ro. 1&T PRINCETON, N. J. Hih Purchased by the Mrs. Robert Lenox Kennedy Church History Fund. Division BX 8643 r\ M 5 £be Xutberan Gburcb in mew Ibanover, pa . kJUaTi 'J*!- <. OCT 14 1912 H History of Zhe Xutberan Cburcb in IRew Ibanover, flfeontaometE County, penna. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY THE PASTOR REV. J. J. "KLINE, Ph.D. Member of the Pennsylvania-German Society, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and the Historical Society of Montgomery County. PUBLISHED BY THE CONGREGATION, NEW HANOVER, PENNA. 1910 Copyrighted 1910 BY Rev. J. J. Kline Press of The New era Printing company Lancaster. Pa. PREFACE. ^THE preparation of a memorial ^^ volume in commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Evangelical Luth- eran Congregation in New Hanover confronts us both with veneration and regret. We have to do with matters venerable and old, and find names of men who were prominent in church and state, whose an- cestral blood is still coursing through the veins of many who are at present active in shaping the history of the congregation, while the names of others have long since passed from men's minds and are found only upon the records of the past. It is to be sincerely regretted that the noble deeds of men and women of bygone days, have not been accurately and minutely recorded, so that the present generation might read the records of their piety and sincere loyalty to the faith and the church. It is true that fragments do ap- pear here and there, and from these the following compi- lation has been constructed. Errors, no doubt, appear — it would be a strange coincidence if this were not so. In vi Preface. recording so many names and dates, in reading the chi- rography of so many different handwritings, in the varied spelling of names during two centuries, with all the idio- syncrasies of men and the times, nothing short of a neces- sarily inaccurate account in its details must be expected. Nevertheless, to gather the fragmentary material still ex- tant, to resurrect from oblivion what may yet be found, but is fast passing into forgetfulness, and to multiply, by publication, the fragmentary records of the congregation, has been considered of sufficient import to justify the at- tempt; and, with utmost care, to present, in this form, whatever may be gathered and compiled. A great deal might be written with reasonable accu- racy concerning the more recent history of the life and development of the congregation, but since these things are fresh in the minds of men, or may be readily obtained, and are being interpreted in the light of present knowl- edge, the earlier history has been deemed of greater importance on account of its being so largely relegated to the past, and is not so readily accessible; therefore the greater stress is laid upon the earlier development of the congregation's life and history. In order to im- press these facts upon the mind, frequent repetitions occur, so that, by way of emphasis, many important facts and events are thereby indelibly stamped upon the mind of the reader. Repetitions also occur, because of the fact that the actions of the several church councils are recorded as they appear in their chronological order, so that some of the material which appears in the story of events, appears here again in its proper connection. Important also are the few brief data, which are found in the short biographical sketches, concerning the life and Preface. vn labors of the men who filled the pastoral office, so that something may be known of the men who ministered here in holy things. Not all of these are complimentary, yet history, in order to be of value, must not be one-sided, therefore as sunshine and shadows appear simultaneously, so these things are blended together to complete accurately the story of the past. The early history of this local congregation contains to a great degree the early history of the Lutheran Church in America. For, as the bud enfolds the flower, so the early beginnings contain, in embryo, the embodiment of future developments. It is for this reason that frequent references are made to other congregations and circum- stances, instead of being restricted to local conditions and events. May this first attempt to publish a continuous story of this congregation incite an enthusiastic desire for further investigation, so that future historians may have a more secure foundation to build upon, and relate the story of American Lutheranism to coming generations with greater accuracy and precision. CONTENTS. Preface v Introduction 5 CHAPTER 1 8 Falckner Swamp. New Hanover. Its Location. Its Settlement. Its Inhabitants. CHAPTER II. The Congregation 17 Its Early Organization. The Location of its Buildings. The Church. The Parsonage. The Title to the Property. CHAPTER III. The United Congregations 38 Trappe, Falckner Swamp, Philadelphia and then Germantown. As United into a Synod. CHAPTER IV. The Pastors who have Served this Church 50 Those Before Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg and His Helpers. Muhlenberg's Successors. CHAPTER V. Short Biographical Sketches of Ministers who Served the Congregation 75 CHAPTER VI. The Church Buildings 162 ix x Contents. CHAPTER VII. The Church Council and its Transactions 169 CHAPTER VIII. Transactions of Church Council — Continued 183 CHAPTER IX. The Schoolmasters and Organists of the Church. Their Times of Service, and a Brief Sketch of the Sunday School 219 CHAPTER X. Meetings of the Synod Held in this Church 227 CHAPTER XL Special Events. Dedications and Anniversaries .... 232 CHAPTER XII. Historical Events 241 I. Trials and Struggles of the Congregation. Petitions of Citizens to Governor Patrick Gordon for Protection Against the Invasion of the Indians. II. Its Missions. III. Its Men in the Ministry. IV. Noted Men. List of Baptisms 271 List of Catechumens and Adult Baptisms 507 List of Marriages 573 List of Deaths 647 Index 701 INTRODUCTION. if ?OR the preparation of an his- torical sketch of the Lutheran congregation in New Hanover no apology is necessary. It is not an ambitious desire to add another volume to load down the already overburdened book-shelves, but to put on record, as far as they are known, the facts and incidents con- cerning the indomitable courage and Christian heroism of our Pennsylvania-German ancestors in this community and of this venerable congregation. Time has already relegated many things to the irrevocable past, which have transpired within the experiences of the congregation and its members, while a great many other matters have not been considered of sufficient interest or importance to record at all, or, if record has been made of them, such records have now been lost, which we sincerely lament. Another object in view is to preserve, by publication, the minutes of the congrega- tion and its church records, still extant, so that the original books and documents, now fast falling to pieces with age and by frequent handling, may be spared to generations 2 5 6 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. yet to come, while the facts and incidents recorded therein may nevertheless be on hand for use to those who may be interested in the congregation's life and history during its existence of over two centuries. Still another purpose is to encourage research into the records of the past so as to unearth many of the unknown circumstances in its historic life, and to prove beyond a doubt many of the conjectures, concerning its early existence; as well as to invite honest criticism so as to correct many of the errors contained in the following pages, concerning which no one is more painfully conscious than the compiler himself. The sources of information, which have been frequently consulted are mentioned in chapter first, and full ac- knowledgment of the same is here made. The value and importance of these books and documents in the preparation of the material for the succeeding pages is beyond the range of complete expression and full apprecia- tion. Some of the minutes of the congregation and of the church councils have been lost, as were also some of the official records of some of its pastors, which is a source of keen regret. Those still in existence, and in part herein published, prove some of the doubts and misapprehensions in the minds of earlier historians, and correct some of the errors which have become patent to the minds of some of them. In acknowledging the assistance received from many sources I cannot be sufficiently profuse; for without these this volume would have been impossible. A great deal of the research work, as well as of translating and tran- scribing the church records, is my own, yet I lay no claim to further originality. I acknowledge the valuable services of those who have Introduction. 7 in any way rendered assistance. In particular do I desire to put on record my appreciation of the services rendered by Irwin P. Knipe, Esq., of Norristown, for clearing up the original titles of the property, and to Mr. O. J. Bickel for returning the original documentary title for the tract of 49 acres of land presented by John Henry Sprogell to the congregation; to the researches of Julius F. Sachse, Litt.D., also for illustrations furnished by him for this history; also to Rev. John W. Early, without whose aid the completion of this work would have been delayed for some years to come. To all these my sincere thanks are due, and are herewith extended, as well as to all others who have been in any way instrumental in bringing this endeavor to a successful issue. In the hope that a deeper interest in the congregation's life and its interesting history may be awakened among its members and the community in general, this volume is sent forth on its mission of love and service. j. J. k. Pottstown, Pa., October 28, 1909. CHAPTER I. Falckner Swamp. New Hanover. Its Location. Its Settlement. Its Inhabitants. ir r is somewhat remarkable that so little is known concerning the lWhtM\lWj^^\ early history and struggles of this con- ' gregation. It would be expected that, as this is one of the three original united congregations, and the oldest of them all, very frequent reference would be made to this fact. Perhaps this may be explained, in part at least, by the fact that it was a little out of the way of the usual route of travel from Philadelphia westward. Perhaps if the editors of the Revised Edition of the " Halle Reports " had kept in mind the fact that whenever Henry Melchior Muhlenberg visited Oley and the church there, he generally came by this place, they would have had less trouble in locating the Oley church of the Lutherans. As to the absence of any explicit statements in regard to the time when this church was organized and when ser- 8 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 9 vices were first held here, and in facf in reference to many historical matters about which we might desire informa- tion, it will be sufficient to say, that the reports to Halle were not intended primarily to give the particulars con- cerning the organization of churches which already existed. It should be sufficient for us to remember that the Halle Reports of Muhlenberg, Brunnholz and others were mostly simple transcripts or extracts from their official journals, setting forth the extent, nature and difficulties of their own labors in planting and caring for the churches in this western land. We could not, therefore, expect them to be taken up with matters outside of the line of their own activity, or of events having occurred prior to their time, except in the way of incidental references to them. Of all the pioneers Rev. John Casper Stoever appar- ently devoted more time and exercised greater care in the preparation and instalment of protocols or church records, than anyone else. Nearly all the churches he served, with the exception of this one, have them. They are generally well kept, except in this one respect, that they frequently omit the names and number of the communicants, also the times of communion. And may not this omission here possibly be accounted for by the fact that he may never have been the actual pastor, but only the assistant of Schulze, who ordained him? Soon after his ordination he left this section. It might even be questioned whether he was ordained here as generally believed. It is certain that Rev. J. Christian Schulze, who ordained him, per- formed baptisms at the Muddy Creek Church during the same month, if not on the very day of Stoever's ordination and marriage, viz., April 8, 1733. It will not be deemed necessary in every instance to give the specific authorities io The New Hanover Lutheran Church. for statements of acknowledged facts, whether derived from "Halle Reports," from Theodore Bean's "History of Montgomery County," Dotterer's " Perkiomen Re- gion," Kuhns' "German and Swiss Settlements," Mann's " Muhlenberg and His Times," Rev. Dr. Schmauk's ex- haustive history of "The Lutheran Church in Pennsyl- vania," 1 63 8-1 8 20, or other records; since it is readily understood that in a compilation of this character all avail- able sources known to the author will be readily and freely consulted, and its pages enriched by the facts and data already established in history. It is a striking fact that even well-informed people seem to have very indefinite ideas as to the location of this oldest of the German Lutheran congregations in America. Var- ious causes might be assigned for this. Possibly if the same name had always been applied to the place, it would be less difficult to locate. But, in looking at the names of places and sections, we find that it is not only called "New Hanover," but also "Swamp Churches," which, and not " Falckner Swamp," was the original name of the post office, and sometimes merely " The Swamp." If there were not three other places within a circuit of fifty miles, to each of which the same name, " Swamp," is applied, it would be far less difficult to describe the locality in such a way that every one might readily understand where it is found. First we have the Great Swamp in the extreme northwestern section of Bucks County. This formerly in- cluded the greater portion of Milford and Richland town- ships, the centre of the " Swamp " at that time being where Quakertown now stands. What is called Great Swamp at present lies wholly in Milford Township. The Long Swamp extends from the vicinity of Topton to the eastern line of Berks County, where the " Krotten The New Hanover Lutheran Church. n Creek " joins the southwest and the southeast branches of the Little Lehigh to form that stream. It has given name to one of the eastern townships of Berks as well as to the church in that section. It is from fifteen to twenty miles north by west from New Hanover. Almost thirty miles west, bearing slightly southward is " The Swamp " in Lancaster County. It covers a considerable part of Cocalico Township. Some of the branches of the Co- calico have their rise here. There are these three districts known as " The Swamp " besides Falckner Swamp. Whether New Hanover, or Falckner Swamp, was known by this name before the Great Swamp, about ten miles northeast of it, was so designated, we are unable to say. Theodore Bean in the " History of Montgomery County" describes the place thus r1 New Hanover Township is bounded on the northeast by Upper Hanover, south by Limerick, east by Frederick, northwest by Douglass and southwest by Pottsgrove. It is 6^4 miles long. Its greatest breadth 2>l/2 miles, containing 204 }4 square miles.2 It is the fourth in size in the county. The Swamp Creek flows nearly through the central part. It has several branches. The name is derived from Hanover, a capital and a kingdom in Ger- many. Many of the early Lutheran settlers were natives of this kingdom. This accounts largely for the name. Another name is Falckner Swamp, derived from Daniel Falckner, one of the agents, or attorneys, of the Frankfort Land Company. In a purchase made by Geo. McCall, 1735, it is said that Douglass and a part of Pottsgrove are bounded on the south by the " German's Tract of land, meaning at least all of the present New Hanover." The village of New Hanover, better known as Swamp Church, or Swamp Churches, is situated 16 miles from Norristown, and 1 History of Montgomery County," Cap. LXVL, p. 992. 'Evidently a printer's blunder. The dimensions given would be a fraction less than twenty-four square miles. 12 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. in 1832, Gordon in his " Gazeteer," says it contains two churches, a post office, a tannery, two taverns, two stores and eight dwell- ings. The post office was established before 1827, under the title of " Swamp Churches," which was changed a few years after to its present name, " New Hanover." It is quite an old settle- ment. Nicholas Scull mentions here in 1758, the Lutheran Dutch and the Dutch Church (Reformed) and Yelyer's mill, etc. Kuhns in his statements, which however are not always as well authenticated as they should be, speaks of it as if it were a part of the Germantown tract itself. But of this more anon, when we take up the matter of its settle- ment and its inhabitants. Dotterer describes it as follows: On the north are the South Mountains, on the south the Stone Hills, on the west the Fox Hills, and on the east the ridge rising from the left bank of Society Run. Swamp Creek, having as its tributaries Society Run, Spack Run, Minister's Creek (Pfarrer's Bach), Schlegel's Run and Goshenhoppen Run, flows in a wind- ing course through the valley. It will not be regarded as necessary to take up the matter of its early settlement and its first inhabitants sep- arately. These are so closely connected that it would be almost impossible to separate them entirely. The great difficulty is to fix dates definitely and distinctly. This will appear all the more clearly evident when it is remembered that Rev. Daniel Falckner, Sprogel or Sproul and others who controlled the 26,000 or more acres of the Frankfort Land Company, acted as if they were the owners of the tract. In fact, Sprogel seems to have had possession of it for a time, deeds being made out in his name. He seems to have become the actual owner of a large part, if not of all the vast tract of land in the vicinity of Falckner Swamp. It is, therefore, impossible to name an exact date as the The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 13 time of its settlement. There seems to have been a gen- eral development of all these sections about the same time. Throughout Oley, Manathanim, afterwards more com- monly called Molatton, or Morlatton, Falckner's Swamp, the Great Swamp, and even Long Swamp, the stream of immigration seems to have moved forward slowly but steadily from the last decade of the seventeenth century. From 1694, wnen tne " Frankfort Land Company sent its first load of emigrants to Germantown, to begin the development of that section, there has been a steady growth of population and developing of its resources," until it has become one of the richest and most prosperous portions of this magnificent commonwealth. From the statements of some of the writers it would al- most seem as if at first it had been regarded as a part of the Germantown settlement. To make the matter per- fectly clear it may be well to go back a little further and recount the history of the movements and doings of some of the others of those early settlers. Pastorius having conferred at Kriegsheim with Peter Schumacher, Gerhard Hendricks and other leaders of the intending settlers, " descended the Rhine to Crefeld, where he conferred with Thones Kunders, Dirck Herman, the Op den Graeff broth- ers, and others, who followed him across the ocean six weeks later." Having thus become the agent of the Frankfort Company, of the Kriegsheimers and the Cre- felders, he sailed June 6, 1683, and reached Philadelphia, August 16. Some two months later, thirteen men with their families, who had sailed on the Concord, reached Philadelphia. Coming late in the year they suffered great privation. But soon they found themselves in comfort. The communication of the news of their good fortune soon brought over others. But towards the close of the 14 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. century, 1694, a considerable addition was made to this colony. A band of forty pietists under the superinten- dence of Johann Kelpius settled on the banks of the Wis- sahickon. It is not necessary to dwell on the letters which Koester, D. Falckner, Kelpius, Schaeffer and others sent back to Germany to influence their friends to join them in this land of promise. The real leader of the party of forty who came over at one time, we are told, was Joh. Jac. Zimmerman, a minister, but he died at Rotterdam.1 It does not belong to our province to discuss the religious opinions of these people. We therefore simply add the statement that they are said to have been chiliasts of a pronounced type, separatists of different kinds, and some Lutherans and Reformed. Rev. Daniel Falckner, who made a special trip to Germany to interest people in the enterprise and to encourage settlers, a project in which he succeeded measurably at least, was one of them.2 We might well ask, would he not naturally put forth efforts to care for the spiritual welfare of his own people at once, instead of waiting from ten to twenty years before doing so ? It may be a matter of sufficient historical interest, al- though not directly connected with this sketch, to state in this connection, that the first protest against slavery re- corded in this country was made April 18, 1688, to the monthly meeting of the Quakers, by Pastorius, Gerhard Hendricks and the Op den Graeff brothers, as stated by both Kuhns and Pennypacker. While not highly educated, the mass of early German settlers of Pennsylvania were not ignorant and illiterate. The larger portion of them were undoubtedly able to read and write. In accordance with the universal custom in 1 Vide Sachse's German pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania. 2 Vide Curieuse Nachricht von Pennsylvania anno 1700, Sachse, 1905. The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 15 Protestant Germany education and religion were combined. At a very early day, Bibles, hymn books, books of devotion, and even school books, were printed in German at Phila- delphia. They were generally read and used. A prac- tical education in religious and secular affairs was thus secured, and a comparatively large number of the German pioneers possessed what might be called learning. We find traces of this even among unprofessional people. Johannes Kolb, a weaver of Germantown had a copy of Eras- mus in Latin, bought from his brother. A Schwenckfelder, named Schultz, had a well-thumbed copy of a Latin grammar. And the earliest settlers were under the direction of some of the most learned men of their time. The Frankfort Land Company consisted of a number of well-educated and highborn people. Pastorius is known to every one. Most of the pietists who came over in 1694 were university men, and they were scattered through the whole community. Zimmerman, who planned the colony, is said to have been " Ein grundgelehrter-astrologus." His successor, Johann Kelpius, was the son of a clergyman, and a doctor of philosophy of Tubingen; Henry Bern- hard Koster had studied at the gymnasium of Bremen and at Frankfort; Daniel Falckner was the son and grandson of a clergyman and was himself educated for the ministry; his brother had been a student at Halle, and Peter Miller, subsequently prior of Ephrata, was a very learned man. He is said to have translated the Declaration of Indepen- dence into seven different languages, and to have spoken " Latin as readily as we do our vernacular." So says Andreae. Thus we can readily perceive that almost from the day that William Penn, who had become known to the German 16 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. people by his residence among them, took possession of his province, a stream of German emigrants came over to settle in Pennsylvania. Although quite a number tarried in the vicinity of Philadelphia, a respectable proportion moved onward, to the Trappe, to New Hanover, to Mo- latton among the Swedes, who already occupied that sec- tion, and even to Oley with its hills, and then through it and Goshenhoppen, which then included New Hanover, through the gaps in the Lehigh hills up to the very foot of the Blue Mountains. This will account for the fact that quite a number of taxables, whose names show them to have been Germans, are found in New Hanover, in Oley and some even in Maxatawny, at the very beginning of the eighteenth century, and a few even before that time. It will also show why there are very frequent suggestions as to religious services held, of occasional gatherings for wor- ship, and of congregations without a formal organization. It was this state of things that opened the door to the tramp preacher and furnished him a field in which to carry on his work. These people were no heathen. They wanted their churches and pastors. When they could not get the best, or even the really good, they took what they could get. They simply did the best they could; others have done so since. Would not we pursue a similar course under similar circumstances? CHAPTER II. The Congregation. Its Early Organization. The Location of its Buildings. The Parsonage. The Title to the Property. The Church. M HERE the first service was held, who con- ducted that service, when the first steps toward the organiza- tion of a congregation were taken, and even the exact date of the erection of the first church building, are matters which will probably never be positively known. v Possibly, if the editors of the revised edi- tion of the "Halle Reports," when they began the republi- cation of that work thirty or more years ago had used the information within reach in this country, instead of looking to Halle only, or even mainly, some of these questions might perhaps have been settled. It certainly should have 17 18 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. been patent to every one, that Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg and his co-laborers in reporting to headquarters, would only de- scribe their own activities. If they did at any time refer to the men who had labored before them, it would be only incidentally. If at any time they spoke of the churches ex- isting before their arrival, it would be in the same casual way. This will become all the more evident if we bear in mind the fact that some of the settlements were com- menced fully half a century before Muhlenberg's arrival. These people had ministers, ordained men, among them. Under these circumstances they would not have remained altogether without the word and the sacraments volun- tarily. They would not have been satisfied without some arrangements by which their spiritual wants would be provided for. They did not do this elsewhere. They would not have done it here. First of all we will endeavor to give the substance of the statements of the " Halle Reports," meagre though they be, in regard to the early history of this congregation. Perhaps the fullest and most satisfactory statement there given is the report of Revs. Muhlenberg, Brunnholtz and Handschuh, the three oldest pastors, sent to Halle at the request of the Synod, July 9, 1754. In that report they give a brief resume of the church's history, as well as their own labors in it, from the very beginning up to the time when the report was sent. After setting forth that this statement is made at the request of the Swedish Provost, together with fourteen German pastors, they pass in review the whole history of the Lutheran Church, as well as that of the individual congregations in the Province of Pennsylvania. They tell us that " shortly before the beginning of this century [the eighteenth] a few Germans came across the sea and took The Congregation. 19 advantage of the religious liberty secured by Penn to all the inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania." They designate the time from 1688, to 1708 as the first period in which a few straggling immigrants arrived. Among these they refer to Henry Frey, whose wife is said to have been still living at that time, and who had arrived about 168c), They also speak of some North Germans who came over about the same time, some of whose descen- dants were still to be found in this vicinity, some being baptized by them. Others had adopted the habits and beliefs of the Quakers. They designate the period from 1708 to 1720, in which many separatists came along with the members of the Lu- theran Church and settled among them, as the second pe- riod. The influence of these separatists generally was most deplorable, especially as our own people were mostly without pastors and without churches. The third period is said to have been that from 1720 to 1730, when some of the Lutherans who came brought ministers along, Falckner, Hinckell and Stoever. That this must be Daniel Falckner is evident from the fact that the paragraph immediately following mentions Justus Falckner as one who was sent out by the Swedes. 1 730 to 1743, when Zinzendorf became so active in worrying our churches, is named as the fourth period. But these state- ments, as will at once be seen, take no account of the or- ganization of this congregation. In note 26, Vol. I., p. 36, i it is properly stated that " this is the oldest German Lutheran congregation within the bounds of the United States." But we fail to find any well founded authority there, or elsewhere, for the addi- tional statement that it is " difficult to say in what year the first settlements were made." This may be true. But 1 Halle Reports, Revised Edition. 20 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. when the editor adds : " it is highly improbable that it was before the year 1700," he has evidently lost his bearing and forgotten some of his own statements. For he soon adds that " Many of the first settlers came from New Hanover in which the first settlements inland in Pennsyl- vania are to be looked for." Elsewhere he tells us that in Oley settlements were commenced and steps taken looking towards the organization of a congregation even before 1700. And yet all these people either came from or through New Hanover. The statement made in a note, p. 441, 1 that Justus Falck- ner, ordained November 24, 1703, organized the congre- gation and that the place was named after him, is evidently a mistake, as he took up his residence in New York im- mediately after his ordination and never returned.2 The "Life and Times of Muhlenberg" throws very little additional light on the subject. In fact the only statement bearing on the early history of this congregation is a reference to Rev. Andreas Rudman, claiming that this man served the Swedish Lutherans in Philadelphia, 1697, and again after his return from New York until 17 18.^ But the " Journal of Andreas Sandel," published in the 1 " Halle Reports," Rev. Ed. Vol. I., p. 36, says in speaking of the first settlements in this section : " It is very highly probable before the year 1700 " that these began. And then again apparently speaking of Daniel Falckner, it asserts: "The congregation, indeed, had the indelible marks of an organization in Falckner's time." All this would indicate that the editor of that work was under the impression that Daniel Falckner preached and officiated as pastor of a congregation here before the year 1700. We can hardly see how anyone who has thoroughly investigated the matter can reach any other conclusion. (E.) 2 For the true history of the Falckner Brothers and the conditions of this section of Pennsylvania the reader is referred to the Bi-Centennial Memorial to Justus Falckner by Sachse, 1903, which contains Justus Falckner's account of the Province in 1701; also to Daniel Falckner's Curieuse Nachricht von Pennsylvania 1700. Reprint and translation by Julius F. Sachse, Philadelphia, 1905. The Congregation. 21 Pennsylvania Magazine, shows that he, Sandel, was the pastor there from 1702 until 17 14. He records but one trip to New Hanover in the year 1704. Although he does not say so in so many words, he apparently found an or- ganized congregation there. Several of his statements, although not referring to this matter, are so interesting that we give them here. He tells us that in the middle of January, 17 14, the weather was so mild that the plants were blossoming; also that the rye had already headed on the sixteenth of April. His quotation of the prices of produce is also interesting, as a contrast with those of the present day and other times. Wheat was 56 cents per bushel, rye 42, barley 46, oats 34 and apples were from 80 cents to $1.50 per barrel. Neither Kuhns nor Dotterer throws any additional light on the subject. In a footnote, p. 8, of " The Old Trappe Church " by Dr. Kretschman, we find the following: The first German Lutheran Church in the United States was built at New Hanover (The Swamp) prior to 17 19. Another log church was built there in 172 1. A third begun in 1741 and completed in 1747, was superseded in 1768 by the present fine stone church. While this gives no definite date for the first church it would apparently justify the conclusion that it was erected at the very beginning of the eighteenth century if not dur- ing the last days of the seventeenth.1 'Rev. Gerhard Henckel certainly became the pastor in 1716 or 1717. Now the existence of a church building is distinctly' referred to in 1719. That certainly is not the one erected in 1721. There must, therefore, have been a church at New Hanover before this one. It would be altogether unusual that even a log church should last only two to four years. Be- side all this, the average life of the church buildings here was twenty years or even more. From 1747 to 1767, from 1721 to 1741, only com- pleted 1747. This would give 1700 or 1701 or even possibly 1695 for the organization of the congregation and the erection of the first church. 22 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Dr. Sachse, " German Pietists," p. 339, says: The earliest direct evidence of this congregation's [existence] known to the writer, is a Swedish account of a visit made to Manatawny by Pastor Sandel in company with Daniel Falckner in the autumn of 1 704, wherein it is stated that the former as- sisted Falckner at the church services on Sunday, October 15. One of the first things he did in the new settlement was to organ- ize a congregation, build a church and hold services according to the Lutheran ritual. " The Manatawny tract, title to the Frank- fort Company passed October 25, 1 701, is supposed to have been settled by Germans, as early as 1700, emigrants who came over with Daniel Falckner upon his return." But perhaps the most satisfactory statement bearing on this entire subject is that given by Dr. Theo. E. Schmauk in his " History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania," as found in the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania- German Society, Vol. XL, especially Chap. IV., to which the reader is referred. The brief space allotted to the history of an individual congregation will not permit any very extensive quotations. But summing up all the state- ments of Dr. Schmauk, as well as the data within possible reach, we feel satisfied that it would be safely within the limits of the facts of the case and the absolute truth to say that there was some sort of organization of a Lutheran congregation, and that Lutheran services were held at New Hanover prior to the year 1700. The old tradition that Rev. Justus Falckner, who was ordained by the Swedes in the fall of 1703 (November 24) to enable him to accept a call to New York, was the founder of this congregation is shown to be a mistake by the fact that in less than two weeks after that ordination, he settled in New York, took charge of a congregation The Congregation. 23 there, and continued to serve the same until his death. And yet the whole claim that this congregation was or- ganized in 1703 seems to rest on that tradition.1 We were always told that Falckner Swamp was so named, " because he was its first pastor and the organizer of the congregation." We know now that neither is the case. He left the place as soon as he was ordained, and there- fore could be neither the organizer nor the first pastor. But his brother Daniel Falckner, who was an ordained minister when he arrived in 1694, or upon his return, 1699, did organize the first settlers into a congregation and continued to serve it until he left this section and settled in New Jersey as pastor of congregations there. There seems to be but little doubt that Daniel Falckner held services here pretty regularly before his trip to Eu- rope to interest the people of the Fatherland in their brethren in the faith in this country. While his trip un- doubtedly, in a great measure, was intended to advance the material interests of the Frankfort Land Company, by inducing immigrants to come to this country, so that the company might dispose of its land, it seems equally clear that a secondary and very important purpose was to in- duce some of those of his own faith to occupy the land, so that those who were already here might have desirable Christian neighbors.2 There is another very important fact which should likewise be kept clearly in view. Dr. Schmauk (p. 64) 1 The fact that Justus Falckner may possibly have preached as a theological student at New Hanover, prior to his ordination, does not alter the fact that his ordination has no connection whatever with the organization of the congregation. Whether organized by him or his older brother Daniel in 1695 or 1700 or 1703, that had nothing to do with his ordination on which the old accepted story rests. 2 Cf. Curieuse Nachricht von Pennsylvania 1700, translation and re- print, Sachse, 1905. 24 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tells us : " It must not be overlooked, that a considerable portion of the original Swedish colony of 1638, was in reality German." Their governor, Printz, was a German, and no less than fifty-four German families came with him. The Halle Reports also tell us that a number of Germans had gone as far inland as Oley sometime before 1700. Apparently scattered German Lutheran settlers could be found in all the section westward from Philadelphia to the Schuylkill. Some of these settlements seem to have been quite large, sufficiently so to become the nuclei of con- gregations,1 as was evidently the case here, and seems to have been in Oley. Dr. Sachse even seems to be of the opinion (vide p. 79) (and there seems to be abundant reason for that opinion) , that a lately discovered letter of Pastorius, dated March 7, 1684, was published directly " in the interest of the Frank- fort Land Company for the purpose of influencing Ger- man emigration (directing it) to Pennsylvania." He tells us that, " the first German Lutheran services in the Prov- ince [Pennsylvania] were held in June, 1694, by a band of forty immigrants, six of whom are said to have been Lutheran theological students." " The chaplain of the company continued these services regularly." English ser- vices were commenced at the same time. " These Ger- man enthusiasts who were mystics, chiliasts and who knows what not, were adherents of the Augsburg Confession." These services were conducted by Rev. Heinrich Bern- hard Koester, who was evidently the first man to hold German and English Lutheran services in Pennsylvania. Undoubtedly he was the most prominent Lutheran char- acter in the Province, in his day. Next in rank and posi- 1 Vide, A Brief History of the Colony of New Sweden, translation in Proceedings of Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. VIII. The Congregation. 25 tion was Daniel Falckner. He ventured on a trip to Germany towards the close of 1698, and succeeded in awakening a deeper interest in the spiritual condition of the Germans in Pennsylvania. His visit undoubtedly stimulated immigration into this country. Upon his return he became the attorney of the Frank- fort Land Company. He now devoted himself to the development of " The Manatawny tract of 22,377 acres, and founded the earliest Lutheran congregation in the state at New Hanover." In speaking of this matter Dr. Schmauk divides the life of Daniel Falckner into two parts or periods: The first as the attorney and head of the Frankfort Land Company; the second " when he de- voted himself entirely to the pastorate first at Falckner Swamp, and then when he served congregations at Rar- itan, New Jersey." It therefore seems clear that the statements made and accepted by nearly all of these writers, especially Drs. Schmauk and Sachse, would not only justify the inference, but they would prove that some of the Germans, not a few but quite a number, kept moving beyond the limits of Ger- mantown, to Goshenhoppen including New Hanover, and even to Oley beyond, between 1694 and 1700. This seems not only the natural, but the inevitable conclusion, if the settlers here pursued the same course they did elsewhere. In many instances, and if we mistake not, in the large majority of instances, the settlement of a tract preceded the actual transfer of title. This was not con- fined to tracts selected for church and school purposes, but it was also a very common thing in taking up farm lands as well. While not disputing or calling into question the state- ment of Dr. Schmauk that, " on the return trip to Penn- 26 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. sylvania in 1700 Daniel Falckner is supposed to have brought over the Germans who located in the Swamp, and constituted the first permanent Lutheran congregation, in general, we are inclined to think that it falls short of the actual facts of the case. We are strongly inclined to believe that some of the German Lutherans who had come over, a few at a time from 1694 to 1700, and even some of those who had come fifty years before with the Swedes, had gradually advanced inland, a few stopping in the vi- cinity of New Hanover now and then, until a goodly num- ber had gathered there, and that during these latter years Daniel Falckner, known to them as an ordained minister, preached to them and occasionally administered the Lord's Supper. Whether he took further formal steps to gather them into an organized congregation during this earlier period, it is impossible to say. We do know, however, that the process of bringing together a congregation was not as formal and methodical in those days as it is expected to be now. In many of those early congregations we find references to elders and deacons in office, without a single reference to the time of their election, or the slightest reference to a constitution, or the adoption of the same. Dr. Schmauk also informs us that, " it is quite possible that some Germans had settled here before 1700." He also refers to indelible traces of an organization in Daniel Falckner's time ; and adds : " when a church was built is not known." Possibly, if we will bear in mind the fact that William Penn sold 25,000 acres of land to the Frankfort Land Company in November, 1686; that on February 3, 1689, he confirmed to Francis Daniel Pastorius, as their attorney 2,675 acres> and that the warrant for the remain- ing 22,377 acres was issued October 13, 1701, it will readily appear that it is no improper assumption of facts, The Congregation. 27 when we say that it is likely that many settlers occupied portions of the land years before the warrant was issued. This tract embraces all of New Hanover Township and parts of those adjoining. We think these statements of Dr. Schmauk and others should convince every one, not only that this is the oldest German Lutheran church and congregation in America, but it should serve to satisfy all of the probability that services were held, and steps were taken to secure the organization of a congregation and the erection of a church between 1694 and 1700, if not even before that time. It certainly would be pertinent to ask, what became of the Germans who came with the Swedes possibly fifty years before? Where did they settle? Certainly they did not all remain on the banks of the Delaware. Summing up the whole matter, therefore, we think there would be clear warrant for the statement that services were held with more or less regularity from about 1694 to 1700, by which time a congregation had been gathered. That this congregation then erected a small church which was completed by 1703, possibly sev- eral years before that time. This primitive church then remained in use until 172 1, when it was replaced by a more commodious one. Then in 1747 a third building took the place of this one. This again served the con- gregation's purposes until the present substantial stone structure, which has answered its purpose one hundred and forty years, took its place. About the time and circumstances connected with the erection of the different school houses it will not be neces- sary to say much. But these people seem to have pur- sued the course usual with our German ancestors. As soon as they were assured of having a church, they also took steps to provide a school house and to establish a 28 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. school, and it is not an unjustifiable inference to conclude that this was the course they pursued. It will not be possible to give a description of the earliest church buildings. In fact very little is known concerning the details connected with their erection. Enough is known, however, to make it almost absolutely certain that the con- gregation before 17 17 owned a log building which had in all probability been erected, some time between 1695 and 1703, on land the congregation had preempted at a very early day. But its title to the land was only clearly estab- lished many years later. A copy of the deed will be given at the proper place. It will not be possible and it should not be regarded necessary to describe the precise spot on which each of these churches and school houses stood. But it may safely be said that, in all probability, they stood on, or very near, the spot on which the present church, and the build- ing immediately opposite, now stand.1 No clear or satis- factory account of the erection of the first church or school house can be given. No records are available. All is left to inferences drawn from other known facts. Very little is known about the details of the history except the well-known fact that a second church took the place of first one in 1721. Concerning the third edifice it is known that work on it was begun in 1741. Muhlenberg states that he found an unfinished church here when he came. It was completed and dedicated in 1747. This being prior to the organiza- tion of the synod, we cannot expect information in the 1 According to the statement made by Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg in con- nection with the dedication of the present church, it would almost seem as if the school-house had been located at, or close by, the public road leading eastward through the village. He locates it about two stone throws from the parsonage. Was it at Brendlinger's corner? The Congregation. 29 records of that body. The fourth church, which still stands, was commenced in 1767. It was finished and dedi- cated in 1768. This was considered of sufficient impor- tance to have the synod to meet at New Hanover and to take part in the festivities as an organization (vide p. 87 et seq. of " Documentary History ") . While it will not be necessary to repeat all the details as they are there given, the citing of a few principal items may furnish an insight into the customs, habits and spirit of the times, such as we may not readily find elsewhere. From the letter of invitation to synod, we quote the fol- lowing: Honorable President and Members of the Ministerium Reveren- dum of the United Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in Pennsylvania, etc.: The building of a new church, begun by the congregation at New Hanover, in the name and in reliance upon the assistance of Him who can do more than we ask and understand, has, through the strength of the Omnipotent, been accomplished with such de- sired progress that we will soon see its completion. Halle- lujah. . . . For the accomplishing of so exceedingly important a purpose, we extend our most obedient request to the Reverend Ministerium, to consecrate our newly built church to the service of Immanuel by prayer, intercession and thanksgiving, and to bring into it, by the proclamation of the saving doctrine of Jesus Christ, glowing coal to enkindle a fire that may burn with fervor and blessed de- votion, in our hearts, as well as in the hearts of our posterity." The writer then suggests the XXIII Sunday after Trinity, No- vember 6, as the proper time. With readiness and the offering of all possible love, we, who sign this, remain, Honorable Praeses and Members of the Rev- erend Ministerium. Your most obedient, Lewis Voigt. New Hanover, Sept. 10, 1768. 30 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Also signed by — Michael Weygel, Adam Wartman, George Burkhart, George Beck, Adam Kurtz, Ludwig Bickel, Moses Binder, Valentin Stigler, Casimer Misemer, Jacob Eppele, Mi- chael Schlanecker jun., George Schweinhard, Jacob Kop, Conrad Gilbert, Johannes Schweinhard. Two days later Rev. Voigt sent an additional personal request to Senior Muhlenberg. Near ten o'clock a. m., November 6, a large number of people from near and from far had gathered about the new church. It was a very fine day. The ministers, Revs. H. M. Muhlenberg, J. N. Kurtz, Joh. Casp. Stoever, J. W. Kurtz, H. Schaum, Krug, Voigt, Jung, Buskerk and Messrs. Kuhn and Streit, students with the delegates from Philadelphia, Germantown, Lancaster, Reading, Tulpehocken, Richmond, Weidenthal, Earltown, Warwick, Macunschy, Upper Milford, Saccum, Jordan, Heidelberg, Pikestown, etc., " went in procession from the parsonage to the school house, a distance of about two stone throws." Here the procession, preceded by one of the builders and the schoolmaster with the key, followed by four deacons with the sacred vessels, re-formed. The preachers, the elders of the Hanover and Providence con- gregations and the delegates of the congregations above named went from the school house to the church. Arrived there the preachers stepped within the altar railing and the delegates stood in a semi-circle outside. Rev. Muhlen- berg opened the service with the One-hundredth psalm. The choir sang " Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott," etc. Then each of the eleven ordained ministers gave a motto — for the house itself, for the ministerial office, for holy baptism, for the Lord's Supper, Kinderlehre, etc. Then the pastor (Voigt) read the declaration. The congrega- tion then sang " Sey Lob und Ehr dem Hoechsten Gut." The Congregation. 31 Rev. Krug baptized children and Senior Muhlenberg preached the dedicatory sermon on 1 Kings ix, 3. Services were finished at one o'clock.1 At two p. m., there was an- other service at which Rev. Kurtz, Sr., preached. The collection taken at the doors amounted to nearly £60, about $160. On Monday the synod proceeded to the transac- tion of business. It is also evident that some time before this event oc- curred the congregation had already erected its second school house. In the Halle Reports, p. 79, old ed., p. 152, Vol. I., new ed., it is stated: " In New Hanover the pres- ent but not yet completed church building has now been entirely finished and some farming land purchased for the church and school." It will be noticed that this state- ment does not refer to the original Sprogel tract on which the church was erected, but to the tract bought for them through Muhlenberg on which the parsonage was located. All this was done by means of the congregation's share of the benevolent contributions received from England and Germany, together with the amounts which they them- selves contributed of their own means. This shows that by 1749 this congregation had already secured its second school house. The statements already made show that these people, although comparatively poor, and not able to pay much in the way of salary toward the support of their pastor, yet managed to secure an additional tract for his resi- dence. It is probably owing to this fact that although Trappe and New Hanover are not very far apart, they soon had a pastor resident at each point. This latter tract, the parsonage tract, remained in their possession until about thirty years ago, when the farm was 1 The two students, Streit and Keuhn, also delivered English addresses. 34 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. George, Mathias Ringer, Kilian Kalie, the above named Henry Pennebaker, Anna Happin, widow and sister to the above men- tioned John Henry Sprogel and Johanna Christiana Sprogel, widow of John Henry Sprogel Junior and Frederick Rich- ards— Do hereby on our solemn oaths in the presence of ye Al- mighty God and before John Potts Esqr. one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for ye County of Philadelphia aforesaid Certify and Declare that John Henry Sprogel senior above men- tioned did in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and nineteen freely and voluntarily give and grant the above de- scribed piece of land with the appurtenances in the presence of Us & many others then living for the proper Use and behoof of a Lutherian Congregation forever And further for more ample proof and confirmation of the same those lands that bounds on the above described forty nine acres vizt. — on the several courses thereof altho at that time settled yet the persons possessing them had not conveyances made to them at the time the said forty nine acres were laid out & surveyed for the use of a Church thereon to be erected as aforesaid. Now all the deeds granted by the said John Henry Sprogel sen., for the land adjoining the several different courses of the above described forty nine acres of land particularly and expressly bounds them on the several respective courses of the Church lands vizt. — A conveyance under the Hand & Seal of John Henry Sprogel date the fourth day of May in the year 1736 in favor of John George for one hundred acres of land (being a part of Caspar Camps land) the words in the Deed are these (Beginning at a hickery marked for a corner thence extending by the Church Land northwest sixty four perches to another post &c) another conveyance granted by Christian Ludovick Sprogell as Attorney for his brother the said John Henry Sprogell dated the fourteenth day of April in the year 1726 in favor of Jacob Appier for one hundred and sixty three acres of land the words in the said Deed are these: (bounded on the north east by the Church Land 207 perches to a post &c) as in and by the said respective Deeds & some others relation to The Congregation. 35 them being particularly had may more evidently appear. All which concurring proofs & circumstances makes it clearly evident beyond all contradiction that the above described forty nine acres of land was freely given and dedicated by the said John Henry Sprogell for the use and behoof of said Lutherian Church and Community forever and that the want of a formal Conveyance under the Hand & Seal of the said John Henry Sprogell was entirely owing to the sloath and neglect of the Elders and Church Wardens of said congregation. Witness our Hands this tenth day of February in the year 1746/7, containing this and the two preceding pages, Henry Pannebaker, Johanna Christiana Sprogell, Widow, John Frederick Richards, Valentine Geyger, John George, Anna Happin, Widow, & Sister. The several persons above named have signed in the presence of us John Campbell. Balser Hover. On the 1 6th day of March 1746/7 appeared personally before me John Potts Esqr., one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Philadelphia the above mentioned Frederick Richards, Valentine Geyger & Mathias Ringer who on their solemn oaths did declare that the contents of the three preceding pages was real truth. Witness my Hand and Seal the day and date aforesaid John Potts. (Seal) Upon the sixth day of April in the year 1747 appeared person- ally before me John Potts Esqr. one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Philadelphia the within named Anna Hoppins, Widow, who on her solemn oath did declare that the contents of these three preceding pages so far as relates to the within mentioned donation or gift is real truth. Witness my Hand & Seal the Day and Date aforesaid John Potts (Seal) 36 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. We John Campbell & Balsar Houver do hereby on our solemn oaths declare that we were then & there present when the within mentioned Henry Pannebaker, Valentine Geyger, John George, Mathias Ringer, Frederick Richards, Anna Happin, Widow and Johanna Christian Sprogell, Widow did with their own hands set their names to the within writing and that the names of us John Campbell & Balsar Houver as evidences thereto are of our own hands writing. Sworn before me the above mentioned John Potts, Esqr. the ninth day of April, 1747 John Potts (Seal) Recorded the tenth day of April 1747.1 In testimony, That the above and foregoing is a copy of a record as recorded in Book Letters of Attorney — pages 24, 25, 26, 27 remaining on file in the Department of Internal Af- fairs of Pennsylvania, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of said Department to be affixed at Harrisburg, this — sixteenth — day of November A. D. 1908. Henry Houck. [seal] Secretary of Internal Affairs. The second deed recites the fact that Henry Muhlen- berg bought forty-nine acres of land from Thomas Pres- ton for a consideration of forty pounds ($106.66 2/3). The witnesses to this document are John Campbell and Anna Sherrard. The date is October 20, 1749 about two years and one-half after the above was drawn up. Among other things it is stated that it is an indenture containing a contract between Thomas Preston, of Phila- delphia, and Rev. Henry Muhlenberg. Among other 1 " These may Certifie all whome it may Concern That I Geo: Boone the Subscriber hereof were appointed to draw a deed from John Henry Sprogel To and for a Certain Tract of Land given by him for the use of the Lutherian Church or Congregation in Hanover Township, Draught whereof was then given me which I have now in my Custody. But by Some Disappointment to me at present not perfectly known I did not proceed and So never Compleated the deed. Witness my hand the 8 th Day of June A. D. 1749." Geo. Boone. The Congregation. 37 things it recites that John Henry Sprogell, who had been in lawful and peaceable possession of 22,377 acres of land in the County of Philadelphia, had by indenture of release of October 20, 1732, for a consideration mentioned, con- veyed 7,500 acres, a part of that larger tract, to Henry Soams of London. The time for payment having expired without payment being made, it reverted. Upon the death of the elder Soams it came into possession of his only son John, who died a short time thereafter intestate and a bachelor. It then became lawfully vested in his sisters, Catharine Yaldwyn and Mary Johns, both widows, the only surviving children of Henry Soams, deceased. Mrs. Yaldwyn administered, and the 7,500 acres were sold and deeded to Thomas Preston, October 8, 1748- Then he sold 49 acres of this tract to Rev. H. Muhlenberg. It will not be necessary to give the bounds and courses of this land. The transfer was made November 22, 1749, and record made May 10, 175 1. There are other indentures and contracts besides this for 21 acres and 142 perches, also for 5 acres and 40 perches. It is distinctly stated in connection with these purchases that the land was bought for the "special use, benefit and behoof of the minister of the New Church of Hanover," and again it is specified that it is for the minister now in service for said congregation. It is also stated that this land is conveyed to Fredr. Michael Ziegenhagen and Gotthilf Aug. Francke, for the use of the pastors and school teachers of this congregation. Apparently the two smaller tracts were located between the tract on which the church was erected and that on which the parsonage was located. Yet while the description indicates that these smaller tracts were between the two larger ones, and that the school house was built on one of them, there is no clear proof at hand that such is the case. CHAPTER III. The United Congregations. Trappe, Falckner Swamp, Philadelphia and then Germantown. United into a Synod. As ♦ITT would make this history en- tirely too lengthy to enter into a detailed account of the ori- gin, organization and early strug- gles of the four congregations, three of which united in the call originally extended to Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg. The fourth, seeing the advantages of combining in the work of the church, soon joined them. But it may not be amiss to pre- sent a short resume of some of the leading facts connected with the history of each up to the time when the three first named forwarded their earnest appeal to the authorities at Halle to send them a capable and faithful pastor. The history of the church at the Trappe has been made pretty familiar. To get hold of some of the main facts it is only necessary 38 NEW HANOVER LUTHERAN CHURCH. V fig] wSsk i ' 'rrSlBiiA 'i» aw ECCLESIASTICAL SEAL OF THE UNITED CONGREGATIONS OF PHILADELPHIA, PROVIDENCE AND NEW HANOVER. USED BY MUHLENBERG. The United Congregation. 39 to look carefully at the full and detailed history presented by Rev. Kretschman in " The Old Trappe Church." Dot- terer's " Perkiomen Region " also gives very valuable in- formation in regard to prominent men who have lived there; H. M. Muhlenberg, the patriarch of the Lutheran church in America, his two sons, Frederic August and Henry Ernst, the one eminent as a statesman, and the other as a scientist: Governor Francis R. Shunk, Mr. Fry, and others prominent in the history of our country. But about the church itself he gives little information. In the Halle Reports there is a pretty full sketch of New Providence (Trappe) ; but it lacks the one great es- sential of accurate local history, viz., exact dates, positive facts and clear accounts of the doings of the men who made its history. As we are not writing the history of the church at New Providence it will not be necessary to go back to its origi- nal name, Landaw or Landau, or to that by which it was subsequently known, the Trap, Treppe, or Trappe, which- ever it may have been. The history of this congregation can, however, be traced back prior to 1730. According to the earliest recorded baptisms by Rev. John Casper Stoever, the indications are that services were held as often and as regularly as possible prior to that time. And while there may not have been what we in our day would call a regularly organized congregation, undoubtedly the men who preached and occasionally administered the sacra- ments would have been apt to assert that it was a congre- gation. The second congregation to join in this pact was that of New Hanover. It will therefore be unnecessary at this point to go into further details as to its origin and progress until an appeal for a pastor was sent to Halle. 4-0 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. The third congregation to join in this movement to se- cure an ordained pastor to take permanent charge of their interests was the German Lutheran congregation at Phila- delphia. The Halle Reports say " that Jacob Fabricius preached to the German Lutherans here [Philadelphia] from 1688-91. But they [the Lutherans] remained without a church and without an organization; and this state of things continued for decades." They were after- wards served by John Christian Schulze, succeeded by Rev. John Casper Stoever, who instituted church records, 1733. But we see from the statements of Dr. Schmauk ( Proceed- ings of the Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. XL, pp. 79 et seq., 1900) that the first services, German and English, were held by Rev. Henry Bernhard Koester at German- town in 1694, upon the day of the arrival of that colony. He also preached at Philadelphia in both languages. His efforts there resulted in the organization of Christ Episco- pal Church. He seems not to have had equal success in bringing about an organization of the German Lutherans before his return to Germany. This difference was no doubt in great part owing to the fact that the established church of England sent over a man to look after their interests, while there seems to have been no one to look after the spiritual interest of the Germans after Koester had left to return to his native land, where he lived many years afterwards. But even then he showed that he had not forgotten his Lutheran confession and his Lutheran principles. These three congregations united in a joint call and in an earnest appeal to the church authorities in Europe to send them an ordained pastor to break to them the bread of life. Nearly ten years before, in 1733, these same con- gregations had sent a most earnest appeal to Germany by The United Congregation. 41 the hands of Rev. John Christian Schulze, who was then their pastor, and had acted in that capacity for about a year. With two of their number, Daniel Weissiger and Joh. Daniel Schoner, he was sent to England, Holland and Germany, to collect funds to build churches and school- houses, as well as to provide means of support for pas- tors and teachers laboring among them. In this first appeal they say that several thousand Germans, mostly poor peo- ple, already occupied this territory, and without the sup- port they seek, there is great danger that their people will be scattered among the various sects and that many will return to heathenism. This appeal was signed by six of their prominent men: Johann Becker, Hans George Her- ger, Adam Herrman, George Hollebach, Joh. Nicol. Crossman, Jacob Schrack. Unfortunately the result of this first appeal was not very encouraging. Schulze himself had not maintained his rep- utation for honesty, and was imprisoned for alleged misap- propriation of moneys collected. The other men returned but with very limited amounts. Altogether the congrega- tions seem to have profited very little pecuniarily and they remained without pastoral care for a decade more. Not- withstanding this events were progressing. During the summer of 1734 Daniel Weissiger presented the request of the congregations at Philadelphia, New Hanover and Providence to Rev. Francke at Halle, setting forth that they were exceedingly anxious to obtain a respectable pas- tor, capable of ministering to them faithfully and success- fully. Francke showed a disposition to accede to their request; but he insisted that they must pledge themselves to accept the minister sent to them, pay his travelling ex- penses, provide for his support, and if need be provide for his return. 42 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Francke then consulted with Dr. Ziegenhagen, the Court preacher at London, to whom these men had already appealed. In reply to the requirements of Dr. Francke and others, these people pointed to the fact that conditions here were such as to make it impossible for them to accede to them. They also declared that the assurances already given involved a degree of self-denial even greater than that which was expected of the minister to be sent to them. They did not mean to allow a pastor to suffer, but they did expect him to adapt himself to the local conditions. They now present a counter proposal. They suggest that the costs of passage and a year's support be taken from the col- lections, the balance to be devoted to building of churches and schools, and besides to buy land on which the pastor, with the addition of the "accidentia," might secure his support. To this Francke replied, that a young and inex- perienced man could not be depended upon, and a man of any standing could hardly be persuaded to accept a position under these conditions. He gave them no encouragement. Ziegenhagen seemed to have been of the same mind. In their reply the deacons certainly seem to have the better of the argument, and the whole transaction and correspon- dence reveal an amazing similarity to many experiences in all periods of the church, when those in positions of influ- ence and of high authority in the church seemingly show greater regard for their own plans of prudent management than for the Macedonian cry " come over and help us." This becomes all the more remarkable when the men ap- pealed to were considered as occupying the forefront and highest rank and position in missionary effort, while the call came from their own brethren in the faith who had left home and friends and all for the sake of conscience and The United Congregation. 43 of Christ. But these experiences are repeated continually in the history of the world, even in our own day. In the meanwhile, however, this urgent call had been presented to Rev. H. Muhlenberg. The congregations had given their assent to the choice. He was therefore designated for this mission on the conditions : ( i ) That it be for three years, with privilege to return at their ex- piration; (2) in case of return, expenses to be paid both ways; (3) the traveling expenses, as well as salary, to be paid from contributions in the hands of Dr. Ziegenhagen; (4) the formal call, with conditions mentioned, he was to receive from him (Ziegenhagen), as he held the call and commission of the congregations. It will not be necessary to describe the departure and farewell address of Muhlenberg when about to go away from home and friends, whom he was never again to meet in this world. One recorded remark of his aged mother when she heard that he was to depart for far-off America will serve to show how this act of his was regarded. When she heard that he was going to those distant parts, she is said to have remarked dejectedly, that " she would rather follow him to his grave, than afterwards to hear that he had been torn to pieces by the savages." We will not follow him on his journey of months across the tempest-tossed Atlantic to Savannah, thence to Phila- delphia, after a delay of more than a month. Suffice it to say that on Thursday, November 25, he reached the end of his journey. He set out the same day for New Han- over. On Saturday he met the officers of the congrega- tion, but he found the field actually already occupied, and the congregation itself divided. Some were utterly indif- ferent and did not care for the church at all. Zinzendorf had gained some adherents, a certain N. Schmidt had been 44 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. accepted as the pastor by the congregation, and it was said the Philadelphians, Germantowners and those at Provi- dence had committed themselves to the notorious Valentine Kraft. This certainly was not a very promising outlook for a man who had travelled three or four thousand miles to take charge of a neglected field. It is not made quite clear whether Germantown came in immediately, as soon as the people saw that they had now found a real pastor, but certain it is that no long time elapsed until that congregation joined the other three and they became four united congregations. According to Rev. Muhlenberg's diary, only three or four months had elapsed before the Germantown congregation united with the others. As early as 1732 the three congregations, New Han- over, Philadelphia and New Providence, had combined, under the name of united congregations, in sending Rev. John Christian Schulze to Germany to secure aid for them. On the first Sunday after his arrival in Pennsylvania, Rev. Muhlenberg preached his introductory sermon at New Hanover on 2 Cor. v, 19-20. It will not be neces- sary to present a detailed account of all the proposals and offers, of discussions and debates about the proper mode of procedure during these first days. The call as well as the instructions from Dr. Ziegenhagen had been read to the congregation, and Rev. Muhlenberg had re- turned to Philadelphia. He did not come back to the Swamp Church until December 20. He remained over Christmas and celebrated the Lord's Supper for the first time with his people, there being over one hundred com- municants. That evening the elders and deacons of the New Hanover congregation, as well as those of New Providence, entered into a formal agreement with him, The United Congregation. 45 declaring that with thankful hearts they accepted Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg as a lawfully ordained minister of the Gos- pel, sent upon their own earnest appeal by Rev. Fr. Ziegen- hagen. They also promised to provide the necessary liv- ing, to assist and sustain him in his office. This agreement was signed — deacons and elders of New Hanover, Christo- pher Withman, Matthias Ringer, Peter Conrad, Valentine Geiger, Jacob Aister, Martin Keblinger, George Jiirger; deacons and elders of Providence : John Nicol. Groessman, Frederic Marsteller, John George Benter, Nicolaus Bittel, Geo. Groessman, Jacob Miiller, John Geo. Groessman, the saddler. They also pledged themselves that they would not per- mit any man who could not show a regular call according to Article XIV of the Augsburg Confession publicly to preach or to administer the sacraments in their congrega- tion. Rev. Muhlenberg at once entered zealously upon his work, visiting New Hanover every four weeks. He im- mediately took up the work of instructing the young, and taught a class of young men ranging from seventeen to twenty years their letters. He also found it necessary to give instruction in English and in music. Although there was some division of sentiment, he soon secured har- mony among them and induced them to begin the erection of a school house the following spring. It may also be worthy of note that the first catechumen whom Rev. Muh- lenberg confirmed at New Hanover, had received her in- struction in English. If space permitted it would be highly interesting to re- count some of Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg's experiences upon his arrival, especially with regard to the man Schmidt, who was evidently an impostor and who at first proposed 46 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. to establish a rival congregation at New Hanover, but who seems to have conducted himself in a more dignified and honorable manner than either Valentine Kraft or Count Zinzendorf . Neither of the latter two seems to have con- sidered it necessary to pay any regard whatever to the ordi- nary rules of courtesy, and much less to those of order or of honesty. Zinzendorf in accepting a "Record" and a communion cup filched from a Lutheran congregation by a turncoat officer, and by appropriating the same for the use of his adherents, showed that he utterly forgot or ig- nored all honesty. What the motives or purposes of these men may have been, we shall not stop to inquire. That Rev. Muhlenberg had a keen appreciation of humor, is manifested in his reply to the rather uncalled- for but caustic question of Governor Thomas, upon his (M.'s) first introduction to that worthy dignitary: " What is the reason that the Germans are so given to the habit of beating their wives?" " Presumably the reason is this: the Germans have been a warlike people from the most remote period, but being at present under a quaker gov- ernment, which does not look favorably upon martial ar- rangements, they do not want to lose their hereditary bravery. They therefore seek to preserve it until needed by these private exercises." With this, he tells us, the political discussion was ended. He then describes the sad condition of the community — the lack of instruction, the ignorance of the young, the spiritual destitution and the moral degradation. Even after three months spent in the field Rev. Muhlenberg had already become fully aware that one man could not pos- sibly do the work required. He therefore sent urgent appeals to Halle. Brunnholz, Handschuh, Kurtz and J. The United Congregation. 47 H. Schaum, ere long, were sent to aid him. Soon others followed. It will be too far reaching for our present purpose to enter upon the detailed description of the labors and ac- tivities during the six years following. Within three or four months the three united congregations had become four. Other congregations applied for pastors to preach the word and to bring together their scattered members. One after the other, they placed themselves under the di- rection of Rev. Muhlenberg and those designated by him until two to three dozen congregations were thus united and seemed to recognize no other church authority than that of Muhlenberg and his co-laborers. All this indi- cated that the time was here to enter into more formal relations with one another — that the time was ripe for the organization of a synod. This step was now taken. Not much space need be given to the consideration of the for- mation of a synod by the pastors of these united congre- gations. Only six years had elapsed since Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg had landed at Philadelphia. The three stipulated years during which he might return to his native land had long since passed; it had become clearly evident to him as well as to those who had sent him, that unless they meant to abandon every prospect of building up the church in this western land, he must remain, and instead of recalling him they must send others to aid him in his work. Since his arrival each year had seen more than the original number added to the united congregations. And yet there were still others asking to be received and to be furnished with ministers under the reasonable guaranty given by their union, that they would receive men of char- acter who could be depended upon to represent the church 48 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. well and favorably, and that they would labor faithfully for its upbuilding. We have thus far never seen an exact list of the congre- gations cooperating with Muhlenberg and the several pas- tors called by them at the time of the organization of the synod, but in a report sent to Halle by Muhlenberg, Brunn- holz and Handschuh, such a list is furnished. Being their joint work it can therefore be accepted as official and there- fore correct. They state that these congregations have been supplied by them with the word and the sacraments, viz. : Philadelphia, Cohenzi, Germantown, New Provi- dence, Pikestown, New Hanover, New Goschenhoppen, Indianfield, Tulpehocken, Nordkiel, Yorktown beyond the Susquehanna, Upper Milford, Saccon, Neshamony, Fork, Tohek, Readingtown (Raritan) in Jersey, Raritan Hills (Gebirge), New York, Hackensack — twenty given by name. But undoubtedly some were overlooked or else in- cluded in general terms. For without question Lancaster, Strasburg, Earlingtown (New Holland) Heidelberg (St. Daniel's), probably Heidelberg (Schaefferstown) , Mose- lem, Rockland, Oley Hills, and possibly Albany, New York, and some others were served by pastors belonging to synod. Reading, Berks Co., may not yet have been ad- mitted. At this time apparently thirty or more congrega- tions stood together. Bringing these united congregations into one ecclesias- tical organization, a synod, was the most important and far-reaching step yet taken. It gave cohesion to the hith- erto disjointed elements, and enabled the pastors, as well as their congregations, to pursue one common course along one common line of action. Although it seems to have differed in many respects from synods of today, its organization was a long stride The United Congregation. 49 forward. Up to this time, with the exception of the three congregations uniting in the call to Muhlenberg, every con- gregation had acted for itself. It was in this disjointed condition, every one doing as to him seemed best, that the greatest danger lay. It was the source of greatest diffi- culty in gathering the members of the Lutheran Church into congregations. Very frequently congregations brought together under the insidious influences of so-called inde- pendency, when gathered, were not Lutheran, but a nonde- script combination of beliefs and unbeliefs. It was this spirit and tendency which gave Kraft, Andrea and others of that stripe their foothold, and furnished Zinzendorf the means for plaguing the church. At first the synod actually was nothing but an association of ministers, laboring together unitedly to secure the best interests of the church. The lay representatives of the congregations were really not members of it. They only came to the place of meeting to present the needs and de- sires of their congregations to and through some pastor, generally their own, and upon occasion being courteously invited to do so, to lay before the organization the re- quests and desires of the congregation represented by them. It was not until 1794, forty-six years after the first or- ganization and six years after the death of its founder, that the lay representatives of the congregations were ac- corded a voice and a vote upon the floor of the body. The wisdom, or unwisdom, of the step we need not discuss; suffice it to say that every one can readily see that it was after a representative government had been fully estab- lished in this country, and that it was plainly an effort to adapt the management of the affairs of the church to the altered condition of affairs — a free church in a free country. CHAPTER IV. The Pastors Who Have Served This Church. Those before Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg and His Helpers. Muhlenberg's Successors. TITJ1 E do not deem it necessary to say much about the tradition that a minister had been ordained by the Swedes for these people in 1703. For if it is sup- posed to apply to the ordination of Justus Falckner, who was so ordained at Wicaco, it is clearly a mistake. He left this vicinity immediately after his ordination, removing to New York and preaching his first sermon as pas- tor there on the Sunday there- after. From that field he never came back to New Hanover. If it is supposed to refer to Daniel Falckner it is just as far off the mark. He was an ordained minister before that time. Dr. Schmauk sug- gests that it might be intended for his installation. While there may be no clear proof of that, it would apparently be the only solution consistent with the facts. 50 Pastors who have Served this Church. 51 Why he devoted himself to secular pursuits, either in connection with his duties as a minister or to the utter neglect of the same, as some seem to think, we cannot say, nor do we deem that at all necessary to the purposes of this history. But to show that these statements are not without foun- dation, it may be well to refer to some assertions made by Dr. Sachse in his "German Pietists," pp. 319 et seq. The title of the Frankfort Land Company to the Manatawney tract of 22,000 acres, confirmed October 25, 1701, [which?] is supposed to have been settled by Germans as early as 1 700, by emigrants who came over with Daniel Falckner upon his return. The development of this tract, a part of which still bears his name " Falckner's Swamp," occupied much of the time and energy of the German Mystic, and as a result he gradually lost his interest in Germantown civil affairs, as well as in the commun- ity he had been instrumental in establishing on the Wissahickon. He then refers to Pastor Sandel's account of his visit to Manatawney, in company with Daniel Falckner, in the fall of 1704, in which he says he assisted Falckner at the church service on Sunday, October 15. One of the first things he did in the new settlement was to organize a congregation, build a church, and hold service accord- ing to the Lutheran ritual. This humble structure, a mere rude log cabin, without any attempt at ornamentation or architectural beauty, with its sparse congregation and enthusiastic preacher, has the distinction of being the first regular German Lutheran church and organized congregation in the western world. It served the congregation until 172 1, when a more pretentious building was erected, also of logs. 52 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Dr. Schmauk seems to have shared the same view. He says, p. 127, On the return trip to Pennsylvania in 1700 Daniel Falckner is supposed to have brought over with him the Germans who lo- cated in the Swamp and constituted the first permanent Lutheran congregation in the Province. These Germans must have left England on May 25, 1700, and arrived in Philadelphia during the first days of August. They settled on the tract of the Frankfort Land Company in that same year. Dr. Sachse then quotes from the Halle Reports, that It is quite possible that some Germans were already settled here before 1700 and that the Swedish pastors in attending to their own people discovered them and brought them to Falckner's atten- tion. . . . With Rudman, whose ecclesiastical dominion as Provost extended to Douglasville, trying to learn German, and the Falck- ners attending Swedish services to set a good example to the Ger- mans, and with the two new tracts contiguous, it is natural that Daniel Falckner should at once busy himself to organize a con- gregation in his own settlement. That Daniel Falckner was regarded as the pastor of this region is shown by the statement in Eric Tobias Bjorck's "Deplantatione," which was published in 1731 to the effect that the Manatawny region was named after " Pastor Falckner," a view which Acrelius shares. The " Gemein- schaftliche's Schreiben" of 1754 mentions Falckner, "with Henkel and Stoever, as pastors who had been active in Pennsylvania in the period under discussion. This tra- dition must have referred to Daniel Falckner and to his work at Falckner's Swamp." Dr. Schmauk then refers to the fact that only of late years people have been made aware that this was the field of Daniel Falckner's activity Pastors who have Served this Church. 53 and that Justus Falckner's labors as pastor were confined to New York. But we must not overlook some statements made by all the writers already quoted. Nearly all of these statements imply that, for a period of fifty years or more before 1700, German immigrants had been arriving singly and in small squads and settling in various portions of Pennsylvania. How else could we account for the settlements in Oley prior to that time? How else could we explain the fact that German names appear as taxables in some of those districts, years before the time generally assigned as the time of the organization of this congregation? What be- came of the fifty-four German families who came with the Swedish immigration of 1638, of which Dr. Schmauk tells us? Unless we mean to admit that these people had fallen back into absolute heathenism, they must have had occasional services and there must have been efforts at the organization of churches at Falckner's Swamp and at Oley, the two points at which the larger number of these people were found; we might safely say the great bulk of them. May not that have been the reason that Gerhardt Henkel, when he wanted to reach those people, settled at Colebrook- dale? Thiswasonly a few miles from Hill (Oley) Church and hardly more than six or seven miles from New Han- over— perhaps even less, possibly at Boyertown or Bech- telsville, or a point between the two. None of these points is more than six miles from New Hanover. Beside all this we must not forget that in two generations fifty- four families would have become several hundred. And while there is no statement, either traditional or documentary, of which we have any knowledge, that Germans had settled in this section and that they were looked after by the Swed- ish pastors on the Delaware, we do know that the coloniza- 54 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tion then undertaken (1638 et seq.) was religious, and Lu- theran. It was an effort of the great Chancellor Oxen- stiern to carry out the plans of his Great Chief Gustavus Adolphus. The men who established that colony cer- tainly looked after the spiritual interests of all whom they sent to the new world.1 Between the pastorate of Falckner and that of Gerhardt Henkel there is a period of about nine years unaccounted for. And while there may be no positive proof of the fact the statements of Rev. Daniel Falckner might readily lead to the conclusion that the Swedish pastors interested themselves in these people and provided them with occa- sional services. In fact, the statement of Rev. Falckner as to the interest which he and his brother took in the study of Swedish, and Provost Rudman's agreement to supply German services, might cause us to conclude that he ( Rud- man) took care that the congregation was provided with German services when they did not have a native pastor, and that Sandel did the same. Would it be too much to suppose that Rudman looked after them even before Falck- ner became their pastor? The supply of their spiritual wants by Rev. Hesselius, 1720-23 and by Rev. Gabriel Falk, 1735-42, when they were without a pastor of their own nationality, indicates that this congregation was cared for by the Swedish pastors at Molarton, sometimes by those at Wicaco and possibly in earlier periods from the lower Delaware. Certainly their relations were most friendly, and it is very probable that most of the Swedish pastors were able to speak Ger- man. Some of the names might indicate that they were of German extraction, e. g., Falk, Hesselius, Rudman. 1 Cf. A Brief History of the Colony of New Sweden, Proceedings of Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. VIII. Pastors who have Served this Church. 55 We think we would be perfectly safe, therefore, in say- ing that Rev. Daniel Falckner was the organizer and founder of this congregation, if it did not already exist before he came there. While it might not be possible to point to any definite record stating the fact, the circum- stances of the case seem to indicate this. At the same time, it may be altogether possible that his brother Justus Falckner, while still a student, aided him in his work, preaching at times and aiding him in looking after the spir- itual interests of the people. After this first pastorate of Daniel Falckner, with a possible supply of their wants by Rudman and Sandel, two Swedish pastors, Rev. Gerhardt Henkel settled among these people. According to a statement of Rev. John Casper Stoever, sr., he (Henkel) had spent the first year in this country, 17 16, in his (Stoever's) congregation in Virginia. Thence he came northward and settled in this section. Although there is some uncertainty in regard to his relations to this church, it is certain that a part of the time he resided in Colebrookdale, where his son-in- law, Valentine Geiger, had land. One of his sons also resided there. About 17 17 he commenced to serve this congregation. Then for some reason or other he gave it up for a few years, during which time (1720-23) it was served by Rev. Samuel Hesselius, the first resident pastor at Molatton. Then apparently Rev. Henkel resumed his relations to this church, which he seems to have maintained until his death, which is said to have occurred about 1728-30. This brings us to the time when the two Stoevers, father and son, arrived in America, September, 1728. That they settled somewhere in this vicinity is generally conceded. In fact we think no question was raised as to John Cas- 56 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. per Stoever, jr.'s activities in this section. That he spent his time here and in Lancaster County (although not yet ordained), at least some of it in this neighborhood, until he made Lancaster County his permanent residence in the fall of 1733, we think has never been questioned. But where was the father? We are told he was called to Vir- ginia early in 1733. Where was he called from? Now in the absence of all evidence to the contrary would it not be natural to suppose that eastern Pennsylvania was his home at the time of the call to Virginia ? All the indica- cations point that way. The ship's list says he was an ordained minister and the son was a theological student. Would it then seem far fetched if we were to suppose that Rev. J. C. Stoever, sr., officiated as pastor of this entire section and that his son, the " Studiosus," acted as his vicar, preaching and upon occasion possibly baptizing children? If that should seem out of the ordinary to some of us, it might be well to remember that that was a very common practice fifty to sixty years ago. Then a young man studying for the ministry would be sent to a vacant field. He would not only preach and catechize, but he would baptize. Any one looking over the minutes of Synod of that period will find numerous instances in which men would report baptisms almost an entire year before they were licensed. Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg's assistants (helpers) did the same. We are not discussing the propriety of the thing, but simply stating facts. But to say the very least, the statements of the Halle Reports on this subject are far from satisfactory. After stating that Rev. J. C. SchuJze, who had become pastor in the fall of 1732, in the fall of 1733 went to Europe together with the delegates Weissiger and Schoener, to seek aid in Germany, it adds: Pastors who have Served this Church. 57 Before this he had ordained Joh. Casp. Stoever, at the Trappe. He, with a relative, who was a namesake and who removed to Vir- ginia, came to this country in 1728. The former served Philadel- phia, Providence, and probably also New Hanover, but moved to New Holland, Lancaster Co., in the fall of that year. We need hardly add that the Halle Report declares what it does not understand. Neither do we, as we cannot make a connected story out of its statements, because to us they seem to be absolutely self-contradictory. Speaking of the elder Stoever, after stating that Joh. Casp. Stoever, sr., calls himself the first pastor of the con- gregation in Virginia it adds: He took charge of the congregation in 1733. He also declares that the congregation has been without a pastor and without any services for sixteen years. It also states that it is not known where J. C. Stoever, sr., resided from 1728-33, when he received the call to Vir- ginia. It even makes the queer suggestion that he too might have been ordained by Rev. J. C. Schultze. The Pennsylvania Archives show clearly that he had entered his name on the ship as an ordained minister. The brief autobiography of the son, J. C. Stoever, jr., makes the same assertion. We might also add as a matter throwing additional light on the activities of Rev. Gerhard Henkel, that the Halle Reports, quoting from a publication of the elder Stoever, says that he (G. H.) came to Virginia six- teen years before (in 17 17) with the settlers. But he did not remain a long time. "He went to Pennsylvania, his original destination." Note. — According to the short account of an Ev. Luth. German Con- gregation at Spotsilvania, Hanover, 1737, it was undoubtedly the younger 58 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Stoever who went to Virginia. The elder Stoever seems never to have gone to Virginia. Now all this indicates very clearly that J. C. Stoever, sr., spent the first five years of his residence in America some- where outside of Virginia — apparently, we think, in Penn- sylvania, in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Trappe, New Hanover, and other places. It also shows conclusively that J. C. Stoever, jr., was not ordained until his father was about to leave, or had just left for Virginia. We think we can readily understand why, under existing cir- cumstances, the father should not wish to ordain his own son. It might also be possible that the son was satisfied to remain without ordination, until he found that J. C. Schultze's trip to Europe and his father's removal to Vir- ginia would place him in a position very undesirable. Yet all the circumstances would seem to indicate that the father might either have been present on the occasion, or having arranged all matters to his own satisfaction, had left shortly before. It is certain that the ordination as well as the marriage of John Casper Stoever, jr., took place April 8, 1733. This is his own statement. Certainly Rev. John Casper Stoever, sr., had not set out for Vir- ginia long before that time, if he had set out at all. It would not be surprising to find that the application of the young man had the endorsement of the father, and was made at the request, or call, of his own congregations, New Holland, Muddy Creek, Hill or Quitapohila as it was then called, Little Tulpehocken, Swatara, and possibly Lancas- ter and even Bieber Creek (Strasburg) . He certainly had regular services, and what he considered regular congrega- tions at the first four of these points and probably at all of them. He was certainly regarded as the regularly ac- cepted pastor. To us it has for some time seemed natural Pastors who have Served this Church. 59 to regard him as having been ordained for this parish, to which he removed a few months after his ordination, with the right and privilege of performing the various actus minis teriales in the congregations at Philadelphia, Trappe, New Hanover, Germantown and all the territory connected with them, during the absence of their own regular pastor in Europe. Now without asserting that this was what occurred, for nothing definite is known, what would be more natural than that the father, about to start on that journey, and knowing that he might not see his son on earth again, should have accompanied him and Rev. Schultze to Muddy Creek, than which no more central point could have been found, to see that son ordained in the midst of his own people, and to be just as publicly married with the father's benediction ? It is certain, for the church record so states, that Rev. J. C. Schultze baptized children here, at Muddy Creek, either the week preceding or within the three weeks succeeding, during the month of April. Why should he have made that trip of forty miles or more to do what Stoever himself could have done, without making a special trip, a few days later? Or why should he have interfered in Stoever's field afterwards? Besides all this was there ever any authority other than that of the " Tulpehocken Confusion " for the statement that he was ordained in a barn, or a tavern, at the Trappe? The Halle Reports, in arguing the matter, continually refer to that partisan document and try to show that the ceremony took place in a barn and not in a tavern as alleged there. Now we humbly submit that it is not proven and should not be accepted as true upon so un- reliable an authority. For when good Christian people so far forget themselves and their principles that they 60 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. become involved in open riot on the Lord's day within the temple of the Lord, they have no right to expect us to accept their statements as to any of the details, especially those derogatory to their opponents. This holds good as to both parties to that controversy and to any of a similar kind. We say these things because that whole document is nothing but a bitter attack upon J. C. Stoever for the pur- pose of defaming him and discrediting him, not only among his own people, but among all others. If any one thinks we use strong language, let him read that missive as well as the " broadside " against Rev. Lische, and he will be con- vinced that it is really a very mild statement of the matter. Rev. Lische, after he had wronged both Lutherans and Reformed by betraying them in turning their church prop- erty in Donegal over to the Moravians, so that both Lu- therans and Reformed found themselves without a church or congregation, rued his bargain and returned to the Re- formed. They turned upon him after they had used him, and abused him without measure. Stoever, who was with- out doubt a rough man and one whom they could not bend to their purposes, they abused because they could not use him. The record of baptisms at Moselem, Oley (Hill) , New Hanover and Stoever's own record would indicate that for several years he came back occasionally, at regular inter- vals, to hold services and to baptize the children. He may have done so for a time, even after Gabriel Falk, the next pastor, took charge. Falk apparently remained in charge a considerable time — from 1735-42 most of the time. During parts of 1738-39, possibly during the entire two years he was absent, in the south, in Carolina and Georgia. But after his return he seems to have resumed his relations Pastors who have Served this Church. 61 to this congregation, for a time at least. But the fact that when Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg arrived, in November, 1742, a certain N. Schmidt claimed to be the pastor, shows that his relation to the congregation must not have been altogether cordial, and that the congregation did not desire it to be permanent. The statements of Rev. Dr. Kretschman concerning these matters in his " History of the Trappe Church " are a virtual repetition of the ac- counts of the Halle Reports. Besides, he seems not to desire to enter into a discussion of the early history of this church and congregation at New Hanover. It will there- fore not be necessary to quote from him in confirmation of the statements already made. The Pastorate of Rev. H. Muhlenberg and his Assistants. It will not be necessary to connect a sketch of the life of Muhlenberg with this history at this point. Yet since we are treating of one of his original congrega- tions, and certainly the old- est among them, we must recount some of the inci- dents of his busy and trying career, especially those most directly connected with this congregation. We do not know that it has ever been distinctly stated why he selected New Providence (The Trappe) as his place of residence, although New Hanover was not only 62 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. the oldest, but by far the strongest of the three united congregations, which called him. It may have been be- cause the Trappe was most centrally located, so that he could more readily reach the others. He may also have been influenced by the fact that it was at or quite near to the point where the two routes westward and northwest- ward diverged. The one followed the banks of the Schuylkill to Reading and thence to the west through the Lebanon valley. The other passed through the present Boyertown, also along the edge of the Oley Hills and by the " Hill " Church also to Reading. This latter road again diverged northward leading through the gap in the Lehigh Hills, at Long-swamp, to Allemaengel and over the Blue Mountains to the eastern section of Schuylkill County, at that time still a part of Berks. Whatever may have been his purpose in locating there, these advantages were secured. With a few short inter- missions, that was the place of his residence from the time of his arrival in the fall of 1742 until the time of his death in 1787. But what wonderful changes had not these forty-five years wrought. From a few settlements along the Delaware and its immediate vicinity and a sparse popu- lation distributed between it and the Susquehanna, and a few straggling colonies northward along these streams, to a prosperous commonwealth, peopled along its eastern border almost to its northern boundary and westward almost to the limits of its territory in that direction. Its population had been doubled, trebled and possibly increased fourfold in his day. Beginning with three, and then four congregations, himself the sole pastor, their number had increased to from three to four score here in Pennsylvania, with others in New York and the distant South. Instead of three or four united congregations there were two Pastors ivho have Served this Church. 63 synods, or conferences as they were sometimes named. Instead of a few dependent colonies, helpless and looking to Britain for protection, there was a young and vigorous nation admitted to the councils of the nations of the earth, — but we need not dwell on these things. Even greater strides have been made since that day. For now more congregations are admitted in a single year than the entire church then contained. Before his arrival all seems to have been disorder and dire confusion. In fact this state of things did not cease at once upon his arrival. During the first weeks and months a certain aged and dilapidated minister named Valentine Kraft ( Muhlenberg calls him " der alte Kraft " ) , tried to bar his way and impede his efforts by endeavoring to induce Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg to recognize him as a sort of ecclesiastical inspector and superior. Fortunately for Muhlenberg and his congregations the man's character seems to have been only too well known, so that his efforts were appreciated at their true value. Whether he was actually elected or called by any of the congregations may well be doubted. The character known as N. Schmidt seems to have exerted even less influence, although apparently he may have had the advantage of an actual election or call by at least a portion of the congregation. But we will be par- doned for expressing a serious doubt as to the identity of the person so named. We are not altogether prepared to assert positively that some one not too well versed in matters of that kind, perhaps even the man himself, may have placed the letter N. for M., i. e.f for Magister, or by some other similar trifling mistake, made it appear that N. is the initial letter of the man's first name. But we do know that about the time here designated — 1739 and 40 — 64 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. a certain John George Schmidt officiated in this vicinity as a Lutheran pastor. Thus the man himself wrote his name. This is the name given him in a promissory note in which four prominent members of Stoever's Little Tulpehocken Church bound themselves to pay him an annual salary for services as a minister. When he transfers its payment by order to George Boone, Esq., he writes his own name John George Schmidt. This document gives his residence as Colebrookdale. The declaration, placed in the corner- stone of the third church erected on the Oley Hills (Hill Church), states officially that the Hill Church was at that time included in Colebrookdale District, i. e., Township. The Halle Reports assert positively that this was the same man who posed as pastor at New Hanover, a statement that seems to be correct. So that if this man knew his own name it certainly was John George Schmidt, and any other name given him must be fanciful, or else it must be a mistake. We can hardly think it conceivable, even with the large number of itinerant preachers on hand, that there should have been two named Schmidt, at the same time in this same section. For J. G. Schmidt's residence was not over six to eight, and possibly not more than four to five miles from New Hanover. But he seems to have had very little influence. Besides all this, most of the time, during the first one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty years of their existence New Hanover and Hill Church were connected in one and the same parish. Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg at once set himself to work to try to improve the condition of things. He organ- ized the school. Perhaps we should say, he put it on a better basis. We will not go into the details as to his labors and efforts in this direction in the other congre- Pastors who have Served this Church. 