Gerizim in Samaria was the Place whither Men ought to come to pay their more folemn Worjhip of God. s\ And when his.Difciples James and John faw this, they laid, Lord, wilt thou that we command Fire to come down from Heaven, and confume them, even as Elias(«)did of old to confume them'that oppos'd him? ?? But he turn'd, and rebuk'd them, and faid, Ye know not what manner of Spirit, i. e. Temper or 'Difpofition ye are to be of in conformity to the gracious 'Dejlgn of the Gofpel. $6 For tho' under the Law which was a Difpenfation of Severity, at leaB in com- parifon to the Gofpel-difpenfation ; and at a time when the Honour and jufl fever tty of the faid Law was to be vindicated in refpeil of a Wickgd and Idolatrous Prince, and the Commiffion of Elijah was to be prov'd to be from God, by fuch a fever e Inflame \ it was requifite that Juch a fe- ver e Method fhould be made ufe of by Elijah as he did : yet this is con- trary to the gracious Defign of the Go/pel, or my Coming into the World; in af much as the Son ot Man is not come to deftroy Mens even Tem- poral'Lives, but to fave them, and gain Men to their "Duty by Methods of Gentlenefs and 'Patience. And accordingly, without any ado, they went to another Village. S*] And it came to pals that as they went, in the way a certain Man Chr;(t"Anfwe„ faid unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whitherfoever thou goeft. to feveni, about j-8 And, as this was the fame that another had formerly (o) faid to him/°llm'"Z him' and out of the fame Carnal Motive, fo Jefus faid unto him the fame as he had formerly faid to the other, viz. Foxes have Holes, and Birds of the Air have Nells, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his Head. J9 And here it may be proper to take notice, how at {p) another time he laid unto another on the contrary, Follow me : but he faid, Lord, fuf- fer me rirft to go and bury my Father. 60 Jefus faid unto him, Let the Dead bury their Dead ; but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God. 61 And at another time Another alio faid, Lord, I will follow thee : but let me firfl go bid them farewell which are at home at my Houfe, as in other reJpec~is,fo by fettling my Worldly affairs with them: (m) See John 4. 20. In) Matt. S. Io. (n) i Kings 1. 10. ft>\ Matt. 8. it. ioo S. Luke, Chap. IX, X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 6x EiWi Si s/fos cui-roy o IwVi- OuSelf 62 And Jefus faid unto hiro, ,/r,fi x \ v ~ ' ~ » » ./ No man having put his hand 6foGx\W T %Uf* MTV** *P»7fO», to the pIoughf [nd looking x, /3Ae7ray e*s to o'otow, tv%Tvs '6iti back, is fit for the kingdom of as t @a.<7iAtcui tS ©eoJ. ~, „ , , , , Chap. X. Kip. j. Mera «Tfe ^ra, i»ehi£t» After thefe things, the Lord o Ku&os % i-rlpys iCSi/MiKoiTa. , xoj appointed other feventy alfo, ■> . > i . \ t.r \ ; and fern them two and two ***■«*« ««t«sm* Try auTV, as 7raoav vrvhiv x, 7B77oy £ and place, whither he himfelf 'L,*\y,„ -.' K, " °f r^ * would come. vutonuijos tf7s%. * EA«y« «, 2 Therefore faid he nnt0 *©£?s cwrvs* O («ev ^cVto-,005 7raAls, them , The harveft truly is o»' & ip^rq oA,>. J^t, ^ t£ feat> but the labo"rers f , ^ p / /o/ 'ew • PraY ye therefore the KuetT8- ii«, £j,^y, ^ ^&Carry nehher purfe) nor «\tJarajty««,tsf & piJVva jjti ii» g^'y fcrip, nor "(hoes: and falute no «-^J^, cw - c', » * a' * ' > man by the way. , , ' / »•*«■* ;• And into whatfoeverhoufe etcnf^yicd'i , t^y^y Ae^TS- Ei'p^m ye enter, firlt fay,. Peace be to «-,,,, ', ,,,,,',, <5 And if the fon of peace 0 i\oi UfWYis, £7rovof7rau)cre/a) \m aim* be there, your peace (hall reft * ufm v$f- el Si (Airyk, i

" fta11 turn • ' 1 j r » ^ is/' ~ 1 / t0 y°u again. wia.HSf.H«\,i. ^ 7 E» out? A tm o.^o, ^ And in thefamehoufe re- yutwn, tc&Qvns ^ ■wvovt« to -arci/ main, eating and drinking fuch 'j¥>r >ir c ' . / ~ n, r things as they give: for the ^T ', *5'0S^ ° i(>"™ ™ ^J labourer is worthy of his hire. etuTV £97. M>; fXija.Coun'n i Si^atlau^ vpuis, ye enter, and they receive you PARAPHRASE. 62 And Jefus laid unto him, As it is a Proverbial Saying voith relation to the common Husbandman, that he is no good Flow-man, that keeps looking backwards, ( because this will hinder bun from making his Fur- rows flraight;) Jo it holds true Itkewife of the J'pirttual Husbandman)viz. No Man having put his hand to the Spiritual Plow or Mim&ry of the Gofpel, and looking back on his Worldly Affairs with Affeclion or too great Concern, is fit for to be imployd in promoting the Kingdom of Gcd. Chap X. After thefe things, the Lord J 'ejus, defigning {as it feems ) chriu fi„j, the after he had been at the Feajl of Tabernacles to fpend the Remainder of s">«"3 » preach, his Life, chiefly injudea more properly Jo call'd, or in diflinclion to Ga- lilee, in order to d/fpofe and prepare the People in thoj'e parts, where he had yet but little, if at all convers'd , and fo was not Jo well kyiown to them as to the People of Galilee : In order therefore to prepare Thefe to receive him the better, when he Jhould come to them, He appointed or ordain d other Seventy alio, bejides the twelve Apojtles formerly ap- pointed or ordain d, and fent them two and two, not with fo General a Commifjion as he fent the Apoilles, ( viz. to go and preach Where they •would, provided they confind the mj elves to the loft Sheep (j) of the Hou/e of Ifrael, i.e. to the Jews,) but with a much more rejh am'd Commifjion, viz. Only before his face into every City and Place, whither He himfelf" would come. 2 Therefore faid he unto them, giving them much the fame Tnflruclions as he had afore to the Apojiles, The (r) Harvelt truly is great, but the Labourers are few. pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvefr, that he would fend forth Labourers into his Harvtft. 3 Go your ways: behold, I fend you forth as (/") Lambs among Wolves. 4 Carry neither Purfe, nor Scrip, nor Shoes: and falute no Man by the way, that you may not delay or hinder your "Journey and Work by need- lejs Ceremonies or the like, s And into whatfoever Houfe ye enter, firft lay, Peace be to this Houfe. 6 And if the Son of Peace be there, your Peace fhall reft upon it : if not, it (hall turn to you again. 7 And in the fame Houfe remain, eating and drinking fuch things as they give: for the Labourer is worthy of his Hire. Go not from Houfe to Houfe. 8 And into whatfoever City ye enter, and they receive you, eat fuch .Itinnp no ii-p f^t kpfrvrA unit. n \mA Vip^l rrie .^irlr that arn rhprpm *anrl 101 S. Luke, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. l%it\%vTiS us TO5 7rha.Tua4 cloths, UTW.TV I I Kfcj "7BV 5tOVtop7t» T tU)\. An9*'v'& «py o« tJ5s TreAeaj upiy, -^m/MHom/iliJx U[MV TlKluJ TVTO ~yl- toDTKifi, on yiyfttei i

cfi ^Tv, 071 SoitytOIS C* TV) ^epO, Ort^VM ayex,7B7^^» e?"aj, >) tm 7n\{ 6/kuiv\. 13 O0«!) ctoj Xo^t^lv, b'cq croi Be")-- aai^** 'on u ot Tupa fccm 2»iaz*.v. 14 riAlai Tu- pa x.oq 2i<&»» avexTDTipov eVoq £» tvi Jte^ Jjopy. ijr Kcq at» Ka,7r?p»*y|« v\ "itiili U£?.iod u-^oyutm, 'eaf a£y 3tSt7»£iC«e9"))(7>). I(J O (XJCtffflV U- [AOI1 , tflX «.KV{m KOJ[ 0 a^TMV opt?, ep a^r|- 0 Si lju\ «.^tov , cLjtT^ f$ ^*d*5> Ae^pvTSS- Ku&U. l8 El7TB cTlB ow'toTs* F.^apVv T azt^votv, as a.^o«,7rav, 0* V V £?.<>£ 7no-DVTBt. 19 I,/\y, ^ vnn the Pnwer to tread on St-roents and Srnrninns. and over all 104- S. Luke, Chap. X. text. TRANSLATION. TxosiTWf yss^m Js ' 077 t» 010- 21 Ev auTM Tn apa. HjaMixoaS? 75S 7r/£o,«a77 0 I«v'ns a /SAeTfeTV 24 A^<» >^C U^IV, 071 77DM0i •jsj«o. p»Toq xx) (ZxaiXus y%A-r\tnxv t^eTv «. t^as iSAeTreTf, jc«< CV?c eTxv ouaviov x.A*ips- iojjwoxo ; 2d O »> Ev tj» ys^a Ast£<»y S\ 0 InfftfS, &(7ny Av^pfflTTOJ 775 )JJt7g'- Co^vev ^7n Ig^ffwA^ e<5 Ie&$ y&IL CocjveV ci Tm oSce tyxslly ^ j'^yy eto- 7Dy, <*y777ro^viA9iy. 32 O/MtuS Sz xoq A<&'i7X5, y»vc(t$u(3)J >(#7W tov to- 'TToy, gA^av xow i'<&)y , aynTrapjiA^y. * 33 2*iW«pg<7»5 Si ms oSnum , >i\% it&T autTov, x.ou\ iiJb!y avroy, iaxyT^F. "XJi'icQij' 34 K«J --s^c^A^iy K£tb- eAcqoy £ oiyov 'GfctQiQLrtJi Si etoroy '^7 7B fjioy x.T»v@-', Yiynyn oivroi ets TiavSb^aoi, x, i7ii[uhYi%n ouItdJ. 3J Kxj '@n r otoexov o^eA^ay, c/fc- CttAay ^) "■<*< «'«v owt^- E9n,weA>)9j|77 ttbTvo- x.x.\ ovi 7tf^v\cnov yvywoq tS ifxia- 0TDV7BS 6(5 Tfc5 AwfCt5 J 37 O «JV 6J- Trsy O •TTDjHaa^ 7b gAeos ^t' ootv. Ei7r*y o\w 0UiT§) o It\nZs' Tloptjuov, X.0^ GTj 77B/~ 0 > ; / they *journey'd, that he entred TV!, x, curd eun-\Jti as vj*iAu. -nix- imo a certain ViUage . and a jawi ft vis ovarii Mxpfc vm&Za.fo certain woman, nam'd Martha, • i ' w ^ c ~ „. i ~. receiv'd him into her houfe. »70» «s roixoy a.h\q>\ K^Ay^uvi Mat^a, 5) & 71a - Mary, which alfo fat at Jefus „ o.'_ _70 -,:* „iiv,* ri P" feet, and heard his word. cxxsraffasTO. «rpa TVS 77wa.5 y I>i<7V, ' „ w £ ,. ■ , _o , / 4° But M"'ha was cum- }]X.vt t \oy» ax^. 40 H ft Map^a. bred about much icrving, and ^odSto -b& TroM^ QJ&Miv- "™e to him, and faid Lord, _ „ , ,. , , , , „ doit thou not care that rnv 'Gijaoa ft ei7rf Kvfu, M fu\% croi otz fjfter hath left me to ferve n aftA?* /a fum fa jfjcitom al#- ^lone ? bid her therefore that , , ■» » „ „ 7> Aie help me. xoytiy ; wm »i gut?) nut fui ovixvi?&. 4, And Jefus anfwer'd, and CvQ. 41 A-77DX/>i9e,M±fV,A«p"A*VAS k, '£ T And Mary hath chofen that rj j , „ , , ? ^ good part, which lhall not be >'ti5 tfx. apo^fe^flffi^oq a7r cutjjj. taken away from her. Ke4»e?3 ev tsS t/j *Jtd\ Chap. XI. \ t . c t i / n And it came to pafs, that as ** r ^ /C r > ju 'he was praying in a certain ei 71^715 T/«a9inov eu-v &fos cwnv Kv~ place, when he ceas'd, one of pit, jtetSsi^ tvoo-w'y^, ifjt^s fis difciples faid unto him, I / b 1 y \ \ 1 « ~ Lord, teach us to pray, as John g \mkms ikh*.Z,i tvj /uaGvnws ettTV. alf0 taught his difciples. 2 Etws ft a^TcTs- C&v 'Ofa^-^^i, a And he faid unto them, ./ ^ r7A_crit h. ,, ~ .^ ~ When ye pray, fay, Our Fa- At^i- n ATEP x^v o sv tb>$ 5 Hal. a/TxaS^TO 75 o»o/Mt ay eA^s'tw >j /Setai- lowed be thy name. Thy king- ^ ' -ex' ( > ^ as m heaven, 10 in earth. b-pst»«, iji '^tti 4> >^5. 3 To» etp^v ^y 3 Give us day by day our T01 tTniaioi Ji^y YifJu.% 7o Yjft' >ifitgy.i. ^ai^ bread. T, . ,/ , ~ , r •/ c ~ j 4. And forgive us our fins ; 4 Koq ctpes „^n tdij a^tpW viM-fi for\.e alfo f§rgive every one ^) eu/toi a.tflq TOpeuw/q ©?o$ fdend) and ftall go unt0 him auTO» tumiuKltV, & ei'^ auT# */A«, at roid-mght,and fay unto him, M r ». ,/ _ ..I Friend, lend me three loaves: ^p„™ ^i TfaS apw. ^ EWtt^J 6 For a friend of mjne in p/Aos (mv woifi-yiuTo e| o Tro"bIe mj , r i -j * ■ not : the door is now (hut, and x.e)cA£ir«1 > "*< 'IBt c*l^'* ("o" t*zT my children are with me in ifiof «S '-rfti Jw/'rf"' «W' V ftw'a- bed; I cannot rife and give thee. , , «, , , 8 I fay unto you, Though KSf «»*f^5 «^o"«flH ««• 8 Atya he WIu not rire and give himj u/jutj H x«| y <&><^ a.uT$ «yafa«, becaufe he is his friend: yet , , v • p , ' becaufe of his importunity, he a/0 roum dowd p cawj\uz)> clvtbS iytpfus <$Wei as he needeth. > ? ,i i? vJ \ ' ~ o And I fay unto you, Ask, *ut# oray p^u.^ 9 K*ya, i^f an(flt ^j be^iven /ou:Veek; \iyat' Ai't^ts, kou\ Sbfn *«i itfllal»beoPen'duntoy°«- . * , 'c ;J X. i r 10 For every one that ask- civoiyntrsToq u/<7y. io 11*5 y±f o eth , receiveth : and he that <*3rav A*/t£*yf *aj o 6n»y eu'ciW feeketh, findeth: and to him , „ , , , that knocketh, it (hall be o- noui to) >q>Voyn otvoj^o-eTocj. pen'd. 1 1 Ti'vot Si v/iui 7oi 7iaT5pc4 ou- 1 1 If a fon (hall ask bread _'_l r '\ " ^ %'&_„ ya,r>'.j of any of you that is a Father, ? » a ~ N , , . w"l he give him a (lone? or *'j19j a xeq i^)""*, m» *vn i'^uos if ^ aJ^ a fi(h, will he for a "_J? 12 Or if he (hall ask an «UTW<7M aov, /iii 6-toSoKii auTSi wop- egg) will he offer him a fcor- ttM; 13 El «» u/ipoi {/nap- pion ? "(v • cv.1 tv' mi' 13 If ye then, being evil, ^ovtss,^ oiJk-n *>«> hmmjitovxi know how to glve good gifrs tdTs rtKWS iiftai , 7ri«arf OTe,(«* thgr gjye the hdy ^ w ct>ioy 75T5 o«TVajy av7By. them that ask him ? 14 KotJ S.Luke, Chap. XL in TEXT. TRANSLATION. 14 K*| ui c^cCxMoiv AtjjOfliuov, X) OLUTC Wj YJUXpoV tyiliTD At y #&\- [MvUv ffeA%v7BS, eActAn imjlovlv 01 lyMi. if TiveJ (Tfc e§ cLV-mi iatkv Ev BeeA^eSouA Jcq^wina. 1 nlf to the Tews for I IX S. Luke, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. 17 Ao7B5 wy, wiTtri. 18 Ei <& & 0 aa&vxs i

a.oi\ua. oi BeeA^eCyA cA-CxWa to £et|- fioyiaL, oi ijol u^aaiv 6V tivi ex.bxMy<7i; ^gi TV7D X^l'Jcq U,WflV 0O(7Bi eoov^ot). 20 Ei Jfc ev <5W]uAa ©eoj IjcCaMm TO » aw-rey, t Tsdpo7d\iaji cw% copj ay ^ef Ii«tf, K$ct e/atf '^i' $ 0 [jm cuuxyai fliT iUOO , 07tOf7n£{. 24 OTOV TO a^Vp70» meJu/ua. ti Tfc they enter in, and dwell there: and the lad date of that man is worfe than the firft. 27 And it came to pals as he fpake thefe things, a certain woman of the company lift up her voice, and faid unto him, Bleif'ed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou haft fuck'd. 28 But he faid, Yea, rather blelled are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. 29 t3» PARAPHRASE. Heaven. 1*7 But he knowing their Thoughts, faid unto them the fame as he had afore on the fame Occajion : Every Kingdom divided againft it felf, is brought to defolation : and a Houfe divided againft a Houfe, falleth. 18 If Satan alfo be divided againft himfelf, how fhall his Kingdom ftand ? becaufe ye fay that I caft out Devils through Beelze- bub. 19 And if I by Beelzebub caft out Devils, by whom do your Sons caft them out? therefore fhall they be your Judges. 20 But if I with the finger of God caft out Devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God is come upon you. 21 When a ftrong Man arm'd keepeth his Palacd his goods are in peace. 22 But when a ftronger than he fhall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trufted, and divideth his Spoils. 23 He that is not with me, is againft me : and he that gathereth not with me, fcattereth. 24. When the unclean (c) Spirit is gone out of a Man, he walketh through dry places, feeking reft: and rinding none, he faith, I will return unto my Houfe whence I came out. is And when he cometh, he findeth it f wept and garnifh'd. 26 Then goeth he, and taketh to him feven other Spirits more wicked than himfelf, and they enter in, and dwell there : and the laft State of that Man is worfe than the firft. 27 And it came to pafs as he fpake thefe things, a certain Woman Who«. of the Company lift up her Voice, and faid unto him, Bleffed is the Womb that bare thee, and the Paps which thou haft fuck'd. 28 But VIII. u^ S. Luke, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 29 Tiv Si oy\m froW^a* 29 And when the PeoPle 7 , ^ y „ were gather'd thick together, 7,fFct7o teyw H ytnx cwm -ttbvm- he began to fay, This is an evil ^ '#!• OT^&Toy 'fh^y\r^ , x, ox^ov generation : they leek a fign , , . . / > ~ » \ \ ~ and there (hall no lign be giv- * J^tc^mt*, ei pi to m/tMi m ^ but the fign of5Jonas5the lav* t5 'SJ£?ip>)'7V. .30 Kct^-af yxp prophet. ' ' T ~, ~ _~. vr „/7'-_ , 30 For as Tonas was a fign ' , t .» ~ > / unto the Ninevites, Jo lhall al- wrai i?c/J[ Ji*| 0 ljos rv omjfciivnu fo the Son of Man be to this tm yinS: <&{>tvi. 3 1 BctoiA/ora, v7- generation. » * . , ■ f , ~ , , 31 The queen or the iouth iV e^ptxoxTcq c* tm x.e*^ i""» fhall rife up in the judgment iSl «V4>2V THS >«V€S:5 TOUTW , **f WIth the, fflen °f" thlS genera- p ■> , „ ■> 0 , ~ tion, and condemn them : for JUtmJtfcjy^ auraus* cm »A^v c^ to» fte came from the utmofl parts ■m^rai i«j, SoAoparr©'- xm M, 7s\aoy a greater than Solomon /J here. 2oAoC£Tax.£- it: for they repented at the •rfw- 077 ftt-nmmi us tb' xW* preaching ofjonas; and behold, , , , „ Jv a greater than Jonas w here, lav** x*| ic/\«, •nAaoy lav* w<^. jj ]\j0 man when he hath 33 OuSus Si Auyvoy *4<^, els xfu- l,&hKd a candle> Putteth * in OK , , v t \ 1 ^» a fecret place, neither under a doy -nSncw, ®tj)1i '^sro tbv /mIm , bufhel; but on a candleftick, ^\ct '01 xico Awyy/otr, '/v* 01 w'czot. that they which come in may /i' q ( ' r /3^•' /^ fee the light. p^A^o. 7o^«>ro« ^AeTOwi. ^ 34 O 34 Th5e Jjght of the body JS Auyv^ tS fM aw oAoy 5 oray o Au^voS T» 37 Ei Si t^ AaAiifftt), «p»T» ttu- •7CV tpa.ZAtJVL\os txs 'oTTUi ktuway ^r uuiKt' uaiXjai JV \ „* n \ \ ,/ o made that which is without, 0 ^ixms to e£«ftr, **}To erafty make3lfo that wh.chiswuhin? t7niYiae; 41 riAku to cioy7» J07* 41 But rather give alms of &w,c"w"'k" £ w, w*vm jfjtv £?£"!?,? y°u hare: and , , N v , , , t ~ behold, all things are clean un- file u«iy 'd^ly. 42 AAA oi/sij t^iy to you. ™* ea&coRi'ois, 071 sfcrafcxjtTVi* tJ . 4^ But wo unto you, Pha- , , , v , , niees: for ye ty the mint and «<}Vocjtov *aj to 7rj))«voy xctj sr&y rue anc) all manner of herbs, A^vavov, xh) vr«fif\«Qt -duo xeiw and Pafs over judgment and < _. < . / . ~ - p /^~ tne l°ve of God : thefe ought xcm tlM jty^xUo rv 0eo<). (swm ye t0 haye donCj and not tQ e ~ for ye love the upperm°" feats «>«7raT« -rite •syatoj^ftcfyicu' c* rais in the fynagogues, and greet- czwafayccis, $ Tys aerottojecy's if mis in8s in tne markets. Aii*»i » , u 44 Wo unto you*: for ye « y>tM. ^ 44 0««, «/*»»+, oti m mi areTas gra yes whlcJh appear n^tj 7H fcnjuna. 7» aihAa., xstj 0/ otv^pffl- and the men that walk over m. ».' —S.— -Tl— . ; ' «'.. viv. /^ew, are not aware of them. 4f Aot- ANNOTATIONS. V. 4.4. f rgjt^t^Tfty 1^ o^^toTiwj i)otx6*t«/ is not read in Vulg. Latin VerGon, nor two other MSS. nor is iw»«e^xa/ read in Cant. MS. So that from hence, and what follows in the next verfe, viz. 4.^. it feems mod probable that thefe words have been added, as Lucas Brugenfis and Grotius alfo infer. Indeed there can be S. Luke, Chap. XI. 117 PARAPHRASE. bodilyOperation,^ a Room isenlighten'dwhzmhe bright fliining of'aCandle does give thee Light Jufficient for what thou wouldft do therein. In like manner, ifth) Undetjlanding be free from Prejudice and all other Biaffes, then th) Souljhall be as full of Light as it was dejign'd by Nature, and is capable of in reJpeB of its own natural Faculties, and thoujlialt be Jufficient ly enlighten d to fee and embrace the Truth of the Go/pel. 1~) And as he fpike, a certain Pharifee befought him to dine with • *• him : and he went in and. fat down to meat. 38 And when the Pha- £ ^"r^of rifee faw it, he marvell'd that he had not firft wafh'd before dinner. the PW«y«j and 39 And the Lord faid unto him, Now do ye Pharifees, by fuch yQWScril,"mL™>«'- fuperflitious Obfervance ofWafhingyour hands before you eat, and the like, ail as abfurdly as if a Manjhould be very carefull (g) to make clean the Outfide of the Cup and the Platter he ufes , but matter not how dirty or unclean the Tnfide is: for fb you are JuperBitioufly care full to obferve Outward Ceremonies relating to your Bodies, but confider not that in the mean while your Inward Part or Soul is full of Uncle -annefs in the fight of God by your Rapine or Injuftice to others, and other Ails e/Wickcd- nefs. 40 Ye Fools, did not He, viz. God that made that part of Man which is without, i. e. his Body, make alfb that other part of him which is within, i. e. his Soul? and therefore how can ye think that he fhould rather regard the Cleannefs of the One than of the Other ? 41 But in- deed of the Two he rather regards 'the Cleannefs or 'Purity of the Soul; injomuch that if ye be but truly carefull to perform thofe moral Duties, on which depends the Cleannefs of the Soul, particularly not to take from Others, what is Theirs, by Rapine or Injuftice, but on the contrary to give Alms of fuch things as you have, i.e. according toyour Ability, All things that you /hall eat or drink or uje outwardly are clean unto you, i. e. fuch as you may eat or drink, or ufe without becoming Unclean or Unholy in the fight of God. 42 But wo unto you, Pharifees : for ye (/6) tythe Mint and Rue, and all manner of Herbs, and pafs over Judgment and the Love of God : thefe ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 43 Wo unto you , Pharifees : for ye (*") love the up- permofr. Seats in the Synagogues, and Greetings in the Markets. 44 Wo unto you : for ye are as Graves which appear not Jo to be, being grown over with Grafs or the like, and/o the Men which walk over them, are not aware of them : for in like manner your inward Corruption or Wtcked- ANNOTATIONS. be no Reafon why thefe words fhould have beenOmitted ; but there is an ob- vious Reafon why they fhould be here Added, namely, in agreement (as it was n8 S.Luke, Chap. XL TEXT. TRANSLATION. 4f hTnxjiJus Si ixs to» vojuocav Ae- 4f Tnen anfwer'd one of , a . f,/ , ~ .v the lawyers, and faid unto him, yi uiot}^ A« {hou K. jca} j»A*«« LQeAjuu 46 O ye lawyers : for ye Tj^eis TO 5 iv^paTTo^ tpapTia. Tf ■ y „, , (elves touch not the burdens vffif X oj Si m-n- phets, and your fathers kill'd pes Uytiav tx.7ftx.lwcw awrys. 48 Apa them. \ j. . ~ n „ 48 Truly ye bear witnefs Ac7oi £«' aTreJctavay oLVTSts , \j(jms Si olxoSo- fathers : for they indeed kill'd them, and ye build their fe- pulchres. 49 Therefore alfo faid the wiidom of God, I will fend them prophets and apoftles , and fame of them they fhall jUUTi OWTW 7» ftWJUU A. 49 AiA TOtd ksu, y\ oixpia. to ©eocl umv A71B7EAJ US aujTMi '50P«m$, x.ct\ ^Wavs, **} % M-ffl-&mt%$op»nw, 70 ex- ine foundation of the world, / n . . fi ~ , may be requir'd of this gene- ywuofX>poi s>?n> 3(5f™ooA»{ xooTioy, ratI0I1. > ^ro iris yincLs favTAS, fi ^TR) t5 Ji From the blood of Abel •/ (\ff~, . p . » ^», fay ,"nt? ?'m1' " fhaU bC Ie" cjuird or this generation. $2. Wo unto you, lawyers : for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye *have not entred in your -felv.es, and them that were eruring in ye *have hindred. $$ And as he faid thefe things unto them, the Scribes ths. j 2 Ovoui uu.ii 7oTs yofJMaa , 'qi\ ygcf.'Ti liui kAuSu, tds yvciaictiS- ay7B« OCX t*owA%'n , Kctf TO5 uo-tf. ^OM^uys tx^AuoztTs. Si Aty>'iGi Si a*TO &ut* ^0$ 'eLurys , rifcxiTv W * 01 S. Luke f Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. o/ y^^ojas xct| o.' pcttWoi S^e*- and the Pharifees began to urge , , ' , , if. > /&/'/# vehemently, and to pro- ws w«^«», xoh Sw^a^e., «- yoke him tQ ^ of ^ 7D» -z«^ -TTAeiovav j"4 Evecfyewov- things: pMffwaiy clvtoo. $4. Laying wait for him,and feeking to catch fomething out of his mouth, that they might accufe him. Kep. 119 PARAPHRASE. nejs appears not, by reafon of your Hypocrify and outward Shew ofTiety, and [0 Men are not aware that you are fuch wicked ferfons Inwardly as je are. 4? Then anfwer'd one of the Lawyers, i. e. Scribes or Ex- pounders of the Law, and faid unto him, Mafter, thus faying again fi the neceffity of (Vajinng before "Dinner, and obferving fuch other outward Rites, thou reproacheft us alfo, who teach thefe things to be necejfary. 46 And he faid, Wo unto you alfo, ye (k) Lawyers: for ye lade Men with Burdens grievous to be born , and ye your felves touch not the Burdens with one of your fingers. 47 Wo unto you : for ye (/) build the Sepulchres of the Prophets, and your Fathers kill'd them. 48 Tru- ly ye bear witnefs that ye allow the Deeds of your Fathers: for they indeed kill'd them, and ye build their Sepulchres. 49 Therefore alfo laid the Wifciom of God, I will fend them Prophets and Apoflles, and fome of them they fhall flay and perfecute : .yo that the Blood of all the Prophets, which was fhed from the Foundation of the World, may be requir'd of this Generation; yi from theBlood of'Abel unto the Blood of Zacharias, which perifh'd between the Altar and the Temple: verily I fay unto you, it fhall be requir'd of this Generation, jz Wo unto you Lawyers : for ye have taken away (#) the Key whereby Men Jhould be let into the Kingdom of Heaven, by depriving them of the true Know- ledge of the Scripture, and conjequently of their "Duty, thro' your Falfe Expofittons and Vam Traditions : ye have not entred into the King' dom of Heaven your felves, and them that were entring in ye have hinder 'd. si And as he faid thefe things unto them, the Scribes and the Pharifees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to fpeak of many things : 5-4 Laying wait for him, and feeking to catch no S. Luke, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kep. »£'. E» oi* 'QnoiwtLyyu- _ , Chap. XII. op . , . ~ „ ,, In the mean time,\vhen there cui T%f iwinSm TV o^Aow , ^ 09« were gather'd together an in- Hgfovtcflui 'Sfikntett, *fex-n\tyw numerable multitude of people, i i _ i « p _ ~ infomuch that they trode one Wt tus fixSnms ^Tvi- Jlfco- upon anotheri he ^gm t0 fay Toy szsgfoi veTS gcorroTs '^tts ths £u- unto his difciples, Firft, of all ' *. y??_. ^c ? beware ye of the leaven of the pis w ^eintpr, »7K <&f \^- phanfe^ which is hypocrify> x.6«7js. 2 Ou/fcy 4 Aiyoo ft v/uiv toTs whlch af tcr h,f hath kill'd> \c ? ~ » v 1 \ 1 t ~ hath power to calt into hell ; CaA&y us r ymixr y*> Aex» vftii , yea> { fay unt0 y0Uj Fear him- TtfToy / «.f , ,\ ,tr for two farthings, and not one ^xjto^tcm awtt7noy God? ~ ^ P A^^N.,f~,^.i> 7 But even the very hairs m m , , 7^'^ ^ or your head are all number d. x^ipaAvis \if£%f 7iaffoq yiZiffumlo^. m Fear not therefore : ye are of « y po&cdc- -7toMS» 9PV^'ay ftap^e. more value than many fPar" 8 Aiyo Si v/Tir Tile KoS ay o^wAo- 8 Alio I fay unto you, Who- ^i o# cAMi ^o»»o«d-e» t iy^paTOy, foevcr fliall confefs me before ,', ,, ~ , , f , . , men, him fliall the Son or man xm* 0 Hos tv ayVTrv o/Mtoymi o# aif0 confefs before the angels *woJ" t(wj«^o3"ev t ay^Aai ?©eocT' of God. 9 O JV S.Luke, Chap.XIL hi TEXT. TRANSLATION. y O St ifntm/^/jos fti ci»7nov to» 9 But he that demeth me , - / , . / . , / before men, fhall be deny'd be- wffavait ttTro^jfl-JiMTcq Ota-mot {ore the angds ofGod- T%f iyyiKow ry OeoJ. 10 K ~ . / > i m ~ > fpeak a word aeainft the Son gU< oS epa, Aojp, a5 tb» i|0» r*,* /jt^j u fliaif be.forgiven ^•parav, «.piJn' -Ti§> Si uf him: but unto him that blaf- TO PARAPHRASE. XT Chap. XII. In the mean time, while Jefus was delivering what is con.' He wa'rns h;s tain'd v. 1 o — ult. of the foregoing Chapter, when there were gather'd Difcipies to be together an innumerable Multitude of People, inforauch that they trod ^"{"^"^he one upon another, whiljl they prefs'd to come near Chrift, he began toM place, lay to his Difciples, Firlt of all, or above all, beware ye of the Leaven of the Phanfees, which is, i.e. where by Leaven I mean their Hypo- criiy. 2 For there is nothing wicked, which is cover'd at prefent-by an Hypocritical outward Shew of Piety , that fhall not be rcveal'd, or dtfcover'd one tune or other ; neither is any Wickednefs , hid , that fhall not be made known, at leaji at the lift T)ay. 3 Therefore/or injlance, whatibever ye have fpoken in Darknefs, or at Night, when ye have been in your own Houjes, and only with your own Family, fhall be then heard in the Light or in Tublick ; and that which ye have fpoken fill rnore Trivately, even to Others in the Ear and in Clofets, fhall be proclaim^ at that Day as Tublickly as on the Houfe-top. 4 And having thus caution d you in the fir £? place to beware of ffy- And ™he next pocrify, that ye may not thereby go about to mock or deceive God as well place, not to m$- as Men, I proceed next to caution you, To be jure not to negk& or omit g"/^' „* %e"r jour 7)uty out of fear of Men, or of the worjl they can do to you : Xhere->f^». fore I fay unto you, and herein / deal with you in the trueft manner as my Friends by giving you fuch Advice: Be not afraid of them, jhat (m ) kill the Body, and after that, have no more that they can do. $ But I will forewarn you whom you fhall fear: Fear him, which after he hath kill'd, hath power to cait into Hell; yea, I fay unto you, Fear him. 6 Are not five Sparrows fold for two Farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very Hairs of your Head are all number'd. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many Sparrows. 8 Alio I fay unto you, .Whofoever fhall confefs me before Men, him fhall the Son of Man alfo confefs before the Angels of I^^ S. Luke, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. to ctytoi TtvtvfiX ^Aotcntpvipiaayn VK a.(f>£[v\(si\<*\. II Otvlv Jfe 'Gffoarpi- fuaii iipxiLs :Qn int auvayoiiyas x.oq 7W5 ip^ots Jcoq mi c^ycnots, ^m ya- tifAia.'Ti ttos S n. "^mAoyxmSt, « 71 U7ivn. 12 To }^y ct>iov wyetl^* $iSbL%i iJjtMts c* ccutm t>i apoc , ot k 13 Et7r? cTlj 7T5 ttUT^ ex, y ovAV- AiiWxctAe , urn isa acffcApa ^wu JUt&HrUcfry fli) ifA.'el T^W JtAnpOV0(My \l£2rap- vovTffly ca$. 16 Ei7re «T^ ©-^Co- AZu» <©£?s auTfcs, Xtyur Av^pa- •ary twos TrAoumv ivipopwn n V*p*- 17 Kocj £leAo>/£«7o ci eotoTja, Ae- yw Ti7ntii4VV>I- /natla./u'if, X) TD6 «5«^a ^y. 19 Kom Jptif T^ -^v? ^' ^°>*> 6^tw* fA- 7^ a>«<)-« xuiS^JA ui tm -woXhcf ay*7TAuov, tpi t>j vtucn tUm -^vylco ovv A „f ,u* H4- ■ S. Luke, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ei£<»v eounS, %oq ,u>i as ©«y 7tf\.ov- treafure for himfelf, and is not «g/» rich towards God. ^ . , , , , 22 And he faid unto his ^ 22 Eitte A rs&s T*s fui'an-ms difciples, Therefore I fay unto eu-nS- Ai<& t£to t^Ty Ae'ya , fifi you , * Be not follicitous for - , ~ < con ii your life, what ye fhall eat; tutAiavn t» fyy) vffl, ni w 2i The life is more than _ , ... V« „, _ meat, and the body is more T^o(pr\?, x*j 7a cufj.a., tv o* fjLchX'hsi vfxm better than the fowls? aWpere tS» mltawi 2? jli JV ,a* And which of you, with ^lY i , „ taking thought, can add to his dC, ufMii futtfiiai fouu&ia^ fZBPj&u- ftature one cubit? !tf| »fci t^ Ja.ju'ov «JtJ ^vto, f If ye then be not able ^ ^ ^ to do that thing which is lean, i'let; 26 Ei' olto outs eAc^sw !aaTe Ta, K&iia , was they grow: They toil not, 'r/ 1 » ~ > «\ '(vj •> '.. they ipin not: and yet I lay «i£utf. V xom* , ©*& v«H MJ« umy0 /0U) lhat Solom*nj> in J5 <$ i^uTv , <i th his glory, was not array 'd like ,y • ~ ' e >*/\ < .\ > one of thele. Jb& «*t* av\.. the grafs, which is to day in ,j 1 ,1 > ,x> the Held, and to morrow is call pt^ ovm, xeu oui^foy «$ *A,o«oi intothe oven; how much more iSaMo^oy , 0 ©eo$ o'vras iju ■ drink, neither be ye of doubt-- tj, y\ m -m/iii' x.et| ft* /MliaoQcQi. fu[ njjnj 30 T«t* v^ ^t* t« iV t5 3° For aD thefe things do , > p , ~ w < ^(v tne nations of the world leek y^o^jM '^hQnTV vf4.ai di 0 tot»p oiAy after: and your Father know- r/ 071 S.Luke, Chap. XII. 127 TEXT. TRANSLATION. CTt fyruTz rtu) jSaojA&utv Tfc ©eoJ, x.eq TotoTct wirr* fJj^^SJio-eTot) iifiiu 32 M» ipoboJ, to ftiKzsi vni/uuor on ixj^yumoit a wa.THp eth that ye have need of thefe things. 31 But rather feek ye the kingdom of God, and all thefe things fliall be added unto you. 32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleafure to give you the king- dom. 33 riaiX*. XIV. exhorts Cart' PARAPHRASE. he that lays upTreafure only for to jatisfy himfelf «v7/6 /A? Enjoyments of this World, and is not Rich towards God, i. e. by laying out his Riches tn promoting of God's Honour does not lay up for himfelf Treafnre in Heaven, or fecare to himfelf Eternal Happinefs tn the World to come. 22 And he faid unto his Difciples,7?///^o;'^ on to warn them againjl And Worldly-mmdednefs, or too great a Concern for the things of this Life; them to be Be not fpllicitous (/») or overcarefull for your Life, what ye fhall eat,g^°e^ neither for the Body, what ye (hall put on. 23 The Life is more than meat, and the Body is more than Raiment. 24 Confider the Ravens, for they neither fow, nor reap-, which neither have Store-houfe nor Barn, and God feedeth them : how much more are ye better than the Fowls? 25- And which of you, with taking thought, can add to his Stature one Cubit? 16 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is lead, why take ye thought for the relt? 27 Confider the Lilies how they grow; they toil not, they fpin not: and yet I fiy unto you, that Solomon in all his Glory was not array'd like one of thefe. 28 If then God fo cloath the Grafs, which is to day in the Field, and to morrow is caff into the Oven ; how much more will he cloath you, O ye of little Faith ! 2.0 And feek not ye what ye fliall eat, or what ye fhall drink, neither be ye ofdoubtfull ramd. 30 For all thefe things do the Nations of the World feek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of thefe things. 31 But rather leek ye the Kingdom of God, and all thefe things (hall be added unto you. 32 Ton have good reafon to fear not the want of any things necefjary to this LJfe, who are . as it were my little Flock taken out of the reft of Mankind : for it is your Father's good Pleafure to give you the Kingdom mention d in the foregoing verfe, viz. of Eternal Happinefs and Glory, and therejoie if he n6 S.Luke, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 33 n^Wn «i 'OWctpW* o^ 3$ Sell that ye have, and , , ,. , r give alms: provide your felves W Sbu tMnfumUo. nontncn tew- bags whlch wax not oldj a *d7j (3*A9t'vTJ* («>i tsrctAojVjM^u* , 3n- treafure in the heavens that \ » / . a , ~ ' « ~ t/ faileth not; where no thief ap- roup** «**A«#M ?«IJ *p*vo<5- o*« proacheth; neither moth co^. xAi-Bns vk, ly^{, V& oris ^ixp^eifi. rupteth. t^4 & * JC5tpS\ec v[jlw 'i?on. be alfo. 3/ E&>£ l^w ccj ootpuis 'G&ti- IS Let your loyns be girded p o ' ' « %'> 'o about , and four lights burn- 37niis s^off- 36 And ye your felves like JWo^.5 tJv x^o, eow?^/; We umo, me" «£" **" f?r £eir , /u / ; „, , « ,' ■ 1 Lord, when he will return from clvaAwu 6k rm yxfcav '11a. lA%v- the wedding, that when he t@- x,*) JtyiWi?©-,- afti'as «vo<'- cometh and knocketh, they may - , p 1 , . , , • «. open unto him immediately. §«oii *ws>. 37 M*K*e^i o< Au- 37Blc(Ted«rfthofefervants> A01 cyxum o»s sA^v 0 x.u^c©-' eu - whom the Lord, when he com- / 1 ~^- , , 1 » . ~ eth.fiiall find watching: verily fH We^^! «^ A«3« «Y*», Ifay unto you, that he (hall 07J 'Z^^aoETixj , Jcccj av*)tAiv^ at- gird himfelf, and make them _, ,ij > ,«\ ^. / _i ' to fit down to meat, and will r*«, »«, ir^V, ^««H «■ come {orth and ferv; them. toTj. 38 Koj ih zAjy oi th £<&- 38 And if he (hall come Tip* TMS 7n>/ct apa 0 K\e7c\yts ep- houfe had known what hour > ' ,\ \ > ,\ the thief would come, he would X^, tH*y>fym, &,,** one *y have watch.d> and'not have a Aeya? , « x*i n(M$, 'o» y&\&- 9XJ>' . And co be alway* ment, is uncertain ; take care to k$epyour felves Akways prepar djor it : waid,fKi or f'e- let your Loyns be girt about, as Servants diligently emp/oy'd m their PAr'df'rD""h- Majlers Bufinejs, and your (r) Lights burning ; 36 and ye your felves like unto Men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the Wedding;/^*]? to the Bride-chamber, that when he comeih and knock- eth, they may open unto him immediately. 3-7 Blcfled are thofe Ser- vants, whom the Lord when he cometh fhall find watching : verily I fay unto you, that he fhall gird himfelf, and make them to fit down to meat, and will come forth and ferve them, i. e. he will highly reward and honour them. 38 And if he fhall come in the fecond Watch, or come in the third Watch, and find them fo, blcfled are thofe Servants. 39 And this you know, that if the Good-man (/) of the Houle had known what hour the Thief would come, he would have warch'd, and not have fuffer'd his Houfe to be broken through. 40 Be ye alio there- fore ready much more at all times : for the Son of Man comes at an Hour when ye think not. 41 Then Peter faid unto him, Lord, fpeakeft thou tbefe TnftrucJions The «<.„,',„-,; of by this Parable aforemention'd of the Wedding verje 37. unto us only thea,ch, 3S flli11 be y^po files , or even to all thy "Difciples? 42 And the Lord laid, \V ho £»y"in their st'J- then it. f. Whnfnever. whether an ^finFUf. nr anv other 7)rfcrf>/e\ is that '■<>». n8 S. Luke, Chap. XII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ihjvi 0 X.U&0S ouiT'd et;p»o^ 7n>i£vTO, o'uTaf. 44 AAvt^af Aeya ^7/, 07T ,Qn TtUn tois i;7rapvyaj» ouitsj' jyc?*- 97>s iT .Ttf Ay cWvV c* X.yspa « fa- 'S^aJbx.a, xcq sy apa w tf ><»<*ra4' xj ^i^Tv/jJiai flW'TBV, $ to 47 E»»»os «ftel 0 cflsM^ 0 yy^s TO ^^'-l."* OOTfa', <5kp'WTct| 970A- ActS' 48 O h (ivi yiovi , 770j;i- sro^e7Jv7a sroXv , "S^ojoTiyv ou- 77)o-Vcny oaTc'f. 49 riup SA70V /2ct- Aui us rlw ylu> , &*} *n ^eAa ; a Ji'1p '(ifa Ju}i, vu%a>S Aeytlt' Oft- Cf@^ epyerotj* Jtaj ~}\mo\ ourco. SS Kaj 07»» yo7oy sneovra , Ae- y4T4' O7T x.oui,/7Dy TMS yy$ **l t5 {s^vocT oT^ts Svu/Mt,- £eu(aa^eT« ; f7 T< JV >tot) k

