f J Store. *g. -iah St. X ^-v ^Aj,^ //-^/f ^^ t-' ^^'/'/), PRINCETON, N. J. fJtr, % Presented by Mr. Samuel Agnew of Philadelphia, Pa. Division Section Niiviber SCxl. SPIRITUAL VOICE T O T H E CHRISTIAN CHURCH, AND TO THE JEWS; In an EXPLANATION of the SABBATICAL YEAR of MOSES By the GospE^ of JESUS CHRIST: IN WHICH The approaching MILLENNIUM is fupported, and the DIFFERENT DURATIONS of future Punlfhments are provedand confirmed by the two Revelations of GOD, It Jhall be the Princes Part to gi S--' ^ - -> ^ \;. PEIHOETOn ^^ .REC, NOV Lev. XXV. ^^jgQLQQIQ.,1^ iS/Jv Tears thou fialt fow thy Field, and Jix Years thou jhalt prune thy Vineyard, and gather in the Fruits thereof : but in the fe- 'uenth Tear Jhall be a Sabbath of Reji unto the Land, a Sabbath to Jehovah : thou Jhalt neither fow thy Field, nor prune thy Vine^ yard. I. 'P^'H^ N treating on the Subjed of the Sab- ^ T ^ hatical Tear^ all the Circiimflances muft ^ ^ be confidered, which charaderized it ^]t^r^ under the Law, that Dilpeniation of Shadows and Figures. II. The Spiritual Import of the feventh Year muft be opened and explained by the Go/pel, which is the Body and Antitype of that whole QE- conomy. 1. The peculiar Circumftanccs and Privileges of this Year confifted in prohibiting to fow the Ground, whence it was termed the Sabbath of the Land^ Lev. xxv. 6. 2. Creditors were bound to releafe their Debts : from which Obligation it obtained the Name of the Lord's Releafe, Deut. xv. 2. B 3'Sy [2] g. By this Inftitiitlon every Seventh Year became San5lified, that is, Set apart from the other, in which no Man could claim any private Right, orexclufivs Propriety in the BlelTings of it. Lev. xxv. 6. 4. The Increafe of this Year was open and com- mon to the Beads and Cattle, which were in the Land, Lev. xxv. 7. 5. The Sabbath extended the Prohibition evea to the pruning the Vineyard or Oliveyard, Lev. xxv. 4. Exod. xxiii. 10. 6. None, but Ifraelites^ or Profelytes of Righte- cufnefs^ were intitled to the Releafe from Debts : Strangers and Profelytes of the Gate., who worship- ped in the outer Court of the Gentiles^ were ftill under Obligation, Beut. xv. 3. 7. At the End of this Year, on the Feaft of ^ahcryiacles., the Law of Mofes was to be read be- fore the Commonwealth of Ijrael., Beut. xxxi. jo, II, 12, 13. 8. Upon every feventh Year, all Hebrew Ser- vants were to be difcharged from their Bondage, Exod. xxi. 2. Beut. xv. 12. Thefe are the principal Circumflances, which diftinguiilied this Year under the Law : The fpi- ritual Signification of every Part muft be fearche4 out, and explained by the Gofpel. I . Now as the Law was a public Record and Me- mo7ial fet up in one Nation chofen among other Purpofes by divine Wifdom, to preferve the Evi- dence of great Forfeitures, which one common Head^ Root., or fountain-Spint of a whole intelledlual Creation had incurred : So did it contain and ex- hibit the bleffed Promife of a Reiloration to thofe exceeding great and weighty BlefTings. loil in him. Hence [ 3 1 Hence the feveral Branches of the legal CF.cono- my appear defigned to prefigure the moft impor- tant Truths, which are to be brouglit to Light by the promifed Seed^ in tiieir proper Imes^ i Tim. ii. 6. Tit. i. 3. 2. Our blefled Lord affures his Church, that * not one lota^ or Tittle of the Lazv fliall fail, till iill h^ fulfilled: By which Expreflions we may under- ftand an unchangeable Promife of a noble and glorious Completion to every diftind Part of that complex 'Difpenfiation^ which contains fo miany Myfle- ries, that is, fecret Councils of God hid in a man- ner in Types and Figures \ and which, when the Seals thereof are opened one after another, un- fold the Riches of Chrift and the Lo've of God paffmg Knowledge, 3. No abfolute Neceflity appears, that the Mef- fiah with his Family of the twelve Apoftles^ the Pro- phets of his Kingdom, ihould explain every Part of the Mofaic Syfte77t \ but as the Key of this Inter- pretation was given by the Builder of the new Temple^ and by Paul., Peter., and JoJm., his chief Servants., who fpeak in no other Terms fcarcely, than in the Phrales and Idioms of the Law and the daily., the continual Service of the Temple^ it was the Duty of all Teachers under the Gofpel, to covet fpiritual Gifts of \ Prophefying., that is, as the Apoftle means, to open the Shadows of MofeSy and explain the old 2indnew Covenant from each other. Upon thefe Principles I fliall endeavour fo far as the Gift of my Light leads me, to point out the twofold Defign., which divine Wifdom feenis to have had in view by appointing the Sabbatical Year, a fubordinate one in the temporary Covenant to the B^2 Seed * Matt. V. 18. t I Cor. xiv. 5. 