65 gations. But he soon succeeded in putting the school at New Hanover on a better footing. One thing that made his efforts in this direction more telling was the fact that he could avail himself of the help of some of the men sent to this country as teachers, and thus fit them for their subsequent position as pastors of churches. He thus used Schaum, the two Kurtzes and others. He accomplished two purposes. He secured good schools with efficient teachers, and at the same time he recruited the ranks of the ministry. But his congregations were also without suitable places of worship. He at once set himself to work to supply that want. The two congregations at Philadelphia and the Trappe seem to have been entirely without suitable edifices of any kind. Rev. Muhlenberg did not let the time pass by unimproved in this direction. Only a few years elapsed (October 6, 1745) before St. Michael's had a suitable home. At the Trappe it was no longer neces- sary to meet in a barn. He succeeded in inducing the congregation at New Hanover to complete their church building, begun in 1741, and later convinced them that they needed larger quarters, better accommodation and equip- ment. As a result the present substantial building was erected. Although this church has been remodeled and beautified a number of times, it is still virtually the same building erected during the pastorate of Rev. Louis Voigt one hundred and forty-two years ago — bearing testimony to the substantial character of the work of those days. This was but a small portion of the work that rested upon his shoulders. He cared for numerous congrega- tions beside his own, supplying them occasionally with preaching, guiding and counselling them in the erection of churches and the securing of pastors. He was prac- 66 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tically the bishop, or superintendent, of the Lutheran Church in North America, without the specific title. Northeastward his labors extended to Plainfield, Alle- maengel (now Albany) Berks County, New Germany and New Germantown, New Jersey, and even into the State of New York; westward and northwestward to Northumberland, to the very limits of civilization in that direction, including what is now Union and Snyder Coun- ties; southward as far as the country extended. To the eastward they could not well extend beyond the bounds of his own parish, as that was limited by the sands of Jersey and the ocean. But as might readily be supposed, those who had sent him being earnest men, and alive to the responsibilities in- volved, soon found assistants for him. While these men are generally called his assistants, he himself desig- nates them as " helpers." Some of them were helpers in the sense that they were expected to do special work, so that the pastors might devote themselves more fully to their specific work. The first two men sent to his assist- ance, strictly speaking might properly have been called co-pastors. It is true they labored in different parts of the territory, but they frequently appeared in each other's congregations. A late writer describes the situation thus: That Pastor Muhlenberg would not be able always to do the work which his call brought upon him in increasing measure, was also perceived clearly by the three congregations, to which Ger- mantown had been added as a fourth. In 1743 already they au- thorized Professor Francke, in their name to call another pastor as assistant to Muhlenberg, together with one or two catechists. He then continues: Pastors who have Served this Church. 6j As early as January 29, 1744, Francke wrote, "since the Lord has opened the door in Pennsylvania, the large field absolutely de- manding that more laborers be sent, if the man already there is not to fall exhausted, upon his earnest request, backed by recom- mendations from England, I have endeavored to find a suitable person to be sent as a second pastor. In addition there should be a theological student (studiosus) found here, who could be sent." Several had already declined. From this he concluded that they were not the proper persons. But while writing thus he already had in view a man who had also been re- commended by others, as a suitable man to be sent to America. This was Peter Brunnholtz, born at Niebuhl, Schleswick, educated at Halle. He was first employed at the orphans' home there and then as a catechist in an in- stitution not far distant, founded by a nobleman. He had done well. Through his patron the call to Pennsylvania was brought to his attention. February 29 he wrote to Halle, virtually accepting. After a successful examina- tion, he pledged himself under oath, stating that, having been regularly called by Aug. Gotthilf Francke, " by virtue of authority vested in him by the Deacons and Elders of the Ev. Lutheran congregations in Pennsylvania, espe- cially those in Philadelphia, New Hanover, Trappe and Germantown " — not only himself to remain faithful to the end to the pure and unadulterated word of God, as the same is comprehended and presented very carefully in ac- cordance with the true intent of the spirit, in the three chief symbols (creeds), and also more specifically in the genuine Lutheran confessions, e. g. The Augsburg Confession, The Apology, The Smalcald Articles, The Two Cate- chisms of Luther and The Formula Concordiae, briefly summarized from the Scriptures and plainly set forth, I will also strive as far as in me lies, by the grace of God, to 68 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. instruct and edify the congregations entrusted to me, ac- cording to this rule, in that true Christian faith, and to oppose all soul destroying error. I will also so conduct myself as regards both doctrine and life, towards those committed to me, and toward all men, as becometh me as a servant of Christ, and as I shall be able to answer for at the Judgment Bar of God. We make no special comment on this specific and very strong declaration of adherence to all the confessions of the Lutheran Church, except to point out how sadly mis- taken or how poorly informed must be those men who have been and still are citing these men as authority for looseness of doctrine and confessional statement. In fact it requires a great stretch of charity to believe that those who thus cite these men are not grossly ignorant of the facts of history, or else, that they deliberately falsify. At Hamburg Brunnholtz was joined by two other men who also figure in the history of this congregation and the Lutheran Church, the catechists J. N. Kurtz and J. H. Schaum. They too had received a vocation from the offi- cers of these congregations, through Dr. Francke. It was expressly declared in the call that they should be under the supervision of Muhlenberg and Brunnholtz, teaching school and preaching when called upon. Although they embarked at Gravesend, September 22, they only sailed November 29, and arrived at Philadelphia, January 26, 1745. There was great rejoicing upon their arrival. After one of the Deacons had brought them to his house all joined in singing " Praise the Lord, O, My Soul," and united in a prayer of Thanksgiving. It will not be necessary to repeat the story of the pe- culiar difficulties under which Muhlenberg had labored, and it is useless to say that he greatly rejoiced when he Pastors who have Served this Church. 69 found that others would now help him to bear the burden. These difficulties were by no means imaginary. First of all he found a bitter opponent in the printer Christopher Saur. Again he had to deal with a rude people, who seemed to prefer irresponsible itinerants like Andreae, who advised them to enjoy life and let others enjoy it too, who seemed concerned only to let men gratify their pas- sions. According to Rev. Muhlenberg's statements, those fond of carousing were accustomed to say: " As we must pay our money to the preacher anyway, we may as well hire a jolly fellow." "This Muhlenberg is too strenu- ous for us." He was publicly denounced by Andreae as a pietist and a Moravian. They even attacked Muhlen- berg's private character. But the concocter of that scheme was compelled publicly to acknowledge that the accusa- tions were deliberate fabrications. Need we wonder that the coming of these men is said to have rolled a great stone from his heart? As a late writer justly remarks, Brunnholtz proved a strong reinforcement, particularly as the congregations ratified the call in such form that he, like Muhlenberg, was recognized as pastor of the joint congregations. As early as 1745, after much consideration, this arrangement was so modified that the town congregations were assigned specifically to Brunnholtz and those of the country to Muhlenberg. Yet everything was to be arranged and car- ried out by mutual agreements, exchanging pulpits occa- sionally. However there was some difficulty in fixing the position and responsibilities of the catechists. It was found diffi- cult to designate the sphere of their activity, their rights and their duties. The relation and intercourse of the two pastors seems to have been always pleasant and cordial. 6 70 The New Hanover Lutheran- Church. Dealing with the catechists seems to have been a difficult and delicate matter. Probably the difficulty lay in the untried and unsettled condition of affairs in this country. These men had come away from a well-ordered and set- tled state of things, and it would have been almost strange for them not to be affected by their environments. It might almost have been expected that these young men would give rein to their imagination and expect to be able to set up at once as full-fledged pastors. They had studied and prepared themselves where Muhlenberg and Brunn- holtz had studied and prepared, and why should they not at once be placed on a par with them? Possibly too the cause of their dissatisfaction lay in the fact that they, as far as freedom from care and the necessity for personal self-denial were concerned, were really better placed than their superiors. Rev. Handschuh, who reached this country nearly three years after Muhlenberg, although subsequently pastor of Philadelphia, seems not to have had any direct connection with this congregation. But it does almost seem as if this congregation had in reality been used as a training school for ministers. It seems to have furnished the largest number of graduates. It was here that the two Kurtzes, Schaum, and Lucas Rauss were employed as assistants and then became pastors. While it may pos- sibly be questioned that the latter was directly recognized as an assistant of Muhlenberg, Rev. Brunnholtz says dis- tinctly that Rauss was his assistant at Philadelphia and that he sent him out to help Muhlenberg. Unless the Halle Reports are entirely mistaken H. M. Muhlenberg was the pastor of this congregation uninter- ruptedly from November, 1742, until October, 1762, a period of twenty years. Vigera was his first assistant as Pastors who have Served this Church. 71 a teacher of the school. He was succeeded by J. Nicholas Kurtz, who was his adjunct and helper in a wider sense, for he not only taught the school, but he frequently preached, at first memorizing other men's sermons, and then preaching some of his own. During all this time he catechized the children from the spring of 1745 to Decem- ber, 1746, when he moved to Tulpehocken. John Albert Weygandt, was there [N. H.] a short time during 1748. In the year 1752, at a conference held in January, Fred. Schultz was assigned to New Hanover. He served New Goshen- hoppen and Indian field at the same time, and left New Hanover in the year 1754. In 1757 we find (J.) Wm. Kurtz there, but next year he is sent to Tohickon. In the same year Rev. Joh. Helfr. Schaum of Tohickon was called to N. Hanover. In Apr. 1762 he removed to his own field. In May, 1762, Jacob Van Buskirk became the assistant. October 12, 1763, he was or- dained as pastor. It will be seen in this account that during some of the years Rev. Muhlenberg alone served the congregation as their pastor, or else called on such as may have been able to help him. Although his two sons, Frederick A. and Henry E., are classed among his successors, we have a very strong suspicion, based on some known facts, that they were as- sistants or possibly substitutes or supplies rather than reg- ular pastors. Be this as it may, we will count them as generally given, with those who succeeded their venerable father. It will not be necessary to do much more than simply enumerate those who are the 72 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Successors of Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg. The first of these was Rev. Jacob Van Buskerk, who was ordained for this position in 1763. But he only re- mained a few years, having moved to Germantown, 1765. Rev. Ludwig Voigt was the next pas- tor. He first resided at the Trappe or Providence and then at Pikestown, Chester County. He served this con- gregation, 1765-76. It was about this time that Rev. Muhlenberg again settled at the Trappe and his two sons aided him in caring for the churches. Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg had been driven from New York shortly before that city was captured by the British. It is not made quite clear where he spent the latter part of 1776 and 1777, but in 1778 he appears as his father's aid or substitute both at New Hanover and Oley Hills. In 1779 he was elected to the legislature and he quitted the ministry. In 1779 and 1780 Rev. H. Ernst Muhlen- berg, the youngest of the sons, who had been third pastor in Philadelphia and was compelled to fly when the city was captured by the British, took his brother's place. According to notes furnished a Rev. Kiel or Kuehl served the congregation in 1788. But we have so far not seen his name mentioned elsewhere as a minister. He evidently was preceded by Rev. Frederic Ernst, a cate- chist, who immediately succeeded Rev. H. E. Muhlen- berg. He (Ernst) was succeeded by Rev. Christian Streit, 1782-85. Rev. Daniel Lehman succeeded him, ap- parently as a supply from 1786-88. Whether Dr. Kunze ever supplied the congregation or whether he simply ap- Pastors who have Served this Church. 73 peared as an occasional visitor cannot be stated. But now the time and extent of the various pastorates become moremarked. Rev. J. F. Weinland was pastor from 1789 to 1796; Rev. F. W. Geissenhainer, sr., D.D., 1796-1808; Rev. Jacob Miller, D.D., 1809-29; Rev. Conrad Miller, 1829-52; Rev. Nathan Yaeger, close of 1852-57; Henry Wendt, 1858-64; Rev. Abraham Groh, 1865-66; Rev. Leonhard Groh, D.D., 1866-86; Rev. J. J. Kline, since then. In a sketch published in "Lutheran Zeitschrift," July, 1867, the name of Rev. J. G. Roeller intervenes be- tween those of Rev. F. Weinland and Dr. F. W. Geissen- hainer, sr.1 This is the list of pastors from Muhlenberg to L. Groh as presented there: Muhlenberg, Weinland, Roeller, sr., Geissenhainer, J. Miller, C. Miller, Yaeger, Wendt, A. Groh, L. Groh. It then adds — " Towards the close of the former century, Revs. H. Muhlenberg, Voigt, Kiel and Catechist Ernst preached for a time, but no one re- mained here long." It will be seen that this list em- braces hardly one half of the men who officiated as pastors, assistants and supplies for this congregation since its or- ganization, more than two hundred years ago. We add an approximate list, putting those into brackets whose names are not certainly connected with the congregation. (Rudman), Daniel Falckner, (Sandel), Gerhardt Henkel, Samuel Hesselius, Gerhart Henkel again, (Joh. Casper Stoever, sr.), John Caspar Stoever, jr., John Christian 'The congregation's record clearly proves this a mistake. Scarcely any time elapsed between the pastorate of Weinland and that of Geissenhainer. August 21, 1796, Weinland presented his resignation. August 29, the con- gregation invited Geissenhainer to preach. October 13, he preached and was elected for six years, from April next. So there was no other pastor in the interim. 74 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Schultze, Gabriel Falk, N. Schmidt or John Geo. Schmidt, Henry M. Muhlenberg, P. Brunnholtz, J. N. Kurtz, J. Albert Weygandt, Friedr. Schultz, (Lucas Rauss), John Helfr. Schaum, J. Wm. Kurtz, Jacob Van Buskerk, Lud- wig Voigt, F. A. C. Muhlenberg, H. E. Muhlenberg, Fredr. Ernst. Daniel Lehman, Christian Streit (Roeller), (Dr. Kunze), F. Weinland, (Kuehl or Kiel), F. W. Geis- senhainer, sr., Jacob Miller, Conrad Miller, Nathan Jaeger, Henry Wendt, Abraham Groh, Leonard Groh, J. J. Kline. CHAPTER V. Short Biographical Sketches of Ministers who Served the Congregation. AlRST short biographies of *W those of whom it is cer- tainly known that they have served this congregation will be given. This will be followed by brief sketches of those concern- ing whom there is reasonable doubt whether they served the congregation or whether they were even ordained ministers at all. The first regular pastor evi- dently was Rev. Daniel Falckner. J His life is so interwoven with the beginning of this church's history, that it is almost impos- sible to give an account of one without referring to the other. The most remarkable feature of the whole matter, however, is that for almost two centuries his work and activities in this place were ascribed to his brother. How 75 *]6 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. this happened we shall not stop to explain. But it is one of those strange things which are sometimes brought about by substituting tradition for actual facts, a state of things which occurs only too frequently. It might possibly occur to some that some of the writers of sixty and seventy years ago were so intent upon prov- ing that the men of one hundred and fifty and two hun- dred years ago were disloyal to their church and to its confessions that they overlooked the actual facts of history, — that they were too busy, trying to establish pet theories of their own, to take time to verify the facts as they really are. The whole story therefore, except the mere fact of the ordination of Justus Falckner, is found to be the prod- uct of a vivid imagination. And yet, notwithstanding all these unfavorable statements, considering all the cir- cumstances, the people of that day (Falckner and Muhlen- berg) showed not only a firm attachment to the confessions of the church, but an earnest zeal, and at the same time put forth earnest and commendable efforts to provide the scattered members of the church with the preaching of the Gospel. Muhlenberg, justly styled the Patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America, coming at a time when dis- order and confusion prevailed, and being specially fitted for the work, brought order out of chaos. But it would be a grave mistake, while granting him the preeminence which he deserves, to suppose that he was the only one who labored for the Church in those early days; or that others had not labored before his time. While their suc- cess, perhaps, may not have been commensurate with their opportunities, or our expectations, and while the results may have been comparatively meagre, we must not forget that their field was very difficult and their opportunities were very limited, with no one to aid or encourage them in their work. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 77 1. Rev. Daniel Falckner. Without going into details as to au- thorities referred to, it will be sufficient to say that in this sketch we give much of the substance of Dr. Schmauk's sketch of the Falckners, as found in the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-Ger- man Society, Vol. XI, pp. 104 et seq., with statements from Dr. Julius F. Sachse. Many of the statements of this sketch will also apply to Justus Falckner. The two brothers, Daniel and Justus Falckner, were from Langen Reinsdorf, Diocese of Zwickau, in that part of Saxony formerly known as the Margravate of Meissen. Their ancestors had been ordained Lutheran ministers. The grandfather, Christian Falckner, died November 5, 1658, and the father, Daniel Falckner, d. April 7, 1674, had been pastors of Langen Reinsdorf. Daniel's children were Paul Christian, b. February 2, 1662; Daniel, b. De- cember 25, 1666; a third child, name not given, and Jus- tus, b. November 22, 1672. The sons were educated for the ministry and eventually ordained. " According to the Berkenmeyer papers there can be no doubt whatever as to Daniel Falckner's regular ordination." Whether he was ordained 1693, prior to his departure to America or during his visit to Germany, is an open question, al- though most probably it was at the latter period. A detailed account of his relations to the Frankfort Land Company, or of his relations to and connection with the Germantown Mystics will not be given. While these things might be interesting and even very instructive, they are hardly germane to the subject. The statement of a few principal facts must therefore be sufficient. 78 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. He came to America with Koester, Kelpius and the Mystics. He was sent back to Europe. After his return from that trip he took part in the civil government, " be- came burgess of Germantown and in a year or two settled down to married life." He is last mentioned in connec- tion with the local affairs of Germantown in 1704. In 1708 he became the victim of a conspiracy, lost his prop- erty and was thrown into jail. Being utterly disheartened, he accepted the invitation of his brother, Justus, to minister to the Lutherans in East Jersey. Here he was installed as pastor of several congregations, and " here he settled for the remainder of his life. Two of his daughters married parishioners." Later he had eight congregations. After the death of Joshua Kocherthal, 17 19, and of Jus- tus Falckner, 1723, for a short time, he served German and Dutch Lutheran congregations between Albany and Staten Island. When Rev. W. C. Berkenmeyer took charge of his congregations, Daniel Falckner collected money among his Jersey congregations for building a church in New York city." When the church was dedi- cated Rev. Berkenmeyer showed that he recognized the validity of Falckner's ordination. At the dedication of Trinity Church, New York, June 29, 1729, Daniel Falck- ner officiated at the altar and warmest thanks were tend- ered him and his congregation by Pastor Berkenmeyer, for their contributions. " Pastorius had vilified and maligned him, and Sprogel had grievously wronged him, but nothing corroborative of their charges has ever been found." We will not enter into a lengthy account of his trip to Europe towards the close of 1698, whither he was sent by the leaders of the colony at Germantown, " to set forth the lamentable state of the political as well as the religious condition of Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 79 the Province [Pennsylvania]." During this journey he visited Holland, Germany and England and aroused re- newed interest in the condition of the Germans here. His visit and his publications did much to stimulate immigra- tion. Upon his return he was accompanied by several theological students, one of them being his brother Justus. His acts and doings as the head of the land company need not be recited in detail. It will be sufficient to note that his course led to the usual results. He was defamed, his name blackened and posterity was led to believe him a monster. It was discovered only after almost two cen- turies had elapsed that these statements had no other foun- dation than the spiteful utterances of enemies, who found their iniquitous plans thwarted by him. But he was finally forced out of his position and compelled to yield the prop- erty to the conspirators. The story of his connection with the organization of this congregation need not be repeated here. It has al- ready been given. That he showed steadfastness of char- acter, adherence to principles, and firmness of conviction is evinced by his refusal to ordain men as to whose fitness and worthiness he had serious doubts, when they appealed earnestly to him. The same spirit is manifest in his readi- ness to give up his congregations when the feebleness of old age overtook him, although he knew himself to be des- titute and liable to become a burden to others. He died in New Jersey in 1741. Although his name was over- looked for a long time, and his labors were depreciated, we are glad to know that his name will pass into history as that of the first regular pastor of the oldest German] Lutheran Congregation in America. 80 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 2. Rev. Gerhardt Henckel.1 " Rev. Gerhard Henkel, who was a German court preacher, came to America about 171 8" — others say 17 17 — " and located at Germantown, Pa."2 He was a " descendant of Count Henkel of Poeltzig, who was instrumental in sending Rev. Muhlen- berg to America. Count Henkel was a descendant of Johann Henkel, D.D., LL.D., born in Bietschau." In the " Biography of Gerhart Henkel," it is given as Leut- schau, Hungary. He was father confessor to Queen Mary (Maria) about 1530. It is further stated on good authority that " he [G. H.] was ordained in February, 1692," and that " he was a court preacher, exiled by his sovereign against whose cor- ruption he had inveighed. In 17 17 he came to Pennsyl- vania with a large family, some of whom were already married." Some of the family, among them Valentine Geiger, a son-in-law, settled at Swamp, i. e., New Hanover. He also owned land in Colebrookdale Township. Gerhard Henkel, jr., located at Colebrookdale, in the vicinity of the Oley Hill Church. Some of them afterwards proceeded to the south, Justus locating in North Carolina. Rev. 1 See Special Note on page 161. 2 According to the statement made by Rev. John Casper Stoever of Virginia, in a publication issued at that time, he came to that section in 1716 and after remaining a year " went to Pennsylvania, his original destina- tion." Apparently his home, for part of the time at least, was in Cole- brookdale Township, not far from the Oley Hill Church. Both his son and namesake, Gerhard Henkel, as well as Valentine Geiger, his son-in- law, owned land in that vicinity. The latter also owned land at New Hanover. The tracts, in all probability, were not more than four to six miles apart. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 81 Henkel at once took up the work of a minister and preached at the Swamp, Manatawny, Germantown, Oley (i. e., Oley Hills or Colebrookdale) , Tulpehocken (Reed's church) and possibly although not certainly, Moselem and Rockland. The writer need not repeat at length what is said concern- ing the application of the term " Anbauer des Amtes " in J. W. Early's "Lutheran Ministers of Berks Co." But every one who has carefully read Muhlenberg's reports will know that Muhlenberg himself explains the term " Amtes " when he tells us he means a township and not a congregation or an office in it. " Valentine Geiger was the oldest inhabitant of the said township (des besagten Amtes)." Concerning Henkel's relations to the ordination of Van Dieran, or Von Thieren, as the Moravians called him, it will be sufficient to say that Henkel himself says he did not ordain him. Unless we have just reason to doubt the man's veracity that should settle the matter. But even if he had ordained him it would be the part of common charity to say that it was an error of judgment. He would hardly have done it for the purpose of inducting an unsuitable person into the office of the Christian Ministry. But it may safely be said that the family of no man (not even that of Muhlenberg who himself came to this country from the fatherland) has furnished a longer line of eminent descendants, who both in and out of the minis- try, have exerted a larger or more lasting influence upon the Lutheran Church of this country. Rev. Henkel was the first German Lutheran minister residing in Pennsyl- vania to serve a congregation west of the Schuylkill. Besides the pioneer himself, there were four sons and a son-in-law active and prominent in the church in eastern Pennsylvania. Paul, a great-grandson, was quite promi- 82 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. nent and active as a Missionary in the South and West. Dr. Solomon and Rev. Ambrose, his sons, established an influential publishing-house at New Market, Va., in 1806. Five sons of Rev. Paul Henkel, viz: Philip, David, Charles of Ohio, Andrew of Indiana and Ambrose of Virginia, were able and active Lutheran ministers. A number of grandsons were also ministers — Eusebius, Dr. P. C, of Conover, N. C; Dr. D. M., of Catawissa, and Dr. Socrates, of New Market, Va. Several of the Stire- walts were also grandsons — thirteen descendants, ten in the direct male line, in the Lutheran Ministry, and every one, as far as known, of unblemished character and acknowl- edged ability. 3. Rev. Samuel Hesselius. Rev. Hesselius was one of the Swedish pastors at Molatton. From 1720 to 1723 he served this con- gregation as supply. History does not tell us very much about the man. We are informed, however, that Charles XII. of Sweden, whose remarkable career has been graphically described by Vol- taire, as early as 17 17 appointed him as pastor of the Swedes along the Delaware, but without assigning him the superintendency. In the meantime Jonas Lidman, who was also designated for service in America, was appointed pastor at Wicaco and Hesselius became his assistant, with the expectation of securing the position at Christiana, then occupied by his brother Andrew, as provost or superin- tendent. A short time afterwards Samuel Hesselius re- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 83 moved to the Swedish settlement at Manathanim, Bucks Co., twenty miles from Philadelphia. He also served Neshaminy, nearby. Being a native of Delacarlien, he was called from that place to become a pastor in Pennsylvania. Dr. Jas- per Svedberg, Bishop of Skara, to whom the care of the church in America was entrusted, appointed him as the successor of Sandel. He was ordained April 27, 17 18, in the cathedral at Skara. His departure having been de- layed, Lidman was named as pastor at Wicaco and Hes- selius became his assistant. Both arrived at Philadelphia, December 3, 17 19. Naturally the assistant cared for the more remote points. At a meeting, March 27, 1720, evidently embracing all parts of the congregation, those from the upper section begged tearfully that Hesselius be permitted to take up his residence among them. He did so, serving Manathanim, preaching alternately there and at Neshiminy. Matson's Fort (Swedeland) below Norristown, was added. Then Hesselius, whose mother was a sister of Bishop Svedberg, became the first resident pastor at Molatton. He remained until October, 1723. He then became the successor of his brother Andrew at Christiana. It will be seen from this that he served New Hanover during his entire stay at Molatton. The Halle Reports further state that he was a man of excellent character, and that upon his return to Sweden he carried with him excellent testimonials from his own peo- ple, as well as from the English pastors. After that he became pastor at Rumfertuna, in the diocese of Westeras. He was twice married, his second wife being Gertrude Stille. She died at sea on the return trip. He had evi- dently conducted the services both at Molatton and at New Hanover in small log churches, erected a considerable 84 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. time before he became the pastor. What has become of the records, or whether he never kept any, we are unable to say. 4. Rev. John Casper Stoever, Jr. This man probably organized more churches than any one else, not even excepting Muhlenberg himself. But before entering upon a sketch of his life and activities it may be well to present his own brief autobiography as prepared by himself a little less than a year before his death. After placing in his " Record " the names of all his children, the date of their birth and baptism, together with the names of their sponsors, he appends the follow- ing statement. John Caspar Stoever [he also had a son John Caspar], the father of the children named above, was born December 21, 1707, in a place named Luedorf in Solinger Amt, Duchy Berg, in Unter Pfaltz [Lower Palatinate]. His parents were John Cas- par Stoever, a native of Frankenburg in Hesse, and Gertrude [family name not given] of Amt Solingen. When he was six years of age he learned to read German perfectly in four weeks under his father's direction. After this he also commenced to study Latin under his father's direction. Subsequently he re- ceived private instruction in Latin and Greek from four pastors successively, named H. Nicolaus Muentz, H. Samuel Bratschisch, H. Valentine Kraft and H. Antonius Pfaffman, and later in the languages named, as also in Hebrew and French, and likewise in theology from H. Knabel and finally from H. Spencal [Superin- dendent] Adolph Ruefeld at Brumath, three hours [12 miles] from Strasburg. Journeyed from Europe to America, 1728, on the Rhine Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 85 and on an ocean vessel, preaching on Sundays. Arrived in Penn- sylvania September 29, and continued to preach; ordained on April 8, 1733, by Christian Schultze, p. t. pastor in Philadelphia, and was married at the same time to Maria Catarina. They be- came the parents of the above named children [eleven]. His wife was born May 14, 171 5, at Lambesheim in Churpfaltz. Her sponsor was Catharine Ursula Schmidt. Her parents were Christian Murckling and his wife Catarina, nee Brucher. No- vember 2, 1778. Whilst I am writing this cursum vitae, my age is by the grace and help of God 70 years, 10 months, I week and 5 days.1 In the original record the following was added in a different hand: His full age, 71 y. 4 m. 3 w. and 2 days. He and his father came to America in the ship " James Goodwill," arriving at Philadelphia, September II, 1728. Evidently in preparing his autobiography he wrote from memory and put a wrong date, or possibly the passengers may not have been brought to land at once. The son is recorded as a " Theol. Stud.," and the father as " Missionaire." To show that there should be no doubt as to the proper relationship of these two men we quote an extract from the diary of Bishop Spangenberg, 1 For reasons not necessary to be mentioned we give the stiffly literal translation furnished in the Record as published by Dr. Egle in " Notes and Queries." We should perhaps add in justice to Dr. Schantz, that, for some reason or other, he published the translation as contained in the copy of " Stoever's Records," placed in the archives at Philadelphia. A smoother and less literal rendering would have been more readable and also more desirable. The publishers of the Halle Reports should certainly have been able to find this document, which was in the hands of a great-grand- son of John Caspar Stoever of Pennsylvania, residing almost within call of the chief editor in Philadelphia. It will be noticed that this too declares indirectly that John Caspar Stoever, of Pennsylvania, is the son of John Caspar Stoever of Virginia. For unless there were two Rev. John Caspar Stoevers living at the same time in Germany, the Rev. John Caspar Stoever who came to America with this one must have been his father. 7 86 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. of July 28, 1748. This was ten years after the father's death. He [Spangenberg] records the fact that he and Matthew Rentz crossed the Blue Ridge to go to the Great Forks of the Rappahannock. " Beyond the mountains there is a prosperous [starkes] settlement of Germans and English. Here there is a regularly organized Lu- theran congregation. Its pastor is Rev. Klug. His pred- ecessor was the father of our [the] well known Stoever." This shows that at that day those even outside of the Lu- theran Church knew that these men were father and son. This is taken from Moravian " Records " at Bethlehem. We will not repeat here what was published in the Lu- theran Church Review during 1908, viz., that the elder Stoever's will was presented both at Philadelphia and in Virginia, and that the younger Stoever there made oath that he was the son and heir of the deceased. In other words, Rev. John Caspar Stoever, Conestoga, declared that the document presented by him was the last will and testament of his father, John Casper Stoever of Virginia. It will also be needless to repeat what has also been stated in regard to his ordination — whether that occurred in a barn or a tavern, whether at the Trappe or at Muddy Creek, or at some other point. It will be sufficient to say that the matter certainly is involved in considerable obscur- ity. Whether there ever was a respectable tradition that it took place in a barn or in a tavern at the Trappe that was not directly traceable to " The Confusion of Tulpe- hocken," is certainly very doubtful. That this is a very poor authority, certainly should be known to every one. For its very evident purpose was to defame and to dis- credit Stoever, without very much regard to truth. The only real fact that stands out unchallenged is that he was ordained April 8, 1733, and that he was married at the Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 87 same time (zugleich). Another fact which we believe is also unquestioned is that within six month after that ordination he settled right in the midst of his congrega- tions. Still another fact is that the man who ordained him baptized some of the children of one of his congrega- tions in the same month, or about the same time he was ordained and married. " It would be impossible in a brief sketch to recount all the labors and activities of the man. Although the Halle Reports tell us that he settled at New Holland immedi- ately upon his arrival in this country, his labors were evi- dently distributed almost equally between the churches in the vicinity of Philadelphia and those west and south of the Schuylkill " during the first five years of his residence in America. If this be correct — and we are not calling it into question — did his father live there too, or did he not ? Would it not seem to fit in with the circumstances of the case, to suppose, that being less than twenty-one years of age when he came to this country, being still unordained, he remained a member of his father's family until the father moved to Virginia ? " Only after his ordination did he seem to confine him- self almost entirely to Lancaster County and the territory south and west of it. At first he apparently acted as as- sistant to Rev. Schultze, and possibly also to his father, of whose field of labor up to the time of his settlement in Vir- ginia, we have thus far found no account." Would it be presumptuous to suppose, especially as Dr. Schmauk asserts that the handwriting of the two is very hard to distinguish, possibly cannot be distinguished, that many of the bap- tisms of those early years, some being performed in Eu- rope and some on the ocean, were those of the elder Stoever. As Stoever, jr., dates nearly all his church 88 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. records and his own baptisms 1733 or after 1733, were not all those prior to that time possibly performed by Stoever, sr. ? Early in the fall of 1733 he settled at the Conestoga, near New Holland, and confined his labors almost entirely to that section from that time on. He commenced church records at Philadelphia, Trappe, Lancaster, New Holland, Muddy Creek, Hill Church (near Annville) , Christ (Lit- tle Tulpehocken) , York, Bindnagel's, Lebanon. He had charge of all these churches at one time or another, and organized a number of them. He organized the church at York and served it ten years, 1733-43. He was also pastor of the Swatara Church, afterwards transferred to Jonestown, twenty to thirty years. He served the Sand Hill Church about three miles south of Hummelstown a number of years. Apparently he also organized and served the Robeson and Allegheny churches in Berks County. " He also travelled beyond the Susquehanna in a southwestern direction, penetrating almost to the center of Virginia via the Shenandoah Valley, stopping in Mary- land on the way, preaching to the scattered Lutherans and baptizing their children." About 1760 he moved to Lebanon, the township, about two miles west of the city. After that he confined his labors mostly to that section, giving up most, if not all of the congregations south of the present Lebanon County line. In 1763 he was admitted into the Ministerium. Al- though cordially received, and the connection was con- tinued, his relations to the synod sometimes were rather strained, as shown by entries in some of the " Records " as well as by statements of the Halle Reports. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 89 The fact that he had been involved in the " Confusion of Tul- pehocken " and made very prominent in it, not only in the pam- phlet, but in the strife itself, would naturally, perhaps uncon- sciously, weaken the confidence of the parties in one another, especially in view of the fact that efforts were made to bring him back and that he did afterwards serve his original congregation at Little Tulpehocken for several years. "His death occurred on Ascension, May 13, 1779, while confirming a class of catechumens at his own home at Sunny Side (then known as Stoever's Mill), nearly two miles west of Lebanon, about a mile south by east of the Hill Church." His widow survived until October, 1795, when she died at the advanced age of eighty years four months and twenty-three days. The " Hill Church Rec- ord " says that besides the children still surviving, at the time of her death there were 75 grandchildren and 5 2 great- grandchildren— a total of between 130 and 140 descen- dants. One of his descendants, Prof. M. L. Stoever, was for many years Professor of Latin in Pennsylvania Col- lege. A monument has been erected to the memory of John Casper Stoever at Hill Church. It might perhaps even be questioned whether J. C. Stoever, jr., had any direct connection with this congrega- tion at all. The records do not show such a connection. Bearing in mind the fact that he was still in his minority when he arrived here, and that he was not ordained before April, 1733, it is but natural to ask again whether the baptisms recorded at Moselem, at Oley Hills and other points before 1733 were performed by him, or were they his father's acts? There is nothing to justify the assumption that from 1727, when he was but a mere boy, less than twenty years 90 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. of age, he went about for five or six years, baptizing with- out warrant, and in defiance of all order performing the functions of a minister more than a year before he attained his majority. It is probably the confused and confusing statement of the Halle Reports, Vol. i, rev. edit., p. 36, which has led some, we might say almost every one, to speak of him as if this had been the case. Speaking of Rev. John Christian Schulze, the Reports make this statement : Before this he had ordained John Caspar Stoever, who with his relative, a namesake, who moved to Virginia, had come to this country in 1728, at Providence [The Trappe]. He [evidently meaning the John C. Stoever here mentioned and who was now ordained] served Philadelphia, Providence as well as New Han- over, but in the fall of the year he moved to New Holland, Lan- caster Co., Pa. The writer is absolutely convinced that the man who moved to New Holland in the fall of 1728 was Rev. John Caspar Stoever, sr. Of course John Caspar Stoever, jr. settled there too, but as a member of his father's family, and not as a minister of the Gospel. All this would lead to the conclusion that the ministerial acts performed in these congregations, viz., New Hanover, Trappe and so on, prior to 1733 were those of John Caspar Stoever, sr., and that he was the man who officiated in those churches at that time. This is the opinion of some, at least, and there is hardly any room for any other opinion. The " Confusion von Tulpehocken," being referred to a number of times, it may be well to add an explanation. It seems that some one had published an English letter entitled " A Protestation of the Protestant Lutheran and Reformed Religions, about the bad commotion which hap- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 91 pened on Sunday, the 18th of July, 1742." Whilst the writer does not know of the existence of a copy of this document, it is made plainly evident by the statements of the " Confusion von Tulpehocken," that it existed and charged that the Moravians and their adherents were the instigators of the riot which occurred at the Tulpehocken (Reed's) Church on that day. This is emphatically denied by the " Confusion von Tulpehocken," a German pamphlet, of about twelve pages, of which there is a manu- script copy in the archives at Bethlehem, in the " Church Record" of the Reed's Church deposited there. The pamphlet presents the Moravian side of the story. It charges all manner of wrong doing and iniquity upon John Casper Stiever, as it calls Stoever. Its spirit is very bitter and its language very severe. The writer knows of but a single copy in existence in the hands of the family of Frank Reed, who died a few years ago. A reprint may also be found in our archives at Philadelphia, and in the historical libraries at Gettysburg, and the Susquehanna University. 5. Rev. John Christian Schultze. Concerning this man very little is really known. Much that has been written in the Halle Reports, as well as elsewhere, seems to be pure conjecture. Even in regard to his oft-referred to trip to Ger- many to collect funds and to secure the sending of ministers, much that has been handed down in regard to him and his doings, when thor- oughly sifted seems to be lacking in a solid foundation of fact. Indeed many of the statements made are utterly 92 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. irreconcilable with each other, e. g., it can hardly be pos- sible that if he was imprisoned for embezzlement, he would have gone to the West Indies to establish a publish- ing house with the proceeds of his collections. If he used these proceeds thus, where did Weissiger get the money to cut such a big figure on that trip? Why was Schultze arrested and imprisoned if Weissiger spent all the money? Where did Weissiger get all the money and the books which he is alleged to have shown up, if Schultze had em- bezzled it and spent it? How did Weissiger manage to become quite wealthy, if he paid out everything to straighten out his own accounts and those of Rev. J. Chris- tian Schultze? The accounts somehow or other cannot be squared with each other. But the following facts are known : For full details it is only necessary to refer to the Halle Reports, p. 687. John Christian Schultze (or Schulz) was born June 11, 1 70 1, at Schainbach, Oberamt (County), Gerabronn, Wuertemberg. His parents were Rev. John Valentine Schultze and his wife Anna Juliana. His father was the pastor of the place. The father was twice married. The first wife was the woman named above. She was the mother of two sons and four daughters. He was married again to Frederica Cath. Mar — , who became the mother of five daughters. Of the early training of John Chris- tian Schultze and of the circumstances which induced him to come to America nothing is known. Whether he was influenced by friends in Europe to follow some of his poor forsaken brethren to America to minister to their spiritual wants, or whether he was led by the spirit of adventure to come to this new country and was then picked up by these people, will probably never be certainly known. But his coming to these people seems to be more in the nature of Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 93 a fortuitous circumstance than that of a deliberate purpose on the part of either. The place where he ended his days and how they were ended are also matters involved in serious doubt. Accord- ing to one version for which his enemies, and particularly the enemies of Stoever, seem to be responsible, he ended his days in a prison cell. According to another version, after being freed from his prison, he made off with some of his ill-gotten gains and established a store and publish- ing house in the West Indies. It seems, however, as if both stories were slightly incorrect, and that probably, over- come by the chagrin and the shame attached to the charges brought against him, he dropped out of sight. It certainly would utterly break down any ordinary man to have such charges brought against him, especially if he had become entangled in shady transactions by a friend and fellow traveller. This would prove all the more burdensome if he saw that man profiting and being enriched, and him- self impoverished and despised, as the result of the entire transaction. Very few men could rise above such experi- ences and endure them patiently and calmly. Whatever may have been his end, his pastorate here was brief, prob- ably less than a year's duration, so no great movements were inaugurated nor great results to be expected. 6. Rev. Gabriel Falk. Another of the Swedish pastors at Molatton who served this congrega- tion was Rev. Gabriel Falk. With the exception of the two years spent in wandering about in the provinces of Georgia and Carolina, he seems to have served this field from 1735 till about the time of Muhlenberg's arrival. 94 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. He came to this country as a regularly ordained min- ister. He was selected by King Frederic I. (1720-51) and ordained by Bishop Svedberg in the cathedral at Skara and then furnished with the proper documents. Rev. Falk was a native of West Gothland or Gottland, although his name might indicate that he was of German origin. Th^t he ministered satisfactorily to Germans is shown by the fact that he was pastor or supply of this congregation for more than five years. In coming to this country he had been shipwrecked at Cape Henlopen, barely escaping with his life. January 7, 1733, he became pastor at Wicaco.1 Un- fortunately he quarreled with a member of his church council. Unable to substantiate grave charges, he was fined heavily. He could not remain, although a parson- age had been erected for him. He then removed to Mo- latton (Douglassville) . Soon he commenced the building of the church, which, both according to Rev. Heilman and the Halle Reports was the second edifice. From this time on until his return to Europe, 1745, this seems to Jjave been his residence : perhaps it would be better to say his headquarters. During parts of 1738 and 1739, if not dur- ing the entire two years, " he wandered about in the prov- inces of Carolina and Georgia seeking employment as a teacher and preacher among the English, and also among the negroes, but showing himself everywhere unfit and inefficient." He then returned to Molatton, where he had built a church, 1736-37. Matters did not improve, not only from lack of adaptability on his part, but also because of the strenuous efforts of the Moravians to secure the con- 1 Cf. Acrelius, pp. 269, original ed. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 95 trol of the congregation, 1742-43. In these efforts they well-nigh succeeded. If the statement of Rev. Clay,1 one of his successors at Wicaco, were to be accepted, he was put out of the minis- try. But this is certainly a mistake. He was simply dis- missed from the pastorate of the church at Wicaco (Gloria Dei), but not deposed from the ministry. The Halle Report's summing up of the man's characteristics, although not charging that he was dismissed from the ministry, would not prepossess any one greatly in his favor. It is there stated that he was not without consider- able ability as a preacher. " But he was involved in difficulty by bringing unsupported charges against a mem- ber of his church council, a man greatly esteemed. For this he was fined £500, and was compelled to leave the congregation." After that we are told, that " he travelled [roved] through Pennsylvania and the South, in Perrys- burg and Pohachocolas — appeared also among the Eng- lish, but proved himself unreliable in every instance," and yet we find him in charge at Molatton. Possibly a hot temper, such as was shown when he slapped the young Moravian preacher in the face, would explain all. This would show why he did not seem to get along well with the people, and why he was involved in quarrels with his own officers. 7. N. Schmidt or John Geo. Schmidt. There is no doubt whatever as to the fact that, about the time of the arrival of Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg, a man by the name of Schmidt was accepted as the pastor of this 1This statement is made by Rev. J. C. Clay, who after the death of Rev. Nicholas Colin, carried Gloria Dei (Wicaco) Church over into the Episcopal fold. Cf. Justus Falckner, Pietist and Missionary, pp. 62. g6 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. church. But there is serious doubt as to the identity and the first name of the man. Rev. Muhlenberg states that prior to his arrival a certain Mr. Schmidt was elected as pastor. He is also referred to in the Halle Reports. With all this in view we still doubt exceedingly whether there ever was a man by the name of Schmidt officiating as a Lutheran minister in this church, or even in fhis section, whose first name began with N. — whether that was meant for Nathan, Nicholas or Nathanael. The only way we can explain the matter would be on the as- sumption that either the man himself or some one else meant to write M. for M agister and instead put the letter N. We often find M. Muhlenberg, M. Kurtz, M. Schulze and others. But it will not be taken amiss if we point out the fact that the statements of the Halle Reports are confusing. First of all they say that this man began to play the role of a pastor as early as 1736. They locate him both at New Hanover and at the (Oley) Hill Church. It is probable that he served both. But the name J. M. Schmidt appears as pastor there, 1780-82. Now while it is not absolutely impossible that this should be one and the same man it is altogether unlikely, especially if we remember that this man, viz., J. M. Schmidt, removed to Virginia and died there about 1 800. It is an absolute certainty that he is not identical with J. A. Schmidt of New York, against whom the congregations were warned in 1796. A synod would hardly warn its congregations against a man about ninety years old. Besides these there was a John George Schmidt, who resided in this section about 1736-45, who claimed to be a Lutheran minister, receiving pay as such. And while it may not be possible to prove that this is the man, it is absolutely certain that if this is not the case Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 97 there must have been four men named Schmidt, regarded as Lutheran ministers of whom the church has very little definite knowledge. Even at the risk, of extending this sketch to a tedious length we insert some of the statements of the Halle Reports, together with some of the facts which are really known. Whether it has any other authority than mere tradition, we do not know. But the statement seems to rest upon a report made by Rev. Muhlenberg. It says that he was a quack dentist — that he set up as a pastor as early as 1736. But here is a promissory note, which may possibly throw more light on the subject than all the traditions can. Bern Township in Lancaster County, May 5, 1739. We, the undersigned, promise to pay to John George Schmidt, minister of the Lutheran Church in the township of Colebrook- dale, County of Philadelphia, the sum of eight pounds — four pounds on or before November 16, 1739, and the other four pounds the 16 day of May, 1740. Witness our hands, in the township of Colebrookdale, in the County of Philadelphia, May 5, 1739. Matthias Smith, conrath scharff, John Kepplinger, John Adolph Heinrich. In July, 1 74 1, this same man — he again signs his name John George Schmidt — wrote an " order " to George Boone, Esq., making the amount payable to him. Now these things show several facts very clearly: (1), That the man claimed to be pastor of a Lutheran congregation in Colebrookdale Township. This was unquestionably the Oley Hill Church, now St. Joseph's in Pike Township. 98 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. In their declaration placed in the cornerstone at the time of the building of their last church, all the officers, with the pastors of the two congregations, declare that this church of the Oley Hills, was considered as belonging to Cole- brookdale. It is therefore evidently the church which this man was then serving. (2) It also shows with absolute certainty that the man serving the Oley Hill Church at that time was called John Geo. Schmidt. (3) It shows equally clearly that if this John Geo. Schmidt was not the one who figured as pastor of New Hanover, there must have been two men named Schmidt, posing as Lutheran pastors in that section, at the same time. Whither the man went, or what became of him, we cannot say. But we are free to say that this man called N. or M. Schmidt referred to a number of times by the Halle Reports as having been pastor at New Hanover and at the Oley Hills, cannot on any reasonable supposition be taken to be the same man that served at Peaked Mountain and Charlotteville be- tween forty and fifty years later, and he cannot possibly be the man who plagued the churches in New York State from fifty to sixty years later. 8. Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg, D.D. It may perhaps seem remarkable that Muhlenberg is already the eighth and possibly the tenth or eleventh pastor to serve this congre- gation during the first forty-five or fifty years of its existence. There were nearly as many changes in the next fifty years. Biographies, some quite full and others very meagre, can be found in Jensen's " American Lutheran Biogra- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 99 phies," in Schierenbeck's "Sketches" in German; one in the "English Lutheran Almanac" of 1851; another in the " German Almanac " of 1861 ; in Dr. Mann's " Life and Times of Muhlenberg; " in "The Descendants of H. M. Muhlenberg," in the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania- German Society, 1899; in the Pennsylvania-German, Vol. I., No. 3 ; and in a " Life of Muhlenberg," by Dr. Frick, of Milwaukee. We simply give a brief outline of facts and events connected with the man's very busy life. He was a son of Nicholas Melchior Muhlenberg and Anna Mary (Kleinschmidt) . He was born September 6, 171 1, at Eimbeck, Hanover, Germany. From the age of seven until twelve he attended school continuously. His studies were now interrupted by the necessity of helping to support the family because of the death of his father. At twenty-one he resumed his studies. He was employed as an assistant teacher at Zellerfeld and then entered upon his theological studies in the new University of Goettingen, upon a scholarship, provided by his native place, Eimbeck. Then, 1738, he went to the University at Halle. In 1739, having been called as pastor and inspector of the Orphan's Home at Grosshennersdorf, near Herrnhut, he was ordained. September 6, 1 741, he received a call from the congre- gations at Philadelphia, Trappe and New Hanover, Pa., through Dr. A. H. Francke, to whom the congregations had sent an earnest appeal that he should secure a pastor for them. He accepted, laid down his office and departed for America on December 9, 1741. He reached Lon- don via Holland, April 7, 1742. He tarried here, and finally set out for his distant home on June 19. After landing at Charleston, he proceeded to Ebenezer, Georgia, reaching it September 21. Not finding a ship upon his re- ioo The New Hanover Lutheran Church. turn, October 20, he again stopped at Charleston, teaching and preaching. Having found an opportunity to sail for Philadelphia, November 12, he landed on the twenty-fifth. He at once made arrangements to go to New Han- over, and preach there on the following Sunday. He afterward went to Trappe. On December 27 he was re- ceived by the congregations. A few months thereafter Germantown united with the three already mentioned. For two years and a half he served them alone. In 1745 Rev. Brunnholtz and Messrs. Schaum and Kurtz, cate- chists, came to his aid. Rev. Brunnholtz took more direct charge of the town churches, Philadelphia and German- town, while Muhlenberg settled at the Trappe, serving it and New Hanover and exercising a general supervision over the outlying territory. April 30, 1745, he married Anna Mary, daughter of Conrad Weiser the interpreter. He remained at the Trappe until 1761 when for a time he transferred his resi- dence to Philadelphia. But after a stay of some years, he returned to his former home, where he spent the re- mainder of his days. Besides serving his own congrega- tions, he cared for Oley Hills, Moselem, Allemaengel, Tulpehocken and various other points throughout eastern Pennsylvania. He aided the various congregations in securing regular pastors viz., Wagner, Kurtz, Schaum, Schumacher, Lehman and others throughout eastern Penn- sylvania. He also preached the first sermon in Trinity, Reading, and dedicated its church. In 1748 the first Lutheran Synod, now the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania was organized in large measure through his agency. He was frequently elected its president and generally acted as its superinten- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 101 dent. Towards the close of life he was made its senior and held the office for life. This is the description of the man as given by a certain writer: In stature of medium size, somewhat thickset, robust, rather stooped, countenance friendly and engaging, voice penetrating and a melodious tenor, memory retentive, wit ripe and inexhaustible, a good linguist, acquainted with chemistry, anatomy and medicine. Played skillfully on the organ, the harp, the guitar and the violin, and sang delightfully. The University of Pennsylvania conferred the degree of D.D., upon him in 1784. It would be utterly impossible to recount all his labors and journeyings in behalf of the church in this brief biography. He died about midnight, October 7, 1787. He was buried at the Trappe, im- mediately north of the old church. Three sons perpet- uated his name, John Peter Gabriel, prominent as a gen- eral in the Revolutionary War, buried close to his father; Frederic Augustus Conrad, a preacher, then a member of Congress and speaker of the body, and Gotthilf Henry Ernestus, for many years pastor of Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., and almost equally eminent with his father. That his firm trust in his Saviour had not forsaken him in his last hour is made manifest by the fact that with his dying breath he repeated the last verse of Gerhardt's immortal " Befiehl du deine Wege " — " Commit thou all thy griefs." Unfortunately the hymn as contained in our Church Book does not give a translation of that sublime declaration of trust in Him. We therefore give it as quoted by Dr. J. W. Richards, his grandson. Mach End, O Herr, mach Ende An aller unserer Noth, 102 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Stark unsere Fuess' und Haende Und lass, bis in den Tod, Uns Allzeit deiner Pflege Und Treu' empfohlen seyn, So gehen unsere Wege Gewiss zum Himmel ein. 9. Rev. Peter Brunnholtz. Rev. Peter Brunnholtz was the first assistant pastor, or rather the coordinate pastor of H. M. Muh- lenberg. They were both called by the United Congregations of Philadelphia, Trappe, New Han- over and Germantown to serve as their pastors, and upon the same terms and conditions to minister to them and any congregations adjoining. For several years they did minister to them jointly, alternating very frequently in their services. But it was soon found that Muhlenberg, being strong and robust, while Brunnholtz was rather feeble and not physically strong, it would be better for the former to look after the two country churches, while the latter devoted himself mainly to the town con- gregations, although they still frequently exchanged pul- pits. They also accompanied each other in the trips to out- lying fields, to Molatton, Oley Hills, Schwarzwald, etc.1 He was born in Niibiil, in the principality of Gliick- burg, Duchy of Schleswig. " He was a candidate of Theology at the time when Muhlenberg" so earnestly pleaded for an assistant. He was selected with the ap- 1 In this sketch we follow the outline of Rev. J. W. Richards, D.D., in the "Lutheran Almanac" of 1851. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 103 proval of all who knew him and of those who were ac- quainted with the state of things in Pennsylvania. He was well grounded in theology. He had acquitted him- self well in preaching and in the care for souls, also in serv- ing as a catechist on the estates of a Christian nobleman, Hartman von Gensau of Farrenstadt, who was officially connected with the Halle institution. After prayerful consideration he accepted the call offered him by Dr. Francke for America. He was ordained by the Stollber- gist Consistorium at Wernigerode, April 12, 1744. He then continued his journey from Hanover to Hamburg and England. November 29, 1744, he sailed from Gravesend. After a stormy passage he arrived at Phila- delphia January 26, 1745. Muhlenberg received him with great joy. They always remained fast friends. He was of a weak constitution and labored in Pennsylvania only thirteen years. He died July 5, 1758. He had been confined to his bed three months. He was interred in the church at Philadelphia. As the Swedish provost pleaded illness, and as both Muhlenberg and Handschuh were too sad to undertake it, Wm. Kurtz, then a theologi- cal student, "delivered a parentation " on Phil. II., 12, 13. Rev. Muhlenberg then "thanked the English por- tion (of those attending the funeral) in that language for the respect shown to the dead, and re-conducted, accord- ing to custom, the funeral procession to the house of mourning." The funeral procession was " composed of several professors of the academy, of the ministers of all the churches and sects in the city, about fifteen in number, and of a large concourse of citizens from town and coun- try." He " bequeathed his library to the church, and all his money remaining after debts and legacies are paid, to be applied to building a room at the church in which the 104 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. library is to be kept." " He left no children, having lived in celibacy." 10. Rev. J. Nicholas Kurtz, D.D. A brief sketch of this man's life is found in the " Lu- theran Almanac" of 185 1, and rather extensive ones in Jensen and Schierenbeck. Rev. J. N. Kurtz, D.D., was the first Lutheran minis- ter ordained by a synod in America. He came to Amer- ica with Rev. Brunnholtz. But he was simply a catechist and teacher. He was descended from an old Protestant family traced back as far as 1599. He was born in Luetzenlinden, Principality of Nassau, near Frankfort on the Mayne. He received his early education in the gymnasium of his native place, in charge of his father. At the age of fifteen he was sent to the high school at Geissen, where he spent seven years. He also spent six months at the University of Halle. In 1744 he was appointed a missionary to America. He landed at Philadelphia, January 15, 1745, accompanied by Rev. Brunnholtz and J. H. Schaum, also a candidate. He spent two years at New Hanover, preaching on Sun- days and teaching school during the week. All this time he was a mere catechist. December 1746, he removed to Tulpehocken, and took charge of Christ, Northkill, Heidelberg (St. Daniel's), Atolheo (Rehrersburg) and other points. August 25, 1748, he was ordained at the first convention of synod. The following year he also became pastor of Reed's Church, and later he preached also at Schaefferstown and possibly at other points. In 1765 he made a visitation of the churches throughout New York and New Jersey. Dur- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 105 ing 1762 he removed to Germantown, which was distracted very much. After restoring order there, he returned to Tulpehocken. In 1770 he took charge of York and a number of con- gregations connected with it, exercising a general super- vision over the churches of that section. In later years he was assisted by his son-in-law, Rev. Jacob Goering, who also became his successor. He was the secretary of synod for several years, and in later years its president. May 28, 1788, he was unanimously elected senior — a life office, the successor of Muhlenberg. December 7, 1745, he married Anna Elizabeth Seidel. They had eight sons and three daughters. The youngest son, John Daniel, was for many years the pastor of the Lutheran church at Baltimore, and a man of great influ- ence. One of the daughters was the wife of Rev. Jacob Goering, known as the great preacher. Rev. J. N. Kurtz, D.D., took up his residence at Baltimore in 1792, and died there, May 12, 1794. Dr. Benjamin Kurtz, at one time editor of the Lutheran Observer, and very prominent in the General Synod, was a grandson. Rev. J. N. Kurtz took great delight in church music and gave instruction in singing to his congregations. Schier- enbeck declares him to have been the most learned and practical preacher of his day. He was a very fine Latin scholar. He also served as organist and secretary of the congregations, as well as being their pastor. In the dark days of 1777 he collected clothing and other necessaries for the soldiers. During the stay of Congress at York, he entertained Bishop White, then chaplain of Congress, the Spanish Embassador, then the French Em- 106 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. bassador, and finally, the member of congress from South Carolina. ii. Rev. John Albert Weygandt. The information concerning this man is rather meagre. It is derived almost entirely from the Halle Reports and Schierenbeck's sketch, which however seems to be entirely derived from that source. He was a native of Hanau. He had studied at Halle. He was employed by a party of emigrating Palatines at Frankfurt as their pastor. They sailed in the ship " Hampshire," Capt. Cheesman, from Rotterdam via Falmouth, reaching Phil- adelphia, Sept. 7, 1748. Many of them not being able to pay their passage, were sold to service, and so the congregation was scattered. Weygandt found himself without employment. He was cordially received by the Lutheran pastors. Rev. Muhlenberg took him to his house and employed him in instructing his catechu- mens at New Hanover. There being congregations at Redingtown, and other points of the Raritan district needing spiritual supervision, he was sent thither where he was visited the following year by Muhlenberg. Through the agency of Muhlenberg he now received a formal call from them to be their pastor. They have had a great deal of trouble with a certain Magister Wolf, one of "the irregular pastors," whom they had employed for life. Weygandt's call was therefore made a merely temporary one to continue only " so long as he should live and teach in accordance with the pure doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets and all our Symbolical Books." But the call was not placed in his hands, inasmuch as he was not ordained. It was locked up in the Church Chest by the elders of the congregation. He was furnished a Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 107 copy. In 1750 he was in attendance upon synod and preached before it. In accordance with the resolution of synod, he was ordained at Raritan in the fall of that year by Revs. Brunnholtz, Hartwick, Handschuh, Schaum and J. Nicholas Kurtz. At the same time the new church there was dedicated. In 175 1 he met Muhlenberg at Hackensack, N. J., and also in New York, where he supplied the latter's place for six weeks. Having received a call from those congregations he became pastor in New York and Hack- insack, 1753. As late as 1760 we find him in attendance upon synod and preaching there. It was he that recom- mended Rev. D. Schumacher to Pennsylvania. He had the usual experiences of ministers — difficulties in his congre- gation in New York. But he had become an invalid, and in 1767 he resigned as pastor in New York. He preached English, German and Dutch. From all this it is made manifest that J. Albert Weygand was Rev. Muhlenberg's assistant at New Hanover in a very limited sense and but a very short time. 12. Rev. Frederic Schulze. Rev. Frederic Schulze was born at Koenigsberg, the capital of the Province of Prussia, a strongly fortified city. After completing his preparatory studies, he entered the university at Halle, and then was for a time actively en- gaged in the Orphan's Home there. Having agreed to enter the service of the church in America, in company with Rev. Heintzelman, he set out from Halle, via London, in July, 1 75 1 . But it was deemed necessary that they should be ordained before leaving Germany, so that they might be empowered to perform necessary ministerial acts. Therefore they jour- 108 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. neyed via Wernigerode. They were examined, and July 1 1 they were ordained by the consistorium. They con- tinued their journey via Magdeburg, Stendal, Saltzwedel and reached Hamburg, August 4. On the eleventh they again entered ship and reached London, September 2. After a short time spent with Dr. Ziegenhagen, they again took ship at Gravesend, October 17, and after " a brief voyage of eight weeks reached Philadelphia." Here they were at once put to work by the senior pas- tors. Heintzelman was to assist Brunnholtz by teaching the school, and also by supplying his pulpit at Philadel- phia, as well as Germantown. Rev. Schulze settled at New Hanover, taking charge of the school and preaching there as well as in other congregations served by Muhlen- berg. The following year he also took charge of Gosh- enhoppen and preached there every two weeks. He also supplied Muhlenberg's entire field during the latter's ab- sence in New York, 1752. By agreement with the synod at its meeting in September, he removed to New Gosh- enhoppen, and the next year took charge of Indianfield also. But now he disappears from view. In 1759 neither his name nor that of these congregations is mentioned in the minutes and as early as 1762 they were served by Rev. Jacob Roth. From documents in the archives at Halle we learn that, not long after his arrival in this country, he purchased a farm, and likewise engaged in the practice of medicine, which he had studied. Dr. Francke also acknowledged that he had his doubts about the propriety of sending the man. In 1772 his name again appears as the pastor of the congregation at Lunenberg, Nova Scotia. Here he laid Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 109 down his office in 1782. Nothing further that is reliable is known of him. A statement in the Evangelical Review, Vol. XV., p. 173, without however giving any definite authority, declares that he died in 1809. 13. Rev. John Helfrecht Schaum. In company with J. N. Kurtz and Rev. Peter Brunn- holtz, Mr. Schaum came to America, via Hamburg and London. They set out July 1, 1744, reached London, November 29, and arrived at Philadelphia, January 26, 1745. His birthplace was Geissen, Germany. His father was the schoolmaster at Muenchholzhausen. J. H. Schaum was trained at Halle and completed his studies at the university there. He was a personal friend of Dr. A. H. Francke. Immediately upon his arrival he was employed as a preacher at Philadelphia. During 1746 and 1747 he also served as deacon or catechist at Somerset (Raritan), N. J. He received very detailed instructions — to preach not over half an hour, to catechize the young, the instructions not to exceed half an hour at a time. He was also au- thorized to baptize children and to solemnize marriages. In the spring of 1748, the congregation at York being vacant, he was sent there, and remained seven years. He was ordained in 1749 at Lancaster. The service closed with the Lord's Supper. In 1755 he removed to To- hickon, serving it with several congregations in the vicinity. In 1759 he went to New Hanover, and assisted Dr. Muhlenberg every four weeks, besides preaching in his own congregations at Oley Hills, Pikeland and Upper Dublin, the latter being twenty-seven miles from his residence. Not long after his home was at Pikestown, apparently the same no The New Hanover Lutheran Church. as Pikeland. In 1763 he had taken up his residence at Weidenthal, not Whitehall, as stated by Schierenbeck. It is not known that he ever served any congregations in that section. Weidenthal (Willowdale) is now known to have been only another name for Oley Hills. Rev. D. Schumacher so designates the place where some of his baptisms were performed, and where some of the confirmations took place. In one case he says simply at Weidenthal or Oley Hills, in another at Weidenthal, alias Oleyer Gebirge. Some of the people yet living also recall the fact, that even within the memory of the present generation the plateau from Lobachsville to Hill church was known by that name. He also served Moselem, Ontelannee (although possibly this is meant for the same congregation, or for Moselem and New Bethel in Albany Township), Maxatawny, now Kutztown, and Rockland, where he finally took up his residence and died. December 4, 1750, he married Anna Eve, daughter of Balthaser Pickel, an elder of the church at Raritan. She and her only child died in 1752. August 7, 1753, he married a second time, Mary Dorothea Stumpf, Lancas- ter, Pa. During his troubles at York, Pa., he had proposed to return to Germany, but was kept from doing so by the advice of Muhlenberg and others. His troubles were probably increased by his bodily infirmities. He never re- covered his health and vigor after his exposure at Raritan during his trip to the church dedication there. Upon this occasion his first marriage occurred. It was during this trip that he was compelled to spend an entire night in the open forest during December. The bodily infirmities brought on by this exposure — we presume it would be called sciatica now — always hampered him in his work. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 1 1 1 He died January 26, 1778, leaving a widow and six chil- dren. He was buried under the pulpit of the old church at Rockland. 14. Rev. John William Kurtz. Rev. John William Kurtz is almost universally known simply as William Kurtz. The writer himself did not know that his full name was John William until he acci- dentally came across the absolute proof of the fact. Being a younger brother of J. Nicholas Kurtz, he often went by the name of "the younger Kurtz." He came to America at the request of his older brother and with the approval of Dr. Francke. He taught school at York in 1756, and also supplied the pulpit of that congregation. In 1757 he was em- ployed by H. M. Muhlenberg as his assistant. In 1758 he was assigned to Tohickon. Here he seems to have re- mained until 1760. October 20 of that year, upon the ur- gent request of several congregations in Heidelberg (Berks and Lebanon most probably), who desired him to become their pastor, he was examined by the ministerium. No license is mentioned. Presumably, however, that was granted, although possibly it was not, as it was resolved to ordain him. The ordination took place at Lancaster in May, 1761, and he became the adjunct of his brother in the Tulpehocken parish. In 1763 he accepted a call to Earlingtown (New Holland) and Conestoga. The location of this latter point is uncertain. It might be in- tended for Robeson, or Allegheny, where there were Lu- theran congregations at the time, which for many years were connected with New Holland. But it might also be Bergstrass, or even Morgantown, Churchtown or Centre ii2 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Church, where the Lutherans certainly held services if they did not have regularly organized congregations. In this field he remained until 1779. Possibly too, as sug- gested by the Halle Reports, Vol. I., p. 232, during the* last few years he again assisted Muhlenberg at New Hanover. In 1780 he seems to have been without con- gregations. In 178 1 he settled at Lebanon, serving it and congregations west of it, i. e., Hill Church and Bindnagel's most probably, until 1794. Rev. Snyder, pastor at Hum- melstown, says he also served that congregation, 178 1— 1795. Schierenbeck, who is probably nearer correct, makes it 1781-1799. He probably also served the Sand Hill Church, about three miles south of Hummelstown, during the greater part of this time, as well as Jonestown, which was the Swatara Church transferred to the town in 1765. He also was pastor of St. Jacob's, about two miles west of Pinegrove, from the time of its organization until 1795. In 1794 he took up his residence at Jonestown, where he died, May 27, 1799. He is buried there. He was unusually well versed in the ancient languages. It is stated that at his examination he was directed to turn to the third chapter of First Corinthians, and render it in Latin, which he did without hesitation. He was then directed to read two Psalms in Hebrew. This he did, rendering them fluently and correctly in Latin. The Swedish Provost then examined him in regard to some doctrinal points, also in Latin. All these he answered clearly and satisfactorily in the same language. It was thereupon agreed that he should be ordained at the next convention of the ministerium. Notwithstanding all this he does not seem to have been very successful as a pastor, and his later years were embit- tered by the knowledge that he was not wanted by some of Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 113 his congregations. This may possibly have been owing to the fact that he obtained his early training in the almost cloistered solitude of the orphans' home, and not among the people in the everyday walks of life. 15. Rev. Jacob Van Buskerk. This man and Rev. Christian Streit seem to have been the first two native ministers of the Lutheran Church of this country besides the sons of Muhlenberg. Both were natives of New Jersey. The statements of the Halle Re- ports indicate that Rev. Buskerk was born February 9, 1739- As his name indicates, he was of Dutch descent. Be- tween 1680 and 1690 a colony of Hollanders had settled in that vicinity, generally known as the Raritan. They soon organized a Lutheran congregation. At the present day some Lutheran churches are to be found in that section — New Germantown and German Valley. The Van Bus- kerks were among the most prominent and influential families at that early day. The father of Rev. J. Van Buskerk, residing in the vicinity of Hackinsack, was a man of considerable means. For four years the young man studied under Rev. J. Albert Weygand, who had charge of the Lutheran churches in that part of New Jersey. October 12, 1763, he was ordained by the Swedish Provost Wrangel, and became an assistant of Muhlenberg at New Hanover; Schieren- beck says, as pastor. We confess we cannot explain to our own satisfaction why this man was ordained by the Swedish Provost, when others were ordained by and before the assembled synod. He served New Hanover and acted as Rev. Miihlen- 114 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. berg's substitute at the Trappe and at Zion, generally known as Pikestown, Chester Co., until 1765. Then he was called to Germantown, where he remained until 1769. Having received a call to Macungy, he removed thither, serving Salisbury, Saccum (Saucon) and Upper Milford in connection with it. Here he remained until 1793. He purchased a large tract of land near the Macungy Church, also a tannery. A large part of it is still in the possession of some of his descendants, the Singmasters. In 1793 he resigned this charge and removed to Gwyn- edd, serving it, Whitpain and Upper Dublin. Here he bought another farm. But in 1795 he returned to Ma- cungy, Salisbury and Saucon. He however continued to serve the Gwynedd charge in connection with that at Ma- cungy. He preached in the so-called Yellow Church, just beyond the limits of the village of North Wales, on the Sunday before his death, which occurred August 5, 1800. He was but sixty-seven years, five months and twenty-six days old. He was the father of twelve children. He made a copy of the liturgy or form of service then in use with his own hands. This and an imperfect copy made by Peter Muhlenberg are said to be the only origi- nal copies in existence. 16. Rev. John Ludwig Voigt (Focht). Rev. John Ludwig Voigt was born at Mansfield, Ger- many, November 9, 1731. After a regular course of training for the ministry he was employed for a time as a teacher at Halle. He finally became inspector of the German school there. He was then examined and ordained at Wernigerode and started with Rev. Krug for America, via Holland and London, where they arrived, November 14, 1763. They landed at Philadelphia, April 1, 1764. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 115 Rev. Voigt at once took charge of Germantown and Barren Hill. He left this field, December, 1765, and re- moved to New Hanover, and with it served the Trappe and Zion's, then known as Vincent, near Phoenixville. He seems to have remained here about twenty years. During the earlier part of his ministry here he apparently took care of the Hill Church likewise, which seems generally to have been connected with New Hanover, until about forty-five years ago. In 1786 he located at Piketown, or Zion's, and St. Peter's, not far distant. The latter congregation he had organized. He also served Pottstown, besides being Dr. Muhlenberg's substitute at the Trappe. December 28, 1800, when in his seventieth year, he died. He is buried close by the church. He was the seventh man sent from Halle to Pennsyl- vania. He preached Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg's funeral sermon. He was considerably annoyed by being charged with being a tory, having objected to unnecessary desecra- tion of his church when it was seized as a hospital. From Muhlenberg's own statements it is evident that he thought that the charge had no foundation in fact. This may be accounted for from the fact that during his pastorate at New Hanover the present church building was erected, and the same being then new he may have desired to protect its beauty as well as its sanctity, even though no longer the actual pastor of the same. 17. Rev. F. A. C. Muhlenberg. Although Frederic August Conrad Muhlenberg was equally prominent with his older brother, General Peter Muhlenberg, Jensen has no sketch of his life. The " Lu- n6 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. theran Almanac," 185 1, has a brief one and the Pennsyl- vania-German, Vol. III., No. 2, contains a very satisfac- tory one. He was born at the Trappe, Montgomery Co., January 2, 1750. After enjoying all the preparatory training which the schools of this country afforded, he and his younger brother went to Halle and spent nearly seven years at the University there. When Dr. Kunze was sent to this country, 1770, these two young men came back with him. Sprague, in saying that he was ordained be- fore his return, is plainly mistaken. In his diary he him- self tells us that he was ordained at Reading, October 25, 1770, by the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Penn- sylvania then known as the Evangelical Lutheran Minis- terium of North America. Whether it originated from the same source we cannot say, but a similar mistake as to his official position prevailed. The general impression was, and seems yet to be, that he was Rev. Christian Emanual Schulze's assistant in the Tulpehocken parish. He himself tells us that he was ordained as " Collabora- tor in the United Evangelical Lutheran church in Penn- sylvania." Not only did he occupy the field three months before Schultze came into it, but he drew up the call to the latter for the church council of Christ Church and for- warded it; and preached less than half a dozen times in Rev. Schultze's field after the latter settled at Stouchs- burg. He removed to Schaefferstown less than six months after Rev. Schultze came and confined his labors to that place, Warwick, White Oak, Manheim and subsequently to Lebanon. December 20, 1773, he removed to New York and preached his introductory sermon as pastor there on the fourth Sunday in Advent. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 117 While pastor here he took the preliminary steps for the organization of the New York Ministerium. But the beginning of hostilities made it necessary for him to leave this city. In May, 1776, he sent away his wife. In July he followed to his father's field. Here he became the as- sistant of his aged father and settled at New Hanover, taking charge of it, New Goshenhoppen and Hill Church. He also supplied Reading. In 1779 he was elected to represent Pennsylvania in the Continental Congress. He never returned to the active duties of the ministry. He was reelected. Subsequently he became justice of the peace for Skippack, Perkiomen, etc., and judge of Montgomery County. Later on he was made register and recorder of Montgomery County. He was a member of the state convention to consider the new federal constitution. He was made the presiding officer. He was also elected to the first Congress of the United States, and was elected Speaker. He was subsequently reelected several times. He likewise was made Speaker of the third Congress. Afterwards he was appointed reg- ister of the land office of Pennsylvania and located at Lan- caster. It is said that when there was a tie vote on the question of the use of German as the official language of Pennsylvania, he, as speaker, gave the casting vote in favor of English. His tombstone at Lancaster gives June 5, 1801, as the date of his death. He was therefore only a little over fifty-one years of age, a comparatively young man. He was married to Catharine Schaefer, daughter of one of the elders of the Philadelphia congregation. Six of his children survived him. He was president of the German Society of Pennsyl- vania from 1790 to 1797, and was also a trustee of the 9 n8 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. University of Pennsylvania. He was twice candidate for governor of Pennsylvania — in 1793 and 1796, but failed to be elected. 18. Rev. Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlen- berg, D.D. This was the youngest son of Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg. He was born at the Trappe, November 17, 1753. At first he attended the schools of Philadelphia. At the age of ten, together with his two brothers, he was sent to Germany to complete his studies at the University of Halle. Here he spent seven years. In 1770 he returned with his brother Frederic Augustus and Dr. Kunze. In October of the same year, at Reading, he as well as his brother, was ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Min- isterium of North America, then the proper legal title of the synod. He immediately became the assistant of his father, as well as third pastor of the congregation at Phil- adelphia. He retained this position, residing at Philadel- phia most of the time, until the British entered the city. His ardent patriotism made it unsafe for him there, and it became necessary for him to leave. In trying to get away in disguise, he came near being betrayed by a tory inn- keeper. He joined his father's family at the Trappe, where he filled the position at New Hanover, of his older brother, who had been elected to civil office. He also supplied Hill Church (Oley) and other congregations in Berks County. After the departure of the British he seems to have re- turned to the city. In March, 1780, he became pastor of Trinity, Lancaster, as Dr. Helmuth's successor. Here he remained thirty-five years — until his death May 23, 18 15, Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 119 in the sixty-second year of his age. He died of apoplexy, as did his brothers. He was the only one of Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg's sons who made the ministry his lifework, and he seems to have been proud of it. In the minutes of synod and elsewhere, when writing his own name, he was fond of putting it — Muhlenberg, the Preacher (der Prediger). He was known as a profound theologian — was well versed in the ancient languages, acquainted with medicine, chemistry and mineralogy. He was specially eminent in botany — " one of the foremost men of his day in that science and easily the foremost botanist in America." It is related of him " that on one of his botanical excursions on the mountains, he was stopped by a footpad who de- manded his money or his life. He handed his Bible to the robber, assuring him that it was his greatest treasure." " I suspected you were a priest, and might have known you were too poor to own a cent," was the response, " and he was left in peace." He left treatises on theology, morals and botany. The last named is widely known. He also prepared an Eng- lish and German lexicon and grammar of two volumes. In 1774 he married Catharine, daughter of Philip Hall, of Philadelphia. They had two sons, Henry A., for many years pastor of Trinity, Reading, and F. A., a prominent physician at Lancaster, whose son, also named Frederic Augustus, was equally eminent as a scholar, be- ing professor at Gettysburg, first president of Muh- lenberg College and for years professor of Greek in the University of Pennsylvania. Additional sketches can be found in the " Lutheran Almanac "of 1851 ; in Schieren- beck's " Biographies of Lutheran Ministers in Pennsyl- vania;" in Jensen's "Biographies," as well as in Profes- sor Stoever's sketches in the Evangelical Review. 120 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 19. Rev. Frederic Ernst. Little is known of this man. The Halle Reports, p. 644, state that he had studied at Strasburg, but omit all details. At the meeting of synod held in Tulpehocken, 1779, the minutes inform us that candidate Ernst's license was renewed and he was " exhorted to continue to apply himself to theological studies, and especially the ancient languages." Thus far we have failed to find an account of his first licensure as catechist. In the records of this (New Hanover) congregation we find that on Exaudi Sunday, Rev. Roeller confirmed a class of catechumens in- structed by " the catechist Fredr. Ernst." Evidently he acted as catechist and assistant in it from the time of his licensure until 1780. He was a married man, for his daughter Elizabeth was baptized here, June 18, 1780.1 But during this year he evidently removed to another field, for in 178 1 his address is Easton, and for several years thereafter Greenwich, N. J. Here he seems to have re- mained until about 1789-90. For we then find him at Maxatawny, with the Macungie congregation protesting that he should not be allowed to preach at Trexlertown and aid in establishing a congregation there. Conse- quently he left and settled at Hudson, New York. There he served congregations at " Loonenburg," Germantown, Churchtown and Livingston. During this time he also supplied Albany and for a time preached in New York city. Later on he seems to have removed to Cooperstown, whence he was called to be pastor at Elizabethtown, May- town and other congregations in Lancaster County. He preached his introductory sermon, November 28, 1802 — 1 One of his sons was the Rev. Wm. Gotthold Ernst, D.D., who was educated at Princeton, and pastor of Salem congregation, Lebanon, be- tween 30 and 40 years. He was also at one time President of Synod. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 121 first Sunday in Advent. He died at Manheim, Novem- ber 28, 1806. He is buried at Elizabethtown, Lancas- ter County. During his administration the first large brick church was built there. 20. Rev. Christian Streit. Evidently Rev. Christian Streit was the man who suc- ceeded J. Fr. Ernst in the pastorate. This is shown by this burial record: " Mrs. An. Mar. Christina Elizabeth Streit (The Pastor's wife), August 20, 1782." Rev. Streit was born in New Jersey, June 7, 1749. He studied at the College of Philadelphia, now the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1768. He pursued his theological studies under Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg. He was licensed in 1769, and ordained with the sons of Muh- lenberg in 1770. It is interesting to note that the first two native Lutheran ministers, besides the sons of Muhlen- berg, came from New Jersey. Mr. Streit immediately took charge of the congregation at Easton and labored there nearly ten years. He then became pastor of the church at Charleston, S. C. He in- troduced the use of English there. He was taken pris- oner at the sacking of Charleston and held until exchanged. He was now obliged to leave this field, and came to Vir- ginia. In July, 1782, he settled at New Hanover, where he remained until 1785. During this time he also served Hill (Oley) Church and Amityville. After this he removed to Winchester, Va., serving the congregation at that place with others in that vicinity, ex- tending over a circuit of about fifty miles. At first he preached both in German and in English. In later years he used the English language only. Here he labored 122 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. twenty-seven years. He died March 10, 1812, and was buried in front of the pulpit. He married, first, Anna Margaret Hoff, Charleston, S. C. The date of her death is given above. He married, second, Salona (Salome?) Graeff, of Philadelphia, Pa., February 19, 1783. She died in 1788. He married, third, Susan Burr, of Winchester. She survived him. By her own exertions she supported a large family, declining the offers of Christian friends to educate her children at their expense. Rev. Streit is said to have been passionately fond of music, often acting as his own organist. He is also said to have possessed a considerable degree of mechanical skill, and to have built a small organ for one of his congrega- tions. He was one of the men especially appointed by synod to train young men for the ministry. One of his granddaughters was the second wife of Dr. Charles Por- terfield Krauth. 21. Rev. Daniel Lehman. The information concerning Rev. Daniel Lehman in the Halle Reports is quite limited, and no reference is made to any connection with the congregation at New Hanover. But the congregation's record shows that he administered the Lord's Supper, June 10, 1786, May 17, 1787, Decem- ber 8, 1787, and in May, 1788. New Hanover is but eight or nine miles from Oley Hill Church, of which he was the regular pastor at the time. Rev. Lehman was born at Strassburg, April 15, 1754, came to this country from Germany about 1773. Very little is known concerning his early history. Being unable to pay his passage, he would, in all probability have been Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 123 sold to pay for it, had not Dr. Kunze advanced the amount and thus set him free. Being pretty well versed in the rudimentary branches, Dr. Kunze employed him as a teacher in his (Kunze's) seminary and at the same time gave him instruction in theology. Rev. Van Buskirk then employed him as a tutor in his family. Lehman also preached occasionally. This proved so satisfactory that some of the outlying con- gregations desired him to become their pastor. He was licensed in 1775 and ordained in 1778. After serving congregations in Lehigh County for some time, he was called to Trinity, Reading, October, 1778. Here he re- mained two years, possibly a little longer. Apparently he continued to supply Trinity about a year longer. It was evidently during his first residence at Moselem that he supplied New Hanover. In September, 1797, he was recalled to Trinity and con- tinued to serve it until April, 1801. Apparently, however, he seems to have retained some sort of connection with his former field during that time. Then he returned to Mose- lem, where he remained until his death, October 1, 18 10, at the age of fifty-six years, five months and sixteen days. He was buried in front of the pulpit in the Moselem Church. He himself tells us that during 1793 he served Mose- lem, Rockland, Kutztown, Windsor, Hamburg, Bern (i. e., St. Michael's), Braunschweig, two congregations in Albany, and Greenwich. He also served Oley Hill Church a part of the time. The Halle Reports say he also preached at Trexlertown, 1778-1784. Synod after- ward directed him to cease. Dr. Mann also declares that he served Allemaengel during his entire ministry. His characteristic was great plainness, almost bluntness 124 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. in preaching, and a strong voice, which Dr. Muhlenberg says, he " exercised very freely." 22. Rev. John Frederic Weinland. The birthplace of Rev. John Frederic Weinland was Roemhild in Franconia. During 1769-72 he studied at Halle. He was a teacher in the orphans' home. He decided to go to America, but bodily infirmities prevented. He returned home, became engaged as private tutor and preached occasionally. After repeated solicitations from Dr. J. Ludwig Schulze at Halle, he finally agreed to come to America. Ordained at Wernigerode, he came via Holland and reached Philadelphia, August 18, 1786. Elected at Ger- mantown, he served it until 1789. As early as 1787 his name appears as a member of the ministerium. In 1790 complaint was brought against him by a member of the Germantown congregation. Resting on a misunderstand- ing the matter was settled. At this time he resided at New Hanover, serving that congregation and the Trappe, and at the same time was also pastor at Amityville and Hill Church. Later, 1796-99, he served these congrega- tions again, but not the one at New Hanover. In reality he may not have been the actual pastor, but simply the assistant or substitute of Rev. Voigt. But he performed the pastoral work and on January 4, 1796, he calls himself the pastor of the congregation, " Der jetzige prediger." From 1790 to 1794 he was always present at the meet- ings of synod and took a prominent part in its transac- tions. But for some reason or other there was continued complaint against him. Whether these complaints caused loss of standing, or whether his patience gave way, we shall probably never know, but he continued to absent him- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 125 self and finally ceased to be a member. It may be that his name was simply dropped.1 But whatever the cause, in 1803 at Baltimore he applied for restoration and again, in 1804, at Easton, where he appeared personally to ask for re-admission. But he appears to have been with- out regular congregations at this time. Although there is no statement to that effect, he seems to have been re-ad- mitted at last. He again acted as pastor at New Han- over and Trappe, and we are told by the Halle Reports that there are many entries in the records there up to 1808. The same authority states that he is buried at the Trappe. Dr. Kretschman says that " Rev. Fred. Lobrecht-Herman, Reformed minister at New Hanover, preached his funeral sermon, which took place on February 7, 1807. He lies buried in the Trappe Lutheran cemetery in a forgotten grave. Five of his children were buried in the graveyard of the Swamp Lutheran Church. His wife, Susanna, sur- vived him, and on October 1, 1807, was married to Jacob Arms at New Hanover." 23. Rev. F. W. Geissenhainer, Sr., D.D. F. W. Geissenhainer, Sr., D.D., was a son of Henry A. and Sophia J. Geissenhainer. He was born June 26, 171 1, at Muehlheim, Germany. He was but three years old when his father died. He first attended a school in his native place, of which his grandfather was the princi- pal. From his youth it was his desire to be a theologian. At the age of thirteen he entered the University of Geissen. "The complaints were brought to Synod by Bernhard Gilbert, of New- Hanover, who states, among other matters, that it is Pastor Weinland'9 fault that he was excluded from the Church Council. It is also said that " the weakness to which Weinland succumbed, and which thereby became the ground of the charges against him, was his desire for strong drink." 126 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. At sixteen he had completed his course. Afterwards he spent two years at Goettingen. He then spent a short time as docent (private teacher). He was then called to become the pastor of two country, or village churches. Jensen says he was ordained then and there. After serv- ing these congregations about eighteen months, he came to this country with his brother, Henry Anastasius, in 1793. The next year he applied to synod for admission and received a full license. As his name first appears on the roll of the ministerium as an ordained minister in L798, it is not at all probable that he was ordained before he came to this country. His wife was Anna Maria Reiter, to whom he was mar- ried on May 27, 1794. He was brother-in-law to Rev. John G. Roeller, and father-in-law to Dr. Jacob Miller, subsequently pastor of this congregation and later of Trin- ity, Reading. He served the congregation at New Han- over from 1796 to 1808 and also New Goshenhoppen, Trumbauers and Scheetz, as well as the Hill church and others during his first residence in Pennsylvania. In 1808 he removed to New York city, taking charge of the con- gregation formerly served by Dr. Kunze. Six years later, 18 14, he resigned this congregation and took up his residence at Karthaus, Clearfield County, Penn- sylvania. He was interested in a land company, for the development of coal lands in that vicinity. During his residence here he looked after the spiritual interests of the Germans of this section. In April, 18 18, he returned to the eastern part of the state, settling in Chester County, where he assisted his son Frederic William, who was pastor at Zion's, Vincent Township, and St. Peter's, Pikeland. When his brother Henry A. gave up the congregations at the Trappe and Limerick to go to Pittsburg, they were Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 127 united with the son's parish. Then father and son served the four congregations. In April, 1823, he returned to his former congregation in New York, serving it until his death, May 27, 1838, "being exactly not only to the day of the month, but to the very hour of the day, forty-four years after his marriage. He was within less than a month of sixty-six years of age " (Jensen fr. Sprague). The title D.D. was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania. He prepared a number of young men for the ministry. Among these were his brother Henry A., John G. Roeller, subsequently married to his wife's sister, Dr. Jacob Miller, Fredr. Waage, (Bishop) Schwei- zerbarth, E. L. Braunsius, W. J. Eyer, Marcus Harpel, C. F. Welden, Fr. Miller, L. Schmidt, his own son, F. W. Geissenhainer,jr.,and his nephew, Rev. A. F. Geissenhainer. 24. Rev. Jacob Miller, D.D. Dr. Miller was the son of John Jacob and Hannah Miller. He was born in Goshenhoppen, Montgomery Co., Pa., December 11, 1788, and was confirmed by Dr. F. W. Geissenhainer, Sr., and studied under him for five years. After Dr. Geissenhainer's resignation and re- moval to New York, Mr. Miller entered the seminary in charge of Revs. Helmuth and Schmidt at Philadelphia, and there continued his studies. Having received a call in 1809 to become the pastor of Falckner Swamp (New Hanover), Goshenhoppen and Boyer's — apparently Boyertown — also of the Hill Church, and perhaps some other congregations, he commenced to preach. Upon the advice of the professors he agreed to preach every four weeks. It is not made quite clear whether this applied only to New Hanover or to the whole 128 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. field. Before the close of the year the call was renewed. Having been licensed in the meanwhile, he accepted the call. He remained in charge of this field a little more than twenty years, until succeeded by his brother Conrad Miller. Upon the resignation of Dr. H. A. Muhlenberg, Dr. Miller received a call to Trinity, Reading. At first he declined it. It was renewed and he came to Reading in May, 1829. In connection with Trinity he also served Sinking Spring, Alsace, Spiess and Schwarzwald, preach- ing in the country churches in the afternoon. Here he re- mained twenty-one years — until his death, May 16, 1850. The title of D.D. was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania in 1838. On March 22, 18 13, he married Anna Maria, the daughter of Dr. Geissenhainer. They had three sons and one daughter. The sons were all preparing for the minis- try, but their early death prevented them from entering it. The daughter became the wife of John Endlich, Esq., prominent in the history of the Lutheran Church of Read- ing. She was the mother of Hon. G. A. Endlich, now president judge of Berks County. She died quite recently. It is said that in personal appearance Dr. Miller bore a striking resemblance to Daniel Webster. He served a full term of three years as secretary of the synod, also a term of three years as its president. (From Sprague's " Annals " as quoted by Jensen.) 