^° nt apyoyra , ci Tiji oJ\q Shi £p}«- oiow avrxAAsty^.) a.TC *otdcJ' ,«>?- TJTTe ^t'yt.atipH 01 "Z^s Toy x£x-du>, XOL\ 0 X£ATY\$ OS /GrfySct) !& tsqj.- xGca, x.oc) 0 <^£5tx.?ap ai /SocMm &s & right or fit to be done by you} 58 For as to your Temporal Conduit ,Z™ God Wore your own Reafon is [uffcient to tell you, that when thou goeft with 'heir Death. thine (w) Adverfary to the Magiltrate, // is, advijable and besl, as or whilst thou art in the way, to give diligence that thou may'ft be de- livered from him: left he hale thee to the Judge, and the Judge deliver thee to the Officer, and the Officer caft thee into Prifon. jp For I need but okferve that in fuch a Cafe thy own Reafon will tell thee, that thou flialt not depart thence, i. e. out ofPrifbn when once put into it , till thou haft paid the very lait Mite requir d to make (atu faff ion to thy adverfary that put thee into Trijon. Why therefore in like manner does not your own Reafon teach you, that it is advijable and necejfary for yon to Reconcile your [elves to God by Repentance and Reformation, whilst by giving you Lfe he gives you Time of Repenting and Reforming} for- a/much as if 'Death overtakes you before your Repentance and Reforma- tion, nothing remains then to be expeffed by you, but to be cajt into Hell, where yon mujl for ever continue, becaufe you can never make due fit if- faff ion to the Divine J ujlice for thofe Sins wherein ye dy'd Impenitent! j. Chap. XllL There were prefent at that fealon, fome that told him XXI- of the Galileans, whom, being di [affected to the Roman Govet nment, Pi- 0.1 °r,m Tared"" i%% S. Luke, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. x Ou*, Xty* VfM\ ^K exv /m, fit- 3 1 tell you, No . but ex- ^^ , , ~ ~ cept ye repent, ye inall all like- 7»»o^,n, 7ravTSJ aoauTOS ^TreAeiea"^. Wife perifh. 4 H ex.e7vo. oi' ta ^ oitla Itp V$ 'vm- 4 Or thofe eighteen, upon c t . _? v \ . * . , J. i^4 whom the tower in Siloaai r,^' ' * r/ %, , feli, and flew them, think ye xlum ouuTp«- f11 men that dwelt in Jeruia- *M t«5 K*6i>tfcV7WS o# Iep«oaA:iAt ; f j tdl yon> No: but ex. j Ouyj, ^eyavfiir aM-'Un^)? A"^- cept ye repent, ye fhall all like- » / ^> . ~ q, wile perifh. »on7i, 7iavrsj ofutas ^7n\uc&e, r dreffer of his vineyard, Behold, ? ~ ' > _~ „ . ~ ^,'~v, v £.., thefe three years I come feek- Chtov woti si Ta o^jcm (at/TH, x, $/ y . j a *^r •, ' , ' ,, *• ins fruit on this ng-treei and ivfijy.a' ix.xa-doi ootw ivaTi x, t >tfv hnd none: cut it down, why V&Py.f j 8 O A ^SmrfMt A^ cumbreth it the ground ? " , a , ,1 > \ , ~ \ o And he anlwenngi laid Lordi kt H a,one t-ns- eus oTV wst-v}'® ^ aCniv, ^ this year alfo, till I fhall dig „ / / „ ,\ 1 / about it, and dung it: ^ f ,\, , , , 9 And ir it hear rruit, nvr//: X*p7rov i* ^« fc2 «W> Svyoo, acS-e- " And behold there was a ' » / ■ • i * woman which had a lpirit 01 ve/ct< iTA ft>& x, oktu' k*\ lu> any infirmity eighteen years, and xxJ^fl*, i ^ ^a^ aia^'-lo, was bow'd together, andcould 't>~ J , , , , in no wife lift up her Jelf. us 70 TiaAiXk. 1 2 I(ft«»» Cf ISn ouu ourrd o KuexoJ , & e'fTnv Tttox^itm, 'rs$.T@J v,uai to aaCCxTa y \u{ T /8^v *? t otoi ^7n £ ipxTNJ, £ ix.mya.i4i 77077'^ ; i (J To.ut£«< JV, ^-OJCtTE^t AC^sL/U ouoay, ko e(ct jicq o'x,to erji , Qrx 6^ Ai^ycti ^bri 17 Kouj tolvto. \ey>^s olvtv, jytfy- 5^0*011-70 7tO.>TiS 01 aVT7X.':i^Vo( cU/Toi* 39 TOS 0 OyAoS 6>*jp2V '£?h 7IBI3J 7BIS c#4 JV T/vi o^j'x '6£jy ^ &X.Ol\ux T% ®iV i ■/{$* Till 0(Ml(£>GCO eUllui; 19 OjtWi* '^J -/CO«.X.pv paiTD jc$cto ttoAms ■/ja vM^ua ^iJbctrxay, jioj Trop&ap 7niy/i^j<^> us Igpyaa.A»i|U. 23 Ei7n h ns outo- Kupie, u 0A1- y>i oi mit^of&ioi j O i 0 Ol'M- ffrait gate : for many I fay un- to you, fhall feek to enter in, and fhall not be able. 2.s When once the matter of the houfe is nfen up, and hath (hut to the door, and ye PARAPHRA S-E. on the Sabbath-day. 1 ? The Lord then anfwer'd him, and faid, Thou Hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loofe his Ox or his Ais from the Stall, and lead him away to watering ? i<5 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, /, e. a Jew, and Jo one of God's People, whom Satan hath bound, (as it were) thus down, that fie hath not heen able to lift up her Jelflo thefe eighteen years, be loos'd from this bond or infirmity thus tnfiicled on her by the 'Devil, on the Sabbath-day ? 17 And when he had laid ihcfe things, all his adverlaries were Afham'd: & all the People rejoyc'd for all the glorious things that were done by him. i 8 Then faid he, Unto what is the Kingdom of God like? and where- unto fhall I referable it? ip It is like a (x) grain of Multard-feed, Cr« which a man took, and call into his garden, and it grew, and wax'd a {'f. great Tree: and the Fowls of the air lodg'd in the branches of it. 20 And again he laid, Whereunto fhall I liken the Kingdom of God ? 21 It is like (y) Leaven, which a woman took and hid in three meafures of meal, till the whole was leaven'd. 22 And he went through the Cities and Villages, teaching and jour- XXIV. Parable of the tin of hi:,Jlard- and of the XXV. Chrift Journeys neying towards Jerufalem; He directing novo his way thither in order to tow"p'r"falem> the Feaftof XXVI. Repentance not keep there the apptoaching Feafl of the "Dedication, which was the i^th there t of the Hebrew month C'fleu, which anfwer'd then to the 16th of our De- Dedha, cember; and at this FeaB Chrijl was accordingly prejent, as we learn John 10. 22. 23 Then faid one unto him, Lord, are there Few that be Sav'd? And to this more Curious than Ufefull Que/lion Chrift gave no direcl An- tJ^J?°* " fwer, but laid unto them that were about him, 24 Strive to enter in at the lirait Gate, that ye may be of the Number of Thofe that are Sav'd: for Many, 1 lay unto you, will feek to enter in, when it is too late, and fhall not be able then to get Admittance. 2.$ For God's Dealing with Men way fitly be re/ewbled to the Cujiom at a Feafl, efpecially made by a Great peifon, of letting the Door or Gate Jiand Open to receive All that are invited, till jttch an Hour ; but when once the faid Hour is past, 1 .1. \A.a- .<■ .u,. u EL.nr ;<■ .-;r.>, .•, .■,,■».-! K-ifi-i rii . . * *n - 1- I}6 S.Luke, Chap. XIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. aP?HA^ t£*> efavot), km| xftfay itc* beg'n to *land without, and to i, , rW Tr/ „ knock at the door, faying, Juyu, \ty>nts- K»ai, Kue«, aioi- Lord> Lord> 0 umo' us&. c c~ . , .» ft'i'».~«.~ v i u_ ru.n __/-. -_j /•-— £oy yifjuv % ^Trexf !*)•&? epeT w^tuy, oux. and he fhali anfwer and fay -!•* « ~ [n ' / , -r/_ unto you, I know you noc oida, hum, TTBjev efe* 26 Tot? , J } 4 ' ' whence you are: t?ra from the north, and from the iSoppa i vo'tV- £ «ya<\i9i|0T>»T^ If fouth> and flia11 fit down ia TTj /3* Ae^yTJs om/T^* E^A^s, Jtotf vrtfujov iirivfy' on the kingdom of God. 30 And behold, there are lad which fliall be firfl, and there are firfl: which fhall be laft. 3 1 The fame day there came certain of the Pharifees, faying unto him, Get thee out, and de- part hence: for Herod will kill thee. 32 And he faid unto them, e<7ny«*70i5( nop&ysy-ns tunm tvi Go ye and tell that fox, Be- *\amu tout*' IJou , ©*£*AAa hold. l "ft out devils, and I , , ,'f tr, ~ 1 do cures to day and to mor- ScmMiicL, x*\ ixaus 67hT«Aoj OT.ue- row> and the th,rd day T ^\\ be perfected. 33 Neverthelefs, I mufl Vo what I have to do to day and to morrow, and the day follow- £yy x.oj\ OMiAoi, x.x\ tvi t&tv t«- A^ou^. 33 Ylhlco J\u u.i oy- ■7713" S.Luke, Chap. XIII. in PARAPHRASE. knock as much as they will: In like manner, tf ye do not repent whilft the Z)oor of Mercy Jlands Open, but put off your Repentance till the Door of Mercy is [hut by Death, if not fooner, and jo ye are rejerv'dfor the la ft Judgment : then fljall your Cafe be like to tbof'e, who coming to a Feajl too Late, and after the Doorisjlout, begin to ftand without, and to knock at the Door, laying to the Majlerofthe Feajl, Lord, Lord, be pleas 'd to Open unto Us. And he (hall anfwer and fay unto them thus reprejentmg you, I know you not whence you are ; I foalt not look on you as my Guejls, forafmuch as ye came not at the Hour appointed, and Jo flighted the Honour I did you by giving you an Invitation ; Here is no Admittance now for you : For in like manner at the Day of Judgment, All your Cries for Mercy and 'Pardon will be in fain, if you negleB the Duty of Repentance in your Life-time here. 16 Then fhall ye begin to fay or plead, We have (z) eaten and drunk in thy Prefence, and thou halt taught in our llreets. 27 But all in vain; for He, i. e. I thatjhall then be your Judge, fhall fay then unto you, I tell you, I know you noc whence ye are, 1. e. I will deal with you as a Majler of a Feajl deals with fetch, as would come to his Feaft when he knows not whence they are, namely, Te Jliall not be admitted into the 'Joys of Heaven; Depart from me, into everlafting Torments, All ye that would impenitently continue Workers of Inicjuuy during jour Life on Earth. 28 Then there fhall be unto you Weeping (a) and Gnafhing of Teeth, when yc fhall fee Abra- ham, and Ifaac, and Jacob, and all (he Prophets in the Kingdom of God, and you your felves thru f I out. 29 And indeed not only the Good and Holy men of your Own Nation or of the Jews Jhall be receiv'd into Heaven: but alfo they that are Good and Holy fhall come from the Eaft, and from the Welt, and from the North, and from the South, /'. e. from among the j ever al parts of the Gentile fVorld, and fhall fit down (b) in the Kingdom of God. 30 And behold, there are laft which fhall be fir IT, and there are firft which fhall be laft. 3 1 Jefus being now m Galilee, as is probable, for a fmrich as that belong d ciiriu^Re'proof to Herod's (c)Juri/diffion, the fame day there came certain of the Pha- °f H"°a and ji- rifees, faying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod r"f"Um- will kill ihee; which they Jeem to have /aid, not out of KmdneJs to Je- fus, but to get rid of him out of that Country. 32 And he faid unto them, Go ye and tell that Fox, i. e. Crafty Trince, Behold, I cad out Devils, and I do Cures to day and to morrow, 1. e. for a little while longer, and the third day, i\ e. after that, at the time appointed by God^ I fhall be perfected, /. e. make an end of my Minijlry, and perfeel the Re- demption of Mankind by fuffering indeed Death. 33 Nevertheleis I mult, 138 5. Luke, Chap. XIII, XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. (p'nrUu "^MAecQvui 'iZ,a> U^vim.\yifi. 34 IepyoaAxyW, Iep^oaAMjtt >) "^nx-lu- vyaa TVs r&€3& Ai^cCoaSW. T«5 *7lBfW,AJMV^5 'Z3£?J OUillw, 7!T>- 9 oux, ^A.jra'le ; 37 I( oil umtn, EvAoyn/ifyiQS o spyojt^u©-' oi oiofjuaJ]i Ke eA9eT» 0U)7B» fcy7&jy T v ovtCCxTq 7t>y c* tm «/«pa- ? oat- £ctTV; * S.Luke, Chap. XIII, XIV. 139 PARAPHRASE. after that, when the Time of my Suffering is come, I mufl go or depart from whatever other Place I full then be in, tojerujalem : for it can- not be that a Prophet perifh, in a Legal manner fo much as in appear- ance, out of Jerufalem where is the great Sanhedrm, which only, accord- ing to the Laws of thejewifl) State, has Tower to judge and con dettin a Prophet. g.f O Jerufalem, Jerufalem, which killefl the Prophets, and ftoneft them that are Tent unto thee: how often would I have gather'd thy Children together, as a (dj Hen doth gather her Brood under her wings, and ye would not ? 3? Behold yourHoufe is left unto you de- folate. And verily I fay unto you, ye fhall not fee me, until the time come when ye fhall fay, Bleffed is he that coraeth in the Name of the Lord. SECTION VIII. Containing fuel? Particulars as are related by St Luke, and were tranfaUed {as feems mofl probable) After Chrift's Departure from Jerusalem, when he had been there at the Feaft of the Dedication, in the thirty fourth Tear of his Life, or A. D. 32. and Before his Beginning his laft Return to Jerufalem in the thirty fifth Tear of his Life, or A. D. 33. Which Particulars are likewife wholly pafs'd over by St Matthew and Mark, and take up Chap. XIV. 1 — XVII. 10. of this Go$el. Chap. XIV. St Luke v 22. of the foregoing Chapter obferves, that , .ftLr . ChriB was then journeying toward Jerufalem, which {as appears from d°p& on &eS*i>- the Harmon) of the Gofpeh) is moB probably to be underjloodofhisjour- fotb-dtj. neymg thither, in order to keep the Feaji of the 1)edication ; which he ac- cordingly kept there, as we learn Joh.10. 22. After which S.John informs us at the end of the fame Chapter, that ChriB went away again {from Jerufalem) beyond Jordan, unto the place where John at firB baptizd, viz. to Bethabara ; and there he abode, and many reforted unto him, and believ'd on him there. And it came to pafs, that during his Abode {as feems probable) in thefe parts, as he went into the houie of one of the chief Pharilees to eat bread on the Sabbath-day, that they watch'd him. 2, And behold, there was a certain Man before him, which had the Drop- lie. 3 And Jefus anfwering, fpake unto the Lawyers and Pharilees, faying, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath-day? 4 And they held their peace. And he took him, and heal'd him, and let him go : $ And anfwer'd them, faying, Which of you fhall have an Afs or an Ox fallen I4-Q S. Dike, Chap. XIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 7 EAeyfc cffe' 'Offos TVS YJcXAvy&pVS xAuncu, ^t\ey>nv, Xtymn 'Z3£«s ao- TVi' 8 Otov jcAm^hs ^Jsn -m©- «S >«/MV5, (i/t«v(S^ t>7T oa§- 9 Kaj «A- fm 0 en Kouf eu>ror Y&Aicous, iou ) ,U£T 1 \ ,1 ' I 0U%UOVlS 711 iu»$ « 1>w'77 CUI- tov Oto* 77D(mS ipiytAeraKn, $ ytwlouj avi £i1a,7rc£otuL. 13 AAA otu.1 7nnis Sb^, 5t^A^^?a- ^ouJ, «va7ni£5£^, vaAouf, TvtpAovs' 14 Koq .uax^C^os 2 And he that bade thee and him, come and fay to thee, Give this man place ; and thou begin with fhame to take the loweft *feat. 10 But when thou art bid- den, go and fit down in the loweft * feat ; that when he that bade thee comeih, he may fay unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then fhalt thou have * honour in the prefence of them that fit at meat with thee. 1 1 For whofoever exalteth himfelfj fhall be *humbled; and he that humbleth himfelf, fhall be exalted. 12 Thenfaid healfo to him that bade him, When thou makeft a dinner or a fupper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thykinfmen, nor thy rich neighbours; left they alfo bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. 1 3 But when thou makeft a feaft, call the poor, the maim'd, the lame, the blind: 14 And thou fhalt be blefled; for they cannot recompence thee : for thou fhalt be recom- pene'd at the refurre&jon of the juft. if Aw- S Luke, Chap. XIV. 14-1 TEXT. TRANSLATION. \J kKMCVm Si 715 T»V CZCV0.1XKU- /^v&iv touts, e»7rev otwo)* Ma^SifioS 05 p^W*) ^P70' °* T? ^a-ciAwst TV ©efa-. 1 (cc y SumX until tms yj&- Xr\[UiaiS' Ep^cQe, "an ^ 'em/Mi '(fa tjwto. 1 8 KTes &7rev ouTy- Aj^av Ji^ipetaa, ^ 6^y aya'jiujy l$ZiAjui X) l$toi auTBV Ipa!® ai, e;ve £*e 7rap>)77f/i«nov. 19 Koq eTjpsS M7re* Ziw>u $oav >)^op*aw, 7mTS, ^ 7rop£uo- /^f J^x-iiucsBL) aV&t* £pd)Ta at, ^ ^e 7iapviT«/t«yo». 20 Kai g-nplgH «?!*• Tu^ouKit g^^aat; x) 2^g, tSto fa- Sutix- #54 iAfSi. 21 Kxj 7ia.g?.yi'i6(3ji/QS 0 S^Aos ctuTV E^tX% fg/L^ooS us ras 7*A«.T«a< x) puM*s ^ TlVhiaS, x) T«5 ^aV^S £ ctVttTD/pVS kixj ^cohMS x) ivipAys fciaa>«>« aft. 22 Kaj fc(7ny 0 JSasj' Kupie, yifom as £70(9:504, sc, trt ro7iti 6gi. 23 Kot) u- tcw 0 Mpios TTpo? t S^Aoy EfeA^s as m« o£vs $ <«) >^y> i^Tv oti y^ui -ray su- e/yaw xi, i-nfi^T tcu% -vj^v, * JWJoM f0j he cannot be my difciple. fM /Mx.'SmriS e/f). 27 K*) 0515 far j8*- fttC,^ tuv 5"ou/£$v owtVj ^ '£P^°M °''7*- o» ,«y, fc SuuaLTty ,ay &vaj ^uaSimis. 28 T/s >«p <^ ^(O^v, 5sAa» Tn'pjpv 01- JOjJ'bpioUi, ijvj -syiSv x^'tf&S ^'P'C^ 27 Acd whofoever doth not ■bear his crofs, and come after nit, cannot be my difciple. 28 For which of you in- rending to build a tower, lu- tein not down firfl, and count- eth the cofl, whether he hath fufjicient to finilh it? 29 Iva, PARAPHRASE. Supper-time, to fay to them that were bidden, Come, for all things are now ready- 18 And. they all with one confent began to makeexcufe. The firlt faid unto him, I have bought a piece of Ground, and I mull needs go and fee it : I pray thee have me excus'd. 1 9 And another (aid, I have bought live yoke of Oxen, and 1 go to prove thtm : I pray thee have me excus'd. 20 And another faid, I have marry'd a Wife, and therefore I cannot come. 21 So that Servant came, and fhew'd his Lord thefe things. Then the Mailer of the houfe being angry, faid to his Servant, Go out quickly into the itreets and lanes of the City, and bring in hither the Poor, and the maim'd, and the halt, and die blind; . whereby is meant preaching the Gofpe/, quickly after the Afcenfion, to the Gentiles that livd injudea, as being Publicans or Profelytes to the Jew- ijh Religion. 22, And the Servant faid, Lord, it is done as thou haft commanded, and yet there is room. 23 And the Lord faid unto the Ser- vant, Go out into the High- ways and Hedges, and compel them to come in, that my Houfe may be fill'd ; whereby is denoted the Preaching of the Go/pel afterwards to the feveral Gentile Nations in the World, among whom many were convme'd by the Light andTiuth of the Gofpe I, and [0 compell'd as it were, by the Force of the Arguments and Motives made ufe of by the Apojiles, to come into the Chrijlian Church. 24 For I fay unto you, that none of thofe Men who were bidden, and refus'd to come, i. e. of the Unbelievtng Jews, fhall talle of my Supper. 2? And there went great if) Multitudes with him : and he turn'd, , and faid unto them, 26 If any Man come to me, and hate not his Fa- nam requi&e to ther and Mother, and Wife and Children, and Brethren and Sifters, ^ ^g * yea, and his own Life alfo, he cannot be my Difciple. 27 And who- foever doth not bear his Crofs, and come alter me, cannot be my Dif- v. -o t? „.u;„u ~r ..„. ,J.. k„;U ~ T, *„ c. 14-4 & Luke, Chap. XIV, XV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 29 Ivx fUI77»7l %tws tufy ^s^aiov, x, (JIM »%O0VT@-' C/KTiAiSOJI, vrXITli 01 %a>i$'JiTii cLpZaiToq ifiirw^ui ouiTqs, 30 \iy>i1ii' Oti xtos 0 cLtJfo>'7r@-' yif^xG oiJCOcfbiWciy, x\ &K. 'i%yAt/xa, *X' 'W-J10^ tzP®^ /3vAuie^) u Shixloi 'G$i at $ir& ^Aixojv aLTravniOBq t^ m]£ &OC07I ViAiiJ^v IpyojxVa ew ouitovj 32 El 4, 677 0U$ 7TCpj$0 6^705, /= ' • /. > ~ \ \ &'p«v/iv. 33 O'^ras £y, ras e£ ti^y 05 yx, ^reraoorg^ Tnm wis (oury U7iOf- 34 KaAsv To aAa^ iZ?-vJh> oV tivi apTi>9)ic7i7oi| ; 3f Ovts as ybj;, bit m Koirtiaj) e»- 9s"n>y '^Jv e?« i8xMoi/ji» ou*to. O Kap. h'. Haa» JS ifyifyrns - v tv. > -- /" c CLKVill CUStf. 2 Kot} Ale^D^tA^Ol 01 Ott «7bJ etjUotpTOAv's ■s^oo-iVy/^), x.*i ovitc&i oUiTvit. 3 Ei7« r 4 T/5 ay7pa77B5 dz, ofAUi eyaiv ex^^y i^foCxld, % -^Mhtcxc, 'It i% aLvmi, v JtSt]aA«7i^ ra £»vevvix^v7«.tyvest sv tm Ipyj- 2p Led haply after he hach laid the foundation, and is not able to finifh it, all that behold it begin to mock him, 30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finifh. 31 Or what king going to make war againft another king, fitteth not down firft,and con- fulteth whether he be able with ten thoufand to meet him that cometh againft him with twen- ty thoufand? 32 Or elfe, while the other is yet a great way off, he fend- eth an ambidage, and delireih conditions of peace. 33 So likewife, whofoever he be of you, that forfaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my difciple. 34 Salt is good: but if the fait have loft his favour,where- with fhall it be feafon'd ? 3 j- It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghil ; but men caft it our. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Chap. XV. Then drew near unto him all the publicans and finners for to hear him. 2 And the Phanfees and fenbes murmur'd, faying, This man receiveth finners, and eat- eth with them. 3 And he fpake this parable unto them, faying, 4 What man of you having an hundred fheep, if he lole one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wil- <" S.Luke, Chap. XIV, XV. 14-5" TEXT. TRANSLATION. g«? tupw cii/to ; .f Koq £upa» 6^t- 7i3nw :^ri t«5 cofMS IxutoS you. p«y. C0V- Taevvea hxjfJIOli , o'Itihs ou Vpe/a? i^yoi /UiTctioici;. 8 H 7is /vU/H, tya.'XjwA t^yavc hxs> sav ^TraAecv) £o;£,«ko ^ay, ^ a^7e< Aj^voy, ^ju aapoT tLo oocicw, ^u ^tS '6fl7- («eA5?, £o>5 OTV fci'pfJj 9 Raj eJ- ZjuevL cvy^Xti tou[ ras p/Act^ xm oLin&XtaTx. io Ot;7ti), Aeyai i^Ty, "XJ*-& yiKToy ^tonTnai T$f xyyi- Am tv ©eod '0} In ajLcctfiwAa ^e- rayoou^Ti. ir Elm <&• Av0pffl7nis tts e<>c Sbo tjfe'f. i2- Kow W7ny o ye^TSp^ ao- ray t&) 7ra7^i, IlxTSp, Jb's ^iwi 70 '6fo. SctMoy ^p^ •? fa-cj/c^. Kocj JWAev owttjTs t /3/oy.- 13 Raj fitf y woA- /\#J Ytixiyojc, ouuttyeiyoiv '0.710.110. 0 nu- TEp©-' i^os a. 5TSfou> /jux,- ■ajLv k, ix.§ $\io-x,Q$7n»p?*7» i;9tp&icC^. if Roq TTOflvJils for I have found ray fheep which was loft. 7 I fay unto you, that like- wife joy fhall be in heaven over one (inner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine juft perfons, which need no re- pentance. 8 Either what woman hav- ing ten pieces or Giver, if fhe loie one piece, doth no ' .in a capdle, and (weep the huufe, and feek diligently tiii fhe find Hi 9 And when fhe hath found it, fhe calleth her friends and her neighbours together, fay- ing, Rejoyce with me, for I have found the piece which I had loft. 10 Likewife I fay unto you, there is joy in the pretence of the angels of God, over one (inner that repenteth. 1 1 And he faid, A certain man had two fons : 12 And the younger of them faid to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. 13 And not many days after, the younger fon gather'dall to- gether, and took his journey into a far country, and there wafted his fubflance with riot- ous living. 14 And when he had fpent all, there arofe a mighty famine in that land ; and he began to be in want. if And he went and joyn'd himfelf to a citizen of that C/KUWi* S. Luke, Chap. XV. 14-7 TEXT. TRANSLATION. «>f^S owtS QoOTLUV ^o/pyj. I (J Kotj (TTiJv/^i yt/xism T xoiAicui ouuTit "&jn •nay ju^cnay ay nojjoy of vnyc Jto) OuJW S^lJW cttTEif. 17 ElS ECOI7BV ar«.T£j5 awo 'a^oa-euowjy apTOy; t>k*«q 19 And am no more worthy ,, / / t „ ~ to be call'd thy fon : make me MM (T«- WBONW (UOS «Ct TO, ^ gs one of thy hjr,d fervams# e$y a\s. 20 K«J aiacas «A^s i»fos 20 And he arofe, and came 1 I ~ r <\\ ' ~ to his father. But when he was nm-n*?. e«*r*. Etz ,& «*ra /«,. y£t a gfeat way oft- hjs father Xfjcy a.7nyci1@-' , ei T^, fc Eir {^oes on hfs feet , and is ,allvf. aSaini he £.■**, x was loft, and is round. And V£ffCuTepos l» *>??' heard mulickand dancing. 1 « ' / « »< r- ~ ' / »., 16 And he call'd one of the * m ep^A^o* «^ th mif, nxvat fervan(s> and ask-d wha£ thefe cvfiQMiZi *) ^cpav 26 Koq -jrpow*- things meant. Xicnk^os "ei* t *«^i, e7rt;y9ive7o i 'gwTa. 27 O Jj e(7T6v «wo5- Ott father hath kill'd the fatted e ih\aos ay Ui' i 'tywa 0 m™ calf> ^caufe he hath receiv'd «- 1 ' •* «i 1 tf < « him fafe and found. (TV T ^tW^OV T (73/i«TCy, OTT 0>IW»Oy7» l8 And he was angryj and *ut»i iwe^gt^ei. 2$ QfyicQ»fi,£lx. would not go in: therefore "o » ' .n~ ' * nv .*•»». came his father out, and m- »7«Aey acre Ada y 0 «i jia/»p ou/£ eljeA- treated jjjm' ^ai TiopexstA^ aw7sy. 29 OJV«7re>t/>i« 29 And he anfwering, faid Jds S. Luke, Chap. XV. 14.9 TEXT. TRANSLATION. TTOTe g^ajtstj e&«pav, i'vct fx.no> 7r/ #*i •»■ 32 It was meet that we Jtoj ytp^oH Ha, on 0 iSlAfos o-v fliould make merry, and be * Jr 1 . •> \ > /? \ glad : lor this thy brother was *t@- v«<*' ^ ^eadj and isalivJeagain. and ^TaAfflAas ftt», & eJpeSw. was loll, and is found. Kep. .5"'. EAe}« Al £ oejs t«s Chap XVI. .,,(.,. . * And he laid alio unto his patinas avnd- AvJ?c*7m *"* ^ difciples, There was a certain ctAVoj©-', o5 eT™ 01x016 pur *) X- rich man which had a fteward; * /=, 'n ' ? ' „» ^,.„ and the fame was accus'd unto TBS JteC\«3« ««T^«5 a/*<*op7<«V hlm tha[ he ha(] wafted hjs to uTiap^ovTO. oarS. 2 K*| Ttjy, e<7rsv ocotoi* T< rym stxXco _., ,. . . > ^ _ ' ■ , ; , „ • , laid unto him, How is it that 'OeJ ay; ~£mSb$ 101 Aoyi TH\i oi}to- I hear this of thee ? give an ac- tom** ay y y^f JW* mi 01*010- c,ount of '*y Itewardlhip: for „ ^ , , , o c , thou may it be no longer ftew- /E«IV. 3 ElTTE dt Of 6CO»T$ 0 Oi^O- ard< vo>(^»« Ti 7n)i>ic7ro, oti o jkj&w* 3 Then lhe fteward faid . , , , , » witliiuhimfclfjWhatfhallldo? flCV CLUTCH -du> UKOIOfHcU X* for my lord takcth away ftQm i,uoS j cncxTitay QTX »%o», t-n^T^i me the Itewardlhip: I cannot > z ; / o dig, to bee I am alham'd. «%«»<¥<*• 4^ Etf*» -n w™, iv* * j am5refolv>d what t0 do> oTay ^jlctjaOa -£ ontoyo^uic^, hq,cni- that when I am put out of the ' ' ' « * ~ _ v ' Itewardlhip, they may receive , f/ „ _9f>/> me into their houfes. '5?£37X«.Ae owefl tj,ou unto my lord? jlcV; 6 O Si UW Ei(5t7i)y (SatV* ^ And he faid, An hundred , / , ^ ' ? a >2 1 meafures of oyl. And he faid £A*V. Koq uWM-4- Aefa ay td untohini, Take thy bill, and lit >§Xj«^a., ^ >(s$ X «4°v °W- write fourfcore. xov7<*. 8 K*j farmoH o joj&os t oi- 8 And the lord commended / q >N i a , > the uniuft fteward, becaufe he XWfUT *«*«*««, ** ?P0«^« **»«!■- had dQJne Wlfc,y . 'for the chjl. air on oj ijoj iT ouavos Tb"iV (p?ou/M2- dren of this world are in their PARAPHRASE, ing with Harlots, thou haft kill'd for him the Fatted Calf: Where the Elder Son denotes the Jews ; and the [aid Elder Son's 2)i/lihng his Fa- thers kind Reception of his Tounger Son, denotes the Jews {even the Pious -j jus at Fir ft) 'Dijlike oj God's receiving the Gentiles unto the Jume Terms of Salvation with Them by the Gofpel 3 1 And he faid unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. 32 It was meet that we fhould make merry and be glad : for this thy Brother was dead, and is alive again \ and was loft, and is found : Whereby is denoted the Reajbnablenejs of God's receiving the Gentiles as well as Jews into his Church, upon their Repentance by the Preaching of the Go/pel] fora/much as this Mercy Jhew'd to the Gentiles did no ways lejjen God's Mercy to the Jews, whom he Fully rewarded for their Piety. Chap. XVI. And he laid alfo unto his Difciples this Parable follow- p^^e 0r the ing, in order, to teach them how to manage their Riches Jo, as JJjould mcft n»j<~fl Steward, tend to their Eternal Advantage and Intereft : There was a certain Rich man which had a Steward ; and the fame was accus'd unto him that he had wafted his goods. 2 And he call'd him, and faid unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy ftewardfhip : for thou may'fl be no longer fteward. 3 Then the Steward faid within himfelf, what fhall J do for a livelihood? for my Lord takes away from me the Stewardfhip : I cannot dig, to beg I am afham'd 4 I am refolv'd what to do, that when I am put out of the Stewardfhip, They, whom I befriend, may receive me into their Houies. j So he call'd every one of his Lord's Debtors unto him, and faid unto the firft, How much oweft thou unto my Lord? 6 And he faid an hundred meafures of Oy]. And he faid unto him, Take thy Bill, and lit down quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then faid he to another, and how much oweft thou? and he faid, An hundred meafures of Wheat. And he faid unto him, Take thy Bill, and write fourfcore. 8 And the Lord of the find Steward when he knew it, commended the unjuft Steward, not becaufe he had done Un- ju/lly to Him his Majler, but becaufe he had done Wifely in providing thus an eafy or comfortable Livelihood for himfelf: for hence you may ob- -jj. /~-L.,:a ,. l:. t\:p~:^l .1 #- t/|«T» Tnnre, 9 o ev eA*^s-a Ma a.t\'Mi 'f&i. 1 1 Ei' quo ci 7$ «^Jcia (iA/MJiia, -771701 Got iyili&i, TO CLAnJiyQI 71 S Cftll TTl' •/HSt)! QfJC h/iUcd'i, TO U/Jl&Ttgfl 71$ txj\ Slioi KUftais JbuAeuEiv » y^f r svx auo-hc^, jc*| t eT*pov i^Tr*!^' >j eyos £v%%itou\, x) tS eTEpV H&'&t/JJJKTlliiAC>01 CUOTil. 17 Kctj el- Trey cojtoTs' T/tus tTVJ$ &t(67noi T^f av^pa- ttuv 0 £i ®to$ yivamet ras ko^- il(X4 U^y 071 TO il a.v'J-pS/TTBlS t/ vLn - hoi, @>hh>jyu.ct cfaTnoy ? ©e£ 'fclv< generation wiferthan the chil- dren of light. p And I (ay unto you, Make to your felves friends of the *deceitful mammon; that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlafting habitations. 10 He that is faithful in that which is leaft, is faithful alfo in much : and he that is unjuft. in the leaft, is unjuft alfo in much. 1 r If therefore ye have not been faithful in the * deceitful mammon, who will commit to your truft the true ricbe s ? iz And if ye have not been faithful in that which is ano- ther man's, who fhall give you that which is your own? 13 No fervant can ferve two mafters : for either he will hate the one,and love the other; or elfe he will hold to the one, and defpife the other. Ye can- not ferve God and mammon. 14 And the Pharifees alio, who were covetous, heard all thefe things: and they derided him. 1 ? And he faid unto them, Ye are they which juftify your felves before men ; but God knoweth your hearts : for that which is highly efteem'd a- mongfl: men, is abomination in the fight of God. 16 O ANNOTATIONS. (i) The Holy Angels may be here denoted alfo, as being, like true Friends, not only moft Glad at the Salvation and Happinefs of any Man, but alfo as being ready to contribute all they can to his Happinefs; and particularly arc reprefented as Conducting or even Carrying good Men, upon their Death, to the place and fiats S.Luke, Chap. XVI. i?3 PARAPHRASE. or more "Provident and fndujlrious to fecure to themjelves the Things of . this World, than the Children of Light, i. e. than 'Pious men (who by the Light of the Scriptures are affurd of a Future and Eternal Lfet and Jo do live in good meafure agreeably to Juch their Knowledge) are to provide for or promote their Happmejs in the /aid Future and Eternal Life. 9 And therefore I fay unto you, As the foi ementiori 'd Steward made to himje/f Friends, by means of his Majler's Riches he was intrufted with, who receiv'd him into their Houjes, when he was put out of his Slewardjhip ; jo be ye no lejs Careful and Provident to make to your felves Friends, viz- the "Divine Peifons in the Bleffed Trinity, or God and his Holy (k) Angels, of or by means of Rightly ufing and laying out the (/j Deceitful Mammon or tranfitory Riches of this World in Alii of Piety s that when ye fail, /. e. dye, They, who are thus made your Friends, may receive you into the Everlafting Habitations ofHappinefs. 10 // is a, common Objervation, that He that is Faithful in that which is Leaft, is likely to be Faithful alio in Much ; and He that is Unjufl in the Leaft. is likely to be Unjuft alfo in much. 1 1 If therefore Ye have been Faith- ful m that which is Leajl, i. e. in managing the Deceitful Mammon or tranjitory Riches of this World, who will, i. e. God will not commit to your Trulf, that which is Much, viz. the True Riches of the IVorld to come. 12 And if ye have not been Faithful in That which is Another man's, and ye have been intrufted with, only as Stewards, Juch as are the Riches of this LJe; Who fhall, /. e. Godfliallnot give you That Wealth or Happmejs, which being Once given you, is to be Your Own for Ever, i.e. the Eternal Riches and HappineJs of Heaven. 13 No Servant (f«) can ferve two Mafters : for either he will hate the one, and love the other ; or elfe he will hold to the one, and defpife the other. Ye cannot ferve God and Mammon. 14 And the Pharifees alfo, who were Covetous, notw'ithjianding their Chri(iVeproves Pretences to extraordinary Piety, heard all thefe things that he taught the cmaim 'ba- its "Difciples ; and they derided him for Juch poclrine. is And he laid jftfcj^JgJS! unto them, Ye are they who ftudy only to juftify or make your felves fy. appear fuTt before Men, by an Outward Jhew of Piety; but God knows your Flcarts to be full of Wickednefs all the while; and therefore you are far from being Juftify d or accounted Jufl before God : For that bare Out- ward Appearance of Piety , which is generally jo highly efteem'd among Men who can fee no further, is Abomination, /'. e. mo/i Abominable in the fight'of God, as being no other than the greateft Hypocrify. 16 Tis true ANNOTATIONS. ftate of the Happy ; as in the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, v. 12. of this fame Chapter. __ (/) This feemsto be the true Import of iJWas here; as appears, among other 15-4- 5. Luke, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. la>a.iW ^ttb tots ^ @>a.cn\u& toJ ®tod ivaLyytht^iTtq, x, 71UJ as oc- TWy $ia.(J\u\. 17 E^5C0 7TOTS^y i^ 1^7 Toy 5/£^V0V X.0^ t£w1 ji/i> TWLflX- 1 8 riois 0 ^TroAuay twv ywujuyt aw- ry , *cq y£ oi joaies fpyo/^uoi «.-m\w)ci to eA/ui cw§. 22 EytiiG Si "i&nQz- vei ui to; 3CoA7rey ? aQoax^i' •tTn^swe ^> Jcot) 0 ■flAfa'o-jos, x) imp*. 2 j Kct) ey 7&) cc£m iWpas Ttt so'p^aA- #VS cu^, i>7retp^)y £y ^aortyoif, opa f 16 The law and the pro- phets were until John: fince that time the kingdom of God is preach'd, and every man prellcth into it. 17 * But it is eafier for hea- ven and earth to pals, than one tittle of the law to fail. 18 Whofoever puts away his wife, and marrys another, commits adultery : and who- foever marries her that is put away from her husband, com- mits adultery. 19 There was a certain rich man, which was cloath'd in purple and fine linen, andfar'd iumptuoufly every day. 20 And there was a certain beggar nam'd Lazarus, who was laid at his gate full of fores. 2t And defiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table : "but even the dogs came and lick 'd his fores. 22 And it came to pafs, that the beggar died, and was carry'd by the Angels into Abraham's bofom : the rich man alfo died, and was bu- ry'd. 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes,being in torments, and fees a£ pa.a./u PARAPHRASE. mdeed, that the Revelations cf Gods Will by the Law and the Prophets, wherein the Incitements to Obedience were Exprefs'd chiefly by Tempo- ral Bkjfings, were made only to the Jews, until John the Baptijl began his Mtnijlry : fince that time, the Way to enter into the Kingdom of God is begun to be preach'd to All men, not only to Jews but alfo to Tubhcans and S.Luke, Chap. XVI. ij-y PARAPHRASE. and Sinners of the Gentiles; and the Incitements to Jirive to enter into the [aid Kingdom of Heaven , proposed by the Gofpe/, are chiefly Spiritual Blef/ings and Happmefs in the Life to come ; and thefe have Juch In- fluence on the well-difpos'd, of 'whatever Original they be, that Every man that is fit difpos'd, and hears the /aid Preaching of the Gojpel, Gentile as well as Jew, prefles ( n) into it, viz. into the Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. Readily becomes a Convert to Chrijiiamty, and Carefully obeys the Rules thereof in order to attain the Spiritual and Eternal BleJJmgs proposd by the Gofpe l. \~\ But this is not Jo to be understood, as if I came, or the Gojpel was defign'd, to deslroy the Law or the Prophets : No, it is Eafier tor Heaven and Earth (o) tc pafs away, than One Tittle of the Law to fail, in relation to the Natural and Moral Duties thereof, of which the Rites and Ceremonies therein enjoy rid were only Figures or Shadows. In reality, I am not come to Dejlroy, but to fulfill the Law, as in other re- I peels, fo particularly by the Retraining and Reducing to the Primitive Inftitution fuch things, as have been permitted you for a Time, only by reajon of the Harduejs of your Hearts. I 8 For infiance, whereas you were permitted by the Law on fever al other Accounts to put away your Wives, I fay unto you, that under the more PerfeSl Jlate of the Gofpel, Whofoevtr puts away his Wife (e) except it be for the Cau/e of Adultery committed by Her, and marries Another, commits Adultery Himfelf; and al/o whofoever marries Her that is put away from her Husband, com- mits Adultery. ip Having thus rtprovd the Phari/eesfor their Covetonfnefs and Hy- p r blxr'f . pocrify, Chn/i returns to his Dijcourje about the True Vfe of Riches, and mi imkatm. the Evilconjeauences of making a wrong Ufe of Worldly Wealth; which he illuftrates by the following Parable: There was a certain Rich man, who was cloath'd in Purple and Fine linen or Silk for his Common Ap- parel, and far'd Sumptuoufly every day; and thus mifpent great part of his Eftate by Excejs in his Apparel and Houfe-keeping. 20 And there was a certain Beggar, nam'd Lazarus, {which name our Saviour feems to have given to the faid Beggar on account of Lazarus whom he had lately rais'd from the "Dead, as is probable from the Harmony of the Gofpels) who was laid at his Gate fuil of Soresi 21 and defiring to be fed with the Crumbs which fell from the Rich man's Table, which were denyd him : but even the Dogs, more Men if ul as it were than the Rich man their Mafler, came and Iick'd his Sores, as he lay at the Gate. 22 And it came to pais, that the Beggar died, and, having been a very Pious man, was carry 'd by the Angels, not only into Heaven, where Abraham a -id the Saints departed are, but even into Abraham's Bofom; whereby feems denoted a Greater 'Degree of Happinejs vouch/a f'd unto him in Heaven. The Rich man alfo dy'd, and was bury'd ; 23 and in HI!, or the State of the Dead, he lift up his eyes, being in Torments for his Life and l$6 S.Luke, Chap. XVI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. C* ToTj 5tOA7TBiS OU^. 2+ Kotj OtO" 70S ' e» Tm ^aw ov, x, Ax^apos opuami to K5tK9t" »"* <^ ohuiO-OTH. 26 K«| '6/Vj 718(71 TV7DIS, l^pit^' OTTOS 0/ ^AoyTSS Q^of-QmOJ^ Si 01 SJt&T^SV 'ZJ£?S «jU*S JlftTTCpfflO-IV. 27 Ei^re JV Epacra o'uv in waisp, T»* Tlt/U-vj/MJ OttTOV 6(5 T ODCOy TV TOLT^Oi W 28 E^a 5«p 7rsyz? «y Ty-roy 77?s ^aawvtf. 29 Ae^ acwei' aC^iLju- E^tfoj Msifniit $ tVs &foy. 30 O <$ fc(7rsy Ouvt, 7raTsp A^paotiU* ^A\ lav 72s ^bn ve- x/>ay TTBptuSIi ^os suites, £«7e<.vo>foVcny. 31 Ei-rs 1TC>y fe-x. ctxyVeny, yJ\S Ixy 77s ix. it%fZi «ya9?, <7re\(^ o'vi- 5t0« 'S&iX.ultXJl '5$SA T TgcfL^ViXQI All- TV, X, ifpi^OUf Hi TYll ^Aaojav, M jyoc ffxajfSbiXia-ii ax r (juyjcci rviai. Chap. XVII. Then laid he unto the difci- ples,It is impoflible but that of- fences will come; but woe unto him thro' whom they come. 2 It were better for him that a milftone were hang'd about his neck, and he caft into the fea, than that he fhould offend one of thefe little ones. 3 Upoffs- in PARAPHRASE. Riches ill [pent on Earth, and fees Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bofom. 24 And he cry'd, and faid, Father Abraham, have Mercy on me, and fend Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his Finger in Water, and cool my Tongue ; for I am tormented in this Flame. 25- But Abra- ham faid, Son, remember that thou in thy Life time receivedft thy good things, and likewife Lazarus evil things : but now he is Comforted, or made eminently Happy, as a Reward of his great Tiety under all his 'Po- verty and Mijeries on Earth ; and thou art jujily Tormented for the rfbufe of AH thofe Good things, that God vouch) of " d unto thee on Earth. 