—_ ee -e * 7 Ve, i! 4 J i i 4 in Ce Ol) i i aire ee ee Me ® Ls WAI it MIN) i} iA nae f ye ( — eae ee — iat NR nae) nee hy UNE ¢ aM wy ! AGN ci BN, ' * Wy 9 Mi Patent Hardened Sted Plate a My oe Ms belo. Ah ’ . 4 * —— gb) Bae ye Tee eee — A te — * hee tae” I a ey ype a he | ta IN tp een i Pal ee a ry ẽ * oF = y P55 r . “ Lpa — AN Sv. ow —— — — At. Bp PALA ryt) st ene ee B —B— 8 ¥ 4) Pfalter tranflated into En- \ gliſh etre, which con- tayneth an hundreth and fifty 2 falmes. The firft Quinquagene. Q uoniam omnis terre Deus : Pfalite ſapienter. Pfal 47. ‘SSIES ETAT : OT of f “ _ —& — ‘Ly — "J iv" — Fiprinted at London by lobn Daye, dwelling ouer Alderfgate, beneath S, Martyns, CVM GRATIA ET PRIVILEGIO Regie maieftatis, per. Decennium, AR SNL ANY JIS Fe Xv "Seth hy — > AN F —8 i. Aad ) STAY SY Ay" — ie = — —— — — fe * SRE x XD , — ask + — — ue ——— Mm nk — hie x IS 43 ——— —9 * * ——— 8 nee: ‘ Sage eR Ey = AdLectorem. : H Ec quicung, legis,ru flexu & acumine vocts In numeros numeros dottis accentibus effer, eA ffettusg, impone legens ,aiStin€tio ſenſum — dant interualla vigoremie * To the Reader. | : OF F thee good frend: thus muche J craue, ——— Theſe febb requeſtes J ſayp:· et No bꝛowes to bende: but irk withtaue, To iudge by like allar. beh te And if ve fpie:as much pe map, where frapdamifleZbaue: To mend tobere J: vent out of tap, With art more ſad and graue. But reade it round: and hacke it not, ve 7 as iumblyng hort ith longs — 88 Expreſſe them ſound:and racke them not, —— as learners vſe among. Bs aes Accent in place: pour boyce as needth, note number, popnte,and tinte: - Both ivfe and grace: goodreading bpeedth, flat verle it reyſch (ublime, Odblerue the trayne:the ceafure marke, Zorek with note in clofe: Rypthmedogrell playne:as begs do ee pemake it els to loſe. Reade aft inough: wel ſpell —— leſſ iarr to heare bp vſe: Af verſe be rough: no fault is myne, ifpe vate gareabule. Gi... But But peineepall hingspaut lute to tune, | P Ae ht Hares Tee that hart may fing in coꝛde: p75: — spout bopee ap ring: fa fnefo aun, - JJ “foloneans tetue teat aan aay! — a ci oe ee Put * 5 Ch ie Did § YngPialmes and hymnes: ad fangdson byes — To God your ſelues among: But fing in hart: make melodye,..» ...-.- = =~ To God — ſong. os ates ye, 3 . Tames. V. — sek oF fad pe be:and ———— —— An faith pray pe contrite: Sette cael aan Ff qlad pebe:andfeele no loſſe, TUE Ra — — —— of thankes aright, — Dauid. P{alme. “33. 4. 68 SHE ; TN Lute and Harpesteioyce tofings - —— yng Pſalmes in decachord. ary * —— ith God as Kyngs — eat —— « Re wifelyj care the Lorde, 4 t arin ce ——— Ieſus Syrach.. Ads Prag — fe i J— T De fathers olde: bothforghtand — SH Sten SHrocete mulikes moodes fulltiiee The Scripture ſonges: they dia KpOUND, ©. — Their hartes wẽre all deuinc. de | Téliis Syrach. 3a VV knowledge loueth:teach Hint hy ir, —— No muſi ke hinder thou: — ae is ‘Where hearyng wanth: {pare wordes thei more, sy And modeitie allow. OF the vertue of Pfalmes. ab sh aay, tzat man hath bart: inheanines J AY Ii) J ith{undey cares opp2elk: 9 NSS And woind hae helpe:in redines, SES —— And y ‘by man: in lueertie, Re | , for pbitike want bis cure: Thus let in hard: perpleritie, To God pet trutting ſure. et him bebolde: themelodie, so Dauids bliſſefull harpe: ee —— there ſfynde: his remedie, He may of tarefotharpe, Ittorreyne foe:oꝛ ennem Bath talked allthy coattes: No helpe thou canſt:haue ſuerly, moꝛe ltrong to dawnt bis boaltes. Ittheeues thy goodes: haue caughti in netk, And haue made thee ful bare: In Plaknes thy mynde:il thou da fet, they {will thy lofle repayre, af wꝛung thou beef: bptyzannie, _ ~ And banithte out ofland: Thou mayſt releaue: thy miferie, Content by Plalmes to grand. | Aftrapne be layd: all craftely, a Zufpttefotrapfhpwapr Make Danins ine thanredilp, And bid thy foes go ant | _ Of the vertue of — Chou mournl and fighelt: in boulefull batt, as by death thp children gore: 7 4fwfalmes thou takelk: in ghoſtly part, Ther will alwage thy mone. In houſe and land: ifpooze thou lpe, downe cal on both thy knees: : Here mail thou haue: recouerie, fo2 all that thou cant leefe. It panges and payries: both ſharpe ano fell, with aripes thp body wꝛynges: Sweete Dautds harpe: can cafe thee well, ſor it good Phiſike ſinges. Itborne thou be:enuiouſſie, In ſkoꝛne and great diſdayne: No patrone thou:canſt better ſpie, then Dauids life and raigne. Thy hie degrée: ts low detect, by fortunes turnyng blaſt: JF Dauids Tate: thou ſeeſt reiect thou ſhalt be leſſe agaſt. | I hp fieldes lve all: tn baren fort, by burnpng Sunne bis beate: To Dauids tnelles: if thou refozt, is delves thy fople ſhal weete. Agapne ifthep: be suerflotune, Bp rage of water ſtreames: If Dauids Plalmes:thou makett thine otune, Thy fople mutt ree beames, (D the Pfalmes, O foolithe men: that marke the thie, She Starresand planets gate: By them to fearche: their deſtenie, and fo repofe their fate.) And thus what wo:oꝛ miferie, may moue 02 freat thy hart: In Plalmes thou map: haue remedie, to beare all payne and ſmart. —— Not beare them well: J onely ſaie, but them erpell ful ſtrong: auhbo like in hart: can them defraie, as Dauid did among, Not thus alorie: halk thou thine eafe, of woꝛrldly griefe and payne: . But here thou mayſt:all ſoules difeate, by comfort ſweete reſtrayne. So depe in fine: 10 wight canbe, tio confcience fo thal: Wut pref reliefe:bere may hele, . fo reyſe bis deanly fall. © No wight can be: fo burdenons, mans fenfes barde to preſſe: But Plalmes that be: fo bertuous, can fone the weight redzreſſe. Nob go and ſearche: the Difcipline, of moꝛtall men ſo bapne: WMho taught by wit:oꝛ ſoꝛt denine, of them theſe helpes fo gayne. So foule att J— : rn atialag a) fo frufftheivrulesandlaivest © As dreamers be: which thinke fo fe, Nola. ali weaith within cheir cawes. Gonow to men: and beg their ar in ſicknes thee to ſaue: J— By meanes vntrue:to heale thy — ne os gts Es 1B where God thy hartthouldhaue, © sec This Pꝛophet here:forbtopeth thee, 92. soe: thusencefrom@odtofiray: Cuenhethatharpth:allmeladie, = = of godly wifdomes Wap. A— —— xoꝛ what thou readſt: Saint Aullen holdh, duee in law oꝛ Ko2tes true: :: Teng BUC Ia In Pꝛouerbs Wile: 02 p2 ophets oide, im iomaied the plalme doth ifrenue, pisbiw 188 B59) see Both Wwhat is pal:and wwhatfo come; 9 a a the pſalme doth it perfourme:: It is alaiv:in perfect ſome — to maners them to faurme. lia at Though scripture bokertapth Athanate, Sas of bertuerule itbee: 335 2) marum inm . Pet Plaiter boke:of foulett hate, edindl nomen ae Pfalttise fhe ſtate fo2 eche degræ. Rug SOT Sein 5 In other bakes: there man doth loke, — but others wordes (eth he: tras ee As proper bath: this onelpboke, thant GORD molt porte bts — to 1) $03! a Fito a ae me. ees > _% — r the Pfalmes, if tis a glaffesa mpyrodie bright, | * for ſoule fo ſee bis fate: ATE | q garden fayrecall fully dight, ~ {with herbes moff delicate. ie a treaſure houſe:ye map repute, this boke of all good lore: All whollome falue:to diſtribute, foeche mans griefe and ſore. F 02 oho delyghth: them well fofing: © vorrei bis mynde thall fele a grace: | _ OF finne both dulde: the curfed Hing: : and vertue come in place. The am fayth he: in berfe be kolde: d funedbp mufikefivefe: e eare to pleaſe: of pang a othe,” 7 fo Dauid thought it mete, | oon | Sotephus layth: and Philo right, - Lib.7 Tne hat Dauid Metresmades st da atin Quinquemetres : fome trimetres, i-3 GIG Oinvec2 af) ~ ¢s82. by muſikes tract and tradddee. Xauſeb. lib. — 2.cap. 16. Foꝛ that that is: commended both 9 6 ID {vith funeand fymearight: = It finkth moze ſweete: and: derer goth, rt od IadZ in barte of mans delicht. g model O wondrous fats of God F faiey eo 0! } in his deuiſe fo playne: = | IGE Gid Though we befene: but ſing and ple, | — ony bis gayne. Pins it Got ak 15. j. . The paca “OpbiiGiieet The paler boke: of pfaiterie, an inffrument fo namde: Foꝛ that the Pſalmes: moſt Soames: ss fait were tuned and framde. And who that noth: and hath it waighde. metreaD how Pſalmes bp Detrego:.. » Can blame no art: by epthme ſo larde, nor muſike ſquard therto. Thus Bernard ſwete: in holy rede Chꝛiſtes death reuolued in rythme: So Ambꝛoſe ſage: and worthy Bede, thought this no ſhame or cryme. And what is verſe: but rythme to names, pels; in Lattine, Frenche;o2 Greke: —— Our Engliſhe verſe: Icount * fae eins Ao though all men hit not leke. The Plalmitt Caydes swith tuned fonge, a the rage of myndes agaſt: St Sg Dawid dio: with barpeamong, to Saule in furpe calt. J Mith golden ſtringes: ſuch barmonie, - his barpe fo ſweete did wreſt: hat he reltend; bis phenefic, whom wicked {prites poſſeſt. (oth Powle and James: — bid Pſalmes with voyce to vſe: In hymnes and ſonges: ſweete exerciſe, —— SEHR 1a Sfery ee “tthe “the Pſalmes, Wihyo tunes and rythms: asatketheir kyndes/ fo Pſalmes can frame Z faie: } The finete in Arength : fo2r that be ſyndes, mutt beare the bell awaie. REO BALIYE - Che lingyng man: and Poete mu, _ With grane deuine coneurres As Danidg (kill: all thee difeul, when be bisharpe did urre. Depart peforges : laſciuious, from lute, front harpe depart: Geue place towfalmes : moll bertuous, and folace there pour barte. Pe longes fo nice? pe ſonnets all, of lothly louers layes: seivorke mens mpndes? but bitter gal, by phanfies peuiſhe plapes. yr readers all· now mutt J prapy in worth fo fake my payne 4 ment but tell: ag well they may, meane well, and winne ſome gayne. As tome belorne: the ipkebath playbde of Pſalmes to pike their choyce · Aud them in ryme: fo lyne haue layde, to ſing with muſikes voyce. Thyen tome poote = mote innen haue tournd the phaafeatid iwo2de? * foome glofe haue made : full ditierfly, vet fang in good accoꝛd e 15 tt, What | a ! Of the vertue wile Chat fone i itt perte: bs rightlatenip, ) haue ſtrunged Dauids harper: hep hauc ther laudes + moſt worthely, their paynes ought no man carpe. Herein becauſe: all mens delight bene diuerſe founde —— 90 9% J fournd the pflalmes > all whole in fight, iF in rythmes of Diuerskpnde. i. ; And where at firſt: J ſecret ment, but them my ſelfe to ſingg «4 et frendes requeſtes; made me relent, thus them abode to bring. | Crprelle his pen: in exertile, — resist ot peste gee who lit, he map, that cass oy aia By this is inaught s no pines rg igng? ae A tru to God oꝛ man. — Verle cleare to frame z was firlk pretence 3 J folloined Pierame next: Third Chaldep glotes fourth. feuentic fence, brane fe — Ps ſegzxt. onnent in truth inerd nat, keen: nf tnt ot natciee ae Noꝛ Hunter vet: o: agro plane, revi ean ak in tonges Wwere fled fo. ſecte. rth f neta? From Ludolfe thats. Carthuliat,. o-% p) wen wad 7 ‘the collect moſt deryueth: Ve ay * a crete ated No peaple pardy: fo any. matt, Yah anit to tobine,by pr aus betboiueth- srenop at tinal wep the P/alnes, Wlho moꝛe twill fearche : hot here it goes, lef him the Hebrew trye: Where wordes were ſtkant:with ferts 02 poke ’ that want J did ſupplye: And that in fome : repoꝛrtes be found, and woꝛrdes as {pare put fo: They map belek: the fence pet found, — though Metre varpth fo. It fomebeblambde : to rythme to thicke, tranfpofe the woꝛdes pe map ¢ The leue by right : map Domus kicke, the beame ſo fone away. If ſome twill carpe t fo light a warke, graue Pſalmes in rpthmes difplapde : AUet Dichol heave: beforethearke, - how Dauid daunced and plapde, « — Where fences ſtraunge: off dinerfy, be fenein writers ſkill: I did pet pen: mp fantatie, let others do their will. Pꝛreſuming nots pet thus in fight, as J could this do be: Oy ute twas fet: it Wwholedelight, thefe tuties deuine to — And yet good frende: beare thou with nie, though wordes be ftraynd among : he verte and phraſe: fox bꝛeuitie, J {ude bet fence molt. ſtrong. B.iii. 2, Reg.6. Ofthevertueof = Require not heere: great difference, | In wordes fo offe the ſame: Aithough to fele: great violence, J might not chaunge the name. Conceyue in barf: no qriefe fo fore, ¥ wordes olde fo offe to vewe: | ie Thy aapnetherby : is wꝛought the more, though wordes be neuer newhe. How can wo leele: ſacietie, in fourmes of godly ſpeache: Whe foule which feeith : —— loues playnes health to leache. Among gay wordes: that hart were tene, therto ſhe bendeth fir: — ny tbe She doth not gafe: on buſhe fo greene, | o2 fuckth the pot fo2 thirſt. Richt path of truth: mokearneftlp, = -~ God graunt we holdein worde; To lyue co God vnfeinedipy In hart with one accorde. Us ſong thould moue : as fprite therby, might tunes inconcowefing? == God graunt thete Plalmes: might edifie, that ts the chictelt thing. So els if tune: ſhould reafonrule, and ſenſes bute baue will: — To flethly luſt: might popce recule, and foule bide barren Hill, “ 8 — Lae, a. |) fe Ho paſtime haynes fo fing in vopce, —— the Pſalmes. oꝛ thus to fet in rythyme: Kepyne not frende: at this mp chopee, bouchfaue mp reftfull tyme. Werle harde in mouth : tobile off Ichobode, J ſpied therin no waſt: fei. Cleare fent tompnde: moze ſwetely flotude, earſt thus not felt in taſt. : Noꝛr pet of this : Ido repent, fith thus my bart Jeaſde: udge Reader Well: my good entent, ſo thinke that God be pleaſde. All Hheetvd fo iudge: thy neighbours canfe, map the the lyke befall: ‘ Cuen fearethou God: and kepe bis lalues, "told Sbisis nde of al, * m | Gh Ane Dom. 37P 0 z Athanafius in Pfalmos. 4 Do nofa little meruel at; and commende thy conſtant purpofe in Chriſte (frende Marcellyne) not onelpe for — that thou dooſt ſo valiantly beare this prefent aduerſi⸗ tie, wherin thou batt ſuffered right inany paynefull diſ⸗ plefures : as, for that thon haſt not cal of € renounced thp continual ſtudy: for wien Fi enquired of the bearer of chp letters how thou {pect chy lyle atter thy ficknes, Jvnder ftoode plainly, y thou wholy appliett all chp diligence to holy (cripture, but more {pecially te the bookc of pſaimes labouring with thy felfe to this ende, that chou mightet compꝛehende the fecret hidden fence of euerpe pſalme: for tobich thing J mnuftloue thee fo much the moze, for that J] my felfe bearc fo great affection totvard that booke, as to none almoſt fo muche in all the whole Scripture, the tas ther fo enflained therunto by the perſwalion of that aunti⸗ ent olde Father Philoponus, who once in a learned diſ⸗ courte that be bouchfaued to make Dito ine,made euident demonſtration: that whatſoeuer was contepned abꝛoade inthe whole Scripture, was full — in the Plal⸗ ter booke: So that the matter ofthe v. bookes of Holes, - the fubftaunce nfthe iij bookes following, the hookes of the kinges with their fupplementes, all the myſteries of Chꝛiſt, x of the vocation ofthe Hentiles, which were trea ted by the Prophets in their bookes feucrallp: The bokes of the lalines (bepng wel reſembled to a pleafant garden ofali deliciouines) did vniuerſally by Metre expꝛeſſe them all, bp playing them as tt were ſweetely vpon muficall n= ſtrumentes. Zin whiche bis conference be alfo noted, that the booke of the Pſalmes had this peculiar grace and ob⸗ icruation chiefipe by it ſelfe, that beſide other matters ib wobich tt Hath an agreable proportion and fellow fhip, wi other bookes ofthe {cviptures,tt bath this in a maruelous confiberatiosn proper to himſelt alone (ſayth be) that tt cõ⸗ tepneth te motions the mutations, the alterations of eue _ ty mans bart and confcience deſcribed and liuely papnted ig bis owne fight,fo that tifa man lift, be might eafelp gas ther out thereof certaine confiderations of himſelſfe as out of a bꝛight glaſſe and playne paterne fet before bis face, fo therby to cefourine himlelle as be ved therin: forts other bookes bookes(fapth he) onely we heare the preceptes of the fats; what oughte to bee Done, and what vndone, we deare the matter of prophecp to the entent we ſhould tiot bee igno⸗ taunt of Chriſtes comming vnto bs in the fleſhe: further⸗ moꝛe,. we reade the hiſtories, wherby the actes of kynges © holy fathers might be knowne & brought to remẽbrance. Dut in the bookes of the lalmes,oucr and aboue that,we learne and beare ali thefe foreſaid things tufficientip:tberc euery one may fee and perceine the motions and affections of bis atone hart and foule, both tofec whereto he ts incli⸗ ned, and there he is ſtreyned and pinched,fo that be maye haue a very good fourine of prayer therfore, not that thele motions ſhould lightly fal from bis confideration,affoone as be haue hard thein but to learne how be may heale thefe bis affections and paflions,by woꝛde and by deede. There be in other bookes wordes and fentences, which forbid diz uers Vices and enoꝛmities, but this booke preferibeth a forme, bow aman map be deare of them, ¢ bow to auopde chem. As in example, we bee bidders to repente S,¢ to Do penance,¢ told further we be, that trulp to repent vs.is to coafe from {inning > but in this booke ts there a foꝛme fet out onto bs, how to do penaunce,and what ts meete to be fatd pꝛeſently at hand in that cafe and ſtate. Furthermoꝛe S.pPaule teacheth in bis doctrine, that tribulatiõ worketh —— patience bꝛingeth in probation, and probation beeadeth hope, «hope is neuer aſhamed, but inthe plaline 18 {et out,bowe tribulation Mould be bowie, and by what Wales euery one of bs is trped and proucd and what kind of prayer we map vie,to come by this hope in Hod, Allo it is commaunded in precept, that we fhoulde geue thankes in all thinges . Nowe doth the Pſalme expꝛeſſe, what is incete to be ſayd when we do geue thankes. Myozcoucr, we heare of other places of Scripture, that all ſuch as wil line godly i Chriſt fall ſufſer perfecution ¢ aduerſitie: where in the Pſalmes we learne how we ſhould be affected tober we be exilde, and there to flee from tyrannye. In them we learne who they be tobich fuifer periecution,¢ what thank full ppapers they ought to offer to God, whiche be eſcaped aud deliuered fromthe purlute of their enemies. So like= wife we be charged to bleſſe the Loꝛd, and to laude hin in all thinges but how and in what fourme we ſhould praile god, and what woꝛds we ſhould sr att in our — | | Ie Ue linging we hatte chat inſtruction in the Plalmes ‘onetpe, Bo be ſhort, we may there finde in euery caſe as map rpſe moſt deuine ſonges and ballets perteinyng as wel to our lelle in perſon, as to our doynges and ſtate whatloener we © be it. There ts alſo tn the Wialines (apd he)one other mee uclous thing tobe erpended ¢ Foꝛ when in other bokes of Scripture beſide, we reade ſuch thinges asthe holy fa⸗ thers epther ſpake in worde 0 did leauc in writpna(we fo reade them as though we ſemed but ta recite and rehearſe them onelp and thep which aos heare vs when wee reade ſuch matters, ſtraight way thep conceiue in their imagina= tion that they be other mens wordes and dedes that thep Heare,and in luche fort are thep enflamed to thole matters fo rehearſed that thep bend themſelues to be as followers to them to counterfapte the like. Wut whoſoeuer take this booke itt bis bande, he reputeth & thinketh all the wordes he readeth (except the wardes of prophecp)to be as bis ves © ry owne wordes (poker int his owue perſon, yea and whe ſoeuer do but here them veade, he is fo allected to them, as he were the very man chat read them, oꝛ firk fpake-thent, and fo is diſpoſed to warde the wordes of the verſes, when they bee nttered, as thep were poperipe bis owne onelpe wordes, fir by him concepued and pronounced. So that he (hall not eſteme the in a ſinguler vefpece,veferring thole — woꝛdes ta the perfans of the Patriarches, oꝛ of Mopſes, oꝛ of any of the prophets:for.as muth as the plaline without relpect of perlons bo expꝛeſſe as well the rightedus man. tobich abepeth gods precepts,as the ſinners which tranl= greſſe bis preceptes, with all cheir deedes they Do. Do that all maner of men mult needes be comprebended in then; | as of whome the lalines make fo plaine mention. And herelp me thinke the pſalmes be ta bin, which ſingeth the as a glaſſe where be maye bebolbe the whole affections. af bis foule, which fa vttered to his owne fight, be may de clave forth to other: for who that heareth a man veabpng {uch kynde of poeſie vndoubtedly he taker it ſo to bimlelé as it were onely of himlelfe, and fo while conſcience hathe remoꝛle iu the hearyng, he is therby compunct and ſtyrred to repentaunce,« ſometyme heaving what grace the plaim Doth expꝛeſſe as done by shat te to his electes, and what Jape cheyp may have in hint, be muſt needes in the — platio thereot begin to reiopee itt bis conlcience and gen — ssh SOD Ge od his thankes. wherupon be which ſhall {ing the third plalme, in debolding bis owne aduerſitie, be (all fo res poꝛte tt,as though thep toere bis owne very wordes, wvyo that thall rehearſe the io.and 17. plalmes. Be ſqhall fo vtter them, as he pronounced bis atone hope and truſt, who that read the s:.plaline, ſo fpeaketh be the woordes of a penitent contrite bate, as thep were bis in deede. And who that pꝛapeth the 54. 56.57. 142. be is not ſo diſ⸗ poſed in them, as though uld ſpeake e ſho J df fone other which ſulfreth perſecuti⸗ on, but as be himlelle telt che ſame in deede, and therfore, fingeth to Hod thoſe woordes ag bis herp own woꝛdes and petitions, | (ie) “pes é ; — — (=e — + @& Ofthevfe and vertue ofthe Lt holye Scripture is certenly the teacher of alt A vertue and of the true faith: but the booke of © the Pfalmes doth exprefle after a certaine man- ner the verye ſtate and condition of the foule . For as he whiche entendeth to prefent himfelfe to a kyng , firfte will compounde with himfelfe to fet in good order both his gefture.and {peache, leaft els he might be reputed rude and ignoraunt. Euen fo doth this godly booke enforme all ſuche as be defirous to leade their life in'vertue,and to knowethe life of our fauiour,which he led in his bodely conuerfation,put ting them in myndein the reading therof: Firft, of all their affections and pafsions ,wherto their foule is inclined.Moreouer,the Pfalmes forme and teache e- uery man with diuers inſtructions, whereby he maye not onely efpy the affections and ftate of his foule, & to winnea good paterne and difcipline, how he may pleafe God, but alfo with what forme of woordes he may amend himfelfe,& howto geue God due thanks leaftifhe fhould {peake otherwife then were conue- nient,he fhould fall into impietie by his vnreuerent eftimation to@e &, for we mut alt make an accounte to the inde, aswell of our euill dedes,as of ouridle — as Fae IF therfore thou wouldeſt at any tyme deſcribe a ble’ fed man, who he is and what thing makethh hym to be fo 3 thou halt how in theſe Pſalmes. Blefedis that man which hath not walked inthe counfaile of the ungodly..1. Blefred 1s he whofe unrighteoufnes is forgeuen 32. Blefed is be that confidereth the poore 41. Bleßed is the man that fea- reth the Lorde 412. Blefedareal theythat fearethe Lorde. 128. — ik kts ee Bey ee Baas af ‘ Itthou wouldſt rebuke the Jelwes for their fpite thep | : haue to Chriſt: thou haſt: Why dothe Heathen rage. 2. Iff thine obone familiars purſue thee: and if manye rilſe againt thee,fay: Lord how are they encreafed, 3. — my prayer O Lorde. 1 43: | Iftthuũs in thy trouble thou halk cald on God,and hat taried bpon his helpe: and would gene him thankes fo2 that be bath beard thee with bis belpe, fing, Meare _meWwhen I call. 4. Iam well pleafed. 1 16. I wayted pati- - entl ly for the Lorde. 40. ¥ af that thou ſeeſt that euill men lap fares forthee, € therfore defirelt Gods earesto heare thy paver, hg: Ponder my wordes O Lorde. 5 - ZF thou feelelE Gods d2eadfull threates/ t ſeeſt thy felf ‘ afrayd ofthe: thou mayſt fap, O Lordrebuke me not 6. a Lord rebuke me not. 38. O Lord God of my faluation.88 If any take counfaile againſt thee, as Achitophell bpd again Dauid,if thou be admoniſhed thereof, fing. O Lorde my God. 7. | Af thou in beholdyng the grace of our fautour fo ſpred on euery fide, (pecially for the reſt oꝛ!pnng of mankynde to ſaluation: and wouldſt ſpeake thereof in meditation to God, ſing O Lordour gouernour. 8. 4f fo agayne thou wilt fing in geuing thanks fo God fo2 the proſperous gatheryng in of thy fruites , bie the fame. O Lord our gouernour. 8. Bf thou wouldeſt haue thine aduerlary kept back and fhy foule faucd, truſt not in thy felfe but athe ſonne of God bwhich can do it: andfap J well gene thankes. 9 Ik thou percepucl God to be wroth with his people, as though be regarded them nothing,thou bak to pacific him to complayne therof: Why ſtandſt thou fofar of. 1 * Q Godthou hast caſt vs out 60. O God wherfore. 74: It anp mã would pnt the in feare haue thou thy bape in Oovand fing, J the Lord put I my trust. 11. Itthon beholdit the pꝛyde of manymen, and ſeeſf ma C.iii. lice 10 11 14 15 16 7 48 lite (6 abounde ſo that —* is no —— among men repayre thou to God and ſay. Helpeme Lorde. 12: | af thyne aduerſarye lye long in wayte agaynit thee, diſpayre not as though God had forgotten thee, but call: bpan the Loꝛd, and fing, ow long O Lord, 13. Heare my crying O God. $1. My God my God. 22. t Jf thou heareſt any to blafpheme god in bis prouidẽce be tot pertaker Wwith thent in wickednes, but make ball to God and fay: The foole hathfayd. 14. 53. 4f thou deſireſt to know who is a Citizen ofbeattent ? ſing. Lord whofhall dwell inthy tabernacle. 15, > Af thou hatt neve of praper fo2 ſuch as be again the - andbaue clofed thy foule oneuerp fide, fing: Preſerue meO God. 16. Hearethe right O ‘Lord.1 7. Bow downe thine eare. 86. Lorde I call upon thee. 141. 4f thou balk efcaped from thine enemies,and art deli⸗ tered from them who purfued the, fing thou: Jwill lone theeO Lord. 18. My fong fhall be of the louyng kindenes of the Lorde. 89, Bf thou dooſt wonder at the order of thinges created by Ood,confiderpng the grace of the deuyne prouidence ſyng: The heanens declare. 19. and 24. Af thou feck any man in aduerfitic, comſort hrm and pray foꝛ hypm. The Lord heare thee. 20. Ff thou perceyueſt thy felfe to be defended and fed by? God, and tolpue profperoully,reiopce therin, and ſing: The Lord is my ſbepeheard 23 Ifthine enemies cõſpire agaynſt thee, lift bp thp fouls fo God and fap: UntotheeO Lord. 25. andthou ſhalt _ efppe them fo labour but in bayneagaing the. Ifthine enemies cloulter agapnit thee, and go aboute with their bloudy bandes to deſtroy thee, goe not thou a bout bp mas belpe ta revenge it, fo2 all mens iudgemẽts are not trully, but require Gadto be the indge, for be as loneisiudge,and fap. Bethoumy ludge. 26. Pleade, thou my caufe. 3 5 — With me. 43. Sis | at / \ of Itthey pref more fiercely on thé though fhep be in - pumbers like an armed bolt, feare them not, which thus reiectthee: as though thou were not annoynted and e⸗ lecte by Good but ſyng: The Lordis my light. 27. Ifthey be pet fo impudent that lay wayte againſt the fo that it is not lawfull fo2 thee to haue any bocafton by cthem regard them not but png to God: Vntothee wil Iche. 28. | * Itthou wilt exhoꝛt ẽ prouoke kyngs € p2 inces, to fub mit thep2 potuers fo God, andfo regard bis hono2 ſyng: Dring unto the Lord.29.G “ad fiandeth in the congregatio.8 2 Af thou renuelt and builde thyne houſe: bothe of thy ſoule whereto thou receyueſt God to holt, and of thy tz: porall habitation,fong: J w2ll magnifie thee. 30. Great wtheLord. 48. Except the Lerd build the houfe. 127. Ifthou lett thy felfe had in hate for the truthes fake | ofthp frédes and kinfiolke,leaue not of thy purpofe, nor feare them which be again€ the, but thinke.on } whiche follotu : and fing. In thee O Lord haue I put my trust.3 1 Itfthou beholdit uch as be baptifed and fo delivered from the cozruption of thep2 bp2th ,p2aple thou the boun⸗ fifull grace of God and fing, Blessed s 18 he whofe vnrigh- teonfnes is forgenen. 32, arp delightelt to ſing among many,call together righ feous mẽ of qodlplpfeand fing: Retoyce inthe Lord.33 | Af by chaunce thou falleſt amonges thyne enemies, € pet halt fortunably efcaped them, tf therfore thou wilte geue thankes,call together make mew and fing: J will alwayes geuethankes. 34. Afthou ſeſt wycked men contend among themſelues todo miſchiefe, thinke not that thep2 nature doth impell them by neceſſitie fo worke finne agaynſte they2 topll, as certaine heretikes (uppofe,but confider the plalme. 12 barte frewerh me. 36, and thou thalt percepue that thep veto themfelues their obone occafion of ſinnyng. | J — feel how wicked men Doo much wickednes F C.iij. that 24 25 26 23 oe 3, 33 39 that pet ſimple folke prapfe fuch ; iubert thon wilt admo niſhe anp man not to folloiue them, to be like bnto them becauſe thep fhall be Hhootip rooted oute and deftroped: ſpeake to thy felfe andto other. Fret not thy felfe. 27. 4f thou halt decreed to take heede of thy felfe,and ſceſt thyne enemy approch nye the, as to ſuch, theaduerfarp ts moꝛe pꝛouoked fo come wych aſſault, and therfoze wilt prepare thy felfe ſyng. I/ayd 1 will take heede. 39. . Ff thou fet many pore mento beg, and Wilt Hei pt fp to theut,fhou mayſt both thy felfe recepue them to mer cye, and alfo erhorte other to doo the fante faping: Blef= 36 Sed is he that confidereth the poore. 41, Jf thou hall a defire fo Godward, and heareſt thine e⸗ nemies fo vpbrayde the, bee nottroubied, but conſider Wyhat frutte of immoꝛtalitie ryſeth to the for this defirés —7 38 39 40 comfort thy ſoule with hope to God and fo therein relea⸗ uyng and aſſwagyng the heauines of toy ipfe, fap: Like as the hart defireth the Water brookes. 42, © Jf thou wilt remember of Gods ened which be dyd to thew fathers, botheinthep2-out gopng from E⸗ gipt,as inthe Deferte, and how good God twas to thent, but thep bnthankefull to hyin. Thou haſt: Wehbaue heard with our eares. 44. Hearemylaw. 78. My fing ſball be alway of the loving kindnes of the Lord. 89. Heare my prayer, 102. O gene thankes unto the Lord. 106. and 107. When Ifraell came out of Egipt? 114. | If thou hall made thp refuge to God and batt efcaped ſuch trouble as was prepared again€ thee, if thou wylt geue thankes and ſhew out bys kyndnes fo the, (png: G od ts our hope and Strength, 46. 4f thou wilt know hol te geue thankes fo God whẽ thou doolſt refort to him wyth vnderſtandyng found, fing O clap your handes together. 47. Great the Lore. 48. AF thou wilt erhort men fo put toeir truſt inthe lining | God, who nunireth all things aboundantip fo gad mes ble; € blameth the madnes ofthe world : — their yar a = all ye people. Aethawivoniot call vpon the blynde world fas they bwwꝛong confidence of their brute facrifices, and Hen ihé Wwyat facrifice God mot hath required of thent, yng: | : be Lordthe mighty God. 50. | Bithouhak finned and art conuerted and moued fa do penaunce,defirous to haue mercy,thou pat woordes of confeſſion in. Hane mercy vpon rae. 5.10 Sf thou batt ſuſtred falfe accufation before the kyng, and fet the diuell to triumph therof,go alide and fap. Why boatt thou thy felfe. 52. ~ Jf they which perfecute thee with accuſations woulde : ‘betray thee, as the Phariſeis dyd Jeſus, andas the aly⸗ antes dyd Dauid/ diſcomfort not thy felfe therwyth, but * ſing in good hope to God. Saueme O God. 534.609. & Be mercifull vnto me O God, 57. Af thpne aduerſarie ich trouble thé do vpbrayde theẽ and that they his thes be thy frendes, ſpeake maolt agaynſt thee: wheruponifin thy meditation thou art ſomwhat greucd therat, thou maiſt call on God, (ay: ing. Beare my prayer O God. 55. Sf periecution come fierce on thee, and vnbewares chance to enter into the cane where thou hydeſt thy felf feare not, for in thys ſtrayte thon thalte haue erpedient wordes both fo comfort the,and to pnt thee in olde remẽ⸗ bꝛaunce with: Be mercifulluntome O God.57. Icryed vnto the Lord with my voyce. 142. Itfthou wylt confound hypocrites whiche make glori⸗ ous ſhebpes outwardly, ſpeake thep2 conuerfion. are | id myndes ſet vpon right. 58. Ff thy purſuers conunaunde thy houſe to be watch ed | when thou art eſcaped, geue thankes to God, and graue it in the fables of thy harte foꝛ perpetuall remembraunce and ſay. Deliuer me from myne enemies. 59%. Bie thpne enemies cruelly alauit tha,and would -_ x) hOB : le : then Gon: — to indzdinately ing : t Oheare this | 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 * 51 52 33 54 35 a 57 58 thy infe,ottor the Sobiesian fo on agaynllthem and be ot god comſoꝛte: fo2 the moze they rage, oc God fubsuethemandfav, Acyfoule truely. 62, Af thou Apel perfecution,and gettett the inte wilder⸗ nes,feare thou not, as though thou were there alone,but haupyng God nye onto thee, ryſe to hym early in the mor upng, fing. 0 Goa: thee arhmy Gai ; earhe bes I feeke thee. 6 Ze Af thyne enemies inant putthein feare, sits never ceaſe fo lap trapnes for thee, and picke all maner quarels agaynlt the; though they be very many gene no placete thent,forthe dartes of babes thal be theps deſtruction, pf thou ſayeſt: Heare my cryengO.Gad. 61. Let God a- ryfe, 68. Hast thee O God to mie me. 70. Im thoe | | OLorde 71... Afthou wylt laud God wyth a Phaime 02 ponte, fing T hou O God art prayfed. 65. O beioyfull. 66, | Sf thou atkelk mercy of God, ſing: Gadbe mercifiill 67 It thou wouldeſt ong to the Lode, thou hak twbatto fay. Oſing vate the Lord a new ſong. 96. and 98. Ifthou haſt nedeto confeſſe God inyth tchamer ting In thee O Lorde hade I put my trust. 7%. Unto thee O God. 75. Itis a goed thing to gene thankes: 92. O gene thankes vatotheLorde.| 105+ 118.1136... O God:my — hart. 108s Iwill gene thankes: tathe —* with wy whole bart. 1 WL. ene $85! UHL. If thou ſeeſt wycked menproſperi in peace, be not ot⸗ fended nor moued theteat, but fap: T rael lye God i is low “yn Lg ° 7 36 e Af thyne enemies haue betet che wares toh ether thou fleſt, and art thereby in great anguiſhe pet in thys trou⸗ ble diſpayre not but pray and if thy prayer be hard, geue : Godthankes andfap. Iwidlcry to qod. 77. It they perſeuer {till anddefile the houie of God, ‘ill hs elects and-calf thep2 bodies tothe foules of the ayre, a ae hey pity. to then which bei nu | \ fie aero ao fap: O Godthe Heathen ae c cones SG) It wou wilt enforme * mat with the mylterie of . the refurrectiort, ſing: HeazreO thou fhepeheara> 80 “Sf thou wilt fine fo fhe Wor, cali together Gods fer: — pauntes on the feattfull day and fing: Syng we merely. 81. Ocome let vs fing vato thé Lord. 2 5. Bebolde now prayfe the Lerd.. 134. ~ Bftheadnerfaries flocke fogether on eueryſide and * to delkroy the houſe of God and make their con⸗ ſpiracies againt hys religion: let not theyr numbers and power trouble ther, fort hou haſt an anker of the wordes of thys Plalme. Holde not thy tonge. 83. Ixt̃thou caſteſt an eye to gods houſe and to his eternal fabernacles,andbhatt a deſyre therto asthe Apoſtle had: fay houals. O how amiableare thy dwellinges: 84, “Sf Gods terathe be ceated, and the captiuitie ended; Show hath caute holo to geue thankes to God wyth Da- a uid recduntyng hys goodnes to thee and others with this faite, Lord thou art become grations. 85, I-belened —— — 116. mnthe ende ye ie God kinowne. 7 Ifthou init — Paynyms and heretines for that thep haue not the knowledge of God in them, thoumiaill haue an vnderltandyng to fing to Gov, Bowe downe * eare O Lora.86. N ot tovs O Lord, not untovs.11§ + FF thou wilte fee and know the diffent that the catho- like churche haue from fchifnes? and Wwouldett convert them or to difcerne the church coucernyng the outward ‘appearaunte,and formes therof: thou mayſt fap. Her oh coat are upon the holy hils. 87, Af thou wouldeſt know hot Moyſes prayde to Goo, € inbys meditation recountpng the bzittle Fate of mans __- Ipfepefired Goo to dited fo bis ſhorte life, that he miaht follow wiſdome read. Lordthow bust bene our pefiige.90 Af thou wouldelt comfort thy (elfe arid others in true i ort —— than lh eto Goo wil neuer Differs © . Sutter 59 6a 6t J 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 2) 96 fufter a loule fo be confounded, but fo make it bolde and inithout feare for Gods protedion,fong: Whe fo dwele leth under the fence of the almighty fhallabyde, 944°. It thou wilt fing on the Sabot day, thou bat: a good thing to geuethaukestothelorde. 92, 4f thou wylt ſing onthe ſonday in meditation of gods worde, defiring to be inftructed therein, luberebp thou — map reff in Gods holp toil,¢ ceale from ali the workes and doctrines of vayne man:reuolue that notable pſalm Bleßed are thofe that are vadefiled in the way. 119, Hf thou wilt fing in the feconde day of the Sabbothe, thou haſt. O come let us fyng vuro the Lord. 9 5. af thou wouldeſt ſyng to the 1.020, thou haſt what fo fay: O fag unto the Lord anew fong. 96. and 98.— It hou wilt Tig the fourthoay of the Saboth, ſyng: O Lord God to whome vengeaunce belongeth. 94. far thet whan the iLo2d was betraped,be begat to take bengeace on deathe, and to triumphe of it: therefoze when thou readeſt the goſpell. Mherein thou heareſt the Jewes to take coumſail againſt the Lord and that he ſtandeth bold⸗ lpagapnt the Deuill then fing the fozefapd Plalme. 2 Lorde qoo ‘thou {wilt ine ort god. # ribay, thou hatt a conmngs dation of the Pſalme. The lord is king. 93. fo2 there wmas the houfe of Gods churche builded and aroundivs founded, thaugh the enemies wente aboutete binder tf: for which cauſe fing ts Gedthe ſonges of triumphante victory, with the ſayd Pſalme, and wrth. . ALany atyme haue they fought — Me 129. and topth O fi ing vn- tothe lorde anew fong. 4fthere beanp — whern thy houſe is layd watt and pet builded agapne,fing:...O fing 7 yato the lorde.g6., - Uf thelande be vert wyth enemies,’ and aſter come to any reff by toe power of Gad,t! thou wut fing. therfore, fing: Thelordeisking. 974 Ff thou confiderct the providence of Gad in, hys go⸗ uernaunce ſo ouer all, and wilt inſtructe any sig | poo bane fing: OQ be ionfiull inthe lorde 100, . ‘melius. 1 147. af thou dooſt acknawledge i in God bis indicial potuer and that in iudgemẽt he mireth mercy, tf thou toilt dain npe vnto hint,thou halk the wo2ds of this Pſalme to this ende. My fong fhall be of mercy andindgement. 101. It for the imbecillitie of thy nature thou art ivery {ith the continuall miſeries and griefes of this Ipfe,and inoul delk comfort thy felfe,fina: Heare my prayer O lorde. 102 Iftthou wilt geue thankes fo Godasit is mo congru ont and duc fo2 all bis giftes: tuhen thou wilt fo. bo; thou ‘Hak how toiniopne thy foule therunto, wyth thefe, if Praife she lorde Omyfoule. 103, and 104, BE thou bailt praple God, and alſo knowe how and for what caufe,and inpth inhat wordes thou niailt belt batt, . gonfider. Prayſe the lorde yeſeruauntes. 113. O pra} Je cthe lorde ye heathen. 117. Behold how good. 13 3+ Praiſe > the lorde O my foule. 1 46. O praife the lorde for it 1s a good thyng toprayfe. and Prayfe the lorde O Hlierufalem. 147. O.prayfethe lorde oßheauen. 148. O ſyng vatothe lord. 149. O prayfe God in hys holines. 159. Ifthou halt favth to (uch thinaes as God fpeaketh, € beleueit that which in paper thou vttereſt: fav. 7 bele» : Hed ana therfore I willfpeake. 116, tatheende. Iefthou fœieſt thy felfe to rpfe bplwarde indeares of weil workyng, as though thou fapot with. Paule. J forget thoſe thynges which be behynde me and fet myne eves on thinges which be befare me, thou ball in euerye exaltation ofthy pꝛegreſſe what thou maveſt fate in the rb, (onges of the ſtavers. 120. Be thou beelt holden in chraldeme vnder ſtraying and wandryng thaughtes: and feel thy felfe dzaiven bp them, thereof thouart fore, then Mave thp felfe from thencetorth, and tary where thou haſte founde thy ſelle it: fault, fet the doinne and mourne thou alſo as the: Webzew people dyd, and fap with ere _ By the waters aay 5. Diy. of 7 78 72 Sq aS: 82 83 34 85 36 87 88 89 : i J gaa of Babilon we wit. downe andy wept 13 Ff thou perceyueſt that temptations ha tentto awe | the,thou sughtelt after ſuch temptations ge ue God the thankes and ſap: O lorde thou hast fe ——— out and knowne me. 13 9s oe af pet thou be in bondage bp thyne enemies, € foul defi fayne be delinered,fap: Deliner me O lorde. 140. Sf thou would pray and make fupplication, fay. — Lorde I calluponthee. 141, 1 cryed — lde, 42 ne NHeare my prayer O lorde. 143. Af any tyrannotis enemy rpfe vp agayntt thepeople, x feare thou not,no inore thet Dautd dio Goliath, but bes lene lvke Dauid and ſing. Blefed be the lorde. 1 A4e It thou art elect out of lois degree, ſpecial lye before o2 ther to fome vocation fo ſerue thy brethern aduance not thy felfto hye againtt the in thyne owne power, but geus God his glory who dyd chole the, and ſyng thou: J will magnifiethee O god my y hyn 145, | Of thou {wilt fing of obevience Hayling (Bod with au lelupa,thou halt thefe: Ogenethankes. 105. 106. 107. Iwill geuethankes. 111. Blefedis the man, 112% Prayfe the lorde. 113. .Whenlfraelcame out of eA:gipt. 114. Tam well pleaſed. 115. O prayfethelorde. 117. O laude the name of the lorde. 135, O genethankes. 136 Prayfe the lorde O my foule. 146. O prayfe the lorde.147 O prayfethe lorde of heanen. 148. O fyng unto the lorde, 149. O prayfe godin his holincs. 150. | Ji thou wilt fing (pecially of our Sauiour Chit, thou halt of hym in euery plane, but mo chteflp int, Unto thee O lorde will I lift up my foule. 25. My harte 1s endi- tyng of agood matter. 45, The lorde ſayd unto my | lord. 10 Such Plames as then his lainfull generation of hys father.and bis cozpozall pzefence be theſe. J the lorde put I mytruft. 1y. SanemeO God.,69, Such as do prophecy before of his moſt holpe crotte ¢ palſion, tellyng how many decettfull aſſaultes be futtep- ned fn2 a a saiik * he ſuffred be theſe. Why * Ie i ‘the Heathen: rage. 2 Blefed are thofe that- are. pie; ed : gee * aa in the Way. 119. Such as expreile the — enmities of the Jewes — betraping of Judas, be theſe. Heare my prayer Ogod, $5. Holdnot thy tonge. 109. The king fhall re- ce. 21, The lorde euen themost mighty god, 50. Gene F hing the iudgementee. 72. Saue me Ogod. 69. Such as delcrive his agony in bis paflion, the cruelty õ of his death and ſepul ture be: My god m y god. O lorde god. 83, and that he ful, fred. not, for hiuirfelf but fo2 bs is declared it the Plalme aloreſayd 88. the feuenth. verſe ſaveng: T bine indigna tion.lyeth hard vpon me. & inthe Co.plalme, in the fourth vberſe: Ipayd the thinges that I nener tooke. Such as erpound bis dominion and bis preſencei in the lett be theſe: PreferuemeO god. 16, Suche as Helv his gloꝛious returrection of body be: The earth 1 ws the lordes.24, O clap your handes together.47, Such as {et out bis alcerition inte heauen be there. q Thelordeis king. 93. O ſi ng vnto the lorde. 96.98, The _ bordisking,the people. 99. “And that he fitteth on the right hand of bis father: Lhe 110. pſalme maketh manifelt ſaving: The lorde ſa fa — to _ my lord, fit thou on my right hand. Such as ſhewe that he haue authoritte of bis father to iudge, expreſſing his iudicial power, both in condemning {be Deuill and all wicked nations be theſe: 9. pſalme, the b.berfe: Thou fhalte rebukethe Heathen and destroye.the ungodly, Gg enetheking the mdgementes, 72. The lorde euen the 8 — god, 50 God ſtandeth in ‘the congre- » CG 82. Thus thou mapk by readpne thefe,heholne Chritkes | myſteries and that benefites the Lode hath geuen bs by bys Natiuitie and pation, — Lo ſuch is the ſtyle efourme of the planes fo2 mans “ble and commoditie It is to be temembzed that the beginning otthe in this table, be according to the tranſlation comnoniy v= ſed in churches x not of the tranſlatiẽ herealter folowing, 33 94 95 96 97 98 99 8 | Pro phetici ( Hy prophetant de 7 Chri- . (Promifiiones. de libe-~ | mm p> WwW Pfalmi quodammodo fic conficatis vt aij fae: ——— ito; eccleſia & etiam ſan⸗ Con- | randis pys & perden Horum afflstionsbus. | tt dis Impys Historias Narratorij 5 Dicuntur tn narratione. [ nen- < rerum — Expoſitorij Exponunt felicitatem Dei tes. —— At \proutdentiam, €§¢. . — Eruditorij Hij docent fuciendum | Chump tinion> auf : quid omittendum. | Co n- : Gerbs Dei, Gitapera- | Adhortatorij aw Adbortaxtur ad bona opera. Suen tiones traditionum. | Commit latory | imprecantur smpys | nen- Condemnationes Rel te eas &ec. tes. | malorum bominun. Confolatorij te Hy confolante in aduer- \ rs Exempla con foler ; Con- ont & testationum Gratulatorij < ‘Grteubooiae.s in pr ‘ofperis. | | — Inuitatorij | Inuttant ad selbstiamgra- — en — prorum con⸗ tudam, Sc. ) tes. —— Beprecatorij (44 orant inwocant > 4 Petitiones, - Ob{ecratorij Obfecrantur & implorant Con- | Deploratsones prop- | 2 < opem Det in necefsttate. _\.t- 4 fer pec cata és cala- Interpollatoriy | Expotulant de malorum nen-~ } smstates. tye, proſperitate. ) tes. ( Accufationes,propter | \ Gim aduerfariores. Euchariftics ( Hy gratias agunt. 3 a C enfeßione beneß- Con- | csorum Des & mira -Laudatory < Celebrant ‘acs Det... ti- bilium operum esta nen- LExaltationes de per- Eultatorij — Ege. j tcs. Mae Factoria a lsbe- | ratione. ; ( Yi: “¢ 7 Lilie, propheti- Mixtt 2 Hy ‘slates fons msl Gel 3 am,dotrinam,con- pene? locos habent. ra | ge gig cat eR 7 \erotiarum, actioncm | _Eruditorij : Confolatorij: Precatorij: Euchariftici : Mixti. —— > | P4829.24-45-47-72,9345 5-97. 2 ui denunciant & vaticinantur 11.110. Quinarrant | 1934945 0.73.79 87,80. 105. 114.115. ni narrant & confitentur 26,121.139.131, me TZ Fe TFB Q ug defcribunt beatiudinem. 1.32.41,112.128, Quidocentvirtutes) = 15. 101. 119. 125.133. ui admonent 37. | 2 ui exhortantur +0 3 oe 33.96,98,103, sige Q wi exhortantur cum cantico 145.81,66, - Qui minanter empretant rs 7199.64.94! 2074.70.7 fe Qui veterum — babent Bo, .108,1 5380, 77 3 Q ui in domino gloriantur 23.27. 40. 42. al 34.9901 226 Quialacriter canant OT.118, - LQ ui pronocant ad inititiam iia, 8,82, 5 —— nn =) *5. 95407.134 7 "\ . sr ive ui precantir epereiey NST Sh, ,68,90.102, 13 2414141 7320,28, Q us confitentur c& plorant peccatum, ‘945 14643.943 817591 0641 354143,13 05 Qui inuocant 2 > 465 54.1 42. 3. 69. 123. 32527.31. 35. 233.. onem 5 7559+64.83586,88,140, Qui ad enentum ſolum 326. 80. 123.1 36,133, Q ui accufantompws, 241041463 645 245 3679: — — — Quintin gratia jot E 8, B——— Bs $5, 116, 124,126, cure a mnis canunt. .... 48.65.92. 144. >) (129% anunciant ee > 3 1174146147148, 149,150,138 ) us exultat de refurrettioneé 56 ‘ (IIIs Be exultant tantum. 7100s E .j, — quatuor tãtum mui icos modlas(quds: than pos fine tonos vocarunt)celebres habuerunt.Sci-. licet Prothum;: Dentrum : Tritum & tetradum qui- bus recentiores ſuperinſtruxerũt alios quatuor qua- fi collaterales, & hos ex gentium peculiaribus affe@ti-.. bus fic ——— notarunt vt Dorium, Phrigitimy, «3% OW Lydium &c, quibus modis maxime trahebantur, . Nam morum fimilitudine mollioresin molliore eau dent tono,& natura hilares , Iucundioribus triſtes vr grauioribus modis deleGantur,iuxta innatam quan-. dam proportionem affe&tuum animorum,cam diuer fitate confonantiarum quibus occulta familiaritate: excitantur, 7 Oftot tonorum diftinétiones & ~ oe Dee Prothus 5 he Hipodorius q PA cy Dentrus Q Hipopbrigis Lydius. Tritus s | Hipolidius 3 Mixolidius Fetradus } f é F Efipomizcclid ing Sa us, decenter & moderate incedit, ; pr oprietat C$. ~~ } Secundus, ſeuere cum maieſtate tonat. — modeſte & religioſe grado — s, Indignatur & acerbe infultar,, * eae Sy apa 4 adubitin & allicit.. Quinta S, Tucundt deleétat & ridets, Sextus, Lachrimatur & plorat.. Septimus Incitate progreditur & imperiofe xa — — x —* — ee . j . ol ia ee | | “Li manner of Scripture for that it is infpierde “from God aboue(as neceflary for inſtructiõ) 1s Yexprefied by the determinatio of the holy goft “tothe inteht that all men in commen, fhoulde © gather ont therof(as out ofa ftorehoufe of Phifike . for the foule) péculiar remedies ,eucry one of vs for ‘our Owne infirmities: forfuch Phifike asa certaine writer teftifieth will reftraine great and many finnes. “Now where asthe Prophetes haue dorine proper to themfelues,and-the bokes of the deuine hiftories matter by themfelfe:the law haue his peculiar forme ofteaching, andthe Prouerbiall bookes haue their feuerall kindeofexhortations . The booke of the “pfalmés comprehende in it felfe, the whole commo- ditie of all their do&rines aforefaid, for it prophect- eth of thinges to come, it reciteth the hiitories, it _ fheweth lawe fot the gouernaunce of life, it teacheth -what ought to be done,and to be fhorte, it is acom- moi ſtorehouſe of al good do&rine, which doth apt- ly diftribute matter to euery mah peculiar to himfelf for it healeth not only olde feftured woundes of the Toule,but alfo can geue quicke remedy to fuche as be newly made.it ftayeth and comforteth that member whichis fickeand corrupt, & preferucth that which is whole and found,it plucketh vp by the rootes (as Anne Do- much asis poffible)allfucheuil affectiõs as do raign | fo tirannically in the whole courfe of mans life, which ‘effect itworketh as it were with agreable deleGation imitilling pleafantly into our hart,all fober honeftye. _ For where as the holy ghoſt perceiued that mankind was hardly trayned to vertue, & that we be very neg- ligentinthinges concerning the true life in dede,by reafon of our inclination to worldly pleafures & de- lectations: Whathath he inuented? he hath mixte ——— UG mus: in * - ww: in his forme of do&rine the deleGation of mufike,to thintent that the commoditie of the doctrine might fecretlye fteale into vs, while our eares bee touched with the pleafauntnes of the melodie, Euen muche like as expert Phifitions vfe to doo, when they mini- {ter their bitter potions to ficke children, leaft they — fhould abhorre their helth, for the bitternes of their drinkes, for the moft part they annointe the brinkes of the cuppes with hony. And for this ende bee thefe {weete and harmonious fonges deuifed for vs, that fuch as be children either by age or children by ma-_ ners,{hould in deede haue their foules wholefomely inftructed,though for the time they femie but to fing” onely. Furthermore, we fee commonlye that they which be of the vulgare people,or of rude and groſſe nature,can not redely beare away and kepein mynde the graue preceptes of the Apoftles or Prophetes, where yet the deuine pfalmes they fynge at home in. their houfes,and abrode they canrecordethem,And certainly though a man were neuer fo furionflye ra- ging in ire and wrath, yet affone as he heare the ſwetę tunes ofthe Pfalmes, ftraight way ishe aflwaged of _ his fury,and muft depart more quiet in mynd by rea- fon of the melodie. The pfalme is thereft of the foule, the rodde of peace, it ftilleth and pacifieth the ragyng bellowes ofthe minde, for it doth aflwage and mol- lifie that irefull power and paffion of the foule, it in- duceth chaftity,where reigned wantonnes,itmaketh - amitie, where was difcorde,it knitteth frendes toge- ther,it returneth enemies to an vnitie againe : For who can long repute hinias an enemy, with whom he ioyneth himfelfe in lifting vppe hys yoyce to God in prayer. So that the fong of the Pfalme worketh cha. ritie, whiche is the greateft treafure of all goodnefle _ that can be, deuifing by this inducement of concord © finging the knot and bonde of vnitie, fo ioyning the | peo⸗ _ people together after the fimilitude of a quiere in their vniticoffinging, = | — he Pſalme is an introduction to beginners it is a furtherer to them which go forwarde to vertue, it isto the perfec mana ftable'foundation'to reft onjit is the fwete voyce,the onely mouth of the fponfe of : Chrit the church: The'pfalme doth cheare tlie feaft- full day, the better to reioyce, itworketh that fame heauines whicheis heauinesto godwarde: for the _ pfalmeis able'to plucke out teares of any mans hart; _ thoughit be neuer fo ftony harde. | -. Owife and merueilous deuife of our heauenlye {cholemaifter,who could inuent,that we fhould both ——— fing and therwith profitably learne,where by wholefome do@rine might bee the deper printed in vs: forthat which with violence and force islear- ned ofvs,is not wont to abide long, but that whiche entreth iato vs with pleafure,and by louing grace it continuechthe lenger in our hartes,it fticketh the fa- fer inour memories. . PRAY HAAG * “Now asiforthe matter and content of the Pfalme, whatisthere;but that a man maye learne it there? Is not there to be learned the valiauntnes of fortitude? . _ Therighteou fhes of iuftice? The fobernes of tempe- rance? The perfection of prudence? The forme of pe- naunce? The meafure of patience? ‘Yea and whatfoe- — * vertue or perfection isitnot there ftauentes. — : RTS . Inthe Pfalmeisconteined abfolute diuinitie,both prophecy of chriftes comming in the fleih. The thret- fullwarninges ofthe iudeement.The hope of our ri· fingagayne. The feareofGods punifhmentes. The promufes of cuerlaftingioye. The rewelatio of all my- fteries,all thefe be laideand couched vp in the Pfal- ter booke,as ina great treafure houfe common toal men.Which booke the Prophet Dauid framed moſt WO E.1iJ. aptly ? aptly (among miany inftruments of mufike) to agree with the inftrumente called the Plaltrie Signifien therby(as I can iudge)the grace of God to come fro boue by the infpiration of the holye ghoſt: forthys onely! inftrumente of allother hanethe caufe ofthys — founde from his vpper patte, where theharpeorthe late by their wreſtes haue theirfoundcOmme forthe out ofthe lower parte ofthem, but the pfakterye put — forth the ſwetenes of his harmenious melodie from the vpper patt, teaching ystherby that we fhould fer _ our whole ftudy and meditation in heauenly thinges aboue,and not by the fweetenes of the tunes to bee borne downe to the fenf{uall affections and delectati- ons of the flethe. — J —D Chriſoſtomus. InPfalmos. toe. ho. tsi 2) 2 Sthis life ts ſuſteyned by meate, which it doth firaighte way ministre after it be receyued , euen fo af we bestowe our endenour to vertuous actes, we {hall obtaine Gods line dye fprite , by.the pofefion whereof, we {hall flowe in all good workes, Which on the other fidesf we performe nats the fayde | fprite will flee from vs,of whome tf we be destitute, We muste xedes halte in any doing Wwe bane : for ifthrs holy ſprite should depart from vs ,confequently wil the wicked /priteenter which thing may clearely be learned in Saule who Was fore huunted therwith. Mow What fhould helpe us,though we be not vex ed fo extreemely wyth Juche a {pirite, as Saule Was vexed, if Wwe bee tormented and choked by malicious actes and wret= ched dedes : We kane therefore muche needeto hane Danids _harpe,to fing to our foule forme diuine harmony, as Well gotten out of the Prophet, as alfa fleving from good life, fo that whe- ther of them beth we vſe, that w either to ſing fome P falme or. foug of Dauid,or yet te beginne a vertuous life, wefbal therby destroythe deuils poWer in us, as readily as Dauid Was Wont tv aßwage Saules fury with bis harpe > And this {hall be our priacipall remedy to obtaine all righteonfnes to the healthe of | OT our fonlesyea befide this the deuill fhalragefamuch the more an furywhen hefeeth that for all his ſinfull ſug gestions, we be noching draune toeuill for thefé vngratious and uncleane ſpi- _ rites are euen inthe beginning of their temptations afrayde,. least we fhould hane occaſion geuen vs by thei wicked fugge- ftions to turne our Wwhele entent the rather taworke fome lau- aabie acte. So that when they fee Wwe ſtande aud perfeuer ſted- _ fastlysthey rage themore, for that they bee fo frustrate in al their buſic care they haue to hurt us.Wherupen,after our vic~. tory fo.gotten,let vs fing aut fome ſong of thankes; the farther * to beatefromvs that diueliſpimportune afault of our enemy: ig for the deuill in deede cannat.utterly deprine vs of heauen, 20, for many times he is afurderer to vs,by his warryng against ¥s,fothat we be watching Wwarely at him,and vſe fobernes to wvinne heauen.from whence wilfully many be cast. by their un atious and finfull lining. Andverelywhatfoener hebethar offendeth of purpofe,and that of fet willrageth in mifchiefe, is _ aplaine deuill,and is not Worthy to haue pardon or fauor of a⸗ ny man, Det vs therfore fingtothat foule that is affected wyth, _other fayinges of holy ſcripture ſpecially DanidsPfalmes: In: fuche wife that the aut warde voyce maye edtfie the inwarde > mynde. Doubtleße, when we instructe and frame our tongue ‘thus to fing;the conſcience of man musi.necdes be alhamed if _ he doo not preferue that thing atthe leatt whiche he fyngeth hes though his difpofition inclineth 10 the contrary.So that by this meane Wwe fhall not winnethat commoditie, but manye other. commodities as Wwe {hall for example reherſe. Fir5t, the pro-. phet Dauid vurote not onely of thinges that were to come, but: J hedifputeth of thefe viſible creatures ce of the inuifible forme: _ of the firmament. NN ew if peraduenture thou-defirest to, be: taught whether this firmament fhal fiand firmely in that fame ſtate that it is of noww.or.no, will not Danid firaightWway.aun-. Swer thee'and ſaie. he beznens fhalt waxe olde as doth agar-. Pp bdo: ment and thou. O-Lord ſpalt chaunge them as a vesture, for. ſal. TORS. they fhalt be tranfpofed, Alſo if thou deſineſ to heare of the: facion ofthe heauens, hy him maiſt thou understand st. wri Mets : E riij. Lo” Saag. 104 ® 104 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 ting thus, Iſtretcht out the beanens ike a turtayne. Bofide | this if thou. wouldest knowe further of the backehalfe of the. heanens she {hall fay to thee, Whiche couerest the vppermost. rartes of beaues With waters .And yet ts he not content to rest. here but maketh mention of the bredth therofsdeclaryng that both fides be of equall dist ance,fayeng. Hove much the East iæ from the West fo farre hath he put our finnes from vs. And as hie as the heanen is fromthe earth, the Lordebathfolargely confirmed his mercy on them that feare him. Furtkermore.yf thou wouldest fearche for the foundation of the earthe, thon canst not bee ignoraunt thereof, When thou hearest him ſay. For he hath found the earth upon the feas. Alfoif thou deſi- rest to know the caufe of the earthquakes thou mayst under-— Stand it by him when hefingeth thus. Who beholdeththe erth and maketh it to tremble, fothat now of thes thing he putteth thee quite out of doubt. Moreoner, if thou longest to know the courfe of the nighte, enen of him maist theu haue this kgoW- ledge Inthe night( faith he )all the beastes of the woode haue their walke, and to What ufethe hils were made,bealforeleth. } it thee .T he bie hils-he appointed for artes and hyndes. And. Wherfore theftony rockes ferue,that he defcribeth alfo, fayengs. The chifes androckes be the couert to conies. sAndyyby thé. unfruiteful trees bethere groving s there ( fayth be) fhall the Sparowes buildthei negtes. Why moreouer Water fringes be. flowing in Wildernes thus be ſpeweth. By them will the beats. — of the field bauetheir abiding . Alfo to know Why wine ſerueth not for to drinke onely, feeyng that Water mighte fupplye that Want aboundantly : but for thes entent tomaketbe more mex ry andioconde. Wyne(fayth be maketh glad the hart of mã wherby thou mayft confider, bow far forth wine fhould gor in lawfull vfe: Furthermore, of him mayest thou beare, howe. Soules and fanage beastes be nourifhed. They alO Lord fet their eyes to thee that thon fhouldest gene them meate in due feafin : Andif thowaskest a'reafon of the creation of thy. houfthold beastes be will anfWer thee that thefealfo Were cve⸗ ated for thy fake fayeng thus, Who bringeth forth grene * ah : an andra for beastes tothe fernice of man. Whythe Moone 1064 enedefull: Heare of his worde. Whomadethe Moone for 104. | di$tinttions of tymes, How befide allthinges-vifible and in- | wifibleweremade, hefhewerh i clearely thus. Hefaydethe 34 vorae and made they were: He commaunded,and by and by they Were created. end that there fhall be once a difcharge Fom continuall dyeng,heteacheth thee after thi forte. God 49 haue delinered my foule fromthe power of death when he fhal take me vnto him.F urthermore he enformeth vs, whence thu our body had his originall,thus. Lam (ſaythe he) ingoodre- yo 3 — membraunce,that Iam dust and earth, and hall returne a- 46 4 gayneto my dust whece I {prong. Furthermore that all things “Were created for thy fake,thus he fayth. Thou hast crowned 9 bim O Lord with honour and glory, and fet him uppe oner the workes of thy handes. And what fimilitude Wwe mortall men “bane with aungels thus he ſpewethit. T hou hast abafed him 8 Somewhat lower then the ſtate of aungels. Alfowhat loue al- wmightie God bearethtovs,thus he doth exprefveit, Like asa father pitieth his children, enen fo hath the Lorde compafiion onall them Which feare him. What is layd up for vs for here- after,and What rest we fhall haue in the ende of this life, thus ‘be certifieth vs. R eturne O my (oule into thy rest and quiet. 115 Furthermore, why the heauẽs be of fe huge compafe, he ſpew- eth thus the cauſe. The heauens fet out tofight the glorye of 19 God. Why the night and day were made, he telleth this alfa: snot to geue light onely and rest bur befide this to instructe vs. There is (fayth he )no language er woordes in them, and yet 19 their voyces be heard.F inally,in What maner God doth walke in his compafse both on fea and land,he deferibeth it, asthe e- pistletothe Hebrewes anoucheth the fame.T he deepe is achis 104 -garment.\T hus taking atast of thofethinges that be faid be- _ sfore,ye may coniesiure other thinges higher and greater, that _ “to fay,of Christ,of his refurrection of the ioyes and paines to come : of inordinate affections of lawes and {uch other fo that _ pe cannot refort to Dauids.bookes, but ye {hall cary thence in- numerableriches: For if thou fhouldest fall inte any beaui- J | F4. MES 44 A4 49 25 33 49 49 42 nes, or Into any enill affeclion of minde thefe pfalmes wal muels | auaile to thy comforte, If thou be fliden into finne,there fhakte thou finde many falues to restoverhee,if thou beest onerlades With pouertie,or With any aduerfitie, in them fhalt thou ſee to appeare many restfull hauens for thy refuge,if thou be in ſtate of righteoufnes,there maieſt thou finde howetokeepe thee in fuertie therof sf thou be in ftate of ſinne, there fhalt thon be put in much hope to be pardoned, af thou fufferest many difple- fures for righteonfnes fake, thou fhalte heare Dauid confefe thus. For thy fake O Lord am I as daily appointed to death, and againe . We be esteemed as {heepe preparedto the flangh- ter, all thefe thinges faith he, be-come on vs, ana yet Wwe haue not forgotté thee but tf thou fhouldst waxe proude by the fight of thy good deedes thou {halt heare him pray.Enter not Olord tuto mdgement With thy ſeruauntes, for no man on line can be iuſtified before thy fight, andthus ftraightWway {halt thou bee wonne to follows humilitie.Yea furthermore sf thou hast com= mitted any thing wherof thou might ft take difpaire,thou fhalt heare him oftentimes to fing, T his day if ye heare hts voyce, harden not your hartes, the hearing wherof, Will fone refolue the foule into repentance. Befide allthis, though thou were a -king glorioufly crowned,and therwith hawtie and proude, yet there fhalt thou learnethis: That a king is not faned for all his valiauntnes, nor the Gyant ws in fafetie by hus great power and mighte, and [aby this meanethou {halt be abated in thy priae. If thou flowest in riches and giny of this worlde, thou Malt heare him againe finging. Wo he to them Which trust in their power and in the multitude of their goodes, and in an o- ther place. Man ts in hus dayes as grafe whofe pompe {hal nat £0 downe into the graue With him, and thus by ſuch confidera- tions thou {hale repute nothing in allthe earth muchto be eſte- mea. for if thou defpifest thefe twothinges (I meane power and glory which exceed all other thinges in mens eſtimacion, what can there be beſide wherto thou fhoulds fet fo much thy hart ? Alfo:f thon fhouldst be onercharged with any heaui- nes of hart, thou mayſt here there. Why art thow thus heauy iy Ahh —— O tiny foule andvelyyddoolt thou [o'vexe me?T rast in the lord ; for I Will gene him thankes. Quer ths, if thou/psest manye mento haue great commendation, without any caufe of defer- ning fpeake thouthusto thy felfe. Be not enuious at wycked men, for they hail wither away like grafse, and {hall fade to nought euen as the grene herbe in the field. If thou chaunce te marke how good men ana euill men be both together afjistted, yet by Daud thou fhale understand, that the maner of theyr affiittion is nor alone for he fayth that there be many fcourges for finners, which yer be doth not affirme te be inflicted vpon good men When he faith. T hat the inst man haue many tem- tations but out of them all God Will deliner him, and agayne. T he death of finners is odible. Where the death of his electes is very honourable before the Lorde. ESR R enolue therfore fuchthinges as thefe be oft With thy felfe and by the instruction of them get thee fome understandyng, Sor there ts a large wilde fielde of Wife fentences comprehended in thefe fayinges aforefayd : yea in enery one of them thoughe they be briefiye thus vewed and perufed by vs. But if ye wik more exattly fearch out theſe fentences of Danid,ye {hall pers ceiue that they wil /prede into plentuens frore of goftly treafure. Ouer and beyond that ,enery man that will, may by thefe fay- inges,purge himfelfe of euill vices, how fast fo ener they haue roote Within them. If he will neither geue eare redily to enuyes _ neither yer to bitter malice, if he yoill deſpiſe riches, if he fee light by aduerfitie,by trouble,by ponertic,if he fet not much by hishfeatal. | | © This maner of contemplation will far driue fromvs all vice and finne.for the fubduing of Which vices, we muste gene our _thankes to God: and thus by defpifing theſe tranfitory goodes we may Winne the goodes enerlastyng and through patiencein Aauerſitie and by the confolatio we haue in holy ſcripture, we may haue hope, and at the last te entoy the blife o come thorough Iefus Christ, to whom With ehe father & the holy ghoſt, be all honor 8 World withoant ende, Amen. ‘ she | Fy. Au- 37 Anno Do- mini. 430. eAuguitinus. hb. confeß. io. cap. 3305 —— ‘ -p He deleGation of the eares had once boundme — ftrongly yea they had fubdued me,butthou (O Lorde) didft ynbinde me,and madeft me free. - Now in thefe f{weete tunes which thy holy {crip- tures geue fo liuely a grace vnto,when they be funge with the fweete voyce of cunning men: Ido confeſſe that Iam fomwhat delectably holden,but yet not for that I would dwell and abide ftill there, but that my affection might be ftirred to rife vpwarde when ‘I fee mytime. But yetthefe tunes and notes thus liuelye made by th®dittie of thy worde, the rather doo they defire to haue place inme, yea they wouldemy harte fhould haue them in great affiance , which yet | bane not peraduenture altogether as is moftagreable,For - {ometime me thinke Iefteme this muficall harmonie- ate) more hiely then is conueniét,as when J feele my hart to be more vehemently ftirred to ardent deuotion by thofe holy wordes,when they be fo fet ont with fong thenif they were notfofunge : ForthisIperceyue, that all the affections of our {prites in their diuerfitie — of natural difpofition,to haue their peculier proper- ties and facions, as well in refpect of the voyce, as of the tunes.So that by a fecrete familiaritie and ſimili- tude that is betwixt them, the mindes of men be di- uerflye affected and rauithed, but the dele€tation of my fleih, thoughe it ovght not to fubdue my mynde with to much vaine and feeble fenfualitie, yet itofte deceyueth me,in that my brute fenfes doo not wayte on Lady Reafon,as modeftlye contentto come after her, but they {triue to go before her & would be her guide,and other canfe can they alleage none, butfor — that byher at the firft they were broughteinand ad- _ ‘ mitted. And thus I offend vnbewares,thoughe after- ward I perceiue it, So againe while that I eſchue this ai . | futtle ~ - Tuttle deceit of my fenfes, beyond due meafure Ierre ‘on the other fide, by ouermuch fower grauitie,yea fo far otherwhiles,that I would all fach fwete harmonie -of deleGable finging,wherewith Dauids Pfalter is v- fed to be fung,vtterly remoued not from mineowne | eares only,but banifhed out of the church to,as iud- ing that waie to be morefure and furtheft from pe- rill of abufe that I remember hath bene ofte told me done of eA thanafius bilhop ef Alexandria, who caufed the readers of the quier to recite the pfalmesin fuch euen equalitie of the voyce, thatit appeared to bee - moredlike a reading then a finging.How beit,whenI | calto minde what teares I wept at the hearing of the fonges which thy churche and congregation did vſe to fing to thee(O Lord) what time I firft began to re- couer my faith vnto thee(as me thinke enen yet {till I fecle my felferauithed,notyet with the finging, but with the fweete matter which 1s fung,fpecially,when | it isfung with full exprefled voyces and with decent © harmonie)then againe I iudge this ordinance of fin- _ ging to be much profitable and expedient. And thus am I toft betwixt the danger of vaine deleGation and the experience of wholefome edification. But more am Linclined and induced to allowe this cuftome of finging in the churche (although I fpeake not this as in fentence diffinitine) that the weaker forte of men, might by fuche deledtation of the eare, rife vp to godly afteGtion and heauenly deuotion.Not. - withftanding, when I fele this in my felfe _* that the melodie moueth me more then the matter of the dittie which * o--) Gs fung.I confeffe then that I of- vos. fend mortallytherin, & then 8.02 0 Po _ with Irather not to heare | . {uch fingyng then fo to heareit, F.ty. Io- An. D. 379 Jofephia. ib, antiq. Ind. 9. ta, t40. Ist * ‘Hen Dauid was at reſt from warres and o Anno De- V | ther fuch daungers,and had now peace at mini. L006 * will, hecompofed fonges and hymnes to Godofdiuers Metres, fome trimetres and ſome guinguemetres,and caufed diuersinftrumehts:to be made,and he taught the Leuites how they fhoulde _ in their diuerfities fing and playe hynines on theSa+ both and other feaftiuall dates: Of which inftruméts {ome as the harpe were lowde and fhirle made of ten itringes which were touched with the one end of the wreſt. Nablawas of xij.ftringes and tunes, and was playde on with the fingers. There were alfo Cymbals of brafle both large and broade. : | Euſebius. li. 2. cap. 16, 17, in hist. ecclefiastica. —J— Anne Do- Nilo an Hebrewe borne, who as reporte goeth, meni 59. cameto Rome in Emperour Claudius daies,and {aw Peter the Apoftle, and was his auditor hea- .. .ryng the dodrine he preached, amonge other _ thinges that he wrate of the chriftian fed, fayth thus. The chriften people haue in all places of their aflem- blies, houfes dedicated wholye to prayer, into the which they reforte aparte by themfelfe,and there vie. to haue their myfteries miniftred in moft honeft and chaſt life, wherein they bring nothing that ferue for eating & drinking, orfor any other corporall necef- ſitie of the body, but onely the bookes of Gods lawe and of the Prophetes,and hymnes made to God and {uch like things as thefe be, by which difcipline & ver tuous exercife,they be together edified, & fo by daily continual diligence they attaine to very perfed life. Furthermore,they do not onely vnder{tand the aun- tient hymines of their Elders,but they themfelues * uiſe - nifeneweto Gods honour, whiche they fing with all kinde of graue numbers and rythmes in acomély ho _ neftmanerjand with ſweete harmoni¢. And further- niore Philo faith, ourhymnesare fo fong with vs, orderly and. comely by obferuing the certentie of his numbers, all the multitude befide, fecretlye geuyng eare vnto him, at the laite fyng together the latter partesofthehymnes. : Enfebivs. lib. 3. cap. 33. wm hist. eccl, Linius the fecond,who bare office in a certen Pprouince vnder Traiane the Emperour, per- =» eeyuing how fro day to day were flaine great numbers of the chrifltian people being much. moued atthe flaughter ofthem ; reported to the fayde Em- perour that thoufandes of people almoft innumera- ble were daily put to death, in whome was ſpyed no crime at any tyme done or committed, nor any thing els contrary.to the Romaine lawes, fauing.this onely ' that they vfed to fing before day to one Chritt,as to a God their morning hynines. But as for adulteries and fuch othercrimes they vtterly abhord, and kept _ themafelues clere from them, and lined otherwife cu- {tomably after the common lawes, Traiane the Em- perour by this mans aduertifement made decree by authoritie of his refeript,that the Chriftians fhoulde no more be ferched for,and except that any of them offred themfelues, els not to be punithed. _ Hieronimus in prologo galeato. NErtainePfalmesasthe 36, 110, 171. 