FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Section & 755 > MAY 8 1935 AND CAMP-MEETING SONCJS, FOR vata toot^ While I live, I will praise the Lord."— Ps, exlti. 2. NINTH EDITION ENLARGED. Baltimore: ARMSTRONG AND PLASKITT, 134, MARITET-STREET 1827. DISTRICT OF MARYLAND, s* BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the fourteenth Jay of April, in the fiftj -first year of the Independence of the United States of America. Armstrong and Plaskitt, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following", to wit: — " Social and Camp-Meeting Songs, for the Pious. While I live, I will praise the Lord Psalm cxlvi. 2. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An act for the encourage- ment of" learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also to an act, entitled "an Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such- copies, during the times therein mentioned, and ex- tending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, sngraving, and etching historical ana oilier prh * PHILIP MOORE, Chrk of the District of Maryland. SOCIAL AND CAMP-MEETING SONGS. HYMN 1. P. M. 1. YE children of Zion, who're aiming far glory, Enlisted with Jesus to fight against hell, New Canaan's bright^borders are now just before you, :h Jordan's proud billows its banks over- all. Ten thousand have cross'd it, and are now in A shouting and telling the triumphant story, And Jesus, our Saviour, will bring us all over, In the land of sweet Canaan, for ever to dwell. 2. This makes my heart joyful, it fills me with pleasure, That suff ring and toiling wnTone day be o'er; At the feet of my Saviour I'll tnere 'count rny treasure, Where sin, pain, and sorrow can reacii me no more. Be bold and courageous, and fear not the devil. Though he should speak of you all manner of evil, For though Satan racres, yet Jesus engages To bring us all shouting to Canaan's bright shore, 3. Like ships on the ocean we're tossed by commotion, But Christ is the pilot, and he's a sure guide : It sick and afflicted, kind love has a lotion Vvhi«:h flows in abundance from Jesus's side. 1 hough Satan's wild whirlwinds like deludes roaring-, to And floods of temptation as hail are down pouring, Though devils should haunt you, yet let them not daunt you, For Jesus rules over the wind and the tide. 4. I feel his love blazing, my spirits are raising, Had I angel's pinions, away would I go, And see that bright city, and hear angels praising, ° And all the enjoyment of glory to know, To our great God and Father, that shines throughout heaven, All glory irom saints and from angels be given ; My heart s all on fire, my Jesus draws nigher, His love, like an ocean, all through me doth now. 5. His love so constrains me, this earth can't contain me, My soul is so joyful, I'm fill'd with new wine, lis grace that supports me, and crlory awaits me, While beams from sweet heaven all round me doth shine. Bright angels attend me where'er I am ffoing, Sweet .Jesus directs me, whatever I'm doino- ; Asu^jt of wonder, on which angels poncfer, I hat beggars are raised to a life so divine. HYMN 2. P. M On ike Passion. 1. SAW ye my Saviour ! Saw ve my Saviour ' Saw ye my Saviour and God ? 5 Oh ! he died on Calvary, to atone for you and me,, And to purchase our pardon with blood. 2. Ho was extended ! he was extended ! Shamefully nail'd to the cross ; Oh ! he bow'd his head and died, thus my Lord was crucified, To atone for a world that was lost. 3. Jesus hung bleeding ! Jesus hung bleeding ! Three dreadful hours in pain ; Oh ! the sun refused to shine, when his majesty divine, Was derided, insulted, and slain. 4. Darkness prevailed ! darkness prevailed ! Darkness prevail'd o'er the land, O ! the solid rocks were rent thro' creation's vast extent, When the Jews crucified the God man. 5. When it was finish'd, when it was finish'd, And the atonement was made, He was taken by the great, and embalm'd in spices sweet, And in a new sepulchre was laid. 6. Hail, mighty Saviour! Hail, mighty Saviour ! Prince and the author of peace, Oh ! he burst the bands of death, and trium- phant thro' the east. He ascended to mansions of bliss. 7. Now interceding ! now interceding ! Pleading that sinners may live ; Crying Father, I have died! O behold my hands and side, To redeem them, I pray thee forgive. 8. I will forgive f hem, I will forgive them, If they'll repent and believe, Let them now return to me and be reconcil'd to thee, And salvation they all shall receive* 1* 6 HYMN 3. P. M. ft, HOW happy every child of grace, The soul that's fill'd with joy and peace.. That bears the fruits of righteousness, And kept by Jesu's power; Their trespasses are all forgiv'n, They antedate the joys of heaven, In rapturous lays, Shout the praise, Of Jesirs grace, To 3 lost race Of sinners brought to happiness, Through the atoning blood of Jesus. 2. Satan may tempt, and hell may rage, And all the powers of earth besiege, Their united strength at once engage, To pluck a soul from Jesus ; The faithful soul laughs them to scorn, He's heaven bound and heaven born. He'll vatch and pray Night and day, Fight his way, Win the day, And all his enemies dismay, T -ough the mighty name of Jesus. 3. O monster death thy sting is drawn, O boasting grave, no trophies won, The soul triumphs through grace alone, To see the face of Jesus : At length it bids the world adieu, With all its vanitv and show, The soul it flies, Through the skies, To paradise, And join its voice In rapturous lays of love and praise To the blessed name of Jesus, I \\ hen Gabriel's awful trump shall sound, And rend the reeks, convulse the ground, \n-l swear that time is at an end, Arise and come to judgment ; See lightnings flash, and thunder roll, This e c arth wrapt like a parchment scroll ; Comets blaze, Sinners raise, Dread amaze And horror seize The guilty sons of Adam's race, Unsav'd from sin by Jesus. 5 The Christian filled with rapturous joy, 'Midst flaming worlds, he mounts on higm To meet his Saviour in the sky, And see the face of Jesus ; The soul and bodv re-unite, And fiird with glory infinite, Blessed day, Christians say, Will you pray, That "we may All join that happy company, . To praise the name of Jesus. HYMN 4. P. M I. YE sons of war I pfay draw near And list as generous volunteers, Become our royal brothers here, I mean as valiant soldiers ; You'll enter into present pay, And feasting live from day to day, Then turn about and march away, And Jesus will support you. H. Ye careless sons of Adam's race, Who long have trod in folly's ways, O turn about to Zion's face. And meet Apollyon's forces; 8 Gird on vour sword and glittering shield, And with your helmet take the field, And fight your way and never yield, And Jesus will support you. Z. The bounty you shall have in hand, If you will list in Jesu's band, Your captain in the front will stand And beat your foes before you; Come throw your rebel weapons down> And seek for honour and renown, And you shall wear a starry crown, i or Jesus will support you. 4. You long have been the slaves of sin, With dire corruption deep within. The Christian warfare now begin, And face Apollyon's forces ; The breast-plate take of righteousness* Your feat be shod with gospel peace, Be daily at the throne of grace, And Jesus will support you. 5. Desert the cause of heaven's foe, Before you plunge in endless wo, Now courage take to Jesus go, And he will now receive you ; From sin and Satan you'll get free, And happy seasons you shall see, And gain the Christian's liberty, For Jesus will support you. 0. No more in Satan's ranks appear, But to our banner pray draw near, We'll win the day, you need not fear.' Though earth and hell oppose us. Our captain he is always brave, And able still his men to save ; He conquered death and the grave, And he will still support you. 9 7. Let not sinners you affright, Although they rage and vent their spite, Wear but the* Christian's armour right, And none can stand before you. Although your parents should oppose, Your dearest friends become your foes, Yet sweetly with the gospel close, And Jesus will support you. 8. And when the war is at an end, Our Captain still will be our friend, We'll wing our wav and up ascend To reign with him in glory. Then all our tears be wip'ci away, Our night be turivd to endless day, And on our golden harps we'll play, The joyful song* of heaven. HYMN o. P. 11 1. O JESUS my Saviour, to thee I submit, With love and thanksgiving, fall down at thy feet, The sacrifice offer, my soul, flesh, and blood, To thee rny Redeemer, my Lord, and my God. 2. 1 love thee, I love thee, I love thee my Lord, I love thee my Saviour, I trust in thyVord, I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know, But how much I love thee I never can show, 3. I'm happy, I'm happy, O wond'rous account, My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount, I cra.e" on my treasure, and long to beth^re, With angels my kindred, and Jesus my dear 4. O Jesus, my Saviour, in thee I am blest, My life and" my treasure, my joy and my rest 10 Thy grace be my theme, and thy name be my song, Thy love doth inspire both my heart and my tongue. 5. O who is like Jesus ? he is Salem's bright king He smiles and he loves me, and learns me to sing; I'll praise him, I'll praise him, with notes loud and shrill, While rivers of pleasure my spirit doth fill. HYMN 6. P. M. 1. FROM the regions of love, lo ! an angel de- scended, And told the strange news, how the babe was attended ; Go shepherds and visit the wonderful stranger, See yonder bright star, there's your God in a manger. CHORUS. Hallelujah to the lamb, who has purchased eur pardon, We*tl praise him again when we pass over Jor- dan. 2. Glad tidings I bring, unto you and each na- tion, Glad tidings of joy, now behold your salva- tion; Then suddenly multitudes rais'd their glad voices, And shout hallelujahs, while heaven rejoices. Chor. Hallelujah, fyc. 3. Now glory to God in the highest is given, All glory to God is re-echo'd in heaven ; 11 Around the whole earth, let us tell the glad \na°2ng of his love, his salvation, and glory. Ana b Cho ^ Ha ii t i U jah, SfC. 4. Enraptur'd I burn, with delight and desire Such love, so divine, sets my soul all on fire , Around the bright throne hosannahs arenng- O wfen shall I join them, and ever be sinking. C/ior. Hallelujah, tfc. & O Jesus ride on, thy kingdom is glorious, O'er sin, death, and hell, thou'lt make us vie torious ; . , „ Thy banner unfurl, let the nations surrender. And own thee their Saviour, their God. ana defender. . „ CTior. Hallelujah, tfc. HYMN 7. P. M. 1. BRIGHT scenes of glory strike my sense, And all my passions capture, Eternal beauties round me shine, Infusing warmest rapture. I dive in pleasures, deep and full In swelling waves of glory ; And feel my Saviour in my soul, And groan to tell my story. 2. I feast on honey, milk, and wine, I drink perpetual sweetness ; Mount Zion'a beauties round me shine. While Christ unfolds his glory ! No mortal tongue can show my joys, Nor can an angel tell them ; Ten thousand times surpassing all Terrestrial worlds or emblems. 12 3. My captivated spirit flies, Through shining worlds of beauty, Dissolv'cfin blushes, loud I cry, In praises loud and mighty. And here I'll sing and swell the strain, Of harmony delighted ; And with the millions learn the notes Of saints in Christ united. 4. The bliss that rolls through those above. Through those in glory seated, Which causes them loud songs to sing, Ten thousand times repeated : Dart through my soul in radiant flame Constraining loudest praises : O'erwhelming all my powers with joy, While all within me blazes. 5. When earth and sea shall be no more, And all their glory perish, When sun and moon snail cease to shine. And stars at midnight languish, My joys refin'd shall liigher shine, With heavVs radiant glory, And tell through one eternal day, Love's all immortal story. HYMN 8. P. M. 1. O HOW I have long'd for the coming of God, And sought him by praying and searching his word, With watching and fasting my soul was opprest, Nor would I give over till Jesus had blest. 2. The news of his mercy, at length did appear, According to promise "he answer d my prayer, 13 And glory is open'd in floods on my soul, Salvation from Zion's beginning to roll. .>. The news of his mercy is spreading abroad, And sinners come crying and weeping to God, Their mourning and praying is heard very loud, And thousands find pardon in Jesus's blood. 4. Here's more, 'my dear Saviour, who fall at thy feet, Opprest by a burden enormously great ; O raise them, my Jesus to tell of thy love, And shout hallelujah like angels above. 5. I'll sing and I'll shout, and I'll shout and I'll sing, O God make the nations with praises to ring, With loud acclamations of Jesus's love, And carry us all to the city above. 6. We'll wait for his chariot, it seems to draw near, come my dear Saviour, let glory appear ; We long to be singing and shouting" above, With angels o'erwhelmed in Jesus s love. HYMN 9. P. M. 1. ALMIGHTY love inspire my heart with pure desire, Until the sacred fire my soul doth renew, 1 love the blessed Jesus, on whom each angel gazes, And symphony increases, above the ethereal blue'. CHORUS, O give him glory, O give him glory, O give him glory, for glory is his own ; 14 Twill give him glory, 1 will give him glory, I will give him glory, for glory is his own. 2. My tender hearted Jesus, thy love my soui amazes, Who came from heav'n to save us, when lost and undone : No angel could redeem us, no seraph could retrieve us, No arm could relieve us, but Jesus alone. %. In him I have believed, he has my soul re- trieved, From sin he has redeemed my soul that was dead, And now I love my Saviour, for I am in his favour, And hope with him for ever, the golden streets to tread. 4. Yet here awhile I stay, in hope of that glad day, 'Till I'm call'd away to the mansions above, There to enjoy the treasure of unconsuming pleasure, An* I shout in highest measure, hallelujahs of love. Chor. O give him glory, fyc. HYMN 10. P. M. 1. HOW lost was my condition 'Till Jesus made me whole ; There is but one physician Can cure a sin-sick soul : Next door to death he found me, An 1 snatch'd me from the grave To tell to all around n:< His wond'rous power to sav*. 15 2. The worst of all diseases Is light, compared to sin, On every part it seizes, But rages most within : ? Tis palsy, plague, and* fever, And madness all combined, And none but a believer The least relief can find. 3. From men great skill professing, I sought a cure to gain ; But this prov'd more distressing, And added to my pain. Some said that nothing ailed me, Sbme gave me up for lost ; Thus every refuge failed me, And all my hopes were cross'd. 4. At length this great physician, (How matchless is his grace,) Accepted my petition, And undertook my case : First give me sight to view him, For sin mine eyes had seal'd ; Then bade him look unto him, I look'd, and I was heal'd. 5. A dying, risen Jesus, Seen by an eye of faith, / At once from danger frees us/ And saves the soul from death. Come, then, to this physician, His help he'll freely give, He makes no hard condition, 'Tis only look and live. HYMN 11. P. M. 1. MERCY, O thou son of David ! Thus poor blind Bartemus pray'd f 16 Others by thy grace are saved, JNow vouchsafe to me thy aid: J or his crying many chid him, Bu\ he pray'd the louder still, 1 ill his gracious Saviour bid him, Come and ask me what you will. 2. Money was not what he wanted, I hough by begging us'd to live, But he ask'd, and Jesus granted Alms which none but he could give • Lord, remove this grievous blindness, Let mine eyes behold the day, ktraiffht he saw, and won by kindness, t ollow'd Jesus in the ways. 3. Now methinks I hear him singing Publishing to all around : Friends, is not my case amazing, What a Saviour I have fount 1 ' O that all the blind but knew him, And would be advis'd by me ; Sure it they would come unto him, He would cause them all to see. 4 ' ^7 l C reel y leave m y garments, follow Jesus in the way. He will guide me by his counsel, Lead me to eternal day ; There I shall behold my Saviour, Spotless, innocent, and pure, There with him to reign for ever. If I to the end endure. HYMN 12. L. M. * £? ME ' y 5 that love the Lor d indeed, Who are from sin and bondage freed Submit to all the ways of God, And walk the narrow, happy road. CHORUS. We're all united heart and hand, Join'd in one band completely ; We're marching through ImmanueVs land Where the waters flow most sweetly. 2. Great tribulation you shall meet, But soon shall walk the golden street : ' Though hell may rasre and vent its spite. Yet Christ will save liis heart's delight. Chor. We're all united, fyc. 3. That happy day will soon appear, When Gabriel s trumpet you shall hear Sound through the earth,' yea, down to hell* And call the nations great and small. Chor. We're all united, fyc. 4. Behold the world in burning flames, The trumpet louder still proclaims, The world must hear and know her doom ; The separation day is come. Chor. We're all united, fyc. 5. Behold the righteous marching home, And all the angels bid them come, While Christ the judge, these words pro- claims " Here come mv saints, I own their names. ''Chor. We're all united, frc 6. ;< Ye everlasting gates fly wide ; Make ready to receive my bride ; * Ye harps of heav'n now sound aloud, Here comes the purchase of my blood." Chor. We're all' united, £*c, 7. In grandeur see the royal line, In glittering robes the sun outshine ; 1^ Bee saints and angels join in one, And march in splendour to the throne. Chor. We're all united, tft, 8. They stand and wonder and look on ; Tliey join in one eternal song", Their great Redeemer to admire, While raptures set their souls on fire. Chor. We'' re all united, $*c. HYMN 13. L. M. 1. HAIL ! sovereign love, that first began The scheme to rescue fallen man : Hail ! matchless free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding pFace. 2. Against the God that rules the sky I fought, with hands uplifted high, Despis'd the offers of his grace, Too proud to seek a hiding place. 3. Enwrapt in dark Egyptian ni^ht, Was fond of darkness more than light, Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure without a hiding ^lace. 4. But lo ! the eternal counsel ran, " Almighty love arrest the man !" I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding place. 5. Vindictive justice stood in view, To Sinai's fiery mount I flew, Stern justice cried, with frowning face, This mountain is no hiding place. 6. But lo ! a heav'nly voice I heard, And mercy for my soul appear'd ; She led me on a pleasant pace, To Jesus Christ, my hiding place. 19 7. Should seven-fold storms of thunder roil. And shake the globe from pole to pole, No thunder-bolt shall daunt my face, For Jesus is my hiding place. g. On him Almighty vengeance fell, That might have cruslVd a world to hell : He boreit for a sinful race, And thus became their hiding place. 9. A few more rolling scenes at most, Will land me safe on Zion's coast ; There I shall sing a song of grace, Safe in my glorious hiding place. HYMN 14. C. M. 1. STOP, poor sinner, stop and think, Before you farther go, Can you sport upon the brink Of everlasting wo ? Hell beneath is gaping wide, Vengeance waits the dread command- Soon will stop your sport and pride, And sink you with the damn'd, CHORUS. Then be entreated now to stop. For unless you warning take. Ere you are aware, yoiCll drop Into a bumiiiglake. 2. Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear you not that iron rod With which he breaks his foes? Can you stand in that great day, When his judgment lie'll proclaim ; And the earth snall'melt awav, Like wax before the flame " Then be entreated, SfC m 3. Ghastly death will quickly come, Ami drag you to the bar ; Then to hear your awful doom, Will fill you with despair. All your sins will round you crowd, Sins of a blood crimson die Eatfh for vengeance cry aloud And what will you reply ? Then be entreated, fyc 4. Though your hearts be made of steel, Your forehead lin'd with brass, God at length will make you feel, He will not let you pass : Sinners, then in vain will call, (Though they now despise his grace ;) Rocks and mountains on us fall, And hide us from his face. Then be entreated, fy&. 