25. Rev. Conrad Miller. Rev. Conrad Miller was born in Upper Hanover Town- ship, Montgomery County, Pa., March 14, 1798. He studied under his brother, Dr. Jacob Miller, pastor of the Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 129 Swamp charge at the time. At the meeting of synod in 1 818 he was examined and received a regular candidate's license, having, at the beginning of the year, secured ad interim license, but only as a catechist. He was ordained a deacon at Lancaster, 1820. At first he had charge of New Store (Amityville) , Longswamp and the Hill Church only. Later on he suc- ceeded his brother as pastor of the New Hanover charge, serving New Hanover, Boyertown, Hill, Sassaman's and Keeler's. For a time he also served Christ (Oley) , Mose- lem, Huff's, Limerick and Pottstown. He took up his residence at Oley in 1825, either in the vicinity of the Oley Church, or at Friedensburg, and remained there until his brother, Dr. J. Miller, was called to Reading. He then moved to New Hanover. He preached his first as well as his last sermon at the Hill Church, which he served a little more than thirty-four years. October 9, 1852, he died of typhoid fever, aged fifty-four years six months and twenty-five days. Dr. Demme preached his funeral sermon. His widow sur- vived him many years, having died at Pottstown in Nov- ember, 1887, at the age of ninety-six years, one month and nine days. He was secretary of synod from 1832 to 1835 inclusive; secretary of the Missionary Society in 1838 and 39, and president of the synod 1841-44. He published a series of questions and answers for catechumens, which charac- terized his industry and zeal for the Christian instruction of the young as well as his conception of the doctrines of the church as he understood them. He possessed a strik- ing personality, was a popular preacher, and greatly be- loved by his parishioners. 130 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 26. Rev. Nathan Jaeger. Rev. Jaeger was born in Bucks County, March 20, 1820. He was a student in the preparatory department of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, 1839-41. He then took up the study of theology under Rev. J. P. Hecht, Easton. Together with Augustus Bergner, Peter L. Oberfeld and J. C. Schmidt, he was licensed by the ministerium of Pennsylvania at Pottstown, June 5, 1844. The former two passed away more than half a century ago. The last named died last year, only a month less than eighty- five years of age. He immediately took charge of Orwigsburg, Sommer- berg, Friedensburg, Klein-Schuylkill, Zion and McKeans- burg, Schuylkill Co., Pa. He was ordained at Orwigs- burg, June 10, 1846. December, 185 1, he took charge of Lykens Valley parish, then consisting of St. John's, Elizabethville, Huber's, Fetterhoff's, Miller's, Bear Gap, Uniontown and Stone Valley. Here he remained only one year. The following year he took charge of New Hanover, Boyertown, Sassaman's, Keeler's, Hill Church, etc. Then, in October, 1857, he removed to Bethlehem, taking charge of William's, Eckley, White Haven and Rockport. This field he occupied until i860. That same year he took up his residence at Mt. Bethel, serving that congregation and Flicksville in Northampton County, to- gether with Ross and Chestnut Hill in Monroe County. In March, 1863, he accepted a call to the congregation at Riegelsville, hitherto connected with the East Pennsyl- vania Synod. January 2, 1864, his horse having taken fright at a train on the railroad, he was thrown out of the vehicle and fatally injured. He died almost instantly. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 131 He left a widow, the daughter of Rev. Henry S. Miller, with eight children. In later years he was rather deeply involved in secular affairs. He was not successful in business. This led to failure, scandal and an investigation. Although cleared of intentional wrongdoing, he was censured for embark- ing in those worldly enterprises. While at New Hanover misunderstandings arose between him and his people which were of a serious nature; the trouble was finally settled in court. The chapter on the transactions of the church council explains this more fully. Rev. Jaeger, however, is said to have been a man of good parts. He was a good preacher, and an excellent catechist; surviving catechumens instructed by him, still praise his superior tact and ability in this direction. 27. Rev. H. Wendt. Henry Wendt was a native of Germany. He entered the ministry in 185 1. He was sent to Texas as a mis- sionary from the institution at Basle, together with a num- ber of others. In 1858 he came to Pennsylvania and took, charge of the Swamp or New Hanover parish, still con- sisting of New Hanover, Keeler's, Boyertown, Hill church and Sassamansville. After a few years he gave up Hill Church and Sassamansville and took charge of Pennsburg instead, serving it only a short time. He also served Emanuel's at Pottstown a part of the time, if not all the time. He remained in this field until the close of 1864 or the beginning of 1865. He then became superinten- dent of the orphans' home at Germantown. But as stated by the president of synod in his annual report, "in July (1867) strange and shocking reports concerning his conduct as superintendent of the home had 132 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. reached that officer, and the accused himself had called upon him and confessed wrongdoing . . . but denied the gravest and worst charges." After a full investigation of the affair, the president proclaimed his suspension in the church papers. The board of managers then had him arrested. He was tried at Philadelphia, found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for a number of years. What became of him afterwards is not known. There were rumors that at the expiration of his term he returned to his native land. It certainly was a sad ending of a promising career. The man certainly was gifted. 28. Rev. Abraham H. Groh. Abraham H. Groh was the son of Henry and Mary Groh, residing about two miles west of Myerstown, Leba- non Co., Pa. He was born June, 1838. The days of his boyhood were spent on his father's farm. He entered the preparatory department of Pennsylvania College in the fall of 1855, when but seventeen years of age. He grad- uated in i860. He took a full course at the theological seminary at Gettysburg. He was examined and ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania at Allentown, June 18, 1862. His father having become paralyzed, and during the last years of his life was absolutely helpless, he spent the first year at home, taking care of his invalid father. In July, 1863, he took charge of four congregations in what is known as Long Valley, Monroe County. A short time before the meeting of synod in 1865 he had accepted a call from New Hanover, Keeler's, Boyer- town and Emanuel's, Pottstown. His health was already failing, and he was the pastor of these congregations for less than a year. He was hardly able to serve so large a charge. He had been attacked by galloping consumption. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 133 He was only a little more than twenty-seven years old when he died. He was never married. As a preacher he ranked high, was very enthusiastic and gave promise for great usefulness in the church. 29. Rev. Leonard Groh, D.D. Rev. L. Groh's parents, grandparents and great-grand- parents, were all born in Lebanon, formerly Lancaster County. He was born August 18, 183$, at Schaeffers- town, Lebanon Co., Pa. His parents were Abraham Groh and Sarah, nee Strickler. After attending the com- mon schools, he entered the preparatory department of Pennsylvania College, 1856, and graduated in 1861. He entered the seminary at Gettysburg in the fall of the same year and was ordained by the ministerium of Pennsylvania, June 3, 1863, in St. John's Church, Reading. Soon there- after he became pastor of Quakertown, Bucks County, where he remained from 1863 to 1866. While his cousin, Rev. A. H. Groh, was an invalid he supplied his charge at New Hanover, Montgomery Co. After the death of Rev. A. H. Groh he was elected, April, 1866, as his successor, and on December 9 of that year he moved to New Hanover and had charge of it together with Boyertown from 1866 to 1886. Then he resigned the New Hanover congregation, and served St. John's (Boyer- town) alone from 1886 to 91. He removed from New Hanover to Boyertown in 1 87 1 . He then moved west and was pastor at Lincoln, Nebraska, from May 17, 1891, till 1895, and of St. Marks, Omaha from 1895 until now. From 1869 to 1876 he was a member of the board of trustees of Muhlenberg College, also president of the Third District Conference, 1885-88. He travelled ex- tensively in Europe and in Palestine. He received the 134 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. title D.D. from Susquehanna University in 1901. He is proud of the fact that he was baptized by Rev. Wm. Beates, long the senior of the ministerium; also that twelve or thirteen young men confirmed by him have en- tered the ministry; also that the first bequest for the or- phans' home subsequently located at Topton, came from St. John's, Boyertown, and was the probable cause of its establishment. April 4, 1870, he married Martha Schryock Hicks. She died in June, 1878, leaving him with three children. The oldest is a missionary in Honduras. In February, 1880, he married Hettie Hicks, sister of his first wife, who died in July, 1886. He married Amelia Saeger as his third wife, who accompanied him to his western home, where he is actively engaged in the Master's kingdom. 30. Rev. John Jacob Kline. Rev. J. J. Kline, the present pastor of the congrega- tion, was born at Rehrersburg, Pa., September 17, 1856. He is a son of Jacob E. and Catharine (Zartman) Kline. His father was the organist and school teacher there for many years. Palatinate College afforded him the opportunity for preparatory training for college from 1876 to 80. He entered the sophomore class at Muhlenberg College in the latter year and graduated June 28, 1883. The same year he entered the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadel- phia and graduated from it, June 15, 1886. On the twenty-second of that month he was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in Christ Church, Easton, Pa. Immediately thereafter he took charge of this con- gregation as its pastor. During August of that year, Christ Church (Huber's), Niantic, Pa., was added to the Biographical Sketches df Ministers. 135 charge. This congregation he served for nineteen years. He organized Trinity Lutheran congregation, Bechtels- ville, Pa., and supplied it for twenty-three years. In 1896 he organized Grace Lutheran congregation of Pottstown, Pa., which, with the New Hanover Congregation forms the present pastorate. ( 1 ) Rev. Andreas Rudman. It is now proposed to add sketches of the lives of a number of men whose relation to this congregation is some- what in doubt. That some of them acted as pastor, or as supply, or sub- stitute, cannot be questioned. Some of them may have been ordained min- isters. The position of others cannot be decided. It is also a matter of grave doubt whether some of them ever sustained any closer relation than that of a neighbor- ing pastor, or a member of synod coming in to fill a few appointments, or on a special occasion administering the Lord's Supper, when the congregation was without a regular pastor. The first of these men is Andrew Rudman, a Swede. He certainly visited this section, and almost as certainly held services here occasionally. For why should the Falckners try to become acquainted with the Swedish lan- guage, and why should Rudman try to become acquainted with the German, if theirs was only a casual meeting? But if they were cooperating in trying to found and build up a congregation, and if the Falckners attended Rud- man's services at Molatton, less than ten miles distant, so that the people might understand that they were 136 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. laboring for one and the same church, and for the estab- lishment of the same faith, the matter becomes quite plain. We are therefore clearly of the opinion that Rudman visited these people occasionally and used all his influence as a pastor to bring them together into a German congrega- tion, while the Falckners exerted their influence for him among the Swedes. Rev. Andrew Rudman was the first Swedish pastor, as far as known, at Molatton. He was one of the three — Rudman, Bjorck and Sandel — who ordained Justus Falck- ner in the Wicaco (Gloria Dei) Church, Philadelphia, 1703, the latter then going to New York to become pastor there. Falckner was sent as a substitute for Rudman, who had himself served New York and Albany several years, from 1702 to 1704, or possibly a little longer. As early as 1701 Rudman and others had been author- ized to take up ten thousand acres of land, virtually the whole of Amity Township. He was a native of Gestricia in Noorland. He was not very vigorous physically, in fact was almost an invalid. He was sent over with Erik Bjorck (Bjoerk) and Jonas Auren. They reached Phila- delphia in the summer of 1697, having landed in the south and come north overland, via Maryland. He was the provost or superintendent. He visited Molatton several times a year, during the earlier years, but later he sent his assistant to look after the congre- gation there. This congregation was also known as Man- atawny or Manathanim. Rudman was one of the four Swedish pastors who warned the congregation at Hacken- sack against the acceptance of von Dieren. He is also credited with the founding of the Lutheran congregation at Lunenberg, now Athens, New York. Advancement had been promised him in his native coun- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 137 try and he had received permission to return to Sweden, but after leaving Wicaco he tarried some time in New York. He then returned to Pennsylvania, took charge of an Episcopal congregation at Oxford and served it, to- gether with a congregation in Philadelphia, until his death, September 17, 1708. (2) Rev. Justus Falckner. We give a sketch of this man's life, not because he was pastor of this congregation, for we do not think that he ever sustained that relation to it, but because for two hundred years or more tradi- tion has linked his name with it. That tradition is repeated as sober history in the statement of the Halle Reports that he was ordained specifically to be its pastor. How a statement of that kind obtained currency among those who were sup- posed to have thoroughly traced events and facts to their sources, we cannot understand. The recital of the inci- dents of this man's life will show plainly that Dominie Justus Falckner removed to New York less than ten days after his ordination and never returned; in fact, that he was ordained for that purpose, i. e., to be the pastor of congregations in New York. Those congregations he served faithfully to the end of his days. Taking the statement credited to Dr. J. C. Kunzman in " Lutherans in all Lands," which is substantially a repetition of Dr. Sachse's declarations, as correct, Justus Falckner was not only the first Lutheran minister ordained 138 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. in this country, but the first Protestant minister ordained in the western world. This would show that this congre- gation is not only the oldest German Lutheran Congrega- tion in North America, but that it occupies the unique dis- tinction of being the first Protestant Church in that terri- tory to send forth from it a man to bring the tidings of salvation through Christ to others. Although not a pastor here, there seems to be no question whatever that he held his membership in this congregation and that as a student under his brother, in accordance with the customs then prevalent, he frequently preached for his brother. This fact itself may have given rise to the tradition that he had charge of the congregation. At that time the distinc- tion between services held by a " substitute " and those held by the regular pastor was not so marked as it is now. For the date of his birth, the place of his nativity, his parents and his early training we refer to the sketch of his older brother Daniel Falckner. When that brother made his well-known trip to Europe, his younger brother Justus, then a student, accompanied him upon his return. Per- haps it might seem to be taking too much for granted to assert that Justus Falckner came to this country in anticipa- tion of the call and ordination which subsequently came to him, but it is certain that he came with his brother when returning from his European trip, as a theological stu- dent, i. e., as one who expected to become a minister. Knowing this fact, as well as the additional fact that both the Falckners were on friendly terms with Rev. Rudman, while the latter was pastor at Molatton, and unquestion- ably repeatedly visited New Hanover, we can readily understand why Rudman looked to this place for a man to become pastor of the New York churches, in which he took so deep an interest. We can also easily under- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 139 stand why he (Rudman) was so earnest in urging Justus Falckner to accept that call. He evidently knew Falck- ner as a man of earnest piety, of scholarly attainments, and of noble character. He therefore urged him most earnestly to take up the work of a pastor among those people. It will not be necessary to quote even a part of the appeal which Rudman made to induce Justus Falckner to accept the call to this field, nor even to present an abstract of the letter in which Rudman, by an appeal to every motive which could induce an honest, God-fearing man to regard it as his duty to accept the call as coming directly from the Lord himself, tried to induce Justus Falckner to give heed to the call. Justus Falckner's stand- ing in the community may be judged by the fact that he had at one time been a burgess of Germantown. In response to this urgent call (to New York) Jus- tus Falckner consented to be ordained by the three Swed- ish pastors. It might be worth our while to note that in this act of ordination the three nationalities — Swedish, German and Dutch — took an active part. The three Swedes, Rev. Andreas Sandel, Rev. Erick Biorck and Rev. Andrew Rudman, the latter acting as vice bishop, by au- thority of the Swedish Bishops, performed the ordination. The German Mystics headed by Magister Kelpius took part in the rendering of the service, and the candidate was from out the German congregation. The call to Justus Falckner, in response to which the whole service was undertaken, had been extended by the Dutch. "The Ger- mans had come down from the Wissahickon to give eclat to the elevation of one of their number as a presbyter in the Lutheran Church." The Dutch had sent their earnest call to send a man to labor in the Lord's vineyard. The 140 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Swedes invested with authority from the home church, in its name, and in the name of the whole Lutheran Church, sent him forth as an accredited embassador of Christ. Dr. Sachse, therefore, very appropriately remarks " Wednesday, November 24, 1703, marks the date of the most noteworthy religious service ever held within the consecrated walls of the old Swedish Lutheran Church, Gloria Dei, at Wicacoa, in Philadelphia." He might justly have added that it was one of the most noteworthy in the history of the Christian Church of this country, it being the first ordination of a man from a congregation here to be a minister of Christ. Dr. Sachse fittingly adds : The historic importance of this occasion will become even more apparent, when we recall the fact that this was the first regular ordination of an orthodox clergyman in Pennsylvania, if not in the western world, of which we have any authoritative record. This is essentially the same as Dr. Kunzman's statement. Dr. Sachse also says : The name, history and story of this humble German Pietist, Justus Falckner, the first of the many saintly men to come to this Province from the Halle institutions, is still kept in bright remem- brance, and the story of his life and labors furnishes one of the brightest pages in the religious history of New York and Penn- sylvania, which are now the two greatest commonwealths in the American Union. We will not repeat the detailed description of the ordi- nation service. That is fully given by Sachse in Chapter VI., " Justus Falckner, Mystic and Scholar." In sum- ming up the result of the man's labors, Sachse adds : Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 141 The reader may ask: Did the newly ordained pastor keep his sacred ordination vows? This the sequel of our sketch will show. It may, however, be permitted here to say without anticipation, that no more active, disinterested and pious clergyman ever labored among the Germans and Dutch during the trying colonial period than this same Justus Falckner. Dominie Falckner at once made preparations to enter upon his new field of labor. He arrived in New York city on Thursday, the second of December, or just eight days after his ordination. After preaching on the third and fourth Sundays in Advent, he was accepted as their regular pastor by the oldest Lutheran congrega- tion in America. It is possible that he may have preached his first sermon as an ordained minister at New Hanover on Sunday, Nov- ember 28, and this would also have been his farewell ser- mon to his native congregation. His parish extended from New York to Albany and afterward to all the German congregations along the Hudson and in East Jersey. It might also be in place to add that Dr. Sachse asserts very emphatically that the old- est systematic Lutheran Church record in America was made by Rev. Justus Falckner. Under date May 26, 17 17, it is recorded that " on Ro- gate Sunday, he was joined in holy matrimony to Gerritge Hardick, a native of Albany County, New York." His last baptism was recorded September 4, 1723. Rev. Knoll has made a memorandum in the records of the Lu- theran Church at Newburgh: " Pastor Justus Falckner, deceased, Anno 1723." He therefore labored in this field for twenty years. He never labored in any other. The circumstances, date and place of his death and burial are not known. 142 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. (3) Rev. Andreas Sandell. Rev. Sandell is one of the men concern- ing whose relation to this congregation there is no very definite information. About the only thing that is positively known is that he visited the place and found a congregation there, in charge of Rev. Daniel Falckner, in 1704. He speaks of the matter in such a way that we might readily come to the conclusion that the congrega- tion had existed for some time. While there is no positive information to that effect, all the circumstances seem to indicate that he looked after the affairs of the congregation from the time of Rev. Daniel Falckner's removal to New Jersey until the time when Rev. Gerhard Henckel became the pastor here. His parish, Molatton, was not more than ten miles distant, and there was such a friendly feeling and relation between these people, the Germans at New Hanover and their Swedish neighbors, that we should naturally expect that if the former were without a regular pastor the latter would interest themselves in their behalf, just as in later years, when the Swedes were without regular pastors, the Germans interested themselves in their behalf., We know that Revs. Hesselius and Gabriel Falk did so, and we think it would be a safe conclusion to suppose that Rev. Sandell had done the same. Rev. Andrew Sandell was the immediate successor of Rev. Rudman as pastor and superintendent of the Swedish Churches. We are told that, " he entered upon his duties March 29, 1702, was very active and energetic and brought about a more stable organization of the congre- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. H3 gation." June 25, 17 19, he set out upon his return to Sweden. At first he was Rev. Rudman's assistant, and then he became his successor as superintendent. During his pas- torate at Wicaco he also looked after the spiritual interests of the congregation at Molatton, which seems to have been treated as a mission or chapel of the parent church. Apparently he also cared for New Hanover during this time. He would seem to have had the care of Wicaco, Molat- ton, Neshiminy and other points from 1702 to 17 19. Ap- parently, however, the up country churches had to be satis- fied with such limited services as he could give them. If there is an account of his position and activities sub- sequent to his return to Sweden, we have failed to find it anywhere. (4) Rev. John Caspar Stoever, the Elder. nenronroroiBro Tnere are °nly a ^ew things concerning the first five years of this man's residence in America that are clearly established. The first is that he arrived at Philadelphia in the ship "Goodwill," September n, 1728. He had entered his own name as missionaire (mis- sionary), and that of his son as Theol. Stud., a theological student. The next is that he almost certainly settled somewhere in Pennsylvania and remained there until he was called to be the pastor of a German congregation in Virginia. mum umiiiiifiiii 11 uiu mum si-B^iii id UEQ I. I IIIIJI II - t II || Hint Jfl 1 1| nil nr 1 ; VWr iiiiu I 111 ii iiOjiAi % ids * ! =1111 f iMirryt f null 1 imiuiin n lam luuiinyUfUll U inn llllll ■ (I II III III! iJU; v ■■ iii ■ MM I lllllllll 11 IUI 144 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. The Halle Reports imply, although not stating so ex- plicitly, that the younger Stoever at once made his home at the Conestoga, near New Holland. Is it not natural to conclude that when a father and a son, the son being still in his minority, settled in a particular place, it was the father who settled there? We therefore think it should be plain to everyone that the John Casper Stoever that settled there at that time was the " Missionnaire" and not the Stud. Theol. Possibly we might be met with the objection that he performed so many baptisms from 1727 on. But by whom were they performed, by the boy of nineteen to twenty years of age, or by the ordained minister? Where is the evidence that these early bap- tisms, or any of those occurring the first five years of their stay, were performed by the younger man? While it may be true that the younger John Caspar Stoever was not overstrict in the observance of church reg- ulations, still it would be a very bold thing to assert that he travelled all through the country, baptizing without license and without being ordained, for almost five years. It seems to be far more natural to suppose that most of these early baptisms, if not all of them, were performed by the elder Stoever, as he was an ordained minister. The younger man would hardly have under- taken it. But the fact stated by Dr. Schmauk, that their handwriting is so nearly alike as not to be readily distinguishable, would give the color of reasonable prob- ability to this opinion.1 Over and above all this, the statement of the younger Stoever in a number of his 1 Since this was written the original German will of the elder Stoever has been examined very carefully and there is certainly a very striking resemblance in the handwriting, especially in the formation of pp. final s and final e, which are altogether unique in both cases. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 145 records, fairly implies that some of the entries may not have been his own acts. Some of the baptisms, as shown by the records, were performed on the ocean. Now a boy or young man a little over twenty years of age would almost certainly not perform them while his own father, an ordained minister at that, was present to perform the office. Should the question be raised as to why the elder Stoever did not take all these records along, it would seem to be a sufficient answer to say : they belonged to these con- gregations, and it would have been worse than useless to carry them to Virginia. More than this, the son became the father's successor in this field. It is plainly implied in the statements of the Halle Reports, and the statement seems to be correct, that steps looking to the organization of congregations here were taken before the younger man married and settled here. We are very much inclined to think that when the younger Stoever was ordained, it was more with a view to being in a position to build up a charge for himself in this section than to supply the congregations served by Rev. John Christian Schulze. A supposition of this kind certainly would explain fairly well the difficulty oc- casioned by the fact that there is so little evidence that the younger John Casper Stoever acted as the regular pas- tor of these congregations, New Hanover, Trappe, Ger- mantown and Philadelphia for any length of time. In addition to all this there is the added fact that in a few months — almost certainly not more than three — after his ordination, and apparently very shortly after his father's removal to Virginia, he took up his residence where his father has had his home. In a note on John Caspar Stoever, Sr., found among documents in possession of the late Dr. F. J. F. Schantz, 146 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. there is a sketch of his life by a certain A. G. Grinnan. In that it is stated that J. C. Stoever, of Virginia, was twice married and had issue by both wives. According to the son's statement his mother's first name was Gertrude. Ac- cording to Mr. Grinnan's statement the second wife's given name was Mary Magdalene. According to the same au- thority his estate was divided among five children, John Caspar Stoever, pastor of Lutheran churches in Pennsyl- vania, Elizabeth, Philip Stoever, — Stoever and Mary Magdalene. The will is among the court records at Phil- adelphia, and a copy is filed at Charlotteville, Va. Mr. Grinnan also describes Rev. Stoever's collecting tour in Germany, with its varied experiences. He also claims for him that he was an accomplished linguist. Dur- ing his collecting trip, at Dantzig he met Rev. Klugh, who afterwards became his successor as pastor in Vir- ginia. But the man took sick on the ocean on his return trip from London to Virginia. He had secured a " number of valuable donations for his church, e. g., 300 panes of cut glass,1 300 pounds of putty," etc. He advised his son living in Pennsylvania, To write to the minister of Prince Darmstadt's Court to send a new minister over, and to do his best to keep up other corre- spondence spiritual and temporal in Germany, that they may send over other collection money, which was to be expected from friends in the old country. Rev. Stoever desired his son to send for three of the church wardens of the Lutheran Church to come to his home in Penn- sylvania, at Conestoga, and to keep Michael Schmidt there, until they came, and with his aid to divide properly all money, books, goods and plate ... to the satisfaction of the wardens. *The will says ioo. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 147 It seems a sum was left over, which began the endow- ment of the church. It almost seems as if the man had also made collections for the benefit of his son's churches in Pennsylvania. We have introduced many of these matters not so much because they belong directly to the history of this congre- gation, as to indicate that much information which has not been used is available in regard to both of these men. This information would throw much light on the history of those early days. But we have introduced enough to show that the records at Philadelphia plainly prove that the two Stoevers were father and son, and that their names are so entered upon the public documents. The facts also seem to indicate that there is not only a possi- bility, but a strong probability that the elder Stoever first took, up his abode at Conestoga, his son — a minor, re- siding with him. They also seem to show that there is at least a fair probability that the younger Stoever was or- dained with the consent, if not at the request of his father, to be his successor in that field, in view of the father's change of residence. Last of all, the statements and facts known would indicate that as soon as the father had va- cated the field the son moved in and occupied it, taking his place and continuing the work which the father had com- menced. It looks very much as if many, if not nearly all, the baptisms performed prior to 1733, were those of the father and not those of the son. Possibly the dis- covery of additional facts may some day throw more light on the subject. If allowed to construct an itinerary and " cursum Vitae " of the two Stoevers, we would present the following : Dur- ing the winter of 1727-8, or, more probably, in the follow- ing spring, Rev. John Caspar Stoever, Sr., with his 148 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. family, including his oldest son, the father's namesake, who was now twenty years of age and a student of theology, set out for America. September 11, 1728, they landed at Philadelphia. The father, taking his entire family with him, settled at Conestoga, near New Holland. Having come to this country with the evident purpose of preaching the gospel, and building up con- gregations, he preached and performed ministerial acts wherever opportunity offered, at the Trappe, at Phila- delphia, at New Hanover, at Moselem, at Oley Hills, Dorm (Durham) Furnace and various other points, ex- tending through Maryland into Virginia. He also endeavored to gather and organize Lutheran congrega- tions in the more sparsely settled sections in the interior, where he made his home, at New Holland, Lancaster, Muddy Creek, Little Tulpehocken, Hill and other points. While the father was thus engaged, the son still pursued his studies and probably rendered his father whatever assistance he could as a student. The son applied to the Swedes for ordination, but for some reason or other, pos- sibly because he was not a university student, and possibly because he had only his father's recommendation, they seemed to doubt his fitness. He also applied to Rev. Dan- iel Falckner, who likewise declined to ordain him. We can readily see reasons other than a question as to personal fitness or capacity for this refusal. But now circumstances became different. Rev. John Caspar Stoever, the father, receives a call to Virginia, and this whole territory will be without the services of a Ger- man pastor. Rev. John Christian Schultze is about to go to Europe to collect funds for his congregations, and also to interest the German people in their brethren in the faith living in this country. The whole German popula- Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 149 tion will then be without the services of a Lutheran minis- ter. That state of things could not and would not be sat- isfactory. The two men conclude that the remedy lies in the ordination of this young man who is now twenty-five years of age, and supposed to be able to take care of him- self and to look after the interests of the church. Pri- marily he was to be the pastor of Muddy Creek, New Holland, Lancaster, Hill, Tulpehocken, etc., But being the only ordained German minister in Pennsylvania he was to look after and care for the churches which Schultze left without any pastor and which the elder Stoever had evidently served before. That he did visit and look after these churches as often as circumstances would permit, is, we think, not questioned. That he did not reside among them is also known; for soon after his ordination, he re- moved to the more distant field and had his home there until his removal to Lebanon about 1760. As to the time, place and circumstances of his ordination we need not say much. He himself tells us that it oc- curred April 8, 1733, about the time his father left for Virginia. The place he does not mention, but he does say that his marriage took place in connection with the or- dination service. Now what would be more natural than that the son should be ordained and married in the father's presence at or near his home? And there is really no ground for any other supposition than the statement of the bitterly partisan missive called the " Confusion von Tulpe- hocken," which seems to have been issued with the sole purpose of maligning Stoever's character. Muddy Creek is almost certainly the oldest of all those churches, and unless we are greatly mistaken it was the principal congregation at the time. It was here that Schultze baptized children during April, 1733. Would 150 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Schultze have come all that distance less than a week before their own pastor was ordained? What business had he to do it after that? The son now settled at Conestoga : according to all the evidence the very place the father had occupied. The father spent five years with his congregation in Vir- ginia. Then he set out on his collecting tour to Europe, whence he never returned to his people. After his ordina- tion the young man undoubtedly visited his father a num- ber of times in his far distant home. This is shown by the record of baptisms performed at Monocacy, Opequan and points further south. He evidently also made a num- ber of trips in that direction after his father's death in 1738. The remainder of their history, especially that of the younger man, is elsewhere given. It might further be added that the will of John Caspar Stoever of Vir- ginia, of which we append a copy in a note, appointing his " beloved son John Caspar Stoever of Conestoga " his ex- ecutor, also declares that he expected his son to succeed him as pastor of the church in Virginia. Why this did not happen is not recorded.1 1 Copy of the Will of John Caspar Stoever, dec'd. In the Name of the Holy Trinity, Amen. Since the great God hath determined an end for all mankind, although the manner and hour thereof by none is foreknown, yet he sendeth some- times messengers of sickness, by whom he calls us to consider his saying: Set thine house in order for thou shalt dye (die) ; which I also have experi- enced in (on) my sea voyage from England to Pennsylvania, and thence to Virginia. I have so (to) set in order two great (important) House affairs, both concerning the House of God (the affairs of the House of God, as well) as my own family. I will therefore begin on (at) the chiefest as the House of the Lord (at the House of the Lord as the chief). The articles of agreement (contract) with my congregation, and the cer- tificate from the Governor to his Brittanic Majesty of Williamsburg (the certificate of the Governor of Williamsburg to his Brittanic Majesty), to (do) testify of (on) whom I depend, and what I and my companions after Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 151 (5) Rev. Lucas Rauss. This man was one of the assistants of Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg, or a sub- stitute, as Dr. Muhlenberg sometimes denominated those men. As this sketch will show his was a very checkered career. He was born October 18, 1724, near Cronstadt, Siebenbiirgen. His father and his grandfather both were ministers. The latter attained the age of ninety, and being blind, obtained his education by hear- ing others read. His grandfather was also named Lucas. His mother, Justina, was a minister's daughter. The father died when Lucas was about ten years old. His maternal grandfather suffered greatly during the Hun- garian dynastic struggles. Lucas was sent to school when only three years old. Afterwards he attended the gym- the finishing of the collections on such long and very dangerous journeys for our faithful sincerity should enjoy. (The German says: "and what I, after having finished the collections, and goods presented, shall enjoy (or receive) for the faithfulness and uprightness in this great (long) and most dangerous journey.) Michael Holdt hath truly accompanied (did in- deed accompany) us to Danzig, but what wicked knavery he hath raised (commenced) there against us, and what damage in our collecting affairs (by the ministry) in London on his return there he has caused cannot be restituted to this congregation with 400 pistoles. (The German says: that Mr. Holdt in going back to London damaged their collections to an extent which could not be replaced or requited to the congregations by 400 pistoles.) Yea how through him and his wicked mouth, that blessed institution when a (well) learned man Master George Samuel Klugh by the heartbending (directing) grace of God, hath fully resolved, and in Elbingen as a (the) second minister (pastor) to his (this) congregation the calling (call) accepted, and further in Danzig confirmation received for whose maintenance in his journey from thence to London we have paid 400 Elbingen or 200 Dutch Florins according to the currency in the empire and for reason of the many recommendations from a great many 152 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. nasium at Cronstadt. In 1743 it had been agreed upon that he should attend the university at Halle, but instead of that he was sent to the gymnasium at Presburg. There he heard much about the Pietists, frequently denunciatory. Apparently of an unstable disposition, and infected by the martial spirit of the times, after wandering around, he high Lords, both spiritual and temporal, as from other great merchants, our full and abundant confidence was further confirmed, that the great God would prosper our collections so far, that constantly two ministers without the least charge to the congregation could (have) been main- tained and, likewise, a church and other unto the worship of God neces- sary buildings would (have) been erected. This mentioned is not said with the least intent (that), we either have (we or) Michael Schmidt would draw that part or share due to Michael Holdt (wh. was Michl Holdt's), during the time he has been with us to our use: but we find it requisite in our conscience to consider it in the Lord, whether not such ought to be restored to the congregation as to whom chiefly it is a great detriment, of his mischiefs (tricks) acted to the great loss of the con- gregation can issue an oath to be assured by Michael Schmidt, a man of a good conscience, and when I this should confirm with my death, I hope credit will be given to my words as also to the correspondency held with Master Ziegenhagen. Now unto my well beloved son John Caspar Stoever, Minister of Conestoken, unto thee and Michael Schmidt do I give full power to do thy earnest endeavor for the estate of this church, and especially the well ordering of Divine Service with all thine (thy) con- science, so as we have begun it in the Lord and if these (this) beloved congregation would call thee for their minister, in my place, thou oughtest to accept of it, in case thine conscience be not hurted thereby: therefore as soon as thou hearest anything of a (from this) Mich- ael Schmidt, go to Philadelphia, and assist him as good as pos- sibly to bring unto thine house him and his and mine goods, and two other families going along to Virginia: this done send directly an ex- press messenger for the other (three) remaining church wardens (deacons) by (of) the congregation, desiring them by way of a letter to go (come) speedily for to hear the General Letters of Attorney, which thee has received, likewise the account of mine and Michael Schmidt's concerning the whole congregation according to the memorials (state- ments) set down in the congregation books, as also in other letters not inserted into the collection books, and also especially in a small Ham- bourger Alminack wherein I have set down many great and small sums in Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 153 went to Perth. Finding no way of supporting himself there, he was kindly cared for by a casual friend. He finally reached the University of Jena, where he spent two years, his family aiding him. Then he went to Nord- hausen and had his usual experience — out of funds and without friends. He then found his way to Amsterdam, the Latin tongue, belonging to the sums received. Then make in the presence of the church-wardens according to the agreement the portions belonging both to the congregation, to me, also to Michael Schmidt, and let everyone of the church-wardens have two shillings Virginia currency per diem out of the church portion. Thou canst also certify the whole congregation in Virginia, that if they would elect some members to see the collect affairs settled, they might have liberty though without charges to the congregation. Send also letters along to my wife and children, be- cause thou hast likewise full orders, what thee shouldst distribute for a patrimony to herself and to all my children that they may come together with the church-wardens. There is in ready money four sealed packets, each of it containing 200 Pistoles, amounts to eight hundred pistoles, — when therefore the contingent of the congregation is accounted, then ought that, what I and Michael Schmidt have laid out for the congrega- tion, unto us be restituted: It is further to consider that from the for the congregation collected books, as likewise from a silver cup and small plate thereon we ought to have our share also; I did send from Ham- bourg unto John Henning Carstens of London a great chest full of books, therein was contained volumes of Luther's Works written in Wittenberg, one volume more I bought to it, but the last volume I could not get to buy. A great many books was in it for the congregation, for my use was in it Speneri consilia in three volumes, many new books unbound as to wit, Paffy (Paff's?) great (large) Bible, an Hebrew Dictionary, Buddai (Buddai's) Moralia, Dutch, Michaeli's Hebrew Grammar, Longy (Long's) Greece (Greek) and Latin Grammar, and others more unbound in the chest I paid for. But she (it) had the misfortune to be in a shipwrecking vessel. But I received from the above mentioned John Henning advice, that the chest by the grace of God was saved, but should (would) be sold in a short time, then he would buy her again for me, which he has done with about 36 shillings Sterling money. — the chest now is in London and you ought therefore to send immediately by letters to the above John Henning desiring him, that by the first opportunity he would be pleased to send the chest over to thee with the offering that he who did bring the chest, should of his money laid out, have gratefully restituted. The other 154 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. but was coldly received. Thence he went to Rotterdam, faring no better. Finally he made his way to America, ar- riving in the fall of 1749. Here Rev. Brunnholtz found him and kindly made arrangements for the payment of his passage, fifteen pounds. The captain had threatened to take him to the West Indies and sell him into slavery to books belonging to the congregation are all packed up in Michael Schmidt's chest. We also got a great many more books or gifts from the booksellers in Leipzig and Strasburg, but since they was of no service to the congregation we have (ex) changed them with a bookseller in Frank- fort for 200 Frankforten hand books, I and Michael Schmidt got bound for the congregation. The others which we have got at Strasburg which (we) have (ex) changed in Darmstadt for song books with great (large) letters for the benefit of the congregation from these ought to be restored us in the first place, what we have laid out for them, and secondly, we ought to have one portion on it likewise where we have endeavored to get advance to preserve currency — as I have marked it in the congrega- tion books by the conclusion of the Hamburger and Lubecker Account: and it is also no more but reasonable that where we was obliged to give advance we also should have it repaid, and these again as soon as we came to Leipzig and down to Lawenbourg until the end of the congre- gation, where the advance did amount (to) five p. cent. Lastly have I and Michael Schmidt bought in Plymouth a hundred pieces of cut window glass, packed in six chests with three hundred pounds of putty, for to fasten the glass in the wooden frames, and have paid for it according to the writings the sum of 25 pounds and 10 shillings Ster- ling, which sum as likewise ought to be returned by the congregation. What more is necessary to know in this affair confer with Michael Schmidt and the writings, which together can give you light in (regard to) all these things: Call for assistance hereto unto God the Giver of Wisdom and understanding with a pure heart, that he might (may) plentifully fill thine heart with heavenly wisdom when in such manner the whole account is settled. Then cause a writing to be made by the neces- sary magistrate or clerk of court of Evidence, that it may appear before all the world and then give every one his Portion belonging to him. Further observe as much (as) lies in thine power this congregation her preservation and her true rest. Write on her behalf unto Master Fres- enium, the minister of Prince Darmstat's court and desire him to send in case of necessity a new minister over here and do thine best to uphold correspondency with spiritual and temporal in Germany that they may Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 155 reimburse himself. Rev. Brunnholtz took charge of him agreeing to furnish board and clothing. In return he was to assist in teaching and preaching. Brunnholtz testifies that he was gifted as a preacher, well versed in the classics and in philosophy. He filled the position of assistant to Brunnholtz and Muhlenberg for a short time. Then as send over to thee the collection money which from there is yet to be ex- pected : of him have I bought besides other books, Longens Light and Right, one part thereof faileth, write to him and he will assuredly send it to thee. Concerning the goods, which I and Michael Schmidt have bought, some of it belongs to me and to him ; some other to him alone, but some and the most for me alone, Michael Schmidt as I hope will all truly and sincerely remember. Finally there is these letters of Attorney my wife and children, and do nominate thee herewith once more, that thou the gift I have herein to everyone bequeathed truly and faithfully distributest. Firstly as touching my beloved wife : it shall be given to her all what she has on catties, horses, swine and all other living creatures, all household stuff, bedding, pewter, copper, iron, linen, in short (she) shall give nobody any account in the least of these things, notwithstanding with these conditions when she during my absence had behaved herself as an honest woman ought to have done, that she both my office and honor with her scandalous tongue hath not blamed or slandered and therewith great offence given. In such like cases shall all from the greatest to the Smallest even unto the Clothes of her Body be snatched away from her; since she all from me derived, and shall be added to the Gift bequeathed by me unto the Chil- dren. All things then what I leave behind me, be it in money, Silver, Linen, Clothes, Beds, and other Sort of Goods what I have, shall be counted together in one Sum and shall among my beloved Children be equally divided and given unto them; but those out of Second Wedlock, shall receive nothing into their hands, until they have reached their re- quisite age. Thou My Dear Son shalt observe them heartily for their Education both in Christianity as their Livelihood from their money which thou hast in possession, if thee canst not turn it otherwise, give them the yearly Interest: Here hast thou my beloved Son the full Letters of Attorney and power, what I desire of thee: God grant thee Wisdom and Understanding and grace plentifully for Jesus Christ's sake and keep thine heart from all fraud and Falsehood Amen Amen. That I this afore writing with good understanding and Christian Fatherly Love, from me hereunto subscribed, through the Schoolmaster 156 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. a test, they sent him to take charge of Rev. Hartwig's field near Albany, New York. He seems to have tired of this very soon and returned to Pennsylvania. They then decided that the only thing to be done was to ordain him — " they were constrained to ordain him " — but it is not stated in what the necessity consisted. He and Rev. Schrenk were ordained at the Trappe, November 5, 1752. In addition to the work of assisting Muhlenberg and Brunnholtz in preaching, he was given charge of the " Filial at Pikestown," about seventeen miles away, and of Colebrookdale, very evi- dently the Hill Church. He commenced the " Church Records " of this latter church. According to Schieren- beck, who gives Brunnholtz as his authority, his poverty must have been very great. He then bought himself a farm, but being too poor to stock it and having little John Ebegrt (Ebert) upon Sea in my Sickness is written with my own hand and acknowledged and with the following evidences for the Sub- scription is now Sealed: John Caspar Stoever Minister of the Dutch Lutheran Church in Virginia. Michael Schmidt, William Missing, John Ebert. I have examined the foregoing with the original In the Dutch Lan- guage— and I believe the same to be a true translation to the best of my knowledge as Witness my hand this 20th Day of March 1738 — Christian Grassold. Philadelphia March 20, 1738. The above named Christian Grassold upon his solemn confirmation according to Law did Declare that the fore- going is a true translation of the Original Will of John Caspar Stoever written in the Dutch Language, according to the best of his knowledge. Coram Pet. Evans, Reg. Genl. Thus endorsed on the Original, viz.: " Philada. The Twentieth March 1738 The last Will and Testament of John Caspar Stoever deed., was proved in due form of Law and Probate and Letters Testamentary were granted to John Caspar Stoever Sole Executor therein named being first legally Sworn well and truly to administer the said Deced. Estate." Registered at Philadelphia in Will Book F, pages 96 and 126, etc. Note. — This stiffly literal translation has been copied regardless of sense or construction. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 157 knowledge of farming, his prospects did not become brighter. August 7, 1753, he married Anna Sophia Gemling, said to have been a very respectable servant (Redemptionist) . When Rev. Schaum failed to keep the congregation at York together, Rauss was recommended. At first he ac- quiesced in the arrangements, then he declined. Finally he went very unexpectedly and took charge of the con- gregation. But now he turned against Muhlenberg and the synod, which he afterwards abandoned. May 19, 1761, he even brought formal charges against Rev. Muhlenberg. These being laid before synod and investigated, were found to be groundless. In his defense Muhlenberg describes Rauss as being un- stable, capricious, suspicious, not over truthful and, above all, lacking in sound discretion. In 1763 the congregation at York dismissed him. But his family remained con- nected with the congregation of which he was no longer the pastor. He still retained some of the country churches, and it is said practiced medicine during this time. He died July II, 1788, in his sixty-fourth year. He was survived by one son and two daughters. Both the parents and the other members of the family rest in the churchyard at York. i58 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ?"■:. (6) Rev. Roeller. The general impression seemed to be that this must have been Rev. J. G. Roeller, but that is a palpable mistake. This man was only licensed in 1799. The record of the confirmation of forty-eight persons May 17, 1787, shows conclusively that this was the act of Rev. Conrad Roeller. The communion administered at the same time must have been his act also. It is altogether probable that he was neither regular pastor nor stated supply, but that Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg being quite feeble, Roeller as a neighboring pastor offi- ciated for him. The Halle Reports, Vol. II., p. 104, say of this man: Conrad Roeller, who had studied at Erlangen, brought excel- lent testimonials. After his arrival here, 1 771, he at first as- sisted H. M. Muhlenberg in Philadelphia, then in connection with F. A. C. Muhlenberg served congregations in the vicinity of Lebanon. Finally he took charge of Old Goshenhoppen, Indian- field and Tohickon. This was probably his field and from it he gave assist- ance to Muhlenberg. In the first volume of the Halle Reports we are told he remained in this field to the end of his days. The state- ment that he served congregations in the vicinity of Leb- anon is a mistake.1 1 Rev. F. A. C. Muhlenberg in his diary states plainly that he was a simple visitor, taking the pastor's place to enable him to visit outside con- gregations. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 159 (7) Rev. John C. Kunze, D.D. Although mentioned in connection with the supply of the congregations at the Trappe and at New Hanover immediately after the death of H. M. Muhlenberg Dr. Kunze seems in no way to have been connected with this congregation further than the mere filling of the pulpit by a colleague, and baptizing children. But as Dr. Kunze was a leading man of his day we give a brief abstract of the sketch of his life as presented by Rev. J. W. Richards, D.D., one of his nephews, in the " Lutheran Almanac "in 1851. Rev. John Christopher Kunze, D.D., was the last of the regularly called and ordained men sent from Halle to our American churches. Our churches had learned to provide for themselves, and men now came from Europe without a regular call. He was among the most learned and pious of those called. The whole church in America was indebted to him for his services as professor of oriental languages in the University of Pennsylvania and after- ward in that of New York. A profound theologian, his instructions were often given in Latin. He also intro- duced the regular use of English in the services. He compiled an English Lutheran Hymn Book. He was born August 5, 1744, in Artern, near Mansfield, attended the gymnasium in Rossleben and in Merseberg, and studied three years at the Leipzig University. For three years he was preceptor at Closter Bergen, and then was ap- pointed inspector of the orphan house at Greitz. In less than a year he received a call from Halle, for Penn- 160 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. sylvania. He was ordained by the Stollberg Consistor- ium at Wernigerode, 1770. With the two sons of Muh- lenberg he then proceeded to America, arriving at New York, September 22. They set out in the stage for Phil- adelphia and reached it on the twenty-sixth. He was at once elected pastor at Philadelphia and entered upon his duties October 8, and continued until July 19, 1784. He then removed to New York and served that congre- gation until his death, 1807. He was married to Mar- garette, daughter of H. M. Muhlenberg. Four daugh- ters survived him, the only son having died some time previously. While pastor in Philadelphia he held the German pro- fessorship in the University of Pennsylvania from 1780 to 1784. That institution conferred the title D.D. upon him in 1783. In New York he was professor of oriental languages in Columbia College. (8) Timothy Kuhl. This man's name closes the list of those connected with the service of this congregation. From October 12, 1788 to February 1789, eighteen baptisms of children are accredited to him in the church's record. But it is im- possible to say what the man really was, except that his name is not to be found in the Halle Reports and that the minutes of synod of 1788 make the following state- ment concerning him : Mr. Kuhl, a candidatus theologice from Hamburg, handed to the ministerium a writing accompanied by two testimonials from the magistrate, his former pastor, Pastor Berkbahn, in which he petitioned for reception into the Ministerium. Many grave ac- cusations, and especially that he had as a candidate administered communion here in the country, led the Ministerium to the decis- ion for the present not to have anything to do with Mr. Kuhl. Biographical Sketches of Ministers. 161 The most favorable opinion we could give concerning him would, therefore, be to suppose that he was a school- master who was preparing for the ministry, and because of this fact, assumed the privilege of baptizing children and also administering the Lord's Supper. Time may possibly throw some light on the subject, but that is very doubtful. That he did claim to be pastor of the church is certain, for he so signs his name. If he was it was for a very brief period only. Special Note. — The christian name of Gerhart Henkel was " Anthony Jacob." " Gerhart " was the name of his oldest son, and in some unaccount- able way it is attached to the Exile, and he is known as such in history. His name appears as Anthony Jacob in his non-cupative will, in the pur- chase of land (1718), in settlements of estates, etc. In his will, dated August 12, 1728, which has been discovered and is published in "The Pennsylvania-German," it is stated by the witnesses that he fell from his horse in Springfield Manor, near Chestnut Hill, on that day, was carried to the house of Herman Groothausen, where he died the same day. Three men, Herman Groothausen, Hans Mich. Schwenstock and George Ruger, were present, and to them he dictated his will. He mentions all his children in his will, and says: "Gerhart my oldest son." Johanna Fred- rika, the wife of Valentine Geiger, was his oldest daughter. Rev. A. Stapleton, D.D., a descendant, found the grave of the widow, Maria Elisabeth (who died in 1744), at St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Germantown, and concluded, for reasons which we need not now adduce, that she was buried in the same grave with her husband, the Exile. On June 7, 1910, he had the grave opened in the presence of representatives of the family from the South and West. They found his inferences correct; the skeleton of the Exile, Anthony Jacob Henkel, was found under that of his wife. This proves conclusively the place of his burial. CHAPTER VI. The Church Building. gl PARTIAL description of the present church edifice, erected by the congre- gation, frequently spoken of as the third one, but in all probability the fourth, has been given in connection with the history of the organiza- tion of the congregation in Chapter II. We will there- fore not repeat the details already given. The substantial and perma- nent character of the build- ing then erected is shown by the fact that the walls have weathered the storms of more than one hundred and forty years, and they will apparently be able to withstand those of several centuries more. It stands and will continue to stand as a monument of the substantial and stable 162 The Church Building. 163 workmanship of the people who erected it. In all prob- ability generations of the descendants of those worthy fathers will continue to meet and worship in it the God whom their father served, with equal fidelity. The present church is a graystone building, with brown- stone trimmings, 67 x 46 ft. The walls are very heavy, thirty inches and over in thickness. The stone of the walls is said to have been carted by teams from Chester County, six or seven miles distant. The zeal and industry of those devoted people must have been great. They were building for ages and centuries to come. In the accounts already given it has been shown that the first church building was erected some time between 1694 and 1703, and was used until about 172 1, when the congregation found it necessary to provide a better and more convenient place of worship, which was done between 172 1 and 1727. This second church seems to have answered the purposes of the congregation until about 1 74 1, when the erection of another church became necessary. Then in 1767-68 the present substantial edifice was erected. But in one matter at least the second church building had an advantage. It was provided with a bell and seems also to have had an organ. Until about fifty years ago the present church was without a bell. At the time of the centennial celebration, Rev. L. Groh, D.D., the pas- tor, declared that the church bell, then for the first time invited worshipers to the house of God. We understand that a steeple and a bell were included in the improvements then made. But after all the statement was entirely too broad. For, unquestionably the former church, that erected 1741-47, had a bell. Here is the record which H. M. Muhlenberg himself made: 164 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. In the year 1748 the following members of this christian con- gregation in New Hanover Township purchased a bell and have had the same placed on the church for the common use of the Ev. Luth. congregation in their services, with the special pro- viso that the bell is to be rung for them and their descendants on the day of their marriage and on the day of their death, if they die as Christians. With this end in view the amounts contributed are recorded as follows: (then follows the list of names, headed by Muhlenberg and including Valentine Geiger, Adam Wartman, who was a member of the building committee, Mrs. Sprogel and many others). The entire amount contributed was £29, 5s ($78.00). The above amount was duly received by the deacons, and settlement was made in the presence of the congregation, as the same may be seen in the Protocol. This is attested by H. M. Muhlenberg, V. D. M. Jan. 24, 1 75 1. The original reads thus : Im Jahr 1748 haben folgende aufgezeichnete Gemeinsglieder in dem Amte Neu Hanover eine Glocke gekauft und selbige zum Gemein gottesdienst der Ev. Luth. Gemeine daselbst in die Kirche aufhaengen lassen, mit dem besonderen vorbehalt, dass ihnen und ihren Nachkommen die Glocke soil an den Hochzeits und Begraebnisstagen gelaeuted werden wenn sie eines christ- lichen Todes sterben. Zu dem Ende stehen die Namen und aus- gelegten Gaben beschrieben wie folgt: Muhlenberg, Geiger, Wartman, Sprogel etc — Summe £29.53. Obige Summe ist von den Vorstehern der Gemeine richtig empfangen und vor der Ge- meine berechnet worden, wie in dem Kirchen Protocol zu finden und zu sehen ist — Solches bescheinigt H. M. Muhlenberg V. D. M. Den. 24 Jen. 1751. The Church Building. 165 This shows conclusively that the congregation purchased paid for and put in place a bell one hundred and twenty years before Dr. Groh referred to it and twenty years before the present church was erected. But regulations governing the use of the bell were also made by the church council at a later period, some forty or fifty years before Rev. Groh made this statement. They hardly would have enacted a law governing its use or abuse by the organist of a neighboring church, if they had not had a bell. As there apparently seems to have been no bell there when the church was dedicated, we are inclined to think that it must have been put in place about the time a board floor was put into the building. There was a general overhauling of the entire building at that time, 1826. We are inclined to think that was the time when a bell was again introduced. Why or how it was removed, if it was really removed, we cannot say. But we are fully convinced that a Lutheran Church council would not have forbidden a neighboring Reformed organ- ist and schoolmaster its use in an improper manner if there was no bell in existence. The cornerstone of the present building was laid June 25, 1767. It was dedicated by the assembled Synod No- vember 6, 1768. All the members, including the candi- dates, took part in the service; and as was then customary on such special occasions as the consecration of churches and the ordination of ministers, children were baptized by one of the visiting ministers. In this case the baptisms were performed by Rev. Klugh. This church at first had but few arrangements for the comfort of worshipers, except benches or pews. It had a brick floor, and was without stoves. It is, therefore, not strange to find that F. A. C. Muhlenberg in his diary 12 166 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tells us that the cold in some of the churches was almost unendurable. It does not require a very vivid imagina- tion to conceive how icy the atmosphere must have been in a church like this, with stone walls from two to three feet in thickness, a brick floor, and no stoves. The Minutes tell us that at a congregational meeting held May 29, 1765, the following were elected as overseers in the erection of the church building about to be undertaken. This is attested by H. M. Muhlenberg himself. They were Matthias Hollebach, Adam Wartman, Matthias Reichardt, Tobias Juerger. But when the work was actually under- taken two years later only Wartman and Reichert seem to have acted and Jacob Ebli seems to have been substituted for one or both of the others. A sandstone directly over the door bears the names of Adam Wartman, Jacob Ebli, Matthias Reichert als Bauhern A 1767. D. Another stone on the side of the building directly under the cornice gives us another fact of historic interest. It contains the name of Michael Stofflet, M.M., A.D. 1767. This shows that to him is due a great deal of the credit for the durability and substantiality of this present structure. For he not only understood his trade but evidently employed his powers here to advantage. On March 9, 181 1, at the annual congregational meet- ing the deacons were instructed to make two subscription lists, and collect money for two stoves. These were probably wood stoves, although the record does not say so. There seems to have been no opposition to their introduction, as there was in another one of our Colonial churches where some of the older women sat fanning themselves with their bonnets during the first service held in the church after the introduction of the stoves, although there was no fire there — another illustration of the power of imagination. These stoves seem to have remained in use until February, 1858, when others were purchased. April 22, 1826, at a congregational meeting held in the schoolhouse for consultation in regard to improving the church building, it was resolved: " that the brick be taken oyt and a floor (of boards) he laid." The Church Building. 167 2. " That the windows be changed." 3. " That the church be painted, new doors put in, and all other necessary repairs be made." This might justly have been called a " remodelling of the church." In 1867, at> or near the time of the centennial of the church, the question was raised whether the church should simply be refurnished, so as to be just as it was forty years before, or whether the entire interior should be changed. It was then decided that the entire interior of the building should be remodelled, if sufficient funds could be secured by subscription. Frederick Brendlinger, Dr. Jacob Knipe and Elias Fegley were appointed a committee to prepare a draft of the work to be done. Milton H. Brendlinger, Stephen Fegley, Israel Erb and Nathan Drehs were appointed to see what amount could be raised. It was estimated that the cost of the work would be $2,700, without including the cost of a new bell. Special services were held at the reopening of the church, which are noted elsewhere. In 1885 the church was again repaired, the woodwork painted and the walls frescoed. After nineteen years more, in 1904, it was again remod- elled, this time possibly more thoroughly than before. The stoves were now removed and a heating plant sub- stituted. Memorial windows of stained glass were put in together with a new pulpit and furniture. A new organ was likewise introduced, so that the church ap- peared in an altogether new garb. The preceding year the congregation had celebrated its bicentennial, so that these improvements might justly be regarded as a thank offering to the Lord, for the prosper- ity, growth and advancement during two hundred years. One peculiar feature of the records on hand is that very i68 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. little is said about the organ. Besides the agreement between Christian Dieffenbach and the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran congregation in New Han- over Township we find only a few references to it. A few times we are told how it may or may not be used. The agreement is dated June 28, 1800, and recites that it is an agreement between the president, trustees, elders and deacons of said congregation with Christian Dieffen- bach of Bethel Township, Berks County, to build an or- gan for the congregation. It is to have ten stops and a foot-pedal and is to be built of the best material, with a walnut case. It is to be completed by August 1, 1801. The price is to be 230 pounds ($680), one hundred and fifteen pounds to be paid May 27, 1801, and the balance to be paid November 27, 1801 (the first half was to be paid on day of dedication). The contract is signed by the sixteen members of the council. The note is signed by Samuel Schoch, secretary. This organ appears to have remained in use a little over one hundred years. In 1905 a larger and more modern instrument was substituted for it. The present instrument is a gift to the congregation and is an honor to the generous donors. CHAPTER VII. The Church Council, and its Transactions. '7T'HE record of these trans- actions may properly be introduced by this statement of H. M. Muhlenberg: November 26, 1742, I, Henry Muhlenberg, minister of the Gos- pel and of the Augsburg Con- fession, arrived at this place, New Hanover. On the 27th I pre- sented my call and my instructions which I had brought with me, from his Reverence the Court preacher Ziegenhagen, at Lon- don, to the deacons and elders. On the 28th I preached my Introductory sermon in this church before the congregation. After the sermon I also read my in- structions in their presence. It certainly is a matter of regret that, until May 29, 1765, a period of twenty-three years, no further records are to be found. Then we have the following: Memorandum. In the year 1765, May 29, a congregational meeting was held in the church at New Hanover, and the constitution contained in 169 170 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. this book was presented, accepted by the members and subscribed by them. The following leading men of the congregation were constituted Trustees: Andrew Kebner Sr., Michael Weichel, Adam Wartman, Michael Schlanecker, George Beck, Mathias Hollebach, Henry Krebs, George Burkhard. After that, for the first time, six vestrymen from among eighteen nominated, were elected, viz., Matthias Reichard, Bernhard Gilbert, Moses Binder, Ludwig Pickel, George Schweinhart and Valentine Stichter. Two new deacons were also elected, viz, Adam Kurtz and Ludwig Hering. Finally the congregation also elected Matthias Hollebach, Adam Wartman, Matthias Reichard and Tobias Juerger, as the overseers in the erec- tion of the proposed new church building. Henry Muh- lenberg attests this on the day and year above named. We herewith give an abstract of this constitution. Matters of detail are given only in summary. We the undersigned, — the regularly called Pastors, as well as the Trustees, Elders and Deacons elect, and the communicant members of the United Evangelical Lutheran congregations in New Hanover and New Providence Townships, in the county of Philadelphia, following the example of our United Evangelical brethren in the faith, in the city of Philadelphia, belonging to St. Michael's, and associated with us, obligate ourselves to the fol- lowing constitution for (the government) of the church and congregation, under penalty of the loss of all share and claim (to it) in case any one should deliberately act contrary to it. Chapter I. Of the Pastors. §1. It is the duty of the regular Preachers, or Pastors of our United Congregations, publicly, purely, concisely, plainly and in an edi- The Church Council. 171 fying manner, to preach the word of God, in accordance with the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and the Unaltered Augs- burg Confession, at the usual times of service on Sunday and on Festival days, as well as at funerals, and upon other solemn occa- sions; they are also allowed to hold meetings for devotion, exhor- tation and prayer on week-days, or during the evening, if found necessary, or if their strength and time permit, in the church, or in the school (houses); that according to the intent of Christ, they spread the Word abroad freely throughout the congregation, for its unending benefit: that they point out the way to true peni- tence and set forth the power of Godliness. §2. The regular ministers, or pastors, shall also administer the Holy Sacraments, viz., Baptism and the Lord's Supper, — especially the Holy Supper to those members who desire it, and at least accord- ing to external tests are fit, worthy and prepared to partake of it. But they are at liberty, conscientiously, not as moved by sinful im- pulses, but according to the principles of the word of God to ex- clude such as transgress openly and according to well established testimony live in gross wickedness, sinning against the word of Christ, from the Lord's Supper and sponsorship in baptism, until they give evidence of amendment of life. §3- They are not to refuse to visit the sick, when they are notified, or it is desired, as far as in them lies, so that they may instruct them in the word of God, lead them to repentance, edify them, comfort them by means of the Holy Supper, if they be found fit and worthy thus strengthening them and preparing them for a blessed end. §4- Especially are they to devote themselves most earnestly to the instruction of the young, both in the church and in the school, publicly and privately: they are to have the oversight of the 172 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. schools and of the teachers; they are to institute wholesome school regulations, and school examinations; they are continually to visit the schools, according to their ability, — to encourage the young, so that they may be wellgrounded in the word of God, — in our catechism and other books of instruction derived from it, so that their attention may be directed to the atonement of Christ, and that they may (be induced to) follow Him. §5. They shall have the right, whenever necessary and circumstances require, to call a meeting of the church council and publicly invite thereto, or cause it to be announced; also to attend the annual church settlement, and all necessary regular meetings, having two votes as pastor. They shall see to it that all be done decently and in order, and in a christian manner, in the adoption of resolutions, at the election of elders and deacons, so that the congregation's interests be advanced, and (they are to see to it) that everything be entered upon the minutes. §6. They shall not absent themselves from the general assembly of the church, or Conference of Pastors and Elders, except in case of extreme necessity, but they are cheerfully to attend the same. They shall aid in serving any (congregation) that may be vacant among our united congregations on account of the decease, or removal, of its pastor, until the congregation again secures a regular pastor. §7- Provides that each pastor shall personally exercise his office and shall not allow an unauthorized person, not regularly examined and ordained, to fill his position. It prescribes how vacancies are to be supplied and filled. §8. Shows the course of procedure in case one of the original United Congregations, New Hanover, New Providence or Philadelphia should become vacant. The Church Council. 173 §9- Gives the rule of procedure in the discipline of a pastor who should give offense either in his life or teaching. §10. The course of procedure in calling a new pastor. §». The support to be given to a pastor so that he need not engage in secular pursuits. §12. In conducting the service the pastors are to follow the liturgy (adopted) provided. Chapter II. Treats of the External Arrangements of the Congregation. §1. Declares that the regular pastor, the trustees, the elders, the deacons and communicant members constitute the congregation, have the right to vote and control its affairs by a majority of votes. § 2- Points out the fact that under its present arrangement and control the congregations have been prosperous, and therefore declares: 1. Those mentioned above as the regular trustees. 2. They and their successors shall control all the property. 3. In case of vacancy the congregation shall elect one out of those proposed. 4. Nothing referring to the buildings, or property of the church, or congregation, whether the church building itself, the school house, the burying ground, or the land, shall be undertaken with- out the consent of two-thirds of the trustees. As the council consists of the regular pastor, the trustees, the 174 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. elders and the deacons, all must act conjointly. The erection of buildings etc., must have the endorsement of two-thirds of the contributing members, before any steps can be taken. §4- The congregations are to have wardens and vestrymen, i. e., elders and deacons. (a) Six elders in each congregation. (b) The old council nominates three for each office to be filled. From the 18 names thus recorded six elders are elected. If any one refuses to serve he must pay a respectable amount to the poor fund and the next highest takes his place. §5. The term of service is three years for elders and trustees. They are reeligible, or may hold over by common consent. §6. Deacons are elected in the same manner — one selected out of three. §7- Gives duties of elders (ruling elders they are called) and are those usually given in the Liturgy. §8. Recites the usual duties of deacons. §9- Two thirds constitute a quorum. § 10. Defines what are important matters, — the buying of land, erect- ing and repairing buildings, the election of Pastors or of school teachers, the selection of men to solicit funds, all these must be acted on by at least two-thirds of council upon public notice duly given. The Church Building. 175 §«. No accusation against pastors, trustees, elders or deacons is to be entertained unless attested by 2 or 3 credible witnesses. Chapter III. Of members — their Rights and Duties. §1- 1. Must be baptized. 2. Partake with us of the Lord's Supper. 3. Not live in open sin. 4. Not engage in a dishonorable calling. 5. Lead a godly life. 6. Contribute to the maintenance of the church. 7. Obey constitution and laws. 8. Conduct themselves properly towards pastor and other officers. §2. Those transgressing wilfully can have no share or portion or right to vote. §3- Discipline. I. Admonition by the pastor. 2. Then in the presence of several elders. 3. Before the whole council. §4- If all this prove fruitless, they shall be excluded from Lord's Supper and sponsorship and voice in affairs. In case of amendment may be restored. This is to remain in force in these United Congregations of New Hanover and New Providence until the Church council and congregation, or at least two-thirds of them with their approval thereof, deem it necessary to amend. Subscribed at N. Hanover and New Providence, May 29, 1765. Witnesses. Henry Muhlenberg, Jacob V. Buskerk, Mich. Walter. There are 108 other names, apparently all in the same hand- writing. 176 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 1766, January 7. Cassimer Missimer and Peter Lober were elected to the church council. 1767, January ig. Michael Schlonecker, Jr., and Jacob Kopp were elected deacons. 1768, January ig. Conrad Gilbert and Joh. Geo. Schweinhardt were elected deacons. Christian Acker was elected trustee instead of Andrew Kebner, deceased. I76g, January g. Elders, Matthias Reichard, Ludwig Bickel, Valentine Stichter, Moses Bender, George Schwein- hard, Casimer Missimer — Deacons, Bastian Reifschneider and Philip Jacob Schmidt. 1770, January 8. George Schlonecker and Matthias Fuchs elected deacons. 1771, Deacons, Ludwig Schidler and Michael Witt- man. Trustees, George Beck, Geo. Burkhard, Matthias Hollebach, Christian Acker, Matthias Reichard, Ludwig Bickel and Geo. Schweinhard. Vestrymen, Valentine Stichter, Moses Bender, Cassimer Missimer, Bernhard Gil- bert, Andrew Joerger and John Geo. Schweinhard. 1772, January 20. Deacons elected, Jacob Schmidt and Joh. Geo. Gilbert, Moses Bender was made trustee and Peter Lober elected elder in his stead. N. B. The reelection of elders was omitted because it was deemed advisable to retain those now in office as pro- vided in the constitution. Teste, Lewis Voigt. 177 S> January 6. Deacons elected: Christian Kurz and Jeremias Herpel. 1774. Deacons: Andrew Hornetter and Valentine Kurz. 1775. Deacons: Leonard Wiesener and Martin Sinzendorf. 1776. Deacons: Michael Krebs and Michael Acker. 1777. Deacons: Johannes Reichart and Matthias Wartman. The Church Building. 177 1778, January 6. General election of Church Council. Trustees: Peter Lober, Cassimer Missimer, Bernhard Gil- bert, Joh. Geo. Schweinhard. Elders: Michael Schlon- ecker, Stephen Krumrein, Sebastion Reifschneider, Lud- wig Schittler, Michael Wittman, Geo. Gilbert. Dea- cons: Henry Gilbert and Michael Kurz. 1779, January 6. Deacons, Peter Eigner and Ludwig Schick. 1780, January 17. Annual Settlement. Names of en- tire council as now constituted : Trustees — Geo. Burkhard, Ludwig Pickel, Geo. Schweinhard, Moses Binder, Peter Lober, Casimer Missimer, Bernhard Gilbert and Joh. Geo. Schweinhard. Elders — Michael Schlonecker, Stephen Krumrein, Sebastian Reifschneider, Ludwig Schittler, Michael Wittman and George Gilbert. Deacons — Peter Eigner, Ludwig Schick, Jacob Christman and Benjamin Merkle. 178 1, March 16. Elders: Sebastian Reifschneider, Ludwig Schittler, Geo. Gilbert, Valentine Kurz, Michael Krebs and Matthias Wartman. Deacons: Jacob Binder and Adam Wartman. Memorandum : At this time (April 16) the Church Council appointed Sebastian Reif- schneider, Michael Krebs, Benjamin Merkle and Adam Wartman builders of the parsonage. Attest: H. Muh- lenberg, Sr. 1782, Deacons elected: Peter Reichard, Christian Stettler. Installed April 21. On the same day the council and the congregation took the following action : Rev. Muhlenberg stated that he was becoming too feeble to render the necessary service and advised them to send delegates to the next synod convening at Lancaster, to apply for a pastor. Endorsed by all. 2. To the question whether the builders elected should 178 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. begin the work at this time, when no money can be col- lected or loaned, and whether the congregation would stand by the four men and indemnify them, the answer was pauper ubique est. 3. A test subscription was made to see what each one would subscribe. Some slipped away quietly, the remain- der promised and subscribed about seventy pounds ($186.- 66 2/3). The estimated cost is £300 (i. e., $800.00). Attest : Muhlenberg, Sr. 1783, Trustee: Ludwig Schittler, elected, instead of Geo. Burkhard. Elder: Michael Kurtz. Deacons: Fredr. Vogel and Jacob Bickel. 1784, January 6. Deacons: Conrad Knetz and Geo. Schnell. 1785, January 6. Elders: John Reichard instead of Michael Krebs, who moved away. The rest were re- elected. Deacons : Paul Linsebiegler and Adam Krebs. 1788, February 3. 1 Trustee, 1 elder and 4 deacons elected. Sebastian Reifschneider, an elder, elected trus- tee; Michael Krebs elected elder in his stead. Deacons: Peter Schweyer, Adam Joerger, Wendel Renninger and Andrew Joerger — these were installed March 30 by Rev. Lehman. 1790, January 3. Trustees: John Reichert, Valentine Kurtz and Michael Kurtz elected. Elders: Frederic Vogel, Jacpb Pickel and Leonard Weissner, elected. Dea- cons all continued in office. 179 1, January 6. Deacons: Dewald Joerger and Mar- tin Fritz elected; installed fourth Sunday after Epiphany by Rev. Weinland. 1792, January 6. Deacons : Joseph Brendlinger and Jacob Mecklein elected. 1793, January 7. Deacons: Michael Joerger and The Church Council. 179 Philip Reyher elected. Elders: Michael Krebs and Geo. Gilbert having died, Jacob Binder and Leonard Weissner were elected. Postscript. By instruction of the church council it is to be recorded that, December 8, 1793, Bernhard Gilbert, because of his conduct towards the pastor, is declared unworthy of his office by two thirds of the church Council. This was ratified by the congre- gation at three meetings. After the close of the service Matthias Wartman, formerly an elder, was elected trus- tee and Benjamin Merkley as elder in his stead. 1794, January 6. John Schlonecker and Benjamin Schneider were elected deacons. January 20. At a meeting of the church council, two- thirds being present, it was Resolved: 1. That the congregation be incorporated. 2. That the election of deacons is not to be held at the usual time, viz., on Epiphany, but on the second Saturday of March, 1795, at which time there is also to be a general election for members of Church Council. 3. The deacons having presented their accounts, Messrs. Benjamin Schneider and John Schlonecker were requested to audit the accounts of the senior deacons, Philip Reyher and Michael Joerger, and report on the second Saturday of March. March 14. The council and the congregation met in accordance with the provisions of the act of incorporation to elect a new church council, resulting as follows: Trustees: Michael Kurtz and Valentine Kurtz, 1 year; Ludwig Bickel and Geo. Schweinhard, 2 years; John Reichert and Bastian Reifschneider, 3 years. Elders: Benjamin Merkell and Dewald Joerger, 1 year; Friedr. Vogel and Matthias Wartman, 2 years; Jacob Binder and Harry Gilbert, 3 years. 180 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Deacons: Benjamin Schneider and John Schlonecker, i year; John Bickel and Jacob Renninger, 2 years. Attest: Joh. F. Weinland, Pastor. 1796, March 12. The trustees elected for one year were reelected for three years. As Elders, Jacob Bickel and Christian Stedtler instead of Benj. Merkell and Fredr. Vogel, and the others continued. As Deacons : John Fuchs and John Merkel. This is also attested by J. F. Weinland, pastor. Thus far the oldest record, or protocol, has been fol- lowed. In another one these last records of 1795 and 1796 are repeated. An item not recorded in the first but placed in this latter is, that in addition to the trus- tees, elders and deacons as given above, Rev. Fr. Wein- land was elected president, John Reichard, treasurer, and Benjamin Marckly, secretary. June 26 (iyg6). Rev. Weinland, without having in- formed the congregation, publicly announced that he would resign at the close of his year (October 1, 1796) and advised them to endeavor to secure a pastor. August 21. Public notice having been given, the cor- poration and the congregation Resolved, that Rev. Wein- land be asked whether he had firmly resolved to leave the congregation. This was done. On the same day Rev. Weinland appeared before the congregation and declared again that he was determined to leave the congregation and again advised them to look for another pastor. At the same time another meeting of the corporation and the congregation on the twenty-ninth of August was agreed upon. August 29. It was resolved that Sebastian Reif- schneider and Theobald Joerger, as representatives of The Church Council. 181 this congregation, should consult with the Goshenhoppen congregation as to whether it would be advisable to have Rev. Geissenhainer serve both congregations. They met and consulted, but without any definite result. October g. Rev. Dalicker (Ref.) announced that on Thursday, the thirteenth, services would be held in the Lutheran church by Rev. Geissenhainer. The services were held, and at the close Rev. Geissenhainer requested the congregation to remain. Twelve members of the corporation (council) and a considerable number of the members were present. It was unanimously resolved that Rev. Geissenhainer be accepted as pastor for six years, beginning next April ist, upon condition that his life and teaching conform to the word of God, and that he reside not more than six miles from the church. He was to receive 60 pounds per annum ($160), payable at the end of the year. The amount accruing between the date of his election and April 1 was to be paid at the latter date. November 13. Rev. Geissenhainer preached his intro- ductory sermon. November ig. At a meeting of the corporation, pub- licly announced, thirteen members being present, Jacob Bickel was elected president, to serve till next election. Christian Stettler and Valentine Kurtz were elected a com- mittee to arrange for the renting of the parsonage and farm, from November 26. March 5, I7g7- Henry Gilbert and Jacob Bickel were appointed to ask Rev. Weinland whether he would be willing to submit the difficulties between himself and the congregation to a committee of ministers, as had been proposed. The election was held on the eleventh. April 2. The Church Council resolved to adopt by- •3 182 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. laws. The president, John Reichert, Rev. Fredr. Geissen- hainer and John Schlonecker, were appointed to draft them. January 7, ijgS. Daniel Schaeffer was elected school- master by a majority of two votes. December g. Daniel Schaeffer, Adam Gilbert and Samuel Schoch were publicly examined as schoolmasters, in singing, reading, writing, etc. On the same day Rev. Geissenhainer announced that in two weeks an election for schoolmaster would be held, inviting all voting mem- bers to be present and to take part. December 23. After service the election for school- master was held. The result was 54 votes for Schoch, 20 for Gilbert and 10 for Schaeffer. Benjamin Marckley, John Reichert and Jacob Bickel were appointed a committee to put up for rent the Lu- theran parsonage the following January 1, at 2 P. M., for the term of one year. CHAPTER VIII. Transactions of Church Council — Continued. R S there was now a cor- poration it is deemed sufficient to record the names of president, secretary and treasurer, in connection with important events. March 14, 1801. After the annual election Jacob Bickel, John Reichert and John Schlonecker were ap- pointed to enter into an agree- ment (accordiren) with Sam- uel Fetter, residing in and oc- cupying the parsonage and farm, with reference to the hay on hand. March 13, 1802. It was resolved that Christian Schweyer and Christian Stettler be a committee to examine the accounts of the congregation and to report to the cor- poration as soon as possible. Also resolved that Adam Gilbert be sent to Christian Dieftenbach, organbuilder, at the expense of the congrega- tion, to ascertain when the organ which had been ordered 183 184 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. would be finished. He was to report in two weeks. Adam Wartman was authorized to construct a large gate to the cemetery. After that the key thereto was to be given into the care of the schoolmaster, from whom every one having occasion to enter the cemetery could secure the key, but upon condition that the gate be care- fully locked and the key returned to the schoolmaster. March 12, 1803. The usual annual election. March 10, 1804. At the opening of the session Rev. F. W. Geissenhainer was elected president and John Marckle secretary. After the annual election John Marckle and John Bickel were appointed a committee to make settlement with the treasurer before March 1. The schoolmaster, Samuel Schoch, having stated that the school house was in a very dilapidated condition, it was resolved, that John Schlonecker, John Fuchs and Jacob Schmidt be appointed a committee to inspect the same and report on the matter before April 8. Jacob Bickel and Carl Geiger, together with the pastor, were named as the school committee to hold the examina- tion that year. March g, 1805. During the holding of the annual election Rev. F. W. Geissenhainer acted as president and Samuel Schoch, as secretary. March 8, 1806. Jacob Bickel was elected president and Samuel Schoch, secretary. Jacob Bickel and John Reifschneider, together with the pastor, were appointed a committee to visit the school and to report to the church council. March 14, 1807. John Schlonecker was elected presi- dent and John Bickel secretary. After the election John Reifschneider and George Erb were appointed a com- mittee to see about the straw which Henry Weissler took Church Records. 185 from the land belonging to the school. Jacob Bickel and John Marckly were appointed a committee to adjust the accounts of the treasurer before March I. The deacons were to supervise the outside fences on the land belonging to the school and to see that they were kept in good repair. It was also resolved, that John Reichert and John Schlonecker be appointed a committee to draw up an agreement with the schoolmaster. March 12, 1808. John Marckly, president, and John Reichert, secretary. Resolved, that John Reichert and Jacob Bickel be a committee to rent the parsonage farm for one year, upon such terms as may be deemed right and proper by them, but they are to see that it suffers no damage. Election of officers. January 21, i8og. At a congregational meeting Henry Gilbert jr. and Jacob Brendlinger were appointed a committee to see to the renting of parsonage and farm. March II. Jacob Bickel president p. t., and John Reickert, secretary, p. t. After the annual election, John Reichert was elected president and John Marckly, secre- tary for the coming year. March 10, 18 10. After the annual election of officers, tellers and auditors were appointed. March g, 181 1. After the annual election and the ap- pointment of the auditing committee, it was unanimously resolved, that during the following Spring the necessary repairs to the church and school house should be made. It was further resolved that in case Mr. Schmidt, the school teacher, was incapacitated because of feeble health, or other causes, his son-in-law, Mr. Schurig, should take his place. It was also resolved that when the deacons collect the pastor's salary they shall also solicit subscrip- tions for two stoves. 186 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. March 14, 1812. It was resolved that the election of members of church council be taken up, after which a resolution was adopted permitting Mr. Schmidt to cut down a tree for firewood. This is signed by John Reich- ert, president and Christoph Schmith, secretary. March 13, 1813. At a congregational meeting it was resolved that the schoolmaster Christopher Schmidt should have the privilege of residing in the Lutheran school house, as heretofore and to have the use of the stable and other outbuildings until the beginning of the following May; but if another schoolmaster should be employed and should desire possession from April first he was to have it. It was resolved that John Reichert be requested to notify Mr. Kraut of Lancaster and Mr. Bernt of Goshenhoppen (of the Reformed Church) that the position of school teacher in this congregation would become vacant the following Spring, and if agreeable to them, they should apply for the position. It was Resolved, that a committee be appointed to rent the land belonging to the school house for the benefit of the congregation, in case no schoolmaster should be employed to take possession that year. Henry Schweinhart, Adam Warthman and George Burckert were named as the com- mittee. But it was to be understood that if the land be rented a statement of this fact was to be included in the agreement. March I2} 1814. The following matters were trans- acted : 1. It was unanimously Resolved, that inasmuch as Mr. Geo. Miller, our schoolmaster has presented his com- plaints in writing because of a want of remuneration, our congregation obligate itself to furnish him thirty-five pupils for one year from this day on, and in case, it could Church Records. 187 not furnish that number it pledges itself to pay for nine months during the year for the above number. 2. John Reichert, John Fuchs and John Marckly were named a committee to communicate this resolution to the Reformed congregation in New Hanover, and request them to help carry it out. 3. Jacob Bickel and John Knetz were appointed a com- mittee to make full settlement of all receipts and disburse- ments with the Treasurer, John Reichert. 4. The election of officers. 5. Rev. Jacob Miller was elected president, Geo. Mil- ler, secretary, and John Reichert, Esq., treasurer. March II, 18 15. After the election and the appoint- ment of a committee of audit it was resolved, that in no case should the pastor neglect the appointment for regular services on account of a funeral. March g, 18 16, after organization by the election of Rev. Jacob Miller president and John Reichert secre- tary, the annual election was held. Upon request of the pastor an addition of forty dollars to his salary was voted him. John Reichert was elected president and Rev. Jacob Miller secretary, for the current year. March 8, 181J. Nothing but the annual election at- tested by Johannes Reifschneider, president and Samuel Schoch, secretary, is recorded. March 14, 18 18. After the annual election had been held it was resolved, that thereafter the Treasurer's ac- counts should be publicly presented to the congregation on the day of the annual election in the school house and that the deacons should be obligated to present to the con- gregation their subscription list of moneys collected, to- gether with receipts for money paid out. Peter Fritz and Philip Bayer were appointed a com- 188 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. mittee to examine the accounts of the treasurer from the time when mistakes were said to have been found in them. March 13, 18 ig. The annual election held as usual. March II, 1820. After the annual election it was Resolved, that hereafter a collection be taken in our church at every service, except at the harvest festival, days of prayer and fasting, at preparatory service and at fun- erals held on weekdays. April 8, 1820. The church council elected Jacob Bickel, president, John Reichert, treasurer and Samuel Schoch, the schoolmaster, as secretary. March 10, 182 1. After the election it was Resolved, that the bricks be removed from the parsonage kitchen and a board floor be put in. Peter Bastress and John Gilbert were appointed to set- tle with John Reichert, treasurer, and to report to the cor- poration. It was also Resolved, that hereafter neither treasurer nor deacons pay out any money without an order signed by the president and secretary. June 4, 182 1. The congregation met to select a build- ing committee and appointed Adam Wartman and Peter Fritz. March g, 1822. After the annual election, the account of Peter Fritz with reference to money collected for the pastor and the penny collections was gone over. It was found that Mr. Fritz owed the congregation one hundred and seventy dollars and forty-eight cents. It was further Resolved, that the council of our congre- gation be required to institute a judicial examination of the account of this congregation with the administrators of the deceased Jacob Bickel with reference to Catharine Kilhof (or Milhof), deceased. September 7, 1822. The account between Peter Fritz, Church Records. 189 treasurer of parsonage building fund and the congrega- tion, was finally settled. According to this settlement Peter Fritz still owed the congregation five dollars and fifty-four cents of money subscribed and still to be col- lected. March 8, 1823. After the annual election and settle- ment with Treasurer Peter Fritz, it appeared that this year the congregation had an income of $228,173/2. January 10, 1824. The church council resolved that if no one presented objections an election for schoolmas- ter would be held in the Fall. Should there be objections the matter was to be laid before the congregation. March 13, 1824. Contains only the account of the election and settlement with the treasurer. In accordance with the resolution of January 10, 1824, the congregation was notified August 22 to meet in the school house September 4, between the hours of one and two o'clock, to decide by ballot whether Mr. Jaeger should continue to be the schoolmaster. John Reifschnei- der was president, Rev. J. Miller, secretary, and Messrs. Henry Stedtler and Henry Krebs were appointed judges of election. After the votes had been counted it was found that Mr. Jaeger was again unanimously elected by one hundred and four votes. Upon this John Reif- schneider, Henry Stettler and Henry Krebs were ap- pointed a committee to draw up an agreement for three years with Mr. Jaeger. At the same time it was resolved, that to prevent disorder in the congregation, in the future no one was to be allowed to lead the singing, or to play the organ in the church, except the regular schoolmaster, unless he should be sick or had given permission to an- other schoolmaster. 190 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Resolved, that this action be communicated to Mr. Jacob Schneider, the Reformed schoolmaster. October 3, 1824. A letter from the Consistory of the Reformed Congregation in New Hanover, addressed to the corporation of the congregation, was handed to the pastor, Jacob Miller, by Mr. George Burkert. There- upon the church council, or the corporation, was invited from the pulpit to meet, after service, in the school house on the same day. In accordance with this invitation the church council met and the letter was read. Upon mo- tion it was resolved to postpone the consideration of the letter until the sixteenth of October. In accordance with this resolution the church council again met on the sixteenth of October and deliberately considered the contents of the letter. It was resolved, that the pastor, Jacob Miller, the secretary, be instructed to formulate a reply to the letter in accordance with instructions given, and to lay the same before the church council next day for their consideration. The following letter, drawn up by the secretary in accord- ance the instructions of the church council, and carefully revised by them, was unanimously accepted by the mem- bers of the corporation: To the Consistory of the Reformed Congregation in New Hanover. Most Esteemed Friends: We received your letter of September 26, and were surprised not a little, inasmuch as the resolution sent to Jacob Schneider, Esq., is altogether general in character, and concerned only the order and welfare of our own congregation. Neither you nor your congregation are mentioned therein nor was it sent to you or your congregation. With the same right (of that you your- selves must be aware) with which you have sent your comments Church Records. 