THE LEXINGTON COLLECTION, 3EING A SELECTION OF HYMNS, AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, FROM THE BEST AUTHORS. All ye that love the Lord rejoice, And let your songs be iijsiv ; Amidst the thurch ivith cheerful voice $ His later wonders shevj. THIRD EDITION, CORRECTED. _________ _____ • - ____. LEXINGTON KENTUCKY: fRlNTRD AT THE JfE PORTER OFFICE, *${& eVBLlUHRS) BT XACCQiry, TXLFORD ? ~ # my Saviour drest in love, *i4 there my smiling God. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 29 HYMN 26. Short Metre. The Lord 1 3 day : Or, delight in ordinances. 1 WELCOME, sweet day cf rest, That saw the Lord arise: Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes ! 2 The King himself comes near, And leasts his saints to clay ; Here we may sit and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. $ One day amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Oi pleasurable sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away, In everlasting bliss. HYMN 27. Long Metre. The enjoyment of Christ : Or, delight in Worship,, [g on e, 1 FAR from my thoughts, vain world be- Let my religious hours alone .' Fain would my eyes my Saviour sec, I wait a visit, Lord, from thee. 30 HYMNS AND ■ 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire: Come, my dear Jesus from above, And feed my soul with heav'nly love. 3 [The trees of life immortal stand In beauteous rows at thy right hand, And in sweet murmurs by their side. Rivers of bliss perpetual glide. 4 Haste then, but with a smiling face, And spread the table of thy grace: Bring down a taste of truth divine, And cheer my heart with sacred wine.] 4 Bless'd Jesus, what delicious fare, How sweet thy entertainments are ! Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love. 6 Hail, great Immanuel all divine ! In thee thy Father's glories shine: Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest One, That eyes have seen, or angels known* HYMN 28. Long Metre. PART THE SECOND. 1 LORD, what a heav'n of saving grace, Shines thro' Uie beauties ot thy face, And lights our passions to a flame ! Lord, how we love thy charming name. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 2 When I can say, my God is mine, When I can feel thy glories shine, I tread the world beneath my feet, And all the earth calls good or great. i While such a scene of sacred joys, Our raptur'd eyes and souls employs, Here we could sit and gaze away, A long, and everlasting day. 4> Well we shall quickly pass the night, The fair coast of perfect light : Then shall our joyful senses rove O'r the dear object of our iove. 5 There shall we drink full draughts of bliss, And pluck new life from heavenly trees ? Yet now and then, dear Lord bestow A drop of heav'u on worms beiow, € Send comforts down from thy right hand While we pas* thro* this barreu land ; And in thy temple let us see A glimpse of iove, a glimpse of Thee] HYMN 29. Common Metre. Our frail bodis.?, and God our preserver. I LET others boast how strong they be. Nor death nor danger fear: But we'll confess, O Lord, to thee, What feeble things we arc. 32 HYMNS AND 2 Fresb,as the grass our bodies stand, • Ar.d nourish bright and gay ; A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land And fades the grass away. 3 Our life contains a thousand springs, And cies \i one be gone ■ Strange ! that a harp of thousand strings Should keep in tune so long. 4 But s « Is our God supports our frame, The God that bunt us first ; Salvation to th' Almighty name, 1 hat rear'd us from the dust. 5 [He spoke, and strait our hearts and brains, In all their motions rose ; Lei blood, said he, now round the veins ; And round the \eins it flows. ' G While we have breath to use our tongues, Our Maker w'll adore ; His Spirit moves our heaving lungs, Or they would breathe no more.] HYMN 20. Common Metre. Complaining o* Spiritual sloth. 1 MY drowsy pow'rs, why sleep ye so ? Awake my sluggish soul, Nothing hi s half thy work to do, Yet nothing's half so dull. SPIRITUAL SONGS: SS 2 The aMe ants .or one poor Labour, and tug, and strive ; Yet we who have a heav'h t'obuun, How negligent we live - r 3 We, for whose sake all nature stands, \nd their courses moYe ; \Ve For whose guard the angel bands, Cosne flying from above. ■4 We, foe whom God the Son came down, ftnd laboui'd for oui good. How ere. ess to secure tiiat crown iie pui climbed with his blood I 5 Lord, shall we lie so slugE ish still, And neve" art our parts I Come, holy Dove from th' heav'nly hill, And sit, and '.varrn our hearts. 6 Then shall our active r-pirits move, Upward our senw shall rise : With hands of/kith* and w.iogs of love., We'll fly and take the prize. HYMN 31. Co.r.mon Metre. Death and iLcernity. I STOOP down my thoughts that us*d t© Converse a while v. in-, dei \.h ; [ ibe» 1 hink ! how a gasping mortal lies* And p«uis away bis breath, 34 HYMNS AND > His quiv'ring lip hangs feeble downi His pulse is faint and few, Then speechless, with a doleful groan, He bids the world adieu. 3 But, oh the soul that never dies ! At once it leaves the clay ? Ye thoughts pursue where it flies And track its wond'rous way. 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, It mounts triumphant there, Or devils plunge it down to hell, In infinite despair, 5 And must my body faint and die ? And must this soul remove ? Oh, for some guardian angel high, To bear it safe above. 6 Jesus, to thy dear faithful hand, My naked soul I trust. And my flesh wakes for thy command, To drop into my du-:t. HYMN 32. Short Metre. Heavenly joy on ear ih. } [GOME ye that love the lord, And let your joys be known , Join in a song cf sweet accord, And thjus surround ths throne, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 35 2 The sorrows of the mind Be banished from the place ; Religion never was design'd To make our pleasures less.] 3 Let those refuse to sing, That never knew our God, But fav* rites of the heav'nly King May speak their joys abroad. 4 [The God that rules on high, And thunders when he please, That rides upon the stormy sky. And manages the seas.] 9 This awful God is ours, Our Father and our love, He shall send down his heav'nly powers To carry us above. G There shall we see his face, And never, never sin ; There from the rivers of his grace Drink endless pleasures in. 7 Yes, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliis Should constant joys create. 6 [The men of grace have found Glory begun below, 36 HYMNS AND Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow.] 5 [The hill of Sion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heav'nly fields^ Or walk the golden streets. iO The« let our songs abound, And evei'v tear be dry ; W're marching thro' ImmanrtePs grcuril To fairer worlds on high.] HYMN 33. Long Metre. Christ $ fireaence makes death easy. 1 WHY should, we start and fear to die? What rimVous worms we moitals are i Dsath lb the gate of endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. 2 Trte p n .ins, and groans, and dying strife • i hi oiir' approaching. souls away ; Stiil ne shrink batk again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 3 Oh ! if my Lord would come and meet, My soul should stretch her wings in haste ; Fly fearless thro' death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrors as she pass'4- SPIRITUAL SONGS. 57 4 Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as dcwny pillars are, While on his breast I lean my head, nd breathe ray life out sweetly there, HYMN 34. eShort Metre. Christ's intercession, 1. WELL, the Redeemer's gone T' appear before our God, To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne With his atoning blood. 2 No fiery vengeance now, No burning wrath comes down ; If justice calls for sinners' blood The savior shows his own. Z. Before his Father's eye Our humble suit he moves ; The Father lays his thunder by, And looks, and smiles, and loves. 4 Now, may our joyful tongues Our maker's honours sing, Jcsusy the priest, receives our songs* And bears them to the King. 5 [We bow before his face, And sound his glories hi^h, " Hosanna to the God of grace, TJiat lays his thunder bv-] B S3 HYMNS AND » S On earth thy mercy reigns, And triumphs all above." Bin, lord, how weak our mortal strains To speak immortal love I t [How jarring and how low Are all thenoteswe sing ! Sweet saviour, tune our songs anew> And they shall please the king.] HYMN 35. Long Metre. J sight of God mortifies us to the world* 1 [TJP to the fields where angels lie, And living waters gently roll, Fain would my thoughts leap out and fly., But sin hangs heavy on my soul. 2 Thy wond'rous blood, dear dying Christy Cm make this world of guilt remove ; And thou can'stbear me where thou fly 'st On thy kind wings, celestial Dove, 3 O might I once mount up and see The glories of th' eternal skies, Whatlitlle Ihiii^s these worlds would be ? How despicable to my eyes ?] 4 Had I a glance of thee, my God, Kingdoms and men would vanish soon j SPIRITUAL SONGS: 39 Vanish, as though I saw them not, As a dim candle dies at noon, 5 Then they might fight and rage and rave I should perceive the noise no more, Than we can hear a shaking leaf, While rattling thunders round us roar. $ Great All in All, eternal King, Let me but view thy lovely face, And all my powers shall bow and sing, Thine endless grandeur and thy grace. HYMN 36.. Common Metre. Delight in God. 1 MY God, what endless pleasures dwell Above at thy right hand ! The courts below, how amiable, Where all thy graces s^tnd ! 2 The swallow near thy temple lies, And chirps a cheerful note ; The lark mounts upward tow'rd the skies And tunes her warbling throat. S" 1 And we when in thy presence, Lord We shout with joyful tongues; Or sitting round our father's board, We crown the feast with songs. HYMNS ANB 4 Whi!e Jesus shines with quick'ning grac* We sing and mount on high j But if a frown becloud his face, We faint and tire and die. 9 Just as we see the lonesome dove Bemoan her widow'd state, Wand'ringshe flies through all the grove And mourns her Iovitig mate. t Just so our thoughts from thingto things In restless circles rove: Just so we droop and hang the wing When Jesus hides Lis love. HYMN 27. Long Metre. &lory and g^ace in the fieraon of Christ 1 NOW to the Lord a noble song ! Awake my soul, awake my tongue; Ho anna to th' e.cnral name*, And ail his boundless love proclaim* -■2 See where it shines in Jesus'' face,, The brightest ima^c of his grace ; God in the person of his Son Has ail his mightiest works outdone. 3 The spa;ious earth, and spreading flood, Proclaim the wise, the pow'rfui God, And thy rich glories from afar Sparkle in cv'ry rolling star: SPIRITUAL SONGS. A* 4 But in his looks a glory stands, The noblest labour of thine hands: The pleasing lustre of his eyes Outshines the wonders of the skies. 5 Grace ! 'tis a sweet a charming theme p My thoughts rejoice at Jesus* name ! Ye angels dwell upos the sound ; Ye heav'ns reflect it to the ground I 9 Oh, may I live to reach the place Where he unveils his lovely face ! Where all his beauties you behold, ' And sing his name on harps- of goldT HYMN 3«. Common Metre. Love to the creatures is dangerous, I HOW vain are all things here below? How false and yet how fair ! Each pleasure hath its poison too : And ev'ry sweet a snare. ,2 The brightest things below the sky Give but a flatt'ring light; We should suspect some danger nigh) Where we possess delight. 3 Our dearest joys and nearest friends, The partners of our blood, How they divide our way'ring minds^ An4 leave but half for God \ 42* HYMNS AND 4 The fondness of a creature's love, How strong it strikes the sense ? Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call 'em thence. 5 Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be My soul's eternal food ; And grace command my heart away From all created good. HYMN 39. Common Metre. The pilgrimage of the saints : Or, earth and httr$tn. 1 LORD ! what a wretched land is tins That yields us no supply, No cheering iVuits, no wholesome trees, Nor streamy of living joy ? 2 But pricking thorns thro' all the ground, And mortal poisons glow, And all the rivers that are found, With datig'rous waters flow. 3, Vet the dear path to thine abode Lies through this horrid land: Lord ! we would keep the heav'nly road, And run at thy command. 4 Ou r souls shall tread the desert through With undiverted feet: SPIRITUAL SONGS. 43 And faith and flaming zeal subdue The terrors that we meet. 5 [A thousand savage beasts of prey Around the forest roam ; But Judah's Lion guards the way, And guides the strangers home.] 6 Long nights and darkness dwell below, - With scarce a twinkling ray ; But the bright world, to which we go. Is everlasting day: 7 By glim'ring hopes, and gloomy fears, We trace the saereQ road, [-snares Through dismal deeps and dangerous We make our way to God. S Our journey is a thorny maze, But we march upward stili: Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at ZzWs hid. 9 [See the kind angels at the gates, Inviting us to come ; There Jesus the forerunner waits To welcome travellers home. 10 There, on a green and flow'ry mount, Our weary souls shall sit, And with transporting joys recount The labors of our feet. ■44 HYMNS AN* 11 No rain discourse shall fill our tongue Nor trifles vex our ear; Infinite grace shall fill our song, And God rejoice to hear. 1.3 Eternal glories to the king That brought us safely through; Our tongues shall never cease to sing, And endless praise renew.J HYMN 40. Common Metre. Geo's presence U light in darkness 1 M V God, the spring of all my joys> The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights* 2 In darkest shades if he appear, My dawning is begun ! He is my soul's sweet morning star^ And he my rising sun. 3 The op'ning heav'ns around me shin© With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows his heart is minej And whispers, I am his. 4, My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word, SPIRITUAL SONGS. A Kun up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through ev'ry toe ; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Should bear me conqu'ror through* HYMN 41. Common Metre. Frail life and succeeding eternity* .1 THEE we ado^e eternal name, And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal framej What dying worms are we ? 2 [Our wasung lives wrows shorter atil^ As months »&d da/ s increase j And ev'rv bating pulse we tell, Leaves but the number iess. 3 The year rolls round, and steals away i Yhe breath that first it gave ; What'er we do, where-e'er we be, We're trav'iing to the grave.] 4 Dangers stand thick thro* all the ground) To push us to the tomb ; And fierce diseases wail around, To hurry mortals home. 46 HYMNS AND 5 Good God! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things ! Th* eternal states of all the dead Upon life's feeble strings* 6 Infinite joy or endless woe Attends on ev'ry breath ; And yet how unconcerned we g@ Upon the brink of death, 7 Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense To walk this dangerous road ; And if our souls are hurry'd hence, May they be found with God. HYMN 42. Common Metre. The pleasures of a good conscience. 1 LORD, *how secure and blest are they Who feel the joys of pardon'd sin ? [sea, Should storms of wrath shake earth and Their minds have lieav'n and peace within. 2 The day glides swiftly o'er their head, Made up of innocence and love : And soft and silent as the shades, Their nightly minutes gently move. 8 [Quick as their thoughtstheir joyscome But fly not half so fast away j [on SPIRITUAL SONGS. 47 Their souls are ever bright as noon, And calm as summer ev'nings be. 4 How oft they look to the heav'nly hills, Where groves of living pleasures grow, And longing hopes and cheerful smiles Sit undisturb'd upon their brow.] 5 They scorn to seek our golden toys, But spend the day and share the mgut, In numb'ring o'er the richer joys, That heav'n prepares for their delight. 9 While wretched we like worms ard Lie grovlingin the dust below; [motes, Almighty grace, renew our souls. And we'll aspire to glory too. HYMN 43. Common Metre. | A thought of death and glory. I MY soul, come meditate the day, And think how near it stands, When thou must quit this house of clay, And fly to unknown lands. 2 [And you, mine eyes leok down and view The hollow gaping tomb. This gloomy prison waits for you, Whene'er the summons come.l * 48 HYMNS AN* 3 Oh ! could we die with those that die And place us in their stead ; Then would our spirits learn to fly And converse *ith the dead ; 4 Then should we see the saints above In th»ir own glorious forms, And wonder why their souls should love To dwell with mortal worms. 5 How we should scorn these cloathes of These fetters, and this load ; [flesjj, And long for evening to undress, That we may rest with God.] We should almost forsake our clay Before the sumraowcome, And pray and wish our souls away To their eternal home. HYMN 44. Common Metre. A funeral thought. 1 HARK 1 from the tombs a doleful sound My ears attend the cry, Ci Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shoitly lie." 2 Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of ail your tow'rs.; SPIF^T^AjL SQKG3: 49 'Yh-* tail, the wise, the rev'rend head, 'lust iic iv6 low as ours.'* And are we still sec Sti'.i walking downwards to our tomb,. And yet prepare no more I 4 Grant us the power of quick'i;ing grace^ To fit our souls to fly ; Then when we drop this dying fiesh, We'll rise above the sky* HYMN 45. P. M. 1 A WAK'D by Sinai's awful sound, My soul in guilt and thrall I found, And knew not where to go ; CVcrwhelm'd by sin and stngu-ish slaii The sinner must be born again, Or sink in endless woe. 2 Amaz'd I stood, but could not tell Which way to shun the gates of hell, For death and hell drew near ; I strove indeed, bv.t strove in vain, The sinner must be born a~ain — Still sounded in my ear, :a When to the law I trembling fled, I*. pour'd its cusres on my head, 50 HYMNS ANI> I no relief could find : This fearful truth cenew'd my pain j; The sinner must be born again, And wheim'd my tortur'd mind, 4 A gain did Sinai's thunders roll, And guilt lay heavy on my soul, A vast unwieldy load; Alas ! I read and saw it plain, The sinner must be born again, Or drink the wrath of God. 5 The saints I heard with rapture tell,. How Jesus conquer'd death and hell,. And broke the fov. Ier's snare ; Yet when I found this truth remain, T> ' • n is 4 be born again, I sunk in deep despair. 6 But while 1 thus in anguish lay, Jesus of Naz'reth pass'd that way, And felt his pity move ; jPJhe sinner by his justice slain, Now by his grace is born again. And sings redeeming love, 7 To heaven the joyful tidings flew, The angels tun'd their harps anew, Ana loftier notes did raise : A ] i hail the Lamb! that once was slain, Lnntimber'd millions born again, Will shout thine endless praise* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5! HYMN 46 P. Ijj. 1 HARK, the Jubilee is sou*vling, Oh ! the joyi'ul news is come ; Great salvation is proclaimed, In and through God's only son Mow we Lave an invitation To the meek and lowly Lamb; Glory honor and salvation, Christ, the Lord is come to reign, 2 Come dear friends, and don't neglect it 2 Come to Jesus in your prime; Great salvation don't reject it, O receive ir, now's your time ; Now the Savior is beginning To revive his work again. Glory, honor, &c. .Sec. 3 Now let each one cease from sinning, Come and follow Christ the way ; We shall all receive a blessing, If from him we do not stray; Golden moments we've neglected, Oh I the time we've spent in vain, Glory, honor, Sec. esc, 4 Now we'll run our race with patience, Looking unto Christ our Lord, He whose throne shall stand forever, And whose name shall be ador'd i He is worthy to be praised, 52 HYMNS AND He is cur exalted Kirg, Glory, honor, Sec* Sec, /5 Come dear children, praise your Jesus, Praise him, praise him evermore. May his precious love constrain us To rejoice aWd to adore ; O then lei us join together, Crowns of glory to obtain. Glory* honor and salvation, Ciiiist, the Lord, is come to reigp. HYMN 47. P. M. \ DARK and thorny is the Desert, Thro' which Pilgrims make their way^ Yet bey< nd ibis vale of sorVow, Lie the fields ot endless day. Fiends kiud howling in the tempest, N. ike then; tremble as they go— And the fiery darts of satan, Often lay their courage low. 2 Oh ! young soldiers do ycu murmur, At the trouble's of the way? D./ your hearts begin to fail you And your vigour to decay i Jesus, Jesus, shall defend you — He shall lead you to his throne, IJe that dy'd his garments for you, And the wine press trode alone .; SPIRITUAL SONGS. $2 3 He whose thunder shakes creation^; He that bid the planets roll : He who rides upon the tempest, And whose sceptre sways the whole : Round him see ten thousand Angels, Ready to receive command ; The;/ are ever watching round you, *Tiil you reach the Heavenly Land, 4 There on flow'ry fields of pleasure, And the hilis of endless rest — Joy and peace, and love, shall ever Reign and triumph in your breast, Who can paint the scenes of Glorv, Where the ransom'd dwell on high* Where the Golden Harps forever, Sound redemption round the sky. 5 There a million flaming Seraphs, Fly across the Heavenly Plain ; There they sing immortal praises,. Glory 1 Glory 1 is their strain. But methinks a sweeter concert Makes the chrystal arches ring, And a song is heard in Zion, Which the Angels cannot sing I € See the heavenly host in rapture, Gaze upon this shining band — Wondering at their costly garments^ And the laurels in their hand. There upon the golden pavement, i*§e the ransom'd marsh along— 54 HYMNS AND While the spl i - >-, Sweetly echo to lJ '.. ■ >d; . r But methinks, in whitei garments*. Some are matching on before ; Oh 1 their downs, howbi ightth Such as monarchy uev< Ci There were shepherds in ray pastures, «' Faithful in my cause below ; 41 They shall now, in peaee forever, " Sit on thrones as white as suow.'' G Round them see the lambs they gather' ti, See the flocks they feci with care ; Now they're come to richer pastures ; Jesus is their shepherd there. Hail ! ye happy, happy spirits ! Death no more shall make you fear i Sin and sorrow, pain and anguish, Shail no more disturb you here. 9 Sinners here shall not deride you, Tho' they vex'd you while below ; Now they're gone, and gone forever, To the gulph of endless woe. Clos'd in that eternal prison. They can injure you no more ; Hell alas ! is all around them ! And eternity before ! 10 There they find a God of justice, Whom they once refus'd to feur ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3< There a lake ^f burning Svdf-hur, Tho' they clisbeiitv'd it here. H>rk ! met T hiinks 1 hear from topliet,- C.iea mO : 's di eat ful ihan the rest j Some appear in greater anguish, And with aorer vengeance prcst. 11 Ah ! they cry, « we heard the gospel, " Where the Lord reviv'd his cause ; " Saw how number:-, bow'd before him ; u Yet we still refus'd his laws. Si We rejected every warning—- 'i Scorn'd the penitential tear ; " We despis'd the calls of mercy— f Now we lie in fetters here.'