5. But as yet there is a hope, You may his mercy know : Though his arm be lifted up, He still forbears the blow : It was for sinners Jesus died ; Sinners he invites to come : None that come shall be denied-— He says there still is room. Jror Jesvfs sake, I pray you stop, $v. HYMN 15. P. M. }. THE son of man they did betray, He was condemn'd and led away, Think, O my soul, on that dread day i Look on mount Calvary. Behold him lamb-like led along, Surrounded by a wicked throng 21 Accused by each Ivinar tongue. And then the Lamo of God they hung Upon the shameful tree. . 'Twas thus the glorious sufferer stood, With hands and^feet nail'd to the wood 5 From every wound a stream of blood Came flowing down amain. His bitter groaii3 all nature shook, And at his voice the rocks were broke, And sleeping saints their graves forsook, While spitetul Jews around himmock'd, laughed at his pain. . Now hung between the earth and skies, Behold ! in agonies he di- O sinners ! hear his mournful cries, Come see his tortTin^ pain. The morning sun withdrew his light, Blush'd, and refus'd to view the sight : The azure clothed in robes of ni^ht, All nature mourn'd and stood affright, When Christ the Lord was slain. .. Hark! men and angels, hear the son, He cries for help, but O ! there's none, He treads the wine-press all alone, His garments stained with blood. In lamentations hear him cry, " Eloi, lama sabacthani !" Though death may close his languid eyes. He soon will mount the upper skies, The conq'ring Son of God. . The Jews and Romans in a band, With hearts like steel around him stand. And mocking, say, " Come save the lana. Come try yourself to free." A soldier pierc'd him when he died, Then healing streams came from his side, 5® And thus my Lord was crucified ; Stern justice now is satisfied, Sinners, tor you and me. o. Behol«i ! he mounts the throne of state He fills the mediatorial seat, While millions bowing at his feet, With loud hosannahs tell : Though he endured exquisite pains, He led the monster death in chains : Ye seraphs raise your highest strains With music fill bright Eden's plains, He conquer'd death- and hell. 7. 'Tis done ! the dreadful debt is paid, The great atonement now is made : Sinners on him your guilt was laid, For you he spilt his blood : For you his fender soul did move, For you he left the courts above, That you the length and breadth might prove, And height and depth of perfect love, In Christ your smiling God. S. All glory be to God on high, Who reigns enthron'd above the sky : Who sent his son to bleed and die, Glory to him be giv'n : While heav'n above his praise resounds, Zion sing — his grace abounds ; 1 hope to snout eternal rounds ; In flaming love, that knows no bounds,- When swallow'd up in heav'n. HYMN 16. L. M. I. DON'T you see my Jesus coming ? Don't you see him in yonder cloud? With ten thousand angels round him, See how they do my Jesus crowd ? 23 2. Don't yon see his arms extended? Don't you hear his charming voice ? Each loving heartbeats high tor glory. Oh ! my Jesus is my choice. 3. Don't you see the saints ascending?^ Heai them shouting through the air ? Jesus smiling, trumpets sounding, Now his glory they shall share. 4. Don't you see the heav'ns open, And the saints in glory there ? Shouts of triumph bursting round you, Glory, glory, glory here ! 5. Come backsliders, tho' you've pierc'd him, And have caus'd his church to mourn ; Yet you may regain free pardon, If "you will to nim return. 6. Now behold each loving spirit, Shout the praise of his near name ; View the smiles of their dear Jesus, While his presence feeds the flame. 7. There we'll range the fields of pleasure* By our dear Redeemer's side : Shouting glory, glory, glory, While eternal ages glide". HYMN 17. P. If. 1. THROUGHOUT the Saviour's life we trace, Nothing but shame and deep distress. No period else is seen ; 'Till he a spotless victim fell, Tasting, in soul, a painful hell, Caus'd by the creature's sic. 24 2. On the cold ground methinks I sec My Saviour kneel and pray for rne ; For this I him adore ; Seiz'd with a chilly sweat throughout, Blood drops did force their passage out Through every opening pore. 3. The piercing thorns his temples bore, His back with lashes all was tore, 'Till thou the bones might see ; Mocking, they push'd him here and there* Marking his vyay with blood and tears, PAess'd by the heavy tree. 4. Thus up the hill he painful came, Round him they mocked and made their game, At length his cross they rear. And can you see the mighty God, Cry out beneath sin's heavy load, Without one thankful tear? 5. Thus veiled in humanity, He dies in anguish on the tree ; What tongue his grief can tell ? The shudd'ring rocks their heads recline, The morning sun refus'd to shine, When the Redeemer fell. 6. Shout, brethren, shout in songs divine, He drank the gall to give us wine, To quench our parching thirst : Seraphs advance your voices higher, Bride of the Lamb unite the choir, And laud the precious Christ. HYMN 18. P. M. 1. LISTED into the cause of sin. Whv should a good be evil ? 25 Mutic, alas, too long has beea Press'd to obey the devil : Drunken or lewd, or light, the lay, Flows to the soul's undoing : Widens and strews with flowers the way, Down to our utter ruin. 2. Who on the part of God will rise ? Innocent sounds recover : Fly on the prey, and seize the prize, Plunder the carnal lover ; Strip him of ev'ry moving strain, Ev'ry melting measure ; Music in virtue's cause retain, Rescue the holy pleasure. 3. Come, let us try if Jesu's love, Will not as well inspire us ; This is the theme of those above, This upon earth shall fire us : Try if your hearts are tun'd to sing • Is there a subject greater ? Harmony all its strains may bring, Jesus's name is sweeter. 4. Jesus the soul of music is, His is the noblest passion ; Jesus's name is life and peace, Happiness and salvation. Jesus's name the dead can raise, Show us our sins forgiven : Fill us with all the life of grace, Carry us up to heaven. 5. Who have a right like us to sing ? Us whom his mercy raises ? Cheerful our hearts *for Christ is king, Joyful are all our faces. Who of his perfect love partakes, He evermore rejoices : Melody in our hearts we make, $Jelody with our voices. B 26 6. He that a sprinkled conscience hath^ He that in God is merry, Let him sing psalms the Spirit saith, Joyful and never weary ; Offer the sacrifice of praise, In spirit never ceasing ; Spiritual songs and anthems raise, Worship and thanks and blessing,. 7. Then let in us his praises join Triumph in his salvation ; Glory ascribe to love divine, Worship and adoration. Heaven already is begun, Open'd in each believer ; Only believe, and then sing on.. Heaven is ours for ever. HYMN 19. P. M, 1. JESUS, at thy command, I launch into the deep, And leave my native land, Where sin lulls all asleep : For thee I would the world resign, And sail to heaven with thee and thin? 2. Thou art my pilot— wise, My compass is thy word : My soul each storm defies, While I have such a Lord : I'll trust thy faithfulness and power ? To save ine in the trying hour. 3. Though rocks and quicksands deep, Through all my passage lie, Yet Chiist will safely keep, And guard me with his eye : My anchor, hope, will firm abide, And ev'ry boisterous storm outride* 4. When e'er becalnvd I lie, And storms forbear to toss, Be thou, dear Lord, still nigh, Lest I should suffer loss : For more the treacherous calm I dread. Than tempests bursting o'er my head. ' 5. By faith I see the land, The port of endless rest ; My soul, thy sails expand, And fly to Jesu's breast: Ojnay I gain the heavenly shore, Where winds and waves 'disturb no more*. 6. Gome, Holy Ghost, and blow rosperous gale of grace : W art me from all below," To heaven my destin'd place: There in full sail, mv port I'll find, And leave the world* and sin behind. HYMN 20. P. If. 1. THE voice of free grace Cries escape to the mountain, For A am's lost race, Christ hath open'd a fountain : For sin and transgression Ana ev'ry pollution, His blood flows most freely In streams of ablution. chorus. Hallelujah to the Lamb Whi i has purchased our pardon; ill praise him again e pass over Jordan. 28 2. That fountain so clear, In which all may find pardon, From Jesus's side Flows plenteous redemption : Though your sins were increased As high as a mountain, His blood it flows freely : O come to this fountain. Hallelujah, tyc. 3. Blest Jesus ride on, Thy kingdom is glorious, O'er sin, death, and hell, Thou wilt make us victorious. Thy name shall be prais'd In the great congregation. And saints shall delight In ascribing salvation. Hallelujah, yc. •4. When on Zion we stand, Having gain'd the blest shore, With our harps in our hands, We will praise him evermore j We'll range the blest fields, X)n the banks of the river, And sing hallelujahs For ever and ever. Hallelujah, tfC. HYMN 21. P. M. I. YE jewels of my master, Who shine with heavenly rays. Amidst the beams of glory Reflect immortal blaze. Ye diamonds of beauty. With pleasing lustre crown'd, Of heavenly extraction, To Zion's city bound. 29 2. Ye lambs of my redeemer, The purchase of his blood, Who feed among the lilies, Beside the purple flood ; Go on, ye happy pilgrims, Your 'journey still pursue, And at an humble distance I'll sing and follow too. 3. When I behold your order, And harmony of soul, And heard divinest numbers In pure devotion roll, And gems immortal glowing With such enlivening grace, I view'd the Saviour's image Imprest on every face. 4. Speak often to each other, To cheer the fainting mind, And often be your voices In pure devotion joined ; Though trials may await vou, The crown before you lies ; Take courage, brother pilgrims, And soon you'll win tjie prize. 5. Ye shall be mine, says Jesus, In that auspicious day, "When I make up my je'wels, Releas'd from cumberous clay. He'll polish and refine you From worthless dross and tin, And to his heavenly kingdom Will bid you enter in. 6. On that important morning, \Y en bursting thunders sound, And nimble light'nmgs waving, Shall wing the gloom profound, 80 Lift up your heads rejoicing-, And clap your joyful hands* Lo ! you're redeem'd for ever From death's corrupted bands. 7. As Aaron, with his girdle In shining jewels drest, Bore all the tribes of Israel Inscribed upon his breast, So will the priests of Zion, Before the father's throne Present the heirs of glory, And God their kindred own. S. The golden bell will echo Around the sacred hill ; And sweet immortal anthems, The vocal regions fill ; In everlasting beauty The shining millions stand, Safe on the rock of ages, Amid the promis'd land. 9. We'll range the wide dominion Of our Redeemer round, And in dissolving raptures Be lost in lpve profound : While all the flaming harpers Begin the lasting song, With hallelujahs rolling From the unnumber'3 throng. HYMN 22. P. AL 1. BURST, ye emerald gates, and bring I o my raptur'd vision, All the ecstatic jovs that sprino- Round the bright Elysian: *" Lo! we lift our longing eyes, Break, ye intervening skies ; 31 Sons of righteousness arise, Ope the gates of paradise. 2. Floods of everlasting light, Freely flash before him : Myriads with supreme delight, Instantly adore him; Angelic trumps resound his fame r Lutes of lucid gold proclaim All the music of his name ; Heaven echoing the theme. 3. Four and twenty elders rise From their princely station; Shout his glorious victories, Sing the great salvation ; Cast tneir crowns before his throne. Cry in reverential tone, Gibrv be to God alone, Holy! Holy! Holy One ! 4. Hark ! the thrilling symphonies. Seem, methinks, to seize us ; Join we to the holy lays- Jesus — Jesus — Jesus ! Sweetest sound in seraph's song, Sweetest note on mortal's tongue. Sweetest carol ever sung — Jesus— Jesus flow along. HYMN 23. P. H. 1. COME and taste along with me, Consolation running free; From my Father's wealthy throne, Sweeter than the honey comb. 2. Why should Christians feast alone, Two are better far than one, The more that come with free good will, Makes the banquet sweeter still. 3. Now I go to heaven's door\ Asking for a little more, Jesus gives a double share, Calling me his chosen heir. U Goodness running like a streaa. Through the new Jerusalem ; By its constant breaking forth, Sweetens earth and heaven both, 5. Saints in glory sing aloud, When they see an heir of God,, Coming in at heaven's door, Making up the numbers more. G. Heav'n here and heav'n there, Comforts flowing every where, This I boldly can attest, That my soul has got a taste. 7. Now I go rejoicing home, From the banquet of perfume ; Gleaning manna on the road, Dropping from the mount of God. HYMN 24. L. M. 1. OH ! give me, Lord, my sins to mour^ My sins which have thv body torn ; Give me, with broken heart, to see Thy last tremendous agony. 2. O could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon the wond'rous sight : O that w T ith Salem's daughters, I Could stand and see my Saviour die. 3. I'd hang around his feet, and cry, Ijord, save a soul condemn'd to die ; And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 4. Father of mercy, drop thy frown, And give me shelter in thy Son ; 33 And with my broken heart comply O give me Jesus or I die. 5. O Lord, deny me what thou wilt, If thou wilt ease me of my guilt ; Good Lord, in mercy hear me cry. And give me Jesus or I die. 6. O save mv soul from gaping hell, Or else with devils I must dwell ; Oh, might I enter, now I'm come, Lord Jesus save me or I'm gone. HYMN 25. P. ML 1. O WHEN shall I see Jesus, And dwell with him above, To drink the flowing fountains, Of everlasting love ? When shall I be deliver'd, From this vain world of sin, And with mv blessed Jesus Drink endless pleasures in? 2. But now I am a soldier, My captain's gone before, He's given me my orders, And tells me not to fear ; And if I hold out faithful, A crown of life he'll give, And all his valiant soldiers Eternal life shall have. 3. Through orraee, I am determin'3 To conquer though I die, And then awav to Jesus, On wings of love I'll fly : Farewell to sin and sorrow, I bid them all adieu, And you my friends, prove faiihfiak And on your way pursue. 34 4. And if you meet with troubles. And trials on the way, Then cast your care on Jesus, And don't forget to pray. Gird on the heavenly armour Of faith, and hope, and love, And when your race is ended You'll reign with him above. 5. O do not be discourag'd, For Jesus is your friend, And if you lack for knowledge, He'll not refuse to lend : Neither will he upbraid you, Though often you request ; He'll give you grace to conquer, And take you home to rest. HYMN 26. P. M. Description of ChrisU 1. O THOU, in whose presence My soul takes delight, On whom in affliction I call My comfort by day, And my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all. 2. Where dost thou at noon-tide Resort with thy sheep, To feed on the pastures of love? For why in the valley Of death should I weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove* 3. O why should I wander An alien from thee, And cry in the desert for bread : Thy foes will rejoice, When my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. 35 4. Ye daughters of Zion, Declare, have you seen The star that on 'Israel shone ? Say if in your tents My Beloved has been, And where with his flocks he is gone ? 5. This is my Beloved, His form is divine, His vestments shed odours around ; The locks on his head Are as grapes on the vine, When autumn with plenty is crown'd. 6. The roses of Sharon, The lilies that grow, In the vales, on the banks of the streams^ On his cheek in the beauty Of excellence blow — And his eyes are as quivers of beams. 7. His voice, as the sound Of the dulcimer sweet, Is heard through the shadow of death \ The cedars of Lebanon Bow at his feet, The air is perfum'd with his breath. 9. His lips as a fountain Of righteousness flow, That waters the garden of grace, From which their salvation The Gentiles shall know, And bask in the smiles of his face. 9. Love sits in his eye-lids, And scatters delight Thro' all the bright mansions on high : Their faces the cherubims Veil in his sight, And tremble with fulness of joy 36 10. He looks, and ten thousand Of angels rejoice, And myriads wait for his word ; He speaks, and eternity Fill'd with his voice, Re-echoes the praise of the Lord. Second Part 1. HIS vestments of righteousness Who shall describe ! Its purity words would defile. The heav'ns from his presence Fresh beauties imbibe, And earth is made rich by his smile, 2. Such is my beloved, In excellence bright, When pleas'd he looks down from above- Like the morn when he breathes From the chambers of light, And comforts his people with love. 3. But when arm'd with vengeance, In terror he comes, The nations rebellious to tame, The reins of omnipotent Power he assumes, And rides in a chariot of flame. 4. A two-edged sword From his mouth issues forth, Bright quivers of fire are his eyes \ He speaks, and black tempests Are seen in the north, And storms from their caverns arise. 5. Ten thousand destructions, That wait for his word, And ride on the wings of his breath, 37 Ply swift as the wind At the nod of their Lord, And deal out the arrows of death. 6. His cloud-burstmg thunders Their voices resound, Through all the vast regions on high ; 'Till from the deep centre Loud echoes rebound, And meet the quick flame in the sky. 7. The portals of heav'n At his bidding obey, And expand ere his banner appear ; Earth trembles beneath, 'Till her mountains give way, And hell shakes her fetters with fear. 3. When he treads on the clouds, As the dust of his feet, And grasps the big storm in his hand., What eye the fierce glance, Of his anger shall meet, Or who in his presence shall stand. HYMN 27. L. M. 1. O GOD, my heart with love inflame, That I may in thy holy name, Aloud in songs of praise rejoice, While I have^ breath to raise my voice ; Then I will shout, then I will sing, And make the heavenly arches ring ; I'll sing and shout for evermore, On that eternal, happy shore. 2. O hope of glory, Jesus, come ? And make my heart thy constant home ; For the small remnant of my davs I want to sing and shoot thy praise. 38 (d give me, Lord, a heart to pray, And live rejoicing ev'ry day ; To give thee thanks in ev'ry thing, Andsing and shout, and shout and sing. 3. When on my dying bed I lay, Lord give me strength to shout and pray •:. And praise thee witn my latest breath, Until my voice is lost in death. Then, brethren, sisters, shouting come, My body follow to the tomb : And as you march the solemn road, Loud sing and shout the praise of God, 4. Then you below, and I above, We'll shout and praise the God we love, Until the great tremendous day, When Gabriel's trump shall wake our clay ;'• Then from our dusty beds we'll spring, And shout, O Death where is thy sting ! Grave, where is thy victory ! We'll shout to all eternity. 5. Our race is run, we've gain'd the prize, Then shall the sov'reign of the skies, With smiles unto his children say, Come reign with me in endless day; Then on that happy, happy shore, We'll shout and sing our sufPrings o'er, We'll sing and shout, and shout and sing} And make the heavenly arches ring. HYMN 28. L. M. 1. THIS life's a dream, an empty show, But the bright world to whicjj I go, Hath joys substantial and sincere , When shall I wake and find me there ? 2. O glorious hour ! O blest abode ! 1 shall he near, and like my God ! 39 And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 3. My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet's joyful sound : Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. HYMN 29. C. Iff. 1. FROM all that's mortal all that's vain. And from this earthly clod, Arise, mv soul, and strive to gain Some fellowship with God." *2. Say, what is there below the sky, Or all the paths thou'st trod, Can suit thy wishes or thy joys, Like fellowship with Gou ? 