31. Rom. xii. 6. I 4] Seed of Abraham according to the Flejh ; the other for his tiniverfal Seed of the Spirit^ as he is the Fa- ther in Type of many Nations^ who were to be the Children of a like Faith and Obedience ; and to receive the Blefling in that one Seedy even Chrifiy * of Vv^hom Ifaac was a Figure, and in whom all the Nations and Families of the Earth were to be blcfTed. Gen. xxii. i8. and xxviii. 14. I. Let us confider the firft Circumftance, that is, the Prohibition of Sowing the Field, by which tliis Year afforded a Rejl to the Land. Lev. xxv. 6. J fhall pafs by the Queftion, at what time the Jews began the iirfl Sabbatical Year, whether it happened after feven Years taken up in the Redu6lion, and fix or feven Years more in the Diflribution of the Land of Canaan. This Queflion f will come more properly under view, when the Year of Jubilee iliall be difcufled. Divine Wifdom then inflituted a Sabbath at the End oi fix Bays, and a Sabbath at the End of fits Tears : they both pointed out the bleffed State of the whole Creation on the firft Sabbath of God re- corded in Gen. i. 31. and looked forward to the Reftoration of it, as part of that glorious Work, which the promifed Seed, the one. only begotten and beloved Son of- XV % ^^ Abraham with Sarah fhut up in his Name by inferting the Letter, n He, v/as to eftcd : for he is to deftroy all the IVorks of the Dm/, all the great Evils, mo7'al and natural-, all the Sin and Mifery, w-hich by his Seduflion of Adam in his Eze, had been introduced into the whole Creation. B3th Sabbaths carried on fubordinate Ends dur- ing the Period of the typical CEconoir y, which prc- Cnl. ill. 6. t Meyer de Temp. Sac. ct full, diebt ileb. tup. 17. t gen. i-j. ^^ [ 5] promoted the temporal Good and Happinefs of the Ifraelites, who were the Subjects of that neocracy : and they bear a Figure^ an Earneft and Pledge of more univerfal and durable BlefTings for the great Family of the other Nations^ which Ipring from one ^ree^ one Seed of Sin^ and death in Adam^ and fhall be reftored in xht falnefs of ti7nes^ in one "Tree^ one glorious Seed of Righteoufnefs and Life^ Jefiis Cbrijly who is the true Ifaac of Aleim^ that fliall make all to rejoice in his Birth out of the Godhead^ and in his Birth into the Flejh of this World, the outer Court, even cur Flejh of Deaths which mufl again be efpoufed and manied unto the fpiritual Worlds, from which two holy Sanctuaries it is now divided and divorced. For the Powers of that fuperior Creation called by the Jews Aziluth., or Emana- tion^ are come down in the Head of it, who is the one Heir of the everlajling Abraham : he has taken hold of this lower Creation, this AJia^ the World of Klippo thy the hard Bark, into which Matter is funk by Separation from the Fire^ Lights and Spirit^ three in Uriiony the Heavens. All thefe he will car- ry back as the Spoil and Triumph of liis Love, in- to the Glory of his own Nature^ and into the King- dom of the Father^ which St. John defcribes in its highefl Purification, * as the Sea of Chryjlal mingled with Fire. The 70 Nations, for whom -f- Chrijl tafied Deaths are typilied by the 70 Souls from the Loins of Jacob. Exod i. 5. by the 70 Elders called up to the Mount. Exod 24. i. to whom the Spirit was given. Numb. II. 24, 25. and by the 70 Bullocks in the Feafl of Tabernacles. Numb. 29. 13. 7'he Reafons, which Maimonides afllgns for the B 3 Tear * Rev, XV. 3. t Heb. II. 9. [ 6] 2''ear of Rej'f, arc cited by Meyer In Ch. 17. ' de ra- tione Schemitt^ feu Anno Sabbatico. Thefe Pre- cepts, fays this Jewifh Author, were given partly from CompafTion towards Men in general, and their Relief, as appears from Exod. 23. 11. and Lev. 25. 