191 concerning the same, any other congregation might call us to account in regard to it. Inasmuch as, taking your letter as a whole (notwithstanding the friendly form in which it is drawn up) the resolution which we sent to Mr. Snyder does not seem to suit you, and we cherish a kindly affection for you and your con- gregation, and as we do not desire to be suspected by you of having entertained any unkindly feeling towards you, or your worthy congregation, we feel ourselves compelled to give the reasons which led us to adopt the resolution. These were the conduct of your organist Mr. Jacob Schneider at the funerals of Mr. Voegley's child, of the aged Mr. Linsebigler, and a number of others. But as these instances to which we refer must be known to you as well as they are known by us, we deem it unnecessary to enter into further details, simply observing that something of that sort was up to this time unheard of by the oldest among us. And Dear Brethren! who is there among you that has ever heard anything of the kind? To convince; you all the more, that with regard to our former friendliness and love to you and your congregation there has been no change, we herewith make you the offer, to re- turn to the old arrangement in regard to the school-master, which obtained between the two congregations the past twenty or thirty years, and we pledge ourselves, under these conditions, cheerfully to rescind our resolution. Moreover, in addition we take the liberty of informing you, that your pastor, as well as your congregation are heartily welcome to the use of our cemetery and of our church, at funerals, in the future as they have been in the past. April 23, 1825. John Reifschneider was elected presi- dent, A. Wartman, treasurer and Peter Jeager secretary. Three day's later (26th) " a congregational meeting was held in the church to consider the sad condition of our con- gregation." With the officers already named, the meeting was called to order and after a clear setting forth of the course of events by the pastor, Jacob Miller, the matter being carefully considered, the following resolutions in- 192 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tended to promote the peace and harmony of the congre- gation were adopted. i. Resolved, that we are well pleased with the course of our pastor in general, and especially in regard to the long talked of seminary and the General synod. 2. That we will stand by our pastor in every instance in the future as we have in the past, especially in the suit against John Liebenguth. 3. That each and every one, seeking to produce strife and division among us on account of a seminary, a General synod, or any other improper (unjust) matter, shall no longer be considered a member, or members, of our con- gregation. 4. That both ministers of the Reformed congregation shall be allowed the privilege of the cemetery in case of funerals, the parties being allowed to select which ever minister they choose. March 11, 1826. The annual election was held and April 15 the corporation elected its officers. April 22. After public notice given from the pulpit the congregation met in the school house to take action concerning repairs to the church. 1. Resolved, that the brick be taken out of the church and a floor be placed in it. 2. Resolved, that the windows be changed. 3. Resolved, that the church be painted, new doors put in and other necessary improvements be made. March 10, 182J. The annual election and April 14, organization. March 8, 1828. The annual election. At the same time it was Resolved, that all papers and documents be- longing to the congregation be placed in the hands of the treasurer. John Reifschneider, and John Bickel were Church Records. 193 appointed to secure all papers belonging to the congrega- tion still in the hands of the heirs of John Reichert, Esq., and place them into the treasurer's hands. December 7, 1828, Peter Jaeger, the schoolmaster, tendered his resignation in writing to the church council and the congregation. Thereupon the church council was notified to meet on Tuesday, December 12, in the schoolhouse to make arrangements to secure a new school- master. It met on that day, and John Bickel, having been elected president p. t., it was Resolved, that the president shall have the following notice inserted in the Reading Adler and in the German paper at Sumneytown : A schoolmaster, able to read and write German and English well, understands arithmetic, is able to play the organ and to lead the singing, and who can furnish satisfactory credentials, is desired by the Ev. Luth congregation at Falckner Swamp. Any one desiring the position is requested to apply to the President of the church council or to the pastor of the congregation. Peter Jaeger, Secy. By order of the Ch. Council. John Bickel, Prest. pro tern. Rev. Jacob Miller, having tendered his resignation in writing to the church council and the congregation on the seventeenth of January, 1829, they were invited to meet on the same day in the school house to consult with refer- ence to the calling of another minister. On the twenty- third of January the congregation met in the church and it was resolved, that Revs. Conrad Miller, Waltz of Hamburg and Wambold from beyond the Schuylkill, were to be the candidates, and that the church council be instructed to write to them, inviting them to preach here. February 75. The church council resolved to announce 194 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. to the congregation that on Tuesday a week an election for pastor was to be held. Accordingly Rev. Jacob Miller announced that on that day an election would be held. February 22. The church council resolved to hold an election for another schoolmaster at the same time. In accordance with the announcement made the election was held February 24. After all the votes had been counted it was found that Rev. Conrad Miller was elected as the future pastor and Mr. Storb as the schoolmaster. March 14, 182Q. The annual election and settlement were held, and April 4 the officers of council were elected. March 13, 1830. After the annual election and settle- ment it was resolved that no cattle should be allowed on the cemetery. At the same time the council resolved that, inasmuch as the schoolmaster has been frequently morti- fied and aggrieved, and as they did not wish him to suffer any manner of injustice any member of the congregation who might in future treat him unjustly, should appear before the church council, and if he could not clearly prove his accusations, he should be dealt with according to law. April 10. The council organized by electing Adam Stettler, president, Adam Wartman, treasurer, for one year and Theodore Storb, secretary. At the same time a resolution was passed to the effect that the keys should be placed in charge of the schoolmaster, and that any one de- siring them should be required, upon request, to tell for what purpose they are wanted. Should the object or pur> pose be a proper one and consistent with the objects and rules of this corporation, the schoolmaster was to hand them over. July 27. The council again met and appointed John Church Records. 195 Schick, Peter Brendlinger and Christian Hartfield to put the graveyard in order. August 7. The council again met and appointed To- bias Albrecht and Theodore Storb to examine the accounts concerning the building of the new barn on the parsonage farm, which they did. In November, 1830, at a meeting of the church council it was decided that under no circumstances were the leaves to be removed from the grove of the congregation except for their own use. March 12, 183 1. The usual annual election and set- tlement. At the same time Messrs. Adam Stettler and Tobias Albrecht were appointed a committee to confer with Henry Snyder with reference to the water course upon the school land. At the same time they authorized Adam Stettler to borrow $100 to pay off the congrega- tion's debts. April 2 3. The council organized by reelecting the old officers. At the same time it was unanimously agreed that the schoolmaster should be allowed to pasture his sheep on the graveyard, except on Sunday during the time of service and on the Saturday preceding it. March 10, 1832. The annual election settlement. April 7. The council met and organized by electing John Knetz president and reelecting Theod. Storb secre- tary and Adam Wartman treasurer. March Q, 1833. The annual election and settlement were held. April 6. The council organized by reelecting the old officers. The question having been raised, it was decided unanimously that the shop erected on the congregation's land for carrying on the business of stonecutting belonged to the schoolmaster. 196 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. March 8, 1834. Annual election and settlement, and April 5 organization of council. John Jerger was elected president. March 15, 1835. Annual election. A balance of $50.79^ on hand. It was resolved, that each member of the council deliver, or cause to be delivered one cord of wood, or its equivalent, at the parsonage. March II, 1836. Annual election — Organized with the old officers. At a meeting held December 10, Adam Wartman was appointed to point out to the schoolmaster where he might be allowed to cut his wood. (2) It was also decided that pupils must cut the wood used in the school and the trustees were to see that wood was fur- nished for this purpose. (3) That Theodore Storb him- self must cut all the wood he needs to carry on his trade. (4) That Adam Wartman, Geo. Romig and John Jerger (Schwammkricker) be elected inspectors of the school to visit the school and to report on the educational method and discipline of the same. March 11, 1837. Election, and April 15 organization of council. March 10, 1838. Annual election and settlement. April 7. The council organized: Adam Stettler, pres- ident, Adam Wartman, treasurer, and Theodore Storb, secretary. At the same time it was Resolved, that school must be kept open in our school house for three months, from January to April. But that (2) if at any time twenty pupils apply to the schoolmaster or to one of the committee, the schoolmas- ter must open school and continue as long as they desire to attend. March g, 183Q. Annual election. Church Records. 197 April 6. Organization of council, John Joerger, presi- dent— other officers reelected. March 14, 1840. Annual election. April 11. Michael Albrecht president and other offi- cers reelected. March 13, 1841. Annual election. Samuel Yerger elected president. March 12, 1842. Annual election — Samuel Yerger re- elected president, Frederic Brendlinger elected treasurer and Theod. Storb reelected secretary. March II, 1843. Annual election — same officers as last year. September 16. Meeting of council and congregation at which there was added to the agreement with the school- master that he must furnish 150 rails annually and keep all the fences in repair. March g, 1844. Annual election and settlement. April 6. Organization of council. Samuel Schnell, president, and the other officers reelected. March 8, 1845. Annual election and settlement. March 14, 1846. Annual election and settlement. At this meeting there was another change in the bargain with the schoolmaster, substituting seventy-five rails and payment of the tax for the 150 rails to be delivered. April 10. Council organized by electing Rev. Conrad Miller President and reelecting the other officers. Jacob Binder and Matthias Kurtz were appointed over- seers of church repairs. March 13. Annual meeting for election of trustees, elders and deacons, and for settlement. April 16. The council met and organized. Henry Bickel, president, and the other officers reelected. March 13, 1847. Annual settlement and election of 14 198 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. members of church council which met April 16, electing Henry Bickel president and reelecting the former treasurer and secretary. 1848. This year annual election and settlement held on the eleventh of April. The council organized on the fifteenth, electing Jacob Erb president and reelecting Fr. Brendlinger treasurer and Theodore Storb secretary. i8/f.g. The annual election and settlement took place March 10, and the council organized April 9, by reelect- ing all the old officers. August 18. The council and congregation met to con- sult in regard to the condition of the school house, which was ordered to be repaired. The church council also resolved, that Art. 2, of by laws referring to the Reformed minister be rescinded, and that the pulpit be denied Rev. A. Hoffman as long as he is deposed by his own church on account of immorality. The petition following was considered at a meeting of the church council held on August 25 : New Hanover, Aug. 1, 1849. Messrs. Jacob Erb, President, the members of the church council and all the other members of the Lutheran Congregation at New Hanover: Dear Sirs: We, in part members of the consistory and in part members of the congregation, wish to inform you, that for some time there has been dissatisfaction in our congregation, and to us it seems to be daily increasing, because of our schoolmaster, Theodore Storb, principally on account of the land which Mr. Storb has in use (im Besitz hat). It is too much for the service he renders. We ourselves, some of us being members of the church council, are of that opinion. And when we reflect upon our own responsibility which we owe to our congregation, before God and the congrega- Church Records. 199 tion (having pledged ourselves) to do everything for its highest welfare. We are of the opinion that it would be just and proper and for the best interest of the congregation, to demand a vote (in regard to the matter). We therefore inform you herewith that we call for an election to be held as soon as possible — to decide, whether the contract now existing between us and Theodore Storb is to be annulled or not. A few members of the congregation are of the opinion that it is not right for Mr. Storb to be paying rent, as he has improved the land so that it is in good order. In our view of the case these our friends are greatly mistaken. We are satisfied with his manner of farming. We see too that Mr. Storb holds the land at too low a rate, and that he has not done this at his own cost but at the ex- pense of the congregation. Therefore let us all be perfectly fair, and let us give the congregation a chance to decide by vote, for the best interest of the congregation. Faithful to the cause and desiring the welfare of the congregation, we subscribe ourselves Samuel Hatfield, William Royer, John Bickel, Wil- liam Stichter, Gabriel Schweinhart. It was decided that the contract with the schoolmaster remain unchanged. March g, 1850. Annual election and settlement. April 7. Council met and organized, electing John Schnell president and reelecting the other officers. March 8, 18 51. Settlement and election of members of council, Samuel Schnell elected president. March is, 1852. Election and settlement. All the old officers reelected. October 24, 1852. At a meeting of the church council George Voegele was appointed to visit the Boyertown congregation, Wm. Reller, the Keelor's, Jacob David- haeuser, the Sassaman's, and Fr. Brendlinger the Hill Church, to request them to send a committee (a delegate) 200 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. to the meeting of our church council to be held in our school house next Saturday at one o'clock P. M. Mr. Samuel Schnell was deputed to have a consultation with Rev. George Miller, Pottstown. October 30. As agreed upon the church council of this congregation and the delegates from Boyertown, Keelor's, Sassaman's and Hill met. All of them declared it to be their purpose to retain their connection with the Lu- theran congregation at New Hanover. They elected Mr. Frederick Brendlinger a committee to confer with Dr. Demme in reference to a pastor for the future. He was also instructed to write to Rev. G. F. Krotel, Lebanon. November 10. The church council met and instructed the Secretary, Theo. Storb, to write to Rev. N. Jaeger, Berrysburg, inviting him to preach trial sermons in the churches which are now vacant. A letter sent by a mem- ber of the Boyertown congregation was read to the church council. Samuel Schnell was elected president and Th. Storb, secretary. December 18, 1852. In compliance with a resolution of the church council an election for pastor to be held on the following Wednesday, December 22, at twelve o'clock, was announced by Rev. Nathan Jaeger. After the election, December 22, Jacob Binder and Fr. Brendlinger were appointed a committee to notify Rev. N. Jaeger of his election as pastor. It was decided that the congregation would contribute twenty-five dollars towards his moving expenses as far as Pottstown and would bring him from that place, upon being informed of his arrival. The pastor's salary was fixed at one hundred and sixty dollars, besides parsonage and land belonging thereto. March 12, 1853. Settlement and election of council. Church Records. 201 It was also determined that Rev. Nathan Jaeger's year as pastor should begin on the first Saturday in April. It was also decided that Rev. Mr. Jaeger should be permitted from now on to preach in the English language occasionally. The secretary and treasurer were continued in office, and John Voegele was elected president. Public notice having been given, the council and the con- gregation met October 15, 1853. After the appoint- ment of Jacob Erb and Samuel Schnell as judges of elec- tion, it was found that by a majority of 33 to 1, it was de- cided that one half of the congregation's woodland, and the field of farming land next to it be sold, for the pur- pose of erecting a house as a residence for the schoolmaster, or organist, of the congregation, and to replenish the con- gregation's treasury. Without notice of a change of officers this action is signed by John Fagley president and Frederic Brendlinger secretary, pro tern. When the land was sold on November 12, 1853, the buyers were Frederic Brendlinger, Joseph Kase, Wm. Zoller and Wm. Schneider, Esq. December 17, 1853. After public notice given the con- gregation elected Samuel Boyer organist. This statement is signed by John Fagley president and Theodore Storb secretary. December j/. Upon public notice given the council and congregation again met, to consult in regard to the school house about to be built. The secretary, Mr. Storb, was instructed to inform Samuel Boyer of his election. January 27, 1854. The church council met, due notice being given, and resolved that an election for schoolmas- ter or organist should again be held on the first Saturday of December of the present year. 202 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. February 5. The council again met, to deliberate in regard to the erection of the school house. It was re- solved, 1. That the council itself take charge of the work. 2. That the president, Mr. John Voegle, close a con- tract with the mechanics. March 11, 1854. Annual meeting and election of members of council. Resolved, that the seal for the corporation exhibited by Fr. Brendlinger, bearing the inscription : The Pastor, Trus- tees, Elders and Deacons of the German Lutheran Con- gregation in New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, be adopted. The president, John Voegle, was instructed to sign the deeds for the tracts sold November 12, 1853. April 1. After several announcements the council met and organized by electing Matthias Kurz, president, Rev. Nathan Jaeger, secretary and F. Brendlinger, treasurer. June 3. The council met and elected Fr. Brendlinger as delegate to synod. This is the first record of the kind. June 18, 1854. The church council unanimously selected Matthias Kurtz as master builder for the house to be erected. At the same time Chas. Brendlinger and Wm. Roeller were named as a committee, to call on and ask Wm. Zoller and Joseph Kehs, whether they mean to take the land, and whether they consider the title satisfac- tory, and whether they mean to pay for it. The parties having been seen about the matter, and their answers being very unsatisfactory the congregation reclaimed the land and finally, on July 15, 1854, sold it to Frederic Brendlinger for $63 per acre. October 28, 1854. At a meeting of the church council complaints handed in against the pastor, Rev. Nathan Church Records. 203 Jaeger, were considered, but being decided unproven they were dismissed. December 2. In accordance with the resolution of Jan- uary 27, at a congregational meeting Samuel L. Boyer was elected organist by a vote of 79 to 1. March 10, 1855. Annual election and settlement. April 28, 1855. At a meeting of the church council a contract was made with Fredr. Brendlinger, allowing him to erect a fence around the congregation's woodland occupying the same for a period of ten years, paying two dollars per year for the privilege, having the right to re- move the fence within that period. The church council reserved the right to annul the contract within ten years, but in that case all rent paid is to be refunded. The con- gregation, the council or the schoolmaster were at all times to be permitted to enter upon the land to take wood from it. March 8, 1856. Annual election and settlement. Jacob Davidheiser and Jacob Reifschneider were elected trustees for three years; Abraham Hauberger and Peter Mensch, elders for three years ; James Markley and George Erb, deacons for two years. There was a protest against the installation of these men as being illegally elected by seven members of the congregation. The record of this is signed by Rev. N. Jaeger as secretary of the corpora- tion. March 27. The church council met, with Solomon Stettler president and Fredr. Brendlinger secretary p. t. and organized by electing Conrad Yerger president, Fredr. Brendlinger, treasurer, and David Gilbert secretary for the year. The next record is too lengthy to be copied entire. It cites that at the regular election officers were elected; that 204 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Rev. N. Jaeger announced their election and set a time for installation. That the issue was the continuance of Rev. Jaeger as pastor. That a second election resulted in the choice of the same men. It is charged that the protest was unlawfully and illegally entered, as those making it were not members. Therefore the council demanded his immediate resignation. They also resolved to give him notice to " quit and remove from the church property be- fore the first Saturday in April, appointing a committee of three to wait upon him and give him a copy of this ac- tion. April 5. There was another meeting of council, eleven members in attendance, at which it was decided that his salary should not exceed one dollar per annum. To this Rev. Jaeger replied declining to accede to their action. Consequently the church council appointed a meeting of the congregation to be held June 14, 1856, to decide whether Rev. Jaeger should remain or should leave. At this election a majority decided that he should leave. September 7, 1856. Fr. Brendlinger handed in his res- ignation as treasurer and Abraham Hauberger was elected to succeed him. Michael Kurtz, Conrad Joerger and Solomon Stettler were named as delegates to represent the congregation at the conference at Pottstown. By recommendation of the conference the council announced another election to be held January 1, 1857. They also appointed a committee to call upon Rev. Jaeger, asking him to make the announcement on November 30 at the public service. At this election 104 voters unanimously decided that he should no longer be pastor. Notice of the result was sent to Rev. Jaeger by the church council Church Records. 205 and he was ordered to remove from the congregation's property. March 14, 1857. Annual election and settlement. The record shows that the Rev. Jaeger replied by having a council of his own elected. The council protested against their installation. Then the council, April 4, 1857, notified Rev. Jaeger that he would no longer be allowed to preach. This whole matter was then referred to the court, the details of which are not edifying. February 24, 1858. Rev. Wendt preached a trial ser- mon and the council called him to serve the congrega- tion one year on trial. At this same meeting the resolution excluding the Re- formed minister, Rev. A. Hoffman, from the church, was rescinded, provided the Reformed Congregation reciprocate. Fr. Brendlinger was appointed to convey a copy of this action to the Reformed congregation. November 18, 1858. At a meeting of the church coun- cil a committee, Rev. H. Wendt, Fredr. Foegly, Jacob Yerger, Fredr. Brendlinger and John Roos, were appointed to draft a new constitution and report November 26. On that day the council again met and after considering and discussing the constitution there presented article by arti- cle; after some few changes the same was unanimously adopted. A congregational meeting was called to be held December 1 1 to consider and act on the same. It was also decided that the pastor's year begin April first. December 1 1, 1858. The meeting was held and all the articles were unanimously accepted by the congregation. It was likewise resolved, that a list of members be pre- pared, and, that the constitution be read on three consecu- tive Sundays. Unfortunately there is no copy of it in this 206 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. record. After all this action Art. V. was reconsidered and the addition made — shall be male members — female mem- bers meeting the above requirements shall be considered full members, only not having a vote. The minutes were then read and adopted. March ig, i8$g. After the annual election it was re- solved to borrow $500 to meet expenses of the congrega- tion. April g. The council organized by electing John Schaeffer president, secretary H. Wendt and treasurer Fr. Brendlinger. At a meeting of council held June 1 1, 1859, in addition to ordering the payment of a lumber bill, Fr. Brendlinger was instructed to see that the roofs of the parsonage and barn belonging thereto be repaired. They also re- solved to tender to the Goshenhoppen (Reformed) classis the use of the Lutheran Church during their meet- ing. It was also resolved to allow any member to erect a shed upon the premises for the protection of horses and vehicles during service. July 23, i8$g. The church council resolved to substi- tute baskets for the " Klingelbeutel" in taking up collec- tions in church; also that until the baskets are procured the collections be taken up on plates at the doors. Should there be serious objection the collections shall be taken on plates until the meeting of the council in September. Mr. Elias Fagley was appointed to procure the necessary baskets. At the meeting of September, 1859, tne nst °f mem- bers was presented and entered upon the books. March 3, i860. Meeting of church council to nomi- nate for office. At this meeting it was resolved, that the treasurer pay no bills except upon resolution of the coun- Church Records. 207 cil. The deacons were also instructed to solicit only among members for the pastor's salary. The election was held March 10. At this meeting it was declared that the resolution referring to collecting among members should be construed to mean such as are twenty-one years of age and have signed the constitution. December 8, i860. At the meeting of the council it was decided that two overseers of the cemetery should be appointed. Benjamin Smith and Fr. Brendlinger were elected. At the meeting of council, March 2, 1861, candi- dates for the various offices were nominated, and it was resolved to present each catechumen confirmed with a New Testament and to the male catechumens in addition a copy of the constitution. March g, 1861. The election was held and settlement made. At a meeting of the council June 8, 1861, the Home Guard of Swamp was invited to the celebration of the Fourth of July in the church. Rev. Wendt set forth the sad condition of the sick soldiers in the various camps, especially at Washington, stating that a circular letter would be issued by the synod with reference to the matter. It was determined to hold a special service upon its receipt. At this meeting the council also resolved to hold an an- nual collection for missions at the harvest festival. September 7, 1861. After passing resolutions of con- dolence with the widow of Jonathan Muthardt, deceased, a member of the council, adjourned until March 1862. March 1, 1862. There was a meeting for the nomina- tion of candidates. On the eighth the election was held. June 14, 1862. The council again met. Having changed their mind they decided that the collection at the harvest festival should be for the congregation. The vestry of Sassaman's Church complained that the pastor 208 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. had given them up without a cause. The council then de- cided that they were opposed to a division of the field. Against this four members of council afterwards entered a formal protest. Lack of a quorum prevented meetings in September and December. At a meeting of the congregation January 17, 1863, an effort was made to raise $600 to pay off the debt. At the meeting of the church council, March 7, a num- ber of resignations and dismissals from the congregation were acted upon, and nominations made. March 14. The election was held, and on the twenty- seventh the officers were installed. At a meeting held May 14 a committee of eight members was appointed to solicit subscriptions. Another meeting was held June 13 and others appointed. March 5, 1864. Council again met to nominate candi- dates. On the twelfth the election was held. A new minute and record book is to be procured, the minutes are to be recorded in English hereafter. March 26. Only routine business attended to. At a meeting of council, April 30, 1864, it was resolved that on May 14 an election should be held to decide whether a small strip of land adjoining Fr. Brendlinger's property should be sold to him. On May 14 it was decided to sell him the small piece of ground on condition that he pay all expenses of survey, etc., and that he keep a good fence between the properties. September 10. Upon proposal of the organist Samuel Boyer, he was allowed to move off the congregation's property and to rent the same to Mr. Ezra Grubb. Rev. Wendt also gave notice of his intended resignation. At the meeting of September 17 he gave formal notice Church Records. 209 of his resignation to take effect the latter part of October. The resignation was accepted and it was decided to in- vite Rev. A. D. Croll to preach trial sermons. At a meeting, September 25, a committee was ap- pointed to visit Rev. A. D. Croll and present the invitation personally. September 28. Rev. Croll having declined to visit the the congregation it was decided to invite Rev. L. Groh. October ig. Mr. Samuel Boyer was appointed to invite the church councils at Boyertown and Pottstown to ap- point committees to meet with the council of this church on Sunday, October 26. On that day the meeting took place and it was agreed to invite Rev. G. F. Gardner of Trenton, N. J. October 31. The committee was now authorized to invite Rev. B. E. Kramlich. An election to decide whether Rev. A. D. Croll should be called was appointed for December 3. At that meeting Rev. A. D. Croll was elected by a good majority. Messrs. F. Brendlinger and J. Romig were appointed to notify him. Rev. Croll declined. It was then decided to invite Rev. Wm. Gerhardt, Jones- town, Pa. At the meeting of council, January 18, 1865, they were informed that conference desired to unite New Hanover, Boyertown and Pottstown into a parish. Keelor's congregation protested against this arrangement and New Hanover sided with it. Another committee was now appointed to confer concerning a pastor. February 25, 1865. An amendment entering all regu- lar communicants upon the membership list was proposed to be voted on at the next regular congregational meeting. February 26. After service Rev. A. H. Groh was elected pastor. Chas. Brendlinger and Abraham Yerger were appointed a committee to inform him. 210 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. March 10, 1865. The annual election was held. July 30. Arrangements were made to put a new roof on a part of the parsonage and to repair that of the church. September 23. Committees of Boyertown and Swamp congregation met and determined that these two congrega- tions should form a separate charge, if this action is en- dorsed by a majority of both councils and congregations. Boyertown is to pay $50 more as long as the pastor occu- pies the parsonage at Swamp. The election was held and by a majority of votes the new charge was formed. Rev. A. H. Groh having died, the congregations now held another election and called Rev. Leonard Groh, March 3, 1866. March 10, 1866. The usual annual election. October 20, 1866. It was decided to meet semi-annu- ally instead of quarterly. The council also agreed that the pastor should publicly advise against feasting at funerals. It was decided that the pastor should receive $275 an- nually and if a larger amount is collected he should have the whole amount. March g, 1867. Wardens were again named. After the election it was resolved, to hold the centennial festival on the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth of May of the present year. This was afterwards changed to the eleventh and twelfth of May. May 11, i86j. It was agreed that a congregational meeting be held on Saturday, the eighteenth inst., to decide whether the interior of the church should be remodelled, or simply repaired. It was resolved to remodel if the funds could be raised. Fredr. Brendlinger, Jacob Knipe and Elias Fagley were appointed to prepare a draft of the work to be undertaken. A committee of four was appointed to present an estimate Church Records. 211 of the probable cost. They reported that it would cost about $2,700, not counting labor voluntarily rendered and the cost of the bell. July 7. It was agreed that another meeting be called Saturday, July 27, to further consider the matter and de- cide whether they should proceed with the amounts sub- scribed. It was decided to proceed and the same com- mittee, which had presented the estimate, was appointed to contract for the work if it did not exceed $3,000. The last entries are those of a meeting of council to nominate candidates held March 7, 1868, and that of the congrega- tion held March 14, at which the annual election was held and the annual settlement was made. Another book carries this record to 1889, when it was continued in the present record. Further extracts are deemed unnecessary. At the time of the remodelling of the church in 1868 the council had purchased a steel alloy bell for $165 under a guaranty. It proved unsatisfactory, and was re- turned and another procured. At an election held January 1, 1870, it was decided by a vote of thirty-five to ten that the pastor should continue to reside at Swamp and should not move to Boyertown. This action seems to have been disregarded or else re- scinded, for in 1 87 1 we find the pastor living at Boyer- town, which continued to be his place of residence during the remainder of his pastorate. September 24, 1870, the church council resolved to call a congregational meeting to determine whether the par- sonage with the farm, and also a piece of school land, should be sold. If the congregation so decided, whether a new house with the necessary outbuildings " should be erected for the use of the minister." At that meeting, held 212 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. on October 8, thirty-five voted in favor of selling the par- sonage and eighteen against, twenty-three in favor of sell- ing the school land and twenty-eight against. At a special meeting of the council on October 10, it was resolved " that any member of this congregation who neglects the Lord's Supper on two successive occasions (without a satisfactory cause) shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of this congregation." On November 5, 1870, the council in special assembly determined to call another congregational meeting on November 12, to decide finally the matter of the sale of the parsonage, and the farm belonging thereto, and whether new buildings are to be erected. The vote resulted: thirty-six for selling and seven against; eighteen for building a new parsonage and twenty- two against. On November 24 the council determined to advertise the sale for December 17, 1870. This farm contained twenty-one acres and one hundred and ten perches and was not to be sold for less than $4,000. The annual proceeds from this source were to be applied to the support of the pastor. The congregation realized $4,200 from this sale. In September, 1872, the congregation by vote decided to put blinds to the windows of the church. During the succeeding years various minor repairs were made to the property. In 1875 the steeple was repaired and repainted. On July 25 of this year after divine services the pastor Rev. L. Groh took " formal leave of the congregation to visit Europe." He returned, and on September 12 received the congratulations of members and friends. During this year the congregation decided that sheds for ten horses and vehicles be erected at the northwest end of the yard. Church Records. 213 That the congregation was growing in liberality as well as in other respects is shown by the fact that on April 16, 1876, at the celebration of the holy communion, there be- ing 288 communicants, $91.83 were contributed for edu- cational and missionary purposes. On May 14 and 15, 1878, there was a convention of the Third District Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania held in this church, at which there were twenty-four ministers present. June 29, 1878, the matter of erecting sheds was again taken up, and it was now decided to build one for the pastor and as many more as should be subscribed and paid for. In 1 88 1 the church council granted leave of absence to Rev. L. Groh during the months of September and Oc- tober, to make a missionary tour through the state of Nebraska. At the call of the council the congregation met on May 9, 1885, and decided to paint the church, to fresco the walls and repair the roof of the church as soon as $500 were secured towards this object. About this time the organist, Professor Samuel L. Boyer, resigned after many years of service. At a meet- ing on December 29 Mr. George C. Gulden, of Chester County, was elected as his successor. At the same time it was resolved to dispense with the English evening ser- vices and have every third service English at the regular morning service. About this time movements were also inaugurated toward a division of the pastoral charge, which at this time consisted of this congregation and St. John's Church, Boyertown, the latter congregation desiring its own pas- tor. The request that this petition be granted was placed before the congregation on March 13, 1886, and was »5 214 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. favorably acted upon. The Rev. L. Groh presented his resignation, to take place at the end of the fiscal year (April i). On May 22 an election was held to fill the vacancy, which resulted in the election of the present pas- tor, who after his graduation from the Seminary and ordination by the Synod was installed as pastor on July 1 1 by Rev. D. K. Kepner, president of the First District Conference, the Rev. F. J. F. Schantz, D.D., preaching the installation sermon. The old God's Acre surrounding the church being well- nigh filled, an election was held on August 28 of this year to decide " whether the council shall proceed in laying out a cemetery." The action resulted favorably and the cemetery was opened and laid out in lots. It was formally opened and consecrated December 12 by the pastor. Rev. D. K. Kepner, Rev. L. Groh and Rev. O. P. Smith preached sermons on the occasion. As the organist remained but a single year, another election for this purpose became necessary. On January 29, 1887 an election was held by the congregation and resulted in the choice of B. R. Lamb, who did not accept the position, when the congregation elected David Liven- good at its regular meeting on March 12. On March 9, 1889, Mr. Jacob D. Fegley was ap- pointed to procure a seal of the corporation, for the use of the secretary of the congregation. In 1890 a jury was appointed by the courts of Mont- gomery County to vacate the road leading from the Swamp road to the church, and open a new one through the property of the congregation. On July 5, at a congre- gational meeting called for this purpose, an election was held to decide whether the congregation was willing to abide by the action and recommendation of the jury. The Church Records. 215 election resulted in twenty-three to one in favor of pro- testing against the opening of the proposed road, and if necessary to institute legal proceedings against the action of the jury. The road was never opened. On December 13, at a regular meeting of the church council, it was decided not to grant the request of Trinity Lutheran congregation at Bechtelsville, that they be ad- mitted into the pastoral charge, but permission was granted the pastor to serve them as supply. One year later this action concerning the relations with the Bechtels- ville congregation was reiterated. After the regular service on Sunday, May 14, 1893, Council decided to introduce the full liturgic service ac- cording to the morning service in the church book, to be used at the English services of the congregation. In the Spring of 1896 Mr. David Livengood resigned as organist. At an election held on May 9, Mr. Henry Schell was elected to fill the position. On October 19 and 20 of this year the Norristown Conference of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania held its meeting here and was entertained by the congregation. On December 12, 1896, an important action was taken by the church council, viz., the granting the use of a parcel of ground to Mr. J. G. Rhoads, for the purpose of building an open shed, so long as it is used for this purpose and provided that it does not interfere with the rights and privileges of the congregation. At a regular meeting of the church council held on Dec- ember 9, 1899, the matter of holding bicentennial ser- vices of the organization of the congregation was discussed and the following action taken: " Resolved, That the his- tory of this congregation shall be written from its organ- ization until its two hundredth anniversary," and also that 216 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. the pastor be charged with this1 task. This action was more far-reaching than its resolution indicates. It implied that the church records be translated, transcribed and published in connection with such other matter as may be prepared and written. The church council at the time this action was taken, and who are responsible for the same are, besides the pastor: Deacons — Milton Shaner, David B. Nester, Irwin Harpel and Harry Knause; Elders — Solomon Ren- ninger, John Rhoads, G. Washington Drumheller, Jacob Kase, Elam Ackerman, Samuel Smith; Trustees — Richard Hollenbush, Henry Swinehart, George B. Erb, A. Fred Saylor, John Roos, Josiah G. Yerger. In the spring of 1901 Henry Schell resigned as organist, and Mrs. May Good was elected by the congregation to the position. On October 27 and 28, 1903 the bicentennial of the congregation was celebrated with appropriate ser- vices. An account thereof appears eleswhere. In January, 1904, Mrs. Good resigned and was suc- ceeded by Mr. Wm. F. Lamb. On January 30, 1904, at a congregational meeting, an election was held to decide upon the repairs to the church which were about to be undertaken. The propositions presented were: {a) Shall the church be repaired, (b) shall a heating plant be installed, (c) shall the galleries be removed and a basement made within the auditorium? The first two propositions prevailed; the latter was de- feated. Committees were accordingly appointed to superintend the work, subscriptions solicited and selections made as to materials and extent of the work to be done. Mr. Jacob M. Moyer was elected treasurer of the repair fund. On September 10, a motion was adopted to install new pews, and on the twenty-first a contract was awarded to furnish Church Records. 217 same at a cost of $725. Arrangements were already made to secure new pulpit and altar and a new carpet. An effort was also made to secure new stained glass windows. This was successful, and memorial windows were procured from members and friends of the congre- gation at a cost of $1,310. The work was delayed on account of some objections being made to excavating un- der the floor of the church to install a heating plant, but by September operations were actively begun and prac- tically completed by the end of the year. The church was reconsecrated in January, 1905. During this year a petition was also sent to the council from the Lutheran congregation at Sassamansville, re- questing to be united with it into a pastoral charge. On March 20, 1904, action was taken on this request, but did not result favorably. On June 14 council granted its pastor permission to resign Huber's congregation. In April, 1905, the pastor announced to the church council that Mr. Andrew Carnegie has promised to pay half of the cost of a new $1,800 pipe organ for the con- gregation and also that the other half was promised to the congregation by several members as a gift. On April 8, the congregation by vote accepted the offer and on the thirtieth of the same month the council ordered its presi- dent and secretary to sign a contract, in behalf of the con- gregation, with Bates and Culley to build the organ. The instrument was built according to contract and placed within the church and later consecrated to its sacred uses. The present church council is composed of the fol- lowing: Deacons — Charles Grubb, William Saylor, Harry Ren- ninger, Clayton Saylor. 2l8 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Elders — Joseph Becker, Hezekiah Buchert, Irwin B. Grubb, Augustus Renninger, Daniel B. Moyer, George B. Erb. Trustees — Edward B. Kepler, John Rhoads, Henry Reinert, David Hunsberger, Josiah G. Yerger, Jacob Harpel. Sf /■Otfv^Vtf^ |§l ImMM^^^^^^S^^n. i Mk^A^Hwh^i) W/P ^ m l/J ZJ ^^^v***> . • \l$V->- r * •*. "* V^*^ f^i'-.K-x'- #'*'•£?&!• "J5-v.\3?s?S ^JSW-lRh. CHAPTER IX. The Schoolmasters and Organists of the Church. Their Times of Service, and a Brief Sketch of the Sunday School. TI7TI HEN and under what circumstances the first school house was erected, and who was the first school teacher to be employed by this congregation will prob- ably always remain an open question. The Halle Re- ports tell of the existence of the school in 1743 and at once introduces us to John Frederic Vigera, who had charge of the school in 1744. But in giving this sketch of the schoolmasters and organists employed at various times during the history of the congregation, we will not cite in every instance the specific authorities, whether the Halle Reports, the record of the church, or other sources. 219 220 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. This man Vigera is the first of the New Hanover school masters brought to our notice. He had lived among the Salzburgers at Ebenezer, Georgia. He had come to that place in 1741 as a merchant, and whilst still a single man. He had the oversight of the orphans there. He came to Pennsylvania in 1743. He seems to have had charge of the school at New Hanover during 1744. From him it passed into the hands of J. Nicholas Kurtz, who re- mained in charge from the spring of 1745 to December, 1746. He was succeeded by J. Albert Weygandt. Vigera probably went from here to the Trappe and then took charge of the school at Lancaster in 1748. April 19, 1749, he married Anna Stephens, also known by the name of Stephenson, a woman of Quaker descent, at the house of Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg at New Provi- dence. In 1750 he was employed as schoolmaster at Philadelphia. In 1752 he gave up that position and was succeeded by Rev. Heintzelman as teacher and organist. He seems to have been very successful as a teacher. There may have been, and probably were, others be- fore his time. All the indications are that there was a school connected with the congregation from its very beginning. It is to be regretted that H. M. Muhlen- berg and his colaborers so seldom dropped hints in re- gard to the activities and labors of churches and schools existing before their time, except in those cases in which they were brought into conflict with them, while those who were acting independently did not seem to want any one to know what they were doing. The consequence is that the events which occurred before Muhlenberg's time and the occurrences outside his influence, among those who did not join in with him, have almost entirely passed out of view. As already stated Vigera was succeeded by Schoolmasters and Organists of the Church. 221 J. N. Kurtz, afterwards ordained to the ministry and sta- tioned at Tulpehocken, York, etc. He was succeeded by J. Albert Weygandt, already men- tioned, by J. Wm. Kurtz and others, whose names have long since been forgotten. Some of them perchance may again be brought to notice, but probably the larger number have forever passed from men's recollection. Another fact must not be overlooked, viz., that in those early years, nearly all the assistants, and the regular pas- tors even, up to the time of the sons of Muhlenberg, and possibly even after that, taught the school a part of the time. In fact, much of the proficiency of many of the pas- tors of that day arose from the fact that they were thoroughly trained as teachers. They knew how to teach, and their teaching bore rich fruit. Another whose name has been handed down and who was held in high esteem was John Jacob Loeser. He was employed here in 1748, and probably even earlier. Muhlenberg speaks very highly of him. He appears to have been an immediate successor of J. N. Kurtz, and was employed here before Kurtz left. However, he always remained a teacher. He never entered the ministry. He not only taught the ordinary branches, but also acted as catechist. It is said of him that he could commit to memory an entire sermon in two days. So far we have found no distinct data showing who were his immediate successors, except the ministers and helpers already mentioned. Being cotemporaneous with Kurtz, he and Kurtz were married about the same time. Loeser was married to Mary Eble, November 18, 1747, and Kurtz in December of the same year, to Elizabeth Seidel. October 22, 1748, Loeser appeared at Lancaster as a candidate for the office of teacher and cantor. Accord- 222 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ing to the testimony of Handschuh's diary he was set to work to show his fitness as a teacher. He seems to have spent the remainder of his days at Lancaster. We are told that he died there in 1793, aged sixty-nine years, six months and three days, after having spent forty-four years as a schoolmaster. According to a statement of Dr. Ochsenford, Michael Walther was the schoolmaster in 1750 and 175 1. Little is known of the man except the mere fact that Muhlen- berg states, without giving a specific reason, that he could not be sent out to preach, or to read sermons. Who his immediate successor was we have not been able to learn positively. Apparently it was Lucas Rauss. If so, he remained but a short time. Rauss apparently occupied the position during the latter part of 1749 and the beginning of 1750, but who had charge of the school from the time of his departure to Albany to the time of his return, about 1752 or 1753, we have not been able to ascertain. There is a possibility that J. Albert Wey- gant assisted him a part of the time, or was substituted for him. Rauss seems to have had charge of the school a part of the time after his return until his final location at York. Perhaps there had been some one to aid him in the work, as he actually officiated as pastor of the churches at Oley Hill, Pikeland and Tohickon during these latter years. Undoubtedly William Kurtz was the schoolmaster, as well as the pastor's assistant and substitute from 1757 or 1758 to 1760. Whether Rev. Van Buskirk, Rev. Ludwig Voigt and the sons of Muhlenberg, during the time they officiated as the assistants of Muhlenberg, ever filled the office of schoolmaster, cannot be said, but it seems probable that Schoolmasters and Organists of the Church. 223 they did. That would fill up the time until about the time when Mr. Schaffner had charge of the school, in 1774. Unfortunately the older minutes throw no light on the subject. This unfortunately leaves a gap of about twenty years unaccounted for. The later minutes beginning March, 1795, furnish some good clues as to the teachers employed between that time and 1867. These records show that January 17, 1798, Daniel Schaeffer was elected as school teacher for one year. Apparently he is the same man who sub- sequently entered the Lutheran ministry and for several years acted as pastor of Zion, Perry Township, St. Paul's, Windsor, and probably several other congrega- tions in the vicinity of Hamburg, Berks County. December 9, of the same year, there was a public exam- ination of three candidates, Daniel Schaeffer, Adam Fil- bert and Samuel Schoch. At the election held four days later, December 13, Samuel Schoch was elected by fifty- four votes against thirty cast for the other two men. Mr. Schoch certainly retained charge of the school until 1804, and possibly at least a part of the time for nearly seven years more, for it does not appear that the name of Mr. Schmidt is recorded as teacher until 181 1, when a resolu- tion was adopted to the effect " that if our Schoolmaster, Mr. Schmidt, because of his sickliness and other causes could not perform his duty, the congregation would be satisfied if Mr. Schurig his son-in-law took charge of it." In 1 8 13 notice is taken of the fact that the position had become vacant, and a committee was appointed to secure a tenant for the school farm, with the proviso, however, that if the congregation should employ a new schoolmaster, the use of it should revert to the congrega- tion. 224 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Mr. Kraut, of Lancaster, and Mr. Berndt, of Goshen- hoppen, Reformed, were to be notified that the congrega- tion needed a schoolmaster. The minutes of the council, March 12, 18 14, show by the statement that he com- plained because of a lack of support, that the school- master then was George Miller, and the congregation obligated itself to furnish a stipulated number of pupils, or pay for them. No record of the appointment of Mr. Jaeger as school- master has been found, but the fact that August 22, 1824, the council decided to announce that September fourth the congregation should hold an election to decide whether he should be reappointed shows that he was so employed. The election decided that he should continue to be the teacher. December 7, 1828, Peter Jaeger tendered to the church council his resignation. At a meeting of the council on Friday, December 12, it was determined to advertise in the Reading Adler and in the German Sum- neytown paper for a teacher who could write and read both English and German well, who was able to play the organ and could present good testimonials as to character, for the Lutheran congregation at New Hanover. An election for a new pastor and for a schoolmaster was held February 24, 1829, and Theodore Storb was elected to the latter position, while Rev. Conrad Miller became the successor of his brother, Rev. Jacob Miller. In 1830 it would seem that there had been complaints about the schoolmaster. The council therefore decided that those complaining should bring their accusations be- fore the council and attempt to establish them by sufficient testimony. If any one failed in this he was to be dealt with strenuously. In 1843 a change was made in the agreement with the Schoolmasters and Organists of the Church. 225 schoolmaster, Theodore Storb. Still another change was made in 1846. Although a petition had been handed in, August 1, requesting a general election, on the twenty- fifth of the same month, 1849, tne council resolved to re- new the contract. On the seventeenth of December, 1853, Samuel Boyer was elected organist of the congregation. This then ended the career of Theodore Storb as schoolmaster and organist, after he had filled the position between twenty- four and twenty-five years; it also ended the parochial, or congregational school. The Sunday-school at present connected with the con- gregation is of quite recent origin. This congregation, like a great many others, had to learn from its experience with a union Sunday-school of how little value such institutions are to a Christian congrega- tion. As that is a thing of the past, and one not to be regretted, it will be needless to enter into a lengthy and detailed account thereof. It will therefore be sufficient to record the fact that in 1853 a union Sunday-school was organized, and a con- stitution was adopted. The school was open only from April until the latter part of October, about six months. There is no hint as to the books used or as to the method of teaching. May 4, i860, a meeting was held at the public school house to reorganize. Now a monitor was added and the trus- tees were reduced from ten to five. As another meeting was held in a public school house in 1861, it would seem as if they did not wish to have, or to recognize, any con- nection with the church. But at this point the record ceases. Did the school cease too? It might seem so. It 226 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. is also known that it was not in high favor with the Re- formed congregation. After that time, when Rev. Wendt was the pastor, it would seem to have found its way into the church. After his time, under Rev. Leonard Groh the Sunday-school again found its way back to the public school house and remained there about twenty years longer. Since that time each congregation has had its own Sun- day-school. " On Palm Sunday, 1887, Rev. L. J. Mayer, pastor of the Reformed congregation, announced that all those who wished to attend a Reformed Sunday-school should assemble at the Reformed school house at the church at 2 P. M. on Easter." On Good Friday the Lutheran pastor, invited all who desired to attend a Lutheran Sunday-school to meet in the school room of the Lutheran Church on Easter. Now for more than twenty- two years each congregation has had its own Sunday- school. Many of the teachers and officers have faithfully labored ever since to improve the Christian instruction of the young. CHAPTER X. Meetings of the Synod Held in this Church. 7TRADITI0N tells us, that at first there was an agree- ment that the synod should meet alternately at Philadelphia and Lancaster, as the two congrega- tions were considered of equal importance. While it is possible that there may have been such a tacit understanding, it is very doubtful whether any positive action to that effect was ever taken. On the other hand, it is very evident that before long the synod met in some of the other united congregations. At New Hanover the first meeting of the synod was held June 16-18, 1754. This was the seventh conven- tion, only six years after its organization. At this time, in addition to the Swedish Provost Acrelius and Pastor Unander, there were thirteen pastors and delegates from 227 228 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York and New Jersey, in attendance. Whether Rev. Gerock, of Lancaster, who was invited to be present at this meeting, is included in this number, is not quite certain. But as it is also stated that there were fourteen High German ministers there, and as Rev. Schertlein was likewise there, it would seem as if Gerock were counted with the ministers. This convention deliberated concerning the " internal and external condition of the congregations," as well as the hindrances in the way of a successful prosecution of their work. There was also an account presented before the body concerning a certain M. Engelland, who tried to secure congregations among them, but there was no action taken in the matter. The second synodical meeting at New Hanover was held November 6 and 7, 1768, in connection with the dedication of the present church edifice. It may be of interest to note here that the first con- vention of the synod, held west of the Susquehanna, met at York in 1776, the year immediately preceding the third meeting at New Hanover, and that Rev. Goering, who figured so largely in the history of the church of that sec- tion, was ordained there. The synod met at New Hanover for the third time, May 25, 1777. At this convention only nine ministers were present, viz., Revs. Schmidt, Kunze, Fr. Muh- lenberg, Henry (E.) Muhlenberg, Goering, Lehman, Mueller, Schroeter and H. M. Muhlenberg, besides the president, Rev. J. N. Kurtz, who was so sick that he could not attend the sessions and could take no part in the ser- vices. He was however reelected president. The next meeting was appointed for the first Sunday after Trinity, 1778, at New Hanover. Meetings of Synod Held in this Church. 229 The synod however did not meet at the time appointed, but met about four months later, October 4-6 of the same year. Probably this place was selected again because the British were in full possession of Philadelphia at that time. Nineteen ministers, including three candidates for ordination, were in attendance. One of the latter, a Mr. Frantz, appears to have dropped out of sight altogether. The other two, Lehman and Schroeter, were duly or- dained. In the afternoon of the second day, we are told, " they had some trouble with a man from Gernsheim, who had set up as a preacher." Could this possibly have been Adolph von Gerresheim, who figured in the churches of the Lykens and Pine Valleys, in the vicinity of Gratztown about that time? It is not known now who the man really was. Another matter which has often perplexed those looking up historical facts is clearly solved here. For we are told, " afterwards, they com- pleted the ministerial constitution," showing that the first constitution of the ministerium, contained in the protocol, beginning 178 1, was finally adopted in 1778 at New Hanover. This congregation therefore enjoys the distinction of having witnessed the adoption of the first ministerial (or synodical) constitution, adopted by the Lutheran Church in America — certainly a consider- able distinction for a small country congregation. For not only was this the first German Lutheran congregation in America, but in its final and definite form its constitu- tion was given here to the first Lutheran Synod in America, which was very appropriately called " The Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of North America." June 19-22, 179 1, the synod again met " in New Han- over Township, Montgomery Co." This time nineteen 16 230 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ministers were in attendance. Among them we find Rev. Krug, Frederic, Md. ; Schroeter, Hanover, York Co.; Liitge, Shippensburg, and Zimmerman (Carpenter), from far-off Virginia. Rev. Weinland was the resident pastor. One of the transactions worthy of notice at this convention was the granting to Michael Billmyer, of Germantown, the right to publish the new hymn-book, a contract for which was drawn up and signed by all the members of the ministerium present. At this meeting Rev. Caspar Dill received his first license. Rev. Liitge's license was renewed and one was granted to a Mr. Wickerman, who however seems to have been hereafter dropped from the roll. There was like- wise the usual distribution of the proceeds of the Roedel- sheim legacy. The Philadelphia pastors were appointed a committee to have a seal for the ministerium prepared. The cost was to be met from the proceeds of the Roedelsheim legacy. Mt. Joy (now Elizabethtown) and White Oak desired a Mr. Bentz to be licensed. Instead of being licensed he was placed under the supervision of Rev. Muhlenberg, Lancaster, for further preparation. At this meeting Christian Espy, or Espig, also made applica- tion for a license. He was placed under the supervision of Revs. Weinland and Roeller. There were two other applicants — a Mr. Ahl, whom the ministerium rejected absolutely, and a Mr. Stock, whom they advised to keep on teaching some time longer. The licensed candidates, Jung and Zimmerman (Carpenter), were ordained at this meeting. At this convention St. Michael's and Zion's of Phila- delphia, memorialized the synod, asking that the lay dele- gates be " accorded a seat and vote in every meeting of the Meetings of Synod Held in this Church. 231 ministerium." Synod decided to grant this right. Revs. Helmuth and Kunze were appointed a committee to pre- pare a plan for carrying out the measure and to report any needed amendments to the constitution, to put the proposed changes into effect. It might be justly claimed that this was one of the most important of the con- ventions held during the entire history of the synod, for it changed the whole form and constitution of the body to a free representative body of the entire church, instead of one composed of ministers only. Since then synod met at other places and has grown so large that it can no longer be entertained in a small place or in a small church. CHAPTER XL Special Events. Dedications and Anniversaries. *IK1 OT a great deal can be said concerning church dedications in the early days of the church in this country. History is largely silent on this point. The fact that now houses of worship are invariably con- secrated when completed and ready for occupancy, does not prove that this was the case, without exception, in the days of our forefathers. It has however given rise to many traditions concerning such services said to have been conducted, which have no place in fact, yet have figured largely in history. It must always remain a matter of deep regret that no record of the erection of the first log church has been pre- served, nor yet of the pious and self-denying men who 232 jA* JMIHkgJ * 11 IM 9 ^ 11 1 v ■§5*2s iI'itM wP|'/aj3 |SI -S|=SL ^f - -, gwl ' *- D 1 1 1 • - vvlr S^l ^Z& iaa 1 Iwl : I W^sAtlA rM ' r n • W-f-X'^^C^sS y3v V" .*/ i/y^rf Vi1 '•>"'?Jh^ "VS^T***-* §J§ ^^^m> j_i Special Events: Dedications and Anniversaries. 233 united with the Falckners, Henkel, Sandel, Rudman and others in the organizing of this congregation for the worship of Almighty God in the bleak and howling wild- erness. Far different our historic basis would be if two centuries and more could be laid open to view, and the facts scanned as they then existed in the life of the congre- gation. The cornerstone laying and dedication services, if there were any such, of this first church must be passed by in silence without a word of comment. It is equally to be regretted that the affairs concerning the erection and consecration of the second church building share an equal fate, and that there is not even a fair ac- count extant of the erection and dedication of the third church building. It is true a little more is known of that, but it is only a little more. The facts and dates of erec- tion of these two buildings and the length of time they were used for public services are known, but whether they were ever consecrated, or when, is not known. Whilst it may be true that a knowledge of these things is not of much practical value, it would certainly be a mat- ter of great satisfaction to know who the men and women were who figured so prominently in these missionary ef- forts. If we could look back and recall the names of these ancestors, we could in imagination see them enter the portals of their newly erected temple, singing praises to God and proclaiming their undying attachment to the faith of the church, long before they were a free and an inde- pendent people. But we do not know their names, at least not of the larger number of them, so we can only know them by their works and their faith, and thank God that, although their names are unknown to us, He knows them and raised up witnesses for Himself in this western world, of whom their 234 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. children may well be proud; the fruits of whose labors we are now enjoying. May their children prove worthy of the heritage left to them, and may these transmit the same as a rich legacy to their children, and their children's children ! It must be remembered that the history of this church is not entirely exceptional in this respect. Possibly they had no cornerstone laying, and no dedication services for the first three churches. This would not be strange, for it repeatedly happened during the early days of some of the churches in this country that no cornerstones were laid and that there was no subsequent dedication of the building. What the real cause was of this state of things is difficult to determine. It may be that the scar- city of ministers to perform these functions had something to do with it, or it may have been indifference; or the desire to occupy the building, rather than consecration services, was uppermost in the minds of these early pioneers. Whatever the cause the fact remains, that numerous churches erected between 1775 and 1850, and possibly some of earlier date, were simply erected, then occupied and used by the congregations without further ceremony. The erection of the present church building during the pastorate of Rev. Ludwig Voigt has a different story to relate. There had been a cornerstone laying in 1767, and the building, when completed, was formally consecrated in November, 1768, to the service of the Triune God, by the " Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of North Amer- ica " called in special session for that purpose. The his- tory of these services has already been given and need not be repeated in this connection. In the year 1801 a new pipe organ was introduced and Special Events: Dedications and Anniversaries. 235 probably also consecrated. The agreement made in 1800 between the congregation and Christian Dieffenbach, or- gan-builder, expressly states that the first half of the payment for the organ shall be made when the organ is dedicated. There is however no record at hand of the date of dedication or of the services which may have been conducted. When the congregation took up the brick floor and sub- stituted a wooden one, and renovated the entire church building in 1826, that would apparently have been a fav- orable opportunity for the celebration of the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the congregation, as well as the sixtieth anniversary of the erection of the present church, but there is no account of any special services either of commemoration or of consecration. In 1867 the congregation determined again to repair and renovate the church; this probably came as a thank offering unto the Lord in that he allowed the congrega- tion to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone. That they intended the work of renovation to be thorough is shown by the fact that they resolved to put in new pews, windows, pulpit, doors, etc., at a cost of $3,000, besides labor voluntarily rend- ered. Before this renovation took place the congrega- tion celebrated its centennial, which took place on May 11 and 12, 1867. Rev. B. W. Schmauk, of Lebanon, preached the centennial sermon. Rev. J. B. Rath, of Bethlehem, and Rev. Laitzle, of Pottstown, also preached sermons on that occasion, while Rev. George F. Miller, of Pottstown, and Rev. L. J. Mayer, pastor of the local Re- formed church, assisted the pastor, Rev. L. Groh, in these services. The services no doubt left a lasting impression upon the minds and hearts of the members of the congre- 236 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. gation, since during the Summer succeeding these centennial services, they were busy making preparation and gathering funds for the work about to be undertaken. So success- ful were they that by October they were ready to proceed with this work, but the pastor, Rev. L. Groh, makes the statement: " as the present edifice was erected in the fifth jubilee of the Reformation, 1767, the seventh Jubilee (1867) naturally coincided with its centennial." So this anniversary of the seventh Jubilee of the Reformation was likewise to be celebrated in the church prior to its renova- tion; this took place on October 26 and 27, 1867. Those who took part in these services, besides the pastor, were Rev. John Kohler, Rev. Laitzle and Rev. Fleckenstine. These two events celebrated in the same year seem to have been the most impressive of this character ever celebrated in the congregation, and mark the beginning of a new era of anniversary services. Besides money being contributed for church repairs, a liberal jubilee fund was gathered among the members for Muhlenberg College, at Allen- town. Less than a month had passed by and the work of reno- vation has been enthusiastically begun. Everything seems to have been taken out of the building, the walls, floor, ceiling and roof alone having been spared. All the doors but one were walled up, the galleries changed, the organ and pulpit found new places in the church, the steeple was erected upon the building and a new bell provided for it. Exactly one year, from November 25, 1867 to November 20, 1868, was consumed in the performance of the task set before the congregation. The anniversaries the year preceding left impressions, and set the pace for future actions, so nothing short of re-dedication services could now satisfy the congregation. Accordingly, such Special Events : Dedications and Anniversaries. 237 services were conducted on November 21 and 22, 1868. The venerable Rev. Prof. C. F. Schaeffer, D.D., pro- fessor in the Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, preached the dedicatory sermon. The pastor was also assisted by the neighboring pastors, Rev. W. B. Fox, Rev. John Kohler and Rev. W. G. Laitzle. The services were contributive of a great deal of good, and left the congrega- tion ever ready to keep the venerable building in the best possible condition. In the year 1885, at the close of the same pastorate the church was again repaired, but in a moderate way. The roof was re-covered with slate, the walls frescoed, the woodwork painted, and other necessary repairs made. At the re-opening services on September 20, 1885, the Rev. Prof. W. J. Mann, D.D., LL.D., professor of the Theological Seminary at Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, preached a German sermon at the morning service. Rev. B. M. Schmucker, D.D., and Rev. D. K. Kepner, of Pottstown, spoke during the afternoon and Rev. O. P. Smith, of Trappe, preached in the evening. These services were enriched by special music under the auspices of Prof. Young from the Kutztown Normal School, accompanied by a male quartette. Perhaps the most important of all the anniversaries is " The Bi-centennial of the Lutheran Congregation in New Hanover," observed on the twenty-eighth and twenty- ninth of November, 1903. This was the first bicentennial of any German Evangelical Lutheran congregation cele- brated in this country — the first one of the kind in North America. The details of the program will not be re- produced here. One feature however deserves notice — the majority of those taking part in the services were sons of the congregation itself, or of its immediate neighbors — 238 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. bearing the names of men prominent in the congrega- tion, Kurtz, Fegley, Bertolet, Fox, etc. The president of the ministerium, Rev. F. J. F. Schantz, preached the first sermon. His position naturally implied that his sermon should be historic, and presented this congregation in its relation to the synod. In the evening of the same day the speakers were Rev. U. S. G. Bertolet, of Philadel- phia, and Rev. I. B. Kurtz, of Pottstown. On the fol- lowing day Rev. Prof. G. F. Spieker, D.D., professor in the Theological Seminary at Mt. Airy, preached in Ger- man at the morning service. In the afternoon the Rev. O. P. Smith, D.D., Rev. W. B. Fox and Julius F. Sachse, Litt.D., of Philadelphia, made appropriate and interest- ing addresses. The evening services, at which Rev. Prof. H. N. Fegley, D.D., and Rev. W. O. Fegley spoke, closed the celebration. These various sermons and addresses were interspersed with hymns and anthems by the choir and congregation, thereby making the celebration services pleasant, attractive and profitable. It is to be hoped that, as a result of this celebration, the congregation will feel renewed attachment to its confes- sions, a stronger impulse to activity and earnestness in the work of the church, and a greater zeal in the upbuilding of the Kingdom of the Lord among themselves and among others, so that present and future members may continue faithful, that heaven may crown every effort to Christian- ize the world. At the celebration of this anniversary the thought was expressed that as the congregation occupied such a unique position, and possessed such a precious herit- age, it behooved its members to cherish the treasure they possessed, and that the least they could do in an external manner was to keep the church property in excellent repair, Special Events: Dedications and Anniversaries. 239 so that they show by their works that they are at least interested in that which they possessed, having received it by the grace of God as an inheritance from their ancestors. Scarce had the echoes of the words subsided when another renovation, more elaborate and extravagant than any be- fore undertaken, was under way. During the year 1904 everything within the walls of the church was again re- moved, a cellar dug under the floor, a heating plant in- stalled, new memorial windows placed in the church, new pews, a new floor, new pulpit and altar furniture, etc., at the cost of nearly $6,000, which was readily and promptly contributed by the members and friends of the congrega- tion. In January, 1905, a reconsecration service was held. These services following so closely the bicentennial cele- bration were not as elaborate as circumstances would war- rant, yet there was an all-day service. Rev. O. P. Smith, D.D., preached the principal sermon in German at the morning service. Rev. L. J. Bickel, Rev. Charles Dapp, Rev. A. M. Weber and Rev. I. B. Kurtz assisted in these services, and preached sermons or else brought the con- gratulations from their respective congregations. When these services were ended the feeling was ex- pressed that now everything was in such shape that prob- ably during the lifetime of the present generation no fur- ther change or improvement need be made. Nevertheless there remained in the gallery an organ that had now seen service during one hundred and four years, so within the space of three short months kind donors offered to present a new pipe organ to the congregation. After the congre- gation agreed to relinguish the old organ for a new one, a contract was made with Bates and Culley, of Philadel- phia, to build an organ, using some of the material in their present instrument, of such a value as the contributions 240 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. might justify. By the end of July the congregation re- joiced in an instrument substantially built, valued at $2,- 450. This organ is so thoroughly complete that when it was in position it had no peer in the surrounding commu- nity and is entirely satisfactory. The congregation owes its sincere thanks to those who have so liberally contributed towards this worthy object. This fact calls forth the last service of this character. On August 6, 1905, dedication services were conducted, consecrating the organ for sacred purposes. Rev. J. H. Umbenhen, Ph.D., of Pottsville, preached a German ser- mon at the morning service. Rev. Geo. W. Genszler preached during the afternoon services. This was fol- lowed by addresses of visiting clergymen, while Rev. N. F. Schmidt, of Schwenksville, preached the closing sermon in the evening. The weather was unpropitious, yet the spirits ran high and brought fair audiences during the entire day. Besides the anthems and hymns rendered dur- ing the day, under the direction of Mr. William F. Lamb, organist and chorister of the congregation, a number of selections and organ voluntaries were excellently rendered by Mr. Roy Bush, of Royersford, and Mr. Rooke Loomis, of Nantmeal Village, the latter being totally blind, yet a musician of no mean ability. This completes the history of these interesting services in the sincere hope that the same may call forth reconse- cration of heart and life to greater devotion, and praises to God for his infinite goodness to his people. CHAPTER XII. Historical Events, i. Trials and Struggles of the Congregation. /■V UCH might be written about the early strug- gles of this congregation, as well as concerning those of many other churches of the provincial period. It might however be truthfully said, that, perhaps as far as the mere struggle for existence was concerned, the people of this community were not re- quired to deny themselves to the same extent as some others, nor yet in the same manner, e. g., the people of the Schoharie Hills, in Heidel- berg and Lynn Townships, in Lehigh County and Albany, Berks County. There, besides being harassed by the In- 241 242 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. dians, some dug caves to afford them temporary shelter or homes, and others occupied their large wagons as sleep- ing rooms and parlors, and used the protecting branches of some large oak or chestnut tree as the roof of their dining room and kitchen. Some of our day, no doubt, think that experiences of that kind are peculiar to the far-distant West. Possibly this may have been so in recent years. But in those earlier days they also occurred here in the East. That these conditions were existing is shown by the following petitions for protection. Petitions of Citizens to Governor Patrick Gordon for Protection Against the Invasion of the Indians. Two interesting documents, which will be reproduced, in this connection, have been furnished through the kind- ness of Dr. Julius F. Sachse, throw light upon several matters of importance. The information derived from these proved that the in- habitants in this community were already numerous prior to the year 1720, the date of one of these petitions. This one contains the signatures of seventy-seven persons, most of them, perhaps- all, land holders and heads of families, with wives and children. It also shows the condition and fear of the inhabitants, at the time, also that the attacks of the Indians were frequent and hostile, and that pro- vincial protection was necessary in order to live in safety and in peace. These petitions to the Governor also show that these people were no squatters because they speak of their plan- tations as being their own; nor were they simply occupying these places temporarily, since some of the signatures of J& &B9#*»-«f tyafccl CwQrtt &9>~ fou^^ar A^~^ $^o^ J 0u^ yG*-*^- ^®«2 upturn- &S £04*1 h Pi o fa < z < -i fa H .&-«■ a •1 >■>.«- ■all 4* * rt C *-■ ™ oj w fii a -a -a a jy J .g .3 <= to E « - O 2 bfl /. — _ i2 TJ 3 M ft '3 a> to to — _ J3 h .2 « 5 a « bO •44 . c w 2 s '£• « 5 « B g ^ £ S3 S » S « 2 3 cj -S g B o 8 a w •0~ * w -a ja 1 £ c a. 2 => W C o .2 * -S ' 73 « * S E » T3 — •— > rs. n C >+? bfi o o u, oj to o bfl 3d TO 1_i — cs >• ■*-' s- in tt o ° D to . o >> (JO W h a fa c fa bfi «J u, ™ bB £ ,S -o u .s -* « H h 2 £ £ M — c w _ u w '^ ft CQ (A .£ "=<) <° u « 5 .3 w .- u "-aw (J <*H «2 w o J= h J3 -F c 3 -3 £ 'a . • 1 .a s « it a -5 ^ .r --Z w « « 2 J3 c "° I « ^1 ■£ Q2 w ^3 « *f o 9 e « - e .2 -^ <- ft W) w w S f E 3 w~ "° H ra a g m s ^ w c, cs Ew 1- 5 5 ■ ; « co >, W 2 -° 3 a> ~ — ft « a W ^3 o 13 S t; w jj o D.'S- W £ T3 E .2 o E * S E ^ w cu ■S UN S c c a J a rt 'w J3 bO *E o .-, 3 W Un CU to CCJ ^ _S w to "2 ft ■" •- — -a w r-L 2 o w •a h4 ,0 P *-i a> W M «5 >, C5 S - .a o ■ S .= 3 W r- !" 0 Aw •^ r M I z < fa CO ^S •3 h c m u . H SQ ^ - c c ^- ~ — <- 5 re "2 -a E w ex"? CO «3 s -a "a re .- c 43 S s -l <» c s « pq a; T3 < fa rS J3 « I 1-. • -* c -, "° 5 fa -5 T3 re H fa m B 3 - ^ ^ S « 43 ■SSI fa«£ E u cd 4^ .2 <3 u J c ~o fa fa 43 u <+H T! £ C -O a 1* re «J IH VI 3 43 re O -c h fa fa 2 K E X < 43 43 2 w c_) u C -c 5 < < S * 4= & - T1 « « S .2 .2 « 2 ^ no T3 § S U fa ^< c C ™ J O C « T3 rs a g i JJ "*; j *S - — >-i " -a -a :s T3 ^3 to -a c c . is c > c c « ra i_J « w « TO c c to c c a S rt rd c rt eg cd td 'S '£ re "S *S .S •— «o 4343 rejs^'S^^ re vr o t^ 00 t^. CX5 OO 43 43 re 43 S 43 u u u u Au (^ t^ o\ t^ 00 t^ ►H t^ IH N f» rs H N H N °° 11 S P 43 re *-; fa S o o p S to O ■ + N + 00 00 n vo r-« 00 M M 1^, M tn t^ t>. 00 r*. ■<*■ t~» w 00 N N VO M J > ■8-S «£& frCi-8 i J «| fafaQ OOUQPfaWfaEH; 4:4<:4_i cd ■0 ^ ~ 1 JG 13 •n a id i C3 CO G ed E id CO a cd E 0 -3 < a < a a < cd O — 1 cd -0 a cd ~i a £ a cd E £ a cd ■•j a H 0 sd ed B — s — — E a ta cd cd a a * w £ £ w 0 cd £ cd -" £ -a • - td i- fe *h cs ^ •£ "TS -rt (d " c (J S 5 w rt cd rt en on an 3 -G 3 3 N * u-v 0 N CO * -t- 0 v^l • N CO M CO M ■* cd t*i ro a 00 Oh a 0 0 vo r«. t> CM r^ CO CO rs, VO M u-1 0 vy~i H to M 00 00 00 00 a CM CM 00 CO 00 OO OO 00 0 CO CO 'O !) CO r^ 1^. r> M r^ r^ * M M CO 00 M 0 M M CO 00 W w »>. « CO CO M IH H M M ta CO !-( M M M H r^ M r^ _ M 0 -t" CM M 0 M" n _ 0 CO u-i * CO CO CO _ M O ri CO p» •+ M N M M CI 0 2 — < U a u 3 u O > z a 9 cd fan a, V CO >> cd fa > O !25 u cd a < a 1 — . cd O u G > O O < > O z d Ed G cd 1 — . bl 3 < 1 B cd 1 — 1 V 3 3 1 — 1 a 1— > OJ 3 3 ■— 1 00 M OO M OO OO OO f^ M OO -t- o as o OO w OO o 00 o\ M OO IH CO CO O OO l>. OO M OO SO •tJ-OO •tou-iMOO • O W N OO OO f^OO M iflOO ONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO M OO M M OO W H ON O "^ « SO - M SO 00 00 M so M so N so M w oo" N Is - so N O *J- _- — — N OO O so t^ to «■ ^ w 3 ~= EJ bD 4- CS a « 1 cd « • - 2^ -^ ^ -^ ^i -^ fa- < 2 w C W u -C ^ (U 1 5 cd la ^ < Ed < g s-i b G oj E E — — 1» Ph .9 wis: ^^^^<2^ c^ cd cd cd ,2 w 5 5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a. « -2 -2 b -S 1 ~ t^T OT1 tfT o _<: _d _^ _<: EEEEEEEEES "cdcdcdrtajcdnjcd u"0*i3-0"^3"0"O"^"^"^ a>^- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 274 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 5S u w w ->• o u. o £ E £ 3 s 3 -a « -a J5.2 S ■xrao^orara^ M E CO i-i ra -! 73 bl hi o a re -e u 5 M o a a a M "5 i — i fc-, ■ - < xl c i — i x .5 P3 -a —T E E E h <" £ 8-gla ~ i- ra E fe -S £ « _r •^ i> i^ -a -S ffi < £ pq T3 S3 "2 3 E k> ^ ™ U 2 E ra .S e« u 2 "O "H ~o *. E E ■- ™ ra u x ra ra •£ (J w > 2 » ►*■ ra c 00 PQ X) " U O iS-So PQ -S x _ PQ •2 m R .2 cS cd cd cd 5^ u td is m * ra O ra w •a ra u CO T3 CO T3 a T3 E T) a E T3 ra a ra ra E ra ra ra a; u OJ — i U ra '£ E E aj N v O a ,E j c -c -5 cd ^ w pa u E "^ T3 ra .2 E rt IS _2 '-5 o TD o h < h rj WJ l/J _ -O 13 "5 E E h s s ra co -5 w ^ T3 u -c •73 E TS E E « e ™ — n _ " ra ra 2 CO ra V ra XI O J^ u o {2 0 h s p< ^ J= ^ T3 « 09 2 o\ to rh oo oo O u^ N t>- \e t^. vc M t^ t^ u-i VO vo ^o O vo w 0 () « o M oo n N OO t^ r»- vo t^ (^ l^ OO t^ OO OS OO ri oo oo V© VO M M « H oo 1-1 oo M l-( M 1^ M M H H M M M to HI HH t-< M t^ M w u^ M M o" 8 •* o ui •* OO u-1 M OO M 4 1 o M N N n" M Tj" *s\ M to N M to N H N N 1 U-l CO 4 " ■U >. CJ 'C >, lH CU bfl +3 >> >, C >, 1 > Ov > 'r1 • u J2 E a. ra E E cu Q o a, < ra ra a 3 < a, ra ra ra to S ra >— > 3 1— l ss 9 C/5 § 3 ss 1 < 9 •— > •— i < £ ^> u~i oo o • vo M r^. so ir> o u~i O N C ■+ C to N oo to t^ *C VO OO vo ui H H V^l 0 o N )H t-^ VO oo VO 1H M OO M OO W oo H r^ M HI M HI u-i M ro ri ri M M to M M «o o- Z to D cyj cc XI E Oh Oh 2 £^^c^^So§op< •«J .- .M 5-5 £ " •- ~y ra ra — 2 .- ."^- xi ^E m — ,-. T3 __ -= oe>o ra g XXXXXXJSXXXXXJ3X Ut-iUUUUUiUUUbHUUilH j=xxxxj=xx:xx — . — . c ^Ui-l_l-.UH>-l-^l-l'l— 1„, xxxxxxiXjO.EjQ'O^-'X: List of Baptisms. 275 S 1 vJJ « -a « * w re _r a 0 B M s (9 re _ eg c re < -= CJ re hH u s D 1) a; 5J « M 0 cd > > > > > s ■o "m-I 5 c « c — — .x \n .3 .0 .a "d fl 13 "O "D -n tj C C C C C p p re re re re cs w pj c c c c c — — 'S '£ 'Q 'S3 'XI v ** « f2 -H O C3 « J= _£ n ^ & bo .g w U id a 5 5 T3 fe h u o u CO u w '£ >• s "* •a . -a -a a > a a n oj a re „ fa OJ u u re >^ w re .C CO -C -G pq .£3 u SS •a C -p IS a ^ ~v ^ re "O *> c > w s * w _ ■O re re 1» C C M re b£rareU)W;pire"> S Z 6 M C* Si CenCC»3t«CC k c fa fa c c « p;^ o M -fere ,< h W j; j- _- JS .c -s 4= o o o o ru ^ a- .c — c fa fa PS cy> w rt w w U £ r3 cd rt rt o td •£■£■£•£ -£ C C w w nJ cj rt 5 « u a u u u re re c ■£ u re re cj re w_: " .5 S 0 •- ^o < O «5 M "O T3 T3 T3 "O J> T3 W"Oorerererew O K •S5Q E ~ re — c o a a ^o x O fa 2 S o fa < r^. 00 00 M rh t^ 00 N m -t- cy: VO * Tf fn M OO l^ LO vy~, w-i VO a >o VO in vn r^ »^i t^ M N t-x -+• ^0 r^ t> r^ 00 M H HH IH H ►H M M in •+ H -+- O M . H in ON 1 f^ (N ^ H w H w N N 1 $ r~ r^. •*■ u-v r^ t^ c c S. > - SJ w> i» w z o S < S 2 t. ~ js •= "r fa > ■£ O m <<<<<< ro rf N 0 O 0 * OO n -r O OO 00 1-1 r^ r^ v^ 0 r^ w-, LT> in so ve rh o\ VO tn tH M 1-^ t^ VO a 00 cc N 00 a r^ vn r»» r^ u-i SO en in, r^ so in in M 00 00 M HH H 00 *H r^ H hs r^ vO r-^ m r^ r^ 00 M IH M M r> M IH M M O to ON (O r) 00 M cn ON rC N M O" H N (f tC M rp H <•! -f OO" re re •r "a > u *; d DQ, B ja £ C re s w re < u DC V u u < < <<<<<<<<< a a a a a a, 276 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 9 o B A s's I w I-. Z g 03 g to « M -a .9 a U CO "C re v£ >3 -S 9 ^ re c — re i.9 1-3 B « « re B jS w g g .g - o .3 O J3 co Z JS re v. re -3 '-' S O re bO -o S3 3 • 3 p, Q ™ 2 5 « t- "§ ■? M £0 > "5 bl ^3 ■a s re c re 0 O •rt -3 -O O O 03 03 u ■H re « .9 ■a -= -3 (J a, w o -a «> a U bfi M W a M B — — « ¥ .8 W W > O co o < < 2 B « JJ •£ w -s -c o U -s -a U 3 JO O W pq B a pq E 6 I 3 -c b re 3 03 re U J2 -c X 5 u n a, a. _, P 03 (D 5 P -* (W cfl _3 *- ■a •rt en c £23 03 W C M 03 03 9 1> M-H "5 B C •S3 ^ £ "2 >3 pq ^MSS^ £ 9 a 9 C U 0) W ."9 P< « £ •£ m Mb.9M S Ph h-> fe kJ M 9 -5 re -a « > < § UJ W 3* re ^j 03 ft V o > 1—, b< S S "o -o -c S T3 -o « « -a ^ S g & ft .s re i_ u, fh »■« u i- -o -a Cr u \u % o o ,¥ Ph fe fa 1— , >— , u o 0 ■5 ■£ -s 'c 'c : u v (1 re re ti *J M 03 03 *->*-■ 3 >H So tm be re re re re ■J m» « y 00 N N ■ft. •" - y. g> M M CO 03 S S3 M o< re 3 CO S < Ov t^ t^ g OO M m © M to cq - m" n fa D < 23 K « O *^ i « U C ■T3 _ Z O •« J3 I—, 9 = ,n & ij bo £; re CO 5 g < < < CO • VO tJ- \r\ 00 vo r^ M 00 W M M o" .r & «? Q^S CO N «% tJ- "^ OO VO (^ Q < < i e -B re fj a ." ►2, co « ^ . B co >> .S < < < PQ t^. t^ t^ U1 CO in N w H 00 00 CO M **■ 00 OO M » 00 o H H M S ' X? 3 C 0 ■* <*■ M co tj- ret^MONcoooMw S bb bi) «-' 53 >^ S « < < S S S Hi CO CJ *o o S < S OO vo ■a 9 9 -3 re°Q .5 S^ m _ 3 n ci n c9 P9 PQ PQ pq rt n n qj r3 p, 9 E 9 = 9 J3 "O 13 "D >^_^ TD a> rt rt r3 rt c3 pq pq pq pq pq OO O ^O O OO On f«. vo t>. 1^ t>- t-» N O *J > W W .-I ^^ w VO VO On OO t^ t^ t^ t^ < Hi 3 W 03 '43 03 o re re ra H « ™ IS K S 9 E S E rt pj rt cd cd cj pq pq pq pq pq pq O pq List of Baptisms. 277 -o c re U ■v U M- ~ [t. fa W ~ W c< -a to .£ bO __ ^'£ re £.3 3 «3 a 2 fa p5 c re re fa „ . y w U In C w O jy 43 re jt m t, s« ; M "Wis U U Q £ 43 • 43 • u ■ u .Q . 42 . re . re en ■ R re fa a : w : 1 1- a .2 :.2 : ■" re •a w 43 5 pq pq bC « o o I -a -a u fa "C — fa fa *-■ "O "^ 43 c n re ^ >g u 43 -g ^; W * K O O — i M hi M re a re 43 2 re « I* re . B >. pq . — 1 w re w "O re en re Is re pq 0 pq a U U -g re u E E j: •= j: x 543j3.3ii-l h K S < S w O < < c c re re re s -c W a " S w 43 R ^-- W W IS "S 43 5 re Cu ^+ res <"™°n^O_^ re bO E .a •a "5 E o fa >— S c „ w re 13 S -S 43 ^ 8 .a • 00 »o n o • «r • Tt- ^ ^ ts. t^ O t-~v3 r^ O r^r^t^t^oo f^.f^vo OOlHMMHt^tHt^t^ IH M M M ~ t** 00 vo m » u"* « rerea.4?---' *5 >^ ^ tOtot^rt-^OOO N N t^ OOOO MOOOO MOOOO w <-> w "^ N O N O M S ifl ifl M O O M ts S N M OO - — — ~~ — fn _ _ _ - - M t^ Ti- W O ^ c re 43 *5 42fc.O O 00 ^o 00 + + •1 t^ t^ t^ t- O •+ t^. • r-> t^ 00 i^ t>« t-» <> S - *" M M N 00 ( ^J U •- Z fe < Uh Z O T! 43 *i 43 pq E . E c re c V C D .- l> .13 rj "~ re S3 SQ 19 _. i I •! 3 w - OS OO < £ < wi M • M ^- C\ OO OO to *+ OV OO VO CO N 00 tOl-»MOOOOOOOO M MOOIH „MMMM rf - t~. N OO 10 O PJ m __ N ci bl - C n u • bfi a C a <1 fTl fa 0 re re 5 E E — XI .= 4T _= — ------ 278 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. cd pq 5 ."S * J J CO £ .0 W cd .« - ^ J r- .-^ W ■*-« l> •-* ex > u (J M ™ art ex xj e . ca « C (J ca c c e s « e w e ca *- £3 Mow 13 * w j S s t -o « e! «PhS m « co X £ X o ca o >— > <, >— > J! JS ca Q Ph ca M N S3 E b < o M O to Ul On to O N to + N O ©\ M Ov ■+ N O O O ex b m S •-1- r- M ~* C C C ca 0" *Jr to M" ^O m N N h N 0 *i t? >> M SOP^ N to V5 M N >. b — ^- T3 « H s i \ 'E. I b x Ov 00 to rj- OO OO £• r** s^j w ?^ M W M cq v\ 6 OO o w OO X? C CX X • w 00 . O w • to 00 00 to O M »H M . . ^- . ■«j- vo OO O f>. (^ IH N I H IH Q O (1 td (4 (Q (1 pq pq pq pq pq a ci n n cj pq pq pq pq pq p3 rt rt c3 rt nj pq pq pq pq pq pq (9 (Q C] (Q C3 R) (1 pq pq pq pq pq pq pq PQ PQ PQ O N | H ca ca •— » N '5 hC J= K D, Cm a j a^ ja ed OJ en _5 6 ca . ca c • PQ Ih 0 W ca c c ca E (W CU X) 2 Oh D c u < _= ca ca CO ca M u a V "3 Q a Bfl w a 0 O B a c X c 0 u cd 1-1 a 0 c E 0 1 — 1 a B C3 JS 0 r. B C cd 0 1— 1 cd 0 — 1 cd be In cd < c c ca JS 0 Anthony Anthony Magdale Michael E ca '3 0 cu C a ca j= 0 Ih OJ Ph C3 c C cd a W ca B c < w ca c c < OJ X cd E u a^ a cd e ca c 0 a ca a n c cd a C3 a 0 B cd c cd B cd B cd a a 0 a •r s" CA en Vj W c C E E E E E E E E E E E E N ca ca ca ca 0 Ih u tn" n" N ca ca PQ PQ List of Baptisms. 279 S . « .2 E. 15 3 ■a 3 c i re •* % 3 m bp S e S "5 c <- *- Hi «< rv > n ■c S3 2 £ *=3 •a Z B « — £. ™ a .a c n .2° « 5j .!£ * w •5 v ^ 1- — - p> re O c ■£ "^ ~ M PC £ c IS 0 w fa u TJ l+H T3 C & C re rt Ji •= ,5 u S £ ~ 2 -a c -o -O B ^— tn «_, T3 ra C IJ v3 fa >-^ < 5 ra _e i-l IE h pg re 3 c < C/D > *- o u re ^ w on ^- « fli wi = ~ 3 M 3 i S e s s s w re re « re P< to h U h 9 1 9 _ CO C/3 E 2 pq - w 5 -= E E — 00 — c fa T3 ~j a ■a re c ^ re .£ a TT re re C CI -* oj 5 ^ C a II a fc C a 4a u a fa fa u > CO II p> JB bjj tj be 9 fa a J? C O o > o p u y u re t> t; ■— ' -> D rt pq .— u 5 re fa T3 TJ ^ '2 -£ 5 JJ -J= ■a -a tj "° c c •- £ § S fa . U c < _ < re re w re 2 E re .5 u ^o S .9 re re -5 £?« 2 5 T3 C C = c re « ro j= .« b •■= s c c « ij re « J2 ►2,0 K S 2 k-H S ^ ■£ o -5 Pi OJ M 2 <£ u ■a a < -0 c IB c re U -0 & •O c re a E re re B a a M x Si re _> 4> VO ■ OO OO • M l^» m vri \o t~. u-i (~. t^ O t^ f^ 00 O 00 m On m ih t^ OO M M N M M «">t^NNO'i-»'"> • to t» b-tooooooo 4 + M M N MOOWt^Mt^.OOO\OOM M M M M t^. M 'Z ti fcJD 'C >> - 4: ^ N » ■' re^ _ N M ^O " w z s a. ^ oj g. u re re OH o ,>. Z fa o < o Ooo t^ r>. o m Ov "1 w OO OO t~. m t^ t^ r^ »h 00 (5 ---.<*> _r M O vo 00 N N c S. -° s S. -° .-> < fa C < fa 'J (A a fa II b a fa e re en u a s re 11 B m -= re re '; 0 s £ u U B e -- S V a 0 5 1 — . ^. Bj u tj •^ s. <- V O 2 .9 < < c3 »t- to N N O • «*■ O UlOO » OO OO 'f'+t^ M ■+ OO M t^. M M OO N N "+ N to pj vo N -D re a. c ASoz^zS . o • • • • ^- M •+ . . M OO 00 00 ■+ On «*■ r«. m t^ w to 00 H IH OO OO M - VO . M M . S N * <£ OO" ^ o o <» o c S re re 1* ^ 4) k £ -£ 'c « ■£ -2 XJ « re ^ « ™ S o q tj a a £ „ . fa fa W fa Q O x B S E E E E E 3 3 3 3 3 n ra ra re N D9 pq K EC pq EEEEEEEEEE 3333333333 ra ra re re 05 « CQ PQ " "7. ------ C C C 3 c 3 C 3 3 3 C C3 W C3 ra w w E E E E E E 333333 ra ra ra re re ra PC pq 05 C5 05 PQ 280 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. .2 'S <- — J2 w , u M s M > o. a ^ 0 ►— > -3 fa fa cd cd U cd tn U, C — cd T3 c 6 -g E w fa -s cd u S3 £ M cd 4> 73 cd g „ CD "St* a & i> p -a C .« J> C _Q 41 J-J -9 41 o •h Irl 3 "-1 o cs «J u cd a Oh £ fa Pl, i-, -> '5 -2, OJ Ed id _c > u fa w o .2, < S a .y o fa 4> hj ail nj « -° 5 cd hD ft. W o. c fa c td cd « is a m a a fc a w S pq ca cd i* C re c ja c Ed »■ a EU CU > re pq 8 a 0 cd cd Q A — ^ OJ cd cd 'C .9 T? < J} U - r « fa ™ JH td S 2 S t; cd •§ 2 fa i= b£ *« fa T3 "2 & -3 C pq —« .— a ^ Ph O pq W "2 ,5 "3 "3 "3 w -g cd cd cd td ,£j cd & Pi J= •S Ed j: pq w ^ _•£ S W P- - 1 w -2 T3 W Ubnedj3edj3ti„ cd^ o lTjs « j: « ? ^ j=-« •o -o m j: cd cd 43 cd „c ZfcfeO^ .5 .o .a j3 .a .a JO r^ N * M ON • • t^ oo N Ml H • IH ■+ "^ N o LT, Ov 1^.^000 «n o\ vO • oo >n >0 VN Wl •4- o N NO f>« NO IH oo M oo 1*1 hs oo ~o o\ >^i C^ ON • t^ t-v t>. ON t^ UN 00 l-^ t^ NO r^. oo M >H 00 •H oo IH M oo t^ t^ m r^ IH M H t^ IH t^ H t>. M t^. M r^ M (H M M H M H IH M tn ^ O 00 CO - ~ " o\ - 0 ^ »rt o N OO M N ON M « — — - N •H N H N N N CO ■cf i oo EN? « > 0 U O U c 3 i — i 3 < 3 < bi +z "C "C < O < < . cd bfi 3 < >> cd C cd Ed U c 3 t— > bi) bi >» 3 3 "J < < s > o Ed (J U Q oo oo on oo oo M M tN, M M 05 N + bb *£ * ^" NO M « N N m N «-> - — w E» O Oh Oh D. 3 <(7D Z<<<< tHfc ON NO EN1 t^ OO l^ ON OO OO m M t~> t^ t^ t^ HI M IH "" Ih . . . ^_ « J2 C J -? I,-. 2 2 = 3 3 Cl- cd cd pq pq U £ 2 .5 = ffi WD CO c c c a C C C vi cd cd cd cd 2 2 2 2 fa cd cd 2 3 2 .2 cd cd cd {J ffi a J s < < ^222 fa Dq pq pq pq pq pq 3 >,>,>, >> r^ rt r3 Cj c; pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq si ,3 cd 3 ,3 O I—, Ed N fa Ih Ih Ih u a; Q) >, >, >. >-> cd cd a Ed Ed cd u V pq P5 pq pq pq pq List of Baptisms. 281 M T3 J2 re fa s ■ re c ^j a a re — 03 bf a re >4H 0 OJ bl bt re — 1 OJ bl M pel u M a 9 -a c re re -a c re M u 2 c pq S en a aj B u 09 £ -e 3 . • V w .a 1-1 n - w X * C ^3 '•P .2* S£ .ss «S re pq « pq re — bfl re .2 £ i-l -a ■o .a C -O >- .a j= o a .- a fa Ph u JO T3 •O n c u C re u c 13 V is fad J3 :3 |S -C 0 c .5 43 — B s -0 C OS « 43 U re re re B u CO bl ts (H >> bS fa U § bo s w a .0 re re fr •a jQ re .0 0 Ph 0 C c ■0 3 c B 0 a <= c X u n >— 1 C < 0 n a n < •« "H c "2 -o « c S u Pd ps -a O 13 -> — <-> «£ „ m S M c a * -a c « -g 5 0. • re c • c n n 2 '£ R c c c « l> b « re tz - 1- -i c t- c • £ •= 1 X f c u« c w c -C J3 o o M J= IX "2 "O "O T3 "O c U (L» 0J QJ 4J OJ •- C C C C C w c c c c c PJ W rj cfl C3 P x j: js x. j= -5 o o o o o o - j= .a W 2 W «j> - - 00 t>. t^ o\vo ovo O * S •" S N Ov N m N ™ vn n to IN IN t^ N to 0 w CI 00 M a. bO 3 a, OJ 09 > O bO 3 > 0 ■z c < < z < 0 < z O Q tyj >o ■ N 4- r) N M -r IN ^0 »o OO (S Ov VO O vfl * t^ * vo r^ * t^ OO >^i t^ r>. 0 r^ 1-^ M m OO ts •* t^ IN r^ H oa M M M t^ IN H r^. N M *H ^> M ^ m M - N _ 0 0 M O VO H t^ n *o M VO N N ,-_, la O •- u 0 c3 u D *— > 0 "3 a, co 9 1—1 0 a «*) h« w-i r^ in l#1 w-i M r^ w !-- »>. r^ IN i-( H M -t N OO M cc OO HI cu a. 00 d. — *; >, M >, >, D co *: >v Ov + m ^- C\ Tf t^ t>» t^ CO N 2 J? C « tn bC fa {3 -e u o _ re ra i_ 1- V U V u u aj a — — — 33 P3 « PP X pq X X x pq J J J £ X X X V &} CJ U 43 V W pq P5 P3 P5 P3 P5 PQ 282 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. « >-j •a E E W a 9 a ■0 CB u. B u C {J .2 C 0) u c ~> -£ W OJO s o S fa a -2 -5 ■*•* i^ re K « C w -s s «? « •£ ft, (j w C CB CB c J X 0 ex c C S ft a X i Ed u > j- n bJO u £ E C3 *» /S U ■S b « — 5 e w -S C ^ U k w -a T3 S-5 ca T3 U »J bfl -, J2 W A -a — -a c ^S ■c m « c3 qj aj u ft, ft. cs 3 c c -m a I 8 w £ D j= -* -g a u .- •r »-i w ^ -a u, « -2 £ E O fa fa .S Js Ih ■>-> •s u u^ ca q u 'C bfl «J t, T3 O " re cs u u ■g ™ "O "d b£ «j M Ml E ... bJO J3 -, ft. £& ft. (X i— o 1 c C re ca B 5 C 4= •- J= -C •£ u S u ca c -o "a s <3 ."§ """ -r, U M S.5 S !« " S M cs J: -o O fa ^ o "O o ca o> i—. fa i-a t» ca CS Q O ca r) o § o O t^ t^ t~. f^ co oo fiq j . to O w*i to t^ oo |-1 O t^ H N H m 0\» o >* OO OO M N W M l^l w IH OO OO 00 OO t>. OO OO M M M M M l^ N t^ M C\ yj-, M ^O N 5P > X bb I ^<^A M t^« OO M ^ OO to O VO N t^ oo -?J3 J J C 3 Cvi oj v cs ■a -a « -J ° E - c ca ca NrOOOt^.O*OwV(l ONmmmNmm oooooooooooooooo O Cs • s bJD bJO > a s w> Sz. ~ — 1 1—1 _ t-l B a B B ca B ca E C3 s n 6 B ca E E u OJ 0) OJ u u _ C3-T3 S'C^^JS eqpqeqpqoqpgpHpqpq ft< ra ca E E c B t» -a c B r c c B G U af 'J fa £ pq XI j j= fa .3 -u U -S -9 cd B E -o xi x> 12 2 « c c c 00 • 5 to « g a £ < < a a o o a a < < E w Z3 O 3 -O c = « cd td G C « •■C c in _Q nl S U « C3 CJ c -a n a E <* C G ■ M (U •S u G *-> -n « 4; a £?! J( s fa o « o u w u o J= fa ^ u S fa -a -o - el w J? < 00 H OO M M W • • • O M O eo rj- M u-i 00 l^ t^ *o t-^ OO t^ M 1^ 00 t^ H W N OS N >0 ^ tii Q co Z Z m O m m 00 00 J? 4 *J >^ 0 "3 ^ ^ O" m" M « N <" N M f t a a c js « >> bi cSS< N bi j < o E co co n CO c 3 tn N N >* * 0 0 CO CO ro ^D 0 0 ^0 0 00 t-« r^ t^> c\ t^ 00 t^. w-, lA M 00 1-1 M ts [> t^ CO 00 H IH n M 00" _ <~r ^o" CO m to « On N N N lt! N tC "C *J bi 'C B bi bi 'u. .a J5 a. u 3 a. < O < < E E « K -a ra C OJD « •- — rt CL> C r, < < < « ra • J3 J3 ^; 2 .S T3 « ^ „ C^ctoiuS-Oc _ _£ c j--a-D-a-o-o-o-o-a-a-o"o >o 00 i- t^ t^ t^ a, < »j^ r^ t^ < < s 1> K " C C -1- c c U -G — J3 O O o M O -a E D . U Q r., § 3 •—> CO H r^. ^D ^r ISi 0 CO CO r^ r-^ t-c M w t^ d i j ii u ™ u 3 dSo< < a - 1- j; ,3 1> U U V 11 D U qj tu cl> a> •0 -a -a -a ■3 -a -0 -a "a "u c c c c c c c c a a u u u u (U cu U V u u 09 M CQ pq pq cq pq M pq pq 284 The Nezv Hanover Lutheran Church. w w 5" re c Z cq E . pq U 0 5 S u o < < fa fa O jj u X ' « P- W « « a c -a fc c S J~ W « <3 CB Cil <. ft, to ^ 3 -rt "° CO U pq ■c -° id * rt 05 3-X « g o « « o r; U -a w T3 ca s pq c -a ca "a c X a ca £ « W "^S X c "a bO c « W bo "5 J3 o (') 1- o> ca " 0 *J •= pq .« fa •53 u v C rt ej bfi eg ca oj s i C CO fa § fa < IS fa Q -« O O =3 O 5 - "t: t- *- u bD o u u « «; Ph fa fa fa g c c c Q Cfl flS W CO fa fa fa CD 13 W a C3 C ca In u, ro 0 ON v~, in 00 N 00 t^ DO CO t^ r^ r^ M ►h l-( M 00 »-( £ H £ M « M J; k m o" °" J- H N N N OO 15:1 6 h s ^ *j > oo o oo r^ M 00 M M D S « < to o.^T M CO < 00 r) o> >« h~ rn l«« h. w^ lo CO 00 N CO 00 r^ M M H of rC M O^S > > be > O O 3 O Z Z < Z •C uj l> D ^ = « £ = CO CO CO (u bb =3 O ^ U -a ca v u u u u bC . -o-a-a-o-a U)m -^ -^ a; «j u D D qj u < § M oo , bB Ih < h2 Ih ca Ch c o. cL > o Z c > o Z fa S 3 fa s CO p 1— > CTj u CO rt O oo M CO NO 0 oo MD r^ CO () ON oo NO ^D M N N r^ to en ro CO o OO CO r^ OO C<1 OO OO CO M Ul oo u-i w M M r^ CO IH ° "a k-H " rt E ca ca co T3 -j-T TD i- u. i* W cj d ci X Jh x JS CJ fa bJD U QJ CJ nU CU nU qj <£ w o" M IH «<■ W - VO M >. *C >. b c ^ 5.x, So^S X (1 '1 rt c 0. 1 X > • u T3 b£ .E rt -5 E§ < fa X. o « fa OSES aj HJ u a; V u o 0 c o e o 0 o cqpqpacqpqcq cqcqcqcq cqcqcq cqcqpqcqpqcqcq Mcq List of Baptisms. 285 o SS m Jz Jx qj — a r- — T3 n n m w -. Im a OJ X U T3 II a T3 u u Im M bo a 0 u > Im In Im - c s c ra w « £ --3 £ S w j '£ :0 C T3 T3 2 £ 2 2 QJ E 4J i) 1 J A jj .« q 03 03 W cj « 3 es 3 C Oh Oh 0m < Ph < < Ph fcL, p- *\J M *\l ^ — • —I ™ -- « a "a • - Stj - B .S - -3 • « N N ID V ~ £ <* m5 n 00 .3 >- .'j; X U *« < -5 H H H ^3 H ^ C3 TJ C C . C TJ TJ TJ 03 TJ W CO H C -o 3 W "aj *«n *aj t-*7) r* ^> ^> **> ? •fl — ^ O O O n> O E E e i w ° co E £ < < < < ffi J? a . NO NO M M NO * O O OO NM! OO OO w O ONNOVOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOMMMMMH • • • • ■* ^ •+ rh rf H On On On O OO t«» t^ r^ t^ m O M OO OO .5 c n a M W OO OO E jo < X o d ? tC NO NO >" ,( ^ W m *j > • y >, m m : NO NO NO NO M S < co Z 3 3 O.IU C t L C w H H OO p) S* ii m >, bio <<. NO On N Ov N M OO OO OO OO NO HH IM * r^ O NO CM CO 0 ro ^ NO Cn 1-1 " ON ON >oi OO 00 CO M CO O O 00 OO 0 00 1^ 1^ n »M M »M OTj M r-^ r^ »^ 0 00 M M IM HH M M IM H IM PI M 0 rf n >M cS c> no" IM U-N in ef M M IM Q. Q. C Q. be >, y O m 1-1. ^ z S < S >n _• > "C bJD >> «- "= I I 5* J "3 «s nJ W be c M k- < a CM 'J < u u V 0 E M — > ^^S^J?J?^^^ cO-g g-g M o o 000000 03 03 CQ 33 33 03 M 1/ u E M 1 — p p B R V D it 5> a^ _C pq pq pq pq < w U K ^ < < u E E < < - a -f 0. E r \ — T3 M 0 > U Ih a C V V w X pq pq x - 1 • C3 ) r • J= u . t- 0J . « W O -J E c "o « CS c — — w •- *5 "> b Q Q Jj •H OO M r a> ,g ^, tV, Im — 1 c TJ a S a re re T3 r a re A 0 re E E -C 23 N OO OO OO M M N O N « bh'Z ^ 3 Oh O "S < < o £ NO t^ t^ ON O OO no N OO OO M 'J- vo" OO tJ- o n o n h h 2d^ •- « o bO nu 3 D < U PC •= c .3 .t: .S E E E < < < 03 03 03 -^ Jd ^ ^d 0J 0J 0^ 0J (U 0J 0J QJ QJ QJ 0J QJ ~£ -^ -^ ^ _£ _^: ^d 03030305030303030303030303 030303 03 03 03 03 286 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ^ ca > -1 s w -a ei -o ■o a - ca ca _e }•§ «u 3 CB ^ « ; -o ca « , : ca £ .9 2 . CO a <- PQ J3 T. II CU S3 £ £ C ^ r/-> u w ■« -O 9 ^lT3 W 2 CU o £ -a a T3 a ca '— en OJ J= -id C pq £ _ .3 cB 35 "5 W ca (J "» ^" t-l pq £ « b.a c a 4J — c ■^ "S M :2 8 -J * 5 >» S» .2 i- > 35 C n -* 3 ca ; s ■« l < M a a S^U^ " w § « 53 9 *3 a >» m >, ™ m «> t u H u e _d o r > "2 *3 « "9 5 w -S ea .3 « — « Cd = S u w 4!J .2 ,S ? « 3 ca ca 'So S M >+h p^ -a cT3X « 3 ^ *-• ^5 ca T3 ca ca T3 C "S > -5 .a j= ^ .a .a w .3 ia _ g « u .a .2. ^> U V T3 u !>> _ ca ca — ca a ca Q B ^.Q D eg E ^Q Q Pl, Q PQ c > D Q Q oo m h ct m ■ vn On ■ en • O h •t * + N N OO «J CT\M NOO lOM oooooooooo a\t^t^Noo m » oo MMMMHOOHMOOMOOMM •O O N O to O OO CO OO H M OO C3 <£ O O IH M N j? a a r r *° >. bb M :>> "C M « « 3 3 "3 a, 3 J2 «D 2 Z a « -c >> O oo N oo oo w OO M "G M ,< 2 fa g < < (^ . . • O N w OO w COMOO u^-^-t^t^OV£) OO O >t + OO OO M OO MOOOOOWWMW ON N co"->m tow^N PJ t>»rt-vo NCAOOOOOOMOOOO OoOOO 1^.0 M MI>.MIHMMMMOtlHMt^OOOO C> M ITi to P S - ° *rt to N N N t^ M M "^ 0\ mm" C 3? c ca £ C ca 3 ca T-< Jr 3 i— , i— , >— , ^ O h-, §zqSqX>,!»Mii«l cucuDcjcufljT3-0 'S 'S 'S 'c 'c ■S .9 • M p> tO 0> O to ^o *$• n to to NOO OO OO OO to «"l 00 M M M M 00 OO M „ MM - M~ f> OO" tf - ~ OO N M M W ^ >0 § S< lH,§ < s t>» •*• O • to • CA K) tON rJ-ONtoN NOO M >C OO P> tO»0 M M MOOMOOOOOO M M M M ^ «" 'S" »c §* o- 4 m M " tO M N Q cu ca ,i> M J J -3 HJ OJ OJ cu J3 J3 J3 J ■£ J ca ca ca ca ca fl « o O Z Q 9 9 ^3 rt r3 c3 c3 pqPQuuuuUuQQDDDQCQQWwwtqwp^Wpqwww a^uajCuojcucuajojcuajcuQjcuojajojcucuQj^jcuajcuajcucuajtucuOj'ij o cj w o cj o u o cj o cj cj cj u cj cj o cj o cj cj w o o ej o o o u i o _o o S PQ M S M S M S *PQ S S M 5 PQ M 5 S PQ S S W S M M S M S M S S S 3 List of Baptisms. 287 i -T3 a s u > bo w N « PS W u3 « J J? pq S * u S bO pq S >> - Ph -Sew M <2 « P4 1— > u >s w -a -a p< '5 -o jy * c B c _, ^ « U 5 s is e ■B pq S — a O 8 « c c 3 3 c U , Q £ ,£, fa fa u £ c c i< S) -a cu c T3 In c .2 cs -— bfi _. '•*-< e-s £pq a « S e 2 s cu -3 ~ cu D h & •-N l-c _Q CU Pn s T3 W « « .2 M <« — 3 W C rt CO "O "O •— > 3 u ■S ►-) _. > ^ u -a 3 w c .a >, >,.2 D 1) CU »— » K In in hN S .a bo 1- 3 fa hJ m « "O e- c ■c a is eu 1- 1 « B £,Q c « E 3 .3 c * 1 S ■o <» -a fa Q 8 -c "2 cu cu CU _* .0 u .0 U In — n 3 c c -r d j « >£fafaBfaH-,QpN S « u pi e- -a '3 c E « ID E E -? U pq -* "« -2 .2 pq .S -c OT w pq a e •- >> >> 2 ;- '— >- — 1- C C — K K K ^ 'C -o c en en en qj .» 1- V y v t, j: In I- Ih « U « « CS CS « fa Q Pn Pn Pn O .-» JJ . •- M en ._ >- Cd eu "O * — ^ T3 -a -a c c _ « es n) C S C o w o 1— 1 Pn 1— > T3 P-i ™ C _ — C3 Si c .22 *S -j a _g CS > cs * Q A Q ^ m ^O e» 00 00 00 O M ro to M t» CO t^ "^ e?v OO OO OO e>o CJs exs + O 00 00 w t^ m 00 cn w 0 m e>o e» f^ M OO < z <" N "^ N O^O M bJO • 3 3 CJ < < o < OD a, -s1 3 }(J1 C C CX^^^jn So •00 •rl-Ti-rJ-O'+VOVOMM S N 00 co 00 rj-foex>oo Ooo co M OO *eS-w MOOOO (n) M e> H OO C» IN OS MM M M ,M . M O* h . „ C> o" - f - 1 ■ ~; • tJ3 ^1 ^ rj "*"' rj *u, pj *;_, wn "<^n"S § U 3«« u £ is 00 OOOMMOOMMMt^MM OO M M IN ^0 CO OO • to N -t- to rh 00 00 00 •+ ex) IN IN IN ex) m to t^- u-t vo ex) 00 vo O m m ex> OS SO M M to ex) 00 tC N o - tO M ro NinjmCvIos -vsmsSI •>*■ rl- to Os M SO „ LO MMNtOC2> M O u 3 bO . s<< C • n3 0 -^ w ! > *~ _ OJ -3 ■% ~ J, p< E c c •- .2 .2 >% J> - U w -3 *- r. fa Ueuc"tNr3c'cNC"[N(T3c"(L)eueueucijl'i; > > W C3 fa fa fa fa u. fa fa 0 a H3 B X B X B jU I E I PC — — B B B B B B B u w y M II 0 V u u u II u u II u 0 u u u CU cu eu eu 0 ej cu u cu ^c cu cu u CU u cu U eu cu Cu U cu M Cu cu M CJ cu 0 cu U cu 0 Cu M O cu cu CJ cu _iC u cu cu U cu M U BMaBP5P5KP3aBBMBMKM«BBlNaiNMCQ««P5KP5B(NP3P5 288 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ->• .£ .2 •«. n u 1 w S 43 CJ o re re (J « B w a pq S re * Z "O Ed c -fl Ed C <£ cj Ed CO *— < QJ Ed C c « £"73 3ER CJ OJ 43 43 jo ed >- .2 .23 bo 3 -o -a "d •-fa u ,*s « -c W M 5 CO c 5 X T3 Ed CJ qj -° — r pq T3 -a a ■« id i-4 S c D w M 3 c jo S a 4= « ■£ ja > pq .9 "« pq rt Ld mi dj a_> *s K > s w e B 0 a 1^ a 43 - Ed re s Ed U Ed fa fa fa fa fa |— l — a fa fa " 1) 44 o a «9 a «« a g 5 > .41 ..3 CJ |h n *5 •-! S "S -o ■a 5 a a w « W >> en _ t- .— Safe -a u r 1— 1 fa fa Ed Ed ja u re JO aj -a re re re fa fa re -a TD fa T) 2 fa re C Ed T3 a -a -a 2 43 ca bfl re e re •o a u OJ IS e -O a X c Ed Q 3 fa re -a < u re ' — i -a o | — i & 'S Ed -q bo a ja Ed "O td "? "^ "2 ? a a Ed Ed iJ .2 a j mh * "fi o a _, s 1 a -a _e «— < Ed a .is •— > a p= .S d q fa ^ ffi 6 & cd fa "S "S "2 S -2 u - p< 3 £ -a & a re u fa g re J3 a 'I .g .2. "a 'c ,J8 H oo Ea m t^« °5 .: . ^O m m « ^ rj- i^ oo OO OO M l-l H O • ■"*• oo oo . t>. t^ oo ifl m vn \o m t^O "TO Ooo ooo »noooooooo aOHOOMOOHHHH O II M t^ ^- OO OO OO M ^tOVO "" ■" W „- + K H' N H N N N O N >"» S i_i EU «< 0«rtt-i ^ 13 S » « S. N N oo oo ti b i _• *j z Z § Q < S S re j= i o, fa CO 05 OO OO V) OO OO OO W IH t^ M M M S re «3 re 2 N O fa co Z D <*■ o M M 00 u-i OO OO l-( OO M M M IN tn N M > o U 43 _d y, O fa fa • Ifl N N ^ • * "100 •t^-IH \nN N vovnc^O O comvo O t^ OO CO N N NOO OO OO C7SOO >n OO MMMWt^MMWOOMOOM vri OO o OO 4 <> 8 u-i 4 M -+ OO OO OO OO OO M hH M w a _a .a m — c .a re ,r Z ^ J3 43 -5 J3 J2 O O O O O - N ■* O ^O ° kFH E E e w k .2 a — — •/. J? « « 8 H ^ o\ ^ M u H 3 Ed 4j ro^Qro^uirere ,<§fa§OZ§0 ►H.S S DUD >^ a o fa K § rerereJdrerere pq ^ 1= T3 W W Oh M Xl PQ 5 £ "2 >>.a "9 T3 W h 3 3 w w — — . « pq o .O _Q S G J3 T3 C £ pq 3 * s pq c co "o K "O £?'* s § rt en ^< £ -c d. .a O —< co « W x> "^ "5 a C3 a x> .a P, a Oh bJO .9 '£ ft "3 ■a e I - E b- £ -a pq £> m 6 Q j CO ^ .3 E O u w u Oj E a & ed r/i T3 B ■d ra B >> a a u u W 0 u pq c a 4J pq Pi O .3 pq s b J; U U ^ W ra C3 "3 *-" ,Jl kjl VrH .-_ O ft a .a <» a -a g a g £ = « r« § -) a T3 Oh ^ C « "O C "O KDKO c „ 0 c B B 0 — 1 n OJ 0 LT M u P< 1) 0 U T5 -n T3 B ■a B « c M M -C bfl N OO • N t^ • N OO OO \£> t^ OO O t^ HI W t^ M M O O "* M Tj" M OO M OO OO pj M N tJ- tj- OO OO OO vo u-, t^ . rj- • \r\ \o ■ tj- • OOOOOO OOO NOO t^M M OO W OO (H OO II OO OO -N>HN00000 T*-t^ N~ ■* - t^ m -p a. a. a. <-5 •H M O OO OOOO^OMMMMW CTNNOvOVOvy-it^M .10 0000000000000000 m 00 W M M O "H ^- t>- so 'i* "> SO *H H, ON M M tO OO OO t^ OO M M O to «■> d" tJ- rf N ^ N « N N N N bi >> >->" >, <-<■ •-" *^' P rt rt — o, rt CX < S S •— > CO S Q. Q. (j O y J2 < < O £ O § .a '> "£ « m -a g m M.g .2 2 2 •" .2 .a >^ .2 u > B P u v .2 W Lm ^^ & ■° Q = o S — . > n "3 "3 -a -a rt A (1 A Jj^j^SSSSS E T >> -a >^ *J *J 3" O fa .a £ E 3 1> 5J «J U -S — O £ -2 E E E S n r^ en n r; n rt C/D C/D C/D O) O) ty5 C/D u V u u 1) U CLI 11 V OJ (J (J J^ V 1) u Ih 0) cd F N CJ 2 0 S pq cd M CO pq •£ 2 -Q g tu E in cd — s w CO XI c ■O cd c . cd -E "> 73 C w £ « £:2 cJ — ; a, c E v B «3 1- jE T> u -. c«OkiiR,edwrai> m!>pL,(-)KpLli-,PHP-lpi; . HH — • -h <« pB I g £ ™ "u M """ "" 5 cd E — -— •^ jb « 1C >C 2 O M 41 : 3 ^»! •SS | W bO U [J-, ■a <» -£ .2 cd « cd y Ph Ph U -2, -E hB U «j "§ cd U P< Ph ffi £> > Sag T « E "C x O :b j3 O "53 cd CO -13 f > " E "O •O cd E _, c- m ^J T3 O « •B CO *J cd 1 Shi cd jE cj «-^ cd £ ,2 S T •- cd E -a b -a 3 cd 3 cd w ^ cd c ^ S « "2 "2 E w BE M ^^j Cd Cd c E 'S S c rb cd w w J cd cd cd id pq -n •n "A •n -T! kJ HH ,-J hJ E 2 pq "O "^ 13 "O 13 13 B. 6 oj cd ■2,< ^5 J3 J3 J3 cd cd cd cd ■*M«vJmrj"VOIHO OO NOO + M OO M OO W00MCX3MMMM O OO O IH H OO OO OO M tJ- rj- Ov ON VO OO 00 moo *o >o 00 r~ M OO M OO OO M M N Ov ^ >n * N M N to >d" N t^MOOOOOOOO f^vri *" •" f ON < < N N (I M ^ 1 Sj s & 9 N O N t~- N r N .tf 00 >, »- ; ^ ^ o o •§ a. Z fe < O t^ N 00 N N _ IH N 3 3 D -7 -S 1— > 1— 1 i— , Z <; • N "N ON • t^ • M ONM HI + + "> O N OOOVO Tj- r^N Moooooo m O 00 u-ivooo OOOOOO IH IH MOOOO MOOOO IH Bq S H \n t^ m i^ 00 ro C J ft & w -s; 3 J £ J J cd B O E E Cd cd cd cd cd •dcdcdcdedoOBB^, COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO tl aj U Qj Qj 5/ u a^ U 0; OJ 0^ J«l ^ M ^ M -k: M Jri ^ ^ -^ ^ JXI u 0 0 u 0 0 0 CJ 0 CJ U 0 CJ *■ ■* ^- VO OO IH to OO OO M OO Onvooovo n N p» *4- v\ sooo r^"ivioooo N to M IH t-^r^M MOOOO w <" M IH M IH _N'C3"_I:,^|-^ - _ sQf^tO^TNlHlH^. ww N to *^ r~ J-> r\ r* m C *-* (H OO B, q. E £? &. E D *T cd 3 «j cd CO << 1— > p— > CO 1— cd E c 6^ s < H^ g £ _<: _<: jj: .* ^ X *B aj i« «^ « •. « M Z « ^ ^ «" cJ *-■ A *-• -iJ ^» D < £ < O £ -e. U o rr E cd 'S cd « B- cd ™ cd H= g g W S U ^T — ' — * E E .S „- cj CJ CJ jB jB ^^ CJ W fe Id <^ 0) CJ CJ CJ jB ja _o jB jB J3 cj^O"0"Oojcjajcja> CJ J£ -^ cj M WfqWMtqMfflpqwpqMMM pqpqpqpQpqpqpqpqpqpqpcipqpqpqpqpH List of Baptisms. 291 J* -o -o S O fa .5 S ■£ «J w 0 T3 re to • J2 E « M >> c £ s 6 i) c re -o xi B < > < < 25 •- re re re id ■S S 2 S < w < ■« « ■g ■« ■§ -g -g s ■§ « 9 ■ s S " -0 -E _ t/.i 0 It" s s c -£ <<" re S T3 .5 C jj re v id 25 fcB 25 re £ ■a £ u s re U fa « « — B re >> « 3 -£ H fa £« I a-Si o « J? -E bO "3 .a § V P3 G .5 SdM re JS re ~ fa £ ^ •« s E < < E < a g - d -2 -S re -jz ■gs« re -q -a e C E E re « 5 S5 re J> s < T3 W re ~ ST* N E .S 00 -a .2 W-g 3 "g ^ E E T3 -e E S £ on o c 0 w _ c w E "S Ah < CO , Ui M ^ x* 25 b a 0 c u 0 re A u a 0 re 0 u. 1 — 1 >— 1 ■= w c -E 5 -a re w js rt o S S b S id ,53 & BO re re re a D B en c u- Cfl B 9 < -a T3 a re c re -a B re < ■O •a c UJ c a 03 C re re CI re ■a B u T3 u 0 2 M B O u c rt x: O 1 — 1 B cd E w CO 0 0 u 0 re B 0 O XJ • C -° « £ ~ f> re W -S S «"§ s re "^ e J3 E E 5 re .E u j: o re o U — —! — B B 4S c re re E 0 cd X £1 c O 43 U u -= w 0 cd c-i 0 ^-, >— 1 1— 1 1— 00 Ooo pjoo 'I-^-m WOO MOO H M CO CO OO • • O ^O VO tJ- . 00 xoOoooo t^oo o m ui Wt^OOMWMIHl^OOt^ ui o 00 00 in m 1-1 m 00 00 00 00 • • •* w t> w »*■ ■* 00 OO OO M < s cu y >, cj >> bi) ^ >— > 1— 1 Q >-, < O 333 N N N in hH/ t^ £ o OO « >N I-' re re <> ^ 00 " OO N f) *3 3 3 3 ij • m m o m t^ • • -NO .in-Tj-MN>-c • • • \rt • .in. in .vontJ-tJ-^J-mOn .^-OOOvvoiHOsroin ih^- •inOt^minOv'i- tnThrooooooooooo Ooo moo moo »i-oo t^oo t^. r^Noooo m woo ^t-^l-tnO ClOOOOWMlHlHMOOOt^woOWt^HIHMM OOOOMMOOOOIHOOOOOOin W MOOH _ M CO M M >-l MMOCMIH^MMMOO -M"-w-NN0"'ino''f»M1-oo_io_^NNpr .-Mf^-v^-M --.M °Vwno;^mNH'h'msdnI Noomoo(Tnnn m"M-H'*-^^«ooiovo- ^u-Putl^^wCsW*-. Xire^/EEEre^re ESJXrre^-^S.rereretl CO v: i-l re M .2 .2 _c >- *- •- o E <= c g u ns cd cu « -s E E E U < < < < < B o ^ .5 < < < E E < < ■a « "C ■_ c e id re re rj ^ < U O U tj o"0 _ « « t U (J — re"3 u j £ j J .q re E £ w E > E !S id !3 re UUDCWWWWWWW Q> t> l> •- E W 2 « 2 « .5 W M — OJ 0J £ ill « Mr is -^ is 5 O cj O u oj • ~ o P3 "3 3 W •-£ W fe en « >_,>-, i. X X C 1> C O ° S r 5 cj cj , W Oh W i— i 1— i en en . x ■S « x: c '£ __, E -Q B 3 C 5 E « a u "2 *5 "c H „ « £?-9 S -5 (J "O c _ mm d b — —i ~. ro eu w pq a U CD U "o b b b U eu PU Ph PL, A O o tfl CJ X * <» -g W •- s. -o 3 b « "S c c ^ OT - e S w = _ •a Tj u K b S -O B T3 _ ra w B rt "O E "3 E *> a 33 tn >*• u b O O « « r° H-, I— > Qm Ph U pq eg os cd c en B E E T3 3 5 £ W c w < (2 K « T3 -a ^3 ji E C "O E U « efl B W 3 O E s < =9 * • -t- -+ M • tO On «* ^O M o ■*$• . . . tri 3\ VO o ri r^ e3\ M H •+ r) o> h t|- N u-i *o vo N • lO VO fo OO « o) M 0 VO vo so r-» 00 OO Ul OO OO 00 r^ OO OO + CO \c M OO •+ O "1 !>. !>. OO to •* • -" O t>0 M »H »H W OO M w M M M M OO 00 OO w O OO to M M ex> M H M Ht M OO W M M ■o M o _ t» vo" O - -p OO" M - .« d N . ' H p. M N C) N ro M tO " 1 M N w N N U -t M - O to " to to N M _ M n M JO j 3 W c o ID c ■z 1— 1 >> td eu a 3 i — l eu C 3 i— i ra 7, CL, 3 O. < < < -i1 1—1 CO a. oi bi "G 3 3 D, < < < eu CO u 0 > *j *; *s "G bb O u U CJ Oh 3 Z O O O < < s 3 1—1 OtH^-0"^o3 M OO VOM MCO N OO OO OO CO CO OO NOO O «o OOMOOOOT^-MIHWWMMMMOOMOOto. VO ON N N OO OO W M OO tO M VO ■* rfcTvNOv _0 _ -OO t(- NeNMNNCNVOflWw wn.S.Hrt«rtoc^BB5JE3"«3gD.=ja.a.cS S A < Q S S S z AS A^< 1 ^< Q S < z S < o^_ «g S to io w DO Tj- OO HI OO M M ' o" - ° - 2-- >, ^ 'G "73 u Ch C .5 - ?3 •= « ■S « 3 c u si3 w w <" W m CJ bJO bC bD 5 -r ? -2 W W ^ X J3 -Q JS -S X) « r*ojojojcdojojcu o a O K K ffi E o -S i— i eu eu tu G _ E B E B B c E B XI -B J= X -B PQ E E E E 2 X -E X X S gjeucueueucueucuojQJOJOjeueuajeuojojOJOJCueuojQjaj "0^T3"0"3T3"3"a"a"0"0"a"a"a"0"0"U"3"0"3"O"a"3"3"a OJ OJ OJ CU OJ *~~] "O T) U ^ "3 M nflnnnnPQnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnnn PhPppqpppq List of Baptisms. !93 tt e — x> « fa JZ « •-. « 2 l> ra e W - "3 re J2 b 3 fa H — 1 M a aj -B CQ bfi •,- o c c a e i—i s. m W r. w ■d c - E u n Is W "3 c U E -£> o >-; c <+< "3 > JJ *> s 5 c c W .2 £ •a W -2 >% fa w T3 — B W .9 -c a> re bO .9 >^ 0 .2 J3 c so- fa « .5 « pq pg fa -S x U >1 .a m In :W fa fa fa M re re « «j fa£faE SS A<£ ■S c fl-S C o re -a U a 5 -a T3 W a c re >-. bfi nt u u >- 3 c a o •S o *> u £ * £ -a « -o -g •a « c « w — _ n . — y. B "9 ra ~ 2 .S « « 'S "T3 C/D .2 « "° ^ s su ™ * ; 13 J= _S £?J3 B C c 3 o a s >B S w 3 « >— , (J »— > Pm (l, « 3 3 « a C C/D c/D *T > • U re C re S AS I OO I M >^1 I N OO O M CO N m N in v© OO OO OO OO OO w O O co ^O d M CO N H O D. ™ O 3 CO OO OOMt-lt^COt^'CO'W^VOMW .int^t^- O v>m inu-ioo t^.^J"O0 N co^J-oo f>-oo >t i«i 5> OO OO OO OO OO t^woo MOOOOOO l^COf^OOOO N MMMI-tMMOOMOOMMMMOOMHI-IOOOO O O tj- t1- N *t- M OO OO CO H O OO OO OO OO OO M H M M M oo N w OO OO O M vo M v^ OO OO OO 1H NO en ^ « M M Nff^Ni-iNco J3 e fa Z < A< < < s N OO OO JJ> M IN oSzSSS ,.« re u i> < « "7! ■a j: o C C » B .S T3 ■S "§ "§ = J E l- u u hi — u u li ii u ii u i* u ii u u i- u w D V XI OJ V V u V V u ej u V u u u u u u vU OJ a; OJ w V u OJ V - - — — — — — — — — T3 T3 — — T3 — — -J -a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — B Q c e 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a e a a a - a a a a a 20 294 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. re "o 3 W s •* •5 a re c C "3 -o _ U oj « c « oo re 3 pq J* pq t3 "m -1- o v 1\ re — c « 5 ^ .£ c c 'C P-, 6 S _Q <*j 01 jS s w T-5 -a C c re N 5 £ re -a re O w /P. c i5" U 4J j= JS k re re re — W re 2 5 £ « re g I- » t! -O -m h u y « <•> •a § c § fa oj ~ a ~ u r> _c ra w £ o Ph Ph K i— . « o S P< J3 J3 3 pq . fa u g re S 2 -a j ra -s c c .a a, £ T3 o« Wee 3 J2 J3 J3 J3 £ re re re re re o re re re I « co re >H < w 1! -£ ft I—, Cm ' P3 j* • *3 u o 2 W K"1 N C0 fa -S o o «-> re O O D E H Ph O rt ^ cut; «j »z -c x pq ffi fa Ph SuO 3 re ~ a> i) ii u re ** iri *ti »-^ Ph Ph 2 < < >0 O P» "^ M Tj- Ml *r oo o to 00 OO DO t^ oo o M tH H H M OO W **• CO ^O N to OO t^« OO OO M W cq x ^ 3 u % £ >*« iu^.1" re Jr ^5 3 m t^ t^ t^ r-^ en M m d S < < < NOO OO M OO M ff N O OO M - N w N « « 3 ^- re ex re re §S P m •O M N ^O M rf OO rf- OO O w OO (^ OO >o co *^i m N • co co Noo * h oo tJ-oo^o OOMOOOOMCOWt^ C3 1/1 *f t>. M O O S 3 O 3 3 P, « « _ 3-£ 3^ O D Z fa < IB H W •~ -3 JS "3 3 Pi 3 J3 EEE S | =S =3 = = S £7 3 3 3 3 3 3 £> !> j> > e~ >- •— l- V- tH u u u Ih lx Ih E u OJ u o; 0) U aj OJ ■T3 73 — 1 ~3 T3 T3 -3 T3 -3 T) -n T3 -3 bJ, a a a a a a a a a C C C C a pqpqpqpqpqcQpqpqpqpHpqpqpqpq bJD 3 PQ t^ "1 t-> t^ 2s iT m pq 5 < < %< J- w -w ^ CO pq pq pq r*. O OO • 00 ro O f> • l^ vr> CO OO r^ r^ Q OO N O ih OO •+ ro M M M CO OO oo _ IH OO M U-) On ih \rt w ^o "^ — IH o\ OJ u OJ C C 3 i— l a a 3 l—i U Oh U o < o J2 OJ fa o: r. > . v" C .E •- i OJ 3 bi o re "3 *3 •3 "> V re Ih OJ J3 bt Ih < re u O Q Q W W o bX hi fcJO bj bJ tx bf; bf, c c 3 3 3 E a C 25 pq pq pq pq pq PC pq List of Baptisms. 295 r*> ro 5 S 4 Pi '5< U H O 2 M P- R < I IE P. 1 c H- ,5 f O X R E R ;/ = R a R R P g c c I f a a R C c R c/" - ,2 to c _« 3 T3 ■0 EC •a W UJ Rl >. -0 a Rl — ■a c — a Rl - n c as Rl E E 5-i T3 .22 £0£ C o »> pq >> c« •a -a 5 W W W < E ■= 2 a s S £ £ E >> T3 C C C C Rl Rl O Rl _£• I-. I* C -. aj dj •5 c ■£ W W *5 M3 JJ "£. -o T3 J «l Rl N K "43 ri « 3 * C 2 J3 Rl 6^ m cj •a S3 w o „ c E Si s ~ ■9 S PQ T3 S m t, j- 3 — f< to 1* 3 5 « 2 S ■5 "« £ 3 Q U Rl O w E m S E h £,£,£ &; u < < £ < U >> 2 Rl Rl — > .2 "C 5 W "O w _ . ^S "a a h-1 ^ c £ >» £ o ►s < S .£ « ^ ■£ « « » a ►2 < C S .£ a T3 . 1— 1 « 4) O OO OO f". 00 HI HI OO Q HI OO M Tj- N (v) M M fa> o A b£ ^ < o o o t^ t^ t^ ? r c z < < z t O • HI HI CO HI *t" I^NOO r^vo O rt-OO COO 0O0O WOO N OO OO MOOOO MH MOOMHI MM - m~ . M rK tC « ■* • in n n CO CO N O O OO OO Os OO M M M „ 00 *£ vo OO M ui * OO PJ OO VO M OO M t^ OO" Cra C C*-> c- C - C J3 RIJ3 O D M ," ? ," H-, fa *5 fa J= A Rl >> u u B a B Rl V u a X = bi tf. tf c a S PQ pq X C3 U — i M — N ^ hJ E K £ ^ tf. tf. tf. tf. M •- «- OJ 2 ^= je 15 E tf. ra ra ™ - - c M be « be bo he W W ~ 4- *- Oj MKmmjXP3KmHoqmM cqwrnpapq E Q - js j- 00 P2 PQ M VO >n OO On m vo \n ^ N OO N N >n Q CO VO U^ CO N N N H-, Cfi < Z u PQ PQ — •~ < w ►— 1 e tf B JS a X. 0; u c c G pq pq pq fa o o ^ PQ PQ 296 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. « •?. w ••> « "t c cd .3 S 9 id < o "O -a 9 c bo w c -a <• cd « .9 "5 g c H cd .G " 4> S E G "O — "S cd e iu O g W ^ C N cd C -a 2 -G 3 .a -O -° o on P 41 £ -a 3 co « ~ X o cd a XI cd 3 xj cd U X) X -0 e -0 G cd cd cd to OJ T) u c £ C 41 C Is -0 -a a £ cd 9 .5 cd XI c cd E 0 0 z >% a .3 41 w u -£> E W M 9 4 *S Kj ■" W 81 <» w « co cd O 4) G 9 -g pq to K Ph to -5 -s 9 9 - o o .a x z h u o u "0 !> 9 "E u 3 t> a «d a -g to co u 2 H M-l cd £ cd (J -2 -S U IS * S? cd cd £? ~ cd bO bfi cd s * u • JI 0. 1 0. . 1) r • *■ C c c • G XI C = . X u >- ;- I-1 4 CI e pl -C 4> p«J X X X « r£ Cd s s ■o u,^ O bfi o o On l-l LO ^0 -+ \fl r^. r^ t^ to 00 1^ r^ r> t^ as t^ tH >-< M M M M 0 N CI1 N M N M M M « S, u Q cd 41 B >» 0> CO 41 S 3 1 — 1 3 w -g u cd cd i= w ■O T3 -O T) cd 4> 41 4> 41 9 £? 4) 4) X O O h o o 4) 4) bO -o u -r1 O > 4> cd O Q bC > .23 to u C Ji :ed rS to ? G cd 4> 4) 4) u Cd 4> 2 > > Ml .-- 4) Cv) TJ '& '& ca "O T3 _ G C T3 cd cd C 3 4) 4) c M M F. ^ u bC O O 41 4) 4> SOU CO O M 00 vo O H t^ OO os O t>* 'O (^ 00 c-^ t^ M M W IH fN. vo vo U-l Tj- VO M t-^ C» t^ OO H M H t> 09 *J *J ZO^>ZD^^to. t^ GOG,"™ < Z < § S 00 t^ i>> i> l^> 0 O o^ CO r^ •+ r^ HH t^ ^0 \r\ \o vo OO r^ tJ- r^ t^ >. bfi bfi *^ « 'C 'C _• h -Ji *S bb — 3 3 ft ft a a 5 w fto.3 3 5 > 4> 4>J^'Jr,cd><5 |u± G ■u ^ w _ : u o js ~ cd ._ >-< ►^ 1 — , H-, > c cd c t! - . ^c>cd4>cc a < to Q O S c c M Cd cd aT oT aT iT S S 6 x x x x . s J2 f2 ^ 0 ! 41 4) -a 4) bfi • . c 0 • cc j to 4 c • 4) ^ m 4) u -S ^ N U ^ I— » !— >