3. Not life nor all the toys of art, Nor pleasure's flow'ry road, Can to my soul such bliss impart As fellowship with God. A, Not health nor friendship here below, Nor wealth, that golden load, Can such delights and comforts show As fellowship with God. 5. When I in love am made to bear Affliction's needful rod, Lij^ht, sweet, and kind the strokes appear, Through fellowship with God. 6. In fierce temptation's fiery blast, And dark distraction's road, I'm happy, if I can but taste Some fellowship with God. 40 7. And when the icy arms of death, Shall chill my flowing blood, With joy I'll yield my latest breath, In fellowship with God. 8. When I at last to heav'n ascend, And gain that blest abode : There an eternity I'll spend In fellowship with God. HYMN 30. P. M. 1. THERE is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy for ever roll, ? Tis there I have my treasure, And there I hope to rest my soul. Long darkness dwelt around me, With scarcely once a cheering ray ; But since my Saviour found me, A light has shone along my way. 2. My way is full of danger, But it's the path that leads to God ; Then, like a valiant soldier, I'll dauntless keep the happy road. Now I must gird my sword on, My helmet, breast-plate, and my shield And fight the host of Satan, Until I gain the heav'nly field. 3. I'm on my way to Canaan, Still guarded by my Saviour's hand ; O come along, dear sinner, And see Immanuel's happy land. To all that stay behind me, I bid a long ; a long farewell ! © come, or you'll repent it, When you do reach the gates of helj. 41 4. The vale of tears surround me, And Jordan's current rolls before, O how I stand and tremble To hear the dismal waters roar ! Whose hand shall then support me, And keep my soul from sinking there : From sinking down to darkness, And to the regions of despair. 5. The waves shall not affright me, Although they're deeper than the grave, If Jesus will stand bv me, I'll camly ride on Jordan's waves : His word has calm'd the ocean, His lamp has cheer'd the gloomy vale : may this friend be with me, When through the gates of death I sai]. t>. Then come, thou king of terror, And with thy weapons lay me low ! 1 soon shall reach that region, Where everlasting pleasures flow : Now. Christians I must leave you, A few more davs to suffer here : Through grace Tsoon shall meet vou>^ My soul exults— I'm almost there. -7. Soon the archangel's trumpet Shall shake the globe from pole to pole, And all the wheels of nature Shall in a moment cease to roll. Then I shall see my Saviour, _ With shining ranks of angels come, -To execute his vengeance. And take his ransom'd people home. HYMN 31. P. M. 1. JERUSALEM, m? happy home. O how I long for thee ! 42 When will my sorrows have an end ? Thy joys when shall I see ? 2. Thy walls are all of precious stone, Most glorious to behold ; Thy gates are richly set with pearl, Thy streets are pavM with gold. i. Thy garden and thy pleasant walks, My study long have been ; Such dazzling views by human sight, Has never yet been seen. 4. If heaven be thus glorious, Lord, Why should I stay from thence ? What folly's this that I should dread To die and go from hence ? 5. Reach down, O Lord, thy arm of grace, And cause me to ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And sabbaths never end. 6. Jesus, my Lord, to glory's gone, Him will I go and see ; And all my brethren here below, Will soon come after me. 7. My friends, I bid you all adieu, I leave you in God's care ; And if I never more see you, Go on, I'll meet you there. 8. When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. HYMN 32. L. M. 1. FAREWELL, dear friends, I must be gone, I have no home *r stay with you ; 43 ril take my staff and travel on, 'Till I a better world do view ; Fa re well, fa re wc 11. fa re u My loving frie n dsfa re wt U. Farewell, my friends, time rolls along, Nor wait for mortals, care or bliss, I leave you here, and travel on, 'Till I arrive where Jesus is. Farewell, fyc. 3. Farewell, my brethren in the Lord, To you I'm bound in cords of love ; Yet we believe his gracious word, That soon we all shall meet above. Farewell, fyc. 4. Farewell, old soldiers of the cross, You've struggled long and hard for heav'n : You've counted" all things here but dross, Fight on, the crown shall soon be giv'n. Farewell, fyc. 5. Farewell, ye blooming sons of God, Sore conflicts yet await for you : Yet dauntless keep the heavenly road, 'Till Canaan's happy land you view. Fight on, fight on, fight on, The crown shall soon be gtv'n. 6. Farewell poor careless sinners too, It grieves my heart to leave you here, Eternal vengeance waits for you ; O turn, and find salvation near. O turn. O turn, O turn, And find salvation near. HYMN 33. P. M. 1. THE Lord's into his garden come, The spices yield a rich perfume, The lilies grow and thrive : 44 Refreshing showers of grace divine? From Jesus flow to every vine, And makes the dead revive. 2. O that this dry and barren ground In springs of water may abound, A fruitful soil become ; The desert blossom as the rose, When Jesus conquers all his foes', And makes his people one. 3. The glorious time is coming on, The gracious work is now hegun, My soul a witness is ; I taste and see the pardon free For all mankind as well as me ; Who come to Christ may live. 4. The worst of sinners here may find A Saviour merciful and kind, Who will them all receive ; None are too vile who will repent, Out of one sinner legions went, The Lord did him relieve. 5. Come brethren dear, who know the Lord, And taste the sweetness of his word, In Jesu's way go on : Our troubles and our trials here, Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 6. We feel that heav'n is now begun, It issues from the sparkling throne, From Jesu's throne on high : It comes in floods, we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink agaitt, And yet we still are dry. 45 . But when we come to dwell above. And all surround the throne of love? We'll drink a full supply : Jesus will lead his armies through, To living fountains where they now, That never will run dry. 8. 'Tis there we'll reign, and shout, and sin£, And make the upper regions ring, When all the saints get home : Come on, come on, my Drethren dear, Soon we shall meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. . Amen, amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies, And claim my mansion there : Now here's my heart, and here's my hand, To meet you in that heav'nly land, Where we shall part no more. HYMN 34. P. M. t AWAK'D by Sina's awful sound, My soul in guilt and thrall I found, I knew^not what to do ; O'erwhelmed with guilt, and anguish slain. The sinner must beborn again, Or sink in endless wo. % Ama^'d I stood, but could not tell, Which way to shun the gates of hell, For death and hell drew near ; I strove indeed, but strove in vain ; The sinner must be born again, Still sounded in my ear. 3. Then to the law I trembling fled, It pour'd its curses on my head, I no relief could find : 46 This fearful truth I found remain, The sinner must be born again, O'erwhelm'd my troubled mind, 4». Again did Sina's thunder roll, And guilt lay heavy on my soul, A vast unwieldy load: Alas ! I heard and found it plain, The sinner must be born again, Or drink the wrath of God. 5. The saints I heard with rapture tell How Jesus conquer'd death and hell, And broke the fowler's snare ; But when I found this truth remain, The sinner must be born again, I sunk in deep despair. 6. While thus my soul in anguish lay, Jesus of Naz'reth passed that way, I felt his pity move : The sinner by his justice slain, Now by his grace is born again, And sings redeeming love. 7. To heaven the jovful tidings flew, The angels tuned their harps anew, And loftier sounds cUd raise : All hail the Lamb that once was slain, Unnumber'd millions born again, Shall shout thy endless praise. HYMN &5. L. M. x The good old way. 1. LIFT up your hearts, Immanuel's friencjsf, And taste the pleasure Jesus sends ; Let nothing cause you to delay, But hasten on the good old way 47 CHORUS. And Til sing hallelujah, ■ . And glory be to God on high, And Fusing hallelujah, Tliere's glory beaming thro' the ski}. 2. Our conflicts here, though great they be. Shall not prevent our victory ; If we but watch, and strive and pray, Like soldiers in the good old wav. And III sing, tfh 3. O good old way ! how sweet thou art ? May none of us from thee depart, But may our actions always say We're marching in the good old way. 1 And Pll sing, if a 4. Though Satan may his powers employ, Our happiness for to destroy, Yet never fear, we'll gain the day, And shout and sing the good old way. And Til sing, fyc :">. And when on Pisgah's top we stand, And view, by faith, the promis'd land, Then we may sing, and shout, and pray, And march alongfthe good old wav. And Til sing, Sf€: 6. Ye valiant souls for heaven contend, Remember glory's at the end ; Our God will wipe all tears away When we have run the good old way. And Pll sing, t{C* . Then far beyond this mortal shore, We'll meet with those who've gone before, And shout to think we've ^ain'd the day, Bj marching in the good old way. JhutrUsingyifa 5 48 HYMN 36. P. M. 1. ©ARK and thorny is the desert Through which pilgrims make their way Yet beyond this vale of sorrow, Lie the fields of endless day ; Fiends loud howling through the desert Make them tremble as they go, And the fiery darts of Satan Often bring their courage low. 2. O young soldiers, are you weary, Of the roughness of the way ; Does your strength begin to fail you, And your vigour to decay ? Jesus, Jesus, will go with you : He will lead you to his throne ; He who dy'd his garments for you, And the wine-press trod alone. 3. He whose thunder shakes creation, He who bids the planets roll : He who rides upon the tempest, And whose sceptre sways the whole : Round him are ten thousand angels, Ready to obey command, They are always hov'ring round you, 'Till you reach the heavenly land. 4. There on flow'ry hills of pleasure, Lie the fields of endless rest ; Love, and joy, and peace for ever Reign and triumph in your breast, Who can paint the scenes of glory Where the ransom'd dwell on high ; They on golden harps for ever Sound redemption through the sky ! 5. There's a million of flaming seraphs Who fly across the heav'nly plain, 49 Where they sing immortal praises ; Glorvj glory, is their strain. But methinks a sweeter concert, Makes the heav'nly arches ring : Ami the song is heard in Zion, Which the angels cannot sing. O their crowns ! how bright they sparkle. Such as monarchs never wore ; They are gone to richer pastures, Jesus is their shepherd there. Hail ! ye happy, happy spirits, Death no more shail make you fear, Grief or sorrow, pain or anguish, Shall no more distress you there. HYMN ST. L. M. 1. JESUS ! and shall it ever be A mortal man ashanvd of thee ! Asham'd of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days. 2. Asham'd of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star ; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3. Asham'd of Jesus ! just as soon Let midnight be asham'd of noon ; 'Tis midnight with my soul till he, Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. 4. Asham'd of Jesus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heav'n depend ! No, when I blush— be this my shame That I no more revere his name. 5. Asham'd of Jesus ! ves, I may When I've no guilt to wash away, 50 No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. f>. 'Till then—nor is my boasting; vain, 'Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And O may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashanrd of me. 7. His institutions I will prize, Take up my cross— the shame despise. Dare to detend his noble cause, And yield obedience to his laws. HYMN 38. L. M. 1. THERE is a heav'n o'er yonder skies, A heav'n where pleasure never dies, A heav'n I sometimes hope to see, But fear again it's not for me. But, Jesus, Jesus, is my friend, O hallelujah Hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus, is my friend. 2. The way is difficult and straight, And narrow is the gospel gate ; Ten thousand dangers are therein, Ten thousand snares to take me in. But Jesus, fyc 3. I travel through a world of foes, Through conflicts sore my spirit goes ; The tempter cries, I ne'er shall stand, Nor reach fair Canaan's happy land. But Jesus, fyc 4. The way of dangers I am in, Beset with devils, men, and sin ; But in this way thy track I see, And mark'd with blood it seems to be. Sweet Jesus, fyc &. Come life, come death, come then what will His footsteps I will follow still ; 51 Through dangers thick and hell's alarm?. I shall be safe in his dear arms. O Jesus, S^c. 6. Then. O my soul, arise and sing, Yonder'a thy Saviour, friend, and king, With pleasing smiles he now looks down, And cries ,; press on and here's the crown. O Jesus, $*c. 7. " Prove faithful then a few more days, e ^rood fight ind win the race, oul with me shall reign, j head a crown of glory gain." O Jesus, 8fc. S. My flesh shall slumber in the ground, 'Till the last joyful trump shall sound, Then burst the chains with sweet surprise ; And in my Saviour's image rise. O Jesus, $-c. HYMN 39. P. M. 1. THE wond'rous love of Jesus, From doubts and fears it frees us, • ng love he sees us, A toiling here below : Through tribulation driven, We'll force our way to heaven ; Through consolation given, Rejoicing on we'll go. 2. Companions now distressed, By Satan sore oppressed, Cheer up, you'll be relieved. Your Captain's gone before : In every trying: hour, He'll save you oy his power. And bring yon safe to heaven *, On tfiat eternal shore. 52 3. O yonder is the glory, It lies but just before you, And there we'll tell the story Of all redeeming love : And there we shall for ever, Drink of that flowing river, And ever, ever, ever, Surround the throne of love. 4. There in the blooming garden Of Eden, gam'd by pardon, Upon the banks of Jordan, We will worship the Lamb : We'll sing the song of Moses, While Jesus he composes A song that never closes, Of pleasures to his name. HYMN 40. P. M. 1. THE reason we love friendship We will deny to no man, How shall, how shall, how shall we, Who are thus form'd for happiness, E'er slight a loving Christian, Since Jesus, Jesus, hath died on the tree, For to deliver man, Prom violence and treason : That we might love each other, And seek our soul's salvation. 'Twas love that mov'd the mighty God For to redeem the nations, That happy, happy, they might be. 2. On the feast day in ancient times Jesus stood thus crying, Whoso thirsteth, let ev'ry man Come unto me and freely drink, And thus be sav'd from dying : For surely, surely, nothing else can at Quench the immortal thirst That in your heart is glowing : Come then and drink the streams of grace, I Which are so freely flowing, Saving drink, my love, my only dove, For you it is a flowing — Then happy, happy, you shall be. Let us, who have begun to taste The sweets of this salvation, Follow ; follow, let us follow on ; Believing we shall overcome, Resisting all temptation : Since Jesus, Jesus, since Jesus the Son, With outstretched arms, x\nd voice that's so inviting, To purling streams of purest joys, Is thus our souls exciting, Let us impart to him our hearts, By faith and love uniting, Then happy, happy, we shall be. HYMN 41. P. M. 1. COME all ye weary travellers, And let us join to sing, The everlasting praises Of Jesus Christ, our king ; We've had a tedious journey, And tiresome, 'tis true ; But see how many dangers The Lord has brought us through. 2. At first when Jesus found us, He call'd us unto him ; And pointed out the danger Of falling into sin : The world, the flesh, and Satan, Will prove a fatal snare, 54 Unless we do reject them, By faith and humble prayer. 3. But by our disobedience, With sorrow we confess, We've had too long to wander In a dark wilderness ; Where we might soon have fainted. In that enchanted ground ; But now and then a cluster Of pleasant grapes we found. 4. The pleasant fruits of Canaan, Give life, and joy, and peace ; Revive our drooping spirits, And faith and love increase ; Confess our Lord and master, And run at his command ; And hasten on our journey Unto the promis'd land. o. In faith and hope, and patience, We now are going on, The pleasant way to Canaan, Wnere Jesus Christ is gone ; In peace and consolation, We're goin^ to rejoice ; And Jesus ana his people For ever be our choice. 6. Sinners, why stand ye idle, While we do march along ? Has conscience never told "you, That you are going wrong, Down the broaJ road to ruin, To bear an endless curse ? Forsake your ways of sinning, And come along with us. 7. But if vou will refuse us, We'll bid you all farewell ; We're on the way to Canaan. vou the way to hell ; Were sorry for to* leave you, We'd rather you would go ; Come try a bleeding Saviour, And feel salvation flow. S. O sinners, be awakeird To see your dismal state ; Repent arid be converted, Before it is too late : Turn to the Lora by praying, And daily search his word ; And never'rest contented, Until you find the Lord. 9. Now to the king immortal. Be everlasting praise, For in his holy service We mean to spend our days ; 'Till we arrive at Canaan, The celestial world above, With everlasting praises. To sing redeeming love. HYMN 42. P. M Union with Christ. COME, saints and sinners, hear me te2i The wonders of Immanuel : Who sav'd me from a burning hell, And brought my soul with him to dv. And gave me'heavenly union. When Jesus saw me from on high, Beheld my soul in ruin lie, He look'don me with pitying eye, And gaid to me as he pass'd Dy," With God you have no union. 56 3. Then I began to weep and pray, I look'd this way and that to fly, It griev'd me sore that I must die, I sought salvation for to buy, But still I found no union. 4. But when I hated all my sin, My dear Redeemer took me in, And with his blood he wash'd me clean^ And O ! what seasons I have seen, Ever since I felt this union. 5. I prais'd the Lord both night and day, I went from house to house to pray, And if I met one on the way, I always found something to say, About this heavenly union. ft. I wonder why old saints don't sing, And praise the Lord upon the wing, And make the heavenly arches ring, With loud hosannas to our king. Who brought our souls to union. 7. Come, poor backslider, come away, And mind to do as well as say, And learn to watch as well as pray, And bear your cross from day to day, And then you'll feel this union. 3. O, could I like an angel sound, Salvation through the earth around, The devil's kingdom to confound, I'd triumph on ImmanuePs ground, And spread this heavenly union. 9. Come, heaven and earth, unite your lays, And give to Jesus endless praise, And thou, my soul, look on and gaze, He weeps, he bleeds, thy debt he pays, To give thee heavenly union. 57 10. We soon shall leave all things below, And quit this vale of pain and wo, And then we'll all to glory go, An I there we'll see, and'hear. and know, And feel a perfect union. 11. There we the glorious Lamb shall see, Who groan'd and died upon the tree, Who spill'd his blood to set us free, That we might his salvation see, And feel a gracious union. 12. Almighty God, teach heart and tongue, To thee to raise a grateful song, All praises to thy name belong, Let Zion sing, thy kingdom come, And fill the world with union. HYMN 43. P. M. 1. FAR above yon glorious ceiling Of the azure'vaulted sky, Jesus sits, his love revealing, To his splendid troops on high. 2. Hosts seraphic humbly bowing, At his feet they prostrate fall ; Saints and angels all avowing, God in Christ is all in all. 3. Could we leave our foolish dreaming Of a fancied heaven below, And see Jesu's glory beaming, How our souls would long to go. 4. Earth by us would then be spurned, All its vanity subside ; Fuel fit for to be burned, All its honours, pleasures, pride, 5. From the general conflagration, We should to God's refuge fly : C3 5b Olasp the hope of our salvation, Live in Christ, in Jesus die. 6. We in him our rest regaining, All its blessedness should prove j O'er our foes victorious reigning, Perfected in spotless love. 7. We should for his day he waiting, When the full reward is given ; When the glorious work's completed, Jesus takes his church to heaven. 