Grozer Theological Seminary GENERAL CATALOG 1868-1918 1918 OCT 26 19iR BV 4070 .C84 A2 1918 Crozer Theological Seminary General catalog of the Crozer Theological Seminar \>^ <^-S^'<'- "f f""»6'/r^ ^. OCT 26 19lf M BULLETIN OF THE GROZER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY APRIL, 1918 OBI 'ILSt# General Catalog of the Crozer Theological Seminary Compiled by ELI S. REINHOLD Registrar Semi-Gentennial Issue 1868-1918 Upland, Pa.— P. O., Chester, Pa. Entered as second-class matter, October 22, 1908, at the Post Office, Chester, Pa. CONTENTS Page Preface 3 Historical Statement 5 Abbreviations 7 Corporate Officers 9 Trustees 9 Faculty 12 Presidents 12 Professors 12 Instructors 16 Librarians _ _ 19 Lecturers 17 Registrars 19 Alumni and Matriculates 20 Extension Certificates 184 Seminary Men as Missionaries 189 Seminary Men in Army and Navy „ 191 Seminary Men in Other Denominations 193 Index of Names 195 PREFACE This General Catalog of the Crozer Theological Seminary, is- sued at the close of its fiftieth year, is the first one in the history of the school. The aim is to put in permanent form a brief record of all alumni and matriculates of the Seminary, including men who had been graduated in the theological department of the University at Lewisburg, now Bucknell University. In compiling data, opportunity was given for each alumnus and matriculate to furnish the desired facts; where responses could not be secured, other available sources were consulted for the necessary data. These were in many cases incomplete, and doubtless in others, unreliable. The compiler has not consciously admitted an erroneous state- ment of fact or date, but is prepared to learn of many. A single con- crete extenuating case must suffice: In searching for the date of death of a Crozer alumnus, not infrequently three different dates were found; the particular state annual giving one, the association minutes another, and an obituary in a local paper still another. A large correspondence was conducted in obtaining and verifying information. Special lists, in which are assembled the names of foreign mis- sionaries, of men who served the country in either army or navy, and of Crozer men who have served in other denominations than the Baptist, are placed under their proper heads. This does not imply that their services have been more valuable than those of others; there is however a special interest attached to these classes, rendering them historically important. The names are arranged by classes and the latter in chronolog- ical order; the graduates of each class are in alphabetical order, fol- lowed by matriculates who did not complete the full course, and sepa- rated from the alumni by a faint line. Students pursuing special studies, unless graduate students, are classified with matriculates of the class year when such students attended the Seminary. Graduate students, whether alumni of the Seminary, or grad- uates of other seminaries, are placed at the head of the class years when such graduate work was completed. 4 Crozer Theological Seminary In many cases alumni now write their names in a form different from that given in the Catalog of the time; middle names have been assumed, dropped, or changed, and in not a few instances, the spelling of the family name has been altered. Where an alumnus has fur- nished full data on the provided blank his present form of name has been accepted and followed; but where the record was made up from other sources the old catalog name has been retained. Where the full name for which a middle initial stands could not be ascertained, such initial has been treated as the name and appears without the period. In giving the names of Baptist churches the word "Baptist" is omitted. Where another denomination is intended the name of same is given, except in case of denominational change of pastor, when churches he served are assumed to be of the denomination of the pastor. Grateful acknowledgments are due to many alumni and friends for prompt responses to requests for information, ofttimes made at personal inconvenience. HISTORICAL STATEMENT In the middle of the nineteenth century no Baptist theolo^cal seminary existed between northern New York, eastern Massachusetts, and the Pacific Ocean. The first step toward a school in the middle East was the establishment in 1851 of the University at Lewisburg, later Bucknell University; this resulted in the addition of a theological department, organized in 1855. Its course extended over two years only, and a single professor did the teaching for a number of years. Considering the limitations, the school did good work, but it soon became apparent that the needs of the large territory at its command were not met. It lacked an endowment; it was remote from large centers of population, and, as a final discouragement, the country was thrown into the throes of the Civil War. In 18G6 occurred the death of John P. Crozer, a generous, wealthy Baptist layman of Upland, Pennsylvania, who left an available build- ing on a hill-site of commanding prominence. Almost instinctively the heirs of the deceased philanthropist thought of the need of a seminary for the training of ministers. The matter was taken up in 1867; conferences were held with the University of Lewisburg, and a final satisfactory arrangement efi'ected by which the theological department was transferred to the new seminary, chartered in 18G7 as the Crozer Theological Seminary of Upland, Pennsylvania. This harmonious adjustment provided for the recognition on terms of equality of all the graduates of the old school as alumni of the new seminary. Hence all graduates from 1855 to 1868 are regarded as Crozer alumni. The Crozer Theological Seminary was opened in 1868 with a faculty of three professors at whose head stood Reverend Henry G. Weston, D. D., LL. D. He remained its honored president for forty years, or until 1909. He was succeeded by one of the younger pro- fessors. Dean Milton G. Evans, D. D., LL. D., himself an alumnus of the Seminary, who continues president, with a faculty of seven pro- fessors and six instructors. The first president of the Board of Trustees was Samuel A. Crozer, who served forty-two years, from 1868 to 1910, and was succeeded b3^ George K. Crozer who remains the efficient head of the 5 6 Crozer Theological Seminary Board. Thus the Seminary has had but two presidents of both its governing body and of its faculty. In 1907 the Crozer Extension Course was added with a Director in charge, thus extending seminary advantages to worthy men over this and other lands. Library extension was also established, greatly enlarging the scope of the Seminary Library. In 1912 the Seminary Library became the custodian of the manu- scripts, pamphlets, and books of the American Baptist Historical Society, rich in denominational literature. In 1910 a valuable connection was made with the University of Pennsylvania by which a wide range of studies has been made avail- able to Seminary students with reciprocal advantages in University courses leading to degrees. This relation enables Crozer men to secure degrees from both Seminary and University. The original endowment of $175,000 has been steadily increased until it has reached the sum of $850,000; with the Campus and its eleven buildings, the total investment amounts to more than a million dollars. Of this sum, $130,000 is available for scholarships to eligible students. ABBREVIATIONS For the names of months, states, countries, and points of the compass, the usual abbreviations are used, and hence are not included in the subjoined list. Amer., America, — an A. B. F. M. Soc, American Bap- tist Foreign Mission Society A. B, H. M. Soc, American Bap- tist Home Mission Society A. B. P. Soc, American Baptist Publication Society Acad., acad.. Academy, academy acct., account (in sense of cause) act., acting adm., admiral agt., agent art., article, — s assn., association assoc, associate asst., assistant, — ted auth., author b., born Bapt., Baptist Bd., Board Bib., Bible,— lical biog., biography bldg., building Bu. U., Bucknell University bus., business capt., captain cav., cavalry Cen., central cert., certificate chap., chaplain Chic, Chicago Ch., Church (in sense of denomi- nation) ch., church clas., classical C. L. S. C, Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Colg., Colgate Col., col., college Coin., Columbian com., common Conf., Confederate Cong., Congregational Conv., Convention C. E. C, Crozer Extension Course cor., correspondence, — ent Cro. T. S., Crozer Theological Seminary Cyclo., Cyclopedia del., delegate Den. U., Denison University deg., degree, degrees denom., denomination, — al dept., department d., died Dick., Dickinson Dist., dist., District, district Div. Sch., Divinity School Econ., Economy, Economics ed., editor, editorial educ, educated, — tion Eloc, Elocution emer., emeritus Eng., England est., established Eth., Ethics evang., evangelist, — tic,-— ism Exec, Executive fac, faculty, — ies Fin., fin., Financial, — ly 8 Crozer Theological Seminary For,, for., Foreign, foreign gen., general Gosp., Gospel, — s govt., government grad. stud., graduate student gram., grammar Gr., Greek Harv., Harvard Heb., Hebrew histy., history I., Institution immig., immigrated, — tion ind., independent Inft., Infantry Inst., Institute instr., instructor, — tion Intern., International Interp., Interpreter, — tation Intro., Introduction lang., language, — s lect., lectures, — ing Lib., lib., Library, librarian lie, licensed lieut., lieutenant lit., literary, — ture mangr., manager math., mathematics matric, matriculate med., medicine, — ical M. E., Methodist Episcopal Mem., Memorial mem., member min., minister, — try, — ial Miss., miss., Mission, missionary mus., music newsp., newspaper Newton, T. I., Newton Theolog- ical Institution Nor., Normal N. T., New Testament occas., occasional, — ly ord., ordained orgn., organize, — d O. T., Old Testament Pacif., Pacific pamph., pamphlets pas., pastor, — al pens., pension prac, practice, — d preach., preacher, — ing prep., preparatory Presby., Presbyterian Prest., prest., president prin., principal Prot. Epis., Protestant Episcopal pub., public regis., registrar, — ed Regt., regt., regiment rep., representative, — ing res., resides, — nee res. grad., resident graduate ret., retired, — ing Rhet., Rhetoric Rich., Richmond Roch. U., Rochester University Roch. T. S., Rochester Theolog- ical Seminary Sac, Sacred Sch., sch., schs.. School, — s sci., science, — tific sec, secretary sem., S., Seminary So., South, Southern Soc, Society ppec, special spec stud., special studies S. S., Sunday School stud., studied stud, pas., student pastor sup., supply, — ing Supt., Superintendent Sys., Systematic P., Theological teach., teacher, — ing Theol., Theology, — ical T. S., Theological Seminary trav., travel, — ed, — ing U., University Val., Valley w. c, without charge yr., yrs., year, — s *, deceased , indicates that further in- formation is wanting CORPORATE OFFICERS PRESIDENTS BEGAN ENDED SERVICE SERVICE 1868 Samuel A. Crozer 1910 1910 George K. Crozer SECRETARIES 1868 Horatio Gates Jones 1893 1893 James W. Willmarth 1903 1903 Francis E. Weston 1915 1915 George K. Crozer, Jr. TREASURERS 1868 J. Lewis Crozer 1897 1897 Robert H. Crozer 1914 1914 George K. Crozer, Jr. TRUSTEES 1867 * Samuel Aldrich Crozer 1910 Upland, Pa. 1867 *JoHN Levv^is Crozer 1897 Upland, Pa. 1867 George Knowles Crozer, Upland, Pa. 1867 * Robert Hall Crozer, Upland, Pa. 1867 *William Bucknell, '-. 1890 Philadelphia, Pa. 1867 *Rev. Benjamin Griffith, d. d., 1894 Upland, Pa. 1867 *Hon. Horatio Gates Jones, 1893 Germantown, Pa. 10 Crozer Theological Seminary 1867 ♦Rev. James Wheaton Smith, d. d., 1000 Philadelphia, Pa. 1867 William Williams Keen, m. d., ll. d., Philadelphia, Pa. 1867 *Rev. George Dana Boardman, d, d., 1903 Philadelphia, Pa. (The above were designated Trustees in the Charter) 1869 *HoRATio Jones Mulford, 1885 Bridgeton, N. J, 1869 *Rev. James Madison Pendleton, d. d, 1891 Upland, Pa. 1869 *Rev. George Washington Anderson, d. d., 1894 Philadelphia, Pa. 1869 "Rev. John Harvard Castle, d. d., 1873 Philadelphia, Pa. 1869 *Rev. Warren Randolph, d. d., 1877 Philadelphia, Pa. 1869 *Rev. Poindexter Smith Henson, d. d., 1889 Philadelphia, Pa. 1871 Hon. Henry Kirke Porter, ll. d., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1882 'James William Lewis, 1917 Upland, Pa. 1882 *Rev. James Willard Willmartii, ll. d., 1911 Roxborough, Pa. 1882 *Rev. Isaac Caldwell Wynn, d. d., 1889 Camden, N. J. 1884 Hon. David Jayne Hill, ll. d., 1889 Lewisburg, Pa. 1886 'Henry Kendall Trask, ll. d., 1912 Bridgeton, N. J. 1889 'Rev. Wayland Hoyt, d. d., 1891 Philadelphia, Pa. 1889 'Col. Charles Henry Banes, 1897 Philadelphia, Pa. 1889 Rev. Henry Clay Applegarth, Jr., d. d., 1906 Cleveland, O. 1892 Rev. John Howard Harris, ll, d., Lewisburg, Pa. 1892 John Price Crozer, Upland, Pa. Corporate Officers 11 1894 *Rev. Charles Carroll Bitting, d. d., 1899 Philadelphia, Pa. 1894 Rev. Owen Philips Eaches, d. d., Hightstown, N. J. 1894 John Price Crozer Griffith, m. d., Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 Rev. William Thomas Chase, d. d., 1898 Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 *Benjamin Franklin Dennison, 1903 Philadelphia, Pa. 1898 Rev. John Humpstone, d. d., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1898 Rev. William Coleman Bitting, d. d., St. Louis, Mo. 1901 ♦Rev. Benaiah Longley Whitman, d. d., 1909 Philadelphia, Pa. 1901 *Harry Samuel Hopper, 1918 Philadelphia, Pa. 1902 Rev. Robert Healy Pitt, d. d., Richmond, Va. 1903 Rev. Kerr Boyce Tupper, d. d., 1907 Philadelphia, Pa. 1903 Francis Edw^ard Weston, Pasadena, Calif. 1907 'Rev. Henry Griggs Weston, ll. d., 1909 Upland, Pa. 1908 Hon. Ernest Leigh Tustin, ll. d., Philadelphia, Pa. 1909 Rey. John B. Gough Pidge, d. d., Philadelphia, Pa. 1909 •David Porter Leas, 1916 Philadelphia, Pa. 1911 Rev. Milton G. Evans, ll. d.. Upland, Pa. 1912 Hon. William Gray Knowles, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912 Garnett Pendleton, Esq., Chester, Pa. 1917 Samuel Chiles Mitchell, ll. d., Newark, Del. FACULTY PRESIDENTS 1868 Henry Griggs Weston, d. d., ll. d. 1909 1909 RiiLTON G. Evans, d. d., ll. d. PROFESSORS Theological Department, University at Lewisburg (Bucknell University) 1855 *CURTIS, THOMAS FENNER, D. D. 1865 Born, Eng., Sept. 26, 1815; educ. in the South; pas. of chs. near Boston, Mass.; Prof, in the theol. dept. of Bu. U. (U. at Lev^isburg) being the first and only prof., 55-60; removed to Cambridge, Mass., 67; auth., Progress of Baptist Principles, The Human Element in the Inspiration of Sacred Scriptures; d., Aug. 9, 72, Cambridge, Mass., aged 57. 