  • to t CJ cd cd bC ■9 ■£ o cd Cd 4) U O O qq pq M pq pq pq |g J| 1/1 CI pqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpq pqpqpq pqpqpqpqpq List of Baptisms. 297 bO a - < cs bij u CS • — tfl s cs » W M CD bfl E -^ N cs — a OJ < ID £ Pm eu hi x hll >-. 1- u O W O 0 a w O 8 £ •? cs C o > cu cs O Q .2 a £ « — -— i> « w W 09 CD V Mh "-M n « S pq -0 1- c s "0 e pq :ed >d h-1 0 — -a a u u c •a c cs 0 c u 0 - Q, ►3 u M e 0 w u BB pq -£ 60 «5 B T3 0 O © > CS cs ed Sd >— > O Pm c m cs cs s « _ es 2 S c u . —r. > J2 o Q h a u i 5 pq ^ CS "O g 2 « J -a I _, a B c w w ea „ U Ad ■a .S £ W w CO — CS u OJ CS G ™ « E . ~ e e -* n <*> .5 « ^ I « J- c E .22 5 «s CS CS ~ "O OO E G ed « "° _ c n T3 CS cs a -a .e W Pm cs E K (L> rt •sj B cs . E w s .2 c e « Ji > u, « o CS E -C P3 *j J2 b ^ cs ,« T3 CS N v D pq — a -a "3 E Jg CS eo bfl b< E *!» to u ^ o CS 3 E Pm i-l < ^ cs cs c cs »i ,5 _ CS E "5 E cl .2, .5* |= -C ^ J£ PJ — .S E U O P3 Pl, Lt ffi Pm 2 cs ■, CS OJ U, hi u. C re P a lT E cs u P- -c a < £ u Ph .\0-O0n 0\-V0 CO • O ■ to VI * NO .-li^-rt-u^.l^ no s <*• « MO.OO M NO\ ••V0-0\C7\ • n to Tj-vo- . . . o **• • • • Ovoo vo^^-rt-u-i Ooovo mNoo^-cnONVo in • QJ "^ — C E E « S g — — "cs -= CS CS c« C/D C/D ^; j. j W E • S « .5 .E • . to o n to m m 00 ,z: vo « _£ bC 'm T u* "C g -g 3 a, a « & ►2, fa < < < O < ■S -E O u *r I < pq & E R CS E CS a c tir. s CO pp pq CS cs .s -s E m -. >1 >-. >% O O O O O :C3 V V II u >^ >> >> pq« mmeqpqpQM mpqpq PQpQPQpqpqcqpqpq pQpqcapqcQpqpqpq 298 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. (U — ■ cd JJ E U KPhU o •H S u C "^ ed £ 4-1 u 3 S b£ • - UJ -a c 1-1 >- cd « "O « — . x -o -a * to <= c a u Cd ^ ed ed td « U MH (U ■— 1 "O KH I) pi a, 5 x 2 w £ ° C o « « f cd .s .5 x £ « x U w CO < l2 E < "8 X -5 «=5 s s M 3 ej cd u o « j3 a _ S E E cd .3 ►3 D X W 2 E - .2 -a |£ 0 — 1 s s 2 0 P- id •— £ « u cd cd M — ~ ed .-2 c* • ■ < Ph pq oj in in *- u *i C T! c *> !S *> u cd i_. cd X cd PL, U Ph E * "3 "O T3 C C cu -a C G c cd cd U cd ™ C — <= E cd c cu cd .S ^ „ IS c .2 o- 2 -c 1) g Q, S CO »5 1 — > ^ o SSS ro w Tf- . vo vo ^o vo t^. l^ t^ ^o M M H t~« °" o 2 - CO H N to < < < !>. t^. • l^« t^ v> OO N m m>0 On On •* 00 OO + N CO OO t^ M M t^ M M W M < CO S N vo ON m On N O N "1\0 M CO t^ M t-^ t^ H OO M ^ M »H M _ N - _ ON a a « 1— . 1— . o cd rv cd m Is >0 co w O OO OO OO On NO OO M M II 00 OO HI M W 1" so" d" - j> o* I N N no O w ~ O E 3 o ^ • O M • ON NO t-^ 00 r^ O M HI "*! JS r-~ t^. t-~ t-^ fc22 to D x x? y W •F *?. *? co -0 *j -a -0 M n m >o 00 00 tJ- M HI t^» HI N 0\» N \r> 00 3 D, "S 3 g < < H^< iS, w ^ g" ON HI O HI N N — ■ u E S ."Mo W « Z if ~> jr> cd bJO cd cd D u c c 3 3 3 c cd cd cd cd OJ co • m b» NO NO ON NO ON (\ S in N M HI HI t>s HI HI HI 4ft - H J* On co Hi NO ON NO IX OO OO OO O H HI HI OO = « « -c h^§ D O : o cd' xl £ O ?.s < S CO £ "cd >, >,^ co .2 cj ed ^ « 5 hJ S h-1 C cd i> w .2 cd G '2 •£ > _i HI dj V-i h HI HI v bX cu u u cu bJD c tJO bJD M bfl c — .c .S .c .c bbbJOcc-j^J S"°iSSSS T3 G ^3 T3 T3 T3 C c C C G G U u CD cd o u J 6 .3" •" .3 .- -a T3 .3 .- .-3 .-3 G C u u oj u u u pqpqpqpqpqpq pqpQpqpqpgcq List of Baptisms. 299 u • = c bO w oj tf> o _ v U ft. on JU C OJ OJ OJ «-. CS JJ 1) OJ OJ 2 ft, Q ft, ft, ft. .5 is E « * w -O "^ T3 r- C r- W « C « c '-5 IS « w fa S ^ f _. a c — C w -a .c — OJ OJ u — In *3 u, O u •— K go 1- a •>, cj _, ^ '2 S 12 2 C « > c t> -0 « o K < Q U S.s ^"^^S00 T3 "5 w « w -0 -a c ^ c c « 0 W CS _ M T3 W cd rt .3 * '>■£«; ,JD J >— > ft, ft, b 3 . i ft, fa fi S C CO < ~i So «S u i^ -a "O ■£U M ?, — u bfi © O O *J O -O oj ,< fa -a C .S « b ^ « .2 P '35 i I S-2 S -35 fa ~ J* 5 C ' M on T3 O q, Jg u u 6 u -^ n to s PQ c c c c OJ OJ 1) C3 (0 ■ -1 a fa 0 E oj < £ s ,g S *s fa co ,+■ 00 DO >H OO M P» M OO « <*- OO ov 00 vo O 00 00 > X > (s. vo • N vo co t-« O O •* 0000 soo 00 M \o* to - « t^ h pj VO N w ^ ^> £? > ^ 1— , 1— , 2 Z 2 VO OO O ON O N - ON O S C co r^roovvnoNw Noo •+■ N 00 00 00 00 00 00 I^O MOOMMOOHIM^OO a 5 « en Z 2 o. c c JO a, '■ S -= - C = ~ J( N OO f~ CO 00 CO OO 00 H OO M H GU SU OJ Q Q Q '*'*■ qj . J= ^ X! J= -_ — *- 4-> 4- ■£ u fa c ■3 X £ £ XI to £ E c E E O «o 00 OO 00 vo M OO OO in 00" 3 X3 Q. < fa «D "H-OTJ UUuvJUGDWWWWfaWfa fcfafcL, c£ CO o ON M t^ t^ O O vo OV OO CO OO t-^ OO rt- OO M OO M t^ ►, OO < S < 2 fa CO s s C g C C X3 ra 5 5 ^ U K S J3 A ^ -Q -9 bO j 3 o < O 0 ^ — - S fa « (TJ Era U U V V u D oj u c£b£ttfUbJ)b£b£U>b£bj0bOb£bObO " C c c c a - ■3T"3T3T,OTJT)^-a'0'O'O'aTJT3-OT3 OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ C9Ka«35S33MP3MWS535« M«« bO to c w 5 u OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ bO bfi bO bO bO bC bfi b£ bC bC bO -a-o-o-o-a-o-a-a-o cj-a-o-0-0 COJr-i—r-r-r-!!-!*-' *T* r*. r* r*. c PQ OJ QJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ mcqpqpqpqpqpq M m « « 30o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. <& CCS m « c S.2 k, eu .„ -0 0 R Q c c < -a c a ed in -a c id ^3 c T3 C cd bU B re — u Ih u a -a a r„ O O h-) ocj a pq cu S3 e >i xi -O 0 0 CU 0) V Ph Ph Cm ►— 1 E U > bJO ± X m "S ~ w w pq ff u to u bJj P< 1— > pL, Ph PL) -O «3 >> C oa Cfi ed 73 «2 vi PQ bti c C Ih V c c 0 CU — CD IH id J3 C CU u cu |H 0 0 Cd cd -C O cd re O Ph Ph U Ph u u Ph Ph •— 1 cu C "-1 c- O 43 cd C u ■*- Ph ■•h cd ed cd .3 •— In '£ £ <2 <-* -3 "5 c xj «S 3 o 13 -o < .5 ■« • — >- S) C PQ .XT eu •r pq -5 , ■3 "Si fi I -1 o .22 i — 1— > W Ph CO 50 3 U -a S cd g - -a .s * E -2 S Z .2 S W < cd 73 SJ cd -a ■o n « m »" »=; M w « "O j* ^ "« ^ -a « — n •,- w ed .« ed u eu v2 O 1) cd CU w a, »h 3 -a « .2" q o 73 .- U o « e ™ Cd U CO u I— •— -S .» > W .JJ g t=H hC 'E 1, j: h S 'S JJ cu 'C cd .3 fe fc ft 2 2 h D pL,facyDPHi_l cd g «J -G ca i> O co P, CO 4H O *-■ fa Ph 2 Ph 00 N n r^ vo CO -t t^ NO IH t-> • NO N O * CO en NO "5J VO OO in O VO IH 0 -t- N M ri NO ro »o CN OO ON 00 00 CNI in ON -t- O ' t^ t^. 00 :> 0 -t" ON 00 4 oc ^ CO <* 00 CO CO 00 CI 00 CO CO t^. co CO ON • M M M r^ ry; oa W M 00 HH 00 M 00 IH! M ^ M 00 H >H M IH IH IH M M IH M HH »o n H N CM IH t^ M IH IH O" M m" NO CnT IH 00 H CO IH M ON IH H no 2 NO IH ON M CO 01 CO IH in M IH wq bX) 3 < cd U G 3 0 O < JO u to cd 2 u Q B ed 1 — 1 >> re > O 1—1 3 1— 1 bO 3 < 1 1 S 1 1 a 3 1 — 1 c cd 1—1 M si 3 iu < Q 3 3 t— ! | re 0 3 >— 1 1 6 p — < "3 '. 1—1 n 0 0 . NO »n p NO NO 00 « rf CN> CO NO 5- ri 0 On NO -+- NP NO M en t^ h/ m ui w -t- On IH ON to N 6 ON M <* CM O in r^ O rr, O -t" -t IH m NO •rfj- 00 OO CO OO CO 00 00 NO CO in t^ OO CO IH 00 r^ 00 M OO IH r> 00 00 CO M OO OO M M IH M CO M CO M CJ M M M OO M IH M IH IH M IH M IH M IH l-l CO IH M rn _ in . - •* l^ O in „ M M „ «" if ri rn in in in M M ■+ -h IH N N« N N « m w N in IH , ^J M 3 < rr >-> >h' Ih 4J CU *,— 6 >! Ih u >> >. >> >> Nl 3 C cd 3 D, ja 3 < O. B < ,rj cd O re 3 ed ed re re cd — 1 re s re 1— 1 CO CO O 0 to SSS CU CO 3 1— V to Q s % ed >—. 1 § § p 1 — 1 §S < o = £ e ^ 2 D. CX, cd tj 3 re £ '-3 *g "g "S 2 I J 3 w ri W -a Ih I, j^ >H <_i cd ed cd w w C C C C In" u u a> u u hC bC be M be ■£ - a « W W .S- « - w eu — eu cd c rt! C H Si S3 i2 cu eu _t < s Ph CO ■Du"0-0-a-a-OT3'OT3T3-0'0"0"0 CT3"u,D'O-O*T)'0T3T3,u C « c c c •a -a -a -a c c c c M cucucucucocucucucocucucucu 'r^ cu cu cu cu cu o cueucucueueucucueucu iHlHkHkHUll-llHlHlHlHUll-lUl lHUllHl-.lH"^lHlHl«lH>-lk"lHl-t->H pqpqpqcqpqpqpqpqpqcqpqpqpq pqpqpqcqpp pHpqpqcqeqpqpqpQPQpq List of Baptisms. 301 — Cu Ml ,fi a ra n 1- s n 0 J3 Cd "C u ed eu '? U CO § V — B id -3 a td -a a 0 X a a X fl a n c a ed — u So c 0 -E 1- 0) 3 fc 5 X 0) Sc aj 1—1 O pq "a; 9 en 3 PQ cu Ed E CU t-l pq > J= E a c CI T3 0 0 P ' — 1 09 7. a < 1 — " PQ .2 fa S a w X ;3 ed u _ w w .1 .5 « 3 is « « « CU ■- eu "£42-2 i- >. ._r 3 -o .0 m 13 O eu eu -— COO U fa fa fa co U *5 "S > u su n P, 111 l-M £ £ w .a n cd X _c JS CU -i "fl T3 .2 .- % 13 id CO It £ £ B B td w w —1 C ed ■a ■o 13 X S-f t* Ui u 13 a 13 a B M cu cd cd B cd B 0 CU B cu c -CJ cd td 3 u cu cd > (fl s N 01 w u >. cu 0) O fl OJ c > 0. ex ed US rt !3_ CO ed U c dJ u r. 0) 3 cu bl 01 CI 0 pq a OJ T3 0) 13 h ed C3 B E ed CO 0 u 01 01 cd M ed id Q £ fa ed fa £ fa <-p X -3 j= js -c CU Cu OJ
  • ed ed ed ed ed .0 fa fa fa fa fa "d X XI -O X C2 cz cl cz a* •— (L> hj CJ 4J U CJ pq O s " co fa .a .a u -- co _ •4^ -4-» [1 f-N . ■ JS co J2 iu CO fa 13 _ c • - cd CO ni "O E ■O {•■O .5 u 0 £ 3 ed iuM U CO OO fi CO »-i C#l CO CO r^ H CM M OO () M l-l M M M 1-^ O «r! M N n H< -1- N IT) t-l CO M e> M (#1 M N C3N VO ^- O • "~l o t^ o o 00 w r^ CO M CO OO M l-l l-l vn r^ t^ O A- rl VO 4- LO ui «<1 «1 00 Th vo w-i w e> u^ r^ r-^ -1- t^ so ro r^ r^. r^ r^ CO r^ M M co IH t^ ^5 r^ M M IH M M „ N M c^ IH .- ^- o f „oo 000 t^M «so SO ~ _ N 3 3 3 z p I o < S cd cd ed ed XI — bb "t SSSfa^,, u L- u i_ t. 01 01 Cv OJ eu CJ s st u M M bU M H M Sc B = B u fl fl fl ^ B a p p fa _S 8J5-5 S -3 co co g ^ -3 « fa -oxxxxxxxxx "x > > CEEECEECE ErE^^S-, cucueucueucueueucu cu__;ajcucucu ^feueucucueucueu'^ .5 MMMMUMbJj- — 0000000JK U O . E cu cu cu 12 S AP§ vr>Th- •soo-ro- • • -m • • weo O 10 • >o + w ■ N • 00 • -O Oe-o^-N'-iwt^O'l-N cn-00-OOi-'l'>«ii'Tl-t^ soN^t-vo t-»oovnrooooo>-ioc»ioo tJ- •ooowoooooot^.uiuioot^r^.t^.oovn t^sot^.t^ MMOOOOMMOOIHCOOO OO •►.0'-<'-'WWt^t~-WMMVniHt^ Mf^t^-I-I ^MM MMMMOOMOO ^MM t^.lN MIH« N N - . vo ts - k . -^O'^^^O0^ _-(Cc>b"M'we>r- d" _ - °° ^_W H* WVNM t^_ t^M IH.^ -i OJ I) C OJ a tfl o! en w! w en Q > C cd - cd _ -5 O cd Ih "73 -a "o "a •—> HH 1-1 J "2 -a -a T3 cd J3 X J3 M cd cd cd 3 ftj Ph Ph Ph H pq -3 OT h4 S pJ >> fa c cd s c 3 cd CM JS -3 J> C 3 H 1/3 ^ G 3 C cd to cd _. ^ •> cd K ffi < <^Q C5 cq £ a ~« a •"5 cd t^ un t-^ • in t-» 10 n m M no ON O O O t>. t-^ OO ON ON C\ t^» M M M M M • OO ON ON • ON • NOOOOOOOOO INOO OO 00 m tn en 00 vo 00 O M OO OO ON ^ ON m io" "f N UN "4- ON OO 00 00 00 00 no ^-. m h m h oo oo UN m o (t f) (i M KN *? 2 Zk,22<24Q(» 2&m<<^OZO ^-.COOOtw C7D1-)cofciH u 2 -1 1 »> CO < • -O NO • • • UN N W Ou-it-».pc!u->NOOOO r~~t^OO t-^NO ONONONON t^MWr^t^-OOIHWM M t^ m N ^ ON N __ N MM a. cj « o , - OO*" ON UN a. a 01 cd fl Ph u A Ih cd M pq bXJ cd cd 0 ^ cd '2 o T3 e jr is K fa O o rs " > u u *r « u *r £ E 3 3 3 3 3 ri- t>. • • • • ON OO NO f^ ON ON t-» • 1>. UN n 00 no r^oo t^oo t^ M H go OO « t^M M t-i M M OO CI ^ O t-. 00 - m ON **■ , co < < Q fa a m zz ■m . bJD *■> co O < co U c c pq c *> fi i5 -2 .« fe t> N T3 ^~ U y fa K i-l co < <-> W u oj qj qj aj a; oj cu 4-.1 3 3 3 3 3 3 pq pq pq pq pq pq pq un t^. en r^ NO OO OO M H _ OO M ."OH _ ^ ^ UN N _ NO IH M M „ OO N " ^5 \ j£ J3 Cd « fe < fa fa 2 D aj -- a ! «, . • c « 0. CL (- ■ cc «• w c c <; cd cd ^ X K « oj u <^> cd C " S 'O oj _S .2 Un cd u fd tj v "3 o j-j c •_ ojoj^cdg — u^t-C -= — ^pCCcoeaoO --^^-cu'i-1-1- — — ^ 1 — ■ gj OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ H ^3 J3 JS -a JC3 Jh 3333 333333 pqpqpqpq pqpqpqpqpqpq List of Baptisms. 303 a O 5 u -s -C T" m m W 3 nj u o a M :/i c/ "T3 >1 1- a a c U, Ed Ih a M 1-1 u __ a n ■» bfi o bO a a u t> be -Fj o >- .- •— > o 5 J2 E? H O OfaQfafaKfafaS w >^ >. c £ .2 a ^ 5 « "3 •$ ^i 2 CO "3 U3 1? 5 3 re- 's -a re -o -S ^ a w U ^ a 43 1-1 c« M -0 — cd 2 .2 rt SJD M 2 -S u a -—WON -. O O K fa > 1) V O X w 3 .a bfi > ■a fa S K bfi 3 -a T3 e J5 w ■o j j: bO -S S -5 re K. V pj TO 1$ ffi < Q S 5 a ffi P w en oj > a n > a 3 a ►? t> a j- ed Q |> ffi Q Ph Oh OO 00 m n 00 OO OO M l-t ^^"5 2,«M «^N to >-> >. < i i J3 J3 a, — -Q V U d 3 1) fa fc. CO I— i fa m m «J- . O (■* OO • • • ro 000000 uioooooooooo Ooo MMMOOMMMOOOOOOM M M M OO N Ul WOO • *»0 N » MOOOO ^-N r)- OO OO N OOOO WOO NOOOO WOO WW w 00 w w w ca u u ►-> • w • vo w^ ©\ vou^ •vONrooof^N WOOVO -t-00 Tf-OOOOOO oooo«ooowoowww w w 00 w w d N «, N n >o _ w n to rl w H N to M en vo 1- >> u OJD hn bll s ^ n( 3 3 O 3 a, < < Z < < u 0 vo V0 vo w OO w £"8 O fa bi) j 3 o < O a E .5 E £ < WH bfi u « c c .2 — •- - js j- en w ea .a be C w < s = w >. >, o u 2 bi) >, W n) E E _ -3 CEKEKKA«,o^n S S S fa « « « cS ^ g- DUD — £ J X 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (±3 B3 ^a^^a=p:a W J2 -3 J2 O O ^ 4-. -W CO ■ § « -s -s 1 1- C c/3 en " fa 3 := ^ rf -5 £ E fa -a -a ,0X000 OO 1^ <*> w t- w „ « w w ■w >, "S bb bb o g- -3 O, 3 3 'w I--. SO VO t^ l^ VO f^ w t^ 8-f 8 be < > fh -O -£ "3 "3 " t> *w 1) 1) 1) c ■3 ra n -3 bfl 3 — .-•*■ M L. — h o « O .3 _- "3 -3 „-Tl T) "3 ii"T3u.i-ii_,t.ut- rs cs v a rt m ~-- -3 ™ -= J= J= J « ^ -« 5 £ c « Co T3 3 c "S rt a ^ '_n M "S m n r 8,-2 « h id _ 4l 2 £ >-c ^ -O r bfl cW « r «* ■a w IS Is £ -g -o -o «* c £ j; r « pq M r O CO S • 3 -o o o i JJ (U -3 o Ph .2 o k C 3 u U < fa r « 42 ^ r •- r 3 r fa V •- w •-« u « r c 9 fa R IS 3^ ^ 73 HI c -o ^2 R c C rt R M M M M MT3 Q^ QJ Qj CD CD £ 3 cfl -~ — R w o R +3 •r r R O fa U O .3 — R E & M fa "« "5 J .2 -3 R R "3 "3 PQ « O Q u R c E a M ra E U 3 -Q E O u R R w aO E M 3 J3 « .a fa E bfi w as *• PQ E fr = -O M .2 ^ 2 fe S E ■* - m « O .3 c u c O R U tn i-i J R U R ~- fa fa fa fa I 2 S « | ^O Q fa £ 5 -2 P a a 2 R OO 5 ■£ 2 R C 13 K O O •> "-• S u bl)W m R Jg R s->s ._, pj .-H ■^ « to § fa CO -a "o -a "O -a c c c c c R R R R R R S R in R ^ R "t3 S ^ S -a § fa c "5 c M M M >- — !- o o o u u u a> « r u D M oO bO bfi OOOOOQ faQfaO^faOOfaOOO 0 o O h £o aC T3 o > O ^O Q "^S \o >0 Tl- Tf rf rl- N N >n N DO <3 M °5 , u ^ > M U <)■ N NOO OO 00 N - N O N m O oo oo OO M M • O oo • OO IH t^ 11 Th IH M OO OO IH £S S" * « «g NO" ^S VO N N U, ^J u C | £S U O '— l_ L- '^ t- 1- 3 3 3 3 3 3 PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ ^ONMWONIHOOONIHNOOOOO Moop>iHO\ooiHiHt^ooOMrJ-0 OO MOOOO f^WOOOO M HOOOO (^O0 IH MIHIH MM MMMM cu -P. S E = -fi r> .« c 3 ^ C5 -S c -o • M • N N O N *!-oo i^O moooooo OmOoooommN oo oo m m oo m" «n M J 3 *^ -m C u3Su<-'k-^«;300a;rta5a'a33t-,u3uOu §•5 tn O .3 3 J3 5 ! ' o " • w) *n jj D e "T3 "3 ii Ml b£ g *> '> "2 O o ™ Pi -3 j= R R _C ajoja>fuoaja-»u E c .5 0 u .2 M T3 < ~ £ .s 2 < ■c -s W TO -T1 -S ZZ TO .-« > -a = u £ a M E tj -3 a u, p< a re TO bO 0 a -3 C3 3 Uh u B E _LJ J3 4) D, °u H e ri X K 0 a Xi h -=' 1 — 1 K 0 > — 1 C 1 — 1 h-B S S J3 w m M M w -C Ed W Iri U W s TO — TO B TO g to C "O C £ ^ bfi.S 1* *-< O C a ec h a a u EC pl, ."5 J< Q £ W M p *• U TO u X-S a re re ed s s o -5 c c .0 O ■a c - = a S 5 rv) •- 3 ^5 s £ B I o 1^ CO >-i E E TO _S .a « « "2 a e e « W *» E EC tc OJ 43 4J -C js U re u 0 TO TO « PC TO P4 >■ PH P< "O "T3 "O re JB a 0 C i~ fl M 8 TO r 1 E E E -a c "2 • N Ov >0 M O OO OO t^. OO OQ H M M j *■ j *■• M >> " D " o •*!- 00 00 00 *o 00 O m M M M OO W OO OO M MM w" 2 *z - 2" - - N "-1 m «0 N M M o "E >> *?' bb bi >^ u d, — £< 3 3 J2 in N Ifl VO • t^ On O O IN • O M • 00 00 00 ro 00 00 no INININOlNINTi-(-N - OO „ _ (^ IN N N N (Nl IN __ tn „_ _ to N O. u o. o. zS NO "^ IN t^ t^ NO IN IN t^ bfi • 3 I M • £ re 3 J3 /2 VN i U O 2 < fc OO On NO OO OO O IN IN OO Z D Q o 00 00 • 00 b **• On OO OO O ^O OO in 00 IN IN no 00 M OO O M M - tC « N IN OO __ N cj o « -g o a. 5 • E •- re ••= rt « i» — b^ - — - — —> ■& K ^ i2, « M. ^ 2 2 x .5 bt .EC E re B - — B u 0 en W < E c JB TO OJ a \4 TO hf *~^ co — V 0 SJ en x g[ re re re U U CJ Ph .2 S J=-=2^ <§ h.2 E JZ — ■ — ■ — - (U U -C *3 J= -C J= J= u .-i C •- •- i- £ < bD .2 U OO T3 ffi > bfi u £w a > rt o 0 A rt u -= rt TJ — . ._ tl 1> *-> rt = ._ .-. — » H- 1 rt re d ^3 rt -< rt — A A cj £< O O «* « s = e -a w rt S w i OO o ^" o m C cfl A C rt q. H N • ■ O O "1 • OS On O W W OS M OS ^O l-T _ " N m M 80 ^^ M 'S W)_£ I a. d •£ < < fa I (^ t~. t^. oo t^ M OO IH W t^ zoc^S . N • • • » N O ooOswroOoosoNi-i N OsOO t~.N OsOOOOOO OOOOWf^OOOOWMM t? t- oo n 3 « t! S" S* o* °- ^ O c« £ < < < ! >> e £ •5 U W w 13 <-> {/J w W h3 £ £ n rt E E rt bB fe: S rt •— ^ ™ -5 . c r . ^ C C C C W P3 cd p3 E E £ E rt rt E 1 N N * 0> U. >N > >s E b a g J2 J2 "« S E £ E E u u ^ JS o o J= J= J= J= uouu A A A A UUOU OS OS t^ 00 ^O 00 M M N ^ O « .- ^ cj C >> >> ♦: S *j O < S hO S O " CJ •a .2 J3 C IS rt fe "3 rt CJ E - CJ Jg . rt A .2 i-, w < rS « w flj ^-^ t" — y 1) — U 3 B in C A A U CJ rt r: cu C _ ^ 5 o o U U CJ U CJ CJ vri os to us »f t(- in §S< CJ rj • 6 ! 2 E >£. S oo S °5 ^ « bJ3 bD i> < < Q , fe c c a, & o o o o U U CJ CJ w a U CJ List of Baptisms. 307 2 « w a •= 5 ^ c . — pq ° u a re '£ *q T3 a a re T3 C re re a OJ re 0 E -5 O X B U 2 0 £ £? E «g j3 re •§ " .s •-• o P * r ,< EC • C3 • c . >- . re rt £ |4 » u 5 n re M OJ ■— U -F. £ c ~ _e re oj re o 0 T3 re -a c w C W CO * c S CD.™ E*j o CO •— > c <£ < * EC h w S3 3 -5 < Z -0 e £ ■a w 0 CO O £ WD iJ M I- C bi — re C re « "3 5 K 2 Q M -.O JS O Q CO 2 o •2 Jh .a w fa pq fa < u OJ V o o o £i 0 m v z -~ < fa .- n W 0 l+H ■a £ C T3 a re u p ,fl •2 U * *—' *n •— •-* • — relrH,e5^1-i'->-'>-i 1 — , ,«5 *■; i<5 fa fa fa fc, _re > U . c E 3 0 0 0 re re > u 0 _= w ^ c re "^ ^ js > T3 .2 b S K *> .y .a -a n J3 s; *- t- ^ c 73 < W "O "^ ^ O u D EC Pi co E .E o 5 O J= S-c K EC • O • o\ Oi ui N M VO t^ t"*. t^. OO W t^ M O S co o < Aq N + ^) Os VO t^ ■* t^ t^ r>. r^ r^ • Tl- u-i • H h o\ co vn vo vo Mi ro N Ov n s ^ 00 00 00 t^ M M ^ M M M 00 N N m •* N «^ c a > -b J3 JJ 'C 3 g O — hj QJ C CO ^o" vjC OS 0\ OO •> M M >" M M tH " OrhroOOOOO 00 NOO 00 00 « 00 oa 00 N N M M p) H >> > Q < tJD >> >^ >^ >» r3 r; r3 n Z S ^< ^^2 • O N Os VO I> M» M hi t^ M M M fa O 1— 1 O Z co E -= < E M td re — < E N re £»* E *^ u « c — — S * u ._ O O 3 - _ _ - - 0 t^ (^ r». t~x t^ r~. 0\ CO U-l \o CO CO Os N m so + OO OO PJ M l>^ t^ l^ M N OO M O O M W pj N w M — — , N Z a 1—1 re O re u T3 01 re 0 VI eft ,J5 •— . M ^ fa fa - H 0 - 0 jr. 0 uT kT u* B id re O re 0 OJ X J= X 5j Oj OJ jM Jrf OJ bl a a u U A 4 c Oj D bU OJ Oj hi u U 0 OJ S) Si bl 3 re re w re CM re re re re re re UQQQQGCGGQGQ co • O O • O CO M O O M OO 00 O 00 00 O w M OO M »-* OO fa Z fa f. w — c ,-r . re re A jS bi (£ — — — — 9 - 3 ► ► > TOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOCQCQ QQQCCGGGGG 3o8 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. re ,ji. h » Tl © — ; s © C Rl re 6a £1 B bC J bC cu -aeatntn u 3 » » i- » «Scc';2-ccuu >-_3eucu<-'-p)ocucu_,cu o3«re*J*3r-rere> > £ > -a W W fg W ^ -d T3 T3 W 3 C "O C X! re re — re u 3 -5 -9 -9 £ C .5 5 o re re o re re re •S i-l Is: -o JU S J3 < u Oh 1h CU Jo .5 £ ■£ !3 .• mh fa fa 53 es .5 .3 cu i* tj — x> re re re « J j: £ ^Cfi U +-< ■*-» 3 M u o re X jg u u J2 -D re 03 ! — ! fa w -5 <= re c 5 > cu re 0 Q _ W re — o •2 o — re fa i— > tt. fa fa -d *» "5 C "3 re re £ (J re c/l j= M A U u -a -3 a u ja s re -a c T3 M w o fa fa •?, & - 2 Z u pq Tt K 3 co CJ cu pq Q no 2 Uc j3 O > N N N N vi h oo c^ 0\ oo oo oo Noo O\oo Orf* '"OOOOMMI-IMOOMI-IOOIHOOt^l-llHMIH t^.MMOO"^WMt-~0OlHMl-(f(OO _W M M M MMM M„_I-COO MHC M 2 - -0~c£prcf ^ O^ OO , f « .tCtCcKC)' .. [J |~ ~ M m" en - . m" « *o N _ S>000\NN'-'NOONNt^| Mhmmmw O1-1 I <>vo-MN'-,t^i-- -oo • fl N w> CI *> + ooOcoOOc»OC7\Oootoooi^t^^ot^iri u-ivoooc7\OOi-ioorciooO\voooo •iMOOMOOOOMOOMOVMOOMMMt^Mt^ t^t^MOOint^OOOOOOMOOOOOOM H MM M M M "-"..M MM MO000Mt~.M_MMM_ oca .n - .o" -io «k -0"^+ -^ --cT-MM -M - Tp _ .. ~ t£ ft5MWN'l-^-M00MMhNrONM'-<>^^rF 2nMW^:wVOm'"mM001O'nH rea-re'Srere cgja^'5|j^Q.rt*^^ j j c a c i a j i « « « i S O J2 rt 1-1 jt: cu C j3 re a Ut J3 CO V B M Rl bfl I* re wm 8 cu 3 < cu JO re M re a 'm j3 re u 0. 'c R c 1 3 X e c R re je 0 2 B re CO JZ c E e 5 |-1 Rl CU CO "0 M re u R t C a. -C a. pe j3 2 r - R re .2 3 4j M re PQ i-T Cu 9 :« ,3 j3 re O M 1- M •— u /: re 1 1 c- JT en J~ JZ X, X. j3 -0 -3 — •a — -a "B — "C -a ~z ~Z -a re cu cu rt •— > -r 5 U 5 ^ ^S 5 -5 r r -3 u U cu cu 11 cu m 2^tMRl?!MMMM3lH . — , — . U OJ CU CU CU re re Q Q n OJ JJ4 > J3 J3 jO JO J re cu cu cu cu List of Baptisms. 309 pq £ '£ J! «• S -a 4> t* CJ E? &^ g .2 w> . . £ «o g . . E E P H C E cj cu J5 — C oj oj cj cj "O cj -§ cs cj Ph Ph < U C o O w en CJ Q ™ W ™ — — — — Pu, Ph — a c aj cs > G ja 0 t/i « CD -i ta A > u cs p § CJ J g Q O u u u K a. u w n M .a u u 'J 1 — 1 CL> cs 1— > cs "O -a c U S J3 . H AS S S3 « " s -a .a c ^ cj *=< c so -a co c CJ T3 -a -a 5 -b e -5 B cj « 3 -a O co ^ < J3< .- CJ ._ & P3 & u -E CJ H O u N -S 0 ■J *u 5 ,2 § a JS ed u W T3 Sfl C ■■j M >> -a a hi U 11 C cj cj i>) A U oj K co rj _^ E a cj Q 0 ■2 w w ■5 ^ E c cs ca h "O -a rz fe 3 fi ° Ja o » u *> fa U Pi A Ph O « 6 E M « M u -O -O W < < d — | fcK -O 13 E B — X - B T3 -a ffi E » e j: l> _j l> c -« cs u 3«c S 1J bfi re bO .3 ro cj .2 M .5 >, « .ii ^BgtES-g t: g t: s b b — CJ CJ K^KK B •» * * CJ CJ B M CJ CJ P3 P3 S5U^ u u 3 _ -a -a -g ^ ■a w <»«,■« "5 c j- u oj a a ■a j « *- 11 Q N « 0 0 ^0 C> Ln DO r^ CpC t> t~. "^ en 0 vo N- M M t>- „-,« i,U pj PJJ3 pj OO vo fa < 0\ *r\ hi OO PJ OOO •+■ VO OO t^ w OO 00 i-c * *£. N M - - - a. > *J O, XI cj cj « o vn t^ t^ r>- - OO TJ- 00 *: t > u u >> ZOcofaSSSo-< M yj m M VO DO ** vo OX » H »0 M O M « M ** ** NO (^ iA n > O u a a u > V CO j= > O Q X. 0 — 1 X to X r a. C c ki u O. so CJ 0 " n. E C 0 c SsJ^; OO 0 00 00 w 00 M M M m h> OO <•) M n HI a M c_ a cu C70 to CO ca .sec •- .s •- ra n > « . t^ t^ M - *r''^4J^facJcj03 2^(^P*- fct, — ^fafa u CO cu C en c a re cu u 4) ^* fa HJ u m u cu jniJUD^fl^u ^ T3 -a re re ■a -a c 5 a c c 33 S3 O re N -a — c fa .2 re rt rt rt r } <-_■* r^n l- U •— « •—■< n i_, o w cu s £ a O O O fli U U U Ph M TD a a > re CO X S Q _> ^^rererererererecJrTii^pQ*-' k> ky< k/l k> k> kyl k> ^ NH HH HH HH HH HH _» n n c r3 n o n ~ I— fa fa. fa, '_< fa, I_ ■« ^ § s -S -S w re re J* J* S "2 "a "° (j o re c c c re re E E E E w w T3 73 Scucucocucocua>-a'T3 3.ox>.£5 >>>>>>>nu-ioovo vovnoovo ^l^. <> O « 4 •c «)>>■>: >- s bt; bh « O.H re ex re re -Q re u *J *J o o ■■ 3 + H OO \0 • -Q 00N • OS • >n • Tj- . OsOoo Osw^oo O N O O "1 n ui O m * O ^J «o>rs^ OO OnOOOO O OsOSOsOsO n woo oo o OO u^ MMMWOSOOHOOOOOOOOt^MlHt^MOOIHr>.IHl^ to oo • N OO t1- so u-i o> SO t^ r- "i- t^ r^ e -t- W M t^ M r^ t> ^ M M <^ CO OO . ^ sq N N <^ N rt- Ji bi 'c -n oi) 3 a. a, 3 a i— i fe < < < < -2 « w - „ - co c fa fa -C J3 J5 u U tS en 3 _c 3 re = 5 2 •-> W ^3 O a» 3 y h^Z D < O § S 3 -S1 O T3 w E -^ •5 U "3 -« re i> re ^ •- -. cu re 8 2 1h K '"^ *" H *■ P3 * re g £ £ W = J3 K K n K2S^W. •—; h— i u en O O re — M cu ^ " Ui re D D M W W W aj cu cu aj O Q Q P re re a> cu P P lH.3 ^-« „_•...•> cucai,'-'i"i-r'-i»-i^'-ifcl _l<;^cj_^Ucu M u •5 vZ o c *5 •— "^ *r ■o _ u 1) CO bD ... > .„ re M 7 ^ ,!■ -O •3 £> t- re w vs w s rJ £ z .» bo • rfi T5 «S co U u s 5 b -c cu
  • 0 0 cu a a < 0 >> C a 3 « kI CO £ U M _ co 5 jU a gi . ti *■ c ^ c "5 u r J? r ,¥ « >2 Cu O cl, O O 2 c .£ Si .2 J| || s _ -o -e c = S r « w en en — WW Si u u — — — c -a -o CO < < 03 R "5 co 'C >, r M s O -3 — a a n A u u a T c N Ui R R 5 -e -. R pi ■£ co ■a w § s 2 x- > *^3 C3 rt W < < -C X JZ J2 •si 5 '5 £ -5 e« O J3 ™ Q X Cm d, C« NOO VI ■ • •VOUION-OOOOM ^1-OVO * « OO M ffi O O «■> 11 vo MMllt^r^t^llMllOOllllHI N 11 4" 11 ca-ramr, CS — > >> > > >■ g >» c^S SO Z Z j bD O < DO N + + O y o ZOO • OOOt>.>1t«->M(1 Ooooooooooooooo m N N eOMMMMHIIMOOOOOO O I N N w • ti »« >> >> C 3 C3 C3 P3 >% b b § S < ^,0 00 o r~- t-> i^ 3 C & 3 < < < < vo Ov O O wi b~ m m t^ 00 m 00 11 m OO M M OO M OO t>> N O v> V© O to OO «<1 M N t^ OO OO 11 OO 0\ N N M Hi II OO OO OO ^ « ^' - ^,S O v 0 "3 o ►=, w c > «: n' « *; ■£ tj C^ZOfcOOcoC CU CO B C U U -C 2 " cj « a, o 2 t « "H -5 — ^ « ^- * ^ < < W D Q Q Q bD 'E ^ P — .-.-.- .- .- .- .- c c n "d jo "O t 505 .- c pq c .5 < S -5 * js ■- ►.■a .« (5 iTJi < « A bo - . _ r i- 1. i, i_r -t-l & -c * ca s 13 0_> -a — s u a £ pq w oj i> - ■— u Oh Oh 0- bO • M cd 73 > C Cd « 3 w _ u u U fc* *— < WD ^ Q co u j2 -5 H fa W « -2 •** 5 w 5 t; m M b 3> «3 « am—, m ~ c X o fa U m «J b K -3 S J> « O fa O Oh u % < cd «" "5 > S w u - fc< 3 < w _ H-l "^ —" "3 3 12 C cd 3 ed — cj O ed bO M •-1 £ a cd cu u :3 _a c OJ -« -3 ►-> w -3 >H £ u .3 cd CO s 2 pg a. a> ed ed s < —
  • fcl>Ufc UOU fa b u -a cd cd u — ed M m n-l -* *T3 cj 3 "° P3 fa « _ M O M >H \r\ \r% co m m m 00 t^ M W M t^ M VO N OO O O oo O 0> N 00 f> \o in m o\ o\\o tJ- «■ t^. >o OO » Ifl vo o M OO M M 1^ t^ OO w N °> N H 'f M~ o" _ N fi en in 1-1 oo~ N M jj ^-n tj bb H ih N en tn »>> > J OJ J L +J (^ .cdSHcd-Ogg" cd'cdSyBcd'Sa.edg' cd&,3&,J?£ o,cd e; c> « cd w N Oilsintsinints OO OO OO M tswOO t^M cd edQ.g cdQ.-gt5 oj w c .2 ed C cd H-1 o -^ ^ M J3 — ■ I) U OJ ■o insovo^o ino M N moo N oo O Ov O ■hi^mmmOmO ri oo ^ « 3* 3 4> '5 n U — , "tj £ o o, 5 < fa Q ^ < ~ 5 -c 4? 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S ra •- *j — Pi 3 3 hfl I— I 3 n. «J Bj fl u H £0 £ X Ph Ph O < 3 P a u '3 re U re re P £ 2 ■ «* 1 E Ph < E CC CD "3 P p w -3 ,_, -e Ed ID 3 (LI Ph u ^ > rh -S fe 'J u .2 « Is <" a, !S £W 13 T3 C 3 cd W 45 5 ra 2 -o — "2 -f= ffi 3 6 O > 3 O 1) h3 •S w A A 51^ * >> "h >> w CD O U cd Ph >— > PhPh<:3,0 $ • ui n U^ ^j- ■ M OO IH t>« U1 CN »- •+ $ -t- CO CO SO <-) CO U-l U1 00 lO SO r> rl vo N M o N CO M ci CI « -t- oo CO OO rO r^ 00 OO OO lO 00 r> OO N ►H 00 OO CI OO «l CM PN M W M OO M so M BO 00 IH M OO IH H H M M M OO r^ u-i IH IH CI IH ■S, o" r on ro N O N cS o' c£ PH 00 oo" o" ro i-r, N OO IH IH CI oo IH CI OO IH 4 vo" -1 OO IH ci o" uq M 3 < 3 re 1 — > CD 3 3 >— > > O > O z a, CD J-l *H o Ch O < 3 re I— » M 3 < CD 3 3 *— > 'u cJ 'C bX) Cut; < c < < 3 1 — . Ed 3 CU CO re a CU p re 1 3 < | 1 M 3 < ^3 CD |Jh 1 3 3 1— > 3 3 >— l A CD |3H OO n IH vn oo M cq « IH SO IH CO m N oo *o io io OO OO OO OO t^lH VOM WOOOOOO CM SO CM IH »~ oo oo O M CM • so VO so • CM M CM VO Noo OO OO M H OO so OO IH CO IH On oo •^ JT CM CM MM Otc> >, O CUCUCUUCUCU(U QPPQQQQQPPPOPpPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP List of Baptisms. 315 o MM u - — « C3 2 *3 bfi c (J 0 £ 2 M .5 w s 3 ■?. J "3 -g N C n, c t- i" i_ t: u u a. S £ fa fa 1* 0 bt c cs n 2 pq 2 fa W - - fa U •— — ca rrl s w 12 Q Q 13 3 Jt « Ok Q X > 5 u Q < fa n ca 1* i> t> oj oj 00 a\ 00 00 00 a, pS ~' 00 OS M M s© CO m OS N « N m Jj N N co ^ w fa co 1— , .- u S O "-1 ** bo ca a. 3 "1 N 00 Os OO f» «1 M OO OO fa fa < Q < N ^O 3 c 3 3 »*■ 00 Os OO OO OO ° 2 to N SO M SO u-i Os Os N OO OO Os OO M M OO OS OS OO M M OO M M c£ m" M fO OS - t"» PI VI M N >' " ^ *J O 3 « u z. >> CI C3 > U V c i c c < < < u -a 1-1 ^j Cd C/3 — « > aj t- c ^-^ S £ ™ "3 u "3 i- i-T i_" t5 u" u." C3 — X J o {J s .s XI C3 fa 2 .3 w - X £ u C rt C M l_ — -' -^ S-* u aju*Mi>aj v iuua)Qj(uk-,c^ f f §11 U u 3 3 3 u, i_ i_ u u G C G Q Q 6 E = E E 3 3 ^ 3 3 Q Q Q Q QJ 4J 0^ sL» Qj M ,c x js ,c js J- > E E E E E . rt • 00 t^. t1- so m Os t-> pq S .a I c * M 2.S s« QQQQQGQ QQ CQ GQQ 316 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -a 3 cd x> cd on « cd cu Ed a s 5 45 n •w cd li cd 43 cd «+H a a < cu w U •A s s M Cu cd Ih u Ed c u -o T-! -a c c u :S Q .a V+H <-w a <•> R o *v< to c Cd V c c cd "cu U a in C cd a c Ed ■a c cd u c '5 -o c cd -a C cd < -a a cd is -a a cd (Li c CU 43 cd cu >, cd jo jo cu 43 i- CU C 44 U id c cu 3 cu en cu _j <£ cd a >. 43 u Ph 43 cu £ •— pq Ih V PQ c C C cd y CU cd £ E E E OO a pq a M pq c CU cu 45 o 1— > s 45 0 ►— > eft en ^ en E -o 3 : - o Ph Ph Ml cd >-. bo cd i- w w T3 -a 13 -a a c c a n Cj rt m oj a^ a « n ni rt ^* ^ ^ 13 T3 "U SS5 to m j3 j3 J3 3 u u < < E E < < < X 4= W — — c c cu cu X X *3 *j cu s § s « cu .cu cu cd ■s % 2 U cu .2 li Mh h< 4= T3 •- 45 u = ^ u T3 - T3 -o C u c c cd •-* cd cd cu cu cu cu cd HH 4-; ffi ffi HH cu cd cd -g K KH HH I— > ? ? ■J '5 TD -o 45 ■n cd C3 u a m — Cu a; HI B C cd c a a cd a cd cd cd 45 45 45 C O O + ifl S ifl N £!§£<< t^ vn u-i on w vo 00 N N >n o>o M IH IH t-^ oo r^ M M IH N iri VO VO • vo O t^ t^ t^. t^ N t>. OO t^ IH IH M VO l^ H oo N O oo O N IH W IH „ iH, fa o z. S o z M b-H ^ I . . CU C-) O CJ .- I— . A§< |SpozoS< 43 CU 43 cd cu fa a a • V cd cd ' a C 45 • G C 0 B El < ►— . o -o -a g ^ -g -a JH U, CU CU >^ Cd 43 43 Q W W W t-^ 't- o\ t-^ f- t^ 00 OO OO M o VO oo ^ if XI 4C1 D. C X1 vo to • vo vo vo vo Cv O vo l-^ t->. >o oo r-» VO Ov • IH t^ VO rf vo M tv. vo t^ IH t^ M - 4f r^. vo ih -; n m =_ o o o ■* - nNcvJ^'-hmNihW UD Z O < fe Ph O cd "|H Ed Ed j=. < Ed U W a S 'S -c o N a cd cd ^ w g o 53 S3 2 S <; o W c 5 Ph S _C 13 C 45 45 45 o - < o ,£,,£. (^ O PI oo to O fc» (v. oo oo N N P> o IH M M OO OO OO OO • OV M O M O O oo oo OO M M - s « co r _c - ^ « n n m +» « 45 45 4-T -uT 4J- *T *i « X *-« « k-i r~; ^5 /-v Ti "^ ro 3 2 3 W .S i3 i, bJ3 45 — 3 H -S E c/3 ti §.>,>> u u u u u u u cij w rt w cu rt E E E E E S cu cu cu cu cu -— ^ -^4* 41? v^^k/v^v^v^.y.v^^cucuajcucucucucucu 43-Q434343X3434343U -o -a wwwwwwwwfcvqw List of Baptisms. 3i7 C A Ji R) U -J bC T3 C re (J -0 c s ■a re T3 C a a c 0 -a E c c OJ u u C Uh -0 _E a; y. f\ ■SI <* fa). T3 re £- e a C a si V V a> w — ? •^ Q " RI C -. S 3 C re re p -< u 3 * a E -S . u t_> W d^ *5 O re re bfi -a - M ^5 Co ,~> « « ■§ B . S -3 " X! _3 l> 3 re 3 3 ^ (J .2 -a -a -c 9 o ° re re ■3 <% « « * a --,&< < ■o -5 £ re -j E -p, — c n ^ K ^ w -9 3 '-C Ph .2 -a j= c O ■C J= C 43 ** — ■" *> ^5 CO "3 "3 •n rj w W 3 « ■8 b I 8 u ^ S E a o IS >> CO ■3 c "3 WWW E ra E £ w w •3 -3 T3 -3 -3 e= c -a c -0 tn « Rj C « J3 _C 3 «U — > w •^ E .2 re < < 0 o 0 m 0 00 VO 0> M »o VO w -*■ to r- • N H •+ vo M VO ri M 0 »-i N CO VO ri N vr> 00 ri N ■* en ro V© M vo On On t>. >J-1 + M OO «1 N ©\ 4- t^ CO CO -/-: rr> en DC r^ 00 00 t^ t^ CO ro 00 00 CO ro 00 N 0O OO t-» r^ * N N WO CO •* 00 l«s r> M M H M M M M H 00 IH M M IH IH CO M M 00 w M IH )H M OO OO OO M IH IH CO H ►H 00 M "H O M _ 00 -+" ri M - 0> . t^ OO 0 c3 - n 0\ _ ^ N l-t M N H ri <•! ro M M f) N IH M r^ ri « N N M N H -t + M « 1 CO N M re d >. ^: a a >. c re -d 25 j£ >" O re > 0 >. R) U 3 3 O < £ u _>. *-">,>, >, >> >n bC 3 < >. > s w 3 •— > b 09 co s 9 •— 1 § fc fa s 9 1— 1 § 9 •— > § s § 9 >— » 9 •— 1 9 1 — 1 1— > 3 •— 1 O w 00 vo • •»!■ m m m vo cs m vn 00 00 00 ^ N N t^ M M IH IH OO OO M IH M m i- 00 + - _ m N N N N N N N C C J >. bb ^ « > ^ w 3 -£ § ^o S < w m Ti- ro 00 0O M z z en rn OO 00 to N N OO 00 00 rj- VO OS • t^ v-v co OO OO f^ t-^ O0 N N ►H IH M OO 00 IH M VO OO M » t(- S M •* OO t^ (^ N H M vo to t^, VO VO IH N N °° - vo — 're re a. ~ ~ SS 3 z S z p^n a re re c C -S -S -fi -9 -? =3 > 0X1 : E re 2 a. u ; t- .s 2 ^ .E be b£ .2 .2 0X1 'C "u .= 3 E E.2 -3 c — 3 *> 5 555&H w « O 3L, ^ W "* ^ «'5 w K (fl (Cm " 0 = — <« re J^ — c j* re .- ~ v .G I* &> re re re re E E E E •3-3-3-3-3"3-3-3-3 wwwwwwwww m d (1 rd R _ e e e e e CO vV0' •a e j= re U< "3 *f « bC ^ o W^ E E E E . <*T w." vj-T "+," ^ C O 1; 1J U lJ U "3 "3 "3 T3 (u u u u — _ :0 > T3 .& Uc JJ .— cu o pq bO cu E C3 bfl JO u JO a ca cu s s. b£ w o s u u h "O T3 U ~ 2J c e a ca IS ^1 > ; ro * C8 i- JO g «- JO ? a Oh u ca u. 3- cb 2- u. U -3 u ca U r C JO R 0 X JO t cd 3 C R ca 3 a. u a. W W c aj CO 3 re ca re M w N u a X X o P2. JO (3H bf CO w V cu a re JO Ed u re ca JO JO C H oa o< cu cj JO W 0 03 d. s s 0 W QJ :tj +j *-= a> £ CO & -a -a ca W33 W rt c^ w nj Hh Ph Ph — < < ^ ^ .5 *c w w rt (j n W Cl, Cl, WD H- > O ca -uj -uu JO JO ca ca s s ^s CU Cu O *u *J (J ca ca >> „J >> s^ss<jaijas-oj«! U aj S Sq cj\ m 00 f«« O 00 vo r^ r^ CO HH hs M r^j M r^ M f^ M O 4 1^ N rC >> V 3 _>. D, ca S o N ^- N 1-4 t^ n n CA oo CO HH M M o - ro VO N M C\ t-- O O t^ OO O 00 OO ON o vo *J- OO O Tt ON OO UJ w N N w r> ^o » VO r^> 00 r> o r>. M r^ r^ t^ HH CO w t-( M H i-» r^ M -+• t^ r^ VO ON rl ►H M — 0» o — 3 5 j= a ex s2l _r 3 •u O _ s"< SC WWW oj bo W W W W J-" Sh o < ca £ n i— J? 3 < jd '• CJ ca u JO a. V ca cu 0 a X J3 CZ3 ct a, o 0. c a jS ca i- 3 " on JO ca c R 3 ca w w w 00 w ON t^ O ON O r^ O t~~ oo t>. O C> N N O V3 t^ ON M M OO O OO 1-1 ON M "1 - N N M H _ CO 00 M JO u W o S < < •+ r^- () ■+ w On CO rv M >H CO CN OO «J ^J 3 Oh J^ co O 2 < ►=, co W •* w ■ J3 >> _3 V 1- ' bJJ r 15 c 1 C c R V %l>.>->>>!>%>Nt>>l) oj W .a j^ -3 www tl 3 « w w CU Cul E E W W Cut cu E E W W E E E WWW E E E E W W List of Baptisms. 3J9 v u £ a O « J= 1 s d bo iu "S m S S *S w o w rge ents. Ge C/j o 2 "o W £ o u •3 '§ bC _ •^ G M T3 . — "S U a: x j j x » j: £ j= 2 — — £ w -a -o c c > ei C Xi X t c; n 1 td . j; - s *■ M .9 E « -a U « *5 .2 bO eu i- u, (J C c (J « a JU m o u *» «* ~ n _ nj n rt > > A W > > w 2 Xj i S 2 ~ i- — oj ra c x bO <; — »5 -a W w -a "a c c J- n « Ji x * 55 u u ra "£ S «° W Q ^ t — X ^ O — bC J? .2 O "d O W 35 £ W 3S j. fr w C « 7^ *» r- m -H pq C C ~ rt pj ra n ;P! Ph Pl, > ^ C — - u "^ *> X G W 2 c « .2 o >- X oj _G N * 3 T3 rj C "O "O nf C C .£ -G >T- w w B o ■d - J3 MH O PS a « -G Oh .y o '.9 I u o •H ■* t^ • oo oo t^ o -f oo oo oo »« a. <2 o f> M W N M OO OO M oo m • oo ^o H OO • M t^ _ W t^ M NO00 M N < fa DC ro o\ r^ oo oo n oo W OO M OO M OO W f^ M £ M a - - M - _ t^- o LTi a -O G re u u *5 fc ^2 < ta Q oo o r^ r-. C ^ ^- r- E G G G E E E E W W W w O 4 * m oo oo t^ C -G < « u u u E E E E E E c a, -a 3 u u 1— > C/3 U< eg rj 2 n >- • — V V SEE E E E WWW «" o o r^ «o -G c u c < bO eg X - oj •-< •— OJ ^-r E v N OO f^ O oo oo vo n n r^ r^. ^ OO OO OO 00 M t^ ts, M M M M t-t M - - - _ c> - . » N ifl j. o N N N >H N ^ w -O G C JO J] O. « W i— > >— i W Q c« O .£ u c - u to .- u U rj W W OJ OJ QJ OJ OJ OJ OJ bO bC bfi bC bO M bfi W W W W W W W W 320 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o -7; MH ca >«5 ^ JJ ^ Ji *i ca <> ca W S -c 2 m S3 i^s« § T3 T3 (J ffi u u u c x; d js H Oh O Ph Q •51 M < < 'S/S. ca ft| Ph £ ^ T3 -O S * Oj u 53 W Z H h h h hj oj ej aj aj cj cj ±1 J3 — £ _i _i 1— : -a -o a c ca ca - £ 3 u e "g CO < TD . t~- SO Tf O OO M l-C t^ OO SO - °° W rl vn u-i -. cq D < < m woo ^> » 00 * N W M OO M M M" •* ^; ^ t s s « M On w O "-) t^ SO l~» • t~. M t^ OO M M H 00 P^ to so «/■> "-1 iri • O «ot^t^vriu-ivou^o\ M M M OS OS « t^ _ _ H M m" ^ N 11 os OS « » H H lO IO O Oh Oh u t-^ Os 00 O N * N N N O tv OO OO M H OO CO - SO w N " *~ ^"' N " ca *i — z< ca 4= M toa -3 -a -o -a -a ■cj- M • • CO SO t^. OS M 00 + V ca co *3 t3 *5 « M T .2 0 — : — ; W W o ca U Q ca c ca 9. c/- ^ 0. 0^ ca |H R ,* c 1 ca cu ca u JO 3 1- e u ca 0 E CP ca a. on 0. I. 0. ^ 0 3 r - s , 2 -o -r "a < -n 7 J (1 U U H J* 4= £ N N ? wwwwww wwww wwwwwwwyw a 0 a id ca rt cd n ^= > > > > X w W w w w . e rt < < < C >h ^-T - oj u v J3 X J2 o >> N Ij In (< w w w w w w List of Baptisms. 321 w W 3 O o • *> -a « 5 u t> x "E1 u o e M o J; W S cu C *h ^ T <5 u f S o s s B U ¥ « ™ U Pm O P-, Ph *2 £"• ^ •s < U a> U -o -a -o O O D « < Q 0 < X X ed ja Q 8 H -C « S Pu X c a 2 o u o v c c £££ a < o q t-o -+- 0 * M »n H ■+ • NO 1^1 «N D M <0 ro M OO M VO N 0 ON HH n 0 ^0 * UN VO OO ON ON O 00 (O M OO H M 00 ►H W OO M l^ M M oc l-l w M 1^ w M M H M H M N in N M £> M OO M M On N <* H tC tf W M HI r ON M OO M OO no" M no" N 0 N cc" ei" 3 cu >> s J3 cu a, cu ED > 0 z 1 cu a. cu C/3 6 cu Q >> n 9 Oh < 3 1 — 1 3 »— 1 c ca >—> 3 1— > 0 ex CU C 3 •— > Cu cu C/3 >— > > O z *1 U cu cu 0 0 re U O o. M V > 0 3 O 3 0 c en • - • — cu re re B - - J= B P3 03 < U O u u U x -C x X -C X Im u H (4 W w H H D o Ji •- T — u ■c _c j: -e € ■£ -5 -5 5: g E OJ o- o o> ^ .— .— CTJW^ •C e E b « ™ -fi.e-^-.c-,"'/-;,-;^' i s -3 — X ^ ^1 £ b n b n v M fa w w a w www J3 -3 J3 J3JXJ3J3JJXJ3JJ XI X X X X X X X X WWW WWWWWWWWWWW WW WWWWWWW 322 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u w c- re CO c =• Ed o T3 73 «, c c BQ re id r., N Oh 3 u CO M en B C3 a id u § > pq u 3 E pq o Ph O pl, >. C u « J re *n re •— , in c ■fi -5 n ^■£ a OJ OJ W SSSO £ oj oj <-> re "O u s '£ -a "O re C re i- u J bfi w g OJ OJ X X •J re ;s 3 W °-< a •— > U 3 rj~j w TS -3 C -c -a c T3 en C a re T3 u * T3 hfl CJ c > CL «j > O a ■5 ' ■£ g-B g 1*3 W "3 -C 3 re J . < re §;£ ££ O T3 _. T3 "O -Q 9 a 5 S B D re ~ re re b0„ W ^ — re oj i> oj P rj o o x a o re 2 Jl 8 « s ►3 £ w _ w • W w 3 f s^ *2 "•= e c h g u u ^2wi;rere.s™ X W ffi PL, PL, U Ph OJ >hh '? e J re o •a c re w a re re o re a re J OJ re re re -a O W -a c re Ih a re -c -a E s M a re JS u a o V CO OJ M U J 1) b£ c OJ K J u c 13 3 o O o OJ U ■rt c b, re —) re c U re T3 N C Ih re . . „ w » « u u C C 2 J u u * ft re re m re Ph Ph "2 rj a O aj 'u. JS Ph '5 U C •a -n c c _c re u >, Ih Ih u OJ a Ph E X 5 < ^ re u tn .fi re — C Ph W W W a c « c -a -a M O t- — * — re 5 M .2 Ih — ^o S fi « re c L E J O A o o o M M U-l IH W CO O «"> ^O N C\ ^O oo oo M OO M M • O O O oo O^ t** OO N f^ OO ON t^« Ov «-i IH t^ oo oo IH OO IH IH IH IH OO OO t^ OO 09 tu >>. - W _ J3 J3 XI WWW OO N N N Z hO 3 U -> w > o c 3 •— > a, CO bi 3 < re ^H 2 .Dec. • Aug .June u c . Mar .Mar July .Dec. Oh u CO P w M 3 < 3 re Ih Oh < OJ C 3 •— i 3 l— l Ih re 3 1 — 1 OJ to O o z o n ' E>> t« »n ■* ^- • ON . . o • t^ • ON NC to <* t^ M H «ri to CO o NO . NO H On M l^ H N 00 N CO ^^ "3" t^l N t^ M t^ (Nl CO H M M M M N IH -t o Ih W U 3 < OJ 3 3 Ih re < Is Ih Ch < O O < P 3 3 5 < < Z re HI c 3 >— l JD OJ p Ih re w ft CO OJ 3 3 l— V ft OJ CO ft ft OJ OJ GO CO P5 P? re oj oj oj oj v *j ojo 60 bJD bO bfi fa .2 uuijuodoj'J'Juu XX-OX-OXl_OJ3j3XlJ3Xl UIhIhIhIhIhIhIhUUiIhIh wwwwwwwwwwww »Q h-h -O hO -o -Q hO ._, '_ l— I l— 1— 1— t-H pq w W W W W W Hit P o u « 2 fi -c J J3 J.J J J J3 Ih Ih Ih Ih bH Ih lH pq w W W W W W List of Baptisms. 323 _> re u C Mr* ' 11 > a •; .j bO ._ S q/ -a — ** t<5 "7" os^a 0 h-1 bo W _> W 1- oj So ■6 B « & c _: o OJ •- 1- — E p2 U _i "^ w "O N •— oj _. <3 re a ._ T3 _ bfi ere*5 J J •§ 3 re w « .9 'C I: w ._ •^ re _! - "7! W -c _: W o CO 3 o a JO a ^. w •J OJ s ■? — a — .£ "S _: U U u u a ■ o re .C 0 U ■c ■« re tJ3 c - _! « o > oj re ~ u . 5 C9 C M _: 8 j3 ._ IN l^x^llS-is^g 6 .3 ii, *> ~Q _> re ■£ - 3 Ph Ph < Pi <= « = _: re o ►•* •O "_ N J3 _> •— re .5f ■3 jo ■ M '~ w re re « • J= J2 "^ *» w 0 « u m a j: j x i M m o o o o _ a x a • c — "C 2 - _; in S fl n +J re _ ■d « .0* u ■a t= J3 -S J= s » s O rri J3 w U ^ co o . - a * o ■* fa w _* rt C u , K ^ • -h ri *-< "^ ^ u rr w c u w w tj w « C C m « « ea JJ O « g "O W CO Tl Pi B re — S^ ^ — C c tn .S id ti. >. oj t;. a£«< n u u d d o b o « c o j= *5 o o i-ih rt >— > K I— 1 o o ct\ on r^ ^o t^ r-~ t^ r^ m (^ w-i 00 O 00 OO H OM N * Ol •NMVOOONM 00 woooooo moo « 1^00 r>.oo IHOOIHIHI1 OWMMWMM > £ O D M 9 (^ On OJ oj 00 N 't- ^2 N Si >. bb I >> « m - N "S o" 00" t>. _ S Z •— 1 Z ta co 3 3 3 3 'u '£ be >> o < < < S Q • »n-|^«»> • t~»Th on >« ■ • i*vo»b»" ••(«.•• "••*•■ MNONOOONNO • OOON i'INOO • OMOOMOOOOONTl-uiNONNt^OOO ON ON N Ov N N ««1 l"~t"~ N 00 m • ooooonooonwnoocnonnmnoooonw^ t^t^-Mt^MIH OO MM MMOO • MMt^MO0OOO0M0OO00OO0t^Mt~.M MM M l^ M- ^M^MMM MMMMM^MOO > . J j> (f H M W 00" m">^>-' ONvO^-tC---o"-_T.--J>-M 'g, i & a a) ^ d Sm =3*^-* « '§. 1 « -s a 'E. •& s si 1? s -s '§. & « on co « u V V a a a a c a •~ 'J M n M jd — ^= _= i0 00000 — — J2 Jl Jl — - ~ 1- — - ~ ______ 0 w s a O 5 _> _> a — _ _ -c re re OJ OJ C C T3 oj 2 « ^J H-l _! ^„^^ _)_)_:_; MM _ _ - — -_ — __ _T _T _T ja _T jo _j WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW X) _i _i 3H The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u K . rt J3 ^5 ■£ W « ■« W S W j£ 43 _£ M C >. c-0 u C w £ ° ■- ™ w w « y 43 Si vi -- R, <" nJ ^°^ „ D o "-1 bfi M .y _£ O O C l» D OJ QJ "£ O 0 K fa .s « .s 1 o -a -r U (2 <_, re oj E s « rt re (« IS U IS p y GO "P 0 0° ? 2 ■a go c rt -53 :>. c 43> rt u be « O bD > S 2 S r e u h H a rt O D Ph U Ph *11 rt rt go -o C c E E "rt 1-. rt rt ■5 « £ K > 8 Ph P £ rt „; — W) c W "5 ? -5 8 S rt « ►— > i-J rt -5 v w ,„ bO W) M u ™ o o o a ►? aj D u T; JOfc 4= l-*-H rt .t- rt ja c -S J3 rt -o rt u < U s o w 3 l — i -n -a -a c g c a u oj aj E u — ■o j< b. S m N m « >H ^5 _r- .3 m >H >U ■5 C ^r T3 P. < O bb-g g 2 "3 P .? E "H "a u a — OOP AQ wOu o be "5 a a M n NM 1A « » M M Ooooooooo ^> M tH M ON »H (H N w OO M C\ W On to t >N > <-l «fl OO M BO r^N CO M t-^ t^« H ON 00 OO OO M M CO M M M M M r^ M OO OO M tH M -p LTl M ^£) •. M no" M o 0 * — N 'm "m bO & a, p < < < J3 OJ B 3 ft 1) c 1—1 (J P. o < to C 1—1 >, 1 — 1 > o 53 rf ON p» M V\ oo + + oo m M M OO OO M 00 O oo f^ U"V M t^ OO t>0 M - M M to M > 4J > z S z o z C C 43 W 8- c c W) re ni a & £ o ra bj S z z C l) 0) OJ OJ D 1) -— aj nj -Q n E E E .2 E W SEE 4= -5 ra p u U O ZCHliiiS(iS«PH^M(ow(owcSM(ococD(ncoin o M M ft < bUUUUUUUMl-ll-lUklU^UlUM t- 1_ List of Baptisms. 325 S u -0 re a a M 11 M * !§ -a .s -° gg re u c U E E <„• — — o S w H ■S — •£ "£ U "3 C -O C 1> C I) W pg < c S3 re £ *-' -a -S c bC re U IS u c *> m — en — .S o 1-1 «u £>«££— ©So a, tfl E &< ? ^>&< ^ re re OJ Q X -c * tt J= a ™ c 73 — w W C -o WO ^ >, bJO E — •— t. •- i_ 2 > a q v x o 5 = Ji ■a W en o V c c c c re re o o w e -o '5b 5 ■s ■** S t5 0 bO 3 3 Si M C3 hJ -3 re __ 5 ■5 e is I ti w C 4) J2 T3 re •£ S < Q fa 5 2 fa .s S 6 £ « w tfc: -o ■g o .3 w n 3 re O - C .3 « re ~ bO -c • - a « .3 g O < 2S _l .5 E .£• re :3 C J, — J= -° -*= -a '= .2 j= « j= re r: .2 4> — c IVJ t- £ w re & rt O c . -o re J3 • - 4= o > o •SMS" — < B N W — ■WW UJ -a D (J E "C bo j:j=-s o-S-c-c-cjs < Cu K J= -c •£ -S D in re y 3: XI >,^Wre W^^W re c c re C ^T3 C C re re c 2 c c 2 00 00 w w CTn ^- O •* O M OO OO OO M OO 1^ t^ t^ f- t^ t^ t^. M S ~ fa. S < >> bb -n bb ^j *J ti « 3 a. 3 u £> u s? r o o C^ M OO >, be S . \r\ On v^ • VO On ^O N On • NO t^. r^ OO S On N J^ M M M |^» M s ^ >> c *j re re re ^oS s:> ^ -I- t^ OO re^^ >^ 3 U-i -+- BQ m OO OO f^ -t oc H O M M H ge M OO ^ vo M V) 0 vA; to o\ "-< _ M ^ H a re 1 — 1 "3 1—1 +2 t- u — — aj < O < < 0 O O 00 o • ^ vo m t-^ t^ «i- vo r-» o\ t» t>. t*. r>. h N °° N N — re re E E m ™ x = E ■= ■=■ E — < "5 c c |- = S bbT 0 O in OO <~n 00 ON W~l N ON r^ so N m * 0 a t^ t-^ -O r/: (Si r>« >o M 0 * 00 OO M l^ l~~ H M M t^ OO r^ C> O-j M M M M H r^ HI _ „ » , J M in _ M »-~ vy, CI N M VO 'f 1h Q. a re Xl A _>. a. O) re j£ C O a ,n(flO h-;< < < C-> fa. x re ui u. M re a Xi a a a e u re re c ja U — o < W ^ re re _o h- re 0 £. crt c« 3 3 3 = r- (o w «) en r C C C c fajfciwwwwtqwfaiwwfaiwfai uu;ay aw w u w w w w w fai w w 22 -Oj0.G_O.O,3.£>.O.-C-C — ■— — 326 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. <•> E s < R -a ■«, to V -h w E E fa E c w -* ^ o o Ph E id "d hi cu VI s < CO a c :ed a — 0 OJ Ml s o cd Ph 0 Pm :0 1 — i td Kfi « c/3 xfi c/i c/l fT| C C C C B C cu cu cu cu cu cu 3 ._. 2 ^io^ J? bJO ,2 £ bC wj ra fa td ed tJO »- w "«;£») O -G cd Cd >»."5 £ - cd o cd *— ed Ph h-> fa < fa J-l Cd 5 5 ea cd cd cd ed ft, -a > > > *3 cWWW4 B T3 •O T3 ^ tn C G G c g cd td cd w 5 .^ -m -^ ft T3 u a> s Ma Ed 3 CO id W aa w E < w -3 C ed w Ed ~3 k1 fa -a a W 73 C -a G -3 G 13 G u "3 G M "d — c ■a cd cd ca cd c Cd cd rt G a cd Ed -G id -6 cd -G ed cu "3 c _G Cd ►3 w s -- •- -G *3 jq *r< "^ "° m o « * J J W H^W^ u cd cd 3 _ cd u Q c fa X s -9 J3 u "O 13 "O ■fine A a •— > cd u fa n cd u p« 1 -G O >— i S 0 V, o o cd o 0 >— 1 o A u cd l—i 0 A cd A _G o 1 — 1 O 0 i—i o A u Cd o A cd c o >— 1 cd P w -G 0 i—i H ft ri N un to 0 i^ H- o N SO n OO C) 0 -r oo M vr, s H ri n ■+ P* en ■o t^ vo r^ Ln SO so r^ N •+ IH Ll~| •+ CO so CO CO oo 4- OO OS OO r^ 00 o o o >n OO oc OO ry> CO OO CO CO CO CO CO \o CO OO \o CO CO CO >o CO u-i CO CO CO -t- -t- H *H » t^ M HI IH IH IH w H M ea CO OO M 00 IH 00 IH OO OO w M 00 00 m M IH ^ M IH M IH M t-l 1/1 ri CO pT O M H-l CO C-l M SO IH PJ CO M OO CO CI CI so IH CO C! t^ in CI -f M cf CI H CI 00 IH CI oo" WJ >> < _G >> V c cd c 3 < >. >, G U 3 < lH Cd lH cd U u p J3 >> cd bC 3 < |H cd CJ o In Cd _o* In Oh < A V c c >, Cd b£ 3 < d b/. 3 < - 1— 1 to 3 ►— i 3 1— > § cd 3 3 3 i— l ^ fc £ £ 2 ft, fe 3 l— i cd i — i a 1—1 2 cd i— > r> N ^o •+ m O r^ -t- c) -t" CO r^. M 0 0 vn CX3 VO r^ so r^ r^ 0 u-1 o so IH ^n vr^ (1 sc 00 K-1 00 M try r^ -1- o o e* r-» M 00 00 00 00 00 u-1 ^o so r^ M OO OO OO OO N CO OO OO OO OO CO Cn -t- oo ir. 0 IH M OO »H M IH IH 00 TAJ 00 00 OO IH OO VJ-^ M CO CO OO M M M 00 CO 00 oo IH H o> M IH IH M OO M CO OO, M M M M IH M N M 1/-, 00 4 IH ! J> IH r^ M _ „ C) 0 r> _ O aq CO HI -f N N H N w -t" CO CO u CI tN CO CO M IH cf M M M CI Os N so ^O CO cd cd G cd •— » cd 2 cj u Q cd > c 3 I— i cd cd a, 3 < < 0 o > o u 0 0 c cd •— i c 3 j6 a, u CO CJ U C B cd I—) > o A a, < ft eu CO cd OJ 3 > O A Ih cd •n t>. m —• « 5 "►T* •- fa > ^> IE — " = w - 5 cd .- .U w '- J E W 3 E E n «« zz ~ -r r-iGC3>»u _ ~^J^----.C!«c«cfilH^:KH-acud'"5t,L> %<,X *< v E |<> ft "U 'J U fa Un- fa b X^t^K^^i^^t*!^ >~l >~l >l >"1 >1 >, >. >1 !^cwcucuCi;ajcucucucucucuajUojajCL>cu> >i >i >-, 1) bJ3 bC bC bfi Uh Uh Uh I-l, List of Baptisms. 327 E A W >n. TO - > - — 3 £ In — V -E J= !« a T3 a W ► Z ■a 3 U PI c n a c n E E en — c TO a w •a a w 1— > — -a c 0 CO — aj a. — in a 0) t/. h c a; O E 3 fa c U 5 0) 01 Ui 0 Eir. 0 X a fa A a O X 0 a E E 2 fa 0 fa O -J 3 a E z i—i •a -a < < >— > u H 1—1 (J r: 0 1— J a) 0- M PL) 4-J .*_» nIh 4- y. A •3 TO TO >. H In I >' w JS i-l — id ^ Kl ~ n B — B 0 § — «£ a M % ■ - fa TO ^ — a 3 . — B TO E i- V E 0 — B 0 •— tl U — TO a td — TO u B u n Q -C V fi > 0 A — « u 't- a S3 u CO 0 CO a E E TO n a B u A n fa a u 5c 0 fa a — 2 fa B — « 0 — . u 01 X V TO a Ph < - tc « O K < ffi < U 1 — TO ^ E .2 « TO W B B u o o « >— I 1— > Oh -S E X n r • 43 • b ■ « J •" c . 4) ~ TO - X • t a. . a sa tr TO R 03 PQ 0 bJ. < — c B 0- § S w 1- TO — T3 E E TO W W _• — — t; J- "u -B TO TO W S E ^ ra — — -T " n -!• Z -B JS TO TO Q D 1— > Oh .2 .2oBo CO T3 c« E -9 E -5 E TO U TO *P ^= -S -= to 1-. T u u u W ■2 S w TO TO TO 3 &o co co -a 00 -a e "o TO E -Q T3 "O "B TO pS o —. U s .s TO O cj O O J J3 i ^ U .i *■> >— .•—.!— > CO I— .CO •— 1 I— I CO M I— 1 I— > P— I t— ,K,I- , IH IH 00 )H »T1 U-| M OOMMMOOt^I^OOMrO N to + n (| M \0 \^ ^ — ^Hl « « "S r^ « \ry N OS NO 1^ M ri o< ri -t- ri rt N IH •~n IC SO >-. H 4 0 00 00 cc c^. |*1 ee h. r^ <>D 00 ro M M w M aa M IH »H M M ee M ^ ^ H > > >> '£ 'u ^r> be ^_ M N OS •r- >, . . . TO tl E .B TO ^2o<<<^^2 2zzz<(h<<2<: |<2oA(-2h<< OO fO m t»l ee 00 00 ee r^ On ee W M M ee 00 M ON OO M _ n~ N N M ON M N U Ih TO TO >. JS -C u 0 SS •— 1 ■— 00 + O 00 M OO »n M < < o S * tn (-1 >: O ISi c^ 0 |€1 ro ^c In M o\ N 1/1 IM N u-, w-i y. N en 9 vo r^ ee to lo N ee en eo -r ee N r^ IN IH c^ ee IN 00 oc M CO OO ee M 00 M ee M 00 M M N M M M M M >H M « ^ O M ^ ^ »f M Q W n . N N M n CI »n C| n CI CO (-1 In IN O CO M u 0 O J2 fa u 0 a 1—1 E a) 1 — . I* > O 25 0 c Ed 2 < CO > O V u 0 •- TO fa ^ 2 •- "- — O TO TO — Z co co C i 1 I? E E 5 -= •-= < ^| ~ - . TO i> i*» u ^ E E fa S 3 TO tc-£ .S " ™ TO 2 > 3 TO - < u TO ,S (J W u ui K ^ OO W VO • M N to CO In no 00 00 00 vo in IH M IH IN M IH In N m" . 00" M M to O N C *- V «H o TO -C TO « .2 .2 hB .-J. S «S CO * "3 — Ji — t£ u M tX M _ — — — — _ « a ^ - I tf sf sf tf m 3 3 3 3 TO :TO :TO :TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO fafafafafafafafabnfafa >; ^ >;>;>, e OJ tl U t> 11 uj u a a bis m " e fa .E.E — — •£ — -5-5 — — -B-= — •£ fa fa fa fa TO TO fa fa TO TO 01 Ol fa fa fa .O fa fa fa 328 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. w 2 s R C o ca 3 M OJ ~~ e-^ OJ U « - <= n 2 P c x ." «^ S "5 3 "© £ ^ < ►-, pq — pq OJ fa u Ed cd J CM § bO _ ^ la 3 -O ^ 6 « T3 -5 m 5 cd C s > M S J s ri - W C u m bD ca X -3 ca X mO -s • 0) , o S fe "S s J2.S S-H — TO w .— -5 c "t: -5 -5 u o C •£ xi CJ * <-> S CJ ft, 73 (J JjH ■O 3 t T3T3 ■a * u h c E .5" <" 5 ° co t> IS So c •£ a, c 3 "H " £L> ^ — C — i — — 2 f cs i> f *> •X cd CZ Cj CS " X i- X X X 2 o £ o _o _cj a cs < fa T) ed cd -a ~% « M s cd t-, £ x cd br cd Ed cs XI cd bfi £ pq a c a c u 2 S Ji S S fi dj W rt cj rt u fa PL, Ph Oh Ph fa b b b b is pj w rt n fl " < -o -a -a -a T3 S £ S £ S fa £ < ca C C X o o -Ml3, X i-, ?> >>"« >>>>>>>> 23 fa X OJ OJ Qj CJ ~ ffi K X K < S-c a u c bJC u 3 E u fa § K 1) fa 3 X . in v/i o »^i t-^ w f^ t^ "O » w N m oo p) Q fa O O O ►=, VI N O • • vo VO ^j" W VO »nC\N wiou-ivo t^ S N N Ov WOO OO f»00 MMM^OOMMMM MM ^ Ifl O" H* _ « ^O m" \S\ °° mNnm^nnn" u C v k C vi u ,; *r c id g J m « a^ o, to O N M m <£ « « >, *i bi bi S 5 3 3 S = » oo r^ vo vo • vn O t^ vo O ^O N m f> o\ r^ oo m t^ M M M O _ Tl- vo bfi J 3 CJ < o ^§ te o u-, CJ\ ON >^i ^D r^ IS \r\ ^o l>» t> t-. >-* H H M M 'O ri \e M M so tn CI M bfi > M M« >> 3 O 3 3 £< W < Z < < CO S vi \fl O N xr,minTt*u-i vo ir o\ oi oo «noo^o t^ tStststsMOO M l^OO M M M M M MM ^Mm"*^"^^1^ S o o S ^>^-?,o S • O N ON t^. ro oo 00 oo oo OO M M M M CR M N M M VO >. bJO bC 1 : = 0 cc 1 X ? E < I — - X c = T3 Ed »5 "O c — ^- cd S < < o w n cj cu qj o cu *=< >, ts V bfi fafafafafafafafafa E ca "•3 "S < s < < z < s^ .5 >> ? ca < J S aj oj oj o> _. x x x x j2 U CJ U CJ m cd cd ca ca c E E E E < -1 OJ OJ OJ CJ ^J Ji ca < V \o »o O * Ov x> o. *i « x fa ,5 ^ bfi bO bfi .S Uh fa fa fa fa List of Baptisms. 329 ■£ •- re ' U ■a -a •p ti, re re a -5 A CO s re re W a re u u T3 1- A M-i r- 5 t> .3 Uh « w u C W 3 ^= C M P-. 3 E PL. [i, u CD c u 0 A •0 a 0 1) bl OJ ~z Lh to fc re UJ -G re • re « CO PC Oh ft. S O Q o -5 3: re" " " •2,0 r3 c3 _^ C3 c3 * -n 4J XI .2 c « 5 B re "O ~ <~> E U « ro C E re re re re oil re W W S < « H 4j "o -0 -o "2 -a W pq -a -a -o -a c C 3 C C c c re re w ra « re re 33 W Oh k-> A A A A A A A « 33 X) <£ X) UUUUUUUSUUCU *> 3 W T3 M u *■ 3: 3: ja re re — a. u E «: b >h U M 33 -° u u Oh re 2 n JD rj vC k3 re c Jg -a to -a re wrertwc„wa4rt < 35 < J? AS Z u s e 0 0 0 re ^ 1 — So a gi 0 b- '.S u PM N OO On 00 m r>- •* • VO M MO N to t<1 IN PI h-t PI rh d t 00 OO 00 BO ri en X3 t^ r-> M M M M 00 oa M M M OO >M M 0 OO OO OO N to ^1- 0\ rh OO N (^ t>- >. OJD >> 'u S < S < " W" ^ O M M « X «i bt >> OSZD^S |SS^-. b S < Z &h * 6 C ° Jj n ^> D < fc >.«*:>-, N ^« b> „_ __ "crereo-reX)3 ■g Ml -C A JZ re < ^ re re u a a 'z IS « £B = Oh 1 1 -a 1 & 1 i 2 -a I •- 2 : c - m « ° • c : = = ■£ 0 J ^ "5 3 = Oh B S a re !S c K B c q a - c a d a a e c a c - a a 0 a a a a a a r: re re re re re re re re 0 re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re n re re E E E E E E E B B B B E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E — _____________„. ____„_____L_i____ bo ^ 5 oiK u re - "a "q C •« M O D H 3 3 . oXj w M 330 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ~ fa .y S3 bO T3 re — IU --^ 43 43 re re fa > w • 43 43 "Ss oj u R - - ?> W « -c ti bfi bO s s s tj -a -d „ C E C re P< J2 fa -a bO c T3 rt 3 t; re u — W U -5 43 -^ > re ,xi & £ fc! — : •a T) to 5 W fa o b re 3 pq -3 "O c C p U !- Ul U Uc T) X < O 3 P « W 43 OJ hi re c 4D re pq bfi 3 hi .3 re fa re >+-i 43 W c >: £ U -3 c cfl re B C < -3 -o c u C re -a c M o -S 3 s re "T3 C S -S re "-1 — b re re -Q PhM< ■£ re « pq s e w fa S: -a « "O a. *j o 3 • — ra .B 43 n a « 3 a, fa re c_ W EC « S E a 43 C j j E 43 3 bO re 2pqQPH^P-iP:2u4h „, .-. U 3 ^ "3 T3 3 3 re re S re ■g 3 re Oh n w rt w p, e re re B >- •S re re -^ re ti 43 re re pq O re ■O 3 3 5 u re < S 43 T3 ^ ° C _ Pi H- , CS re B re c u |H re c re "3 u 43 bO • 4: <- PC r re U re s >4-l — •d u 43 « .a a e n: u 43 __ ; ■>*■ CO rh «f ■+ t> tJ 00 n 00 00 **■ * 00 t^ t^. l^ m tn *$• ro w^ . in N ifl N OM» r^ VO t^ t^ t^ t>» t^ o t-^ o ^ t^oo t^t^t^l-^oo O t^ MMt^HNt^OOM t^. M M M M P3 CO M M O 00 u 3 > 0 A d e 3 C re 1 — 1 > 0 lsO xj^i ro 0 ro -* «t «* xf CO 00 00 CO t^. < Q < S - to ■c g C >, >> bJD O 3 § < £Z 2,^2<^ E 4= re g « H C5 N ON T)- II bO bO bO «- bfi ^ 3 3 3 J2 3 o < < < S < O t> b S > _. E _ ^ Ui o " N m m o\»o >t 00 00 10 + Ov N m N C\ M N N N N N N >0 t^. H V) H tx tx w — M OO t^ t^ t^ N • O *0 t^ OO to OO ^O W IH OO W t^ P» M N ON • O 00 ££ re re .52 Q 5 ffi 3 t s 2 u n P n « ™ S ji j uhOEB42uoO 3 3 3 « ^ I I < < W w_ W -> -> ^ 2 ^ d5 ^ < < « K D CJ u u u u U4343434343434343 h ^ t. u 1— , '_ ;_ ;_, hhhhbbbdibhhbhbbliihh List of Baptisms. 331 n n — c —1 <• c C -a ,g -s a < >£ M w ji be . c 15 ■£ < Si ■-• <5 J2 3 c JS 15 (U "O cj jj 1) "*S E Dh < Q « K u !« bO >> -fi q= 'J J ju -a o O fa .w> . '> «5 C C .Jf .£ C C E C C fa '/,/,/ b£ c l> O u C u c > *> W cj cj cj fa O fa fa fa o r ct M R - E M M aM cj cj .2 CI « cr, i c cj S n -4-1 -e -r w "C < < ^ n u oj — , 1— > z c n n td K fa fa - .« a .3 sa CJ CJ 'JS -C w u « § -a < cj "O C & w be o .S rt rt *~ w cj c c n 00 00 t MMMt^MMMOOMOOMM ri ri •+0000 "loo tj-oooooo comoooo 4 4 *0O HI M HOOOO HI MOOOO o »^v^ w - C) M^m'*HiMN°ON©\MHIf4f«->l^lNHlNHI'*J-H!Nu->-. «c';:'^ a **> oM>,^>,n^^^bi>^>,>>>>>>«i>>>->^:S>.:H OO • • On OO • • • • vo • • co • • O • • "1 **- ""> • • f> On-I-OO • •* w> OvO"^v^vOMTt-HiTj-Tl-osTl-vo-Hi»iv\ot^fnmHi . n ^ f^Nl>. • t^ 't "imovMio^M m4oo «(•«(»« ^00 nmooooMM -too f^OOt^O HI t^. t^t^.t^MHIOOr^OOOOHIOOOOHirOClOHIOOOOHIHIHI-4-OOHI WMMp HI HIMM HHIMM MHI OOM HIM OOM tC w „" »n S c^ -3 u-=-5E™a.uaia;S3o«-£E.™3EE™£;EuO ^>fa U TJ jQ rt fa 9 « « s " -^ i; ^ c « s « c W:>h<,uh<(JWw3 .^J^^^x^ , - - - -^->— 1 ^ i> * " ^ *^ *^ ^™ ^^ ^~ ^™ ™~" ^^ ^"^ ^~ o> cj aj aj u ^- cj "o -^, JC* -c -c H M bC bfi M bC bO bfi -r, -rv -r, -r, -rv "TV ,£, M Q c^ *i — — — _ bt U (J (J O :0 O O O O O S O :0 :0 :0 :0 bbbbbHibbbli.bUitH u M bC bO bC bC bC :0 :0 b b be bfi iO SO fa fa 332 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. rt C U u •P. w « 3 C -a ba M JS T3 5 *■' b£ w W 5 - -*. ... u a B "8 9 -c .5 -a J8 S « O .2 ,2 U a, Sti « c ra c £ K ^ K w T3 "O __ "^ § C C ^ C « rt n c w -q « 2 c c +■> ft ti T5 -o W s > s = w > K T3 T3 "** "e "^ c c b » ™ .-. u >- r, u Pl, Pn E U bfi u .s w >» « "S -a AS « - « en « -rt S •" « S2Q u — .— .— J3 ,C £ T3 "O c c JB .£ U •~ U -a c td T3 c « Cu u fc -o 5 .2 c 4= c A £ — o o o a "^ w < Q ►2,0 O g i-) Ph q. J5 3. cd cd rt n u - en co co 1 W W £ & ^ u u o u u o « s HI CO fa bfi S3 m bfi 'cu C 00 o " U Cm H 2 ww"S .„ .s cd o o o o u u U ^ ^ - " ^ 3 W> c c £ -s °D5 O U w u w M3 iu « P5 S 2 « N M H r/1 N -t- f^ oo 00 vo ^O M -t yo M ►-( r^ t^ 00 >-< M w M vo i-C d M IH o N M M Vj oo u >, >, >. aj >> *J a a) W C M a. u d ; ^ c D Q ^2 2 w O • • oo O • ■+ • 50 W to U1M >0 tJ-UIOO t^ VO t~. OO ^qSq N n -MOhiN OV „^ HI M t*> Th t-i J>^ . *J^ . v^ • fl W (fl «— ' ^J /-, "t"*. y-i -Q H-l V-l I^H T U '^ ^ ° 0) 2 S S h-\o < o z fe 2 w •§s ^.2 U "2 B-8 ^ 2 Z aj en -Q 3 QJ OJ A A c a cu cu c ^ ^ U o o X X n « pa O o i- u u . (ll^HlHIHIHIHIHIHI p3 pd "O td cd ■- ■— — •— fe hVi U cd HI fa o S u w k cu cu cu U tu cu •— • eu A _Q ^> S -° cu eu cu -i- u ^d Jri ^d .y ^c! U (4 S « i-5 .3 •** "S C3 W W ,£ List of Baptisms. 333 uj o "2 "2 tt "2 S s? a u w GO u £ § ■a x 3 S c S <£ "O ra cd "5 E fcH W -n TJ •5 "5 3> „ 2 o u e< Z O , , cd c a; _C -< pl, a X M V a w c '3 u ._ '5 C Ui 3 N cd cd u. -3 a N 13 a C cd a a "O T3 n bO CO Ed cd 5J c c cd X cd X cd .9* "su g -o c u as o x l-l >— i 1 — 1 Ji, CO .5 5 b£ •=! *? .3. cd Pn « ■a -a s •§ -a s _, cd M .2 x 4= td >- « m c 13 13 u * s cd >h — _ 5 m O = ■£ j- u u h w Pu E -o • £ J! I 3 S — I— I cd cd Pm Ph » n • «j : c • c - S CC : x : 1 ■ E R Xj u cd C cd s « .2 ^ •u g b . R u U U != -a J2 — ra c c S w S J cd cd cd 4J m cs cd_„ •-.£:____ C "Z cd cd c c/d oi — — _ cd n ^< ^M.-a^^ O3 o > R PhPmPh^^PuU 3SSS S S ^q a o d as q M » N M >h t^ in co t^. t^ M M ui 11 M N t^ v\ u-i M en N 00 M M . .O N N OO OO t^OO N «M HMMMMIHOOOOI-I t^. m ^ NO ^ f> PJ M m w « M CO S ^S cd XI cd cd C < ^Sz<^^^< bO cd s vn t^ vo SO Os u-n vo M M M t^ °- ex cyj < .2 E o _ — >- a Si 'So ■^ Cd ■S < w — -^ Z^ ■" i) -o "O cd C ►— c C -o D d "O cd — n u u u U- 5 — 1 — : — I — — — — — t>- t^ t^ t^ "> to N OO N tl, Cvl < D «i -c — > v o ™ o M v Sz U U U 3J 1> O U '1^ - !_ ^ ■— 1_ i. t_ U, t. b U, U, U. h N M* N M CJ . ^. . C C X^ X) 3 cd 3 u O W E 1> I) 1) l_ 1_ 1_ 1_ U U i M SO ro H so M SO q g r^ r-^ SC rl CO r> 00 N tJ- -1- H M 00 BO rl _ « M M _ nr- ,2 M M VO n M N hT to to N CJ 3 < X w Ph CO u p xi to u U Q O C cd •— > a id •—1 a u > 3 t— > W 5 S « ffi u CO C C cd O u u cd ■a" as as 1— 1 QJ 1J QJ Qj u QJ tu 3 >,>,>-,>> >s >. tt,u,t.k.- 334 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. < Q ^ _- s >* o jj -a c "3 — c « _ o — 'J — .2 -o C ._ U .- fa i2 — <" .« -3 "^ ed « C CU CU CU -3 re 33 CU re IS CD — i .Q ft --. ed o id ■r re CO £ _g w ■a W U a -d -1 c -d -a a ed a a ed CU c XI te t-i cd 3 In >-i jcj — 1 S cd M >-> C bl OJ •— cu 1 — i fa u 2= C o re I — i pq > u C — 0 a 0 in 0 CU 0 cd > c CU a CU -a _2 W U X I) u * - ed •- O £ 5 WSS = -a -a _ r-> (-" ^ ~ 12 T3 * pq pq pq .H .a ►3 33 33 -S -S '-3 j ™ ™ 2 _, '* ^ '|3 3 s — « ^ ■" ed c ^", 5 ra ."3 S w " « u £"" — «- f ,«. u - ~ U r en *T3 "3 fa £• fe 2? .£ ™ ™ JiJ "o _5 « ca « « pu,Q3i>->->fapL, ft- = Wdlfl £ T3 T3 « « cd C Cfl V W U Oh o .a AS -*-c '-S 5 J? c c cd i: cd -a >= U u • *2 C cd i; • • • Cd - < 5 « •« .2 « .2 .£ a 73 ^ "d ~ cu "•0 .y cu 3 ~ cu D o Ed CU 3 CO Ed p CO W cd u Ed P3 -3 c ed B T3 ■d c •a c -G C ri C ed C3 ed ed >, -= hf. -g CU a CU 0 cd .2 2-2 ^ -G c/3 -S C T3 "° «« CJ cd n g £?^= « « o O 3 c U u ^S y cd CO ra 13 ^ cu J3 o M N to to r^ a oo oo r^ oo OO N 00 EN OO OO ri- OO t^ r^ t> r^ OO ^o H IH IN m N -1- V. oo oo oo oo M H H M M OO M 00 M ll M 00 IH M l-C M M 00 PI OQ 00 00 ea oo 00 IH M w HC M H IH oo M VO oo H M !H ►H M IH »• vo oo" co O * CO oo o . - M M O „ ex 1-1 _ >/-! r^ rn ri oo 1-1 N « m w 00 ►H IH H v^ on ~+ C-* D H IH N l> IH ri c o ..Aug . . Nov. . . Oct. cd cd 33 > 0 J3 CU fa CU c 3 >— l >> ed 3 XI o a re I— i a. CU CO ej CU P < re CU a 3 •— > >1 re — < e m t^. • OV ON •+ VO VO N ONONONIH O coeoN t^N r-~.oooooooooo tHOCMIHIHIHIHIH ■ 00 VO + O V5 VO . .UNONM OOVjHOOMHNNNNN^tlVO on-1-oo NOO OO « OO w MOOOOOO tJ- t^S*MMMIHIHIHOOOOMIHIHOO cq cv « n n vo vo" f^ CO « vo* m « ,; - m" °° ON m" OO ocT M N N « - - cJW)>''!4t>*e u > «J is i= too "CI bb-ob>H > x> « * * • to eo to OO OO t>. M M OO y. ed cd J3 ,ooo^ C C 3 ~5: c •- - s> £> 3 "2 r|i-Hk_J>_H cd cu .S.S^.-cucuuoGjJ-awreedtd.y^-O cd w •-— c& ^.^^l^N^U-^^^X cucucucucucucucucueucucucucucu CUCUCUCUCUCUCUCU cu cu cu cu >1>.>1>-.>1>1>1>->>>>1>1>>>1>1>->>N>N>-.>N CUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCU cu cu cu cu cu . —• bfahfafabbfafafafabfabfabbbbfabfafafafafafafabfafafa List of Baptisms. 335 ■S Ph ^ Jj TJ id M co 2 M -= M a w u re "O j. 5 JS S T3 CS a W CO M u u >> a bC a 4) at 1) E 1- o ■a ■ o (3 fa a js - a Ih [J -: < ~ aj eg - a — i £ 0 •— > ^ CO d CO rt re tfc re M re s bO tx -a -a s £ £ ^t: re -o to • "<3 G w l> re c ■a 2 .So u "C «s pq 'J a w ^c2M^2W - - -3 U — U '5 0J > 5c o re 1* SJ X p» '" ed IS. M >> i-i u a ■C fa fa - — re .£ re t- c c o J <- CD JS o re 4= .- " S "s •£ a u In ■44 hfl bu id re .i -3 P. W c id a -i ■a an re a aj X « £ £ g w re m bc.2 !§ S - c ° re g *> — .2 .H js j5 re fa fa S3 c fa < S H ■a "2 w fa ■a -a ™ u ™ g ^ 5 H 5 -a ^ £ « — re ?q U- r- — u- aj " "3 O re J o « o < >— , co fa h- > fa i— , S »- ■a rt re re re ™ d v cj re « fl *; *i — — — re c w « "O "5 — 15 c3 re u re u. u. JS JS ^3 « a .« ' aj o w &.u2 ■o re TO O s s "y "«J 2 S ,2 M "re re .2 c 5 < « T3 .— re ^ V, T3 u _ . J3 o u re^^ ^ o oo oo _ >o oo "^ t^ ui oo + « N N N O t~» OO h". W M OO M •+ tJ- *0 N to OO M M OO OO H 00 OO H M m tJ- ^f **> u-i li-i tv. O OO t>- w 11 N 5 «" P» M HI »o- vo" "S S <» N* O" S, « j *: y ^ I o *: S *C oooS I DO^< "^ N t*. to • VO O oo O •+ *J- vo M OO NOO 00 M II oo M M HI M OO OO IH m oo vn f^ r^ ON OO HI t^. HI M r^ re *j en — a s I U P a 3" M N VO vo hi M *^ be *2 ** > bfi > « fcCSfeOfc t: "° a J « £ 15 * "Z Q 2 Pm 2 cl, £ 0 Ph 43 W T3 <+* — jz re U o 2»^ en in gj m gj i; I u jj 5 jj re u re re «J ni Ph Ph Ph Ph O Ph o w o Cd C i/> ■S .C "E J? re o 2 ra 2 j: S M .a u * •■a *s --o p— > «* p— > a _ T3 V 43 ^+H re S w T3 a -rt cd c cd "0 -o 43 Ed jj to 43 11 43 re u U £ * —i Tl T3 r TD c C re n ■a H -2 c ,22 u u ,23 -t-" US en U 43 g « 43 Cd ^£^ oop:p:u •^3 w m 0\ s S ^ N N M N t^ M IH •^* w ^ ■*. - m" (> * (! ifl M « 03 ... «u 43 42 C C d ^> -C hi O < . 1- u ' u . Oh '/ a. u 43 C -^ -^ — — t- h V- u u OJ aj ij — — "O —i I) Oj iu •u u. t t u oo u-i o oo oo r^ tv N OO l^. PH M - - Tj- VO C C C cd •* 1>- O O ^O O r^ oo l-^ h • r^ o O »h tn m u-> OS OO M oo oo oo t^ t^ H OO IH M t~» t-^ ^- \r\ N re cd cb 43 CL 43 u » O IH NO PH f^ OO oo t^ OO PH PH H H PH - K O* OO N »<■> M tO PH » ^ >> > bJD bi) » PH PH PH O N PH > si m *j *n si o JS Do a. ™ z S < o < § t^ N O «0 ph t^ O t^ ON ~ oo 1-^ t^ • O • O O to oo oo oo OO OO PH f^ re re .0 £. c cd *3 3 C £ K ^ *f f & « c? C £ cd fe 43 « 43 p2,P2ZphSph — c Pl c w O C3 c« W tu OJ t- — U U, "l_i "t-. "C ">-. *U. "u )-i U Ih U *!-. (-."»_, z < < M NOO OO «<: o _< ■ U ^ 3 , ! cc 4= ! a. r . tx • £ 0 X S5 CJ=4343c>-^3iiJ434343"5^recr:5 S; OJ QJ (L) 1) 4= — m > N N N N N U* U-. U, U Uh List of Baptisms. 337 ■fi re re W _ 72 «ti U e * -S = «th y « ^ re , j s en M oj E ii V en O0 cu 0 — U q 1X2 Ph ■~ fa Oh h e re _3 ra 3 J3 C * CJ O c "O 2 E fa 0J oj is fa s "O C W cd 9 u ed > '-*- W ? ■o re -a 3 « T w ft, £ -3 sS^ ■2 2 2 ° «- b , % -3 -= U — ri U c re -a E . EEC h h K T3 In Cd n b o a J3 .fi J3 O O cd Ph pg § re re 1—) i—i u E X a> A w ~ -3 J5 °0 o u en O bD . bC Q ■? 0 OEOfch u Cd o ^ re re ■S3* s .2 re ^ a -3 re re T « re oj ,S3 .* PP E re re vi_ H WD CO -r c/j re re c wdw U O S x « J= >■ >> rt 3 u ,22 "S .2 t! s e a v re . r^ o r^ t~» oo w-, CO M 00 M M oo t>« w OO : M HH M H IH M M hi M IH IH l^ H M W t^ CO 11 w o IH J? « - o" - M • i^ M VO OO ea „ m" M t^ O «■> to . r^i tC N N M O N Ov -" fl to IH N CO SO N N O N N > O >> >, I- •p > o u >% > o > 0 l- W *»>>>.>. :_ i- j- jJ a S- c re re 3 < c c*3 a cu fa •— > re >— > fa s ss re i— , 3 I—, s § ^S s§ s§s ta 9 toN OvN t^oo rJ-toiH OOSD t~.N O-O MOO t^ Mt^.lH001HOOOOWh» NThM^M^^NO O OO 1^ t~~ 00 OO OO IH 00 » N» t^ t^ t-x t^ M M PJ N (C oo" oo oo o" • n to oo r-». "^ OO OO «A OO 00 f^ t~. 00 M t^ IH IH M 1> 3 oj Q < fa W'ZOli™''' Z < D ^Z Q^Q 2 2 (j S — m 3 oj re re re co c .2 c Oj -^ j_i i\j v\i ^ OJ fa « jg CO CO S > N n" N N N N N N N* (Jnfafafafafafafafa •- _ 0 ■ « • c ■ c : < X c c •Q f c bC • re h3 O ^ j: u re 0. r r - J ; i -. > c c c • OJ H-. ►J 2 id M h- id c u < u fa z U J= a u CD a £ !9 Q « bfafafafafafafa ii E U fa fa fa fa fa 338 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. E 3 re TO a OQ HI i-, 43 CU u J=. N 3 8 cd fa fa c Is id cu Ph CO w J .H b.s to 3 O ** cd T3 s-g 1 E s ^ « u E '3 K -2 J3 mh J3 W cd 5 w « cd c w S -n c A « 3 3 -S ^ •jt cd C S ™ u ^ ,5" Cd CO CO " 111 ecu .< < a S.6 -is -a Oh l- o re 43 re cu '£ m 2* re u C -a ** -5 c -a cs « c C) M «3 C ,2 M ™ p< g o 3 O U « u m D u c o 5 ? S: o 1> w U O Q fa -a . SI w a en ° CS >S c C •r W ^ y ^ S < c c c bfi g - cs u pq BlflPlflHCC^H J M B ,0 "3 c -S c re IS re x S 4S,§ s — ■ — aj re re re c re c -Q IS « id O « « VO O rf «0 Q M v2 ^ oo vo t^ J^. OS M oo tn m w ON M NM ^ » t» IH M NO M w • VO vo ■*■ O OO ON OO t^ — ON _^ _^ ON OO _- ON ^ N N 2 N N to u " k-3 M Ht OO OO O D H H » " « OfcQ I to NO ON o « NO NO NO «*■ lO u-i in 00 00 CO 1^. t^ NO l-t H w M M t>» t^ r^ t^ t^ t^ O • NO NO ON On m no O to N N N» CO M OO II M W • NO UN. + O » OM N t^ M M M HI vn On N NO CO OO OO W NOO N to H M OO W HI OO OO Bq < ^s E«5 Os2 = « G C w ti; < < Uh U< fa fa u u fa fa Q £ h^S S co S O fa § Q S £Q Q co § re Ed ed c c C ll — HI r cd J .c -c o < < < < S S tH ^ n Cd *q _-a "O ~0 re cd & & ■5 > cj fcW e« rt ™ - u ' u U <-> U D Q W W fa fa -C-CJ3J3-C4SJ=J3JSX-C!J=JS CJOCJCJCJCJCJCJUCJCJCJCJ D 3 3 3 3 3 D 42 JS 4S .3 -C J3 -G cj o o a o cj o 3 3 3 3 fafafafafafafafafafafafafa Uh fa fa fa fa fa fa List of Baptisms. 339 ■v S3 c £ M > ■v -a 6 .3 « — re oj M« A <= SJ U .o — > bJD td re ra s u ■3 v bC~ re IS M £ a B — re £ S 13 < e fa pq t. jo W ^ & C C c a re 3 oj re re fa fa 0- fa fa p >. a bfl U bi pq 6 > >* re 13 J M bfi c 0 * re OJ OJ u 0 Q * 13 c re -t3 •O J3 W .2 M 2 .2 <£ « - "u ■o W ■9*9' •n S w £ * i & & re * ■o -z 9 — a a c re -3 re en a Oj Oj re u £ c X < u m >> _c u -a J3 ffi Q £ o js js c -C re a — w « l. X ^ J3 X J3 re re re re re ™ OJ HM WJ en M S 2 ^ y s fa « — >, C fa C o re re o y « fa fa w J b fa -g • -a >> u fa O 6 ^ S3 -a A re t .2 re pq re j> -5 re fa re re fa re ;r: -s w ra 13 O c re -a 4_ re 2 O « 'i "re "^ — re tj w e « g «. re fi ra re — re to (j re oj S3 -a £ c re re c c u HI • R C s < w < K < < ^ jr C « re re « i" 5 s : ■o « -a £ u c " C m « .2 _ j o C S a jo <* t; c *3 S K S <* N 1*1 n ci v/1 l^ ■o O M -+ CI •+ () OO 0 0> r^ Vj OO M CN OO CI OO r~- M M OO N w t^ M OO (H N CI HI < S ^,Q < 2 Z £< N "1 VO OO N Os OO N N N O N ^- \^j~ M t-» _ w « w 1^ OO OO N»0 OO NOO OO U1 OO t~^ OO NO^l-lNiAiONplNN SS<H"^OOcit^l^C7\ M Ooooooo WOOOOOO M 00 M M M M W M r hi _r *. NM-^««oNoo«^N i» a d ^ i> a. -fe* « •« -^ Drere^23iu3"u3 •— » i— > ►— > Z i— , a) >— i C fa i— > u u . — .s .y M M .2 .5 .£ "= « .H o £ £ re CO CO CO CO CO uuuuuuuuuu 3 = 3 = 333333 fafafafafafafafafafa M N WV3 OO OOVOO oo n t~.r^t~-t^t^M M OO M M M M M • to VO • w f^ ci O oo vo t-^ N OO OO ul NOO oo hi hi r^ hi t^ OV HI N «^> l~. 00 OO ut HI HI HI t^ oo wi r^ t~- ^ _OOOOMvooN"^p) «^ CI . - O - M~ ci O D fa < fa = = rrooi>c£: <> >j bb 3 "T « 3 < ^^ < C fa ^COCOCOCOCOCO^ — -c -= -9 - LI (J O •c y fa jrj x 5 OOOOOOO™ re re re re o o o o O O o -S — — X CO CO CO £j:j:£j:£££J££xj:££xj:xxxj:j = 33333333 = 3 (^fafafafafafafafafafa 3 3 3 3 3 fa fa fa U. fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 34° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ■3 £?§ -a . c <-> w I M § 4 rt 1< (J -a ra -a js ^= C o m.S o^tHjr 111 *-• C re ^ hC ^ .a % ^-2 3^ O c O I- ,0 < M aj rt 5 .s t: to rt _a 2 « J rt w 13 -a co — ~ l> rt w cj sg « T3 W ^ £ u c rt; w ^ 13 5 C < w T3 5 a 00 QJ u m bx 43 pq aj n — I «5 hi. aj !- 4J ■a rt u -13 .a . 2 c « £ g .5 <* £ 13 -a xi •£ c ~ c W "2 c 5 P< co < « rt s fe a "O rt " ra re a c S 2 ~ o § 2 1 -g cl> .3, aj rt *5 a -2 < u w -5 S-2 § 43 c S c 43 W X O *r< O I— » « •— l 3 bX) w 13 .5 S *■* ? *5 m_i *n »* '£ ra c ■— > c c w g o p< £ 2 a 'K rt o o 4= T3 T3 rt S "O C C rt rt >"> ■o £ a a co «s T3 ^ C T3 etf m w u "5 T3 u -s T3 ra c U ♦j "° J3 W o -S o rt "S c § ^< < o < £ < g rt ra t« "O w 4= rt ^3 J3 rt T3 >■, ^ y. J3 "5 T3 13 43rtwcrac"oo pq PL, W M O OO CO t^ • in vo os w N (~- -t to • o H o • N !> N • ON OS O PJ ■<*■ • N N OO OO •+ u-i VO in Os m M ri CO M N • M M tO •+ t-^ t^ r^ l^. CO • 00 HH oo O OO • 00 OO OO o • M M M M OO M M M H OO • M 00 M OO M M M W =q ^Mmm^^wS C u Ch c- O OS os - oo T^" HSO„ MVO N00 N . bi *j >; ■ *C *S -tj co2, rt X d >> rt X c u O u O Z O >, u- rt i — i s rt i— i S 3 1—1 rt S 3 1— i 3 ' — i 3 •— > c -5 < w 3 J ?, •= •£ c .3 « m bc.3 .2 .3 •- T, -ri -2 tn u, u u v- rt rt 43 43 "C *< S 43 X ra ra ra ra ra re i™ ra ±3 w " — *-• 43 ^alsssssssslfi <1) rt a C E c E 0 43 4= 43 43 rt rt re O 4J 4^ U |H lH hi 3 3 rt o rt rt W -b ? ►— > 3 -= z z £> o o o O O 1— , < • OO NO ^- tO ON M Tj-tOtOtOtOtOT^-ri-tOtOtO t-»CNoooooooooooooooooo to 3- 3. 'to „ ^tovo^f^^rNN _WMO\>-,,-,lHNtoH|H ""> — 1 N — — M "3 5" 3 O. O. O ,< < < z _= 5 a ■ ca - 9 CO co Cfl 3 > co W ca ed a a Ui a 0 43 43 O V O CO u a a a a a a ed Ed ed ca n << 10 . vr» *4- ti^ tO rf- Tt- to s -t 00 ce »t- M J^ M W OO 1- a) *: , a5 «2 w K 0 S J3 ca e2S co 05 « E .a >° — J= 7. — c «* C 0 u EEEEEEEE ^ii:4:i:Ji JtJ 4=J24=J=i_=j=J=i:E — h b h h b 23 c c c 2 2 S 13 :3 :3 3 3 "B :3 U U I- _T 42 0> «J tU K r- « g j ^ K bbbbbbhbbbbbbb — c W ed E ^2 r^ t> to <4- EN M -+ 00 tx> m •+ r^ t^ O 1*. M 0\ to u-i »o vo to I>« OS CO VO CO o> N CO CO K •+ VO VO -+ to 0 O -t- *h t>- t^ >o as r^ r^ on CO OO CO -t- «*■ CO CO CO (^ t^ -t- CO eri r~- 00 HH M BO !>. H P-H OO »-( CO 00 CO M CO CO M M CO H OO IH M M H U"| M Hi M N H N „ N N „ (> ri CO CO H CO tf „ VO OO 10 CO H O M th 1-1 N K^ N N H t^ CO CO H •+ M N HI CO ON N M N M >. > O z ej tu Q 42 O, < a, >, ca ed > 0 z >> Ed >, 1 tu a tu a >■> tu C S, 3 < a ea ca > 0 z c b£ >i ej tu C 3 >— > fo tu CO 3 ^ s 3 •— 1 3 Hi 3 1— > 3 1— > 3 1—1 co ed 1— 1 S§ •— » < Hi Q 3 •— > s < 3 " tu a. j; u tiHU.tCfcu-u.60 OO 342 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. a ed cd rt c "5 * " a > 73 « CJ w u rt tl u « ,5 W ? .a 03 c 03 Ih _cd "0 N ori c e a a C c u CD £ ID ID u ^* Ih n 03 -O ed 03 03 Ph fa W fa Ph Ph "5 a -a Z S -a *5 W a 5 -a Ph < » Z 3 - S ."2 O G rn WD S C < "O 4= 43 T3 u a) bfi 43 43 s £ 03 03 43 43 CD M-i a3 13 w w 'flE CD .2 03 I- .22 w 5 « T3 TJ < c ■a CD 42 ed cfl c O 1 1— > ed CD 43 0 -C X w 4= a CD CL .2 q 40 X X n n c- u K S£ o ^ « e cd U ed .^ .22 ed 43 43 c-aUU fa « Hsl|-a = < W Ph Ph H 0 T3 -d 71 5 73 t, a ^ w -a a 03 -a c 03 T3 03 -a 03 < S £ =5 •a z ,0 o o U U Ih Ih Ih Ih c^ • — C C C C .13 _e <- O O O O CD -5 43 o u o o > £>u 5 • • a *« B cd ed w [> a, e a S S S g S j2 jS rS ed ed ~ 73 0 S E S Ph CO H 43 43 C 03 03 Ih 03 CO 03 Ih ed CO 03 CD -O -rt T) 03 a c 43 O 03 03 03 id CA) 03 ^ 0 CD Ih Ih bU 43 T3 T3 01 f2, i o M cd rv p~ i" cd cd >> b b S >» DS<^^ t^ vo t^ 1^ «n >r^ r^ t^ M W t^ W b» M • • CO ^O t^ >o 0\ • **• o o o t^. »>» en O c?\ Os 0\ W M OS l^. M H M Ji^.b > esj n m 2SD2sVS 0000 Oscnoooooo t^ MOOWOOMI-IOOM m so cou^cososo N a Oi O N O O cONmNiflNSviNSNO N S£) M M D. ti a, •£ < O < S CD >> C >, >, C cd cd cd cd T3 cd fe Ph 43 43 ,S 3 bJD O ^55^c3s55g2,^ fc<»HlHlHl-lHfcriHlHUl ^^(DCDCDCDCDCDCDCD t^ W t^ IH t^ M Os M IH CO IN N t^ IH h o c a< c ed ti C a. c 43 .!£ cd ^3 cd •*-' *h 43 •- - ed 43 o -a ^ UJ! c CD CD CD CD ■D • - 3 |— > _ a Z co _ 33333333CC CcCC>hIh'S5'K>s cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Mh 43 O t— I 03 03 < E w B CD B 03 .e "c5 4= C 1— 1 Ih Ih Ih id 03 03 a 03 CD 4^: 4= A 4T 43 ". K-. 43 43 43' 43 Lj, 43 n n oj sU d iu 0000000000 000000000000000 o 000 List of Baptisms. 343 ■6 w !3 wo co D TS '■£ O cc D ^ a CO la OJ U CU 0 -a a cd u O -o a M la cd XI q a cd _>. u bfl :0 o a q u 42 u U v) a a a j= OJ ra > a; ~ 0 M ra — OJ n U 43 C •— > Ph > u* y. T3 J= O M 4S u U -c — rs "° •£ J= •s £ Em 43 EZ § E e cd ■5 tfl -o o M B 0 'J -O "O u o a &h d cu T3 ^ id M u c D oj 43 O '5 8 i-~ c u i-i pq 4= u a — u cd 4= 0 a> a £ bo A o •— > 9 OJ cd aj cd U (V P PM pq U ~ w V E -S w * -s w -s > < _ 2 W - 5 -n 43 .« .c •rj *-* *0 cj cd • 43 la . cj • U -C ■s cd - . >-< 43 - cd — « cd W - •S 0> < Q ^U A< > * S Q £,< > 43 « ■S eg . 43-£ « "5 u to C XI — cd cd W .2 co — ^•c w * £"§ •a cd =" wi "° — W «; 'a J^ ^= ° fcS » e c M C C J5 cd cd o 43 43 CJ O O cd cd -J: S 4^ T3 C u u E *£ .2, u C O P3 cd 2 c — EC U o < 43 £ \0 l-^ O ^C Ifl PI M -1-' cJ ^ "" CI O N O f^ OO t^ OO [-«. t~- M t^ M 00 M M M \A _ w - ►;; N M N Ov N v ^ ^ • .; • ■ • o * ri w-, (-1 n -i- •^- M >d- OO t^ OO OO 00 H M W 1^ M OO t^ (~. >, la a < >*•> r^ n oo t^ r^ O »*■ >H H oo f^ > " « ~ — - - cd 2 «d « N OO w OO HI "= § cj 3 O hi • w o ^r **■ •* ■* m C^ OO M 00 OO M IH OO HI M o jj >- (U cj c D C < S < < < < m w CJ cd c O *C «■ — cd w - g|"S 2 ca n 2 n UOy u w C « 43 u: ii cd WEE O D bjn H cd cd u E 43 4= •* t^ O N N M H « ■+ '1- N VO VO 1^ ■* H ri 1^ OO t~- t^ h» o N HI W t> t^ t> oo n C^ t^ r^ oo m ^ ^r M HI HI N N OO O ^a CM M N OO 43 OJ > H, o a. >> >^-> C OJ CO 43 V o C cd c c ~ •- C CJ K 'c fe Eh^ E O O o o cj cj cj cj a u si u b£ b£ b£ bJj be bt M tX bt bt bt CJ CJ CJ OJ oo oooo 4^ O 4J OJ U o o c a o u u u u u a a a a a a (L> d> tU > 0> l> QJ uooouo oooo 344 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. QJ ^> W £ ■8 * cs x) 2 cs is "2 < — c a ra « w £ 5 co xj — u. UU UU UIJ IU -*— O 0 £ Geige Geige Geige CO a a a a 0 = -s .=; -r cs «o *-» *n +^ *- fl. +-> 3 — cs ._ D a *c ^ a o w ,*J -S _*» -5 "d 2 C Tj ; 0. L > > JZ cs > JS rr CS • X j: *■ t CO C3 J E u ~ ca cs "C 4= -© W W fe d, tX, « "fl cs cs s e § 3 W £ .5 o *-> cs cs O J£ 3 « a -« •! s s cs -a oj B CS 3 c w cs C hi CS C w C j: j3 £ x O O "3 O > < ed w T3 •- I— i u C 3 CS £ ca 1 a TJ 01 u "^3 3 3 c U u CS Q > o 1 — 1 T3 jS ^«.? E W C p .£> cs J3 x .y BO >, 3 OJ an O bl) — a) 0 £ aj 2 OJ W n !* c bU 3 CS 3 QJ 0 ■ »? ,k csj- u cs ~ u x> J3 oj X> cs cs W T3 W W J3 -a « c cs "T3 3 ^^ ^— cs 5 w C T3 "O -d c J3 >> u J2 W W W -a -o 3 S cs a> CS ■ CS "O cs cs .a — s « M — -- a (J Oh 3 C D cs X Q cs js Q U •= E 5 a u J; u j; EC co O co js a QJ QJ CJ CS CS CS |_| QJ co co W i— > • O MM W ^- ^1- vo u^ r^ t^ n (^ rj- ^ N N NOO OO to l^ M M M M M W ^ vo in m M t^ M t^ ■ft. N 0\ 00 OQ 03 -r tJ- O O ^oo Q.^5— CSCBCg"c3J3 CO • C?\ CX5 O ■ to »h t^ *o oo N oo oo oo vo m ro M M oo oo u-> oo O t^ OO CO oo OO M OO "? W M OO OO CO OO OO OO t^ »H M IH N "1 - .^- N C ^V cs CS — O Q O ss >> >h 2> tj J r! o • H ■+ O oo oo t^ OO VO M M W 00 05 * • CO CO W Wl 00 • l^ Tj- vo 'o «o CO «o oo oo r^. t^ f^ oo N M M W M M t^ o Th «o q ^ « N M M CO bO > j ^" « ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ cs 3^^"^ •£•£•£ c V J u"l iri vo tJ- N w m e^ ^> t; *i bi "C 'E o ™ o- o< 3 O. Oh u S CO c^ < < < O + ■ ■ • • 00 t) ■ > ■ >n vo ^ N O lot^o^o t>. OOt^t^OOCOOOOONN"^ IH SCO « OO IH HH OO oo oo S H S <£ h N "^ °° t^ D W n ^ > ^ u "< x: O O. &. c^ ^1 << W p a C C 3 o F ca CO CO 9 CO 3 0- c IE ki Ih w> V- t- v- m OJ bJC M fcl. U bC M -C 3 c a « n g ,-a C M = •- ~ r: « ra < < w w W W ffi ,5f .SP .S0 .5f .SP .5P ,5P ,5P ,WJ t* W) W) bo bO oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo (ljQj(U- o> c - « 3 - PQ u bJO -C C £ fa) .o J - - - •a -e *■ =5 .a E E S « K » w < _ ™ s; fa, 2 £ a >- fcH E Ed OJ E A Ed 0 _c _c o> ed ed o Ed ■-t-H tt Ed s U Q u M CO r3 CO CO B § — a — — a — — 'l T3 W ~ *J ^ o u j3 xi cj .« cj .a re w C .3 C o> o> o> X X X essesscJ; w r. J= -fl • OS «"l rf- f~» W f^'+t^t^OO f^ OO M OOt^MMMMMOO n 2 u ."5 o O) .J >* ft <; *s T3 Q. .55 5 X CC J; -a •£ •5 ca .2 § B .o w B a a w B < •S2 < C ~ (4 -a c cd -o rt B rt a C e cS B E a o> t! B 01 T3 <4H IJ 0) a, 3 CO -a U u CO 01 M aj N o U in u u O) 2 CI co aJ fl fl 0 t4 « 3 u > fl '3 pq l- fl 43 'J c u o CO ed c -o c o -a w O OO 00 u tO SO M M 1— > fa- < N N •* N BD > C m M «' O C ™ 3 ™ Z X! S < S « M M « M o < o o o < • M rh m . • O O to • wmOsNONmMm MlO OO t^M Ooooooo r-»WMMOOO0MMI-< mO~o\on . -^woo" bi jj « *J ■a 'i- u ^ _ « W j= u, X *-■ M 3 = b S .S fl o> X a re id a Isac Joha Joha Johai Josu Mar Mar Samt A. El a c < cd U U E 01 0 _r oT o) tXi N u c o 01 01 0 0 u c II Q p o 'So bt 0 o 01 oi 0 rj X f^i X .- >, ^ x hii l OOOOOOO *C"u OOUOQOOOO 01 X) 0> o (4 u 3 c^ Q fa) o t^ oo ON t-» bJO *- bJO CO < •3 S J3 M - bX) -13 o a o o o o o o 346 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o pq O r: a, M rt a! m c rt B ,S O 43 rt fcPnOUU ft, •a "5 - ra js o fe « • -^ S M_l go *£ « iS *? « ^ « -a a _ c « c « ^ S u bfl E >> h X ° ^ u -§ -O M-- rt U lH U o £ c i> .« o 0 Q U « 13 TZ rt T3 -a -a ay oj - jo -5 «5 — rt "O > -a W S 5 M rt u. _, o !3 O rt „ vS bfl 'S rt *£ rt C rt Cfl M - .5 c a E ui u rt « w « -5 -a » O j Pk 3 < Pi £ rt £, x, rt rt tn o a» O u G. c t« u O u • « „ o o n o :~j 2 o o a £ £ T3 rt cd •IS rt u "5 ^ rt "> -a a c ra « >, £ "5 p* co c c ■a -a " c • A '. i> . 43 . rt 1 .2 t r rt R 4= 0, n v- Jg u • • 43 0^2 >■>■£ T3 c rt W C s T3 u B a -1 rt « Ih rt OJ T) 43 M >-. Oy rt <^ u -c -a W "5 a 5 u OJO £ g 0 rt rt 5 5 rt 5 PL, Pu < < Ph < ra hH 0 M OJ u C — a ra u a rt ra 43 .5 °E 43 CJ CO aj M Ih o a rt U M ~3 C ra 11 -£ 5 0) — c ra u n X —> a rt u -a a ■a c ra B 15 u is C rt |H u a 'J u v. a 0 U -a pq "3 W rt, rt ^ B GrtEC"SS£o a:. t^ t-» ^ M M >o t^ t^ vo • os vo tr N NOO M « M M M (^ t^ 03 a - ■* w o „ (^ 00 . 1^ N to - n rri M o VO o> ') h» N <^ vO CO r^ oo oo OO GO t> VO H, m M rt M »h 0 CO 0 CI 0) CN rt rt en SO u >> > bX) >, a, Z < S2Z SOc«^ t^ t^ o M "< »rt 3 rt « rt o .5 Nj o O rt 1— J ra 43 o 1—1 ra u CO C ra 0 -3 a) 43 rt 43 ra 43 V M ay u "aj b. M i-i U u 3 o Q < O c3 a a . . . rh • no ro no ON CO N t^. O oo oo w to t^ NO On N t^ t^ 00 rt ~ e a a c rt >n tiC t- l> oj rt § < S Q ON to K n •+ NO V3 ON r^ n CO « rt r^. H rt rt M M n to «*■ -+ CN HH to N Ih 0 C ^2 ft a> n Cl- ra a. u CO fc CO ay OO § rt a> w ^ § S >,ii K 2 3 -5 rt rt _ _ Ih »h <<<< a; ay ay Oy OJ 42 43 -^ 43 43 43 43 _0^ 43 43 43 43 43 ^3 43 43 ^3 X jlj ooooooooooo 00000000 List of Baptisms. 347 cj S.2 o E .3 T. J3 J3 O B c a td B ra ed A u •J -a * a — 1 a a .^ u JS B 0 tz 25 1* -a cj *T D ed cd « S •« ^ <= is - > .2 a 5 & < cj — o < "O __ _, _ "a c C ~ 13 T3 c cd cd C C C ed u — ■ a — C _ "O ™ *E *E >> « 'C Q U a a, C cj cj C E .3 - S o ^ o « Cj .3 U 6? 8 -a ^ pq cd ra T3 ■a w 2 O -3 -• Cd ed °C CJ « u a o »j .H -c 0 P5 3 E .a c = P. Ji o £ £ C3 c c -a (U d- vO u-i (~« mOhcmoommoo *n oo (^ t^ m t^ n O oo M oo O O + 0O H N oo t^ oo • VO IN lO N W • w m o to N • OO 00 oo oo oo vn m HH (-. HH M 00 OO f^ Q fa Z OJ , b> H «• I s •* • ti >> pi '£ *5 I -2.S O < S Q < <» oo oo os t>. oo t^ O m« O O O m oo oo oo CO M IH M OO . ifl ifl ■ S NOO • • tJ- O cotoO\f^f^O w -t-oo O Tl-M VO COCOVO N N O OO OO t>.IH COOO N OO OO OO 1-1 WOO M M MOOOO w CO M ^- H VO 00 N N ^£> t^ w OO OO OO M S Q u u OJ fj o Q O Z '^ " u p^ -» . N N PJ N O N bC be " 3 3 E < < ^ S O w S Q o z o ~ > > J; *j > > g" o o a. (j o o c/3 z z < o z z cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd ed «§ .s .s .: is — "r— ^=j=j= j=j=j=j=j=j=^:j= ^ J3 < fa N1* w O b. j: CJ ,CJ V. fa ."2 "H •r jb fc- ^ CJ pJ- fa X x « CJ CJ u CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ 3 td ed « cd cd H .3 a S •" ■" CJUCJOUUCJCjCQDCQQCyWfawW ed ed n j; j £ x cjcj ojejoj ajcjojcjojajcjojcjcjojojajojajojojcjojcjcjajojajojoj £ — £b9b3 -0£;fl£;££;OJj:jiJJJIlj3ilJ3JJJJj3JXJ3 a '5 ooo a oooo a a o a o a a a a a a o o o a 3 3 5 3 3 3 348 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. W re c id U c re u < JO u re £ V^-H W n S es 13 c "fl R a re « -a c c ■H, Co 1- ja s CJ 4= u o OJ 43 5 c 43 a -d fa CO JS re 43 bO CJ l-l a o 'p a CJ pq CJ a re co e 3-s P w w fa re 13 aj tl ~ CJ « -*3 _o — u co J£ jj , _i_r "C £ u oj O -G 43 7S £ O cj T3 4= 43 5 s en ^ o 4. •* r- >> j3 -c -a -5 hi o G u G -G en W -3 « . _< w v-» r: , r; « ni — >t> *.y r? ^ « s " » c S Q^ .5 "5 £ -G « - « U iH it! D ja rt v :2 -O S 43 ^ c co G G c 12 C a « « bS « c o o « oj o oj 13 KOO< 1- rt X 4J re W pq V .23 OJ c M -3 W -a a ■d u 43 re c re c u o u c u 4= w 4= « « .5 •£ ^3 G «i c ^ 03 rt G r- . S "S. T3 13 « -G -a W c « "d c 13 w 43 -G W O .- o •n 5 S G ^< T3 T3 pa w T3 T3 g .a N pq -C .^ "^ E 43 4= CJ U CO — cu re 4= TJ CJ 43 4J 43 •« o 4= -a c C T3 tH re re G re 43 J3 O 0 CJ CJ 44 OJ CJ *+h ^ as •r re > t ! "O 5 -a ** C c £ « 13 W n cc i-go « gO£W — — a 1) o •t: re re -a CJ "* -G re T3 M . Q < W c « 5 3 « .5 c .S ffl PQ X . »T) OO On O • O t^OO O t— i CO (Jh t1, 43 re c c re M M N ™ • N M • OO OO • M t^ O . M N OO OO m ON < CO t~~ to O to >^> • O oo l^ooOONooosoot^ M NOO CO OO CM tOt^M M M M M OO OO H 03 tN g. f. y, ti -G c — , ^ no N OO k^ 43 ^> > £" U ? 3 ^ = n tt, i— > Z i— . D w re re re •XGJCUOJUOJCUCUUOJOJOJ J2^141J3XIJJ3JJ3I1J3 O u^ • NO to O t^ OO ts OO OO M M H N HI H OO NO" OO to NO M OO t^ ^ w -MCN)NNH00 ^v a, -Q G. re 43 M On rt- M OO M N OO M OO OO t^ M M M tC . - „ re re re re re re re .e'1=434-4Jrt^-^ U3-43U3 — — — — ^? — — — ^3-3l4?Ea,*J*J^>MC UMUP-lpatLlP-IUMMM H OO M 0, CX 4: R ^ a. ft IS c a. cx r r R ^ A 4i 4^ VI B VI G bJD S < 4 -5 fa fa fa fa O o fa JO fa Ed n cd c c 1 a- E n s £ -a 53 53 SO III fa T3 cd o E S O o u 2 H £ £ c fa fa pq 53 c 53 '"" cd fa fa u aj — > •- c -a "O £ 3 3- O fa" 2 £ C 1> QJ w « *" ° o c faSpQ KfaZSCfafaQ S3 < c c £ fa jo id fa u I) <+H £i3 JO " ea T3 .5 ti _ "^ c td -a "9 c 9 ~Q E Jx cd ,55 j_ ed pq -C Ed Ed Ed b£ cd >— .2 ^S3 U £ fa S3 § S3 3 Oh < < ■S « n NOO OO OO C\ <-i r^ m « m m r^ ' — » I ' — . faQco< c«< Sfa H N N N ro n u o 3 '" v g» *« s; k x ►*< %j) CU QJ U QJ (U £ -£ ^ JO -C _c _c 5 3 o o a o o ^o ro oo tJ- oo oo t^. oo U = 3 "S O < < fa t^ t^ M M • ■+ • H N ■H- O • ON 0\ M N OO o to vo ■>*• N VO N vo u-i M OO M t^ OO cc OO fO •+ r^ M M W 00 M e« ^ »H IH ** •^ "*" ^T ^ M ^J" \o Tf N EM M N N N VO t> M N j tiT «d >, *j ■ U u hi qj 3 a< Cw cd c jo B Ed c« — > o < < CO s •— > CA fa < 3 — i § § V cd jr — jS c* jr^ B -= ja -= o CJ u it 'Z. M ■J3 "u — .- >> u c c c c C B - a Ed Ed u u u II u V a; Oj V u I) S3 S3 S3 53 S3 X 53 ^2 S3 — S3 S3 S3 J _- jj- jj- .j- ~f ^J* ^_- ^J _r ^ •* c u a> i) OJ CU «j u eu — £ jl JO JO JO j^ ja _C J3 _c JO OOOO 0 o a o J - a •J a E E *-- W Cfl W u KlKlKESi OOOOOOOO 35o Th'e New Hanover Lutheran Church. W % pq ~% -o "O -o w c c C „ cd cd d j_, ^ *j j_, u >> t! £ 43 iii u u- - ii £ -o (5 o o bJQ M 43 £ ffi ^ O O pq » c « js t (fl .2 W ^ 'S -^ -c -3 <-> 3 -a -a £ c c -a w « c « „ « J3 ^ X ~ .y u O £ '£ 43 x> jo £ « U ,3 . aj cj a n M-c M-H •« •« .-H . -, !_ fcn u_l C 43 " S S < M > £ £ •5 S c 43 .23 -O "O c "a « U"2 u T3 «* i; w rt « _ a >- c „ = — ' hfl 2 M O VS v> , 43 « -s -<= W co o "o 3 g a c cj cj rt _c2 _c _e p< a ^ qj t^ pq >*43 o o S >5 « o c O S 6 n 0 E u , « U ja B o 1 ) M rt CO ►— i •s s n -o < « o o a •5 c rt < N 43 u c 1 — j J £ a OS Jd j3 C a j- rt M a j3 bl 5J -d -a M bfl •- « C3 « -^ Ci, CO -a c ed ,2 "S M £? " S S s . J5 "o MM o * G £ "g o o OJ = H j, --
  • a c c s s b rt W C ►*■< ^J rr( VrH ^T1 >CH V-l r* a> S^S§ ■a ^ W "H § .a T3 "2 W c S -C S ra S « o •±3 3 tn CO W O T3 43 •5 Mt3 S o c i3 >-> 4= W ja ■^3 toMoo l^t^f^t^t^ot^ JiOOOOWMI-IMMIHt^l-l N •> N N N tC c> ^ o" m m m ii. t-^ vri OO H OO O ^O H 00 M ^ OO W <£ ON « * M ri A >> M ^ • t^ O • ^3 oo N ro m t>. t<-> (^ M oo oo ro i^ o ui a, O < < a M ^J »H O i- no o 00 |>C t^ oo h. tn C^ M f^ t^ t^. >H w oo r-^ t^ t-^ oo O M M ro oo oo oo oo on 0 t^« o\ vo cq rT t^HMMMOOMMMMOOOO OO u M >, cu> S "T Q < A AtnOOOfc N N f> (^ J3 u *j C O b Q O £ 3 -^ < b 2 E E X>J3J3J3X!J2JDJDJ3JD E E E E CS P3 -a -a RJCQC3cacQC303C3CdC3CdC*3CiJCDCJ cu
