E P S AUIPMW36 DAVID I N METRE. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the original Text, and former Tranilations. Vlore plain, imooth and agreeable to the Text, than any heretofore. Allowed by the Authority of the General Aflembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be fung in Congregations and Families. ' ®§& EDINBURGH: Printed by Alexander Kivcatd His Majcfty's Printer. MDCCLXIV. 1 The PSALMS of DA VI D in Metre. PSALM I. PSALM IIT. f* "■ H, Ha * nian i> a ^ perfect blefled- /"\ Lord, how are my foes increai'df ■ whowalkethnotaftray (ne.s, KJ : — : In counsel of ungod y men JL nor ftands in finners w.y, Nor fitteth in the {corners char : 2 But placet/a his d»l ght -Upon God's lavr, and meditates on his Jaw day and night. 3 He fhall be like a tree that grows near planted by a river> Which in his fealbn yields his fruit, and his leaf fadctu never: And all he doth fha!l orofper well. 4 The wicked are not lb : BJt like they are unto the chaff which wind drives to and fio. 5 In judgment therefore fhall not ftand fuch as ungcd'y are. Nor in th' aflembly of the juft fhall wicked men appear. 6 For why ? the way of godly men unto the Lord i • known : Whereas the way of wicked men Hull quite be overthrown. PSALM II. TTTHy rage the heathen ? ?.ni vain W why do the people mind r f things 2. Kings of the earth do fet themfclves, and princes are comtjin'd, To plot againft the Lord, and his Anointed, faying tiros, 3 Let us afunder break their bands, and c&ft their cords from us. 4 He*h?.t in he2ven fits fhall laugh: the Lo^d fhal! fcorn them al!. 5 Then fhall he fpeakto them in wrath, in rage he -vex them fhall. 6 Yet notwithftanding I have him. to be my King appointed : And o'er Sinn my holy h il I hive him Kiog anointed. 7 The fure decree I wi li declare s the Lord hath fai Thou art mine only Son, this day I have begotten thee. 8 Alk of me, and for heritage- the heathen I'll mske thine j And, for poii'erTion, I to thee wiil give earth's utmoft line. 9 Thou fhalt, is with a weighty rod of iron, break them all ; And, as a potters fherd, thou fhalt them d?.fh in pieces fin all. 10 Nov.- therefore, k'hgs, be wi, 1 ?, he ye judges of the earth. (taught, 11 Serve God in fear, and fee that ye Join trembling with ycur mirth. 12 Kifs ye the Son, left In hit ire ye p-rifh from the way, If r :-. o !v« wrath begin to burn : bi.-u all Jul or. km fay. agaJnft me many rife. 2 Many lay of my foul, i-'orhim in God no luccbur Ue;. 3 Yet thou my fhield and glory art, «h* uplifrer of mine head. 4 I cry'd, and from h:s holy hill the Lord me anfwer m?.de. 5 I laid me down, and flept, I wak'd, for God l!:fiained me. 6 I will not fear, though thoufantis tea fet round againft me be. 7 Arile, O Lord, fave rr.e, my God ; for thou my foes haft ftroke All on the cheek- b-,r.e, and the ttetfe of wicked men haft broke. 8 Salvation doth apperaia un'o the Lord alone: Thy bleflinp, Lord, for evermore thy peopie is upon. PSALM IV. Give ear unto me w!-en I call, God of my nghreouine r s ; Have mercy, hear my cray'r, thou haft enlarg'd me in dftrefy. a O ye the Tons of men, how iOBg will ye love vanities f How long my glory turn to flume, and will ye follow lies ? 3 But know that for himfelf the Lord the gtd!y m.'.n dnth C' . The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will no: rtt'Je. { heart 4 Fear, and fin nor r talk with your on bed, and Alert be. 5 OS 'rings prefent of righteoufnefs, and in the Lord truft ye. 6 who will fhew us any good i i) that which many fay : But of t\>y countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. 7 Up-n my heart, Left, w'd by thee, . more gladnefs I have found, [w'ne Than they, ev'n then, when corn and did moft with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down in peace, snri quiet fieep will tale ; B'caufe thou only me to dwell in fafsty, Lord, doft make. PSALM V. Give ear unto my words, Lord, my meditation weigh. (Gcd, 1 Hear my loud cry, my King, my for I to thee will p r ay. 3 Lord, thou fhalt early hear my voice, I early will direct My prayer to thee, ? r d Ipokng Up an anfwer wi:i 4 Ft>r thou a-t . ot a God that co;h in wkkeonefs delight ; C£g2 Nether K«Uher (hall evil dwell w'.th thee ; 5 Nor fool? Hand in thy fight: All tiiar i't-doprs are thou bat'tt. 6 Cu-'ft off that Bars be: The bloody and cecitful man abhorred is by thee. 7 But I into rhy houfe will come in thine abundai t grace : And r wll worfh p in thy fear toward* thy holy place. 8 Becaufe of thole mine enemies, Lord, in thy nghteoufnefs Do t;iou rr.e lead ; do thou thy way make ftraight before my face. 9 For in 'heir mouth there is no truth, their inward part is ill ; Their throat's an open icpuJchre, their tongue doth flatter sill. PSALMS vi, vn. 5 Becaufe of thee in dea'b there QaU no more remembrance be : Of thcfe that in the grave do ly» who lhall give thanks to thee * 6 I with mr groaning weary am, and al! the night mv bed I cauled for to fwsm :" with tear* my couch I watered. 7 My reafon of my vexing ejief, mine eye confiimed is ; It waxeth old became of all that be mine enemies. 8 But now depart from me, a'l ye that work iniquity : (voice, Tor why, the Lord hath heard my when I did mourn and cry. o U*to my Amplication the Lord did hearing give ; 10 o God, deftroy them, let them be w \"* \°; ZV^ZLzZ^* bv their own counfel auell'd : w * en J to . Ji, . m ^ P r ?> er nttkc * by their own counfel quell'd Them tor their many fins catt oar, for they 'gainft thee rebell'd. 1 1 But let all joy that truft in thee, and ftlll make fhouting noife : Kor them thou fav'ft : let all that love thy name in thee rejoice. 12 For, Lord, unto the righteous man thou wilt thy bleffing yield : Wi h favour thou wilt compact him about, as with a fhield. PSALM VI. LOrd, in thv wra;h rebuke me nor, nor in thy hot rage chaften me. Z Lord, pity me, for I am weak heal me, for my bones vexed be. 3 My foul is alfo vexed fore j (make I but, Lord, how long flay wilt thou 4 Return, O Lord, my foul let free ; fave me for thy mercy's fake. 5 Becaufe t:-ofe -hat deceafed are, of thee fhall no remembrance have: And who is he that will :r. thee give praife r , l>ing in the grave ? 6 I with my proaning weary am, 1 alfo, all the night, my bed Have caufed for to fw.m i and I with tears my cnuch have watered. 7 Mine eye, confum'd with prief,Rrowa becaufe of all mine enenve-. (,>lr|, 8 Hence from mc wicked workers »!!, the Lord will it receive. id Let all be mam'd and troubled fore that en'mies are to me ; Let them ruin back* and fuddenljr aihamed let them be. PSALM VII. OLord, my God, in thee do I my confidence i epofe : Save and deliver me from all my perfecutng foes. 7. Left that the enemy my foul mould like a lion tear. In piece* renting it, while there i h no deliverer. 3 O Lord my God, if it be fo that T committed this: If r be fo that in my hands iniquity t'-.erc is: 4 If I rewarded ill to him that was at oeace with nee ; • (Yea,rv'n the man that without ciuft my foe was I did free) 5 Then let the foe purfue, and take mv fo. .1, and my life thruft Down to the earn, and It feim lay mine honour in the tivft. 6 Rife in thy wrath, Lord, raife thyfelf for my foes raging be ; And to the judgment which thou haft commanded, wake for me. for God hath heard ay « 'eeping cries. 7 So (hail th' aflembly of thy folk 9 God hart> mv implication beard, ahout en compaf» thee : * .^c y v Pr *C re " i ; ed Crtctoufly (foes, Tnou therefore, for their fakes, return unto ifhyalace on high. 8 The Lord he (hall the people judge: my judge, Jehovah, be, Afcer my righteoufneft, and mine integrity in me. IO Sham'd and fore vex'd be" all my lham'd and back turned fuddenjy. SbViBtT tf the fame. IN thy g-eat indignation, O Lord, rebuke me nor: Nor c\\ mc lay ihv chtftnlng hand in thy difp lea lure hot. h»vr mercy, and me (pare: 9 O let tht wicked's malice end, l'ti f ftablifli ftcdfaftly r the riphteousGod the hearts and reins d. th tn . Heal mr, OLord, becaufe thouknow** 10 In God. who Lives th' upright in my bones much vexed are. is my defence and fray. (h»arj. 3 My fall is vexed lore : but Lord, ,l (,0 <*zy. 4 JL C T' :, I'' 'i' f '" ";>, !ou! > "< fcW »* I^he do cot return lfa t , ac lor thy merc^i fake, then he blifword will whet j Hit psalms vm, IX, X. His bow he hath already bent, icrt hath it reacy fct. 13 Ke *kfo hath for h m prepar'A the irt(rrumer»ts of ocata : A*a;'nft the persecutors he iiis (hafts oraained bath. 14. Behold, he wi-h intuit/ doth travail as in birth ; A mifebief fce conceiver. i.aro, and fslihood (hail bnnp fo.th. 7 God (hall endare for ay, he doth for judgment ie- bis throne : 8 In. rigbteoufnef* to judge the worli!