* 12 Sinners, will you come to Jesus ? Oh I that you would come to-day. Come, before the sword of vongeance ; - Cuts you down upon the way. Soon the harvest may be gather'd, And the sheaves collected home ; Then, in vain, you*ll call for mercy. And, in vain, may wish to come. HYMN 48. F. M* STOP i poor sinners, stop and think. Before you further go: Will you sport upon the brink* Of everlasting woe I Sfi HYMNS AND Cin and Satan bind you fast. In their awful iron chains, And shortly your poor soul must land, In everlasting pains. Once again, 1 charge you stop ! For unless you warning take, E're you are awake, you drop, In the burning lake ! 2 Say have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose I Fear you not th*t iron rod, With which he breaks his foes ! Can you stand in that dread day, When the judgment shall proclaim,. And the earth sfcall melt away, Like wax before the flame ? Once again, &c. 2 Pale-fac'd death will quickly come, To drag you to his bar ; Then to hear your awful doom, Will fill you with dispair: All your sins will round you croud— Sins of a blood-crimson dye, Each for yengeance crying loud, And what can you reply ? Once again, &c. 4 Tho* your hearts are made of steel— ► Your forehead's lin'd with brass ; God, at length, will make you feel He will not let you pass: SPIRITUAL SONGS. Sinners then, in vain Will cull — Tho' they now despite his grace, Rocks and mountains, on us full, And hide us from his face. Once again, &c. But, as yet, there is a hope, You may his mercy know : Tho' his arm is lifted up, He still forbears the blow : *Twas for sinners Jesus dy'd— Sinners, he invites to come ; None, who comes shall be denied— Pie says there yet is room. Once again, I charge you stop ; For unless you warning take, E're you are aware, you drop, Into the burning lake 1 HYMN 49. P. M. 1 Come ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore.> Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power : He is able, He is willing-— doubt no more. 2 Now ye needy, come and welcome, Cod's free bounty, glorify, 5 8 iif :.:>;$ and Tine be lief and true repentance, Every grace that brings him nigh— Without money. Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience maiie you linge* Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requires, Is to feel your need of him. This he. gives you — 'Tis the spirit's g-limVing beam. 4, Come ye weary heavy )aden'd, Bruis'ci and mangled by the fall? If you tarry till you* re better. You will never come at all. Not the righteous — Sinners, Jesus come 10 call. 5 Agonizing inthe garden, Lo 1 your Maker prostrate lies ', On the bloody tree behold him 1 Hear him cry before he dies ; It is fmish'd, Sinners, will not this suffice ? 6 Lo ! th* incarnate God ascending^ Pleads the merits of his blood, Venture on him, venture freely ; Let no other trust intrude. None but Jesus, Can do helpless sinners good. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Saints and Angels, join'd in conceit, Sy*g the praises of the Lamb ; While the blissful seals, of heaven, Sweetly echo with the sound, Hallelujah! Sinners here may do the same. KYMN 50* Long Metre. 1 I LONG to see the seasons come, When sinners shall come flocking horns, To taste the heaven of Jesus' love, And seek the joys that are above. 2 Hark, how the glorious gospel sounds, Inviting sinners all around ; Behold your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands. 3 He now is knocking at your heart, Waiting salvation to impart — To wash you in atoning blood, And seal y&u heirs and sons of God. 4 A few more days, and you must go, To realms of joy, or endless woe ; In worlds of bliss with Christ to dwell, Or sink beneath bis frowns to hell* 5 Come then dear sinners, counsel take, And all your sinful ways forsake ^ * to- HYMNS AND This w.qrJd ^veo'ci' leave friends Lelun . Iii Ch>ist you shah redemption fnd. 6 Take your bd-m pacri ion by the hundj And all your chidren in one bandi And give th ai up at Jesus* call. To pardon, bless and save them all. 7 Then when the day of Christ shall come, And he cetieeta his jewels home : On Zion's mount you then shall staud, And join the bright celestial bund. 8 Oh ! what a glorious company I May Ibe there that siefit to see, And join in praise to Jesus' i^me— All .elorious in Jerusalem. HYMN 51. Long Metre. 1 SAY, now ye lovely social band, Who walk the way to Canaan's land, Ye who have ned from Sodom's plain, Say do you wish to turn again ? Oh 1 have you ventur'd to the field ? Well arm'd with helmet, swe*rd and shield ? And shall the world with dread alarms, Compel you now to ground your arms ? 3 Oh ! come young soldiers, count the cost. And say, what pleasure hate you lost ? Or what misibrtune does it bring, To have Jehovah for your king r SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6i Shal\ sin entice you back again, ? And bind you with its iron chain Has vice to you such lovely charms, That jou must die within its arms ? 3 Is folly's way, the way of peace, Where sin, and pain, and sorrow cease ? Does pleasure roll its living stream, And is religion all a dream ? Say, do you envy those who stray, And wander far from wisdom's way— - Oh ! do you see their path descend, Or know where sin at last will end ; 4 Beware of pleasure's syren song, Alas ! it cannot soothe you long ; It cannot quiet Jordan's wave, Nor cheer the dark and iilent graved Oh ! what contentment did you find, When love of pleasure rul'd your mind ? No sweet reflection lull'd your rest, Nor conscious virtue calm'd your breast. 5 Did you not dread that hast'ning day, That soon must sweep your joys away. When death shall sing in mournful strain, w Let dust return to dust again ?" But now your thoughts delight to soar, Where earth and time shall be no more *, They pass the grave and mount on high; T* the fair fields above the sky. 62 HYMNS AND €. There on the hill of sweet repose, You'll bid adieu to all your woes ; There shall you walk the flow'ry fields, And taste the fruit which Zion yields No sin or pain shall venture nigh, Nor fiends shall never rise so high: There the angelic watchmen wait, To keep secure the heav'nly gate. 7 There see the glorious hosts on wings And hear the heavenly seraphs sing, The shining ranks in glory stand, Or move iike lightning at command: There sits the Saviour on his throne, And there Jehovah reigns alone ; There angels circle round his seat, And armies worship at his feet, Z But Oh ! I see among the rest, An host in whiter garments drest, And nearer to the throne they stand, With palms of vict'ry in their hands. Oh ! who are those I now behold, [gold ? With blood-'wash'd robes and crowns of Say, is this glorious cause unknown To him who sits upon the throne. 2 Yes, now we know from whence this throng, For — hark ! redemption is their song ; From yonder vale of tears they come— Welcome ye trav'lers— welcome home. SPIRITUAL SONGS. «3 Oh i now upon the peaceful shore, You're met at last, to part no more ; Where flesh and sin shall not controul The sacred pleasures of the soul. HYMN 52. P. M. 1 HARK ! ye sinners, now the trumpet I O ! the solemn trumpet sounds ! Nature hears it to her centre, And the lowest hell resourds ! Wake ye nations from your slumbers I Let the silent world arise ! Death and hell give up your legions, To the sovereign of the skies ! 2 Now behold the heavenly armies i See the banners all unfurl'd I Christ, the meek and lowly stranger, Now is come to judge the world I Ah ! ye sinners, are you ready ? Well prepar'd to meet your God ? When he asks this awful question, Tell me how you've us'd my blood I 3 Tell me now, if thou hast lov'd me ? Hast thou kept my just commands ! Didst thou come, when I was offer'd, To fulfil the law's demands ? 4»reat were the demands against ye«— Heavy debts upon your soul ; 64 HYMNS AND Still my offers were neglected ; Go then sinner, pay the whole. 4 Hell's grim spect.xs hear the thunder And they fain would stand afar ! Host* of Angels drive mem onward) To the awfbi judgment bar ! O ! the solemn congregation) Spread a thousand Leagues abroad i AH the long, long- race of Adam, Stand this day before their God ! 5 Now ye Kings, and mighty Captains* Vaini} you ir ay try to fly ; Mountains, tl o s they fali upon you, Will not hi 'e you from his eye : Heroes here must st.ana defenceless ! Kings without their crowns appear t Here the tyrant soul shall tremble, When the semence strikes his ear. 6 O ! the dreadful crush of nature ! Moun cains from their basis hurl'd I Christ, the meek and lowly Saviour, Now is come to judge the worn! ! Hark 1 the thunders roll around him ! Lightnings play ceneath his feet ! Yet the Saints with joy and wonder, May approach his aw oil seat. ► 7 Ah ! ye sinners stand and tremble? Hear the awful sentence pass'd! : SPIRITUAL SONGS. 65 One that makes the stoutest rebel, And the boldest., stands aghast ! He, who once despis'd the Saviour — He, who pierc'd him with the spear— * He, who on the cross despis'd him — Now they all are standing here ! i Down to the benighted regions, All the wicked souls are cast! And in streams of flaming sulphur, Bound with iron fetters fast ! O t who can describe the horror, And the bowlings of despair ? None but Godh mself conceives it, And the souls that now are there. • Now the throng of saints and angels, March along the heavenly fields — There they taste immortal pleasures, And the fruits that Zion yields ; Now begin the heavenly songsters— Now they shout, their sufferings o'er-*** ■Glory, honour and salvation, There shall sound forever more. HYMN* 3. P.M. 1 DAY of Judgment, day of wonders -i Hark! the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round ! 66 HYMNS AND How the summons Will the sinners heart confound • 2 See the judge our nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine • You who long for his appearing, Then shall say, " This God is mine ?" Gracious Saviour, Own me in that day for thine. 3 At his call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea i All the powers of nature shaken Ey his looks, prepare to flee : Careless sinner, "What will then become of thee ? 4 Horrors past imagination, Will surprise your trembling heart, When you hear your condemnation, " Hence, accursed wretch, depart- " Thou with Satan, w And his AngeJs, have thy part I 5 But to those who have confessed, Lov'd and serv'd the Lord below ; He will say, " come near, ye blessed, " See the kingdom I bestow : * You forever * Shall my love and glory know." SPIRITUAL SONGS. §7 6 Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought our courage raise; Swiftly God's great day approaches, Sighs shall then be changed to praise :■-■ May we triumph When the world is in a blaze. HYMN 54. P. M, i SAVIOUR, I do feel thy merit, Sprinkled with atoning blood, I And my weary troubl'd spirit, Now finds rest in thee my God : I am safe, and I am happy, While in thy dear arms I lie ; Sin nor Satan cannGt hurt r&£, While my Saviour is so nigh : Glory g% g\ g. glory be lo God on high, Glory g. g. g. sound his praises round the sky .- Glory, g.g. g. glory to the father f^i v e « G. g. g. g. sing his praises all that live, 2 Now I'll sing of Jesus's merit- — Tell the world of his dear name *. That if any want his spirit, He is still the very same— - He that asketh soon recsiveth — He that seeks is sure to find ; Come) for whosoe'er belie veth> / tS HYMNS AND He will never cast behind. G. g. g. g. to Clirist of heav'nlr birtks, G. g. g. g. sing his praises round the earth, G. g. g. g, g. to the spirit be, G. g. g. g. praise the sacred one in three. $ Now our advocate is pleading, I With his father, and our God;, Now for us he's interceding, rs the purchase ©f his blood; Now methinks I hear him praying, Father spare them, f have dy'd j And the father answer, suying, They were freely justified. Y orthy, w. w. w, w. is the Lamb of God. "Worthy, w. w. w. who lov'd and wash'il us in his blood; Hv;ly> h. h» h. is the Lord of hosts, H. h. h. h. Father, Son,. and Holy Ghost. HYMN 55. P. M. 1. COME, thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ! Streams of mercy never ceasing, G*U foi songs of ''.'Udest praise : Teach me some m#iodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — O fix me on it, Mtmnt of God'* unchanging love. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6f 2. Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I come; -And I hope by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home: Jesus sought me when a stranger Wand'ring from the fold of God i He t© rescue rne from dinger Interpos'd his precious blood. 3. O ! to grace how great a debtor, Daiiy I am con&train'd to be I Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee t Prone to wonder, Lord, I feel it ; P one to leave the God I love — Here's my heart, Otake and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above. 4. O that day when freed from sinning, I sh?.ll see thy lovely face. Richly cloth'd in blood wash'd linen, How I'll sing thy sov'reign grace ! Come dear Lord, no longer tarry, Take my raptur'd soul away; Send thy an Are fcit und iear'd xxb more. SPIRITUAL SONGS. When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever bless'd I When shall I see my father's face, And in his bosom rest. 4.. Fill'd with delight, my raptur'd sou!> Can here no longer stay ; Tho' Jordan's waves around me roll ; Fearless I'd launch away : There on those high and flow'ry plains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire; But in perpetual joyful strains, Redeeming love admire. HYMN 57. P.M. , COME all ye weary souls, Who seek rest in Jesus' love, Come place your whole affections? On things thai- are above ; Let's join to sing his praises, And hand in hand go on, Till we arrive at Canaan, Where we no more shall mourn. 2. Heboid how Satan rages, Tetaptatious they abound, The world with persecutions. Bssel as all around ; n HYMNS AND Our Friends they all forsake us, And call us low and mean* Because we love the name of The despised Nazarene. 5. The scriptures are fulfilling— The love of some grows*" cold ; They trample on their savior, And worship dust and gold ; For riches, and for honor, They from the Lord depart, Which causes many sorrows, To wound the troubled heart. 4. The wicked they grow bolder, The righteous stand aside, And many old professors, Sink down in lust and pride ; But when some keen convictions, Seizes upon my mind, Foi* fear of persecution They cast the Lord behind. 6. Arise beloved brethren, Let's walk while it is day, Lest darkness overtake us, While lingering here we stay ; Surely if we prove faithful, Sinners will follow on, Backsliders be reclaimed, Repenting; and return. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6 A few more days in sorrow, And Christ will call us 'home, To walk the golden streets of The new Jerusalem ; Until that happy hour, Let's faithfully endure, If we are found in Jesus, We know our prize is sure. 7 Adieu to old companions, We disregard your frowns, Upon your foolish conduct, With pity we look down : Fain would we take you with us ) But if you'll not comply, We leave you all to Jesus, And to his bosom ny, S Unto you foolish pleasures, We freely bid farewell, By faith we view the mansions, Where we must shortly dwell. Our Saviour he invites us, And holds us out a Crown, To guard and to protect us, The Angels hover round. 9 Let's join to sing his praises, As long as we do live, Until our blessed Saviour, Our -willing sou] a receive. 74 HYMNS AN» And he will land us safely, On Canaan's happy shore, We'll praise him there forever^ Where parting is no more. HYMN 58. P. M. THERE is. a Heaven in yonder sky7 A H raven where pleasures never die, A Heaven I sometimes hope to see, .Again I tear His not for me ; But Jesus, Jesus'ismy friend, O Hallelujah! hallelujah ! Jesus, Jesus is my friend. %, The way is difficult and straight, And narrow is the gospel gate ; Ten thousand dangers are therein — Ten thousand snares to take us in ; But Jesus, Jesus, &c. S. I'm traveling through a world of foes, Thro' conflicts sore in y spirit goes ; The tempter cries, I ne'er shall stand, To reach fair Canaan's happy land. But Jesus, Jesus, kc. 4. The way of danger I am in, Beset with devils, men and sin, But in that wearied track I see, And mark'd with blood it seems to be : That Jesus, Jesus, &c. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ti 5. These were the footsteps of my Lord, When on the Cross he bore my load : 'Twas on that dark ! . that doleful day ! With streams of blood he mark'dthe way* O Jesus, Jesus, Sec. 6. Come life, come death, come then what will, His footsteps I will follow still ; Thro' dangers thick, and hell's alarms, I shall be safe in Jesus' arms. Sweet Jesus, Jesus, Sec. 7. Then, O my soul arise and sing,; Behold thy Saviour, God and King, With love and pleasure in his eyes, He cries, press on, for here's thy prize. Sweet Jesus, Jesus, &c. 8; Prove faithful yet a iewraore days, Fight the good fight, and end thy race, And then thy soul shall with me reign. Thy head a crown of glory gain. Sweet Jesus, Jesus, Sec. 9. Mt ficsh shall slumber in the grond, 'Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprize, And in my Saviour's image rise. Sweet Jesus, Jesus, is my friend, O Hallelujah 1 hallelujah 1 Jesus, Jesus, is my friend* 76 HYMNS AfW HYMN 59. P. Jlfc HOW tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see ! Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'ra Have all lost their sweetness with me. The mid summer Sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay; But when I am happy in him, December's as pleassjit as May. 2. His name yields the richest perfume* And sweeter than music* his voice ; His presence disperses my ftloom, And makes all within me rejoice. I should (were he always thus nigh) Hfcve nothing to wish or to fear ; No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year 3. Content with beholding his face, My all to his pleasure rcbign'd, No changes of season or piace, Would make any change in my mind \ While blest with a sense of bis love, A palace a toy would appear, And prisons would palaces prove. If Jesus would dwell with me ther?. 4. Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my Sun and my son^, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 17 Say, why do I languish and pine, And wby are my winters so long ? O drive these dark clouds from my sky, Thy soul cheering presence restore, O take me unto thee on high, Where winter and clouds are no more;. HYMN 60. P. M, i* YE travelers 10 Paradise, That happy, happy state, Whose names, and ways, and spirits, The wicked world doth hate ; Your highway lies befofe you, And upwards doth ascend, And leads you on to glory To see your dearest friend. 2. A friend that's nearer to you." Than any brother here ; Your Lord and only Saviour, Your great Redeemer dear: Who once a human body Upon himself did take, Us, sinners, heirs of glory, Eternally to make. 5. Who suffer'd, bled, and groan'd, and Upon the Roman cross — [dy'i To make atonement for our sins, And to retrieve our loss; 78 HYMNS AND He gain'd our pardon, wben he fell, And so remov'd the curse, And then ascended upon high, To intercede for us. 4. Exalted there at God's right hand, The loving Lamb doth sit, And shows his wounded body, His head, his hands and teet ; He pleads his matchless merit Before his father's throne, And sends us down his spirit, And holds us out a crown. 5. Oh ! brethren look upon the crown, And see how bright it shines, Exceeding far in lustre, Diana's silver shrines : Its value does immensely Surpass all human thought ; So rich aciown was never yet, For gold or silver bought. 0. A crown of life (of endless life,) T he sov'reign gift of God ; To which we have a title, Thro' faith in Jesus' blood ; And if your title you would hold, You still by faith must view, " The Lamb was slain, yet lives again, M To intercede for you." SPIRITUAL SONGS, 7t . D not grow faint and weary, As many a one hath done ; But finish well your journey, As you have well begun : You're in a state of trial, But that will shortly end, And you'll ascend to glory, To see your dearest friend* , Not transiently to visit, And then again remove ; But dwell forever near him, And ever taste his love : There sin shall cease to trouble you s Temptations they'll be o'er.— - O brethren, keep a closer walk. And love your Jesus more. HYMN 61. P. M= JESUS let thy pitying eye Call back a wand'ring sheep, False to thee, like Peter, I Would fain like Peter weep. Let me be by grace restor'd, On me be all its freeness shewn; Turn and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. ^ 5. Saviour, Prince enthron'd above,* Repentance to impart^ Ste HYMNS AND Give me thro» thy dying love, The humble contrite heart ; Give, what I have long implor'd, A portion of thy love unknown. Turn and look upon me Lord, And break my heart of stone, 3. See me, Saviour, from above. Nor sirflfer me to die ; Life a»d happiness, and 'eve, Smile in thy gracious Speak the reconciling word, And let thy mercy melt me down * t Turn and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone, 4* Look, as when thy pitying eyo Was clos'4 that we might live ; « Father (at the point to die, My Saviour gasp'd) forgive !" Surely with that dying word, He turns, and looks, and cries, 'Tis done, j O ! my loving, bleeding Lord, This breaks my heart of stone. HYMN 62. P. M. JESUS drinks the bitter cup ; The wine press treads alone, Te irs the graves and mountain* up, -By his expiring &roan: SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 Lo ! the pow'rs of Heav'n he shakes, Nature" in convulsion lies, The earth's profoundcst centre quakes* The great Jehovah dies ! 3. Die3 the glorious cause of all, The true eternal plan, Falls to raise us from our fall, To ransom sinful man : Well may Sol withdraw his light. With the suff'rer sympathize, Leave the world in sudden night* When his great creator dies, 3. O my God, he dies for mc^ I feel the mortal smart I See him hanging on the tree, A sight that breaks my heart ! O that ail to thee might turn i Sinners, yc may love him too, Look on him ye piere'd and mourn, For oncj who bled for yeu. }N 4. Weep o'er your desire and hope, With tears of humblest love ; Sing, for Jesus is gone up, And reigns enthron'd above ; Lives our head to die no more, Pow'r is all to Jesus given, 'Worship'd as he was before, Th' immortal Kin^ of hcav'n. t% HYMNS ANJD HYMN 63. P. M. THERE is a holy city, A happy world above, Beyond the starry regions, Built by the God of love ; An everlasting temple, And saints array'd in white, They serve the great Redeemer, They dwell with him in light. 2. This is no world of trouble, The God of peace is there ; He wipes away their sorrows- He banishes their care ; Their joys are still increasing— Their songs are ever new ; They praise the eternal Father, The Son and Spirit too. 3. The meanest child of glory Out-shines the radiant sun ; But who can speak the splendor Of that eternal throne, Where Jesus sits exalted, In God-like majesty ; The elders fall before him — The Angels bend the knee. 4. Is this the man of sorrows, Who stood at Pilate's bar, Condemn'd by haughty Herod, And by his men of war ? SPIRIT0AL SONGS. 