8. Pure from every stain of nature, There in holiness to shine ; Moulded like its great Creator, All immortal, all divine. HYMN 44. P. M. The Jubilee. l.HARK ! the jubilee is sounding ; O the joyful news is come ; Free salvation is proclaimed, In and through God's own dear Son ; Now we have an invitation To the meek and lowly Lamb ; Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign. 2. Come dear friend and don't neglect it. Come to Jesus in your prime ; Great salvation, don't reject it, O receive it, now's your time ; Now the Saviour is beginning To revive his work again ; Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign. 3. Come, dear children, praise your Jesus, Praise him, praise him evermore, 59 May his great love now constrain us, His great name for to adore ; O then let us join together, Crowns of glory to obtain ; Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign. HYMN 45. P. M. [By the late Rev. G. Askins.] 1. BRETHREN, we have met to worship And adore the Lord our God ; Will you pray with all your power, While we try to preach the word ? All is vain unless the Spirit Of the Holy One comes down : Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. 2. Brethren, see poor sinners round you Slumbering on the brink of wo ; Death is coming, hell is moving", Can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers, And our children sinking down : Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. 3. Brethren, here are poor backsliders, Who were once near heaven's door, But they have betray'd their Saviour, And are worse than e'er before ; Yet the Saviour offers pardon, If they will lament their wound ; Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. 4. Sisters, will you join and help, like Moses's sisters helped him, GO While you see the trembling sinners, Who are struggling hard with sin ? Tell them all about the Saviour, Tell them that he will be found : Pray on, sisters, and the manna Will be shower'd all around. 5. Let us love our God supremely, Let us love each other too, Let us love and pray for sinners, 'Till our God makes all things new ; Then he'll call us home to heaven, At his table we'll sit down : Christ will gird himself and serve us With sweet manna all around. HYMN 47. P. M. 1. O JESUS, now thy power display, And stir us up to watch and pray, That we at last may hear thee say, Come, reign with me in endless day, And feel eternal union. 2. Come, brethren, let us heavenward go, Until we end our race below, Then we shall leave this world of wo, And everlasting pleasures know, And feel immortal union. 3. Our race is short, 'twill soon be o'er, Then we shall weep and sigh no more, And join the saints on Canaan's shore, The name of Jesus to adore, And feel that endless union. 4. Then when this mortal frame shall die, And long in death's embraces lie, My soul to realms of bliss shall fly, And sing and shout beyond the sky, And feel that heav'nly union. 61 5. And when to that bright world I corae ; And gain my everlasting home. My soul shall there for ever bloom, Until my body leaves the tomb, Then both shall join that union* HYMN 4S. P. M. 1. O JESUS, my Saviour. I know thou art mine, For thee all the pleasures of earth I resign, Thou art my rich treasure, my joy and my love, Nothing richer possessed by the angels above. 2. Thy spirit first taught me to know I was blind, Then taught me the way of salvation to find ; And when f was sinking in gloomy despair, My Jesus reliev'd me^andTrid me not fear. 3. In vain I attempt to describe what I feel. The language of mortals here ever must fail: My Jesus is precious, my soul's in a flame, 1 am rais'd into raptures while praising his name. 4. 1 find him in singing, he is present in prayer, In sweet meditation he always is near ; My constant companion, may we never part ; All glory to Jesus, he dwells in my heart. 5 If ever I lov'd thee, 'tis now my dear Lord, I love thy dear children, thy ways and thy word ; I love all creation, I love sinners too, Since Jesus has died to redeem them from wo. 6. When happy in Jesus. I cannot forbear, Though sinners despise me, his love to de- clare : His love overwhelms me, had I wings I would fly, And praise him in mansions prepared on high. 62 HYMN 49. P. ML 1. WHAT happy children, who follow Jesus Into the house of prayer and praise ; And join in union, while love increases, Resolved this way to spend our days : Altho' we're hated oy the world and Satan, By the flesh, and such as love not God ; Yet happy moments and joyful seasons, We oft-times find on Canaan's road. 2. Since we've been waiting on lovely Jesus, We've felt some strength come from above : Our hearts have burned with holy rapture, We long to be absorbed by love : Then let us hold fast what is given, And trust in God for time to come : Sure we shall find our way to heaven, So farewell, brethren, we're going home. 3. And as we go, let us praise our Jesus, And pray for those who spurn his grace ; Lest they should lose love's richest treasure, And ne'er enjoy his smiling face ; Now here's my heart and my best wishes, In token of my Christian love ; In hopes with you to praise my Jesus, So farewell, brethren, we'll meet above. HYMN 50. P. M. h. AWAKE ! O guilty world, awake ! Behold the earth's foundation shake ! While the Redeemer bleeds for you : His death proclaims to all our race, Free grace, free grace, free grace, free grace To all the Jews and Gentiles too ! 2. Come, guilty mortals, come and see Your Saviour hanging on the tree ! For you all drest in purple gore. 03 His weight of wo did veil the sun 1 'Tis done, 'tis done, 'tis done, 'tis dons, That man might live for evermore ! 3. Behold the wounded Lamb of God ! Spreading his bleeding hands abroad ! Come see him yielding up to death 1 Behold him in his agonies ! He dies ! he dies ! he dies ! he dies! And yields his last expiring breath ! 4. He dies and triumphs over death, To give the dead immortal breath, And spread the wonders of his name ! Shout, brethren, shout with cheerful voice. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, And give the glory to the Lamb. HYMN 51. C. M. 1. OUR souls by love together knit, Cemented inix'd in one ; One hope, one heart, one mind, one voice. 'Tis heav'n on earth begun : Our hearts have burnt while Jesus spoke, And glow'd with sacred fire : He stopp'd and talk'd, and- fed and blest, And fill'd the enlarged desire. A Saviour, let creation sing ; A Saviour, let all heaven ring ; He'' s God with us, we feel him ours ; His fulness in our souls he pours ; 'Tis almost done, His almost o'er ; We're joining those who' re gone before; We then shall meet to part no more. 2. We're soldiers fighting for our God, Let trembling cowards fly ; 64 We'll stand unshaken, firm and fix'd, With Christ to live and die : Let devils rage and men assail, We'll cut our passage through : Let foes unite, and friends desert, We'll seize the crown, our due. A Saviour, fyc. 3. The little cloud increases still ! The heav'ns are big with rain ; We haste to catch the teeming shower, And all its moisture drain : A rill, a stream, a torrent flows, But pour the mighty flood ; O sweep the nations, shake the earth, 'Till all proclaim thee God. A Saviour, fyc. 4. And when thou mak'st thy jewels up, And set'st thy starry crown ; When all thy sparkling gems shall shine, Proclaim'd by thee thine own ; May we, a little band of love, We sinners sav'd by grace, From glory, into glory chang'd, Behold thee face to face. A Saviour, 8fc> HYMN 52. P. M. 1. IN the house of king David a fountain did spring, For sin and uncleanness, from Jesus our king; This fountain flows sweetly, whenever ap- plied, It sprang from the bowels of Christ, when he died. 2. Come all that have bath'd in the fountain of love, And have felt th' heavy burthen of guilt to remove : 65 Let's praise our dear Saviour, as long as we've breath, And after we're laid in the dust of the earth. 3. There, there, we shall sleep, but not always remain, We look for the coming of Jesus a^ain ; When wak'd by the trumpet, well lay by our shrouds, And rise to meet Jesus, our Lord, in the clouds. 4. How we shall be fashion'd, he does not de- clare, But we shall be like him, when he doth ap- pear ; And that happy moment we're longing to see, When we shall be perfectly happy in thee. 9. Lord Jesus I love thee thou knowest very well, Assist me to conquer the powers of hell ; Though Satan he rages, and frightens me too, Lord Jesus protect me, and bring me safe through. HYMN 53. C. M. 1. ARISE and shine, O Zion fair, Behold thy light is come ; Thy glorious conq'ring king is near, To take his exiles home : The trumpet sounding through the sky, To set poor captives free ; The day of wonder now is nigh, The year of jubilee. 2. Ye heralds blow your trumpets loudj The earth must know her doom ; 66 Go spread the news from pole to pole, Benoki the judge is come : Blow out the sun ! burn up the earth ! Consume the rolling flood ! While every star shall disappear ; Go turn the moon to blood ! 3. Arise ye nations under ground, Before the judge appear ; All tongues and languages shall come, Their final doom to hear ! King Jesus on his dazzling throne, Ten thousand angels round ; And Gabriel with a silver trump, Echo's the awful sound ! 4. The glorious news of gospel grace To sinners now is o'er ; The trump in Zion now is still, And to be heard no more ! The watchmen all have left their walls, And with their flocks above, On Canaan's peaceful shore they sing, And shout redeeming love ! SECOND PART. C. M. 1. COME on, my brethren in the Lord, Whose hearts are joined in one ; Hold up your heads with courage bold, Your race is almost run : Above the clouds, behold him stand, And smiling bids you come ; And angels whisp'ring you away, To your eternal home. 2. To see a pilgrim as he dies, With glory in his view ; To heav'n he lifts his longing eyes, And bids the world adieu, 67 While friends are weeping alF^Hfcund. And loath to let him ^o ; He shouts with his expiring breath, And leaves them all below ! 3. O Christians are you ready now. To cross the swelling flood ; On Canaan's happy shore to stand, And see your smiling God ! The dazzling chirms of that bright world. Attracts my soul above ! My tongue shall shout redeeming grace, When perfected in love. 4. Go on, mv brethren in the Lord, I'm bound to meet you there ; Although we tread enchanted ground, Be bold and never fear : Fi^ht on. fight on, ye valiant souls, The land appears in view ; I hope to gain fair Canaan's shore. And there to meet with vou, HYMN 54. C. M. 1. SWEET rivers of redeeming love. Lie just before mine eve ; Had I the pinions of a love, I'd to those rivers fly : I'd rise superior to my pain, With joy outstrip the wind : I'd cross bold Jordan's stormy main. And leave the world behind. 2. While I'm imprison' J here below* In anguish, pain, and smart, Oft-times those troubles I forego, When love surrounds my heart : In darkest shadows of the "night, Faith mounts the upper sky, 66 I then belibld my heart's delight, And would rejoice to die ! 3. I view the monster death, and smile, Now he has lost his sting ; Though Satan rages all the while I still in triumph sing : I hold my Saviour in my arms, And will not let him go ; I'm so delighted with his charms, No other good I'll know. 4. A few more years, or days at most, My troubles will be o'er, I hope to join the heav'nly host, On Canaan's happy shore. My rapt'rous soul shall drink and feast in love's unbounded sea ; The glorious hope of endless rest, Is transporting to me. 5. O come, my Saviour, come away, And bear me through the sky, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay, Make haste, and bring it nigh : I long to see thy glorious face, And in thine image shine ; To triumph in victorious grace, And be for ever thine. 6. Then I will tune my harp of gold, To my eternal king ; Through ages that can ne'er be told, I'll make his praises ring : All hail ! thou great eternal God ! Who died on Calvary ; And sav'd me with thy precious blood, From endless misery. 7. Ten thousand, thousand join in one, To praise the Eternal Three : 69 Prostrate before the blazing throne, In deep humxlity : They rise and tune their harps of gold, And string the immortal lyre ; And ages that can ne'er be told, Shall raise their praises higher. HYMN 55. P. II. 1. ARISE and hail the sacred day, Cast all low cares of life away, And thoughts of meaner things : This day to cure our deadly woes The Son of righteousness arose, With healing in his wings. 2. If angels on that happy morn, The Saviour of the world was born, Pour'd forth seraphic songs : Much more should we, of human race. Adore the wonders of his grace, To whom the grace belongs. 3. How wonderful, how vast his love, Who left the shining realms above ; Those happy seats of rest : How much for lost mankind he bore, Their peace and pardon to restore, Can never be express'd. 4. While we adore his boundless grace, And pious joy and mirth takes place Of sorrow, grief, and pain, Give glory to our God on high, And not amidst the gen'ral joy, Forget good will to men. 5. then, let heaven and earth rejoice, Creation's whole united voice, And hymn that happy day. 70 When sin and Satan vanquish'd fell 5 And all the pow'rs of death and he'll, Before his sov'reign sway. HYMN 56. C. M. The Saviour's Call. 1. SINNER, hear the Saviour's call, He now is passing by : He has seen thy grievous thrall, And heard thy mournful cry ; He has pardons to impart, Grace to save thee from thy fears, See the love that fills his heart, And wipes away thy tears. 2. Why art thou afraid to come, And tell him all thy case ? He will not pronounce thy doom, Nor frown thee from his face: Wilt thou fear Immanuel ? Wilt thou fear the Lamb of God, Who to save thy soul from hell Has shed his precious blood ? 3. Think, how on the cross he hung, Pierced with a thousand wounds ! Hark from each as with a tongue, The voice of pardon sounds! See from all his bursting veins, Blood of wond'rous virtue flow, Shed to wash away the stain, And ransom thee from wo. 4. Though his majesty be great, His mercy is no less ; Though lis thy transgressions hate, He feels for thy distress : By himself the Lord has sworn, He delights not in thy death, But invites thee to return, That thou may'st live by faith. 71 5. Raise thy down-cast eyes and see, What throngs his throne surround, These, though sinners once like thee, Have lull salvation found ; Yield not then to unbelief! While he says, " There yet is room :" Though of sinners thou art chief, Since Jesus calls thee home. HYMN 57. P. M 1. THE sacred ties of friendship Unite all loving Christians In glory, in glory, thev shall live ; No time nor place shall change them, And death shall ne'er dissolve them, United, united, are they that believe : When Gabriel's trumpet sounding. And conquerd death resigning, The scattered dust uniting, The soul and body joining ; All join the grand procession, And glory realizing. Then happy, happy, we shall be. 2. The bliss exquisite flowing, The friends of Jesus shouting, Such raptures, raptures flow from his word: The angels join in concert, While Jesus stands invitinor, Come on, come on, ye blessed of the Lord. Behold the crowns of glory : And saints and angels meeting, And living streams of purest joys, For ever are increasing : In azure fields for ever^range, And view a smiling Jesus, Then happy, happv, we shall be. 6 72 . The sinner's now lamenting, He sees the grand procession, A marching, marching, to the dazzling throne. His frightful soul alarm'd, He cries with looks amaz'd, Farewell, farewell, I'm for ever gone ; Behold a godly father, And there's a pious mother, How did they pray together, They float on streams of pleasure, And I am lost for ever, On waves of endless sorrow, Then torments, torments, are for ever min$ HYMN 58. C. M. 1. ATTEND, young friends, while I relate The dangers you are in, The evils that around you wait, While subject unto sin. Although you flourish like the rose, While in its branches green, Your sparkling eyes in death must close, No more for to be seen. 2. In silent shades you must lie down, Long in your graves to dwell, Your friends will then stand weeping round, And bid a long farewell. How small this world will then appear At that tremendous hour, When you Jehovah's voice shall hear* And feel his mighty power. 3. In vain you'll mourn your days are past, Alas those days are gone, Your golden hou^s are spent at last, And never to return. 73 O come this moment and begin, While life's sweet moments last* Turn to the Lord, forsake all sin, And he'll forgive what's past. HYMN 59. P. M. The Balm of Gilead. 1. THERE shall we reign with Jesus, on that delightful shore, And shout with the redeemed, our trials are all o'er ; The wicked cease from troubling, the weary are at rest, And we shall reign with Jesus, eternal ages blest. 1 We shall be like the angels, in that immortal throng, And shout alound salvation, 'twill be our lasting song ; They sing creating goodness, and we re- deeming love, And this shall be our business, in the bright worlds above. % This love so freely flowing, it animates otfr hearts, . This love is still abounding, in every place and part ; This love can ne'er be ended, though faith and hope should cease, This love can ne'er be bounded, but ever will increase. 4, This love through endless ages, it ever is the same ; 'Tis this our heart engages, to love and serve the Lamb ; 74 Unite us ali together, and make us of one soul, It is the Balm of Gilead, it makes the wounded whole. HYMN 60. C. M. The Zion Traveller. 1. YE weary, heavy laden souls, Who are oppressed sore, Ye travelers through the wilderness, To Canaan's peaceful shore : 'Phrough chilling winds, and beating rain, The waters deep and cold, And enemies surrounding vou, Take courage and be bold. % Though storms and hurricanes arise, The 'lesert all around, And fiery serpents oft appear Through the enchanted ground : Dark niglits and clouds and gloomy fear,. And dragons often roar : But while the gospel trump we hear, We'll press for Canaan's shore. $L We're often like the lonesome dove Who mourns her absent mate ; iTrom hill to hill, from vale to vale, Her sorrows to relate ; 'But Canaan's land is just before, Sweet spring is coming on, V few more beating winds and rains^ And winter will be gone. .*. Sometimes like mountains to the sky. Black Jordan's billows roar, Which often make the pilgrims fear. 'w hfv never will gret o'er : But let us gain mount Pisod wave, Whom no man can comfort, whom no mat; can save, 127 Surrounded with troubles, with terror dis- may' d, With toiling and rowing thy strength is decav'd. Loud roa'ring the billows, now night, thee o'erwhelm, But skilful the pilot that sits at the helm; His wisdom conducts thee, his power shall defend, 'Tis he, all victorious, thy warfare shall end. 2. O fearful, O faithless, in mercy he cries, What though high the surges to affright thee arise : Still, still I am with thee, my promise shall stand, Through tossings and tempests I'll bring thee to land. Forget thee I will not, I care for thy name, Engrav'd on my heart, it shall ever remain. The palms of my hands, when I look on I see, The wounds I receiv'd when I suffered for thee. 3. The fearful, the faithless, the weak are my care, The helpless, the hopeless, I hear their sad prayer ; — Through great tribulation my people I bring; And when they reach heaven the louder they'll sing. I feel at my heart, all thy sighs and thy groans, For thou art most nigh me, my flesh and my hones ; In all thy afflictions, though great is thy pain, They all are most needful, not one is in vain. 4. The day of eternal salvation draws near, When Jesus our leader will dry every tear. 128 Our bodies and souls shall his glory partake Wh ^ 6 aX Pet ShaH SOuJ ' aWS ' Flg charg^ ° ld S ° ldierS ' y° u ' U soon b * dis- With^™,™* en , de dyourtreasure enlarg'd, may r^r : shoutln *. though Jorlan s'll ent shore. may roar ; We 'ihn e 5 er fair Canaan > a " d "tuid on the HYMN 117. P. M. 1. DROOPING saints no longer grieve ; Heaven is propitious, h ' It on Christ you do believe ; You will find him precious. 