| jufHce to give each one Q God alio will a re* age be for thoie that are eppreft i A refuge will he be in times of trouble to ciiftiefi. 10 And rhey that know thy name, ia th£ir confidence wiil plate : (theo 15 He made a pit, aad d:gg'd it deep) For thou bzft not fomken them another tbe.-e to -aire. But he is (att'n into the d ten which be himfeJf d.d make. 16 TJoon hit own head his mifebief (hall be return d home } His Vi*Ient dea i- g a!fo down on his own pate mail come. 17 According to h.s ngbteoufhefs the Lord I'll magn.fv : And will fing praife unto the name of God that is moft high. PSALM vin. HOw excellent in aU the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name ! Who haft thv glory far ad vane 'd above the carry frame, (mouth And that I may rejoice always 2 From infants and from fjcfcliogs in thy deliverance thou dideft ftrcngth ordain, For thy foes can fe, that fo thou m gh t'ft th' avenging foe retrain. 3 When I look up unto the heav'ns, which thine own fingers fram'd, tfnto the moon, and to the Bars, which were by thee ordain'd, 4 Then (ay I, What is man, that be remembred is by ihee ? that truly leek thy (ace. 11 O ling ye praifes to the Lord, . that dwells in Zton h»I! : And, ail he nation^ among, his deeds record ye ftill. 12 Allien be enquireth after blood) te then re*rembreth them : 1 he humble folk he no: foigets, tbst ca;i upon h*s ntme. I."? Lo-d, pity me, behold the grief which I from foes fuftaia , 'deatn iVn thou, who from the gates of ocft raife me up again : 14 That I, in Sion's daughters gate*) may all thy praife advance : 15 The beaJten ate funk in the pit, which they themfelves piepar'd j And eyes do fee, his eye-Hds try S mci;3 fo.i*. The jiift he proves! s fiatb faid, But his foul hires ihc wicked man, I fhaH i jr.d him that vi'lence Ices. > tone ^ Snares, fire and brimftone, furious ,L on finners he fh*!l rain t (ftorms 7 His mouth with curling, fraud, de- This, as the portion of tr.eir cup, ftlHi! is fill'd abundantly: And underneath his congee there is mifchier" and vanity, 8 He dolly fit* in villages j he flays the inn >cent : Againft the poor, that pafs him by, his cruel eyes are bent- He lion-like lu-Jcs fa his den ; he wait* th- poor to take : A'id, when he draws him in his net, hi-, pn e he doth him make. 10 Himfelf he tiumh'.eth very low, lie croucheth down withal. That Jo a multitude of poor may by his ftrong ones till. 11 He thus hath fa ; d within his heart, The Lord hath quite forgot: Ht h.d^s w.<. countenance^ and he f jr ever fees it not. 12 O Lord, do thou arife; O God, life up thine hand on hie'ti: Put net r he meek afflicted ones out of ttiy memory. 13 Why is it thst the wicked man thiii doth the Lord tie'.u ie *. Beca-jfe, that Gn!cou!nefs delight, And with a pleafxnt countenance beholdeth the upright. PSALM XII. . . . Lord, becaufe th doth diily fade away And from among cbe fons of men the faithful do decay, % Unto h:s neifchhour evVy one doth utter vanity : Thfy with a double heart do i'peak» and lips of flattery. 3 God (hall cut off all flstcYing lips, tongues that fpeak proudly, thus, 4 We 1 !! wirh our tongue prevail, out are ours : who's Lord o'er us t (lips 5 For poor oppreft, and for the fighs of needy rile will I, Sairh God, and him in fafety fet from fm.li as him defy. 6 The words of God are words moft they be like fiiver ti\'d (pure, In earthen furnace, feven times that hath been pur'.fy'd. (ke( and fpite thou wilt a T>;e p- or commas htmfeJf to thee, thou art the oiphans itay. IS The arm break of the wicked man, and of the evl one; I'.eV out his wickednefs, until thou findeft none. 8 On each fide wa'k the wicked, when vile men are high in phice. PSALM XIII. HOw long wilt thou forget me. Lord, (hail it for ever be ? O nov. loni (hall it be, that thou wilt hide thy face from me ? 16 The Lord is King through ages all, z How . lor)? taM com** in my foul, ev n to cternirv The hea hen people from h.s land are perifh'd utterly. ftil! fad infesrr, fhail I ? How long exalte;.' ihall be mine enemy r 3 O Lord my God, confidcf xvell, ard anfWer to me make : 17O Lord, of tbnfe that humble are tiiou the defire dioft hear : Thou wit prepare their heart, and thou Mine eyes enlighten, left the fleep to hear wilt hend thine ear, of death me overtcke. 18 To j !d : e the fatherlels, and thofe 4 Left that mine enrmv Oiould f*v, tha: are opcreiled lore : Againft him I prevail'd ; That m?.n, tha' is but fprung of earth, And the'e that trouble me rejoice, may them opprefa no more. PSALM XI. I In the Lord do put my truft j • is thr-n tha- ye Klre as a bird unto your mountain ; 2 For 1 ., the wicked bind their bow, rhe.r fhafM on flrmgt they fit, i c in heart I bit* 3 If the foundar <4is be deftroy'd, w'mt hath the nKhtfou, done t . in bea/en u bis thione : when I am mov'd and faii'u. 5 But I have all my confidence thy mercy fet upon ; My heart within me mall rejoice in :hy fal 6 I will unto the Lord my God fing praifes cheerfully, Becauic he hath his bu.mty fhOWO to me *biinriantly. ■\ L M XIV. T: :■ is not a Gjd, the fool do:h in his henr r conewtfa : J are vile, lUii ouc of tUtin do a Upon PSALMS 2. TTpon fE^ns fbps the Lord from cid caO h:s eyes ibrosd j [heav'n i To fee if any unoerftood, and did frek after God. 3 They attogejifcer filthy are, they all afide are gone j And there is none that doeth good, o;ie. 4 Thefe worker* of iniq jkjr, : 3t know a: ail, my people eat as bread, and on God do not call I 5 There fear'd they much ; for God is 'he v.hole race of the iufr. [wirh '.me the counfel of the poor, becaufe God is h's tr jO. 7 Let IfraH's help from zion come : when back, the Lord ftiall bring Bis captives, Jacob mall rejoice, and Iirael mall ting. PSALM XV. Within thy tabernacle, Lord, who mall abide with :hee ? Ant! in thy high and holy hill who (hall a dweller be r 2. The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh rigfcteoufr.efs. And, as he thinkcth in hi3 heart, fo Hcth he tru-h exprefs. 3 Who doth not (ladder with his tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt : Nor yet aga;nft his neighbour do:h rake uo an ill report. 4 In whbfe eyes vile men are defpis'd; but thofe that Gcd do fear He honoureth : and ctnngeth not, though to his hurt he fwear. 5 Hi< coin puts not to ufury, ror wke reward will he Agamd the guiltle s. Who doth thus, fliail never moved be PSALM XVI. LOrd, keep rr.e : for I truft in thee. 2 To God thua was my fpeech, Thou art my Lord, and unto thee my Eoodnefe doth not reach : 3 To faints on earth, to th' excellent, where*my delight's are plac'd. 4 Their forrcws fhall be multiply'd, to other gods that hafte : Of their drink-offerings of blood I will no offring make j Vea, neither I their very names uo in my lips will take. 5 God is of mine inheritance and cup the portion : The io: that failen is to me thou dor* maintain alone. 6 Unto me htppi'y the lines in pleafant places fell j Vea. the inheritance I got, in beau:y doth excel. the Lord, becaufe he doth by counfel me condo& : And, in the fea'.bns o: the ni{fit, m/ reins do me i, fr.-uct. XV, XV u XVII. Doth ever itar.d at my right h.'.hd« I (hail nut moved he. 9 Becaufe of this my heart is glad, and joy mall be expreft Ev'n by my glory : and my flelh in confidence (ball re*. 