  • 1 — , 1— > >— i 1 , H- 1 l—i l—i I— > •— > •-i i—, >— i i — i 1— 1 >— | 1—1 1 1 — i 1 — i •— > l — > 1— > t— , ■— , ►—i 4J^ ^ h u S-H u •~* (H ^ 14 IH u Ih u U H u V a< a; qj cu OJ qj 0^ u CJ CJ qj cj CJ CJ "-> 43 X J3 -^ A 4_ x: 43 J3 43 J^ 43 43 43 M. 43 J^ ^ 43 J^ 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O 00 o List of Baptisms. 351 t2 =§ 2 « 2 -s V U w c-d " « c « re U -a — 2 -S w ^ w c -a o c fa 3 05 be 2 re — "O <+h "T3 c "g c re > re W ra J2 — -B V2 (V13 C ■■m G • H « j= c< j= a re ._ 15 •5 B C ■" 1) O E U B E 3 s 8 a U D 1) 0«M rl u — G OJ £ pq —1 aj 'J n h .Q n a 9 ~ U j O a ~ E O e "° — C < § re . c u s» £ £ C I- ' o o re re ~ "H 5 -3 c .±4 U re I j >, co u bfl Jri :0 fa 5 £"§ o ~- OS 2 .y pq .a m 3 o « « m £ s b a "5 ° « C C B -o o -5 o o « *c «j -b « «j fc, B U Q B fa £, 2 ^ -S c h « o F bC •- o £ 1- f3 i> fa A M J -a &■§ « u fi pq ■5 2™ o •s w -o c "p 9 c ,2 CO B re "O •5 B -o <5 03 £| b .y J3 W u, CJ o « 'u -S ^ c o i) .s Afa B -a u ■ X - > -o W C J= W .-; .n E OT O B c *3 o O B pq .v *j ? * •a B c w H V M O n O t^. n q n VO O o\ N VO 00 t^ 0 (5 0 0 ri 0\ O 0 to N N 0 00 t^ r^ ao N 00 CO tn CJ 00 w OO OO * O w w 00 M M BO HI M CO w OO • »n w w t«« M H 0 tc (f n CN M • 00 w w « ro O „ ^" tO - >o OO 1-4 hi M tn M M r-l CI to to N N «<> c^ M n M N M N N M On t% od b0 3 < bC 3 < Z 0 a> Q >1 3 1—1 1 a, CO c 'I bl < 11 a 3 1— > B n 1—1 bC < CO M 9 < B s s 1> fa 43 to a P vo. ..vo- t^OO-,vr>-v£>--OvtnMVCiON- t^ • • 00 NOVO • -VO • OOOliNNONOOOOMNNtoOO OOVO -OO t^vo »*• to r^ r«« I^OOOOO«OOOCOtOOOOOOOOOOOOOO N 0> N N Mt^ VOVOMt^ WMMOOOOMOOWOOOOMIHMIHIHI^ Mt^OVM M r^r^^t^. mm m^mm m _Mf^ q_ mmoo""-1 m m* s . . n - ^ - - o" >o ON m N , - ^o.Mw " X tf d? 2 «" NM^t-O^M^O^MCMMN^ NM^^ 2^ ►£, o < £ fc ^ £ z o £ £ < o < £ § z S z fa SzhA •b • • * • • ::::::::::::: a : ■ • • • • .— i_ .... ...•■■.•••••■ »*N . ~ b n (i d - i, bD-CCSCC z — enc/icn cncncAvscoc/s o . zj \j u u oj 4J>1 es «* u vw u v u u u u Qi-T: n"^"^"^ — .Oh CCC= CSCCCC^ •••■•" ^^^^ Sgwn n«wrara«£-5x^«22.2 2bO bXbJDbtiM -5000 oooocoooaj^;. .y IS ^ «r 1= >5 5555 J^i — >•—>►— 1 >— . 1 — ii-i^i|-)i-i|->'-iiJh)|jjijH|4<5 1) vU 1) i J3 X) J 000000 oobboooooo 0000 o 352 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. a ■O T3 C w c W rS C (3 -C ,3 -a N fa bJJ U td C8 ^S l- C3 5 -5 -c ^ -*-*. r* ca n ? ^ ^ c -a « c -a . K c ^ ca C i> o bO _q fa «. U ca ™ oj S J. § K ss "O fa "O c c ca T3 « £ >> ca ■a "' c en ca ca "2 >> O < fa Q PQ o D c OJ U fa < 0 _C en -i *^- «-< 3 E w II TO i3 .5 ^" « TJ 13 O O -a o oj n M °° °° .« M M a. o < O M « H OO M M OO O M N «' ca fa fa m . . on • -vo -Om U^OOO v\ M . m > a a i >— >faco<;i— , i— » < i— ><,z,^i • ui O ON OO OO "3 3 «^ •— ) I— , ^ fO !H OO W 05 rf M J M cj >> 5 3 u "^ C3 CT3 Cfl W Th U-l t^ M OO V/-> On O m oo to t-» N OO OO M OO l-l IH M M M -T pC - OO - T? ON O t-x w C^ N fa o z z < S So 2 2 .2 rt .2 u t- u »-. *C *-■ ra cd pj c« cd rt oo on ■ m m \r\ u-i • N N oo ("^ t^ N OO OO N >-l H CN1 IH M OO m io > moo ■rt> NO H II f> OO OO "^ OO w l-l IH OO M .» -O T3 -O .en bX) OJO bO r—t W Cd C^ ci n rt rt Cj rt 5 < < E | w w s M U1 o •+ o M» + IH IH OO CU OJ cu 0> J J3 J J OJ CD CD CL» OJ OJ J J J3 J3 ^1 J QJQJQJCDOJQJOJOJCDQJQJCDOJQJ oooo oooooo o oooooooooooooo 000 List of Baptisms. 353 Xj v u a bO CO. X II TJ Pi 5! 3 S •" *5 co ^ >- _ e B 7 u „ PQ 5 & — " ^ O 'J ■c e oj <" O JJ -5 W5 aj y r> — .y -o u £ .a p c y oo" *> u X _. cd cd ^£ w S "2 « £ « -a St; « ft j= c bo — • •-* O T» ^ tS X CO W P3 >> cd >> >> N cd "O £> i_, ca — ^ ca ca U T3 •- cd co O "^ ■P "2 "c fi W cd -a ^ « 2 < ^ -s x E £ « ** c *> £ X) 5 -2 -c >, cb ca W -a U u * u ^ ±1 O C ^3 C TJ « W E 5 'J xi .. 2 '3 ■a W -o c td j- a n a a cd a eg 9 ..i U fj ^ »-h "ti 3 w ■* cd — « C .y iu u cd * 13 n ~ « U w -C « cd E T3 cd — cd xi Q fc "5 cd >E |3 .3 c -a a T3 "C C Xi fa u M N • " X *! fa O M °° CO OO lO OO t^ OO t^ t^ (^ t^ t^ t^ oo N t^ CO vo N N N N « « m" "S • o \o O "^ o OO rhNcoNTJ-Nxco^J- -Nco Ooooooooooo >^1N MOO NOO 00 w M MHMOOOOOO MOOM M m M M M OO M m" O ih~ m" "* ^ - - - " - °°" c^cowNNNinr^co .con >"> f*> bb > 3 O l) 3 m b *c >^ I bb *n >» 'n •- bb 'n bo bo y ^' »- <^ 3 K-, ^ fc bO 3 1> PS 3 OJ OJ OJ OJ 2 s Xj — "O ^: _ g£b | pq L> cc >- "*3 Cd Hi J= JO C4 CO T3 3 -o O .2 O O •o S3 -9 -5 3= O 0 fa < •3 D M M w s 3 13 3 cd i- bt M J= cd U JJ "G rt", w :cd 4= V a, a, :0 X J3 u bl cd bO (H cd cd cj Is re « — ~ i/ cd JO -3 u cj CD in £ 0 -a u jo re rew Fuss and r Meister and r Koehler and T3 C n bt V tu O w bt c c re B re C3 bl e -a c cd bl a 3 >— 1 ■a c T3 C re u 3 a 3 pq -a c re I* - .2 tj bl bl Cd •— ' Cd cd cd CO W CO CO CO -« h-i "O "° "° C B ss 3 15 < •a p< -a S ■ - J — ho CQ o T3 O 1 o cd cd ps f-j j= j3 « « c o 4) o h ij *1 *^ tfl (A d n (Q cd fl w w T3 cd C 'C cs cd -3 § "G w 3 C K < *t^ >^h j- *n 'u *m S -g w S S S "2 cd -o T3 T3 T3 E „ 3 3 3 a ro u re cd cd cd a> cd «J n TJ X J 3 T3 «r G, a, a, re J > pB gi « « « [« o J? o o o P) N >— > ►— i i— > fc <• CO oo T-|- u-i ^o w • oo tH M t^ t^ M ^ M U^ M OO M N cC to N -3 "3 i—i "C 't« (J fa < < D t^ t- T*- O »n t^ r^ tj- t^ t^ OO M M OO W M to to - l^ (N O N H < < fa § 25 N <)■ M •+ O VO pj N H to N M £>> 3 to W bl N VO N OO OO N N OO M M OO OO O „ Tb M 05 oo N to to M o o z a, jo 57 o-> co fa a, <5 •rt> to -+ so vo r>. oo ^ vn s ui s m oo t^ m t-^ M H N ">*- M W J3 u "S O O ™ O o «~> m u-1 o v>-i oo SC5 t^ oo oo so o -t" M M r^ sc 00 M t^ M l so HI SO* • *1- to vo M OO •+ >t -t M 00 OO ci J J M li 3 cj cj 3 u b-\0 O < Q fa Z fa SS g ^S J J J J -2 3 to "cu "lu ID "u *>5"-S-S-3 = r3^i S cdrt Cl S2 "J" IT k!* ►T IT i-1 i>f>>'i<»1>w fa s<* blblblbb.fcHb.3 3 c CJOJCJOJCDOJQjCd cd a JOJ0J3J0JOJOJOJ3 J3 g o 5 3 5 o o 5 o o oo fe G o § j= .e EG O jj 5 «i x > j= - -^ t: A L O < w OJ en" Jai N N w c .« c c .2 c 3 c CUcCUCU~CUpCU PtiHPkCLiE^friCOpM co en en w C C C J3 V ra « -= 5 y. w a — a A — i o. Cu > ... CU S w eu .« rt B S§§J| n E e « W M 0 « .■H aJ3JJ > eu O O O - en cj u ej O w cj nj c E "D .- o O ts M M ts OO OO oo r-» "i r = — ' c pS" a. u < Q ""> **■ to o to ui o\ OO OO t O O o z Is • t(- vo >n o O ON w-i v-i ts OO VO CS + N N M M O M t>» M M OO u -C « C „, JS ^ >— , mj j *=; >g O E p< Z < 3 CU B r ,< c £ C M R) a E 'C t_ R) a> a > M f « c u c - C I 1 - »"! 1 R o — u Ch w 4= o ^: -c -= — — -c o •- o o U U JZ — cu cu j; — H J3 J u ooooooooooooooo s<^ W W N « ts M o u S ><- N* W u.-* «= l«tf n ra ^ I., ra 1- 0 u coo u tta 0 0 0 356 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. pq .a — .3 i- j « « « o JO ■S * 2 c 3 u u c Ed t/J c c c cs 2 B pq m ■a -S k a IT! K .2 o • cd cd M <° C3 2 u U £,0 cd cd O .& -2 a -s - z P* 4= "O <" G •2 fan cd CO J2 E O T3 Jj c M J3 J2 bC s < Ph O 5 z o £? ."S o Ph Pm 1) (U 1) bO bC bfl .3 :cd 5 i a, w ■a S S S-S « .2 .2 .2 rl _ I* In U ^ i-i cd cd cd _- o -a -a -a -3 O j9 "S .s .§ .s « a *E tn in co .2 « c • • • j3 en i> J3 J3 -C o O m o O O [_, 1 — > |J-1 i— i >— j "— > t-1 > _ x) - W c M -a cd c W -a « p >< J3 OJ JS In « cd « j3 S •; (J « u ■a cd W ^ CO -a u bJO S3 u u u cd cd cd "5 -S t3 •-■ u h I^J^^^S -S| .2 -c Z i— > be o o T3 a » cd 3 bO Jd bD " "3 ft •o ■a *o "O C C C C "O cd cd cd ii D a) T3 p a o o a < a -n Ed c c cd o u bo l-c o OJ K 0 N ^o i^ M CO o M (^ oo N 0 N ro s u-i 0 •+ oo ■ oo r>s ro 1/-1 CN 00 VO ^o to *$■ •~D «t ^o lO M OO 0 00 K M r^ -t- t^ oo t^ o t^ t^ u-i ON CN r^ t^ t>. ro t^ CTs CO VO t^ ^o M OO oo c\ M r^ vri M 1^. H ^o M CN M OO r^ r«s HH M w oc M (^ CO t-^ M r^ CA M M M M r^ M r^ M M M M ^ M w M w r^ w M «»1 H tn tF o\ « r^ oo M- OO 01 VO n M O ON ■+ w * VO" w »o N H w CO M M (-( CO *o M M M CO CO ^O M M c£ CO ►H M ^J 3 1 — 1 > o z c Ed •— > s, OJ CO o Z bO 3 < c Ed t— > V C3 a *—> a 3 > o Z > o Z 1 1 O z ft OJ CO c 3 to, cd u O i — i 1- b, ft ft < < cd cd u OJ 0 o ft (Li o z 1) c cq o ■<*• • ■* VO t^ oo t^ N H > Cl 3 o *2 c < o £ t^ OO t^ t"^. t^ oo CM CO N ^> oo • • CO CM vo rt- VO \0 vo t^ ON CO t^ t> M t^ OO M M MM _ CO ON - CO CM i-i bD CO cd 2 M J2 2 3 0 u u E cd .2 < -S 173 K cd cd -D bC C M • CM CO On O oo O f^ m oo On M OO M M bD >> bO #m 3 <2 3 ft < S < < 7.-3-3 5 « r « *J O U J3 J= -^ < ?■!-«'—■' — ' i_2 <1> rt Cl pj M Cl 03 rQ :c3 . rt (U d, oooooo a ooo u o w a ^»k° J3 -=T JS" 43" J= J3 cj cj u u u o /•//./. v. U U U QJ 1> U I_ 1h U I- 1-. Ih oooooo ^.5^0 s o ^3 P< W B £ o — -= -2 •= E 0J3J3_C-CJ=-C C QJQJQJQJDUIUaJ u o v oooooooc5oobo List of Baptisms. 357 C <-i « • e «l W ™ 43 « C J- u, W OT S -S .« T3 m-i ™ C C -S ■« U * «J w fa x> E ca -a fa .2 c w - w 4= < W £ w fa w -— .« O » J3 "^ *-fH U U 4= 09 4 ca J? en ra °C "• 0, Q Ph U fa Q O T3 43 C fa K «j r*> IS Q 4? 43 'z ■O T3 ^ c = -a M 3 „ :_ -' u o P m »* )5 w c/d i— i c3w « O O p> NOOnOI^OnNOnN -to O *T O CI t<-> OO t^ On ON u-i 0< 3 Q. ^<<^^ «J « >> Q.m43raCGQ,e S £ s s a C J e e fa O § "S s ^ fa — a E « ^20» 43 M ;° « w C T E 43 c/d fa e fa ^ S a 43 " a « a w C J J3 oj w ra ■ ^5 ,g yj ^S E u < K ■a S -a c '•=■ S 2 T3 E c c « « . « •§■§1 ^ j3 •- J3 <4h -a u .S o '?s o T3 J rl 5 c3 -a js w 5 5 eg $ '% < •O T3 T3 c c c J3 43 " >> be w ^<0 c^hJ 3E O * 43 43 fcfc! 4? JJ .2 & ^^ 5 a .S .5 aj u B X X X O •+ t^ t^ t^ t>. tJ- o\ oo o\ oo oo rj- oo M t^ OO t^ M OO m «*1 (^ ON O OO M t^ OO 0\ N >t N OO OO OO On ON 3 « J? fa fa ^.Z ^£ < < n r^ t^ o oo OO r^ t^. On t^ • tN» M • OO t^ OO t^ VO rj- M On fv oo t)- OO co OO M HI OO M OO On "+ vo ON On t^ OO N O oo *n on t>» t^ oo m w m oo >*• r^ on t^ o ,i ON "N - NO oo on oo n M ►< O r^ w oo N + m« S\ £ *f £. *> z ~ « ■fl s u •£ w hJ ^ « E E 'J 'J 5i a M a l-J ."2 rt ^ 3 a 43 5 •: ^13 ojd a . - <-i "5 ~ r* « 3 O _ ra .2 O -f3 43 « .S "a U 75 s -s « -a c S o • 43 c, -a 3 b e •- 43 O 1< W OJ .— .Z ._ .13 ,3i .« .„ s o o o o 1- U, 1_ u, 0000 24 X Pi v» W . 2 ^ Je U « on 'OoOoOOO^ UUI_Ut-U,uU,Ul-il«U.U, oaooooooooooo ^3 « fa 5 o o 0 0 0 0 358 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. .= oj -a c G cd ra u _ i •±* o 3 S £ £ T3 C c id a -3 id M 3 U C/J -S C _ oj oj oj /z :W OJ Oj Oj M KOOO«i L- ycccecccccc ^-2 C j j J3 j C C C G P G jg £f C ^ojojcjojojojojojojurrtojooootdojojoj-, oj;;~oj ol-.l-^H>-,uu^-u^-^H0.22'-'00U0J3,-'"^,-lJ:l-0S,-, l) m co oj 5 O b§ *§ OJ OJ OJ 5 « SS. h-i - a •- SS^ S <= ■» w c t N "5 -C « "H fcu -a -a c c td td c < s •a "5 c c a — j3 - "g g R a •SS u oj - U a -e gs'SS "S "S td OO " MM td « cd J= c ^^? cd N N «n m N m m S « Q. O Co D-yS O o OO O OMOO o^o oo Ooo ooo ooo o\ oo oo r^ MOMOOMMMOOMMM MM M OJ u h S ■^'-,«-bX)hC^o>cj-^4j c^SS<.C\00^0 t^t^t^OO tJ- M M NOO OO OO OO OO MOO i< bi >, • "C "C > > bi ,S < hH,o < < z z < .S^aw cd — N cd cd . c O ~ ss 2 E .Si M J3 -C Oh U C oj *J cd oj W O K !E m5 is E3 2 E 2 rt •3 < p < PC u-W J3JJDj3J3JJJ£JJ oj J3X1J3J3-Q-Q-QJ3J2-OX1X1 333333DD33DCD < - c bi - -a o O "S M B "5 ce • - n ■!-> cd ex, 3 j- o a cd Wj 3 5 ffi « ^ a 3 ■a -a -a -a .3 N N N N < PC -a^~^ — — ^= c c 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS PC o o OJ 2 Pi X 3 TO V cd rt K K List of Baptisms. 359 a, .2 £ c m — « w '^ 3 's t a, < CJ « CJ j: w 2 > •— > ■a "o ts c c ^ CJ Cd T3 W) 9 fa E £ 2 fa 2 E c 5 .a AS S h pl, h V sj •> E •- L_ -S I N S S a E w mPh O A -^ P3 "~ J> o a a - w qj OJ qj CJ CJ rC Ph Ph H " rj -a w * M c ~ CJ cj 2 S -C a o 5 -a 2 < Ph AS £ CJ « 1* - CJ cd Q u t- CJ cd cd pq pq '2 c Ma nna rine *r" < ? . w "6 o VK a — a cd M a 9 Jq o CO ■0 a eg Pi o u -3 id eg a 9 CO 9 1- fe 3 U id 5 0 c < i- — c < CO CO CO t-T Pi GO a a c a cd u cd PL, u CJ cd PM O U cj •— > -E o >— 1 In -E rj Ed .e o >- id § M :9 JE :CJ 3 CD "P "S m o .2 oj h i- In •^ P*-H a M M ft"13 "° £ £ S ■a -a -a c fa Id S -S ** _ to cd cd •a - (j rj -o a > J 2 i. ?Q7 o -S — c < E * o § o & fa E cd cj -E 3 E O C/3 i i i cj x-S-S o « t; TK t* •- P P -a X cd > fa w -3 3 3 OJ M N 5 5 Q < fa o s . M t^oo m oo m oo oo co wmoomoomwih u-i u-i u-t c> ^o *r\ t^ t^ t^ w> r^ vo M (H M t^ M (~. M S > fc A q < A^; A< S < S < S§§ O t~. vo OO V5 l^ M t>N M « 2 M • M to ■+ ■ O N N m oo oo oo moo r^ooooMiHuooH, -9 % £ S «> > B Id' fa < § A< z AS - — n AfaS r U Cd ^: h cs a s S 2 j M u 3 q cu S < § o 1^ ii — II ri eta M CJ M a fa cd <9 n § H s .= 3 r CJ 3 ;- M gg cd CO 3 fa fa 5 *S «3 C/D 3 E 3 3 Cd r: M cd cd n E B E E E E D M cd CO ^ cd "S Cd ■£ C«lfl « M W H Z < WWt^OOMt^vOW <> 2" - - o" M M hT S— > fa cj 3 o < pq U (U U 1> c c 72 a c a > rt rt a >, t-. ut 43 43 i* o CJ CJ ■S C 0 X s £ X >-. 3 i> >> 'J s T3 -O S oj 43 ;j3 ti rt IS U co -a T3 c c M T3 ^J B -a ra c rt <» a> *-; i> a> -t-> rt *-» u rt j3 rt X * fl * H .* U - 03 c3 cl ^ ■j. -r. -r. ■>-> 1) (U IU w c -a a c rt W £ ra ra ^ c s Ih £2 J-i On OO OO ih oo oo -3? 8 « m oo W "^ On CO ON NM M OO O oo oo oo m oo On N ONVO N oo oo tC ^ N N oo oo N H ^ £ t; ^ li 13* !3 sj t-v. OO OO On OO OO M >> On O w "NONOOOOOOOO on n OOOMMMOOMfs. ON M ^ M IH M _ oo" fT 5> r> oo" t^ no O On On OO On OO OO M M M O O N oo oo no On oo cn ts N oo O M H OO OO OO H OO t-^ N^N CO oo oo oo w oo oo - irt oo co o **■ oo TJ-PJOO COCOpH N m b t; ■?£ 'G oi N Q, C rt Q, Q, >■ ^ b ^«<<^o^ a J2 si ^ a ti es « 43 c a, ^ m j; oj W rt a '5 o < " ^B«^ >- rt J3 rt rt •« 43 u o '^-| u --■ u o •-> ^ ^ W PQ Z ! 1« S c • 43 r 43 2 y « > . ■ C ! 5 pt! 0. a 1 * rt 1h 43 < J3 r Ulyss Savill C 1 S U3 rt — o S i a - c2 2 • u O ' >> 'U >N >> >rtrt«>M™s*i:-Scc 4-„43_2ca"033G>-c,,1'a'|i- « .3 « •= •- 3 o ,™ ^3 i: QjQJQJCjQJtUtUQJOJQ^CuajOJOVQJUQJOJOjajOJOJojOJUCJOJOJOJ c aa,ao a £X"Z12&i£££££ E M S fafafafafafaPKfafa ~Z re >- CO — «j •O i-»f re "O c E £ J2 E < K 33 < a 5 *n .2 -5 .5 •- i .2 T, — JO H (J fa "O "O fei« g 8 « a c C JO J2 E § < <*■ **- to IH tJ-\Ooo O "i >o O O >o 00 on on r*. «/■> ON ON OO OO OO M M fs. O y£> = = f "3 J 1— , fa t— , < < < O ^ 00" O N w tC ti bb »J 3 3 § • to O • vO • *f -+■ no ONOOO'l-oot^ONOui on no on on no 00 oa\t>»t^ OOOOMHOOMOOMHM WW M M -rrOoo'.-vo' . w « m" 0-*mNOnvaw2w •z fa»2 fa < 2 g g - A fa ^O < 2 re .S ►2. > re -a ™ w >5 re ~ — "^ co to CO S E — rem — J= o "^ « v?,Q.a.D,cc.'u"u wrererererererere:re EEEEEEEEEE 5 E w < 0 co & re oj js >+h u re ♦3 c £ c -a E § w _- re T3 -a o 1> O fa >> -5 J= -G ^tZOrz-hWorereiirerererere^ fafai-1H(JpL,^-,cofafafafafaCL,ciHh re c ■a H 5 re re J= =F« -a •£ 2 u M « re -a -a 5 "O -13 g _2 c C C -S -c O o rt re w -a E a re -c CO ffi j— re ^ •£ c « asaa c u w c -= S S -c O M J> O H- , ffi fa I— , V Qj >, >, re re re 2 1-1 2 "O "O "O « re re »-h ►— ( hh ^) S S -a tj T3 -a c c c c re re f re re >.' >. — u u u >> > 3 Is E ■o ^ ^ »^ re re >> "*« -^ re .. i—, ^2, E E E co S3 f>. -OONWOwcjn .«r> m'O + + m N woovo t)-0 C 00 "Toooooooooooo moo «^iwooob woowwwwwmoowooooww O «o O O O ^ ^t- O O O 0\ • "OO C\ 0\ O VO t^ w w w w OO 00 S o o » -f 0' t-C OO vA _ l-C ro N rf N N n" M v/-i M CO N n N M N c> -F rl M « w »H hH 0* a CO re "fcl a. < bi < a, CO re re 9 •— 1 01 a a bJD ^ 3 O. < < CO bb bb bb ^ 3 3 3 O < < < O a a >— vo t> 6 00 v^ ON to 0\ On ^0 -+• ■+ 1-1 N w OO * -t OO 0. o\ -t- 00 r^ M *o 00 00 Vj ■+ W-, 00 yj-, 00 ^O OO OO -t- ro OO OO 0. » 00 00 >H CO OO w OO M OO 00 OO w OO OO w w OO *-t w w i-r w N m *•* (s rC CO" M (4 CO vo tc fO ^f 0" CO 00* C < O § O u "Z c > >. > 32 re>^i?" 5®3 ° &,u^ 5 J3 C ■£ < u w w : U (3 fa £ 3 fa fa CrJiOiAiacnincfitfiinviinwtnwtn'wMM'tnto'M'M MHCCCCCCCCCCecer'crr-r- — r-r-r- -VVUU4JUVU re re E E GUCUqjGUCDcD aJGUGUCDQjajQjOUCDCU E E EEEEEEEEE W el nj a co p3 E E E E E E re re E E 362 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. «c| .2 pq « W <3 M 05 U en o cw w C 6 c C C P n. P h S « . — 3 >— 1 . — ps r^ rt c3 ra — n Cu H Cw Ch PL, fa Ph .3, cs •5 .s « S -a o C C cu cu a> "3 T3 -a ti 1; (j "t-c °C °E li (i t. « -5 i S P 2 en p e Ih C pq C M a u a n ^ cd fl u cj n H-, Ph Uh C/J g PQ "£ o o es V c c g « es o .as w -9 -5 0 « s JS "3 T3 W C C CO CS "3 "O fcd "O "O c c e c cs cs *t3 ^ ^ pq « Ji >,c > c .rt X « « CS c 5 S > ■ .2 cs cs 5» «J c c — . e a > > Pw a 2 -fl ^ -A - cj cj g cj ;_ "O "3 "3 "3 Q CU CU CD CU ,<" "C 'C 'C *E o 00 O ON ON NO wi NO OO SO OO H 00 H O «■» «*■ «rt on O m N w N ON 00 OO OO OO WN NO ro W^ CO t^ t^ OO t>. NO MMMMt-^t-^OOOOOOM t>« Tj- t^ N O •o o o o 00 - N ^ n ^ h 10 "1 •> bO >> HO a a K n H R rt C C C C • re c CO ea a J3 4= . X 2 u . c § c c re % L, (J O a: X 6C s £ -a w A IT! T3 eel ** a 5 S g .« D. C U3 ed !3 -A Pm 1—1 -O <5 H * O N CC h si >> S ••§ a ^ nj 'a u C\ N m 0\ »o \0 OO NO ON NO NO 00 CI OO OO OO OO M >> «J <_; > bb t; o cj o 3 > cu cu C. c s .2 .2 •a jS m •- = = • »*■ 00 NO «t- - N N CN> OO OO f^ no m ui H frs M M N c>J N N M N O Q Z ^ u O Q e es ~ o c E .2 00 OO w cs g ea sis u U* h ^ m 2 W fe i-!1-!1-!^ a -fl •tJTr't;'"-^*;4i-"-i:;"a_a_a-o-a c c CJ^qiUCOKCJDIUIUCCCCCCCCCC T! "VI Tt T^ T! ccjcsceieeieciceicdnjeeicei D V V w w seesssee — C3 a ti a cs ti m n . — 1 , — . — . — ■ — . — a a cs ccl cci eel co K S K K K csesescscsescscses M H OO « N ■* < c>o J3 •— > O . a M T. 5 E E S 2 rt fl r] n a a a a List of Baptisms. 363 rt g W J3 «« > s -^ -a — — " tn »5 r oj ai /> ** *- C o „ b< CJ wd !> s s .3 .a -a J3 E E a < N N OO 00 OO M t^ t>. N N C a Z D pl, pl, O a a 73 -a a w u -0 a M a w OJ 0 -d a 1 £ bfi w 0 -n U (C jq 0 -Q OJ a td a - u 3 pq OJ ES) a a a 00 0 a a e I) tj; *hJ rt E E .2 "o :- r c l« Oj C OJ a aj OJ rt IX rt CO 0 0 Oh rt (X Oj a h q rt rt Oh rt PLh > Q „ U, ~ S rt u J= j= j3 W rt 2 •« u n ■O S rt re PL, >-> 2 u c o J2 — « - vr rt . OJ t- c 5 »2 rt .2 ^ .2 w "2 E *a rt P w •S u o g w rt re w ra < '5 ra p— PL, H E c £ c c c c OJ 0 41 OJ OJ OJ >- S >- t- >- u C3 7"* re tt & rt pL, h pl, pl, pu a, _JJ X .S OJ oj .« O H i/n 00 •H OO 00 M - - U"l Y> "> N + S M re In rt rt •- rt I-' '— ♦3 rt ra rt c a X -a a -3 C/J 13 B rt « 13 a rt 13 s -a 0 13 3 CO 3 3 13 lJ" CO B c a ™ s it: a co T3 13 nd H nd H nd H nd H a rt w — a rt rt rt ra a rt « w iS rt w W « C3 C3 0 3 JO ■z _a JO O OJ 3 >, -a b ^ >> 73 >>>>>.>» c OJ IS rt a OJ a co C 1 — 1 O h rt u n u 0 1 — 1 i E as CO ra n C>Ci-C>CCCC CU CTJ Oj n U cl U V u V EDEEECaaEE r^ -i- ri • 0 t>. • 0 N -1- ON r^ ^o ro w-i * * NO NO »J- tN -+• 00 r^ r^ CO m OS r^ 00 OO (^ HH 0 m CJ 00 CX) HH OO M M ON CO w M M H M IO rf M M 00 00 h" NO CO CM w bX >. d M >> v2«^^Oucja;g«t;u0^g, b OJ >! _>, ^J rt rt 3 rt a • • • • t^ no O • O a,c OJ 3 « OJ 3 CO >—, li, CO 1— 1 CO S S •£ = 2 e E •> 2 S P. » J E C ^ i-3 rt .S ■« C ^3 m ^^ Oj OJ u -^ -C -C T c : u 0 5 t- c c Ji = ra 2 ra oj oj u « ra o. a e e e a ^ OJ p. o a c U < c >> £ ra •- — c rt t- >» rt re ,« oj E = O PL, OC CO co h ^ 73 73 OJ Qj cc vc cc cc cc ij: tc 2ZHIH22!2IHIE222IH22Z5I5^^^^^~^^^"73"~''"0' OJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJQJOJ E E E E E E E rawrarerererarere EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE « « c « ic « ra re re re re re 73 13 OJ OJ « e« « « « re re re re re re 364 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o re .s — re § rt bd •£ re c "ft, ^0 H T3 C rt J3 0 -a a re |H u IS c 0 WD ■0 c n — td C td Q < T3 c 03 u a; fcuO -C Ih ho c s (/J .O T3 E 3 rt s 0 0 re u OQ V] re c/-j re hi >> C a >— > > .Q re nt 11 re < Oh B O PL, Pi Cu .„ _Q QJ « S „ ^j T^ ™ T3 "d Ph Ph hh IS- -O jg W "2 E >^ s "O E < bfl « o o o d n a a n pq 52 rt « a 3 .9 re £ c/5 S "° n S zi n bfi *-> SK 5 M w — Ph W a§ g s a rt • - «8 'B IS .22 IS .2 O 43 O -fl co u cn u W Ph Ph C/3 Ph rt re — Ph Ph W re re pq re 43 pq Ph 2 j j= x j: o o u u h-1 hJ '-5 c c c c n c c re re re re re w (ui>u4(i>(uajaj(L>,¥ PhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhO -a "a k> »-( c c -, re re -a ~ c c c c « « -C J3 * M O O E P9 "2 a b a < -8 B re -o « "2 5 .2 *n >> a, !3 .E c £ a a Am a Ih re tun a § w z JS HH HH re U P » O IU -a c T3 C -a c re "E re T5 -a u bO G re 41 v: >r 0 Ph « M C < o S Z p< ^ 2 .5 s x i ia "^ P3 -o c 13 re re <" b B C rt hh O , X 1— , <3 M O OO 00 M OO M M OO ££ 0 *VO H OV t^ t^ O 00 00 00 t-^ N W >H PH ^ *5 *C bi *^ W Q, rv 3 Ch Oi in »n s »n >o OO t^ tv >*■ t^ tv § < < ^< s • VO ON M tjt o\ <*■ o\ CN N N N t>* H H H s s < < « « M O Q O I .E § -b 2 111 ■5 < w m N m IH IH OO OO N N N NO~ ~ (u 3 t^; Ad < S TJ- UN rj- NO WN ^5 00 N "1 ■+ N j£ *: 6 c«0< ■ j3 j £ BJ5 w^~ ChO. a1— i^^Phc^WWn re .0 c -° .= re to .2 Ml 2 bCbJObX)bCMbX)bJDbXltJ[l - B c "J o b re n: w re - 2 fe 2 « *- Vh .ii _c re re .533 ■ih re aj (D qj •— H bfi ^ O J= 0 £> jo CD St In 0 V O « £3 hj T3 W "re co M PL, WD a cd u re PL a V re Ph 3 0 — . § £ w < « •£ re re W T3 =3 £ •£ bfi n u ■ — c «3 " W .2 "> £ B B B ^ -a -a -o O •_=: u E T3U 5 re -a ~Q o £ a £ ft) re W T3 * -H E E E £ W re T3 W E CD P « w £ E E a E ca W .5 "O T3 c £ -= "g-ocS « E E E •p, co re c« co re re O) to re OJ E "? c n id Ed id bO U >. u a cd £ E >, £ E >> b £ >N U E b F JO CO CO id PL B B OJ * c 0 B c a 0 0 a c 0 B 0 C 0 0 — - E 0 £ £ £ B B 1-1 O •— > 0 •— > id CO 0 1—1 0 n 0 N n NO t-~ 0 * -t t^ u-i a 0 ON f) N vo ON On O <*■ 0 N O 0 ae CO CN ON O 00 OO ON 00 M 00 M m H M OO ON M M 00 M M H M H rf CO rC N «~ CO 00" ■ 0 0 >> CO 7, a 9 0 CD 0 be 'H 3 Q. < < id a 1— > 0 Q u B B t-l 1—1 cd > U p 1- id -a c v re PL >— , 1- re s c re 0 y, u 0 C7D < 0 re re a 3 — . re s t^ to CO * -t- CM a w *t w-i n- 0 0 r^ LO O 0 N ^c ON O ON •+ N C 00 O 0 OO ON OO; ON OO 00 M M ea 00 M w ea CO M M M OO M 00 cc OO M M t^ ro CO m On O Is* ►» m *1- tn 00 "1 N ON 2 u 11 < fc< Ph > re re re o. c re re C - > X 5» S. §S *h*h - — — re c re -^ cu u < S 2 2 to J*" jj" j/ j* jf 3 3 3 3 D " n r; ~ — E B E B B « -2 j= J5 Ph -O W c -o o K _£ E w ^ - re 53 Q Ph m W *» JS bfi p 71 "^ — Www re — o w A ■£ > S J E^ >N T3 a o C bfl ed u p< '£ g ■m W re "O « u re m S JK ofl (3 (VI ? § •— ed —. re bfl M — c a « ^ fa EmI > fa JZ B 3 — ' « K *j o .Si E M ■~ w IS m g ja 3 a c — OJ re -s 0 u ed ►— i 01 fa 0 u re I— » re fa ed U m re a. 0 c ou u ■a 3 fa £ a fa fa .* c fa O Cu a pq T1 -3 a ed "H m OJ c c re C bfl .2 < S3 S a< o< bfl s re u jij O « o o o • m © g = xi 5£ _ U O CJ (J 0 0 o o a r j <*h re s* 3 5 •- fe wr 13 P .— *J l) 0 .m u C — re -5 c OJ 3 .2 i> B J £ bfl 2 ^ S3. S M * 2 O C _ T3 re re _q .lis a "3 M « 0 C 3 re re C .2 3 _* U c fa « ■« Si B a pq < lis < < < s Mh W ^ w 'i '& 'I '5 C 3 % -a •rt T3 T3 •n < -a sd c C C ed 3 ed -a 3 re a; V K -ll'1^0 VOM3 OONt^O^lOO • ifl i +oo MOOPHMOOMt^WMlHr^MGOMlH MM t^MMt^t^OO>. Ot^t^MM M "-I.W MM M MMMMt^Mf^_ « N " " N^« 2 N^NOO N IT M„ "."NVO^OtC ^JT«- Q O Q S fa < < >=\ iS, S < £ w £ £ § = fa<^Q^OO o<^,^< ■+00OM •0>-1-^u-i.tJ-.0'O • • \r> OVMI^- • m oo o\»/">or^ONt«-it^NO,/",t<"> mvo ^oc^ni^ooooo m^-\otJ- ooooooOMt^vooot-^Or^Ooot^vo vot^ (^t^OO'vOt^OOt--. o\ o\ h 4 MMMMOOMt^MMOOMOOMMt^. t^M MMMt^t^MM t^.t>-t^t^t> ^M^M MM MM MM MMMMM 4 n \o" o _m -rfv£T-vo'_-cKTf^ -oo" M~iCcf--'f,^i ^~ •. «. •• i NCJNtoONN^MNNNOMN^ Om poMmO^iomm t^MVOO'* n.regreareJ3rereX>g*-gBB sre yrere*-;ga fa re 0), 3 re o § s" a B re re ed E E 3 o J C ^3 g 'J bfj ^M^6 c c ^ S 3 c « re re re -5 bfl 3 »j F t- o 3 h w "O -a" *j- *r 5 «? _S ^ re ai re 3 333: re3i-333^i; u u u i) u V u u u u hC M- M-. J-L-. k-'-H H-l qj qj oj qj qj qj qj tC K X X ffi E K iu aj qj oj qj ffi ffi ffi JC x List of Baptisms. 367 re M "^ -o £ fe 9 « -S ti c -a -o fa XI ~ ^ J* _ u w = ■fa 2 a .2 £ o. w re .e o J3 o cl, u > cl, fa en w re «!«P5 re o o ** -C o o H o re re re >—>>—>>—, fa S « *» 0 b ^ ^ ^ £ W fa fa ■B -g S re c c -O u r- c JJ re CO _e ui «i — ~ W seJs fa CO fa1 ~ c 0 " TD u 'ijj 1- u u -e -C -C a a E u SSSS £,K E js jz js x: v re 5 * 0 3 * « ra C re re re W fa I •S .a !%< w ££ -C -O "O "O 5 W E E -O re re o ju r; r- •- re S < < B E B "Z. pjB aj u u re ta V) s o "5 2 fa re «* "O re re w M c c -£ K B O re 5 go re « !-. u re re b£ -C Ui *■» re re 5 re re re re •a c "^ ^ O re b2 ¥ s u c2 S a a> u r re ^ re ? .2 J 4 -o 5 "5 •« re -o r: ^ *— vara qj qj v l-S n u L "O -a m-o MIT MT3 ^22— g.Jj«2>>o>o>o> ^"rtojre zifl)flirereQjrea>rea>re °& — o 0\ O ■ O • ^O O CTv OOOO O t^.^O S DO OO MMOOMt^MHIM ■ 9iM ■ Ov OO OO tJ- wi O «^ 'l- o\ so >o t^ tv. 1^. M N S S to in m r-. t^ t-~ r^ t^ t^ w t^ t>. t>. SO 0\ OO Tt- N N "1 W IH M OO OO NnO"\iiu"i«NN ^- ~— re re ^ ^ ^ Fi s is 1— , >— , to *^ t~. >~» "*> § O Z < A D < fa fa 09 N N t^ ON N H ** bi • »- U n, 3 " n e *> 3 M ^ 3 co < O 2 >-> -^ ~ ^ -^ ZL -1 ' -CTS'OO • -ON* *cocOt1"ON' ■ • srtMoo NOO0OssOtv.«^vnt^ONO0iHO0vri MOOOSVOt^t^t^^(^. l-^t^oo oooo«r^r^wooooOt^«ooMt^ oomJC^.mm«m^^^ mm« m 00 m ON M to N 5 -S E.cL-fti « rea.o n ," Jit ir ^ i; *? 15- u ~r -■ M re O -S ^= •= J= fa fa .5S S c e >» n c 5 u 5 re — re o w Jl re re re qj E-t-i-ufc-ut-i. cccccccc aj3>Dva;a>a^aja> t^ M M O M OO* SO „ ■4- ^ U r^ t*» o n N N M • co N >2 C Q. Q. re re i> i) <^- 1— , co co ni .- .5 v 4> U «J 0 u 0 re re re > O Rl > 0 y B eg •— > bi 9 < B re 0) c 1—! — i 1— q u 1— 1 •— 1 s re B B < B re a A V J3 H fa re B "3 •— 1 a X •1 a > _E u M Jo c 1 OJ e ) u u u- u a> u V 1) a> a> xz R E ■ed = u s = E E F 0 u 1) 1) U u ' P A _x j= B S c B X B c c u — U u 1/ CJ OJ u V a, c ex X. ■— X- EX a. X a 0, ex D, a a a. c X i> 4J u 0 0 1/ u 4J a> u z < X xxxxxxxxxxx X X X X X 368 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ■fi w £ .2 o ■5 S .• u CS C C C c - 13 « be u u s^ ill tU^S < ■$ oj "O -a H ^J W — (3 b£) " 5 J" ^ i-. I— i o 0 Si —■ »- 13 P, O « o -5 O s : C « CS J3 +j B <- "B *> > J3 > £ & &> o .H $» s -e £ O o a a U e a u O 13 cs cs "O 13 cs • ra o o j: Ml u u •1 S cs ^ OJ > > 0J Q Q S ^ .a .h b .2 -a cs a .2 W C3 "O >73 E E CS CS < < W W Pm cl, w ffi o > B cs c -a -B -G X) cd cs B B B n en cs CS id TO s B B B B JB .B j= JS JS 0 CS c 0 c c 1— ) u. 1 — 1 |— i i— i | — i |— co • u U CS flj -a -5 o t^. t-v oo t- t^ „ u-i vo o oo "^ m "^ N N M N < < Q § S ^< o w t^-vo On OO w tow OO M r>.w tO OO T^-OO MOO MOOOO MOO M M MM M m m^Om^^wmON t> MjJ .*, • M • *C . VI t*1 c?\ ON • w* so VO t^OO 0\vO\0 0\M\OVO VON ^- "-i o oo O oo t^ oo M oo v^~ Ov vO M oo" OfaZO N HH h» N M O OO M it so r> r^ «+ M ro w-i o C\ OO r^ w CO M GO OO N OD r>s o m M OO M oo M 00 H H HH M M t> OO Dq n - C\ ift N 'l-J?>'i-cjbbEVo!>> a, «2 o a-cjJS"™ . *; to ^ *; oj cs D «J S O Q t» 2 ■s s CD .- .2 -5 ^ c c CS W (j TO cs ■a .2 n 2 JZ X i- u "C- u a TO u 1 J r | s s s aj 0; u X J £ jl: ,^ ^ PQ JJ "C i cs u i „ cs 13 "3 L W tl > Q_O..OJ3J3J3_0_Q.O..£3_0_D..OJ3 ^- ^ ^- ■_-■__■— ;_ ^_ ■_ ^ ^ ■„ l- i- qjQjcuCUvUQJCUCUCUuCUvUvUvV KM M-* Mi ^^ hi 11 11 1^ hH 1^ n n 11 W(HR(l4WWWhH(l,HHHkWH List of Baptisms. 369 o IZ re Z* Ui _c c •£ W ■a IT3 w .3 re re bfi re co ui U — «! M - CO (jr. c ,£ "o £ "o rj re £ -a T3 (j u n « M « D Q '2 O 3 VO O m HI q _ _ CO °2 m « « 3" .O .0 C — — : c u u n a. n. c ■_ s- — CO _Q 3 c« ^ n cj n t3 Ph 1— , Ph p< pq < J3 -C -a -a •v -a 3 3 fa fa be « I « T3 ca 3 - J fa S w " C3 S « m 5?S ca B — ca D — — ^ fa W w J3 m cj O O « u u -° ca n *{ 1 — > 1 — » Pi ca "^ co ,. C oj ca — •- ca .S "« "w .S ^Ui ■J3 nj ca -t; - ca U -3 s s -a -a U ■B S C « j= -2 .^ ^ b E j ."2 ."S ^ jj js > o o o > t^ OO w ro * l^ (^ (~- to OO O ^O CO M •H (^ 00 CO M 11 OO Q Q w 2 * ° ° * ° + + N » 00 ON 00 OO OO t^ HI M fs. M Q X X •3 S 2 « 1- c A C CJ < -a T3 c c M « fa < (t N N OO M M M OO **• "> t^ t^ -M 'l-CO'OfOMVO (M •* -o ca c re 'E ° — re — c >- re o^ «i co co ^ pq S * m o *r «- *.- *-- S . ox t^ r^ r^ t^ o ^ N m « <^ t^ O O O vo «i n 00 + i- 00 00 m 00 00 t^ OO M N N* m O • >o vo cm r^ **■ O N O O o 00 00 00 00 t^ HI M M M HI • N « S ^ cj bfi bC < o ^1 MT re *J rj CJ "" "u rj fa>£SOfaQ<* T4- CO Q\ u^ Tt" OO OO >0 l^ OO H H t>. M HI H, Oil Oil -J OJJ 3 3 •£ 3 < < fa < fa < .2 E c ca o -a > o - ,* 3 w 3 U W O fa _ ^ t£ ol bfi be re re .£ .S .E .E E fa fa 1_ fa, fa '~> fa* 1> 1/ L/ pq u Q ^ L U ^J S 3 o o S «j ° ° ™ ht. re re Q x — . —> E c c u : : : e _ < < re .2 .2 .2 .2 ^ 3 re re re re re fa s s s s s u (J a> v co OJ CO D CU xk = = = = 2:- x x x x x x x U CO *-> -U o fat o 4; U OJ IIEKSKSIKKKIIIK 37o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u z -= iX re <+- — 1 £ C re -D a J re re •r -e « J .5 re -g B 3 &, £ S ~a n a e cd re V t& 0 E -a CO ftf o o U _e W i- "S "^ re CO l<4 ^ — "O .£ "S, .5* Dh 3 T1 bJj re 2 B Id u a> C re bO Ih -c o .5 5 ffi ~ w s u -° 5 .2 5 re i< S .5 re oj .2 c re - — . -g • i_ o w « re "a 4_, c J •- t; w g -a <5 re 13 W .2 .8 'C .SP re (J »c -a .a <= o H .y « 52 •- • .c c c u .- .- See O • OO 00 11 t^. fa O < s O OO On M Ov oo f^ oo o t^ H f^ W t^ M ** - »rt - °^ M \o w no -> >- u > • 'u JS S o u a S h2 O < ?:? CO <, NO t<1 tx t^O t^-Ti-M M ONM ih on t^ (^ r^. OO .- -nS^-m m to w> vn oo • • >-> • *5 >, >» >» i— .O^Ocoi— ,k >^; cq oo o ^ oo r^ 3 3 1 fa "re 13 re B C re U t! r s o i—, u re x> u (J 0) * N N OO to tv < s ss 13 •£ ■g u ^ re be .2 o - re 3 J re (J ■{J - re re c ~Q v P *-9 «S a c •£ •c 33 c _, eg T3 C .c tS u .O C re >- < j^ 6 ^ £ b ° !: S M JJ <= u .y ■fl 33 "C ■£ Ph 33 •C -C o o C oj u W O W u E 5c £ as m a _ © ji a <= % s « ^ o W &, o E > "o S3 • re -; • • • t; u u £ j= - - hi o ■= = 2 OJ JJ JJ a o o re S E -e - ^ .9 tn V O S3 -CCre f c J3 — ._-_) < 33 S J2 (j ►is S3 n >. eg re J i-l P^ U ■JZ hJ T3 •d W CO -3 "o a • - ca 3 w 1 1 ^ re re -a '5 W ^ S & pq j- re re pq re — -a c c — i < 33 £S 53 33 S .s ja J j= .s S SC 0 re ^ ^ g re 13 re _ re x, 5 jEj re S s < S^K oc re _ « C .S 33 33 uj S < 33 \0 O O M M OO <* to • • • N OO MD w HI OO w VO (^ w M 00 OO OO 00 00 w f^ O 00 M M m M OO M M VO O u-> 1^ OO 00 l-l M • o >o 00 OO N «0 >> bJD N OS M ^ c< w > bX bi • >» X bJD — *-> a re _ ^» O O n 00 O w 0\ OO 00 ro t^. ih m m t^ tn 00 • • O ii • *n t^O m 00 t~-O\t^Tj-00 MOOOO M M t^MOO M 00 t^ m O m m 00 00 N &• N n yp m £^- G. _ *- O. — w re www bi > ^ D q -i- C Q, C -D re w .y ■s; re > a c c t •> a o S E x as i j3 - «,-^^ i at. re re re co ^- b£ P3 rt 00 n »r 00 -+■ 00 H OO HI u <-> 3 w o < re rr S z re re E E EEpEEEEcEEEpEEE ra — ro e| e >*-. t*3 >*-. E £ re re E E ||g a= a= tts M^4i<>il|i<3£>i<>ii<|llii HH 372 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ~ « w u u £ S 7? £ w U .-I eft X >- .3 CS M-t re >-i 4= w S'S o V — T3 ■« g re .5 C > 53 by »> s "° 53 » o ? S •*' re re •£ i£ x " s "rh •5 "5 • rt u ™ ? s » « ^ re •-« r ^ o .2 -H — re re 43 (j .-. re w 5^2 re -a * O < S u re •s *n ■u re re S u 2 re c PL, PL, u re oj PQ > PM bX _ i- u o rr o OJ kT Q O £ ° A O 4= a M _ « n C »J r» re X i) X R r ■ R re re a K re a. • a. c u .2 «■ l> X • x •- X 43 t >- H ft nO ^ K c - 1- ■B re t < n n w a x -o c w re I g'| C « -n T> re SSS ■a -a a a re o re 2 43 43 C tl >i re PQ 2 -a -a E S V o "5 Q -n -a c c M re ag OJ re hi u o -a aj c (J < — C re — Q Q S re, 5 « "S 'S < PQ pq u re u T3 * a 13 a Ti re a ri re ■n u a re c 4= a 0< p B aj re u re > cc pq > ^ -a ^ "^ S c c w n « H .¥ re 5 O co pq ~~. 00 «u M H ca jj D< t^ m to C7\ N M VO >0 N M OO OO « M N OS N ifl + ifl N OVOO 0\ N N DO N t^OO N 0\ N OOMt^MMI>«OOt-(>H»H^M O - - - oo m r^ oo O M M a, d _ N — n q •« •« «r j o 2 OO OO OO o ^ § < < < ^< ^§ S < § £ < z o £Q O £.£< S £ Z S -+- — — , M n — < 2 r/l i^ & 3 E £ i-1 re IS W a s _• < 1) j; 0 o £ K JC K K 53 o o 53 53 co • • \o O O O O O u"iO\oo woo N t^vno\0\co Ovoo t^»ni^ioooo c^oo i^i^Cn OOOOMt^t^t^t-tWMMWt^ *" ^t- N N t~~- t~~ > P> > s. s. ^ (u •* *; &0 « O 3 .S z < ■ or ^~ fc 9. .2 0) E < 5 n .5 c a. 6 b 3 S re 3 ^2 co Oj G ed Cd ? W Ih U T3 "' C A a C -a W S =2 -2 A JO 3 3 — ^ ■* « w * 5 C 03 e OJ . > 3 3 03 03 js -a Q C • re • c e a. cd t i- cc • pq < 03 < h £ ° «j « jo _ •« ■« -a m -O "O C c C c c ra cd « "O Ed n ed Ih _> be ed ed S m s o ed -a a u, c .a .a Q & £ U< Ih U J7 :3 u « 2 o w Q Q £ O ft O 0> M-« OB OJ § IS ed ■o pq a T3 ed td ih Ih a . 3 S *-H " « S o > < u u W § -S •£ _ ed ed ed ed -a -o «-> .a 3 u, E c ra " co X c q .a .s M fa U U *0J S 1) u ed ra ed ed 2 U « ed T3 13-1 i ed \s c T1 T! cd *d bi s s O d ed a E fe .5 u u u p p- v 'u 'C J3 _c , Oh b tt, Ph Oh t^ 00 CM VO • V3 00 •+ u-, en ri ts Q^ M |» K c^ V. IH t^ M t-~ 00 M r^ . l~ r> M ^j V. V. ' N v© — VO o en M V- Ui >, ed '— a O. 0 < a a s CO s eg •— > § >o m +\o t^ M w* M O u-i (^ ^- o o e^ w N N N N ~ ^ Q. ed y ed O ^c^ S o § Cfl • - n c .2 2 J | ^ « V3 > >, u- u- lT i_T . " m *< »> t u i3 2 ££ M *- *j -w ^ t- u u U U s n c c c £ a a c c c u. ed ed « ed < u 4, j= a, a < _E '£1 u W -r W o fe: 0> 3 X) O O O O — :S ______ ZZ _ _ _ 25 K K S E K u I-" V bX ed !— a a CO td td 2 id J9 ed u bJO Eh O V 0 0 u ed ^^ a lH ed cd U u OJ u II r. a c Ih u u 41 QJ U a J- JS _^ hO XI — ) a 9 9 :3 19 :3 9 _ _ M = K K _ rs v© a M 00 00 + \o "^ y/-> K1 r> -+• ^0 -t- t>. v/1 M LO vo N CO 00 in in m Tf r^ -1- -+ n t^ Tt- 0 ""! 00 00 r^ 0 00 W m r> t^. r^ 00 O M M M M »H M IH t^ w CM >~i IH 00 IH M M w M 00 t>. IH 00 00 * <~n M r> N •* tn iO H vo t> ro -f O IH N M N N N N CI r) N N M M w rl * C Cd u 3 o • t^ vo p» »4- OO en t~» IH 00 M < a S * _ - - 374 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o w •= 1 a 13 C a) *0 u Ih U u 0) ^ .£ C "O * 3 _Q :re w — I 1-1 pq -g u « .2 « K S " £ £ j2 .23 .23 OJ OJ OJ *-H « S x o £ u Ih m U j. 1) _ nu'-'^'-'-ii-'-ii-i ^H PJ Q PJ PJ CCJ P] PJ ■« Cu h- , fa fa fa fa fa -g -9. re £ fa fa 4) *^ 2 o •5 < •5 w u M a 3 -S re (J *T3 re »H "3 c o a c re re -a G O O bfi bO a o Q, p O - r- — G ^ _ ^ *« "« -o go go G G W re u .:, .m _.* tH 'J fa < S5 w £p P £ fa fa 1 ^S ~ *2 "0 wS g •Dfl « c c -a W ■*"• t*. -G s O -Q w - HI •o 8 u fa 0 a 11 c 2 fa H K 0 ffi h 6 .£• c v .o ■2 >H .-. o # ~w f1- w fa fa fa I—, V w .2 3 S3 * Ih r- D u -o c u c re 2 _G re IS p u -a .2 c T3 G 03 re £ °5 fa a re — fa 5 « 1 N Ih CD c c re re pq U U <1 Kyi -G fa (j 0) p id .&.-> G G CD re oj c P X < fa fa •— > re o 0 In ■— E w G — J3 re W O „ -o -a bo G C o re re qj re u -5 P ffi ^ 3 'S M .22 ^3 CJ re a J< < < c re « 5K§ fa .H G j3 re 5, w bD T3 bfi o J^ ■d p O to .S .S .8 w — -" ■" t. M I) « » D T3 = .«i T3 8 ••* -G > > fa 0 S 3.E fa g JH re o -g .y o £ ? N CO ■<^. kT °^ m w On • M ro ^- M NO • On t^ o o o o o NNONO OnOnOnOSOn tv.OOt-^HMI-IHM - 00 00 M N in N N N >h N ^ >, J K, M wi > >> 8 > 3 ° Irt bi "C 3 Q. oo oo no OO CO l^. bfl >> > On OO f^ OO OO t^ t>. >^ 1^. M M <# „ H NC „_ „^ c p5" re re t! ^^6 6S<^d • w On rh N O On O On oo n r^. oo t^ M OO IH M M 13 •"S re j bb > 'C O 3 O O, o < z, < re m c :re -. -- fh re O IS :3 3 =3 :3 K K K K fa t^ On NO O O •* 00 no h^ On on O Cm M (H On On On •1-1 «h Ih . >. a, re re *j — cc § S O hi <- J3 •= -2 re «■ S .2 < > re -S G 3 J, < fa fa fa *** CO OO OO NO *^5 Cm O E E M >> A G re u re re X S "f ON I s 2 u ■2>P C- I o _ . . N CO •* •O 1 3 -° fa < < fa 5 0 'S -W OJ OJ qj qj 0 Ih re Ih re § Ih U § ^T U S ^ ■£ -s - ^ - -G -o C G c ,3 >= < < < fa fa a a a, -c c iz ij-TEeeaGCG 33333333-^333 333333 fafafafafafafafa faHHpH fafafafafaE J=. en u a; OJ !\> OJ m^: _U ±i J«! M M^ JQ 0 0 0 0 0 O List of Baptisms. 375 S.a c . _ •3 ■ H -E a '~ — > C/D 3J -£ O E h co fl Ed -5 C4 U > u id s to cd .2 ~ cd •s -I 3 £ -9 *i *i co »- .5 .8 n M 5 -E -E -a -a 0 VO t^ ON (^ t~» O « N" N" ^ ~ - N ^ 0~ N«M„»^VOc?VW,-,tO O < < £< < Q Q < S • VO O Tt- • ON • rh vo ifl ts vn \o vo t-» t-^ t-» (^ r>- -)- t~» M H M (~. W VO M M >*■■ . M* W N ON M VO N M M N „ o\ **■ . oo O vo t^ OV •<*• X W ^O ed *" ■5 'i -o (j -a cd M •o ,«J Ji C "O O U i_ t> CJ = « = X n -a -a o W fe 2 j= i ^ 2 ■a O u II ^! ^ ^ ^! ^ ^J U U l> _o - - vj 25 bl aj c e fl OJ id J Q PM £i ■1-i D fl fl So J3 ** Ed cd C3 •— > F K 'ii C/3 u ■ 0< — i c J3 M Ed c M JZ «J JZ JS w en - ■ B ja w C flS rt W E E .a w E E u E 13 -O -O w « Sd Ji Jj JS So >> >, ^ TS ~° *> J2 < o u JS JS U vj a e E C E O C3 cj ■S •£ ed w u u O OO O rf- N VI oo oo i^ o O O N t^ M M Cv ON ON OO M N CM °° vri OO O •5 3 C— . ky "^! w ra OO tv. vo t^ »o t^ ■S CM be _• < fa CO OO ON O O oo oo m Ov H f^ OO oo • O t>. vo vo N M t^ N CM .cd £ 'u cs E b K > h-5 o a, ra o ** i! h u. i- ^ „ aj "S O © w c ■r -a suo5 -5 ^ OOOOoOOtJObJCU) - u cj u w cd cq cd co ccj cd co e ^r 5 w CO ~ 2 cd 53 vJ E CO w cd m t/i v cd cd 5 -T3 -O « • 1> E E -° -E O < < £ VO CM vo t^ vo (^ M t^ M 6J0 > >i DO™ i— > w rt cs ra 376 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Ml a n iO 73 ■o rt u W a c •-1 > '5 s re re K -a 73 73 e re E V a u £ 1* u hi -3 u re U E E -a a _o 3 u N pq c . "C ih re c re c =2 = .a w :0 » re •V * 2 a 2 £ a 2 i) cy UJ TJl -d a e re re u E re re re 73 Pi «* ** K* < 73 re II u w Q -a c re co . 5 re re 73 -o 1—1 c -a re c re re re re T3 M to M 73 73 73 73 73 c C C 73 -Q c c re re re K E A< » H M "1 fn re 42 C 43 re re 42 re ^ *► 2^ re^ «JJ;^ t^WWOO MMMMOOMHOOHWOOOOOOt^ONMMMWOOWOOt^OOM OO l^ N oo* > o a-. a. oo vo~ N O O - ^O j t3 -• u h' M S - N VO M O y z o 43 Oh re a c O re ja til o c c c ' u re D oj O K K ffi c i: L^ e>< re w <^ ni *!: T1 ^ ,-n flJ jr -J .. ,2 * ^ rt 43 42 u aj re P< Pi CO W fc Z Ph co & 1) U O CJ bJO b£ bfi bfl bJDbJ3b£b£bJDbJDMbJ0ii C C C ^ « * ^ u u Si 'Ji VJ ^ QJ QJ c a (u oj qj 2 >- c JZ QJ _C Pi Xi ^ V '■' m -a o '> oj — > £ £ "S W -a ^ E 5 •a T3 cd ra -< o W W u id 0 id CI o u td cd Ed id m M en *3 a l-J '5 c IS £ c oj h C O :0 o "^ V Z 4J w H *,« -a E3 -a c . c sd _M Ed M -a 2 « -I U .« EU 1) 1> £ -9 Ed W -a % ]£ F ed («j '£ w 1- •a c Ed n •a a M c Ed CO — c u. A H bl hi — 43 OJ O JO _ OJ iv" * 5 c •£ RK £ X j: J t- jz V 0 K < < ,° - .3 XI CJ S3 W ■a bo ^ « .5 nj <-, ^ «_, <_, cj Ed cd •c « jq x QJ a; ' M s s be bO cd cd CO < «S u u: u u x; fri cd cd -a s -a -a -a s § cd — glS < CO — - cd M C X C pq U < -c < < < ~o c "O ed Cd 15 -a Si E ■a cd c -a v S^s — — cd ed cd "Scd*^C*^lu^0iu .3cdi;edcdco„obfl cu -a o g 2 Z E E " c £ u £ ^o^h^^e^^S^hoh^^cp: "T3 J= E u E o u o h Ph h E E o o »rt ro O W M OO t^ w t^. l-~. t^ t-^ M 00 M H M t>- O \T> X»-| t^ l^ "^ w M M ^, ^ »^i r~ r^ m r- vii ci tCN«0Nl-1C>N"'-rNNNOOwN_N 0. »t- vO < (O HO <. i— > •— i CO VO to t^ t~~ vo r^ • * ■ • O t> O t>. t^ c«"» w vo N N "l W OO S M NOO H r^.r-~oo r^(^vo t-~t>.N NOON ~MMrrswC'1C«"'N»H NO w ^_ > J bX) _: b^ •? >i *^" . •. *C ^> bl O u 3 •z o < N <> b« m t~^ 00 0 O -t- (Cj >J-i t^ t-^ N l>« u-i r^ r^ M IH NH r^ M M M N CO t> -f \e 3 3 Z CO S CO O < S Z £ Z < < § (£ D C £S < Z fc<^— . O O >— i O O Ed Ed 3 c E c j= jz ^ J= cv>ucuuuuuvbCb£^>vvvvuvubC btbibCbCMbObCbtu i- bUbCbCbCbCbObCbtu U (U U- f* l^i I4 O X X O J3 bCbibXibCi1 k tcj> M b£ i- bfi :0 :Q :0 :Q :Q :0 :0 :0 :Q :Q :Q 378 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. cd •-« *3 +3 fa R "3 2 *> s Q Q Ph cd « « E >-, m a. — cd t_ < ed bfi ed cd S in .3 cd — bfl cd U . bO . . 4> 1h co >-> M-1 cd * S T3 ts "3 ^ C C cd cd cd >-c >_, M PP M £ ssSo £P w .£ .g ■£ J* c u ^5 ^o w .y _Q Pi cd cd ;3 o . — , cd _ — 2 fa fa fa ss h D < fa fa h J= o fa (J U C C oj CD ^t! cd cd "2 a M — ■ S^ V is 2 = j> "^ u g IS ^3 T3 .a Cd T^ a -a c cd — u .a ■a c cd (LI a cd t-i u 5b 3 CA U 1h -a c ed I* 2 -3 a ed N C Cd "c3 N w 5 |H cd cu W tl. a a ~ u :3 fa cd 0 s U c i — i s- ■~ HH U -a < CI 2 oj > fa c < 0 >— > cd V ^ . -- ■5 w w H Ih & £3 « -a s c 13 cd -a ■O aj O v b£ T3 T3 C q^ -C Qj ™ C E < pl, h fa < < < • o O l-c "■> oo ^- M N VO ON t-H. os r-~ (^ O t-. t^ t-^ t^ oo fl w n w "ft. OO N LJ ^O I^ f^ t^ § o < < to ■ • ^- ^ "O w OO oo to S W N N OO IH t*H, t>H M M £» > = o a, -H « OO m ^, cd *-: a, (^ t^ l^ I"-. rt- O N >n OO to «o t-l M n N t-i I^h H "+ — S^^<^^<<^ O to ^o O w N OO OO cq N 03 N ON N M N " tO ^O _h _ O rH tJ" k-H •-*< 5 h u — s^ t>* tO t^. t-N* M OO W OO t^. M OO M H IH ^ M ^cn § < O < O cd cd •-H •-• |H § s »o H VO OO Tj- N Ul N N m M t>. t-« IH OO 1/1 _- - OO t^ I « cd C -a i- jC ed •— > Ph CI a ed § cd IH J= O § a cd . t^ t^ t^ M IH H M ^ J~ -^ - -1 M " M N * — . H M CJ >H o _>1 ri v 3 cd cd « O to wi to t^ oo C J3 h^ J? Q < fa cd ed .Spq £ fa W) c b ed c cd cd ed -C u cd «- *« c cd « • = « s Z 3 S T3 ra 3 C 03 r. ^ w "5 « i J J3 /3 S t- K c o c 5 O -C pq 5 .S «fi 13 m ^ 3 u __ o o w y u B cd cj -S •£ « « u u t. c ^ ~ rt id £ c c c ~ c « r2 o - c ,« c .2 £ Ih J= cd W n n n a (i n i--. cdcdcdcdcdracd™ "^ cu c"H-o-o-o"a-a-«T3 "Ejccccssc ^"cdcdcdcdedcdcd u "u J= J J jC J ^ c a. a, a. &. U O) u § s s ON M • O m o\ ve v t~~ r^ O n no m oo no r-» M M oo m t^. u c S 2 2 « c c c c K En t^ oo O •&■ t^ w ih •+• OO "^ CO v^l M 00 oo vn m no « oo oo on N N in m N D D S < O O ££ b-= - E w K <- n b u = b '•£ « a c « a u w w S 5 - . . "^ *= l- u u £ nJ u; ■- i, -= _= ^r 5 3 a) « ra < •— » 09 CO CO N NO n IH NO N IH l> OO r^ ts cc O IH M CO w M in w - «T On r ft u u a <» < O Q < • M N NO OO NO t^ w IH f^ OO OO OO IH IH IH to CO CO ^C^S (d ra •- ii « .2 a cd rt cd ™ ^ s s £ ""' 3^" cd cd cd W UJ w 38o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. c W W M W H <2 "P S CJ ■S E W-S .a s w .J es .2 .2 M Ed _Q S 8 " C +i c c -a U Ph fa ffi Oh < ^ .5 -2 M ~ fc H H « 8 « « -3 2 re rei X x c r a. X H • re • C re c rei c a. re H m >h cs re 2 W M M R t/- X u t- u re c re E s- |H X ^ ^ re) U -a CO 13 CO a id — C Ed C Ed X a ed OJ (g cd "3 OJ Ed Ed D £ 3 -a x < to CO Ed Ed « Id E x Ed o c 4J w "2 rt ^H M Ed u22 u S < *o -a -a h "a ra Ed Ed M • l"«. HI O OO Ti- OO M so oo t-^ SO N» M M HI t^ HI HI HI OO s s Ed Ed -a -o < < ts »n • o so o N N ki N N m X Mh o -a a ° Ac fa fa < < > hi • w w N w 5\ N N S t-~ oo ts» t~» t-% M OO HI W M « .-. — H M N " "d" w r 0~ •<£ P C3 M "E ^ 'C Js bl) a °E n 'E ej u >- b£ 0 tj < II oo in cq n n P P r^ r>s to oo CM t~> w 00 r^ M HI f^ HI HH t-^ l^» HI HI H M o" r^ N _ OS i-i so w 1-1 H "1 N N >, •™ Ad hf 4J '- •- Ed — 25 Ch < S < Dh u CO Ed Ed 0 c «J *J bJO ^ -c .s cu cv z pq PHfafafafafafa S 5h? • X . V • X :•§ : . "0-.(D>-i"T3>s >- .-. .S lH .-H Ih •— ll -0>GCGC>C CedEdtucdcuedu s m . Is O N O vo O eoON (soooooooo ososoo MHHMHHOOOO ea X? Oh a >. bJO ^ T5 3 cj A< c cj x: cj X C -2 Ed o V u u u a; 3 CS es H rt CI £ H — Pu, & PM & c -o W °S I? «o 2 9 .Use n ~ a S E 6 E I 1) V V V Jj 1J X ■c * U bC aj a u u e n — & > § < - •a W -a "O -a ~ l-H l-( c t-l W w S ■g w "a -o -a -a _ (— I )— I I— I c eg 1^ ■a -a a c W -a . "d -a Jh K Oj OJ CD And *"" -> eg >v >■> >> "O >1 *u >v *4> >">_c "> § S w w -a -a -a -a c c > c c vnnnaviivivniinv SQKSJIllQDQKKKDKQBOSpdAa^SEKDdCQKhO U 05 1) m E .2 B ." >* Cu> CD CJ CD w c : £ « z • -a _ "a w C c f3 "O ™ C3 .. C fl CJ W Jf U f^ VO t>. a 0 N SO * OO OO ON 0 0 vc oc t^ sa OO M OO ge M 1-1 M oa M M *■< M M oa m. *** f* ** ui N *f ri >D ri u-^ N — — . O < < O, 0 - a c Ed 1— 1 1* tO M VO OO OS 00 « vo M OO M O OO D. C — (3 OJ C3 3 V-< CO 1— 1 >— 1 «s <*> **■ O O t~» 00 00 r— 00 00 « w 00 OO w • OS SO f^ M O Os OS OS OS O 00 00 00 00 OS M >H M W ^ M- % . vri . N ^ 4 » H M M « (v| H M * >s -S b£ D, S* 3 O. b hb t^.VO -OS-O -t^M . .Q -N • •+ n ooOoovot^.~,oo 00 •osNosMvotnooosoosoO'+Os •ooiot^MOOOr^OOscsosOoori.os 00 Osoo Ooovooo Nco 00 ososossooo moooo m n •(■ Noo 00 csoooooo Ov K n a MVOMOSMOO>-IOO>HMOOOOM001Ht-^WMOOOOOOOOOOMM>-ll-llHOO>«Mt>2 _00_W M.'H._M,H.M °° _MMWMM MM ^^ff -pf ««0 -V"'*v« _'*-:00',H00"00 . - _ » . „■ H Ifl OO ." _M~tO - N-MrnM«N»Ofv)MSOvoN"+M(^NNvoOOavOO»o2«^«^^^!3 a cS.^ si EiS & d^l^S * 1 >• J ^ is 1 V L* rs P3 u T • X • C8 1 i cs u .— n • JZ N J3 '^ • E a > > c " : s «= - K = < £ i c • n N b i pq 0 - B < -O • c H n - a < J!i > u u U ^ n C i> E E O "S i c u O S f3 i« IE j3 E E £ W W E ■S u .« u P -r S *•? S '*? * ,3 2 w jc .2 " z: — c * U i-l _J e< 05 to 00 ♦3 w r3 JS ra >s p 3 — "?!«£« = Su^ _d_^^^^^:_<:_<:_<:^:^:^^:^:^:_<; w ftJ _ — ra P3 rt 0 i> E c 3 > < < < '-■ >■ _- _- _- oj a> w _ u .c j: x Ui^^^UiUi^^^^^^UiUi^^^Ui^Ui^^Ui^^Uii2^^^^^ 382 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. bJO .5 .9 M W M W u -3 pq .S ■ft. T3 a H 2 X w X u oj e .5 •£ 5 < « CO -S ■o ■£ Z 2 £ u j- 0 W W ~ W fr n « pi, m m pq « W W « co * £ .9 S3 N « C C C C X — rt aj i> , 2 x .S co u X o -° -5 eo co to C — c w h2 -offi E 13 CO E w ™ * O, co -a >s co u •? W -5 3 co w Ph P-, c - E s-, Ph O U E « ™ W « j * W j W S £ S fl ^ « bo bfi ££ .a .a .a « « c a b b c c"0"0 ^C £S ° co X O U pl, Q ° . OJ . .id . . . O m CO ■ "u * X • -O T3 • D l> CO • E C ■ I) 4. pq r CO *■ . HH HH CO CO X *- W +5 co CO — B M .2 B i~ ~ n « B £ PQ co co .-. cj X co B co a, a D, C E c b£ bfi ™ « J "B 'fl X G CO co co -^3 S S 3 < < < w -a "O E S 9 c ^ co tj ■a "9 __. c 9 B « co E co X X X ™ T3 v w -'-'-'-' -^ -rl hh _i co ^ aWfofcCi,^^ co O T3 "O T3 co co ed T3 T3 cO — CO W pq -a no O ""So "C »h T3 X -B K -So tHt,^cEE&l&' o o o .a .a .a i> d U U 1) l> B OJ o . o pq T3 O E B u co O O O B 0 M O NO M M l-t OO M OO 00 O 00 N • • t-» • no NO •*$- tvt^l>."^"^t^l-IOOOOOO WMWt^t^MOOMMW t~^ VTi NO H N OO 00 HI M 00 t>. N _ ON t>. O l> o ■" NO to t»- OO OO fl H M OO N S ^ M N M S >• DO to • OO OO O >*■ N On N vr^ On oo O oo t^ V, CN NO v. M OO t^ M rxi 00 H M »H I-( o to . - t^ so 03 N m M M HH N N bi bJD 'u > I- B CO ►— 1 > 3 E O, O s o < < < z ^ oo O t^ t^ t^ N • • • -NON© . . in . OO vnO Os N h us vn to ^- N M us t^\o>n"SMoooo mnooonooo W l^f^t^-OO M MOO f^MOO M h" ^ O to >-. u a a *<-i ■ *S « 9< 9* a. S N oo" « N Os tC H U u J ^d»? 0757^52" « J* J*," Jo e ^•2 O fa 5 c rt CO Xj xj .*. V- •■-! w -S -S x x fO U .5 nUCU1j(DCDnD x j: j: ru Oj Oj bd w h4 OJ OJ (U (U M W W W qj u (u aj oj k> k> k> k> k> H% HM h-H HH HH M O • NO tO t^ OO OO N M M OO HH v co -r « a CO c3 X XI x m a "t! co « a pq ° S).2 g m « .a co ca S TO w to i; OJ ii OJ WWW List of Baptisms. 383 "O "S "8 c « sa su T3 "O ~ C3 -a U W CJ (J — E cu 0 3 co en ai (2 e a a 0 CU u Pm •a «u W W 2 "O — - w Pi •ss ■a "a c "a "^ "H "a -a c £ w ca ca = 22 -§| J 1— > < CO c c w £| w V V) . ^^ .2 2: < P. pq K CU (h sa be ca n C • -a (j ca -a qj ^£^ CO rt E gjs > > ^ > t? "o > £■ J? < ^ •> 1— > t> « S O. M >, = "3 P - - - ca sa « M E £ < • ^^- • • -NOO -t^- -u-itoOOO m m m roO ^l"0O Omoo n i- « m ^ >fl ^ NOOOO rJ-OO cotMIMC»IMt-».OOlM>MIMM O tn en 00 eo ^- o N 05 00 •+ O •+ 00 t^ IM IM 00 00 00 M . » - N N - H im N N pj Ov Q. C C — EU EU CU 3 CO CO C/5 I— , < < < < co * M M y bi >< t-C N w ■<*■ pm" ° ^^c^ca^c'^ca^d"^^ >» X ^ ^►2,0 »t- CS O O CA N O O •<*■ 00 00 00 00 *J- 00 00 00 N OO OS CO OO OO rj- no 00 tn eo m OO m Nco 00 >+ >M OO W OO IM 00 OO IM OO •+ H OO OS M EM M IM E>J cS S s E ■" c 3 cu ^ ^ < < Q c i1 n - a n ,j bJD _>, EM O b> CO EM y ti b ti S o < s< < c x 2 c c — c p. < « 2 52 y^ e o c -F -c ca u .2 a ^1 sa ca 2 v x » E E Sr-5 E E •5 cu j= H •£ C^ u' bt cu 5 y tfc ca c<> .5 o c * « J _, e u * ^ -~ -x x a ■% !! 2 S2SS 3 !! " Ph cl, a, Ph !> t> >— >cl, re X X rj U Cu Q, u h O 0 re -n C/3 (S) T3 C/J c re -rt T3 re T3 J a re a re S a re •u -rt .a 15 b~ re w XJ ><'£ '2 T3 U hS U j= x a, ft •o -a o o •2S w C c M " 1 e T3 hJ "O "O re E re "rt S -« re — E »^^S^2,Q £ Q E J=i re « — c S3 < re ni K w Q « £ ffi J3 J C .- I — a •— » 1—5 Ch •—>•—> C" re oo « ■£ "C re &h re -f3, « > .y ■£ °P c w h S c PL, K I— > vo • O • SO • OO • N O CT\ O >-l Nl VC • to *J- oo ©\ • • • N 0\ 00 • l>» to to, to • ^r N + * + 0\ * m « N so so oo u-ivooo m n ui ui O + 0\ N >0 ui to to O O oo vrios ss moo •+ (o •+ oo moo « oo co h oo oo moo moooovo totooooooovooooooooo N to o>OOMOOMOOMOOIHI-C>-ll-ll-l>HI-IOOI-C WMOOOOOOMMHOOMMMMOOOO aO< MMMM M 4-T M M M M MM S.~r?^ -t^ .. to . h oo" o" o >n m* m .. \o" '> n" to - - - c> o cK • is d « + «.• ^00NMMWNu-lt0IHiHMNl-(MN^rtIHN'i-W-ltONHM0NtoNMlo,s0 S3 w_i t*l y M M M &0-8333SyE33««£«&-l WSOOOOOOOOOOO MNOOOOOvOOOOOOOOO C\ t;tOWMMOO>+C»MMMOOOOC»OOOOC»T*-MMMM>-IOOOO«->>Hlo,l-IW>-IM.lo. J^OO MOOWOO WtoHMMHto __^MHOO_00 OO ° H ff + O* -M -"i-TocT M - „ - «woo'i-rootoOO « -l"loo"M»oscro^vo'M M5^"NtOOs^-^-tow^-toNloVO_NM'-lNMNto.-^NNHMW^ ,• iS ,• u >, . . .*;+;•. . >-, C • j S « t M 'E • _• - *^ • >s bJ3 5i >~> • ya,ycrejo*^creayxi*^rere'K-CCD'a.3&o-f<::a > > C ! « S 2 co re re ^ re o c c >- x O SEE < < < < < 5 SS^.-O-re 2 2 I '^ < J3 >.?.?.>> 3 JS .2 -3 > a c fa ta K .5 o re d j^ re re § E u5ucjP.5ww„kKh^h c x x x re U O O O kyl I . Mm M-> M-> W i! ii Ji S c ojmuuuunjiuiu OJOJIUQJfUQJQJQJOJQjajOJQJOJOJ a c c c - D.a.aaabQ'Maca(:i l» m «j u id ^ " G. C «J TO ED O re » — x v re re re x re cj re re re b "•3 S '-5 « >n >> 5 •J "3 hJ ** c -a "O re "3 r- re re ^j re re re x Pl, Ph < PL, Dh Ph < .2 'C x « §•2 bfi C re re re p< |S re re -a x bfi W re -a ■a co c "O "a re ■" m m « aj •— D 3 re re re >— , Ph >— , co — re re > -a « /? P- D -■sss: J J3 •- - «» «J re re «* Q Ph m Ph < □ g re X u cd re id > >■> x c a u a u Ed 1 — 1 u V X S3 & S3 < «3 E X u re bfi c x H re i> o 13 £ K -O bfi ta U3 S .H re 5 s S S T3 = M « 1) u E Q K S x "0 5h re |H cd X re — c W < £oO £ & x X1 re — JO W _ R »t-CT\^0 Ov «1 N * m>o 0\ fr, < tfl «2 tc tn Z •H ^ M fO O 3 re re Xi n r-~ f^ t^ O 3 r^ N wt O r^ -0 !>. -O M 00 r^ 00 H ry. * in t^- u 4J X c S S z < < o M M W OO O w OO OO OO N t^ OO OO OO M OO OO OO «o t-^ r^ r^ M « O c x CO — 4^0 W " M >. b S < z " e^_ « el in " " Q.X S c « *| re JJ (flb.( ." to w u) r i_ i_ i_ U U u'L^^l4 ^U3U3U3 — re X u ._ a O CJ q < re W re re U = - Pi Ih V u V Sj u V 0 u '1/ 386 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. —i " re ■fl St) S S c N Jj N I- 43 *j w ■£ >-< 43 o re *j Q5 3 O ^ -d fi. — CO e'S g -s re -5 h Q £> -2 .S § o c *j re c 2 < w .2 B 43 u wow Ph t— , Oh • s 4 < <"2S§ u 43 43 re re ( ) c U «+H VH 43 re s $ U ■d ■n « w a e J> re M »(0 a c w .ss a, a — l> re • h t. p; 43 ca o Pk Pi i— i bfi 43 O § re c 3 Sf re re [J c c 9 u w z1 6 a, 43 "3 :0 Ph ,ij re O 6 S re « .& < § S c fa < 43 -a O o a u k £ « "2 "2 a re re bfi cs w "8 *3 c tn E 9 »tH Rj ?! ■flW-D re ■§ re m re s w 5 b w re E bfi 43 •3 W u -S w re mh re 43 re U re c 43 W j-! 3 M W Jg 43 rs re £ CO ^ "O T3 B C re n u W r- M-( s in re 8 e hi w 43 W E re re K -o w w 0 re re <£ B — B -a c re E a re w 're -a B re w J2 -a X w re B re w CO a> 43 9 N re CO E 43 w .5 43 Oh re -o 1) fa PQ o pq w .3 re O b T3 bfi 43 c re E re B 0 >> S re re 43 c c CO re -a B O ■- re 43 C o w 43 43 ^i 43 re 43 >-, w B re re ^3 c re ;s B « B to re « 2 "C H B 43 w 43 .0 < _ w 43 ^ W ^ 3 43 O £ P< < -1- t-l W © o < < u B fi c l< "re ~o CO B re ■§.-3 re > re re -5 w (J 43 re re .2 > ^ M w 2 !-, 43 O ^ w re PP o ifi i— > U ^O ON w-l o 1H OO C3 *r to o m -^ £ c -P. re «A *J- t^ N •* t^ N O PJ ON ^ I IS l >, !L> 9 Q ►— i VO o r^ tO 00 r^ M w o M CO fc S^ < < fa S5 < < < o\ rj- vn p| o r^1 t^ to "I O ON N Ov l-l t-^ OO t^ 00 t^ »o S S co o z £z S z < S p o _B pq w *^I Ph « bC 43 •* a ~ Be E 5 w o fi ■5 re 43 o Tl r! -^ aj w re bD 43 .2 C *j w w w w w w w w w w N ON O ON N O N t^ OO 00 OO M * 3 re ^ on in to t^ on O Tj- >n OO to OO ON f^ t^ M OO H M S Z fa Q O ^^ # to CN H »o -t- W to ON M OO ts K W-l OO M ON 0 l-l M t^ •- 00 OO o. OO OO in M N •XI ^> h w N c a CK 1 ) bU re — < re r i ^ ;i > o Z E o O -d c o E re r R 4J re R re P< 4- j- R PC s 0. 4: R T 4: J u w R > E B re fct 1 — B re -a w -? fc E 1. - it ft fa fa _ " 'f bfl b J 9. a. w w 'J .: E C C C E a List of Baptisms. 387 3 =• 1-1 re s £ -° * u y c ^J re -= .Q U Bfl 73 UJ w T re re u w (9 S i i £ £ (D U U *~^ *" -o -a -o tj re bo bB M .22 ™ 5 F~J qj ^5 ^^ ^5 ^t "2 O -a tj -a -a c K c3 r3 C3 C3 i3 J J £ n el c4 ra r- U 1 M ►^ bo — a *» fa / C_ / v. /. /. en j. rJ W *** 3 -fl -fl I 1) 1> «J _u s « jt *; « "c tH re JJ re ■_! ~- re W P-, W PL, Pu, V w y 'C *E o B £ E Q D V V & bw m w co « — 77 r7 i\< k> .- k> T3 T3 K c pq w u g >^ >. -o T3 -O T3 TD -o re -a 2 c c c c c C3 P3 W CTJ W s g < < < < < ■a a "J to (O 93 w to en u • — .„ ,~ c re cd re W PC S3 H -5 re a re a re a re 0 73 < _c E a re a re rri 9 aj JS ja < Z 0 u EE§S£,0 •^•OOOOOOOOOOOOOO m m . h m 00 00 OtJ-»«m rj- t»> t^ •. r^ cv 00 vo NmmOOv^cO « b >» *:*:>> O On w u-i • 00 m to 00000000 m 00 00 f^ MMMWOOMMM M M N N tx N N si •»— r^ ae ro •n VO N 0 « M «r> O M ve N OO •^ N ee 0 0 00 W\ -t r^ OO ee CM BO ^ r~- OO •+ 00 m -( H 1 r^ Ht 00 ►H ►H w M M n O. « « . 0 •rs ^VO -1- * in CO M ri N ^O ►-i H N 0 4J > D Z « u J2 re = ■- ;- K K -5 Z K J? c^ J= -<= -5 2 be c re •- — re j: re Ml^W^^^td^ 00 & - 2 < O g| c c •£ -= ,5 « ^ CO bl 3 o re rr 3 = E < 0 W 1 ^ (J _ . C Si 35 N N C 3 3 « « W (1 [fl re u re o •^ re re . co ►— 1 _ 3 o re ^ w . t < JS s fa - 1 l J re i? -0 .ii ~X — — •- c .2 .2 5 8 15 re S £< c. •« WwE^S^co'co'E J= -C o jo ja 388 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. w n > — G 53 W •S •- *« ■s u £ S £ Zx S •5 co ■c w -13 -T-l T3 -T3 E £ E C ID 4J co C cu n bU >, cu c cd c/5 cd O > a W c re CO a -G a cd a CO — cd c >—> en -G M -G 0-, Ph U u b « J= .2i — £h B „e 2 S c cd 2 -° « c J5 ►" -13 < «2 B ^ E M 3 o u cd c . cd Cd (J "a -5 o .-a pq E *3 j= CO £ E cd . a, « EL .9 & 3 £ M .2 § -S £ -a .2 ££££h££uS M -n a c 05 cd -G Ih CL> o H JP CO Ih <& in 9 G -C C u CS CO -G I s u •3 -E o jj ■o J w cu X I cd w cd £l) w J C CO O C D C « «; cd « « « .a cs ^s JO cd cd o u '4J ■a cd J= i- pC .- O G cd u rt W -1 < U O T1 § C G cd T3 C n ■a c G G cd c >- •— i_ hG • — c c c — H5 B Q U !> cl, •ft . 03 . cd O • cj\ • • O oou^Mcn t^-o-ov-'Mt^' voOco-tovo ^J-c<50u^ O ■ m «^i • C3\ ^ • ui N >o • c^ vo O N V3 M -^Ot>. OOOOOOt^ 'fvioo* N+OO'OOO 40O N+MOO N MOOM -t^M MMMM 00^-OOOOVOt^HT}-HOOM>Ot^HIHOO ifl » f 5 -•* cfvntC^i „M ,.-M _»^M «"_► •cooto <)■ + oo m N d" • » m d- N •t^O^ooo t^OOflOO^Ot^ oo oo 80 "1 OOt^OOX)"^t>.t^'i-OOOOU^O'J-,'lOr^ MMOOIHt^M ^i-MMt^ WMMMOOMrj-OOMMOO^Ot^OOOOM ^MM OO M M^OOM MOOMMM t"o".^r<^-oo MHTtC- oo"c><>M"'_t>M-o~c5'_H r - » w l^-^E'lJcS Bft^i l3^l3S«i<-d>>cci^E:|>^ 7 3 u i « o cdoj2 ££ hG -C -G -G 4= -G -G JS o o o o ^gjsxx-g-GwG-Cjsjs-c-g^c-g c UOCJUUUOUCJCJUCJCJUCU o o o o o U G — w wwwwww ^^^ ^wwwwwwwwwwwwwww w List of Baptisms. 389 •0 x e •£ w « 5 *E 25 b£ C "O b£ 3 u C -3 g x E (J «j — fct X h-) 1- O ." * n , & x u cd bfi T3 • A .5 c Ed s — u a M QJ 'J — cd s u U bl — £ co w M W .5 5 „ ^ .2 t pq bo -3 x w - h «? S ■£ — _. « ,JH O bJD f. O B £ « • "i3 :3 «^ yj u u co " = -s -s i> ™ 3 c w ,° *2 "w ^ S e - " o c > >, e -ios:? B. C O .2" 51 Pi ->&,ft,Wft,>-->C/ r« ■», U T1 -E~ 73 *-> C 3 ra bfi c bfi a> C XI .- u .5 3 « « X <-> £ x •— 1 ft< 2-3 1 a c3 ra E "5 *73 -d c U X! P3 CJ ecu •r e — 03 CO -o U 73 ^ E T3 « .3 .2 x x c c 'Z r t- a, u o o « ^ o ^ I— , I— > ft, HM I— , >il d s w o Cu O W 73 t c c « 2 x - x - -S 2 u C3 "* m CO T3 c n - - p3 « E &, ^ ^> Q Q ■a ? C3 C3 C « *S '■ •3 C« .S C D li O -C O -. n w < -3 -3 73 «« E w gg u O 3 T3 CO C C3 "3 « w O o c c X td u C « O P S «j u u 5 ft, K ft, O co 2 § 3 E ,a co a rf "i 8 r~- vo m VO to rr. m 0 N M r^ M o\ N N • r^ 0 t^ «^ n N r) N VO ON **■ t^ w-l 00 N • OO N BC 0 r* OO 00 -+ O c> * CO OO • ^- ^- "O to to OO OO OO M OO 0 O N OO 0 N OO to k: M 'I oe M r^ M r«« H M • 0 00 OO OO OO w H M w-, M OO r^ OO M 00 OO w • OO M 00 N H M • OO M M M W r^ M M H M M M _ M * »o ^ M „ 0 : M « . . - 1 ro to M l> CO • ■O M M r^ M . OO vo ^ ^0 1 N BO -t" OO N 00 • 1 1*1 . t^ — i • 1 c 1— > 3 •— 1 U O a 9 •— > U n bl 3 < B >— > u C 9 •— 1 bl 9 < a U G - > 0 • jJ bi > bi) bio 'C • O "3 O 3 3 a, • 0 < z < < < 1- O B. < □ 1— 1 C3 B. og < 3 u < Q u GO u u p x> : 1— 1 CJ • 0 N o o o 11 OO N w O t^ o ■<*- 00 • OO t^ vo O ■* N N OO O t^ O0 OO M C7\ W M M OO CTv to VO OO O0 M toNvriNvo •vnov^-t^ 5000 Noo r^.»no r^.Noo MHOOIHHNOOMOOM S "C < D X x> <, U, 1— > > J F N O § — — CM < < Q £Q Z ON M °° CM .- 1-1 > 6 O U Z Q ^ >^ Ov tM *2 >v R) C3 e3 N J2 J2 Cx, O < X X ~ 3: Bi o o o o XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B, a, B, 00000000000000 OOOOOOqO 26 39° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. x <.» JS oj •« © re •■? re +3 P2 O OJ J» ^S* L, »S u o ^ O 2 3 bfi "^ hO >H l* _ i I-I H o a o .1 I O M n i-i » K II " fl " in O E £ p< O &< O fa CO CO to QJ co oo oo t-« co oo co t"% IH CO W M M r-> t-^ r^ t^ ^ fc ^O oo ^ « en co co co co co co co ..t^^t^t^t^l^^O00^" ^■uiNmcocom w i-i m m m m w uimi^ihihmmNnNN ^t^i^i^i^tloj d oj u oj a> oj i> ,Ci^iC^ti)>^tiibb re re re re re o c G G o o — — Oh rererererere'-jre^^ S S S £ S ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft £SSSSSSo H wi DO M CO 0 CO CO CO K H M >-< w CO M tq N IH l-H u ^J '— « D< Ed S o „ • 6 VO g O M M _ «X, fa fa >% -M -J OJ ss Oh Oh C/3 WD c .2 " a A I ab-s >, S at W 6 .3 ~ 7? _9 re i- -w o ^ « S « - rs o OE^^K fe3 OhOhOhOhUU l- Ui U Ih u U I- *co C C O. O, & S O O OJ Oh Oh l-H WWWWWW M W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWM List of Baptisms. 391 0 PQ — pq K re n >~. hh * 3 pq 13 a — re n aj W aj u ■—• re — t tf > •£ — re u ja -5 -2 O in ^ u c c c V . "> oj aj n w) j= !> != i: 4= 'C E -a w U E S W „ re -So- to PI t^ oo «■> t*» •+ -f t-» !-». r-^ t-^ O fa p M C s A u -a H 9 C O a e 5 a u cu M CD •J / U J3 aj a u a 0 (LI fl d re u « — eg U c d cu s 0 >— i U P. n Ph U £ M 1-1 Ph eg CO c 0 1-1 I eg - > re Ph (A Ph P re Ph ■£ ■£ <-> U ccj (J c <- C • ss E -a u _ c m >> c C d t-. re M ra 5 3 9 9 «5 00 CO c^ s < < Pi co co "O -O T3 C c cb C .2 J! . 13 « '£ "-1 r^ CS -a ^ = "2 13 S.s w c wracccracc -c c ^ j j cj=-c u aj-— jj q m ;— ™*^ S; *7^ — "S S t! "S 4J "J n f = " •- * •■ w P E -5 H C . "C -5 B i« >J E " <» 3 13 W s s w E u o OOOO N N w N O 1-^ Mt^OOMOOMt^lH C\ m rn to M» oo oo oo t-^ 00 OO M M O M 00 OO — _™ ^ A< < < , ^ (o >> S" ^ >^ *: *: .O O ^ 3 3 (■*■ 1^. t^ t^ IH r^ IH IH -f- 0 M H N m >. 1- u II P ^. s < T3 -C CS CO J= U t; d - II Rj s pq CS bC . . o ■ • o • o •>i-oo "^N tot^evto t^oo woo r-^Moo w M CO N OO N N O M M s < «J 3 •£ p < fa Wh U S P • o\ o. to ^i- OO IH 1/1 t> \r\ \o en to O •«*■ r^ «*• • vr> 0 O. IH to OO CJ « + N OO t^. vo tfi BO r^ r-> oo M m r^ *h IH OO M H IH OO oc . VO ro N . O d tc " N ^ £ M en to N >- W t^ H M vc M L^ N M >^ >> u u u u o V >, U C 3 < < & £5 C3 ra ja — . s s < ss s c^C 2 s cu . CJ : ^ « n ;s . ^ •- - W E « - -U a* v - E E 3 n n eg hJ CO U P u 13 © — £ u ctj u O — u, PS O 5 fa E ^ CJ "« — e PS CO C/3 t/3 (« 3333333333333333 = nnnnnflnnnQnignnnqn u u u c« w .a .a C cd c3 W < U P P on* en* tn^ *n en (rt t/3 trt 3 3 3 3 ^^uiv^ bd i^uj^uj^wwui^w^ujui^^^www^ui^^ 392 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o .5 3 «> u «J * .2 W UJ G -a ~ .3 S S m _« £ H Wl G 3 Q pq j= co w .a ~ o 09 P, *-< u 9 re w G re P cd u M e o 1—1 E pq •o g .s cj m w "73 a .a 3 .3 « . u w << • 3 S « C A rt h 3 -a < -o CO G __ c -a "^ « G JH « 43 « _o >, .y 5 , >. cam ASS K u £ ca S3 2 u a u S bl « 'J w w w s D s s cd cd cd ctf u u U Cd 43 pq X PL, OJ 43 o • oo *o Q fc a, 43 OJ u (73 fci-, o S Q S'i cd aa G < 3 'c G ^3 3 -a c *S — T3 C a 43 G cd cd a. >i W >- i-. G O u oj Ch ffi e a U E .5 (J T3 •> CJ cd >< - (^ M M M 1^ — i f cd S K < OO M oo t^ en J7 OO ^ •* N M S b W) >i k, > Q, cd « 0 • N iri >i-i ^ "IN in ^O t^ N OO O^o i-xmoo Ooo t^ o *o vn h t^ oo t^ w t^ t^ "^ w N ^O - „- r „ Tl- M < o xi cL ^ y « u OJ 3 4? CJ M "-1 > ™ a o S < Z 43 G cd b >i £ £o AS p< < S S rj r3 Cj n r3 C 43 X 43 43 43 > 4J J3 J3 4j OJ OJ OJ OJ -O 43 43 ,0 43 cd cd cd cd << 41 bfi C. XI vm u cc .2 & a *S fa -a W xi « "P 4* ra _ 41 "O u ~° "c "2 ru E 'S fc -S c -P -S .8 -I f= -O > w U U ^ 5 W « 3 « M C S 'c .3 n •- 43 co *: »p ra "5 <-> -a £ ■o « -o « - 5 C « _ _= -p -S u fa •a :_: £ fa £ >-l-r JO u 43 w « .!£ n fa .s e c [3 — bt ra 3 W a> oj ^ > a, u « = Q U fa PL, £ c a, D c 41 — 'P 41 PS 43 «J W fa fa Q fa u ,- p ~ U) •- fa o O B fa t- T3 •- T3 pj w c i: c r, B n ™ « TJ J ^ L "O C bt n p s -2 p ^ ^, i °E c ~ . E E < ShJx c o fa n (J u u 3 c E _ o >/ lT _=! • V o u O O fa « £ 4* c ci. bO Kc«U m u 43 e u P c re o .5 C « .5 -a •— u u -a d < S K ffi < K •£ vjj c X 4J u: xi w « i-. .2 w u >.-c: c gflS "P CD C C 13 T3 41 O « 'C u .- •- 4) fa W T3 •o < fa B "O T3 P c -a -o 43 W W C C C .E" 43 . . c :_: P o o fa -a < a JC S < < T3 "P "P fa "O •— > 43 _ o c - - r t: .- >- 41 0) "77 _ H 41 41 T3 .Z 41 « 'J3 3 IS E i 4«! « 43 ra n s^oo»oo m ost^r~-Moo m w m M t^ r-» N oo » f»- t^ oo -)- . . \o \o SO N + + OO OO f^ w O O *"< i m oo oo N in a, o. n c ra b - 3 JJ bi CD CC C S 1-1^ 2 ti} >^ <-^ *^ 3 TO *^< 3 C3 Cl« Cm < S fa < S W5 C/5 co>— ,)— ,2 < Z < 2 * • OO M t^ OO u-i t^. r-^ t^. r~ f» O O On t^ f» t>. r^ w \r\ 00 OO OO 00 r-» t- w w ■ * Ov m ■ 1 — r~- - »+• 00 m ff\ 00 >ot1-mii-ivovo -1-vo Ov O l^t>.oo t^O Ooooovo t^ t^OOt^MH(MO0OOIH»Ht>slH — n C , ^ N N '£ '? u 43 C C 41 -r < < O fa N N O >^ -f M N M < S o o < < < <£ W CU C 43 N ui - O l^ « y - > S. fa < C C X. J5 en en en 41 43 C C C C C Rl c c c c c -a n WOOOOO*-ii— «— - • «S S 0 M =_ a 5 U 9 M «s 49 R U ~ S § R u . 4 c U a < s N 1 — . — " r M bi a ■-> B a 0 — 41 fa .- 4-^4-^U-U.U-L 4= -= u c r/i P< ?A aj -a 3 a. bll C T3 . re c n 45 -r -s PQ T3 0) u < o o -° o 43 W « tJ 8 S .2 rem--; *-* mh fe bfl iu S M 3 T! 33 *j u E^3S re o m w c/3 1— > Ph Ph re re ^ i- Uc' Id 1- C • re re 5 re re re re re s s s § s i- . «- - re „,_,_,_._, ft, •-* «-G »« *■+■"* *G J ft, re U U U T3 -a U < < < < re -o a c c re < T. a, .3 -s -3 -3 -3 *3 s c c c c s ~ C3 f3 n fl C tn 3 qj H> Oj U jU ID 1J ~ » i_| w 1- l, rj u rt 4J s 41 rt « ja .3 W u C 2 3 2 n j: 5 M a pq W V tU 11 43 3 1-C Id I-l -W g re re re re re Ph pL, Pl, , x s B .a S 5 3 A 3 J3 43 J3 _Q I— 1 fa tLl 6 U g W ffi w ro w c^ cs pq 00 1^ t^ t>. t^ in t^ tj- t^ Kl N N >C tJ- N P» w t^ >o O tC N ro N M =5 1 u >, a> "3 3 >, u u, ~ -3 (L) CL Z S < S o z > be ^ O 3 «J z < o CO H re c c D. re C a, o i-^ r^ t^ o VO 0\ "^ t^ u-1 On O ,^- H tx Wl V) t^ < < fc ^ -5 ■3 a 3 O c ^ .22 a ^ U jj w £ AQ O W M VO PJ N vo N ^, ti «• bi « >^ ^ u i^ > u 3 — 1 Cd re C e OT jZ re ^^ • U -s < o o Ph p< J3 S 43 rt cd 1-1 BO 4= C W W w U QJ (U (U bo »j 53 j £< Z < S Q O w J2 JZ J2 JZ X JZ X 43-3 Qj >> re b •£ 5 K rt pq £ 3 'C H v re u -3 rt •€ Ph bfl >: jwjS .s rt a u 0 ^3sSs a a < fa T C/) 'iy 'hj dj V> k> kyl k> V> hH HH HH HH HH * w List of Baptisms. 395 t« £ Q. X X J3 3 2 N ra ra — u V -= o Oj r z r3 -3 — a r: o G Q n o ps h c/l C In M a A id r3 Jj — bfl ed w w £ -a . •$, . .s 2 « « W JS 2 bD _ pq ^u&« •c .a PS «J "5 T) rt es ^ ca « cs 0, Cu U PL w Pl, (J ft. t,KO WO, _c ■£ _c PS (J PS ■B M '2 « H l- *- _ pa. m o pa Z n -a a 5 •- = C = " .2 P3 W S < pl h u A .3 > S •a . -a c = W c J o b u • ps >- ps u PS PS PS j" 5E^O W < "2 ps __ ps ps B * C * * - T3 W T3 -d = C — C C "d -d T3 i) -a "o c IS *c *c ra 22 U. fa .22 .22 S fa fa k \4 W W -a -a -a "5 C — i — c c — ps « i PS PS u v) en oo b 5 a s -3 -3 -3 «J DOu^a^H gj _■ c n (i fl j= _3 S3 u o — *S I> — — - - ps U B E -^ m M - < < K B = 'n mz j= s y c c - CU Oh — — 2 — w > « n — "° "° k> k> ^^ c c * iJL C n n -a -o u c « « •§ -s I w u ?• rt w rt ►3 ^ > > u N NOO M OO t^OO M» M » M Mt^MMWMMMIHt^lHOO f>. t~- t^. oo O On f^ OO M OO 0\ N NOO OO t>. t^ OO t^ OO M f^ f^ M M ^ m" "? °? N M M W n r<1M Onm t^vriNO\o roN Ti-M M o, W m N i> _-^"*>'C"C bibi)-'-' t> *£ »c be • t> ^*C j «J ^t» ^ ^> "C 5-8 ■« a.Q.= 3a.S £.-3 s s o -S o. t; s-^2 o-Sv" & OO OO OO OO OO w O fcL u, < M • • t^ NO V/-1 N O ONNO WOO S O N N OO O NNO t^oo w-iNONoooNo n oo oo r^.t~.oo on OO OO t^tv.(^.W t^t^-HI M w (^t~.0O oo v\ N no no OO 00 m M t^ w oo oo oo r^ ^L flj Cl ~^ C >> ti bb *J NO S" M 3 9 o^Sc^c<^<< g bO « = oj i — i 1— > C/3 O E ^ . is aj — r: — bfi >n <<; 55 r" C >" i_ a -3CCCrtrja3--:EuM™"S.S 1-irf C Av. < S c« O S < E "5 E - bl 2 w pa — 5 w ^ u £ ™ - )• <~ — o j= n u M <> O" O" ^ 0 G NNNNNNNNNNSNNNNNNNNNNN 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 •ji -JL * 'jL^^'Jt^UU^^'Jt^'Jt^^UU^^^U S < c c a g « PS ps E ~Z S 3 & ^ £ S E 8 a S .3 J* .3 PS ~ C C s .5 t> > = c c if = fi" if s (f rf u ^^ t. u u. u u 3 "^ 3 3 ~ 3 3 UJ t^ \4 \4 14 \4 396 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u « ja = "5 S BJ 43 >-i w 2„ -5 M fcj « £ •- ra C 3 m cj .5 S 13 -o £P P3 -a $ u I w « -a S -a w c 43 O 43 cd • ~ cd > S > C2 r^ n© on r^ eo on cq n s < s cd -T3 eo S w .5 s II < < o n" n" n" l* u, •- 3 3 3 ^ 5 ^s O td - !* s2 cj cd O N ^ a M M £ fa > ^>S<^>S 2 ed 43 s cj a td CJ 0 -a a 'I cj -T) -a w Ed c c CJ u hi a a c n a a ed Ed tx Ed a N 3 -5 pq Ed § a 4D 43 Ed Ed _o a o a 0 o c < u C3 > w id § Ed H- 1 o a W '5 » cd -a O £ w 13 -a td C ed 3 3 .H -a £> c J3 •f, M .2 S u 43 3 cj cd s e y o bO ed .3 M *> 5 E « S3 C ^ W W " (U O S K O fa < id « o .3. en .3. .3 n « x « pq "2 -a -a "5 -a _ ed cd — « en •— i — _ iG 3 u •- u u u u vv* r* *-* frt ^- . _ f^ U 4> • — 3 ed >-" ed T. w fa reD • j: • td . D . X . • Ed Xi . « * re a • W Ed R £ . r «§s "° "O -a -d Xi J3 -C ^3 CJ ^ O o J2 ^S 3 cj •™ » Q- fe! w a. ^^^>^>^^SuS •^ a> a* cfl *^ •— Ji "g "g S Jg ju > S S fa > > cd cs O CJ CO OS o M \o r^ ON \o wi -t -f- VO (> •■o ON CM ro H OO tH t^ M r-- ro *H 1^ M v© NO ON (N» VO M t^ f-1 t^. OO r<1 00 OO HH W r^ OO t^ o o r^ vo OO vo O NO NO HH r^ r^ «> EN M oo M l-H 0 H M OO OO M w M OO OO M K M o OO () N 00 r^ H IH r^ n CO o w M >H t-( »H 1^. CO no oo M ^ or. M o. u-i VO M CO H CO o •+ o" PI -t M Pi" to H ^0 M -r h4 eo M M CO n O CO Pi" o p.i CI 1 ' CO M _ 01 M M , | CO OO N CO ^o CI M w , , hi < ■2 cd bD < 1 3 1 "5 > a, o re fa a 3 >— > re bO 3 < re J3 CJ fa 1 a, < B re >— > > 0 c cd •— > CJ fa C re a. CJ C/3 CJ 3 3 CJ o 1 CJ 3 3 l — 1 3. < CJ 3 3 tvMl^ONf^COMM -t~.MO woo t>.N l^O O w wit^oooo OOMHOOMOOOOOOt^MI-IM U-i VO M NO t^ O O OO M t-» OO 00 M OO w •d- «o o r^ ^ oo ^ to « .5 ■" O" ON - NjT N H 2 N — B J3 J B C 'S J3 ^ 3? U §^<^^.m ««* i_j vw ^^ C/3 CO W (/) C/3 CC N" •-: N* N* N* N* N* N t__ >-^ *_, •_, i_ t_ t_ j_. 42 O 43 B ed o > •— > •— > i? r,i 3 ^3 -pi 3 J= CO & co « = E £ £ £ h < —I (S >. V a u I- pq u Cfl pq So pE. id re JO JC q 5 a aj PH — i i—i — . - pq u 0 w E - w S "i S S "2 tj -a tj tj x j: x j2 Cu a, a, a. •Q M i- — ca w § TJ TJ a C « M bl .2 b i3 ■£ j« N •—> •—• .3 n _3 3 3 c o *- © O N ^ 4j W -3 fe D < 00 -t^OOMMMOOWM M OO OO W OO M M IH M >/1 o v^ DC M m X C^j t~- OO 91 v^-. CM M CM t-~ t^ t^ t^ M v; M N M — 1*1 -i- » c~ _ l-l N o N ON •* ve 'i > - > JO >> n bC 0 > n _£ z z o • OO • ■* •t- OO a w vo oo vd" • ON • • N oo O oo rn oo _ oo O « »n r^v vn \o OO CM * f» ro u-i M l-~ m ^ r^ -r -^ (-1 t^ CO ro oo oo f» 00 w oo OO oo c< CO M M M u-i CO „„ JJ hT «« m" n N w fa O < u. bb *j *j . _ r^ c *-• ptl ca E < u — c < J3 ca ptl u W c a ca -c o •— > ca s a IE 5- R ca co c H s fl c t_ R < ^ H B a B fl ca B c B c c a a B a R n n R ca ca r-. ca R R H -^ E E E E E E § 5 E 2 a jq Ja -= ja X A A u -C u o u o u u o u u R « R R ca ca R 7-. R R nJ h-1 >-l i-J i-l ►-1 l-l I-I J H-l ^6A^Q<^CC < ^c^O cS •g .2 J « | « .9 « j= _ 5a ca 3 ca ™ -o •*= B I- C i_ •- 3 ca c ca « J" CO < pQ U -3 -e C TJ TJ TJ C 3 9 9 •*■ V. R v. sc M v. CM r^ J? *r\ ■- PJ 'l u J; 5 >— > U s O ca i_ p 3 _3 — ,^ o u ca WO Pi CO E E E E E E E ■3 J= J= -= -3 -3 — E-3EEE13EE _S ti -= — — •" CJ _c o O O ca ca ca ca ►J WWW w «-* <- ^ — ra E E < < ^ ^ _ x j= — — - E E E E cu n w n n fi 398 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Q w jj OT -a 4-5 .S T3 O ^ 13 .U £ C C^ •— fe ed >-i _- "d d K ±r m i-l o £ a £ £ o a "S '5 cu u u -g . c 2 S ed cd ed J? "o »2 O "E Ph fc 0, Z ^ 2 U fe • cj cj , c >r re j- u 43 eu bl CO rz to 4= U m - 0 4= u ■J3 u u « i — 1 Ih — re 4= s re u a 0J -3 OJ == td ed re cd ed J5 « « 4= cj ;-; "a -u u "^ 43 43 43 43 •- ed •- .23 *»h ed ed fcq ed < re re re ed re 6 u re o re O 43 ■!h 43 re -d 43 U u i Mar d Maf d Han -3 C re U 53 — re o 53 re u T3 a 73 a ^3 d -a a ■d C3 ^3 o u -d u -d -d a u -d -1 t3 a -3 C -3 re re re re re c re ■d d re re a re c re c c d 43 43 43 43 re re OJ re a; re ft a Dh a. a 73 •d t~.vo "^vovo i>.t^eoN O Tj-mu-iejvWTi-rJ- JS OOOOO t^t^OO t^OOoOOO *NNNNN>0(»(10COMOOOOOOOOOO N l-^ONONO ^OOHHOOMt^Mt^CAMMr^MIHt^MMOOHI-IMIHt^Mt-IMt^OOIHt^t^t^ ,£*H M^MMOO M W M M MM_M*HM S -0"c> -co _ob" « H «" N _cn^ . m o" - "dF ^ w» ih? -►H~v^'f - -°^-_£- ™ in N , hc _ , w ; 65 m c > JS^'So S3 *3 eJbJObi)> >.>ti-Sj bbbb>>tj S bJObi^'CI rf *C 'C ej 'C • Ooo • tn • vo -O • • -vo -NNON NQ1" • + >o -^-0 OVOOOO •VOcnOOOvvOTJ-t^vO'^-t^t^vOTt-' •M^fNNO'^-'NOvMOt^ OO OO OO Ot^oo N C\ OO O O "tNNNSN^O^^O N N OO OO OO OO V"00 N O (s rs ^ Vj M M I - W r-~ W r^ W OO OO t^ 11 t^ w w ih oo vo vo oo oo r^ II m M co m ih t^. M M J^M OO M M MHM M MOOOOMIHM t^ M ^ - + "" H « ■ " ■; o" - _ -OO -H^iw--MIH--; _ ■*? W d M H." OO _t^o" C^WmH^N«'H^nONNMVOco^mOO--1^-C^00mNPJ-IHPJVONcO UPhc/di— >i— ,0<.fcH^;Oi— >>— >co>— ,i— >i— >i— jOOBPhODi— ^Qcci— ,Z mZ («P -i: J < Q d bO «i >^ cd .2 O 43 — . T3 _ >> cd 43 cd d "d re 4d ed "5 P • ed ; a or bfi ed CJ .2 < • 2 r r cd cc _■ 43 < re ! cd r i- r •C f ed ._ 3 CC 4: o re > ■a Q ii hh Ph „.- ,- Jh ^ d ed • i> (hS2 ed > 43 Q u~— Oj^o ------ Cd 43 .y G co re u, '« ,D W CJ CJ CJ CU QJ >i 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 0,-53-45 E £ E £ £ c c (i tt ci ci A n (i Hi H) J hi d hi hi - CJ CJ CJ CJ (U CJ CJ *d-d"d bfibJD-O bJOMMMbJDbJObJOMMbJObXlbJD dcccaccccccddddddd hihihinihihihihii-ihihihii-ii-ihihihii-i CJ 0 43 0 re 43 u re -Q 43 CJ re 44 KS d d a .£> bC CJ. tx bJJ w 5i -2j a a c a C d d ed re re re re cd ed hJ h-i 1-1 h-i h-1 H-l h-1 List of Baptisms. 399 400 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 5 T9 JJ u Pn S -« S e " .« « :§ n u :3 -B -, pu PL, < P .a G M < .2 R «> w -a & 2 ed pq 13 a Ed ,B cd u u -a M ! « TJ M = e °° 3 -a U 0> cd cd tft V3 P3 *^ 5 5 S I * cd ju X >-) -o -a -B J3 en •£ HH cd £ w c "2 .2 § O CO CO CO CO CO , V n-i cd i< CO .b! e > 'S ed > .a e u cj ^ •;-« HI HI cd £ « J2 P A O O 13 "3 T3 "3 T3 D C C C C C u ed cd ed ed cd ed IS * woo • • *}• N O eo • vo O • H oooooo U-lVO ONWt^ OO l-l OO HI ^ « "" H .r 2 H h NNNe>sj:ocrj: « OO ^O OO OO OO OO t~. M W OO o to eo O O oo o\ a woo iy\0r^o\0-- MHHMHOOOOOOOO^OI-I IN H M M M OO ■o o\ t^. ej\ OO OO OO OO <■> u > j£ ♦: r rj aj ai i-i rrf T^ fi- -^ PQ^fcOo m 10 ^i N N h <*"> O rf bJD bi B "C 3 3 > > j$ v OO N v> N n e» m W1 00 vo ro t> CO vo 0 N N OO C/j in r^ o &\ oc "-1 M -t- M w OO c« 2 P Z fa ed .2 ed -B cd -B 3 ed Z co a .12 .22 .23 .2 .2 a c a. OJOJOJCJOJOJOJOJ < O ^ o M OO • • CO CO vo oo oo • O O OO OO f» O 0\ ON l-l H OO 1^ l-l HI ■a M *" — — ■ w B B f , -P. E *Q> ed 3 S E ._ cd bC JS hJ h-1 O fa < < N OS t^ OS O o\ oo oo o\ "~> OO M W OO OO I M ro * so OT HI Z Z cc h-, fa Z ed c J fa ed •U >-. .3 > O H. oa cd « HI ►^ ° * > "^ Cd 8 8 > > >>>>>>>> CUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUtUQJCUCU hhhhhJh-1hhh-1hhi-1h-1hhh-1h-1hhhJhhh-1hJ List of Baptisms. 401 ^ M ? 12 -3 — c : ra •« ^ s n n u J3 u p< -f. c a 9 O £ " «j ,*j o "o Rj R) -G D U cu cl, h > O 2 ri c/3 pq w J _ & - 1 1 I •5 c cq u. J2 c « ■ OJ 0 1c 1) bC u /. e a a a a a a a aj aj 11 L c 2 a n N M 0 n M J - - Pn Pn Cu - & *- C RJ M* -3 J= £ -u c ju v. J .9 - be u « "C ^: t -= « *= rj ra C J3 -C U L- I- **« CO "O -a "3 -a n — ,m . . .a . ra * O W W W w (J •a _ 12 -a -a - c c U c °- -2 ■- 9 III p u K rj u — "T-l RJ Ij O -*-» ■«-» — 4-1 4-« •-* •*-! Q < 2 U >-,&, !!,<&,&,?? CO 2 1- — (5 n W CO •£ -O T3 rj C3 RJ s — ^ -g ~ ~ g s £ £ A £ a-BlKUE a d (i u x — 2 g « ^ "O n 2 < U R! RJ Rl RJ RJ IS U T3 "O RJ RJ "O C C W "O -o RJ -a _, b£ c -a rj a — _ c « A^ u O < C3 U = I o w U Q -a -d E E Rl RJ -a -o < < Cu < Q m vo m r~» r~~ r-~ < O O w MOOO00O0O MOOOO ^o M CO M M M DC M » t- i_ HH M M N _ „ O >o O M « v- to N r^ -t- M M N N M p-i N t^ T? N s. B 1- q ja bl 9 Q. V a O. u a a Q bi 00 m r-» .r «o .» O < < £ « -5 .9 « O D » £ 2 — — u rj b£ 5 •= « *3 5 ■ 2 E E -5 »j -= bt bt b£ *> f- r- r- ^ ►J J .2 W I* S 9 ^ - ^ a. 3 ~ 3 3 M a V u r. •^ aj -^ ,-J hJ . js j: js js 333333 bi be be b£ bX bt CO -o .. , — ^ s. *-. a. N m w 1- >, t- J < ^< D to ro N _- _- _- « = Z bCbficccccc ^- ^ ~~j ~ ~ «~ w _ «J _- -= ^= b£ bC bfi - _ ~ — ~ — -3 bt u C C C 3 C C C S < a • * •£ P ^3 U 2 n a « K E >- m C . < u Qj . _ .a a - J3 u c < M .a-g — .n k c 3 q c c 3 n 3 n ijjgjjjjijHiJMWH-;-;--- '►J J iJ 402 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. « fa O cc B »1 ~ — ja a g cd « a cd e u id a u ed — U cd ■«, ,_ N «-i a !>i a T3 <-~ u a cu u 'eu « ca t i fa cd C M :3 J3 u C 13 fa ed 'C ed Ed c Ed C E Ed Ih OJ B :0 JZ U CM X c cd jQ u w -3 .u a CD u CO cj ed u % c ca c < (X < pq 1—1 u fa 2 Ih u -a "So S • S fa O Ih C8 I) CJ ■fi S Sj « £ fe w - _ T3 -3 < 1 u. p T) 1 *s? u t/j fa a A) d V u -n b pq u A p a tJ. Ih A Ed IH 3 U x J2 'u cd Ed C c 0 U 2 u Ed i—i i w u a .m 0 U C3 CS T3 -g bfl m .2 S <-> « J= -a S< § c cd 5 — -S "w 3 ° *h i U n fa i— , <: •5 -S xi -3 to E 3 5 * (J "O -a „ -a S.2 3 -a i- "a Ph fa O ca cj fa Q K bfl ■£ cd n S S3 ca 73 cd — E _ « cd 13 E "s S re cd « OO PL, O cd Xj IS w w ■c S X — c S U •- .2 c 3 cd -a E -g -a rt cd -S C bO cd i> _„ ?• X 3 cd g « I w I C > oo r^ t^ o"n n"cToo~*+"0 w fct, 1— 1 I— . r< I— > < fa ^ M r>« M M INI N N >> J ™ tl >> J3 o, u ^ ^ 3 u - 2 O •— » fa CO •— i ^ t^ t^ O cd ^ TV h -r. - aj D CJ u — u 0) u Ml hi hi CI hi M M u bO tl IS JS JS J3 jLi ^3 J3 X XI X C a c X a c C 3 B ^ t^ t^ H r^ 0 t^ t^ M M CM »H M r- w O H M t^ r>. M M t^- OO M OO M M M H H OO M >1 M M H H * N rl „ tn VO CO ^ M OO OS ca *^ ^ CO 1 4 O « vo vn N N N N N n to M c?; N M * O M N (SI OO N . CJ fa bD 3 < bD 3 < Ih Ed E cd •— > CJ E 3 > O > O SB ca ca a u CO O bO 3 < E ed CO c E 3 1—, > s 0 a, Ih cd CO cd cd 00 • «< ■) • M CO N eu ^o r*. -t OO OO • vo o\ c\ o\ w 10 u^ )- t>. r^ to • O M •fl OO Mh OQ t> 00 OS • M t> O OO k-H "^ s ^ 3 CJ E CJ n cd O cd -E C 1—1 h3 O •— 1 -E O 1— > hE 0 1—1 re A 0 1 — 1 E O •— 1 ho re Ih CJ u hi hC bO be bio M bO CJ 0X1 3d -3 hO JO hO ja -0 X> hO -O J3 hQ bl E E OJ CJ CJ CJ ™ CJ CJ CJ S faH-lh-11-lfa.-lH-l.-ll-l 1-1 _) 1-1 iJ^hU i-l i-l 1-3 i-l E E E c 3 3 fa fa List of Baptisms. 4°3 c^ O T3 o pa > «J O £?> xl o pq • 3 v® -5 ^ -rr O 2 x: M en [T] cj ~ E C Q AC SO S ft< hJ q re CO x U — 5 5 w T3 c -o C re Ed a re « R oil X & oj *C x re a < Ph Ph bi «# BI H R u- -. a td s ■o a U N B re It — bfl re W a re a a « a la M u W T3 9 GO a M £ M M la" U o U a bl x u a 13 a C9 U a « V a u o E re _= u aj M x a II •a a re 1/ 3) CO 2 as U pq co X" '►j .= (J bl — a « 8 W re !s .y a u N 9 5 re CO i) 'a re q E < C M x c 1— 1 X c rt X c X n t> "S id .2 _a w < re re Ph Ph r" — C/D «S •a -a "o 7. C C C < C £ oo o\ M |^ wvoONMrjMcito ih o c^oo O oo oo oo OOOOt-^t^OOMMM O • O • o N m t^ t"^ ^o m VO oo oo t^ vo 00 oo oo oo oo M OO M OO M M M N oo pj *r\ N m „_ ih N *: > *: «t1 CC S_X> c^2fJoCQ.ynC^P3nD.c SO ^A oo oo i^ m r-» MM OO M w .2 W N oo r^ OO O M f^. M M *: x>X> c. *^ N N •+■ OO m OO OO OO M M M M ^ - . - U^ M « c re f, *-; J3 ere re t; re u "qj OJ U — qj Z «" e- ^ -° E bl -r, b£ x bi •—, OJ — . .= ._ ti •- _ X) X) •- -fl •- B E X E X ilx 3 3 1/ — £ M E re oo E re GO _ E re H u re — 0 s CO CO u u V OJ u u OJ 19 r.i M M ;- OJ --! bl '-. OJ _ — X _ X £ X ______________ <£ tc ^ >> o o »: z < o ^C c o — oj "H £ < . _ OJ .= e > C = *r e c n oj "X r: 3 < o 5 ^ m < — ' T3 —' -3* -c -a cX b£ tt ti U it E U, C. w > > ________ 4°4 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o .2°rS c .a « .2 fa 7^ W 43 °" ta T, .8 — bfl „ > QJ o o h-l 43 r-i re > > m CO O •J to CO J ^ C C ,0 be rt re o u J3 43 u :0 O O tS y S O m3 rt 5 M h >> 5 C « - o 9 "S i> « CO h-l .2 S -o 13 C C « W T3 *H « re 43 •3 .s S s ■« lis £ -3 it! «) M u — re co co M H pq S5 u Pm < ffi pm h-, d h TO CJ -: TO TO — 43 CO g 43 bO £ £ 6 " 43 _l >H b n « c re 2 ^ u m S S |3 fa o _g £ -8-S s •§ c c 43 M Oto re re >k to eg Ph CO CO O Ph CO £ X re <3 re "*""'■' "^ r ) re re u U ■n c -D ^3 re a C re id -1 lH > u co .3 .S .5 S U, L-. U n ci n n^J 43 43 43 a re re c c «r re « j: j.S j: 5 t: a u ■£ 5 ?\ o 3 B « « H o O co « -d CD cu s s fa re « C 43 43 43 5 13 2uu a *d "d ~a « re « re _c w ,— i "d _ re re re l—> 43 co re co *■> « *-■ 43 43 43 43 £3 C G re o ^ QUO o o co to 0 o co fe ."2 -5 m 3 fa i-l ■d -d c c « re S S re re -d -d < < co -d ■d 9 en ^ ^ c« 3 M'S ^ -2 U Z 0 43 43 3 3 43 O U < ^ ^ G TO c •£ -^ 43 _S w ° re < O & rj u co to to 43 J J _J ^) _] •J re < 4= 4= CJ 'r, a; O 5 -4 H-l J VO ^O >n O r^. t^ t>. oo »4- u >> > Z fa •SOJ 2 e-s O O O O O O 3 H-l 1-1 h-l h-l l-J h-) h-l s< 5 w co" to _-< « c < Q b IS < 2 < hJ h-l a, OO VO ht M OS • M N NOO OO OO "100 M M M M IH OO tH a, < Oh D, Oh O, <2 v2 3< < < < < § S < h-i h-i OO N oo 43 ° fa D ro o w oo u-> w oo io M O0 OO M OO re re g S§Z c 4«! R C c < . to • 4: CL 9 ■— fa : 6 a a 43 S So S -5 £ c w h § C 2 « fa S re h? 2 3 .. 0 '-> 2 < co 0 1— 1 W CO CO CO co to re ■- — u, t- i- 43 43 43 43 43 42 9 h-i SSSSSS List of Baptisms. 4°5 S u ►3 < £ £ "j. o - HV< 2 2 ^ u to co -a -o W ■ J E js ra w s w _ S -5 ■S £ M ;■' aj a — c — 1 a n a IM E w T3 s w 03 ■? A ■ | JS 5 = - ^ _ - T3 T3 3 "° <% •- -s 9 .S * *" "2 w >> s PJ PJ , c -a ■H. fcti II O u, < U m Oh ■a tj n w « -e ^ u T3 -a js s - Oh js v « M u u ■■o c *1 a .2. O .9 2 co s^O M2 3 « o js jS 3 3 C vJ U < < < ■5 .2 .5 cl, k oo -a 3 2 -o w -O n u V. -c W ■£ •£ w « s 8 " w^S e ^ w es -* coo c M JJ JS -JT ry • w S — — 05 MX *£ JC JS J2 •■ - •- •- «- OO > > f3 •->>-> ^ > Qh 3 .=; u < Pi 05 ■B -- >_ , js 5 § 2 & 2, 03 Z < < .E c -a En c •2, £ „ g E = JX w o 03 •—. •— > n "O 13 n E E < 03 < \a *o VO VO a T^ CO iC r^ IT M BO M r^ CO N N VO VO W M t^ vo vn o t^ 00 vo f^ vri o ■1 OO OO 00 OV M M M l>^ rh vo t^ 11 v> °£ '5 " a. > VO CO OO HI M N • vn m • vri vo 00 00 00 O fa < < D £ < H- , ^ c o o a s s s 27 E 2 M ~ js n - u ._- u M ^T tj J= p c C C c 4> := < E vo r^ vo hi r~. D O UJ c • vo OO vn 00 h» w to vn vo n 00 00 OO OO OO HI HI ON OO M N HI D.-S 3 « < £ < S CO « 00 OO O • O t^ 00 r^ • vooo -l-vno N tJ-hi 00 cooooooooo >nvo moOmmhihioOOOOOOOhihi r 0" Cf . vo „" N" o - - . NNtOMCOVOOO(^ M HI 1) « 3 co O h- , o jl « si o CO J7 -J ^ u 3 U 5 s? S S c^ < C -S JS 4J 3 .a I E J) >> C < J 2 s < £ M ra pj < < < ^ <*/ ■- 03 03 vJ E Q $ := = J J2 E -5 js w pa c js b ': x pj Jrf Jk! Ji! j* 2 2 u u u u ^jt ^jl jx jx u 0 U U i- 1- H 22^ 5 j^j^j^j^j^jvi:j<:j^j^ S^SSSSSSS^P:^ 406 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. n 43 'Z 43 re CO CD 43 0 43 u re re a rs» pq a 4-! w ^ w 'C -n 3 -a re n s-i § C re ■a c re ■0 e H OH CD -3 N N cd E c N C a; M re 3 e u U -^H 11 en™ rl ^ u •— i V " <= c " u .3 « •5 6-5 cu Tt ^ -? 43 W re re' *J O Oh Oh E ~ C C n C - ™ to n 43 re re * j3 £ H3 13 -O -T3 "T3 T3 C C C c C C « re ™ re w re 3 u re JS 43 5 re re re re ^3 ''■o j S i! 2 jj <«^OhOhOh<< J2 t3 <2 -a "^ re ^ re c E S3 E re re re re c/D 43 -a -a co pq 13 pq -o CD .3 I- t- re w M 4£ re « .2 .2 re re O — i- U, In CO y pt) re re cj rt re re T3 E « c u c .« w £ E E E « W re Q D c 3; c 3: 43 •- 43 v- 2 fc*re-K-S-B'E-S S 3 re re re re 43 < PO "re !S c c O re E S g CD re re .2 re •° •* t! 43 re re .2 u u. u u s 43 42 43 < < U r^ n OS to to i^ N OS O M M OS so ON W OO <+ M 00 CO 0 \r^ -t- -t- t-. VC vo ^o 00 w in Th «* 1^ U1 O M N OS >* r^ so OO ^ Th u-, 0 0 « N r^ r^ r^ xf t^ OO 00 r^ 00 r^ OO OO 00 OO CO OO OO OO t^ OS i-^ SO (sj t^ t^ * OO CO OO n M M r^ M M M w M M M M M >H f> n r^ OO H M r«» M H t/ PI 00 M w M OO cs ro C«1 >j-i ,- VO vo u-, -t- oo M vo r*i t*i OO H N trt in „ 1^. b- OO n M **< U M N N N C-I c-i M HH HC M (SI , Ml . >. > O >, f-f; U U CD > C 43 W re re 7, 43 CD cd a, < <5 C re •— > C 3 >— i < 1 re Oh CD CO On CD cy^ 1 3 < 3 re re "o 1—, re 3 < o re re 3 •— > ex CD CO C re h*- t^ 't- OS -OS N Th t^ rj- t^ SO OO f^ l-c tv '+ t-» ^ M n -t- OS •cJ- OO oo * OO M HH OO M w > t^ N CO co N t- |H 43 re re 3 1—1 1 tj. s § • OS <*■ OS M OO OO OO V"l M O OO M OS^SOOO w 1^4^ to N N N N l~~'*^ O os m s h oo r-^ r-» M W W ^ M M M SO N CO - HI ""> 43 re re c a. ^A^5S<^ 43 •J ^= < O ,£, rv cd CU " ^3 cd cd ra -j- 2 at CU CU QJ CU CU ■5-5C333DD333333 cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd List of Baptisms. 407 en eft en P U, 1_ |_ «h J~ nj cj aj nj < Dh Pi Ph CL, < W U OO E £ E •a -a -a c c c -a — & E c a E £ SSI!" « w « ^3 ;r Ph Ph Dh < W o o o •- < < < <<>>,>> 5 -c E E E 3 •O T3 T3 £ U 2 E P3 w M u. rt 2 T3 E tfl M eft tfi ^5 en en co «5 E E J C C E E 0J CO — CO to CO CO ca w E re w Dh Ph < - E w ■a a ra tfl rs s C t-j ■e tt •; M p P C E -C ° -E o -e y « p. bs e *r Ph Ph z z a z 5 e jt « « -E w to E g Ph Dh H D. O < ^ ■ E . ■5 J? -J £ — CO CO M -a •- ~ ESS * « « W l_ l_ J3 tU U -E :« -f, Q m « e s n c c w — H E W ' COT3 re .P J £ j: j £ J J .g J3 t! x -a c (j 5 w -a "o -a "a -a _ C C C E C n n n o « n .22 W co <-> — T3 -P « « _____ — to „ WJ WW UU UU UU WW T- —. fc^. — , Ui U, l-i In l-i to E > OOO OOO '■_, M « tototo CO CO to _c- 3 w OOO O O O U < 0 £c2_3£ vn r»i t-> • t^ \r\ tN'l-NO'*'+NO vH,^ ^z < S S < Ov M" \o" »^ •>" m w m - •h Q O O ^o O O Ov vo 00 OO OO M • 0*1-t^ -roM^oot^ '^ NooooN»rtiHN»riHO»l-»+--1- N OO CO M MOOOOOOOOOO NOO N OOHMHOOMMHMHOOHIOO fc z o 0 "3 OO »o r M M ~ M P v; >, *; >, o" o" O o pT vo- fcp ts f^ - . F O. 2 E c E n .p 3 > tj3CuP*E CgcjCXtawrerj^trtC^rjCt^rt E c. *- < - to C 3 to s N M-= ■p u -0 .2 <« o E< o u; M - - < u- pi 3 co a. g < E on od ^ < o ^.^^ « « 3 i 2 w E V C C C w >■ X >, >" >. >" >. >. > E 5 < < 3333 3 3 3 3 3 « 3 a n n (i n bl a n^S2 S ppp .jax^xxxxxxjsxijaxjxjjsXJXXix M ^. ^. ^. >. Wrtc3r3t*iP3Wra ^^^^^SSS^. 408 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. c "6 3 CO o pq 2S ■s"S ■o — j2 -b c •- cj cd *J 43 .« o PQ -o — « a C ■«, i* Cd id &a i* 4= eo j JA 5 a H -a CO 3 U) S cj cd pq XI eft 43* Cd cd 0 5 43 CJ 3 6 T3 i- 4J cd •so 1- c OJ n M C CO 43 C ed n 43 ed W jj 2 cd - X 1 — i Q O O > < « T3 B W S •B -5 cd •5 § -B cd ;s 43 W w S S = -b 5; fl i ft o — — -a « b S "3 j? * j: « f« U X B H O CO o w o U ffl — > > S S .5* .2* 43 ed — 43 O e • ~ cd vj CX 43 ^ 2- « 6 fr cd 43 M "« PM < £ c/d 0 S fe O E "5 43 cd i=! CL -B J3 to a) cd cd S bD _ U CO 1> ■— I* J~ ed S§ << ss cd C E .2 C cd --> cd 42 W c i> a, a. a, q. .5 b .5 b a, a, &, a, 43 cd 43 cd 43 43 43 43 Pm PL. pL, pLi PL. Pm cd D b/i c C CO N ^ E -a cd S cd ed 2 -a -d b c c b cd ed . t^ (^ « N CA t^ t-~ t^ «• M H M ^ bin: £ 3 a, 5 < < A O co O oo»ooo « N £■- a .3 J3 *5 cd 2 43 l> 43 T, cd cj co co Ill N N — ** ^1 o o ^0 O to 9 0. < CO •-r « e« •»-( W »-H H-, <* i> 1) «J 2 2 2 Ui In > Q- CJ O 0< O < o z < z H - \^ W .S cd B 'S 4; C3 'ed «i c^ S 43 — CO o u s;o cd P< CO . — 1 CO OJ ^£ J* J4 44 O CO CO CO O) o S Q Z Z Q 10 t^ t^ t^ ti =° ^ D° ^ cS 0< C^< £z cd _, bc.2 ^ krt B -B 2 2 *c S C C cd "43 < < U W B -5 < § a Oj OJ OJ OJ *CO CO ^ ^ ^ J3 44 44 0000 0 0 « E *N cd w U E « o ■o 5 E c ed T3 r w c -a 53 So «< £ ll-fl o a ££ t^t~.t^r-»t^r^i-»r^r^ O t-^ t-- vo u"i Ov Ov vo OO OO OO OO b» O N N N N to II N N >> >> <0 >> >> > N 42 M W M C3 f3 — fl vo to O N w N N m N >> J> >> bJO S S>H,£ S £S << S S £S<< P> • OO OO Os to Ov vo vo t-» r^ vo O vo Th •* 11 f~» l^ 11 w t-v H M O tO M M n c n n I"* r^ ve M f> vo t^ 0 O on vo Ov an 0> a »/", 00 oe OO as c/. BC M M M t^ VO ^r 0 a r^ t> N N « »-i . ^ a q n ed CS W -r et — E id QJ B E M ^: _<: C9 OJ k4 u 5o tEl M \j B 0 td id 0 2 a 2 a 0 pq w « td S g S u t/. « OJ a bl M a id ■z - ^r ra a u a E "O ed n s 4J M a^ H 'C CJ Oi Pm pq Ph pq C/3 fc. - pq 5 M O U M ri — u = ^ 3 — 3 q n E Cd ? - 9 — u f/> v, — a X u U 11 pq 0 q < 2 A S K K c c .- ._ c c •- •- < < C3 C3 C C cd cd E E j 5 u « ^3 H -n ra c — u u u u Ov Ov 00 00 M M t^ O cZ O - O to • to • N 00 000000 «"i*j-oo O t^r^ M O MOOVO M t^t^W OO IH t-~ t^ <1 «xi N t^ N N N VO M __ S o < r^ r^ 00 U (j U E 0 ^ TO E id C/3 O s < E 5 « | ca •— > ^ -a S « rd - < T c v a ~£ t -^ - j= cd e j: ~ (J w W 2 '— ' x: jf jJ jq* — * J^ u u u u cn (/)(/) c_) — "^ "5 td q cn rd rgar ria ria 3 u a ■ C 3 cu O nan ESS c .1 pq W c cd «— > —> - >, >. >, >. >. V u jj: jj! _<;_<:_<: M M ^ p ; p- ^ p- p- ^ p- p- P: p; ^ *c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -< ^ ^- ^ - u X X -3 r. ^. . 10 -i- N 00 OO P P K < W 1— . >— v •— v >— l tl s N N N- n" N* u u U U Cw \J o *-- *- *? *? *? *" "™ s. S. s. S S S s. 410 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. tH ■*-» •-* W — "t3 -rt -11 — -r; T3 T3 & C O re -a - "5 fa £ g < .2 -a -a -a £ « c -o « w 3 w S "£ .5 ■5-Sg -III • • !N S^-So .*i c'3M".2rerere2.2t>'"^G^-;j..2v,,(S i« 43 c'+<'+<'+HCCu^cl'"^u>CbJ:).2 j3 ,q !>> J; J3 -a .g S re S S o ,2 - £ w ,£ '. '. '. '. '. '. '. «* ; : : c *n re : ! : 1 ; : * : '. i r : '. '. i -s : o h J8 w < < r3 C"3 C3 rt rt c s c a c a c 3 « -g -n • 43 c « « .2 < < < < a a a c ja £ -a T3 — 1 ~i M re re c a a c X HI 23 O « rt 0 re w ffi ffi ^3j343J3-C"2"2-a CT3-0 a c 1 <• 1 r i r 1 f 1 C C ^ 2 _ _ *-* O 23 «3 fa u - Li - V a; U - 2 -G ■^2 - o -s -e 1-1J £(<) "a u to = ja CO _c HJ ■n £ j M -G s s jj 4J .2 c — D fa o C "O fe .2 *C - w K I S "5 ss o -H j j: U •-1 "J3 re o bJ3 ^3 M u re "5 'C ro w re re §3^S X! XI u .1! XI J2 ."5 c 3 e R ?, > x s -s fa fa fa fa &L| V— » ►— , re re Q p< fa " s- e 2 -. "T! w rt c re re _o ^» .. ^_ u >H C C 42 C O •- re i> 3 w u Jj N + * + NN OvWO> .u-i . N N N N N OO OO r^OO MOO ■+ ^- MHMHHMMHMOOMOOOO « N 2 m M 0.0, "ao.a,^re=;rerert^xxQ, w to Q(««)(flO^<,^^^n(i1(i.(fl < OO pj 7? N OO H M M M 05 N m ■« c re V£> t~~ M » + m N soo 00 t^.r^oo N o\oooooo Mr^t^MWWOOt^tHMM - to 00 11 N 00 co O O _ M tJ- Q S SO «j x >* > d -• ~ o o u bO > t3 W < co S 2 Z Q < .« ^-i •- c •— _^) ._ T3 c c O c w 2 re -r -5 ^ < (J U Q fa ■5 E _ S .5 « ^ j re i) X re *j bJO Oj2_C'S re 2 k >h rererere^c^rei) UUUQfafafaO l> » >^ ajajQjdjQJGJ^jtu >i >-■ >> >» aj v d l;l/lj^l;5;Qjl;(;UUUl;flJ ,^ aj aj a; aj a; o >-.>->>> >i >i >-. >» aj qj D 4j a> a> ss SS^^§^S§§2§ s §§§ sssssss List of Baptisms. 411 w C 23 S .5 t) ^ S< B-fi ■-■ — £ 73 w So j .«i j: « ^ £ N fa g _ « .s W .= r, « = E "3 Cd J= cd cd oj :*-■ *-. .-. o _2 "■ rr faUfah22fa> q re cd fa 0 -a < 0 M 8 S> PL. 0 — fa 'J > J2 o 2 .a c u c -s PQ u re ^ = e K — I- '_ u c ■— 2 | | J * «-, re re — -^ ^ fa fa W < fa ^ fa -3 *< cd "- « = ^ -5 !2 E cd re w ac g u 12 "^ T3 c re re 5 E E re ~ cd 3 = x> 1- .a -2 •^ o S "S 8 = £A£oA£ M S J§ •o < ■5 < cd O re cd M _ S -3 -a 13 E cd -5 "O fa fa U U CU Cd r, c U rJ 'J C fa < o 00 00 00 * M OO - - - ' >> a a ti < C fa ^> w « e ^D5 A t^ t^ OO M M W t^ M t^ _ OO . OO M N O) N N t^ «* „ fan fa Q 2 < •<*• o t^ 00 •too 1X0 • tn t^ l^ •!■ O O •+ N N NOO 00 o\ o OO OO N M N w M M *"" pS ^ S-r™ a. o a. = « « Q pi,S < Z < p2,S S S c p^< O w 00 00 • 00 •+ N OO OO OO • M N (• • 00 «■> vo h N r^ t^. 00 M O (>^ u-» OO M M On VO v/-> • N r^ t-- m 00 vo t-^ 1^ 00 "i r^ M M M t^ M O M >0 VO 2 fa < < fa " - ON rf- p VO M M "a ° ►2,0 fa T3 O „ O O S wp z p2,o z AS « .5 re b [5 re s ^ fa u — a wag -£ p™ re re "a = c fa ^ ^-g < < < cd s re cd ■ pq fa s — C cd B re cd cd cd re C be -^ C C "-• Cd < < < PQ t^ VO Tl- OO M OO t^ >H OO O v£> „- 3 9 B , S < < 2 3 c w -g .E fa 3 « T3 * u u _p- cd re cd -p-j ^-; C re w u — 5 J E E 7L " c y W fa t; t- — .= •- 3 - — n £ .a >• B "C fc^ fa fa s s s s s ' jg I S s S S § s S S "S S "S S S 8 S SS s s s s s s : Oj il u u 412 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u u M Cl< 43 a. 3 3 K U *S pq (D .5 J5 . re -a p< T3 V •* oj bC 3 8 k -a -c « ,N R) C C W J} CO « 4) fa CO W » .S S £ "o 13 "p S c 2 c P4 S ii c m ?, u u re Jh PQ a $4% id re re oj b -P o.'z; .— 0 is re T3 u B re -a a c re s 43 it c o 43 8 CO c 1- c — u — o S P re fa re fa 0 re CO — . hi 2 co U u — a 2 "o "° I- w Z g .2 o J5 h a T3 E « S "a -e S3 S s — s — ffi re j^ re m Ph Q co 2 t* re c 3 k ra re 43 re 43 t; -c 43 « ^3 -g a, -< re co to M « O U 43 3 >^ 2 i) M.3 Mj« C O C O g ~ ID OJ ID .- C Q O K O Z < >§ g •S •£ 5 BO) *^ _ -° TO l- n, TO — TO >„<§ re P. C J2 y to £ o c S ID 'a JO o ■a c .y w -S re u < < z a £ P 1— J ~<3 oo • «J- tO • w> • rf M M • t^ to IH OO OO VO f^ ^O OO M M tO »H t^ oo t-^ ui r^ N N N Th N O N N w moo n ifl tJ- ^ m vn m oo oo oo oo oo oo oo m f-. N N M M t^ M inoo* » + oo* ^ + „- "^ ^ «o N N w M N N N . hi 00 M W) >^ >> 'C -^ > bi) >> >> "T 4) 43 -^ 3 3 bJD o + + n ifl >o N M N M tO J^ VO oo oo oo oo t^ t-» W ^" « cS «£ m" M N M H H M T<- M VO VO t>. "~i r^ t^ OO t^. M f^ tO U"> t^ t^ >o to OO OO OO Tt- ^- M lO M M IH OO OO OO OO OO • oo to to vo ifl tfl VI vi M rj* O W N S N OO C\ VO tv. >H IH M IH OO t^ N W cf; tC rC ON > "s « S a " o a ™ S ^< S z < s s <§ TO 4-. 3 >> ^ > > M > S. 4^ 4= J= U ID -a -a D 1) fa fa 43 O ^ •a -p a "j .a MH 0) CO TO 11 1) c a c a = 333 . u u u i- o re re TO ra ra ra U U U U HI u QJ qj 4> -t: -a B a> 2 2 11 ™ B >, >- O t> « N be -a u, •- O > u b ~ ra "3 O ,5 £ o £ «j a. fa U fa fa K BO n "b E ■*= ^- ^ w CO w S Z £ -C JS co George Herma Martin Tlie fa Parents The fa Michae Elisabe Johann B o < « U C o .a O fa C _; -5 u « ra U « C B r: . O — fa £ °u b c "2 S « b b *j be B B « b -o -a h c bC is o b & « » .2 u e T — O ~ £ — a £ — A B B B •IS U u U i- — — 1 T3 •o U a B c -a n o u u ,C T3 — — II II u ,. i- il> u bC b bC s § s R) bl b fa M -a — — M T3 a ~ Q a B 3 — B b n a C 1) u U Ui M H R H B E a u u SJ aj Ih - b£ = S 2 £ s ET3 £ = "3 > o o fa U u u fa u u rj u u u s s o \o ■ t» ■ • «o t^ o »1- t^*tnO w^m n \o \o ^c rt-'l-OO OOO OOO t^t^t^t~« MOONmCnmOOOOMx r~- t^ t^ t-^ t>. £ ° bb >* 'E 'C < fa < H^< < S HI M VO M . to . . . M (^ M C) « W ►< N T > bb T j ^ =5 T > CO 3 Co CCCO B m t^ m t^ r^~ oo r^ r^ o i-^ (>N Tp V* N^> f* — J" 1-1 J3 C C C fa < fa < < fa c fa fa OO rf- to m oo r». S S fa « JU U _«J K _«> •f to r^ ■+ HI OO w oo Q u-1 HI tv O oo O oo r^ o m oo oo M M N u-i - ^ ~r MO)00 H^,S Z fa •* ij ij •- II ^. it u E n ^: 5 o t; C fa * vri CO M N — - - - "■ - i-. - ."* - < A~ s*s 2, n "° ^ j. II c E — S S bt.2 n rj — •=< I> K" < O n ^ - .- .- ..o S < < w fa U. o 5 « en cy ^- CJ C U — B — . * ^ B • JZ -. v v it, (t, - ^^ r«i rt« — — := = — _:_ a a c Cy 4> 0> O C CU E E E E £ E U u u «u "3 E < < a .i. o — C - ^3 ■= -= — -= -= s S s § S igasssasssssasssssssssssasa 4H The New Hanover Lutheran Church. "3 B < u e d 43 u CO s ci 1— > |S c -a -n cd § « c 4= — s -a cd U a a ui -o n c -1 c a H U ed c u ed Cd cu p 43 C a ed © 42 a cd — t— i a «i Wl u 0 |H n CO JA o u •S J o •~ 3 S 3 R ed 5 ^ 53 -° r? fa « W C o o ». cu ;? c M ■ r » u cd s o 5 0 ed c c c >- 4£ ep ed 1> a, O i-. e in *J cj cd C ed -3 • ~ PL, W PL, h Z « a "3 C r3 c ed c S < S -a _ T3 3 "3 3 -o "3 3 3 cd * 3 u _) a, h-, Cd _£ e P « 3 u a cd M .£ > • cu S M <£ .2 o « s 13 O « -3 3 3 42 « u CO Q •^ Ml U M bfi 2 mO o C "3 . cd bfl cd 42 ed .q 0 (T B ■ • r > B • C • C ; ; R C C £ 2 s B .3 4= .22 W) T3 "3 4-. 43 0 .5 43 43 jj O O I-. O C_> cd cd £*'C « SS fa ft, S U 5 C J) o 43 ■ U »* "3 *R u w >. >^ X >. >> bi bb 'C too ed cd s s 3 1— > s s Hi < < < < 6 « 4- • t^ w + • * ON 4. ^O oo r^ cm o\ k S C3 M 5f \0 M M O0 H . "& cj cu cu b£ Q < to M >0 •* — M m" «" -r ^ M « O p) CO cd a u -2,< u Q July Aug Oct. June ^ 3 cd «? td -3 42 r oo vo "^ ri- «o tH M "3 - _ CU CO CM bfl > — - g i) 3 cd ■£! *i *i 3 43 U U 4= 43 6 ^ g t-^ t~. t^ p < < Tj- CO OO NO OO OO NO N M H NOO CO OO VO PJ CO NO O ON CO t^. NO tN ON 0\ t^. H M OO Mwvi-itoJ°oOvri'-|t k* I . 01 «g ,• v" § § § o -g g o. 8 S5 • S N OO VO • M MOO Tj-CONO N V-lt^ COMOOOO t^OO COOO OOOOWMMMOOM - to O to u^ ^t- m M M N 2 « f5 fa fa 6 .2 £? cd u o "3 43 cu < U O S< S << c^ fa c^ tO M 0\ fa < 3 3 3 S3 ^ C/3 ™ cd cd 2 2 .5 .2 -c -c b b~ -2 C>>'3cdcdcdw3^ 2,l3l3't3SSSs£f2 OOOOOOOOO ss ssssssss -i *5 Qj CD QJ tDQjcLivUQjajcijajQJCL) ooo oooooooooo *3 cd 42 o bfl . 5 B o^ 6 & o o List of Baptisms. 415 w C< , .2 «* u >C "5 — >C — a> c i» "tj cfl W cd •I M K W H t « II II II — — — E .£3 E 0 5 Ml u 0 • tn ■ 9 n u / „r. a a a ^ a a - a •— id CU a n Q u •—I Im - 0 ed Cu M U N - c u PI •— > 0 m - i M < cu Cu II u M Cu u eg Qu £3 0 >— > C M - -q D TJ T3 T3 3 c/3 T-i CQ — -1 -n ** •- E 11 a .3 D 0 ~ -3 5 n cu « ^ ^ IT* bjo .2 .2 .2 iS t, :r ;r ;r r- -2 o ;r O Z $ % % S - S ■ E w y « ►r •— > I— I >-~ ■ 5 w 3 n « 3 fc = W < W g "^ 1 "S c « c w S « 2 en <° e S 3 ■ ^ >— ) < I— 3 lui «S M .2 ^ j2 .- M « c -a — w — r^ -A ~ E « 3 z ^ E c E rt w o w J= — J3 — M « • Os 00 "1 OO Ov 00 00 00 OO H M N _ __ • w 0 C\ • VO O OO 00 t-^ (>> O t>. O OO OO OO ON VO OO ON M H M OO OO in • m \o ro t^ vo OS «t- • -00 OsNO>nOssot~.oo>n -t^OO Os0st>.0000000000 CSOSOO OOMMMMMMMOOOOl-t M OO M 00 O M- M N M OS ^ * ^ t> in D O < < c« >, > b JJ M § < z < § ^< < vn so so OO OO M OS OS M 00 OO OO OS OO OO M OO H O OO OO OS VO ^O so O OO OO N Ov OO OO OSM H OO OO M MOOOO Osmmhoooommoommoo « C — 3 X> fa < C3 3 J3 5 E S f ^ £ "= I in m > > > ua3a-gu«oo o<<n m n «n Z 1= 3 C C C '.- 4J cj n cu C/D Z ^^ 0 is 1? E ° :| 0 So S'3 o W .5 w E •£ M 4 D Z fe. J o o s ~ - - 1> iJ — CO X S 2 g q g 2 n n n ".t'>L->- ^. ^. ^, >) -^. ^» -*. ^. >, >. >, >, >. S^^^^S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 416 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. * \4 S._1 B O £ -Td N « a .— 8 3 w id aa w IS CJ 03 — < M-c o T3 -3 a Ph 3 id CJ a td c cd G Ih & J u id a s o a — i u MH cj PS P9 43 u a * cd *S « o .o -a -g Q " cd U 43 *j ™ O I--. u 1) 3 S3 54 * -a •a s O T3 c cd s 4* cj cd CO "cj "S bO .H cd 42 -O >- c cd cd 43 ,E o u cd id £ U HH < PL, Z>£ >h .3 cd cj Ph Ph Cj Ph M 4i o 43 u o cd i-5 ^ h U U ■& id >h bO <£ a, T) C id j- I = c bO bO ' •S fa M ^ sq cd ki to M i2 h5 cPhccccMW V cj cj cj H .5 U cd td E £ u o c -a Suw U cS Z cd 3 B "E "3 C o cj ,E E CJ CJ E E D Ph E E td C .2- E —- cd Ph < 3 -O c td C td C Id VH w J3 w «- : « c cd td cd o u w cd 3 \n •£ c c c CJ CJ •— Ih cd cd Ph Ph E 2 E I fa Cd 43 c « CJ c — Cm ■a c '•H (LI -S CJ JH Ph pq •1^ ■ T3 - E ra (D W < P3 Q T3 t: o ._ •— c -C .2 O M _cd cd A *j "B cj 43 n *-* 3 "C "C td cj ~ u J= X m o> N o vn vO vo R u-i \o SO IH so ■ to N o -t- SO 4- OS OS 0> wi so ■+ « > 3 J2 u fa fa > o 3 < >, cd > 0 B > > o CJ C ~ l—i 3 i—i Oh Wj o "3 CJ B 3 & < > 0 — < Ih cd 2 bD bC 3 3 < < CJ fl 3 | — i >s cd "3 a" cd la cd ft CJ CO >^i t^ >o O t^ r^ w so i^ t-^ • u"t en to • • > wi so • OOwNOsi/-it+-m osoooooo M 0\0 t^oo T#"IHIHMOOt^OOMW 03 4 pg SO M OO SO M OS OS OS O •+ rl- so oo oo l^ oo t^ t^ OO IH oo m ^ tC 4 o bJO >> ^j j 60 'J D O fa tn - oo 3" v2 o < 15 -5 td > fa ^ r= _3 = js CJ A 33 h3 -C 3 :3 :3 :3 :3 ■£ 3 CJ — ; :3 3 a :3 :3 :3 =3 ^3 =3 :3 3 =3 3 3 3 33 E « 3 >% cd cd 3 « cj c 43 § £ < £ c*r wT ^-r ^^ Ih Ih CJ CJ fJ w bO bO J*> ^ cd cd S § z z T?u 0 1— , o ►— 1 w if - e Ql V CJ Ih M oil bO 43 CO cd cd :cd z z z z List of Baptisms. 4*7 u ■ OJ bl XI 5 ■d X — £ A ca a U M a 0 a B 0 a z -= — .— ^ M < M ed s u " ■1 a £ 71 w CO u ca TJ a ca id ^: cd U , u a u pq 5 « ed U -3 a ca M id 5 fs ed W — 13 B C CO — c -A. fl — a C3 T3 a •a q ca — C — c ca 0 — 'I a ca b( — c M ca X — u cd — cd X> O u 9 u 0 £ a a z US 9 X J bj JS -a OJ M -5 s 0 £ z — u 2 -3 u V z. U u ca - .0 c u ca •— > •— 0 0) O - X C O u - a td 0 1 — . 0 Cd ed s U U Pm 0 1— 1 q 0 ca •— > ed c 0 OJ iJ ed 0 - u is u ca E 00 E * .3 2 3 u ca — o ca. u* C « Cvl 1) CJ 1) < s T3 T3 C C ca ca « u B a id ca 0 P 5 - .2 C .2 -O w3 S — — — - - C J ^ ■£ 5 -O 1- ca w n S W T3 ffi -o c -« c w T3 ca C "O w "a « O W S ca 0 M w 1- v JS u ps5 •SI ca ca w _ : o c e « s o ca ca ca ca,^ ca ca *— p- ,^ J= J3 J2 JZ Jl Xi J3 X> J2 J2 c "o -a -a - -o « ■a e ca ._ c c .-5 § r3 r3 fj r3 n £ E E E E E E E E E W W W W W ■o -a -a -a -a c c c c c ci c] n n c*3 a 2 « w w w w w nD 73 "T3 "t3 "T3 C C C C C cd c^ cs m cn eeeee|ee«e cq fd n (4 rd cd w ^_^ cd X • — • — cd U 1-h u cu cu a> ca u x - ^ - - S AS J ^<^^^KS x X x < < < < < 6 < < c < v-^ ve CTv ^1- O N t^ t>» l~» N »t- 9 VO OO Nt^roOOOOl v« • 00 oovooOO-MO^OCX>CTvOva\OOV£>MNCJOC?NO>-"Nt^ 00 m 00 s ov 00 roNoo t^.O t~.N n N 00 moooooooooo noooooo n i^noooovo MOOl-riHt^WOOOt^. (HOOMOOOf-WOOMMWWIHOOlHI-llHOOlHeiOWMOO m M MOOM _HC MOOM M^^ ^M ^ W"M» ^ 1H _m"N .CD -M _ t» .n,-M - !> ■ I ^cTvO^ • « " H • ? -^;',-^' n vo rt H N h N _Ov Mt^N .Om0°Incoih|-|nnn>h^n"^Nc>jJ> § §3-15 i-i i i Ill'-e^JlIll s-ls-jlt-sli Iti 1^. . m • ui t m 00 ui. -ooroM • • ■ 0\ •ooooo- •• Nt-«000OOwOoO ^WMNOt^^^c^OONJ^--t^N^-NC>M^.^ 00 towt^cvoooooo t^. r^ooooooo t^-O moooo cvot^-vo m nnoo t^oo^'OO'S WO00OMI-..MMI-1M woot^MMMOOOOOOWOOOOOONOOOOOOMMHIOONOO MM » Mil MWW MMOOOOMMM WOOM ^•ySefStflfjf K5 ^ §" if £ « ^o- ^ 4 £ £ « J i «~ ^ * *" if J? £ ;. rf Cl " £- ~ s = u — KA: — u u 1 — .- u 32 ~ E n " _ < < o D a w ca •— •- SVj -5 .— ca •— 2 - •— ^ A *z << <*> < = s > J ca I E g >, _ _ „ ._ u u u u u w tn rf 2f "5 '-5 -r "3 "3 "3 QJ _C ^ .— •— •— •— ■— • — OiUUCUCUCUO^CUCiJ zzzzzzz^z u a u u u u u. U n ca < 6 « — s« a. 2 0 fj cj T3 P T3 S rt c m c "a !5 rt ■ggo C XI C 3 c C cd 18 09 « 09 3« n -a c -a re cd T3 U c a b c > a> o w T3 -a >> -a cd cd 09 H « ^ c3 43 > C > d u (^ m n PKDWQ s s s _C -a JS 43 43 rt "r^ cd n d vo 1H U5 rt >> id D. > S§ cJ^OZ • t^ to tn N OO On m On oo \o oo oo oo oo oo M OO H M M M t-( « M M OO OO M « r ? s » O < fa h^ < >H,< § § < § HtO • o\ • o • os to O ^ oo oo oo "-> M OO M M M "1 M N . - M ZSS t^ N O OO OO M M N W so Os vo oo 00 oo oo m oo O OsO "i os ^J- N oo u^Noo s^iO u^'+'O On OO On CO On OO CO On ON OO OO WN CO OO ON OO CO t^ OOHtOOOOMMWOOOO^MOOMIHOOIHHOO CQ "1 g ON M N ^ *> •£ t-> . - ? H « < < s b J5 S « J2 "" < S fto S M 4P 4? JS U,Q^c«S^.Dfa K > 5 ° SI .a ™ OJ .3 •§ a U(l> List of Baptisms. 419 K S jj w > J5 -= w X, c .H B H M M W n Jiri U to — ,0 > ■0 — u B V 73 — 1 M h Q a re B U — 1 0 0 M re q — So re a JS c £1 c 0 M 'J 2 Z (/) WJ CO 4> 1> QJ (U U u G C fit C £ C$CQCttC3CQC]CdCT3ftjR]C3 £ re a. c « c C P C.CT3 Mc-o ^Q « -5 re re re « U U "O 13 re U g w .2 "° U re S 4= — O -a •n c -a > -O T3 — u re < < £ Q < Q CJ £u < ■ O O 00 On • ui • u-> vO O O Ov On OO vO MOO "1 OS OS OO OO ^00 00 00 OO M M M M OO MOOM O "■> O no 00 ON OO VO OO t^. M W OO W 1-^ W M N ^ M — 4- '_ ~ re re u ^1 n - S2,SS£S£S un. **• Os -. O M o\ r> M BO 0 -r J 8 9 0 0. c^ C^ y. M »/-^ in NO r^ cr. r^ ■y. t^ cc M cc *- 3C w M y. cy; 00 m M M H M On ©n n X? XI i-N fa. s s o M 21 h- e a Z Q b 3 X S < -E fa- u iS «_ 1- u. u u u~ •-«-»-*- »- tlKl>KU«JtltlU«jOOO---H __- z & z, z, x. y. y. x z. z, z. 7z z. z. z, y. y y a a „— O « II ^ (J „ fa] X z'. r u — - fa) .2 w fai *£ ■a m 2 .2 ■£ < X < Cu Cu Cu >— , - n n re T3 S J s ■goo « 5 re P V. c P. u S E •?. W X. 4 ? * to fO to 0 ■+ a t^ 00 M r^ 00 00 00 m t^ OO t~^ hi r» a > x> a. o "r < z A M M *3 . >, . c X re ■" w fa. 2 O E ^ ro 00 0 r- X - re -C «— u -< fa. .Z .Z t. Z Z X C 6X C re u re E = E x. Z E E E = ~ ~ U \J M x x x 420 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. fa -a ~ M 5 1 CI cd re a. »3 o .2 >1 — — CO -B M 1 o •», -a C 6Q E 1 "O W X •- C3 Is cd s G — c Ed "5 Ed CO T3 1* cu c -a c Ed a cd s Ed O R OJ X OJ M o fa 'J V PC u pq ~ c o s en Ed x ft x td CU fa 5 IS fa u Ed 1 — 1 a c < "? H — ~Z S3 * fa T3 £ T3 5 S3 t c rj to (D .-H *-" £ fa Pi «g1 . y fa s •- c •* S x 8 S -a o PC PC P-l fa fa P" -S T3 Ed T! bC -5 U - a, fa U cd 02 -a ^ c -a ca E3 X cu O E?.2 O tH CU r* a u ft u j; B "C c3 -73 _ C ft -G 2 .y X « U PC . cu w -s .5 S '■h X Ed rrl *-■ ;T, CU j U •; pq ^ T3 ^ * g w c B o cd d o © Ed 5 M -° >< ES x « .a >, u ■- E C cu 1) PC K "0 cd c S cd C - < O Ed O X Ed "^ « ^3 >+3 -S 5 -Q «j .£ J3J1.S J rf3 ^3 .i2 .S b c 5 3 G — ed pq a co c X! S 2 «; S es w ed fa fa 1) ^2 K fa X X S^S « -t- o • o VO ^O H VJ-, (^ ro • VO i^. m io • CO (^ 5 r»- VO -i- ri 1J-1 VO vo Ov 0\ M N VO CJ\ M Ln u-i t^. CV! ri On ro CO ro M VO vo ^ t>. t^ t^ ro 00 (N O t- 1^. c^ CO r<-> h» (^ VO () ►> CO OO CO >o OO CO CO CO OO IX f» 1 n M M O CO M M OO M M H M M CO M M w M CO M OO M H CO CO M IH ►H ri M CO OO HI M H w M M n . ">o vo SO n 0Q ^O CO - N N (N| CO M I"! ^ - OO N " N M rl W M CO M H-l N vo u-i HH CO M CO ON r) (N) n °v N « ^X 1 u 5 fa ft Ed a c-3 1— > u cu 0 U Q ^2 "*" u ft O < fd Ed u c 3 i — i CU p Ed 2 > O u G 3 I— i >> CI ft CU CO Ed ed ft cu CO DJD < 1— > Ed | >, cd 2 C d •— > ft 3 o < < Z >+ f^ M •+ N N CO M w OO ON • O • vo vo vo lx vo ON OO CO VO N ON tx M OO t>. "iOvoONw"h -vo 2* O 3 c bC u P. -O o o ■B N v.y B cu - E cu 13 E C X *■; i— , fa o b. vu B pc ffi « < fa w " X E t_) cj > fa ■a -o be m x x x P fa fa Oj cu ~ cu - c > — • ca ca ^ T3 ^ M w c E Q W u 0 5 ca on •O "1 g — j hin a ed ~ Oh •~ C3 >> S *» X M £ CO O >-. ca l* 1* u c « C bfi c £»£ 2.-= s O 8 c •* CA *5 ? X s ^. •0 a — > n c ca c •1 v. ca — § u Si (8 u u U ■-•- a "H £ 0 o£ u n v w « 13 o •2 a Ot'J L U © « JJ X tu « J=> (A ca 1^ !A w — w id X X X c • c I V V I • X X X X ed O 1> K l> C < < < < c u ■ 3 ca c C < E of = (fi * £ c S t1 — -5 o o -s « ■3 X rt <3 so w Sj « bw 5 3 ^ .2 -a -a -o -a ,£ c c e C CI CJ w el 'O . « e -SEE E U ™ « C9 u 3 u 3: 35 x E *SSS ca to J> > > £ g n 3 ed r3 w T3 T) — a ed d. "«j a ed a OQ Ul ed ed U a ed jd E a a> E JH. H-J •a -a -o « m 5 M -c £ t- ^ >- — ra d rj Q n O el w ts « ^ a o a CD ~ n jz U - s < 05 09 03 III X! 4= -3 ca ca ca X < < < ra c O C — nj n c 5 o "3 Oh 13 10 £ s s s T3 "B T3 C C C Sso< u — - - "_ _ tn o^ t^ w> t~. tJ- »n fl t > 3 0-= < o § o "° § N m „_ — H x X 3 «* » bii ^ >» C ca 3 ca ca . X : 2 1 E ca c c ca 3 I \ c I d c g 9) II E E ca •- ca ca ca s s O o ca *r o ca ': — .— .— .— .— .— ^ ca - 5 — ca .2 c q ca X -^ c /*1 *-* .— « _o ^U » -j cU CJ Qj cjj — flj — ' Oh «j li* Ih" :ca pq X 45 X 4= X X X CJCJCJUDCUUvwv OOOOOOOOOO 28 o o *» .= .3 .3 .3 £ c£ x x x "" 0000 DC a "2 •- c ca x< § Oh __- < »- N (J z z-o o o IH N *; bi - c ca 0 M 0 >r- r<" -+ O 0 •J- l*> ur^ r^ . u Mi cd § £ re c T3 cd a a C pq N H s * ^ "! .3 o c ns p< " I- •£ CO 2 cd 2 fe ■S J3 *B -a g 1 W U 73 u u « Cd £ - S E ' cd cd Ph CO bi m K- u -= CO £3 > CI) u bJ E .o K Ph pq u W ~a btl :0 cd en co CO o cd a T3 "> Ed c cd -a w 1 — i "5 i—i i -5 cd 2 a cd x! o 00 c re "cd ■a B * -S -p J. M E T3 fa Ph Ph I— i CO I— > H fa T3 .a C *■> cd fa -2 C - -o a co <| co S> * 1 fe u e CO fa k i w o co co oj cd cd s W •- _S ,G — -° E |< cd fa s s Ph Ph >> J3 — w >, cd cd 13^ o u .a e "c w cd x> « Cd cd PQ « c • ~z *5 c C C cd ^" P3 S£ c G £ c cd cd rt cd S W « S " £ S S J3 O cd "O co co C »h cd a — Q. cd CU D '," cd ^< fa ■Q CP >5 £>*» ►>! ,*"• t_N >— i CO CO CO U* K E £ c • - Z c u « cd co £ "C £ u rs — cd P-l C T! cd c a In — cd cd x: XI cd U U •a -a c E rd -C -a u ra In u a B o U K cq • O M ON "I s oo oo oo \o u-it^t^i^.t^ "1 •+ 'I- CO ON CM OO CO ^ CO IS S vo O 't- N '* H N CJ a, a, cd CO k^ CO ^ OO OO OO t^ OO OO OO M vo -< on _ H- ^F >eF 2fcbfc,<20H,Q2i»S P< fa xn N^MMMMOOOOOOt-N. M M IH M o >n O s oo" , - « « .. OqNCOMN^OO^M t- °S. S ^^ fa < •C < fa o m E & !«•« cd o r— CO CO H a w *j- n-t n-t -a _ j- -c -5 Pmcocccc c-5 jj « -cococococoiijii; X«^X«X^Nncd O O O O O O 0=0 Ph Ph u-| >H NO On OO I-*. • t^ oo oo O M M M OO • CO CM NO OO Wl O + m N oo N N N N t-N, tN tN M IH u-, u-i <-". ^>^ QZfa2fafaco<:>4<:2 Z2 c >> I- .-. In CO & cd x HH ^ pt, w § p< a » « .» J. E ^ " < 2 ^ P< w cd a a — — *_ cd cd cd cd Ph Ph fa Ph N-IN-I nN, , , ^, 1 C CO cd cd cd co co oj co m-n PhPhPhPhPhPhPhPh _c bl u |4 T) CJ CO Ph Ph = £ O w = S Ph Ph List of Baptisms. 423 re re .o "Tt re re — CI — C3 ■o E c •- re >-J re *5 en «5 W^ TJ « C ~ re oj C a; C .- O =0 JJ J= J= "Coo t (n tn 8 re * S3 OS ~ ». •— v £ OS .2 £ o e a, « *> 3 ^ « -, ° ^ 73 4= — . c = ^ re oj ~ S « — "5 > 5 :r -a c <*« S ^ fd -a -o <* c e -a L. •" c C3 fc a It 0 >» - p* M £ c -o ^ -o - x 3 M OO 0. ■ .a ]S J= re pq re c_ e pq " o u aj bl S w td .; M a 5 a H B — u &£ « 1 '= ■" 1) ~ __ "5 ^ M x * a. !; u • — o o *- — « c re x O fa Z Oh m re g re -5 ■5 aj Q t A « — fV ^ "-T aj n w y„ . * o -* ^ 5 ^ .a « « -f, fa -r pq 5 .«• 0N ii os - •» aj OJ o .-, o JT c c O S 4= -C re o o o * S b £? O 2 OJ V -O c o D c re m re -! re --, »z ,* u ™ r-, K -1 hi h-, |J it u (1, p. ►J re td ,s .a .m ra -c '-3 J= A u *j n U h-) "(J -o -G c c c-a e-a-a cCre«rec«cc rert!n(ntfire(nWrt T3TJJi^Ji-a^-aT3 re Ed — n v. a "5b td -i Oj re w « 13 a «5 — ■a id — a a id td en OJ a M re — Jx re c R « •- -o a 2 M bfi bl ^-. %J — -a T3 ™ & w « w o o x re U Q >■ re re jz Q U — »"H -^ w j= Q O Q D a= j= x .e x x; j= oo O O «« > re "+ oo 00 M oo oo m ci u-i \o oo oo oo r<-i M M M OO 00 OO Wl t M t^ OO »H M M N Ov (J\ OO u-i H i^. m M on tn vo m * \o *4" O M w*i l^ Nl O M OS "+ OO OO OO t~. S> l-t M M M M • (^ ui N M* M b ^ « *C < s c o. ^0.0.0.^ >> — re c re ^ c "t 5? ¥ y « b « "5 b 0- bO w os c a. a. — " c c c v — — —-— + + N «1 •)■ ^ N N 5F = - < z S £ < E .5 < rh EN ui oo vr\ EN EN ro EN ro tN r^ n r^ EN -t- nr, EN M EN ►-H M 00 r-^ O t> 1^ t^ M t^ *« t^ t^ »-< , d _ ■ P, Tf M M 0 M M M" « n M M t^ >, Ui >. >, >, 1- >, jj r^ a A td * td X P 4- id re c Ed .--. JO s td 1 — . 4) ~ Pc 9 i— > s fa fa s — 2 re — . •— OJ fa ■*■*»« >— , C/2 5^ *- — .-re u bO c < < < u C c = re re ra oj U E K K — ■_•_•—_,_" '_ U V OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ — bC bfi bC bd bO bi bt bfi bfi bfi bfi s ■ c s c c c rz = c c c c c -5 « ^ re nj 5ss 2 E fa CO C/5 O jjjjjia-JJ-o.p.fiX'ilH oj"oj"oj"oj"«jO Appo Judia Jonat A s u" tS iS bi OJ OJ OJ ^^^j^^f^jd^: oj^ - - bt bC tl 'Z fa fa fa — — — fafafafacufafa — — bfi c < 424 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o ■a x CO s M g a a cl u rj t-l -J ; CO E pq Ji N U C G 3 . ca ca ca ca ca JJ *i bfl s -s a r PL, h c « a •=3 « "3 G x *n R, X 2 « 5 3 -5 ^ S -5 3 3 i— > x *— -d c j: x x J 5 *^ -a x -a -a -o -a u- >, SPJs "5 ™ *3 > ca ca ca X 13 13 ^ 13 "O X C X ca c |s !> M-, ca X -C ca •— c •- •— « > -q ca ca ca ca cj ca ^^ "»_, -— 1) D j-; J= 2 "° O o J -a td ca -a U "O S: .5 — o t T + + > 'C ^> "C bi m» M 05 + N N l-l v/1 to 0 o\ M N >/-! 1/1 -t 5 r-~ ro ro 4- t^ VI OO 00 h« VI vo 4 to 00 OO 00 <*■ -t- OO 00 t-. h. OO "<*■ 0 l~s 1^. r^ 00 vi w M CJ OO oc w t^ M OO t^ 00 r> -+ 1^ » H HH ►H M M M M M 00 M w vi d t^ O ^0 H tv M N N o^ N N ro t*. N * N N CO PI d ti +£ d >. > CJ W) l-l > "C J- <0 4S -,< < c • • : r JC _■_ 'u CL T a. cc C ca 1 1 • ~Z a ~ ►.•S N^WWOK^ffijS J=J=J=-CJ=-SJ=J3J=iS ca 5 U^j- ca C en ca ^ E en E E J2 bX ca 6 - - - .W ^-T 1> - S .W *j cacaSS.cuQ.rtci0^ pSS U t u u u -* — U w - cj - t 0-g J= U IU — JO .a a w I. SI J{ < E« pq u o f* bt j§ " S S V] « V] (fl V) ^ i>H 0 ■a * to w c ft) .13 'h U a w B S a fc < £ (2 w p-PhPhPh^£<&< <» p .c o _ c O CO - ™ • S >* •s >s 3 s u, fit •§ * w j; in CO « x — — «< a |) — e ft, Vi 1/ 0/ 3 a (-./ £ II u BO « ■ uo -0 rr -c -c M «« 2S G • art • n rt — en cj en en 43 3 C ^ T3 TD C C S g * en *^ i-" c a a t-J H-) < £ T3 ~ — •o C c a a w B B a c G £ r. c o a; "0 — J3 •£ re re « c < to co S £ s O; O O C T3 -o -a re c c c _ n re re o. a, a. c c — x S-S M IS s^ re ._ M J= re CJ , . ' L- U ^ V W S S < < < X K til u Pl,PhCuAp!5S— . u O .= • «j Ji V, E E :o n t~~ • oo ov w •t m 4 »o t^ ■*)- O N ^- 1- OO OO SO SO r/: t - OS v. M fl -t" r^ o oc SO oa 1^ 1^. Os 1^ t> t- ^ ry; M »- ^ t~~ M ►- oa HH ^ M v. ** _ SO C c *H - M M n N M N N Cs s^s vn t^ no rn <+ t^. t^ J~- t^ en |^ m m ih <3 co t^ . \o N h so E«c«'2™ = t;>ri« u c = w -E D X) « t£ < 5 r= a K E < X • 03 ■ t E ••a e II .3 ti «, ^ -C >• • 3 .= ■ « - s ■ E = < « tf & a n rj « Pi Pi BS *» J2 J2 ^ * ? n "C ^: E ." < ■5 ■ *S ' O >r- — -i — ^ ^ u u w xu ^ r* .-. N N N - _- ~ ~ r; n ~ j= j= x: x: sz si s: KKKK^OiK^KKKKKKKKKKKK 426 The Nezv Hanover Lutheran Church. X I * * ■" y ,„ ££ 1 s .3 o Ed *-* 3 « "3 t/T cd cd "cj ~ * WE 3 « .a •5.-S eg Pi MH C vC T3 CO cd _S ■g S * 'S 3 -5 c c c S |S cs w a C 3 S ^" n. 0) — .3 0) ■J3 03 rt id c; s U "3 -a c Ml w -3 a n a cd is c — cd «? .5 ■£ m -a Si H tJ Q, cd "3 .3 Ed £'> ~ ' Bq U h w ■3 -3 .22 w "a cs c DC U .5 bfl 4H Ih .2 m <" C bO cd F S GO U Cd 2 bic M "2 S 0 CO S CO — pq Sh CO -3 U cd a 0 a c u C c < CO c I—, ,d 0 1—1 cd «^.S ffi -s 3^ m pp •r — o "3 ~a a -5 P £ fa E pi fa > > OJ 0 cd rj aj P p Ph 'J u O 13 t- fi „' >-.H w s •£ es .3 D, cd i) cl, jj g 45 J3 2j cd T3 C -a be U o ■s o •c -E fa ffi fa Urn 7 w T3 "5 *2 cd cd re cd c S E cd •- — -a >-) § « g "2 P «. <» E ,2 Cd CO t, — ; — — 2 W *; i> i) u o ■5 c c cd *-> -4-i fa P ■* ^o 00 en OO CO OO io i/i N r~^ 1-1 M 0 u-, r^ 6 f^ 10 i/"l t^ to 00 **• r^ -* rj- O ■+ N ri OO H o\ n r^ 00 r^ t^ w> t^ t^ r^ OO 00 -)- r^ -t t^ t^ t^. OO (V, BQ M OO t^ 00 0 H H( w c^ t^. w M r-« M t^ H r^ M w M t«s HH r^ OO t^ l-( W OO w M M w M M 1- M H Ul M N _ ^ M vo _ . „ c ) VO N ►H N M t^ H OO N * M N N 3 < w a 3 1— > > O J3 V fa J3 U fa u c 3 »— » l-i a. < fa a cd S cd I—, a, u CO a •— 1 1 > O z EU c 3 1—1 ID c 3 1— , •— cd u d P u 1 Cv) p 1 U fa >> cd p. Ofi • 3 EJ < 0 u/ 1 CO 00 N OO N r^ OO w t^ T b ■+ ><-, t>. VO to 00 to tN rh O 4- N ri N 0 N N O h « O t^ O r^ "^ VO t^ OO «* t^ t^ 00 BO 00 OO OO ON 00 00 H 00 M w M M 00 M H M T3 M M IH r^ M r> M M c 1 eS CO M >^> so" vri ■* T3 O M -0' O c5" M N c> M H > 3 — a, < EU CO EJ U P O z J3 V fa ^2 1) fa J2 V fa 0 z > O z C 3 bfl cd S 3 1—! u fa — ft < U O > 0 z a cd •— 1 cd *3 3 1— 1 1—1 CJ ffi a u .5 .S .c S -S -2 c - cd cd 0 -3 J3 HI H-i 0 0 O 1—1 1— > crt -3 ~ — -a ■3 —1 Ui Im cd cd cd Ed cd cd JS JS A 1 1 U U u 0 1 1 V a^ -j-j-j=jS^C45h3h3Jhh3 (2 « '5 ' PiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPi List of Baptisms. 427 w .2 ~j w c c c . pj « w _bD be u S S s c ,c "O \3 .c <-> 3 6 u 3.1 ^ -. at 3 K su ^ m •a -5 > £ 0* w ■S 3 £* pj S "3 ■2,< M 2 -S T -3 " S^H .2 x> x> T3 u 3 pj pj M 03 fa fa ~ M N PS s A £— 0 5 r/N > CO T. "i £« w ps pj a "s ^ u -3 ■5 w 0> OJ 0> .3 -E .3 £ w *n bC?Ow_2^.22^i 33 Pi 7 6 <2 0< . >- "3 .2 •- w- •_ a a> — 2 fa fa Oh fa — — a — 9 5 ad — E E "3 -O td a U 1 — . — 1 bfl C C a pj u PS PJ >- V V T3 u T3 c pj -3 a pj — 1 — — bfi bi -3 T3 K- a -J. a C C jr .M u a pj 0 JS CO u D, a n 3 pq :Q 4 id O O 73 0 u la a u V a. u '3 a u E E d pj n (LI n .3 J= O Q S3 U 0 fa H H S3** « o £ CO bfl •a .y -3 k a '— - PJ & co £3 ^"^ PS en to ps so tn et u .- su ps C .a C •- C O, 3 -3 in O it S PS J3 CO J3 ps CO .2 PS "3 .3 -o a •O CTJ C -3 < PJ T3 "3 C C C W 5 .2 ■3 4= Oh 2 « -a D -3 S 3 ^^ ps i) "C >, jj bD 4J c M ti >-• t. -a o i- *> u O «J *J o § « rt» "C 9 ,5 PU Oh O fa < O O 3 -3 S3 — — - u u s pj PJ .-. CD !fi _^ T3 "3 T3 O PJ PJ PS "3 M .3 -3 > > ^. 5P t^ OO >H t^ vo 00 w tn 00 00 t^ 00 00 f^ l^ W »H t^ M S '? > M O • * 00 so as M 00 i>. • h S N O N N l>.so N N N N "1 M Ul M» « OO f^t^M O O O m O N c j ti iiir,-.o^-o -r^ pj SQ §^. r^ CO CO •+ CO LO r^ 00 T t^~ r^ c-l 1-^ t^ M M IH >H r^ o> M l> ■H H r^ CO CO >-r CO M M OO c> l-l CJ M M M l> 0' CO « so" , ' n _ M CN « Os 0^; »-* SO - O H to M tH vo M N n M Os N CO -(- M N N N H m" CO CO M < bfi ,J 3 u < Q < d pi 1—1 J5 OJ Q .1 iS | ■- •- pj m 2 3 — u M u . •: u .« = ,< > "E W "3 >2 O C V 3 c >> « >-> I h! -J I cJ S • PS PS • • C hS rt (1 u *i w w 5 ^< ,5 3 pj pj .2 rt .2 « S n « « J2 Sc>^^ •„ ^- ■_ — — '— o 3j aj '-j 'ij u .js ^: j= .j= j= -c « * > •- "^ J5 E ™ -3 " ojpjpj.2c R « »> Oh CO CO - fa Q 5 OJ Oh Oi 1> OJ CU 4J O 3j Pi Pi Oh Oh Oh VC u U V u oioioioioioioioioioioioi; 428 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. & p» « .*H k > 13 •C 2 Q K PL, o. — y V W.S. £ CO e £ TO •d hi 1) c re u OJ U 43 TJ ~ C ► CO Q -S « N 43 U 43 S3 — ^ W « ■§ « W h u <+2 43 -r) — MP y i2 u 2 2 y W •2 re J3 IJ 2 >> S3 -S O 1-1 l- k-3 re v re y < < S Affi Oh 0 L L « WW — P- P- y •r to y >, rt *— 43 >, u *— , TO U I- *_ , "J TO R T3 T3 "O ra to .2 S — 43 43 *■> re t; < < TO S ID B to c to 5 TO *£ s S "O 2 +2 to C TO c 43 v - 40 43 TO* a ■a ° •$ — o u r- TO TO M > U .£ -a ~a U TO TO j- 43 i- *5 _, ,£ - ^ TO S s 8 3 1 _u J9 re >5 re pu Pu i— , »* H- 1 •s 'c ■si re S U 43 y -a co c „ ^ w **"> 43 1 *3 (j T3 -a 3 U -drew ■» re r; — 43 S U £ ■s e E 5 . P< its «-- « £ re * 1 £ ■« * PP -a s- ■v a t- 43 y a Cm u C-. is 4= u y w U CO CO re y -Ti u re .OO0Ot^0O0OO0OO0OTfO oo^J- •Oosooooooot-^ >^)l-^t^ JJMOOW wMMMMMMp-iM-t-cCCN WOO •OOt^MMMOOrJ- t^HH S. o « o <*> oo" oo" m" " o" oo" o~ c5" M - - o" ~ -lNNMMMCOCO^-^^> w2^ «'*t^MMM^^: 00 « « S co lH, < Z D S < D D lE,^o fa ^ co ^ I S < Z co Z O O D-l>HIHMMMMTJ-0OCT\ MOO OOMMMOOOOMM Ml-lt^ J^WMM M 1^ w M MM^WM M 9 -• . . 0"-t^MH"vO'f^OvnM _^ 0"^~ . ON N H" . . « M* pftC- E a ™ Eo£'uo£'3««So" -r y « « a-: 3 d d 3 =,"5£, re i t> C 4= 43 " OT fe- re > J= L= .5 i! t) J3 43 tl re re CO (J < < re O re l33 U3 to O W W .n C C .S c c (L> Qj U qj E w E w u V c "O u u W k3 y y y y re re re f. e "? =. •^•S-3-2 Ji434343434343 ^« ^>43 43 43 43 43 43 C C c C 43 43 43 Oft C/3 yyyajyyajy K P< P< aJQJQJ y P< P< P< List of Baptisms. 429 I 3 1 . «2 T3 _S - u "T 1 «* .5 00 *• S •= c GO (9 U « S ."2 U)W c ^ o w « S ■* * -S "§ o to X re m S x x h T3 re ca U K Cu id Ih a M s X u 14 C x td T3 pq n U c "D 14 tJ ~3 a u aj 0 — u a a a; u r2 OJ J3 re ^ o -J T) a re Q re c c s rt X> 0 re re O u X X 0 re aj O re X £ « E Js CO T3 "O C "Were .•ere. «-> re Ul "3 la m "3 X! _£ C <42 IS <-> « Q p2 c .2 X „ s « s * « ^ T3 -a S & 5 £ re u u >— 1 00 00 U £ P< IS _ u c E -Q c ■w *j i. c -C c e e c r- E « CL, &, Oh H > 2 t* -S C'*Cbo~w re -e x xi J3 •— — c^D ^^ O K t^N orJ-Ooo^oooovn • oovnooTi-ooOooooooooooONtnm 0000 ►HIT, OOOOOOMMMM^ . WOOWOOl-IOOWlHMMlHt^OOOO MM ^r^WMW MW MHM MMM 5? * ••t^t^Mf^.. > w ih . On • v^ o Tf-to ^ • to-Owt^Ot^O to '*-iO'l-vomvotovotr)>+.OsCT\T+- 0>0\ t^N tn«+-oooot^ootovo ih NoooooTj-ooOooooOwtooototo 0000 MU-i 00-J-MMMMOOt>. 00 OOMWOOlHOOIHIHOOOOONt^OOOO MM N C fc- X x Ph Pi o °^ — N _H M M 0< N - - o 5, V -0= cccccccc .c •2 "fl xx-exxxxxnx Ih .^ ,S .^ — ^ ^ ^ '~J O ^^ ! w >, X re re X r x 1 H X re Ph I J? CO E- ^ ^ ^ ^ u Ih 4> u a. 1 l> U "a - — T3 u ~ ■c — -a — ."H d U C "O c C "O i> O ^ O 1-' ~ 13 XXX >» XX >>xxxxx a M u rS •?. c u c; >£ c; >- u a U U 1> K KeiaieiKciiaiaj qj cu cu cu cu qj Pi Ph Ph Ph Ph Pi rt^ .-i .-i .« ."t^ ._ ._ .— f- . — .— U *■ U U 1; i) u 0 cu cu Di Pi Di Pi « PC PC Pi Pi PC 43° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. i « ~ ^-S c c u • re C .- J2 •£ -O « ij « n M 3 _3 ~ ^ « M U T3 U C hh re 12 re « T3 £ -a c -c 5 ^ "£ "E ^ ri •— 1 « —i c ■a U u M j2 g ji J3 gj K aj a = a a a a h ti U aj a> u u 1h m M re W id n rt re re Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph CO IS ^ O -3 t> « C 'C -r ~ ^ * -C re re 1) "O Rj re S 6 c 43 u ±1 u a Z 7Z JJ ^ J_1 N w ■£ O c wy o 42 •- « C > J* 3^hc5pHhc5opH: — u a> re 2 "5 -n -a & J = = ^ ^ 03 • — ■ v\* ■— re re -rt re w u 3 i> •- i> b W iS § re re re 32 (fl tfl 13 - "O -O re co < CO < Ph £3 C re <; 2 re £-3 -S - — ■ — n "T! ££ — re re 2 >> >~> -C _~ c > re v re Q K Q C C-OT3 C-OT3 C re c c re ^; F. 3 Q ffi Ph O ^ VC VO O l^ »t t^ N w u-i N vo OO v^ N ^O T*- C . vo to 10 10 00 -+- s ^ C\ co C CSONNCnOmO^OOOOO^- O 00 OOOri-OOOooO OS rj- • o\ OMSO o on 00 00 oc 00000 00000 a\ot>. 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So s E3i -/ Be bt a a "i -/ "i ui -i bi Q -i bt bi 5 ti 5 a B a B = a a a q a _ B a c q c a a a a a = a - c a a c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcCCCECCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd^^^ucdcdcd PiPiPiPiOiPipLlPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPLlPiPi 434 The New1 Hanover Lutheran Church. »5E O M O 0 < w Cm ffi ffi E N t^. O OO Th On M OO M ■ <+ SO N On "*■ m t-» O so N co oo t^ oo v-> ON N c\l M M CO N OO SO QN. M M N oo „" N fs «i W M M M « dS^q^^o^£d W rt §s H N SO 3 3 > bO u « * u^ d *r ;r i*m j; -l • O • N • • • Os N N • -oo • -oo • • w • • co • m • co • oo O Os • so N • O »i- -j- oo N so m csl oo • os t+- oo os so vo m • w> t^ so co so O so so co O «"> MOO N 0\ N M t^. 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Ed bO . >i re 3 1 c re .E re G 1- 1- re re . c re re - -a 42 42 -- G43-G-" bJO w w Pi O O E S -a "33 C — | G (3 re G re re re TD 0) bu 43 > o O 23 32 Ed -w £>. *-! £ £ £§ d q a £ so • «ai o t> ^o os «n oo «*i oo so oo os oo o OO SO HI 5 ~ M M~ « <3 M M O £ § < Q co Z m oo oo oo C M M w cq on so to < Q •~ re .5 sj S 3 - o **> - "1 H « m o ^< bfl >, toNvn. . . -Oto-NOoo «-iu-vvrit^OOOOOOOO -ososso oo oo « M OsososOsossooooooo mmmoooooooommOmmm 00 OO t^ M M t^ rt- to ts)u-iMlHi-cNW-.NN>H'J-vO ^J Eh •- 4J ^r «J 4J jj >, U fill V •— 'u N a, 42 re re 0, L^ C3. a, re Ed re O CO Uh s s < < S < < 00 sn r^ -+ no r^ 0 N O t^. SO ON w w »n ci C^ OS EJl ON 0 M C>v so SO oo so u-i UN 00 00 00 CO 00 OO C7N IO ON CO CO rl H hH r^ -t w Q S «n ^ ^ .^FtorC^S^o"^ + + f) H N N n N H 13 ^ *> m" 3; d, O OJ CJ QfeZS^O< « E a .1 -s !• 2 III W . Ed > O es J* E s re > Ed Cu 43 C 0 Q re 9 re Plh "5i CU re It E < re CO 00* c/T r/T f/T »T t/T m ~ m »r oT ,/■ S 0 O O 0 0 O a o 0 r, 0 0 O a 0 0 O 0 O 0 O c X p< « K Pi « Pi Pi Pi k Pi Pi |£ K K K A ,3 .22 y.^^x^x^;^ Wojcjcoojcuajcuajoj 1—1434343434343434343 3 3 ►— 1 *- ,c Ct c= 3 r= 0. CO < S5 Ed •— re O c ^42 1 c Ed .2 .2 43 lx u re -- c - R >- E C co T3 co — ro — c bl co Ml ro s bl id X CO O CO •a a ■a — a — a co co n co « X X X X — 0 O 0 cj u cj co S co co co i: -° CO cd C to — ; co X 5 .2 "t; .2 £% K .2 < "S _ "^ ^- zn r* c ) ts w -a c -3 M a 0 bl E u 0 — P* 0 bl c -o <; c ^ •u — -S ™ 9 J= Qj OJ C~ Qj QJ CO (0 W C3 ,V Ph U Oh Ph O «^ S E E « S x Pi S E wOO co h u < &, pl, t; «■«.«' S: u w W cO cs ■£ -u 5 xj to S = 5 „■ -^ co CJ T3 (J U ^ rri u: 1- CO S « K co CO CO c •e « -a E -S X u O ■" CJ u Offi O cx> t>. t^ -ON < < < S w - « ro bb >> *j iX ° ro -(- n N -+- o> M M '.) ro se (-1 vo m tn N rv-i -1- M CM -t- ee r^ 0< r-n en 00 r^ 00 M M ts M M M 00 V. M »i M M H ri CM M M -+- U iy^ n N H h-i to cn r^ l N . >, CJ 0^ >, >, )« jj >, CO CO Rj a C si M & M M to «+• O t>. t^ O co N NOO CO IH Ut U-^ Ul N »0 00 m r^ • o • 00 o 0 r^ .00 __ "1 M OO CO __ M S S o q S SS < c z < r^ t~. O ^o o < < \o 00 ■+ M OO OO co \n N "+ t^ (^ O co N In OO CO t^MMMMMMt^lHOO N N O M v^-i ( — t — ( — OO W-, j_t N w m * O « vo 3 J2 < s J tsfl CJ 3 o < ^ Ji • *C -be -£ 3 cj C o 3 fc ^ o < o < *i hi) ^> !> >\ ** O ZT »H T rr( w* U j « J3 >c? ►>; «5? »=< "Jii'^:^ co<2ZSSb CO ■ 3 CO i M II _r ^ -n S 0 0 - - 0 0 g b a 0 iO tt K ^ K K M p< ptf K K OS K pet 442 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. .9 « It g ° & J w w c r >> « cd cd i> >h - u 3 id GO cd IS Cd Q, c o C CO ■2 S S3 ^ M ' c .Q a, M _a S o S ■c ^ -^ a. O eu T3 O cd cd -9 -;: - S =» 11 >-M ."5 ° eu ffi t> ts -s "^ OJ C C3 cd 43 bO CO c _ — u H 43 «J rv a, © T3 £ •- ra .-5 •JW C « B u .a o .9 fa •5 P P< £ W U u.2£ lH cd V CJ V >% c bO .S -S o U OJ P< o - 43 « B cd a, M "C b c ft c < C3 q» £ w >, U 4j {J T5 *£ S cd -a "O cd (x, fa N W ,2 -3 CO -§ fa n ft m c w .2 Oh PL, O Qh £, !> [2 cd C3 o u 1) rd cj U u cd u u a u u 43 cd () U 43 4j JQ J3 ft, 73 U Pi OJ (LI fa -a a 5 cd cd cd cd cd 43 43 42 43 43 *i a a a a a ™ 1) (U u a; g o o o o o o 3 cd |4 l—i 42 T3 l- C pq _ ■n 43 c pq c w S -o .2 J3 "5 « »-> Cd cd < 43 g •4= pq S3 43 u 43 cd £0) g 43 cd CO 2 .2 cd cd -a 5 fa w .2 ft >^ 43 re 43 OT cd — >_ fa cd CO -a c -o cd c O P P U P U cd cd P P = 9 = ~ a 9 5 43 C 43 OO CO oo Ov N M 00 M PJ OO P P < O co P < 6 M *: TO N >n CN w-i N CO CO M N If oo 00 oo oo oo oo l^ M H OO N >o O O ^O N N n s to h J p) n U co^ZP^; vo CO M CO OO CO N ^-^ CO OO OO M» oo >^ OO W M M W M 5S ^o vo rT co fd OJ N m h N N "13 N 1) 3 O '=3*rcj3'"03 ft cd 4^" CO <. n t-i n ii m n »r bi) ^ ^ ti bi) • J 3 ft ft 3 g C ^ < CO CO < < H- 1 P c 9 c 43 : > i cd ? H 5< . 3 . s; M 4g ■X3 < U fa fa fa CO — CJ .5 o 43 > cd 43 M 3) M M M M_« _-_-_- „- _T u «3 u a» a> « « 4D Jo ja 43 43 43 E a T3 73 b a a ft u u H> U U V V E i-" cd E E ■5 S •a 43 "-1 ^ "3 (j _ .— , »i cd S ■*. c cct2'£olux c t 3 - mwho 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 ««««««« &3P<3fa' fa« C4 j3 j3 G->ojp->pj oo ooo^ooooo p K E v tn — .2 m IS! i- - O o s j 2 = 2. w 8 — .2 co ►_, rt _ K i_ W -a « c -o co •a ra c __ rt C J. .- — rt — rt c •- u js >£. fe M £ — rt E £ Q Q | i c c -a 2 ra rt c ■£ ■« -* * U u u c ^ a — c •SEES w A 2 rt X JZ J3 -= & 3 S i1 c Ji rt ■a Ji 12 rt £ « C -a _C W c o § w £ u, — * « £.« ^£A£^h^cS^^s^ u S w « -2 .5 "C -P -c 2 co -a ■5 U rt "3 U c -o w w c -rt ra £ *> -B c . H o I* U &D b£ I* u rt rt u J* >H ^ 1) i> •* c e _ rt I c W <3 -a ■s rt u - - c = > > w W W hi M « T3 T3 b£ C C :rt w rt •— > "^ "»> "3. 3 3 2 6 E = rt rt o CO CO & o J2 J3 JC •- (i cq n ti (J « U U CJ -£ CT3 j_ CTj CTj C3 r \ -a rj -a -o T3 ^ = js :s ~ ■a S^S w rt 5S — « ^ n Z ~ "2 1) c £ 3 u CO g M .2 — — E Z O rt 2 .s « .2 j= «5 rt ,™ *5 U T3 "S "H ~° 8 C T3 C ,1 -a ^ rt bl E x N •a n a |X) h-j on rt c W X JS ■£ u u o w j: i! £ u -> - o o rt u ^^.^pmix^e^u ^^^^^.^^ j x e a rt rt E OOOO OOOOOOO + N N N N oo oo t^oo l-^t^. M'-'-+-'-'W"Hl^WMMM»HMMMWlH ^ ^ N .woo ,f^O ov •g333g-1US'5<2« >. M *; *n • i— > < co < O t~» • t^ t^ t^ 1/1 in m u-i \o in u^ u^ oo >o « oo oo t>» o M OO M M M M OO l-l M VO* - vo" vo" \o" **■ - 00 t^ to ^ C ^p ^> ^> oJO 3 rt 3 3 3 3 CJ "3 ^ rt ^ "3 V5 *3 >— . «K 1— » fc fe vo o 00 »f w 00 00 N >+■ • «f ^- OO w-i -l-OO "IN f-.'O W|~» 00 woo mm r ~ 1 - p-i O N -4- ON "2 ^O 00 w 00 00 00 fl m vi in ui 00 00 00 00 00 f^ >n v-i 00 t^ vo O * m s n 00 00 t^ w 11 N yO N w ^n . N > bfi > S Az < z 3 o < o 3 a. < < J3 •» •* — E^o5 : rt rt -n *s __• Moo j 3 — t; < o rt .!2 ■is Iv (^ a: dc os « « U U ^< ^< Oi >. N J X J J3 003333 PC D< DC DC pej p< PC .2 o "S w rt 3 O £ . C «S 42 S 6 2 < , MH <— 1 E ** - U a. u fi c o, ex 3 3 :3 3 3 3 PC PC PC PC PC PC JS J3 — OO M OO N>C « h n n J3 ai X M bS D^^£<^C o co N c pq E < J3 U ^3 o. jz r1 < u o " « c oS o « C '— >^>i— ,— >co(jOh-5 -C~ jf J=" j£ J3" *j « a: a ■ . cd 43 43 bO o u V C 0) « ft> «J ^ Ut 5 ^ in Ui U « s * s a -£> TO C M " ** .2 -C S .5 "3 43 « C 43 .a cd I- T3 J bO u cd j3 to "O cd OT _r- a • ~ 43 u C u C cd E c "O .y ^ w ,5 X m X -a C C cd B ed T3 U, ^ rt PQ Cm <3 w C T3 .2 £ £ *u cd ed 43 -O ~0 V << S w TJ c is o u u pq fa fa C ed "2 M O 4= a> PS O > u 0; bJD T) Ml 4J id a h 43 U a OJ B >, >, aj a o pq c pq C kJ W eu a £ <-> o o u e_> .3 .{. cdCdcuuWDCU • cr • S fa U U 43 43 43 43 fa "5 P< W c3 ^3 "O *0 *T3 "TD _ c c c c c 5 5 ^ rt «d cd cd CJ34343434343 C T3 D u O O O O ,^ ►? ►? « « cd cd SS C M M s? g >• > 00 t^ t^ (^ t^ t^ t^ M *n >< >~- bb 4: J2 -5 t U^ cd cd «5 fl hB 2 43 O O 1— > 43 O 1— > cd cd Ph < u. a C C c c c cd cd cd cd cd cd E E £ £ E E t- JM 4«S 4* 4* 4* j* 4^ u 0 0 CJ cd cd cd cd cd cd ed '/j CO CO co co CO M "^ • O H VO O rf- in u-i c<^ 00 N WOO » OO "sf M OO M IH M OO OO M M M O • (f M O « • « t- h N n r? ^ t^ O 00 «1 PI • M to N 00 M On 00 00 t^ C7\ t^ w M M 1^ M U"> O ON O NO M N OO OO bfi X >> - 15 S sis D Z P S < fa Q £ S o < < < l« T+- OS ""> PO t^ t^ VO «! +O0 OO rj- t-» N OO OO IH M OO 00 t^ M H - M C 43 a, C 3 1) i) 3 00 O w O N N N N Ov C\ m 00 00 00 M l^ t^ OO M W IH N CO rt- N n pj en M M U . . « v « M ca *j -H C a. n. Xr Tt- 00 OS SO s 00 00 UUS^lliU^A >*H4<4< mhco4AZcoOcoOQ 200 o fa E 53 S ed o ■£ E E W cd — y J3 E •S ,-- bD cd .a w u u CO bC 0 £ £ CQ o pq Uw — *- — — — £ *J -w -W -w .*- fl) — — Q ni rg < < £, fa fa a a a „ a> u aj O u '.) M a CQ Cm fa PLi /, u (1 (3 n (Q t4 c« en t/5 c« en £ C E C C C Qj QJ Q-* u u u. u u n n r; n n i; 3 "S E c c c fafafafafaHCfafafa« ^ -a is -a c -a c JT3 ST) J fa < fa < fa n ra « « Pi RJ HI -a K T3 pq c .. C T3 cB c C re e rt -a cd -a ca fa CB fa re T3 . "O . P < < < < P< E C TT P< « ca -a s s -d fa o fa fa fa V. < < < < fa £ E £ 5 A OONN"1«"vOf"»l'> •+ os O Os O oo oo r^ C\ HI OO M - !f OS . *1- - «*> Os - w _ N ^ "C >> ~ >■ "C bio >> ij >, >, be C OO OS OO so H II HI OO OO OO WOO _, w t-» O m N • M W Cs t(- OO OS N OO tJ- OO OO CI OO CVOO t-~ HI HI OO HI S"S 12 co fa < O O fa o o o c z z z < c S • -h w-l 0 c- m o M 'n r-^ •+ -t- ►H OO N ^ \y- ae r«« '/-, CO OM t~* ON N M SO VO 00 n 0 Ov en (> r^ Eh N OO N ts in o M M O CM BO t^ OO V£> OO BO M c^ N oe SO Of Os 00 in oc HI OO HI DC M rv. SC HI » M HI OO OS HI H I-» CM M 00 00 oe 00 SO HI 00 HI ^H ►-< fs HI »-< IH 00 M oa 00 is - ■* _ in _ M ~r N _ M OS O _ , r^ HI _ M rh HI O HI Ml N o\ Ov ri N C^ SO HI ^^ HI M ^M I/-, T3 V bC < 3 O < z c i— > M < i- < II — . re s u P a, < 4) B 9 •— > p U O re cv eu C/3 CV V CO a CO H-| a 1 — i V a a •— > > o V JO fa >— > — hV - •— 1 Q, 0) CO 0 OO si NOO E re 3 — ~ g fa 5 w u ca u E 2 E g -5 3 w w (J co co p ™ n g rt fa - fa c = = n i i; Si " O ft. "• ur E E u< < P < k o _ u, v»_ Cfc O O O O O O >>>!>!>« {/JCOCOCOCOCOCOCO >, >. >. >. >. >.>,>,>. >. _r ^: ^; ^z ^3 cacaracacaracacacacarararacacauuouu COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOO'DCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO 446 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u u U tta v w s-!? s mScc Mc Mgcc 3 £ g 2 £ .-< *-" .-H *— O h u SO Oh pu, pl, < pq 3 cd cd r*-1 cd cd cd cd cd r*~ ' cd cd ^* cd cd ** rr\ a Lj a A A A a L_i a a l-ja a ■5 w S^S e m i I w -a ' T3 C I C cd cd r*"1 cd cd cd cd cd p" cd cd t-1 cd cd PHhPkCiipHPHeuHeLifiHhPL,^ a a _3> ,0 |> So bO S x « B ™ S M w 5 w ■§"§ "g a cd c -O w cd 8 cd E J3 W 5 cd E 2 ffi bo a 3 -5 n W ■a cd'"g -3 ss S g S g 2 ffi L 3 •J-< w E a 2 ffi _« cd « ^ — S M S :-" X 3 X I— > 7 ^ 8 . ^0 ON 1^- ON 00 CN 0 ■<*■ C*-> ON 1^ NO -(- « t^ 00 CN N « 00 00 U~l r^ 00 00 t^ rf NO -(- 00 00 OO On OO r^ CO On CO t^ CO r^ Tj- t^. r^ M M CO N M M» ae ae M M 00 O 60 M M M OO M eo M HH M CO M CO t«. t^ M kl M OO M M M ON M M M M r^ M a Tj- U1 n - H * >n 0" O M _ n _ in r-~ - N _ M NO N W CI ™ -MM ON M M tm CM l> CI HH c^ M N M PI 0» M N HH cnT 00 CM uq . .May . . Mar. . .Mar 0 tj M > OJ OJ 3 O Q Q < Z 1 1 u 2 _>1 1— , cu c 3 1 — 1 bO 3 < M cd 0 C cd 1—. 1—1 3 >— > 3 a cd >— > > 0 3 t— 1 1 u p cd a, a, < < H Cd 1— 1 CJ O cj P cd • M OV X ■ N OO WNO ONCOWlO OnOn t^NOOOOOO MM OO M OO CO M 00 M M OO M OO OO t^ "1 • NO t^ • O M t^NOONNOONt^COOTt-N 000000 00000 ononoo t^NO MMMOOMMOOMMOOON Q H " (Nl "Sf to t-^ ~ r£ >^ •+ . >+ - *" K OC M M 00 ^c r 1- M N£ CJ oq M « - M OC ^ M VI c M t- B > 3 J ^ — >-> t < 0 >-. >- i 1 J! 3 ,5 bO 1 c a. P ! or C c < -i C a. "1 bO > 3 O >N Cd 2 c -1 4_ c c J CJ 1 CO s < 0 1 >1 H cd JC CJ aa 3 3 3 V cd J2 CJ 3 bs 4J cd X 0 3 cd -3 5: a X n a B 5 E "3 0 1-1 cd E E W a 0 ft 3 cd 0) bO M O Cwl O c c c a, IE - -, > u c IE c c u c c c 1 >— M rs fa bO :0 R c 3 c- C > c 3 < u cc % 3 i 3 c < > % 3 R . £ J cd tcj a cd E M O 3 So 3 < a 0 3 < -0 3 0 S Pi cd pel t- r E d — i PC E 1 X c c R d . I - X- uT - u l- - •_ U I. 1- M M u t- u 1 u u 1 a b 9 C .3 -3 X _3 -3 r Ji X J3 X X -3 _3 -3 C X X c t CJ c u '. u c '. C CJ C c c c c. C c CJ CJ ( c c c, CJ c CJ ce M U C73 M CO tc cc V >5 ^ -a * 3 .a re 43 — ■_ 3 " S N " s 5(5 f S 1) . MMOOMMMMM wm" . £ 5 M VO VO ON M OO OO IH C<^c«. OOOOMMMMt^cO MM M OO VO M ON m On NO ~ C re -^ re o. *^ ,> re li § E M S O _e B J5 MiS -S3 j= j= x: j= j= J= JS 4= !0(ntfl(/)W(nww(n CO M M OO "^ M M M (k^Zm; St it tt: tfc ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo NO Tj- M NO t^ NO O t^ M t^ OO — . Jri a - *— i *-'. >. u 43 1/ u a/ II U V aj 43 4= jq 43 o u u u U u u u y. CO ca W3 CO 09 on EQ o r^ co m o oo r^ o oo m u-l NO O 1^ OO M OO M i-i M M M ~on°o cNr-rcr—*00 N CM CO M N ^ d 8 J ■& sJ sl'ts J Q § ^Q m!