2. Jesus now is passing by, Call the mourner to^im': He has died for you and I, -Now look up and view him. 3. From his hands, his feet, his side, Kuns a healing fountain ; See the consolation tide ; Boundless as the ocean. 4. See the living waters move, For the sick and dying ; Now resolve to gain his love, Or to perish trying. 5. Grace's store is always free, Drooping souls to gladden: Jesus calls ; " Come unto me :" Weary heavy laden. 6. Though your sins like mountain hteh Rise and reach to heaven ; 8 ' 129 3oon as you, on him rely, " All shall be forgiven. T. Now methinks, I hear one say, I will go unto him ; If he takes my sins away ; Surely I shall love him. S. Streaming mercy, how it flows, Now I know I feel it : Half has never yet been told. Yet I want to* tell it. 9. Jesus' blood has heal'd my wound?, Oh the wondrous story : I was lost but now I'm found Glory 1 Glory 1 Glory ! 10. Glory to my Saviour's name, Saints are bound to love him ; Mourners you may do the same, Only come and prove him. 11. Heaven's here and heaven's therc^ Glory's here and yonder ; Brightest seraphs shout Amen, While all the angels wonder. HYMN 118. P. M. . COME, and taste along with me, Consolation running free, From my father's wealthy throne, Sweeter than the honey comb. CHORUS. ril praise God. and you'll praise Oorf, And we'll all praise God together ; F 3 J 30 rttp doit the Lordfor the w ° rk that >« *J Jlnd we'll bless his name for ever. 2. Why should Christians feast alone ' Two are better far than one ; MptfT l !l at come with free £ ood will > Makes the banquet sweeter still. I'll praise God, fyc. 3. Now I go to heaven's door, Asking for a little more ; Jesus gives a double share, Calling me his chosen heir. I'll praise God, fyc. 4. Goodness running like a stream, Ihrough the new Jerusalem ; By its constant breaking forth Sweetens earth and heaven both. m praise God, fyc 5. Saints in glory sing aloud, For to see an heir of God, Coming in at heaven's door, Making up the number more. HI praise God, fyc. 6.Heav'n here, and heav'n there, Comforts flowing every where'; This I boldly can attest, That my soul has got a taste. ni praise God, ty-c. 7. Now I go rejoicing home, * rom the banquet of perfume ; Gleaning manna on the road, Dropping from the mount of God. ril praise God, fyc. S. O return, ye sons of grace, Turn and see God's smiling face : 131 Hark ! he calls backsliders home, Then from him no longer foam. PR praise God, Sfc. HYMN 119. L. M. 1. OH ! give me, Lord, my sins to mourn, My sins which have thy body torn ; Give me with broken heart to see*, Thy last tremendous agony. 2. O could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon that wondrous si^ht ; O that with Salem's daughters, I Could stand and see my Saviour die. 3. I'd hang around his feet and cry. Lord save a soul condemn'd to die, And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 4. Father of mercy ! drop thy frown, And give me shelter in thy Son ; And with my broken heart comply, O give me Jesus or I die. 5. O Lord, deny me what thou wilt, If thou wouldst ease me of my guilt ; Good Lord, in mercy hear me cry, And give me Jesus or I die. 6. O save my soul from gaping hell, Or else with devils I must dwell ; Oh might I enter, now I'm come ; Lord Jesus save, or I am gone. HYMN 120. P. M. 1. EXULTING, rejoicing, hail the happy morning, The morning on which the Saviour Christ was born ; 132 Angels of mercy who his birth attend, O bear our loud hosannahs through the sky. 2. Salvation proclaiming to the guilty nations, He comes in the glory, and in the power of God ; Angels of mercy, who his step attended, O bear our loud hosannahs through the sky. 3. Devoted, submissive, on the cross, expiring, He bows to the mandate of his Father God ; Angels of pity, who his death attended, O bear our loud hosannahs through the sky. 4. He rose from the dead, and up to heaven ascended ; And now intercedeth for the sons of men : Who would not love so gracious a Redeemer ; We hail thee ! Prince and Saviour of lo9t mankind. HYMN 121. P. M. FOR C.WP-MEETIJYG. 1. THE trump of the Gospel resounds thro' the land, Repent, for the kingdom of heav'n's at hand ! Awake thou that sleepest, arise from the dead, And Christ shall enlighten, and raise up thy head. 2. While the rich, poor, wise, simple, the aged and youth, In the north, south, and west, are embracing the truth— 133 Bring near, heavenly Father, to us the glad hour, The times of refreshing— the day of thy power. 3. With bowels of mercy, O Jesus survey, The great congregation assembled to-day ; Of names and sects divers— the price of thy blood, Who loner have revolted, and wander' d from Go°d. 4. Let the cloud of thy glory o'ershadow the whole — A deep veneration impress on each soul — And strengthen thy servants thy w 7 ord to proclaim, And work for the honour and praise of thy name. 5. In copious effusions thy free Spirit shed, Requicken the living, and quicken the dead ! On penitent sinners thine own image stamp, And awaken the shout of a king in the camp. 6. Let bigotry fall. Lord, like Dagon of old, O'eitarn Satan's kingdom— thy standard un- fold, And raise up an army thy name to adore, While life's current 'flows and when time is no more. HYMN 122. C. M 1. WHEN faith presents the Saviour's death, And whispers, " thi3 is mine :" Sweetly my rising hours advance, And peacefully deoline. 134 2. Let outward things go how they will, On thee I cast my care ; But let me reign with thee in heaven, Though most unworthy here. 3. Faith in thy love shall sweeten death, And smooth the rugged way ; Smile on me, dearest Lord, and then, I shall not wish to stay. HYMN 123. P. M. V ON the brink of fiery ruin, Justice, with a flaming sword, Was my guilty soul pursuing, When I first beheld my Lord. 2. Terrified with Sinai's thunder, Straight I flew to Calvary, Where T saw with love and wonder, Him by faith, who died for me. 3. " Sinner," he exclaim'd, " I've loved thee With an everlasting love ; Justice has in me approv'd thee ; Thou shalt dwell with me above." 4. Sweet as angels' notes in heaven, When to golden harps they sound, Is the voice of sins forgiven, To the soul by Satan bound. 5. Sweet as angels' harps in glory, Was that heav'nly voice to me, When I saw my Lord before me Bleed and die to set me free ! 6. Saints attend with holy wonder ! Sinners, hear and sing* his praise : 'Tis the God that, holds the thunder, Shows himself the God of grace. 135 HYMN 124. C. M. Class-Meeting. 1. LORD ! when together here we meet, And taste thy heav'nly grace, Thv smiles are so divinely s T .veet, We're loath to leave the place. 2. Yet, Father, since it is thy will That we must part again," O let thy gracious presence still With ev'ry one remain. 3. Thus let us all in Christ be one, Bound with the cords of love, 'Till we around thy gracious throne Shall joyous meet above. 4. Where sin and sorrow from each heart, Shall then for ever fly, And not one thought that we should part, Once intercept our joy. 5. Where, void of all distracting pains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire : But in seraphic, heavenly strains, Redeeming love admire. 6. And thus, through all eternity, Upon the heav'nly shore, The great mysterious One in Three, Jehovah we'll adore. HYMN 125. P. M. . A FEW more days on earth to spend, And ail my toils and cares shall end, Then I shall see my God and friend, And praise his name on high. 136 There's no more sighs, and no more tears, I here s no more pains, and no more fears -But God and Christ and heav'n appears, Unto the ravished eye. 2. Then, oh ! my soul, despond no more, -the storm of life will soon be o'er, And I shall find the peaceful shore, ut everlasting rest. O happy day ! joyful hour, When freed from earth, my soul shall tower Beyond the reach of Satan's power, ±o be for ever blest. 3. My soul anticipates the day, I'd joyfully the call obey, Which summonses my s*oul away, To seats prepar'd above. There I shall see my Saviour's face, And dwell in his belov'd embrace, And taste the fulness of his orace, And sing redeeming love. ° 4. Thouo-h ,j ire a ffli ctiong press me sore, And death's black billows roll before, Yet still hy faith, I see the shore, -Beyond the rolling flood: The heav'nly Canaan sweet and fair, .Before my ravish'd eyes appear, And makes me almost tfynk I'm there, To yonder bright abode. 5. To earthly cares I'd say farewell, And triumph over death and hell, Ami go where saints and angels dwell, To praise the eternal Three. I'll join with them that's goi,e before, Who sing and shout their sufferings o'er, Where pain and parting is no more, To all eternity. 137 ft. Adieu ye scenes of noise and show, And all this region here below, Where nought but disappointments grow, A better world's in view. My Saviour calls ! I haste away, I would not here for ever stay, Hail ! ye brigrht realms of endless day, Vain world, once more adieu. HYMN 126. L. M. 5 IWDA Y MORXIXG. 1. GRANT, gracious father, that this day. In peace and comfort I may spend, Banish all worldly thoughts away, And let my prayers to thee ascend. 2. Keep me in thought, in word, and deed, From sayin? and doing wrong ; Supply whate'er thou knowest I need, And swell, with grateful praise, my tongue. 3. That at its close I may survey Each thought, each wbrd, and action past, And conscience, whisp'rincr comfort, say, " You need not fear, tho* 'twere yourlast." 4. 'Tis thus, oh God ! each day I'd spend, 'Tis thus I would each hour improve. And when this transient life shall end, Resign myself unto thy love. HYMN 127. L. M AXOTHER. 1. OH thou whose guardian care hath kept Us safe from danger whilst we slept, And now again, our souls hath blest, With this, another day of rest. 138 ' 2. Gather thou in each wand'ring thought Nor let it longer rove from thee, May thy same mercy that hath bought Our souls from sin, " still keep them free." 3. Oh let thy love this day direct Our wand'ring feet in paths of peace, From sin and wrath our souls protect, And bid each jarring passion cease. 4. May peace and meekness ever dwell Within our hearts, may love divine, With gratitude our bosoms swell, And pardoning mercy seal us thine. HYMN 128. P. M. 1. GREAT God, on thee our trust is stay'd, For in thy holy word 'tis said, Those who on thee rely, Shall the full measure of thy love, With ev'ry gracious promise prove. And never, never die. 2. That thought shall wake our slumb'ring powers, And comfort us in those dark hours, When troubles gather round : For he who has the promise given, Will, if our thoughts are fix'd on heaven, A ready help tie found. 3. When earth itself shall melt away, And nature's brightest sun decay ; The moon be turn'd to blood, He'll beai us up, he's promised more, He'll land our souls on Canaan's shore* Above the fiery flood 139 HYMN 1*29. P. M. 1. YOUNG people all attention give, While I address you in God's name. You who in sin and 'folly live, Come hear the council of a friend. I sought for bliss in glitt'ring toys. And ransr'd the luring scenes of vice. But never found substantial joys Until I heard my SaviourVvoice. 2. He 3pake my sins at once forgiv'n. And wash'd my load of guilt away, He gave me pardon, peace, and heaven. And thus I found the good old way : And now with trembling sense I view, Huge billows roil beneath your feet. For death eternal waits for you. Who slight the force of gospel truth. 3. Youth, like the soring, will soon be yss, And exil'd from the realms of bliss. 4. But ah ! the thought alone is hell — That prospect drives me to despair $ For who can 'mid those horrors dwell ? Or who those dreadful torments bear ? Where not a ray of hope appears, Or beam of joy the bosom cheers! 5. Yet mighty God ! thy powerful arm Can snatch me from that dread abode ; Can shield me from the impending harm, And ease me of my heavy load : One pard'ning word can make me whole, And sooth the anguish of my soul. 0. Father of mercies, God of Love ! Then, hear thy humble suppliant's cry. Bend from thy lofty seat above, Thy throne of glorious majesty: Oh ! listen to a sufferer's voice, Tben shall tl*ifl bleeding heart rej-oice* 14? HYMN 136. L. If. AXOTHER. 1. SOON will this mortal life be o'er, The body moulder into dust ; Naked my soul will stand before A God that's holy, pure, and just, 2. Its standing doom of bliss or wo Will from Fhe great I AM receive. Up to the realms of glory go, f)r in hell's torments ever live. 3. Without an interest in the blood Of Jesus, shed on Calvary, We can't escape his vengeful rod, Howe'er so moral here we be. 4. Away then all self-righteousnes?, keep arise, Be justified by faith, through grace, And claim a mansion in Ihe skies. 5. Perfection's height may I ascend, And feel my so ,r l dissolved in love, That when my days below shall end, Angels may wait my soul above. HYMN 137. P. M. 1. O HEARKEN sinners we have cause To warn you of your danger, We pray be reconcil'd to him Who bnce lay in a manger. CHORUS. fjo ! every one that thirsts^ Come ye to the waters. 148 Preely drink and quench your thirst, Ye Ziori's sons and daughters. 2. The awful God who made our soul, And all the world around you, Doth charge you with ten thousand crimes But hateth to confound you. Ho ! every one, fy( 3. O seek the circumcising grace, Be wise, do not refuse it, For if you seek your life to save, You will be sure to lose it. Ho ! every one, ty"< 4. The cross of Christ you have to bear, Fearless of persecution, Or groan you will, when time shall cease, In darkness and confusion. Ho ! every one, fyc 5. Come all ye humble, weeping souls, Who long to be forgiv'n, We bring glad tidings unto you, From the good Lord of heav'n. Ho ! every one, fyc 6. There is a fountain deep and wide, For sin and all uncleanness, Come drink and wash, and be made white, | And prove the gospel fulness. Ho ! every one, fyt ^7. Oh ! see the crowd that's traveling on, In paths of self-denial, They march along the banks of love, And long for your arrival. Ho ! every one, 8f< 8. Shall unbelief debar you from The knowledge of your Saviour, 149 Believe and you'll be justified, Believe and live for ever. Ho ! every one, eye. 9. I'm not surprised that saints do sing, Or angels shout and wonder, I would lung glory if I could, As loud as mighty thunder. Ho ! every one, fyc. \0. My night of sin and grief is gone, My soul is fiird with glory, Oh ! for a thousand tongues to tell Love's animating story. Ho ! every one, %fc. 11. Let heav'n and earth with me unite, And sing and shout hosannah, The Lord has pardon'd all my sins, And fill'd my soul with manna. Ho ! every one, ^e. 12. Poor sinners often laugh and scoff, Because [ sing hosannah, But they don't know what this doth mean, My soul is eating manna. Ho ! every one, fyc. 13. My old companions think I'm lost Because I sing hosannah, . But they would sin^ as loud as me, If they had tasted manna. Ho ! every one, fye. 14. The cold professors do detest Such loud noise and hosannahs ; And so did we before we sought, And found this holy manna. Ho ! every one, Sft. 150 15. When on my dying bed I lay, My soul shall sing hosannah, With happy saints that shout around, We'll have a feast of manna. Ho ! every one, fyc. 16. A glorious throng have gone before, Who sing and shout hosannah, They stand around the tree of life, And always gather manna. Ho ! every one, Sfc. 17. Come on ye followers of the Lamb Love God and sing hosannah, We soon shall join that holy throng, And always live on manna. Ho ! every one, fyc. HYMN 138. P. M. The wheat and tares. X. THO' in the outward church below, The wheat and tares together grow ; Jesus e'er long will weed the crop, And pluck the tares in anger up : For sooji the reaping time ivill come f And angels shout the harvest home. 2. Will it relieve their horrors there, To recollect their stations here, How much they heard, how much they knew How much among the wheat they grew ? JFV soon the reaping time, £fc, 3. Oh ! this will aggravate their case, They perish' d under means of grace f To them the word of life and faith Became an instrument of death. And soon, SfC* 151 4. We seem alike when thus we mee-t, Strangers might think we all were wheat ; But to the Lord's all searching eyes Each heart appears without disguise. And soon, Sfc. o. The tares are spar'd for various ends ; Some for the sake of praying friends ; Others the Lord, against'their will, Employs his counsels to fulfil. But soon, fyc. 6. But tho' they grow so tall and strong, His plan will not require them long ; In harvest when he saves his own, The tares shall into hell be thrown. For soon, $'c, . Most awful thought, and is it so, Must all mankind the harvest know ? Is every man a wheat or tare ? Me for "that harvest, Lord prepare.^ For soon the reaping time, $£C. HYMN 139. P. M. ROCK OF SALVATION. . If life's pleasures charm thee, give them not thy heart, Lest the gift insnare thee, from thy God to part ; His favour seek, his praises speak, Fix here thy hope's foundation ; Serve him, and he will ever be, The Rock of thy Salvation. 2. If distress befall thee, painful tho' it be, Let not grief appal thee, to thy Saviour flee ; He ever near, thy prayer will hear, And calm thy perturbation ; 152 The waves of wo, shall ne'er o'erflow The Rock of thy Salvation. 3. When earth's prospects fail thee, let it nJ distress, I Better comforts wait thee, Christ will freel| bless ; To Jesus flee, thy prop he'll be, Thy heavenly consolation ; For griefs below cannot o'erthrow, The Rock of thy Salvation. 4. Dangers may approach thee, let them no alarm, Christ will ever watch thee, and protect fron harm ; He near thee stands, with mighty hands, To ward off each temptation ; To Jesus fly, he's ever nigh, The Rock of thy Salvation. 5. Let not death alarm thee, shrink not from his blow, For thy God shall arm thee, and victory bestow ; For death shall bring to thee no sting, The grave no desolation ; ? Tis gain to die, with Jesus nigh, The Rock of thy Salvation. HYMN 140. P. M. 1. GREAT Redeemer, friend of sinners, Thou hast wond'rous power to save ; Grant me grace, and still protect me, Over life's tempestuous wave : May my soul with sacred transport. View the dawn while yet afar, And until the sun arises, Lead me bv the morning star. 1*3 2. O ! what madness ! O ! what folly, That ray heart should go astr After vain and foolish trifles, Trifles only of a day : This vain world with "all its pleasures, Very soon will be no more ; There's no object worth admiring. But the God whom we adore, 3. See the happy spirits waiting, On the banks beyond the stream. Sweet responders still repeating, Jesus, Jesus, is their theme : Hark ! they whisper, lo ! they call me, Sister spirit come away ; Lo ! I come, earth can't contain me, Hail the realms of endless day. 4. Swiftly roll ye ling'rin? hours, Seraphs lencl your glittTinsr wings ; Love absolves my ransom'd powers, Heavenly sounds around me rings, Worlds of light and crowns of glory, Far above yon azure - When by faith I now behold you, I'll enjoy you soon on high." HYMN 141. S. M. The Female Pilgrim. 1. WHITHER go'st thou, pilgrim, stranger. Passing through this darksome vale ? Know'st thou not, 'tis full of danger. And will not thy courage . rm bound for the kingdom. Witt you. zo to gtory with me'. , Hallelujah, hallelujah. 2. PILGRIM, the- ^ost justly call me, Wandering o'er this waste so wide ; G3 154 Yet no harm will e'er befall me, While I'm blest with such a GUIDE. Fm bound, fyc. 3. Such a Guide !