10 Becaufe my fo-jl in grave to dwell (hall not be left oy thee ; Nor writ thou give thine holy One corruo:ion to fee. 1 1 Thou wilt me mew the path of life: of joys there is full ftore Before thy face, at thy right hand axe pleafures evermore. PSALM XVII. LOrd, hear the right, attend my cry, unto my pray'r g:ve heed. That do:h not in hypocrify from feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy prefence forth my fen fence do thou fend Toward thefe things that equal are, do thou thine eyes intend. 3Theu prov'dit. minehearr,rhou vifit'dft by nig it, thou didft me try, (me Vet nothing foundft i for that my mc u ih lhalt not (in, purposed I. 4 As for mens works, I, by the word that from thy lips doth flow, Did me prelerve out of the paths wherein deftroyers go. 5 Hold uo my goings, Lord, me guide in thofe thv paths divine, £o that my footfteps may not Aide out of thofe ways of thine. 6 I called have on thee, O God, becau'.e thou wilt me bear : That thou may 'ft hearken to my fpeech, to me incline thine ear. 7 Thy wondrous loving kindnefs (how, thou that, by thy right hand, Sav'ft them that truft in thet;,from thofe that up ?.gainfc the 8 As th"' apple of the eye me keep ; in thy wings (hade rce clofe : 9 From lewd oppreGbr:., compafiing me round, as deadly foes. 10 In their own fat they are inclos^, their mou'h fpeaks loftily. HO recpsthey compaftiADd to ground down bowing fct their t>e. 12 He like unto a lion is, that's greedy of hio prey, Or lion young, which lurking d«tft in fecret places ftay. 13 Arife, and difappoinr my foe, and caO hiai down, O Lo- d : My foul lave from tie wicked mar?, the man which is thy fword. (Lord, 14 From men winch are thy hand, O from wordly men me fave. Which only in this prefent life their part and portion have : Whofc belly with thy treafure hid thou f U'ft ; they children hive In pl?rry, ot their goods the reft the}' to their chi'dren !ea,e. G g g 4 15 But psalm xvur. C J But as for me ; I thine own face Becaufe he faw that they for me in rightcnu fact's will fee : too ftrong were, and too great. *?/!}*£ H 1 2L lik /? ef9 ' whcn l awake ' «8 They me prevented .n the daf I fatisfy'd (hail be. of my ca i a mity : PSALM XVIII. THee will I love,0 Lord, my ftrength. 2 My fortrels is the Led, My rock, and he that doth to me deliverance afford : My God,my ftrength, whom I willtruft, a buckler unto me, The horn of my fah acion, and my high tow'r is he. 3 Upon the Lord, who worthy is of praties, will I cry ; And then (hall I preferred be fafe from mine enemy. 4 Floods of ill men aftrighted me, death's oanf,s about me went. 5 Hell's sorrows me invfroned: death's fnares did me prevent. 6 In my diftrefs I call'd on God, cry to my God aid I : He from his temp'e heard my voice, to his ears came my cry. ((hake, 7 Th' earth, as affrighted, then did trembling upon it fe-z'd ; The hills foundations moved were, becaufe he was difpleas'd. 8 Up from his noftrils came a fmoke, and from his mouth there came Devouring fire, and coals by it were turned into flame. 9 He alfo bowed down the heav'm, and thence he did defcend : And thickeft clouds of darknefs did under his feet attend. 10 And he upon a cherub rode, and thereon he dd fly : Yea, on the fwift wings of the wind his flight was from on huh, But even then the Lord himfelf a ftay was unto me. 19 He to a place, where liberty and room was, hath me b-ougnt : Becaufe he took delight in me, he my deliverance wrought. 2.0 According to my righteoufnefa he d;d me recompense, He*me repaid according to my hands f.u.e innocence. (God 2.1 For I God's ways kect, from my d dnot turn wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, X his laws put not from me. 23 Sincere before him was my heart, wi-h him upright was I : A ad watchfully I kept myfelf from mine inquity. 24 After my righter ufnefs the Lord hath recompenfed me, After the cieannefs of my hands appearing in hs eye. 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, to upright men upright. (kyth'ft 26 Pure to the pure, froward thou unto the froward wight. 27 For thou wilt the arfiVtcd fave, in grief that low do ly : But wilt bring down the countenance of them wnofe looks are high. 28 The Lord will light my candle fo, that it (hall (nine full bright : The Lord my God will alfo make my darknefs to be hght. (break* 29 By thee through trcops of men I and them dlfcomfit all : And, by my God aififting me, I over-leap a wail. 11 He darknefs made his fecret place . A$ for God ftft , f h , f about him, for his «"H J the Lord h.s word is try'd : Dark waters were, and thickeft clouds He •„ g buckJer t0 aJ) tno ' fe of th' airy firmament. wfl0 do ia nim confid< .. 12 And at the brightnefs of that light 3» Who but the Lord is Gcd ? but he which was before his eye, vrtu is * rock and ftay r (ftrength, His thick cloudt paft avr»y, hail-ftcne« 3* Til God that girdeth me with and coali of fire did fty. 13 The Lord God alfo in the heav'ni did thunder in his ire ; And there the Higheft gave his voice, hail-ltones and coals of fire. 14 Vea, he his arrowa fent abroad, and them he fcatterrd ; His lichtninp^ alio he fhot out, and them (iiicomfited. and perfect makes my way. 33 He made my feet fwift as the hinds, fet me on my high places. >arms 34 Mine handt to war he taught, mine brake bows of fteel tn pieces. 35 The fhield ot thv falvation thou did'ft on me heftow: Thy right hand held me up, and great tf.y kindnels made me grow, IS The water* chaneh then were feen, 36 And, in my way, my fteps thou haft the world's foundations vaft, enlarged under me : At thy rebuke difcovtri were, That I go fafely, and my feet and a- :hy noftrils blaft. aie kept from fl ding free. 16 And from above the Lord fent down, »7 ™j[* '^•»Jj*£j I 5 - have ' and took mc from below. From rruny wa er* he me drew, which w.juld me overflo and did them ovfrtakr: Nor did I turn agnn, till I an end of them did make. 17 He merehev'afrommy ftrongfoes, 331 woundedthem.thqrx^uld not rife, they At my feet did tali. and fych a, d.d me hate , 39 Thoo PSALMS XIX, XX, XXI. 39 Thou BJrdedHfc me with ftrengh for ib Thsy, more thin go!d, yea, much war : my foes thou broughrft down all. 40 Ar,d thou hart giv'n to me the necks of ali mine encaiies : That I might them deftroy and flay who dm agauaft me rile* 41 They cried out, but :bere v.aa none that would or could them lave : Tea, the) did cry unto the Lord, . but he 00 anfwer gave. 4.2 Then did I beat them fmall as duft before the wind that flies : And I d-d caft them out like dirt upon the ftreet that ues. 43 Thou mad 'ft me free from people's and heathen's head to be : (ftnfe, A people, whom I have not known, mall fervice do to me. 44 At bearing they fhall me obey, to me they mall fubmit. 45 Strangers for fear ihall fade away, who in clofe places lit. :o be oeJuca ate : {fine gold," Ta*n huney, houty from the comb that aioppeilv, tweeter far. 11 Moreover, they thy fervant warn ho-.v i.e his life ihouid frame : A gieat rew?ja provided »s tor them tha: keep the fame. 12 Who can his errors uneeutand ? cleanle thou me within, ( keep* 13 From fecret faults. Thy ieryaul from all prefumptuous fin, And do not furfcr them to have dominion o?er me : Then righteous and innocent 1 from much fin thai; be. (proceed, 14 The words which from my moutn the thoughts feot from my heart, Accept, O Lord, fcr tnou my fcreugUi and my Redeemer art. PSALM XX. JEhovah bear thee in the day when trouble he doth fend : And let the name of Jacob's God thee from all ill defend. 46 God lives, bleft be my Rock ; the of my health praifed be. (God 47 Goo notn avenge me, and fubducs 2 O let him help lend from aboyf, me people under me. out of bis fanttaary : 4S He laVe* me from mine enemies : Prom Zion his own holy hill, yea, thou haft lifted me let him give ftieng h to thee. Arjove my foes ; and from the man _ .. . ^ . „ tk - -- »' "''«-« « -« *~ 3 Ig&ZSSHS,* "' « f '\U, 49 Therefore to thee will I give thanks 4 Grant thee thine heart's with, and the heathen folk among : thy tcougt.fS and counfel wife. And to my Name, O Lot d, J will 5 In thy laivation we will joy i fing pra:ies in a long. in our God's name we will 50 He great delivYance gives bis king : Difplay our banners : and the Lord he mercy doth extend thy prayers all fulfil. T i2*h??5-, I 2 Z££!f?J!