't? -=—' — ^^ " — —^ 'A^fCcl^ nmr n ^- c*^-^.v-3 J o U R N A --fe " OF THE ■ L.... T.Av»s. and L.BOui:!- \ ^,„^^ „, «s MIHISTRV. o ? ' t O H N G R 1 ^ ^ . ■ ' ■ Essex, in Great B^-tA.n, k py J O S E P H C R U J S H ^^.^,.ft,,,„. A Testimony from the Monthly- Meeting of WiTHAM, in Essex, CONCERNING JOHN GRIFFITH, dec, TH E charafter of this our well beloved Friend being fo generally known, we eiteem it unneceflary to extend our Teftimo- ny concerning him, further than the time of his arrival and refidence amongft us. In the year 1747, being a ntember of the monthly-meeting of Darby, Chefter-coun- ty, in Pennfylvania, he was concerned to vifit; the churches in Great-Britain and Ire- land ; during which engagement his mind ^as imprefTed with appehenfion of duty to fettle in this nation ; the importance where- of was attended with earneft fupplication to the Lord, that he might be rightly di- reded therein ; and, after deliberate confide- ration, finding the expediency of his remo- val clearly confirmed, he returned to Ame- rica, where, having fettled his affairj^ with the concurrence of his brethren, he removed to England; and entering into marriage- covenant with Frances Wyatt, of Chelmf- |ford, became a member of this meeting - Wherein, we trufl, the fruits of his Ikbour Ifford fubftantial evidence of able talents |iithfully applied. Few were his companions ' aloufly concerned for the reftoration of >d order, which rendered the taflc more us; yet in regard to the exercife of difcipline. dirciplinc, compared with the fet^ in wiiicii lie found it, confiderabie regulation hath been effected. . His gift was eminently adapted to fervice: in miniftry found, powerful, _ and cleat; in difcipline, diligent and judicious ; fearch- ino- impartially into the caufes whence the circulation of life was obftruded, which operative care, difturbing the falfe reft of lukewarm profelTors, hath, at times, ct- cited theirfteleafure; yet being mercifully preferved frSn the fpots of the world, and endued with authority to fpeak feehngly to the ftates of his hearers, in him that proverb was remarkably verified, " \¥hen a man s " ways pleafe the Lord, he nlaketh even " his enemies to be at peace with him. In doubtful cafes, he manifefted an ex- emplary tendernefs and forbearance, parti- cularly refpeaing fuch as appeared preflimp- tuous in launching into religious engage- ments above their qualification, being dif- pofedto afford full opportunity for trial; obferving, upon thefe occafions, it would be moft acceptable, that deluded pcrfons per- ceived their error by its effeds : but when thorou-hly convinced of unfoundnefs, he faithfully difcharged the duty of an elder, in the application of plain-aeahng, which, indeed, was his pecuhar talent ; jct fo tem. pered with difcretion, both in mmiftry an difcipline, that we believe few have fil''" thefe important ftations with more gt ..H-obation: nor were his amiable qu ' connu' THE JOURNAL O F * JOHN GRIFflTR IT" hath been much upon my mind (efpecially of late) to write fomething by way of journal, of my life, travels, and experience in the gracious and merciful dealings of the Lord with me, through the Courfe of my pilgrimage in this world ; to- gether with fome remarks on the ftate of our fociety in my time, interfperfed with divers obfervations relating to our condudl, in various ftations of life, but chiefly in a religious fenfe ; to remain, when my body is laid in the duft, a lading memorial and teflimony to the truth. And as the Lord fhall be pleafed to open my underftanding, I may alfo afford profitable way-marks to fome weary travellers^, who are- feeking a 2 The JOURNAL; of city that hath foundations, whofe buildei and maker is'lEod. I was born on the 21 ft day of the 5th month, 1713, in Radnorfliire, South Wales; being favoured with parents who had' th"e fubftance of reUgion in themfelves, and were confcientioufly concerned to train up their children in the fear of God» The names of my parents were John and Amy GriiEth; my mother (as I re- member) was educated in fociety with the people called Quakers, and a fteady valua- ble friend flie was ; having at times, a few words, byway of teftimony, tenderly to drop in religious meetings, which were accept- able to friends. My father, as I have heard him relate, was convinced of the blelTed truth after he had arived to man's eftate, and found it a great crofs to join in fociety with the defpifed Quakers; he being the only one of the family, which was pretty large, that joined in fociety with that peo- ple. But the Lord making hard things eafy to him, he gave up, in earneft, to the heavenly difcoveries, and, in procefs of time, had a difpenfation of the gofpel of peace and falvation committed to him; wherein he laboured, in the parts where he lived, with remarkable fincerity and up- rightnels ; being indeed a truly living mi- nifter, and an heavenly-minaed man, as I well remember, though I left him when I ^was young, and never faw J;xim again. He finilhed JOHN GRIFFITH. 3 feillied hiscourfein this world, on the 24th of the 2d month, in the year 1745; it is added in the regifter oi ehe Rionthly-meetiug to which he beloifged,. thus, viz. ^^He wsls a ** minifter R?iany years, and left a good report ** behind him among all forts of people,'' He was a Serviceable inftrnnient in the Lord's hand againfl imdtre liberties,, whicb were then creeping in;; and wass Tery. deeply affedted with the declining fbtte of Ac church in thofe parts (many havinig remo- Ted to America) which feoe has deceaic are become almaft a defolatioii. Having thus paid a linal! tribute^ ^hicli I thought due,, to the memory af isy wartliy parents, I fliall proceed ta give aa accoimt of my fslf, I was fav-onred with the Iieart-meltisg dictations of God*s love, I tlsielz^ when about ieven or eight years eld; tmd fre- quently experienced his name to be ia the ailemblies of his people as pi^ecioBS oint- ment poi^red forth; whereby xnj defiies were greatly raifed to attend naeetiags for divine worlhip. For alchoughj^ like Sinned of old,, I was as yet imacqoainte'd with the voice of God, neither did I clearly "onder- ftand from whence that precious conibla- tion, which I felt, came; yet, I well re- member ibmething working powerfully ia my tender w(^!c mind, by way of oppoiition to that fweet heavenly enjoymei^t, in order to deprive me thereof, by prefeutixsg to my B A lew 4 The JOURNAL of view fome tranfitory delight, and by filling my mind with vain unprofitable, and fome- times wicked and blafphemons thoughts, which were a very great afHidlion to me. Then he, who was a liar from the begin- ning, would fuggefl to my weak mind, that the only way to get over fuch uneafinefs, was to give way to thofe thoughts, and to be utterly regardlefs of what pafTed through my mind. I found the flefh wanted eafe, and, to fave its felf, willingly joined here- in with the temptations of Satan, whereby I got a kind of prefent eafe ; but it was by fuch gratifications fts tended to beap up w^rath againft the day of wrath, and the re- velation of the righteous judgments of God. So that, notwithibinding the falfe eafe con- trived by my foul's enemy, I did, at times, very fenfibly feel, as I grew up, this peace difturbed and broken by a fenfe of God's wrath, revealed from heaven againft my un- rig hteoufnefs ; and great bitternefs of fpirit I was often in, when the chaftening of the Lord was upon me for fin. I vv^ould, at,, fuch times, enter into covenant with the Lord, promifing amendment ; but as thofe promifes were made much in my own will, they were foon broken, and that would in- creafe the weight of my horror and dif- trefs: the Lord, in infinite mercy, being pleafcd to find me out, and to plead with me as in the valley of decifion. . In wri- ting' this, my mind is greatly moved with pity JOHiN GRIFFITH. 5 pity and bowels of compalTion towards inconfiderate youth; who for the fake of trifling vanities, flighting their own mer- cies, are lubjeeclally for fome of them. Without doubt, their reafon for that attempt was, that th-ey might enjoy the intended frolick, without any rebuke or interruption from us. We bore their filthy obfcene difcourfe and behaviour for JOHN GRIFFITH. 85- for fome time ; but, at kngth, being eiiceed- iugly burdened, Thomas Gawthrop and I were concerned to reprove them very feverely, deiiring them to coniider, what the French people in the boat could think of thofe who called themfelves Proteftants. Some of them feemed at fir ft to retort, but the weight of our fpirit^ came over them ; we . being on truth's fide, vs^hich is ftrongeft of all, they were foon overcome and filenced. From that time we kept them at a didance, not look- . ing upon them worthy of our notice in a way of intimacy, fo that when we came to Dax, we ieparated from them, boarding by ourfelves. On our arrival there, we were brought before the governor of die caflle; and our manner of appearing before our fuperiors being different from that of others, vi'ith which we did not expect he was acquainted, and might probably put an unfavourable conftruiftion upon ; we there- fore defired our interpreter to inform him, that we did not ftand before him covered in contempt, or any ways in difrefpecft, it being our principle and practice fo to ap- pear before our fuperiors in our own nation. His anfwer v/as to this effedl, viz» ' I airi not at all offended with their appearance |. I know fomething of thofe people.' He gave us the liberty of the town and country around; and we got pretty good quarters,^ au4 86 The JOURNAL OF and lived much- more to our minds than in Bawnne Cattle . This town is now a mean place, but there are ftill remauis of its ancient great- neft. I find by hiftory, it was once the capital of Aquitalne, and was then called Aqua SoUs, from its hot waters. At one place I found the heat fo furprizingly great, that I could not bear my fingers in the water a quarter of a minute. This water was inclofed with ftone walls of about twenty yards fquare, having brafs or iron cocks or ijpouts, to convey water for the ufe of the inhabitants ; it anfwering the purpofe of boiling water for wa filing linen, &c. There arifes a ileam or fmoke therefrom, like unto a vaft furnace or lime-kiln. We being there in Lent- time (as they call it) were told the priefts were uneafy at our being indulged with flefh, and that they i-^quefled the governor to give orders for preventing it. We were informed that he turned very ihort upon them, and laid, ^ I will give no fuch orders. What have they to do with your Lent ? Cannot you be contented to keep it yourfelves?' He carried himfelfvery civilly to us, and came once in perfon to invite us to a bull-bating, offering, as we •were ftrangers, to prefer us to the beft place for the purpofe of feeing, which was the balcony in the front of his houfe. We acknowledged his civility, but at the fame time JOHN GRIFFITH. S7 time gave him to underftand, we did not allow ourfelves to attend fuch kind of diverfions. I underftood. they bait bulls there with men inftead of dogs ; but I did not fee it. There are many worfhip-houfes, and two nunneries in Dax. Their clergy, of vari- ous orders, fwarm like locufts, who fleece the people to that degree, that it may be truly faid, of much the greater part, they are in a ftace of abje6l poverty and vaflal- age ; ftupidly devoted to follow thefe blind guides witherfoever they think proper to lead them, not daring to judge at all for themfelves in matters of religion. Oh, happy England ! Oh, land blelTed "with liberty ! What haft thou not to anfwer for, if right ufe be not made of fo great a privilege ? We went one day to vifit and converfe with the nuns, which we did through large iron grates, by an interpreter. They beha- ved themfelves very civil, courteous, and free in difcourfe. One of the iifters lay dead in an apartment. The corpfe was laid in a coffin drefled in black, having twelve wax candles Rghted and fet in filver can- dlefticks, fix on each fide, and fome at her feet, and a black crofs fixed between her fingers on her breaft, as if fhe was look- ing at it. Several of the nuns were about her, fome kneeling, and others fitting on the 88 The JOURNAL of the floor, with books in their hands, pray- ing for the foul departed, as we conjectured. One was ringing a bell, perhaps it Avas what they call a holy bell, that at the found thereof all the evil fpirits might be chafed out of the foul's way in its flight towards the other world. We went from this to the other nunnery, but could not be imme- diately admitted to fee the nuns, as they were employed in finging pfalms or fome kind of religious fongs, which we could hear at a confiderable diftance: it was thought by fome of the company, the fined mufick they ever heard ; but I neither am, nor deiire to be, a judge thereof. We flood in an open entry before a fine chapel, but did not go into it, though the door "was open ; for indeed I had no freedom to go into any of their idols temples, yet we could fee many upon their knees praying, fome before one image, and fome before ano- ther. As we waited here, not intending nor expelling to give any offence, it being an open entry (but I fuppofe it was hal- lowed, or confecrated, as they call it, though not difcovered to be fo by us,) there came a monk to us in a great pafTion, and talked very faft in French. We faw he was angry, but did not underftand what he faid, and therefore afked the interpreters, hav- ing, I think, two with us then. They told us, he faid we had polluted that holy place, viz, JOHN GRIFFITH. 89 viz. in keeping our hats on, inafmuch as their Lord God was there ; that if we had no more manners, they had a way to teach us better. We then departed, being depri- ved of the intended vlfit to the nuns, but that was no great difappointment. Their crofles, either of wood or ft one, are very- numerous, being ere(5led in all the crofs roads, and alfo at inany places in and about their towns and villages ; on fome of which images are faftened, with an imitation of the crown of thorns, the reed, fpear, and fpunge. That the people's great poverty may more fully appear, I ihall give a ftiort defcription of the llioes moft of them wear, who w^ear any fort: they are wholly made of wood, being hollowed out for the feet, except a piece of leather about three inches broad, acrofs the inftep„ They appear very inconvenient to walk in, as they do not yield at all to the feet, I am perfuaded there is not one in iixty, in that part of France, who wear any other fort of flioes. Many waggon loads of thefe fhoes are brought to Dax market every week. The 2 1 ft of the 1 2th month, a melTen- ger from Bayonne brought us the agreeable news of a cartel-fhip from England being arrived at Port-Paffage. An order came foon after - for our return, and that we might be ready to embark therein the 24th. AVe hired a boat for that purpofe, and went in go The JOURNAL of in her to Bayonne, being on the water all night. It was very cold fnowy weather, and I fiiftered much thereby, taking a great cold, which I did not get over for many days. What flill added to our diftrefs, was the commiflary's receiving us very roughly,- and ordering us into the caftle again. I know of no reafon he had for being in that ill-natured difpofition ; neither do I re- member he gave us any. I was ready to imagine it was only to furnifh a pretence to get fomething into his own pocket by our confinemenf. One thing made me think he had a feeling in the profits there, was his unwillingnefs to give us and others, a parole. However, when it appeared that we mufh go to prifon again, the captain of the before-mentioned cartel {hip being prefent, demanded our liberty ; which I iuppofe the commiffary durfl not deny him ; by which means we had the liberty of the town a few days, until matters were fettled for our travelling to- wards the fliip. One thing I am not willing to omit, as it will be a fpecimen of the unaccount- able fu perftition and idolatry of thofe peo- ple amongft whom our lot was caft. Tho- mas Gawthrop and 1 taking a walk, as we often did, into the fields, came to a fmall building, which was fomewhat in the na- ture gf a conduit, as there ifl'ued out at one end JOHN GRIFFITH, 91 end, fpouts of water, over which \Vas enclo- ftd, in net- work, an image whofe head feemed as if cut off or fevered from his body.^ It appeared to be a fine fpring of water; but that which came mod under our no- tice was, to obferve fo many worfhipping this v/ater and beheaded image: I fuppofe not lefs than fifteen on their knees, fome much nearer thereunto than others. We inquired the meaning thereof 5 but none underflood Engiifh, nor we French enough to converfe one with another; fo that we ftill remained in the dark, until by mak-- ing inquiry in the town, we received the following account, viz. that it i^ St. Leon's well, who is the titular faint of Bayonne. That this Leon was the lirft gofpel miillo- nary fent thither in the pagan times^ and that he Vvas greatly perfecuted by them, and laft of all beheaded on a hill above that place where the Well uow is. That when his Iicad was fevered from his bady it rolled down the hill and fell upon this place, upon which there immediately iiTued out a fpring or fountain of water. That it is nov/ . the conflant pracftice of ccnfef- fors to fend people to do penance at St. Leon's well; vv^ho muft fix themfelves on their knees nearer or farther off according to the nature of their crimes. When our captain had fully fettled things with the commillary relative to us, we ' N proceeded t qi The journal oi^ proceeded on our way towards the fliip. as far as the town called St. Jean-de-Luz, where w^e abode fome time, taking up our quarters at a large inn. One day when at dinner we received a vifit from two friars, one of whom being an Irifliman could fpeak Engliih well; the other had very little Engliih. We underftood the defign of their coming was to ufe endeavours in their pretended catholick fpirit, for our converlion, by bringing us into the bofom of their church, ovit of which, they fay, there is no falvation. This Irifli friar foon began to afk queftions, which, for a little while, feveral of us anfwered ; but the dif- pute feemed too much in a promifcuous and fcattered way, which was not quite fa tif- fadlory ; neither did it appear altogether fair for fo many to engage with one ;^ for the other friar could be of little ufe in argument, as he had not the language. I therefore finding my mind pretty much opened and warmly engaged, entered into a clofe difpute with him, which my com- panions obferving, left it to us. I foon found that his main fupport in argument was the authority and infallibility of their church, but more efpecially of the Pope; I therefore told him it was altogether fruit- lefs to fupport arguments againll me, by an authority I had no faith in ; but feeing he and I both allowed the holy fcriptures to be of divine authority, it would be much better JOHN GRIFFITH 93 better for us to back our arguments by that authority only. It was exceeding diffi- cult to bring him to this, as I beheVe he clearly forefaw I fhould there be too many for 'him: which fell out accordingly, to that degree (the Lord being near, opening- my underflanding) that the poor man was fo confounded he knew not what to anfwer, nor how to fapport an argument thereby ; his memory fcarce ferving him to quote one fcripture pafTage truly. This I fome- times helped him in, repeating the paf- fages he aimed at, to fee what ufe he could make of them; but I found him as deficient in applying, as he was in remem- bering the holy fcriptures ; which induced me to think that even their clergy, fo cal- led, find thofe facred writings make fo little for the fupport of their religion, that they do not much regard them. The dif- pute continued moil of the afternoon ; in which I muft fay he carried himfelf with good nature and civility, at lead in ap- pearance. He would fometimes expreis his wonder at my memory ; faying, he thought I could repeat all the fcriptures by heart from the beginning of Genefis to the end of the Revelations. But I knew who gracioufly helped me ; for I did not go againft him in my own ftrength, the Lord being with me in fuch a manner that r thought I fhould not have been afraid to have engaged with an hundred of their ixjoft 94 The JOURNAL oi' moil crafty priefts; and therefore I did, and do offer the thankfglving and praife to him alone who is eternally worthy ! Towards the conckulon he ailved me what I thought of their eucharift, I felt (as I thought) a fnare in his queftion, where- upon " 1 afked him v/hether he intended to enfnare me by that queftion ; which he did not offer to deny. I was, however, en- abled to anfwer him in fuch a manner as that he could take no advantage thereof, to bring m.e into trouble. I often cried unto the Lord to preferve us in maintaining our tcftimony, agreeably to what he knev/ v/as right in his fight; and at the fame time to be exceeding watchful over our own fpirits, left they fliould be too much heated and raifed in a falfe zeal, with indignation again ft the deteftable idolatry and abominations of thofe dark countries, that we might not thereby imprudently put ourfelves into their power; not doubting if the Lord required any fervice of us amongft them, he would fupport us therein, for he hath all power in heaven and earth. The friars took their leave of us in the evening, lignifying they would vifit us again; but they never did, nor I hardly believe they intended it. From this place we went iato that part' of Spain where we firft landed, and ftaid there and at Scbaftian feveral weeks for the cartel fhip's failing. The Spaniards are much jnore dilagreeable to livp amongft than the French. JOHN GRIFFITH. 95 French. The men appeared to its in *^ general way, poor, proud, and exceecr.nS lazy 5 filled with high conceits of thern-^ felves, both in a civil and religious fenlc. They fauntered about, w^alking with their cloaks over their fhoulders, looking upon us with contempt, as we neither could bow to their pride nor to their religion ; nor could we look upon them in a favourable light, when we obferved wliat Haves they made of their wives and of the women in general, who are employed in ail or moil of the drudgery, even in rowing their boats. I have fcen near the two lalt mentioned places in their ferries, and other buhnefs on the water, to fpeak within compafs, more than a hundred women thus employed; and -^ fcarcely a man is feen to touch an car, tmlefs he goes a fifhing; and then Lis wife, or fome woman, muft bring his cloak or fword to the water-fide g^ainlt he comes on ftiore, and carry the fifh home on her head, while he walks in ftate to the town. This one of the friends who were with me affured me he faw. I am far from envying our . Englifli women their happineis ; I think fuch indulgent ufage is due to the tendernefs of their fex every w^here; jeJC I think that were they to fee even what I have feen, as above hinted, they would be very thankful to the Author of their being for cafting their lots in England, or the En- glifh dominions. And indeed, confidering fome 96- The JOURNAL of fome diiEculdes the fex labours tinder, which the men are exempt from, fuch as child-bearing, nurfing, &c. which render them very unfuitable for fuch laborious em- ployment, it difcovers great cruelty in the men to impofe it upon them. The darknefs of popery feems greater here than in France; although it may be feen and felt there beyond all expre'ffions. Oh the pain and diftrefs of foul I was almofl continually under by the muddy jivers of Babylon in thofe lands of darknefs ! the harp being indeed, as it were, hung upon tlie willows. No fweet melody nor fbng of Zion could be echoed forth (the Lord know- eth) under the power of the king of the bottomlefs-pit, who rules in the myftery of iniquity. Yet fo it mufl remain, until that Almighty arm of power that cut Rahab and wounded the dragon, is pleafed to arife and put on ftrength, that he may turn and overturn; pouring forth the phials of his wrath upon the feat of the beaft and falfe prophet, thereby making the fcarlet whore of Babylon defolate, and burning her flefh with fire; that the nations may no more be intoxicated with the abominations of the wine of her fornications*. May the Lord, for his oppreffed feed's fake, haftcn that da^, fo that the people and faints of the Moft High ma^^ obtain the kingdom, ^If anid * See Pfalm 137. Ifaiah 51. and Revelations. J O H N G R I F F I T H. 97 ai\d the earth enjoy her fabbath, when fweet incenfe in every place on the Lord's foot- ftool may be offered up to him with gra- cious acceptance*. I took notice at Port-Paflage that a per- fon went about the ftreet every evening tinkhng a ^hand-bel!, as if he had fome- thing to fell, yet I could not fee any thing he had, which made me alk the reafon of it : I was told, that it was to remind peo- ple of the fouls in purgatory, that they might pray for them. The m.aid of the houfe where we boarded brought a crucifix, defiring us to kifs it; which fome of the Englifh then prefent did, to pleafe her; but upon my refufal, and withal giving her a gentle rebuke for offering me fuch an affront, fhe aiarm.ed the houfe with com- plaints what a bad Chriilian I w^as for refufing to embrace that piece of brafs^ Having foon after to pafs through an en- try, I found two men, I fuppofe lying in wait for me. One of them came flily be- hind my back, laying fail hold of both my arms, in order to confine me, whilfl the other brought the image to my face; intending, no doubt, to force me into that which they could not bring me voliiutarily into. I foon perceived what they were about, and prefently freed myfelf from their (to me) very odious defign; fliewing them, by a fteni countenanlJf, and feme Iharp ex-^ preffions, * Dankl 7, 9S The JOURNAL of preffions, that I was much difpleafed v/ith their uncivil treatment. I cannot fully account for the caufe, but vhilft in Spain, I felt at times, or at leaft I thought fo, fomething like fnares laid to do us mifchief. However that was, the Lord graciouily preferved us, and gave abi- lity to maintain our teftimony, as far as he was pleafed to require of us in thofe coun- tries ; which was chiefly in feeling the dif- treflins: wei^^ht of death and darknefs that covers the holy feed fown in the hearts of mankind, and which is prefTed down by their fuperflition, idolatry, and wickednefs " as *' a cart is preiGTed that is full of iheaves." It as furely groans for deliverance as Ifrael did under Egyptian bondage. In fympathy therewith (as I take it) my foul was moft- 'ly in deep anxiety; being, as it were, dumb with filence, and clofed up in pain- I ful death and darknefs ; ready at times to fay. Surely I am in the fame fpirit with them. But the material difference was this ; it was their element, wherein they lived plea- fantly and delighted to breathe; whereas I could neither live nor breathe therein ; fo far from it that I often looked upon my- felf in a manner quite dead. But let ever- lafting praife afcend to the God of the living, world without end ! He was plea- fed to bring me through this horrible death and darknefs, to enjoy the glorious day of his ialvation again, and to be one of thofe, ' though JOHN GRIFFITH. 99 though unworthy, who have " the Lamb flain from the fomidation of the world" for their light and leader. Then I faw that even in that day of uncommon trials both with- in and without, my life was fure (though not difcerned by me,) being hid with Chrift in God. It was fome time after my arrival in Eng- land before the thick darknefs before mentioned quite wore off my mind ; yet I was favoured, at times, with the ihining of the Sun of Righteoufnefs, as it were break- ing through a thick cloud, to my unfpeak- able joy and comfort, and I believe in the work of the gofpel, to the great fatis- fa6lion of many others, to whom I was, through deep fuffering, in fome degree qualified to fpeak, even as deep calleth unto deep. We arrived in England, and came to an anchor in Torbay, the 26th of the ifl month, 1748, after a paffage of five days. The Ihip was bound for Plymouth, but the failors who had been prifoners in France, being in fear of another confinement by being prefled on board of the men of war, took the command of her from the captain, by fomething, in appearance at leaft, like force. He told them he had a fafe pro- te6lion from the government, whereby they would be fecured from what they feared by going to Plymouth. But they did not regard that, neither was he, as we thought, O averfe lOo The JOURNAL of averfe to going into Torbay,, as he had the failors to lay it on; for we had reafon to apprehend he did not keep us waiting in Spain fo long for nothing; fo that the Bay might fuit his purpofe better alfo. It being the I ft day of the week, in the evening, when we came to an anchor, Thomas Gaw- throp and I had a great mind to go on fliore, that we might endeavour to find a meet- ing of friends. Next day fome of the com- pany ligaifying their intention of goii-g about midnight, that being the time when I fuppofe the tide woidd ferve beft; we therefore requefted they would call us, Avhich they did. The fhlp lay a confider- able diftance from the town of Bricklham, where we intended to land. We had been in tlie boat but a little while, when a great ftorm of wind and rain beat furioully againft us, fo that the men at the oars found it hard to keep the boat up againft it.. We encouraged them all in our power to work for their own lives and ours, let- ting them know, if they would bring us fafc to land, they fhould be well rewarded for their pains. The danger of being dri- ven back to fea was very apparent, and I believe much feared by all in the boat. The poor men exerted their utmoft en- deavour, which, through the good provi- dence of God, proved fuccefsful in bring- ing us fate to land. This I looked upon as a merciful prefervation, having feldom, - if f JOHN GRIFFITH. \o% if ever, in the courfe of my life, appre- hended greater danger. We were exceed- ingly wet with the rain, but having good fires made for us, and other neceflary ac- commodations, did not fiifFer much there- by. By enquiry, we found there was a meeting of our friends held near a place called Newton-Bufhel, about ten miles ofF, to which we went, being truly thankful for the great favour of a fafe arrival in Eng- land, and the opportunity of fitting down in a meeting of friends again; though we did hold meetings amongil ourfelves ia our captivity, on firfl-days, when it ap- peared pradicable. This meeting was but fmall, and the life of religion feemed to me at a low ebb. I had nothing to deUver unto them by way of teflimony. Friends were very loving to us. On fecond-day we proceeded towards London, as far as Exeter, where friends entertained us kindly that night. Next day Thomas Gawthrop, Ifaac Greenleaf, and myfelf (leaving our ancient friend Peter Davis with friends there) hired horfes as far as Honiton. There I bought a good ferviceable mare, that carried me fafe and well through moft of my. travels this journey in England and Wales. We took Bridgport in our way, and lodged with our worthy friend Samuel Bownas, who, with his houfe-keeper, en- tertained us with affedlionate kindnefs. Nov7 did we bea:in to enioy the fweetnefs of 102 The journal of of brotherly love again. The quarterly-^ meeting for Dorfetiliire was held next day at that place, to which we went. It was very fmall, and the power of truth wliich is the crown of all our religious meetings, as I thought was very low therein. We muft live in that power at other times, if we ex- pect its gracious afTiIlance in tlie weighty affairs of the church when met for the ma- nagement thereof; for that which is born of the flefh is but flefli, and cannot enter into the kingdom of God, nor fo much as fee it. All is certainly of the flefli that hath its principal delight and fatisfadlion in fublunary things. So that, although fome may maintain the charadler of God's peo- ple as to the outward appearance, yet if the love of earthly things hath the chief room in their hearts, the love of the Father is not in them ; and therefore fuch are not qualified to do God's work. Church-govern- ment, according to the difcipline he in his wifdom hath eftablifhed, requires our under- flandings to be divinely enlightened to move rightly therein; but when any fpeak and acft in the fame natural reafon and under- flanding whereby they manage their outward affairs, which although capable of the one, is altogether unfit for the other; for '' the world by wifdom knows not God," confe- quently thefe are not likely to underfland his work ; but in their pretended endeavours to promote, they mar it, and frequently darken counfol JOHN GRIFFITH. 103 counfel by a multitude of words without right knowledge. Inftead of raifmg life in a meeting, they bring death and dark'nefs over it, to the great pain of the upright- hearted, who are not always ready (like thofc. above hinted at) but experimentally know- ing their fafficiency for every good word and work to be of God, they dare not move until it pleafe him, by moving upon their hearts, to open their underllandings and to be a fpirit of judgment unto them : in this only, there is binding and loofing, remitting and retaining, with divine ap- probation; which is livingly known and fealed vipon the underftanding of the faith- ful, by the holy fpirit of pronaife. Our way was quite fhut up as to miniftry or other publick fervice in that meeting. After which we purfued our journey for London. But I found conftant riding very painful, not only becaufe I had not rode much for a confiderable time, but having, accord- ing to the cuftom of America, been ufed to an eafy pacer. My mare now being a trotter, was hard to bear until 1 was more accuftomed thereunto, which then proved very agreeable. Our friend John Hunt and his wife met us on 7th day at Staines, and being in a coach, prevailed on me, as I was weary with riding, to go with them there- into, and took me to their houfe, where I was kindly ea|ertained, not only that time €rf my ftay in the cijty, but alfo at divers other I04 The JOURNAL of other times during my travels in this na- tion. I continued about two weeks, in the city, vifiting meetings as they fell in courfe, being moflly low and pretty much difcou- ragea in my mind with a deep fenfe of mine own weaknefs, the greatnefs of the work which was before me, and the mourn- ful ftate of the church, as it appeared to me, in London. I had but little opcnnefs as to miniilry, yet endeavoured to wade along as patiently as I could; it appearing to be my principal bufinefs then to fuf- f-T with the opprefled feed, mourning with a fenfible remnant, who I could perceive had fackcloch underneath, for the preva- lence of worldly wifdom and grandeur in that great city ; the little low meek thing, which by the power of God was exalted amongft us in the early time of our being a people, was in too general a way over- looked and difregarded ; and man's will and wifdom taking its place, was grown very high, affumed the government in a large degree, where the wifdom of God for- merly bore rule. But this did not profper ; inflead thereof, greater wafte and defolation prevailed. The breathing panting babes after heavenly fubftance were greatly dif- couraged, being ready to fay. All is gone ! The glory is departed from Ifrael ! What can be . done now ? But I faw they were to be raifed in the Lord's time., as an army to fight his battles againil the, uncircumcifed m JOHN GRIFFITH. loj in heart and ears ; and that the vidlory over that fpirit was to be obtained through fafferings. Thus 1 have given a fhort hint of the afflicflhig view I had of the ftate of our fociety in the city of London; which place I ihall leave for the prefent; as I ihall, in the courfe of this journal, have occafion, divers times, to make fome far- ther obfervations thereon, which may tend to explain the above. I had an ancient mother in Radnorfhire, South Wales, whom I had not feen for about twenty- two years. I therefore pur- pofed taking meetings in my wsy thither, and alfo in my return to London yearly- meeting. I fet out in order to be at Reading quarterly-meeting the i6th of the 2d month, which I attended to good fatisfaftion. After this meeting I took the following in my way, viz. Henley, Warborough, Witneyj Gloucefter, and Rofs. The Lord being my gracious helper, either to do or fuffer, in which I endeavoured to be faithful, according to the difcovery I received of the divine will. The 26th I got to my mother's houfe, having fent a meflenger a little before, left a fudden fur- prife, although arifing from much joy, might prove too great a fhock for my dear ancient mother to bear without fome in- conveniency. I fuppofe our meeting might fomewhat refeipble that of Jacob and his fon Jofeph's, It doubtlefs afforded much comfort io6 The JOURNAL of comfort to my worthy mother, Ihe being a valuable religious woman, not only to fee me again, but alfo that I was come upon a lervice fhe fo greatly loved and valued* My honoured father had then been dead about three years. I had a brother and fider then living with my mother, and another fiiRer married, who lived not far from her. I ftaid thereabouts fomewhat more than two weeks ; in which time I had divers very large, and fome very open precious meetings; many of other focieties flocking to them, who feemed much reach- ed by the teflimony of truth. But alas ! I found things very low there, as to friends, which was caufe of forrow to my mind. Wrong things creeping in, and very few if any, who had judgment and courage enough to deal plainly with diforderly walkers. I was at their monthly meet- ing, and endeavoured to flir them up to a more diligent and zealous exercife of whole- fome difcipline ; but they appeared weak. On 2d day, the i6th of the 3d month, I took leave of my dear mother, brother, and fifters, and fet out in order to be at the yearly-meeting in London, Edward Jones bearing me company. I took the follow- ing meetings in my way, viz. Ammelly, Leominfler, a quarterly held at Broomfgrove, Worcefter, Evefliam, Shipfton ; on firlt-day had two meetings, at Lonycompton in the niorning and Ghippingngrcon in the after- noon ; JOHN GRIFFITH, 107 Boon ; then to High Wickham, Chefham, and Uxbridge. I had divers open fatisfac- tOYj meetings, and fome very tx^ying an4 afflidting. The Lord was pleafed to be my help and fupport, to whom be humble thankfgivings for his gracious condelcen- lion to the low eftate of his poor fervants. I got to London on the yth day of the week, and the day following attended Grace- church- ftreet and Devonfliire-Houfe meet- ings ; but I had very little opennefs there- in. My fpirit was very .low and greatly depreffed, fo that I feemed to myfelf near fainting under the weight of my burden, which was very great. On 2d day the yearly-meeting began. The firft was a meeting of miniders and elders in the morn- ing. Many brethren were met from divert parts of the nation. Amongft whom, I looked upon myfelf as a mere child, hav- ing much fear and reafoning in my niind left I fliould difconour the great mafter's caufe, and difcover my great weaknefs (as the fame appeared in my own view) to thofe pillars in the church and experien- ced fervants in the Lord's work. But he in great mercy condeicended to my very low jeftate, and regarded m^y humble breathings, giving me the w^ord of life to preach with demonftration that day, which much opened my way in the minds of friends, and was of conhderable advantage to me in my fu- tpxe fervice; for very much depends on our P having fo8 The JOURNAL of having good place in the hearts of the faith^ fill, and that cannot well be until they know lis. Chriftian prudence teacheth not to lay hands fuddenly on any; therefore fuch mud fee and feel the fpirits one of another, in fome degree, before they can unite. Was there not great care and caution in this re- fpedl, grois hypocrify, by putting on the out- ward appearance, might be encouraged, which w^ould be a very grievous wound to God's caufe ? Many friends after this meet- ing fliewcvl afFe(5tionate regard to me; but none more than that fubftantial minifter of the gofpel Samuel Bownas. It had a pro- per eftecl upon my mind, to ftrengthen it, and raife humble acknowledgements to the Lord for his mercy herein. It being my fervent prayer, that whatever I might go through on account of the unfaithful, my fervice and labours might be acceptable to the famts, and that 1 might be favoured with a fenfe of the unity and help of their fpirits accompanying me therein. I at- tended the yearly-meeting conftantly, both the meetings for worfhip and difcipline as they fell in courfe. The power and virtue of truth was near, to the flrengthen- ing and comforting our fpirits in a good degree: but I have known a much fuller enjoyment and overfliadowing thereof, even wlien all the hills and mountains have been melted as it were, before him who is glorious ia holinefs, and fearful in praile, working JOHN GRIFFITH. 109 working wonders for the help and prefer- vation of his people. O then we could ex- perhnentally fay, the Lord of awful majefty prefideth amongll us, being a fpirit of judgment to them that fit in judgment, and all we ftand in need of; even as a place of broad rivers and llreams, where nothing of man's invention could obtain any place ! Thefe were times of rejoicing in the pre- fence of the Lord, and drinking freely df the wine and milk, without money and witiiout price. O how hath my foul faid, it is good to be here! Having a defire, with Peter, to tabernacle there; much dreading to defcend into this vale of tears again, where I mud ftruggle with my many in- firmities, which I did not then much feel : but I do not inftance this with defign to jaftify thofe anxious fears and taking thought for the time to come; but rather as a mark of my great weaknefs and want of growth in the molt precious faith, which is the faints vicfhory, whereby, as we grow therein^ ftrength and patience is received, to endure hardnefs as good fbldiers of Jefus Ghrift; not viewing with much anxious fear thefe light affli6lions, which are but for a moment ; feeing, in due time, if we are properly exercifed thereby, they will w^ork for \\s a far more exceeding' and eter- nal weight of glory. On the fixth-day of the next week after the yearly-meeting, I fet out in' order to be no The JdUilNxlL of be at the three eaftern yearly-meetings, being accompanied by my friends John Hunt and his wife, and Chriftopher Wilfon who was to be my companion. We lodged that night at E» eritwood ; next morning early we pafTed on to Chelmsford, (the weather being extremely hot,) and breakfailed at my dear friend Frances Wyatt's, who after- wards^ through the kind providence of God, became my truly affedionate wife. Divers friends went forward towards Col- chefter, but my companion and I ftaid at Chelmsford meetings on firil-day. The weather continuing very hot, I think then feqiial in heat to our weather in America, there arofe a ftorm bf thunder and rain in the time of the meeting : one clap of thun- der, whilft 1 was upon my feet, io terrified friends as to take awav their attention for the prefent, and I expelled to have been obliged to fit down ; but waiting a fhort time, friends recovered, and 1 went on. A boy was killed thereby, as he was playing near Springfield fteeple-houfe, about a mile from Chelmsford, We went after meeting to Kelvedon, and ne^^t uioraing were ac^ companied by feveral friends towards Col- cheiler; but 1 was fo extremely ill of a fever, that I was obliged to alight at Lexr ton,^' about a mile from the fliid place. We piounted our horfes again after 1 had re- covered a little; but before we had pro- ceeded on the way above half a mUe^ tiiere fame JOHN GRII^FITH. in came on fuch terrible thunder, as is feldom known in this part of the world. The lightning appeared to glide in llrQ.ams of fire on the furfiice of the earth a confidera- ble way, and there feemed, as I thouglitj a ftrong fmell of fulphur. The thunder frighted my mare to fuch a degree, that I being poorly, could fcarcely fit her; but through mercy I received no hurt. I con^ tinned ill at Colchefler, fo that I did not attend many of the meetings. The yearly- meeting ended there on fourth- day. On the fixth-day following^ I was i'o recovered as to ride in a chaife to Maningcree, and had a meeting there the fame day. On feventh- day w^e went through IplWich to Wood- bridge, in order to attend the yearly and quarterly meetings there for the county of Suffolk. We were at their meethig on firft-day ; on fecond-day was held their liieeting for difcipline, wherein the power and virtue of truth feemed to me low and deprefTed ; and, although 1 v/as fully per- fuaded there were divers living, concerned members therein^ who had the caufe of truth at heart, yet they appeared alfo de- prefTed. The chief reafon whereof 1 then ap- prehended and have more clearly feen fince, was giving too- much place to a.few bufy forward members, in w^hom man's will and wifdom was too much exalted, who afTumed the rule and government of that meeting; which they were too much indulged in by ri2 The JOURNAL of by the cowardice of thofe whofe proper bufinefs it was to work for God; that by his bleffing and alTiilance, they might exalt the weight and authority of truth over fuch fpirits. For the dominion and ma- jefty of truth in a meeting foon foils and overcomes them, as it is abode in by the heirs thereof; but if they are Hack and negligent in poffelling their right, vifur- pers will often take"" it from them, in this ieiik. So that fuch who are called to work for God in his church, by holding back more than is meet, not only bring poverty and leannefs upon their own foiils thereby, but alfo open a door for the fpirit of anvi- chrift to enter in. I have often feen, tiiat when the wife woman negleds to build tL. houfe, the foolifli woman, by prccendii*g to build, hath pulled it down wall her own hands: this hath been no fmail cauie of the wafte and defolation in fome places. I have had much labour with that bufy acflive forward fpirit fmce, both in meet- ings and in private plain-dealing, as alfo in ftirring up and encouraging the right minded to (land their ground; which 1 hope hath not been altogether without fome good effedl. I could not well be eafy to proceed without making the above remarks, as a caution to fuch into whofe hands this may come, lince it is no finall thing to be guilty of negligence in the work of God, nor to engage therein without a proper qua- lifications JOHN GRIFFITH. 115 lification. Meetings for worfhip were held on t:\irvl and fourth days, wherein we were fa.voured with a good degree of that hea- venly virtue, in which there is renewal of ftrength and comfortable fellowfiiip one with another. From thence we proceeded tovv^ards Norwich, taking Brandifton and J.aylton meetings in our way; where true ■igion appeared to be mournfully lov/. Norwich we were favoured with.con- :jrable opennefs and fatisfadlion in their cetings on iirft-day. The quarterly, and ^ early mf^edngs for the county of Norfolk were Jield on fecond, third, and fourth d.iys. Divine goodnefs was felt afiiiling m clofc exercife and labour, for the help and recovery of a declined people; and heavenly fellowfhiip Iweetiy enjoyed with thofe who preferred the profpcrity of the city of God to their chlefeft joy. On fifth day we had a meeting at Wymondham, wherein we were opeiicd in gofpei iervice, to our com- fort and relief in k good degree. Next day we had a meeting at Taiborough, which was a very painful trying time; mv duty therein was to fet an example of filence. Here my agreeable companion and I parted. He had been wich me ever fince I left London, i was now alone, as to any con- ftant companion, and on the firlt-day fol- lowing attended Norwich meeting to pretty good latisfa6lion ; and had . the following meetings appointed in my way to Lynn viz. 114 The JOURNAL of VIZ. Lammas, North Walfam, Holt, and Wells; in nioit of which I had clofe laborious fervice: being led, as v/as often my lot, to ftir up and awaken (if pof- fible) carelefs lukewarm profefTors. Our friend Edmund Peckover accompanied me to Lynn, where we had two meetings on firft day; they proved very painful and laborious: I had very little opennefs as to miniftry. From thence we went to Wif^ beach, which was a fmall meeting, and things appeared very low. The next meet- ing we had was at Gedney, things being alfb very low. From thence we went to Spald- ing, and had a heavy la-borious meeting: Jiere my friend Edmund Peckover left me •and returned home. The fame day was a confiderable ecUpfe of the fun. The next meeting I had was at Broughton, which was very painful and affli(5ling. The great lofs fome in that part of LincolniTiire (through which I paflTed) have fuftained," by forfaking the fountain of living water and the commonwealth of our Ifrael, that they might embrace this prefent world, Demas- like, was forrov/fully felt: although fome of them might retain the outward form, yet having loft the dew of their youth, they were become dry and formal: by whofe means, and the undue liberties indulged in too many of the youth, a thick darknefs was raifed that might be felt; which did^ in a forrowful degree, tend to eclipfe the beauty jonu Griffith:, u^ beauty of our Si on. I travelled from thence through Newark, and a confiderable way by the pleafant river Trent, to Nottingham. Being firil-day, I was at the meetings there both fore and afternoon* Truth greatly favoured in opening dodlrine and counfel in the morning; the afternoon not quitd fo open, but in a good degree to fiitisfaction* From thence to Oxon meeting, which was fmall yet open. From thence to Manf^ field, and had a painful trying meeting there. The next was at Cheilerfield^ where the meeting was but fmall, yet truth livingly favoured, opening counfel tor our help and Encouragement in the way of well doing. ^Notice being previouily given, I had a large meeting at Matlock on firft-day. There were a few friends, and many others at this meeting, which proved heavy and laborious for fome time; yet divine goodnefs afforded ability to work through, and the holy power of God was in a good degree exalted; praifes to his name for ever! The next meeting I had was at Hanfworthwood- Houfe on the borders of Yorkihi; e. Ihere were but few friends, and of thofe few, moft of them feemed to depend too mach, upon the labour of the min-flers, as is forrowfully the cafe in too many other places. I had nothing to adminiiler unto them but an exam.ple of filence, that ap^ fearing beil adapted to their dates ; for tmlefs the great benefit thereof is experien* ii6 The JOURNAL oi ced, there can be no real advancement in true religion. I went from thence to Shef- field, which was a large meeting, and the do6lrine of truth was largely and livingly opened therein; I believe to general fatis- faclion, and to the comfort of the upright- hearted. From thence I went to Highflats, and was at their meeting on firft-day, Tv^hich vv^is very large; being compofed of plain country friends. The Lord was plea- fed to fevour us with a precious oppor- tunity together, in the comfortable enjoy- ment of his love flied abroad; under which holy influence, the doctrine of truth was largely opened; the glorious powerful name of the Lord was magnified, and his hum- ble, dependant children were encouraged to ferve him with a perfe6l heart and with a willing mind. The next meeting I had was at Brighoufe, which was to pretty good fatis faction ; truth owning and comforting our fpirits therein. Next day I had a very painful afflicT:ing meeting at Halifax, hav- ing reafon to fear but few of the members were rightly acquainted with the quickening virtue of true religion in themfelves : when this is the forrowful cafe, it makes heavy work for painful travellers. My la- bour amonglt them was in a clofe roufing way, but it did not appear to have much impreffion. From thence to Gilderfome, where I had a pretty open comfortable meeting; and next day one at Leeds to fatisfadion. JOHN GRIFFITH. 117 fatlsfaclion. This being a large meetings I ftaid over firft-day, and am purfuaded there was a fenfible weighty body of friends belonging thereunto ; yet there feemed to me a much larger, as to num- ber, who contented themfelves in the pro- feffion of truth, and in hearing the report of others concerning the heavenly coun- try. The indifference of thefe, together with their eagernefs after words, appeared to me a caufe of painful anxiety of fpirit in that meeting, which I liad to faffer under both morning and afternoon. Here my friends John Hunt and his wife from London met me, with intent to accom- pany me to fome meetings in that county, of which I was glad, being alone, often low and much difcouraged in mind, in a deep feeling of mine own weaknefs ; as alfo having to wade from place to place, in a painful fenfe of a greatly declined people whom I was concerned to labour amongft ; fo that, had not divine goodnefs at times m.ade me fenfible his everlafting arm was underneath, to fupport my afflicted foul in various probations, I had certainly faint- ed. But, bleffed be his holy name forever,. he w^as often gracioufly pleafed to open a way for me to hold on, when I couid fee none, leading me by the hand like a tender merciful fathef, one flcp after another; and giving me more place in the love and . regard of his people than I looked for, or couldj xi8 The JOURNAI of could, as I thought, reafonably expect, t was many times greatly abaled in mine own fight; ready to fay, to what good purpofe. do i vifir the churches? for 1 icem to move in an untrodden path, as under the weight of the hills and mountains of exalted nn- fruitiulneis 5 and often, as it were, groping in the chambers of death, with fuch con- ftant afiiidling views, that I was ready to fay With the prophet, *' 1 am a man of un- *^ clean lips, and I dwell amongil a people of *' unclean lips;" but the live coal from the holy altar, loon removes all that tincSure or feeming defilement^ which doth not proceed from our own fins and mifcarriages, but trom thofe of others. Thou deep wader for the good of fouls, this is wrote prin- cipally for thy ^ fake, that thou mayft fee others have gone the fame way before thee, and be encoiiragcd fo as not to fink under tliy burden* i found in the Lord's time (as thou wilt, if thou patiently holds on thy way) that tribulation v/orketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope. The Lorcl gave me thereby clearly to fee, I mull thus feel the wounds, bruifes^ ^nd putrifying fores of the fons and daugh- ters of Sion, or 1 could not fpeak to their ftates and conditions feelingly and effec- tually for their help and recovery. Our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrifi: was touched with a feeling of our infirmities. He bore the weight and painful fer^fe of the fins of JOHN GRIFFITH. IT9 of the whole world, tafling death for every man; whereby he reached forth a merci-* ful hand of help and lalvation for the re- covery of all, fufficient for all who be* lieve in hiin and obey him; and his faith- ful meifengers mull know, in degree, a drinking of the fame cup, and being bap- tized with the fame baptifm he was bap- tized with, not only on their own accounts, but alfo on the account of others. He ftill fuifers by his fpirit, as under the weight and opprefTion of (in and iniquity, in the hearts of the children of men; fo that all thofe who are one in fpirit with him, muft in meafure feel his fufferings, and fympathize with him therein; travel- ling in pain, that Chrift may be formed in the hearts of mankind, ruling in his king- dom on earth, as he rules in heaven. But thefe things are too myflerious for the wife and prudent of this world to under- ftand, being only revealed to thofe who ^re indeed born of God. We (laid at Leeds until fifth-day, there being a burial, attended by a large numbei? of friends and others. Truth opened our way in the miniftry to good fatisfaftion. Next day we had a fmall meeting at Knaref- borough, where we found things very low. From thence we went to Thirfk) and on firll-day had a precious open meeting there, in which the teilimony of truth was greatly €3U\lted| and tjie upright-hearted Iweetly comforted 120 The journal of comforted. The praife of all belongs to the giver of every good and perfect gift. Next day we went to vifit our ancient honourable friend John Richardfon, at his houfe near Hutton in the Hole. He had fcarcely fight enough to diftinguifti us one from the other. We we-re received and entertained by him with true love and bro- therly affedlion. He was much at liberty in his fpirit, and very free in difcourfe about religious things, in which his life and great delight appeared to be. He fliewed us (in manufcript) a journal of his life and travels in the fervice of the gofpel, fince publifhed, wherein are many very ufefvil obfervations and remarkable occur- rences, which I hope will be of great fer- vice in the world. On third-day we had a meeting at Hutton, wherein we were fa- voured with fome degree of opennefs; yet truth did not raife to any confiderable de- gree of dominion: but all is beft as the Lord is pleafed to order, for from him alone proceed the ifTues of life. On fourth- day morning we took leave of our faid worthy friend in much afFedtion, and had a fmall meeting at Bilfdale: things were low as to the life of religion in that meeting ; after which I parted with my friends John Hunt and his wife. John Scot of Leeds continued with me, who was an honeft labourer for the arifing of life in meetings, and I thought of conli- derable JOHN GRIFFITH. 121 derable help to me. The next meeting, we had was at North Allerton ; which was ra- ther low and heavy to wade through. We went from thence to Darlington in the county of Durham. I had clofe painful labour there; earthly-mindednefs in pro- felfors is often the caufe of fuch hard work, as it obltrucls the current of life, both in themfelves and alfo frequently in our religious meetings, like the Philiitines flopping up the wells which the true, feed hath opened in the hearts of believers ; fo that many times, inftead of their having to iing, Spring up, O well, and Vv^e will fing unto the€l there is mourning and painful labour in fympathy therewith, to have them opened again, that the flock of Ghrift's fold may all be watered with the refrefliing ftreams of that river which iflows from the prefence of God. The next meeting I went to was Raby, being on a firfl-day ; it was a large heavenly meeting, truth having great dominion, and friends were fweetlj comforted together. At Bifliop Auckland, the Lord favoured v/ith matter and utter- ance to a coniiderable degree of eafe and fiitisfaftion. From thence I went to the city of Durham, and had a hard painful meeting in lilence; alfo at Newcaftie we had a clofe, trying, laborious meeting; occafioned, as I apprehended, by undue liberties in thinking and ading, which had I'aifed darknefs to be felt in that meet- ing. !2i The J O U R K A L of ing. We had an open comfortable meeting the next day at Shields. We went to Sunderland, and attended their meetings oii firft-day; that in the morning was very- open and fatisfaclory, the tellimoiiy of truth going forth freely to the feveral ftates of thofe prefent, who were much affeded therewith. In the afternoon it was a heavy affli (Sling meeting ; but little felt of that which crowned the meeting in the morn- ing. We often find afternoon meetings are the mod heavy and painful, occalioned, no doubt (in part at lead) by anfwering the cravings of nature to the full; whereas they Ihould be denied a full gratification, as little fullenance w^ould, for that lliorc fpace of time, anfwer much better, and be no injury to the conftitution. If any think this hint, by way of caution, impertinent, there is reafon to doubt, that they are yet too much ftrangers to the nature of true wor- ihip and the many impediments in the way of its due performance; what I have above- mentioned is none of the leaft. I was quite ftiut np as to miniftry in the after- noon. Here I met my valuable friends Jonathan and Margaret Raine of Trawden m Lancalhire, being the firft time 1 faw them; concerning whom, more hereafter. On fecond-day we had another meeting in the city of Durham, wherein the Lord was gracioufly pleafed to exalt his glorious and -powerful name over all diforderly and cor- rupt JOHN GRIFFITH. 123 rupt libertine fpirits ; there being fome fuch in the meeting, which was evident to me, from the main fcope of the teftimony I had to deUver amongft them. It was with remarkable authority and fharpnefs agai.ift fuch, who having departed from the divine light, wherewith all mankind are enlight- ened, choofing rather to be in darknefs, were fo loll in a maze of error, as even to call in queftion the truths of the Chrif- tian religion. I was afterwards informed that there Vv'ere fome fuch in that meeting ■who had imbibed the dark and wicked principle of deifm, or free-thinking, fo cal-^ led; but I had no outward information Goneerning the ftate of any there before the meeting, v/hich I always carefully fhunned. The next meeting I had was ac Stockton, to pretty good fatisfadlion, as truth opened my way to difcharge the fervice required |, yet the meeting was fmall, and things ap- peared low, as to the life of religion. I went from thence to Yarum in Yorkihire ; had a meeting there, and at Yatten, and Moorfiiam, to a.