26" And befides all this, between us and you there is a great Gulf fix'd; ib that they which would pafs from hence to you cannot, neither can they pafs to us, that would come from thence, t. e. Tour State and Con- dition now is Unalterable according to the mo/1 juB and nreverjible 'De- cree of God. 27 Then he faid, I pray thee therefore, Father, that thou wouldft fend him to my Father's Houfe; 28 for I have five Brethren yet living: that he may teftify unto them, or acquaint them with my uioft miferable Condition here, left they alfo come into this place of Torment. 29 Abraham faith unto him, They have Mofes and the Prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he faid, Nay, Father Abraham : but if one went unto them from the Dead, they will Repent. • 3 1 And he laid unto him, If they hear not Mofes and the Prophets, and therefore much more if they hear not the Go/pel, fit as to be per f waded thereby of the Ne- cejffity of Obedience to God's Will and an Holy Life, neither will they be perfwaded, tho' one rofe from the dead to go and acquaint them with the faid Neceffity of an Holy Life on Earth, if they would avoid Hell- torments, and be for ever Happy. Chap. XVII- Then at another time after the 'Difcourfe in the forego- ing Chapter, as is probable, faid he unto the Difciples, It is impoflible, ^" giving' 0/- butthat (/>) Offences will come; but Woe unto him through whom they come. 2 It were better for him that a Milftone were hang'd about his XII. The Duty 01 if8 SLUM, Chap. XVII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. .-r ' ' ~ I- V f0 C ' T>! 6*$ Oe' 0 u$ -mi eia- Il£Co3«? ^Ty 7n?, iheym an ty! ovxjl- /una fai/Ty Exfi£<»9jj'n, Kcq tpwuu- ay wjut» 7 T/j JV c^ u/ttSi ^SXflV eyffl» apoT£,i(»y^gc, >j 7mi f^ioivx, Kos sJtreATcvn i' nxfthjM absimmtJt ; 8 AA\' fa-^i £p3 aura* Etqi/mlwi ti $U7nA, Xj to Sl^ffaj/HiT* etOi^j & x.af. 10 Ou'to Jtoq u/tus , or em 'rnwwn raravTet to a^TOyOeyTa, o^tTv, At^TS* O77 JouAsj avpwoi eo^tgy otj 0 axputo/nii 7rei>HJetf, Tfe- 3 Take heed to your felves : If thy brother trelpafs againlt thee, rebuke him; and if here- pent, forgive him. 4 And if he trefpafs againfl thee feven times in a day, and feven times in a day turn again to thee, faying, I repent; thou flialt forgive him. y And the Apoftles faid un- to the Lord, Increafe our faith. 6 And the Lord laid, If ye had faith as a grain of muftard- feed, ye might fay unto this fycamine-tree, Be thou pluck'd up by the root, and be thou planted in the fea ; and it ihould obey you. 7 But which of you having a fervant plowing, or feeding cattle, will fay unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and fit down to meat ? 8 And will not rather fay unto him, Make ready where- with I may fup, and gird thy felf, and (crve me, till I have eaten and drunken ; and after- ward thou fhalt eat and drink? p Doth he thank that fer- vant becaufe he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not. 10 So likewife ye, when ye fhall have done all thofe things which are commanded you, fay, We are unprofitable fer- vants: we have done that which was our duty to do. 11 Kscj S.Luke, Chap. XVII. 15-9 PARAPHRASE. little on;s. 3 Tike heed to your fcives therefore, that )e be no ways - Guilty in giving Offence to Others : And on the other hand, if thy Bro- ther, i.e. Any other trefpafs (p) or offend againft thee, rebuke him; ami if he repent, forgive him. 4 And if he trefpafs againfl thee (even times in a day, and feven times in a day turn again to thee, faying, I repent; thou (halt forgive him. y And the Apoftles faid unto the Lord, probably on fotne Jucb Occa- of Jion as is men t ion' d Matt. !"]■ 16 — 21, viz. their not being able to caB Faith, oat a 'Devil, Increafe our Faith. 6 And the Lord faid, ]f ye had Faith (7) as a Grain of Mu(hrd-feed, ye might fay unto this Sycamine- tree, Be thou phick'd up by the Root, and be thou planted in the Sea; and it fhould obey you. -t But you mufl remember, that, when at any Time ye have a 'proper Occafion offer' d to work a Miracle, and do not perceive in your Jelves any Impulje or Suggejlion of the Holy Spirit, to attempt the Performance of the J aid dMiracle without any more ado or 'Delay; then it will be Requijite for you, Not prefently to take upon you to per- form the faid Miracle by the bare Mention of my Name ; but in the fit ft place earnejtly to defer e andfuefor my Affijhmce both by Prayer and Fajl- ing, in order to enable you to Perform the [aid Miracle ; and then ye ff all he accordingly enabled by me, and AJcertamd thereof by the Impulfe of the Holy Spirit. And when ye are thus enabled to do the Great ejl Miracles, be Careful ye do not lvalue or think Too highly of your Jelves hereupon ; as if you were enabled thus to do on account of any A'ojolute Worth in your Jelves; or as if you did thereby Abjolutely, or of your own Merits, de- ferve fotne thing fiom God. For which of you having a Servant plowing, or feeding Cattle, will fay unto him by and by, when he is come from the Field, Go and fit down to meat? 8 And will not rather fay unto him, Make ready wherewith I may flip, and gird thy felf, and ferve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou fhalt eat and drink? 9 Doth he thank that Servant becaufe he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not. io So likewifeye, when ye fhall have done All thofe things which are commanded you, particularly when ye Jliall have pray d and fa/led, and thereby have obtain'd Ability to per- form the greateji Miracles for the Propagation of the Gofpel, or Promoting of the Service and Glory of God, fay, We are of or in our f elves but Un- profitable Servants : foraj'much as we have done only that which was our bare Duty to do. XIII. mir.uulctu (j) See Matt- 17. 10. SECT. 1 60 S. Luke, Chap. XVII. Text. translation i i K*| iyinw h t£> vn>p£we«0^ au>- 1 1 And it came to pafs, as , ■ . * < ' ' t\.' he went to Jerufalem, that he m us IepV^Ax^, X8H oo-rcs fc^To pafs.d throu^h the mid[t of Sa ^igi ^ioy 2*jW*peia« fcocj TaAiAoiia?. maria and Galilee. ., * ' o',, » -f ' *. ' 12, And as he entred into a , i c • % ' v# certain village, there met him ^uiy, amnTJCj, eun$ J^)^ AfS>/>oi av- ten men that were lepers, which \i , , , _ -V- IJ And they lifted up /&/r TBi v»e?cv i(rDv ^s. 14 K«j M» have mercy on us. , , ~ _ n' vn_t. - he faw that he was htal'd , uaiSM*, & VW iuy»*s A^-i turn>d backj and wi[h a Joud' •f ©e»r it«d* 1 , , \ ? return'd to eive glory to God. J^« t^ ©««, a pi fl aMoyws «tos. * except this ftranger. 19 Kot) aVey auTZt)* Ayxjas m^uSi" 19 And he faid unto him, . 1 11 Arife, so thy way: thy faith ^ hath made thee whole. 20 E'TetfaiKfus Si \j&i> t J i Lo here, or, lo there: for be- \U oh, *,jto, c«k^ •** >^, » hoHi th'e k'ing(]om of God 1S /3*oiAe7, »Vbu c*r jlMI «tflreA9»rc«, piivoq "&n tJj? ysvexs tooths. 26 Kail xs^^i iy<- ItW Of ToUS Wp*|S Ttf N»J, ollOS ^■p»770y. 27 H«3iav, gTnvov, lyx- fjjo-Mj, d^tya/Lu^om , &%C* 1$ WA6- gsis etcwA^s Nae as tyiv 5uC«toV ^ jiA^sh 0 JtstTaxAuoTtas, j(ju a7raAeas» rtTTc^^u,. 28 O/noiaS Jcoq at iy*- He-re o* reus >i nef ays Aar* Jio&iov, tTrwif *iy>&L£oi, tTmKoux/, ipuT&ioi, axaftifMLU)' 29 H iijuepct o x\oi ?at8p07rV ^braK^AuA^). 31 Ev o*«»»i tm «^epa 'os 6704 '^7 Ttf <&>- fuJoS, X) TO <7X£U« OU^ C* TW oixiOLy 22 And he faid unto the difciplcs, The days will come when ye fhall defire to fee one of the days of the Son of man, and ye fhall not fee it. 2 j And they fhall fay to you, See here, or, fee there : go not after them,nor follow them. 24 For as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven, fhineth unto the other part under heaven: Co fhall alio the Son of man be in his day. 25- But firft muft he fuffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, fo fhall it be alfo in the days of the Son of man. 17 They did eat, they drank, they marry'd wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entred into the ark : and the flood came, and deftroy'd them all. 28 Likewife alfo as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they fold, they planted, they buildcd; 29 But the fame day thatLot went out of Sodom, it rain'd fire and brimftone from hea- ven, and deftroy'd them all: 30 Even thus fhall it be in the day when the Son of man is reveal'd. 31 In that day, he which fhall be upon the boufe-top, and his fluff in the houfe, Jet him not come down to take it away : and he that is in the S. Luke, Chap. XVII. i i .' / A"11 loic lt: and ,y,, . . . p , > whofoever {hall lofe his life, ea.i ^<7re^o-?) ouituo, ^ao^Pv>i<7e< ow- foall preferve it. liu!. 34 Atya upy , TOiTH tm 34 * tel1 you» in that night 1 « ,. 1 ,,->< , ~ ' there fhall be two men in one vwt-n etrovrcq Jbo 6h VuinS >!*«■ bed; theone&a|i be takcIljand * eTs ta^Awp^HtrETeq, $ 0 gT?p@- the other fhall be left. «?<3lU7«,. 3, A«5o 'imflq iA*- «..T*° ^otue1n ^^ ^ a. waJ »»»'•«'■ Ji * :«' grinding together; the one (hall tvatq 6* to ~ r t "(l . p. ' field ; the one fhall be taken, t «3^- o «$ A^0- and t'he othef kfti fftrcn , xeq 0 g-np©- ape^nWctf. j7 And they anfwer'd and 37 K«| &nxz&rns \iy>vm « /V $ /©^CoAko Chap. XVIII. tu>Tt>iS rzs^i to / (v \ » 2 Saying, There was in a I* ?/o&r>*&', * « v*» p> j#- city a juydg*; whlch fear.d not 7f 6771^^* 3 X»£$t «ei' £ »Wt° ^5 ow- 3 And there was a widow 1 / _ -» , , , ~ in that city, and fhe came unto to», Aeyvoa- Ettaticror p ^n tk hinij fayjng> Avenge rae of dyTtSijcV ^y. 4 Kotj QTX »9sA>ifft» mine adverfary. '/34 * „£,,« , tn tsl _ ~— . * : 4 And he would not for a j[ • 1 * t •■, -. , wnl'e: hut afterward he laid Jctt/T^' Ej »eq T ©eoy s^ (foQy^aj, ^ within himfelf, Though I fear *»V7n>y oU irrsimtw f O^e' not God' norrc8ard man; » / 1 1 v 1 „ , $ Yet becaufe this widow y* to mpi^y p, xoTfOf r ^tu &w- troubieth mCj j w1ji avenge Titw, £x,St5uj(7iD ouiTyir Vva. jtwi e Pt^- what the unjuft judge faith. xw« Atyf. 7 O «tt ©eo5 i' juii 770i)) {JUL- xfoOu^ t-n Mi&is ; 8 Aeyn uftii 'cm his own elecT:, which cry day and night unto him, . and is he flack toward them? 8 I tell you that he will III. Parable of the PARAPHRASE. or Judea among the Unbelieving Jews., and renouncing Chrifliani/f, (hall lofe it: and wholoever (hall perjevere in the Profejfiou of Chrijltanity, notwithjlanding the mo'ft apparent Danger thereby to lofe his Life, fhall prefer ve it by the over -ruling and more immediate 'Providence of God, which fhall then be mojl Remarkable- 34 For 1 tell you, in that time at Night there fhall be Two men in one Bed ; the one fhall be taken, and the other (hall be left. 3 j Two women fhall be grinding together ; the one fhall be taken, and the other left. 36 Two Men fhall be in the Field; the one fhall be taken, and the other left. 37 And they an- fwer'd and faid unto him,Where, Lord, Jhall this be} And he faid unto them, Wherefoever the Body is, thither will the Eagles be gather'd to- gether. Chap. XVIII. And he fpake a Parable unto them, to this end, viz. to teach them that Men ought Always to pray, /'. e. conjlantly to obferve the imfinmatt] wi- Retumsor Hours of Prayer, Publick andPrivate, and not to faint, i.e.dow- neither to pray Faintly or CareUJly ; nor yet to be Difcourag'd, if they ob- tain not Piejemly what they pi ay for : 2. Saying, There was in a City a Judge, which fear'd not God, neither regarded Man. 3 And there was a Widow in that City, and fhe came unto him, faying, Avenge me of, i. e. do me Jujlice of mine Adverfary, i. e. him that has wrong 'd tne. 4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he faid within him- felf, Tho' I fear not God, nor regard Man ; $ yet becaufe this Wi- dow troubleth me, I will avenge her, left by her continual coming fhe weary me. 6 And the Lord laid, Hear what the unjuft Judge iaiih. 7 And fhall not God, who is a mojl Righteous Judge, avenge his own Elect or Faithful Servants, which cry day and night unto him for 'Deli- verance from their Oppreffors ? and is he flack toward them, i. e . in Aveng- ing his ElecJ ? ATo, God is not Jlatk^in this refpecJ, but only out of a 'De- fire that their Oppreffors may repent of/uch their Oppieffions, and fo pre- vent his Judgments upon them. 8 I tell you that he will avenge them fpeedily. ANNOTATIONS. V. 7. f It is read ^K^Ji/fw? ( not ^^fyu^) >n Alex. Cant, and fome other MSS. and in Vulg lac Syr. 1'erf Arab. E hiop. Verfions ; and in Chryfoftom. BeGdes, fome of the Copies that read f&Ha!}"t*»'i inftead of *j ^xp^Aiii read »«, M»xt»%uat. From all wnich it mav be reafunablv fuDDOs'd, that «**p»W5 is 'he 1 66 S.Luke, Chap. XVIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. TriiYHri t c/tJw-woiv autrfyj at myi. avenge them fpeedily. Never- i» # v « '» r" ' a.' ',0.1 * thelefs, when the Son of man T^Uv omos TV cLfyaw i\Jm *p* ^^ n^n he find fauh Qn (juf'/icr^ r 7n7rx)i cfbo (mCnuay £4$ 7B u^jy s^oo-fec^ac^' o us i ^ as £735 0 TBAams. 12 Hv $\$ TV aaC- fcocTy, "^Tro/t^TO 7iavTa cow, JtT&y.^. 13 Keq 0 TSAavus [jta.>Lfo%m' ^uci t$ k/ua.p- tuAci). 14 AeytH Vfu.ii, JtjtTsCn oS- 705 J^JlJ^&Y^yoJ US 7V1 015COV OUiTfa", 5) ca.uios. o7i 7ias 0 ty-^aii! iouJlot, &- "Treoa/J'rio-eTaf 0 J^ fg-Truiai icanvi, 10 Two men went up into the tertfple to pray ; ihe one a Pharifee, and the other a pu- blican. 11 The Pharifee flood and pray'd thus with himfelf; God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjuft, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fall twice in the week, I give tythes of all that I pof- fels. 13 And the publican {land- ing afar off, would not lift up fo much as his eyes unto hea- ven; but fmote upon his breaft, faying, God be merciful to me a finner. 14 I tell you, this man went down to his houfe juftify'd ra- ttier than the other. For eve- ry one that exalteth himfelf, fhall be * humbled; and he that humbleth himfelf, fhall be exalted. 15 And they brought unto i/'vf/oj^naeToq. „ 1 ro • p , \ „ / it And they broueht unto ,!'"PrWV5 ' ^TO P£^ him alfo infants, that he would Vyet efjTOv 'a.7^y\'^ lShi%s Si 01 ^oiBhtoh touch them: but when his difci- i*lV£«7wV. XtfOAlWTMW. PkS J3p ?/'T r£y 'll^S^nn ' r y , '. - 16 But Jefus call d them un- ^S-McnfMios cuvto, U7nr AipeTe to to him, and faid, Suffer little ■ , J£r, , «.' , r ~ forbid ihcm not: for of inch uuTix'Tp(oiv™nuty to God, Patiently enduring the Opprejjions of their Enemies, till it pleas' d God to deliver them therefrom. 9 And he fpake this Parable to certain who trufted in themfelves that Vm]fc'oithe they were Righteous, /. e. who were highly conceited of their own Piety, Phmfa and p«- and thereupon defpis'd others; ChiiH defigning by this Parable to f1}ewbl'CM'' the n&ceffity of Madefy and Humility of Mind, as well as he had m the foregoing Parable Jhew'd the ntceffity of Cor.jtancy and Importunity or Earneftnefs, in order to render our Prayers prevalent with God: 10 Two men went up into the Temple to pray ; the one a Phariiee, and the other a Publican, n The Phanfee (food and, out of a Spirit of Pride and Uncharitablenefs, pray'd thus with himielf; God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, Extortioners, Unjuft, Adulterers, or even as this Publican. 12. I fad twice, /. e. two days in the Week : I give Tythes, or Jet apart for Pious Ufes the Tenth part of All that I pollcls. 13 And the Publican (landing afar off in the lower part of the Tempk, would not lift up fo much as his Eyes unto Heaven, as judging himjelf Un- worthy fo to do; but (mote upon his Breaft, faying, God be merciful tome a Sinner. 14. I tell you, this man went down to his houfe juftify'd, i.e. accepted of God, rather than the other. For every one that exalteth himielf, fhall be humbled; and. he that humbleth himfelf, (hall be exalted. v iy Here ends the great Supplement made by St Luke to the two fore- chrid ™««ra£« p- oine Gofpels. And our Saviour had now pals 'd thro' Samaria and Ga- children to . be #•1 ** i >;-..£y>..7>cv; r tirmzht to him. like, and was enter d into the Country beyond Jordan, as appears from the other two ( f) Gofpels, when the young Children were brought to him to be blejs'd; which is what St Luke proceeds to next. And they brought unto him alfo (/) Infants or young Children, that he would touch or lay his hands upon them, and blefs them: but when his Difciples faw it, they rebuk'd them. 16 But Jefus call'd them unto him, and faid, Suffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of fuch is ANNOTATIONS. did not underftand the true Meaning of the Word in this place, but referr'd it to the Wicked or Injurers of the Ele3 ; whereas it is to be understood of he Eleel themfelves, agreeably to Ecclus. }j. 19. where the very fame Expreffion is us'd in the fame fenfe. However, theCommo.i Reading has a good fenfe, agreeable to 2 Pet. 3 9. which therefore I have alfo compriz'd in the Paraphrafe. (f) Compare Matt. 19. 1 and 13 Mark 10. 1 and 13. (t) Matt. 10. IJ. i68 S.Luke, Chap. XVIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 17 Afiilw My a i/juiv, 0$ £x» /am JV^ 0;y\tic7» j 19 Etfif \ us, <*®ios. 20 Tas ivtbA*s oT^o•^lS• T/jMct T 7iaTepa try $ r pwrifxav. 21 Oft tfTT*- Taui- tm. 7ra»& spuAa^xpiy & vearnTcs ,wy. 22 Ax.Vi(7ov, $ ty&SbS Ttla^iS, x, 'e%us Snou.vpoi h y^.i^ xocjj cTfeuy, cLKoAvfi /"*'• 23 O «JV, akVoxs tolZta , '5^At»7ros lyiveTD* fti >^y ti^Voios axpoJ^A' 24 iS'ay cffc a,07B» 0 IjktouS «'p '^ ^jt- /xmAov 3^. T^vuxKi^S pa.> 7iKov and foliow'd z , , ,. , thee. Ay^aa^gy (TBI. 29 O ms, >j ih\t/vou)(5t, )j 7S^ya, m«y t /3*aiAe4A- 30 Who fhall not receive fejrflaoiW if -4 wfi ™™> S « ^ man,foId m0,:e in th]S Prefellt ,, ., ; > \ '/ time, and in the world to come ouavi iqS ip^fw® QvUv auanoi. ijfe everlafting. 31 n*p*- PARAPHRASE. the Kingdom of God. 17 Verily I fay unto you, Whofoever (hall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little Child, fhall in no wife enter therein. 18 And a certain Ruler or great Man ask'd him, faying, Good (a) Ma- iler, what fhall I do to inherit eternal Life? 19 And Jefus faid un-M»n ^ to him, Why calkft thou me good ? none is good but one, that is God. Ki™?,]it,oa ° 20 Thou knoweft the Commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not fteal, Do not bear falfe witnefs, Honour thy Father and thy Mother. 21 And he faid, All thefe have I kept from my youth up. 22 Now when Jefus heard thefe things, he faid unto him, Yet lackefl thou one thing: fell all that thou haft, and diftribute unto the Poor, and thou fhalt have Treafure in Heaven : and come, follow me. 23 And when he heard this, he was very forrowful : for he was very rich. 24 And when Jefus faw that he was very forrowful, he faid, How hardly fhall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of God ? 2y For it is eafier for a Camel to go through a Needles Eye, than for a rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of God. 26 And they that heard it faid, Who then can be fav'd ? 2-7 And he faid, The things which are impoffible with Men, are poffible with God. 28 Then Peter faid, Lo, we have left all, and foliow'd thee. 29 And he faid unto them, Verily I fay unto you, there is no Man that hath leftHoufe, or Parents, or Brethren, or Wife, or Children for the Kingdom of God's fake, 30 who fhall not receive manifold more in this prefent Time, and in the World to come, Life everlafting. VI. OH the Toang rich nd the 170 S. Luke, Chap. XVIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 31 n«p*A«6»i Si Ty5 ^hw, . 51 Then he took unto him ^ , , , , _ , the twelve, and laid unto them, e<7re -zsys ou»w Uy, canQwofw Behold, we go up to Jerufa- eis hymAv/Mt, x, Ti\todvn?) *#m lem 1 and a11 thin8s that are , , , ^, ^ o written by the prophets con- ra yc^x^f^x 2^9. r nov, t$ ceming the Son of' Man Ihall tja TV av^paTTV. 32 rUpst^via?^) be accomplifli'd. 1 .<».•. m \, r, / 2^ For he fhal] bedeliver'd >«p tb.s #M an(J n^] be £ vCe/t&yciTetJi, Jtctj if^.'7ilvth «.vst- him, and pat him to death; and 9»«3- 34 Koe} Mi Sttil 't&tch the third day he IhaU rife again. » . 1 i , p. ~ 34. And they underitood cuwwr y.x\ Id to py/ia. tVtd jc€- none of thcfe things ; and this xfjftpdfiii iv tuT%ft Koui chc tyi- raying was hld from thera.nei- , , ther knew they the things Vflirxov to \iyiftja.. wh]ch were fp0]jen. 3 J" E^/e-ro Si on t& ifyi&i ecu- 3 J And it came topafs,that \ ■■ ' - \ , , , as he was nigh unto Jericho, Toy 6i $ If&c^a, tv^m 775 c**- a certain blind man fat by the 3jitb c*y. tUo 0S01 ^y^)7^/. way-Gde begging. , ,o ,, - 36 And hearing the multi- Set A-/.cuc*5 J6 o£*s-w a/^Trop&o- tude pafs byj he ask-d what it fApou , litvuFfxn~n} -n eJ'vt 751J7B. meant. , ., , » .„ ^ 37 And they told him, that 37 AnnyyuAcu Si uvrti, iai , Xtyar Imctoc) iff AaGi<^, mercy on me. •A«ww fie. 39 K* ot *ae?xop». , 3P And they which went , » e « < before rebuk'd him, that he •ns tvnnfxai Thou A _ ■ / l. Son £»t David, have mercy on Yi« AaGiA eAcvicrDV a«£. 40 5/ra.- me. ^5 /e 5 IvnZs Ui*&ni «utJ» 4° And Jefus flood , and t commanded him to be brought oLjfiUoeui that J may re- • i . _ . » ..* k_P / ceive my fight. 4* K*, 0 I„«n»oJ «™ aui^ Aia- 42 And Jefus faid unto him, GAe^ov « srfas crou ffsoroxe ere. Receive thy fight : thy faith „ 1 ~ , ,a . hath fav'd thee. 43^ K*, vri&xpi*. «viGA«4e , ^ And immediately he re. x.<*j yixohouje* au>Ttt> J^o^i^cei toy ceiv'd his fight, and follow'd _ / 1 ~ <• „ \ >"«j ./r, him, glorifying God-: and all 0wi- x«j orus 0 K*oi «&», ih>M lhe plopie/w^,, they ,aw ^ aTvov t&) ®iZ, gave praife unto God. Kt) SzcMatt. 10. 17. Mark 10. 31. (x) Matt.io.M). Mark. 10. 46'. IT* S. Luke, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kttp. ij'. Km\ eio-tAjvi Ji«p^e7o Chap. XIX. rlul led***. 2 K«i Ihv, ii»? h'o- , And#/« entred and pafs'd '■ :> q ^ 7 v*/ i throi,Sh J«icho. /<«« u*« ap^iTiAaws, K ucans, and he was rich. ™ laww. 7J5 £*■ xe^cne nhiab ? And he foi,ght t0 fce je. ^Jttb tv o'vAov, o-n Tv wAhciog /lu- fas who he was, and couJd not - i . * ,.\ „ n < 'i for ihe *crowd, becaufe ht was K& Iw. 4^K*, . T K«< as »A^ev 6^ pafs that way Ton 7C97BV, «va,£\e'.>lot5 o Ivktdus ei- y And when Jefus came to i\ > ' ' , » ' ' ' the place, he look'd up and Jilf 0LVTD1 , XOJ 6<7r6 'SrfsS 0.07BV J £ ' j J-\j K. ~ ^ , faw him, and faid unto him, ZctJt^e, amfjcxc, ^TaCn^r v j| ^e ^Mioti. come down ; for to day I muft , , ' Jfi , abide at thy houfe. 6 Kcq ^ vit&i, ** ^JW- 6 And he roade haft6) and «Tifa.7o a.u7i)» ycu»ui. 7 Kot| »<&»- came down, and receiv'd him 785 a.'TrJp'Tts Siiyyycfyi, AcVvtss* J°y","y- ^ <* < < v~ • * \ ' ~. 7 And when they faw//, Ott ,5^ ttfwtpTOA? atiJei ««niA- they all murmur'd.faying, That 5« JtstfoAuooj. 8 Sto^&js JV Zctx,- he was gone to be gueft * to a ~/?z •* i ' „/ T*\ man that is a finner. \{u toTs -rAaiyoli- xa] u tj- Lord, the half of my goods I , , , , , . give to the poor : and if I have voj ti £ iyiiiTO, w.%rn x.oq this houfe, forafmuch as he M r\U AC&ijU 'ftii. io HA?s alf° is* a fon of Abraham. N , c rX ~ , , y „ . io For the Son or man is yy o x^oi tv otv'tpaTry tyryini x, come t0 feek and t0 favc that ctmooj 70 ^7reAaAfij. which was loft. 1 1 Ax.V»v- — — — - — — — . ' — — - . S. Luke, Chap. XIX. 173 TEXT. TRANSLATION. ~ 1 1 AjcVovtov Si auiaiv t#iu&, ©7°o- l l Anc* as they heard thefe &Ss &m m&CoMJ, ^ n l&s thin^ heL added> and fPake a , , ^ v * ' ^ , , parable, became he was nigh avTov eij ItfVmJwft, £ ibxui «.utvs t0Jerufalem, and becaufe they ot: sroc^etvpM^twt (t«M^ >i /3ai7iAei* t5 thought that the kingdom of ©efar PARAPHRASE. Chap. XIX. And Jefus, returning from the Place whither he had went Ti^conver- oul of Jericho, and which lay not on that fide of Jericho that was toward 'fionofz«jj««. Jerufalem, entred again into Jericho , and making little or no flay in it now, pals'd thro' Jericho, taking the Way that ledtojerufalem. 2. And behold there was a man nam'd Zaccheus, which was the Chief among the Publicans, and he was rich. 3 And he fought to fee Jefus, Who, i. e. what manner of P erf on he was, and could not for the Crowd, be- caufe he was little of Stature. 4 And he ran before, and climb'd up into a Sycomore-tree to fee him; for he was to pafs that Way. 5 And when Jefus came to the Place, he look'd up and law him, and faid unto him, Zaccheus, make hafte, and come down ; for to day I muft abide and be entertain 'dm thy Houfe. 6 And he made hade, and came down, and receiv'd him joyfully. 7 And when they, i. e. the PhariJees and other Unbelieving Jews faw it, they all murmur'd, as finding fault with him for fo doing, faying, That Jure// he was not fo very "Pious a Man as he pre- tended to be, Jince he was gone to be Gueft to a Man that was a Sinner; as being at beU a Publican, if not a Gentile. 8 And Zaccheus, being converted by the Efficacioujnejs ofChrift's'DfcourJ'e, flood, and faid un- to the Lord, Behold, Lord, in token of my true Repentance for my for- mer Sins, particularly fuch as I have been guilty of by means of my Of- fice as aPublican, the half of my Goods I give to the Poor; there being likely many that I have wrong 'd, to whom I fhall have no opportunity of making Rejlitution : and if I have wrong'd any Man, that is orfhall be- come known to me, I am ready to reflore him four-fold. 9 And Jefus faid unto him, This day is Salvation come to this Houfe, i. e. Zaccheus the Masler of this Houfe is receiv'd into, a State of Salvation, or the Co- venant of the Gojpel ; fbrafmuch as he alfo, by becoming a Convert, is become truly and propeily a Son of Abraham to all the Purpo/es of Reli- gion, tho he foould be t ven a Gentile by his Original. 1 o And hence it appears, that in Coming to bis Houje I atled but agt eeably to the great and good End, for which I came into the World: for the Son of Man is come to feek and to ftve that which was loft. x 11 And as they heard thefe things, /. e. Jucb his 'Difcourfes, he ad- Parable of the ded, and (pake a Parable, becaufe he was wew.mgh to Jemialem, and %£ "VJcllf- 174' S.Luke, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATOR ©etf oLixpounc^. 12 Ei7itt vv A»- ^t» /jak^.i , Aatcel* eat;TSt) (2a.ca- Aet'cw, xcq ^l^^?57>i4"/^• * 3 Kot- auiTHf ngy.yuxT'*.(Tn.i\ti' Ql> %7^ijjh txtw .SiffjAemaj \$ rifiats. ij Kxj t^inw ot to) eroveAjeo otoTiv Aa- Gaym. tj;v /3xc7jA&sii', xcq &*tts ipavn- ^">if»ot| OJJlS TVS £tf\\Si TtfTVS, 01$ e^i'/ce to ip^ceVav* iva *^a tis n (ac .wvoij. 1 7 Kojj fct^n? cara* £i dja^s JyAe* oti ci 'i-^i i7ia.ia> S\y(g. Tnteui. 18 Koq >)A9*y 0 Jump©^ \iyav Kv&t, 1 (Uvx cry i7n>rAiyou tTteea vriin &o\ia>i. 20 Kot( g-npoS ^A^s, Aeywr Kud/e, iJV, w ^>x o-tf, 21 EipoQy/uLv y^f erf, 07T ay^par God fhould immediately ap- pear. 12 He ftid therefore, A cer- tain nob!e man went into afar country, to receive for himlelf a kingdom, and to return. 13 And he call'd his ten fer- vants, and ddiver'd ihem ten pounds, and faid unto them, * Trade till I come. 14. But his citizens hated him, and fetu a meHage after him, faying, We will not have this man to reign over us. 1 y And it came to pafs, that when he was return'd, having receiv'd ihe kingdom, then he commanded thele fervants to be call'd unto him, to whom he had given the money; that he might know how much every man had gain'd by trading. 16 Then came the firft, fay- ing, Lord, thy pound hath gain'd ten pounds. 17 And he faid unto him, Well, thou good fervant : be- caufe thou haft been faithful in a very little, have thou au- thority over ten cities. 18 And the fecond came, faying, Lord, thy pound hath gain'd five pounds. 19 And he laid likewile to him , be thou alfo over five cities. 20 And another came, fay- ing, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin : 21 For I fear'd thee, becaufe thou art an auflere man : thou takeft up that thou laidfr, not XCi, S.Luke, Chap. XIX. 175" TEXT. TRANSLATION. 22 Atyu cTfe dwd' Ex. Tfar qvfia.'nis 071 £?a eA^ay CTZW nKa *» 'irQ^Z,OL oco7dj 24 Koq TDij ?rcipe<7jy e«- 7TSV • Aj^iTS «TT aU70l) tUm filcLlf x.014 Jots tg> mis Stxjt. /has eHvn. iy Kaj ei'TTOv ojutS' Kv&i, t%u Anjt /Uy<&$. 2<^ Asya ^y Ufiii, 0 7i ravn to e\cvTj <^D^•»|o^TM^• ^p *7t tts t KocTBvatcn jcopty* h v\ ucnTCfdLifdpat e^pwreTS 7roAoy - tionably Rewarded; and for the Abufe and Neglecl of which, they jlmli be propor tionablyP unify d. 28 And when he had thus ipoken, he went forward, afcending up to Jerufalero. SECTION X. Containing an Account o/Chrift's Coming to the Mount of Olives, and Riding thence in a Lowly, and yet Triumphant manner to Jerufalem ; with fuch other Particulars as are related by St Luke, and were done on the Firft-day of the Paflion-week, now commonly call'd Palm-funday : Which Particulars take up Chap.XIX.29 — 46. 29 And it came to pafs when he was come (z) nigh to Bethpluge chrift \]dti -mo and Bethany, at the Mount call'd the Mount of Olives, he fent two of jerufatem. his Dilciples, 30 faying, Go ye into the Village over againfr. you ; in the which, at your entring, ye fhall find a Colt ty'd, whereon yet never Man fat: loofe him, and bring him hither. 31 And if any Man ask you, Why do ye loofe him ? thus fhall ye fay unto him, Becaufe the Lord hath need of him. 31 And they that were fent, went their way, and found even as he had faid unto them. 33 And as they were loofing 178 S Luke, Chap. XIX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. -' -. / td IZ^JS CUiTtii' Tl Avili TOV 7TO- Aov; 34 O* & &7n>r O Kupi©J out? ^py'tte t%{- IS K*) v\yx.y>H auroi Z2£js tb» Yawou*. Kc^ 'Gfapp't- •\xffjTiS iUUT$f T» IIMLTIX 'On T5V •3t5A.0V , £7IlC/C*(7aV TOV Introt^. 3<5 riopdtojt^uy cTi ci*t5, '\ljcre97>a)»- vuo» to Ijjux.'na. tutTV o* Tvi e/i'pf*»7D a,7iay to •7i?v.Ji<)-@J i»v <««,- 3>n5y •bocj^vTis ociv&iv tod ©eov ipavw fwyx\>j T&t WAiN| oi i'^cvS, Jtaj cib?a c# b-^'gois. 39 K«j Tives t (pae^aiv ■^ttj Ttf ovAoy 6«7n)» sr^js aurov A»i5kax«.Ae , '^7ipi» u^Ty 071 £av ^toi cna- 41 Kocj as 'ifyi(ni, i&Jv ilui m. AlV, gJtAaticriy e<7T etuTM, 42 Ae- yav O-n u 'tyta>$ ^ an , xoy y* oi t£ ^jWepoe. at>u toutm, Ta nr^s ufwUv otpJaA/Jftf - •mi' ri^oLTcloq- O oTjcos /uy, oa^ craTS am/Acqov AvfjOV. 47 Koq iv JiJWxay 70 ^9 ii/uepcu> Iv 79 iep? aurS 7cv 7L9tov ly Tffl jgpa), Jtoq eua^jtAi^o^ou, eTrtSTffftty 01 apMep&iS 5^ oi ^x/aju,oLJiis awo 7515 rajogabtrnpoU, 2 x,ou e*7rcv __ » * * ~ » sy>o$ *u7By , Aejpms* Eitte >j/KCtJui ) e| <*v9pa7rav j j 0/ Js oztfeAo>io"ayTo s^os eaorys, A«- y>iTt$' On la.i unv/uti' E% fa'pav?, iffy AlX 71 OUU ifX. 'ffrl&UOnli at>7{$; 6" Eav A uim(JLir E^ ay3"pa7raiy, 5t5s y^f '6§ii \aa.wlu> (GrrpipviTlw tuaf. 4J- And he went into the temple, and began to call out them that fold therein , and them that bought, 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My houfe is the houfe of prayer : but ye have made it a den of thieves. 47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chitfpnefts, and the fcribes, and the chief of the people fought to deftroy him; 48 And could not find what they might do : for all the people were very attentive to hear him. Chap. XX. And it came to pafs, that on one of thofe days, as he taught the people in the temple, and preach'd the Gofpcl, the chief priefts and the fcribes came upon him, with the elders, 2. And (pake unto him, fay- ing, Tell us, By what autho- rity dolt thou thele things? or who is he that gave thee this authority ? 3 And heanfwer'd and faid unto thtm, I will alfo ask you one thing ; and anfwer me : 4 The baptifm of John, was it from heaven, or of men? 5 And they reafbn'd with themfelves, faying, If we fhall fay , From heaven ; he will fay, Why then believ'd ye him not? 6 But and if we fay , Of men ; all the people will flone us : for they be perfwaded that John was.a prophet. 7 Kaj S. Luke, Chap. XIX, XX. 1 81 'PARAPHRASE. 4J- And he went (b) into the Temple, and began to cait out them Hg l^ that fold therein, and them that bought, 46 faying unto them, It isrr*fc«outofthe written, My Houfe js the Houfe of Prayer : bin ye have made it a Den Tcmeit- of Thieves. SECTION XI. Containing the general andjhort Account given by St Luke of what Chrift did on the fecond Day or Monday of the Paffion-week. Chap. XIX. 47, 48. 47 And he going out of the Temple at Evening (c) on the fir ft 2)ay of He i«f/;« by day the Paffion-week, went to Bethany and lodg'd there at Night. And then in the Temf lc- returning next Morning he went into the Temple again , and cafi out (d) again thence them that bought and fold, and who were got m thither again ; and then he inftruiJed the People ; and thus he taught daily, viz. the fecond and third 2)ay of the (aidWeek, in the Temple. But the Chief {e) Priefts, and the Scribes, and the Chief of the People fought to de- flroy him ; 48 and could not find what they might do, i. e. what Me- thod to take in order to dejlroy him : for all the Common People were ve- ry attentive to hear him, having a great Opinion of him ; fo that they durft not go about to apprehend him openly. SECTION XII. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfacled on the third Day or Tuefday of the Paffion-week , and before the Evening thereof; and which are related by St Luke Ch. XX.i—XXl. 4. Chap. XX. And it came to pals, that on one of thofe Days in which he }■ taught in the Temple, as is mention d v. <\7- of the foregoing Chapter, viz. t0 'the cutf"' on the third T>ay or Tuefday in the Paffion-week, as he taught the People Priefo v^"'""S in the Temple, and preach'd theGofpel, the Chief Priefts and the Scribes hu -1:'""T">- came upon him, with the Elders, 2 and fpake unto him, faying, Tell us, By what Authority doft thou thefe things ? or who is he that gave thee this Authority ? 3 And he anfwer'd and laid unto them, I will alfo (/") ask you one thing; and if ye iw'//anfwer me therein , / aljo will anfwer your §luesliou , viz. By what Authority I do thefe things. 4 The Baptifm of John, was it from Heaven, or of Men ? j And they reafon'd with themfelves, faying, If we fhall fay from Heaven ; he will fay, Why then believ'd ye him not? 6" But and if we fay, Of Men ; all the People will ftone us : for they be perfwaded that John was a (£) Matt. 11. i%. (c) Matt. ai. Vf. Mark 11. 11. (J) Mark 11. ic. i8x S. Luke, Chap. XX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ^sir. 8 Kocj o Ino-SIs ei^y ownus* Ou- 9 HpSja.'rc prt' jcocj et.7n^/i. (jwi 101. 1 1 K*| T L|0» iuy Tax a)-a7ni7D»" toa$ Tvroy iJ^vns ciT^t7r«OT)v7ct(. 14 IJ\)VT8S «TS 0OI7BV oj yidfyp't, £uAo>s£oy-ro tj^J eowru'$, Aey>mi- Outos '(j^v 0 ^A^ye/*®-" liwn, ^mxTuia/ui oa7jy, j'ya «,«2y >Wct| j* Jc\H£$yo TV a^7reA«v(3)-', aTrtJtTyvaf. T< ota/ 7n>i»ff^ ccjdtvis 0 xu&os % Zfi-mAaioS; \6 EAei/crc^) £ *&XlAiOTl TtfS >«apV«5 TVTVS, JCOtj 7 And ihcy aniwcr'd, that they could not tell whence /'/ was. 8 And Jefus faid unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do thele things. p Then began he to fpeak to the people this parable : A certain man planted a vine- yard, and let it forth to huf- bandmen, and went into a far country lor a long time. 10 And at the feafon , he fent a fervant to the husband- men, that they fliould give him of the fruit of the vineyard : but the husbandmen beat him, and lent him away empty. 11 And again he fent ano- ther fervant : and they beat him alio, and entreated him fhamefully, and fent him away empty. ia And again he fent the third; and they wounded him alfo, and caft him ou». 13 Then fa id the lord of the vineyard, What (hall I do? I will lend my beloved ion : it may be they will reverence him, when they fee him. 14. But when the husband- men faw him, they reafon'd among themfelves, faying,This is the heir : come let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. iy So they call: him out of the vineyard, and kill'd him. What therefore lhall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? • 16 He ihall come and de- ftroy thefe husbandmen, and S Luke, Chap. XX. 183 T E X I eavns ^ &t7ror Mw ytwnv. 17 O A' i/nC\e^a4 ea>7ais &7re* Ti cua '£# TD yVy^cf.(JLJJLi.1ti1 TOUTO* A<- 9ov ov «7re«vii3ii et$ lUpctAk* Ja- vier; 18 11x5 0 -7reato» lit 6?c£)T«(ray 01 ap^ep&s fccq 0/ y&afz- TKANSLATIOR finll give the vineyard to o- thers. And when they heard ?/, they laid, God forbid. 17 And he beheld them, and faid , What is this ihen that is wntten,Theftone which the builders rejected, the lame is become the head of the cor- ner? 18 Whofbever (hall fall up- on that ftone, (hall be broken : but on whomsoever it fhall fall, it will grind him to powder. ip And the chief priefts and the fcribes the fame hour X u- PARAPHRASE. Prophet. 7 And they anfwer'd , that they could not tell whence it was. 8 And Jefus faid unto them, Neither tell I you by what Autho- rity I do thefe things. 9 Then began or proceeded 'he to fpeak to the People this (g) Parable: A certain Man planted a Vineyard, and let it fonh to Husbandmen, w' and went into a far Country for a long time. 10 And at the feaibn, he fent a Servant to the Husbandmen, that they fliould give him of the Fruit of the Vineyard : but the Husbandmen beat him, and fent him away empty. 11 And again he fent another Servant; and they beat him alfo, and entreated him fhamefully, and fent him away empty. ia And again he fent the third; and they wounded him alfo, and cafl him out. 13 Then faid the Lord of the Vineyard, What fhall I do ? I will fend my beloved Son: it may be they will reverence him, when they fee him. 14 But when the Husbandmen faw him, they reafon'd among themfelves, laying, This is the Heir: come let us kill him, that the Inheritance may be ours, is So they calf him out of the Vineyard, and kill'd him. What therefore fhall the Lord of the Vineyard do unto them? 16 He fhall come and deltroy thefe Husbandmen, and fhall give the Vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they faid, God forbid. 