6, 7. partly, for the good in particular of Servants and of the Poor, and partly for the con- tinual Prefervadon of Suflenance and Food for Men. Abarhejiel in his Comment on Lev. 25. rejedls the Reafon, that the Earth might be more fruitful by refiing^ and indeed how did it reft, when God gave the BlefTing of three Years on the fixth Year, which (if Phliofophy v/as concerned in it) muft ex- hauft it more ? and indeed we have good Reafon to believe, that the fpontaneous Productions were very abundant on the feventh Year. Could this great Rabbi, as the Jews proudly ftile their v/ife and excellent Men, fee nothing further on this Subject ? Could this Mcfes^ who to a Proverb is reckoned fecond to Mofes their Lawgiver^ imagine the gracious Defigns of God to be of fo con- tracted and tranfitory a Nature ? The Sabbatical Year is thought by Abarlenel to have been appointed, that the Memory of the firft Sabbath of God, and of the Creation of the World might be prefervcd in oppofition to the Eternity of it, which fome Philofophers maintained. A like Reafon is given by R. Levis in Lamy Lib. 7. de Tcmplo HyeroG, p. 1282. This however is mere Conjecture, for the Sabbath of Days was defigned for this End, as it is exprefly mentioned in Exod. 20. II. Almighty God afligns no particular Rea- fon for th.e feventh Year, as he does in the fourth Commandment for the feventh Day. From this gilence the Jewiih Writers are driven to different and rihd contrary Opinions, as no Men fight more on oppofite Sides, than the Rabbies. AstheL^w h figurative in all its Parts, it mufl be impoflible for the Remnant of Ifraelj v/ho have rejefted the Gofpel, to explain their own Types and Figures, which could not have their final Com- pletion under Mofes^ unlefs the Mejfiah was only to be equal to Mofes^ who was a Son of Adam un- der the Death of his own LaWy as much as an jEgyptian^ a Moahite or an Edomite ; and unlefs the Bleflings of that holy One^ who was the * Befire of all Nations^ were only to be of that Nature, v/hich were injoyed by that fmall Nation, who died from their Houfes and the Land of Corn, Wine and Oil, jufl like their Ox or Afs, and in almofl as fhort a time of inheriting the good Things thereof We muft therefore look out for Benefits yqxj ex- alted and glorious indeed, which are to fulfill the Antitype of the fabbatical Year, under the beloved Son of Gody who is as the royal Prophet fpeaks, Aleim of Aleini^ Pfalm xlv. 6, 7. and whole Seed fhis real Children born from him) and whofc Throne (his Kingdom for his heavenly Race and proper Offspring) is to endure for ever and ever. Pfalm Ixxxix. 29. 2^. In the feventh Year the Reft for the Earth, Vine- yard, and Oliveyard, kept in view a fnadov/y Ile- lemblance of the firil Heg,vens^ and Earthy in their primeval Generatio'n^ Gen. i. i. and 2. 4. before the great Sin of Adam. This typical Sabbath plainly fhew^ed, that the Lord or Head of that Hate of Nature called Eden and of the Garden Eaftwardy (a ^rone of phyfical Powers fuperior to Eden) was not placed there to drefs and keep the Trees and Flowers in order, as a kind of innocent Recreation fit to preferve his Body in Health and B 4 Strength. Hag. li. 7, Strength. This is dear enough, fince in thofe Parts ofthtLaw^ which preferved the Promifeof aRefto- ration, and kept the Records of the feveralBlelTings loft, we find this imaginary Employment of Jdam banifhed from the Figures of the Reftitution of all Things. As contraries beft illuftrate each other, God was pleafed to forbid every kind of Labour about the Field, and Trees yielding Seed : In which Command the fame Truth is caft before our Eyes, that Adam in that Sabbath * created in the Image and Likenefs of the Aleim^ both in his Spirit o( Lives , and in his Spiritual Bod)\ 'Tent or Houfe of Aleim^ had no more to do with manual Labour, than die Light and Wind have, in their going forth, and working in their united Power, Strength, and dif- fufive Energies. His Dominion refembled the Power of the Aleim over the limited Extent of his Garden, or Nature in Glory : he was the full Image of the Deity in the inner and outer Spirit ; cloathed with the Uriin and 'Thummim^ the Glories of the double Cherubim^ heavenly Male and Female in One •, ruhng and moving in the power and ma- jefty of Fire^ Lights Spirit and Water^ which the Prophets as well as Mofes are always fetting before our View. The Light and Wind of this outer Court are the beft Images left us, to give us any Idea of Add/r's Dominion, as the Son of God, and in the Kingdom of his Father^ however Men, whofe Eyes are dim by the fall of their Forefather, re- prefent his Power in a fuperior Wifdom to tam.e the Beafts, and to make them his Servants in ploughing the Earth, in drawing and carrying his Burdens. Tliis Pi6lure of Adam\ primitive State, even fo great a Writer as Epifcopius gives in his Gen. i. 26. [9] his Chapter on the Image of God in Man, what then muft be expected from the Schools of Calvi- niftical Interpretation, which by adhering fo dole to the Letter^ kill the Spirit of