^.ood degree of fatisfadlion. The next met^ting I had was at Caftleton, The two laft ^ named- were on the Moors, amongft a very j>lain people, v/ho appeared to be in a low llation of^ life, but I found the favour and virtue of truth amongft them, efpecially at the latter; to which that fnb- flantial miniiler of the gofpel Luke Cock, did in his life-time belong; the remeiri- II branc^ 124 The JOURNAL of braiice of whom, although I never perfon- nally knew him, was very freih and living- ly before me in that meeting, as if his fpirit had been prefent ; I could, as I thought, perceive the good effecls of that worthy mian's Chriilian labours amongft thofe peo- ple; and a precious meeting the Lord favoured us with together: to whom, for the multitude of his mercies beftowed upon "us, poor unworthy helplefs creatures, be humble thankfgiving and praife, now and for evermore. Whitby was the next meet- ing I attended, being on firft-day, where I had very clofe laborious work. An earth- ly lofty fpirit had taken too much place in lome of the profeifors ; the tendency where- of is, by darkening the underftanding, and blinding the judgment, to account various weighty branches of our Chriilian teftimony fmall trifling things. Here the flefh, |:hat warreth againft the fpirit, having the af- cendency, its language is quite oppofite thereunto. The flefli iaith, there is little in drefs ; religion doth not confifl in apparel ; there is little in language ; there is little in paying tythes &c. to the prlefls; there is little in carrying guns in our fliips, to de- fend ourfelves in cafe we are attacked by an enemy. To which, I think, it may be fafely added, there is little or nothing in people, who plead as above hinted, pretend- ing to be of our fociety ; for if they can eahly let fall the before-mentioned branches of JOHN GRiFFIFH, 125 of our Chriftian teftimony, I am fully per- fuaded, they will maintain the others no longer than they apprehend it will fuit witii their temporal intereft. I have often wondered why fuch continue to profefs with us at all. They are not really of uiS who are not concerned to maintain tiioie principles and tellimonies the I-ord hath given us to bear. I was, through mercv, enabled to difcharge the lervice required of me, and went from thence to Scarborough, where the Lord, in gracious condefcenfion, was pleafed to open dodlrine and couniel for their help ; who appeared to me moltly low and weak, as to a real gruwdi in true religion. From thence I went to Picker- ing, where the Lord gave us a very precious opportunity together, in the comfortable enjoyment of his power and refrefhii-g prelence; t5 the exaltation and renown of his great name, who is worthy for ever. Next day I had a meeting at Malton, being a clofe fearching time; truth leemed at a low ebb there. The next meeting at Cranfick was very fmall, but the Lord was pleafed to own and comfort us toge- ther, affording counfel for their help and encouragement. I went from thence to Bridlington, and was at their meeting on firft-day ; it was fmall, and things very low amongft them, as to the life of religion. Oh how greatly is that, and many other meetings decliued, both a^ to number and a hvely 126 Thl journal or a lively experience of true religion: fome friends informed me, as I remember, that they knew the time, when fourteen or fif- teen miniftering friends belonged to that m:eting; and now perliaps, not a much greater number of members of all forts, belong to iti Once there was a wonderful time of gathering into the vineyard of Chrift; but fince, with forrow and lamen- tation it may be faid, there has been a lofing, fcattering, and dwindling away in many places ; the principal occafion v/hereof feems to have been^ ail inordinate love for tranfitory enjoyments, lawful in themfelves and places, but not to have the chief polP- felTion of the mind. When that becomes the forrowful ftate of any, they cannot favour the things that be of God, but the things which be of men ; and are of confe-^ quence deprived of that all-iuificient help, fo to live and walk, as to anfwer the wit- nefs of God in others; to train up their chil- dren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ; and to maintain the teflimonies of truth with a convincing ftrength and efficacy. 80 that although the form is. retained in a confiderable degree by fuch, and they m.ay alio be fortified with arguments, to main- tain the confiftency of our profeflion with the prhnitive plan laid down in holy wnt^ yet, ^Yanting the fait of tlie kingdom in themfelves, all their prctenfions without it ■will prove nothing; yea, worfe than no- thing, JOHN GRIFFITH. 127 thing; feeing, by how much more they have had the opportunity of knowing more than others, by fo much their condemnation will be greater. Next day we had a (mall meeting at Hornfey, and from thence went to Ouflwick, and had a large meeting, wherein truth favoured in opening dodlrine largely, and to a confiderable degree of fatisfaclion. The next meeting we had was at Hull, which was indeed a very pain- ful exercifing time of filence, in a mournful fenfe of great declenfion. We find it re- corded in the holy fcriptures, that we muft enter the kingdom of heaven through many tribulations. It is indeed a very wonderful mercy, that fuch unworthy creatures as we are ihould be fo highly favoured,' as to be admitted thereinto on any terms. I have confidered, that our afflidions in this day, both in the rnanner and caufe, differ much from the trials of our worthy predeceifors. Their bodies were, frequently imprifoned, and grofsb/ abufed by people of different religious perfaafion^s; but our fpirits, when engaged in the work of the gofpel, are often imprifoned, depreffed, and greatly afflidledj by means of the great unfalthfulnefs of many under the fame profeihon with our- felves; being at times, on account of fuch, fo clofed up in a painful fenfe of death and darknefs^ as to be fomewhat like the pro- phet of old, quite fhut up and dumb with filence. This may he occafioned by fuch, wlip 123 The JOURNAL on who are fo far alienated from the fenfible reaches of that meafure of grace in their own minds, as not to be opened thereby to receive the word preached to advantage ; (for the word goeth not forth in vain; but will accomplifh that for which it is fent;) antl it may alio be neceHary, on account of thofe who have often been comfortably re- freflied by fitting under a living miniftry, yet negle6ling their own duty in a fpiritual labour for heavenly bread, look too m.uch for food from the labour of others : which unjuftifiable depend an ce and expec- tation, is often difappointed and mortilied. The main de(iga of gofpel miniftry, is to turn the children of men to the grace of God in themfelves, which will teach them to work oat their ov/n falvation, and dili- gently to feek the Lord for themfelves, in whom, their ftrength being renewed, their- fpirits. would unite, and greatly help and relieve the minilters in their gofpel-laboars. From Hull I went to North Cave, where I had an open comfortable meeting. Thence to Hovvden, where the meeting was fmall and things very low; it was held in iilence. I went next to Selby, and attended their meetings on firiVday. I had ibme llrengrh and o-pennefs for fervice in the morning; in the afternoon I had to lit in Iilence ; I could find but very little of the life of religion there. Next day I had an open comfortable meeting at Rawcliif; thence at Pontefract, where c ' things JOHN GRIFFITH. 129 things were low and painful. Tlie next meet- ing was a fmall one at Wakefield, wherein I was quite clofed up in filence; the ftate of tlie meeting, as I apprehended, requiring it. I went from thence to Leeds, and next day to the houfe of my eileemed friend William Hird, intending for Brad- ford monthly meeting, which was held on fixth-day, wherein I had thorough fervice, and the bleiled truth had great dominion, to the joy and comfort of many hearts, I returned to Leeds, and attended their meet- ings on firft-day. They were low and rather painful; my fervice therein was in a clofe fearching way ; but thofe who are at eafe in Zion like fmooth things beft, and are almoft ready to fay now, as fome did formerly to the feers, fee not, and to the prophets, prophefy unto us fmooth things. I went from Leeds to the quarterly- meet- ing at York, wherein I had confiderable opennefs in fervice; yet my fpirit was in- wardly and fecretly pained moil of the time; the caufe whereof, as I apprehended, was the numbnefs and earthly-mindednefs of many members of that very large alfem- bly; in which there were, notwithftand- ing, a wife lively fubftantial body of friends ; which, by account, hath continued in a fuc- ceffion from the early times of our fociety. When this meeting was over, I fet out, in company with feveral friends in their way home, in order to vifit fome meetings in 130 TiTE JOURNAL OF in the Dales, on my way to Kendal quar- terly-meeting; John Scott being alfo with me. The firft meeting we had was at Bane- bridge in Wenfley Dale, which was large, behig on a firft-day. It was a very clofe trying laborious meeting. I had very little to fay by way of miniftry, but fuffered deep- ly in fpirit, under a forrowful ieiiih of car- lialily prevailing. Next day I had a very comfortable reviving meeting amongft a few plain friends in Grifdale. After which I went home with that plain faithful minif- ter of the gofpel Alice Thiftlethwaite, who had borne me company from York, to her houfe in Dent Dale, where we had a meet- ing nexc day, which I hope was in a good degree ferviceable, although things were but low. After this we went to the houfe of that worthy elder and minifter of the gofpel James Wilfon, near Brigflats, where, next day, the Lord was pleaied to favour us with a powerful glorious meet^ ing; fo that we could thankfully witnefs truth was over all. Such thorovigh open meetings, but feldom fall to our lot in this declined flate of things. Yet the Lord is all-fufficient for the help and fupport of his faithful fervants, in all times and dif- penfations of his providence to mankind; fo that we not only can fay, fufficient to the day is the evil thereof; but alfo, fuf- j&cient to the day is the ftrength and wif- dom afforded for our affiftance in the Lord's JOHN GRIFFITH. 131 Lord's work. Next day I went to Ken- dal, being accompanied by the before- mentioned worthy friend, who entertained me on the road with divers very pleafing accounts concerning the fpreading of truth in thoie parts, and the wonderful convince- ments thereabouts, by that memorable fer- vant of the Lord George Fox, which the faid friend had heard related by eye-wit- nefles, who were themfelves convinced at that time; this made the journey exceed- ing pleafant to me, nothing difagreeable therein, but its being too foon over, as that put an end to this delightful converfation. There appeared to me a valuable body of friends in and about Kendal yet left, al- though divers in that town had been remo- ved by death but a little time before; the lofs of whom was much lamented by the furvivors, as they had been ufeful mem- bers in their day. It alfo appeared that good order was well maintained, and that excellent difcipline eftabliilied amongft us in the wifdom of truth, feemed to be as duly put in pra6tice, as in moil places I have obferved amongft friends ; yet my way was much clofed up in fufFering, du- ring the quarterly-meeting: I ftaid their meetings on firft-day, and was largely open- ed in the morning, truth having great do- minion ; but in the afternoon was Ihut up in filence. On third-day, being Winder- mere general meeting, I wcAt to it; truth i S greatlj'- 1^2 The JOURNAL of greatly overfliadowed that large aflembly^ and the teftimony thereof was much exalted, to the edification and fweet refrefhment of the upright in heart, as well as deeply affedling the minds of many, I hope to their kiting advantage, who had. taken more liberty than truth allows of. Next day I had a fmall meeting at Grayrig, v/here things were low. At Preilon the Lord was plealed to favour us with an open comfortable meeting, and truth's tefthnony was exalted. After which I went to Kendal, and had a very comfortable meeting amongft friends there. From thence 1 went to Swarthmoor, and was at their meeting on a firft-day, in a meeting-houfe built near the hall, by George Fox ; I could not difcover much, lively fenfe of true religion there, it being a time of painful fuffering filence. From thence to the Flight meeting, which was to pretty good fatisfacflion ; and thence to Hawkfliead; the meeting there was low and afflicting. My principal fervice was to give an example of filence, which frequently fell to my lot; the Lord favouring with refignation to his divine will. Next day I had a. fmall open fatisfadlory meeting at Kefwick; and went to Ifel meeting; but had nothing to deliver by way of teftimony, being wholly fhut up. From thence to Pardlhaw, which, I think, is the largeft country meeting in England, and friends there generally made a plain becoming ap» pearance. JOHN GRIFFITH. 13^ pearance, much refembling many meetings in Pennfylvania, both for largenefs and other- wife; the view whereof give me lingular pleafure, and abundantly the more, a:& the great mailer of our affemhlies was gracioudy pleafed to honour and comfort us with his living prefence, in which there is fulnefs of joy : matter and utterance was given by him to a difcharge of duty, m which there was peace. I had an open fatisfac^ory meeting in the evening, at my friend and old com- panion Chriftopher Wilfon's. Next day I had a meeting at Whitehaven. Thence to Broughton, where I had a meeting. I en- deavoured to lean upon the Lord alone, for guidance in my fervice, and by him was frequently much opened, in the ftates of meetings and individuals prefent. The next meeting was at Gockermouth, which was to a good degree of fatisfadlion. Thence to Allonby, where truth favoured with a good degree of opennefs and peace. From thence I went to Holme, a meeting remarkable for having been, I fuppofe, more than fixty years interrupted, and grievouily diilurbed by a wicked unruly company of ranters* It began in fome of the Pearfons, and when they were removed, others fucceeded in the fame fpirit. Some of them were at the meeting when I was there. A woman of the party fpoke feveral times in fuch ran- cour, that I do not remember ever to have taken notice of a voice fo much tindlured with 134 The JOURNAL of •with a dark diabolical fpirit ; but friends, in the blelFed enjoyment of the powerful truth, were quite over it and them, and I believe, had therein been in a good degree preserved ; as that meeting appeared to me the livelieft of any thereabouts, having, as I remember, five or fix public friends belonging thereunto. The next meeting I had w^as a fmall one at Bolton ; truth fa- voured with a comfortable degree of open- nefs therein. Thence I went to Wigton, a. id attended both their meetings on firft- day; it was an exceeding painful exertifing time* My mouth was, as it were, clofed up in mournful filence, yet not without a pretty clear view and fenfe of the forrow- ful ftates of thofe amongfl them who had been the principal caufe of the death and mifery which I felt; I faw what they were doing in the dark, as it were, through the hole in the wall. O ! wdiat a great fnare bright genius, and extenfive natural abilities, are to fome, when they are deluded by Satan to truft in them, and prefuinptuoufly to imagine, they are fufficient to anfwer every purpofe for guidance and help not only in temporal but fpiritual things, without fuper- natural and divine aid immediately commu- nicated. I have met with no ftate more at enmity, nor in greater oppofition to the truth ; nor from whofe fpirits more pain and difbefs is to be met with, than from thefe worldly wife and felf-fufficient people, who, no doubt, would JOHN GRIFFITH. 135 Would deride this obfervation, or any thing elfe that afferts an inward fenfe of things. They are very much out of the way of being reached unto and helped; therefore they are in great danger of being left alone, that they may wonder and perifli, I fin- cerely wifli, that the tender-hearted, both youth and others, may be preferred from the infedlion of that poifon of afps which is under their tongues* Next day I had a poor fmall meeting at Kirkbright, where my bufinefs was to example them with filence. From thence to Moor-houfe, where I had fome opennefs and fatisfadlion, though things were but low as to religion in that meeting. The next meeting was in the city of Carlifle ; my way was clofed up in painful filence* I had a fmall open meet- ing next day at Scotby; then went to a meeting at Sowport, where there were but few friends, and things very low amongft them, as to the life and fenfible under- ftanding of religion ; but there came in many^ of the neighbours, towards whom I found great opennefs to declare the truth, and it was a good meeting. I went next to Kirklington, or the border meeting, being on a firft-day. Friends having without my knowledge, given notice to their neigh- bours, and to divers people of account in the world; it is. likely they expeded great things from one come fo far to vifit them ; and fome perhaps hoped to get credit by that 136 The JOURNAL of that day's work ; but we fee fomctimes, whea. man appoints, the Lord difappoints; which in the iffue, feems to have been the cafe here; as I fat the meeting, (which was very large) throughout in (ilence, to the great mortification of many prefent, fbme of whom, one might have expelled from their appearance and pretenfions, to have better underftood the nature of fpiritual worlhip, than to have been fo anxious after words or outward declarations ; it proved, I think, as painful and exercifing a meet- ing as ever I knew, to which the expec- tations of friends and others did not a little contribute. At the conclulion, I was fully fatisfied I had difcharged the fervice requir- ed of me that day, in an example of filence, in which I had peace. I could perceive great uneafinefs in many under our name, at the filence of the meeting. It evidently difcovers a mournful degeneracy, feeing filent worlliip is fo dire6lly confiftent with our Chriftian profeilion of the inward teachings of the grace of God that brings faivation, which hath appeared to all men, jind teaches all thofe who diligently hearken thereunto, that no time is more fuitable than when affembled together, unitedly to wait for this bleffed teaching, and thereby, a renewal of our ftrength. How abfurd then is it, for thofe who profefs this teaching and accefs to the fountain of all good, to depart there- from and gaze at the clouds, or depend on the JOHN GRIFFITH. ^37 the conduits and watcr-fpouts, as if it was in their power to fill themfelves, and fo to fupply all their wants? for althongh they have at times, by the Lord of all, been ufed as a means for our help and edification, yet fuch means or helps are not fo effen- tially neceflary to the fpi ritual worfliip pro- feffed by us as a people, but that it may be as effectually, and confequently as ac- ceptably performed without them, in afi awful folemn filence: than which nothing can be more reaching and convincing to thofe in whom the divme witnefs is re* garded, and which may alio tend greatly to raifethat in the minds of fuch where it is depreffed. Some have remarked, that thofe who have been convinced in the filence o£ our meetings, have generally flood their ground in religion beft. The reafon is plain, becaufe they have at the very firft laid hold of and embraced the very fubftance o£ religion; whereas, the underftanding may be, in a great meafure convinced by tefti- mony, and the mind much tendered and affedled with lively declarations of the truth ; but all this goes off fooner, and will leave fuch minds deflitute, unlefs they happily come to be fixed under the teachings of the grace of God in themfelves, and have to fit under their own vine, and under their own fig- tree, where none can xnake them afraid. None need be afhamed of a folemn awful filence before God, and in the fight of men ; feekin^ 138 Tht: journal of feeking the Lord, v/ho will be found of all fuch, and will, by his fecret invifible power, vindicate that ibrt of filence in the hearts of all who fufFer his- pure witnefs to arife. All who reje6l the voice of this holy witnefs, may juftly be difregarded by God's people, fo as not to be difcouraged by what they fay on that account. But on the other hand, when any thing of this nature is done in the form and by way of imitation only, there being nothing fuper- natural to fupport and defend the fame, it muft neccffarily fall under contempt, and like the fait that hath loft its favour^ will be trodden under the feet of men. That fcripture pafTage is very obfervable, where ibme undertook to caft out devils in the name of Jefus, whom Paul preached. It is plain the evil fpirits knew, notwithftanding their pretences, that they wanted power to fubjedl them ; and therefore anfwered thefe imitators and pretenders, *' Jefus I know, " and Paul I know, but who are ye ? and " the man in whom the evil fpirit was, *' leaped upon them, and prevailed againft ** them, fo that they fled out of the houfe " naked and wounded." I inftance this paffage to ihew how inefEcacious imita- tion is : they would do well to confider this, who, upon a ferious examination, do not find the Lord with them in their religious performances ; for affuredly nothing can ft and approved in his fight, nor maintain a dig- JOHN GRIFFITH. 139 a dignity worthy of him, 111 this ftate of probation, but the real produdl of his own fpirit in us; therefore, let all who profefs fpiritual worlliip, greatly dread being found in fenfelefs flupid filence, although it be in the very fame form the people of God have been, and are flill led into; knov/ing, that the beft and mod confiftent form is alto- gether contemptible without the heavenly power. I felt and perceived divers of them were much offended with me, for abiding in that ftation the Lord placed me in that day, which they did not altogether forbear letting me know by words; neither did I let them pafs without fome clofe remarks oa their forrow^ful ftate and great blindnefs. In about a week after, I received a long letter upon the fubjedt, from one, fetting forth amongft other things, how great a myftery it was to him, that a perfon in my ftation, travelling from one nation to ano- ther, fhould difappoint people, friends and others, by fuch unaccountable filence ; had not I difcovered fufBcient caufe to believe this friend was not then what he had been, his letter would have been as. great a myftery to me as my filence in that meeting was to him. When I had perufed the faid letter, I was moft eafy to let it pafs as not worth anfwering. This was a time of very great anxiety to my mind, and I have made the a- hove remarks thereon, as I felt my mind open- ed thereunto; forpo other realbn, than as a T eautioa 140 The JOURNAL of cantlon or warning to all profefTors of the blelled truth into whofe hands this may- come, that they may watch and pray con- tinually ; left, by departing from the pure leadings of truth in themfelves, they fall into the like abfurdities ; manifefting to others, that they are but mere pretenders to fpiriuial worihip ; and alfo for encou- ragement to painful travellers in the work of the gofpel, whofe lot, in the courfe of their fervice, may fall amongft fuch, to •whom they may be as figns and gazing- ftocks, bectiufe their time is not always ready. What makes fuch examples more necefTary in fome places, is the bufy for- wardnefs of unfl^ilful miniflers amongft themfelves, who may be too apt to feed the people with a multitude of words; per- haps frequently recommending filence in words, but not fufficiently by example. I have feen it much my place, efpecially at home, to fhew friends by my example, the benefit and neceftity of ifilence, and, as it were, to lead them into it. And. as may be feen by this account, I many times found it my duty to fit meetings appointed for me in filence; (being at times greatly dif- trelled in a ienie of the ftates of the people,) like a fign unto them, of what they ought to be more in the pra(5lice of. This indeed was no eafy talk to flefti, as the expeclation of people was greatly towards me, being come from far to vifit them;.v jct there was no remedy JOHN GRIFFITH, 141 remedy but patience and refignation to the divine, will, without whole affiilance, I knew it was in vain to attempt any- thing by w^ay of miniftry. My way of travelling as above hinted, often filent, was looked upon tlien by many, as a ftrange and unufual thing; but fome others hav^e been led pretty much in the fame track; however, I had moftly great peace, and inward llrength to ftand my ground therein, as all will w4io follow the Lord whitherfoever he fhall be pleafed to lead them. I had a meeting on third- day at the houfe of Cuthbert Wigham in Northumber- land, w^hich was a fweet refrefliing time, and tended much to fire ng then and revive my drooping fpirit. Next day I had a pretty open ferviceable meeting at Allondale. From thence to Alftonmoor, where the Lord was pleafed to favour me with a tho- rough roufing opportunity, and God's everlafting truth was exalted. The next meeting I had v/as at Penrith, where things appeared to me but low. i went from thence to Coldbeck, and was at their meeting on firft-day. It was a very hard diftreffing time. There I felt, as I thought, fome of thofe hard dark fpirits, which had occar- fioned great anxiety at fundry places in that county; who might, as I apprehended,, be compared to the bulls of Balhan that com- paffed David about. ' It is likely they would fcofF 142 The JOURNAL of fcofF at the exprcflion of their fpirlts being felt, bvit the time will foon overtake them wherein their fpirits will^feel, though now perhaps in a great meafure paft feeling. Next day I had a fmall but pretty open meeting at MafTdale. From thence to Terril, where I had a good open fatisfadory meeting, truth being exalted and friends comforted. The next meeting was Strick- land, which was but fmall yet to good fatisfadlion. I went from thence to Ken- dal, and attended their meetings on fixth- day, firft-day, and third-day. Moft of them were to me trying laborious meet- ings. I was not much opened as to mini-, flry. Friends in many places had need to be brought from words, to the one eter- nal infpcaking word. On fourth-day at Yealand in Lancafliire, I had a clofe fearch- ing meeting. The next day I was favoured with an open comfortable time at Wray meeting. From thence I went to Bentham, where truth affifted to difcharge what I had before me, to a good degree of fatisfac- tion. From thehce to Settle, where on firft-day we were favoured with a precious open meeting. The teftimony of truth went forth freely and affedingly, to the tendering many hearts : Praifes and thankf- giving to the Lord for the fame. Next day 1 had a fmall but a very open meeting at ]VIonybent. From thence to Soly meeting, which appeared to me in a very weak, low condition^ JOHN GRIFFITH. 143 condition, as little of the life of religion was to be found therein. After meeting I went %o the houfe of my kind friends Jonathan and Margaret Raine; and from thence to Marfden Height meeting, in which the Lord's power was livingly felt, whereby the teftimony of truth was delivered with clearnefs and good demonllration. Next day had a meeting at Trawden. On firft-day I went again to Marfden meeting, which was a thorovigh good opportunity, and we were fweetly comforted together. Being now pretty much fatigued with eonftant travelling and clofe labour, I relied at Jonathan Raine's about a week, and then went to a large meeting of friends in Latherfdale, where I was much favoured, and largely opened to deliver the dodlrines of truth, with good demonftration, and to my own peace. The next day I had a com- fortable open meeting at Airton; my friend. Jonathan Raine bearing me company. From thence to Skipton, and had a meeting; things were but low. I had that evening a good open opportunity amongft our wor- thy friend David Hall's fcholars. Thence I went and had a meeting at Fairfield, which was fmall, but pretty open and I hope fer- viceabie. The next meeting was at Ne- theridale, where I had very laborious fearch- ing work ; the tefthnony was clofe and iharp againft formal profeflbrs, yet, through divine favour^ I was enabled to get through to 144 The JOURNAL of to very good fatisfacllon, and the meeting ended comfortably. I went from thence to Afquith, where was a Imall open meeting. The next meeting was at Rodan, and being on a firft-day, it was very large: a plain folid body of friends belonged thereunto. We v/ere favoured w^ith an open meeting, the teftimony of truth being exalted. Next day I had a very comfortable open meeting ajt Bradford, and went to Keighley, which was alfo an open fatisfadlory meeting. There I received from my worthy friend David Hall, by the hands of his wife, a truly fub- ftantial and encouraging letter: as it con- tains matter of weighty inftruclion, I wil- lingly give it a place here, not doubting but it will be very agreeable to fome read- ers, and think it cannot hurt any. Efteemed and well-beloved Friend, IN the fweet fpirit, and fellowfhip of the everlafting and glorious gofpel of peace, I hereby kindly falute thee, and thy dear companion and fellow- labourer in the ac- ceptable work thou art now engaged in ; not forgetting his worthy confort Margaret, when thou feeft her. Be not at all difcou- raged on any account, for I truft, thy good Lord and mafter whom thou ferves, who made thee willing to leave thy outward habi- tation and little ones, and to traverfe the rugged JOHN GRIFFITH. 145 rugged ocean with thy life in thy hand, as an ambafTador in Chrift's ftead, to preach glad tidings of good things to the meek ; to call upon and roufe the indolent and care- lefs; to diredl the ftraying Iheep unto the fold of reft; to raife the drooping ones that are now too low, and endeavour to bring down the lofty that are too high, to the true centre, even the midft of the path of judgment : in fhort, to bring unto us the pledges of thy matter's love and thine, and to receive ours; who, after he had in his wifdom and counfel, fuffered thee to be taken captive for the trial of thy faith, in mercy ranfomed thee as an evidence of his power, will never leave thee nor forfake thee. I have unity with thy fpirit, gift, and with the manner of the adminiftration thereof. I intreat thee, dear brother, keep to thy fteady bottom way. The prefent ftate of the church loudly calls upon us, for the entire refignation, faith, hope, charity, and patience of the minifters of the gofpel. The diverfities of gifts, operations, and adminiftrations, from the one fpirit, are beautiful and ferviceable: as the ftars in the firmament are not all of one magnitude, have not all one ftation nor degree of luf- tre, but are each ornamental and fervice- able in their refpedive places and feafons. The Lord blefs thee, be thy fiiield and ex- ceeding great reward in time here, and in eternicv 146 The JOURNAL of eternity hereafter. Now as the apoflle, in a paternal way, adviieJ his fon Timothy, to drink no longer w^ater, but ufe a little wine for his llomach's fake and his often infir- mities: I defirc, as thou ferveft not an auilere man or hard mailer, but the mofl: merciful and bountiful King of Kings and Lord of Lords, thou wilt take due care of 'thyfelf, and rightly confider thy conftitu- tion. Do not drive on too fall in this cold climate and leafon of the year; con- fider, nets are not always to be fpread and caft into the fea, l^ut fometimes to be mended and repaired. Thou finds the good feed lies low in many bofoms, and many meetings ; experience teaches thee, that where and when our mafter fuffers ; who faid, where I am, there fliall my fervant be ; we ought to be content to fuflfer with him; that when he reigns, we may alfo reign with him : fliall the fervant think to xeign, when and where his Lord and mafter fuffereth ? There are, my dear friend, thou knoweft, times of fitting at the king's- gate; a fafe, honourable, and profitable fituation, previous to advancement: they that are faithful in this low, fafe fitting, in due time receive a call from the king to put on his royal robes, mount his horfe and ride around, which is a high dignity, and a high day; yet thofe fo favoured, miift not expcdt always to fit in that faddle, nor always to be cloathed with that royal ap- parel, JOHN GRIFFITH. 147 parel, but as certainly difmount, as ever they mounted; and niuft by no means for- get the road to the honourable king's- gate, and their honourable feat there. ^Ve ihould be glad to fee thee here once more. Pray write to us. My wife joins with me iii dear love to thee, and thofe above-men- tioned. I am thy truly afFedliortate friend, skipton, tf.e T9th of? David Hall, joth month, 1748. > After this meeting, I went home with my companion Jonathan Raine, to Traw- den. From thence I went next day to Todmorden, and had a laborious exercife* ing meeting there; yet through the ex- tending of heavenly help, I was enabled to difcharge the fervice required, to mine own eafe and comfort in a good degree. I had a fmall poor meeting at Oldham next day ; filent labour feemed to be my proper bu- finefs therein. On firft-day, the 25th of joth month, I went to Crolhawbooth in Roflendale, which was a pretty large meet- ing ; but I was in fo weak a ftate of body, being much fpent with travelling and deep clofe labour, having for fome time but a very poor appetite, that my fpirits were greatly exhaufled; fo that finding my mind engaged in that meeting, I flood up in order to de-^ Jiver what fecm^d to be required, but was U pbJige4 14a The JOURNAL of obliged foon to fit down^ dLg^iUy being fo very weak and i'pent I' could not raife mjr voice, fo as to be heard. I then conciuded it was time to take fi me reft, in order to irecoyer ftrengrh as forin>.rly. if it v/as the Lord's will, which I did not then miiCih cxpecl, thinking myfelf far gone; nor indeed did i delire it; for my afflicflions, feveral ways, about that time were very heavy, which made m.e weary of this world, and had ic been the Lord's will, fhould have been glad to have embraced death rather than hfe ; yet 1 endeavoured to be reiigned to the divine will. Great care was taken of me with affedlionate kindnefs, by my worthy friends Jonathan Raine, his wife, and her lifter Ann who then lived with them; having often the company of that valuable family", the Ec- royds of Edgend: I was brought very near thefe two families in that love that think- eth no evil; being by illnefs, or rather weaknefs, detained there about nine or ten weeks. It was an exceeding wet feafon ; being alfo the dead of winter, yet I got moftly out to their meeting, which was near; and went divers times, to Marfden- Height meeting, about four miles off; and once to Skipton, and Lotherdale, about eight or ten miles off: in moft of which meetings the Lord was with me to ixiy great comfort, enlarging my hear,t in fer- vice for him and his people^ to ixay.fatis- faftion JO H N G R ITT r T H. 14^ tacflion and encouragement. As foon as I was pretty well recovered and the v/eather more fit to travel in, I iet out tor Lau- carter; my kind friend Jonathan Raine bearing me company ; and attended both their meetings on firft-day; being painful and laborious, I had nothing given rne lo deliver by way of public teilunony; divei^ friends there appeared to me rhen, and more fince, lively and fenfible of the work ot true religion; yet I apprehend, the expedatious of too many were out after words chat day, which was to be difappointed. O that all were really turned to the more fure word, that they might never be difappointed ! I was next day at their monthly-meeting of bufinefs, which was low, truth not having much dominion therein. I went to Wyerf- 'dale, and had a pretty open meeting; re- turned to Lancafter, where next day, we were through divine goodnefs, fiivoured with a heavenly baptising meeting, to oilr great joy in reverent thankfulnefs ; friends being fweetly vmited in the precious enjoy- ment of the pure love and goodnefs df God; having an additional confirmation, that when the Lord is pteafed to fliut, none can open, and when he is pleafed to open, none can fliut. As there had been very little opennefs at divers meetings there before, and at this the Lord o{)ened places of broad rivers and rtreams, to the unfpeak- ^ able pleafure and refrelhment of thirrty Ibuis ; I50 Th£ journal of- fouls; in a fenfe thereof I took my leave of friends, being accompanied by my efteem- ed friends William Backhoufe and Jona- than Raine. We had a pretty open com- fortable meeting at the Fylde. Next day had a thorough awakening opportunity at. Freckleton, being enabled to divide the word v^ith great plainnefs to their ftates ; •wherein I had eafe and peace. We then went to Prefton, where the number of friends was exceeding fmall, and but little to be felt of a fpiritual travail or lively fenfe of religion amongft thofe few, there hav- ing been a mournful declenfion ; yet I found the. Lord's merciful loving-kindnefs gra- ciouily extended towards them for their help and recovery. From Prefton I went to the following meetings, viz. Cappul, AfhtoUj BickerftafF, and Leverpool: in all which, the Lord was gracioufly pleafed to afford wifdom and ftrength, to open doc- trine and counfel for the ftimng up care- lefs lukewarm profeffors, as well as to the encouragement and edification of the fincere-hearted, alfo to mine own eafe and peace in a good degree. I went from Lever- pool to the houfe of Gilbert Thompfon, and was at Penketh meeting on firft-day; where my fpirit was deeply afHi(5ted, under a fenfe of too many profelTors fitting down at eafe, ieeking to be fed with words and outward declarations concerning the things pf God, I have found this much, the cafe JOHN GRIFFITH. i^t cafe at fome places where eminent in- ftruments have dwelt. Friends have fuf- fered their minds to be too much drawn from a diligent fpiritual labour, to receive the bread and water of life immediately from the fountain thereof; and depended upon the labour of fuch inllruments who are but as clouds or water- fpouts ; having no power to fill themfelves nor to feed thel flock profitably, until , furniilied for that purpofe, by the bounty of the inexhauftible treafury of wifdom and all-fufficiency. Here the fountain is forfaken for the ftream's fake; the eye being more to the gift than the giver, which is an abufe of the gift, and provokes the Lord to jealoufy ; giving him juft caufe to withhold fuch inftrumen- tal means from people. The reafon of fuch a dangerous miftake, to me is obvious, viz* becaufe it is found eafier for flefli to receive by fuch a medium; *^ Let iiot God fpeak *' unto us, left we die, faid the people of *' Ifrael, but let Mofes [the inftrument] " fpeak unto us." There is a life that ought to die on the crofs, which is eafier faved alive under teftimonies be they ever fo fub- ftantial and excellent, than under the im- mediate teachings of Chrift; whofe voice is as a fire againft evil of every kind, and affords no peace after it is difcovered, until it be given up for deftrudlion, and to be purged away by the fpirit of judgment and burning. This pure voice ipeaks to us in ixiQk ts^ The journal op fuch a manner, as that we can by no means turn it off from ourfelves by applying it to the ftates of others; which niay be done Under the moil fearching teftimonies ; thert2 being a partiahty to ourfelves, which, through the deceitfulnefs of the heart, we ^lare bat too apt to fall into; and alfo to flat- ter ourfelves, b"^ iuppoling the pleafure we take in hearing the doctnnes of truth de- ^livered, arifes from the good in us, wheh it may be no other than tne ftate of thole, to whom the prophet Ezekiefs words and declarations were as a lovely fong, of one ^that hath a pleafant voice: for they heard ^his words, it feems, wah pleafure, but did •them not; their heart going flill after their covetoufnefs. I have lengthened this re- mark the more, becaufe of the very hurt- ful confequences I often have icen and felt, 'by an over-anxioufnefs in people after out- ward declarations ; even to the negletft of that great and neceffary work, of drawing near to God with true hearts, in full af- furance of faith; wherein is our only fafety iand help. May this conlideration deeply engage all minds to return unto him, the great Ihepherd of ;ii^ael, v/ho puts his own ilieep forth and goeth before them, lead- •ing into green pailures, bringing them up from the vvafliing-pool, bearing twins, noiie being barren aniongil them. I found it my place to give that meeting an exiimple of filence. From thence 1 went to their monthly JOHN GRIFEITH, 153 monthly- meeting at Hartfhavv, wherein I fat a coMfiderable time in lilent waiting upon and feeking the Lord, who was pleafed in his own time to open a Hving Ipring of miniftry, afid truth greatly pre- vailed, t-q the comfort and edification of friends: there being aifo divers not of our fociety prefent during tiie meeting for wor- ihip, amongfl w^iom one, who exprefled a fenfe he had of an awful folemnity to be felt in the meeting before any words were uttered, which to him exceeded words or outward declarations, or to that efFccl : as a friend told me afterwards. This, dqubtlefs, would be much more the cafe with many who at times come amongfl us, were our. religious meetings held more in the ihn^, fible feeling of the divine power. From thence 1 went to Manchefter, and had a meeting there, Avhich was lov/ and affli(5l- ing. Some who ihould have been way- marks and leaders of the flock, not, keep- ing their own fpirits in due fubjecT:ion to the peaceable fpirit of truth, had not main- tained the unity thereof, which is the bond of peace: whereby that meeting was hurt and the pernicious effefts thereof were pain- fully felt. I (laid until their firft-day meetings were over, where the Lord was pleafed to afford fufHcient ability to dif- charge the fervice required, to mine own, eafe and comfort, in a good degree, I w:ent from thence to Stockport in Che- fliire,* 154 The J O IT R N A L of fiiire, and had an open comfortable meet- ing, to the reviving of thpfe few who la- boured to teep their habitations in the tiudi, and warning of carelefs profeflbrs. I h^d next day a fmall poor meeting at Mac- clesfield, I went fron> thence to Morley, where, although the appearance of pro- felTors was large, yet very little to be felt of the life of religion amongft them; but inftead thereof, a fenfe of death and dark- nefs, occafioned by wrong things. I had no opennefs at that time to adminifter any thing, but an example of filence. I had a :meeting next day at Frandley, where truth favoured with a degree of opennefs, I went from thence to Sutton, where things appeared low: I found it my place to lit the whole meeting in filence. The next meeting was at Newton, being on firft'^ day, where I was favoured with a pretty thorough opportunity to clear myfelf. Then went to Weft-Chefler; had a fmall meeting there in filence, and things appeared very- low. The next day I had a good fatisfac- tory meeting at Namptwich; and went tb Middlewich, where I met our worthy friend Jofhua Toft. The meeting was, through divine goodnefs extended for our help, to pretty good fatisfadlion. I went home with the above-mentioned friend, and had a meeting next day at Leek in StafFordfhire : I fat the whole time in filence ; friends ap- peared to me, in too general a way^ at eafe in JOHN GRIFFITH. 155 in an empty form of religion, depending on the labour of others. I went next day in company with jolliua Toft, to the burial of a friend at Stafford ; there were but few of our foclety thereabout, but many others came, -fome of whom were very rude and nolfy In tjie meeting. Our way was quite blocked up as to miniflry. I returned with Jofhua Toft and went to Leek meeting on firft-day, wherein I had a thorough rouling opportunity ; trtith being exalted, and the great name of God magnified, who alone Is worthy for ever. I went from thence In company with my dear friend Jofhua Toft, to the quarterly-meeting for Chefhire, to be held at Middlewlch: Infinite klndnefs was greatly manifefled at that meeting, for the benefit of friends In general and the en- couragement of the upright-hearted In par- ticular. Things refpeCllng truth and fiiends being In the general, very low In that coun- ty; yet the Lord, lii condefceildlng klnd- nefs, extended his love for their ixvival and recovery. Here I found rhy mind engaged to vifit Morley meeting aga;in, the aforelald friend joining me therein ; and fending no- tice by fome friends returning from the quar- terly-meeting ; we had a very large meeting, compofed of friends and others. I had tho- rough fervice therein ; yet near the conclufion, not finding my mind clear ot thofe under our profefTion, others were deiired to withdraw, which they immediately did. Our labour X t\ra$ 156 The JOURNAL of v/as very clofe and fearching amongft thofe tinder the profeffion of truth, things being much out of order; undue liberties having crept in. The Lord flivoured me with wii- dom and ftrength, fo to difcharge myfelf of the fervicc required, as to go away with a peaceful eafy mind. I have now to give an account of an un- expecled turn I found in my mind, refpecft- ing the courfe I was to (leer in my travels;. When I left Lancafter I had no other view than to vifit m?eetings agreeable to the foregoing account, and to proceed in a pretty dire6l courfe through the Midland counties tow^ards London. But, very con- trary to my expectation, I found my way quite blocked up and flopped as to what i^ before hinted, and another opened before me,' viz. To turn into Yorkfliire again, and take meetings in my way to the quarterly- meeting there; from thence to Lancafter quarterly-meeting; and to the circular yearly-meeting for the northern counties, to be held that year at Kendal ; after which, to crofs the fea for Ireland. But O, the clofe exercife this imlooked-for turn brought upon my mind : not fo much out of reluflance to obey the Lord's re- quiring, provided I was favoured with clear certainty thereof, as fears of being miflakcn ; and great reafbnings there were in my weaknefs; yet through divine favour, I was JOHN G RIFFIFH. 157 I was enabled, ,ia a good degree to get over them, and to yield obedience to that which I beheved was required. I there- upon acquainted my friend Wilham Eack- houfe With the' time I purpofed going for Ireland, as he, when with me in the Fylde Country of Lancafhire, had fignified his de- fire of bearing nie company tiierein, when I found it my duty to undertake it ; al- though neither he nor I thought then it would be fo foon; however, I received his anfwer, that he intended to prepare againfl the time propofed, in order to bear me company. We went from this meeting to Lowlighton in Derbyfliire, where we were favoured with a good open meeting, and fo proceeded over the mountains of Der- byihire-Peak, to SheiEeld in Yorkfliire; where the Lord was pleafed to give us a very gracious confirming meeting; truth and its tefl:imony being greatly exalted. This blefied opportunity removed all my reafonings and fears before hinted 5 for which my foul was humbly thankful to the Lord, my alone helper. After this meeting my much efl:eemed friend Jofliua Toft and I took leave of each other, he returning home. 1 went with our worthy friend John Hafiam to his houfe at Handf- worth Woodhoufe, where the next day I had a very open fiitisfoclory meeting; the Lord aflxDrding dodlrine and counfel fuit- able to the ftates of thofe few belonging to 158 The JOURNAL of to that meeting. When at the houfe of my friend before-mentioned, my mmd was touched with foraething Uke his bearing me company to York and from thence to Ken- dal yearly-meetings which I informed him of; bvit he made very light of it, perhaps thinking my motive was only for the fake of having his company. I advifed him to take with him fuch things as he might think neceffary, in cafe he v/as to go; and if, when at York, he found no fuch con- cern, he might then return home. We fet out together for York, taking meet- ings in our way, at Newel-Grange and Bar- ton, which were precious open times; the life and power pf truth attending to our great comfort. We travelled on to Leeds, and lodged at our worthy friend Chriftiana Home's, who in her time had been a fuc- courer of many pf the Lord's mefTengers, being a truly open-hearted woman, a mo- ther in our Ifrael. But fhe did not continue a great while in mutability after this. Next day we proceeded to York, and attended the quarterly-meeting ; but cannot find any memorandum by me of its fiate, therefore have but little to fay concerning it. I flaid over their firft-day meetings at York; they were hard and painful; I had nothing by way of teftimony, fave a little at one of them. My truly valuable friend John Hailam acquainted me, that what I had f^id to Iiim at his own houfe, of bearing me JOHN GRIFFITH- 159 me company to Lancafter quarterly- meet- ing and the yearly-meeting at Kendal, had laid fuch clofe hold of his mind that he could not find freedom to leave me. He faid I had, by thofe few expreffions, although he did hot much regard them, at firft, caft fuch a mantle over him, (or to that efFedl) that he found he muft go with me, though not fo well provided for the journey as he could defire. We went from York to our friend William Hird's, and from thence to David Hall's, and fo to the monthly-meeting at Settle. In the after- noon the fame day, we were at the burial of a friend there, which was an open fatif- fadlory time, truth overfhadowing the meet- ing, and the tellimony thereof was exalted to our great comfort. Next day we had a pretty open comfortable meeting at Ben- tham, and went from thence to the houfe of our friend William Backhoufe, who I expected to find prepared to go with me into Ireland; but to my no fmall furprize^ I found he had reafoned it away, under an apprehenfion that his propofal of accompany-^ ing me proceeded more from his love to me than any real concern at that time. I was fully perfuaded his concern was right, as he had acquainted me it had remained on his mind to vifit Ireland again for fome years: I therefore had a great travail in my mind for him, that he might be brought to a right fenfe and difcerning of the Lord's re- quirings; i6o The JOURNAL of quirings; being fully fatisfied he was a man of fiiicerity, who vvould not wilfully tranf- grefs. I took an opportunity with him next morning, and his concern returning, and he abiding fteadily under the weight thereof, afterwards performed the faid journey to his own peace, and was to me an agreeable friend and fellow- labourer. Having appointed to meet me at Whitehaven; we went from his houfe to Lancafter, and attended their meet- ings on firft-day. In both which I found it my bufinefs to fet an example of filence. I was taken fuddenly that night after all were a bed, with an uncommon fwelling in my throat, not much unlike a quinfey ; I could fcarcely fwallow liquids for fome time, fo that it feemed very probable to thofe about me, that it would foon be over with me, as to this world. Concerning which, I was very eafy in my mind. A dodlor was quickly fent for; by whofe care, under divine favour, I foon recovered, fo as to attend the yearly-meeting at Kendal. It was very large, there being a great col- lection of friends from many parts, and large numbers of people of other ibcieties. This meeting was divinely favoured, efpecially at the concluding meeting, wherein God's everlafting truth triumphed glorioufly, and xnj poor deprefTed fpirit, that had long waded under the weight of wrong things, was raifed into comfortable dominion, and obtained. JOHN GRIFFITH. i6i obtained, through the captain of our falva- tion, complete vidlory over thofe hard un- mortined fpirits, undue Hberties, and car-* nal Kfelefs profeiTors, I had long mourned under a painful fenfe of, in my northern travels; now I was fet over them ail, for I fenfibly perceived, and livingly felt his eternal power fet over all wrong fpirits, and clearly faw the Lamb and his followers will obtain the viclory: and although it hath been, is, and will be, through great fuf* ferings ; yet thofe who patiently fuffer with Chrill, fliall alfo reign with him. This meeting crowned all my fervice in thofe parts ; after which I found my mind quite at liberty to embark for Ireland. I fet out next day for Whitehaven in company with my good friend Chriftopher Wilfon ; a very pleafant journey we had, in that fweet innocent freedom which cloathed our fpirits, feeling the confolating ftreams of that river which maketh glad the city of God. Here we, in degree, enjoyed the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteouf- nefs : the fruit and effect whereof is quiet- nefs and affurance for ever. I was at Pard- Ihaw meeting, being on a firft-day. It was a precious opportunity; truth was greatly in dominion and its teftimonv exalted, the fincere-hearted being fweetly comforted and united one to another. The next day I went to their monthly-meeting, and had good fervice, both in the meeting of w^or- i62 The JOURNAL of ihip and that for tranfacting the affairs of the church. The weighty fervice of vifit- ing families was before that meeting, and I underftood had been fometime obftrucfted by fome of the members, to the concern and uneafinefs of others. It was clear td xne, when it came to be weightily confider- ed, that the power and virtue of truth was livingly with the promoters of fo good a work, and I did fully believe the Lord would blefs it in their hands. I therefore endeavoured to lift the oppofite fide as well as I could, to the bottom, and found very little or no weight in what they had to offer againfl it. Upon which they were ear- neflly defired not to hinder the fervice of others, in that important work that had fo often and fo evidently been bleffed, al- though they might be vmwilling to put their own hands thereto. Truth arofe and came over them, fo that friends at that meeting appointed fifteen or fixteen men and women, to go in feveral companies on the fervice, as that monthly-meeting is large in its extent. This afforded great relief and fatisfadlion to the fincere travellers for Sion's profperity. I went from thence accompanied by feveral friends, to White- haven, where I met my intended compa- nion William Backhoufe; and a fhip be- longing to a friend, whofe name was James Nicholfon, being ready to fail for Dublin, we went on board of her, the 1 9ch of JOHN GRIFFITH. 163 of the 2(1 month, 1749, in the evening, and were foon under fail. We met Wr h contrary winds, and a very rough uiieafy paf- fage as to our bodies; being five days and as many nig'its before we landed. What made it much harder for William and me to bear, we had given up the beds prepar- ed for us to two women friends that came on board and were unprovided, they be g alfo very fea-fick moft of the time; fo we were under a necelTity of lying down, on the cabin floor or upon fome ot the chefls, in our cloaths, wliich \Ye did not take off all the while, that I remember. This proved very trying and hard to us, and greatly fpent and fatigaed we were when we landed at Dublin : where we were re- ceived an^" entertained with affeclionate kindnefs by our friend Samuel Judd and family, at whofe houfe we lodged while in that citf? The hajf year's meeting began in the morning ot the day we landed, i;: being afternoon when we got on fhore. Tiie next day we aitended two meetings for the afifliirs of the church; and I am fully perfuaded, there was a faithful exer- cifed remnant, painfully labouring for the reftoration of ancient beauty and comelineis, and the affairs of the church were tranf- a6led with very confiderable order and decency ; yet my Ipirit ' was, as it were, cloathed with deep mourning, and much clofed up in painful anxiety. The caufe Y whereof i64 The JOURNAL or whereof I did not then diftindllv imder- (land ; but when I had travelled through the nation, viliting the churches, and for- row fully viewing the defolations thereof, my futFerings in fpirit at the half year's meet- ing were no longer a myflery to me. The next morning was held a general large con- cluding meetnig for worlhip and in the afternoon a meeting of minifters and elders ; at both wnich, efpecially the latter, I had open thorough fervice; as alfa in their week-day meeting at Sycomore-aiiey on fixth-day. We (laid at Dublin over firfl- day: at Meath-Street in the morning the Lord was pleafed to f urniih largely with matter and utterance, to a good degree of fatisfac5lion. In the afternoon at Sycomore- alley, I found it my duty ^^aiifjbe filent. On fecond-day we fet out from Dublin, accompanied by James Evans and wife, in order to vilit the following meeikigs-in our Avay towards Cork, viz. Ball^cane, Wick- low, Errats, Wrights, CooLidlne, Wex- ford, Lambfton, Rofs, Waterford, Clon- mel, Kilcomon, YoughSll, and fo to Cork; We found things very low indeed in molt of the faid meetings ; my labour in them was generally fearching, painful, and labo- rious. Truth feldom having that comfort- able dominion (by reafon of the prevalence of wrong things) as was earneftly laboured for, both by us, and alfo by a few mourn- ers fcattered up and down in thofe parts^ who JOHN GRIFFITH. i6; wlio waited for, and ardently fonglit the profperlty of Zion. Such can only rejoice when the righteous feed beareth rule. We had feveral meetings in the city of Cork, where there is a conliderable body of friends, as to number. But oh! the love of this world and other undue liberties, hath pre- vailed, to the great hurt of the fociety there alfo. Our labour was for the moft part, painful and exercifing amongfl them. From thence we went to Kilcomon again j fo to Cafhel, Limerick, Jonathan Barns's, and Birr. At feveral of which meetings I found it my place to example the people with lilence, which was the cafe at Birr, having (as it was faid) all the people called Methodifts refiding there, and their preacher at the meeting; than whom, I think no peo- ple are more at a lofs what to do with filence in worfhip; I am perfuaded there have been awakening of merciful kindnefs to them, and they have feen the necefTity of the new- birth ; but their notions about it have been for the moft part, in the airy vifions, and flightinefs of their own imaginations; not coming to ceafe from man, or from their own willings and runnings. Oh that they were fo happy as to be emptied! that God might be all in all, working in them the will and the deed; then would they come really to experience true poverty of fpirit, and to abhor forward adlive felf, whofe time is always ready. In this fafe, felf-denvi g licuatioiis i66 The JOURNAL ot fitaation, they would really feel an abfolute neceffity to wait, as with their mouths in the dull before the Lord, until he Ihall be plea fed to arife in their hearts ; whereby all his and their enemies would be fcattered. Then would true worfhip be performed^ and they eftabliihed upon the immoveable rock that the gates of hell cannot prevail againft. After Birr, we had meetings at .the Moat, Old-Caftle, Ballyhaife, Coothill^ and Caftlefhane ; which meetings were moftly fmall and painful; truth favoured with a degree of ftrength, to labour for their help and recovery; but, alas 1 the life of rel g'on appeared to be at a very low ebb^ The next meetings we had were at Bally- hagen and Charlemont, which were laigc, yet but little to be felt of the life of reli- gion moving or ftirring in them; neither did there appear to be much foundnefs amdngll iome of the foremoil r«nk ; feveral of whom having adminiuered caufe of {tumbling and difcouragement to others, it had a bad favour and influence; inftead of gathering, it had tended to fcatter from the fold of Chrift's flock. I had very clofe fearching-work among! t them, in order to bring the judgment of truth over fuch, as the Lord was pleafed to open my way and to difcover their fl:ates to me, being altoge- ther without any outward information there- of. I underflood afterwards fome of them refented it, thoiigh they laid nothing to me JOHN GRIFFITH. 167 ine about it; but as fome had before, fo I vinderilood one or more of them did fooii after, manifed a bafe ungodly foundation. We proceeded from thence to take the meetings round Lough Neigh, viz. Tober- head, Coh^aine, Balhnacre, Grange, and Antrim; which meetings appeared indeed ahnoft a defolation with refpedl to the fen- iible poirefTion of truth, although it was profefTed by fome. A time of deep mourn- ing and diftrefs it was to my foul, to view their captivity and lofs, which themfelves did not feem to have much fenfe of. The next meeting was Baliinderry, being very large^ but heavy and painful; yet the ble^ fed power of truth prevailea in a good de- gree. From thence we went to the follow- ing places and had meetings, viz. Lifburn, Hilfborough, Lurgan, andMoyallan; where, although we found fome true mourners in and for Zion, yet the bulk of the fociety feemed to love the world and the things that are therein, to that degree, as to have very little tafte or relifli for the things of God. Even fome of thofe, who, by their fhations in the church, ought to have been lively examples of felf-denial in this refped:, appeared to be as deeply plunged into this mournful caufe of defolation as any. Alas! what account will they have to give of their ftewardfliip, when the chief fhepherd fhall appear. From this place we croffed the country to Edenderry ; once remarkable for a brave. i68 The JOURNAL of a brave, lively body of friends : there are now a large number of profellbrs belonging to it ; but, alas ! the glory is much depart- ed, and the fountain of living v^^ater forfa- ken by many. Oh, how are they gone into captivity by the muddy waters of Babylon ! "We attended their meeting on a firft-day, but could hear no melody or fong of Zion ; all being doled up, and our harps hung, as it were, upon the willows. It was a time of deep filent mourning. About the time of breaking up that meeting, it hvingly fprung in my mind, that as they had re- jedled abundant favours bellowed upon them that they might be gathered to God, fo the Lord would rejeft many of them. The next meetings we had, were at Timahoe, Rathagon, Mount Melick, Mountrath, Ballinakill, at James Huchefon's, Carlow, Kilconner, and the province meeting at Caftle Dermot. Pain, diflrefs, and ciofe labour, either in teftimony, or an example of filence, attended in the laft-mentioned meetings; yet the Lord was a gracious fup- port through all. I hope our deep wadir^gs and painful fervice, was not without fome .good effedls, both to the ftirring up the carelefs, and comforting the mourners in Zion. I had very clofe fervice at the pro- vince meeting ; yet, by divine favour, was carried through to pretty good fatisfaflion, and I believe it was a ferviceable meeting to many. From thence, in our way to Dub-^ liWj JOHN GRIFFITH. 169 Hn, we had meetings at Athy, Ballytore^ and Baltybois, which were very fmall, and true reHgiori very low. From thence we went to DabUn, intending fliortly to em- bark for England. We attended the meet- ings in the city, both on firft and other days of the week during our ftay, but I had very Uttle opennefs therein ; being made to the profefTors as a fign and example of filence from meeting to meeting. Great indeed were my inward dlftreffes, on account of the mournful declenfion of the church in Ireland: the Lord knoweth, and was my only fupport under it. Bleffed be his name for ever! Divers there were amongft them- felves, who greatly lamented it. The tra- vail of whole pained fouls, I hope the Lord of fabbaths will regard in his own time, fo as to turn his hand again upon a greatly declined church, that he may, by the fpirit of judgment and burning, purely purge away her drofs, take away her tin and reprobate filver; that her judges may be reftored as at the firft, and her counfellors as at the beginning. It may by fome be looked upon rather imprudent, to lay open the defedion and fpiritual condition or ftate of our fociety, which depends fo much upon my own tef- timony of an inward fenfe given me thereof in my travels. In the firft place, no other perfon can do it for me, and I cannot find my mind eafy that it lliould be wholly omitted. lyo The JOURNAL of omitted. It hith been fo repeatedly, and with fuch clear evidence to my underftand- ing confirmed, that I have not the leaft doubt of what I write in that refpedl ; al- though it be with a confiderable degree of rel usance, yet it feems my way, and I am not eafy to go out of it ; Intending no other by thofe clofe remarks, than as leiFons of inflru6lion, caution, and warning to fucceed- ing generations; if, when I am removed hence, this be looked upon worth printing. So far I may add, that the laying open the mournful declenfion of the fociety, and pomting out fome of the caufes thereof, as my underftanding might be opened there- into, was one of the principal things that engaged me to write a journal: it never entering into my thought, that my tra- vels and lltde fervices, fnigly confidered, were of fach confequence as to merit the re- gard of my friends, fo as to be publilhed ; but thinking the account of my travels and the obfervations of the ftate of things are neceflarily connecled together, fo that in doing the firil, 1 could not well avoid the laft. I have further to add, that I think myfelf alfo warranted herein, by the exam^- ple of God's faithful witneifes in ages paft, With whom it was ufual to lay open the ftates of the people, both in an individual manner and in a more collective body, viz. as nations, focieties, or churches; alfo fetting forth, for a warning to all fucceed- ing ^dHN GUIFFITH. 