83 Hfc seems a mighty conqueror, Who spoil'd the powers below, And ransom'd many captives From everlasting woe. 5. The hosts of saints around him 5 Proclaim his works of grace, The patriarch and prophets, And all the Godly race ; Some speak of fi'ry trials, And tortures on their way— They came from tribulation To everlasting day. 5. Now with a holy transports They tell their sufferings o'er— Their tears and their temptations, And all the pains they bore ; They turn and bow to Jesus, Who gain'd their liberty — Amidst our fiercest dangers, Our lines are hid in thee. 7. Long time was I invited To gain that heav'nly rest, Grace made no hard condition, 'Twas only to be bless'd ; But earth's bewitching pleasures Inclin'd me long to stay — I sought her dreams and shadows, And joys that pass away, 84 HYMNS AND 8. But now it is my purpose, The better way to find — To serve my great Creator, And leave my sins behind : In guilt's seducing mazes* I will no longer roam — I'll give my soul to Jesus, Who brings the ransom' d horn*. 9. And what shall be my journey, How long I'll stay below, Or what shall be my trials, Are not for me to know. In ev'ry day of trouble, I'll raise my thoughts on high— - I'll think of the bright temple, And crowns above the sky. HYMN 64. Long Metre. God's gracious approbation of a religious pare of our families. Genesis xviii. 19. FATHER of men, thy care we bless, Which crowns our families with peace ; From thee they sprung, and by thy hand Their root and branches are sustain'd. 2. To God, most worthy to be prais'd, Be our domestic altars rais'd ; Who, Lord of heav'n strorns heft to dwells With saiius in their obscure ceil. 3. To thee may each united house, !Vlofnii«g arid night, present its vows-; Our servants there, and rising lace lie taught thy precepts, and thy grace. 4. O may each future age proclaim The honors of thy glorious name; While pleas'd. and thankful we remove To join the family above. HYMN 65. Long Metre. Who is on the Lord's side ! Exod. xxiii. 26 WHAT bosom mov'd with pious zeal Doth for its God's dishonor feel ? What heart with gen'rous ardor glows To plead his cause against his foes ? 2. Great God, what boscm can be cold ? AVhat coward must not here grow bold ? While honor, int'rest, truth and love, Concur our inmost souls to move ? 3. Around thy standard, Lord, we press, Thine injur'd honor to redress, And with determin'd voice demand The signal of thy conqu'ring hand. 86 HYMNS A!s© 4. Thou shalt these sacred weapons Wess, And lead through war to endless peace ; Nor death itself our souls shall dread, For thine own arm shall raise the dead. HYMN 66. Common Metre. God laying to the soul, that he is its salva- tion. Psalm xxxv. 3. SALVATION! O melodious sound To wretched dying men ! Salvation, that from God proceeds, And leads to God again. 2. Rtscu'd from hell's eternal gloom, From fiends, and fires and chains : Rais'dto a paradise of bliss, Where love and glory reigns ! 3. But O 1 may a degenerate soul, Sinful and weak as mine, Presume to raise a trembling ejre To blessings so divine ? 4. The lustre of so bright a bliss Mv feeble heart o'erbears i And unbelief almost perverts. The promise inu> tears,. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5. My Saviour-God, no voice but thine These dying hopes can raise : Speak thy salvation to my soul, And turn its tears to praise. 5. My Saviour-God, this broken voice Transported shall proclaim, And call on all the angelic harps To sound so sweet a name. HYMN 67. Common Metre. God sfteaketh peace to his people* Psalrai lxxxv. 8. UN r ITE, my roving thoughts, unite In silence soft and sweet ; And thou, my soul, sit gently down At t_iy great sov'reign's feet. 2. Jehovah's awful voice is heard s Yet gladly I attend ; Forlo! the everlasting God Proclaims himself my friend. 3. Harmonious accents to my soul The sounds of peace convey : The tempest at his word subsides-* And winds and seas obey. e?g hVmks a?$b 4. By all its p; s I charge my heart, To grieve his love nc more ; But, charm'd by melody divine, To give its follies o'er. HYMN 68. Long Metre. Beholding transgressions zvitb grief. Psalm cxix. 136, 15 8. ARISE, my tend'rest thoughts, arise ; To torrents melt my streaming eyes ; Aiid thou, my heart, with anguish feel Those evils which thou canst not heal. 2. See human nature sunk in shame ; See scandals pour'd on Jesus' name ; The father wounded through the son ; The world abus'd ; the soul undone. 4. See the short course of vain delight Closing in everlasting night ; In flames that no abatement know, Tho' briny tears forever flow. 4. My God, I feel the mournful scene ; My bowels yearn o'er dying men; And fain my pity would reclaim, And snatch the fire-brands from the flam#- SPIRITUAL SONGS] $3 5. But feeble my compassion proves. And can but weep where most it loves ; Thy own all saving arm employ, And turn these drops of grief t© joy. KYM1S 69'. Short Metre. Singing in the ways of God. Psahm exxxvii. v. 5. NOW let our voices join, To form one pleasant song ; Ye pilgrims in Jehovah's ways, With music pass along. 2. How straight the path appears ! How open and how fair i No lurking gins, t' entrap our feet, - Nor fierce destroyer there. S. But flow'rs of paradise In rich profusion spring ; The sun of glory guilds the path, And dear companions sing. 4, See Salem's golden spires In beauteous prospect rise ; And brighter crowns than mortals wear? Which sparkle thro* the skies. £. All honor to his name, Who drew the shining trace^ so HYMNS AND To him who leads the wancl'rers o:\, And cheers them with his grace. 6. Reduce the nations, Lord, Teach all their kin^s thy ways, That earth's full choir the notes may swell And heav'n resound the praise. HYMN 70. Short Metre. The meek beautified with salvation. Psalm exlix. 4. YE humble souk rejoice, And cheerful triumphs: sing; Wake all your harmony of voice \ For Jesus is your king, 3. Th&t meek and lowly Lord, Whom here your souls have known'? Pledges the honor of his word T' avow you for his own* 3. He brings salvation near, For which his blood was paid : How beauteous shall your souls appear Thus sumptuously array'd ! 4. Sing for the day is nigh, When near your leader's seat The tallest sons of pride shall lie* The footstool of vour feet. SPIRITUAL SONGS, 01 . Solvation, Lord, is thine ; A ad all thy saints confess, he royal robes, in which they shine, Were wrought by sov'reign grace, HYMN 71. Short Metre. The Godly man's ark. Isaiah xxvi. 20* IT is ray Father's voice : And O ! how sweet the sound ! It makes my inmost pow'rs rejoice, My trembling heart rebound. 2. "Mark the black tempest lours, And gathers round the sky ; Retire, and shun the sweeping show'rs Of indignation nigh. 3. " Come, my dear children, come, And seek your father's arms ; There is your shelter, there your home, 'Midst all these dire alarms. 4. u Enter at his command ; Close in your ark remain ; And wait the signal of his hand To call you forth again. .5. " The moments to beguile - y A cheerful song begin, 92 HYMNS AND Nor let the roaring- thunders spoil The harmony within. 6. " Ere long the sky shall c'ear, The clouds be chas'd away, And grace shall shine in radiance fair Thro' an eternal day." HYMN 72. Common Metre. Christ, the Lord 9 our righteousness, Jerern. xxiii. 6. SAVIOUR divine, we know thy name, And in that name we trust ; Thou art the Lord our righteousness, Thou art thine Israel's boast. 2. Guilty we plead before thy throne, And low in dust we lie, Ti-1 Jesus stretch his gracious arm, To bring the guilty nigh. 3. The sins of one most righteous day Might plunge us m despair ; Yet all the crimes of num'rous years, Shall our great surety clear. 4. That spotless robe which he hath Shall deck us all around ; [wrought^ Nor by the piercing eye of God, One blemish shall be found. spiritual so:;gs. < 5. Pardon and peace, end lively hope To sinners now are giv'n. Israel and Judah soon shall change Their wilderness for toeav'n. 6. With joy we taste that manna now, Thy mercy scatters down ; We seal our humble vows to thee, And wait the promis'd crown. HYMN 73. Common Metre. Seeking Jlr&t the kingdom of God, ^c. Matt. vi. 33. NOW let a true ambition rise, And ardour fire our breast, To reign in worlds above the skies, In heav'nly glories drest. 2. Behold Jehovah's royal hand A radiant crown display, Whose gems with vivid lustre shine,- While stars and suns decay, 3. Away each grov'ling anxious care, Beneath a christian's thought . I spring to seize immortal joys I Which my Redeemer bought. 4. Ye hearts with joyful vigor warm, The glorious prize pursue ; Nor shall ye want the goods of earth. While heav'nis kept in view. 94 HYMNS AND HYMN 74. Short Metre. The happiness and security of Christ's shtefi. John x. 28. MY soul with joy attend, While Jesus silence breaks; No Angel's harp such music yields, As what my shepherd speaks. 2. I know my sheep (he cries) My soul approves them we'll : Yain is the treach'rous world's disguise And vain the rage of hell. 3. I freely feed them now With tokens of my love, But richer pastures I prepare, And sweeter streams above. 4. Unnumber'd years of bliss I to my sheep will give ; And, while my throne unshaken stands, Shall all my chosen live. 5. This tried almighty hand Is rais'd for their defence : Where is the pow'rs shall reach them there ? Or what shall force them thence ?•' 6. Enough my gracious Lord, Let faith triumphant cry ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. ~My heart can on this promise live* Can on this premise die. HYMN 75. Common Metre. jtfifieal of Christ for the sincerity of love H him. John xxi. 15. DO not I love thee, O my Lord ? Behold my heart and see ; And turn each cursed idol out, That dares to rival thee. 2. Do not I love thee from my soul I Then let me nothing love ; Dead by my heart to ev'ry joy, When Jesus cannot move. 3. Is not thy name melodious still , To mine attentive ear ? Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound My Saviour's voice to hear ? 4. Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock, I would disdain to feed ? Hast thou a foe before whose face I fear thy cause to plead ? €. Would not mine ardent spirit vi* With angels round the throne, To execute thy sacred will, And mgk* thy glory known ? 6. Would ri^t my heart pour forth ivs blood In hoior 6f tliy name'? And chalice the coi:; h: md of death . To damp th' immortal flame. 7 Thou know'st I Jove thee, dearest Lord, ButO 1 I long to soar Far from the sphere or mortal joys, And Learn to iove thee more. HYMN 76. Long Metre. Help obtained of God, Acts xxvi. 2Sa FOR NBW YEAR'S-BAY. GREAT God, we sin? that mighty handj By which supported st*ll we stand The op'niwgyear thy mercy shows; That mercy crowns it, till it close. 2. By day, hy night, at home, abroad. Still are we guarded by our God By his incessant bounty fed, By his unerring council led. 3. With grateful hearts the past we ow» The future.] all to us unknown, We to the guardian care commit, And peaceful leave before thy feet- SPIRITUAL SONGS. 97 4. In scenes exalted or depress'd, Thou art our joy, and thou our rest : Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Ador'd through all our changing days. 5. W hen death shall interrupt these songs ? And seal in silence mortal tongues. Our heljier-GOD, in whom we trust, In better worlds our souls shall boast, HYMN 77, Long Metre. GOD'S fidelity in moderating temptations, 1 Cor. x. 13. NOW let the feeble all be strong, And make Jehovah's arm their song : His shield is spread o'er every sr .ir t, And thus supported, who shall faint? 2. What tho' the hosts of hell engage With mingled cruelty and rage ? A faithful God restrains their hands, And chains them down in iron bands. 3. Bound by his word he will display, A strength proponion'd to our day ; And, when united tit ale meet, Will show a path of safe retreat. 4. Thus far -*e prove that promise good. Which Jesus ratified with bleed: Still is he gracious, -wise aod just, And still in him let Israel trust. $» HYMNS ANB HYMNfS. Short Metre. Salvation by grace. Eph. ii. #; GRACE ! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to my ear ; Heav'n with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear* 3. Grace first contrir'd a way To save rebellious man, And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wond'rous plan. 3. Grace taught my wand* ring feet To tread the heavenly road, And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. 4. Grace all the work shall crown Thro* everlasting days; It lays in heav'n th' topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. HYMN 79. Long Metre. Christ'* service the fruit of our labour* on earth. Phil. i. 22. MY gracious Lord, I own thy right ! To ev'ry service I can pay ; And call it my supreme delight To hear thy dictates and obey, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 99 2 What is my being but for thee, Its sure support, its noblest end? Thy ever-smiting face to see, And serve the cause of such a friend. 3 I would not breathe for worldly joy, Or to increase my worldly good ; Nor future days or powers employ To spread a sounding name abroad. At 'Tis to my Saviour I would live; To him, who for my ransom died ; Nor could untainted Eden give Such bliss as blossoms at his side. £ His work my hoary age shall bless, When youthful vigor is no more : And my last hour of life confess His love hath animating pow'r. HYMN 80. Common Metre, Pressing on in the christian race. Phil, ill, 12—14. AWAKE, my soul, stretch ev'ry nerve? And press with vigor on : Aheav'nly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 160 HYMNS AND 3 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey : Foriret the steps already trod, And onward urge ihy way. 3 'Tis God'*; all animating voice, 1 hat calls thee from on high ; *Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 4 That prize with peerless glories bright, Which shall new lustre boast, When victor's wreaths and monarch's gems Shall blend in common dust. -5 Blest Saviour, imroducM by thee, Have I my tact begun ; Am ; crown'd w'ha vict's j at thy feet Iil lay my honors down. HYMN 81. Short Metr«. An immediate attention to C,OD*s -voice ry* quired. Heb. iii. If. 1 THE Lord Jehovah cails, Be ev'ry ear inclin'd ; May such a voice awake each heart., And captivate the mind, 2 If he in thunder speaks, Earth trembles at his nod j SPIRITUAL SONGS. 101 But gentle accents here proclaim The condescending God. 3 O harden not your hearts, But hear his voice to-day : Lest, ere to-morrow's earliest dawn, He calls your souls away. 4 Almighty God, pronounce The word of conqu'ring grace ; So shall the flint dissolve to tears. And scorners seek thy face. HYMN 82. Common Metre. Christ fire ci»us to the believer, 1 Pet. ii. 7, JESUS, I love thy charming name ; 'Tis music to mine ear ; Fain would I sound it out so loud, That heav'n and earth should hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport, and my trust: Jewels to thee are gaudy tovs, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious pov. 'is can wish In thee doth richly meet: Nor to mine eyes is light so dear, ^>r friendship halt so sweet. 1©2 HYMNS AND 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there ; The noblest balm of- all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I'll speak the honors of thy nam* With my last lab'iing breath; Then speechless clasp thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. HYMN 83. Short Metre. Communion 'with God and Christ. 1 John i. 3« OUR heav'nly father calls, And Christ \u\i\ts us near; With both our friendship shall be sweet, And our communion dear. 2 God pities all my griefs ; He pardons ev'ry day ; Almighty to protect my soul, And wise to guide my way. 3 How large his bounties are ! What various stores of good, DifFus'd from my Redeemer's hand, And purchased with his blood ! 4 Jesus, my living head, I bless thy faithful care ; Mine advocate before the throne^ And my forerunner there, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 101 5 Here, fix my roving heart : Here wait my warmest love, Till the eommunion be compleat In nobler scenes above. HYMN 84. P. M. The Lord willfirovide. Gen THO' troubles assail, And dangers affright, Tho' friends should all faij, And foes all unite. Yet one thing- secures us, Whatever betide, The scripture assures us, The Lord will provide, 2 The birds without barn Or storehouse are fed, From them let us learn To trust for our bread : His saints what is fitting, Shall ne'er be deny'd So long as 'tis written, The lord will provide. 3 We may, like the ships. By tempest be tost On perilous deeps, Bui cannot be lost ; 104 HYMNS AND Though Satan enrages The wind and the tide, The promise engages, The Lord will provide. 4 His call we obey, Like Abra'm of old, Kot knowing our way, But faith makes us bold : For the* we are strangers. We have a good guide, And trus! in all dangers The Lord will provide. 5 When Satan appears To stop up our path, And fill us with fears, Wo triumph by faith ; Hi cannot take from us, Tho' oft he has tried. This heart-cheering promise,. The Lord will provide. 6 He tells us we're weak, Our hope is in vain, The good that we seek We ne'er shall obtain ; But when such suggestions Oar spirits have ply'd This answers all questions, The Lord will provide. SPIRITUAL SONGS.1 103 7 No strength of our own, Or goodness we claim, Yet since we have known Tke Saviour's great name? In this our strong tower For safety we hide, The Lord is our power. The Lord will provide, 9 When life sinks apace, And death is in view, This word of his grace Shall comfort us through: Not fearing, or doubting, With Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting The Lord will provide. HYMN 85. P. M. JOSEPH ?nade kno%vn to Ids brethren* Gen. xlv. 3. 4. WHEN Joseph his brethren beheld, Afflicted and trembling with fear, His heart with compassion was fill'd, Frora weeping he could not forbear. A while his behaviour was rough, To bring their past sin to their mind; Bui:, when they were humbled enough, He hasted to shew himself kind. 'U HYMNS AND - How little they thought it was he, Whom they ha J ill treated and sold t How great their confusion must be, As soon as his name he had told ! 84 1 am Joseph your brother, he said, And still to my heart you are dear, You sold me, and thought I was dead, But God, for your sakes, sent me here.** 3. Though greatly distressed before, When charged with purloining the cup, 'hey now were confounded much more, Not one of them durst to look up. Can Joseph, whom we would have slsin> Forgive us the evil we did I And will he our houshold maintain ? O this is a brother indeed I" 4. Thus dragg'd by my conscience, I came ; . And laden with guilt, to the Lord ; Surrounded -with terror and shame; Unable to utter a word. At first ..he look'd stern and severe, What anguish then pierced my heart. Expecting each moment to hear The sentence, "Thou cursed depart I" 5. But oh ! what surprise when h ix. 10. JOY is a fruit that will not grow In nature's barren soil ; SPIRITUAL SONGS* US All we can boast till Christ we know, is vanity and toil. 2. .But where the Lord has planted ~race, And made his glories known ; There fruits of heavenly joy and peace Are found, and there alone. 3. A bleeding Saviour seen by fuith, A sense ofpard'ning love; A hope that triumphs over death. Give joys like those above. 4. To take a glimpse within the vail, To know that God is mine ; Are springs of joy that never fail, Unspeakable 1 divine! 5. These are the joys which satisfy, And sanctify the mind; Which make the spirit mount on high, And leave the world behind. 6. No more, believers, mourn your lot, But since you are the Lord's ; Resign to them that know him not, Such joys &s earth affords. HYMN 91. Common Metre- The name of Jesus. Sol. Song i- S. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds^. In a believers's ear I 1U HYMNS AND It sooths his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. 3. Dear name I the rock on which I build. My shield and hiding place ; My never failing treas'ry fill'd With boundless stores of grace. 4. By thee my pray'rs acceptance gain, Aitho' with sin dehTd, Satan accuses me in vain, And I am own'd a child. 5. Jesus 1 my shepherd, brother, friend,. My prophet, priest, and king; My Lord, my life, my way my end. Accept the praise I bring. 6. Weak is the effort of my heart, Anci cold my warmest thought; But when 1 see thee as thou art I'll praise thee as 1 ought. 7. 'Till then. I would thy love proclaim With ev'ry fietting breath; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. SPIRITUAL SONGS. US HYMN 92. Sevens. O Lord, I will firaise thct. Isa. xiL I WILL praise thee ev'ry day Now thine anger's turn'd away ! Comfortable thoughts arise From the bleeding sacrifice. 2. Here in the fair gospel's field, Wells of free salvation yield Streams of life, a plenteous store, And my soul shall thirst no more. 3. Jesus is become at length My salvation and my strength ; And his praises shall prolong, While I live, my pleasant song. 4. Praise, ye then, his glorious name, Publish his exalted fame ! Still his worth your praise exceeds. Excellent are all his deeds, «5. Raise again your joyful soundj Let the nations roll it around, Zion shout, for this is he, God the Saviour dwells in thee. HYMN 9 3* Common Metre. Peter sinning and repenting. Matt. xxvi. 73 . WHEN Peter boasted, soon he fell, Yet was by grace restored; / / 116 HYMNS AND His case should be regarded well By all who fear the Lord. 3. A voice it has, and helping hand, Backsliders to recall ; And cautions those, who think they stand. Lest suddenly they fall. 3. He said, " Whatever others do, With Jesus Til abide ;" Yet soon amidst a murd'rous crew His sufTnng Lord deny'd. .4. He who had been so bold before. Now trembled like u leaf ; Not only ly'd but cuis'd and swore, To gain the more belief. 5. While heblasphem'djheheard thecocl^ And Jesus look'd in lo\t; At once as if by lighr'ning struck. His tongue forbore tc move. 6 Deliver' d thus from Satnn's snare, He starts, as from a sleep ; His Saviour's look be could not bear, But hasted forth to weep. 7. Butsurethe faithful cock had crow'd Au hundred times in vain, Had not the Lord that look bestow'd. The meaning to explain. SPIRITUAL SONGS. U7 S. As I like Peter tows have made, Yet acted Peter's part ; So conscience, like the cock, upbraids My base, ungrateful heart. 9 Lord Jesus, hear a sinner's cry. My broken peace renew ; And grant one pitying look, that I May weep like Peter too. HYMN 94. Common Metre, Prayer for a blessing. BESTOW, dear Lord, upon our youth The gift of saving grace ; And let the seed of sacred truth Fall in a fruitful place. 2 Grace is a plant, where'er it grows Of pure and heavenly root : But fairest in the youngest shews, And yields the sweetest fruit. 