114. & the 144. although they be writen and compo- -” fed in diuers Metres, neuertheleffe they bee in- «4, terlaced-wyth the Alphabet letters of all one number. — 15%: ue SE Fransicy Ree... F.iiij. Eu- Niceph.li. that uvhere one(as Chanter) fingeth before one verſe 2· ca. 16. Anno Do- mind Ae ad C4. 85s play and fong. Not with "hea ——“ tb. 20 ca. 3. no) iy he) okad the perfee Chill of the Hebaiey aie : wy “fhonld perceive that they had among them | many right eloquent oratours,for they haue verfes and Poefies made by motte exquifi ite arte and cunning,as that great Canticle of Mofes,& the 118) Pfalme of Dauid , be compofed in Heroicall Metre}. which is called verfe Exametre. They haue alfo fuch o- ther,as well trametres and tetrametres which as concer- ning the compofition of them be deuifed mioite elo- quently,fubftantially and pleafantly,and asconcer- . ning the fence and matter of them, nomans —— isto be compared with them,for in them are expref- {ed gods wordes,and wordes of mere tru th,wherein | be conteyned godly dofrine, knowledge of — thinges, and wholefome conclufions. , * 74 “Idem. Eufebius, Jib, 12. ca. * ; 2 pe that deuine Philofoper, indged that Metres ought to be fing, for(fayth he)difcis blines be fit for education and bringyng vp of Children, to traine them to aright life & lawful conuerf{atio. - To theentent therfore that childrens myndes might follow thelawe,that therwith they fhould bothi joy & mourne, let them learne Metres and fonges, and let them fing oft fuch. Wherein be conteyned the com- mendations and condénations of fuch things which the lawes commend and condemne, becaufe the ten- - . der wittes and yeares of children, can not comprife the reafon of vertue,they be well prepared thertob hibit sood kill therfare doo we (Chriftian men) vfe,that children doo learne the the canticles of the Prophetes. Neceſſarie it were (as the faide Plato affirmeth) that Poetes (who be inuenters of fuch — he Oree 4 forced bylawe,that in their vetfes, wher tliey be de⸗ fcribing a bleffed man in felicitie, to. praiſe none o⸗ ther for fuch,but him that is a good man, modeft 0 rightfull in his doyng, whether he belittle or great, riche or poore » And that whofoeucr were a wrong doer,to call him mifer, thoughe hewere richer: then’ Creſus or Mydas. Let thefePoetes therfore'calino! mana bleſſed man,excepte he come-by-theft goodes ~ (which be fo calledofthe vulgaripeople)both right. fully,and alfo rightfully difpend the fame.And fuche matters beyng compiled in their rythmes-and verfes were good for the youthtolearne.As Dauidinfpierd | : — grace of gods holy ſprite fo deſcribed a bleſ-· ſed man in his Odys and ſonges ſonge before thefe dayes, teaching who is truely a bleſſed man, and vho is contrary. In the beginning of his Pſalter ſaying: Blefed ts that man whiche Wwalketh not ix the counfayles of | Wicked men, G&c. Ho: panebs And furthermore writeth Plato, that itisa grace f cially belonging to God himfelfe,or to fome per-. a es man chofemby him: wellto vferythmies & ver⸗ ſes, and therefore it were good that there were dili- — for them that they ſſould haue no other reſpect, but to fet out vertue, to which ende all Mufike thoulde be applied, Asit was fo prouided a- mong the Hebrues,who were reftrained from recey- uing any other hymnes and fongs, then ſuch as were compofed. by the Prophetes, who were inſpired by the holy ghoft.Furthermore,;I graunt to Plato in this _ thing which is commonly ſpoken, that dele@tation & lefant fatiffieng of the eare is iudge tomufike.But I ay that is beft mufike,which delighteth good men & learned men, & {pecially fuch as excell others in ver- tue. And therfore vertue muft bee.iudge in this cafe, {pecially fortitude and prudence, and not Mufiketo be eftemed good by the allowance of the rnde people aa: = G.j. which ca. 16. which beled and blinded with icnoraunceland wyth cowardly bafe affections. Forſo among the Iewes of olde time, the indgement of divine fonges, was not ermitted to the multitude , but fome there were, thogh thei were buta few,which iudged thefe things by diuine infpiration,who had the authoritie to con fecrate(as I might{ay) and to approne the bookes of the Prophetes,asalfo to:difalowe and to reie& fuche as they thotightdifagreable from Gods holy ſpirite. Bafilius in concione ad adolefcentes. Imotheus the Mufitio, fo excelledin that arte rand facultie,that he coulde ftirre vp a mannes mynde toanger by hisrougheandfower har- -· monie, & could aflwageandreleafethem agayneby a foft kinde of harmonie at his will and pleafure: Of whom it is writté,that when he had at a tyme before Alexander fung the Phrigian harmonie, he excited him as he was at fupper,to runne'to warre,and again by his moſt gentle and eafie harmonie,broughthym — again to the table among his geftes.Such firenght & vertue is fet in the true vie of mufike. As Pithagoras _ once by chance wasin cOpany among 2 fort of wantd & drunken folke,wherupon, he bad the mynftrell to change his fong & to rebuke their diffolute wanton- nes with playeng tothem the Dorian harmonie, by which mufike they were caft fo in a thame of thẽſelfe, that they threw from thé their garlands,& fled home all confufed fortheirlightnes, where before by the harmonie he played,they raged in fury as men out of their wittes. So muche auaileth it to haue our eares filled with vertuous or vitious fonges, wherefore I would yong men fhould haue fo little ado with ſuch fonges of mufike, as nowe a dayes be mofte fet — they would with any thing moſt monſtruous and vi- cious, ye let them enfue that other kinde of muficall 2 yee fonges Fol, 2506 SE aes F sion ' —— ſonges muche betterthen the’ other;. and ſtirreth vs ai %& X Vuatotherthingis this confent and conere- V ] gation of waters, but as it were the harmo- Y nie & finging together of the people ,wher- J upon, the church is well compared often- times to the Seas, which churche by the firſt rufhyng in & entrie of the people, gufheth out as it were wa- ters aboutall the porches and allies of the temple, & after that in the prayer of all the billowes meting to- gether make a great noife by the refponfaries and an- fwers of the Pfalms,as when there rifeth vp as it were “aconcorde rebounde of the waters by the finging of . Men,women, virgins and children. ) © KN icephorus teeth that the catholike church from «»»»» thebeginning,hath receyued thé cuftome of | . ~~ © finging Pfalmesandhymnes. © ©“ "<= * _ Nd the auntient church euen from the apoftles Li 5 hane receiued the maner of anthems,that is;to ere fing their fonges by fides and by courfe.Andit isfaid that diuine Ignatius which wasthe third | Bifhop in Antioche churche, from Peter.the Apoftle who lined alfo along tyme with the Apoſtles, beyng — in atraunfefaw anew vifion, how that the holy —J els did extol in praiſe; the bleffed Trinitie with their ongs, by courfe one anſwering an other.Wherupon, he was the firft that did deliuer this forme of finging _to the church of Antioch, from vhõ as fré the fpring this cuftomeis {pred thronghontall churches, | a G.y. Ber- : Demarde in bit: 3 t a: epiſtle to Abbate Guido. OE fong be had atany tyme, letit ‘be ful of — 1 chat it neither founde out wantonnes nor rude- nes, let it be fo fweete that it be not light, let it fo delighte the eares, that it moue the hartes in aſſwaging heauines, and tempering ire,Let it not depriue the letter of the fence, but rather aug- mentit? For itis no light loffe of fpirituall grace, to be caried away from the profi- tablenes of the fence,with the light- nes of the notes, and to beemore ~ carefull vpon the chanting of : the voyce, then to geue ~heede to the matter. © ee ae Lo thus you ſee what is comely to come into the hearyng of the church & what heis thatis the author of the fame, | Henrie — of Suri a ——— inhis Ecclefiattices. ——— All cb as enterprife, bay. fis Fo putnewethingesin'vres Ofiter that feorne [hall their deui fe, \. May'well themfelues affure. ee = His bdoke is called of the } AES Seucntie Intérpretres'a Pfalter, by the Hs : <4) name of pre event te : Wher- ee as = unto(as to fome others)thefe Pfalmes — —— — name it a - tga taal booke of laudes or prayfes . Chrift our Lorde cal-_ fiat 4.3% ~ Jeth it Pfalmes and the booke of Pfalmés: As dothe alſo Peter the Apoftle,out of the whiche becauſe our - Sauiour Chrifte taketh hys tettimonies, he fheweth that they were written-by the in{piration of the ho- lyghoft. | e This firft Pfalmé is as. a Préface of the booke to exhorte al 4: men to the ftudie of Scriptures to get heauenly wifdom,an | it teacheth that godly men be blefled of God, and wyck« men be accurfed of hym whofe endes fhall be thereafter. a The firft Pfalme: * The Acgument. ‘es S chensi ifs #0 [OAS $f men bor ood und bad: Triades, — Shewth difference ht fhewth their fruites) . Rear * Thr bares pits rir endes bork glad fed Soe BOSOM css 291: | me Peccatoress —*- — ; ‘ c AC Derifares. An ble no doubt: who walkth not out, ee Complias ~ Nin wicked mens affayres : | Via. 0600and ltondth mo dates in ſinners wai⸗ — ee BL WA \ 102 fifth in ſcoꝛners chapres, Z > 5 Ir = ** G tty, — ——— But holdth euen ſtill: Gorslaweinil, | with all bis hartes delight: | Peed Ano win him bfe: on it to mute, — to keepe it day and night. He like ſhall he: the planted free, nie fetthertuers courte: — Which fruth in tyde: whoſe leaucs abide, all pꝛoſperth what he doeſe. Not ſo,not ſo: the wicked do, lyke Bulk or chaffe they be: Aphoplt by winde: as light bp — from face of earth to (ee, 7 herlore theſe mem: ſo wicked then, in iudgement ſhall not ſtand: * Noꝛ ſinners bee: in companie of righteous men oſ hand. es, Whe Low dothknow: and will auow, mens wapes that are of God: TWhere hall decate: the beaten waie, | af wicked men ſo bꝛode. | G The Collecte. Opie father make vs tobe as fruitfull trees be- oe fore thy prefence, fo watered by the deweof thy grace,that we may glorifie thee,by the plenteoufnes. . _ | of ſweete fruite in our daily conuerfation, taoroag — — ChriftourLorde, Amen. ih J Palme. ay 2 GT he Argun yale’ WE. Of Christ ye fee | ! : A Prophicie ¢ Thus Dauia ſabe with vs: “ F apes ¢ Shouldrage againft him * Quare fre- wueruat · 377 WY fumethi infight: the Gentils pte, a fe ¢ ain furpraging ftont? \ Wi bp taketh in bond: thepeople fond, Gane thinges fo boing about? 2 Chekinges ariſe: the lordes deuiſe, in counſayles mett therto: Agapnit the Lord: with kalſe accord, again his Chak they ao, 3 Left bsthey fap: breake dobone their rap, - of all their bondes and codes : — Wie willrenounce: that hep pronounce their loozes as ately loꝛrdes. ; Wut Godofnught: inbeauen fo bright, Shall laugh them all to ſcoꝛne: The Lord on hie: ſhall them defic, they ſhall be once foꝛlorne. 5 Then lhall his ire: ſpeake all in fire, fo them agayne therfore: He ſhall with thoeate: their malice beate, in his dicplealure ſore. G.iith. Bet 10 11 —— I 4% on VetamJ fet : a sp | on Sion hill full fate: Though me they kill: vet twill that it, my lawe and worde dutcalt. Gods wordes decrede I hꝛihwoi ſprede fo2 God thus ſayd to me : $pp ſonne J fay: thou art »this day, Ahaucbegottenthe. Aſke thon of nice : J will — the, to ruleali Gentilsloudes: Thou thalt pofiele: in fuerneffe, the woeld how wide tt ltondes. WMith iron rod: as mighty God, all rebels ſhalt thou bruſe: And breake them all: in pieces fall, as ſherdes the potters vſe. Be Wile therfore : pekinges the moze, Keceyue pe wiſdomes lore: Pe iudges Trong: ofrightand wꝛong, aduiſe pou noln before. . Whe Lordeinfeare : pour fervice beare, * with dread to him reioyce: Let rages be: reſiſt not pe, him ſerue with ioptun voyce. Whe ſonne kiſſe pe: lett wroth he be, loſe not the way of reſt: Foꝛ when his ire: ts fet on fire, who truk in hym be bleſt. TheC Aect — ———— an ae ee ee ee ae J “id Pfalme, WT 5 ; The Collette. ne @ PReake afonder O Lorde the bondes of our finnes that we may bee faithfully yoked to the preceptes of thy law,to ferue thee in feare and reuerence,to the laude of thy holy name. Through Chriſt. &c. OT he Argument. Pſalme. III. | Shien _— * may comfart hane of God, woe b | Pe pit diy —* Dauid fled ſo brode, —vLoꝛd how ill: encrealethep Mill, : es that trouble me ſo fo2e? NAPA Full many vite : in fpitefull wite, — agarnit me moze and moze, Riight manpone: whan J do mone, alaſſe my foule thep fret: GP Sela Ther lay Ibaue: noGodtetaue, = ob this tenip tation great. 3 Butpet D302: thor boilt acco, as ſhielde to fence my foule: . _ Dy worthip cleare : thou art full deare, my bed thou wilt ertoll, 4 Idid but mone : With voyce alone, . ‘to God mp Love in Will: He heard me iuſt: as J opd trukk, J Sela from his fo holp bill, § Alapdemedotone: Jſlept full found, . and bp J rofe agaprie : | Fo2 Godmekept : wherefale J epf, _ his grace pd mie ſnſtayne. Dt ia 6 Palme: MIL * To be — oꝛ vet diſmayde, rie ; * fo2 thoufandes ten, tobat ncede· Whey goabout: todtiuemeout, . but God will dull theyr (pede. i 4 Wp 1030 faue me: my God molt free, , . an cheeke thou ſmiteſt my foes : Wiel balk thou chruſt: theyr teeth to buf, of fuch as {wicked goes. 3 into the Lord: by frufhes reco2 abe, belongth all fauing belth : Why bleffing hand: fo nie doth and, fo worke thy peoples welth. se : GT he Collette. | pos vs O'Lorde thy heauenly benedi@ion, that — we may be armed with the fayth of the refurrec- tion not to feare any army of men fet againftvs. Through Chrift. — gq The Argument. — THT. 3 hae hie fe * —* complæynth to G odfult fore, C * 7 — — they facrifice therfore. x ay God fo hie : heare when F crite, Y(seh) wyright is all in the: — Thou takelt me fro-: alfroublous wo — | have mercy heare thou ine, 3 Be ſonnes of nen : how long agayne, will pe blafpheme mp name? Why triumphe pe: in vanities roa Scla wihr feeke pelies to frame sisi RKno — Pfalie, Ul. Know this pefoes: that Bod hath ett himſelfe all godly men: And when J call: this Lord ofall, be ltraight will heare me then. _ Dftwrathfull ire · refraine thefire, firive not but mule in hart: Upon pour beds ; keepe Till pour bene, ) deathes day recount in part, ‘Loke pe ariſe: in facrifice, of righteoufnes in fill: Gnd put pour truſt: in God fo wk, but tame pour ficthlp twill. Chere matty bee: that fav,D fe, — wWho good fo bs can do? Lift bp thy face: of cherefull grace, | on vs D Loꝛd fo go, | hou chearf my hart : as Gad ae art, inith tove of thp good ſprite: Since corne and wine: with ple fo nts | of theirs increall in fight, Jwillme lay: in peace J fay, mp lepeto take fullwwell: 4 hope fo2 hou: D iow as now, mak me molt fafe to dwell. QT he Collecte. Eare vs O mercifull Lorde,and haue compaſſion on vs in our tribulations, and wherethowalone art moft worthely magnified i in thy people: graunte that we may haue fpirituall gladnes in our hartes, by the — of the heauenly reward. Through — ⸗ * ® ~ 8 Malme — a . The ——— Mve yr. The church in fprite, — Maketh ſute aright feral oppre | inom ; — ber : — ancetis she Tewes he blamth anu Verba mea | . , xpend D L020: my plain’ ue worde, * in griefe that JI do make: My muſing mind: recount mok kind geue eare kor thine obone ſake. 2O harke my grone : My cr'ping mone, my king,my Oodthau art: Let me not trap: from thee abbay, to thee ¥ p2ap in bart. , 5 Dy voyce and bvowe: thou wilt alowe, cord betymes D 4020 fo free : MAE’, An ſpring of Dap : J the will pray, and thallloks bp tothe. 4 This 4 may vow: the God art thor, which hatelt all wickednes: sho malice fell with thee can dwell, thou loueſt no crucines. 3 Such koliſh ſpite can bide no ght, of thp god lovely face : Thou dok defie : their banitie, WwWbho wickednes embrace. 6 Thou chalt defkroy : and them anmoy,; with lies who Mame thy worde: Bloudthirlty men: which craftp remie, fhe 3.920 hath them abhorde. ult Palme, V. ution I a0: thphonteinto; in truft of thy great grace : In teare J twill : do honour Lill, to agatntt that holy place. D 1020 be quide : defend mp fide, in thy great righteouſneſſe: Hake plapne the way: leſſe J do ftrap, © my fors challbrag theleiſe. Their mouthes erp? effe : no faithfulnette, thep: holow bartes be bapne : Wide throte thephaue : as open graue, theyr tonge but lyes do fayne. Deſtroy their thought: O God fo2 nought, thep2 owne wayes be theyr ſhame: Expell them out : in lies ſo ſtout, who thus blafpheme thy name. Hef then retopee : that truft thy vorce, ape thankes they thall extend: 7 WAho loue thy name; ſhall ioye the fame, thou doſt fo them defend. Thou i020 wilt than : geue rightinife matt, the heauenly bhiffe from thence : Thy fauour kynde: is not behynde, as them with ſhield fo fence. GT he Collecte. (Merciful father whiche knoweft the fainentation of a for- rowfuil hart and contrited {pirite, before it be vttered, in- found into vs thy holye ſpirite alway to fue ynto thee in ail our troubles,defend vs with the fhield of thy protection, that wee may be found daily attending to thy willand —— e, to giori- fie thy operas Chriſt, &c. Bay, + | The Aiginant alr VI. * 3 te — perch ! by of | men all rape in Wwe. pr 6 Atlast they Winne Doni i oy 2 steer | ; Gas helpe for fi * nie é and g! lad? ras the fo 1 Carpe not ſower: thou L020 of poe, my ſinne tt ire to fozes Noꝛ chaften me : in crueltie, | J pꝛay to the therfore. Ra Wut mercy haue: mplifefofaue, © O Loꝛd fortweakeamg: Hy bones be vert: with feare annert, thy domes make me fo crpe, 3 Hy foule alfa : ts full of woo, my conſcyence doth quake ¢ O Loꝛrd Holv long: thy neil fo frog, {halline thus fearetull make. + ® L030 returne ‘thou feet z mourne, y make free my fouleto qo: | | — Db ſaue me nolo : thy grace auowe, thy glory — therto. 5In death no matt : remember tan thy name to celebrate: Mhat man thus bound : thy — can found in pit and bell to late, | DE groning fo : Jwearygo, my bed Jnyghtly waſhe: | My couch with teares : fo2 ſinfull * Jwater thus alas. Hy 10 Domine deus meus ZT in te. Palme. Vit, et Id. sy benty wanneth: mp trouble andi, Favne sves fo2 thought be Dprumte : i a) g9y seale kor wrath : much magre hath, amrods mp foes fo bꝛymme. Auaunt pe all : topon J call,. which wworke all vanitie: The Lord of holkes : hath heard pour bates, and eke mp weping crpe. bartucall Whigs 102d F fap : at nedefull Dav, | hath beard my meke requell : * Frombence be {will : with mercy til, heare ine to geue me reff, oH pue-entemies : all bafefull fies, ihall feele both ſhame and pape : | Gods helping grace: them all chall chace, fo fle fwift backe agayne. QT he Collette. } O Moft mercifull father: which of thine owne ten- der fauour artalway inclined to heare all mens _ peticions.Heare now the hitble voyce of our mourn- full prayers,and graunt to our infirmitte health per- petual,and as thou vouchfaueft to accept the requeft of our prayers, fo vouchfaue to comforte vs ftill wyth the continuaunce of thy mercy,through Chtilt. &c. GT he Argiment. Pfalme. VII. 3 _ * bat Dauid hewed his Spite So who with lye —* * at 5 Ts charged bie wee Ooh é his La mee aright » ~ a yk ‘ (4 fo2 whymy God thou art: of, Frommen ontrue: tobich nie purfue — * faue me and take mp part, - Bet a ts. P falme, VT, Lelſt he deuonr: my foule fo ſtourc, isd OSS as Lyon doth thetyaper Leſt pieces ſmall: hemake ofall, ifnone bemetokepe. — 3 DOodmp Led: let truth record, if this in mie Do ſtand: | | Let ithe fought : iiquile 7 io20ughf, fenill done bath mp hand. 4 BFF god twill : bane taken euill, to frende that frendlp delf Bea quit did 3] : mp enemp, when caufeles bate 3 felf, s Mhenlet mpfoes : tuoske all sheir woes, | | and fake nw foule in ſpite: | a= Sela aes them confound : mp life fo ground, mp name in Dull to weight. 6 ® rife inire : Lod J defire, my weathfull foes rep2effe Stirre bp tome : thy fet decree, which once thou dink erpreffe. So folke in ſtreete: on beapes will mete, in charch to pꝛayſe thy might; Fonrall their fake: nw partietake, rapte bp thy felfe on bight, The Lord iudgeth au: as truth befall ¢ D fentence geue mp fide: — . omy delert: ſtand Lord in hart, ag itt ny went be tried. — Pfaie: VIL 9 ief euill J pꝛay: conſume altap, — to z1 ee Te —* 14 — — a of wicked men thetrapnes: — Db guide the ink : true God of fru, thou trielt both hartes and raynes. No helpe of man : obteyne F can, mp God is all myne apde : $e them preferueth : that well deferueth, Inhofe hartes to right belapde. Sek God iudge he is : “fall right iwis, both trong and patient: . J Who dare prouoks : his heauy froke, to ire oben be.ts bent, Except petourne : pour life in —* his ſword he myndth to whet;: | Wis bowe to bend : he Doth entend, iti is ſo ready ſet. Deathes dartes molt hard: he hath prepare; again their pade and Io20ng : Dis arrowes bight: beprelk ta — theſe perſecutoꝛs Grong. Behold and fe : how traucleth he, fo Do all wickedly: Concepued hath he : anxietie, but beare be ſhall a lye. Co delue and digge: apit fo bigge, his bart was wholv bent : Wut he in pit : Mall fall init, ‘Be ) Fo og SO, <6 6 FSoriulinfpede: hisiorathfulloaoe, {with hym (hall meete at gate: Wis wickednes: in (pitefalnes , (hall fall bpon hys pate. 7 In hart all whole: will extoll, this 1,020 as be deſerue: iG J will reco2d : this heauenly 1025, his naine Jmeane fo ferue. G The Collette. Lmighty God fearcher of all hartes,deliuer vs fr all them that perfecute vs,& graunt to our hartes ftedfaft perfeueraunce in patience in the expeGation of thy iudgement, fo that we reuenge not our felues on our enemies,to prevent thy iudgementandcom- — maundement, Through Chrift,&c, ) a 7 ra eee ae @T he Argument. Pfalme, VII. a @ | ip ie * for his great giftes to men How Christ deiect Ag Bomine Of cruell ett & and how heraignth Agayne Dominus | | Gos noite. F ae Lord our aide : thy name holy ide: zr f ae) J inallthe world ercels? | MY, bp aloo areat : thou hie halt ſet, —aboue the beauenily eels. — Wabes mouthes fo vong: euen ſucklings tong, thp laude thou madeſt them tell : | Thy foes to blanke : their thzeates to Danke, fo ſtill thaduenger fell, | ve | Pfalme, Vill, - ¶Thy heauens whan J: confider bie, thy mighty worke of hand: he Mone by night: of Starres thelight, in o2der how they fand. What thing is man : 102d thinke J than, . that thou fo him regardſt? What is mans childe? fo bore fo milde⸗ that thou is hym rewardlſt? Thou didlt abate : his poꝛte ant fate, moꝛe lowe then aungels bee : hou dio him croiwne : in great ey aduank in dignitie. ThoumadelE hint fitte : as Logo molt fitte, of allthp woꝛkes of hand: | Gud vnder caf : all thing thon balk, as bis foteftole to fand, Both ſhoepe and colwe : the ore to plotve, thou madeſt forzmanbisioue: Che beat in fielde : both tame and wylde, that man might all improue. Allfoutes in fhie : how bye they fie, iy. wee ſtoupe foꝛ man bis neede: Gli fithe in ſea: holy deepe they be, thep rpfemans tonne to fede, >. 1.020 of polver : our gouernour, bolw much ercelth thy name ? This woꝛrld (o wide: therin what bpdeth, doth {pede thy worthy fame? ) a0, The 16. Palate, 1X, GT heColete. | M ot sisted and bountifull creatour, we moft ‘humbly befeche thy maruelous name and power deuine, that where thou hait made all ————— fub- ie& to the vfe of man : So vouchfaue to make vs mete and worthy ſubiectes to the lowly feruice of bee mer cifull goodnes: Through, &c. GT he Argument. Pfalme. rx. ; TeGadapped for tyrauntes inst decaid: confitebor eae eames with fong : J wilful long - hy inhartgeneWowtothe: / Jwill endight : of thy great ntighf, thy wozkes fo wondrous be. 7 twill reioyce: in hart and bopre, J full glad in thee O Loꝛde: * Thy name fo hie: to magnifie, in ſong J will accoꝛde. Foꝛ that in haſt: my foes Hed faff, * and backe fell all their might: | SPo better (pede : thall them fucceede, but fail from thy god fight. 4 Wut thou in pede : hak maynteined, my right and eke my caule : Thy thoone istrue : thy fentence due, ‘thou judged with equall lawes. “ a Wade ; Piatt, 1K * Theheathen feet = Well haſt thou checkt, | thou halt fropd wicked men: f x eo 2 ‘Shou balk they: name : put aut iit hame, Io TI fo2 ape and euer agayne. O thou ſohye: myne enentype, thy walles haue now their ende: As citie be : deſtroyed by the, theyr fante wyth them isihend. But Gods denife : hall ſtand and rife, the 3,020 ſhall fill endures In iuſt regard : he bath prepara, bis feat fo iudge bs ſure. F 02 righteouMes : he till erpreffe, i when be thall indge the land ¢ 7 Andiudge Hall hee: inequitic, — ; bis folke by rightfuli band. She od J fay : {will be all dav, a fence fo2 man oppreſt: } Arefuge ſweete: in feafon mete, lubengriefeathandis pret. Who knotuth thy tame : will truſt the fame, fo2thep thy worderoleke: SF 02 their aduayle: thou wilt not fayle, all them that the do ſceue. O pravle the L020 : in pfalmes accorde, inho dwelth in Zion place: | Declare his rength : with werdes engn to lolke of bis god grace. ait. si i~ 5.19. F 02 * 17 ¥3 $3 14 15 16 ‘ 18 me ot PAR IX, Foꝛ whan in ire: he doth enquire, fo2 bloud he them recounth : He twill mot pet : the poore ſoarget, thep2 crpes fo bpm do mount. O Loꝛd me fane : and mercy haue, erpende mp Wwofull Fate : How fuffer J: mone enemp, ryd me from death the gate. What J map tell : thy daughters Incl, ot Zpon all thy prayſe: To fprede in Creete : thy health fo ſweete, ta ioye thy bealth alwayes. ‘Whe Heathen be : fonkedotune pete, | in pit that thep ppd Deluc : heir olune fet net : theve fote hath get, and trapt therivith themfelue, Whe Lord is (ene : how he hath bene, true indge to {wicked bandes : he wycked ts : Well (narde tits, wyth workes of bys obone handes. The naught hall dwell: euen theud to bell, itf they wyll not repent: Pea all the rout: that put God out, of mynde fhall foule be ſhent. F 02 God ſo tuple : wyll not sefppfe, allway the poove that wayle: ache rettfullbarte : of mylers * fo2 euer ſhall not quayle. paca * Pfalme, 16 83 Vp Lord fo and : : left vpper band, | ‘man get of thy qd flocke: Whe Weathens (pite : iudge thou ht fight, — topth all thev2 bꝛwde and ſtocke. is 30 ut them in feare : thy dead fo beare, O i020 themfelfe to fee < As inzetched men : how wyde thep renne GP Sela in errour all fromthe. Ve quid Domine. 21 1 QT he Collecte. ——— ofall comforte and conſolation, falfill our hartes with thy heauẽly 1oye,to confefie thyname — before the powers of this wycked' worlde, and fo . aflift wyth thy protection,that we may perfift agaynit all ourenemies, finally, to reioyce in thy helpe & {al< uation. Through, &C. . The Argument. Plalme. X. ils —— é it prayth against the proude Who ufe theyr might T 0 boste in fig "8 ge heyr ende not fo allowed. mt ¢ ij Hy Kondk fo far : and arf no nar? 9 Hy / 2D) iL02d Inby bpdelk thy face 2 Ww Px waathen trouble ryſe: wilt thou deuiſe em innede to hew no grace. CU hyles men of poyde = fo wycked byde, the poe in firets bent: Let them in wiles: and all thep2 guiles, betrapt wyth ipke enteut. = Ry, Thun⸗ Cae We 24 25 26 27 28 29 16 ie Pfalme, X : Thungaodlies ackes bis boſtes and crackes, be prayſed at his deſire: ) With papfe all roufe : the courteous, | whom Gad abbozrth in ire, | The wycked weght: fo vaunteth in fight, of God to force right nought: We taketh no care : in welthy fare, | No Bod inall his thought. ys croked wayes : all greuous lapes, thy iudgements {cape bis eves: He feareth no man: fap tuhat be can, all koes he doth diſpiſe. An hts pꝛoud bꝛayde: his hart thus fapd, tufbe,tobolhallralfmedotene? Po harme 02 woo: can chance mete, | my polver kepeth my renowne. His mouth euen owes : With curting theotes he topnth decevt and fraude ; Ungodiynes: in folyihnes, his tong hath vnder palude, Helurkth in ſtrete: as thiete i is mate, fo clofe wyth ail the riche: Whe iult to kill : in peuiſhe will, the pore be marketh mich. In denne he dwelth: as lyon fell, and lurketh the poore to ſnatche: The pooze by might : to rauiſhe quyte, whom he in net doth catche. a 4 wy So — sate = * eh . or 5 * “Se pe BO aa S ies En SS ee — — 8 ro He kalth at eye: mol tawningly, * pet guiles beall bis fruites: 6 ey {hat this pw2e fort : myght fo fin in handes of bys deputes. xx His hart ſayth tuſtz: he thinkth euen thus, that God forgotten hath: Dis faceawav: heturnth (he tant) Ta be feth no poꝛe mans (tath. 12 Pet God and L070: for thy true worde, | ariſe lyft vp thy bande: : Whe pore defend : thy might extend, Swetuat hym in bande. 8 3 13 Cth thus fo londe : chould men fo proude, pꝛouoke aunighty God: Tuſh thou(thep fap : ) wilt fearchno Dap, their bartes talke thus fo bꝛode. 14° hou lett at epe: and markt full npe, iter to qupte all wꝛong and ſtreſſe: | Whe pore doth Cand : to Sap ERD HIM, thou aydſt all comfortlefle, 15 Bꝛeake downe thepotuer : ehemalicefatuer, __ of wycked man foblpnde : It thou intpme ; woulott fearshe bps ery, no where thou ſhouldſt hym fynde. 6 16 Dur lyuing iow = bp truthes record, is kyng fo2 aye no Doubt : The heathen tpyte : hall pert aurte, ſrom land of bys full aus links R. Thou 37 17 Thou ior —— rat: ; thefutes ofallthepmre: Whep2 hartes in care : thow didtt p2 prepare, ’ : 3 thou hardt both dayand bower. 38 18 To iudge theſtreſſe iat gatheriete ct to belpethe pooreto right; es That earthly man : agapnit them than, wee io moꝛe might rife infight. GE he Collecte- Osa ofa alln mercye: open ——— thee) —— 2 Lod fo great : mp hope is fet, why than mp foule din pe? — hat he ſhould halk : Srird — to hils that deſert bey | | 2 The wycked loe: haue bent tebe thep2 thaftes in quiner then: | Wo hotefrom bye : altprwelye, — 2° : ‘ees _ ae ean . int, | os 2‘ i4 * * ea" f if 73 2 5 WSS. Re, XRae 3 earth the ground tournd vpſide dotwne, a pon heauen and earth houlofalls —* The iuũ in woe: what hould he do⸗ but fickefo God in all. The Lord is pet: in temple fet, | nie wine in heauen the Lord bath place: X Whe pore be ſpyeth : as thence be trieth, mens ju sonia walkes and pale. The xXoꝛd alototh and inf auowth, the rightwife man full tocll : | bis foule defieth : whofe hart appliech—, in wickednes to dwell. Downe he thallrapne : fo theyr great payne, bponth ungodlies bart : Snare, bopmitone,frre : wyth fempettest We, thele ſtormes, theyr cup int parts: Wing) 2D Foꝛ as the Lode : is iutt intone, | ſo loueth be fothfattnes : ibys ryghtfull epe : will pleataantty, a bebold alt righteout nes. bs 9 The Collette. pr thy mercifull eyes almighty God, v pon the humble ſtate of vs thy poore fernauntes, & fence vswyth the armour of true fayth : So that we ef capyng the dartes of atl wickednes may bee able to kepe perpetuall equitie and rgheenaiace the — of thy name, Heme it pee * —— Y 24 URS "6, XI, GT he Argument. Pfalme. XS & This Phtie declarth tf fo truth bf fala toground The poore mans care When pride bearth fy le $m truth preuayle we fCElpe Loꝛ sD fobpe: this cate, kee nb aK, notoneg@dmanismoze: ~ SK jp The faythfull gone : ſcant any one, therꝛ childzen mynilbed (ore ‘ha But G od wil it Lupeun Chev talke fo free : of banitic, one neyghbour neyghbour to ·⸗· In tong they gloſe: it double goſe, their bartes diſſemble fo. Al lips ſo bayne: God will them Grape,” andpluckethembp byrofe: _ Dh thathe woung : the boating: tunge, to treade it vnderfote. | Fo. thus thep rapletweknpl po ae, ; ~ pur fonges muk matters bꝛeake: F 02 whe dare thus : be Low fobs, - our fonges mull onely (peake, | Fon thys the ſtreſſe: of comfoztiemte, - fo2 fighes that poze men makes — Now ryſe wyll J: fayth God moſt sl and belpe thepe part fo fake. Gods worde is fure : itis as pure, a | fromearthas Mluer quit: _ | hough tryde be goloe : in fire ſeuen folbe, * bis worde pet palleth it · i Palme. xm, i 25 7 DiLor fograne : thou bs Haltfaue, | and evernioze preferue : | ae Fromallthys route: that be fo ffoute, | fo? euer the to ſerue. 8 Thete walke mott wyde intopete mpbe, all cruelty thep frame : WMhyle thep ſo far exalted are, —— put to ſhame. 9 T he Collecte. men mercy of our frailtie moftlouing father, and graunte thatwe may keepe thy holy wordes with pure & chafte hartes, to efcape the manifold deccites of mad and vayne talkers in errour, Through. &c. qT he Armen Plalme. XIII. Fer patience — ogg or Gods defence $i trouble Dauid crieth Lest deadly might Should big igh O04 Be —“ Viqueque | | omnes Din long wůt thou: —— ſoꝛ ener Loꝛd, my qupde? aun § Bots long wylt thou.: not mealoty, * — 2 Bow long thall 3 : thus heauely, in ſoule feeke counſavle ſo: oak: BEL How long my hart : Hall F this tart, to be thus vert wrth foe —3 oy; 2 3 Dixit infi- piens. O ward my Ged: repaetiethyron, Rera — heare now, conſider mee: riety Myne eves wyth lyght· D clearethou bape, Deadficpeletthepdole. = Leſt that to hye: mypnecnempe, at : myght boa ofbpspeenaples If downe Jivere:thysbaratter,; would ioye to fame quayle. —— But all my truſt: lyeth fully tuff, in thy god mercy Till: © op bart thy helth: thall ioy it felte, Gods godnes laude J will, T he Collette. T Ope not thy face awaye from vs O God ofall might and confolation,left our enemies preuayle againſt ys,and fo endue the hartes of vs thy feruantes with the reioyfi ing {pirite of thy faluation,that we ef- cape the dreadfull me offecond death. Through Chrift. &c. | "The sseitnen’ Phalme. AUT, Se ee nee Gof frnersebitinare — i 5 de 3 which hola with God debate ) * 4 X a De +ft "Ti VAs —— etoile hath ayd inbartattrayp,” ae SHikS that God thereis cuen none: -- 4 wozkes thep are : corrupt fo far, se rey not one doth good not one. 22206 e ee Se Pfalne® XT > Whe Low cath eve : frombeancnta tye, the trade of Adams bꝛode: ‘that as there : fome wyſe man were, vwbich God would ſeeke fo god. Sutclhatiray: have take they: tap, is abominable made: * Where ig not one : to do weil, none thepall from truth decard. Foꝛ throtes they haue he open graue, theyr tonges haue vſed deceyt; And vnderllips: thep2 poyſon lips, of Alpes the benome bert. | Chey: mouthes do ſwim: wyth curfings brꝛim all bitternes to fyll: Theye ferte make {pede : mats bloud to chede, they korce not whom ther ſpyll. " Deftruction : confufior, y in all thep2 waves do rpfe : Df peace no day : thep know the way, Gods feare fee not theyr eyes. Paue thepno mynd : in batt fo bipnd, in myſchiefe boty thep go? * Who iyke as meate : mp penple eate, ‘and Goa they call not fo, But thev thall there. be once tn feare, where nought they feard in deede: Foꝛ God is (pide : mok rong to bide, bwrthint ane righteous fede, grads K.iiij. Where 8 Pfabue, XT 6 Where vaynly non: eben antio; t at poze mans purpoſe iuſt: Wiben he is bent: wpthfatentent, in God to puthistrum. ¢ Wboels can ſpeede: pore Jacobs — wyth helpe from Myonbill: TWhen God chall call hys people thrall, reioyce all Jurpivill. G The Collette. Ouchfiue O Lorde to looke from thy holye hea- uens vpon the children of men:and graunte vs to knowe the way of peace, that we auoydyng the bon- dage of fynne,may haue the fruition of thy habitatio in ee Iernfalem. Through Chrift, kc, ¢ The efrgument, Pfakne. XV, | C Here Dauid craueth And anſwer haueth Domin J The fprite fofayth | a ane — CWhe hath fayth abit, whom God alowth in fight _ to worke by loue aright i GF Ho (3.023) MHall pyde: bpthyſwerte {pde? WAV Intabernacle fure? { (SAE D2 lobo thal ſtyll: hold fa thy byll, ied — which holy doth endure? 2 tho welnth in Fate : immaculate, who blameles tpfe entueth: | Gnd rightiotfe Dede : fulfilthinfpede, = — the peakth ee WMholſe g wuhoteto | ne Doth hys nepa ut WAho cannot beare : iaeth qupeteeres bys neyghbour llanderd Sid. . 4 and he whole eyes the bad petite, and lawdth Gods feareſull men: Wiho ſwearth alſo: ——— and chaungth not it ageyn. $ Wiho will note’ to winrte, i hes copne for lucrestowe t:03(f 1) ts Wiho bribeth ————— oh be ſhall neuer moue. — QT he Collette. | G Raunt we befech thee O bountiful ord & god im maculate, that wemaywalkein thyechurch with- out {pot,withdtawawholy from theharmifi! workes _ of this wretched workde, fo thatwhile:we labour to obferue the precepts in earth,we may at laftatrayne to thy heauenly habitation where thou raigneſteter- nally one God the father, the fonne and the holy {pi- rite,to whome beall honour oo wyth- out tende Amen. rnd: © ‘bat —— dip 2 Awhen ¢ did fue Po oF. beatigy t yee Shree SM oe ag His brriall 222 2 j | oe Hi * rife Wi ha 7 ma the — rl ‘ad true — —— — Ife 2D 2 “2a 7 2 3 Pfalnie XV 1, | — thats laydlt bari to God who the foiniouaht : Sp God thouart: of fapthfull hart, my godes can Baple thee nought. All my delpahe : fotaontes full bꝛeght. asthe — ——— a is (ef tobich tran In bertues alls celeftiall, ~ they do-ercell ſo clere. | ee mails Loi and alfer them do gad heir ſacrilice : Hiobolevetpite — fer ae 3 bate thep2 names fo mad.’ : J — Tbe Lordalone: is porcion, olmyne inheritaunce: 3 — SBpeupbeis = my crater itt, Cwetogh an mplot be wyll aduaunce. plot fulbaove: bylomeano roo, if on ſo fap2e did fallto me: | What 3 reioyce : Abegoblpchayee, — myne heritage to ſee. The Aord fo blitle: Jwyll not ‘inpite, who gaue me countfaple fo: Pp repnes by npabt : pet Hetwd inte loght, ee — ad +47 r 30 22 ASS pple XVI: og Forbelpetas bad: mp barte was glad, Bait my glory ioped. bis fills: | ute Bp filet in. grane;: though ses pet rein bopeit will, F02 why in bell : —— | —— rem uag She bolpone: corruption hat to fé,thou canſt notbeares it | hou Halt hewn me lpmes path tof fey <:: and top itt thy gad fights: | hyp ryght hand bafe + —— to ſtand foz ape in might. TT he Colette. J —— Phce O mighty. Lorde allthem whiche truftin thee, & grauc in our hartes tofwlfillthyholy will, thatwhyle we be recomforted with the ioyfull re- membraunce of thy refurreGtion, we may attayne to _ fitte on thy righthande, wyth thy bleffedfayntes in Exaudi ioy cuerlafting through Chrift, fc. Ga The — ‘Phalnes: Bi * I ‘yy 3 That aH omy ft and t b ¢ ix uſt man — fayne In —— poe CTare thouthe right: D LoAMymigt; Seca confider my complaynt : LSS) { Py lippes be freight : and bate deceight, ~ gene care fo mp conſtraynt. Fa é * 1 at , Geue oom it Thou found at pt: faut fo great, ee J | ’ | | are * Reh boi mite» Erom ſuch as ana : iia aaah 3° — i Seuethanattent tome cntent, in hand mp —— — Let thy god eye: mp fon eoe bgt SC p hart thou trint : ‘be nyght thou ‘ * —9*r ſcorndſt me wpe in Reed 3 pio, 7 = " eT a: — [ee Ee — . * pis a ny thought fo mouth agreed. Opens iomkes tal nonyht othen fo terontt te acca ma — aoe * | thy lawes tubo debut win. * * nib ours trotti in thee: ‘ and bapne reliftersbe, o uextt Defend 9 Jo. 12 , BZ 14 15 Pala,” ) XT, IT, — —— on the ete: Sota annie thepietfareube wealth they & Liye “proud ſpeeche to fecke euen what the lake, they walke difvayntully 3 ¶ Sv bꝛayes they mayte: to note our gate, fofetonenerpfine: hep! bend ther? ep cues Maint "Bi ground fo wyde. Ayke Lyon five : ther y pup lee, oli ees greedy —— — — bare, — whelpe thep lay. Fo2 thy remote : recat hem delune, deſtroy hys ſpyte O God My fouleD faue : from boycked ſiaue, who is thy ſwoord and rea, ha att Fromanen ſo fond that bethy bond, O Loꝛd from woꝛldiy bea Abo make god chere tou eee thep leane theyr babes there, And J Mall bola ‘ca int righteouſnes ſhall in dede thy bese brougbtislngtt. —— “ha The / 33 - Byala | xv, GT be Collette. MoMA yy C asia 5 eyes of our faith O'dere Micher:< to be- holde the truth of thy iudgement, that when wee be tryed by the fpirituall fire of probation, we maye haue at the laft fri uition of thy prions prefence, to be fatiffied wyth the fruite oft ian Tho⸗ rough Chrift ourLorde,Amen, —— The Argument Palme. x VIM, 3 Fay nest yy * bi Ser — te — righ For that they bee 2 | Diligam te Deliuered free bie ay alt onus il. Domine. | as | 4 Will loue the : moſt inwardly, 4 | O 31020 mp frength thou arts. | ; Thy mercies all : both areat anv final, do comfort much mp hart, 4388 -g Mp 3Loydis hence: my rockeand ic 3 Re mp faupng God fap: = Spy mpabt and thicid : my tral in fielD, mp horne of health, mp tap. ; Che Loꝛde alwaves: mol worthy prapes, on hym Jmynde to call: So fafe hall J: moſt ſtedtaſtly, eſcape myne enemies all. The greuouſlnes ot deadly ttrete, — —— dyd compaſſe me about: i The freames of finne : fo whelmd me tn, 7 ie troubled me fall out. he ⁊ Pfalues> XVI, iv ; whe —— that were fofell, — me inclofe full faſt pꝛeuented me in halt. AIn troublous wo: Jcald vnto, my Lord mp God in leare: Wobhearemp cate : his will ittoas, mise my crpenentouchtbyseare.. The earth did thake:: fo2 feare did quake, the bils theyr bales hone ·· Renioued thep were: in piace mott faite, at Gods rpsht fearefull loke. Darke fnoke rofe ſo:hys face there fro, bys mouthasfireconfumde: — The trappes and ſnares: of bealp cares, 2) hat coales at it : were nine — ai fo. 11 when he in angert The heauens kul low: he made to hott and downe dyd he enfue; ‘i Gnd darkenes great : nas bnder fet his fete in dotody hue. craft siete § : * He rode on hye: anddpdfofipe, bpon the Cherubins: He came in ſight: and made hys fight, vpon the wyng of wyndes. | Wis place he ſet: In darkenes great, as ſecret thereto byde: water⸗ blacke befide. . 2 WMyth cloudes about : be fet it out, EES ‘ = % The 13 14 ts 16 18 thecloudes tight ot t eet: As Tones of haple : meta gem, by coales in fire light. CThe Word from heauen lent volnnduieun and thundred thence in ire :· He thunder cab: in wonders biatt, wyth hayle and coales of üre. dWith arrow dartes ——— and ſcatterd themabout: | nd forth he bringes ? ‘the Lord Te rhepe rout, iar say acai —— the Sod ———— tin Frombeanonabowe - his grace tofetchemebe Dyater®: From waters diepe —— be dyd me ſtrong defend He dyd reprefles A twnstete ! | ————— — dtd And rid. me quite = thoy? re, to ftrong they twerefop ne, Pout) pate Shep dpb prevent: Wich troubleme the bap of mp areatitrette: uh . Pet Sods god hand dyd theavioptytnd Prenents eps eee, Pf 19 29 21 22 " 25 26 — xVM: | In libertie: he placed mez, and led me ſtrayght thereto : He bought me out : of rete noveubt, bys grace bpd loue me fo. Whe sod dyd thus : moſt gracious, my dealvng bealoude: ibe He dpd me quite : as ein ixht, | mae innocent app2oucd,. . Foi Gods true wapes: J kept atvares, bys law J trulkd therto : Wi pth mp i020 God : J ffillabode, the wycked do not ſo. Jhaue an eye: bys law to ſpye, from mans tradition: Hm bys precept : ope reiect, to my deſtruction. Gnd pure 3 went : wyth true entent; befo2esnp God alfo : Jiub eſchude mp dabelo rude, corps Igaue god hede therto. Fordopngink : my Lord A trate, Will frendip merequite : Mp righteous Dede : as well Did — in hys approued fight. FL As manis inf: fo map thou truft, lopth gad ſo god to bee: Wipth perfect man: ſo thou agayne, tall —* bei and free. thou —* be pure and cleane: : Euen ſo wyth euill: of froward wil, euen froward halt thou as je € : thou maptt be ſure, F093 37 28 29 39 3f 32 33 | Sn perfect grace : he ſtard my race, — sg it Pfalaiey XVI F —— Sue: Anilt fone wrthlaue, Bi the meeke inallthepztvo: “Ct And thalt deryde : ments fately pryde, and make them loin to go. $02 thou dpoit lab : my candell bepabt, and kept my fortune ryght: Whe Lord my God: dpdealemprod, = and Darkenes fournd fo lyght. Fo2flrongtofe:Awasbythe, whole hoffes to dyng downe ryght; In God no dout : J twas fo Tout, fone wall to leape it quite. Gods wap JWwis: vnlpottedi is, bys twordeistrpdeinfire: He is a ſhield: fo mat in field, who truk to bpm intiere. Uthat God is there: euenanp fobete, | but this the Lord olhoſtes⸗ ¥ What rocke ercelth : in ſtrength fo wel, as thys our Dod in coffe: Pew foꝛ God cuen be: round — me, wyth ſtrength and feate of warre: Be keepth my way: in redy ap, left vyce my Ipfe ould marre. He makth mp fete : as tlwyſt and mate, as fete off hartes fo fee: and fate me Op on bee. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 OS" ppitné e700, gop handes arpabt : be made to fogbt, both diuell and manto iw2png Pyne armes in partes: did breake their dartes pea bowes of fale wyth ſtryng. Thy fauipng thield - kept me in field, thy right band me ſuſtaynd: Thy bounteouſnes: dyd eafe mp irette, though greuouily if paynd. T— where euer J conte, : fo and, fo go to rpde : Full ctrong to and : onfeaandland, — mp heeles dyd neuer yde. Jdrd rechaſe: my foes in face, and ouer fake thep2 fppte : dyd not ſtynt: pth ſword the Spnt, till 3 bad roped them quite, 9 bpd them beap in luch aray oy thep2 woundes hall neuer heale ; They could not rpfe : in any tuple, but fall at mone owne hele. Strait gird thou me : wyth ſtrength fo be, fo warre euen fall inured: Thou thꝛeweit them round: vpon fhe ground my ſoule who thus purſude. Thele noughty packes: did turne their batkes thep2 wey thou madeſt me fmiaht : ®Y haters thou didſt them quell, downe thou dydſt beat them right. pf. hey qt * 43 4A! 45 46 47 40 Pfalnd, XV ITT, reer pity * ant creues ayde,” © — but none to helpe was there: an they did crie: to God ſo hie, bt» then God did turne bys eare. ~ 4 ppd as ſmall thus beat thenvall, — as duſt before the wynde: — As cdiay in trete : off trode wyth féete, | Idyd chearcan⸗ and grynde. Thou ryote mp lyfe: from peaples Sryte, thou didſt me fure preſerue: To Gentiles bꝛed: thou madeſt me hed, Mraunge people me dyd ferue, tether me thep heare : at found of cate, thep me now fone obep: . Cher childzen ſtrange their fren can all falhoode thep dewray. : a hefe child2en france: which Strangely range | fo bp and Dolone dpa fayle: hey allafravd : in fearefull beapd, > tn theyr great forts thall waple, Whe 1.020 lyue he : mot bleſſedly who twas my belper ſtrong: Goa rolwicd bee: my rocke fo free, hym prayſe J twill full long. This God of: ours : he geucth me pewers Cauenge my wycked foes: Mud doth ſubdue: my people true, ⸗ ihe thep uke tubiectes goes. be e x = OE ———————————————— = : : ; Pale) — Al to pric te come heat From wicked fpite : thou madmen thevz twickednes to tread. 3 49 Fo2thysD 0d, in hart and wor, 60 Coeli enar⸗ tan J will geue thankes in ſong: Of thy great name : thypotwer fo lame, where Gentils dwel among. Hes kyng he ſought the bvhem ——— “helbcined trucione in deede: Ho Dauid true: annopnted due, and ape to his good fede. GT, he Collette. «vv: M. Of louyng I Lord and puiflant proteGoitr which art our refuge in all diftrefle and aduerfitic, pre- ſerue vs from all hoftilitie,and frothe {nares of death t. and hell, ſo that after we be drawnev p from the dan- ger of all maner temptations,we maye devout! y {yng “to thyholyn name in all BAH of life, Thro ugh &c. gt he Arguments, ‘Palme. Xx. 1X. * wae Kile u § Who z is to —" cons epee His lawit treateth ) ind fois ficaliite? of bi — ASS AS NS hHe heauens do tell: holy God ercelth in glory power, and —— 4 She firmament : fo excellent, : bishandy woke ondight, | P. it, ‘fm 4: ©» Pfalme’ XIX, #02 day fo Day : fuccéedpngape, — doth playne hys power declare: As is nintt nyght; ———— ſetteth out hys louyng care. No ſpeche, orꝛ tong: to them doch long, theyr voyce diftinctnot hard: : To magnifie : theyr Lord * by languages regard. But pet theyr found: — Abi ornie on all the earthat rapes : To further coft : all vttermoſt, their nopte thep2 maker praple. In thembe fet: the ſunne fo net, . - ke bridegrome which procedth : Dis chamber out : as Giaunt fout, retopceth bys courſe fo ſpede. His courſe goeth out: euen round about, the heauen and backe retreath: From Call to Weſt: it hath no reſt, aill thyng doth fele bys heate. Gods latw is inf : a law fo truſt, as ſpotleſſe turnyng artes: Wis wytnes pure : record is fure, ‘fo babeit wyt impartes. The Lowes behek : is all the belt, fo top the bart in ryght: Wis biddinges be: ſo pure fo fe, bipnd ſyght they turne to lyght. > (Eo: Palme: XIX, - 43 The Aord bis fete: is cleane and cleare, 8 {which ener fhall endure : and bethemfelues fullfure, Wis iudgementes be : the truth moll ti F Ther be tots: moꝛe atacions then gold o2 preciousfione: J To man more mete : then hony ſweete, bP at 11 12 14 ners ale naeabteatene BF Pea moze then this ; thy fernantis, fo keepe them alway preſt: Aud fure fhall be: rewarded be; wyth ioy whych is ——— Synnes which be wꝛought: in ded ¢ thought, wythout thys law tubo knotuth 2 Ero faultes that tye: ab fecretly, thy clenfing wee bettoty, 13 . Fron — of prpde : team, that me thep do not guide: That vndelilde: and leſſe beguilde the great inne myght J a ine ati My —5 faid : my thoughts eee God graunt thep pleatethp fight: - D Lo2d my power : inp rocke and bolver, aud my redemer aie wth} | _ Baty. ) The te Domi- nus. ez Sela 4 OK Pile, xx oe — Thec ieee. | Oftmercifull and louyng Saniour Chit, which once comming forth out of the virginal wombe didft proceede vp tothe right hand of thy father: we befeche thee that we may be fo conuerted by the law illightened by thy preceptes, and taught by thy holy teftimonies,to be deliuered frõ all ftraunge dodrine, and craftye inuafions — our a who lyueft and raigneit, &c. OT he Argument. Piao 7x. rh; h Barro lint eS 3 Good rap go's stn — * yr realmes to bane defence, ‘ po VAd —— iff jie —— J an hina beliecl? swith Bette eae, (Y | thefutesindapofing: == Gods name fo great : — eit wamate ther where thou go. Cob fend thee ayde iohecepotver isla, from fanctuarp place He ſtrengtht the at full rong t endure, ——⸗ grace. baba ies Let hm kepe bye : in memorre | | thy tatrificesall? phe octets 2 abe bullockes bent ¢ farevoletit, —* to minds all them fo call. Graunt Ok Pfalies XX as Graunthetip toil : ofhart fo fill, © in fickenes eke and health : Confirme he thall : thy coun layles all, to worke thy peoples wealth. In helth ofthee: glad we chal be, ss AND triumphes make we twill: | ; In gods good nate : his prapleto fante, thy vowes God lſhall fulfill. J knot that now: God will allowe, his Chꝛiſt and ſaue hun deare: To heare him nye: from heauen cg i by bealthfull hand bebearth. | Some trutt cheir horſe: fone charets forte, thus they preſume of frength : ut ive wyll bynvde : ae i fozbeis Logdat length, For where we ſe goto low they be; i Ps and falne,fo foule decepued : Wie ryle in fight : and and vpright, by myght ot God recexyued. O 302d we fing : laue keepe the ting, — — hearebsandfaucbsape: _ Both hym and bis : preferueand blis sa realme delend wepꝛaäy.. GT he Collette. ieee viguo Lord allout peticions, —* accepte vs as well allowed facrifice to grace, that all the force & power of onraduerfaries may beerefifted by thee, fo that we may reioyce in the prefent ayde of thy fauin g health sthrough Rirtte our —— withithee, &c. ——— Pike, iif Th ¢ | 46 8 Pfaluie’ XX, The Argun. ‘Pfalme. XE | FF How rls ag fan —— which Went beforne Dow thankes the more Domine i in 5 He £4 eneth-t berfore e to ſee — virtute. gh os ones covelens ai 1 f=“ pecking with vopte doth moff reioyce, “7 <= thy irength D Wodmoltkynde : Ke a Foꝛ health fo had : he is full glad, 5 -epcebunigip in mynde. ise 2 hou hate him geuen tucbbelpe totopme, in hart as bedefpade:s F 02 that he fought : by thé toss tpouget, tT Scla _ as Full bis lips requirde. 5 3 3 Sxhyigard enter: ded bynty nedte Het, sat tube — “ei | feat Giponbished:acrotpnefored, of gold well tthou halt, uh a —* oe 4 He aſked pte: and lyke ful pte, thou gaueſt him that wil ſaſt; oe wae gue: thenhe bron awe, Lh 8 euciily . * bishonone rete: —— in thy faluationtrne: ~*~ Thou didſt him rrowne: toith hig — og 298 and glory hym dyd fue.» 810 na lin J J ———— oh ae Shoat agit: ealtbystayane, J * 2 "Sagi pe tite mt toate, h With top thp face to (&,. “he ee ae a ee i ee ‘yale. xxi. 47 7 + ygtane oom tl | — 2 19 25° Apptauong gnc: ftom baplace,. Tswou oft Henan eiopobte bn, 19190 ¥ — padipiesyebio 31 F * Si ‘bp fea ifICOVEaI SW typ teons rot bytes aud jand. ſhall all thy ya Ae * ie poet to ſceke out aA we —* — tat re ite uel Wapeb Fre, Pded™ - 3 fo fume " beLon int in iozath. «hall firey thepepathe, — emai wish ero X * ‘fome — Therꝛr curled deve sp Vede they could not it perfourmpes::; 925010 oni 12 Foꝛ ſucha i re : themall put fou * i — Thou eg te Me ag es. Winans at : ; O Lord eg a4 ; an NN 3 intepene — — * So twpll wwe ſyng tothe D bong: to — —— ear 3 aie Nelj. "Phe Tf. 48 33 * UES @flae, x xxij © haat J + snag amo eins nee Bietey vs lord with Rebene dition of thy,fwete mer ey, an d fulfil our’ fite tobe — thee, that where in out th nteteh an we mas Be es eper a — es Phe grou to come} —— aot 3 iy th ind in gee qd}: fo sds — — — Aepitetbecs Ame. XXT, RX in angniſus all beſet | — 7 — bine jadwcent ef : nite * pad Deus deus Christespaffion 16.0.0 GSS FTI meus. 4 Py Gory co inary" PRICE p> and pet thou 13 STtTO} 7* tabu cone lence anp where.e i 1081 Gitsan 9G? sit tek Pet holdt thy will in thd to tee frill? is i Eau se 3 as onely godt 2no. sto Thou Bare fe 4 —* * * they fang alia ? Dur fathers mie t a i eee sas it “a * * As oft as id apo: ate Oe, {% Set : ro 11 » Planes xxi), _ hep taint: and helpe thertyy,) thou gaueſt to them anone: hep lay theys — onthe faint, tet and ſcapt contulis ion. centernrnenue · aunꝛme ta | Jam, no man of pryce: A crne au dar · acat ainar, ofmen in theyr deuuce. Al they that ma xe ee hye ſcornes to me they layd se Us WM pth lipsthey moto : toith knee thepbots ther thoke theyr hed and ſard. | In Godhelet: affiauuce great, let hym than rid hym iwte · cr Peles toma 3G ot : for hrm he pleacth inſight — Vet he thon art· that dydit depart, — my mothers wombe from me; 11090 At both her beectes · in quret rele; 2 ⸗ ana thounurll metenberlpend ii Dingo 3 twas whole caſt: on thee fall faff, ren from that mp mothers pappe > «>. er 3 No dout from thence: inane etene, £ thou Ood kept me in lappe. Fro inh do mot fo, : bist. 5 Both fo2 lets at bands . We fobs No reese cn, re ; ft . in the mp re uge ſtandth. igh ' i4 Ria ats Pig. CU pide 12 13 4 x5 £6 17 18 50 vx Pfalme® xxij. Wylde buls mot out pop aera by me full fiercetheprpdes - Fat buls in deede: as Balan tae, | be fet on enerp fide. io yi Dp death to hhape : ont te he ce on me they fare Iſa is They Wwell and Lampe: — * | when they do rore at pray. > Dut am J caſt: as tater Walk, my bones in topntes be loſe:; My hart wythin: doth meltand piney as ware by fier doſe. 3 As pottherd dap: np rengthooth ey, — to mouth my tongcleau thfaſt: ited 444] To death in butt : thou hatt me thal, isuih@ thus made Jamagalt iissly, ot yits' cos Pea dogs full grim ‘vate date, in councels niadthep mietersi 21 2cior" —— Ce a HIE ¢ ide ik thep pear imp hand and feete. Spy bones fo fell : J map full well, a at me they gafe and fates’: hep did-delite:: ——— they dyd deryde my care. — tie eels raed ie setts My clothes thep part: —— J as ſpoyle the ſowgiers do: Foꝛ that my cote : tbep cafe they? lot, ag 08 pi * naar — * ig 20 21 22 23 24 25 ee Pfalmes xxj. But be not far : mp gouerter, D Loꝛd my caltle rong: ; Thy mereplend: and me defend, tit haſt, no tyme prolong, - From ſworde and knyfe: — ece my foule left thepdeuoure Keepe tell my ſoule: as derlyng fole, from dogges theyr handes and power. O kepe inawe: the pons talve, faue mefromtheinthat byte : From all the hornes sf Vnicoꝛnes, peotect me Lord of myght. hy power and name: J chall declame to all my bꝛetherne met: Glad wyil F rarſe in chars the pape, in congregation f fet. Whe Lord who fearth: with latwds dzaio nere all Jacobs (ede hym prayſe: Feare pebpm well : all Straell,. hym magnify alwares. “HY He wll aduiſe and not d the poze fo2 low degree: : He hydth no face: in tyme andplace, inv peaper beard hath bees — »* - purpole wie ? fo ſpeake of th p fp — in church thy prayſe to ſpre Py boines fo plight: in iuſt mens fhe, “A will pertourmei in dede. N.iitj. The Si ’ (26 oꝛ God Wha fekth ; bps pravte bel kiep * a | 27 sp ie Pfalme’ xx4, The nid bis Pi eate full £205) » and peaple the Lord al Days . 2 theyr bart Mall lyue fo2 aye · The worid fo brode: will turne to Wod, me whyle thps they callto hart: ae Before hys face : all folke in-place, — 28 29 30 as foal honour bpm impart. - Ail kyngdomes ftand : to Gonas sami thep2 trpbes and kpnredesickes aS F And them in raigne: he hhallretapne, all ssc — to —* ——— — St taxes 2 * ’ hetat thallfebe : and — — aD thep all chall worſhyp rpfe: J Pea dead men all · to hym hall fal, who gaue theyr foulesnolpfe, My fede and bloud : we Loꝛd ſo gap hall ſerue in woꝛſhip free: And thus my ſtocke: as God bys flocke, thallin& reputed be. | They chall pꝛoteede to chew in dede, mn fo prope thetice i —* seit ty, ods iuftice great : from beau what be to —— ai —- . ) ; . x. ee : iY > : 5 é ; r 2 7 be . } ns — Oe aie: D5. Pea Con, Dee ae + 659 Seek | (| Phaline, xxiij. 53 2 ae ea (Sod the heade and fountayne ofall grace & mere N cye whith for our fake diddeft defcende into the vonibe of the-Virgine, was faftened to a tree, pierced through in thy handesand feete, thy garmentes par- ted by lottes and yet after all this done, thod dydſt lorioufly ryfe agayne from death. We befeche thee a to bearein mynde this thy humayne conuerfation among men,that thou mayſt be alway to them which put theyr truftin thee a mercifull deliuerer, who ly- ueft and raigneft one God wyth the father. & the ho- ly ghoit,for euer in perpetuall felicitie. Amen. GT he Argument: Palme. XXIII. ~ § The Christ —— 32 eh ae — * —2 God his lyfe doth Side °C with meat fe good * of heauenly foode ¢ fiom death his ſoule to bide. Ax, I5¢ 102d ſo gwd: who seneth me fod 1 igZ mp thepebeardis and quide: How can Jwant: o2 fuffer ſcant, " wbanbe defendth mp fide? eS 2 a fede my nede : be twill me lead, ; in paftures greene and fat : ¢ ibe forth bought me ; in libertie, 3 Sppfoule and hart : be did conuert, tome be thetneth the path: Mfrightwitenes:inbolines, = = = - - his namefuch vertuebath. we i 5 biates xxiiij. $ 4 Pea though 1 go: theough death bys * a: his baale and ſhadoi wyde: 3 3 feare no Dart. wyth me thouart, - wyth faffe and rod to guide. 5 hou halt proupde : a table wyde, ſoꝛ me agaynſt thep2 ſpite: With oyle mp head : thou haſt beſpred, sup cup is kully dight. 6 Why godnes pet : and mercy areat, ‘bil kepe me all my Daves: In houſe to divell : in reff full well, wyth God J hope alwayes. The Collecte. ‘Bade vs O Lorde by the rules of thy ——— “~ preceptes,that when we haue optaynd the habi- tation of thy euerlafting manfion,we may be fully fa- tiffied with the cup of ioyful eternitic,through an our Laity &ce . §T he Argument. Plaine, XXIII. Of Christ to come ett rs — 3 OF cif A — —* raigne this plalase dotl preach fiom Cod witbee oe ster thi dat each. atemplefree Sa ee Domini 9 =4 De earth itis : the Lovbes of blitte, © } SA i= inpthallthegarnithyng: te) (Ag Zhe world fo round: Sehathitfount, — ———— — } ¥ * J — ee ee er ee eee ee ee — — — bl 2 —— onteas fofalt, — as ouer them to ſfand : And floudes he made : fo2 cone and tate; and eke fo part the land. ee Up inho Mhall pe : on hill ſo hye, | J where reſteth thys Lord of arace? Oꝛ who chall ryſe: in reftinll tpt, fothathisholp place? 41 Euen be whofe hand : and hart both fant, in cleannes innocent : Who fought no gapne : in fanfies apne, noꝛ othe hath falflp nent, ud Be fhall poftes : in fablettes, ) the Lordes finete blefeones: Bes God of health : from enen hyuntelfe, Mallfendbymrightesumes, 6 And thefebe they : obi ke atop, in uockethep2 God in deede: LCuen truely they: who ſeke I ne i ‘the God of Jacobs fede, ©. 27 Liftop pour gates : pou heabdes and fates, ve laſtyng does arpfe : In atthis houte : kyngalovions, wryll —D — wyſe. 96. Palate, sexy, Be § rife X fay : fhou temple fav, — — —— Or as the thoughSthecanuctbuilte: =. vij .verfe, ‘Petiopth my ſprite: that God of might, bys arke fhall be thy ſhield. 10 What is thys king befiering, 1 Wuyth glory thus to raignre The wore of hoſtes: of gloꝛy molt, 3 Sela the bong and foueraigne, | GT he Colleen: ica E Vetliuyng ' God the fourmer and maker of the wotlde,to whome the whole ornament:thereof is feruiceable and fubie& :,we praye thee to reftore vs _ to theinnocency of lyfe that we may beable to folow — thy fteppes vp into holy mount, where thou raigneft for euer —— Godi in maiefty,through Chriſt. —— — hoot A as - Sasfipcation grane cit ® | 3 It doth confi ® Arte Do- Done Wickednes + mine. 1 7 — Tord tothe: my ſoule to fie, M isletmp Godthouart: 4 whole referre : mp ipfe moſt ware oe tothe, topth allmp bart. a and, pardoa craweth to —* a apy God offence : myprconfidence, of ont thee nas allway boone : ; O let no ſhame — YE 352 mrp foes els win see age OER by hee 4.mm Wiho Who truttih inthe: afm to * can neuer man it ſppe: ‘Whe bꝛeake thy latucs : withoutacant, ; confounded let fhemlpe, _ Shelw me thy waves: D Lo aways, , of truth me feach thepath: | | Thy word and wap: is certayne tay, { fo2 that all vertue hath. An truth melead : teach me thy read, nw God of health thou art: Hyp trull doth lap : in the all day, gts: fo the is bent mp bart. Call thouto mpnde : D Lord full kynde, thy louyng mercies olde: Thry bounties free : which ever be, as fathers them haue tolde. DF vouth my fant :.fo great and haut, — fuch finne D Low fo2get : F 02 mercpfake: D Lord awake, thymyrnd vpon me ſet. Both gratious : ‘and righteous, theiowisequallfos =~ » De teachth wyth rod: bet lens — by giftes he teachth allo. who meke abyde: thembe toatl guide, 3) in iudgement codandrpabt: © <- Bevis And tohome we fe : —— — his waves he —— yght. eH itj. — "he — — * J a (© — ro 11 *3 14 @ 4) 16 vce Pfaleie Che — ofa —* anbbobe, T both truth and mercy iulſt Cuen Gill to ſuch· as loueth much bis heſtes, and couenauntes truſt. Foꝛ thy names fakes D mercy take, my Lord vpon my ſinne: At is fo great : it both me fret, it boylth mp foule wytbin. WMhat man he be : that feareth the, O Lord thou wylt hym teach: Whe rightfull way: to choſe 7 fap, in lprite thereto to retche. His ſoule hall dwell: at eate full focll, in ghottlp free delpght: Hys Cocke and fede : hall: neuer nave but hold the land to ryght. Among chem lye: Gods — to feare hym who that ſhal· an gentle fourme: betnpliperfourine, : to then bps couenantes all. Pyne epesentent: iseuer bent: tothe mpiowfogreat: Foꝛ onely be : pluckth fuerlp, my fete from aut af ne. Turne thouts mee: DLow fotete, 03 haue mercp, fap my fall: E am in fate : all defolate, in milery tala ee * NA ie PP Malme: xxv, hal rz Sy —— my hart dothſwen, chey be enlarged ſ Py troublous payne: O Gar retrapne, Fe O quenchethisdeadlpivo, eet 28 aitend 4 ery ny miterr, rie Jeg | mp Ife and fate aduerfe : Forgeue my fantes : which me allaufes, tap top to xe reuercc· 19 Conlder ryght : my foes theyr toot, holy they increaſe mp feare, Dhey2 hate is thus : fo tprannous, at me that thep do beare. 