171 ing generations, thofe particular evils which caufed the Lord's difpleafure, and would, if not turned from, bring down his judg- ments upon them. We alfo find, that even thefe warnings and heavy denunciations of judgment, were preferved in writing, as a teflimony for God, and againft themfelves, even by thofe againft whom they were really given forth; yea, the particular evils and frailties which, through inadvertency, the Lord's choice fervants fell into, and deeply repented of, are recorded; not only as warnings to all, but alfo to excite charity and tendernefs towards thofe who have fal- len into evil, in cafe they repent and for- fake; confidering ourfelves, that we may alfo be tempted, and therefore never dare upbraid thofe, who, through their own im- prudence, have fallen amongft thieves and are naked and wounded, provided they re- turn again to the father's houfe. I have juft further to remark, that I have obferved a prevailing difpofition in fome lof confidera- ble eminence in the fociety, and in a great many others, to cry up mightily for peace and charity, the maintenance of unity, and not 'to prefs any thing very clofely, left the peace of the fociety ihouid thereby be endangered; although, perhaps, the things urged cannot well be objefted to upon any other principle, than groand- lefs fears, and a faint-hearted mind not yet: quire upright to God, nor wholly rCvleem- Z ed 171 The JOURNAL or ed from the praife of men : as there Is a?i unwiUingnefs to difpleafe them, though in maintauiing the Lord's caiife: " for if I yet " pleafed men (faid Paul) I fliould not be " the fervant of Chrift." \yhat makes me take notice of this, is, that I have ihtn a great fnare in it, wrong things fuffered to remain and prevail under it, and the fire of primitive zeal againft undue liberty, too much quenched. We have no fuch examples in the prophets, or in Chrift and his apoftles, of indulgence, and winking at wrong things, and falfe eafe. They, in their concern to teftify againft fuch things, had no fear of breaking unity, nor difturbing the quiet and peace of any people, let their rank or ftation be what it may. Had this noble fpirit of ancient zeal been more generally exercifed in plain dealing and fpeaking the truth one to another, the mournful declen- fion fo juftly complained of amongft us as a people, would not have fo generally prevailed. It is but about a century, fmcc the Lord, by an out-flretched arm, gathered our fociety, as from the barren mountains and deiblale hills of empty profeilion ; choofe- ing them for Iris own peculiar flock and family; as by many evident tokens of his love and mighty protection, doth fully ap- pear: even when the powers. of the earth, like the raging waves of the fea, rofe up '-igainft them, with full purpofe to fcatter and lay JOHN GRIFFITH. 173 lay wafte. This remarkable inilance of his regard, muft, I think, gain the aflent of every confiderate perfon, who hath not yet a capacity of uiiderllanding clearly the Lord's gi^acious dealings with his people, in a more fpiritual and myfterious relation. When I view the multitude of his favours and bleiTings to them in this refpecffc, I am acfraid even to attempt the recounting and letting forth' fo copious and amazing a fub- je6l, which can better be admired, and the bountiful author adored for the fame. It may be juftly queried, what could the Lord have done for us that he hath not done? Notwithftanding which, what indifference, lukewarmnefs, and infenlibility as to the life of religion, is now to be found amongfl numbers under our name; nay, in fome places, this painful lethargy is become al- mofl general; although I hope a few may be excepted, who are much affllc5led on that account, being exceedingly burdened with an earthly, carnal fpirit. Oh! how doth covetoufnefs v^^hich is idolatry, and an in- ordinate love of things, lawful in themfelves and places, cloak, ftelter, and hug them- felves, even under a plain appearance in ibme; yet plainnefs is no m.ore to blame tor that, than the name difciple or apoftle was to blame, becaufe Judas once bore that name, I could write much more on this mournful fubjed, having fuuered Co deeply in my travels on account of the grievous dccleniion j 174 The JOURNAL or dcclenfion ; biit hope to eafe my mind, by- dropping here and there a remark, as 1 pro- ceed in g ving account of my travels. We embarked at Dubhn the eighteenth of the 5th month in the morning, and landed at Peel near Swarthmoor-Hail next day. One thing I am not quite free to omit, as I could not well help looking upon it a providential prefervation of my life, viz. the fands being very extenfive there- about, and v^^e happening rather too late> as to the time of tide-ferving, to be fet on fliore, could not, by the waters leaving of us, bring the boat up fo as to land in time. We were thus fet fait, about half a mile from firm land. We could therefore think of no better way in this difficulty, than accepting the poor failo^s affiilance, which they kindly offered us, viz. to carry us to land on their backs, which -was no linall undertaking, as we were, efpecially myfelf, none of the lighteft; however, I was the firft, and believe the failor, who was a ttrong man, would have carried me to land, had not both of us, in our journey thither, fallen into a large quick- fand. The failor immediately left me (his burden) to fliift for myfelf, whilll he did the fame; but he had greatly the advantage of me, as he could fvvim, which I had never learned. However, I was, fome how or other, buoyed up in a wonderful manner, fo that I never was plunged over head; to vvhich, perhaps^ I JOHN GRIFFITH. 175 pcrliaps, my great coat buttoned about me, - might in fome meafure contribute. I well remember, that I could feel nothing under my feet but water, or foft mud that could bear up no more than water ; my head beu:ig all the while above water; I knew which way we tumbled in, and being near the bank, I made fome fhift to fcramble to it, and to chmb up of myfelf. I then waded to the fliore, being exceeding wet and dirty. We went to a poor cottage, where the accommodations were indeed very mean ; but the poor people's kindnefs and hofpitality was very noble, which we did not let pafs unrewarded. We got that night %o my affectionate companion's houfe; hav- ing travelled the before-mentioned journey with great diligence, in much love and harmony one with another, and were not quite three months out of England. The firit meeting I went to after we landed, was Yeoland, as my companion belonged to it, which was a good open meeting; truth being exalted over wrong things. I went from thence to Lancafter, where I had a fatisfaclory meeting ; the Lord's power in a good degree having dominion, to our comfort. I went from Lancafter diredly to Warrington, and was at Penketh meet- ing in the forenoon, being firft-day; where the Lord was plealcd to favour us with a precious opportunity, truth being exalted over all, and the fmcere travellers Sionward greatly 176 The JOURNAL of greatly comforted, in the fweet enjoyment 6f the Lord's prefence, which was livingly felt amongft us. Praifes to his holy name for ever! In tlic afternoon w^e had a large meeting at Warrington, where it appeared my duty to fit^ in filence; the want of which, properly employed, proves a great lofs to our ibciety in many places. 1 went next day, accompanied by my worthy friends' Samuel Fothergill and William Dilworth^ in order to be at Marfden- Height yearly- meeting, and to vifit my kind friends there- about. I attended Marlden week-day meet- ing on fifth- day, which was fatisfac^lory. On the firft-day following, the yearly-* meeting was held, to which came a large collection of. friends from parts adjacent, and a pretty, many people ot other perfua- fions. The Lord was pleafed to exalt hig glorious truth and the tellimony thereof, in a free and open manner that day, to the comfort of many hearts. I went from thence to Todmorden, and fo to Manchefter, being accompanied by my affedionate friends Jonathan Raine and his wife. At Man- chefter we had an open comfortable meet- ing, truth having dominion ; v/herein alone the upright-hearted can rejoice, with joy unfpeakable and full of glory. I went to Oldham meeting on firft-day; which was in a good degree open, and 1 hope fervice- able. The next day I travelled to my wor- thy friend Jofliua Toft's near Leek; had a meet- JOHN GRIFFITH. 177 a meeting there, in which I found it my place to fit the whole time in fi]ence< From thence I travelled towards Birming- ham in Warvvickihire, having my faid friend with me. We attended both their meetings, being on firfl-day ; they were very heavy and laborious, through the pre-, yalence of lukewarmnefs in fome, and un- due liberty in others; fo that I had but; ■yery little opennefs at either of the meet- ings, and was quite fliut up in filence at; one of them. The next meetings wq had were at V/iganfal and Atherftone ; but found the life of religion very low in them. The yearly- meetings for the weflerly coun- ties being to be held at Coventry, we went thither in order to attend the fame, which began on firft-day, the fixth of the fixth month, 1749. The meetings were held in a large town-hall ; conveniency being made therein by friends for the purpofe; fo that one room which was called the hall, would contain by computation, not lefs than ' a thoufand people ; and another under the fame roof, it was fuppofed would contain above five hundred. We had a pretty large meeting-houfe befides. Thefc, I think, once or more, v/ere all filled at one time. There was indeed a great collecftloa of friends from many parts, and very great fiockings in of others, amongit whom there was confidcrable opennefs, and th,eir beha- viour in general waS' becoming. The gof- pel 178 ^ The journal d^ pel was preached with power, clearnefs* and good demonilration. I found myfelf much excufed from public fervice, which I accounted a favour ; having greatly to rejoice in the exaltation of truth's teflimony througli well qualified inftruments, of whom there were a confiderable number prefent, whom I greatly preferred, and was glad the public fervice fell chiefly upon them; for I have ever accounted it a concern of great importance, to appear by way of public teflimony in thofe large affemblies, and have earneftly prayed they might be condudled in the beft wifdom; which, doubtlefs, would always be the cafe, if the fpirits of all who undertake the great and awful work of the miniftry, were truly fub- jecled to the alone fource or fountain there- of: who is, to his humble dependant ones, wifdom and utterance. The meeting ended on third-day, to the comfort of friends, and, as far as appeared, to the general fatis- fadlion of others; whofe attention to what was delivered, and behaviour to friends in general, was to their honour, and the repu- tation of the city of Coventry. On fourth- day there was a meeting appointed at my requeft, in Warwick, to which I went; but when I faw the great comings in of people ; many of whom by their appearance^ feemed to be of the principal inhabitants; I was pretty much intimidated, and fell under difcouragemcnt for a time, know- ing JOHN GRIFFITH, 179 ing my own great weaknefs. My great fear Was, leil through my means, or that of fome others prefent, truth might fuffer. I cried with earned concern to the Lord, who feeth in feeret, and he was gracioufly pleaied to hear, and to furniih with mighty by his fpirit in the inward man; fo that the everlafting truth and its teftimony, was exalted that day, and the people ap- peared to be pretty much affected there- with, I have many times ft^cn. it very profitable to be deeply humbled, and awfully prof- trated before the almighty povv'efful helper of his people; that fo, what we are in the miniftry may be by his grace only ; hav- ing obferved, where the creaturely part is not wholly abafed, but fome fufficiency or treafure belonging thereunto is yet faved or referved (it being very clofe work to be ftrippedof all) there hath been a mixture brought forth; a wearing the linen and Woollen garment, and fowing the field with two forts of grain; and when any by ■cuftom, their own unwatchfulnefs, or the negledt of others whole care fhould have •been over them, become, as it were, efla-^ tliflied in this mixture, I think they fel- dom get out of it the right way, by the bad being removed, and the good preferved, Oh, it is a great thing to ftand fully ap^ proved in this foleijin fervice.! to fpeak as che oracles of God, and to minifter of the A a iabilipy i8o The JOURNAL of ability immediately given by him. Bleffed will that fervant be, who when his l-Oid cometli, is found dividing the word aright, giving the flock and femily of Chrilt their proper portion of meat, and that in doe feafon. Having a defire to take feme meetings in my way into Wales, whither I intend- ed in order to vifit my dear ancient mother, I took the following meetings, viz. Hen- ley, Broomfgrove, and Worcefter. I had ciofe laborious fervice in them, as was often my ^lot where I travelled. I fpent about a week at my mother^s, having leverai large tho- rough ferviceable meetings am^ongft friends, my old neighbours, and acquaintance; their hearts being tendered, and fome mvich affected. But, alas ! things are at a low ebb with our fociety in thoie parts, and the conducl of fome rather adminifters caufe of itumbling than convincement to others, I travelled from thence to Bewdly, Stour- bridge, and Dudley; my brother Benjamin bearing me company. I had good open fervice at the faid meetings, and went to Birmingham, where I had a hard trying meeting as before. I went from thence to Hartihill general meeting, being on a firft- day. It was, through divine favour, an open good meeting. I went the thir^-day following back to the burial of a friend at Birmingham; and returned to the houfe of my kind friend John xJradford, who bore me JOHN GRIFFITH. i8j me company next day to Hlnkley in Lei- ceiiei'iliire, where we had a pretty open meeting, and went to Leiceiler, where the Lord was pleafed to favour us with a fatif- facl:ory meeting. Next day I liad a fniall meeting at Soil by, things being very low there. From thence to Caille-Dunington, and had two meetings, being firft-day ; to which many friends from Nottmgham came; they were hirge, and I believe ferviceabie meetings to many. Next day I had a fmall poor meeting at Wimes-Wood ; and went to Longclawfon, where I could perceive very little of the life of religion. From thence to Oakham in Rutlandshire, and had a comfortable meeting; truth and its tefti- mony had confiderable dominion. From thence to Leiceiler quarterly-meeting; and to Kettering in Northamptonfliire ; where I had a good degree of opennefs, and truth prevailed. Then to . Wellingborough, on iirft-day, and attended their fore and i.afcernoon meetings ; the fir ft was a clofe ' exerciiing time, in a painful filence, and forrowfui {hnk of the indifference and in- fenfibility of many ; it was a large meet- ing, and to me, the much greater part ap- peared very ignorant of the importance of that worfhip and fervice they profeffed to meet about. In the afternoon I was favoured with wifdom and ftrength to difcarge my mind, in a clofe fearching teftimony. The nest day I had a* meeting to pretty good fatisfadioAj i82 The JOURNAL 6f fadsfadlion, at Ranee. The day following I went to the monthly-meeting at Ramfaj in Hxmtingvionfhire, where I had good fer- vice. After which, had meetings at Ives, Godmanchefler, Erith, and Hadenham ; tnoft of which were pretty open and fer- viceable, through divine help,- for without the Lord's bleifmg on our labours, they prove altogether fniitlefs, the increafe being from him alone. I went nest to Milden- hall in Suffolk, where on a firft-day 1 had a large meeting to good fatisfaclion. The next meetings were at Burry, and Haverill; the laft of which, being moftly people of other focieties, was open, and the teftinrlo- nles of truth a|)peared to be well received. I went from thence to Saffron- Walden in Effex^ and had a very painful afflidling meeting : very little to be felt of the life of religion therein. Oh ! what pity it is, fo many up and down, do fatisfy themfelves with' a profeffion of truth ; only having a name to live^ when they are really dead, as to the quickenlngs of heavenly virtue. The next meeting I had was at Stebblng ; where- in we were fa\^oured with the opening of the living fountain in a good degree; yet there appeared to me to be fome obdurate unfaithful fpirits under our profeffion, who feemed out of reach in a forrowful degree, and very hard to be made fenfible of the weight and importance of our religious tertunonies; efpecially* in fome branches thereof* JOHN GRIFFITH. 183 thereof. Such caufe a fecret pain and an"* guiili, which covers the minds of poor tra- vellers in the work of the gofpel, like un- .to the fackcloth underneath. I feldona ^found room and opportunity to put it -wholly off, though I was frequently favour- ;ed with a comfortable evidence, that the ^(Lord was with me, gracioufly owning my 'ifervice for him and his people. At the -next meeting at Coggelhall, on firft-day, I had clofe, fearching, laborious fervice, and found fomething exceeding heavy in that meeting; yet, by divine favour, I was car- ried through to a good degree of fatisfacftion. Next day 1 had a meeting at Kelvedon, and another the day following at Witham. At both which, my labour in teftimony was very clofe and roufing; in order, if pof- fible, to awaken and (fir up lukewarm, un- faithful profefTors ; and by the bleiTed effi- cacy of the vv^ord of life, the wholefbmc dodlrine of truth was fet over them, and the few upright-hearted had relief. I went from thence to Chelmsford, where I had good open fervice at their week-day meet- ing, and alfo on the fir ft- day following: notwithftanding which, a fecret pain ac- companied my mind, occafioned, in a great meafure no doubt, by thofe unfaithful pro- felTors before hinted at, who have neither courage nor fidelity to maintain any branch of our Chriftian teftimony, when there ap- pears any probability of outward lofles, or fuffering 184 Thf journal of fiiiferirg thereby: dealing with our princi- ple in a very lax, indifferent manner, tak- ing what they pleafe, and iacrificing the rell to their own felfifh views ; fuch are as fpots in our fealts of charity, and a mourn- ful load to the truly living in religion : but the Lord Almighty, who hears their groanings, will in his own time grant re- lief; and thefc Ihall bear their own bur- dens. I went from Chelmsford to a mar- riage at Dunmow, and from thence to Roydon in Kerifordfhire. Things, as to the life of religion, appeared very low there; I had nothing to minifter unto them but an example of filence. Next I had a meet- ing at Baldock, which was low and rather painful. I went from thence to Hitching, and was at their firli-day meetings. They were prety open and iatisfadlory. From thence to Ampthill, where things appeared low. Then to Hogftyend, where 1 had fome opennefs and lacisfadion : at Shering* ton I had a low painful meeting. The next meeting I had was at Northampton, which w\as a very trying time; but the Lord, by his powerful word, gave me do- minion in a good degree, over dark, liber- tine Ipirits: things, as to true religion, feemed almofi: loft there. The next meet- ing was at Bugbrook, where I had fome opennefs, and got through my fervice to pretty good fatisfadion. From thence to Coventry, and was at their paeetings on firft- JOHN GRIFFITH. 185 firft-day : in one v/hereof, 1 had clofe fearch- ing labour; I was filent in the other. The riLXt meeting was at Edington, which was fmaii, and things but low. 1 went from, thence to a marriage at South-Newton. I found it my place there to fit the whole meeting in filence. The earneft expectation of people, efpecially on iiich occafions, may, and I believe often does, obilrucl the cur- rent of right miniftry. Silence, if duly coniidered, may be the bell lellbn of in- ilrudlion, for thofe whofe life is too much in words or outward declarations. I have thought fome amongft us are fo void of a right underftanding, as to apprehend a kind of neceffity for fomething to be done by way of miniftry, at marriages, and funerals- efpecially; it being hard for them to ap- prehend, that they can be fo honourably condudled without. I have therefore ob- ferved fome, though but little concerned in the general, to maintain our teftimonies by an uniform confiftent deportment, appear very zealous on thefe occafions; taking a deal of pains, and riding many miles, and fometimes from one preacher to another, to make themfelves fure of having one; and when they have been fo fuccefsfiil as to prevail upon any to come, it would no doubt be a grea.t difappointment, were they wholly filent. In this fituation, the minifter himfelf may, unlefs well-grounded, be ex- pofed to temptation to gratify fuch. My principal i86 The JOURNAL of principal view in this remark is, to fliew how remote fuch are from the truth they profefs, and how nearly allied to fome other profeiTors of Chriftianity, who make re- ligion chiefly confift in outward perform- ances ; and think it not like a Chriftian burial, when a corpfe is committed to the earth without fomething faid over it. If that over-anxioufnefs in the people, above tinted, fhould prevail on the preachers amongft us, to anfwer their cravings and expeftations, both in attending, and when there, in gratifying them with words, with- out a due regard to the holy weight and impreffions of the word of life, as the alone moving caufe to public fervice, they would be loft as to the living body in the fo- cietyj and although fuch might continue in a coniiftent form of found w^ords and- found doflrine, as to the external appear- ance, yet the fubftance being loft, their performances would be no more than as founding brafs, or a tinkling cymbal. Some, to our forrow, have been obferved to lofe ground by fuch means: what can we imagine more offeafive to the gracious, bountiful giver, than to proftitute fuch a precious divine gift, by making it llibfer- vient to the carnal unfancflified defires of thofe who are ftrangers to God, yet love tOL hear of him and his glorious adls, by the hearing of the ear? From this place I went to Huoknorton, and had a meeting ; wiiereia JOHN GRIFFITH. 187 wherein my bufinefs was to example with lilence. I then v/ent to Sibtbrd, where I had a meeting, and fome opennefs ; yet things were but low. From thence to Banbury, and attended their meetings on a fir ft- day. I had open thorough fervice in them, and the teftimony of trutii was in a good degree exalted. Next day I went to South-Newton again, where I had great opennefs, and truth was comfortably in dominion. Much fatif- fadlion is received by following the fafe guidance and conduft thereof, whether in heights or depths, fufFerings or rejoicings^ I h;id a good meeting next day at a place I forgot the name of; and then to Adderbury, where I had a meeting; things but low. From thence to Bicefter, and had a fmall poor meeting; there being but very few under our profefTion, and but little to be felt of the life of religion amongft them. My face being now turned towards the ci::y of London, I had a fmall meeting at Aylef^ bury, and fome open fervice therein to my fatisfaclion. There are but few friends thereabout. I went to their hrft-day meet- ing at Jordans, wliicli was large: my fervice therein, was to example the people, friends and others, with iiience; w iich I believe was a confiderable difappoinrmeat to many; but I hope it was profitable to fome. Di- vers friends from London met me there. Aye lodge :d thai t night at a friend's houfe on ilic w^ay. and got to the city next day. I B b continu! zd i88 The JOURNAL of continued thereabout three weeks, vifiting meetings diligently every day in the week, except the laft, and one more. It, was a very painful time of deep fuftering in fpirit, even beyond all expreffion. I was as a lign of iilence from place to place, efpecially at Grace-Church-Street meeting; which, doiibtlefs, was a great my fiery to many. But it was my way to peace of mind, and I fought after contentment, though it might occafion me to be accounted a fool, by the lofty towering fpirits in that city, who may juftly be compared to the tall cedars of Lebanon. I left London the 1 9th of the loth month, 1749, to vifit the fol- lowing meetings, viz. Hertford, and St. Albans, where our friend Benjamin Kidd met me, and accompanied me to Hemp- fhead, Wickham, and the quarterly-meet- ing at Oxford. The meeting there for worfliip was excedingly diflurbed and hurt by a rude company of fludents, who came in like a flood, and allowed little or no llillnefs, till by breaking up the meeting they difperfed; by which means, we held the meeting for difcipline and good order, in a quiet peaceable manner. After meet- ing I went to Witney ; where next day I had a very painful exercifing time, not only imder a fenfe of vmdue liberties prevailing, but alfo of an exalted felf-righteous, felf-fuf- iicient flate; than which, none are harder t® be reached unto, or made any impreffion upon : JOHN GRIFFITH. 189 upon: my bufinefs was to fit in filent fuffer- ing with the oppreffed feed. I went next to Burford, where there feemed to me very little of the life of religion. From thence I went to Cirencefter, where my fpirit was deeply diftrelfed, under a painful fenfe of wrong things and wrong fpirits. The next meeting I went to was Nailfworth, v/herc I had clofe fearching labour, in teftimony againft lukewarmnefs and undue liberties. From thence to the quarterly- meeting for Wiltfhire; being a ftranger and altogether unexpedled by friends there, the clofe fearching teftimony given me to bear, ef- pecially relating to the ftate of fome aclive members, might be better taken, and might have more effe6t, than if the fame had conic from one better acquainted v/ith their ftates. I always coveted, to be wholly unacquaint- ed with the ftates of meetings by outward information, in all my travels; and when, by the difcourfe of friends previous to my attending them, there appeared any pro- bability of their inadvertently opening in my hearing, any thing of that kind, I have generally either flopped them, or walked away out of hearing; but in general, friends who entertain us in our travels, have more prudence, and a better guard in thefe re- ipedls; as indeed all ought: for it ftrait- ens, and may give mnch uneafmefs to right fpirited minifters, who have a fure infal- iibli^ gtiide within, and therefore have no need 190 The journal of need of any outward guide or information in their iervices. After this meeting, I vlfired the following meetings in that coun- ty, viz. at the houfe of John Fry, in Sutton. Cain, Chippenham, Mellliam, Corfliam, Bradford, Lavingron, and Salifbary, and found things moilly low, painful, and la- borious to work through ; as thofe under our profeffion appeared to me, in too gene- ral a way, fatisfying themfelves with the religion of their education only ; without much experience in the life and virtue there- of, operating upon their hearts. Some, it is to be feared, undertaking to rule and a(5l in the church without a proper qua- lification, and fo do not therein feek the honour that cometh from God only. Here the equal balance a»nd ftandard is not kept to ; partiallity gets place ; men and woman's perfons are refpe(5led, becaufe of riches or outward fubftance: true judgment is per- verted ; wickednefs efcapes cenfure, to the affeciing the wdiole community, as in the cafe of Achan. Such things provoke the Lord, (who is the only ftrength and defence of his people) to withdraw. They then be- come languid; their hearts become water, and the inhabitants of the land prevail againft them, till they are in the end made dclblate. The next meetings I had were Andovcr, Whitchurch, Bafingftoke, and Alton ; having, through divine help, had fome profitable fervice, tending to w^arn and JOHN GRIFFITH. 191 and excite friends to a more diligent and careful difcharge of the feveral duties their ftations required: but I could not help viewing, with fbme painful reflexions, a lukewarmnefs and declenfion which for- rowfully prevails in many places. At Alton, which is a large meeting, I found fome folid weighty friends, to whom my fpirit was nearly united ; having, in the main, good fatisfadlion and opennefs amongft them ; with fearching clofe fervice to the unfaithful; in which I was favoured with the comfortable help of upright fpirits, whofe fincere travel is maintained for an in- creafe of faithful labourers in the Lord's vineyard and the reftoring of ancient beauty. Now did my deep And painful labours in this vifit begin to wear off, and to draw towards a period, as far as related to my travels at this time, in Great-Britain and Ireland. I therefore foon expec^led a full difcharge, as I then faw little before me, fave the city of London. I had meetings at Godalming, Guilford, and Eflier, in my way thither; in which I had fome fervice to my own fatisfacftion, and I hope to the help of friends. I continued in the city fome time, vifit- ing meetings with diligence. My mind being deeply exercifed as ufual in a painful travel, with and for the fuffering feed of God in the hearts of profeflbrs, who to me 192 The JOURNAL of me appeared, in too general a way, living, moving, acfling and breathing, in an airy exalted region above it. I have often been ready to fay, By whom fliall Jacob, the true feed, arife ? for he is very finall in the efteem and regard of profelTors of moft ranks. Yet I could fee an afRicted fuffering remnant, lie very low, as under the ruins, panting, and, as it were, ftruggling for life. And although we could fee, and knew one another, and travelled together under a de- gree of the fame painful feeling fenfe of things; yet, not having it in our power to relieve one another, our proper bufinefs was to travel under our refpe(ftive burden, un- til the Almighty Deliverer Avas pleafed to appear, calling his fuffering ones to domi- nion and rule with him, who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings: for the Lamb and his followers fhall have the vidlory; -though they are permitted fometimes to fuf- fer long. I had then, at times, faith to believe he would raife the dry bones, and they lliould (land upon their feet ; an army to fight the Lord's battles ; to bring the mighty from their feats, and to take the crowns of fome who feemed to reign as kings, from them; making their nakednefs appear. Surely the complaints of the Lord, by the mouth of his prophet concerning Krael, was mournfully verified in the city of London, refpetling a great part of the ibciety, viz. ^' My people have committed *' two JOHN GRIFFITH. 193 «( two great evils ; they have forfaken me *' the fduntam of living w^aters, and hewn " them out cifterns, broken cifterns that " can hold no water." Such is a profeffion, though of the truth itfelf, without the real pofreifion. Such is truth in notion, fpecu- iation, and imitation only. The fame may be faid of whatever is done in religion, without the immediate influence, direftion, and leadings of the holy author's fpirit and power. Sound dodlrine may be preached, as to words and the main fcope thereof, and true principles imbibed from education, tuition, or other outward means; yet the man's part being alive, adlive, and always ready; the child's and fool's ftate, that knows its fufficiency for every good word and work to be immediately received from God alone, is neither experienced nor abode in. " For it is not you that fpeak, but the *' fpirit of your Father that fpeaketh in you, *' or by you." I fay, without this living fcnk of things, all is but a broken ciilern ; it will hold none of the water of life; which is the real caufe, that the endeavours and feeming zeal of fome for the promotion of religion, are fo dry, infipid, and inefficacious. Truth will carry its own evidence. The fpring of aclion being the holy fpirit of Chrift, it will gain the affent of all his children, a'nd aniwerhis pure witnefs in the hearts of the rebellious, f^ir beyond what many con- ceive or imagine. Upon which I would julfc 194 The JOURNAL of juft obferve, that the only way to preferv^ the ftrength, glory, and dignity of a reli- gious fociety, is for all who undertake to be aclive in it, certainly to feel the Lord lead- ing and direcfting them in all their fer- vices; and, on the other hand, the fare way to defolation is, when the aclive mem- bers in religious things move therein by the ftrength of human abilities only. A great deal depends hereon, more than fome are aware of; it is obfervable, that the pre- fervation of the Jewifh church in purity, much depended upon the governors and rulers thereof; and fo does, and will, the profperity and purity of the Chriftian church. I had very little opennefs in refpedl to miniftry, but was lilent as ufual, from meeting to meeting. Indeed, my fufFer- ings in fpirit were exceeding great and deep, day and night, in that city, fo that I was weary of this life, and, as it were, fought for death ; being at times ready to fay, it is better for me to die than to live. I much wondered why it fliould be i'o ; but have fince fceUy it was in order for the fil- ling up that meafure of the fufferings of Chrift allotted to me, which I have feen the great advantage of, with refpecfl to giving dominion over thofe things and fplrits, that were the caufe of thofe great fufferings, which could not be ftood againft, nor overcome any other way. For, as faith the JOHN GRIFFITH. 195 the apoftle, " If fo be we fuffer with Chrift, " we fhall alfo reign with him." And our Lord alfo faid, " Verily I fay unto you, ^' that ye which have followed me in the re- *' generation ; when the Son of Man fnall fit " in the throne of his glory, ye alfo ihall fit *' upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve *" tribes of Ifrael." I have fometimes thought, as I believe it may, by the fore- going account, appear to others, that i was ]ed in a manner Ibmewhat uncommon, to fee and feel the forrovvful decleniion of our fociety, in my travels through thefe na- tions ; though I am very fenfible, divers faithful brethren have fhared in the Hke painful travail ; which, in fome degree, may be compared with that of Nehemiah ; who, under great anxiety and diftrefs of mind, entered upon a long and hazardous journey, and went in the night, to view the breaches and defolations made in the city of the great king, before he and the people arole hi .the name of the Lord, to build the walls of that city and to fet up the gates thereof. For he found the hand of the Lord upon him, naoving and ftrengthening him to feek the good and profperity of his own people. Theie things are written for encouragemeiit „and inflruftion to the painful labourers in the Lord's work; that they faint not under the weight and exercife thereof; nor think flrange concerning fuch fiery baptifms and trials as they may meet with in the C c courfe 196 The journal of courfc of their travels. They may be well afmred, that fuch things are all direcled in wilclom; which, in the Lord's time, will appear to their full fatisfadion and comfort. For it is far from the foimtaja of infinite kindnefs, to permit fuch heavy afiriclion to fall upon his fervants un- ncccifarily. 1 went from London into ElTex, in order to viftc ibme meetings in that county, which 1 ]:'d not been at before, and was at C'h: -niL-lord w^eek~day meeting on fifth-day^ where I had good fatistaflion. The virtue oi" nwh being flied abroad, to the joy and com for L- of the livirg. On the firft-day fol[ovv'i]-ig I was at Cole heller meetings. My mind was painfully depreffed, under a lenie that truth fuffered much iirthat place by wrong things: v/he?e evil is wink- ed ar, and undue liberties in a religious IbcieLV, are fullered to efcape judgment or cenfare; weakneis, and, as it were a cloud of diirls-ncfs, comes over meetings as well as individuals. The Lord was gracioufly \p]eaied for his bleffed name's fake, to arill% and in Ibme good degree, to difpel- the darknels; whereby truth and the tefti- mony thereof, was exaltecl over all corrupt uniiiiidificd fpirits ; and the few upright- hcaitvxl were fweetly comforted; it being a tiiiie of relief to their fpirits, in a good 'dtgiec, 1 went from thence to the follow- ing meetings, vi/. Copford, Coin, Hal- ftead, JOHN GRIFFITH. 197 fleacl, and Braintree, wherein I had tho* rough fcrvice, in plain dealing and clofe labour with the unfaithful, of which num- ber there feemed to be many; and but few who had really bought the hleifed truth. It is fuch only, who know how precious and valuable it is, and who cannot eafily be prevailed upon to fell it for a thing of nought, nor even for any confideration whatever. But it is not fo with thofe who have their religion, if it may be fo called, by education only, or derived as it were, by way of inheritance like their outr ward poiieffions, from their anceftors. The principles of religion only thus received and held, are often fubjecled to temporal conveniency and worldly intereft. \Vhere the world and true religion ftand in com- petition with each other, fuch profelfors will foon give place to the world ; wherein they do really deny Chrift before men, and will as certainly, milefs they repent, be denied by him before the Father and his holy angels. I returned out of Eflex to London; for though I had had but little opennefs as to miniftry there, yet I found my mind engaged to attend their meet- ings, as I apprehended, in order to fufferand travail with the true feed, for its enlarge- ment, as well as to be a figa and example of the important duty of fijence, to the pro- feCfors of truth. They had been long and greatly favoured with living teftimonies, even igS The JOURNAL or even line upon line, and precept upon pre-* cept ; under all which, for want of a pro- per application and improvement thereby, the fociety declined, and the ancient beauty thereof greatly faded away ; I mean, in what relates to the life and fpirit of reli- gion in the practical part thereof; for the body of the fociety every where, as far as ever appeared to me, are remarkably one in faith and profeiiion, the fame which hath been held and profefFed by us a^ a people, from the beginning. This won- derful onenefs and agreement amongft us every where, (which 1 have not obferved, neither do I believe it is to be found amongfl any other fet of Chrifiians, to that degree,) is to me a clear evidence, that the original foundation thereof, was the one infallible fpirit of Jefus Chrift our Lord, who prayed the father, that his followers might be one, as the Father and the Son are one. And notwithftandirg great numbers in our fo- ciety are reiting fatisfied with an empty profeffion, and by their unfaithfulnefs, fall greatly Ihort of the dignity our worthy pre- decefTors attained unto; which, conlidering the abundant favours bellowed from time to time, for the help and prefervation* of the fociety, is caufe of deep mourning and fore lamentation; yet, there has been, through the kind providence of God, from the beginning down to this time, a living body, preferved the fame in faith and prac- tice.5 JOtll^ GRIFFITH. 199 tice vv^ith our ancients. Thefe are fcatter- ed and interfperfed throughout the whole fbciety like the fait thereof, in order, if poffible, that all may be feaibned. I think there are very few if any meedngs, wholly deftituce of fome of that fort; fo that I would not have it underftood, by the fore- going mournful complaints, (although there may be jufl caufe for them) that I think the fociety is become defolate, or that the glory is departed therefrom: far be that from me; I am fully convinced to the con^ trary, and at times have faith to believe, the glory v/ill never wholly depart, nor fhall we ceafe to be a living people: yet I believe, numbers under our profeilion, for their great unfaithfulnefs and unfruitful- nefs, will be blowed upon by the Lord, and rejedl^d, and others called into the vine- yard, who will be more diligent and faithful. After I had continued fome time in the city, apprehending myfelf nearly clear of further fervice at this time in thefe na- tions ^ and that I might with fafcty look out for an opportunity of returning to my outward habitation in America ; I therefore applied to the brethren here, for a certifi- cate of my travels, &c. which they readily granted ; fetting forth their unity with my fervices and demeanor under this weighty engagement. But as no fuitable opportu- uity appeared likely to prefent for fome tim^ aoo T TT E JOURNAL o e time, I had leifure to look into, and care- fully to weigh an affair of great importance, which had by this time fo far prevailed on my attention, that I was afraid wholly to rejecl it, as I had a confiderable time done on its firft darting into my thoughts ; looking upon it almoil impradicable :o be brought about: which was, entering into a married ftate with my endeared friend Frances Wyatt, before^ inentioned. Al- though I never had any other objection to it, than our both being, as far as appeared then to me, fettled in our places; from which I thought it would be very uiifafe, without the beft counfel, to re-iiove. But that obje(5lion was wholly removed, by my way opening (as I thought) with great ciear- nefs, to fettle in England or; account of ray future fervice. I was deeply concerned in my mind to be rightly guided herein ; which was anfwered lo indifputably clear to my underftanding, that 1 could no longer helitate about it. The next thing was, fettling matters relative tliereunto with my faid friend ; that fo, if fhe found no objec- tion, our marriage might be accomplifned, if providence permitted, after my returning- home, fettling my affairs there, and remove-^ ing in order to fettle in this nation. J therefore laid the whole before her, as things relating thereunto had appealed to me, defiring her folid confi deration thereof, ^d anfwer^ when flie was prepared to re- turn JOHN GRIFFIFH. 201 turn mc one. I found the fame powerful hand which had removed my objeAions^ was at work in her mind to remove hers alfo ; fo thaC fhe could not be eafy to put a negative vipon the propolal, as believing the thing was right, which was (till con- firming to me, We therefore in the fear, and, as we haJt caufe to believe, in the coun- fel of God, engaged with each other, in the relation we then flood, and to accomplifli our marriage, when way fhould be made by divine providence for the fame. We had no view's on either fide for worldly advancement: an anxioufnefs after which appeared to me immaterial, as I was fully perfuaded we were directed in our faid engagement, by the wifdom and counfel of him, who can give or take away outward bleffings at his pleafure. I therefore had not freedom, pre- vious to my engaging with her therein, to make any inquiry into her circumitances in the world. All which, however, with the fuperior bleffing of an affeilionate wife and true help-mate, I afterwards found agreeable and comfortable. Having, as above, paved the way to remove and fettle in England, and a good opportunity .pre- fenting of a fliip, in which feveral valuable friends intended to embark; I went on board the Speedwell, John Stevcnfon mafter, at Gravefend, the 8th of the 3d month, 1750, in company with our friends Jonah Thompfon and Mary Wefton, who were going 202 The journal op going on a religious vilit to the churches in America. We had feveral friends on board, and many other pafTcngers, being fourteen or fifteen of us belonging to the cabin and ftate rooms. Some of them were bad peo- ple, whofe converfation proved very difa- gret able to us ; fo that we fpent much of cur time on the deck, night and day, except when we took our reft in fleep. Our de- parture was from the Start Point, the nth in the evening, being the laft land feen by us until we difeovered America. We had a fine gale of wind down the Englifh chan- nel, and a good fet off to fea by the fame ; but we often had fcant, and fometimes con- trary wunds afterwards, which made it ra- ther a flow palTage, though much quicker than fome have gone. The feventeenth of the 4th month, Vv^e found ourfelves on the banks of Newfoundland, and in the midfl of near twenty fail of French fliips w^ho were fifhing there for cod. We fpoke wath one of them, who told us w^e had about twenty- five fathom water; whereupon the captain ordered the fliip to be brought to, that we might take fome frefia cod. This vv^as very agreeable to us all; they fucceeded fo well, that in about two hours, there* lay upon the deck twenty-four of the fineft cod fifli I ever faw. This proved an agreeable feaft to us for about one week; and altho' through mercy, we had very great plenty of proviiions; yet this was an ac- ceptably ^ JOHN GRIFFITH. ceptable change. It was the jtb of the 5th month, about three o'clock in the after- noon, when to our great joy we faw the land of America; and by founding, found ourfelves in about twenty-five fathom water, and entered the Capes of Delaware that night. We had a profperous gale up the bay and river, fo that I landed at Chefter in Pennfylvania, about eight miles from my own houfe, on the 7th of the 5th month about three o'clock in the afternoon, and got home that night; having been on board two months lacking one day, and from 'home in the whole journey, two years, fcven months, and eight days; having tra- velled in that time by fea and land, I think on a moderate calculation, 11875 miles, and^ w^as at abovit 560 meetings. 1 had be- fore concluded, wdth divine permiffion, to return in the fame fhip, and left a large cheft of {lores on board. When difcharged of her loading, fhe was to fail for Mary- land, there to take in a cargo of tobacco, where I intended meeting her ; it being about feventy miles from my houfe. In a day or two after my arrival I went to Phi- ladelphia, where 1 found my friends gene- rally much alarmed, with news brougnt by le Iters in the Ihip I came over in (for they had not heard it befoi^e) of my mtentioa to return, to marry and fetile in Engl md. Many, I believe, being ignorant of the grounds and motives upon which i a fled D d therein, 204 The JOURNAL or therein, judged concerning the fame from the ovitward appearance only; fuppofing that having found one I hked, I had let my mind out towards marrying, and made that the principal inducement of my removing. Had this been the cafe, I freely acknowledge that 1 {liould have deferved blame; as aching upon a very dangerous bottom to myfelf, and fetting an unfafe example for others to follow ; believing fome have fuftained great lofs, by inadvertent fteps of this kind, in their travels on truth's account. This was what I greatly feared in relation to my- felf, and therefore (as before hinted) durft not give way to the thoughts of entangling myfelf therein, until I had repeatedly (as I thought at lead) received clear evidence J in my mind, of its being my duty to re- ^ move into this nation for future fervice. I do therefore earneflly caution all, to be aware of taking any encouragement from my example herein, unlefs they have the fame evidence, and adl upon the fame bot- tom as I did agreeable to what is above- mentioned, and are well cJTured of divine direction, as I was. That I was rightly guided in my removal, has not only been fully confirmed to myfelf fince, but, I am perfuaded alfo, to many others : and even at that time, thofe who v/ere free enough to confer with me thereon, appeared to be well fatisiied, whom for their freedom and opennefs to me on that account, I looked upon JOHN GRIFFITH. 205 upon to be fome of my bcft friends ; and as to others, I thought it my duty to bear with patience and meeknefs all they were pleafed to fay and conjecture, until time made manifeil who were in the right. I attended the yearly-meeting held at Burlington, for Pennfylvania and the Jer- feys, in the feventh month, wherein the Lord was gracioufly pleaicd to overfiiadow our large affemblies v^ith his heavenly power and prefence, to our great comfort and edification; having with joy to draw water out of the wells of falvation, and to offer the praife and humble thankfgiving to the alone fountain thereof, who is for ever worthy. Having fettled my affairs, and obtained a certificate of removal from the monthly meeting of Darby, in Chefter county, in Pennfylvania, to which I belonged, directed to the monthly-meeting of Witham in EfTex, Old England; myfelf and daughter f^t out from my ov/n houfe in Darby aiore- faid, accompanied by my lifter Mary (who fince my wife's deceafe, had been my good careful houfe-keeper) together with fevernl friends, the 12th of the 8th month, 1750, We travelled to Eafl Nottingham, b^ing about fixceen miles from the place where the' fliip lay in which I intended to em- bark. My filter and one of the friends ftaid v;ath us about a w.eek, and then took their folenin kave. My daughter and I ilaid 2o6 The JOURNAL oi flaid thereabout until the 2d of the 9th month. 1 viiited fome meetirgs in the lie g ibourhood to good fatisfaclion, and was at many in Eail Nottingham, it being a very la g.^ meeting, and a zealous body of friends t^ien belonged thereto; amongft whom I had good fervice and great open- neis ; the precious unity of the one fpirit beirg livingly enjoyed, in which we took a fokmn farewel of one another. The 2d of the 9th month aforefaid we fet out, ac- compamed by divers of our worthy friends, and croiTed the great river Sufquehannah, taking our quarters at Jacob Giles's houfe within fight of the fliip; but were not or- dered on board until the 8th. We did not fail until the nth at noon. The unfkilful pilot ran us a-ground twice that afternoon, and caufed the poor failors hard labour and much fatigue, .which I was forry for. It was the 18th about two o'clock in the afternoon, before we got clear of Chefapeak bay; having then a fine wmd, we foon lofl fight of land. We had been at fea but about four days, w^hen he efpied a fail or two, vv^ho, by their motions, appeared very defirous to fpeak v/ith us, Avhich, at lenglh, one of them belonging to Rhode-Iiland effecled, inform- ing us, they were reduced to a ve^-y fmall quantity of provifions, and earnellly intreat- ing the mailer to afford* them, fome affiltT ance. He, to my grief and furprife, gave them JOHN GRIFFITH. 207 them a very fliort denial ; allegeing we were but newly come out to fea, and did not yet know what we might want our- felves. I was very much troubled in my mind at the hardnefs of his heart, and im- mediately ftepped up to him, and in as moving language as I was capable of, in- terceded for the poor fufferers. The firft mate being a man of a good difpofition, joined with me herein. We at length fb prevailed on the mafter, that he gave them, liberty ..^0 hoifl out their boat, and come on board us; telling them he would fee what could be done for them ; which, poor creatures, they gladly complied with ; the mafter of the fhip and four of his failors, being quickly on board of us. It was very alFedling, to behold want fo confpicuous in their faces, and to fee how greatly they re- joiced, with thankfulnefs, that kind pro- vidence had, in mercy, caft tis in their way, for their relief; in which I coCild heartily join with them; much rejoicing we had not inhumanly turned them off vvithout help. The mafter, (to give him his due,) did at la ft hand to them pretty liberally ; for which he charged what he thought pro-« per, and took that mafter's draught for the money, on his owner in London. I fpared them fome out of my private ftore, for which 1 wanted no other pay, than the fatlsfadlion of relieving their great wants ; being 2o8 The JOURNAL of being very glad I had been inftrumental thereunto. The next day we had a great ftorm, and an exceeding high fea, fo that we could carry no fail, but faftened the heim and let the ihlp drive witherlbever the wind and waves would carry her: we were in- deed mightily tofTed ; but through divine favour, my mind was fweetly calm and comfortable, feeling his living prefencc who is God of the feas and the dry land, to be near. My heart was filled with the joy of his falvaticn, fo that I could fing and make melody therein to him ; in which I had confirming evidence, as I many times had under the fame precious enjoyment, both by fea and land after I left England, that my way and undertaking was approved of the Lord, and w^ould be blelTed and profpered by him ; which yielded more com- fort to my mind, than any thing in this world could do. The fevereH part of the ftorm lalled but about twelve hours; and altho' we had two confiderable ftorms after- wards, yet for the moft part, it was a ready good paifage. On the 17th of the lotli month in the morning, we founded, and in fixty- nine fathom v/ater we found ground. The fame morning about ten o'clock, we had the very agreeable f ght of England. Next day, the wind being againd us, we made but lit- tle advantage of failing. The nineteenth about eight o'clock at night, we came to an JOHN GRIFFITH. 209 au anchor in Falmouth harbour. Going on lliore next day, we went to an inn in the town. Oiir kind hofpi table friend Jofeph Tregellis, came and invited us to his houfe^ where we had generous entertainment whilft we were at that place. I was feve- ral times at their meetings, both at Fal- mouth and Penryn, and had opennefs and good fatisfadlion. My worthy friends of that town, Andrew Hingeflon and his wife, and daughter, were afFedlionately kind to me, which I cannot well avoid mentioning, out of a grateful fenfe I retain thereof, as we were entire fcrangers ; for I had not been that way when in England before. Having been detained there about a week, we put out to fea again, in order to proceed to London, whither we w^ere bound. The - fecond-day of our being out, towards even- f ing, as we were failing within about a league and half of Dover, a boat from thence came on board for letters. The wind then not being fair to go up the River Thames, we went with thern to Dover, and next day to Gravefend, where croffing the water at Grays in Eifex, I proceeded from thence to Chelmsford. My dear friend Frances V/yatt and I, after proceeding according to the good order of friends, accomplilhed our mar- riage with each other, at a large meeting of friends and others in Chehnsford meet- ing-houfe, the 14th day of the then ift month, 2IO Thk journal of month, 1 750- 1, in the fwcet and fenfible en- joyment of his prefence, who faw in the be- ginning, it was not good for man to be, alone; and therefore he did, in great kind- nefs, provide an help-mate to be with him, who was bone of his bone, and flefli of his fleih. It is therefore faid, they fhall be no more twain, but one flefli. The Lord then joined the man and his wife together. Happy would it have been for mankind, had they never fought, nor found out any- other way of joining in that relation fince. But as the fons (or worfliippers) of the true God, formerly looked upon the daughters of men, with an eye that tendeth to prevert this ordinance, making it only aniwer the bafe ends of carnal delire; following the dictates of their own evil heart, infl:ead of the counfel of God, in this great undertak- ing ; ib it is evidently the cafe at this day with too many. It is alfo often not fo much what the woman or man is, as what worldly fubflance they have. Where there is plenty of that, many real defedls, with refpedl to thofe qualifications and en- dowments eflfehtial to real happinefs ivx a married flate, are over- looked. Thus, oy man's ignorantly and prefumptuoully taking upon him the guidance and government of himfelf, infligated thereunto by the fubtilty of Satan; thofe outward accomodations, which were by divine providence intended as bleilings, become quite the reverfe. To prevent JOHN GRIFFITH. 211 prevent fucli unhappy confequences to young people and others, I know of no advice bet- ter adapted for their fafety and prefervation, than that of our Lord's, viz. " Seek ye firll '' the kingdonn of God, and his righteouf- *^ nefs, and all thefe things fhall be added *' unto you." Thofe who have happily, by feeking, found this kingdom, and live therein, which conlifteth in righteoufnels, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft, have great advantage, even in outward things, above all others; as the bleffing of God, which maketh truly rich, attends all their worldly affairs. They enjoy what appertains to this life with a proper relifh. '' BlelTed are the *' meek, for they fliall inherit the earth," Mat. v. 5. As it is man's duty and fafety to feek the Lord's counfel and bleffing ; fo it is truly honourable amongfl: men : for this, Jabez was faid to be more honourable than his brethren; for he called on the God of Ifrael, faying, " Oh, that thou wouldeil: " blefs me indeed, and enhugj my coair, ** and that thine hand might be with me, '' and that thou wonldefl keep me froin ^' evil, that it may not grieve me!" And God granted him that which he requefled. Let me conclude this oblervation with ten- der advice and caution to all whom it may concern, into whofe hands this may come, to be avrare they do not fall into that dan- gerous fhare of fuppofing, as marriage is an outward affair, they need coaiult nothing E e further 212 The journal of further therein than their own inclination^ and their own reafon; it is faid, " Woe to *' the rebellious children, that alk counfel, *' but not of me, faith the Lord." And Chrift is called, Wonderful, Counfellor, as Vsrell as a miglity God. Now as marriage is allowed to be the mod important affair in this life, and may tend greatly either to promote our happinefs or mifery in the next; if we have no occafion to feek the Lord's counfel herein, in what are we to expecl or defire it? Abraham's fervant, when he was only engaged about procure^ ing a wife for his younger mafter Ifaac, with great earneftnefs fought the Lord's guidance and blefling therein, and obtained it in a rem.arkable manner. What (fay fome) are we to look for, or to expecl a revelation in fuch cafes? We muft defire the Lord to guide and direct our fteps in this, and all other affairs of confequence in relation to this life, or we fhall certainly mifs our way. But this we cannot clearly underftand, un- til the man's part is reduced in us, and we fee what we are without God, that we may find occafion to pray without ceafing, and in every thing to give thankst Then the conflant cry will be, Guide me with thy counfel. When this is, with great iincerity, the flate of the mind, we cannot mifs our way ; becaufe divine protedlion is CYcr prcfent, although we do not always fee it, no more' than the prophet's fervant did. JOHN GRIFFITH. 