£* 6 Now know I, Gcdhis king doth five, and bis leea without end. ^ from ^ £ oIy heay , Q & » PSALM XIX. Will hear him, w.th the laving ftrengtft THe hea/os God's glory do declare : . **. *** <> WD r ;6bt hand girn. the tides his hand-works preach. * In i chariots fome put confidence, a Day utters lpeech to day, and night „ f ? me DOrfes t f jft U P™ : to nf B htdnr J! iTnnuM-d^riL-h. fwhtrH But we remember will the name to night dutUi knowledge teach, (which 3 There is no lpeech, nor tongue, to their voice doth not extend, (earth, 4 Their line is gone through all the their words to the world's end. In them he fet the fun a cent, S Who bridegroom-like form goes of our Lord God alone. 8 We rife, and upright ftand, when they are bowed down, and fall. 9 Deliver, Lord, and let the King us hear, when we do tali. PSALM xxr. Promschunixr,asaftcongmandath, r^He feng in thy greac strength, fj to run hi. race, rejoice. 1 ernacle I'll fsuiiSces cring Of jo)fulnels, I'll ling, yea, I to God will praifes hng. > 7 O Lord, give ear unto my voice, when I do cry to thee : Upon me alfo mercy have, and do thou anfwer me. (face, 3 When thou didft fay, Seek ye my then unto thee reply Thus did my heart, Above all things thy face, Lord, feek will I. 9 Far from me h;de not thou tfy face, put not away from thee Thy fervant in thy wrath: thou haft an helper been to me. O God of my falvation, leave me not, nor forfake. (leave, 10 Though me my parents both mould the Lord will me up t*he. Ii O Lord, inftrufr. me in thy way, to me a leader be In a plain path, became of thofe that hatred bear to me. 12 Give me not to mine en'mies will ; for wicnefles that lie Againft me rifen are, and fuch as breath out cruelty. 7 The Loro's my ftrength and frielda upon him did rely \ And I am helped ; nei-.ce rny heart doth joy exceedingly ; And w:;h my for.g I will him praiac. 8 Their ftre.ngth is Gcd p.loas: He alfo is the faying ftreng'.h of h s anointed one. 9 O thine own people do thou fave, blefs th ne inheritance J Them aiio do thou feed, and ihcm for evermore advance. PSALM XXIX. Give ye unto the Lord, ye fhns that of the mighty be, All ftrengh and glory to the Lord with cheerfumei\ give ye. a Unto the Lora the glory give, that to his name is due ; And in the beauty of bohnefs, ■ onto Jehovah bow. 3 The Lord's voice on the waters is: the God of ma efty Doth thunder, and on multitudes of waters fitteth he. 4 A powerful voice it is, that cornea out from the Lord moft hi^h ; The voice of that great Lo; d is full of glorious majefty. 5 The voice of the Eternal dotli afunder cedars tear : Yea, God the Lord doth cedars break that Lebanon dotb bear. 6 He makes them like a calf to /kip, ev'n that great Lebanon, And like to a young unicorn, the mountain Sirion. 7 God's voice divides the flame* of ■ 8 The deiert it doth make : (fire: f t.^t'f °",I h Iil° r .^a°i. be Ch0U The Lord doth make the Witdernefs 13 I fain red had, unlefs that I believed had to lee The Lord's own goodnefs in the land of them tha. living be. (ftrong, and he mail ftrength afford Unto thine heart, yea, do thou wait, I lay, upon the Lord. PSALM XXVIH. TO thee I'll cry, Lord, my reck, hold not thy peace to me: Left like thofe that to pit defcend I by 'hy filence be. a The voice hea- of my humble pray'rs when unto thee I cry : %1'hen to .hy holy oracle I iift mine hands on high. of Kadefh all to quake. (calve, 9 Gad's voice doth make the hinds te it makes the foreft bare: And in his temple ev'ry one his glory doth declare. 10 The Lord fits on the floods: the fits Kmg, and ever (hall. (Lord li TheLord will give his people ItrejjptJi and with peace blefs them all. riALM XXX. Lord, 1 will thee extol, for thou haft lifted me on high, Ana over me thou to rejoice rr.ad'ft nor mine enemy. 3 with ill men draw me not away, that work iniquity : (in That ipeak peace to their friends, while 2. O thou who art the Lord my God, their hearts d^th mifchief ly. I in difrref* to 'bee 4 Gve them according rx tne.r e'eeds, With loud cries lifted up my voice, and ills endeav and thou haft healed me. And, as their handy-works deferve, 3 Lord, mv foul thou haft brought up, to them be rende: ed. and re f C u'd from the grave ; 5 God mall no: builo, but them deftroy, Tha " l l0 pit fh ? uld not eo down, who would net undevftand auve thou d,' e thai are his nol >' ones » the do-.ng of his hand. fin & P ra » !e un: o 'he Loid : 6 Fo- ever bleiTea he the Lord, And « ,ve unt0 him thanks, when you for grac o •ifly he heard h,s holmeis record. The voice of 'my petition*, 5 For, but a moment lafts his wrath and prayers did regard. life in his favour lies: Weepittf HALMS Weep T ng may frr a night endure, at morn doth joy arife. 6 In my proipeiity I laid, that nothing (hall me move. 7 O Lord, thou haft my mountain made to ftand ftiong by thy love : But whan that thou, O gracous Gcd, didft hide thy face from me, Then quickly was my profpVous ftate turn'd intomiiery. 8 Wherefore unto the Lord my cry I caufed to afcend : My humble iupu!kat>on I to the Lord did feed. 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to pit r Shall unto thee the ciuft give praife r thy truth declare ihall it ? (Lord. 10 Hear, Lord, have mercy, help me, H Thou turned haft my tkdnefs To danc ng; ye?, my fackci urn loos'd, and Cird.-d me with gladoeiV. 12 T'lat fing thy praife my g!ory may, ar.a never filent be: lord my God, for evermore I will g ve thanks to thee. p s a l m xxxr. IN thee, O Lord, I put my truft, iham'd let me never be : According to thy righteoufnefs do thou deliver me. 1 Bow down thine ear to me, with fpeed fend me deliverance : To lave me, my ftron^ rock be thou, and my houfe of defence. 3 Eecaufe thou art my rock, and thee I for my forcrefs t*ke : Theref re do thou me lead and guide, ev'n for thine own name's fake. 4 And fith thou art my ftrcngth, there- pull me out of the net, (fore Which they in i ubtilty for rae fo privily have fe:, 5 Into thine hands, I do commit my fp'rft; for thou art he, O thou Jehovah, God of tru:b, •hat ha& redeemed me. 6 Taofe that do lying vanities regard, I hav«; abl But as fer me, my confidence is fxed on the Loid. 7 I'll in thy mercy gladly joy: for thou ray iniferies Conf.der'd haft ; thou haft my foul known in adverfiries. fc And thou haft not inclofed me within the en'mies hand y And by tree have my fee: wen made in a large room to ftand. 9 O Lord, uoon me mercy have, fo. trouble »s on me : Wine eye, my belly, and my foul with gr ef combined be. 10 Becaufe my life with grief H fpent, mv ye u far my fin ton:ugicd are my bon.e». xxxr, xxxii. ill was a icnrn to all my foe*, and 'o my friends a fe.»r : Ana Ipecially reproached of thofe that were my neighbour s near : When they me faw, they from me fled* 12 Ev'n fo am I forgot, As men are out of mind when dead : I'm like a broken pot. 13 For flanders I of many heard, fear compaft me, while they Againft me did confult, and plot to take my life away. 14 But as for me, O Lord, my truft upon thee I did lay : And I to thee, Thou aft my God, did confidently Uy. 15 My times are wholly in thine hand, do thou deliver me From their hands, that mine enemiet and periecutors be. 16 Tfy countenance to mine do thou upon thy fervant ffialce ; Unto me-givefalvation, for thy great mercies fake. Let wicked men be mam 'a, let them be filent in the grave. IS To filence put the lying lipe, that srievous things do fay, And hard reports, in oride, and fcorn, on righteous men do lay. 19 How great's the goodnefs thou for that fear thee keep'rt inftore; (them And wrought 1 * for them that trtift in the fons of men before ! (thee 20 In fecret of thy prefence thou fhalt hide them from man's pride : From ttrife of tongues thou clofly fhalt as in a tent them hide. 21 AH praife and thank* be to the Lord} for he hath magnify 'd His wondrous love to me within a city fortify 'd. 22 For from thine eyes cdt off I am, (I in my hafte had faid,l My voice yer heardft tbou, when to thee with cries my mone I made. 23 O love the Lord, all ye his faint9; becaufe the Lord doth guard The fa.thful, 3nd he plentcoufly proud doers doth reward. 