30 O kepe mol dere : mp fonieintiove, 7 and me Deliner int : So let no fhante : confound mename, sila atime Hens: gui Mp trul forapde: intbeeis lap, from me D newer fe. 6? PS al PRS cite HESS EE a2 Deliuer well: all Innen, — D O God woyth all hys —* From troubles all oat ene —— —— coh FP — *⸗ SE Se Ae eS o;, Be : a —* 20 | Se © Pfalme, xxvj. GT heCollefte. i pa vs 3* all aduerſitie and danger Or mer- cifull God ;forto thee onely haue welifte vp our hartes, forget we befech thee the treſpace ofour - youth, and the ignorance of our former age, & where as wehaue negligently oftended, thou of ‘thy ere forgeue it vs,through. &c. The Argument. Pſolmt. —* The iuſt ma Ay fae Pint ‘ for — bn ⸗ And prayth i in Will Pier ——— 3: T hat he may fill a lyfe lade innocent. mine. | | | L fase Drdiudge my derd: 283 haue lyued Ae) inthe my hope is all: ——— ALL |, S02 thismy tral: —— EE s) A neuer doubtto —— mer 2 2020 prone mp {wave andimeaffape, | by fire trve thou mprepnes : And fearch my bart : are erie: ———— myne giltles life be lraynes. ae 3 Thyclemency: ‘ina be ie thee to fap, me right to do: rt i Idyd inure : mp hart full fare, to truth franelyes toso. a 4 pth nets bape: eonnot tame, ait, mp lyfe to follow fuch: 2 Tyth crafty men: J would not renne, Wwoole lyte dillembleth much, > The Io 11 The wycked rout: that goeth about, = fo barme and burt J hates FZ twill not (et : in councell pet, wyth men of wycked fate, Fo2 Wwathe J wyll: iny handes euen Cit, _ Wwpth men of perfectipfe: J And thus ſhall J: O Loꝛd ſo hye, frequent thyne aulters ryfe. Where J ſhall rayſe thy worthy prayſe, that men may loue the ſame: Jwylthere ſprede: thy grace in deede, the workes of thy god nane. O Loꝛd the place : where reſtth thy grace, Jhaue the bewty loued: Sure: 2 Thy beauenly houte : fo glorious, Wyth timers great : Lord do hot thet, my ſoule, wyth themfobe: .... ‘Why araceertend: mpipfenetens, au men of blowd to fle, hey: handes dg prefte : all wyckednes, euen guile prepentedfos hep? better band.: corrupt doth ſtand weyth brybes, euen thus they go. Sut pet will ¥ : molt certenly, in truth mylyle addreſſe; 1K D make me fre: fromibemtobe, ſhew me thp tendernes,. riety ta® a: > ) ee ey . q-- t Dominus, illuminatio i 2 Mpkote as yet nin ryght is ggg) dais? ol in playne fimplicities And till wyll J : wi company, © ica eral{the Lovonbie. wen eas a9. ng the Colleltes oc Raunt O Lord we befech theethy mercy vnto vs thy feruauntes, and foingrauein our hartes the loue of thy truth, that we may hold faft all innocency of lyfe,and finallye to bec deliuered from all. wycked perfecutours.Through,&c, — qT he eArgument. Palme. XXV IL, ei Ae he | in trouble though he Fallerhs * — andfageneth thankes in al. SHHe 1.020 of might : is health and light, to me (at nede whom Mould 7 feare ¢ The Lord is tkrength : to ixte atlenath, —<* ~ ofmpne (JZ fay) obs can me deare? TWhanmen ſo bad: they travneshadlayd, 2 Euen then (at epe) ther felldotone right: Whan foes dyd prene : to eate my AM, theyllid (awwap) for altthep? ſpiite· Though armed hoſt: befiegumyptolf, = = _ 3 my bart(from God)thallnot relents = hough cruel warre ſhould ryſe me nar ‘to Gad(therin) gy would be bert, p J * oa Due es Pfalnes xxv. One thing fo craue sof God fohanes; | 4 bpd (full oft and aye Jwill —— To keepe bys place’: to fe hys grace, to haunt (euen fo bis temple fill, hus Halhys power : hpdeme ir bower, - fuben troubles ſhould be( fierce aud) felt: ‘ * ye Be would me hyde: there clofeto byoe, - as fafe on rocke (moll fure)to dwell. ye My hed pet nol : be wyll alow, ners aboue my foes (in fate )altvapes : —— q In, will 3 bryng : glad offerpng, the 11020 fo god)to laud 6 praytes — My voyce O heare: my Lord ſo deare, Bee J— cry(my God) in wolull part; ae Graunt that J crane: and merephaues ertendfo ame thp(louns) — ae 8 Mp hart to thee : bpd oft apply, feke pe mp face(Z fay) peall : * D 02d F twill thy face ſceke Hill, do others(boin ann )tobat they Chall: —* * poe fot fromme: thp fernaunt frée, _ thy(louvng) face, mp apde thou arts 99 20iert not me: difpleafantlp, © D 102d (may bealth do not depart. ry parentes when: thep bad me rene, : from them (to go) my felfets hifts; * Wiben Watrong all: my reyſe o2 fall, © “Fora ame ene Bil each “Dy 11 12 13 14 Ad te Do- mine. 1 Abne *Sij. Tenth rue top iba thy law yfap, that rightly leadth (in truth )fo thes oe — Spy koes OLorꝛd: tupfHoneaccorde, -—- fhould els reiopee (inhate)to free. Up turne menot : fobeare theyz hate, > D 11030(to thent)that me parfue:, F alle witnes cpes:: agaynſt merple, and lpes(of me) thep ſprede vntrue. Dy hart bad quayld : and vtter fay, F if fat (to thee) Jhad not truſtd: Wet me thy arace = Lozd {ee tn place, 7 inland (of rel) where iopth the tule, Fg: O wapte the 02d : holofatthys twordes.__. doubt not(atall)be frong,befttils — Attend on God: take meeke hys rod de inill(at talk) thp bartfulfill, =. FT he Collette. Efend vs O God from all the affaults of our enes mies,that we maye continue in conftant confef- fing of thy name,thatwhilewe hauethe fruition of aoe helpyn g prefence, at laſt may haue the ſame in ory. g: The Argument. LAlme. KXY. TL. T his maus entent Loeiniet ‘hal erafigm men to rio feape: Andhardheis ? ; From God of blife ¢ for this he thavkes loth th fospe Lend Jeep myrocke on hye, * —— ° reff not (thus ffill) tortaue me not: - | D2 els ſhould J: refemble nye, S fhe deede(that bein pit — * ere Meare my requell.: of humble breſt, oy > ey whan ¥(fo meke) do fuetothe; 9 Agaynit thy feate : of mercy Mvete, mphandes(onbpe)toben liftthey bre, And draw my hart : from wycked part, ~ fupth them O 1020) that two2ke fo euill: her2 tonae crvth true : wyth bart refuleth, theyr mpndes all fet to(frop and (pul. Asis theyr dade : folet them ſpede, retort their craftes thep(bfefo)delue, Theyz malice great: the fame fo get, wrpth lpke (bp ryght)to quite themſelue. Theyr mpndes difdapne: Gods actes fo frains bys (fatelp )workes to marke euen fo : He hall them (roy : and nof employ, thep2 Ipues (no fpme itt Wealth to go. "4 Well woꝛthy prapfe : is God albbayes, | mp month (int ſong all hym forth found: ~~. Mebeard my grote : my prayers mone, he dyd not me(topth fhame)confound. God is my fhield : nw ftrenath in field, | be heipt (me tuk) as J beleued: Forthis god chance : mp hart may daunte, and fing in laudes (fo wel)releaued. Tomy ſmall ho : God pravfa be moſt, | that( tymelp health be fone dyd bꝛyng: The Lord is firength : and fence at length, to his(molt true annovnted kyng. Afferte Domino. 1 66. Pfalme, xxix, Thy pom ſaue: D Aord Icraueee and blelle/ wyth top /thyne heritage: Fede them as guide : pꝛomote them wyde, fo pꝛayſe thee God from age to age. QT he Collecte. one Lord moft ftrong forte and refuge to all thy peo⸗ ple,preferue vs from fuch as goe downe into the pit of fchifme and diffention ,and knit vs together in vnitie of mynde, beyng children of one onelye God and of one fayth, fo that we may holde faft in harte, — that we outwardly profeffe in mouth, through.&c, gT he Argument. Pfalme. XXIX, T his doth inuite, ie 3 All ately might é to note Gods mighty power: “ 3 Wiens aie ; é and els canthem deuoure r C fonnes of God: ſprede pe abode, Ithe Lordes great polver and ftrength: Beyng pe pour lambes : of mighty rambes to God bys laudes at length. The Lord enſue: wyth bono2 due, eriolbismpabtand names And eke erprefle : hisholines, bpmt laude in court of fame, . is voyce fo grand : on fea and land, note how the Gondes tt ſtayd: Gods maieſſty: pouthendpole, ) on them when thunder beapd, Pfabne, xxix, gb 67 ——— hate houge it be, de bps bopee is ſterne and flout : * His bopee is thus : moft glozious, — when tt d2pueth leuyn out. * Chis voyte fa fre vbyeakth Cedre tre, no force can it repell: It dꝛvueih euendotwne: ofiybanon, = bps Cedzes,though thepfivel, 6 ‘Wemade them hip: inretestofip, .. . - ag calues Do vſe fo paaunce : Soipbanon: and Sprion, | as Unicoꝛne to daunce. he Lord by voyce: the fierp nove, of flames in partes can fend : he cloudes among : belightreth firong, wyth thoures be fyre can blend. It can diffres : all wyldernes, pea Cades delert wyde: : _ 1, Mhebeatkes J fap : which there do fray, it make themfelfe to hyde. | his bopce doth bynde : to calue the Hende, thicke tres it open layth: Therfloꝛe men all: in temple ſhall, hys honour pꝛayſe in fayth. Where they hall fing : that God; as kyng, — bath rule of watersall: | On whom he fetth sas kyngis fit, anid fo ———— mS P.iiij. The 68 XXXe 11 Whe Lord all focalth : sen tabiohenitids {hall geue bys people kynde: ! God them thall blefle : ince all peace and reſt to fynde. — g The Collecte. Raunt we befeche thee Lord vnto vs, co onftatieye . in thy worde,and make vs the temple of thy blef- | ſeld fprite,fo that we may reuerence thy godly voyce, to rebound the fame to all powers of this world,that they may be compun& therby,to prefent themfelfto thy honour wyth due facrifice of thankefull Peer through, &c. | T he — file. oe Bt — Gappiee —— for iuft deliueraunce: * % 2 q And here ye fpie 7 Sin Godt 00d pouerna : $ — Fk “nce. ane ‘Cit «eet eee Donne. | | | : | | <5 Dadthe allivbole : J {ill ertoll, | &6 He = fozthou batt lift me bpe : CThbou wwouldtt not make : my foes to crake, agaynſt me topfully, 2 O Loꝛd ofmyght: mp Gon otryght, to thee JIcryed in griefe: Thou gaueſt an eare: to heare me neare, thou ſentſt me healthes reliefe. ; Whoubroughttt ful twel : my foule from bell, — O Loꝛd thon didſt wythſaue: Thou me releueſt: my ſtrength thou kepeſft thou pluckſt me quyte fromgraue. rc Pfalme: XXX, Wo Gor ſing pe: petaintesagte, — f * bys pꝛayſes eleuate: And mynde pe Mill : bys holy will, his graces celebzate. ibys heauy wrath· ſhort tine if hath, lpfe ſtandth at bys gad grace : At upght we wepe : pet after leepe, at mone we myrth emb2ace. Whan well J twas : in ioykull cafe, I layd as then 3 thought : 2 What FX no dap : Mould fele decay, 10 and neuer moue to nought. Foꝛ thy ged twill: fo Grengbtomy bil, O Loꝛd molt Kedfalklp : But whan thy face : bab tournd bys grate, I than felltroublonily,. In thys my payne: J was full fame, fo arts hone tao God wyth erp apply, amd prapd both a hi npabt. What gayne fayd J: hath lyfe thereby, tf death cut hoot my dayes : Can duſt declare : thy power in care? in graue fo tell thy prayſe: — God therfore : fpare me fhe more, O Lod Jthee deſire: My lanple ſprite: : befppte not quyte, — Qj Thon but helpe Ith cerequyre. 9 SP fale RRRI, cr hon tourn —— tat ang! 3 12 duherloꝛe euen hrill all gad mca, sid cor mune. * ae : Thee Dauid prayed from Saule fo [capte in letter — * he for = prayed fr fo feap ib bef to myrth deh evefullvoopees vive oes wis The mournyng wede; sion change roe ang J fa Fenntd'3 bpd reirce. hed SHtgs VU LLS R x -% 23 J —F 1 es m Sow et = oF! 5—᷑— <= 32k — fan 5 + thy sloop fing and prarytſtfe ~ sy x _ oa of loue: mp Gad aboue, h mini: | ‘arth mrurune aa La Oe GN VES GT he Colete. vie i M Oft louyng and mighty protedar,almighty God he fuffer not our enemies to triamph auer vs we be- _ feche thee, but fo ftrengthys wyth Ks ſtrong hande, _ thatafter heauines is turned into gladnefie, we maye geue condigne thanks and landes in due oes ie ih of thy gece rey gh Chrift, &c. The Abgument. “Pialme.. pe ae —— - 9a ai But Chrict is meats Gisth plese church: afer pve o bodses 60a . Sk es thee D 1020 7] put my tentt: tet me neuet be hamde: Kid me in thy true righteoulnes: which thou forme batt tram Bow downe thine eare make batt tones Delinerd that Ibe: Be chou inp fort,myp rockt fo ferme : fo ſtabled iuſt bp thee. Thou art mp rocke € caftell fare ny fortres large aud wide: Foꝛ thy names fake loꝛd lead mic forth : bethau my light and gt MAy koote D Aod draw out of tet : full pꝛiuy fet forme? - Thou art mp ſtrengch as 3 haue faid : al hope doth rett in thee, Bo thy good hands Hyelne my prite: abn to shy erent ruth: a how batt redemd Wwe Cen : O lozd thou Sap of she : 60 w > . —— * — ip) ‘ be fi =] Pate æxxj. ea secant counenie: © Romana it thee” $2] willbe. Dard etic reioyee : for thyne humanitie: — g wt ia note mp foules diſtreſſe: my ace aditctic to fee, fe In eruell hand of deadiy foes t thou Hak trot lhut me bp: "tsa Butt let iny leete delete in roumie: thoutenwerud fo ocup. Haue mercy Low vpon my wo: myne eyes therin conſume: xy ſoule and che my body ſoꝛe: much papne they do reſume. x0 es fcis walt in heauines: mp yeares in surnynges wayle: krengtt ts talne fox mync oence: my bones beginne to quarle BY Ateome F — my foen: ‘but note to nepabbourher: : A feave 3] was to dailp frende: feene out of DoS thep fico. is Fl am fo cleane caft out of mynd: as Dead matslapd i in graue: Fam became avetlelbꝛoke: which no a litt to: Hane, . rhe te :? ¢ 33 “Fl fatv fo great contpivacy + of met in countayle wets’. Sap heave encrealt whan they dedrite: my foule to trap in net. 14 ‘spur ye vet mp hove hath bette itt thee: - OLD F thus dyd fay, Thon art my Hod Haney truſty 50d thom witt me kepe fo} ape. 5 991 dayes be fet in thy good hates : rpd mefromall my foes: 38 whole handes be let to perlecute: to lade inp ſoule wyth wees, 36 Thy gentle light of countinance : yew me thp ſeruaumt pooꝛe: Sauẽe mg 2 ou by mercy. great; Itrult thevegtye MOM, 5. And lee me not contounded be: O Low ofthee Fi craze: Contounded be ali wick ed men: sit fitence put to graue. * Let lyeng were ope to fpeake : to whia downe lowe be think ; ore In cruen ſpite bildapntullp : they praccagayat che tall, ~ 2 Bow i is thy grace fo plentiful, drevat in yy tober: Foꝛ rightedis men — thee do feare: as Adams boode may ſee. QQ, Bo ye Noy — Pfaboie: xxxij. —— thee: froin all monoking men; — — k * ite inenc pew et O thankes be duc tot theo: whofe pity ſuch F fries: — ofeo in: 073, tm tye Dtvele. 9 whan 3 fled and felt e : 5 fapd thou me deſpiſde: J be oe crppe thou heardſt 1 —— deuiſt 23 0 Lone the Low peal his ſaintes: the Lom the init ef 23 Zhe doer prowwd he thorowiy: rewardth as he deferut e ernth, 24 Beeltrong in hart: mot manfally, Foꝛ he pour hartes hall ſtrength;: aũ pe that wayte the Lord fo good, a trutt ye hym at length. 9 The Collette. MM Of merciful father which: exceliti in aboundice of pitie and compafsion, we befeche thy tender and infinite mercy,that while we fearch forthe eter- “2. nall veritieofthy worde and commaundement, we may efcape the deteitable prefumption and pryde of 3:8 ayne walkers in this worlde,contrary to the eternal : veritic in thy worde, through Chriſt. GT he Argument. —— xx. x Ie - Here Danidteachth to underStande, € whatiscleare blefednes: a Beati quo- Exsn pardon free at Gods good ——— rum remiſ· for allour fu —— “ty 1 <9 3Blelt be they : whole treſpaces, all whole remitted lye : | | WMhole inne is bid : in ſecrecies, 4 — ſrom Which God turnth bis * Pfalme, xxx Ie iret { ney fo whom fight, ? F es deo aon ni * “a no — in futtle tte, = 9532 § Jee ocrite Within. is — — ce — feimninan, Ihyd ſo blynde, ——— and wouĩd not it confefie ; ! : My bones and ſtrength for lorrow pynde, 6— all day J cryed in ltrelle. 4 Foꝛ dayes and nyghtes: thy heauy hand, my foule dyd preffe ſo out; - What all my powers : and moyſture change . GF Secla agneyedby fommer drout, 5 4 ſhewed fo the : mp oyckednes, 3 ſayd: J twill my fault erprette, © seta? then Sraight thou it didſt ryd. 6 $02 this fo the : will euery ſaynt, ~ make fute in tyme of grace: hough waters floty : in depe contitapnt, they hall not hym deface, | 7 Mprefuge thou : art couertly, from trouble me to bꝛyng : @ dela Thus fentk bp the : glad fing hall 3, as men made fre dating.” g Diol geue the : intelligence, Gag tight the to teach the wap ꝛ· That thou map walke utbout oer, Sn ———— OM, ~ But 73 — —— ae A — ther —* not come — — —— SS ro Whe wycked man wyth cares toa es wrpth ſorrowes foulp bert <® - VE But toa bps trutt in Bow Heh et, mee ae eis? to hym all grate is nest. biti oll i 1k Xn thys the io: ‘reiopee pe Tilt, —— * perighteons men be glad: eles appt All ye that haue: ryght hartes and fort, ioy ve be not adad. Tbe Colleſte. Oo Bleffed Lord whiche by remittyng fi innes, geuelt them who confeffe the fame thy true inftice heare thou the prayers of thy congregation :’and fo dull the dartes of fynne in vs,that we efcapy ng the forow _ full wo therof,may bee replenithed wyth reftfull and {pirituall eladnesi in the holy ghoft, to * with thee ; i. | in ay bliffe to come through Chrift. QT he otro: ment, Pile. XXXI,. Here bily aduant — te t ogi tgt Who finne doth remit, So Beati quo- eth wholy fo free. Be i Cy. Dappy be thep, 2 Gnd bappp theman This palm ,_,, atboke fins bereleaſt: Cathom Gad doth aquite : aforefaidin WMho hath thep2 offence | Wibhofe {p2tte hath no guile another Whole hyd by requeſt. To doubt ol hys might. Metre. For — — lding my tong · 7Mybower thou art, fe pngee ins Eo kepe me at eale: Tae nde in my bart, | Ani fentelt meabout, ee Scla. Alisbale by tbe Daye! 6) Wiith ſonges of releate, Sela J 4 By npghtand by day, «| 8, Loteache the J will Thy hand twas to ſtout: And guide the the {wap : Mv moplture was biped. Outhe willy loke, AP Sela. 9 vice lommer the Dont... Soneuer to fray, 5 Hyp crpute J beinzs ed. 1.9 Mut be ye notlpke,: . Euen inf in thy fights. The horle and the Picts , Ihrd not my gylt. Foꝛ bꝛuti they be ut bought tt to light. And hard to recule. 3 catt wyth my ſelleWpth bridle ana bit Sy kault to reueale⸗Their mouthes dpe ſtrain ee Craight thou releatt, Lett at vou they wynce peas It euerp deale. nd turne fo agayne 6 Fo2 this thall ive fie, sg ED he bad thal bane plages All laintes to delire⸗ Dueuerpfise: ‘Sufutefostote = = «ho trult in the Lord, When tyme doth require. Them grace doth abine. Though trouble arpfe, {ax Pemen of the rpabt, as flouds when thep Sroty Be glad fo. Fetopee Pet (hail they no tyme, Pe true men in bart, Whe iult onerflow, ee * ieptull in voyce Dati The Exultate iufti in. 1 Holde thys in hart moſt conſtantly. * Pſalme. xxxiij. ET he Argument. Pfalme. XXX. © : cThe iuſt alway in mynde bearth this, « - , Wyth hart to ioye in God of his, °— ) T 0 prayfé his name that mighty is, ‘ For he geueth helpe and heauenly blis : ( an But vayne all other remedies, But payne all werldly policies, | Remember this. Eioyce in God: theLooheis, Be rightinife men and do not mis, he tuff be bound fo thanke itvis. Repete pe this zaplepe the Lord: wyth melodies, UU pth harpe and lute wyth ſimphonies, Syng wlalmes to hym in Plalteries. —* Forget not this, Syng Carols new wyth tubilie, To God the Lord in maielſtie, ibys laudes, bys prayſe, ſing hartely. Uuell vſe pe this. His worde is true moſt certeinly, is workes be wrought moll fapthfallp: Abule not this. $e indgement loneth : and right entent, The earth theriwith ts all beſprent, Such stace and loue he dobone hath fent, Well trak pe this. he io iI 12 Pfalme... xxxiij. Whe heauens were made : by thps the Le, Whe holtes of them : by bys true word, ~ beth of mouth : thep2 poiver afordth. Diftruk not thys. Whe teas on heapes : he doth them place, As bottell clofe : he thent embraceth The depes he coutcht in ſecret ſpace. Denounce pe this. Let all the earth : the 1020 ifeare, What man this world and mould doth beare, Serue — wyth gentle eare. Renounce not thys. be J the iad : and Done if was, Whe earth firme lode in Table cafe, : — dyd brd it came fo paſſe, KReuolue pe thps. Ail Paynyms wayes God doth reiect, Wapne peoples d2pftes bp hym be chect : : Pꝛoude Pꝛynces craftes he doth detect. Dilſſolue not thes. Gods — ave ſhall all abyde, ys thoughtes of hart ſhall neuer fpde : _— tyme to tyme on neptbher ſyde. Keſpect pe thys. What kolke hath God Jehoua Lord, Elect as heyre by bys acco2d, D bleft thep be by truthes record. | Soulpect not thys. KR fe The F 14 15 16 * 18 19 8 Pfalmep sxxxiy, | The Lo S irnuvekineniaiaieeh bs all, - i Ailkynde of men both fre andthall: pees ſce waren rele bs feththep fall. = ãduile ve thys. Feombis is bia fe teat : betabthbyseves,. . ~ All men to vewe thep2 tract to ſpye, ate pats cuer ther in earth do lye. Delpife not ier: Thet partes ofall betbape no dout, He knotuth theyr thoughts wythin fnythont, Ther— nah what they do go about. Repute pe chs. No song is faned nb routs of hoff, No gtaunt Frong for all bys bof, Okltrength and power thouch.bane they mote Dilpute not thys. Strong haote — but weake agayne, That man by bpm myght fafe remayne, Both horſe and man are all but vayne. SIpproue ye thy. Behold the Lord: holdth epe full iuſt, On kearefull men whych hym do rut, — grate them guide he fafely mut. TPs | Diſproue not tyhys. Theyꝛ ſoule from death to ryd them quite, An tyme of dearth to fede themrpaht - Auparnlultreue —— fulllpabt. <> > Betrouth —F thre Dur 32 22 \ — ertend D 020 thp gentlenetfe, — xxiii Dur toil chat tarved quietly, Foꝛ thys our God alſuredy — Dur guide,our lhiel (hield moſt truſtely. * Foꝛſlouth nats Dur hartes in bpm fopll ſtyll reioyce, Foꝛ bys god name Wwe trutt the chopce, sano fing ive Will in iopfall wap. ere Kepete pe ie. As tue in the haue truftineffe, , Thon art the 2* of ryghteouſnes. i Forget natin. ¢ T he Collette. CEede vs O Lord thy miferable people in that time _ whan raigneth the famine of thy worde, deliner our foules from the death of finne, that we maye bee filled wyth thy mercy : finally,to bee aflociate tothe righteous, in the ioyes of eternitie mY gratious gift. Through Chrif&c. | The Argument. Palme. ‘XXXII, - When Danid fledde,to Achis kz king, - | At deathhewasfullneere: — @. 3 Aid faued ‘yet this Pfalme did fing, ' With all his frendes in quiere. till geue thankes : fo God alfpapes; * exit ete nd —— | nip mouth > eC," _seaeate cantinuallie. — aan ‘i te ii. ff, of go Palate. xxxiiij. Df thys god Lord: to boſt the fane By foule fhall neuer lynne: Whe humble fo2t : fhallbeare the fame, And eke reiapce therein. D laude and prayſe: thelinpng i070; ° 0 wyth me performe bis prayſe: And let vs all: wyth free accorde, extoll bps name alwayes. J ſought fhe Lord: and when F erpde, he bolwdehps louyng care: Vea, heme kepes,eche tyme and tyde, and dyd me rid from feare, Lo, thus fe God: the pore doth call, _ bis crpbe doth regarde: * And he krom paynes and wofull thaall, lixkewyſe doth hym awarde. They had an eye: full bent in hym and ſo they lightened were: Aſhamelaſt face not one of then, froin that tyme foath dyd beare. Gods aungels Landes hym raund about, wholeipfe hin fearth arpabt: — No harme thep take, by wycked route, be them delinereth qurte hs O talk and fe: bowarations, — the Lord remayneth ivf: a What man ts blelk : all pꝛoſpereus that —9* an — uly. Oe 9 © teate the xan: pefainctes of bis, therin pour frauaple plant ; | F 02 they that feare : the Lord of bis, fi (gall nothyng ever nant, 10 The Lyons neede; fupthiamiger sree, - ms wm therpebeand pꝛoud in hart: But he whole feare : in God is fet, — of all god thpnges bane part. Il PHechildew pong : approche pe neare, geue care vnto nw worde: J wyll pou learne, the Lord fo leare, in godly hartes accorde. 12 What man he be : that lif to liue, and kayne would ſee god daves: Let hymno fraude cin tomeueatebione, ; ‘ * in lewde and frowarde wayes. 13 Reiect theeutil: and take the god, all wycked wayes eſchue: Seeke pleaſaunt peace: wyth na move, and do the ſame enſue. 14 Gponthe ind : and godipmen, the Loꝛrde bps epes doth (play: And botucth bys cares : as — rl ag oft as Hep do prar· 39 5, Gods fice is lane motl retuny ne F to wycked men of hand: To rote full out : thep2 mentorp;'* fromtall the earth to ſtand. samen K.iij. Palme. xxxiiij. 16 | 17 18 20 And he front cares: and troubles all, | — g> itt “ Pale. xxxiiij. fo God * Laid the righteous call, who heares theyr heauy cafes. deliuereth thein by grace. The Lod is nie,to hym by mighty that is contrite tu bart : And faneth the man: of hamble wprite noꝛ will from hym depart. Great are the cares: of perfect men, and great thep2 troubles be: But pet the 3,020 : pelinereth thent fromallasnerfitie, He kepth theyr bones : both fate and found, Anbroken them to ſaue: The euil euil happes challall confound, 746, no fap bp God fo haue. ; {The Lord will keepe : bis dspace all, theyr foulesbeivypildefend: And none halt be in forrote thal, a ult fo bpi doth bend. The Collecte. goegl A Lmightye God that artethe ftrong —— of them that be in aduerſitie and art moſt merciful! deliuerer from all daungers of the world; We befech thee of thy godly pronidénce,to fende thy holy aun- gell to affift vs on euery fide,from tribulation, to bee at laft deliueréd from. the miferabledeath of finners. Through Chriſt, &c. * ba The Pfalmes xxxiii. 83 x Tk — Plo KARI >: , pWhen Danid fledde to Achis kings. > For the : At death the doore he Was full neere, ) Lute. ; And faued yet this ‘Pfalme dyd fing ’ Wyth all bis frendes in godly bia eestes: 7 This pfalm Gy God hys Lorde,to hym fo dere, ya Tag An voyces clere With bart aud Will. Metre. | lioeinres acon deme tharkes J will. Benedica (7 cue thankes J toil: geue thanikes will, — ral Foꝛ ape ta God moſt gratious Note he is mypforte,mprockeonbitl —- reuolutiés — 8 Lord he is molt bounteous — fas iH) - Hy mouth hall pꝛayſe hym plentesus, uers terni as as and mende moſt feruent ſtill. nations. Eis 1 Beak — pare 2 Py ſoule may hie sof thig ——— He was mp helpe fo truftelie, Let meeke men heare wyth one accorde: : Let wofull men iope Wwillingip,.. What Hod bath done fo louinaly,. From whom all grace doth downe diſtill. 7 Geue tharkes 3 toil. » he ae pete Lone wyth hart and payee, With me ve feebpe geatleneast 3:17: on — ha oan ar —* 0 —— ee — betes erpretle, keepe frompou,all troubisus — —— Geue —S—— ar! K.iig. J 94 see 2 Pfalne,. J xxxiiij. 44 count the Word hefentmecate, We hard my griefe and alimy payne, — He pluckt me forth of all difeate, What deadly gript mp hart the vayne, He rid mp feare hefurnd agapre, For3 hym ſougbt {with all my ſkill. Gene thankes J will, § lledde to hym, and fate his light, WMho epe did caſt to his good grace, All lightened ere with viſage bright, Confounded not were they in face, No payne no ſpite could them diſgrace, God them defendes,none can them ſpill. Geue thankes Jwill. ied Gi Gov bard my evve ag cweete iucenſe, Jpooꝛe man lo felt this in part, He geueth all blifle he quith offence, He bade all wo from me depart, Df troublous paine fo quench the dart, Right see be Did his worde fulfill, ft Geue thankes Jwill. 7 Gave — * —* by fo firength my fight, #02 angels power moſt glozious, — About the iu lie ſtrong in myght, To make hym goe victorious To ſcape theyr foes ſo quarildus : ys polver agree endureth ſtill. Geue thankes J til. D Pfalné, xxxiij * 8 Otalte and fee he none forſakth, * Gods godnes ſmeileth moſt — — To whom iho wyll themſelfe betake, D blelt they go ryght happelie, Who tru€ in hym alſſuredlie, z a cae at hall dovvne duſtill.· | Geue thankes J twill. 9° O feare the Lord in childelie feare, Be laintes of hys in holines, Serue hym in truth pour hartes han beare F 02 who hym dredth in linglenes Can fele no want in baronnes, “i Sarthe barme 102 other iil. X * + Geue thankes J twill. to Whe Lyponslacke in hunger fret, The rpche J meane and gluttons bapne, To (eke thep2 pray though thep be let, — Ho tode wyth re can they obtapne, Witho tekes the Oord thall miueno gayne, ieee eee BR SSAnAGT sia Gene thankes 3 til 11 J fapldefullfure: thefeas at length, ; Pe children come and beare the cate, Jwyll pou teach Gods feare and trength, Wy that ¥ fcapte fo Dowbtfull place, — Foꝛ Godmekept inalinwp race, 0) * —— would me wil Geuethankes J tuiil. 2.j. Sivet ** felpfets god,itmakth menatad, bol votitt well wyth au hys bart, We thal not neede fo beadzad, . From dapes eterne who imouto not fart, Bepe pe bys tong fromouerthwart. * And wh ‘ai wordes let hym fulfill. = Gene thankes 4 top 13 puny — worde confoundth ail blame, Inure thy tong intruth to loſe, s Truth may be hhent pet feare no thame, - Forbeareall wordes opprobrious ti» All craft,all curfe mott odious; iD — — at Fong twpil Grenath the frill. Head ooo ® Oeuethankes J will. 14 dain god, and haue god reſt, Olde Adam kill thou formerlie, So Adam newe wyll follow bell, Then ſeeke thou peace off, bufilie, But it enfue moll earneltly, — — doth full Diftal. 3 > ai Sone panes 4 tyl 35 God leeth the itt in promivence,” ips epes them marke in tendered He them relieueth in indigens, » Hys cares he bendes in redines,. When thepdopapincarefulnes, = bear hes haps ef i Geue thankes J wyll. << — Gos ye Pfabne;’ : xxxiij ve 99 je ee eo gr ps — on them is —* reno wne be wyll —* Theg ape to lpue they would fo — — alltrath and ſkill. Geue thankes J tie 17 The iult opprett to God theycryed. He beard them fone in tyme and plate’ In ſtreſſe and nedebethentelpped, — WU pth all dekence he them dyd brace, - Homake them ſate he hyed hys pace He — ſpyte cant fppll. att 4 Grae toutes ate weu. 2% Sodloucththe make : theyr shales be inate * To them ſoſt ſprites he doth impart: CU pth fapthfull teares who here doth grete He wyllthem eale of all they? ſmarte To (cape their foes,thep2 fpvtefull arte Ran wants they, wꝛecke on them fulfill. wns BIR Geuethankes J will. 19 pe inf felt payne : they pet indurde, In woes though tw2apt all dolorous, Great gapneto them is death alfured, — God them fo ſtayeth mot mernelous, They tope wilpfe moſt troubelous, Fie, spat quenche an ſtill. Geue thankes J wyll. * * O/alme ices, * —— they neuer quaple, =. Theyr bones in. —— Thepꝛ conlſtant hartes can neuer — Whey heyres be numbred ſeuerallie Ma bone to bꝛeake can poſſiblie — belpefrom God doth molt diſtill. op 4 Valee et 21 * euill dyeth euyllto death fullloff, = «ee To late be ſpyeth bys wyckednes | NHe mulb keare death that hated troth, He mult for ſweete feele bitternes, He harmde the iuſt he Guna nolede, ett as euill — dyeth he ill. Gene fhankes J woll. 22 haute thon theaLaxd who kepesthe fill, ~:~ Ail helpe from hym doth ap diſtill, | Poꝛe foules heridde,frombondageill Df wo and theall none Hall haue ſkill Whych truk in hym nought hall them fpilt, a — hys * lokepefulfill, — | EGeuethankes J wyll. he. Arguments ‘Pfalme. XXXVC. Christ prayth(in this for recompence ° ™ bis foes to reape (agayne )theyr part : § Soman for wrong done hym agens, — doth yet no ſpite in( hatefull Jhart. >| SLead thou D W020 my( rvahttull Jeate 1 Dindge (thy felfe my hurttullfoes > ay >\| Oppugne thou then in (oper face, wyich me(all dap impugne fo loſe. and Dus —— — —— ae o met meen vp(to helpe) in thy god worde, — E ——— 2* yng’ korth the)ipeareand ltop me if them fo fierce which eee —E ee | Camp pore foule(gad Lord) ob fap, ; Jam thy bealth and (fable) arme. MPake them(to be)as duſt we ſe beloꝛr the wynde to (lighty blowne: ae (An halk) ict Gods (wittaungelnie; them(derue in )ebafe wyth power knotone, Pake wap (tothen)alldipperp, Liste themnde — a Gods aungel(fomought)o2vue them by, to feele thy mpght and(handy ) warke · if F02 {hep clofe net(and ſnare)haue lard, yon ~~ cuencauleles me to(kiland ftrop > Bea canlles(furecuen)asAfapd _ mp foule in pit (and graue toclop, Let (fodayre)inotakehpmbnware, bps séraftp Jnet bumicifeto trap 2.0°- © _-- Wet mifchiefe fall pth papneand)eare Creght fone) into bys onely lap. AL Cys S.iij. SBP * ~ ~ ~ 10 11 12 13 tA 35 ge faime. xxxv. My foster eapie inpth tope(all —— an at fhall(ne Doubt bps | — el a that iop be Mall(altwap) recorde. opp bories(tabatoe) tall fay D L020} °° > faba weap (ésrdtrengtl — : * Ahich ſauelt the pore from(tyrantes) from (irelull ſpoylyng hym to keepe. Fale witnes fone(at me )oporple, Tye dit —M in wyckednes moſt⸗ ——— — * Df me they ſpurde (of thynges) full npſe, that Jknew not(atall) God wot. hep dyd (vnkynd)reward me eniil, for god to them 4 (frendly) — To greue my foule/ it was theyr tooth, © * to bꝛyng np ipfe (and dapes )fo — ** But yet Jtay when they were licke, in acetate tnept abner, 8 My foule( wyth fa) a humbled meke, my prayer to me(efttones)retournd, * J wept and inaploe)as —— as(anp,)beother thattbep bady 3 * As childe for mother( Lath by Japride, : eee iu blacke(arap)4 Wwasallclad, But they agayne jit great euill; they foct( on beapes and dyd reioyee?” 33 # ofabtectes(canvand)mockt me Hill, * and — — 16 87 13 Ag - 2% 32 Woyth fuch leln aaueoſo vylents Megs to — AEF By shankes( aetna tit ertend, when folke( — — te (as due)to ſende, —* all prayle( to thee), in euerr calt. —D— Let not mp foes C inive)at me, reioyce in quarell (falflp ſtyll —— ———— worth(wynkyn ke Fon whr —— — bap aliche tase Jagan the mete J God men on earth(they : ſoꝛ thys incre Our eye hath fene(they fay Ja eat that we( wyth resht)may bymbesies: a D 2070 (nay Go) this hast thom féertes- 2 be notat this toc dumme and fills. In the thou know) mp truſt hath bene, REARING Mie will. —* ios S iiij. vote wee” 24 25 26 27 28 — — — xxxv. sate ops J 10 inalke( in batt) Jſay, ‘to iudge my caufe in (open) TDabe : Py od and God( than canſt) them trap. - - abuenge(tbou fone) mp quarell ryght. —B Db indge / my caute as thou art wont, 7 =e in (equall) inflice Lord of thyne : D ¶ oꝛd my) Godleak inthis beont, ‘ny foes —* fo er Apne. ——— — i fo my there there, Wwe le(fo2 bs) inough : Let them not fap(D ow)/z pap, — ive bane hymlurety ſwalod now. Let them tale fharne(andblame)atfull, which tope(andlaugh)at mp diſtreſſe: : at me inbo beag(and boat) that wull, let wen sen orcawen —— Let chemſbuen ti lage that wyſhe (to fe) mp rvabt Prosi * To God/fo2 ape/)let thankes be had, who went fo pena feruants rele : spp tonge then thus) wen lotid cobs thy peaple(D Lord and iulkice eke: ‘ All dap Jwill in(perfect) found, toy taunetenaenenyine by wane, — — “The : ie te * Daw @ et Dixit iniu⸗ s. i Lorde, &c. Nam etc : Nalm Py XXX Yo Be 93 T Verlyuing God,the health, the ſtay and refuge of ye es and that all our lyfe long, thorough Jefus Chrift our | GT he Argument. Palme. XXXVT. Flere Wwycked mens delite, Is — eS : But blyndenes deepe in( open) fight, Au vertue vhole remiſe. HNmydlſt of euill mans hartt, yys ſinne hath blynd hym ſo —- Gads feare(all whole jis ſet a part Erom both bysepesage. © == Forhebimlelfe doth giofe, In hys betvitchedepes: Tell God his finne(fo foule) diſcloſe Mol worthphatetorple, — Hys wordes of mouth be nonghf, _ And kepes much guile in fore : Zo ceale he bivdeth bys chart and) thou gh, To woke bp vertues lore. | ~ y 7? og Neh Palme, xxxvi, Shꝛewb turnes in itefull mod, He moſt in bed doth mute: We hold on waves not (truely god, 3, F Be 26 fe enill neve he refuteth, J Thy mercy Lord in heauen, Pet over all Doth ſpꝛead: hp fapthfulltruth is(dailpyieme, = Whe cloudes to reache itt bead. Thy inttice 1020 we e, As mountapnes ferme to reſt: , Ty indgements(hpe D)fecret ba, Zhou chalt ſaue man and beaft. Pol worthy Lord mot iuſt, Excelth thy grace benigne: -- ds Adams flocke thall(firmely)tru€, In fence ot top gad wenge. of thy fat houthol fore, faced As drunken thall they be: «> And drinke (at nerde) thems thalt thaupoure, Df pleafures welles moll fre. ' 02 thou halk wen oiyfe With the all health aboundth : : And Loꝛd in thy bevght abt forpfe, —_- ‘. Df os halllpght be found. O djalu thp mertyneare, — To them wwhich loue thee then And let thy grace ⸗ O Lord appeare,, To seats harted men. ane * ery, —— Pfalme,. xx Pas vs Sinoteinototeot pane, — a ie Approche me halvtelp : — ey" + Ho⸗ inate belive, 0s ae -" Tomonemetzetchedly, * ie i2 There workers bayne of entll, | In theyr obone turne be caſt: Peas | Repulfe thep hane in(eroked) wil. | From lotyng be they pat. § T he Colleéke.. p* our hartes with thy heauenlylight O mers cifull God which art originall fountayne of euer- lafting lyght, that we maye bee fullye replenithed rth the plenteous grace of thy fweete houfe, fo to efchue all wyckednes anders to treade vnder our foote the vauntyng furies wherewith the men 6f this worlde bée caried by Sathan the Prince of the fame, graunt this for thy belouedfonnes fake ¢ Chrifte oure . Lorde,to whome wyth thee and iad ee al be all honour worlde —— ende. v. “a as he Argent, Dole. x x. x 7 aa ( Here hane ye sted beforne-yaureyeswveyne The — the fell wychedwyght, =~ How he careth aud carkth for his btheix gayne, | This plalm < How he flotrh aloft in bye power and myght, aforefaidin | And ſetth God and bus hallowes all wdefpytes another | Whofe curfedfteps the ust maketh hisorifen, Metre. egies tatread to hys confufion. | Cg, ~ Muling PAR SESS Dixit iniu⸗ ſtus * a — \ * % 302 no feare of bom is in all fiat, DF Gods latuhet is bereaued the fhpnine Web, Me fel fo mynd that he wonted thus ä go, Xo flatter ape hymielfe in his oton fight, F0ꝛ finne the venom did enchaunt hym ue hat in it he hale his whole delyte, And thynkth in hart that all is aright, But Gov will ſpye aut bis fine A ae, i ‘Though to the world ithath bifonr, caummendable. - ah ‘Bully in mynd Igan to reuolue, | _.,., « Bis nods; ‘Anrighteous and —— a Alttruth ay —— sheet But mere deceit in hipocrilye wayghed And ‘pou hothecourcalo ofthat be fayo,... Wo learne of dup man he dtd difdayne, — Halo the Orr right * he mought attapite. 4 4 noted tke fo bp night what he thought, When Gods men bien : torecount their treſpas But his head in his bed all miſchiete fought Amageningallgoodnestodeface, =~ Lo banpthe alltruth and that to difgrace, In no godlp way fet twas his buſy bꝛayne, —— he toke foz hes gayi. jefe pre Pfaline. XXXVI ap asic AMAbere by delert be night be torake · — hat krom this woꝛld thy care thoudolt not take, Bye vp to heauen and clouds bis courſe doth it mae, Ail men to fede both god and eke the baa, Such fapthfulnes euer thy promple haue ban. Thy providence D God moll meraelous, To all men moztaltis wnferntable, Bore ſtable and hye then mountaynes hideous ore deepe then fea botomles,onicarcheabic We thy fecret iudgements infuperable, | FFoꝛ not man onlp of thp power doth taſt, But brute beats of thee alfo hath their repatk. Wan might muſe much D Good this fo erpẽd But what earthly man could. this matter tell, Bow thou by thy hand doolk all things defend, In what bounty thy mercy doth ercell, Adolv profound eke thou art in thy counſell, Well Adams childern may well in the traf, Minder thy god wings fo be Manowediutt.. g _ Who foil thy bletted word trult in faith lure ESyxey thalbefilted with all plenteouttes, S$ thp fore houle is full ofall pleature -- F02 thou geueſt themto tall of thy fprits goodnes, Whole fete welles thep Hall deynke by thp larges F tom whole bellpes thall ipuelp water (pring, — it Fon 16 38. Pfalme, a xxxvi. #02 With the only be thefe welles af Ipfe, ————— ‘Df krayle men ſpring but podels of myre, .. * * From whom ſourdeth errour e croked rife, In the only is that we can require, Both lyabt truth and lyke to fill ome Defire, net . F 02 tu thy lyght truely, yxght mult we ſce D eis inal darkenes wrapt fall we ve, 3 : Thy gentle godnes D 3020 impart, To fuch as fapthfullp thp word do kepe, Withe know the both wyſe € merciful in oe That from dap to Dap thep map thp face feke,. - Xoꝛtheyto the beare aright their hartes meke 11 12 Foꝛ they haue both the and thy woꝛrde re) Thy rightoulnes they know € thy iudgements _-Why bolp wozde ¢ eke thy commaunvementes. - Since than themekeofharthefoateate,. - _ = And poude be out of fauonrallerilde:. Kepe me D 1020 front pride their foule dileale Let not mp fote be in theyr fteps bee | Tepeawayfrommptouletheir biolenuce, - * aL hat fh er lap no band vpon my pacience Thus depe mufing with my ſelle ina trance Callyng to mynde the endes of god and bad : hough theptiveine here lead alifem diftance: 15 ofv the bad fo2 bys mnpath ſhall once be fad, And the qood fo2 thep2 woe fhall once be glad, NHob the nought { fhal be caft on the woꝛſe hand . then deemd 3 in Whe, that truth thal. (ure ſtand. The * other ‘Hee — doyeſe Pfilne, —— ——— Baa: — Ament. Pfalme-- —— * bow the earch by mans “All finnie do commit in bis hart: that ſie can, 2 lone.can him moue ; of the Lord for * Dis iniu- Ne. feare can him ftay : from hys errour to flees We wycked in bart : as J getle is he bent, BS (22 AU finfull abute : in bys Ipfe to frequent 2 | Pe] Aw DE wad hath he not : any feare in bys eves, . So wilfull be goes : in bys abokiy deuyſe. tor blyndiy he vſeth: forte flatter himſelle So pride hath hym putt : by his waltering wealth : ntplithatbisfiune:fobebatevof Goo, = Found out by bis fearch : be dewrayed by his rod. Whe wordes of hys month : be onrightfully wayed, In ſieyghty decept : bethepcraftelplaped> ꝛ Quyte ceafed he hath : to behaue hym aryght, God deed fo2 to do: hath he driven from hys ſyght. All milchiefe he dꝛeames: to deuiſe in his bed, FErom godly delertes : hath he turned hys hed: | iuap that ts good : bath be cleaued buts; eutil can hehate: buti init doth be go. Shp mercy D i020 : tothe heauen doth — Styll hym to abide: fo to make bymamend: - Thy fapthfulues cite : to the cloudes doth amount, Though graceics be be: not bps Ipfe to recount. hp righteoufnes fandeth : like the mountapns on hye ~~ Mok Kable itis : hoi fo vaynly he lye: AC hy Jullice in domes : to the depes be they lyke, Frarle m man the beaſt: with 14 belth fo2 ta feeke. T.iiij. hHow 10 it $2 100 Pfalme. “xxxvi, How wondrous D God: is thy pitpfullbart,. Thus man to relteue : in bys ipfe ouerthinart g Wore fuerlp ull : maythe chyldren of mer; Thy wpnges Hall them keepe : as ber birdes both p ten Full fed hall they be : by thy plentes us ſtore, Thy gtace is ſo large: to thy prayſe euermorꝛe: Swiete drinke ſhaũ they haue: by thy deinty repaſt, As lloudes do we ſce: fro the ſprynges to be caſt. Foꝛ truly with thee: is the tountayne of tyfe, he All bertuc in iohom : map Wwe ſpye fo be rife: No Doubt in thy light : hall ive light ener fe, And blynd hail ive be : if we vary fro thee. Continue fothem: O thy fatherlygrace, -- —~ Who knowe thyrenome : who thy bounty embrace: To them( do we crauc) : fo thy iuſtice impart, Who ferue the aright : ina purified hart.- Due bone fo2 mp felfe : do Jhartely pray, No fote of the proud : that againt me he laye: And let not the hand : ofthe wickedly wight, . Confound me by Aeight : fo fo banguylhe nw might. Cuenthere are they fallen : in their crafty deuiſe, Theſe workers of euyll: be they neuer fo nyſe, And calt be they downe: bp thy powerfull hand, Mot able to rple : neuer able te Land, ‘The Aalme. xxxvij. lol The Argument. Pfalme. XXXVI, 4 —5 M+ Sour flfein hart) a bane of Go, 5 Ando foc enh — fiate)bane their abode — HNiue thou not : men obſtinate, ‘ep! she fret (in bart) ne Erpuc wyth then: $e 7) Cnup thounat: theyr wycked fate, A Atpme( but thort)to rote the ftreme. 2 Fo2rfoneashay:thepthallatvay, as (Wnitherd) graffe cut dolune % fap : So fiwiftly fade : as herbethe blade, — bow grene(and freth ) fo euer it lap, g Lrullthouthe 102d : holo falt hys worde,, be dopyng Gill gwd( righteous )diede : Miveli thou in land: holo tillthyband, intrath(and ref) thy fapth to fede. 4 Whusthpdelpte:thall Godberpabt, to hym than fet thyne (eare and bart : What mynde can craue : 02 wyſhe fo haue, God woypll it iu (ryaht fone impart, 3 Commit thy twap : thy Hate and Kap, i. fo Gods (moſt Frong )allloupne graces rut hym in fayth : for what hefarth,: he beingth it wellto(redp )palle, . - Wf Be yor yikes -"Pfatae. ” xxxvij. Be énilkerpzette : thprpghteoufnes, af length (of tyme as ſunne fo bpgtt: And willendues thy iudgementtrne, 7 %- wyth Ipgbt as none doth fopnei ti Be ſtill in God abyde hys 100, lef hym (alway bo iubat be wyu: ) Fret not 4 rede: though wycked 35 ae inh fueth( ſo laſt) al tounſayles enill.” — no tyme conſpire, wyth them(to ao )thy heate — ~ @lg hall thy twill : be moued fill, io 11 12 to counterfet there(wocked 9* arne. 107% Maligners all’: chau haue afalt, thee hep hall be (allnétpe) reste 0 outs · Where who abpde : the Lord theyr guide, 3 Cyall bfe(at inpll) the lange na bout, - . Wiythin a wbple : all vyched tiple, thall paſſe / a way) and melt to nought : Hys place wheras: lategréenehetvas, = * not be found though Hvle) mrt ane ‘ Butt the mike chall as thevivke, fure : the(ffable) earth: Goo pil thep2 ſtreſſe: Jn heauen vetiethe; weth tto2e( and chopce) of peacetulmyrth. Th ungodly eke : ‘agapntt the meke, ——— bis counfaples. mad to weane and) warp e: gnatht hys teeth: yf nought he ſeth, * cei lpfe of them (in ſhame )to carpe. e 13 14 {5 £6 49 {9 _ Pfale, —— {9} Ee Ln tailt seat ante ee os ugh at hynt( — — th ſce bys bap fo ber, © 1 to warle Tull fore ſconorne · hep: word nate out : boty bent fo Gout, the tupcken( fo2tall )redy bath : Zo bapng the poze : to death bys dere, to kill the tut in(hatefull) wrath. Theyr ſword fo fierce : theyr hartes hal pierce themfelfeagapne(fo iu to quyte ꝛ· Whep2 bow fo bent: fhallbebutrent, — and bopde hall br they2 (irefull mpapt. Alittle Kore : got iult before, to ryghteous man is(alivay moze 2 · Chan isthefod:andallthegod, °- of (futtle man thatcratth therfore. Tras he armes and flepabtes : wyth allthe baytes of wycked man fhall(thoztlp ) quaple : 3 Sf Pet wylltheiow: theinafosde,: theyr boloe (and truſt)ſhall newer faplec God knofwth the daves : and loueth the wares of godiy nren(thepztpues)toappes Erom tycle chaumee: they2 beritaunce, Malla (in tyme) foe eucr fapde. ‘Soup 3 n perilous dapes· of dzeadfullfrayes, they ſhall not ſtand in feare) amafoes . In ixme ot dearth: ofbarren earth, * Goze and rere fhall be — RE Gy Wut 21 22 23 24 25 36 gods foes though then —* ty Ge set lyke the ſunne: thall they confume, —* of lambeg fo fott. >. sine Whe wycked man’: he borow can, but wyll not pay( bys det Jagayne s: he rpghteous man : to lend —* ag and leelththerin no(hitter)payne. 900 Gods blefied men: deperotesthen, 9 fhall raygne (at Wwill)and hane thei fyll: Gods curled men: dprotedthen, | hall fferuc (fag lacke )and want theyr wyll Whe Lord is guyde: at god mans ſede, byskpnodeofipfe(hetsjaloth: 9 Hys ſteps and gate : bps lpfe bys tate, Hota God guideth (full fare Jand it auowth. It chaunce be fippe : by humayne trpp, pet (fullp) fat be falth not downs: , Gods hand hym Tapth: andbnderlapth, fokepe hym tut both )fafe and fount... % pong haue bene : not olde am lene, the tuff (as yet) Jneuer knew: Once defkitute: o2pethpsfruite, °° to feke theyr beead(in nede vndue. The iu man wull: be mercifull Joep, Hill lendth (bys god Ihebourothn not thas | And pet bys fede ; in grace thall (pene, °° °- ate ble (and — Gadand — 27 28 29 30 31 7 33 os Pfalme” xxxvij. File thou — wyth hart and wyl do god that Gon(ofthe)requy2zth 7 Chan trul thou ture : long ——— —* 8 to bane (all thyng what hart deſierth. Foꝛ God loueth ryaht: and oyll not we | geue vphys fapntes(foyape )to twaple : ibys deare elect be euer kept, ) iwhere wycked feve thall( foboly Jqtiayle. Whe ryghteous mar: mot fable thar, theearth(atretk)inberite hall : : Wherin to Dwell : moſt fafely weil, for ener(fure ad) not to fall. he ryghteous month : is traynd in fouth, in wiſdomgodly Jalbinured + - alma Hys tonge wyũ take ; all ephoomes walke, in fentence rpght(allvay )affured. F 02 Why Gods law : is allhps ale, and thet in bart : (it is full falt : — lvfe and gate: ag fable ſtate all newer ————— The wycked pape: they tote to fpye, the walke ( and trade of ryghteous man: They tearch and feeke : forte caule to ppke, fo kill hym (quyte and) ifthep can. ) Wut God hys frenath: wyll notatlength, - leane them in thep2 rete babe To be condemnd :bp foes fo frembde, 3 st Cente aye 0 Jnben eltandes. 2. ‘ G. ig. * vets ee yo too P/almey xxxvij, 3 4: AErult thou the wa kerpe kall hys worde, E MMe ‘for. be wyll thee on bye promote: 5 rr) ah mad Ta holve the land ; —— — at exe(rvght dotorie) Mall fallin lote · 35 Fad euen 4 : bane fpved wyth eve, . the wycked wrabt D )far aloft. So ſtrong to fe -as Ceder tree, pati ſo grene(and kreibe) as bay full oft. 36 Tho went 3 by: bys featefo fpp,. buf to (full fm ialeomutinen 4 249 I ¥ fought bps place : to fe bys grace, - ‘fe (fable) placethen bavhenone. 37 Thps is the aamme fone gopberame, Tie ‘in cliffe(alwap) be innocen 5 | 49 old truth full fait : fog truth atlatey ©. °° 2 a" bringth/ (iopfull)peace with gong alles 38 9B ut in2 etched men who wicked ren, Ki _ bp heapes thal fall in fhanefull)feare = Their fortune falth : their pleaſure palth, | their ende (of Daves is: wofull chere. Where helth and welth: from God himleite ta righteous men fo (faflly )grotwth > ei is thep2 ſhield: thep2 ftrength in field, | when trouble (chance o2)onerfisinth. 39 40 God then Mallfence : and ryd them thence, where (proudiv rule all wycked men:; He wyll them ſaue: fo2 why they bane, theyz frull(and hope) in hym agayne. * tine mehice 4 ae WECSE Mey ros teat arab s 00 sb Collette. ut ne HT e aſſured ſtay and bliffe rot alt ad He Prthow newerforfake them in nagar tere perinitt them to be 6uertome in the sr a of tribulation, we befeche thee to defend vs aht handeof thyne; which th6n viet re- ach he to thei which bein dauncer, from pe- — — 5* for’ ** —— ſake, to vhome &c. * Arigunstat. Palme. XXXVI. na ecke Daud prapee ooo ll 44 — Se i oe nye deadin that, 5 oy lies arayde : he faltred nat, ma S InGodhefaydebealterednaty x. if pgs 1 fixayde : — J yy ake ee cadena sereditsts AP ‘a9 fo fore : correct me not, In angers ſtore: ah checktimenat,,. os —* — — ‘abieet me not, is Do she ut s Trp ‘cet — — be afperous, They pricke mp bart ; moſt doloꝛaus, D —— tis — Pei es Oe — — — Msi. 2-3 ; & 3 Thereis no belth ‘inal my » eth, Thy wrath mp wealth’: oth fo reprefte, Dy wey pes tg — sie — — — J $1 Ts ps v2 Oey oo a * + Ose o Pg, * 28 a. Pfalne, xxxviij. xO spy Gunes my babe? haue overflotun, As heauy lead : thep be ſo grown, They teaccan dread: uane down me thrown Relule menot, yp —— do ren: ‘and fore thep Ginke, J Alalſe the dynne: them toben Itbinke, | Mp folith inne : J Do fozethinke. - | Detpite me not. In far areat two : lowe am Jbꝛought, My treſpace fo: my payn hath wꝛought, a day 3 go in mournyng thought· ay Repryſe me not. My loynes are fold : {with fore diſeale, My fiethe is ſpyid: and haue none eale: Al parts be ine none haue releate. Suppꝛrelſe me it . Full deate 4 Ipe “detect in ftrefte, 4 roard on bye : In carefulnés, - Mvhart pefpye : remedplette. . Oppꝛelle me not. 7 O Loꝛd thou * : {hat would J kayne, And thou aduiſeſt: my gronyng payne, Vet me bentped : to belpe agapne. sp nis hoes not be spy batt both pant ab ivofull tight) — My trengthis fant: andalimyp might, 9 4 | $pne epes do want : their fence and light. : Bewound nie not. we 4 : 35 16 o fee me five · to fall in choyce. 7 Malme. xxxviij. toting fends frommethepfic; — — gpm mp gtiefesthep fe, prea gman fullfarfrome, Contound me not. Py foes tobichfonght: my lyle to tpi, Clofe ſnares they wꝛought: fo catch mic euil, | ag et to frap me fill. Beſhame me rot. Ivet keptme: as deale Iwere, | As dumme to fe : in tong and eare, | They eee Idyd them beare. Defame me not, As one J ty wpthout an eare, My month allday.: Jdyd not ere < | po — * fo. all thys geare. Deface me not. Foꝛ Loꝛd in the 3 —— | Py God mol free : thou art fo iu, ‘And thou foꝛ me : El aunſwer mu. "‘Difarace menot. Pik guide : FJ prapd in voyce, That thep to wyde: chonld not reioyce, Abale inte not. F02 fintref bet fuck plageste beare, In delour great: itmateme feare, - My hartis fret: to feele them neare. ars me not. Je 3 Leg —— 18 19 ak a Sap finnes ercelle san he +3 im AME yeh ——— Erxclude me nt aor iy tora be stroed —— stints =i — PypsILazdmyp God: D tarpnot, ITO’ 4 ie Pak ey xxi, Jwyllconfege ee hep hate me wrong; they Do not coat, ** 2 Pan 2k J— jan SS . Byheapes Reba ‘onmethev preate. J Detectme net. altho dyd requyte : my — wethennn Shep bpd me ſpyte · they would me pill | For that the rycht H die full, Thou ſeeſt ny Fate : forfake me not To thepr great hate: betake me not, Loꝛd Godto late : ‘awakethou not. ‘Deietmeve nots * ‘Foie ment, a SpyHor of wealth oh tary nee. Erom the thp felfe : oh vary not, What J in health: mifcarp not, - Poa * Collefle. Phim J — eS | SE End out Lord thy fauing health ypon our infeed ties,ené thou thatart mofte louing Phifition to all ~ ourwoundes and fores, and graunt that we may be- wayleto,thee all our forrow and heauines ‘in true re- pentannt hartes,and that we may bee able to fubdue : aihthe affaultes offi inne. Through Chriſt. The a J * — — — —— | : Me: viomdite. “Pyalibe HXXTK® °° Ro. § Whan — world obit: eae to fcorne, ; To Godin synt he had bis tonge: ir 1 filerte ¢ boree. Ry 2538 2Wwub decreed my wayes to wayte: leaſt J in tong myght erre. L ffop mp w voghone — une while ſinners were. By filence tons, ese bon 9 wads: from tenth. J heide mp peace t It tret: me for egouD binges to patti snp grieles fo dyd not ceaſe. 3 sy bart * was fet on heate: thus muling fire it tooke: Mytong stone thrug to treate: then iilence F forfcate. 4 weil me none eve DZ. nd FI apd: what number bane mp dayes: Tar may know ohne diſmard: : FZ bere ſhal lyue ix faves. § By dayes lo thou at kyngers halt: afpan in brede they bee Bp life to thee as bnew pe caſt: lyues nan whole pauitic. ¢ Fn —* darke mans walne is fet tin bꝛoyle he toyleth in vapne: He bee d heapth and knowth not per: > Who reape {hall jon bys papne 7 sow va O Loꝛd tbat loke J for? while. men thus earth do wrote My hope no bout chen arrin ſtoꝛe: thou art my health and bote. 2To ſcape thy ro Delitier me: froin myne offences quite : And make me not a {come to be: to men of folifye pite. > How Dom x fay i its patience : not once my mouthto ove: rte 8* hen byothipszoutdence : to prone my fayth and bore. _ the Moucae from ine to fiye: by fine I kuow deſerued. J——— ſ {mart bath ipent me nye > be F pet(Low pꝛeierued. 1. fFoꝛ cohen for linne chon feour eſt man: by plates down fent frot Ss doth by mothe hys ionleoot wan —— bꝛitle be, * Bee Laid my fee, and backes mp cry : Hot deately heare my teares 62 PBilgrim ſtrange with thee F lye: as were mp fathers peares, 3 0 ſpare me then, that J my ſtrength: recouer may theriore : Betlodꝛe FZ go from hence at length: — ſeene no — X.ꝙ. cone: , Euen mere vayne vanitie light — — —— — Haue decred : to wayte my wayes 1 leſt tong ſhould faute by ſtraver: Py month will J kepe: with bridle to ye, While that Jknow my foe to be bye. ~ 4 WUbilebeinvanitielpgheth, rh In vanitie pgheth. — ‘Abela mytong nothyng ſayd. ati! Sreat griefe J felt : god worde to retkrapne, K Ecpe thou our way O heauenly father,thar we of-| reape the glory of lyfe immortall in the’ perfeé frui⸗ ope, ot \Pfalme. xxxix, = atle ~ “fende notin'our tonge,fo that we may be kindled} wyth the ghottly es vertuous meditations, &| thatwe heape vp luch treaſures in thys mortal lyfe eq tion of thy glorious maieſtie, through Chrift, ‘The Argument. ‘Pfalme. XXXIX, (King Dawid prayedasdummetoge, partes t before bis crnel fo, 2 To feapefroms his Wo : of finne to be quyte, And fayth that man is vanitie right. J — — — 2 In ſilence domme Jlayde So lothe toreplp: although to my payne, In world luch vanitieraignth, ¢ — Such vanitie raigntzßz. But mutingthus: 4 oasinheat, : My bart did fore me freat: we ONS F 02 fire the payne: prouoked me much, . At lalt J fpake : wyth murmurpug gratey, A lato the banitie (uch, | 7 The vanitie ſuch. LoVe ( , NM/alme. xxxix. Loxd lef me * myne ende of dares, the number bowitlapes? | 46 So truelpto touche, the certeintieper, How long chall nature refpite her def; zu mayhe my vanitie great, A 2 PE: vanitie great. ds fran t thou metſt: the Daves otmyne, And nought they be to thyne: i au bꝛeuitie fet ail wrꝛapped in feare, God bap ſo far - great magre fo neare, tne hee vanitie bere, But vanitie here. In chadow darke: mar toylth wyth payne; and verth himſelfe in vayne: So gather be deare : gods carefully kept, He knowth not vet by whome to berept, Bvbo depe ñ vanitie Kept, ~ An vanitie ftevt. * ain Hole D Lord what is nw hope, {where men thus blyndly grope: Thou txruly mp (cope:- art onely to ſee/ Foꝛ man we know but thadoin tober, | —— — oe, aren.) Sw vanitie be. 0 ryd me Levbthatat am ä thzal, fram myne oftences all: That neuer 3 fall : as mocke anda ſcorne, —— mens wyth teeth to be torne, — bem danan—— sz In vanitie boone. EH, Sud 113 Zt {2 14° Palme; xxxix, — — went in all myparne, en i! ~ an banitic * —E—— This plage for Anne vet take away, Bris wien - $F0y twatken 4 laps thp hana is fo felt, by terrours great: mp conſcience S— AI łeele my vanitie ivell, _ BP banitie wen. ' | Ahen thp —— mans linne correcth, Hys ſtrength is fone deiectt: 2 ys beautp fo checkt: thou bring ita fléepe; As mothe in clothe : inbenMilythey crepe, * man is vanitie deepe, Is banitie dere. vwende me botveotanerbone ace, DULewmyppraperbeare: ~ ° : gop teares be thou ncare : fo2 ſtraunger J aim, And gheit wpth the : mp fathers thefame, And We bp banitielame, , Sy banitelame. O {parea tyme: and ceale my payne, my freneth to wynne agayne: Bekfoꝛe tarefrapne : care death ooth me (py, Conundebyp the: wypthircfullepe, —- | tell #30 in vanitie ene 2 In vanitie bee, i é. ba xi⸗ tHK Plaliné, Mek Hs — —— Pfalmes eB n * ADauid prayed’ fo Christ may ye fe , — pent fullready tobee,:: © T 0 God wy thankes : most —*2 Anad ip ve Spied stheyrfoes for to flee. eS T hey miſt not tajce. — Snlent watch Jwapted in ſprite, BS * Theor of heauen sand ſtard on bis mpabt, 7 Lt St latkhe botwde : to chewe me hys ſight, ts — my erp sthat J dyd endight. xs eare was fo ryght. Be brought me heeth: of horrible pit, In lome and clay· depe myerd init; .~.. > On fable rocke: he made me to ſit iain man was and gurded my fetes. * Iniourner ſo fit. ong full cet : he put in my mouth, Mo fingte God: hyslandfo2hys loth: Eoꝛ he kynde thanke : mol gently atowth, DE - men eke : thep2 bartes be auowth. So frendly be bototh, pate acte thal canfe : fall many to fee, Holy Godis god : moft bountte and fre, In feare to hym : tu bart ta agra, Sn hym to trod: all errour to flee. God lauded fo bee, dWhotrullth in Goo : is bletfed in bart, Though wohymeverth : how eueritfinart> — Be God bys Loꝛd: pet Will not aftart, zoud uch : as fables impart. vee GUpth pes ouerwhart. ¥.tilf. Ry 10 11 u¢ > WPfalme, x. @y Sone and Died: fhyvonbdersbebpe, one can thy thoughts : by reafon eſpye: {hou bear tabs : though J opd apply, ¥% could not fell : (he number at eve. : | Them balfe to deſcrye. Ho lacrifice : do woꝛke the delyght, Speate offerings none : do pleafe thee arpabt: © But cares onibit : thou hhoptt bs by might, TAhole anne beent : fo ſinne for to quyte. “hou longlt not the fight. Then ſayd J ftrayt: molt duely fo thys, Lo bere Icome: not flotulp rg iffe: In bolume boke : there weitten itis, — — — Thy name fo; fo bliſlle. chy topl to do: all whole am Jbent, My God molt hye: wyth gentle affent : To thy Wete law : mp hart doth relent, @iberbp ¥ truff : no tyme to repent. My choyce fo winent. Thy inttice great : my felfe (hall 4 frapne, To thy great church : to tell ttagapne : Mo tyme mplippes: From tf will J frayue, : 2nd that thou knowel: moſt certamix playne Why loue is retaprie. xbp Bie SAS Jhid not in bart, hp truth and health : A glapopD auparts kept not cole : how loueiy thou wart, Thy fapth to folke : I Ped it tn part, So trully thou art. Eo — i tite ee €2 13 £4 >) £6 57 ; — Pfaline, xh) me alfga p: thy mercy referne, ‘ hat F mapthe : mol laythlully ſerne? LAet thp ſweete grace : me daily preſerue, Thy bealthfull truth: that J map deſerue. ‘So neuer fo ſwerue. J am betet : wyth froublous woes, My ſinnes ſo fell : Do threat me to loſe, As heares of head : in number they rote, Mp bart is —* it ſelle ta repoſe. So kaintly if goes. O Low affent : fo ſende me thyne ayde, To rpd my foes that make me afrayde: Make hak tohelpe : before FJ be layde, Idre if belpe: tome be denarde. As wholy decavde, Who ſeeke in bate my ſoule fo: fo kill, Let ſhame them fake : fo curfed in will: Conformdthen all: bibich f&eke me to (pill, Let them fall backe : that wiſhe me fo euill. What J map be ill. WMH woꝛth them all : which me do defpe, Gund thane for mede that tev night aſpye: Agaynſt me whe : fo daily replyc, And inmy payne : fap fpe to the ſye. Where health myght thep erp. iL ef thele in thee : be topfully clad, Ahich feke fhp name : which be not adrad, To loue thy health: no tyme be thep fad, That( God be prayſde vythem map be fayd. F 02 mercy to had. 30 fe Though 118 9 J Mealne. xl, 18 Though poꝛe Igo: and needy Ibeeeeee Wheels god: vet careth formes Thou art myne ayde : my ſuertie fre, To tract thy tyme: Loꝛd neuer agre. Fromme fo2 fo ile. OT he Collecte. Olord almighty,whichart the inninciblé defender q ofall thy true feruauntes, and fo by prophecies were fo promifed as is recorded in the head and prin cipall booke of the law. We befeche thee to graue in our hartes thy holy lawes, wherby we may be able to denounce thy onely righteou{nes,through,&c, ; QT he Argument. Pfalme. XLI. Te fee how Christ makth here bys mone, . Agaynst the Iewestofpeakes 4 Beatus qui So may the iust When he do grone, 4 intelligit. Gods caufe not bys bewreake. - Bat manis biek ; that counth inbart, PA (Ke thepm2e(afflict)and nedies papnes © GH Ai) For be indap: ofbitterfmart, are” —-hpnt God bys Lord)wyll eale agayne. > God wyll hym kepe: and faue bys lpfe, ye th and bleſſe (iupth tocalth)in earth bys fates 6 Aud rpd bys (oule - from barme and frpfe, | of all bps foes - in( Deadly )bate. 3 The Xoꝛrd will eale · whan he on bd al wrapt / in payne )Iyth ſicke falloff; =o And comloꝛt ſend his paynfull hed thou tournſt O i020) bis couch full (off. a es J— — : Pfalme, xl Anpapne J fournd - and fapd fo the, Haue mercp 1020( right fone on mes Peale thou my foule - and make it fre, | Foz 3 full oft bane finned to the. Hine enmyes thus : fapd wrathlully, their(angrp)barts ſo ſweld in ſpite: WCuhy doth be lpue - when thall be dpe? ° bis name(and fame to perifve quyte. And if they came : to bifiteme, thep glofde(tn craft Jas thep {were apne : , Mheyrbartes to guile - do fullagre, and out(from thence) ſpake lyes agayne. * opp koes in one: clofe rounded they, ~ agapnt me whole: thep(topntlp met ¢ Euen me wyth lpes : they did J fay, Duiworthelp(iwpth guile) befet, n hep ſayd he wrought : fome eupll deuife, that God han thus/ ſo fore ) doth frike : -, Lo life no moze : God let himrife, 20 that notu( in bed )bc lpeth fo ficke. Vea euen my frendes : familtar, ' at me(in ſcoꝛne they Ipft theyr bales : Euen thep that farde : as Jdyd fare, pet me(fto trap )thep markt at meales, Co mercy pet : Lod condefcende, tome fo poe : (in bart)Z call: Raxyſe meagapne : that J may mende, | “3 thall(therfoze) retwarde themall, bre 2 Ye 3 By 117 pees Pfalae, xb? ur Wp thisy knot ribplouctome, fo2 that(D i020 Jpn enmies all ¢ From triumphes pets full farto be, to fee(at epe my houſe to fall. em ya Forthou reſpectes: myne mnacence, wherin thou dive : me(Frongly kepe: * ſhall thy grace: well ſtrength me hence, Itruſt euen nye: thp face ſo meke. 13 Dbleffed be: af rach, | thps (mighty )@od: and Lode agape: * Hobe it ape: of men ſo toell, 7 twife(at ende) Aner, ment. : The Collecte M or; gentleremitter of finne almighty God, who, lo inely theweftthe.way to-efcape ail: daungers _tofuch as. be mercifullto.theyr-brethren in their neecſſities, we befeche thee to eafe our di-· ſeaſes, that wherethou dooſt chaſtiſe our carnall offences, yet wyth mercy graunt vs health of foule,throu gh Chrift. GT beende of the fuſt booke. ace r ase : ese ys . ceruus. asHercheginet ih icon i sbooke of Pfalmes. · Ts ‘len “The Arguments Pale. x LM, os Chrift (the Lord )for hym and bys, Intrust did pray zin( paynfull ſtreße: 2 Soman euen like : as did his bead, Quemad- ., ist coo May iudt the fame : (in worde Jexprefe. - modum * — a Uenlykeci in chaſe)the hunted Hynde, iS | the water bꝛokes: ( doth glad) defire : if : » | Cuen thus mp foule : that faintie ts, to the( my Ood)ivould fayne afpire. —1 2 apy at werr )foule : dyd thyrit to Bon, To Goo(the fount) of lyfe and qraces > a fapd enen thus : tehen {hall 4 come, To le(at eye )Oodsliuely face. Fick 3 gy teares in fede : of (fodeand )meate, ‘Both day and nyght( tome) thep weres - eecypt thatall dap : rebukers ſayd, _ Wibereis thy Gad : (fra the) ſo far. 4 TWhen this(D Loꝛrd Jeane fore fo bart, J pet (therin recomfort felt ; And tru to lead :the people forth, fo.go(full clad) where thou halt dinelt.. 3 To toy in(hart: and) bopee of myrth, Apth laudes ¢ thankes (moff due)altvap: Berio ds thy folke : when that thep kepe, —— bolp dar · pith @hp — 10 — /ſalme. xlij. WMhy taltes thy felfe : than (flatly) doawne, My(fkfainty )foule : Jſayd rio leſſe: TAhy lapel€ in me: fo painfully, Zn (greuous) ine : and carefulnes: ut thou thy traf : (and hope Jin Gad, et (earthly )thyng : not the amaſe: ¥ wyll bynithanke « for all hts helpe, F In fight (soft fure cf bps gwd grace. Mp God my foule : is (dayly doert, Wipth intvard papnes(€ pangs )fo thrill: Impnde thy toorkes : in Jordan pet, ſo Done (by thee)nert Hermon bill. As depe(profound)todeepereboundth, _ at{deadfull nopee : of thy areat hovers Thy Kreames bp courfe : fo ouerflowes, MPy foule(alalle) the papne deuoures. But God pet will : (commaund )the dap, To ſhyne (moll clere me grace to fee: spp niaht of ino : ſhall prayſe hym than, Who kept pet lpfe : fobpoe)inme. schon arf my ſtrength: (alone) O Gop 4 mpabttherbp)thanplapneiniva: ~ Utthp balk me thus : forgot fo quyte, So fad fo “le fo2(maztall to, ! It pierceth mp hones(as ſharpe Jas cword To heare myfoes: in(cruellſppte: They datip thus: at me vpbreyde, cate 2 — thy Gard ——— Why : wily sPjalim. xliij, >. 22123 “gn Auhy art thou then: (Stay) wfonler | So vert( wyth griefe and prottrate fo? Why makeſt in me: ſo much a do, we Where God is frende : in (all thy) twa, - 12 O put thyhope( Jbyd) in Gor, Itruſt(therto)in tyme and place: He ts ny God : hain Jwyill thanke, J Py face ſhall ſee: hys(helpyng grace. 9The Colleſte. ™ Lord which art the onelye chearer of mans con- fcience and countenance wyth the afpect of thy face which the foules of thy faythfull fernauntes do long to beholde,We befeche thee,that whyle wefeke thy fauour by the manifold teares of onr compuncte myndes, we may be watred wyth,the heauenly fhow- _ ersofthy grace, to place thee within the tabernacle of our hartes. Through, &c. i > ? The Argument. Palme, ALIS... | For Saule hys wren i is TE ay ; Praya Daiid rome yes Philiftians , The poore euen ſo “sadly To ss dan ‘big | § may us theyr cry auance. aged oe : ; , 2 oygFeRy Ood eferne : as iudge difcerne —39 mycaule, from folkes vncleane: aAnd ryd me fo from man that gg. ne in bpce,and guyle doth meane, | G24. | | Pfalme. xliy, Spy God of myght: thou art ol ryght, Why haſt bs dryuen from the 2 ‘WU bple thus go J : fo mournfully, at mens hoſtilitie. Send out thy lyght: and truth fo ſight, fo leade and guyde my way: To (ee thy place : thy hyll of grace,’ where thou dof ref all dap. What F map ao: Gods aulfers fo, to the mp Dod euen tyll: | To thee mp iope : mp God andrope, wyth barpe the thanke J wyell. — Mp fonle fo dull: fobpart fo full, of griefe andbeauines? Why Fandi agaſt: as helpe were pafte fuch thoughtes toby doſt imprelſſe?; Out all thytruſt: in God molt we, Jpyllhym thankes erfende : We theivth me grace: euen nye af face, as God allbealth be fendth. . QT he Collecte. ; YJ/ E callvpon thee wyth moft harty fupplication O " God which art the eternall fountayne of alllight Myne on vs the glorious lyghtofthytruth, whylewe - here trauayle in thys world, to be illimited wyth the beames of euerlafting lyght of glory in the worlde to — sone, through,&c. | The * | al — * se .. — Casale ‘he Arguments: “Pfalme. XLII, | (Poore Danii : C Eb y tyranny, Det — His pfatin ——— 2 Who couldnot blin, ——-—— J For his blacke garde : to fearch hymnye, — in other | Pray th thus to God his helpe to winne, — Metre. end wyſreth that he his cauſe would wy, * wisn Fe thus be —— — — — “i me God: D iudge moſt true⸗ WA\\/2-Ditcern my caule: bp polver oppꝛeſt — Wbantamtiy men : do me purſue·e. By lawes bnink : my right depꝛeſtt ⸗· Ahich vet thy word: allowth fulloue, ———_____ D geue me rele, ——— Rep. Rulemeto fcape : that topeked man, a: — - Lhat finfull Saule : of hameles aay — hfs. altho boatketh pimaelte: allthatbecau, ——— ~~ AndDoth dfurpe : thy godly place, aft Ake ee Uathole potver by Aeite andfinne began, ———_-_.