— No guide attends thee, Hence for thee my fears arise ; If a guardian power befriend thee, 'Tis unseen by mortal eyes. Fm bound, fyc. 4. Yes, unseen — but still, believe me, Such a Guide my steps attends ; He'll in every strait relieve me, He from every harm defend. Fm bound, tyc. 5. Pilgrim ! see that stream before thee, Darkly winding through the vale ; Should its deadly waves roll o'er thee, Would not then thy courage fail ? Fm bound, fyc. 6. No : that stream has nothing frightful, To its brink my steps I hena, There to plunge will De delightful — There my pilgrimage will end. Fm bound, 8{c. 7. While I gaz'd — with speed surprising, Down the stream she plung'd from sight ; Gazing still, I saw her rising Like an angel, clothed with light. Fm bound, fyc. HYMN 142. P. M. Gloom of autumn, 1. HAIL, ye sighing sons of sorrow, Learn with me your certain doom: Learn with ne your fate to-morrow, Dead, perhaps laid in the tomb loo See all nature fading, dying, Silent all things seem to mourn, >. Lo! in yonder forest standing, Lofty cedars how they nod, Scenes of nature, how surprising ; Read in nature, nature's God. ^Virile the annual frosts are cropping Leaves and tendrils from the trees, So our friends are yearly dropping, We are like to one of" these. 5. Hollow winds about me roaring, Noisy waters round me rise. While I sit my fate deploring, Tears fast streaming from my eyes. What to me is autumn's treasure, Since I know no earthly joy, Long have I lost all youthfufpleasure, Time will health and youth destroy. 4. Former friends, how oft I've sought them. Just to cheer a troubled mind. Now they're gone like leaves of autumn. Driven before the dreary wind. When a few more days are wasted, And a few more scenes are o'er, When a few more griefs I've tasted, I shall rise to fall no more. 5. Fast my sun of life's declining, Soon 'twill set in endless night, But my hopes, pure and reviving, Rise to fairer worlds of light." Cease this trembling, mourning, sighing. Death shall burstlhis sullen gloom, Then my spirit, fluttering, flying, Shall be borne beyond the tomb. 156 HYMN 143. P. M. 1. AS near to Calvary I pass, Methinks I see a bloody cross, Where a poor victim" lianas ; His flesh with rugged irons tore, His limbs all dress'd in purple gore. Gasping in dying pangs. 2. Surpris'd the spectacle to see, I ask'd who can this victim be, In such exquisite pain ? Why thus consign'd to woes, I cried.. " Tis I," the bleeding God reply'd, ' " To save a world from sin." 3. A God for rebel mortals dies ! How can it be ! my&oul replies,- What ! Jesus die for me ! Yes," saith the suffering Son of God, " I *nve my life, I spill my blood, "For thee, poor soul, for thee." 4. Lord, since thy life thou'st freely giv'n, To bring my wretched soul to heaven, And bless me with thy love ; Then at thy feet, O God, I'll fall, Give thee my life, my soul, my all, To reign with thee above. HYMN 144. P. M. 1. SEE the eternal Judge descending, Seated on his father's throne ; Now poor sinner, Christ will show thee That he's with the Father one : Trumpets call thee, Stand and hear thy awful doom. 2. Hear the sinner now lamenting. At the sight of fiercer pain : 15? Ones and tears he now is venting, But he weeps and cries in vain: Greatly mourning, That he "ne'er was born again* 3. Yonder sits my slighted Saviour. With the marks ofdyinjr lov O ! that I had sought His favour, When I felt his spirit move ! Doom'd I'm lastly. For I have against him strove. 4. All his wooing I have slighted, While he daily sought rny soul, If my vows to him I plighted, Yet for sin I broke them all : Golden moments, How neglected did they roll ! 2. There I see my godly neighbours, Who were once despis'd by me, Now they're clad in dazzling splendour, Waiting my sad fate to see : Farewell neighbours — Dismal gulf PnT bound for thee* 6. Hail ! ye ghosts that dwell in darkness, Groaning, rattling of your chains ! Christ has now denounc'd my sentence. I'm to dwell in endless pains ; Down I'm rolling, Never to return again. 7. Now experience plainly shows me, Hell is not a fabled thing, Sow I see my friends in glory, Round the throne they ever sing, I'm tormented With an everlasting stingr. 158 HYMN 145. P. M. The benefit of Prayer. 1. WHAT various hindrances we meet, In coming" to the mercy seat ; Yet who that knows the worth of prayer, But wishes to be often there. 2. Prayer makes the darkest clouds withdraw, Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings ev'ry blessing from above. 3. Restraining prayer, we cease to fight, Prayer makes the Christian's armour bright, Ana Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4. When Moses stood with arms spread wide. Success was found on Israel's side : But when through weariness they fail'd, That moment Amalek prevail'd. 5. Have you no words ? Ah, think again, Words flow apace when you complain, And fill your fellow creatures' ear With the sad tale of all your care. 0. Were half the time that's vainly spent. To heaven in supplications sent : Our cheerful songs would oftener be, Hear what the Lord has dome for me. HYMN 146. C. M, For a believer in worldly business. 1. LO I come, with joy to do My master's blessed will ; Him in outward things pursue, A»d serve his pleasure still : 159 Faithful to mv Lord's commands, I still would choose the better part, Serve with careful Martha's Hands, And humble Mary's heart. 2. Careful without care I am, Nor feel my happy toil ; Kept in peace by Jesu's name, Supported by his smile. Joyful thus my faith to show, I rind his service my reward ; Every work I do below, I do it to the Lord. 3. Thou O Lord in tender love ; Dost all my burdens bear ; Lift my heart to things above, And' keep it ever tliere. Calm on tumult's wheel I sit, 'Midst busy multitudes alone : Sweetlv waiting at thv feet, 'Till all thy will be 'done. 4. To the desert or the cell, Let others blindly fly ; In this evil world I" dwell, Unhurt, unspotted I. Here I find a douse of prayer, To which I inwardly retire ; Walking unconcern'din care, And unconsunrd in fire. 5. Thou, O Lord my portion art, Before I hence remove ; Now my treasure and my heart Are all laid up above. Far above these earthly things, While yet my hands are here employed? Sees my soul the King of kings, And Freely talks with God. 100 6. that all the earth might know Of living thus to thee, Find their heaven begun below, And here thy goodness see. Walk in all thy works prepar'd By thee to exercise thy grace, r Till they gain their full reward, And see thy glorious face. HYMN 147. C. M. At the funeral of a young person. 1. WHEN blooming youth is snatch'd away By death's resistless hand, Our* hearts the mournful tribute pay ; Which pity must demand. 2. While pity prompts the rising sigh, O may this truth, imprest With awful power, — ' I too must die !' Sink deep in every breast. 5. Let this vain world engage no more ; Behold the gaping tomb ! It bids us seize the present hour, To-morrow death may come. 4. The voice of this alarming scene May every heart obey ; Nor be the heavenly warning vain f Which calls to watch and pray. 5. O let us fly, to Jesus fly, Whose powerful arm can save ; Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er the grave. 6. Great God thy sovereign grace impart, With cleansing, healing power ; This only can prepare the heart, For death's all solemn hour. 101 HYMN 148. P. M. 1. LORD and am I yet alive, Not in torments, not in hell, Still doth thy good Spirit strive — With the chiel of sinners dwell ! Tell it, unto sinners ielL lam, lam out of hell. 2. Yes, I still lift up mine eyes, Will not of thy love despair : Still, in spite of sin, I rise, Still I bow to thee in pray'r. Tell it, &fc. 3. O the length and breadth of love : Jesus, Saviour, can it be ? All thy mercy's height I prove, All the depth is seen in me. Tell it, %c. 4. See a bush that burns with fire, Unconsum'd amid the flame ! Turn aside the sight V admire — I the living wonder am ! Tell it, £c. b. See a stDne that hangs in air 1 See a spark in ocean live ! Kept alive with death so near, I to God the glory give : liver tell — to sinners tell. J am, I am out of hell. HYMN 149. L. M. h WHILE on the verge of life I stand, And view the scene on either hand, 162 My SDirit struggles with my clay, And longs to wing its flight away* 2. Where Jesus dwells my soul would be, And faints my much-loV'd Lord to see : Earth, twine no more about my heart, For 'tis far better to depart. 3. Come, ye angelic convoys, come, And lead the willing pilgrims home ! Ye know the way to Jesu's throne : Source of my joys, and of your own. 4. That blissful interview, how sweet, To fall transported, at his feet ! Rais'd in his arms to view his face, Thro' the full beaming of his grace. 5. As with the seraph's voice to sing, To fly as on the cherub's wing ! Performing with unwearied hands, The present Saviour's high commands. C. Yet, with these prospects full in sight, We'll wait the signal for the flight ; For while thy service we pursue, We find a heav'n in all we do. HYMN 150. S. M. 1. O WHY should unbelief Stay the Almighty's hand, That hand which holds my sure reliefl Though earth and hell withstand. 2. My soul, believe and nray, Without a doubt believe, Whate'er we ask in God's own way, We shall in truth receive 163 3. Here stands the promise fair, For God cannot repent : To fervent persevering prav'r. He'll every blessing grant. HYMN 151. P. M. Believers Sufferings. 1. HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word, What more can he say, than to you he hath said, You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled. 2. In every condition, in sickness, in health, In poverty's vail, or abounding in wealth ; At home and abroad, on the lanl, on the sea, * As thy clays may demand, shall thy strength ever be. 3. ' Fear not, I ?m with thee, O be not dismay 'd, * I, I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; Til strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, ( Upheld by my righteous omnipotent hand. 4.* When through the deep waters I call thee to go, * The rivers of wo shall not thee overflow ; Tor I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, * And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 5.* When through fiery trials thy path way shall lie, *Mv grace all sufficient, shall be thy supply, 4 The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design { Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to re- fine. 164 6. i Even down to old age, all my people shaU prove, 1 My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; 1 And when hoary hairs shall these temples adorn, 1 Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 7. * The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for re- pose * I will not, I will not ; desert to his foes, 1 That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake, Til nevei, no never, no never forsake.' HYMN 152. L. M. 1. WHEN I survey the wond'rous cross On which the Prince of Glory dy'd, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all mv pride ? Forbid it, Lord, that I should ooast, Save in the death of Christ, my God : All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to thy blood. 2. See from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down, Di ] e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small : Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. HYMN 153. C. M. 1. JESUS, I love thy charming name, ,f Tis music to my ear : 16o Fain would I sound it out so loud That earth and heaven might hear. Yes thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust, Jewels to thee are gaudy toys ; And gold is sordid dust. Chor. — A Saviour ! let creation sing I A Saviour ! let all heaven ring ! He's God with us, ice feel him ourSj His fulness in our souls he pours, 'Tis almost done—'tis almost o'er, We're joining them icho're gone before, We then shall meet to part no more. 2. O may thy grace still cheer my heart ! And shed its fragrance there ! The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordials of its care. I'll speak the honours of thy name, With my last lab'ring breath ; When speechless, clasp thee in my arms : My joy in life and death. A Saviour, fyc. HYMN 154. P. M. 1. SHOW me the souls to doubt expos'd, To such this question is propos'd : Ask, saith the Lord, and let me know, What I shall now on thee bestow. 2. Say, what thy wants, and what thy woes ! Dost thou in me thy trust repose ? Art thou my friend: sincerely true ? Speak, for thy springs of thought I view. 3. Art thou to seriousness inclin'd ? Ask, and I'll solemnize thy mind ; Dost thou want love to Jesu's name ? Ask, and his maUhless love proclaim. 166 •k. Dost thou want peace and pardon seal'd? Ask, for they wait to be reveal'd ; Dost thou want faith and holy fear? Ask, and behold the blessings near. o.Dostthou want strength 'gainst sin to fight r Ask, and I'll make thoe strong in might : Dost thou want light and life divine f Ask, and eternal life is thine. 6. Wilt thou be made completely whole? Ask, and I'll renovate thy soul ; This instant ask, arise and pray, Nor lose such blessings by delay. HYMN 155. P. M, Fleeting moments* 1. I'LL sing my Saviour's grace And his dear name I'll praise, While in this land of sorrow I remain ; My troubles soon will end, And my soul ascend, When freed from (his dull clod of cumb'rous clay. 2. A pilgrim here below, While in this vale of wo, I live in exile, mourning like the dove ; My days in sorrow roll, And my weary soul, With earnest longing pants to mount above. 3. Tho' few my days have been, Much trouble I nave seen, And deep afflictions I have waded through ; For thornv is the way, To eternal day, Yet forward will I press and onward go. 16? 4. Another day is gone, And yon declining sun, lias veil'd his radiant beams in sable shade*?, While gloomy darkness reigns, O'er the extensive plains, And awful silence close the solemn scene. 5. Thus rapid flies away, Ev'ry succeeding dav, And life's "declining light draws to a close ; This life's short setting sun, Will in death go down, And lay my weary limbs in sweet repose. 6. On eagle's wings of love, Then I'll mount above, And find my passage safe to endless day, Then happy sweet surprise ; What great new wonders rise, When freed from thi3 dull clod of curnb'rous clay. 7. O what a glorious sight, And what supreme delight, Will strike my raptur'd soul when I behold — Fair Salem's gates I see, Open fly to me, And streets of glitt'ring new transparent gold. 3. But oh ! and shall I then, Behold the friend of men, The man who suffer'd, bled, and dy'd for me ; Who bore my load of sin, Sorrow, grief, and pain, To make me happy, and to set me free ? 9. To living fountains then, And to rich pastures green, To trees of paradise he leads his lambs ; While millions falling down ; Prostrate all around. And at his footstool casttheirglitt'ringcrowns. 6 108 10. Ye heavenly arches ring, Sim? Hallelujah, sing, Hail ! holy, holy, lioly, bleeding lamb < Once I was dead in sin, But now I live again, And glory, glory, glory, to his name. HYMN 156.— 6. 4. ). SOUND, sound the truth abroad, Bear ye the word of God Thro' the wide world ; Tell what our Lord has done, Tell how the day is won, And from his lofty throne, Satan is hurl'd. 2. Far over sea and land, 'Tis our Lord's own command, Bear ye his name ; Bear it to ev'ry shore, Regions unknown explore, Enter at ev'ry door — Silence is shame. 3. Speed on the wings of love, Jesus who reigns above Bids us to fly, They who his message bear, Should neither doubt nor fear ; He will their friend appear ; He will be nigh. 4. When on the mighty deep, He will their spirits keep, Stay'd on his word ; When in a foreign land, No other friend at hand, Jesus will by them stand- Jesus, their Lord. 1(JU 5. Ye who forsaking all, At your lov'd Master's call, Comforts resign ; Soon will your work be done, Soon will the prize be won ; Brighter than yonder sun 3 Then shall ye shine. HYMN 157.— S. 7. 4. 1. SAVIOUR visit thy plantation ; Grant us, Lord, a gracious rai All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again. Lord revive its, All our help must come from thee. 2. Keep no longer at a distance. Shine upon us from on Ir Lest, for want of thine assistance, Ev'ry plant shall droop and die. Lord, fyc. 3. Surely, once thy garden ilourish'd, Ev'ry part look'd gay and green; Then thy word our spirits nourish'd, Happy seasons we have seen ! Lord, fyc. 4. But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord, thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. Lord } fyc. 5. Where are those we counted leaders, Fill'd with zeal and love and truth ? Old professors tall as cedars, Bright examples to our youth. Lord, fyc. H 170 6. Some in whom we once delighted, We shall meet no more below ; Some alas ! we fear are blighted, Scarce a single leaf they show. Lord, fyc. r. Younger plants — the sight how pleasant ! Cover d thick with blossoms stood ; But they cost us grief at present, Frost has nipp'd them in the bud. Lord, fyc+ S. Dearest Saviour, hasten hither, Thou canst make them bloom again ; 0, permit them not to wither, Let not all our hopes be vain. Lord, SyC, 9. Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in prayer ; Let each one, esteem'd thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares. Lord, 8fc^ 10. Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh ; An*! begin from this good hour To revive thy work afresh. Lord, fyc> HYMN 158. P. M. 1. REMEMBER, sinful youth, you must die you must die ! Remember, sinful youth, you must die ! Remember, sinful youth, who hate the w of truth, And in your pleasures boast, you mu.«'die you must lie ! And in your pleasures boast, you must die 171 2. Uncertain are your days here below, &c. UncertaiB aro ^our days, To God and to the Lamb, &c. J73 To God and to the Lamb, who is the great I AM : While millions join the theme I will sing, &c. While millions join, &c. 6. And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on, &c. And when from death I'm free, &c. And when from death I'm free, I'll sing and joyful be ; And through eternity I'll sing on, &C. And through eternity, &c. HYMN 160. C. II. 1. O THOU, whose tender mercy hears, Contrition's humble sic-; : Whose hand indulgent, wipes the tears from sorrows weeping i 2. See, low before thy throne of grace, A wretched wanderer mourn : thou not bid me seek thy face ? Hast thou not said - 4 * Return ?" 3. And shall my guilty fears prevail To drive me from thy fe Oh, let not this dear refuge fail, This only safe retr : 4. Oh, shine on this benighted heart, With beams of mercy "shine ! And let thy healing voice impart A taste of joys divine. HYMN 181. P. M. L HARK !. the voice of love mercy I Sounds aloud from Calvary : 174 See, it rends the rocks asunder— bhakes the earth and veils the skv f " It is finish'd !" y ' Hear the Saviour— dying—cry. 2. It is finish'd !-Oh, what pleasure Uo these precious words afford » Heav'nly blessings without measure, Flo w to us from Christ, the Lord : It is finish'd ! Saints, the dying words record. 3. Fimsh'd-all the types and shadows Ut the ceremonial law ; Finish'd— all that God had promis'd : lleath and hell no more shall awe • It is finish'd ! Saints from hence your comforts draw. 4. Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs,— Join to sing the pleasing theme • All on earth and all in Eeaven, ' Join to praise Immanuel's name, Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! HYMN 163.