1\ Be of good courage, and he ftrergth unto your heart fhall fend. All ye whofe hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend. psalm xxxir. OBIcfied is the man, to wh' m is freely pardoned AM the tianfgrelfion he hath done, whole fin is covered. 2 Bieft is the man to whom the Lord lmputeth not his fin, And in whole mYit there is no guile, uor fraud is found therein. 3 When as Idiriiefrain 1 tnd filent was my tongue Ml psalms xxxin, XXXIV. 8 Let earth, and si! that live therein^ with rev'rence fear che Lord Let all the world's inhabitants dread him with one accord. 9 For he did fpeak the word, and dooQ it wa6 without delay j Eftablifhed it firmly flood, whatever he did fay. 10 God doth the counfel bring to sought which heathen folk do take i And what the people do devife, of none effett doth make. ii O 7 but the counfel of the Lord doth feand for ever furs, And of his heart the purpofes from age to age endure. 12 That nation bieiTed is, whofe Godh J E H O V A H is, and thofe A blefled people are, whom for his heritage he cbofe. (behold* 13 The Lord Jrom beav'n, lees and all fons of men full well. ( place from trouble keeo me tree: My bw.es then waxed old, becaufe I roreti all day long. 4 Fot uoon me both day and night thine hand drd heavy \y ; So that my moirture ruraed is »n lummer's drought thereby. 5 I thereupon have unto thee my fin acknowledged, Ar.d hkewife mine iniquity I have not covered : I will coufefi unto the Lord my trcipafTes, laid I; And' of my fin thou freely did ft rorgne th' iniquity. 6 For thii fhall evVy godly one his prayer make to thee, In fuch a time he fliall thee feek, as found thou niayeft be. Surely, when floods of waters great do fwe.l uo to the brim, They fhall not overwhelm his foul, nor once come near to him. from trouble keep me free Thou, with fcr.gs of deliverance, (halt compais me. 8 I will inftruct thee, ar.d thee teach tr e way that thou fhait go ; Jknd, with mine eye upon theefet, I will direction fhew. 9 Then be nor like the horfe or mule, which do not underfland ; rther 15 He forms their hearts alike, and all tbe-r doings he obferves. (ftrength 16 Great hods fave not a king, much no mghy man prefer ves. 17 An node for prefervation is a deceitful thing: And, by the greatnefs of his ftrengt&t can no deliv'rance bring. "Whole mouth, left they come near to i3 Behold, on thofe that do him fear a bridle rauft command. 10 Unto the man ti^at wicked is his tbrrows fhall abound ; chat tiufteth in the Lord mercy ir ; all compais round. 11 Ye riglreous in the Lord be glad, in him do ye rejoice : AH ye that upright are in heart for joy lift up your voice. PSALM XXXIII. YE righ'.eous in the Lord icjoice, it comely i>, and right. That upright men, with thankful voice, fhould p'aife the Lord of might. the Lord doth fet his eye ', Ev'n thofe who on his mercy do wi:h confidence rely. (dearth 19 From death to free their foul, in fife unto them to yieid. 20 Our foul doth wait upon the Lord* he is our help and fhield. 2i Sith in his holv name we trvfk% our heart mall joyful be. 42 Lord, let thy mercy be on us, as we do hope in thee. PSALM XXXIV. GOd will I blefs all times ; his praife my mouth fhall ftill exp-eft. 2 Prai-.e God with harp, and unto him 2 My foul fhall bcaft in God: the ring with the pfalterjK Upon a ten-ftrinb'd inftrumenc make ye fweet melody. 3 A new fong f o him fing, and play with loud noife fkilfully. [works 4 For right is God's word, ail his 5 They look'd to him, and lightr.ed mail hear with joyfuicefs. (meek 3 Extol the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together. 4 I fought the Lord, he h-ard, and dii> me from all fears atliver. are dene in S To judgment and *o rightecufnefs a love he be^rcth foil ; :.g kindnefs of the Lord the earth throughout doth fill. . :he word of God did the:; beginning take j And, by the wreathing of his mouth, in all trie;.- hx ft, did make. 7 The ware; s of the leas he brings together z r , an heap: And, in ftoi t-houfes, as it were f he layeth up the depths not framed were their face?, (were : 6 This poor man cry'd, God heard, and him from all his diu..-eire3. (!av'd 7 The angel of the Lord encamp*, and round encompatTeth, All thofe about that do him fear, and them aelivererh. 8 O tafte and fee that God is good i who trutts n him is bleft. (fear 9 Fear God, his fair.ts: none thst him flull be with want oppreft. 10 The lions young may hungry be, and they may lack their food : But PSALM XXIV. fcnt thty that truly foek the Loid 9 Mv lcut in God shaii joy j and glad Lhali not lack any good. ,n , :iS felvatioa oe. 11 O children, hivher do ye come, so ** d »* my t M, ^^ U U>1 ° Lor- » and unto me g ve ear : ' "" e "■« ;acc * ! fhall you teach to \inderftand Which dftft the poor fet tree from him how ye tne Lord mould tear. that ts for mm too fr.ong ; 12 What man is he that lift defires, Th? poor and needy from the man to :ee good would iive kmgr (g-jil-s, t.»>a'. fpo j his eart »3 But is for me, when they were ficfc, are open to their cry. in (ackcloth lad I mourn'd : 16 The face of God it fet againft Ai> humbled foul d:d raft, my pray'r thofe that do wickedly ; into my holom rurnM. That he may quite out from the earth 14 Myleif I did behave? as he cut off their memory. had been my fneod or brother : And they out of their troubles all IS *"t «n my trouble they rrjox'd, by him deliver^ are. gathering thrmfelvrs together) 18 The Lord is ever nigh to them Ve*, abjectoa vile together oid that be of broken fp'nt } themfcives againft me gather: To them he fafety doth afford I knew it not, they d.d me tear* that are in heart contrite. ana quiet woula not be. ma The frrtiMp* *h«f «ffl,/* rh* !.,<» ,6 Wltn Hiocking byrocrites at feafta ^ n T,^n S? m, „i £ • J «*? e aafh '* lheiT teeth at me. in number many be : * **^ But yet at length out of them all 17 How Song, Lord, look'ft thou on? the Lord doth fet him free. deflruet ons th?y intend (from :hofe 30 He carefully his bones doth keep, Rekue my foul, from lions young whatever can befal : my daring do defend. That no: fo much as one ef them 18 I will gr/e thank* to thee, O Lord* can broken be at all. within ih' affemoly great : 21 IU mall the wicked Hay ; laid w.fte A £ ^^ w^ief^ 4 ** (hall be who hate the juft. (fouls, tny ?imea nna *"" lct * 22 The Lord redeems bis fer v ants 19 Let not my wrongful enemies none penih that him truft. proudly rejoice o'er me : t» c a r ™ vvv^r , j «- t Nor, who me bate without a caufe, PP S A L M XXXV. (and fight i rt them wink with the eye. Lead Lord, with thole that plead, ic F or peace they do not {peak at all: with thofe that fight with me. b ut crafty plots prepare 2 Of mield and buckler take thou hold, Againft all thofe within the land ftand up mine help to be. ta^ m eek and quiet are. 3 Draw alfo out the fpear, and do ,.„._ \ ' ., .. , . «. againft them ftop the way, *« With mouths fer wide they 'gain* That me purfue : unto my foul, H *? &»> otIr eye thee. 5 Thy v. ay to God commi; : him truft* it bring ;o pafs fhall he. 6 And, like unto the light, he fhall thy righteoufi.efs dilp^ay, For him who, prnfpYing in his way- fuccefs in fin doth get. 8 Do thou from anger ceafe, and wrath fee thou forfake a?fo : Fret not thyfelf in any wife, that evl thou fhoulo'ft do. 9 For thofe th*t evil-doers are fhall be cut off, and fall : iO For yet a little while, end then the wicked fhall not be ; Hi? place thou fhalt confider well, bij, it thou fhalt not fee. 1 1 But by inheritance the earth the meek ones fhall poflefs: They alfo mall delight themfelve* in an abundant peace. 12 The wicked plots againft the juft, and at him whets his teeth, (taufe 13 The Lord fhall laugh at him, be- his day he coming feeth. (fword. 