1860 BLISS, GEORGE RIPLEY, D. D., LL. D. 1863 1866 See under Faculty of Crozer Theological Seminary. 1868 1865 *SMITH, LUCIUS EDWIN, D. D. 1868 Born, Williamstown, Mass., Jan. 29, 1822 ; Williams Col., 43; read law and admitted to bar, 45; ed., in turn, of Hart- ford Daily Courant, and Free Soil Advocate, 46-8, asst. sec, A. B. F. M. Soc, 49-54; Newton T. I., 57; ord., 58, Groton, Mass.; with For. Miss. Soc, 58-65; prof., rhetoric and pastoral theol., theol. dept. of Bu. U., 65-8; lit. ed., Examiner and Chronicle, 68-76; ed.. Watchman, 76 — ; deg., D. D., Williams Col. ; auth.. Heroes and Martyrs of the Missionary Enterprise, and many contributions to reviews, and papers; d., Groton, Mass., Feb. 10, 00, aged 78. 1865 MOSS, LEMUEL, D. D., LL. D. 1868 See under Faculty of Crozer Theological Seminary. 12 Faculty 13 Crozer Theological Seminary 1868 *WESTON, HENRY GRIGGS, D. D., LL. D. 1909 Born, Lynn, Mass., Sept. 11, 1820; Brown U., 40; New- ton T. I., 42 ; ord.,1843, Frankfort, Ky. ; miss, work at Wash- ington & Richmond, 111., 43-6; Peoria, 46-59; Olivet St. (now Madison Ave.) ch., N. Y. City, 59-68; prest., Cro. T. S., 68-09; ed.. Baptist Quarterly, 69-77; auth., Ecclesiology, Genesis of the N. T., etc. ; d., Feb. 6, 09, Upland, Pa., aged 89. 1868 *OSGOOD, HOWARD, D. D., LL. D. 1874 Born, Magnolia Plantation, Plaquemines Parish, La., Jan. 4, 1831; Harv. U., 50; stud., Heb. under a Rabbi who lived with him, thus he learned to talk and write Heb.; grad. work, Heidelberg U., Ger.; ord., Feb. 12, 57, N. Y. City; deg., A. B., 50, Harv. U., D. D., 68, Bu. U., LL. D., 94, Prince- ton U.; pas.. Flushing, N. Y., 56-9; N. Y. City, 60-5; prof., Heb. & O. T. Interpretation, Cro. T. S., 68-74; act. prof., ch. histy., Roch. T. S., 75-6; prof., Heb. language and lit., Roch. T. S., 76-00; mem. of Amer. O. T. Com. for revision of Bible; rendered important service in preparing the Amer. Stand. Edition of the Bible; auth., contrib. to Bell's Baptist Prin- ciples Reset, and numerous art. in reviews, etc.; d., Nov. 28, 11, Rochester, N. Y., aged 80. 1868 *PEPPER, GEORGE DANA BOARDMAN, D.D., LL.D. 1882 Born, Ware, Mass., Feb. 4, 1833; Amherst Col., 57; Newton T. I., 60; ord., Sept. 6, 60, Waterville, Me.; deg., D. D., Colby Col., 67, Amherst Col., 82, LL. D., Bu. U., 82, Colby Col., 90; served as chap, in Civil War; pas., Waterville, Me., 60-5; prof., ch. histy., Newton T. I., 65-7; prof. sys. theol., Cro. T. S., 68-82; prest., Colby Col., 82-9; later taught con- genial subjects in Colby Col.; auth., Outline of Sys. Theol., (for class use), contrib. to Madison Avenue Lectures, pub. in 67, numerous denom. pamphlets; d., Jan. 30, 13, Waterville, Me., aged 80. 1872 ♦MOSS, LEMUEL, D. D., LL. D. 1874 Born, Boone Co., Ky., Dec. 27, 1829; Roch. U., 58; Roch. T. S., 60; ord., Aug. 31, 60, Worcester, Mass.; deg., A. B., 58, A. M., 61, D. D., 68, LL. D., 83, Roch. U.; pas., 1st ch. Wor- cester, Mass., 60-4; sec, U. S. Christian Com., 64-5; prof, theol., Bu. U., 65-8; ed., National Baptist, 68-72; prof., N. T. Interpretation, Cro. T. S., 72-4; prest., U. of Chic, 74-5; prest, Ind. State U., 75-84; Chic, (w. c.) 84-9; ed.. The Ensign, Minneapolis, 89-93; pas., Woodbury, N. J., 94-6; prest., A. B. His. Soc, 96-04; ed.. The Baptist Commonwealth, 97-8; auth., Baptists and the National Centenary, A Question of Attitude, A Day tvith Paul, Annals of the U. S. Christian Commission; d., July 12, 04, N. Y. City, aged 75. 1874 *BLISS, GEORGE RIPLEY, D. D., LL. D. 1893 Born, Sherburne, N. Y., June 20, 1816; Colg. U., 38; 14 Crozer Theological Seminary Colg. T. S., 40; ord., Jan. 17, 44, New Brunswick, N. J.; deg., D. D., 60, Colg. U., LL. D., 79, Bu. U.; pas., New Brunswick, N. J., 43-50; pro., Greek, Bu. U., 50-74; prof., Bib. Interp. in theol. dept. of U. of Lewisburg, 60-63; prof.. Bib. Lit., do, 66-68; prof.. Biblical Exegesis, Cro. T. S., 74-93; auth., Commentary on Luke in Amer. Com., and many arts, in re- views, etc. ; d.. Mar. 27, 93, Upland, Pa., aged 77. 1875 *LONG, JOHN CRALLE, D. D., LL. D. 1894 Born, Campbell Co., Va., Nov. 28, 1833; Rich. Col., 56; ord., July 5, 57, Grace St. ch., Richmond, Va. ; pas., Talla- hassee, Fla., while teach, in Fla. State Sem., 57-8; Cumber- land St. ch., Norfolk, Va., 58-61; sup. chs. in Goochland Co., Va., while teach, in Danville, 61-5; pas., Scottsville, 66-8; Charlottesville, 68-75; prof, church history, Cro. T. S., 75-94; deg., D. D., 72, Rich. Col., LL. D., 80, Baylor U., Tex. ; auth., Separation of Church and State in America, and other pamphlets and articles; d., Aug. 6, 94, Charlottesville, Va., aged 61. 1877 TAYLOR, BARNARD COOK, D. D. Born, Holmdel, N. J., May 20, 1850; grad., Peddie Inst., N. J.; Brown U., 74; Cro. T. S., 77; deg., A. B., and A. M., Brown U., D. D., Rich. Col.; instr. in Heb., Cro. T. S., 78-80; asst. prof.. Bib. Interp., do, 80-2; prof. O. T. Lit. and Exegesis, 83 — ; auth., Outline Analysis of the Books of the Bible, Historical Books of the Old Testament; res., Sem. Campus. 1882 *JOHNSON, ELIAS HENRY, D. D., LL. D. 1906 Born, Troy, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1841; U. of Roch., 62; served in U. S. Navy, Civil War, 64-6; ord., Dec. 9, 66, LeSueur, Minn.; pas., LeSueur, 66-8; Roch. T. S., 71; traveled abroad, 71-3; pas., Ballston Spa, N. Y., 73-5; Brown St. ch.. Provi- dence, R. I., 75-8; Union ch., do, 78-82; prof. Systematic Theol., Cro. T. S., 82-06; ed.. Songs of Praise for S. S., 85; auth.. Outlines of Sys. Theol., 91, ed.. Autobiography of E. G. Robinson, 96, ed., "Sursuni Corda," 98, The Religious Use of the Imagination, 01, The Holy Spirit, 04, Christian Agnos- ticism; contrib. to Bapt. encyclopedias, reviews, etc.; d., Mar. 11, 06, Upland, Pa., aged 65. 1882 *STIFLER, JAMES MADISON, D. D. 1902 Born, Altoona, Pa., Dec. 8, 1839; served as corp. in Civil War; Shurtleff Col., 71; ord., 69, Nakomis, 111.; deg., A. M., D. D., Shurtleff Col.; pas.. Upper Alton, 74-5; Hamilton, N. Y., 75-9; New Haven, Conn., 79-82; prof. Bib. Interpre- tation, Shurtleff Col., 71-5; prof. N. T. Exegesis, Cro. T. S., 82-02; auth., Life of Christ, 90, An Introduction to Acts, 92, Commentary on Romans, 97; d., Dec. 15, 02, Roxbury, Mass., aged 63. Faculty 15 1890 EVANS, MILTON G, D. D., LL. D. Born near Ebensburg, Pa., Dec. 7, 1862; Bu. U., 82; Cro. T. S., 90; stud., Leipsic, Ger.; deg., A. B., 82, A. M., 85, D. D., 95, LL. D., 14, Bu. U.; teach.. Keystone Acad., Fac- toryville. Pa., 83-7; instruc. Heb., Cro. T. S., 90-5; prof. Bib. theol., do, 95-07; prof. Christian theol., do, 07-09; dean of faculty, do, 06-09; prest. and prof, comparative theol., 09 — ; auth., N. T. Theology, and numerous articles and pamphlets; mem. of Ed. Board, Pa. Bapt. Gen. Con.; res, Sem. Campus. 1894 VEDDER, HENRY CLAY, D. D. Born, De Ruyter, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1853; U. of Roch., 73; Roch. T. S., 76; deg., A. B., 73, A. M., 76, D. D., 97, U. of Roch.; asst. ed., Examiner, N. Y., 76-92; ed., do, 92-4; ed., Bajjt. Q7iar. Revietv, 85-92 ; prof. Ch. Histy., Cro. T. S., 94— auth., Short History of the Baptists, 91; illus. ed., do, 07 Amer. Writers of To-Day, 94; Dawn of Christianity, 94 History of the Bapts. of the Middle States, 97; Balthasar Hiibmaier, 06; Christian Epoch-Makers, 07; Our N. T. — Hoio Did We Get It?, 08; Ch. Histy. Handbooks, 4 vols., 09; Socialism and the Ethics of Jesus, 12; The Reformation in Germany, 13; The Gospel of Jesus and the Problems of Democracy, 14; The Johannine Writings and the Johannine Problem, 17; lecturer. Chic. Divin. Sch., 10; lecturer, Mc- Cormick T. S., 18; res.. Seminary Campus. 1900 HOBART, ALVAH SABIN, D. D. Born, Whitby, Ontario, Can., Mar. 7, 1847; Colg. U., 73; Colg. T. S., 75; ord., June 30, 75, Morris, N. Y.; pas., Morris, 74-9; Cincinnati, O., 79-85; Toledo, 85-8; Yonkers, N. Y., 88-00; prof. Eng. N. T., Cro. T. S., 00—; auth., Life of Alvah Sabin, Our Silent Partner, Tillage of the Heart, Key to the N. T., Transplanted Truths (2 vols.), The Min- ister's Pedagogy, Religion for Men; res.. Seminary Campus. 1903 AYRES, EUGENE EDMOND, D. D. Born, Russelville, Ky., Nov. 22, 1859; Cro. T. S., 88-9; deg., D. D., 02, Georgetown Col., Ky., 03, Rich. Col.; stud., Hartford T. S. ; teach., Latin, Eminence, Ky., 79-81; do, Georgetown Acad., 81-3; prof., Greek, Judson Col., Ala., 83-9; do, philos., Georgetown Col., Ky., 98-03; do, N. T. Exegesis and Lit., Cro. T. S., 03 — ; res.. Seminary Campus. 1906 POLLARD, EDWARD BAGBY, D. D. Born, Stevensville, Va., Oct. 9, 1864; Rich. Col., 84; So. Bapt. T. S., 90; grad. work, Yale U., 93; stud., Berlin, Ger., 96; deg., A. B., 84, A. M., 86, D. D., 01, Rich. Col., Ph. D., 93, Yale U. ; ord., June, 90, Leigh St. ch.. Rich., Va. ; pas., Howard Ave. ch., New Haven, Conn., 90-3; 1st ch., Roanoke, Va., 93-6; pas. sup. 1st ch., Washington, D. C, 00-02; pas., Georgetown, Ky., 02-06; sup. Mem. ch., Phila., 06-07; prof. Bib. Lit., George Washington U., 96-02; do, Georgetown Col., 16 Crozer Theological Seminary 03-06; prof. Homiletics, Cro. T. S., 06 — ; auth., Oriental Women, Paul Judson, numerous pamphlets and articles; ed., Service, 10-12; Baptist Commonwealth, 14-17; res., Seminary Campus. 1908 LEWIS, FRANK GRANT, Ph. D. Born, Gang Mills, N. Y., July 18, 1865; Brown U., 93; Roch. T. S., 96; ord., Aug. 13, 96, Jefferson, la.; pas., Jeffer- son, 96-8; Ambrose, O., 98-01; prof., Theol. & Ch. Hist., & librarian, Va. Union U., 01-05; grad. study, U. of Chic, 05-07; assoc. prof., N. T., U. of Chic, 07-08; prof. Bible Hist. & Interpretation, Bapt. Inst, for Christian Workers, Phila., 08-09; instr. in Hebrew, Cro. T. S., 08-13; librarian, 09 — ; prest., Pa. State Lib. Assn., 13-14; auth., The Irenaeus Testimony to the Fourth Gospel, Life of William Shadrach, D. D., mag. articles and reviews; res., 2412 Edgmont Ave., Chester, Pa. 1909 MEESER, SPENSER BYRON, D. D. Born, Phila., 1859; Girard Col., 74; Bu. U., 83; Cro. T. S., 86; deg., Ph. B., 83, Bu. U., D. D., 01, Brown U.; ord., Sept., 86, 1st ch. Paterson, N. J.; pas., 1st ch., Paterson, 86-93; 2d ch., Wilmington, Del., 93-6; 1st ch., Worcester, Mass., 96-02; Woodward Ave. ch., Detroit, Mich., 02-07; act. pas., Emmanuel ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 08-09 ; prof. Sys. Theol., Cro. T. S., 09 — ; res.. Seminary Campus. INSTRUCTORS 1873 John Skinner Hutchison, 1875 Interpretation of N. T. 1875 Edmund Wells, a. m., 1876 Hebrew. 1893 Artemus Ward Reynolds, ph. d., / 1899 Hebrew. 1899 John Warren Davis, a. m., b. d., ll. b., 1902 Hebrew. 1903 Oliver Chase Horsman, b. d., 1904 Hebrew and Greek. 1904 John Meighan, b. d., ph. d., 1906 Hebrew and Greek. 1905 Paul Martin Pearson, a. m., litt. d., 1908 Public Speaking and Reading. 1907 Hugh Thomas Musselman, 1911 Sunday School Method and Pedagogy 1907 Frank Stockton Dobbins, a. m., 1916 Missions 1908 Wayland Hoyt, d. d., 1909 Public Speaking and Reading. Lecturers 17 1909 Silas Shoemaker Neff, ph. d., 1916 Public Speaking and Reading. 1909 Frank Grant Lewis, ph. d., 1913 Hebrew. 1910 Eli Spayd Reinhold, a. m.. Rhetoric and Logic. 1910 James Jefferson Watson, a. m., b. d., 1912 Elementary Greek. 1911 Edward Morris Stephenson, d. d., Religious Education. 1912 Carlton B, Sanford, 1916 Physical Training. 1913 Rittenhouse Neisser, th. m.. Elementary Greek. 1916 William Everett Chalmers, d. d., Religious Education. 1916 Philip Marshall Hicks, a. m., Public Speaking and Reading. LECTURERS THE SAMUEL A. CROZER FOUNDATION 1880 Principal J. W. Dawson, ll. d., f.r.s., McGill University. "The Relations of Natural Science to Monistic and Agnostic Speculations." 1882 President E. G. Robinson, d. d., ll. d., Brown University. 1884 President M. B. Anderson, ll. d., Rochester University. 1886 Rev. Jesse B. Thomas, d. d., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888 Prof. W. R. Harper, ph. d., Yale University. 1890 Prof. O. T. Mason, The Smithsonian Institution, Washington,^ "The Natural History of Religions." 1894 Prof. A. H. Newman, d. d., ll. d., McMaster University, "The Anabaptist Movement." 1895 Rev. John Humpstone, d. d., Brooklyn, "The Ministry of Manhood." 18 Crozer Theological Seminary 1896 Rev. A. J. Behrends, d. d., Brookljm, "The Philosophical Equipment of the Preacher." 1899 Prof. Frank Hugh Foster, ph. d., d. d.. Pacific Theological Seminary, "The Contribution of Christian Experience to the System of Evangelical Doctrine." 1900 Rev. James Moncure Buckley, d. d., New York, "Christian Science and Faith Healing." 1901 Prof. E. C. Dargan, d. d.. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, "The History of Preaching." 1902 Prof. Noah K. Davis, ll. d.. University of Virginia, "The Fundamentals of Ethics." 1903 Prof. W. C. Wilkinson, d. d.. University of Chicago. 1904 President John H. Harris, ll. d., Bucknell University. 1905 President W. L. Poteat, ph. d., ll. d.. Wake Forest College, "The Relation of Science and Religion." 1906 Rev. W. L. Watkinson, d. d., London, "Homiletics." 1907 Prof. James Orr, Glasgow, "Bearing of Recent Excavations on the New Testament." 1908 Rev. Frederick J. Bliss, ph. d. Beyreut, Syria, "Excavations in Bible Lands." 1910 Sir William M. Ramsay, d. c. l., Aberdeen University, Scotland, "The Epistles to Timothy: A Defense of Their Authenticity." 1912 Casper Rene Gregory, d. d., ll. d., Leipsic, Germany, "Six Eminent German Theologians." 1913 President W. H. P. Faunce, d. d., ll. d., Brown University, "Social Aspects of Foreign Missions." Librarians, Catalogers, Registrars 19 LIBRARIANS 1869 Howard Osgood 1874 1874 George R. Bliss 1882 1893 Robert P. Bliss 1906 1906 - Henry C. Vedder 1909 1909 Frank G. Lewis CATALOGERS 1915 1907 Miss Edith M. West 1915 Miss Jeannette B. Shepard REGISTRARS 1907 Eli S. Reinhold ALUMNI AND MATRICULATES (Classes from 1857 to 1868, inclusive, were students in the theol. dept. of the Univ. at Lewisburg.) 