3 Ye careless ones, O hear betimes The voice of sovereign love ! Your youth is stain'd with many crimes,' But mercy reigns above. At True, you are young, but there's a stone Within the youngest breast, 118 HYMNS AND Or half the crimes which you have done Would roL you of your rest. 5 For you the p: blic pray'r is made Oh 1 join the public pray'r ! For you the secret tears is shed, O shed yourselves a tear I $ We pi ay that you may early prove The spirit's pow\ to te*;ch ; You cannot be too young to love That Jesus, whom we preach. HYMN -9*. P. M. Prayer for a revival. SAVIOUR, visit thy plantation, Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain I All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again; Keep no longer at a distance Shine upon us from on high ; Lest for want of thine assistance, Ev'ry plant should droop and die, 2 Surely once thy garden fiourish'd, Ev'ry plant look'd gay and green: Then thy word our spirits ncurish'd. Happy seasons we have seen ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 11* Bnt a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. S Where are those we counted leaders, Fill'd with zeal, and love knd truth ? Old professors tall as cedars, " Bright examples to our youth ! Some in whom we once delighted, We shall meet no more below, Some, alas ! we fear are blighted, Scarce a single leaf they show. A YouBger plants — the sight how ples*ant, Cover'd thick, with blossoms stood j But they cause grief at present, Frosts have nipp'd them in the bud ! Dearest Saviour hasten hither, Thou canst make them bloom again ; Oh ! permit them not to wither, Let wot all our hopes be vain 1 Let our mutual love be fervent, Maks us prevalent in prayers; Let each one esteem'd thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares^ Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh^ 120 HYMNS AND HYMN 9 6. Long Metre. Exhortation to firayer. WHAT various hindrances we meet In coming to a mercy seat ! Yet, who that knows the worth of pray'r But wishes to be often there. 2 Pray'r makes the darken'd cloud with- draw, Pray'r climbs the ladder Jacob saw ! Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings ev'ry blessing from aboye. 3 Restraining prayer we cease to fight ; pray'r makes the Christian's armour bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4 While Moses stood with arms spread wide, Success was found on Israel's side ; But when through weariness they fail'd, That moment Amelek prevail'd. 5. Have you no words! Ah, think again, Words flow apace when you complain, And fill your fellow-creature's ear \Y T ith the sad tale of all your care. o Were half the breath thus vainly spent, To heav'n in supplication sent; your cheerful song; would oit'ner be, '• Hear what the Lord has done for me." HYMN 97. P. M.- Alarm, STOP, poor sinner! stop and think Before you farther g o ! Will you sport upon the brink Of everlasting- woe ? Once again I charge you stop J For unless you warning take, Ere you are aware, you'll drop Into the burning lake J . 2 Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear you not that iron rod With which he breaks his foes X Can you stand in that dread day, When he judgment shail proclaim, And ths earth shall mslt away Like wax before the flame ? 3 Pale-fac'd death will quickly come To drag you to his bar ; Then to hear your awful doom, Will fill you with despay?: 122 HYMNS AN*> All your sins will round you croud, Sins of blood crimson dve ; Each for vengeance crying loud; And what can you reply ! 4 Tho' your heart be made of steel, Your forehead lin'd with brass, God at length will make you feel, He will not let you pass : Sinners then in vain will call, (Tho* they now despise his grace) Rocks and mountains on us fall And hide us from his face. 5 But as yet there is a hope You may his mercy know : Tho' his arm is lifted up, He still forbears the blow; 'Twas for sinners Jesus dy'd, Sinners he invites to come None who come shall be deny'd, He says '* There still is room." HYMN 93. Common Metre. The effort. APPROACH, my soul, the mercy seat Where Jesus answers pray'r ; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there, SPIRITUAL SONGS. *23 2 Thy promise is my only pies, With this I venture nigh ; Thou callest burcien'd souls to thee,- And such, Q Lord, am I, 3 Bow'd down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest • By war 'without and fears within, I come to thee for rest. 4 Be thou my shiold and hiding place 1 That sheker'd near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him, « Thou hast dy'd." 5 Ohrwond'rous love ! to bleed and die. To bear the cross and shame ; That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name. 6 M Poor tempest-tossed soul be still. My promis'd grace receive ; 'Tis Jesus speaks — I must, I will, I can, I do believe. HYMN 99. Common Metr. Light shining out of darknes*, GOD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform j 12.4 hymns a:;d He plants bis footstep* in the sea, And ricles upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines, Of Never failing skill; Ke treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break, In blessings on your head. A Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan his work in vaia, God i» his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. HYMN 100. Common Metre. Submission. O LORD, my best desire fufil, And help me to resign, SPIRITUAL SONGS. IS Life, health, and comfort to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command Whose love forbids my fears ? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears ? 3 No, let me rather freely yield What most I prize to thee ? Who never hast a good withheld, Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favor all my journey through, Thou art engaged to grant ; What else I want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to want. 5 Wisdom and mercy guide my way, Shall I resist them both ? A poor blind creature of a day, And crush'd before the moth ! 6 But ah ! my inward spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway ; Else the next cloud that veils my skies, Drives all these thoughts away. HYMN 101. Tens. I will' trust and not be afraid, BEGONE, unbelief, My Saviour is near, And for my relief Will surely appear; By prsty'r let me wrestle, And he will perform, With Christ in the vessdrt^ 1 smile at the storm. 2 Tho' dark be my way. Since he is my guide, 'Tis mine to obey, 'Tis his to provide; Tho' cisterns be 'broken,- And creatures all fail, The word he has spoken. Shall surely prevail. 3 Kis lore in time past Forbids me to think He'il leave me at last 3n trouble fo sink ; Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review, Confirms his' good pleasure To help me quite tfiro'. 4 Delighting to save, He watch'd o'er my path, When Satan's blind slave, I sported with death ; And can he have taught m? T« trust in his name, And thus far have brought m< To put me to shame ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. $27 j Why should 1 complain O f w at) tor distress. Temptation or pain I He told me no less ; Tire heirs of salvation, \ know from his word, Through much tribulation, - ; Must follow their Lord. 6. How bitter that cup, No heart can conceive, Which he drank quite up, That sinners might live? _ ■, His way was much rougher. And darker than mine ; Bid Jesus thus suffer, And shall I repine ? 7. Since all that I meet Shall work for my good, The bitter is sweet, The med'cine is food ; Tho* painful at present *Twill cease before long, And then, Oh ! how pleasant The conqueror's song ! HYMN 102. Common Melre, Felicity Above. NO, 'tis in vain to seek for bliss ; For bliss can ne'er be found 128 HYMNS AND 'Till we arrive where Jesus is, And tread on heav'nly ground. 2 There's nothing round these painted Or round this dusty clod ; [skies, Nothing, my soul ! that's worth thy joys, Or lovely &s thy tied. 5 'Tis heav'n on earti to taste his love, To feel his quick'ning grace ; And all the heav'n i hope above Is but to see his j#ce. 4 Why move my years in slow delay? O'God of ages I why ? Let the spheres cleave, and mark my way To the superior sky. 5 Dear sovereign ! break these vital strings That bind me to my clay ; O take me Uriel, on thy wings, And stretch and soar away. HYMN 103. Common Metre,, Salvation. SALVATION ! what a glorious plan ; How suited to our need 1 The $>;ace that raises fallen mail, la Wonderful indeed. 129 2 'Ty.t.s wisdom formed the vast design, To ransom us when lost ; And love's unfathomable mine Provided all the cost. 3 Strict justice, with approving look, The holy coy'nant sea I'd ; And truth, and power, undertook The whole should be fuifiii'd. 4 Truth, wisdom, justice, povv'r and love In all their glory shone ; When Jesus left the courts above, And dy'd to save his own. 5 Truth, wisdom, justice, pow'r and love, Are equally display'd : :<\ Now Jesus reigns enthron'd above Our advocate and head. 6 Now sin appears deserving death, Most hateful and abhor' d : And yet the sinner lives by faith, And dares approach the Lord. HYMN 104. Long Metre. The Crucifixion. NOW from the garden to the cross, Let;, us attend the Lamb of God. 130 HYMNS AND Be all tMngs eke. accounted dross. Gompar'd with sin atoneing blood, 2 f^ec how the patient Jesus stands* Insulted in his lowest ease; Signers have bound th' Almighty's hands-; And spit in their Creator's face. 3 With thorns his temples gord and gash'd, Send Streams of blood from every part ; His back with knotted scourges lash'd; But sharper scourges tear his heart. 4 Naii'd naked to th' accursed wood, Expoi'd to eaiih and heav'n above, A spectacle cf wounds and blood ; A prodigy of injur' d love i 5 Hark how his doleful cries c>fT> Igfct Affected angels, while they view. His friends forsook in the night; And now his God forsakes him too. 6 O, what a field of battle's here ! Vengeance and love their powers oppose Never was such a mighty pa ir Never were two such desp'rate foes. 7 Behold that pale, that languid face, That drooping head, those cold dead e.) es 1 - SPIRITUAL SOKGS. 131 Behold m sorrow and disgrace Our conq'rir.g hero hangs, and dies I $ Ye that assume his sacred name, Now tell me what can all this mean ? What was it bruis'-d God's harmless Lamb I What was it piere'd his soul but sin ? 9 Blush Christian, blush ; iet shame a- If sin affects thee not with woe, [bound : Whatever spir't be in thee found, The spirit of Christ thou dost not know. HYMN 105. Short Metre. LORD, send thy spirit down, On babes that long to learn, Open our eyes ; and make us wise, 'Thy body to discern. 2 *Tis by thy word we live, And not by bread alone ; The word of truth from thy blest mouth Oj make it clearly known. 3 With what we have received Impart thy quick'ning pow'r, We would be fed with living bread? And live forevermore, 132 HYMNS AND HYMN 106. Long- Metre, Hafifiiness. HAPPY the men that fear the Lord ; They from the paths of sin depart ; Rejoice, and tremble at his word, And hide it deep within their heart. 2 They in his mercy hope, thro' grace ; Revere his judgments not contemn. In pleasing him their pleasuie's plac'd ; And his delight is plac'd in them : 3 This fear, a rich and endless store, Preserves the soul from pois'nous pride The heart that wants this fear is poor, Whatever it possess beside. A- This treasure was by Christ possest. In this his understanding stood. And ev'rv one that's with it blest, Has free redemption in his blood. HYMN 107. Sevens. Ascension, JESUS our triumphant head, Ris'n victorious trom the dead, To the realms of glory's gone, To ascend his rightful throne. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 133 2 Cherubs on the conqu J rer gaze, Seraphs grow with brighter blaze. Each bright order of the sky, Mail him, as he passes by. 3 Saints the glorious triumph meet • See their en'mies at his feet. By his scars his toils are view'd, And his garments roll'din blood. 4 Heav'n it's king congratulates ; Opens wide her golden gates. Angels songs of vict'ry sing; All the blissful regioas ring. 5 Sinners join the heav'nly pow'rs : For redemption all is ours. None but burden'd sinners prove Blood bought pardon, dying love. 6 Hail, thou dear, thou worthy Lord; Holy Lamb, incarnate word ! Hail, thou suff'ring son of God ! Take the trophies of thy blood. HYMN 108. P. M. The Gosfiel. REPENT, ye sons of men, repent, ,Hear the good tidings God has sent, 134 HYMNS AND Of sinners sav'd, and sins forgiven, And beggars ruis'd, to reign in heav'n. Beggars, beggars, beggars, beggars, beg- gars, rais'd to reign in heav'n. # S God ^ent his son to die for us, Die to redeem us from the curse. He .took our weakness, bore our load ; And dearly bought us with his blood. Dearly, dearly, Sec. % In guilt's dark dungeon vrhtn we lay : Mercy cried "tfuiref' and justice, "slay J* But Jebus answcrM, " set them free : And pardon them, and punish me" Pardon, Pardon, &c. 4 Salvation is of God alone ; Life everlasting in his son : And he, that gave his son to bleed, Will freely give us all we need. Freely, freely, &c. 5 Believe the gospel and rejoice. Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; His goodness praise, his wonders tell, Who ransom'd all our souls from helL Ransom'd, ransom'd, fcc* SPIRITUAL SONGS. is* HYMN 109. Long Metre* At Dismission, DISMISS us with thy blessing, Lord, Help us to feed upon thy word, All that has been amiss forgive ; And let thy truth within iio lire. 3 Though we are guilty, thou art good. Wash ail our work* in Jesus* blood. Give ev'ry fetter'd soul release ; And bid us all depart in peace. HYMN 110. Common Metre. God** dominion and decrees. EEEP silence all created things, And wait your maker's nod : The muse stands trembii'ig while she sings The honors of her God. 2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds un» Hang on his firm decree : [known, He sits on no precarious throne, Nor borrows leave to be. 3 Th' almighty voice bid ancient night Her endless realms resign, 136 HYMNS AND And, lo ! ten thousand globes of light In fields of azure shine. 4 Now wisdom, with superior sway Guides the vast moving frame, Whilst all the ranks of being pay Deep rev'rence to his name. 5 Hei spake ; the sun obedient stood, A I •' held the falling day : Old Joicbi: backward drives his flood, And disappoints the sea. 6 Lord of the armies of the sky, He marshals all the stars ; Red comets lift their banners high, And wide proclaim his wars. 7 ChainM to his throne a volume lies, With «h the fates of men, With every angel's form and size, Drawn by th' eternai pen. 8 His providence unfolds the book, And makes his counsels shine ' Each opening leaf, and every stroke, Fulfils some deep design. 9 Here he exalts neglected worms To sceptres and a crown ; Anon the following page he turns, And treads the monarch down. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 10 Not Gabriel asks the reason why, Nor God the reason gives; Nor dares the favorite angel pry Between the folded leaves. 11 My God, I never long'd to see My fate with curious eyes-? What gloomy lines are writ for me. Or what bright scenes shall i ^>e. 12 In thy fair book of lift and grace May I but find my name, Becorded in some humble place Beneath my Lord the lamb. HYMN 111. Common Metre. The naiiviiy of Christ. « SHEPHERDS rejoice, lift up your eyes And send your fears away; News from the region of the skies. Salvation's born to-day, 3 Jesus, the God whom angels fear, Comes down to dwell with you ; To-day he makes his entrance here, But not as monarchy do. 5 No gold, no purple swaddling-bands, No royal shining things ; 138 HYMNS AND A manger for his cradle stands, > And holds the King of kin^s. 4. Go, shepherds, where the infant lies* And see his humble throne; With tears of joy in all your eyes, Go, shepherds, kiss the son," ' 5 Thus Gabriel sang, and straight around The heavenly armies throng, They tune their harps to lofty sound, And thus conclude the song : 6 il Glory to God that reigns above, Let peace surround the earth; Mortals shall know their maker's love, At their redeemer's birth." 7 Lord! and shall angels have their songs, And men no tunes to raise ? O may we loose these usQless tongues \V hen they forget to praise ! 8 Giorv to God that reigns above, That pitied us forlorn; We ioin to sing our maker's love, I or there's a Saviour born. HYMN 112. Common Metre. God glorious, and sinners saved, FATHER, how wide thy glory shine* ! How high thy wonders rise I SPIRITUAL SONGS. 13? Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousand through the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy pow'r, Their motions speak thy skill ; And on the wings of ev'ry hour We read thy'patience still. 3 Part of thy name divinely stands On all thy creatures writ, They show the labor of thine hands, Or impress of thy feet. 4 But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms, Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms j 5 Our thoughts are lost in rev'rend awe • We love and we adore; The hrst archangel never saw So much of God before. 6 Here the whole deity is known, Nor dares.*: creature guess Which of the glories brightest &hone, The justice, or the grace. 7 When sinners broke the father's law, The dying son atones; Oh, the dear myst'ries of his cross*'! The, triumph of his groans [ Uo HYltfNS ANB 8 Now the full glories of the Lamb, Adorn the htav'nly plains ; Sweet cherubs learn ImmanueJ'snamc, And try their choicest strains. 9 O may I bear some humble part In that immo'.al song? Wonder and joys shall tune my heart. And love comnaand my tongue. HYMN 113. Long Metre. The penitent pardoned, J HENCE from my soul, my sins depart, Your fatal friendship no# I see; Lonc^ have you dwelt it»o near my heart, Hence to eternal distance flee. 3 Ye gave, my dying; Lord his wound, Yet I caress'd your vip'rous brood, And in my heartstrings lapp'd you round, You, the vile murderers of my God. 3 Black h*avy thought^ like mountains roll % O'er my pNobr breast, wkh boding fears,, An ! c'lsiiiii^ hard my tortur'd ^oul, "Wring tkiou^h my eyes the briny tears.. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 141 4 Forgive my treasons, prince of grace, The bloody Jews were traitors too, Yet thou hast pray'd for that curs' d race, " Father, they know not what they do." 5 Great advocate, look down and see A wretch who^e smarting sorrows bleed; plead the same excuse for me! For, Lord, I knew not what I did. 6 Peace, my compUdnts; let every groan Be still, and silence wait his love ; Compassions dwell amidst his throne, And through his inmost bowels movev 7 Lo, from the everlasting ?kies, Gently as morning dews, distil, The Dove immortal downward files, With peaceful olive in his bill. € How sweet the voice of pardon sounds 1 Sweet the relief to deep distress 1 1 feel the balm that heals my wounds, And all my pow'rs adore thy grace. ' HYMN 114. Common Metre. Death and Eternity. ly\ thoughts, that often mount the sk Go ssaica the world beneath, 142 HYMNS AND Where pature all in ruin lies, And owns her sovereign, death. 2 The tyrant, how he triumphs here 'His trophies spread around r And heaps of dust and bones appear Through-all the hollow ground. 3 These sculls, what ghastly figures now How loathsome to the eyes ? These are the heads we Lately knew, bo beauteous and so wise. i 4. But where the souls those deathless That left their dying clay ? [things, My thoughts, now stretch out all your And trace eternity, [wings, 5 O that unfathomable sea 1 Those deeps without a shore ! Where living waters gently play, Or, fiery billows rear. 6 Thus must we leave the banks of life, And try this doubtful sea ; Vain are cur groans and dying strife^ To gain a moment's stay. 7. There we shall swim in heav'uly bli?* Or sink in flaming waves, While the pale carcase thoughtless lies. Amongst the silent graves. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 143 2 Some hearty friend shall drop his tear On our dry bones, and say, ** These once were strong as mine appear, And mine must be us they." 10 Thus shall our mould'ring members What now our senses learn : [teach For dust and ashes loudest preach Man's infinite concern. HYMN 115. Common Metre, A eight of Heaven in sicknets. OFT have I sat iii secret sighs To feel my flesh decay, Then groan'd aloud, with flighted eyes, To view the toti'ring clay. S But I forbid my sorrows now, Nor dares the flesh complain ; Diseases bring their profit too: The joy o'ercomes the pain. 3 My cheerful soul now all the day Sits waiting here and sings ; Looks through the ruins of her clay s And practices her \ringa. A Faith almost changes into sight. While from, afar she spies 144 HYMNS AN© Her fair inheritance, in light Above created skies. 5 Had but the prison walls been strong, And firm without a flaw, In darkness she had dwelt too long, And less of glory saw. 6 But now the everlasting hills Through every chink appear, And something of the joy she feels While she's a pris'ner here. 7 The shines of heaven rush sweetly in At all the gaping flaws; Visions of endless bliss are seen; And native air she draws. 8 O may these walls stand tott'ring still, The breaches never close, If I must here in darkness dwell, And all this glory lose 1 9 Or rather let this flesh decay, The ru ins wider grow, 'Till glad to see th' enlarged way, I stretch my pinions through. HYMN 116. Common Metre. The atheist** ?nistake. LAUGH, ye profane, and swell, and burst, With bold impiety: u SPIRITUAL SONGS, 145 Yet shall ye live forever curs'cV And seek in vain to die. 2 The gasp of your expiring breath Consigns your souls to chains, By the last agonies of death Sent down to fiercer pains. 3 Ye stand upon a dreadful steep j And all beneath is hell ; Your weighty guilt will sink you deep Where the old serpent fell. ^ 4 When iron slumbers bind your fiesbj With strange surprise you'll find Immortal vigour spring afresh : And tortures wake the mind I 5 Then you'll confess the frightful names Of plagues you scorn'd fceibre, No more shall look like idle dreams, Like foolish 'tales no more. 6 Then shall ye curse that fatal day, (With flames upon your tongues,) When you exchanged your souls away •For vanity and songsJ . 7 Behold the saints rejoice to die, For heav'ii shines round iheir heads; And an^el guards, prepaid to fir, Attendiheir fainting beds. 146 HYMNS AND 8 Their longing spirits part and rise To their celestial seat; Above these ruinable skies They make their last retreat. 9 Hence, ye profane, I hate your way I walk with pious souls ; There's a wide difference in our race, And distant are our goals. HYMN lir. Common Metre. Remember your creator^ i?c. Eccles. xii. CHILDREN, to your creator, God, Your early honors pay* While vanity and youthful blood Would tempt your thoughts astray. % The mem'ry of his mighty name Demands your first regard ; Nor dare Indulge a meaner flame 'Till you have lov'd the Lord. 3 Be wise, and make his favour sure, Before the mournful days, When youth and mirth known no more And life and strength decays. 4 No more the blessings of a feast Shall relish on the tongue, SPIRITUAL SONGS. UT The heavy ear forgets the taste And pleasure of a song. 5 Old age with all her dismal train, Invades your golden years, With sighs, and groans, and raging pain. And death that never spares. 6 What will you do when light departs, And leaves your with'ring eyes Without one beam to cheer your hearts From the superior skies I 7 When nature's strong supporters bow, And totter with their weight, How will you meet God's frowning brow, Or stand before his seat ? 3 Can you expect your feeble arms Shall make a strong defence. When death with terrible alarms, Summon the pris'ner hence ? 9 The silver bands of nature burst, And let the building fall ; The flesh goes down to mix with dust 5 Its vile original. 10 Laden with guilt, (a heavy load,) Uncleans'd and unforgiv'n -phe soul returns t' an angry God, To be shut out from heav'n. 148 HYMNS AND HYMN 118. Common Metre. The Welcome Messenger* LORD, when we see a saint of thin* Lie gasping out his breath, With longing eyes, and looks divine, Smiling and pleas'd in death. 2 How could we e'en contend to lay Oui limbs upon that bed I We ask thine envoy to convey Our spirits in his stead. 