17 And he beheld them, and faid, What is this then that is written, The Stone which the Builders rejeded, the fame is become the head of the corner? 18 Whofoever fhall fall upon that Stone, fhall be broken : but on whomfoever it fhall fall, it will grind him to powder. n. Parable of the .j .1 *->u;^f D.ioa. „_j .u„ c.,,.l„. .u~ t\. ... r„..„u. 184 S. Luke, Chap. XX. T e x~t7~ translation? yveSLi ci mt» tm i3i|* fou,ght to lay hands on him; ^ „ , ,', 'c c -/ i ' and they fear d the people: for oav t Aetov fj*a»^ )o oTi rauTtti UTCi. ken this parable againft them. .,»«'/ • / lo And they watch'd <6/«/, 20 K*, ©^^p^yrj; owr^iM- and fent forth fp]CSj whjch Aav iyy&fyTiis, -Osraxfivo/Asvys lou>- fhould feign themfelves jutt ,■ ■. / <»*& ,i ;/o . ip t\ ' men: that they might take hold «* ^ of his words, that lo they might TV Aoytf, as to srPo.S'fcva) ciuTBy 771 deliver him unto the power «Pv« x«| T» ifrof* t5 t,ytfJ!&. and authority of the governor. r-*-' » , '/ ■ , . , ir And they ask d him, fay- 2t Koq e7rnpo)T»aai» <*u7o», Ag^pvTSs- ing,Mafter,we know that thou Aii^xaAe, ouftt^ «» op^-S* Aey«S ^ yIt and tcacheI1 n8htly> nei" , x, fif , ther accepted thou the perlon x, ftJWxei*, x.«4 v teuQxms -Ofo. 0fatyyh\iK. teacheft the way of m7ni, 2X\' i* i\y\Jiia4il(M oJy 5' God truly : _ ~ «. A> ,.?- < ~ „ ' 2X Is it lawful for us to give ©e* fc&wx«^ 22^ E&«* w/u« K«- tnbute umo Cefafj or no ?& ffO.Cc ~ 1 ,, » * craftinefs, and laid umo them, v0„^ A ««, mi m.,\tfw, «*t why ^ yg ffie ? ; A7n>Kfi- Cefar's. %ms Si uw Kxjaap©-. 2/ O „ *f Andhe faid unto them, ^ ^ , „ , ,, 7-t , Render therefore unto Cefar A u-Kti auTois- K-TnStk (oiitw to tne things which be Cefar's, Koumpos KoWpi, $ to % ©eS ts§ ©ea. and unto God the things which 26 Kcq vx .^ «jA*Gf«^ xutk 26 And they could not take pTtfjUbl®* iiowrioi w Ax?' ^ ^ouu/jxi. hold of his words before the i >/nJ ~ ^« '1 ' -f > ' c people: and they marvell'd at aav?es fa ™, -XMfioi W, "Wl- LanfweVnd held their peace. 27 ripoffeA^o'vles ». 29 There were therefore fe- «- /= \ ~ • /ft ,/ vert brethren : and the firft fo, AA&.I j*»ai*st, ttTrefcve.- xnxioS. took a wifcj and dyy withoiU 30 Ko^ eAgcCsv 0 JVti,np(5)-' T&* 5^/- children. ' T. '_'a_ , . *'.-. /?5l, 30 And the fecond took her lOiKSC *«| vim a^Hiam^. t0 Wlfe, and he dy'd ch.ldlefs. 31 K*| 0 7^'t^-' eA*b£» a'jrfo/* 31 And the third took her; PARAPHRASE, r hands on him; and they fear'd the People: for they perceiv'd that he had fpoken this Parable againft them. 20 And they watch'd to ta^e advantage of Him in refpeEi of fame- what or other he Jhpuld fay in hit Z>oc7rtne; and to this end they feptiue'itcefar. forth (h)fome Pharifees with J'ome Her odians to be Spies upon him, who fhould feign themfelves Jufl or very Confcientious men, who came to him Only out of dejire tofatisfy afcruple ofCon/cience, that hereby they might the better take hold of his Words ; that Co, if he determin'd the matter in favour of the Opinion receivd by the Pharifees and generality of the Jews, viz. that the Roman Government was no other than an UJurpation over thejewijh Nation, they might deliver him unto the Power and Au- thority of the Roman Governor, as a Per/on difaffetled to the Roman Government ; or if he determin'd the Point in favour of the Romans, they might thereby render him Odious to the People. 21 And they ask'd him, faying, Matter, we know that thou fay'tt and teacheft rightly, neither accepteft thou the perfon of any, but teacheft the way of God truly. 22 Is it lawful for us to give Tribute unto Cefar, or no ? 23 But he perceiv'd their craftinefs, and faid unto them, Why tempt ye me? 24. Shew me a penny: whofe Image and Superfcription hath it? They anfwer'd and faid, Cefar's. 2j- And he (aid unto them, Render there- fore unto Cefar the things which be Cefar's, and unto God the things which be God's. 26 And they could not take hold of his words before the People : and they marvell'd at his anfwer, and held their peace. 17 Then came to him certain of the Sadducees (/') ( which deny He proves the that there is any Refurredlion) and they ask'd him, 28 faying, M after, **/<«■«« <«i to che Mofes wrote unto us ; If any Man's Brother die, having a Wife, and he die without Children, that his Brother ihould take his Wife, and raife up Seed unto his Brother. 10 There were therefore feven Brethren : and the firft took a Wife, and dy'd without Children. 30 And the fe- rnnA tnr>l- Vipr rn uritV anrl Vif rlu'H rVlllfllf (xo-w. 32 Laft of all the woman _ ~ <5^ » / , 1 ,7^ ' dy'd alio. 33 Ey tm «»wM^ th@- «- '^ Therefore in the refur- T&>y ymTcvj yju/n; 01 )^y e^x e^ov reef ion, whole wife of ihem is 'ft r . „ j J „ n 1 flic ? for feven had her to wife. ' ^ n ^ ' 24. And kins aniwennu laid a^ny ao-rois 0 ln«^oiy, from [he dtad> neither marry, 6'ti c£*}«,u/c7Xov7oq. 36" Outs £^ nor are given in marriage. -» « ~ 1/ iv / 5 ' 26 Neuhercan they die any ^>yuy eTj- Wvt^ .ray^Ao. more. fur thcy are equal un.o y^f v.av Xauj i\oi um tS ©eoJ, the angels; and are the children ■*, »','<•/ _ of God, being the children of rm ctvacfaoias uot cutis. 37 O-n , , ' ,, & ' , , the relurrection. 6(oy icy ©eo» AQ^a./u, Key f Lord, the God of Abraham, and OeJy Ioccax., x*] Try Oeoy IcutaC. the God oflfaac, and the God x . 1 > „ . , v 0I Jacob. 38 ®eos J* Ctte e5i n%fw, ^a 3g For he is not a God of r^ayToy tzrivTtS y^o etwef £« \ ' thou haft well laid. terns. 40 Oux. 6tj dt mAuuv evn- , , , , , , a ,. , 40 And after that, they durft paTMy euiTcy ©«^y. not ask him anyqueltion at all. 4t eIttb Si m& "I™- ^5 T^I/nthel1f,d"nt?1th"m' , , , ,, ., rr/x How lay they that Chnlt is Da- Xeytvai iav Xfcx^v qov AaG»<^ sij ; vid's fon ? 42 Koi tlroi AaCU Ae^ oi j8/- 42 And David himfelf faith ^ . ~ ,. f f _ ? in the book of pfalms, The GA« ^A^y E.ttbv 0 KveA(& t$ LoRD fajd unt0 my Lordj sit Kvou /mv Ka.%v f God, being the children of the Refurre&ion. 37 Now that the Dead are rais'd, even Moles fhew'd at the Bufh, when he calleth the Lord, the God of Abra- ham, the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob. 38 For he is not a God of the Dead, but of the Living: for all live unto him. 39 Then cer- tain of the Scribes anfwenng faid, Mailer, thou haft well laid. 40 And after that, they durlt not ask him any Queftion at all. 41 And he faid unto them, How fay they that Chrift is {k) David's Son ? 42 And, i.e. voherem David himfelf faith in the Book of Plalms The Lord (aid unto my Lord, (it thou on my Right hand, 43 make thine Enemies thy Footftool. 44 David therefore oils him his Lord,/ »r,v and si» how is he then his Son ? AtiH no man was able to an fiver his Que/i/on- Dav|,J- 4j Then in the audience of all thePeople,he fard unto his Dilciples, He ™"rna ,, . 46 Beware of the Scribes, (/) which dclire or are pleas V 'to walk in lonj*Dircipies »»t t. Robes, and love Greetings in the Markets, and the higheft Seats in the{f^e'^^v/' v. He fux.r.li-1 the* fews by a Que- till I "ion ' «>".«rniye Christ being the of ...1-...U J. i88 S. Luke, Chap. XX, XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. V>pa>v, X) zafopcLcnl (mlyjx tsfoo-ivyi^- £751 A»-^v^) T$f us to ■)i Xtyon v/lciv, "o-n r\ yv- eCciAsv. 4 A7ravT55 y^f oZtvi c/k too 'Z«^oj-eJovT@J auTois j^aAov et$ to ^gjo t£ ®ioO' outTM JV o* TV vl TOUTO >iv£oC^> 8 O JV Aci >^> eAetitrovTet) 'Qa t%> qio/uol- m /mu, XiyiTif Oti \yu> nfw xa| o xoq^js tiyyiwe. /uv ouo •zsropdL- Sure oV/ow euiT$f. 9 Otot v«p TOUTtt, houfes, and tor a fhew make long prayers : the fame lhall receive greater damnation. Chap. XXI. And he look'd up, and faw the rich men calling their gifts into the treafury. 2 And he faw alfo a certain poor widow, cafting in thither two mites. I And he faid, Of a truth I fay unto you, that this poor widow hath call in more than they all. 4 For all thefe have of their abundance call in unto the of- ferings of God : but Ihe* out of what Ihe wants for her fell, has call in all Ihe had to live upon. j And as fome fpake of the temple, how it was adorn'd with goodly Hones, and gifts, he faid, 6 As for thefe things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there lhall not be left one Hone upon another, that lhall not be thrown down. -j And they ask'd him fay- ing, Mailer, but when lhall thefe things be? and what lign •will there be when theie things lhall come to pafs ? 8 And he laid, Take heed that ye be not deceiv'd : for many lhall come in my name, faying, I am Chrtfi ; and the time draweth near : go ye not therefore after thera. p But when ye lhall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrify 'd : for thefe things yai- S.Luke, Chap. XX, XXI. 189 TEXT. TRANSLATION. T5A(^. 10 Tote 'iteyu av- \ TO 7015 raufl firficometo pafs, but the end is not by and by. 10 Then laid he unto them, Nation fhall rife againft na- v©-, PARAPHRASE. dows houfes, and for a fhew make long Prayers : the fame fhall receive greater Damnation. Chap. XX I. And as he fat in the Temple (m) over againft the Treafury, He .-o"'^,,^ he look d up, and faw the Rich men calting their Gifts into the Trea- thecw; of the fury. 2 And he faw alfo a certain Poor widow, calling in thither t\vop<""' widcm- Mites. 3 And he laid, Of a truth I lay unto you, that this Poor wi- dow hath call in more than they all. 4 For all thefe have of their abun- dance calt in unto the Offerings of God : but fhe out of what fhe wants for her felf, has call in all fhe had to live upon. SECTION XIII. Containing an Account of Chrift'x Difcourfe to bis Difciples, After he came out of the Temple at Evening on the Third day, or Tuefday of the Paflion-week ; namely concerning the Deftru- dtion of the Temple, and the Laft Judgment. Which Dif- courfe takgs up Ch. XXI. f — ult. and reas almofi wholly deli- ver d on the Mount of Olives. J And as he went out of the Temple at Evening on the Third day ; or . *• , Tuefday of the Taffion-week, as foroe of his 2)ifciples fpake to him (n) of COurfe'to hisDif- the Temple, how it was adorn'd with Goodly flones and other fine coftly "?les a^out the things, which were the Gifts offome Wealthy and Great Per Jons, he laid, ?/i^7n/the 6 As for thefe things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which '*# judgment. there fhall not be left one Stone upon another, that fhall not be thrown down. -7 And, as he fat upon the Mount of Olives over againB the Temple, Peter (0) and fames and John and Andrew being now with him by themje/ves, they ask'd him, faying, Mafler, but when fhall thefe things be? and what fign will there be when thefe things fhall come to pafs? 8 And he faid, Take heed that ye be not deceiv'd : for many fhall come in my Name, faying, I am Chnft or the Meffas ; and the Time of God's Jetting up the Kingdom of the Mejfias, and delivering thereby his People the Jews from all their Enemies, draws near: But thefe being Impo-- flors, go ye not therefore after them, p But when ye fhall hear of Wars and Commotions, be not terrify 'd : for thefe things muft firft come to nafs. hat the end is nnt hv and hv. 10 Then laid he nnrn them. Ma. 190 S. Luke, Chap. XXI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. y@-, xon $acrcAeix '67b (ZxcnAucw 11 Xucfiot ti i^eyxAoi i[gCix tbttks jtctj Afjtuu kouj %$i(Mi ivns e<5 TOJ/otya^as *<*) [jui.iot4 'oin QcloiXus xov\ Yiyi/Mia.i, eiitei TV oiofiXTns (juav. 13 A7TB- Qyxre^) Si v/lui ui (M.p'mpioi. 14 0j- y5q ^xyTSS 0/ aL\1szib^ovm 0- fiai x.TjjjacQ"e t»s ^vis v^Jy. 20 QtCLI cTfe id%ITt XjUKAovfMflllO UTTJ Ie^fra^n// tots yvaTi 071 \\yyvw >jr Ipx/^wcns ewTffS. 21 Tote 0/ c* t^ IyS'saa, V avxyiu) /t«ya.An '^1 ttjs yvis , tcol) opyj) c* 7^ Aaa \ouTcp. 24. K&| 7T6(TDt«;Teq go/^a7i the countries enter thereinto. 22 For thefe be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be ful- tiU'd. 23 But wo unto them that are with child, and to them that give fuckm thofe days: for there fliall Be great diltrefs in the land, and wrath upon this people. 24. And they fliall fall by PARAPHRASE. tion fliill rife againft Nation, and Kingdom againft Kingdom : 1 1 And great Earthquakes fhall be in divers places, and Famines, and Pefti- knees, and fearful fights, and great figns (hall there be from Heaven. 12 But before all thele they fhall (ay their hands on you, and perfecute you, delivering you up to the Synagogues, and into Pnfons, being brought before Kings and Rulers for my Names fake. 13 And it fhall turn to you for a Tcflimony of your Sincerity in my Service, and alfo for a means of your making the Gojpelmore Known ; and fo it Jhall turn to a means both of promoting God's Glory and Tour Happinefs. 14 Settle it therciore in your hearts, not to meditate before-^W, what ye fhall an- fwer. 1 j- For I will give you a Mouth, and Wifdom, which all your Adverfanes fhall not be able to gainfay, nor refift. 16 And ye fhall be betray'd both by Parents, and Brethren, and Kinsfolks, and Friends; and fome of you fliall they caufe to be put to death. 17 And ye fhall be hated of all men for my Names fake. 18 But there fhall not an hair of your head perifh. 19 In your Patience poffefs ye your Souls, i. e. by perjevermg in your 'Duty with Patience, ye JlhiU preferve your Lives. 20 And when ye fliall lee Jerufalem compafs'd with the Roman armies, then know that the Ddfolation thereof is nigh. 21 Then let them which are in Judea, fiee to the Mountains; and let them which are in the midft of it, depart out; and lee not them that are in the Countries enter thereinto. 22 For thele be the d:iys of Vengeance on the ^ewijh Nation foretold by 'Daniel, and other Piophets, and which iherefoiejh-tll come to pafs, that All things which are written thereof m the jaidVro- phets, may be fulfill'd. 23 But wo unto them that are wnh Child, and to them that g Suck in thofe Days: for there fliall be great diftrefs i9i S. Luke, Chap. XXL TEXT. TRANSLATION. uf 7ia»7» t» e^yyi' kxi IeyvraAx^ 'i15 C^iCO^X E^yay *y ^bret«* , ii^ouuns ^a?^- cy\$ x.xi tfaAcr 26 ^JTJYoyoyTay a»^pa7ro» ^Jbro uT»y >i- ve^uy, i»ctx.u%[«.7» kxi iirafxit ras YJtpxAxS UfJ$f' fooTt iyyi^{ X CtTTO- AU7£«(7J5 Vflftf. 29 K«J «7rs arapaCoAk) mrmi" iJfeT* T CTUfcko 59 710170. TO J^y^OX1 30 07»y <&£jQxAacnv >i£m, (3Ag7ro';- T85 ap eaoioy >ivaMxe7i on >»£m ey- jcs T3 7»p(§^ (b^jv 31 O'jto xai Cl>.us , 'otxi *«r>iTB tsDora jvio(&}jivtiS '^y >f /3aajAeia tS 0eod. 32 A/al^ Ae? i/^Ty, otj X jam -uroftAjy n yinx ouuta, tai xi TcaiTx yev/iTx). 33 O oup^ooj kxi ti yn "7pPiAzij?viTct\, al Si Aojpi /jwj if (Mi tfPiAJuxn. the edge of the fword, and (hall be led away capiivc into all nations: and Jerufalem fhall be trodden down of the Gen- tiles, until the times of the Gen- tiles be fulfill'd. ay And there fhall be figns in the fun, and in the moon, and in the (tars; and upon the earth diflrefs of nations, with perplexity, the fea and the waves roaring; z6 Mens hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after thofe things which are coming on the earth : for the powers of heaven fhall be fhaken. 27 And then fhall they fee the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory. 28 And when thefe things begin to come to pafs, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. 29 And he fpake to them a parable, Behold the fig-tree, and all the Trees; 30 When they now fhoot forth, ye fee and know of your own felves,that fummer is now nigh at hand. 3 1 So likewife ye, when ye fee thefe things come to pafs, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand: 32 Verily I fay unto you, This generation fhall not pafs away, tiU all be fulfill'd. 33 Heaven and earth fhall pafs away : but my words fhall not pafs away. 34. Ufiffi-fjt S. Luke, Chap. XXI. 193 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 34 n^orWJe Si iauuTois /JW7n>lt K5ti$ , x.a.1 a.i$viS\oi 'up l[UbS '(finery yi iifiifx tyxum' is Sli vrxyxi yap 34 And take heed to your felves, left at any time your hearts be over-charg'd with forfeiting, and drunkennefs, and cares of this life , and fo that day come upon you un- awares. 3? For as a fnare fhall it come on all them that dwell PARAPHRASE. the edge of the Sword, and fhall be led away Captive into all Nations: and Jerufalem fhall be trodden down of the Gentiles, /'. e.jbaUatfirft be dejlroyd, and when it is rebuilt, fhall continue under the "Dominion and in the. To/feffion of the Gentiles, until the Times of the four Kingdoms of the Gentiles, prophecy d of by Daniel, be fulfill'd. 2j And there fhall be Signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and upon the Earth, i.e. Land of the Jews, Difhefs of Nations, 2. e. of fever al Tarts thereof with Perplexity or Doubt what way to take for fafety, like as Sea-men in a Storm when the Sea and the Waves are roaring or tem- pejluous ; 26 Mens Hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after thole things which are coming on the Earth or Land of the Jews: for, the Powers of Heaven dial] be fliaken. 27 And then ihall they fee the Son of Man coming in a Cloud, with Power and great Glory. 28 And when thefe things begin to come to pafs, then look up, and lift up your Heads; for your Redemption, or Deliverance from your Enemies, more especially from the Malice and Tower ofthejewijh State, draws nigh. 29 And he fpake to them a Parable, {p) Behold the Fig-tree, and all the Trees; 30 when they now (hoot forth, ye fee and know of your of the firj-tw. own felves, that Summer is now nigh at hand. 31 So likewife ye, when ye fee thefe things come to pais, know ye that the Time wherein the Kingdom of God or Chrislian Chwch fhall be much more e/lablijh'd and enlarg'd than afore, is nigh at hand. 32. Verily I (ay unto you, This Generation lhall not pafs away, till all be fulfill'd. 33 Heaven and Earth fhall pafs away : but my Words fhall not pals away. $4. And take heed (y) to your felves, left at any time your Hearts , m- be over-charg'd with Surfeiting, and Drunkennefs, and Cares of this mttclfuiiufi° Life, and fo that Day come upon you unawares. 35- For as a Snare, unforejeen, and fo unexpected and all of a fud den, catches what comes into or upon it\ fo fhall it, viz. that Day of Chriji's Coming to take Ven- geance on thejewiflj Nation, come on all them that dwell on the Face n. Another Parable 19+ & Luke, Chap. XXI, XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3-]T(^6 / » /=~ 1 7D 7TOJ aV2Aa>C7JV CUiTBy £^0b^V7D >«p t A#oy. 3 Ei'aM^s (ft 0 06&701?. J Kotf iv»p«- fftM' Jtoq cuvi%nz> atiTrS apyi;6) >i/ue^t. ran city- 8 Kot) aTTEr^Ae rie7fov )yy Iaixwlw, ei7rav rtop^^enTSS £701,00,00.71 «,aiv td "srcLjA, iva (paLya/uti. 9 Oi ttoAiv, owf- cV^tho^ y^iv.av^pffl/ros Wpa,^uov '{jhi.- 70s /3a,?a'£<»v a^Av^JjaaTi oew? &S r oi«./cw fa1 etaropuie^). ii Kot) epem i^ oncof tms outlay At'jA » 0 S^bwxfcA^* riocf '6^7 70 \5tT0iAt;- yuL 'o7nu 70 7ra^a /MeTa tov /ua^iiToy (two paya ; 12 Kax.eiy®-' u^Ty £&£or <£&§ im (wmrt. 13 A7nA%vx«5 $ Ol' iWfcXf ^TTJSoAfll fflly cttTtjV. if Ketj hits 'ZS^f ouurHi' E^nju. [Met imjo (ju\«p v/mi, 'cm COttTi y fix $ otV 7rf\Y\(uJy oi tm (ZoLaihucf. t£ ©goo. 17 Kot) U7ZV AetSiTS TV7D, & Q^Cl.yJitilTVL'Xl eoWTBiS. 18 Aeya p-«p u,uiy oti tf *7 Then came the day of un- leaven'd bread, when the paf- fover mufl be kill'd.- 8 And he fent Peter and John, faying, Go and prepare us the paflover, that we may eat. 9 And they faid unto him, Where will thou that we pre- pare ? 10 And he faid unto them, Behold , when ye are entred into the city, there fhall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the houfe where he entreth in. 11 And ye fhall fay unto the good-man of the houfe, The Mafter faith unto thee , Where is the gueft-chamber , where I (hall eat the paflover with my difciples? 12 And he fhall fhew you a large upper room furnifh'd : there make ready. 1 3 And they went and found as he had faid unto them : and they made ready the paflover. 14 And when the hour was come, he fat down , and the twelve apoftles with him. 15- And he faid unto them, With defire I have defir'd to eat this paflover with you be- fore I fuffer. 16 For I fay unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfill'd in the king- dom of God. 17 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and faid, Take this, and divide it among your felves. 18 For I fay unto you, I S. Luke, Chap. XXII. T97 PARAPHRASE. ■7 Then, viz. on Thurfday at Evening or Sun-Jet, came or began the "• Ftrft Day of («) Unleavend Bread, when, i. e. before the Ending of which ^kiJLs to J£ 2)ay, viz. before the Sun-Jet of the Friday, the Pallbver mult be kill'd. /""■«■ thepaflovrr. 8 And he, i.e. Chrift therefore Jometnne on Thurfday before Sun-Jet , fent Peter and John from Bethany tojeiufulem, laying, Go aud prepare us the Paflbver, that we may ear. p And they (aid unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? 10 And he (aid unto them, Behold, when ye are entred into the City, there (hall a Man meet you, bearing a Pitcher of Water ; follow him into the Houfe whtre he ciurcth in. n And ye fhall fay unto the Good-man of the Houie, The Mailer faith unto thee, Where is the Gutft-chamber, where I (hall eat th'e Paflbver with my Difciples? 12, And he (hall fhxw you a large upper Poom fur- nilh'd : there make ready. 13 And they went and found as he had laid unto them : and they made ready the Pailover. SECTION XVI. Containing fuch Particulars as were tranfatled from 1 hurfday Evening to Friday Evening in the Paflion-week, that is, on the Paffover-day itfelf, -which was in the thirty fifth Tear of Chrift's Life, but A. D. 33. Which Particulars, as related by St Luke, ta{e up Chap. XXII. 14 — Ch. XXIII. ult. 14 And when the Hour was come, that Jefas defend to eat fuch chrift1' «*/»*« a fort of Pajfover, as hi J Circumstances would permit him to eat, He P«ffr»«r , and in- being come with the reft of his T>ijciples from Bethany (w) fat down, and^';//^!- 1 1 n* - 1 m Humility; and his have mofl earneftly defir d, to eat this Padover with you before I furfer. being ietmyd by 16 For I fay unto you, I will not, nor Jhall you, any more eat thereof,"™ 'r°Jj^'ma'u2n£ forafmttch as it will now be but a very few Hours, until that which has DCn/d b3 Pc'uT, been all along hitherto typify'd by it , viz. the flaying of Me the True &c- Pafchal Lamb or Pajfover Jhall actually be fulfill'd; This not being to be fulfill'd but in or after the Time that the Kingdom of the Mefftas was begun to be fet up by God. 17 And he took the Cup with Wine in it, and gave thanks according to the Cuflom of celebrating the Pajfover, and, having drank of it himfelf, faid, Take this Wine in the Cup, and divide it among your felves. 18 For I fay unto you, I will not, nor pall (u) Matt. zy ap-roy, &>%<>- &<9>ia&S e^\a.i^E• ^ \0\7jii oudtois, Ae- yav T^7B 6# to ow/mh (am, 70 t/Trep oftav £;ie^oy, jt«x« 70 £e47rv>iattj, Atyav 7^70 TO -TTBTKe^O*, W 'W\W ^/-^W ev t$ au/Mscn ^y, 70 t/7rep OjCtav c*c- •^j/ot^iioi. 21 flAfwl i'S&, >» ;^ap 5" «^jcjt^»1@-' ^t« ,««t' f^ocf '^7n 7715 T^7n^»5. 22 Kx\ 0 ^»e70 A Jtoij ipiXoyeoua. ci auItoTj, to, tis caiSv cTbx.4 eivq (u«G«'v. 2f O £i umi 007015' Of (Za-uiAus rft/ £^va» >OJd<«/yajv ao- iVifyiTOU{ Kg.AouMTct\. 26 Yjuus d« cjv 0UTO5 • otAA 0 (W&C^v o# ly^ai*, >«v£a3zy as 0 vea-np®-" £ 0 vyetjuvios, ui 0 a/^jwvav. 27 T/s >^y: ftu^m ; 0 ayax.e4(«e»@-' , « 0 2jg.ytomv ; y^} 0 ayax.«(u9lu@-'; 6>a J* a,i« ci ^t'aa i>,«av as 0 SixytoiZ;; will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God fhall come. 19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake //, and gave unto them, faying, This is my body which is given for you : this do in remembrance of me. 20 Likewife alfo the cup after fupper, faying, This cup is the new teitament in my blood, which is fhed for you. 21 But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table. 22 And truly the Son of man goeth as it was determin'd : but wo unto that man by whom he is betray'd. 23 And they began to en- quire among themfelves, which of them it was that fhould do this thing. 24 * Now there was alfo a ftrife among them, which of them fhould be accounted the greatefr. 2j And he faid unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exer- cife lordfhip over them ; and they that exercife authority up- on them are call'd benefactors. 26 But ye Jhall not be Co : but he that is greatefr. among you, let him be as the younger ; and he that is chief, as he that doth ferve. 17 For whether is greater, he that fitteth at meat, or he that ferveth? is not he that fitteth at meat ? but I am a- mong you as he that ferveth. 28 T/uuS S.Luke, Chap. XXII. 199 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 28 Xftas ti iss oi' aJ^fttumxaiis 28 ^e are they which have , , „. , ' „ continu'd with me in my tem- per tfM ui tois Trw^toftois (m>u. ptations. 29 Kaya PARAPHRASE. _/a a/v^Ti'^/o^ vjuii, nsfycis hejin urn 0 TRJLTTip (iSj, /3- cTfeK9C puAa.5 §■ Io-paxiA. 31 Ei7T6 j 7H9I5 cry jcx| av mli 'Qhqpi^w;, 9VCA^01 TVS dftsA- q>&$ ass. 3 3 O JV e*7m ,rvip*- TOV, pi 7JV05 vqtfiiexlt i O/ JV fcTwBi* OuJWs. 3 to 2.9 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me: 30 That ye may eat and drink at my table in my king- dom, and lit on thrones, judg- ing the twelves tribes of Ifrael. 3 1 And the Lord faid, Si- mon, Simon, behold, Satan hath defir'd to have you, that he may lift you as wheat : 32 But I have pray'd for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art converted, llrengthen thy brethren. 3 j And he faid unto him, Lord,I am ready to go with ihee both into pnfon,and to death. 34 And he faid, I tell thee Peter, the cock fhall not crow this day, before that thou fhalt thrice deny that thou knowefl me. 1% And he laid unto them, When. I fent you without purfe, and fcrip, and Ihoes, lack'd ye any thing ? And they faid, Nothing. 36 Then faid he unto them, But now he that hath a purfe, let him take //, and likewife his fcrip : and he that hath no fword, let him fell his garment, and buy one. 37 Ae>a PARAPHRASE. 7nean State here on Earth, which has frequently offer' d to you many Tem- ptations to leave me. 2$ And, as on this account you may not without rea/on expecJ to be Eminently rewarded by me in my Kingdom; fo agree- ably thereto I novo tell you, that I appoint or dejign unto you a mofl Emi- nent Jhare in my Kingdom, mjomuch that you may, on account of the great Tower and 'Glory you Jhall have therein, be look'd on as if you had each S. Luke, Chap. XXII. 201 PARAPHRASE. each a Kingdom of your Own, as my Father has appointed unto me a Kingdom, t. e. the Sup earn Government of that Kingdom, wherein ye Jljall be rewarded with jucb Eminent Glory and Tower: 30 IVhich may be fitly reprefented, according to the Ways of Temporal Princes con- ferring Honour on their Greateft Officers, by faying that I have appointed that ye may eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom, and (it on Thrones, judging or ruling under me the Twelve Tribes of Ifrael. 3 1 And the Lord faid further, As I have already inform d you, that your Attendance on me and Adhering to me in this my mean State pall be Fully rewarded by me in due time, if ye perjevere in your Fidelity to me ; Jo now, I judge it Retjuijite to inform you alfo of the Evil Confequences, that your Carnal Affections and Ambitious YJefires, grounded on a wrong notion of my Kingdom, have already had, and will continue to have, if not prevented by you in duly attending to what 1 am about to tell you, and practifing accordingly. And then direct ing his 2)iJcout/e particularly to Simon (or Peter) he fays, Simon, Simon, behold Satan has taken Ad- vantage of your Worldly Affections and Ambitious Contentions, and there- upon has delir'd of God to hivejucb Liberty granted to him over you, that he may lift you as Wheat isfifted, i. e. may alsuult andfljake jour Faith with great Temptations. 3 z And indeed there is now approach- ing fuch a Temptation as will fiake the Faith of you All, Jo thatyefliall All forjake me ; and Thou in particular fioalt not only Forjake me, but aljo 2)eny me, and that fever al times, and with the ftrongeft Affeverations, fo that Satan will have great Hopes of quite overcoming thy Faith, and making thee to apojlatize from me wholly: but I have on the other hand pray'd for Thee, that thy Faith, tho it bepakenfor a time, yet fail not Wholly or Utterly ; but that thou mayjl Recover thy felf from fuch thy Sin in afhort time, and by a deep Repentance be Converted again to a True Faith in me : and when thou art converted thus by my [pedal Grace and Strength vouchjaf'd unto thee, be thou care full tofhew thy Gratitude for the fame, by being more ejpecially ^Diligent to Itrengthen the refl of thy Brethren under the great Temptations they may ly under. 33 And he, too Confident of his Own Strength, faid unto him, Lord, (z) I am much Concern d that Thou Jl)ouldft [peak thus to Me more particularly : Sure I am, that I am Ready to go with thee both into Pnlon and to Death ; infomuch that alt ho' All the Reft fhould forfake, I would never. 34 And he laid, I tell thee, Peter, the Cock fhall not crow this day, /. e. It Jliallnot be Three a Clock this Night, which goes to make up the Nuckthe- tneron or Twenty four hours of this 'Day, before that thou fhalt thrice deny that thou knowelt me. is And he faid unto them, When I lent you without Purfe, and Scrip, and Shoes, lack'd ye any thing? And they faid, Nothing, 36 Then faid he unto them, But now he that 2 01 S. Luke, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 17 Atyo $ fyufj "o-n e'-n tvtd to ye- $? For J fay unto you, that / .p „ _. ~ , . \ i this that is written, mult yet X*w*w *4 -nAe^Iw^ ev e^w., w be accorapi,{h/d ,n me, Andhe Kct| $ ccto/uai l"hf>yic&). K«j y& m was reckon'd among the tranf- — £' j f 's/^i " j n ^' i\i greflors: for the things con- ^ r™ o- /T.,1 3 » « cerning me have an end. Minn- Kuexe, ifiv3m «y ^ 39 And he came out, and e>(^ »s to ?P@- tSv EAeuSr W*- wenr> as he was wont to the , .,,= ,, „ , _, mount of Olives; and his dii- A*3no%v cTs ootcS x, oi ^SiiicH co^. ciples alfo follow'd him. 40 rgvajuV©-' Si 'Qh tS tott^, e<- 4° Alld when ne was at the ' ~ _ / _ , » n~ place, he fuid unto them, Pray W aoTois- nyw;^ (m, ejcnAG^v [hat ye entcr not ,nt0 tempta. ttt 'Xu&t.aiu.M. 41 Kcti aw tds cists- tion. ' ^ ' ' ' *■ « i:vft\ n v« ■ 4i And he was withdrawn obuS* «*«•», ««re, AJ^ &*&*, ftc* them ab0lU a ltones aftj Xj Jen tm ^yala t^oOTyylo, 42 Ae- and kneel'd down, and pray'd, W n*T8P, « tf\{ <$m7KUt to' . 42 Saymg, Father if thou , r' ,■-,-,„ , , , be willing, remove this cup 'nvrntin tvto a-7r ijuy -777\Uo fwi to from me: neverthelefs,not my ?s'A>,^ a*, «M* 7B ctbv ytv/c&w. will, but thine be done. ^ , o ,; , , , 43 And there appear d an 43 SlpSn «ya- ftrengthning him. , % 1 , 0 / , 44 And being in an agony, /«»« ci &m+, ifltnw* W~5,£ASay 4f And when he rofe up a"d 7as c°ra,e to , , , r ,'-' his difciples, he found them •Mi.uautws ^crs t" \v7nii' 46 K«) NfOl fleeping for forrow, ct^?5- T/ JotGcJ^ci ayafWTCs rupjc- f And ,aid unto ,them> > a. f/ > . ' ni ' ' Why fleep ye ? rife and pray, st^cC*, iva pi e«7EAe>i/e «s TT&fpcto-pv. jcft ye emer int0 temptation. 47 Eti Si awry ?&\vn@-', lS 1\' '.0 as. T/tv behold a multitude, and he that ^A^',^ ° A^V@- 1^, wascaU'd Judas, one of the as 7&y iaJ^^t, t&gjyipytTD o.li'mi, x, twelve, went before them, and S.Luke, Chap. XXII. log PARAPHRASE. n, Chrift conies ;« will be quite different with you from what it was then, when IJentyou to Preach : Then Providence cam' d you to meet with fome Friends and kind Entertainment everywhere; whereas now is coming upon you that greatest Trial and Dijtrejs, which I have of ten forewarn d you of when ye full meet with no fuch Friends or Entertainment from Others ; fo that it behoves j/ ou to provide for your f elves in the beB manner ye can, and to arm y our fe Ives againft the greatejl Dangers. \7 For I lay unto you, that as All other things, fo particularly This that is written of me m the Prophets, mult yet be accomplifh'd in me, viz. And he was reckon'd among the Tranfgrellbrs or Male fail or s\ and as one of the worfl of them, am 1 now fpeedily to undergo the rno/1 Jhameful Death of the Crojs : for the things foretold concerning mej/Zw//have an End, or be fulfill d ac- cordingly. 38 And they, thinking that Chrift had meant Literally what he [aid to them of providing Swords, faid, Lord, behold here are two Swords. And he, not judging it necejfary to Hand to explain the True meaning of what he had faid concerning Swords, only faid unto them, It is enough. jp And he came (a) out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his Diiciples alfo follow'd him. 40 And when he was th^X.""" o- at the Place call'd Gethfemane, he faid unto them, Pray, that ye enter <«*«• or fall not into Temptation, at least fo as to be Overcome thereby. 41 And he was withdrawn from them about a ftones call, and kneefd down, and pray'd, 42. faying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this Cup from me: neverthelefs, not my will, but thine be done. 43 And there appear'd an Angel to him from Heaven, Itrengthning, /'. e. Com- forting and encouraging him as Man to go thro' the Glorious, tho\ at pre- - fent, Painful Work which he had undertook. 44 And being in an Agony or great Concern of Mind at t he Apprehenfion of his mo/1 great Sufferings now approaching, he pray'd again as afore {v- 42.) only more Earneftly; and, by reafon of his Agony, ,1ns Sweat was as it were great drops of Blood falling down to the Ground. 45- And when he role up from Prayer, and was come to his Diiciples, he found them lleeping for Sorrow at what Chrijl had told them was coming upon them ; which Sorrow was jo great, as, together with the Latenejs of the Night, quite to dtfpirit them, and make them fo Drowfy as that they could not keep themfelves from Jleeping. 46 And he find unto them, Why deep ye? rife and pray, left ye enter into Temptation. 47 And while he (b) yet fpake, behold, a Multitude, and he that was „, ■ m' . , 1 1 > J T J I- 1 -i- 1 1 r 1 H "I'preheni. call u J udas, one or the Twelve, went before them, and drew near unto id, and w to the- Jir.'.f. n_:_ rt» . 1 /' High rricft'j htufe. (a) Matt. i(5. 30, 36. Mark i+. z6, 31. (6) Matt. z6. J.-. Marl- i±. J.J. ao^ S.Luke, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. yyfm t&5 IviaS j e^vcr.a y cmoiys. f4 2uA- sg&ii'ns cffc auTtv *i)«/oy, xj e«cr»)«/ov auTcy e- £ )b TaAtAowos 697/. do Ei7TB Si another faw him, and faid, Thou art alfo of them. And Peter laid, Man, I am not. 59 And about the {pace of one hour after, another confi- dently affirm'd, faying, Of a truth this fellow alto was with him ; for he is a Galilean. 60 And Peter faid, Man, I know not what thou fayft. K*j PARAPHRASE. Jefus, to kifs him ; this being the Sign agreed on, whereby they that were to apprehend him Jhould know which was He. 48 But Jefus faid unto him, Judas, betrayed thou me the Son of Man, or MeJJias, and thy Own Majier, with fuch a Treacherous Token of Friendfliipas a Kifs ? 40 When they, i. e. his T>ifciples which were about him, faw what would follow, they faid unto him, Lord, fliall we fmite with the Sword? $0 And one of them fmote the Servant of the High Prieft, and cht off his right Ear. j-i And Jefus anfwer'd and faid to them- that apprehended him, Suffer ye me to have my Liberty thus far as to touch the Man's Ear that is wounded; and he touch'd his Ear, and heal'd him. 5-2 Then Jefus faid unto the Chief Priefts and Captains of the Temple, and the Elders which were come to him, Be ye come out as againft a Thief, with Swords and Staves? s\ When I was daily with you in the Temple, ye ftretch'd forth no hands againfi: me: but this is your hour, and the power of darknefs. $4 Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the High Prieft's houfe. And Peter folio w'd (c) afar off, and, by the means of John the "Difciple, rr got alfo into the Houfe. j; And when they had kindled a Fire in the midft JdZ^' of the Hall, and were let down together, Peter fat down among them. y<$ But a certain Maid beheld him as he fat by the Fire, and earneftly look'd upon him, and faid, This Man was alfo with him. $7 And he deny'd him, faying, Woman, I know him not. j8 And after a little while, another being a Alan (as aljo another (d) Afaid) faw him, and faid, Thou art alfo of them, i. e. One of his 'Difciples. And Peter faid, Man, I am not. S9 And about the fpace of one hour after, another confi- dently affirm'd, faying, Of a truth this Fellow alfo was with him; for he is a Galilean. 60 And Peter faid, Man, I know not what thou fayft. • him. (c) Matt. 26. 5%, 69. Mark 1454,66. v/l_ ao6 S.Lnke, Chap. XXII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. K*t ^ct/^pS/Ma , **" AaAttytos co$, ttpaiwcw o x\iKlap. 61 K«j <^>a.(pni o Kufios eyebAe-vU tj$ ritTfU' $ u7is- 6i7m ottTO* Oti ©piy aAex,(ppa (p5- aai, *7rapv)itrw ^e 7i».?. <*2 Kcq i£eA- "}•«» e£a> o fUVpos ex.Aai/0-e -/Tixpais. 63 K*| oj cLifyts ot oiwt^oins 6\ Kot) -z^KjcAu-^yns auTcy, eiv. •idol ca^ to izn^jmTfti , xj tmifODTcoi a.uTtv, AtyfiTiS' ripo(p>»TdZ/(roy -ns £9iy 0 arot«^ ot. 5y K*) eTegjt 7n>Ma @>Aa.oxpy\,uouciTtS 'i\iy>i us a.i>T&i. 66 Kou\ as iytmv ^eg^t, cuovySn to ©f eabtmpioy 5" ActS , ap^epeTs ts Xf-^Afi/xcLrus, £ «y»)-«^>y ctuToy as Ta ciuitfyw \ax>~r$f, 67 Ae^pyres* Ei ov « 0 XeWj; «7n »,uiy. Ei7rg ^9>i,£«yos ex. s ry ©eoo. 70 Ei7roy J« mins' Su ouo u 0 tjos v ©eot) ; O Js o/>o5 avTVS t "' ' t4(t«. 71 Oj J* e*770v T< ett Vp£iac e^o^uey jMtpTu&ctt j ctu7»i 7^0 «)tow- And immediately, while he yet fpake, the cock crew. 61 And the Lord turn'd, and look'd upon Peter; and Peter re mem bred the word of the Lord, how he had laid un- to him, Before the cock crow, thou lhalt deny me thrice. 