1857 •JOHNSON, Henry B.; b., Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 25, 1829; stud., Bu. U.; theol. dept., 57; not ord.; in iron bus.; d., July 5, 91, Reading, Pa., aged 62. ♦OSBORNE, Corra; b.. New Jersey; grad., Bu. U.; theoL dept., 57; pas., Syracuse, N. Y. ; entered journalism, editing The Saturday Night, in which appeared many religious articles; served as an evangelist; d., Boston, dr. 00. *ELDREDGE, James Harry; stud., Bu. U., class 57; theol. dept., 55-6; not ord.; d. 78. FISHER, Elhanan; stud., Bu. U., class 59; theol. dept. Bu. U., 55-6; not ord.; res., Mt. Carroll, 111. ♦IRELAND, John; stud., Bu. U., class 59; theol. dept., 55-6; d— . *PELTZ, George Alexander; b., Phila., 1835 (?) ; Bu. U., 57; theol. dept., 55-6; ord., 57, Spring Garden ch., Phila.; deg., A. B., A. M., D. D., Bu. U.; pas., (in the order named) Pilgrim ch., N .Y., Tabernacle ch., Phila., Newark, N. J., Jamestown, N. Y.; ed., Baptist Teacher, 66-9; asst. ed., S. S. Times, 76-7; assoc. pas., Grace Temple, Phila., 86—; d., 07. TAYLOR, Dewitt Clinton; stud., Bu. U., class 57; theol. dept, 55-6; not ord.; res., Tyrone, Pa. 1858 ♦DUNLAP, Robert; b., Blair Co., Pa., 1824; Bu. U., 58; theol dept., 58; ord., Oct. 26, 58, Malvern ch., Chester Co., Pa.; deg., A. B., Bu. U., 58; pas., Willistown, Chester Co., Pa., 58-61; Pottstown, 62-5; New Bethlehem, 65-6; Warsaw & Mt. Pleasant chs., 66-7; 20 1858 21 Towanda, 67-8; Mt. Clements, Mich., 69-70; Commerce, 70-1; Midland, 71-3; Phillipsburg, Pa., 74-5; Lock Haven, 75-6; New Castle, 77-80; Oakland, 81-4; d.. Mar. 21, 85, Corsica, Jefferson Co., Pa., aged 61. *EVANS, John W.; b., Tredegar, So. Wales, July 2, 1825; immig., 48 to Minersville, Pa.; stud., Bu. U.; grad. theol. dept., 58; deg., A. M., Bu. U. ; ord.. Mar. 9, 59, Unionville, Pa. ; pas., three chs. in Cambria Co., Pa., 60-1; Welsh ch., 3 yrs., and Bethel (English) ch., 10 yrs.; Shirleysburg & Three Springs, 69-76, serving out- stations; Irwin's Station, Pa., 76-7; Pine Creek, 77-9; miss., Center Assn., 79-83; Shirleysburg, 83-5; Pequea, 85-8; Dividing Creek, N. J., 88-92; Prairie Union ch.. Neb., 93-7; removed to Calif. ; d.. May 16, 10, Ceres, Calif., aged 85. ♦FEEAR, George; b., Eaton Twp., Wyoming Co., Pa., June 21, 1831; Bu. U., 56; theol. dept., 58; deg., A. B., D. D., Bu. U.; ord., Aug. 14, 58, 1st ch., Reading, Pa.; pas., 1st Reading, 58-72; 1st Norris- town, 72-5; 1st Lewisburg, 75-80; Centennial, later 1st Bapt., Wilkes Barre, 80-94 ; chap. 3d Pa. Reserves, Apr. 30, 62, and dis- charged on acct. illness, July, 62; d., Dec. 27, 94, Wilkes Barre, Pa., aged 63. ♦JONES, Benjamin E.; b., Argoed, Wales, Feb. 7, 1825; immig., 45; stud., Bu. U.; grad., theol. dept., 58; ord., Dec. 7, (or 8), 58, Johnstown, Pa.; pas., Centralia, Pa.; after a few years, Wi- conisco, 25 yrs; in 1900 ret. to Minersville, Pa.; d., Jan. 16, 04, Minersville, aged 79. *JONES, Isaac (C) ; b., Exeter, Pa., Jan. 14, 1827; stud., Bu. U.; grad. theol. dept., 58; ord., Feb. 17, 59, Canaseraga, N. Y.; sup., Earlville, N. Y.; pas., Leland, 111., 63-4; Tekamah, Neb., 67-71; miss, in New Eng., 72-3; d., Jan. 1, 07, Tekamah, aged 80. ♦JONES, Miller; b., Hilltown, Bucks Co., Pa., July 3, 1830; Bu. U., 56; theol. dept. 58; ord., Oct., 58, Marcus Hook, Pa.; deg., A. B., A. M., Bu. U. ; pas., Marcus Hook, 58-61; Bridgeport, 61-4; Moorestown, N. J., 64-8; Marlton, 68-71; Reading, Pa., 71-2; Bridgeport, 72-9; Village Green, 79-04; d., Sept. 10, 15, Phila., aged 85. ♦PERRY, John Major; b.. Lower Providence, Pa., Jan. 5, 1835; stud., Bu. U. ; grad. theol. dept., 58 ; ord., April 7, 59, Lower Providence, Pa. ; pas., Lawrenceville, now Royersford, Pa., 60-1 ; Pughtown, 61-2; Beulah ch., Chester Co., 62-4; Conshohocken, 65-6; Green- ville, Mercer Co., 67-70 (as miss.); Osceola, 70-1; Phillipsburg, 71-3; on acct. impaired health removed to Wylliesburg, Va. ; organ, chs. here and at Friendship, Va.; d., July 27, 04, Wylliesburg, aged 70, ♦SHANAFELT, Andrew Fuller; b., Huntingdon Co., Pa., Mar. 10, 1832; Bu. U., 56; theol. dept., 58; deg., A. B., A. M., Bu. U.; ord., July 29, 58, White Hall, Pa. ; pas. White Hall & Derry chs.. 22 1858-1859-1860 Pa., 58-64; Logan's Valley ch., 64-7; 1st ch., Chester, 67-75; d., Mar. 16, 75, Chester, aged 43. EVANS, Joseph I; stud., theol. dept., Bu. U., 56-7; . *FISH, Benjamin Heritage; b., N. J.; stud., Bu. U., class of 61; theol. dept., 56-7; ord., 58, 1st ch., Altoona, Pa.; pas., Altoona, Brandy- wine, Reynoldsville, Sharpsburg, Harlansburg, Phila., in order; later pas., Wilton Center, 111.; d., 05. SLAUGHTER, Thomas J.; stud., Bu. U., class 61; theol. dept., 56-7; 1859 *CORNWELL, William E.; b., Phila., Oct. 24, 1836; stud., Bu. U.; theol. dept., 59; ord., Oct. 26, 59, Woodstown, N. J.; pas.. Canton, N. J., 60-9 ; Lower Dublin, Phila., 69-80 ; West Chester, Pa., 80-1 ; Byberry, Phila., 82-3; Cape May C. H., N. J., 83-6; Woodstown, 87-9; Jacobstown, 90-09; Manahawken, 10-16; d., June 16, 16, Lakewood, N. J., aged 80. ♦DAVIES, Philip L.; stud., Bu. U., class 62; later reed, deg. A. M.; theol. dept., 57-9; ord. to min. ; d., 75; . *FOLWELL, Alexander H.; stud., Bu. U., class 62; stud., theol. dept, 57-59 ;ord. to min.; d., 72. GUNTER, Charles H.; b., Wales, 1831; stud., Bu. U., class 62; theol. dept., 57-59; ord.. Mar., 60, Cambridge, O. ; pas., Cambridge, 60-6; New Concord, 66-9; Martin's Ferry, 69-76; Caldwell, 76-82; New- port, 72-89; Jackson, 89-93; Centreville, 93-9; . *McNAIR, George T.; b., Montg. Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1829; Bu. U., 57; theol. dept., 59; ord., Dec, 59, Leroy, Pa.; pas., Leroy, Pa., 59-61; Treverton, 62-6; Muncy, 67-75; E. Nantmeal, 75-80; West Creek & George's Rd., N. J., 80-6; New Brunswick, 86-9; d.. Mar. 28, 89, New Brunswick, aged 60. *ROHRER, John Quincy Adams; Bu. U., 57; theol. dept., 59; deg., A. B., Bu. U.; d., 60; . 1860 *AMMERMAN, Andrew Jackson; b., Northumberland Co., Pa., Dec. 18, 1834; stud., Bu. U.; grad. theol. dept, 00; ord., April 10, 61, New Burlington, O.; pas.. New Lexington, Bristol & Oakfield, 0., 60-2; Salt Creek & Duncan Falls, 62-4; Washington, 111., 65-8; So. Mt. Pleasant, 67-72; Deer Creek, 68-74; Plainfield, la., 75-6; Nebraska, 111., 79-81; So. Clayton & Benson, 81-3; Belle Plain & Meridian, 83-4; So. Stonington, 84-7; Deer Creek, Shelbyville & Xenia, 88-13 ; d., Apr. 8, 13, Stonington, 111., aged 78. 1860-1861-1862 23 ♦DeHAVEN, Isaac; stud., Bu. U., class 60; theol .dept., 58-60; not ord. ; d., . *HAWN, Abraham DeHart; Bu. U., 59; theol. dept., 58-9; deg., A. B., 59, A. M., 62, D. D., Bu. U.; d., 12. 1861 BOTT, Thomas B.; stud., Bu. U., class 63; theol. dept., 59-61; ord. to min. ; res., Phila. *McNEIL, William R.; b., Russellville, Pa., Mar. 5, 1837; stud., Bu. U.; grad., theol. dept., 61; ord., 61, Falls of Schuykill ch., Phila.; pas.. Falls of Schuykill ch., Phila., 61; 1st Williamsport, Pa., 62-4; Phila., 65; Pearl St., Bridgeton, N. J., 67-71; So. Chester, Pa., 72-75; Elk View, 76-86; Bridgeton, N. J., 87-93; Emporium, Pa., 94-8; Dist. Sec. A. B. F. M. Soc. & A. B. H. M. Soc; ret.., 01; entered Nugent home, 05 (?) ; chap., 37th Pa. Regt. in Civil War; d., July 16, 07, Germantown, Phila., aged 70. PARDOE, Hiles C; b., 1839, Lewisburg, Pa.; stud., Bu. Acad.; grad. theol. dept., Bu. U., 61; ord. deacon, 63, elder, 65, M. E. Ch.; deg., D. D., 95, New Orleans Univ.; pas., 43 yrs. Central, Pa.; 6 yrs. presiding elder; retired, 1911; auth., Byrne Ransom's Building, Beyond the Ruts, Up the Susquehanna, Light for the Penitent, Gospel Among Boys and Girls, etc.; res., Harrisburg, Pa. ♦BURT, Daniel E.; b., Cambridge Springs, Pa.; stud., Bu. U., class 63; theol. dept., 59-60; ord., Nov. 11, 68, W. Portland, N. Y.; pas., W. Portland, 68-9; Ellery, 69-72; Dayton, 72-3; Salamanca, 73-7; Kennedy, 80; Howard, 81-5; Yorkshire Center, 85-7; Holland, 87- 91; Eldred, Pa., 6 mos.; Roulette, 92-4; So. Alabama, 94-8; Great Valley, N. Y., 98-00; d., 09. *COULSTON, Thomas Philip; b., Phila.; stud., Colg. U., N.Y.; Bu. U., 59; deg., A. B., 59, A. M., 62, D. D., 85, Bu. U.; theol. dept., Bu. U., 59-60; ord. 4th ch., Phila., and pas. for 28 yrs.; ret. and d., 02. FURMAN, Judson; stud., theol. dept., Bu. U., 59-60; . *MENIGE, D.; stud., Bu. U., class 63; theol. dept., 59-60; d., WIRTH, Jacob H.; stud., theol. dept., Bu. U., 59-60; . 1862 *COOK, Asher; b., Albany, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1834; Bu. U., 63; theol. dept., 62; ord., Jan. 12, 64, Tabernacle ch., Phila.; deg., A. B., 63, A. M. 65, Bu. U.; pas., Blackwoodstown, N. J., 64-6; E. Galway, 24 1862-1863-1864 N. Y., 66-7; Galway, 67-9; Providence, R. I., 69-83; Jamesville & N. Milton, N. Y., 86-11; served in Union Army during Civil War; d., Aug. 4, 11, Wilton, N. Y., aged 77. COLLINGS, Thomas (F.) ; stud., Bu. U., class 64; theol. dept., 60-1; not ord. ; res., Camden, N. J. *ENTREKIN, John Guthrie; b., W. Cain, Pa., 1834; stud., Bu. U., 3 yrs., class 64; theol. dept., 60-1; ord., June 13, 61, Pottstown, Pa.; pas., Pottstown, Pughtown, 62-4; Ridley, 64-8; Belvidere, N. J., 68-73; Mt. Olive, Pa., 73; Drakeville, 74; Bloomingdale, 77; Echo Lake Miss. Field, 77-83; Cape May, 83-7; Tuckahoe, 87-92; d., 10. *EVANS, Thomas; stud., Bu. U., class 64; theol. dept., 60-1; not ord.; d., ; . *FOGG, Miller More ;stud., Bu. U., class 64; theol. dept., 60-1; ord. to min. ; d., 01. *TOWER, William M.; stud., Bu. U., class 64; theol. dept., 60-1; ord.; d., . 1863 *RANNEY, Edwin H.; b., Winsted, Conn., Sept. 11, 1820; stud., Bu. U.; grad., theol. dept., 63; ord., Oct. 59, 1st ch. Washington, N.C.; sup., Pequea, Pa.; pas., Hartford, Conn., 67-9; Cromwell, 70-; engaged in teach.; first inmate of Nugent Home, Germantown, Pa., 88; d., Apr. 17, 1908, Germantown, aged 88. *RUNYON, William Henry; stud., Colg. U., 57-9; Bu. U., 61; theol. dept., 63; deg., A. B., 61, A. M., 63, Bu. U.; ord., Mar. 15, 64, Unionville, N. Y. ; pas., Unionville, 69-81 ; d., 81. 1864 COWDEN, William Forbes; b., New Bedford, Pa., June 22, 1834; Jefferson Col., 58; Bu. U., theol. dept., 64; ord., 64, Jersey Shore, Pa.; deg., A. B., Jeff. Col., A. M., Bu. U., LL. D., Bethany Col., W. Va.; pas., Jersey Shore, Pa., 64-7; New Castle, 67-71; Chris- tian ch., New Castle, 71-80; 1st Christian ch., Lexington, Ky., 80-4; 1st Christian ch., Allegheny City, Pa., 84-9; supt. of miss. Pac. N. W., 89-05 ; ret., res Long Bend, Calif. *McDERMOND, David R.; stud., Bu. U.; theol. dept., 64; d., 68; . ♦PHILLIPS, Thomas Elliot; b. at sea, Feb. 1, 1837; immig. from Wales, Feb., 37; theol. dept., Bu. U., 64; ord., 65, Forkston, Sul- livan Co., Pa.; served and wounded in Civil War; pas., Laporte, Pa., 64-5; Forkston, 65-7; Mehoopany, 67; Breesport, N. Y., Ter- rytown & Camp town. Pa., 85-8; Mehoopany, 94-07; d., Apr. 25, 07, Mehoopany, aged 70. 1864-1865-1866 25 *SHANAFELT, Thomas Miles; b., Brinkerton, Pa., 1836 (?) ; Bu. U., 61; theol. dept., 64; ord., Oct. 27, 64, Muncy, Pa.; deg., A. B., A. M., D. D., Bu. U.; served in Civil War; pas., Muncy, Pa., 64-7; sec. Mich. State Con., 67-88; supt. miss.. No. & So. Dak., 88-06; d., Aug. 17, 09, Birmingham, Mich., aged 73. ♦HILL, Eleazer Everard; stud., Bu. U., class 67; theol. dept., 62-3; not ord.; d., 66. 1865 EACHES, Owen Philips; b., Chesterton, Pa., Dec. 11, 1840; Bu. U., 63; theol. dept., 65; ord., 66, Nicetown, Phila.; deg., A. B., 63, A. M., 66, D. D., 91, Bu. U. ; served in Civil War; pas., Nicetown, Pa., 66-70; Hightstown, N. J., 70-13; teach., Bu. U., 63-5; auth., Doctrines and Ordinances of the N. T., Commentary on Hehrexvs, Commentary on Revelation; prest. N. J. Bapt. Educ. Soc. ; sec. do, 25 yrs. ; ret. & res., Haddonfield, N. J. *SEYSE, Thomas; b., Kidwelly, Wales, 1838; stud., Bu. U., class 66; grad., theol. dept., 65; ord., 75, Blakely ch.. Pa.; pas., Blakely, 65-8; Franklin, 68-70; Clymer, N. Y., 70-3; New Bethlehem, Pa., 73-5 ; Clymer, N. ¥., 75-7 ; Strykersville, 77-83 ; Busti, 83-8 ; Ran- dolph, 88-9; Sandusky, 89-96; Strykersville, 97-03; d., Apr. 11, 03, Strykersville, aged 65. *CUSTIS, John William; stud., Bu. U., class 66; theol. dept., 63-4; ord. to min. ; d., 88. MUNRO, Henry Clay; b., Sidney, N. S.; Bu. U., 63; theol. dept., 63-4; ord., 65, White Hall ch.. Pa.; pas., White Hall, Moreland, Tur- botville, Madison, 65-84; Muncy & Picture Rocks, 84-92; Beverly, N. J., 94; White Hall, Pa., 95-00; deg.. Ph. B., D. D.; res.. White Hall, Pa. 1866 MAUL, Webster Rufus; b., Hatboro, Pa.; Bu. U., 67; theol. dept., 66; res. grad. work, 66-7; ord., Memorial ch., Phila.; deg., Sc. B., Ph. B., Bu. U.; served in Civil War; pas., Cape Island, N. J., 69-70; Ashland, Mass., 70-3; 1st ch., Hoboken, N. J., 73-8; Mar- iners Harbor, N. Y., 91-4; Brooklyn (w. c), 94-6; act. pas. 2d ch., Brooklyn, 96-00; chap., Middleton Post, G. A. R., Brooklyn, 8 yrs.; res., Brooklyn, N. Y. WARD, Ross; b., York Co., Pa.; Bu. U., 64; theol. dept., 66; ord., Jan. 10, 67, Georgetown, Pa.; deg., A. B., 64; A, M., 67, Bu. U.; pas., Sheakleyville, Pa., 67-72; Cambridgeboro, 72-3; Boulder, Colo., 26 1866-1867 74-8; Covington, Pa., (& nearby chs.) 78-81; Etters, (w. c), 81-4; Mt. Moriah & Smithfield chs., 84-9; California, & nearby chs., 89-91; Morgantown, W. Va., 91-8; Terra Alta, 98-01; Stew- artstown, 01-06; Point Marion (w. c), 06 — . *BREN SINGER, George Jacob; Bu. U., 69; theol. dept, 64-5; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, Bu. U.; nor ord.; d., 14. *HUTTON, John Bowen; Bu. U., 64; theol. dept., 64-5; deg., A. B., 64, A. M., 67, Bu. U.; not ord.; d., 09. ♦WALKER, Jacob Garrett; b., Phila., Dec. 28, 1840; Bu. U., A. B., 62, A. M., 65, D. D., 83; theol. dept., 64-5; ord., Dec. 5, 65, Falls of Schuykill, Phila.; pas., Pughtown, 65-8; W. Conshohocken, 68-72; Mantua ch., Phila., 72-15; d., July 16, 15, Phila., aged 75. 