the Law and tlie Gofpel? We are fo funk and fallen into Flejh^ that wc can form no true Conception of the glorious Na- ture Adam was invefled with, when he was the Lord of the Cherubim in immediate Union with God : when he was the Ruler of the Cloud of Glory fpread out in the power of Light, Spirit, and Water over the Garden, giving his fuperior Im- preflion to the Light and Wind, the Waters and Earth of the animal Creation^ the principles and powers of whofe Nature he ruled over by the fame phyfical Superiority and Dominion, as the Light and Wind which are the Heavens of this World, rule over, penetrate, and move in every Creature, that flies, walks, or creeps upon the Earth. The Jewiili Cabbalifts retain feme Traces of Adam^^ Glory^ in which he walked in Paradife on the fame Feet, as the glorious Light and Wind walk up and down, feeding and nourifhing the Life and Motion of all Creatures belov/. They fpeak much of the Garments of Light, Adam's Co- vering^ which is the radical Idea for Atonement^ and this is the Glory we all are come fhort of through Adam's Sin, as ^t. Paul tells us, Rom. iii. 23 -, and this is that Glory^ or Schechinah^ as the Jews fpeak, which our bleffed Lord the fecond Adam ia Spirit fays in John xvii. 22. he had given to his Difciples, by which they were One with hinv touching and touched, as he was One with his Fa- ther, united without any mediating Powers be- tween them. It is not a Proper place to enlarge on the Cherubim^ which I fliall prove in treating on the [ 10 ] the Garments of the High Prieft and his Brethrefty to be the fame as the Schechinah^ or Cloud of Glory in the Prophets ; and which are the * Clouds of Heaven^ in which Jefus Chriji comes into his own People, and covers them with an inward invifible Glory ; the Lofs of which was Adam^s Nakednefs and Shame^ and ours in him : The return, the fiew Births and Refurre^lion of thefe dead Po'-jvers ^ quickened by the Lord Jefus^ is the Kingdom of God in us, and f the Powers of the World to come. What a wonderful Perfon (parzuph as the Jews fpeak) Jdam was in the Image and Likenefs of the Jleim^ in the double Glory of the Holy, and Holy of Holies in his firfl: undivided Nature, when he was Bride and Bridegroom, Son and Daughter of God, Father and Mother of an Angelic Race : This will be then only known, when the only begotten Son Ifaac ihall bring us out of this Tent of Flefli and Blood, into xh^'Tent of his Mother Sarah, the Sifter^ the Spoufe of Abram. Gen. xxiv. 6y. Cantic. Iv. 10. 12. and v. i, 2. This Digreflion may very well be excufed, as it %vill help us to form a better Conception of the Law and the Gofpel, and alfo of the Sabbatical Year or Millernium approaching; and it may check the Eoldnefs of Inhdels, who talk as if they knew tlie Conftitution of the Univerfe. To return to our Subjcdi. The Prohibition of every kind of Labour for the Earth and Trees (which were the chief Riches (as Cunceus obferves deRepub. Heb. Lib. i, c. 4.) of the Ifraehtes) fupports as a Figure the me- morial of the firll Sabbath, before Toil and Labour took place by the Body 0I Flejh, which Sin brouojht, And * Rev. i. 7, t Heb. vl. 5^ [ II ] And was not this part of the Pldure preferved, to make us expe6l the correfpondent BlefTing ? Hence the Sabbath for the Land of Canaan, wliich is a Type of the new Pleavens, and new Earth promifed under the MefTiah, muft fignify equally a Reft for Man, whofe Sweat of the Brow was to draw out of the Earth curfed for his fake after Sin, the Produ6lions to nourifh his Body of Flelli, and of liis * Humiliation : for Man at firft was not made for the Earth, but the Earth for Man. As then fuch a State muft return to the Seed of the Cove- nant made with Abraham^ who in this Name is the -f Father of the Gentiles, of many Nations, and who muft blefs them by the J one Seed Ifaac (for Ijhmael muft inherit the BlefTing, though Ifaac has the Glory of earning it by his Obedience unto the Deaths even the Death of the Crofs^ and will beftow It freely on his reje6led Brother) fo the temporal Covenant peculiar to the Jews as defcended from his private Name of Ahram^ is fet up as a Figure and an Earneft too, of the greater and more blefled Covenant, which comprehends Adam in all the the Branches of the 70 Nations^ who are fallen un- der Deaths the ftrange IVork^ and the firft Bahel^ which his Sin brought into the World, for all his Pofterity of every Language, and Complexion. Upon this Ground we may perceive how the typical Land given to Abraham and his Seed, fliall extend the" Force of that Promife to the Polleffion of a Land made as |j Eden. This State of outward Nature according to the Unity of Defign running through the Sabbaths of Tears^ will firft open in |;he thoufand Years of St. John^ when the fpirittial Ifrael^ * Phil. iii. 21. t Gen. xvii. 21. % Qen. xvii. 20. II Ifai. li. 3. Ezek. xxxvi, 35. [ 12 ] Ifrael, that is, all who are the Lot of the Lord^ the Ele5iion of Grace which is the 'Tribe of Z^-i;/ under the Gofpel, Ihall form the general Afiembly and Convocation of the /r,/?