14 The wicked have drawn out the and bent their bow, to flay The pot.r and needy, and to kill men of an upright way. 15 But their own fword, which they have drawn, mill enter their own heart ; Their bows which they have bent and into pieces parr, (fhall breaki 16 A little that a juft man hath i» more and better far, Than is the wealth of many fuch as lewd and wicked are. 17 For finners arms fhall broken be; but G d the juft fuftains. (end ftill 18 God knows the juft man's days, their heritage remains. (thev 19 Thef fhall not be aiham'd, when the evil time do fee : And when the davs of famine are, they fatisfy'd fhall be. 20 But wicked men, and foes of God, as fat of lamhs decay. They fhall confiime, yea, into fmoke they fhall confume away. 2i The wicked borrows, but the fame again he doth not pay ; Whereas the righteous mercy fhows, and gives his own away. 22 For fuch as blefled be cf him the earth inherit fhall ; And they that curfed are of him fhall be defrroyed all. 23 A good man's footfteps by the Lord are orde;ed ar.ght: And in the way wherein he walks, he greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fa!!, yet fhall he not be caft down uttcly : Becaufe the Lord, with his Own hanff, upholds him mighily. 25 I have PSALMS XXXVIII, XXXIX. 45 Ih»vebeenyoun«, and now am old, 6 I troubled am, tnd much faow'd ye: Lave I nzver feen all day I mournins po. (down. The juft man lef', nor that hia feed 7 For a difeafe that lothfome is, for bread have beggars been. i"o fills my loins with pain, 2/5 He's ever merciftil, and lends: ^£iSS^S!i£2P *** his feed is bleft therefo, e. n0 foundnefs dot » '«™ n - 27 Depart from evil, ar.d do good : 8 So feeble and infirm am I, and dwell for evermore. ( faints and broken am fo fore J 28 For God loves judgment, and his Thar, through difquiet of my heart) leaves not in any cafe ; I have been made to rore. They are kept ever : but cut off 90 Lord, all that I do defire mall be the finners race. is ftill before thine eve : 30 The juft man's mourn doth wll- 10 My heart doth pant inceflanrly, his tongue doth judgment tell. my ftrength doth quite decay : 31 In's heart the law is of his God, A* for mine eyes, their wonted light his fteps fiide not aw2y. (j\jft, is from me gone away. 32 Tne wicked man doth watch the 11 My lovers and my friends do ftand and feeke'-h him to flay. at diftance from my fore: n^ M ?.X mr„J°! ****• *&££*.£ &KS& were nor lea/e him in his hands : The righteous will he not condemn, 12 Yet, they that feek my life lay when he in judgment ftands. (way, who feek to do me wrong (fnares : 34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his Speak things ruifchievous, and deceit* and thee exalt fhall he, imagine all day long. Th' ea'th to inherit : when cut off *3 But, as one deaf, that heireth Qflt, the wicked thou fhalt fee. I iuffei M all to oafs : .. . ... . . , I as a dumb man did become, 35 I faw the wicked great m pow'r, wnole 8i0Uth not 0?en > a wa » fpread like a green bay-tree. 36 He paft, yea, was not: him I fought, 14 As one that hears not, in wbofe but found he could net be. are no reproofs ac all. (nioutb 37 Mark thou the perfeft, and behold >5 For Lord, I hope in thee; my God, the man of uprightnefs : thou'it he»r me when I call. Becaufe that furely of this man 16 For I laid, Hear me, left they mouM the latter end is peace. rejoice o'er me wlrh pride ; o » ► «.», r„ ™ Q „ .k.i. *...^r„.-m,«. And o'er me magnify themfelves. The latter end of wicked men 17 For I am near to halt, my grief jhr.ll be cut oft' for ever. is ftill before mine eye. 39 But the falvation of the juft 18 For I'll declare my fin, and e. .c,e is from the Lord above, for mine iniquity. He, in the time cf their diftrefs, 19 But yet mine en'mic? lively are, their ftay and ftrength doth prove. and ftrong are they beiile : 40 The Lord lh.ll hclo, and them de. ^"H2? *S.£3 wro ^ ful] ^ he fhall them free and fave (livtf : arc greatly muLl P ! y d - From wicked men, becaute in him 20 And they for pood that render ill, their confidence they have. as en'mies me withftood : n c a r »t vvwui Yea, ev'n for this, becaufe that I PSALM XXXV 111. do follQW what , s g0Qd# IN thy great indignation, ai For f ake me nor, O Lord : my God» O Lord, rebuke me not ; far from me never be . ■ Nor on me lay thy chaining hand, a? . o Lord, thou my falvation art, in thy diipteafure hot. hafte t0 give he , tQ m 2 For in me faft thine arrow? ft:ck, thine hand doth prefs me fore. PSALM XXXIX. 3 i&S!^ n0 heiIthl T Sa ' id ' » wi » Iook «> w «*y»» nor foundnefs any more. | , eft wjth my tQngue [^ J » This grief I have, becaufe thy wrath In fip.hr of wicked men my mouth is forth againft me gone ; with brid'e I'll keep in. And in my bones there is no reft, 2 With lilence I as dumb became, for fin that I have done, I did myfelf reftrain (more 4 Bee* ife,KOne up above mine head From fpeaking good; but then the my great tran(Kre!ti<,ns be; increafed was my pain. A ?oo hea a vy W ar! h for °me ^ "*' 3 My heart within me waxed hot, too heavy are tor me. and ^ whi , e x mufin{ . WM< ( ;0 ngue 3 My wounds rlo ftink, and are cor- The hne did burn : and from my «y foliy makes it io. l r »pt, iuie words 1 did let pafs. 4 Mine ISAtM 4 Mine er.d, and meafure of my days, O Lord, unto me show, » What i<; ti e fame : ths; I tfceieby my frailty well uxzy k 5 Lo, tfcou my days 211 hand-breadth mine age is in thine eye (mad*fr, As nothing: fure each man at beft . Wity. e eich man walks 3c a vain (how, - ex f teinfehe3 >: a ps u p wealth, and doth not Luow £0 whom it (hall perra'm. 7 And now, O Lord, whit wait I for ? my hope is tix'd tn thee. ' $ Free me from a!J my tre r pafles, J: fcorn make not me. r.b was I, np'ning not my mouth, because tbis work was thine. (blow hy frrohe take from me : by a»2 of thine hand I do pine. 11 When with rebukes thou doft correct man. for iniquity, r Thou waftes bis beauty Lke a moth: fure each man's vani'y. 12 Attend my cry, Lord, at my tears, ana oray'rs not filent be : I fojourn a? mr fathers all, and ftranger am with thee. 130 fpare thoa me, that I my ftrecg*h recover may acain. Before from hence I do depart, and here no more remain. PSALM XL. I Waited for the Lord my God, and patiently did bear ; At length to me he did incline my voice and cry to hear. 2. He tooSt me from a fearful pit, and from the miry clay, AnJ on a rock be fet my feet, . ."h'Bs my way. 3 He out a new fong in my mouth, our God to magnify : Misy fh-.ll lee it, and mull fear, an:; on trie Lord rely. 4 O blefferi is the man whofe truft uoon the Lord relies: Refpefti^g not the proud, nor fuch n p.fide to lies. 5 O Lord my God, full many are the wonders thou haft done ; Thy gracious thoughts :o us- ward far above all thoughts are gone : In order none can reckon them to thee: if them declare. And fpeak of them I would, they more lLan can be nurnbred are. 6 No ftcrince, nor offering didft thou a: all dcfi.-e, M'.ne ears t^o-j tor *d : fin-offering toon and burnt rttdft not reqnre. (words, 7 Then to the Lord thefe were my 1 come, behold and fee : Within the rolome of thy bock it written is of me: \ 9 To do thy win l take delight, O tuou my God that art: S XL, XLI. Yea, that mo* holy law of rhuwj I have within my, hear:. 9 Within the congregation great I rigbteoufnefs d»d preach : Lo, thou doft know, 6 Lord, that I refrained not my fpeeoh. 10 I never did within my heart conceal thy righteoufnefs : I thy falvatmn have declared, and fhov.n thy fauhfuinel's: Thy kinduefs, which moft loving is, concealed have not I : Nor f om theiccrgregation great have hid thy verity. ri Thy tender mercies, Lord, from me do thou not retrain : Thy loving klndnefs, and thy truth, let rhem me Kill maintain. 12 For lib paft reck'ning compafs mo $ and mine iniquities Such hold upon me taicen have, 1 cannot lift mine eye3 : Theymore then hairs are on mine head, thence is my heart difhray'd. 13 Be pleafed, Lord, to refcue me: Lord, haften to mine aid. 14 Shanvdand confounded be they all that feek my foul to kill : Yea, fet them backward driven be, and fiiam'd, that wifh me ill. 15 For a reward of this their fhame confounded let them be, That in tftta manner fcoffing fay, Aha, aba to me. 16 In thse let all be glad, and joy, who feeking thee abide : Who thy fah ation love, fay ftill, The Lord be magnify 'd. *7 I m poor and needy, yet the Lord of me a care doth take ; Thou art my help and Saviour, my God, no tanying make. * S A L M XLI. BLefled is he that wifely doth the poor man's cafe confiderj For when the rime of trouble is, the Lo-d will him deliver, a G"d will him keep ; yea, fave alive, on earli he bleft (half live ; Ar.d to iiis enemies defire thou wilt him not upgive. 