62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly. 61 And the men, that held Jefus,mock'd him,& fmote/6/w. 64 And when they had blindfolded him, they ftruck him on the face, and ask'd him, faying, Prophefy, who is it that fmote thee ? 65 And many other things blafphemoufly fpake they a- gainft him. 66 And as foon as it was day, the elders of the people, and the chief priefts and the fcribes came together, and led him into their council. 67 Saying, Art thou the Chrift ? tell us. And he faid unto them, If I tell yon, you will not believe. <58 And if I alfo ask/o», you will not anfwer me, nor let me go. 69 Hereafter fliall the Son of man (it on the right hand of the power of God. •70 Then faid they all, Art thou then the Son of God ? And he faid unto them, Ye fay * what I am. 71 And they faid, What need we any further witnefs ? for we our felves have heard of his own mouth. Ktp. S.Luke, Chap. XXII, XXIII. 207 TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kttp.x.'y. K*| avafctv a.7rac To r7tKei- ra eotoTo» Xe/Tav jSacnAea «voq. 3 O <^ riiAa.T05 e7n)p«T>iffiv eturov, Chap. XXlir. And the whole multitude of them arofe, and Jed him unto Pilate. z And they began to accufe him, faying, We found this fellow perverting * our nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Cefar, faying, that he him- felf is Chrift a king. 3 And Pilate ask'd him , v. PARAPHRASE. And immediately, while he yet fpake, the Cock crew. ,« ',,.,'J «• J And they were the more , ^ , ^ , r/ „ , fierce, faying, He ftirreth up Aaoy, £l£btoTta>y ^at1)- 'oA»S 7? Itf^euo^, the people, teaching through- it&fims ^ Z TaAiA*^ Us Z&. °,ut, .?" JewrJ> beginning from 1 , 1 » ' j - Galilee to this place. 6 FIiA^ToJ cTte owcouaas ru '^y , AK7nfi-^i owToy Aat he belong'd unto Herod's i rT /«€ v , - 1 > T jurifdidion, he fent him toHe- «3& Hf<»yMJ,oi7* x, «w c Iepo- ^odj who himfelf was alfo at troAuAtflis fy ^/mto\s tms hue pen*. Jerufalem at that time. 8 0^' Hpa^is, »'<&!y r I»o$y iwn 8 And when Herod faw Je- l'/ * ~ »£«■ < ' , y1 ' had heard many things of him: «*mg «o. and he hop'd to have ieen fome f^vov. 9 E7nipi»TBt, i x? wi^epet ,«e? late and Herod were made 2^^-y aacj«^pv.» ^P h evQpcc fr,ends t0§aher ' . foru before „ , ., ~: j. T/f- r* . A- « ' they were at enmity between °nii rcsoi tcwrts. themfelves. 13 riiAaToj S. Luke, Chap. XXIII. T09 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 13 riiA*7cs Si, ovfugLAiavliAfyQi TVs ap^iepeiS ?coq TVS apvov^j. xoq T<3» Aaov , 14 617TC <©£?S OhX\ii' to» , as ^brespepovTW. tdk Aaov x.*| .1 ~ ~ ' ' r OUTW, <0V JCStTT/JPpaTe K5tT 0UI7BO. 1 3 And Pilate when he had call'd together the chief priefts, and the rulers, and the people, 14 Said unto them, Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and behold, I having examin'd him before you , have found no fault in this man * concern- ing thofe things whereof ye ac- cuie him , if AAA' PARAPHRASE, ing, Art thou the King of the Jews? and he anfwer'd him and faid, Thou fayft what I am truly in One fenfe, but not in that whereon the Accusation of the Jews is falfly grounded: For my Kingdom is not of this World, or in reference to Temporal Affairs ; and fo is no ways inju- rious to the Tower or Government ofCefar. 4 Then faid Pilate to the Chief Priefls and to the People, I rind no fault in this Man. s And they were the more fierce, faying, He ftirs up the People toforj'ake their T)uty to God and Cefar , teaching Falje and Seditious T)oclfines throughout all Jury, beginning from Galilee to this place. 6 When Pilate heard of Galilee, he ask'd whether the Man were a Galilean. 7 And as foon as he knew that he belong'd unto Herod's Jurifdiclion, he fent him to Herod, who himfclf was alfo at Jerufalem at that time. 8 And when Herod faw Jefus, he was exceeding glad : for he was defirous to fee him of a long feafon, becaufe he had heard many things fw! of him ; and he hop'd to have feen fome miracle done by him. p Then he queftion'd with him in many words; but he anfwer'd him nothing. 10 And the Chief Priefts and Scribes flood, and vehemently accus'd him. 11 And Herod, when he Jaw Jefus did by no means an/wer his Expe- ctation, and that there was no danger of his Tower, or attempting any thing to 'Dethrone him, with his Men of War, or Soldiers, let him at nought, as a contemptible Fellow; and mock'd him, and out of mockery aray'd him in a gorgeous, 1. e. Turple or Royal Robe, as a Mock- King, and then fent him again to Pilate. 12 And the fame day Pilate and Herod were made Friends together; for before they were at enmity be- tween themlelves. 13 And Pilate, when he had call'd together the Chief Priefts, and . VI1'- the Rulers, and the People, 14. laid unto them, Ye have brought thisbac?a|ain°o8ri- vn. From Pilate to Man unto me, as one that perverteth the People ; • >J LI— U L and behold, I hav- Iate\He isatla(l by him coademSJ. XIO S. Luke, Chap. XXIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. if AM.' y JCStxo'y eWmiy £r©-' ; ©foftsy ai-noy 5*y*7V feti£5v c* ao7S/)* TTOtfJet'oaS «y cuToy ^jreAuozi). 23 Oi JV i7nx.ui1o (f>ami y&ya.Xa\s , ohtv^oj auToy fttupa>9)|voif tco^ ^gtno^t/oy ot| ipa>v<^ ot*Tay tot) T2^/ apyiepe'ay. 24 O ^ niActT@^ £7rgx.tuo nroifeSitiKi 26 Kol\ us *-7r«>a^py cu/Toiy 'Ql- AaCo^uoi Xiftans -nvos Kupwouov TV 15 No, nor yet Herod : for I fent you to him, and lo, no- thing worthy of death is done unto him. 16 I will therefore chaftife him, and releafe him. IT For of neceflity he mufl releafe one unto them at the feaft. 18 And they cry'd out all at once, faying, Away with this man, and releafe unto us Barabbas : ip (Who for a certain {edi- tion made in the city, and for murder was caft. into prifon ) 20 Pilate therefore willing to releafe Jefus, fpake again to them. 21 But they cry'd, faying, Crucify him, crucify him. 22 And he faid unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no caufe of death in him : I will therefore chaftife him, and let him go. 23 And they were inflant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucify 'd : and the voices of them, and of the chief priefts prevail'd. 24 And Pilate gave fen- tence that it fhould be as they required. 2A ^07W TTOtVWi , ci tsjj f-iipa 7j "^ivurctf ; 32 H^py- etuis) ivoqpe^iivaj. 33 K«tj 078 i- TTVlA^OV '6fo Toy TBTTOy Ti£$y. 37 Kctj &sx>c« 0 Aaas ^eapay c^e^awnJe^oy £e jca) o'i ip^oviss rao ciotbTs , heyniii' AAASI4 tazeai , auncm iouuToi , u iris 'fell X&qvi 0 TV ®t& ixKvAos. 36 CVe7lO)^0y t/'e a'jTSt) X.OU\ 01 S"£jt- TiaTot), <&£j t IvStyay, oua^y o-gatiToy. 38 Hy $"£ '^7^aip» yi^a.fif^)r\ kit clutq ^a./Lc(mcni EA- AvtuxcTs ^ Pa^aYxoT? k, ECty'ltois' OTTOS ESTIN O BA2IAET2 TAN lOTAAI^N. 39 Eli Sir fay, Blelled are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave fuck. 30 Then fhall they begin to fay to the mountains, Fall on us ; and to the hills, Cover us. 31 For if they do thefe things in a green tree, what fhall be done in the dry ? 32 And there were alfo two other malefactors led with him to be put to death. 33 And when they were come to the place which is call'd Calvary, there they cru- cify'd him, and the malefa- ctors ; one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34 Then faid Jefus, Father, forgive them ; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and caft lots. 35- And the people flood beholding : and the rulers alfo with them derided him, fay- ing, He fav'd others ; let him fave himftlf, if he be Chrifl the chofen of God. 36 And the foldiers alfo mock'd him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, 17 And faying, If thou be the king of the Jews, fave thy felf 38 And a fuperfcription al- fo was written over him in let- ters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 And one of the malefa- S. Luke, Chap. XXIII. 115 TEXT. TRANSLATION. ao7Ev, \ty»r Ei ei o XzA /G^c^e/aa. 44 Hy ve7o eip oAUu iluu yljjj , ea»s cngys civxTM?. 4f Kolj 1(7X071 c9"M 0 JJ- Al(§^, 7C0C| f%/o3*i TO JtSCTtt^SlO^,* t? vctoj /ustoi. \6 Kaj (payments o5 tu yt- vo/jS/joi, iSiq,a.ot t 0eov, \iyiiv Onas o av^pfflTTDs «7o5 S^O^fos >jy. 48 Kaj mvns 01' oT/^itD^^vj^gyoi JvAoi '6fo t %atiwt feit-ilui, %a>p'i^ns in yiio- fitlOL, Tl/7f7oVTM tOUITtit 7W 97)3)1 U7TS- 97>eipoy. 49 Ei9Wte«ray S\ jravns 01 j^a>Aeas t IouAcjav 'is x.«j for we receive the due reward of our deeds : but this man hath done nothing amifs. 42 And he faid unto Jefus, •Lord, remember me when thou comelt into thy- kingdom. 43 And Jefus faid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, To day (halt thou be with me in pa- radife. 44 And it was about the fixch hour, and there was a darknefs over all the earth un- til the ninth hour. 4 j And the fun was dark- ned, and the vail of the temple was rent in the midft. 46 And when Jefus had cry'd with a loud voice, he faid , Father, into thy hands I com- mend my fpint : and having faid thus, he gave uptheGholl. 47 Now when the centu- rion faw what was done, he glorify'd God, faying, Certain- ly this was a righteous man. 48 And all the people that came together to that fight, beholding the things which were done, fmote their breafts, and return'd. 49 And all his acquaintance, and the women that follow'd him from Galilee , flood afar off beholding thefe things. jo And behold , there was a man nam'd Jofeph, a coun- feller, and he was a good man, and a j uft: 5-1 (The fame had not con- fented to the counfel and deed of them) he was of'Arimathea, a city of the Jews ( who alfo (5<^A OvSiTTU ySuS K(i- himfelf waited for the king- dom of God) ^2 This man went unto Pi- late, and begg'd the body of Jefus- 73 And he took it down, and wrapp'd it in linen , and laid it in a fepulchre that was hewn in Hone, wherein never man before was laid. 5:4 And that day was the preparation, and the fabbath drew on. ff Kcl. PARAPHRASE. ceive the due Reward of our Deeds : but this Man haih done nothing amifs. 42 And he faid unto Jefus, Lord, remember me when thou corned: into thy Kingdom, which, notwithjlanding thy prejent Condition, I believe thoujhalt be advnnc'd to in God's appointed time , according to the Scriptures. 43 And Jefus faid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, To day fhalt thou be with me in Paradife, 1. e. in that place of Blifs , where the Souls of the Saints continue during their Separation from their Bodies. 44 And it was about the fixth Hour, and there was aDark- nefs over all the Earth until the ninth Hour. 45 And the Sun was darkned, and the Vail of the Temple was rent in the nudft. 46 And when Jefus had cry'd with a loud Voice, he faid, Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit : and having faid thus, he gave up theGhoft. 47 Now when the (h) Centurion law what was done, he glorify 'd God, faying, Certainly this was a righteous Man. 48 And all the People that came together to ihat Sight, beholding the things which were done, fmote their Breads, and return'd. 49 And all his Acquain- tance, and the Women that fbliow'd him from Galilee, ftood afar off beholding thefe things, yo And behold, there was a Man nam'd (/) Jo- feph, a Counfeller, and he was a good Man and a juft: 51 (The fame had not contented to theCounfel and Deed of them, i.e. of the Chief Trie ft s and reft of the Sanhedrin in putting Jefus to death ;) he was of Arimathea, a City of the jews ( who alio himfelf waited for the King- dom of God.) ;2. This Man went unto Pilate, and begg'd the Body of Jefus. 5-3 And he took it down, and wrapp'd it in Linen, and laid it in a Sepulchre that was hewn in Stone, wherein never Man before Avoe U1/1 *• 4 A »-\H tViot T^m* mtic tnp T)i-pniroMnn inn inp QoKKirri Ar£*m x. 01" his Burial. n<5 S. Luke, Chap. XXIII, XXIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. jf K^otJcoAv^ijffao*) ft 19 ywa^Yjiiy s$ And the women alfo « ,2 „ _,„.; *.i^e40», $ held the fepulchre, and how 0$ ii&» to o^ «#. j- /u.xl& iy /wupa.' X.*) TO /UH OWbCaTCV yJV^&ttCi ^T» t£w IvtbAIco. Kep. x.J\'. Tm J^ a*i* 7^/ axC- $6 And they return'd, and prepar'd fpices and ointments; and reded the fabbath-day, ac- cording to the commandment. Chap. XXIV. Now upon the rirlt Jay of G*to», ofJ(V P>a.%@r n\%i 'Qn to the week , very early in the (*$/**, p&waj * Jfi»*iU«t«ret» apa- morning, they came unto the , v , „ ^ fepulchre, bringing the fpices Atam* *oq Tives <^ cwtcus 2 Eu- whicb they had prepar'd, and 2 Eu es» ^ -ni Xtfoi -&7n%iKu\HTvttioi certain o//^;t with them. , i r i ,, * ' 2 And they found the ftone ^ *id ^«ou- 3^K*)aaeA- ron>d away from the fepulchre. 9ou«q ou^ ei/£$v to cujuol tv Kv- g And they entred in, and o'. .. t,.^. r v y 2.1 „_ -A — S found not the body of the Zl&7n>fU!&q auras t^i tvtV, *etj 4 And it came to pafs, as ISti, ti* av . , , ~ 5: And as they were afraid, louaut 7d ^ra™ as t^o ^, and bow'd down Afc/r faces to U7rw Tagji ctuiws* T* C^viTfcjTe toi the earth, they faid unto them, 5— 1 _sp/> ~ , _;« Why feek ye the living among <;aivTO ^to 7it/ vex^avj ioS'»TS 6 He is not here, but is ai tAxAvio-ev vjum , e'71 a>v oi tm raAiAaist , 7 Aeyav' Ot/ J\gi Toy 1^011 tdu av^paTrou ara^cTb- ■tlo/*! eyicuou\ • kvj{ th crucify 'd, and the third day **«v«c5-ntray T$f pn^iav clvtvS. words, rilen : remember how he fpake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7 Saying, the Son of man mult be deliver'd into the rife again. 8 And they remembred his Ka< S. Luke, Chap. XXIII, XXIV. 2.17 TEXT. TRANSLATION. , , , r. , fepulchre, and told all thefe ixtiau c^-myyuKoM rauia wclito. thmgs unto the eievea> ancj t0 voti 'eiS^y^i. 5(5ti roucn toTs AojtzbTj. all the reft. 10 Hoay "paraphrase. on, ?'/ fo/wg by this time near Sun-fet. SS And the Women alfo, which came with him from Galilee, follow'd after, and beheld the Sepulchre, and how his Body was laid. 56 And they return'd , and prepar'd Spices and Ointments ; and refted the Sabbath-day, according to the Commandment. SECTION XVII. Containing fuch Particulars as fell out after Chrift'j Refiirre&ion, more efpeciaUy on Eafter-day 5 and are taken Notice of by &Luke Chap. XX Jr. Chap. XXIV. Now on (*») the Firft day of the Week, very Early of Us Refam- in the Morning, they, i. e. the Women mention d v. j j of the foregoing a" Chapter ; and nam'd fame of them v. 10 of this Chapter, came unto the Sepulchre, bringing the Spices which they had prepar'd, and certain others with them. 2 And they found the Stone roli'd away from the Sepulchre. 3 And they entred in, and found not the Body of the Lord Jeftis. 4 And it came to pals, being come out of the Sepulchre again, as they were much perplex'd thereabout, i. e. about their Not -finding the body ofjefus in the Sepulchre, and were (as it feems probable) en 1 ring in again into the Sepulchre to view it more Carefully, behold, firjl there appears to them only one (n) Angel fitting on the Stone that was roU'd away from the mouth of the Sepulchre ; and he bidding them to follow him into the Sepulchre, and to view, more Carefully than they had before ; the place where ChriB's Body had lain, the IVomen faw another Angela and Jo two Angels in the form of 'Men, which «o«>ltood by them in fhin- ing garments. $ And as they were afraid, at the fight of the [aid An- gels, and bow'd down their faces to the Earth in Reverence to the An- gels, they the Angels, i. e. One of them in his Own and the Others name laid unto them, Why feek ye the Living among the Dead? 6 He is not here, but is rifen : remember how he fpake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7 faying, The Son of man muft be deliver'd into the hands of finful Men, and be Crucify 'd, and the Third day rife again. 8 And they remembred his Words, p and return'd from the Sepul- chre, and told all thefe things unto the Eleven, and to all the relt. tion. 2.i8 S.Luke, Chap. XXIV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 10 Hrav Si * Mxyh*.Mui* Met- 10 It was Mary Magdalene, , , / >>,'.' a°d Joanna, and Mary the mo- tia. W I«aw* K*' MaeJ* to- /^r of James, and other wo- Gou, K«xXi aw' Aoi7ra« too oivtoTs, a'i wf» //-><»/ were with them , ./ ' t \ ^. ' ~ which told thefe things unto iKiy>-> l- of all thefe things which had , t , ,• o if And it came to pais,that •roy tbotov. 1 j- Koti lyweTo o# t^ while they commun'd toge- S/mAhi ooVus xetj ffur^nT«», acq ther, and reafon'd, Jefus him- > , , s , / / felr drew near, and went with CW7BS 0 I»T» 7^ /mi ^»»t«| ^ ^ fae ^ um(J thenj) etoTov. 17 Ei7« Jfe' 'Zjg^s owtdus* What manner of communica- -r,", ' %/«« ,* ."?.. ^,^.^'^^,-. tions are thefe that ye have one ( -j ■ _>» ~ 1 t0 another, as ye walk and are arg.55 etMnAc^ 'ae^TraTDi/yTSj , xcti fad? ^ <7X<,W>«'; 18 Aotx6iV* 18 And the one of them, m , » V j, / t whole name was Cleopas, an- S\ 0 m a C10/ML KMoTfdi, um fwenng, faid unto him, Art fU MToi* 2b ^»©- Traesixas if *ou only a granger in Jem- v , , „ , f falem, and halt not known the Iees«"»*>»P, S> C«c e;*as to >v*-JV, i If^p«oav «- him to be condemn* to death, , , /? „ and have crucify d him. -rev. 21 H^5 Je »A^opy 077 2I But we truited that it auiis 'ftii o lAhXai \v7foZcQvv wi had been he which fhould have v , i - , redeem'd Ifrael : and betides I t0 day is the third day tqjt&uo tvlvtUu iifis^a oiyi orifUfoi ^nce thele things were done. > > ~ ~ , / . .. \ i 22 Yea, and certain women ^ j> ic*w»i* c/*f* -^ -, ajj0 0j. our company made us yui/ouz.is tins d% *i$'f o^s'wav aftoniih'd, which were early at im, xfc-i ifc*, w J r- *$S%„ ,hey found v gagjcs^voH,, 01 teyvaii vas alive. aL-ni ftf. 24 Kcq aT^A^y Tim ^4 And certain of them i c « ,^1 i , ? which were with us went to r'g ' ~ T i ter into his glory? Jm as tw Sb$cu mtv; 27 Koh 27 And beginning at Mofes, ap^ctjuW ^ra Maoc'aj g -&m mil- and a'l the Prophets, he ex- ,. '/ > ~ pounded unto them in all the wi -ray vfopnw, frip^aw aunts Scriptures the things concern- h 7iac^ti5 Tows p^acpsws to iSw^ «$ r ^pii V w umo the vmage/whlther th^y p£woy7B' % aU)7T>5 MTo Tn\- went: and he made as tho' he p7t'ffflOTp4- aj> K«) Jiapt^- would have gone further. r r /, 8y ' ^ r.„ 2p But they conftraind him, oavro a«7cy, Xtyiw Me7Vocj aoToy /ntj etoTOy, A*- bay t a.p(ey wAoyncre, Xj x\a.ouc, nft- Sl£y avTins. 3 1 Auray «*' * t ds tnat were w,tn them, 34 AejpyTet*' Oti nyfa o Kuz*(& J4 Saying, The Lord is ri- SitaSf xfl(( «p9n 2<>avi. 3f Koq fen indeed, and hath appear'd > x jp ~ i » ~ r.~ to Simon, at,™ ^>p^ro too* tj o$V 3J And they told what xc*j as iyvQcQi) clutcis h ry K\*wV»<» «A'xotw 37 But they were terrify 'd . , « , and affrighted, and fuppos'd wew/i* 3-e«p«y. 38 Koq aTrsv aw. that they had feen a fpin£ toTs* Tt Tild^ffAioi m, xeufS^g-ii 38 And he faid unto them, „, „ »» p * .. • ~ Why are ye troubled, and why a^^x^o. «y*G*i«o» «f j«i$ x*/- do Noughts arife in your as ye fee t»s cpi %a?u-n e^o»i». 40 Koq 40 And when he had thus •rvro eimw im^a owtdis tos fpoken, he fhew'd them £/j \ 1 /R _ hands and ^/j feet. ^«©6$ xet| r« o-o^ 41 En And while they yet be. Si v.7n<&ut>iai au7oy "2>7ra 4> y&e£j> liev'd not for Joy, and won- . 0. ,?/ *■ »■■•-•>- dred, he faid unto them, Have *,W;«. ««i«w7>«' E^y. yehereanymeat? tb 7i QpaoifMi hfyiSz ; 42 O' 42 And they gave him a pos, ^ ^7T» ,ueAiany Jttieiv. 43 Kecj ^at»/, hannov etinav «y. ^ , , ~ r ,44 And he laid unto them, 4+ Eittc Jfe O.V73151 Ouroi 01 xhefe are the words which I \iy>i vs eAxAnoo, ^oi v^S tit ai rPake onto you, while I was < c - „ . «, ^ , yet with you, that all things 5. 4f Tot* Maioiijw a.vT$f TOY VOUU , TOO CZWlilCty TXi y&.- ap?a,«evo» ^tto IgpyoaA))^. 48 T^eTs Si i{e- AlOf ? TUtTgOS (AM i

'eas us tvXoyiwi aJjrMS. fi Ka* tyinlo ly tj» eoAoy&y auray aur^s, S'W'Pf «f ttu7»y, j(5t* avepepeTo as Toy tfgjuoy. J 2 Ka< OLVTOl "Grf>0WLiliS O.VT01, X37n^i-\tVi US IgpVffHAX/U pj ^*^s /«>«Avis. j" 3 Km h£ Si&mvhs h t§ itpo.&lwilts X) euAoyQ'y'/eJ t ©eo». t preach'd in his name, among all nations, beginning at Jeru- falem. 48 And ye are witnefles of thefe things. 49 And behold, I fend the promife of my Father upon you : but tarry ye in the city of Jerufalem, until ye be endu'd with power from on high. jo And he led them out as far as to Bethany : and he lift up his hands, and blefs'd them. j 1 And it came to pais, while he blefs'd them, he was parted from them, and carry 'd up into heaven. jx And they worlhipp'd him, and return'd to Jerufalem, with great joy : ,$•3 And were continually in the temple, praifing and blefl- ing God. * V. $3, f See the laft Note belonging to the Various Readings on St Mart's Gofpel. S. Luke, Chap. XXIV. PARAPHRASE. i%$ and Remiflion of Sins fhould be preach'd in his Name, among all Na- tions, beginning at Jeruialem. 48 And ye are Witnefles of theie things, that they have been aclually fulfill 'd; which ye Jhall witnefs by your Preaching to all the World. 49 And to enable you to witnefs thts the more EjfetJually, behold,, I Jhall, in no long time, fend the Holy Ghojl ac- cording to the (r) Promife of my Father upon you; but to this end tarry ye in the City ot Jerufalem, until ye be endu'd with the Holy Ghojl, and thereby with extraordinary Power from on High, /'. e. from Heaven. jo And when Afcenjion-day was come, he led them out as far as to v. the (s) beginning of that part of Mount Olivet which belong 'd to Bethany': H,s ^'"l*-- and he lift up his Hands, and Blels'd them, j-i And it came to pals, while he Blels'd them, he was parted from them, and carry'd up into Heaven. $2 And hereupon they Worfhipp'd him, as knowing him novo to he without all Doubt the true Me/pas, and return'd to Jeruialem with great joy: si And were continually or conjlantly attending "Divine Service in the Temple, prailing and blelling God. (r) Joelz. 18. compar'd with Alts 2. 16. (/) See A&s 1. ». Ff St NOT sis. S T N 0 T S r s. The Gofpel of St Lut;e is diftin- guifh- < able in- to thefe Five general Parts, viz. I"t. An Ac- count of his Mini- ftry, during his (lay for (probably) . two yejrs and up- wards in Galilee, viz. IV. An Account of the more Publicly Mill- ftry of Chris! , VIZ. af- ter the impri- pigment of the Baptift: Which may be diftin- guifh'd inro, (~T. The lntredulften, Chap. I. I - 4. II. An Account of the Conception of St John Baptift , the Fore-runner of Chrift, I. J • %f. and of hit Birth, J7 - ult. and of his Uiniflry and Imprifonment, III. » • 10. III. An Account of the Conception ofCHRIST, I. 16 - ; 6. Of his Birth, Prefentation in the Temple, and Going up to the Paffover at Jerufalem at twelve Years old, It. 1 - ult. Of his being Baptiz'd, when he was about thirty Years of Age, and bis Pedegree, III. IS - ult. Of his Temptation, IV. 1 - 15. ' CHRIST comes to Nazareth, and leaying.chat comes to (and dwells at) Capernaum, IV. 14.-3*. where ne calls Peter, Andrew, James-ami John to be his conlhnc At- tendants, V. i-ii. Then he" cads out 3 Devil, 1V.33-J7. and cures Simon'i mfei eAotheroi J Fever, and then go's to preath in other Places of Galilee, 38 -ult. He cures a Leper, V. 11 - 16. a Paralytick, 17 - 16. Calls Matthew, 17 - 31. and gives the Reafon why his Difciples did not fafl ihen, 3 3 - ult. He juftilies his Difciples in plucking and rubbing the Ears of Corn, VI. 1 - e. Cures a withered Hand, 6- 11. Chooies the twelve ^Apoftles, rj - 16. Preaches his Ser- mon on the lAount, 17 - ult. He cures a Centurion s Servant , VII. t - 10. Aaifes to life a dead Man at Nain, rr-!7. Aniwers the Baptift's Enauiry, and dilcourles to the People about him, 18- 30. Shews the Perverfhefs of the jews, 3 1 - 3f . and his Rcafun for letting a Woman, that was a Sinner, touh him, &c. 36 - ult. He teaches again about Galilee, VIII. 1-3. Delivers the Parable of tbeSower, 4 -18. Teaches who are efteem'd by him his nearefi Relations, 19-11. Stills a Storm, 11 - Xf. Cads out a teghn of Devils, 16 - 40. Cures a Woman with a Bloody Flux, and raifes to life Jairm's Daughter, a.1 - ult. He lends the Apoftles to preach, iicc. IX. 1 - 6. Herod's Opinion of him, 7-0. He miraculoufly feeds five theufand, 10- 17. Is acknowledged by Peter to be the Chrift, whereupon he foretels his own Sufferings, and the Sufferings of his Difci- ples, r8-i7. He is transfigur'd, 18-36. Carts out a Devil which his Difciples could not, 37 - 41. Tells his Difciples again of his Death, and teaches them Hu- i^ mility, and to encourage fuch as promoted the Gofpel, 44- to. C He is deny'd Entertainment by the Samaritans, IX. ci - }6. His Anfwer to One that would follow him, and to two Others, S7 - ult. 1. An Account of He fends the Siventy to preach, and what he fpake on their. Return, X. 1-14. hisVi. ,?n,from The Parable of him lhat/e#<»m»nj Tiiievts, ay - 37. He commends Maty the his leaving Ga- Sifter of Martha, ;8-k/>, lilee to go to the He teaches to pray, XI. t - 1 3. His Anfwer to the Pharifees on their afcrib- Feaft of Taberna-. ing his Carting out Devils to Beelz.cbub, and feeking a Sign from Heaven, cles, till his go- '4 - 36. He reproves their Hypecnfo, 37 - ult. ing again to Je- He encourages his Difciples not to fear Men above God &c. XII. i-n. He di- rulakm to the (courles againft Covetuoufnefs and Worldry mindednels, 13-34. and of Feaft of the Dedi- the Duty of Watchfutnefs, 'if -ult. cation, viz. His An(. to them that told him of the Galileans kill'd by Pilate Sec. XIII. t-f. Parable of the Fig-tree to be dung'd one Tear more, € - 9. He heals a crooked Woman, 10-17. Pai able of the O'rainotMuftard- feed and Leaven, 1S-11. ;. An Account of hisMinjyrrcfrom his going 10 the FeaH of the De- ("He exhorts to enter in at the Strait Gate &C. XIII. 11 - 30. His Saying of Herod and Jerufalem, 51 -ult. He heals the Drepjy, XIV. 1-6. He is eniertain'd by a Chief Pharifee , and dilcourles there about Feafting, and delivers the Parable of the^re« Supper, 7-14 Chrirtianuy to be undertaken confiderarely &c. if-ult. dication, till his I Parable of the loft Sheep, XV. 1 -7. Ofthe/«/r Money, 8-10. Of the prodigal returning to |e- Son, ti - ult. rufalem, to his Parable of the unjuft Steward, XVI. 1 - 18. Of Dives and Lsz_arut, tg-ult. laft Pajjover, viz. Of Offences, or making others to fin, and of Forgivenefs, and Faith, and our ^ Vnprofitablenefs, XVII. 1 . 10. <*He heals ten Lepers, XVII. 1 1-19. The Unex-pe flednefs ofChrift's Coming, ic- ult. Parable of the importunate uidow, XVIII. 1-8. Of a Pharifee and Publico*, 9- 14. Toung Children are brought to him, ij - 17. Of the young rich Man and Riches, 18-34. Cures a blind Man near Jericho, ;j- - ult. Zaccheus convened, XIX. 1-10. Parable of a Kj.'g going into a f.ir Country, 1 1 -17. He rides into Jerufalem, 18-u/r. .. An Ac- His Anfwer to the Chief-priefls queftioning hit Authority, XX. t - 8. Parable of the count of I Vineyard, 9- 19. Of giving Tribute to Cefar, 10 - 16. He confutes the Sadducees his Mm- j by proving the Refurreilion, 17-38. and putxjes the 5cribcs with theQueftion fry , from j concerning Chris} being David's Son and Lord, 39 - ult. 'his Lift At <, The poor Widow moft Charitable, XXI. 1-4. Of the Definition ofjenfaltm, and tur.ii.ig to the Laflday, r -ult. Jcrulalem, Judai bargains with the Chief-priefts to betray Jefus, XXII. 1 • 6. The Paffover is till his prepar'd, and Chrift eats it, and inftitutes the Lord's Supper, 7 - it. Chrift tells Death,\iz. his Apoftles that One of them (hould betray him, 3nd alio of tbeit forfabjng him, and Peter's denying him, 11- 38. He comes to the Mount of Olives, and isappre- henied, and led to the Hlgh-prieft's Houfe, 39 - 74. where Peter denies him, jy-61. His Trial before the Sanhedrin, 63 - ult. Chrift is earry'd before Pilate, XXIII. 1 -7. Sent by him loHertd, and back again, 8 - 11. His Trial and Condemnation by Pilate, 13 - ij. His Crucifixion, 16 - j/o. His Burial, s i-u.'r. THE ACTS O F T H E HOLY APOSTLES. THE PREFACE. < TH A T St Luke writ this Treatife of the Ac7s of the Apojiles The *■. . After his Gofpel, is evident from his calling his Gofpel (AcL p/^/of' writing I. i.J The Former Treatije. Now it has been obferv'd in the th" Treatife. Preface to his Gofpel, that, according to Trenaus, his Gofpel was not writ till after St Paul's Rekafement from his Firfi imprifon- ment at Rome, and Departure thence, which could not be before the Beginning of A. D. 6j. And it is very likely that he wrote this Treatife of the Ails at the fame Time, or as foon as he had writ his Gofpel. It is indeed commonly thought that he writ the A£ls before S. Paul's Re-* leafement abovemention'd, becaufe he continues not the Hiftory of the Ails to the faid Releal'ement ; which it is thought he would have done, had he writ the Ads after the faid Releafement. But the weaknefs of this Inference fufficiently appears by confidering, that it is certain St Luke liv'd many years after ; and therefore might, if he had pleas'd, have concinu'd the Hiftory of the Acts, not only to the fbrefaid Releafement, but to St Paul's Second Imprifonment at Rome, and to a very Little be- fore St Paul's Death: It being evident from 1 Tim. 4. 1 1. that St Luke was with St Paul, when he writ that Epiftle to Timothy, which was in A Z>. 67. and but a Little before S Paul's Martyrdom; as appears from 2, Tim. 4. 6. As to the Place where this Treatife was writ, it is Uncertain, but however conjectur'd by lome to be at Rome. As the Title or the ASls of the ApoBles (or the like ) was not given to this Treatife by St Luke himfelf; fo it is Obfervable that it does not r,v/7and 'Prmci- give an Account of the Ads of All the A pottles, but chiefly of S. Paul,^es^{foltb'" by whom it is thought S. Luke was at firft Converted, and whom it is cercain, from this very Treatife, that he accompany' d in fome of his Tra- vels : IVhofe ARs or Hillorv therefore St Luke chieflv enlarges nrjon. n. Concerning the nPt2,EI2 ACTS O F T H E AnaN AnosTOAaN. holy apostles. TEXT. TRANSLATION. T Kt1 t7IVlY\ttl{XMl 7ti. d stavtov, a ©es- ipfcc7o o \v\*ou, £s c^eAe^aTO, Zj£.< THS /3*01" Afc('a4 5" ©e£. 4 Kaj cuia.At^ofinoi <7pp'nyyuXw aui-nyii "^un It&JvAufAav p» ^e^O^h ^* *&t(j8JMi *n)y Im.yfc'Kiaji TV TtaTfoi, lei mvirec7ion of the faid Holy Gho/t. 3 To whom alfo he fhew'd himfelf Alive after his Paliibn by many in- fallible Proofs, being feen of them frequently for the (pace of tony days, and fpeaking to them of the things pertaining to the fettling and ejta- blijhing the Kingdom of God, i. e. the Chrijiian Church. 4 And more particularly the Laft time he appear' d to them was at Jerufalem, when being aliembled together with them, he commanded them that they fliould not depart from lerufalem to eo and preach m other Harts, but wait for otitis, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION. uShw v/xus ^ Hx-fiicQiiJt&i or wlth water; but ye {hall be , < i > _,n x , baptiz'd with the holy Gholf, mevfUL-n wo V pj ttdMxS t««i- not many days hence / ras 'mjiityS. 6 Oi $ oca/ /K. r < , , ,^, , . er after that the holy Ghoft is fryj^ Tod ay.V weo/atr©- i? come upon you . an'd ye fhaU iifuLs' xou\ 'i?tcQt /mi /MpTupts 'it be wynelles unto me both in _ ¥ ,. ..> > > ' ~ . Jerufalem, and in all Tudea, tb IepVoaAxit jcou\ g* truth th Iy- . c j .ui r r- —■ i . ancj m Samaria, and unto the £aua Xj 2*/A»pfc«'a> *<*< S*£ *%"* uttermoft part of the earth. -W yii. 9 K*j toTto a'rav, £Ae- . » A"d when he hadjpoken < ><*»/>,, . . . thcre things, while they be- Titi-mi ocorK/ f?r>ip3«, xoq npiAn held, be was taken up, and a •&0e\*Cu cul-ray ^bri rft/ o»A- cloud receiv'd him out of their ^ otoTwy. io K«) as «w<£oy- 10 And -while they look'd TB5 W» as 7ny ^yay, wopo/o^eyy ftedfaltly toward heaven, as he •> t1 i '^ < «/ « r\' "k / went up, behold, two men ou^, *«^«> *»tyts Jt» «-P«ct*«- ftood ^ them u, whitt ap. crxi autvns ci iodyi-n Xwxy , n oV parel; ' ^^. a i , i- -> ^ ~' ' c ' ii Which alfo faid.Ye men 73 r , ' ^ or Galilee, why Hand ye gaz- Wn e^CAe7TBy7i5 «j t fcpayoy; ^755 ing up into heaven ? this fame • Iwvs 5 *y*A^^5 ^' u^v us f JeIus. wh'ch 1S ta£f" "P frora , , f/ , , , , . you into heaven, lhaU lo come, sepctvoy, Kiwi i\iuaij %t -r^omi eGex- ln like manner as ye have feen mtcQt (wroi irofixjoium us r fe'pctvoy. nim 8° int0 heaven. i2 Tin vmwth' «* 1W"*- r ^ Then return'd they unto , , ^; ' , «, Jerulalcm , from the mount A«^, ^73 o'pvs ? Tt&teww EAoqa- call'd Olivet, which is/iom Je- io«, 2 '^» \fyii itmmtift, oaCC*- rufa,em *near to a fabbalh- „ , , , „ , >, days journey. tv e^oy oJ^y. 13 Koq «- Jevenjewijh Furlongs, or a Mile. 13 And when they were come into \"°^J'^u^r- JeiU Matthimjtb be an ANNOTATIONS. ~4"fii'- (e) See my Paraph, on Matt. 3. u, (/) Namely v. 4. (g) See Dan. 7. 13, 14. (gg) See Gatat. 6. 16. \h) Revel. 11. 17. and 20.4.. (/) Compare v. 12. (k) Compare Luke 24. 50. (/) It being fold John 11. 18. that Bethany "was nigh unto Jerufalem, about fifteen furlongs off, and it being kid Luke 24.. fo. that Jefus led bis Difciples Xf Iaav- v«J, $ IxxaQas, K) AiJ^eai, fy'iAnt- vn? x) ©co/^obs, Bdf%\ofiouos x) MetT- Jou^, Ixjc&iCoj AApeqtf, £ 2<is, *, lv T8 oV. ?v05 owfimai 'Qj to outo ^ttT©- by the mouth of David fpake AaCiJ*, j£$v t»s QlefYXitKH tolu- TYIS. IB OvT{omeflicks and familiar Friends of our Lord, who eat Bread with him \ and he had obtain'd part of this Miniftry of our ApoBleJhip, fofar was he entruBed by our Lord. 18 Now this man was Jo wicked, that he betray d our Lord for thir- ty (0) pieces of Silver , and there was afterwards purchas'd a Field ANNOTATIONS V. 13. f So it is read in Alex, and Cant, which are the two moft Ancient MSS. as alfo in Vulg. Syr. and Ethiop. Verfions ; and in St Auguftin. And that this is the true Original Reading, may be made further appear from other Con- fiderations. (tn) Compare Luker^. 49, yy. and 14. 10. And here it is to be noted, that St Luke calls the Virgin Mary by the name of the Mother of Jefus, whereas he feems to fpeak of her in his Gofpel Chap. 14. 10. under the name of Mary the Mother of Jofes. Of which fee afore in the proper places. It is alfo obfetvable that this is the laft mention of the Virgin Mary in the New Teftamenr. («) See my Paraphrafe on John 7. y. 8 zARs, Chap. I. TEXT. TRANSLATION? yuzw vx. V VUcd-V TVS iS\Kiai' & a field wlth the reward of mi- ^ , v / . , / , > qnity, and falling *on his face, oyW ytis^/os £A*iui<* a««w«- *oq he burft a{under in the midlt, JSeyfoi -srxyrw. ra cro-Aa/yvet out?, and all his bowels gufh'd out. ■ \ i j / • ~ ~ •(, io And it was known unto 19 Ka* ^*5»» i>4y«7o imn tois v/o»- all the dwelkrs at jernfalem . xot/cny IepVow\))^, &<& xAviJlujiU\ to infomuch as that field is call'd ' > ~ ~ Hs' t^ -v ' 1 ' in their proper tongue, Acel- X'«M ^^^ ^ '** ^^ "■ dama, that i, to fay, The field tov, Ata\S)n/MX,, TVT6 ~ book of Plalms, Let his habi- ^A/aav r«v»3)i7» » gTrco/Ais out* tation be defolate, and let no 'im/jus, g fM %qu 0 K5t7oi>t^» h o»T?. man dweU therein : and> Hls ' « 1 ./^ #1^1" ip~0, us.all the time that the Lord le- ct^ay f» »ai-n^0,« ev a. aroA* g fes wau |n and ou£ amoJflg s^A% t _i pr /o o' _/?i 2i Beginning from the ba- , , « , , ^ , , . Ptl,m °' John, unto that fame laxm eai t if/uifcu, »s ayeAMipOn ip day that he was taken up from ^2», A^prnvpct r ayttfaW ou# }«- us> mu(J oneube ordajn'd l° be /,«-,, / , a witnefs with us of his refur- lecQvLj avi «,uiv gva -rtf-nay. 23 Koc» furreclion. eW Jb'o, Iarap r 5c*Av,3« l*W, $ Mai- Varnam'djuftus, and Matthias. Jiour. 24 Kotj ^s^o-^x^evoi &»7roy ^ 24 And they pray'd, and „v .,/ t- ' » ' faid, Thou, Lord, which know- 2u K««e, *°V^«5W; 5ra('ra"' *v*- eft the hearts of aU men, (hew i'^af ix, Ti/7ray t , whether of thefe two thou haft 2f AaCay t xAvipoy •? Jt*)covlo^ rca. c ° en' . , , r , % ^. //» / 2* That he may take part of tus ^ -^7r»7oA)f5, i!; ns TOpt'Gvi Iic Chap II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kei^ )tjtT5i)coaoT85 Iy- y And there were * fojotirn- Souoi, cLifyti au\g.Q>v.S , "^th imnvs e^iVs* T»y rvjsw tbv Vg^tvov. 6 IV loftews S\ ths ,%s, xoj cuoiyjSt\> on WW gether, and were confounded, tts '*y&r(&> tm j'Sict 2U\Ur<» A*, becaufe that every roan heard Avvtov otuTav. 7 E^/favra Si mi- lls Kay J^dOjtwt^ov , Aejpvns 'Z?£^ aM»Ays* Ot>x, iS'y wa.i'ns Xtoi acn o< A^Aot^TtJ r«.AiAttToi; 8 Kot) OT? 'AfJLUS aLKKofill 'tWJVS TH I'jlot them fpeak in his own lan- guage. 7 And they were all amaz'd and marvell'd, faying one to another, Behold, are not all thefe which fpeak, Galileans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue,where- 2^gtAe'x.r<» */!%/' ot ii E^vv«3«,tay j in we were born? 9 n*P. ANNOTATIONS- , Chap. II. i. f So it was read, and not ipi&i, by the Vulgar L^tin and Syriack Interpreters, who were more Ancient than any MSS. among us: So alfo the Ethiopick Interpreter read ir, and All die Fathers, as Staliger fays. And fince there was no Reafon for changing */*%« into ipifxt, but there is an Obvious one for the Contrary, it is not to be doubted but it*i(*t is the True Reading; efpecially it being confirm'd by the verb w^^fi^ joyn'd thereto, which is very properly fpoken ^fts, Chap. II. It P A R A P HRA S E. ing to the Number of the Apoftles at fir (I ordain d by Chrifl, agreeably to tie number of the Twelve Patriarchs or Tribes of Tfrael. „ Chap. II. And when the Days of Pcntecofl, i.e. the Fifty days be- The Defeat 0( tween the Paffover and the Feafl of Weeks, or (as we now adays fpeak) *e HoijGhrfm ■ between Eafter and Whitfunday, were fulfilled, they were All, i.e. AU e P° the Apofiles mention d in the foregoing Verfe, with one accord in one place, viz. the Upper Room (as is moil probable) mention d Chap. 1. 13. where they (s) were wont to meet 'Privately for to perform 'Divine Ser- vice together. 2 And fuddainly there came a found from Heaven, as of a rulhing mighty Wind, and it filj'd all the Houfe where they were litting. 