1867 *BENDER, Jabez F.; b., Mt. Joy, Pa., Aug. 1833; theol. dept., Bu. U., 67; ord., 64, Harrisburg, Pa.; pas., Harrisburg, 64-7; Lower Providence, 67-9; Newtown, 70-4; Easton, Conn., 75-7; Montville, Mass., 78-82; Manahawken, N. J., 82-3; Lakeville, 83-93; Royal- ton, N. Y., 94; dur. yrs. of ill health served chs. Cossoyuna & Dysinger, N. Y.; d., Oct. 27, 03, Weehawken Heights, N. J., aged 70. *CLAPP, Theophilus Eaton; b., Northumberland Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1844; served in 15th Pa. cavalry in Civil War; Bu. U., 65; theol. dept., 67; ord., Aug. 29, 67, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; deg., A. B., 65, A. M., 67, Bu. U., D. D., Pacif. U.; pas., Hollidaysburg, Pa., 67-9; Williamsport, 69-80; Syracuse, N. Y., 80-6; Cong, ch., Portland, Ore., 86-94; dist. supt., Anti-Saloon League, N. Y.; d., Aug. 11, 03, Syracuse, N. Y., aged 59. ♦GARNER, Harrison Brower; b., Howellville, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 16, 1840; served in Civil War; Bu. U., 65; theol. dept., 67; ord., Sept. 29, 67, 1st ch., W. Phila.; deg., A. B., 65, A. M., 67, D. D., 05, Bu. U.; pas., Honesdale, Pa., 67-71; miss., Wayne Assoc, 71-7; Hopewell, N. J., 78-81; in bus., Phila., 81-7; Berwyn, (Great Val- ley ch.), 87-93; do, (w. c.) 94-5; Dowington, 96-9; sup., Berwyn, 00-01; pas., Cold Point, 02-09; Altoona, 10-11; Tyrone, 11-13; ret. acct. ill health; d., Jan. 27, 15, aged 74. GILL, Thomas Augustus; b., Phila., Feb. 8, 1840; grad., Phila. High School; Bu. U., 65; theol. dept., 67; ord., Oct. 68, 1st ch., German- town, Pa.; deg., A. B., 65; A. M., 68, D. D., 93, Bu. U.; pas., Phila., 68-71 ; trav. in Europe, Egypt, Palestine, 71-2 ; chap., U. S. Navy, 74-02; ret. with rank Rear Admiral; auth., pamphlets & arts, in cyclopedias, etc.; res, Boston, Mass. 1867-1868 27 *HUTSON, John Speed; b., Gosburton, Eng., Aug. 2, 1838; immig., 45; Bu. U., 66; theol. dept., 67; ord.; deg., A. B., 66, A. M., 67; D .D., 00, Bu. U.; served in Civil War; pas., Stockton, N. J., 68-71; Nixon St. ch., Allegheny, Pa., (now Beth Eden, Pittsbg.), 71-9; Warren, O., 79-85; Granville, 85-90; Nixon St. ch., Allegheny, Pa., 91-06; ret., preach., (w. c.) ; d., Apr. 27, 16, Coraopolis, Pa., aged 78. KANE, James Johnson; b., Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 18, 1837; immig., 53 ; on acct. of ill health went to sea, became commander of a ves- sel; entered U. S. Navy as commander under Farragut, 60-2; served under Admiral Porter; resigned to enter Bu. U., and grad. theol. dept., 67; ord., Apr. 5, 66, Mariner's Bethel, Phila.; Harv. Law school, 69-70; chap., U. S. N., 68-96, rank of capt.; rear- admiral for service in Civil Wa,r, 06; chap, pro teni, U. S. Senate, various times; mem. Loyal Legion, Masonic Order, etc.; auth., Miriam & Milton; History of English Newspapers, 1550-1900, and many commercial and statistical works; res., Washington, D. C. KING, Howard Fetzer; b., Kingsville, Pa., May 22, 1841; Bu. U., 65; theol. dept., 67; ord., Aug. 17, 70, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; deg., A. B., 65, A. M., 68, D. D., 95, Bu. U.; prin. Tipton Sem., Pa., 67-70; pas., Hollidaysburg, Pa., 70-88; Grt. Bethel ch., Uniontown, 88-05; Indiana, 05-14; Point Marion, 15 — . WATSON, Joseph Latta; b., Chester Co., Pa., Mar. 18, 1840; Bu. U., 67; theol. dept., 67; ord., Oct. 25, 67, Canton, Pa.; deg., Sc. B., Bu. U. ; pas.. Canton, 67-73; Lexington, 111., 74-6; Sun Prairie, Wis., 76-7 ;Portland, Pa., 77-86; Holmesburg, Phila., 86-8; Mul- lica Hill, N. J., 88-90; Mt. Olive, 91-08; Mt. Bethel ch., Portland, Pa., 09-10; Austinville, 11-12; Portland (w. c), 12—. BOYER, Simon Kinzey; theol. dept., Bu. U., 65-6; KUTZ, Henry David; theol. dept., Bu. U., 65-6; *RUSH, James Fry; stud., Bu. U., class of 68; theol. dept., 65-6; d., 11. 1868 GRINNELL, Charles Henry; stud., Bu. U., class 70; theol. dept., 66-8; res., Altoona, Pa. *HALL, George Capwell; Bu. U., A. B., 66; theol. dept., 66-8; d., 70. LOOMIS, Freeman; b., Waterville, Me., May 21, 1844; Bu. U., 66; theol. dept., 68; deg., A. B., A. M., B. D., Ph. D., Bu. U.; teach, languages; auth.. Tribute to Rev. William Shadrach, D. D.; res., N. Y. City. METTLER, Amzi Wolverton; b., Rushtown, Pa.; stud., Bu. Acad.; theol. dept., Bu. U., 65-8; ord., 68, Zoar ch.; pas., Hillsville, Pa., 68-70; Ovid Center, N. Y., 70-3; Hawley, Pa., 78-82; New Lis- 28 1868-1870 bon, N. Y., 83-5; Howard, 85-8; Throupsburg, 85-90; Westfield, Pa., 90-94; E. Cameron, & Jasper, N. Y., 94-6; ret. and res. at Hornell, N. Y. ♦WINTER, William (W.) ; b., Mansfield, Eng., Mar. 5, 1839; Bu. U., 63; Roch. U., 66; Bu. U., theol. dept, 68; ord., Feb. 70, Brinfield, 111.; deg., Sc. B., 63, Bu. U.; A. B., 66, Roch. U., A. M., Bu. U., D. D. S., 72, Pa. Col. Dental Surgery; pas., Brinfield, 111., 69-71; Phila. City Miss., 72-81; Opulia, N. Y., 84-6; Bartlett, 86-90; Hamilton, 91-7; Corwith, la., 97; Batlimore & suburbs, 98-11; (97-8 w. c.) ; prac. dentistry, preach, part of time; d., Sept. 15, 11, Baltimore, aged 72. *LEAR, Elias Shull; Bu. U., A. B., 67; theol. dept., 67-8; ord.; d., 15. REUD, William Robert; stud., Bu. U., class of 70; theol. dept., 66-7; ♦SMITH, Thomas Fields; b., Bloomsburg, Pa.; Bu. U., Ph. B., 66; stud., theol. dept., 66-7; ord., 68, Damascus, Pa.; pas., Damascus, Rose, N. Y., E. Walworth, Clinton; d., 10. *VAN ZANT, William Gulick; Bu. U., A. B., 64; grad. med. col.; deg., A. M., & M. D.; theol. dept., 66-7; d., 74. 1870 ♦BARROWS, William; b., Phila., June 21, 1843; Bu. U., 67; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., 70, Pughtov^n, Pa.; deg., Sc. B., A. M., D. D., Bu. U.; pas., Pughtown, 70-81; Windsor, 81-6; Leroy, 10-12; Sandy Ridge, N. J., 12-15; d., Dec. 7, 15, Stockton, N. J., aged 72. •BECKER, Charles Eli; b., Bennettsburg, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1839; Mad. (Colg.) U., 67; Cro. T. S., 70; ord.. May, 68, Amenia, N. Y.; pas., Amenia, 69-72; East Lynn, Conn., 72-5; Medina, N. Y., 75-6; Bennettsburg, 76-80; Bellville, 80-1; pres. Ben. Col., S. C, 81-95; pas., Fitzgerald, Ga., 97-98; d., Mar. 7, 02, Fitzgerald, aged 62. ♦DALBY, William Williams; b., W. Conshohocken, Pa., Jan 28, 1835; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., Jan. 18, 66, Balligomingo ch.. Pa.; pas., Radnor, Pa., 66-70; Glen Run, 70-1; served as Lieut in Civil War; pas., Tabernacle ch., Camden, N. J., 71-7; Passayunk, Phila., 77-83; Messiah ch., Phila., 83-9; Tabernacle ch., Harris- burg, 89-93; 1st ch., Malvern, 93-9; Calvary ch., Altoona, 99-00; Yeadon, 01-03 ; d., Feb. 2, 03, Yeadon, aged 68. ♦ELLER, William Hamilton; b., Wilkes Co., N. C, Oct. 29, 1842; stud., Fairfield Col., la., 64-6; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., Nov., 71, Bethany ch., Portsmouth, 0.; disabled in Civil War; pas., Lin- dale, O., 71-3; Beatrice, Neb., 73-6; Blair, 76-7; imp. health; read law; supt. Keely Inst., N. C. ; miss., state board, N. C, 04-16; res., Greensboro, N. C. 1870 29 •HARDEN, Cushman Eben; b., Trenton, Me., 1840; stud., Colby Col., 3 yrs; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., 65; pas. Angora ch., W. Phila, 70-1; Ridley Park, 72-73; Bristol, 74-5; miss, in Me., 76; Ellsworth, 77-8; Lemoine, 79; Harrington, 80-3; Sedgwick, 84-5; Hebron, 86-9; Jefferson, 90-4; St. George, 95; Palermo Center, 96; Ap- pleton, 96-7; d., Nov. 15, 97, Appleton, aged 57. •LEAMY, Henry Harrison; b., Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 13, 1841; stud., Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., June 21, 70, Cold Point, Pa.; pas., chs. in fol. ord: Cold Point, Radnor, Milford, Del., Con- shohocken. Pa., Warren, Cambridgeboro, Providence ch., Beaver Co., Dubois, Warrensville, E. End ch., Williamsport ; d., 08 (or 09), aged 67. ♦SNYDER, George Washington; b., Randolph, N. Y., 1837; stud., Allegheny Col., Meadville; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., July 7, 61; pas., Meadville, Pa., 61-3; Randolph, 63-4; Townville, 65-6; Lewis- burg, 67-8; Columbus, N. J., 69-71; Lock Haven, Pa., 72-4; d., Aug. 25, 75, Townville, Pa., aged 38. ♦TUTTLE, Harvey Harrison; b., Springfield, 0., Sept. 30, 1842; served throughout the Civil War; Wittenberg Col., 0., 67; New- ton T. I., 68-9; Cro. T. S., 70; ord., Dec, 70, Bradford ch., O.; deg., A. B., A. M., Wittenberg Col.; pas., Bradford, Pa., 70-2; Covington, Sinking Creek, & other chs., 72-92; Lib., Den. U., 92-01 ; d., Jan. 14, 13, Springfield, 0., aged 70. ♦FERGUSON, Adam Clark; b., Norway, N. Y., 1845; stud., Roch. U.; Cro. T. S., 68-9; ord., Apr. 4, 70, Port Chester, N. Y.; pas., Port Chester, 70-1; Springport, 73-5; Manlins, 75-6; Chittenango, 77-9; Lansingburgh, 80-2; Corinth, 85-6; Saratoga, 86-98; Brook- lyn, 98-08 (w. c). ♦GRIFFITH, John Thomas; b., Penmark, Wales, Jan. 1, 1845; immig., Apr., 65; stud., Bu. U., 67-8; stud., Cro. T. S., 68-9; ord., Aug. 22, 69, Newburg, O.; deg., D. D., Gale Col., 99; pas., Newburg (now Cleveland) & Niles, O., 69-70; Sharpsville & Stoneboro, Pa., 71-4; Jamestown, 73-6; Greenville, 76-7; Sheakleyville, 77- 81; Sharon, (Welsh ch.) & Harmony, 81-2; Scotdale, 82-4; Ma- hanoy City, (Welsh & Eng. chs.) 84-5; Cold Point, 85-7; Ma- hanoy City, 87-8; Lansdale, 88-91; Berean ch., Reading, 91-3; Portland, 93-4; Freeland, 94-7; Lansford, 97-01; Johnstown, 01- 03; Edwardsville, 03-08; Wales, miss, work, 09-17; auth., Morgan John Rhys, American Reminiscences, 1865-1908, & other biog. & hist, pamph. ; d., Maestag, Glamorganshire, Wales, June 19, 1917, aged 72. REBBECK, Francis James; b., London, Eng., Sept. 30, 1832; immig., Sept. 54, Phila.; bus. educ; Cro. T. S., 68-9; not ord; served as acct.; active in S. S. & miss.; for 27 yrs. elk. Pittsb'g Assoc; res., Pittsburgh, Pa. 30 1870-1871 *WYANT, Andrew Henry; b., Adrian, Pa., Dec. 25, 1839; Reid Inst, 66; stud., Cro. T. S., 68-9; ord., 71, Montgomeryville, Pa.; pas. ; evang. & miss, work in Calif.; d., Oct. 12, 09, Kittan- ning, Pa., aged 70. 1871 ♦FISHER, Spencer; b., French Creek, Sept. 3, 1845; Cro. T. S., 71; ord.. Mar. 6, 72, Busti, N. Y.; pas., Busti, 71-3; Hamburg, 74-83; Troy, 83-6; Conneaut, O. & W., Springfield, Pa., 86-7; Montour Falls & Moreland, N. Y., 87-90; Knowlesville, 91-8; Clifton, 98-9; Montour Falls, 00-08; McLean, 09-11; Albion, 12-13; d., Jan. 24, 13, Albion, aged 67. *FULGHUM, Jesse M.; b., Washington Co., Ga., 1837; Cro. T. S., 71; ord., 66; pas., Sandersville, Ga., 71-3; Paris, Tenn., 73-5; Como, 75-80; Trezevant, 80-2; McKenzie, 99-04; d., 1915, Mc- Kenzie, aged 78. ♦GRIFFITH, Owen; b., Gamdolbenmaen, N. Wales, 1832; immig., 66; Harifordwest Col., 55 ; Cro. T. S., 71 ; ord., 55, Risca, Monmouth- shire, S. Wales; pas., Risca, Wales, 55-6; Minersville, Pa., 67-71; for 20 yrs. ed. & prop. The Daivn; d.. May 14, 96, Utica, N. Y., aged 64. * JAMES, John Sexton; b., Germantown, Pa., July 20, 1848; served in army, 64; Bu. U., 68; Cro. T. S., 71; deg., A. B., 68, A. M., 71, D. D., 92, Bu. U.; ord., Oct. 29, 72, Allentown, Pa.; pas., Allen- town, 72-82; Germantown, 83-9; Hartford, Conn., 89-95; ed. Baptist Commonwealth, 95-7; pas., Altoona, Pa., 97-09; d., Nov. 30, 09, Eldorado, aged 61. LINSLEY, Harvey; b., Northford, Conn., Apr. 26, 1843; State Nor. Sch., 61-2; Conn. Lit. Inst., 6G; Brown U., 66-7; Cro. T. S., 71; ord., Nov. 1, 71, Buckfield, Me.; pas., Buckfield, 71-5; Central City, Colo., 75-6; Miss. A. B. H. M. Soc, So. Colo., 76-8; sup. miss, chs., 78-84; pas., Saquache, Colo., 84-7; Las Animas, 87-9; New Hart- ford, Conn., 89-90; So. Windsor, 90-5; 1st Suffield, 95-03; ret. (ill health) ; res., Yucaipa, Calif. MOTT, Charles Amasa; b., Leraysville, Pa., May 23, 1846; Col. Inst., Waverly, N. Y., 58-63; Sergt. Co. I, 14th Regt., N. Y. Heavy Artil., 63-5; Cro. T. S., 71; deg., D. D., Rutherford Col., N. C; ord., Aug. 15, 71, Pittsgrove, N. J.; pas., Pittsgrove, 71-4; Mana- hawken, 74-9; org. West Creek ch.; 1st ch. Vineland, 78-9; 1st eh. Millville, 80-5; Calvary ch., Phila., 85-90; 1st ch. Bayonne, N. J., 90-92; supt. Ch. Exten., Paterson, 92-3; fin. sec. & mgr., Society for providing evang. rel. lit. for the blind, 03-7; sup. chs. in & near Phila, w, c; pas., Goshen ch, Pa., 11-17; res., 650 N. 43d St., Phila. 1871-1872 31 *NEWELL, Isaac Denison, Jr.; b., Kushville, 111., 1837; served in Civil War, attained rank of Capt.; Cro. T. S., 71; ord., Oct. 13, 71, Moline, 111.; deg., B. D.; pas., Moline, 71-2; Hastings, Juniata & Harvard, Neb., 72-3; Glenville, 74-7; Sutton, Fairfield & Prairie, Minn., 78-88; Miss. A. B. H. M. Soc, Kan., 89-95; Ottawa, 98-99; Shubert, Neb., 99-01; Prairie Union, 03-04; Dayton, N. Mex., 07-08; Glenville, Neb., 11-13; d., Oct. 27, 14, Hastings, Neb., aged 77. PHILIPS, Joseph Philips; b., Uwchland, Pa., Nov. 29, 1842; U. of Chic, 68; Cro. T. S., 71; res. grad. work, 71-2; ord., 74, 1st Belvi- dere. 111.; deg., A. B., A. M., U. of Chic; pas., Joliet, 111., 74-7; Mt. Carroll, 78-82; Beaver Dam, Wis., 82-5; Coldwater, Mich., 86-90; Three Rivers, 91-2; Belvidere, 111., 92-3; Mt. Carroll, 93-8; Belvidere, 00-05; St. Anthony, Ida., 06; Santa Rosa, Calif., 11-16; St. Anthony, Ida., 17 — . * SHERIDAN, William; b., Dunoon, Sligo Co., Ire., May 15, 1828; Cro. T. S., 71; ord., June 29, 71, Epiphany ch., N. Y.; pas., To- ledo, 0., 71-00; ret.; preached often, but w. c ; auth.. What Do Baptists Believe?, A Consecrated Life, or the Biography of John Sheridan; d., Dec. 16, 13, Toledo, aged 85. STEPHENS, Leroy; b., Whiteley, Green Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1841; serv- ed in Civil War; Bu. U., 68; Cro. T. S., 71; ord., Nov. 9, 71, Mor- gantown, W. Va.; deg., A. B., 68, A. M., 71, D. D., Bu. U.; pas., Morgantown, W. Va., 71-7; Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 72-9; prest. W. Pa. Clas. & Sci. Inst., 79-94; gen. agt. Pa. Bapt. Ed. Soc, 94-9; cor. sec. Ed. Board, Pa. Bapt. Gen. Con., 99 — ; res., Lewisburg, Pa. *STURDEVANT, Davis Gray; b., Bradford Co., Pa., Mar. 23, 1836; Bu. U., 69; Cro. T. S., 71; ord.. May 3, 77, Lincoln Valley ch., Hamilton, Neb.; deg., Sc. B., Bu. U.; pioneer miss, in Neb., 71- 75; pas., Lincoln Val. ch., 75-82; ill health compelled ret., but preached as oppor. opened; d., July 27, 11, Gibbon, Neb., aged 75. ♦WRIGHT, William Russell; b., Claremont, N. H., July 28, 1847; U. of Pa., 68; Cro. T. S., 71; U. of Erlangen & Leipsic, 71-3; ord., Oct. 1, 73, Westerly, R. I.; pas., Seneca Falls, N. Y., 73-8; Cohoes, 78-83; Fort Ann, 83-90; Clarksburg, W. Va., 90-92; d., June 16, 92, Clarksburg, aged 45. 