>S O S OO 'S bO .« ■S -b S £ .a Jg o a "■ 3 re re UOK S3 S3 ££££ 4/ 4«r 4*" 4/ j* j* m 4«r 4«r 4S -3 43 43 4= 4= 4= 4= WWWWCOMWWtO 448 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. < •£ 0 til ^d 5 U <3 -O 'B £ M tJ D ra a G 43 U re 43 > 4H u fa £ "2 ■S 43 •£ ^ o n qj re rt 33 « .5 My M J fa "J u - *1? 0 S « .2 « C & SS C c ^ '+-' fa < < £ -o , c -d T3 "O re S g § M c ._r.-3 c -a •= fa £fa B fa\5 £>< < < K ffi JJ "3 *M 2 ■O bt bt re bfl re (3 ^S re ^-. "-■ w (-• G ra re 5 u .5 .« .33 -c 5 tH _c 43 43 0 SO 43 45 V u J3 fa u CO 5 u hf u CO C - u E U Ul 43 u 0 u o u 43 § o fa pq c 1 — . fa re 1 — i re | — i ■+_; c C/3 43 •33 •n u re M re X re a c w re re u re 2 -= re < u J3 s t -n ■4H — 1 -c -TD — a re £ c a re £ fa B re re Ih "3 c a; u u -c c •0 bt >> re tJ ~o> re re '53 X re U CO 4 a u re fa b£ »-• c u a C 22 ID M o 0 pp 43 C u re i—i tx — 1-1 s 43 0 i — i D c c re 43 o 1 — i X M OJ u fa a u u re fa t: W -S M D ID > >> "C t^ t^ t-^ t^ N t~- o" M m" rf b s- t»o *; OO OO w OO • t^ u-i OS O C\ O C3N m N oo OO M M t^. OO M oo oo 6 >i t- VO OS "1 oo >>>>&£>, Q N £<§£ 4 u^ o <) O 0 n r^ OS t-i r/j H <) CO 00 S: BO ^< M l-H 00 >H VJ OO U M M H M M 00 Q CP vo >J-, d o o M »o co" M M rj 'u >*"> 'C ■ >> "u. "li 4 *>h d iu cJ2 a. (j "= o-cug Dh«d p < S < O ^>< < £< D 12 be '-5 "ft to fa -S ^ c "^ o ,u ■S i I 2 I < O S 3 ^ <5 re re fa ^ fa CO (73 CO CO a B B ,.v .^: M ^ ^ ^ ^ a B B ID u u u u (J u u u (D u 43 43 43 43 45 43 _s _2 B u u o u U u o u u u u O VO N t^ t^ i; X M M < X e E" „C J3 J3 43 -C 43 T ^ M N OO SO OO Tj- H O ■* 00 00 OO M o" M M - r>-P cv -T: rt -9. 43 C < < ao Q AZ < O O fa < fa fa — v re B 43 oj "^ 43 re o *> w ■O bl « be ^ -r Hi o a x x ■a Ml Ih S 43 RJ i- o u re c u a N N N N 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 3 43 IS IS IS ouooauocjoouuu List of Baptisms. 449 C F^ >- J3 E -a °S JJ. -e K ,« " ra £ O o -r s s l> CS — r J oj=.= > i o « o ^ CJ « « 2 u a " Q cs w cs Ui — a "O «S -a — c u tJD tX >~, c >- >- u £ o o c c < > .t: c -o £ cs c B • C c J= n 4. * a cs - " hhou ecl.ookix&.Au: •5 "a ~ cs CS J= M CS « -2 u u « P» CC 'Z ^ . l- *■ P cj rr .- 13 U •5 OT u -a ■— — M U.' CO nj O cs *-« U N ^ -a cs -r c U w -c CS (J J= "5 -S J= -C J= X J £ J id S ■a < bo i* o u .0 w "O W E " u «» .£ oj c n ^- «_, r; U U V o C c >> a M 5 in i : K < O S O Q i S a u so "1 "1 -t- r^ r^ ee M H- H m M o\ M to hi U u! 3 < id CS ^ s "ci-S 2 < m N S N OO IH M OO r *£ ^ m vn cv t^. O O t^ t^. O t^ 00 VO IH r>. oo o w i^. oo f^ oo w> O t~. t-» N N M M M t^. 00 N N N M M w* -P so1 OS CO M M vo" M M M N fa s§ n < co O QJ ° *r5 > 4J CS ■§ss < < C J= J3 C « cs j- < U U (j « 3 S O = ^3 0 1= — w « *J cs n N O V. " X. — — — U U U V ^or^ cor-sOO oovom r^ ' t^ ******** ** MMWM WMOOr~.t-~IHI-lt^lH l>% M t> •> M so" - . W w Is » m rocsfso so" cTM « - • so" w- _ ON N £)" _ OO M I M ^' SO *C • ^ • ,;" ^ J; S i* 6i >, >>'*i6 ^^ii^^^n^c *^" rsCCS C C-^-CSCcS-1^- SoCX-iii ^-tCS-^CSCuCcSC fiaj < >-, — , ZZcoQ i— ,< ^< OU >/1 •o .1* ^: ^ jc j= -s ja J J= -C JZ ^Z JZ JZ JZ SZ JZ JZ ^Z^Z^ZJZJZ^ZJZJZJZ cococococococo cocococo cococococococococo 45o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. v co ►" ■— 1- k* C3 re ►> « O. O,^ c *> w p « . .co » 3 fa ._ CD pq a w ■£ i S s _ rr; -a < -< « W re P-, — - _e ^ E ■^ , — HM -fi = re « o o g M -C v re 3 K .2 " ■o 5 "g S -d w S _ c >> « S I! •£ 3 E S 5 B u -E e w W 60 73 i 1 hJ CO 2 £ S -S o re E -o "C E re re u o re "O « hOa,-> 'X3 n ■— \- r- M bfl bfi •£ •-h 1- U. CD re re re _^ S S § S re re *C •£ S re ss 2 < < re re re ■d -a __ T3 T3 "O ro c c c hH w re co "^ a < S s re pq U J Si re re w c m C i— , *^ •^§U;§ S "re bC 2 re « " CO — M fa *2 s| cu cu qj re C C C . c c e >« — ' — ■ 5 C -C J5 -C O O O m CD CU _ re re •9 * x ffi ^^S^SS cu bU O jo js xi .a cu * • OO *J- CO M On On NO »>. O vo OO N % -~ O oo vo 0 C3S t--. r-- ON «/1 ^O O ON no U-l ON r^ to CO N M h. N w vr, M CO l-~ M » vo VO OS oo t^ oo r-» os oo r- "^ iy-] -t- t>. •* r^ 00 oo CO U-N r^ rh CO to OO oo 1^. OO CO r> n t-* f-^ H M t^ t^ W M t^ r^ 00 M t^ M M IH M t^ r-^ CO HH 00 M W M 1-4 HI M 00 M M l-C M M M H M M M C3 =3 M o - t*1 M oo - VO O O 00 „ _ » vr, M N CO H C^ On -r IN 00 ^ N H « M <^ M <« VO in CO M On l-l M M M M ON M N N N N H M bt < d re re SS 1— I 14 w, >^ >, >, nj re p3 cd sss§ M S < a. CD CO > '5 O Oh CD a be be a 3 < < Oh CD 'J-J CD > O a re i— > u CD p CD O bC (U 3 p < 1 re re bl 3 < O • oo • O t^ ON tJ- vo vo O On t-. O N cj\ oo t^ M OO M !>. M M M M O* - *o ~ (J- vo" CO O « H H ^ S *j re jj >> re^ tv a oo m <)■ ui m • ^t- N N "i VO N N 't W N M MOO r^M MOO WNM m On On k^ co co vo m NOO OO tv *!■ N m O co OO t^ f^ O 00 N hh). N N N OO oo r^ oo m N M CO OO CO N — ON __ NO Tj- M ODtZoS^ J3 .2 E J3 cu cu — re ej .S sr? o — m re . oj L! n n ra E ^ ^ < | E E 3 re re _h re re « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U U U U U U CJ cu CU CU CU > C .,_, "O -iSc3 « £> > 'C J". 14 >>.!£ id s w PQ « w s "0 ■O S^ c c w w C •- X u .2 •£ -3 "3 •» 3 S H ."2 « « c UJ •2S ££ J £ 0 c CO c x . X CJ c .u CO Sc = EC A ■3 n •=, -3 E =: _5 < — - x X O O S ."H -P E " a w - — CO V < ~ X £ "3 ■ft « c 3 ±\ n P< "3 2 -c •§ 1- O C C CO -C -= o CO 5 K o P, -C J= S W w "u 3 "2 c -a ■2S co5 CQ ^^ C T3 C T3 C Cr3cr3"aWcra bfi -5 ^ cu ^ a. -g K R c O U O ~ o c U ■+• 00 OO OO M « OO N00 t-^MOOOOOOOO «0O0O0O0O -c: c'E c^*: cJ*j S dti^tjW)'^ >^^ &5c=ua»t!r;' « « > 'C ** OO • • • ON ■ <+ O moo Ooo u-iovw OOOOMNNt^xOO II MOOOOOO WOO M 5 ^5 * Noo u-^00 rod co 00 tn co 00 OO MOO MOOOOOO MOO M M CO N T^" (NJ u «-. ■*_» ."■rcu-ro a « 5J2 £-£"=' S -S £• 5 « 5 / ^ 1 -c re c "u M A M u t X X Z - z E u X . C3 5 : c c c - rTi ! ^ ■ P3 E v -c C "3 ^. ^. _ ^: ♦- _ > b *E t^ M 00 OO *J > < § S < ££ c^^czS bt '2 o .E .2 "" x x p .2 a a c _ " u u o n ra EC HI ^2 w 1— , >— , en en en x jz x -c x — -c-3-3 — ^-^-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 — -3 *E § I I 'E 1 1 1 *E I 1 i 1 1 1 'a a a *E — ^^.^.JZ — ^JZSZ^Z^.JZSZJZSZ^Z^.^.^Z uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO -3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 — -3 1 a 1 1 1 a "e a 's 'I a 'i a ,e.c_s.i:.i=.i:_r_r — — — — -= uuuuuuuuuuuuu cococococococococococococo 452 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. .2 -S & -j — u o cd CO bfi o S .O o u 'J n3 -o ■ft, Pd C id X c "eu < — a Cd a; M co bD D 43 P x c CD 'cu c 4= u E/3 c 43 C 43 — 43 e CO o oj a OJ 3 Ed cd PS s 5 o «j c u a - S en — u c c G cd Ed Ed C Ed 0 cl> CD 4= 4= u -5 - 43 -c A Ed Ph > 0 — 1 C — I H O ►— > o £ O ►— 1 c & r- li r! ^" .m — 5 13 -a I s s 15 « "S J d bfl 43 -g T3 ."2 T3 2 2 £ a, .s £ ■£ .§ w cd i cd c 'S 5 .2 CD O O ni JT <" cd u u S >• O ^C cd cd o > ►— > Q i — i i — > i — , « cd C " » ™ « J? 5 re CD "£ 43 u E fa fa EOfaC^cofa^faPL, til ^* •2 -2 * ■$ c2 . — i cd j_. -*^ W .2 « 43 -a CA VJ .— -a tj c a cd cd — *5 O w U w -a ™ 3 P — en c/d W s ^ ^2 cd -a "2 "2 C 43 Ccdgcd cdcd.^W T3 *<3 C 13 C o 43 a, v rt Q Q W 0 « .3 — e ™ « c c? > a « u w u Q M D Ph >. M «, rl C3 'S < fa OO M ss V> 0\ •<> VO O M VO 00 l-l + NOO OO M II OO OO M w II OO MM M 00 tJ- 00 M t^ IH fc- v4r *>: _.- < < S < Q 43 5? - >> iJ 3! u *« fa < O h=,l > 'C M I j >; > D u 3 ^ Q, 3 o ^ O O M rn oo OO M O N "1 to *$• oo OO w M OO t^ N >4- m oo oo m ii oo en MM M OO N N in m M N en o M oo m • • oo rJ-T^-Tl-inTJ-M M >^-m »n oooooooooo wnoo O N MMMMMOOOOMOOOO »n N en en tJ- NNNNP)NOM r ^ ^r .r 43 X fa fa ft «] (A < S jj bo E « U fa -a u, 03 OO S ~> E c a. re « — •=> "o ■=• Ow " ™ j- « n u u bfl = c n J3 g u CO « T3 p* T3 ■* 3 T3 T3 -a q -o a — OO fe C 03 q 03 a 03 03 a Ih ■a a -a "5 C ■0 1 u GO T3 ca ~z U Ed a "I U > a B Ed a M u 09 s oo a ■a •— > 0 a 75 N B — a pq a tg Q H c o CO •— > a pq C u c 0 c - •— CL, 0 t— 1 u c c ja o 1— > OJ id "O -a 5 c 03 pj i> -a be »H E x: • td Z .2 2 -o Ja a, 03 a, o .2 o w •s -a 03 c (J ra 8-SUJ ■a J3 T3 .2 u 03 W Ed >— » C -o S* E re a. ca S 'ff 9 fa pq £, N oo oo t>« m m X U ■" -S ^ u r3 u - J= .. _03 03 XI w *1 »5 M « V ^i 03 bfi 03 OO 03 J* .o — .2 t-,'5 *5 °° o3s ~ .2 03 .< T3 ,< __ S ^ 03 Z "O 03 _ 03 _^ 03 -f= ^ .5 .5 "a J3 C *3 03 03 03 03 E E ^ pq pq U •£ W S^ (^ rt w a ^« ^ ^1 ^ ^ W aj \j qj qj "O T3 T3 TD OJ Oj oj q^ o -a "5 P. c 03 l-pl ^s i-h O pq K 03 03 •— > fa "S fa — fa ■— — fa fa T3 q ■a a 03 a n — B 03 •a -a C B 03 03 en r3 M id Ed en « 03 03 J2 U- 03 *-> c « •E 03 U 03 T3 — C 3 "S TD 03 « T3 oi T3 Ed C J J ^1 J3 x J fa Q U o o o 5 c «; O oo O * * N «*■ O w w OO 00 oo oo oo M " <> °° ^ M" ^J ^ C ^ ^ ^ > M « ^ ** N OO OO M t^. M M OO O OO H N N « t^ oo r-^ pqffihhhhhhu ■■"oo *oo oo oo oo mr>. OOMwwtOMMM w N C> O* H X M m J^ >. >. >> ^S^QQ^^^N3 ^ M >. J 9 "2 CL — H N M « SIS « ^ •? co fa Q S M OO M M OO HI OO oo M MM ^ ^ * oo" < — > < fa N **■ N OO OO OO N M M M OO «t- O N \o o £,£?,£ "+ * ^ O Th-O o Kmoo n MOOMMMOOMMOOMOOt^MMOOM 2 N N ^ PJ - iX ^ 2 2 < >-, fa s III fj g.jj g." 6 u ^ _>> m ° O * >> . . c 03 C C 03 _&. O C - H E ^ 15 g g X3 r!i -5 ra «« « fa 06 Oi CO OO OO C« ,"3 "3 -O "3 -3 -S "5 § 1 1 1 1 '§ i -=• -f -= — J= J= -c y 0( u O o o< o CO CO CO OO OO CO oo 30 — — ^ -c jr -c 03 03 03 03 03 03 — — / 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 — 0 CO 00 — 00 HE "0 '5 '= — 1 1 — '5 — 1 — 8 — J — ' B — J — 1 -3 - *E ' -C -^ 43 Jq ^= _c B ~ _z j= 0 CJ O 0) 0 u O u "3 u — P 00 00 CO ca ca CO 00 ca CO ca CO C/5 0 03 • - = ™ O U U 1 I — -= — M o o a o 00 oo 00 00 E E 03 tn ■a p. tx 03 aj — 1. .— fa >-.S f-i t U L u 0J OJ 0J OJ — — — Ij -^ L. _ i g 1 g j= j= j= j= 0000 CO CO CO CO s2j 03 "r o co *3 .- .- o o o E E E E E ■c J= x j= x J= u o o o u 00 00 CO 00 00 454 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. i m-i — . c 0 £ H-l h ca "3 -E ca I? E U -— ca £ -O c ■— i T3 •£ CO E ^ S M E ca -E -E O O ^ >. « rt = jy rt ca 3 la >> j5 W o -S ^ pq fa ^ U -^ S -fi « ~ § « o e rt "° e 'I " S i " .2, « •£ :5 •£ pq ■M "^ ca ^ o co ^ '£ E S B = £ co £ E •- E E D 5 u w bfi bfi o W -T3 J2 2 * S j! E E ja E ca W S^ pq Ph fa ►T-uwiL(i)cao3«"S«luM a & „ Q D *J ca ca js ■S E E -5 -S a o — S »S Q bO bO bfi bfi «> 1- !_ L. - - o o o o P Zj §ZQQ u ca ca — bfi .2 ■ — ' U Uc W ca ca ^^ S e ca ca .— S I § § J3 u i-T i-T iT "S 73 ^3 T3 T3 jj u V u i— > i— . ,_j O (U QJ tLi OJ a> C/D GO •* CN V| tN t^ CO \r M IH CO M cq ^ M N H u bD , " a; s R < 3 e .a < w ca i. *-" fc* L- ca ca s sss D (U 1) ss p< « 0\ N NV3 t^-viONOO t^woooo ooo m r^ t^OO M t-^OO HOO M M _ . o « CO CO vi N "> M ^ N 6" N •— . 1— I M bJO • _ c *- o § < < ^>S o .2 ^ S g "O u •- u c S S Si 2 gg § si eSCwe.22.22"SC5~ J3 E EJ3 o — — O, w « EEEEEEEEEE _E.E.E.E-E-E-E-E-E.E ejejooocjouoo cyDCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO List of Baptisms. 455 M n -o c c J= (J CO U 1) .S TJ r^ 5 C D •; bO bJj 3 i re e -° * < ^ a ■o __, > W i; c ^3 — « c 1? ■g -a re « 5 5 „2 ■t: « re < £ ■" <£ J* ° ^ iS < Q H td u u bC ■S i "fl £ 05 <« (5 .S M E s- g i_ S jj w rt n w w rt — — j — :_ — M -c c ■8-fi fe 5 T3 a ■a -o -a a c c _ c -a — • — • re C co n n « in « d ,(| CO b b &< ' bC c OS ■^ TO u _£- u B ° *» i: E Pm co O £> fe fe (9 l) _ bfi j= .2 l- c_> u w re — c _ ** ™ M l 5 § « O ® c W T3 bfi -£ — « *-t ~ J3 S « S "^ "° c c T3 re re c — — fl y QJ 5 i i o re re >— > CO co _ W a c u j* g "S !- re re J- C o J8 *r< »r< ™ re re ^ ^; *; D-( co — - c a £: u o to to to 1 &1 | re ,k re « co U CO Ph o -a re D c U T3 T3 C.Sg re a> ™ = E E CJ * O 5/3 c -2 Mi « U o d. .: a co ^ ~ c c: E ? — c -o o, -o j j: c~ — co & -a *- .- re £ s £ < < U <£ - o J? 2 = e '£ 9, < < £ re -a "5 § n« m • • • N • on N U-YM*fMt^OOO -CNN OOOOOO n M >!t-f^V0 t^OO MMMOOOOOOWONWW M CO re re re c S) «+■ >^> oo o\ «*• oo * moo m m to oo m oo t>. N °° N ^^^o^. t^ M O OO t^. M OO M M SS M IH OO M M N CO ^O M s i> oo N tt- N CO OO N * N •)■ U OJ C G CO vo to U-l oo oo MWIHM0OONO0WMM o o < C fe fe co ui w-, 0 \o VO n t-» 0 CO Ln CM OO oo vo (^ oo VO 00 M r> oc M »-( M 1- M >-! t-< l~- M 1/1 00 M CO vj-i „ tr, ri _ M _ M ri '.. M u~, N C w" c bio ji re a * r_ j£ -=' — I 0 < fe s o fe C/j fe fe 33 K E CJ -E X X M re c - S < u ^ g re re re w w »-. ►-> S S S S *S •o T3 ^> www ^ 2 E a « t3 -2 E 6 Pc co to i O 13 E 6 E 2 n re re re re .V; co co co co VJ ^ < re " C w o ^- — n J2 " — H re ^ c c re m — 0j0J0J5jl>0jOUfl-*0jCJOG-'QJO ccccccccccccccc: ououuuuuuuuouuu cococococococococococococococo (I u u u u u -C JS J3 JS U u u u CO CO CO CO -c j: j= jd j= u o u o o CO CO CO CO CO « ^ C u- 8 8 8 S S J= J3 J= J3 UUUUUUUUU cococococococococo ev 0) o o coo -C X X 456 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. **« cd u T) § 3 cd «■» a <■> & W s: u u — <. -o -a a Co c a a 3 u a cu cd •44 "2 Pi hi u c u o Ed B 3 CD hi -3 3 c 3 .5 ja a *(-i • cd .23 rt vii T3 42 C R cd u - 5 U J3 J) „ S3 m « ^ Cd CO a "i cd ed 1 ) c cu ■n cd •M c T3 b £ ed B 03 tn -o m u 1? cd ft 3 u U U 3 .5 u M s ft c * Cd U 3 o u ^ J in T3 C - W L^ k ^ 43 ni C w S o S £ £u £ < ffi ft X3 ft u < -° cd 3 = « S «) « J M XI " < s £ 'fe ed ^^" tU 3 cd "5 — w 13 . § e i* (A >h cd « CU *■• 3 W 3 S ^ -2 S ~ O Q cd M 3 CO CJ cd ~ 'B cu 3 3 >H O .5 "O « s e a S g .2 ■a -a 3 T3 3 cd C cd SoS C CU jj £ 3 O 2 3 3 s £0 S Sog| rt rh £ ^ PL, O £ CO cu cu O -D X 32 'J a cd ,2 .2 LB "-1 "c ■5 § ^ H Ph ft cu c "O Pi cu 3 ^ O « u, 3 >- to o bO *j co Ph *■' "O cd c 3 "O W C cd < *B < B B X ca .23 c cd JS Bl U ^ pq cu S--S -O cd "O ss cd ■a c X cd 43 s « s », s ft a o c 0 in 55 2 a 'B o 23 G u >h Cjl§ P^S (4 c 0 cd J4 _a ID u cd cd cd en 73 • — i cu cd — i — ' ~^ CU (jO cu cu cu M 5 a s cu cd Ph CO o < a s D cd Pi CO S © ca ^ CO O 9 C T3 .9 xi O ft B cu cd W .2 cd "? K ■S" N OvO-VOOOCOP>T+-t^.N^Or^'*-c^-vOiO'^-t^Nl-lNt^* ^- C3N • t^r^Mvovot^.oot^t^<^iOt^oot^^ot-^oooot^oooot^t^vO t^ vo WM^Ot^t^t^MWtHr^OOMWMOWMMlHMMt^M'4" t^. t^* ^t^MMM^ MM ^|-^ *«w l^M MOO W ^ M _ w~ ,£ ^ _ _ ^ M- {^ M gf ^ ;£ £ M- ^ - M M NN -t^'d-ONNNNrfMco1-' -NmmmNNcon^. O oOm "E u n n j5 r* "C S e S ^ ^'C « ^ M t; t 'S ti >> >,_£; ^ >,| t-\ rr J-J u-j jj Gf-.cdGcdcdGcdfvT^r^^-iCdrif^TCd ^^ ^^ Tl ^^ 00--OMM' rj- CAM • N vo w • • -COT+--J-. . m t^ r^ • t^ *r\ h "^^lOI^^OPJVOvovj-icXJNMOOt^t^^O o. t^.oo t-^t~.OOt^*$-r^C\t^.CiOMr^NMMMTt- M MM MMMMMMM t^MMMOO^t^MM t^OO ^t^ -„---„_C?\M _._H|-|M „n"mwoo"<>c<)m o MCMMMMNN MSNmNvi-iVO**11 uim CO »^>»'->>''>.>.>i*3>.>i^B. ^ >-. u -Q*-; CCCtJitJiCdcdJ3CcdCCX->J-r>cdftCtJ,cdcdcdXl ft eded «iB«tl"«WM»«HlJl,33HUWUM>5;H«) cu v3'<2 en .3 .3 .3 cd "ra cd cd — re rd cd tti K •~S C C _^ ^C -a 'E -5; S < rd u td u ca -3 O 2 2 — « 12 . . O Q i •£ •£ "o I cu CU g CJ i 1 S S ^ o c cd cd cd fc3 .23 .23 .3 — C3 re re S3 fa t- c U ■V fa * E -a ~o £ 43 ^ •£ c c fa fa O fa K — a >, ^ M TJ a a M CD re 43 OJ a H b CD a u a £ It ~ tf 43 a re C re £ CO u a. -J u 4= re a •a a re a M £S o fa fa PL. c U I- oj g ra — H c 43 •O C :0 u C X £ u] ~ re ,oj cj 2 - W OT « '-■ ■_: - CO OJ n N re < b oj^S^ « ""*, r?"«5 rererererereoj o ^ "^ *^ pl, a, pl, on a, pu pi* k, re c u a « 5 re c — "r: S < w g. ex •o -a -a «j, re re re _, 4= .S •— I Pn a. c .S 4: 4J ^ "o « ffi 2 CO PL, 0 i-i 1/1 LO • *J- v. r^ N ■* m M •T c» 0 OO II oo "^ t-> <3\ • o * t«» t^ t^ r^ r^ M M O M o r^ t^ o o o " M M ^ re *5 re lQ O 2 fc 43 re OJ _ fa s w oo U1 C C C C 4^' C re re re re _- re U *-- *-. < .a co co O • O w •t OO CO M M OO OO 'S E V© M «»> H M t>- ON ON O VO On t^ r^ lh ^ ON O OO M m ON M M 0\ n C« H M O M - N >> J « — r « cS S^cSo K h h C » C , j;renrare"^;— u o *^ *^ ^^ ^"^ **^ *^ w ^ re re < fa M ON M < £ £< p £ fa O S S fa CO flj OJ 1> 4j ti> hj 4; — ^-i p^ — ^— i— pSm — — — c a 43 4= j: 4:4:^:^34:4=4:4:4:4343 4:4343^=434:4:4: COCOCOCOC/DCOCOCOCOCOCOCOC/3COCO COCOCOCOCOC/5COCO N ** O ■+ N t^ OO NO CO •5 < U U ^ C iJ J oj o oj ^w C 43 4= 43 43 o cj cj o CO CO CO CO 458 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. pq s-S % x W :§ S 'C .J3 a, o U cs .5 i> cs fa J5 -a «3 5 -o .5 15 to 13 ■r bfi cs ~ _• U < Sis cs ^ bfi _ T3 C .22 cs — -o fa bo u t3 -a c 5 c -3 .«« w b =; > ■d c es re « 3 * e Mb « ."2 -3 ^ pq Ji! x> "3 « E .5 u u p S J3 l)C3iu-3W> 3 5 3 O * C * rs 3 s "> 2 "3 cs -3 C D £,< 5 < 2 2 < S cs t3 ™ B 3 3 C _Q C *j 3 C « « o O oo t^ en m t^ oo in . vo ^o t^ o\ en ^o r^t^t^.oo s oo oo t^to Wl^MMMMWMOO m N + N 0\ vn t^ OO t^ t^ Cfl ti >, J C il JO fa- fa < C cs in m O M vo "^ rt m N N O m ^ >n JJJi-LJ™riOc«,> j: l-c |_ U> *-' cfl cO rt « u" C C uT OJ (U 1) > -3 t; o i-> ■" — CJ Pi J5 j: J3 X -3 JZ A O CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ co co c/j co co co S cs CO Ph -3 -5 ^ <-> S W Sf "3 •£ T3 *2 3 ,<« C g CS W CS —. x -a x 1; u c w 3 •« 3 T" t— » fa m "3 § ;c •— > fa o • <*■ o N VO M I«s M vo M r-s -t- m oo C7\ "1 <*■ o w <* -~ l>- • vo vo tn m "1 »-< ro t> vo i-^ r^ o ** vo ro "+ ro N <+ OO !>. t^ M CO N r<- N m N •-% CM no 00 M r^> CO VO r^ r^ en VO l-l VO OO r^- oo oo l> OO O. t-» 00 oo CO oo W tO M r^ H M HH BO M HH vo M w 00 r^ 00 oo r>% H en M i-i M l-l M IH M HH CO IH OO »H M r^ M M l-l HH oo H oo" M N r ^ >/-v w M _ M IN W1 O cn rf- o en . W 1 N M »-H c* « tf n CO CO to ro N pf n N M CVJ M M M M IH > *^ s O CJ 3. £ o < 3 >l td 3 C 3 J3 u fa d CD P OJ c 3 A V fa < a 3 Ih cs > 0 c CS 1— 1 CS DJD P < d 1— , u a > O >> CS < US Ih CS M 3 < < >> CS 2 O «ri >h cn m cn cn oo OO OO 00 M - cn •H *> fa a iJ N 3 4= 4= J5 J= CJ CJ CJ CJ CO CO CO CO List of Baptisms. 459 3 -E S -S-g g 5 9 C bfi .ail ^ « h c ttl £ jC* k> • . :0 bfi "5 jG ptc . « (U £ o 1-9 I 6 O. OJ O ** CO g 3fc e cd S CU (X u -C u JO w 5-9. .2-S u j= 5 <-> S3 « ^ T3 ■£ « ■a c ,<" £ w * — "^ JO ^3 - - o 3 - u cd « u cd bfi -S •? c ■- O H O :3 •— > fa •— » ►— » WD .3 o o •_? cd 1,1 « .a 2 W JO cd e3 -5 u « U T3 c -a cd C — u ~ c > ° .2 (d « 1 d "2 j3 Cd ri *> c •2 a; c m w cd cd _, a I N g> « . •£ W D .5 £ 3 2 o A jo — a, *3 JO JO JO i) ■m (fl *j *j *j — U r- V I) U Cd J3 .3 X XI J3 TJ cd t- ca cd cd bfi u -o t3 -a -o tq n cd "u o — cd bfi E_ -C 3 S •S 2 -3 cd cd cd cd "O S C w C bfi ^u E E? E E E 2 ,y o o o o o .2 •£ pq bC cd T3 ■0 •— > cd Cd ™ pq u u v^ M fc _^ n u OS £ « •— ■ . CJ PQ - cd ,S v .5 cd «2 c/D i> cd 4 — ' -" cd cd w ^ -o < ^ < < •a M-c -c cd J2 « cd -O ^3 T3 a c cd cd c "° « * J a J= « JS ^ a e « "^ ^ ■« u: "3 *>C cd i> J= T3 6 E M QJ 0/ U "0 — — OJ a> u 5 c e< -E bo ^ o o o *5 y > > « u s c 3 2 c u c -2 ,«; O en (o cc 2 < > !> O (73 • + Ov Is Wl SO CO CO CO m +00 oo oo OO IS M M H £ Z S < coioonso ^ m m tt o> O cotststsvooolOoo MOO OOMMIHtSIHOOMOOM >> bb i w „ « OO N I. , > ■? < A< £ < < z o ^ ^o ^ >, #n bfi O co co N "^ OO OO vo ts W M fs. s < 5 « J2 E 3 3 J3 ,fl O • O <-> O O OO SO OO M OO OO K ON w OO M M < fcc, Z VN • CO OO CO SO CO CO OO + OO OO M ts M M co O O N OO 00 OO V! M M M ts CO M SO ^- ^ W) ^ > fj 3 cj o a < O Z Q < 3 5 - 1 R ,; n £ id B * .22 U - E J£ W c « o "P. .2 62 5" a 5 s J2 a M Cd 1— , O < CO fcu 3 V s « 2 N 2" « * =^ JO bt^ ■£•> u cd pj 0 m= » CJ C N N N N S E M £ o -o c £ ji ii N U. fa 2 ptf N N N N :ed :cd Cd :3 19 19 >9 JO JO JO JO "* H. Bl l> cd cd cd cd cd jojojojojojojojojojojo COCOCOCO COCOCOCOCOCO cocococococococo cocococococococococococo 460 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 2 £ ■a* 3 1- 42 43 C ^ J 43 "S 55 c 3 © . O . 1- D ca w S 2 « O -C c #ca o ,w ca ca u t a. « « c n rt « -n ti W •5 »s <« be fa fa < O ca |H T3 u 43 *E 43 C ca T3 'e 43 0 M u CO e u CO < n (4 -a a 43 s a c 43 < 0 C O O 4= c 1 — ^ O -O T3 ™ _^ c c ■n ■* "2 W « H o s2 1 3 "6 J £ pq •S . C ctj £ ca c •- T3 « < ,2 1-fi -a s C « .3 1 ■5 C i> in |a|S -c * co -c •o -a £ „ o **• ST c c « • ca o o OOuuu ca w fa Q S>3 as?* O __ w> be O a 'a .a o o u ca 3 m *! co « ^ u ca -a o> 43 ca s> ^ £?4= ^ O O <-> g U CO 03 b b ti o ti ra ro i-j -iJ r-» u-l N H w r>. t^ 00 00 M t^ M M 1-1 00 M M N 0\ N N r^ t^ t^ h a* oo~ n o o NO . . . . M \o O S CJ\ w O O m t^ rj- u~i ^o O 00 00 M OO t^ l^ OO W M ^fc < Q A< < 0 r| •+ «* •+ VO 00 OO >. R w M N ^ 0-, 00 Bq M M n 6 > >> — ' C 4- Q Z . h n 6 -a c CB C C 13 = << to ^ 5a « - 43 43 N N c C ca ca '« "u fe > ^ ^ 43 43 43 43 o o o cj CO CO CO CO W PJ M O t^ f^ OO M M t^ H OO ca ca c c CO s s • -- •- ca ca r^ O w-> O <*■ u-> VO OO CO r^. t>. M M M M _ N >-< O O M IH N ^H U • "C c C3 — 1 re 0 0. 0 < e 5 u C C T3 „ __ ca ca 43 43 '5 '5 2 ^ -a -a ts •» 11 O 00 00 JS Cv> J- 43 43 43 -M q; U V U 40 40 43 43 43 ca 43 O Q D C -1 C T3 :— ^_i — ^_i_l_^-: — v— cacacacacacacacdca 4343434343434343 fl) ^ ill n> (j flj qjUUflJUOJUVV b. P Irt fa 43 2 & £ £ £ 43 43 43 43 43 > '> P3 ca .2 E c ca w 5 a fa fa w ■0 4_r 4_r 4_r T3 -a TD ^J* tH 1- h Ih M n Rj rn ca ca cs CO N 43 43 43 43 43 4= 43 4= G c c C 13 C c C V u a; aj aj aj C •-; E « w l_ a n c ■a u 0 U V EX ^3 c aj OJ 0 fl 0 DC c Ed I U a a c B u -= ja CO id u -c o j= 2 t: S^ a'B £> m 0 s u aj qj r3 aj E K - S 5 > O •3 "3 JO w ay M M -= Oh -3 a cd Ed 1-1 4> a u m T3 a 0 •0 c Ed u Ed — c sd M a ti 3 Cu u Jfl Ed s B M '0 u CO O JO -3 fl Ed [3 pq ■0 JtfJ U 01 > u n 43 U fa 0 5 bl ■ n M u M a Q, s c ^ 0 Ed ja fe B B ts a G T3 a a — 0 -1. fa B V bfl c 4) 'J OJ i-l fa h3 H-l ■ — . h-l 1 — , •— > Ph •— » sd a sd a. ■s c Ed 3 OO R c • c EE R EE E Ed *4-, « >-i 3 C3 tfi U -B Ed u „_ .£> ay Ed sd .« •^ 75 u fa1 S2 Ed Ed f- ^ 3 e ^? • — — a. — W X -r H 3 ■« T3 U !>•-- — — £ c m — fit Mf, M _C 41 4> c M C od Sao 00 0 < u a s Ed sd O £,0 Ed 3 c c C i- <" Ed C " § u O « u O T> "S 4> « M M M M ^ u 1* u u > o o o o 41 4> 0 o a o »0 O N (>. •* t-» O N OO t^ OO E» ■+0^0 0 Tj- t^ l^. OS OO t^ w f. •H- ^j- tv. vn O « ui O to + vn c« OO <» t~~ M ^ 3 3- "^ "= ►$ "« ^^' x *: w *J EJ 3 EJ ' o 00 O O « M M M ^^ ^5 ~ C ^/ Ed o o < ^< ti: o AAz. s ft < < ._ Ed c _ fa . fa O O — o !§ "S EJ •-" T u w w E K K K E 4_r-a T3 "O "T3 ♦-" "O T3 *o uu> " l- 1_ fa u. l_ i- rt r. 7Z rz ~z rz ?z n, n rzi = = = c_ccc Z £ 6 C C Z Z Z Z Z •- UOEJUUUU CA VI (O V) (A (A VI V) (A TO O ^c O t1- t^ vo Ov 00 t^ t^ t^- N vn w 00 > ^ -b ^ 00 00 . t>. 1^ W M OO ^> O £ c r *-; *i ; Ed c — C J3 4) ;_' J3 — _c fl C O 41 (J r — . •— > •— 1 — ! -a ■a — Ui Ed n M Ed « CI -C H c c = 41 4) 41 4> 4> 41 c Jfl J= j3 — ~ u u : 1 EJ EJ u y> X J> «J CO J, 4) O c/3 4» u Ed " 4) C C c « c c «i Ed r- o • W o ►£, *-> 0 o ti a ^ r *j* .w -0 4-- -a -a *j" ^.t *j~ -o J3 -C -C J= J= O 00 w m rj- ^o to 00 ce N O M H H EX3 < < ^ ^-> c c tx 4> - ■=■ * s jjj *f ^r T3 fa ■- 1- — d ci n (1 Jsj=.r:.r..£:_eJ=J=J=-c"5.e.e — — CJEJEJUCJEJEJEJUCJ EJEJEJEJ V)V)tClAV)V)V)V)(fl(fl V3 (A V3 (fl 46: The New Hanover Lutheran Church. u re - B e Cu fa re US — «, a Co CI M ^M — 44 CJ rt pq ps* .*> •- -a c 43 CU B «+H V o a, U Ui B is K O o u ffi T3 43 u B & CU ed ^ bfl B Q e -a M "2 S w c -5 ■s« Q K S co O S >SSSSOO re n c 5 2 E c e "C c ^ -e « U 3 E « "C uB .22 ed .2 re "5 C XI XI J2 1= -rt « - Cd © en o a T3 u u 5 -^ e rs H UC E O J3 .So E 43 E re u a x «H ■- I* x S tc re cu cu QOO 43 ,« - £ V & K, -a W ~ S co £ B (LI id cd E E Ed — M id Cfl cd ■n 43 cd ed TD -1 § 43 a B cd B ed 43 re B * 43 -5 Ih B < IH cd CO CO "3 u co u M O Ih u a OJ 43 a CU 43 .E ? 4= U CO c ed "a3 -a c cd a re N p — o cu m 2 £ 43 u GO bij cd z cu cu CO cd s c S S E fa re re u u o " D MX Ch U ■S < 5 _g _Q ,h *J3 *-* O O -, ta O < • M O OO M N N vn • M N N N O O mvjsoooooooo OOOOOOCOMMMM H M M 00 *J jQ CJ O fa Q •M t^ OO oo u «n m j^ tC M M w M _• oh >> bi I O < S < I O ii M O O to u-l OO M OO OO (-( 00 O H 00 M M OO M OO > >> « bi bJ3 cJ O JJ 5 3 3 o t^ OO t-( t*^ • • •* t^ • • Th -O M M O ON ^- O O m oo oo O to oo OO OO M w oo oo w eq < p < S o U -r 5 *3 « hJ ^— « — i re i_i re re *t3 re ■D "O M M bC bJO re i- re re *-H re s s ^ s -a -a *r -a -a *j~ OO N M H N bJD "C bh > *J 3 a, 3 o S* s^s IS ss ^s •^ T3 "O ♦j'TJ T3 +-T J2 -S pC! c« -C -C M ^ S S' ^ c 3 3 vh 3 re I— , I— , ^ t— i )— , E _ re O S u > Sr ^ 43 43 43 43 -S 43 u o o o o o CO CO CO OO CO CO 'lj '^ Ij U lj u L5 15 i^ & £* & 43 43 43 43 4= 43 O O CJ u o o CO CO CO CO CO CO is & 43 43 fa fa «j- -a ~a +t *r Ui U »H Ih *h re re re re re re a> i> B fe fe aj cu 43 43 CO CO CO CO CO CJ OJ ^ t-T to to f^ M +; . u v ,< O P E O r- — re ro »h O ~ E re Ih Ih Cd ■—; re re " re re tn » M. °l ^ " » "^ ^ 13 TD 13 'b T3 Ih I-i l-t M >h M fc- w n rd o rt rj rt 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 E E _E _E E _E _E cu cu cu cu qj cu aj & & ^ % £ & & 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 CJ O U O CJ CJ CJ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO List of Baptisms. 463 re O j= ~ • E -° re 5 re c « .2 E -a T3 -0 c £ c re ™ re . ~ J3 D 4) "o bC =2 « o c c w re o o U 6 "2 s •2 O (4 :3 pa S « ra >_ D ~ ._ = O P/ (2 £ •5 O js -s «> C3 _C .S v Ut « "O ~ q re re <-> 1* ~ -a »1 >- -a i> u ■a £ CO ^ <= .9 •2 E i « 'I £ 1 1 "2 "2 u •« S a "3 c -a re & u CI u "O -a .5 "5 *5 -ii a) «c re J3 -a SgM 5< S "2 T3 -O S = c W W « J3 9) en .y w re c •£ u; < < M « £ re re c ~ E - E -a •- C C C *j .— d cu cu n S E ~ Ph •*= " u re crt c a -fl 5 £ c O (« O CJ ~ yz co co n j= pi .e W re eu re „„ — B a < u -5 U s B < -a U -a c •0 "2 id a — a — B 03 w c S ^ rt « 0 BO id « aj OJ OJ i~ •£ 3 -5 •a a B r — q id n < P P P < s s s • en N • u-i . m eo n cs on "1 O0 00 O t^ N N M M OO W OO O0 OO NO 00 w OO N tn H 00 M OO OO 1 3 be 'C 3 a. < < >1 9 OJ B 3 *— > 1 'Z. c < > O 4- N in VO r^ N CO M «o f» N ON cc Kft OO O » ON a EN r^ c. m « OO r^ N EM M ■"' y. N « V. 1-1 M M « < S p < < * <" « *J >N Z Z co - w f ro bC >,>,>, • o S ra c — « o. "3 4-" 4.- *-" -o = ~ — C O nj m < < u u u M m *J u 0 w O NO ON ■ OO M f» t-» MMOOwNNtn O00O0O NOOOOOOOO tHMMOOMMMW N H ** O >. *i -^ • * u aj II « C3 B X C a. *? B (1 3 a P3 .„ ._ .3 •3 ^ jl ~ o n pa i_ .S .2 .S a a a a a uuuuuuuuuu 0 COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO CO "cccscccc u u u -sj=j=-j=^=x;j=j: cococococococococococococo ^= j: J= J2 49 464 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. .a & E u T3 qj C J3 cd bO M 3 «-i cd Cd -TJ & 3 ,-* ^ & -C i, ! r, « id -3 o u cd -3 3 « s c A CO p- w cd rt C a : s s E 5 .■a S Q u ss ■£ £ < ■a a -n T3 -a c 3 c CO j* cd *J Ih u -a a E -a a W CO n V 0 o "3 u u u o £ 5 J3 -a S S Z Q w C C C CB c c c c c c QJ - •a s c is c W « c cd cd | a -| s E3 c -S c _o cd ca cd — .3 QJ GJ QJ Cl> U *"~ | V Oj N D .3 -3 cd cd t— 1 1— 1 N s N N N I— 1 |J, hJ hJ l-J J T) -n "d T3 ■n -a -a c C 3 3 3 T3 3 3 cd cd cd CI en 3 cd cd Cd u 0) aj aj QJ S £ c cd 3 cd 3 cd 3 cd 3 Cd s -3 .3 j= -3 ,3 r J3 j: cd cd cd cd cd A h- » i—, z z A z z i—i M O •* rl- rj- l^ t^ t~» M H IH S*0 N * + M o oo oo oo oo oo 00 OO OO H II W 00 oo oo ^ On On On C7n * N N toONON^x^l^. C3 03 ^ o yrt oo NO oo 0\ M NO NO oo 1^ -3 cd 5 3 n2 Co co ~ 3 3 < z a c 3- cd ^_ CN< 0) > ft o a. Z < O aj w bJ -^ o te ? * A 3 O _>! ^ > > > > O 3 & Z Z Z o £ < co >• bb bio -; " 3 3 "g § < < £ « NO N 4) -B C^ M-i o < o 2 < Oh >nN^ >N ?, ■* u-i PJ t^ M S « M •- o a S3 s s -3 -3 o < < W S E E B 3 3 4= J3 • N . no NO •*> ^1- O N ONONt^ONr^oooooo r^ I^OO ONOOOOOOOOOOOO OOMOOMMMI-CI-IIH 2" H M CO M CO 3, C 3 S S iH,S p < < < T3 pq - bfi . 3 N -a "3 .3 i WWW E * 4-1 J3 Wl 3 C — u Ch 1- oil IL |H o ■; rt pj bfl be .. > 3 •-> rt 3 nt Q < V •§ .3. « i> - "S *> 13 <-> 13 2 3-9 ■5 ^3 « « « ^ CJ « c -a _, v] w s -a ^ u __ « c 3 O rt ,4, O rt t— 1 1 — , CO S- >— 1 CO r-' MH "S O a u bfi j- c3 M O § CD rt « a w -S w •> O 13 & c c ™ "O n u C M *** »> u 3 v fa 3 c - ° S s £ 2 "J o ■§5o >— > >— I fa z a TO aj 23 a en -3 M >-. id V X 4= O pq E P U. cu i b ^ — hf u o — cy tu W o rt rt m J-< £, h n ci [t] B cu jj M ea o o •-, S S c E — cj — "S J2 ^ W tj W -3 W *^ -3 w "3 W "3 _ C . 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M 53 c a, « >3 N ..s" u <» C -1 OJ G r C re C3 hi C OJ G l-l C id 43 Ed S d a, 2 ° s CO C cd c ^ cd -q ■w C -a cd O fa c .y CO ^ 5 ° cd aj "5 g> a «5 »s fe m JS 4= mi W £ £ § 6 2 O "3 OJ Uh ~- c cd >h m .S ■g.3 re 44 < cd ~ — N M M OO OO N t> t-~ t-. 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W W W u — jz ~ ~ M OO OO M »H O <^ 00~ ^o *s > ^-- CO r* C 2-c < ox -£ re 3 re i: < U J? 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U1 oo CO m OO • *o -OO .tOCOU^lOW^OU-lOO"! H Ul VI . M IO t^u^u-i t^^or^ oo^o ooOoot^.ov^ih^t^'-ot^i^.^ot^ ^ot^t~.voot>« t^^ot^ .JMOOM MW-+- t^ONt^0Ot^t^.WHlt^lHMt>.l-l t^HMVnt^M Mt^M «_M f^ Mt>.Mt^lHH M _M^ M^ t>.M_ _M» ©^-l" >OTfM .M„M--00~^-00,0-" - C? N" H . O" M"kT^ CQ^oo mm- co-vo_rvO'tMM<»MNW'-i mNM_rl^^ mJ>-m ^ T- r^ Tt* Cn N __. ^^ m E,c;2 a= = sSH^^-S^y^^o^E, "g-2-g^^ £ 1, n £ 1 .s .s u • c « ^ E 5, s 1 b r r a. s « BE O O Q a pj -C JZ — - c S S O 2 Ph N ^ 3 w c T3 * u m eg pj .2 o p< H •g m PS u « O ed C N 8 S .H -9 c Pi K ^ O Ph S « S <" S 2 u 3 cd ■- — c re -— O -C "C J3 o ^ h u .S W -o 6 2 V u ■< pa - -a tx h -T3 -r a V js *S> "S. 23 ^ C/3 *C <« c c "O « ^ c l. ^ > ™ A SZ n n « 00 ON O ON t^ r^ to U1 l«s NO * wi MV3 ^ iy-i O CO in r^ vo m -t" w-i 'O 00 CO CO ON Is, 0 0 ON r^ 1/1 Wi NO 4- ts vo t^. VO t>. t^- 1^ eo DO t^ CM en 00 \i-t w-, r^ NO 00 CO CO CO 00 ON OO NO BO r^ r> VO NO M t^ r-^ m m M HH M •H ■CO 0> M t^ 1^ CO M CO M M OO 00 H M 1^. t>. M CO H M M Hi M M IH _ vr> - vo vo ON to N >H ^J" . ^ 00 CO NO CO 00 ri " -p^ N N M N ►H BO co" N N N M N M M 1-1 N to - M n <■! t~. No" < C3 1) B 9 >— > ^ bfi bo 0 0 3 3 0 O < < D >N a U Cv < a 9 9 •— > J3 to 1) c 3 1— > 9 1h id O sd ►— 1 bC 3 < a — CU < Ih CO bC 3 < u 0 c - >—> - cd s 3 •— > PJ PI OO NO >0 NO O m N l\ N m t^ M M M |^ • N >o 00 N to CM NO 00 ON t>. • OO t^ 00 N NO vn u-i i/-i NO d 00 OO ON t^. OO W^ CO O 00 t~. l~» r^ CO CO CO OO OO ON HI IS ►H CO M M — M M CO M M M OO ON »o r^ >0 NO VO >H NO t^ (H t^ NO f» c c o o N M w N 3 U " " O > O w N __ NO N OS ZZD^SS^O •= ■£ S 3 - , - . ^-« J3 ^2 « eq re cd U ra pi 56 u u U PJ 0 — P3 g -S E w w a a" if - 0 J -T J= jf to c ■8> p- < w u ■£ c ^ PI PJ PJ K •— U JZ ZZ JZ JZ JZ JZ ~ J= J= E E E E E E in w to » w 10 EEEEEEEEEE wtowwtnwcnwwt/) E E E E E E E C/5 C/D C/D C/3 C/D C/D C/5 31 47o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. JS .G OJ w ja jG ca ra « ( ) w T) -a C *J cd CO £ C £ ~ ~ « >" (» " . . -3 " fc C •£ • • 2 £ EO •£• u <2 .8 a a ca g c -E c a QJ OJ -~> C ° OJ ™ OJ OJ _ ce ca uq.S «— raw ca ^j fa fa P5 i- E S « D S 2 x- U W E T3 G S o o u a 3 _. w s j; ca •-> ca n .S E S ■* -Q a t_ *- Oj r-< /^ — ~ HW (j *J ' rt -G C X « S 'T. W IT" fa h fa o fa OJ 03 bO _ o S o ■BMW > > fa OO OO T3 S J5 « a a a a In , . 1 l~ u ££ § & fc U h5 hh £ £ g A A O "1 On •* -j- OMJO » >3 no S M OO M • u-i oo O O N • vo oo t^ f> u-| O NOO OO M t^ NO M ► • ■*■ O • "+ O ON ON OO OO NO w oo M OO W CM N b» - p> t» „ N 9 C3 X> ca ca •£ O . ~ - c* «n a a J- < fa W 11 1) < < ro • to oo O no no oo ON ON oo oo M OO M M U-i oo no ON On OO OO rf- ON W\ W^ oo t^ t-» O ^- O no M OO OO ■tSN^oooooooo O •oo -oomO -NO • n • to w n oo rnooOONNOO OnOO" On^-OOnnooo Ooonooooo ON»riONONNOOO ONONOOOOOO ONMOOMMMOOMMOOIHOOMMMHI cq « n SoS N M OO Q - VI - 00 - M ON O u. j- v; w ca s *: -K w> bi >^ bb *C *i «i Oh Oh ca ^- C8 >> b OZ^SQOc^< ^ >> jj ^ /-s !^ o I J jas sag 55 a |£|,Bp^^Ji£ 33,343,338 Oh EEEEEEEEEEEE — — — — cuajojojojcuucuJJi) BBaecccccGC c/Dc/3i>ocyjc/Dcyjc/Dc/jc/jcoc/D co > x x x x x j x j x »s x jf x -c - j j x x „- „- „- „- „- „- „•• „- „•■ „- _•■ _.- „- *^ "^ °~*. ,w^ *T? *r^ B?3 "^ "^ *1 "^^ »»^ '^H »fN - *<^ »^H »HH »^H - g. _. _. fl. - . .. (j, fl. fl. fl. oj aj oj c c a CC CO CO List of Baptisms. 47i £ Jl u co £ co •0 bO bD M V s to to > 'C O co fa to co *5 1 s < c £ ja I* co s -a c to vt-l ■a u CO aa 5 >t. harina. Elisabet vife. >■ s rtj >** t ^ 3 £ M -n o •s S « .a w § S u _/_ CT y — ; DJ j. c c c u ^ ~ « j; .0 u u ^ ■" J3 u CO CO CO CO q ;~ fa fa fa PLi >— , Z -— >- n u 5 » *; - E O c > i-l > bC S CU ■s « fa 3S CO ~ fa ■fl w « w "£ ^ en CO . n •? M 5 u c 5 T3 Ha co M co -a £ £ § S £ Js u as M 3 co CO c/3 c ■° S 3 « C CO s S, « a fa u > E a Q ^ co to tu u .2 'So '5b is b£ bC m co co ^ c c w tO to yj to co co co rt rt ci r3 c c c c c c c c < < < < < Q co < CO pq T3 ^O "O "3 c C C C C CO pq CO Eft: = J3 CJ <£fa "« — ■« C ^ C CO 5 O 0 n rt n r3 E E E E CO CO CO CO TD "O "O T3 CO <<<> 'S C ■- as o b. co § « u J= X -? CO MMMM(Ht^MC>N N Ov o ^° "^ O O • o o r~ >, C to tjj C •- CO CO C ^ CO £1 vo vo r^ S D < N a m mio t^ O ^ t^ t^ M OO t^. M W W M w-i u-i \o rf- On VO «^ 00 t^ f^ 2 «n « n N N N bi ^ u i> >, > S • J3 CO — — c c -o -n u cu U CJ .— .— c e c = c c C/3 C/i CO C/3 C/5 C/3 CO CO CO CO NO NO M -On NO !>. NO rO ITN t^ m r^ ^o t~» M M r^. M D Z < 5 S to • .- > ^3 < < w bJ bO bt u « u u u u to O O O O C co co co co co 0 en OO v» vO M a NO 1/^ NO >TN SO vy^ OO M M r^ r-» r^ •+ l~x r- -t CTn no M M w w LO M M 00 t-^ t^ no" O O (C o N " " ri « >. bi^ ~ a 5 9 ft s < < o o < D CU CJ co fa O u to w Cjg . -5 "a u fa « 12 I < S c C > a . .co a b r x j= j < D w ££ £ N~ n" (nT (nT t>T N* fa ■S -B .S g ^ to to w . . bC •=> ^ b£ u c -Z t- co *^ co rj N J3 X £ cococococococococococo w u 472 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. w pq S 5 w JJ j> CO JJ ? T3 "fe "3 C ^ C « -O " in g *• j* « S3 +{ u -* <« «j <-> C £? 3 .•§ Jfi I^ :> 3 « !> *-> 13 c ■* S .3 SI e -a u j co ca ri rv. - c <= rj G oj oj tn £ .2 "« ^ « -2 OJ c A CO 13 M «» § he cd cd >_, aj cu ed cs a c o. ^O a, -3 ? o eq v cq gOj^'^bDMojii i> t> tG c c i{ « K js ,2 .2 S .2 S « 2 b a Kph^uSSpi,^ pl, &, ex, < <: o "in cd w -G o JO j= cd B o Ed i-i u CI s .2 ed CO w CO < J3 id C -a G a ed -a a cd a ed T3 OJ |H Ih u M c cd oj fee T1 c 0J J* ed CO JO cd J3 u :ed CO cj -T1 < u "S Ed ed S ed jo ed — JO co .71 c a c JO 5 u E cd a o M O CO -5 2 j- bJD i- 0 OJ (x fa 0 i — i < 0 U U 'J -z -c « 5 = cd t3 "3 « cd r*t cd cd cd ~ G G «J !> fa O aj Ih u, - bfl M bJQ cd cd cd cd ed - cd pq G pq T3 G pq -T3 a T3 C ed JO Ih cd pq JO i- cd pq S cd ed ~d -3 a C cd a ed 0 cd G cd E a cd a cd ed J2 -G u J3 a, Uh u Ph — O Jd o o [* u o 1 — 1 u d i — i a o U u d n > 'b 13 "2 T3 T3 ™ -U ho M 5 G cd cd "^ cd (j ^ cd .2 .2 cd •£ — U — OJ Gi cd cd .y ■a -a fa « - U U S T3 T3 w to ^ W T3 •5 W -5 w "2 G w -a cd -o cd ed ed cd cd jj fa c -a ■« « >. >. >^ fa fa i— > K u o O C c G Jd y cu D AS E s s -a s K < < X < X < • CJ\ CN M en en CO CM n NO OO o • N OO M M ON On M en • *h •vO 00 ii-i o 0 in N vo m ■sr <*■ NO NO M GO M Tl- m m ri IH N ON r^ m oo oo OO oo CO OO OO ON OO • t>. r~« m r^. M M SO t-^ w l-H IH (H M IH IH r> HC OO IH HH HI M IH l> IH H M HH H t) M •* - to JT ■* in n NO CnI OO IH CO -f . ° N ^O N OO M )H U HH N tH M co N NO M M N M N M CO 1 fa J tit) cj 3 O < o u CO cd 2 c cd 1— » U - o. a. < < a CO Oh < U G G i—i 3 < cd cd (J u 0 < < Oh CO OJ G 3 l—i > c 2 Oh < 1 >1 cd G cd l—i < >1 3 l—i N lO + ON 2 > % Q AS < C C -O J cd Ch JO JO cd oj >, >, u, *J C3 cd cd Oh ^Sz^^SSS . oo Oh < ■3 cd cd c C G — ; oj . m'S o g3 g: * o o ^ 5 « > > i— i i— i <5 "< •*> P- > G ^ E fa cd iS 5 •£ jo cd = o « .G, ^ "n ra n ra .22 .22 -2423_gGojWCdcdcdcd-3'a «<<< U 43 W re x> .2 .22 ts i- — in n w ^ W 4- • — — w cu u re — l-l — a -a c a; R ■c u ,±2 _c U- J2 W c -n -O a bj re "O w w « ? -a JJ re It B T M ~ 43 it u ■V Ji u £ ^ S -* ** — . O <*> :rt 4> -O — m j= £ E 3 -o C X) — •a£ « < -S pq CJ 4^ CO o C re c ■a w « 5 c •£ c "»> tO f— I- CO 0 co i- ■— o c 3 rt 43 .3" bC *{ T3 u < a, jc pl, fc C ~ u, C O <0 _, u il: J w to *r EK^OU(2 AS K S < K O £ "O •- 3 S 2 X 'J J? O re U a 1/ M 3 - U u c w >H _= — re a ^ Ov u AO K Q Oj CJ 43 43 43 (^ ■«-> ffj r- c/j co en "34 co 33 43 33 to 42 rri re rri 43 re ** "i " re <« 1 3 "g^S w >> S3 re ? 2 -a — co re — u 43 •— CO CO 43 Ld to -s tn re ~ g S w 43 43 re 33 •- — ;r ra — . 43 43 1) 43 re *; 43 - co i) re 33 43 « "O "O — U -B W w 12 13 W re "O c re 43 C w 43 U 43 < E < 43 -a .to -r < < E o .3 « to ID X < B ja t? B c "o •c e e <-> oj — K < K co < K U c c 43 '1 6 '5 C w .3 43 -a to -" < 53 .22 W "S3 -a I :j re »- i- >- 3 - 43 to to < ffi K i- re w 2 m cc 3£ So 2 O a pq c re re 0 re re 4= 4: 43 43 43 43 o c O O O O OSS M M VO irt OO OO to OO M IH OO M N 00" r o" « M -1- 0) N »li r > 3 >0 m hi t-» 00 00 00 m t^ to ^ - sr^^u^usr tj 3 & u ^ o u uto • ON • • . m • .ootot~.-r>..«o >itOTl-iHMVriOI~~N'*-OOMNroi-iTt-MO O O Ooooo co«^iOoo rocooooooo 1-100 woo 0O0OOOMWO0O00OIHO0OOJ-IJHI-COOMOOIH r^ ro ^0 Tj" O vn m >n C^ M O 00 OO Ov ea to N O N <~o OO r> t^ ^ J-n. r^ 00 OO oe DO C; H M M M h» W M M H H vo 4 vo SO <> T * » N N N M * N p>4 < z ^mwm^nJ01-1 W3«53rt3«53«"S,«ui^to— ,,<>— ,1— >!—)&<,<,>— iOO*^OcoPcoco <<0 33 c 4<; — .S to to *t 43 43 1- u .22 re re t> to - b .2 .2 "fl *fl S u w w w w fc - .5 .y j= W W Cl W J^ E < c ■s i re c ■s s K 53 rt -C w o « c^ 1- O \j Xj '~> U Zj cj u qj qj qj "23 "^ ^^ u <53 ^™ q«» aj *~^ ^^ ^~ ^~ ^~™ "53 4343434343"3 3-543-3-S^3^3-3-?-^-5-?-34343 ^w^^^Scocoto^coco^j^tococotocoto ^ ^ :re :re :n :rj :re re re re :n re re :re :re re re re re re re :re :re COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO M — X 01 M CO CO CO A Ed c u u- M 0 17; _o ■— - — iJ — — 4= 4: n :re M r. M CO CO CO co co CO 474 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 23 V eg -a "-1 >* fa •£ 3S * £T3 -S — «J c re £ Cd G !J5 •A 3 3 .2 c Hi ST a ■a .5 ^ 6 S < Oh < o .S * 2 "C .2 c <£ co U 42 a, T3 T3 ^ H= « cd e fa <= -a _ 2J .22 !J •* o c — N | « a •* .a m w o M re _B i— < -F. CO J3 Ph fa O T3 " C < Ha « "5 M-H C w o ■* a, ss £ £ i— < 0) Ud > > S "2 s s X — £ * £ ~ -S o o -s a .g 5 — ^ .22 o .y 2 m .s .a re ■4- n cd — •-1 .G e S C .5 CJ -G ^ Cd U U k-H Cd — Ik— I cd JS JS £5 u CM U w CO c o i — i ja 0 u cd 3 a cj id fa L>i U C J £ « « 3 cd J3 -9 re o G a 3 .G '3 -a O 3 fa fa "2 W *s -o c c re re M .£» S fa •— > — 5 ^ .2 til Sum W D Q 'E "a -a -a .= W 5 .2 -a u w o 4- cd — a C -a c re s cd re T3 Cfl c B o cd JS W to >> u ^ -15 ts re W U CJ O -C CJ — — — — re o cd o o o o ^s re re c ,g U ffi O fe co fa M rj r^ r> oo »*■ 0 • t^ on r^ w -t- M L^ o t^ N 4 \/-, o uri O oo VO o >o ov oo Tf -t- vo hs SO ^ OO f^ ON CM r^ t-S CM tJ- oo h« i>n oo M ^O 1^ vo NO oo »-( »-i t^ c» oo o w r^ H M M r^ OS O M 1^ OO IH M w IH t^. OO r^ oo oo 1-1 M M w oo M r^ r> »H M t^ HH »H tH w ■i! en H M in N ^° _ w |_| 4 _ i< M N M _ „ „ N •«*- M H N « -t- HH CM H HH iS HH l> "3 a, < , j ^J CD >> U > o >^ *1 14 X >% >. In eu |H CJ r., a. c B Cd CJ Q re cd re J-< C ^ re e re re cd B u O JU* 3 J-J cd 3 V CO s u CO 3 M o cd I— > § S s:> fa cd QJ S cd 1— i SS 3 1—1 s 3 l—i M Uh cd fa 2 3 l—i 00 M t-^ 1^ jjj OO l-v OO M w M M M © - ON 05 (C; ON NO (N) i = " I t— , <3 ,5 1— , 0 * ON N M O ON w-i M 00 t^ r^ OO • l-^ • O "1 ^" tN» t^Tj-ONNO ON00OOO0 ONNO ifl OO M ONt^ONt^t^MOO Q < W M t^ t^ f-. (H m _ _ „ u-, N NCO OO t^ M t^ W * tV- NO t^ * OO M (^ H ►H M S Ol Ol *J > a, re re -Q cd OSZOZfaAZco22fa2 > — s fa c ^^ 333333333Dj3o-0 cd cd :cd cdcdrererererererecdrecjcjcj cococococococococococococococococo a k = _i -n -2 -S •= rs T3 T3 T3 T3 ~0 TD CJ CJ QJ CJ CJ CJ l-i i-i >J -U 4J W CO CO CO CO CO CO List of Baptisms. 475 u o o < — o -= o M 03 n ^ 03 pq OJ M bl u (J 03 .— . is u •a E O ■ E B u o s Ed -3 Jd u td i— > In 11 M :~ 1— > > a u a. q u Ed £ 0 9 E 03 — < 03 W ~3 "> 03 Q U U Oh Ed X, U ^< a T3 c E E N -— « w U. PS Oi E < ■o «: ^ h u. E X 03 « 03 « 03 n ,¥ n » 03 0clhCupmPl,Ph&h0pu2> — C Oh C. (A U •- coo -SO £«j.<20j2£££i2 oj v u 0i c ra 03 < < | jj D C c en "O 03 ^ s & SEE E E E MUM 03 03 E c E < E T3 £ bfl U O •5 u 03 03 U C B "S < 41 V V U V O030303g>0303030303 — — Z-Z- — Z- — Z- — Z- Ed 03 OJ o M OJ u 1) o — 0 J Id u i* 43 -^ -3 03 o CO i— i U U I— > — •a . 03 ^3 > a a .„ i_ t. :-, - u ■- l- - ._ -£3ui-iu>-ii.ou^:^3 303030303o34J03{i35 !>CO3c30303'-*O3 U c ^ « -a en c £ -5 ~ .U ~ bESE « < K < ^ -a -o -a C w 03 03 — 4> OJ 03 "a c3 o c E .o 03 O >- >- O 03 O J3 Ci, tin __,,_,>—,<; E E E < < < SEES ;_ rt Cd - j o -a -a -o K < < < >o oo oo r^ OO M M M M ^ M N N M ~ O n C "1 ■+ O N f^ u-i u-v O w t^ r->. oo i— , <; z b, >— , M N OO w t^ t^ t^ t>. O O ■>*■ "i- O O O on cv f^ OO ON ON ON OO oo ON *J- NO ON t-«. OO Tj- OO "4- O W t^ t>. ON ^- NO t^ On oo r^ oo N N» « « OO M Q • M . O to ON NO ON ON OO ON — — — - ^ N m N _ no ^t- m * N • Ov G. — — O, OJ i) OJ OJ 03^«i^ v 3 3 «J ^ ^ ^ ^ oj 3 H 3^ >— >OOOoo>— >>— ,(fiD D D Coo h , ^ i— >Z ^ « « « t. cc — > ^; 03 < < — c — A .- u. 3 O « ? c 1= OO oc oo to "N-t-^dO NOO MOOOONOOO "+-0 rJ-O ON-+^rl-NO (^ s i> N oo r^f^r^oo ^-MMtHMMMM ^ rf N oo" •"" oo O on N M N CO H > bC &, S 5 o < ^z < 27 3 ti oj ^; ,ir < >— . oo oo Z G he >> U i &.S Sd.= j= ,s 5 « 3 ^i" ji" m jf J* V o o o o O O O O 3 t- ■« |ai U U q a 3 c c ~ ~z- — << u £ >. c5 bX 03 ^ u 03 > ^ •9 fc ii 3 s E OS ,2 < S < S bo 03 o K 6 J r-. ;> □ PI M ON v. CM Q C^ ON oo CM c> CM OO M l-l M w •H -t ^ - - •* M n a j£ ^ > Z y 03 03 OJ fc u* s s 3 o "5 _e 03 C 03 •- "O O IZZ m c rti u 3 •5 fe E < R c < t>. 03 E .S -S n a a a a a n a n - J3 JS E c u > o 03 1 — . y. ■ Cfl OQ ■— '— L. ka- — OJ u OJ OJ OJ li OJ u :- ;/ -J. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 476 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. cd — w ^ £ Zi fh ~ -' £ £ 43 m3 c cd cd ■5 S cd c -o cd u 13 £ 4* •- ^ . .y o u ~ PQ "3 oj w T3 .i> 3 . O P< E cd >4 0J 43 a •a U .13 cd C 43 £ < ffi £ £< O 1-1 U pq £S 43 43 cd — ed >, E c -S 5 -5 cd c c • •.- •n re - m « > _2 ^ 'C w - E E O u — 33 o SCC X> 3 <3 43 > 43 — , f8 — H •B " 13 « " C 3 C 13 -V cd J a -c E S b -r o o M ^ C 43 C O cj o u cd cd cd cd 43 43 h > •— . i— >>t>J>H->0^<>H-1>i— ,> >Efc<0 -, 43 T3 W 43 cd U c ° S S JJ a A^ £ • ON O W NM ~ oo vn oo vo t^. ^J M OO M t^ H On cd cd cd W S S S ce s + + n H M» M » HI M OO NO M t^ O M OO NO OO N OO OO l-C t^ 1-n. t^ H »0 to H N N W H OO < < < Q fa < - N M N < § z M OO OO 00 W-v O HI "-i On OO M OO M Jv. • k*n ^ J>^ 4-» -? ^ •g cd cd — G. j; cd OO OO HI t^ t^ cq "4- cn> bJQ > 3 O < z cd cd "3; ■_• 43 rj o HI h« CO u-l to 00 00 l^« M 00 OO OO 00 0 CO M HI H NO H M M OO HI M M HI M 0. M M i4 u-^ _ HI in HI Tt- rn M -+ ri N Hl tC M m N H HI HI M M 4J cu 0 a cd 1— . cj Q bl < OJ CO bD 3 < bi > 3 O < z u 0 >> cd < 0 0 43 OJ bo .a •— > H-, sss cd CO 43434343434343454343434343 cococococococococococococo Qj OJ OJ Qj 43 43 43 43 -9 PL « .2 ^ E 0^ OJ OJ OJ ^ 43 43 43 S cE ■— 1 ' n_^ n_- ■_/ t^jwwv^ ^*« r* ^T W W W CO t^C/DC/DC/DC/DC/DC/D List of Baptisms. 477 pq c «j "2 ~ c "j bt) re "o> m « g . — *> c w "S 8 S -a c ^ re ^ c re _c •^ re »4_ re u •- "2 "C & S "° S ■a c •a c re -O g uj hh 2 o t> ffl S m c « jD o E S S " c "a ts • v n re u <3<&.E0(j-,hmE o E O QJ " PC h — *s .a — c w 3 oj re - - pq oj oj w _ T3 y ii ti aj 3 *^ (/> ~ re co re re re oj « jo a. be re ^ xi CO «J o> 3 W o oj o ^ «-• o W W £ A££c5£ ra crj cd w o B re E M >> OJ E — a Si — tt re o u> pq c< U H 1* JO £ — ai fc a a 0 c > *►> e a c cj a O) c oj = u- ^ 111 2s re «* « c J3 < -o re r- m — re re oj c-j u y u •§ T3 T3 « c c =• c c re re "O c re re — OJ e — « < < W , M >> re u o a o a u M Z, ^ W ** 1^ L. *- ~ J= js — . — -o c d oj D c re c J= J5 JS i i -a "o OOP re re « ^ >. M re « >, >, OO M M - ^ r o 00 t^ i*- W VO M v> rn os vo 00 Ml f^ r~« 00 u"> \r\ M M M *+• M OO OO OO "I -f- N N MIO * r~» m w 00 00 m 00 m «i >0 00 00 00 I- P* M ^ M M N M M ^ ■2 & " -w a^ fan CO 6^£> 0,1: l'-,t_^aJS«J|Ui_.-; recede — U"! On OO * vi * » OO OO OO t- ih ih hi t^ cn M CM N N n £ < < A -t- 0 ■+ *n r^ -J-. to to rl ^ CM ^r ec IH BO O r^ N N J a re •—1 jj O 0 ^ V c O OO M M • N »n m C\ • vo ro m vo 00 en On eo m OO f^ i>. 00 M OO OO W M M t-4 00 M N t Z OO OO M N n m M c~- *- bi ^ 'C • CL. _ M _ *- • O w ■*• t^ -1- -t- 00 WOO OO M fo u^ 00 OO OO M > *; w •S -9 -S -2 jc -= j= c T -f . o S 2 w w b- *r ^ h3 *j M »< 0) OOOOO E q= tfc u re ac re H — . — . •— > — . 11 01 hJ — _i. - •— > >— , •— > — . . _ . _ . — - - 0 (J *r 4-- fcT 0 0 u V u ,_- J a^ aj c BE * bti B3 £ i *s Efl >tr eta eft - •-r c ; O 0 e 0 O - - B - - y- CO co CO CO C/J v. GO co CO j. Cfl CO co re •— — t — « c £ cc cc CO CO CO CO 478 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. o c 3 w ■a U E TJ M *j eu 3 w . > . .1 g& i 1 i 1 n « o s e s a m o ,¥ « re « « a — , (J fa oo fa fa i— > 0 ■s < 1) "S U »- 0> 43 4= 43 « 43 u p< fa fa -a -a "a fa -a fa OT T3 c ed ed ed ** 0 g -d a O 43 43 43 42 XI CT 45 (Q (1 A (1 (1 Ml K S 5 u fa "2 * ed 4*j E S >< -a in '*"' O S > « w T3 l> en §•3 43 •9 y IX) ™ bO •-1 "5 a) J£ 3-d o 2 c j2> t: 2 iu >h ►2 ™ 43 a. Pl, fa < < a < 43 ed u u a ed « -s ed ed •c m id •HS a cd ed _ ed ed c3 I^S^ E E E 2 M C ocooodoSo OEoococohO^S , >> W i* u _, c c ^ K K h° ■^ u-, <* 4 00 M so OS M no -t- M s, tn 80 rC cn 4 n «3 C5 M M •— ri fa fa < 2 I fa O t~. ON W • • • • t-» O ^o t^ no o • «*■ m ONOOOONO cono 'd-t->. MMMOOOONt^W CO M tO VO NO N &J 1* £ el ^ v2 ON w tn • N OO t^ OO ON O NO ON n 00 m eNI On ro N M OO IH OO OO DcwcrtOcwfaOfa ■* ON 4 o jji OO OO OO « w H M CO °^ "i" N H N O •+ *2 « > o z S z o C — — "-(uC»-|tH—;eded 03--~43ededcdedl„c ^ ed-C4= n (fl COM Jj 3 c ^ pl, fa fa « ^ ^ ^ c5? » < ooooooooooo w Tj- ON ■ O NO M OMJO N M M OO bfl " H . U1 M O to e^ e» N N t^ bC > bU 3 O 3 Q < J-,< Z < S -5 S b U hJ c^ - T3 -a *r 4 4-3333i->edO OOOOOOOt-u WC/DC/JC/DC/DC/DC/DC/DC/D ONt^COONN tOt^NO OOOOOONOOONt^ WMMOOONMOOM ON OO NO _ M CO CO u n c 3 1 — i bJO 3 43 ft CO 0 0 & < < fa Q Q •a j-^ U 3 .« 2 re u. Mi eu « ;- BQ — 1 M J3 In W m C -a c re 13 a re a a —I M-t c e c re — Mh BJ re E •— cu "1 h u CO u >> u re ■a td pq 5 -a pq S a, U c 3 eu > B a s| S Z -H O O c Oh O Ph «§ u re c re — re -a c c * re m u a < P-. re re Ph PL, - ■ jz re a -e « c H 2 S g "O -o SB o £ o re % J3 si* ^^ re g S g SO Oh "O "O °-> <« IS .fe £ ^ « «« re 5 , W £, £ O Q Q £ E & < < £ £ » u 2 IS -c 5t -5 CU CU ~ t CU n, . CU CU CU CU », CU -wreooreajorererere^-ej OP*PL,OOPHPH>_.P-,P-;PMPL,hPL1 re re E -s < CU JD C < 3 s < < w j: x j -: re re re re re - t-, l. u -a re re re re hh co co co co ■O "3 'O c "O "O c-a re n w -O -o -o -a cco>-cooc2 cucucurecueucucu--; EDBOEBBOOE^ JJ .2 >>>,>>>, C 1- u I- 1- :_ - • — "a t- c c c c ? C re 1) CO l» 4J T3 JO ^> On O re . CU M B O 2 c u CU g 3 3 :3 s < ui t^ u-i u-i \J^ f^ M N t^ O M 00 M OO = ». c r> r; **•"*• rt- en -*■ O •+■ oo oo m o oo oo vo m hi oo oo oo oo t^ O t^ O *o O t>. t^ oo 00 M W OO OO f~. oo r^ oo o oo oo oo c\ N N ocT M ^o" M N M" [C w n « M cu re c/} I—, o o 3 3 > S . g W>>>.' „« N N N n td CO < Z ^< Q Z < O re re •>i-t^OO •• +M • H Ul «•*• .0\' 'M • • •MNOvNI>'''l + t^so»f • *rt ui-i-.i/">o rl-(v.poenen(^envOt^.ONOf^vooot^.f^'000 OOOOt^ t^^O t^r->'+l^.O0 00^-000N0000^0000^O^Ot^r~.l^000000U^00O MHM U1 S HMMMM M00MOOO0l--(t^'-iM S >• & d-d l^^s.b !;^dl>^i^^!;^>j^ J5 „ -5 J3 JS w £ E re W w t <-c CU • X ■fl u >> re . CU • £ '• c • c c -3 " 1 re re _ • «-. E « J= < < V U cu I < E X ^j N N N >^ n « — > E E E E E E E E E E 3 3 3 3 CO CO C/3 CO u o w t; "s = _c -c j: > •— i N N N a .3 ,w a := :S i: b: co co co co co - 9 \~ c J= — ; — r: — ~ l-H a < re Ph o U R : e hJ '£ s M CO £ re a - . — ' -j — — ' ^j- jj- ,J> J — - u — re re re r, re M M X N to M _- -= A X B _r _c ^z ^r _c -C t- CU CU cu CU a . ... a it ii U i/ Cj U = 5 s £ S S s s |t i IS IE IE It CO co CO CO CO Cfl CO C/J C/J CO CO CO C/J oo 480 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. CJ C3 w c Cd W w -a X s 0 0 C T3 c 43 ed .bO ."H (D >> O Ph C ed ed 6 CO i-l u 0 0 43 . •jj h 0 3 bJJ c -5 & 43 W ■a 13 c C C3 ed 43 0 1* eu c p< QJ h-i r. K *- 43 43 s u § r; U co bt MM ed C3 a ed C JS 5 ed < *3 a < ■a a ed TS C 0 > w — 1 T3 a ed a B Ih ed c a *i fa h < fa C — rj tu 43 *3 >-i *- 1— , Pl, CO fa P3 I~l to" "7? Ji faO CO .3 1> M ^ C t- w c :3 fa ed N O O a o 3 O fa O k, ed ed ed ed T3 SJ T) -n -T) ~ B, M *~ " 1—1 T3 "O "d "T3 c a c c n o] n n c c c c Tt '% *£ '£ "O *T3 "O *0 w w w w ■a "D "O c c E • n w w ed W CO T3 T3 « ■« ed S rS u 7^ ed c c c c c c r3 rt n rj n n fv « c a p- K ffi ^>2 M 4?^ 8g S p< j3 j x J J J j: 0000000 cd cd cd ed 03 ed ed -— ed Ph < O N to Os tn ^O OvO O 00 so t^ M C\ ON M f^ >-( tO P W M M (L) OO M t^ W • WW H CJ\ -t m h to \o ■too 00 00 00 • OO N N w to N O OO OO OO IT! M M ON • ON NO S ON O tO OO (^ ™ M ON O M H g! I-l ON ^> OO n J3 i^ ^" CJ < fe ed •" i-i. > > W c •t: ,,, c ^ ^ 5 c > D < C -£ » ii n> 5 "o w 0 no M M OO OO l-s TO _, TO .2 43 ™ Lh W ed „^ vo no O t»» u bJO o «- a d u =5 < < o S S 1— 1 O S co S 00 1-1 00 00 00 u ed bJO C3 S < s N 00 CO H OO H N w e OJD -C bJO _g 43 ed o n o ^ cj "O » S " « g < O ZO P3 ^2, to NO tJ- to OO ON NO OO IH t^ f^ H -- U' u < 2: o 5 iS CO CO f* cd -5 J* *ri ed C ^ (J 'C Cvl 1) 1) t> £&£ Q SB W Cj to" Cfl ID tj (5 [J co co co O m en £ ed rd CO H H O cd r6EEE=EE » ^N O rt o l-H o r^ 3 3 ej O ed ed 43 43 43 43 43 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa rt cd re" p3 E E E E 43 43 -c 43 4= 43 43 *»^ « C *" c« TO tf l"*% 3 3 3 3 3 fahhfafafahfafafafafafafafa List of Baptisms. 481 n c -5 -c — -a Zi C — J> « cd c — a ed a OJ In M -3 a C u -3 a 1-. (J a re u U 3 4> a T3 V 4j Ffi 0 H a '-1- u En u 0 cd * cd £ U a -£ bfl 0 u 0 £ a a 0 JA t/1 a 0 >< c S3 E T) 'C B s ea 2 T3 0 u be a a *Ih Ed a ed ~3 S C 0 < a a u 0 0 - u Ui 0 pm a> 0 X h u In M 0 M JS a — a Ph bC E — cd Ph OJ In td Ph cd cd 3 -n cd -3 re U a ™ T *-. •= T„ -C Cd •- "3 w or ■~, -= o -1 « P4 ■a U •« c •£ w 5 3 5 u « T3 ed hf) •a 0) ed bun ■e 0 ► E c h p-, < < E E o o £q < < < c 3 ju -a js w 2 t> o ~ O Ph Pm < < -a -o c c cd cd E E < < t^ •* *j- r^ 00 \o <+ 4 n O OO U"l CO _, 0 e> 00 00 0 <* CM 0 t^ 0 0 -+- l> M M M O M CO M OO 00 e> M h» 00 00 0 o\ 00 00 00 VO OO 3 ™ a o < S < Z VO „ N N N >> *J , >,* «3 J • • ^ c« Q. •£ cd o-On-O-"-^; c. 2c«02 cd O — jj - [1] DS ^ *n" £ := E E > xt « _ 0. J-f 1U ' >> s. E w w T. 2 -a cd c J. -= M -- •- 2 ™ 2 J « J5 < i-T i-T tT i-T » QJ QJ OJ OJ Q-> U V V J* Ji u t 2 2 2 u t: u* O 3 ca ^^ n .S -a p « .2, E a < n cj .2 T3MMMil-g222T3i E E C C C C C O. ■" D D D D & >• > o o bC tx -a -a a. o. o. X> ^ M CO — Ph < u B r~ B u u ed H 53 •— > 5 aT cj" u 0 z bl bet — CJ ■^ — — & D v- bJD < = >• 1? _5 > S >. 482 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -) ~ OJ u C C 73 eB S u g • - e w £ > « ■a s TJ T3 K C 0 _, « •£ p—i C "B * D bfi ed C a-s 1- re CD CO O AS XI 43 x * 8 j a « co •« '■a •-) — « J3 j_| ,*j -S r3 U fa 3 fa b &&x - « s C hh S c -O W u u re m fa Q < < X 45 XI Pi _. cd re re re « .2 w u rv ^< w w >1 pq S .2 Mi ^g^ -rj cd cd cd 2^M _ o X > o X j- Ah 21 2* x "O h; rs ° .2 g x x < fa pL, I-, ffi < HI Q X X Mh G ■*« c re cd en T3 2 8 I 1 s< * -2 x O C o u i- o Z P3 .2 'CI •£ ut cd o> « *2 X *? « M ft « S §3 ^ C c w X « J) u w 3 r M u u y C O :rt^ « •- "C > •— > **3 •£ .2 ca u O r/i a 0 p a ■— c a 0 < CO (X U < CO ■— bo jd _u 3 "" O Z fa s .a q < T3 c -0 T3 < 3 en cd G G T-) . M vo \o VO O >+ 1^ • t^. «i vo o\ CO u-i CO • OS O 1^. O M r^ N n O ON n O ON l^. • 4- N "O 00 00 t^ t^ \o vo CM OO t~^ OO 0 OO n r~- 00 00 t^ m r». 00 CO t^ tN. • 0 CO 01 ^O M M M M 1^ t^ 1^. Vi^ M i-t no i-( 00 M M HH l-l ns HH M M M • 00 HI CM 00 M )H HH t^ M M r~- >, • M 00 M to 0" ^ _ .. M T|- M n N - M n H IH cd M t> IH - N N N 00 " N H l^ M ,_ N vo M M M N ^o~ N N M u 6 cd CO N CM . vO M CO j 0 u M u cj D 3 3 1> O Q < < D G cd 1— > < O < H c < 0 G 3 1—1 s z 3 cd cd CJ c > O z ra 2 3 < 6 u Q 3 < . cd •s bl < X 4J fa » 00" r * ^? X cq M M N CO < o <^ "2 X 3 X .3 ra ch, ra "O U ra £ fc < G OJ 1/ U 0 > O OJ CO U Hi EaU s u OJ JS E "O "3 J- C C D« O. cd cd cd t» t> > > > _*i cd O VO O OO _i M CM ^- >>>•>>> o fa < S cd cd — h " « a S « .2 G £ •-* ^h *-» G C C t> *o re •" < < < M cd ^ x ^ x1" x1" j?? ^ x5 ^ n « II (I — r I — ~ M M M M 11 M u CU CJ U OJ OJD QJ OJO 0000000 >>■>■>->■>■>• O (^ r^ ■<*■ l^. CM Ov N C\ O CM OO l^ M SCO OO W M M M M * vo ^"- - - CM °; n jj- ^ ^ m *^ >>x c c y " 3 1— i O .3.-3 — -a scss-ja cj iT - i^. _ « a> u x1 k x x bC bO £> tUD bC bD aj qj oJL) cj u OJ 00:0000 >>>>>> List of Baptisms. 483 ►J £ A 0 £ N ■ 0 .5 « w ■0 B w V cj M £ Sc fl J3 C 2 N a fl < T3 M fl fl < — fl 0 •J a c w be C u A r >, w cv 1* CO ,14 Oh. c t> > Ed hf] .2 <-> (/J m p2 > 3 0 v 03 q 14 2 CO cu 0 > 0 ■ c w 5 •— > H m A .a CS CO a M - In U cu — B jfl 0 1— 1 a c w 0 *-> a Cu be m u c 0 .a CU CU 0 X -a W O eg U Pu - a 2 b " « *3 e •* J** W ca ^> C -a SS ,J5 -1- CU u 2 Pu 3 S fa Q < £ S'g il W « i- ^-. o c c c ^ C cd "■ S 2 "o ■a n) w S3 g -; cu J7 M v — bt cu c S c 00 O r- vy-' > JO . 0 M Pu W b C -0 .£ 'J u x u .2 j= u. v- *; « « « (J « < W I! C9 C e« c fa -S O U O ^fc c C T3 C3 -Q < j, oj rt u 0 2 2 « 5 C H \T) • • • N • + • VO U1 • N • IO 0OCX3 N M t> CO WOO OOO t-^OOO Ot>. M MOOOO t^MOO MOO M >H t^>IM t^M M M M IH IH w moo t^to<^**^p) r^M t% > a % £ c %%.£ % d ™ m N .O N M N to t~^ M M OO OO ►£,< O < ^< £ < Z c^ £ ' * w + * » OSOOOOOOOOOO U-1U-1O ^MMMMMOOOO "-1 o o 00 t^ OO N t^ 1^ t-^ m r» m fc- * H N N to O rj- ^ "f ~r "* r-^ r^ m m 00 4 ^ H M VO N C be a. 3 < < > ti j g j> 02C<2ZQ0 < < be ■ « be >> M CU • x b D • U 1- tt O w J5 I a • *r c M •m J3 *- X 4) "5 «J c. > > — - > > cu cu be bC ~ o o > > >s . •— » CO co cu be ou - B M bl c O 1 — . — 2 ^ >. 1/ i) UJ bl Sc u Sc >>>> >>>>>> 484 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. S.S.9 Ed ri MH - 43 <•> % id Ed , >, M a w .5 ^1 O S £ > > 22 > 3 mM .2 Q< O CJ u 03 Cd w • •£ 5 M ra « S S o i. * 1 1 i ■§ -a 5 M ffi g c 13 -rt « -a c 12 -a _i C Cfl _2 '-, « X) 03 43 * ^ C « o « * O cd 42 t n ^ < Z c Ed U 0 Cd 3 ~ 13 >. t/J c Ed u 13 Ed a ed >, c s u if. M u 0 a OJ u a u 0 > P l> "3 cd Cd x Ed - -2 £ 3 -a p cj cu 2 C/3 ~ S w W a -S cj h — — eu Ih cd 42 0 < J=j Q, cd a. a u ~ T3 Ph CO cd 13 -rt ■a cd 3 U O fa Ed 13 O Ph fa « 13 ffi < CJ »- >. O cd c > pq c " « u 2 iti u as O 13 03 bO cu £ w Q ■S Jl cd <; cd 43 <" G v O i- fa D 3 1-1 •— 3 J* > e 03 M 5 J3 o « Pi -a .2 £ 5 e 43 ^ .SP w g fa h-i ^ -fi w .2 S e J3 U 03 « *=< Ed ir^ = — S3 M^ 13 "g C 0> C g cd cj cd rt a ^ t- c c C A) cd cd cd cd ■c m -a « is S S 5 o o « o a; c 13 CJ c a cd C cd C a c c Ed cd rd Ed cd jd 43 4= tJ o 2o" cd J3 43 13 ^ M cd cd pq S s ^ cq pi - \a 2 A O N M vo M» 00 N j^ M M M OO *> _ M ® ■* 1-. ^o r "9 w n p» ^ C U O *J 3 u u u « -S -5 ■J3 cd •^ M "5; >h Cj « O Cd bfi cd cd cd S 2 "bio H Ml bJD Zj 03 CU CU 03 o o o o o > > > > > OO "^ N H O oo oo o M D M l-^ OO M M IH D M jf ? N N vn 0i 3 »> « 3 3 •c >— i fa fa >— > •— i U o o o oo » * « N m O U ^ "* _E „" U CJ 5 " o CJ « cd cd 43 c 2 Z -'7 3.. 03 03 03 O >, o o o o o o >t ■ tO>0 M • • O 0>-"MP)N00COt^. OO MOOOOOO N t-^t^ MOOMMMOOr^M m - - M • >s >, +S „ 43 cd cd a, 4-i >, >> *c >-. s < PJ N w 00 t^ O ^- -t- n OO OO N (-1 o w H M oo oo oo oo H w HH M H- ro M CI 0\ 00 LA — — i fcO<. t^ VO l>> r>« M H l> HH HH M o O Ml N M CO W C3* ^j bD W> El cd 03 CJ 3 3 n o < < o u-i oo N oo r~- t^ h-( SO r^ t^ t^ SO c^ M M H* I> z < < — > IH co C« «3 CO i> > > > q < M M t; £ bb CJ « «K £3 ._- C 42 < E - Ed -cj M cu .i" .i" .-." ou ou .^r 4= c o. ooooo ooo oo List of Baptisms. 485 js .5 O w J3 ^ JS cu •-> c tn % • — Jj ■— W TS a JZ d OJ -. Ml *£ -0 JS u en 01 hi 0 bo 0 jj c * a w c C3 S -3 a ■ O A hi OJ a « JS 0 ri J3 a u bt js u js -0 c « h, c x> "a IT M > a M Ih u a 1 u H b B n u So — a M Jal a hi a 01 BO U — d M u D M a a < u." G pq 0 w m A * id Q (9 > js u u £ V W JS u — 1 aj £ C/D - M M > u >N 0 JS oi oj fc2 JS w O •- a 0 a an a OJ — Oh bf) O u, CI JS C C JJ w BO 5 0 m JS 0 > 5 hi il 0 1 — 1 •— > 2 a O 1—1 W 0 1—1 O P PL< o td *5 ■9. O £ « £ .5 » M 2 1- H u. CU CX (X Q W C3 pq cu h £> a. H w w o ? «13 » o^ ^ to T3 c ra J= -rl — t. — — — ■a o C3 Q, OK^ ^£^^juS 2 E vo vo t^ "^ u-> 00 r-^ O O N + n ui 00 00 hi r^ r~~ t-~ M "-1 M • m t^ 00 * • t^ 00 N Ov OO OO OC ^O M IH M N WM n «5 o S < o 3 -^ •** j= j/ Sum 32 O «o ■* O vn Oj t- ID U U ^ b < o o o S r^- . VO W-l V^l . ON vo vo »n 1-^ t^ w r^ ts »(■ N M M On M w |^ M 00 ^ W . ON m" M O < D C £ ^j ™ u a B B u D •£ « -^ K^ U js J« - ° 5 S > > j> m n ^^= ON «"> ON O t^ OO *? "*■ 1^ m N « M N SC< < < Z Q WN ui UN w VO O M K1 t~- t^ u- 4- r- r~- r^ M I--. M t*~ UN V. w 00 oe t^ H r~ M M r-~ N fc M ^ M w >/-, M — — M c^ N N hi Q. < hi a. < c 1—1 9 •— > JS OJ 03 a > 0 Z _ c W 2 U E < .2 •£ S t r; pj < < u u u u OO ifl N >N >> OJ JS W ~ 2 « .2 « J (J 5 .2 u b « C — JS W in « < W U u j= = WwW r-i > > rt ~ ~ ~ ~ " " " R n 486 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. •5 5 ts j .2 -C ^ -fi . ■ — ~ _= ri y e- pq a « T3 -a t, c c «6 fa w E hr "S — ■ M 2 .§^§ cd — i j: fl i* s a c re . "* S „, B bcc . c Jq — 1 £ffl < fa i D xi •- w w .22 pq ■£ -d 0 re sd Oh _C — C "3 o 43 i) fa fa -5 Q re — 3 T3 o re 2 a a c re a. at a 0 15 Cm E cd i — i -fi re JJ 43 =-l — c 1*5 c a cd 0 0 2 > £ a cd r/l c cd QJ U C a; E E B cd , '•5 ^ £ 2 CO > K ?'^-o2 M • - 43 S fa W « _ -S £ - < 'S c < E fa i-. — "C cd u •) n r Z ■£ £ 43 C o g "2 £ u e _, h tJ J2 P3 pq < •C 2 rrt W W _ cd cd cd C 42 u re CO 13 W M cd s'S 13 2 cd w pq .2 ,u fa *S cd Z •£> -2 O pq < < 13 -a a cd c C3 ■d c cd a C wi cd - E 4=j cd E "oj bll cd Ed O :0 •—1 ££ u E B E hi c cd id re -a n -n OJ < < < X s-i cd ° T3 re u -e cd 13 00 C ^ cd -o 2 3 s a E '•£ B TO _, TO " ^ * u * 2 ~ u « re cj pq -a fa "2 C B -O cd -O cd a, J3 ~ O re CL,z<2<<<2fa2 •D £ "O oo oo ,Q5 -a bb -a v < < < fa o, fO w-i ^O N 00 r^ r^ c^, -t- m H r-N r^ M '' n tn N vo « — £> fa '"« £ B X x 43 cd cd cd cd ■ t^ • t-« t^ t^- ^o r^ oo O oo oo oo os w oo oo oo oo oo r^ t^. M t^ M M M W S>~. o H r^ 00 rr, hx ro vo ir\ w 00 r^- 00 -t oo C-N r^ r^ M M oo oo r>s w w no HH hi -1- m M _ en -1- N N m ri C3> ri CI u B aj cd > w cd _u- M . — — re w __. C B S cd < . cd CL T3 ^ u qj B . .« bfi f^ B ~ "~> ^ ~ >c? i_h *5 cd aj-^-a> W tl W Cl w ^^^^ ^>>>^^^^^ oo t^ o t-x M M OS «/i v> «?)• O t^ r>. oo »^v M M M r^ Os oo r>. so ro I-- f~~ oo f^ OO HI fO w (^ r^ oo t^ t^ O i-i w « 6 \o N n ^cT 3 *>J ^-" l\» ^« ^\J O^ *« w ij fc« < S 5,§ S S < S S o s < vH,§ < < S >> > O e cj _^< f» c B a, Tl O' 5 OS N M ^, ■^^-^Wcda-^C-S cdrvCd E H SN + NNNMN (^ 00 H 00 O t-~ Os «o M t^ t^ OO t^ _- « P to c5 O »o" cdcdcd^cd — -O*io SSScS^fa'ol S OS _>> fa * E cd « o cd cd fa ■a r^ < ^ fa E E cd cd -a x, re re — tH < < X! T3 < < B t! re h=0§ re I § m -a 13 c <<^ a" e" - ~ 01 — lT cd re re E E ££ .. E E I E E ££££££££££££ List of Baptisms. 487 x ■£ U pq •if * fa1 •S £ u c s re .12 -o E = X! re _q -3 re o to < -s c i> re re T3 *C c: C re t- s w T3 T3 re W c u C *-> — ■? X 5: 2 _ « £ - 0 re 3 O £ Cfl « « « 5 bC re M .SJ "O -i? 12 £ re B X! < £,S S u S w fa i-c CO U U Q pq "3 s "a ~, fa & fa tt ~ 0) M -O XJ < < T3 T3 -O c c c rt W (3 age, — re — Lc "a "JEi fa < fa PQ & X pq ■s < fa < £ u T3 3 C - u 1 o Pm a. < fa O D. N N o U -— I- u — «J O 3 ~ •- •a * « £0 •S « I a s -S -g re co Im — c Ui 0> bn « bl O a c U P X >> 5 a d u a 5 re re re .3 .3; n ■£> \=. £ j=. 3 UJ A u re M u 1. J2 15 a. • .c - s C/D C . u, • Xi X « — ■ X R s J3 X 1 a u *-■ r - 2 K u . a. — e X J L 1 N PC q j- . X •a « L ■*- ■s ■ « JI X « rlJ ■c a < "2 3 c'g -a ra ™ _a. -~ IS j: ^ J3 fa < S Ml- x 1> w xi T3 « C U ^ c T3 W nj re re w ■B « K cj ti re X> >- M re re u, to <5 re •x\ <£ 5 fare-* ■sj s re c "O ,0 < E -S -a J2 c -c < pu, < £> 42 < O <«1 •<*■ M M "1 OO OO M • M N ifl • ■+' O 00 m w vo 00 l-C OO OS 00 00 r^. t~. t^ n n •^ » > «J > ^ >^ "C •£» M OS t^ o N OO OO M II -f OO ~ • bt *- *- ») O . > O c X O 3 1— > 3 1— i Hi re .1 c «-,>—< ^ u ^^ o 2 P> O N *1- >^ >N M M O UI l-t IH ^ " ti ^ ti o 3 3 o 3 o ^;< c < fa x — a k k - - « 3 E « . . • . " ~ ~ E E E E E E 2 _ lift. > > > > > > > ** ^- t~~ t^. to M + m N N» 00 « 00 00 w 1-1 r^ m ** N M VO N "+•<*■ -t" M < fa rere-*-ic"™«oi : c 5 c >>>££?£ 488 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. « Ji c C •£ °3 *- pq a <-5 ^ — re T3 .2 «* T3 G 03 43 43 W a -^ •' 1-8 > .2 o p3 Cd cd C u a w < -e a « l " i- as 43 T3 < < co >h •£ "> .12 ea c 13 re C M ■— -< ea •— re co ea #M c "5 « W w G -o ca ca *j Sal *j cd ed ea -a 43 tiQ u -2" £> - 1 — i — i ' pq 43 c -a < o < £ ca C ea T3 -73 be 4= a a ^ S « £ o S S B rh 4h 43 "0 O 2 Ph < w ~ u c « « g ca *J f^ oj ca Pl, E H Pl, pl, " « "S | * ca < •« g -a cd s£e 43 42 < < U 43 o < < < u > re CO ■rt T3 -a G re C cd E E re 3 -a c 43 ? S oq . §s vo . in m N On ^- en oo no oo oo en O t^ t^ tr o vo" . » «-" re' >» « 13 5 ed ca cd ed 6 2 g ca -a ed M O oc (^ cd "^ ca re E E no ■ >n m + N no >* en rh OO NO OO OO f>. HI OO HI HI H • "1 f^ OO ^- • en O l^. (^ oo f^ t^ OO HI HI M On t^. HI t-> re re E E S< C 43 ca C r 43 ca "J *ri 3 7 «J h^ fe 2 h^< fa 1^ ca •-« •- en cu 3 E s ^ ~ ^43 5 ea ca " t! S ea ca «g « ^ «» g g § s s ^ ^ ^^ ^^ E E E — tl XL !> k: > ca ca re c re re E E E | E E ^ u u u u u. re ca ca ca ca -non -tI-Oooui-O -O HiHicMinOHeneninNot-^HiON rhONOOOO enoooooooo enooNooo OOt^MMOOMMHIHIOOHIOOHl HI HI HI HI HI ■>• tn h , G — e •= re CO CO CO CO CO CO ca g re re ca re ca E j= E E E E E r3 C3 r3 r3 r3 C3 C3 « _ » « > 43 C C G C «i U C G C G i-l 71 Ci rt rt n, — ^ E E E E £ c a S e S a g C3 C3 71 Cl CI *«h ^^^^^^ £££££££££££££ List of Baptisms. 489 .5 S S s « u •s u s s J -o "S w o bO .2 *s ^ ^ ^ W 5 E c c c u, • — -C oj oj 7, c So - re re o 1- _ 3, — K >^ -C S5 c -o 5i .m ~ 2 £ 5 .sou y / J / ./1 _ v. / . .„ i w re re > o S o S -C re re •« E J < < W -5 -5 -c re re E E ■<-> ^r ■— ■ „ ^ r X n M n E U 13 T3 CJ « . . s ■a < < E 3 >- IS E -5 E M fa < £co E £££Qfafa£fafafafafafafafafa£,<0< J J < < a re B C a a — re re re 5 ~0 -O TD ™ b£ bC bE S 2 n n n c c re re CO 3 co co -a s s a c a C 'U ' U 'U re - - - re < < ft ft ft ft ft a. ft a, cu OJ OJ — ■C -- i £ j: i fa fa - - fa Dm Pl, Ph Oh u < £ ^ E bD re W S3 c Sw «< £ s «*■ -t- VI r^ VO r^ m * o\ r^ OQ BQ M se N 00 VO »-i M H OO M c-v _ H M 1/^ BC V. oo" ON 4 N M N N N ffi h W OO CvONfON^O 0000 000 cnoo 000 r^t^t^ W l-l OOO OO OO OO OO M t^|>.IH . OO . vo VO u-i vi-i O N N» ^ >0 OO « t _ 1- — 1 , — - — — s < tC * ^ 1-1 en ri rC 3 3 < < re 3 OJ < fa O B 3 1— 1 > O :- re IH M M OO -1- m •* N v^ -1- m N o\ VO t> l> BQ OO 00 cc V. BO N- M M M m. Ov tn M OS ON to to >^ u X JO re u 0 re OJ < s •?. Ov t^ On • f> OO O On •+■ t^ M • O O O OO r» t~. f- t>. t^ vo t^ vo r^ t^ r~~ t^ M t^ M M *-l M M »H - pf . N m m *o -t- _ t ~ M .- >_ -r OJ u O < O X> re OJ lc-i fa 2 > > bO O O 3 Z £ < _ ™ re c c •- __" C "3 — re '" « K ^ •a" _- -o c -a c re c re .U .IS 'Z £ > = < E . E 2 W OJ 'i E Jj * T3 D >. co 2 2 c pi ^ :S-S S -9 vc 00 t^ "3 ° ■£ m « .= ."S S fa XT re re re =£ 2 « : . * < w fa K ^ * re re x X OJ OJ OJ OJ > > > j3 _E mQ oj ^^^^^•^^>> c ~ 2 S ra j= jo c w re 5 g| o , 43 >h ,3 w re ? °. w £ re > CU c 3 C Jj J*J re 5 o u « J? M cu _ '5 2 « > -g 3 S £ E .tf-S a $ co W ** CU CU s P, Cd 1— > 0 0 u C • u ti • c •3 re , 1h ra U C u cd £ x bfl cd U — 1 -a ~ c cd i-l , , ■a u B bl) cd U £ X M U, O cd a a u bll 4= u cd u Pi Ph P5 w * 6 * re aj c w ■s a € ■3 en .i, 5 £2 0 & x T3 a cd co <-tH bf; VD Ih £ ;- rs OJ O u 4= co u £ 13 vff a u bl !-■ cd co Ph C CO 43 Ih cd P5 OJ cd S3 u bll a « 43 U O Ih — 0 cd |H 0 CO a a a, -a cd n "~co a 3 1 — 1 c 3 cd cd O 43 E r- r* 0 o u ■5 -5 O 43 cd -a .3 « 3 — 13 cu C 43 cd 9; m .3 & t- -a J3 3 B (J rt re CJ re . •-" . re : § re a • re * c .c a ■£ | re cd w __ o — -C •-< Oh « 5 U -S i-H -C c < cd "|H c cd W a .5 "a3 re JA Ih re pq -3 a re CO ■0 c cd bl a re IS a. c cd Cd Oh O bll c < -a a re O C re te .£* a a O >— 1 re re x bO ■a 43 Ph 0 aj O 1— > CJ re O OJ a ■d fa re ^H »-< ^- ^* S re E re C c« C in re 3 re 3 43 tTD JS «3 -a re .a 43 fa '»h e d 3 ~° 9 ;s ■§ fa 1— , 9 fa fa r^ N in 0 CO M ro 0 LO M 0 <*■ -t- iri u-i 'O O VO CO 1^. *o t^. ^> ^O 0 r^ M M r^ r^ r^ HH r^ hs r^ 00 u-i OO M M ^h >-( M HH HH M » - _ 0 w l-« _ " n w ^n M 00 M to w ^^ N ro 1-) u-i ri d >, O Ih re O c 0 Ih re 0 4J u bll 3 Z < § O ^O § O fa Q < fa >. a Ih cu re c c < 43 43 cd Crt 5 43 cd Hi 3 43 cd oa 3 c c re bJO bJD 2 ^ a* ai : . m g a o S g re . . . re •- w 43 43 43 43 43 ? 7-43 — .|_,00000<> p< T3 fa re c e 9 re -S ■a" "3 cui>cucucuaj re fa 43 0 -a 1 re U 00 t^ N W i/-> 0 • • O -* M ■^ w, v/1 1^1 t^ to »0 vo 10 M >* ifl N in ^3 M ^0 OS N 0 tJ" SO t^ r^. vri »n vo lr^ t^ r^ -(- SO 0 N ifl H r^ O ON t^. o\ ON OV t^ H M M t^ t^ t^ M tH M VO r^ 00 M OO OO M !>. r^ IH t^ t^ t^> M M H r^ M IH H IH M H M M H 00 ■«, N O „ „ vo w U"| „ „ _ 0 _ ^ CO M OO N CO O tH M N (^ O ^O m H «0 N cq N N M N OJ M > O re 43* fa 43 U fa 43 cu fa > Ih a, < re 0 CO D !- re aj Q tH 1-1 U > O a, cu CO 43 CU fa bD 3 < CJ 0 "3 1—1 43 cu fa re 2 l 0 £ £ ££ ^ £ ££ List of Baptisms. 491 a _=: * fa u « w n t ; 0 bl PS — o 2 2 2 « 1 £ 09 .j£ -5 fa .22 fa u « > — o U fa pq u C U _ .2 C C _o ouuud:p:aod:^ U t3 N ^ W TT Z, -a -a ,U Q S2 EC -a -a ra ■2 i c U VSS ,2 ~ ra w Oh Q w v o j; w u o c w — •—. W "° - m -- « U C3 n r C « £ ■£ B (9. (J W W E "2 ^ U EC ~ «- K I) K^ '"*' " " E E j= £ " s " u o 'o u s Oh Oh Cfl C/D 1— 1 Oh Oh u n fa * "S "a > c c c 8c Ji 0 c. M .5 a a « N = c £f S (L> - >- £ C w « ,K .5 Oh Oh O C/D M w . . 05 '5 '* ^ — a n — a a 0J 1) > •j K* >> u i/ So a bt M V U U Oh o u a — — — cj w n rt ■J W g -O w Hh « CO 2 -a ra g « W W ^3 C I S o S -2 SS •n -a c c c -o g B.S!" .— «H — W fa T3 Si >. M E '> £ G O « w b i> u — j= x x: • ■* t-, -t- 00 M H O "I OO OO OO 00 HI M M -+ • VO W OS 4 • fi O w 00 O 00 00 00 IH O »H M M ON ui o 00 00 C\ •+ N >« «n -o M M OO OO ro N OO «f 00 M • w vo N to vo os NSOO'l-OvOt^ON OsOOOOOOOOOOOOO OS OOOOMMMMMIHt^ &0 W N \0 to SO t>. t^ t^. so t^ HI M M t^ M HI m ^ »o -t5''fso'o~Mirio'Hrd'*r>N->^> « m ,1 m p -o"00l^NvO 1" .O«o'* . ^S»"«0O-H|JH!i,flH«MN-Ni;.JJ'MtNS(»NN«|>ONMH+iH 00 •*• r>. * t}- • -Os oo-*-r-»NO,« • -M "N • " ■ w p» .urn- u-ihihiO'+O • o\ 00 •*-•*■•»*■ «si so «n »i- N 00 N vo O -O • -OsONvnO^Ososo 0000000000 O si t^covno t^cooooooooooooo osOoo w 00 m so O N N N N N so HIMHIHIHlONtOHlOOOOOOOSOOHIHIHIHIHIHIOOOOHI-^-HlSOr^OOHIHltSHIHltS MOO MMWtSHI MHI_O0 OOOOM .H'..M + m" m" n h - h O - . _M . N* vfl (> O m m - ~2MN'MMv«e^r - " O N- HiHiNNM* -MOOuiso .hmNm»1mmhNm -m - .SOm | t ~ - - __f1M Tf-M HI_NO0tsN __ u C %i u >» *C -u." •>^>>-^H;M52~^>^^birE->J_;--> >*£■£>■£ c«rtcaraScw'*-;<,lnl11-QrJ3Ctanc,5C3c.1=otjtjcooEi::-oc- si < u W Q 0- ^ o .« 3 n fa - s u ._ X X rt „ « o o w^.2 0n«uj=E3 3 C" i x; 'H "h. .£ 3 o p Ouun™H-'^rarara'- hS K b .? > 4= x °- > D u u u H* ^* K* H*- K^ 1»» ►-» ^" l-* >»*• ^ E> E> r- K' ^ S> St fe 49- The New Hanover Lutheran Church. fe c w u S-5 SS cd § H fe B OJ C u- H H bC -C w ? JJ JJ © cd is * s s £ E ."2 6 6 «H3 — a > *+, its 5 u a cd t> 2 >^" N .5 w fe pq SS 2 •5 s -a E .52 *• .22 .P « .2 * p o u < .3 H "1 BO >* vO u^ v-i r^ r> r^ M M *-< * ro M M C3 bD >> £<£ t>. i^ t^ u w to ^ OJ W t, w SJ fe fe CO a w cd tn £ 5 c c E c oj ea eg cd 13 "O W .2 ? t B <5 i- 13 c re oj J2 "O 3 re 5 N c P P fe a p 0 N cd U 1) fe u a p w .p - OO u u IU cu p OJ OJ OJ E o O o (X OJ fe fe id CO J3 S3 .r; C3 i >> >> 13 in u, u i; O O ffi X a £ o «* cd cd ' 03 PQ g cd cd cd P JO J3 J3 c feO h O • ^ • n h w m N m vo ^o Cn ^O t^ N t^ t^ t^ M - O v - en o m - ON C* >P « ih II M W O "^ cdcdCi^cdcdcdcdC a, felrl W j ^ *? >!J >? Cd t^ t^ o. t^ . o\ ^ ^< < s < t^ H IH OO r^ N M OO JJ X>X> ^ H • to • N O »o M C7\ VO • N t»1 w XI M N to VO vo moo »l-oo^o^o oomoo t^ oo oo »H t^M t^t^r^t^.00 11 w eq « tC ^ t? '-o w ti S i= "C _• cd C O, C cd M >> 3 re - t— ,s re i — 0J , CO 9 ,s < * re i— re ,< u 3 ." 4 re cd ^i i^ t-^ t^ t^ W M M M VO J bC {J > ej D oj O O < Q Z !U .^ « — N oo tJ- N vo t^ oo N t^ M IH OO M M * n O" . w M N N !§ £ £ re J2 2 w ed U w ZmQ ■p -s 2 S ff f •= s««!ii'<'S«N C3 CO J, co . Ji ^ p ^ p ro cd U Ph o OJQJOJOJQJQ.IQJQJQJQJOjajQJ U OJ D 1) £££ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fe ffl h h 'J _ p . 0) ™ *; g^ J»! J 3 L B s X ■c PC ^3 X C -c E s E c i s R B H T3 Cd R r R t. cd >. h 8 — >, C B — a 5 a; S X "3 X X n w x ts U 3 M E u r be X i_ r O I- V X s to .a t 'e n > B R - g eorge Wiese eorge Wiese arents. u E CO «] X o <- n •— > m o < P Ao 0 p. cd M c £ T. a ■ i~ B bC x u X ( R .£ J w n X r tu >: B B < -a a R «. n X n — a 1 R x t- - 1 R x *■ R c •- — £ T U. a £ -c £ T3 B tr. e T — T- B « B c B R X <; a R R U B c to OJ 1 — > x 6 B 01 u c R c C cd jj .2 _ — < Ji "5 "O ra c c cd <£ fa E cd u — •- > -G c/d « > .a .» :§ * I £ & m .S x . "2 X w £ . bt OT; W t- ■2 s Pm X o e OJ u M fa X cd E E fa .g P ss Cd w a c . ^S « Sl1 - u Cu CO E - -o w c .- < Q N W M "g .tj l> CO ■^ ti to £ "O w o S < Bu O _a 5 h U S w a S £Skd w x £ x cd CO X a) X cd X cd U cd R) U n u -c CO 09 Tl C/j a — •o TS ra C a a n X n C8 X a >% U 3 OJ c a o c' c b +2 u £ X O aaocoaco^w aooh w P« r- b « -£ ■£ S -S « w CJ -a « 8 •S E O o a. x . _ !J U O ■r- T3 — — E a B a cd cd cd cd en M n t-i a F F F ► c a c ^*- o> w > ti) C Cd p CO S < Th OO t^ V£| (>, t- t>. t^. O r>. N N OO to S -SSSzS w W W OO "*■ O O V3 N w O OO OO N -t 00 OO M W OO OO M MM M !:*; e!3 cJoMbirja J2t! E.5 l>0)33-£ = 5? c *i O fa < u cd iu ^i x .« o ow ox cd c ' u r; i— x « £ n rn « ^>£-5 .H.J1 B re S 55 S V C C V c V U U V u OJ 0> QJ 1» 00 + N N O t>» m t-~ ih r^ oo t^ N O - O ^ N »-• CM < D < fa z ■ cd • i- cd . cd •- 1 1 : -£ S g i cd 5 { — = n cd X _ < < < fa u «X fa s E B c - = a O c c B B bC > > > > > > &> > !?• »> !> p* 494 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ■o Cd c > « W * pi .r & 4= u <4H & 3 Ed -a b|H 5 U -a c £ 3 Ed is — i a rt -a o ~ 3 hi — a M u cu o Ed a |H OJ pq IS o 'J cd S 3 Ih >, 2 43 o o M 0) £ Ed 3 OJ 43 OJ a CO u Ed Ed a 0 w 43 c a « 's a c n Cd ,ij 3 a qj 43 o o s 3 3 s _c u H — 3 4^ % C OJ Ed 43 Ed Ih JS — L Ed 3 43 Ph el- Ch 0 1 — ) o o 1 — 1 £ C3 CO Ph - I— > Oh £ w 0 1—1 a s o PJ •- -I < 3 .5 « y u -c i^ "O r- cd cd 3 Is O (J T3 -« >> .9 o 43 43 js H h Oh <5 "5 i+h • u "5- " =r _= JS td s 43 2 Th i—i«5 1— > U El 4= CC c BE V c •a i .2 J ~ S s JS u 43 Ed 5 8 = s £ u ■£ Ed C3 43 5, Ed 13 U 3 ~3 U cj reUjatJttlort: 15 'JS s 1 b •a s .a -r -c Ed > l J u V 0 0 0 -a -a — b a 3 3 cd Ed 4* 43 bfi M Ih ;- Ih Ed O O OJ cj U 1 — 1 0 0 Ph Mj Pi o 3 o o w m Ed ■«§ es ~ W C cd U C -3 43 M c > cd fa OJ T1 h-l a u 3 Ih HH H 3 3 JS Ed Ui aj 0 5 s £A 4= W :~ 333 Oh ••« Cd ° j ;-j 0 J r It X j: <*■ n £ > Ph rw 0- < U c cd cd u t- cd cd s s Ed cd U 43 S C JS P «- a. Et ™ 4= P5 cd ■S cd to l- bj cd T3 -o w j 2t « s > 3 cs u N "1 ^O O t^ 00 OO M M M cq 4-> I4 4H 1) k^H Ph < ■ IH • OO 00 ^t-VO to IO VO PJ U1t^»nTj- t>.oo t^oo w t^w w t->.t^ PJ * SoSOZ^ZPh t^ vo ►H OO ^™ N fl Ph Ph • O Th M to 00 OO M OO ft, O ^ = m „ u Ad Ad *y CJ .~S bfl -5? H S i-J o P5 CS -S js ■ m • • • • O N 00 O n ^ ui m ifl \o >o vnoo >o N S N w >o t — t-^ t-~ hsMt>*0Ot^O0MMM r>. t^ «o to „ bs •^M A ^ •. ^irjOOto WnNOONhmNN B^cdCcdCycd 3 XI a, 42 i-,D ^ i-,^ >-, O ^ < fe (c fa /; C 33 c 2 « 3 cs 43 a „< n JS u - o < .33 1- o cd D "9 o S M" ■" N N cj D cj 3 vo ^o vo t>. t^ t^. M H H H 3 cj ™ < o S .5 .2 ^ U. Ih ^ w w _ 8 u u< Cl CJ 3 3 «-T 00 • • CO Ov ^o t^ ^O yr, to O CJ\ E~- w O OO OO t^ M OO OO M M M M M CT - - ^ 00" CO N ^ "* N N m O r-- > M > >> z < z S (1 Ih Ed 431 Ih ecj 4= T) cd Cd 3 Ih Ed P5 Ih Ed Ed U O a > cd G 5 a B a a a c Ed n m cd en E F F F F F ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ List of Baptisms. 495 x a. o re x: •**■• -to "t-'i-OO M t^-N t^>H t>-t^ 0O0O WOO MOO t^OO tOM MM M M M M OO O oo ro vo oo k> OO M OO t^ t^. ^^ M >^ 2. M -q S h bJO ^j i2SdA0 N oo co o oo t^ M M M t^» M M M N t^ •"! M >, bi > bi o ~ 3 O 3 0) l>- - Ov ^~- IS ir\ o\ f- X CM OO o\ r^. o M r^ M M M 0 > x ~ = I S.^ti M OO t^ OO M VO t>. OO CI M M OO M tC *£ - M M M O t^ oo r^ oo oo to m M oo *J > *J > bJj >, o z o z < x> u Q S W < Z 4. u u X c, n V ■1 WWWW « "Euj, f . «, .« £ .w « r" *— r" ^" ►*• r- i— E s u^ co u"i cv O r^ *♦■ oo i>* oo M OO HI M W G .2 -a "S re re js 4 a s s s | rt- VO VO — t>« oo J2 ■ o r- on M M M U M O N "1 Ov N oo oo t-^ 00 M M M o bi^— • >> "- bi cj 3 ™ o ™ J2 3 c < S oH< •s < *5 w 2 X X re -r C- ~ IZ 2 Q E E E E g g E E E £ EEEgg §£§!§§! §Eg EEgg re re E E £££ ^ ^ pt £ £ ^ ^ < < < £ * * £ * * * re re E E ^ £> ££ 496 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 2 3^ 60 s « U eg ._, a £ 3 s CO w •r a « -m N M *J M u c u c -5 X c 2 •; 3 J 3 >m re >t-i m a fa E h3 E .d &, -a fa £ ^ r„ E ^ £ W 13 c a oj C « 2 o •" o ■S • "3 a £,0 > £ CJ •n N & 13 re no :0 tH a U > o "3 c o pq u 1-1 U s s Sfl c u a «S ^."Sa Wv. < a re a U 13 a u c w —1 3 fa T3 -a u c -a a £ <4H M c 3 0 -a OJ re Ih J3 c E fa U N cj b£ ih be c u a an VJ re I— « u CO 0) C S s s u E c a c a c c c re a. fa fa Uh >— i ►—, fa fa i— i i—i PL, ■a « J* « S *< t» 3 .2 E &0 Ih a; D H a re b rS .2 -* E fa< Q £>< re ■£ re CJ E CT3 TO r \ re re _ ID "O T3 "73 e :i n "o :i :i ■JshlJ 1-1 fa a CJ Q M a re -a _ c ^3 cd 11 C J fa o £ ■c b ■a -o c c re re ID u 3 3 E E re re co co re 2 co co CO « c c ■a — C B w re O cu < c .2 b gffi cg^ - S « « * S i C B •■h -S _fl «B ^3 -a ^ «^ «* <3 _ < S S £ VO t-^ t^ O fa < N OO N to to • oo OO vo 00 N ^O Vi M S N H OO t-~ M OO MM M M OO H to • O • ■ N m o> tJ-m toN ovooo t1- oo tJ-oo + * oo oo oo WOOMOOOOHMM >+ to OO vo II OO ON OO I vo >n - to M N OO q" (t Ct M Si >1 >, «i « *:•->,>> re E E e g. re re "** N N « E re o< re -^ J3 S <5 'S 6 S S i- 1 1— 1>— ,co S 2 2 6 i- iS m S i- >fa M Tj- VO "^ »0 f-. Tj- t^ r-> t^. vo oq i-i n n •* •- •- . ■ re re o E 5 c - VM * « .5 "o *o "o vo t^. t^ vJ S fcts 6 00 t^ M M VI -O M m" u « re re M M re J2 O • to to • OO OO t>. VO N VO rj- N t^ VO N OO f^ N OO t^ t^ OO M M OO W • 0\ M 00 • • • v\ H O N + * + moo tj-vo •t O! oo oo m OO rj-OOOO OOMMMOOOOOOMM t^OOM^oviiNtOMN r fa £ < oa,™Cl",u=!S'0(u30o3cj Z, cj i 3 o "^ OJ re -a re re E oj 3S I 10 re _e ^ i & M ° So w <+h « u: - ■s bO bO v oj UZ cj OJ OJ Xi T3 "O — < < < E E < < < OJ OJ OJ M bC bfi OJ OJ OJ --OJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJ E E bCbCbCbCbfibfibCbD _C— ui_ut- — uu^ rereajojojojajojajaj >H>H>H>H>H>H><>H>H>< List of Baptisms. 497 w M Oh PL, U OJ bl ■ ■ bl U 1/ s u A ^ !* E r aj w IS cd "£ -3 ^ Q Ch H -a c M £ II a U T3 a 5b cd L^ — Ih < k a a a « >< -c u u - : J K t> OJ u Q, Q. a. a. e ."2 :H ■S "° .- m W x u "e"£ « -3 ^ s v a -a U ji a £ *-" PQ «; ■! -? is s CdCdca-gcdcdedcdCSCd"™ PhChO^UPhPhPmPmPmQQ W O Ph 2 TO V be M -o - o a £ i-l c cd _, -C • ~ i* u -^ "2 cd C cd ■3 -a < W « » & a ^ a Pm hh PL, c c qj cd cd u. -a cs cd C C CO « g ^ -a -a T3 -a g cd re -a cd cs - ca cd So. S -a co SC TO W E -5 >i -C ed en C C • - ? J3 J ed M ►-! ■* ^ "2 C O «J c O -O M ™ ► § eJ ' - ~ "* w o •- c E c .N W < i-3 -a -a ~o ■a 3 • v • a ja ta w _ C3 _ _ « -o " 1= c = E S § ■ 9 O > cd-0*? E ^ cd cd to — J3 C J"; "? y - .a r= E « .£ vo O to « NIX •H OO W no i~- r^ \£> w -t n S 0\ N >o m moo oo oo O O oo O OOWMWt^OvOOO cl w w-i . oo oo oo oo U"> oo M M M OO W to <-> N N t> m pf C> m O m fc o < — C3 AS >> bfi b£ 3 3 U CJ ^<^^'<6d > > Sp *j oi) O O ™ ej 3 zzSo< N V3 Ov oo >o t^ N O VO (^ M tO oo oo to T M IH OO OO o t^ oo • o • CO oo ^O r^ t>. (>» oo >~. tJ- ui oo oo O oo O ^£> ^o OOMOOM^-MWONOOOst^ • O oo oo u-i CA "1 WOO OO E"^ N OO 00 M oo W OO W IH IH IH Q « - ^ c ^ ^ ^ ^ Q < Q 3 3 3 i *h « 3 C. «i (i< _b ^ *J > ih N • oo • w N *j- io m vo in oo oo NO O On OO O OO OO OO OO OO M 00 M IH ^E-^^CMMmihNn o z S S u . . Ih E o o J2 > bo i. z < < S i3 n E = .= < 5 -f - E E 2 2 fi w S .9 I .1 w u ps •£ -t: -c TO >^ TO S a % •Z. cd ^3 ^ ^ ^ JZ "3 ^ OJ OV OJ V 9J O £ J3 £ £ ^1 h3 _ eg " E B <'S M WWWWw;5WWfcJ«WtdWfcC) u U I* u UtltltltltltltlUtlUtlU UtLtlUZt. UblUtlbLZZ — OJ U OJ «J 1_ 1_ l_ 1_ £>*>'>*>>>>><><><><><><><><>*><>><><><>< >H>H>H>H>H>H>.>H^ 498 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. It »rj *■> fa ft © TJ ■ft. C to cd £S ■2 <" ^ o ft, 13 C T3 C < .- cd 3 w bJD ™ 9g T3 ffi .S J3 M ^1 fa u "2 r« cdOCdcdraedfd PL.Ufa'fafafa^fa, fa £ w 5 c D , id ti s .b a 0 f3 0.PJ ft, fa ft, 3 K O D m qj ° a o '5 E £ iu oj "r1 *> QfafafafafafafaQfafafaOfaHfa!> o >> i-l Ed "2 S 5 ^ W ! B ^ ~ "° - "2 fa Ed ra ~ t£ fa «J — o fa fa fa fa, c 5 — w 2 « i- cd js oj — u ft, < 2 w ^ M "2 -a ~° < £ c ^ Ed w cd cd -— J= 4= >> « « S ^ J S C E c cd cd < s ■- c a a a w Ed ra 3 >- fa >- „ u — u -a xi w •~* w na a T7 C3 C cd TJ M -a ed re S hi a ■ft, „ Q On ft) . . MM • ON M ON ON -^- N M • 00 CO M rj t^.t^o vn ^o f^uiONuitomoNoo on ^•oooooooooooooooooooonooooooo oommoommmmmmmoommm M M „ _ _ M -ffoo" - ifl cS t> ^ oo oo ^O ro t^. to H M U~t M OO MMNtoMMMOOWMuM < < ft "g D? O ^ M o S ^5 ^4-WMOOWt • Ov On MOOOO M MVOOOOOOOOO MM ^OOMMMM „ OO N N J3 Cd O, -S* oj m u 3 tt, r< WD I— , bJD 'C ^j 3 a. o < < O D — = i cd -r >%>»>>>. Oj Oj 0> 0^ »^ro oj oj qj oo CO OO M OO M OO M to M V3 to N N ^O 1-^ to m \r\ oo on >dr • ill O M OO ON tO BAJii »- • b. « X> o S o z X!f! Cl.Ccdn.Ccdcd ,« " OJ cd h O ai i- ^ t: E ;s oj c *-> fa fa > ^ < m ' : S rt .2 • s - m .2 ,cd ™ oj -M — " -^ 5 O ™ »m ^ List of Baptisms. 499 •S M « ™ U M .£ cd 3 — n-. C/3 W 2 — w a a n E n to in tt 1* U u a id o bt SJ £ E y. i* >< ;•' y. •2 y. id A ed u a u cd cd a a a aj a a aj cu u M o — . o •— > R) cd cd fc — Pm - - < « •£ C c c c K-" « £ £ £ Si E CU CU cu -! S3 cu fan a cu T3 c ij cd Oj u id Hi E Ed CO cd P o u cd Ed - fe p B cd P a •— > Bit :J o Ed GO CO 13 ■o a M cd -s Q "3 E ra ca "r -a Z> < 3 6U u CU -a p5 c 2 ra « E "3 cd cj -5 CO "^ •p. 43 Cm W < to ^l oo oo oo oo 00 oo tj- r^. •+ n vo in \o m oo » oo N oo m M m oo oo MMMMMOOMOOOO O O N N •- i- i- b£ >, JJ " id cd TO TO"tr,t ^i»— rr^i ^ 40 '? > O *T> M N l-l > M - O^ « 9 CC-^-O.3.3-3-^ Oy^v^ CJ CJ =>-= C- 3 0„ °- ° U fc^ K^ ° = r^ O « so rl" Y/1 \r» u^ N OO 00 oo oo oo C7\ OO MMMMOOMOOOOI-I M w \yj CV N M M vo 00 > 15 -b " Cd . — - 3 z S C = C C w = b 3 3 a .2 > < < < < ^ hJ* f^ o N o SO 00 v\ IN. 0 so M *- N CO 90 in kO 01 r^ so r^ H oo 00 c«-i r^ tn r^ r^ Oi oo i/i r^ so 00 N EN DO 00 90 oo oo OO oo- oo oo r^ l> 00 CM so 00 00 oo w 1/1 M w M oo H M OO H M M M oo 00 H M H oo DO M M M M w C> i/-, oo •* ^ en O H M M ri w M * 1/1 en O bi "C 3 a. < < CJ o cu C 3 i—i bC 3 < U a 3 t- < J3 cu cd > O y •_ o B cd bC 3 < > o J;. 1— I • N OO m ■ m w w d'co co oo so H II o o ,2s « 3 ed cd > > E cd cd 3 ■3 ■- > cu rl . CJ = J= w g — > 3 e < E i • < '!* 3 E < .2 E -^ & • % 3 E O C HE *s s «s s S ^ ^ ^ ^ '- £ £ C8 £3 QJ QJ Q-) U 1> f M 5 o S « 6 s l» *-> cr C h .3 en cQ n cQ n] tij rj *^ S p] (1 PhPhCL,PhPhOoP-(3hP-iPhP-< PL, < 2 {H Q 43 P >H £« u o ca ca Pi aj ca 2 la M £ >H 43 43 c 4= 4= •2 .c •~ u u U 43 U s s o •— 1 s P hi Ph K M ^ c U 43 CB O 8 {H ^ -a 6 > a g < p M^2 s.s S -J .3 -6 43 « Q, Pi ■ i i B « i 3 S §2 W _ jj -c « £ Oh 2 -n 43 4= fa g r3 43 fa fa — •£ .2 i? ca ca ca ca oo -a a w 5 S 5 w ca i) ca c £ 2 "u rt -5 -S '3 _3 3 E « fa fa < P ■3.S E ca B -5" O a? aj o ca o _3 w w w fe 3 * "3 p < c o 'S o H Q IA u M l-c H -a C UJ aj a < P C3 w i—i ^ < n n -t- ON o l~^ o vn as r> un o hs r^ M N fl NO >-( OO rj NO () oo rj N <*■ n t^ •3 on o 00 00 n cs >o •o On ON ON oo so o 0 OD 1^ oo M ON r^ U 0 u N oo ON 00 M M rj BO 00 00 00 r^ 1^ M r^ OS 00 OO HH M oo r^ HH oo oo oo N M r-- H-l DO i-( H M M 1H M r^ ts ■n M M M M M CO M Is ro M n IH u^ 4 00 rC M HH m" no" M oo M a ca CI M ih" M 0~ M \o" ON M no" O "NO VO oq > O 3 >— l Oh < d re >> ca 3 1 — 1 U 3 > O c 3 i— i bfl < B ca | — i u 3 U 3 < 4= U > o z 'V. < 1 43 U fa c 3 u oo s, u 00 3 < ca 2 o o a 3 1—1 u u P O 3 u c 3 l—i oo oo OO M ON OO N OO M OO uq , M OO H "^ M < P 3 3 Ceo ON ^O OO OO ON M M NO CO P fa >> E « -s ^ ^ ca . O w oo oo ^ • > O OO ON ID N t^ oo CC oo M t^ M vri to H ON O • • N •* • • ON ts N O O P» O t^ ^O O 00 OO N N M t^ OO M H OO OO « N? cS « U >> > W) >» 'C »j jb "C bibi^^j (X h- , ;sz a C a • • ca 43 . ca u : C. K • h r/ < -r . K r . . 4= * ca • O ™ 3"D."v"0,33^cj «g^fc^^J ^c'sbcacaWrt • -. O ca 43 ea«-» — -■ 1 « u J ■C c cu qj oj oj aj a-* >,:--," ,-,,ojaja-»ajQjajajajaj aja^ajajtuaja^ajajQ^ M M M bfl bC bC bfi ajaj:3 0C >H>H>H>H>H>H>H>H>H MbX)b£bfib£lb£bCbCbO ^3TDfliQJOa>wQJi>aja> OOOOOOOOOOO ^^H^^^^^H^^^H^ >H>H>H>H>-I>H>H>H>H>H "OOOOOOO List of Baptisms. 501 W> P.-E •5 ■£ u, u pj ps 5 M bO „; pj s 3 '5 T3 _ j= 2 E ■a .« - - >- T3 £ C O « P £ __ o V Jn^ - 3 .5 < ^ -a c *■» *- in ra ,t1 »» M „ > -C m J= pj pj .a e •8^ = . J s < ■H « CO & O C qj a» w C O E "J E "S N tr M buu M bO <-" l" u »J O O ; « « £ o a a 2 — w • — S Q W M ct> o • -a E « 8 > -a to C w C M »1 (1 — S « ,U « B 'S T3 IS W C O Q < h a, .2 o — co w ? "° c c E 5 < ^5 ^ St3^ c W -a c "-«•-« Cd • = O C- (J Q, CO "^ "^ co c c C r* « C3 "*5 n v v v .-; s 1 < CO •5 o .a i> C T3 Eve < a < N «o VO O N 00 o\ • r| u-i OO u-i r^ >-i O N ■+ N M 10 N N * OO r) ■-i e?\ M 10 * >J-1 t^ M r^. 00 00 O M t^ 00 N t^ 0 OO t*- ^ OO OO 0 ON M CO t^ CN 00 N N CO CN »-i M M N OO M M OO n tN 0 a M M ea r*. M M CN r- IH aa -Jj M r^ M 00 M H 00 M SO 00 •H w r^ M IH M c^ rh « VO t^ M „ O" vo N « M H O in ri n M « O M . ri N CO N N On M ro "-H -t" r^ , | 00 M — « ts M wo r^ ^^ < U V. Q. < u a, < c *J j£ > O a. u < O a J3 _>, -C O O, U P a a. J3 a o, a, ja 1- S3 3 *—> O u (i, CJ 1—. U. •J •— 1 fe ss 4J 3 0) EG fe 3 u u fe < < fc P) ■1 r^ w-i IN q On DO CN w CN ri ro -h ao ri bq l> >+ el CI H IH r^ SO as N w CO 00 CO M as IH IH M i-« M M •+ NO O' 00" »H to M NO CO IH < I) a 3 1-1 0 u P 0 u p > 0 a M •— » V 'Sj 0 p >- 3 U O B OS * * rr, t^ ^r *r\ rh (M d CN t|- PI N OO N PI CO 00 so r^ rj CJ ON CN CO CO CJ l-l PI IH 1-1 CO l-l t» r^ w M M M * M M r^ 1^ _ t^ 0 CI to >H ■* IH r<-. N PI M M IH CN! M -^ £ B5 5: ^« <<<<<< CQ . u. . 0) . h3 ; 3 . ,-1 • Q h r • m • s.fc c E • ■£ U | J • tS E - u -a >■ . • .i < p^.< " « u CJ >- 1- pj MbXi™ w w.Ph3 P3 PJ o— <« C V P3 ^. ^^r-^wTiwS"?*^^ bC M bfi bO >H >H >< ^H 33 bCb£bCb£bCb£b£t£tCb£bCb£b£b£bfibCb£b£bCb£b£b£bCbfi :0 =0 :0 :Q :0 =0 :0 :0 :0 :0 =0 =0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 =0 :0 :0 502 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -O "3 c c 53 m •E o .S a » O JJ >H w OJ u r t hi, bO u C ■5 J3 u E c c P4 ti -— lH Q<^uh be -£ :53 3 £ PQ u > o re bfi c O a W q bi u -s "S -^ £ « 3 - 3 W K re u ffi « h E S re « re re "3 -o re oj % s a 3 "53 «J O 1) Oj e a .s "re re 2 R cc en 5 T , -ri re re ^^ "3 T3 re 43 co re I-c t3 re -g 6 s o w 15 E co OO cq XT) M W H N W OO OO OO H OO o OO Noooo w^Noo N tot~»wwi OO tH MOOOO MOOOO M t^t^ M N CON " N N OOScoONOsN -•*-.. «S.H.^5^d^ ^re >, W) u r\ 3 f* <3 < D Q cq " rh v\ «-, h. l-l M 1-1 -> Cj a = E «- i-, £ ■5 j; re re re re ™ W W c« co c« c« OT bJObObCbCbCbCbDbO :Q :Q :Q :Q =0 :Q :Q • O VO Vt H M • • O WOOOONwMNNNu-it^ O O NOOOOOOOOOO PJ NOO OOOOOOMMMWIHOOOOIH + w N VON N Ovvo vooooo wioo co»or^ OOWMOOMOOr^M VO M N t^ aiti-?.raCre^3D, ~v^0Jlrt3V— I u u ^ •» Bl *? ^ >> > s ^ 3 3 D 3 - CO to § z 2; ^ •< E -3 hM -o re c « w 7Z E — 3 3 > w CO CO CO i-* , h JH. ^ o aj aj oj aj bfi bJD bO bC re ; a i -O -c .a "3 X3 Q, CO P< CO LT < ^ M «j *r *j> *j> *r «j S o o o o o o o o re 3 C h — :0 :0 :0 :0 O O O . N List of Baptisms. 503 c — 1> 0 T3 »2 .£ •- -C i- .2 bC re bC u H 5 « s re "O re ■2 ^ .2 CJ ™ u u •C 1-1 fc 5 c ~ •— *-< re *« < -z .9 C to P 1« _Q JJ -c § -c 2 1 id — C ■- re «j jo N s < 1>» .-* •5 o t- o c re xi -e ^ J3 JO > u H u < A< 8 .2 re aj bfi 3 T5 jS T3 c W c « re § - o « « 5 C ° n c a. re c — J= j= ■ ■- — a Sr c c 0™ o or-™ bO re 43 u W 9 CD E en >4H V u M — re re « — a. s« c; '2 V a 0 j= § 0 ed 5 u j= s C a t) 'a re Ed C- K J3 a a td d, 0 0 — 1 £- O h •- re re re -a ~ 3 .2 < re m • re § .2 3 ai jg ■5 s s ra i_ re re u J3 TD -O JO < < < < W T3 T3 'Si T3 a td B re 0 09 a sec re « * a 0 E re E cd "re E S E J J3 u re re 0 .0 -a -a — jQ JG < < < < < < 1 — ■C _ >, J3 ti J2 "O JS a < < < A — ~ re u re O a id — -0 C T3 re c re Ed -a a « re M .2 c 1c 'p re r. .S .5 c re re R re re 0 s s < s s OOOCOO WOO t^M M "2 •« -^ 5 c c -a w re re c c c c w •5 \C 'C xi t-. t- u o re re re o s s § ^ M OO OO 1^ -*■ • tN • vo 00 M M NO M "1 M to M * f*-l O O N t>» w (^ r^ u^ ON 00 00 OO OO OO CM OO N OO O OO t^ 00 ON tN (N M H OO M M M OO HI (^ H M M IN M M * M () M M M M 1? rS n - CO N M *Zr IN OO . N - M »A1 W W N O O ON In IN ■* N N M N 1-1 M N M M M M N 1-1 1-1 IH "^ M c. (J JO _>, 1 _>. -b : re a > > bb "C O O 3 C z z < < re re a re c a, O tk >, re C/3 1 P uL *—, 1 •— » •— > s w § § WD § 3 u < ^» s 1 M * * «o M o\ M 00 On OO On no IN - M OO BO . In N M T? oc u% CO M m" no" 00" N bC J 3 0 < c 0 O li - re re u V 0 1> a •— > ed — 2 u 0 9 0. n. .c re re re >i^iJ2SZ(flw«0 E xTj= be i> •- re NNNNNNNNNNNNN c c c l utt^ JS2 t u w u .H -li .Sf .a .a NNNNNNNNN ^< x N M N no £ s I < 0 K ?r J= J= J= ^. aj D a> N N N N X 5 K <5 CO M c ™ b c S s 2 "3 u -g c (B « •£ CVJ T3 U .a cs w w E "3 C T3 « H as 5 C ■Q CJ J3 £■5 W ~ « W c • - -a u c s OJ CO >. Qj fa fa CO O « fa cs cs cs j» « *CS O £ "E ft « H .2 E J2 CO CD <+H J3 n & fa .— CO -c fa 1 c ro T1 T3 a _C c cs _c o fa CO "d c N K § „• co p$ CS CS c a 'p c CS < "J. Jd u u 13 co "5 U « -a cs -a •H .« 3 -~ t-o o o 00 LTi CM ui **• -t w r^ oo t^ t^ sq ofl -S b O CJ Z O I^O N OO » N N ON OO t^vo t^ MOOMMMMMt^MM t^W W 1-1 M * H O l-l N M M §^ §zSS -c Cj c c c o bfl fa < § o < CS M CS cs cs E s E E E i-^ u u Ih Ih cu QJ u cu £ *J "2 > M «^v2cs35Jc3o5i"5-o"ci-csC- w C "2 cu 3 ■ -2 bJD ■£ O W) co u 0 pq CS CS O «K u S « „ co cs J2 C c c 3 _ cs cs .Si3ccC(U"0o£a,ja ■+-I nM—Bffl-cX£'fl,,1'B'2 ^ £> fa co N vo O N tj> oo O co oo w N 3 o « < o S a ' fa •a §< a '5b co "^ ° ■£ "5 fa fa cococococococococococococococu Z^ CO SJ CO CO .3 O N N 3 X X X NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN List of Baptisms. 505 C 0 BE* ili > ■a C3 ■0 w c _ II h -0 ff i U 3 I "J" 1 c c -I « M ■ .- X E N N — «, « 3 « 13 jr 1- — _o 0 c a, 1 ii e a. X | 1 m *|N CD • t c B «- s ■c .c 1 rt £ pi X 4. C c — -c c U- { < c It c n - E 1 - -a a n E X c *4J H c 1 a re "E E re C c c c w 1 t J3 J 13 k re 'J Q - E re U 0 1 ,d 5 <* c \ « t- oc »- I 3 - c - c \ 1- o\ oc 0 - r- - r- - c: 0 r- . s~- f - oc m H H f^ M 2 * H - ^ HI . :3 ■ X t> 0 ^: % M H « W O ■£ 0,0.0.0 oJ2 N "t ff> N M 0\ n y D u, j - i b n bt 5 L E S -= « 1 - o p « "C «J ™ "Z 5 i 09 _ ~- . ra w re; .^ J;^ w to (o 2 N .O X X X JO w, 3 3 3 3 3 :3 N N N N N N A LIST OF THE CATECHUMENS AND ADULT BAP- TISMS WHO WERE CONFIRMED FROM 1743 TO 1907 AS THEY ARE RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CONGREGATION. Some Pastors have entirely omitted to record the names of those whom they confirmed, others have made partial records, whilst some have left a complete roll of all who were admitted to membership of the congregation in this manner. The Names of Those Who Were Confirmed in 1743. Michael Schlanecker, Michael Schlanecker's son. Hans Jiirg Rothermel. Johann Daniel Rothermel. Christoph Rothermel. Daniel Schoener's son Daniel. Christopher Witmann, Christopher Witmann's son. Abraham Wartman, Adam Wartman's son. Jacob Appele, ~) ... . , • • ?-Jurg Becks step-sons. Johannes Appele, J Johann Nicol Gauger. Johannes Hill. Magdalena Kurtz, 1 . , TT.n , , , . . / t»-i. \ !-Adam Hillebart s step-daughters. Barbara Kurtz (or Hilbart), J Catharina Elisabeth Sauermilch. Maria Appollonia Sauermilch. Gretha Barbara Schlagel. Maria Barbara Moser, Widow Moser's daughter. Anna Maria Schmied, Siegmund Schmied's daughter. The Names of Catechumens Who Were Confirmed in 1744. Heinrich Blauler, servant of Jiirg Nied. David Kebner, Andreas Kebner's son. Andreas Kalb, Martin Kalb's son. Johann Martin Sah, servant of Andreas Kebner. Elias Kalb, Martin Kalb's son. Jacob Krebs, Simon Krebs' son. Jiirg Heinrich Polander, Job. Nicol. Polander's son. Johann Philip Moser, Widow Moser's son. 507 508 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Catharina Ickes, orphan. Catharina Elisabeth Miiller, Johannes Miiller's daughter. Catharina Barbara Gansert, Jurg Gansert's daughter. Catharina Schmied, ] , , .,.„,. ~ , . , > Simon Pelz s step-daughters. Maria Catharina Schmied, J b Anna Christman, Daniel Christman's daughter. Maria Elisabeth Kuhn, Ludwig Kuhn's daughter. Susanna Hill, Adam Hill's daughter. Barbara Hofmann, Bernhard Hofmann's daughter. Anna Margaretha Kuhn, Michael Kuhn's daughter. Maria Catharina Kuhnz, 1 T . T , „ , , , , A _ , ' UJohann Jacob Kuhnz s daughters. Catharina Barbara Kuhnz, J Catharina Rudolph. Anna Regina Stempel. Felecitas Maria Stempel, Frederich Stempel's daughter. Confirmed April 29, 1745. Samuel Bossert. Maria Catharina Hermann. Joh. Ludwig Weygel. Elisabetha Hermann. Joh. Georg Kull. Anna Maria Staeger. Joh. Georg Schweinhard. Eva Staeger. Leonard Rothermel. Anna Barbara Diel. Hans Peter Barth. Anna Juliana Diel. Joh. Daniel Schulz. Anna Maria Kichler. Anna Catharina Ocks. Margretha Elisabeth Wardmann. Maria Magdalena Hill. Catharina Barbara Schmied. Susanna Catharina Barth. Maria Bossert. Anna Catharina Schoener. Christina Bossert. The Names of (Children) Catechumens Who Were Confirmed Sunday After Easter. Anno 1746. Anna Elisabeth Schneider, Johann Adam Meyer's step-daughter. Regina Krebs, Heinrich Krebs' daughter. Maria Christina Bbhm, Conrad Bohm's daughter. Anna Margaretha Geiger, Valentin Geiger's daughter. Susannah Catharina Stager, Michael Haag's step-daughter. Catharina Jiirger, Jiirg Jiirger's daughter. Maria Susannah Heil, Balthasar Gerlacher's step-daughter. Anna Maria Hillebart, Adam Hillebart's daughter. Johanna Catharina Beyer, Philip Beyer's daughter. Juliana Beyer, Philip Beyer's daughter. Christina Margaretha Renn, Valentin Renn's daughter. A List of Catechumens. 509 Catharina Barbara Sauermilch, Ludewig Sauermilch's daughter. Anna Catharina Hill, Paul Hill's daughter. Johann Michael Beyer, Philip Beyer's son. Johannes Beyer, Philip Beyer's son. Benedict Beyer, Philip Beyer's son. Johannes Schvveinhard, Michael Schweinhard's son. Bernhard Kebner, Andreas Kebner's son. Johann Christian Kurtz, Michael Kurtz's son. Johann Adam Ries, Michael Ries's son. Johann Dietrich Schafer, Friederich Schafer's son. Johannes Kurtz, Adam Hillebart's step-son. Johann Simon Big, Joh. Nicol. Big's son. Heinrich Schmied, Siegmund Schmied's son. Anno 1747. The following young persons were confirmed and admitted to the Lord's table: Johann Michael Renn, Bernhard Renn's son. Philipina Renn, Bernhard Renn's daughter. Catharina Ruhl. Margaretha Kohler. Anna Maria Krause. Anna Margaretha Becker. Christina Kuhn. Maria Eva Hauck, Andreas Kebner's maid servant. Maria Eva Kuhn. Maria Catharina Kuhn. Anna Margaretha Hill. November 6, 1748. The following were confirmed and admitted to Holy Communion: Johannes Behner aged 22 years. Johann Nicol. Giese, David Jag's servant 15 years. Jacob Conrad, Peter Conrad's son almost 15 years. Christoph Biise, Philip Biise's son almost 14 years. Alexander Lingmann, Hans Jiirg Lingmann's son 18 years. Andreas Hofman, Bernhard Hofman's son almost 17 years. Henrich Heilig, Henrich Heilig's son. Jurg Heilig, Henrich Heilig's son. Rudolph Marolf, confirmed with his wife on Nov. 5 on account of sickness. Anna Catharina Wartmann 15 years. Christina Wartmann almost 14 years. 510 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Maria Elisabeth Mayer, Fried. Mayer's daughter 15 years. Appolonia Fertig, Peter Fertig's daughter almost 13 years. Maria Steigerwald, Jiirg Steigerwald's daughter 12 years. Catharina Schmied, Sigmund Schmied's daughter 14 years. Anna Catharina Lingmann almost 14 years. Anna Maria Hermann, Heinrich Kaufman's step-daughter 14 years. Christina Miiller, Johannes Miiller's daughter 15 years. Christina Krebs, Henrich Krebs' daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Kolb, Matthias Kolb's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Hofmann, Bernhard Hofman's daughter 15 years. Anno 1749, November 5. The following were confirmed and admitted to Holy Communion: Johann Jiirg Schlanecker, Michael Schlanecker's son 17 years. Jiirg Adam Hillebart, Adam Hillebart's son 15 years. Andreas Schweinhardt, Jiirg Michael Schweinhardt's son 12 years. Felix Christman, Daniel Christman's son 16 years. Heinrich Conrad, Peter Conrad's son 13 years. Johann Jacob Joachim, Michael Joachim's son 16 years. Johann Nicol. Enters, Johann Jiirg. Enters' son 13 years. Valentin Kohle, Johannes Seidel's wife's sister's son 15 years. Johann Heinrich Weber, Heinrich Weber's son 14 years. Johann Jiirg Hartlein, Jiirg Hartlein's son 16 years. Caspar Kriiger, Caspar Kriiger's son 20 years. Conrad Kriiger, Caspar Kriiger's son 14 years. Johann Christian Kriiger, Caspar Kriiger's son 18 years. Johannes Becher, a married man 24 years. Catharina Schlagel, Johannes Schlagel's daughter 16 years. Anna Margareth Lang, Theobald Lang's daughter 17 years. Elisabeth Christman, Daniel Christman's daughter 15 years. Gertraut Behner, Johannes Behner's daughter 18 years. Susannah Behner, Johannes Behner's daughter 15 years. Catharina Kebner, Andreas Kebner's daughter 15 years. Maria Elisabeth Meyer, Jacob Meyer's daughter 13 years. Anna Margaretha Ickes, Johannes Ickes' daughter 17 years. Anna Margaretha Kurtz, Michael Kurtz's daughter 14 years. Maria Magdalena Linck, Widow Linck's daughter 15 years. Maria Catharina Hauck, Jacob Hauck's daughter 15 years. Anno 1750, on April 8th the following were confirmed in the presence of the congregation: Johann Stephan Krumrein in his 13th year. A List of Catechumens. 511 Bernhard Renn 15 years of age. Jacob Hill in his 15th year. Thomas Forster, servant of Mr. G. Jiirger in his 15th year. Johan Georg Keblinger 15 years. Johann Peter Keblinger 13 years. Tobias Jiirger, son of Peter Jiirger in his 15th year. Zacharias Detterer, Ludewig Detterer's son 18 years. Jiirg Lorentz Hartlein, Michael Hartlein's son 16 years. Michael Stocker, Jiirg Burchhart's servant 16 years. Jiirg Krause, Michael Krause's son 21 years. Michael Moser, son of Widow Moser 16 years. Burchard Moser, son of Widow Moser 14 years. Philip Wirth, a married man. Jiirg Adam Leibersberger, a married man 24 years. Jacob Ratzel, of Goshehoppen 17 years. Henrich Bernd, of Goshehoppen 16 years. Jacob Kuhntz, Jiirg Kuhntz's son 14 years. Johannes Miiller, Jacob Muller's son 16 years. Johan Frantz Moser, Paul Moser's son 16 years. Elisabeth Behner 14 years. Maria Eva Singer 14 years. Maria Euphronica Conrad, Peter Conrad's daughter 13 years. Magdalena Meyer 14 years. Elisabeth Krause, Michael Krause's daughter 16 years. Salome Krause, Michael Krause's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Schlagel, Johannes Schlagel's daughter 13 years. Maria Barbara Detterer, Ludewig Detterer's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Detterer, Ludewig Detterer's daughter 14 years. Eva Catharina Krebs, Heinrich Krebs' daughter 13 years. Eva Barbara Hauck, Stephan Hauck's daughter 13 years. Anna Elisabeth Weichel, Michael Weichel's daughter 12 years. Catharina Diel, Weygand Diel's daughter 14 years. Anna Rosina Leibersberger 15 years. Sarah Kohler, Michael Rayer's maid servant 14 years. Susanna Margaretha Hinckel, Wilson's step-daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Possert, Jiirg Possert's daughter 16 years. Eva Dorothea Schmied 18 years. Margretha Zirckel, Ludewig's daughter 14 years. Catharina Kiester, Conrad Kiester's daughter 15 years. Anno 1751 there were none but in 1752 on March 29 the following were confirmed and admitted to Holy Communion: Casper Singer, son of Casper Singer 14 years. 512 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Gottfried Wohlfarth, son of Widow Cunigunda 14 years. Michael Moser, Paul Moser's son 14 years. Johannes Schoener, Melchior Schoener's son 15 years. Matthias Linck, Widow Linck's son 15 years. Jacob Boehm, Conrad Boehm's son 15 years. Henrich Schadler 14 years. Valentin Lichner, Matthias Hollebach's servant 17 years. Johan Christian May 17 years. Andreas Fuhs 16 years. Leonhard Schmied, M. Hollebach's servant 18 years. George Michael Fleckser, Reifschneider's servant 14 years. Philip Schmell 14 years. Johan Nicol Kiihn, Joh. Jager's servant 15 years. Valentin Noll, Michael Noll's son 15 years. Valentin Kriiger, Casper Kriiger's son 17 years. Matthias Roth, Conrad Roth's son 17 years. Adam Roth, Conrad Roth's son 15 years. Jacob Roth, Conrad Roth's son 18 years. Thomas Reich, Andreas Schmied's servant 17 years. Johannes Riidel, Veit Jiirger's step-son 18 years. Tobias Wingard, Mr. Pfaltzgraf's servant 16 years. Michael Fedele, a married man. Catharina Singer, Casper Singer's daughter 15 years. Johanna Meyer 14 years. Eva Maria Schweinhardt 14 years. Maria Magdalena Wartmann 14 years. Maria Elisabeth Muller, Johannes Muller's daughter 14 years. Anna Catharina Schlanecker, Michael Schlanecker's daughter... 13 years. Anna Maria Schlanecker, Michael Schlanecker's daughter 14 years. Eva Catharina Hauck, Stephan Hauck's daughter 13 years. Catharina Fertig, Peter Fertig's daughter 14 years. Barbara Ricker 13 years. Catharine Renn, Bernhard Renn's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Rau 14 years. Anna Eva Barbara May 14 years. Maria Christina Beck, Mr. Jiirger's maid servant 17 years. Dorothea Graef, Simon Graef's daughter 17 years. Christina Elisabeth Fuhs 17 years. Eva Barbara Treu, Jacob Treu's daughter 13 years. Catharina Wilson, Thomas Wilson's daughter 14 years. Sarah Fedele 17 years. A List of Catechumens. 513 Anno 1753 on May 20 the following young persons were confirmed in the presence of the congregation and admitted to Holy Communion: Johan Peter Schoener, Melchior Schoener's son 15 years. Johannes Sommer, Jiirg Sommer's son about 16 years. Jacob Christman, Daniel Christman's son 16 years. Adam Kriiger, Casper Kriiger's son 15 years. Peter Jiirger, Peter Jiirger's son 16 years. Johann Nicolaus Frohlich, Johannes Frohlich's son 24 years. Helena Maria Schimmel, Johannes Schimmel's daughter 13 years. Maria Magdalena Krumrein, Michael Krumrein's daughter.... 12 years. Anna Catharina Kriiger, Casper Kriiger's daughter 13 years. Maria Barbara Jiirger, Martin Jiirger's daughter 12 yrs. and 6 mos. Anna Maria Friedrich, Jiirg Michael Friedrich's daughter 14 years. Eva Catharina Hillebart, Adam Hillebart's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Kurtz, Michael Kurtz's daughter 14 years. Maria Catharina Schmell, Nicolaus Schmell's daughter 19 years. Julianna Stahl, Gottfried Stahl's daughter 15 years. Eva Catharina Hartlein, Michael Hartlein's daughter 15 years. Christina Miiller, Jacob Muller's daughter 13 years. Christina Moser, Paul Moser's daughter 13 years. On April 21, 1754, the following young persons were confirmed in New Hanover: Peter Lange, Theobald Lange's son 15 years. Johann Adam Krebs, Heinrich Krebs' son 15 years. Jacob Kebner, Andreas Kebner's son 15 years. Heinrich Kohler, Heinrich Kohler's son 19 years. Johan Georg Gastner, Johan Friederich Gastner's son 15 years. Johannes Krause, Heinrich Krause's son 14 years. Johan Jiirg Heppenheimer, David Jaag's servant 15 years. Johan Valentin Krause, Heinrich Krause's son 13 years. Johan Philip Weichel, Michael Weichel's son 12 years. Jacob Schlagel, Johannes Schlagel's son 14 years. Johan Jiirg Moser, Paul Moser's son 13 years. Martin Klotz, Jacob Klotz's son 17 years. Daniel Bohm, Theobald Lange's step-son in his 16th year. Maria Rosina Hollebach, Mathias HoIIebach's daughter 13 years. Anna Barbara Geiger, Valentin Geiger's daughter 17 years. Maria Barbara Wartmann, Adam Wartmann's daughter 13 years. Maria Christina Peltz, Simon Peltz's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Catharina Burckhard, Jiirg Burckhard's daughter 14 years. Catharina Hederig Berens, daughter of Widow Berens 13 years. Eva Elisabeth Rohrbach, Hans Jiirg Rohrbach's daughter 14 years. 514 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Anna Maria Lange, Theobald Lange's daughter 14 years. Catharina Beuteman, Jiirg Beuteman's daughter 16 years. Anna Margretha Marolf, Rudolph Marolf's daughter 15 years. Esther Fedele, Michael Fedele's daughter 15 years. Anna Catharina Ritter, Paul Ritter's daughter 16 years. Maria Magdalena Kohler, Peter Kohler's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Stempel, Friedrich Stempel's daughter 12 years. Anna Maria Maurer, Balthaser Maurer's daughter 16 years. Margretha Schlagel, Johannes Schlagel's daughter 14 years. Maria Catharina Linsenbiegler, Paul Linsenbiegler's daughter. . 15 years. Anna Barbara Linsenbiegler, Paul Linsenbiegler's daughter 13 years. On the 20th of April, 1755, the following young persons were confirmed in the Evangelical doctrine at New Hanover, and were advanced (pro- moted, Befordert) to the Holy Communion: Conrad Knetz, son of Christian Knetz is with Michael Weichel, 13 years of age. He can read and understands the catechism. Johan Nicolaus Kurtz, Arnd Kurtz's son, 14 years of age. He can read. Also knows the catechism. Johan Adam Fleck, Conrad Fleck's son, 16 years. Can read tolerably well. Theobald Jiirger, Peter Jiirger's son, 16 years. He can read and has studied the catechism. Johannes Schafer, Christoph Schafer's son, 12 years of age. He can read, also knows the catechism. Johannes Eberhard, Christian Eberhard's son, 15 years old. He can read tolerably well, etc. Johannes Hofman. He is 14 years old, serves at Valentin Vogt, and can read a little. Johannes Heinrich Krebs, Heinrich Krebs' son, 13 years. He can read, also knows the catechism. Jiirg Christman, Daniel Christman's son. He is 16 years old and is able to read, etc. Johan Jacob Meyer, the late Jacob Meyer's son, and Christoph Bitten- bender's step-son. He is 15 years of age, knows very little. Johan Jiirg Breu, Jacob Breu's son, 14 years of age. He is able to read and knows the catechism. Johan Nicol. Pick, the late Joh : Nicol. Pick's son. He is hired at Michael Brands, is 13 years of age and can read a little. Friederich Stcinhauer, serves at William Frey's, he is 17 years of age and is derelict in reading and learning. Johan Wendel Noll, Michael Noll's son, is 15 years of age, can read fairly well and also knows the catechism. Jacob Miiller, Johannes Miiller's son, 14 years of age and can read. A List of Catechumens. 515 Hrinrich Miihlhan, the late Peter Miihlhan's son. He serves with Bastian Kohle, is neglected, and is in his 18th year. Leonhard Walter, Bernhard Walter's son, is 23 years of age. J ahan Heinrich Funck, Friedrich Funck's son. He is 21 years of age, serves with John Potts, Esq. He has remained with him the time agreed upon, but is neglected. Eva Christina Enters, the late Joh. Jiirg Enters' daughter, she is well provided for and is 14 years of age. Rosina Lutz, Jiirg Lutz's (Refd) daughter. She is also well directed in learning and is in her 15th year. Maria Susanna Hartlein, Michael Hartlein's daughter, 14 years of age. She knows her catechism only middling well. Elisabeth Barbara Fleck, Conrad Fleck's daughter, is in her 15th year, and very ordinary in learning. Catharina Neid, Jiirg Neid's daughter, serves with John Ringer, is 14 years, and is medium in knowledge. Barbara Marsteller, Peter's daughter, serves at Matthias Richard, is 15 years of age, and fairly well instructed. Elisabeth Kugler, Michael Kugler's daughter, is in 15th year, and is well instructed. Magdalena Krebs, Simon's daughter, serves with John Reifschneider, is 14 years of age. Magdalena Lehman, Joseph Lehman's daughter, is 14 years of age, can read tolerably well. Margaretha Elisabeth Sommer, Jiirg Sommer's daughter, is 12 years of age and well instructed. Maria Barbara Krebs, Simon's daughter, serves with Valentin Vogt, is 14 years of age, and can read a little. Anno 1756 on April 17th the following young persons were confirmed in the Evangelical doctrine in the New Hanover congregation and on the 18th of April were admitted to the Holy Communion: David Burchard, Jiirg Burchard's son in his 14th year. Johannes Keblinger, the late Martin Keblinger's son 17 years. Johannes Gottge, Johannes Gtittge's son in his 16th year. Jiirg Adam Schlanecker, Michael Schlanecker's son in his 16th year. Johan Michael Kurtz, Michael Kurtz's son 15 years. Johan Adam Gilbert, the late Jiirg Gilbert's son 15 years. Jiirg Gauer, servant of Matthias Hollenbach in the 16th year. Melchior Eller, the late Caspar Eller's son in his 20th year. Valentin Hill, Jacob Geiger's step-son in his 15th year. Michael Ickes, Nicolas Ickes' son in his 17th year. Johannes Ickes, Nicolas Ickes' son in his 16th year. 516 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Valentin Kurtz, Arnd Kurtz's son 13 years. Martin Conrad, Peter Conrad's son 15 years. Johan Jacob Binder, Moses Binder's son 12 years. Balthasar Maurer, Balthasar Maurer's son in his 16th year. Jacob Pfad, Friedrich Pf ad's son in his 22d year. Johannes Wolst, apprentice at John Fritz 18 years. Johannes Fritz, Johan Jiirg Fritz's son 16 years. Anna Maria Burchardt, Jiirg Burchard's daughter 15 years. Maria Margaretha Ott, serves at Michael Weichel's in 13th year. Friderica Wuster, Michael Schlanecker's step-daughter in 15th year. Barbara Schlanecker, Michael's daughter in 14th years. Anna Barbara Kurtz, Michael Kurtz's daughter in her 14th year. Maria Elisabeth Gilbert, the late Jiirg Gilbert's daughter. Anna Maria Hofmann, serves at Jacob Hiibner 14 years. Margaretha Honetter, Andreas Honetter's daughter in her 16th year. Rosina Friedrich, Jiirg Mich. Friedrich's daughter 11 years. Margaretha Fertig, Peter Fertig's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Fertig, Peter Fertig's daughter 12 years. Anna Maria VVambold, Adam Wambold's daughter 14 years. Johanna Christina Binder, Moses Binder's daughter. .. .in her 13th year. Christina Greul, Adam Greul's daughter, Hollebach's wife 16 years. Scharlotte Neumann, Carl Witz's step-daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Noll, Michael Noll's daughter in her 14th year. Maria Barbara Bauer, Jiirg Bauer's daughter 13 years. Elisabeth Hartlein, Michael Hartlein's daughter 13 years. Anna Catharina Fritz, Johannes Fritz's daughter in her 14th year. Anno 1758, on May 14th the following young persons were confirmed in the Evangelical doctrines of faith here in New Hanover: Friedrich Reichard, Caspar's son 16 years of age. Johannes Walter, the late Bernhard's son 18 years. Wilhelm Walter, the late Bernhard's son 15 years. Michael Jiirger, the late Peter's son 15 years. Johan Peter Kugler, Michael's son 16 years. Martin Glass, Martin's son 14 years. Johan Jiirg Neid, the late Jiirg' s son 16 years. Johannes Diirr, the late Jacob's son 16 years. Johannes Geiger, Valentin's son 16 years. Henrich Geiger, Valentin's son 13 years. Bastian Reifschneider, the late Johannes' son 14 years. Johan Jiirg Lange, Jacob's son, and Philip Hahn's servant 15 years. Simon Kachel, Andreas' son 15 years. Johan Michael Leyer, Jacob's son 13 years. A List of Catechumens. 517 Michael Noll, Michael's son 13 years. Joh. Jacob Heppenheimer, Jacob's son 16 years. Susanna Singer, Caspar's daughter in her 14th year. Maria Christina Baumann, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Catharina Krumrein, the late Michael's daughter 12 years. Anna Maria Hubel, Friedrich's daughter 13 years. Margaretha Polecker, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Catharina Barbara Miiller, Joh. Nicol's daughter 15 years. Anno 1759, April 29. Jacob Timanus, Jacob's son in his 17th year. Jurg Friedrich Bahr, Johannes' son in his 15th year. Bernhard Hillebart, Adam's son in his 15th year. Wilhelm Kebner, Andreas' son in his 15th year. Ulrich Stalp, Ulrich's son in his 13th year. Christoph Schoener, Melchior's son 14 years. James Wedetoo, Val. Geiger's step-son 15 years. Caspar Wolf, Jiirg's son 17 years. Christian Lehman, Joseph's son 15 years. Henrich Krauss, Henrich's son 15 years. Matthias Daggebach, Martin's son 15 years. Balthasar Daggebach, Martin's son in his 13th year. Philip Miiller, Johannes' son in his 14th year. Jacob Keblinger, Martin's son 15 years. Michael Friedle, Michel's son 14 years. Johannes Fleckser, Philip's son 14 years. Mary Wedetoo, Val. Geiger's step-daughter 17 years. Maria Paulina, Valentin Pust's daughter in her 17th year. Maria Hannah, Valentin Pust's daughter in her 14th year. Anna Catharina Klein, Joh's daughter in her 16th year. Maria Barbara Lober, Peter Lober's daughter in her 15th year. Anna Rosina Lober, Peter Lober's daughter in her 12th year. Maria, The Schoolmaster Walter's daughter in her 13th year. Margaretha Roller, Jacob's daughter. Barbara Buchter, Johannes' daughter in her 15th year. Elisabeth Catharina, Jacob Bauman's daughter in her 15th year. Maria Elisabeth, Jacob Geiger's daughter in her 14th year. Barbara Burchardt, Jiirg's daughter in her 14th year. Theresia, Johannes Gutner's daughter in her 18th year. Anna Margaretha Ehrhardt 13 years. Anna Maria, Johannes Gutner's daughter 16 years. Rebecca Schoener, Jiirg's daughter 15 years. 34 518 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Catharina, Adam Wambold's daughter in her 14th year. Anna Catharina, Simon Graf's daughter 14 years. Eva Barbara Jager, Conrad's daughter in her 14th year. Gertraut, Joh. Nicol Muller's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth, Simon Graf's daughter 13 years. On December 25, Anno 1760, the following young persons were con- firmed in the doctrines of the Evangelical Faith: Matthias Wartman, son of Adam Wartman 16 years. Adam Wartman, son of Adam Wartman 14 years. Andreas Gotzelman, Johannes Gotzelman's son, apprenticed in Germantown 17 years. Henrich Christman, the late Daniel Chritman's son 16 years. Jiirg Schoener, the late Jiirg Schoener's son 14 years. Jost Fillman, the late Wendel Fillman's son 16 years. Adam Moser, Paul Moser's son 14 years. Michael Meyer, the late Johannes Meyer's son, is with Paul Custar, Jr 23 years. Johannes Fuchs, Adam Fuch's son 16 years. Elias Gilbert, Joh. Jacob Gilbert's son 23 years. Johan Rudolph Grauman, the late Christoph Grauman's son, is with Michael Hartlein 16 years. Elisabeth Clara, Adam Fuch's daughter 14 years. Maria Margaretha Schmied, Conrad Schmied's step-daughter.... 17 years. Catharina, the late Peter Jurger's daughter 15 years. Catharina Elisabeth, Adam Kurtz's daughter 14 years. Eva, Michael Hartlein's daughter 15 years. Barbara, Jacob Bauman's daughter 14 years. Rebecca, Caspar Reichard's daughter 17 years. Anna Christina Wiecklein, the late Jiirg Wiecklein's daughter. .18th year. Catharina Rauss, the late Lucas Rauss' daughter, servant at Friedrich Antes 18 years. Elisabeth, Joh. Nicol. Muller's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth, Andreas Kebner's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth, the late Jiirg Neid's daughter and Adam Meyer's step-daughter 14 years. Barbara, Henrich Krebs' daughter 14 years. Elisabeth, Jiirg Raitenauer's daughter, hired to Matth. Reichard. 