-Z'^r;/. Heb. xii. 23. Thefe will enjoy the firfl Sabbatical Year, as they fland firft in the order of Redemption typified by the feven Sabbaths of the Law, which are anfvvered by the feven Ages of the Gofpel, or as they are commonly mentioned, the Ages of Ages. What Changes will be wrought upon that Portion of this Earth, over wliich the Throne of Glory ^'^i fchechi- nize^ will be as much a Myflery, or'Secret, till they arrive, as the Cloud of Glory tabernacling over the Ifraelites in the Wildernefs, and the feveral Bleflings of Food and Defence from the outward Elements, under the Pillar of Fire., fpread out as a Garment, ^re unknown to us, who are fo httle acquainted with the heavenly Pozvers^ and their v/onderful O- perations, of wiiich v/e fee only a Shadow in the Fire., Lights Spirit, and Water of this World. The Poffeffion of that Land before, if it be confidered as a Type and Earnefl: of a mucli more durable and happy PofTefTion of it, when it Ihall be created again from its Wildernefs-Statej as Eden .* This firft PoiTelTion was fo interrupted by their manifold Sins and Rebellions •, the BlefTings itfelf, though fully enjoyed, fo little in its Kind for the great and good God to beftow, that it fcarce de- ferves Obfervation, but as a Shadow and Pledge cf better Things, wherein the Life of a Span lon^, the Days of threcfcore Years and ten under Mofes., fliall be fwallowed up in the Eternity of God. Then \vill the Priefts and Levitcs of the Gofpel rejoice, who bear the Charader of the Firft-born, and who have been *' purified .as Gold and Silver, by * Mai. iii. s. [ 13 ] by the * Coals of Fire from between the Cheruhims cafl down into their Flejh : Thefe happy Sons of God^ and Brethren of Jefus Chrijl^ the true High- Prieft will put on their Garments of Incorruption, and fland nearell the I'hrone^ according to the •\ Predeftination of God in Chrift, where all is the free Gift of eternal Life through him. Meyer juilly obferves, that the Sabbatical Year reprefented to the Ifraehtes the primaeval Condi- tion of the Earth, before it pafled under the Curfe for the Sake of Manj and fupported the Hope of a Deliverance from Vanity, Rom. viii. 20. But even this will not anfwer to the Day of Salvation^ and acceptable Tear which our Lord proclaimed in Luke iv. ig. and which is fpoke of by Ifaiah Ixi. i. For this time is fuppofed to be the Jubilee when {tvtn Sabbatical Years had revolved, where Jefus flands alone, the glorious Saviour of the flir great- eft part of Mankind condemned to the Ages of the Second Death ; and who brings them forth from their dreadful Chains of Darknefs, and horrible Miferies, which fill up the Period ftom Sabbath to Sabbath^ according to the different Degrees of AVickedncfs, which muft be avenged by the piri- fying Jujiice of God., where Some will he beat with feWy and others with many Stripes^ Luke xii. 47, 48, The Reafons, which the learned JVillet delivers in his Comment on Lev. xxv. for the Inftitution of this Year, have no good Ground in them. The firft natural and philofophical Reafon is abfurd, tha: as all Land requires Reft after three or four Years, fo Jud^a., as a more fertile Country, in fix Years. This Argument would deftroy alfo a capital Proof of the 'Theocracy., which was given in the continual Miracle of the Benedidion on the fixch Year: This Errcu* f Ezsk. z, 2, 6. f Eph. i. 5,. 