1872 *B1XBY, Dudley Cotton; b., Warren, N. H., 1841; stud., Military Col., Phila.; Cro. T. S., 72; ord., June, 70, Canton ch.. Me.; pas., Rock- port, Me., 72-6; W. Randolph, Vt., 76-7; Searsmont, Me., 78-9; E. Dedham, Mass., 79-80; Rehoboth, 80-3; State miss, in Me. for 6 yrs; sup. chs. until close of life; d., Mar. 9, 12, Haverhill, Mass., aged 71. *BLACK, Benjamin Rulon; b., Mullica Hill, N. J., Jan 8, 1846; Presb. Acad., Bridgeton, 66; Princeton U., 69; Cro. T. S., '72; ord., 72, 32 1872 Sandy Ridge, N. J.; pas., Sandy Ridge, 72-5; remainder of life given to secular labor, but rendering continuous Christian ser- vice; asst. ed. of The Farm Journal for many yrs. ; d., Apr. 27, 04, aged 57. ♦BOSTON, Francis Ryland; b., Shelltown, Md., Dec. 29, 1847; Coin. U., Wash., D. C, 97; Cro. T. S., 72; deg., A. B., 97, Coin. U.; D. D., Rich. Col., 91; ord., 72, Bruington ch., Va. ; pas., Hernando, Miss., 72-4; Onancock, Drummondton, Hillis, Va., 74-6; Hampton, 76-84; Augusta, Ga., 84-5; Warrenton, Va., 85-9; Central ch., Memphis, Tenn., 89-92; Warrenton, Va., 92-11; d., Aug. 23, 11, Washington, D. C, aged 64. *COLEMAN, Theophilus Neal; b., Butler Co., Ala., Dec. 26, 1843; served in Confed. Army, Civil War; Cro. T. S., 72; pas.. Fort Deposit, Ala., 72-3; Greenville, 74-5; Marshall, Tex., 76-80; Senoia, Ga., 94; Lumpkin, 95; Andersonville, 96; Plains, 97, 99, 05; Friendship, 97-8; engaged in teach.; d., Feb. 19, 14, Plains, aged 70. ♦DECKER, Manning Force; b., Stillwater, N. J., 1848; stud, for M, E. ministry; Cro. T. S., 72; ord., Oct. 12 (or 13), 72, Pottsville, Pa.; pas., Pottsville, 72, until death (in 4 mos.) ; d., Dec. 21, 72, Paterson, N. J., aged 24. FOWLER, Frederick Kohler; b., N. Y. City, July 18, 1840; Bu. U., 69; Cro. T. S., 72; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, D. D., 99, Bu. U.; ord., June 18, 73, Corning, N. Y. ; pas., 1st ch.. Corning, 73-8; Blossburg, Pa., 78-86; Manistique, Mich., 86-91; Olean, N. Y., 91-02; Benton Harbor, Mich., 02-04; Walla Walla, Wash., 04-09; sup., 09-10; pas. emer.. White Temple ch., Walla Walla; res., 158 Locust St., Walla Walla. ♦KERFOOT, Franklin Howard; b., Clarke Co., Va., Aug. 29, 1847; served in Confed. Army, Civil War; Coin. U., D. C, 69; So. Bapt. T. S., 69-71; Cro. T. S., 72; stud., Leipsic, Ger.; deg.. Ph. B., LL. B., 69, A. M., 72, Coin. U., D. D., U. of N. C; ord., May 1, 75, Midway, Ky. ; pas., Midway & Fork of Elkhorn, 75-7; Eutaw Place, Bait., 77-83; Brooklyn, N. Y., 83-6; Midway, Ky., 86-90; prof. So. Bapt. T. S., 87-99; cor. sec. Home Miss. Board So. Bapt. Con., 99-01; auth. Parliamentary Law, review of Boyce's Abstract of Syn. Theology; d., June 22, 01, Atlanta, Ga., aged 54. ♦MUNGER, Lewis; b., Plymouth, Conn., 1840; stud., Bu. U.; Cro, T. S., 72; ord., June 4, 72, New Britain, Pa.; pas.. New Britain, 72-9; d., Sept., 22, 79, aged 39. ♦PAWLING, Lemuel Davis; b., Elimsport, Pa., May 27, 1844; Bu. U., 67; Cro. T. S., 72; deg., Sc. B., Bu. U.; pas. Newtown, Pitts Creek & Rehoboth chs., Md.; Muncy, Pa., June to Sept., 76; d., Sept. 22, 76, Muncy, aged 32. 1872 33 *PEARCE, Ebenezer J.; b., London, Eng., Dec. 19, 1833; immig., 42; served in Civil War, 61-5; Den. U., 68; Cro. T. S., 72; ord., Mar. 5, 69, Miflin, O.; pas., Ringoes, N. J., 73-5; ill health led to hi3 ret. to farm. Central Islip, L. I., N. Y. ; d., June 10, 07, Marietta, 0., aged 74. ♦THOMAS, Charles Henry; b., Hughesville, Pa., Mar. 6, 1834; stud. Bu. U., 71 ; Cro. T. S., 72 ; ord., June 20, 72, Windsor & E. Nant- meal chs.. Pa.; deg., D. D., Bu. U.; pas., Windsor & E. Nantmeal, 72-4; 1st ch., Lambertville, N. J., 74-9; Frankford Ave. ch., Phila., 79-83; Spruce St. ch., 83-9; 50th ch., 89-05, (pas. emer. to time of death) ; d., Mar. 12, 08, Phila., aged 74. *WALDEN, James; b., London, Eng., 1824 (?); Cro. T. S., 72; pas., Glen Run, Pa., 72-6; Atglen, 76-7; AUowaystown, N. J., 77-80; Vineland, 80-3; Frenchtown, 83-7; Beverly, 87-92; Camden (w.c), 92-6; Nugent Home, 96-03; d., Jan. 10, 03, Germantown, Phila., aged 79. WELLS, Edmund; b., Pottstown, Pa., Dec. 1, 1840; Hill School, Potts- town; served in Civil War, 62-5; Bu. U., 69; Cro. T. S., 72; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, Bu. U.; ord., July 25, 72, Pottstown, Pa.; pas. N. Chester, 73-6; instructor Heb., Cro. T. S., 75; pas., Wil- liamsport, 76-7; Canton, 78-80; Sharon, 80-2; Mt. Carroll, 82-90; miss, pas., Cannon St. Bapt. ch., Charleston, S. C, 91-7; Lake Helen, Fla., 98-07; ret.; res., Beaufort, S. C. COLLINS, John Francis; Cro. T. S., 69-70; DOWLING, George Thomas; b., N. Y. City, June 2, 1849; Colg. Acad.; stud. Cro. T. S., 69-70; deg., A. M., D. D., Colg. U.; ord., July, 70, Bapt. ch.; pas., Fellowship, N. J., 70-1; Providence, R. L, 71-3; Syracuse, N. Y., 73-7; Cleveland, 0., 77-89; Albany, N. Y., 90-3; ord. in Prot. Epis. Ch., 95; pas., Toledo, O., 96-9; Los An- geles, Calif., 99-05; Brooklyn, N. Y., 05-08; auth., The Wreckers, Saturday Night Sermons; res.. East Orange, N. J. EMMONS, Abraham Havens; b., Turkey, N. J., 1844; stud., Cro. T. S., 69-70; ord., July 13, 73, Lawrenceville, Pa.; pas., Setzler's Store, Pa., 70-2; Watsontown, 72-4; Lima, N. Y., 76-84; Milton, Pa., 84-7; Clinton, 88-91; White Pigeon, Mich., 91-3; Hyde Park ch., Chicago, 93 — ; recent yrs. w. c. ; res., 5425 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. *EVANS, John; b.. So. Wales, Dec. 22, 1843; stud., Cro. T. S., 69-70; pas., Chester, Conn., 71-5; 1st Westerly, R. I., 75-83; Herkimer St. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 83-90; Welch Tabernacle, N. Y., 91-2; 1st Westerly, R. L, 92-7; d.. Mar. 22, 97, Westerly, aged 57. SANFORD, Edward Thomas; b., Topsham, Me., Aug. 23, 1840; stud., Cro. T. S., 69-70; ord., Jan 15, 73, Jefferson, Me.; pas., Jeffer- 34 1872-1873 son, 72-5; St. Johnsbury, Vt, 76-90; Cheyenne, Wyo., 90-1; Olympia, Wash., 91; Santa Cruz & Eureka, Calif., 96-7; Corona, 97-08; Chino, 08-10; Ontario, 10—. *SHERMER, William Henry; b., Phila., 1846; Bu. U., 69; Cro. T. S., 69-70; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, Bu. U.; pas., Clinton, N. J., 74-6; 3d ch., Phila., 77-89; Elizabeth, N. .J., 90-7; Atlantic Highlands, 97-8; d., 98, Atlantic Highlands, aged 52. *WAY, Joseph Pyle; b., Unionville, Pa., 1837; stud. acad. at Union- ville; Cro. T. S., 69-71; ord., Jan. 18, 72, Independence, Kan.; pas.. Independence, 73-84; Howard, 84-9; Asherville, 89-92; Au- burn, 92-6; Ottawa, 96-8, (w. C.) ; Oakland, Calif., 98-01, (w. c.) ; d., 01, Calif., aged 64. ♦WILLIAMS, David John; b., Aberdare, Wales, Dec. 21, 1843; immig., Mar., 66; stud., Bu. U., 67-9; Cro. T. S., 69-70; ord., 71, Blakely ch., Olyphant, Pa.; pas., Blakely, 71-2; Wayland, 73-6; Kings- ville, O., 77-8; Blakely, Pa., 79-80; served Townville, Everett, Curwensville & Newberry; auth., Master Minds, etc.; d., Oct. 1, 05, Olyphant, aged 62. WRIGHTNOUR, John Spratt; b., Penn Line, Pa., Mar. 15, 1851; Bu. U., 69; Cr.o T. S., 69-70; ord., Jan. 8, 71, Pequea, Pa.; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, D. D., Bu. U.; pas., Pequea, 70-2; Johnstown, 72-3; Brookville, 73-6; Penn (Shady) Ave., Pittsburgh, 76-85; Warren, O., 85-90; Xenia, 90-3; Lincoln, 111., 93-6; Oil City, Pa., 96-02; 1st ch., Scranton, 02-17; Clarion, 17 — ; auth., Accuracy of the Bible, Lessons in Doctrine for Young People, The Rift in the Cloud, etc. ; res.. Clarion, Pa. 1873 *BOWER, George W.; b., Ripley Co., Ind., 1836; stud., Den. U.; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., Dec. 27, 68, Venice, N. Y.; pas., Franklin, Ind., 68-70; Rossburg, 71-4; Elkhorn, 75-92; also served Pipe Creek & other chs., 75-05; Hogan Hill, 06-08; Pipe Creek, 09-11; d., Feb. 17, Sunman, Ind., aged 76. ♦BRAISLIN, Edward; b., Burlington, N. J., 1847; spent early years in bank; grad.. Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 73; res. grad. work, 73-4; deg., D. D., Dick. Col.; ord., July, 74, Mt. Holly, N. J.; pas., Mt. Holly, 74-81; Newton Centre, Mass., 81-5; Washington Ave. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 85-93; Brookline, Mass., 94-5; Colorado Springs, Colo., 96-04; sup. as health permitted, 04-08; pas., Dorchester Temple ch., Boston, 08-12; acct. impaired health returned to Burlington, N. J., 12-14; d., July 22, 15, Pasadena, Calif., aged 68. DAVIES, Jonathan Merthyr; b., Merthyr Tydvil., So. Wales, May 16, 1842; immig., June 1, 65, Akron, O.; stud.. Den. U., 69-71; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., Youngstown, 0., 66; pas.. Tiffin, 0., 73-5; Camden, 75-7; New London, 77-81; Bryan, 81-3; Clyde, 83-8; evang. work, 1873 35 Tiffin, 88-9; pas., Garrett, Ind., 89-94; Clyde, 0., 94-9; in Arizona, 06-11; res., Garrett, Ind. *EVANS, Thomas Roger; b., Beaufort, S. Wales, 1841; stud., Bu. Acad.; Bu. U., 71; Cro. T. S., 73 ;deg., A. B., A. M., Bu. U.; ord., July 10, 73, W. Conshohocken, Pa.; pas., Balligomingo ch., W. Conshohocken, 73-84; Farmington, 111., 84-6; Iowa City, la., 86-92; Azusa, Calif., 92-7; d., Dec. 5, 00, Riverside, Calif., aged 61. *HALLOWELL, Charles Thomas; b., Conshohocken, Pa., 1845; Bu. U., 70; Cro. T. S., 73; deg., A. B., A. M., Bu. U.; pas., Mt. Pleas- ant, Pa., 70-5; Troy, 75-9; Oil City, 79-80; Towanda, 80-4; fin. agt.. Keystone Acad., 84-5; pas., N. Chester, 85-7; St. Paul, Minn., 87-91 ; Austin, 91-3 ; Pipestone, 93-5 ; sup. Park Rapids, Duluth, 95-7; miss. Minn. State Conven., 97-09, 1st in N. then in So. part of state; sup., various chs., 09-15; d., Northfield, Minn., Oct. 11, 15, aged 70. HOUCK, Elijah Corbin; b., Saltillo, Huntingdon Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1833; early yrs. spent in bus.; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., Muncy, Pa., Oct., 73; pas., Muncy & Picture Rocks, 73-83; Milton, 80-3; regis, of Bu. U., 83-5; pas.. Lion, 88-91; Clark & Bradley, So. Dak., 92-4; Reynolds, 111., 94-8; Milesburg, Pa., 98-02; Westover, 02-06; Pagosa Springs, Colo., 07; Brisbin, Pa., 08; res., Ansonville, Pa. *MILLER, John; b., Wilmington, Del., May 14, 1847; grad., Furman U.; stud. So. Bapt. T. S., 67-8; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., Old Round Top ch.. Bait., Md., July 1, 73; pas., Doylestown, Pa., 76-82; Dover, Del., 85-7; Doylestown, Pa., 87-9; Wayne, 89-94; (w. c), 94-6; Roselle, N. J., 96-00; Wayne, Pa., (w. c), 01-12; helped largely in founding Bapt. Inst, for Christian Workers, Phila. ; d., May 11, 12, Wayne, aged 65. *NUNNELLY, James Kirtley; b., Randolph Co., Mo., Nov. 13, 1845; Georgetown Col., 71; Cro. T. S., 73; deg., A. B., A. M., D. D., Georgetown Col.; ord., Aug. 15, 73, David's Fork ch., Fayette Co., Ky.; pas., Sharpsburg, Ky., 73-88; Bartow, Fla., 88-90; Georgetown, Ky., 90; libr. & fin. agt., Georgetown Col., 91-11; d., Jan. 10, 11, Georgetown, aged 66. *RUSH, Richard Arion; b., Big Bend, La., 1841; grad. Georgetown Col.; stud. So. Bapt. T. S., 70-2; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., Oct. 26, 73, Bayou des Glaizes, La.; pas.. Big Bend, 73-83; later S. S. supt. Big Bend; d., Dec, 1910, Big Bend, aged 69. ♦THOMPSON, Napoleon Bonaparte; b., Milford, Del., 1847 (?) ; stud. Colg. U., 68-70; Cro. T. S., 73; ord., July 16, 73, Nyack, N. Y.; pas., Nyack, 73-5; Melrose, Mass., 75-7; Brooklyn, N. Y., (w. c), 77-8; Newport, R. I., 78-80; act. pas, Cong, ch., Brockton, Mass., 89-93; . WHITE, Alexander Newton; b., Independence, De Soto Co., Miss., Apr. 3, 1844; stud. Union U.; served in Confed. Army; Cro. T. S., 36 1873-1874 73; ord., Sept. 16, 73; pas., Lancaster, Pa., 74; Paris, Ky., 74-6; Carlisle, 76-80; Jeffersonville, Ind., 80-1; Ghent, Ky., 81-6; Green- field, O., 86-90; served small chs. near Carlisle, Ky., 90-01; (wc.) acct. ill health, 01-16; auth.. Rev. Clean Keyes — An Appreciation; res., Pewee Valley, Ky. *BIRDSALL, Samuel; b.. Butternuts, N. Y., 1842; grad., Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., N. Y. ; prac. med. ; served in Union Army in Civil War; stud., Cro. T. S., 73; pas.. Long Eddy, N. Y., 71-4; d., Oct. 12, 1912, Susquehanna, Pa., aged 70. FERRIS, Jabez; b., Greenwich, Conn., June 20, 1840; stud., Stamford, Conn.; stud., Cro. T. S., 70-3; ord., Nov. 12, 68, Manayunk, Phila.; pas., Manayunk, 68-70; Johnson, Vt., 73-5; Nicetown, Phila., 75- 83; Canton, N. J., 83-7; Jersey Shore, Pa., 87-9; sup., Horn- berger Mem. ch., Phila., 89-91 ; pas., Ridgeway & Winnboro, S. C, 91-9; Kershaw, 99-02; Camden, 02-04; Batesburg, 04-07; Ker- shaw, 08-15; ret., June, 15; res., Batesburg, S. C. *HUNTER, James Pinkerton; b., Glasgow, Scot., Apr. 14, 1846; immig., 56, to St. Louis, Mo.; stud., Gla.sgow U. ; stud.. Wash. U., Mo.; stud., Cro. T. S., 70-1; ord., Aug. 31, 71, Beulah ch., Rus- sellville, Pa.; pas., Russellville, 71-3; 1st ch., Pittsburgh, 73-5; evang., 1 yr. ; pas., Chesterville, O., 76-8; Coshocton, 78, (built a ch.) ; Rural Dale, 79-80; Hubbard, 81; Chicopee Falls, Mass., 83-8; Conway, 89-90; Kenyon, R. I., 90-1; Easton, Pa., 92; Tren- ton, N. J., 93-4; 1st ch., Hoboken, 95-00, Brooklyn, N. Y.; (w. c.) 01; Jersey City, N. J., 02-04; New Brunswick, 05-07; Phoenicia, N. Y., 08-09; d., Apr. 12, 10, Vineland, N. J., aged 64. ♦MARYOTT, Erastus Edgar; b., North Stonington, Conn., Sept. 29, 1845; Brown U., 70; stud., Cro. T. S., 70-1; ord., Sept. 28, 71, Wilmington, Del.; pas., Wilmington, 71-2; Tiverton, R. L, 73-6; Lebanon Springs, N. Y., 77-9; Berlin, 80-2; later pract. med. & surgery, Springfield, Mass., and Milbrook, Coxsackie, N. Y. ; d., Feb. 29, 04, Coxsackie, aged 59. McCULLOUGH, George Washington; b., Baltimore, Md., 1846; grad., Coin. U.; stud., Cro. T. S., 70-1; ord., June 20, 73, Danversport, Mass.; pas., Danversport, 73-7; West Gloucester, 77-80; 2d ch. Bait., Md., 80-6; Georgetown, D. C, 86-96; Washington, 96-8; Tennallytown, 98 — . * YOUNG, Duncan McNeil; b., Greenock, Scot., 1838 (?) ; stud., Bu. U.; stud., Cro. T. S., 70-1; d., 91, in Scotland, aged 53. 