213 did, until his eyes were opened ^. The great thing is, to have a fmgle eye, that whatever we do, ' may be done to the glory of God. When this is the cafe, we lay, if this or that be not agreeable to thy will, 0 God, thou haft all power in thine hand ; do thou, by thy over-ruling providence, direcT: me according to thy bleffed will. The Lord will keep fuch in all their ways, and be their fure defence. We fettled together after marriage, at Chelmsford in the county of Eilex, where 1 enjoyed great fatisfadlion and comfort in an afFeclionate wife. Yet fuch I found the low and almoft defolate fituation of our fociety in the faid county ; efpecially in relation to good order and that difciplinc eftabliflied amongft us, by the power, and in the wifdom of truth, as a hedge to*de- fend and preferve from hurtful thingSy/that it gave me much painful concern of "mind. The difference appearing fo very great, as I had before reiided where difcipline in the general was well maintained. I could not difcover, either by their books or inqillry, that the unfaithful or diforderly v/alkers had (a few inftances excepted) been for many years regularly dealt with, and their mifcondudl cenfured, either by monthly or quarterly meetings. I diligently attended thofe meetings, but my fpiric,. v/as greatly diitreired therein, as the members feemecl to move and acl in another element (as I may 214 The JOURNAL of may fay) than that I had been accuftomed to, in managing the weighty affairs of the church. The firft thing of importance that laid hold of my mind, as wanting to be reformed, was rehiting to women's meet- ings; there being no fuch held quarterly, nor at but few of the monthly meetings ; and where there was any thing of that nature it was of little or no fervice, in the manner then held. Having therefore the advices and directions of the yearly-meeting, rela- ting to women's meetings, I requefted li- berty of the quarterly-meeting to read the lame therein, wnich I did, making fuch remarks thereon, as appeared to me then jieceifary. At the fame time I propofed, that the meeting fhould take that weighty affair, of ellablilhing women's quarterly and monthly meetings, agreeable to the repeat- ed preffing advices of the yearly-meeting, into Iblid confideration ; and if it was thought proper, that a few friends might be appointed to form fome general direc- tions for the affiflance of our women friends, pointing out to them (as for want of oppor- tunity, they were pretty much ftrangers thereunto) ho^ fuch meetings are to be conduced, and the part of church difci- pline that properly comes under their no- tice, and requires the management of the women. All which was agreed to, and minuted. The propofed dirc6tions were pre- pared by the friends appointed, brought to th; JOHN GRIFFITH, 215 die next quarterly-meeting, and there agreed to. The women having previous notice, withdrew at the clofe of the meeting of worfhip, into an apartment, to receive what we had to lay before them, and una- nimoufly agreed thereunto. A quarterly pieeting of women friends being then efta- bliflied, preffing advice was fent by minute, to monthly meetings, that they ftiouKi en- courage and eftablilli women's meetings amongft them alfo, which was complied with. And although our women friends, for want of being brought up by their an- ceftors in the management of the difci- pline, might be rather unexperienced at firll, yet I am well afTured, this ftep tended much to enlarge our meetings, and to make them more lively ; opening the way of fin- cere travellers to a fuller enjoyment of fpiritual good, wherein alone is our ability for every good word and work. Some few, from a right fenfe of the importance of the work, joined me in an earned labour for a general reformation, and as we felt the weight of things upon our minds, we gave up to vifit monthly-meetings, to help the weak, and to move forward the wheels of difcipline, which, efpecially at the firft, moved very heavily ; for although we had many in the county under our profeilion, yet few of them had their hand^ clean e- nough to handle the afiairs of the church; many being, as it were, crippled widi uiv- faithfulnefs, 2i6 The JOURNAL of faitiifulnefs, efpecially in their mean and cowardly compliance with the anti-chrii- tian demand of tyclies, and things of that I nature, which of itfelf unfits for fervice amoii^it us; for I never faw much, if any, true living zeal for the caufe of God, in thofe who have fallen into this defedlion. Oh! the darknefs and caufe of tumbling it has occafioned in this poor county, and in other places where it hath prevailed. Wc found ourfelves concerned, repeatedly to vifit fuch in their families, labouring in Chriftian love, to bring them into a kni^t of the inconliitency of their condvict with their profeffion therein ; which labour, though prevalent with fome, hath been no other wife fuccefsful in general, than the difcharge of that duty, which one mem- ber of a religious community owes to ano- ther; and by bringing the judgment of truth in fome degree *bver them, they be- came more diftinguilhed from the faithful. We had great peace in this labour, though hard and unpleafant, as we found them dark and difficult to be reached unto, a few excepted. However, thcfe endeavours great- ly tended to exalt truth's teftimony, for which our worthy predecefFors deeply fuf- fered. In procefs of time, through the bleffed affiflance of our holy head, en- gaging a fmall remnant to labour in the monthly and quarterly-meetings for a re- formation, good order hath been much pro- moted. JOHN GRIFFITH, 217 moted, and our Chriftian difcipline, in its feveral branches, has been in a good degree put in pradice; and fome came to under- ftand, it is neceffary to receive wifdom and flrength from God, for the maintaining that work. So that although things, in that refpecft, through the unfoundnefs and lukewarmnefs of many profeflfors, are now- low, yet the Lord continues to be gracious, in affording us the bleffed affiftance of his holy fpirit, both in our meetings for divine worfhip, and thofe for difcipline ; whereby fome are enabled in meeknefs to labour for the maintaining his caufe, notwithftanding the difcouragement they meet with, not only from a view of the languid (late of the io- ciety in general, but alfo from the brittle jealous fpirits of fome. Having laboured in our own county, according to ability received of God (for without his divine affift- ance, I have, by long experience, known I could do nothing) I attended the yearly- meetings in London as they fell in courfe, therein to join with the fincere travellers for Sion's profperity, in the important care of truth's affairs throughout the world. This weighty engagement coming more upon fome of us than heretofore, as many of the elders and faithful labourers were re- moved to rheir reft. Our valuable friends John Churchman and William Brov/n from Pennfyivaaia, were at feveral of the firft yearly- meetings after my fettling in this nation. 2i8 The JOURNAL of nation. They laboured in thefe nations^ in the fervice of truth, near four years, having left affedlionate wives and children for truth's fake. Such noble difinterefted endeavours, without any view towards tem- poral intereft, is a very great mydery to the worldly wife. The above named friends were great and good inftruments in the Lord's hand, not only at the yearly- meet- ings, but alfo in their travels up and down, for the promotion of difcipline and good order in the churches ; though not without confiderable oppofition from fome, who, under pretence of a(5ling for the* good of the fociety, were in reality advocates for undue liberty. Notwithflanding fome fuch difficulties, the Lord hath greatly ftrength- ened the hands of his pained ones for Sion's welfare, and blelTed his work to the pro- moting of good order, as the likelieil means of reviving ancient beauty and comelinefs ; there having been great ftirrings, and much Jabour of late years, to bring the feveral members of the fociety into the holy order of the gofpel. May the Lord yet continue the bleffing of wifdom and Urength, that the work may be carried on, to the praife of his worthy name and the prefervation of his people, is the earneft prayer of my foul J I fet out the i6th of the 6th month, 1751, intending to take fome meetings in my way to the circular yearly-meeting fbr the JOHN GRIFFITH, 2i^ the weftern counties, to be held at Broomf^ grove in Worcefterlhire, and from thence to vifit the meetings of friends in Wales, I firft went to the burial of a friend at Steb- bing, and proceeded through Walden, Cam- bridge, and Huntingron, to Wellingbo- rough in Northamptonlhire ; and attended both their meetings on a firft-day ; having clofe earneft labour, in a fenfe of great dullnefs, and much infenfibility prevaihng on many profeffors. My fpirit was greatly- burdened therewith ; bitt the Lord was pleafed to arife, and difpel the darknefs in a good degree, giving me thorough fervice, efpecially in the afternoon ; I hope not eafily to be forgot. I went away greatly relieved^ and had a meeting at Coventry, which was heavy and laborious, though I was, through divine favour, enabled to wade through to mine own eafe, in a good degree; I had a good open meeting that evening at Nun- Eaton; there being but one family of friends in the town, but a large number of others were at the meeting ; divers#of whom feemed pretty much affedled with the tefti- mony of truth. I had a clofe exerciiing meeting the next day at Atherftone, where things were very low, yet truth arofe and opened do(5lrine for their help. I had a meeting that evening at Polefworth, which was open and comfortable. From thence I went to Woolverhampton, 'where I had a fmall meeting, things being very low^ F f . After 220 The JOUPvNAL of After which I went to Colebrook Dale^ where I had a meeting, and clofe thorough fervice, tending to ftir up friends to dih- gence, as well as to encourage the upright- hearted. I went from thence to Shrewf- bury : the number of profelfors there was very fmalj, and the Hfe of rchgion very much- deprefTed, not only by the lukewarm- nels of fbme, but alfo by a blafting, windy, lifelefs mini (try, which they had long iat under; doubtiefs, to the great uneafinefs of the few fenfible amongft them. I had a painful fenfe of the great hurt thereof in that meeting, being concerned to fit the v^hole meeting through in filence, I be- lieve, as an example to friends, and rebuke to that forward unfan6lified fpirit: the fame foon after was made manifeft to both friends and others, to be very corrupt, and was defervedly teftified againfl by the monthly-meeting. I have divers times, in .my travels, perceived great hurt to the pro- fperity of truth, by fuch unfancftified pre- tenders to a divine commiffion, intruding thqmfelves int6 the miniftry ; but always have apprehended them a bad fort of people to deal with by advice and caution, as th^y are commonly very pofitive and felf- willed; being Iddom, in this declined ftate of the church, without a party, who had rather have almoft any kind of miniftry than filence; which makes it much more difficult for thole who have a right fenfe of their fpirits, JOHN GRIFFITH. 221 fpirits, to bring the judgment of truth over fuch; as thofe above-mentioned are apt 'to fcreen them, and cover their heads, unlets they manifefl themfeWes, w^hich hath in the end frequently happened, by their being guilty of fome mimoral condu6l. I went af- ter meeting to vifit two friends, who had been imprifoned there a confiderable time for refuling to pay tythes. As foon as I had entered the place of their confinement, I feniibly felt the Son of peace was there. My mind being brought into great nearnefs, unity, and- Chriftian fympathy with them in their fuifering ftate, which 'they appear- ed to bear witii chearfulnefs, and true re- fignation to the divine will. The fenfc of the great importance of that teffimony they "were concerned to maintain, by fuflering for it, and what our worthy predeceiTors we jt through, in nafty (linking prifons and dungeons, where many of them ended their days in fupport thereof, who may be very juttly numbered amongft the faithful mar- tyrs of Jefus Chrift, overcame my mind with tendernefs to that degree, that I could not prefently difcourfe with them about their fufFerings. We had a blefTed oppor- tunity together, and took our leave of each other, in' the fweet enjoyment of the pure love of God. Oh, how much more joyous and refrefliing it- is to viht fuch faithful fufferers, than to vifit carnal profelFors of the fame truth, who violate that precious tcftimonyj %zz The JOURNAL of teftimony, by voluntary putting into the priefts mouths, left they ihould prepare war againft them, making religion bow down to their fuppofed temporal' intereft, thereby not only declaring themfelves mere pretenders thereunto, but alfo increafing the Juiterings of thofe under the lame profeffion wno dare not temporise! I returned from thence to Colebrook Dale, where I had a hard trying meeting held in filence ; and went to Bumingham, where 1 had divers times been beiore, and generally had painful la* borious meetings ; but now it pleafed divine goodnefs to favour with opennefs and good auri.ority, to declare the truth largely; I beheve to the Itirring up of the carelefs, at leaft to a prefent lenfe of their duties ; as well as to the comfort and edification of the honelt-hearted, to my own peace and great relief. From this place I went to Broomf- grove, in order to attend the yearly-meet- ing before- mentioned, which begail on firft- day, the ift of the 7th month, being held in a barn, fitted up by friends for that pur- pofe: it ended the third-day following; many miniltring friends attended it, fome of whom were largely opened by the power and wifdom of truth, to publilh the gof- pel tidings with clearnefs and good demon- "ftration. The people, though numerous, biding generally very ftill and attentive, appeared to receive the teftimony of truth with pleafure, and things were in the main well JOHN GRIFFITH. 223 well condudled. Here my friend John Bradford joined me as a companion. We had a large meeting at Worceller on fourth- day, in v\liich truth had comfortable domi- nion, efpecially near the concluiion, to the great fatisfadlion and joy of many hearts. Blelfed be the Lord our God, for his con- tinued favours to his people ! On the iifth- day we had a fmall poor meeting at Broom- yard in HerefordlTiire ; things being very low in that place, as to truth and friends. On fixth-day we had a meeting at Leomin- fter; the fore part was very cloudy and painful, yet by the gracious fpringing up of light and life, I got through my fervice therein to good fatisfac5lion. The next day, being the feventh of the week, I went to my dear mother's in Radnorfliire. On firft-day, the neighbours being apprized of my being come, flocked to the Pales meet- ing in abundance. The Lord was pleafed to favour me with a large open time, to declare his everlafting truth amongft them, with which they appeared to be much af- feded. I had fuch another opportunity with friends and many others, at Talcoyd, near my mother's houfe. They feemed greatly afFedled with the virtue of truth; but I doubt they flumble at the crofs. On fecond-day we had a meeting at a place cal- led the Coom, about fix miles from my mother's, pretty open and comfortable. On fourth-day, the i ith, I took leave of my worthy 224 The JOURNAL of worthy affectionate mother, relations and friends thereabout, having my brother Ben- jamin for our guide over the bleak moun- tanis into Carojganfliire. The wind blew hard and it rained, but through mercy we received very licde harm thereby. Next day we had a linall poor meeting at one Evans's^ religion being at a very low ebb in that place; my chief bufinefs, as far as I could iee, was to detedl a vile impoilor, who had, by a feigned and hypocritical Ihew, got the advantage of the weaknefs and credulity of friends there. I never had feen him before, that I know of, but my fpirit was exceedingly burdened ' with his deceitful groanings and feigned ag-tation in the meeting, and was then fatisiied his fpirit was very foul and corrupt, as it was like a nuifance to me all the time. I warn- ed friends to be aware of him ; and to keep him at a dillance; but they feemed willnig to hope that there was fome good in him, as he appeared fo much concerned in meet- ings, &c, fo I faw whereabout they who pleaded thus were themfelves, as they feemed taken with, and rather to approve of what was fo very offeniive and even odious to me in that meeting, viz. his pretended exercife therein. But if people will lay hold fuddenly on fuch, they mufl partake with them in their fins ; for this mail difcovered himfelf to be very bad, by being guilty of grois wickednefs, I think the JOHN GRIFFITH. 225 the meeting was held m filence. After which, we went to a place called Penbank in Carmarthenfhire, where a meeting was held next day to pretty good fatisfaftion, being favoured with matter and utterance for their help; though things appeared low; the fame day in the evening I had a very poor afilicting meeting at Penplace; great llacknefs and weaknefs appeared in the few proferfbrs there. We were quite filent as to public miniflry., ' We went from thence to Carmarthen, and attended their meet- ings on a firft-day; had good open fervice therein, efpecialiy in the afternoon, many of the neighbours coming in : the teftimony of truth went forth freely and largely a- mongft them, with which they appeared to be much reached and affecfted; and might, I hope, tend to remove a prejudice they had imbibed, from the mifcondu6l of one or more, of high pretenfions lately in that place, but then removed. We had a meet- ing on fecond-day in the evening, at Laugh- arn, where very few, if any, properly of our fociety, refided; many of the neigh- bours came in; we had a good opportunity amongft them, in the free extendings of gofpel love; the dodlrine whereof feemed to have a confiderable reach upon them. On third-day we had a meeting amongft a few profeffbrs at James-town; it being -their harvell time, they feemed more concerned about their corn than religion; feveral rufli- ing 226 The JOURNAL of ing out, in a diforderly manner, to take care of that, as there was feme appearance of rain. It was with much difficulty we procured a guide to Haverfordweft. At length we prevailed on a young woman, who feemed to have the moft lively fenie of religion of any amongft them. Having a large ferry to crofs over Milford Haven, by fuch diiEculties we were fo hindered, as not to reach the aforefaid place, until about an hour after the time appointed for the meeting, to our great uneafinefs. This meeting was, for the moft part, held in filence; yet near the conclufion, I had fome things given me to deliver, with confidera- ble weight and gofpel authority. I went next to Redftone, where the meeting was fmall, yet open and comfortable. From thence we travelled to Carmarthen, and next day to Swanfey, about thirty miles, being a very rough open road; the day very ftormy, fo that we were exceedingly wet. Great care was taken of us, when we got to our friend Paul Bevan's houfe, fo that, through mercy, we received but very little harm. On firft-day, being the 2 2d, we attended their meetings : that in the fore- noon was held in a lilent labour. In the afternoon I had a clofe fearching teftimony to bear, tending to ftlr up and roufe friends to more zeal and fervor of mind; and was favoured to get through to fatisfaclion. On third-day we had a poor fmall meet- ing JOHN GRIFFITH. 227 fng amongft a few friends at Freeveraque. I had nothing to admuiifter, but an example offilence. We went after meeting to Pon- typool, and next day had a precious open meeting there. The teftimony of trach going forth with good authority and clear- nefs, was exaked, and the upright in heart Were fweetly comforted in the enjoyment of the Lord's prefence, returning him the praife, who is worthy forever! On fixth- day, the 27th, we croffed the Severn at the New-PaflTage, and went that night to the widow Young's at Earthcott; had a hard trying meeting there next day ; after which we went to Briftol, and on firft-day the 29th, we attended three meetings there; the two firfl were held in a painful dillref- fing filence, and the laft alfo, except a few words near the breaking up of the meet- ing. This was the firfl of my vifiting that city, and a time not eafily to be forgot by me. It was indeed a feaiba of fore mourn- ing and lamentation, in a fenfe of their great declenfion. But very little to be {cen or felt of that plainnefs, pure fimplicity, humility, and contempt of the world, fo confpicuous in their wortliy predeceilbrs, who tramj»led upon the glory of this world, counting all as drofs and dang, in compa- riibn of the liniles of the Lord's counte- nance, and being cloaihcd with the beauti- ful garment of his falvation. Oh, how vi^as the choi^ell vine planteci, made to fpread, G g and 228 The JOURNAL of and mightily to profper, through great Ihfferings and perfecntion, in that city, in early times; futlkiently, one would think, to have deeply eftabliflied the permanency thereof, and to have recommended its fu- perior dignity and excellency to many ge- nerations! May not that of the apoftle to the Galatians, be juftly applied to them r viz. " O fooiifli Galatians! who hath be- *' v^itched you, that you fliould not obey *' the truth? Before whofe eyes Jefus Chrift *' hath been evidently fet forth, &c. Are *' ye fo foolifh, having begun in the fpirit, '' are ye now made perfect by the flefh?'* I parted with my companion at Briftol, !and turned my face homewards, taking meetings in my way to London, at French- hay, Corfliam, Chippenham, Cain, and Read- ing; in all which I, had confiderable open- nels, largely, and with good authority, to publifli the docftrine of truth, to mine own peace, and I hope to the comfort and help of many ; though in fome places my fpirit was much pained with a {Qn{h of prevail- ing indifference and lukewarmnefs, in this day of eafe and outward plenty; On feventh- day, the 5th of the 8th month, I got to London, and (laid their meetings on firft- day. After which I returned home, and found my dear wife and family well, to our mutuiil comfort; being thankful to the kind hand of providence, whofe o;oodnefs attends thole who truft in him, both in heights JOHN GRIFFITH. 229 heights and depths ; takuig care of their bodies, fouls, and thofe oat ward benefits he hath bountifully favoured them with; af- fording real comfort therein, witli his blef- fing, which maketh truly rich, and adds no forrow with it. I was out this journey about eight weeks, and travelled about 740 miles, having been at about forty meetings. I have preferved very little or no account of fhort journies and fervice in this and the adjacent counties; in which, however, I was divers times engaged to labour, both at quarterly and other meetings, for the re- viving ancient zeal and diligence. But, alas! the inordinate love of worldly enjoyments, good in themfelves, covers the minds of many profeflbrs, like thick clay, who are exceeding hard to be made fenfible of the chiefeft good, fo that I have often feared fome of them will not hear, until the Lord is provoked to fpeak, with a louder voice, in judgment, which they will not- be able to tarn afide from, or any way to fliun. Many in our fociety, as in others, having departed from the life, reft fitisfied in a profefTion of religion: fome alfo have de- parted from the power and form too, in a great degree; neither appearing one thing nor another. Could they fee themfelves as judicious perfons fee them, (liame and confufion of face would cover them. The next confiderable journey I have any account of, was entered upon the 27th of the 230 The JOURNAL OP tlie 8th month, 1753, in order to vifit friencis in fome parts of YorklTiire, Lanca- illire, Weftmoreiand, &c. I nriet fome fr e ids at Wakien, who with myfelf were a;) pointed by the quarterly-meeting to vific t )at monthly meeting for their help. I vas largely opened in the meeting of wor- fliip, . to fet forth the beauty, order, and excellent harmony of the feveral members in the church of Chrift ; and. truth had confiderable dominion therein, to our great; comfort, as it prepared our fpirits for clofe and painful labour with wrong fpirits in the meeting of bulinefs, who had the boldnefs to plead the payment of tythes to be juf^ tifiable, becaufe required by the laws of the land; not confidering the grofs abfur- dity of making human laws to be preferred before the laws of Chrift, however contrary thereto, and enjoined as an abiblute rule for Chriftians; unlefs they fuppofe it impoffi- ble that any human laws can be made con- trary to Chrift's laws, which is equally abfurd; as well as that fuch an opinion tends to invali- date the great lufferings, and martyrdom of all thofe, who gave up every thing they had in this world, and even their lives, rather than a'dlively comply with the laws of the land, when they believed them inconfiftent with the nature of Chriftianity, and therefore a tranigreiiiou of God's law. But the ground of that milapprchenfion, which fuch reafon- ers i'lill into, appears to be upon a pre- fumption, I JOHN GRIFFITH. 231 fumption, that the fource of property is in the law, viz. that the laws of the land can alienate the right of one, without ren- dering him any equivalent, and give it to another, who had no right therein before: whereas right and wrong are immutable, and cannot be altered by human laws, which only grant people aid to preferve and recover that which of right appears to belong to them ; fo that human laws cannot bind the confciences, any further than they are confident with the laws of God. When a fincere Chriftian is perfuaded they enjoin any thing contrary to the perfecfl law of liberty in his own mind, he may not ac- tively refill:, but pafTively fufiTer the penalty thereof, whereby he faithfully bears his teftimony againfl the iniquity of fuch a law, and fo far contributes to have it removed. Now paying tythes under the gofpel, being an antichriilian, popifli error, the laws enjoining their payment being grounded upon a fuppofition, that they are due to God and holy church ; how then can atiy clearly enlightened perfon pay them in any Ihape, as he thereby alTents to that great error, and contributes to fapport it, to the great fcandal and abufe of the Chrif- tian religion, and that noble, free, difin- tereited miniitry, inllituted by our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift; whofe direftion in that cafe is, *^ Freely ye have received, " freely give?" Much more might be faid to 232 The JOURNAL of to manifeft the abfardity of fuch a plea for the payment of tythes ; but that I would not be -tedious, hoping there are not many amongil us fo blinded by the God of this world, as to adopt fuch an argument. Truth prevailed in the meeting, and the teftirnony thereof was exalted over all fuch fpirits. Praifes to our God for his gracious . alliftance, mercifully afforded to all thofe ■who put their truft in him alone ! I pro- ceeded on my journey, and had meetings at Godmanchefter, Oakham, and Leicefter; I had clofe fearching labour, in order that carelefs, lukewarm profeffors might be ftir- red up, and awakened to a fenfe of their ftates. The teftirnony of truth alfo, flow- ing forth at times, as a refreftiing ftream of encouragement to the mourners in Sion, and fincere travellers thitherwards. From thence I went to Nottingham, and had a meeting; the Lord graciouily favouring with wifdom and utterance, to divide the word aright to the ieveral ftates of thofe prefent. Truth greatly prevailed, overfha- dowing the meeting to the rejoicing of tnany hearts. Next day 1 had a fmall meeting at Furnefs in Derbyftiire, wherein I had clofe labour with indolent profeffors, who, negledling their own proper bufinefs, were too much depending upon the labours of others, to their great lofs, as well as, that fuch unwarrantable dependance greatly tend- ed to load and deprefs the life in thofe con- cerned, JOHN GRIFFITH. 233 cerned, making their exercifes much the greater. The next meeting I had was at Matlock, which was large; the greateft part were people of other perfuafions ; it was, through the blefled eflicacy of the word of life, an open good time, and the doctrines of truth were largely declared ; ihewing, that the world by wifdom knows not God, as well as how and to whom he is pleafed to make himfelf known. The meeting was generally pretty much affedled with the virtue of truth, which was emi- nently extended that day, and I hope would not be eafily forgot by many. I went from thence to SheiEeld, and attended their meet- ings on firft-day, which were large. In the morning my fpirit was deeply baptized into painful fenfe of the empty formal ftate of fome, as alfo the undue liberties of many others. I was made willing and refigned to go down into fufferings on their ac- count; that if it pleafed the Lord, I might be the better qualified to adminifter effedually to their feveral ftates, as experi- ence hath taught me repeatedly, that I could not fpeak feelingly to mankind for their help and recovery, any other way. x\t the afternoon meeting I was largely concerned to lay their feveral ftates open before them ; it was a bleffed and feafonable opportunity, tending much to their avv^akening to a {qpSq of duty, and I think it may, with thank- fulnefs, be faid, truth was oyer all. The next 234 THiE JOURNAL oP next meeting I had was at Highflats, which was large, there being a numerous body of plain friends, as to the outward appear- ance, belonging thereunto. It was a labo- rious meeting, bu.t through divine favour, there was flrengdi afforded^ to lay before them in a dole preffing manner, the great danger of reding contented in a decent form of religion without the life and power thereof. I hope it was a profitable time to many. I went from thence to Brighoufe meeting, wherein matter and utterance were given, tending to roufe the indolent, and to encourage the truly concerned for truth's profperity. The next meeting was at Rau- den, which was very large and open, and the teflimony of truth had great dominion. I had a pretty open meeting next day at Bradford; after which I went to vilit a friend who was very low and weak in body, few expedling her recovery. I felt the pure virtue of the holy anointing with her, and had it given mc to fignify, that I did beUeve the Lord v;ould raife her up for further fervice, which accordingly caine to pafs. I went from thence to Leeds, and attended their meetings on firft-day. In the forenoon the teftimony of truth was greatly exalted, in fetting forth the power and efficacy of living faith : it was a glori- ous time, truth being over all. In the afternoon, it was thought feveral hundreds attended, moftly of the people called metho- dilts. i JOHN- GRIFFITH. 235 difts. I was quite fhut up as to minifliy, I thought, in order to fet an example of the important duty of filence to friends and others. The meeting concluded with an awful folemnity, which I hope was profit- able to many. I went from thence to Skip- ton, where the meeting was large, and the power of God's eternal truth went forth in a fearching awakening teftimony, as well as in a refrefhing ftream of confolation to thofe who flood in need of encouragement in their travels towards the city of God. I hope it was a profitable time to many. I had a fmall meeting next day at Airton ; it was a heavy painful time of filence in the fore part ; but the Lord was pleafed to ap- pear, and afford ability to fearch fome bar- ren profeffors, by opening their ftates to them, with which they feemed fomewhac affected ; but alas ! how hard it is to reach efFedlually unto thofe v/ho are fettled as upon their lees, living in a ftate of mind that can refl fatisfied in an empty profeffion. Next day I had a pretty large meeting at Settle: there I found the life of religion much deprelTed with an earthly formal fpirit ; but through divine goodnefs, truth arofe and prevailed over it for the prefent, and was exalted, as being the one thing needful. I went from thence to J^otherf- dale, where I had a very large meeting ; the Lord enabling me, otherwife a poor helplefs creature, to bear a thorough tefli- H h mony. 236 The JOURNAL of monv, fuited to the various ftates of thofe prefent ; and his glorious name was exalted above every name. From thence I went to the houfe of my beloved friends Jonathan and Margaret Raine, at Trawden ; whom, for their tender regard to me when I want- ed fuccour both for body and mind, I have heretofore, more than once, had occafion to make mention of; as likewife of the Ecroyd's family. We greatly rejoiced in the opportunity of one another's company once more; truth having nearly united us in our former acquaintance. I (laid there- about fomething more than a week, attend- ing feveral meetings there and at Marlden Height; wherein, efpecially at fome of them, the Lord was eminently with us, opening the w^ells of faivation, that we might drink together, and fmg praifes to him the fountain of all good. I had great opennefs in my fervice amongft them; and we took our leave of one another in a fv/eet fenfe of God's love uniting our hearts one to another. On fecond-day, the firft of the icth month, I fet out for Lancafter, in order to be at their qtiarterly- meeting, being accompanied by my friend Jonathan Raine. I w^as at their monthly-meeting there on third-day, where I had fome con- (iderable fervice. Fourth-day in the morn- ing was held their meeting of minifters and elders; which was to comfort and edifica- tion. 1 found myfelf concerned to fet forth the JOHN GRIFFITH. 237 die nature of true gofpel miniftry ; as alio, to point out fome dangers which might, , without a fteady care and watchfuhiefs, at- tend thofe excrcifed therein. It was, I hope, a profitable opportunity to fome pre- fpnt. The fame day was held the quarter- ly-meeting, wherein the Lord was graci- oufly pleafed, according to his wonted good- nefs, to appear for the help of his fincerely concerned labourers; as, bleffed be his wor- thy name, he is found of thofe that truly feek him, and doth not fail thofe who lean upon him, and not to their own under^ Handing, nor to former experience of his aflifting power and wifdom. Truth was great- ly in dominion and friends much edified, the unity of the one fpirit being livingly en- joyed. I went next day, accompanied by Samuel Fothergill, William Backhouie, and William Dilworth, to the quarterly-meeting at Kendal. The fele6l meeting for minifters and elders was held that afcernooa ; I had fome good open fervice therein, on the nature of gofpel miniftry, and the myfteri-' ous workings of Satan in his transforma- tions. It was a time of edification and comfort. Next day was held the quarterly- meeting; in the fore part for worlhip, and after for the difcipline of the church, w^here- in I had fome fervice. Things were but low : we had a large meeting in the even- ing, both of friends and others; it was, through the pure efficacy of divine virtue, a blelfed oppoitunity. I was largely open- ed -38 The JOURNAL of ed in teftimony concerning Chrift, the di* vine light, which enhghtens every man coming into the world. It ended in folemn prayer and praifes to almighty God; our friend Samuel Fothergill being engaged therein, in a very powerful and afFecfting manner* I ftaid at Kendal, to attend their firft-day meetings; at both which, efpecial- ly th^ latter, I was very largely opened to declare the truth with power, which affected and tendered many hearts, there being a great number of friends, moftl/ cf -t younger fort, in that meeting ; it hav- ing been itripped, like many other places of late, of divers fubftantial elders. My labour was very carneft, that the rifing youth might come rightly under the yoke of Chrift, that they might be really pre- pared and fitted to fucceed thofe who are removed hence, having fini£hed their day's work. I went from thence, accompanied by fcveral friends, and had a meeting at Grayrigg, to good fatisfadlion. The tefti- mony of truth went forth with clearnefs and good demonftration, tending to awaken the carelefs, as well as to flrengthen and encourage the honeft-hearted. I returned to Kendal, and went next day, accompa- nied by many friends, to a general meeting at Windermooi*. The Lord's blelTed power was livingly felt in that meeting, whereby I was enabled, from the exprcflions of our Lord to Nicodemus, to Ihew the necef- fitr JOHN GRiFFiFH. 239 dty of regeneration or the new birth; ^ docflrine highly neceffary to be preflingly recommended to the youth in our fociety, and carefully weighed by them, left any ihould vainly hope for an entrance into the kingdom of God, by fucceeding their ancef- tors in the profeffion and confeffion of the ^truth. A lamentable error! many I fear -have fallen into, imagining they are God's people, without his nature being brought forth in them ; or, as faith the apoftle, being made partakers of the divine nature, and efcaping the corruptions that are in the world through luft. Great opportunity have fuch, by education, the writings of our predecefFors, and alfo by the gofpel niiniftry the Lord hath been pleafed to blefs our fociety withal, to colledl and treafure up a great deal of knowledge in the fpecu- lative underftanding part, even to profefs and Confefs the truth in the fame words QT language made ufe of, by thofe who really learned it in the fchool of Chrift. This is no more than an image or picture of the thing itfelf, without life or favour; there- fore an abomination to the living God, and his quickened people. I have touched the more clofely on this head, being apprehen- five the danger is very great, which the ri- iing youth are expofed to, by dwelling fe- curely and at eafe, as it were, in houfes they have not built, and enjoying vineyards they never , planted; for great are their ad- vantages 240 The journal of vantages abovfe others, if rightly improved ; otherwife, this muft fncreafe the weight of their condemnation. I have divers times looked upon the mournful condition of thofe who truft, as above hinted, in the religion of their education, to be aptly fet forth in the holy fcriptures, by an hungry man dreaming that he eateth, and behold, when he awaketh, his foul is empty. Oh, that all may deeply and carefully ponder in their hearts, what they have known in deed and in truth, of the new birth, with the fore labour and pangs thereof! 1 cannot conceive, if they are ferious and confider the import- ance of the cafe, but they will foon difco- ver how it is with them in this refped:, by obferving which way their minds are bent and thoughts employed, whether towards earthly or heavenly things. Thofe who are born from above, or rifen with Chrift, which is the fame thing, it is natural for them to feek thofe things which are above ; their affec^lions being fixed thereon. Soj on the other hand, that which is born of the flefh is but flefh, and can rife no high- er than what appertains to this tranlitory world; for flefh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom; and it is faid, thofe who are in the flefh cannot pleaie God. The apoftolick advice therefore, is to walk in the fpirit; that is, let the fpirit of Chrifl be your guide and direcfior, how to order your lives and converfation in all things; for the children JOHN GRIFFITH, 241 children of God are led by his fpirit. I hope to be excufed ii> dwelling a little on this fubjecfl, having often greatly feared, that the defcendants of the Lord's wor- thies who were full of faith and good works, fliould take their refk in the out- fide of things, valuing themfelves on being the offspring of fuch: a forrowful miftake which the |evvs fell into! May all duly confider, that it is impoffible to be the children of Abraham, unlefs they do the works of Abraham. Truth was greatly in dominion thaC day, and many hearts were much tendered and contrited before the Lord; to whom be everlafting praifes. Amen! The next meeting was at the Height, where I had clofe roufmg fervice, in order to awaken carelefs formal profeiTors. The day follow- ing I had a large meedng at Coltis, near Hawkfliead; where I was favoured with great opennefs upon the nature of true faith, and that it muft be evidenced by good works ; for faith, when only an alTent or confent of the mind to principles of reli- gion true in themfelves, being alone, is dead, as a body is without the fpirit. The power of truth had great dominion, it being a time not eafily to be forgot. The next day I had a meeting at Swarthmoor ; there alfo I was led to fpeak largely of faith, viz. of hiftorical faith, implicit faith, and to fet forth the nature of that faith which 242 The JOURNAL oy? which was once delivered to the faints; being their vidlory over the world ancj all the corruptions thereof. It works by love, to the purifying of the hearty and when the heart is made pure, we can thereby fee God, ** Bleffed are the pure " in heart, faid Chrift, for they fhall fee *' God." And his apoftle faid, '* By faith " we come to fee him that is invifible." It is plain from the holy fcripture, that it pro- ceeds from a divine principle in man ; for it is the evidence of things not feen, and the fubftance of things hoped for. No man can poffibly pleafe God without it. O that mankind would carefully examine them- felves, whether or no they be in this faith I If they be in it, they cannot be ftrangers to Chrift, inwardly revealed ; for he dwells in the hearts of true believers by faith; his kingdom being within, where all his laws and ordinances are difcovered, clearly underftood, and willingly obeyed. No complaint, when this faith is received and held in a pure confcience, of hard things being required, or his commandments being grievous; but a foul endued with this powerful principle, can fay with fincerity, the Lord's ways are ways of pleafantnefs, and his paths are paths of peace. It was a good time, and I hope profitable to many. The next meeting I had was at Prefton, near Kendal ; there I was carneft;- ly concerned to ftir up friends to more faithful- JOHN GRIFFITH, 243 falthfulnefs and a clofer union one v/ith another. It was a laborious time, but the blefled truth prevailed and carried through, to mine own eafe in a good degree. I went from thence to Briggflats, near Sed- burg. The meeting was large, and for fome time heavy and afflicting; but it pleafed the great Mailer of our aiTemblies to arife, with- out whoie gracious help his poor inftru- ments can do nothing to any good pur- pofe. It was a folemn av/akening time; I hope to be remembered by many. I had a meeting next day at Ravenftondale, which was a laborious trying time: my way was fhut up as to miniftry ; friends feemed too much at eafe in a profeffion. V/hen this is the cafe, thxc life of religion is exceedingly de- preiTed ; fo that thofe who feel its date, muft fufFer therewith, until it pleafe the Lord to, raife his pure feed, in judgment againft evil in people's minds: then man falls vnider for the prefent, and confeiTes to that nam.e or power given under heaven for his falvation. But alas ! he loon denies it again, hj giving vv^ay to a contrary power; an enemy to God and his own foul. In fuch ups and downs, changes and conflicts, by the working of contrary powers in their minds, many weary out their days in vain, becaufe they will not refolve to choofe the good, and to efchew the evil, that they might be eftabliflied upon the rock of ages for ever. The next day I had another meet- I i ing 244 The JOURNAL of ing at Prefton ; it was a time of clofe la- bour, yet through gracious help, I hope it was a ferviceable meeting. I went from thence to Yeoland; this was a fuffering time, much of the teftimony given me then to bear, went forth fharp againft fuch who were ftrong and confident in profeffion, without real experience of the living vir- tue and holy efficacy of God's eternal truth, to quicken and feafou their fpirits. We find it very hard to gain any entrance on fuch. The teftimony is often felt to j'cbound, which in low times is a great dif- couragement to the poor inftrument. Here the faith and patience of the gofpel mufl be exercifed. I underflood after nieeting, that the flate of fome prefent had been re- markably fpoken to that day, which tended to humble my mind in thankfulnefs before the Lord, for his gracious help and guid- ance. After thefe exercifing paififul times, doubts are apt to enter, and fears to pofTefs the mind, lefl we have been miftaken in what we apprehend the Lord required of tis to deliver. (I fay us, as I do not doubt but it has been the experience of many others, as well as mine.) This ought to be carefully guarded againft, left tlie poor inftrument fmk thereby, below its fervice, by giving away its ftren^th and fure de- fence. The foul's armour and weapons being thus imprudently given away or caft pfJJ our fpirits are weaker than thofe of others. JOHN GRIFFITH. 2^15 - ledge, and exceedingly burdened the liv- ing, appear quite ehearful and full of fa- tisfadlion, feeming as if thoroughly pleafed themfelves: which ^? a lamentable blind- jiefs, and difcovers them to be at a great diftance from the di(5tatrs and holy impref- fions of truth. This is what all ought earneftly to pray they may be preferved from, walking carefully in the middle path, retaining a jealoufy over themfelves, with a (ingle eye to God's honour, and the pro- motion of his truth. Then will their feet be fliod with the preparation of the gofpel of peace, and will appear beautiful as iipou the mountains. I went from Yeoland to Lancafter, and attended their meetings on firft-day, where I had good open fervice, truth being comfortably in dominion, and friends thereby nearly united one to ano- ther. From Lancafter I went to the fol- lowing meetings, Filde, Freklefton, Pref- ton, Langtree, and Afhton. They were generally fmall, and the life of religion at a very low ebb. I was favoured with ftrength to difcharge the fervice required, in a clofe painful labour for their help and recovery. 246 The JOURNAL or recovery. But alas ! great is the declenfion in thofe parts, and I fear but little laid to heart. The next meeting I went to was at Hartfliaw, being a general meetings which was very large, and although fome- thing heavy and painful in the fore part, yet, through divine goodnefs, it proved a iblemn ferviceable meeting, and by ftrength and wifdom received from above, divers weighty gofpel truths were delivered, to the comfort and edification of many. I had that evening a large meeting at War- rington; but, as heretofore in the fame place, I felt their life and dependance was too much upon and after declarations. I found it my duty to difappoint that fpirit^ by fitting the whole time in filence. 1 went from thence to my valuable friends John and JoHiua Toft's, near Leek in Stafford- ihire, having Samuel Fothergill for com- pany and guide. I had a ferviceable meet- ing at Leek ; my labour was clofe in plain dealing with fome, who appeared to me too much exalted in their own wifdom and conceit of themfelves, whereby the fimplicity of the truth was too much over- looked by them. On fifth-day, the ift of the nth month, being accompanied by Jofhua Toft, I went to Stafford, and had a fmall poor meeting there. Next day in the evening we had a meeting at Tamworth, which was large, being chiefly made up with the confiderable inhabitants of the town. JOHN GRIFFITH. 247 ILown. The public fervice thereof fell upon my companion, with which I was well pleafed, but found my mind not clear of friends belonging to that meeting, and therefore defired to have a meeting with them next day, at a friend's houfe, as I was defirous to have friends only. I had clofe fearching fervice amongfl: them, yet to my comfort and great relief in the end. On firft-day, the 4th, I was at Birmingham meetings; the forenoon was a good open time, wherein the teftimony of truth was exalted ; but the afternoon proved a heavy painful meeting; my way was quite ihut up as to miniftry. Now apprehending myfelf difcharged from further fervice in this journey, on fecond-day morning I ftt my face homewards, and got to Northamp- ton that night, and next day to Hitchin, and got home on fourth-day, the 7th of the nth month, finding my dear wife and fa- mily well; being thankful, as we had great caufe, to the fountain of all our mercies, for his providential care over us, when outwardly feparated for his fervice fake. I was from home this journey, about ten weeks and three days, in which time I travel- led, by account, about 760 miles, and was at about fifty-five meetings. In the year 1754, I travelled v/ith my efteemed friend Johii Churchman, through Hampfliire, the Ifle of Wight, and part of Surry; the parti- culars whereof I cannot at prefent find; but £48 The JOURNAL of but I remember it was the laft of his travels in this nation, and that we were -nearly united in the fervice; the power and wif- dom of truth being livingly and comfort- ably with us, enabling us to labour with diligence for the .promotion of truth, and our own peace. In the fore part of the year 1756, being in company with' my efteemed friend Peter Andrews from America, fometimes vifiting meetings in the city of London, I was feized with a violent diforder; it was with confiderable difficulty I got home, and foon took my chamber, where I continued many weeks under great afflic- tion of body, and alfo of mind at times, which I have divers times experienced as a further trial of my faith and patience. The Lord has been pleafed to withdraw his comforting enlivening prefence; I have thought rather more fo in thofe times of bodily afflidlions, than others; for wife ends, bed known to himfelf. Oh! who can underftand or conceive the anxiety of the mind when this is the cafe, except thofe who have felt the fame ? But, through divine favour, it was not fo with me always, efpecially in the laft of my great illnelTes, which was the latter end of 1758, when the joys of heaven fo opened upon my foul, as I had never known before, which niade me willing to hope that I was near entering into the full fruition thereof. How ftrong were my defires then to be diffolved, ^nd to be with JOHN GRIFFITH. 249 with Chrifl for ever ! Ready to fay, now let thy fervant depart in peace, for mine eyes have feen thy falvation ! but I was not then accepted herein, neither was my mind after- wards free from fome fears and doubts, that I had offended a gracious God, by an over- anxious defire to be removed from a mili-^ tant to a triumphant ftate. The example of our Lord (though he was the only be- gotton Son) in addreffmg the Father, is highly worthy to be ever remem.bered by us, in all our defires and prayers, viz. *' Neverthelefs, not my will, but thine be *' done!" The above hints may fall into the hands of ibme poor aflflided perfons, to whom they may afford comfort, by obferv- ing, they are not quite fingular in their trials, and from thence, through the divine bleffings, receive fome encouragement: which is my reafon for penning them, as well as many other remarks in the courfe of this journal; even on my mofl invv-ard and hid- den trials. I have had great caufe to blefs and praife the Lord, many times fnice,. when I have obferved the great advantage of thofe very pinching feafons of afBicflion, how much they tend to refine, and to efta- blifh the foul upon the rock of ages, yielding the peaceable fruits of righteoulhcfs to thote who. are properly exercifed thereby. I had very little health from the time that I was taken before-mentioned, for about tv/o years; yet was enabled, in 1757, to vifit friends 250 The JOURNAL #f friends meetings in Kent, Suflex, and fom^ few meetings in Hampfhire, &c. I fet out from home the 12th of the 7th month, and crolTed the River Thames at Gravefend, where by appointment I met my friend Jofeph Taylor, and with him Jofeph Wood, and Stephen Jackfon, all from London. V/e went that afternoon to Rochefter, where about fix in the evening we had a meeting, there being a meeting-houfe ; though I think but one perfon (then) a young woman, who made profelFion with us. Many others came, and there was an opennefs to declare the doctrines of truth largely amongft them, which I hope was not altogether in vain. From thence we all went to Canterbury, except Stephen Jackfon, who returned home. We had a meeting there, made up chiefly of profeflTors with us. The tefti- mony of truth went forth in a clofe fearch- ing manner, and, through m.ercy, it was exalted over all of a contrary nature. The Lord had the praife, and his fmcere follow- ers fatisfaftion and comfort. We had a meeting next at a place called Burching- ton, where there was a meeting-houfe, but none of our ibciety living in that place; the people filled the houfe, and a pretty many out of doors ; they appeared, in gene- ral, a low ignorant people ; yet the Lord, with whom there is no refpect of perfons, opened the dodrines of the gofpel largely, and in a reaching affedling manner, by which JOHN GRIFFITH. 255 which many feemed to be tendered. Next day we had a meeting at Drapers, near Margate, which was frnall, and things low as to the Hfe of religion. In a very fmall meeting in the evening at Deal, I had fome dole fervice; after which, one perfon gave me fufficient caufe to fee there was need of it. The next meeting Was at Dover, being on feventh-day in the evening, as 1 was defirous of being at Folk- ftone on the day following Truth opened dodlrine and counfel for their help and edification, there being fome lately convin- ced of our principles, who appeared tender and hopeful. I hid good fatisfadliou amongft the few friends in that place. At Folkflone the meetings were large, but the life of religion mournfully low and borne down, not only with thofe things com- monly called undue liberties in many, but: alfo, with the form of religion, without the power of it in others. I had (as it were) ^ threlhing inftrument put into mine hands, and was enabled to difcharge the fervice re- quired, to my great eafe and relief; for my fpirit was exceedingly loaded and bowed down at that place. Oh f what pity it is, that old profelfors, inftead of being as pil- lars in the houfe of God, and as Aarons and Hurs, bearing part of the Lord's great work (fo happily and giorioufly begun in the earth) fhould be a means of obftrudling the fame, and by the carnality of their K k fpirits. 352 The JOURNAL op fpirits, burden and greatly deprefs the word of life in the meffengers of Chrift, fent in order to carry it on amongft mankind: thereby rendering themfelves altogether un- worthy to be named by his name, to taftc of his dainties, or to live under this latter, and as glorious a manifeftation of evangeli- cal light and truth, as was ever extended to inankind! Is not the great defign of the Almighty obvious, in gathering us as a people into his fold, to fit under his teach- ings, and confequently under his glorious Inanifeftation, fliowering upon us great plenty of rain from above, and heavenly- dew as upon Hermon's hills, viz. that we might be as the garden of the Lord, full of fruitful plants and fragrant flowers, fend- ing forth a fweet fmell, yea, to be as a fountain of gardens, and wells of living water, and ftreams from the goodly beauti- ful mountains of Lebanon : for it is writ- ten, " Out of the belly of him that be- *' lieves, fliall flow rivers of living water." By which it plainly appears, that the Lord's choien people are like conduits, channels, or water- fpouts, to convey the water of hfe into the wildernefs, that it may be- come a fruitful field, and that the defart land may come to rejoice, and blofTom as a roic; alio into the fea, viz. amongfl the nations, languages, tongues and people *", to ^ Se^ Ezekiel aIvIv JOHN G R I F F I T H. 253 to heal the fifties that are" in this fca, viz. the backOiders and diliempered of mankind. But oh, how flowly doth this work go oa! And what a httle progrefs it hath yet made, to what was expected by thofe valiants, who firfl engaged againfl Babylon in the morn- ing of our day, and made that kingdom fiiake! But many under the fame profeffion in this day, are turned againft the truth, and at the fame time they pretend to main- tain its caufe, they are fupportiug and ftrengthening the kingdom of Babylon all in their power, which is exceeding ftrangc to think, and perhaps would not be believed by hundreds that really are doing it. The reafon is, they firft of all have tak n fome draughts of the wine, out of the whore of r Babylon's golden cup, whereby they are fo ' intoxicated, as not to know what they are doing;* fo that, when they think they are ferving God, they are ferving Satan, -Were not the Jews drunk with this cup, when they dreamed that God was their fa- ther, and at the fame time were in reaUty of their father the Devil, doing his works, when they thought they vvere doing God's works ? This w^oeful miftake has been, and is almoft general amongfl: mankind. When they fupprefs the meafure of grace in them- felves, and drink a few draughts as above- faid, they are then fit to follow antichrift whitherfoever he will lead them; but he will take care, no; to have much crofs to the 254 The JOURNAL of the will of the flelh in his religion, left they fliould be tempted to leave him ; that being the rery reafon of the violence they have of- fered to the divine witneis, which formerly rofe up againft them in their minds^ viz. becaufe they faw if they followed that, the crofs muft be taken up, and felf muft be denied. At this they have ftumbled; and although little fenfe is at prefent retained thereof, by reafon of the intoxication before mentioned, yet w'hen they are (iimmoned before the judgment-feat of Chrift, and the books come to be opened, all will then fee things as they really are, which do not at all change their natures, though, by a de- fed in the capacity before defcribed they be not fcen or under flood. It is worthy to be remembered, and deep-* ly pondered by great numbers in our fociety, that it was the rebellion and unfaithfulnefs of the children of Ifrael, that was the caufe of their being turned back again into a barren, doleful, howling wildernefs, when near the borders of the land of promife. They doubtlefs might have then entered, fubdued the idolatrous inhabitants, and taken full poffefTion thereof, had they believed m and obeyed that mighty Jehovah, who with an outflretched arm had brought them out of the land of Egypt, dividing the Red Sea in mercy to them, and for the deftruclion of their enemies. But oh ! what a long wildernefs they had afterwards, for about the JOHN GRIFFITH, 255 the fpace of thirty-eight years, until ail that people had fallen, except Caleb and Jolhua, men of upright hearts, whom the Lord honoured with being the leaders of an entire new people to poflefs the land. Cannot the empty formal profeiTors amongft us, who, under great pretenfions, have fuf^ iered a heart of unbelief, a rebellious heart, that has departed from the living God, and embraced this prefent world, read their own condemnation in the before-mentioned ac- count? Shall they ever enter into the hea- venly Canaan ? or be accounted worthy to carry on his glorious work in the earth? No, verily; but they muft fall into great condemnation, except they repent, and re- deem their mif-fpent time, and another peo- ple be raifed to maintain this glorious caufe, to whom the Caleb's and Joihua's in our Society will be as leaders and direcflors; like Prifcillas and Aquilas, to expound unto them (who enquire the way to Sion) the way of the Lord more perfectly ; for I am fully perfuaded, our fociety will not ceafe to be a people, nor the glory ever depart there- from wholly, as it did from the Jewifh, and in a great degree the lapfed Chriftian church. I have no doubt, but that a people will be preferved from generation to generation, to contend earneftly for the faith once delivered to the faints, and to maintain the fame with the dodlrine and principle refulting there- from, fo eminently revived in our predecef- fors. ^56 The JOURNAL of fors, and moft furely believed by us. So that when it Ihall pleafc the Lord to awa- ken the -nations, there will be no occafion to expedl new difcoveries, or other manifef- tations, but the Lord will Ihew where he feeds his flock, and where they lie down at noon. 1 do not exped: the prefent le- thargy, and almoll univerfal indifference of all denominations of Ghriftians abaut reli- gion, is to continue very long, for the Lord's foul abhors it. I am fully perfuaded he will arife in dreadful majefty, to Ihake terribly the earth ; the power, wiidom, po- licy, and fplendor thereof, and not only the earth, but the heavens alfo, that he may remove thofe things which can be -fliaken, that thofe things that cannot be fliaken may remain. Then fliall people fee how empty and fruitlefs their religious pre- tenlions have been. Then will their eyes and cries be to the Lord, to fliew them the pafture of the flock of his companions. Then will mankind receive a kingdom which cannot be fliaken. But, oh ! the bitter cups that murt: be drank, and the phials of God's wrath that mud be poured upon nations and kingdoms, before mankind m general will be humbled enough, to fub- mit to the yoke of Chrift, and to learn of him, who is meek and low in heart. But he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and can turn and overturn, until the inhabitants of the earth are willing that he fliould reigu J O H N GRIFFITH. 257 reign whofe right it is; " for when the *' judgments of the Lord are in the earth, " the inhabitants of the world will learn " righteouihefs." Great and marvellous hath been the Lord's condefcenfion and goodnefs, manifefted for our help and prefervation many ways ; one wliereof I cannot well omit a fliort remark upon, viz. the reviving of ancient zeal for the promotion of difcipline and good order, which I find is almofl general throughout the fociety, that fpirit of found judgment, and the burning of that holy fire, which the Lord doth kindle in the hearts of the faithful, has never been wholly extin- guifhed, fince we have been a people; though in fome places, through the neg- ledl of many, it h2.th burned rather faint and languid. This has of late been much augmented, and the number of thofe ;< who will not take bribes (that is, through favour and affection pervert judgment) in- creafed. I pray God, for his great name's fake, and his people's prefervation, this good work may prof per! Publick miniftry, though a great bleffing, help, and comfort to God's people, may be fliunned, evaded, and turned off by individuals : but the church cannot ealily lofe ground, under a godly, impartial admrniflration of found judgment, and dealing in the way of good order and difcipline, as this brings judg- ment hciTie; Thou art the man. Here in- dividuals S58 The JOURNAL oP dividuals mufi condemn the evil, or be dif^ united from the body, that it may not bd infedled or endangered by their defedlion, I went from Folktlone to Maizam, wher6 I had a meeting, and fomc clofe fearching labour, in order to awaken drowly lukewarm ?rofeirors. 1 had meetings alfo at Afhford, enterden, and Cranbrooke, where I found things exceeding low as to truth and friends, and but very little of the fubftance, or even form, to be met with. My fpirit was much affecSled with forrow and mourning, in. viewing the deplorable eftate of the fociety in this county; yet I endeavoured with patience to wade along in my fervice, and to difcharge the duty required of me. I then proceeded to vifit Sviflex. The firfl: meeting I had in that county, was Gard- ner-Street; I could find bvit very few, if any, truly alive in religion there. I had hard clofe work with the unfaithful, in fomc important branches of our Chriftian tefti- jnony, to which I was immediately led ; for I knew nothing of their ftate by outward information. I had meetings alfo at Lewes, Brighthelmftone, • and Arundel. At all which places, I found the life of religion much depreffed. My fervice was clofe and fearching; but alas! carnal profeflbrs are very hard to be made fenlible of their de- plorable condition. From Arundel I went to Chicheiler, where I had a meeting, and. good open fervice, not only to ftir up the carelefs JOHN GRIFFITH. 259 carelefs to more fervent labour, but alfo to encourage and ftrengthen fome tender-^ hearted travellers Zion-wards. It was, through the holy eihcacy of truth, a blef^ fed tune. I went from thence to AltoA, in Hampfliire, and attended their firil-day meeting. ^ There is a large body of friends, amongll whom, the great Mafter of our affembiies opened dodrine and counfel, fuited to their feveral dates, and the bleiTed truth was in great dominion that day. The next meeting I had v/as at Godalming, where I had very clofe heavy fervice, being made fenfible of much indifference and lukewarmnefs in fome profeflbrs. It was often my lot to labour for the Itirring up and reviving of fuch ; but alas ! it is hard work, yet fufficiently rewarded by the com- fortable returns of true peace, in a faithful difcharge of duty. The next meeting I had was at Staines, which was pretty open and fatisfadlory : being iivingly engaged to ad- minifler fuitably to the feveral flates of thofe prefent. I went from thence to Uxbridge, where I had open thorough fervice, to good fatisfadlion. After which I went to High- Wickham, and had a heavy laborious meet- ing. The fame day I had an evening meet- ing at Amerlham, in w^hich I had fome fervice, though things were very low. Next day I had a meeting at Jordans, where the bleiTed truth had great domiuion, and the teftiaiony thereof flowed forth I-'l * freely, 26o The JOURNAL of freely, in do6trine and counfel, for the help and comfort of thofe prefent. After which 1 went to London, where I ftaid the firft- day meetings over. I attended Grace-church- Street in the morning, where I had good fervice, and the teftimony of truth had great dominion. I went to Devonfliire-Houle in tiic afternoon, where I had alfb a good open time, to declare the truth; finding much eafc and peace of mind. The fervice of this fmall journey being over, I returned home the next day, having been out about four wecks^ at 28 meetings, and travelled about 350 miles. The next journey I have any account of, was chiefly in order to viiit the quarterly- meetings of Lincoln, York, Lancafter, and Kendal. I fet out the 16th of the 6th month, 175^), and, by appointment, met Jofeph Taylor at Cambridge, who was to be my companion as far as York. It being iirft-day, we went to their meeting in the morning, Vv^hich was very fmall, and things exceeding low as to the life of religion. We went in the afternoon about ten miles to a general- meeting at a place called Over, which was large, and I was largely opened therein, in clofe awakening fervice, tending to roufe carelefs profefTors, of whom there feemed to be many at that meeting. We proceeded after meeting as far as Erith, and next day got to Spalding, ia Lincolniliire, where we met our worthy friend j^ JOHN GRIFFITH. 