— 7 D Fudge my cate. Snoly —— ‘muy Boo thou a othe my firength : J wholeappeale, ———-——, TWhy putt me backe ? why Landi apart? — — Myſtate to the : Jiultreueale, — — wee from mee: thp louyng bart? ————— : O mercy deale · Eternall God : toby go Jthus, — — — Athamd in face : and vily checkt: — — My caufe but made : opp2ob21ous,———_-—— —— — Tuhr doth mp fo : thus me retect? ——————___ To beare me dolwne : forigo204us?7 ——___—_-_—__ — me refpect, —— " . Aas. Re⸗ tote pais --Returnetbplightsa TPE - ‘Thploghytanid truth: let it app LO a et — — “i Thatitmayrt vale bake Smee pu — PE Thy holx bill· to fing thy poaple :.--—- Pe oe Why truth ardlyghe : of ſanctuarie, — is eat Will be my guide: in — — | lat Crpelthes crolle thys miſery · 120 ts Platine xliy, : 1 ttocheare, +, } VEE that thou bhatt hight : = Perfourme tH To teache the bl blpainer- top fongde fo bevghe SES), ie “Binet — i ake halk D Lord: andbring me mye, ———--—_— wa Ocheare my dayes· hut 41 may go: gods aulters ts ——_-_—_-——_—_— To offer wankes in facrtfice + Silene In hart deuout: as due is io iſ * ea nve in fight : ta God to riſe ⸗— “me XM a * mt toy : —— my wo, — ® gl ap myne eyes. —— r hat thouatone halt geuenteliefe,’ (Gia Ithe wyll laude = wyth harpe and lute: · My God intiere: my helpe in chiefe, — hou thalt my foes : : for meconfute, ——<—— | So meta ayde to eaſe ny griefe,, 7 Oheare myſute..... — Thy then mny loule art thou ſo tade ae wuihy freth& within: why troubleſt ee — So foule diſmayd in thoughts b pet, ————— nololt not that Gad: thy God inten — Callthys ta mpnde - to make the glad, — 3 . O make me free. ae 3 True = —⸗ ——— Py God my helth : beis no leffe; ——-———_-_--—- Pfalne, xclitiy Sit i 249 Euen krutt fo Gib hin teablenes, fo move but trulk ‘for arenes, — fib Awiu hym pet : opt aunes conte, — Foz be wyll cheare : my face twvis, ® grauntallthis. GT he Collette. * A — God the fountayne of lyght everlafting ‘wefue vnto thee and moftearneftly craue of thy bounteoufnes,that thou wouldeft fende downe thy ~~ ~truth and veritieinto our hartes,& replenith vs wyth es — (5 3 a - the clearenes of thy eternalllyght, thorough Iefus, The Argument. Pfalme. XLIII, This Pfalme wyth God expostulath, — §. That helpe he long delayes : It prayth for men all defolate, é _ dn olde refpett of — obits aw : befo2e thefe Daves, ke we hard with open cares : : Whe fathers lage: tolde vs thy wayes, a workes of olde ferne reancc r: - Moto thaw efpullft: fhebeathenrout, ~~ to plant thy people dere: | What people out : thou dydſt wede ie : to rote the fathers th ere. Pattie efi : DED toinnetbetana, : oly rn Ae tive them not. — yne arme and aud, natty i aad, — ef Sha et, 128. liga Palme, wi Thou art my kyng: D God my * * none other —54 — As once thou holpit good. Afracll, belpe Jacobs ttocke even fooncne 5 bythe our foes: down thall ne throfne, * ° : our hornes (hall burte thentdotwne : In thy greate name : fuil well we know, fo make our ſoes aſtowne. 6 For trult is none: in ftrenath of botve, ES of] that ive can bendeand draw; = | Py lwo2ve fo weake: mp ftrengthtototoe, | to helpe not worth a ſtrawe. 7 Wut onely thaw: euen onely thou, daueſt bs fronvall our foes: Thouiu chem au ¶ tupth thame ineugh, at vs that hateluli goes. —— 8 DE Godaboue: we make our boatt, all dap in thankelull part· To praple hys name shee han iF Sela’ fon ener tuft in hart. ae But what meanth this thou art fo — wherby our ſhame thou fete: Where thou wert wont fo bee end our armies now thou lleet. Thou makeſt bs fat to turnes om ices, ! vpon our enemp: vs And who vs hate topth —— * a our — bt ; ont: * hou , 11 13 14 15 Dp 16 17 — sist to be Denoured quyte’s 9 eft f Vespa sind — tae womrne a asp, : among the Papuvies fpptes: ‘To heathen dogs oucircumtifer,; uw thou fel thpfiockefernaught to) ꝛo garne to the: do ryle in deede, beet we though we be folde and baught. | if Thou makel€ os all tebuketo take; |: of them that nepabours bee: about hs whome lucie, eat Et Ole . Divs hut ſcoꝛne ——— Thou maklſt bs now: as laughyng ſtockes, a ſcorne vnto the heathen: ss Chepthake their heabes metre tere bikes Derpded bp to beaut. in ſhame and eke: confufier; fandth fullto daunt myne eve: 1 My face all ſhame: —— We {ee our fo: bat bate be bear, Though pet thefe thinges be come | ned no ende therof fppe. i: Wile heare toot {the faunverets » hot he blaſphemth our faythe how be fo vengeaunce lapth, Wwe Do not thee forgets cE Bae ae 2 Noꝛ froward lyke : bugrations, duislsians xt Se coucnaunt tue reiect. Gait. Dar 129 i8 9 20 21 22 23 24 ho | SE ae Ime: * sli iif by wares to tvatlte —— ‘here ———— — nivel : ; Though paynde we be: and tattthe moze, * wyth death the chadewes kell. Among thy plages if we focutll, Gould God in name forget: To hobde our handes in draping ol, to other Gods befet? * Should not our God : inquyre titties fo fearche where we become ? ? iho knowth our harts and Ry — the ſecretes all and ſame⸗ When thus forthe : ‘all ap the bee, as dalone fo death andflapne: Appopnted thus : as — fy SUR fo flanghfer dꝛiuen a mayne. Then wake O Aord: toby po pe, ‘as though thou louedſt not rpaht> Aryſe be nye: thy peoplekepe, ape leaue bs not to ſpyte. | WMhy turnkk thy face: — — we lowly ſinners bes Mhy ook forget: or miſery, our a great to ſce. oat » XXXIN, 25 on fontet bu en tenets euen tufts pahplat Dur bellies. cleaues REO. 55, to ground in * — — — ————— 26 Aryſe O G au bine D6 Soe a). « deliuer bs fo theall — Foꝛ thyne olune fake : — ry kor mercp we do fall... Mig BP —5 ——— —— oA Rife 6 God by thy. mightye. Pict from alltyranay of perfecurion,and where thou didft orice for our fathers fubdueal Heathen nations fo deliuer vs from * our enemies ‘bodely and ghoſtly through. &c· a — 21 * —“ — — —⸗ bea “Ay ee oe ae 4 : — 5% . * 7% ‘ ‘ > + Auie ie aged Phi tor _ A laude ye feexof hing and gq queent, out most Glorious é me ads — Christ and eke: his fp aufe ile, — ——— defribedthas. — J Erudtauit $ cormeum. [Ess so part Beakeh out: fwetepaptets ns, I AAVAE. mp fongtokpng Jmake: ks 3 ¥ yp torige as ſwiſt; to do thethync, “as ſcribe hrs penne can basen > , More fayrethouart : moze antaz0us" than Adams formes 3 lap tom ony wre Thy tpech of lippes : is gracious, ; fo; Goo bleſt the fo2 ape. i; we — 6 To thy obbne laude as mete it fant. thy kame mutt hew if out. In worſhip, (pede: and protper, bye, nok rpdeontofencethetruth: 8 In mekenes clad: andequitpe, me great acts thy hand enfueth. 2 iba a4 5, Thyne arrowes Rene : full harply goes, 4 “0 Ca@llfolketo theethall fall: =~ —F Among the mids : the kings bis fors, theit harts tobanguitheall. hp ropall theone : D Gor is kaſt, which euer ſhall endure: Thy kingdoms mace all right is calt, to iu iu gei in truth full fure. Thon louelt the right: and — — O God thy God therfoꝛe: - With ople xf iove ——— beronde the match the moze, of Syzre and — east Front Juory chefs : cut bong tet, : fo alad thp hart 4 fap. Among thymavdes : fodeboravie, kings daughters there were toldde: Thy right bande hede; the Queene — in colourd cloth of golde O 12 33 14 15 ; alllandes in rule to tpoene, * eon xfy, Ddanghtirbente sce fuliyane, inclpne thpne earefome: — bp people whole : caft out of mynde, {hp fathers boule to fie. So lhall the kyng : thy beiutpipke, bys lone thail topne to the : He is thy God : and Lord to feke, wyth bart then ſerue hym tre. So Tyrus land: thal thé enviche, and thep that riche Randes ; Shall beng ther giftes : thy face to feache, lupth the to iopne they: handes. Thys kynges ſweete Nuene - is gloꝛious all whoſe ythin to fe : Her garinentes wrought : all crious, wyth gold enbroydred be, sein: So bꝛought the is : befoze thekpng, “ in clothe nt PD Per Tirgin mapdes : her companieng, ber frendes thall npe be beought, esi Wirth ioye and myrth they fhall fail nye, ger palae a Wem A fap In palace there : moſt innerly ~. inbere kpng bpmifelfe veth tap, Thy fathers romes : luch auncientes, x ſonnes chall iuſt ſuccede··· Whom thou maye make : ag Preliventes, IS... aL hp 134. tos Pfalme, xbi. 17 ‘Thy name to all AWMMENIOWs Sure hg 4 ener wyll denounce. — * he people fo - hall durably, to the ave — pꝛonounce. —————— O Lorde Chrift the euerlaftyng: worde of thy father | by whom he once dyd create,and yet dailyedoth _ create yl thinges liuyng , wee becfeche thee to pre- ferue thy churche broughte together of divers nati- ons andcountries , that we may all in pure hartesfo loue thee in the righteonfnes of fayth, to attayne to — the heuenly habitation with our welbeloned fathers, — who lyueft and raigneft one God with the father and the holy ghoft,worlde,&c. The — Pſalme. XLVI. In this Christes fpoufe elect (full, wel . Her thankes to God extendth : é ‘4 - Deus no- For that he dyd her foes debell, fter refu- And that be her defendth. — gium. 1 ¥AEN Ur hopeis Godan ftrenath at eve) (5 ‘be quidth wyth hys gad hand : © AY a Apaetent belpe:introublenpe, ~~ eye bys grace therbp oath Gand, vidie | 3 Foꝛ this we nede: not care(and feare) . though woldbecakinomne: Though hils.to fea: were thꝛobon(euen ere) ih though all turne tropes downe. ctl The iaters thou they rage(in ree) a Se how ever fhep do ſwell . hough mountayns aude: at nopfe of thent, FP Sclax pet iutt man hopth full wel. J 03 Palme, oe 4 F 02 tnby cweete brokes: and tonnes ie) ts Gods Cite clad thall Leepe : s holy place : and fanctuarpe, Gon lrongly it doth kepe. > 3. Gon dtwelth in myds: of her (alone) noao man fhall ber rentoue : Kyght carlp Good : hall helpeber fone, bps church 3 meane aboue, | 2 The heathen though: they rage(te fonde) * and realmes refill J fap: God rapſde bys boyce : and fo inlonde, odur foes Dpd melt aivay. 7 The son of hotties : fo lkrong (even rbe) Mop: Gythds he ſtandth to fyght: 0 Jacobs God: our refuge be Sela. Wve feare no humayne myght. Be 253 — and fe : howw God(in wrath) great meruayles ape bath wꝛought: | * eatpstiannes to nought: be ſcatred bath, how low theyr Idols brought. shes ‘eput dolor warrs: and Sryfe(in feave) __.. (othe inbole world inberethep went : ~ * _ Deinaps the bow: and bꝛeakth the ſpeare, wrth fire be charets bent. 3 ' ene es $e fill and knotv « 4 fav(allye,) <> that God Jam aryght: J heathen all : knowne willy be, ctcthe Wwoꝛld emp myght · See Bboy. The ws — xlvij. — hee Xord of hottes: fo Strong (front bence) if wyth bs he is A fap: · Aud Jacobs Gad; is tuboleour fence, 7 Scla. gur boalt in hymn dath lar. GT he Collecte. of ernitye refuge i in all perylles and aducifities which hange ouer vs O blefied Lorde to fan@i- > fiethe inward tabernacles of our hartes,with the liue ly fprings of thy bleffed fprite, that we may ttutt fted- 7 faftly in thee our Godinall our ————— to haue the better hand, through Chriſt. | “qT he Argument. Pfalme. XLVI. gentes. —— pe hanes: pe Hentils all be glad: 3. The Low is hie itt power: and onght be keard 3 fay,” ~ Heisthe kiug of ali the earth: to hym all thinges ogep, 3 De halt fo vnder vs: the people foone ſubdue: Ml Gentil caſt at leete of vs zat vs their Lopes to (ne, 4 e dryd choſe out all vs: an eit fo faye: Euen Jacobs hie magnilicence: w he did loue as heyre. 5 Hod is afcended Dp 3.113 fopfull nople on hye: with trumpets noyſe:as once his oe ratte — 6 O prapies ling to him: O pꝛaples fee e ſing: Sing praples Sill onto our godsann tana htm uſt as king 7 fa shat oS hg. 0 al che aon fo ronndes : n pꝛudentlyrr vnderſ — Ma aR This Pfalme to ioy exhorth:all christen men in fi ight ¢ : 3 That Chrift by power afcended fo: whom 2 glory Sued aright. — aKetgyee to Hon in melodp-wtth thanks Raper OED 1 ‘lalate xlij, =. RD Hod hy ſtren $bpor the heathen all ' pre nthe boly ip tate al = all iba ea bys The peoples hede be mee: with Abꝛahams god efeede * Df qod chep be to yield the earehebur qanuath thé epcecdess GT he Colette. Ternal! God which artthe kyng of all workdes & realmes, whofe kyngdome is aduaunced ypon ali people and kynredes, we befeche thee to fubdue vn- der ↄur fubie@ion all heathen vyce and finne , that ~~ -_whyle we fing to thee our Godin wordes of wifdome and vnderitanding,by thy ayde we may haue the bet- terhande of them through Chriftour Lorde, &c. : Abe Argument. Pfalme. Xx LVUl. _ * Citie here pe be C. wiv i by — * Is prayfed clere Teteachthagayne 2 pp > -p- - 3 : —— ta —— — opey theyr-oower. —— cA Takeat is the 1070 : woth bye atcozbe,” * oe | | fopzapfedoughttobe:s — - : . Bah In citie great : Paar — bps boly hill to ſce. 2 Fo Sron byl: is tayer fill, | __ bfallthe woꝛld the bliſſe: EDù uis hpi fo wyde : bolath Porth on tye, ———— Gods citie hye itis. | Hinz 3: Dur Gor cuenthus : moff glorious, | ty & ts knotone in palace great : has mee — — —— to —— sea Ts 148 as * Pfalme, — 4 Forlathekynees : they: gatherynges int earth made her to fpople ¢ Thoug thusthepmet wech fury whet, vet ber they could not fople. . Ber walles and holdes they dyd behold, and merueld all agaſt: ben bates were Danke : : ther bags tere bane, | _ eltfones they dolune were call, “0 6. Such keares ano panges, theyr harts fo wrang in tyme of theyr affante: | As women knowes : thep2 bearyng theowes, net feares Iphe were they kraught. 9 0 dyd the quaple : as Tharlis fayle, | felt wreckt by wyndes of Eaſt: Fed sues all: be twozthpfall, Gods heritage to wrell. — ~ § As we dyd heare {fain we neare, Gods citye hye and ſtrong: Thys God of outes - the God of powers, » Sela. Spill frenath ber ape from iozong. — 9 as we concepud : fo lverecepud, DiLowthymercpareat: Foꝛ we dyd wapte - thy helpemott great, in myds offemple ſet. 10 As( EL) thy name : is ſtrong in Boa So is thy prapfe well ſene: The woꝛld fullout,and fo no donut, thy workes full ryghte ous bene. ‘Let Se PY, rie ite * 33 13 ae Pfal me xlix, 5. Ip aL ef Sport mount her ioy recount, let Judas townes be glad... | F 02 thys thy dome : to pulladotone, tal ie. EES krantike mad. —— a. hase ve about: thetvals foftout, * “of Spons goftlphoufes And tell her towers ber foxtes anid bewers, * 14 ber xrarte thaty pe may route. © And fnarke pe tell. pots acong the non, in bulwarkes hobo the lie. Chat pemaptelt:. auesy Sealey: eerrj6 ee ong mee eritie. serra + $835 This Gon: even be: “aut ct ‘ig te fo2 ape and ener ſtrong: He hall bs guyve :tyll death fo fopde, at bem yall be out ual ¢ T he Colette. - —* —— Oj —* CG od moft worthy tober magnified inal thy workes,whichart fo glorious @princein the heauenly Hierufalem: enlarge vs in f{pirituall yn- derftandyng,fo that after we haue receyued thy mer- cy in the mydſt of the temple of onrhartes, we maye duely extoll he —— eet) BC. : : 52 * ——— * a 146 Pfalme, xlix. — ——— — YLir. | Thelewesbebere, 2. = — ful nore, b, beyr benonr wot toftes Te doth inuite of were the poder * — peers krght “— s Weare pe ont : ye aentiles Son thys thyng that JWyll tell : But ponder if: wyth eares vnſhit thys one all pe. that dwell. Be Adams brode pe noble blod, heare pe mp ſpell and lore: Both bye and low· all whole intro, the reche and eke the pore. Sp mouth thal fplap : all wiſdomes war, that will man kepe and ſaue: Hy bart doth muſe: mol godly truthes, all vnderſtandyng crane. i@ ee 3 toyll incline : thefe eares of mpne, 7 -$ © toparable ful meete: Deepe woꝛrdes in harpe - mp mouth wil carpe, the ſence though thall be finete, Wp Hhould 3 feare : euill dayes to beate, fo fet on mucke my bart ¢ What eucn mp hele : of ivfe fo euill, at la myght bꝛyng me ſmartẽ — = 10 11 12 Forfometherebie: twhote hartes aa, if in godes to put theye trut· Anb boaſt ——— as cariyng ote ‘ “af ryches ttore vni No brother can : redeme a matt, from death though kayne he would: D2 God to go : to offer to, agrement whe fo hould ¢ The pꝛyce fo great : heres is fet, from death a fouleto bye, What muff he leaue: to gods olone leaue, foz ape in hym to lye. od. ae That is to fay : thathe hould ave, eee byde here in mortall fate : hat he no graue : hould ever haue, vut lyue in pleafant rate. Foꝛ he may ſpy: that wyſe men dye, and peryſhe all the fort: As well the wyſe: as mad and nyfe, fo others leane thep2 poet, And cauthep thpnke : that never finke, theyr boufes hall and fames : Chat they here Mill : Mall dweu they fill, and landes fo beare thep2 names? It will not be that ever be, ſhall laſt in gloꝛy gap : Wut forth mult go : as beattes they Bo, Cc.j. am in vane fate and way. LO 142 ~ i Pfalme xiix. 13 Lothis hepzivay its folihefirayy argh 4 they blunder bipndlp thus. Saat ~ | Aud pet thep2 bade : praple this forgo, we Sek. agfoles — 14 Thep ſhall lye deepe: in hell lyke taal: eat and death Mail gnaw theyr mawe But cere in yght: of moꝛnyng bꝛyght, the iuſt ſhall be their abe. 5 They beautp gay: fballwafkalwap,. eeee in graue with finche on ſweete: Thepꝛ houſes clene : thal not be ſene, kor them ſo after meete. 16 But as forme: mp God euen he, my foule he inf will ſaue: From hellthe paver : in bleſſed — ofp Sela. my ſprite to hym to haue. 17 But keare thounat: ne deare thou that, though one be welthy made, © 3 Though now hys boule, hpne aio? ious, in honours poztly trade, } 28 Foꝛ nought he hail : of riches all, hence carp whan be dyth: — Poꝛ pet bps poyde: bys pompe fo te, in graue wyth hym ſhall lye. 19 Wlhyle here he divelt : bys ſoule he delt, all eaſe wyth pleaſures mealth: * Such men hull thee : praple wyſe to * ik thou fo * thpfelfe, ; That ; Palme. P. 243 20 What thowalfo : wyth themnmaghtt go, they? fathers eps to ſue: Where thep no lyght: Mall (ein ſyght, fo2thep2 exceſſe vndue. 21 Man lyuyngthus: all gorgious, wyho vnderſtandyng wanth: Is lyte to beaſt: wyth them to * whole fame is ſhort and icant, TheC ollecte. | Eplenith our’mouthes O Lord with thy heauenly wifdom,that we may teméber the myftery of thy blefled incarnation wherby thou redemett vs fro the power ofhell,graunt that we may be found meete to be prefented to thy blefled face, through-&c. T he Argument. r “Pfabwe. Ex . Here ws reproned: the Sacrifices. Pm. - pelt aber; t ; of Iewes for fool: ifhe teust > : rum Do- end taught heres : wyth fad —— minus. ; that thankesbe yet more iuſt. ate He God of Gens : theloyw of myght, one God in perſons thꝛee :;· A kA Be bidth end calth· the earth in fiaht oe Sone Catt to Welt to fe ee. —— 2 Thys Gan appeard : -feom Zyoin pill, as Godotbeautpisih:: | From whence be wonld : wouid ſpring his wil and lain. fo euery coalt. — Dur Godi is come : ite tynte. of grace, F be wyll no filence kepe bees waſtyng fire : befor 2ehys face, about bpm fempelt depe. Cc.tj. he 144 wiP/ il; me. fe 4The heauen ‘aibind the earth belomn, he doth vpon them call:; Hy⸗ people all: fo iudge and know, to helpe them that be thrall. 5 Collect ye now:my ſayntes fapth be,” in one,befoze mp fight : Mba fFand i inleage : and pact wyth me, by facrifices ryte. a 6 The heauens hall fprede : hys iuſtice dear, that ail the told may ſpy: | What God himlelfe : wyll iudge appeare, . Sela the god from bad fotry. 7 My people heare: foꝛ thus Jſay, thy ſelfe to wytneſſe iuſt: O Iſraell: thy God alway, thy God Jam to truſt. ‘ a —— g Fo2facrifice : 02 burnt incence, J wyll not the reproue: Wo blame therin: thy negligence, to lend them me aboue. 9 Fromoutthy houſe: J wyll not craue Bull, Bullocke, Dre,o2 calfe: Df thp folde els : be goates to haue⸗ to top of theyr behalke. to The bealtes that graſe: the wod fo wrde, they be all myne at wyll: On thouland hyls: the beatkes that ſtryde, Jmade themthe fo fill, On ay 14 15 16 RY 18 at sR Lo fy 4s Du mouataynes foules : that bfe theyr abt, q know them all and ſome:; WMiploe beattes of field : be nye my 6 ight, as made fo2 mp renoume, Hf hungers ſtretſe: though myght 4 idle, ¥ would not tell tthe : ie The world all whole; even euer ble, is myne and all pele, And thinklſt thou thus : fo grotte in tit. 5 that J buls fich would cate? Oꝛ bloud of Goates < to —* it, as bloud to fpill were cwete· Sa this if is: that J alloty, to God ape offer thankes + ee ere And pay to God: of ipfe thy hotv, and {eke none other, sgnnes. An all thy wo: call thou on mee, when troubles the do theult: J wil(no faple)deliner the, - | thus ſhalt thou prarſe me iult. hades Wut Good thus cheet: vngodly man, what meanſt fo. preach my lawes: My pact in month: why takelk thoy gan ‘ where lpfe hath wycked falues, . ; Ho be correct : by diicipline, thou hateſt to heare the worde: | So thou dol catt : at backe of thyme, | my law of ſweette reco2de. When thefe thou (pick: wyth bim thou goeſt, fo part the ſpoyle in balk : Who wedlocke breake : with them thou boat , thy lot wyth them ts call. 20 21 22 33 ‘tion ; Through Chriſt, y46 A Be oe - oe To curſed ſpeche: thy tange thou dighttt, PLA ta clout all crafty quile s. > onon. as he iuſt thou weingſt: the bab than ate, by laines peetenteand Hples:) sal adsiwta, . - ahon Hitt ad indge : thy bothers sname, it x — 4 by fleit fo ouer runne: Thou'quarell piklt in. crafty frame, 3 —— agarnlt thy ayaa fanny, OF ae Fi 3 ro} yee ie} ida be | Tier TF * ———— Whyle thas thon bat; 4 fapengmanty J thou iudgeli me nought lyke thee: - nee But vet J halt: —— Detect befo2 ae NEUE ere. e #6 metwve 42 * — O ponder thts : 4 io vat pray, \ epi Dor all pou that Gob forget’: GOD) GI G5Y CNR Lelt J in hal plutke pou nba ska dm in ima to He tie et om qt Bn ate fed adh al nodne a Who offer me : thetaritce, hy i oni aE of thankes be honorth mat. . Rea And thys the wap : wherby 3 ope, Gods hekhro let hym ſceeẽ eae NdeDea ie tc "PT be Colbie: FEES oad A Linight}¥'God! ‘God oF : all Gods ve ii thee to take and accepte our factifiée of geuyng in good parte.So that after we be difcharged of the burden of finne, wemaye de Tare, wythout hy- pocrific that we walkein chqu ey that leadeth to falua ‘fF FINIS. bdoatiet io ie he side of the * —— het date 13 DCH: 12} a . ridea res ,- — IB 23 Fh: Ve 6 > ¥ue 4 ¢ ws 4 ° “s 42 The Fe — the of a aS . 2 Dauids Plalter,tran is Wats flated —— — —— cynical ts co — oH: — ROIS a 24 % Py st \ “ay A i = | ni “% he ‘ + S —* Ne Fe. wz hq — Ba a * e ¥ <> * — 3 — * a “—F* -T Spey oF s La ‘ 1 ma) ? : * VK 1 of, — %,.* FP . . « —— —n Y ‘J ; ‘ an J * re - * * = ¥ a pesca 2* Minmet. LI. ; ’ - it aS a aa prayer pure and forme full good, rpenitentes ſo meche... Thus Dauids hare : enbrued wyth bloud, ys Ged for gracedydfeekes 7h due mercy Dod : on me J craue, oꝛ thy great gentlenes: Thy mercies ſtore on me vouchſaue, put out mp ſinfulnes. Miferere 2 athe me depe : from all mp inne, coꝛ depely falne Jam · © clenfe me clere: wythout wythin, | from fpnne that beattiprame, 9°, 3 For Aconfelle : mp wyckednes, , mp fate J felemoftple: In light J beare : my giltines, it doth mpne epereuple, 4 Wothealone: J frefpacen, ets, Z find befoze thyne eyes yidall nage mio That tut in tyo20 : then might betrpen, thou iudge ſo pure torpie, 5 Behold in ſinne· ¥ ſhapen was, in natyue filthinfert s: · opens? . Hy mother me : conceyud alas, 7} 0 in linne of Aone fect, 207 oe ae Pee sat 10 if 12 ſtrength ate agapne to go, 148.4 Pfalme, LI, Wut lofhou bat: the truth well lowed, in batt alway fo raigtie: ©. | Thys twifsome hid: fofein approued, . thou heluck to me mob plapne. Shou halt me purge wyth Slope grene, fo clenſd,emen me fhall know - Chou halt me waſhe· tobe fat clene, more whete than is the ſnow. Thou chalt make me : much ope to heare, and reff ſor all my payne: Dp ſhaken bones (hall thenvbetteare;, and Lope then once agayne. From my mifoedes : turne thou. typ tace, | 3 cannot fap fo oft : 3 | From out thy bokes: my gilt O raſe, to fele the mercy loft. Apuer hart : make thon: inmne; oie O Godboth qwd and true: Arightful {prite : wythin to be, my foule agapne — Fxrom open fight of thy finete tues O Loꝛd reiect me not: i WMithdrab not thou : thy ſprite of grace, from me fo delolate. Thy ioptull health eftone pt a, J — tome thus tefl tupth tuo anten Wi pth (prite moſt fre : and pointcipall, Bi Wher . ; M4 5 36 : : ‘19 | @Pfalnie, LY When wyll J feache : were fo2 rpgbf, _ toallthe wycked fi What they to the: connerted quyte, fo2 contfort map reſort. Kyd me from all : bloudgiltines, thon God my God ofhealth: — Hy tonge ſhal fing: thy ryghteouſnes, and tuff condemmne my felfe, D 2.020 my lips : fet open tov, in thankes to make them free ; So hall mp mouth : on euery fide, gene laudes mol duc to the. 2 F02 tour regardſt: no facrifice, J— —— fe, fn bequ Ried Aah affrings bent that be, Whe facrifice : fo God elect, is iuſt a troubled fp2ite.: God God thou wylt no fyme reiect abzoken bartcontrife. O thetn thy grace : and fauour pet, to Spon Danids throne: a hen wehteous bo — thou aattalew, 149 po OR 3 Plates LIT, Quid glo to Dauid Doegs fyte. riaris, I Te) Wy boatk thy telfe : thou tyraunt huss 3 Whoumalice louelt : aboncall goa, gH Sela eS ee * GT he Collette. — — pow Oure pon. vsO god moft holy, thy shanifold mer cies and compaffions by whiche thou cleanfeftvs — from the filthy corruption of finne, and therwyth — makeft our hartes cleanein thy fight : : we befech thee _ ftill to renuein ourinward; epartead the Bi of thy holy — and principall {prite,by power wherof,we may glori- | fie thy name in this prefent worlde, at laft to come to thy heauenly Ierufalem,through | Chrift. OT he Argument. Pfalme. LIL . T his Palme inueith : and is iy wroth, | agaynst opprefours myght - 7 nee T 0 Christ fo Iudas fygure goth, HH) tt ice bauntpn ei. Ap — racion of fo god men Dap by daye⸗ Thy tha contrinetif atlerakedties, of hartes abonbattty reap ee Wyth quiles it cutteh in raſtir tines. as raſour ſharply whet. to hurt mozethento helpe: — 4 To hatch moꝛe lyes: then truth fo a that map —— O thou falfetong+ outa ih, deceite by a epSela. Palme, LI, : | 11 CTherlore fhall God : quite thee ſubuert, thy boule fo fake from thee: And rote the out Quid glo T hey Princes hartes enflame, £1arIS. Wyth caufeles ire tofume. - Hy bꝛagſt in malice hye? \V O thou in miſchiele Fouts Gods godnes pet ts npe,' 3 Ail dap to me no doubt, q Wbypfongfomnufeallenph, - It doth it ſelfe inure: As rafour ſharpe to ſpill, All quile it doth p2 ocure. Thou malice louedi fo wꝛye, Aboueallawdnestwalke: And moze thou loueſt fo lye, «p Sela. Then righteouſnes fofalke. 4 Pealouedthou haf no leſſe To ſpeake one worde for all : All wo2des of noughtines, } Whou tong in frande mok fh2all. 5 But Godoncethe ſhall waſt, Sbail trop and {rape bp hand : hp tent fromthe atlaff, Wo rate thee ont ofland. «F Sela 6 And ryghteous men thall fe, And feare therby hall take : But pet athpmeullfre, God laughter ſhall thep make. Pfalme. Litt, Olo the man hymſelle 7 What made not God hys apde s hat trails in rpches wealth Whole myght in milchiefe layde. 3 But Jas Olyue greene, In Gods ſweete houſe hall lar, yp trult hath euer bene, an Gods god grace for ap. % the ſhall laude even Mill, 9 Fo2thys thou dpolk fay 3: hyp name to wayte 3 wyll, Foꝛ god thy ſayntes it ſpy. GT he Argument. Pſalme. LIII. Our natyne finne this Pſalme detetth, | 3 that finners all be Wwe : eAnd that from grace who be reiect, confounded must they be. aT 5 ye fole hane ſayd: in hart euen fo, Sai (RA no Govatalltobe: Dixit ine fipiens. fo dogod, none wyll fe. , Godloked doiun: from heauen fobpe, on Adams children all: Home prudent man : if he could ſpye, that God would {eke o2 call. 3 But thep be all affrapd and gone, abbominable made : What would do cmd : not one not one, coꝛrupt in all thep2 trade, Ddo · iit. Knots 35 5 6 Deus in nomine. 1 ‘is Pfabmes LUI Jno they no thyng: in hart ts toute, thefe wycked workers all? My llocke as bead tubich do beuoute, | 102 pet on God they call, * They were akrayd: where feare dyd lacke, to ſhame God put them ryght: Men pleaſers bones: God allfo beake, for be abbozde them quite. — Db that by God to Afraell, from Spon bealth were had : Hys people thal: no * to dwell, to make all Jury glad. QT he Collette, —J Ooke downe from heauen moft mercifull Lorde: | and ftay thon the rage of our infidelitie to be de- liuéred from all vayne terrours,and to pleafe thee as — ~ Jone in —— ——— of hart — &e. The Argument. Pfalme. LIM, T he inst here prayth hys Godat neede, - 3 By hym hys ayde to winne: ‘ | | Hys fayth fo good must nedely pede, J— lys eye — proofe therin, Sane me Ood : auouch me now, fo2 thy names fake 3 pap: ; In thy great myght: mp ryght alow, auenge me 1030 % fap. 5 Pfalme) Lig 155 2 DGodfonwd:myppraverheare, —. | thp grace 4 Do appeale : Py wordes of mouth : accept wyth care, - Thich hart doth now reucale. 3 Foꝛ ttraungers lo: at me thep rife, and tyrauntes feke mp fonle : PP Sela They have no God : before thep2epes, J OC “thepmebothpillandpotwle, 4 Behold foz Goo : my belperis, and fap ofallmpipfe:: With other mo,be chiefe Z wis, who Lath mp foule from ffrpfe. 5Cuenhe thall all: my foes defpite, into thep2laps retogt: IL 02d Dayne them downe: thy truth fo beebt, fo2 thon art whole mp fort. © J will wyth bart moft glad and fre, , geucfacrificefothe: — F Mhall thy name (4.020 )magnifie, fo god it is to me, - 7 Foꝛ thou hak rpd: me quyte in Dede, | from all imp griefe and wo : | As J did wiſhe: mp foes to ſpeede, Jſaw theye ouerthꝛow. GT he Collette. Aue thy church O Lord by-the protection of thy name,which is only the trufy defence therof,that fhe may {et at nought all enmitie againft her alway to — thee by voluntary confe ſſsion of thy truth, through, &c. Ee.j. The | fr rhe co, ‘Pfaloe LY, As Dauid mournd to fhame. reiect 3. by then wha femed his frendes: : Th e fame did Christ as his elect, Exaudi. in lyke may haue lyke myndes. aap Cue eare D God : fo mp tequelt, 1 inan e all be iG n anguithe all be fet : 3 — from me thpne cares to thet. Geue hede to me : thy grace impart, to my depe cry and call: 4% mourne therin : and grone in hart, now here now there fall, For that my foes : ſo cry and rore, and me wyth ſpyte appꝛoche: Ahepmitchiefe meane: and cuermere, in wroth they me repꝛoche .· 4 By hart doth faynt; lore ert it is, ingreaf diſquietnes: 49eafeares of Death : be not vei, adi to do my hart diltres. tet : 5 Both feare and Dead : thus foffing aos | my tremblyng neuer blin: Darke horrors depe : full preſt they be,, all whole to. wꝛap me in. Wherlore J fapd : D that Jhad, to fipe winges lyke a done: CThen would J fipe:: to rett full glad, and me front hence remoue. Hyde not thp felfe : ———— tad 7 —— Ss . eee OO ee Be —— = is Sela. 10 11 Pfalne, Ly, » fir dout fat of : 4 inould me flitche, Frombence fo wildernes: in fuch vnreſtlulnes. Jwould make batt : to fcapeatoay, as fat as wynde conid biows ·:; _ More thereto pivell : that bere wyth un, To fle thps Tore : ard tempelt ave, ‘ J would me tafe beftow. Deftrop them Lord: thep2 forges deurde, theyr counſayles ſcatter wyde: Wher cific wryth: fo Monga ſyde, {9 frpfeand churliſhe pryde. Both day and twabt : theye citie toalles, 2 ‘are thus enuyroned: In midstherof : ai mtifchiefe falles, — and ſorrow wae exceedth. Al noughtines : and vyce doth raygne, Reg-23 in Cerla citie ſa — 3 - gee ae gtafe, Decevt and guile: wyth all thattrayne, thep2 ſtreetes full thorough ao. Spo open foe : workth me thys ſppte, for hym then would J beare: No enmy known: thus rayſth bys myght, whom 3 myght fe andfeare, — But thon my mate : mol deare fo hart, as Iwas mp lpfe inflate : : WMhom Jelleemd as quide in part, €e.f. With —*— $4 5 16 37 ‘ +. 20 ‘ea Sie, te Wi pth whom ſo knit: we ofteritmke, both meate and counſayle ſweete. We neyther others once for ꝛſoke. in Gods houleapetomete, Let death them trap: full ſodenly, euen quicke fo fallfobells es Foꝛ hice wyth them: doth lodge and ligt, thep2 hartes wyth falhode mel. But as for me : fo Gon X crped, and hence hym prapZivpll: he 1020 faned me : full oft J tryed, 4 trull be ſhall do fill. At enen and mone J made my — | at none dap inffantlp : | | No tyme nyerp: apd be refutes; 2: ae? thus made importunely. oe Fo2rheredemd: my foule fo peace, from varagapnifmefefs: Fo many were wyth me to eaſe, though they in nunbers met. Bea God himſelle: whych ave hath bene, ſhall heare me them to ſcourge: No tyme to change : thep wyll be fene, lopth feare ta God aſſurge. | He rearde hys handes : agaynThyps krendes, which ment hym peace and reſt: Ibe brake bys league : that men ſo a — ‘fattin _ | Vy⸗ ~ — ⸗ . — oe . Pflme. Ly}, sg ‘ey. OPS ‘aati moꝛe fot: fhen butter, melt, | though Wwarre twas fiffe im hart. More {moth then ople : bys voordes were felt, pet were tharpe dartesanoimart, 22 ® calf thy cave : on God ſo deare, ) what burthen the oppreſſe: Be Wwill thee fede : he cannot beare, * the iult to kall in ftrette. | 23 And thou O Goo: calt ſtroy the — ofcraftpbloudyimen: 7 Theyr dapes to halfe : hallnener retche, ie tothe Jyeld me then. IThe Collecte. Lorde Ieſu Chriſte thoughe thou wart before all worldes, yet in tyme thou tookeſt vppon thee the nature of man, wherin thon fuffereft voluntary death for man in hymfelfe vtterly loft, and therto were be- trayd by one of thyne owne familie, pretendyng yet amitie to thee,we befeche thee to here vs,and graunt that we may‘fo glorifie thy nanie, that we bee defen ded froall cratt and flattery of the world,who liueſt. The Arguinent. \“Pialme. LVI, This | prayth toGodasinnocent, . v | Agaynst his foes fomad : ‘ ¢ As Christ though pure : the Teves syd fhent, "Mite [ * Yer be cai Salt * Meideus geay cum make mp bart to ſowne. Eso. itz “Xs Te, fale, Lyj. To nto : i tae Patel —— ag daily bent hep lyah ¢ xull many one - do war erfend, on me; O thon inoft high. But ener when luch feares inuade, my hart, to make me flee·· J wall pet {nell therout fo wate, my fapth io cleauth fo the. ye’ praple God Wit: and trutt hys worde, what hys gwd hand doth fend: : * Jkeare not flethe : hys ſpyte and ſworde, to God mp tru€ thatl bend. — Foꝛ baily ine : they do depraue, both what 3 do and fay ¢ x In hart and forge :'at me oj taue, and me fo harme theplap. Thepy flocke on me : and potioag conſpyrde thep haticinficalth: - a They wayte mp waves : my ſteps fo five, «fa trop my foule and wealth. They put theyr hope : bp guilefulnes, ~ anderaft,fofcapeaivayp: -— | Pet onceD "God: thou wylt them ſtres inire,fo2 all theyr Hrap. Thou felt mp flightes : and often felt; thou mark themallfullont: — ae Ui pthin thy bottell pnt my teares, the bake them noteth no dout⸗ As 10 11 12 #3 - Fefus Chritt SEs aAlve. Lyp ss Gis oftas J: Docallonthe, ... « my foes then take. thep2 flight s * CTherby my hart : doth full agrce, that God foz me doth fight, Df thys ny God: for pꝛomyſe iuſt, 4 wyll hym laude and pꝛayſe: God wyll J prayſe : and all my al in hym J— ſet alwaves. Dn God Jhaue: me inhale beffotvde, . . welbat ety canbe th ba oi wd, at fleth can do: thai eſhro J feate no twbit at ale : Sholw fit fo2 me : up volves fo Days. foWodthepbelobyaht: | And hym dus laudes to fing by Bap, : and thattkes t in open fight. Foꝛ thou my fonle : haſt ryd from Death, from fallthou kept inp fete: Zo waltze in Ipaht : whyie Ife hath breath, belore my Gad fo fete. Tĩhe Colette. —* Lord of al power and my ght,which defendf thy feruauntes from all inuifible holtilitie, and neuer fuffereft them to be onercome that truftin thy mer- cy, wype from our eyes we praye thee teares fhed for ourfinnés,that after we haue fubdued our carnal! af- fectiõs, we may reftin the land of the. lining, through Eesiij. The tia . 4 P/alme, Lvij. “he Arguinint. Plame. LVM. “T he iuct for bis delinery, ; geneth thankes that God hym ße⸗ So Chrift veioyste When he aya stye, Miferere to heauen When death was ded. mei deus [ Dd pityme: Dpitieme, x on thé my ſoule is cate : 2 hp wynges J trulk : wyll mhadew be tillallthys fpptebepatt, 2 fhptrultphelpe: J iwopllimplore, 7 of Gadmy i020 mofk hye: a We wyll my canfe : perfourme the more, that now in band doth ligh. * 3 etball from heauen: fend down hys voer to ſaue from me their fpifes 6 And thofe that tweuld : my ſoule veuower, wyth ſhame ſhall full be dight. 4Twirt Lyons fierce : noth Hand nip Ipfe, wyth fiery men J divell: UU hole teth be foeares : and dartes in thple, | they tonges ſharpe ſwordes and fell. 5 Aduaunce thy felfe : D God appeare, | from heauens more bye thonthep: Thy glory areat : fet bp fo cleare, on ail the carth to fap. 6 Woratche my tete a net they fplapo, i: my foule thep haue depreſt: oe nto that ppt - for nie thep lapd, Kr Sclts*" shemfelues therin be thee — Phil, Ly. ae is fit : art fs ſixt, ¢ | 7 ———— —X —— myporiefes betwirt, in pſalmes wyth wintike playd. 8 Awake mptonge: my iop atwake, awake both harpe and lute: · Come forth, at morne: 3 me betake, to fing wyth ſhaume and Gute. icy 9 Thy laudes woth thankes : ont wen counde when people meete arvght: J— Zo lug OLoꝛd; tothe fo boun, aa J wyll in Paynyms ſyght. | 0 hyp mtercy great : toheanens doth tetch, what thyng can it denay: To heauenly cloudes thy truth dot set, to mans mof fable Cap, - ie Set bp thy felfe: O God aboue, the heauens as is moff mete: Aboue the earth : thy glory moue, thetoleof bathepptart. i GF The Collecte. Sere O Lord alliniquity and enmitie from thy ‘familie, which mekely fet theyr whole truſt in the thadow of thy winges,fo that by enioyeng thy mercy {ent from heauen, we may bee perpetually deliuered from all malicious {nares and HP Pee —— our enemies — —— iced ye T he 164 pad ‘Palme, Lyiy. «| Dfalpe.. LY He. wunfaylours — — [afar fro > This Pfalme doth here — Whofé craftes Wyth lske : [hall G odrequite. ‘To fing once well away F iulk pour myndes : be truly fet, 138 pe counſayiours to rpghttt·· Judge equally : in weyght ant met, —W pe ſonnes of men in ſyght. ae Pea ye inbart · do nethyng lete, 7 in earth fo wꝛong ye bende: BRE Pour handes do wozke: —— * * though pe the rpghtpretende, {hele wycked walke: introward wece front euen thep2 mothers mylke: Duce borne thep Trap? and —— x they: wordes pet ſoſt as ſilxe — Go F's of benome cockatr pees ath Euen Adder ipke : allDeate 3 fois, tanedh inho fopth ber cares torpies |: > 274) Who hateth fo heare - fhe charmers hopee, charme he fo neuer wyſe: Odt ryght and wrong: thep makeno are, all warneng they delppte 958 wi pthin ther? mouthes: they: féeth D —* cruthe thou,thep be to Harpe : The Lyons mouthes : theyr taines fo brode, bzeke Lord, xpꝛoud wordes they carpe. 2 ———<— rt — — ->— = ; Malme. Lviij. 165 Tonaught they pale: as toater opt twpthinittelfenothfipde: And wien to ſhote: they» Mhaftes they lif, let them go broken wrde. As ſnayle that waſth lettem lo — thus creepyng crakedly As womans byrth: fo tpmelp call, | let them no ſunne eſpyy. Gs tender ympes: of wycked worne, r before theyr pꝛyckes be hardd Pen rote thenrvp : fo alibetozne, by wrath they ſhall be marde. Then Mall reioyce · the inf and gad, fo fe Dodsbengeauncecome: — {To bathe bpshandes: infimiersbloud, — and thanke foz bys gwd dome. Then man Shall fap - | Ho doubt a Gon: ——— to iudge in ryght regard. AThe Collecte. on righteous Lord,grauntwe sbefech thee that the people may folow all the righteoufnes of thy law, and gladly inloueto embrace the ſame, neuer to turne their cence from the truth thereof,or to bee deluded wyth the mortiferous perfiafions of the fer- ae to bet a ———— from whom we e ———— thorough the death of thy welbeloued fonne,to whomwith thee andthehojyghoft be.&c, git Ff is}. T he 6 oot Pfalme. Lix, — he Argument. Fſalme. LIX... eA gaynit the proud : is made requeſt Eripe me S| Who dealth voyth guile and frande : de Siti Whom God {hall drine : te want theyr rest, With famine ouer — Rom allnw foes : deliuer mie ®D Godmy Good chouart Shield me from them : in luertie, its that bpatmebe ſtart. | = From {yonkers bad : D fane np Ivfe, {opth them no tyme to mell ;· From bloudy men : whole fet toftrife, make me mol far to dinell, 3 Forlothep wapt : my foulete catch, — TEA e gg thefe freakesbemetin{pptes) 6 Though int offence : tgey eat late oa atmeD Laynotrpabt ite: 4 Petcauleles they: —— fo burt they them pꝛepare: suai Aryſe therfore > D Low and (ie, ea a3 belpe me now plungd in care. 3 Stand op thon God: and Lorde of hoſtes, thou Loꝛd of gacobsipne: = it iene ent thou thepe bates, ‘T Sela fpare not they, wiltul tryme. G0 hep goat enen : bothtonnd tho,” —* F theparinasdoqgstobite: © The itreates thep trot: incitiefo, fe — — — ‘Se Rs } - Pfalme;» Lis, rors 187 7 =Bebold Shep tpeake: inptbinthey: months... but ſwordes wythin theyr lps: They thinke belpke : mone heretie ath 9 from them that falfhode fips, 8 —— athalt them dere, | corne thep2 mad attemphth · Thele heathen dogs · that barke — from thee wha can epemaple ys) 90301 a0 PN eres a iatic have 8 butts pat 4 Wilknot hepuke::; » OF FTiLGIti ote 4 suet —— nad on thee J thpnke. 8 i I —— rie 10 Foꝛ God of grace: wil me Ap 1° “Cubmeppeliditarrtnnede And Hoiv my foes : , writ at God thal enabe wie te cr· apiiies nad 22 Heisdd Dom Ga om ee gry apr eal {edenlp, Sat eater ter: aftrap fo fip, its lobow detect them 2.923 ſo gr seh ds byt J oe 14 19 dod viediioy flor siverd baa * ° apa cheyz word fong, ln Or rts ~~ +t © ak , 23810 —— Bice, yurl3 Je’ Bly ag, Confane then Lord: in haſty twzath, conſume them left and moſt· To knoln that guide: true Jacob bath, Suen God in cuerp coſt. £4 5 16 17 vg Pfalnel? Lix. y. a fas 4 : ry , Lae erhete meen at ete then ety © | —9— grenne as dogetobee · i thep Hiwaluealton fye,t a as pichetbanisee tpeutbelpte, Foꝛ meate theyrange betwhereand ſtill hungry letthem be’ : And ſatiſtied be theptio bee, 110 reſt o2 flaepetofe.- - Wut J chan ung hpi nope, at mone fo p Grice?! Fo2thou —— In all mp wofallr —J ae PRET ERD | © thon ny tiren ath my God mot liberal, ” J 34 * —J—— Amoc ila = tan nodi sgh ise hig Ai eeeey ii atte CG it) 33 Los might oe Haley we do land fd pray oft worthely, bot n morne wre Bare hee tha thom wr deft fo erué oure — ifthe from‘all' darkent of he'ny: ht, th: wemaye — 2 beanie GFE ah es of the pu workes — of thy taw,throu itecad qflad mi : Goel rae} 3h ined The . Bana dom Doh mad} orinlaes Ht dows S83 iT : Bah 18 lat ran Aol Lia> Vian p pag ag Lac gS gh do , th} , BS —— — de “¢pSela. - Peale thou the brekes +h e, Lx. a io — Them Pick: ; , ary mournae, yy Paynyen B43 18) oe wee teG —— * b 2 rwir @, $i Siete * SEP ‘ 4 a 4 oe FF Jk +44) Au “TE 7 * > 3 * Stee —* “oh Euen thou that batt : fore fhakt ont am, wei it realeth fo-n ef nied} ifs ded lost panies — THI VISION CI - ——— and dolgjous, thoumabdell thy people {pp : ee —— uel 3 Bre © Dich greuer poi if: A — Monne roro dor eR Vet batt thon — — to ſuch as feare thy name: To — — poten te ould repyue mo thp truth 2 jar me gs 9 G2 hyp louets at: ae: ud 6 a and rid from harntes Wp thy right hand : let me be — and Uy renncges poacaus· Bini? rst lie God fpake the wayne: in fauefuare,. which makth me glad fobpde : 6 90537 — 3 Spchem will: part mynetelpe, and Succoth vale deuyde. Ft.iih. — Pyne j = £o gz % —8 ie a” “ss — evn ti] THO ated 3¢0) : — Bath: —* it ft * han oho al fipeji ree! — S —8 ame * —* ——— eis 9B Be tae ee a ‘af talgase ef ae On Mt Not Art thou mates: Gob fap... honum which thus batt caf vs out⸗ unde ‘ted Ahych dydſt refute: to leat 7 — fo caea uom Ung dact O than be chou!e to eaſe our —E Foz humapn helpe ; is mans arme to iveakke } C3 fro doubt bp oats —— great acts we trutt euen thus: aie Foꝛ be alotie : cur foes Mall deyue, ay? do% to treade — bs. Biter Gade " : s2 - 2 . ? 2s 4 J —— Woes « a : tes ; WE J —1 F me » woe s es . 5-423 £ig»~ie™ : ae izt »- 2 * ee wh, = 7 i — NN i fae X Pfalne, Lx. sui ine | TheCollee; A Lmighty Be inol merciful God, the pnaty re recoue- a rer & rulerof mankynd,which dooft fo deie& thy x faithfull feruauntes that therby thou meaneft to pro motethem, & fo dooft humble thé that therby thou “entendftto bryng thé tothy heuenly kyngdom, kepe we befeche thee the devout hartes of thy feruauntes, that whyle they fubmitte themfeluesin true penitent hartes to thy mercy,they may be healed fr6 all come- brance of confcience to enioy eternall gaat the gift of thy ſonne. &c. GT he Argument. Panes: LY if This prayth in payne and Strefve : as far exy Ide and fled, ‘Exaudi 9 and and it giueth < toe bie Sent it — chrict — Domine. J xv chyeng heare D God, et | AYA p hat bopce doth fing in ſong : ASS | Geur care tome : thus cai abzade, as fied foꝛ feare o —— F ———— keelth ee to rocke melead, 3 ~ hat hygher ts than J. at 3 Foꝛ thou batt bene ny tru, | In wiome x boptalone: , Of reriae rong: and tower fo fure, —8 To fence rommesny fone, | mith enlonctente bythe, Foꝛ — es, — ptt comer, Bgj.2 Foy 5 a ae ‘Nonne deo fub- re éta, 1 beſeche thee defend 172 Pfahne es | - Forthoumy@ndhatk heard, Bras ay | Bpvolwesandprapersfadr 2 , And them thou gaueſt: anberitage, bp name whoduly drad. The kung bys baves — Thou thalt encreaſe in length ibys veares to be: perpetuall, Euen thus thou thatt hemltrength. $0 euer he ſhall Divell, Before hys Godin fight : O than prepare: hym grace and truth, Which may defend bys might. An — fo pꝛayſe thy name ‘ ; 4 toill wirie too —— —— Sind pay tt vowes — ? \/ J 9 at wa ee a fimig as God which rt moft A comfor- am Th es ter ofall maner tro itt — of hart, we af ‘the fac eof the enediy;to Bein'firertie by theé tn the tower of firégth ‘that we may at laftdwelin thy Reaucnly tabernacles, through, &c. kn ie ; T he Ar — — ies vy! F his hilme ex ‘to God to Stand, ated — mali init ss ** 2 ie aires Cue igh : — > pall mot nate tule: intlecetake, to God as ſubiett —— — — J Be Pate! Lj rey s po ere —*— eX inte | mp fort of frengthanBayder 662 — the left: bp forsin eal, ; fofallasone bifapoe. Bolo Long fopll ve · wyth wycked cules, thus me pore man inuade: He all (hall quayle sas thal that reales, as rotten hedge doth fade. 4 © driue hym lato : they mete for this, whom Good would Hane ercell: la hep love but ipes'the forges canbe, c Sela” they: hartes yet entte to fell, $ But pet my foule : to God bet, in ſilence pacient: Anb tarp Hin tn qttict tpt ip tad mad 50% from whom thall healthy Be feng. © °° 1 it _ St | parncieie tay wine a _ Miho "a0 spheal ye Femi IIE choos cigpteate tte faple to thy o} rest | wyere God doth torti e att Tat 3 sid? BQRaSE Lie AR ESIITII Y it OF 3S rt Wolo}: 7 Wipth Gov is tayo : neat ai — A — ai he we ahaa i p ee Pine igttae mt C 8 sruttapein bp ae pie eh ah nt ites Dur hapets Gav: D> sit ertolt, be health altway imp Lt Ge fi By et hea 3G iC? bape tn — tf? aes “wit “eg M its Re B. *. Gr 733 te fh me 35 —*9 10 11 12 4°. ae Palme’ Lai, But Adams brode: is bayne to fe, © - Be mens chilozentpers bees. hep waygbhed in {choles : afcend moze con, moe lyaht then vanitie. mit Bement Se et agi in wrong and robberp: Sf ryches flow:· aboundantlp, - no bart to themapply.. Gad once dyd (peake: and ane acayne and twyle J haue it harde·. That power is Gods: inflableraigne, Se Which wethauidallregarde, cert SoS And that D L020 : in thee aryght is mercy mirt aiſo: unßnz assent Foꝛ thon thalt quite «to ene éR in dade aghethallda. 25-1 cod wart gTh he Collett fte. M Ake ourefowles {ubieGes to thy. godlye gouer« nance moftlouing father, whiche art our onely paciéce that wemay renownce the tranfytory goods of this prefent worlde with 2 all t che ryanityes therof, fo ew ~ to folow thee to the eternall | y ein — through Deus de- us meus ad te, 3 Chrift our Lordee&c. . The Argument. . Tapeh Bait itr, “Poore ¢ Men/ man: opp mig be, ‘§ May pray this plalme: ibis da iE hys heads a. Whe lavedes te God : did hae 3 “Tn defert fer : : where lyfe God to the : : mp Gono rong, iach From mornyng Watch : Icry in firette My foule aud flelh : fo2 thee they long, An deſert land, dry, waterleiſe. 2 Ye _ Pfam. Lxifj, at} 179 Where — —— imbolynes : need. o. That 3 mvght fer : thy mighty face, _ Thy glory hye: and noblenes.. F orbefter is : thy godnes veee bani tops fe =the blancs G45 Wherfore my lips : hall Kill befet, To fing thy prayſe: ama fuorthines. {hus all nw lpfe : “et het water And render thankes > obephurllp,. >< To Ipit mp bandes ¢ a — n otff ‘3 hp holpname : to.glorifpess |! yarisun'y oc ot nF iLo thus my foule: fail frankt Mall be, ~~" i vik ory As fed wyth fat : and marow Cate : —— When that nw mouth SVE: — Sabaliopousbpeate te Carols VB) SY Eon 290ViTsoIs Sat ~ 7 re * tak F 3% Wa ‘Gaenthas of thee a hl 2 that m-ben:: — ” OL iP spoon the npght dpd pafle, at tthe 3 — in gratefull abet Beranſe thou wart: myheipe at! Hee, as helpe thou coulott : ‘and fo thou batt : j herlore J foyll > r aes Wipthin thy winges: thus — Eoꝛ when my toule Wwas tet to thee As fat to ioyne· in feares adaurꝛꝛ hp mighty hand ——— — And Kayo me bp wythout deta Onit - Ho ws ZO il 176 Hind PAH, — Now hee ooh siento ty 8 ; To bipng me Botone : tote my graue: In vapne Jtruſt: thep Worke in wyil, hep? wyndingſheete serene, | WM pth edacd ſworde· thep — be type" ‘ As they deuiſde to me full They chall be praves dtotanage dean In Fores pues’: ipke Fore to dve. Ro The kung in God vet chal reivrce. Foꝛ hys defense sta ſuertie: X * Who Werthto hen i hall ioy — Foꝛ glauering lips ⁊ all Lope tall tinh 2: log T be Collette... —— ———— of shelight euer- laſting graũtxbeſtel thee yntoys;iwhich carly do ——— vntotles thatiourglips maye fownd out thy prayfe,and that our lyues maye ſancty fye thee, fo tharourwhole meditaaion and conuerſa- tion may glorifyrhee: botheues and moins through rin a GUS idnees 2d): lis avast aR — mi < ooh messy ——— Palme L Wait. taf falls 0 é iE reprouth githe Jewes — — ——— bap | epemy lit in ſuertie, — —— oT 1 t: Pfalme. Lxiij, — 17 | And ponemenena fame trae, i ..< 8 o ft curfed men in ciaſe· | Fromall thep2 retotes scnfpired morne, in wycked Ipfe ſa loſe. eri ube ta tae 2% and poplon dartes thep hates: 2) wivd st: Cuen bitter wordes: *— cwer carpe to bring me vnder ſote. En 4 — tench ah MIRED ther Wes (iti ye oi \ Apbelpfeantiere Dothbeare: Osco 8 atts ne «Dupe butaares ——— and heue therinnateare, |: bibl ‘hep tang oonetesin seen ne, : theyr cratty fetch to pipsow 262 to ge Quast hep do conferre : they? trates to bye, Ger fag ing memican frye: » ec hrs . 4% at hep yfearee all fpite: a and bo: dround,” Hib Ft that is by fearch compriſd: Joab sf . Mhat hartes mot epes — ene wee J i seat hi can ſynde is hye deuide. edetipd di: | * La But God tall hate: atthemaganne, 4 hys arrowes ſodenly: 3 pth fundzp tuoundes : be them thal pape, serpy oll bvnbewares to Sppewa:s garded y ; e —* % eupd as X eK sof ia botsen ‘it sno net 3 ee make : they? paper tong, ; = —— * J mo. ff 5* twbathent fz : —— —— mni) fhalt thake as to begone. ¢ oe | 8 Ate. aa P/leie Lxy All men chall ie: thpsitnaike ryaht in —X and much commend this acte si As nought bp God — OTe and wifelp note the facte. - a8 | = ro The ryghteous man: taliopin ob, Sey in hym to put bis traf s: 5 oo ons — hartes: thal iopabpane, a 2 od kept mefo iuſt, G0, og The Collette. : I. mighty G J. ſauegarde of all them whiche put their rteaftin thee; préferuethy Church from the conuenticles of all WATE aduerfaryes which fo bufely affault her with their crafty engynes that — fhe mayeftillretayne: thy a a thetrue vnder= ftandyng of the — —“ ead 0 gid: syisiiia2 a0 yada OT he efranmenti Pfalmes DRY. ; For foyjonthankes to God : tbe letter doth aforde, — the ſprite for that * church encreafil: * dewsof — * Te decet. (worde. A tandes be duet: thes DGon in Zponbil : : inith barty bolwes? O come and note Gods workes: how wondertultheya So rug to man Of Adams lyme: thep gaily mans * ta 6 We turnd the feat land : whoſe funike alone it i iss that though the fea: dep ſhod thep went: our fathers topo oft 7 Be rulth the worid by myght: bys epes the avis : gy Sela. And wha rebels. ‘as boyd cf fayth: no grace fyallthent enlue. 8 O blille our God tots thanks: pe people more and leſſe⸗ And ſe ve cauſe all ſpeche ¢ vorce. ‘that they hts laudes expel e Foꝛ he hath fet our foule- in ipfe moſt Afeandiounds the {uffretl not-our fete to lyde: to lpp bpon tie — 10 F⸗orthou O God molſt bye: hall pranedhsnarowly: Thou halt vs tryed. as ſiluer ts - by furnace fined therby· 11 Thou broughts vs nye to ‘traps: Of foes beftegn ttrayt: Dur lopnes ¢ backs: ‘bare paintullodes-of griefs in heuy rz — Pfalne, Levi, at how batt fet man on vs: on thus out heds fo rpde: Wile pall bp fire:and water to : petroume thou gaueſt bs wyde. | ; Thy houte Jwyll go in: wyth offringes bent therfore: ‘Dy volves to pay : Jwyll not miſſe:to the bebight before: Tuhich vowes dyd canfe mp lpps : themfelfe to open wyde: All which mp month : dyd peomile iuſt: when trouble medio * (ſtryde. Bꝛent offryngs wyll Jgeue: fo the of lambes moſt fat: - pth ſmoke of rambes: voyth oxe and goat: Jvyll ful glad do All ye that God do feare: D come and harken now: Z topll pou fell - hov loningly : my foule be dyd auow. J dyd but erp wyth mouth: my hart felt ravabt bis cate: Py tonge therfore bpd hym ertoll: wyth prayſe i€ did not ceaſe. $f F pet thus in hart: ought wyckedly had ment : The Loꝛd my {ute would not haue heard: in {uttle falfe entent. UWihere now the Aord heard me : bp prote it is bifcull: Sy vorce and vowe:in prayer made: be dyd confider wil. O blell be God which did: no tyme vp lute reiett. No tyme his grace lorſooke mp nede: he neuer me neglect. | c+ FT he Collecte. P Oure into our hartes O Lord adefire to glorifie thy ex. cellent nameand maiettie, that while wee endeuour our felues to decline the vayne amitie of this worlde, we may be refrethed by thy grace,to beare quietly all thy prebations & trials which thou fend{t to purge vs wyth,ftill to fing in hart thy perpetuall laudes, Through Chrift,&c, e Ah.ij. The y82 Deus mi fereatur. I - Pfaline Lxvij The —— Pfalme. LXPH, (Thys ‘fong in ab : propheticall, — 9 NN Bee | Doth cleare exprefe : Christes raigne 5 in flefh | < Whofe beames fo bright : dyd fhyne in fight, > | That all te come : must prayfe his- dome. | ee M ust Buia his dene 3 Do — wythg grace: ba bs embrace, 7 In gentle part : bliffe be our bart . S With louyng face : ſhyne be in place,’ we" — on vs to fall. on 0s fo falt. 2 What ine thy way: may know all Dap, Wihple we do faple : thys world fofraple > Thy healthes relvard - is nye decarde, As reper eye: alt Gentils {ppe. a — Pe ba 3 Let thé ia the people pavte, | QOCovofblifesasducitiss Whe people whole: moughttheerfoll, == — From bohome all itl they {eto tpopng. they fe to fpapng: ae 4 lfotkerciopce: lyft vp your voyce, For thou in ſight: halt iudge them ryght· Thou ſhalt direct : the Gentiles fect : Au earth that be ; to furne fo the. eee as Palme: Lxviy. 383 Let thee the people prayſe, O God akt blis as due itis: The people whole: mouaght the erfoll, Lye — they ſee to foovng: — ETI . thep.fe to ſpryng. J 6 The earth ſhall bud bys fruites fo gob, Then thankes molt due: from it fhall fue: | And God euen he: our God mok fre, thu, eric — from apts bay. fsx SHER — ofrom Day to day. op “0 God our quide : hall bleſſe vs wyde, 1 Wipth allincreafe : notymetoceafe: — ve “Gil folke therby - on earth which liad, - ih + _- psametall fea, lone hym beare. 0.395) ab and loue hym ead la ee GT he Collette, 8 z Hine thine esate countinance vpony vs 0 a . ono” & graunt vs thy heauenly benedidtion that while so we acknowledgethy.worthines in reuerentfeare;we . . . may be made worthy:to receyne the fruite of righte- — ae in re of thy —————— Chritt, &e ay? ‘ ds » qT he Argument. Pialme, LXV. HL. G The Hebrues ‘fang this P falme in warre, against their foes to fight: poe J So Christen man sat Chriſt his ree POOPED the famein {prite, [eteo arpfe : ‘in maieltie and feattred bebps foes: ‘Pea fie they all: bys ight inface: to bun which batcfui goes * 2 As ſmoke is dꝛiuen g eomth fo nought repulſe theyr tyrranny⸗ At lace of fyꝛe : as wax Doth melt: Gods face the bad mought fe bag 400 Pfalme,” Lxvij. But lef the inft - be glavin thps : and ioy in Bad hys fight: Foꝛ Gods great power : ¢ Hable truth + in myrth let them velite O fing te Gov: found out hys name: ſehym ve magnify: We rydeth on heauens· bys name is God: in him — He father is: fo fatherles: of widowes iudgehe is: Cuen Had bynfelfe : which ener dwelth: in holy place of bps. Thys © od he makth the deſolate: in houtholves great fo crow: He loſeth the thrall· quyte out of bandes-and bꝛingth the wycked (lot, D God iwhen thon - twentt forth as quide: before the people out a Sela Wilhen thou dydſt walke in twyldernes - which thong thou dydit 8 9 10 fs 4 12 33 (no doubt. The erth then thooke:at face of god: the heuens did drop e ſwel MPount fpnap: Gods face dyd feare- Gods face of Iſraell. hou pourdſt D God: thy fruitful houres: on thine enberitéce ~ WMherfaynt they were: wyth eale agape: they; ſtrength p dink (aduaunce. hp church and locke: to bivel therin: thou chalt it thus refret: So theupreparde: fo au top pare’ O God in gentlenes. a. Such god effect: god gaue bps word: to them § fein bis might hep opd sut preach-his armics ſtrong · how they erceld th fight wow kyngs wyth hoſtes:moſt fiercely (et: pet fled difcomfitens Aud houlehdldes whole. that kept at home: the ſpople thep dyd (deurbe. Thoughp ye haue lyne among the pots:as blacks as coale in fight pe re walbe twhpte:as doue with winges: mile white and apres er ota WTWhen ‘he ae. 15. —* : “a 38 10 eo — 20 C242 24 Pfalme, Lxviij. | I8¢ ( was blacke Ch? Ged great kings threw out of land: though earſt bys flock then gan theploke:as white as ſnow: as lyeth on falmons backe Govs hyll is fat:as Walan hyl · a mount that ſfately ſtandth: Trth cites on bpe-ipke Waſan monnt: it riſeth it is ſo grand. Why leape pe ſo:to ſpyte thys mount:ve foppy hillockes cap? This is gods mount: where God hath dwelt: be there * binck foꝛ ape. Gaods charets be: ten thouſands tinyſo: ot angels millions: Ta yth them is God: topth hys god grace:as God loued Syna - (ONES. Thou ſtiedſt on bie: PB thealdont caughtſt: receiuing gifts in men Pea fapthles che: thou toklt to grace : that God myght dwelli in (them. O bleſt be God:who day by day: doth heape bys gyftes on vs: Tyys God ts Gad raf allout health: in power moſt gloꝛious· He is our God:euen God J ſay:all health and wealth fo ſtape: Pra death is ruld: bp Gov the lord: whoſe dint by bus we ſcape (quwel: Tuis Gad thal wound:his enmies heds: he chaltheir worthies Their heary ſcalpes:to pare full nite; that till in finne twit wel God ſayd 7 willsretkore ag once: from Baſan myne J ops Avwill returne:al myne as once: from feas mol depe Iryd. What dipt thp feete:in all their blonds may reade appeare atepe> That dogs myght licke: their enmies bloud: ſo read to be therbp Aho lytt dtd fie: D puilfaunt God:thp great p2 ocedings hie: The go ings tuk: ofthe mp God: my king in lanctuary. Hh .iitj. Aheꝝs 25 ‘26 — So Wwentthe Pieres:of Zebulon:and Heptaly came on. 28 eee 22. 31 35 | Whẽ thanks Were ſong: firſt fingers inant: the ninttrels moue In myds were ſet:the damſel maides: who playd with timbzel TUhen they in one: were ioyntly met: thus od thepprapten wel: FEFrom hart the ground :thep bleK (he i970: oho Sprang of Iſrael Then kings thal bryng;theyr offerings:to the to patle thy ded ig Whe launce mens routes: orice ſtatred wyde: the peoples talues vaitacal Vſhen they thal ſkoupe: and prelentes bring and warring folk Then thal the Pieres · ok Caipt land: tor this come meke in f ; Then Ethiops:lul fone that pelo: ‘fo Oop aged pty mi * Pi D allve realmes iptall the earth:ting pets Gon ofblis. 33°" - |) Robe bie voyce:hath vttred forth:a voyce mol rong and bold, / 3 Deinhom hs potoer: no lelle ts wrought: then is on heauen be 184 aise P/alme, Lxviij. ccheyr teete (ſweete Small SSeniamit:thereruler went: ſo Judas tribe theyr ſtone: Thus god hath bid all ſtrẽgth ¢ potwer. fo2 the ful nye to bet J With urength D God:cdfirme this worke · that h hall Erõ thy ſwete houſe: Jeruſalem· make this thy ftrenath proced (once tamde: (ance ſhamde Sing pſalmes ant hymnes to teftity: bow worthy prayſe hei is. To him that rydech on heauen of heuens: as be hath bone ofe : Aſcribe to God all trength and myght:to Iſrael ſo ſhowed: (totes D Bod thowart: full terrible: fron out thy ſanctuary: This vs God:hps people apoth: D ble be Gad therby. The : Pfalme, Lxix, GT he Collette. (\Lordand gouernour, whiche refrethelt thy electe 187 flocke, wath f{pirituall-nourifhment ofall dilecta- tion, graunte vntoal! thy congregation foto ynder- © ftand thy victorious deth,that we may alway confeſſe thy worthy victory againſt finne,death and hell, and - to honour thy maiefty now fyttyng on the right hand of thy father, towhome with thee and the holy ghoſt be all honor and glory for euer,Amen. GThecArgument. Malme. LXIX. Aſute of man in trouble bounde, | that hath hishart opprest: Saluumme T 0 Chriſt and his:it nye doth founde, facdeus. 7 - 4s Paule fomewhere exprest. mee nti A %| —3 iy fo} * 1 i 4 j 8 bid. " | —* sy RAY “ia { J { P S Aumypre fo depe : J Micke full fakk, all bottomeles fo fe : In waters depe : dotne am F cal, the flonds haue whelmed me. 8 «Bn crping Mill : J twerp a0, mp theoate ts horſe and d2p : Myne epes be dimme : and kainty fo, lubple God J vibe to ſpy Aue me D 102d : inbeauines, by woes depreſſed Dolune: ;· The ragyng wanes: of all diffres, be falne mp foule to dpowiie. tf — 4 Dy foes extede: mp heares ofheab, at me they tauſeles loke: | Sy fors preuaple: that wyſhe me dead, Ipaxd 3 nener foke, 3 | Bf. hoa 10 11 8 fale Lxix, Thou know D Goo: ity folithnes, | Vought amiſſe % dpa: ied Oy crpmes of Ipfe : nip ſimplenes, from the be newer bpd. Who iwapte on the : féele fhep no boftes; aed ‘of ſhame fo2 my defert: #4 O Godthe Lord: of Jacobs holles, let them fele neuer ſmart. Forloth for thee : ſuſteyned J both ſhame and byle repoofe: My face is hyd : fo2 infamy, 3 ‘fo felt ſor thy behoke. was rep ute: as ſtranger fremd, to all mp bꝛethren bad : As aliant : fo me condemnd, mp mothers childzen had.. For thy, the seale : of thy ſweete houſe hath me bp eaten quite : On me fell dedes : opprob2ious,. of them that the did ſpyte. Jwept and falk : my ſoule fo chaff, ny body low fo brꝛyng: Thus when FZ opo : they did it calt, to my diſabelyng. WMhen lackecloth courſe: Jput me on, to mourne mp griefe the more: Theyr laughyng ftocke : and ieltyng ſtone, they made me then therfore, Pfalme, xix. 12 HLbhe Zudses cke : which fate in gafe, £3 onumethepbabledeuill: So dyd onme : wyne bibbers prate, ‘pea fonges thep made they: fill. Pet JD Lord: prapd whale fo thee, in tyme acceptably : Foz thp great ruthe : and beritie, wyth belpe beare thou my cry. 14 Dplucke me out : of myre and ſand, 15 16 27 before J finke to ſtepe: Let me efcape : my haters hand, fo rpfe from Waters deepe. Letme notyme: bp fondes ant (ea, all onerflotune fo be : Hor let the deepe : bp fivalotome, ne pit hit month on mee. his graunt to me : D Godthis dap, thy aracetsliberall: Turne thy refect : to ine eae + ' gegardthymerciesall. . Hyde not thy face : and cherefull fight, from me thp feruant poze : F 02 greuous woes : on me be lyghf, make balk and heare therfoze, 38 Draw nye mp ſoule: fo chalenge it, redeme and faue it well: Foꝛ theſe my foes : fo haut thep fit, faue me from them fo fetl. Ji.ij. Chon ; I 9 Lg 20 af. az 23: 24 192 — Pfalme, Lxix) hon knowſt what {ite - fehat Mame 3 bears what byle rebukes J féie : Myne enemies all : that me do deare, ve knotun to the full well. Whe ſhame hath pear: and rent my hart, % fele all hartes diſeaſe: 4 lokt ifman Would eafe my fmart, but none was me fo eale. Au fede otiacat : for my repaſt, they qauemcbiftergalf: In my great thyelk : they efill caſt, taquenche my thirk wythall. Thepz table be: to them a tare; — thep2 ſweete meates tournd to ſowre: And that kor iox: they dyd ppepare let theare but ſoꝛrow lawre. Thep eyes be darke- fo fe no lyght, and voyt be far fro themM: And make they2 lopues.- ta reele vpright; be they ipke dzunken men. Poure cutthy wrath· theſe frekes fo Trike, who walke fo ftubburnel ly, Gud let thyne ire: and weath a Ipke; take bold of them full nye, | Therr dwelvngs fpne : be they ſappreit, thatfhep thep2 countrplofe: — In all they; fonts: lef no man reff, theyr ggocke n no man to choſe. — | a 28 29 +30 — 32 Palme. Lxix. ‘Fortohamthont finitelé : they fcourge shee as though thou wouldſt them fos Df thyne affltct:: and wounded ſort, thev talke wyth pleafureto, . 42 7 as oe civ el # tv * @ oe Gnd fuffer not : that shy go in, thy iullite it to fynde. We they caft out : of bake of lyfe, who thust impugne Gods qraces. ' fPo Where in boke: memozatiue, wyth u€ men haue they places. : As notw forme : for that mourne, in paynes and dolours ye: Thy health to me bert hth, — to rayſe vp me on hye. 34 tee 6 ods name J wyll· wyth prapte —* in ſong kull deepe in hart: Jwill in hymnes: bys laudes ——— bps grace fo ſhewi in part, And thys thal pleate : Bon far. aboue, wio is a ſprite moſt pure). Then Dre-n2.calfe:twpth hoꝛne and corte fo offer. hym (be fure) | Che humble foules · fall thys behalde reioyce thep ſhall by lyue: And pe that feeke : the Loꝛrd, be bold, retopce,pour ſoule ſhall ixue. Riiy, Foye Bead 192. | Pfalme, Lxix. For@enwe onde. ‘thenedy heaveth, thep may reioyce moze hye: His prtfoners: t-eve be bearth, Ua cannot thers Befpe, Wet heauen and earth: andall betwene, bys worthy laud ſet out: | Whe fea and alls that erepth therin, pꝛayſe hym all round about. Foꝛ God — fete —* bill, bps place of godlp ref: Gnd Judas townes: build vp he will, to — Hys ſeruauntes true potteritic, fhallit enherite iuſt: And they that loue: bys maiettic, : | of dwellyng theare map truk, O Lorde of all pitie and eee sion, incline thyne eare ynto vs to vnderftande the certentie of thy — truth and faluation, and that we may bee fo purged | from the filthines ofall fynne, tohaueanamein thy — blefied booke of election, there to be aepured amog | thy dere electes,thr ough, &c. The Deus in iD wityme that be: be ouerlayde, adiuto- \ By weabene⸗ frayle ( of all ) his lyfe. rium. Pfalme, Lxx. §T: he Argument. Pfalme. LX. x) T he inst man here : calth God to ayde, (Tobe protect : from hasty Yidnyde. | Of allbysfoes(to hate )/(a rife - By hys good hand : to be well ftayde, oe’ (ORS : thyne belpeintende, In halt thy felfe:to mercy bende, and me O Loꝛd deliner quite: yke grace J craue : that thou ertend, — yrbepetan beater fodotune to fend, to arde me trong: by(gooly)anight. 