3 And there appear'd unto them cloven Tongues, like as of Fire, and it, /. e. a Tongue fat upon each of them. 4 And they were all fill'd with the Holy Ghofl, and began to fpeak with other Tongues, i. e. Jo fpeak other Languages than thejewijh or their Native, as the Spi- rit give ihem Utterance, ;. e. Ability to fpeak. $ And there were (/) fo- jouming or abiding then at Jerufalem, Jews, either by 'Defcent, or by be- coming Profelytes or Converts to the Jewfo Religion, who being Devout men were come out of every Nation under Heaven where they dwelt, tojerujalem, to keep the prefent Feafl. 6 Now when this mention d v. 3,4, was nois'd^abroad, the Multitude came together, and were con- founded, becaufe that every Man heard them fpeak in his own Lan- guage, q And they were all amaz'd and marvell'd, faying one to an- other, Behold, are not all thefe which fpeak Galileans ? 8 And how hear we every Man in our own Tongue, wherein we were born ? 9 For being ANNOTATIONS. fpoken of feveral Days, but not of one Bay. The change here was probably made in conformity to Chap 20. 16. (j) Namely this was the Place, where they All met at Firft, while their Num- ber was not too Big ; but afterwards, as foon as the Number of Believers were lb much increas'd, that they could not All meet in One place, then tis not to be doubted but the like Upper Rooms were made choice of in feveral Houfes of the Belevers, for to perform D;vine Chriftian Service in. And agreeably thereto the expreflion, >»T' "is' (Ch^p. z. ^6,&cc) denotes thus performing the Chriftian Service in jomefuch Houfe, and confequently may be fitly render'd, in Houfe by way of Oppolition to. in the Temple, where alfo the Apoftles and other Difciples went to the PubLck Service and Prayers. (t) Our Eughfh word, dwell, is ufually taken to denote ones Conftant or Set- tled Abiding in an Houfe; whereas the Greek wmx.iiv denotes Any being in an Houje, whether for a fhorter or longer time; and fo denotes, not only to dwell according to the ufual import aforefaid of chat Word among us, but alfo to fo- jturn, or abide in an Houfe or Place only for fome Jhort time. And in this laft fenfe it is evidently to be understood here of the Jews that liv'd in Foreign Countries, i% j43s3 Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 9 U«t% h MJfJei **} EAa/^Toq, g 9 Parthians.andMedcSjand , • ~ v / Elamites, and the dwellers in oi ^TOHtyms t Miov7ix)T7x.^uv, IK- Mefopotamia, and in Judea", <5V«w n $} Ka.TC-na.hxj.ax, IIovtdv & and Cappadocia, in Ponius, , ,, , « , _ and Aha, ■rio) Actio*, io tyw ts & n*^- IO Phrygia,andPamphylia, (pv\ict9, Aiyvnloi, $ t» ,«ep>i ■£ Ai- in Egypt, and in the parts of P> . S> -~. v ' i J ' '. bo[1; Jews and 7!S Pa^tToi, Iyikio/ 7« X) ■afoay\u%i, profelytes, ii Ko^tjj £ A&Cis, iw/u» A*. , " Cretes and Arabians, we , , Z ~ , , r do near tnem 'Peak ln our Akvt&v auTav mis »^2T5^tis yAaxr- tongues the wonderful works (rocii to (iifxAtix yQeS. 12 E&- of God. m , , . t ,i /ts 12 And they were all amaz'd, f«,VTO faymg one epcs aMov \iyn%i' T/ jAeJov Otj yXouKVi (xifit^f^ni ti anrd, a11 f th" , « *lojourn at Jerufalem, be this 5tSCTDtx.tfm$ IepyoaAx^ a.7iavT5?, Ttf- known unto you, and hearken to t^Tv a*<»5o\ e7iWe<3s m to my words: ,, , , , , , *. ij For thele are not drunk- /»»^*TO ^V. if Ou y±f, oi vftus en, as ye fuppofe; feeing it is \j7n\a.[&lwn, «tdi nibuSiovr «5J $ but the third hour of the 1 > t < ' ^»»«\~' day. a>p* 7y,T). ^ ^P««. »op>iT'V Ian'A* was fpoken by the prophet ** K«j ^ U ™« yfrw WW<> ]°i'7 And it {hall come to pafs (teyi 0 ©«o«) Jx-^«a ^&ri ? 7^60^*70$ in the Jafl; days, (faith God) I MW '^1 *2a»i a«,W- S ^n & •mevfia.hs ^y, x, Spiritj ancj they fhall prophefy: &fo(p*1iv4vtxi? *»«, ^m/*u* 6* tkj >«* in the eanh beneath. blo°d) jycTO, equal $ 7nJp $ otT^e^t wmV> and fire, and vapour of fmoak. 20 O PARAPH RASE. &v»g Parthians («), and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mefb- potamia,and in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Alia, 10 Phry- giaand Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, Strangers of Rome, both Jews and Profelytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them fpeak in our Tongues the wonderful Works of God. iz And they who faid this were All amaz'd, and were in doubt what the Event would be, laying one to another, What will this he, or come to ? 13 Others mocking faid, Thefe men are full of new or fweet Wine; and fo being drunk talk^any Gibberijh, which fame fancy to be their Ovon Language, and Jo vainly think that thefe Fellows fpeak divers Jlrange Languages All of a fudden. 14 But Peter ftanding up with the eleven other Apoflles, lift up his p,,/^ . voice, and faid unto them, Ye Men of Judea, and All ye that coming to the people from other Countries fojourn at Jerufalem, be this known unto you,thereupon- and hearken to my Words: iy For, i.e. that Thefe whom you hear f peakfag in your Own Languages, are not drunken, s&fome of you fup- pofe ; leeing it is but the Third hour of the Day according to thejewijlj way of Reckoning, which anjwers to about cur Nine m the Morning. 16 But This which you fee and hear is the Fulfilling cfihn which was fpoken by the Prophet Joel (Chap.z.xS.) 17 And it fhall come to pals in the lalt days, i. e. in the days of the MeJJiah or Go/pel, fays God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flefh, and your Sons and yourDaughteis (»a) fhall Prophefy, and your young Men fhall fee Vifions, and your old Men fhall dream Dreams : 18 And on my Servants, and on my Handmaidens I will pour out in thofe Days of my Spirit, and they (hall Prophefy : 19 And after that the Truth of the Gofpel has been thus at- te fled by the moft evident and infallible Teflimony of the J ever al miracu- lous Gifts conferr'd by the Holy Gho/I on Believers, and the Generality of thejewifli Nation fhall notwithjlandiug moft Obfhnately peifift in Unbe- lief, for a jttjl punijhment offuch t heir Vnbe lief i will fhew Wonders in Heaven above, and Signs in the Earth beneath; Blood, and Fire, and 14 -d&s, Chap. II. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 20 O wAigH ixim.T^.(py\inTaui as . 2° Tlle fun (hall be turn'd / , < v« ' ' '" • » 'nt0 darknefs, and the moon cxows,^ x, * oiAk* M$ ou/mc, *T» mt0 bbod> before (hat gfcac >5 cA^yy T«v Yifttpcui KutiV iluo fit- and notable day of the Lord \t ' 'zTi.^ ~ t^- l " come. ><^ *«, fop*.* 21 K«M5W,, 2I And n (hall come to pafs, 7ra; os dtv '^TKstAgjTiToq tb oyo,ua, /^«/ wholoever fhall call on Kv'Jv, caW*. 22 AvJ>e5 ler- the name of the Lord (hall be , ,r / faV(i ^ch\ito|, «>tou ■ p c _ < , / did by him in the midd of you, tmwi ft m-nd 0 ®ios of fxiou as ye your (elves alio know : iiuZi, H5t9a>s % auum\ o'i'Sbt.%, 23 TV- 23 Him, being delivcr'd by ~ ' ■/ „ ~ ,\ the determinate counfel and w r- / , r- », j foreknowledge of God,ye have j^acra 7bJ ©god eit&Toy AabonTSS, taken, and by wicked hands a/3? yap*. «v5>» w^c-n, have crucify 'd and fla.n: /> ^ f ^ , / 24. Whom God hath rais d ctvwAeTS. 24 Ov 0 ©eos aveg»o"e up, having loos'd the pains of hlaui ras aft'v«< ri toLixiV, K5C- death : becaufe it was not pqf- , ^ , ' L liole that he lhould be holden eu-'-rev -xlcw' cci^t?. 27 Aa£V ><*p 25: For David fpeakethcon- \ , ■> » 1 „ / 1 , cerning him, I forefaw the Ae;4 eis o»7w n^apa^ tov Ku- Lord a[ways before my face, 5jov svaOTsv #K a^a Tranvs, on ex. for he is on my right hand, tv?-- >/0.> .1 1 S/7A- that I fliould not be mov'd. „ , I*5 Therefore did my heart 26 Atx tkto tti^pxvSn >t xo^ftx ^v, rejoyce, and my tongue was »«i ^Mixtotd J yA^o^t A«. e'^ gjadi moreover alfo, my ficQi / , , , _ 7 , , fhall reft in hope:' J^f xcu » cr»p5 ^« ustTOffxZo/aoT/ ew ^ Becaufe thou wilt not eA^rlft- 27 on OT3t eynseTOAaUeiS ka,ve my Co>il ln heI)> neith5r f , , , t/ , , wilt thou inner thine Holy TiW 4U^^ M ui '***> ®*& dia- One to fee corruption. ff6«s tc'v oc7ja» «tdu i^v 2±$. t0 fi< >>'x ^< js » ' -\. on his throne: ^ ^ «\«A*w -ote* xm^cnas V X&- 31 He feeing this before, Y"*" cpiS, l-n V JUXTsAaVSM if v^ that his foul was not as ctJ«, ®r^ v awpS atund e* cTfe left ]n hel]> neither his flefh $\a./ the Holy , . £ ^, § A -. , //B , Ghoft, he hath flied forth this, cabere. 34 O'j 50 AaGii xnQy\ us which ye now fee and hear. t«5 bpavfcV Ktyi & au7t)V eTttbv 0 ,34 For David is not afcend- ~^ g „ / Tjr /q. , a ed ,nto the heavens: but he * Kw&tos -4 Kutia mm' Kcftv c* «fc- faith himfelf, The Lord faid liav a^5 3? e«S oiv Ja tvs fv- unt0 my Lord, Sit thou on my o_ ' < 'tv <¥>/= ts~ right hand, 7>* ay -v^BTrtfcov t^wo^ cw. Jf Unt[, T fflake tfay foes 3d AcTp*Av owtbj 0 Qios i7n!y]at t^to; 7bv ly, that God hath made that • ' I«€5 «.AA Repentj and be bdap^ •£ioS>)7ta 'eKaqDs v/xut 'Qn t$ oii/LtAJi every one of you in the name iMffv Xfi,c-Z J* H*c~,* L,.~ ~~ ' ofJefusChrift.fortheremiflion Iwv X« 7mvjufi*ia $ Sis «n- 19 For the promife is unto , ~. , ~ o.~ . v „ yon, and to your children, and jwais w/«w, x, *aoi (0 1 i m {M.*f*-'> °W3i.\i, Xsrynr 2a3»iTe 41 O' H- W 9.ey.tiai ^TTiSi^aiiot r 3>;<^ th j»/«p«. iJc&yH 4°yot| we* Tgj- ^jAioq. 42 H?av 0TB^Aa» $ t^ Jtoivavia $ tm jcA«.c7t| v *p7y ^ toTs 'S^o,ew- 301V. 43 Eytwrn Si -nam •tyyjf c77j,ua7at $ to? W7rapfas '^7rp*i7xoy, $ £u/*s- fc<£oV T* 7IK7J, KS#>7J ttV "775 A3*0* «^e. 46 Ka^ Jf/U^jti T6 'S>£$oTcetp- Ti^iwni OfioJupASbi Ot 7ffl Jfpa, *Aa>»T«s re ?ytT oixov apTov, f«Te- ^u&tyov T&ipys or i)«Mi«^ jwcj a^fAoTHTJ j^pjio^, 47 OUIVlTiS T ©6ov, ;(# €^ov/e* ^*^v v us to ugjy. 3 Os ifca rie- Tfo* ^ Ii£W<7?«/Za> Aa.£e*y. 4 Atiiiow; Si TleTfOS us em-ray cuo T$ Iactyvj), e<7n- BAe-^v US ti/Mtf. f O S\ i7CW)£V OCTBJJ, oeV- £$c/V V/etpeef £ 'Zt^TruT'/. 7 Koq Tnx- e»5 ctoToy t SlQcLs yufos %ye*ft' twl- pa^pn^* Si £s*pea3n<£ ou>tS oj £a- os eg*, j£ -s£«7ra7rf x.o6j e«o^A9s cz«j otcTois us to upoy, -2j^7raToy ^ aMo^os, & *•»«» t ®eo»» 9 K*j «iya><7X3y •n oc*Toy, otj tfr@-' Ito 0 ts^js ita iMnficciulw xstSnfdp(&' 'On ry fl- pouct 7njA>i ? t'epv* >9 I tzAjioSh^ ^a/M- £tt$ 19 iK avjuCt&rwm emit. 1 1 Kp*t5»to$ cJV v t'a7s'yTos 2£«A* t fleTpoy $ lir, oviefyaL/jue aoC, 0 Gtos t 7ia]epav tytav fjfccjaffe 12 And when Peter faw itt he anfwer'd unto the people, Ye men of'Ifrael, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye fo earneflly on us, as tho' by our Own powerorholinefs we had made this man to walk? 13 The God of Abraham, and of'Ifaac, and of Jacob, the God of our Fathers has glori- TBV PARAPHRASE. • pie, whom they that carry V him laid daily at ihe Gate of the Temple, which is on the Eajl-Jide or chief Front of the Temple; and which being thus the chief Gate of the Temple, was of a Belter Make and more jidorrid and Beautify d than the others, whence it was particularly cali 'd the Beautiful Gate; here, as being the Chief Entrance into the Temple, was laid the forefaid Lame man to ask Alms of them that entred into the Temple. 3 Who feeing Peter and John about to go into the Tem- ple, ask'd an Alms. 4 And Peter faflning his eyes upon him, with John, faid, Look on us. s And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive fomething of them. 6 Then Peter faid, Silver and Gold have I none to give thee ; but fuch as I have, give I thee : In the Name of Jefus (Thrift of Nazareth, rife up and walk. 7 And he took him by the Right hand, and lift him up; and immediately his Feet and Ankle- bones receiv'd firm ftrength. 8 And he leaping up, flood, and walk'd, and entred with them into the Temple, walking, and leaping,and praifing God. 9 And all the People faw him walking and praifing God. 10 And they knew that it was he .which fat for Ahns at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple : and they were fill'd with wonder and amazement at that which had happen'd unto him. 1 1 And as the Lame man who was heal'd, held Peter and John, thanking them for the great and miracu- lous Benefit he had receiv'd by them, All the People in or about the Tem- ple ran together unto them in the Porch that is call'd Solomon's, greatly wondring at the fudden Cure wrought by the two Apofiles. 12 And when Peter faw it, he anfwer'd, i.e. on this occafion fpake vir. Tetefs Difrourfe unto the People thus: Ye Men of Ifrael, why marvel ye at this? or why to ihe Peo^e look ye fo earneflly on us, as tho' by our Own Power or Holinefs we had made this Man to walk ? We freely declare to you on the contrary, that we have Not done this by our Own Tower, but altogether by the then upon. ix A8s, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. " toy TOiik oo'tv Iviffyi, ov y^as ?nt- fy'd his Son Jefns; whom ye t., \ -. , -. ,i i deliver'd up, and denv'dhim in peW-n, *«* »piwa*&* a*™ **« ihe prefence ofltote, when he '-i^jt<)7n)y ni?^7V, fceW//]©-1 ex.e<- was detcrmin'd to let him go. ,, .» . / v- ~ ro '\ ./ 14. But ye dcny'd the Holy i^*nW (i4T^r.}«. one, and the Juft, and deGr'd xoj Si^ov ^pvxoaoSe, x*( M7»oac3-e a murderer to be granted unto kvfyz mile* yz&c&iou ujlui. ir Tcv you> .,,.„,,', „ - r », , , fyl , « #■ j JJ And kili'd the Prince of *« aPW' 771S C®"* *7ntVe«v*T», o» life, whom God hath rais'd 0 ©ess «y«pw c/x- ***¥&, « «**«« from the dead; whereof we ., ,-, , , „. , , are witneiks. fbfnfts i. 1 (J K»h oth tv wr* l5- And his name thro' faith ? oiifULl^ ou#, t£?td», %i 9s»p«m in his name hath made this man, , • ,/(v / \ „ • f ftrong, whom ye fee and know: g o.Atit, (?tpea foundnefs in the prefence of mimi \ju%J'' 17 Kot) »w*, «.h\- \7 And now, brethren, I ^ /i-fw '„'-,, v«™l f*....~. 2,*„J * know that thro'ienorance ye K t , , / ^ did ;/, as did alio your rulers. gem, ic^p p«j oi ip;pm* t/^ifflf. l8 But thofe things which 18 O i t tojoo- Chrift *unto you, who has ANNOTATIONS. V. 10. f So it is read in Alex, and Cant, and feveral other MSS. and in ■ Chryfoftom. (y) Matt. 7.7. 10. &C. (z) Sea Dan. 7. i+, i7 Rev 1 ;. 1?. and 20. 4. («) By the Prefeuce of the Lord may be here underft jod the Prefence of chrift himfelf, according to i Thejf. z 8. ana o'h.i places of N.T. fbralrnuch as 0 me Pjrt of the faid Refrejhm ' will arife from e Sa' idtion of feeing the Prefence of Chrift. But I have cho.cn to interpret tnis expreffion a»in the Painphrafc, be- caufe yi6tst Chap. III. xg PARAPHRASE. Exalting him to his Sight hand in Heaven, and there giving him All Tower, from whom conjequently we have receivd this Power, has glo- rify'd his Son Jefus; whom ye lately deliver'd up to Pilate to be Cruci- fy'd, and (y) deny'd him to be the Chrifl and your King in the prefence of Pilate, and refits' d to have him let go, when He, /. e. Pilate was deter- min'd to let him go, as being an Innocent Perfon : 14 But ye deny'd the Holy one and the Tuff, i. e. the Meffias, and Refus'd to have him granted unto you for the Pnfoner that was to be rekas'd at the Pajfover accord- ing to Cuftom ; and delir'd rather Bar abbas, a Murderer to be granted unto you on thai account, iy And thus ye perfijied in your Malice againB Jejus, till ye had kilfd Him who is the Prince or Author of" Life, both as He gives Natural Life to All things Living, and alfo more efpecially as he is the Author of Salvation and Eternal Life to All that are Sav'd; whom therefore God has rais'd from the Dead, whereof we are Wit- neflcs. 1 6 And his Name, ;. e. it is thro' Faith in his Name, that we have been endu'd with that Power which has made this Man Strong, whom ye fee and know : yea, it is altogether the Faith which we have in Him, and which is Efficacious only by or thro Him, that has been the means of our Receiving that Power from Him, which has given him, i.e. the Man that was Lame, this perfect Soundnefs in the prefence of you All. t~\ And now, Brethren, I know that thro' Ignorance, not for want of Sufficient Evidence to convince you, but thro' the Strength qf your Prejudices, ye did it, as did alfo your Rulers. 18 But thofe things which God before had fhew'd by the mouth of all his Prophets, viz. that Chrift fhould Suffer thus as he has Suffer'd, he has fo fulfilJ'd ; by his Over-ruling Providence making uje of your Prejudices to accomplish his Own Giacious Purpofesfor bringing about Man s Salvation, and [0 bring- ing Good out of Evil. 19 Repent ye therefore, Jince your Ignorance of Jejus to be Chrift is fo far from excujingyour Crucifying htm, that it is it felf a great Sin, and be convened from your Unbelief to a fine ere Be- lief mjtfus as Chrift, that your Sins may be blotted out, i. e. pardon d thio' his Merits, and Jo ye may become Partakers of the Happmefs even of the Temporal [z) and Glorious Kingdom of Chi iff, when the lime there- of, fitly denoted by the Times of Refrefhing, on account of the Happj and Glorious Refrefhment the (z) Saints Jhall then enjoy even here on Eurlh during the Thoujaud years continuance thereof, fliall come, by the coming again ofjefus from the prefence of the (a) Lord or God, 1. e.from Hea- ven down upon Earth : 20 And, /. e. namely when He, i. e . God fhall fend the <34an Jefus Chrift unto you, who accordingly has been de- fign'd ANNOTATIONS. I* stiffs, Chap. III. TEXT. TRANSLATION. vwpiojte'vov vfHt Ivjo-vv Xpt^v, 2 1 o» 'Oi^pvi'rav «7r ewa>v(o)-'. 22 Macros («. I 647nV 077 -T^ipMrtM/ VfJLU CtVX- t5tTW srotvra. oaw. dv ActAnavi i?^5 u/wts. 23 E$uj St, mux. •\J>u- %*, y\-ni a.i /tut outlay tdc) « 7bJ A^tf. 24 Koq 7rx»Te5 Q ^7ra 2a^V»A x,*j 7^/ KSt9«^ii5, octji cA*AncRx,v, x.oq ^r^^Twy/eiActc ras J/xepct4 tku(3.'s. 2; TftitS 29? q'oj T»» 'Z3£jp»nfflir X.a\ TJJ5 a/^gc^JUU ?5 Sle'^STO 0 ©JOS 'S^JJ TtiS sraT6£$lS yHuqi , \iyaav joT)vTaj WcLvwji ol\ ■mrejiaui tyu yns. 26 T- fiii 'OgjcTOy 0 ©eos «yct<7»aa^ -roy srou<^ auT* Ihtou*, ct7r«9fciAe* *y_ TOV £tlAo^p[/^7a U/MUS, Cf T&) «.770- vAf. been defign'd beforehand A&fre- /o: 21 Whom the heaven muff, receive, until the times of re- ftittuion of all things which God hath fpoken by the mouth of * his holy Prophets, fince the world began. 22 * Mofes truly faid, *A Prophet fhall the Lord your God raife up unto you, of your brethren, like unto me; him fhall ye hear in all things whatfoever he fhall fay unto you. 2 3 And it fhall come to pals, that every foul which will not hear that prophet, fhall be de- flroy'd from among the people. 24 Yea , and all the pro- phets from Samuel, *even as many of thole that follow af- ter * as have fpoken, have like- wife foretold of thefe days. iy Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the co- venant which God made with our fathers, faying unto Abra- ham, And in thy feed fhall all the kindreds of the earth be blefs'd. 2.6 Unto you firfLGod hav- ing rais'd uphisSonJefus, fent him to blefs you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. Kip. J\. ANNOTATIONS. V. ii. t nxiTvt is not read in Alex, and another MS; nor in Vulg. Syr and Ethiop. Verfions; nor in Chryfoftom or Tertullian. It has been molt probably idded by fomc injudicious hand. V.ii, sifts, Chap. III. xy PARAPHRASE. lign'd beforehand thereto, i. e. to be thus fent: 21 Whom the Heaven mult receive, \\\\i\\ the Time that the Kingdoms of the Earth (z)f)all be- come the Kingdom of our Lord Chrifl; which Time is fitly denoted alfo by the Times of the Reftitution of All things, for afmuch as then jhatt be reflor d All Sublunary things, or the Things of the Earth, to that or a Hie Happy Stale they were m before the Fall of Adam ; of which Happy Rejlitution or Times God has fpoken by the Mouth of his (b, Holy Pro- phets, who have been in fever al Ages of the World fince the World began. 21 But to return to the neceffity of your Believing in and Ob ying Jefus, I inform and ajfure you that this Jefus is no other than That 'Prophet, of whom Moles truly faid, (c) A Prophet (hall the Lord your God ratle up unto you, of your Brethren, like unto me ; him (hall ye hear in all things whatfoever he (hall fay unto you. 23 And it fhall come to pafs, that every Soul which will not hear that Prophet, fhall be deftroy'd from among the People. 24. Yea, and all the Prophets from Samuel, even, or namely as many of thofe that follow after Samuel, (who is [aid Firjl to have erecled the Schools of the 7Jrophets) as have fpoken, 1. e. as the Holy Ghoft has thought fit to make ufe of to Reveal further and further the IVill and'Defign of God, have likewife foretold of fomethwg or other relating to thefe Days of Chrifl or the Go/pel. 25- Ye are the Children of that People, to whom particularly the Prophets were fent by God to reveal and foretel his Will and cDefigns ; and Itkewfe ye are the Children of that Teople, to whom primarily belongs the Covenant which God made with our Fathers, faying unto Abraham, And (d) in thy Seed, i.e. Chrifl, fhall all the Kindreds of the Earth be Blefi'd. 26 Accordingly un- to you Firft, /. e. before the Go/pel is to be preacl/d to the Gentiles, God having rais'd up his Son Jefus, and Jo given you thereby, and by the Defcent of the Holy GhoFl, the greateft ConviSiton that can be given, and confequently the Laft he will give you, that Jefus is truly his Son or Chrijl, has fent Us to preach and witne/s This unto you ; that fo ye may believe in Him, /. e. in Jefus, and confequently God may be J aid as it were to have fent Christ in Us to Blefs you, namely in Turning away Every one of you from his Iniquities. Chap. ANNOTATIONS. V. xi. f So it is read in Alex. MS. and Vulg. Latin Verfion. And feveral OLher MSS. leave out y*$- It has moft probably been added likewife by fome, who did not truly underftand the foregoing Context. (b) Ifai 11.6,7,8. and Ifai. 6j 17 — xy. and 66. n. Compare 2 Pet. 3. 13. Revet, xi. 1, &c. (f) Deut. 18. iy, 18, 19. {d) Gen. iz. 3,&c. z6 dA&s, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kt($C- r '.. j e, ~ n » / v i vex^av. 3 Kow Itts&xAov o&tdTs tos v&t^jcS, jceq e7JVTD as -ropjiajv as T ctle^ov ZaJ )b ecaAfa. JiiVi. 4 floA- Aoi )ow.y ox >4WS dp^jegjnuS. 7 Kct| s aiovxpyj^ 10 ryas-oy \ ££./#, o» u^as efaupaaaTC, ov 0 ©sos rtyuow Chap. IV. And as they fpake unto the people, the priefts and the cap- tain of the temple, and the Sad- ducecs came upon them, 2. Being griev'd that they taught the people, and preach'd through Jefus the refurre&ion from the dead. 3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day : for it was now * evening. 4 Howbeit, many of them which heard the word, be- liev'd; and the number of the men was about five thoufand. y And it came to pafs on the morrow, that their rulers, and elders, and fcribes, 6 And Annas the high pried, and Caiphas, and John, and A- lexander, and * thofe that were of the kindred of the high pried, were gather'd together at Jerufalem. 7 And when they had fet them in the midfl, they ask'd, By what power, or by what name have ye done this? 8 Then Peter fill'd with the Holy Ghoft, faid unto them,Ye rulers of the people, and elders oflfrael, 9 Ifwethisdaybe examin'd of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;" 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people oflf- rael, that by the name of Jefus Chrifl of Nazareth, whom ye crucify 'd, whom God rais'd c/x. zsffis, Chap. IV. 17 TEXT. TRANSLATION. iui oi«7nov iiixfyf i/yws. n Ouris '6$iv o c%V%yifuS u(p vpdftf -ray o»- from the dead, even by him doth this man [land here before you whole. it This is the [tone which was fet at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12 Neither is there falva- vm. PARAPHRASE. Chap. IV. And as they, /. e. Peter and John fpake unto the People, the Priefls and the Captain of the Band of Soldiers that then kept Guard 'are^wJ:* at the Temple, and the Sadducees came upon them, 2 being griev'd that they thus taught the People, and more particularly that they preach'd thro' |efus the Refurreclion from the Dead ; namely the Sadducees being griev'd that they did at altnffert any RefurreBion, it being what they Deny'd: and the Others, tho' they did not deny the Refurreclion it/elf yet being griev'd alfo that the two Apoftles Jhould teach, that the Resur- rection from the 'Dead vans procur'd for Mankind by Jejus, and that fuch only as Believd in and Obey'd his Go/pel Jhould attain to the Refurreclion to Lfe Eternal. 3 And hereupon they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day : for it was now evening. 4 Howbeir, i. e. notwithjlanding the two Apoftles were thus apprehended, many of them that heard the Word which they had preach'd, belie v'd; and the number of the Men was about Five thoufand. $ And it came to pafs on the morrow, that their Rulers, and Elders, 1X- and Scribes, 6 and Annas the High-pnefl or (e) Naji, and Caiphas the ihe^hednl.0" Aaronical High-priejl, and John, and Alexander, and Thofe that were of the Kindred of the High-pnelt, i. e. of Aaron's Family, were gaiher'd together at Jerui'alem, in the Court where the Great Sanhedrm was wont to meet. 7 And when they had order' d the two Apoflles to be brought, and fet them in the midll, they ask'd, By what Power, or by what name have ye done this? 8 Then Peter fill'd with the Holy Ghoft, laid unto them, Ye Rulers of the People, and Elders of Ifrael, 9 If we this day be examin'd of the good Deed done to the Impotent man, by what means he is made whole ; 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the People of Ifrael, that by the Name of Jefus Chrifl of Nazareih, whom ye Crucify 'd, whom God rais'd from the Dead, even byhim doth this man fland here before you whole. 11 This is the Terjon denoted Pro- phetically by (f) the Stone, which was fet at nought of you Builders, which is become the head of the Corner. 12 Neither is there Salva- i8 p#fr, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION- M Si cra^ei** «fit £ ovo^ '#? tlon in ?ny othcr: f?r there,s H c , g , s , , , none other name under heaven £-ne?v 'x^ara r tfpavov to A^^Vv o* given among men whereby we ~ n iJ» t\ 3- „/ »t !? Now when they fa w the 13 ©e»pv»/is ^ i V ne^y 7«pp«- boldnefs of Peter and John, and mour % IactvvV, xj \g0a.\a.CofA(J0i o-n pcrceiv'd that they were un- »/ a. > / > ' >f.~ learn'd and ienorant men, they a»V7T»i ^^toi «oi s^rq, marve|rd ? 5and they , haJ e^u^a^ov, iTrtyuoffKoi ts etuT«f ot7 knowledge of them, that they » ? . ~ > -t-' ts! " had been with lefus. cot Ta Iwv nntv 14 Tov J« *»- . ! , ' l > 5- L , ■„ , • , rt t '~ I4- And beholding the man 3-p«7ro» H\ivniit{ ovi auTois e-^TW, which was heal'd Handing with r hV«ev^i,vA'i «>oi ivW£». them> ,they col,ld % nothing v . ! ^ ,../>;- againit ir. 1 f KeAwoavTt* A *uT«$ e$a TV x y But when they had com- ciwifyiV ~ do to thefe men? for that in- yV >#ar« onAt«oi^)Pve SI «ut»v, deed a notable n)jrade hath wa.i j-j But that it fpread no fur- us t A*ov, a^reiA; xveutooo/ufa *u- £er ? m°n§ the Pe0Ple> ,e' lls , ,J , ? , , , itraitly threaten them,that they •mis /Mixrti AaAav '6* 7$ ovo.ua /( tw- fpeak henceforth to no man in Ta pil>fttA« CIW7BIS 70 anj comroanded lhem „ot to K5c9o'a« fin p%yft^ ftuJV Sl^btoTceiv fpeak at all, nor teach in the »/OJ ^''iT'Tr' n ^ name of lefus. Gk i* ovo^?. ^ I»W. 19OJJ ip BuJ peter afld John an. FleTfos & l6)*vvvjj ^7rox.e><95v7ej togjf fwer'd and faid unto them, *ut«V, eTTrov E; ji^f Vih <*&*m Whether it be nght in the fight m „ , „ , , w x ^. or God, to hearken unto you TV ©too, iijuai «jc^fctv /WtfMov Sv tv more than unto God, judge ye. ©eV, xeiv*7e. 20 Ov bwifity $ , i0, For we cannot but fpeak , «. v „ , , , v the things which we have leen rifAM, a. ufo$p x.ajj nKKovLtiw, (m and heard. A*A£v. ai 0»' Si ;u 75 cre^etof t^7o t iscjiaij. TRANSLATION. thcr threatned them, they lee them go, finding nothing how they might punifh them, be- caufe of the people: for all men glorify 'd God for that which was done. 22 For the man was above forty years old , on whom this miracle of healing was fhew'd. 23 A7T0- PARAPHRASE. tion to be attain d in or by any Other: for there is no other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we muff, be Sav'd. 13 Now when they faw the boldnels of Peter and John, and perceiv'd that they were Unlearn'd and Ignorant Men of themfelves, they marvell'd, and they had Knowledge of them, that they were Two that had been with Jefus as his Difciples. 14 And beholding the Man which was heal'd ftand- ing with them, they could fay nothing againft the Truth ofu} i.e. of the miraculous Cure done to the Lame man. i$ But when they had commanded them to go afide out of the Council, they conferr'd among themfelves, i<5 faying, What fhall we do to thefe Men? for that in- deed a notable Miracle hath been done by them is manifeft to all them that dwell in Jerufalem, and we cannot deny it. 17 But that it fpread no further among the People, let us ftraitly threaten them, that they fpeak henceforth to no man in this Name. 18 And they call'd them, and commanded them not to fpeak at all, nor teach in the Name of Je- fus, i. e. not to teach that no one could be Sav'd but by Faith in and Obe- dience to Jefus or his Go/pel. 19 But Peter and John anfwer'd and faid unto them, Whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken, unto yon more than unto God, judge ye. 20 For which reafon, we cannot out fpeak the things which we have feen and heard relating to Jefus ; being Commanded by God Jo to do, and for that -very End chofen to be Ear- Wttnejfes of what "Jefus did and taught- 21 So when they had further threatned them, they let them go, finding nothing how, /. e. for which they might punifh them with any Colour cfju/lice, as a/fo being Afraid to do it Unjuftly becaufe of the People : for All men among the Common People glonfy'd God for that Miraculous Cure which was done by the Apojlles : 22, And that the more, for that the Man was above forty years old, on whom this Miracle of healing was Ihew'd, and fo the Cure »»!/! r fhp f7rpnti>r 10 sifts, Chap. IV. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 23 A7nAv%yns h JjAQov izsgjs TVS thus, % ei.7m-yfu\ou 'oJ ootoj. 27 St«/>iy9x- Ae* 'QjjTy 'Gfa TDK *>io» WcuSbi £ riovn^ ni^T©-" cmo e^iieai Jcctj ActoiS Ica) «JW TOiS SVAolf fftf /CiSTR vrcLppTHO\(H itams ActAeo 7dv Aojpy ay, 30 oi tjjS t %&&i <« aaiJ& cry IUffBB. 31 K*j Jfcw^/vTOly" OUiT$f ttraAfccSx 0 7D77C5 ci 25 jjowv mvmfl 23 And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief pnefts and elders had faid unto them. 24 And when they heard that,ihey lift up their voice to God with one accord, and faid, Lord, thou.i mury, has here a remarkable1 Emphafis, as anfwering to what our Saviour had faid Luke 13. 3 3 — 35- and Matt. 13. 34., &c. So that it is moft highly probable, that it was inferted into the Prayer by the Apoftles thcm(clves. ( 2) 'Tis evident that 'ix,e/.V)yTOy oo- Tffl 'iteyn i'^lov e/), ^M. ko cu>7BU A01 T7)s «va.9a!Tia>> TV Kt/^iv I>tcr ^«,5<5 ts ^e)«An ko '01 Tiay^U *"- tduJ. 34 Ou^ft 7^0 c*JV»i$ 7i5 f\^sr»p;vev ci ootois1 0/01 y^f x.%- •ropes ^e>»y x oDuav v^r>ip^ov, 7ra- As'xtiTBS e£e£$y t»s 7if*as Tav ^n- sQ^J/LTltOLSjJW 3 _f X.IXJ £777000 71a- £^4 tbuj ?7dJ^s Toy a^o^Afflv 5"ie^i- f?, TruXriavLC, vmyvA SbLS tSv ^7T89oAay. Keip. e . A»»p cffe tjS A»ay/a4 oya- ,0*77, TOO 2*7T(petSC5 fJLi- p@-* 77, 7n»^(, 7BI/S 7TC(Jks T ^TBc*v. 3 ET71* and to keep back part or the miufta. 7D ctytoi, x, voopioacCk "^tb * pTKe 0f the jan(j ? T7/t«5 £ ^>C4Vi 4 Ou^i (Apoi, crol 4 Whilft it remain'd, was PARAPHRASE. 32 And the multitude of them that believ'd were fo united together rixe^dt chd. in Love and AffeSiion and all Chriftian Dejigns, as if they bad been All tit] of the Firit of One Heart and of One Soul : neither laid any of them, that Any of***** t0 chc the things which he poffefs'd was his Own fofar, but that he was mo/t Ready to help his Indigent Brethren; and that tojuch a Degree, as that they far d as jf they had All things Common. 3 3 And with great Power of performing Miracles, gave the Apoflles witnefs of the Refurrcdlion of the Lord Jefus: and great Grace, viz. of God, or Affijlance and Gifts \ of the Holy Ghoft, was upon them All; and, as an effeff of the Grace of God, there was great Charity among them, or exercis'd by the Wealthy toward the Indigent. 34 Whence it came to pafs , that neither was there any among them that lack'd Necejfanes : for as many as were Pofleflbrs of Lands or Houfes ibid them, and brought the prices of the things that were fold, 37 and laid them down at the Apoflles Feet: and diflribution was made unto every Man according as he had need. 36 And particularly Jofes, who by the Apoflles was i'urnam'd Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, The Son of Confolation ; fo call'd, not im- probably, on account of his great ChriJlian Charity, in felling and giving All he had to the Confolation or Comfortable Relief of the needy Chrijiians) a Levite by Tribe, and of the Country or IJland of Cyprus by Birth, 37 having a conjiderable Eftate in Land there, fold it, and brought All the Money he fold it for, and laid it at the Apoflles Feet, to be by them diftributed among the Indigent Chrijiians. Chap. V. But quite contrary to this eood Example let by the foremen- , xu- , 1 r> 1 J 1 .1.1 \ . r Chap. V. _ T E XT. TRANSLATION. ifiat, *, is&'Hi o* tm c» ^Vmx « not g»V own ; and after it j „ t „ ,,* , L- was (old, was it not in thine s^sfyif^i 7i oTi tfv Jf T);i xeyftqt, oV own power? why hall thou 75 Tn&Lyu* ryro; chc tyevoa *v- conceiv'd this thing in thine a. '_ v.. v ? ^ - a / heart? thou haft not ly'd unto V*t«, ^* -^ ©e*. f AxtfM nienj but umo God Si AiAiioi rys \i^fiig tvtVJ, tts- ? And Ananias hearing thefe 1 'K' I j: » ' ' ~'P/fa ' words, fell down, and save ud «™ ^.^.- >», i*..™ f.C@-j.u- the G1;oft . and g'rea[ fcf r camP ya$ '65ri wav^, t«s ixvoy?^ Ijwt*. on all them that heard thefe 6 Arajav-ns y, x*\ c^4*eJJC5tv«5 «>%[*». wound him up, and carry'd &;« 7 E?«'»f7D Jfc* as apav T©*ay algi- out» and bury'd A'w- , , v , r , TTX 7 And it was about the 57/aw, »»M » ywn flW7B*L pi eifi^a fpace of three hours after> 7s y^»os «(WA9s». 8 Awsxei^n wnen nis Wife, not knowing m > * < „> /7~s _' 1 ' what was done, came in. & ut« ^nirr@- E.t* am,, « 8 And Peter anfwcr'd unto 7B(tdutv 70 ^j^ov a7rsi3w upy oWni -ra oW/at How,,s " tha< ?e havf aBreed ' ' 'ft' < '^ »/•« . ' together, to * cry the Spirit of MWi »W 0, ?nJl$ rVJ V^itwv the Lord? behold, the feet of td» av$e* / _ «i ' * husband are at the door, and 0^0,0-ycn at. 10 Ettsoi .ft /e$p. fhall carry thee out. ^vJ/tMC 7ra^ t«5 to^s cM7o$ey. E.oiA^ms A 0, »e*,,*x0, yie] «d up>he ghoft A^d the eug^y tuiiftu iix.£p.i, xot)' o^eveyx^v- young men came in and found « jm-^ ^a ^hfbirvrtcbr;£8ht 11 Koq iyii&ro oQ(§* fuy-as i