3 Our souls are rising on the wing, To venture in his place ; For when grim death has lost his sting, He has an angel's face. 4 Jesus, then purge my crimes away ; 'Tis guilt creates my fears, '1 is guilt gives death its tierce array, And all the arms it bears. 5 Oh! if my threat'ning sins were gone, And death had lost his sting, I could invite the angel on, And chide, his lazy wing. 6 Away these interposing days, And let the layers meet; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 14§ The angel has a cold embrace, But kind, and soft, and sweet. 7 I'd leap at once my three- score years, I'd rush into his arms, And loose my breath, and all my cares, Amidst those heavenly charms. t Joyful I'd lay this body down, And leave the lifeless clay, Without a sigh, without a groan, And stretch and soar away. HYMN 119. Short Metre. Sincere fir aisc. ALMIGHTY maker, God ! How wondrous is thy name ! Thy glories how diffus'd abroad Through the creation's frame ! 2 Nature in every dress Her humble homage pays, And finds a thousand ways t' express Thine undissembled praise. Sin native white and red The rose and liily stand, And free from pride, their beauties spread^ To show thy skilful hand. 150 HYMNS AND 4 The lark mounts up the sky, With unambitious song, And bears her maker's praise on high Upon her artless tongue. 5 My soul would rise and sing To her creator too, Fain would my tongue adore my king, And pay the worship due. 6 But pride, that busy sin, Spoils all that I perform ; Curs'd pride, that creeps securely in, And swells a haughty worm. 7 Thy glories I abate, Or praise thee with design ; Some of thy favors I forget, Or think the merit mine. 8 The very soags I frame, Are faithless to thy cause, And steal the honors of thy name To build their own applause ! 9 Create my soul anew, Else all my worship's vain ; This wretched heart will ne'er be true : Until its form'd again. 10 Descend celestial fire, And seize me from above, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 151 Melt me in flames of pure desire, A sacrifice to love. 1 1 Let joy and worship spend The remnant of my days ; And to my God my soul ascend, In sweet perfumes of praise. HYMN 120* Common Metre. Condescending grace. In imitation of the With Psalm, WHEN the Eternal bows the skies, To \isit earthly things, With scorn divine he turns his eyes From towers of haughty kings ! 2 Rides on a cloud disdainful by A Sultan or a Czar, Laughs at the worms that rise so high, Or frowns them from afar ; S He bids his awful chariot roll Far downward from the skies, To visit every humble soul, With pleasure in his eyes. 4 Why should the Lord that reigns above Disdain so lofty kings ? 52 HYMNS AND Say, Lord, and why euch looks of love Upon such worthless things ? 5 Mortals lie dumb, what creature darc« Dispute his awful will ? Ask no account of his affairs, But tremble and be still.. 6 Just like his nature is his grace, Ail sov'reign and all free ; Great God, how searchless is thy ways. Hew deep thy judgments be ! HYMN 121. Long Metre. Chriut dying, rising, and reigning. HE dies ! the heav'nly lover dies ! The tiJings strike a doleful sound On my poor heartstrings : deep he lies In the cold caverns of the ground ! 2 Come, saints, and drop a tear or two On the dear bosom of your God ; He shed a tnousand drops for you, , A thousand drops of richer blood. 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies tor men ! But, lo, what suddeixjoys I see ! Jesus, the dead, revives again. SPIRITUAL SONGS. U$ 4 The rising God forsakes the tomb, Up to his father's court he flies ; Cherubic Regions gu -wd him borne, And shout him welcome to the skies. 5 Break off roar teats* ye saints, and tell How high our great deliv'rer reigns ; Sing ho- ? he spoil d the hosts of hc-H. And led the monster death in cliains. 6 Say, And takes his title, love. 6 Now let the Lord forever reign, And sway us as he will, Sick, or in health, in ease, or pain, We are his fav'rites still. 7 No more shall peevish passion rise, The tongue no more complain ; 'Tis sovereign love that lends our joys^ And love resumes again. H YM N 12 5. Long M e t re . The law ana t gospel. " CURS'D be the -man, forever curs'dj That doth one wilful sin commit; Death and damnation for the first. Without relief, and infinite." 2 Thus Sinai roars ; and round the earth Thunder and fire, and vengeance, flings ;■ But Jesus, thy dear gasping breath, And Calvary, say gentler things. 3 ** Pardon and grace, and boundless love, Streaming along a Saviour's blood, And life and joys, and crowns above, Dear purchas'd by a bleeding God." 4 Mark, how he prays, (the charming sound Dwells on his dying lips ) Forgive 1 And ev'ry groan and gaping wound Cries, " Father, let the rebels live." 5 Go, you that rest upon the law, And toil, and seek salvation there, Look to the flames that Moses saw, i And shrink, and tremble, and despair. 6 But I'll retire beneath the cross, Saviour at thy dear feet I lie ; And the keen sword that justice draws,- Flaming and red, shall pass me by. j 160 HYMN 125. Long Metre. A preparatory thought for tl)?* Lord's Su/i- Jisr. In imitation of Isa. ixii. i,2,3. YV HAT heav'nly man, or lovely God, Comes marching downward from the skies, Array'd in garments roll'd in blood, With joy and pity in his eyes ? 2 The Lord ! the Saviour ! yes 'lis he, I know him by the smiles he wears Dear glorious man that dy 7 d for me, Drench'd deep in agonies and tears ! 3 Lo, he reveals his shining breast I own those wounds, an$ I adore : Lo. he prepares a royal least, weet fruit of the sharp pangs he bore I 4 Whence now these favors so divine? Lord ! why so lavish of thy blood ? W T hy for such early souls as mine .This heav'nly flesh, this sacred food? 5 'Twas his own love that made him bleed, That naii'd him to the cursed tree; 'Twas his own love this table spread, For such unworthy worms as we* 6 Then let us taste the Saviour's love, Gome, faith, and feed upon the Lord s sriHITUAL 59^65. m Wiih glad consent our lips shall roeve, And sweet bosannas crown the beard. HYMN 127. P. M. Converse tvith Christ. I'M tir'd with visits, modes, and forms ; And ilatt'ries paid to fellow worms ; Their conversation cloys ; Their vain amours, and empty stuff; But Ire an ne'er enjoy enough Of thy best company, my Lord, thou liiV of all my joys. 2 When he begins to tell his love, Through every vein my passions move? The captives of his tongue ; In midnight shades, on frosty ground, I could attend the pleasing sound. Nor should I feel December cold, nor think the darkness long* 3 There, while I hear my Saviour God Count o'er my sins (a heavy load !) He bore upon the tree, Inward I blush with secret shame, And weep, and groan, and bless the name That knew not guilt nor grief of his own, but bare it all for me. lr/2 HYMXS AKf) 4 Next he describes the thorns he wore, And talks his bloody passions o'er, Till I am drown'd in tears: Yet with the sympathetic smart [Heart; M There's a strange joY beats ratind my The cursed tree has blessings in't, my sweetest balm it bears. 5 I hear the glorious sufferer tell, How on the cross he vanquish'd hell, And all the pow'rs beneath: Transported and inspir'd my tongue Attempts his triumphs in a song; " How has the serpent lost his sting, and where's thy vict'ry death :" 6 But when he shews his hands and heart, With those dear prints of dying smart, He sets my soul on fire : Not the beloved John could rest With more delight upon that breast, Nor Thomas pry into those sounds with- more intense desire. 7 Kindly he ope's to me his ear, And bids me pour my sorrows there, And tell him all my pains ; Thus, while I ease ifly burden'd heart, In ev'ry woe he bears a part, His arms embrace me, and his hand my drooping head sustains. Spiritual songs; IIV2.1N 126. Common Meti Tbefiresenct of God tvirth dying the death J Moses>. LOUD, 'tis an infinite delight To aee thy lovely Lite, To dwell whole ages in thy sight And feel thv vital rays. 2 This Gabriel knows, andsirgs thyiiam< With rapture on his tongue ; Moses, the saint, enjoys the same, And heav'n repeats the song. 3 While the bright nation sounds thy pi ais< From each eternal hill, Sweet odours of exhaling grace The happy region fill. 4 Thy love, a sea without a shore, Spreads life and joy abroad: O 'tis a heav'n worth dying for To see a smiling God 1 5 Show me thy face, and I'll away From all inferior things ; Speak, Lord, and here I quit my clay, And stretch my airy wings. 6 Sweet was the journey to the sky The wond'rous prophet try'd ; "Climb u pthe mount,'- says G od, " and die ;*' The prophet climb'd and died. 154 HYMNS ANB 7 Softly his faii^ing head he laid Upon his Maker's breast, His JVIakefr kiss'd his soul away, And laid his flesh to rest. 8 In God's own arms he left the breath That God's own spirit gave ; His was the noblest road to death, And his the sweetest grave. HYMN 12 9. Common Metre. Lbngingfor Christ's return. O 'TWAS a mournful parting day ! "Farewell, my spouse," he said, (How tedious Lord is thy delay 1 How long my love hath staid ! 2 ; - Farewel! ;" at once he left the ground, And climb'dhis father' s> sky: Lord, I would tempt thy charriot down, Or leap to thee on high. 3 Round the creation wild I rove, And search the globe in vain; There's nothing here that's worth my love Till thou return again. 4 My passions fly to seek their king, And send their groans abroad, A SPIRITUAL SONGS. 105 They beat the air with heavy wins$ And mourn an absent God. 5 With inward pain my hearlsti ings sound, Ivly soul dissolves away ; Dear Sovereign, whirl the seasons round s And bring the promis'd day. HYMN 130. Common Metre. A rational defence of the Gospel, SHALL atheists dare insult the cross Of our incarnate God? Shall infidels revile his truth, And trample on his blood ? 2 What if he chose mysterious ways To cleanse us from our faults ? May not the works of sovereign grace Transcend our feeble thoughts ? 3 What if this gospetbids us strive With flesh, and seii and sin ? The prize is most divinely; bright, That we are call'd to win. 4 What if the men, despis'd on earthy Stiil of his ^rac: partake? This but confirms his truth the more, For zv, the prophets spake. 156 HYMNS AND 5 Do some that own this sacred trulhJ tndillgf their souls in sin? None sh'.uW reproach Jhe Saviour's name, His laws are pure and clean. 6 Then let our faith be firm and strong. Our lips profess his .word; Nor evershiui those holy men, Who fear and love the Lord. HYMN 131. Long Metre. Faith connected with salvation. Rom. i. 16. Heb. x. 39. NOT by the laws of innocence Can Adam's sons arrive at heaven ; New works can give us no pretence To have our ancient sins forgiven. 2 Not the best deeds that we have done, Can make a wounded conscience whole ; Faith is the grace, and faith alone, That flies to Christ, and saves the soul. 5 Lord, I believe thy heavenly word, Fain would I have my soul renew'd ; I mourn for sin, and trust the Lord, To have it pardon'd and subdu'd. A, O may thy grace its power display, Let guilt and death no longer reign } SPIRITUAL SONGS. 167 Save me in thine appoint d way, Nor let my humble faith be vain. HYMN 132. Common Metre. Holy fortitude. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. AM la soldier of the cross, A folio er of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own his cause. Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Mu'st I be carried to the skies, On flowery beds of ease ; While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd thro' bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes for rae to faee ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this viLe world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure I must fight if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 5 Thy saints, in all this glorious war. Shall conquer tho' they die ; They see the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. !6S HYMNS AND & When that illustrious day shall rise And all thy armies shine In robes of vict'iy through the skies,. The glory shall be thine. HYMN 133. Long Metre. Gravity mid Decency* BEHOLD the sons, the heirs of God, So dearly bought with Jesus' blood ! Are they not born to heavenly joys, And shall they stoop to earthly toys ? 2 Can laughter feed ti.' immortal mind ? Were spirits of celestial kind Made for a jest, for sport and play. To wear out time, and waste the day ? 3 iDoth vain discourse, or empty mirth, Well suit the honors of their birth ? Shall they be fond of gay attire, Which children love, and fools admire I 4 What if we wear the richest vest, Peacocks and flies are bc'/.c;- oi est ; This flesh with all its gaudy forms, Must drop to dust, and Iced the worms. 5 Lord, raise our hearts and passions higher Touch our vain souls with sacred fire ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 165 Then with a heaven-directed eye, We'll pass these glittering' trifles by... 6 We'll look on all the toys below With such disdain as angels do ; And wait the call that bids us rise To mansions promis'd/in the skies. HYMN 134. F. M. UNION. COME Saints and Sinners hear me tell- The wonders of EmanucU Who sav'd mc from a burning hell, And brought my soul with him to dwell, And gave me x hcav ! nly union. 2 When Jesus saw rue from on high, Beheld ray soul in fuin lie, Ke look'd on me with pitying eye, -And said to mc, as he pass'd by, " With God you have no union." 5 Then T began to weep and cry, I look'd this way and that to fiv ; It g| iev'd me so that; f must die — I strove dtilvafion for to buy, Bur. stiil I had no union. 170 HYMNS AND 4 But when I look'cf to Christ the way, I saw my sins all flee away ! Wash'd in his blood this very day ! And O ! my God, is grace thus free I Here is the heavenly union. 5 Glory to God, that took me in, And sav'd my soul from hell and sin: Pr«ise to the Lamb that wash'd me clean— And O . what seasons I have seen Ever since I felt this union. 6 I prais'd the Lord both night and day, And went from house to hou&e to pray ; And if I met one on the way, I always found 1 had something to say- About this heavenly union. 7 I wonder why the saints don't sin gy And praise their God upon the wing, And make the heavenly arches ring With loud hosannas to their King, Who brought their souls to union. 8 Oh! come backsliders, come away, And learn to do as weli us say, See that you watch as well as pray, And bear your cross from day to day, And then you'll feel this union. 9 We soon shallieave all things below, And quit the climes of pain and woe; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 171 And then we will to glory go, There shall we see, and hear, andknow, And feel a perfect union. 10 Come heaven and earth unite your lays, And give to Jesus endless praise ; And O my soul look on and gaze — He bleeds, he dies, your souls he saves, And gives you heavenly union. 1 1 O could I, like an angel, sound Salvation through the eanh around, The Devil's kingdom to confound, I'dtrtumph o'er Emanuel's ground, And spread this glorious union. IS And then to heaven I would go, Jesus to see, my Go 1 to know ; My love to him shall ever grow ; I'll sing and praise as angels do, This is th' eternal union. HYMN 135. Long Metre. Justice and equity. Matt. vii. xii. BLESSED Redeemer, how divine, How righteous is th|s_ rule of thine — *' Never to deal with others worse. Thaa we would have them deal with us." 172 HYMNS AND 2 This golden lesson, -short and plain, Gives not the mind nor memory pain : And every conscience must approve This universal lav/ of love. 3 'Tis written in each mortal breast, Where all oui enderest wishes rest: We draw it from oui inmost veins, Where love to self resides and reigns; 4 Is- reason ever at -a loss? Call in self-love to judge the cause : Let our own fondest passions shew How we s'uould treat our neighbour too* 5 How blessed would every nation proTf^ Thus rul'd by equity and love ! All would be frcinds without a foe, And form a paradise below. 6 Jesus, forgive us, that we keep Thy sacred law of love asleep; And take our envy, wrath and pride, Those savage passions for our guide. HYMN IS 6. Common Metre. Sincerity and truth, Phil. iv. 8. LET those who bear the Christian name Their holy vows fulfil : SPIRITUAL SONG Si J 73 The saints, the followers of the Lamb, Are men of honor still. 2 True to the solemn oaths they take, Tho* to their hurt they swear: Constant and just to all they speak, For God and angels hear. 5 Still with their lips their hearts agree, Nor flattering words devise: They know the God of truth can see Thro' every false disguise. 4 They hate the appearance of a lie, In all the shapes it wears ; Firm to the truth— and when they die,. Eternal life is theirs. § Lo ! from afar the Lord descends, And brings the judgment down ; He bids his saints, his faithful friends, Rise and possess their crown. € While Satan trembles at the sight, And devils wish to die, Where will the faithless hypocrite And guilty liar fly? HYMN 137. Long Metre. A lovely youth falling short of /haven, Mark x. 21. MUST all the charms of nature then, So hopeless to salvation prove ? 174 HYMNS AND Can bell demand, can heaven condemn 'The man whom Jesus deigns to love ? — ^ « 2 The man who sought the ways of truth, i J aid friends and neighbours all their due ; . i modest, sober, lovely youth, Who tiiought he wanted nothing now. 3 But mark the change thus spake the Lord, * Come, part with earth for heaven to-day :" The yuuth astonish'd at the word, In silent sadness went his way. 4 Poor virtues, that he boasted so, his test unable to endure, \ .et Christ, and grace, and glory go, Y j make his land And money sure. 5 Ah fooli-sh choice of treasure here ! - - hi fatal love of tempting gold ? ' lust this b ise world be bought so dear ? .nd life and heaven so cheaply sold ? In vi in the charms of nature shiae, this vile passion governs me ; vansibrm my soul, O love divine ! And make me part with all for thee. HYMN 138. Common Metre. None excluded from ho fie. SUS, thy blessings are not few, Nor is thy gospel weak ; SPIEITUAL SONGS. 175 Thy grace can melt the stubborn Jew, And heal the dying Greek. 2 Wide as the reach of Satan's rage, Doth thy salvation flow : 'Tis not confin'd to sex, or age, . The lofty, or the low. -3 While grace is ofFer'd to the prince, The poor may take their share. No mortal has a just pretence, To perish in despair. 4 Be Wise, ye men of strength and witj Nor boast your native powers; But to his sovereign grace submit, And glory shall be yours* 5 Come all ye vilest sinners come, He'll form your souls anew ; His gospel and his heart have room, For rebels such as you. 6 His doctrine is almighty love ; There's virtue in his name, To turn the raven to a dove, The lion to a lamb. HYMN 139. Common Metre. Christian morality, viz. a lovely carriage* O 'lis a lovely thing to see \ man of prudent heart, 176 HYMNS AND Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agree To act a useful part. 2 When envy, strife, and wars begin In little angry souls ; Mark how the sons of peace come in, And quench the kindling coals. 3 Their minds are humble, mild and meek Nor let their fury rise Nor passion moves their lips to speak, Nor pride exalts their eyes. 4 Their frame is prudence mix'd with Ioyc, Good works fulfil their day ; They join the serpent with the dove, But cast the sting away. 5 Such was the saviour of mankid, Such pleasures he pursu'd : His flesh and blood were all refin'd, His soul divinely good. 6 Lord can these plants of virtue grow In such a soul as mine ? Thy grace can form my nature so, And make ray heart like thine. HYMN 140. Common Metre. Death of kindred imfiro-utu. MUST fiiends and kindred droop and die ! Must helpers be withdrawn I SPIRITUAL SONGS. 177 While sorrow, with a weeping eye, Counts up our comforts gone. 2 Be thou our comfort, mighty God, Our helper and our friend : Nor leave us, in this dang'rcus road, Till all our trials end. 3 O may our feet pursue the way, Our pious fathers led ! While love and holy zeal obey The counsels of the dead. 4 Let us be wean'd from all below ; Let hope our grief dispel; "Death will invite our souls to go, Where our best kindred dwell. [HYMN 141. Common Metre. Stlf-dtnial ; or, taking up, the cross. Mark viii. 38. Luke ix. 26. ASHAM'D of Christ ! my soul disdain The mean ungenerous thought; Shall 1 disown that friend, whose blood To man salvation brought ? 2 With the glad news of love and peace From heaven to earth he came ; For us endured the painful cross. For us (fespis'd the shame. 178 ' HYMNS AND 3 At his command, we must take up Our cross without delay: Our lives — and thousand lives of ours His love can ne'er repay. 4 Each faithful sufferer Jesus views With infinite delight; Their lives to him are dear, their deaths Are precious in his sight. 5 To bear his name, his cross to bear i Our highest honour this ! Who nobly suffers now for him, Shall reign with him in bliss. 6 But should we in the evil day From our profession fly, Jesus the judge, before the world, The traitor will deny. HYMN 142. Common Metre. / The converted thief. Luke xxiii. 42- A$ on the cross the Saviour hung, And wept, and bled, and dy'cl, He pouv'd salvation on a wretch That languished at his side. 2 His crimes, with inward grkf and shame, The penitent confess'd; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 179 Then turn'd his dying eyes to Christ, And thus his pray'r address'd 3 " Jesus, thou son and heir of heaven, Thou spotless lamb of God, I see thee bath'd in sweat and tears, And welt'ring in thy blood. 4 il Yet quickly from these scenes of woe In triumph thou shalt rise, Burst thro' the gloomy shades of death, And shine above the skies. 5 Amid the glories of that world. Dear Saviour think on me ; And in the vict'ries of thy death Let me a sharer fee.'' 6 His prayer the dying Jesus hears, And instantly replies, " To day the parting soul shall be With me in paradise.'' HYMN 143. Short Metre. The evil heart. Jer. xvii. 9. Mat. xv. IS ASTONISH'D and distressed I turn my eyes within ; ' My heart with loads of guiit opprest, The seat of every sin. 180 HYMNS AND 2 What crowds of evil thoughts, What vile affections there ? Distrust, presumption, artful guile, Pride, envy, slavish fear. 3 Almighty king of srints, These tyrant lusts subdue ; Expel the darkness of my mind., And all my powers renew. » 4 This done, my cheerful voice Shall loud hosannas raise ; My soul shall glow with gratitude, My iips proclaim thy prasie. HYMN if 4.. Long Metre. The loving-kindnesp of the Lord. Isa, * lxiii 7. AWAKE; rny soul, in joyful lays, And sing thy great redeemer's pralfje ; He justly claims a song from me, His loving- kindness, O how free ! 2 He saw me ruin'd in the fall, Yet lov'd me nol withstanding all, He sa^'d i my lost estate, His lovii • how great ! 5 Tho' numerous hi .is of mighty foe '{'ho' eai . . oppose, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 181 He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, O how strong I 4> When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gather'd thick and thunder'd loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving-kindness, O how good 1 5 Often I feel my sinful heart, Prone from my Jesus to depart ; But though I have him oft forgot 3 His loving-kindness changes not. 5 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; O may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. 