2 Inhalt bethey: confounded ait, Wi pth hamefullname-men myght thent call, Which eke (in hate)my foule to ſpill: Be they put batke: and dryuen to wall, see bylerepowfe : myght thent befall, twho that fo me: topthe(anp) euill, 3 Guen rapt fied backe:let all them bee, For thep? reward foule ſhame to fer: theſe ſuttle (men beit) gloſers all: Wheie tong to fane· can whole agre To fap there there : lo thus to mee, by guile( atid. erat) fo make me fall. 4 But iet all thote : that eke thy myght, With gladnes'full:and top be Bpgjt, in thee thep23e2d(and God) ali bape And let themall: that haue delite, Awthy ſweete health: fay Till aryght, “the 3.029‘ fo god)be prapſed ape. Ji. iit. As A ted cond ea, Poe, 5 Asnotw for me:thongh poze J ligh, | Afflicted foze : in muferp, O Aord tome make (halty) (pede s : Chou art myne ayde:moſt truely, My Govof all:deliuery, fo long (fro me do not receede. GT be Collette. ()Godeternall and inuincible prote@orof thy fub — iectes, we befech thee make haft to helpe and fuc- cour thy poore houthold, who ftandeth in fute at thy maieftic, that we may efcape all fhame and rebuke of finne and aduerfitie fo defended by thine ayde, through Chrift,&c. The Argument. Pfam LXXT, The inst pen thankes: toGed aboue, Mho kept his youth in Stay: So craneth * fulli. for further loue, | dn age no — to — In te domi * ne ſperaui. — tru O Lord: in thy god name, N/ FZ baue (in bart)allwap repoſde: 2Let — pcp et a from hope (Jhaue/ to be epotde, 2 In thyne olvne grace:and righteouſnes, all qupte (front barme) deliuer me: Inclyne thyne eare:to my great frefle, to faue( my ipfe and make me free. Bat : ~\ Pfalmés Lxxj. 19F Both rocke and wall: be thoufome, J fo twhich( moſt ſure) JImay relort: $ Thy will if is - that kept Z be, i my holde thou art and (ſtable fort. And make me (cape: the tyrzannye, mp Ood(andiLow of wycked foe: To (cape the hand : of man to {ppe, both falſe(in hart) and cruell to. Thou art my hope: and patience, | D 3020 fo2 whom A (vaplp long ¢. From euen my youth : my confidence, thou hak (no dout) bene euer ſtrong. Foꝛ fith my birth : by thee atone, | full fure(by thee were kept mp tapes: _ Thou pluck me out : my mothers wombe, my mouth( therfoze) Hhall (pede thy pravſe. A montter great : men me report, fo many indge(that be bniuſt: But pet thou arf : mpfEable foot,’ ) datpbanria allanp(bope anb)truty pe UNG D let my mouth : wyth prapfes flor, that the J may laud (alipay) thus: What J may fing - fo hye and low, thyne honour( great molt) glorious, $ An tyme of age: veiecfmenof, that out (from the )¥ be not — And leaue me not : alldefolate, - ak in (nedefull tyme when ſtrength both walt e 4; * Fo 106: Pfalme Lxxj 10 Fo; notom foes: together tet F | in countavle whole( ‘ee oa)eantpces Worapleat me: thepbealifet, = to trap my foule in (hateful ire, ie, tx Thep ſayhym God: hath wholereictt, = fueon(therfore )andtakebpninoie; And full pe may : on hym be wꝛert,. fo? none (in earth inpll hym auobo. 12 DOGodfromme: depart not far, D God mp God tothe )F erp: Fromme thy belpe - do not debarre, make hatk(to come) my foes be nye. 13 And let them all: confounded ba, — to finke( and drowne) who ſeke mp foe Let thame themtfake - and bilante, 4 who ithe mp Ipte(my foule)to fople, 14 Asnotnfo2 me: molt quietly, | Jwill abyde thy lowing hand Pea dap bp dap: mozecarneflly, ? my mouth(and tonge)thall pꝛayſe thp tn, 15 Mymouth thall tell thy righteon tes, thp fauing bealth(to me )all dap : Wut ende of this : great gentlenes, I cannot thinke 02( wholy) fay. 36 In this my hope: F twill goon, | in God mp H.020( fo great of or ee 4 {will erpeetle : of thee alone, 2 Shp truth (fo ferme) bath day and bane 2 — — 18 19 21 22 43 bs Wbich thon (by sat ot mae fa free. Plate. —— —9 Eoꝛ fare O Gon : thy truth is ene, fo beauen(aboue)Ipft bp ſo bye: Things creat by the : (o wrought hath bene, who can(in potver be lpke to the. How great and ſore· abuerfitie, ————— oft (in tpfe )to ſpy: Bet did thou turne : fo quicken me, from deepe(of ſtreſſe)to rayſe me bye. Weide thou dik : encreafe mp raigne, with bono2 (much fo )moze and more: When turnd thou tvart -andpleafdagayne. of iop(fo glad) thou gauelt me ſtore. J twill thee prayſe : in pſaltry ſweete, mp God (and Lord)thy truth to tell: To thee my barpe : fhall ſtand as mete, D 4020 ( fo gwd) of Iſraell. Mplips and mouth : both fapne and glad, ſhall be (allway )to fing fo the : So thallsmpfoule : fo2 mercy bad, py 198 ex WPhalne Lxxiy 24 Mytonge ſhalltalke: thy righteouſness from day fo day(and that) euen ſtil·· Becauſe wyth ſhame: thou dydſt reppeſſee my foes((ofierce that wiſht me euill. e A Lmighty god which raigneſt eternally in that hie throne of maieftie,and yet dooſt not diſdayne to looke vpon vs poore miſerable wormes crepyng here on earth, and alfo dooſt not ſuffer vs to bee conſoun- ded with fhame for euermore,we befeehe thee to ful- fill ourlyps wyth thy worthy prayfe,and exercife our hartes in continuall meditation. of all thy goodnes. declared to vs,Through Chrilt,&c," T he Argument. Pfalme. LXXII, In letter prayd : king Dauid playne, - S Xe fonne to {pede:: inal hys raigne: ‘In {prite more truecyet ment it ic Of Christes God founes and king of blis. a7 Citoln D God: thy iudgements true | Uponthekpng-annepnteddue; 4 Lhe inflice eke : geuethou therto —=—— Zo this kings fonne-: in it to go· 2 Then ſhall he iudage-thepeople ryahf, - The god fo faue : the bad fo ſmyte: We hall the pore: afflict defend, 7 he meke fo quyte: the pꝛoud to bend. g Whe mountaines great: Wwete peace thal boing Unto thy folke:ingouernpng: : The fmaller hils : Mallrighteouftes, Sa ſprede a lyke: in faythfulnes. ch he: | Pfalune Leni. OOS 199 he tingle txt: in miſery/ MOSS «3% Wo holve their right : be — Pag fie Whe pore mans childe - he thall protect, BS and biber frop : that hun fo. weect. ‘hep ſhall feare the: in reuerence, i to%% As long as funne bath influences), 9 os 2 while the maine :: her face — a Front age fa age: from bye folotwe We thall come dotow as raynfrencieas;: 3} On grafle new Hone = orwoll the —— — As ſhowers ſwete on earth do pvte, 10 To cheare alt shiny: in fetta igh! fae In bis god dayes al righttoife men, Hag Shall foophe then and xiſe agayne Sweete peaceſhalbe:onenery de, pt as long as Mone her ſphere doth eps R Erom ſea fo fea: his rule halbe,: >: an F From pPalellpne: fo dcepe red — From Cupheates toholy land af et From coſt toca : hotp.ippoedt feanoth,: The Cthtopes - in wildernes — Fullmeketo hym · thall amet ele ids? : Wis foes hall (eeme : fo licke the duſt, — All proſtrate ligh· to bym they mutt, QAR DF Lhariys kings and other les, i 2s - fhall gifts peefent : han atherwhiles: ie ' Mfarabpeandfabakings, (6 ail we bayng : their offerpngs,. at eo Tk. tt, Ce 12 13 — 200 ——— A Pfalme. ted. . To make (hort tale: what kings therebe, In earth mu geue : hym homage fre: Pea nations all : ſhall them ſubmyt, 3 To hold of hym: and kyſſe his fete. Forhethepmre: thallfonereleife, Whe crping toretch : fo rpd frome gricfe = Ihe nedp man : all comforties, Without all helpe : be will releale. J fapeagayne: betvillbegad, To nedy man : and pore of blaud: hough here be be: both tomeandbent, Their foules to faue : be willconfent. Their foules fromfrande- 7 He will them ryd· that tyranny Theyr nantes to himheiinine full cleare, Xheirblouy.bis fight: hall count fullbeate, And line he Hall: fo hym walbe, So geuen the golde: of Arabye: He thall fo2 pwre : make ſute alway, The poze lor tts hall peaple hym aye. iw | 3 16 x7 One hand full ſowen; offvbeateonhpil, — F 02 growth and length: then hake tt will, In Lybanon: eke tres fo bye, As greene as grafe- all townes hall ipgh. Hys name fhall Hill: and ape endure, — Before the fone : it was full fure Vys grace thall blefle : allpeople tuff, eaten — yall pape and teu eis : | Pfalme, Læxiij. 208 278 MhisGodourRord: beblefefullivell, Euäaen iult the God: of Iſraell: He wondrous thinges: Doth worke alone, aAll mylteries brhym be done. 19 Hes name be blef: in vnitie, 7F0ꝛ euer one: in trinitie: This name thal fill: the earth agaptte, | Sap we therto,Amen,amen, eh3 GT he Collette. ok A ee euſue all righteoufnes & godli- | nes,through the mediation of our ſaid Lord & ſaui- our, vho wytr thee, &c. Boe GT he endeof shefecond booke. * — — ——— — boole —— OT he Argument. 'Piilime. LXXIIT. T his muſing Palme : by Dauid made: to A feph't put to Ls Doth {hevy the endes ts ood on cae ‘What < vice ge —* eee God is Bon’ fo * — — bo-f/f Faas \V (7x3 To them o€ perfect hart : nus Iſrael ALhough inpeyen men: haue here the ſweete, Deus. And i men lele the ſmart. ° But oh my — wel nye {were ate: . to dont ar goolp fuapes, yp fteps of lvfe.; aunolt werellipt: to renne in wke altrayes. 3 Fn why Ifret: all tpbote it in zeale to note holo firmers tere ¢ An peace twyth blide - allabole beſet. the god men all in feare, 4 302 they ofpeath;;, fele: ne Dittrefte — — it Doth them kret, Thep2 ſtrength is freth,: in euerr part: well fed and fat they iet. td Yet good is Godto. Ifraell, To them of perfeé hart: -Thoughwyckednien : haue here the {weete, And good men feele the fmart. 5 Biffortune tone : befalth thefe men : no labour preſſth them bardeh They baueng ſtoutge· as athern men all ve Ch is ther⸗ reward. 6 of this aviteth : their haoty pride: fuberit ehep batt foffout: Gl clad they be : wyth wyckednes: and wrong euen round about. WMith Pfalme, Lxxuy, 203 With fatnes foule - theyr epes be ſweld: their gullets keele no thurlt Their paunches ful: their helth fo quart: theyr hartes excede in ink Yet good is God to Ifraell, To them of perfec hart : Though wycked men : haueherc the fweete, And good men feele the fart. And others they : corrupt with falke - thep fpeake all that ig nought They do blaſpheme: euen God aboue: fuch rage dewraith their (thought. Foꝛ vpto heauen they call their mouth: Gods prouidẽce to ſcoarne Their tong ti earth: mult heare the rule: by thentp pore is lorne. his makth all folke : fo fall fo them: fo fue their (wealth bnfa Whew water Cups : fo drinke tn part : fo eaſe they? want and wo. Xet goodis God : to Ifraell, — To them of perfec hart: oe wycked men: haue here the — And good men feele the ſmart. W * mad tuſh fay they all - do — od luch matters know! Hath Govaboue: refpect 92 care: of thinges fo done beloin 2 F 02 lo fay they : theſe wycked men: they profper woell tit all: Lhe worid is theirs : as toly men : all godes to them befall, And ſome of them : (apd thus agayne: my bart J cen’ in bayne: 7 opurgemylete: trom ſutt tle art: Jcount it fo! il payne. ae good is God to Ifraell, To them of perfe& hart : | Sathish wycked men : haue here the J—— And good men feele the ſmart. Llj. Thus — 204, | ‘Pfotne. ENR; 14 Thus bert Iwent : alllict in hart: all day by wyeked tects Dies In early mone - fore fcourged J twas : to haue thiscafe detect: — 15 Jhadalmof : apd euen as they - lo then F had bene wod: F 02 fo hould J: haue euillrepꝛoued: thy focke of childzen qed, 16 ¥ fought and fought: to fearch tt out’: D Lord what this might be: Wut thou D God: fo fecret wart: tf Was to hard for me. Yet goodis God: to Ifraell, To them of perfeé hart : | Though wycked men : haue here the fweete, — And good men feele the {mart. 17 Jdoubted Mill : tyll God fought : in hys moſt faintly place: Wo note hys wont ; in alltheir endes : at lakk of all thep2 race. 28 Iſpied thou fet : they? flipper ſtate: in brittle godes vnclere: Thou calk the down:on hed to nought yea when mokk hie thep were 19 Dholv they quaylo : molt fedenty : calt doten and peritht quyte? Foꝛ their mifoedes-¢ wyckednes:to nought bzought dolwn in fight. Then goodis God to Ifraell, To them of perfect hart : ss Though wycked:men : haue here the fweete, And good men feele the ſmart. 20 As dreames fo vayne: do vanyſhe quite: frontmatp wakth fro llepe Theyzr image 1020: fo (halt thou ſtroy: thy citie not to kepe. | 21 Myne inward qholk : fore bertit was : before this cafe 4 knew: At pearſt mp raynes:and rotes of hart:ta note thew workes vntrue a 3 = Pfalme. eee NS 205 2 , 0 fond Jwas: and ignorant: in fecref workes of the : To wute bealt lyke: all voyde of {wit : fo dull thy trade Y fe. For good thou art : to Ifraell, Tothemofperfecthart: Though wycked men : haue here the fweete, And — men feele the ſmart. 3 But pet D lord: chough thus Jthought:Jwas held bp bp the: Wp right hand pet:thou belott ſo bp: that far J dyd not fie, 4 As methou taught : fo hence thou wylt - teach me thy fecret wil, And after that; with glory bright: my foule with ioy to fill. 5 For whome haue J: in heauen but the:to lone 02 rut aright: D2 who in earth scan health impart: but thou my barts delight. All good thon art to Ifraell, To them of perfect hart : Though wycked men : haue here the fweete, _ And good men feele the fmart. 5 Mhouagh fielh.¢ hart : here favied me : thou Dintt nof me forfake : Thou art D Gad : mp ſtrength of hart : my part thou art fo fake. Foꝛ lo who far : from the do fray : they periſhe hall no doubt : Awhoryng who eke renne fro thee: thou driueſt them al fo nought But god for me: by God to hold: in the D Godtotruk : To tellthyne actes: how god thou art in pon gate full iuff, O good is God to Ifraell, To them of perfe& hart’: Though wycked men : haue here the {weete, And good men feele the fmart. Ll.ij. T he 20 6 Pfalme, Lxxiiy, | OT be Cokectey ite) STs Bauk e ONG! ae G Eue vs afsiftence of thy grace almighty father, & {fo guide our feete in meditation of thy righteous sudgementes, that we flyde at notyme or be offended by vndifcrete zele,or enuy at the profperitie of thine aduerfaries, eyther to mifconceyue thy euerlaftyng — prouidence, or yet to bee the flacker in the godlye wayes of thy holye teftimonies, fo that we may alway ioyfully beare thy crofle fent vntovs,hauing theefor — our lot and comfort therin,and fo hauyng our hartes pure in thee, we maye prayfe thy rightuoufnes in the eternall gates of thy heauenly Hierufalem and. euerx⸗ laſtyng habitation, Through Chrift,&c. GT he Argument. Pfalme. EXETIE — ef fore complaint (here may dye read, eA gaynst Gods foes fo vayne : Which Chit his worde : and eke his flockes Purſue wyth myght and mayne, ‘ Hy art fo far : D God(our God) Vt quid oeus \Y' Foꝛ euer wylt thou fe. repuliſti. Wilby kumeth thy wrath: agayntt thy thepe, Df paklure(aswebs) 2 D) God(sur ior) thinke thou vpon: tip conaregation Dere, — HF olde fo ſtrong: poet by the : whem theu reremn La Ess Aud thynke vpon the(chofen lot · of thyne inberitaunce: onl Df Syon mount : wherinthon Divelt : wyth thy cod ordinaunce. 3 Lift bp in bat : thp feetefand handes )confound thy focintace : | How hath be araen thy lanctuary: the feat of thy get graces Why ~ Pfalme. Lxxiiij. . Why art fofar O God(our God LE t fog) _ Foreuerwiltthouflee? Why fumeth thy wrath : agaynſt thy Beep, OF pafture (as we ort ) ; 4 “hp foes Dp rore( full hye) in p2 ape : in tyme of feaftfull dap : : As conquell fignes : in temple th ere: thep2banners bid they ſplay. 5 Where he that once Dior cut and) hein: a beame o2 fparre of wod: To beautific : thy temple worke: was thought deuout and god, 6 Buf now hep boa and boag)herein : fo pull all doin fo nought: To bꝛeake With mail : € eke wyth axe: the gates of caruers wꝛought And yet art far : O God(our God); ' Foreuerwiltthou flee? Why fumeth thy wrath : — — — Of ‘pattare —* we bee. ) vea fe ( and fame) not haute they fet: — on —* aly cael : ” hey haue defylde: € caſt to ground: heute where dwelt thy grace 8 hep fapd (int inzath fo ſtroy them quite let esi in one confent : Gods houfes thus; inallthe land : they haue all — bent, Wl e (now can )fce no wonted ſignes: there is no yay moze + Spot one wyth bs : of wiſdom fage : to eaſe our bondage ſore. “And yet artfar : O God (our God) © For euerwylt thou flee 2. |: ibe Why fumeth thy wrath : — pe Of — — we be. ) He Poly long D God : hail chusi in — aduerſary —— Thy houte,thy feailes : the told deface: bys beags at thee be om a Liv. 9 ae Oh ee aaere 6 ee 208 Pfalme, Luxxiiij. How long J fap : halkhe(fomad) thy holy name blafoheme, Foꝛ cuer thus - hym thall we fe - thy polver fo lyght to deme ? 11 Why fhan(D Wow) hold ſtill thy handes: ¢ winklt at this bis wite⸗ Thy * draw out: of boſom fone to ſtroy thy foes by myght. “Why art fo — O God (our God) Foreuer wyltthouflee? Why fumeth thy wrath : : agaynit thy a F Of paſture (as we be.) 12 Pet God mip kyng(and Lord)he is : of olde in peares now gone : He health beftotwa - on all the earth : himlelte dothitalone. 12 hou didi deuyde the fea(as once) by myght of thy great hand: The Dragens heds thou branelt in five - fo drownd by fea € land, 14 Thou eruthedtt the head of Whales (4 (ap) Leniathan ſo great : F 02 thy bere locke: thou madelt hym meat : which was in defert fet, Then why. art farfromvs(O God) » For ever wilt thou flee ? | 71 -» Why. fumethithy wrath : agayniftthy * eee: cde - Of pafture(aswe bee.) ty 15 Di ſtony rockes fo(flinty) hard: thou bow auras And ſo thou driedll ‘great waters bp: for alltheyꝛ gatheryngs. 16 The nyght € day: be thine(at will) than ſpreadſt both light € ſunne The funne by dap - to ſhyne fo cleave : by nyght to fhpire the Bane. 17 The coſtes of all the earth( (fo wyde Ithou dydit them place kul one | Thou ſummer mad ett. and wenter both - eche other rightto rae 5 Palme, Læxxiiij. 209 And yet art far : from vs(O God i For ever wylt thou flee? at "why fumeth thy wrath : agaynft thy —— | OF paftnre(as we bee. d 8. Remember this (in mynd) O Lord thyne enmies how they vaunt, How folithly the peoplebaue : reuploe thp hame a fant . 9 Geue not thy turtels/ ſely )foule : to beatt of cruell port : Forget nof ape: the company - of thyne afflicten ſort. o Behoid thy pact : ones made, fo s)fo2 barkenes pettilent: : As (peed the warn: where theues do divell : both fale and violent, And yet art far from vs (O God) - For ever wilt thou flee? Why fumeth thy wrath : a gaynſt thy wets * Of pafture(aswe bee. 1 D {uffer not the poꝛe/ that is ) contryte to fele a hame : But let the pore: and nedy foule ; fo2 helpe ape prayſe thy name, 2 Ryle God (awake )and iudge thy cauſe: thy foe thou ſceſt ertreme; Weare ſtill in mynde: bys ople attempt : fo2 daily be blafphemth. 3 Forget not thou the( ragyng voyce) the brags of all thy foes : pe boating p2pde : Do mount allway : at thee thep? hatred goes. ‘ | O than benye: O God (our God) | Foreuerdonotflee?’. And fumeno more: apaynitt thy theese, Of — we bee. me tf Lluij. The gos — 210 Lxx. | — O Ser no bePollete:: bik. Lorde theaimightye maker of heauen and earth, _ .““ with al the furnithing therof,which of thine inefti mable loueldidft redeme the world agayn by the price of thy precius blud,be myndful of thy poore defolate focke, ouermuch laden in mifery and wo,to beholde bow thygloryeis troden vnder foote by the wycked powers of this worlde, heare our lamentable teares, and comfort vs wyth ioy agayne after ouraffliGions, to prayfe thy mighty hand all dayes ofourlyfe: who liueft and raigneft,one God wyth the father, &c, ON 8 ET he Apenment) Pfalme LXXV. -» A prophecy < of Christ ye ſpye, who threath the wycked {late : Confte. 0 6 (Net towry: their tiranay, bimur ti- | o Wreke poore men in hate. bi Deus. bi | ; 4 ° OR GRACE do confelle : and thankes erprefley~ - I tothe D Godinvthpravles sty YThyname is pe : astellifie, thy wondrous workes altuapes.. 2 When tyme mof fit : fall ferue fo tf, Ithen will iudge the ryght: In dap fo fet : when men be met, aill hartes to (pede tn fight. . 4 3 Paoud earthly man - (hall melt euen (hart, who dwelleth on earth ſhall quaile· ¥ fet the ground: of earth {9 round, — if Sela. I can it ſhake no fayle. | Plalme. Lxxy, 4 did vpbrayd: fuch foles and fayd, | deale not fomadly firs : To wycked rout : 3 fpake full ouf, blow not pour boone fo fierce. Lift not to hie: pour horne ſayd 4%, your polver all mong enſuth: ) Wi pth fubburn neckes: fpeake pou no checks _ but bend pour barfes to truth. Fo bye renowne : commeth not adowne from Cail,o2 Welk,o2 South : Polv wyde ye be : pe cannot fle, this Gods true worde of mouth. 7 For Goditvis :rightdomes manis, no thought can {cape bis eves : Hymthroweth he doiune : hym doth be crown as be can beſt deutle, «Of Iupne fullred fo fee: But mist wyth lies : and dregs it lighes, which be porth diuerfly. 8. Jn Gods ryght hand: a cup they, ltandth, he gwd at bopnke : the cleare doth drynke, God beinche them gently fo : The bad doth fup - the dregs full bp, the botomes troublous tuo. Sill twill J falke : ſuch wonted walke, of Jacobs God and i020: His Domes to fing : hym worſhippyng, 43 Will pth bartes acco2d. Mm.j. —— And 211 ain wh een Bfalotes Lxxy qo And Gadlapththus:dotonewilZ crulbe, = | all hornes oftopcked mens . CuenfowillZ:eralfonbpe, all ryghteous polveragapne. IThe Collecte. J Cc) louing fheparde,which far the redemption of thy tlocke didft drinke the bytter cup cfthy paynfull paffion, we pray thee fo attempre the cup of aduerfitie in fuch meafure to vs that we may glad- ly in hart beare our croffe,therto ftrengthned by thy: holy fprite,and that we neuer walkein the proude wayes of this world to drynke their heauy cup in the world to come,wholyueft and reygneft with the fa- therand the holy ghoft.&c, T he Argument. Palme. EXXVI; eA cainst opprefours tyrannous, who prt Gods flocketoWrong: T his Pfalme would they : fhould welldifcufee, Nota in Gods power and hand fo ftrong. ludea deus | = | 1 J Jury God: ts knoton full well, «fs therpgbteons doth confelle ; is name ts great : in Iſraell, the wycked ſayth no leffe. 2 His tabernacle: Salemis, aplace of peace moſt ſwete: And Syon hill - a feat ofhis, where raignth bys gracefullmete, | «Shs Pfalme, Lxxyj. 3 This God enen there : fo? all theyr lake, his loue ſo them behelde: Bowe, arro wes, ſword and ſhield be bꝛake Sela. au battapie tei in ieid. 4. Thyou Sponmount : dolt moꝛe ercell, in bono fame and mypabt : | Then robbers hils: where that thep dwell, bolv fierce thep range in fight. § Theſe Gpantes prond: of fomacke fell, enenthepbefpopldeagayne: Whey Hlept thep2 leepe : though fullthep fivell, thep2 bandes hall nought retayne. 6 DYacobs God: atthyreprofe, thefetprantes fell fo ground ; Thepꝛ charets fplayd : and frayed alofe, both hoꝛſe and man J drꝛownd. 7 Cuenthoualone: thou fearefull arf, tn wꝛath agaynſt the ppoud: Who can reſiſt· thyne trefull dart, D Xoꝛd who euer could: g From heuen thou madeſt: thy indgement ſoũd that earth thy power myght heare: So earthly man : was fone on ground, be fhoke and quayla fo2 feare. g When Godarole : toindge in ryght, hys fapntes oppreſt wyth ſmaart: CThen dyd bys firength- appeare in fight, eg Sela to lauethentcke mbart. ? Mug. Mans 214% Palme Lxxvij ro Mans fiercenes pat : (hall full fet out, thp p2avle (D ow)no lee: Their trapnes € guiles : which Kil thep clout, | front hence ine ſhalt repꝛeſſe. rr Then vow pour hotves-and pap thent well fo pour Loꝛd God fullglad: — 4 byd pou all - which nye hym diel, boyng giftes to God fo drad. 12 Stout Princes (prttes = fo furious, he can both quenche and quell: Onthem his hand: is wonderous, hob fierce tn earth thep ſwell. GT he Collecte. M Oft drad and foueraygne Lord vibuct v webes fech thee to our meditations fuch effect, for the confeffion of thy holy name,that we be fo illigh tned Ay thy eternalihyls,to haue vaderitandyng of thy glo rious reſurrection, that we be not difapointed of thy glory at thy fearefull iudgement, Throu me Chrilt. &c. — ee. ee oe ee T he — ——— Philee. Lx ¥ 7 7 1, _ Strong fayth in voyce : with diligence, for helpe he cryeth a lowd : He ftickth to Gods : good prouidence, and feeth bimelf alowd. * zO God to cry: in voyce Jwill, ASG ix fo@adAfayitbopee: = = = ) — to me: gene care fall Fill, yt ae —* me bart reiepce, ce ala Ea, i dite” — In Pfalme. Lexi. 2 mm froublous bapes : the Lord Z fought, my twoundes Mil rarme by nights 9 My handes and ſtrength ful low were brought my foule fled comfort quyte. 3 Atillof Gon: yet mindfull be, fo wayle J topll not ceaſe: EP Scla Tihan I mp foule · tore bert Mall fe, e my bopce hall notdecreate. hou holo myne epes - full —— —* that reſt none can take : —* faynt and weake: J haue ne wil, once ſpeche by mouth fo make. ¥4 Did therfore: than ftrapf recotont, the dapes of olde ferne peares: Jdid reuolue; the fathers wont, imn their diſtreſſe and feares. 6 Mp ſongs from mpnde : thall tof depart, —s- fa others which F fing: : By night J mufe.: and falke in bart, mp ſprite ſearcht euery thinge. Gud thus Jplayne : wyll God mp ord, 7 ~~ ablent himtelfe foraper °°” Shal Z be thus : fo ſoꝛe abhoꝛndde, Will be bis.grace denay? ) 8 ys pytve great: will it a ware⸗ fo2 euer not to tourne:: And twill his worde now ende J fave) fo make bs fillfo mourne: - Dm, ty. Bath — 115 16 | Pfabne, Luxvij. 9 Path God forget: fo pytye thus? | can he himſelfe forgets And will be hut : fo hard frombds, * Scla. his loues and mertyes great. 10 Gt lak J ſayd: this wauering, declareth mp frayltye fonde: But J entend- in mynd to bꝛyng, the chaunge of his god hande. tl My Words great actes: J will recount, my kayth to bpm fo bynde: i 1His wondzous Wworkes how hye they mount, In tymes ol olde to fynde. 12 In allthy workes: fo inonght by the, my fudp whole ſhall and: | My talke halbe : mot frankly fre,’ to ſpꝛeade thy dedes of band, 13 Thy war O Gov: J lee is ſet, in holynes all bryght: WUbhat God is like: in glory great, as thisour God of might?: 14 Thou Gaod art he: which openty, workſt wonders hye as God: To people farre: andfonderlp, thy polver thou fpeedabzoade, 15 Thonhalk redeemd: with might in dede, thy people tenderly: Olde Jacobs Locke : and Jotephes fade, elcapt by the thep be, rh — 16 17 18 19 20 v vtoush &c. Oalme, Lxxvij. 217 The waters deepe: ſaw the D God, the waters deepe ſaw thee· They were afrayd: fo feele thy rod, the depties dyd quake fo fe. Thy doudes raynd Down: fo waters fell, the heauens foꝛ found dyd ryng: The ſtones of hayle: were arroweg fell, bp them thy foes fo wꝛyng. hy thunders nopfe : aya rumble four, : * in ayre the ſphere aboue; | Thy lightnyngs hone : allround about, . the carth dyd quake and moue. Thy way in lea; is large and wyde, thy pathes in inaters great : | — Thy kotelteps pet :.canwot, hetpiedy foto there tht fice be fet, fb sélat at Thou ledſt thy people patks2 (the, as thepe in all thep2 ways... | WBy Dales hand - tou bind thom hepe, yee whom Aaronbelptto fave. · . QT he Coleée. .. { ‘ex od the wonderfull taal ios of deedesincd- prehenfible, moft {peciali yintheelem@ént of wa- ter, fometyme by ftaying the rage,ofthem to the de- fence of thine elect, to the cofuming of thine enemies ſometyme in turayng tothe natureofwyhé,to the cõ fort of thy fcruauntes we befech theeforto accept the voyces of our cryes,that we may feele thy mercy con- tinually poured: vpon ys,to preſerue and to conforte nt, tte. The us < APfalme, Lxxviij, ¢ The Argument. Pfflme. LXXPUL, > T his bye profound : oration, Amonitorie ig ———— aie to turne : to truft upon, Attendite workes ſo great of his. populi 99 people kinde: heare this mp law, — true lore it full auowth· Inclyne pour care: in gentle ave, to harke mp wordes of mouth, Py lipes face ſawes ſhall now vntolde, Wwehich parables might fame: | And prouerbes ſtraunge· of veaves tole, how wwe ſhould God eſteeme. 3 Which thinges we haue: both hard and te ‘a to be moſt certen trues dWhich fathers olde · to vs a led, we bs folde that fhould enſue. 4 jot we therfore! will hyde the lame, whe from their poſterypye: * Do them fo tell Gods lauds and fae bts wonders ſtraunge to ſe. J He made a pact : with Jacob tuft, and labo fet Iſraell: — So chargd: our fathers eu ee tyete things cheit (cede to —— « “hat comnght all chit inatte knot, AN ies. #8 in ages ſtill to come: Co xyle and ſprede fo hye and low, Gods mn fo hys renome. ; a s Y . ’ . 4 ane * cape : ’ C3 That iow : 6 That fomedtall ——ú — iin ages ſtill to come⸗: To ryſe and ſprede Aohye and low, Gods actes to his renome. 7 That theptherby : inpatt truly fet, © oe in God affiannce frong: he What they Hould not : — torget. but kepe bis betes lull long. $ Leltthey Hhoutd proue wom taterz iyte a kaythles ubburne kynde· A peopleloth : che ryght to eke,· inbich felifrom God in pyvnde. 9 Allykethetribe: o Ephravm, pte pettun they bac at gag tome, and bad toule ouerthꝛowes. TEN to Chey kept not( lo)true tutch wyth Gav, bes pactthepoucrped: — From bps finete beftes : thep' ſtrayd abrode, tI - Ann fone forgate : what done had he, fo them as beaſtes vnkynd His wondrous workes: that hep had feene, — were cleane call ont of mynd. Great meruels wrought: bis mighty band, ‘in thep2 forefathers fight : At Zoan field: in Egipt land, to Metn bys potver and might. | guj . Be 43 14 15 16 7 128 19 220 4 — Biting — De cutthe ſeas apart to wande ue a} sds as walles erect on hyesa; . {soem He led themthrough:· to go fo lan, J while they like heapes did lygh·. Be led themtorth in garneys xicht (2 > by clotwde as guyde by tapes: CoD ih By night whole ont: in fir lygbt;, Hinde bis angels kept thetr ways) te He daue therockes : in wildernes.. holv hard ſocuergrowueee ‘ Where ont he Gackt = theys thirtkines, 5 © as ——— He made the fone guche in treamzʒss from them did fetes? avin ti Though fipntes by kynd hepe fiery beames Gov made ee kepe.snd cin thep fae) 0 more and maze fy 13 at F 7 They hym prouokt : in —— fo2 all. bis gentle ſtoꝛe. sare} They tenrpted Goo : fo prone bys potver;. thep2 bartes went much affraps <9 hey would haue meat: at prelent bot; thepeluttes thep wonld.aflays · ¶ 1'2° Agapnt thep2 Bod : mo euerp where/ thep ſpake lyke rebels thus: Can God pꝛouide: atable bere," 5 riser in wyldernes fo2 bs? Wit Be 17 21 22 ODſalme Loxxvii. “petite ened: -the waters ſpred, as ſtreames they floined in deede: But can( fapthep) : God geue behead, tat 02 fleth hys flocke. to fede? When God this heard : bewas fall torah, —* | bis fyre in Jacob beents 405} 3 ibys heauy plage : tanger goeth, euen downe on Iſraell ſent. te Becauſe no hope - in God they larde, that be could fede theyx want: Po vet put truſt· in hym for ayde, 23 God made theyr hartes to pant. Hedpdcommaund: therlondesabone, — which fistetheaypseabout: «© | — Pe bade the heanens: —— rene; 34 25 > oe fe poure thee giftes full Then rapned downe· that Manna ſweete, therofthat theyſhould taſtt He ſent them down ——— * from heauen thys vyand calf O wondrous act that man dyd eate, fuch fode of aungels ſtrong: He pourd them down· they? fill of meate, their pitched tentes among. | be made the Caf - wynd blote bys * amid the heauen in iength: Be foꝛſt the ſouthwynde blow as faſt, a: bps great power and ag Ly fe 221 37. 28 30 3 32 33. Amid theyr tentes it fell as motes,” 222 wit Pfalme. Pxxvis J— So than as thicke as bull, of fie aboundant ſtore: And fetherd foules: fo fill they? lute, as thicke as fand on ſhore. B not far to {eke therfoze : Guen round about : thep2 dwellyng cote, —* it dyd themleruethe mare. * Sc hep thus dyd cate: and fed they Were, ; fullbp vnto the chin: He graunted them : thep2 lnk fo far, what thep could wiſhe therin. —- Mhepr intl was not: abated fo, for Titliniukthepquothen:. in mouth this meat they lothed, © Lo weath from Gov: {was kyndled then, be ſlew theyr worthies greatt And whyle they chowd: both to and fto, nil a in Iſraell belet. Foꝛ all this pet: thep ſinned ſtill thep2 wonted guife thep plapde + Wo truſt to hym: they had no twill, though wonders be difplapde, Therlore he ſpoyld: theyr lvvyng dayes in vanitie to ygh: ‘Be feld to ground: thepz cheten mer. ft ae Shep peares he fpent : infeares and frayes As to bere * apt 595 eve. 34 35 36 ef) 38 39 40 thep fought hym then full gent: hep ſeemed tho - thep2 finnes to rue, to God at moꝛne thepwent, CThen could they well: remember this, that God was all their ſtrength: That God full gad - redemer ts, thep2 comfort moſt at length. ‘But pet they apd : buf glofe in fpeache, thep2 bartes agreed nof fo : Whey iped in tonae : thus hym te — diſſemblers dyd they go. Theyr mpndes fo hym· were nothing ſound, but hollow hartes they had: Chey Kode not ſtill· wyth hym ſo bound, in league and couenaunt glad. Pethe lo gad: theyr innes torget, and would not them deſpiſe: Full oft : hys wrath: he dyd retrefe, that Whole it ould not rpfe, Foꝛ be dyd count: they were but feth, as fraple as b2itle glaſſe: And that thep Were : like wynde fo geſſe that paſſth wythout repaffe. “Mpaht many tymes : in wildernes, they hym p2oucked fo2e Poin much grieued they : his gentleres, in Uspas moze and more. Hn.iti. Whey es Pfalme: Lxxiiij, © 223 — As long as God: them ſtrake and fue, & . 43 4 AS) 46 47 224 \Pfalme, Lexi They dyd — soft Goo to tempt, that faint of Iſraell: — They proued hys power: in ——— 4 as be in boundes ſhould dwell. c hep minded not : hysablehand, what once fo2 them if wrꝛought: Nor vet that day's when thep were = > how he redemption bought. How he had pone : miraculouflp, ~ in Egipt fully outs In Zoan field - his —— " J they dyd forget no dout. TWhen he did turne theyr waters cwete⸗ to bloud how they increaſt: And made theyr ſpringes: all full Von mit, — fo2 dzinke for man 02 beaſt. He lyce ſent eke all kynd of flies, which them deuoured quyte: Amoung them frogs: dyd ferauleand tyle, J to bere them day and nyght. Abe gaue theyr fruites s— —— J to cat erpillers ſpoyle: The grahhopper: dyd neuer ceale, to walk thep2 labours torle. He bpd vnbarke of vyne the tres, wyth Tones in clods congeald: - And cke theyr trees : of mulberies, wyth frottes ſo fone but telde.. . ' a ee” ea inl ge ee 5 i Pees so 31 5 * ODſalme Læxvij 48 Be motetheit bates : of cart and plonsh, wyth hayle in his areafive: Their other lockes: he ſmote tull rounh, woyth coales of burnyng fire. dig He ca anthem “his furp whote a wrath, wo, with anguyſhe ſtyng; With ſuch fel plages: them ſore be ſmote which Angels euyll do bring. Hemade playn waverifor his fore vnath fo go,aud ſtroyd them quyte: No ſowle he ſparde· from ſodaine Death, their beatts the plage dyd ſmyte. De ſtroyd theyr fru‘tes: begotten ae In Copptfurions: Their papmertrats: of autheir late where Chante fede divelt in ponte; 52 But pet helen’: His people fre; lyke thepe he keptthem ape: As thepe in locke: mofktenderlp — in deſert led theif apes He boughtthem out: in fuerte all feares that thep might fl: He ouerwhelmd : their foes at ere, In waues of famyng fea. He brought them ink: within the cote o ft his gad Sanctuary: To this ſwete hyl: of vertue moſt tie bysrighthandapobye, n iitj. 225 —— ey Thep turned quite : :bislawatny,’ | * 59 60 51 61 226 falme. | ‘Lexi, Na We Paynpms rane : — Les and Jacobs fockeputin: .. - a They: beritage : hetet the fpace, - : and met theys lot bp ipne. F But pet the 1020 : thep tempted bie, and hym prouoked Till : the figttes of bys ged wyll. They turnd theyr backes :pea did conſpire, asonctethep2fatherswent: To theyr old wontes: they dyd — as ſturdy bow in bent. 4 Wo reare hillaulfers wastheprfrade, wherby thep moucd hpniforze: Df Idols grauett : thep2. Gods they made, by which thep greued him more. God heard thys cafe - full wroth {vas be, wyth indignation great; At Iſraell: excedingly, — bps ſore diſpleaſure fret. What he did hone : bys ſacrary, which oncein Splofiode: Hys tent J fap : pitchd ſtedfaſtly, among olde Adams bloud. So he ettones · to thraldom tent, bys arke that was theyr ſtrength: Which was thep2 olde: — ————— | their foes polſſeſt at cane sy ‘ys Oalme. Lexi. Pt 229 6. His folke he sane : bnto the ſword, wyth warres entangled ſo: Hs beritage : full ſore be deard, in much diſpleaſant wo. 63 moe fire cate bp: thep2luttp ment both pong in armes and fpdes : Theyr birgins yong: not honord thert, wyth wedlocke fonges as brides. 64 Whep2 priettes bp ſword: were bilp ſlayne, religion fet at nonght: No wydowes left : which ſhould complayne, befozeallflayne by thought. 65 The Ho2 as one : layd long itt tenia) at length from flepe atvoke : Wi pth wyne refrefht : in hart full depe, as gpaunt Strength be toke. i 66 ys foes rearwardes: euen doton he felde, theyr hpnder partes be ſtrake: ‘That moſt in {hae - they ever pet, Gobetberzarmiesbeake, 67 All Jolephs trybe : he dyd refute bys arke to themto bryng: So Cphapm : he would not die, t be ment an other thyng. 68 But Judas frybe - he foke hym fill, wherinbe bode in place : And olde beloved : ſweete Zyon hyll, be chaſe in louely grace. Oo.j. And 69 7° 71 at aces — Lei. And Dauid meke + he dyd elect, ode 743 Ano there be built: — Stat She as princely pa ce hye, weed site koh He founded tt = as earth) to Wa in fate perpetual. bys ſeruaunt whom he lowed J— ed ti J To tate ſo hye from fate abiect, from ſhepe cotes hym remoued. We toke them vp in followyng, hys ewes full big wyth yvong? To guide bys falke: in paltturyng, bys heyres of Jacob ſprong. And he thems fed - in kaythlullhart, me. 4 — — kyng: iy —— e gouernd them. in prudent part, bps tapgne all blite dyd ſpring · oe GT he Collette... eee ye Al — God which art. moft bountiful feaft | maker ;’we befeche thee releafe OnE, foules with © that heauenly Manna thy {pirituall grace,that we dy⸗ rected by the hand of thy. prouidence, ‘may.continu ‘ ally dwellin the holy mount of thy chofen congrega- tion, once redemed by thyne almighty hand, atthe laftto come to thy-holy tabernacle, toioy with thee | eternally by the gift of thy fonne Telus Chrift to who with thee and the holy HA be ay hon: ar.and glo⸗ XVY. Amen. oe q dail i Pfalne, Lxxix, © > 229 he eAreument.. Pfalme.LXXIX. - The church lamenth: the tyranny, — of ofallberfoesfofel: Deus vene g Fer finnes fhe waylth - most mourningly, runt gen- yet trust of helpe full well. ie 1 God now come : be Paynyms wylde thyne heritance to waſt: Thy holy houſe. they haue defylde, Hieruſalem is raced. 2 Why ſeruaunts corps : this heathen fect, ay hath cai to byꝛdes for meate: ? Thy fayntes weake fleſh: they bane reiect, to beattes of earth fg cate, 3 Thepyꝛ bloud they haue : lke water hed, | about Hieruſalem : And none there was : to mourne the bead, 0; petfoburpthem, ~~ 4 Wlearebecome: an open hame, — foallournepabbours ert: Wut mockpna itockes : in laughyng game, on all ſides we be vert. si 5 OVLoꝛd how long: halllak thyne ire? fo2 ever ſhall it bee? hy aeloufic : to burne as fy2e, fo2 euer thall we ſcer 6 Poure out thy in2ath - bponthp foes, fo2 Paynyms know not the : VUpon thoſe realmes = which be to tole, hp nameandpotvertole, = 8 Oo.ij. D L⸗ 10 11 12 230 Lxxix. Deuourd they haue · true Jacobs plae, bys fede and houſe lygheth waſt: The ſanctuary: of thy god grace, the walles they haue delaced. x Dur former firmes . -rememb er. nof, make ſpede, ſhew merep fone : hou ſeeſt our griefe : our wofull fate, how all we be vndone. Helpe bs D God : our ſauiour, fo2 prayſe of thp aad name : Dur fines our ul : behaniour, forgeue, korget the ſame. Lealt heathen rayle: and ſay in ſpite, where now ts come thep, God⸗ Thy feruaunts bloyd - fo hed in — reuenge, and chew thy radd. O heare the ſighes: and ſorowes deepe of captiue men in bonds : Men tudgd to death - (e that thou kepe, ſhewe fo2th thy Trength of hands. Whe blatphemp : at thee ſo caſft by thefe our neighbours partes: iph Requyte it them: D 3.020 af lafk, feuen folde on all thep2 hartes, | So ive thy Thepe: and peopletruc, — to thankes Wwe hall agre : Thy praple our tonges ; Hall Hill enlue, ———— Pfalme. Lxxx. 131 GT he Collette. ken vs O Lord with thy great mercy — the zeale of thy wrath be kindled to vengeance, graunt that we may be edified by the exaples of fuch as haue thed their bloud for cOfeffing thy name, and that we conimendedto thee by theyr petitions may at thy mercy receyne remufsion of our fynnes, Through, &c. ie Argument. Pfalme. LXXX, ‘T his Pfalme doth aske: deliuerance, from hard captiuitie ie In peace and truth : good Chriftians, Quiregis — fhould pray Chrsstes church to bee. Hraell. Hou Mhepeheard king : of Iſraell, SAL (RE that Jofeph led as thepe : A 2), Du Cherubm : that ſittelt fo weil, heare now, appeare, and hepe- | ‘Se and WBeniamin . and eke Manafles fake: Stirre bp thy power· and Grength of foyne, and bs fo mercy fake. y Keſtore vs God to loue agayne, and ſhyne on bs thy face: Af thou 102d wylt: vs bifite plapne, we hall be fafe by grace. | Thou Lord and God : of hoſtes ¥ fay, hob long fhall fret thyne ire? Agavnt thy folise : tobich daily pray, bis Wess in meeke deſyre. — sata hou iO 11 2 — Lxxx. Thon fede them full : wyth bead of teares, they mourne for ine at meat: CThou geuelt then drinke: tn weping feares, | in heaped mealure great. a cauſe of ſtryfe - thou makeit bs be, ~ foallournepabboursnert: They raple on bs : and ſcornd be ine, our foes bs ſoꝛe haue vert, Turne bs fo the : thou God of holtes, and ſhyne thy face on bs : Kepe bs itpeace- repretle thep2 boffes, and whole Wwe thalbe thus, Thou diok tranilate - from Egipt Darke, a vyne even fo thou wouldſt: To plant it there: it twas thy warke, whence Paynyms were erpulff, Thou madell it rome : firtt clenſd by Hans. fromCananttes theluedes: ‘And rotett foke - if ſpred the land, thefe were thy godly deedes. The hyls were clolde - wyth thane of if, the hyll of Spon boule : he boughes therof : dyd ſprede fo fit, ipke Ceders glorious. She did ecfend: Der braunches wyde, to touch the feas ertremes : In length it went - along the fpoe, of Cuphates the ſtreames. abe | Wbhp 12. aa “EA x5 | Palme. Lxxx, Why hatt thou beat : his cloſure downe, to lay as open fople 7 hat they which walke: from towne to towne her grapes myght kreely ſpoyle. Whetulhy bore : of wode full fierce, doth route if bp fo Toure: A fauage beatk : whofe meat ts gyrſe, doth wholy it deudure. Turne the we praye: thou God of holts, loke down from heauen in ſpeede: WBeholde this bine : in all — and viſite it at neede. The vynevard place - bebold alſo, which thy right band did fet ; », F 02 thy ſonnes fake : defend therfo, - 16 17 18 the beaunch thou madlt fo great, : With ſfyer bꝛent: it ts cut downe, thy ww2rath was cauſe in fiaht : , Wut they thal quayle: (when thou dof froin) Wwich wrought this dedly ipite, 4 Extend thy hand: vpon the mart, of thy right mighty hand: Apon the fonne - of man that cart, thy foes by Grenath withſtand. And fo hall tue - no moꝛe recede, from thee fo wyde to fall : vt thou reuiueſt: os than in Dede, amen haute extol tue fall. a o.iitj. a 233 59 DUowvourGod:turnebsacapne, => | from errpng far from thee: | Sbheiln bs thy light: of face fo fayne, all whole then ſhall we bee. QT he Collette. SETS oo ‘Tfite thy vyne O Lorde which thy mightye hande hath deliuered from Egiptiacall bondage, that it may be reuiued continually by the brighte vifage of thy prefence,& that it may ioy profperoufly to bryng re good workes to the laud of thy name, Through rl 3 &c. 4 OT he Argument. Pfalme. LXXX1. (AA fang of ioy to God : of maiestieaboue, _ | Who geneth ak thing aboundantly ;: to thé that him do lone. I A (Diy fing pe topfullp - Lo God our ſtrength € rocke: Exultate. Pea fing pe ſwete:in tubilies:to God of Jacobs To: ao Streyne bp pour pfalterp : and weeſt pour tpmbzels bye, | UU pth merp harpe : and birginals : {et out pour melodpe, — 3 Blow out twpth trennpeflotwde: m new moues featt q fap: In tyme fo mete -: accoꝛdingly: our folempne fealtfuil dap. 4. 5p fatute thus enact : tf is fo2 Iſraell: From Jacobs God : tt ts a latv - bys worthy actes to fell, § God made in Jolephes fede : (for pines) thys decree: | Of Caipt land: whe ont he went : there language ſtraunge hard he 6 J did his ſhulder cafe: from burthens great and thicke: Wishands elcapte:the dayly toyle: of making potts and ** — | how P Piles Eiexxj, © Ds 238 9 Thou crpedk onme in Krefle : F thé delinered rvfe : F Sela, In thunder cole : Janſwerd the : fill tried at fluds of Grife: Othen my people heare - Jwyll the iuſt alſure: O Iſraell: it heare thou wylt · my woꝛde which ſhall endure. 9 Strance God thou Halt not haue: wo other Gon to ferue : - -Althps thou dak < and frotvaralp- fro me thou doſt not ſwerue. > Yamthe Low thy God: who the front Egppt led: | When let thy mouth : lullopen wyde: Z wpllit Fpl full fed, : b Bnt petmp people thus ; would neuer heare nip bopce, : Ra Afraeil - Would none of nie : no2 lp m me reioyce. % let thent go therfore : thep2 own hartes luſtes fo {ue : — croked wares : fo walke at will: whych thep did batter tue. O that my people meke : had beard any document: = Aino Iſrael: had walkt my wares wyth gentle hartes affent. Mas fone would % at ones : their foes haue weelted downe: Mud turnd my hand: agaynſt them all: at them who firſe did frobvn 4 “Gone baters ſhould haue kneeld: at heeles of them to lap: Though lpingly - thep had itment ; thep2 dapes had laltd fo2 ape. | wea then he would bane fed ; wyth Aoure of ſineſt wheate : * d ont of rocke : thenthad J fild - wyth bonp pleafant meat, GT he Collecte. Pen thou O Lord the mouthes of vs thy — to rehounde ‘out the prayfe of thy glorious maiefty, and that we renouncing &giptiacall works of darke ignorance may reioycein the aduan- got thy blefled name through. &c. J | bell Ppjs T he The Argument. Pfalme. LXXXI0- Thbis Pfalmeis thret : andlefon good, | ; to indges Stately romes : Deus ftetit Amid the Iewes > as Christheftoode, = in Syna- and blamde their vorongfull domes. 8984 : Sam fandth inmids : of painceshye, (ey when they to counfaple fall: © WE And tudge heis: theva dedes totry, = peiudgeth they2 indgements all, 2 He once ſhall ſay: how long wyll ye, geue ſentence wꝛongkully: Hob long wyll ve : acceptours be⸗ ee Sela. ot perſons wickedly. 3 Delend thepore: andfatherles, ſpeake lat tothep2beboue: Df men afflict : in heauines, in ryght theyr cauſe appꝛoue. The nedies ſute: ryd ye hys canfe, deliuer hym wyth ſpede: Gnd plucke the pore: from all the claes of wycked bribers drede. 3 Whey nothyng know: nor vnderſtand, they walke in darkenes depe: The bales reele: of all fhe land, fo2 ryght, men mourne and wepe 6 Alapdnolelle: but Gods pe bee, fo bye J pou eſteemd: Mf God mokk hype : as childern free, pou in office deemde. * 7 But pefhall dpe : as weetched ment, fochidzenmofbnlike: = Zo tprauntes ipke : as one of them, — peal hall fall in dyke. | 8 Ryle thouD God: iudge thou the land, where wronge hath fuch erceffe < To heritage : thy mighty hand, thall clayme all beathernes. — * IThe Collecte. J G Rauntyvs O Lorde thy grace,to decline fro wrong ful domes in indgement;as thoucommaundeftit » vnto vs, that we may reliene the nedefull {utes of thy poore afflic feruauntes, whereby we may be aflocia- ted to the electe number of thy children , Thorough Chrift,&c,. q | Theedrgument. Pſalme. Luxvxiij. The Hebrues here : do inuocate, 6 T heir God for helpe : against mens fpite >. ~ Deus quis 4 The church this pfalme : doth renouate, - fimilis. | Inher distrefe : to fcape all quite. Pfalme, Lxxxiij. Be ilis F NY Godour God : within thy ſelle, 4 F522) } old not thptonge : thys muct Hills WY, for filence kepe: but kepe our helth, ear Stay not D Good : but punithe cuill. we" e For lo thou (elk : what murmuryng, Thyne enmies make - mol arrogant : How hye aloft :-thep2 beds they bapng, Who the do hate: how proudthep baunt.. 237 ~~ Pfalme, Lxxxiij. 3 Theybhaueinguyle : their counfaylestake,: inZreagaynf :thypeoplepaze: Conlpirdethey be - cloie drifts they make, — aud all thy ſayntes: thep will deuoure. 4 Whey ſayd come on: let bs them rote euen quyte frontout : alinations + Mf Afracil : thename fo tezafe, - no matt fo be : fo name fhem once, 5s Forthey hauelayd - their heades in one, | fogether kiut · in hart and mynde: Conkederat· they be echone, agapntt thy felte: like bealtes vnkinde. * 6 The tents where kepe- the Coomifs, — fhe Jhnalits - with might and mayne: With thems be topnd - the Woabits, the Agarens : ‘thep lume agayne. 7 So Geball fatke : and Ammon fo, befet inleage : with Amaleke: Che Walettpns : with them do go, and thep that divell- in Tyeus eke. 8 Tothem beknyt hattivians, ~~ apeople fierce -and. Grong in armes: Lothes childer hye: they would aduaunce,, FF Scla wholelregth thep be: to worke their harms. But do to them as Dadian, — —J bid feelethp hand: and angry loket —* ds ckethou didſt · to Siſeran fo Jabyn eke: al Ryſon bꝛoke. Pfalne) “Lxxxiy, 10 They whole on beapes: af Endor quaylde 3 no graue recepued - thety bodyes deade: Gods hand themall - fo counter vaylde, as Dunge on earth - their carsafe (ped. a1 MakethemWwithall: their princes gape, - fo D2eb hike: and Zeb alſo: As Zebee: and Salmana + , make all their pares like them fo go. 12 Who layd in pride. let bs polleffe, Bods temple bye-fovstarples . VLet vs deface: thatholynes, With all the rites and facrifice.. Y 3 Dake them my (od : to bei infight, allfikethe tobele - volun bill that fioth + And let thembe:as@ubeligh; . > tol hye wyth toynde that nener bidth. And Ipkeas frre: thatbenth the wade, : the rage wherof no tree cain flee > Bre flames the byls - tobere forage ove, Do twat lor heate and — “ye: 35 Euen fo D God: all thempurtue, {with thyareat Kormes - and tempeſts ffoure In thy for wrath · make them to rue, all mine buittapne: in hart fo loure. 103 Og 6 With vyle reprote their faces tril, _ with bverpthame: confound thenvall : What they might ſearch· thy nameand wyll, D Loz tothe. that they: might fall, Peiy, Be — 237 8238 Ss Pfalme, Læxiij. 17 — and beredftill, = ae Se Mea more and more - both vay and opened hun | And let thep2fames: allfhamebefpil, Delroy thep2 fieth : but faue theyr tpete, * That they map know - that thou alone, WUhole name deuine: Jebouats: | © Art rocke moſt bye - againft our foe, . Aboue the earth that ſitteſt in blife- ‘GT he Collecte. Shake and difcuffe from vs moſt louyng “pth all fuperfluitie of error, that we may fo defie all hea- then vyce,to feare and worihip théé onely,who in hi- eft maieſtie raigneft on all the earth, Through Chri. | GT he Argument: Pfalme. LX. XX. x HII. 3 As Dauid longd : Gods houſe to Walke = where ciuill warreshym drew : So (hould Wwe loue Chistes church in fprite : hiys beauerly face to vew. O Sod of hottes - how lonely be: thy tabernadles « r Quam dilecta. Subere gon? raigntl in grace ¢ truth: fo2 ah “a fo call 2 Myſoule doth breni in leue itmelth; it longth Gove courtes to ſce Mr hart and fleſh: doth pet and baie bea Go of Ipfe fo ber. > 64 i} ' ty | 3 BPeathereber nell: oo fparoto puildth: the ftoalotn there map bredt | Whine altars nve: 11030 God ¢ kyng Mes SEEN wars F led,} O tunel is che cheir harts be bleft: who may thy houſe frequet * Sela. They may ung out. thy laudes seems ioy in mind contẽt | 5 ® bappp men: whole belpe thou art: whote harts thy paths do feke * ſe ſoules aaa do top, to lualke: thy waves in ane er Pfalme, Lxvx xiiij. * 239 They paſſyng here · thys bale of teares : pet wels of ioy they Andes Theye poles at ful: wheauenlp Hhoivers : thal fotv fo2 reſt of minde Frd ſtrength fo ftrength-from faith to fatth-fo god they thal ao fill, Gill they by flockes:eche one appeare : wyth God in Syon biil, D 1020 of hefkes: € god of fErenath-heare p mp parts requelé Sela, With open eare: D harken Ood:on whom doth Jacob reſt. Behoid O Gon: profectour god : our ffate in all affapes : Behold thy Cheittes- annoynied face :. fo2 grace thy people prayes. shia i ainteere famud ot nate j (inberg In thy gwd courtes - one day pallth more : then thoufand daies els 4 rather with: gods dove fo kepe-then proud mens halles to teare. Foꝛ God the Loy : islight and Hhield: he glory giueth anv grace: No god thpng he : hall hold from thent: who godly ipfe embzace. O L070 of hottes'D puillant God · mule conclude for ryaht: That man is ble: and bleſt agapne who trultth in thy great might " The Colleite. | * | ‘ Lmighty God whicheart the eternal! founder of . all the heauenlye manfions aboue, graue in our harts fuch eleuations of goftly meditation to behold thy paflyng goodnefle thou beareft to man- kynde,that we may bee found worthye to afcend yp to thy celeftial place in heauen, Through Chriſt. — | Ppiitz. elt he > 240 8. Pfalme, Lxxxv. The Argument. Fſalme. LXXXP, Man here makthfiste : : for finne who felt, Deferued captinitie : $07 nd fhewth what helth: -Chrifts * 9* To mans felicttie. 1 Cer Oapnk thpland: become thou art, GAN), VLoꝛd mott gracious: —chou ball returnd: 5 Jacobs bart, — bis thꝛaldom burdenodus. Thou halſt korꝛgeuen: thy peoples ſinne, that was fo hugely growne: | - Pea allthep2 fiunes:thou couerdſt in, CF Scia wherby thy grace was knowne. 3 Thou halt reſtraynd : thine heate all quyte, from indignation: Thou halk withdrawn: thy face and ie 3 4 from imate deſtrucion. 4 Whole turne bs that: :D Gor our wealth, : fo grace that we convert : Remoue thine te: impart thy beat, forgeue our foule deſert. 3 Eternall God: agayntt vs thus, for euer wilt thou theeate: Shalt thou thyne ire: ſtretch outto bs, from age fo age fo great? 6 Uphold thy worde: to bs returne, and quicken bs agayne: So ſhall thy flocke : no longer mourne, «but wp ta the full nen Shewe 5 . 12 his waves and gate : her ſteps hall ſtryde, Pfalie, Lxxxy, that it we may perceyue: Shew — D Loꝛd of potwer, And geue to bs : thy fauiour, © that health we myght recerue. Plaine wyll I heare: what God fall ipeatie fo2 peace be fhall Denounce : To all bys folke : andlouers eke, that they their vyce renounce,” ‘9 Allthepno polibt : who inill yp Feare, is bys faluation nve : Hys aloo than : fhall iu apptare, in all our land at eye. Ryght frendlines: and veritie they ſhall ech others mete : So xryghteouſnes: and peace from bye, Mallkige eche other weete. 0" wyth all god frites arpabt : i Foz rpabteautnes : all foribyng, fom heaven thall cat her fight, Cuen thus the 1020 : Mall man fell, bys bounteons godnes neare: That full out land : wyth grace poltelk, all godly frutes thali beare, Ryght intkice eke: callbe hys nite, that trait may god man Wwalke : no tyme the ryght to balke. 244. T be | notn truth from earth : thatthen 0 out ing | Inclina — D omine ° Thefe ceas fures haue perfect fence red, | GT be Colletbes 853 yt 7 Ardon O mercifullLord the finnefulnes of all thy people,and thew to vs thy mercy and light,which may lead vs into the way of peace, by followyng the guidance and direction of thy righteoufnes,thro ugh Tefius Chrift, QT. hé Aveument. Palme LYXXVT, Here Dauid prayth : this Pfalme I fay, | (Ther Saule hym fraith.: with great distrefie, | Bat Christ more true <-Who once did fue : as | ( Fo2 pare x ipe- feuerally or Pp wante Iſpye: ioyntly. 2 yp foule preſerue; Ape the to ferue: So tobolp bought: Kepe then in thought; hyp feruantpwze: _ Tothethe moze : : yea Christ doth prays sasman in flefry: T ofcape all [ite : but mot for vs, He thisendight : and fayth enenthus. and fayth euen this. =a Div doinne thyne care = |D Low heare me, | Forthe Jfeare: = £ Whole fauour kynde — F layne would as God molſt hye, mp bart would fe, _ thy ovace at eve, all wrapt inthzall, — tothe IJ call, Vo the x call; .. fo2 thyne itis, bnfainedly, - it map notiniffe, my 11020 ſayd J, ah to thee ¥ call, } pthitand mp fall, ‘| Wipthand my tall, ee Pale. Lxxxvj. — chy arate And chew thy vie Sumerpio: 3 ffand therto: Gilberto J ** | And +504 crped s 4 Dio make gan: : yp tate full fad: WMothe sao: - > Fromall my two >> J mournetothe: _ Shea * thou be: (Gyr ( Forkynde thou art: Mf gentle hart: oaliatvke: Who wyil thee feke: In ablefapth - oe * who cal é. Anaynegfap: Kothe F pave: Thou know mp paine: Spy foes reltraine : Expende mp crie: ee ore igh — ‘| fante me D Lord ‘alllouinaly, | thp grace aforbe, iredlp, = ite feke fo2 eaſe Jwoell notecate, J vopll nef ceaſe. thy fernantes hart, and ſoule ts fref, from thee to ffart, Jwyll net pet, | in foules difeafe, Atrulto pleafe. — Itrult to pleaſe. |2 #020 —— | and‘mercifull, °° in euery place, ~ mort bountefull,) - . thonartto ſpie/ — who mournth in ihe, GU ho mournth in the, my Lord grue care, in thys mp mone, - which now J beare, Jvorcepe alone, full bitterlie, all heauilie. altbeaniti, Ng. weThen 337 _ 233 —— In ſundrie wiſe: Idrawe theneare· Foꝛ thou wilt heare Then helpe me fend : As trullie Prem £ NHone like fothe: Of Gods that be : F 02 Wit for might : Thy workes be right: WMho wyll contend : pees: to mend: ibe di Ui people inf s ° Now come theo mat : D Lowfuttloty Aud thentbeftoww:: Thygrace to; poagle - — sorgen ree 10 Foꝛ God art thou: As once fo now ::: «A bownadeKaltthyna:s: She heauens bo fing = No God but soy : As epe may fe. on earth and awit, sf —S — fe | — outhe Icall in allmpfraves, — when J ani thzail, from heauen fo bright, my bart to light: © My hart fo light. O God molt hie all day ſo fourbt, fo2 maieſtie/ * , pa | thydedes be weought, D molt of mpght. | whom thou batkTourmp, to irozthip the; wyth mpd refourmd, | in hart nek fre, - thy name to fp2ede, theyr dovnges lead, Theyr doynges lead. thou wonders val, thouſteweſtt ght, thr power in fidht, | wau Parnyms neede, bp Goſpels rede. Vy — rede, Teach II ~ Pfalme, Lxxxyj. reach methp Sap: That tue FZ may: All walke fot: 12 13 Wy hart D knit : Wuyth reverence ¢ . Suconfiventes % the wyll thanke : Ul pth hart moſt franke Thy lauyng grace;. Jwyllembrace:·· Thyne excellence: ** — —— ioe tsi me Fai great thepbie Thou rpott full quyte - By thp great mpant: @yfouleoflate: From hell the Kate - O God fogreat: * ‘At me they fret - The worſt of all: They wyſhe my fall - Whey feare not thee - Lop lace they fie : D Lord agayne, thy truth fo fre, make me fo ſtrayne, in the to lygh, foloue thy name, tofearethefame, ~ To feare the fame, D Low my God, to fing thy prapfe, ‘| fo fupoe and b2 20025. fall ouf my dDapes, | Zl! proclapme, | fo chew thy name, La ſhew id name, J— mutt tb itn myne eves doth fee, “my depe diftrefic, thou madeft me frée, npe gone and lof, all nethermoſt. Ail nethermof.. fhe proud arpfe, in numbers pee, in cruell wyſe, they ſeke my ipfe, they much do boalt, in enety coaſt. In euery coaſt. DQyif, But 239 — ; rs x6 fo Ghat Zatlenath: — £7 40... Pfalme, Lxxxvi. outthouDLov: pet Gornokmeke, . Astruthrecozdth: | oflouyng b2efk, Art pitiful : J fhe pore to feke, © To wꝛath but dull —temereppretk,y An grace and truth: loke thou on vs, To inane in rath: ali graticus. ve “ Gil grations. O turne to me: and furne atone, MPyrocke to be : | thy grace Icraue, Thy feruant frenefh: | fozwhich J arone, — inpicuicte ſaue, WU pth the may wonne: in thy cleare houſe, SC hp handmai s tonne: all glorious. AU glozions, D het tome: fo2 geod, ſome figne, Someamitic: .- fhe thouinfight, Agapnlmpfoes: - — though foes reppney Thou healt my tyoes ¢ to thame theyr (pite, | CThat they map {ee : and fo agree, 4 apdebpthe: .. tncomfoot fre, : espero ile +, Sncomfozttre.- he Collecte. O Lord of all comfort and compafsion,we befeche thee to cheare the countenaunce of the congre- gation of thyne elect familic,from all terrours of hell and other hoftilitie,fo that we may bee proteéted by the louyng vifage of thy grace,in beholdyng our mi-_ {erable trauayle that we hauein thys worlde, & that by thee we may haue the dominion of our carnall af- fection, to tread them ynder foote, Through ues | “hie Pfalme. Txxxvij — The Argument. Pfalme. LXXXVII, T his pleafant fong > defcribeth the ſtate, we Of Christs dere fpoufe : where Christ was borna Herufalem : most fortunate, T onurfe both Iewe : and gentile lorne. in. ima | Dd hilyloucth - Hieruſalem, | WMhole bates rong -: be depely fet, WIE | An holy moun‘es : fure lapd inthent, — Moria, Syon, Olyuet. 2 The Lows fap: loueth Spon gates, | er portes and foates - her wals and towers: Aboue the ref : fo2 all theyr ates, Di Jacobs tenfes : and princely bawers. 3 Mhoucitiebpe : oF God no Doubt, Where he doth raigne: in matetties Wye thynaes be ſayd: to fet the ont, p Sela.3 To blale thy power and dignitie. 4+. YRaabs realme and Babylons, Txll beare in mynd: ſuch (hall know me Io Tprus lo: Philiſtians, Lo Moꝛes molt far· there borne is he, 5 Df Sponthus: it ſhall be favo, Dhathe and he : was bowen her : But be thatis - far hyeſt layd, Is he that her - confirmth mot clere. a 6 The Word for truth : thallit record, EThe people wher: he regifreth: What he fo bye - thatlonelp i020, a Sela, Was bone euen there ana there he lpegth. Qqiitj. ae _ Domine Deus. 2420 (00 Pfalme, Lxxxviij, All ſingers there : and trumpetters, Their fonges € hymnes: Hall ſwete rebound: Freſh liuely ſpringes: wyth all their cheres, Shali praple thys Lord· for grace mel bound. GT he Collette. rm Alpi ghty God the only foundation are our fayth which dooft build the gates. and ftrength of thine eternall maieftye to be feene in the hartes of thine e- le&, as it were vpon thy holy hiles fenced and befet round about by thy righteoufnes , graunt vs we be- {ech thee to glory in thy true faith,and to declare the benefite of thy fonnes redemption wrought for our foules by hisincarnation towhom — thee and the holy ghoft,&c. _ GT he Argument. Pile. LXXXPIN. | Flere is a mone: wath wired: iG O. of man afficte in treße: It payntes Christes death : most dolorons, bys fepulture in flefh. $9 louyng ILo2d- and God of grace, on whem mp health dependth : Both day and night: before thy face, my crpe Jhaue extend, O lef therfore : mp praper fone ceme note befo2e thy fight : Inclyne thyne eare: anid heare my bone, with teares which J endight, | 3 Ealue i ‘Eiken fo Met 243 oe 5S eel aremepe crm SS. 6% , ou woes full gorgd F rove: | ‘Sy wycein fight; toall mens eyes, is euen at death bps bove. ESN a 4 Asone of therit: Jain etteemd, = that tumble muſt in pit· 4 A felp mart: am but oem, ſo voyde of Grength 3 fit. . 7 Ms frée(fromtople among hedesd, _ astvoundedflepeingrauer: 9 ; Wile far from mpnd : be fonke as lead, | whom ſlayne thy handes nolv haue. 6 In pit moſt depe: a. ‘in deathes and hels diſparre In places barkexbotuniow —— where commth no lyght nd? ayze 7 Why kury Lord tpeth tard onme, NGI... | Ob Uiffe on euerpfide: Rit | And bert thou batt : batbhartandepe, arte - Sela. fopthallthpfomesfullttyoy °° 8 Thon batt driuen tar: mytrendes — acquaynted mok to ſee: Abhord of them : thou mnavett me bey thus bound ¥ cannetfi@, 9 9 My Light ath tavte - foobeamites, sunita J to thee Lord pet Jcry i Ndo day kromthee: Loyd woul J crate, | Seas ne bancotoll bye: site Rr.j. bp oe 244i cc Pfalme,’ —— yo Thy jo a gat: —— to worke to buried men: “shy i) M2 els thall fp2ites « fo ipfearpfe, gp Sela. thplaudes to ſound agayne - at D2 thall my graue thy pitie telly»: Wiese: J when once thou haſt me flaptte 2: —R =“ D7 thalt thy truth · be poaued fo tell inben A beftropn am layne? 12 Thy wondrous workes which oe, : Shall darkenes-fhent ra ae D2 ſhall thy iuſtice hyneiniand, of mere lorgetlulnes⸗ athe 33 To the O Lord mip praver went, WE — to whom eis ſhouid Igo: G05 eqns ti ea Lill sp {iter —— arty 4 at morne bohile lalth sry San: 18g SeIe! g4 Utbythan Dior: abtposteeny toute; 7a all helpe from me fo inpnder. 0 2. Why hidelk thy face from meta ble, that 4 no gratecan ſpnder. J Afnict Jam · at popntto dye, rectind 5from pouth thus haue 3 bene 2 An hart aſtound: thy dreades — ſo fearefull they be ſene. 16 Thy lolver wrathes : fo multiplied, haneouerivbelmenme: - i ii. Thy terrours eke - which fore abede, A ar, bane rays See ſſe.. They fale: Lxxxiz, PAG ogg ad tecter targa We? “Chey compald me = —— shi even roundabontfullnpe. 3 Boch frendand kinne: from ane fl a, 1 chaou haſt put whole away: i My frendes that were : fantiliar,, in Darke fro methep ſtray. GThe Collette. nad: rend the coleman; of allwhich art eon A in the procuryng ofour health and faluation which by thy detcenfion; intohell were made as one among the dead, heare the timely prayers of thy family pray- ing to be delinered from our pernerfe enemye labou- ring to bringysinto. bondage, graunt this O Lord: wholyueftand Ranenrtt with the father.&c, The Argument. " Pfalone. “EXXNXIX, The letter bere; : deferibeth: toeare, - : , the State of Dauids ray gine 2 Bilerico 0 The fpriteto hart: doth this impart. op a a that Chrift foal ayeremaynes,. — ee: mercies all : wyth fong J thal, ‘y foreucrfingandplap: Oe | Wipth mouth euen fill - erprefle 3 {vill bys truth fromt Day to day. , 2 For thus J fapd : bys mercy fapde, _ forever ſhall remayne: | Thou thalt confirme : thy truth molt fice, . ey and itmaintayne. a Br. Mit F Sela a, 246 — — —— With —— — hens =A who was my chief elect: as Ho Danidle- Afwareeuento, for bypmandallbis fect. J— will thy ſede: prepare in en et fo2 ever woꝛld to ende: ¥ will aduaunce for aye thy raigne extende. he heauens D Lord thall inte retorde, * thy meruavyies qreatindepes © Eehita et cuett fo thy ſaintes ‘Snpthout reftraintes, r thy truth in church att ſprede. Foy tuo tompare · fo boldly dare, ‘With Gad in heanen ſo eleare? Mhom cart we (eke ! the Lord tote, among Gods childzen deare. This God of blitte : ntott puittant i is, amids bis faintes echone: =. gp ott iovelp feare : ta hym they bedre, which and about his throne. D 3.0% and Gad : of hattes fo bode, Iwho (2Lo2b fo ſtrong asthour) Euen round abont : thy truth falth ant to them which the allow. Thon can reprette : the {eas crete, by polver iusperiall : Wher thep do fuel : in furges fell, thou makelt them dotone to fall, ‘a ou Pfalme, Lxxxix. zo Thou Egipt braidſt: and it fo raydſt, | as wounded carcalle proude - hou (catredé tupde - thine enemics pride, _ fuch frength thyne arme auobode. 11 The heauens be thyne wyth all their thyne, the earth is thine ful fure : | The world fo round : thou pyott it found, {with allthefurmiture, | 12 as HNorth and South. Kwd thorow thy month thy worde them both dyd frame : &o Wabor Wiekk - and hermon Call, both bils Hall top thy name. | 13 Anarmeendude: with fortitude, thou balk onmuipotent:: D let thyme band: then treongiy — thy ryght hand bie be bent. 14 Asrpghteontnes - fo indgementis, thp theone and royall feat: 3 ” With mercy truth - mol iopntip uth, before thp face fo fivete, 8 15 Othen molt ble ſuch kolke doth reſt, that ioyeth and feelth the ſame: In thy pure light: they walke ſhall right, O L020 to pꝛayſe thy name. 16 Thy name fo bight - Hallthem delite, all dap to top therin: And thep alivapes - themfelfe (hall rayte, or ee — Kraig, 770 247 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 248 | /⸗lne Lxxxix, F —9 —— doit worke their — the toy of allthep2 ſtrength: we By thy god grace: — ipft bp cur hornes at length. ia: On Gon is fet: our belpe fo great, ourf{oielobeistatell: | Andheourkpng: all health to beyng, that faint of Iſraell. hou fpakell thus once: inbifions, to thy ſwete faintes fnllmpes © My helpe Jlayd· to rong mens arde, Jchaſe and hauntſt him hye. JDauid found: mp ſeruant found, ZF lacredhymivvthople: 6 ym kyng mave J sey f N a * he: py. — es « is al ola C mp pays rey LS Vor MP Ee oweren yt UGG 2 88S Sth On oy i ? * 4— . " 1 PP. ia , 7 » ie ae me: } Ne ie Xtende O mercifull father through theinuocati- on of thy holyname thylouing tuitionyp6 vs thy — poore feruants that where we beto weake by our own - itrength.to-ouercome the crafry;and-combrous af- {fawts of our enemyes, thatyet bythy-fatherly prote- _ &ion we may bee defended agayntt al their hoftylitie, - ... andfo.in pacience paſſe over this faortal conuerfati- :)!') © | -ontoioy with thee in thelength ofdayesinthy ble oF | fed prefence Through. &c. 3 see oh anti Garr: se Veet od fad 2a The Argumegt,.. E/aee... XCM, : east « doth us excyte by rests Of fables dey Gabe eieaharta arte Bs 2 Gods mighty Workes.1 that Wedeclare «lowe lym for all the bef. ING Sopfull thyig (to man) it is : fhe Lo20tocelebyate:, EAN. 5 thy god name : D God fo bye due laudes to modulate. 2 Topreach(and chew/ thy gentlenes : ineariymompngiyabt, — | hyp truth of woꝛde: to teftifte : all whole bp length of nyght. 3 Upon (the plalme:) the detachord vpon the pleatant Inte: | Mn founding god: finete infruments: 1 ſhaumes, vᷣ harpe;w llute Andy with prayſe: will in reioyce: thele handy workes ofthe. —) How} if ; . \ | “Pfalme, sxey, ee 261% ; Potv gloridus: D( bleffen)iL020 - be thefe the faces ofthyne ¢ Thr thoughts be depe: thy counſayles hye: inſcrutable deurne. The brutiſh man- (thatis) vntaught is anit of eis befene: he foieas is the carnall man ? perceyueth not what it meanth. WTWhen oul men flour : as roth the) aratte-¢ wicked workers bud Then {hall thep all: come downe at once - fo2 ener dꝛobond in mud, But thou art hye: ¢ full bpe aloft : as Lord and preſident ; : | F02 euer Fandlkl : vnmoueable: and wele in regiment. Foꝛ lo thy koes D U0 ( fo trong: thy fors Shall periſhe all: And fuch ag worke: all inickedly - ſhall haue a hamefull fall, : o Mp horne / and power)ſhall pet be rayſd· as Unicornes is fene - Euen now Ileme: as Cinetelp dewd with orle of Oliue grene. * wyne eyes(full out thep2 tuft hall hate: ‘ofall mp waityng ſpyes: ., Pynceares the ſame: of crafty men : who bp at wie dyd ryſe. 2 he true(elect Jand ryghteous man: chall lloriche lyke the pale: AES Ceder tree : in dpbanus : byufelfe thall fp2ede wyth balme,. 3 Depe planted they in rotes halway in gods ſwetet houle to byde: : Shall lloriſy ipke - in both the courtes: of this our God and guyde. In age / molt fare) thep ſhall enereate : ‘thep) finite abounbantty : Weil Ukpnig thep : and lat ſhabbe fo beare pat reriale.. 