1874 * ADAMS, Albert Judson; b., Lafayette, N. J., Sept., 1840; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., 69, Lafayette, N. J.; pas., Lafayette, 69-70; Hawley, 1874 37 Pa., 70-1; North Wales, 73-4 (stud, pas.); Starucca, Wayne Assoc, 75; Rosendale, N. Y., 76-8; Walton, 79-80; Wayland, Pa., 81-3; Evans City, 84-5; Hawley, 85-6; Sullivan, 87; McKeesport, 87-8; Duncan, 89-92; McKeesport, 93-95; Ruff Creek, 96-7; New Freeport, 99-11; (after 05 w. c.) ; ret. acct. impaired hearing; d., Aug. 16, 11, McKeesport, aged 71. ♦BELDEN, Clarendon Dwight; b.. Providence, R. I., May 3, 1848; Brown U., 68; deg., A. B., 68, A. M., Brown U.; prin. of pub. schools, 68-71; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., June, 74, Memorial ch., Phila.; pas., Austin, Minn., 74-82; supt. schs. Mower Co., Minn., 82-91; pas., Windom, 91-2; ed.. Mower County Transcript, 92-15; d., Aug. 15, Austin, Minn., aged 67. BOWER, Frederick Evans; b., Selinsport, Pa., 1846; Bu. U., 69; deg., A. B., 69, A. M., 72, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Sept. 27, 74, Morgantown, W. Va.; pas., Morgantown, 74-7; stud, law, pract. at Lewisburg, Pa. ♦BOWMAN, George; b., Shirleysburg, Pa., 1839; Bu. U., 63; ord., Dec, 63, Milesburg, Pa.; deg., A. B., 63, A. M., 66, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 64-5, 72-74; pas., Milesburg, 63-8; Factoryville, 68-70; Hatboro, 70-9; Allegheny City, 79-80; Newfield, N. J., 81-5; Ana- costia, D. C, 88-90; served in U. S. Pens, office, Washington; d., Jan. 18, 06, Anacostia, D. C, aged 67. *COLCLESSER, Henry; b., Blair Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1843; served dur- ing Civil War in Navy on gunboat "Tuscarora"; Bu. U., 71; deg., A. B., 71, A. M,, 74, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., June 16, 74, 1st ch., Altoona, Pa.; Altoona, (w. c), 74-6; pas., York, 76-80; sup., Grant St. ch., Pittsburgh, 80-1; pas., Johnstown, 81-6; North Wales, 86-90; Grand Junction, Colo., 91-3; Conshohocken, Pa., 94-01; Las Cruces & Deming, N. Mex., 01-02; d., Aug. 28, 02, El Dorado, Blair Co., Pa., aged 59. DAVID, William Joshua; b., Meridian, Miss., Sept. 30, 1850; grad. Miss. Col., Clinton, Miss.; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Sept., 74, 1st ch., Meridian; state miss, at Meridian, 75-89; miss., Nigeria, Africa, 90-00 ; pas.. Magnolia & Pine Bluff, Ark., 01-05 ; Livingston, Sealy & Houston, Tex., 06-17 ; Woodland ch., Houston, 17 — . DAVIS, Charles H.; b., Gallipolis, O., June 24, 1844; served in Civil War, 61-5; stud. Den. U., to close soph. yr. ; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Feb. 21, 75, Jackson, O.; pas., 74-15 — 41 yrs. — three pas. in O., Jackson, Gallipolis & Columbus, 12 yrs.; Greenwood, Ind., 76-9; Mt. Vernon & Polo, 111., 79-82; La Junta, Colo., 87-90; gen. work, W. Va., 93-9; Anaconda, Mont., 03-05; Ore., 05-11; Wash., 90-3 & 11-15; res., 623 So. 15th Ave., No. Yakima, Wash. EASTWOOD, Thomas Midgeley; b., Manayunk, Pa., May 11, 1848; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 74; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, D. D., Bu. U., B. D., Cro. T. S.; ord., June, 74, 1st ch., Wilmington, Del.; pas., Wibnington, 74-80; Greenwich, N. J., 80-2; Burlington, 82-92; 38 1874 Tabernacle ch., Albany, N. Y,, 92-8; Burlington, N. J., 98 — ; auth., more than 50 hymns; also many other poems; chap., N. Y. state legislature, 1 yr. ; res., Burlington. *ELWELL, Jacob Thomas; b., Phila., 1844; Bu. U., 71; Cro. T. S., 74; deg., A. B., 71, A. M., 74, Bu. U.; ord., 75, Bloomfield, Pa.; pas., Bloomfield, 75-7; miss, to Burma, 77-8; sup. chs. as wanted; Lincolnsville, Pa., 85; sup., Phila., 86-7; d., July 16, 88, German- town, aged 44. FOSTER, Albert; b., Moorestown, N. J., Dec. 16, 1848; Bu. U., 72; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, Bu. U., D. D., Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y.; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., June, 74, North Phila.; pas., N. Phila., 74-9; Tabernacle ch., Albany, N. Y., 79-92; Roserville, Newark, N. J., 92-16; ret. but sup. as oppor. offers; res., 123 Lark St., Albany, N. Y. HARRIS, Charles Alfred; b., Portsmouth, N. H., 1842; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Apr. 4, 73, Dover, Del.; pas., Dover, 73; Westfield, N. J., 77-9; Hagerstown, Md., 85-6; . HUMPSTONE, John; b., Manchester, Eng., May 4, 1850; immig., 64; Bu. U., 71; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Feb. 13, 73, Galway, N. Y.; deg., A. B., 71, A. M., 74, D. D., Bu. U.; pas., Manayunk, Phila., 74-7; Calvary ch., Albany, N. Y., 77-82; Emmanuel ch., Brooklyn, 82-12; ret., engaged in study and sup. ; res., 195 Milton Road, Rye, N. Y. * JOHNSTON, James Arthur; b., Onslow, N. S., 1845; stud. Acadia Col., N. S., and McGill Univ., Montreal; Cro. T. S., 74; deg., A. B., D. D., McGill U. ; ord., 70, Essex Center, Vt.; pas., Essex Center, 70-2; St. Albans, 74-8; Ludlow, 78-81; Nashua, N. H., 81-8; Kala- mazoo, Mich., 88-98; Center St. ch., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass., 98-12; trustee, Kalamazoo Col., 89-98; d., Oct. 23, 15, East Brook- field, Mass., aged 70. MacMINN, Edwin; b., Unionville, Pa., May 12, 1851; stud. Dickinson Sem., Williamsport, Pa., & Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 74; deg., D. D., 01, Harriman U., Tenn.; ord.. May 19, 74, W. Chester, Pa.; pas., Berean ch., West Chester, Pa., 74-5; Chestnut Hill, Phila., 75-8; state miss, for Pa., under A. B. P. Soc, 78-80; pas., Easton, 81-3; Moorestown, N. J., 83-90; Jersey City, 90-6; social work, C. E., prison, etc., 06-07; pas., Salem, N. J., 97 — ; Burlington, la., — 04; Honesdale, Pa., 05-07; Dalton, 07-10; Kearney, Neb., 10-12; Los Angeles, Calif., 13-14; Santa Paula, 14-15; Los Angeles, 15 — ; auth., of some 20 vols., Rambles in Minei-al Fields, Lycoming Rangers, etc. MENTZER, William Harrison; b., Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 25, 1844; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., June 74, 1st ch., Pottstown, Pa.; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, Bu. U.; pas., Pottstown, 72-5; Jersey Shore, 75-81; Tunkhannock, 81-4; Troy, 84-7; Athens, 87-90; sup. in Wyoming Asson., 90-00; pas., Hazleton, 00-04; Port Allegheny, 1874 39 04-10; Hazleton, 10-13; act. pas. for several chs., 13 — ; res., 102 E. 6th St., Lansdale, Pa. PARKER, Benjamin Griffith; b., Waynesburg, Pa., Mar. 1, 1849 Coin. Col., 72; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., June 30, 74, Hereford, Md. deg., D. D., Potomac U,, 14; pas., Hereford & Woodberry, 74-6 Dover, Del., 76-82; Berean eh,, Reading, Pa., 82-4; Pottstown, 84-90; Allentown, 90-4; Jenkintown, 94-01; Daretown, N. J., 01- 04; Mardela Springs, Md,, 04-12; Cedarville, N. J., 12-13; Cordova & Ridgley, Md., 13—. *PATTON, William Richard; b., Smithfield, Pa., Sept. 8, 1835; Bu. U., 71; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., Sept. 3, 71, Smithfield, Pa.; deg., A. B., 71, A. M., 74, Bu. U.; pas., Smithfield, 71-4; Flatwood & Green- boro, 74-80; Media, 80-99; d., June 5, 99, aged 64. POKWAY, Myah Sah; b., Bassein, Burma, 1848; Colg. U.; Cro. T. S., 74; ord., July 29, 74, Plainfield, N. J.; . *ROBB, Benjamin Franklin; b., Phila., Dec. 11, 1843; served in Civil War, losing a leg in battle; Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 74; visited Pal- estine; pas., Stockton, N. J., 75-9; Chestnut Hill, Phila., 79-89; appointed U. S. Pension Examiner; served on Board Pa. Bapt. Ed. Soc. ; d., Oct. 5, 89, Corning, N. Y., aged 46. * WHITMAN, George; b., Middletown, Pa., Sept. 17, 1846; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 74; deg., A. B., 72; A. M., 75, D. D., 96, Bu. U. ord., July, 74, Oil City, Pa.; pas.. Oil City, 74-9; Meadville, 79-81 Cedar St. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., 81-01 ; Lafayette Ave. ch., do, 01-17 visited Egypt, Palestine & Turkey, 98; d., Mar. 26, 17, Buffalo, aged 71. *COULON, Paul Alcide; b., Silencour, France, July 19, 1847; immig., 64; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord., 74, Bryan, O.; pas., Bryan, Stryker & Park Hill, Ontario, Can.; entered bus. career in W. Unity, O. ; ret. to Chicago, rendering Christian service as a layman; d., Dec. 25, 09, Chicago, aged 62. *CRAIG, Hugh Kerr; b., Claysville, Pa., 1832; entered Sem. from Waynesburg, Pa.; Cro. T. S., (Mid. Class), 72-3; ord., 54; pas., Bethlehem & Waynesburg, Pa., 73-6; prest. Monongahela Col., Jefferson, Pa., 76-82; health failed and went to Colo.; d., . *CRANER, James McCormick; b., Blackwoodstown, N. J., Apr. 10, 1841; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord., Dec. 5, 72, Medford, N. J.; pas., Medford, 72-6; West Creek, 77-9; Rio Grande, 80-93; Wildwood, 94-00; Rio Grande, 01-05; d., June 23, 12, Rio Grande, aged 71. ETTEL, Gustavus Adolph; b.. Saxony, Ger., 1846; stud., Bu. U., class 71 ; Cro. T. S., 71-2 ; entered railway employment and served un- til retired; salesman, spending his winters in South; no perma- nent address. 40 1874-1875 •FELIX, Joshua Samuel; b., Woodford Co., Ky., 1851; grad., George- town Col.; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord., 72, Augusta, Ky.; deg., D. D., Bethel Col.; pas., Augusta, 72-84; Owensboro, 86-90; Lynchburg, Va., 90-4; Asheville, N. C, 95-8; Shreveport, La., 98-9; Louisville, Ky., 99-00; v. prest. Georgetown Col.; d., Dec. 15, 03, Louisville, aged 52. FREED, Isaac Godshalk; b., Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1834; Cro. T. S., 72-4; entered mercantile life, sup. chs. as way opens; auth.. The Freeds of America; res., N. Wales, Pa. *HOLT, William Shadrach; b., Milesburg, Pa., Oct. 22, 1841; served in Civil War; Bu. U., 71; deg., Sc. B.; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord.. Mar. 14, 76, Milesburg, Pa.; pas.. New Bethlehem, Pa., 76 — ; Buckhan- non, W. Va., Elkhart, Mr., Ebenezer, W. Va., Mountaindale, Loyal Hannah, Tunnelton; Clearfield, Pa., 95 — ; Germantown, Phila., 04-16; sup. for destitute chs. while teaching; d., Nugent Home, Germantown, Phila., Jan. 24, 18, aged 76. INCE, Edward Armstrong; b., Mountmellick, Ire., 1847; Hahnemann Med. Col., Dublin, 75; Cro. T. S., 71-3; deg., M. D., 75, Dublin, D. D., Den. U., 93; ord., Feb. 12, 73, Mantua ch., Phila.; pas.. Downer's Grove, 111., 76-7 ; Centralia, 78-80 ; Middletown, O., 80-9 ; Mt. Auburn ch., Cincinnati, 89-93; Quincy, 111., 93-92; Chicago, 03; Quincy, 04 ;Mt. Sterling, 05-06; Reed City, Mich., 07-08; ret. from pas. to practice medicine; res., in Mich. PORTER, John William; b.. King George Co., Va., 1845; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord., Aug. 29, 72, Bethlehem, N. J.; pas., Bethlehem, 72-4; Emory's Mills, Me., 74-8; Well's Depot, 78-80; . ♦WALKER, Thomas Stow; b., Alloway, Salem Co., N. J., May, 1838; Cro. T. S., 71-2; lie. by Memorial ch., Salem, N. J.; sup., 72-4; d., Feb., 74, aged 36. ♦WESTCOTT, Solomon Whitfield; b., Smithville, N. C, 1847; Cro. T. S., 71-2; ord., Dec. 1, 72, Wilmington, N. C; pas., Wilmington, 72-3; Newbern, 73-4; Chapel Hill, 74-5; d., Apr. 11, 75, aged 28. 1875 PEARCE, Sketchley Morton; Cro. T. S.; Res. Grad., 75; . PENDLETON, Silas Porter; b., Camden, Me., Aug. 1, 1841; stud., Portland Commercial Col.; served in 1st Me. Cav. U. S. Vols., 61-4; Newton T. I., 74; Cro. T. S., Res. Grad., 75; ord.. Mar. 9, 75, Messiah ch., Phila.; pas., Messiah ch., Phila., 75-6; Bath, Me., 80-3; health failed, but sup. various chs. as able; Kenduskeag, 98; Lamoine, 98-9; lived retired, 99-03; Wrentham, Mass., 03-12; Mansfield, 12-13; Natick, 13—. •CHAMBERS, Job Hodson; b., Burlington, N. J., Jan. 1, 1848; Bu. U., 72; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, D. D., 01, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 75; 1875 41 ord., 75, Olivet ch., Phila.; pas., Olivet ch., Phila., 75-82; Hunting- don, 82-9; 1st ch. West Chester, 89-97; Olivet ch.. West Chester, 97-05; d., Dec. 15, 05, West Chester, aged 57. *DRUMMOND, Stephen; b., Clarksburg, W. Va., 1843; stud. She- mariah Acad., Va.; 2 yrs.. Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 75; res. grad. Vi^ork, 75-6; ord., June, 75, Hepzibah, W. Va. ; pas., Village Green, Pa., 76-9; Sharpsburg, 79-84; Washington, 84-8; Buckhannon, W. Va., 88-92; Washington, Pa., 92-02; d., Sept. 12, 02, Washing- ton, aged 59. *DYE, Daniel Wayland; b., near Marietta, O., July 19, 1840; served on staff of Gen. Thomas in Civil War; Marietta Col., 71; Cro. T. S., 75; ord., Nov. 11, 75, Kankakee, 111.; pas., Kankakee, 75-82; d., May 30, 82, Kankakee, aged 42. FORGEUS, Solomon Franklin; b.. South Coventry Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1844; served in Civil War, Co. C, 134th Pa. Vols., Co. C, 3d Pa. Heavy Artil., 1st Lieut. & Adjt., 9th U. S. ; Cornell U., 11/2 yrs.; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 75; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, D. D., Bu. U. ; ord., Aug. 12, 75, Tunkhannock, Pa.; pas., Tunk- hannock, 75-8; Clark's Green & Mount Bethel, 78-9; Clark's Green & Dunnings (Elmhurst), 79-81; Dunnings, 81; Logan's Valley, Bellwood, 81-2; chap. Pa. Indus. Reformatory, Huntingdon, 82 — . JOHNSON, Thomas Karskadon; b., Long Beach, W. Va., Sept. 18, 1848; Marietta Col., 72; deg., A. B., 72, D. D., Marietta Col.; B. D., Cro. T. S., 75; ord., Oct. 10, 75, Willow Island, W. Va.; auth., chaps, in books, & articles in religious papers; pas,, Willow Island, W. Va., & Valley, O., chs., 75-6; Valley, O., 76-7; Charles- ton, W. Va., 77—. JUDD, John Thomas; b., Toronto, Can., Nov. 29, 1851; immig., 54 to Washington, D. C; Coin. Col., (Geo. Washington U.) 75; deg., A. B., & A. M., Coin, Col., D. D., Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 75; ord., Sept. 5, 75; Harrisburg, Pa,; pas., Harrisburg, 75-84; Lewisburg, 84-17. *KIRTLEY, Lycurgus; b., Livingston Co., Mo., 1850; William Jewell Col., A. B., 71; Cro. T. S., 75; deg., D. D., Franklin Col.; pas.. So. Cameron, Mo., 73; Woodbury, N .J., 75-81; Jackson, Mich., 81-6; Terre Haute, Ind., 86-93; Peoria, 111., 94-9; Marietta, O., 99-03; d.. Mar. 10, 04, Jackson, Mich., aged 54. ♦MILLER, Erastus Carlton; b., Standstead, Quebec, Can., 1837; immig. to Lonsdale, R. I.; Cro. T. S., 75; ord., 75, Lonsdale; pas., Beebe Plain, Vt., 75-9; Poquonoc Bridge, Conn., 79-83; Plainville, 83-8; So, Windsor, 89-90; d., Nov. 3, 90, So. Windsor, aged 53. *WALTS (WALTZ), Edward Benton; b., Montgomery Co., Pa., 1839; Bu. U., 75; Cro. T. S., 75; ord.. May 31, 75, Epiphany ch., Phila.; deg., Sc. B., 75, Bu. U.; pas., Hereford, Mr., 75-86; Uwchland, Pa.,. 