261 friend Mordecal Yarnall from America, who was then on a religious vifit in this nation, and Samuel Ncal from Ireland. The 2otIi in the moaning we fet out for Lincoln quarterly-meeting, which began the next day about noon, and ended the day following. Truth is at a low ebb in this county, and the diicipline in the main but poorly managed, and the conduft of cUvers profeifors adminillers caufe of offence; yet w^e were, through the extendings of mer- ciful goodnefs, tavoured with coufiderable opennefs, and pretty thorough iervice for their help, and to our own eafe in a good degiCQ, After this meeting was over, my companion and I proceeded on our journey towards York, taking Leed's firft-day meet- ings in our way, which were large, very heavy, and laborious. My proper bufineis was to wade under a great weight, occa- fioned by the indolent fpirits of thofe who were unwilling to , labour and bear their own burdens, in an example of filence. Next morning was held their monthly- meeting of miniflers and elders, where I had clofe fervice; and the fame day that for difcipline, which was exceeding large, our fociety being very numerous thereabout. The teftimony of truth was greatly exalted therein, in treating concerning Chrift, the everlafting Rock upon which the church is built, whereupon only it can 'ftand firm, againft all the attem.pts of a potent adverfary, and 262 The journal of and his emifTaries. Next day we went to York, where the fame evening was hel'd the quar- terly meeting of minifters and elders. I had feme open fervice therein, particularly to minifters. We were divinely favoured in the fucceeding meetings, both for w^or- fliip and difcipline, to our edification and comfort. From York I went towards Ken- dal, and was, in my way, at a yearly- meeting held on a firlt-day, in a large barn near Eingley ; where (it Vv^as thought) were very near a thoufand people of other religi- ous periuafions, befides many of our ownfo- ciety. I was largely opened therein to preach the everlafting gofpel, in the autho- rity and demonllration thereof. The peo- ple generally behaved in a fober becoming manner, appearing well fatisfied, which is too often the moll: we can fay in our day, concerning fuch memorable opportunities 5 whereas, our predecelfors might have added, perhaps^ that fcveral hundreds were con- vinced. However, we muft content our- felves with the ftate or condition of the fields of the world, in our day: and al- though WQ cannot lift up our eyes as they could, to behold the fields white unto har- veft, yet let there be honeft endeavours to contribute all in our power, for the bring- ing them forward in this relpeil, and leave the reft to the Lord, in whole hands alone are times and feafbns. I had a meeting at SkipCpn that evening, to good fatisfadlion, I went JOHN GRIFFITH. 263 1 went from thence to Settle, and was at their monthly-meeting, where I had good fervice, and fo proceeded to Kendal, ac-* €ompanled by divers friends. The fame day was held the meeting of minifters and elders, wherein our ancient worthy friend James Wilfon, had excellent fervice, to our great comfort and edification* Their quar- terly-meeting of bufinefs was held next day, wherein I had good fervice, in the opening of gofpel life and power. A blef- fed meeting it was. The Lord alone had the praife, who is for ever worthy thereof! I attended Kendal meetings the firft-day following^ which were very large, and pre- cious; the everlafting truth and its tefti- mony, being exalted over all of cu contrary- nature, to the great comfort of the up- right in heart, I went, accompanied by our friend James Wilfon, and many others^ to their general meeting at Prefton Patrick, which was very large. My fervice therein was clcfe, fearching, and laborious; not only in a fenfe of great lukewarmnefs and indifference in fopne, bvit alfo the heart- burnings, difunion, and fecret fmitings one againft another, of others. It feemed to me, that fpirit had fubtilly prevailed on fjme accounted of the foremofl rank, to their own hurt, and the wounding of the innocent life. My fpirit had been pain- fully affedled with the fame fenfe of the ftate of that meeting, in degree, in my former 254 The JOURNAL of former vifits to it; but never had fo much power arxd comfortable dominion over the fame, as at this time, wherein truth mightily prevailed, to the fubduing, at leaft for the prefent, all that was of a contrary nature. Near the conclufion of the faid meeting, our worthy ancient friend, before-mentioned, publicly teftified, that the eternal truth of God v/as over all, exhorting friends highly to prize fuch blefTed opportunities, and carefully to improve thereby. In relating what has been done, in mar- vellous kindnefs and condefcenfion, through me a poor weak inftrument, towards the help and reftoration of my fellow-mortals, I do fincerely deiire, if any good is done, the Lox'd only may have the praife, honour, and glory; for he alone is worthy, and nothing belongs to the creature, but hu- mility, reverence, obedience, and laying the mouth as in the duft. I would be io un- derftood throughout the whole narrative, though not always expreffed in words. I went from Kendal to Lancafter. The quarterly felecl meeting for minifters and elders was firft held ; wherein our ancient friend james Wilfon, before-mentioned, bore a noble, evangelical teftimony, to the inftruclion, edification, and great comfort of friends. Next day was held their quarterly- meeting for difcipline, in which, through the efficacy of divine power, I had fome open weighty fervice. I cannot well for- bear JOHN GRIFFITH, 165 bear remarking the great fatisfadlion and pleafure I had at this meeting, in behold- ing, and having the acceptable company of three honourable, worthy, ancient friends, viz. James Wilfon, Lydia Lancafter, and Grace Chambers; who, I think, all bore living and powerful teftimonies therein, in a very affecling manner, to the holy efEcacy of thateverlafting truth, which had been with them all their life long. Oh ! it was a time of much humbling encouragement, to fee their greennefs and fruitfulnefs in old age. I looked vipon them as patterns of primitives-times and friends. There is fome- thing wonderfully great and excellent, {hen only by thofe eyes which the Lord hath opened, in the native fimplicity of the truth, and that eftate into which it gradually brings a man, who, in a total denial of felf, hath fully given up to be formed by it. This I take to have been very much the cafe with friends in the beginning, which ren- dered them fo very obnoxious to the fpirit of the world ; than which, there is nothing more oppofite to a redeemed ftate : io that the more any are drawn out of the corrupt ways and fpirit of the world, the more they are hated by it. This is obvious, when we confider the treatment which Chrift our Lord, in whom the Godhead dwelt bodily, met with. If many in profef- fion with us are nearer in unity and peace with the world now, than our frieads were formerly. 266 The JOURNAL ©y formerly, let it not be tinderflood as a token of their advancement in the nature and fpirit of true religion; but the contrary, viz. that they are fallen nearer thereunto, and become more like it in fpirit, though fomevvhat different as to the exterior part of rehgion, which the world cares not much for, when it finds, that in the main, we are making advances towards them. Our friends formerly deUvcred themfelves in miniftry and writing, in a plain, fimple ftile and language, becoming the caufe they were fincerely engaged to promote ; chieHy aiming to fpeak and write, fo as to convey the power and efBcacy of the pure truth, to that of God in the confciences of men. It is no fmall glory to the righteous caufe we are engaged to promote, that it has made flich a mighty progrefs in the world, upon a better foundation than that of human helps and learned accomplifhments. The very firft and moft eminent inflruments, railed to propagate the fame, were illi- terate men, agreeable to what Paul deli- vers, I Cor. chap. i. %^er. 26, 27, 28, and 2(). May thefe things be weightily con- fidered by all thofe, who feem to aim at feeking credit to the fociety, by means of thofe outward embellifhments, from which our worthy ancients were wholly turned, to feek and wait for that living power and holy authority, which alone is able to carry on the wodg of man's redemption to the end J6HN GRIFFITH. 267 end of time: the departure from which opened the door effedlually for the apoftacy to overfpread ; then human wifdom and learning became, in the eftimation of de- generate Chriftians, effentially neceflary to make minifters of the gofpel. But the early minifters and writers in the Chris- tian church, became very eminent another way, as we have great reafon to beheve moft of them were ilhterate men ; and fuch of them who had attained human learnings when the power of the gofpel was mwardiy revealed, laid all fuch accomplifhments down at the feet of that power, to whom every knee muft bow, and every tong-ue mud confefs : fo that we find them counting all that as drofs and dung, to which men, ia their corrupt wills and wifdom, give the higheft place for ufefulnefs, as above hint- ed. And I think, fome amongft us fall very little fhort of the fame difpofition of mind, though they do not care to own it in words ; for I have divers times ob- ferved, fome have but little relifh f>r talte for the fubftantial truths of the gofpel, ia a plain (imple drefs ; nor to read books, holding forth the fame, unlefs they fiad fome delicacy in the ftile and compofition. An honeft fubftantial iTxinifter may wade into the feveral ftates of people, in orvier to bring forth fuitably thereinto, in the native fimplicity of the truth, and his labour herein be fccn^ gladly owned and M m received. 26S The JOURNAL of received, by the circumcifed in heart and ears, where his lot is caft ; yet the fort of people amongfl: us above-mentioned, of which I fear there are many, do not know, nor much regard him, fcarcely thinking it worth their while to attend the meetings fuch a one is engaged to vifit. But if they hear of one coming who is noted for learning and eloquence, though perhaps far fhort of the other in depth of experience, what fol- lowing after him from meeting to meet- ing! Enough, if the inftrument is not pretty well grounded, to puff it up with a vain conceit of itfelf, and to exalt it above meafure. Some have with forrow obferved, much hurt has been done amongft us, by fuch great imprudence. I have often feen reafon to conclude, popularity and common applaufe is no fafe rule to judge of the real worth of a minifler. Therefore, when I have heard much crying-up of any inftru- ment, I have been apt to doubt its fafe ftanding, and holding out to the end ; which it cannot poflibly do, if the fame defire pre- vails to fpeak, as there is in fuch people to hear. I am perfuaded, if fuch keep upon a right bottom, they will, at times, find it tlieir duty to ftarve and difappoint fuch cravings after words. I had an open fatisfactory meeting at Lan- . tafter the day after the quarterly-meeting, in which the holy virtue of truth greatly united friends in the bond of love and peace. The 1 4th JOHN GRIFFITH. 269 :!i4th of the jth month I fet out, m company with my kind friends Jonathan Raine and wife, William Dilworth, andTabitha Ecroyd, and lodged that night at Watton, near Pref- ton. Next morning I took my leave of the above laid friends in much near affec- tion, except William Dilworth, who ac- companied me to Warrington that day. The next, being the firft of the week, I attended Penketh meeting in the morning, and Warrington in the atternoon. At boih which, my labour in the miniftry was heavy and painful, on account of the formal, lifelefs ftate of too many, who, by their age and long profeffion, might have been as pillars in the church ; as -well as the chaf- 'iinefs, and want of iblid experience by their not yielding to the vifitation of truch, in many of a younger rank. Thus it is, when heavenly bleilings have been ihowered down upon people, not duly improving thereby, they become miore infeniible than others who have not been fo highly favoured, I was enabled to difcharge the iervice re- quired, in a fearching, awakening manner, to my own relief in a good degree. I went the next day to my worthy friend Joiliua Toft's, near Leek, who had then loft his fight, but feemed frcfli and lively in his Ipirit. We had great fatisfaction in com- pany and converiktion with each other. I ilaid one whole day v/ith him and his bro- ther, and then proceeded towards Wcrceilcr, taking 270 The journal of taking meetings at Dudley and Stourbridge. I had ibme open fatisfac^lory fervice at the firft, and a very laborious painful time in filence, at the other, where truth feemed to me much deprefled by wrong things. On feventh-day I went from thence to Worcefter, and attended their firft-day meetings, and was mournfully affe6led there- in with a {enfe of lukewarmnefs in many profeifors, finding it very hard for the life and power of truth to arife into dominion, fo as to make them fenfible of their ftates. My labour was for the moft part in filence, though I had fome clofe public fervice. I went after the lafl meeting as far as Eve- fham, on my way to London, and from thence, the next day home to my dear wife, and found *her well; which, together with other fav^ours, I was, through infinite kind- nefs, m;ide a partaker of in this journey, bowed my mind in humble thankfulnefs to the bountiful author of all blefiings, who is alone w^orthy of dominion and worfliip for evermore. I was from heme about five weeks and five days, and travel- led, by account, 664 miles, and wms at 37 meetings. I have preferved no account in writing, of my travelling in the fervice of truth, after I returned from the laft-mentioned journey, until the fore part of the year 1760, when I entered npon my journey, in order to. vifit the meetings of friends in the nation of Ireland JOHN GRIFFITH. 271 Ireland a fecond time; having had it weightily upon my mind, at times, for fome years. But when it drew near, I clearly faw the time fixed to fet out, which I did the firft of the 3d mionth, in the afore- faid year, and went to London. The 2d being on firft- day, I went to Grace- church'8treec meeting in the morning. My bufinefs therein was to fet an example of iilence. In the afternoon I had good open fervice at Devonfhire-Houfe meeting. On fecond-day morning the 3d I went into the Weft-Chefter ftage coach, and arrived at that city on fifth-day night, the 6th. I went next day to Park-Gate, to inquire for a pafTage, vsdiere I found divers vefTels ready to fail 3 yet the wind being contrary, it was uncertain v/hen ; fome having already wait- ed near a month for a fair wind. I return- ed to Chefter that night, and next day was poorly of a cold, having, fince my great illnefs, been very tender in my lungs, and apt to be c?.fBicl:ed with an afthmatick dif- order; fo that travelling, efpecially in cold foggy weather, became very unpleafant for me to bear, having endured confiderable hardfliips in m.y journey from London, by fuch weather and the motion of the coach. But all was made up, in the fvveet enjoyment of that pure love, which makes hard things eafy and bitter things fvveet. The 9th, being firft-day, I was at Chefter rneeting, the nuitiber of friends being but Irnall, 272 The journal of fmall, and thejife of religion verv low; yet it pleafed divine goodneik to extend rrer- ciful help, giving me openaeib in the fpringing up ot hte, to aclmmilter luitabiy for their advantage, I hoj e, if rightly im- proved. The loth in the morning, having hired a guide and tv^o horles, I ft^ -v: for Holy Head, in order to take a jr-'^-e for Dublin in one of the packets, and sot thi- ther next day about fix in the caing. Here I found one of the packets to fail early next morning. T went v^^ oard the 1 2th, about fix o'clock in the morn- ing, and landed at DubUn about f \ in the evening, the fame day, having had an ealV paflage and civil ulage on boafci, and was kinciiy received by my open-hearted friends Samuel Judd and family. 1 was pretty much fatigued with travelling, being alfo afBid:ed with a cold upon my lungs, v/lnch was aggravated by the thick fuiphurous air of Dublin. Yet the pure virtue and holy anointing of the pregious truth, carried through and over all weaknefs, both of body and mind. My foul being enabled to extol and magnify the God of my falva- tion, for his gracious fupport every- way ; for indeed, humanly looking and judging of things, it might not have appeared prudent, confidering my weak and infirm ftate of body, efpecially alone, to have undertook fuch a journey; but the power of gofpel love gaining the afcendency over all reafon- mgs JOHN GRIFFITH. 273 ings and conlliltations with flefti and blood, ii.ade me willing to give up life and ail, in anr-.verirg the Lord's requirings, and to pu' iue what he was pleafed to call me unto, as i'dT as ability of body would admit. This is a great m} ftery to the carnal man, but it hath as real an exiRence in a re- deemed mmd, as that a principle of felf- lovc is tiie x| ih-g of acHon in an unredeem- ed mind. On iixth-day, the 13th, I went to the w^eek day meeting at Sycamore- Alley, where humbling goodnefs was refrelhingly near, and opened the doftrines of truth largely and livingly, to the comfort of many hearts. On firit-day, the 16th, I went to Meath- Street in the* morning, where I had thororgh fervice, to mine own great com- fort and eafe ; though my fpirit was much grieved, to view the havock made amongft friends in that great city, by undue liber- ties ; but mod of all under a mournful fenfe, that the dragon's tail had drawn fome of the ftars down again into earthly pollu- tions, and caufed a. bad favour. This was oiFenfive to my foul, even as a nuifance in that meeting. May others harm and mif- carriages caufe all the Lord's anointed to be very watchful. I went to Sycamore- Alley in the afternoon, where the meeting was very large. Silent waiting upon God was my fervice therein, in wdiich I had peace and comfort ; and towards the conclufion, there was an awful folemnity, in a remark- able 274 The JOURNAL oi^ ' able manner, over the meeting, wherein the excellency of filent worfliip appeared. Oil fecond-day, the 17th, I went to Baltibois and had a meeting there next day. I had cloie ronfing fervice therein; the teftimony of trath went forth very fharp againft haughty libertine fpirits. There I met my good friend- Abraham Shakleton, who tra- velled with me moft of the time I was in that nation. Of him, I think, it may be faid, as was of Nathaniel, ^' Behold an " Ifraelite indeed, in whom there is no " guile!" He was a great comfort and help to me, and though he did not appear public- ly as a mlnifter; yet he would drop tender advice at times, in families, in a very affeil- ing mar.n.T. His whole converfation, looks, and deportment, was fo leavened and tem- pered with the good, that I looked upon him as a preacher of righteoufnefs where- ever he came. I went with him, after the abovefaid meeting, to his houfe at Bally- tore, where next day I had a precious open meeting, and good thorough fervice there- in; the bleffed unchangeable truth being in dominion ovr all. The 20th I had a good ferviceable meeting at Athy, and the next day another at Rathanyon, in which there was a wonderful manifeftation of the divine power, and much clearnefs in opening the do(ftrines of truth; fo that I believe there were few, if any, but were fenfibly afFe6led i therewith. I hope fuch great extendings of favour 1 JOHN GRIFFITH. 27J favour will not be eafily forgot. From thence I went to Edenderry, and was at their meetmg on firft-day, the 23d, v.hicli was a very large meeting, and the power and wlfdom of truth was eminently mani- fefted, in farniflihig with ability, to divide the word aright to the ieveral ftates in diat great mectirig. It was in much dread and weight, not iparing any rank or flation in the fociety. All there, I believe, through divine favour, had fome lliare of that day's work: I hope not eafily to be forgotten. May the Lord alone have the praife ! for he is the author of all the good that is, or can be done. The 25th I had a large meeting at Mount-Melick, in which I had thorough fervice. The labour was fome- what painful, in a fenfe of indifference, and the infipid formal ftate of too many, as well as . the pride and undue liberties of others; both which have forrowfuUy pre- vailed in that nation ; yet I found great eafe and peace of mind, in the difcharge of that weighty concern which was upon me for their help and recovery, and which I hope had a good eiFedl on many. Next day I had a large meeting at Mount-Rath. I was en- abled to dilchargv? the fervice required, in a fearching manner, that carelefs profefTors might be ilirred up to their rcfpedive duties, and ancient zeal, ardour, and beauty reftored to the churches. From thence I went to James Huchinfon's, where I had N n aa 276 The journal of an open ferviceable meeting; I hope to the comfort and help of many. The 28th I had a meeting at Ballinakill, where I had a good degree of opennefs, for the help and encouragement of friends in the way of well-doing ; but things were very low there, as to the life of religion. I went after meeting to Carlow, in order to attend the province fix weeks meeting. Many friends, from the feveral parts of the province, came to it. It was a large meeting, and confidering the low declined ftate of things, we were favoured with wonderful extend- Ings of heavenly power, wifdom, and living virtue, in order to heal and reftore back- fliding Ifrael. Great and marvellous is, and hath been, the condefcenfion of the Almighty to his peoplcj through all ages! The dodrine of the gofpel flowed forth freely to the feveral ftates of thofe prefent, and many were much humbled, in an aw- ful fenfe of the divine prefence, which is the life and ftrength of God's people. I had a large meeting at the fame place on firfl-day, the 30th, it was a bleffed oppor- tunity of favour and faving help extended to thofe prefent : furely, if thefe high bene- fits are not duly improved, great will be the condemnation of thofe upon whom they are beftowed. I went from thence home, with my kind friends Robert Lackey and wife, and had the next day a precious open meeting and good fervice therein, at h JOHN GRIFFITH. 277 at the houfe of our worthy ancient friend Samuel • Watfou, of Killconner. I went from thence to Rofs, where, at the houfc of Samuel EI7, I had a low affliding meet- ing, but little to be felt of the life of re- ligion. I was quite fluit up as to miniftry. From thence I went to Waterford, where on the 3d of the 4th month, I had a large meeting; it proved a time of cloie labour; yet I waded through to mine own eafe, in a good degree. On the 4th, I had an open precious meeting at Clonmell. Oh, how the heavenly virtue did llream forth! in dodlrine and counfel, for the help, encou- ragement, and ftirrin'g up of friends and others, to their religious duty. The great name of our God was adored and mag- nified. The 5th I went to Cork, and at- tended their meetings on firft-day. They were large, and although the declenfion from the life and fimplicity of truth is very great and obvious amongft friends in that city, and many under our name are much defiled with the love of earthly gratifica- tions, preferring their outward intereft to that of religion ; yet great was the extend- ingvS of divine love and favour for their help and recovery. The dodrines of the gofpel were thereby largely and livingly opened, I hope to the comfort and help of m.any, caufing the hearts of a fincere, up- right-minded remnant amongft them great- ly to rejoice with thankfulnefs. On- third- day^ 2278 The journal of day, the 8th, I attended a very large meet- ing there, both of friends and people of oriv:.T religious perfua.ions ; it being ap- pointed for the marriage of our friend Samuel Neal to a daughter of Jofliua Beale, and grand- daughter of our worthy friend Jofeph Pike, deceafed. The fore part of this meeting was very cloudy and painful, but the fincere travail of the upright in heart prevailed with the Lord to arife; then his enemies were fcattered, and the glorious powerful truth fhone forth in its beauty, whereby the poor had the gofpel to preach, in the blefTed demonftration thereof. It was a time not to be eafily forgotten; made fo by his refrelliing prefence, who turned our water of afliiclion into the re- viving wine of his kingdom; to whom, for the multitude of his mercies to his church and people, be humble thankfgiv- ing, fincere obedience, and praifes for ever- more. Amen ! I v;'ent from Cork direct- ly to Limerick, where on the 1 1 th I had a thorough open meeting, and the tefli- mony of truth was greatly exalted, I hope to the coiTifort and help of many. I often much admired the divine condeicenfion, in the open vifitations of his unmerited love and long-fuiTering kindnefs, to a greatly revolted and backfliding people. But what we finite creatures cannot comprehend, ^of his unfathomable regard to the workman- ship, of his hands, we ought to adore and w©rfliip JOHN GRIFFITH. 279 worfhip him for, with reverence and awful fear. So be it, fliith my foul, both in time and eternity. I went from thence to Kill- connen-Moor, where on firil-day, the 13th, I attended their meeting, which was but fmall, and my fervice therein was very la- borious. The teftimony given to bear went forth very iharp againft wrong liberties, I was much afflicted, in a fenfe of the al- moft defolate ftate of that meeting, which that worthy man John Alhton, being firft himfelf convinced in that remote place, was the inftrument, in the Lord's hand, by his favoury circumfpeil life and labour to gather, I had a meeting in the afternoon at Birr, where there are but few of our fo- ciety, but many of the people called me- thodifls, and foldiers came in. The gof- pel of life and falvation was largely preach- ed unto them. The neceffity of the new- birth was urged and preiTmgly enforced. The nature whereof, from a degree of ex- perience, being fet forth, the meeting ap- peared to be generally affected, and, I hope, it was a ferviceable time. Some of the methodifts did in words exprcfs their great fatisfacStion, after meeting, beyond What I choofe to mention. On the 15th I had a very painful exerciling meeting at the Moat, Great indeed was the diflrefs of my mind, viewing the general hardnefs and infenfibi- lity, as well as the vain frothy light fpirits pf fome. I had very little opennefs, and fcarcely s8o The JOURNAL of fcarcely any thing to deliver, but under a fenfe of the Lord's anger being kindled againft them, by whom, if they do not re- pent, they will be rejeded. Though, I hope, there were fome few had a degree of tendernefs and good delires ; but, alas ! it is a hard lot for fuch who have a fenfe of feeling, to be incorporated with a peo- ple generally fo infenfible of the life of re- ligion; but the Lord is all-fufficient for thofe who put their trufl in him. From thence I went to the Freeman's, near Old- Caftle, where, on the i8th in the morn- ing, I had a meeting held at their houfe, for our friends only, in which I had matter and utterance given fuitable to the dates of the few prefent, who were pretty much affedled with the teftimony of truth. In the afternoon I had a large meeting in friends meeting-houfe at Old-Caftle. I underftood after meeting, they were moftly papifts. I had a large opportunity to pub- iifh the truths of the gofpel, with con- fiderable clearnefs ; fliewing the neceffity of obtaining vi(5lory over fin, through the power and efficacy of living faith in Chrift; by whom only, full remilTion of fin is to be obtained, upon fincere repentance; fliew- ing, in fome meafure, the great danger of fuppofing the Ahnighty hath delegated the power of forgiving fins to any man, or fet of men whatever; that all who were defirous to be freed therefrom, muft know the work of JOHN GRIFFIFH. 281 of God's fpirit in their hearts, to work that change, or to bring forth that new-birth our Lord tknght Nicodemus the neceffity of. The auditory were generally quiet and attentive, appearing to depart well fatif- fied. One of the papifts after meeting did to me exprefs much fatisfadlion wifli the docftrine delivered. But I underftood one or two priefts were much offended there- with, yet they faid nothing to me; fo all paffed off quiet, as was my mind, having fweet comfort in the labour of that day. From thence I went to Coothill, and the 20th was at their firft-day meeting, where- in I was largely concerned in a clofe rou- fing teftimony. It was very fliarp againft the inordinate love of the world, which, and other undue liberty, feemed to mc to have almoft laid that meeting wafte. Their monthly-meeting of bufinefs was held that day, which to me was another token of their little regard to tlie great caufe of re- ligion and virtue, that they could not find it in their hearts to beftow another day for tranfacfling the weighty affairs of the church, which I have always obferved to be the cafe, where friends are really alive in religion, and not narrowed up by the love of the world. It hath often appeared wonderful to me, how the profeffors of truth dare offer fuch an indignity to the infinite being, and his awful work, as to put it off until it fuits them beft, and when they are likely to fur- fer 282 The JOURNAL of fer the leaft difadvantange in that refpecfl to their outward affairs. What is pointed out by the offerings under the law, being of the firfl year and without blemifli ? And what is meant by offering the lirft-fruits to the Lord ? Oh, how ungratefully do fome adl:, as if any thing, or any time, was good enough to offer unto him! I have obferved in fome places, though I can with com- fort fay, it was but in very few, that they hold their monthly and quarterly-meetings in the afternoon, and having thus limit- ed themfelves for time, they feem as if they could fpare but little of it in filent waiting, to feek the Lord's bleffed affiflance, and in faith to look for the pour- ing forth of the holy fpirit promifed in this gofpel-day. But I have obferved them to enter on the bufinefs as they have come out of the world; m.oving in thefe weighty affairs in man's natural abilities, whereby darknefs reigns, and the glorious light and life of truth is obfcured, and they come to be fo benighted, as to fee no neceffity to wait for it. Thus all living zeal, and every qualification for carrying on the Lord's work is loft, and vain man thinks he can do without it. I am well affured, by living experience, as well as the practice truth hath led friends into in all places (a few excepted) that it is the indifpenfable duty of our fociety, every where, to dedicate a week-day, viz. a day when they are not debarred JOHN GRIFFITH. ^83 debarred by the laws of the land to fol- low their outward buiinefs, for traniadliiig the weighty affairs of difcipline and good order ; and to meet in the fore-p:*irt there- of, men and women together, then and there to wait upon the Lord, for the virtue of his holy fpirit; and when they have thus waited a proper time, then the mea and women in their feparate apartments, with awful fear, and a weighty care upon all their minds as in the prefence of the Lord, to proceed in their refpe(!?^ive parts of this great work; which is the Lord's, and cannot poffibly be profitably done but by his immediate aiTiftance. This I leave upon record, as my well-grounded teftimony for God and his church. I attended what they called their monthly-meeting, and by looking a little into the flate of things, I found them much out of order, and did not wonder at it, as I found they had dropped their week-day meeting. At my requefl the women were defired to be prefent, when much labour v/as beftowed for their help, particularly to revive their week-day meet- ing; they agreed to endeavour for it, and made a minute for that purpofe in their monthly-meeting book. But, alas! the life of religion feemed to be almofl loil; their flate being confufed and diforderly, by mixed marriages, and the negledl of dif- cipline. They appeared part one thing and part another; which, if it was fo offenfive O 0 to 284 The journal of to God, and fo diftreffing to his people under the old covenant, how can it be lefs fb now? But when people's views are car- nal and felfiih, they regard none of thefe things, although the hazard is fo infinitely great, I had a fmall poor meeting at Caftle- ihane next day, where, to my great forrow and pain, 1 could not perceive any alive in religion. Some labour in teftimony was beftowed, but to outward appearance it took very li:tie effedl. From thence I went to Thomas Greer's, at Dungannon, and on the 23d had a large meeting at Charle- mount, where I was concerned to declare truth, as utterance was given, in a very clofe fearching manner ; not without fharp rebukes to fuch, who, by defiling liberties, had brought an ill favour and caufed the way of truth to be evil fpoken of. My mind was comfortably relieved after the fervice of this meeting w^as over, being dis- charged of a heavy load. The next day I had a very painful and exercifing meeting at Ballyhagan. The appearance of the pro- feflbrs was in general plain ; but, alas ! with refpedl to the life of religion, they feemed, in my view, for the mofi: part, like pictures or images. Surely the blindnefs and flupi- dity muft be exceeding great, if it be pof- fible for people in that (late, to imagine or dream they are the people of God. I was, through divine favour, enabled to clear myfelf of them, by a fharp fearching and clofe JOHN GRIFFITH. 285 clofe teitlmony, in the difcharge whereof I had peace. The meeting was very large, as to number. The 25t:h I went to the province meeting of minifters and elders, held in Lm^gan. My fpirit was deeply affedled therein, with a forrowful fcnfe^ that fome of the leaders of the people had caufed them to err, and by their love for, and eager pm'fuit after worldly enjoyments, had large- ly contributed to obfcure the way of the Lord, fo that the ferious inquirers ?fter the paths which lead to peace, could not, by obferving their fteps, find them out. Oh, what a deplorable ftate that is ! I was fa- voured with living authority and clearnefs, to difcharge my mind towards fuch with great plainnefs, which feemed to faften clofely on fome: may they profit thereby, and the end will be anfwered. The province meet- ing was held next day, in which I had weighty fervice. But, alas! they are far gone (a few excepted) from the life and power of religion; yet I found much good-will ex- tended for their recovery and help, and the heavenly power wonderfully opened my mouth, and enlarged my heart, to deliver fuitable dodlrine to their conditions, in which I had peace, and many were affecfled and reached therewith. Oh, how unwilling is the Lord to give up the offspring of his people ! I attended Lurgan meeting on firft- day, the 26th, which, through the divine manifeftations of heavenly power, was in- deed ii86 The JOURNAL of deed a very awakening time to the unfaitli- ful, as well as of Iweet refrelliment to the few mourners in and for Sion. I went after meeting to Lifburn, and had a very open fatisfadory meeting there next day. The teftimony of truth went forth in an affeCling manner, to the tendering many hearts. It was a time of humbling, en- couragement to the honeft-he^rted. The next day I had a very poor afflicJling m.eet- ing at Hillfborough, things being very low there. The 30th I had a very large meet- ing at Ballenderry, in which I had tho- rough fervice. The teftimony of truth v/ent forth with much clearnefs and de- jnonfLration, being, through divine favour, an eminent time, and many dates fpoke ciofcly to, I hope to their advantage. On iifth-day, the firft of the 5th month, I had a meeting at Moyallen, which was a painful cloudy time. The teftimony delivered was very fearching, in order to ftir up carelefs profefTors, fome of whom feemed, in a great meafure, to have deferted the caufe of religion, and to have too much embraced this prefent world. The 2d I fet out for Dublin, in order firfl to attend the province meeting for Leinfler, and then the half year's meeting, both to be held there in one week. I lodged that night at an inn in Dunlere, and next day got to Dublin. On firft-day, the 4th of the 5th month, I went to Meath-Street in the morning, where truth JOHN GRIFFITH. 287 truth greatly favoured, in opening dadlrine and counfei, to the edification and comfort of many, as well as in caution and warning to the difobedient and lukewarm profeiTors. In the afternoon at Sycaniore-Ailey, it pro- ved a laborious painful time of lilence, to which, perhaps, the expecflation and defire of the people after words might not a lit- tle contribute. On fecond-day, the jth, was held their province meeting of mini- fters and elders. It was a painful heavy time, but, through divine favour, fome relief was adminiftered towards the con- clulion. Next day was held the quarterly- meeting for Leinfter province, in which I had open thorough fervice, both in minif- try, and aifo in relation to good order and the difcipline of the church. On fourth- day, the 8 th of the 5th month, third hour in the afternoon, began their national meet- ing of;-minifters and elders, wherein the Lord was pleafed to open profitable in- ftruclion, to- the great comfort and edifica- tion of many. Next day we had a meeting for worfhip in the 'morning, wherein di- vine favour was plentifully extended, and the do<5lrine of truth largely opened. The meeting ^ of 'bufinefs for the whole nation was held in the afternoon, in which a* de- gree of divine wifdom and flrength were adminiftered for our help in the manage- ment thereof. On fixth-day morning Vv^as held a large meeting for worfliip at Syca- more* 288 The JOURNAL op more-Alley, which was wonderfully over- fhadowed with heavenly goodnefs, and the teftimony of truth went forth freely, being mvich exalted. In the afternoon the affairs of the church continued ; and on feventh- day, both fore and afternoon were employed in them. Divine goodnefs was com- fortably near, for the help and recovery of a declined people, flirring up the hearts of fome, as he did the heart of Nehemiah formerly, to feek the profperity and welfare of the city of God. I found a confiderable alteration for the better, by fome reviving and growth in the life of religion, amongft friends in this nation. That painful fliat- nefs and infenfibility, which I former- ly mourned forely under a fenfe of, did not appear fo generally to overfpread the churches now, as then; though in fome places it was rather worfe than better; yet I think, upon the whole, things were mended in a religious fenfe. The Lord, in merciful kindnefs to them, not only fent divers fubflantial inftruments from diftant parts, to vifit them; but alfo, as before noted, moved upon the hearts of fome a- mongfl: themfelves, to labour for reftor- ing ancient comehnefs, by vifiting their monthly and quarterly, or province meet- ings, for the promotion of good order and difcipiine ; the reviving whereof, in the wifdom which is from above, proves an ef- fe(flual means to increafe and exalt the vir- tue JOHN GRIFFITH. 189 tue and power of true religion. A concern of this nature came weightily upon the na- tional meeting at this time, in the feeling whereof, under the holy influence of hea- venly light, friends nominated a certain number to vifit the monthly meetings in Leinfter province. I cannot well omit making a remark upon appointments, as I apprehend Ibme have, by the fubtilty of Satan, been pre- vailed upon to rejedt them : I believe all fuch do not defign an injury to the fociety ; but he who deceives them, intends there- by the obftrucling that great and necefliiry engagement, of maintaining good order and difcipHne. I ardently delire, that all who imdertake to move and adl in the church of God, may be well informed what is the fpring of adlion to them, and moves them therein. If it be the fpirit of God, they dare do nothing againft the truth, but all in their power in order to promote it, that being their greateft delight. But if it be felf, it will feek its own honour, and be very fond of victory, and be difgulled whe# it cannot role and carry matters and things its own way. On firft-day, the nth, many country friends being yet in the city, we had, it was thought, the largeft meeting known at fuch a time, for many years, and, by the bleffed dominio,n of the everlaftino* truth, it was a time of great favour. The fincere-hearted were fweetly comforted, the difobedient 2()o The journal of difobedient warned, and in the free power- ful opening of gofpel life, mnch doiflrine and counfel were adminiftered, tending to beget faith in the eternal power of God. The afternoon meeting was, for the mod part, held in an awful folemn filence. On fecond-day was held a meeting of minifters and elders, wherein divine goodnefs was pleafed to open the free fountain of life and healing virtue ; in whom we had to re- joice with joy unfpeakable and full of glory. His name was greatly exalted, mag- nified, and adored amongft us. After this meeting, apprehending myfelf now quite clear of any farther fervice, at this time, having, through infinite kindnefs^ been much favoured and enlarged therein, through mofl parts of the nation, but more efpecially at the late great meetings in Dublin, I was very earnefl in my mind to embark for England, and fo to leave things whilfl frefii-and well; always having an averfion to loitering amongfl friends until they flatten. But though there were feve- lial Ihips ready to fail for Parkgate, ,yet I could not get away till after their week- day meeting, on third-day, in Meath-Street ; to which meeting, I muft fay, I went with confiderable reludlance, for the reafon above- mentioned. But we are very fhort-fighted creatures; for this meeting, notwithfland- ing my unwillingnefs to be at it, proved a memorable time; many country friends be- ing JOHN GRIFFITH. 291 ing ftill in the city, it was a folemn taking leave one of another, in tlie precious flowing of the holy unity by the one fpirit. Next day about noon, in company with feven friends intending for the yearly-meeting in London, I embarked on board the Kil- dare, captain M'Culloch, and landed at Parkgate about ten o'clock next morning, where we hired horfes and proceeded to- wards London. But when we had travelled as far as Coventry, apprehending I might reach home, fo as to have three whole days with my family before the yearly-meeting ; and it being but about twenty miles more riding, I concluded therefore to do fo ; my kind friend Robert Lackey agreeing to bear me company. This being on feventh-day, the 17th, we got to Northampton that night, and ftaid their meeting next day, which was fmall, and the life of religion appeared to me very low there. The meeting was held in filence. I got home on third-day, the 20th of the 5th month, 1760, finding my dear wife and family in good health, to our mutual joy and thank- fulnefs to the Lord, who leads out, carries through, and brings home again in peace, thofe who truft in him. Bleffed and praifed be his worthy name for ever ! I was in- deed largely favoured in the before-men- tioned journey, of which, for mine en- couragement to give up in humble con- fidence in the Lord's power, I had a clear P p foreiight 292 The JOURNAL OF ^ forefight before I entered upon it, which I efteemed a high favour. I was from home about twelve weeks and three days, travel- led in that time upwards of 1300 miles, and was at about 58 meetings. Our friend Robert Lackey, myfelf and wife, went to the yearly-meeting in London, which began on feventh-day the 24th of the 5th month, for minifters and elders. An efta- blilhment, which I hope will be of great fervice throughout the fociety in thefe na- tions ; as inquiries are made at this meet- ing, by calling for anfvvers from the feve- ral parts, to certain queries agreed on, re- lating to the condudl of friends in the fta- tions above-mentioned ; and advice admini- ftered as occafion may require. Common reafon will inform us, that when the main pillars give way, the building muft inevita- bly fall. It is therefore prudent to take due care concerning them. An eminent fervant of the Lord wifely obferved to this efFedl, viz. That there never was an apo- Itacy from the life and purity of religion, until the minifters and elders gave way. How important then are their ftations, and what great need have they themfelve-s, and likewiie the church, carefully to obferve Vv^hether or no they ftand upright, feeing lb much depends thereon. On fecond-day following was opened the yearly-meeting of bufinefs, which continued, by adjourn- ments, inoft or all the week; being a folemn weighty I JOHN GRIFFITH. 293 weighty meeting, of very great import- ance to the fociety: careful inquiries are there made, mto the ftate thereof, in order to communicate fuch help, as in the wif- dom of truth may appear proper and aecef- fl I am free to give a ihort account here, ot the begmnmg or rife of one very import- ant affair which came before this yearly- meetmg, as I Ihall have occafion hereafter to make fome mention of its progrefs and iuccefs, VIZ. A nomination of friends, to viiit all the monthly and quarterly-meet^ ings of friends in this nation, for their help m promoting good order and difcipline in «ie ieveral parts. Upon reading the au- iwers to the ufual queries from the fe- veral quarterly-meetings, great ilacknefs and unfaithfulnefs in divers places in fome weighty branches of our Chriftian tefti- mony appeared, notwithftanding the great and earneft endeavours made ufe of by the yearly-meeting from year to year, by way ot advice, caution, and counfel: the fenfe whereof deeply afteaed fome minds, who in humble proftration before the Lord' were ready to fay. What wilt thou do for thy great name's fake, and to heal the back- ilidmgs of thy people? A friend under this exercife, and an awful fenfe of the divine prefence which was near, (lood up, taking- notice of the apparent defection above-hint- ed; and that as all the means hitherto uled by the truly Ciuiftian labour of preceding yearly- -94 The JOURNAL of yearly-meetings, had not proved fuflScient to flop the declenfion, which feemed rather to increafe ; that now it behoved that meet- ing, deeply and weightily to confider what remained yet to be done for the help and recovery of the fociety, to its ancient purity and comely order, or to that import. This feemed to open the way for our worthy friend Jofeph White of Pennfylvania, who was then upon a religious vilit in this na- tion, to lay before that meeting what he faid had been much upon his mind mofl of the time fince he landed, and which feemed to increafe in clearnefs and weight as that yearly-meeting drew near; and that he now found it was the proper time to deliver the fame, viz. That the yearly-meeting do appoint a fuitable. num- ber of folid, weighty, judicious friends, to vilit all the quarterly and monthly-meet- ings in England, therein to ufe their Chrif- tian endeavours, in the love of God, for the promotion and revival of wholefome difcipline, and the comely order of the gof- pel in the churches. Great was the awful folemnity which covered the meeting, dur- ing its deliberation on this very important affair. The weight of the heavenly power was fo exceeding great and awful, that it was very hard for any contrary fpirits to appear; yet objed:ions againft appointments for fuch fervices were advanced by fome. It was therefore propofed, that friends who found JOHN GRIFFITH. 295 found a concern on their minds to engage ' in the faid undertaking, would give in their- names. The Lord's heavenly power being at work, like leaven, in the meeting, a wonderful time of divine favour it was, wherein about fifty-eight offered themfelves accordingly. Before I infert any account of the progrefs made in the above-mentioned fer- vice, I have to take notice of a journey into the Weft of England, which, in company with my friend Richard Brev\rfter, I entered upon the 9th of the 9th month this year. We went to Plaiftow monthly-meeting, where, unexpedledly, I had fome pretty dole fervice. Next day, being joined at London by my efteemed friend Thomas Corbyn, w^e proceeded on our way, in order to at- tend the circular yearly-meeting for the weftern counties, to be heid at Wotton- under-Edge, in Gloucefterihire, which be- gan on firft-day, the 14th of the gth month, and ended on the third-day fol- lowing. Many of our fociety from divers pares, attended, and a vaft c.oi>courfe of other people, who generally behaved in a becoming manner, carrying themfelves very refpedlfully to friends, and I hope the meet- ing was in the main, ferviceable; yet the heavenly power was not exalted to fo high a degree, as thoie whofe life and all is in it could have defired. It is th^t alone which is able to open people's way rightly «96 The JOURNAL of rightly to^ our Sion ; not the fineft and moft coni.ftent fet lof principles:"curiouf^ %, ^". .f""h and difplayed without it tW ' %' '^r. ^''^^"^ P°^^r is the only •\xr^-- . nic^ned. We went from h!d?clo,^ r"\^""^-''^' ^^ Earthcott, and nn f cloie fearchmg meeting at Thornbury as to the hfe of rehgion. We had a mp^r -g next day at Earth1:ott, wherein theTeft I niony of truth went forch very ftarp againft We^went^.^,^^^^^ tended their meeting on fixth-day, where tmth^ and its teftirnony was exaked over wrong things; and unfaithful, dXderlv Htf S/r ''' *^ ^°---n and autht ncy thereof, warned, and the humble fin- cere traveller Sion- ward, comforted: it beitg Die time. In the afternoon was held their "meeting of minifters an by us in ieled: meetings of miniflers and elders, yet we had fuch opportunities in moil or all the monthly-meetings ; where their queries were read and anfwered; advice, caution, oounfel, and reproof alfo, were adminiftered as Ave found ourfelves led and influenced thereunto. The 24th of the 6th month, their quarterly-meeting was held in York, We had drawn up the flate of their monthly-meetings, being fourteen in num- ber, as the fame appeared to us from their anfwers to the ufual queries, and other in- quiries made by us in oiu' late viiit to them, with fundry remarks thereon, particularly on the great and mournful ilacknefs in, and negledl of, divine worfliip; efpecially on week-days, whicli difcovers an indifference and lukewarmnefs much to be lamented. Earned labour was bellowed in that great meeting, to faften the weight and great im- portance of qualified members, coming more earneftly and feelingly under a deep fenfe of the care of the churches ; that fo an increafe of zeal and diligence may be exer- cifed throughout; in warning the unruly, comforting the feeble-minded, and in fup- porting the weak. It was a folcmn time, the members being fenfibly affedled with the great need of a better regulation in di- vers refpeds ; a large committee was ap- pointed to vifit and affift the monthly, alio particular meetings, as they faw^ caufe, in oj'dcr 334 The JOURNAL of order to help forward the neceflary work of reformation. The monthly-meetings alfo, except one^ in confequence of our viht appointed committees to vifit particular meetings and mdividuals, as their way might open, for the better pvitting in prac- tice our Chriftian difcipline. In this city, our friend John Hunt of London, joined us ; and here wg parted with Jonathan Raine, Matthew Mellor, and William Hird. We went next into Lincolnfhire, and on the 29th of the 6th month, vihted their monthly-meeting, held at Gainfborough : here John Oxley of Norwich met us. Things appeared very low and defective, as to the difcipline and good order of the church in this place; the members, in too general a way, being by indifference and weaknefs, infenlible of its great worth and ufefulnefs. Our fpirits were deeply bap- tized into a fenfe of their ftates, and we re- ceived ability, with great plainnefs to lay before them the dangerous confequence of fuch an unfavoury unfruitful condition, and the great duty which the members of fo- ciety owed to God, themfelves, and to one another, in a religious capacity, which for the prefent feemed to ajSecl their minds ; inay the impreflion be lalling ! We had alfo fome things to offer by way of encourage- ment, to a few fincere, though weak ones amongft them. Tlie 2d of the 7th month, v;e vifited Wainfie'et monthly-n^eeting, find- ins JOHN GRIFFITH. 335 ing things diftrelTingly low and much oi\t of order; and but fev/ who had the caufe of truth at heart, fo as to mourn becaufe of the great defolation and wafte made in the fociety there, by earthly-mindednefs and other flelhly hberties. Our minds were deeply engaged that truth might break through, and foften the minds of thofe dry, carnal profefTors, who, inftead of help- ing forward the neceffary work of difci- pline, were great clogs and hinderances thereunto, being as dead weights and bur- dens on the more lively part of the body. Through the holy efficacy of that pure life, which gracioufly attended us from place to place, we were enabled to dif- charge our confciences at that meeting, in much plain-dealing, to our own peace and the comfort and relief of the few up- right-hearted there. The 4th we vifited Spalding monthly-meeting; much diforder and flacknefs appeared alfo at this meeting, in fome ; others, who w^ould feem to be fomething in religion, were but too much like the unfruitful fig-tree, on which, when it came to be nearly examined, nothing wai to be found but leaves ; having, like Ephraim and Demas, forfaken the dew and tendernefs of their youth, and embraced this prefent world. Such^ though they re- tain fomethin? of the outward reiemblance, cannot prof per in religion, as they are dry and infipid. In this low, mournful ftate of 336 The JOURNAL og of things, truth arofe, and furniflicd with Aiitable matter and utterance, In plain deal- ing with formal profeObrs, and proper en- couragement to fome hopeful yquth and others, to come up in a more lively zeal and concern for God's caufe, than had been maintained of late at that meeting, which I hope was of good fervice. The 6th we vifited Lincoln monthly-meeting, held at Broughton. This meeting appeared in a very low condition, as to a lively fenfe of truth; confequently, the difcipline thereof was not rightly managed, as being done too much in the will, wifdom, and temper of man. Some appeared hopeful and tender, efpecially of a younger rank, to whom, I hope, our deep and earneft labour amongfl: them was profitable. The 8th of the 7th month, the quarterly- meeting was held at Lincoln; before which we laid in writing, the languid and difor- derly flate of the fociety in that county, with fundry clofe remarks thereon, point- ing out, in fome meafure, the caufe of the great declenfion found amongft them. This was accompained v/ich our joint and earneft endeavours, to bring the weight of thofe things upon the members, that they might feel ii proper engagement of mind to arife, and repair the breaches made, which had a good effec5l on fome minds, and a committee was appointed in order to promote the work of reformation; which was alfo done at JOHN GRIFFITH. 337 at mofl, or all their monthly-meetings. From Lincoln, John Hunt and Jofeph Row returned home to London, and John Oxley to Norwich ; Thomas Corbyn, Jofeph Taylor, and myfelf, went into Not- tinghamlhire. The 13th of the 7th month* we viiited Retford monthly-meeting, as it was called, wherein we found a few tender and hopeful, and had fome opennefs to ad- minifler counfel and advice, tending to their help and improvement, which appear- ed to be vv^ell received, and fome minds were alFedled therewith ; yet very little was dif- covered by us of difcipline being put in prac- tice, but almoft every thing relating there-* to was negle6led. It therefore was our judgment they ought to be joined to fome other monthly-meeting, yet their fituation rendered that fomewhat difficult; however, we concluded to lay the cafe before their enfuing quarterly -meeting. The 14th we vifited Mansfield monthly-meeting, which alfo appeared very low and weak; but very little of the bufinefs of a monthly-meeting properly done, as the number was very fmall that generally attended them, and iu moft of them the elTential qualification for fcrvice in the church of Chrift much want- ing. It was therefore our judgment, that it would be for the general good, that?vlanf- field monthly-meeting Ihould be joined to that of Chefterfield, except Oxon particular meet- ing; w^hich from its fituation might better be 338 The JOURNAL Gi- be joined to Nottingham. The 1 5th we viiit- ed Cheilerfield monthly-meeting, wherein divine goodnefs was Hvingly manifefted, in order to adminifter proper affiftance, by way of advice, counfel, and encouragement, to this fmall, weak meeting, wherein difci- phne, in divers of its branches, w^as much negiefted; yet there appeared an opennefs in the members to be inftru:6led and help- ed forward in that weighty work, which, through the ftrength and efficacy of divine love, was largely extended to them, in which we had fatisfa6tion of mind. Thq 1 6th we went to Breach, called a monthly- meeting, but we found it, in that refpedl^ almoft defolate. The teftimony of truth^ fo precious to their anceftors in that place, was by them fufFered to fall, in mod of its branches ; but few of thofe who were adlive members, appeared clear in its fupport. Darknefs had greatly prevailed over their minds, yet our deep labour, under the in- iSuence of heavenly good^ had a tendering efFe(5l upon fome of them. One thing aimed at by us, was, that the members of that meeting might be joined to the monthly- meeting of Nottingham, they being unfit to remain in their prefent condition, which was confented to by them, a minute made, and fome of their members appointed to propofe the fime to Nottingham meet- ing. The 17th we vifited Nottingham monthly-meeting; the number here was pretty JOHN GRIFFITH. 339 jpretty large, but the pure virtue of heaven- ly goodnefs, (without the fenlible experi- ence whereof there can be no profperity in the truth,) feemed to be much deprelTed and obftrudled by earthly-mindednefs, cover- ed over with a form of religion in fome heads of families, by whom undue liberties were winked at in their offspring: fuch not having zeal enough to fupprefs wrong things in their own families, are not like to pro- mote good order and difcipline in the church. We found fome who united v^rith us in a deep and earneft labour for a better regulation, arid triuch found admonition, caution, and cdunfel, were adminiftered^ which feemed (at leaft for the prefent) to have an awakening eiFe6t on fome. On the 20th of the 7th month the quarterly- meet- ing was held at Nottingham, and, as we un- derftood, a juncflion of that, and the quar- terly-meeting of Derby fhire, was agreed on between them, and fhortly to be complet- ed. We drew up the ftate of the monthly- meetings in both the faid counties, as the fame appeared to us in our late vifit, with fundry remarks on the mournful declenfion found amongd them ; pointing out to them, in fome meafure, what we apprehended to have been the caufc thereof, that thofe con- cerned might both examine themfelves and be more watchful, in order to prevent fnch confequences for the future: which v\ras read in this meeting, and endeavours X X ufed 340 The JOURNAL of ufed verbally alfo, chat the meeting might come under a folid fenfe of the ftate of their monthly- meetings, that proper affiftance might be extended for a general reforma- tion. But, alas ! there were but few amongtl; them enough devoted, heartily to engage in io good and neceflary a work ; however, we were enabled to clear ourfelves, by leaving the weight of things upon them, and to depart with eafe and fweet peace of mind. All praifes and humble thankfgiv- ings to our holy head, for his gracious and comfortable fupport, in our deep exercifes' and labour from place to place. For, alas! we fliould fooQ have fainted under the weight of that painful fervice, had he been pleafed to withdraw, even but for a little time; but we found him a never- failing fountain of all we flood in need of, and when our fervice for this time was over, we could not fay we lacked, any thing. The 21 ft of the 7th month we v^ifited Caftle- Dunington monthly-meeting in Leicefter- Ihire, wherein divine favour was lary-elv extended, in which we received ftrength to labour earneftly, for the reviving of a living concern in the members, that difcipline and good order might be better maintained, which, through the indifference of fome, and the backward, cowardly difpolition of others, was but poorly fupported in fun- dry refpecfts ; yet this opportunity feemed to have a good eHecl, by a confidcrable reach JOHN GRIFFITH. 341 reach upon many of their minds, and I hope may prove of great advantage to that meet- ing, as the members thereof feemed rather weak than wilful. The 24th \vq vifired Hinkley monthly-meeting, which, as to the fupport of difcipline and gofpel order, appeared to us almoft defolate. Our earneft labour for their help and recovery had little vifible impreffion on fome of their members, the infenfibillty was fo great; thougli others were avv^akened to a degree of feeling and tendernefs, who, I hope, received fome benefit thereby. The beft expedient that appeared to us, was their being joined to Leicefter monthly-meeting, which was accordingly recommended. The 25th we vifited Dalby monthly-meeting; and as it appeared in the fame ftate as that of Hinkley laft mentioned, I fliali refer to that account, and only fay, we advifed it fnould be joined to the monthly-meeting of Caftle-Dunington, except a fmall branch thereof, which lay contiguous to Leicefter. The 27th we vifited Oakham m.onthly- meeting, where much flacknefs and indif- ference appeared, too many of the adive members being at eafe in a profeffion, whilft wrong things prevailed, and death inftead of life, overlhadowed their meetings. The Lord engaged us in a deep and fervent la- bour, to llir them up, that they might arife and fhake themfelves from the duft and clogging things of the earth, to receive th- 342 The JOURNAL of the eye-falve of God's kingdom, whereby they might come to fee their own ftate as individual members, and alfo the general ftate of the church. Oh, how aihamed would fome then be, of their poverty and nakednefs ! We found a few amongft them in a humble, teachable frame of mind, with whom we had good fatisfaftion, hope- ing this opportunity might tend to their help and improvement in the beft things. The 28 th we vifited Leicefter monthly - meeting, in which we found fome honeft labourers for Sion's profperity, and truth opened our way, as at other places, to look carefully into the ftate of things, and to apply" fuitable counfel and advice, as the fame immediately opened, for the reftoring good order and wholefome difcipline, which appeared too much negledled; and I hope that opportunity was of good fervice to that meeting. On the 29th of the 7th month the quar- terly-meeting for the county was held at Leicefter, before which, we laid in writing the ftate of their monthly-meetings, as the fame appeared to us in pur late vilit, with fuch remarks thereon, as feemed to us pro- per and neceflary; and were deeply con- cerned, to bring the weighty fenfe of their great declenfion upon the fpirits of the acSive members, and the great xiecciTity of a fpeedy exertion of their Chrii- tiau endeavours for a regulation, left a ge- neral JOHN GRIFFITH. 