— 10 & 11. '' HA Mediato°r U ^^ mpm When the ^ reat Down from 'the mansion of heav'n did oescend, Shepherds go worship the babe in a manner, Lo ! for his guard the bright angels attend! CHORUS. Kindest and best of the sons of the morning Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid ; Star in the east the horizon adorning Guide where our infant Redeemer was land. 2. Cold on his cradle the dew drops were shin- insr, Low lay his head with the beasts of the stall. \narels aSore him, in slumbers reclining", Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all. Kindest, 8fC. 3. Say shall we yield him a costly devotion, Odours of Eden, or offering divine ; Gems from the mountains or pearls from the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine. Kindest, fyc, 4. Vainly we offer each ample oblation, All those can never his favour secure *, Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearest to God are the prayers of the poor. Kindest, fyc, 5. Low at his feet, we in humble prostration, Lose all our sorrow, and trouble and strife ; There we receive his divine consolation, Flowing afresh from the fountain of Life. Kindest, &fc. 6. He is our friend in the midst of temptation. Faithful supporter whose love cannot fail, Rock of our refuge and Hope of Salvation, Light to direct us thro' death's gloomy Kindest] fyc. 7. Star of the morning, thy brightness declin- ing, Shortly must fade when the sun doth arise ; Beaming refulgent, his glory eternal : Shines on the children of Love in the skies. Kindest, &*c. J 76 HYMN 164. L. M. I. THE Land of Glory lies Beyond old Jordan's stream A reo-ion m the skies, Where fields are always green, O happy place of sweet repose KTifS w ^ nd + deat > no entrance knows. And Life s fair tree for ever grows. 2. There Truits of gen'rous growth, Hang bending on their viSe • And snrma-s of living worth, bend forth a stream divine. How sweet is Eden's peaceful strew* That glides along the vales of green ' Of such delight the world dontVeam. 3 ' There saints and angels drink And plunge in seas of love ; ' NaMiM : f which they think, Shall be withheld above. * or all the blessinrrg f the throne, Do freely flow to every one ; ' m Secur'd to them thro' Christ alone. 4. Tnen let us urge our way, 1.0 Canaan's peaceful land, And bless the openino- r ] av t^enwem on Zion stand. All cloth'd in linen clean and white, wi -i r °n? s -° f ?lory ' wond'rons brick While Christ appears ! our hearts delight. 5. Soon shall our toil be o'er— Our suffering and our pain : We 11 1 meet upon that, shore, And never part again. 177 And sing the song, redeeming love, While we stand round the throne above And all the joys of heaven prove. 6. Ye valiant souls fight on, Your work will soon be done. And then you'll wear the crown, Which you by faith have won. O ! hear the joyful welcome sound, Your work is done, you shall be crown'd ! .My holy name with Vou is found. HYMN 165. C. M. 1. FROM Salem's gates advancing slow. What object meets my eyes, What mean that majesty of wo, What mean those mingled cries. 2. Who is the man that groans beneath The pond'rous cross of wood, Who's soul's oppressed with pangs of deathj And body bathed in blood ? 3. Is this the man ! can this be he The prophets have foretold, Should with transgressors numbered bfe And for my crimes be sold ? 4. Ah, lovely sight, a heavenly form For sinful souls to see, 111 creep beside him as a worm And see him die for me. HYMN 166. P. If. 1. HEAR the royal proclamation, The glad tidings of salvation, H3 178 Publishing to every creature, To the rum'd sons of nature. Jesus reigns— he reigns victorious, Over heaven and earth most glorious, Jesus reigns. 2. See the royal banners flying, Hear the Heralds loudly crying, Rebel sinners royal favour Now is offered by the Saviour. Lo ! he reigns, fyc. 3. Hear ye sons of wrath and ruin, Who have wrought your own undoing ; Here is Life and free salvation, Offer'd to the whole creation. Jesus reigns, fyc. 4. It was for you that Jesus died, For you, he was crucified, Conquered death, and rose to heaven, Life eternal through him is given. Lo ! he reigns, 8jc. 5. Turn unto the Lord most holy, Shun the paths of vice and folly- Turn, or you are lost for ever ; O ! now turn to God your Saviour. Lo ! he reigns, fyc. 6. Here is wine and milk and honey, Come and purchase without money, Mercy like a flowing fountain, Streaming from thelioly mountain. Jesus reigns, fyo. 7. For this love let rocks and mountains, Purling streams, and crystal fountains, Roaring thunders lightning blazes, Shout the great Messiahs praises. Lo I he reigns, fyc. 179 *. Shout ye tongues of every nation, To'the'bounos of the creation Shout the praise of JuriVs Lion, The Almighty King of Zion. Lo ! he reigns j fyc. 9. Now our souls have caught new fire, Brethren, raise your voices higher ; Shout with joyful acclamation To the price of our salvation. Lo ! he reigns, fyc. 10. Shout ve saints, make joyful mention, Christ has purchas'd our redemption ; Angels, shout the joyful story. Through the brighter worlds* of crlory. Jesus reigns, $*c, HYMN 167. C. If. i. AM I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name. 2. Must I be carried to the skies, On flowery beds of ease ! While others fought to win the prize, And saiPd thro' bloody seas ? 3. Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4. Sure. I must fight if I would reign, ^ Increase my courage Lord: I'll bear the toil, endure the pam, Supported by thy word. 180 5. Thy saints in all this glorious war, S.iall conquer tho' they die ; They see the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. 6. When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shine In robes of victory thro' the skies, The glory shall be thine. HYMN 168. C. M. 1. JESUS I throw my arms around, And hang upon thy breast ; Without a gracious smile from thee, My spirit cannot rest. 2. O ! tell me that my worthless name Is graven on thy hands ! Show me some promise in thy book, Where my salvation stands. 3. Give me some kind assuring word, To sink my fears again ; And cheerfully my soul shall wait Her threescore years and ten. HYMN 1G9. L. M. 1. RETURN, O wanderer, return, And seek an injur'd Father's face ; Those warm desires that in thee burn, Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2. Return, O wanderer, return, AnJ seek a Father's melting heart ; His pitying eyes thy grief discern, His hand shall heal thy inward smart. 3. Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live ; 181 Go to his bleeding feet and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. i. Return, O wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear ; Tis God who says "No longer mourn," 5 'Tis mercy's voice invites thee near. HYMN 170. P. M. 1. LIFE is the time to serve the Lord, The time to ensure the great reward, And while the lamp holds out to burn, O hasten sinner to return". . Life is the hour that God hath given To 'scape from hell and fly to heaven, The day of grace when mortals may Secure the blessings of the day. 3. The living know that they must die, Beneath trie clods their dust must lie ; They have no share in all that's don* Beueath the circle of the Sun. 4. Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands with all your might pursue : Since no device or work is found, Nor faith nor hope beneath the ground. 5. There are no acts of pardon pass'd In the cold grave to which we haste : may we all improve the grace ; And see with joy thy gloricus face. HYMN 171. P. M. I, HOW happy, how loving, how joyful T feel ! 1 want to teel more love, yea more love and zeal, 182 I want my love perfect, I want my love pure 3 That all things with patience I may well en- dure. 2. 1 want to love wisdom that comes from above, I want to be holy fill'd with pure love, I want my light clear that beholders may see. How faith and good works in sweet union agree. 3. My treasure in heaven I want to lay up, Where no moth nor rust can ever corrupt, Where no thief nor no robber will venture or dare : My heart and my treasure I want to be there. 4. My union I want with the Father and Son, I want that perfect which now is begun, That love and sweet union that soothes every care*, And with my dear brethren all burthens to bear. 5. Come all my dear brethren both aged and youth, And all who are willing to walk in the truth, Let us all join together in union and love, And on our blest journey so joyful we'll prove. 6. When time is no more, and from earth we remove, To dwell in the regions of peace, life, and love, With J«'sus our Saviour, and all holy men, We'll shout hallelujah's for ever, Amen. HYMN 172. L. M. >. FAR from my thoughts vain world begone, Let my religious hours alone, 188 Fain would my eyes my Saviour sec •, I wait a visit Lor'd from thee. 2. My heart urows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure rlesire ; Come. O rnv Jesus, from above, And i'eed my soul with heavenly love, 3. Haste then, but with a smiling face, And spread the table of thy cfrace, Bn fig down a taste of truth divine. cheer my heart with sacred wine. 4. Blest Jes delicious fare, How swept thy entertainments are! angels taste above, Redeeming grace and dying love. HYMN 173. P. M. 1. JESUS 1 know hath died for me, This is my hope, my joy, my i Hither, when hell assails, I flee. And look into my Saviour's breast ! Away sad doubts and anxious fear, Mercy is all that's written there. 2. Though waves and storms go o'er my heaa, Though strength and health and friends be gone, Thousfh joys be withered all and dead, And every comfort be withdrawn : Steadfast on this my soul relies, Father, thy mercy never dies. 3. FixM on this ground will I remain, When heart shall fail and flesh decay ; Thi3 anchor shall my soul sustain, . -When earth's foundations melt away : Mercy's full power I then shall prove, - Lord with an everlasting love ! 184 HYMN 174. L. M. 1. AWAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise : He justly claims a song from me, His loving kindness, O how free. 2. He saw me ruiu'd by the fall, Yet lov'd me notwithstanding all ; He sav'd me from my lost estate, His loving kindness, O how great ! 3. Though num'rous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose He safely leaf's my soul along, His loving kindness, O how strong ! 4. When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered lorn- He near my soul has always stood, His loving kindness, O how good ! 5. Often T feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart : But though T have him oft forgot, Hi3 loving kindness changes not. 6. Soon shall T pass the srloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail : O may my last expiring breath, His loving kindness sing in death ! 7£^^ mount and soar away To the Wi Slit world of endless day, An/ 1 sing with rapture and surprise, His loving kindness in the skies. HYMN 175. P. M. 1. BEH°I.'T) a stronger at the door ! He gently knocks, has knock'd before ; 185 Has waited long, is waiting - You use no other friend so ill. I But will he prove a friend indeed? He will — the very friend you need: The man of Nazareth is he, With garments dyM from Calvary. 9 lovely attitude! he stands With meltina; heart and open hands: O matchless kindness! and he shows That matchless kindness to his foes. 4 Rise, touchM with gratitude divine, Turn out his enemy and thine, Turn out that hateful monster, sin, And let the heavenly stranger in. HYMN 176.— 7s. Rev, xiv 2, S 1 H\RK: the song of Jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar: Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore: — Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign; Hallelujah! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 Hallelujah! hark! the sound, From the depth unto the skies. Wakes above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies: — See Jehovah's banners furi'd, Sheath'd his sword: he speaks — 'tis done, And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole. With illimitable stray; 186 He shall reipn, when like a scroll, Yonder heav'ns have pass'd away: Then the end;— beneath his rod, Man's test enerav shall fall; Hallelujah! ChrisUn God, God in Christ, is all in all. HYMN 177. P M. 1 'TIS a point I long to know, Oft it causes anxious thought: Do I love the Lord or no? Am I his or am I not? 2 Iff love, why am I thus? Why this dull and lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can they be worse, Who have never heard his name. 3 Could my heart so hard remain, Prayer a task and burden prove; Every trifle give me pain, If I knew a Saviour's love? 4 When I turn mine eyes within, O how dark, and vain, and wild! Prone to unbelief and sin, Can I deem myself a child? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read, Faith is weak in all I do; Yon that love the Lord indeed, Tell me, is it thus with you? 6 Yet I mourn my stubborn will, Find my sin a grief and thrall; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all? 7 Could I joy with saints to meet, Choose the ways I once abhorr'd; 1S7 Find at time9, the promise sweet. If I did not love the Lord? 5 Lord, decide the doubtful case, Thou who art thy people's sun; Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun. 9 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray; If I have not lov'd before, Help me to begin to-day. HYMN 178. P. Iff. 1 WHAT could your Redeemer do More than he hath done for you: To procure your peace with God, Could he more than shed his blood : After all his flow of love, All his drawings from above, "Why will ye your Lord deny? Why will ye resolve to die? 2 Turn, he cries, ye sinners turn: By his love your God makes known. He would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive: If your death were his delight, Would he you to life invite! Would he ask, beseech, and cry, Why will ye resolve to die? 3 Sinners, turn, while God is near! Dare not think him insincere: Now, e'en now, your Saviour stands, All day long he spreads his hands! Cries "Ye will not happy be: No, ye will not come to me: Me, who life to none deny; Why will ye resolve to die?" 188 4 Can ye doubt if God is love? If to all his bowels move? Will ye not his word receive? Will ye not his oath believe? See, the suff'ring God appears, Jesus weeps, belie\e his tears! Mingled with his blood they cry, "Why will ye resolve to die?" HYMN 179. C. M. 1 THE crowd, the poor unthinking crowd, Refuse thy hand to see! They will not hear thy loudest rod, They will not turn to thee. 2 As with judicial blindness struck, Thev all thy signs despise; Harden their hearts yet more, and mock The anger of the skies. 3 But blinder still the rich and great, In wickedness excel, And revel on the brink of fate, And sport and dance to hell. 4 Regardless of thy smile or frown. Their pleasures they require. And sink with gav indiff'rencc down To everlasting fire! HYMN 180. P. M. 1 HOW charming, () how charming, Fs the radiant band of music, music, music, music, music, how charming, is the radiant band Of music playing through the air: Angelic armies tunc their harps, Angelic armies tune their harps. 189 Enraptured spirits play their parts. Ansel ic armies tune their L Shout, shout, the great Messiah's come to reign. 2 Gabriel descending Gabriel descending, s the joyful news, joyful, joyful, joyful, joyful, Brings the joyful news of our Redeemer's birth, reat Messiah's come to earth: Good will to men I now proclaim, Good will to rae-i I !aim, iviour's born in Bethlehem, Good will to men I now proclaim, Shout, shout, the King of glory's come to reign, 3 s ■ c his star arising, see his star arisi In the eastern sky, now rising, rising, rising, ris- ing, See his star arising in the eastern sky, The day-spring opening from on high. The types and shadows flee a j pes and shadows flee away, And now begins the gospel day, The types and shadows flee away, Shout, shout! the King of glory's come to n 4 Shepherds adore him, wise men have found him Glory be to God. O glory, glory, glory, glory, Wise men have found him by the rising star. And come to worship from afar: Their golden gifts they now present, Their golden gifts they now present, And spices of the sweetest scent, Their golden gifts they now present, Shout, shout! the King of glory's come to reign. 5 Jews and Gentiles join in concert, To praise their infant King, O praise him, praise him, praise him, praise him, Jen- and Gentiles praise their infant King. d loud hosannahs sweetly sing: 190 With Gabrie] and the shining host WuhGabrieJandtheshinir^ho S &?u e Falher ' Son > and Holy Ghost With Gabriel and the shining ho£ Shout, shout! the King of glory's come to reign. 6 1 ain happy, I am happy, Glory be to God, O gloryf glory, glory, glory V I am happy, g jorv be t J f 5od ^ *> J« S lor J> I tell S?MI« r^ 16 f ° r the reaIms ab <^ i r i It . Ss ills *«u»ds impart, J fee the bliss his wounds impart J find my Saviour in my heart, I ieel the bliss his wounds impart, ■ Shout, shout! the King of glory's come to reign. 7 R ro g und r u? D ' SWCet JeSUS > ^ within and B BvthP R y f PJrU ' W* ho ^ Ml, holy, Th» t y * P u mi kee P us in tb * way.' Wkh ,1^ Sh ° U u 3S We sin S a ^ pray: With a the saints that have gone home £ iti ail the saints that have gone ho£e' Unite to smg redeeming love, ' With all the saints that have gone hom P To sing, hallelujahs around^ ttorl HYMN 181. P.M. I DANIEL'S wisdom may 1 know Stephen's faith and spirit show, ' John's divine communion feel Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal; Run like the unwearied Paul Win the day and conquer all! 2 Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness, Peter's ardent spirit fee!, James's faith by works reveal: 191 Like young Timothy, may I. Every sinful passion fly. 3 Job's submission may I show, David's, true devotion know; Samuel's call, O may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share; Let Isaiah's hallow'd fire, All my new-born soul iuspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer, Gideon's valiant seadfast care, Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditating heart, Abraham's friendship may I proYO, Faithful to the God of love. 5 Most of all, may I pursue, That example Jesus drew; By my life and conduct show How he liv'd, and walk'd below; Day, by day, through grace restor'd Imitate my blessed Lord. 3 When the dreams of life are fled, When its wasting lamps are dead, When in cold oblivion's shade, Youth' and fame and power are laid> Where immortal spirits reign, There may we all meet again. HYMN 182. P. ML Home. ! HOW sad are the moments when wandering from 'rod. And thorny and dark is the dangerous road; Bui light is the pathway which leads to the tomb* When cheer'd by the presence of Jesus my home, Home! Home! sweet, sweet, home. When cheer'd by the presence of Jesus mv home, 192 2 Though fading are joys which earth can bestovr, And false is the light which illumes us below; Though sorrows like clouds hang around us in gloom, The beams of his love light me on my way home, Home! Home! &c. &c. The beams of his love, &c. 3 When the tempest of life has sunk into repose. And death shall the beauties of heaven disclose, With all the redeem'd, I o'er it will roam, And sing Hallelujah to Jesus my home. Home! Home! &c. &c. And sing Hallelujah, &c. HYMN 183. P.M. The Wandering Sinner. \ COME tell me wandering sinner, Say whither dost thou roam, O'er this wide world a stranger Hast thou no Saviour known: He calls you to his bosom, But ah! you still delay: He'll fit your soul for heaven, And guide you in the way. 2 Angels are now attending To waft the news above, Your Saviour still presenting, The joys of pard'ning love; Oh! come accept the offer, Of pardon and free grace, And own the mighty power, In songs of love and praise. ; All thy sorrows he'll remove, His grace and peace bestow; Heaven's glories you shall prove f A »s angels now do know^ 193 All his love can ne'er be told, While here on earth we stay; Still his glory will unfold, In realms of endless day. HYMN 184. P. M. 1 O THERE will be mourning At the judgment seat of Christ; Parents and children there shall part, Shall part to meet no more. 2 there will be mourning At the judgment seat of Christ; Brothers and sisters there shall part, Shall part to meet no more. HYMN 185. P. M. 1 THERE will be praising At the judgment seat of Christ; Brothers and sisters there shall meet, Shall meet to part no more. 2 there will be shouting, At the judgment seat of Christ; Brothers and sisters there shall meet, Shall meet to part no more. . HYMN 186. 