IIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEN: 'NARy BV3790 .B746 Brengle. Samuel Logan, I860- 1936. The soul-winner's secret THE SOUL-AA^INNER'S SECRET. BY LIEUT.-COL. S. L. BRENGLE, AUTHOR OF "HELPS TO HOLINESS," "HEART-TALKS ON HOLINBSS,** AND " THE WAY OF HOLINESS.'* NEW YORK : THE SALVATION ARMY PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUS^ 122 WEST 14th street. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. PREFACE V I. THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE SOUL-WINNER . . 1 II. OREDIENCE 10 III. PRAYER 18 IV. ZEAL 27 V. SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP . . 35 VL REDEEMING THE TIME ... 46 VII. THE STUDIES OF THE SOUL- WINNER ... 56 VIII. HEALTH 67 IX. THE RENEWING OF POWER . . 82 X. AN UNDIVIDED HEART ... 91 XI. FINANCE 99 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. XII. SAVING TRUTH .... 107 Xni. KEEPING THE FLOCK . . . 117 XIV. THE SOUL - WHINNER AND THE CHILDREN . . . 132 XV. THE SOUL- winner's COMMISSION TO THE CHILDREN . , 142 XVI. DEAL GENTLY .... 148 xviL "so spake'' 155 XVIII. IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF BIBLE STUDY . . . 164 XIX. KING David's use of his bible . 177 PREFACE. Like Lieut-Colonel Brengle's other books, this new volume from his facile pen is intensely practical. It is a natural sequel to his previous parlor talks on holiness. It v^ill be especially welcome to Salvation Army officers and soldiers, who have been taught to regard soul-winning as the main business of their lives. To them the standard here raised will rot seem too high, while they will VI PREFACE. gratefully welcome the faithful warnings that point out the dangers that beset a soul-winner's pathway. The volume is, as usual, rich in Bible lore. Chapter and verse in grand pro- fusion are brought forward in support of every proposition. The testimonies of fore-front warriors of the Cross are also welded in with the main line of argument in a way which cannot help but fasten the truth upon the mind. Many who have hitherto neglected this branch of duty, and have suffered in their own souls as a consequence, will surely be inspired by these pages to rise up and make a new start. There is not a piece of advice in the whole PREFACE. VII book, from cover to cover, that v^ill even tempt the weakest saint to despair, no fancied heights which will appear to be beyond his reach. Certainly none can read the book without getting a fresh impetus to do and dare for God and souls, and none who carry out these instructions can fail to become in the highest, noblest and most lasting sense, successful soul- winners. */ ^tcyt^AJiXeuur' fiQ