7 Then let me mount and soar away. To the bright world of endless day, And sing with rapture and surprise Hh loving- kindness in the skies. HYMN 145. Long Metre. The fiower :f God's glorious grace displayed, BLESS'D be the God of sovereign grace, l^ov mercy to the human race, 182 HYMNS AND Through Christ, his best beloved son, Who dy'd for crimes that men had done. 3 Bless'd be the God of truth and love, Who pours his spirit from above, To make his fainting church revive, To make the dying sinner live. 3 His mighty pow'rnow in these days, With brighter glory he displays, To still the bold blasphemer's rage,. And. bless and save his heritage. 4 Jesus, the mighty saviour, now Is pleas'd to make the haughty bow, To raise the humble soul on high, And bring the guilty sinner nigh. 5 Hear me, ye unbelieving race, Warn'd by his word and works of grace, You'll all be left without excuse, If you the grace cf God refuse. 6 Though Christ's the messenger of grace, When he his powerful name displays; Of this and all his ways you're shy> And from his gracious presence fly. 7 Thus hate and dread the work of God, And all on Satan's wings spread broad ; Now hasting with his willing prey, Tc hell, you're borne without delay. s SPIRITUAL SONGS. 188 f No longer rush the downward road, Nor hate, nor shun the Saviour's biood ; Come trust his $*race, his mercy try, He'll heai' the dying sinners cry. HYMN US. Long Metre. God my happy portion. BLESS'D be the loving Saviour's name, I'll make it my delightful theme, And call on aii the angelic throng, To sound his praise in heavenly song 2 I was a rebel to his throne, With sorrow and distress I oyrn. And had I gone my chosen road My soul must perish'd far from God. 3 He sent his spirit from above In mercy and in tender love ; Convinc'd me of my guilt and shame, And made me own his sovereign name. 4 He breaks the power of reigning sin 3 And purines my heart within ; Yea more* he clasps me in his arms, And bids me fear no dire alarms. 5 He sjiews me all his smiling face, And makes rnc taste his richest grace is* niMiSS AND My soul! 'lis heaven on earthly ground, My God my portion, I have found, 6 O how he leaps o'er mountains high, Of guilt and sin to bring rne nigh; My soul in wonder lost adores, And all my guilty self abhors.' 7 This empty world's no more my good. ? Let sinful sweets no more be iood; Be all my. soul to Christ resign'd, To serve him with a willing mind. 8 Behold I £ive him all I own, He bought it with a dying groan; May all my house and friends be thine In bonds of love, in bonds divine. HYMN 147. Short Metre. Love to the Brethren, BLEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds, *s like to that above. 2 Before our fathers throne We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one: Our comforts. »ud our car^. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 18* 5 We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bt;r; And often for each oihei flow* The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us in vara 1 pain; But we shall still be join'cl in heart} And hope to meet again. § This glorious hope revive* Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 5 From sorrow, toil, and pain And sin, we shall be free, And perfect love, and friendship reigl Thro' all eternity. HYMN 148. P. M, The Jubilee. BLOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound I Let all the nations know To earth's remotest bound, The year of Jubilee is come ? Return ye ransom'd sinners, home. 186 HYMNS AND 2 Exalt the lamb of God, The sin atoning lamb ; Redemption by his blood Thro' all the lands proclaim : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 3 [Ye, who have sold for naught The heritage above; Shall have it back, unbought, The gift of Jesus' love ; The year of Jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.} 4 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive; And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live : The year of jubiJee is come ; Return, ye raneom'd sinners, home. 5 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace: Ye happy souls, draw hear, Behold your Saviour's face s The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 6 Jesus our great high priest Has full atonement made: Ye weary spirits rest; Ye mournful souls be glad! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 187 The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. HYMN 149. Sevens. Rejoicing in htjie. Isa. xxxv» 10. Luke xii. 32. CHILDREN of the heavenly king, As ye journey, sweetly sing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 O ye banish'd seed be glad I Christ our advocate is made ; Us to save, our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Shout, ye little flock, and blest, You en Jesus' throne shall rest:^ There your seat is now prepar'd, There your kingdom and reward. 5 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of your land; Jesus Christ your father's son, Bids you undismayed go on. 188 HYMNS AND 6 Lord, submissive we will go* Gladly leaving all below ; Only ,hou our leader be, And we still will follow the. HYMN 150. Long Metre. The happy soul bidding Jareiuell to this ivzrld. FAREWELL vain world Via going home ; Hallelujah. My Saviour smiles and bids me come, Hallelujah. Bright angels beckon me away, O Hallelujah, To sing God'c praise in endless day> O Glory Hallelujah. 3 I'm glad that I am born to die, From grief and wo< my soul shall fly: Bright angels shall convey me home, Away to new Jerusalem, 3 And when to that new world 1 fly, And join the anthems in the sky; This note above the vest shall swetll, My Jesus has done all things well. A I hone to meet my hr*thren there, "Who once did join with me in prayer* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 18* Our mourning time will then be o'er, When we do reach that happy shore, r § Our suffering lime will then be gone, Whdii we do join that happy throng, The blessed angels round the throne Are looking out for us to come. 6 I'll praise my God while I have breath ; I hope to praise him after death ; I hope to pi'aibe him when I di& s And shout salvation as I By; 7 We .soon shall hear the solemn sounds «' A. wake ye nations under ground A'^e and drop your dusty shrouds, And meet king Jesus in the clouds." 8 There shall I see my glorious God» And praise him in hit> high abode; My theme through all eternity, Shall glory, glory, glory be. HYMN 151. P. M. The fiilgrim's farewell. FAREWELL, farewell farewell, friends, I must be gone, I have no house nor stay with you, 190 i HYMNS AND I'll take my staff and travel on 'Till I a better world can view; Farewell, farewell, farewell, my lovin friends, farewell. 2 Farewell, farewell, farewell my friend time rolls along, Nor waits for mortal care or bliss, I'll leave you here and travel on 'Till I arrive where Jesus is. Farewell, farewell, farewell, &c. Farewell, farewell, farewell, my brethren in the Lord, To you I'm bound with cords of love, We all believe his gracious word, That we 'ere long shall meet above,, Farewell, farewell) iareweli, &c. 4 Farewell, faiewell, farewell, old soldiers of the cross, You've struggled long and hard ioi heav'n t ou've counted all things hei e but dross, ight on, the crown shall soon be giver. ; ht on, fight on, fight on, the crown shall soon be given. .rewell, farewell, farewell, ye blooming sons of Goo, ore conflicts yet remain for you, ut dauntless keep the heav'nly road SPIRITUAL SONGS. 191 'Till Canaan's happy land yon view ; Press on, press on, press on, till Canaan's land you view. 6 Farewell) farewell, farewell, poor care- less sinners too, For you my heart is sore distress'd ; Eternal vengeance waits for you — O turn and seek salvation bless'd O turn, O turn, O turn, and find salva= tion near. HYMN 152. P. M. The Jubilee, HARK ! the jubilee is sounding, O the joyful news is come, Free Salvation is proclaimed, In and through God's only son. Now we have an invitation To the meek and lowly lamb ; Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord, is come to reign. 2 Come dear friends, and don't neglect it, Come to Jesus in your prime ; Great salvation don't reject it, O recti '-e it, now's your time: Now the Saviour is beginning 192 HYMNS AND To revive his work again. Glory, honour, &c. -«3 Now let each brie cease from sinning, Come and follow Christ the way ; We shall all receive a blessing, If from him weMo not stray : Golden moments we've neglected, O the time we've spent in vain. Glory, honour, Sec. 4 Come let us mn our race with patienct Looking unto Christ the Lord, Who doth live and reign forever, With his father and our God ; He is worthy to be praised, He is our exalted king. Glory, honour, &c. 5 Come, dear chiHren, praise your Jesu?, r >T *?ise him p;a*se him evermore, M£y his grace and love constrain us, His great name now to adore: O then let us join together, Crowns of giru'y to obtajn. Glory, honour, Sec. HYMN 153. P. M. Finished redemption. HARK! the voice of love znd mersy Sounds aloud from Calvary ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 193 See ! it rends the rocts asunder, Shakes the earth, ai-d veils the sky ! « It is finish'd 1" Hear the dyin^ Saviour cry ! 2 It is finished ! O what pleasure Doth these charming; words afford ! Heavenly blessings without measure, Flow to us from (Christ the Lord. It is hnish'd 1 Saints, the dying words record. 3 Finish'd all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law I Finish'd, all that God had promis'd ; Death and hell no more shall awe. It is finish'd 1 Saints, from hence your comfort draw. A> [Happy souls, approach the table, Taste the soul reviving food; Nothing half so sweet and pleasant As the Saviour's flesh and blood, It is finish'd ! Christ has borne the heavy load.] 5 Tune your harps anew, ye seraph s 3 Join to sing the pleasant theme; All on earth, and ail in heaven, Join to praise Immanuel's name I Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding lamb ! 194- HYMNS AND HYMN 154. Lcyens. Exceeding great and firecious promises., 3 Pet. i. 4. HOW firm a foundation, Ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith In his excellent word I What more could he say Than to you he hath said I You,, who unto Jesus For refuge hath fled. 3 In every condition, In sickness, in health, In poverty's vale, Or abounding in wealth; At home and abroad, On the land, on the sea, " As thy days may demand, " Shall thy strength ever be." 3 M Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismay'd I, I am thy God, And will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen ihee, help thee; And cause thee lo stand, Uphold by my righteous Omnipotent hand. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 19i 4 When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe, Shall not thee overflow; For I will be with thee, » Thy troubles to bless, And sanctify thee, Thy deepest distress. 5 When through fiery trials Thy pathway shall lie, My grace all-sufficient Shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dross to consume, - And thy gold to refine. 6 Even down to old age All my people shall prove My sov'reign, eternal, Unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs Shaii their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still In my bosom be borne. 7 The soul that on Jesus Hath lean'd for repose, I will not, I will not Desert to his foes ; 195 HYMNS AND That soul, though a! I Ml Should endeavor to shake, Ptt never — no i.ever— No never forsake." HYMN 155. Long Metre. The holy nvar. I'VE listed in the holy war Content with suff'rin;.;' soldier's fare^ The banner o'er my head is love, 1 draw ray rations from above. 2 I've fought thro' many battles sore, And t must fight thro' many more; I'd take my bVeast-j&ite, swoidand shield, And boldly march into the field. 3 The world, the flesh, and Satan too, L uite, and try what they can do ; Cm t'.ite, my God, I humbly call; Uphold me Luru, or I shall ("all I 4 I've listed and I mer.n to fight; '1 m uli roj toes are out to Bight's A- id w iiei-» the vict'ry i have won, l'i» ^ive tie praise loGud alone. 5 Come fellow christians, join with me, Cuiue face the ioe and never Bee: SPIRITUAL SONGS. 197 The heavenly battle is begun, Come take the field ana win the crown, 6 With listing orders I have come, Come rich, come poor, come old and young, ftere's bounty money shall be giv&n, And glorious cro ns laid up in heaven. 7 Our general is gone before, And you may draw on grace's store; But if you will not list and fight, You'll sink in eternal night. HYMN 1 56. Long Metre* The christian warfare. MY captain sounds the alarm of" war, " Awake ! the power* of hell are near I. To arms ! to arms 1" I hear him cry, *' 'Tis yours to conquer or to die." 3 Rous'd by the animating sound, 1 cast my eager eyes around ; Make haste to gird my armour on, And bid each trembling fear begone. 2 Hope is my helmet, faith is my shield, Thy word, my God, the sword 1 wield ; Wi ih sacred truth my loins are girt, And holy seal inspire* my heart. 193 HYMNS AND 4 Thus arm'd, I venture on the fight, Resolv'd to put my foes to flight ; While Jesus kindly deigns Lo spread His conqu'ring banner o'er niy head. 5 In him I hope, in him I trust ! His bleeding cross is all my boast ; Thro' troops of foes he'll lead rue on To vict'ry and the victor's crown. HYMN 15r. Sevens. Redeeming love* NOW begins the heavenly theme, Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; Ye, who his salvation prove. Triumph in redeeming "love. 2 Y'e, who see the father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, As to Canaan on ye move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls dry up your tears. Banish all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curse remove, Canceird by redeeming love. 4 Y r e, alas 1 who long have been Willing slaves of death and si^ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 19* Now from bliss no longer rove, Step and taste redeeming love. 5 Welcome all, by sin cpnrest, Welcome to this sacred - . Nothing brought from him above, Nothing but redeeming- love. 6 When Ms spirit leads us home, When we to his glory come, We shall all the fulness prove* Of our Lord's rtdesming love. 7 ,He subdii'd the infernal powers, Those tremendous foes of curs, From tkeir cursed empire drove ; Mighty in redeeming love. 8 Hither, then, your music bring, Srike aloud each cheerful string, Mortals join the host above, Join to praise redeeming love. HYMN 158. P. M. Longing for the §jzreading sf the Gos/ieL O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness, Lock my soul, be still and g- s of gold, In holv order see they stand, Fair Sale in to behold. Ascending on such melting strains, Jeho\ah's name they bear, Such shouts thro* earth's extensiye plains Were never heard before, 4 Let Satin rage and boast no more, Nor think his reigning long, The saints, tho' feeble, wcj.k and poo.;, Their great Redeemer's strong. He is their shield and hiding place, A covert from the wind, A fountain in the wilderness* Throughout the weary land, J12 HYM>S AND 5 The chrvstal streams run down from They issue from ihe throne, [heav'«| The (loot s of suite away are cliiv'n, The church becomes as one- Thai peaceful union we shall know, And live upon his love. And snout and sing of Ljrace below, As angels do above. 6 A thousand years shall roll around f The church shall be complete, Call'd by the joyful trumpet's sound, Their Saviour Christ to meet— They rise with joy, and mount on highf They fly to Jesus' arms, And guze with wonder a"nd delight, On their beloved's charms. 7 Like apples foir, his beauties are, To feed and cheer the mind, No earthly fruit can so recruit, Nor fLggons full of wine. Their troubles o'er, thev grieve no more? But sing in strains of joy, In raptures sweet, and bliss complete, They feast and never cloy. HYMN 167. P. M. THE Lord is to his garden come, li spices yield a rich perfume, 1 he iillies grow and thrive; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 218 Refreshing streams of grace divine, From Jesus flows that living vine, And makes the dead alive. 5 Now see this dry and barren ground With streams of water all abound, A fruitful soil become ; The desert blossoms as the rose, And Christ will conquer all his foes, And make his people one. 3 The glorious day is rolling on, The glorious work is now begun, My soul a witness is. I taste and know that grace is nigh j O that all men, as well as I, Would come and taste the bliss, 4 The worst of sinners now may find, A Saviour merciful and kind, "Who will them all receive : None are too vile who will repent; Out of one sinner legions went. The Lord did him relieve. 5 If sinners only knew the Lord, Or would but taste his gracious word, His sweet forgiving love : They'd rush through storms of every kind And ieave all earthly cares behind, To gain a crown above. 214 HYMNS AN» 6 Come brethren dear, who know the Lord, 1 ] Who taste the comforts of his word, In Jesus' ways go on ; Our poverty and trials here Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 7 We feel that heaven is now begun 5 The waters from the eternal throne, From Jesus' throne on high. Flow down in floods we can't contain ; We drink, and drinks and drink again, And yet we soon are dry : S But when we rise to Christ above And all behold the God we love ? We'll drink a full supply : Jesus will lead his people there To living fountains pure and clear, Which never will run dry. 9 O then we'll shine, and shout and sing, And make all heaven with praises ring; When all the saints get home. Come on, come on, my brethren dear. We soon shall meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. 10 Amen, amen, my heart replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies,; Though I am wetik and poor : \ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 215 tfow here's ray heart and here's my hand ro meet you in that heavenly land, Where we shall part no more. HYMN 168. P. M. Jesus the soul of Music. LISTED into the cause of sin, Why should a good be evil ? Music alas 1 too long has been, Press'd to obey the devil ! Drunken, or lewd or light they lay Flows to the oul's undoing, Widens and strews with flow'rs the way Down to eternal ruin. 3 Who on the part of God will rise ? Innocent mirth recover ? Fly on the prey and take the prize, Plunder the carnal lover ? Strip him of ev'ry moving strain, Ev'ry melting measure, Music in virtue's Gause retain, Revive the holy pleasure. S Come let us try if Jesus's love Cannot as well inspire us; This is the theme of them above, This upon earth will lire us : 216 HYMNS AND Try if your hearts are tun'd to sing; Is there a subject greater ? Melody all its strains may bring, Jesus's love is sweeter. 4 Jesus the soul of music is, He is the noblest passion ; Jesus's name is lite and peace, Happiness and salvation ; Jesus's name the dead can raise, Shew us our sins forgiven, Fill us with all the life of grace, And carry up to heaven. 5 Who hath a right like us to sing Us whom his mercy raises ? Merry our hearts for Christ is king, Joyful are all our faces. Who of his love doth once partake, He in the Lord rejoices ; Melody in our hearts we make, Harmony with our voices. t> He that a sprinkled conscience hath. He that in God is merry Let him sing psalms the spirit saith, Joyful and ne'er be weary : Offer the sacrifice of praise, Hearty and never ceasing ; Spiritual songs and anthems raise, Worship and thanks and blessing;. SPIRITUAL SONGS. %V? \ 7 Then let us in his praises join, Tiiauijjh in his solvation; GlOry a: cfi-N lo loye divine, Worship Mid : Heaven ali'e&9y is begun, Open'd in each believer: Only believe, and then sing on, Heaven is ours for ever* HYMN 159. P. M. . The d : ;i?:£ Chrutian to his tout, VITAL spark of heavenly flame, Quit, O quit this mortal frame, Trfernblim;, hoping, lingering, flying, O the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife. And let me languish into ilie. 2 Hark ! they whisper, angels say. Sister spirit, come away; "What is this absorbs me quite ! Steals my senses, shuts my. sight, Hprowns ray spirits, draws my. breath, Teil me, my soul, cm ijiia be death ? 3 The world recedes, it disappears, Heaven opens' on my eyes, my ears 318 HTMNS AND With sounils seraphic ring; Lend; lenii your wings, I mount, I fij, O grave, where is thy victory ! O death, where is thy sting! HYMN 170. Sevens. 2 he means of grace, COME and taste alone: with me, Consolation running frte; Fpoiji our Father's wealthy throne, Sweeter than the honey comb. 9 i herefore should we feast alone, r * vi o die bc'ter for than one j r J he more comes in with tree good will, >L kt a the banquet sweeter still. 3 Now I £0 to He?v'ns door, / king. for a lit»'<" more; Jesus gives a double share, Calling me his chosen he r. 4 Goodness 'inning like a stream r J hi o' tii^ ne v Jerusalem ; A ry sifiging Igud In th« praises pt their God, Now co rue inatheav'ns door, Making still the number more. 8 He'lv'ns here and Heav'ns therej Co ph fort flowing er'ry where, T his I bold 1 y d o c o i . e ss, That my soul h^s got a taste. 2 Now I'll p;o rerjoicjRg home, From the batafjue* of perfume; Fir) lyijj matmsPon roe road, Dropping from the se;.r yf God. 10 O return ye sons of .crate. Turn unci set* God's smi.i. ,; r*ce ; H .1 he cuils baeksH ^.s 'i e, Then from hiaa no longer louia. 220 HYMrsS AND HYMN 171. Long Metre. The farewell. FAREWELL my brethren in the Lord, The gospel sounds the Jubilee ; My stammeiit>g tongue shall sound aloud, From land to land, from sea to sea ; And as I preach from place to place, I'll trust alone in God's free grace. 2 Farewell in love and union dear, Like strings you twine about my heart j I humbly beg your earnest prayer Till we shall meet r.o mo'/e to part : 'Till we she, 11 meet in worlds above, Encircled in eternal love. 3 Fareweil my lo\ing friends below* Although so kind v to kic; My Jesus calls, and I must go To sound the gospel jubilee, To sound the joy, and bear the news To Gentile worlds, and royal Jews. 4 Farewell young people one and all, While God will give me breath to breath© I'll pray to the Eternal ul That your tie e in Christ may live : TfcafyouV dear souls ] may be To dwell with Go* eterna SPIRITUAL SONGS. 221 HYMN 172. Common Metre. The way and end of the righteous and the •wicked* 1 BLESS'D is the man who shuns the place W here sinners love to meet ; "Who fears to tread their wicked ways, And hates the scoiler's seat. 2 But in the statutes of the Lord, Has plac'd his chief delight ; By day he reads or hears theword, V- And meditates by night. [3 He like a plant of gen'rous kind By living waters set, Safe from the storms and blasting wind, Enjoys a peaceful state.] 4 Green as the leaf, and ever fair, Shall his profession shine ; While fruits of holiness appear Like clusters on the vine. i Not so the impious and unjust: What vain designs they form ! Their hopes are blown away like dust. Or chaff, before the storm. 6 Sinners in judgment shall not stmi Among the sons of grace, 133 HYMNS AND When Christ the judge at his right hand Appoints his saints a place. 