34s neral defolation fliould enfue. But, alas! the ftupefadlion was fo great in this as well as other places, that it was hard laborious work; yet not without hope of a revival, as fome concerned members were, by the overfliadowing of divine power, made wil- ling to give up their names, to contribute their endeavours for carrying on the necef- fary work of reformation, fb happily begun in the yearly-meeting. Here ended our vifit to monthly and quarterly-meetings for the prefent; and I have, with deep reve- rence, humbly to acknowledge, that a re- markable evidence of divine approbation attended us throughout; making us of one heart, by the baptifm of his unerring fpirit, fo that fcarcely a difference of fentimentfrom one another appeared during the whole journey. Another thing which appeared to me a token of divine favour attending, was the open reception we met with, notwitli- ftanding the plainnefs ufed by us, in verv clofe fearching inquiries and remarks \ipon many diforders, I hope my ufual freedom, in laying open the Hates of the monthly- raeetings, will give no juft caufe of offence to any who wiih well to Sion, fmce no- thing is more likely to flrike the minds of fucceeding generations with fear and care, than to have the lukewarmneis and defec- tion of many, who have been fo v\Tjnder- fully favoured, fct in a true light before them, together with fuch a remarkable ac- count 344 The JOURNAL a? count of the Lord's compaffion and con- defcending kindnefs, in feeking their re- floration, and offering his mercy to heal all their backilidings. How can any, without being ibmewhat affedled with fear, read the forrowful degeneracy of fome Chriftian churches, even in the apoflles days; like the firfl-fruits in the gofpel vineyard; par- ticularly that of the feven churches in Afia Minor, difcovered to the beloved John, in his ftate of banilhment for the word of God and the teftimony of Jefus Chrift, and by him with great plainnefs committed to writing, as a call and warning from God to them, and to remain, for the fame end, to all fucceeding generations ? I have no other end in what I have written concern- ing the ftate of our fociety; for whofe help and prefervation I have been freely given up in body, foul, and fpirit, as well as in what outward fubftance the Lord hath bounti- fully favoured me with, to contribute my fmall endeavours, that her light may go forth as brightnefs, and her falvation as a lamp that burns. A fummary account of this vifit and fer- vice was drawn up by us, and read in the yearly-meeting 1762, as was done the year before, when engaged in a fervice of the like nature. A like vifit was alfo per- formed by other friends, who had, fince the yearly-meeting 1761, engaged therein in different parts, whereby it appeared, all tiie JOHN GRIFFITH. 345 the monthly and qviarterly-meetings, in that part of Great-Britain properly called Eng- land, had then been vifited; which, as far as appeared, had been performed to general fatisfacftion. The yearly-meeting then re- commended to the friends appointed in 1 760, the care of extending the fame brotherly afTiflance to the meetings of our friends in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, as their way might open in gofpel freedom. Neither did the yearly-iTieeting omit fending a warm, lively epiftle to thofe already vifit- ed, to corroborate, revive, and ftrengthen the great labour beftowed, that the fame might be made effectual. I fhall now clofe this narrative with juft adding, that I have found by folid experience, that it was a bleffed work, and greatly bleffed in the carrying on. May it be fo in the fruits arifing therefrom, is the fincere defire of my foul ! The 2ifl of the 8th month, 1762, I fet out, in order to vifit London and fome other parts, and on firft-day the 22d, I went to Ratcliff meeting in the morning, where I had clofe, thorough fervice ; truth and its tefhimony having confiderable dominion ; it was an awakening time to carelefs profef- fors, and of refrefhlng confolation to Sion's travellers, of w^hom I believe there was a confiderable number there; I had with fatisfacftion to believe that meeting was ou the improving hand. I went in the after- noon 346 The JOURNAL of noon to Horflydown; this was a tiiiie of deep travail and painful labour, as the life of religion feeraed to be greatly deprefled, by much indifference of mind in many, and the prevalence of flefhly liberties in others ; yet through infinite condefcenfion, at length the power and virtue of truth arofe, where- by the teftimony thereof was exalted over wrong things. On the fecond-day follow- ing I attended the morning meeting, and went on fourth-day to their monthly-meet- ing at the Peel, in which, through the ex- tending of heavenly good, I had open, edifying fervice; friends being favoured with a degree of that holy leaven, which, as it is abode in, preferves the feveral mem- bers of one heart and one mind. Oh, then the work goes fweetly on, the body edifying itfelf in love, as well as with one voice giving forth found judgment againft wrong things! On firft-day, the 29th, I went in the morning to Weftmlnfter, which was a very open good meeting, the telli- mony of truth went forth freely and largely, wifdom being given to divide the word aright, fo that the difobedient we're warned, and the mourners in Sion com- forted. I went in the afternoon to the Peel meeting, which was large and very la- borious, in a fuffering filence throughout; which, in fympathy with the depreffed feed of God's kingdom, and for an example to the profeffors thereof, appeared to be my proper JOHN GRIFFITH. 347 proper bufinefs at that time. I attended the morning meeting on lecond-day, and went on 3d day to Flaiitow week-day meet- ing, in which I had ibme cloie fervice; but things, as to the life of religion, ap- peared to me low there, where tlie profef- fors of truth neglect a conilant labour for daily bread. 1 fpent that afternoon and the next day, chiefly on a vifit to our wor- thy friend John Hayward, who appeared green in old age. On fifth-day, the 2d of the 9th month, I went to Tottenham ; there beinq; two confiderable friends fchools, oile for boys, and the other for girls. By the free opening of the living fountain, it was a very precious, comfortable meeting, doiftrine and counfel being plentifully hand- ed forth, fuitably adapted to the childrens w^eak capacities, as well as to thofe of riper age: through the divine bleffing, it was a time of high favour and humble refrefh- nient to the upright in heart.. " That after- noon I had a very comfortable reviving time with our friend Jofiah Forfter ancl family, he being in a very poor ftate of health, in appearance not likely to conti- nue long in this vvorld ; he, with much tenderneis, expreiTed great fatisfaclion in that opportunity. On fixth-day, the 3d, I went to Gracechurch-Street meeting, which was low and laborious ; it appeared my proper bufinefs to fit in filence. On firft- day, the 5th, I went to Gracechurch-Street Y y ia 348 The JOURNAL of in the morning, where tlie meeting was ex- ceeding large, and for a time, very trying and painful ; yet in the latter part, it pleafed the i.ord to arife, and his enemies were fcattered; then was truth exalted, and its teftimony went forth freely, having great dominion. In the afternoon, I went to the Peel meeting, where I had large, open fer- vlce, and truth was over all; it being a time of much comfort and relief to the lincere- hearted. Next day I was at the monthly morning-meeting of minifters and elders, fo called becaufe the members more gene- rally attend, efpecially the women. It was a bleffed time, wherein I had open good fervice, lliewing the great difference be- tv<^een the minifters of the letter and thofe of the fpirit: that the letter w^ithout the fpirit, though of the holy fcripture itfelf, kills that which is begotten of God in the hearts of people; but that it is the holy power, efficacy, and demonftration of the eternal fpirit, that renders the holy fcrip- ture, outward miniftry, and all other means ordained of God, for the comfort, help, and prefervation of his people, effedlual. I had to obferve, that the minifters of the letter were moft of all concerned for the external appearance of their miniftry, viz. that the words and dodlrine may Be curioufly adapted, not to difguft, but rather to pleafe thofe who have itching ears; on the con- trary, the minifters of the fpirit are leaft of JOHN GRIFFITH. 349 of all concerned about the outward appear- ance of their miniftry; having no doubt, if they are careful in the fpring, ground, and moving caufe, which they know fliould be the conflraining power of the holy fpirit, that will alfo be agreeable thereiuito ; feeing that power is able to render the moft low and (imple expreffion, in man's account, exceedingly efficacious. On third-day, the -jth, I fet out, accompanied by feveral friends, in order to have a meeting that afternoon at Charleywood ; it was a time of awakening labour, not eafily I hope to be forgot. On fourth-day, the 8th, I had a precious, open, ferviceable meeting, at Jordan's in the morning ; it was a time of general awakening, at leafl to a prefent fenfe of duty: that afternoon I had a painful laborious meeting at Uxbridge, and what made it more afliidling, was, that the gof- pel endeavours ufed for the help and reco- very of lukewarm profelTors, feemed to take very little effedl upon their minds. On fourth-day, the 8th, I went to Staines meeting, which, in the fore-part, was a time of very heavy, painful, filers-, labour; in which, as at many other times on the like occafion, I fully expedled the cloud and diftrefs would, remain, till we feparated one from another; yet near the conclufion, through infinite condefcenfion, truth arole and obtained a complete vicflory over w^'ong t;hings ; their ftates being fpoken to with great 350 The JOURNAL of great plainnefs ; but, alas ! things, as to the life of religion, feemed but low amongft moll of all ranks there. I went next day to a meeting at Godalmin, which proved a time of much favour, in the fweet and precious enjoyment of the confolating ft: earns of that river, which maketh glad the whole city of God ; in the blelTed efficacy whereof, the doctrines of truth were largely opened, fetting forth the na- ture of faith, l^^P^j ai"^d charity; but the greateft of all is charity, as faith will be fwallowed up in open vifion, and hope in the full enjoyment ; but charity never fails nor changes its nature, being the fame in time and in eternity. On firft-day, the 12th, I was at Alton meet- ing, in Hampihire, where we had a very large and precious baptizing meeting ; in the morning, the teftimony of truth had great dominion, and the living members were fweetly comforted together. The af- ternoon meeting there was very heavy and laborious, and held in filence. I had a very open facisfadlory meeting at Elher, on third- day the 14th, and another at Wandfworth the next day ; after which 1 went to Lon- don, and the next day, being the i6th of the 9th month, I returned home, finding my dear wife and family well : having, through infinite kindnefs, been much fa- voured in my fervice this fmall journey, and found more opennefs in the ci::y of London than heretofore. It v/as with great comfort JOHN GRIFFITH. 351 comfort I had to fee a growing hidden rem- nant in that city, who will be exalted in Ifrael in the Lord's time ; who hath, and will yet open a way . more and more, for his pained travelling children to exalt his name and truth, by removing the flumbling blocks and other impediments which yet remain in their way, and hinders them m fome meafme, from taking the rule and go- vernment, wdiich is their due and rii^htin the kingdom of Chrift ; and ufurpers fliall (ee, none can lit with Chnll upon thrones, but thofe who faithfully follow him in the re- generation, agreeable to his gracious pro- mife, viz. Mat. xix. 28. and Luke xxii. 30. To this period of time, being now \a the fiftieth year of my age, I have continued an account of divers occurrences of my life, labours, and experience; with fuudry ob- fervations on the ftate of the Chrilliaa io- ciety of which I am a member; and though done in a way of plain dealing, yet in truth and fincerity, as my mind hath been im- nxediately led and opened thereunto. Let none therefore take any undue advantages thereby to reproach the fame: no fociety of Chriftians, that I have ever had any know- ledge of, hath any advantage of this peo- ple, either in principle or praclice. Here I intend to lay afide my pen, not know- ing that time or ability will be given to add any more, which is all in the Lord's hand; to whom I humbly commit this, with 35i The JOURNAL of with my foxil and body, for prefer vation, during the fliort fpace of time he may be pleafed yet to lengthen my days ; befeeching his blefling may attend what is done ; with- out which, our endeavours are fruitlefs, for all the increafe is in and by him, who is glorious in holinefs, and fearful in praife. To whom be dominion and glory, through all ages and generations. Amen. From the year 1762, to the 7th month 1765, I have preferved no particular me- morandum of my travels and fervice that I can at prefent find, and although I tra- velled no conliderable journies, yet, as I always thought it my incumbent duty, from my firft acquaintance with God*s everlaft- ing truth, I diligently attended meetings when at home and well, both firft and week days, alfo the quarterly and yearly-meet- ings, as they fell in courfe; as well as fome adjacent quarterly and other meetings. In the year 1764, I attended the yearly-meet- ings of Colchefter, Woodbridge, and Nor- wich, to good fatisfacflion and comfort, being favoured with free open fervice there- in, efpecially the two laft. In the fame year, having an inclination to vifit London and fome parts adjacent, as my way might open ; and likcwife having a manufcript by me, which I had written about two years be- fore, intitled. Some Brief Remarks upon fun- dry important Siibje£is^ <^'C. divers friends whole judgment I valued, having perufed it, JOHN GRIFFITH. 353 It, expreffed their unity therewith, gene- rally apprehending there might be a fer- vice in making the fame publick; being thus encouraged, I laid it before the fecond- day morning meeting of Lc^ndon, a%is ufual in fuch cafes ; I attended the revifmg of it for the moft part: friends agreed it fliould be printed, which was accordingly done. It was afterwards reprinted here, in Ireland, and in America. ^ Having had a vi-ew, flor feveral years, of vifiting^ friends in the American Colonies, as I waited with earneft defires to be rightly direcTted in fo folemn and weighty an under- taking, both as to the thing itfelf and the proper time to enter thereupon, I was fa- voured with clear and full fatisf idion, in both refpeds ; and had feen, for a confider- able time, that I fhould embarl: for that fervice foon after our yearly-meeting 1765: this I efteemed a particular favour, as I had thereby the better opportunity to order my outward affairs timely, fo as I m'ight, with more freedom and eafe, leave the.jn fo long a time; yet, except to my wii:c and two or three friends, who were eilajoined fe- crefy, I kept all to myfelf, till about the time it became neceffary to lay 1 ny concern before the monthly-meeting 'of; wdiich I was a member: which I did, and readily obtained their concurrence, and a certificate very fully expreffive of their unity; which €ertificate I carried to our quarterly-meet- ing. 354 The JOURNAL of ing, laying the flime, with my faid con- cerr:, before that meeting ; I aifo obtained their ready concurrence, fignified by an in- dorfement on the monthly-meeting certifi- cate'; itvhich certificate and indorfement, together with my concern, I laid before the yearly-meeting of minifters and elders in London, and after a time of weighty con- fideration, friends drew up and figned a cer- tificate of their full unity with me, and my intended undertaking. The ready and una- nimous concurrence of my much efteemed friends, was a great ftrength and comfort to me in my entering upon and throughout this folemn engagement. I was very fen- fible it was of fuch a nature, that the whole body of friends were deeply interefled in the right and proper performance thereof; and there Fore found my mind much refigned to the divine will, and to the determina- tion of his people. I returned home from the yearly-meeting, to complete the fet- dement of my outward affairs, having part- ly concluded, with divine permiflion, to embark ini a fhip likely to fail in two or three weeks. I went to our quarterly and yearly-meeting at Colchefler: where, being taken very ill of a fever, I returned home with my wife in a poft-chaife, being unable to ride on horfe-back. I was confined to my chamber about ten days ; • this put an intire Hop to all preparations for my intend- ed voyage; which, on account of my illnefs, I had JOHN GRIFFITH. 355 I had wholly given over the expedlation of, as to the before-mentioned fliip ; but when I recovered, fo as to be able to move a little about, my mind did not feem eafy to let that fliip go away without me. I there- upon wrote to the merchants or owners, who I knew were delirous I ihould go in her, to know what time they could allow me to get ready; their anfwer was, about ten days: the time was ihort, and I was very weak in body, and had fome affairs of confequence to fettle which would take Ibme time; however, the will being good, i fet about them in earned, and beyond expeclation fucceeded therein, recovered flrength apace, and got through my affairs in time to fatisfadlion. I could not help looking upon this a providential fuccefs, as it was far beyond human probability: the Lord, in his deahng v/ith us his poor dependant creatures, fometimes brings us very low, baffling all our fldll and contri- vance, that he may clearly fhew us, that our fuccefs in fpiritual things, and even in temporals alfo, is by his providence. On the 9th day of the 7th month, 1765, I took leave of my dear wife and family, and accompanied by ievcral friends, went to meet the fhip at Gravefend, where we were met by about fifteen or fixteen friends from Lon- don ; we dined togedier, and lodged there that night. Next day, being the loth of the 7th month, I took leave of friends in Z z muc]|. 356 The JOURNAL of much tender afFecllon, and went on board the CaroUna, James Friend mafter, bound for Philadelphia. We sot under ili'il about eleven o'clock, but it was near a week be- fore we took our departure from the Land's- End of E-ngland. We had, for a few days, a pretty fair w^ind, and a good fet-of from the land ; yet on our paflage we had a great deal of contrary winds, ^nd often a head fea, z\bout the 9th and loth of the 8th month, and for Ibme time before, things had but a very difcouraging afped, having got but a little on our way for about twenty days; moft of the company feemed to be affecied v/ith fadnefs on that account : at the fame time I had a ftrong perfuafion of mind, that the wind would turn in our fa- vour before night, and had almpft an in- clination to have told them fo, in order to cheer their fpirits, but was fearful of pre- fuming too much upon the certainty of what had prefented to my view, left I Ihould prove a falfe prophet, and thereby bring dilhonour to the good caufe; how- ever, it proved true, and held favourable to us a confiderable time, fo that we failed next day feven or eight miles an hour the right way. The 21ft of the 8th month we found ourfelves upon one of the banks of Newfoundland, having about twenty- eight fathom wa*-er. It was fome fatif- fatftion to find* ourfelves fo far on our way ; I was favoured with very good health, and a good JOHN GRIFFITH. 357 good appetite all the time, and, through di- vine favour, generally with a quiet refigned mind, having full fatisfadlion that I was in my place. The captain was very fleady, and well qualified for his ftation, and very kind to me; the palTengers alfo v\-ere gene- rally civil in their behaviour, though they often burdened and wearied my fpirit with their trifling, vain, empty difcourfes, in which I could not join, but was rather a reprover and a weight againfl them, which 1 am perfuaded they frequently felt, and I am fenfibJe I was a confiderable awe upon them ; yet I thought it was prudent, as we were confined in one another's company, to uphold a family refpecl. I often reproved their vanity and corrupt converfation, and was enabled, in a good degree, to bring judgment over them, fo that fome would own I was right. Alas, I had forrowfully to obferve, by their manner of converfation, how empty, \ain, trifling, and even cor- rupt, the converfation of thofe efleemed the genteel and polite part of mankind, in our day, is become; little or nothing to be found therein, that conveys folid, profita- ble inftrucfliion, either in things relating to this life or the next, but in general it tends to deprave and corrupt : yet many thus void of felf-denial and government of their tongues, pretend, with great aflTurance, to lay undeniable claim to the holy and undefiled rqligion of Jefus Chrift; furely, they do not; 353 The JOURNAL of not give tliemfelves any time to think feri- oufly about the nature of that religion, and mufl conclude, the name and profciTion without the fpirit and life, is all they arc to look for, except adhering to a few ex- terior obfervations : fuch grofs darknefs and Itupefaction is much to be lamented, but very hard to be helped when they are fo ignorant of their own flates. k was the loth of the 9th month, early in the morning, that we firft fi\w land, which proved to be Cape Henlopen; abou'c {ix o'clock we got a pilot on board, who was a native Indian; about nine vfe entered the Capes of the D^i^ aware, with the tide beginning to make in our favour; about eleven our ihip flruck the ground three times, but ioon got off. We had fine wind and weather, which made it exceeding plea- fant failing up the bay and river; we got up v/ith that tide, wichin about fix leagues of the city. Next day, about eleven o'clock, we came to an anchor before the city of PiiihwJelphia. I foon landed and went dire6lly to my old quarters, being very kindly received as form.erly, by my much efleemed friends Ifaac and Sarali Zane. I was about nine weeks on board the fliip in all, and about eight from land to land. I attended their week-day meeting on fifth- day, and had fome good open fervice there- in. I went on firfl-day to the great meet- ing, where perhaps was prefent, near, if not JOHN GRIFFITH. 359 not quite, 1500 friends, or thofe under our profeffion; m^ bufinels among them at that time feemed to be to fet them an example of iilence. I had, with fecret lanientation, to view their remarkable declenfion from a true fpirltual exercife, which appeared to me but too general, looking for words to feed upon; 1 found that craving was to be difappointed and famiilied, and therefore was often fliut up from public fervice a- mongfc them, efpecially at the great houfe, though I had fonie very clear, open, power- ful times, an the bleffed light and life of the everlafting gofpel, there aifo. On fixrh- day, the 20th of the g.th month, I croiicd the river Delaware, and went to Haddon- field quarterly-meeting, which was very large, and I was largely opened to declare the truth amongft them with good authority, I returned next day to the city, and attended, the yearly-meeting of minifters and elders ; things feemed but low: this yearly-meet- ing, which was very large, concluded on fixth-day. It was in a good degree favour- ed with divine wifdom and ftrength, where- in friends were enabled to confider and con- clude fome weighty affairs with unanimity and brotherly love. The Lord was graci- oufly with me, affording wifdom and ftrength to be ferviceable at this meeting, both in miniflry and difcipline, wherein I liad f;?v'eet peace and comfort. I wisnt the firft'day following to Springfield-meeting, ia 300 The JOURNAL of in Chefter county, where I had very open weighty fervice, and the bleffed truth pre- vailed. In the evening I had a comfortable meeting with a fick friend at Derby, who foon after departed this life. I then re- turned to Philadelphia, and attended both their week-day meetings, which were pain- fully laborious in a filent travail. On fixth- day went to their monthly-meeting, and was livingly opened therein, to fhew the rea&n why the church of Chrift is com- pared to a human body, conlifting of many and various members ; I had good fervice alio in the meeting of bufinefs. Their num- ber is very large, but many appeared to me weak and unikilful as to the proper qua- lifications of acftive members in the church, fbme of them did not appear to be re- deemed from fear, favour, and affection in judgment. I had great comfort in the la- bour of this day. On third-day, the i ft of the loth month, I had a very large meet- ing at Haddonfield, in Weft-Jeriey; the word was given, with clearnefs and gofpel authority, and I had to iliew the power and efficacy of true faith, and the weaknefs and infufficiency of an hiftorical or implicit faith: it was a good time, and the glori- ous truth was exalted. I then went to Chefter; the meeting was very large, and I had clofe, thorough fervice therein, on the fubjcdl of felf- denial and taking tip the daily crofs. On fifth-day, had a very large meeting JOHN GRIFFITH. 361 meeting at Evefham, and had therein weighty fervice, on the nature of that new- birth, without which no man can fee the kingdom of God; moft of the auditory feemed much fcrangers thereto, which made the labour heavier, yet wifdom was mer- cifully given to divide the word to this numerous aifembly, about the fpace of two hours. Next day I had a very thronged meeting at Mount-Holly, in New-Jerley; my labour in the miniflry was very clofe and fearching, to good fatisfailion. On firil-day, the 6th of the loth month, was at Burlington meeting, and had an open time; alfo at their monthly-meeting on the iecond-day following, which was very large; I was livingly • opened upon thefe w^ords, " Pray without ceafing, and in every thing " give thanks;" alfo fliewing, that the power of the word of life ought to be the fpring of atflion in the church of Chrift. On third-day, accompanied by divers friends, I croifed the river Delaware, and had a meeting at Briftol, in Pennfylvania; it v/as a fmail poor meeting, I laboured according to ability received, to flir up the members to a more lively concern, but things ap- peared very low. On fourth-day 1 had a large meeting at the Falls ; it was very la- borious, under a fenfe of a dry, lifelefs Hate in too many, and the inconiiflent con- dufl of others ; efpecially in that of exceP- five drinking, which I felt to caufe a very ill 362 The journal of ill favour: I was informed after, it had great- ly prevailed upon many in that meeting, and that divers of them who were there ^that day, had been dilbwned on that ac- count. Next day 1 had a large meeting at Wright's- town; I was opened therein, to ihew the fimilarity between the travels of the foul towards fpiritual Canaan, and thofe of the Ifraelites toAvards the outward Canaan. It was a clofe awakening time to dry, formal profeflbrs. On fixth-day, I had an exceeding large meeting at Buck- ingham; to this great gathering the ever- laiting gofpel was powerfully preached, and the end and deiign of true miniftry fet forth ; this was a bleifed time of divine re- frefhment, to the rejoicing of many hearts, and roufing, I hope, of the lukewarm, in a good degree. After this meeting, I felt it in my mind to fpeak to TKomas Rofs, a friend in the miniftry of that county, to bear me company to the fouthern provinces, which he, after due confideration and ob- taining his friends concurrence and certifi- cate, complied with; and not only that journey, but alfo to New-England, &c. fo that I was favoured with the agreeable company of this valuable friend, through molt of my American travels, which was to my great comfort. On firft-day, the 13th of the loth month, I was at North- Wales meeting, which was very large, and was favoured with a thorough open time, to JOHN GRIFFITH. ^63 to the tendering of many hearts. The day following had a large meeting at Plymouth; I was opened upon that paffage, " Believe not *' every fpirit/' &c. had dole work with li- bertines, fuch as are commonly called free- thinkers, and was carried over them: truth and its teftimony was greatly exalted and triumphed over that fpirit, and other wrong things. On third-day, had a large meet- ing at Horfliam, and was powerfully open- ed on the words of the prophet Joel, viz. " I will pour out my fpirit upon all *' flefh," &c. with fome clofe remarks to thofe who reft fatisfied with a mere profef- fion. After meeting, came a feventh-day Baptifl to the friend's houfe where I was; and if I had fuiFered it, would have led me out into a wide field of argument, for which I had neither time nor inclination; he ad- vanced feveral points, but I kept him fo clofe to fome of them that he was foon foiled, he found my method of arguing fo different from his ; he being for a multitude of words and a great deal of ramble, and I was for but a few words clofe to the point, backed with clear fcripture proof, fo we had quickly done; he feemed willing to drop it, and fb was I, for fuch are fo full of notion and fo fixed t;herein, that the cleared reafoning feems thrown away upon them. On fourth-day had a very large meeting at Abington, the place which I belonged to in my youthful days, and where A a a I was 364 The journal of I was firft, through infinite mercy, brought to the knowledge of tlie ever-bleflfed truth ; and where my mouth was firPc opened above thirty years before, in a pubhc teflimony„ A dark cloud feemed painfully over the meeting in the fore part, yet at length truth pi-evailed, and utterance was largely given to declare the docflrine tliereof, ihewing that the children of Ifrael feared the Lord all the. days of Jofluia, and of the elders that out-lived him. It was a very awakening time, and many appeared to be pretty much affccled. Next day I had a fmall meeting at Frankfort, things appeared very low and dark for a time, yet at lengeh, wifdom and utterance were given upon thefe words, " Man being in honour, and abiding not ^* therein, is like the beaft that periflieth/' There feemed a want of a living concern in tiie general. Next day had a large meet- ing at German- town J this was a dark pain- ful time in the fore part ; truth meafurably arofe, and the word was given, viz, " Let God arife, that his enemies may be *' fcattered/' Went after meeting to Phi- ladelphia, and on ift day, the 20th of the loth month, over Schuylkill, to Merion meeting ; things appeared exceeding low, as to the life of religion; I was concerned to call them to work while it is day, and it was a clofe fearching time. On fecond-day I went to the burial of a valuable friend at Derby, the fame with whom 1 had a meet- ing JOHN GRIFFITH. 365 ing before-mentioned ; the ifieeting was very large, and there was great opennefs to declare the truth with clearnefs and divine authority, even to the confounding liber- tines and gainfayers, of whom I fear there is a confiderable number in that place: this feemed to me the moil favoured time I had had fmce I landed, and being alfo at the meeting I formerly belonged to for many years, it was a precious renewal of that fweet unity fome of us had enjoyed toge- ther many times formerly in that place. Next day I went to Philadelphia; and the firft-day following to Newtown meeting, in Chefter county, where I had very fearch- ing laborious fervice; things appeared to me mournfully low, as to the life of reli- gion, many being at eafe in a profeffioa thereof. I went next day to the month- ly-meeting at Providence, and had fome good edifying fervice to the poor in fpirit ; things appeared very low and heavy in the meeting for buiinefs. On third-day I had a large meeting at Radnor, and laboured to convince them that there is fome thing ii^ religion befides the form and outward pro- feffion, but few feemed to me alive there- in. On fourth-day went to Haverford meeting; I was opened upon the words of the apoftle, viz. '* Great is the myftery of *' godlinefs; God manifefted in the flelh." It was a good time, though the profefTors are but few, and in a poor weak ft ate. I went g66 The JOURNAL of went on fifth-day to the monthly-meeting at Derby, the life of religion leemed very much depreffed; I was filent as to miniflry, but had fome fervice in the meeting of bufineis, and returned to the city that night. I had been indifpofed fome days pail^ and in much pain with a kind of flux; took fome medicine on fixth-day, and was foon better. Next day I went to their quarterly-meeting of miniflers and elders, where I was living- ly opened on that pafTage, '' Him that over- *' Cometh, I will make a pillar in the hoiife *' of my God," &c. Shewing, that the beafl and the falfe prophet mull be over- come, before we can fland with fafety and approbation in the great work of the mi- iiiflry. This quarterly-meeting ended on third -day, at the feveral fittings of which I had good open fervice, particularly at the Bank meeting on firft-day afternoon, file wing that thofe who are more willing to receive than to make fuitable returns, are neither fo honed nor grateful as they ought to be; and on third- day, at the great houfe, being the youths meeting, which was very large, concerning the nature and necefTity of Chrifl's baptifin vv^ith the Holy Ghofl and fire ; there was great flowing of love and enlargement of heart to the young people that way. On fourth-day I was at a meeting appointed for the poor negroes, and had open good fervice amongft them, in ^he free flowing of univerfal love, wherein I was JOHN GRIFFITH. 367 I was enabled to open unto them the way of Hfe and lalvation ; divers of them ap- peared to be affedled and tendered; it was a comfortable time. On fifth-day I was at a marriage in the city, and largely opened upon thefe words, viz. '' The bleffing of *' God mak ch truly rich," &c. Shewing, there is no real happinefs in any ftation of. life without it. It was a good time, for truth prevailed, I fet out on fixth-day, the 8 th of the loth month, on my intended journey to- ward$ Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina; and went that night to my brother-in-law, Micajah Speakman's, at Concord. Next day began their quarterly-meeting : through divine favour, I had thorough fervice at the three meetings held there; on feventh- day, at the.m^eeting of minifters and elders, I was livingly opened upon theie words of Chrift, " The difciple is not above his *' mafter, nor the fervant above his Lord;" alfo, concerning what was declared of Chrift, " That in his humiliation, his judg- *' meat wa§ taken away," &c*. That it is not to be wondered at, if our judgment in the truth is taken away at times, that we may fee who is the giver of it ; it was an effedlual reaching time. On firft-day I was mournfully aifeded with a diftrefilng fenle of the apoftacy of many in that meet- ing. f A^s viii, 33. 368 The JOURNAL of ing, from the life and power of religion; I had a very clofe awakening time, and trvith mercifully prevailed. On fecond-day I was largely opened with good authority, on thefe and other words, "He that cometh *' after me, muft firft deny himfelf," &c. Great weaknefs and want of living concern was felt in that exceeding large meeting, and too much leaning to their own under- ftanding, yet a faitliful remnant is pre- ferved ; I was favoured to be ferviceable in the meeting of bufinefs. I took Birming^ ham and Kennet meetings, in my way tg the quarterly-meeting at London-Grove; thefe were very large, and I had deep fearch- ing fervice at them ; but, alas 1 the life and power of religion is mournfully departed from by great numbers in that highly fa- voured land. On feventh-day, tUe i6tlx of the nth month, I w^ent to the quarterr ly-meeting of mlnifters and elders at Lon- don-Grove; it was a very painful diftreffing time; great barrennefs and carnality appear- ed to have prevailed in too many in thofe ftations, which was caufe of fore lamenta- tion: my public; fervice amonglt them was in much clofe plain-dealing, Ihewing, " that to be carnally-minded is death; and ^^ that the natural man underflandeth not *' the things of the fpirit of God." Here my intended companion, Thomas Rofs, met me. On firft-day the meeting was very large; I had a clofe fearching time, parti- cularly JOHN GRIFFITH. 369 cularly to fome who flood in the foremofl: rank ; my fpirit '' was much diftrefled in viewing the great defolation made by the prevalence of many evils. On fecond-day I had large thorough fervice to the various ftates of the members, and alfo in the meet- ing of bufinefs, which appeared to be well conducted; ibme fkilful members being principally engaged therein. On third-day the meeting was very large, and through divine favour, I was ralfed in much ftrengtli and clearnefs to divide the word amongft them; fhev/ing, *' That the children of '* Ifrael feared the Lord all the days of '^ Jofhua, and of the elders that out-lived '' Jofiiua, who had feen the wonders of the '' Lord." I was opened largely upon the degeneracy of our Ibcicty, and with great weight and dread, I had to fignify, that the judgments of the Lord would be poured out upon them, and that what they had yet {ctn^ was but like the beginning of forrows, that the ftroke would fall upon their idols, their worldly enjoyments. It came before me many times, that the fruits of the earth would be fmitten, whereby there w^ould be a fore famine in the land, and that judg- ments, much heavier than they had yet known, would fall upon them; it feemed to me various ways, of which the fword would be one. It was an exceeding awful deep-fearching time as ever I knew; I hope not eafily to be forgotten. Next day I went to 370 The JOURNAL of to Sadfbury monthly- meeting, where Fhad fatisfadlory fervice, both in the miniftry and difcipline. On fixth-day we had a meeting at Lancafter; divers not under onr name came to it; my concern therein was to en- deavour to open to the underftanding of the people, what true reUgion is: we had a pretty fatisfadlory meeting at Ifaac White- lock's in the evening. On feventh-day, we crofTed Sufquehanna, at Wright's- Ferry, and next day went to Newbury meet- ing; fecond-day to Warrington; third- day to Huntington ; fourth-day to Monallen ; at all which places, I had clofe thorough fervice; found things, as to the life of religion, very low amongft friends ; yet a remnant was preferved fenfible from whence good comes. We went from thence into Maryland, and had fmall meetings at Pipe- Creek, and Bufli-Creek ; friends were few in number, and feemed low in religious expe- rience. From thence, fording over the great river Patowmack, we entered the province of Virginia, and on third-day, the 3d of the 1 2th month, we had a very large meeting at Fair- fax: truth opened do6lrine and counfel largely, fhewing, that two things- are eflen- tial to the very being of a true Chriftian, viz. The faving experimental knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourfelves ; the laft being the natural confequence of the firfl : it was a highly favoured time, and the living were fweetly comforted. Next day I had JOHN GRIFFITH. 371 1 had a large meeting at Goofe-Creek; it was an exceeding dark affiidling time : my mind was deeply impreffed with a fenfe of a corrupt, blafting miniftry being amongft them; aiid the people having itching ears, loved to have it fo; this was fo ftrong upon my mind, that I feared for fome time I fhould have been under a neceffity of declarimg it publicly in the meetings I was an intire ftranger, and did not know by any out- ward information, that they had any who appeared in public. After meeting, I took fome of the elderly friends afide, and told them how it had been with me, as above, for I was filent the whole meeting; I was informed afterwards, that there was a for- ward unruly man, who had given fenfible friends much trouble in feveral places, and had been much laboured with by way of ad- vice, to refrain from his public appearance ; that he had for fome time fettled within the compafs of that remote meeting, and was encouraged by many of the members, to the great uneafinefs of fome others. That afternoon I put what was upon my mind in relation thereto, with a few remarks thereon, in writing, and fent it to fome friends of that meeting, but never heard what effedl it had. In our way to Opeckan, we had a fmall meeting at a place called the Gap, where gofpel docftrine, fhewing the way and means of falvation by Jefus Chrift, was freelv and largely preached. On firftr "^ ' B b b day, 372 The JOURNAL ok day, the 8th of the 12th month, we went to Hopewell meeting; it was an exceeding dark, affiicling time; great infenfibihty and lukewarmnefs appeared in almoft a general way ; I was led in as cloie, plain-dealing, and feaixhing a manner, as ever I remem- ber. The third-day following we had a large meeting at Crooked-Run, both friends and many others attended. My mind was exceedingly low the morning of that day, be- ing lately let out on a great journey, and my horfe was fallen very lame, and it feemed un- likely that I could be fupplied with a fuitable one in thofe back parts : what to do I could not tell ; the more I thought about my dif- trefled condition, the more I funk and was perplexed. In this difconfolate ftate, I went to the meeting : to fee fuch a number of other focieties, and fome of them of high rank by their appearance, ftill added to my diftrefs in this weak ftate, greatly fearing the blelTed truth Ihould be difhonoured through me; yet as I endeavoured to look fingly to the Lord, he was gracioully pleafed to be a prefent help in the needful time, and appeared to my foul, as it were in an inftant, as a clear morning without clouds. An heavenly time I had, upon thefe words. *' Truft in the Lord, and lean not to thine *' own underftanding ;*' fnewing clearly, that the foul's falvation was of God and not by, human ability: the oil of glad- nefs ran fweetiy. Next day, my horie being JOHN GRIFFITH. 373 :being unexpecfledly recovered of his lame- nefs, we fet out on our' long journey to^ wards Carolina, and he continued well all the time. I write this for the encourage- ment of fome poor travellers into whofe hands this may fall. After three days tra- i^elling, we had two poor frnall meetings, where the life of religion feemed to be al- nioft, if not wholly loil, viz. Gamp -Creek and Foj'k-Creek; we had but little fatis- ;faclion in our gofpel labours, and endea- vours to revive true religion in thefe poor places. From Fork-Creek, to the firft meeting we had in the back fettlements of North-Carolina, was about 235 miles. In our way thither, we had four fmall poor meetings, viz. Jenito, Amelia, and Ban- nilter, and a meeting at Kirl)y's, on the banks of Dan- River: to fome of . them, many of other Ibcieties came, and gofpel dodlrine was opened largely for their help and information; in which labour there was ^good latisfac^ion ; but alas ! few under our name in thofe parts, let the true light ihine before men, but were moft of them as ftumbling blocks in the w^iy of ferious inquirers : w^e w^ere enabled to clear our minds to them, and proceeded on our jour- ney. On the 29th of the 12th month, we * went to New-Garden meeting, in North- Carolina, which was very large, and moftly of profelTors with us : a thick, dark cloud pver-lbadowed the fore- part of that meet- in o- 374 The JOURNAL of ing, and it was a painful, diftreffing time; moft of them feemed as afleep, (i Thef. v. 6, 7.) in the night; yet at length, through merciful kindnefs, truth prevailed in a good degree, and a clofe awakening time it was, and many feemed to be reached and tendered by the virtue of truth, and 1 found great eafe and liberty of fpirit after meeting. On fecond-day we had a large meeting at peep- River, moftly of profefTors with us, but they appeared io generally void of a fpiritual con- cern, that there appeared to me no room for truth to arife into dominion. I found it my place to fit the whole time in filence, which, I believe, was no fmall difappoint- ment. On fourth-day, there being a mar- riage, we went to New-Garden again; wifdom and utterance were giveu to fpeak largely and with good demonftration, in a very fearching manner to their ftates. On fifth-day we had a meeting at Centre; it was extremely cold, and, as fome obferv- ed, the like had not been known there in the memory of man; and being quite an open meeting-houfe, and very little of any thing to be felt amongft them of religi- ous warmth, it was really a diftreffing time inwardly and outwardly ; yet, throiigr. di- vine favour, I was preferved in a good de- gree of refignation. Next day we had a Imall meeting at Rocky-River. I could find very little of the wreftling feed there- in; we flit the whole meeting filent, yet a friend JOHN GRIFF I TH. 375 friend had fomething to offer very fuitable to their ftates. On feventh-day we went to their monthly-meeting at Cane-Creek; this was large, but moft of the members leemed void of a folid fenfe and folem- nity ; a fpirit of felf-righteoufnefs and con- tention was painfully felt; the leaven of the Pharifee leemed to prevail, and the few living fenfible members were borne down and difcouraged: moft of the meeting of worfhip was held in filence ; yet towards the conclufion, fome very clofe remarks were delivered to their ftates, and very plain dealing in the meeting of bufinefs. It feems to me, that when affairs of importance come before fuch a meeting, they are very likely to be perplexed and made worfe by ill ma- nagement, which I have reafon to believe has been much the cafe in that meeting. I am perfuaded many of thofe under our name have removed out of Pennfylvania and other places to thofe parts, in their own wills, having taken counfel of their own depraved hearts, and when they hav^ got thither, have fet up for fomething in the church ; but it feemed to me moft of them were very unfit for the fpiritual build- ing, not having been hewn in the mount. We went to their meeting on firft-day, but there was much darknefs and death over them ; I found it my duty to lit the whole meeting in filence. On fecond-day wc went to the Spring- meeting; I was led therein largely 376 The JOURNAL of largely to fpeak upon the fubjecfl of water* baptiim, which I wondered much at, as not knowing of any being there who did not profefs Math us ; for as people in gene- ral in thofe parts, clothe in a mean way, the difference is not great in their drefs and appearance. After meeting, I under- flood that the Baptifts gained ground much that way, and even had prevailed on fome of our fociety to join with them, and that their teacher was there; and alfo a woman brought up amongft us, who thought it was her duty to be baptized, but her hufband oppofed it; and that the Baptift preacher took her and her hufband into the meeting- houfe, when the people were gone, to undo (as it was fuppofed) that day's work, or to prevent its having effedl upon the woman : it was a time of great favour, and the one faving baptifm was exalted above all types, figns and fliadows. Next day we had a fmall, poor meeting at the Haw- field's ; and on fourth-day we had a meet^ ing at Eno, wdiich was the laft we had in the upper fettlement: this was a labori- ous meeting, by clofe, plain-dealing Avith wrong fpirits, for which, we underllood afterwards, there was a caufe. On the 9th t)f the I ft month, 1.766, we fet out, hav- ing two guides, for the lower fettlements of North Carolina, being about 200 miles, and had but two fmall meetings in the way, viz. Richfquare, and at one Stephen's; at the JOHN GRIFFITH. 377 the firft, many of other focieties came in ; the gofpel was freely declared with good au- thority and clearnefs, to the reaching of di- vers prefent: at the other place there feemed to be very little, either form orfubftance; we were quite fliut up as to miniftry. We got to our friend Thomas Newby's, at Plney- woods, on third-day, the 14th, being pretty much fatigued, we refted a few days there. On feventh-day we went to the funeral of a woman friend, and had a m.eet- ing; after a time of deep wading, the word was given in counfel and fearching doc- trine, to their dates, who feemed moftly to be fettled in a mere form and profeffion: after meeting we went to our friend Thomas Nicholfon's. The firft-day following we were at Little-River meeting, which was large, but very low and dark in the fore- part; the profelTors we felt were much at eafe and in a ftate of indifferency ; yet at length, in great mercy, the bleffed power of truth arofe, and afforded counfel and docftrine fuited to their flate. It was a fearching time, I hope not eafily to be for- gotten. On third-day had a large meeting at Simon's-Creek ; through divine favour gof- pel truths were opened there, with clearnefs and good demonftration, to the affecT:ing of many hearts. Next day had a meeting at Newbegun, which was pretty large and open. On fifth-day we had a very large meeting at Oldneck, near the centre of friends J78 Thk journal of friends in this fettlenient, and others catnc together in abundance. I was fhut vip the whole time in filence, which I apprehended they had not been much ufed to. Next day we had a large meeting at Wells, iii which I had a clofe learching time ; but, alas ! it feemed to me that the profefTors of truth here-about, are many of them far gone from a lively {enfe of true religion, and are become harder to reach than people of other focieties. On firfl-day, the 26th of the I ft month, we had a very large meeting at Ringwood's, it being the laft we were to have in Carolina ; fome friends came to it, I believe, from all the other meetings, with many of other focieties: at firft it was a time of painful travail, but at length the great M after was pleafed to give wifdoni and ftrength, in gofpel authority to open the ftate of the fociety in thofe parts, and to divide to them feverally ; alfo to fliew, that in every difpenfation of God to man, he was pleafed to give to thofe who are iincerely attentive, clear evidence of his will, and approbation of their obedience; it was a highly favoured time, which, I hope, will not foon be forgotten. Next day w^e travelled into Virginia, and on third- day had a meeting at Somerton's ; the doc- trine of truth was largely opened, and fome very cloie remarks on the ftate of our fo- ciety; many others alfo being prefent: the veftimony had a confiderable reach. Next day JOHN GRIFFITH. 379 day we had a large meeting at the Wefterrt Branch of Nancemund: thofe under our profelTion appeared too generally unac- quainted with the work of religion upon their heax'ts; many weighty truths were clofely delivered, but did not feem to take fo much effect upon the minds of many, as could have been defired. On fifth- day we had a large meeting at Black-Water; the greateft number of Ne- groes were at it that I ever fliw at a meet- ing not appointed on purpofe for them: this was a highly favoured time; the ever- lafting gofpel was preached with clearnefs and good demonftration, fliewing, that the inward and fpiritual knowledge of God, is the fubftance of true religion; and that, according to the prophet, this knowledge was to cover the earth as the waters cover the fea. I had great fatisfadlion and comfort in the labour of that day. We went frora hence to the quarterly-meeting at Black- Creek; the number here was large, but, alas ! great deadnefs, infenfibility, and dark- nefs were felt to prevail among ft them ; clofe labour, in great plainnefs, was ufed, fhewing the caufe thereof: amongll other things, that which appeared none of the leafl; was their keeping the negroes in perpetual flavery. I was often concerned to ufe plain- nefs in families where I went, in refpedl to this matter, and am fatisfied truth will never profjper amongft them, nor any others. 380 The journal of who are in the pradlice of keeping this race of mankind in bondage. It is too nianifeft to be denievl, that the life of reli- gion is almofl loft where flaves are very- numerous ; and it is impofTible it fliould be otherwife, the pracflice being as contrary to the fpirit of Chriftianity as light is to darknefs. Through divine favour, the tefli- mony of truth prevails againft it in mofl of the American colonies, efpecially in Pennfylvania and the Jerfeys. We took meetings from this place at Burleigh, Pe- terlburg, at Curl's, over James's River, Wain-Oak, John Crew's, Black-Creek, and the Swamp; moft of which were very la- borious, in a forrowful {enfc that the life of religion was too generally departed from ; yet in all of them, except Wain-Oak, a degree of wifdoin and utterance was given, to labour in the love of the gofpel for their help and recovery; which I hope was not altogether in vain. The next meet- ings we went to were Cedar-Creek, and Caroline, being the laft we had in Virginia, they were large ; not only thofe under our profeflion attended, but alfo many others, as was often the cafe in thefe parts. I think it may be truly faid, thefe were memorable meetings: the gofpel was preached in the demonftration of the fpirit and with power, which appeared to reach and tender many if not moft prefent, and my mind was com- fortably relieved from that painful weight of JOHN GRIFFITH. 381 of death and darknefs which moftly attend- ed it in thefe greatly corrupted colonies. On fifth-day, the 13th of the 2d month, we fet out for Maryland, croffing Rappaba- nock-River at Port-Royal., and Patowmack, about three miles over, at How*s-Ferry. We got to Weft-River meeting on firft- day, the i6th of the 2d month. We found very little if any thing in that meeting, of that fimplicity and felf-denial fo con- fpicuous in our ancients ; but a conformity to the falhions and corrupt cuftoms of a vain world. The gofpel power arofe, giv- ing ability to fet forth the nature of Chrif- tianity, and how far the profeffbrs had de- viated therefrom in life and pra6lice. The judgment of truth was fet over libertines and unfaithful profelTors thereof. The next meetings we had, were at Indian-Spring, Sandy- Spring, Elkridge, Patapfco, Gun- Powder, Little-Falls, Bufli-River, and Deer-Creek; we were alfo at Deer-Creek monthly-meeting next day: in all which meetings, ability was mercifully given, to divide the word fuitably to the various ftates, which feemed, in a general way, much out of the order, aiid from under the government of truth; yet the labour tended to folid fatisfadlion and peace; I hope it may be reniembered by fome to ad- vantage. Thus having vifited the weftern fliore of Maryland, we ci'oITed the great river Suf- quehanna j82 The JOURNAL of quehanna, and went to the houfe of our friend John Churchman, near Eaft Nottingham. On firft-day, the 2d of the 3d month, we went to that meeting, which was very large^ the profellors of truth being numerous here- about; to this great allembly, the goijpel of life and falvation was powerfully preach- ed, Ihewing the force of truth, how it gained the general aflent of people, yet few were concerned to know the fame in ex- perience or pradlice. It was a highly fa- voured time, and the meeting feemed to be generally aflecfled. From Nottingham we went to the following meetings, viz. New-Garden, HockelTon, Center, and Ken-* net, which were moftly large, abiuidance flocking to them from adjacent meetings. The travail of fpirit in thefe meetings was very deep and painful \ much diftreffing flat- nefs and infenfibility were felt; yet, through merciful help, truth prevailed and largely opened do6lrine and counfel fuitable to their fiates ; fhewing, there \% not the leaft grounds to hope for happinefs in a future Hate, unlefs true religion becomes the prin- cipal concern of the mind ; and abundance more, in the free extendings of gofpel life and power, to the reaching of many hearts : everlaflingly adored, reverenced, and wor- ihipped, be infinite condefcending love. Amen I From Kennet . I went home with my filler Speakman to Concord, and ,fl:aid there JOHN GRIFFITH. 383 there one night, and iiext day to Golhen monthly-nieciing, which was very large; there was a great body of friends, generally under a plain appearance ; but, alas ! it pro- ved a painful, gloomy time of filent travail to me, the Mvhole time of worfhip ; and through the meeting of bulinefs, though in a good degree regularly and decently con- duded, the cloud flill remained ; this I am perfuaded was occafioned by the lukewarm carelefs ftaie of many members; there is great want of that living concern and holy ardour of foul, which tlie Lord is often pleafed to own in our religious meetings. The members engaging in his work, with- out his prefence to animate and endow with heavenly wifdom, cannot fail of caufing thick darknefs, which may be felt by thofe who are truly alive and have their fpiritual fenfes exercifed. After meeting, my valu- able companion, Thomas Rofs and I part- ed for the prefent, he returning home, and I flaid Gofiien meeting, on firft-day, the 9th of the 3d month. It was very large, and in the fore-part low and cloudy; yet at length I was favoured with a degree of faith, which enabled me to ftand up, and as I continued in patience, I found an in- creafe, with conliderable enlargement to fpeak clofely to their feveral ftates, from thefe words, " Truft in the Lord with all *' thy heart, and lean not to thine own un- '' derftanding." But, alas! very many of them 384 The journal of them feemed to be far gone into the fplrlt of the world, and at eafe in a profeffion; fo that inftead of Goflien being a land of light, darknefs hath prevailed in a forrow- ful degree, and many are not fenfible of it to lament it. I went from thence to Phi- ladelphia, taking Derby meeting in my way ; got thither on fixth-day, the 14th of the 3d month, having been on this journey abmit four months. I was received with affecSionate kindnefs by my friends in that city, and attended three meetings on the firfl-day following; at two of which I was filent, as was often my lot there, I believe to difappoint and famifh the un- fandlified defires and cravings of many after words. I attended their week-day meet- ings, and had confiderable fervice therein. On feventh-day began their general Spring- meeting, which ended on third-day follow- ing ; fome of thofe large meetings were held moftly in filence. I had then, as has often been the cafe, a deep travail upon my fpirit, that the people might be led by the exam- ple of minifters and elders, to find the comfort and advantage of true filent wor- fliip, every one coming to fit under their own vine and under their own fig-tree, where none could make them afraid. I had, notwithftanding, at fome of them, good, open, public fervice. I flaid in the city till their monthly-meeting was over JOHN GRIFFITH. 