3 4 That is tin he Malt p p2 sei ‘this lerdes true favehfutnes: Whe is mp Krength : € mighty rocke : who bateth vnryghteouſnes Tey, T he | be Collette. ‘patentee: 4 » A Lmighty God which artthe contynuall ioye and perpetuall felicytye ofall thy faynts whom thou ' dooltinwardly water with the’ dew of thy heauenly ‘grace, wherby thow makftthem to florythe like the ~ Palme tree in the celeftial courts of thy church:we be- ſech thee thatthou would fo difcuffe from vs the bur- ‘ denous.weightof finne that we maye enioye their fe· lowfhip: Through, &c. Thee rgument. Pfalme. XC. T his praith in faith : wher formes aryfe : in trust of helpe full fures | But here inraigne : is Christ bewrayde:and how his church fhall dure. eG # vibe L020 18 kyng ‘in bys arap-the Lord is clad wyth frrenath, Ve gut hymlelfe : the world is (ure: it cannot rele at length. — | 2 ii “4, 2 SCbhy throne is Hrong : prepared fure · from tyme all out of mynde Chou art thatart: all durably : which neuer ende thalt fynde. The tlouds hatte lift : aloft D Ldede the Huds hanelift their boycer CThe ltremes alurge-twpth grielp waues thr loes to hie reiopce. Au holines: Doth decke thy houte ; D Aord fo reares and dares· Aalme. xciiij. 63 The Collette. Oft maruelous God which art begirt round a- .. "<~ boutwithall godly maieftye and power,as thy handy workes in the creation and fituation of heanen and earth do manifeitly declare ,heare vs we befeeche _ thee thy humble futers, and infpireinto our hartes faft fayth to beleue thy worde, per fect our foules to confeffe it in tonge:and cõfirme vs to fhew the holy- nes therofin our life tothe glory of thyname. Through Iefus Chrift.&c. GT he Argument. Pfailme. XCII. T he poore opprest : doth helpe implore, a agaynst prond indges myght : Deus vitio Als Christ and hie : long heretofore, num do- be paternes good in fight. minus. ei 7 — aS God and 302d : renenger ryght, ‘offinnereuenger@od: =. | Now ſhew thy felfe: declare thy mighf, | - make halk to (hake thy roo, 2 Be thou (et bp - in maieftp,, thou tudge of all the lands Mequite the proud: accordingly, and let theinfele thy band. - 3 PHolvlong D i020 : thefe wycked men, how isng tryumphe thall thep Thy people thus - toouer renne, wythout beth ſtop and ſtay. Tt.itj. Ther IO Whe fatherleffe - they quell aipke, 264 . ſalme. xciiij. Thep blatter ant: euen what they liſt, fore wo2des they beand pꝛoude: All wycked pnpes : topll not defift, fo baunt and boaſt alonde. Thy people 102d - full ſore they fipfe, thyneberitage thep bere: Their pore effates - wpth wꝛonges thep fate and theeates therfo annexe. Whe widow lo : the ſtraunger cke, thep murther craftelp: — though deare to the they ligh. Thepr mouthes thus fpeake-as harfes deuile, tulſh God feth nought of this: Noꝛr Jacobs God: fhallthps aouife, — inthps bet is remplle. Pe doltes ofall : moſt bꝛute to fe, betpnie pet vnderſtand: CUhen prudent wife : inven {iil ve be? ? pefoles 3% fap fo fond. Can he be deafe : wyich —— eare, how harken ſhould not he? Mho mave the eye· can ye hym bleare? that be ould nothyng fe? Drhe that checkes - the heathen els, ſhall he not pou rep2oue ? And he that man· all wiſdom tels, Hall be not yvou remoue: | he 12 13 16 Dalme xciiij. The Loꝛd noth banins the thoughfes of matt; to be both fond and vayne: Your open wronges: howw can ther tatty efcape deleruedpapne? Then happy ts: that mar arid bleſt, Wwhonthoudtok challife here - And whom by love: in lato thou teachelk, O bleffed 1.023 moll deare, To make hym ſit: wyth patience, — tit Doeadfull Dapes at reſt: Wibplethatto men: of biolence, thep2 pit be digd and dreſt. F 02 God nodout : —— | | bys people them to fanꝛ sb #202 pet forsake - bys lot elect, »: fo make them long to wayle. Untill that trabt: beturnd agayne, to dome, as iuſt it aught: And kollow it : Hall thep full kayne, whole harte hath iuſtice ſaught. O who wyll bp - fo2 me fo and, again malignant ſpies: Oꝛ wyll wyth me: conioyne bys ape 17 at woycked men fo ryſe⸗ . af ſone the £020 - had lent none arde, to me in myne vnreſt: It had net faylde: ny ſoule difnapde, bad diucitin graue oppreſt. Ttaig. But 265 18 19 290 21 22 23 266 /alme.xciij. But wohen Iſſayd: my kote doth reelee to note the worldes diſdayne | When helpe D Word : thou di’ me neal, thy grace dyd me fultapne. As carefull thoughtes: in ſtore dyd 4 when thus uy hart dyd boyle: Thy comfort fo : bpd me repryſe, my foule to ſcape the foyle. Shall wycked feates - of fanny, cleaue fall fo the as thence: That thou ſhould fayne: to ſcourge techy, | the pore by lawes pretence? ⸗ hep cloyne in one - in companies; agapnt the infmansipfe: — . Lhe giltles foule: of wycked byce, thep whole condemue in ftrpfe, Whe Lord pet was :fomeinfrefle, arefuge frong offence: int Pp God twas rocke : as inaccelle, my trult and confidence. He thall them quite - thetr crafty guiles, as thep dyd others clop : God Hall them flea : for allthep2 tuples, | our Loꝛd hall them deſtroy | GT heC olleéte. VrturevsO Lord with the ſincere do@rine o} thy blefled worde,bethon to vsarefugein time of tribulation, fo guide vs by true knowledge and vn. derftanding of thy word that we neuer fall from thee Th ‘Through Iefus Chrift.&c. - — Plame. xch. 267 GT he Argument Pſalme. XC. — doth inuite usin voyce : (This cherefull Pfalme — * in mnes to ſounde. Due laudes to Ged : 5m our hymneg torebounde: : in hys grace.to reioyce: | With lowly hartes : $ — — Quis worde to heare a . raat i — O lef bs fing fo fhe 1020 : Come in one: —* pꝛayſe the 022: fo2 the ſtay of our wealth, Aud hymrecounte : * —*— de {wealth : ch, anpee let hs duely recozde : Alharty topes: dietvo recoyte: 4 a . §fo the 102d of our heal ‘bys factes in fighf : pbs the world fo Denounce, lef bs Denounce : aa we 4 fap sit our iopfullattent, in glad affent, a | let bs eariy pronounce, Dur plalins ¢ hymns Sct vs pronounce. ; Tin. Foꝛ 268 == Pale, xcv, Fortobythiston: gi Gadafamight, is God of might, F 02 helpe at nade: rat Ballpen oe a calls A putitant kyng: sn a 2* He path all one: —— All coaltes of earth: 9 Polish Wis telles and groundes - 9* tee ~ Sip Settee: een nie Sines ger he feats hys: Sis —** — ob gata eerebamn: (ptm Eiimwtomie: ease Chom God itkayed + fee P/alme. MON ore 369 let bs humbly adoze, 6 © then cine ve: hee bs adore, be we downe on our knees And protirate igh : tdi both our knees: : Pemavevsall : shot thericbeand the pore, both riche and pore in theyr priuate d re oth kyng and flaue din then —* > RTE as our Lord and our fay : FUG Mbets iovanntay Hyspeopleive: 3 "a aed peters = ret : eee a if ye heare at the icf, His bopce fo dap: dif ivell pe bear Beware fay y: sthat ye harde eneout barter, ve Bard no bart Agapntyps grace: § ate be byd a repent, 9 t fain - ——— si reel As belert fatn 2 once rife ozetvhart, Lyket ofan eluiſhe entent, phe tanpting bap doe mad entent, Ub.g, In 10 11 270 er Palme. xcy. — —— hep proued but me⸗ pe athe tin . fco2ne - gmight they lee ifthep would; Where yet mp workes : fo cy in mo Sgdyd Ichyde with this ane - Full forty peres, 2blamde this age, bid J fuer inmypnde - - Jteltbythys: Whe ¥ {pied het they raged, to ſpy thep2 rage, Great griefes bp thent: 3 ¥4 fapd enen thus : als 3 Theperceinbart: . ginme wanes bethep blyn dg: mp Waves they mite, in myne anary reprache; To whom tware · n iosathtully, ‘sas J fo2tt therunto: By theyr koule raves = prt — — —— to mp ref thall appꝛoche; Aftheytoeuil: Sep retethould Ge, —— ‘Cantate. Palme, xcvjpe © 2771 FT heColleéte. | 1 on of all faluation beholde we befeche thee the theepe of thy pafture redeemed by thy precious bloud,graunt that iu prudence we accepte thy voyce to be ruled therby,at laft to ioy wyth theein thy reft perpetuall,through,&c. TheeArgiment. Pfalme, XCVI. T his Gentiles calleth : to( chrs — Myth., Inc bist to toy their bead : * In whome all power : and glory ——— To iudge both quicke and dead. > Spna(s bid)to God the cies J Afongofnew deuiſe: Let all the earth : bis pꝛayſe reco2de, oe » fo grace molt new ſhall ryſe. into) we⸗ Aor: ſo new ſing ape, And prapfe bys maieſtie: | Be tellyng fosth > from dap to Days: is great benignitie 3 To Gentiles him lokepe Jaeciare, Hys glory tell them all: And ſhew all folke : wyth all pour care, bys workes molt martiall. 4 Foꝛ whr(no dout)this Lord is bye, Aboue all prayſe fo famade : To be moſt dꝛad ryght worthely, Aboue all Gods ſo namde. Bite Fan 2 iO 11 272 Pfalme, xcvj. Fo2all(evren alls) thebethen gods, — We vayne, be things of nought: his Lord in heaven - hath bis above, and heavens by hun were wrousht. Ail glory (prayſe all)woꝛſhip, tame, Ge his as oꝛnament: Mil prayſe and power: be bis to name, In heauenly firmament, Ye ſtocksof men and familyes, Df peoples, being this 02d: Bꝛeyng ve this 302d: as comlpis, Ailland fo2 power of woꝛde. Pea glory acue(allpe)full true, Wo his ſweete name mok hve - Heaue bp pour giftes - peefent hym due, His courtes thus dꝛawe pe nye. Before this 1.020 (his face) boty dolwne, Weforehisholpgraces — Pe divellers all: in fielbe and towne, D dread his mighty face. Wel pve(F fay) the Gentiles all This Lord his raigne hath pight: The world ts fat : not lyke to fall, And he thall iudge in right. - Let heauens(ſo hye) be glad fo pure, | Let all the earth retopee ; Let all the fea : in furniture, enbaunce thep2 cherefull voyce. be , { — — a fe ee a ee es Sin 12 13. — Pfalme, xcvij. 293 Whe fruitfull)fieldes : and all therin, Dught nowretoycefuillite: ~~ Chan Hhallall tres : Ju woode be fene, to gether tove in fight, ‘Wefore this Lorde who (Mhoztly) comth, F 02 come to rule she: To tudgethe worlde bright buightfull dome, ibis focke by berptye. 7 T he Collette. ‘God almightye creatour of heauen and earthe, whofe prayfe the whole ornament of them both doth daily magnifie, we befeche thee that as we con- fefle the victory of the croffe,fo we may renounce all heathen errour,to beholde the glory of thy feconde commyug,wyth fullioy of ourconfciences,through ° Telus, &c...' TheeArgument. Pfalme, XCVII. This Pfalme in Sprite: doth gratulate, C Christes kingdome cleare : immaculate : 2 Wherby fich lyght : bath God detect, ‘That truth was raifde : and lye s deicct. “De uing Lord: doth raigne as king —The erth therfore: full glad map fing ey Ebe iles map ioy:ſo many ſene, That he is come to make thé clene. Thicke cloudes and darke: be him about, On wycked men: to thunder ſtout: Both iuſtice right - and equitie, Ok his high three - the bales bee. | Vv . iitj. Whe S97 M Se ids Pfalme xCvi, The frre hint Koch : before in fiahf, - Ce pth blaſing leames: of fearefull aht: By which full wyde: he dothenfiame, Hys foes to burne < which ſcorne his name. isis liahteninges (pre : fhe world full out, On euerp fide : whote ſparkes fo (pout: Zhe earth at fiaht : fo2 feare doth quake, No puiſſance can - refiftence make. — Whe mounfapres hye: as waxe did melee, At God his face : thus prefent felt: | 4 fap at face: of i020 fo hye, The earth dyd feaie bis maieſtye. The heauens declare - bis rightwiſnes Udi hen be by them: ſtrikth wickednes: All peoples thus : bis gloꝛy fatwe, How drad he is: whom all ſhould awe. A ſhamde be all : Which Idols ferue, Cho chofe bapne gods : from Gon fo ſwerue Pe angels alt - which feruauntes be, Come wozthip hym : bowe downe pout knee. Ho Stonioped: in hearing this, And Jury topo - in totunes of bys: 1020 fo2 thefe : thy Domes entent, EC hat fuch ould baue : ſharpe puniſhment. F 02 thou D 102d, dot all excell, That bere by loin : in earth do dwell: Cralted far - in name thou arf, Aboue all Gods - fo neta bpfart, _ Io 11 12 P/alme. xcvii. 275 O pethatloue: thyswodfobve, | . Wate ye all byce - of maluinetrye - He keepth thep2 foules : who ſerue hym pure, From wycked hand -: fo ryd them fure. Pow lpahtis prong :fo ryghteous man, That dap from darke ; difcerne be can: And toy ts falne - fo rightfull bart, From nhence no power : can hym depart. When top pein - in thys pour i020, Thys lyght, bps arace : alay reco2d : Vps holines - nell thynke and thanke, ys name confelle : therm be franke, QT he Collette. Lord the preferner of all thy faythfull fayntes on “~ whom as on thyne electe portion thou dooſt per- petually raigne,in{pire we befech thee into our harts the bright beames of the {criptures of thy prophets and apoitles,that what foeuer as yet remaynein our _hartesas fauoring the olde carnall blyndnes of our originall darknes,may be illitened by the heauenly lyght of thy holy {prite,to whom, &c, The Argument. Ffalme. XCVHUII, Here thankes be done: 2 that God( in Wworde )most true, Sent Christ his fonne: $ mans lofee( agayne )to cure : eAiithinges that bee: must laud hym( ener )due, Such peace tofee : $ restora( in earth )fofure. is Pngpealineiy: | to God(a fone on bye, Forhemoktruc-: hath meruels (neioly ) wrought Vys able hand: hath(wonne hyn) victory, ~ Ppsarmefogrand: — this helth(toman)bath brought Xx.j. The as 276 The 1020 cflaue: a inan tomoue : Hys righteou Mes - For theprredzefle : We cald to mynde: To Jacob kynde: The carth all whole: O hym extoll: Thou earth fing on€ - An voyce mot Gant : To God thy 1020 : hy fonges recozd : Bea fina in harpe: Sing round € harpe- CU pth harpe bid % - Pour voyce apply : With triipets blotp : Woth bye ana low: Make twubilies : Foꝛ Loꝛd he ts - Let eke the ſeas Thys 102d to pleafe The wold fo round - 2 fo poaplet thts 1020 the more. | Let(them now)ciap their hands your voyce rebound Whe floudes a like This Loꝛd to ſeke: * he mountayns bie. (fo houge)aboue the landes, to daunce( wyth man)in part Let thent be bp ee Pfalme, xcviij. thys bealth bath(open) —J GS to ſerue(in Sart Jarpabt : be hath full(plamlp)iplayn, | fo Genttles( epes and )ivaht. hye( gentle mercies fre, . bys truth and favth to kepe: thys heith dpa (fully ie, thys Goo (our Lord)ſo meke. all whole Jſay) full alad, with(gentle)muſkkes ſound: (retopce for mercy had, thou art mot(duelp bound, fo God(and 102d) fo hye, . wyth all thy (tunes and) ſtringes {with (note of) 2 falmodte : to toy thele( heavenly) thinges. | wyth ſhaulme fo (fvetelp) fing, ertende pour (batty) frenath : before this heauenly kine, to ete fap Jatlenath. — ore out in merie Ichere, *— all her (fiſhe in)ſtore: and (all the dwellers there, (wyth mai) in topfull hart: Pſalme. xcix, 277 9 ToGordothis: |letit(inflaht)beplyed, Foꝛ come he is | (as lod )to iudge the land : Hys iuſtice ſwoꝛde | the worlde Mhall (tudge and) guide, bys equall word > foallhall( evenly) ſtande. _ GT he Collette, pore into our harts O Lord thy healthful grace, which thou haft reueldetoall Gentiles fo {pred _ bythe rightwifnes of thy gofpel,we hably befech thee that as thou once cameſt to be iudged and con- _ demned for vs moft mifera le finners foat thy next returne thou would graunt' vs mercy to efcape thy fearefullindgement,for whom thou tokfivpon thee to be condemned forthe raunfome of ourfinne:te | whom with the father.&c. g The Argument. | Pfalme. XCIX. Sete Christ * raigne: this Pſalme comprifths Gets Rabins all: can fay no lefe: Dominus God graunt that they» with vs would ryſe, regnauit 32 Toſing the fe thankes : to hym in flefhe. Fafcantur. AE a te eal ie FJ y 2beLoꝛd to raigne: ig bent fherin, {RF Ail fctke ought than: bis pꝛeſence dead: el 4% We fitteth betwire: the Cherubin, | — etall the carth: then quake 4 reade, 2 Whis Loꝛrd is creat : in Zion fene, . Where potwer he heiveth: ¢ ruleth with fone And hye be ts - onall the Heathen, Af thep a like : thew bartes would moue. Xx.tj. O 278 Pfalme, xcix. D lef thematl- thy name confelle, — The bad to beate - the good fo bliſſe: F 02 greate tf ts in fearefulnes, The power therof : mol facredis, All princelp potwer : loueth equitve, Aud equitpe : thou bought in ſight: In Jacobs Focke - thou didſt applye, To tudgement true: and iulſtice right. Dur 02d this Gad: D magnifye, Both {elves and Greekes: pour twaves relet, To his foteffole : his facrarpe, Bow dolunevour knees: moreuerenf. As Moles meke ſo Aarowgraue, Were chiefe his pꝛieſtes: fo Samuell : Among thent were - his potwer fo craue, Shep crpedfo God: he hard thent well. To them in cloud : ſpred pillour tike, He fpake as ail: the people ſawe: Shep did his heſts: and ſtatutes kepe, | UU bhich be them gaue in pact fo2 law. O Word our God : thou hardee them iuſt And ſpardſt them 1020 - for thine owne fake, Vea wher with plagues : thou ak the thu, $03 foule attentpts which they did make. Crtoll this God : our W020 fo frée, Fall downe before - his holp hill ; For God our 1020 : in maieſtye, Mok facredis ; and ius in will, * Pfalme. C, 279 OT he Collecte. TT Howart both Lord and king we mofthumbly cõ- feſſe it right deare fauiour although the Iewithe pharifeyes faye the contrary,thou only gouernſt the hartes and confcience of men:and by thy only grace dooft iuftifyethe fame,we befeche thee fo to rayfe vp the pillez of thy heauenly light to thyne to our foules that we may be alway defended from all errour and aduerfitie to offer vnto thee the facrifice of prayer in thankes geuing, who liueft & raigneft one god with the father. &c. | OT he Argument. Pſulme. C. All men of breath : but temporal, 5 GS Which Pilgrimes walke : this earthly Ball: 2 To toy be bid: here fenerall, _., LaGod in dayes : most festinall. Joy all men - ferreffrialt, Reioyce in Gov: celeſtiall, Jbyd not Jewes : efpeciall, Wut Jewes and Orekes - in general. Serue pe thps 1020 : herotcall, Wl pth top of bart - effectual ; Seke pe bys fight - potentiall, WU pth ppmmnes of mipeth : moſt muũcall. Rnow pe thys 11020 : imperial : As God bs made : o2riginall : Spot we our felues - be bs Doth call, Ops folke as locke - kept paftozall, xXx. itt. ys 280.) alme., C. Hys gates and courtes : tread bfuall, GU pth andes and hymues - poeticalls OGeuethankes to hyn : continuall, And bleffe his name: moth liberall. F 02 Lwhp this Lord: fo pritteipall, — 4s ſweete, bys grace - perpetuall ; Hys truth of yo2d : and ener hall, With hundzeth tharkes : fhus ende te all. QT he Collecte. — Lord and father ofall honor & glory, fhew vs thy mercy,and graunt thy grace that we may fpiritu- ally reioyce in the laude of thy name,and fo in {pryte to feruethee, that we maye feelein our hartes the dele&able comfortes of thy true promi- fes made to vs the poore flocke of thy pa- — ſture, fo toioyne to thee our louyng paftor,to come at the laft to thy heauenly folde, where thou raigneft with the father and holy ghoft one God, &c.. GT he ende of the fecond Q ninquagene. . ~~ Ressueaieaeiens yy | The — third and laſt Quinquagene of G9 MoE OS eu Me A SSSR RII Ppa Aer, Bae - AA ieee Palme, Cpa a 5 The eAreument. Palme? “Cr.” , When Danid long : Wwas kept from TALE pom 4 This Palme he fang : to cafe his payne — It thou from me - goeit not attray,———. gna How kinges fhould rule : here fee you playne, ———— ik , CAs he Would fayne, bey a7 Dth mercy make: ¢ iudgement right,— 3 J In Petres fong : ¥ topll endight; ——~ bats To thee F twill : Lord fing in fight, — | — With hartes delpte, ; JWwyll my lyte· beare rapt in ivap, —— imp houſe· cleane bart hall lap, — — Without denay———____ To wycked bude: none epe ſhall ftano, — And hate J wyll: all rebels band : | cae Lo iopne wych me: I wyl twpthtand, | | inpth bart and hand, ee A froward hart · and wilful fout,—_______. From mp whole fight : thall fe full out,—— J Epo Lo me hall clout : no wycked a ae Wipthout all dont, — _ bys neyghbour who Ayngth prinity, ~ | Hym will g trop: all stteriy,—____|— | 4 Willnotbeare: proudhartozepe, — z : | Wyth pleature hye, ⸗t⸗ Y,f. T rue 2825) M/alme. cij. True men itt on Jwyll me get, MPolt nye to eye: wyth me toſet: | = — Who walketh moꝛze ſtrayt: ſhall ſerue me bet — ‘Wipthout alllet. From far mpboute: they fhal be fent, 4 i Cbs guiles can fo2ge-o2rlpes —— None eye onthem : Hall firme be bent, | — GU pth myne alent · Bea fone bp day: 4 will deface, dee pus men in earth - of wycked frace, To deyue all hetues from Gods ga place, te i WU pthout au — —— E PST He Collette. | Lmightye God which art God of} ‘power incom: | prehenfible,which fheweft to thy eruants ioynt- — Ay both mercy and judgement: Grannte we befeche ~ thee,fo that we may faithfully loue thee,truly to fole 7 low thee inall — through Chriſt, &c. G The oF ae Dialmie. CII.. '€ Flere manin eare : most pituouſyj J Wifhth Syon built : defaſt in fhame, — Fle moueth hys loug : captiuttie, —.——— J Christes heauenly church :. wiſhe we the oie . — & > - cr | * FLord to thee: 4 erpand call... —— yan Wy paper heare- O louinglye Thou art my Loꝛd: moſt liberall, Keceyue my lute: admyt mp cry. - p ss myt Adie — 4. Mp {wounded hart- lyeth impotent, , Malme. ci, wrest 283 2 —— mourne: hide not thy — all Fromuyw diftrefe : fo wꝛathfully: is Enclyne thyne cares: and heare my ca — Wut foneinhak- O aunſwer make, ——-———_,, My dapes vke ſmoke· fipde fall ap attain! of Conſume they do : no reſt they take: As fier brꝛandes: my bones are b: — — _. Lheveliuelppowers : mp ſprites foxfake—_—/ Ms witherd bap : cut downe bp ſithe ·, ñ— To eafe mp bread: from meat ‘nent, - — Du me ſo fore - this trouble lpeth,— Fo2gronprg lowde: in thys diftrefle, ——-—; My wofull bart : ob panth and fith, — hat (cant to (kin : cleaueth any flelh. ——- By bones be fene : thus walk J lap.:— wi Lyke Pellicane: in wilderneſſe, — Jam, which fing : but weie awap, As Owle that fleth- all birdes in ſight, In deſert darke: which loueth to ſtray. — Full Watch Jkepe: both day and night, ; Myne eves no fleve : can take for mone, — — CTo Sparow like : that leaueth her flicht, In boufes cues: which lowerth alone.— All day mp foes : Domerenple, ——— 7. Wipth tauntes thev {poet : inben J do grone, et hele boalkers mad : at me fo vyle, Agapn mp foale all ſworne they bee, By.Y, — Ss py ~ IO if 12 13 his Thy feruants lo: deftre in hart, ——--— 15 234 MMalme. cif. spy bead that J : cate all this whyle — Was aſhes lyke: tn taſte to ſce·⸗ Wy dinke With feares- with weping menkct“ So many ariefes : afflicted me, ⸗ Spy loule with cares: was full beſpꝛench · To note thy wrath· and heauy frowne, ———/ Thou liftſt me bp-as ¥ were Trengthy, ———~ But fone molt tveake-thou thetull me bolo My dayes dale loty - asMhadoln kalth — 9— TWhen darke comth on in ſield and — Jwyther like -as bloſome palth — My colour wanneth my moyſture dryeth. f , ; But thou pet Lord· as thee befalthh. Art permanent - no man denicth,—— hp mentary : thalkaveremayne, -— See Sa Where fall fo Dull: my nature hyeth ⸗ | 4 knolw thou wylt: once rpfeagapne, ——— - 4 To pitte(ibo2d)fivete Spon mount,——- To thew bys arace:the tyme conttravitth, — The tyme ts come:by iuit account, To fe her ſtones· to building mount, — They pitie her: to {pie her fmart, ———-~—-—_/_. To marke her thus: in dul opprelt — The Gentils ſtraunge wyl ioyne their To feare Gods nante - ofall the beff, Pe kings of power - m earth all whole a a Shall peaple top name fo2 worthieſt. ·⸗ Wher 16 ‘3 Bam 19 20 Or Bath lokt to earth : to heave the cry. Tuhen people whole : Hall mete in reaine,· Pfalme. cij. & 285 When this the Low : Hall hyeertoll, ~~ In buildinges trelh:this Z pon place, ——-—— And her in boke offamecnroll, —-—-—-- > When glory bryght: Hall ber — And wher they ſe how he is bent — Se Se To pore mans fute- in fender grace · J And will not be : ought diſconten··⸗— — To ſcoꝛne theyr cryes: bath all and ſome. This thyng thus done as monument, ——— Shall weitten be : fo2 folke to conte, —— What countries Whole : which hallarife, —--, 7 Hap laud thys Lo : wyth bye renome. — ⸗ 02 Cod from hye: bath caſt his epes, When holy is: his facrarp, — — — Thys 1020 from heauen· wm gentle wile, — To heare J fay: the fnofull plavutes, —-- = Df men fak bound : in mifery,——_—_——/_ af To iofenthem : from theyr conffrayntes, + TAhich were at deathes dore very neare. — That they might hetv . to all hys faintes, ~— In Zyon place : Gods name (9 beate,————, Hotell all out : Jerufalem, ——--- * His worthy laudes: in open quere. HAS Ee f DF ail eftates : which this Hail know, : To ſerue this God: fo gon to them, , All reignes to hym· thali them beftow, —— Py itj. Though 23 _ BA 35 26 27), Thy veares tn lenath-thal Land in deede, 28 286, » Pfalme. cif. Though Bo as ue my Trength bath beate From captine ftate : to tourney flow | Though hemp daves : hath ——— — 4 Zyontrutt- pet built fo RST 4 wyll hym thus : wyth wordes intreat, — Ah God my God: fo twaltefullp, ——_—— Cut not mp dapes : by halfe eo TRE SAY Chere thp peares lat. eternally, ————_/ hou lap the carfh in able ay ———- At firft full trong: by power deuine, Che heauens euenfo-nonetilldenay, — nail Be wought by thee:wyth all their hhyne. — They all hall quayle-thou pet thalf holde, As garmentes worne: {ware thinne and fine, - Thou thalt them change as beftures olde ——— hep thall be changd-thus fempozall. — : But thou art Mill : as fue behold,*$ ——_——.- And art that art: perpefuall,— Foꝛ feele defect:thep neuer hall, ————— Cite truk the moꝛe:thy feruants fade, —— Dive Abrahams ttocke: hal not decay, —— Chew tue 102d : by the fhal (pede, iefore thy face:fo Dinell fo? ape. T he Colleéte. r Lord moft mercifull prote&our of all them that bein trouble, who in thy felfart god euerlaſting, fhew thy mercy vpon vs fo frayle and tranfitory aswe — be, that we may reioyce in 4 ſauyng helth, through T he Chrift, &c. J eg a>» * Benedica- @7 nima mea. & 2 My fovle ¥ fap-fotheagapne, —— 3 Pine, cif, <28 287 GT he Argument. Pfalme. CHIT. “T herighteous man: whom God doth feede,— Enioyneh his foule : due landes to fi ing, For his great loue : who knowth his nede, From griefe and payne: his hart to bring, ~~. Who fteyth his frate : all voyde of dread, — — His dayes in peace : With i toy to lead. : ZT hus playth bis —— — ilce my louleblille thou the 1.020,,——. Maddzeſſe thy telfe : his name to fpeead, - WET t » Vv fenfes all - wyth iuſt accord, (ASE dS WM ithinsnithout : da it in dede, ‘bps holy name : due paple reco2d,, hus byd ve be : in his true wow... ————--— So often reade. Adis benefites to teil full kynde = : To thee it ts : moſt certaine gapne,. ———___—__{—. To God who till: him falfer bynde, | _ Midis gad grace-the moze ſhall fone ———_— | 4 telltheplapne, ——___— Reuolue the fante-in gratefull mynde, Ok allthy finnes:-the giltines,, — Be pardon giueth:full louingly — Gn all thy fo2es-of heuines, Thou mapt in hym:haue remedy, — If thou fo hym· maklt thine acceſſe ⸗ ee | Butable hart: with faithfuiues, See | Thine eale fo (pe. ——— Py, iif, bi iS: 288 Pfalme, ciif. His ſauing helth: comth prefkip on, To ryd thpitte : fromperplsall, ————--— — To make the ſcape:confuſion, He geueth god eare: whan thou doſt call, -—— J ‘With mercy kinde - euen healone, | With round defence: he crowneth thy mone, — No tyme fo fall, ——_-_ — With all gob thitiaes : in plelantnes, — He feedeth thy mouth - be filleth thy will, — b> As Eagle vſeth: her new to delle, In age for Frength:- to talk ee aa — ~~ So he thy peares : reninethafrehe: - | Such pouth nage - can God expꝛeſſe. ———— O praplehymitill, ———— She Lord can frpe : all wicked fyapes, — Gil wrong to right: whan he feeth belt Gnd though he fendth - fome bitter dayes, - We can them ſweete: with iopfullref, —— rue iudge he is : the tuff to rapfe, — Gdlhan force be beares: bis fruth fo prayſe, Zhan tap thy bꝛeſt. — To Motes once : God did declare, — His wayes his will : and all his trade⸗, = 4 ie Wis proutdence - and daily care, To kepe his flocke : with gentleapde, ———_ = To Zlracll-tohat till he bare, Dhepe practile heluth: holy they dyd fare, — | a So fafe to wade. They : 20 As vur foule ſiinnes:ſoꝛ vengeance try, They proued fhe Lord: not pth; = — — As do ſterne Lordes : in cruelnes Pe keepth not tre-the poze te pꝛeſſe And when he fumeth : fo2 ailfmes, - ‘Petmery faith: bys gentlenes, — ?, Aponte hereof : in bs all 9— Pfalme: cit, 3 298 Mhole bent to grace: in tyme of neede · They felt bys helpe:moſt mercifull — To anger ſſo: but pꝛeſt fo made — Wepardon ſhewd: moſt plentifull, To hartes contrite: and ſorrowfuil. F032 they muſt ſpeede.. Alivay be is : not chidyns fore: · 2 a Pꝛayſe hym the more. —-——~ Abe merep hath: in louyng fore, be feructh not vs:as ine delerne — But fedth our want· our neede toferne, ————|. ~~ Mhough hym we greuc:as to2etches thrall, —— 9 —— Bys mercies great: moſt hiy mount, Za worthip hym:as feareis wont, GHe guideth our lifesand Hayth our fat, —— Not far fo ſwerue. Bow hye the heauens: this earth farmounf —— So far doth grace : our gylt excell, —— — Upon thoſe men: infeare whe pivel, — Which low in hartes-they2 fautes recount,——| D loue hym well, ———- AWS. How 290 i5 Pfalme, ciy. , Bowfar the Catt: is wyde front Weatt TWhoſe coaſtes and termes - ſhal neuer miete, =i Sofarre our finnes - be fet at reff, By bps god gikt and pardon fineete——__ _ Dhough bs he beateth-as he knotuty beſt Ho Wath it is: but loue of break, —— Ho irefull heat, —_ F 02 lyke bys chloe - the father vſeth, To nurture hyn. by chalfifement,, ———.____. yin farreto dat - frombapneabule, - And vet butloue- and pity ment, ——— So Godtoman : doth mercy vfe,—_—— ie hym to feare doth not refute, ; And toll repent, ——— 3 14 Forbe doth know: our nature frayle, ————-—». WMberof and whence - we all bemade ⸗·D⸗ But duſt and clap : whe fone map faple, — Wyth weyght of earth· all heaup lade Hys grace {eth this « to our aduaple, ————- Clathould fueall: both wepe and —— au euill apayde. 13 Gho markth of mai- bys peres in trade Shall (py bys lyle: but mifery, --—__--_—__— ; _ Guen like ta berbe.: though grene inblade, — ' q What witherth fone : to hap fo — x Foꝛ lyke as Motwers.: infield ds fade, ma walteth man: anone decayd. ·⸗ In vanitie. Th — 6 > 8 fe 4n barfand tong : fokepe it fill, 19 Fromage to age : in euery land, Thelſe men J meane : oflonelyfeare, - To God they? ILo2d : fo them fo Deare j —_ rightly goth : Inhe balth in pace: The god to kepe the bad to chace. Pfalme: ciij, © 2 291 CThis frethly flower· if fopndes fo ſferne De hymoneethake - he falth alway, That tohere be grewe: no man can tearne ) : F 03 brittle fieth: bath b2ittie Tay, — ares. _ Systerme but hort : fo tyme cterne, —* — once paſt: none bpm diſcernth ———' From duſt and day, ———- Though nought made here - car ever lak, Gods mercy pet: holoth able hand ———— On bym that feare : to hym hath call, —— bys riahbteoufnes : is fet full fall, oman beſtowd: if will not inaft But ape thall ſtand. We fuch as kepe: hys godlp wll — Which fak in mpnd - bys worde do beare~ And allway aeueth - full ready eare To i tiene bys fkil. ——— | Thys Lordi in heauen: hath fet hys place = From whence be feeth : allmortalliwapes - As tyfe he ruleth: fo death he Tapes, Alrule doth and : tn hys ged grace,» ; Zo Moot bys dayes. Ad. ty. O 992 0 ak Pfalne, ciij. 20 w Be —— voryce: ve fee hvs bliile. — o makevouail: be dyd withſaue; Aduaunce thys Lord: in tyme and pate, DP thoumpfoule : ofthe sf craue, | 2c worke hys tpl: pe nenermiffe,- In heauen and earth: in all theyr —— Oall pe woꝛkes what names pe baue,— —— 5 ve fpritesiof hys·⸗⸗⸗⸗ Pe angels pure: of ſtrength ſo grea dys power yeknow hys ropalleat, — 0c know what 3.020: what God he is, Pps laudes intreat,——— | O prapte the Lab: all pe bps hoſtes, Pe armies cleare:of heauenly ſtarres ⸗ꝰßn Pe ſprites fo fwift : pe ſiry ghoſtes, In peace ve ſerue: ye rule bps warres —— To do bys wyll:ye renne as poſtes as miniller 8— In all the world: recount bis grace: —————— Extoll one Lord:he eo ther * mightye God creator pte debeiier ofall thy creatures, {pecially of them which do put theyr _ truftin thee, defend vs thy poore fuppliauntes from all aduerfitie thatis ſet agaynſt vs, thou feeft howe weake we be of ourfelfe, “atti {t vs therefore O Lorde with thy godly protection toglorifye thy holy name in earth as thy holy wave dooin ape thorough Chrit XCy «+ The j oe Pfalme, ciij. 293 games nape ey Argument, P falme.. CHIT, 3 sa AY (This Pfalmefetth out : for pronidence, Almighty Gods : magnificence: His Wifdome,power « his goodnes eke, LF wight of day : of yere,of Weeke, His excellence : allthyng doth kepe. by. pssst rape my foule : the Lord of name, nedic a-. * D 1020 my God: of worthy fame: 9 hym proclame, na mea. Thou doũ excell in dignitie, Peaple his degree, ) pth honour clothd and maieſtie. — Foꝛ he is clad: moſt cleare woth light, As he were deckt · wyth veſture bryght: —2 ſceke bys fighf, He fpzeadth the heanens-as baple molt fyne, To bym incline. Wihere lpeth hys.grace: and power deuyne. 3 Whe vpper heauens: be ſo arayde, WWuyth waters lyke: as beames be lapde: Whe doudes he makth: bys charet ſwift, 5 hym eſteeuue, Du lopnde the boynges: bps walke be likh, Expend hys gyſt. 5 And he doth make - bys aungels ſprites In wyndes and blaſtes· fo worke theyr mightes: 2 loue bis lightes The flamyng Ger-is minilſter, Trult hym intiere Whoſe worde todo : thep waite fuil nere. 6 He ſetteth the earthe on baſes ſaund The ſeas they be : D wondꝛous ground: hym rebound Whe word to ende: it atl not reale, Sys myght rencate It can no change-ne ruine fele. eee 7 Wipth waters depe: this carth was het, | ~~ As it pth coate: all darke beſet sD prapfe hym pet: —* Foꝛ once the feas-as mountaynes Lode, Repute hym god. Mok bye aboue: as raging Goud, May, Thoug 204. P/alme. ciiij. 3 Whouabd thus ther weues : the waters ſpꝛed At thy rebuke : thep wiftly fied: = hym a drede: At thy rough boyce: in thunder hard, His ſtrength regard They fal gaue dp - their hold and warde. 3 & Whehils then hye: in ſight dyd mount Whe fieldes fell low: as now they wont: feral bpm recounts ~ As them thou ſtowdſt · in moſt dueplace, Etxtoll hys grace. Thep ſtand euen ſo: they moue no ſpace. 9 To all thynges made: thou gaueſt bys roume Thepe proper place - not out fo come: {2 hym renomes Shou def the feas-in boundes repole, ts hand difctole, - Hot backe to furne:the earth to cloſe. ! so He ſpringes fendth out:fo floudes fo grow And they in fea:difcharge we know: sO bom hym betrow Betwene the hyls:they kepe their flofe, ps larges nofe, To freth the earth: Inith net greene coate. 11 Gilbeaffes of ficld : there drynke they fill: EL hep ſeeke them needes: though fed on bill: 4 O marke * wyl he alles wildde: they flake their thirſt bts care befriff. Woldo2p which be: fomade at Gri, 12 Their fetherd koules: ſceke harboꝛow As nye their drinkethey fit on bough ¢ Wlhere byrdes do chirme: the trees among, — hym auow· ‘Wo Gad ihep? Lord:in cherelull ſong. And praiſe hym lon 13 We tuctith the kyls: and makth them ſoft, | From heauenly cels : by dewes aloft: O laud kon oft: : 1S frutckull cloudes: which wrought his hand Him vnderſtand. The Mowers fall Dolun:to moyſt the land. p 4g Pfalme, cif, Pox 4 He makth forbeatk:thegrafete tying, - And herbage els: fo2 man to bꝛyng: * ſerue this king: + Holeruchys neede his bread to get, His actes intreat. 4 gu earth (uch vſe:in bealt be fet. Hy Tuhence wyne is genen: mans barf fo aie And oprle bis face : fo bꝛyght to cleare: 5 count bimdeare: .. And b2ead fro thence: he doth addzes, bps landes erp2effe, Mans hart to Grength - tn ſtablenes. 6 Whe Lordes obon trees by man vntyld, Wpth Dap by howers : be fully ip: papal: mmilde: as Teders bye:af Libanus, His care diſcuſſe. dDahich he hath plant: right plentuous. 7 Intheſe hve tres : the birdes do nek, SGSod geueth thei wit:to (eke thep2 rel: 12 lone him belt: « he Htorkes there build: and houſes haue, ¢ Wis loucingraue, In trees of fyrre : themſelle fo ſaue. | | 8 Whe mountayns hye:a refuce be, | For buckes and beatkes:of Venerie: praiſd bebe: - ; Andfotherackes-allmacceile, bys workes confelfe. Do Conies be-fhep2 fikernetie. The mone he made : for ceaſons due, Thenyght to ceare : wyth channges neo; pesos eniue: The ſunne fo bye - a creature, Hym Wwozhhip pure bys down failknototh - and keepth if lures . > And after day-thon bringſt in darke, % So nyght comth on:and blyndnes ſtarke: = ¢ D nofe bys warke: The Sauage beats : pet gaynetherby, LhHys reed eſpy. ai cope thee) th tofedefullfpe, | ich AM. iij. he 27 Qe Sr rangyng leg - of prap the fore: 296 /alme ciij. The Lyons lohjelpes - nwt fierce they rage, | above They fecke by Darke : their ſuſtenance, —5* eke enhant Prepard bp Gods:god ordinance, Tithe lunne returnth- and theinth hys rife, Erpellyng darke-bys light ſurpriſth: Ne thys aduiſe: CThele bealtes by heapes: then fone remone ps pꝛudence loue. Ther kepe theyr dens. fo2 lyght aboue. Thus man goth forth: hys worke fo do, Wore bold that thep - be thus ago: . 1 ſtand hym fo: CTo tillage true he maketh bys gate, 25 26 27 Recount thy Fate, And ſpendth bys day:till it be late, —* | iw D mighty io2d my fort and holoe, us How be thy workes: tride manifold: fn hym behold⸗e Thou madelt them all · in wiſdome hye, ihym magniſp. Df thy areat gods:full therth do ygh he fea fo houge: the Ocean, Sa large in armes : and {pace fo2 man: F teareh it thant Theare lining things : faunce number crepe This meruel {ch Oreat beats and ſmall therin bo keepe, Their ſhips by favies: the bilotwes paſſe : Where men tranſport theyr wardly traie: ike macn⸗ this cafe: Chere plapth his bages-iLeutathar, Keuolue it it man. whom thou dydſt forme: to iport theran. Ail ereatures : ofthe erpect, TER J Their fove moſt apt:for every fect : = hym reſpect: That thou Houloi qeue- theyr nouriſhment, Tobpmatent. 4 4 wihe In tyme of neede: moſt competent. oe Pfalme. ciiij | | 297 | eetyen deale fhon dof : thep gather Erayt, ; : In hungers frefle - themſelues to bayt: 42 hym awayte Ifthou ſplayſt hand· wyth bleſſyng mate, Heme bunt finete. With god,full god : they be replete. * When face thou hideſt: and nought doſt (end, O then they wayle: fo death thep bend: a fhe amend: Af bꝛeath thou Lop - decay they muff, Regard hym ivf. hep mull returne : into thep2 duſt. | | When thou return - thy ſprite agayne, New thynges by the - new breath optayne· * holde hin fayne: Then verely thus : thou deck a freſh, bys loue polſſeſſe. he face of earth - wyth new increaſe. ; Gods mackie : be it for ape, In glory bleſt: in all hys way: ſoule thus pray: ihe Loꝛd hall bye : reiopceinfhoughf, As thou art —— In all hys workes· fo godly weought. This God tuber he: mans ſinnes fo fynde, * But lokth on earth: it quakth and twynd: he foule hym mynde: When hethebyls - wyth hand but touch, Xæhy Lord auouch. hey ſmoke fo2 feare:and low thep couche, ical | F024 will fing : to thys mp 02d, Wibple Jam bere : and hym record: 2 faute aceo2d: In Plaltries ſwete: J topll my fong, —— it ſtrong. Tom ALüord God: inipfe raclong· ‘wp falke othym pleafant i is, | | . No day J wilt: befoundremifte, 2 foule him Bliffe : To top in God: ¥ will not crate, . Dem er perieny —— reff myne eaſe. 298 SPhalaeney — Where finfull men: fromearth halt faplte, All wycked freakes : Gon let them quayle: Wut thou np foule: thy Wozdaduaunce, Pꝛayſe all the 1020 ; bys heritaunce. | § F Orthpneaduaples Syng Mill all haple. OT he Collette. AA Oftexcelient almighty God, which dooſt wyth ~~ thy bleffing hand, moft richly refrethe all liuyng thynges wyth theyr foode and fuftinaunce, graunte that our foules may fo berefrefhtinthe contemplati- | on of thy godly maiefty alway to:behold thy glory in heauen,in the meditation of thy wonderfull workes here in earth,through Chrift. | GT he Argument. Pſalme. CV. Gods aktes here lauded be = by ftories order tolde: 3 His palt alledge : no thanke to man: but God most due extelde. 1 3 3 Prayfe in voyce the Lord, May Syugout wyth iuft accord: : Exalthys name: fearch out hys fame, Hys worthy dedes record. 4 D praple in bopcetheiLo2d- bponbysnametocall Denounce and tell the people cleare : his doynges liberal. Sprig out, wyth inf accorde: and play in inſtrumentes: Tellall hys factes moſt meruelous: ſpꝛede out bys o2name ntes Cralt hys name wyth ioy: moſt hye, and molt deuyne: And iet they: hart that feke the 3.070: to mirth all glad indpne. Search J me ’ a — 41 Le) } “ J — OD/alme. cv. 299. Search ont bps fame and potwer: the Hordes right famous arke: Scxxke here bys face Mill enermo2e:dzalv nye to note hys warke. Hys worthy deedes recorde wich be hath wrought as God, ‘Dis range foꝛeſhewes:hys godlp domes:ſo paft bis mouth abode O prayfein voyce the Lord” Syng out wyth iuft accorde: Exalt hys name:fearch out hys fame, ~ . Hys worthy dedes recorde. Me fede of Abraham: bys fernaunt thys refp ect: J pou appeale, pꝛaiſe pe the Loꝛd:ye Jacobs ſtocke elect. % Ve is the 1020 our God: pea none J fay but he: is iudgementes be in allthe tuogld : but moſt topth bs fo fe. F02 he bys couenant myndth: fo2 ener it fo da: es In thoufand woꝛldes ſtill faſt fo Land, bys woꝛd commaunded fc. Hyxs pact fo Abraham: kalt made, with kayth endude: ps othe alſo fo Iſaac: agayne the fame renude. » And be this league as law: to Jacob Cure decreed? | Lo Iſraell as teftament - for euer wellto ſpede. Thus faying,gene J will:to theland Canaan: Foꝛ plot.of pour inberitaunce - as met with lyne bp man. But thus toben feito they were: to theminipke reſpert : And there inlandas Graungers fet : as Pilgrimes whole retect, And Mraped from land to land: of nations wandringly: ~ From countries wyde fo other — — people dinerfly. ! ca 515. te i 300 «Pfalme, cy, 14 He ſuftred yet no man: to do them any wꝛong: Foꝛ all theyr fake: — — and plaged * among. 15 He ſay, touch not my Chꝛriſtes: that ſacred flocke fo mee: Hy Prophetes true: afflict not pe + which preach my matettie. * O prayfein voycethe Lord, Syng out wyth iuft accorde: - Exalt hys name : fearch out hys fame, . ; Hys worthy dedes recorde. 16 When he fent dearth on earth - fo Top thep2 fades reliefe : And roped of bread: the fulenance: which ſtayd their Erength mo chie 17 Amanbeforehe lent: fothemasherbeger, —- \ Lo Joſeph fold fo feruitude : to ferue in Egipt theare. 18 Whole feete they wrung in Hockes:bp Putipbars complapne : In iron caft wyth chaynes Jbound : bys ipfe felthard conſtraynt. 19 Untill the tyme was come - that iult bys cauſe was fee? a hom God approued:and throughly tryed : by Oracle — 20 The kyngthen ſent and hym: dyd loſe by men of höp· The Prince that there: the people ruld- did him frd bondes dicmit 21 He made hym Lord in chiete: of all hys court about: 4g And ruler (ole:ofall bys gods: in hys Cmpprefall ous, 32 Whathe might bynde and lofe-his Dukes and lordes at wyl And wit to tzache ‘ns fages all : by bys appoued ſkill. — 4 e ees. Pfalme, cv. 30% fae O prayfein voyce the Lord, Syng out wyth iuft accorde: Exalt hys name:fearche out hys fame, _Hys worthy dedes recorde. ; 9 So Afeacll in went: fo Egypt glad and fad : * CThis Jacob olde - aſtraunger lived: in land of Cham the bad. 4 And there God multiplicd : bys people notably, And made bym lar more ſtrong and big-then were bys foes af eve, 5 Whe Mores then changd theyr harfes:as God dyd them detect : That thev dyd hate-his people fd2e: w guiles bps feruantes checkt, - 6 Then God ſent Moles out:hys ſeruant god and true : Pea Aaron eke-twhom he dyd chate : his hart on them dyd rue, 7 Which there to them dyd (play : bis workes and wordes by fignes Yyrs meruels rare: in land of Cham ſuch power thé God reſignes. 8 And be depe darkenes (ent ; all hinges then darke was fo: CThe lignes themielfe: ne Boles pet: rebela Gods twyll to de, 9 Peturnd they? waters all: fo bloud, not them they dranke: He ſiue theyr Gh -thep2 nourlhment: fo all they; waters ſtanke. o hexor euen fo brought frogs : in numbers wonderfull: — — Which crept bpon:the beds of kynges· theyr priuy chambers full, 1 He fpake the worde then came: on beapes all kynde of fies: So lyſe af dull-as myngyns ſmall: inall they; coſtes dyd ryſe. why. Fn 302 /alme. cv. 32 Forallthep2 raynes and delves : he gaue thembapleto change, And llaines of fper: ſo mirt wyth thẽ:in all their landes molt ſtrang! 33 Wherwyth he ſmote their dines their fig trées flat to ground: ‘We brake even down: their fruitful trees: i all their quarters roun 34 And when bys worde came forth: of arathopyers on heape: In numbers theare-nigh infinite:dp9 Caterpillers leape. 35 TWhich dyd all whole deuoure:fhep2 graſſe about the land: Vea frute and all-that grew in ſoyle: thus heauy lap bps band, 36 They? fruites firſt boone be flue: in all thep2 realme in length· Their popme offp2ing- mol principal: of all their natures Grength, O prayfein yoyce the Lorde, Syng out wyth tuft accordet Exalt hys name - fearche out hys fame, - Hys worthy deedes recorde, * 37 Hethen dyd lead them out: wyth gold and ſiluer ſtuft: And none there was: in all theyr tribes: that fell or kebly puff, 38 So Cayptiopd full glad: Mobentheytorntoutofrealme: F 02 thep the Jewes: drad fearefullp : : fhep2 feare fo fellon then, 39 He ſpred on them acloud- to couer them bp dap: 5 Wyth piller bꝛyght: to cleare the nyght: he dyd dyrect their wal 40 At theyr requeſt and fute - be bꝛought themquaples fo2meate: — He filled them: with bꝛead of heauen: ſweete aungels fode to egte 41 He daue and opte the rock : whence Water flowed full pet: nme ran lyke freames:in Wwildernes:fo comfort man and or : 4 ——2 Hy 303 Eoꝛ why he bare in mynde: hys holy promiſe thus: 4 ys lone alfo-to Ababam : bys feruaunt berfusns. 3 And full wopth iopand mp2th : beled bys people forth: Hxs deare electes-twpth tubtlies: fo faker well in worth. —* O Oprayfe in voyce the Lorde, — Syngoutwyth iuftaccorde: :. Exalt hys name : fearche out hys fame, : _ Hys worthy deedes recorde. . ee 4 And latt he gaue thent whole · the gentils landes by mef : _ They all police: fo2 heritage : fo2 which the people ſwet. y Wo thend that thepthould kepe: bys ſtatutes true and ryght: That they Mould ape: obferue bis lawes peaple pe this loꝛd of might = - _. @ prayfe in voyce theLorde, # Syng out wyth inft accorde: Exalt hys name: fearche out hys fame, _ Hys worthy deedes recorde. GT he Collette. : VV Ee fue ynto thee moft louyng Lorde, befechyne aS thee by the power of thy name, that where our fathers were conducted therby, to the miniftra- tion of thy heauenlye aungels foode, that thou would fo vouchfaue to feede and comfort vs wyth thy mifticall nou- riſhment of thy body & bloud — to whome with the father. ae and holy ghoftbe. J * BB iy. The 304 Pjflee Ba OS The Argument. Ffalue. CVI, tes : : ‘The lewes( which dwelt )in Babilon:thus fang their thankes ix hartes ⸗ T hey do confefe « gods onely grace: they blame their owne haha) —X X He Lorde‘fo good )with thankes jonkene: 8 —* Who can hys power expreſſe: | 4] 2%, Well true men bee : then Lord teache mee, ek ai Thy feruauntes ftate to fee. | ete t Whe ilord(fo god) with thanks confette-fing prayſe gland bin All god heis: foz why bys grace: ‘fo2 cuer Kandth full nie, | 2 Wiho(fuilp dear bis power erprelle: tupth fong he 1028 fo * D2 caule be harde: hys prayſes all: who can bys grace extreat. Wel true men be(in bart) mokk bleſt:who iudgemẽt true perform 3 Wihbich worke alway: that righteous is: in tuff and latpfall fozme, Thẽ lord(¥F craue)feach me ful kind-haue mind to work my welll 4 Asfriendlp thou thp people mine: ‘tome reſort wyth belth, Thy ſeruauntes fate (D Lor )to fer: fel me their bliffe at ope, 5 What J reioyce wyth thy god folke : and thanke thee — The Lord (fo good)wyth thankes confeſſe, Who can hys power expreſſe: Well,true men be: then Lorde teach mee, ? Thy feruauntes {tate to fee. 6 wile all(to the bane finned foze:as off our fathers dyd· Wie haue gone weong: and done amilſe· molt wickedly in deede. hr ee Fila, 305 +> SLbp(noble )faytes in Egipt pone : our fathers noted feald: _ Di thy greatloucs no mynd thep pad: at red tea they rebelo. + Det be(fullkynd)opo thei preferue : for tone of his great name, Lo make bps potver - fo notable - the woꝛld fo feate the fame. The tea lo red: he dyd rebnke : then fore Bp dryedit was⸗ And through great deepes helen them dey: as delert men do palſe. and be(by Krength defended thent : from aduerfaries potver : He ryd them fure - from enemies hand : thepconld not thems devour — The waters (depe ſo) whelmed ſuch · as them dyd bere and greue: That none remaynd not one ofthem:he them dyd quite remeue. ys (fable word: thep then beleued : fo fpp they? fors biffreffe : And thew thep fang : an hymne of thankes to prapte bys worthines xe Lord (fo good) with thankes confeffe,’ +» * “Who canhyspowerexprefle? ⸗ ; Well,true men be: then Lorde teach mee, --. Thyferuauntesftatetofee, é ied he bt ae (forgot: Inctheir qreat)heat though halk thep made : bis woꝛrks they fone © Hho tyme thep would:his counfailes byde:no,tarp would they not, e — Whep (fondly longd in wycked luſt· fo2 meat in tovldernes.. : Dhbep tempted God- in delert hye: wyth hamefull furdines. And thereeuen there he cane them full- their afking redilp: | But yet theyr bane-theyp toke therin:thep2 urs deſtroyd therbp. f ‘And Boles(quide)pet thep pꝛouokt:W Wath in their obon tentes | Bea Aaron che: Gods holy prick : wyth folith beablementes. J CC.j. Wher⸗ | 306 | PL me, op 17 VWlherkore (in halk Itho earth dyd ryue € ſwalowd —* It couerd whole; the route and band-af Abyram in fights 18 The frre (frd heaven: )fell tuhote and fierte-antids their compat The flame dpd burue-thole wycked men: twpth all they familie, 19 Cfttones (as God)a calfe thep made-at Horeb mount mot fond Cher worſhipped this moltẽ worke: twbich made thep2 wre bat who 20 And thus they turnd Gods glore: who twas their worthy To hap of calfe : but eatyng bap. which they did hye extoll. 21 Th ey God lorgot(and left full Gone: who them to grace dyd tak Elbe wꝛought as god:in Egipt land.ſtrange dedes for altheir fat 22 Oreat.thyngs(tofe) D wonderfull:i land of Cham J fap: And thynges of power. mol terrible: atred fea there in war · 23 To ttroy thembec then full decreed: i Moles his elect, Had not in light vp fart to treate : bis wrath to ſtay vnwreckt. 24 And they deſpiide and / lightly ſcornd that land delicions : : & . Pra fapth they gaue: vnto bys word: but went contrarious. : 25 Thep did (in bart eke grutch and moyne in al theyr nye hey heard ns tyme · gods holy tuo2d-it was to them but topud. 26 Bpliktyng bp: bis (ivefull hand: God ſware onto them all: = hat be would thent: in wildernes: deſtroy wyth amefull fall. 27 nd that he would cali chortly) out: their leede inhere gentile bp And fparple them. ‘ag runnegates : it countries farly inpde. | — filme: | id * 307 — wate wie truant Baal Peo fatt : gis hep lad ope eat the facrifice: to bead men which was call. ) Thus they(allout Jopb himpronake:to in2ath by kithy vyce = Sobie,that nedes: Gods beauy plage: on them did fharply ryſe J ACHen Dhinées ade bp in seale)asiinge he vendFenncetaie: an trait the plage:dio ſtay ¢ ceale: gods wrath fo them forſcoke. dlhich( godly) zeale· reputed {vas to hym fo2 righteou (ress From age fo: age: ‘Gods prek tobe: wyth all bys fede no leſſe. Ther alte greued and Janared God: at waters namde of firpte : peat epeles meke:gate harme lor them: lor Gad abzingd bys lyfe. Foꝛ they prouokt⸗ bys gentle ſprite. wordes doubttull out to lathe: | Wtherby be ſpake: without aduiſe with lips to fivift and rathe, ihivng aidnoThe Lorde(fogood)wyth thankes confeffe, © Mhocan hys power expreſſeꝰ wal true men be : then Lorde teach mee, ex * Thy! feruauntes {tate to lee. fs Go her Dia not cueci in —— the speathen — fect : | a ¢ God them. bad': molt earnelty: that they ſhould them retect. “Bat myrt and ioynd)they were fall nye among the aentils ſort: And learhid their workes outragious: wherot they made but ſport. T Wherby full fone)thep honoured: and terued ther idols gay: Ubich were a ſnare ſo fought by them: to bꝛede their oon decay. Beaters bipnd) thep doted thant : brmaturall,andntadt That they to duels - did facrifice: their fontes€ daushtersiglan, CC.ij. Puch 308 — Pfalme ev ait 38 Much satan Vian thep( (pila ¢ then: of their quun childers bro Zo Idols Hapne-of Canaan: the land foule ſtaynd wyth bloud. 39 bus foule(to foule) vᷣ their lelt workes they were defild ¢ fain A whoryng far: thew lancies ſtraid: no fapth to. God remaind,. 4°. Thẽ iusiip) gods:mall dreadful torath: bis oto gen people beer hat he abhord: his heritage: where Lode bys regiment. 41 Sothathegane:thent( wholy/ vp· fo Gentils cruell handes CThat they themruld: which bated them: before in other landes. — and then full fone) they? enemies: full ſore dpa them oppꝛrelle: As ſubiectes vyle:ſubdude thep were: to all their cruelnes. 43 Ho ottin loue) deliuerd them: but they more oft reben: With theyr inugntes:and fo foz Gane: they were but iuſtly Feld. 44 ‘Pepet(atlenath)bps eves ppd caft : when they in trouble grond AaAnd When he beard : how painfully: in two they daily mono. 45 Be themagapne-fo ming did call: his pact fo them betrought J He dyd repent. and pitted them: hys beaped grace fo wꝛought. 46 | Bea moze (then this)he made euen fuch :to chew them pitie allt Which earf full hard - the captiue beld-as ſſlaues mo bond ¢ thal The Lord (fo good) wyth thankes confeſſe, Who can hys power expreſſe? Well,true men bee: then Lord teache mee, Sa Thy feruauntes {tate to fee. ice 47 O fanebs Loꝛd: aur (loupug) God:from Gentile ds collects SC hp holy namethat we map found: thy laudes wyth top hea a ‘t Palme; cv}, = 308 | Whe(gentle)i02d of Iſrael: and God wyth prayſe berapfoe: From boold to World: tet allmen fap: Amen the 1.070 be pꝛayſde, The Lord (fo good) wyth thankes confeffe, Whocan hys power expreſſeꝰ Well,true men be : then Lorde teache mee, _ Thy fernauntes {tate to fee. ; "The Collefte. | E myndefull of vs O mercifull Lorde, for the deare “ot loue that thou beareft to thy people,and difcharge vs fromall feruitude and bondage offinne, and faue vs by thy healthfult hande, and gather vs toge- ther in onevnitieof ſprite, to glorifiethee ~-onelye our Lorde and fauiour, to -whomewyththefather and © the holy ghoft,&c. G T he endeof the fourth booke. 989 mi eis bepinedh ie Fit Booke of Pfalmes, g The Argument. Pfalme.. crm. This hath fine partes — where diners men be bids | 2T he Lord to prayfe:to preach hys power: ‘Who them from perils rid. gThe Quiere, Therearefreyt of the Pfalme,.. | “9 Oderauntthat we would: prayfe euer agayne, CWO — Lord for hys grace : fo to fingin our quiere a WE DN The wonders he doth : for the children of men, , Whofe mercy fo nere : to all doth appeare, To alldoth appeare. gt he: mM Cane. People the ior allpe, ESE Due thankesto hym ertende : Hf) Fo2 0nd heis - whole gentlenes, — Shall laſt till woꝛld doth ende. 2Lect them fay thus in thankes who were by Gov made fre: CUhom he redemd: from cruell band. : of troublous ennmitic. | 3 Andinbombe gatherd nye: from countries ftrange and wyde: From Calt * Welt: from Noꝛth and South; in citie fate fo byde. 4 who wandred out of way: in deſertes wildernes: And found no tay: fo dwelling towne: to ay in reſtkulnes. 5 When hunger felt and thirſt: nye pynde bp lamiſhment: Whole hartes within: dyd meif alway: for needefull nouriſhment. The ~~ ym Ad * > \ 2° 3 Pfalme, cvij, = GTheRettors. | “(Moho thus afflict: wuen they did err⸗ To God tn mecke complaintes : He them dyd ſaue: molt louingly, From all hep. hard conſtrayntes. froꝛ he led them: the wap full kynde, Both ryght and profperous : wWherby they dyd: a citie fpnde, To dwell comnopdtous, — GT he Quire. God graunt that they would: prayfe hartely then: The Lord for hys grace : fo to fing in theyr quiere : The wonders he doth : for the children of men, _Whofe mercy fo.neare : to them dyd appeare, For that he refrefht : theyr bodely neede, | Where thirfty they ftrayd : as wyth anguithe oppreft: Theyr foule dyd he eafe : of theyr hunger in {peede, Go ſet them in reſt: wyth foode ofthe belt, qT he “Meane. —* ne o And thep that fate in Darke: in deadly ſhadowes blacke: Alllict in bondes: aid iron chaynes: and feit all comfoztes lacke. 1 hep thug deferud for why· gods wordes they did defelk, The counfaples eke. they did delpile- of all the worthielt. 2 ethenbrought downe their hartes: wyth griefes moſt tedious: Tyer Fell fullfapnt : none belpyng them : lo far rebellious, _ ’ 4 CC, tg, 312 Pfalme. cvij. eee | | The Rekors, 13 cr nebo thus afflict : when thep dyd cry, — To God in meeke complayntes : He them dyd ſaue: moſt louingly, From all thep2 hard conſtrayntes. 14 Foꝛ he then bꝛought: from ſoꝛrowes lon: sls Fron Darke and Deadly fhade: He heake their bondes : and fetters rn Tao freedome they to wade. GT he Q ujere. is God graunt that they would:prayfe hartely then, ee Lord for hys grace: fo to fing in theyr quiere: The wonders he doth: for the children of men, Whole mercy fo neare ; to them dyd appeate. 16 ~ Forthatherelealt: their burdenonfe holde,' es gates thatin brafle : were inuincible faſt, Asalfo the barres : that in yron were folde, By ns were they braft: fet ope at the lait, OT he Me cane. 17. Andfoles that lebodly dio: bp furfet foule tranfgres, : And were fo2 al theyr finnes afflict: bp ficknes fell exceſſe. 18 Who meat in taſt abhor: though ſweete and wholeſome dyght, And then came nigh: ‘to Death Ai aie :to fop thew beth and fiat — GT be | Be 19 Who thus aff ict: Wwhan they do expe, : To God in meke complayntes: He them Did ſaue:moſt louinglye, from all thetr hard ————— te Pfalme, evi, 4 13 For he then fent : his woꝛde anone, $e them rettow by myght: Wherby they frapte : Deftruction, 3 From perill faued quite. GT he Quiere. ; 1 God grauntthat they would : : prayfe hartely then, } ; sore Lorde for hys grace: fo to fing in their quiere: The wonders he doth: for the childer of men, Whofe mercy fo neare : to them did appeare. £22 That offer they may : the facrifice pure, J git thankes of their lippes: out of hart ſo to rayſe⸗ Hys workesto renome: fothe world to allure. His walkes and his wayes: moft gladly to prayfe, GT heeUeane. Bnd they fhaf enter do: the ſea wyth hyp and fayle, - J * worke ihep? feates : in Waters depe - fo lpfelodes great auayle. CThepr fee Gods deeadfull workes· in tempeſtes them they note, . His meruels cke-of thynges fo houge; in depe alſo in flote, God ſpeakth and ſftrait ryſe bp - the wyndes of bluſtring ſtormes Which bp vo hople : the belloives rage - in gaflly grifly formes. — Theare ſhips rife bp to heauen agayne fo deepe they fall: Thus toſſe in waues.the mariners great keares their hartes apall. They to and fro befott : they rele ag man full d2onke : hie arte thé laylth. theyr Wits be gone-they fare as men but fonke DD.f. T he | | at GT heR eciors. — — gen 28 7 wWho thus afflict s when they do cry, To God in meke complapntes: He them Doth ſaue:moſt louingly, From all their harde conſtrayntes. 29° Forhethe ſtormes: doth calmeinfes, the waues he ſtilleth thetr dinne: | 20 Then glad are thep : that ill thep be, Date hanen he dziueth chem tn. GT he Q uiere. 31 Ot Godgrauntthat they would : prayfe hartely then, | ¢ The Lord for hys grace : fo to fyngin their quiere: — @ The wonders he doth : for the childern of men, . Whofe mercy foneare:tothemdydappeare. | 32 _ Hys fame to aduaunce: as duely they ought, “ . bo eatah fetas they be : withthe people in place: To prayfe hym aright : for indempnitie wrought, Where elders in {pace : their courtes doembrace. _ QT he — 33 Zo let men Nofe Gods myght: in dread of hymto fiand: hee Which turnth mot fople:to wildernes-¢ d2peth hp ſprings fa lar 34 — truitetull earth he makth · as faltand barrengromd: CThe divellers finnes:be cauſe therof: where in their lines be fout 35. 0 he the defert maketh to lot wyth water ſpringes: F Am ſoyle moſt dꝛy:fram barennes:bp runnyng bꝛokes he er P * — Pfalme. evil, 15 and there be fetth to Dinell: all hungry nedefull men: | Lo build themlelfe-acity ſtrong: as Foꝛte therto torenne. aa And there theficlbes they ſowe: and vineyardes large they plant Swate frutes to beare:of peres increale:to feede their nade ¢ want * All them he blettth wyth ſtore: thep then increaſe moſt hye: 4 and fuffceth not theye cattell ence - to droupe 97 pet to dpe. | But ioben they fall fo ſinne he them decapth agayne: | i cued powers: be bringth then low: with cares opprelt € papne QT he Rettors, | Proven thus afflict : thep feete Decay, By Pꝛinces great abuie > Though out of way:a tyme they ſtrar, At laſt he them reduce. Foꝛ he the poore : returnd by ſmart, Doth rayle from milſery: Hheis houſeholdes pet : he makth tn part, as flockes of fheepe to ligh. | GT he Quiere. & God graunt that they would: prayfe hartely then, . ithe Lorde for hys grace : fo to fing in their quiere: The wonders he doth : for the chylder of men, Mhoſe mercy fo neare; to them did appeare. 3 | > OF 42 That tymely they may: this ponder aryght, a Thi righteous man - in his duety fo glad: _ 4Is prefttoreioyce: wythagodly delyte, Where mouth of the bad : fhall feats be fad, DDG. The 16: Pfalme, cvij. ti - The conclufion. ise a Mans hart that is Wwile:th efe things wil aduite,———— ure thankes to procure-to bys God fo2 his cure,— rn find thus bys deutfe- map be iuſtiy comprife, | -_ Ryght oft is bys bre : byloue fo allure, —————_—_-__ S apnbe mercy fo fure: in hym doth endure, — Crtoll hym J fay : both bp night and bp Day, ——— — —* neuer altray: from his mercifull way. IThe Collecte. V E do acknowledge O Lord thy manifolde mer- cies, which thou dooft daily beftow vppon our miferable neceffities, befeching thee as thon fitteft in heauen on theryght hand of thy father in throne of equall glory with him,that we may worthely céceiue and vnderftand this great myftery of thy ineftimable mercies,duely to lande the fame, tothe gloryeofthy name,who with the father and the holy goft,art wor- _ thy all prayfe,Amen, 8 @ Certayne verſes of the ſayd Palme otherwiſe cg tranflated. 6 Wlhenthus they cryed to Good : thus fet in woes ereette: Kyght fone be dyd: deliuer them: from all theyr hard diſtreſſe. Foꝛ hc led them the vay: both ryght and pꝛoſperous: WMherby thep did-a citte fynde : to dwell commodious. 8 O that men would then pravle-fhe owes benignitie: To tell what actes:ful ſtrange he doth - to mans poſteritie. » Forthathedothrefreth: thefouleinthykfony: _ And filleth the foule-that hungry is: wyth godnes largely. ——— — D— cvyi 317 Wihen thes they erped to God-thus fet in woes ercettes Kesbt fone be bpd: deliver them from all they, bard dillreſſe. | Forbhether brought them fart: from darke and dedly wade: a | 4c bake they: bondes-and fetters ſtrong: to freedom fure to wade, 5 Othat mew would then-p2aple : the Lordes benignitic: Wo teliwhat actes:ful Lrange he doth -to mans poſteritie. : 6 Forhe the gates of bꝛaſſe:hath all to ſhiuers booke : And burl the batres:afunder quite: inp2on fo2zgd by ſtroke. 19 | Tuhen thus they erped fo God : thus fet in woes exceſſe: Ryght fone he opd deliuer them: from all they: hard diſtreſſe. F 02 be chen fent hys worde: he them reſtord bp might: © Wiberby thep (capte:deltruction:from perpll fancd quite. a O that men would then prapfe: fhe Lordes beniqnities _ Lo tell what actes ; ful Grange he doth: to mans polteritie. That thep {would offer hym - of thankes the facrifices! And fuiltellout · bys woꝛkes fo great: in glad and thankfull wyſe. WWuhen thu sthep crved fo God: thus fet in woes ercelle: _ - Ryght fone he bpd: deliver them. front ail thepe bard diſtreſſe. 9 Forhe dopueth down the Kormes: and makth them fone fo ceate — Sothat the waues-be ſtill agayne· wherby thep winne releate, 30 Then are thep glad at hart : becaute at reſt they bee: He bꝛingth them thus:to that thep2 bauen: which they fo glad on i ſe. PDig. O ratum 318 alme. cvij. 31 O that men would then pravle-the Lordes benignitie· To fell what actes: ful ſtrange be doth:to mans poſteritie. 32 That they would hym exalt: when people molt be met: Gnd paple hym due : where Cloers be : together ioyntly fef, 40 hough he doth bearea whyle:that tprantes them oppeelle, And {uffer them: to go affrap: in wandeyng boylderneſſe. 41 Pet he doth helpethe pore: from hys great miferys: | | bys houſeholdes pet: he makth in part:as flockes of ſhepe fo lye. 42 The righteous man wyll this - erpend and eke reioyce · Where that the mouth-of wickednes: ſhall whole be ſtopt in voyc 43 Ulbothat is wyſe J fay: till ponder all thefe thynges: hep thal fo knotu: what mercies free: the 11020 in ſoꝛow binges 'GThecArgument. Pfalme. CVII. rm ' € When'Dauid kept : Odollan cane, Where Saule he feapte:for ail hys rane: T hus thankes in fong:he dyd extende, To God whe did: hys lyfe defende, 7 3 36 hart fo Bod: is ready found, Thy worthy landes: deucut to found: F02 fing J Will: and Pſalmes recoꝛde, With gloep due : int tong and worde. Lykt vp thyfelfe: thouyafaltryefinete, = Chon harpe euen fo -Wwithtunes moſt meete, Foꝛ Jmy ſelfe: will early ryſe, te Newe fongeste fing: Jwyll deuiſe. ee Se | : ⸗ = ay 2 94 Oalme cvii. 39 By ‘A the wyll pravle : D 3020 in ſonge. In peoples fight : euen them among: pea A pialmes tothe : Jwyll arrect. Among all folke - of euery feet, 4 $Fforfarreaboue: the heauen we fee, Standth firnily thy : benignytie: Thy fapth and truth : as pꝛoufe doth teache, Mok nye the cloudes - doth wholy reach. 5 Wethoueralf-DGoronhye, Aboue the heauens - in maieſtye: men Aboueallearth : thy glory fet, That men map knot - thy power {9 great, 6 Whatthp beloued from wretchednes, Whole rpdde map be: in ſtableneſſe: Let thy right hand · than bs preferue, D auniwere me: mp turne to ſerue. 7 God fake his word: in holynes, Wherein J ioy: and ſhall no leſſe: All Sychem ink - in partes Jſet, And Sucoth vale : J allo met. Ail myne no doubt: ts Gilead, And ſo is myne: Manaſſes had ꝛ· And Ephraim· my reigne the ſtrength, And Juda is: my guyde at length. g and Doabis - mp water pot, And Zdumpe - mp conquerdlot : ‘Wberon my tho - ertend Jwyll, Dn philiftpne - iop ſhall J Mill. DD. UG Whe 320 alme. cviij. ‘fo 1 12 33 Amen. Who hath me brought : to be fo nye? That cptpe great : fo walled bye: Tho led me forth - fo iuſt to come, To Idumye: to wynne renome? Mas if not thou· Jſay O God: Which bs forꝛſokſt: caſt wyde abroades — WMhich didſt not walke: as God with ps, Wlith our mayne hoſtes: bictorRious⸗ O geue bshelpe- and that at hand, a Okall our qriefe : of troubles bands — F 02 weake the helpe that man can do, Mok baynetotrull- itis euen ſo. In God we hall : all ſtrong endure, $By bymto do: eduentures ſure: Aud he our foes : ſhall ſone debell, To treade them down: though bie thep Mell, @TheCollele. 89 PRBepare our harts O Lord ready vnto thee,to COfis fefie the power of thy name,and wheras we know how thou early as conquerour didft ryfe , to raygne in kingdome euerlafting,fo we may in life alway ryfe from our earthly conuerfation:to be pertaker of tny heauenly refurre@ion to whom with the father and the holy ghoft art one God: worlde without ende. The nyt) BEM ee oO Rfalme, cix. £58 ger Aiieh 3) B10 eee. Pfalme. am hs ing — i if Here Dauid vext : by tyrannye, § hath Doegsfpitebewrayed: | a FE Ry Whofe fuccefour we Iudasfpye, , whe falfly Chrift betrayed. : 2 slau. Ok my top : and all my prayte : in whonie ¥ aloo mott: . Gir not thy peace: thy vertue rapt deltroy my haters boſt. 2 Fr wyched mouthes: and mouthes of gile at me be open ſet, VTpyth Iping lippes: thep me reuile:wyth tonges molt kalſe they tet. 3. Wi yth hateful wordes: hep compatfe me: fuch gall in bart thep haus | Whepfightatmy - unceritie: they cauleles me depraue. — yoꝛildue ¥ han - to thentin batt : chey fee my hurtand bloud, bs Pet dpd J pap : fo eale mp lmart: wherin woelht them cod, $s), Jt god thep enil-agapne requite: fo malice fo they bend, And fo lor loue J fhetod i in fight Awhote bate thepdo —— a Some wycned matt: ®D — ‘onbpin fa breahe hys band; Let Satan ftand : arid erecute bps power agaynit bys hand, se “When iudgedhe be: forany deede let hyntas gittycome, ‘bys: prayers whole il mought th ep fperde:to ũnne turnd all itt (ſome “And let bis Daves: abriged be: in peares but felve fe go, Bis office eke: twithall bis fee: Some other fake hym fro, 9. Xet allbig fede and idue fps ong: full fone be fatherles, and let bis wile be widow roung: and curſt with barennelſe. EG). X as. " ge" side _ « o * af * rr aera ‘ — — eve * — zet Malme. cix. ———— his childrens fray : ta begt es bre Depryued fa: their. houſes gay : abroade to deſert led. * Bea let his godes the blurer: al wholy catch in net, And let alſo the fogriner by ſporle bis labours fet. Let no man be: in any place ; fo pitye h hys biffrette, / And no man helpe : ‘with arty grace « bis sehincentiteres, Wo walk be ied: his progenye : to ioy in no degre, a CTheir name be blot : ‘from memery ino letond age fo (ee. ie Hts fath ers crymes be they reuiued: in mynde belorethe 1.0) Hismothers finne : 7 ber —— and ttellot Gad abhord. 