3 God will give Crength, when h<* on of languishing doth mourn : (bed And, in his ficknefs fore, O Lord, his bed wilt turn. 4 I faid, O Lord, do thou extend thy mercy unto rr.e; O 00 thou heal fny foul, for why ? I have oftendea thee. 5 Thofe that to me are enemies of me do evil fay, Wfcfcn lhall he die, that fo his name may perifh quite away * 6 To lee me if he comas, h? fpeaks lain words : hut then his heart Reap; mh'chief to i:, which he te!I», ■hen forth he doth oepart. 7M| PSALMS XLH, XLTIT, XLIV. 7 My Waters, Jointly xvhifpcring^ £»*n when by them, Inhere fs thy ^gainft me my hurt devhe. (him; H:s daily to me Cud. (Goo i 8 MifcMef, fiy they, cleaves faft to 1 1 O why art thou can down, my toul f he lyth, and mail not rifefc w*.y, thus w;th grief cppreft, 9 Yea, ev'n mine own ftmiiiar friend, Art !>,>tj difauieted in me > ia God ft.l! hope and reft ; Tnr yet I know I m*!» bin praife, who gracioufly to me The health is of my countenance* yea, mine own God is he. PSALM XLIH. Judge me. O God, and plead my caufe agaifjft tL' ungodly nation : From me unjuft snd crafty man, O be ibou my 'alvation. a For thou '.he God art of my ftrengxhj why thrufts tnou me thee fro* i For tn' enemy's oppreffioh why do I mourning go t 3 O (end thy light forth, and thy truth J let mem be guice* to me, And bring me to thine li Uy hill, er'n whtrc thy dwellings be. 4 Then will I to God'» altar go, to God my chiefeft Joy : Yea, God, my God, thy name to praise my harp I will employ. 5 Why art thou then caft down, my what mould difcourage thee? (tout? And w afflict the nations, but ttem thou djd'ft iooeafe. 3 For ne>he» got their fword the land, nor tt'td their arm mem la-, e ; But thy rigrr haid, arm, countenances far tnoo them tVvour gave. 4 Tttou art my King: for Jacob, Lord, del iv 'ranees command. (our foe*. 5 Through thee mc (hail pufli dowit From Jordan's land, the Hermonites, J** <° **»* w *»"• u and ev'n from Mizar hill. We, through rhy name, Jnall tread drwn on whom I did rely. Who ate my bread, ev'n h: his heel againft mc lifted n;zh. 1C But. Led, be merciful to me, and >ip again me raire, That I may juftly them requite accord. ng to their way*. 11 By tfiis I know, that certainly I ra. our'd am by thee : JBecaufe ray hateful enemy triumphs not over me. 12 But as for me, thou me uphold 1 !! in mine integrity: And me before thy countenance thou fett'ft continually. 13 The Lord, the God of Ifrael, be bleft for ever then, From age to age eternally. Amen, yea, aud amen. PSALM XLII. Like as the hart for water-brooks in thirft doth pant and bray j So pants my longing foul, O God, that come to thee 1 may. 2, My foul for God, the living God, doth thirft j when fhali I near Unto thy countenance approach, •nd tn God's fight appear t 3 My tears have unto me been meat, both in the night and day, While unto me continually, Where is tby God f they lay. 4 My foul is poured out in me, when this I think upon ; Becaufe that with the multitude I heretofore had gone : With them into God's houfe I went, with voice of joy and praife t Yea, with the multitude that kept the folemn holy days. 5 O why art thou caft down, my foul ? why in me fb difmay'd t Tru't God, for I fhall praife him yet, his count'nance ia mine aid. 7 At the nolle of thy water-fpoutt deep unto deep doth call : Thy breaking waves pafs over me, yea, and thy billows all. 8 His loving kindr.efs yet the Lord command will in the nay, His fong's with me by night, to God, by whom I live, 1*1] pr»y. 9 And 1 will fay to God my rock, Why me forpet'it thou for W'hy^ for my foes oppremoo, thus mourning do I go.' 10 'Tis as a fword within my bones', wheo my toes axe upbraid: xgaif[3 *is have. .(--hoie 6 F it in my oo*» i .1iall C3C rruft ? -11 oi) iword me tare. 7 But from our foe* thou haft us fa. 'd, our r»*ers put to (r.»roc. 3 In God we all the day do boaft, and e*er prasfe thy name. 9 But now we are cr fl off by thee, and us thou pu-'ft *o (ham? : And, when Om armies do ro forth, ume. 10 T*x.»« n»*k'fl v^ fiom the enemy raim-he^rtd t.i 'urn hack : And rhry who Mtr us. for tbemfeireai Mr fpoils away do take. ULlkft HAL Si Libe Iheeo far meat tnou gareft us, 'mont bratSen caft « e be. I zTJiou did* for uous'nt iby people fcD, their price enrich'd not thee. l"3 Tbou m*k V us a reproach to be unto our neighbours near; Derifton, and a hcorn to them that round about as are. 14 A by-word alfo thou deft us among the bearuen make : The people, in contempt acd fpile, at us their beads do (hake. 15 Before me my confufion continually abides ', And of my baftifa! countenance the flxanie me ever hides. 16 For voice of him ef-at doth rsprcacfc, and fpeahetb h!afphem>; By reason of th* avenging focj and cruel enemy. 17 All this is come on us, yet ire have not forgotten thee ; Kor fa' fly :n thy covenant bshav'd ourfelves have we. /^^^ . 18 Back from thy way our heart not our fteps no ftraying nude, (place, 19 Though ms thou 6'ak'& in dragons and co'-erVftw-i'ti death's (hade. 20 If we God'? name forgot, or ftrstcht to a frangr God our b-*nd?: 21 Shall not Gud fearch this out ? for be hearts fecrets underfiands. t% Yea- for thy fake weVe kifl'd all day, counted as flavgbtrr-Oieep. 23 Rife, Lord, caft U3 not ever eff, a#vake, why doft thou /iecp r 24 wherefore hideft th^u thy face f forget'* our Cafe diareft, 25 And our oppreffion r For our foul is to toe dirt down preS : Our brlly alfo on the earth, raft cleaving hold doth take. 25 Rsfe for our he!?, and us redeem, ev'n for thy mercies fake. T S A L M XLV. MY heart brings forth a goodly my works that I indite (thing; Concern the king: my tongue's a pen of or.e that {w'tft doth write. 2 Tbou fairer art than fons of men : into thy Jii/S is ftore Of grace inf n'd ; God therefore thee bath bleft for evermore. 3 O thou that art the mighty One, thy fword gird on thy thigh: Iw'n with thy glorv excellent, and with thy maiefty. (nefs, 4 For meeknefs, tr.uh, and righteouf- in ftste ride profp'ro^fly ; An-« ti.y right hand fliall thee inftrufr, in tilings that fearful be. 5 Thine arrows tharply pierce the of th' enVites of the king ; (heart And under 'hy luhjefrion the people djvt-.n'do bring. ,6 For ever and for evr -s-> O Ood, thy throne of might : M XIV. The feeptre of tfry kingdom 1» a feeptre that is right. 7 Then loveft right, and hataftill ; for God, thy God morr high, Above thy fellows hath with th 7 oil of toy anointed thee. 8 Of alcss, myrrh, and caflit, a fmell toy garments had; ©ucofth' ivory palaces, whereby they made thee glad. 9 Among thy women honourable kings daughters were at hand : Upon thy right hand did the queen in gold of Ophir ftand, IC O daughter, hearken and regard-, and do thine ear incline j Likewife forget thy father's houfe, and people that are thine. n Then of the king defr.'d mail be thy beau-y vehemently r Becaufe he is thy Lord, do thou him wr.rthip rev'nently. 12 The daughter thereof Tyre mail be» with gifts and off rings great : Thofe of the people that are rich thy favour Gull intreat. 13 Behold the daughter of the king all glorious is within ," And with embro denes of gold her garmenss wrought have been. 14 She mall be brought unto the king* :n robes with needle wrought : Her fellow- virgins, following, mall unto thee be brought. 15 They mall be brought with gladnefi and mirth on evVy fide. (great, Into the palace of the king, and there they mall abide. lt> In fread of tbofe thy fathers dear, thy children thou may'ft taV.r, And in all place; of the earth them noble princes make. 17 Thy name remembred I will make through ages all to be : Th*> people therefore evermore mall praifes give to thee. jtnttbtr oftbe farm. MY heart inditing is good matter in a fong : 1 fpeak the things that I have made, which to the king belong: My tongue mall be as quick, his honour to indite, As is the pen of any fcribe that ufeth faft to write. 