385 over on fixth-day, where I had fome clofe fervice, and then went to the yearly-meet- ing at Wilmington, and was at four meet- ings in two days. At three of them, the truths of the gofpel were largely and with clearnefs declared, to much fatisfacftion and comfort, I returned towards the city, at- tending Derby monthly-meeting in my way, where things appeared mournfully low; fome of the a(flive members feeming veiy unfkilful in the management of the difcipline: earned labour was beftowed, but I thought it had very little effedl. On fixth-day I went to the children's meeting in the city ; I fuppofe there were atout 200 in all, of both fexes. On firfl-day, the 6th of the 4th month, in company with feveral friends, I crofTed Delaware, at Glou- cefter-Foint : the wind blowing very hard, it appeared dangerous; yet the boatmen be- ing very careful, through mercy we got well over, and went to Woodbury meet-* ing, which was very large, and the gofpel power livingly arofe, wherein many weighty truths were delivered, lliewing the great ufe of that propenfity in man of feeking after happinefs, if rightly direded; alfo, wherein true happinefs confifts, and how to attain the fame. It was a good time, through the gracious extendings of merci- ful regard. I went home with my near friend Ifaac Andrews, who bore me com- pany this journey, three or four weeks in the 386 The JOURNAL op the Jerfeys; we had meetings that week at Upper Greenwich, Piles-Grove, at the head of Alloway's-Creek, Salem, and Alloway's- Creek; thefe meetings were moftly large; great kikewarmnefs and infenfibility were painfully felt, many feeming to reft in only profeffing the religion of their educa- tion; for thefe I had a deep concern and travail of mind, that they might come to know Chrift formed in them. The Lord w^as gracioufly pleafed, in great kmdnefs and condefcenfion, to furnifli with matter and utterance in an awakening nianner, in order to make them fenfible of the nature and importance of true religion and wor- fhip : may it not be in vain ! On firft-day, the 13th of the 4th month, we went to Greenwich meeting; the glorious gofpel- power eminently manifefted itfelf that day, by clearly opening divers weighty points of dodlrine, fuitable to the various ftates of that large auditory; among other things, Ihewing that the true and faving know- ledge of God, whereby we obtain the right knowledge of ourfelves, is elTential to the very being of a real Chrlftian ; and by what means that knowledge is obtained. It was a highly favoured time, for the Lord's heavenly power was over all, and the peo- ple appeared to be generally affecfled. Next day we had a large meeting among the Prefbyterians, at a place called New-Eng- land Town; their minifter having conde- fcended JOHN GRIFFITH, ^ 3^^; fcended to give notice the day before from the pulpit, of a meeting for vis ; he attend- ed it himfelf, with, I fuppofe, moft of his hearers, who behaved folid and refpe<5l- ful. The univerfal love of God, tlirough Chrift, to mankind, was largely fet forth, and people direcfled from outward obfer- vations, to the fubflance, whereby viiftory might be obtained over fin: it was a fa- voured time, and the people feemed gene- rally well afFedled and very loving, though divers things were delivered which are ufually controverted between us and thofe people; there was no vilible oppofition, but all pafTed off quiet and peaceable. On fourth-day we travelled a day's journey through the Pine-barren wildernefs, to Cape-May; we had one meeting there, and two at Great Egg- Harbour. We found the number of profelTors fmall, and things, as to the life of religion, low; yet we were enabled to adminifter fuitably to their ftates for their help and recovery, and had a good degree of fatisfadlion and peace therein. On thii?d-day, the 2 2d of the 4th month, we had a large meeting at Lit- tle Egg-Harbour; after a time of trying pcHterty and deep travail, gofpel life and power mercifully arofe, in which, dodlrine and C4)unfel flowed forth freely to divers ftates, particularly to a libertine youth. Next day we had a meeting in a new Prefbyterian meeting-houfe, near Barnag:att - Ddd {[ 388 The JOURNAL of it was a large meeting, and held more than an hour in filence, which the people were not accuftomed to. At length the word was given with authority and clearnefs, fliewing the neceffity and advantage of filence in worfliip, and diftinguifhing Chrif- tians of the letter from Chriftians of the fpirit, as alfo minifters of the letter from minifters of the fpirit ; and that tliofe who are always ready to preach, muft either have the fpirit at command, or a(5l without it. It was a great and good time; the people appeared to be generally afFedled, and all paifed off quietly, without any oppofition. We travelled on by the fea-fide, to a place called Good-Luck, where we found a large meeting-houfe eredled though not quite finiflied, by one Thomas Potter, intended by him, it feems, for all preachers to make ufe of who would preach freely, except Papifts, who would not be admitted even on thofe terms ; we had a meeting in it, but notice not coming timely, nor Thomas Potter being at home himfelf, it was fmall and to little fatisfacflion. We met him that afternoon on his return, he feemed fbrry he happened to be out at that time ; he fees beyond hireling miniftry, and I underftand, inclines moft to friends of any, but joins to none. On fixth-day we had a poor, low meeting, at Monefquan; I doubt, but very few therein were alive in religion; ibme gofpeWabours were beftowed for their help. JOHN GRIFFITH, 389 help. We went after meeting to Shr^wf- bury, intending to be at their quarterly- meeting, which begun on firft-day, the 27th of the 4th month. It was exceed- ing large; fonae folid friends were prefent, alfo many loofe, libertine people under our name, and of other focieties. In that fad mixture, the life of religion was exceed- ingly depreffed, ^nd my mind in fympathy with it: I could not wade through to get eafe and fatisfaclion that day, though I la- boured very hard. Next day the meeting was very large, the power of truth in mar- Tellous kindnefs arofe, and the gofpel was preached with good authority and clearnefs, to the various ftates of that great auditory. The meeting of bufinefs followed; there feemed btit little judgment to maintain good order and difcipline: unity appeared not fo general as could have been defired. On third-day abundance of people flocked to meeting, perhaps with much expectation; but my way was fhut up as to miniftry, and but very little from any other; I found peace and fatisfaction by abiding in my place. On fifth-day I went to Chefter^ field monthly-meeting; it was very large, and I had deep and painful wading therein, in my public fervice, fhewing what man is by nature, whatever mode or form of reli- gion he decks and adorns himfelf withal ; for that which is born of the flefh is but iMti, and cannot fee the kii||[dom of God. I got 390 The JOURNAL or I got through at laft to a pretty good de- gree of fatisfadlion, but found much clofe labour in the meeting of bufinefs, and faw great deviation from the right thing, in fome high ruHng members, who had car- ried an affair through that meeting againft the moft hvely part of the body, which they 'themfelves had fufficient caufe to re- pent. On lixth and feventh-days, I had meetings at Upper-Freehold, and New- Springfield, and on firft-day, the 4th of the 5th month, had a very large meeting at Mansfield in, the morning, and another at Borden-Town in the evening. The people feemed full of expedation from one come fp far; but it pleafed the great Mailer, without whofe gracious aid the? poor fer- vant can do nothing to advantage, to fhut me wholly up as to miniflry, in both places, to the great difappointment of many ; but there was no remedy; I durft not con- trive or form any thing for them : how- ever, I have no doubt, but filence was the mLoft profitable leflbn for thofe meetings. I went next day to Burlington monthly- meeting, it was large and divinely favour- ed; the doctrine of truth flowed forth freely, fliewiiag what it is to be a fellow- citizen with the faints and of the houfhold of faith. On third-day I had a laborious meeting at Ancocas, yet had ibnie good, open fervice towards the latter-end, which feemed to faiRn 0{i divers minds. I got to Philadelphia JOHN GRIFFITH. 391 Philadelphia next day, and on fifth-day, the 8th of the 5th month, went to the mar- riage of John Pembei ton, and Hannah, the daughter of my worthy friends Ifaac and Sarah Zane. It was at the great meeting-houfe, being large, and there appeared too much defire and expedlation after words, which often hurts meetings and blocks up the way of minifters, which feemed the cafe now for a while; yet at length fome, I hope profitable labour was bellowed, from the words of our Lord, ** BlefTed are they " that hunger and thirft after righteouf- *' nefs." On firft-day, the nth of the 5th month, I attended three large meet- ings in the city, in all which, I thought it my duty to fet an example of filence. Near the clofe of the evening meeting, it was ^ fweet refrefhing time; the thirfty foul had to drink of that river that maketh glad the whole city of God; in the enjoyment whereof, there was comfortable folacing reft from the painful labour of tlxat day, and full fatisfadlion, with thankfulnefs that I had been preferved in my place. I ftaid their week-day meeting on third-day, which was large ; the power and wiidom of truth opened deep counfel and doclrinc, pointing out the different ftates of profeifors in that city, that fome of the true wrefliing feed dare not choofe or contrive for themfelves, which way to be fed ; wluether immediately by the great Shepherd's own hand, or inltru- mentally 392 The JOURNAL of mentally by his fervants; and that there were many others anxioufly choofing to be fed with teftimonies and outward declarati- ons, which (late ought to befamifhed; alfo, that the time would come, when the word of the Lord, by way of miniftry, would be vei^ precious, and he would command the clouds to rain no rain upcm fuch ; that it was already a time of parching drought, becaufe of idolatry ; yet the LQ|-d would open fprings to the feed of Jacob, in the midft of the vallies, and in his own time bring them to Rehoboth. It was a great and good time, and the meeting was much affedled. 1 fet out next day for New-Eng- land, and had meetings in my way to Long- Ifland, at Byberry, Middletown, and Stony- brook, where my ojd companion Thomas Rofs, met me: my fervice was, very clofe and Searching at thefe meetings. Alas! how hath an indolent fpirit prevailed on the pro- feflbrs of truth ; a fmall remnant excepted, w^ho are preferved in moft places, to rejoice, in the deep painful labours, in great mercy yet continued to the churches. We, in company with feveral other friends pro- ceeded on our journey, in order to attend Flufhing yearly-meeting, on Long-Ifland for the government of New- York. On fifth-day, the 2 2d of the 5th month, we attended the monthly and quarterly-meet- ings of minifters and elders at Flufhing; in the latter I had comfortable open fervice, upon JOHN GRIFFITH. 393 upon the blefGng pronounced by our gra-^ cious Redeemer to the poor in fpirlt, fhew- ing the necefllty and ufefulnefs of that (late ; and alfo fetting forth the effentlal qualifica- tions of a gofpel minifler. It was a bleP- fed time, and the upright-hearted were fweetly comforted. Next day was held the quarterly-meeting, which was fmall, and things, as to the life of religion, were felt to be very low ; a painful gloominefs hav- ing fpread itfelf, through a want of living concern in many of the members, and from fome prefuming to adl in the church, too much in their own will and wifdom; yet the Lord who waits to be gracious, afford- ed dod:rine and counfel fuitable to their ftates ; fliewing, there is one body and one fpirit, and that all the members who adl profitably, muft know a being baptized by that one fpirit into the one myftical body. I found great numbnefs in the meeting of bufinefs ; my fpirit was deeply baptized in- to fufiering therein, and conftrained to lay their condition before them by very clofe fearching obfervations, which appeared to take fome imprefTion, and my mind was much relieved thereby. On feventh-day morning the yearly-meeting of miniflers and elders was held, which was fmall, and the vital part of religion feemed to be mucli obflru6ted; fome clofe remarks were deli- vered, which aflx)rded confiderable relief: at eleven came on the firft public meeting f^ 394 The journal at for worfhip, the time of which was taken :up very unprofitably by an unlkilful ap- pearance; after which, the bufinefs was entered upon, and was a painful diftreffing time; the forward, bufy, adlive fpirit of man was let loofe in a few elderly perfbns, who had placed themf elves at the helm of government there, and who feemed to have got fuch an afcendancy over the meeting, as to bear down whatever appeared in the right line of tendernefs and truth's fimpli- city, when they did not fee fit to promote it. The attempt was to lay afide the ne- ceflary queries to be anfwered by inferior, to fuperior meetings ; I was favoured with a degree of wifdom and ftrength to with- ftand that fpirit, and to fhew the neceffity of proper queries, in order that the ftate of the fociety might be better underftood: how elfe could fuitable advice be admi- niftered ? But through the cowardice of many prefent, I was left to engage much alone ; yet have CAufe to believe, that the weapons given both in the meeting and afterwards in private conference, wounded that fpirit deeply, and gave honed friends a clearer fight of it than they had before. Things in the fucceeding meetings were managed with more harmony and peace, and the meetings for worihip were very large; wherein the everlafting gofpel ^vas preached with clearneis and demonflration : many were deeply affecled, and the great Author JOHN GRIFFITH. 39^ Author was humbly worfhipped and adored, who is worthy for ever! We went from Flufhing, and had a large, meeting at Cow-Neck, in which truth open- ed gofpel-docSrine largely, to the tendering of many hearts. Next day we had an exceeding large meeting at Weftbury: as there was general notice, abundance of people came from feveral parts of the illand^ io that there was near as larg-e a concourfe, as at the yearly-meeting; their expectations were much after words, but they had none from me, being fhut up in filence the whole time: the monthly-meeting of bufinefs was held at the clofe thereof. We had very large meetings afterwards, on this illand at Mati- nicock, Oyfter-Bay, Bethphage, and Seque- tague; and notwithftanding the low, lan- guid (late of the fociety, gofpel truths were largely delivered, and livingly opened iu them. We then travelled towards the eaft end of the ifland, on our way to Rhode- Ifland, and on third-day, the 3d of the 6th month, went on board a vefTel about eight o'clock in the morning, taking our horfes with us, and landed fafe at Gratten, oppo- fite to New London in the colony of Con- nefticut, about one o'clock the fame day. We got that night to our friend Peter Davis's, in Rhode-liland government, about twenty-two miles. We had a meeting next day at Wefterley, the governor of the pro- vince was at it and behaved kindly, in- E e e viti^g 396 The JOURNAL of viting us to his houfe ; but it did not fuit VIS to go. Ill order to. fill up our time before the yearly-meeting, we had meetings at a new meeting- houfe near James Perry's, South Kingfton, Greenwich, Nefliantecut, and Providence; and though we found fome honeft travellers for Sion's profperity, yet, for the moft part, things, as to the hfe of religion, appeared mournfully low, indif- ferency prevailing in many, and divers undue liberties in others. I was much af- iiicled at fome of the meetings with the dark principles of deifm, and v/as favoured with ability to lay open the wickednefs and grofs abfurdity of fuch principles, warning friends and others to fliun the converfation of tliofe tindtured therewith, as thev would a poifonous ferpent. On fifth day, the 42th of the 6th month, the yearly-meeting for New-England began at Portfmouth on Rhode-Ifland; this meeting was very large as to number; but, alas! it was a dark gloomy time of deep falfering: the glory and diadem of our religious afTemblies feems to be forrowfully removed from thefe people, and inflea^ of the meeting being covered therewith, it was overfpread with darknefs. Here I met our friend Thomas Gawthrop, who was upon his third vifit to friends in America; we both fat the whole meeting in filence. The JOHN GRIFFITH. 397 The meetings following, both for wor- fhip aitd difcipllne, were held at Newport, and continued till fecond day was over. The public meetings were exceeding ^arge, both friends, and abundance of other people attended moft of them ; it was fuppofed there were 2000 people. To thefe great aflemblies it pleafed the gracious fountain of all good, to open much gofpel do6trine in the de- monftration of the fpirit and with power, which appeared to be generally well re- ceived, and was to the great comfort and relief of thofe engaged therein ; but the meetings of minifiers and elders, and thofe for difcipline, were for the moil: part very heavy and diftreffing ; great w^eaknefs and want of living concern, were painfully felt therein; little of that divine wifdom which alone can build the houfe, was attended to, and formality prevailed. Ability was gra- cioufly afforded to ufe plainnefs of fpeech, endeavouring to make them fenfible of the lofs they had fuftained, by forfaking the fountain of living waters, and hewing to themfelves cifterns, broken cifterns, that would hold no water; yet we found a few fincere labourers amongfl them, whofe hands I hope were in fome degree ftrengthened ; but things in general werq very low. On third day we had a large fatisfa£lory meeting on Connanicut Ifland, to which many from Newport went; and next day we had a very large meeting at Newport, which was 398 The JOURNAL of was the laft we had there. In this meeting wifdoin and utterance were given to declare the truth to their feveral (tates, in much pl^in-dealing, endeavouring to fhew them from whence they had fallen, and how vain it was for them to imagine they were God's people in the ftate moll of them were then in: there was alfo encouragement to the few fincere-hearted. On fifth day we had a very large meeting at Portfmouth^ to which came great numbers from Newport^ It was a time of great darknefs and deep fufFering with the opprefTed feed : the young people are moflly gone into the air, and undue liberties ; and thofe more advanced (a few excepted) are gone into the earth ; having fo much to do in government affairs, many of them got into the ofEces, friendfliips, and parties, as well as into the profits of this world. Next day we went off the ifland, and had meetings in our way to Nantucket yearly-meeting, at Tiverton, Little-Compton, and Accoakefet. The two lafl were very large, efpecially Accoakefet ; the gofpel was largely and with good authority declared in them to much fatisfaftion and comfort, there being confiderable opennefs, many of other perfuafions attending. On fecond day, being their monthly-meeting at Aponiganfet, and notice having been given before of our intention of being at it, it was exceeding large, even like a great yearly- meeting; it was fuppofed there were zoqq people JOHN GRIFFITH. 399 people prefent. In this large aflembly the everl ailing gofpel was preached in the de- monftration of the fpirit, and with power ; wifdom being mercifully given to divide the word fuitably to the various ftates : the meeting appeared to be generally afFedled, and the minds of thofe engaged greatly re- lieved. Early next morning we embarked for Nantucket, in company with about twenty friends, and landed on the faid ifland about five o'clock in the afternoon of the fame day. On fixth day the yearly-meeting began, and was very large: a becoming plainnefs appeared in the general ; but, alas ! the life of religion was very much departed from by numbers in that once truly amiable place, fo much noted for a family of love. I went on the ifland as a ftranger to their prefent flate, though I had been there twice before, a witnefs of better times: much diflreffing anguifli was felt in this meeting, and for fome time I expe(5led the current of life would have been wholly obftrucSed; but at length, through divine mercy, truth arofe with gofpel authority, fetting forth what a great and wonderful manifeftation of evangelical light and truth fprung up in the laft century after a dark night of apoftafy and error; when the heavenly power being embraced, brought forth the nature and fpirit of religion; but endea- vours now are too often ufed to fupport the fame principles in a formal way, by the ftrength 400 The JOURNAL of ftrengtli and wifdom of man; the Lord therefore will not own a people in that flate. Many things were delivered upon this fub- jecl with great dread, and I felt the Lord's power go forth as a fire amongft the briars and thorns ; many were ftruck with fadnefs and fear, and the everlafting name was exalted: Thomas Gawthrop was there alfo, and had good fervice. The meeting ended on fecond-day, much gofpel labour having been beftowed in the feveral fittings thereof. Notwithftanding the general ftate of friends on that ifland appeared truly deplorable, yet I believe a remnant are and will be preferved frefh and lively in religion. May their number increafe ! We left the ifland on third-day, the ift of the yth month, and landed that «?yening at SeconneiTet, on the continent, Vbeing about fifty in number. We had a fmall meeting on fifth-day, at a meeting-houfe near the place of our landing, and went forward to be at Sandwich quarterly- meet- ing. On fixth-day we went to their monthly- meeting, where was a burial of a friend that died fuddenly. There were many Prefbyterians prefent: the gofpel power arofe with confiderable ftrength and clearnefs, with the words of the apoflle: ** Give diligence to make your calling and *' eleftion fure ;" with remarks on the great importance of the work, how necef- fary to be alTured of its going forward, and that JOHN GRIFFITH. 401 that a certainty thereof may be obtained, by the fpirit of God bearing witnefs with our fpirit, according to the apoftolic tefti- mony. This exhortation contradiifbs the dark opinion of abfoKite and unconditional ele(5lion and reprobation; feeing this preffing advice to make it fure, imphes fomething to be done on man's part, which . may be omitted, and he thereby may mifs the elec- tion of God's grace; whereas, according to that, the elecflion is made fo certain, even from the foiijidation of the world, by an immutable decree, that all man's endeavours will make no alteration, feeing one cannot poiTibly be added to the number of the eledl, nor one diminifhed: the great ab- furdity of this dodlrine was expofed, fhew- iag how it reflected much diilionour on in- finite mercy and goodnefs ; and fome of their ftrongeft arguments in favour of that doc- trine were anfwered. I was alfo opened upon infant-baptifm^ fo called, fetting forth how unreafonable it is to uphold types, figns, and fliadows, un- lefs we expe6l another and higher dif- penfation: that types always pointed to the anti-type or fubftance, and feeing mod ac- knowledge the fubftance is come, how weak to keep up the fign. It was a good time, for truth was exalted and the meeting pretty generally affefted ; and although thefe dif- putable points were clofely handled, yet tb^re was no oppofirion, nor the leail dif- guft 402 The JOURNAL of guft appeared. On feventh-day the quar- terly-meeting was held, in which we had foine, I hope profitable fervice, in a clofe, fearching way; things appeared very low, yet there were fome fincere, honeft labour- ers. We went after meeting about twenty miles to Plymouth, where it is faid the iirll colony of Englifli landed and fettled. The next day, being the firft of the week, we went to Pembroke meeting, which was but fmall of friends, but a pretty many of other focieties came in, cc»iifidering the fhort notice ; the truths of the gofpel were largely delivered amongft them, which feemed to be well and kindly received. We fet out after meeting, intending to pafs through Bofton, and as far to theeaftward as we propofed to vifit friends, leaving no- tice as we went, at the feveral meetings, to take ythem in our return. We had very large meetings at Cachechy, and Dover; and although we found but little living concern amongft friends, yet the blefTed truth favoured and opened the way for much gofpel labour fuited to their ftates, in order to revive ancient zeal and ardour. The wea- ther was extremely hot and the meetings crouded, fo that at times it feemed as if I Ihouid have been overcome, and faint; but by divine favour, I was mercifully carried through, to a confiderable degree of fatis- fadllon and peace. We returned to their quarterly-meeting at Hampton, which be- gan JOHN GRIFFITH. 40I; gan for minlfters and elders, on feventh- day, third hour, the 12th of the 7th month; we were forrowfully affecfled to find fo little of a living concern amongft the leaders of the people; Next day, being the firft of the week, we had two large meetings, com- pofed of friends and others : a religious la- bour for heavenly bread feemed almoft loft, even amongft thofe advanced in age and pro- feflion of the truth ; yet in marvellous con- defcenfion, the gofpel power and life fprung up and extended to their various ftates, with great ftrength and clearnefs, even as a flame of fire againft the wood, hay, and ftubble; Ihewing, what a great and glorious thing Chriftianity is; how complete victory and dominion may be obtained by it over fin; and the foul of man be endued with fublime virtues : but to view the notion of Chrifti- anity people in general appear now to be contented with, it would feem as if little real religion remained on the earth. In the afternoon I was led to fet forth, that there is one body, one Ipirit, one Lord, one faith, and one baptifm ; that by this only people come to be truly initiated, being buried with Chrift by his faving baptifm into his death; and thereby wltnefling with the apoftle, the meafure of the fufferings of Chrift which are yet behind^ fulfilled in us ; if fo be that we fuifer with him,^- that we alfo may be glorified together: t'he deep myftery of man's redemption through Chrift, was F f f largely 404 r^^^ JOURNAL of largely opened^ it being a time of great fa*- your, and the people were generally afFedled. Next day forenoon was held their meeting of bufinefs; but as the power of truth, the- main fpring of action in the weighty affairs of the church, appeared to me Ibrrowfully wanting, little could be done to good pur- pofe; fome clofe remarks were made upon the declining date of that meeting, whereii> we had very little comfort or fatisfadlion. In the afternoon we had a very large con- cluding meeting, wherein Chrift was freely fet forth as the true light, that enlightens every man that cometh into the world; that as the light of the outward fun is necef- fary for tranfacling the affairs of this life, fo the light of the Sun of righteoufnefs is no lefs neceffary to fliew us how to perform the great work of our foul's falvation : it was a good time. We then had meetings at Aimfbury, Newbury, Salem, Lynn, and Bofton. Ak Lynn in the afternoon, being firft-day, I found it my place to fet an ex- ample of filence; at the other meetings I was largely opened in the fervice of the gofpel, to good fatisfadion and comfort. From Bofton we travelled to Dighton, and dined on the way at Taunton. Our guide being acquainted with a fliop-keeper in that town, we were invited to dine wdth him: after dinner we entered upon much rcafon- ing about religious principles, and a clofe difpute enfued. I was, through divine af- fiftance^ JOHN GRIFFITH. 405 fiftance, enabled to Hand my ground there- in, and to maintain our principles, to the comfort and fatisfad:ion of my own mind, and I believe in a good degree to his ; who I unfterftood had been accounted a very zea- lous Prelbyterian, and had entertained an unfavourable opinion of our principles : he confeffed they never had been cleared up fo much to his fatisfadlion before, and feerned to be a good deal affeefore-men- tioned, who are quite averfe to that dark opinion: thefe two, it feems, had been en- gaged * in a difpute in the meeting-houie ^vhen' all were gone, upon fomc points of doctrine delivered that day concerning ori- ginal fin and the opinion before- mention- ed; and as they could not fettle the points, at length they agreed to come to my quar- ters, JOHN GRIFFITH. 407 ters, to alk me a few fbber qiicfllons, by way of further explanation of fome things delivered. When they informed me of the reafon of their coming, I told them I was very willing to aiford them all the fatisfac- tion In my power, but was not very fond of difputes, which feldom tended much to edification as they were generally managed. The old man fignified he had no intention of entering into any difputes ; however, one thing brought on anothei:, till we got very clofely engaged : the young mxan, the preach- er, was on my fide, and, I think, had as remarkable a memory in the fcriptures as I ever knew, and was favoured with a confi- derable underflanding in the myftery of them. The poor old man, though I fup- pofe as well furnifhed as moft upon fuch a bad fubjecft, was entirely vanquiflied and confounded to that degree, that his fpirits appeared to be iiink with forrow, becaufe he could not fupport his principles better. The young man and I, with other friends, withdrew into another room, and had a religious conference, particularly upon the nature of gofpel-miniftry and worlliip; he appeared to be much enlightened and not fsir from the kingdom; but I fear he had entered into the miniftry too fbon. This opportunity afforded my mind a good deal of fatisfadion. I found many of thofe high profefTors in New-England, in rather an unfettled ftate, fond of flocking to our meetings, 4o8 The JOURNAL oi meetings, and they feemed to hear the doc- trinef of truth with fatisfacflion, and there was great opennefs amongft them in many places. But what forrowfully afFedled my mind was, that there is fo Uttle of the life of religion held up as a ftandard to thofe, by our fociety in thofe parts ; yet I believe there will be a gathering to Shiloh, in the New-England colonies. The difference ap- pears very great in their efteem and regard to our friends, to what it was formerly, though perhaps that in part may be owing to many in our fociety being more like them, than our friends were in early. times; yet I believe the cafe is otherwife with many, and that it arifes from their good opinion of moft of our principles. On fifth-day, the 31ft of the 7th month, we fet out, accompanied by two guides, through the back parts of Connecticut, to- wards the Oblong in the government of New- York, being about 140 miles through a Prefbyterian country ; they generally carried themfelves civilly, and we had fome religious conferences to good fatisfadlion. The wea- ther was very hot, and the roads ftony, rough and mountainous, and the entertainment but mean in many places, fo that the jour- ney was attended with fatigue to our bodies and horfes. We went to New-Milford meeting on firft-day, the 3d of the 8th month ; I had nothing to offer by way of miniftry, yet in Hill quiet waiting, I was favoured^ JOHN GRIFFITH. 409 favoured therein with the flrft clear fatis- facftory glance of my being at liberty, to- wards the latter end of this year, to return home, which I fully believed, but kept it to myfelf. After meeting we afcended to the Oblong, and a long afcent it was, of near a mile to the fummit of that cal- led Quaker-Hill; the weather being ex- tremely hot, I feared it would have killed my horfe, and I was not able to relieve him by walking. On third-day we had a very large meeting at a commodious houfe built by friends on that hill ; they who attend- ed were generally profelTors of the truth as held by us, and moftly plain and becom- ing in their outward garb ; yet, alas! when they came to be viewed in the true light, they appeared dry and formal ; many, I fear, having clothed corrupted nature with a form of religion, and in a plain drefs fit in their religious meetings like dead images. After a time of deep fuffering in fpirit with the opprefled feed, the word was given with good authority, and went forth like a flame of fire, againft the wood, hay, and ftubble, to the roufing, I believe, and awa- kening of many for the prefent. The con- dition of man in the tranfgreffion as fet forth by the infpired writers, that he is in a ftate of enmity to, and feparation from God, confequently, he muft experience a very great change, before he can be accept- able ca his Maker: the way was opened, jliewing 4io The JOURNAL or fhewing how this change v/as to be eS'cAcd^ and that the operation necelTary thereunto, makes indelible imprelTions on the minds of all who are fo happy as to experience the fan^e, that none can be true Chriftians without it : truth had great dominion that day. We had a very large meeting next day at the Nine Partners, and had clofe fervice therein. Next day we had a very painful afflidling meeting at Ofwego ; I was quite a llranger to them, and did not know by any outward information, that they had any one who iifually appeared in public among them; yet my mind was ftrongly imprelTed with a feniQ^ that the meeting Iiad been nivich hurt by a wrong miniftry, and for that reafon chiefly, my mouth was Ihut up there in that refpecfl: it feemed as if the very perfon was ihewn to me in the meet- ing, though I had never feen him before that I know of; but I found afterwards, it was a true fenfe, and I told friends in his hearing, how things appeared to me in that meeting, which feemed to ftrike him, and he draggled a little, but I left it upon him: may the great and gracious helper of hi$ neople, have the praife of his own works, faith my foul, now and for evermore! On firft-day, the loth of the 8th month, we were at the Oblong meeting again ; my travail the whole meeting was in fuffering filence. From hence, in our way to New- Yorkj we had the following meetings, viz. Peach- JOHN GRIFFITH. 411 Peach-Pond, North-Caflle, the monthly- meeting at the Purchafe, Momarineck, and WefL-Chefter; at moft of which, the gof- pel power was largely manifeited, by open- ing dodlrine and counfel, in a clofe, fearch- ing manner, to the various dates of the people. On firfl-day, the 17th of the 8th mionth, we were at two meetings in the city of New-York; in the morning I was filent; in the afternoon, truth opened the way to public fervice, fhewing the beau- tiful order and economy of human life; all feeking for fome manlion, poffeiiion, or fettlement, and agreeable to the laws of pru- dence and juftice, endeavouring to increafe their ftore, that they may have fomething of their own againft the time of need: if prudence requires to provide the necefTaries for this fiiort and uncertain life, how much more incumbent is it upon us, in regard to the immortal part: and that our eyes fhould be turned to view the order, har- mony, and beauty of the new creation, and to feek an inheritance in the holy city ? It was a blefTed time, and many hearts were tendered. I had a good deal of fktisfacffcion among friends in that city, and hope there is a growth in the bed things experierKed by divers. On fecond-day we crojQTed the Bay, and Staten-Iiland ; ferried from thence at Elizabeth-tov/n Point, and v^rent to Rahway. On third and fourth-day we w^ent to the quarterly and monthly-meetings at AVoodbridge ; was enabled to labour largely G g g in 412 The JOURNAL of in a fearching way, with much plainnefs and gofpel authority, for their help and recovery from a weak, languid, uncon- cerned ftate ; yet we found fome folid, valu- able friends amongft them. From thence we proceeded on our way to my compani- on's houfe in Pennfylvania, and had large meetings at Plainfield and Kingwood, wherein the gofpel was preached with great opennefs, to good fatisfaftion. On feventh- day evening, the 23d of the 8th month, having crolTed Delaware at Howell's-Ferry, we got to my companion's houfe, and at- tended two meetings at Wright's-Town, where he belongs ; the next day there was a eonfiderable number of profeffors, but fpiritual idlenefs was felt forrowfully to have prevailed over too many, craving to be fed with w^ords ; I found it my duty to be lilent at both the meetings. Having taken a very great cold after fome of the late large and hot meetings, I w^as much indif- pofed, and ftaid at my companion's till fifth- day, and then w^nt to the quarterlyrmeet- ing for the county of Bucks, held at the Falls, which was exceeding large: truth greatly favoured that meeting, in opening dodtrine and counfel, for the help, reproof, and encouragement of many, beginning with thefe words, // is efpecially ijuorthy to he noted^ that the infpired %vnters^ both in relating their oivn experience^ and in ad^ minijiering advice and counfel to others^ on a religious account^ lay the ivhole Jlrefs of JOHN GRIFFITH. 413 of religion upon the inivard^ faving^ and fpiritiial knoiv ledge of God: it was k great time, and many hearts were tendered. The youth's meeting was held next day at Brif- tol ; it was a low, poor time, and I had nothing to offer by way of miniftry. -On firft-day, the 31ft ot the 8th month, I went to Makefield meeting, it was an exer- cifing time; a carelefs, earthly fpirit was felt to be very prevalent ; I had fome fer- vice there, in a very clofe, fearching man- ner. In the afternoon I had a very large meeting at John Beaumont's, wherein much gofpel dodrine flowed to the people, upon the nature of felf-denial and bearing the yoke of Chrift ; many, not of our ibciety, were prefent and pretty much affected; it was a favoured time. Next day I went to Buckingham monthly-meeting, which was very large, a nvimerous body of friends living in thofe parts ; I had great opennefs for public fervice therein, ihewing, that the promifes of God in him, are yea and amen for ever ; yet we are not entitled to them but upon certain conditions, that is,^ being in thofe ftates to which they are ap- plied. It was a great and good time, truth being exalted. On third-day I had a large fleeting at Plumftead, many attending from Buckingham and other places. The word was given with authority and clearnefs, to declare to this numerous auditory, upon the nature of true religion and worfliip, iUewing, that it principally confided in aa inward 414 The JOURNAL of inward exercife of the foul towards God, and efpecially depended on a Ipiritual ac- quaintance with him ; it was a highly fa- voured time, and many hearts were tender- ed. For ibme time paft I had been indif^ pofed, being, through the extremity of the heat, much afflidlcd with a ralh, called the prickly heat ; and having taken a great cold, my afthmatic diforder was much increafed ; yet, through merciful help iupporting foul and body in the great work to v^hich I was called, I was enabled to proceed on my j-ourney, having a ftrong defire to vilit fome meetings in the back parts of Bucks, Phi- ladelphia, and Cheftcr counties, before the approaching yearly- meeting for Pennfylvania and the Jerfeys, to be held in Philadelphia towards the latter end of the 9th month: apprehending if I could accomplilh that, I fliould have little to do after, except on the eaftern fliore of Maryland and in the lower counties upon Delaware. Here my valu- able friend Zebulon Hefton, joined me for a companion to the back parts. We tra- velled next day to Richland, and the day following had a large meeting there, moftly confiRirg of thofe under our name: great lukcwarmnefs and want' of, a living con- cern was felt ; yet it pleafed divine gocd- nefs to favour v/ith ability to labour in the gofpel v/ith plainnefs, in a very awakening manner, which feemed to have ibme ten- dering cfFecl in the general, at Jeafl for the prefent. We travelled next day to Oley, aliHs JOHN GRIFFITH. 415 alias Exeter^ and went to their meeting on iirll-day, the 7th of the 9th month ; they appeared to me moftly ignorant of the im- portance of that worfliip and fervice which they pretended to meet about, and as if the chief waiting was to hear what the poor fervants had to fay : they w^ere difappointed in refpe(5l to me, finding it my place to fit the whole meeting in filence. We after- wards went toMaiden-Creek, and had a large meeting there the next day. I believe there were fome valuable friends, but many ap- peared in a ftate of indolence as to reli- gion, looking for words ; there was a con- fiderable fpace of filence; at length, truth arofe and obtained dominion, and the gof- pel was freely preached; Ihewing the na-- ture of the work of man's falvation by Chrift, and the great danger of a negleft- thereof. On third- day we had a meeting in Reading Court-Houfe, to which many came, not of our fociety, being moftly Ger- mans, who behaved in a folid, becoming manner; the word of the gofpel was given, and ability to declare it w ith good autho- rity and clearnefs for a confiderable time, to the tendering of many hearts. Next day we crofled Schuylkill, and had meetings at the Foreft, Nantmill, Providence, and Pikeland, in all which, ability was given to labour in the gofpel, for the ftirring up profeffors to a more lively fenfe of religion, which indeed was felt to be at a low ebb amojagft them, as iu many othex* places; fuch 4i6 The JOURNAL of fvich caufes there are of mournful com- plaints, where people go no deeper into reli- gion than what comes by education or out- ward conformity: many in thefe parts have entered into the outward poiTeffions and profeffion of their worthy ancefliors, at a very eafy rate; yet the Lord, in great mercy, is caviling his trumpets to found very loud, to awaken fuch to a fenfe of the^r danger. On firft-day, the 14th of the 9th month, we went to Uwchlan, which was a very large meeting of itfelf, and friends came to it from moft of the adjacent meecings; the fore part was a time of deep travail and {ilent labour, in a painful fenle that many prefent were at eafe in a bare profeffion of the truth; at length the worcl was given with confiderable weight and gofpel autho- rity, {hewing what a powerful efficacious thing Chriftianity was, when it made its firfl entrance into the world, and fo con- tinued for a confiderable time, mightily prevaiUng by its own force and efficacy, againft all oppofition and worldly intereft, until the world fmiled upon its profeffi^rs: it then fpread as to the name, but gradual- ly lofing the power and life, many difor- ders, great corruptions, and defolating con- tentions about trifles, got in. Clole ap- plication was made to the ftates of the inhabitants of this highly favoured pro- vince, earnefUy preffing the auditory to feek after the fubftance of religion. The afternoon meeting wa§ folid and comfort- able JOHN GRIFFITH. 417 able in filence. On third-day we had a large meeting at Eaft-Cahi, in which I had tho- rough fervice, to good fatisfadlion ; and next day we had a very large meeting at Brad- ford, in the Forks of Brandy-wine ; things were felt to be much out of order, and re- ligion to be at a very low ebb amongft them, yet, through infinite condefcenfion, golpel authority was given, with much clearnefs in doclrine, fhewing, that in order to pofTefs a valuable religion, man fliould be feelingly and experimentally convinced, that in matters of religion, he mufl wholly refign his v^ill to God, and give him- felf up to be guided by a fupernatural prin- ciple; until then, he cannot fay, with ac- ceptance to his Maker, " Thy will be done *' in earth, as it is done in heaven." It was, through divine mercy, a highly-fa- voured baptizing time, and the blelTed truth was in dominion over hard, unmortified fpirits. I went home from hence with my brother-in-law, Micajah Speakman, to Con- cord, where I refted quietly three days, after long fatigue of travelling and hard labour ; yet all was made eafy through the efficacy of that heavenly power which mer- cifully attended from place to place, filling my foul, at times, with true contentment and perfedl refignation to the Lord's will, either to do or fuflfer; in which happy flate, my peace flowed as a river, On firft-day, the 2 1 ft of the 9th month, I went to Mid- dle-town meeting, but had no public fer- vice 4i8 The JOURNAL o? vice therein. I went on fecond-day to Philadelphia, attended their week-day meet- ing next day, and on fifth-day I v/ent to Haddonfield, in Weft-Jerfey, to the burial of Thomas Redman, a public friend in good efteem, who formerly told me he was lirft reached or convinced through my miniftry, in the Bank-meeting at Philadel- phia, about thirty years ago: the meeting was very large, conlifting both of friends and thole of other focieties, a prieit and his family being there; the truths of the gofpel were largely declared, with clearnefs and good demonftration ; the auditory being very folid and attentive, truth had good dominion to the comfort of many. In the afternoon was held their quarterly- meeting of minifters and elders ; it was a low time. Next day was held their quarterly-meeting, which was very large; there feemed to be great expedlations and looking out after words, as is forrowfully the cafe with many in thefe parts, efpecially if the poor inftru- ment had been favoured before, and it pleafed them : this fometimes tends to de- prive them of that which they fo anxioufly ieek after, which I believe was now the cafe, for I was quite fhut up as to public fervice, but had fome good fervice in the meeting of bufinefs. On feventh-day, the ^yth of the 9th month, I went to the year- ly-meeting of minifters and elders at Phi- ladelphia, for Pennfylvanla and the Jerfeys ; it was large, I had fome fervice therein, and JOHN G RIF FIT H. '419 nnd infoniied fiiends that I expedled liber- ty to return home that Fall, requejfting a few lines by way of certificate, to my friends in England, according to the good order ufed amongft vis; this was the only one I requefted on the continent of Ame- rica, yet friends, of their own accord, fent certificates front moft or all the parts I •viiited. A certificate ^vas readily granted^ and figned by a great number of minifters and elders, teftifying theit unity with my gofpel labours and condudl while among them. I diligently attended the feveral fittings of this yearly-meeting, both for worfhip and difcipline, and had fome weighty fervice in them. On firft-day, the 5th of the loth month, 1 went to Fair- hill meeting, and returned to the evening meeting in the city. On third-day, the 7th of the loth month, I fet out in order to attend the yearly-meeting on the eallern fliore of Maryland, being accompanied by Samuel Eaftburn; we had meetings in our •way at George's-Creek, and the head of Saffafras ; truth made way for clofe, weigh- ty fervice, to the ftates of thofe prefent. We went, the iith of the loth month, to a fmall poor meeting for minifters and el- ders, at Cecil, in Maryland; and next day being the firft of the week, the yearly- meeting began there, to which came many people of divers forts, moft of whom feem- ed loofe, and void of a foliJ, religious con- cern. Death and darknefs were felt to r^lga H h h aix 420 The JOURNAL or in tlie general, yet the gofpel power, iu great mercy, broke through, and opened fuitable dodrine to their ftates, Ihewing the general confent of all ages and nations, to that of the immortality of the foul and tiuure rewards and punifliments ; and al- though the profeflbrs of Chriftianity were favoured with more clear apprehenfions thereof, than others, yet numbers of them live as if they had no fuch belief, or, as if they did not look upon themfelves to be ac-? countable creatures. The fucceeding meet-^ ings, both for worfhip and difcipline, were^ I hope, through divine aififtance, profitable to many. The yearly-meeting at Chop- tank began on feventh-day, the i8th of the I oth month, and ended on fourth-day afternoon ; many of the meetings were very large, and the truths of the gofpel povv'erfully declared in them, and the ever- lading unchangeable truth was exalted over all of a contrary nature to itfelf : this year- ly-meeting afforded great relief and fatif- faftlon to my mind. Wc fet out on fifth- day, in order to attend the yearly-meeting to be held at Little-Creek, in Kent-Coun- ty, on Delaware; the meeting began on iirft-day, the 26th of i oth month, and held two days; I had very open fervice therein. After this meeting I found myfelf at liberty to feek a proper opportunity to return to my native latid and outward habitation, and io went f'^om hence directly toward Pliil:V:!clpHa ; 1 attended their monthly and ciuartcfly- JOHN GRIFFITH. 421 qviarterly-meetlng there, wherein I had good open fervice. By inqiuriug, I found k vefTel bound for London, the captain in- tending to fail about the middle of the i ith month. I went on board, accompanied by divers friends; we fat a while in the cabin, in a folemn filence; my mind was deeply engaged to be rightly direcfled; and finding, as I thought, rather a freedom to go in that Ihip, 1 therefore fignified to the cap- tain and the owners, that I intended to em- bark in her, which they appeared to be well pleafed with. I then went to Chefter- County, to take leave of my relations and friends, and to attend the quarterly-meet- ing at Concord; which I did, and had large open fervice in the feveral meetings, to great Hitisfaclion and comfort. On third-day I went to a large meeting at Chefter; death and darknefs feemed to reign the whole rime, fo that I had no power to move, as to ininiftry. I got to Philadelphia next morn- ing, the lliip being to fail from thence the next day. On fixth-day, about nine o'clock, I took a folemn leave of fundry valuable friends in the city, and fet out for Chefter to meet the fhip ; many friends from thence and Derby, accompanying me thither; where, after dinner, in near affecTtion we took leave, never ^xpedling to fee each other again. I then embarked on board the Ihip Phebe, Capt. Mungo Davifbn; we got under fail about two o'clock next morning, and on .firll-dayj the 16th of the luh month. 412, The JOURNAL o? about four o'clock in the afternoon, we got to fea. I find this remark amongfl: my memo- randurns, written, I fuppofe, after I had been fome time at fea, viz. '' It is fit to be re- membered, in humble and awful acknow- ledgment, that the Lord has been with me ever iince I came on board this ihip, in love and mercy unfpeakable, caufing fweet peace to flow as a river in my foul, fo as to make me forget all my former anguilli. For the former things are all palTed away, fo that, through infinite condefcending love, I have learned to fing the fong of Mofes and the fong of the Lamb, and -even upon the migh"^- foaming unflable ocean, to fpeak in myfelf in pfalms, and hymns, and fpiritual fongs, making melody in my heart to the Lord, who hath been pleafed to preferve me through many, qh ! very many heights and depths; heights in my fervice and affedions of my friends and others, I hope from being lifted up or exalted above mea- fure, by the revelation I have been favoured with; and through the deep baptifms I have experienced, in fympathy with the preci- ous depreffed feed, borne down and prefTed by the fins of mankind, as a cart is prelTed with fheaves ; the Lord enabling me to be re- lignedly contented in that flate : whether in fuffering or rejoicing, filence or words, he mercifully gave me this fupport by the power of his own fpirit, and now is lb gracious, as to reward my mind with fwc£t peace JOHN GRIFFITH. jp- peace foF abiding in that ftation v/herein he alone preferved me. I v/as, through unfpeakable kindnefs, when I fat dov/n ir^ a meeting, m.oftly enabled to fay, ** Tiiy will be done, whether in making nib of me as thy inftrument to found an alarm to the people, or to fet them an example of lilent waiting upon thee.'^ What iliall I fay or return to the Loid of everlaftirig loving-kind nefs for preiervation, by fea and by land, in many perils ; I am at a lofs for expreifions to fet forth his bountiful good- nefs, and the greatnefs of his love and mercy to thofe who truft in him. I there- fore humbly defire with lilent reverence, or otherwife as ability is afiorded, to mag- nify, worfliip, and adore him, who is glo- rious in holinefsj and fearful in praife, working wonders, who alone is worthy now and evennore ! Amen." We had a ftrong new ihip which had been at fea but one voyage before ; Ihe was very tight in the river and bay, but we had not been a week at fea before flie fprung a leak to that degree, as to require much labou? to clear her of water. This feemed to afFedl the captain and the paflengers pretty much, not knowing but tlie leak would increafe, and we being but poorly manured, the cap- tain having been deceived in fome whom he had taken in for -^CH^'d hands, proving of little ufe, nay, one of them rather a bur- den. In this gloomy time, through mer- ciful help, I found a bjelled fupport to my mind, 424 The JOURNAL of mind, in humble confidence, that he who is Lord of all (in whofe counfel I appre- hended I was there) would condudl me fafe to my outward habitation ;• yet I was ibrry for fuch an addition of work to the failors, as we were obliged to keep one hand at leaft- at the pump night and day all the paflage, which was flormy and rough, and very un- pleafant to the body. The captain and paf- fengers were very civil and obhging to me. It w^as the 1 9th of the 1 2th month, before we found ourfelves in foundings on the EngliHi coaft. After we had failed a con- fiderable way up the Channel, the wind came a-head of us, fo that we beat about therein for feveral days, and were once in great danger of being fhip wrecked upon the Ifland of Alderney. On the 25th of the 1 2th month, in the evening, we put into the fafe port of Dartmouth. I then re- folved to leave the ihip, being about 230 miles from home, where I arrived the laft day of the year, 1766, having been upon this journey one year and a half, lacking a few days. I underftood it was fix or fcvGn weeks before the Ihip arrived at London^ after I left her. As I have already far exceeded in large- nefs, what I intended to leave behind me in the way of Journal, fo I muft forbear adding much more; yet may jull hint, that in the year 1768, I went to the- quarterly- meetings of York, Kendal, and Lancafter, I had divers other meetings in the North, and J JOHN GRIFFITH. 425 and^ accompanied by my worthy friend Samuel Fothergill, had feveral meetings in North Wales, in town-halls, where none under our name refided. I pafTed afterwards through a part of England, into South Wales, and fo to Briftol; from thence I returned home ; having paffed through, ia England and Wales, abou.t twenty-five counties, and attended fixty-three meet- ings, and travelled about 1016 miles. In the 4th month, 1770, I fet out, ac- companied by my wife, intending to be at the circular yearly-meeting, to be held this year at Ormikirk, in Lancajfliire. We were at Manchefler meetings on firft-day, and attended a very large monthly-meeting on the fecond-day following, at Warrington. Truth and its teftimony was exalted, and had great dominion therein over libertine fpi- rits, to the joy of the upright in heart. The yearly-meeting before mentioned be- gan the 17th of the fame month, and held three days: there was a very convenient booth ere6led for the purpofe, which, it was thought, wovild accommodate 2000 people ; yet it was not fufEcient to contain the numbers who came, fo that other meet- ings were held out in the open air at the fame time. The people in general behaved with civility and refpeft; there was con- fiderable opcnnefs, and the meetings were well conducted. We returned from thence homewards, taking Warrington meeting on firft-day: the journey was very fatisfaftory, the whole beiug about 48 8 miles. ^4^6 TheJOUHNAL &c. In the year 1772, I went, in coriipaity ^vith my friends Sarah and Deborah Morns of Philadelphia, to the yearly-meeting at Briildl ; it was large and divinely favovired. I attended, this year, four other yearly-meet- ings, to very good fatisfacftion and comfort, viz. London, Colchcfter, Woodbridge, and Norwich, accompanied by my wife to the laft four, as well as by the two friends before- mentioned, who were in this na- tion upon a religious vifit. Being now in the fixtieth year of m^^ age, and having laboured twelve or four- teen years, at times, pretty much under an afthmatic complaint, which has caufed ariding to be frequently painful to the body^ which difficulty age is likely to increafe, 1 expect therefore, travelling of any con- fiderable journies will of courfe ceafe^ and having written fo much already, I here intend to lay down my pen, committing myfelt, and what is done, to the provi- dence and bleffing of God, in whofe power alone it is to grant patience, refignation, and perfeverance, to his poor, helplefs fer- vants, and an increafe of their gofpel la- bours; So be it! FINIS, S 6 M li BRIEF REMARKS UPON SUNDRY JA: 13 IMPORTANT SUBJECTTS, ' NecefTary to be underftood and attended to by alt proiFeffing the Christian Religioit. Prineipally addreffed to The People tailed QJJAKERS. By JOHK GRIFFITH. LONDON, Printed: PHILADELPHIA, Re-printed % JOSEPH CRUKSHANK In Market-flreei^, iJetwcen Second and Third- ftreets. * THE PREFACE. Candid Reader, WERE it not apprehended by me a duty, thus to offer to thy fe- rious perum\the following plain and experin^^ital o&fcrvations upon various fubjecls, ^ffacHj hac^ft not hear.d from me in this way .^ V > \ x. I have often, with rttany brethren and fifters ia^the truth, been deeply affected in vic^HPff the great danger chriftian profeffon^ are ex p -fed to through a prevailing^, indifference of mind. For wherf a lethargic Itupefac- tion hath gained' the afcendancy, reli- gion in notion, and fruiilefs fpeculati- on, fatisfy a mind fo depraved A re- novation of heart, without which none can be truly religious, hath not been fought after. Pleafed with the iliell or form only, fuch have not been fenfible they wanted the fubllance. When the fubtil adverfary finds men in this kind of ilecp or ftupcfaclion, it is The preface. is then his opportunity for fowing the tares amongft th^e wheat: by fuch means the field of the chriftian church became in procefs of time covered therewith. That which came neareft to my heart, and moft earneftly en- gaged my attention to^vards the pre- fent undertaking (not without ardent delires for the lafting advantage of chrilHans of all denominations) was, that the c'efcendants of a people, who a little above a century ago were very marveiloufJy brought, out of, and re- deemed from, all lifelefs fhadov^s, and empty forms of religion, to enjoy and be grounded in the blelTed power and life thereof, might be preferved truly fenfible of the way and means where- by our v/orthy predeceifors obtained a firm eftablifhment in the truth, as it is in Chrift Jcfus: for it is evident, where the means are neglected, the end cau- not be attained. That many of thefe defcendants in this day of outward peace and plenty, inclining to falfe liberty and eafe, do * ' ihun The preface. fliun the crofs of Chrift, which would crucify them to the world, is a mourn- ful truth, too obvious to be denied. Ill confideration hereof, I found a concern to throw a few obfervations before them, as near as I could, fuited to the prefent ftate of things; endea*^ vouring, in fome degree^ to offer to the view of the prefent and fucceed- ing generations, by what means our worthy predeceflbrs became fuch ii liv- ing honourable body of people; that the necelTity may fully appear of the fame bleffed power operating upon their minds, in order to qualify all, that they may rightly fucceed thofe valiants in maintaining the caufe of Gcd. The objection which caft fome dif- couragemenc in my way, may alfo oc- cur to fome readers, viz. that the fub- jccts treated of in this fmall tra6l have been divers times heretofore judicioufly wrote upon by different authors. This is no more than may be faid of mofl other religious fubjects as well as thefe* pivine wifdom and goodnefs hath feen The Preface. feen meet to revive the fame truths, by different inftruments, from genera- tion to generation; the Lord's fervants Ipeaking the fame thing, as with One mouth.' Herein God's gracious con- defcenfion to human frailty is very con- fpicuous and wonderful^ by caufing thofe excellent truths, fo eflential to be received that man's foul may be fav- ed, to be frequently revived and incul- cated, feeing he is fo liable to forget God, and his reafonable duty to him. Having no defire to enlarge, 1 iliall only add my earneft prayer to the God and Father of all fure mercies, that this mite of fimple experimental truths, which I have caft into the treafury, may meet the ferious reader, of what- ever denomination, with the divine bleHlng in it! If that graciouUy attend, though what is here offered may be juftly accounted as the barley-loaves, the hungry foul may receive fomc ftrength and refreflimcnt thereby. 3Cth 8th Mo. 1764. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Containing tender Advice, Caution and CouNr SEL to Parents and Children. Page i CHAPTER II. Containing fome Brief Obfervations concerning the Nature and Necessity of the New JBiRTH. P^gG 2.3 CHAPTER III. Relating to the Nature of True Worship j with fome Remarks upon the State of our So- ciety as in early Times and now. Page 43 CHAPTER IV. Containing Short Remarks upon the True and the False Ministry. Page 6^ CHAPTER V. Containing Brief Obfervations upon the Nature -and Usefulness of Christian Discipline. Page 83 i:^ / /; \ '■ 5 'Jo \M -E V.-. BRIEF REMARKS UPON Sundry Important Subjects. «=g j — — r'' I — ' - ' ' I'S ' ■ " .!L'. U f CHAPTER L Containing tender Advice, Caution and CouNf SEL to Parents and Children* FI R S T to parents. Very much depends upon a right education of children* I therefore find it in my mind to make a few obfervations thereon, as it fhall pleafe the Lord to open my underftanding ; with- out whofe afliftance, and blefling upon our labours, they prove altogether fruitlefs. The children of Ifrael were ftrid:ly en- joined to make the training up their children in the law of God their conftant care; viz. *' Hear, O Ifrael, the Lord our God is one *' Lord; and thou fhalt love the Lord thy ** God with all thine heart, and with all thy B ^' foul Advice y Caution^ and Couv/el (I (( foul, and with all thy might. And thefe words which I command thee this day> fliali be in thine heart, and thou flialt teach them diligently unto thy children, and flialt t^lk of them when thou fitted in thine houfe, and when thou walkeft by " the way, and when thou lieft down, and ** when thdii rife ft up.^" Exceeding great is the truft repofed in pa- rents and heads of families. It certainly lies upon them an indifpenfable duty, as much as they can, both by precept and ex- ample, to form the tender minds of their offspring to virtue, as faith the apoflle, '' And ye fathers, provoke not your children " to wrath: but bring them up in the nur- ** ture and admonition of the Lord.f" And, *' Traiu up a child in the way he Ihould go: •' and when he is old, he v^^ill not depart ''fromit.t." • Parents mufl lirft be well acquainted with the way of truth, and the nurture and ad- monition of the Lord themielves, before they can train np their children therein. That v/hich is likely tu have the greatefl in- fluence upon their tender minds, is a fteady circumfpedl example, in a felf-denying con- duct before them; which will beget re- verence, and honourable thoughts in chil- dren, and fervants too, concerning thofe whom Providence hath placed over them. Great care ihould dwell upon the minds of * Deut. vi. 4, 5, 6, 7. t Ep^» vi, 4. % ^^ov, xxH. 6. to Parents and Children, 3 of parents, to make it fully evident to their children that they are much more defirous they fhould poffefs an heavenly than an earthly inheritance ; that they are more con- cerned their fouls may be adorned with the graces of the Holy Spirit, than that their bodies fhould appear finely decked with out- ward ornaments. Children will be very likely to value that which they fee is preferred by their parents, w^hether it be the things of the world, or religion. If this be really the cafe, which I think will be allowed by confiderate perfons, O then ! how much depends upon them for the promotion of truth and righteoufnefs on the earth, both in regard to the prefent time, and generations to come. This yet more fully appears by the Lord's tellimony con- cerning Abraham. *' And the Lord faid, ^' Shall I hide from Abraham that thing '^ which I do? feeing that Abraham fliall '' furely become a great and mighty nation, *' and all the nations of the earth fliall be *' bleffed in him. For I know him, that he *' will command his children, and his houf- *' hold after him, and they fhall keep the way of the Lord, to do juftice and judg- ment; that the Lord may bring vipda Abraham that which he hath fpoken of him.*" In chap. xvii. ver. 18. his godly concern appears earneft, even for the child of the bond-woman; viz. " And Abraham '' faid * Gen. xviii. 