2 us spralet them bance : mopenſi he before the Lo: 2D fo2 ape, ro ht Dapue hethe: rfame “ail wholes quite frontal the earth awa 16 3 reeks ut dio purſue⸗ — to hiltthe hart contryte. 17 8 1B ecaule noloue he had in brett te any. nedy wight, We eurfe enfued: he faved fheran:: it —— He bleiſe eſchued none would he wynne it thai hym llee therl To curfenttes : be whole twas fef - as clad fos all the nonce, zin As water pet: bis botvels wet as ovle i pearlt his bones. 19 ‘21 “Let it therfore - as cloke to be : homſelte to weape therin, With gyrdell gyrt: folike bebe: alway euen nertthe (ptt. This mede from Bad : fo thent befall - which me refitk in pate, - Mothem cuerall: in generall : agaynlt my foule that pate, Wut do thou Loꝛd: my Lord with ine : as it becommeth thy na Foz ſwote is thp ; benignitye O ryd me far fro ſhame. 4 4 Pſahie dx, 323 “FFo) foie amiet · And pore J wepe: ¥anralldeftitute; = ~My bart toithin: ts wounded déepe : indeath nye caattite; . — et J pale ateay : dg Dap both loipbeclpne, | As sralhopper : remoting ape : from place J am fo dꝛruen. yp knees ba reale : all fatiqate - in fatting long from meate, | ; Py lieth is doped : lor lacke of fat : 02. ople to make if ſweate. ; Sfoulerebuke tothem 4 fombe onme thep crongiy gaſe. As laugbing facie : they me efteemd · ¢ thake their heads apace, ; ® helpe mezond - my God withlaue fo théeatone J clpnie, é Pꝛelerue me fure - thy grace Z craug - and (hoztlp me reuyue. p And let them knowe · inthis thy avoe : that this is whole thy hand, J That thon thy felfe mp fate hat layd : fo Grong by the to ſtand. And let them curſe fo thou do blefle : D 3.020 of all mott dead, 5 * let them riſe: but foule fo miffe: to make thp feruaunt glad. Let all mp foes : {with fhame be broke - ag clad therivith echone, Let them be to2apt : as wich tuft doke: intbeir confatton. . And J with mouth : twill celebrate· ‘thea inith fhankes on tals Whom people moſt be congregate: J wyll his laudes applye. Fo0ꝛ that he ſtode; in poꝛe mans rede: at his right hand fo ffrong, To laue his ſoule: fro iudges dꝛede Iho might bin ſtroy by wog. oS | "ecg. OS The a 334 * fale Nek. — © GT he Collette: © *— — fe FY Mot At forde and intreatable God, whiche $3 28 didſt iS eee to be caft vnder. the, maledi@ion ofthe law; fo bearyng the wrath of thy. futher, to the Aetna chou woilld difcharge vs froni al curfe and ha I Dixit do- minus do- WR P no. | Vntill J make : thy foes euen all, maledi@tion,we befeche thee fo to deale with ys mer- cifully that we may efcape from thetyranny offynhe that doth haunte vs, and alfo.to bee defended by the power of thy name from all curfed detractions of e- uill.:men fo that we may fully ioy tobe in chy fanour,- in the enmitie of the world,to whoni wyth thy father and holy fprite;be all honour and glory. for euer. CN 3 qT he — Palme, OX: rene Though Dauids raigne: be fomewhat mei — } | Let Christ is chiefe : here prophecieds “. rm | Who was both kyng sin regiment, Andyrieſt in deathe then after fied, } Lobeanento fit : as priest and ki king, | His Maas tofane : his foes to Wwring. ——. | Wyth death the he ! * On myryght hand : aboue the ſunne, ⸗ Thy lolw foteſtole: to thee to fai.. J 9 A $ fubtectes thoalt, Pfalne, ex 225 2 The Word ſhall fend: from Zion place, —* Df thy great power:imperiall⸗ | Zhe ropall rod - and princely mace, —— TWhence grace ſhall (pring: oꝛiginall —— God hail ſay: then God bp a, BA Zo — amids — enemies.· In princely wyſe. 2The people glad in hartes delight, ———— Shall offer giltes: in worſhip free, As conqueſt day: of thy great nnight, —}— An ſhinyng ſhew of fanctitic, F02 why the dew : of thy ſwete birth, — — As moꝛne new fpoongs dropth ioyfull mirth. So (eerie on earth. — 4The ULoꝛd did ſweare; and fatk ere, He will bys tworde-no tyme repent Which fayd thou art:a prieſt in Ded, eae A kingly prielk · ape permanent, —— Ok order namde: Welchifedeck, —— --- rihompeoce and right: doth iovnttiy decke, — — As Gods elect, — 5 hero as thield:kepth right thy hand, ——. emake thyratgne: invincible, | q Be ſhall fuboue: by fea and land —— * Gil power aduerfe - nol fo2rcibic, Be thall great kpngs : and Cefars wound, — ee In day of zath - all thent confound, By Garefull found, —— 326 Pplint e ej. 12 Zeladaement true ‘Mhall erertiſe Ss indge among : the Gentile feck, ⸗ All places be: atl full furprife, : WU pth bodies dead: on earth pꝛoiect ⸗ Abꝛrode he hall: in ſunder wwte⸗ꝰ⸗ Cheheds of realmes · that hin wyl ſyyte | ~ 2 - Detcomebysinpabf.——! 3 Thongh here erilde : be ſtrayth as bond, ——, | And hall in tvayp - but iwater Daypnke, ——; | Df homely broke : as comth taband, —— Pur fued to death:and wyſht to finke,—— et he fo2 thys: humilitic, Shall lift bys head - in dignitie. a Eternally. 97 he Collecte. O Lord the eternall fonne of the father,which wart begotten before the world was made,and art the firft of all creatures welowly befeche thee thatwhere _ by the feffion of the ryghte hande of thy father thou fubdueft thy enemies,fo make vs to fubdue all the do minion of finne rifing againft vsto be made meete to — ferue thee in all godlines,who liueſt and raigneft one Godyth the father and the holy ghoſt, Amen. _9T he Argument. Pfalme. CXI. 3 "This landatory i is : andthankth Gods gentlenes, en ho made all thyng: ‘and: vs redcemd : from {inne and Wwretchednes.. ‘Set 3th all my bart J twill: the 102d commend on bye, or tibi, “pet tecretlp initp fapthfull men: in church eke openly. Full 4 Pfalines ex), COE ty Xe Full qreate be all the factes - of this bye Lord in name, — Pos erquifite: and map be found - of them that loue the fine. Wis derde is worthy prayſe molt worchipkull Iſax, ise a BtOlavis: and comlpnes - bis iultice laſts fo2 ape. Dfall his wondrous workes· rememb2annce hath ben made, he Loꝛd is god : andimercifull - to Iſraell in trade, For meat and ſpoyle he cane : to them that feard hym due, Ho mpnodfuil be - will ener be-his pact and league to fue, His actes great potver ſhewde to all his peoples fight, An gening them - the heritage - of Gentils landes lor right. His workes of hands be ſeene· all truth and equytye, | Sid dis paecepts «al fapthful be : in inte confirmptpe, Cipholve they ffand moſt firme : and euer wyll remayne, Foꝛ made thep are : by berptye - and equytye agayne. He fent bys people guydes : which them fo fredome lad, his pact he bad fhould ever ſtand: whoſe holy name be drad· Theteare of Godis fapd: of wiſdome firk the way, ‘Aho kepe bys hells: haue wiſdome cleare : whole prayſe hal ner | ( decaꝑ⸗ GT he Collette. G Od whofe glory all thy faints moft gladly delight ~ | to confeffe,graunt vs to haue the feare of th y ho- ee ‘ly name,wherin confift the beginning ofall wifdome a that wee beyng enftructed inthy will and pleafure, may be fedde wyth the heavenly eee * thy Amordesthrough Cheah &c.. | ; EE si * The e *3h..<,. J — I us Vir. The A420 benigne: aye pitiong : and iull to eaſe their griele. At tydyngs eupll : no fymehe topll - fand dreadfully hymſelſe Vys hart for why: ands Kedfakklp : be truſtth the Loz af health, to The cupil Hall te ; and fret Mall he’s Mhall gnach his teth and lower, 328 Pfalme, cxij — — of hym that feareth the Lorde: —— et i 3 —— fe ah 8 is ae by Fagphts ecorde watn man is biel: and liueth at reſt: that fearth the Lord moſt pure, TU ho hath delpte : moll erquifite: fo worke hys byddinges ſure. No doubt hys fede : thal firmly (pede: in all felycitye, — hele regents hye: thepe prꝛogenye: molt bleſſed fail they be, He riches ſtore: in houſe the moze : wyth plenty thal pottelle, ps righteouſnes: in Kablenes : ſhall lait and Hill increale, And light Hall ſpꝛed: from darknes drede· to godlpmens relieſe, This bliſkull mam: be pitye can: aud lend {vith diligente/ His word and dede· by wiſdoms reede: he rightly Hall diſpence. Formouedhe: can neuer be: Gods arme fhalt hym defend, : Lobe ink hall ture: in fame cndure : til all the woꝛld doth ende, His bart fo great : ts ftable fet : fo feare nothpng aduerfe, Cintpll bys epes : thet luſt elpics : son alibps foes peruerte, Ide ſpredth hys tore: be geueth the pare: bys iuſtice pet abioth, — His power Mhalbe ; exalted free : With glory largeand lwyde, 3 The Wicked luk: of men vniuſt: Mall waſt andturne full folver, be Pfalme, ¢ xiij 329° Cr ge GT heCollette. , (Raunt we befeech thee O God which art the light euerlafting and guyde of our hartes, that we may. loueand feare thee aboue all thinges,to delight on- ~ Ayinthy praife,and ſo to deale tothe neceflitie of-our neighbour in thys prcfent lyfe , thatin the next we hearenot that fharpe word ofreprobatio for ynmer< cifulnes.through Chrift.&c, — The eArgument. Pſalme. CXIII. a j T his praisth Gods grace on hie : therto it doth innite, His dignitie and prousdence : st doth in part endight. 3 «Gods (worthy) name:be blef€ frd hence: tyl all p world hane ende To dead and lone: bis power aboue: God graunt we all contende. 3 Fro time pᷣ Sunne(doth Hhine)in rife:til down ward fallth § fame From Call to Welk - D blefled be - the 10208 ſwete holy name. 4 F02 inhp( 110 faple the Lord both rule: on Gentile all that be, Pra heauens he pallth: in glory bright· thys 11020 of maieſtie. 3 For twhoislpke (this God)the i020: in glory kame 02 power⸗ Who hath ſet bp : himſelfe aboue: as chiefe and gouernour. 6 Andypet be bowth: pimtelte( fullloty )of bys great gentlenes, All thynges that be: in heauen and earth: to fe in carefulnes. FFG . ant 3305 fale, cxiiij. 7 And Heit is¢ at will Jalone : that liftth the pore from duſt, CThe neby man: he doth promote: in bong that low was thant, 8 Domake bpm pe: and) equall fit weth princes rule to beare: ea that wyth Petes: of age mol greue: -af bis oun people deare 9 ~ And be(alone)the baren makth : in fruitfull honte to dweil, As mother glad ; fo toyein babes : D pravle the iLo2d then well. OT he Collette. VV E geue all prayfe moft due to thy bleffed name almighty god, befeching thee, fo to preferue vs in the lappe = of thy welbeloued {ponte thy churchthat we mayeencreafe and be ftablifhedin the perpetualk knot of charitieand vnitie: Thorough Chrif.&ce - GT he Argument. Pfalme. CXIIII. Here ioy is made : that Iacobs feede, Did Aægipt [cape : in —* Speede « That led they were : 4 Gods great might, To Canaan land :tothem bebight. Hen Aracil : from Egipt went, Where Godthem held; in chaftitment $ Wien rpd from thall : was Jacobs bones DF people fierce : and barbarouſe. shen Jury land - was confecrafe, True God to ferue : full dedicate : Dhan Ffracil: was bys Empire, Vxs ſubiect made : fo rule intyze. a Wyich - Sage oe eee —* ind a ‘ 2 * * ia ee * a * o i coh ‘aa * — Plane, exiig. 338 — Which thing whan that : the fea dia ſppe, Sbhe lled to fe: Gods potver ſo nye : Gnd Zo2dan floud : reuerſed was, - — As geuyngplace:hys arke to patie. , Themountaynesteapt:asRammes ulllight, Aboue the waues: th appeard in ũcht: The hHillockes eke: did fkip full glad, As Lambes in graffe : all fat bead. What meant thon fea : fo flee ſo falt? Zhou Jordan Why - aback wart calk? | Was this the caule : Gods truthful grace? D2 fathers fapth : that pe gaue place? Pou Pountapnes hye - why leape pe thus: As Kammes with fruite : not plenteous : Pe litle hylles: whyſkypt pe ſo⸗ ( Thys light te {eas yong thepe do? At Gods bight face : the earth thus Hooke, at Jacobs Gods : mott pefent loke, Be tohole adzad : than earth to ſe Thys puillant L020 ; fo npeto be, Whole potver dyd turne: the fone to guſhe, Oreat water brokes : mo merucplous + The flint fo hara : lwbence fier {p2inath, Euen Water fonds : be made it being, | +) GT he Collette. - Raunt vs O Lord etierto efcape thefernitude of all errourand Egipticall finne and wyckednefle, that we may always beare our lyuesf{andified to thee | Fo reioyce in thy protedion, Through Chrift, &c. FF .y. The 332s Pfalme, cxv. a ET be — Thus Gentiles Gods : be ſtornd onpure, Where God of heanen:is God most Sure: On hym to trust:to lad lyme aye, ie vy Who bleſth our lyfe:and keepth our Way. I O peaple gene bs : D Loꝛd fo bs, Non nobis Geue tt thy name : mokk glorious a Domine. Foꝛ thy fivete loue: fo2 thy god truth, Defend bs Loꝛd:and Helv thp ruth. > Gilby els no doubt: the Weashen fect, Would fay twhereis - their Dad fo tect? Af God they haue: as toe in fight, Let byntcome forth - and ſhebo his might. 3 But ſure our God:is God in heauen, Not made 02 fene:focarnallepne: — He doth at will : what lpke hym bef, He made all thinges-by hym they rekk.. 4 Wheir Idols all: the bell,thepbe,, Wut filuer caſt: and gold fo fee : he handy worzke: of motall men, They bethus made - full biftle then. § Tupyde mouthes thep haue but ſpeake no tobit. Df ſpeache but donune: to them mokk it: And eves thep haue: pet haue no fight, All bopde of Ipfe : all bopde of light. @ Sovaresthep bane : buf beare nothyng, Hou loud men crp-in halowing: | Gnd nofe thep bane - but haue no tall, Th ex bent incente: on weet is walt. mi EO. - §f 13 Pfalme, cxv. 333 Pea handes thep bane-but handle nat, Twoo fete they baue : but haue no gate: Thep make no bopee - from out thep2throtes, Where pet {mall flies:haue open notes. As thole be all: fo fuch be ther, Ci hich make them firlk: of gold 02 clap: And fo be they: which worſhip thei, D2thenvda truſt: in any realme. Wut thou that tek : O Iſraell, } Truk thou the 102d-bid them fareivell: The Lord is wholethyne apde and ſhield, Pꝛotectour fure - in tobvne and field. Ye Aarons houſe: truſt pe this Loꝛd, None other ſerue:to hym accord: The Loꝛrd ts Whole: pour ayde and ſhield, Pꝛotectour ſure: in folone and ſfield. All ve that feare:the Aord ſo hye, Mruk pe this iow : to hym applpes Whe 107d is tohale - pour ayde and chylde P2otectour {ure : in tobon and filde. he Lod hath mynd : and careth fo2 bs," He toplt bs bleffe : moſt pꝛoſperous: - And Jacobs houfe : fo will he bleffe, Bleſſe Aarons houfe : be wyll not mylſe. Who feare the 102d: be bleffe them ail, Both rich and pore : both great and Mall: To do them god : is hysentent,. Who woꝛlhip him: mofkreuerent, © FF UG, ai Whe as: 16 17 18 34 Pfalne. ex. . he Lox inpil adde : fo pour encreaſe Toheape hys avites : he wyil not ceale ¢ Appon pour felfe : intopfullcheare, — Gnd after on: pour childzen d care. Bearethe Lordes moft bleffed lof, sf fearein pou ; be not forget, Whe Lordes pebe: hys heritage, Sei? Who made of heauen : and earth the ltage. The heauens ſo houge: the heauens Jſaye, Beallthe Lords; in whom theyſtaye: The earth be gaue: fo mena place, To Dinell therin : to ferue bis grace. {he dead that be : prayſe not the 1020, No fence in them : wo voyce 02 {02d 3 Ne thep whole co2ps : belavd to relk, Bp thentno laudes : canbe expreſt. Wut we alyne: wyth voyce and hart, Wipll prayſe thys i020 : fll we Depart ¢ From thys tyme forth : and lo forape, han fing ive ftpll : Alleluya, GT he Collette. E thou our prote@our & helpe O mercifall Lord for we put our wholaffiance in thee only,be mind fulltharthou formedſt vs oute ofthe moulde of the earth graunt vs therfore thy ftrégth to acknowledge thee our maker duly to laud thee and crlebrate: thy hame — —35 &c. 4 ¢ | Pfalme. cxvj. us. BF TI he Argument. Palme. CXVI. - | When Dauid {capt:aduerfitie, _ to God Wwyth thankes he goes, va So man full past: all miferie, : . ( may fohyshart difclofe. ~ : = Loued haue : the Lord and Hall, Dilexi ii ! wyth all mp bart fo2 why: niam. He fone bath heard· my prayers all wyth voyce when Idydery. 2 Full nye J fap : bis eare he bent, fo me moft redilp: Wibherfo:e my dapes: that me be lent, hym twill J call molt hye. 3 The lnares of death :dpd clofe me in, pea panges of bell me found: Fellanguith fmart: and woes betivene, FZ felt about me round. 4 C€ftiones % crped:in Gods god name: fo2 belpe and ſayd enen thus: OLoꝛd F prap-thp grace J dame, my foule from payne difcuffe. . § DF clemency: the Lord is full, DR 3 and iult he is in worde: And this our God - ts mercifull, which doth all grace afo2de. 6 6 Whe Lo preferuth:the fimple ones, as abiectes counted here: RS F02 lo ntp felfe : was wo becone, ~~ AND Health be bꝛought me nere, io II 12 13 30 /alme. cxvj. kcewertore Jlayd: O turne agayne, my foule info thy reff : | Since that the Wozd - hath eaſd wd papne, fo; thpne aduantage beſt. For fhou D i020 = hak rpd my feares, my foule from death beſyde: And eke myne eyes: from wepyng teates, my fete fron falling wyde. To walkeinlife - J purpofe then, before the 02d vpright: Ud hple here Z lpue - with liuing men, on earth fo pleale his fight. Credidi propter quod. J held my fapth therout J ſpake, to God in hope full ſtrong: Although with woes : my harf did quake, and ſorꝛowes ſeamed lang. An all my flighfes : fo fork fo fle, 4 fapd thus balfe amaſd: Gil men on earth : but liers be, myne epes were ſo adaſd. To quyte my Loꝛd: what ſhall Igeue, bys benefites at length: His grace fo great: by whom Ilyue, ſurmounth my ſimple ſtrength. Jwilltake bp : and heaue on hye, the cuppe of thankfulnes: And Gods god name : belech wyll X, who compakt all mp wealth, we Pfalme, cxvjj. 339 74 Bo ob my 3.020 Z noly * paye, kg my boines that J beh SA ith thankful bart : nom bapte Dave, In all bys peoples fight. The Loꝛd no doubt· full deare ——— the death of all bis ſaynts: ' Pe taketh to bart : their wꝛong purfuts : : and beareth their wolull playnts. Fortenth, loz - -thyfernauntlords 2.6.0 ; thy feruaunt this may fpeake ¢ XThxy hand mapdes fonne : can this recagd, 96 £02 thou mp bandes didſt beeake. Xo thee therfore : % offer thal, .. . of thanckes the facvifice: ‘Whe lordes good name: aie to fect, a) will in gratetull wile. St enue 3 ipl repaye, my vowes that 3 bebight : ; With thankfull bart « from daye fo Dane, 3 in allbys peoples fight, ‘Anallthe tourtes · euen int in them, ‘of Gods hype houſe fo bight : In mydit ofthe : Hieruſalem, O prapte this Lord ariaht. . FT he Collette. Od the clenfer of manes foule fro the filthynes of finne which.in redines dooft c6fort his fprite that call vpon thee faythfully,we befech thee to plucke vs from the daunger of death and heJl and to place vsin the region of che lyning, where death and finne be a- ' . ‘bolithed, G Chrift, OD Je The , a. <) e — 338 Mlue exvij, cxv. qe Whakatane; Boeck ay Oat? odes ge GT he Argument... Pfalme, CXV HM... Tbis Hymne dathendight,» ~~ X J God⸗ glorious might, — — Laudate His truth and grace most free, = | Dominum. That Gentils afarre, Were made to be narre > With Tewes oneflocke to'bee pave duly § lord in myndkul accord: pe hethen onesall vayn⸗ 1 Pe Oentils Jbid:recount how pe lio - € peaple this i020: And honour pe right :this Loꝛd in his light: pe nattons all in tow Allpeople ¥ fap: Where euer pe lay : extol this ILo2des renotwr _¢ Formeerly bps grace-nivo merciful face vonnund wem an be a | ps lone doth excell-all unne to debell: his grace is general, his lord in his truth: mak Fable enſuth · his word € promile in The faith of his wap: will neuer decap:D pzatle this lo2d of tru | 2 GT be Colecte. Asta ‘ A Lmighty and moft merciful Lord, which wouldeft be prayfed by the mouthes ofall nations, thorow out all the world ,whofé grace we the Gentils cald vs to the perticipation of thy fonne Iefus Chrift,we be- ſeche thee ſo to confirme this grace i vs,that'we ne- uer declyne there fro, but continually laud thy mere cy, through the fame Ieſus Chrift,&c. | QT be Argument. Pflalme. CXVIII, $a has Palme is fing : of prayfe and landes:that Danids rulebegonne: Infprite it fhewth Hoſte me Jwill:with them to dweill · which the do duely leare? A Hyd who do kepe⸗ — fulltocll:in bart to mynd name cleare, 3 pil, dale,and bale:the earth is full-thp mercies Lozd to tell: | — thou therloze my wits fo dull:teach me thy fatutes ſpell. Boni- Pfalme, exix, 351 \ Teth. 9. _ #& Bonitatem fecifti. ort : wr SS ¥ 30rd confelle: thou deal full kynd: with me thy ſeruaunt frayle: Au thy goo funzde-fuch grace J fpnde:thp promife neuer faple. Inſpire right taſt:of difcipline: and me ſound knowledge teach: Zul haue Jhold:the lawes of thyne: molt firmly then to ſeach. Inuegeled foule · awꝛy Jwent: before Jwas coꝛrect: Impꝛint Jnow:thy teſtament: iy hart thus gentlycheckt. —— = Intirely god: and liberall· thon art who can deny: Allumine thert-my ſenles all thy ſtatutes well to fpp, ; qlimen and prond-thep2 traps haue fet: fo ſpot my truth {with tyes, Inure my hart· Jpurpoſe pet: all whole thy lawes to bile, ae Pe oll Inlarded is their hart with pꝛide: they ſwell in fat and greale: AInur J not: their topes ſo Wide: thy lawes can me refreſh. «Bf ey ee ivealth:fo god if vas: that troubles me did ſtrayne. Anbue Iwas fo: my foule with grace:to learne fhy ſtatutes playne. ? oy moze J Do: thelate of thyne: which thy ſwete lips prononnce: Anfinttelp-then ſiluer fine: 02 goldathoulandounce. VHVhHꝛiij. Minus “~ Iod.16 AAanus tug. | 3 Bing,Lor,¢ God:theu art to me:thou madſt € formdſt my fhape Rerne Repe my hart: knowledge free-thp word in mind te wra & Kxynd louyng mer: that worlhip the: wyll ioy at me right fone, Leva fak thy twozd - was (oto ine : imbope that J bane Done.) 3 Know well Idoe in thys thy rod: thy iudgements allbe inf, Rnow Worthy 1s - thy truth D Gad ; which humbled me to ou, 4 Vblle thon mp foule - by toning grace-fome comfort ſweete fo fele Knyt iuſt thy word· thougb ¥ be bate: thy man pet euery deale. § Kneele lowe ¥ tuill::to.atke full fad : thp merevesallinfight,- is epe than my life : 3 tall full glad : for 4 thy lawe delyte. 6 Hildotun p prond:confonnd their lies:thep me wold vayn peruer— Liole thou their beate:and Jwill rpfe;to pꝛeach thy lawes apart, 7 Renne theythylames: : as turnde tome : woho duely thee do feare, Knobon right who haue. thy dignitie : thp word With me do bears. 8 Tinocke,atke,and leeke: twill,and weeper in hart thy word to fpie, nead cls in miresok error veepe-4 Mould mokMhamefulip, De- Palme, exix, 353 - park. ——— ~ Defecit, ee A eel el Longd hath mp ſoule:and languiſhed: while Jthy helth erpect: Loꝛd pet thy 19030 : me comfozted : for hope dyd me erect. - Aoboth myne epes : Did kaynt and wall - thy promife fill fo wayte, . Lowd thus J ſpake:when wilt thou call. thy helpe to eaſe mp ſtrayt. Axbe though 3 was’: fo bottle doped: in fmoke fo was my fiyn; | Leaue would J not: thy ſtatutes tryed: J kept pet ait therin. Leafe 102d shades hots log to go:thy feruaut fapn would kitote Dong wilt thou dake: erre thou mp toe:wilt iudge who thruſt me (lowe, Lyme pittes fall fips : thetelt lurdens proud : did digge in craftp ſort, Lpeslolwd thep made : not tell auolvcd - by thy true lawes report. (vntrue | Life,truthand tap - thy lawes contayne - though words they prate i se meMebepes where men fo vayne: do faifiy me purſue. F (ſpent: Large fautes they made : fo make me ſinke: feel nye they had me Loth pet F was. in hart to Meike - from thy conmaundement, Let then thy grace:and gentieneffe: refreſh and me reuiue: 0 panes ſo 4 fhall-and wit erpefle-thy mens of meuth belpue. — * In ~ Lamed.12. An eternum domine. JF oye I Deke Loyd thy word: mcf Mable lieth as henen: permanent: A of ſtrong it is:as to teſtetien the farry frꝛmament. <2 apan truft map thee: thy favth fo ſtandth: in truth fromage to age: Parke wel we do-the earth e ond. how fyrme thou madk the Kage 3° Made fall thep bid: by thy decree: vntil this preſent dap: | Peete ſeruice all. do peld to thee: In allth ee courte and fap. 4 Wychief delpte:and onament-onlefethy lat bapben: Poe deepe it Ina: A bad ben ſhent:whole quenched quite hed 5 Mind Hil J Will: thy lawes precept:and nener tf forgets. ? Pe ill wife: it Daplp kept: by thee this grace Jget. : 6 Maineteyn mp life:fo2 thine fo wrought: Jam moſt congruent, Mid whole in bart: fo2 why F (ought: thp true commaundenient. 7 Madmen inbharte-bugodly men: atvavted inte fo Rill: J Mulſe pet J did; full off agayne: thy teftimonves wyll. reine 8 2 och noted 4 -thinas fineſt tried; date faſt to brittle ender a — infinite: tel law J — whole bredth no as ths tp a ‘ Pfalne, cxix, 355 dent 5; ) rae | ~ Quam dilexi. ‘ Hye loue in hart thy lain Jbeare: ſuch boperthertn'a toirme: | 4 No day doth patie: but that Jſteare:my mind to mufe therein. roty haſt thou made:my wit excell: my foes by thy precepts: 7; Nao time there is: but that 3 mel:tvith them in my concepts, q : Note this J do:Jammoꝛe wiſe:then all my teachers be: No dout ſoꝛ this:that Jaduiſe:thy teſtimonies free, Hot aged men: haue knowlege like: J them erceede to far: Spo aetal suas kepe {hp lates fantilier, 7 Hedes mulſt J ſtey· and fo J do: my feete from path of bice: Spo witherward aſide to go: but keepe thy words deuiſe. q Nought do Jchrinke· one ynch alvey: fromthy decrees amiffe: Po pꝛayſe to me:dath —— foz thou haſt taught me this. q Selv fragant taſt· by thy ſweete word: O hol my pallat felt: Ngo hony combe: fet on my bourd: {uch fivetenes ever delt. 7 otorious:my wildome greip:by thy commaundements; | ” Wicked wares:then will J fue:3 hate all crafty fients. FERIA Lucerna 356 Palme, xix. ~ Non. 14, > ew Lucerna, | r @ Lord fhy fro: alanferne ts: fullcdeareto quite mpfete: Dndoubted light: that till not initfe: fo rule mp patijes nol mete, 2 OthenceJ fpake: and promiſe made:in hart J full decreed · Oblerue that J-hould whole in trade: thy iuſt and righteeus rede. 3 Oppꝛeſt J ant: O Lord to hye: in foule,in ſprite, in fieh: DF this fore erofle-reuiue thou me-thp worde — no leſſe. 4 Ohlet my mouthes:free facrifice: pleaſe thee O Low — F Ope thou my wits in ghally wyle:teach me thy iudgementes ckill. 5 Mnfure imp Ipfe: all vip ¥ fe: my ſo ule woth it ape hand: Obliuious pet: thy labo to flee : F twill not fo be bond. 6 Dnurightkull men: and obfinate: fo2 me a ſnare haue laps, Difend thp laiu-pet will J nof-te renne from it aſtraid. 7 Dbtapnd J haue:thy witnelles · in iuſt fee ſimple Mate: Oblected fo: my fanſy is: with them mol delicate, 8 One thing inhart:incdpnde J fo: to wozke thy ſtatutes lore: Duce this to mille a” Iwill not fo: ta ende foz euermoꝛe. : Iniquos, Pfalme, exix, 55 ~ Samech.15. AIniquos. Pꝛeſumpteous men: tobich guiles deuiſe J hate ashppocrifes: . Pure law ofthine· moſt bie Jperiſe⸗ lor that all truth behightes. Pꝛotectour thou: thou art my bolver:thou art my trully hields J Perlilt J will in thy gad — 4 truſt thy wozd fo mylde. 3. Part pe from me: malignaunt men: pour by pathes wrong J hates * —* J ſhall·moꝛe iuſt and playne mp Gods percepts in gate. Plucke vpmyhart· Ome luſtayne ‘by thy ſweete worde fo Ipue: Pinche not my hope: ane thames difdapn:td ntake mp bart to rine ‘ 5 Pꝛeſerue me ſtill:in (ure deferice : fo fafe J Hall remayne: ‘Promote thp woꝛdes: intelligence: J Mhall alway full fapne, 6 Prelledotone thon wilt: all thé to nought: which erre fro thy decree Playne lies thep forge: in crafty thought: they frame but fallacies. 7 proud men lyke d2offe: thou wilt remone: Which ict in earth fo Tout - oo A loue: thy witneſſes full out. Perplext Wi feares:my defh Doth ſhake: when F thy polwer do marke — Agger atrapes: my ſaule haue take: thy iudgements be fo Darke BF, Feci 358 - Pfdlme, extixeg ~Ain.16, : aFeciiudicium. 1 Quite out my like J delt with that-tobich latvfull nas and right: To Quarelers: 4 geue me not: my ſoule with wrong to ſpite. 2Queynt thou my whart:delightfullp- in things of perfect name: ap Ju Quire ellys will:the proud therby-Some saith fo fhame, 3. Nuicke fight Jlolt· Mine eyes twer twatk: for wayting long thy helth — FQuothdand fight:and longed fad: thy rightwiſe worde of wealth, 4 Quitme O Loꝛd:thy ſeruaunt poore: front ſinne and mercy ts Sa So Quicken me:in all thy loze-and me thy ſtatutes teach. 5 . Quire out thetruth:that right I may:O bnderanding graunt; In Quiet mind-fo thee Jpray:as feruaunt fuppliant, 6 Qualms ouerwhelmd: my wolull hart:foꝛ men bane ſtroyd thy atu: , O D Quel them ALogd: as iudge thou art: the time doth aſke thine aw. | Quench not my ſprit: with thefe thy foen-fo2 J thy lates doloucs — Ho Nuerrp geuyth: ſuch gold 02 Hone-which J would prife aboue, 8 | Quake might my hart:il all thy lates: J held not all the be Ho Quellion ‘J lone thy lawes al falfe wayes J dete . Mirabilia Pfalme, cxix- 359 Pe.17. AWirabilia. of Right ionderfull: Cet hy aloft:thy tettimonies ares ae Keuolue thertore: then will J olt· my ſaule hall kepe them nar, Reſort who doth: thp tate the doore: winth lightas thetuth the prote,. J — wildome rileththerby in ltore tofinplemensbeboue ' Raple by my mouth: ‘A did apert:fo2 wind my beth J drew: | Rekreiht fo that · Jwilht my hart: with thy ſweete ſtatutes vetv, Reſpectme Lord Hot meretule. myltrength were els but lame Rueẽ than on meas thou do vſe: on them that ous thy name. Mule thot myſteps:thy word to tread forme them to lyue therby: 7 Reigne can no pride. in all my bead: to banity fo fly. 6 Redeme me Lorde from iniury-of men in quarels vayne: Retayne Z may moꝛe conttantly-thp conſtitutions plaine, 7 Reueals to me·thy ſeruant true:thy louely face fo bright: - Kenuemy ſprite:my ſoule endue:teach ne thy ſtatutes right. & Ran dolor my checkes:did water kkreames · kor thy law thes balke : Rough cheare J madeto note all realms· againſt thp law to walke. nee | JgJ ·iiii. ———— 360 Pfalne, cxix. ~ Zadic, 18, M Infure$ Domine, 1 at ie) Strayt bak thou chargd:that me ſhould haunt· thy teſtimonies reed Still fapth ta ſpeake:ſtill truth to graunt · moſt vebement at neede. Slide pet thall not: uiy memozp: from thycommaundements. F * Seene right thou att: full god and iuſt: D 1020 in veritie: So tighteous be- thy domes diſcuſt: alliudacd in equitie. Sower seale fret me: in gelouſie: for tre nye fpenf Jinas: Set whole fo2 that:mp foes 3 (py:from all thy wordes to paſſe. Sxkoꝛd cleane fullout: thy word is fene: ſine tribe krõ de roſſe bnpuret Sticke fall to it: thy ſeruaunt meanth: in hartto loue it ſure · Smal though J ſeeme and bile af eve-fo baunting inſolentes Sound righteouſnes: topic tufficeis:and that which Hill twill Wes Sure truth thy law: is fo iwiſſe Itrulſt therto full fall, seegve Stand ener (hall, hp witnelles: in ryghteouſnes to tay, a Se wiſdeme then well teach ne this:that euer lyue Jmay. Clamaui. X Palme. cxix. 361 ACoph.19, = lamaui. | Thy qraceto winne!cried lond Jhaue from hartettertaall: — O Aoꝛd inith ſaue: thyltatutes kepe ſhall. TotheeJ fuyd:D fave tne thin: SAfuedfononebefives That ink FZ may: in life avolv-thytetimoniestricd. 9 Che dawning day: prenentinaly: ‘*¥ cried mot earneſt than: Trult fat 3 did: thy words fo why· my hope therby 3 wan. 4 - Syme watch otnight mine epes preuent: fo rath J then awoke: | Chus that F night: fome thing commét:of thy trae word on booke . Tourn Lord thine eare:mp bayce to heare · thy mercies atke euẽ fa: | ai thoumr bart: reuiue me — as thou dooſt vſe to do. 6 hep tread fall upest that inca ott wit their malpce execute: Twind far thep be: thy labo to fle: 102d be my refute, © 7 Tread thou as nye:D Lord twith apde: for Gob thouartat hand: Crue — all tuftly lava: thete wayes be mad and fond. Tanah am 3 fare ‘eat Elovig ago-of all thy witneſſes: : brougo thee were fet: moſt — ſo — nent 4 _ 262 | ——- Pfalme Cxix, Res.ꝛ0. MWide humilitatem. 25 dO 1 Upfe thau my wo. and rid my fnart-thou (eck exild ame When pet thy law:from inward hart: korgotten neuer cam. Uphold my caule: and me teleafe:fo free redeamd to ryſe: Wak not my life: but me refreſh: in thy words fvaratitife, Ungodly men: front bealth ren far-and health ren far fro them: Wil poe fie they foul: fo2 hy they erre- thy words thep fearch not thé | Whe Kill thy grace: D 3020 of might· thy mercies great be ſeene: : white life, aud top retreth mp italia as earlt darts bene. Gaine mon there be-vight many one. which me purſue and pꝛele⸗ Ware pet Jam:to ſwerue to: fone: front thy ſweete witneſſes. Uple men J (pied: franfarelle thy latn-fo2 grief therof 4 quoke: | Which was becauſe: at res ſaw: thy lawes how thep forſooke. - Hein thou my hart: D Loꝛrd ¢€ ſee:how thy precepts Jloued: Wherefore bv arace:reutue thou me-not whole fro thee rerteanied.} Uouch this J map:thy woꝛd in chiele in fone is truth moll pure: Weak can no fone: toe lawes relief-thy DARE ape au ul will Dure, rincipes x id Palme, exix —383 xEin.ꝛ. APrincipes. tremly Loꝛd:J am purlued of pꝛinces vndeſerued. xactly bet: thy tang Jvebod· F them with feare preteruer⸗ Xteme JI ds: thy word fo glad:and ioy therofasmich: © | xceding Joy:as he hath had:that ſpoyles hath found moe rich. 3. 4 Feetle ofipes: 3 hauc abhoꝛde:J haue them aye defied: : If Xtend J haue-my lones accoꝛd:to all thy lawes ſo tried. ‘4 | Xprtt 3 hane: thy latodes mol deare · ſeuen times a day no leſſe: AAXpending tall: hp ——————— wrought in ſouthlaſtnes. ER 5} \ cellent peacesin confcience:hane they which lone thy laine 4 on⸗æ can: _— offence: no harme fo them can dzatv, is | Apect J bo:thp pelpe arid health · 3.02 to thee pleades : cited ſo Jhaue my ſelfe: thy in pzeceptes to freade, 7 \ gauintytn conte 3 heptane ve: emi: © reas by vſe: them vere ieamescsenigly: ne 3 \ -\ > Sal J haue: thy ftatutes right:and eke thy witnelles: n recom from theeste (cape thy ſight· can tio fecrecies. RKa.ii. Ap —— — 364 ee Pfalme.Cxix, ATal,2 2% ~Appropinquet. . 1 eld Loꝛd affent :{with eaves vnſhit · to heare theſe lawds ¥ fing: wt mought pleate * to graunt me wit: as thy word bfe fo bringe. 2 Pefonce x pap: mone (ute even fa: admit before thy f face: — delpites: D take me fro:thy word fo — iv grace. 3 Pmnes,Plalms, ¢ fonas: mp lips thal found: fuch cõmẽdatiõs tend | rt: thou wilt teach- my bart the ground-thy lawes in. bart to. graue. | 4 Pea lure my tong:ſhall Kill expꝛeſſe· thy word defer ingly: | oꝛt fo With truth:and rightwiteneie: the whole precepts J tbe. 5 spore after pere:me then vpſhore with thy good helping bani: | Pong dio J chole: ~~ erie ad loze-to thy decrees fo fand, —————— fan wihedlang ty health to leele fo meete: Vies, head, and hand-hane loued as — th £0 Hee (0 Tlocete. 7 veld Fill Jwill: O life prolonge: mp ſoule ſhall pꝛayſe thee then: Bare ſhall J wide:for arde among * thou doſt ayde — men. 8 Pouth made me erre:as ſheepe but loſt· ſeeke bp thy ſeruant —* Pes ſeeke him 3.070: beltow thecolt thy law me not — ee nae el ee — eae 6 ‘ 4 3 oe J * The peoples vowes to bliſſe by papers, Foꝛ lucky (pede: in theyr affapres, ~ Palme, cxix. 365 + @GTheColletie. — Linighty God the onely paterne & meede of all felicity, which by thy wholfom directiõ informſt thy faythfull feruauntes towalke vprightin thy law, to fearch thy pactes and promifes ,to obferue thy pre ceptes and commaundementes, graunt ynto vs, fo to vnderftand thy iuftifications and wyth whole hartto fearche thy wylles and pleafures, and to preache out thy great actes done to our behoofe, that when wee were as lofte {heepe wandryngin our wayes of igno- raunce,we myght be brought home to thy ſhepefold 3 a to be placed on thy ryght hand wyth thy thepe in thy ~ kyngdome,through Chriftour Lord,&c.. | gO bferuations. hele fiftene 43 falmes: nert followpng,. We fangs denamd of Keps 02 ſtavers, F 02 that the quiere: on them dyd fing, As neede and tyme: as cafe dyd brꝛyng. In wedlocke, warre:o2 houſe begonne, — Foꝛ peace.fo2 apde : foꝛfreedome wonne, GT heedrgument. Pfalme. CX. When Dauid felt : all ſpite of man, All helpe of God: he then optaynd : By whome alone: reliefe he wan, Erom hard difeafe: that hym conſtraynd. 4G se trust We than, When we be payna.. C BiG, Za: i Pfalme, cxx, _ 366 3 — 1,Canticumgraduum, ae RS eg D) God vhen gy : was vert wyth finart, 1 Ad do- 5p bronafull meanes: ofman oppꝛeſt: wed = minum Ky yA erved tn bopee: J ervedin hart, a8 —— parts cumtrib. He aunfiverd me · at my requelt. He gaue me ref 2 #o2thus J fapd: and fill will fap, D iow my foule : deliuer free: From lying lips : faue me J pray, Bu fet all bay; | From crafty tonges : that double bee, To vanitie. 3 _atttthat thatt thou winne: what gayne 02 eit EThou crafty tong : twith all thy ſpyte: ve 2 what map that: increafle thy thirſt, se he diff? F alle tong to ole- in fuch delpte? What wink in figh 4 Cuenthis thou wynlt: tharpedartes and fell, — DF Gods rong hand: indzeavfullfeares Whoſe Krength thall fend: thy ſpite to hell, sam Marke if wen, As whote as coales: of Juniper. In mynd it beare. s Owoisme: that myne abode, As Kill pꝛolongd in hard exile: hus fork fo divell: as ca abode, 52 belpe me God, — Bu Ceder fences : both blacke and vyle. Pe reconcile. 6 Ah long to long· mp ſoule abydth, WU pth (uch as hate - god loue and peace: — ith people rough: of batutp pryde, a caft them wyde, Ahich fierce in hart : on me do une | =< * 1 Leuaui oculos. Palme cxxqj. Milhan peace J ſeeke: they cry to warre, WMban kayre J ſpeake thep fheeat the mores Whan them 4B fue:thep dine me farre: Thus gall foꝛ loue: J gainein More. = - + J O Godbenarre, Help me therfore, GT he Collette. 3 67 Q6od the onely pacifier ofall manner of angwifhe and trouble,deliner we pray thee the fouls of thy Chrift,&c. : sh ; — 9 The Aronment. Pſalme CXI. ADauid here: fo other king, 3 The people than: hym following, } DC se toward warre: ought thus beginne: true feruants from flaunderous and lyeng lippes , ta be neuer overcome by the malicious aflauts ofthee- © uill, but to ftand by the affiftence ofthy grace wholye in thy protection to the lawd of thy name ,. throu he “4 Skould wifhe hym {pede:Gads ayde to winne Thus comth hein. 2 Canticum graduum, | O heauenly hils: J lft mine cpes, AY | Zit fapthfall hart:euen there direct. F rh Whence can els: my belp arifez Gots foes fo quel-fhis cur fen fect. Ocurlſedlſect. Let all mp help: come whole from Gov Wiha made this heauen:and earth fo fee: Thougdh other fray: moſt far abecade, _. His wall his armemy truſt ſhalbe. My toike ſpeake pee, _ 38 ug. Ws: , 368 ~.- 50 Palme, > cxxj. Ue trn€ and pray :that God of hotts Will not permit: thy foote to filpde: : ‘But make thee beate-the Paynyms boffes, He lleepeth not he:that kepeththy fine. . iw aybe is tried. F 0210 he will: not — once Much moꝛe, deepe ſleepe: he will repell wut keepe he will: his little ones, We warden is: of Iſraell. | Wie truſt him well. The Low himſelfe:wilbethy chield. The 1020 thalbe-thp ſhadowes bower: St thy right hand:moſt nye in field He will thee keepe: both day and hower. Wy godlp power, Che ſunne by dap: hall thee not burne, But hine therof: hall dearethywayp, _ The mone bp night: hall ferue thp turne: er frorp bognes-{hall thee not frap. But be thy Kap. Whe Lord our God-iwill thee preferne, From all euill haps:from all mifchaunce: The 1020 wil fanfe:thp foule conſerue Be will thy fayth:and fante auaunce. an Gouernaunce The or will keepe: and keepe mought be, Thy conning itt: thy going ont: By puifant potwer: (thus pap all fue) From this * font. — {world about. We haue he dout. Pfabne’ CxXXH, == 389 GT he Colleéte. Efend thy ft O God, which art fo vigilant 2 “watchman ouer thy flocke, graunt that we be con ducted fafely by thee both by day and nyght,fromi all affaultes of our enemies,through.&c. GT he eArgument. Pfalme. CXXII. Here Salem is : well royed and wifht, That earthly mount : is figure past: ____ ), | Forvs tewifh : Christes * ſo blist, 7 bat we in heauen: may mete at last. __ — From earth difmist. Fo sg, CanticiiGraduum, | ae 7AOſtglad ¥ twas (faith god man fo). Letatus When men deuout: ſaid thus to me, — famin. © Come we in one:in will wego, / | the lordes oe — ay him to. J 2 Our feet thal ttand: in tertentie, = Within thy gates - Hieruſalem. ; | Within thy courtes:where toe Hall ſee i Gods true aa to ioyne with thent, An perfectnes. — 3 Hierulalem: cheulbinyng —— S| | Thou builded art - mpeacefulues, ——— As citiecls:twanprealme, = —— fo2 holines. — In tymes ſelect. 4 Fodꝛthither hauc - the tribes accelic, : ) | Euen Gods owne tribes: bp him elect, — — Imeane Gods flocke - of Iſraell, 7 CTo laude hys name: by lawes reſpett. Wis prapte to tel : LALf. F 02 Dierufatem - to haue euen thus:s——__-—__- 3:70 nase Palme. cxxij. F02 thete the feates: be duly dete⸗ To iudge the truth: by prietthodes fpell, — : Set there tue le - of Danids houfe, — His tudgement feat: | there iuſt to dwell. of glorious.. | © wiche and pray:all iovfull peace, Who loue thee well: 02 withe thyne cafe, — ‘Alltop haue thep: | mok pꝛoſperous, Well God fo —— ~ @ pence betill-thp toalles & fepte,o-—-———-~ o forren polver:to worke difeafe ; ——— Ood graunt thy tovers:mayp frong abide, In all {uccefle: moſt happelp, — Sp Gad the guide, — — Hf Oy beethernes fake: mp neighbours nye; —- Make me thus fpeake:bp on thy fide; Zo withethe peare: fo earneftly, Thy iwelth to ſtand: —J frontdap to dap, — CD spount molt hye. Pea thus 3 like:thp wealth J fay, —————/ Foꝛ Gods heule fake: our i020 of loue,. ꝰ — Whoſe regall potwer: therin doth lap | —/ a D thus de twe- > our bartes fo moue, —— Can ſprite ta pꝛay. QT he Collecte. ¥ Ouch efaue O Lord to graunt to all fuch.as delight to walk in the courtes of thy houſe the congregations of thyne e- lect people,continuall abundant peace that while in the fame | we confeffe thy grace exhibited therto, we may enioy thy feli- citie in the heauenly habitation, through Chriſt, &c. ¢ Pfalme. cxxiii, 371 The Argument. Pfalm,C XXIII, : { OnWhome the worlde: doth looke awryes — _} T his pſalme is fit: for there beloue:— 4 Proude worldlye men.true man defye, ‘| Alilske themfelfet hey only lowe. an; ets proofe doth trye. —4⸗ Canticum Grady, : YO the J lifte-mine cies onbpe, —}——— — eZ Wo thee that dwelſt: inheauen abouc, — 0—üñe ’ oct me Itruſt. thou wilt app2oue,— & Lord be npe. rr 2 i 2 — and mayd: for belpe doth eve, —— ia Thepyr Lords ¢ Ladies handes to pooue:— So we our epes:bende certainly, —-— To Godour Loyd: bis — eae —* —— — — — — —— Lorde:to bs applye, —__——}——— | Haue mercy pet:{helve bs thp loue:- 2M. Forfkownde we be: fullbitterly, — * se: dana bg opis frome — rentoue—— ee ts | * Uelith mockes and tamnts: 12 Be pot oe 2 oe = = wm oH — 5* ry — td BEE 7 apc wit. 372 ‘Pfalne: ‘ext GT be Collee URES EnecKe | : Q God whofehabitation i isin — we elite vp our § "eyes vnto the befeeching thy mercy torepres the Ss" opprobrious defpites of the proud& fauorably graũt to : to fele thy wonted merci¢ Sy oer + Christ ot our | Lorde, i GT he Argument, — PfalmOXX IIII. he Tues fo leftcin Iury frill, VV han they exild:were thes — 5 we we fame, 4 } YVith thanks theyr fongssehey did fulfils be pay countestete, As ethics by times together met. bah Jf ie tS Canticum graduum. 1 Due God hinifelfe:by redp grace, —— wii —73 th an sere — | ss gain mens {pite- € {refull face, ——_}- As ine fane. Say 3 raelin tong erp —— a i —* * 2 ——— to — — xcept the ULozde-binrlelfe in pꝛeace:⸗ Had ben {vith bs: itt oper place; : gue ated, g wbe mẽ rote ‘bp: out barts to pref : | sates : | give Itraell, Ue mull conteſſe. — 3 Whephaddenourd-bp time and (pac Dur foules euẽ quicke: In cruelneſſe⸗ Wiba khey (o faine would bs diſgrace And fumed at vs An weathtuineile. 4 Whe Kowmns,¢ founs: of woes fa bate— Had drownd bs quite: by they: erc TX he rozing ſtreames:ſa ſwiſt in pace¶ 4 atest foules Temenilette, — ae sea eto, § : Pꝛoud * —— — * Ve — a ae ——— —* — ous foules: in beupnes: — Qur reſt of life:thep would deface. And thought therin: great godlineſſe.· woho duld thep2 teeth-our fleth to race—} | Their pray lo fought: in gredinelle. — Dur ſaules as birds which foulers trace! Gods mighty name: we ought teblate Dur help at nede: who madenat But heauen and earth. and all it hate— } | Pfam eerily, ogy site Iraell, 14 We mult conteltes Mith hart mo kind-let bs esmboace,—} —* This louing Lord · w thanks to blefle—| | ueaceen | | ? ent contee. 3 | | Z pe ‘ke Itraell | tetera cote f Be (caps their ſnares:oſ wickedneſſe · Which they with crafe:did interlace, — The Mare ts bꝛoke: wwe haue releate. eA As Iſrael:maye Hil expꝛeiſſe. Reta theepeaine sah ehh — | gThe colleéh. - ut vpthe — — of the euyl, O Lord, who labour to deuour vs by the rauenoufe teeth ofde- traction that where we doute our owne sina swe | may be faufe: by thee through Chriſt. ‘The Argiament | Pſalm. cx XP. This — commendh: -gainft Our — oft iti _ Almighty:Gods protections, | hal Cad Th we ath :to him can chue, eat BERETS | Pe ate eeues contryne. In vaine they frine. UAL... as iba * Aſalme cxxv. — aS Canticum gtaduum. Do ttiekth to God : in table fruffe,: Qui confi- As Mion monnt: thep ſtand fullinite, dunt.. which moucth no tobit- nor pet ca reel, But ſtandth fo2 ape: as Miffeas Mele, | han fruit — wele. 2 ‘Dierufatem: with bils i is fet, Enupꝛroned: with buwarnes great: Right ſo the i02d-fandth round about, vis peane nye loz euer ſtout. WWuitchout all dout. 3... Foxtwick ed potuet. {pith all bis tayle, Dn iult mens lot:thall not peeuayle: Lelt righfinife men: ſhould puttheir bande Xo wicherac 39 feareofbonds. _ gts op dands. a 4 Do tell aL oyb:i lones relpedt, | Ri os To godlp men:thouah bere reiect: And right bp men*of parfpte bart, 42 them ———— in gentle part. a 8 Gov th ou atte q 43 ; / — ‘But oho to —— ‘ill sates aecipne, Df croked drifts: twho draw the line: — Where wicked waile god them ſhall ledde Wut meer ſhall top itt meede- ; without al dreade. Sho GEL be Collett. | R iru O Cord the malignant afizultes of the cuillfrom the lot and ele€tflock of thy true feruants,that where they put — they: w hole truft in,thy protection, they may be ftrong againſt the woublous ſtormes all temptations: —— ⸗ In conuer- tendo. 2 ¥ ; i 3 pt » Pfalme, xX). | GT he Argument. Pfalme. CXXVT. This Plalmei in fi ight : : doth prophecy, | What myrth is made : most worthely: When God dcth worke : delinery, From Poules or bodies : —— To liberty. in, eee — WR Ys Wat tyme the 102d: Mall backe repry A fy/ Hard Sions thall-fo death fo nye, UNA AK Appeare Hhall we: then deeamingly, A ate ving — ior vnlokt: foꝛ then fo ſpy, Sa lodenly. Our ———— then lentuoutly, Dur tonges thall flow: with fongs full bpe, When Gentils hall. fay openly, F 02 them the L070: wrought ropally, Wie le at ter The Lord no dout - fall magnify, Foꝛ vs his polver: mo notably, hus map tue isp: then reftfully, Dur thraldome pak: all totally. | So bleſſedly. D 1020 refurne:then ſpedely, Dur captive Fate: our d2udgerp: — As riuers cheare- the fouth fo dav, So hall thine acte: vs gratefp. — * LAL tty, Whe 395 376 /alme. cxxvij. 6Telho ſoweth in teares: all mourningly, — Hys coꝛne bought deare: in penury: Shall reape agayne:vet ioyſully. To fee increaſe: bis neede ſupply. so fruitefully. 7 Who goeth front home: all heauily, With his fede leape: his lant fo trp: . PHebhomerefurnes-inpth bockp crp, With ſheaues fulllade abundantly, — Keioreingiy. 9 T he Collette. C Omfort thy people moft pitifull Lorde, and deli- uer vs from all maner captiuitie, finne, errour, & infidelitie,that where as we fowe herein teares wyth heuines,by thy goodnes we may reapein ri Oi glad- nes through Chrift, The Argument. Pfalm. CXXVIT, T his Palme deferibeth:Gods pronidence, Whence man muft {pye: his ſuerety- lo houfe & towne: bis Whole defence, { or els {hall he: his rusne fee, In-vanitye. - —8 VBS. Canticum graduum cept the Lord:the boule bp buploe | ‘Shep tople in vayne: who buylde moſt fayne: Except the Lord becitpes thielde, Che watchmanplapne: | loofe all theyr gayne CX bev win — paine Pfalme, cxxvij. Ear by 2 ⁊ — fone pe ryſe es hat late pe ereepe: pou late to kepe: | hat beead pe cafe : in carefull wiſe _ bere Gon gear 5* both found # deepe ¶ To his god thepe 3 iLo cidernbe⸗ anberitage, From Gor fo ſent· benenolent: The fruteof wombe- to comfort age, — — by his aſſent. Puniũcent. 4 “eerie — in Gyauntes —— Make ſtrength appeare: to (cape all feare So childern pong: fo Gods men andes, As Kaffe and + aon ng c- age moſt Deare, » Totherntulnate. 4 @ watlie bint twhote quinerés With hich fall dight · bis houte well — Mt iudgement gate «they ſhall not mis, Ba spent bs at foes deſpite, id Cathet eine “$11 tif “qTiaconete, otiid ERLyxernau God the repayrer,vpholder and builder of ‘all manfions both {pirituall & corporal! , without whole continuall ouerfight all thinges fhoulde fall to vtter ruine,preferue.vs we pray thee and accomplifhe our defires,thoughtes.and workes,that we go about to the sion of F ner SHARES Chrift, &c. rie MMj. J The — 378 Pfalne, — CT Teams hia tes Lrmaketh Gads feare:moft fortunates— oe = >) Where both he met. well Gad to.feruey >. yho can them deare:to make them fi vere. Wage, God will: here | Them both preſeruc. X — 1 steht sg Bits oho fear eth f: 2 * Beati Ny and —— omnes. WAho can agree:by fayth full ſure, | 4 * 6 main * daies:to him moſt pure * To ſeeke no ſtrayves: aut — 2 — ——— if; Dfthineiownehandiin ceafon due: F 02 thus thy meee: and trauels free, Well * thowtiansbiet fealteho wiles: An t — ‘aul 3 hy wite molt deaeras fentefull bine, | Shall fread thy houfe: the fides to bynes Thy childernecieare:Mhaltflozith out, — * Dipue nomen ie bourde aboute. ne, ) 4 hus Gor alolves, aby fate no dout. 4 © —— — 35 — pecans Set ‘Mhalbethatman; Who iuftinfeare-to Goodoth bends is life ta woe:can not defcend, ) & clpueth bint to, And — The 5 at Pfalme sexx IX, ¥ . 3 7 * With arace fupzeame:fhe idemouaitlve: Chat hou ma ce inblelieis pre, ban Sewn altciven RR a maga UD This come fo them, In feare who refk. I yp chilozensfeede:and progeny: 0. Godhew his face:to Iſrael omer tN —— —— aaduti ——— | The Collect. Grae to alfuch as feare thy name. 0 ron perpe- tual profperity in the ſtate of their lyues:referring al their actes & dedes: to the glorification ofthe fame through Chrift,) GT — Pſalm. CXXIX. As Syon vext: to God fhe can, prayers meeke: ta refuge make:—— . -) So Chriftesbis churche,and chriften man}. —- ; In Godtheyr — * take — age: harte yet For Chris sa fake. / 10. J——— graduum. eat avief they haue: againſt me wrought Dav topntiy fap, 2H hfs Pea , 38 O ar A flint Be : sea oft 4 ape ¢ fines; ey Oreattraines at me in tpite they lay : J Erom vp my pouth:fozall thep2 crimes:! << | hey coulde not fe ae. —— sais ya chriſten man · in like may pꝛaye. 3 The plowers plobode: vpon inp backe Theyr errours mad pet thought full gap: My truth, fo ſtrong: they could not facke;— Their lorrowes long: had ſhort deca. ste Chzik his ſpouſe map topnily fap. — le eae ‘torena fray, : In pifon bound they kept bs ſhut t ut God themall hath driuen to ba. Sint Chen man: in lite me pape. - — 4 The Lor fo intk:cheir cords hath a 5 Let them be wamde confounded fill, | And backeward tomnd:intheprarap — — All they tubich hate ſweete Sion Will; D2 that woulde cts: ber. quict frape. — 4 Let cher hots grene they — ftand, Be like in fiahte: the Witherd haye: On houles teps:pluckt vp by hand ⸗— That ladeth fo nought: without delay. —— 4 So Chrilfen matt: in like mape puape. —— — Wherok ys Pfalme cxxix, ee 38s > tatheieotin bapne-the motoers ai “as lben they to fuch:thep2 hands do fplap| Noꝛ gleaners can: fond ſheaues fo rppe, es sages — — - | ign Chutlt bis charche: map ioyntly faye, 8 Whatnoneto them-good lucke do wyſh. in.gate:by five the wap: Du Gods byenaine: they2 works to blettes! ——— well awaye ·· graunt that ofte: this all ive pape. T he Collect, Efend thy church, O Lord from al affalts of her ad uerfaryes that they al Lbeyng difcomfited,the true — fthe wen * ice in any —— chro ughe Bee — * : Non Canticum Graditat, Me sak Buencenshe: In heuynes, oo eee ) 26D iL 020 fo thee:my crping went — Depro- Dat ie ¥ From depth of hart: J did se fundis DB app great conftrapnts: molt violẽt. —— ano * 382 —— Dp ivofall 2 — i xc a5 | O let thyne cares: tobarkebe bent, — Dyprapers ery sinlotolines. * ey ‘@Diovatent———| Sfthou inonlott prette: “‘marts umnnelulnes 2 2 D 107d to fend: due puniſhment, —— TWho could OLoꝛd: the waightines, ES — byde· thy chaltiſement. —— wouldſt Be Loꝛd content: to we repent, — Foz thou ſheweſt grace-to babtenes—| hus feard tobe: mo reverent, © —— i hen kepe no finnes: in irefulnes, —— Be Loꝛd content Jhope releate: Itrult no leſſe, Whe Lord Jbyde - Hill permanent: ⸗ My loule erpecth-hys frendlines, wayte bis wordes accompliſhment, 3 hope releaſe. pare fo ment more confident, —.. To wayte my Lordes· great gentlenes, ——} hen watchemen withe: the night full fpent, | ———. And wayt the mozne-thep2 watche to ceafe. — — yp foule fo ment, a i. et oe if —9— ar hy Becauſe with God: isruefulnes, ‘pcan his mercyment, — Musx bt In faithfulnes. And fulkaquite · thew zetchtoniess — — “9 ao Pe ae ee we ah — — — 3 “ inchearefulnes, Let Jacob wayt:the Lord fo gent, « — — He twill relent : incontinent, Dé Iſraell: hispei Lone —— — GT he Collette. 3 — eares —** to our prayers O Lorde of all pitye and:compaffion, for wyth thee is copious . redemption, whereby thou dooft not furely obferue our iniquities, daily beftowe on vs thy mercies, thoe yough< nih &e. —* “qT * Argument Tale CXXXI. — Bs 78 as obstinate: Eyes he Saulesreigne : would vendicat, Hen prayed to God : immaculate. And botwe we low: with honour great, — oe. * — hre ſet in piaceUÜ | . And thus fay we.—— } PP Ariſe 10 11 te 13 14 386 — alut. cxxxij — kepe by place, — — Odk quiet reſt· no more to le: · O thou thy felfe: fone thither moue, ven : Thpne arke gf Krength: conioynd tnith dies O 11029 of lodue. And let thp — be deckt alwap, — TU pth right and health:as them behouth: Let allthy faintes-retopce J fay, So blew by thee: to praple the due. —____— , ‘Both npght and dayp.— Foꝛ Dauids fake-thy feruantfrue, —— a To whome thy grace:did louely pring ⸗ Shame not my face fo choſen new, 2 hyne owne(D 1L020)antiopnteo king, — | My hart to freat. Whe Lord in kayth: ſware promifing, To Dauid backe. be wyll not treat: — Of thyne olune tocmbes:engendzed frute, - J willto one-beltow thy feat. —— Ati lyke in ſute. ⸗ f that in truth: thy chiloerne wyll, By pact andftatutes: erecute: ———_---- CU bich J will teach-then hail enen Mill —__ Thy childern fit: thy throne fo2 ape- —. TW pth mp god will, —. Fo why the 102d: without denay, Wath Zyoumount - elect itchopee: He much defird ; that it ſhould tap, As (eate wherof:betwouloretopce, And thus be fayd.— Pere j alme.cxxxij. 387 14 Here chall mp reſt:from troubly noeyſe ⸗ xemavne fuil fure:fo2 ever ſtayd, ) Here will J dincli-fo2 her F wiht, In my defire: full well apayr. - we Se DF ber wif, —— 25 wer bvitayles all with fullinereafe, ——— bail bleſſe alway: my bliffefuil file, Ber pwre to fede: wyth bread at eafe, 3 woul them ail: full ſatiſſy, : If me they pleafe, 36 3 vill their prieſtes: adourne on hye, — —Wuith helth, wyth truth: wyth lyfe, vᷣ light And they bis faintes:Mhall fanctifp, Chat thep may iop: in bartes delight, : —— With bolines, ——— 17 ‘There Danidshorne-and regall might, — “* Fwillit make: to floꝛiſh freh. Andthere J will-a lpght prouide To myne owne Chrtt:bp frates tuccette, — Ot Dauids ſpde. —— 18 And all hys foes -fwyth vtter ſhame, AIwilthem clothe· and them deryde — as vet fo2 hym,hys crowne,and name, Sbhball doth out: both large and bꝛode, — | | In blelſed fame, = . | Sogtaunt it God, ccc STEER OO GLB Colle i150 3 wt . RR Emember OLord thynecternall pa@and promife et made to mankynd in Chrift thy — ——— ue our hartes worthely to aun{wer the fameon our behalfe, - by the fame Chrift our Lord, &c, ee PLY = The 388 Palme, exxxiy. | “The Ar ument Pfſalm. CXXXUL, ed {hort extrete: of loue the ——— So large in length: in taſt fof Wweeres O charity:thouart Iwiffe, oF Man the bliffe:in ech degree: O charity: wyth vuity. * ~ 14. Canticum gradunm i i Came and fee: how thitigs molk meete Ecce quã It is, and ſweete:vhere men agree: bonum. — Wbanb2ethren bound:together dwell An peace fo dwell· In loue be founde , O bnityp: keepe —— 2It is as. ſweete:as Walme the beſft— On head tell dreſt which do wne did ficete, Wy berd and theote.the berd J fay, DE Ancor gap-bis (hirt of cote. O charity: ſeeke vnitre 3 Itis as MWweete:as delve that vont, Fat Hermon mount:to make fo weete As dew no donut: that heauenlye fils, Du Dion hils-euen round about, - | D bnutp:beare charitp. 4 «For there even there:the Lord bath chargd, | WMhere peace enlargde:moſt rale doth bere: | Git bliffull ipfe-fo2 ape to be, — men ——— bopd all ſtrife. ——— bnity. The Ecce Pfalweexxxiti{, 389 Le TT he Collecte _* (Poure O Lord vpon thy church thy gift of? brother . ~~ ‘ly charity,and chriftia vnity that we may be fprin- Lled with the dew of thy ‘pirituall oyntmente and fo tha * twe maye ever reioyce in the grace of thy bene- diétion,through Chriſt. &c. OT he Argument. Pfſalm. CXXXIIII. T he Leuites fet:in nights to fing, T 0 God ſo great:their Lord and king, On steps inſight ſome one by choyces | UL Dyd thus excyte,all mens reioyce, Foꝛ all our fake: The ende of the fonges of the Stayers, weg —E So met to bring: | | Both fprite, and voyxce. if» f- 15... Cantich Graduum, | r -y QDpeallbere: | Motu prapfe the Lod: Pe ſeruants dere: By Gods acco2d, nunc be- Au And ye that ano: | By might in houſe: nedicite, Ot God ſo grand: And gloꝛious. ot Hist G37 E $Daaw neerestecarde | ata His hand, with bs. a Pour handes lift bye: In bolrnes, Bods ſacrary: Due laude expreſſe: The Loꝛd proclaime: Bli e pe his deede, Enhaunce ibe ſame: In fayth and dread. § apply no leſſe, is fameto ſppead. he Lord of grace: From Sion byl, Bliſſe he this place: Pour hart and inill, - Wbhoheauendidmake: And earth JIſar, WBoth nighte and day. Ey meeps till, Awake,and pap. Spt. The * 390 P faimecxxxy, OT he Collette. —— VVE thy feruantes all O Lorde, who of duetye doe bleſſe thee alway with our thankes we hartclye ray thee to vouchfafe to lighten vs darkened as. we * with the night of this world whereby we may ob- tayne moſt large bleffinge from that while we lifte v our hands in good workes of our vocation Diseneh ChriftourLord, | GT he Argument. Pfalme.CXXXP. | gs This Pfalme endited [eemth for ministers in quiere, ei 2 Gods workes it telth,vayne Gods it ſtornth,it fingth Gods laudes full cleare. 7 ber > Worship thanke and pratle-thenamecfGodthein., udate | Pe feruauntes all-ofthys pour God: laud pe with one accord. men 3 A } | a. MINI, 5 2 i eminiffers which ltand · in God the Lordes god houle· And kepe the courtes-of this our God:O pꝛayſe hym glorious. 3 Zande pe the Lord for why - the Lord is gracious, HSpng out his name: fo2 fwerte if ts 3 tomandelicious, The Lord no doubt hath chole : vnto hymifelfe in care. Milde Jacobs Cocke : all Iſraell: fo2 bps peculyar. 5IJunowe the 102d is great · and hye J him efkeme a And that our G od: paſſth ather Gods:which me fo2 gods do deeme. 6 And wyat it lyketh them : the Lord doth it in dede, In heauen and earth: in fea full out· in deepes where ſfiſhes breede. 7 He vapours likth krom earth: andtheytodoudsdorenne, = Ve lightnings turnth-to raine in lloꝛe: he winds dꝛawth out — “i Pſalme cxxxv. es or $8 Woonitetheircrucines betmote in Egypt land: Thepꝛ fruites irk got: not one to (cape: from man to beaſt in band, Inmidltoft thee the Lord his ſignes and wonders ſent: Thou CEgipt land, which Pharas and all his ſeruants ſhente. ; i ro He many countryes ſmote, and dyuerſe nations fictn- . He banguihed :molk nughty kings:and made them all to refy. ; t tr Of Ammoꝛ ites theyr Rb. Hight Seon bie in thoone: = Sada, that bog: of Balan king: and Canaans realmes echeone. - : a And gaue theyr lands and holds:for heritage of right: : Fozbertiage:to J fraell:bis people whole and quite. | | a 3 DL02d thy name endureth: fo2 ener world fo ende: d aad to age:thp mentary in tame fhal ſtil extend. Foꝛ now the Loꝛd bath indged: this peoples caufe moſt playne: them auengd:and pleaſo be was with all bis locke agapnes | J The Gentyls Images:be muer molt and gold: Gut handy worke:· of weetched men: haw cuer thep be fold 16 Mouthes bane thep made in themt-but fpeake nothing atal, —J So eyes they hauc-and nought they ſee, blind Gods and cafuall. ha ; And eares they haue in thape,and pet they heare no found: |. Where beat moſt domme:hath life and {prite , no beth ‘ them is } sund, J 18 «(As they be all fo-fee,thep2 makers be the leke: : ‘ Domme deale, and dead, brute ſtockes and blocks: ſo all which thẽ Ki (do ſeeke. Pe boule of Jfraell to nell p2apfe pe the Hod, houle,prcach pe bis * ‘the lords great actes reco} bitfe Pe 7 x —- ate fh. Pſalme cxxxv. 20 Pe Leuis houle and leede, bleſſe pe the 1020 all whole Be all that feare and worſhip true, this Lord mokk bye extoll. 2% MD) piapfed be the 1020,0f Sion nighte andday, His place is fet Brerufalem:D peaple the 1020 F fap. — G The Collette. J OSod of all comfort and ſwetenes, whome all the world for thy incomporable gentlenes more wor thely prayfe we befech thee to kepe vs from all vayne errour of the Paynyms vanities,to worlhippe thee in {prite & verity:through Chrift, The Argument, Pfalme.CXXXVI, : The Rettors. {7m Caroll fwwecte : exchorth vs clere, | - Gods goodnes great : to prayfe in quiere : T hat men wyth laudes : foould them inure, UE Quicre. | ; For thankes breede thankes:and grace procure “wtp. go redy bendth: hys loue fo pure, ~ | ae 5 — Well ix ioy: our hartes aßpure. Confite- NO | mini. bs Onkeſſe and praife: the Low moſt kynde: The Re- ctors. £ Foꝛ God he iss as man Doth fynde. i * For ener ftandth: hys mercy fure : bd apn Hys grace to vs: wyll{tyll indure. “The Meane, $@Dorvedy bendth: hys loue fo pure: dois, Leabich Will in iop : our bartes aſſure. Cotte | | WP falmbexxxyy 3 93 Reftors: 2: 1@ sffeand prayſe: the Bod ofeaDs, tiga! o made vs firſt: of carthip clods. For ever ftandth:hys mercy ſure, Ene Quier. fis grace to vs:wyll {till endure. So redie bendth-bys lone fo pure: — — —** wylli in ioy: our hartes affure. Rettors.:3 Contene and prayſe: the Lord of Lowes: . who made all thyng: by ſtrength of wordes. Th For ever ftandthshysmereyfure, — 2H Hys grace to vs: will itll endure. 1 The Meane. * redpbendth: his loue ſo pure, Who will in iop:our bartes ature, Aors. NOHO vwnght alone: actes marue clous, of — * formd the heauens:bp wicdome thus, who ſtretcht the earth: on duds froin 0S. Who dyd all this : in hys good cure: * — Forever ftandth: hys, mercy ‘cael * — Wis graceta bs: both fidlendure : These. ‘Fea weil iiop — ‘ure. . 4 * “mobo made great lightes ; in firmament, + g v9 Chehinne for dayn regiment J 6 ENE moone and ſtarres on night to gient. | 4 ;Whod al! thysei sin hys'goud ture: J. othe —* ftandth-:hys ees fure, * aif. h Bis grace to vs:doth ſtill endure: F —— —— ss will in top-our bartes allure. - Dt, wha ——S- Ts 394 Pfalme,Caxxyj. xoho Egipt note: with their fir bore) ssa Sand nought fro thence: the Jewes forlonte. 12 Hp uughty ſtrength:both night and morne. .. ¢Who dydall this:inh — —J * aide ftandth his aie ee. Th " , ¢ Bis grace to bs-doth fill endure, {ena 6 2 Which Will in ioyes:our battes allure. Reftors.13 Noho fea fo ved : dyd twholeDeuide, 3 And Jacob made: through it to fide, But Pharo drovond:his hott beſide. ar Ee Who dyd all this:in hys good cure, wae $For euer jtandth:hys mercy fure. Wis grace to vs:doth Millindure, —— Who will in ioyes:our hartes aſſure. zeaore.re NOHO led hig llocke:by wildernes, —— 17. 3MWho flew great kinges:ot Heathennes, 18 The ſtrongeſt kings: he put to ſtreſſe. pe Who dyd all this-in hys good cure, | the ORS tFor ever ftandth:hys mercy fure. ; heMeane, His grace tobs:doth Millendure: The * Who Wwillin iopes:our hartes allure. 90 Plame.” cxxxvj. 305 | As Seons ags:and Das deſpites, P. 9 » at Batanvinges:and Amorites, ar. os, Nobole landes he made:true Jacobs vightes 4 dyd all th hi d "the Quiere. oe or ftandth (st aoe tr bi Hys grace to vs: doth il! endure, The Meane. | — wyll in toves:our hartes aſſure. x Aom 3 woho mynded vs in trouble let, —* bs redeemd:from them vs fret, | ; 5 mobo heapeth all fleſh:with heaped inet. .. | Who dyd all thys:inh d cure; —* © RSE —— flandth * mefcy fare. : Mestre; His grace to bs doth ill endure: The e Weatho willi in ioy our hartes ature, ; 4 k bad Keltots. 26 «Chen prayle and thanke: the God ot heauen, with hart, with tonge, with lyle moſt cleane For euerftandth,hys mercy fure The Quicre ty Hys grace to ys,wyll ftyllendure. — ‘Them -Saredphendth: bys loue fo pure, Eee 3 well unt lop:our, hartes allure. jd chinke and thanke: the Low of Lowes, His thoughtes his actes hys louelp p woogd es. | Foreuer ftindth hisi ne vk ane e Quiere eH thankefull hart.it ines ir. TheMeane, $29 redy bendth: bysloue fo pure: ro 2 wetbich will in ior sour hartes allure, OO ‘Ys The “Redtors, 396 > Pfibie, exxxvi, | The Cole. as RE myndfalt ° Q Lord: of our mifery,whych artLord |. ofall mercye,and graunrethat as thou leadeft the fathers info the lande of promyfe, foto reſtore vs to the heauenly land of all felicitie,tchrough Chrilt,&c, | - The Argument. ‘Pfalm, Cxexoye - When Babilon: the Iewes fapprest, | they tell how they.did playne, . i From whence Wellrid they ber deteſt. 0 Wilke her Speylae — piven — ss © toda Nia of Babilon, Super flu x )) even there we late and twept: mina. % 4 Galbile Spon mount iwe thought ops Ba Faye gab remembring Gods pꝛecept. 2 “ate bong among; the Salow trees, ‘pur Harpes and Organs all : No iop ee had : with weeping ud — to matters muſicall. 3 hep: craned of bs: who thal 0s sions Home opties metoop : A oll AIn ſcoꝛne they fay : ſing oy fone te Df Spon merely. Wolo can ine ſyng lapd we agayne, 4*7The Lordes ſweete ſonges deuyne — In land ſo ſtrange · who vs cenſtrarne, 5 ‘ine mut aumieth relgne. | — Pfalme, exxxvy, 397 § «#4. wonld — taſt out of mynde: O goed Jeruſalem, Iwould mp hand-went out of kinde: | fo plapte nr thent. cae i ORE pea let mp tonge: fo palate tiche ie La | if that minde thee not. J at Spons pzaple: ¥ Mould not feckes: _ as chiele to ior in that. mes ae 1 7 he Edomits O Lor»,requite, ag & lor Salems hea uy day, q Wiho cxped wak her: fpople ber inf ight: cuen dat on ground to lap 8 O Babilon: thou onighter light: which waplſt thy fpopling deepe: ‘Weii menght be ſpeede: that thee did site: ¥ aas thou madit bs to weepe. 9 And well fare him: that toke thee ones, inbich bs downe fiercelp threweſt: VTWho dong thy babes agapnt the ſtones, as ours in rage thou ſleweſt. The Collect. Almighty Godthe trong delinerer of althem that | be bound in captinity graunte vs fo to rebounde _— thy praife inagreable confent of fpiritual fongs,that i J where out lyues & harts hath hetherto betie in a dif- Ln _ cord from thy holy wils:and as outlawes haue wan- a Pg altraye, nowe reftore vs againe bythy mightye power,in one ynitye to glorifye thy name throughe Chriſte. OO .iii. he T he Aiguments Palm. CXXXVH. Whau Dauidfhapt: such Wo on kyinde T hus thanks to God he dydextende J | So taughte by proofe he vewed in myndey ‘4 That he of Gea Would Styll depende. - | ve | ets heentendth. — | Pt sey CUlpll D Io2d: gene thankes fo thee, . | 7 8* eZ By hart therto-doth tubolp bende: ——----_ rca SS) — the powrs: as Gods they be, ; a" D0 nga * ‘mip bopte to (pend. -———-—- Els Goo tortend. — pee 4s Confite- bor tibi. 2 ' ¥knelefothp-riaht regal cell, To paple thy name fo2 truth and loue: Thy word and name:fhou madſt ercell, Aboue all wens the deede Doth proue. | , as men erpende. — 3 Foꝛ this Jſawe: what day Jcryed, Thou anſwerdſt me: moſt louingly: To my poꝛe ſoule: thou lentſt I ſpped | ore grace, fo frength:tomultiplp... Thus didſt thou lende. TREO TI IRA a Ben > Ss all kings of carth-praple the they muff, + @D Lod moſt fruc:as right allowth Wihen thep ſhall here: perfozmed iuſt, jak | Thy woꝛd to me: which ſpake thy mouth. | Thep twill contende. — Loe Pfalmecxxxviij, 399 5 Loe hep hall fing: With harts moſt free, DF all the Loꝛds:moſt rightful wayes: That great is God-in maieſty, lye they bis name: thal euer prapte | and thanks repend,. 