2 Tbou'rc faireft of all men, r r3ce in thy lips doth flow : And therefore ble/Tings evermore en thee doth God beftow. 3 Thy fuord gird on thy thigh, thou that art moft of might : Appear in dreadful majefty, and in thy glory bright. 4 For meeknefs, truth and right, ride profp'roufly in ftate : And thy right hand mall teach to thee things terrible nod great. 5 T&r PSALMS XLVI, XLVII, XLVTH. S Thy (hafts fhall pierce their hcam The Lord to h( r an helper will* that toes are to the king, Whereby into fubje&ion the people thou (halt bring. 6 Thy royal feat, O Lord, for ever (hall remain : The fceptie of thy k-ngdom doth all righteoufnefs maintain. 7 Thou lov'ft right, and hat'ft ill: for God, thy God moft high, Above thy fellows hath with ih' oil of joy anointed thee. 8 Of myrrh and fplces fweet a (me!l thy garments had: Out cf the iv'ry palaces whereby they made thee glad. 9 And in thy glorious train kings daughters waiting ftand: And thy fair queen, in Opbir-gold, doth ft»ud at thy right hand. IC O daughter, take good heed, incline, and give*good ear; Thou muft forget thy kmdred ail, and father's koufe mod dear. II Thy beauty to the king fhall then delightful be: And do thou humbly worihip him, becaufe thy Lord is he. 12. The daughter then of Tyre there with a gft (hall be, And a:i the wealthy of the land mall make their fuit to thee. 13 The daughter of the king all glorious is within ; And with embroideries of gold, her garments wrought have been. 14 She cometh to the king In robes with needle wrought: The virgins that do follow her (hall unto thee be brought. 1 5 They (hall be brought with Joy, and mirth on evVy fide, Into the palace of the king, and there they (hall abide. 16 And in thy father's (lead, thy children thou mayft take, And, in ali places of the earth, them nobie princes make. 171 will (hew forth thy name to generations all: Therefore the people evermore to thee give prailes (hall. PSALM XLVI. GOa* is our refuee and our ftr^ngth, in ftraits a pre Tent aid X Therefore, although the earth re- we will not be afraid : Though hills amidft the fea be caft. 3 Though waters roiing make, ana that right early, piove. 6 The heathen rag'd tumuknoufly, the kingdoms moved were : The Lord God uttered hi? vo ce, the earth did melt for fear. 7 The Lqrd of hofts upon our fide doth conftantly remain: The God of Jacob's our refuge, us fafely to maintain. (works 8 Come, and behold what wondrous have by the Lord been wrought : Come, fee what deflations he on the earth hath brought. 9 Unto the ends of all the eatttt war a into peace he turns, The bow he breaks, the fpear he curJj l* fire the chariot burns. 10 Be ftill, snd know that I am God: am .ng the heathen I Will be exalted, I on earth will be exalted high. H Oar God, who ss the Lord of hoft?» is ftil! upon uur fide: The God of Jacob our refuge for ever will abide.. PSALM XLVII. ALI pcop:e clap your hands, to Goi with voice of triumph (hout. t For dreadful is the Lord moft high great King the eaith throughout. 3 The heathen people under us he fureiy (hall fubdue : And he fhall nuke the naiions under our feet to bow. 4 The lot of our inheritance choofe cut for us fhall he, Of Jacob, whom he loved well, cv'n the excellency. 5 God is with (houis gone up, the Lord with trumpets founding high. 6 Sing praile to God, fing pi praife to our King fmg ye. (praii"e» 7 For God is king of all the earth, with knowledge praifc exprefs. 8 God rules the nations, God fits on hi? t'irone of holinefs. 9 The princes of the people are affembled willingly ; Pv'n of the God cf Abraham i hey who the people be : For why ; the (hields that do defend the eirth are only his ; They to the Lord belong : yea, he excited greatly is. PSALM XLVI1I. GReat is the Lord, and greatly he is to be p; aifed ftill. Within the city of our God, uponhs holy hill. And troubled be ; yea, though the hill* 2. Mount Z:«;n ftands moft beautiful, by fwelhngfeas do (hake. 4 A river is, whofe ftreams do x\*l the city of our God: The hjly piac«, wherein the Lc.rd moft high hath his abjde. 5 God in the mid* of h«r doth dwell: uoUu/ig tt-.nU her remote* the joy of all the land: The city jf the nighty King on her north-fide dotti Hand. 3 The Lord within her palaces is for a refuge known. .•:'d were ;>6iUiw by bite gone. 5 But PSALMS XLIX, t. 5 But »h?n ?hey eld behod the fame, But parting hence may be compar'd ' ttiey wond'ring wcuid not ftay ; unto the beafti that die. But, being troubled at the fight* 13 Thus, brutjfh folly plainly is they thence did hafte awav. their wifdom, and 'heir way ; 6 Great terror there took hold on them, Ye V th . eir K i**eri:y approve rhev were pofTeiVd with fear, «**' lhe > d ° fond.y lay. Their grief came like a woman's psin, i S Likefheeprhey inme grave are laid, when fhe ach.ld do:h hear, (break ft : an nt0 th e grave descend Of Judah let the daughters all lend forth a cheerful voice, fhall over them have pow'r^ Their beauty, from their dwelling.maU coniume within the grave. (free, 15 But from hell's hand God will me for he mail me receive. 16 Be thou not then afraid, when one enriched *hou doft fee, Nor w.'-.en the glory of his houfe ad-, anced is on high. 17 For he ihall carry nothing ber.ee, when death his days doth end: IZ walk about zion, and go round} the high roirVs thereof tell. 13 Confider ye her palaces, and mark her bulwarks well J That ye may tell pcfierity. 14 For this God doth abio> Our God for evermore, he wii! ev'n unto death us guide. PSALM XLIX. HEar this all people, ard give ear, all in the world that dwell : 2, Both low and high.bothrich and poor. 3 My mouth (hall wifdom tell ; My heart fha.1! knowledge meditate. 4 I will incline mine ear To parables, and en the harp my fayings dark declare. 5 Amidft thofe days that evil be, why mould I, fearing, d When of my heels th' iniquity mall compafs me about. IS Although he his own foul did blefs, whiLr he on earth did live : (And when thou to thyfeif doft well, men will thee praifes give) 19 He to his fathers race {hall go, they never (hall fee light. (is 2.0 Man henour'd, want.ng knowledge^ 1 ke leafts that perilh quite. PSALM L. TKe mighty God, the Lord, ha-li fpoken, 3nd did call The earth from riling of the fun, to v. ?- :re be ha"h his fail, a From out of Zicn hill which of excellency And beauty the perfection is, God fhineth g'.o.-ioufly. 3 Our God mall furely come, keep filence (hall not be : Before him fire (hall wafte, great ftorfJJi /hall rcund about him be. 4 Onto the heavens clear, he f.om above (hall call, 6 whoe'er they be that in their wealth And to the earth likewlfe, that he their confidence do pitch, may judge his people all. "KSaS*'""" S TOM** my fate, become exceeding ric unto me g'.ther'd be, Thofe that by facrifice have made a covenant with me. 6 Ana then the heavens frail his righteoufnefs declare : 7 Yet none of thefe his 5; oUu* can redeem by any way ; Nor can he unto God for him, fufficient ranfem pay. 8 (Theh- fouls redemption precious is, Beoufe the Lord hi and it can never be) 5) That it'll he mould for ever lwe, and no: corruption fee. 10 For why r he feeth that wife men die. and brutifh .'ocls alfo Doperifh,a.ori their wealth, when dead, 8 I fen- thy facrifice co cthe-sthey let go. (houfe no blame will on thee Jay, J» Their inward thought is, that their " and dwelling-places (hall Stmd through all age? ; mey their lands by their own names do call. by whom men juoged are. 7 My people Ifra'l hear, fpe?.k will I from on high, A?ainft thee I will tettify, God, ev'n thy God am I. 13 But yet in honour fiiaJi not man , ubidc iontinuai:y ; Nor for bumt-orlVings, which to me thou oft'redft ev'/y day. 9 I'll take no calf, nor goats, from houfe or fo'd of iliine. JO For beafts efforefta, caule ail . on Ujoufand Juli*