7*His eye beholds the path they tread, His heart approves it well ; But crooked ways of sinners lead Down to tiae gates of hell. HYMN 17 3. Common Metre. For the Lord's day morning. LORD, iri the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my pray'r, To thee lift up mine eye. 3 Up to the hills where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne. Our songs and our complaints. % Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4 But to thy house will I resort, To Uste thy mercies there ; I will frequent thine holy court, And worship in thy fear. I SPIRITUAL SONGS. S3* S O may thy Spirit guide my fact In -ways of righteousness ; Make every parh of duty strait, And J lain before my face. PAUSE. g My watchful enemies combine To tempt my feet asliv.y; They flutter -w Ith a base design To make my soul their prey. 7 Lord, crush the serpent in the dust,, And all his plots destroy ; While those that in thy mercy trust, F©r ever shout for joy. $ The men that love and fear thy name, Shall see their hopes fulfil I'd ; Tlie mighty God will compass them, With favour, as a shidd. HYMN 174. Common Metre. By nature all men are sinners. FOOLS, in their hearts, believe and say, 4i That all religion's vain, a There is no God that reigns on high. i* Or minds th' affairs of men." :j24 HYMNS AND 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profant Comip* di c course proceeds ; A*hd in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord from his celestial throne, Look'd down on things below, To find the man that sought Iiis grace. Or aid his justice know. 4 By nature all arc gone astray, Then* practice all the same ; There'* none that fears his Maker's hand, There's none that love's his name. 5 Their tongues arc usM to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease ; How swiff to mischiefare their feet! Nor know the paths of peace. * 6 Such seeds of sin (that bitter root) In every heart are found ; Nor can they bear diviner fruit, 'Till 'jjrace refine the ground. HYMN 175. Long Metre. The sinner's fiortion c:~d s.ainta hojie ; Or, The heaven of separate «&w/*, and the re- surrection. LORD, I am thine ; but thou wilt prove My faith, my patience, and my love; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 226 When men ofspite against me '"in, They are the sword, the hand is thine. 2 Their hope and portion lie below: 'Tis all the happiness they know, 'Tis all they seek; they take their shares,; And leave the rest among their heirs. 3 What sinners value, I resign ; Lord, 'tis enough that then art mine: I shall behold thy blissful face* And stand complete in righteousness,. 4 This life's a dream, an empty show; But the bright world to which 1 go, H ah joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there? 5 O glorious hour ! O b!est abode 1 I shut be near and like my God ; Aod iloih and sin no more controul The sacred pleasures of the soul, 6 My fiesh ehall slumber in the ground, 'Tjjl the last trumpet's joyful sound: Then burst the chains with sweet surprise? And in my Saviour's image rise. HYMN 176. P. M. Friendthifi and kve. THE reason Ave love friendship We will deny to no man, 32* HYMNS AND How shall, hov sh«!i, ho^S shall we W hoaie thus toim'd for huppi. ess, E'er siigat a lo\ing christian, Since Jesus. Jesus, hath uy'a on ti*c tree To rescue sinful men From violeuc and treason, Tint ve mikht love each oilier, Aria seek our soul's salvation, 'Tv, c,s love toat moc*eu the mighty Go.te ail ioving christians, In glory, in giory ihey shall live ; No rime or place shali change them, - An 4 death shal.'ne'ei dissolve them, (Jnited, linker sre they that beiieve, When Gabriel*-; trumpet sounding, And conquer* d d#ath resigning, *Vhe scatter'd dust uniting, The soul and body joining, All join the gi and procsssion, And glory realizing, Then happy, happy we shall be. 2 The bliss exquisite flowing, The friends ot Jesus shouting; Such raptures, raptures flow from his word ! The angels join in concert, Whilst Jesus stands inviting, Gome on, come on ye biessed of the LorcJ, Behold the crowns of glory. And saints and angels meeting, 228 HYMNS AND And living streams of purest joys For e\er are ifiei eusiug ; In azure fields* Cor ever range, '■ view d smiling Jesus- Tiicii happy, happy we shsvil be. 3 The sinner's now lamenting. He sees ihe gra*d procession A marching, marchifee to the dazznng| Bi^ frigfltful soul aiai nied, [throne W ici-. startled eyes amazed, farewell, farewell, I am for ever gono ; Be ho! J a it! Arid the^i s mi -Lev- How did they pray together, They float on streams or pleasure; And 1 am los; for ever, On waves ©f endless sorrow, Tiien torment, torment is forever mint. KY^N 177. Long Metre. The books of nature and scr/pt ure comf.arrd ; Or, The glory unci success of the gos/itl. THE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, •very star thv goodness shiner, ; Bat when our eyes heboid thy word, We read thy name in fairer SPIRITUAL SONGS. SS& 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And r.ight^&nd days thy power confess ; But the, bits' volume thou hast Writ, Reveals tny jiystiee and thy grace.- S Sun, m<.ize my breath- I must pronounce thee just in de if my soul were sent too hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling sinner Lord, Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, *34 HYMNS AND Would lighten some sweet promise there) Some sul« support against despair. HYMN 182. Common Metre. The morning of a Lord's day. EARLY, my God, without delays Ihaste to seek tiry face ; M\ thirsty spirit faints away. Without thy cheering grace. 2 So pilgrims, on the scorching sand Beneath a burning sky Long for a cooling stream at hand* And they must drink or die, 3 I've seen thy glovy and thy power Through all thy temple shine; k';v God, repeat that heav'nly hour, That vision so divine. 4 Not a*l the blessings cf a feast Can please my soul so well, As when thy richer gi\»ce I taste, And in thy presence dwell. 5 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my besf passions move, Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 9 Thus till my last expiring day> -I'll bless my God and King ; Tims will I liit iry hands to pray-. And tune my iips to sing. HYMN IBS. Long Metre. Christ's ascension, and the gift of t h e Spirit. LORD, when thou didst ascend or high, •pen thousand angels fiii'u the s!.y ; Those heavenly guards around thee wait/ Like chariots that attend thy state. 2 Not Sinai's mountain could appear More glorious when the Lord was there, While he pronounc'd his dreadful law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. 3 How bright the triumph nont can tell, When the rebellious powers of heil. That thousand sou's had captive made, Were all in chains, like captives, led. 4 Rais'd tiy his Father to the throne, He sent his promised Spirit down, With .^ifts and ~race for rebel men, That God might dwell on earth agala £36 HYMNS AND HYMN 184. Long Metre; Cntisi's fiassio?i) and sinner'* salvation. DEEP in our hcaris ict us record The deeper sorrows of our Lord ; Behold the rising billows roll. To ovenvheiiii hi&tof'M soul ! 2 In long- complaints he spends his breath, ile Uosts of hell, and pdw'rs of death. And aii the sons of malice join To execute their curs'd deii^n. 3 cl. -Gracious Goo 1 , thy pow'r and love I. - madc-the-curs.e a blessing prove; e drejkf&l suft- rings of thy Son Aton'd for crimes which we have done. 4 Th2 pangs of our expiring Lord, The honours of" thy law restored ; His sorrows made thy justice known, And paid for follies not his own. 5 O For Ills sake our guilt fdrgiv©, An ' let the mourning sinner live ; The Lord will hear us in his name ; Nor shall our hopes he turn'd to shame. HYMN 185 . Common Metre. God our hsrtion here ar.i hrrcaftcr. COD, my supporter and my hope, My help iorever near, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 237 Thine arm of mercy held me up When sinning in d&s] air* y TKy/coifi cilsTLcrjl, *.h; 11 gi-ide my feet, Through Use's bewilder'd race; Tiling i and cui i'uc't me near thy seat, To dv r .ii be&'re thy face. 3 Were I in heav'n without my Gcd, be no jp.y to me ; A^r! whilst I his earth is my abode, I long 'or none but thee. 4 Whai if the springs of life should break, d and heart should faint, God is my soul's eternal rock. Til e strength of every s,d:U. 5 Behold the &i;>-ers that remove F. fr.otn thy presence die; Not ail the idol Gods they b Their songs of soil est harmony, Are but a prelude to their pain. 5 Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood; Lord,'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God. HYMN 187. Long Metre. The pleasure of public tvorchifi, HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are! With long desire my spirit faints, To meet th' assemblies of thy saiat*. SPIRITUAL SONGS: 33i 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode, My panting heart cries out for God; My God 1 ray King ! why should I be So far from all my joys and thee ? S The sparrow chooses where to rest, And for her young provides her ne^t ; But will my God to sparrows grant The pleasure which his children want ? 4 Bless'd are the saints that sit on high Around thy throne above the sky; Thy Brightest glories shine above, And all thy work i* praise and love. 5 Bless'd are the soul who Snd a place Within the temple of thy grace ; There to behold thy gentle rays, And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. 6 Bless'd are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zi»n'sgate: God is thy strength ; and through the road They lean upon their helper God. 7 Cheerful they walk with growing strength 'Till all shall meet in heav'n at length, 'Till all before thy face appear, And join in noblw worship there.- 24Q HYMNS AND HYMN 138. P. M. Longing for the house of God. LORD of the wGrlds above, How pleasant ar.cVhow fuir The dwellings of thy love, Tir. c.u'thly temples a:e ! To thine abode My heart aspires With warm riesij-es, To see my God, 2 The sparrow for her young, With pleasure s'feeks a nest, And wond'ring swallows long To find their wanted rest: My spirit faints. With equal zed, To rise and dwell Among thy saints. 3 O happy souls that pray Where Go ! appoints to. hear ! O happy men that pay Their constant service there I They praise thee still ; And happy they That love the way To Zion's hill. 4 They go from strength to strength* Through this dark vale of tears,- SPIRITUAL SONGS, S4i •Till each arrives at lengh, 'Till each in heav'n appears. JO glorious i^ut. When God our King Shall thilher bring Oiir willing feet". 3 To spend our sacred day Whce God and saints abide, Affords db iner joy Than ten thousand days beside r Where God resorts, I love i« nf&ve To keep the door, Than shine in couits. % God is our sun and shield, Our light and on; oefes^ce ; With gifts our hands: are fJiM, 'We draw our blessings thence' He shall bestow On Jacob's race Peculiar grace And glory too. 7 The Lord his people loves ; His hand no good y, ithholds, From those his fifcart approves, From pure and pious souls ; Thrice happy ho, C God of hosts, Whose spirit trusts Alone in thee. 342 HYltfNS AND HYMN 189. Long Metre* Salvation by Chritt. SALVATION is tor ever nigh The souls that fear and triibt the Lord And grace, descending from on high, Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. 2 Mercy and truth on earth are met, , Since Christ the Lord came down from By his obedience, so complete, [heav'a Justice is pleas'd, and peace is giv'n. 3 Now truth and honor shall abound, Religion dwell on earth again, Ancf heav'nly influence bless the ground In our Redeemer's gentle reign. A His righteousness is gone before, To ^ive us free access to God; Our wand'ring feet shall stray no more, Bit mark his steps, and keep the road. HYMN 19 0. Long Metre, Mortality and htfic. A FUNESAL STMV. REMEMBER, Lorcl, our mortal state, How frail our life, how short our date ! Where is the man that draws his breatj^ Safe from disease, secure from death. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 24« 2 Lord, while we see whole nations dig, Our flesh and strength repine and cry, ♦'Must death tor ever rage and reign I " Or hast thou made mankind in vain ? 5 " Where is thy promise to the just ? " Are not thy servants turned to dust?" 'Bui faith forbids these mournful sighs, And sees the sleeping dust arise. 4 That glorious hour, that dreadful day ? Wipes the reproach of saints away, And clears the honor of thy word : Awake, our souls, and bless the Lord. HYMN 191. Long Metre. jin hymn for the Lord's day, SWEET is the work, my God, my King. To praise thy name, give thanks and sing, To shew thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal carts shall teize my breast* Oh may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound, S My hegrt shall triumph in my Lord, Aad bless hi* works, and bless his word? 344 HYMNS AND Thy worfcc ofprace-, h(>u brigfttthe.y ?>] iijhel How deep thy counse^i! ha\\ tlLihe I 4 Fco's i.,-"ii'r:.i-e then thoughts sdhigl^ Like brutes they li\e, like bru'es they die, Like ^rass they ftdurbii ; breath iMast them in everlasting (Ici.tJi. 5 Bin I : '. : I • ions p t% When grace hath veU re.'h.'d .. heart, A:"i fresh su.ppiit:- cJ, Like hcl? oil to cheer my hi 6 Sir ;-":) vex my eyes -nci ears no more: My ii . i] all b< i lain. Nor Satan break my react- -cain. 7 Thenvsfcall I see, ' low, A3! I desii'd, or wish'd beiow ; Anr so suie : TU deadly sentence God lepeals, He sends his sov'ieign word and heals. %" O may the sons of men record The wond'rous goodness of the Lord 1 And let their thankful pff'rings prove How they adore their Maker's love. ttg • HYMNS AND HYMN J95. Common Metre. Tte wisdom of Gsd in his work'*. SONGS of inuiMrtal praise belong I o my ai?T;i,-hry God, He husmvhe.K, and he my tongue, io spread his name abroad. 2 How great the works his hand has How- g| ? ttous> our sight! [wrought Andmen in ev'ry age have sought His wonders with delight. I How Fair and beauteous nature's frame ■ How wise the eternal Mind I m l:'' v ' vet " change the'sch^ne 1 hat his first thoughts des-ign'd. 4 WJ0n he redeemM his chosen sons Me fi ;'o i i « T -, •• -u.,ce ao eadlesS years ^fulure. S, Nature anytime, and earth and skici nly shill proclaim; V - "' do to make us wi=c, V name ! 6 To fear -r. to trust thy grace ili? -' ; he's the ff&sest of our race Thai, best obeys thy will. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Uf HYMN 196, Or.. ..-on Metre. Thanks for jirivaie deliverance, WHAT shall I render to my God For all bis kindness shewn I My feet shall visit thine abode; My songs address thy throne. 2 A irony; the saints that fill thine house, Mj offering shall be paid ; There shall my zeal perform the vows My soul in anguish made. 8 How much h mercy tby delight, Tbou.eve'- blessed C od ! How dear ' *- ants in thy : ...,Iu! How precious is their bidpd i 4 How hi, v ■-. all thy s-r-va:Us are I How greai thy grace to me 2 My lire, which thou h ast made thy care, Lordj I devote to thee. 5 Now I am thine., for ever thine. Nor shd : . j ti'post move ; Thy hand has uas'd my bonds of f pain, And bound me with tiiv Iotc, , 6 Here, in thy courts I leave my vow, And thy tich grace record ; Witness, ye saints, who heai me uow, If I forsake the Lord. 250 HYMNS AND HYMN 19f. Short Metre. An hasanna Jor the Lord's day : cr, c ?2i song of salvation by Christ. SEE what a living stone The builders did refuse ; Yet God hath built his church thereoa In spite of" envious Jews. 2 The scribe and angry priest, Reject thine only Son ; Yet on this R.ock sh«U Z'.on rest, As the chief corner-stone. S The work, O Lord is thine, And wond'ious in our eyes ; This day declares it all divine, This day did Jesus rise. 4 This is the glorious day That our redeemer made ; Let us rejoice, and sing and pray, Let all the church be glad. 5 Hosanna to the King Of David's royal blood ; Bless him, ye saints, he comes to biing Salvation from your God. 6 We bless thine holy word, Which all this ^race displays And offer on thine alter, Lord, Our sacrifice of prai3*. SPIRITUAL SONGS ' 351 ftYMN 198. Cemraon Metre. Breathing after holine**. O THAT the Lord would guide me way* To keep his statutes still I O that my God wou.d grant my grace To know and do his will i 3 O send thy Spirit down to write Thy law upon my heart ! Nor let my tongue indulge deceit^ Nor act the liar's part. # From vanity turn off my eyes ; Let no corrupt design, Nor covetous desires, arise Within this soul of mine. I 4 Order my thy word; And make my hearT'sincere ; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 9 My soul hath gone too far 1 astray, My feet too often slip ; Yet since I keep in mind thy way, Restore thy wand'ring 9heep. 6 Make me to walk in thy commands^ 'Tis a delightful road ; #or let my head, or heart, or hands? Offend agairjst my God* 352 HYMNS AN© HYMN 199. P. ttl God cur fire server. UPWARD I lift mine eyes, From God is all my aid ; The Gcd that built the skies, And earth and hature rafadej God is the towev- To which I iv ; His is nigh In every hour. 3 My f eet stiall never slide, And Tail in fatal snares, Since God, my guard and ? ; uide, Defends me from my fears. Those wakeful eyes, That never sleep, Shall Israel keep, When dangers rise. 9 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of evening .,ir, Sh il take my health away, If God be with me there : Thou art my sun, And thou my shade, To guard my head By night or noon. 4 Hast thou not given thy word To save my soul from death ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 253 And I can trust my Lord To keep my mortal breath : I'll go and come, Nor fear to die, "Till from on high Thou call me home. HYMN 200. Common Metre. Assistance and -victory in the spiritual war* fare. FOR ever blessed be the Lord, My Saviour and my shield ; He sends his spirit with his word, To arm me for the field. 2 When sin and hell their force unites He makes my soul his care. Instructs me in the heav'nly fight, And guards me through the war. 3 A friend and helper so divine, My fainting hope shall raise ; He makes the glorious vict'ry mine. And his shall be the praise, HYMN 201. Common Metre. The vanity of ,ntn y and the condescension of God. LORD, what is man. poor feeble msn- Bern of the earth at first ? 254 HYMNS AND His life a shadow, light. and vain, Still hasting to the dust. 2 O what is feeble dying man, Or all his sinful race, That God should make it his concern To visit him wilk grace ! 3 That God who darts his lightnings down Who shakes the world above, Why terrors wait his awful fiown, How wondrous is his love ! HYMN 202. P. M. Praise to God for his goodness and tru.... I'LL praise my maker with my breath ; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers, My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and bein£ last, Or immortality endures. 2 Why should I make a man my trust; Princes must die and turn to dust; Vain is the help of flesh and blood ; Theirbreath departs, their pomp and power And thoughts, all vanish in an hour, Nor can they make their piomise good. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 255 3 Happy the man whose hopes rely Qn Israel's God : He male the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train, His truth forever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor. And none shall find his promise vain, 4 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind ; He sends the laboring conscience peace ; He helps the stranger in distress, 1 he widow and the fatherless, And graitts the pris'ner sweet release. 5 He loves his saints, he knows them well, But turns the wicked down to hell ; Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns ; Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry age, In this exalted work en^&ge ; Praise him in everlasting strains; 6 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs : W'y days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. HYMN 203. Short Metre. Uni-uersal Praise* LET ev'ry creature join To praise the eternal God; 256 HYMNS AND Ye heav'nly hosts, the song begin, And sound his name abioad. 2 Thou sun with golden beams, And moon wLh paler rajs, Ye starry Jighis, ye twinkling flame^ Shine to your Maker's praise. 3 He built those worlds above, And nVd their wondrous frame ; By his command they stand or move. And ever speak his name. 4 Ye vapours when ye rise, Or fail in show'rs, or snow ; Ye thunders, murm'iing round the skies.,. His pow'r and glory show. 5 Wind, haih and flaming fire» Agree to praise the Lord, When ye in dreadful storms conspire To execute his word. 6 By all his works above His honors be express d "But saints, that taste his saving love Should sing his praises best. HYMN 204. P. M. FROM whence doth this union arise, That hatred i* eontnjer'd bv iu\e * ? SPIRITUAL SONGS; t& It fastens our souls in such ties, 1 h 2 Fo God I'm reconcii'd, I fear no dire alarms ; He owns me for a chi.d, And cla ps me in his arms: &eliev*j| from doubts smd eveiy sigh^ 1 boldly Abba, father cry. S I'm not afraid of sin. Its power in me is void ; And all us base remain,* Shall shortly be desrroy'd While i my father's face behold, He stamps hi* image on my soul. «8 I cannot fear the 1*w, Its thunders loud may roar; Since I am sav'd from sin, It can demand no more ; On wings of love I mount and fly 5 And father, Abba, father cry. S Death too has lost its sting, And wear; a comely face, I hope to shout and sing L\'o in his cold embrace; He'ii close my eyes and stop my car% But cannot rouse my guilty fears. € Let Satan vent hi* spite* While in the Lord I stand, He CuO'l mi' Soul aflfii'rht, dir wrest mciVom hUhund; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3flt The woman's seed shall never die, But still shall Abba, father cry. 7 When through the flaming sky I see the j'td^e descend, I'll Abba, father cry, And hail him as my friend •, While standing in the gospel light There's nought that can my soui Affright* 8 Now let my joyful eyes Flow down in grateful tears> Since free adopting grace Has banish' d all my fears; fhe cross ITi bear myself deny, And father Abba, father cry. 9 No more let me return Beneath the galling yoke. Or ever wear those chains, Which grace divine has broke ; Let Abbd, ftither be my ciy, la time and through eternity. HYMN 207. Long Metre. As M s s lifted up the re-fimt in the tvit- d >-ne*8. mmust the Son of mu?i be lifted u/i> John iii. 14. WHEN by the hery serpent stung, What anguish seized both oiu aud young; 262 HYMNS AND # No sinner then so vain and proud, But would for mercy cry aloud. 2 When rack'd with pain and filW with A joyful sound salutes their ear, [tear, " Lift up your eyes and here behold. This brazen serpent on the pole." 3 The prophet gave a common call, The object too was free to all ; 'Twas rais'd aloft in open light, That nothing mighfobstruct the sight, 4 Some are with sudden virtue bless'd, How s .ift they fly to the distressed, Raise up their heads, direct the face, And point their linger to the place. 6 Such strange confusion oft takes place. When God displays his mighty grace. Yet many wonder what we menu, And hasten from the noisy scene. 7 Law curses gives the killing smart, For when they strike the sinner's heart, The sins that in his bosom lurk, Begin like poison then to work. 7 With violence now he draws his breath, As in the very jaws of death, Prostrate he rolls upon the ground, And Lord have mercy ^ is the sound. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 26S S On wings of love the christians fly, And Look to Jesus -is their cryf; The virtue flows — he shouts aloud, And leaps into the joyful croud. 9 Here all believers feel and see The love of Christ so rich and free : They wender at the unbelief Of all who do not find relief. 