11. [ H ] Error Maimonides fcems to have taught the Chrit tians. For though the Earth refted from the Cul-* ture and Labour of Man, it did not fufpend its own Productions on the Seventh ; and the extra- ordinary FertiUty it gave on the fixth Year, mud have ' tended according to Philofophy, to make it more barren in the fucceeding Time. 2. The moral End was, as he thinks, that a Care of the Poor might be had, and that the Rich might be at Leifure from the Concern about the Harveil. Thefe may be allowed for fubordinate Ends, which divine Wifdom interwove am.ong far greater, during that Difpenfation of Types. But a feventh Year had no more immediate Relation to it, than a third or fourth might have had : And the Fruits common to all on this Year, fhewed an Equality of BlefTing for the more necefTitous Bre- thren, and not a Httle better Subfiftence only. 3. The ecclefiaftical Defign according to him was, that the Holinefs of the Sabbath might be confpicuous. This however would have no Con- nedtion with the Time of fix Days, on v/hich the weekly Sabbath was founded, unlefs underllood as the ancient Jews interpreted them, of fix my- ilic Days, counting a thoufand Years for each Day. 4. The fpi ritual End of this Year was to re- vere the true Time of RemifTion, namely, the coming of Chrtft. But if it v\^ere fo, for v/hat End could feven Sabbatical Years be appointed ? Be- fide, this is not true, as our Lord is generally thought to have been born in the Year of Jubilee^ which is even an 05tai:e^ and crowns the feven com pleat Sabbaths. Hence this hlcjjed one^ who is, and ivas^ and is to come^ the Body and Subilance of all thft exceeding Richer and BlcClngs, running as [ 15 3 as a full Stream, tlirough the {QY(ii\ Sabbaths to the Jubilee •, this beloved Son came and fulfilled all the Parts of the Law^ in the feveral PafTages of his wonderful Birth from the Womb of Death, our Nakednefs and Shame in Flejh^ to the nrone of Glor)\ in the Father's Kingdom^ where Spirit can only live and dwell. This he has done, for his Exaltation is the Gofpel m Heaven -, his Life there is the Ladder of Jacob fet on Earth, and the Top reaching Heaven, Gen. xxviii. 12. it is the Adam of the Glory united to the Man of Earthy that he may raife him up from Duft and Allies to his Life and Glory above, by having an holy Birth and Incarnation of his own fpiritual Seed in him, by which he is Bone of his Bone, and Flefh of his Flefh, a Bride ready prepared for the Bridegroora^ in the Garments of Immortality, the Houfe eter- nal in the Heavens. 5. The myftic End is, that this Year might fig- nify the laft Sabbath in Heaven, as Hefychiiis ob- ferves upon the fix Days, as figurative of the Word's Duration. The fame Difficulty will re- cur, why then are feven Sabbaths in the Lazv of Types if the World continue only one of them ? Let us obferve, that there is a great Difi^erence be- tween Ko-g/^cc, the World, and Ai'jni\ an Age, commonly tranilaced World alfo. For every Ags will put an End, to the V/orld of the Curfe^ and bring outward the Generation of the new Hea- vens, and new Earth : So will the firll Sabbatical Year produce this v/onderful Transformation to a firll Portion of the Earth; and it will be jufb as eafy a Tafk for the Meffiah to work this phy- fical Change in a Momxnt, as to tranlmute our vile Bodies into a Glory hke his own Body, in the twinkling of an Eye ; And when the' Time is come. [ I6 ] come^ by all the Signs and Marks, it will be fud- den and imexpe6led, as the Exhibition of his Kingdom was on Mount Thahor, As no feventh Day therefore could reprefent the laft Sabbath in Heaven^ becaufe 'the Law and the Gofpel have placed an Oofave above the Dignity of the Seventh, we muft look further for the End of this Appointment. Now the Body of the Mejfmh^ who took on him all the natural Evils of the Curfe^ had fi- niflied the Sufferings as the Sin-offering in Flejh, upon the Crofs, on the fixth Day between the E- 'venings^ before the Setting of the Sun : So in the Myftery to be fulfilled in his Body, the Congre- gation of true Ifraelites, they who have his Spirit in their Flefo to kill and circumcife the Lufts and Affections of the old Adam daily, will be tranHat- ed from Suffering in Flejh to reign in Spirit^ in- to a Sabbath, a State of Refl, before the full End of the fi:Ath great Bay of the World fhall arrive. This has been touched before in the lit- tle Tra6t, lately publiflied, on the prophetical Numbers of Daniel and John, The Jews^ as Win- det has fhewn in his State of the Dead^ that ex- cellent Epitome of Hebrew Learning, p. 140 and 144, exfped the Meffiah to raife the Bodies of the Dead toward the End, or latter pait of the Jixtb Chiliad J when the World to come, (the Phraie for the Kingdom of Chrift,) Ihall fucceed. This Opinion feems confirmed by their Begin- ning the Schemittah, or Year of Intermiffion from the Toil and Labour of the Earth, thirty Days be- fore the exadt Time, Vv^hen the Sabbatical Year commenced, which is