3 4 And that the Lord⸗though placed bye, Auho gloꝛy hath:as Eod aboue: Pet hethemeke: refpecth full nye, And knowth the proud: from far aloofe, him lov to bend. what though Wwaike-in midſt of voc Pet wilt thou me-reniue and eale: And fey by polver:mpne Irefull for, . Bhp right hand rang: ‘Thall me releafe. \ bp belpe fo fend, —— 8 Lhe Loꝛrd thall this: pertorme fo2me, ust : A PFO ORT Bs Be Nadir ey ae o's A ‘ * ON ake ME. — Chat ts begon:te beingets ende. Thy sracebenigne:Lovapethalbe, — : chp handy wwongke:thou wwilt not blende, — ·)· sega eens een GT he collet. MNLuxiplye thy ftrength in vs O Lorde and enlarge the powers of our foules, ‘that while we worfhip thee dayly in thy holy temple, at thelaftwe may glo- xy with thy elect angels in heauen,through Chrifte. 7 7 a are * ⸗ ee —— — ae * 2 * : ‘ é ee te te a» - ß — * * GT he Argument, Pfalm.Cxxxix. feu: Dinid myfreported was:that he would Saul fubuert He thus appeala to God hymfelf, who knew bys gileles hart. DD. itty D —— — — — — — Ge a — — Sf wig eae * sia P 2 : ym e | wv I smMine obalti. aD E09. a7) & Pfalme, exxxix. ne God thou balk: fal fearcht me out, Thou knoblſt my harte and reines: Aceufed J am: to compalſe in, Both king and realme wyth traynes. Dy fitting dawne: my rifing vpemy Actes thou knotvel€ echone 4 hou vnderſtandſt·my thoughts a kar: belore 3 thinke them on. Ly Oy walks thor knowſt: my retts ¢€ ſteys my bed thon goeſt abeute ea almy waves:thou balk contriued· all ſercht by the no doute. fro ſecret wordein all my fonge: fo whiſpered clofly in But thou D Lozd-it knowl at whole:although it make no dinne. 4 Foꝛ why thou me: thy felfe didſt frame: behynd, before in forme: Thou lapoe thyne hand-to this mp clap-thy hands dio me perfoznt WV 6 Whis knowledge is:to meruclous: for meto reach J know, in o bye and hard: fo2 ine fo fetch: bp bpe 02 pet bp lowe, \3 And whether can: J thinke to goe: fro this thy fprite and thought, Fromtheein face. —* can flye:oꝛ whether hall J somite Ce Af Jdo clime:fo heanetr abaue: euen there thou artfull nére: fio by low: J ntake mp bed: In heil,thouart lg there, 9 Ifnow { take: the morning wings: {who {pred b ber beames fo cwitt | That Erapt Z colwd:to fordelt Sea :remoue my houſe to ſhift. | 10 Pet there thy hand-Mhall lede me forth: as paſtor quideth his ſheepe thy Grong right hand: would me vphold DY p? outdence molt deepe 11 4 eke J fap: 83 thinke at leaff: that Darke Mall hide my beade: han thall the night-as hining dap: be round about me — 0: 1 % —s ' . ; P fale cxxxix. + gol 22 $02 furethedarke fo dark-cannot-endarke typ loucly fight: The night as day:do thine to thee: fo Darkenes is as light. 33 Foꝛ iuſt mw repnes: With they? affects: are thine how hid thep be, In map thou me my mothers wombe:with beftures ſonderly. | p+ 4 neue thee thanks:for that Jam: in Shape ford Erauncely, : Shp works fo bpe:be wrought in me , which playnd my ſoule doth (ſpye. 4 5 Wp fubfiance firfé:both bones € Zopnts-iwere nothing hid fro the In earth ful depe when Jwas wrought: and wouen was curtondly J 16 — malſſe vnſhapt: thyne eyes did ſee was writ’ in thine owne beke | «BP dayes increaſe:my parts were fozmd-tobe none on them Pcs 7 ooke if "7 How dere to me:O God appere:thy thoughts, thefe countfels gret Pow manifold-be but the ſumme· In count if they were (et. ; i 18 Af would tell: the ſumme of them: they ſhould ercéede the fand: han this reuolued:J watch tothe, by the J truff to and. 30 It thon uow wouldſt: thy ſelk D God:confound that wicked man: re bloud thurity men· whome J defye- would leaue me wholy than. 20 F02 thefe thep be: that figh at thee:and (peake vngracio nflp: ja Ther ble thp name-in vayne to light: thy foes be puft to hye. ⸗ 1 Do I not hate:all them O Lorde: who thee with hate diſdayne: — fret not 4-and fume at them: which rife at thee by trapne? 22 Pes 1020 fromrbart:Z hate them all: with perfect hate and fone aLbp foes J take:mpne enemies:as they were snelympne. | J 3 Khan learch me God:and bouit snp hart: to thee this cauſe 4 velbe Weil try and know. in thoughte and driltes: what hauntes in life ¥ PP. ano (held “Ooh - Pfalme.cx?, 24 Andfeeinme: if any tapes: be founde rebellions, Then lead me fozth the worldiy way: of death obliuiouſe. QT he Collette. God the wonderfull creature of all thinges earth- | ly the eternall protectour of the fame, who knowft — all our fecret partes more perfe@ly than we our felfe can difcerne,graunt we befeech thee that we may be- haue our felfin perpetuall feare ynder this thy parfit beholding ofall our doyng,and clenfe the thoughts . ofour hartes that fhey maye be acceptable to thee, through Chriſt. S# . tenis i : QT he Argument, Pfaln.CXL. T his prayth for good: ( and iufte ) deliuerance: Boh Fro wayting ſpies & guyleful( fawning reds oe — —— Yt fheweth exefo:Wwhat ones(at legth ){hal Nid ape T 0 good and bad:in both theyr( finall ends.) — —“ ⸗ Bt Loꝛrd mo good: (in haſte) deliner me, ——_——— ripeme From man that is:fo eueli and (wholly nought omine. D keepe me faufe: Hn (fMedfalke ) fuertp, ———- From twongiul mai-of(curfed) wicked thought. Wo euill theps harfes:do tohole (alivape)acree,—— Froin Whence they hauc:ail({uttle) mifchief wrought, To hate and bate: them felfesthep(fulipe) bende, — But Krife all dap: by them is (bainely) ſought. Theyr tongs fo Harpe: (onme)thep haue ertende, — 3 Aalerpent Ape: (as rake mote peftilente : Like Adders Hing -they2(venomte)popion fende, > Sela Such poplon they: in( fawning lippes — 4 From Wicked potver: molt (ferce and) biolent :———~ | _ £00 whom in fapth - enen thus 4 (boldly) fapd: s Palme cxxxix. 403 4 Dy tely foule:D Aerde · (mp Wod)defende, ce Erom Iengiull men: D me(good Lorde preſerue, * Ao trip my toote : bp them is(letubdlp ) ment, “hele hawty men : (fo beath ) to make me fterue, ——~ Path hid thep2 Mares: with(futtle) cores in beayde:— And (pred their nets ; me thus thep(iwapteto) ferue, With wily trappes : mp twapes(and fieps they lapde, Pet fure from God : JWould not farly) fwerue, ——— wy chou art mp God : D beare my( wo full) mone, Meaney | - From hart the rote : by fong (in tvo2d)difplapa, hall In dap of Marre : to fand( on fote )full fare, “Sela To hys attempt -( D Loꝛd)geue no fuccefle,’ —__—. Mp Wow and God: my truſt(moſt iu alone, Mp frenath and health : my( clefelp couverture : Thou ſhieldſt my bed : fo {cape my (deadly) fone, —— —— — permit not i020 : inbple fhns(fo2tve) Igrone, His will to have : this Wicked man bnpure: — — — Leſt pꝛoud they ſwell· and barme( the moze procure. (9 Diet thepalippes : in(eratty)twickeones: ——— : J Let burnyng coales: tor their (fo mad) ercette, ax anpipest * Ronee Wetrap themlcife: walltheir( Daily) paynes: O let their bed: fale firſt (tbeir due) diſtres, ie That compate me : wyth futile (Totty crarnes ·⸗ ress Fall dotune on thent : to dulltheir (haſty) bꝛaynes Let fire and pit. be(iwholp)thevzreiwarde, No — ryſe: to(anp) better gaynes. — PPp.y. Ot i) Pfalme, exlj. 11 Df bablyng ong: who hath noc bit 02 oarde, - ⸗· O let them 31020 : here neuer (prone to) thrine: : Him cuill hall hunt : til he(to nought) be marde2,-— No wealth to hym: (at all (hall downe deriue, ——— 12 Full ſure ant: God will(moſt kynde) regard ⸗· The pore mans cale- with apde(and eafe belive: ——- Df helpeleſſe man : fo trp bis(truth and) rizht,-—-— In iudgement Krong: for hy (altvay)to rine 13 Thus righteous men: (fo met in open fiaht, ——— Hhall prayſe thy name : (Di o2d) that is fo hiak, $C hen ſtrayt bp mer : inbeauenlp(topous ) light, —— Sbali le thy face: (to lpue) eternally —-—_-——-____.— QT he Collette. Efend vs thy poore deftitute fernauntes O Lorde from the crafty traines of the malignant enemies of all godlines: refift their pryde aflwage their malice” confound theyr deuifes,that we beyng vnder thy pro tection,may laud thy mercy for the fame. Thorough Chrift, Ce ; | ; T hee: ronment, Pfalme. CXLHI, Here Dauid prayth: for fledfastnes, among the wyckedfett: < T ofcape theyr traps : and wyckednes, | That they may low bechet. — Lier 1 See 11020 7 bauer - lofedecrped fo the, Domi- to me therfore make ſpede: ne cla- Unto mp vopee : thine care agree, maui. whyle that Jery in drede. * yale Pliline, ext, © 405, a O let nw tate: infpabtiorptes — as both incenſe fo the: rear Opp rapie of handes: as facrifice, of nyght, L928 let it bee. | ; 3020 fet a watch: before mp month, kepe thon my monianviis: To ſpeake nothyng: burt truth and fouth: - fo ttape all nares and trips, ‘ 4 Let not my hart : declyne to euill, me sy: {with wycked workes inurde: Wuiith wycked men ; fo worke ary Go | bytheir delites allurde. -— Pealet the in&-asfrendlyled, | ae me finite and blame J fap ¢ i No wycked batme: to Groke my bed: | agaynlt them Till J pray. O hedlong be: their iudges think, as Down from rockes bethooinne: by: Thery would haue harde: my wodes af kirſt, itfinete thep had be bꝛowne. 7 Dur ſcattred bones: they bꝛeake in mode, ſo nye the graue they lay: As man which cleanth: and ſhiuerth wade, oꝛ one that clods doth bꝛay. g Forthatmpnecyes: D Loꝛdto the, O 1.020 be firmly caſt: And the J tru : then btterly, i not mp (oule in walk, —8 ir. 406 4 Pfalme, —— Okepe me teutetfrocratty fares © | which they to me Do dime: cyte From wicked trappes:ihat men prepares ce which wickednes contriue. J ro But rather let: thele wicked fall: all whoel info theyr nets: Aetrapt themfelf: fo be thepall: while J map (cape theyr thrrats · GT he Collette. SEt a watch O Lord, vnto our mouthes leafte that we apply our {peech to vanity,toconfentwyth thewic- ked of the world: correcte thou vs withthy mrrcifull rod of chaftifement,by vertue wherof we may be kept in aw to decline from’ all vyce through Chriſt. @ ‘The Argument. Plalm, CY Li * ' € What Dauid thougbt:and how he prayd, whan feare drane bym to canes He here reporth:on God he flayed, © who did him rong * Mts Ns 1 Nto the L020: {vith — cryed, Vocemea V So nve tt parell (et: ; ad Domi Unto the Lozd:myp paper hyed, num, — both part and bovce were met. 2 J pourd my ſute: my fore complagetts re 8 before bis taceinfight: · 2 {Py troublonfe Kate: Z did bepapnt, befoze himſell in light. What at kyme my ſprite: was inly pent, —— knewelt the path: Be atte? Vet layd they trares: bert though J tocnt, | iin all mp walkes in weath. — On hand both right-and left Ivewed, none rind that Riekne No {cape Was free-none fo endued, that once my ſoule wouldde rue, O Lordthan thee: J crped bpon, and thus Jſayd cuer ther: Thou art my hope: and portion tn land of lpuing men, Reflect mp a fo2 ee J— Boe, in cares ſulbdeepe J¶ maple: i Saue me frp emi ———— ſſee— O bꝛing my ſoule· from priſon bound yy name to celebꝛate · Soliuſt men toil: me glad ſurround, Whan thou thait quitemp fate; -.. anit | GT he Colledt, - rf V, V Yth humble voyce we fj ue vnto thy deuine maie- {ty,O Lord,thatwe may haue our hope ſo ftren- gthed by thee,to inherite the like ftate of thineelecte in the land of the liuing through Chrift,. I Domine exaudi. 408 «Pl xxlij. Imt ae —W ow bene mp fute. © Loꝛd tit Grote: to my requeff agree: Fo all chy truthes sand richtwilenes— ⸗ ſone aunſwere tpou to a gallo (But enter not: fo indae ertreme: intone thy feruant bye by labe: : F 02 who himlelfe. can cleane eſteme: pet hin J neuer ſaw. oe F'02 loc the foole-my loule bath chat: ORs fo carth mplifebathweeffs «By Cate in darke-he hath abaſde: as men ofold decealt· * yp pinched ſprite in me both faye: oppekinheuines: My bart fore bert: ath mere anne: altoynd in —— Old peares krom foot: Jhaus retsunt: our fathers how thou ledit: Chine actes' Fy marke how — int J muſe the Wwe orkes thou did. | Sy bands fo thee:-3 belo full hye: that thou wouldſt me vouchſfaue: My thrilty ſoule: as paſture drye: thy graces delve doth crane, Then heare me iL 02d-but fone heare ow my {pute doth febleliah: Hyde not thy face:from me as now: lealt ſtrayt mp graue Jſpy. ip 10 /alme. cxliij. Thy voyce af more : cauſe meto heare, 5 caoꝛ thee Jtruſt alone: Shew me thy wapes : my feps tofteare, mp fonle to the is gone. D rid me Load : fromall they2 (ite, that would me canfelestrapne: Foꝛ A tothe: referremy right, in hid defence full fapne. each me to tworke : thy {ill fo pleafe, thouartmyp OcdZ fay: And let thy (prite: fo neuer ceale, foleade me ſtraite the way. F 02 thy ſweete name: Loyd quicker me, from them that me purfue: And make mp foule : from peril re, ’ an the holy ghoft,through the fame Chrift our fauior * mp bart toith top endue. 32 Thy grace Z trot : ny foes will quell, and make their ſtrength but late: TWho berth my foule:thou twill aebcil, ſoꝛ 3 thy feruant am, | | | GT he Collette. 409 eA Lmighty God which haftbrought to lyghte the ioyfull mornynge of thy fonnes refurre@ion, which filled the earth with ioyeand gladnes, we re- quire of thy goodnes, thatas thou didft cheare the hartes of thyneapoftles by that consfortable refur- rection,fo comfort thy holy {poufe the church which daily holdth vp her hands crauyng thy mercy,to ioy T he 410 falne.cxlii. GT he Argument. Pfſalme. CXRLIIII. : | That God in warre: wyth Dauyd Stoode: bere — he dyd app fy » / ¢ dnd prayth to ot all heathen {pyteshys reygne to profper bye. | —* aa » Be Loon be ble fl: moſt worthy prayfe: whois mp Gad € might, | i bo teachth mp hands.bys warres te rule: my fongers eke to Ly (fighte, : 2 ee loucip grace · my hold nap kort · my raunſommer is he: : protects? fure. in whome J tt ull: who boweth my flocke tome. 3 O Lord beniane what thing is man: that thus thou him tefpecttty | 7 fhe ſonne of man: fo weake ſo varne that thus thou him erectſt? 4 Foꝛ man is made:like vanity· a thing of nought moſt fraple: bis dayes paſſe fal: as ſhadow lleeth ‘as water bobles faple. 5 Dow bow dotwne:theheaners € come-be nye ehelpe our payne D touch thele monnts: thefe heathen Dukes: that they may ſmoke (agavne 6 Thy lightnings ſpout: and ſcater them: hike men acaſde and ſtraut Thyne arrowes tharpe: thote out at them: diſturbe their brags (a (haut 7 But fend thy hand: krom hye abone:and me deliver free: | front Waters deepe: from childer ftraunge:they2 potwer make me fo | fie aa S- Whole mouth doth ſpeake: all vanity: and bof all conquefts wyde; whoſe right hand will: but them becepue: ſo ſwelo int lies and pride. 9 OGod J will:thus ſaued bp gracesting newly fongs tothee: · i; Im pſaltry ſweete of Krings full ten:my plaines halltuned be,” 10) Foꝛ (hau geuſt health-and bicforw:to kings byſtable woorde: sine (Deal No thou balk pif charged: to feape theyr cruel — Pa lme. cxliiij. Ait tr D fane me iLo2d- Deliver me:from forreine childers ſpite, VWuhole mouth full bapne: doth boaſt and pꝛate:whoſe right hand: 7 ‘(falfe is dtabte. 12 But graunt that al-our childer grow:as playnts fra pouth by? sight our donubters ponge:fo polithed-as patlace pillers bright. 33 That full map flotv-onr garners wi De: with kinds of vitaile fete that allour Meepe:bzing thouſands fo2th:pea millions in ſtrcete. 14 Gndthat well fed-our Oxen goe-to labour ſtronge to fee: that battries none,noleadings thrall· in Breetes no waylings be. 5 Oh happy is :that people fure: iho hath thefe thinges at will: Pea blelled is that people beit:whoſe God the 1920 is Hill. i 7 QT he Collett. ‘Each vs,O Lord,to vie fo all our {pirituall armors agaynit our ehoftly aduerfaryes that we may refift all euill,that we be not made bond vnder the vanitye of thys world fo to be excluded from thy. gouernace in grace: through Chrift. g The eA rgument. Pfalme.CXLV, T hys Dauyd framde : by eAlphabete, Where God he thakth{ in hart )most hie — Whofe power & might: whofe grace fo greatJ— In — ——— (wot cleave we /py. Se Rite ¥ {will - mp God and king, AN), to rouſe my graceſwtõg)molt hte CFA and bleffe thy name: to nic beting—~ : FJ {pill (and Mall) eternally. QR, . BWoth 4iz alme cxly. Both hay and tight: J twill declame,———= ; thy(worthy)laudes moſt thankfully: —— By prapfirns due : ‘hp holp name, - fo2 ape (and ape inithout belapes. 3 ¢ Clereis this Lord: molſt bye of faine, , bis {tate ferniounth: all(mo2tal peavte: Can no man fearch - hotw he exceil, in greatnes bym(by weight) to paife. thy(handy) workes: with reverence, (Derlare thep mutt : tobere that thep dinel, thy(godlp )mightes: magnificente. —— 5 Enhaunce J (hall: thy gloꝛy bright, —— — — to age· chall age full toell, - thy kame (and name thine ercellence: —- Enditing Mil: thine actes of might, ——-— fo wonderfull(that be te ſee. 6° -Fo2 that that man : may fpeake ¢ Wight, ; thy( princely dedes. that deeadfull bee: From bence even fo: J willrefound,—— thy( godheds) grand abilitie. 7 God men {hall preach - how grace abound ; in thee · O 3020) ith gentlenes: —— Glad fonges to fing: thep twill in found,— of thy great (truth and bountesultes. be is to allin(papnefull frefle: How Hoty to wath : not furious, —— bis mercy ruleth(and Gayth) bis ire. 7 n 8 yb. god the Lord: holw gracious, ——- | Pfalme.xly,. =) — moft pitesus,— fo all that him (therof require: Jmprinted be : his mercies ture, - on all his wrozkes( all vohole/ intiere. — 10Anow this {will euery creature, — Rynd harted men : Will thent inure, (in bart)to bleſſe thy maieſtie. IX. Honde twill they fpeake:thy regal (eat, ; moſt glozious(at eve to ſee: thy power (Dewine) ſo tried by deede. i to Adams flocke: and(liwing fede: ; | Wok wide thep wil: with kinde aflent, — f thy kingdomes (laud: and) glozp ſprede. 1 12 — will Hill: thy ſtrength repeate, wa No dout the reigne: is permanent, ; a reigne (of blifie) to ſtand fo2 ape: Nedes mull thp polver:and regiment, ‘ | endnre(inlength/from dap to dap. 140 lure in worde: the Lord is trped, moſt faithfull trueſand inf Jaltvay: f On all his workes - bis willis ſpyed, 1 mot bolp(God all them fo faue. 35 were wauering mew: the 102d beſtrideth ; their fap(and hold) by him to haue: — layne faln o2 wꝛongd. be reiſeth againe, it they their reyſe / in faith can craue. — vA DRAW: Nuicke {with thankes(mofk Due) D i020 to the’ Loꝛd/ ſo {hall men-be glad fo treate, —-— ve 4'3 gig, CE Pfalme xiv, > \ Quicke eyes call thing: doth fafty ttraine, 5 | on thee(D Lord)ſo god af neede: Quite alltheir fade - they afae fo fayne—- : in fyme/inol fit thou geueſt in bebe. 17 ight wide thou fplaift: thy bleffing hand, , 3 all lining things (forth ſtore) to fede: Refretht by thee- fo full to ſtand, with plenty (fer in) fade Delight. — in all his wayes (fo man) aright: So wholy he: Doth ape appeare, inall his workes of( his great might. - ‘ — 8 — tut appearth: this 102d fo grand,—— 19 | ¢ Lhe Word fo all- approcheth nere, ii: fo hin (for heipe which make — To all J fay: fone therm fo heare, ————~ ‘which call/ on him) with kaithtull bꝛelt. who feare hym (iuſt both molt and left: = Tinto thetr crp: he bendth fo kpnd, ——— and faucth them(whole) as him(it ) likth ) — ith ready ſpeede: hefilleth their mynd, the Lod hys louers (frendiy)kepth: — Srile he doth - vngodly men ⸗ ⸗— to ſcatter them(moſt wide )he ſeekth. sl Creeding (ure: before behynde, * selde chall mp lipps by duetye then, — ie ra ew (laud and) piaple-— Pea let all fielh : geue fhankes agayn, — fo bis gad name(moſt it ales, ——/ | —8 C Pfalme. cxlyj, > 415 cate The Colleck. Ternall gouernour of all ages and tymes, O Lord almighty, which dooft minifter foode to all liuing creaturesin due feafon, geue vs grace alway to thake thee for the fame,and to reioyce molt coftantly with < all thyne elect for thyne almighty power expreft by thy right hand in the prouifion therof. Through Chrilt,&ec. by | GF hewAreument. .Pfalme. CXLVI. (To trust to'man : this‘Pfalme forfendth Wy hoſe arme is flefh : and worde but wynde, — | Where God full ayde : to maw.extendth,-———-— By vehome twife lyfe: he cust dyd fynde, — | Which Daud knew: the text dewrayes, | Wherfore bis foule : fang ſtill his prayfe. Be Alleluya. | oe: ; Thou my ſoule:prayſe thou the 102, Lauda a- & = Lhe 102d of lone-and God oflight nima “x Crtend thy poivers: with one accozde, | mea. _ RKecount his name: in inward ſpꝛyte. Erxpꝛelſe thy voyce · without delayes, thou mp ſoule:ſinge ſtill his paayſe.·· 2 Mpyhaͤrt is ſet:to lawde this Loꝛd: EThrys Loꝛd ſo qood-is God of qrace: Bis laudes mp life: thall whole recorde, Pea fure as long:Z bide tn place, My God to thanke:F wel altuayes, ——--—— O thou my foule-fing fill bis pꝛayſe. : 3 O put no truſt:in princes power, 4 Whe God of might: ts 102d fo truſt: Pea tru no man: his frute is fotver, — No helpe in hHym-no credence tu€, 4 Gods lone is fure:at all aflaves, 4 D thou my ſoule:ſinge Mill bis prayſe. . QQ · iiij Mans 46 9 Pfalnecxlvi, Hans breath ones palt he turneth to putt, This 1.020 fo frong-he ever laſtth: : Gil earthly power-decayp it muff, Hans counfaples all: deathes dap Doth walte, Gods helpe ts ferme: without decayes O thou mp foule: fing Hil his patle. — Bleſt is the man: whoſe helpeis God, Zhe God of hoſts:to Jacobs (eede: Full fak with them: he tpl abode, Who God will truſt:aſwell Hall (pecde, An hym befet: al Fable ſtrayes O thou my foule: Sing Kill his prayſe. his God made heauen: and earth bettorne, Whe 102d fo arand:fo infinite: He made the feas: With all therein, bis truth in wo2d-he kepeth fullright- · His deede from tong- makes neuer apes D thou mp foule:fing ſtyll bts peaple. The Lord reuength: oppreſſed man, Thys God of right. asisdeflerued, Ail w2ongs and {pites,requite be can, - Pe Deaith out bzead: to hungerſterued: ; Thꝛrall men in bonds:he bleth to rayle ——— Othou mp foule:finge Mill bis praple. he 02d giueth fight fo blpnded eves, This God fo bright to fee agapne: Be lifteth thelame-from ground to rife; I he tuft doth hee-inloue refapne: Lo fill bis lyfe bith topefull dapes, O thou mp foule, finge ill bis p2apte. Pfalmecxlvi, eet An: tarethe Lord: afl fraungers kepth, Df them ſure God: he ts at neede: And Dophans loueth:and widowes fecketh, : Hre hart he takth:thepecrpes of breade- Euill minded men’s to dull he beapes, ———_ * ‘Seng Mill my ſoule ſyng out bys pꝛayſe. Pꝛrayſe God as king vwho raygneth fo2 aye: As God of thyne:D Dion hye: Relort to him: Gs not aftray,, ARnvt lalt thpne bart: thrinke not albrve. Erxpell he will:all keares and frayes. Route byntmy fonle: Sing fit bis prare. | GT he Collect. mee? Everiiuing God,on whome the ele& haue put their whole confidence,and feede theyrioyfull foules in __ . hopeofthy grace:grauntys to be illumined in {prite, euermore to louetheeand to celebrate ‘thy. name in pure confcience,through Chriſt · og The Argumem. Pſalme. C LPT. hys pjalme exciteth the Iewes: to prayfe the Lord moft chiefe: “ue goon to them: ‘Who prinatly: ‘did worke them all — To this our God:.foꝛ ſweete he is:whom laudes ‘exounbt fo bꝛing Gov buildeth Pierulalens:he doth ber ture protect· * —————— of Iſraell he ſhall agayne collect. | » — ———— who wayle in lprite contrite CTyepꝛ plages and topes: uue 900 Peas Loꝛd alivap:fo2 good itis to fing, 4g —— — exh}: | 4 Modout Gan —— wha ſtarres benumber tels: IBy ps oper name:he caith them a. he buat: derr reſts and cel 5 The Loꝛd of ours is greate ‘aud, areat bei is apower: His knowledge is-all inſynite his Nain as cpus astetyer, 6 The Lord vpholdech chatdict So⸗ —2— is his tuitl: be th: oweth to groundzali wicked men #0 m ightye ts bis (bil. 9 DF ‘ne to God our Lard: prapte ye bis rapane: abroade: Conlelle bis power:hys toil bis Cisyll an * fing pel to.@od: 8 Who clothe the heauen wich slounes: ano rapane fo earth prepa He binges T62th gras: on pills to growe to ferue mans daplp cate 9 Whe ceueth ts beatt thev2 foode: to all both great and mall: Therauene bee birds: be feeoth t in care wwhan cher forſaken call. * gp In bahed haste of Rrenath: bis pleafure @anbth notin: + In ſegs of men: in foace ofarmesi it pleafeth uot him to wynne. x1 Dhep pleale tubo feare the Lord: by fuch he fyght with vena tube fruit all whoie his genet thele arly pleate at eats Paras Hierataien? ef 3 A | A Xbou Jerulalem⸗ prayſe hye the Lord ofthyne: —J Thou Sion mount:auauncethy God: in hart therto encline “1h 13 Foꝛ he makth fatk the Varres‘ofaltthy: sates full pret: He blu euen fo-thy childer al in min of thee to reſt. 14 and he doth ablich peace: In allthy borders ſuüure Vecæon the full deliciouſly· with emit 9 | Bf, 4 oy. tn Palme: cxlvi. “see * 419 15 Whol tenn hiead an earrh:and ſwiſtly doth it renne: Both rayne and wynd: shis biddings heare: to lerue the nede of men. 16 And ſnow be geueth like woll: the earth fo warme te be: , The hazy frofis: stheamillpng delucs-as athes ſcattreth be. | a: Wecalkth absoave his pfe-like morſels fo congetde: - ‘and bis great: cold: tubo can abpde: that he fo hard hath ſeald. — 3 He ſeudth bis worde ¢ will: he melt them all agayne: hHe blawtht the winde:then fhepanone:to Water's fol moſt plane, 49 Pea he reuealeth his mord:to Jacobs ſeede and Mocke: sett _ Wis ſiatutes true:his iuſt decrees:to Iſrael his locke, 20 He delt no time as thus with other landes Jſap · on Rea not themsbis domes fo plapne: D prarfe the Lorb i aliwaye | GFT he Colletbe. vu — & fortify the gate of iy ck ch —* 0 I —* * _ and make her to be enlarged in peace and vnity, re- ueale thy word to her vnderftanding that fhe may be ee di irected by that to pleafe the in truth⸗ throu — 4 Cuyuril a1 T he ee Pfalnit,OXE —* If. rs pra) if here all be byd. what beauen or earth contayne: The Lord male age sand Vegpeot snag be made in mila | Ravte ye the aLexb:from —— Ve. sa ih mynds J call, Pꝛayle banat bye: ashre he is:pe powers celeftiall, "2 Peayle hempe all: hig legate ve th afbes. -> ne —** — cal Pitot e * ci 402 ar 420 _ Palme. exlyiij, ) 3 Peapfe hint ye ſuune anamoe: in courfefo marvelous, ‘Pe larres fo bright ye Planets all: prapfe hon ot tous, 4 Peheauens by heanens ditties: prayſe hin with all your fhyne, ye Water freames: aboue the ayre: te ſtayde by power deuyne. 5 They all might pꝛayſe and laud: the Lordes god name of mpaht, | Forhe the tuorde: but ſpake at once: thep fraight were made in a : (plight. 6 He conſtituted bath : that they thould euer dure | iN Be fet alatv: which ſhall not ceaſe: by ordinante molt fire. 7 e earthly thinges on earth prayſe ye the Word with them, 4 ed; zagons grim: ve depes and guifes: fhelu pe: Dispotverfupreme 8 Fire slightuing,thunder;baple, both ſnow and bapourstzpe, | peburling wyndes: tempeſtuous: which worke his word full nye. | 9 Great mountains hils and cliks: laty hillockes all and fome, «be fruitefull trees-pe- Cedersalt: prayſe pe the Loꝛdes renome. 10 Pe bealtes and caffellall: both ſauage wylde and tame, | peferpents five: pe ketherd ſoules: prayſe pe his godiy name. 11. Sokinges of earth moſt due : with all their people met, So prices hie: and iudges all: on earth as Gods be ſet. 12 S0 yonder men and maydes in age ſyncere and pure, As older men: with childer pong: with all their buſy cure. 13 The Worwdes name let themprayſe tor it alone is hye: His glory paſſth: both heauen € earth: as thyngs here made do cry. q 14 Webath his flock adnanced:.fo. him bis faintes hall prayſe, | Cuen Jacobs ſeede who. drawth him nie-peatfe pe the lord = : Pfalmecxlix. ESS aay The Collecte. Ob rd the woorthye prayfe andioy ofall thy crea- tures,graunt vs thy ¢ grace that we worthely mag- nify thy name,through Chrift. The ronment, “Pfale. CXL IX. — —— Tewes doth moue, aa: laude bes loue: It mona at grace on them {hall lyghr, So glad thew foes to quyte. ⸗ 4 Syngnto the Lord, Cantate A ſongof new accord· Domino. And let bis pꝛayſe: declared bee, In good mens company. 2 AL ef Itraell be glad | in God bys maker d2ad: i Let Syponspouth-andchildertoy, — In their mo pꝛiucely roy. 3 Let them prayſe out in quiere, dys name fo them ſo dere: In Tabꝛet tond-in harpe ſo ſoft, Sing thep to bpnt lul off, 4 Fo whry che Lord reiopre, And loueth hys flocke in choyce: The meke forlorne:he will adourne wyth bealth to ſerue theyr turne. ing So godly men made free, in ioy and prapfe hal be: hey hall reiopce: bpon their beds, * God did raple their beds. hep be | 6° 422. Pfalme. Cxlix. Wheir theotes thal prayſes found, to Godby duety bounds. ids apache Tboo edged ſwordes: in both theyr bane, — to ſmite all fozren landes. .. To beauenged right, ofall the Paynynis ſpite: To be arod: to chaſtiſe ſmart, ſtraunge peoples lkroward hart. To bynde their kinges wyth chaynes, fo quite their weongfull meanes - | aT heyp2 nobles cke- to see Mina, J wyth iron ketters hard. To bꝛyng on them in (pave, thep2 iudgement tu decreed: E Which hall bis faintes:to honour rayſe, ” — pe herve att oF Yuen X Reine 1134 Alleluya, _g Thee Colleste.. an O God ick art 2 God of all goodnes & © vertne,whichedooft vietoexalte them. whiche humble themfelnes, and to deie&e thofe who aduaunce them/elues,grannte- VS on earthe toioyé in all puritie of lyfe as thy {aintes in heauen ioy in thy glorious prefece | _ to the prayfe of thy name, through Chrift, cor Te - Pfalme, cl. 423 The gn "Pialme-CL. - Thys — is laſt: and byddeth vs prayſe, That firſt aud laft:doth vs bchocue: Whan thyngs be pale: rand ſpent our dayes,. : ok Yetlawdes fhall laft: ny te thankefut lone. * “Alleluya fe Tu heauen aboue.. : yrs oes PIMA Ve Bod: nf excellence, Laudate ON In his reſpect:of ho vnes: domina Aamd peavte ve bys-magni'peence, in Ganéis: *—* — of ſtablenes. oy das. ive t F.932) He With — bye ox — abies —— 24 F5o0ꝛ his ſweete actes: — —— And parle pe hym:as gouernout — great core ates EL IOW 9 “aot psinipa oh ‘ss * 3 D peavte veh w:fo2 —— In trompets found: effeciuoule: Omnipo “nd pꝛapſe vee bys: Authozity, tentia, an lute and. — uſe. moſt ſtudiouſe 4 O pꝛarſe ve hym all ſapyent, In Tymbꝛell ſweete: wyth daunce in quiere Sapientia And pꝛayſe pe hym:ſo pꝛouident an iyols fraung: —— * ay Baas eX, hed —* bn Metatigte cers, “> @ pravee pe brn slibountita, a ce: Ju Cymbals found: outlotwd in flate: athe eh peapfe ye him: fo pptpfull: ? In Cymbals found:m02 2¢ mittigate.. Oninis {piritus laudet Dominum . Full moderate . RRL, Let 414 3 Pfalme, CL, « Metall twithbreath: oripfe endued, D2 what with found: is fortefied: · Praple out the Lord: in Hate renewed, F 02. grace and polver applied. att WN To none denped. Alleluya. : $3 chaunter crp:toallpoubere: Pꝛavſe ye the Wow: with harty cheare. : QT he Collette. ree) M ft laudable and mercifull God, beyng the fwete. Tenor of all our harmony, which dooft here exer cife our hartes otherwhiles wyth fongcs oftearesand Jamentations, and otherwhiles ofioy and glad- nes.Graunte we befeche thee that after wee haue fonge vp our temporall fonges in ~ prayfing of thy name, wee may at _ Jatt bee aflociated to that hea- ‘uenly quireaboue, tobe-. - —— ma ieſtye wyth thy is ho PIAL IBS | gGlori Patri for diners Metres, ToGodonhye, _ ; in sate | bn in — Toqodon tb be — rota first of myght: - | T 0 Chrs5t his fonne : and their good frit, | For — te — oS — His name whe bleft. in vnitie, For euer one: in Trinitie : From this tyme forth : as it hath bene, Say Wwe therto, Amen, Amen. To God on hye: in T rinitie, In vnigie : yet one agayne: — Reigne, power & praiſe: moſt due to fe ve e; — mought it be Be alway me ci mortall men. Sy Wwe Amen. T 0 God the father first-ofmyght, = | To Christ — aa nto and Lord: To.Ged of then: : the holy Sprite, | Thoughthree yer one : in iuſt accorde, ) ‘K signe,power,and prayſe: as due byright, Aſcribe We all: ete ae me With all our re S$. es ws Te Te Deum God wwe prayle: the Lerd molt hye, Which lia and reignſt eternally: UU th bart € bovce:in one accorde, We knowledge thee: to be the Lorde. nd all the earth · doth worſhip thee, As 1023 and God-our king fa be: All things were made-by word ofthpne, Thou father art of power deuine. All aungels lotvde-to thee doth erye: I hey laude thy name: continually: The heauens and all-the powers theritt, hp praple ta fpred:doncueripnne. — To thee do crp:the mighty ſprites, The Cherubins-alldapesandwuighfs: And Ceraphin:doth never celle: Thy lovely laudes: full outt erpretle. ud thus they crpe:in fueete accord, O holy, holp, hoy 1020: Thou art ofhotts:the guyde and boote hou Loꝛd thou God-of Sabbaoth. Thy mately: and power of hoite Do ſpꝛed the heuens:in glory mol: Whe earth ts fylde: with thy great fame; q With thy great polver:and glorioule nantes. | Thapoellles gard: fo alorioute, Crtolt thp nante-mofk precious: Cahich haue bp Deedes of iworthineffe, Set fogth thy peaple-and noblenes. Te Deum, Whe Godly band: of prophets wyſe To pravle thee God: they whole deuiſe: WUbich haue declard:thy holy will, Fromage to age:fo2 ener Tul, Whe Martyrs mecke:ofarmy fronge, Which pent thep2 bloud-fo2 thee folonge: Do glortipe-thy bleſſed name, And peapfe thee Lord: thou mok of fame. Khe holy church-thzouah world fo wyde, Do knowledge thee: the od and quyde: CThepy do confelle: thy power and might. Aud knolwledge thee-eche day and night. Whe father God:efernally- Ofpower fo great:and matetipe: That rulſt and divelft:in heauen aboue, As father, God: which doſt bs loue. Whe church even ſo:moſt fapthfully, Confelle in truth:and bnitye: That L ower of frenath:that holp one, hp hono2able:onip fonne. 7 Whe holy church: confelleth cke, Lhe holp (prite: in fapth alyke O blefled God: our harts enfppre, Thou holy Gholk.thou comforter. Thou art D Chik: of glory kyng, And beame mok€ baht: fo qlifferinge: Thy bart fo kinde:is knowne to all, hou diedlt fo man:to rid his thrail. DE Te Deum, DE Father Cen: in mighty thꝛone, Chou art O Chꝛilt ave lating Paaasbs We got before:the worlds wweremave, D2 els ofearih:foundationlapde, CU hen thou didi take: that tworke onthee, — Mankind to bringeto libertp: 1% | he Uirgines wombe:thou didtkaccept, Noꝛ it abhoꝛdſt noꝛ tt reiect. When thou hadſt layne: of death the darfe, Of Sathans potwer-and hell the fmarte: he heauenly aates :thon opends free, Lo all that did beleue on thee. | Dn Gods right hand:thou fittelt fullnpe: An equall power:and maieſtye: spi Wlith father God:inin# accor, — i In heauen thou Ht: D Chak sur Lov. Wie do belene: hen th end halbe, hat thou thalt come in maieftpe: | Gu here thou halt fit-as tudge to deme, © Woth quicke and dead:as thee beſeme. Helpe thon therfoe:thyferuantstrue, With thee do paap: ith harts moffe duet Which thou redemdſt: ofhart fo good, With (heding cut: thppeectous blond. UW pth thy good faynts:make them to be, So numbed whole-in company, Chat they maptop:inglooypiut: — earth, front ſinne· moſt dene mas TeDeum, By thy good grace-thy people faue, D 102d thep2 helpe: in thee thep haue: Whey put thenilelfs:to thy gwd charge. O blefle thou God: thpne heritage, Direct thou them: in thy right way, And gouerne them:to the Wwe prap- Gnd lift them bp: fo2 ever il, Cralt them bpe-bythp goodwill. We thee D Lord:do magnify, Still dap by dap. continually, As fo O God:moft due it is, We Mould not be:therto remiffe, Thy worſhip afketh: the fame of bs, It is fo good-fo bounteoufe: Thy name to prayſe:we 00 entend, F 02 cuer wold: withouten end, This day preferue:ourharts within, And kepe D God,our foules from ſinne: UV ouch fafe D 11020: to kepe bs pure, In thp good latves-our lives allure, Wane mercy 1020:on bs we call, Haue mercy ſtill vpon bs all, Without the whych:we cannot ſtand, Me clayme the ſtrength: of thy good band. Let mercy light-on bs D W020, We truk in thee: with one accord: We do thus craue-moff earneſtlp, As We do put-our truſt in thee. DD, tt, In The Jong ofthe three Children, In the D 1030 : A haue my traf, In the mp hope - and helpe fo infk: Beholde D God : Jſtand to the, Zhen let me not: confounded be. QT he fong of the three Children. Quire, x Prayfe ye the king of kinges, | Bleffe ye the Lorde of fame: For ener prayfe : and magnifie, His bleffed holy name, | Angels hie of dod, ((S2¥ = The Low your onament: SEZ Be heauens fo cleve: ¢ waters che, Aboue the firmament. Quire, * Pravfepethe uyng ofkynges Bleſſe pe the Lord of fame: F 02 ever prapfe : and magnifie, Hys bleſſed holy name. Recors, Oall ye powers of God, | efunne and moone allo: | Pc ftavres of heauens:ye homes a dewes, The Lowes rough wyndes that blow. Quiere. * pꝛayſe pe the kyng ofkpnaes, : Bleſſe pe the Lord of fame: F 02 cuer prapfe : and magnifie, ys bleiled holy name. Xb fang of the three Children, Redctors. O fyze and partching heate, ) He winters, Somers all; Ne dewes and frottes:ye frottes and cold, Be ſnowes and Pie that fal. Quiecre, * Praple ve the kyng ofkynges, Wielle pe the Lord of fame: Foꝛ ever pravle : and magnifie, Hys bleſſed holy name. Rectors. O nights and dayes ſo bꝛight, Pe lights, and darkenes dimme. Pe lightnings cloudes,and earth fo round, Crtoll aud laude ye him. i Quiere, * Paꝛaylſe ye the kyng ofkpnges, Bleſſe pe the Loꝛd of fame: Foz ever pꝛayſe: and magnifie, Wis bleſſed holp name. Relies: O hils and mountapnes great Grene thyngs on earth that growe: Be wels and fprings, pe Seas and flouds, And whales tu Deepes by low. Quiere. * pꝛayſe pethe kyng ofkynaes, Wielle pe the 3020 of fame: Fdꝛ ever praple: and magnifie, ibys blefled halp name, Sau, O The fone of the three c bildren, Rectors. O all ye kethꝛed foules, Ne beaſts and herds abroade: mre thefonnesofimogtall men, = O Iſraell pꝛayſe the Loꝛd. Quiere. x Paavpſe ve the king of kings, Bleſſe ye the Lod of fame: Foꝛ euer prꝛayſe:and magnifp, his bleſſed holy name. — Rectors. O pꝛieſts of God aboue, And ſeruants true of hys: Pefprites and ſoules of righteous men Crtoli the Lod of bliſſe. Quiere. * ~Pravlepe the kyng of kings, Bleſſe pethe i020 of fame: Foꝛ cuer prapfe-:and magniſy, Dis bletlea holy name. Rectors. O men otf hart ſo meeke, Arnd holy ſoules in mynde. O Anant,and Azari, aud Milaell fo kynde. kK Paapſle ye the king ol kings, i daa Welle pe the 1020 of fante: F 02 ever peaple :and magnify, is bleed holy name: — Benedictus Senediktus. Blelt be Gon: of Iſraell, | | as The Lowe € quide: weknow ful wen He vifited · hps peopleall, Wethem by grace-redeemd from chrall. And raiſde he hath - ſaluation, Mok mighty now: forbs eche ones ~. DF Dauids Kocke: fo vertuous, His fernauntes line : and noble boule. As he dpd ſpeake: in tymes of olde, Wp holy Pꝛophetes· mouthes fo tolde: Wihich tere his will: to vtter that, And haue bene fince : the world begat. That ine ſhould be : in freedome guife, And faned be : from ennites ſpite: To ſcape thehandes : and cruell fate, — MDfall the men : that os bo bate. The mercy plight: to fathers fage, To them performe - from age to age, And eke recount: hys noble acte, To call tominde: bys fatred pactes Dis otheto kepe: fo finoane and plight, alg Abzaham : our fathers right: Wihich be inipnic- fo bounteous, Wiguio tuff pertoome ; and gene to bs. | What we forid- from enmies bandes, From cruell poke : of combꝛaus bandes: Myght Cerne hym pl - in topfuill cheare, ceevgye all gricfe : ail cate and fare, | EEA. In ‘Ma —— In heiimes ania ‘Se hym ta ſerue: arftablenes: ‘Before hymthus: all bopde of rife,” Ca palſe ali dares : of this our life, And thou god child ; thalt hauethe atte, ADE P2ophet great moll chiefe in lame: hag F 02 thou chalt ga· before Gods face, ~ To thein before bys wares af graces sas Xo gene vnto: his people fone; To knowledge healthes: Teenie his heaith tofbew : the grace: afi. Foꝛ all thep2 faultes: and finnes: remudies | Through mercy great: and tender loue, OF God the 02d :-that.raignes aboue: ‘. Wherby the dap - — | Us bifited : ſo toptully.. ne — Them lyght tageue: that placed bee, Au darkenes great· and miſerie: And eke in ſhade: ofdeath no beſſe, And guide qurfete « in wayes of peace. IMAagnificat. y ſoule the Lord: doth magnifie, ee Who ſhewth his polver: fo mightelp, - Thus hath he done-bp his gret might, Df onelp avace : that he hath rucht. Alſo my ſprite both bay and hotuer, Reiovreth in Gon : my ſauiour: Hot me mp lelle: bytthe D Lord, ‘Ado ertoll: in hartes accod. | $n du i Po ae ggifient, | Forbehath hussregardepme, {>is handmayd trae; oflow degre: Whole pore eſtate:and {imple houle, Be doth accept ; fo bounteous, Anduoinbehola:ibekpnoredsall, ==. Shall me henceforth: right bleed calls - So thou halt fapd:by thp gwd wade, - As aungels bopce; doth well recozde. Forhethatis: moEmightptrise, Dathmeletdp:andmagnified: Byp his awd grace : be doth the fame, F 02 holp is - his worthy name, And mercy great:that he doth beare, Ys ſhebod to all: that do hym feare: Dn kinredes all: bp him alone, He helpes bs now : and hearth our mone. Wyth bys god arme : he Krenath hath hhetvd, And (cattred cleane· the proud and lewd: An their conceiptes-and fanfics payne, Whis is our God : that Kill doth raigne. Whe mighty downe:from ſeat he threw, And humble harfes : eralted due: Thus God hath done - by power fo hie, The worldly riche: fulllow da lie. Mhebungrpfoule: be filde in all, Wiypth eche ged thyng : ſo liberal: Ihe riche in twealth : wyth al their ray, With empty handes : he fent away. Naunc dimittis, —— tit: ‘bys crace that fell, Lys fernaunt yatpe - god Iſraell: ; Ti yich promiſd was: our — gray And Abraham : bps ere for ave 3 unc p once ‘ D2 now thou letteſt: thy ſeruant 5) To peacefull reſt thou good art ſo·· Thyloue to me:thou — — wane: Accordth thereto: thy holy word. Fo2rthefe my epes-faiu happely, Heallh long delird-fo erncHly: nt Thy fauing health: thou geuckk alone, oy eves hauefeene: faluation. | Which thou halk thus: pepardearighf, — Bekore thy llock: and peoples fight: J Thepꝛ eves do (ee: thy loues enient, And goodnes great: which thou batt ſent. To bealiaht:to Gentels all, Tolighten them:that lye in chrall: What thy good llock: in toy may dwell, To glozy great of Iſraell. Grace before meate, M Oſt louing Loꝛd:to thee we erp, QU bs to blelſſe:our borde be nye: : afb Thy giltes to vſe:in this repaſt, No ſpople to make:hereoẽ in watte, And chat our want:while we da fpil, Mur hart and tong:expꝛeſſe nove cucil, Grace after meate. PBelerue v v3 Lord:which all batt wꝛdught, 8* As thou ot loue:vs ali haſt bought: rane Kekreſh our ſoules:with godly feare, ae Foꝛ theic good gikftes:kind hart to beave? . Mur tyme to fpendzech dap by day, ae Ut our liues ende:reioyce we may, Qui- Auicaunque vule. 1 O77 0 faucd will be : before allthinges, NON Ns Pe mutt true fapth : fal hold in all: NWA inbich fafe t ſound who kepth tt nog MES warithout all doubt - he perith thal, his ts the fapth: calde Catholike, ~ Guen though the wworld:full out to famoe Lo lerue one god:in Lrinitie: In Lrinitie : but one fo namde. 6 ie But one all whole:in vnitie· shy Confounding wot: thev2 perfons thee, heir ſubſtance funded cannot be; he father fonne:andholpgolfe, — Be diners pet:in perfonsthece. The godhed pet : of them all one, Df father, fonne, and holy Sprites Whey2 glo Ivke ; their maieſty, All one eternal, is aright. Whe father fuch : the ſonne is fuch, The holy gok : is furh alpke - The father hie: the fonne even fo, The holy goll: vncreat che. Whe father god: the lonne the ſprite, Ancomprehenfible they be all: Eternall qod: eternal fonne, | Che holp gofte eterne we call, Vet they not three : efernats be, Wut one thev ſtande: eternally: Mot theee diſtinct: in power o2 tyme, TDT.itj The LQuicunque vale, erye father house: ofpotverbeis, <6 he fonne,the holy shobeuemta, Potthee almighties ſo be ſayde, But one almighty knowne no mo. The father God:the ſonne is God, he holy ghoſt:euen fo is God | Sot pet theee Gods:but one is Good, In allthe wo2ld-folongand boade, Ihe Father Lord:the Son 83,0205 Whe holly Ghoſt:is truely Lozde, Not pet three: but one is Lord —— Wie fay and ſinge: in true accoꝛdd. As we ech perſon: God and ord, Be bid bp Chꝛiſtian truth to name: Forbidden ſo:we be by fayth, hye gods ozels: theloyastaframc, he Father made of none· nor bow, - Of none begotten well we know - The fonne of Gar: alone not made: i : | o2created, begotten thoughe. The (priteis iult:of God and ſo ME Chri not got:pꝛoceding pet: Due Father fo:one fon,one {prite, Not thriſe in name-thelepertons let, In Drinty: not one befome, Nor pet behynde:more great orleiles - Theſe perfons theesall equall be, Eterne a like:we muſt conleſle. % — ——— —⸗ Quicuuque vale, Who laued will be- mol rightly iuge The L rinttp: forfooth euen thus · And helth eke aſke to think p Chrifte, Ancarnate was:made fel fo2 03. F*02 this is fapth: both riaht ¢ founde That we beleue and ink confelte: · That Jelus Chaik:the fone af God Is God and manzour Wozdenolefle, DF God his tubsfaunce, God begot, Aefore the worlde:was made in fight And man he is.ef Darpes ely, His mother him: in worid ſo dight, We perfect God · an perfect man: Of foule with reaſon moſt indued: DF humayne flew): inbſiſtyng is, 5p whome our nature was renued, Chꝛitt equallis:inDeitp, — To God fo great:his father ine: Pet greater he:and Chil the leffe, Foꝛ birth in manhoode fo diteuk,. Aho though he be:both Gon € mat, Due Chaitk he is: in denenottines ” To fle his. podhed did not chaunge, But taking fleh:on godhed fo. LAL ttt. Df - Qaicennque vale Ot fubttance wyole: he is vnmirte By perſon yet:he is but one, aI: As (oule wyth wit: and ficlh onemate One Chꝛilt is fo:both God and maw Uiho fuffred death:fo2 all our health And downe he went in ſprite fo Wels He did pet rpfe:fromdeath agavne, — Whe thyrd dap iuſt as {cripture telth. To Heuen he fied:and therehe fifth On gods right hand: twbhich mighty 8 from thence be ſhall· return fo iudge The quick and deade: all right Jwis And when he comth:all men thalrpfe In bodies dead:reuiued agayne: And geue they ſhall:accompt full due of al their thoughts: € works fo plait, And they that haue done good F fave, Shall enter furetolifeecterne: And they that ha ue done euill to fyre To darknes call: that is etterne. wat This is the fayth: moſt Catholitke, | Which any nian, if it miltake: — And kaythlully doth not beleue, aaa 4 Slo wight him ſaued: once can Peat | che Veni creator. a ay Dine help Gholt eternall Gov, EL yg bic) doſt from God procede- car) ihe father fy2f:and eke the fone, _ FY one Govas ive do reade. | | Db bifite thon-our minds and harts, Thy heauenty grace infpire: That ine in fruth:and godlinefic, Dap let sur whole defire. Whon art D trite: the comforter, In woe and hard diffrefle Whe heauen y silt: of Ban fo bighe, Gabich — cannot expreſſe. Thou fountapne art:and linelp ſpring, DF top celeKiall: - CThe fpre fo bight, the lone fo cleave, and vnctien ſpirituall. For thou in gifts:artmanifold, WAhereby Cheilts church doth ſtand: And weight thy lone: in ſaythlull hartes, The power of God bys hand And like as thou:haſt pꝛomiſe made, Thou geuelt the ſpeach of grace: That theou gh thy helpe: the prayſe of Gon, Spay found in euery place, D holy Gyok:tomone our tits, _- Sende downe thyne beauentplighf: Anflane our harts:our God to ferue, | WMith loue both dap and night, J Gat Dur | Vent creator. Mur weaknee — conſyrme bs Lord, Both keble kaynt and fraple: J That nether Aefh,the world, ne Dents In vs 09 onte preuapie. Put backe krom bs our enemies And graunt that wee obtayne: | Sweete peace of hart: with Gad and man, Fram grudge and proude diſdayne. And graunt O Lord, O leader ſure, That we bp thee as guide: May lake efchue:the ſnares of ſinne, From the no tyme to ſſyde. And plenty Lord: of thy ne grates Graunt os we humble pra ie thon ourwp:and —— To ſcape that dreadfull dap. Okſtryke and koule: diſſention, O ULodd diſſolue the bands: And knit the knot: of peace ana lone, Though out all Chaiken lands. Graunt bs D Lord: through the toknow Che Father mot of might: What tue of his:beloucd foune, Way ture obtayne the fight. Andthat with perfect Kable fayth, Me mought acknowledge the: 8* The ſprite of them. of bath J fay, Due Dav and — amr Baten > Menbérpator. ss’ Betande to God-the father hye, Aud God his fonne pꝛayſe pe- | Be pꝛayſe to God: the holy tprite, One Gad in Trinity. Pray tne that Cheiſt · the fantour, ~—s sss ouch fake his ſpꝛite to ſend: q To all which true: profelle his name, Will all She woꝛid doth ende. He 150. beyng the laft Pfalme, is a ferious and ear neft iuuitation tothe prayfes of God:and fo moft gq agreably placed, as laft to knit vp the ende of all that 3 is treated in the fiue ſeueral bookes of Pfalmes fo de- uided by the Hebrues. In whiche fiue bookes bee in- ſparſed abroad matter of Prophecy of Chriftand hys church,of Hiſtory, of Dottrine,of Instrnttion, of Inuita- tion of Exhortation,of R eformation,of Infultation, of Con folation,of Gloriation,of Inuocation,of Obfecration,of Me- ditation,of Patience, and fuch lyke. So that all breath, voyce,and found of worde,{unge, fayd,or thoughte, fhould tende wholy in the ende,to prayfe the Lorde, whych is the firft,the mydft,and finall worke,and ſa- crifice, wherunto all fhould be referred.Furthermore becanfe in rhe thyrd, fourth, and fifth verfes, onelye muſicall inftrumentes be recyted ,left they fhould be but bare inftrumentes wythout diftinGion, or figni- fication of found,in them be added for fupplement, the three appropriates afcribed to God in Trinitie, — as Power and Authoritie, whereby all thynges were _. ereated and wrought Wy/dome and Pronidence,wherby allthyngesbeiufily gouernedandruled. — _ Geodnes and Bountie, wherby all thinges be prefer- ued, from whence procede all graces and giftes both bodely and ghoſtly. tele VV .ii. Thus eff Thus this Pfalmewhych is thé laft beyng confor- mable to that whych is the firft, which is alio traGed by certayne Triades defcribyng the felicitye of man doth refemble,the fame not onely by Triades of verfe but alfo by thys Triade included in myftery,thoughe notexpreflely ; Sodeterminyng the chiefe and lafte woorke,that thys blefled man fo def{cribed in all the courfe ofhys lyfe fhould meditate, which aée in the next lyfe he fhall moft perfe@lydoandperforme. Therfore the Chaunter is not vntymely broughte in for frefher remembraunce to proclayme once a- gayne hys ioyfull Alleluya, to endetherin to the glo- rye of God in Trinitie, the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghoét,to whome be all honour, glory,and praife enerlaftingly, Amen. G For the Coninnttion of Pfalmes and tunes. fac pe suaht to coniopne a fad tune 02 fong, with a ſad Pſalme, And a ioyfull tune aud fonge wyth a iopfull Plalme, And an indillerent tune and ſong, with a Plalm which goeth indilſerently. PBlſalmes oftop be hich as be conſtitute in the chird and lift place of Athanafins table, which be Pſalmes confolas tozp, and of thankeſgeuyng with theyr Coniugates. Sad qalalines be fuch as be fet in the fourth common place, as Deprecatorp,and Interpellatoꝛy. Indiſterent be fiche as be in the firtt and ſecond place,as Pꝛopheticall, oꝛ (uch as bo teach and exhort, and {uch alfa as be mixte containyng diuers afthe ſayd fiue places ; Foꝛ a diſſerence of tunes © fouges in this triple nature and diuerſitie be vſed, the thie charectes af che thre common accentes,as the ſharpaccent to ioyfull ſonges and tunes, Zhe qraue accent to {40,27 be circumect actent to indiſſerent. Hot pet by this meanyng to preicribe a cule to pretubice any mans peculiar ſpirit oꝛ care, for as there be diuerlities of taſtes in mens palates; So bee there in mens (pirites, aud to alfo in theyz cares, Foꝛ what Blalme on fouge, one mans ſpirite {hall iudge graue and fad, fome other Hall thinke it pleafaunt. dnd what onc mars care ſhall thinke acinar! —* : wdge it ſower and ſeuere. And therefore it this dinerfitie, 4 Aleẽaue tt to encry mans ſpirite as God fall moue hym: and to euery mans eare,as nature ſhall frame hym. I fee cchys onely in example, for that it fo agreed te my vnder⸗ Tandpug inwardly, and to mypne cave ontwardipe. Wut ' fuch copulations would there be itt Plalines and fouges whyho can attapne to that grace, Omne tulit punctum. &c. which Dauid erpreffed and obierued, who was a Chꝛiſti⸗ an deuine in ſprite, a periecte Poete in hys Mjetre, and art expert mulicis in ordering of bis inſtruments, and ſetting Df bis tunes agreably, @ Fiuc bookes of Pfalmes according to _ the Hebrues. : he. I from the.1.pfaline bute the a es : Whe. 2 front.42 bvnto 7 2. The.z3. from.73. vᷣnto. 89. The 4. from.90. vnto. 106. JThe.5.from. 107.bnto.1 50. And thep haue in the “end, eyther Fiat, Fiat.oꝝ els Amen, Alleluya. Ss ice peed ea te A - - 58 — —4 FX ‘ a. > = - Eas wt af — * ‘a % @& es ary ⸗ tt a 7 * — re . e 4 wy : ¢ ie & ae fe » Ses: —— dur SE / Sate ae Oy G Ao SADE ee > a 5 vf & > * J ” J = 2 - © ere eee Bet aS y Peta Ae Sepher < eas * eve - Va, Ss A tei ee ¥ 4 g - « , — * bs * 24 s &,. at Sei * F J vey q , ke 4 . a, wh ae ‘4 * 2 J —— ’ —— * OF one 7 y S——.> ‘ * « - > ⸗ 1 $e + ; e 8* — —* ae, * pers * f — ⸗ ⸗ ia , —— —— a SS if = , t* j — | — — 1 > * a . Pur n to" “IO. S Akg SE Tay Ss , - * * > * —— ete. Fs 1 us he * > ; ‘. . f * 7 22 t ¥ © at —* > * — * ~ — a : 7 ia é * ⁊ * 2 > = ‘ * = — * — — * — * > : 4 f Rect = _= * * : t , * é 7 * * * sh +4 ® : vm Of ‘ . aS 2 ‘ ~ - : : 1 * =) vee * es . ere As 4 ‘ — — Ae TO fs Oe kk ihe ae Be acta + Pk, op noe CY > 1 — J — — F ke i) i * — i x ⸗ yo . ee * ~ =< y ) tyes §. 434 4 > “a Cu . ie © re. 3 d ye E ~ = | a> Ars, 1 Te i — — et i aw aha : > ¥ * é — 4J a a. 3 — = = E by € — — ine 3 . mt 3 - — J 5J— — * i a ‘ * Pe c . e 7 F J * Ai ee ~ * pol oe * > PAS D . ‘ . * shag | | ee al — — ORS Na te, : ; Se aa ee en ee 8 : —“ Ys Veaty erau ad er iy 34 J * —* 9 * A — The he — eee the 7 $ Pe 4- = — > ae ag fy 4 ex: : f «* * J * Fu ee al 4. ‘ —J hss 7 : bs rt : : 4 = 4 F $pT he nature of the eyght tunes. Whe kirſt is mecke: deuout fo fre, Whe lecond fad:inmaicip, Whe third doth rage:and roughly beapth. Whe fourth doth fatone:and flattry playth, Whe fyfth deligth: and laugheth the more, The firt betwapleth: it wepeth full fore, Whe ſeuenth tredeth ſtoute: in iroward race, - he eyghte gocth milde: in modeſt pace, OSS WNP 2 CON QAM Ah vw wv The Tenor of thele partes be for the people when thep will ipng alone, the other parts, put for greater queers, 02 to fuche as will ſyng o2 plap them pꝛiuatelye. The Mean. — And will him vies on it co mule: co kepe it day and night. The Contra tenor. - ; — it > —— — —— — — ES ⸗ okie ye — —ttG eçe—— — * > ‘ + , A tA 1 4 AS TS MIRED. ER AO | * i — — wt} Am flandtd no day:in ſinners waprnoꝛ ſitth in ſcoꝛners chayres: — SS Wit nee bis Willsin Gods late — law to loue aright: — — — — — — — ——— — — — — — OTA —— a —ñ — — ———— — And will him — it to muſe: to kepe tt day and night, The a Pfalme. t. The firſt Tune. Tenor. i. — oa —* Bods law ſtyll:thys ſaw to loue arpabt: = — the - — — — — And toil bun vſe:on tt to muſe:to keepe it Day and night. KX. 9 Talys I | \ Pfalme. 68, The fecond Tunes Meant, At face of fivezas ware voth melt:gods face thc bad mought ip, - Contra tenor. At face of firesas ware oth uate face the! bab im mought fp. F : . » : pPſalme. 68. ‘The fecond Tune, Tenor. As ſmoke is drinenzand comth to nought:repulſe thep2 tyranny: - — PN — — —— — — — — —e — — — — e e — — — — — — — t —r — — — — — — — fae Se At tace of fpresas ware Doth melt:gods face red bad mought fly. Bafe. Liskeegt ters —— Et Hod — — and ſcattred be his foes, NAitateot fivesas ware Doth — face the bad mongdt 3 AX 4. g. Talys. \, Pfalme.2. Thethird Tune. — Met, 7. Sere ooesere——‘“isiés‘S The kyngs ariſe:the lozdes deuilein counlavles met therto: ‘eyes | —— Agaynſt the Loꝛd: wetht falfe accord: agaynſt bps Chꝛiſt * go. ama IeePr 3.2 EP Contre tenor. 3 — v4 = = ae — * ik Hy fumeth in ſyght: the Bentils — in fury raging Gout, . . Agaynſt the Loꝛd:wyth falle accordsagapn bys Chꝛiſt they go. | J we third Tunes Tenor. The kynges aryle:the ã a Fame ESR met —— “Agaval the Lora wyth falte — bys Chꝛiſt they go, X Pfalm.o5.The fourth Tune, Me anes ' Come in one, to pꝛayſe the 1o2d,4 dim recounts our flay € health, i Pine z q ——— WORSE tex ‘ i —— — aay np —— — aw wee Feed ba ae v —— ye Ail harty topes, let bs recoꝛd:to this ſtrong rockesour oxo of health. SSS Dis face worth praple,let vs pꝛeuent:his factes in light, let vs denounce, ES —— a = — Joyne we J ſay:in glad aſſent:our — € daca YS pronounce, Contra tenor. — — — Joyne * A * glad alſtnt: our pſalmes t bones, ict’ vs pronounct. ~ The fourth Tune, : — * — — N — Dis lace wyth — vs 3s bene factes in saan bo denounces, cnn sn san oan Topuc we Z| fay, in glad aſſent, our ou plalanes and — —— BS pꝛonounce Baſe. o ee ee a= —— BEM. Come in — patie the lord. and him recount, our fay and heaith : opie wey fay, in glad alent, our plalmes x hymnes let vs —— AX ty. qT alyss — pſalme. 42 The F Tunes Me an e. — —— F SS a — 14 Euen thus my foulesthat faintic is: To thee would faye alpire, —s——— it ——— ry — — — y — — ie” See — — — . Sy foule dtd thirſt to Hod; to God of lpfe and —** ere NN CO ee — — — — = \ ae : ree —— — * —— — — — —— — Zila oa — — Swen — —— ms Pee ere It ſayd cuen thus: when Mall 3 come, to fee Bods tinely face, ges tenor. aS : — =e ft Pe y ee — — — fe Gen ipke the humted hynd:the water bꝛokes delire, i SSS = ) HS See — My ſoule did thirſt to Hod: to Bod of lyfe and grace: tii So See SiS se It {apo cuenthusstohen Rall 5 come:to ſee Bods linelyfacc, } “Buen thus — — faintic is,to thee wauid apne jos : a See nee ; ; ~ — — — ——— — — eee —— — — — — — — — — — C2 (eet pss Se eS ee ae ‘pay foule did = to Bon: to Bod of lyfe am grace, —— at — euen thus, ~~ Mall come,to fee gods a face. = — euen rhuts, when —* come tose gods ast face. TY}. oT alys. Bee det me not ſtray, from thee away:to thee ¥ pray inbart, Bees tenor. — — —— — — — * =e ’ . i > ‘ x . EES ie Fs ea & ea xpend D Lord:mny plaint of mpage in — = Z| do make, sn me not lrray:fr om se awayrto thee A pray tt i The fixt Tune, i Ten or, Let me not ftrap:from thee awwaysto thee 3 pray in hare, ew mand # sista Tink Rig aE Abi. ~ /. Pfalme.s2. The feuenth Tune. > / Meane™ eet re 3 * % A A 5 ee Pre 4 2. STR ee a a A — Se = As raſoꝛ tharpe to fpill,all guile it doth brocare © v0 | Co ontra ten or \WVEset Sst by braglt in malice hie, O thou in milchiet out, Gods — yet ig nye, all Dap to me no doubt: Pee ONT Ww et rN = — — — — 5 Bn, ed TE Laas See, “ws a | — are ME oe | el tonge to mufe all enill,it doth it felfe in bre: As raſoꝛ Harpe fo fila guile it both procure, = ee RS '-* _ tote 1 — > _ | Palme, 52 The ſeuenth Tune. Tenor. as rato — guile if doth appeate, nes ta Maij. p: T alys. Peale The eight Tuné. Cae= = es Od asi grace, he vs imbꝛace:in gentle part: bieit he out hart, With loving cet fume Beis be itt placbi mercies —— vs to tall: by > bealthes rewardsis nye pédlatn igs playne as exeian Bentils ſpy. Contra * Ore, Dd graunt we grace he os imbeacesin gentle partzbleffe he our hart, | SaaS with loning face: thine bein place:his mercies all:on vs to fall, — Ahat we hy way:may know al day:while we do — woꝛld ſo faite i | i Y. ae —— = S — — — — —⸗ — haa — — — — — — — oe Tyhy healthes rewardris nye declard:as playne as overall Gentile We, ja | ) Dd grannt w grace:he vs imbꝛace, in — part, blette ” our 8 — — | With louing faces hire he in place:his mercies all:on vs to fall, — — ae Sale with lowing face:ſyyne be in placesbis mercies allzon vs to fall: ARES See SS Se eas — we thy wer: ss know al Days while we do ſaile: this woꝛh fo fraile Pit il uw | et beaithes reward; isnye declard:as plaine as eye:all Gentils ſpy. YY rE: a -Tal lys. Dine holy ghoſt eternall Bod, which noott fri Hod procede, SoS — — we father kirſt, * eke the Sonne,. one God as we do rede. Contra tenor. Ome holy ghoſt eternall God, which dooſt from Bod procede, =< = == v —8 | the father firft,and cke the eens (Od aS we do rede, : T enor. bey « — —— —ñ — — ES — û — —— — — — — 8 3 — — —— — Bide a REA — io TE ——— ——— —— —— — — Ce Gee ——— 0— ote — — — ome —ñ — — — N Ome holy hott eternal Boo, which dooſt froin Bod pꝛocede, che lather firſt, and eke the Sonne, one Hod as we do — — — Mw ck Baſe. — — — 9— one — ghoſt eternall God, which dooſt from God pzocede, — — · JJ “ Againk thy laude iopfull thyng if ts VIoʒ Arxyſe mp foule. ~|119 Aright bp mar. iw 137 (Mt waters fides. "43 Ah iudge —* God, 40 Pp filent watch. 86 Wot dolune thyne care. {ow ror Both mercy make, [7124 But — V Ww ; \136 Confefle and prayſe. XCcome holy shot No | Due thankes with fong, NIs Expend D 1020. 37 Enlue thou not. ~|127 Except the Lord. /\42 \Cuenlike in chale. + F |S rom ail mp foes. * G o God graunt he heare. BGeue thankes J will. Great ts the 1020. Geue care D God. God pity me. God graunt with grace. God Kandy in midſt. God highly loue. —7— 78 $a The Table, Dlaudes be due to thee |So | Gods mercies all, / \129| Great griefe J haue. H Helpe 102d fo bie. How long wilt thou. Beare thon the right. Here playnedo pe fe. * Wauemercp God, Haue mercy Dod, Paue mercy God. {. In Loꝛd ſo great, Jwill lone the. An the D 102d. Jwill geue thanckes. In midlſt of euil mas hari. 39 | full decreed. 58 |3t itu pour mynd. 76 In Jury Oodisknoinn, 116 |S loued haue the Lod. . 130 In depe ercefle. i138 — | | C| \) ‘A ~ 26 |iLod iudge mp dede, \!30. {3020 thecal tubole. \ 68 |Let God arife in maiettic. —WNi134 [Lope all bere: AL | 1020 now thou letteſt. M. i Marr bie. Ivj22 1p God snp God, ~wi45 {Dy bart breakth ont. /\6r |WMperving beare D Cod. Dy trul D 1020. Wy people kynde. Bei. Bp The Table. . : /94 {QD God and Layo. |Z,95. |@ come in one, ~ 96 |D fing te God. Bp louyrig Lar. /\to8 |p hart D Gav. 1 22 MPolt glad Jwas. 31 My bart proud thinges, |\'100 O topeallinen. Wp fonle the 102d. \\[ 102 O Loꝛd to the. N. ~ 104 O prapfe mp foule. ~w8r |Polwfing petopfullp. |-~v) cos O praple the Lord. /\107 | pꝛapſe the Lord. 109 |D God my iop. ~|118 |D thankeand laud. ~ 115 No peaple geue vs. \ 143 Nob heare mp (ute. O NI, D i020 how ill. - ~/128 1D bleft is he. \l4 |D Gon fo bie. ©1133 0 come and fe. — — Neé Ocarpe not folvze. 135 |D woꝛlſhip thanke € pꝛaiſe N70 Lodd in the. ~1139 | Godthou bak. : /\8 ‘DAowour guide. /\140 1D Loꝛd mo god, N\l26 O God of truff. IN [141 1D 3020 J baue. |vi2s [Dordt the. \[146]® thou mp foule. \)28 D 1020 J erp. 4 {149 O fing Onto the Loꝛd. india {® bleft be they. / \150|D peaple pe God. 3* | 2D bappy they bs. /| {2 Godiveprayfe. N\138 ®D Loꝛd to ſore. —X O bleſt be God. 43 2 8od eterne phere: N44 'D Goa lo gor. /\35 |Pleade thou O Loꝛd. /\46 Dur hope is Gor. NII7 Pꝛaple duely the i028. V49 O beare peout. Nr47 pᷣꝛapſe pe the Lord. \is4 Olaue me God. Ni 48 Pꝛapſe pe the Loꝛd. 608God thon hatelt. J R, /\63 O God to the. 6z33 KReioyce in God. ~164 Oheare me od, Vſos Reiovyce ta God with to ~170 O Ood fo me. / \132 Kemember 10, ~173 O god is God fo Araell. S. Ni79 |D God fallenin.. /\6z |@ball not my foule. \{83 |D God our Goo, \{69 |Saueme D Lord. /(\84 | God of hoes. ~\98 |Spng peallueb. Nigo [@ Soa thou bal, | | Tye ~— TheTable. | T. ae \yi123 [ia thee J ift. The ſcole hath fap. 144 Whe Loꝛd be bleſt. Whe heauens do fell, V. 142 Unto Wed eet The kyng wyth voyce. . (Lhe earth itis. | 2 |W hp funre in fight. Whe 102d of myght. N fro Why ffandth fo far. That man is bleſt. I5. WMho Loꝛd ſhall byde. Together clap pe handes. 52 |CUhpboalk thy ſelfe. MChe God of Gods .Ais2 Wchy bragſt in. Whe fole hath ſayd. ~vi74 \WMbyart fo far. Wo Godtocrp. 75 We do conkfelſſe. Thou ſhepeheard kyng. lor (Who vnder fence. The Lord is kyng. / \11r With allmp bart J twill. Whe liuyng Lord. VIII⸗ (ben Iſraell frõ Egipt. The ior to raigne. 1125 Who ſtickth fo God. 110 The Lord moſt hie, | Wiha faued till be, man ts bleff, . aoe Te Gov when J. 29 Pe ſonnes of God. To heauenly hils, 71 3 Pe ſeruants childꝛẽ meke. I20 A N25 Index, Thenumbers be asthe Hebrewes accountthem., Ad te domine clamaui. Ad te leuaui. Afferte domino. Attendite popule. Audite hec onines. Beatus vir. Beati quorum. Beatus qui intelligit, Beatus vir qui. 9 \Beatiimmaculati, Beati omnes qui. Benedicam dominum, 7 144 —— dominus. NIꝰ Bonum eft confitert. Cantate domino. Cantate domino, Cantate domino, Cœli enarrant, Confitebor, / \138 |Confitebor. / \t11{Confitebor. N175 ~ |105|Confiteminidoming,' 1]\139 [Dixicuftodiam. Confitebimur. D dominum cum tri.| /\ 106. Ad te domine leuaui| / |107 | Nizo —— 18 Diligam te.» 3)~|14 |Dixit infipiens. I a ‘Confiteminidomino. 2 Confiteminidomino, 3— ~|1 88 Confiteminidomino. 4 \ 1136 Confitemini domino, 5 16 Conferua mnie. 116 Credidi propter, | NI4 pene inuocarem,. Sat? a... ae ee Deus deus meus, Jeus auribus, . Deus noſter. Deus deorum. {Deus in nomine. |Deus repuliſti. Deus deus meus. Deus mifereatur. » =; Deusinadiutorium, — Deus iuditium. Deus venerunt. Deus ftetit. Peus quis fimilis. Deus vidonam . N22, Dore: | / \'16|Dilexi quoniam. 2| /1' 10|Dixit déminus domino, N53 Dixit infipiens. 21 ee ee — Dixit Index, 36 ſPDixit iniuſtus. |/'40 |ExpeGans expec, 3. |Domine quid. I~ 81 |Exultate deo. 6 |Domineneinfurore. 1 33 Exultate iuſti. 38 |Dominene in furore. 2,.\'68 |Exurgat Deus, 7 |Dominedeus meus. |7|8 |Dominedeusnofter. |~ 87 |Fundamenta. 15 |Domine quis habitabit. 4 ot a,j21 {Domine in virtute. Lf 88 |Dominedcus falutis. [XN 90 |Domine refugium. ~ 86 |Inclinadomine, 126 |Inconuertendo. 11 |Indominoconfido, \j102]Domine exaudi. V It 14 {In exitu Ifraell. ~|131 |Dominenoneftexalt. j-~)31 |Intedomine fperaui, 139|Domine probafti. /\7% |Intedomine fpe.ne. \{141 [Domine clamaui. ~)\66 iInbilatedeo. I\1143 |[Dontine exaudi. ~ |\ {100 [Iubilate domino. /\23 \Dominusregitme. + |/'35 |Iudicadomine. 24PDomini ett terra. v4 43 Tudica me deus. j\|27 Pominus illuminatio. 26 |Iudicame domine, . 93 |Dominus regnauit. | : 97 |Dominus regnanit exul.|\'146|Laudaanima. « N/99 |Dominus regnauitiraf. |\ 147 |LaudaHierufalem. _ 7 \\'113 |Laudate puert. N\{134 |Eccenunc benedicite. |\'117|Laudate dominum. WU}133 Ecce quam bonum. Ww I2I Leuaui oculos. /i\s9 |Eripe me deini. / 122 |Letatus fum. 190 |Eripe me domine. / 135 \Laudate nomen. dvlas lEru@auitcor. / 147 |Laudate dominum. . ~|145 |Exaltabo te Deus. / 148 |Laudate domini de cel. I\}30 [Exaltabotedomine. |//,150;Laudate dominus in fan. dbulss5 |Exaudi Deus orationes. /\6i |ExaudiDeusdepreca. |//48 |Magnusdominus. \\~v|64 |Exaudi Deus orationes. Asx Miferere mei. \(17 |Exaudideusinititiam. 56 Miferere meide. to /Exaudiat teDominus. 8 57 Niſerere mei deus miſe. | 4 . LZ Mj. 5 = Mile- |a'89 )Mifericordias. — vlror|Miam & indicium. | /\132 |Memento domine. ~'37 \Noliemulari. / 62 |Nonnedeo. /\76 Notus in Indea. ~|115 Non nobis domine. /\124 Nifiquiadominus. A127 Nit dominus. ~ 147 |Omnes gentes. / \108 Paratum cor. 2 |Quarefremuerunt. 42 |Quemadmodum. 5 2 {Quid gloriaris. 73 |Quam bonus Ifraell. [80 Qui regis Iſrael. — |/\84 |Quam dile&a, Pa jot Quit habitar, ~125 | Quiconfidunt.’ \|t2. |Saluum me fac domine, | \ 69. |Saluum me fac deus, /\58 |Sivere vtid;. | ⸗ | 12.9 |Sepe expugna, ~ | 137 |Super flumina. 7/65 \Tedecetdeus. 4 s {Verba mea.” Nio Vt quiddomine. N13 [V{quequo domine, ~174. \Vtquiddeus. J 177 Voce mea ad dominum.. / 95 \Venite exultemus. | * / 95 : | a 142/Voce meaaddominum, | * -~- * Sw a — * -¢ = rar — ed i — * rug Bs 7 ‘ ives athe 7 ee * ee 2 et ae ety 7 * * J — ot * FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY te 7 rail, ae all my ie 7 if, ~ ip ~ all —— — — J oe X —* = 7 és 7 * 7 . > Mae OT * — ga — 7 * — Pug ter. eae “2 F — ee — — — — — — ee nee a — — ile 7 « OOO ey ee RE ONE e te ee ee re a Pe , Pod i ‘ ' . if 1 t « is ec Ts ‘ LF ’ ‘ ' = 4 a ~ ' ’ a 3 fog : } , ; ’ ‘ \ 1} , - * 14 5 { ] * ' ' ap ee