10 Let every honest loving heart To otners act the faithful part; Nor ever quit the house of pray'r, While one distressed soul is there. HYMN 208. Elevens. THE Lord is the fountain Of goodness and love, Through Eden once flowing In streams from above, Refreshed every moment The first hmppy pair, Till sin stopt the torrent And brought on despair. 2 O wretched condition \ What anguish ^nd pain I They thirst for the fountain* But cannot obtain : 264 HYMNS AND To sins bitter waters They fly for relief, They drink, but the draught Still increases their grief. 3 Glad tidings, glad tidings !— No more we complain. Our Jesus has open'd This fountain again ; Now mingled with mercy, EnrichM with free grace, From Zion 'tis flowing To all the lost race. 4 How hyppy the prophet! How pleasant his road ! When led down the stream 3?.y the angel ofGod, Though shallow at first, Yet he found it at last, A river so boundless It could not be })ast. 5 Come sinner, poor sinner, 'Tis boundless and free, You're welcome, take freely» 'Twas open'd for thee; The Spirit invites you, The brffie calls you too, Come, call all your neighbors. They're welcome with you. SPIRITUAL SONGS. S Come all ye dead sinners, Here life you will find. Gome all ye poor beggars, The halt and the blind; This water has virtue To heal all complaints; Come drink ye diseas'd And rejoice with the saintSc 7 Say not " I'm a sinner, And must not partake," For this very reason The Lord bids you take ; Say not " Too unworthy, The vilest of all," For such, not the righteous, The Lord came to call. 8 Make not your complaints An excuse to delay, Let not your transgressions Affright you away ; The worse your condition The weicomer here; Come, come on dear sinner, And cast away fear. 9 Come, christians, let's venture Along down the stream,"* The shallows are pleasant, But O, let us swim ; Let's bathe in the ocean Of infinite love, 265 HYMNS AND And wash and be pure As the angels above. 10 Too long- have we dreaded To launch the great deep, And lov'd near the threshold Of Zion to keep : But Jesus now calls us, Arise let us go ; O glory transporting, 'Tis heaven below. HYMN 219. P. M. THE gloomy night of sadness, Begins to flee awav, The reddening streaks of morning, Proclaim the rising day ; That welcome, day of promise, When Christ shall claim his right, And on the world|of darkness Pour forth a flood of light. 3- Now truth, unveil'd, is shining, With beams of sacred light, The mourning pilgrims wonder, And le-\ve the paths of night: Their glowing hearts in rapture— And filled with joy divine, Burst forth in shou'ing glory, And like their master shine. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 26T 3 Now love unites the children, And tears away the bars, They lay aside their weapons, And cease from strife and wars ; All with united voices, All join with one accord, Ascribing free salvation And glory to the Lord. 4 The beams of truth revealed, Pervades the sinner's heart, Aghast they fall and tremble, Aspierc'd with a dart, Their earnest cries for mercy,. Sounds through the parting skies, Their gracious Saviour hears them. And smiling bids them rise. 5 Now Satan roars with anguish, His servants quake with fear, His boasted kingdom totters, Its full we soon shall hear. Go on victorious Saviour, Go on almighty kin^, O chain the woful Dragon, * ' And cause tne world to sing. 6 Come let's begin the anthems, And join the choir above, To praise pur blessed Jesus, And bless the God we love. 3*3 HYMNS AND All glory, calory, glory, Salvation to our God, Hosanna to r>ui' Jes"r-, Who wash'd us in his blood, 7 The courts of heav'n are ringing, With ^oiigs of highest stridns, And ceaseless praise is rolling, Along the flowery p ains : O could we rise triumph mt> Aug join vvirh them above, To shout and sing forever Free grace and d) ing love. 8 There sits my smiling Jesus, "With light and glory crown'd, There gazing hosts adoring In blazing ciicies round ; Come quickly, come Lord Jesus, Come quickly, come, Lord, come. And ta*e our longing spirits To their eternal home. HYMN 210. Sevens. LORD we come before thee fiuw, At thy feet we humbly bow ; O ! do not our suit disdain. Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain ? 8 Lord, on thee our s^nls depend^ In companion now descend, SPIRITUAL SONGS $s# ^ill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our Iip» to sing thy praise. 3 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee, here we stay; Lord we know not how to go, "1 ill a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford; Let thy sj.ii it now impart Full salvation to each heart. 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn; 1 e< the time ot joy return r Those who are cast down l*ft up; JVlake them strong in faiUi and hope, 6 Grant thtit all may seek and find Thee, a gracious God, and kinds Heal the sick, the Captive free; Let us all rejoice in thee. HYMN 2U. P. 1VT. COME away to the skies, My beloved aiise, And rejoice in.ihe day thou wast bor» On this festival day tome exulting away. And vviJi singing to Zion return 570 HYMNS AND 2 We have laid un our love And our treasures above, Tho' our bodies continue below; The redeemed of the Lord, We remember his word, And with singing to paradise go. 3 With singing we praise The original grace, By our heavenly Father bestow'd ; Our being receive From his bounty, and live To the honour and glory of God. 4 For thy glory, we are Created to share. Both the nature and kingdom divine; Created again, > That our souls may remain In time and eternity thine. 5 With thanks we approve The design of th) love, Which hath join'd us in Jesus' name ; So united in heart, That we never can part, Till we meet at the feast of the Lamb, 6 There, there at his feet, We shall joyfully meet, And be parted in body no more, SPIRITUAL BO We shall sinp- to our lyre" With the heavt :>iy die .; And our Saviour in glory adore; 7 Hallelujah we si^g. To our father and &ir>g, And his rapturous praises leneat; To the Lomb t$jat was sf&in, Hallelujah again. Sing ail heaven, and tail at his feet. 8 In assurance of hope, We to Jesus look up, *Till his banner unfurled in the air; From our graves \ye sh,il see, And cry out " It is he^ And fly up to acknowledge him there* HYMN 212. P. M, COME let us anew Our journey pursue, .With vigor arise, [skies : And press to our permanent place in the 2 Of heavenly birth, Tho* wand'ring on earth This is not our p! •« ?, ^confess; But strangers and pilgriasis ourselves we 3 At Jesus's call, We give up our all, ¥■ 2r2 HYMNS AND Jipd at 1 11 we forego, For Jc^us'a suke, our enjoyments below: 4 No lomiin^ we find, lor thecountiy behind; But onward we move, And still we are seeking a country above. 5 A country of joy Without any alloy, We thither repair, [there: Our heart and our treasure already ara 6 We march hand in hand To Emanuel's land ; No mutter what cheer We meet with on earth, for eternity's near. 7 The Rougher our way* 'J In/ shorter our stay : The tempests that li'se [skies. Shaji gioii ously hurry our souls to the S The fiercer the blast, The sooner 'tis past ; The troubles th< t come, [home. Shall come to our rescue and hasttn us HYMN 213. Common Metre. Celestial frosfnets. SWEET jrlores rush upon mv si ;ht, And charm my wonu'iing eyes: SPIRITUAL SONGS. srs The regions of immortal light, i he beauties ot the skies ! 2 All hail 1 ye fair celestial shores : Ye lands of endless day I Swift on my view your prospect pours, And drives my griefs away. 3 There's a delightful clearness now, My ciou'ls and doubts are gone, * Fled is my former darkness too, My tears are ail withdrawn, 4 Short is the passage — short the space Between my home and me; There ! there behoid the radiant place! How near the mansions be ! 5 Immortal wonders! boundless things I In those dear worlds appear : Fiep^re me, Lord to stretch my wings, And m tho^e glories share. 6 By faith I feel my spirit rise, My heart begins t' ascend ; I ii stretch and .o^.r above the skies, \\ here raptures never end. HYMN 214. Long Metre. The Gosfiel Jubilee. Psalm, lxxxix. 15* LOUD let the ttinefii- .trumpet sound, - And spread tHe joyful tidings round; V 274 HYMNS AND Let every soul with transport hear, And hail the Lord's accepted year. 2 Ye debtors, whom he gives to know, That you ten thousand talents owe, When humble at his feet you Call, Your gracious God forgives them all. 3 Slaves that have borne the heavy chain Of sin and hell's- tyrannic reign, To liberty assert your claim, And bless the great Redeemer's name. 4 The rich inheritance of heaven, Your joy, your boast, is freely given ; Fair S^lem your arrival waits, With golden streets and pearly gates. 5 Herbless'd inhabitants no more Bondage and poverty deplore ; K<- debt, but love immensely great, Their joy still rises with their debt. 6 O happy souls that know the sound, Celestial light their steps surround, And show the jubilee begun, "Which thro' eternal years shall run, HYMN 215. . Common Metre. Prayer for missionaries. GREAT God the narh^^f the earth Are by creation thine ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. S7* And in thy works by all beheld, Thy radiant glories shine. 2 But, Lord, thy greater love has sent Thy gospel to mankind, Unveiling what rich stores of grace Are treasur'd in thy mind. S Lord, when shall these glad tidings spread The spacious earth around, 'Till every tribe, and every soul Shall hear the joyful sound. 4 O when shall Afric's sable sons Enjoy the heavenly world, And vassals long enslav'd, become The freemen of the Lord. 5 When shall th' untutored heathen tribes, A dark bewilder'd race, Sit down at our Emmanuel's feet; And learn and feel his grace ? 6 Haste sovereign mercy, and transform Their cruelty to love ; Soften the tyger to a lamb, The vulture to a dove! •7 Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt To spread thy gospel's rays. And build on sin's demolish'd throne The temples of thy praise I 276 HYMNS AND HYMN 2 16. Common Metre. Rejoicing in a revival of religion. HARK ! the glad sound, on earth 'tis found, My soul delights to hear Of dying love that's from above. To drive away our fear. 2 God's ministers, like flames of fire. Are passing thro*' the land, Their voice is, " hear, repent and fear, King Jesus is at hand." 3 Young converts sing and praise their And bless God's hoiy name ; [King, Whilst older saints leave their complaints, ADd joy to join the theme. * 4 Convinc'd of sin, men now begin To call upon the Lord; Trembling they pray, nnd mourn the day In which they scorn'd his word. 5 God's chariot rolls, and frights the souls Of those who hate the truth ; And saints in pray'r, cry Lord, draw near, Have mercy on our youth. 6 Pour down a show'r "of thy great pow'r On every aching heart; On all who try, and humbly cry, That they may have a part. SPIRITUAL SONGS. WY 7 Come lovely youth, obey the truth, Agree with one accord ; Acd use your tongues, while you are young In praises to the Lord. S Come, sinners, all, hear now God's call, Come pray, and trust his word; Saints, raise your songs, with joyful tongues. To hail th' approaching Lord. HYMN 2 17. Common Metre. Praise to the Redeemer. PLUNG'D in a gulph of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimm'ring day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace, Beheld our helpless grief, He saw, and [O amazing love!] He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled, Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead* 4 He spoil'd the pow'rs of darkness thus. And brake our iron chains ; 3r« HYMNS AND Jesus has freed our captive souls, From everlasting pains. 3 In vain the b. ffled prince of hell, His cursed projects tries; We that were doom'd his endless slaves. Are raised above the skies. i O for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break, And all harmonious human tongues Their Saviour's praises speak. 7 Yes, we will praise thee, dearest Lord, Our souls are all on flame ; Hosanna round the spacious earth, To thy adored name ? % Angels assist our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. HYMN 518. Long Metre. BE still my heart! these anxious cares, ■ To thee are burdens, thorns and snares; They cast dishonor on thy Lord, And contradict his gracious word. 3 Brought safely by his hand thus far. Why wilt thou now give place to fear? SPIRITUAL SONGS. t79 How canst thou want, if he provide ? Or lose thy way with such a guide ? 3 When nVst before his mercy-seat Thou didst to him thy all commit, He gave thee warrant, from that hour, To trust his wisdom, love, and pow'r. 4 Did ever trouble yet befa!, Aud he refuse to hear thv call ; And has he not his promise past, That thou snail overcome at last ? 5 Like David, thou may'st comfort draw, Sav'd from the bear*s and lion's paw, Goiiah's rage I may defy, For God, my Suvior still is nigh. 6 He, who has help'd me hitherto, Will help me all my journey thro' ; And give me daily cause to raise ^ew Ebenezers to his praise, 7 Tho' rough and thorny be the road, It leads thee home apace to God ; Then count thy present trials small, For heaven will make amends for all. HYMN 219. Common Metre. REJOICE believer in the Lord, Who makes your cause his own ; • 7 280 HYMNS AND The hope thst's built upon his word, Can ne'er be a .-. nvn. 2 Tho' many Foes bes^t your re And feci) e is youi arm : Your life is hid with Christ in God, Beyond the reach oi hai . 3 Weak as you are you shal] not • int, Or, fainting, snail not die; Jesus, the strength of ev'ry saint, Will daily strength supply. 4 Tho' sometimes unperceiv'd by sense To faiu» he's always r,e->xr, A truide, a glory, a defence ; Then what have you to fear ; [5 Cleave to Vhe Savior's precious name Your confidence hold fast; And surely as he overcame, You'll conquer too at last.] HYMN 220. Comruon Metre. THE king: of heav'n his table spreads, And dainties crown the board, Not paradise with all its jovs Could such delight afford. 2 Pardon and peace to dying men, And endless life are giv'n, SPIRITUAL RONfiS. 281 And the uch blood, that Jesus shed T ) raise the soul to heaven. Z Yc .hungry p»or, thai long .have stra}M in &io's dark mazes come : Com* from the lu-oges and highways, And grace. shall fi. id you loom. 4 Millions of souls in gJ 0,, y now, Were fed ami Ousted heie ; And millions more, still on the way, Around the bo.rd appear. 5 Yet is his house, and heart so large) That millions more uiay con;e ; Kor could the vvicie assembi'd wond O'er ml the spacious room. 6 All things are ready ; come away, Nor weak excuses name ; Croud to your .jh.ces at the feast, And uisss uie founder's name. HYMN 221. P. M. Sufireme l-ve to Christ, MY gracious Rt fleemer I love, His praises aloud i'n procLim, And join with the armies **bove To shout ins adorable name. 232 HYMNS AND To gaze on his glories divine, Shall be my eternal. employ, And feel them incessantly shine, -M , boundless ineffable joy. 2 rie freely redeemed with his blood' My soul from the confines of hell, To live on fre smiles of my God, And it* his sweet presence to dwell; To shine with the angels of light, With saints and with seraphs To sing, io view, with eternal deli - ht, My Jesus, my Savior, ana King; ^ My glorious Redeemer ! I long To see thee descend on the cloiid, Amidst the bright numberless throngE And mix wuh the triumphing croud: O when wilt thou bici me ascend, 'lo join in thy praises above, To gaze on thee, world withput end, And least on thy ravishing tovei 4 No sorrow, nor sickness, or pain, r*o. sim nor temptation, or fear, Shah' ever molest me again, Perfection oi glory reigns there. This soul and this body shall shine In robes of salvation and praise, And banquet on pleasures divine, VYneie God his lull beauty displays SPIRITUAL SONGS. 28: & Soon, soon shall my spirit exchange This cell of corruptible clay, For mansions celestial, and range Thro' realms of intffVble day ! The crown that my Savior bestows, Yon permanent sun shall outshine ; >Iy ]oy everlastingly flo\vs, My Godmv redeemer is mine. HYMN 222. Short Metre. AND can I yet delay My little all to give; To tear my soul from earth away, For Jesus to receive ! Kay, but I yield, I yield ! I can hold out no more ; 1 sink by dying love compell'd, And own the conqueror 1 2 Though late I all forsake, My friends, my all resign ; Gracious Redeemer, take, O take, And seal me ever thine ! Come and possess me whole, Nor hence again remove : Settle and fix my wav'ring sou?, With all thy weight of love- 3 My one desire be this, Thy only love to know : 284 HYMinS AND To seek ard taste no other bliss, >o other good below ; M* ii rth my great concern shall be To love and please thee more. HYMN 224. P. M. An experience. * c that labour, weight, 1 pray give attention To what I relate : ' ■.:■ sinners >\v I am 'chief, . j my Savior Id relieu 2 When first I received dove, i though; I should always 286 HYMNS AN Abide in his love ; The fountain of mercy- Was boundless and free, Just soiling the case Of a sinner like me* 3 The plan of salvation Was all my delight, My vessel ran over By day and by night ; I thought the whole world Might his fuliress receive* And wonder'd why sinners Refus'd to believe. 4 The free love of Christ Was my joy and my song, 5 Till some did persuade me, My views were all wrong ; Such strong consolation They deewi'd a bad mark, That christians were safest When most in the d; 5 And more than all this. That the doctrine of grace Did only extend To a part of cur race: The few chosen favorites, For whom Jesus died, Must grope in thick darkness, To hum tie their pride. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 38* A sinner they said, Sad no right to believe, Till some special gift die from heaven receive? ^.nd when he receiv'd it To doubt and repine, •Vere needful to prove That the gift was divine. ' Can this be religion, I thought with a sigh, 3ut surely the Levites inow better than I ; Then founded my faith 3n the wisdom of raan, \nd soon was induc'd To embrace the whole plan. Beneath a new banner soon did appear, Vnd foolishly try'd To get others to fear: \lthough living christians 3ad once been my choice^ . now was unhappy To hear them rejoice. The spirit was grieved, Vnd soon did withdraw— ; let go the gospel, Vnd turned to the law; The spirit of bondage 28t HYMNS AND Soon brought me to doubt, And under this bushel My candle went out. 10 My former task-master Resumed his throne, And under his pressure I often did groan ; My sin which had once, By the gospel been slain, Were br ought by the law Into action again. 11 Against my corruptions I daily did strive, But no peace of conscience I thence could derive ; I labor' d in pain With my burden of grief, In hopes that kind death Would soon give me relief* 12 The sound of a going At length I did hear, And soon was convinced The bridegroom was near ; His presence awoke me, But O how distress'd ! To find that his love Had forsaken my breast. 13 While others around in» His presence did feci, SPIRITUAL SONGS S8d I stood like the son That came ir to the field ; The servants in raptures Were lifting their voice, I v, nted a kid With my friends to lejoice. 14 While sinners were pressing In crouds to come in, I groan rl with the weight Of my Swelling sin, I felt th .t my soul Kd gene farther astray, Than sinners, who never Had heard of the way. -. 15 I found that my legal Endeavors were in vain, No service of mine Could his favor obtain, And since I had wilfully Chosen to dou-bt He justly had suffered My lamp to go out. 16 I solemnly promised If grace would return, I never would quench it, But still let it burn; My soul should forever Kcsign to his will, And follow with pleasure His word to iulnl, 390 HYMNS AND 17 This humble submission That Jesus should reign, Soon open'd the windows Of Heaven again; And thought for his sake I be counted a fool, I know that my heart Has been made like a pool. 18 My own private interest 5 cast at his feet, And his salvation I know I'm complete ; Since grace upon grace 1 so freely receive, I'll praise hirn, I'll praise hin% As long as I live. 2 9 I now live dependent, On Jesus my head, And out of his fulness I daily am fed, His faithfulness binds me On him to believe, I'll give him the glory Of all I receive, 20 And now you have heard The contents of my song, Can such a dependence On Jesus be wrong ? If scripture does plainly Affirm it is right, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2$ 1 Lord grant you may instantly Come to the light. 21 At once be persuaded To give up your strife, And come as you are To the author of life; Leap into the fountain Of infinite love. And shout like The glorified spirits above. HYMN 225. P.M. ALMIGHTY love ! inspire My heart with pure desire, "Until the sacred fire My soul does renew: I love the blessed Jesus, On whom all heaven gazes, And symphony increases Above the ethereal blue* CHORUS. O give him glory ! give him glory ! G give him glory I For glory is his own 1 will give him glory, I will give him glory. 29: HYMNS AN I will g'ire him glory, For glory is his own. 2 My tender hearted Jesus, r Iny love my soul amaze?, y\ iio c.nne from heaven to save us, \\ Hen lust aiid undone; No angel could redeem us, No seraph co'ilcl retrieve us, ISo arm could relieve us, Bnt Jesus alone. O give him ^lory, &c. 3 In him I have believed, He has my soul retrieved, Pro) ■: in he has redeemed My spirit, lost'and dead. And now I love my Saviour, Tor I am in his favor, And hop;. 1 with him forever The streets to tread— - O give him glory, &c!" - 4 Yet here ? while I stay, In hope of that glad day : 1 am c.ii'd • To the mansions above : The 1 , e u. enjoy .sure Of unronfturoirttf pleasure, And shout in highest measure. Hal of love. O give him ^lory, &s. . :.-. SPIRITUAL SONGS. S9« HYMN 225, P. M. COME my christian friends and brethren* Bound for Canaan's luppyland, Come, unite and walk together, 0' rist our leader gives command. Lay aside your party spirit, Wound your christian friends no more* Ail the name of Christ inherit, Zion's peace a^ain restore. 2 We'll not bind our brother's conscience, This to God alone is free, Nor contend with one another, But in Christ united be ; Here's the tvord tbe ejrand criterion ; This shall all our doctrines prove, Christ the centre of our union, And the bond is christian love. 3 Here's my hand, my heart, my spirit, Now in fellowship I give, [Now we'll love and peace inherit, Show the world how christians live ' We are one in Christ our Saviour, There is neither bond nor free, hrist is all in all forver, In his name we all agree. I Now we'll preach and pray together, Praise, give thanks, and shout and sing, 5§4 HYMftS AND Now we'll strengthen one another, And adore our heavenly King ; Now we'll join in sweet communion Round the table of our Lord : Lord, confirm our christian union By thy Spirit and thy word. 5 Now the world will be constrained To believe in Christ our king, Thousands, millions be converted, Round the earth his praises ring: Blessed day ! O joyful hour 1 Praise the Lord — his name we bless, Send thy kingdom, Lord, with, power ! Till the werld with righteousness. HYMN 227. P, M* COME children of Heaven, And help us to sing Loud anthems of praises To Jesus our king : His life it was given, Our souls to redeem, And bring us to glory, To dwell there with him. % When we in the regions Of daikr.ess and pain, Wc all lay in ruin, j n misery and chains, >.-