86-92; West Chester, 93-4; sec. Lycoming Bible & S, S. Assn,, 95 j 42 1875 pas., Lycoming & Fairfield chs., 96; health failed, went South & served as S. S. Miss, in N. C, 07-9; d., Jan. 16, 09, Rocky Moun- tain Hospital, N. C, aged 69. BARTOL, William Cyrus; b., Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 24, 1847; Bu. U., 72; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, Bu. U., Ph. D., Adrian Col.; Cro. T. S., 72-3 (part yr.) ; teach, math., Lime Rock Acad., Conn., 72-3; prin. schools, Centre Hall, Pa., 74-5; do, Union Grove, Wis., 76-7; do, Huntingdon Acad., Pa., 77-8; prof, math.. State Normal Sch., Mansfield, Pa., 78-81; prof. math. & Astron., Bu. U., 81—. •BOYCE, James A.; see Class 1879. CHENAULT, Reuben Munday; b., Madison Co., Ky., Nov. 27, 1850; Yale U., 76; law dept, Va. U., 78; deg., A. M., Yale U., LL. B., Va. U. ; Cro. T. S., 72-4; not ord. ; entered banking business; edu- cated six ministers; preaches often as a la^Tnan; res.. Fort Scott, Kans. L *DAVIS, John; b., Chester, Pa., 1813; Cro. T. S., 72-3; ord.. May 18, 75, Fairview, Pa.; pas., Beaver, Pa., 76-84; d., Apr. 7, 84, Beaver, aged 71. ♦EISENHOWER, Alonzo Dallas; b., Newburg, Pa., 1844; grad. sci. dept.. Normal School, Millersville, Pa.; Cro. T. S., 72-3; d.. May 7 (or 9), 16, Norristown, aged 72. KOCHER, Rolandus; b., Fowlerville, Columbia Co., Pa., Apr. 14, 1845; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 72-3; ord., 75, Muhlenberg Bapt. ch.; pas., Muhlenberg ch., 74-5; Cold Point, Pa., 75-81; Muncy & Picture Rocks, 81-7; Oliver ch., Dundee, 87-9; teach., Susquehanna Col- leg. Inst., 89-91; on farm and teach., 91-7; ret. to Nugent Home, Germantown, Phila., 07 — . MARSHALL, William Harry; b., Eng., 1851; grad., Peddie Inst.; Cro. T. S., 72-3; ord., Apr, 1, 75, N. Y. City; pas., Mott Haven, N. Y., 75-7; Elizabeth, 77-9; Bedford Sta., 79-82; Chappaqua, 82-4; Easton, Pa., 84-8; Meadville, 88-92; Trinity ch., E. Boston, Mass., 92-8; Everett (w. c), 98-9; Long Branch, N. J., 99-03; Union City, Pa., 03-07; Carmel ch., Mosiertown, 07-10, (w. c.) 10-12; res., Saegerstown, Pa. MARTIN, William Emmet; b., Saltsburg, Pa., 1848; Bu. U., 71; Cro. T. S., 72-3; deg., A. B., A. M., L. H. D., Bu. U.; prof. & libr., Bu. U., 94—. RIGHTER, George Markle; b., Roxborough, Phila., Feb. 29, 1849; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 72-3; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, Bu. U.; ord., Jan. 14, 75, Roxborough ch., Phila.; pas., Demseytown, Venango Co., Pa., 76-8; Mansfield, 78-82; Laceyville, 82-7; ret. from ministry, 88; res., Muncy, Pa. 1875-1876 43 *WHITMARSH, Albert Nicholson; b., Baltimore, Md., 1853; People's Col., Pa., A. B. & A. M.; Cro. T. S., 73-5; ord., Dec. 9, 75, W. Nanticoke, N. Y. ; auth., Land of Penn, Our Flag : Its Origin and Symbol; pas.. Horse Heads, N. Y., 76-9; Kirkwood, Pa., 79-80; Eatontown, N. J., 80-4; Atglen, Pa., 84-5; Cape May, N. J., 85-6; Tacony, Pa., 86-7; (w. c.) 87-9; Manayunk, 89-90; (w. c.) 90-1; Pittsburgh, (w. c.) 91-2; Wilkinsburg, 92-3; Pittsburgh, 93-7; Hubbard, O., (w. c.) 97-9; Townville, Pa., 99-00; d., Mar., 04, Pittsburgh, aged 51. 1876 ♦PERKINS, Reece Wilmer; b., Elam, Pa., 1847; stud., Taylor's Acad. & Reynold's Clas. Inst.; Bu. U., 72; Cro. T. S., 75; Res. Grad., 76; deg., A. B., 72, A. M., 75, Ph. D., Bu. U.; ord., Oct. 11, 77, 3d ch., Camden, N. J.; pas., 3d ch., Camden, 77-87; Lock Haven, Pa., 87-01; prest. Leland U., New Orleans, La., 01-12; d., July 1, 12, Phila., Pa., aged 65. *BESSEY, Frank Eugene; b., Bradford Co., Pa., 1851 (?) ; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., Feb. 5, 79, Union, N. Y.; pas., Union, 79-80; Hancock, 80-3; Norwich, 84; Danville, Pa., Insane Asylum, Dec. 2, 07; d., June 20, 11, Danville, aged 60. GUTHRIE, James Meminger; b., Shippensburg, Pa., 1845; entered Sem. from Chesterville, O.; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., June 28, 76, Windsor, Pa.; pas., Windsor, 76-81; Berean ch., Chester Co., 81-3; Berwyn, 83-6; Pottsville, 86-8; entered secular work; res., 1428 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. HARPER, Henry Benjamin; b., Eng., Oct. 18, 1841; immig., 58; Cro. T. S., 76; res. grad., 77-8; Hahnemann Med. Col., 98; ord., 76, Marcus Hook, Pa.; pas., Marcus Hook, 76-8; So. Chester, 78-90; Clinton Ave. ch., Thenton, N. J., 90-2; Passyunk Ave. ch., Phila., 92-7; pract. med., 9817; ret; res., Painsville, O. HUNDLEY, William Thomas; b., King & Queen Co., Va., Aug. 24, 1851; grad. Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., June, 75, Mattaponi, Va.; pas., Red Bank & Lower Northampton, Va., 75-7; Edgefield, S. C, 78-82; Johnston, 80-92; Greenville, 93-4; Gainesville, Fla., 95-01 ; Richmond, Va., 02-03 ; High Point, N. C, 04-05 ; Eastville, Va., 05-07; Batesburg, S. C, 07-12; Beaufort, 12-15; sup., various chs., 15 — ; auth.. Ballads and Verses; res., 28 Hardy Ave., Nor- folk, Va. KNOWLTON, Alfred Curtis; b., Manayunk, Pa., 1849; Bu. U., 74; Cro. T. S., 76; deg., A. B., Bu. U.; ord.. May 4, 1875, Conshohock- en. Pa.; pas., Livingston, N. J., 77-82; ret. & entered bus.; res., Haddon Heights, N. J. 44 1876 *LaBARRER, Francis Benjamin; b., Baltimore, Md., 1846; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., May, 76, Lee St. ch., Baltimore; pas., Pequea ch., Lan- caster Co., Pa., 76; Great Bethel ch., Uniontown, 76-9; Hampden ch., Balto., 79-84; Riverside ch., do., 84-94; Salem, N. J., 94-11; d., July 24, 11, Waltersburg, Pa., aged 65. ♦SMITH, Mathias Nonamaker; b., Point Pleasant, Bucks Co., Pa., 1843 (?) ; served in Civil War & lost an arm in Libby Prison; Amherst Col., 73; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., Sept. 3, 76, Scottdale, Pa.; pas., Scottdale, 76-7; Orangeville, 0., 77-81; Kent, 81-7; Saline- ville, 87-90; Wellsville, 90-1; Old Bridge ch., Herbertsville, N. J., 92-4; Marlboro, 94-8; ret. & entered bus.; d., Sept. 1, 14, Marlboro, N. J., aged 71. ♦WILLIAMS, Joseph Nash; b., Havorford, Wales, Sept. 21, 1839; immig., 53; stud., Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., July 6, 76, Elims- port, Pa.; pas., Elimsport, 76-83; Smithfield, 83-4; Reynoldsville, 84-91; Tarentum, 91-9; Emmanuel ch., Allegheny, 99-06; d., Aug. 6, 06, Allegheny, Pa., aged 67. WILSON, Joseph Kennard; b., Blackwood, N. J., June 29, 1852; Brown U., 73; Cro. T. S., 76; ord., Nov. 5, 74, Broadalbin, N. Y.; deg., D. D., 97, Ewing Col.; pas., Nyack, N. Y., 76-8; Huntingdon St. ch.. New London, Conn., 78-82 ; Winthrop St. ch., Taunton, Mass., 82-94; 1st ch., Melrose, 94-8; Free St. ch., Portland, Me., 98-05; ed., Zion's Advocate, Portland, 05-16; assoc. ed., Watchman-Ex- aminer, Sept., 16 — ; auth., numerous sermons & mag. articles; address, Tremont Temple, Boston. ♦DOBBINS, Frank Stockton; b., Phila., June 28, 1855; grad. Girard Col.; deg., A. M., Brown U.; stud., Cro. T. S., 73-4; Rochester T. S., 76; ord., July 11, 76, Roxborough ch., Phila.; miss. Japan, 76-7; pas.. Calvary ch., Phila, 77-81; miss., Japan^ 81-2; pas., Allentown, Pa., 82-90; Frankford, 90-3; dis. sec. A. B. F. M. Soc, 93-16; auth.. False Gods, Ansons in Asiatic Temples, A Foreign Miss. Manual, etc. ; d., July 22, 16, Phila., aged 61. MOORE, Lorenzo Byron; b.. Sago, W. Va., May 18, 1847; served in Civil War, 62-5 ; stud., Brown U., 2 yrs., class 73 ; stud. Cro. T. S., 73-4; ord., Oct., 74, Sago; pas.. Providence, Rockford & Mt. Pleas- ant, 75-7; Williamstown & Willow Island, 79; Willow Island & Valley, O., 79-85; Cambridge, 85-00; served as chap. Ohio N. G. regt., 90-00; pas., Bedford, 00-02; Philippi, W. Va., 02-04; sec. W. Va. Ed. Soc, 03-17; sec. State Miss., 13-17; act. prest., Broad- dus Inst., Clarksburg, W. Va., 2 yrs.; res., Parkersburg, W. Va. ♦SPRING, Albion Ephraim; b., Camden, Me., Apr. 8, 1844; Cro. T. S., 73-4; ord., Aug. 28, 73, Shapleigh, Me.; pas., Shapeleigh, 75-6; Portland, Pa., 77—; Plainfield, 111., 78-9; Corydon, la., 81-2; Clinton, 111., 84—; Hoopeston, 85-6; Galva, 87-8; Walnut, 89—; Webb City, Mo., 91—; Harlan, la., 92—; Erie, 111., 93; Farming- 1876-1877 45 ton, Mo., 94-5; Milan, 97; Meadville, 98; Lohrville, la., 99; Clyde, Kans., 00-01; Argonia, 03; d., Sept. 18, 05, Wichata, Kans., aged 61. (Known in the West as Ephraim Albion Spring.) 1877 APPLEGARTH, Henry Clay, Jr.; b., Baltimore, Md., 1852; Balti- more City Col., 70; Cro. T. S., 77; ord.. May 31, 77, Media, Pa.; deg., D. D., Den. U.; pas.. Media, 77-8; Lower Merion, 79-83; 1st ch.. New Brunswick, N. J., 83-90; 4th Ave. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 90-3; Euclid Ave. ch., Cleveland, O., 93-00; Park Ave. ch., Roch- ester, N. Y., 02-07; (w. c), preaching as oppor. offered; res., 94 Brunswick St., Rochester. *BURKHOLDER, Thomas Wesley; b., St. Thomas, Pa., 1850; grad. State Col., Pa.; Hillsdale Col., Mich.; Cro. T. S., 77; miss. Mid- napore, India, 78-88; returned to America for medical course; went to India & remained 10 yrs. ; prest. Parker Col., Winnebago City, Minn. ; d., Nov. 16, 03, aged 53. COOKE, John Boyer; b,. Mount Vernon, 0., July 22, 1843; served 4 yrs. in a Phila. regt. in Civil War, wounded 4 times and later compelled to relinquish the ministry; Bu. U., 73; deg., A. B. & A. M., Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., July, 77, 1st ch., Lima, O.; pas., Lima, 77-81; Greeley, Colo., 81-5; stud, law, clerk of Sup. Court, Colo., 10 yrs.; prest. Aetna Ben. Asson., Phila.; address, 539 Drexel Bldg., Phila. ELDREDGE, William Henry; b., Phila., July 3, 1848; stud., Bu. U., class of 77; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., Oct. 11, 77, Broad St. ch., Phila.; auth., The Superlative Jew and Other Essays; pas., Philipsburg, Pa., 77-9; Milford, Del., 81-2; Mannahawkin, N. J., 83-5; Warren Center, Pa., 85-90; Beakleyville ch., E. Stroudsburg, 90-2; Leb- anon, 92-5; Balligomingo ch., W. Conshohocken, 95-01; Spring Mill & Conshohocken, 08-10; New Albany, 10-12; Minotola, N. J., 13-14; ret. on acct. ill health; res., Conshohocken, Pa. GRAVES, Alvan White; b., Thornhill, Orange Co., Va., Sept. 15, 1851; Rich. Col., 74; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., July 4, 77, Hampden ch., Baltimore; pas.. Bait., 77-9; Hebron & Horeb chs., Va., 79-81; Healing Springs, 81-3; Simpsonville & Smithfield, Ky., 83-6; Butte, Mont., 86-90; Aspen, Colo., 90-4; N. Platte, Neb., 94-6; Springdale, Ark., 96-8; Falls Church, Va., 98-06; Washington, D. C, agt. Bible Soc, 06-11; Oakland, Hanover & Potomac chs., 11-16; Bible agt. & evang., 16 — ; res., Ferrell, King George Co., Va. HELSLEY, Joseph Milton; b., Shenandoah Co., Va., Nov. 24, 1845; stud.. Rich. Col., 3 yrs.; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., July, 77, Ringoes, N. J.; pas., Ringoes, 77-82; miss, among Pah Ute Indians, 82-7; Gonzales, Calif., 87-99; 1st ch. Ceres, 99-15; ret. preach, at times; res., Ceres, Calif. 46 1877 ♦HUMPHRIES, William Hilsee; b., Phila., Mar. 3, 1849; stud., Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., June 25, 77, Bethesda ch., Phila.; auth., Calling a Pastor; pas., Bethesda ch., Phila., 77-82; Ambler, 83-5; Cape May, N. J., 85 — ; Port Morris, 91-4; Pt. Breeze Bapt. miss., Phila., 94 — ; d., July 5, 99, Phila., aged 50. *MacMACKIN, Bernard; b., Baltimore, July 14, 1850; Bu. U., 74; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., June 19, 77, 1st ch., New Castle, Del.; deg., A. B., 74, A. M., 77, D. D., 02, Bu. U.; pas.. New Castle, Del., 77-85; Lower Merion (Bryn Mawr), Pa., 85-92; supt. & gen. sec, Phila. Bapt. City Miss., 91-04 ; prest. Bapt. Histor. Soc. many yrs.; d., Feb. 12, 16, Ridley Park, Pa., aged 66. *PAULLIN, William Henry H.; b.. Canton, N. J.; Bu. U., 75; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., Dec. 27, 77, Shamong, N. J.; deg., A. B., 75, Bu. U.; pas., Shamong, 77-9; Fox Chase, Pa., 79-81; Setzler's Store, 81-4; d., 84. RAY, Joseph Martin; b., Belfast, Ire., Apr. 4, 1837; immig.. May, 45, to Phila. ; served in 72d regt. Pa. Inf t. in Civil War, wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 62; Bu. U., 75, Sc. B.; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., Sept. 77, Cherrytree ch., Venango Co., Pa. ; pas., Cherrytree, 77-82; Mansfield Valley, Carnegie, 82-5; Muddy Creek ch., Butler Co., 85-91; Zion ch., do, 86-91; Wilkinsburg, 93-6; organ. Em- manuel ch., Allegheny; sup. as oppor, opened, 15 yrs.; res., 7938 Madeira St., Pittsburgh. RYAN, William McCleary; b., W. Alexander, Pa., 1849; Waynesburg Col., 76 (?); Cro. T. S., 77; deg., A. B., 76, A. M., 79, D. D., Waynesburg Col. ; ord., 79, Verona, Pa. ; pas., Verona, 77-8 ; Clays- ville, 78-9; Bates Fork, Beulah, Waynesburg & Blacksville chs., W. Va., 79-92; Scottdale, Pa., 92-3; 5th Ave. ch., McKeesport, 93-6; Hollidaysburg, 96-02; New Brighton, 02-07; Smithfield, 07—. SHEPPARD, Daniel Webster; b., Shiloh, N. J., Mar. 22, 1850; Bu. U., 73; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., Oct. 25, 77, Vincent ch., Chester Springs, Pa.; deg., A. B., 73, A. M., 76, Bu. U.; pas., Chester Springs, 77-82; Montrose, 82-4; Jersey Shore, 84-7; Sunbury, 87-8; Davisville, 88-01; Warwick, N. Y., 01-07; Lower Providence, Pa., 07-12; Greenwich, N. J., 13—. ♦STEELE, Luther Price; b., Front Royal, Va., 1851; Cro. T. S., 77; ord., July 26, 77, Pleasant Grove, Pa.; pas.. Front Royal, 79-81; Washington, 81-2; Wissahickon ch., Phila., 84-6; . TAYLOR, Barnard Cook; b., Holmdel, N. J., May 20, 1850; grad., Peddie Inst., Brown U., 74; Cro. T. S., 77; deg., A. B. & A. M., Brown U., D. D., Rich. Col.; auth.. Outline Analysis of the Books of the Bible, Historical Books of Old Testament; prof., O. T. Interpretation, Cro. T. S., 77—; res., Sem. Campus. TEASDALE, Charles Washington; b., Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, 1850; stud., Rich. Col., So. Bapt. T. S.; Cro. T. S., 77; spec, stud., 1877 47 84-5; ord., June, 77, Salisbury, Md. ; pas., Salisbury, Vienna, 77- 80; Tennalytown, 81-5; sup., 85-92; pas., Mahoning, Pa,, 93-5; Blairsville, 86-8; Hazelton, 89-90; Solebury, 06-10; Coleraine, 11-12; Huntingdon Valley, 13-15; ill health, but sup. as able; res., 129 W. Olney Ave., Phila. YOUNG, William Henry; b., Phila., 1853; stud. Normal Sch., Coin. U., Cornell U.; Cro. T. S., 77; stud.. Elocution, Martyns Col., 78; ord., June 5, 77, 1st ch., Washington, D. C; deg., B. D., 78, Ph. D., Howard Col., 92, D. D., Yale U.; stud. Yale Div. Sch.; So. Bapt. T. S., 88-9; auth., How to Preach with Power; pas., Milford, Del., 78-80; Metropolitan ch., Washington, D. C, 84-91; teach. English, Acadia U., Nova Scotia, 91-2; pas., 1st ch., Athens, Ga., 93 — ; res., Thomas, Ga. *BIRD, Albert Parmenas; b.. King & Queen Co., Va., Dec. 27, 1832; Cro. T. S., 74-6; served as colporteur under Va. S. S. & Bible Board; engaged in farm. & sup. clis. ; lived for some time at Rome, Ga. ; d., Oct., 95, aged 63. HEPLER, John Newton Brown; b., Goshen, Va., July 13, 1854; stud., Rich. Col., 4 yrs.; Cro. T. S., 74-6; ord., July 15, 84, Curryville, Mo.; pas. & miss, in 3 assons. in Mo., 84-96; preach. & farm, in Va., 96-00; do., in W. Va., 