generally allowed to be on the firft Day of the Seventh Moon Tizri. This Cuf- tom was probably derived from feme Part of their Rjtualt [ 17 ] Ritual^ or PafTages in their Prophets, which were imderftood by the ancient Church, though they pre- tend now another Reafon for that Pradtice. Now as the Body of the blefled Saviour was an Reft from natural Evils, between the Evenings ot the fixth Day, (that is, the Darkenings or the Strife and mingling of Light and Barknefs^ the two firft Principles of the Mofalc Creation, Gen. i. 2,3.) and in his fpiritual Body he ftood in Paradife, the Garden, both on part of the Sixth, as well as on the whole feventh Day, when the outward World, and Jews, and Romans, Children of the World, could reach him no more : And as the Meffiah did not ceafe to live, but entered then into the true Rtfty while the outer Adam in the Deaths which the divided Properties had brought upon it, v/as left cjleep in the Grave^ the hardnefs of outer Nature^ tht^Rock to be cleft a/under^ to be kirfl open by him> who is conftituted the Lord of all Pov/er both in Heaven and Earth. Thus niuft the Antitype be fulfilled in the niyftic Body of the heavenly Adam^ the Congregation born out of his Loins of Fire^ as Ezekiel, i. 27. jfhews him in the Glory on the Throne of the Cherubim. This Generation is the Name written on his 'Thigh^ King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Rev. xix. 16. This is the Nature fpringing out of himielf, by which myftic Birth Kings come out of his Loins^ Gen. xxxv. 11. Thefe, who are ro the Letter his own Sons and Daughters, Twins at a Birth, fliall be found gathered together into the Millennial Kingdom, which from a comparative View and Analogy of the Law, and the Golpel is defigned for the Seventh great Day, or Seventh T'ear of the World. Then will the true Canaan be re- vealed in an outward Manifeftation, and the Seed of the Blejfuig will meet the true Ahrcham, Jfaac, C and [ i8 ] and Jacoh^ the Fathers^ of whom their Fathers un* der the Covenant and Law were only Types, mere Men, Sons of fallen Adam, under the Curfe of Death: Then will that Portion of the Jew and Gentile, which under the Gofpel anfwers to the* Firft-horn and Firft-fruits unto God and the Lamb^ meet together, and make one Family, in the Moun- tain of the Lord's Houfe^ Jerufakm^ which is above, Thcle are the twelve 'Tribes^ which St. James^ \. I . tells us, are now fcattered abroad. The Jews cannot claim even this Title., as ten Tribes were- cut off long before the coming of Chrift ; and the two Tribes are left as a barren Woman, Judah ac- cording to the double Senfe of that Prophecy in Gen. xlix. lo. fliall remain a Tribe, adhere to the Lawgiver Mofes^ not only till Shiloh come, as manifefted in Flejh^ but till he fliall come the fe- cond Time in the Spirit^ even the Glory, The fecond Senfe of this wonderful Prophecy is ready to be accompliihed, for Shiloh is coming, and to him lliall the gathering of the People be, while Ju- dah continues a 'Tribe^ which even their equivoca- ting Rabbles acknowledge Shebet to fignify ; and it will continue, till he -f comes in the Clouds of Heaven^ and all the 'Tribes of the Earth Ihall wail becaufe of him, and they alfo, which pierced him^ (the Tribes oi Judah and Benjamin) even fo^ Amen. As then the Body of Chrift., in which he was manifefted to the World, as the Son of God., the Firft-born of all the Creation., was on fome Part of the Sixth., and on the Seventh Day., in its deep Sleep to the Curfe ; fo in that part, which muft be accompliflied in his Body on Earth., the Congrega- tion of his People., thisr eprefents the paradifical Life they will begin on the latter Portion of the fixth Chiliad, * Rev. xiv. 4. Jam. i. 18. f Rev. i. 7. ] '9 ] Chiliad, and through the feventh, under the Cloftd of Glory^ and its wonderful Powers, whereon the Meffiah will fit as his lloronc, and fpiritualize them in that great Fire^ where the PafTions and Appe- tites, which were fpringing up from the ftrange Blood, the Blood of the Beaftial Life brought by Sin^ fhall be laid afleep, fubdued and extinguilh- ed by the Joys of the nezv Spirit, the other Glories, which Eye has not feen, nor Ear heard ; and which will be brought to an open Manifefta- tion on the firil Sabbatical Tear. The Reafon of expecting this blefied Scene for this f/rji Age fome- what before the full Time, has been llipported in the Calculations on Daniel and John ; which muft meet with Contempt from every Quarter, fo much does the World love its own, and lb much a Slueen muilBabylon the Great Cit in her own Eyes, when Deatb and Mourning, and Famine ^d}A come in one Hour\ and fhe lliall be utterly burnt v/ith Fire, for flrong istheZ^r^G'^i,who judgetb htr^ Rev. xviii. 