,, i porch. 13 Andofthereftdurftno man joy n himfelf to them : but 3S PARAPHRASE. and afcer it was fold, was it not in thine Own power to keep the Trice of it for thine Own ufe, or to give as much as thou thoughtesl fit to the Poor? Why halt thou conceiv'd this thing in thine Heart, namely to try whether thou could fl not put a Trick and Cheat upon Us Apoftles, by bring- ing us only a Tart of the Trice, and to pretend it was the Whole Trice ? Hereby thou haft not ly'd unto us Men, but unto God, viz. to the Holy Spirit which is in us, and by whom we are enabled to difcover this thy Cheat and Lye ; which is fo great a Sin, that God thinks fit to punijli it in Thee pre fently by an Exemplary 'Death, j And Ananias hearing thele Words, fell down, and gave up the Ghoft: and great Fear or Reverence for the Apostles came on all them that heard theie things. 6 KnAJome of the Young men that were there, arofe, and ftripping off his Wearing cloaths, wound him up in Burying cloaths, and then carry 'd him out, and bury'd him, q And it was about the fpace of three Hours after, when his Wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 8 And Peter anfwer'd unto her, Tell me whether ye Sold the Land for fo ranch only. And (he faid, Yea, for fo much only, and no more. 9 Then Peter laid unto her, How is it that ye, i. e. thy Husband and Thou, have agreed toge- ther thus, to try to put a Cheat on Us Apoftles, which is in effect to try to put a Cheat on the Spirit of the Lord ? As thou hail been 'Partner in the faid heinous Sin, fo it pleafes God thou JhouldH undergo the like Exemplary Tunijhment : wherefore , behold the feet of them which have bury'd thy Husband are at the door, and fhall carry Thee out. 10 Then fell fhe down ftraightway at his Feet, and yielded up the Ghoft. And the Young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her forth, bury'd her by her Husband. 11 And great Fear came upon all the Church, and upon as many as heard thefe things. ix And by the hands of the Apoftles were many Signs and Wonders XIII'Q, wrought among the People; (and they, i.e. the Apoftles were All One ?et{Ql,» ^"trJr". day, as they Jeem to have been frequently, with one accord in Solomon's Ainp m>>«'«i Porch. 1 3 And here the Believers came to them to be Injlru&ed: and b"rs «e".»wr" of the Reft that were Unbelievers, durft no man joyn himielf to them,"*- as if he was a Believer, and by way of putting a Cheat on the Apoftles ; fince the Apoftles had given fuch evident Troofby the inflames of Ananias tf Atts, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. tym^cCKxjifJi worsts o 7\9-os. 14 M*A- Aov Si (zsgji3il «tvJyiy rt 3tc*i >c»oq- x.av.) if £l ms 7iKa.xuat, dx- A^y [1^7^^ JtCty >) (75CIX *^7l7Xia.(7>) 7ivi outbv. i<$ 2tw>ip^i7os t 7rt£i§ inKim e tz» Aaa WcLmx, to, pv\julS Te)(5C- Atray 75 vuutfyioi $ 7ra 22 But when the officers came and found them not in the pnfon, they return'd, and told, 2j Saying, The prifon truly found we fhut with all fafcty, and the keepers (landing with- er™ s PARAPHRASE. and would have been glad to have been Able to have put any Trick upon them, that Jo they might thereby leffen their Efteem among the People, yet dmjl not for the foremention'd Reafons: but the People were Gene- rally fo far from thinking of any fitch thing, that they magnify 'd them, as being really Great and Extraordinaiy Terfons. 14 And accordingly Be- lievers were the more added to the Lord, Multitudes both of Men and Women; the gt eat Miracles done by the Apojlles being a principal means of their Conversion.) For the Miracles were very Great and Extraor- dinary, 15- iniomuch that they brought forth the Sick into the Streets, and laid them on Beds and Couches, that at the lead the (ha- ck) w of Peter palling by might overfhadow fome of them. 16 There came alfo a Multitude out of the Cities round about unto Jerufalem, bringing Sick folks, and them which were vex'd with unclean Spirits, i.e. pojfefsd with 'Devils ; and they were heal'd every one. 17 Then the High pried rofe up, and all that were with him, i. e. of wh^'on the the Sanhedrin, [and who were of the Sed of the Sadducees) and were ^>/?/<7TrT \p. fill'd with Indignation, on account of the Apoftles daily witnefflng the^^f^1'™* Truth of Cbrift's Refutrec7ion,and that there Jhall be aRefurrec7ionofAllsl,hJrh,e3nde men, contrary to the Error of the Sadducees; 18 and laid their hands °"""- on the A pottles, as they were All one day in Solomon's porch, according to v.12., and put them in the common Prifon. 19 But the Angel of the Lord by night open'd thePrifon-doors,and brought them forth, and faid, 20 Go (land and fpeak in the Temple to the People all the Words of this Life, i.e. all the TkFtrines of Chriftianity, necejjary to be Believd and Obey'd in order to attain Eternal Life ; and consequently the Certainty of aRefurrefticn and Life after This, which the Sadducees fo err oneoujly and zealoujly 'Deny 2.1 And when they heard that, they entred into the temple early in the Morning, and Taught. But the High pried came, and they that were with him, and call'd the Council together, and all the Senate of the Children of Ifrael,and lent to the Prifon to have them 38 zACts, Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Si, ear* sfofeva vo^/jui. 24. Sis Si yix.^£ tks Ksyvs TV-res 0, ts upas StV|'3Dpy» -2^ flttTOII , 7Z O.V ^VOITD Tfe'TO. 2J not^cyiVOjuVl^ cPfc TJ5 aW^Ae* cuj-nli, hiycer On i'^fr, 0/ or.v/^cS &5 e9so8e oi tw puAa%», eioV* ci Tffl i'ep&l 670TSS, $ W&<7X0VTSS T ?v£ov. 2d Tots <*7rEA^ii>v 0 spaTH- y>s ouo 7015 >\^cniperais, 'myayti - T«5, £ ^ filCtf ( llpoCtfVTD y^o 70V A*ov 'i'vct pi Ai^aa^jiy) 27 A)«- y>nts dt otDTys e5J»<£ *v ity a^«/e:/y>|®• x.oq e7nip»T>ifftv ca»Tys 0 £p%ttptvs, 28 Ae>a)v Ou {eA/et wlyei. Aapv i^7» pi WWst&y 'On t& 010- yum tduToj; x.ct) »Sy, 7rE^Anpa)yc- (/A^tA tot) ^tfAe^e tna.ya.yM ip VI /MM 70 OUftft TV ai'J-paWOW 70U7V. 29 A7mx.e/fuS Si 0 YliTf^ Ktty 01 ^JbiBjoAci ei7rov fl&'Japvav S§ QiZ psMov » *v^pa)7rDi5. 30 O ®toi r aaiipai ti/JE$J' nyupa friovv, '01 ufitis Sxz^&v&od't Kfti/affOLms 'Qn £t;Atf. 31 tStcv 0 ©eos «p^*^» & cra-n^jt L>}/»ffl TM (Tfe^fOt at>700, Sb'-W0L\ (/£- Totvaioty 7$ Icpa))\ kx\ a.pe5 T$f fiYI/XaLTQI tdut&v, JCOlj TO ■arvtvMtx. toS Toll -GrufcLfyovTii euti$. of thefe things; and fo is alfo the holy Gholt, whom God hath given to them that obey him. 33 Cm PARAPHRASE. doors : but when we had open'd, we found no Man within. 24 Now when the High prieft, and the Captain of the Temple, and the Chief priefts heard thefe things, they doubted of, i. e. concerning them, namely whereunto this would grow; fearing that this ftrange "Deliverance of the Apoftles was but a Fore-runner ofj'ome other and greater Event, that jhould come to pafs quickly, to the Lejfening of their own Tower ; and En~ creafing of the Apojiles. 2j Then came one and told them, faying, Be- hold, the Men whom ye put in Prifon, are ftanding in the Temple, and teaching the People. 2.6 Then went the Captain with the Officers, and brought them without violence: (for they fear'd the People, left they lhould have been fton'd.) 27 And when they had brought them, they fet them before the Council : and the High prielt ask'd them, 28 fay- ing, Did not (/&) we (tricfly command Two of yov, viz. Peter and John, that ye ihould not Teach in this Name? and behold, ye have fill'd Je- rufalem with your Doclrine, and go on as if ye did intend to raije the People again B Vs, and Jo to bring, for our unjujl Jhedding this Man's, viz. Jefus' s Blood, fome remarkable Mifchief upon Us. 29 Then Peter and the other Apoltles, /. e . Peter, in the name of Himjelf and the Reft, anfwer'd and laid, As to your Jlriflly charging us not to teach in the Name of j* ejus, we told you then when ye gave us that Charge, that we (/) ought to obey God rather than Men. 30 And as to your being Guilty of a. very great Sin in Jhedding the Blood of Jefus, we need but tell you, that the God of our Fathers rais'd up Jefus, whom ye flew and hang'd on a Tree. 31 Him hath God not only rais'd from the 'Dead, but has alfo exalted to his Right hand in Heaven to be a Prince to his Church, and a Saviour, namely for to give the Means of Repentance to lfrael, and Forgivenefs of Sins upon Repentance. 32 And we Apojlles are his Witnefles of thefe things, viz. of his Rejurreflion and Afcenjion; and fo is alfo the Holy Ghoft, whom God has given to CJs in a f^ijible and Remarkable manner lately, (as is well known) for an Evidence of Jefus being exalted to his Right hand, and whom God has given, and will ftill give to all ihem that obey him, ;. e. Chrisl as a Prince and Saviour. 4-Q .4ttst Chap. V. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 J Oi <&> ax.VJa?Tt$ txiTrtAonv, £ eCyAzuiVTo ivc\ui OMT'dS. 34 Ava- cpxs h T\i ci 7za cuutfyiu (pA&toajas, oio/MLTi Fx/LtxAtrA, K/M)l\c>)XTKxAQS, •n/LUiS ti ravTi ia Axa, cA.zAiv&<.yu 71 TVS ^TTBjBAyj 7niy\CU\' 3f EiOi ii iz^ji ojutvs- Aifyti Icr- ^mAiTO), "SrfOCR^tTi ttZUTQlS '6fa 7015 «.v^pa7TB»s TtfroU, -n ^Me-re .5^x3- your fclves, what ye intend to ant. 3 5 n«p r^Tttv t iifitfai do as *f oncerning thefe men. 3 j When they heard that-, they were cut to the hearty and took counlel to flay them. 34 Then flood there up one in the counlel, a Phanfee, nam'd Gamaliel , a dodor of law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the Apoflles forth a little ipace, IS And laid unto them, Ye men of" Ifracl, take heed to av«5U ®txihks, AeycM uv3u 'nTgp.yxicnctv" 'Is ety»fpi3>i, X.x\ WXITiS 'oTQl i-7ru%HT0 i£. 38 Kx) 7W v:ui Ae>i) ojmi, ~&7ni out* >i 70 ep>ft» tSto, j^xAi^'ctiQ. 39 Ei jS c/K @iv '^rv, fc ^tM/'ao8e KS^aAutraq xcto, jtw-TBTS Jtx) yij/nxym et/pe3>m. 43 E-tfacQ^ JV co/iaF- 19 <©£?7xaAe- ov,id*oi tvs "ixnqvAus, Saints to- fiJyuAcD fM\ AaAeTv 'bfl? 7S§ oio/mx.tj V liafa', x, a7TiAt/^ outTVs. 36 For before thefe days rofe tipTheudas, boafhng him- felf to be Some body: to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joyn'd themfclves : who was flam, and all, as ma- ny as obey'd him , were fcat- ter'd, and brought to nought. 37 After this man rofe up Judas of Galilee, in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him : heaifo perifh'd, and all, even as many as obey'd him, were difpers'd. 38 And now I fay unto you, Refrain from thele men, and let them alone : for if this counlel, or this work be of men, it will come to nought : 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lefl hap- ly ye be found even to fight againft God. 40 And to him they agreed: and when they had call'd the Apoflles, and beaten them, they commanded that ihey fhould not fpeak in the name of jelus, and let them go. 41 Oi 4ftst Chap. V. 4-1 TEXT. TRANSLATION. <\ f" ri> 41 O. U 6uv imfttolo WPovt« 41 ^nd they departed from "* ^, , f/ , , ^ the pretence or the council, re- efer? fS^ot<)7ry V i7t>ysJ]o(V, oti f7rep 5/ joycmg that they were counted * ' 1 . -1 "f„ n CiZo-iJ"*-.'.— Oi».«i worthy to differ fliame for his 42 n*aw is nfM^1 °* ^ 'eP9 42 And daily in the temple, X.SC PARAPHRASE. ' 3 1 When they, ?. £. the High-prieB and others of the Sanhedrin or Coun- cil, heard that, they were cut to the Heart, and took Counfel to flay them. 34 Then flood there up One in the Council, a Pharifee, nam'd Gamaliel, a Doctor of Law, had in Reputation among all the People, and commanded to put the Apollies forth a little fpace, is and faid unto them, Ye Men of Ifrael, take heed to your felves, what ye in- tend to do as concerning thefe Men. 36 For before thefe Days, probably upon the general Opinion that the Time of the s for chrift, only the likejhame of being beaten with Rods or Scourges, but alfo matiy\^^s ^n""~ other and greater Injlances of jhame, moi e efpecialiy the jliame of the '•« Gofpei. Crofs. 42 And daily in the Temple, and in Houfe, viz- in certain Houfes ANNOTATIONS. (Ii\ 'Tis certain rhar rhi? ran'r hi» rhe ThpuJaA mpnrinn'H hv Trvfenriiic » riGna XV. 41 ^3s, Chap. V, VI. TEXT. TRANSLATION- % Y&l oTjcov Vk eTrawovIo W&xoil'es x, a°d in * houfe , they ceas'd ' r'. >/ o , ~ « -*r i not to teach and preach Tefus tuxyjiAiQfWoi lYiaM t Xftqot. Chrift Keip. s-'. E» Si nui vfit&us f^- Chap. VI. , ^ m > - aj- ~ . ' And in thofe days, when the rajs ^A^vsv™ ™>y ^ray, e^- number of thg ^'^ was K87B ^p^futTios 7^/ EAAns>i} K^^t^^v? ot) their widows were neglected wtttj cu^y. 2 n^^ctAeaw,^' ^ in th« daily minillration. * . , , ^ ^ 2 Then the twelve call d •t ^cTfexst -to 77A>,t@- to» ^SJlTOy, the multitude of the difciples uim* Owt cepego* '#*» w£W6s kjct*- unto them, and faid, It is not ,. /. J(S, i / ~ ~ reafon that we thould leave the AcoveJy r^.7Vt^i. 3 E7n<7*e4«o3e 3 Wherefore, brethren, look ta 'i\.w * " fl 'K ' qo i» ye out among you feven men &, ^01, «cy^ 4 u^r ^p. jf honeft rep5jt ; fuli of lhe Tvpv^ws 'vftxy 7d\y\%M Tnajjueil^ holy Ghoft and wifdom, whom **V *>^, bwUnouft* »&i ^emay appoint over this bufi- ^ rKa'*« f^TO*. 4 H^eTs J\) t» 4 But we will * continue to tZa^M W ™ tUMOUA V X'oyv givz -o ' >/ « •> / chofe Stephen , a man full of dfytefa-n 2-npeHo», ay^* TiAxpv, faith and of the holy GhoIt> •7J7?saj 19 Trveo'^aTBs ijiV, & /Aj7r- and Philip, and Prochorus, and 1 n / ' vi ' ' -T-' Nicanor, and Tiroon, and Par- 7T0,, s np^pov,^ 5, N.Wpa, x, Tu ^^ ^ NlcoJas a'profelytc fiuix, % rictp^fcscty, ^ N<>a>A£oy cyo- of'Antioch. ^Avm Ai-no^t. uve7o 0 icj^s t (WaSjiiSy oi difciples multiply'd in Jerufa- » ^ \ / n % / v . lem greatly ; and a great com- IcpVoaAnK ^oJ>a. otAus t? o^Aoj panyb0f the pnefts were obe- T»y iepe«y ^7r»x,Voy t^ tAt^ dient to the faith. 8 2^. -rftffr, Chap. V, VI. is Aibef 'Tii ai, tj Kupjivoclav, x) AAe£o*- j]ce«f, JCOt^ t ^ctb KiAoua^ £ AffJOf, frjC^YiTVvns t& Xrtpliu. 10 K«] Qftt i%ooi avnykTe^ th 5 W$ ort IwVi e Uti^afouoi &tds K5C- 7»AuOt| T 7B77DV TVTO?, £ ctM*^ TCt «8» a cr^eiJ^-icey >j/xiy Maiiavs, if Kotj «tTSV/oa»7ts 64 $ au>Toi anailti 0/ K?^- C^utvoi it t$ owifyta, ufov ni /q^. Ke£. £'. Ei7re A1 0 ap^epeus* 1 a£$c. Team* «t»5 t%i; 2 O A «0>l • AvS T715 1S «p3« t$ oraTeJ «/^/' ACfaoift ein 8 And Stephen full ot*grace and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. (j Then there arole certain of the fynagogue, which is call'd the [ynagogue of the Li- bertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia, and of Af% difputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to reGlt the wifdora and the fpirit by which he fpake. 1 1 Then they fuborn'd men which faid, We have heard him fpeak blafphemous words againft Mofes, and againflGoA. 12 And they ftirr'd up the people, and the elders, and the fcrioes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council ; 1 j And let up falfe wit- nelles, which faid, This man ceafeth not to fpeak* words a- gainft this holy place and the law. 14 For we have heard him lay, That this Jefus of Naza- reth fliall deitroy this place, and lhall change the cuftoms which Mofcs deliver'd us. if And all that fat in the council, looking ftedfaftly on him, faw his lace as it had been the face of an Angel. Chap. VII. Then faid the high prieli, Are thefe things fo ? 2 And he faid, Men, bre- thren , and fathers hearken , The God of glory appear'd un- to our father Abraham, when ci jffis, Chap. VI, VII. 4-r TEXT. TRANSLATION. c# ry Metro mm (Act. , weji tj i{&- he was in Mefopotamia, before > i 5 „ ;f/ i he dwelt in Charran, tdijuiow ootdv c* XoLppoLr 3 x.oq . ' ,. , . , y ' , <, ~ 3 And laid unto him, Get »m <&&$ owTor E^eA^s c* * >*s thee out of thy country, and ffV **} ck ■■ w* avFynua; av, k*) from thy kindred , and come «ffcvg9 PARAPHRASE. 8 And Stephen full of Grace and Power, wis. /o <& Miracles, did «?- s,^,„ "brought cordingly great Wonders and Miracles among the People. 9 Then , before the Ami*. viz. toward the end of A Z>. 34, there arofe certain of the Synagogue/''"'01 C"""'L which is call'd the Synagogue of the Libertines, i.e. of fuchjews, as either Themjelves or then Parents had been Captives and Slaves at Rome or to [owe Roman, and had been Jet Free b) their Majlers ; and alfo cer- tain of the Synagogue of the Cyrenians, and of that of the Alexandrians, and of that belonging to them of Cilicia, and of that belonging to them of Afia {p)fo call'd in the moft proper y£»/f, difputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to refift the Wifdom, and /'. e. of the Spirit by which he fpake. 1 1 Then they fuborn'd Men, which laid, We have heard him fpeak blafphemous Words againlt Mofes, and againlt God. 12 And they ftirr'd up the People, and the Elders, and the Scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the Council ; 13 and fet up falfe Witnelles, which laid, This Man ceafeth not to fpeak Words againlt this Holy place, and the Law. 14 For we have heard him fay, That this Jefus of Nazareth (hall deftroy this place, and fhall change the Cufloms, i.e. Legal Rites and Ceremonies, which Mofes de- hver'd us. 15- And all that fat in the Council , looking ftedfaltly on him, faw his Face appearing with afhining upon it, asjf it had been the Face of an Angel. Chap. VII. Then faid the High pried to Stephen, Are thefe things ^ "^ witnefs'd agatnft thee fo, or not ? 2 And he faid, Men, Brethren, and „„$ before the Fathers, hearken, The God of Glory appear'd unto our Father Abra- ««*«*«. ham, when he was in Mefopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, 3 and faid unto him, Get thee out of thy Country, and from thy Kindred, and ANNOTATIONS. V. 8. f So Alex, and Cant, aud feveral other MS3. and Vulg. and Syr. Ver- fions, and Chryfoltom. V. 13. f ***r$»n& is not read.in Alex. Cant, and other MSS. nor Vulg. Syr. 4-6 zsffis, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION" hZ?9 ui $1 Ut h when his father was to 6(5 r yiui rcu/iiw us lu> v/aus ivi dead, he remov'd him into this Tia', xcq t$ am^x-n ovy it to him for a poffeflion, and Am7* cmw, One o»r@- c^ts) when as , i\< >/ ' / ./ yet he had no child. 6 EfctAnJi cTs «TOj a ©eos- O-n e^ mi» t&i-ni^s- £ slms iyvnn -ray 8 And he gave hinj the c°- t v < c ' i i » c i venant of Circumcifion: and Iooxjt, *«i tsfe/eTs^ey auToy t? >j1a«- f0 ^r(,^w begat Ifaac, and pot T^ ey^1 *«< o Iowax. 7ny la- circumcis'd him the eighth day: • j/? if' ? ' of all his affliihons, and gave t ^A/-4*«i «x^, xoq euy xut^ ^t- him favour and wifdom in the piy £ r of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charra*n or Haran lying on the We£i fide of Mefopotamia : and from thence, when his Father was dead, He, i-e. God removed him into Canaan, this Land wherein ye now dwell. $■ And he gave him none Inheritance in it, no not fo much as to fee his Foot on : yet he promis'd that he would give it to him for a Poflefiion, and to his Seed after him, when as yet he had no Child. 6 And God fpake on this wife, viz- That as he did then Him/elf, fo his Seed fhould fojourn in a ftrange Land, i. e. partly in Canaan, and partly in Egypt ; and that in Egypt they, /'. e. the Egyptians, fhould bring them into Bon- dage, after they had been in Egypt for jome time ,• and fhould treat them evil : and that the whole time (p) of his Own and his Seed's Sojourning- fhould he four hundred and thirty Tears, or {leaving out the -odd Tears, as is very ufual, and fpeaking as it is call'd Rotunde) four hundred Years. 7 And the Egyptian Nation to whom they fhall be in Bondage, will I judge, /. e. punijh, in the appointed time, faith God ; and after that fhall they, i. e. the Ifraelites, come forth and ferve me in this place, i. e- the Land of Canaan. 8 And he gave him the Covenant of Circumcifion: and fo Abraham begat Ifaac, and Circumcis'd him the eighth day : and Ifaac begat Jacob, and Jacob begat the twelve Patriarchs, 9 And the Patriarchs mov'd with envy, foldjofeph into Egypt : but God was with him, 10 and deliver'd him out of all his Afflictions, and gave him Favour and Wifdom in the fight of Pharaoh King of Egypt; and he made him Governour over Egypt, and all his Houfe. 11 Now there came a Dearth over all the Land of Egypt and Canaan, and great Af- fliction : and our Fathers found no Suftenance. 12 But when Jacob heard that there was Corn in EevDt. he fent out our Fathers firft. 48 j£is> Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. QcLfctM -re yw^y fc" \at<2b, XcU 7ntO~W.V TH1 xoy7W7r£»TS. if KoitjC>i "ci<7g iw (6ft04 7f Hi £V TS> o'lKQ if 7TCt- T^i O.UTV' 21 Ex-Tijivlx Si aUTOV, avaAeTO auToy « ^o>«T>ip $a£^a, JC*| ainffi-^CLTO 0,1x01 iOU)Xt\ ai tjoy. 22 Koq e7n/^u9j) Maavis 7W<7>i avtpioc Alyo7[\tov Ico Si S\wa.Toi h \oy>\i *> h fpy>is. 23 Qi Si i7fr.Y\$To a.js yfoioi, a.iiQy\ 'Q[i brethren; and Jofeph's kindred was made known unto Pha- raoh. 14 Then fent Jofeph, and call'd his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threefcore and fifteen fouls. if So Jacob went down in- to Egypt, and dy'd, he and our fathers, 16 And were carry 'd over into Sychem, and laid in the fepulchre that Abraham bought for a fum of money of the fons of Emmor the father of Sychem. 17 But when the time of the promife drew nigh, which God had fworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiply 'd in Egypt, 18 Till another king arofe, which knew not Jofeph. ip The fame dealt fubtilly with our kindred, and evil en- treated our fathers, fo that they calt out their young children, to the end they might not live. 20 In which time Mofes was born, and was exceeding fair, and nourifh'd up in his father's houfe three months. 21 And when he was caft out, Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourifh'd him for her own fon. 22 And Mofes was learn'd in all the wifdom of the E- gyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. 23 And when he was full forty years old, it came into T»'y y4tts, Chap. VII. 4-9 PARAPHRASE. and Jofeph's Kindred was made known unto Pharoah. 14. Then fentjo- feph, and call'd his Father Jacob to him, and ail his Kindred, in <*#three- fcore and fifteen Souls, viz. thefixtyfix {mention 'd 'Gen. 46. 26.) taking away Two, viz. Hezron an J Hamul, the Sons of Thar ez mention 'a 'Gen. 46. 12. and who were not born till after Jacob came into Egypt \ which brings the forefaidfixty fix tofixty four. To which add the eleven Wives of the Sons of Jacob, (not included in the number of fix ty fix by Mofes, becaufe they came not out of Jacob's Loins, as is particularly exprejs'd Gen. 46. 26". but to be added here, becaufe St Stephen here reckons the number, not only ofthofe that came out of Jacob's Loins, but of All his Kindred, which includes Jurely bis eleven Sons Wives,) and fo the number in all will arife to three/core and fifteen. 1 y So Jacob went down into Egypt, and dy'd, he and our Fathers, 16 and were carry 'd over into Sychem, and laid in the Sepulchre that Abraham {q)fir& bought lor a Sum of money of the Sons of Emmor the Father or Sychem ; and which afterwards , when the Amorites would have withheld it, Jacob took from them with his Sword and Bow, and gave it to Jofeph on his 'JJeath- Bed. 17 But when the time of God's making good the Promife {men- tion'd v. -/.) drew nigh, which God had fworn to Abraham, the People tf Ifrael {r) grew and multiply'd in Egypt, 18 till another King arofe, which knew not Jofeph. 19 The fame dealt fubtilly with our Kindred, and evil entreated our Fathers, fo that they caft out their young Children, to the end they might not live. 20 In (j) which time Mofes was born, and was exceeding fair, and nourifh'd up in his Father's houfe three months fecretly, by reafon of the EdicH that AU the male Children of the Hebrews fhould be drown d. 21 And when he could be conceal 'd no longer with fafety, and therefore was caft out, Pharaoh's Daughter took him up, and nounQi'd him for her own Son. 22 And Mofes was learn'd in all the Wifdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in Words and in Deeds. 23 And when he was full forty Years old, it came into his heart ANNOTATIONS. (j) How much this paffage has exercis'd Criticks and Commentators, is ap- parent to any one that has look'd into them. As for the Exposition given of it in the Paraphrafe, I need but obferve that it feems fufficiently evident from the bare Expreffions us'd Gen. 3 3. 19. and 4.8. zz. that it could not be the fame piece of Ground referr'd to in both the faid Texts ; One being bought, the other took or rather recover'd by force of Arms. Now this laft piece of Ground may very reafonably be fuppos'd to have been bought formerly by Abraham, while he fo- journ'd in thofe parts, for to bury fome of his Family in, and fo to be the Place referr'd to by Stephen. And lo all Difficulty ceafes. SO sifts, Chap.VU. TEXT. TRANSLATION. a/fcApys awno rys vj«s lff^twA. 24 K*J t, 7ia\ctc,aji t Ai'y^""- 25" Evo- j«.<^e cTs czuiieiocj tvs a.S\\e5, iS\\. 00* £?8 I>^y5' j'ya.71 i^XKUTi aMw- A5d$ ; 27 O cffc a.$WM>V 7Dy 77An- otov, «.7raaa,7D ocotiv uimt' Ta at X/Was; 28 M>j aveAeTy |tte otJ *)■/- A«5 , 'oy 7f0'^cy oLtuXti y$z$ 7uy Aiyt;7r?iovj 29 Etpwyi Si Maoris ot to Aoya rvra, xaj sy«ye7D tk»- e^ix.©-' c* yy MaSla,u, £ eywvu- OU qVs ip%r- TOV £TOV TWJttg^OCOyTO, li'pSn OtOT^ ci rvi ep^a tS og5t$ 2iv* ay- yiA(§H KuOM ci i -ropo* /3xtv. 31 O i5 i^y, e^oui/Ltxor 70 o^aof in&tnygfj&im Si ou$ **- ravojiott), iyiuTV « 0 ©£05 T3^ TO7?'. pay cry, 0 Oils aQ^lo.^ xgl 0 Qtos lavcxx, x.x\ 0 ®ils IxxAC. Eyr^y- his heart to vifit bis brethren the children of Ifrael. 24 And feeing one of them fufier wrong, he defended b/ru, and aveng'd him that was op- prels'd , and fmote the Egy- ptian : 25- For he fuppos'd his bre- thren would have underltood, how that God by his hand would deliver them; but they underltood not. 26. And the next day he lhew'd himfelf unto them as they ftrove, and would have * made them one again, laying, Sirs, ye are brethren ; why do ye wrong one to another ? 27 But he that did his neigh- bour wrong, thiult him away, faying. Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us ? 28 Wilt thou kill me as thou didlt the Egyptian ytf tcr- day ? 29 Then fled Mofes at this faying, and was a ftranger in the land of Madian, where he begat two fons. 30 And when forty years were expi/d, there appear'd to him in the wildernefs of mount Sina, an angel of the Lord, in a flame of hre in a bufh. 3 1 When Mofes law //, he wonder'd at the fight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, 32 Saying, I atn the God of thy fathers, the God of Abra- ham, and the God oflfaac, and the God of Jacob. Then zAtts, Chap. VII. 5-1 TEXT. TRANSLATION. fi@^ JV yciofj^poi Maws Vx, Ito\imic KSt7*vo>ty oV o y^f TV7t(§y 09 a 'e y» ayict '6$ii. 34 Iv1i$ -TU VT* £ hwrUL; TV- aruJer aild a judge? the fame f \ ,i \ . \ did God fend to be a ruler and ™ o ©e« a.f%im xsq At/7?«7{co a dellverer> by the hands of the ct.7ri7U\ei d# V«d ayy&ou tbJ angel which appcar'd to him » a.' ' ■ ? > ~ n ' , i-.*- in the bufh. r r , • ; , 36 He brought them out, t(^ c^M)«vev auTVi, vntnaw; -n- after that he had fliew'd won- e*m x Km 11 tfvjfcf. >A*«j-h, xeq ev rw and m the W1ldernefs forty ■> i tfYiftu, vm Tio^L^/MoiTO.. 37 Ov- years. 1 ,/v « .. .. ~ <• '1 ~ 2- This is that Moles which 705 6#y 0 Movant o WKW 7iiS r j u i. u nr 1 laid unto thechudren or Ilrael, i\oit Ia^tviA* ngytpwduJ vfjui ava- A prophet fhall the Lord your *>W K^(^ 0 ©e*5 «^v ck to, God raife up unto you of your , „ t^ , , , . , , brethren , like unto me; him etcTfcAipav i/yu^/ as E/tS' ttoTDt) atx.W- fhall ye hear. otcd-i* 38 oJtbj '#l» 0 yjvojOiyos 38 This is he that was in > ~ . , ' » ~ , / \ the church in the wildernefs, "J*™***01* " T* LW' ^W ^th the angel which fpake to TV ajyiW rv \a\ouor@^ cui& him in the mount Sma, and 0 izS Ztu 2iw, xeq' -fUvr^m ™^our fathers: who received , ^ Ar „ ,y / >~ ~ tne "ve'y orgies to give un- Hfwi, 'ot e/fcfaTO \oyut £iyra, 5^- to us. yq ^». 39 ^ QOC iftW £*»'- 39 To whom our fathers , , , < ~ , , would not obey , but thrufr. xcoi ymfim 01 Trempes »^y, ^\\. £»» from them , and in their iTracravTo, **| k&. this Mofes, which brought ~ + *L * .E' . • . ~ us out of lhe land of Egypt, a»5 vt(0^ 05 o5>i)«>«y J»/«65 tKyvs we *know not what is become Aly&Tilv, Wk o'lSbfiv/ *n >«jpvey e»i^. °^ nim- „ 1 , , , - , » 41 And they made a calf 41 Km tfu%7nmmi Ei m.5 v^. j„ thoft daySj and ofFer'd fa. p^5 dx&iims, ^ a'yn'>«jp» ^ucrior tcS crifice unto the idol, and re- .ftv'% • ' ' > _~ " joye'd in the works of their eiJWia, ^y w^powvoyTo £y td.5 «pjp«5 J0^n hands ? ^«p3f aoToy. 42 Espe-vJ* J^ 0 42 Then God turn'd, and €>eo5,- £ 7pi>ih>Yjii avtvs telfouui t? gave them up to worfhip the Sp*7J«, oslfts, Chap. VII. si PARAPHRASE. a Judge ? the fame did God fend to be a Ruler and a Deliverer, by the hands of the Angel, which appear'd to him in the Bufh. 36 And ac- cordingly he brought them out of Egypt, after that he had fhew'd wonders and figns in the Land of Egypt, and in the Red Sea after they were come out of Egypt, and in the Wildernefs forty Years. By what is faid in thefe two laft verges, viz. 35-, 36. St Stephen feems with admirable Wif- dorn to intimate to the Sanhedrin, before whom he was now pleading, that in like manner to their Ancestors Behaviour and Refujal of Moles, the Jews at pre fen t had refus'd or deny' dje jus to be their King or MeJJias, whom God had fent to-be their King and deliverer in a Spiritual fenfe. And agreeably hereto, St Stephen proceeds to obferve in the next verfe, viz. 37 This is that Mofes which faid unto the Children oflfrael, A Prophet lhall the Lord your God raife up.unto you of your Brethren, like unto me; him fhall ye hear : Whereby St Stephen feerns further to hint to the Sanhedrin, tbatfefus was this Prophet foretold 'by Mofes, as Peter (w) had before Openly declar'd. 38 Further, this Mofes is He that was in the Church in the Wilderneis, with the Angel which fpake to him in the Mount Sina, and with our Fathers : who receiv'd the lively Oracles, /". e. the commandments and Prophecies of God, which ■wbofoever did or acJed accordingly, Jhould live (x) by them, to give or deliver down unto Us their Pojlerity. 39 To whom, /. e . to Mofes, notwith/janding they were aJfurWt (as is mention' d v 3 8. ) that he was fent by God, and receiv'd the Law from him,yet our Fathers would notobey; but as it were thruft him from them, and in their Hearts (/)turn'd back again into Egypt, 40 faying unto Aaron, Make us Gods to go before us : for as for this Mofes, which brought us out of the Land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him. 41 And accordingly they made a Calf, in imitation of the Egyptian Idol Serapis in thofe days, and offer'd Sacrifice unto the Idol, and re- joyc'd in the works of their own hands. By all which {contain d v. 38 — 41) St Stephen admirably intimates to the Sanhedrin, how clofely they follow'd the perverfe and wicked Example of their Ancejlors, in not Be- lieving\and Obeying fejus, tho'he had given Juch evident Teftimonies that be deliver' d no other than the lively Oracles or JVord of God unto them; and alfo in adhering to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Law in oppofition to the Go/pel, only becaufe they bad been bred up in the Objervation of them, as their Forefathers adher'd to the Rights even of the Egyptian Idolatry, becaufe they had been bred up among them. 42 And as our Fathers ailed thus perverjely andfinfuUy toward God, even while Mofes {whom you now Jo much admire) was with him ; fo after his Deceafe and the "Deceafe ofjojbua, they aft ed more per verjly and wickedly, in- Jomuch that then (z) God turn'd as it were from them, and left them to themfelves as Incorrigible, and Co eave them ud to do what their own T4- j46tst Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. hoft of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, «to <* /3<^« W mewm* M» Q y^ houfe 0nfrae), have ye oxpaiyiA KSH Jvoiat l3&i ofFer'd to me flain beafts, and ■> ' ~ , i » facnfices, by the fpace of forty w iwLawti* « t« ww, 0v ^rnade of Moloch, and the * , w "^» a . , r ltar of your god Remphan, h- T« ©e* u^air Pe^po.*, T«« tutt^s gures which ye made, to wor- ii 6? 67roi»aaTE c^cncuoeiv olotois' fy (Atw/Aoi upas i7nx.bi.ta. BaCuAavos. 44 H 07CWJ tv ^WtpTWcUy ft* ci 7015 z&a.Tgy.aii tiftoi ci Tm' Iftifta* 3fjt^a>' $leTO£*7o 0 A*A«» T^ Ma>- _ ~ > * 1 i 1 / , */7Bj»i O^h^d^joi 0/ ar*7Spe5 »,wa» /u«- to IncrocT £» T^ \St7«^C^ T$f \f- vav, »/«- p«» AaCiA 46 Os eope ^c'piv hot- 'mot t£ ©eod, x.ocj htm'obcto gjpyy ox>ii«^« 7$ ©«<5 laucoC. 47 2o- \opEfij* Jfc 6)XoJo/tiii7vy eewij) oijcov. 48 AW H^> 0 v^ws U ^ufo7ni^nis fhip them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. 44 Our fathers had the ta- bernacle of witnefs in the wil- dernefs , as he had appointed , fpeaking unto Moles, that he fhould make it according to the falhion th.it he had feen. 4f Which alfo our fathers that came after, brought in with * Jolhua into the pofleilion of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our la- thers, unto the days of Da- vid. 46 Who found favour be- fore God, and defir'd to find * an habitation for the God ol Jacob. 47 But Solomon built him an houfe. 48 Howbeit the moll High dwelleth not in temples made laois PARAPHRASE. wicket/ Inclinations prompted them to; which led them even to worfhip the Hofl of (a) Heaven; as it is written in the Book of the Prophets, (b) O ye houfe of Ifrael, have ye offer'd, i. e. you did not offer to Me flam Beafts and Sacrifices, fo much as by or for the fpace of the Forty years in the Wildernefs; tho' Al that time I was with you in a fpecial and more immediate manner, not only by the Shecbinah or Viftble token of my more immediate Trefence, but by the daily Miracle of feeding you with j48s% Chap. VII. $s PARAPHRASE. with Manna, and not letting your Garments wax Old &c. 43 Yea, and Jince that, ye have took or Jet up the Tabernacle or the Idol calf d Moloch, zadfel up the Figure of a Scar as the Figure of your God, bang the Figure of the Idol call'd Remphan ; fuch were the Figures which ye made, to worlhip them, notwithstanding the exprefs Commands m th; 'Decalogue and other places of the Law to the contrary ; and therefore I will carry you away beyond Babylon. By what is mention d v. 42., 43. St Stephen admirably intimates to the Sanhedrin, that as their Fathers were Jo Wicked as to fall even into Idolatry, notwithjlandmg all the Com- mands of God to the contrary, and his fpecial Prefence and Miracles among them in the Wilder nejs; fo they follow 'd the wicked Examples of their Fathers by rejetling and even crucifying Jefus, notwithstanding all the Troofs he gave them of his being the Mejfias : And that therefore, as their Fore-fathers were carry 'd Captives to Babylon and beyond, for their Idolatry; Jo tbeyjhould in no long time be driven out of their Coun- try, and a final End be put to the Mofaical Oeconomy or Difpenjatwn by the DeBruclion of the Temple, and the DiJJolutwn of the Jewifh State, for their objltnate Unbelief as to f ejus being the ChriJl. 44 Purl ha yet, Our Fathers had ihe Tabernacle of Witnefs, i e. wherein was k$pt the Ark of the Tejtnnony, jo call'd as having in it the two Tables of the 'De- calogue, which were the Teslitnony or Evidences of God's Will, and of the Covenant between Him and the IJraelites : Likewife on account of God's Te/lifying his Tie fence there, the Tabernacle may be call'd the Tabernacle of Witnefs, which was made in the Wildernefs, as He, i. e. God had appointed, fpeaking unto (c)Mofes, that he fhould make it according to the: Fafhion that he had leen. 45- Which (d) alio our Fa- thers that came after, brought in with Jolhua into the PollcfTion of the Gentiles, 1. e. into Canaan which God gave to the IJraelites for a ToffeJ- /ion, upon driving out the Canaamles, whom God drave out before the face of our Fathers ; and this fame Tabernacle contmud unto the days of David, without any Ones thinking of making any Alteration in rejpecll thereto. 46 But David was One , who (e) found fpecial Favour before God, and therefore by way of Gratitude he defir'd to find a Better or No- bier T lace for an Habitation (/") for the God of Jacob, than where the Tabernacle bad hitherto flood; and accordingly having made choice of Mount Z'on for the Tlace , and prepurr'.d a ntvs Tabernacle there , he brought thither the Ak. And fame tune after, he took up an Intention to build a more Jlately Edifice for the Service of God. 4" But, He having been a Man of War and Jo of Blood, was not permitted; and Jo his Son Solomon built him, ;. e. God in Houfe. 48 Howbeit Solomon acknow- ledges at the fame time, that [g] the Mofl High dwells not in Temples S6 yftts, Chap. VII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. *i)4' 39 O £e$uos i"*' ^d'©"* Ilotov wmi oixafoiMtcm (mi, htyi Kuei@- $ ii$ ferns iris \$t7aT*u- Si*|S *Jt2», £ eCpv- ^o» TVs ois 7rve«fta.T(§H «.>1<7Da£ 65BT4 C* J^lffiV tv ©coJ. yi wyaXif, cuuewi to ©to, oJ- with hands; as faith the pro- phet, 49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footftool : what ho ufe will ye build me ? faith the Lord : or what is the place of my reft? jo Hath not my hand made all thefe things ? j 1 Ye flitt-necked, and un- circumcis'd in heart and ears , ye do always refill the holy Gholt : as your fathers did, fo do ye. $■2 Which of the prophets have not your fathers perfe- cted ? and they have flain them which fhew'd * before- hand of the coming of the juft one, of whom ye have been now the betrayers and mur- derers: Si Who have receiv'd the law by the difpofiuon of an- gels, and have not kept it. S\ When they heard thefe things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnafh'd on him with their teeth. 55 But he being full of the holy Ghoft, look'd up ftedfaft. ly into heaven, and faw the glory of God, and Jefus Hand- ing on the right hand of God, 56 And faid, Behold, I lee the heavens open'd, and the Son of man Handing on the right hand of God. j"7 Then they cry'd out with a loud voice, and ftopp'd their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, j 8 And call him out of the TToAeas, ^&sy Chap. VII. PARAPHRASE. made with. Hands, at if he flood in need thereof , or could be confind thereto : as fays the {h) Prophet, 49 Heaven is my Throne, and Earth is my Footftool; what Houfe will ye build me? fanh the Lord: or what is the Place of my reft ? j-o Has not my Hand made All thefe things? And hereby St Stephen intimates to the Sanhedrin, that it was m vain for the Jews to rely on God's Favour and Continuance among them, as their God, on account of the Temple, unlefs they were careful to obey his Will. As God had fufferd the Temple of Solomon to be deftroy'd for the Sins of their Fore-father s\ Jo He would deflroy their pre/ent Tem- ple for their Sins, if they repented not of their Unbelief. Accordingly St Stephen comes now to Apply what he had afore faid, which he do's very fliarply : si Yt fhrf-necked, who value your [elves on the outward Qrcumcifion of the Flefli, and in the mean while are Uncircumcis'd in Heart and Ears, neither giving Ear to, nor Embracing the Gofpel; ye do always relilt the Methods 0/ihe Holy Ghoft to bring you to Repentance and Hohnejs: namely, as your Fathers did ac~i mofi Ferverfly and Sin- fully in the fever al InHances I have afore mention d, fo do ye now. 5:2 Injhoit, which of the Prophets have not your Fathers persecuted ? and they have even (lain feveral of them who fhew'd beforehand or prophefyd of the Coming of the Juft One, i. e. Chrifl, of whom ye your felves have been now lately the Betrayers and Murderers ; and fo have hereby Outdone all the Wickednejs of your Fathers: 53 Who pretend indeed to do This out of Zeal for the Law,foraJmuch as ye have receiv'd the Law by the Difpofition or Miniflry of Angels ; zndyet hereby have not kept it, but acled contrary to the intent of the Law, which was de- Jign'd to bring you to Chrifl, by Types and Prophecies of him ; which ye regard not, nor confider as ye ought, being hindred by your objlhiate Pre- judices, andjinful Lufts and AffecJions. 54 When they heard theie things, they were cut to the Heart, and Steph they gnahYd on him with their teeth, jy But he being full of the Holy Ghoft, look'd up ftedfaftly into Heaven, and faw the Glory of God, and Jefus Handing on the Right hand of God, j6 and faid, Behold, I fee the Heavens open'd, and the Son of Man, i. e. Jefus, who was wont, when with you here on Earth, fo to flyle himfelf, f landing on the Right hand of God. y-; Then they cry'd out with a loud voice, and ftopp'd their Ears, and ran upon him with one accord, 58 and calt him out of the City, and fton'd him ; as having by his Own words fufficiently made it appear, that the Accufation brought againfl him for Blafphemy was (k) \ Kings 8.X7. Ifai. 66. 