00-17; res., Fayetteville, Ark. HILL, Judson Sudborough; b., Trenton, N. J., 1853; stud. Colg. U., 73-4; Cro. T. S., 74-5; . ♦HUNDLEY, John Walker; b., King & Queen Co., Va., Apr. 14, 1841; stud. Stevensville Acad., Va.; stud.. Rich. Col., 58-61; served in Confed. Army through Civil War; Cro. T. S., 74-6; ord., Nov., 76, Mechanicsville, Va. ; pas., Modestown, Atlantic, Chincoteague, Bethel, Lee Mont, Zion, Drummondtown, Hollies, Onancock, Broad- way & Baker Mem. chs. in Accomac Co., 76-90; Tarboro, N. C, 90-1; Martinsburg, W. Va., 91; Glade Spring & Marion, Va., 96; Covington, 97-04; Cape Charles, 04-09; Pocomoke, Md., 09-13; London Bridge, Va., 14; d., Oct. 21, 14, Covington, Va., aged 73. *MULFORD, John Brantly; b., Phila., Sept. 2, 1851; Cro. T. S., 74-6; ord., June 18, 76, 1st ch., Sewickley, Pa.; pas., Sewickley, 76-8; Somerville, N. J., 78-81; Wheeling, W. Va., 81-4; Atchison, Kan., 84-8; d., Nov. 2, 88, Atchison, aged 38. RILEY, Benjamin Franklin; b., Pineville, Ala., July 16, 1849; grad., Erskine Col., S. C; ord., July, 72, Pineville, Ala.; deg., A. B., A. M., D. D., LL. D.; Cro. T. S., 74-6; pas., Carlowville, Ala., 76-7; Albany, Ga., 78; Opelika, Ala., 79-83; Livingston, 84-8; prest. Howard Col., 88-93; prof., Eng. & Oratory, U. of Ga., 93-00; pas., 1st ch., Houston, Tex., 00-06; auth.. History of Conecuh Co., Ala., Ala. As It Is, Histy. of Ala. Bapts., Southern Bapts. East of the Mississippi, The White Man's Burden, Makers 48 1877-1878 6 Romance of Ala., Histy., Life & Times of Booker T. Washington; engaged in literary work; res., Birmingham, Ala. ♦ROBERTSON, William Henry; b., Templeton, Wales, 1829 (or 1834) ; immig., 63; Cro. T. S., 74-5; ord., Feb. 27, 70; pas., Phila., 73-6; sup. New Tabernacle ch., 01-04; (record incomplete); d., May 18, 04, Phila., aged 75 (?). SAN WING, Moung; b., Rangoon, Burma, 1851; stud., Bu. U., 73-4; Cro. T. S., 74-5; miss. Burma, India; . *STREET, William Alexander; b.. La Grange, Middlesex Co., Va., May 4, 1835; officer in Confed. Army in Civil War; known as "Captain" Street; Cro. T. S., 74-6; ord., 74; pas., Globe Landing, Va., 77-84; Bethel, 85-90; Lee Mont, 86-90; Corotoman, 91-5; Lebanon, 95-00; d., Apr. 19, 00, Belwood Mills, Va., aged 65. WELTON, Cephas Burpee; b., Kingston, N. S., 1848; Brown U., 74; Cro. T. S., 74-5; ord., Apr. 17, 77, Kentville, N. S.; pas., Kent- ville, 77-80; Hillsboro, N. B., 5 yrs.; Sussex & St. John, (w. c), 7 yrs; Williamson, N. Y., 94-8; Rockville Center, 98-02; Port Jefferson, 03-06; Brooklyn, (w. c), 06-14; Netherwood, 14—; res, Salt Point, N. Y. *YERKES, Benjamin Howard; b., Montgomery Co., Pa., 1849; Bu. U., 74; Cro. T. S., 74-6; ord.. May 11, 77, Greeley, Colo.; deg., A. B., 74, A. M., 77, Bu. U.; prin., Denver Acad., 76; pas., Greeley, 77-81; Denver, 81-3; Publisher, Rock Mountain Baptist, 81-3; d., Aug. 18, 83, Denver, aged 34. ♦YOUNG, Thomas Chalmers; b., Lambertville, N. J., Mar. 28, 1845; Cro. T. S., 74-5; ord., 74, Ringoes, N. J.; pas., Ringoes, 74-6; Bethlehem, 76-7; Port Murray, 77-80; Newton, 80-3; Mount Olive, 83-8; Allentown, 88-91; 5th ch., Trenton, 91-4; Ringoes, 94-6; Wyoming, Del., 96-9; real est. bus., Phila., 99-14; d., Feb. 16, 14, Trenton, N. J., aged 69. 1878 *BELSHER, Littleton Lafayette; b., 44; served in Confed. army in Civil War; Cro. T. S., 78; pas., Butler, Ala., 80-6; Pushmataha, 87-8; E. Lake, 88-9; d. (?). BU SHELL, Walter; b., Charlton King, Gloucestershire, Eng., July 4, 1850; immig., 72; stud., Birmingham Midland Inst., Eng., & Cooper Inst., N. Y.; Cro. T. S., 78; ord., Aug., 78, 1st ch., Chester, Pa.; miss. A. B. F. M. Soc. in Burma, 78 — ; address, Bassein, Burma. CRAFT, George Gilbert; b., Phila., Sept. 23, 1846; stud., Bu. U., 3 yrs.; Cro. T. S., 78; ord., June 27, 70, Elmhurst (Dunnings), Pa.; miss. Pa. Bapt. State Conv., 70-1; pas., Cedarville, N. J., 71-2; Phoenixville, Pa., 73-5; (sem. course, 75-8); pas., Huntingdon, 1878 A9 78-82; Laramie City, Wyo., 82-4; Wilson Ave. ch., Cleveland, O., 84-8; 1st ch., Worcester, Mass., 88-95; E. End ch., Cleveland, O., 96-02; miss. N. J. Bapt. Conv., 08-12 ;sup. chs., 12-16; res., 248 So. 54th St., Phila. •DAVIS, Evan; b., Wales, July 1, 1845; immig., 69; Colg. U., 76; Cro. T. S., 78; ord., Oct. 31, 78, Burlington, N. J.; pas., Burling- ton, N. J., 79-83; Coatesville, Pa., 83-4; Keeseville, N. Y., 85-6; ret. acct. ill health, 86; d., Apr. 26, 90, Coatesville, Pa., aged 45. EDWIN, Moung; b., Way-ya, Bassein dist., Burma, Aug. 5, 1849; Coin. Col., D. C, 75; Newton T. I., 75-6; Cro. T. S., 76-8; returned to Burma, as lawyer & lay-preacher, 81-12; address in 1912, Tharrawaddy, Burma. ♦MacARTHUR, Alexander; b., Glasgow, Scot., 1841; grad., Spur- geon's Pastors' Col., London; ord., 68, Eng.; pas., Portsmouth, Eng., (prior to immig.) ; Cro. T. S., 78; Peoria, 111., 78-80; Port Jervis, N. Y., 80-1; Halifax, N. S., 82-4; Sharpsburg, Pa., 84-8; Washington, 88-90 ; Scottdale, 90-1 ; Carlton, N. B., 95-6 ; St. John, 97-8; do., 03-08; (was also pas. at Wilmington, Del. & Pittsburgh, Pa.) ; d., Nov. 17, 08, St. John, N. B., aged 67. MacCLELLAND, George Harmer; b., Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 16, 1851; Bu. U., 75; Cro. T. S., 78; deg., A. B., 75, A. M., 78, Bu. U.; ord., July, 78, 1st ch., Manayunk, Phila.; pas., Manayunk, 78-83; 1st ch., Chester, 83-8; 1st ch., Duluth, Minn., 88-93; ret., 93, & eng, in coal bus. ; res., 380 Woodward Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. QUARLES, Henry Lewis; b., Benlomond, Va., Sept. 27, 1847; Cro. T. S., 78; deg., D. D., Rich. Col.; ord., Sept. 3, 78, Mechanicsville ch., Va.; pas., Clarksburg, W. Va., 78-82; Cumberland, Md., 82-90; Tappahannock, Va., 85-90; Luray, 90-6; Broadus Mem. ch., Rich- mond, 96-00; Bowling Green, 00-06; Glen Allen, 06-11; Manas- sas, 11-16; res., Manassas, Va. *SCOTT, Charles Howard; b., Mendota, 111., May 21, 1849; William Jewell Col., 75; Cro. T. S., 78; ord., Mar., 75, Liberty, Mo.; pas., Logan's Valley, Pa., 78-81 ; d., Apr. 9, 81, Phila., aged 32. SHERWOOD, Henry Wixom; b., Owego, N. Y., July 14, 1847; Os- v/ego Nor. Sch., 70; teach. & supt. schs., 70-5; Cro. T. S., 78; ord., July, 78; Montrose, Pa.; pas., Montrose, 78-82; 1st ch., Syracuse, N. Y., 82-9; Wurts St. ch., Kingston, 89-06; 1st ch., Hudson Falls, 08—. *WARLOW, William; b., Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, 1846; served during Ci\'il War; stud., Wyoming Sem., 2 yrs.; ord., Oct. 1, 74, St, Clair, Pa.; Cro. T. S., 78; miss. Pa. State Miss. Soc, 74-6; pas., Girardville, 76; E. Brandywine ch., 78-80; MuUica Hill, N. J., 80-3; Calvary ch. , 83-5; Jacobstown, 85-8; ret. acct. ill health; d., Dec. 31, 01, So. Bethlehem, Pa., aged 55. ♦BLACK, Robert Cochran; b., Chester Co., Pa., July 26, 1845; stud. 50 1878-1879 Bu. U., class 76; ord., May 1, 77, Lockport, Pa.; Cro. T. S., 75-6; pas., Richfield, O., 75-6; Mill Creek & Lockport, Pa., 78-80; ret. acct. injury sustained; d., Feb. 11, 83, Huntingdon, Pa., aged 38. ♦CRITCHLOW, James Orris; b., Butler Co., Pa., Apr. 3, 1848; Bu. U., 75; deg., A. B., 75, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 75-6; pas., Lancaster, Pa., 75-7; 1st ch., Germantown, Phila., 78-82; evang., 82-5; pas., Uniontown, 85-8; ret. to farm in Butler Co., sup. when able; d., Apr. 1, 89, Pittsburgh, aged 41. ELLIS, William Henry; b.. Green Co., Pa., Mar. 10, 1844; teach, pub. sch.; Bu. U., 75, Sc. B.; ord., Aug. 1, 76, Curwensville, Pa.; Cro. T. S., 75-6; pas., Curwensville, 76-7; Wayland, 78-80; E. Nant- meal, 80-4; Parker Ford, 84-8; Blakely, 88-9; Rush & 3 other chs., 90-2; Jersey Shore, 92-7; Mt. Carrnel, 98; served as pas. or sup., 2d ch. Erie, Pennsville, Jefferson & Mt. Zion, Sugar Growe & Red Stone, Port Matilda & Bald Eagle, 99—; res., 30 Millview St., Uniontown, Pa. SWANN, Porterfield; b., Powhatton Co., Va., Oct. 23, 1847; stud., Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 75-6; stud.. So. Bapt. T. S.; ord., June, 76, Goshen, Va. ; pas., 76 to 17 — over 40 yrs. — serving many chs. in Va. ; res., Goshen, Va. 1879 BASTIAN, Alexander Stewart; b., Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 16, 1840; served in Civil War in 28th Regt. Pa. Vols., & Corp., 193d Pa. Inft.; Bu. U., 76; deg., A. B., 76, A. M., 79, Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., Dec. 30, 79, Milford, Del.; pas., Milford, 79-80; Livingston & Northfield, N. J., 81-93; Hamburg, 94-6; Dykemans, N. Y., 96-9; Shenandoah, 00-13; ret., May 31, 13; res., Brewster, N. Y., (R, F. D. 4). BISHOP, Charles Walgate Wilberforce; b., Halifax, N. S., May 11, 1846; immig., Sept., 77; stud. Acadia Acad. & Acadia Col., 75; Cro. T. S., 79; res. grad. work, 79-80; ord., Oct. 23, 79, Marcus Hook, Pa.; pas., Marcus Hook, 79-04; Hope ch., Wilmington, Del., 06-10; ret., 10; res., Trainer, Del. Co., Pa. ♦BOYCE, James A.; b.. Alba, Pa., 1841; stud., Troy Acad.; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., Nov., 75, Delmar, Pa.; pas., Delmar, 75-85; Stony Fork, 85-6; Wellsboro, 87-05, (w. c.) ; elk., Tioga asson., 89-90, 92-05; d., Dec. 14, 05, Wellsboro, aged 64. ♦BROOKS, John; b., Yorkshire, Eng., 1847; Bu. U., 76; Cro. T. S., 79; deg., A. B., 76, A. M., 79, Bu. U.; ord., 79, N. Chester; pas., N. Chester, 79-85; Nixon St. ch., Pittsburgh, 85-9; Phila., 90-14, (W. C.) ; invalid for 8 yrs.; d., Aug. 8, 14, Phila., aged 67. FETTER, Newton Cromwell; b., Churchville, Pa., June 22, 1848; grad., Millersville State Nor. Sch.; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., June 24, 79, New Britain, Pa.; pas., New Britain, 79-90; Spokane, Wash,, 1879 51 90-3; Doylestown, Pa., 93-9; St. Clair, 01-10; Barnesboro, 11-13; act. pas., E. Stroudsburg, 14-15, but resigned acct. impaired health; three sons in ministry; res., 310 So. 5th St., Reading, Pa. FLETCHER, Daniel Sheldon; b., Virgil, Cortland Co., N. Y., Mar. 5, 1843; Colg. U., 77; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., June 19, 79, Beverly, N. J.; deg., A. B., Colg. U.; pas., Beverly, 79-80; Half Moon & Clifton Park, N. Y., 80-3; Wolcottville, Ind., 83-6; Money Creek, Rushford & outstations, Minn., 86-93; Wolcottville, 93-6; asked to resign by Wolcottville ch. acct. his preach, divine healing; since engaged in miss. & evang. virork; identified with Pentecos- tal movement; res., Milwaukee, Ore. ♦JAMES, Owen; b., Narberth, Wales, Oct. 30, 1848; immig., 70; Bu. Acad., 72; Bu. U., 76; Cro. T. S., 79; deg., A. B., 76; A. M., 79, Bu. U.; D. D., 95, Roch U.; ord., Oct. 79, Wash., D. C; pas.. Wash., 79-82; Ist ch., Scranton, Pa., 82-7; Hatboro, 87-90; Hol- lidaysburg, 90-5; pres., Roger Williams U., Nashville, Tenn., 95-8; pas., Titusville, Pa., 98-00; Johnstown, 00-06; auth., var. tracts & pamphlets; d., Sept. 9, 08, Johnstovni, aged 57. LLOYD, Thomas Albert; b., Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1848; stud., Bu. U., 3V2 yrs.; Cro. T. S., 79; deg., A. M., Bu. U.; ord., 75, W. Cain.; pas., W. Cain.; E. Brandywine, Berean ch., W. Chester, 1st ch., Conshohocken, 85-93; Immanuel ch., Phila., 93-01; Miner.s- ville, 03-05; Imlaystown, N. J., 05-09; Bethayres, Pa., 09-11; Ford City, 11-14; Eldred, 16—; res., 4183 Leidy Ave., Phila. MORRISON, William; b., Scotland, Aug. 28, 1848; immig., 70; g-rad.. Long Isl. Hospital Col.; Cro. T. S., 79; deg., M. D., Long Isl. Hospital Col.; ord., 79, 1st ch., Lancaster, Pa.; pas., Lancaster, 79-82; Weedsport, N. Y., 82-6; Flushing, 86-92; Carmel, 92-5; Port Richmond, 95-01; pract. med., 01—; res., 241 Quincy St., Brooklyn. NOECKER, George Washington; b., Reading, Pa., Feb. 28, 1856; stud. Prof. Brunner's Acad.; stud. Bu. U.; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., Dec. 18, 79, Stockton, N. J.; pas., Berean ch., Stockton, 79-82; sup., Clarksburg, W. Va., & other chs., 82-3; pas., Union ch., Muhlenburg, Pa., 83-5; Shirleysburg, 86-7; sup., Orbisonia & Valley Point, 88-9; ret. & entered business: res., 119 S. 8th St., Reading, Pa. OGDEN, Edward Maurice; b., near Fairton, N. J., Oct. 17, 1847; stud.. Union Acad., Shiloh, N. J.; Bu. U., 74; Cro. T. S., 79; deg., A. B., 74, A. M., 77, Bu. U.; ord., Dec, 79, Rowayton, Conn.; pas., Rowayton, 79-81 ; New Canaan, 79-83 ; Stepney, 84-6 ; Hammonton, N. J., 87-9; Toms River, 90-2; Plantsville, Conn., 92-5; Chester- field, N. J., 95-9; res., 216 Garden St., Mt. Holly. THOMAS, William Smith O'Brien; b., Richmond, Va.; grad., Rich Col.; Cro. T. S., 79; ord., Falls ch., Va.; pas., Columbia & Falls ch., Va., 79-83; Lee St. ch., Bait., 83-4; Rockville, Md., 84-8; W. 52 1879 Washington, D, C, 88-98; Waynesboro, Va., 98-02; Germantown, Md., 02-07; Columbia Falls ch., 07—; res., Falls Church, Va. *COPELAND, Levi Hill; b., 1847; grad., Peddie Inst.; Bu. U., 76; Cro. T. S., 76-8; deg., A. B., Bu. U.; ord., Feb. 19, 78, W. Camden, Me.; pas., Medford, N. J., 78 — ; So. Amboy, 79-80; E. Long Meadow, Mass., 81-6; Oak Lane, Phila, 87-93; Skowhegan, Me., 94-5; Palmyra, N. J., 98-05; Liberty, N. Y., 07; Philadelphia, 08, (w. c.) ; Elmer, N. J., 09; Curwensville, Pa., 10; Woodstown, N. J., 11-15; d.. Mar. 13, 15, Woodstown, aged 67. GARDINER, Eugene Stark; b., Norwich, Conn., Mar. 20, 1849; Colg. U., 76; Cro. T. S., 76-7; & spec, studies, 83-4; Course summer sch. biology, Salem, Mass., 78; sch., languages, Amherst, 89; grad. sch. U. of Chic, summer 97 & 01; deg., A. B., & A. M., Colg. U.; ord., Apr. 21, 80, Morrisville, N. Y.; pas., Morrisville, 79-83; Plantsville, Conn., 84-6; Medfield, Mass., 86-9; Franklin, Ind., 89-97 ; prof., English, Franklin Col., 97-05 ; prof., History & Latin, Calif. Col., 05-10; prof., English, McMinnville Col., Ore., 10—. HALCOMB, Ninian Weston; b., 1856 (?) ; stud. Cro. T. S., 76-7; MITCHELL, Henry Haywood; b., London, Conn., 1852 (?); Lincoln U., 76; stud. Cro. T. S., 76-8; ord., Feb. 21, 79, Phila.; . RAYMOND, Frank Barrat; b., Edgefield C. H., S. C, 1852 (?) ; stud., Rich. Col.; Cro. T. S., 76-8; ord., Apr. 28, 81, Holmesburg, Pa.; pas., Holmesburg, 81-2; Hicks Wharf, Va., 84-92; Upper St. ch., Lexington, & Eminence, Ky., 92-5; Matthews, Westville, Spring Hill & Gwynn's Isl., Va., 96-06; River View, Newport News, 06- 09; Clyde, N. C, 09-11; Cliffside, 11-13; Pittsboro, 13—. SCOTT, Joseph Winfield; b., 1850; Cro. T. S., 76-7; ord., June 25, 74, Enon, W. Va.; pas., St. Paris, 0., 79-82; Richwood, 82-6; Utica, 86-8; Zion ch., N. Y. City, 95-8; Day Star ch., 98-01; N. Y. City,