7, 8. The laft Reafon, v/hich is generally received, for the Defign of the Sabbatical Year, will not be fufficient, namely, becaufe God refted on a fe- venth Day from all his Works. It has been be- fore obferved, that the Law mentions no fuch Caufe for this Year. Befide, what Benefit could it be to fet up Memorials of a blejjed Sabbath loft and periflied ? Such an End would only heighten the Mifery by the Rem.embrance, and Refie6lion on Happinels paft and gone. But if it ftand, as the other Branches of the Law are granted to do, a Figure of the Bleflings to he reftored, and point- ing towards the Time alfo; then is it a Monument ot divine Goodncfs, and a fure Earneft from him, whofe Promifes are yea, and Amen, that all the Figures fhall liave their Completion v/orchy of the C 2 infinite [ 20 ] infinite Bounty of that God, who has exh^illlefa Treafures to beflow, and more Creations and Worlds in Glory under his immenfe Government, than the greateft Kings on Earth have Acres of Ground, and Subjefts belonging to them. Thus I have endeavoured to Ihew, that the final End of the fabbatical Year appears to be the mil- lennial Kingdom of St. John^ the feventh Year of the Gofpel approaching. However, among the fubordinate Defigns of God, this Year bears an extraordinary Proof of the Integrity and divine MifTion of Mofes. Prejudice itfelf will not be hardy enough to deny it. The Separation of a fe- venth, and the Benedi6lion on a fixth Year, were one continued Miracle, and Evidence of that neo- cracy. It is fuch, as no Man on Earth above an Ideot (a Character no Enemy of this Legifiator has reproached him with) could ever dream of pro- mifing to a whole Nation, which put it in the Pow- er of every one to difcover the Falfhood in a temporal Concern^ of which they would be fevere Judges, if it did notanfwer the Promife, which ex- tended to three Years: For they were to eat the Fruits thereof until the ninth Year, Lev. xxv. 2 1, 22.. The Experience of Mankind inallHif- tory, will cry Shame upon fuch a Suppofition. But what will not Incredulity believe, which boafts fu- perior Wifdom, and uncommon Penetration : In- fidels are of all Men moft credulous. Now let us confider the fabbatical Year, and the weekly or continual Sabbath, as the Kingdom of Gcd revealed, and manifefled in our FlefJ:). This inner and hidden Kingdom confifts of leven glo- rious Lights, which Adam loft ; and which were prelerved in Type by the Seven golden Lampy their Oil aivi their Fire^ and Light in the holy Place of the [ 21 ] the Tahernade. Thefe the Cabballfls call the fcven Lights, and their Veflels broken away from Union with the fuperior Lights, and fallen down among the Klippoth, the Dregs of Matter compared into Hardnefs and Thicknefs. Thefe perifhed Powers, Jefus Chrift, who is the High-Prieft of the heaven- ly Temple building up in fallen Man, mull bring to Life again, and raife them up from their Death and deep Sleep, into their firil Might and Glory, Strength and Majefly. Thefe mult be begotten again by the Union and Marriage of the divine A- dam^ who has the Powers of the higher and lower Schechinah^ as x\\z Jews fpeak of it, and which the Gofpel calls Bride and Bridegroom. This Kingdom of holy Powers muft be opened in our Flejh^ and rife up in a gradual Procefs, as the firil Creation ot God did Day after Day. The holy Spirit and Baptifm of Fire mufl be poured forth in our Flelh, as it was in the Nature of Chrifl, the Male, the heavenly Adam, upon whofe outward Body of Flefh, the inward Myfteries of his true Kingdom were to be ihewn in a vifible and fenffble Man- ner. ^ For as the Heavens were opened at his Bap- tifm in Jordan, fo thofe Heavens came out of his Body, and covered the Waters with Light, as their Atonement, or covering Garment of"" QXoxy : So does this heavenly Adam, glorified with all the Powers and Virtues of the two Sanduaries, come forth m Spirit, and open the Kingdom of the Hea- vens, with his Fire and Light, his Holy Spirit, aud Water of Life. Herein is he manifefled in our Flefh, and begins to build the Houfe of Glory out of his own Nature, by a pure Virgin Birtii of thefe wonderful Powers, which v/?re openly brought to Light in him, while he walk^