1,2. VI TV. en is (tm\i. SS ^fis, Chap. VII, VIII. TEXT. TRANSLATION. ■7roAeas,eAi%£oAvv $ ot i t ~ <<\ \ rthe witnefles laid down their jsito mi/nit* avi»» * t«s ot- doaths at a young man's feetj iks ygctp/v K5tA«(U«vy So^AV. f9 Kflt) whofe name was Saul. % Mytlx' Kupie IntrJ, tP&£oq td -?rveu- Lord Jeius, receive my fpi- g „ , , . , do And he kneel d down, x^e IaY not 'his 6n to their , ■> \ , charge. And when he had laid «7TO», M0I/«8>|. this> he fell aflecp Kcp. V. S«A@- - Chap. VIII. Axw t* uqfici mtvI E^eTt, J^ AnJ. Saul was confenting , ( ,' Z t , i ' " i unto nis death. And at thac c* ox"vm th x^p* ^itfy^tos ^j«s time there was a great Per- 'firi 7W» ©awioutf tZw o# IepotroAu- ^cution againft the Church , , , which was atjerulalem; and luis- warns ti fteazwpnoay xp to 5 they were aH fcatter'd abroad ^p«« «£ IvJV/ct? $ Sa^pe/a?, 7^«» throughout the regions of Ju- v>r> . > /. _, » ., dea, and Samaria, except the T%f ^7ro-»BAffly. 2 Swewuray Js ^potties •roy S-npetyxiy a» » ? Stephen /o /&« burial, and made ~' t great lamentation over him. 3 SaoA®" c«/»- men and women, committed K*s, crbttiSv us „ , - 4 Therefore they that were /t out/ Zl&can.?tiTiS ^inA^oy, et»oc>je. fcatter'd abroad, went every Ai^o^oi t Acjpy. where preaching the word. ,/v iO J-6V ouJSTj t Xpi- preach 'd Chrift unto them. ' - n ~ / _ "/ > - \ 6 And the people with one CM. ^nroati^fne^^Aoiws^. accord gave heed unto thofe ^P/M^ois O7T0 ? $iAiV7r« o/twflo/wtJV'y, things which Philip fpake, h -4 *ww »w$ ^ CA«V«v t» w- hearing and feeing the miracles ~ a » / 1 ~ e «, / which he did. ftua. a. t7nii. 7 rioAAa* -fi t i%ifoi ^ For unclean fpirits, crying 7TVttU zAfis, Chap. VII, VIII. S9 TEXT. TRANSLATION. 9ji<£. 8 K*J iykwrn ;^tpx ^ej^An e» T^ 7n\{ Ikuhi}. 9 Av>)p Jb 715 ova- with loud voice,came out of ma- ny that were poflefs'd -wit bthem: and many taken with palfies, and that were lame, were heal'd. 8 And there was great joy in that city. 9 But there was a certain man call'd Simon, which be- fore-time in the fame city us'd PARAPHRASE. Juji : and fot according to the Law, the WitnefTes that accus'd him being FtrH to cafi Stones at him, and putting off' their upper Garments, that they might do it the more effectually, they laid down their /aid Cloaths at a Young man's feet, whole name was Saul. 5:9 And they fton'd Ste- phen, calling upon God, and laying, Lord Jefus, receive my Spirit. 6V 7ram> ^tfT? (ju%£s 'tea jui-yiW, AtyvTiS' Otcrtj c^v £ huua.(Mi TV ®eod w ,tc!.\»!. It n^J(T64^V A' , 2y& 70 (!(.£- avTXi. i2 Ots J"t '^hro/aav is!) <&iXl7f7tto iX)O.'}{l\l(>0${)& 70C "Zc^ r QoltxAucu, TV Geo J, jcoj t5 010/UA- t@- t5 IjijtjO X&v ^ aoTBS '^J9eo(7r, x,ot| jSa.- Tra* 9*a>p&>v ts gyi/auo. $ Sbix/um fii- 14 At«ffav7S« c Kueiy 1*1*5) 17 TOT! STTSTJ^W TBtS ~ » » ' 1 I >_ ' /» X&t&cS nt oUiTVi , x.ot) i?&/xha.im mbufia. 'aytoi. 18 ©eaaa^/os <& 0 'S.ifAUi on 2j& t»$ 'QiJfotuS T$J ^«pav t ^7ra«y, fSf^aldzyntv aiTois j^vi- /««.&, 1 9 Ae>i)V Aon x.r/,fun tyu Ifcyoial fcfbrlu/, '/y* a lay '^h^a t«5 v&pas, Aa£t£*v»i weu^* a/Toy. 20 Fle- TfOJ £?S fl»70V To »pyu- e^oy oV azw o"oi e« M £** a7roAei )8 xoc^^lat *y ^oAioJ m- y^t04 xx\ ffuchcju.01 a.$vdcu, cp» en 01m. 24 ATTOJte^a? Si 0 2/(Wu)» e<7iv Ae»3nTf i^wa s %^o-ep £^5 -3^5 T Ku&OV, C7TKS pift'v £7r«\^M I7t tjM ai upyiwn. 2j Oi fi vv, 2^of./uoif- TU£p.(A/Jot, k, AaAvjoayTSj tov Ac^y t£t Kv&V, r^j&eT)i '£ni ep»,u(5K 27 Koti avctjws e778p6uS»)' jco^ »<*v, avxp Ai- jio-^ euvv^of, $XuuaLw>t fa; Yla^yjiKan tb t 4><'- Aj7r7rov ayaCxym K$c^i oLieyi- Tiaf x.eipo»7@-' ou»Ta» a.t5. 33 Ev T9 &- J\ yvitxi >w§ tis SxYryiiGtloui ; on ow- pe^) ^Jots t y»i « £«« 00^. 34 Atto- xffyas $ 0 euvvv©-' 1$ ^i\l7C7ta, tATtl' AtO/JJL) OV, t&C Tiy©-' 0 <®£J- eT?'p« tivos; 3>- Ayoi'^04 Si 0 $/- Kllfmi 70 W/UA OUUTV, & aLf^lfiltlOS "&7Tt r pf*- ben, i%t» aoTtf ^*/p»»- 40 $- nuch; and he baptiz'd him. 39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch faw him no more : and he went on his way rejoycing. 40 But Philip was found at Azotus : and palling through, he preach'd in all the cities , till he came to Cefarea. Kep. >'. PARAPHRASE. to him, and heard him read the Prophet Efaias, and faid, Underflandefi; thou what thou readeft ? 31 And he faid, How can I, except fome Man Ihould guide me? And he defir'd Philip, that he would come up, and lit with him. 32 The place of Scripture which he read was this, He was led as a Sheep to the Slaughter, and like a Lamb dumb before the fhearer, fo open'd he not his mouth. 33 In his Humiliation, his Judg- ment was taken away : and who (hall declare his Generation ? For his Life is taken from the Earth. 34 And the Eunuch anfwer'd Philip, and faid, I pray thee, of whom fpcaketh the Prophet this? of himlclf, or of fome other Man ? 3? Then Philip open'd his mouth, and began at the fame Scripture, and preach'd unto him Jefus. 36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain Water: and the Eunuch laid, See, here is Water, what doth hinder me to be Baptiz'd? 37 And Philip faid, If thou Believeft with all thine Heart, thou may'ih And he an- fwer'd and faid, I believe that Jefus Chrift is the Son of God. 38 And he commanded the Chariot to Hand .(till : and they went down both into the Water, both Philip and the Eunuch, and he baptiz'd him. 39 And when they were come up out of the Water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the Eunuch faw him no more : and he went on his way rejoycing. 40 But Philip was found at Azotus, lying North of Gaza above~mentiond, on the Mediterranean Sea : and pafling through that part of Judea, he preach'd in all the Cities, till he came to Cefarea, which lay lihvoife North of Azotus > and on the Mediterranean : and is all ANNOTATIONS. 66 csffis, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. Kip. f. O JV SOUA©- £7J »/*- meat ktfuXvs & q>oiS,«. 3 Ev TTOpeyee^, eysvgre eucrey tfyi^ui Ty AxfULtrxG)' x, t%cuais ^m v fc-pavS. 4 K*j 7T5(ra» 'fin t -^x/jy tix.vai (pailcu At- yy£ a.>jT&- 2a ufu h\ci£s o» au ^taxas* T otlMzJi (toi zsfli xi»- 7fa T&ktI^ui. 6 Tfeftai ti % ^a.ft- Sw aW Ki>ec&oyres ,ufy> ttis pa»>i$, JIM&'vet cN 9tfl»p5»7!J. 8 Hysp3»i JV 0 2«u>A©- ^ctb £ 5^5* BLnuyiApai h TTYJ o<»ySvTe5 A&.i 7fui (x# C\eimr k«\ Qqc t$oc.yty, @fr$ 'i-mw. Chap. IX. And Saul yet breathing out threatnings and (laughter a- gainft the difciples of the Lord, went unto the high pried, 2, And delir'd of him letters to Damafcus to the fynagogues, that if he found any of this way,\vhether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerufalem. 3 And as he journey'd he came near Damafcus : and fud- denly there fliin'd round about him a light from heaven. 4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfe- cutcft thou me? 5- And he faid, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord faid, I am Jefus whom thou perfecuteft : // is hard for thee to kick againlt the pricks. 6 And he trembling and aftonifh'd faid, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord faid unto him, Arife and go into the city, and it fhall be told thee what thou mud do. *7 And the men which jour- ney'd with him flood fpeech- lels, hearing a voice, but fee- ing no man. 8 And Saul arofe from the earth ; and when his eyes were open'd, he faw no man : but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damafcus. 0 And he was three days without fight, and neither did eat nor drink. 10 H» Attst Chap. IX. 67 PARAPHRASE. all along /imply call'd by St Luke Cefarea, as being more Eminent than Ce far eaThilippi mention' d in the Go/pels ; and which was afterwards, if not now, the "Dwelling-place of Philip, as appears from Chap. 21. 8. SECTION III. Containing an Account of Saul's (or St Paul's) Converfion (A. D. 3 f.) and his preaching at Damafcus and Jerufalem, and hit being fent thence to Tarfus (at the end ofA.D. 38. or beginning of A. D. 39.) Which Particulars take up Chap. IX. 1 — 31. Chap. IX. And Saul afore (Chap. 7. 58. and 8, 1, 3.) mentiond, yet m£hi breathing out Threatnings and Slaughter againft the Lord, went unto to Dam^cm is the High prieft, and the reft of the Great Sanhednn, 2 and defir'd of """*"«'• him and the faid Great Sanhedrin or Chief Court of the Jews, to which All lejfer Sauhedrins or Jewijh Courts in particular Cities were fubjecJ, Letters or a Commijfion to Damafcus to the Synagogues (m) or Jewtjb Courts there, that if he found Any of this way, /. e. of the Chrijltan pro- Jefjion in that City, whether they were Men or Women, he might bring them bound unto Jerufalem. 3 And as he Journey 'd he came near Da- mafcus: and fuddenly there fbin'd round about him a Light from Hea- ven. 4 And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecutefl thou me? j And he faid, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord faid, Iamjefus whom thou perfecuteft: It is hard for thee to kick againft the Pricks, ;'. e . to Jlrive and fight againft God. 6 And he trembling and aftonifh'd faid, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord faid unto him, Arife and go into the City, and it fhaU be told thee what thou muft do. 7 And the Men which Jour- ney'd with him flood fpeechlefs, hearing a Voice, but feeing no Man. 8 And Saul arofe from the Earth ; and when his eyes were open'd he faw no Man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Da- mafcus. 9 And he was three days without fight, and neither did eat nor drink. 10 And ANNOTATIONS. V. 5. f All from tiinm in this verfe to A>a=-r,Si in the next, is not read in Alex, and feveral other MSS. nor in Syr. Verfion and Chryfollom j whence fome conjecture it has been added here from Ads %z. 10. and 16. 14.. But ic is ob- vious that All this might eaGJy be omitted in fome Copies by reafon of the like Expreffions, o ft Kv'g*©- «*r», and k«/ . Kw®' «& &tt« ^s Ananias, and -to him faid the etuTO* o KucU©- c* QtypAiv Aiavia. Lord ina vifion, Ananias. And _ m ^ , j, v , i ., / ~ he faid, Behold, I am here, O Si e<7rcv l£y «>», Ku£«e. n O Lorcj ' ' /2_! v> <■ / - u -v,, o'f him, Arife, and go into the ? ti&rn 6b ^ f* r «*«*** ft^( whlc'h ]S Jfo Stra]ght> E^eiew, xstj ^hth<7B» c* oi'xia, ltfi&t and enquire in the houfe or" S«T^» o'wVt, W*- M -^ J^as, for wollj Saul of r, , , / Tarfus: for behold he prayeth, 'SO^^J- 12 Koh e4 that ne raight re. ayaGAe'^w. 13 AmxfiSnfi 0 Ay*, ceive his fight. / ., , > / . < ^'« 0i 1? Then Ananias anfwtr'd, "!*', f h *™***„ ™^V , Lord, I have heard by many of tJ euj,tt. 14 Kot) r 1 . «<& 's^ e^yoicw o^ tov if^ttfem 14 And here he hath autho- & r~ T / . L _ \ x \ Ifrael. Ae»y, ^y is I2y Itf For j wil] fhew him how 'vl^JsS'yf a ccwo oaa S^ au7ty '^jzjrcp great things he rauft fuft'er for ZT 2 * J.. .. o.~ . . ~,n my names fake. » - r / i » ~ . 1 , I7 An" Ananias went his Ss AiJpia; jco) ucnkfa M tw olT way,andentred into the houfe; *i*r xoh '^aJs IV ttiToy •»'$ v«- Jln.^ P"ttin8 h'S h?ndsuonTh™ ^ , , r , ^ faid, Brother Saul, the Lord ejt?, e«7ri« 2et«A af \ f ■> p > hath fent me, that thou mightft o* Tf o^a m np^«) ottos ayctGAe- receive thy fight> and be fiU-d 4^«> Jccq 7&>.r\c&js -mivnaH©^ a>™ Ae^JV, *ve- lcaks. and he receiy.d fight £Ae%[« tj (©^ypvijttof *oq «tv*?as forthwith, and arofe, and was iCx7t\icd-y\. iq Kou ?&£cev tpj- " -" , , , , , ,'•,-, 19 And when he had re- to 7^/ Then was Saul certain days , „ «, , , with the difciples which were c* Aa.fta.mu £t*3jnay Jf/w^S *» at Damafcus. vx?. 20 Kct) &uV«* ot mis 20 And ftraightway he cuuxyzt- 69 PARAPHRASE. io' And there was a certain Difciple at Damafcus, nam'd Ananias, and saui coming to to him faid the Lord in a Vifion, Ananias. And he faid, Behold, IJ^™r™sJYfce; am here, Lord, n And the Lord laid unto him, Anfe, and go iatcfand*^*^. ' the Street which is call'd Straight, and enquire in the houfe of Judas, for one call'd Saul ofTarfus: for behold he prayeth, 12 and hath feen in a Vifion a man nam'd Ananias, coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his fight. 13 Then Ananias anfwer'd, Lord, I have heard by many of this Man, how much Evil he hath done to thy Saints at Jerufalem: 14 and here he hath Authority from the Chief priefts, to bind all that call on thy Name, ij But the Lord faid unto him, Go thy way : for he is a chofen Vefiel unto me, to bear my Name before the Gentiles, and Kings, and the Children of Ifrael. 16 For I will (hew him how great things he muft fuffer for my Names fake. 17 And Ananias went his way, and enter'd into the Houfe ; and putting his hands on him faid, Brother Saul, the Lord (even Jefusthat appear'd unto thee in the way as thou cameft) hath lent me, that thou mightft receive thy Sight, and be fill'd with the Holy Ghofr,. 18 And imme- diately there fell from his Eyes as it had been fcales; and he receiv'd Sight forthwith, and arofe, .md was Baptiz'd. 19 And when he had receiv'd Meat, he was ftrengthned. Then Saul went into In) Arabia, where he is judg'd by the Learned .„ , m\ ~ to have flay a the remaining part of AT), jy, and all AD. 36; a»rf/-«,»tDamafcu,. during hisftay in Arabia, he receiv'd his InjlruBions in the Go/pel (0) by immediate Revelation from Chriji himfelf. In AT) ^ he return d (») to 'Damafcus, and then {asStLuke here ob/erves) was Saul certain days with the Difciples which were at Damafcus. 20 And ftraightway he preach'd 70 yMi nuipueo-e T Xpfjo'v, on fc- iii \i/uifxs tj 19 iukIos, onus eu>70» «veAo)oi. 2j Acttoms i7oq tujJos )yc3flJcou> itx ? TtlvVS, %t.2j.mvTfS ii azrvedl. 2.6 n.xf%!lvo{j&(jos Si 0 Soc^Aos us ItpVffa^»^, iirugy.To xoAAacOrc) -reTs ^OtSM'&Ts* $ 7TBITIS epo£v»£ OOTOf, fH -jn^uovles otj (6?7 At«S»i77i)«ye xafls rvs -&mqi>hsss, x, SiYiyioTM) a&is 7TOS ei Tm o£e» «l(7jaa«,7B ci t$ o'yojtatTj t£ IvhtdJ. tx,7rBpe«Ojt^wos ev ItpVowA^, $ 7rappn- oia^OjH^uos ev ts§ Wo pom xKvfiV lnT0» 645 Tc^>0T3». 29 And he fpake boldJy in the name of the Lord Jefus, and difpiued againft the * Hel- lenics: but they went about to flay him. 30 Which when the bre- thren knew, they brought him down to Ccfarea, and lent him forth to Tarfus. 31 +H PARAPHRASE. Chrift in the Synagogues, that he is the Son of God. 21 But all that heard him were amaz'd, and faid, Is not this he that deftroy'd them which call'd on this Name in Jerufalem; and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the Chief pnefts? 22 But Saul increas'd the more in Strength or Ability to confound the Jews, by the Holy Spirit's imparting to him a Eight Underjlandtng of more and more Texts of Scripture relating to Chrifl, and fo confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damafcus, proving out of the Scripture, that this Jejus whom he preach'd, is the very Chrift. 23 And hereupon after that many days were fulfill'd, the Jews took counlel to kill him : 24 But their laying await was known of Saul : and they watch'd the Gates day and night to kill him. 25- Then the Difciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a Basket. 26 And when Saul was come from "Damafcus to Jerufalem, which Saul was three (p)years after his Converfion, and fo A.D. 38, he affay'd or ?«•«/«/«» , and went about to joyn himfelf to the Difciples: but they were all afraid of|°^,,chl rv. returns to him, and believ'd not that he was a Difciple. 27 But Barnabas took him, and having had an Account of his Converfion, and what had pajl Jince, either from St Taul himfelf or from fome 2)fciple, perhaps Ana- nias ofDamafcus, brought him to the Apoftles, viz. Peter and James, and declar'd unto them how he had feen the Lord in the way, and that he had fpoken to him, and how he had preach'd boldly at Damafcus in the Name of Jefus. 28 And (y) for fifteen days, He, i. e. Saul was with them, i. e. the Apojlles, coming in and going out, ; e . familiarly and in- timately conver/ing with them, and executing his Mimflry or Apojllefhip together with the other Apojlles at Jerufalem. 29 And he fpake boldly in the Name of the Lord Jefus, and difputed particularly againft the (r) Hellenifts: but they went about to flay him. 30 Which when the Brethren knew, thev brought him down to Cefarea. and lent him forth Tarfiu. 7* jffis, Chap. IX. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 3 r t H j& «v 6ie*A>mfr.V[Um £ 7np&uo- /uew t$ poCa 5? Kueiv, *) TM 5rf>X- xA«cni ?x>iy •mfufJtaHo.f l7^n%mv. 32 Eymt-n x£- C&Toi, os 1. 3 $■ Koq &i £leppiy<&o- f^o>l \tyilou[ AopX5W x'y-ni ko 7i^>i- pus aj^ay ep>a;v >c*) eAgx^PKi/iy ai \7n1u. 37 EyutTo £e ci raTs vfugpis £/KiXi*\s ia3^y>iaaffay ecu-rft* ^ro^ctyav Asuaavns ^ auifto tSn- yjcy ci \jc$vu. 38 Ey>s & oO'- CT/JS Au^5 TH \W"7tYl, 0/ /UXSJITXJ axoi5era.vi»s ot7 rUTfdS^ '^v c* au- th, xTrfraAx* Jbo xv^gjcs 'Z?£?s av- 7By, (G^joc5tA«£«/'ns pi G>w>ifftq JleA- ^yy e'as aoT^f. 39 Ayxjas Je rie'-^^ ck^A^v xutoTj' oy jj^x- 31 Then had the * church Reft throughout alJ Judea, and Galilee, and Samaria, and was edify 'd, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the com- fort of the Holy Ghoft, was multiply'd. 3 2 And it came to pais, as Peter pafs'd throughout all quarters, he came down alfo to the feints which dwelt at Lydda. 33 And there he found a certain man nam'd Eneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was fick of the palfy. 34 And Peter faid unto him, Eneas, Jefus Chrift maketh thee whole: anfe, and make thy bed. And he arofe immediately. 3; And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron few him, and turn'd to the Lord. 36 Now there was at Joppa a certain difciple nam'd Tabi- tha, which by interpretation is calJ'd Dorcas : this woman was full of good works, and alms- deeds which (he did. 3 "7 And it came to pals in thole days, that (he was fick, and dy'd : whom when they had wafli'd, they laid her in an upper chamber. 3 8 And fbrafmuch as Lydda was nigh to joppa, and the difciples had heard that Peter was there, they fent unto him two men, delinng him that he would not delay to come to them. 30 Then Peter arofe, and went with them. When he was ytio/xtxoi y4£is, Chap. IX. 73 PARAPHRASE. to Tarfus. 31 Then had the Church Reft throughout all Judea, and Galilee, and Samaria , and was Edify 'd , i. e. more and more confirm d and improv d in the Doftrine of the Go/pel; and walking in the Fear of the Lord, and in the Comfort of the Holy Ghoft, was multiply'd. t S E C T I O N IV. Containing an Account of two Miracles perform d by St Peter, one a* Lydda, and the other at foppa; and of Cornelius fending for him by the Direction ofGod^ and of Cornelius with his Fa- mily (3c. becoming Christians (3c. Which Particulars feem ts have been tranfatled in A. D. 3 9 and 40 ; and take up Chap. IX. 32 — XI. 18. 32 And it came to pafs A. Z>. $9, as Peter pafs'd throughout all p«er cures e»,m Quarters of the Holy Land, vifiting the Cbriftians, He came down alfo «tj"W*i tp the Saints, i. e. Cbriftians who dwelt at Lydda. 33 And there he found a certain Man nam'd Eneas, which had kept his Bed eight years, and was fickof the Palfy. 34 And Peter laid unto him, Eneas, Jefus Chrift maketh thee whole : anfe and make thy Bed. And he aroie im- mediately, is And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron faw him, and turn'd to the Lord. 36 Now there was at Joppa a certain Difciple nam'd Tabitha, which And ";fes Td by interpretation is call'd Dorcas; this Woman was full of Good works, bitu to life at and Alms-deeds which fhe did. 37 And it came to pafs in thofe days, ?w"" that fhe was fick, and dy'd : whom when they had wafh'd, according to the Jewiflj Cuftom in order to her Burial, they laid her in an upper Cham- ber. 38 And forafmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the Difciples had heard that Peter was there, they fent unto him two Men, defiring hint that he would not delay to come to them. 39 Then Peter arofe, and ANNOTATIONS. • V. 31. f ^ 's read> * f*'» *' a***1)"* &c. not «J (»(» c*xaW«/ &c. in Alex, and feveral other MSS and in Vulg. Syr. and Echiop. Verfions. And it is not to be doubted but this is the True Original Reading ; there being an obvious rea- fon for Changing the Singular into a Plural, but not on the contrary : and this is the more Remarkable, becaufe it ferves to fuew the Great Weaknels of the Arfcu- ment drawn by our Diffenters from the plural c**M»j«y, as if it favour'd their In- dependent Congregational Churches. 74- r)<3ty>v as to -v^epSov corae> they brought him into , a ~ r »' the upper chamber: and all the XP <^?ew Aopj(#s. 40 EtCetAay JV e|« way- 40 But Peter put them all ,~, I n^/RL, a.-'* -J «-',-9- *-~,* forth, and kneel'd down and /2 «. , TV , , ^ , , ~ P«yd, and turning him to owj^olQ)' $ 6OTS7ie^xg 'zs^s to era- the body, faid, Tabitha, arife. /m, um> TctC^, «**5»% HJ^ And &e open'd her eyes : and „ ~ , , , , ~ ( Sf.~ when the law Peter, (he lac »vod the faints cn*$ fAi(5)-', j^tov. Cefarea, call'd Cornelius, a cen- Wg« « «> * ***«,**« iTO. -™ fj; ** *™ * Aims, 2 tvn£>i$ *) t 2 A devout «a«, and one (Dm, out Riii tbS <&» cwtS, 7R)i5y [hat fear'd God with all his , v ' „ , houie, which gave much alms ts thMfuffuoat -znoAAas to) A*«, ^ t0 the People, and pray'd to boffoos V ©e5 ftoi!ia»TBS. 3 El^yei God al way. » / , 1 „ , / , 1 He law in a vifion evi- o^^ti ?, aae* «po* £,»xTiw dentJy> about the ninth hou# «? yifMfcit, a^fiXov ? ©e5 eicnA^ovia of the day, an Angel of God \ ' \ \ > 1 n ■• 9 „. r. coming in to him, and faying <*?oi m>m,jbwm'\*w>T$' Kopy^A.e. umo ^ Coi-ndlus. 4 O Si aw/cos otoTzS, x-otf1 e^ipo- 4 And wh«n he look'd on EiTie cTi owtzjS' A» 'ZtOtret;^ ov >&i unto him, Thy prayers and c/#fr, Chap. IX, X. 7t TEXT. «| iXw)juavuuK\ ov iveCvi^ us nn/-u>- ot/vov svaxm ? 0e5. j Koq vtjv 7re,«- ■\£o» as lcnt7mt cLifyabs, % /xemTtifi. 4"*) 2j\%i 0 oiyfi'hgs 0 A^Aav t$ Kopvn- TRANSLATION. thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. y And now fend men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whole furname is Peter : 6 He lodgeth with one Si- mon a tanner, whofe houfe is by the fea-fide : he (hall tell thee what thou oughteft to do. 7 And when the Angel which fpake unto Corne- Aja, H RASE. , they brought him into the nr. P A R A P and went with them. When he was come, upper Chamber : and all the Widows Hood by him weeping, and (hew- ing the Cuats and Garments which Dorcas made while fhe was with them. 40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneel'd down and pray'd, and turning him to the Body, laid, Tabitha, anle. And fhe open'd her Eyes: and when fhe few Peter, fhe fat up. 41 And he gave her his hand, and lift her up; and when he had call'd the Saints and Widows, prefented her alive. 42 And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believ'd in the Lord. 45 A-nd it came to pafs, that he tarry 'd many days in Joppa with one Simon a Tanner. Chap. X- .There was a certain Man in Cefarea, call'd Cornelius, a Centurion of the Band call'd the Italian Band, 2 a Devout man, and t££t?m3it One that fear'd God with all his Houfe, being Trojeiytes to the Jewi/hget to lend tor Religion, namely fuch as were call'd Trofelytes (j) of the Gate, or were Pe!er : not Circumcised j and he was One who gave much Alms to the People, and pray'd to God Alway at the Times of Prayer. 3 He faw in a Vi- fion evidently, about the ninth hour of the day according to the fewijb reckoning, which anjwers to our three in the dfteryoon, and was One of thejiated Times of Prayer, an Angel of God coming in to him, and fay- ing unto him, Cornelius. 4 And when he look'd on him, he was afraid, and faid, What is it, Lord? And he (aid unto him, Thy Prayers and thine Alms are come up for a (t) Memorial, i. e. as an Offering or a Sa- crifice of Sweet Savour \ before God. j And, by way of Reward to thee, God hasjent me to thee to diretl thee, that thoujhould/l now fend Men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whofe furname is Peter : 6 He lodg- eth with one Simon a Tanner, whofe Houfe is by the Seafide : he fhall tell thee what thou ouehtefl to do. n And when the Angel which 76 jifts, Chap X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. 1 o And he became very hun- gry, and would have eaten; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, ii And faw heaven open'd, and a certain veflcl dcfcending unto him, as it had been a great X\a, atniiewi Sbo tov cimtui ewrSr, l'«s,\vas departed, he call'd two , ' , . » p^ ~ of his houfhold-fervants, and a g, S7>ft7Ifi»TZw tVCtQn 1HU 'S^TOey- devolu f0]dler „f them ^ m^ujuTai ootsS* 8 Jt*j (Jfyiyvtmi- waited on him continually : o • ~ ,i' > 8 And when he had declar'd A^o5 «tihs aravTO, arcwaAe, w- all lheJe thjngs umo ^ he TVS us tyii Iow7m». fent them t*e- to c& 'Zi^zzre«y@-', x.oy «7sAe yeu- rai^' jrafjutfTceua^svToy <^ iwiaiv, e5T?7n<7gy e^r ao7oy etfacnj" n x.oq %®f$ t y&cvoi inqyu.iion ', *<*< y&- tuQouiqv i7C aoToy oxiuos 77 as o%- fheet, knit at the four corners, r '.» i _ ' ~, rs.rv and let down to the earth: (t^o'oy, *oj j^^is^ov '^7H ths w ner of four-footed beafls of the 12 o, 2 ^p* *av& t« -nifi- earth> and Wlld bf?s' ,and L ~ ii - ' i creeping things, and fowls of TTOiTk. 7715 }W, jcom too Snd^ct, x.») the air. ra epTreia, g « wiT«i«i T£ ^- J J And there came a voice P , , , v , to him, Rife, Peter ; kill and *oo. 13 K*j tycwn r/i ts&s eat etuToy Ay*fa?, ni^i, fZni xotj 14 But Peter faid, Not fo, ' ~" .o «-./<** *•'■ », Lord; for I have never eaten v "I 1 y And the voice /£i?9« to oxcSos again into heaven. 1 ,• , ,( , t ? 17 Now while Peter doubt- us to» j^payoy. 17 &$ vxifim&ion. 14 But Peter faid, Not io, Lord; for I have ne- ver eaten any thing that is Common or Unclean according to the Law. \$ And the voice lpake unto hi«m again the fecond time, What God, the giver of the Law, has cleans'd, by commanding! 'bee now to eat of the Crea- tures before thee without 'Dijiwclion, that call not thou Common or Un- clean any longer, on account of the Law. 16 This was done Thrice, to teach Peter the Certainty of God's taking away the Legal T)iJlmcJ ion be- tween Clean and Unclean Creatures, under the Gojpel; and confequently much more that ZJi/l/ncJion the Jews made between them/elves and the Gentiles, as to Converjation one with the other. 17 Now while Peter doubted in himfelf what this Vilion which he had feen fhould mean; behold, the Men which were fent from Cornelius, had made enquiry for Simon the Tanner'% Houfe, and ftood before the Gate, 18 and 78 Afts, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. uraTu*- I<$V, ZiMi -^ui (Wai at. «»m> Behold, three men feek ihcc 20 AM* ivajas i9.UGv% $ wope«V 2q Arife therefore, and get ncu auuTvis, pia ei^u oy C^tutv t\s x faid, behold, 1 am he whom ye *ti'* ft' ^ srxW; 22 Oi' ^ «. f«k: What » the caufe where- , c' , , » " 1 f°re ye are come r -770V, Kopv»Aios e^TovTWp^s, xnf ft- 21 And they faid, Cornelius xws & assert* t ©eov, /**p,Ayov xwcJ. 24 Kaj 2+ And the morrow after, r? £7rB^e»Aios h* Ta&xSviuti at/Ttfs, had caipd together his kinfmen cvfnst.\t CornelJus m£t hlm) anf>iiAu- ma°y that wcre come together. q,,~ , \ '(7i 28 And he faid unto them, >(&4 ^M«s. 28 Epw -n o^os taJfcuJ- Ye know how that it is an un- "T/xus '^iifacQe us i^'^Tp'y \i lawful thing for a man that is IV) a^'^ap-rov Agy&v *»- ^•pa>7rov. 29 A10 xon etvarTippnTOJ Tivj Ac/ia (A.^li7Ti(x-\oi.cQri fii. 30 Ki*| 0 KopvuAios \jp PARAPHRASE. Behold, three Men feekthee. 20 Arife therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have lent them. 21 Then Peter went down to the Men which were fent unto him from Corne- lius; and faid, behold, I am he whom ye feek: What is the caufe wherefore ye are come? 22 And they faid, Cornelius the Centurion, a juft Men, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the Nation of the Jews, was warn'd from God by an holy Angel, to fend for thee into his Houfe, and to hear words of thee. 23 Then call'd he them in, and lodg'd them. v. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and certain Bre- Peter .i«" t0 thren from Joppa accompany'd him. 24 And the morrow after, they ornelus- enter'd into Cefarea: and Cornelius waited for them, and had call'd to- gether his Kinfmen and near Friends. z$ And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his Feet, and worfhipp'd him. 26 But Peter took him up, faying, Stand up; I my felf alfo am a Man. 2-7 And as he talk'd with him, he went in, and found many that were come together. 28 And he laid unto them, Ye know that it is an un- lawful thing for a Man that is a few, to keep company, or come unto one of another Nation : but God hath fhew'd (») me lately by a ft/ion, that I fhould not call any Creature, and cotijequentiy any Man Common or Unclean. 29 Therefore came I unto you without gatnfaying, aiTbon as I was fent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have fent for me. 30 And Cornelius faid, Four Days ago I was faffing until this hour, 8o <^4c\s, Chap. X. TEXT. TRANSLATION. «iijp fa hvmU & o# ic&ii \*ff hold a man flood before me in *„ , , bright cloathing, *og^, 31 Xflqpwr Kopv»Aie, un- 3I And faid, Cornelius, thy xVa5v cv V 'SO^**, x«i 04 £^W- prayer is heard, and thine alms , , , , / ~ are had in remembrance in the /xcouooq oV E^KHoO-ytoa* c*a?noy TV fight of God. ©ey. 32 ris/^y o2» as IoV-Troy, 32 Send therefore to Joppa, 1 /. ^,, ,\ ,/tl, and call hither Simon whole x«j Mti*Kx\tw 2iac«w, « «J- furnameisPeter. he.slodg'd >t5tA6i7s«a< j^TctAa.icbstya- /^oL/ 07j J^x. e9i C5£ooa7reA>i'3?«s 0 ©ess* 3f AM. oi Jibuti' tji{ 0 ipoC^evos 33 Immediately therefore I fent to thee ; and thou haft well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here prefent before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. 34 Then Peter open'd his mouth, and laid, Of a truth I perceive that God is no re- f peeler of perfons : IS But in every nation, he that feareth him, and worketh rturey, xsq iP)«£'. ~ t.V _ x , c 76 The word which God a7rm,AS 7015 qois l*&*\, juaTyt- {em umQ the ch]ldren of If- Ai^o^ey^ ufluUu 2^,31 Ijiov Xpis-S- rael, preaching peace by Jefus Sro's '& to.t*, &&<©" 37 T/uks Chr,it> lhe 1S Lofd of all>> „. , , r„ ,„ «, 3- That word (//y) you oi \ nin ,\ > 1 y . 1 gan from Galilee, after the ba- $ to^xttV* 0 tKnpj^ti latins- ptjfm which John preach'd; 38 I*!o-£y f ~£m Ua.^a.ftJ, as e^pi«? 38 How God anointed Je- avTo'y 0 ®tli wtofix-n kyut j, fuux- J« of Nazareth with the Holy , ^ , «,,',, Gholt, and with power; who Mi } os JliiA9s» ivtpyiiai 5, la^ey^ weB( about doing good, and TOyia* t«s ^mJWarewo^iyVS «Jwo hcal,0S a11 lhat were opprefs'd t5 (lAtts, Chap.X. 81 TEXT. TRANSLATION. ? a/^CoAv, 'otz o ®tU UZ tuT*i%. of the devil: for God was with .. i f - , / i him. 39 Kq x^J if* T Iv^ca'ay all things which he did both . > T „ . / ,\ » ~, r m the land of the Tews, and *, £v I«pv«r»A^- oy *m^ xpij«».. m Jerilfalera . whomJthey Qew, tss '6^1 |uAtf. 40 Tktov 0 ©goj and hang'd on a tree : eiSWey Jtoq cuiTpy e,U(pc«/» ^y6oo^, 40 00 7ray- •n Tea ?^£?

iT«| /uapTuptfoiy, stpeoiv xftoLf 7ia» ^gtCeTv 2^gt tv ovojax}(&' 6jj§ 44 E77 A^A^VTOJ J" n£7fV 70t p«- /IWtTOt. ^"JTO., £7TBTe<71 70 3Tyfcy,U«, 70 x.'ioc £9n 7re;yt5 rys eix.vov(cu. t AoJoy. 4f Kot| o^e'r))^ 01 sx. 'zfeASojuyii -TnTot, ootji cro/riA^cy 7$ Tier? o>, 07j $ '^-.' iK-dyf^. 4i!^»i o ne^os* 47 Mm'tj 70 l<^i)p jtoiAucoj (Tbva^ 715 y pi /3x- *7nio&kc/oq Tfc'Tfcj, ornvef 70' TVHJuyu*. 70 ct^oy eAetCoy , jcjt1)-®* *oij w^aeTs j 48 ripooTETO<;e ts otoTtfS ^x^iSlcoajf h t$ oiofixii y KveJv- Totb YipG>Ttl£ oe*7oy '^t/^avo^ yym^aj, tiioh. Ktp. ia . Hx-Vaay i FleTf©-1 t«S ltpoovAv/ua., £wxf l-mioat i&TivoVf, %«j 5- 6 uPon the which when I . , / j, , , had faftned mine eves, I confi- Jbt i* iiT?x7n^ ins y»s, **) i* derd> and faw 'four-footed 9»ei*, Xotj too ep-rsra, jtaj 7» 7TB- beafts of the earth, and wild j'-'g-A ~ „ rj' beafts, and creeping things, and T«»a « ¥©«*• 7 H*«oa J^ p«. fowls'of th(, ^ 8 * »)ts AeyVa»s /ccoi* A»otfw,s rieVpg, ^u- 7 And I heard a voice fay- m m}^**. 8 ETww J«. M«fe. i"n§^to me, Anfe, Peter; Qay, pais KueVrt* ot7 Tratv scoiyov 3 «jyt^otp. 8 But I faid, Not fo, Lord : to, vtinm um\%i e|5 ^ ^* a*. for no,!h?S comm°n ™ ""; , . v , . clean hath at any time entred 9 AirtK&Sn Jt fici (pain ca. $80- into my mouth. ■n'pv ck t£ £p*v£- A o ©eos o*a- 9 But the voice anfwer'd me f.t x , ., again from heaven, What God >jyot, to p« xoiiv. io Tan A hath c]eans>d) that cau not tytwm 'On r&i' x) raA»v xiicmvJdn tbou common. / T, t io And this was done three Z times: and all were drawn up i£v, o^ootms TpeTs ctycfyes S7rsfos [ii. 12 Ei- ready come unto the houfe mSifiuin miZfiX «rweA9«i ^tsTV , where J was» fent frora Cefarea , t ■"• •' ■■ h ' J ■ ■• , unto me. piftv ^fc&vo^ov. »A%v nothing doubt- ; n > ' , ^ ~ , , mg. Moreover, thefe fix bre- m>W>(tii^ us Toy oixov TK wJej?. thren accompany'd me, and we 13 himyfuXi ts >?/•"» 7ras uh ill entred into the man's houfe : «C, ? » ' ~ o' * *3 And he fhew'd us how */>**>» ev 7^ „»*« fl«.T^ ^v™ & he jf d f an j m hjs «7rov7» ctwci)- ATToreiAo, ets Ijtt- houfe, which ftood and faid _,„ •>„ a M, 1 , , ' 1 ^,' . unto him, Send men to Toppa, \ / / ^r-i r— and calf for Sjmon, whofe fur- 7oy '^bitstAVA^yoy n«Tpoy, 14 'is name is Peter: A*A^ p'^^ ^ crt if ot5 «». J4 Who fhall tell thee , , , ~ f Jr , words, whereby thou and all Sx™ (ttj & mi 0 oixos - 00,01* 'On to, Ku6» <& -n s y/rfu/ fojujaxos JOdAt/aaj •f ©eon; 18 AfctfoaVTSS « koj toTs i^noii 0 ©eos t (U^TOI'OIJM* 'ifotiui us ^wUl. word of the Lord, how that he laid, John indeed baptiz'd with water; but ye (hall be baptiz'd with the Holy Ghoft. 17 Forafmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believ'd on the Lord Jefus Chrift, what was I that I could withfland God? 18 When they heard thefe things, they held their peace, and glonfy'd God, faying, Then hath God alio to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. 19 Q«' PARAPHRASE. 6 Upon the which when I had faftned mine Eyes, I confider'd, and faw four-footed Beafts of the Earth, and wild Beafts, and creeping things, and Fowls of the Air. 7 And I heard a Voice laying unto me, Arile, Peter; flay, and eat. 8 But I faid, Not fo, Lord: for nothing com- mon or unclean hath at any time entred into my mouth, p But the Voice anfwer'd me again from Heaven, What God hath ckans'd, that call not thou common. 10 And this was done three times: and were drawn up again into Heaven. 11 And behold, immediately there were three Men already come unto the Houfe where I was, fent from Cefarea unto me. 12 And the Spirit bad me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover, thefe fix Brethren accompany'd me, and we entred into the Man's Houfe: 1 3 And he fhew'd us how he had feen an An- gel in his Houfe, which flood and faid unto him, Send Men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whofe furname is Peter: 14 who fhall tell thee Words, whereby thou and all thy Houfe fhall be Sav'd. 1^ And as I began to fpeak, the Holy Ghoft feU on them, as on us at the beginning. 16" Then remembred I the Word of the Lord, how that he faid, John indeed baptiz'd with Water; but ye fhall be baptiz'd with the Holy Ghoft. 17 Forafmuch then as God gave them the like Gift as he did unto us, who believ'd on the Lord Lord Jefus Chrift, what was I that I could withftand God? 18 When they that had contended with 'Pe- ter heard thefe things, they held their peace, contending no more with 86 Atts, Chap. XI. TEXT. TRANSLATION. io O/ $ o%j Sd&amtims ^m r U> Now they which were , ,, ' , _, leaner d abroad upon the per- •mi JAi^qs * yw&iK bin 2ts- foution that arofe about Ste- , S\»A%v '&* $oiv/)Ct)$ Kstj K^- phen, travell'd as far as Phe- i » (v. v « ~ nice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, ^ *«< A'-no^ao* H"' ***»*• preaching the word to none tss tb» Xs^pv a |it»i ^covov IvS'owoiS. but unto the Jews only. r' .j: ' sp/> »/ 20 And fome of them were 20 Haav . - ^ ^ men or Cyprus and Cyrene, d^es KuTrexaj jcoj KwpI«/scio», ornves which when they were come umK%W «s K™y«**> *ten*> 1° Anti°ch We u"t0Tth^ , , ^ „/ * Gentiles, preaching the Lord '©£?« rvi TEWia/a4, fewayyeAi^o- Jefus. f&»l T K&ZM iMVI. 21 Kolj ^ L »! Alld ^ ^Dd °f ^ , , , , Lord was with them : and a £«p Ko^iV #ut ewioi* ttoAuS ti great number believ'd, and 'olZiJ/ms mstoowz e7rt9pevkv 'Qn tdv turn'd unto the Lord. ., , , . r _ -. , , . 22 Then tidings of thefe Kuaoh 22 HKV&t A 0 Aoy>s a$ things came unto the ears of the to am. £ docKAnnat £ sv Ieyiro- church which was in Jerufa- . / c' '- ' 'fc _r,_ •* lem : and they lent forth Bar- Bot/'vot-bof SteA7fci« tai Avna^uecc. as Antioch. 23 OS v&yvtftoos k4 .'&!, ^ , ^3 Who when he came, and , ^ ^Z > ' « : • » na" 'een tne grace or G°d, was ^*6 Lord. ivijp ij«9o« Kouj TiKiifns muifiULl®' 24 For he was a good man, a 1 , t , u, ,,« , and full of ihe Holy Ghoft, axv & ^7S«$. x, ^^tsSd o^Ao* andof fauh And much people ()(9ei9$ tsS Ku6ta. was added unto the Lord. 2f e£>iA9s JV &<« Tcy^y 0 Exp- 25- Then departed Barnabas / p ~ _, ~. 1 . \ to Tarfus, for to leek Saul. »aU ava^^att) 2»Apv ^*, Cbp«» An outTBv >i'). fome of them were Men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which when they were come to Antioch, fpake unto the (x) Gentiles, preaching the Lord Je- fus. 2i And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great num- ber believ'd, and turn'd unto the Lord. 22 Then tidings of thefe things came unto the ears of the Church which was in Jerufalem: and they fent forth Barnabas {A. CD. 41.) that he fhould go as far as Antioch. 2 j Who when he came thither, and had ieen the Happy effects of the Grace of God in converting fo many there to Chri/iianity, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpofe of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. 24 For he was a good Man, and full of the Holy Ghoft, and of Faith. And much people was added unto the Lord. i<} Then {A. '£>. 42.) departed Barnabas to Tarfus, for to leek Saul And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. 26 And it V;"ch came ir. B.ir/itti/aa and S