17, 18, 19; (( (C 4. Advice, Caution, and Counfel *' faid unto God, Oh! that Ilhmael might *' live before thee." Which petition was anfwered. Conftant and warm endeavours, wqth fe~ cret cries to God that his bleffing may attend them, may prov^ efFedlual to the prefervati^ on of children. This fliould begin very early, even as foon as they are capable to diftinguifli what pleafes, or what difpleafes their parents. A felf-willed perverfe difpo- iition may foon be difcovered in children (more efpecially in fome) which is very ear- neft to have its own way, before they can judge what is beft for themfelves. This fhould conftantly be fubjedled to thofe that are to judge for them. They fhould never be fuftered to prevail by an untoward fretful temper, not even when what they crave is fui table for them to receive, were they in a fubmiilive difpofition ; that they may clear- ly fee (which they foon will) it is more to their benefit and comfort to yield an entire jTubjedlion to their providers, and that no- thing is to be got by a fretful felf-willed temper. This fhould be done by a conftant fleady hand, and it will make the v/ork of parents abundantly eafier in the government of their children, and may prove a great eafe to thofe concerned with them, perhaps through the whole courfe of their lives; fince by crufhing their perverfenefs in the iirft buddings, it may fo die away, as never saoje to gain the pre-eminence. Tl js would be to Parents and Children, ^ be S wonderful bleffing, and they would owe their watchful parents more for fup- preffing that, and other pernicious buds in them, than for a large patrimony or out- ward inheritance. Indeed every thing of an evil nature fliould be kept down in them by fuch careful fteady means. Oh ! what a fine hopeful generation of youths fliould we have, were parents in general to exercile this prudent care in all things ! I verily believe, inftead of fober virtuous youth being as fpeckled birds amongft others, the rebel- lious, difobedient, and fro ward would be fo; and this would bring judgment over them. A confcientious difcharge of this great duty would bring an ample reward to fuch parents, as have no greater joy than to fee their children walking in the truth : and if they fliould prove unfuccefsful, as it fome- times hath happened, they will be clear of their childrens blood in God's fight, which is a very great thing; fo that though the rebellion and evil condu(5l of their offspring may be their forrow, it will not be their fin. I have fometimes been much grieved, when I have feen youth in the way of being ruined by the very imprudent indulgence of their parents, efpecially mothers ; making themfelves and others mere flaves to the perverfe humours of their children ; taking abundance of pains to extinguifli the flame ^f their untoward tempers, by fuch means as 6 AdvicCj Caution^ and Cowtfel as add fewel to the fire; inverting the order of nature, by becoming fubjeCL to thofe who fliOLild fubmit to them, by anfwering their unreafonable cravings; making them- felves more work (and that too of a very difagreeable nature) to educate one, than, were they to follow the method before hint- ed, it would require to educate a number, and in the end not fo well done neither. Parents, wjio are fo very imprudent, have lefs reafon to reflect upon their children for being felf-willed, and not fubjecl to them when they grow up: feeing they themfelves have cheriflied, fed, and fupported that temper in them from their cradles ; where- by, unlefs religion lays deep hold of them, and changes the flate of their minds, they are unfitted to be a comfort either to them- felves or others ; not being formed for good fervants, hufbands, wives, or members of fociety. Alas! when I take a view of the world, and refledl how it wallows in abundance of wickednefs and corruption, which mankind pofTefs in a kind of fucceffion from parents to children, like outward inheritances; I have no words fufEcient to fet forth to the full fo deplorable a cafe. How forrowful it is to obferve even children, by the power of example, become as grown men in wicked- nefs and hardnefs of heart ! Cuftom and ge- neral pradlice hath, as it were, changed the nature of fome grofs evils, fo that there ap- ; , : pears to Parents and Children. 7 pears very little remorfe in the almoft con- llant praclice of them. Many children are brought up, like their parents, much ftrangers to their duty both to God and man. This almoft univerfal infeclion of evil, forgetfulnefs of God, and of many or moft relative duties, by a conftantly wal- lowing in the pollutions of this world, are very alarming, and call loudly for a refor- mation, left the Lord break forth in judgment vipon the nations, as the breach of waters. It is indeed a painful taflv for godly parents, amidft to general a depravity, to educate their children withou" receiving fome tinc- ture from this pollution, which runs down like a ftrong torrent. The fafeft way is, with great ftridnefs to keep them out of fuch company; though an inconveniency may attend that in fome outward refpecls. But oh ! the fouls are the moft precious part of them, which parents, above all other confiderations, ought to be concerned to preferve untainted with the defilements "5f this world. There is no better rule to proceed and acl by in this important talk, than the Spirit of truth, promifed to lead us into all truth. If we mind this, we fliall not indulge our children in any individual thing which thar. teftifies againft in ourfelves. We fliall be far from pleading, that becaufe they are young, fome greater liberties may be allow- ed them in drefs orotherwifej but as they are 8 Advice^ Caution^ and Cownfel are a part of ourfelves, the fame divine law fliould be a {landing rule for the whole. I have taken notice, that divers parents, who, as to their outward appearance, feem to have learned, in degree, the leiFon of humility and felf-denial, however as far as could be difcovered by their drefs and ad- drefs, vet feem to have no aveirlion to their children's making a different appearance; nay, fome will even introduce them into it themfelves whilft very young ; by which it is plain they have a pride in feeing them fo, and cannot help (notwithftanding their out- ward fliew) difcovering great unfoundnefs, and that they themfelves are not what they would pafs for. I fincerely wifli that pa- rents, who are apt to indulge wrong liber- ties in their children, by fufiering them to deviate from that pure fimplicity and felf- denial Truth led our anceftors, and ftill leads thofe who follow it into, would confi- der, in the firft place, the injury their chil- dren fuftain thereby, by being placed in a difficult and dangerous lituation with re- fpedl to temptations, which may be prefent- ed to them by the children of the land, or of the world: for doubtlefs the more like them they appear, the more free and inti- mate will fuch make themfelves with them, that they may be drawn out into undue liberties; whereas, did they make an ap- pearance quite confiflent with their plain felf-deuying profeffion, that fort would be more to Parents and Ghildrtn. 9 more backward to attempt an accels to them. Ihere is no doubt with me, but this has opened a way for many under our profeffion to ruin themfelves, by going out in mar- riage; and their parents have been, by their imprudent indulgence, the original caufe thereof. For fuffering them to be fo much like the world, and fo little like what Truth leads into, they are put out of the way of the beft connexions in marriage amongft us, viz. the mod religious ; as fuch dare not feek to, nor join with, thofe who give way to undue liberties : I mean fuch as Trutlx doth not allow us, as people who ought in all things to hold up a true ftandard to the nations, to continue in. Here inconfiderate tender youth, through their aptnefs to. crave the glittering gaiety of x\\t world, and their much more imprudent parents indulging them therein, are, as it were, prepared for ruin, unlefs divine mercy interpofe; and are alfo removed out of the way . of the greateft bleffing that can be enjoyed in the things of this life; viz. a truly religious hufband or wife. Some parents have been pierced through with much forrow by fuch means, and have had gretlt caufe to repent when it was too late, and there hath been reafon to fear that the blood of their children would be requir- ed at their hands. Oh! how diihonourably have feme leaned to unfuitable connexions C far 10 Advice, Catitmiy and Counfel for their children, when there hath been a large outward profiieil ! It is to be feared divers parents have looked at little elie. This hath fometimes appeared to have been the cafe, by the llight put upon the offers of thofe, who have wanted nothing to re- commend them but wealth; the want of which, in the eye of fuch, has proved fo offenfive, that they feem to have been re- ceded on that account. This is very wrong, and oug;ht never to have entrance amongft ariy profciilng the Chriftian name; " Itov '' the earth is the Lord^, and the fulnefs '' thereof.*" ' Some perhaps may think I am very clofe and itxtTQ upon parents ; that it is not al- ways their fault when children take undue liberties; (which I have already granted) that they^are frequently very felf- willed and tmgovernable. This is indeed faying fome- thinp-, when children become their own rulers by age, or other wife, and have to cloath and prcvide for themfelves; but I think it has little weight whiilf their parents provide for them, who have not only power to advife and perfviade, but alfo to com- mand and reftrain. They certainly may and ought to be abfolute, in cafes where ihe ' teftimony of truth is in danger of "^fuffcring. It * Thcfe hints are not intended to encourage any to afpire after great things ; but that alJ fliould, with a fingle eye, ear- neftlj feek for divine counfel, both in making and accepting offers ior marriage. lo' Parents and Chilch m. 1 1 It is very obfervable, that Eli was greatly blamed, becauie he, having power, did not reftrain his wicked fons ; though it plainly appears he much difapproved of their prac- tices, and expoilulated with them on that account, and laid before them the pernicious confequences of their evil conduct. Oh! how very afFedling it is, to confider the fear- ful calamities which came upon that houfe; and alfo upon Krael, probably in fome mea- fure on the fame account. The negle6l and imprudent indulgence of parents in the training up their children, is alfo a painful lofs to the ibciety, as the con- fequence thereof tends greatly to obllruifl the progrefs of truth, by (landing in the way of feinous inquirers as ftvmibling- blocks ; when it is feen by fuch, that the fame undue liberties they are called out of, are indulged amongft us, they are offended^ Oh! that parents, children, and all who are unfaithful, and who eafily fuffer the important branches of our Chrifcian tefti- mony to fall (as indeed they would all ap- pear, if they were ktw in a true light) would deeply confider the mournful confe- quence thereof, by retarding the progrefs of truth, and grievoufly eclipfing the beauty of Sion! Then I greatly h^ope a more lively zeal and holy ardour would prevail, and that the carelefs fons and daughters thereof would arife, and fhake themfelves from the dull of the earth, putting on the beautiful garment 12 Advice^ Caution^ and Couvfcl garment of holinefs and truth, that flie might become more and more a praile in the earth. Having offered a few remarks concerning the important duty of parents, it now i e- mains to do the fame refp^dling the indif- penfible duty of children to honour and obey their parents in the Lord^ which is ftrongly enjoined in the holy fcriptures, and, in the nature of things, of lafting and indifpenfa- ble obligation. The command is, ^' Honour thy father ^' and thy mother, that thy days may be •' long upon the Land which the Lord " thy God giveth thee.*" Read Matt. xv. 4. Mark vii. 10. Luke xvlii. 20. Eph. vi. 2, 3. In that which is confident with the law of God, no children can {land acquitted before the fupreme Judge, for diibbeying or difhonouring their parents. This obedi- ence and honour not only extend to the yielding to what they enjoin or diredl, but alfo to the prefervation of a reverent awe, and honourable efteem in the heart, arifing from a bottom of love, which would on all juft occafions cheriih and proteft them. It is a fm of a deep dye to difregard and flight parents, as appears by Dcut. xxvii. 16. ^' Curled be he that fetteth light by his fa- ** thcr or his mother;" and Prov. xxx. 17, ^^ The eye that mocketh at Iiis father, and ^* dcfpifeth ■n Exod. XX. 12., ft? Parents and Children. 13 ** d/?fpifeth to obey his mother, the ravens *' of the valley ihali pick it out, and the '' young eagles iliall eat it." Chap, xxiii. 22. " Hearken unto thy father, and defpife " not thy mother when llie is old." Chap, x^viii. 24. '^ Whofo robbeth his father or " his mother, and faith. It is no tranfgref- *' fion, the fame is the companion of a '' deftroyer." On the other hand, very memorable was the kind and watchful Providence which at- tended fuch as feared the Lord, and thofe who loved, honoured, and obeyed their parents; as Jacob, Jofeph, Ruth, Samuel, and David; alfo the Rechabites. Read the account concerning them, Jer. xxxv. Re- fpecling fuch as lived in the fear of the Lord, let me recommend the cafe of Daniel, * and the three children, who, becaufe of their faithfulnefs to God, were preferved unhurt, when by their adverfaries expofed' to the greateft torment and danger. It would far exceed the bounds of my intention to particularize all thofe excellent patterns and examples we are favoured with the account of, which are wonderfully adapted to inilrucfl, encourage, and improve the youth, as well as others. There are aifo, for caution and warning, examples and very affeding inflances of fearful judg- ments and dreadful calamities, which fell \i|3on the rebeUious and gainfayers. May tlie * Pin. iii> 14 Advice^ Caution^ and Coiirtjel the tender minds of youth, by reading thefe things, (as recorded in the holy icriptures and other good book^) be deeply imprelTed with proper lentiments concerning good and evil, and the very different rewards of vir- tue and vice, both in this world, and in the world to come. It is a very commendable, as well as a very profitable thing, to be converfant in thofe facred writings. Remember what Paul faid of his beloved fon Timothy, viz. *' From a child thou haft known the holy fcriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto falvation, through faith which is in Chrift Jefus. All fcripture given by infpiration of God, is profitable for doc- trioie, for reproof, for corredion, for in- ftru6lion in righteoufnefs ; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly fur- niflied unto all good works.*" But let the youth and all duly confider, that the profiting by the facred writings entirely de- pends upon the holy living powerful faith of Chrift, which worketh by love, purify- ing the heart; and whereby we come to fee him who is invifible, and confequently to underftand the precious myfteries of his kingdom, as far as is proper and neceffary for us to know them, which is all that is lawful for us to defire. There are many Other good dnd profitable books, but none in * 2 Tim. iii. i^y 16, 17. to Parents and Children. 1 5 in which is contained fuch a ftore of rich treailire, and fublime heavenly myfleries, wonderfully wrapped np, and entirely con- cealed from earthly wifdom ^d carnal poli- cy. For none can know the things of God without 'the affiilance of his Spirit," as ap- pears by I Cor. ii. 10. to 15. and in many other places too tedious to enumerate. Great hath been the concern of the church in its largeft collective body; as appears by frequent and very preiTnig affec- tionate advice, caution, and counfel to the youth, to read the holy fcriptures, and other profitable books, carefully to refrain from all fuch which may have the leaft ten- dency to alienate their minds from the holy fear of God, and a fober virtuous courfe of life, or which are barely for amufement, being unprofitable; whereas time is very precious, fhort, and uncertain; therefore it fliould be carefully improved to the foul's everlafting advantage. Moreover, that the youth do yield ftridl and careful obedience to -the Divine Monitor within, to parents, and all thoie who have the rule over them without, carefully to fhun the vain impro- fitable amufements, as well as the corrupt converfation of the world : earneftly admo** nifliing all, to avoid every thing in their drefs and addrefs, which might have the leaft tendency to render them fuitable for an intercourfe, league, or amity wdth the children of the laad \ or of a depraved de- generate 1 6 Advice^ Caution^ and Goiinjel generate world, that wallows in pollution and great defilements, left they ilionld be drawn afide, as Dinah was,* by goirg out to fee the daughters of the land ; and as the children of lirael were, by their woeful in- timacfy" "with the daughters of Moab and Midian.f Read the whole chapter; not forgetting the dreadful fall of Solomon, the wifeft king, who, by contracting intimacy with thofe that were ftrangers to God, and his holy covenant, came to have his heart drawn away from the living and true God, who had appeared to him in Gibeon; and fo greatly debafed himfelf, as to bow down to their paltry dumb idols. Time would fail to recapitulate one half of the mournful iiiftances recorded in the holy fcriptures, and other authentic accounts, concerning the hurtful confequences of God's people mixing and joining with the nations. It is their fafety to be feparate, and to dw^eli alone.}. Our youth have been alfo highly favoured with a living powerful miniftry, which hath often reached the V/itnefs of God in their hearts. What a wonderful favour ils this! when we confider that the greateft part af Chriftendom, almoft ever fince the apoftles days, have deprived themfelves thereof, by fubflituting human wildom and learning in its place; fo that the panting thirfly ioul could * Gen. xxxlv. z. t Numb. xxv. :j: Numb, xxiii. 9. ta Parents and Children. iy could meet with little from their minifters, but the muddy naufeous waters pf Babylon to drink; neither could they dire(5i to the paftures of Chrift's flo'ck; but counfel was darkened by a multitude of words without knowledge, and the commandments of God made void by the precepts, inventions, and injuh(flions of men. What a blefled time is your lot caft in, even when evangelical Light and Truth hath difcovered itfelf in perfedl purity! Oh! that our youth would confider and deeply ponder in their hearts, that notwithftanding the great and earneft labours many ways bellowed in godly love and zeal for the whole fociety's prefervation in the way of truth and rightebufnefs, yet very forrowful and obvious hath been the declenfion in pradlice of many amongfl us* A mournful inundation of undue liberties has flowed in ; many have made grievous advances in thofe corrupt perilhing plea- fures, and trifling amufements, which our truly pious predeceflbrs Wholly denied, and turned their backs vipon, and have left us large and lively teftimonies, by way of warning and caution, carefully to avoid being entangled with fuch yokes of bon- dage. All thefe things have prevailed for want of abiding in the fear of God, and duly confidering that he is ever prefent, be- holding all our words and adlions, be they ever fo much concealed from the view of mortals: vet he knows them altogether. D When 1 8 Advice J CautioHy and Counfet When the mind is fufFered to turn to hi^^ pure Witnefs in the heart, we find reproof, corre(5tion, and judgment, for giving way to wrong things : and as the youth abide in fubjedlion thereunto, they will be afraid to tranlgrefs its pure law in the mind ; which they will find agree exadlly with the pre- cepts and injunctions recorded in holy writ, refpedling their duty to God, to their pa- rents, and all mankind. The reafon why many, who fee their du- ty, fail in the performance, is their depart- ing from the perfect law of liberty, and of the Spirit of life in their minds. They may be informed concerning their duty by outward means and law : but the ability is only to be found arifing from the inward law, agreeable to Rom. viii. 2. *' For the *' law of the Spirit of life in Chrift Jefus *' hath made me free from the law of lin *' and death." In obedience and hvimble fubjeclion to this holy law, youth would eiijoy that pure peace, heavenly ferenity, and fweet confolation of foul, which infinitely lurpafleth all the treafures and pleafures of the earth ; and would have a well-grounded hope of a happy eternity. It is the adver*- fary that leads to that obduracy and felf- willed rebellious ftate of mind, to be ob- ferved in fome of the youth, who, by their vincontroulable difpofitions, adminifler great forrow and anxiety to their parents and friends, being pufted up with vain conceits in their unexperienced minds, that they are more to Parents and Children, 1 9 more capable of judging for themfdves, than thofe of greater experience are for them; by reafon whereof too many, it is to be feared, have ruflied on to the ruin qf body and foul. Very great is the danger when the young and unexperienced are proud and opinionated. This naturally raifes above inftrudlion, put'- ting them out of the way of being truly profitable, either to themfelves or others. Such, tinlefs their hearts are mercifully turned by a fupernatural power, are never likely to be fit for governing families, or to a(fl as members in thca church of God. Seeing, unkfs their unmortified wills and tempers are fubmitted to (however unreafon- able) they will break the peace of fociety, and violate the w^holefome order thereof^ being hke the unfubjeded bulls of Bafham When any afTume the outward form of religion, and take upon tihem to be ailive members, without a change of heart, they prove a painful burden to living members-; neither can fuch make fuitable help-mates as hufbands or wives ; nor can they in that ftate rightly fill up the honourable ftations of parents, matters and miftrefles, friends, neighbours, or tradefmen. I do therefore, in much affection, and defire for the wel- fare of tender youth, caution and w^arn them carefully to avoid the company and converfation of fuch, though under the fame profeffion; who difregard their parents. ^o Advice^ CmitioUj mid Conn/el and thofe who have the rule over them; who flight or fpeak contempts oufly of thcijr betters, fuch as minifters and elders, &c^ or of the Chriftian advices frequently given forth by the yearly and other meetings, or of the wholefome difcipline eftablifhed amongft us as a people in the wifdom of truth : do not join fuch in marriage, how- ever great the outward profpedl may appear ; for tender religious minds cannot be happy with fuch in that connexion. And as thp fear of the Lord is the beginning of wifdom, and that which makes and keeps the heart clean, learn it in tender age ; by it you will he taught to remember your Ci^eator in tlie days of your youth, and, agreeable to the injuncflion of our bleffed Lord, to feek firft the kingdom of God, and his righteoufnefs^ and all things neceffary here will be add^d. Divine wifdom, as it is regarded, will di- re<5l your fleps in the courfe of this iliort pilgrimage, in the choice of proper help- mates, and all other affairs of confequence. The fame watchful Providence will be over you in care, guidance, and proteiSion, if you look to it, which attended thofe who lived in his fear, as you may read in the holy fcriptures. It greatly behoves you to look diligently ^o the foot-fteps of ChrifVs companions, who walked with him through many tribu- lations, having waflied their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Be t^o Parents and Children. i2*x Be truly contented with that low, humble, lelf-dejiying way which yeu fee they walked in; you can iiev^r mend ii. If you feek more liberty than that allows of, it will oiaJy bring upon you darknefs, pain., and vexati- on of fpirit. Take noti<:e of trieads writ- ings in early tii^nes, and for, a conCderable number* of years, how wonderfully tli^ power and love of God was with theiii and how marvclloully tl-tey were prate6lGd' amidft the raging foaming waves of eartiily powers, combined to lay wafte the heritag-e. What encouraging and excellent accounts had they to leave upon record fpx us, con^ cerning th^ mighty powerful overfhadow-- ing of the canopy of heavenly love and lift in their religious aflemblies^ and of the glo- ry of God fhining forth amt)ngft theml This, through the mercy of God, is not departed ; though there bav.e been fome re- moves thereof. % '^ Dearly beloved youth : Lay to heart the great flacknefs of zeal which appears in too many; the dimnefs, flatnefs, and the pain- ful gloomiaefs, which fpreads itfelf over our aflemblies in this our day, hard to break through, many times depriving us of the heavenly places in Chrift jefus our Lord! It is not of Him we are in this condition, but it certainly is our own fault, becaufe ^rong things are fuffered to prevail. Oh! that our youth may be ftirred up in a godly zeal to cry out fervently with the prophet Eliiha, %1 Advice y Caution^ and Counfel Eliflia, " Where is the Lord God of Eli- *' jah?*" And to be as vigilant as he in ardent endeavours to be endi.ied with the fame Spirit, to fucceed thofe honourable worthiesT who are removed from works tq receive a blefled reward. Confider the bu- finefs of your ^ day is to come up in a faith- ful fucceflion, maintaining the caufe ^nA. teftimony of God, left with you by your anceftors, or thofe who ar& removed as -above. \ Stand faft therefore in the liberty pvuxhafed fqr you by great fufFerings, and fhedding of innbcent blood; be afraid to trample thereon ; which all certainly do, who turn away from the trutj^ as it was received, held forth, and maintained hy them. May it be very precigftis in your eyes from generation to generation, until time fliall be no more ! Thofe who other- wife efteem it, turning their backs there- upon, violating the bieiled teftimony thereof in its feveral branches, will (unlefs they repent) be wholly reje(5led and caft ofj^_a$ being unwotthy of fo great an honour, as that of holding forth a ftandard of truth and righteoufnefs to the nations ; and others will be called and chofen for that great and glorious work: yea, the Lord is able to raife up of thofe who may be compared to the ftones, and to make them Abraham'is <:hildren, by doing his works j while thoft, who * Z Kings ii. 14. to Parents and Children, 23 who might have been the children of the kingdom, may by difobedience provoke him to exclude them. I fhall conclude this affe(5tionate addrefa to our youth with the words of Chrift, by his faithful fervant John, to the church in Philadelphia, *^ Behold I come quickly;. " hold that faft which thou haft, that no " man take thy crown. Him that over- " Cometh, will I make a pillar in the tem- *' pie of my God, and he ftiall go no *' more out; and 1 will write upon him *' the name of my God, and the name of *' the city of my God, which is Ne^iu " Jerufalem^ which cometh down out of heaven from my God : and I will write upon him my new name.*" iC CHAPTER II. Containing fome brief Obfervations con- cerning the Nature and Necessity of the New Birth. TH E ftanding dodlrine preached by our Lord Jefus Chrift to Nicodemus, of the neceffity of being born again, John iii. 3 — 8. and what is delivered by John the Baptifc concerning the baptifm of Chrift with Rer. iii. xi, la. 1^4 Oh the Nature and Nccejfiiy with the H0I7 Ghofl and fire,* being the" fame ia fubftance, which is alfo fet forth by the prophet Malachi, tinder the Hvely mc-^ taphors of a refiner s fire^ a purifier of Jtl'ver^ sind fuller s foap^^ with many other pafTages of like import in holy writ, although of the utmoft confeqnence to be rightly underftood, weightily confidcred, and deeply pondered by all, is by the generality much overlook- ed, and amazingly neglected. That which alone can lay a fure foundation for happi- nefs, both in time and eternity, is hardly thought of by many with defire, or even with any degree of lerioufnefs ; unlefs it be to iliun and evade the force of that power^ which thereby would feparate them from their beloved lufls and fleflily gratifications. In order to efFeft this, many and exceeding- ly abfurd have been the conje(5lu.res and dreams of a great part of mankind ; but all to fhun the crofs ; that corrupt felf, with all its feeming rich treafure and adorning, might be faved. This felf, in many, has been more fond of a religious kind of orna- ment and treafure, than thofe of any other fort; towards whom the fubtile transformer hath not been Vv'anting plentifully to furniih all thofe minds who have a religious turn. Antichrift, as an eminent f author obferves, can bring forth in his church a likenefs or imitation of every thing that is to be found in * Matt. iii. 10, : i, i:. f Mai. Hi. \, 2, 3, 4. \ 1, Fenington. «c of thd Neiv Birth, 25 la Hon. O then ! how greatly it behoves mankhKl to prefs after a certainty ; fince no- thing can poffibh/ center the foul in a more deplorable ftate, than a miftake of this kind. • But fome are apt to doubt whether fuch a thing as aa infallible evidence of our adoption is attainable here ; though fo fully aflerted in the holy fcriptures. This is not to be wondered at, with refpecl to thofe who are in the natural, unrenewed (late; feeing the natural man, according to Paul's doc- trine, *' underftandeth not the things of the Spirit of God, neither indeed can he know them, becaufe they are fpiritually *^ difcerned.^" But I am perfliaded none,j who have really experienced the new birth,' remain doubtful or fcrupulous concerning this important truth. It Teems to me alto- gether unreafon:ible to fuppofe Infinite' Goodnefs, who knows the fallibility and great weaknefs of his creature man, fliould leave any, v/hofe liearts are fully devoted to yield obedience to his will, in a ftate liable to miftake the fame, or in any v/ife ignorant of his divine approbation, upon a careful difcharge of their duty to him. This holy evidence in faithful fouls is indeed the white ftone, and in it a new name written^ which none know fave tlioie who receive it ; being an afTurancc that their names are written in- E heavea^ ^ I Cor. ii; 14, 26 On the Nature and NeceJ/lty heaven : from whence arifes a joy, which^s unfpeakable and full of glory. . * A fenfe of the wrath of God againft evil, doth often make deep impreflions upon the minds of many ; fo that they in painful re-- morfe are ready to cry out for mercy and forgivenefs of their fins. And feeing this fenfibility upon the mind of man, that he hath difplealed his Creator, neither doth nor can proceed from any thiiig in man, but the pure witnefs of God placed there; fo it is quite reafonable to conclude, that this di- vine Witnefs, upon our faithfully difcharg- ing the duty we owe to God, according to its difcoveries, will imprefs our minds with a fweet fenfe of divine approbation, agreea- \)\t to Rdm. viii. i6. " The Spirit itfelf *' beareth witnefs with our fpirit, that we " are the children of God." With many other paffages in holy writ of like import. When any are really difpofed to be reli- gious, great care iliould be taken in their .firll: fetting out. Many have been marred upon the wheel, for want of patience to en- dure proper tempering; endeavouring to be formed into veffels, before they have paiSed through the necefTary operation. This has been for want of thoroughly knowing them- felves. For every thing that appertains to the creaturely will, and forwardnefs of de- .fire to choofe and adl for itfelf, mufl die up- on the crofs ; therefore there mull be a re- maining as a chaos without form and void, to of the New Birth, 27 to endure all forts of florms and tempefts, until the efFedlive Word laith, Let there be light! making by his own power a perfec5t feparation between the light and darknefs in the little world, (viz. man) as lie did in the great world. Until this is really experienc- ed, man is not in a condition to be placed upon the wheel, to be formed into a vefTel of honour. But there muft be a time for drying, and enduring the furnace. Thefe wonderful operations, which I have, in an allegorical way, only juft touch- ed upon, muft neceflarily make very deep and lafting impreffions upon all, who have been fo happy as fo far to experience the nature of that regeneration, without which none can fee the kingdom of God. When any are come thus far, there will be no occafion to make ufe of dreams and uncertain con- jectures in forming a judgment concerning their adoption. That divine birth which is raifed in them, naturally cries, Abba, Fa- ther ! leaving them no room to doubt, when he is pleafed to appear (which they are taught to wait in the patience for) of their having paffed from death unto life ; or being tranflated from under the power of darknefs into the kingdom of the Lord Jefus Chrift ; which confifteth in righteoufnefs, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft. The great danger of man's being deceived lies in the myfterious workings of Satan, who has a ftrong hold in thofe, who, uport 28 On the Nature and Kecejftty their firft awakening by the call of Chrifl^ have not fjiffered his power fo far to prevail, as to make them willing to part with all for his fake. There is fomething exceedingly reluctant in the ftrong fpirit and will of man, to the falling into nothingnefs of felf, and be w^holly given up to be guided and upheld by another. This in part arifes from the excellency of his frame, and nobility of his' underftanding, who finds himfelf in naturals capable of efFe6ting great things, and knows not, till his eyes are opened and enlightened from above, but that he is equally capable of comprehending what re- lates to him concerning the world to come. Inftead therefore of wholly ceafing from his pwn will, and relying altogether upon the gvudance of the Holy Spirit, he is very apt to be a6live, and imagines God will be pleafr ed vv^ith his diligence, in the performance of what he apprehends to be religious duties ; fuch as praying, fmging, preaching, or eagerly feeking to join oihcrs in thofe per- formances; often telling his experiences, and hearing thofe of others. Whereas it would be abundantly more pleafing to the Almighty, and profitable to himfelf, to lay his mouth ^n the dull, filently to conunune w^ith his ovv^n heart, and be flill, until it Ihall ])]eafe the Lord to fend forth his light and his truth, that the poor ]:ielplefs crea^ turc may move and ad; in a religious fenfe, Yfith an underftanding informed thereby: feeing: of the New Birth, 29 feeing every thing that is done in religion and worfhip, widiout the fenfible guidance of the Holy Spirit, is will-worlhip and idolatry : for if the Spirit of Chrifl doth not move and aduate us in religious perfor- mances, we are liable to the influences of the fpirit of antichrift. Yet fome perhaps, by way of excufe for their not being influenced by the Spirit of Truth in their religion, are ready to call it enthufiafm and prefumption in thofe who afiert the neceffity thereof, feeming to imagine there is no fuch thing in our time to be relied upon ; yet they will readily own it was fo in the apoftles days. But they can give no good reafon why the fame divine power and efficacy fliould forfake the true church; fince mankind have equal ntt^ thereof, and the nature of God's difpenfa- tion is now the fame as it w^as then. Common prudence teacheth us to examine ftrid:ly into the clearnefs and vahdity of our titles to earthly eftates, that we may be fully fatisfied we are not deceived or impofed up- on by falfe glofles and fpecious pretences. Shall we be lefs folicitous about that which is of infinitely greater moment; viz. our title to an everlafting inheritance? Man fhould be very jealovis over his own heart, which is apt to be partial towards itfelf, and, through the transformation of Satan, to footh and flatter him into an apprehenfiotji that. he is in the way to everlafting happi- nefsj 30 On the Nature and NeceJJity nefs, when in reality it is quite otherwife., But, alas ! his criterion to form a judgment of himfelf by, may be the fame as that of the Pharifee, who went up to the temple to pray, or rather to recapitulate his own fup- pofed excellencies. He perhaps meafures himfelf by himfelf, or by comparing his principles and conducft in life with thofe of others ; whereas nothing fliould be received as a ftandard in this very important cafe, but the ftamp of divine approbation upon the heart; agreeable to Rom. viii. 14, 15, 16. *^ For as many as are led by the Spirit *' of God, they are the fons of God. For ** ye have not received the fpirit of bondage ** again to fear; but ye have received the ^^ fpirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Ab- *' ba, , Father, The Spirit itfelf beareth ** witnefs with our fpirit, that we are the " children of God." Having offered a few hints, by way of caution, in order that all into whofe hands this fliall come may examine themfelves without partiality, left they fall inadvertent- ly into an irretrievable miftake refpedling the eternal Salvation of their own Souls, I fliall now endeavour to fet forth, from mine own Experience, a little of the Nature of that New Birth, without which none can fee the Kingdom of God; confequently are no true Members of his Church, which is his Kingdom, and frequently called Hea- ven, and the Kingdom of Heaven, in the holy of the Neiv Birth. 5 1 holy Scriptures. It cannot therefore be fup- pofed, that a perfon wholly unregenerate can be properly quaUfied for the performance of any religious duty, or even the leaft fer- vice in that kingdom, which he doth not fo much as fee. I have, by experience from my childhood, found two fpirits or feeds ftriving in me for maftery or rule: I have difcovered them to be irreconcileable enemies one to the other ; and that I could not ferve them both at the fame time. I had an underflanding given me, whereby I knew one of thofe feeds was a meafure of the All-powerful Inexhauftible Source of Goodnefs; and the other, which had indeed in a manner leavened the whole, lump, was of a wicked and diabolical na- ture. By means of this corrupt leaven, I had a ftrong bias to evil of many kinds; neverthelefs, I often found the good ftriking at the evil, as an ax laid to the root thereof, agreeable to Matt. iii. 10. in order to deftroy that which deprived the Heir of all things of his inheritance. I was long in a kind of fufpence, unrefolved which to join with; yet faw all depended upon my determinati- on, and that I had full power of ciioice. On the one hand, when the awakening vifi- tations of God's Spirit were upon me, it appeared very dreadful to provoke an Om- nipotent Being, of unmerited kindnefs and mercy, to caft my foul into everlafting per- dition. On the other hand, efpeci^lly when thole 3 '2 On the Is ci hire and Necejfity thofe blefFed impreflions were fbmewhat worn off, it was next to death itfelf to yield up all nry fenllial gratifications, and to ex-' pofe my lei f to the fcorn and contempt of the world. However, in procefs of time^ the Lord in gracious condefcenfion broke in upon my foul, by his judgments mixed with mercy, in fuch a powerful manner, as that I was made willing to yield up there- unto, come life or death. For indeed I looked for nothing elfe at that time, but really expecfted my frail body would fink down under the weight of that unfpeakable diftrefs which was upon me, and that my finful fovil muft be centered in a ftate of everlafting mifery. Now the cry was, with Saul, afterwards Paul, with trembling and aftoniihmcnt, '^ Lord! what wilt thou have ** me to do?*" There was no holding back, or fecret referve then,' but whatever was called for was given up with all readinefs : this being all I could then do. As to per- forming religious duties, I had them all to learn, though I had been trained vip from my infancy in a jfl:ri6l religious way by god- ly parents. But the very beft outward helps, and the moft confiftent fet of religious prin- ciples, only profeffed, cannot at all enrich the foul with heavenly grace. By carefully inquiring as above, I fbon clearly perceived my bufinefs was to watch and pray continually; to commune with mine * Aas ix. 6. of the Neiv Birtb. 3^ mine own heart, or the Witnefs of God therein, that I might receive frelh inftrudli- pn and help as I had need. Self-denial, and taking up the crofs daily, was to be my conftant employ; in the doing whereof I had much inward peace and comfort, and a well-grounded hope that I fliould thereby find, in the Lord's time, the body of fin fo weakened, as that the yoke of Chrift would become eafy, and his burden light* In order to a happy progrefs in the life of religion, the great thing is, by abiding ia the Divine Light, to preferve a clear and diftinguilhing fenfibility between the fleftx and the Spirit. There is no doing this with- out great care and Heady attention of mind upon the Divine Gift. If the eye goes from this, it is blinded by the darknefs ; then the man is liable to be milled by a counterfeit fight, and various refemblances, which Sa- tan will caft in his way for guidance and inftrudlion, perfuading him all is well and right. To be fo milled, and therein efta- blifhed, is a truly deplorable ftatej it being very unlikely fuch fhould ever be perfuaded to believe they are miftaken, as they often deride whatever appears doubtful concern- ing their religion and worfiiip. This was evidently the cafe with a fet of profeflbrs of uncommon outward fan6lity and puncflual exadlnefs in the exteriors of their religion, in the time of our Saviour's perfbnal appear- ance upon earth; notwiihftanding which, F thefe ;^4 On the Natufe and Neceffity thefe very people appeared to be the moil inveterate enemies he had amongft mankind. Seeing therefore frail mortals are liable ta illch dangerous miftakes, how exceedingly circmiifpecfl and watchful ought all to be! and what frequent and ftricl fcrutinies ought they to make into the ftate of their own hearts! which can be known no Qther^ wife by any, but as the Lord is pleafed to fend forth his heart-fearching light. This is a high favour, which none receive but thofe who are turned from the darknefs, and are fervently concerned to put away all the;^ works thereof. Very grofs is the deception of thole, who imagine the w^ork of their converfion to be an inftantaneous work. This can be nothing elfe but a delufion of Satan, to fettle people at reft in a ftate of felf-fecurity as foon as he can. Oh! what a length of time it takes, to work out that re- bellious, ftiff-necked, backfliding nature, which was born in Egypt, before the new generation is raifed up, that is fit to enter the promifed land! From what is before hinted, it may be underftood^ that the Good Seed, or Heaven- ly Principle, arifing into afcendency in us over the evil feed or principle, and leavening the three mcafures of meal into its own na- ture, is eflentially a being born again, or with water and the Spirit, or being baptized with the Holy Ghoft and fire ; or man's en- during the operation of the refiner's fire, fuller's of the New B'aS. 35- fulier's foap, ^nd being purified as filver; all which metaphors fignify to us, in a very inftrudtive manner, the different operations of the Holy Spirit; which is to the willing foul fometimes as water, to wafh and bathe in, and alfo to drink of freely; at other times as a refiner'§ fire, to purge away the filth ^nd drofs, that man may be as pure . gold, prepared to receive the image and fu- perfcription of the King of Heaven; that lb, where-ever he goes, or whatever he doth, all who have their eyes opened may fee whofe fubje£l he is. It is. very obfervable, that the prophet Malachi, ' when he had elegantly fet forth the nature of the new birth, breaks out iu the fourth verfe of the third chapter on this wife: '' Then fliall the offerings of Judah ^' and Jerufalem be pleafant unto the Lord, ^' as in the days of old, and aj? in former ♦^ years;" which clearly implies man s un- acceptable ftate with his Maker in any reli- gious performances, until he hath pi-eviouily .known the cleanfing and refining operations before-mentioned. What then will become of tliofe who have intruded thenifelves into religious fervices, and ^mongft his. faithful followers, not having on the wedding-gar- ment! who would pafs for his people, yet cannot find, by exapciining the ftate of their minds refpeding religion, that they have trod the path of regeneration, nor paffed through the many and various pangs of thq WW birtt, ' Whcu ^6 On the Watiire and Necefftty When man hath, through the powerful prevalence of the Divine Principle, obtained vidlory in a good degree over evil, his foul abounds with evidence and tokens of his happy attainments, through the Lord Jefus Chrift; to whom with tl-ie Father, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, praife, adoration, and thankfgiving, are offered up as incenfe with acceptance; he enjoys an abundant flow of heavenly love, to thofe efpecially of the fame lineage, begotten of the fame Everlafting Father, agreeable to 1 John iii. 14. '' We know that we have *' pafl^bd from death unto life, becaufe we •' Ipve the brethren/* It is then become as his meat and drink to do the wall of God ; ' he looks with indifference upon worldly en- ' joyment, when compared with religion and the weighty concerns thereof; his body, foul, and outward fubfl:ance are oflTered up to the Great Giver; being given up to fpend and to be fpent for the promotion of truth, according to the degree of its requirings ; careful that all he doth may tend to God's glory. Thefe particulars, and much more than I can fet forth, ye done from the mature refult of a well-informed underftanding and found judgment, which cannot fail of pro- ducing great peace and heavenly folace, whereby he is mightily encouraged to per- severe. Oh! that mankind would but come clear- ly to fee the neceffity of beginning in the Spirit, of the New Blrflj. 37 Spirit, and walking therein, agreeable to the advice and praiflice of the primitive Chriftians! then they would not fulfil the lufts of the flefli. The fpirit that luftetlj to envy, and feeks vengeance, would be {lain. Here outward wars and fightings would ceafe of courfe ; the caufe being taken away^ the effed: would be no nnore. A felfiih covetous fpirit, which feeks undue advan- tage to the injury of others, would be purg- ed out. Here we fhould have power to love our neighbours as ourfelves, and to do unto all as we would be done unto, were we in- their fituation. All thefe, and many more good fruits, would fpring up naturally from the new creation in Chrift Jefus our Lord. But thofe who have not the ground-work in themfelves, and lack the virtues of the Holy Spirit, which are fet forth in the fcriptures of truth, are blind, and cannot fee that it is poflible to attain thofe exalted Chriftian vir- tues now as it was in the apoflles days : and therefore imaginations, dreams, and con- jedlures abound amongft outfide Chriftians (who are numerous) concerning the way and means of obtaining that falvation which come.s only by being born fi'om above. Some fay, Lo ! here is Chrift \ Others iky, Lo! he is there! but ftill evade the crois. If that did not flick in the way, they would furely embrace the right thing, as it is fo fully fet forth and defcribed in the holy fcriptures. The 38 07t the Nature and Neaiffity The teftimonies thereof have enforced, however, an affent to the truth of the doc*- •trine of the new birth, both in Papifts and Proteftants. But alas! their apprehenfions <:oncerning i£s nature are exceedingly obfcure ;and carnal, making the fprinkling of in- fants with a little water (which they call baptifm) efTential thereunto ; nay, the man- ner of their exprefling themfelvea on this fubje^, in the confeffion of their faith to the world, feems in my apprehenfion to make that ceremony all, or the chief that is intended by being born from above ; or that the operations of the Spirit for that end are infallibly conne6led to the operation of wa- ter. Papifts fay, *' We muft believe that ** Jefus Chrift has inftituted in his church feven facraments, or myfterious figns and inftrumental caufes of divine grace in the foul: baptifm, by way of a new birth, by which we are made children of God, *' and wafhed from fin: confirmation, by *' which we receive the Holy Ghoft by the ** impofition of the hands of the fucceflbrs *' of the apoftles, &c.*'' The Proteftant Church of England faith, in confefllng their faith to the world, " In my baptifm (they *' mean fprinkling infants) wherein 1 was *' made a member of Chrift, the child of *' God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of *' heaven." After an infant is fprinkled, the prieft fays, " Seeing now, diparly belov- * Popifli Manual of Spiritual Exercifes, page 4. of the New Birth. 3^ ** ed brethren, that this child is by baptifm *' regenerate and grafted into the body of " Chrift's church, let vis give thanks, &c/* And again, " We yield thee mofl hearty **' thanks, moft merciful Father, that ic *' hath pleafed thee to regenerate this infant *' with thy Holy Spirit, to receive him for " thy own child by adoption, and to incor- " porate him into thy holy church, &c.*" From thefe evafions it appears man hates death to felf, and had rather look any way than that which is likely to ftrip him of all his beloved treafure; though if he was not very blind and ignorant concerning his true intereft, he would eafily fee that his fuppof-* ed lofs would make way for his greateft gain* However, this unhappy reludance in man to the true way, has put him upon ftrain- ing his invention, to find an eafiet way to the kingdom of felicity, of becoming heir of two kingdoms; of ferving God and mammon, though we are aflured that is impoffible. Many would fain imagine, that man may be faved merely by the imputation of Chrift's righteoufnefs ; which, if it were true, would be a mighty palatable dodrine to a mviltitude of felf-lovers. ^ Some, who do not fall in with this opinion, but believe they muft repent, and that th'ey ovight to experience the evil purged out by the fpirir of judgment and burning, do yet put off this great work, refting with a kind of hope tha^ * Catechifm and Public Baptifm, 40 ' On the Nature and NeCefftty that they Ihall be fitted for everlafting hap- pinefs thereby fome time before they gd hence; and build much upon the great mer- cy and long-fuffering of the Almighty, catching eagerly at the fudden converfion of Paul, and of the thief upon the crofs. Oh 1 how exceeding inconfiderate are fuch delays ! A faying of Chryfoftom is worthy to be noted, viz. " God promifes mercy to peni- *' tent finners, but he doth not promifc *' them, that they fhall have fo much time *' as to-morrow for their repentance!" Others there be, who imagine converfion is effedled in an inftant; and in order that their deception may be effectual, the falfe prophet caufes fire to come down as from heaven in their fight ; he chat is prince in the airy re- gion> raiies vehement heats and agitations upon their palTions. This they call the workings of the Spirit upon them for their converfion ; immediately after which a kind of heaven is formed, wherein they take their tefl with a leeming fecurity, erroneoufly fuppofing their calling and eleclion are made iurcj and that they can never fall from fav-- ing grace, which they doubt not of having in their poireffion. Oh! how dangerous is iiich a fecurity! Much more might be written concerning the many falfe rells and vifionary heavens which poor mortals, through the liibtlety of Satan, and their own inattention, are de- luded to repofe themfelves in 5 which might all of the New Birth. 41 all be happily prevented, were they to enter into the iheepfold by Chrift, the door and way to the everlafting kingdom, which is opened and prepared for the foul to travel in, by his inward appearance, as before noted. He will certainly count all thieves and rob- bers, who come into his church any other way. What abundance of robbery is found in thee O Chriftendom ! . what ftealing the name of Chrift, and the experience of God's people formerly, to live upon, and alfo to feed one another with 1 Oh, what multitudes there are of unwholefome barren paftors, and poor, lean, ftarved flocks, amongft moft or all focieties of Chriftian profeffors ! Their poor low condition, as to religion, induces them to put forth theit- hands and fteal. Can the God of juftice and truth de- light in robbery for burnt-offerings? No; fuch facrifices are an abomination to him. His regenerate ones, though often tried with great poverty of fpirit, dare not fteal; knowing nothing will find acceptance with the Source of Infinite Goodnefs, but that which is of his own immediate begetting. He will fmell a fweet favour from that, al- though it be but a figh or a groan ; which may be compared with the acceptable offer- ing of the poor under the law, of a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons; and with the widow's two mites caft into the treafury, G 4^^ On the Nature and Necejfity treafuiy, taken notice of by our Lord/^ Thofe poor humble dependant ones, who are made perfectly honeft by the juft and upright principle prevailing in them, and waiting the Lord's time, may be, and often are furnilhed with larger offerings, and do greatly increafe with the increafe of God. To conclude this head, I fliall thus funi up the matter, viz. that man's great bufi- nefs, upon his firft awakening out of the ileep or ftupefa6lion of fin, is paffively to yield himfelf into the hands of his faithful Creator, that he may be pleafed to work in and upon him, to will and to do of his own good pleafure. His foul muft, with the ut- moft care, endeavour to abide in that which enables incefTantly to pray, '' Thy kingdom *' come, and thy will be done on earth, as " it is done in heaven." This bent of heart, through the grace of God, is a fufficient guard or defence againft all the fubtle at- tempts of Satan to begviile and deceive, and nothing elfe. The moft crafty devices of the adverfary can never prevail to pluck fuch an one out of the Almighty's hands ; and by abiding therein, he is created anew in Chrift Jefus unto good works, having fpirit- ual fenfes given, that he may continually exercife them in difcerning between good and evil. His heart being made pure in a good degree by the fprinkling of the mod precious blood of Chrift, his conftant care is, * Mark xii. 42 ta th« end. of the Neiv Birth, 43 is, through Divine affiftance, to preferve it fo, that he may be pleafed to tabernacle with him, on whom help is laid; who is made of God, to fuch paffive upright fouls, their wifdom, righteoufnefs, fandtification, and redemption. They receive from him thole qualifications, which enable them to co- work with the Spirit, and perfecftly to un- derftand the proper bufinefs of their day, both in the world as ftrangers and pilgrims, and in :he church of Chrift, as living mem- bers thereof. CHAPTER III. Relating to the Nature of True Wor- ship; with fome Remarks on the State of our fociety, both as in early Times, and now. TH E nature of acceptable worfliip is fet forth by our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, in a manner wonderfully adapted to the fubjed;; viz. that it is to be performed in Sprit and in Truth.^ The reafon is given, Becaufe God is a Spirit ;" and therefore, they that worfhip him, muft worfliip him in Spirit and in Truth. f" Not in the ceremonial, fhadowy, and typical wor- iliip of the Jews ; (tho' becaufe of weaknefs • it f Joha iv. 23.— t Verfe 24^^. (( i4 44 On the Nature of True WorJJvip. it was difpenfed to them, until a better hope, and more excellent woi fliip was brought in ; whereby man has a nearer accefs to the Divinity, and a better knowledge of himfelf : here fuch a brightnefs of heavenly glory ap- pears, as caufeth all figns, figures, and types, to vanifli away) but in the truth and real fubftance of all that was typified and prefigured by the ceremonial law of Mofes, the righteoufnefs of that law being fulfilled in thofe who walk and worlliip in the Spirits The foul mud bow in perfect fincerity, humble proflration, and a deep inward fenfe of its own frailty, want, and unworthinefs; being at the fame time deeply impreffed with a lively fenfe of the Lord's adorable great- nefs and goodnefs; from which fenfibility renewed upon the mind, by Him alone who is the fole objedl of worlhip, thankfgiving and praifes afcend, for the multitude of his mercies received, and reverent prayer, either mental or vocal (according as the mind feels itfelf influenced or directed by the Holy Anointing) for the continuance of his gra- cious prefervation in the way of righteouf- nefs; agreeable to Eph. vi. i8. " Praying " always v/ith all fupplication in the Spirit, ^' and watching thereunto with all perfeve- *^ ranee, and fupplication for all faints." It is clearly to be uuderftood, by what our Lord faid to the woman of Samaria be- fore-mentioned, that acceptable worfhip is pot to be confined to any particular place, mode. On the Nature of True Worjhip. 45 mode, form, or ceremony whatfoever; which was a deceptiou mankind had too generally fallen into, and greatly wanted to be drawn from,, being then, as well as now, too apt to reft fatisfied with exterior per- formances ; which altho' fome of them once were to the Jews in oondefcenfion difpenfed, yet not even then fubftituted in the place of fpiritual worfhip, nor at all acceptable with- out the bowing of the foul as above. But now our Lord fliews the outward was to be laid afide, and not to continue in his glori- ous fpiritual difpenfation any longer ; a dangerous fnare for man to pleafe himfelf with and reft in. But it could hardly be expedled that fo much, or fo great a mafs of outward obfervations could be caft off all at once; yet in the apoftles days the church was wonderfully (for the time) brought out of them, as appears by thofe few things laid upon the Gentiles.* But alas ! the Chriftian church (fo called) inftead of leav- ing all, and becoming purely fpiritual, gradually decayed as to life and power, and increafed in ceremonies and outward obfer- vations, until :Qie became as full of them as ever the Jewifh church was. Then flie got full pofFellion of the outward court, having nothing to enjoy but her own inventions, and to glory in Babylon, which fhe had built inftead of Sion, until her meafure Ihould * Aas XV. 46 On the Nature of True Worjhip, fhould be filled up, and her determined overthrow was to take place. Paul faith to the Philippians, *' For we *' are the circumcifion which worfhip God ** in Spirit, and rejoice in Chrift Jefus, and *' have no confidence in the flefh.*" What circumcifion is here intended, appears from Rom. ii. 28, 29. Col. ii. 11. That the ge- nerality of Chriftian profeflTors, of every denomination, have lamentably deviated from this kind of worfhip, requires not much penetration to difcover. And tho' the great Author of the Chriflian religion hath fo fully exprefTed his will and pleafiire in this mofh important point, yet many will not be fatisfied without a kind of worfliip that the man's part can be adlive in ; that hath fomething in it capable to amufe the outward fenfes : they would yet worfhip the Moft High with human abilities, or the work of men's hands; and by an unjuflifia- ble veneration, which fome endeavour to keep up for old mafs houfes, and other places of worfhip, calling them churches, houfes of God, holy places, &c. they feem to maintain a dodlrine contrary to the tefti- mony of that holy martyr Stephen ; " How- " beit the Moft High dwelleth not in tem- *' pies made with hands, as faith the pro- *' phet;t" and that of the great apoftle of the Gentiles: " God that made the world, *' and all things therein, feeing that he is *' Lord * Chap. iii. 3. t Aas vli. 48. On the Nature of True Worjlnp. 47 ' Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not ' in temples made with hands; neither is ' worlhipped with men's hands, as tho' he ' needed any thing, feeing he giveth to all ' life, and breath, and all things.*" Moft Proteftants, tho' they have caft off much of the Romifh fuperftition, ftill retain fome outward ceremonies and obfervations very unfuitable to the fpirituality of the gof- pel difpenfation, for which they have no divine authority, nor any colour of warrant, but what is patched up from the example of fome in the primitive church; which being then juft arifing out of a load of ceremonies, could not be wholly weaned from every thing of that kind at once; and therefore feveral of thefe things were for a time con- defcended unto; it being, tho' a very glori- ous beginning, but the morning of the gof- pel-day, and infancy of the Chriftian church, Ihe wonderfully abounded with heavenly power, in order to make her way in the world. Yet, by the rifing higher and high- er of the Sun of Righteoufnefs, who rules the everlafting day of God's falvation, fhe was to put on all her beautiful garments ; to make herfelf quite ready for the bride- groom, and, by a gradual increafe of clear difcoveries, was to grow into maturity of wifdom, and ripenefs of judgment. Our Lord clearly intimates the great danger of tacking any thing of the old ceremonial dif- penfation * A^s xvii, 24, 2%^ .48 On the Nature of True Worjhip. penfadon to the new gofpel difpenfatlon ;* iliewing they would by no means agree, or fafely fubfift together. This the experi- ence of many generations can fully declare. Oh! what rents, fchifms, and tearing of the pure undefiled religion of Chriit to pieces, have there been by means of retain- ing fome patches of the old garment! Yet there hath been a godly travail, and an ardent labour preferved, even through the darkeft ages of fuperftition and idolatry, by the true church, tho' hidden from carnal eyes, as in a wildernefs, that ihe might caft off this heavy eclipfing mafs of outward obfervations : there were many rifings up, through the divine power, againft it, efpe- cially the groiTeft part thereof ; but the moft extraordinary, as to its confiftency with the unmixed purity of the gofpel, was about the middle of the laft century. Then evan- gelical light and truth appeared, without the blendings of ceremonies and outward obfervations. When the Lord, by his over- ruling power, had eredled this bleflfed (land- ard of fimple truth, and pure righteoufnefs, many thoufands flocked to it, and fpoke the language, in a confiderable decree, fet forth ^y way of inquiry. Cant. vi. 10. *' Who is ^' flie! that looketh forth as the morning, " fair as the moon, clear as the fun, and ** terrible as an army with banners ?" Ter- rible indeed they were to the man of fin, the * Matt. ix. 16, 17. On the Nature of True Worjhip, 49 the fon of perdition, and were mighty in- ftruments in the Lord's hand to reveal him. A great annoyance they were to the mer- chants of Babylon, and thofe who enriched themfelves by the fuperftitious wares there- of; which, through the wicchciraft and en- chantments of the great whore and her daughters, mankind were deluded to buy o£ them; tho' now the wicked craft is much more feen in all its transformations, than it was at their firft riling. They endured a great fight of afHi(5lion; but through all, they with patient but un- daunted firmnefs maintained their ground, and were made vi(ftorious through fuffer- ings, as the Captain of their falvation was/ The everlafting gofpel was preached by thenx in great demonftration of the Spirit, and with power ; in fum and fubilance as it was to be preached after the apoftafy: " Fear God, and give g'ory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worfhip him that made heaven and earth, and the fea, and the founcains of water.*" This was indeed coming to the fubftance, after men had wearied themfelves with abundance of toil in vain, catching nothing, but vanity and vexation of fpirit. If any would receive this gofpel, thus preached ac- cording to the true intent and meaning thereof, there was no room to evade the H crofs •' Rev, xlv, 7.