7's. i SINNER, art thou still secure? Wilt thou still refuse to pray? Can thy heart or hands endure In the Lord's avenging day! 2 See, his mighty arm is bar'd! Awful terrors clothe his brow! For his judgment stand prepared, Thou must either break or bow. H 194 3 At his presence nature shakes, Earth affrighted hastes to flee; Solid mountains melt like wax, What will then become of thee? 4 Who his advent may abide? You that glory in your shame, Will you find a place to hide, When the world is wrapt in flame 5 Lord, prepare us by thy grace! Soon we must resign our breathy And our souls be call'd to pass Through the iron gates of death, 6 Let us now our day improve, Listen to the gospel voice; Seek the things that are above; Scorn the world's pretended joys. HYMN 187. L. M. 1 WHERE are the dead?— In heav'n or hell Their disembodied spirits dwell; Their perish'd forms in bonds of clay, Reserv'd until the judgment day. 2 Who are the dead? — The sons of time In ev'ry age, and state, and clime; Renown'd, dishonor'd or forgot, The place that knew them, knows them not. 3 Where are the living?— On the ground Where pray'r is heard and mercy found; Where, in the compass of a span, The mortal makes th' immortal man. 4 Who are the living?— They whose breath Draws ev'ry moment nigh to death; Of endless bliss or wo the heirs: Oh, what an awful lot is theirs! 195 5 Then, timely wam'd, let us begin To follow Christ and flee from sin; Daily grow up in him our head, Lord of the living and the dead. HYMN 188. S. M. 1 OH, where shall rest be found, Rest for the weary soul! 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound. Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The b!is> for which we sigh; 'Tis not the whole of life to live. Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, UnmeasurM by the flight of years — And all that life is love. 4 There is a death whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath: Oh! what eternal horrors hang Around the second death. 5 Lord God of truth and graee! Teach us that death to shun:— = Lest >ve be driven from thy face, And evermore undone. 6 Here would we end our quest—- Alone are. found in thee The life of perfect love— the rest Of immortality. 196 HYMN 189. 7 ? s. 1 PEOPLE of the living God! I have sought the world around, Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort no where found: Now to you my spirit turns, Turns, — a fugitive unblest; Brethren! where your altar burns, Oh, receive me into rest. 2 Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave, Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave; Mine the God whom you adore — Your Redeemer shall be mine; Earth shall fill my soul no more, Ev'ry idol I resign. HYMN 190. S. M. 1 AWAKE, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake every heart, and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his dying love; Sing of his rising power; Sing how he intercedes above For us whose sins he bore. 3 Sing till we feel our hearts Ascending with our tongues; Sing till the love of sin departs, And grace inspire our songs. 4 Sing till we hear Christ say, "Your sins are all forgiven ;" Sing on rejoicing every day, Till we all sing in heav'n. 197 HYMN 191. P.M. 1 THROUGH tribulation deep, The way to glory is. This stormy course I keep, On these tempestuous seas; By waves and winds I'm toss'd and driven. Freighted with grace and bound to heav'n. 2 Sometimes temptations blow A dreadful hurricane, And high the waters flow, And o'er my sides break in, But still my little ship outbraves The blust'ring winds and surging waves 3 When I in my distress, My anchor, hope, can ca6t Within the promises, It holds my vessel fast; Safely she then at anchor rides, 'Midst stormy blasts and swelling tides 4 If a dead calm ensues, And heav'n no breezes give, The oar of prayer I use, I tug, and toil, and strive: Thro' storms and calms for many a day. I make but very little way. 5 But when a heavenly breeze Springs up and fills my sail, My vessel goes with ease Before the pleasant gale; And runs as much an hour, or more, As in a month or two before. 6 Hid by the clouds from sight, The sun doth not appear, Nor can I in the night Behold the moon or star; 198 Sometimes for days and weeks, or more r I cannot see the sky or shore. 7 As at the time of noon, My quadrant faith, I take, To view my Christ, my sun, If he the clouds should break : I'm happy when his face i see, I know then whereabouts I be. 8 The Bible is my chart, By it the seas I know, I cannot with it part, It rocks and sands doth show; It is a chart and compass too, Whose needle points for ever true. 9 I keep aloof from pride, These rocks 1 pass with care; I studiously avoid The whirlwind of despair: Presumption's quicksands too I shun, Near them I do not choose to run. 10 When through a strait I go, Or near some coast am drove, The plummet forth I throw, And thus my safety prove: My conscience is the line which I Fathom the depth of water by. 11 My vessel would be lost, In spite of all my care, But that the Holy Ghost Himself vouchsafes to steer; And I through all my voyage will Depend upon my steersman's skill. 12 Ere I can reach heaven's coast, I must a gulf pass through, 199 Which fatal proves to most; For all this passage go. But all death's waves can't me o'erwheim, If God himself is at my helm. 13 When through this gulf I get, (Though rough, it is but short,) The pilot angels meet And bring me into port; And when 1 land on that blest shore, I shall be safe for evermore. HYMN 192. L. M. 1 OUR Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high; The pow'rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; "Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates! "Ye everlasting doors, give way!" 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene; He claims those mansions as his right; Receive the King of Glory in. 4 "Who is the King of Glory, who?" The Lord that all his foes o'ercame, The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew, And Jesus is the conq'ror's name. 5 Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay, "Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates' "Ye everlasting doors, give way!" 200 6 "Who is the King of Glory, who?" The Lord of boundless power possessed, The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever bless'd! HYMN 193. P. M. Jessop's Lamentation. THIS tree a sacred monument I rear ? Whose weeping boughs Wave o'er thy resting place, And shall in future years, Tell me that thou art here. The blossoms of the rose, Shall also bear a part: And information give, That here thou art, Resting in silence In thy dark abode, Where friends unite, To walk Death's common road. Sister farewell, farewell, 'Tis Jesus calls thee home; My bleeding heart submits, His will be done, Farewell sister, farewell, HYMN 194. P. M. ° Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, 'My father, thou art the guide of my youth?' " Jer. iii. 4. I WHAT amazing love, What condescension this! That God, who reigns above, Enthron'd in endless bliss, Should spread his arms of mercy wide, And cry "My son, make me thy guide!'* 201 5 Arid canst thou still delay Th\ youthful heart to give; To consecrate each day For God alone to live? I love and d;ity not decide '•My Father, thou shah be my guide:- > Without the cheering light That beams from sacred truth, - How canst thou walk ariarht The giddy paths of youth? What dangers lurk on every - Unless thy Jesus is thy guide! 4 Then come, before the days Of darkness draweth nigh. And from thy doating gaze Both hope and pleasure fly: Oh! come to him, who for thee died, ■ our as thy guide 3 His paths are life and peace To all who walk therein; The cross imparts release From sorrow and from sin. In earth and flesh no more confide, But follow Jesus as thy gdidc. 6 He'll lead thee up to heights Where joys ambrosial bloom, And show thee sweet delights Bejond the frowning tomb. O'er Jordan's high and swelling tide Thy Father, God, will be thy guide. HYMN 95. L. M 1 SWEET is the day of sacred rest, No mortal car ■ shall seize my breast: O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. H* 202 2 But I shall share a nobler part When grace has well refin'd my hearj, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil, to cheer my head. 3 Then shall I see, and hear, and know, All 1 desir'd or wish'd below; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. HYMN 196. P.M. Chorus. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. 1 ZION' the marvellous story be telling, The Son of the Highest, how lowly his birth! The brightest archangel in glory excelling, He stoops to redeem thee, he reigns upon earth. Chorus. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. 2 Tell how he cometh, from nation to nation, The heart-cheering news let the earth echo round; How free to the faithful he offers salvation, How his people with joy everlasting are crown'd. Chorus- Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. 3 Mortals! your homage be gratefully bringing, And sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise; Ye angels! the full hallelujah be singing, One chorus resound through the earth and the skies. Chorus. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King, 203 HYMN 197. S. M. Compassion of Christ DID Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief, Burst forth from every eye. The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see! Be thou astonish'd, my sou), He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep; Each sin demands a tear; In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. HYMN 198. P. M i HASTEN, sinner, to be wise; Stay not for the morrow's sun: Wisdom, if you still despise, Harder is it to be won. 2 Hasten, mercy to implore; Stay not for the morrow's sun; Lest thy season should be o'er, Ere this evening's stage be run. 3 Hasten, sinner, to return; Stay not for the morrow's sun; Lest thy lamp should cease to burn ; Ere salvation's work is done. 4 Hasten, sinner, to be blest; Stay not for the morrow's sun Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. 204 HYMN 199. P. M. 1 LORD, with glowing heart I'd praise the* For the bliss thy love bestows; For the pardoning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows: Help, O God, my weak endeavour; This dull soul to rapture raise: Thou must light the flame, or never Can my love be warm'd to praise. 3 Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee,, Wretched wand'rer, far astray; Found thee lost, and kindly brought thee From the paths of death away: Praise, with love's devoutest feeling, Him who saw thy guilt-born fear, And, the light of hope revealing, Bade the blood-stain'd cross appear. 3 Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling Vainly would my lips express: Low before thy footstool kneeling, Deign thy suppliant's prayer to bless: Let thy grace, my soul's chief treasure, Love's pure flame within me raise; And, since words can never measure, Let my life show forth thy praise. HYMN 200. P. ]VL Trials 1 'TIS my happiness below, Not to live without the cross; But the Saviour's power to know, Sanctifying ev'ry loss. 2 Trials must and will befall; But with humble faith to see Love inscrib'd upon them all — This is happiness to me. 205 3 Did I meet no trials here, No chastisement by the way, Might I not with reason fear I should be a cast-away? 4 Trials make the promise sweet; — ' Trials give new life to pray'r; Bring me to my Saviour's feet, Lay me low, and keep me there- HYMN £01. L. M. 1 BE still, my heart! these anxious cares To thee are burdens, thorns, and snares. They cast dishonour on thy Lord, And contradict his gracious word. 2 Brought safely by his hand thus far, Why wilt thou now give place to fear' HcTw canst thou want if he provide, Or lose thy way with such a guide ? -3 When first before his mercy-seat, Thou didst to him thy all commit; He gave thee warrant from that hour, To trust his wisdom, love, and pow'r. 4 Did ever trouble yet befall, And he refuse to hear thy call? And has he not his promise past, That thou shalt overcome atlast? 5 Though rough and thorny be the road, It leads thee home apace to God; Then count thy present trials small, For heaven will make amends for all* CHORUSSES. AND I'll sing Hallelujah, And glory to the Lord on high, And I'll sing Hallelujah, There's glory flaming thro' the sky. Sing Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, We'll shout when we meet him in the air. the good old way, it's the righteous way: 1 hope to die in the good old way. O Hallelujah, Hallelujah, We are on our journey home. Hallelujah to the Lamb, Who hath purchas'd our pardon. We will praise him again When we pass over Jordan. Well beloved blessed Saviour, Well beloved Priest and King, Gmry to the Lamb that was slain, For us he did salvation bring Glory, honour, praise and power, Be unto the Lamb forever; Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms of victory you shall bear; Shout glory, glory, Palms of victory you shall bear 201 Sweet heaven, sweet heaven, Dear Lord when shall I get to heaven My d ying day is rolling round, Prepare me to go home, this is not my Canaan, My Canaan is above. help me to praise my loving Saviour. O for what he has done for me, Glory, honour and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign, And you'll sing Halleluiah, And I'll sing Hallelujah. And we'll all sing Hallelujah, When we arrive at home. Jesus is my friend, Hallelujah, Jesus is my friend. Glory, glory, the trumpet is sounding' Sounding aloud for the year of Jubilee. hinder me not for I will serve the Lord And praise him when I die. Sweet Canaan, happy, happy place, 1 am bound for the land of Canaan. Lord revive us, All our help must come from thee. the Lamb, the loving Lamb The Lamb of Calvary, ' The Lamb that was slain, And liveth again, To intercede for me. 208 And give him glory, For glory is his own, Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. lam bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me, Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. the place, what a happy place, The place where Jesus is lfl the place where the christians all shall meet, And never part again. Praise, praise him, Hallelujah. 1 own I'm base, I own I'm vile, But mercy's all my plea, Remember Lord, thy dying groans. And then remember me O sweet heaven, How I long to be complete. O who's like Jesus, Hallelujah, Praise ye ihe Lord; There's none lik<> Jesus, Hallelujah, Love and serve the Lord. INDEX. A. Page- Afflictions though they seem severe ... 87 A few more days on earth to spend . . .135 Almighty love inspire my heart, &c. ... 13 All hail the power of Jesu's name .... 108 Am I a soldier of the cross 179 And will the Judge descend . . . . . .111 Angels roll the rock away 107 Approach my soul the mercy seat . . . .122 Arise and shine, O Zion fair 65 Arise and hail the sacred day 69 As near to Calvary I pass 156 Attend young friends while I relate . . .72 Awak'd by Sinai's awful sound, .... 45 Awake, O guilty world, awake .... 62 Awake my soul in joyful lays . ... 184 Awake and sing the song 196 B. Begone unbelief, my Saviour ie near . , .121 Behold a stranger at the door 184 Be still, my heart! these anxious cares . . 205 Bright scenes of glory strike my sense . . 11 Brethren we have met to worship ... 59 Barst ye emerald gates and bring . . . , 30 210 C. Cast thy burdens on the Lord .... 1T9 Chcrusses 206 Come ye that Jove the Lord indeed ... 16 Come and taste along with me .... 129 Come tell me wandering sinner '. . . . 192 Come all ye weary travellers 53 Come saints and sinners hear me tell ... 55 Come my soul thy suit prepare .... 79 Come my soul and let us try 95 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast . . 96 Come Holy Ghost my soul inspire . . . .110 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove . . Ill Come and taste along with me 123 D. Dark and thorny is the desert 48 Daniel's wisdom may I know 190 Dearest Jesus, though unseen 105 Didst thou dear Jesus suffer shame . . .109 Did Christ o'er sinners weep 203 Don't you see my Jesus coming .... 22 Don't you see my Jesus coming 140 Drooping saints no longer grieve .... 128 E. Exulting, rejoicing, hail the happy morning, 131 F. Farewell, dear friends, I must be gone . . 42 Far above yon glorious ceiling .... 57 Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand, 76 Farewell, my dear brethren, I bid you farewell, 77 Far from my thoughts vain world be gone . 182 Father of mercies, God of love .... 146 Friends of Jesus come and dwell .... 98 011 Agft From the regions of love, &c 10 From all that's mortal, all that's Tain ... 89 whence does the union arise ... S9 From Egypt lately freed .96 From Salem's gates advancing slow . . .1*" G. God counts the sorrows of his saints ... 101 Grant, gracious Father, that this day . . 131 Great God on thee our trust is stay'd . . 138 Great Redeemer, friend of sinners . . .152 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah . . . . 119 H. Hail sovereign love that first began ... 18 HaiJ ye sighing sons of sorrow .... 154 Hail thou blest morn, &c 174 Hark from the tombs a doleful sound . . 110 H - the jubilee is sounding 58 Hark, my soul! it is the Lord 75 Hark' the voice of love and mercy . . .173 Hark the song of Jubilee 1S5 Hasten, sinner to be wise 203 Hearts of stone, relent, relent 117 Hear the rojal proclamation . . . . .177 Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumph, 99 How happy every child of grace .... 6 How lost was my condition 14 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight . . 79 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds . . 120 How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord, 163 How happy, how loving, how joyful 1 feel . 181 How sad are the moments when wandering &c. 191 I. If life's pleasures charm thee 151 I know n.a T my Redeemer lives 103 I love my blessed Saviour 82 212 I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my love, Ts I'll sing my Saviour's grace .166 In the house of King David a fountain did . s P rin S 64 In vain my fancy strives to paint ... 94 In all my Lord's appointed ways . • . . 97 In evil long I took delight 102 In ev'ry trouble sharp and strong . . . .116 It grieves me Lord, it grieves me sore . . 145 J. Jerusalem, my happy home 41 Jesus at thy command 26 Jesus and shall it ever be 49 Jesus I love thy charming name . . . .164 Jesus I throw my arms around 180 Jesus, I know, hath died for me . . . . 183 L. Listed into the cause of sin 24 Lift up your hearts, Immanuel's friends . * 46 Life is the time to serve the Lord . . . .181 Lord ray ransom'd soul adores thee ... 80 Lord when together here we meet . . . .135 Lo I come with joy to do 158 Lord and am I yet alive 161 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee , 204 M. Mercy, thou Son of David 15 Mortals, awake, with angels join . . . .113. My days, my weeks, my months, my years . 83 My God was with me all the night . . .100 My soul be on thy guard 122 N. Nay I cannot let thee 50 99 213 O. Pqge, God my heart with love inflame ... 3*7 give me Lord my sin3 to mourn .... 32 O how I have long'd for the coming of God, 12 O hearken sinners we have cause . . . 147 O how charming, how charming, . . . . 188 O Jesus my Saviour to thee 1 submit ... 9 O Jesus now thy power display .... 60 O Jesus my Saviour I know thou art mine . 61 O may I worthy prove to see 112 One there is above all others 126 On the brink of fiery ruin 134 there will be mourning 193 O there will be praising 193 O thou in whose presence, &c 34 thou whose guardian care hath kept . 131 O thou whose tender merry hears . . . .173 Our souls by love together knit .... 63 Our bondage it shall end by and by ... 143 Our Lord is risen from the dead . . . .199 O what amazing love 200 O when shall I see Jesus 33 O where shall rest be found 195 O why should unbelief 162 O Zion afflicted with wave upon wave . . 126 P. People of the living God 196 R. Remember sinful youth you must die . . .170 Return, O wanderer, return 180 Rise my soul and stretch thy wings ... 88 Saw ye my Saviour, &c. 4 ■ 214 Saviour visit thy plantation 169 See the Lord of glory dying . . • L . . .117 See the eternal Judge descending . . . 156 Show me the souls to doubt expos'd . . .165 Shout the