17 years. Elisabeth, Andreas Jurger's daughter 13 years. Anna, Nicolaus Wammeser's daughter in her 18th year. A List of Catechumens. 519 June 17, 1764, the following young persons were confirmed in the doc- trines of the Evangelical Faith: George Braun, the late Michael's son 23 years. George Walte, George Walte's son 22 years. Johannes Ritter, Andreas Ritter's son 19 years. Michael Kebhard, George's son 20 years. Henrig Klock, Matteas's son 17 years. Nicolaus Miiller, the late Adam's son 14 years. Jacob Geiger, Velte's son 15 years. Menrig Moyer, Adam's son 15 years. Peter Huber, Michael's son 15 years. Andreas Schoner, Malcher's son 14 years. Johannes Hofman, Michael's son 15 years. Peter Friderig, Michael's son 13 years. Jacob Reifschneider, the late Johannes' son 17 years. Jacob Bener, Johannes' son 14 years. Johannes Echard, the late Johannes' son 15 years. Johannes Jorger, the late Peter Jorger's son 14 years. Wilhelm Wamser, Nicolaus' son 15 years. Peter Wamser, Nicolaus' son 14 years. Wilhelm Brunner, Peter's son 14 years. Henrig Diem, Adam's son 14 years. Martinus Dottinger, Johannes' son 16 years. Johannes Lupoid, Johannes' son 22 years. Catharina Sontag, the late Johannes' daughter 22 years. Maria Kabhart, George's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Durr, Andreas' daughter 15 years. Catharina Back, the late Thomas' daughter 18 years. Anna Maria Borger 17 years. Catharina Lober, Peter Lober's daughter 14 years. Eva Maria Fux, Adam Fux's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Marckel, the late Adam's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Fux, Mathias' daughter 15 years. Catharina Diem, Adam's daughter 18 years. Margaretha Diem, Adam's daughter 22 years. Anna Klein, the late Christian's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Klein, the late Christian's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Wolf, Johannes' daughter 18 years. Margaretha Lamp, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Eva Lamp, Johannes' daughter 18 years. Loretea Frid, Conrad Frid's daughter 18 years. I.u->anna Lotz, George Lotz's daughter 14 years. 520 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Elisabeth Bauman, Jacob's daughter 14 years. Lovia Schuster, Loduwig's daughter 17 years. Barbara Honner, Jacob's daughter 16 years. Catharina Banter, Moses' daughter 13 years. Maria Hansilman, Johannes' daughter 18 years. Elisabetha Ritter, Adam's daughter 16 years. Catharina Ritter, Adam's daughter 18 years. Magdalena Jager, Conrath's daughter 14 years. On March 30, 1766, the following young persons were confirmed after receiving instructions in the Evangelical Lutheran doctrines: Michael Kohler, Martin's son 17 years. Leonhard Hartlein, Michael's son 17 years. Michael Hillebard, George's son 18 years. Johan Friederich, Philip's son 15 years. Nicolaus Vogeler, George's son 16 years. George Burckard, George's son 14 years. Jacob Frohn, Johannes' son 16 years. Johannes Wacker, the late Robert's son 14 years. Jacob Mecklin, Johannes' son 14 years. Christoph Steinrock, George's son 16 years. Peter Walter, Mr. Michael's son 14 years. Margaretha, Jacob Meisner's daughter 16 years. Margaretha, Adam Fuchs' daughter 13 years. Catharina, Adam Fuchs' daughter 15 years. Maria, Peter Lober's daughter 14 years. Anna, the late Nicol. Muller's daughter 15 years. Catharina, the late Conrad Franckenberger's daughter 13 years. Catharina, Peter Klein's daughter 18 years. Margaretha, the late Johan Wolf's daughter 18 years. Catharina, Conrad Schmid's daughter 15 years. Christina, the late Adam Miller's daughter. Barbara, Christian Bittel's daughter 13 years. Anna Maria, Stephan Hauck's daughter 19 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 521 A RECORD OF THOSE WHO WERE CONFIRMED FROM YEAR TO YEAR IN THE EVANGELICAL RELIGION AT NEW HANOVER. Anno Domini 1767. The following were confirmed after having been instructed: Paul Jorger, son of Andreas Jorger 17 years. Adam Jorger, son of Andreas Jorger 15 years. Valentin Hornetter, son of Andreas 15 years. Peter Glass, son of Martin 16 years. Daniel Linsenbiegler, son of Paul 17 years. Daniel Maurer, son of Johannes 13 years. Johann Friederich, son of George Michael 15 years. Johannes Zeller, son of Conrad 15 years. Nicolaus Schneider, son of Wilhelm 16 years. Hennrich Bohn, son of Melchior 19 years. George Meisenheimer, son of Jacob 18 years. Jacob Meisenheimer, son of Jacob 15 years. George Michael Void, son of Christian 18 years. Jacob Ekolf, son of George 14 years. Michael Koser, son of Michael. Abraham Batz, Jacob Geiger's son-in-law. Johannes Busch, the late Jacob's son 16 years. George Michael Bauer, son of Moses 17 years. Matthias Fus, son of Nicolaus 16 years. Anna Maria Jorger, daughter of Andreas 14 years. Catharina Mauck, daughter of Tobias 15 years. Anna Maria Bickel, daughter of Ludewig 15 years. Anna Maria Linzenbiegler, daughter of Paul 17 years. Maria Tagebach, daughter of Martin 17 years. Anna Maria Erb, daughter of Philip 18 years. Anna Maria Gotzelmann, daughter of Johannes 14 years. Magdalena Moser, daughter of Paul 14 years. Anna Maria Holleberger, daughter of the late Thomas 15 years. Euphrosina Hanzelmann, daughter of George 14 years. Catharina Jacob, daughter of the late Jacob 17 years. Phronica Schmied, daughter of Johannes 15 years. Anna Clara Baumann, daughter of Jacob 15 years. Anna Rosina Hartmann, daughter of George Friedr 20 years. Catharina Ox, daughter of Peter 18 years. 522 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Maria Elisabeth Ox, daughter of Peter 17 years. Anna Maria Gulden, daughter of Johannes 16 years. Philippina Krebiler, daughter of Nicolaus 15 years. Anna Maria Steinrock, daughter of George 15 years. Barbara Rothermel, daughter of Daniel 16 years. Regina Weichel, daughter of Stophel 17 years. Elisabeth Fedele, daughter of Michael 15 years. Catharina Koser, daughter of Michael 14 years. Maria Elisabeth Schneider, daughter of the late Thomas. Maria Barbara Knauer. Elisabeth Beyer, daughter of Michael. Amelia Beyer, daughter of Michael. On May 22, 1768, after receiving instruction the following young per- sons were confirmed: Johannes Stiefeltaun, the Johannes' son 17 years. George David Herbst, David's son 15 years. Valentin Geiger, the late Valentin's son 17 years. Philip Brunner, Peter's son 17 years. David Steirock, George's son 15 years. Johannes Ringer, Johannes' son 16 years. Andreas Simon, Balthaser's son 21 years. Michael Kraus, Hennrich's son 17 years. Christian Klein, Christian's son 16 years. Paul Bart, the late Jacob's son 18 years. Henrich Graf. Wilhelm Rhe, the late Wilhelm's son 19 years. Nicolaus Kiister. Catharina Kerner, Peter's daughter 18 years. Margaretha Herbst, David's daughter 15 years. Catharina Burckard, Hennrich's daughter 15 years. Regina Walter, Michael's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Ringer, Johannes' daughter 16 years. Margaretha Krebs, Hennry's daughter 15 years. Anna Eva Kraus 14 years. Anna Eva Simon, Balthaser's daughter 15 years. Sophia Beck, the late Thomas' daughter 16 years. Catharina Elisabeth Froneise, Kraft's daughter 19 years. Dorothea Kebner, daughter of the late Andreas 15 years. Christina Ezter, daughter of Andreas 15 years. Elisabeth Kummel, daughter of Jacob 15 years. Anna Maria Hoffmann, daughter of Michael 16 years. Christina Hoffmann (sister), daughter of Michael 15 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 523 Christina Ox, Peter's daughter 16 years. Anna Maria Schlonecker, daughter of Michael, Jr 16 years. Susanna Schlonecker (sister), daughter of Michael, Jr 15 years. Elisabeth Reichard, daughter of Matthias 16 years. Maria Elisabeth Lange, daughter of Richerd 19 years. Anno Domini 1769. On the 4th of May, after previous instruction the following persons received confirmation in our Evangelical Lutheran Church: Matthias Fuchs, Hennrich Fuchs' son 15 years. Albrecht Bauer, Moses' son 16 years. Martin Kiehl, the late George's son 21 years. George Kiehl (brother), the late George's son 19 years. Jacob Bickel, Ludewig's son 14 years. Johannes Schweinhard, George's son 16 years. Johann Caspar Reicherd, Caspar's son 18 years. Johannes Reicherd, Matthias' son 15 years. George Gilbert, Bernhard's son 16 years. Johannes Jorger Thomas' son 15 years. Johann Michael Ekolf, George Adam's son 15 years. Jacob Weichel, Stophel's son 16 years. Catharina Dauenhauer, Godfried's daughter 15 years. Catharina Vald, the late Johannes' daughter 17 years. Magdalena Vald (sister), the late Johannes' daughter 16 years. Catharina Jorger, Andreas' daughter 14 years. Juliana Kambe, the late Franz Cambe's daughter 15 years. Regina Lachmund, Eberhard's daughter 15 years. Sara Lindemann, Martin's daughter 14 years. Maria Ickes, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Naumann, Hermann's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Burckard, George's daughter 14 years. Catharina Heiser, Dewald's daughter 14 years. Dorothea Barbara Gebhard, George Michael's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Bolich, George's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Bender, Moses' daughter 15 years. Margaretha Beidemann, Friederich's daughter 16 years. Catharina Gulden, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Mauck, Tobias' daughter 14 years. Dorothea Oesterlein, Jeremia's daughter 18 years. Elisabeth Ritter, Paul's daughter 18 years. Catharina Liebenguth, William Kebner's wife. 524 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. In the succession of years after the birth of Christ 1770, on the 22d day of April the following catechumens were confirmed and admitted to the Lord's Supper: Anton Geiger, son of Valentin 17 years. Valentin Geiger (brother), son of Valentin 14 years. Adam Fedele, son of Michael 16 years. George Michael Friederich, son of George Michael 14 years. John Tachebach, son of Martin 17 years. John Graf, the late Simon's son 16 years. Hennrich Kebner, the late Andreas' son 15 years. Nicolaus Pfuhl. Peter. Johann George Brunner, Peter's son 14 years. John Missemer, Cassimer's son 18 years. Johannes Bender, Moses' son 14 years. Martin Wiesner, George's son 14 years. Jacob Friederich Stauch, Andreas' son 16 years. Johannes Schlonecker, the late Michael's son 17 years. Conrad Franckenberg, the late Conrad's son 15 years. Jacob Dauenhauer, Gottfried's son 15 years. George Schreiber, the late Lorenz's son 18 years. Elisabeth Dengler, Jacob's daughter 16 years. Susanna Klein, the late Christian's daughter 16 years. Catharina Klein, the late Christian's daughter 15 years. Rosina Hering, Ludewig's daughter 14 years. Christina Neidig, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Magdalena Fedele, Michael's daughter 14 years. Regina Kraus, Hennrich's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Lay, Jacob's daughter 13 years. Barbara Herbst, David's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Schidler, Ludewig's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Weichel, Christoph's daughter 15 years. Magdalena George, Hennrich's daughter 14 years. Susanna Schlonecker, the late Michael's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Tottinger 17 years. Elisabeth Tachebach, Martin's daughter 17 years. Catharina Miller, Philip's daughter 15 years. Catharina Schlonecker, Michael's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Vogele, George's daughter 16 years. Margaretha Merckle. Eva Kreuter. Susanna Osterlein, the late Jeremia's daughter 15 years. Maria Margaretha Wannreich, Christian's daughter 18 years. Catharina nee Weidner, J. Adam Krebs' wife. A Record of those Confirmed. 525 Again in the year which is numbered 1771, on the 9th of May, by the help of God the following catechumens were received as members of the church: Philip Krebs, the late Heinrich Krebs' son 15 years. Johannes Theer, Jacob's son 18 years. Conrad Jager, Conrad's son 15 years. Martin Ruppel, Heinrich's son 14 years. Martin Zieler, the late Conrad's son 15 years. Christian Steirock, George's son 15 years. George Friederich Baitemann, Friederich's son 16 years. Adam Fuchs, Matthias' son 16 years. Adam Simon, Balthaser's son 15 years. Heinrich Missmer, Casimer's son 17 years. Peter Melick, Peter's son 18 years. Michael Melick (brother), Peter's son 16 years. Michael Kahler, Martin's son 21 years. Michael Resch, the late Michael's son 16 years. George Burckard, Heinrich's son 16 years. Johannes Dobelshausen, Jacob's son 14 years. Heinrich Dobelshausen (brother), Jacob's son 12 years. George Schweinhard, George's son 16 years. Nicolaus Miller, the late Nicolaus' son 16 years. Matthias Reicherd, Casper's son 17 years. Peter Spatz, Michael's son 16 years. Heinrich Beck, the late 16 years. Peter Reicherd, Matthias' son 16 years. Andreas Glass, Martin's son 16 years. George Schwab, George's son 15 years. Moses Bauer, Moses' son 16 years. Elisabeth, Jacob Theer's daughter 19 years. Anna Maria, George Heinzelmann's daughter 15 years. Barbara, George Polich's daughter 14 years. Anna Barbara, Peter Kerner's daughter 15 years. Maria Catharina, Bernhard Gilbert's daughter 16 years. Susanna, Michael Wittmann's daughter 16 years. Barbara, Johannes Tottinger's daughter 16 years. Eva Barbara, Casper Erb's daughter 14 years. Catharina, Conrad Schmid's daughter 14 years. Margaretha, Balthaser Wennholt's daughter 15 years. Eva Maria, Simon Kebler's daughter 13 years. Catharina, Nicolaus Krebel's daughter 16 years. Elisabeth, John Kreiner's daughter. 526 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Catharina, George Schweinhard's daughter 14 years. Maria Magdalena, the late Nicolaus Miller's daughter 18 years. Maria Margaretha, Debald Jorger's wife. Dorothea, the late Beck's daughter. Magdalena, Christian Thiel's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth, Jacob Hard's daughter 15 years. Margaretha, the late Leonhard Karch's daughter 16 years. Elisabeth, George Schwab's daughter 14 years. Margaretha, George Heinrich's daughter 14 years. Agnesa, Ludewig Strobel's daughter 19 years. Christina, the late Martin Miller's daughter 17 years. Anna Regina Dirr, Andreas' daughter 21 years. Anna Maria, Heinrich Klock's wife. The following catechumens, whose names having been given, have been inscribed upon the roll, on the 22d of May in the year 1773 : Heinrich Werle, the late Heinrich's son 19 years. George Bohme, the late Nicolaus' son 18 years. Johann Knodler, the late Jacob's son 15 years. George Schrack, Jacob's son 17 years. Conrad Klein, the late Christian's son 15 years. Friederich Herbst, David's son 15 years. Tobias Kebner, the late Andreas' son 16 years. Conrad Lindemann, Martin's son 14 years. Gottlieb Hoffmann, Casper's son 15 years. Heinrich Ekolf, George Adam's son 16 years. George Stichter, Valentin's son 15 years. Johannes Bickel, Ludewig's son 15 years. Nicolaus Glass, Martin's son 16 years. Johannes Gerber, the late Adam's son 18 years. George Gerber, the late Adam's son 14 years. Johann David Lessig, the late Philip's son 14 years. Johannes Fuchs, Heinrich's son 15 years. Jacob Baumann, Jacob's son 17 years. Johann George Ruppel, Heinrich's son 14 years. Peter Kunz, Nicolaus' son 14 years. Johann George Beitmann, the late Friederich's son 17 years. Johann George Hornberger, Christian's son 16 years. Adam Gilbert, Bernhard's son 16 years. Conrad Stauch, Andreas' son 16 years. George Gilbert, Johann George's son 16 years. George Wittmann, Michael's son 15 years. Bernhard Hornetter, Andreas' son 17 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 527 Peter Meisenheimer, Jacob's son 18 years. Valentin Knoche 24 years. George Steirock, George's son 15 years. Conrad Pfuhl, the late Peter's son 17 years. George Spatz, Michael's son 18 years. Johannes Ende, Johannes' son 15 years. Jacob Schoner, Melchior's son 14 years. Johannes Vogele, George's son 21 years. Jonathan Roth, Matthias' son. Friederich Patz, Friederich's son 15 years. Johannes Bauer, Moses' son 15 years. Christoph Knauer, the late Christoph's son 15 years. Christina Rothermel, the late Daniel's daughter 15 years. Catharina Biegle, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Magdalena Gresh, George's daughter 15 years. Margaretha Graf, the late Simon's daughter 17 years. Anna Maria Graf, the late Simon's daughter 15 years. Margareth Wambold 18 years. Anna Maria Kebner, the late Andreas' daughter 14 years. Christina Schuster, Ludewig's daughter 18 years. Magdalena Beidemann, the late Fried's daughter 15 years. Maria Barbara Antes, Samuel's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Hering, Ludewig's daughter 15 years. Catharina Busch, Peter's daughter 16 years. Maria Eva Schmied, Jacob's daughter 14 years. Barbara Frohn 20 years. Catharina Kebner, David's daughter 15 years. Maria Speidel, Joseph's daughter 16 years. Barbara Speidel, Joseph's daughter 14 years. Anna Barbara Heinzelmann, George's daughter 14 years. Christina Baus, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Catharina Wallfart, the late Johannes' daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Schweinhard, Johan George's daughter 14 years. Susanna Geiger, Valentin's daughter. Hanna Fuchs, Heinrich's daughter. Elisabeth Seiler, Zacharias' daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Schoner, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Louise Wenzel, Balthaser's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Schidler, Ludewig's daughter 14 years. Magdalena Gilbert, Conrad's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Nitz, Jacob's daughter 16 years. Anna Maria Saul, Nicolaus' daughter 17 years. Catharina Saul, Nicolaus' daughter 15 years. 528 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Christina Hornberger, Christian's daughter 17 years. Elisabeth Jager, Conrad's daughter 13 years. Elisabeth Schirmer, Heinrich's daughter 15 years. Catharina Meisenheimer, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Osterlein Friederich, George Michael's daughter 14 years. Christina Gulden, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Magdalena Mauck, Tobias' daughter 14 years. Christina Gotzelmann, Johannes' daughter 13 years. Catharina Crause, Jacob's daughter 14 years. Christine Harde, Jacob's daughter 14 years. Barbara Schafer 16 years. Anna Maria Hellebard, Michael's wife. Anna Eschenbach, the late Andreas' daughter 20 years. Elisabeth Knauer, the late Christoph's daughter 17 years. Elisabeth George, George's daughter 18 years. Anna Margareth Mick, Michael's daughter 20 years. So also in the year 1774; on May 1, after having been instructed the following received the privileges of membership in the Lutheran church: Conrad Gerber, the late Adam's son 14 years. Johannes Jorger, Andreas' son 15 years. Johannes Schmied, Conrad's son 14 years. Andreas Kalb, Johannes' son 16 years. Johann Jacob Renninger, Wendel's son 15 years. Christoph Weigel, Ludewig's son. Matthias Lachmund, Eberhard's son 17 years. George Eckel, Heinrich's son 18 years. Matthias Reichard, Matthias' son 15 years. Andreas Hornetter, Andreas' son. Jacob Fries, the late Heinrich's son 15 years. Johann Jacob Fuchs, Adam's son. Jacob Kuser, the late Michael's son 17 years. Wilhelm Wart, the late Thomas' son 17 years. Philipp Kreiner, Johann's son 18 years. Johannes Kreiner, Johann's son 16 years. Samuel Beyer, Johann's son 23 years. Jacob Engelhard, George's son 16 years. Christian Moser, late Christian's son 15 years. George Matthias Frohneisen 17 years. Johann Ulrich Ziegler, Zacharias' son 18 years. George Kautz, George's son 16 years. Daniel Kautz, George's son 14 years. Catharina Elisabeth Thie, the late Heinrich's daughter 18 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 529 Sibilla Burckard, George's daughter. Catharina Margaretha Gilbert, George's daugliter 20 years. Margaretha Sackmann, the late Heinrich's daugliter 16 years. Christina Sclweinhard, George's daughter 14 years. Anna Maria Krause, the Nicolaus' daughter 23 years. Christina Brunner, Peter's daughter 14 years. Magdalena Gilbert, Bernhard's daughter. Anna Sibilla Fuchs, Adam's daughter. Elisabeth (Jsterlein, Jeremias' daughter 17 years. Elisabeth Steinbrenner, Johannes' daughter 15 years. Magdalena Keller, the late Bernhard's daughter 18 years. Eva Barbara Bar, Michael's daughter 20 years. Catharina Kunsert, Michael's daughter 14 years. Catharina Kreiner, Johannes' daughter 14 years. Albertina Dauber, the late Anton's daughter 13 years. Maria Elisabeth loch, Jacob's daughter 18 years. Maria Catharina loch, Jacob's daughter 16 years. Susanna Potz, Friederich's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Dewis, Cornelius' daughter 19 years. Confirmed May 14, 1775. Johann Heinrich Erb, Casper Erb's son 16 years. Ludewig Bickel, Ludewig's son 15 years. Heinrich Wiesner, Leonhard's son 16 years. Emanuel Caler, Martin's son 18 years. Ludewig Dottinger, Johannes' son 18 years. Christian Hering, Ludewig's son 16 years. Conrad Mauck, Tobias' son 14 years. Andreas Spatz, Michael's son 17 years. Johannes Bohme, the late Nicolaus' son 15 years. Jacob Weber, Peter's son 23 years. Samuel Fried. George Vogele, George's son 18 years. Michael Maser, Jacob's son 21 years. Michael Schlonecker, Michael's son 15 years. Samuel Abenson, Reinhold's son 21 years. Margaretha Renninger, Wendel's daughter 15 years. Magdalena Schweinhard, Joh. George's daughter 14 years. Catharina Gilbert, Conrad's daughter 14 years. Anna Rebecca Wollfanger, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Anna Catharina Osterlein, the late Jeremias' daughter 19 years. Catharina Neumann, Herrmann's daughter 14 years. 53° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Margaretha Spatz, Michael's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Bolich, George's daughter 16 years. Barbara Friederich, George Michael's daughter 15 years. Anna Maria Kebler, David's daughter 14 years. Elisabeth Kurz, Christian's daughter 13 years. Eva Kohler, Michael's daughter 18 years. Hanna Krause, George's daughter 15 years. Anna Elisabeth Roth, Matthias' daughter 14 years. Maria Wickerd, Friederich's daughter 17 years. Dorothea Abenson, Reinhard's daughter 18 years. Elisabeth Abenson, Reinhard's daughter 16 years. Christina Weber, Peter's daughter 21 years. Maria Weber, Peter's daughter. Elisabeth Schon, Peter's daughter 17 years. Elisabeth Diirr, Andreas' daughter 18 years. Magdalena Lindemann. On May 20, 1776, were confirmed: Ludewig Hering, Ludewig's son 16 years. Friederich Eckel, Heinrich's son 16 years. Johann Peter Gebhard, George Michael's son 14 years. Johannes Albrecht, Johannes' son 18 years. Peter George, Andreas' son 14 years. Adam Eckolf, George Adam's son 16 years. Johann Heinrich Fuchs, Matthias' son 19 years. Johannes Fuchs, Matthias' son 15 years. Michael Osterlein, the late Jeremia's son 15 years. Johannes Keiser, Johannes' son 16 years. Jacob Jbrger, the late Andreas' son 16 years. George Wiesener, George's son 15 years. David, "1 . .... , t, , , , _ , ^- twins, Michael redele s sons 17 years. Jonathan, ( Christian Schlonecker, the late Michael's son 16 years. Margaretha Schmied, Jacob's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Barbara Schmied, Philipp Jacob's daughter 16 years. Margaretha Barbara Schmied (sister), Philipp Jacob's daughter. 13 years. Margaretha Barbara Schmied, the late Heinrich's daughter 14 years. Anna Margaretha Barthmann, Adam's daughter 15 years. Susanna Dauenhauer, Gottfried's daughter 17 years. Christina Jorger, the late Andreas' daughter 14 years. Margaretha Cambe, Jacob's daughter 17 years. Anna Margaretha Scherd, Christoph's daughter 13 years. Eva Wenzel, Balthaser's daughter 13 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 531 Susanna Wilson, Thomas' daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Gresch, George's daughter 15 years. Maria Brand, Adam's daughter ^ years. Anna Maria Stieritz, the late Jacob's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth Schweinhard, Johannes' daughter 16 years. Eva Catharina Keiser, Johannes' daughter 15 years. Maria Elisabeth Brautigam, the late 17 years. Maria Steinbrenner, the late I+ years. Catharina Schoner, Peter's daughter 15 years. Christina Hering, Ludewig's daughter iS years. On Ascension Day, 1777, after having been instructed, the following were confirmed by Rev. Fred. Aug. Muhlenberg: Friderich Berndt, an orphan, serves at Heinrich Stettler 16 years. Joh. Dottinger, servant of Matth. Wartman r6 years. Heinrich Gilbert, George Gilbert's son 18 years. Jacob Stichter, son of Valentine 16 years. Jacob Fischer, son of Peter 16 years. Joh. Phil. Mechlein, George Bolich's step-son 14 years. Michael Krumrein, son of Stephan 15 years. Jacob Peltz, son of Jacob 16 years. Johann Ramich, son of Johann 14 years. Johann Schuster, son of Ludwig 14. years. Jacob Gilbert, son of Bernhard 16 years. Johann Defrehn, son of Johann 22 years. Conrad Schmidt, son of Conrad 13 years. Leonhard Friess, a sister's son of Leon. Neidig 15 years. Jacob Heppenheimer, son of David 14 years. Jacob Erp, son of Caspar 16 years. Heinrich Schlonecker, son of Michael 16 years. Conrad Schweinhard, son of George 15 years. Christian Saul, son of Nicolaus 17 years. Michael Frankenberger, son of . Catharina Jorger, daughter of Peter Jorger 14 years. Rosina Vogele, daughter of George 17 years. Elisabeth Saul, daughter of Nicolaus 14 years. Magdalena Bickel, daughter of Ludwig 14 years. Barbara Sinsendorff, daughter of Martin 14 years. Maria Magd. Wiesener, daughter of Leonhard 15 years. Elisabeth Fertig, servant of Joachim Nagel 13 years. Elisabeth Brunner, daughter of Peter 14 years. Margaretli Neidig, daughter of Leonhard 14 years. Anna Maria Wiesner, daughter of George 15 years. 53 2 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Der treue Seelenhirte Christus Jesus lasse sich diese Theuererkaufte Seelen besonders anempfohlen seyn, Er erhalte sie in reenter Lehre und in der durch d. Bearbeitung seines Geistes angefangner Giite, um seines Namens Willen. Amen. — F. A. C. Muhlenberg. On Exandi Sunday, 1780, the following children who were instructed in the doctrines of Christianity by the catechist Friederich Ernst were con- firmed by Rev. Roller. Daniel Bickel, son of Ludwig aged 15 years. Johannes Kalb, son of Johannes' 17 years. David Gilbert, son of Heinrich 15 years. Johannes Gilbert, son of Bernhard. Leonhard Gilbert, son of Joh. George 15 years. Christian Ickes, son of Widow 16 years. George Keiler, servant of Peter Lober 14 years. George Fuchs, son of Adam 16 years. Andreas Schonle, son of Friederich 15 years. Anthony Fuchs, son of Matthias 16 years. Johannes Pelz, son of Jacob 16 years. Michael Fodele, son of Michael 18 years. Johannes Osterlein, servant of Peter Sahler 18 years. Johann Ludwig Schittler, son of Ludwig 13 5*4 years. George Schirm, son of Heinrich 15 years. George Stauch, son of Widow 14 years. George Brauss, step-son of Martin Dagenbach 18 years. George Dottinger, servant of Peter Martin 18 years. Friederich Schwarz, servant of Christian Stadler 18 years. Hanna Fodele, daughter of Michael 16 years. Maria Kaufmann, maid servant of Philipp Miller 15 years. Dorothea Emrich, daughter of Valentin 14 years. Susanna Schirm, daughter of Henrich 17 years. Barbara Schonle, daughter of Friederich 16 years. Margaretha Dorr, sister of Johannes 14 years. Jesus ihr Erbarmer, stehe ihnen bey mit seiner Gnade. Sein Geist starke sie auf dem Wege zum Leben mit seinem Wort, damit sie Zeitlich und Ewig die Gesegneten des Herren seyn und bleiben mogen. Amen. — Friedrich Ernst. Anno 1781. The following children after having been instructed in christian doc- trines were confirmed by the Rev. Senior Muhlenberg: Heinrich Christman, Jacob Christman's (Deacon) son 17 years. Joh. Krumrein, Stephan Krumrein's son. A Record of those Confirmed. 533 Andreas Schweinhard, is hired to Mr. Peter Reicherd 17 years. Daniel Guldy, Col. Guldi's son. Joh. George Iurger, Thomas Iurger's son 21 years. Philip Emrich, Val. Emrich's son 18 years. Abraham Krause, George Krause's son 17 years. Peter Erb, Casper Erb's son 16 years. Peter Oesterlein, serves at John Herger 17 years. Adam Kurtz, the late Adam Kurtz's son 15 years. Joh. Erny, the late Erny's son 15 years. Michael Schlonecker, Widow Schlonecker's son 17 years. Michael Bartman, Adam Bartman's son 15 years. Joh. Neidig, Leonh. Neidig's son 15 years. Joh. Wilson, Thomas Wilson's son 17 years. Henrich Fischer, Jacob Fischer's son 15 years. Jacob Tillman, Jacob Tillman's son 18 years. Philip Fischer, a married man 24 years. Joh. Wagenseil, Wm. Wagenseil's son 18 years. Friedr. Heser, Friedrich Heser's son 18 years. Margaretha, daughter of Michael Schlonecker 16 years. Elisabeth, daughter of Michael Witman 17 years. Elisabeth, daughter of Sebastian Reifschneider 14 years. Anna Maria, daughter of Adam Krebs 17 years. Catharina, daughter of Matthias Fuchs 17 years. Magdalena, daughter of Martin Sinzendorff 15 years. Eva, daughter of Peter Fischer 17 years. Barbara, daughter of Widow Herpel 16 years. Maria, daughter of Widow Herpel 14 years. Susanna Barbara, daughter of Jacob Schmidt 14 years. Catharina, daughter of Widow Gerber 15 years. Catharina, daughter of Ludwig Schuster 19 years. Catharina Mecklein, daughter of Widow Catharina Polick 15 years. Catharina, daughter of Adam Egold 18 years. Elisabeth, Peter Iurger's daughter 16 years. Salome, David Kerber's daughter 16 years. Anna Maria, Leonhard Neidig's daughter 16 years. Anna Maria, Valentine Emrich's daughter 14 years. Barbara, daughter of Widow Slonecker 15 years. Elisabeth, daughter of Johann Krob 15 years. Catharina, daughter of Leonhard Grisinger 16 years. Magdalena Stierli, step-daughter of schoolmaster Lower, lives with Rev. L 15 years. Elisabeth, Jacob Chrismann's daughter 15 years. Elisabeth, Thomas Wilson's daughter 15 years. 35 534 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Elisabeth, Tobias Iurger's daughter 15 years. Catharina, Jacob Fillmann's daughter 16 years. Catharina, Jacob Fisher's daughter. Catharina, Conrad Langenbach's wife. Catharina, daughter of Mr. Wagenseil 16 years. Catharina Hesser, daughter of Mr. Hesser 16 years. Salome Muhlenberg 15 years. Anno 1782. The following persons were instructed and confirmed before the con- gregation on Saturday before Pentecost, i. e., on May 18th: Daniel Kreiter, Johann's son 22 years. Heinrich Schweinhard, son of Joh. George 16 years. Adam Fried, (single) 28 years. Bernhard Gilbert, son of Bernhard 15 years. Johann Gilbert, son of George 15 years. Jacob Weymann, , _ „, „T }»sons of George 17 years George Weymann, J Heinrich Voegely, f sons of George 15 years. Conrad Voegely, Philip Ioerger, son of Adam 16 years. Fridrich Baer, Friedrich's son 16 years. Philip Geyer, son of Martin 16 years. Conrad Ditrich, servant of Joh. Geyer 17 years. Peter Kuser 17 years. Daniel Albrecht, son of Johann 15 years. Joh. Miihlhoff, servant of Ludwig Schoetler 15 years. Wilhelm Oerter, son of Michael 16 years. George Oerter, son of Michael 15 years. Elisabeth Kreiter, daughter of Johann. Catharina Krumrein, daughter of Stephan 14 years. Elisabeth Guldy, Martin's daughter 14 years. Catharina Kurtz, Michael's daughter 15 years. Catharina Renninger, Wendel's daughter 16 years. Elisabeth Weymann, George's daughter 16 years. Catharina Walther, Leonhard's daughter 15 years. Maria Kuser, maid servant of Michael Wittmann 20 years. Anna Catharina Edelmann, Henry Edelmann's daughter 16 years. Eva Kuser, maid servant of Mr. Livers 18 years. Elisabeth Schoenle, Friedrich Schoenle's daughter 15 years. Christina Herpel, daughter of David 14 years. Christina Fedele, daughter of Michael 16 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 535 Elisabeth Fedeli, David Fedely's wife 20 years. Elisabeth Peltz, daughter of Jacob 18 years. Elisabeth Wisener, daughter of Leonhard 14 years. Anno 1783. The following young persons were instructed and on April 20th (Easter) confirmed and admitted to Holy Communion: Henrich Bickel, Ludwig Bickel's son 15 years. Johannes Klein, the father Jacob 20 years. Henrich Gilbert, the father Henrich 17 years. Abraham Wartman, the father Mathews 15 years. Johannes Reifschneider, the father Sebastion 16 years. Philip Kalb, the father Johannes 18 years. Adam Bartman, the father Adam 15 years. Johannes Egholf, the father George Adam 17 years. Nicolaus Ickes 17 years. Jacob Moser 16 years. Johannes Sensendorfer, the father Martin 14 years. George Burger, the father Siegmund 16 years. George Kresch, the father George. Johann George Miinchinger, the father Jost 16 years. Barbara Brendel 16 years. Magdalena Krumrein, the father Stephan 14 years. Maria Simpel (was also baptized) 19 years. Anna Maria Stichter, Widow Eva Stichter's daughter 16 years. Elisabeth, Ludwig Schick's daughter 14 years. Eleonora Kurtz, the father Valentin 15 years. Catharina Kurtz, Thomas Forster's step-daughter 14 years. Anna Catharina Statler, the father Christian 14 years. Elisabeth Reichert, the father Friedrich 17 years. Magdalena Schweinhard, the father Johannes 14 years. Elisabeth Pausch, the father Johannes 18 years. Elisabeth Beidemann 14 years. Maria Peltz, the father Jacob 17 years. Elisabeth Pfeil, the father Daniel. Anno 1784. The following young persons, after having been instructed, were con- firmed, and received their first communion on May 29th, it being Whit Sunday: Johannes, the father Michael Joerger 16 years. Christian, the father Conrad Keim 14 years. 536 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Jacob, the father Michael Schlonecker 16 years. Mathews, the father the late Mathews Fuchs 14 years. Jacob, the father Sebastian Reif Schneider 15 years. Mathews Decker, servant of David Burckhart 16 years. Andreas Hauck, servant of Johannes Schnell 17 years. Johann Friedrich, the father Joseph Brendlinger 15 years. Conrad, the father Jacob Christman 17 years. David, the mother Catharina Herbel, widow 13 years. Regina, the father Henrich Gilbert 16 years. Elisabeth, the father Michael Ioerger 14 years. Christina, the father Wendel Renninger 15 years. Anna Barbara, the father Johannes Kreiter 16 years. Magdalena, the father Johannes Kreiter 14 years. Elisabeth, the father Jacob Miller 18 years. Elisabeth, the father George Adam Egholt 15 years. Eva, the father Andreas 15 years. Rosina Roth, resides with Dr. Beideman. Elisabeth, the father Peter Eigner 14 years. Elisabeth, the father Michael Kurtz 15 years. Eva, the father Christian Fritz 14 years. Catharina, the father Henrich Schirra 15 years. Christina, the father Friedrich Schonle 15 years. Margreth, the father the late Mr. Driess 17 years. Eleonora, the father John Semple, Catharina, the father John Semple, Elisabeth, the father Adam Kalb 18 years. Catharina, the father Adam Kalb 15 years. Maria, the father Adam Kalb 14 years. Dorothea Borigs, serves with Abraham Papp. Anno 1785. On Whit Sunday the following young persons were confirmed and for the first time admitted to the Holy Communion: Joseph, the father Dieterich Hassinger 17 years. Baptized the day preceding. Johann Valentin, the father Johannes Geiger 15 years. Catharina, the father Johannes Geiger 13 years. Catharina, the mother Widow Sensendorfer 15 years. Ludwig, the father Daniel Linsebiegler 14 years. Adam, the father Leonhardt Walter 16 years. Christina, the father Michael Fodeli 15 years. Valentin, the father Christian Fritz 14 years. ' \ both baptized the day before. 1, ) 15 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 537 Johann George, the father Leonhardt Greisinger 18 years. Margreth, the father Casper Erb 18 years. Martin Decker, resides with Mr. Dachenbach 20 years. Tobias, the father the late Andreas Ioerger 17 years. Henrich, the father Matthias Wartman 15 years. Maria Magdalena, the father George Gilbert 16 years. Magdalena, daughter of Tobias Ioerger. Johannes Stichter, the mother Eva Stichter, widow 15 years. Adam Barthman's daughter 14 years. Johannes Dachenbach's son. Johannes Staufer, the father Christian Staufer, a Mennonite. Anna Ioerger, the father Christian Staufer, a Mennonite. Both married and were baptized the preceding day. On Ascension Day, May 17, 1787, the following young persons, after receiving proper instruction were confirmed and admitted to the Holy Communion by Rev. Roeller: Catharina Linsebigler, the father Daniel Linsebigler. Catharina Dangler, the mother Catharina Dangler, widow 15 years. Margretha Kurtz, the father Michael Kurtz. Jacob Jorger, the father Dewald Jorger. Anna Maria Warthmann, the father Matthias Warthmann 14 years. George Friedrich Gilbert, the father Henrich Gilbert. Elisabeth Gilbert, the father Henrich Gilbert. Anna Maria Fuchs, the mother Anna Maria Fuchs. Magdalena Reifschneider, the father Sebastian Reifschneider. Catharina Schweinhardt, the father George Schweinhardt 14 years. Sophia Margretha, the father Jacob Schmidt. Jacob Stalb, the father Ullrich Stalb. Michael Bender, the father Jacob Bender 16 years. Samuel Jorger, the father Peter Jorger. Friederich Lachmann, the father Conrad Neuman. Sophia Keppler, the father David Keppler. Margaretha Jorger, the father Michael Jorger. Elisabeth Walter, the father Leonhardt Walter. Jacob Rantlinger, the father Joseph Rantlinger (Brendlinger?). Anna Maria Xetz, the father Conrad Netz. Jacob Grissinger, the father Leonhardt Grisinger 16 years. Catharina Erb, the father Casper Erb 17 years. Johannes Schick, the father Ludwig Schick 16 years. Jacob Waine, the father Jacob Waine 18 years. Jacob Siissholtz, the father David Siissholtz 17 years. Peter Hassinger, the father Dieterich Hassinger 17 years. 538 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Barbara Hassinger, the father Dieterich Hassinger 15 years. David Krauss, the father George Krauss 16 years. Conrad Erne, the father Jacob Erne 17 years. Henrich Erne, the father Jacob Erne 15 years. Samuel Gilbert, the father Bernhardt Gilbert 16 years. Elisabeth Gilbert, the father Bernhardt Gilbert 15 years. Samuel Gilbert, the father George Gilbert 16 years. Jacob Jorger, the father Thomas Jorger 23 years. Maria Eva Jorger, the father Tobias Jorger 14 years. Hanna Beltz, the father Jacob Beltz 17 years. Christina Krauss, the father George Krauss 14 years. Elisabeth Dieterich, Widow Siissholtz and wife of Conrad Dieterich 18 years. Jorger, wife of Andreas Jorger. Henrich Schweinhardt, the father Johannes Schweinhardt 15 years. George Michael Bender, the father Jacob Bender 16 years. Johannes Hill, the father Jacob Hill 21 years. Elizabeth Renninger, the father Wendel Renninger. Anno 1790. The following persons were instructed, confirmed, and admitted to the Holy Communion by the Rev. Friederich Weinland: Dieterich Geiger, the father Dieter Geiger. Ludwig Stark, the father Fried. Vogel. Daniel Linsenbigler, the father Adam Linsenbigler. Joh. Adam Heisht, the father Adam Melchior. Matthias Hauck, the father John Snell 18 years. David Gilbert, the father Henry Gilbert aged 16 years. John Wiesner, the father Leonhard Wiesner aged 15 years. John Newman, the father Jacob Ekold 15 years. Henry Krebs, the father Michael Krebs 16 years. Adam Krebs, the father Adam Krebs 15 years. John Erb, the father Casper Erb 15 years. John Renninger, the father Wendel Renninger 16 years. John Netz, the father Conrad Netz 15 years. John Debitshauser, the father Henry Debitshauser 14 years. Michael Neidig, the father Leonhard Neidig 17 years. John Ioerger, the father Dewald Ioerger •. . . 15 years. Henry Siissholtz, the father David Siissholtz 15 years. Jacob Herpel, the mother Widow Herpel 16 years. Valentin Kurtz, the father Valentin Kurtz 15 years. Michael Borger, the father Simon Borger 15 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 539 George Fritz, the father Martin Fritz 14 years. Friederich Remle, the father Michael Remle. Daniel Schweinhard, the father George Schvveinhard 14 years. John Fried, the father John Fried 16 years. Jacob Wittman, the father Michael Wittman 16 years. Henry Stattler, the father Christian Stattler 15 years. George Pfiel, the father Daniel Pfiel 18 years. Abraham Reifschneider, the father Sebastian Reifschneider 16 years. Abraham Linsebigler, the father Paul Linsebigler 17 years. Jacob Schmidt, the father Philip Jacob Smith 15 years. George Snell, the father George Snell 16 years. Daniel Hoch, the father Daniel Hoch 20 years. Jonathan Kostert, a married man. Margaretha Stark, Fried. Vogel aged 16 years. Christina Schweinhard, the father George. Magdalena Kurtz, the father Valentin. Christina Gilbert, the father Henry 14 years. Elisabeth Warthman, the father Matthews 14 years. Elisabeth Erne, the father John 16 years. Barbara Johns 14 years. Margretha Joerger, the father Tobias 14 years. Margretha Albrecht, the father Daniel 16 years. Anna Maria Magd. Fried, the father John 14 years. Elisabeth Krebs, the father Michael 14 years. Eva Krebs, the father Adam 17 years. Sophia Miiller, the father Friederich 16 years. Catharina Neidig, the father Leonhard 16 years. Elisabeth Grisinger, the father Leonhard 16 years. Eva Suesholtz, the father Lorentz 18 years. Margretha Gilbert, the father George 16 years. A. Maria Gilbert, the father Bernhard 14 years. Elisabeth Netz, the father Conrad 17 years. Christina Miller, the father Jacob 17 years. Sophia Fritz, the father Martin 16 years. Elisabeth Kepner, the father William 16 years. Margretha Rover, the wife of Philip. Margretha Maurer, the father Balthaser 21 years. Elisabeth Voegeli, the father John 16 years. Elisabeth Binder, the father Jacob 17 years. Elisabeth Vetterolf, David Borckert 17 years. Maria Pfeil, the father Daniel 16 years. Catharina Enters, the father John 19 years. Susanna Kurtz, the father Valentin 18 years. 54° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Catharina Brendlinger, the father Joseph 16 years. Maria Kurtz, the father Michael 15 years. Catharina Joerger, the father Adam aged 14 years. Sarah Kuesther, Peter Becker 17 years. Margaretha Stofflet, the father John 18 years. Eleonora Ludwig, the father Michael. Anna Maria Schweinhard, the father Johannes Schweinhard. . . . 15 years. On April 22, 1791, the following persons were confirmed and on Easter Sunday April 24th admitted to their first communion by Rev. Weinland: Adam Gilbert, the father George Gilbert aged 15 years. David Joerger, the father Peter Ioerger aged 17 years. David Reifschneider, the father Sebastian Reifschneider 15 years. Jacob Binder, the father Jacob Binder 15 years. Henry Eckelman, the father Henry Eckleman 17 years. Henry Ioerger, the father Michael Ioerger 15 years. Johannes Staettler, the father John Staettler 16 years. Daniel Erny, Adam Luckhard 15 years. Friederich Erny, Adam Luckhard 17 years. Jacob Bardman, the father Adam Bardman 16 years. Bernhard Stichter, the father Valentin Stichter 16 years. Henry Groll, the father Henry Groll 18 years. Paul Kostert, Peter Becker. Jacob Fuchs, the father Matthias Fuchs 16 years. Henry Georgy, the father Henry Georgy 16 years. Christoph Miller, the father Jacob Miller 18 years. John Binder, the father Antony Binder 16 years. Samuel Wittman, the father Michael Wittman 14 years. Michael Hellebard, the father Michael Hellebard 15 years. Eva Joerger, the father Michael Joerger 16 years. Magdalena Schoenle, the father Friederich Schoenle 15 years. Elisabeth Kurtz, the father Valentin Kurtz 16 years. Maria Kurtz, the father Valentin Kurtz 15 years. Catharina Gilbert, the father George Gilbert aged 15 years. Elisabeth Renninger, the father Friederich Renninger aged 14 years. Salome Maetscher, the father Wilhelm Maetscher 26 years. Catharina Maetscher, the father Wilhelm Maetscher 22 years. Barbara Maetscher, the father Wilhelm Maetscher 20 years. Anna Maria Fischer, the father Peter Fischer 15 years. Anna Maria Hill, John Dotterer 15 years. Susanna Alacardy, the father Felix 17 years. Anna Maria Hellebard, the father Michael Hellebard 17 years. Susanna Hellebard, the father Michael Hellebard 15 years. A Record of those Confirmed. 54i On Easter Sunday, April 20, 1794, the following were admitted Holy Communion, after having been previously confirmed: Johannes Schweinhard, the father Joh. George aged Johannes Bickel, the father Jacob aged Johannes Reichert, the father Johannes Matthias Wartman, the father Matthias Johannes Binder, the father Jacob Jacob Wiessner, the father Leonhard Peter Schmidt, the father Philip Jacob Peter Hauberger, the father Joh. Nicolaus Adam Cresch, the father George Tobias Fischer, the father Peter George Belz, the father Jacob Samuel Joerger, the father Tobias George Grauss, the father George Joseph Fried, the father Johann Joh. Gottlieb Bernhard, the father Conrad Ludwig Sensendorfer, the father Martin Johannes Gilbert, the father Joh. George Johannes Borckert, the father David Philip Miiller, the father Peter aged Peter Renninger, the father Wendel aged Peter Lasig, the father Christian Heinrich Neuman, the father Heinrich Martin Landes, married, the father a Mennonite. Barbara Kurtz, the father Michael Elisabeth Bickel, the father Jacob Catarina Gilbert, the father Heinrich Catarina Jorger, the father Michael Susanna Reyher, the father Philipp Anna Maria Druckemiiller, the father George Barbara Wittman, the father Michael Susanna Erny, the father Johannes Anna Metscher, the father Wilhelm Elisabeth Huber, the father Johannes Anna Kreisser, the father Makersy Maria Schnell, the father George Christina Schnell, the father George Catarina Honneter, the father Valentin Catarina Maurer, the father Balthaser Christina Stahl, the father Johannes Catarina Puhl, the father Nicolaus to the 16 years. 14 years. 15 years. 16 years. 15 years. »4 years. 16 years. 15 years. 16 years. 15 years. 16 years. 15 years. 16 years. 16 years. 16 years. 15 years. 17 years. 15 years. 17 years. 17 years. 16 years. 17 years. 14 years. 17 years. 15 years. 1+ years. 15 years. IS years. 15 years. 15 years. IS years. 17 years. 17 years. 17 years. 15 years. 15 years. 16 years. 14 years. 15 years. 542 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Hanna Schelkopf, the father Valentin 16 years. Saara Jorger, married daughter of Bernhard Frey. The following were confirmed on Maundy Thursday, and the following day, Good Friday, 1796, admitted to the Holy Communion: Johannes Kepler, son of Wilhelm aged 18 years. Heinrich Kepler, son of Wilhelm aged 17 years. Friederich Vogel, son of Johann Friederich aged 14 years. George Vogel, son of George 14 years. Jacob Lintzebiegler, son of Daniel 16 years. Jacob Krebs, son of Michael 15 years. Adam Miller, son of Peter 15 years. Conrad Menniger, son of Wendel 16 years. George Moser, son of Daniel 15 years. Johannes Meyher, son of Michael 17 years. Philipp Zieler, son of Martin 17 years. Johannes Merckel, son of Benjamin 15 years. Moses Binder, son of Nathan 16 years. Adan Cless, son of Christian 18 years. Stephan Cless, son of Christian 14 years. Abraham Vogeley, son of Johann 17 years. George Seefried, son of George 15 years. George Unnerkoffler, son of Jacob 16 years. Abraham Stattler, son of Christian 15 years. George Beydemann, son of George 15 years. Johannes Krauss, son of Daniel 21 years. Daniel Krauss, son of Daniel 19 years. Adam Wartmann, married. Johannes Emmerich, son of Johannes 17 years. Johannes Dachebach, son of Johannes 18 years. Jacob Dachebach, son of Johannes 16 years. Conrad Hennrich, son of Conrad 16 years. George Stofflet, son of Johannes 16 years. Johannes Wartman, son of Adam 15 years. Heinrich Reichert, son of Peter 15 years. Peter Jorgy, son of Heinrich aged 15 years. David Roth, son of Solomon aged 15 years. Jacob Roth, son of Jonathan 19 years. Joseph Bettmann, son of Joseph 16 years. Johannes Lessig, son of Christian 15 years. Johann Martin Fritz, son of Martin 14 years. Johannes Derr, married. Solomon Roth, married. A Record of those Confirmed, 543 Catharina Reyher, daughter of Philip 15 years. Catharina Ernis, daughter of Johannes 14 years. Elisabeth Lintzebiegler, daughter of Daniel 14 years. Maria Binder, daughter of Johannes 16 years. Elisabeth Langebach, daughter of Conrad 16 years. Susanna Zieler, daughter of Martin 15 years. Elisabeth Gerber, daughter of Johann 17 years. Elisabeth Barbara Gilbert, daughter of Hennrich 15 years. Elisabeth Herbst, daughter of George 14 years. Catharina Beytemann, daughter of George 16 yeais. Maria Krauss, daughter of Daniel 16 years. Bally Unnerkoffler, daughter of Jacob 17 years. Magdalena Henrich, daughter of Conrad 14 years. Bally Beydemann, daughter of Friedrich 16 years. Sophia Beckelmann, daughter of Heinrich 15 years. Elisabeth Henn, daughter of Johannes 15 years. Magdalena Roth, daughter of Solomon 16 years. Elisabeth Roth, daughter of Jonathan 18 years. Anna Maria Roth, daughter of Jonathan 16 years. Anna Barbara Fritz, daughter of Martin 15 years. Anna Maria Schoner, daughter of Jacob 15 years. Maria Wiesner, daughter of Leonhard. « 14 years. Catharina Bauer, daughter of Moses 16 years. Confirmed in 1797. Ludvvig Bickel. Friederich Schick. Matthias Gilbert. Paul Linsebugler. George Burkhard. Philip Hubener. Jacob Gilbert. Maria Fischer. George Friederich. Elisabeth Voegly. George Gilbert. Elisabeth Renninger. Heinrich Binder. Elisabeth Schwenk. Confirmed in 1798. Samuel Linsebuigler, son of Paul Linsebuigler aged 17 years. Conrad Zieler, son of Martin aged 16 years. Johann Baitemann, son of George Fried 16 years. Peter Vogely, son of Nicolaus 18 years. Peter Fried, son of Johannes 16 years. Christian Oettinger, son of Johann 17 years. Samuel Gerling, son of Johann 16 years. Daniel Breyvogel. 544 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Isaac Mayer. Conrad Drees. Susanna Kurtz, daughter of Michael 16 years. Elisabeth Vogel, daughter of the late Fried 14 years. Christina Barthmann, daughter of Adam 16 years. Catharina Vogely, daughter of Nicolaus 15 years. Elisabeth Friederich, daughter of Michael 14 years. Catharina Merkel, daughter of Jacob 15 years. Elisabeth Bickel, daughter of 15 years. Sara Stadtler, daughter of Christian 16 years. Maria Bitting, daughter of Anton aged 1 5 years. Sara Krebs, daughter of Michael aged 14 years. Catharina Schmidt, daughter of Jacob 16 years. Catharina Langenbach, daughter of Conrad 15 years. Catharina Dreess 15 years. Confirmed at Pentecost, 1799. Heinrich Reichert, son of Mathias aged 15 years. Heinrich Gilbert, son of. Johann Hauberger, son of Nicolaus 15 years. Heinrich Renninger, son of Johann Jacob 16 years. Johann Linsebiegler, son of Paul 15 years. George Binder, son of Jacob. Heinrich Beitemann, son of George 16 years. George Gilbert, son of George 17 years. Michael Sensendorfer, son of 15 years. Johann Lindermann, son of Conrad 16 years. Johann Herbst, son of. Abraham Scheelkopf, son of Valentin 15 years. Heinrich Schneider, son of 1^/2 years. Catharina Reichert, daughter of Matthias 14 years. Maria Reichert, daughter of Peter Reichert. Maria Catharina Reichert, daughter of Peter Reichert. Elisabeth Gilbert. Catharina Kepler. Elisabeth Lau. Elisabeth Schmidt. Maria Schneider. Catharina Egolf. Maria Burkhard. Elisabeth Lindermann. Salome Merkley. Maria Geiger. Catharina Hilpart. Elisabeth Liebeguth. Confirmed at Pentecost, 1801. Heinrich Reiher. Elisabeth Frankenberger. Johann Renninger. Margareth lunger. A Record of those Confirmed. 545 George Renninger. Jacob Beitemann. Peter Brendlinger. Jacob Bickel. Ludvvig Bickel. Jacob Fuchs. Jacob Neidig. Heinricb Gilbert. Johann Stofflet. Conrad Muller. Andreas Gebhard. George Shnell. Jacob Kurz. Johann Kurz. Samuel Merklay. Samuel Shnell. Elisabeth Schwenk. Christina Friederich. Hanna Krebs. Salome Burkert. Catharina Fuchs. Christina Keppeler. Sara Kurz. Susanna Binder. Eva Binder. Susanna Binder. Catharina Binder. Maria Renninger. Maria Honnetter. Catharina Barthman. Elisabeth Gilbert. Maria Fried. Magdalena Gilbert. Catharina Muller. Maria Muller. Hanna Lachmund. Regina Lachmund. Catharina Vogel. Hanna Ludwig. Maria Beck. Sophia Kurz. Maria Keppeler. Jacob Miller. Daniel Schmidt. Jacob Zieler. Conrad Mecklein. Johannes Oesterlein. Heinrich Erb. Johannes Fuchs. Philipp Krebs. Daniel Gilbert. Jacob Albrecht. Matthias Georgi. Richard Gutman. Heinrich Zuber. Conrad Frankenberger. Peter Burger. George Knetz. Solomon Schoener. Jacob Gilbert. Jacob Fritz. George Daub. Confirmed, 1805. Salome Bickel. Catharina Burger. Catharina Bartman. Salome Vogel. Catharina Gilbert. Maria Fuchs. Catharina Voegely. Barbara Merklay. Elisabeth Reiher. Margaretha Binder. Maria Bickel. Maria Margaretha Linzenbichler. Margaretha Burkert. Elisabeth Mecklein. Catharina Erb. Hanna Schnell. Salome Schnell. Elisabeth Erb. Margaretha Kolb. Elisabeth Schittler. 546 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Esaias Miller. Jacob Dress. George Decker. Johannes Gebhard. Samuel Beitenman. Jacob Schweinhard. Jacob Schoener. Heinrich Geiger. Heinrich Burkert. Johannes Bauman. Maria Schlonecker. Elisabeth Beitenman. Maria Gilbert. Heinrich Eckbrett. Jacob Erb. Conrad Binder. John Binder. Andreas Willauer. Heinrich Bickel. Heinrich Gilbert. Anton Fuchs. Friederich Gilbert. George Mecklein. Andreas Merklay. Daniel Hauberger. John Roth. Heinrich Bickel. Heinrich Wiesner. Jacob Friederich. Heinrich Gilbert. Michael Kurz. Jacob Dering. Samuel Witman. Heinrich Bauman. Adam Stoflet. John Erb. Joseph Dering. Abraham Yoerger. Joseph Yoerger. George Grove. Samuel Grove. Anna Reichert. Maria Gilbert. Catharina Bitting. Elisabeth Beitenman. Elisabeth Zieler. Elisabeth Gilbert. Catharina Kuhler. Maria Vogt. Catharina Decker. Maria Reichert. Maria Adams. Elisabeth Matthaei. Confirmed, 1807. George Emmerich. Samuel Fillman. Joseph Yoerger. Adam Gebhard. Maria Burger. Maria Krauss. Elisabeth Merklay. Margaretha Bartman. Elisabeth Stauffer. Catharina Seefried. Salome Seefried. Magdalena Renninger. Susanna Frankenberger. Catharina Roth. Elisabeth Reichert. Maria Gilbert. Catharina Yorger. Maria Yoerger. Christina Voegely. Catharina Friederich. Eleonora De la plain. Catharina Gilbert. Maria Philippi. Maria Hill. Maria Witmann. Salome Griffith. Hanna Schwarz. Magdalena Schweinhard. A Record of those Confirmed. 547 George Burger. Johannes Erb. Jacob Bickel. Martin Jorger. Jacob Gilbert. Johannes Friederich. Samuel Zuber. Israel Wartman. Johannes Brendlinger, Jacob Schweinhart. Jacob Gilbert. Philip Brendlinger. Jacob Fillmann. Samuel Kalp. Andreas Gilbert. Matthias Gilbert. Daniel Schweinhart. George Honnetter. Johannes Gresch. Isaac Reyer. Philip Reyer. Michael Stofflet. Johannes Reyer. Johannes Herpel. George Schmidt. Matthias Kurz. Jacob Fillmann. Johannes Iorger. Henrich Doring. Jacob Fuchs. Peter Erb. Johannes Wiessner. Daniel Boyer. Jacob Binder. James Laas. Joseph Lachmund. Matthias Jorger. Andreas Schvvenk. James Vogly. Friederich Fuchs. Confirmed October 21, 1809. Matthias Ziegler. Philip Gottschalk. James McGurly. Sarah Beiteman. Catharina Burkert. Catharina Schlonecker. Susanna Markly. Catharina Bickel. Anna Bickel. Sarah Gilbert. Catharina Binder. Sarah Gilbert. Susanna Renninger. Maria Vogle. Lea Reifschneider. Elisabeth Miller. Margaretha Gilbert. Catharina Herpel. Elisabeth Gilbert. Catharina Fillmann. Maria Fuchs. Elisabeth Bock. Maria Bartmann. Salome Bartmann. Maria Margaretha Schwenk. Christina Schwenk. Elisabeth Kalb. Maria Gebhardt. Maria Gammel. Mrs. Margaretha Honnetter. Margaretha McGurly. Catharina Mecklein. Elisabeth Schmidt. Confirmed May 18, 1811. Maria Erny. Salome Bickel. Sarah Miller. Elisabeth Renninger. Elisabeth Erb. Catharina Baumann. Catharina Mever. 54» The New Hanover Lutheran Church. George Erb. Isac Jorger. Bernhardt Fuchs. Jacob Schittler. John George Schweinhardt. Bernhard Gilbert. Jacob Jorger. Johann Fritz. Johann Fillmann. Johannes Frankenberger. George Hiibner. Johann Henrich. Johann Decker. Nicolaus Gresch. Henrich Baumann. Johann Georgy. Anthony Bitting. Israel Fried. Susanna Jorger. Salome Schweinhardt. Elisabeth Bartmann. Catharina Henrich. Catharina Ziehler. Susanna Copling. Rebecca Frankenberger. Magdalena Linsenbiegler. Elisabeth Sands. Elisabeth Henrich. Elisabeth Faemer. Susanna Yorger. Elisabeth Burger. Hanna Linsenbiegler. Barbara Schittler. Maria Fritz. Maria Zoller. Elisabeth Jorger. Salome Hiibner. Elisabeth Linsenbiegler. Christina Hiibner. Elisabeth Schweinhardt. Jacob Gilbert. Henrich Stichter. Johannes Schlonecker. Isac Brower. Conrath Miller. Jonas Jorger. Marcus Schlonecker. Johannes Vogle. Daniel Vogle. Samuel Frankenberger Samuel Fritz. David Schweinhardt. David Fuchs. Henry Bickel. Johannes Schittler. Philip Wartman. Samuel Linsenbiegler. Joseph Schoener. Johannes Voegle. Jacob Kalb. Lidia Reichert. Confirmed May 29, 1813. Reichert Bitting. John Graf. Jacob Reifschneider. Philip Jorger. John Metz. Christian Gebhardt. Henrich Adams. Christina Binder. Susanna Miller. Salome Schlonecker. Maria Erb. Elisabeth Bickel. Magdalena Gilbert. Elisabeth Schick. Maria Zieler. Catharina Wessner. Elisabeth Geiger. Catharina Fritz. Maria Jorger. Sarah Burger. Maria Wagner. A Record of those Confirmed. 549 Maria Brauer. Juliana Schoener. Sarah Graf. Susanna Miller. Sarah Schoener. Susanna Schwenk. Christina Fillmann. Maria Fillmann. Catharina Krauss. Maria Kalb. Maria Lachmund. Elisabeth Schwarz. Maria Schwenk. Rebecca Yorger. Elisabeth Gutman. Elisabeth Bitting. Sarah Keiler. Maria Buch. Elisabeth Bittermann. Mrs. Elisabeth Bickel. Mrs. Maria Stofflet. Mrs. Maria Barkert. Confirmed Jonas Burger. Isac Edelmann. Samuel Gilbert. Jacob Stadtler. Daniel Bickel. Johannes Fuchs. Christian Stadtler. Jacob Meyer. George Ziehler. Joseph Bitting. David Wiesner. George Schweinhart. Gabriel Schweinhart. Johannes Reifschneider. George Dewidshaeuser. Henrich Dewidshaeuser. Jacob Renninger. Joseph Schmidt. George Dress. George Reichert. Johannes Gilbert. Henrich Decker. Matthias Fuchs. Wilhelm Reyer. Henrich Bartmann. George Adams. David Fillmann. Daniel Kalb. Peter Reichert. John Erb. 36 in the Year 1815. Adam Zern. Michael Albrecht. Amos Wiesner. Salome Geiger. Margareth Miller. Elisabeth Heldermann. Elisabeth Geiger. Margareth Geiger. Elisabeth Fillmann. Sarah Christmann. Susanna Christmann. Maria Schittler. Rebecca Linsenbiegler. Anna Maria Davis. Maria Reifschneider. Sarah Reifschneider. Esther Reifschneider. Elisabeth Noll. Hanna Schotter. Susanna Wilson. Sarah Miller. Susanna Fuchs. Christina Gilbert. Salome Zuber. Elisabeth Breyvogel. Anna Gilbert. Maria Yorger. Catharina Schmidt. Elisabeth Yorger. Elisabeth Bartmann. 55o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Philip Erb. Heinrich Schmidt. Jacob Edelmann. Peter Yoerger. George Reyer. Peter Fritz. David Bitting. Amos Yoerger. Peter Renninger. Christian Stadtler. Jonas Voegly. Joseph Gilbert. John Gilbert. Jacob Knetz. George Miller. Benjamin Markly. Jonas Stalb. Michael Adams. Heinrich Erb. Samuel Yoerger. Matthias Schweinhart. Samuel Krebs. Philip Hellpart. Daniel Ruch. John Christmann. Aron Lindermann. John Matthias. Abraham Matthias. Elisabeth Yoerger. Susanna Bickel. Elisabeth Wiessner. Christian Bauz. Confirmed in the Year 1817. Sarah Erb. Susanna Binder. Elisabeth Voegly. Sarah Schmidt. Elisabeth Gilbert. Catharina Schmidt. Elisabeth Schweinhart. Catharina Yoerger. Hanna Schittler. Christina Hellbart. Maria Krebs. Maria Schweinhart. Maria Miller. Sarah Reyer. Catharina Krauss. Catharina Langbein. Margaretha Geiger. Catharina Fillmann. Maria Geiger. Lidia Freyer. Elisabeth Schweinhart. Margaretha Schweinhart. Margareth Schrack. Elisabeth Linsenbiegler. Catharina Bartmann. Maria Ziehler. Elisabeth Baumann. Anna Henrich. Margaretha Schnell. Jacob Madeira. Michael Binder. Jacob Brendlinger. Jonas Geiger. Johannes Bickel. Sebastian Reifschneider, Jonas Hauberger. Abraham Reifschneider Confirmed in the Year 1819. Carolina Boyer. Elisabeth Binder. Elisabeth Linsenbiegler. Margareth Bickel. Sarah Fritz. Hanna Schweinhart. Maria Bitting. Maria Gilbert. A Record of those Confirmed. 55i Jacob Fuchs. Conrad Yoerger. Henrich Yoerger. Philip Fillman. Jonas Reyer. Johannes Lachmund. Samuel Lachmund. Samuel Roeller. Daniel Erb. Isac Bitting. Johannes Voegly. Jacob Schmidt. Johannes Langbein. Wilhelm Gilbert. Philip Yung. Jacob Bartmann. Joseph Detterer. John Reiter. Jonas Bickel. Michael Yung. David Kurz. Henrich Schwenk. Joseph Schmidt. Hanna Bickel. Elisabeth Brendlinger. Hannah Miller. Elisabeth Stadtler. Elisabeth Stadtler. Lidia Fuchs. Maria Harpel. Salome Voegly. Margareth Dewidshauser. Esther Hellbart. Judith Reichert. Sarah Christmann. Barbara Linsenbiegler. Margaretha Kepner. Anna Geiger. Sarah Fillmann. Maria Schick. Margaretha Reyer. Elisabeth Ox. Elisabeth Krebs. Margaretha Zoller. Catharina Renninger. Catharina Graf. Maria Unterkoffler. Lidia Wiesner. Susanna Bitting. Elisabeth Egolf. Elisabeth Graf. Eleonora Hartfield. Henrich Edelman. David Erb. Jacob Binder. Isac Kepner. George Stalb. Samuel Bickel. Henrich Schweinhart. Isac Reifschneider. Joseph Schweinhart. George Gilbert. Henrich Gilbert. Jacob Dewidshauser. Jonas Knetz. George Binder. David Burkhart. Confirmed in 1821. Dina Reyer. Maria Burkert. Elisabeth Fritz. Maria Dress. Lidia Zoller. Maria Stadtler. Hanna Boyer. Elisabeth Christman. Catharina Gilbert. Hanna Christman. Sarah Bitting. Rebecca Decker. Susanna Beiteman. Catharina Fuchs. Barbara Fuchs. 552 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Jonas Schmidt. Johannes Burkert. John Daub. Charles Linsenbiegler. Wilhelm Hauberger. Friedrich Schwarz. Jonas Boyer. Jacob Dongle. Peter Linsinbiegler. Jonas Erb. Wilhelm Albrecht. Jacob Sensendorfer. Wilhelm Kepner. James Fuchs. John Hofman. Charles Brendlinger. Henrich Stadtler. Jonas Linsenbiegler. Henrich Herpel. Jacob Renninger. David Hartfield. Jonas Fillman. Johannes Kepner. Samuel Kurtz. George Wiesner. Isac Schmidt. Jonas Wiesner. Samuel Hartfield. George Schick. Samuel Krebs. Jonas Reifschneider. Samuel Daub. Johannes Faust. David Badman. Andreas Hofman. Henrich Hofman. Solomon Bastress. Jacob Geyer. George Wald. Henrich Schoner. Jacob Erb. Sarah Burkert. Maria Albrecht. Catharina Renninger. Susanna Fuchs. Susanna Miller. Sarah Gilbert. Susanna Schweinhart. Elisabeth Badman. Catharina Schwenhart. Sarah Sensendorfer. Catharina Meyer. Sarah Gebhart. Confirmed in 1823. Susanna Fritz. Sarah Brendlinger. Esther Bickel. Maria Beiteman. Maria Markly. Hanna Stadtler. Margaretha Binder. Anna Staufer. Elisabeth Dewidshauser. Salome Hofman. Salome Albrecht. Margaretha Weiss. Rebecca Fillman. Sarah Schweinhart. Rebecca Renninger. Sarah Kurz. Hanna Sensendorfer. Esther Daub. Maria Fillman. Rebecca Sensendorfer. Anna Voegle. Catharina Lewis. Judith Schwenk. Hanna Gilbert. Hanna Feather. Mariana Gilbert. Mariana Souder. Maria Horner. Catharina Frey. Catharina Hofman. A Record of those Confirmed. 553 Henrich Yorgy. Henrich Hofman. Ruben Fuchs. Johannes Binder. Friederich Brendlinger. Solomon Bickel. Michael Dress. Matthias Linsebiegler. Jesse Reifschneider. George Edelman. Jonas Gaukler. Abraham Kepner. Johannes Bickel. Richard Reifschneider. Johannes Schutter. Jonas Roller. Amos Zeigler. Emanuel Binder. Samuel Stofflet. George Wartman. Jonas Fried. Johannes Emmerich. Carl Gilbert. Daniel Lachman. George Stofflet. Daniel Bartman. Johannes Daub. Sarah Kepner. Wilhelm Roller. Daniel Brendlinger. David Bickel. Wilhelm Kepner. Henrich Fuchs. John Edelman. Friederich Burkert. Samuel Gilbert. Jesaias Georgy. Jacob Hellbart. Daniel Geiger. Daniel Gilbert. Israel Fillman. Confirmed in 1825. Hanna Binder. Hanna Hauberger. Maria Dress. Anna Fritz. Esther Voegle. Susanna Kepner. Esther Stadtler. Maria Stadtler. Maria Fuchs. Sarah Renninger. Lidia Gilbert. Judith Albrecht. Sarah Kreps. Hanna Binder. Sarah Badman. Maria Helbart. Hanna Albrecht. Esther Sebold. Elisabeth Bastress. Maria Bartman. Catharina Reimer. Rebecca Emmerich. Hanna Binder. Sarah Kolb. Anna Kolb. Sarah Moser. Elisabeth Renninger. Confirmed in 1827. Francis Beiteman. Salome Bickel. Rebecca Brendlinger. Maria Binder. Elisabeth Beiteman. Sara Dewitshauser. Catharina Binder. Elisabeth Herbst. Lidia Ziegler. Sarah Reifschneider. Catharina Geiger. Judith Binder. Maria Kurz. 554 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. James Herbst. Jacob Stofflet. Peter Hauberger. Jacob Setzler. Alexander Fried. David Reifschneider. Benjamin Schmidt. Benjamin Schwenk. Richard Schnell. Dieter Roth. Henrich Horner. John Bartman. Isac Hofman. George Schittler. John Weiss. John Bartman. Lewis Schittler. David Schoener. Joseph Reifschneider. Benjamin Kalb. Henrich Bickel. James Gilbert. Solomon Miller. Solomon Bartman. George Burkert. Amos Kepner. Jonas Stadtler. Jacob Schoener. Ezra Roeller. David Kepner. Friederich Albrecht. George Sensendorfer. Henry Gilbert. Isaac Schoener. Daniel Daub. Joseph Boyer. George Miller. Friederick Yorgy. Peter Fillman. Ruben Steinruck. John Dress. Henry Binder. Salome Erb. Sarah Voegle. Susanna Erb. Anna Kemmerer. Maria Linsenbiegler. Anna Gebhart. Rebecca Sensendorfer. Rebecca Febinger. Elisabeth Bickel. Maria Beiteman. Elisabeth Schnell. Salome Rahn. Elisabeth Horner. Catharina Albrecht. Sarah Setzler. Mariana Bickel. Catharina Sensendorfer. Sarah Emmerich. Sarah Schmidt. Catharina Schweinhart. Elisabeth Wittman. Sarah Voegle. Mary Gilbert. Confirmed A. D. 1829. Maria Voegle. Sarah Yorger. Sarah Fucrs. Lidia Gilbert. Eliza Brendlinger. Carolina Fuchs. Wilhelmina Bickel. Mary Schoener. Sarah Bastress. Esther Stadtler. Mary Reifschneider. Susanna Fried. Susanna Schick. Maria Renninger. Rebecca Beitenmann. Charlotta Witmann. Sarah Gebhart. Rebecca Binder. A Record of those Confirmed. 555 Henry Renninger. Leonhart Schelling. James Scherry. William Stichter. Henry W. Beiteman. Henry Witman. Samuel Sensendorfer. John Beitenmann. Isaac Schoner. Jonas Schoner. Charles Hellbart. Judith Bickel. Catechumens who were Henry Yorgy. Jacob Fuchs. David Gilbert. Philip Royer. Rubin Herb. Jared Binder. Charles Gilbert. Jonas Fox. Tobias Reifschneider. Charles Erb. Charles Witmann. William Bickel. Abraham Hauberger. William Binder. James Maybury. James Sensendorfer. William Sensendorfer. George Drase. Henrietta Mattes. Hanna Voegley. Esther Schoner. Mary Yerger. Elisabeth Bickel. Anna Davidsauser. Catharina Reifschneider. Sarah Beitemann. Esther Schweinhart. Sarah Linsenbiegler. Sarah Egolf. Rebecca Neidig. Judith Fuchs. Marianna Schweinhart. Mary Bickel. Catharina Schwenk. Magdalena Bartmann. Catharina Gilbert. Catharina Horner. Rebecca Wiessner. Mary Phoebinger. Susan Voegley. Admitted to their First Communion on May 22, 1831. Fried. Aug. Bickel. Henry Herbst. Moses Binder. David Gilbert. Samuel Wiesner. Jonas Bartmann George Moser. Abner Royer. Charles Edelmann. Daniel Moyer. John Seipel. Rahel Gilbert. Hanna Krebs. Carolina Bitting. Mary Schoner. Sarah Schick. Matilda Hauberger. Susan Setzler. Mary Schweinhart. Sarah Honnetter. Mary Frey. Sophia Ziegler. Mary Stofflet. Catharine Drase. Christina Bartmann. Mary Setzler. Hanna Use. Rebecca Schmoll. 556 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Mary Erb. Sarah Schoner. Mary Yerger. Mary Fried. Samuel Linsenbiegler. Amos Gilbert. Jonas Erb. Nathan Gilbert. Jonas Reichert. Samuel Schnell. Joseph Seipel. Amos Binder. Rubin Fried. Daniel Moser. George Lachman. Charles Binder. John Renninger. Jacob Fuchs. Samuel Schmidt. Henry Gebhart. Jacob Egolf. Aaron Fried. Isaac Bickel. Jeremias Bickel. Jacob Stichter. Henry Bickel. Solomon Kurz. Charles Febbinger. John Badman. John Bastress. Daniel Bastress. John Fink. Jesaias Miller. Jacob Lachmann. John Ierger. Peter Fuchs. Jacob Decker. Peter Schmoll. Isaac Staedtler. Aaron Schmidt. Catharine Lachmann. Margareth Hallmann. Mrs. Mary Doring. Mrs. Catharine Baumann. Catechumens in 1833. Friedericka Kurz. Levina Erb. Matilda Ioerger. Margaretha Binder. Sophia Freyer. Mary Davidheiser. Rosina Miller. Rebecca Albrecht. Sophia Hauberger. Sarah Staedtler. Hanna Kepler. Mary Keiler. Mary Margaretha Honnetter. Margareth Honnetter. Sarah Foegley. Lea Schweinhart. Hanna Daub. Catharine Weiand. Mary Buchert. Elisabeth Stofflet. Lea Erb. Sophia Erb. Sophia Renninger. Mary Ann Renninger. Eliza Weshcoh. Charlotte Gilbert. Rahel Albrecht. Confirmed A. D. 1835. Rebecca Iorgy. Catharine Netz. Esther Kurz. Sarah Kepner. Sarah Binder. Carolina Buchert. Maria Iorgy. Fredericka Albrecht. A Record of those Confirmed. 557 John Egolf. Isaac Netz. Solomon Erb. Solomon Stadtler. Peter Keiler. Herrmann Stofflet. Jacob Bickel. William Schmidt. Samuel Bickel. Jacob Underkowler. John Schnell. Daniel Beitemann. John Schick. John Fuchs. Rubin Drase. Gideon Drase. Ruben Schvvenk. Ruben Renninger. Jesse Edelmann. Jacob Binder. Josua Ierger. Jacob Oberholzer. John Rover. Gottlieb Bardman. Levy Bickel. Henry Stichter. Isaac Kurz. Friederick Gilbert. Adam Wartman. John Sensendorfer. John Decker. Anna Maria Griesemer. Sophia Brendlinger. Rebecca Fagley. Maria Gilbert. Maria Honnetter. Rebecca Gaukler. Esther Davidsheiser. Paris Moore and his wife Sarah. Two colored persons. Fredericka Binder. Louisianna Erb. Sarah Weiand. Sarah Hauberger. Esther Ierger. Elisabeth Fried. Harriet Schoner. Nancy Fullmann. Catharine Staedtler. Chariot Kurz. Catharine Fullmann. Matilda Schuler. Mary Gilbert. Susan Renninger. Sarah Renninger. Sarah Gebhart. Mary Ann Fogley. Judith Fogley. Hanna Royer. Levina Moser. Arnetia Bitting. Emma Orrmann. Magdalena Schweinhart. Matilda Wartmann. Sarah Iorger. Mrs. Rufina Edelman. John Schoener. David Schmidt. Abraham Ierger. Abraham Drace. Aaron Fuchs. Henry Erb. George Schnell. Friederick Foegly. Confirmed May 14, 1837. Jacob Bardmann. George Schweinhart. Jesaias Schoener. Sarah Ann Miller. Sophia Gilbert. Sarah Drase. Maria Decker. Angelina Bidding. 558 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Jesaias Renninger. William Binder. Nathan Drase. Abraham Baumann. Thomas Stichter. Rubin Specht. Rubin Binder. Friederich Schmidt. Wilhelm Egolt. Joseph Lachmann. Henry Stofflet. Daniel Hartmann. Daniel Schneider. Josua Bidding. Daniel Bickel. Josiah Bickel. Catechumens who Jesaias Bickel. William Gilbert. Peter Brendlinger. Thomas Hauberger. John Fuchs. Henry Kepler. Jacob Binder. John Erb. David Leister. Samuel Honetter. Henry Decker. Ephraim Albrecht. Samuel Binder. Conrad Sehler. John R. Schmidt. Elias Fagley. Solomon Gilbert. Rudolph Stettler. David Ierger. Daniel Bickel. Henry Herpel. William Wiesner. Noah Leister. John Lachman. Jacob Schneider. Sarah Ann Decker. Sarah Erb. Margareth Kepler. Catharine Staedtler. Catharine Meyer. Susan Renninger. Lidia Meyer. Johanna Rose. Sarah Bickel. Harriet Heiser. Christina Renninger. Sarah Binder. Lidia Schoner. Esther Schmoll. Mrs. Magdalena Henry. Mrs. Esther Hartman. were Confirmed on May ii, 1839. Henry Schoner. John Wartman. John Bartolet. James Robert Keeler. Daniel Baumann. Harriet Weis. Sarah Stettler. Maria Miller. Sophia Markly. Maria Netz. Rebecca Erb Charlott Kurz. Levina Underkoweler. Maria Schnell. Maria Hartenstein. Hanna Frehn. Elisabeth Stettler. Julian Schoner. Sarah Schmidt. Catharine Schmidt. Maria Gilbert. Hanna Fagly. Christina Royer. Esther Stofflet. Sarah Rhoads. A Record of those Confirmed. 559 Adam Sehler. George Keiler. Isaac Staedtler. Henry Staedtler. Jacob Hoffmann. Samuel Ierger. Elias Brendlinger. William Badmann. Andreas Gebhart. Adam Wenzel. John Rose. Thomas Edelmann. Ernst Knapp. Friederich A. Gilbert. Richard Gilbert. Ephraim Keeler. Hiram Royer. Frederick Stichter. William Royer. Jesse Bickel. Jacob Fuchs. August Renninger. Henry Schweinhart. William Renninger. Jacob Royer. Malon Moyer. Esther Binder. Maria M. Protzman. Catharina Binder. Confirmed in 1843. Elisabeth Brauer. Anna Hauberger. Anna Hatfield. Anna Barber. Sophia Drase. Elisabeth Moyer. Mary Fogley. Sarah Miller. Sarah A. Kurz. Catharine Royer. Eliza Fagley. Susan Renninger. Catharine Kepner Mary Ann Staedtler. Esther Drase. Julian Schmidt. Carolina Schmidt. Catharine Schoner. Mary A. Keeler. Elisabeth Keiler. Margareth Seiler. Esther Wittmann. Sarah Wartmann. Mary Wartmann. Hermina Bickel. Catechumens who Aaron Ierger. George Decker. Elias Bickel. John Kurz. Franklin G. Fagley. Noah Fagley. Frederick Ierger. Frederick Mertz. Conrad Schnell. August Markley. Josua Beitemann. were Confirmed on May 3, 1845. Maria Brendlinger. Elisabeth Keeler. Levina Bickel. Maria Erb. Hetty Bickel. Rebecca Schmidt. Elisabeth Erb. Catharine Bickel. Hetty Gilbert. Lidia Gilbert. Hanna Shotter. 560 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Jesaias Egolf. Sarah Lachmann. Henry Wartmann. Sophia Ierger. James Markley. Rosina Keiler. Harriett Dengler. Maria Egolf. Elisabeth Dengler. Lidia Grohty. Caroline Beitemann. Hetty Gilbert. Susanna Wartmann. Mrs. Elisabeth Fagley. Sarah Binder. Mrs. Hanna Seiler. Levina Erb. Mrs. Anna Wartman. Harriet Bickel. Catechumens who were Confirmed on May 15, 1847, and Received their First Communion on May 16. Benjamin Binder. Mary Schneider. Jeremias Romig. Louisa Brendlinger. John Keiler. Barbara Keiler. Francis Werner. Dorothea Merz. Samuel Kepner. Mary Ierger. William Hatfield. Eliza Miller. Jesse Ierger. Mary Decker. Jonathan Weis. Hetty Erb. Levinus Roth. Chariot Keeler. Simon Keiser. Mary A. Stichter. Rubin Ierger. Mary A. Schoener. Samuel Roth. Levina Stofflet. William Buchert. Anna Bitting. Franklin Bickel. Angelina Bitting. Richard Markly. Cath. Wartman. Jesse Gilbert. Rebecca Wartman. Josua Bickel. Elisabeth Fagley. Jeremiah Royer. Chariot Binder. Jacob Bickel. Susan Binder. Benjamin F. Schweinhart. Mrs. Elisabeth Brey. Catechumens who were Confirmed on May ii, 1849, and Admitted to Holy Communion on May 12. Israel Erb. Sarah Ann Brendlinger. Henry Keeler. Fyetta Erb. Isaac Bickel. Sarah Ann Reifschneider. Solomon Yerger. Catharine Schwarz. Jacob Weis. Maria Schwarz. Joel Witmann. Maria Schoener. A Record of those Confirmed. 56i Henry Gilbert. Franklin Staedtler. Henry F. Achy. William Binder. Louisa Schaeffer. Catharine Kepner. Lidia Yerger. Anna Binder. Amanda Brendlinger. Cassy Gilbert. Cassy Binder. Lidy Yerger. Angelina Yerger. Anna Schoener. Lidy Roth. Mrs. Catharine Palsgraf. Mrs. Martha Bickel. Confirmed on May 24, Milton Bickel. Daniel Kepner. Henry Miller. Jacob Hoffman. Henry Kepner. Henry Gilbert. Elias Gilbert. Jacob Erb. Solomon Erb. Jacob Ochsenford. John Bitting. Henry Staedtler. John Roth. William Brendlinger. Samuel Linsenbigler. John Reifschneider. Frank Buchert. Rubin Edelmann. John Bartmann. Benneville Hoffmann. John Fagley. 1851, and Received Holy Communion on May 25. Henry Bardmann. Adam Motz. Friederich Lachmann. Tiny Minker. Sophia Romig. Sarah Stadtler. Maria Hoffmann. Maria Schweinhart. Henrietta Hatfield. Louisa Hatfield. Carolina Davidheiser. Rebecca Davidheiser. Sarah Schaefer. Hariet Gilbert. Mary Ann Schmidt. Catharine Schmierer. Carolina Steyer. Rebecca Yerger. Elisabeth Stofflet. Susanna Markley. Sarah Schoener. Jacob Henry Scheetz. Jacob Hottenstein. Tobias Schmierer. Nathaniel Fogeley. Franklin Conrad Brendlinger. Milton Henry Bickel. Augustus Edward Kurtz. Philip Schneider. Confirmed May 21, 1853. Amanda Mary Bickel. Mary Ann Binder. Elisabeth Ann Fageley. Henrietta Poh. Caroline Bitting. Mary Ann Pannebecker. Wilmina Trexler. Sarah Heller. 562 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. John Schoener. Willibi Poh. Frederick Weis. Emiline Christina Hauberger. Susan Erb. Catharine Hottenstein. Sarah Ann Gottschall. Charlotte Kepner. Angeline Aldinger. Harriet Bickel. William Schmierer. John Schmierer. Jacob Stettler. Jacob Gilbert. Jacob Zern. Jacob Knapp. Henry Hatfield. Milton Brendlinger. Ephraim Fillmann. Richard Schnell. Jonas Krause. Stephen Markley. John Fegley. John Bickel. Josiah Davidsheiser. Peter Yerger. Irwin Brendlinger. Milton Hatfield. Mary Hauberger. Confirmed in 1855. Emma Brendlinger. Amelia Roeller. Elisabeth Gilbert. Mary Ellen F. Binder. Catharine Kepner. Lydia Matilda Kepner. Mary Sophia Kepner. Charlotte Erb. Maria Yerger. Christina Kepner. Mary Stettler. Sophia Poh. Susanna Miller. Sarah Krause. Esther Fegely. Rebecca Yerger. Sarah Schultz. Catharine Scheetz. Henrietta Iaeger. Confirmed May John George Knapp. Horatio S. Bickel. Daniel G. Bickel. Lawrence W. Kepner. Aaron G. Krause. Banjamin Markley, Jr. Eli F. Binder. William K. Kepner. Peter Hottenstein. Harrison Bickel. Urias Bickel. Joshua Brendlinger. David Erb, Jr. 30, 1857 — Pentecost. Henry Yerger. Jesse Schneider. Elisabeth Mentenaul. Sophia Y. Binder. Sarah L. Hatfield. Amanda F. Favinger. Susan B. Fegeley. Elisabeth Markley. Emmaline F. Stettler. Emma Kepner. Esther Edelman. Amanda Bickel. A Record of those Confirmed. 563 The Following Persons After Due Instruction were Confirmed on Palm Sunday, April 14, 1867. Daniel Wilson Faegley. Filmore B. Acker. William H. Yerger. John H. Umstead. Moses Deuveiler. Abraham H. Updegrove. George Hartenstein. Ephraim K. Snell. Geo. Wash. K. Buchert. Orlando K. Buchert. John Schaeffer. Charles Y. Renninger. Albert H. Drehs. Jacob F. B. Bickel. Edward Wartman. John Botts. Henry Ritter. Maggie E. Bickel. Mary Emma Bickel. Sarah Jane Apple. Harriet Clara Bickel. Lizzie G. Markley. Sarah Binder. Malinda Binder. Sarah Elisabeth Wartman. Emma Umstead. Elmira Lightcap. Fyette Mabry. Hannah Eliza Knipe. Rachel Amanda Knipe. Hannah E. Roos. Amanda Roos. Sarah Faegley. Malinda E. Smith. Mary Ann Reifschneider. Rebecca Boyer. Mary Ann Kase. Sarah M. Favinger. Rebecca S. R. Rhoads. Mary Ann Schoedler. Mrs. John Bidding. Mrs. Matilda Honnetter. Rosa Elisabeth Brendlinger. Malara M. Favinger. Confirmed Milton Smith. Isaac Bidding. Amos H. Ebert. Henry S. Hardenstine. Michael Stofflet. Lewis Cass Apple. Nathaniel Bickel. Wm. S. Ackerman. Milton B. Moyer. Daniel B. Moyer. Augustus Y. Renninger. Josiah G. Yerger. Daniel M. Yerger. Milton Yerger. John L. Kiler. Thomas H. Smith. April 24, 1869. Emma D. Smith. Emma B. Nester. Lizzie Hardenstine. Catharine H. Saylor. Georgianna Brendlinger. Annie Bickel. Maria Louisa Gilbert. Henrietta Snell. Mary C. Snell. Emma Bidding. Louisa Yerger. Mary Amanda Gramer. Emma Binder. Mary Ann Koch. Mary Yerger. Hanna Elmira Roeller. 5^4 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Daniel S. Harpel. George B. Poh. William Faegley. Sarah G. Yerger. Malinda W. Koch. Louisa R. Binder. Hannah Reinert. Confirmed Samuel Bertolet. West Patterson. James F. S. Mabry. Aaron K. Mabry. Abraham B. Markley. Adam Fred. Saylor. Isaac Michael Yerger. Hiram Koch. David Wise. Harry Gross. Jacob Kepner. Solomon Stoudt. Daniel Webster Binder. Hiram B. Wise. John Yerger. Jacob D. Faegley. Samuel S. Mayberry. Elam Ackerman. Stephen Merkle Binder. Clayton K. Drumheller. Jeremiah G. Rhoads. Webster W. Koch. Aaron Schneider. Henry G. Markley. John G. Markley. John B. Faegley. Franklin Yerger. Sylvester L. Boyer. Wm. H. Saylor. Jacob M. Yerger. Daniel G. Rhoads. Henry Roos. Oscar D. Livengood. Mary Ann Rhoads. Amanda G. Kepner. Amanda Y. Renninger. Elisabeth Poh. Sallie Ann Shueck. Mary Ann Shueck. on Good Friday, April 7, 1871. Henry Jonathan M. Yerger. Mary Amanda Stouffer. Anna Jane Stouffer. Sarah Snell. Elisabeth A. Snell. Anna Miranda Livengood. Lydia Ann Adams. Mary M. Buchert. Louisa Roos. Harriet Honnetter. Malinda G. Kepner. Kate S. Erb. Esther Ann Drehs. Hannah Poh. Mrs. Sarah Swinehard. Confirmed in 1873. Henry Betz. John G. Yerger. Reuben W. Moyer. Henry E. Guntz. Milton S. Hardenstine. Albert B. Erb. Franklin Rhoads. Reuben F. Moyer. Sallie M. Derweiler. Hannah Honnetter. Sarah Henrietta Moyer. Maria Elisabeth Moyer. Katie Faegley. Hettie B. Nester. Clara S. Harpel. Sallie S. Kase. Malara S. Kase. A Record of those Confirmed. 565 The Following Persons William A. Roeller. Orlando Binder. George W. Schnell. Edwin J. Zoller. Theodore W. Koch. John B. Reinert. Samuel M. Yerger. Mathias R. Wiesner. Harrison C. Y. Renninger. Albert F. Fox. Jonathan W. G. Kepner. George Oliver Romig. Horace B. Faegley. John G. Guntz. Irwin Buchert. Wm. Henry G. Kepner. were Confirmed on April 3, John S. Roos. Francis B. Nester. Jefferson G. Yerger. Sallie A. Schnell. Mary B. Erb. Elmira Aquilla Ritter. Rosa Emma G. Kepner. Louisa Kramer. Ida Geist. Malinda H. Snell. Martha K. Mayberry. Elmira G. Kepner. Elmira Faegley. Sevilla B. Bickel. Mary C. Binder. Mrs. Elisabeth Herman. 1875. The Following Persons were Confirmed on Good Friday, April iz, 1879. Milton Irwin M. Yerger. Jacob R. Rosenberry. Wm. Homer Bertolet. Calvin Luther Brendlinger. Irwin S. Schnell. Elmer E. Saylor. Harvey E. H. Royer. Wm. J. Ritter. James J. Hatfield. Monroe C. Kepner. Irwin B. Grubb. James Gilbert. Ambrose S. Ackerman. Henry Y. Keck. George W. K. Drumheller. Hiram Heydolph. John S. Stettler. Cyrus H. Hatfield. Howard B. Detweiler. William Houck. Michael Kerr. Benjamin B. Nester. Henry Franklin Romig. Franklin Roos. Henry S. Shaner. Ephraim Moser. Amandus G. Yerger. Julius R. Langner. Francis B. Faegley. Jonathan W. Bitting. Milton Bitting. Mrs. Eliza Smith. Sarah A. Binder. Hannah C. Decker. Mary Guntz. Lucy Ann Rhoads. Amanda G. Yerger. Sevilla K. Freyer. Rosa Ann Weiss. Ida Theresa Renninger. Lovina Wade. Tamar Weidner. Mary Ann G. Markley. Caroline Livengood. Laura Beideman. Emma Bickel. Mrs. Elisabeth Bitting. 37 566 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Nathan A. Yerger. Alfred E. Renninger. Silas S. Harpel. Daniel S. Shaner. Adolph Oscar Langner. Elmer J. Gresh. Harrison Gresh. Ellsworth D. Yerger. Thos. Seymour Hatfield. Lewis B. Weiss. John Franklin Yerger. John Solomon Cassel. Jacob A. Smith. Mahlon Charles Brendlinger. Frank B. Nester. Ida B. Faegley. Confirmed April 23, 1881. Annie A. Gresh. Fayetta Y. Shueck. Adeline Y. Shueck. Sarah Ann Keck. Mary Amanda Kerr. Esther B. Faegley. Esther Jane Stettler. Emma Rebecca Beiteman. Sallie R. Heffner. Katie Ann Moyer. Sarah Andora Livengood. Elmira Louisa Yerger. Ida Minerva Rhoads. Mary Elisabeth Roemer. Sarah Elisabeth Hatfield. Milton S. Shaner. Mahlon B. Weiss. Cornelius M. Moser. Jacob Milton Brendlinger Orlando J. Bickel. George B. Erb. Charles G. Middleton. Ulysses G. Bertolet. Henry W. Gilbert. George S. Decker. Jonathan G. Rhoads. John B. Nester. Daniel B. Faegley. Wm. J. Roos. Elias F. Langner. Irwin P. Bickel. John H. Bickel. Confirmed on April 21, 1883. Clarissa Kerr. Mary Louisa Renninger. Lizzie Guntz. Sophia Homoyer. Emeline Eschbach. Catharine Henrietta Roemer. Kate H. Trout. Ellen E. Renninger. Kate R. Sassaman. Amanda Beiteman. Mary Emma Kepner. Sarah Emma D. Rhoads. Emma Florence Umstead. Annie Livengood. Anna M. Schadler. Emma E. Yerger. Mrs. Cecelia Johenning. David Y. Keck. Charles E. Roos. Wm. H. Heffner. Irwin H. Rhoads. Amandus S. Shaner. Calvin H. Rhoads. Confirmed April 19, 1885. Annie M. Yerger. Katie E. Gilbert. Elmira R. Rhoads. Emma B. Erb. Leanna Y. Shueck. Susan M. Decker. A Record of those Confirmed. 567 Orlando B. Hatfield. Marcellus A. Johenning. Benj. F. Bickel. Wm. M. Roemer. Eli B. Moyer. David Nester. Annie M. Walter. Lydia M. Updegrove. Mary Ann Schaeffer. Lizzie B. Faegley. Susan May Smith. Emma Y. Keck. Kate E. Renninger. Morris L. Brendlinger. Warren B. Hatfield. Harry E. Kurtz. Harry A. Nester. Charles E. Renninger. William J. Bickel. Irwin Batz. Isaac C. Rosenberry. John H. Schaeffer. David D. Livengood. William W. Keck. John B. Stoudt. Isaac B. Stoudt. Harry O. Kase. Monroe Sell. John S. Decker. William C. Snell. Nathaniel N. Moyer. John S. Brunst. George W. McShane. Abraham IT. Umstead. Irwin Henry S. Harpel Henry B. Yerger. John G. Schaeffer. Harrison Swinehard. William K. Schaeffer. John B. Fry. George M. Bernhart. Sallie A. Yerger. Edwin Smith. John G. Reifsnyder. Confirmed April 16, 1887. Elias F. Knipe. Willis B. Stauffer. Sallie M. Gilbert. Clara E. Bickel. Rosa O. Guntz. Mary W. Homoyer. Ida S. Rhoads. Katie K. Mayberry. Cora S. Walters. Lizzie S. Decker. Olivia B. Becker. Ida W. Batz. Rosa L. Ramer. Mary S. Langner. Lizzie H. Patterson. Ella O. Freyer. Kate E. Heffner. Confirmed April 19, 1889. Sallie E. Renninger. Annie H. Hatfield. Sallie Elisabeth Yerger. Susanna Yerger. Emma O. Roos. Kate M. Roos. Mary A. Hatfield. Sarah E. Yerger. Annie B. Erb. Katie U. Umstead. Confirmed April 18, 1891. Ida Sevilla Hunsberger. Hettie O. Guntz. 568 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Harry G. Reifsnyder. Commodore Yoder. John Wetallas Renninger. Charles M. Rhoads. U. Grant Walters. William I. Hunsberger. Charles L. Heffner. John L. Heffner. Ulysses G. Schaeffer. Thomas F. Kase. John M. Seasholtz. Henry F. Roemer. Harvey A. Bickel. John Y. Beiteman. Isaac B. Sell. Harry F. Smith. William C. Nester. Frederick Miller. George W. Knause. Austin S. Knipe. Amandus F. Hittle. Harry F. Becker. Alice P. Hoffman. Sarah Ann Hoffman. Kate S. Kepler. Isabella R. Kepler. Annie Jane Buchert. Sarah E. Buchert. Kate U. Hauck. Emma L. Schaeffer. Annie L. Yerger. Annie K. Trumbauer. Lillian K. Trumbauer. Hannah M. Bertolet. Octavia D. Livengood. Alice D. Livengood. Allnetta Moyer. Jane F. Smith. Katie F. Smith. Maria Yerger. Lila A. Buchert. Sallie S. Schweinhart. Rachel Emily Knipe. Sallie E. Kurtz. Hanna A. Bitting. Mary Agnes Becker. Annie M. Knause. Amanda E. Hittle. Annie S. Hoffman. Rosa S. Langner. Sophia Alice Rhoads. Ella B. Schaeffer (in 1892). Frank P. Hunsberger. Orlando S. Yerger. Wayne Miller. Solomon E. Renninger. John F. Smith. George H. Davidheiser. Jacob Smith. Harry D. Steltz. John F. Kelius. William P. N. Kelius. James A. Gerhart. Warren S. Hoffman. James M. Kepner. Abraham Updegrove. H. Freeman Beiteman. Confirmed March 31, 1893. John U. Hauck. Hattie A. Zollers. Cora Alice Yerger. Esther B. Seasholtz. Lydia Ann Buchert. Sallie C. Bertolet. Cora Y. Keck. Maggie K. Edelman. Annie F. Smith. Lovina E. Yerger. Sallie Esther Yerger. Lillie S. Schweinhart. Sallie Y. Beiteman. Alice E. Kurtz. Ida May Roemer. A Record of those Confirmed. 569 Harry L. Yerger. Howard Norman Underkoffler. Ellen A. Gross. Louisa Christman. Irwin E. Herner. John H. Herner. Clinton G. Buchert. Owen A. Schaeffer. Henry U. Harpel. Ambrose A. Harpel. Henry L. Stettler. Daniel M. Stettler. Isaac E. Stettler. Jacob Leon Knipe. Oscar F. Nester. Jacob H. Moyer. Charles A. Davidheiser Harvey H. Rhoads. Confirmed April 12, 1895. William W. Renninger. Charles D. Livengood. Robert B. Patterson. Horace Ludy. Wm. Jacob Beysher. Emma S. Hoffman. Ida M. Hoffman. Katie B. Renninger. Annie L. Renninger. Emma M. Roemer. Rosa F. Smith. Mary J. Patterson. Lizzie Bitting. Amanda L. Updegrove. William B. Romig. Warren F. Smith. Frank H. Ertman. Howard B. Yerger. John R. Ackerman. Elam R. Ackerman. Daniel C. Hunsberger. Jesiah B. Buchert. Isaiah U. Hauck. Jacob Norman Harpel. Absalom H. Christman. Samuel H. Christman. Calvin M. Seasholtz. Clement M. Seasholtz. Emil C. Kelius. William R. Badman. Confirmed April 10, 1897. Orlando Brauss. Sarah Emma Gerhart. Maggie M. Dry. Mary L. Moyer. Sarah A. Steltz. Alice M. Renninger. Carrie O. Renninger. Sallie S. Buchert. Lizzie M. Yerger. Emma M. Smith. Ida A. Kurtz. Annie M. Kepler. Lottie D. Nester. Addie M. Yerger. Mary Umstead (June 31] Frank O. Rhoads. Harry E. Rhoads. John Irwin Buchert. Edward E. Lenhart. Confirmed Apriil 8, 1899. Mary P. Hoffman. Lizzie B. Knipe. Katie M. Knipe. Annie L. Smith. 57o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. William G. Saylor. Maurice E. Nester. Charles F. Moyer. Clayton H. Drumheller. Clarence K. Livengood. Daniel W. Grubb. Alfred Y. Davidheiser. Levi Y. Davidheiser. Peter B. Yerger. Harry A. Renninger. Allen S. Schweinhart. Clinton R. Grim. Henry W. Tolles. Horace Shollenberger. David G. Reifsnyder. David P. Badman. Ellen O. Saylor. John P. Gabel. Harry Hunsberger. George L. Nester. Harry W. Gaugler. Henry S. Ackerman. William W. Renninger. Lucian H. Hollenbush. Rolandus H. Hollenbush. Clayton M. Reinert. Alexander B. Buchert. Elmer E. Saylor. George W. Grubb. Lewis P. Seasholtz. Harvey T. Moyer. Gertrude Moyer. Katie Nester. Lillie M. Yerger. Lillie E. Lenhart. Katie Alberta Livengood. Ella M. Becker. Floranda M. Drumheller. Daisy M. Nester. Delia Irene Rhoads. Annie Weiss. Katie F. Ackerman. Ellen L. Koch. Sallie Lydia Bitting. Eva B. Romig. Gertrude S. Moyer. Mamie M. Smith. Confirmed April 5, 1901. Jacob Updegrove. Charles E. Grubb. Elmeda H. Grubb. Annie C. Bradford. Ella T. Jacobs. Katharine T. Jacobs. Maggie B. Renninger. Sarah A. Yerger. Etha S. Saylor. Katie Stella Harpel. Mary Annie Buchert. Bertha Nester. Mary L. Reinert. Annie L. Neiman. Confirmed March 25, 1902. Abraham Umstead. Preston Alvin Yerger. William S. Moyer. Oliver Wilson Romig. Hiram Edwin Steltz. Confirmed March 29, 1903. Calvin G. Gebhart. William Gebhart. Charles R. Eidle. Thomas Lloyd Nester. A Record of those Confirmed. 57i Milton Isaac Dierolf. Frank Andrew Dierolf. Maurice Y. Brendlinger. John Ammon Buchert. Hezekiah B. Buchert. Irwin Norman Grubb. Grover Daniel Hollenbush. Alvin Burnside Harpel. Abraham U. Gaugler. Augustus Y. Haas. Frederick Y. Haas. Charles Arthur Koch. C. Brewster Moyer. Oswin Milton Boyer. Noah G. Fagley. Mark Montgomery Updegrove. Oliver Weiss. Eva Matilda Roos. Flora M. Seasholtz. Mabel Hannah Zollers. Julian Marcella Harpel. Florence L. Moyer. Ella Amanda Reinert. Kate Bertha Yerger. Rosa L. Buchert. Georgianna M. Favinger. Mrs. Kate S. Harpel. Cyrus M. Yerger. Walter R. Snell. Elmer E. DeKalb. N. Ammi Harpel. Augustus B. Renninger. William Reinert. Daniel Guy Reinert. Raymond Schrader. Eden E. Erb. Golden E. Dilleplane. Willoughby Gaugler. Clayton Gaugler. Henry A. Reppert. Confirmed April i, 1905. Warren Gebhart. Jacob S. Stauffer. Milton Gebhart. Ella H. Nester. Mary Emma Saylor. Sarah Gertrude Ackerman. Mary Alice Ackerman. Ida Gebhart. Mamie E. Gebhart. Gertrude Maute. Mrs. Kate Reppert. Mrs. Mary A. Gebhart. Confirmed March 29, 1907. Collins Kepler. John S. Nester. Robert P. Huston. John W. Reinert. Ralph H. Reinert. John Wesley Nester. L. Marvin Moyer. Henry J. Strunk. James M. Brendlinger. Elwood Shaner. Harry Sell. Elsie May Renninger. Mabel M. Hoffman. Esther Brendlinger. Eva Stettler. Octavia Harpel. Emma Maute. Sevilla Renninger. Mabel Nester. Sal lie Moyer. Irene Grubb. Mabel Erb. 572 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. J. Lee Yerger. Harvey E. Neiman. Allen Schoenly. Lyman Schoenly. Charles Romig. John Decker. Harry Lightcap. William Stoudt. Jacob D. Rosenberry, on March 2, 1908. Ida Strunk. Cora S. Koch. Amy Gaugler. Stella Rosenberry. Alice Nester. Johanna Saylor. Emma Grebe. Mrs. Kate Gebhart. Ella M. Yerger. RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Abendson, Samuel Phoebe Dalern Feb. 12, 1776. Achy, Charles Lidia Fuchs Mar. 28, 1830. Achy, Henry Maria Schoener Mar. 6, 1851. Achy, William Elisabeth Freyer Oct. 21, 1850. Acker, Daniel Maria Schonely Nov. 27, 1836. Acker, Johann Christian Elizabeth Fuchs April 25, 1769. Acker, Peter Elizabeth Bickel Jan. 3, 1808. Ackerknecht, Theodore Sally Ann Dreher Jan. 18, 1857. Ackerman, Elam S Amanda Roos July 19, 1877. Ackerman, Ephraim S Hannah E. Frey Oct. 26, 1878. Ackerman, John Appilonia Staufer Dec. 17, 1843. Ackerman, John R Kate S. Kepler Feb. 2, 1901. Adam, Michael Elisabeth Kiehler Oct. 8, 1824. Adams, Henrich Anna Maria Kurz Dec. 24, 1812. Adams, William H. B Clara Lucinda Christman. . . Oct. 29, 1892. Albrecht, Henry Susanna Mayer Dec. 5, 1830. Albrecht, Henry Henrietta Miller Sept. 4, 1836. Albrecht, Henry Catharine Weidner Dec. 31, 1843. Albrecht, Henry Lucinda Becker Jan. 7, 1844. Albrecht, Jacob Sarah Lewer April 28, 1839. Albrecht, John Sarah Hatfield Sept. 22, 1844. Albrecht, Michael Susanna Kurz Dec. 14, 1805. Albrecht, Michael Elisabeth Gorger Aug. 1, 1769. Albrecht, Tobias Catharine Gilbert Oct. 12, 1800. Albright, Henry Mary C. Snell Oct. 22, 1874. Albright, John B Emma Kolb May 7, 1870. Allebach Magdalena Langenbach .... Dec. 30, 1800. Allenbach, Henrich Sarah Schoener Nov. 31, 1823. Altendorfer, Michael Anna Maria Schweinhardt. . May 20, 1783. Anderson, Abraham Fronica Wald Sept. n, 1842. Anderson, James Catharine Christman Feb. 5, 1854. Anderson, Jeremiah Catharine Muthhart Feb. 15, 1857. Andy, Jacob Eve Schwabely Mar. 4, 1818. Anstein, Johan Jiirg Catharina Burger Oct. 8, 1753. Armbriister, Peter Margaretha Gilbert Jan. 7, 1777. Arms, Jacob Mrs. Susanna Weinland Oct. n, 1807. Arnd, Johann George Magdalena Wenger Oct. 5, 1775. 573 574 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Ashenfelder, Thomas Anna Hennrichs Feb. 12, 1769. Aumann, Amos Harriet Deheart Nov. 15, 1842. Badmann, David Mrs. Sarah Scott Feb. 12, 1832. Badman, Henry Maria Schneider May 22, 1852. Badman, John Catharine Bolich June 12, 1836. Badman, Joseph Catharine M. Erb Oct. 9, 1821. Badman, Thomas Mary Reese Aug. 14, 1842. Badman, William Maria Christman Nov. 3, 1850. Baer, David Sarah Riegner Feb. 25, 1844. Baer, Isaac Hetty Reitnauer July 11, 1852. Baer, Jacob Catharine Bliem Feb. 2, 1843. Baer, John Anna Muthhart Oct. 2, 1836. Baer, Josua Elizabeth Schoener Nov. 16, 1851. Baer, Samuel Sarah Clauser Oct. 6, 1833. Baiteman, Friederich Maria Reichert Jan. 1, 1779. Balde, Johannes Catharine Marstaller J>me 21, 1770. Baltner, Philip Sibilla Wolst Oct. 25, 1763. Bar, Fridirig Elisabeth Gilbert Jan. 29, 1765. Bar, Jacob Catharine Gross April 6, 1817. Bar, John Catharine Bechtel July 5, 1807. Bar, Peter Elisabeth Beidemann Nov. 10, 1772. Bard, Johan Georg Catharine Glantz Nov. 25, 1764. Bardman, James Maria Schonley Jan. 27, 1833. Bardman, James Judith Fuchs Nov. 20, 1836. Bardman, James Mrs. Lidia Keely July 4, 1841. Bardman, Jacob Sarah Johnson Nov. 2, 1845. Bardman, Solomon Sarah Horner Oct. 9, 1836. Barlow, Abner Rachel Yost Feb. 1, 1821. Barlow, Joel Susann Hollenbach Dec. 26, 1822. Barrall, Jacob Margaretha Eckbret Oct. 29, 1795. Bartman, Daniel Maria Moyer Dec. 21, 1821. Bartman, Henrich Marg. Riess Sept. 27, 1821. Bartman, Henry Priscilla Johnson Oct. 13, i860. Bartman, Jonas Esther Schmoll Jan. 7, 1844. Bartman, William Mary R. Hunsicker Nov. 21, 1863. Bartolet, Abraham P Anna Gilbert Dec. 19, 1847. Bartolet, John Nancy Fillman Nov. 19, 1837. Bartolet, Jonathan Elizabeth Yerger Nov. 21, 1844. Bartolet, Levy Henrietta Goolden Dec. 5, 1830. Bartolet, Malon Rebecca Roths Dec. 24, 1844. Bartolet, Zacharias Mary Ann Greiner Dec. 31, 1835. Basteres, Solomon Elizabeth Schlonecker Nov. 22, 1807. Basteres, Solomon Rachel Drochemiller April 6, 1830. Record of Marriages. 575 Batz, David Juliana More July 19, 1822. Batz, Daniel M Mary Y. Rhoads Jan. 25, 1868. Batz, Irwin W Hettie O. Guntz May 15, 1897. Batz, Johannes Elizabeth Kebner Mar. 7, 1769. Bauer, Amos Mathilda Gilbert April 19, 1840. Bauer, Henry Barbara Barlamann Oct. 6, 1839. Bauer, John Maria Berge Mar. 8, 1829. Bauer, Michael Regina Tiirr April 21, 1772. Bauer, Samuel Elizabeth Bickel Nov. 13, 1853. Bauerly, John Levina Nehs April 19, 1842. Bauersax, Valentine Barbara Schlonecker Dec. 27, 1764. Bauman, Daniel Catharine Wenzel May 18, 1828. Bauman, Henrich Magdalena Renninger Mar. 11, 1810. Bauman, Isaac Susanna Schirm Dec. 17, 1782. Baumann, Abraham Maria Stofflet Nov. 20, 1842. Baumann, Henrich Sarah Langenecker Feb. 19, 1815. Baumann, Henry Rebecca Dennis Nov. n, 1838. Baumann, Henry Angelina Ehms Oct. 8, 1850. Baumann, Henry Anna Grau Feb. 1, 1857. Baumann, Isaac Esther Hauk Feb. 6, 1842. Baumann, Jacob Elizabeth Richtstein July 1, 1810. Baumann, John Fronica Schumacher June 9, 1831. Baumann, Samuel Catharine Davidheiser Oct. 28, 1827. Baumann, Samuel Anna Maria Hatfield April 3, 1836. Baumann, William Sarah Herb Aug. 25, 1855. Bayer, Andrew Catharina Jacob May 22, 1808. Bayer, Charles Sarah Frehn Sept. 19, 1847. Bayer, George Sarah Eisenhauer Feb. 19, 1815. Bayer, Heinrich Salome Krebs Mar. 1, 1800. Bayer, Jacob Elisabeth Schmidt Dec. 24, 1799. Bayer, Johannes Elisabeth Specht April 17, 1750. Bayer, Johannes Catharina Derr Mar. 25, 1810. Bayer, Philip Rebecca Moser Oct. 24, 1830. Bayer, Rubin Elizabeth Dengler Mar. 27, 1842. Bean, William D Lizzie Missimer June 3, 1869. Bear, Henry Sarah Geiger Feb. 27, 1831. Bear, William Catharine Gerber April 13, 1820. Beck, Balthaser Heinrich. . . . Margaretha Wollfart Dec. 27, 1774. Beck, Hans Jiirg Catharine Schlagel Sept. 25, 1753. Beck, Heinrich Hanna Ludwig Sept. 20, 1S01. Beck, Wilhelm Christina Gottwald Nov. 16, 1773. Becker, Abraham Elis. Meyer Dec. 6, 1835. Becker, George Sarah Herb Aug. 9, 1846. 576 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Becker, Henry F Agnes Bechtel Dec. 28, 1895. Becker, James P Catharine Kolb Sept. 5, 1863. Becker, Johann Dietherich. . Widow Schlagel Oct. 31, 1745. Becker, Joseph Lydia Botts Jan. 27, 1871. Becker, Peter Elisabeth Kugler Mar. 8, 1772. Bechtel, Abraham Hetty Springer Oct. 10, 1847. Bechtel, Henry Anna Bechtel May 16, 1830. Bechtel, Isaac Rachel Taeusher Dec. 22, 1844. Bechtel, Isaac Sophia Reichert Jan. ii, 1851. Bechtel, Jacob Maria Hilbert April 18, 1841. Bechtel, John Eliza Bieber June 19, 1829. Bechtel, John Hanna Lesher Dec. 22, 1844. Bechtel, Josua Susanna Gabel July — , 1818. Bechtel, Josua Sarah Hartenstein Oct. 10, 1830. Bechtel, Levy Catharine Clever Oct. 21, 1850. Bechtel, Samuel Margaretha Colson Aug. 19, 1768. Behne, Samuel Amanda Schlichter June 7, 1851. Behner, Johannes Maria Barbara Meyer Aug. 30, 1748. Beideman, Adam Phronica Bender April 29, 1783. Beideman, Edwin Rebecca Hauk Oct. 21, 1838. Beideman, Francis Sarah Drey Oct. 23, 1836. Beiteman, Daniel Elizabeth Dengler Dec. 17, 1843. Beiteman, Daniel Maria Becker May 22, 1851. Beiteman, George Cath. Binder Nov. 9, 1823. Beiteman, Henry Susanna Hoerner July 12, 1807. Beiteman, Johann Georg Catharine Reiher Oct. 11, 1801. Beiteman, John Margaretha Hartranft Jan. 7, 1810. Beitenmann, Samuel Catharine Friederich Dec. 19, 1813. Bell, Larence Rebeke, Jocum Dec. 18, 1764. Beltz, Michael Cresenstz Belser July 14, 1867. Bender, Anton Catharine Lober Dec. 15, 1772. Bender, Stephen M Annie M. Raysor Jan. 29, 1885. Bender, William Elizabeth Horning Aug. 7, 1869. Benjamin, Henry B Sidonia Lou. Hellaman April 13, 1830. Benkus, Peter Elizabeth Kolb Mar. 30, 1800. Benner, Enos Anna Maria Markley Dec. 16, 1830. Benner, John Cath. Honetter July 29, 1821. Beuteman, Jiirg Frederick. .. Anna Margaretha Gilbert. .. Nov. 9, 1752. Berge, Abraham Mary Meyer Feb. 3, 1833. Berger, Jonas Magdalena Roth Mar. 22, 1818. Berlinger, Philipp Mary More Dec. 25, 1804. Bernd, Peter Christina Thomas April 18, 1821. Bernt, Andreas Lidia Bieber April 19, 1840. Record of Marriages. 577 Bernt, Jacob Catharine Sechler Nov. 29, 1807. Berninger, Philipp Anna Margaretha Schaefer. . Feb. 11, 1752. Berrit, Philip Elisabeth Kiihler Aug. 12, 1810. Berrit, Henrich Susanna Schweinhart Mar. 12, 1826. Berrit, Jacob Rachel Reifschneider Oct. 13, 1795. Bertolet, Abraham Hanna Staedler Mar. 4, 1827. Bertolet, David Anna Maria Klein Nov. n, 1827. Bertolet, John B Ida Theresa Renninger May 8, 1884. Bertolet, Rev. TJ. S. G Ida J. Blank Sept. 22, 1896. Bertolet, Wm. Homer Caroline Livengood Dec. 8, 1880. Bettman, Joseph Hanna Kalb April 28, 1801. Beyer, Henrich Maria Metz Jan. 26, 1796. Beyer, Isaac C Sarah Elisabeth Gross April 25, 1863. Beyer, Michael Margretha Elisabetha Wart- April 10, 1749. man. Beysher, Jonas Marg. Reed May 24, 1828. ckel, Benjamin Hetty Bitting Oct. 10, 1844. ckel, Daniel Elis. Brauer May 5, 1811. ckel, Daniel Esther Daub Dec. 19, 1826. ckel, Daniel Sarah Ann Roths Nov. 2, 1845. ckel, Daniel Lydia Yerger Mar. 24, i860. ckel, David Cath. A. Miller Dec. 25, 1836. ckel, Elias E Emma Renninger Mar. 27, 1869. ckel, Ephraim B Louisa Hartranft Jan. 27, 1859. ckel, George Lidia Gilbert Oct. 16, 1834. ckel, Harvey A Amanda S. Imbody Nov. 30, 1895. ckel, Heinrich Maria Vogely May 5, 1801. ckel, Henrich Margaret Zerr April 11, 1816. ckel, Irwin P Kate M. Kulp April 10, 1897. ckel, Isaac Elisabeth Schmid Oct. 15, 1843. ckel, Isaac Hanna Nester Sept. 16, 1854. ckel, Jacob Elizabeth Schidler May 7, 1776. ckel, Jacob Christiana Stadtler Mar. 27, 1796. ckel, Jacob Susanna Guldy May 21, 1820. ckel, Jacob Levina Underkoweler Jan. 14, 1840. ckel, Jacob F. B Amanda Kepner Jan. 9, 1875. ckel, Jeremias Rebecca Hiibner Aug. 26, 1838. ckel, Jesse Louisa S. Brendlinger July 14, 1850. ckel, Johannes Elisabeth Stelz May 3, 1801. ckel, John Maria Beiteman Feb. 5, 1828. ckel, John Elis. Yerger Dec. n, 1831. ckel, Jonas Susanna Yorger Feb. 5, 1825. ckel, Joseph Mary Ann Reifschneider. . . . Nov. 12, 1848. 57§ The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Bickel, Lewis Rebecca Erb May 21, 1843. Bickel, Nathaniel Susan R. Buchert Nov. 4, 1865. Bickel, O. Johnson Lizzie B. Fagley Jan. 30, 1890. Bickel, Solomon Elisabeth Weiler Sept. 9, 1834. Bickel, William Hanna Fillman Nov. 4, 1838. Bickel, William Mrs. Judy Hoffman Sept. 24, 1870. Bickel, William J Kate K. Erb Feb. 25, 1893. Bidding, Wm. Henry Sally Rhorbach May 20, 1871. Biel, Benevill Mary Ann Stahl Nov. 21, 1847. Biermann, Jacob Sarah Hotler Oct. 11, 1829. Bilger, Johannes Catharine Neuman July 25, 1807. Bingemann, Ephraim Hetty Hatfield Feb. 21, 1836. Binder, Amos Maria Jerger Nov. 22, 1840. Binder, Conrad Elisabeth Renninger April — , 1813. Binder, Eli F Rebecca Eidle Dec. 23, 1865. Binder, Emanuel Susan Voegley Feb. 2, 1830. Binder, George Susanna Palzgraf Nov. 2, 1806. Binder, Georg Michael Maria Christina Herbel Feb. 22, 1795. Binder, Henry S. Palzgraf Aug. 7, 1803. Binder, Henry Hanna Nice Jan. 17, 1836. Binder, Jacob Elizabeth Friederich Sept. 14, 1800. Binder, Jacob Mrs. Elizabeth Bickel Sept. 22, 1840. Binder, Jacob Maria Meyer June 13, 1841. Binder, Jacob Carolina Smith Jan. 23, 1848. Binder, Jared Sarah Hittel June 12, 1836. Binder, John Hannah Bickel Feb. 13, 1820. Binder, John Ann Mary Stelz Oct. 19, 1834. Binder, Moses Catharine Umstead Feb. 23, 1836. Binder, Samuel Hetty Miller Oct. 12, 1845. Binder, William Mrs. Esther Schnell Nov. 5, 1840. Binder, William Maria Miller Jan. 4, 1844. Bitting, Anthony Susanna Graf Feb. 13, 1819. Bitting, Henry Hanna Gilbert Dec. 2, 1832. Bitting, Isaac Maria Kolb Nov. 11, 1827. Bitting, Isaac K Clara Walters Oct. 25, 1879. Bitting, Jesse G Lydia Wittmann Dec. 1, 1861. Bitting, Peter Elisabeth Burkert Mar. 25, 1798. Bitting, Richard Elisabeth Heilig Nov. 30, 1817. Black, Jacob Eliz. Rohrbach Mar. 28, 1834. Blank, Henrich Elisabeth Heist Jan. 20, 1818. Blank, Jesse Maria Hofman Mar. 25, 1827. Blank, Solomon Cath. Wissler Nov. 9, 1826. Bliehm, Jacob Mary Hoch Mar. 3, 1844. Record of Marriages. 579 Bliehm, John Harryette Gilbert Jan. 9, 1859. Bliehm, John H Lydia Yahn May i, 1864. Bluett, Benjamin Jane Webb Feb. 7, 1857. Boas, Joseph July Ann Shoener Nov. 19, 1843. Bob, Henrich Elisabeth Voegly April — , 1815. Bock, Henry Anna Dunn May 8, 1842. Boehm, John Susanna Slagenhaupt Mar. 9, 1806. Bohm, Daniel Catharine Baus May 17, 1810. Bohme, Daniel Margaretha Jaus Jan. 26, 1768. Bolden, Charles Lidia Krause Mar. 4, 1849. Bolich, Friederich Christina Hiibener Dec. 22, 1811. Bolich, George Catharine Mecklin Jan. 10, 1775. Bollin, Henry Louise Schulz July 20, 1861. Bolton, John Sally Schaffey May 18, 1825. Bolten, Richard Phoeme Herzel May 23, 1847. Boone, Lincoln Eva Boyer Dec. 25, 1815. Boone, William Judith Grosz Sept. 14, 1845. Bopp, John Elis. Staufer Oct. 29, 1837. Boreth, Jurg Michael Ursula Muller Mar. 16, 1746. Boretz, Philip Margareth Diel May 15, 1753- Bornemann, Isaac Esther Staufer Sept. 11, 1842. Bortz, Lewellyn Franklin. . . . Marianne Ritter Sept. 7, 1861. Bossert, Johannes Catharine Heinrig April 1, 1765- Botts, John Mary Weiand Nov. 20, 1869. Bowen, James Barbara Boughter Feb. 2, 1773. Bower, Conrad Philipinea Keylweins Feb. 11, 1747. Bower, John B Catharine K. Yerger Nov. 10, 1866. Bowman, George S Mary E. Yerger Dec. 16, 1869. Bowman, Jacob Christina Bierbrauer July 14, 1805. Bowmann, David Mary Graham June 12, 1847. Bowmann, Henry Sophia Rothenberger June 20, 1847. Boyer, Adam Magdalena Moser Oct. 2, 1814. Boyer, Adam Mrs. Hanna Sands Aug. 28, 1836. Boyer, Charles Sarah Fischer July 2, 1854. Boyer, Daniel Sara Burkert June 3, 1804. Boyer, Daniel Mary Ann Keely May 5, 1836. Boyer, David Sarah Geiger May 21, 1820. Boyer, Elija Elis. Heit April 27, 1834. Boyer, Enoch Harriet Hertlein Oct. 28, 1838. Boyer, Enos Eliza Dotterer Dec. 25, 1831. Boyer, Franklin S Hettie A. Prizer Oct. 28, 1871. Boyer, Gideon Mary Ann Iorgy Aug. 29, 1841. Boyer, Henrich Susanna Fritz Nov. 25, 1828. 580 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Boyer, Henry S Amanda Brunner Aug. 7, 1869. Boyer, Horace Y Sarah Kummerer Oct. 16, 1869. Boyer, Isaac Sarah Binder Mar. 14, 1841. Boyer, Isaak S Esther Gaugler Oct. 26, 1861. Boyer, Jacob Elisabeth Yauss Mar. 20, 1825. Boyer, Jacob Elisabeth Renninger April 5, 1829. Boyer, John Magdalena Langennecker . . . Sept. 9, 1810. Boyer, Jonas Sally Kurz April 5, 1827. Boyer, Jonas Judith Schwenk Oct. 4, 1835. Boyer, Jonas Catharine Setzler Nov. 27, 1836. Boyer, Michael Rebecca Bellman Dec. 21, 1823. Boyer, Peter Hanna Schittler Oct. 12, 1823. Boyer, Peter Angeline Burden May 14, 1843. Boyer, Samuel Esther Kuhly May 24, 1828. Boyer, William F Susan E. Yoder Dec. 1, 1866. Brant, Jacob Elizabeth Krauss Feb. 28, 1802. Brauer, Henrich Sarah Leidig April 3, 1825. Brauer, Isac Elisabeth Erb Dec. 24, 1826. Brauer, Isaac Sarah Engel Dec. 13, 1836. Brand, Samuel M Sarah Rahn Jan. 10, 1830. Brant, George Magdalene Wald Dec. 25, 1831. Braus, Johann Adam Anna Catharina Rothermel. . July 2, 1765. Brauss, Orlando Maria Yerger Oct. 4, 1894. Breinig, Benjamin Esther Cope Dec. 5, 1824. Breinig, Peter Mariann Cope Sept. 30, 1821. Brendlinger, David Ann D. Hauberger Feb. 11, 1849. Brendlinger, Jacob Maria Kurz Feb. 14, 1799. Brendlinger, Jacob Elis. Binder Dec. 14, 1823. Brendlinger, Milton Sophia Bender Nov. 17, i860. Brendlinger, Milton H Emmaline D. Long Dec. 19, 1874. Brendlinger, Peter Maria Burkert May 6, 1804. Brendlinger, Peter Elisabeth Riegner Nov. 18, 1847. Brendlinger, Philip Cath. Neiss Jan. 13, 1816. Brendlinger, Solomon Mary A. Fryer May 14, 1870. Brendlinger, Willoughby H. .Sallie S. Boyer Dec. 29, 1877. Brey, Adam Mary Haas Oct. 21, 1838. Brey, Franklin Catharine Weber Jan. 19, 1851. Breyfogel, John Rebecca Traut April 8, 1838. Brien, William S Mary Ann Wenzel June 19, 1853. Brindlinger, Joseph Anna Rosina Lober Dec. 15, 1767. Brooks, John Cath. Geiger April 8, 1832. Brooks, William Elis. Geiger Mar. 13, 1831. Brotzmann, Jacob Hanna Merckli Jan. 11, 1774. Record of Marriages. 581 Brotzmann, John Hanna Mohr Dec. 25, 1804. Brurmer, David Carolina Iorgy May 19, 1844. Brunner, Franklin Hariette Boyer May it, 1861. Brunner, Johannes Sarah Miller June 11, 1820. Brunner, John Elis. Bachmann Jan. 29, 1833. Brunner, John M Mary M. Kase Jan. 8, 1876. Brunner, Peter Mary Ann Schwenk Sept. — , 1838. Brunner, Samuel Mary Riegner Oct. 25, 1829. Brunner, Samuel Rebecca Iorgy April 14, 1839. Brunner, Samuel Mrs. Mary Boyer Oct. 25, 1846. Brunner, William Mrs. Mathilda Reifschneider. Feb. 2, 1841. Brunst, John S Saray Boyle Feb. 15, 1896. Bruthar J, Christian Wilhelm Elisabeth Ohlgatt June 18, 1776. Buchert, Augustus Sarah Yerger Jan. 5, 1847. Buchert, David Lidia Koch May 4, 1834. Buchert, George Catharina Burkert Jan. 4, 1818. Buchert, George Cath. Binder Sept. 26, 1824. Buchert, Henry Maria Voegly July 31, 1814. Buchert, Jacob Mary Bickel Jan. 6, 1833. Buchert, Jesse Susanna Keim Nov. 17, 1844. Buchert, John Rachel Kepler Oct. 25, 1840. Buchert, Reuben Hannah Young Dec. 8, 1859. Buchert, Sebastian Lidia Roth April 2, 1820. Buchter, Henry Rachel Liebenguth Aug. 1, 1847. Buchter, Martin Elisabeth Bar May 3, 1825. Buchter, Martin Lidia Wans April 17, 1851. Buchter, Samuel Lidy Ann Neiman Mar. 14, 1844. Bugger, Diedrich Catharine Christman May 29, 1806. Bull, Thomas Sarah Grono April 30, 1771. Bullinger, Martin Widow De Fohe Oct. 31, 1745. Bunn, Henry Sophia Sassamann Sept. 10, 1837. Bunn, Nicholas Elisabeth Riess Mar. 26, 1820. Bunn, Samuel Mary Reifschneider Oct. 15, 1837. Burchardt, Samuel Hanna Romig Burger, George Rebecca Yost Jan. 13, 1816. Burger, Jonas Cath. Sassamann Nov. 5, 1819. Burgny, Seth Elisabeth Landes Dec. 23, 1865. Burkert, Ephraim Catharine Linsenbigler May 18, 1852. Burns, William Harriet Fiehry Aug. 3, 1845. Burthen, Hiram Susan Spatz Dec. 29, 1850. Bush, Jacob Lisetta Bohn Mar. 22, 1846. Buskirk, Rev. Jacob V Mary Hollebach Mar. 15, 1764. Biittenbinder, Christoph Anna Elisabet Mayer May 22, 1749. 38 582 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Butterweck, Samuel Christianna Nashy July 29, 1849. Camble, John Mary Hartenstine Nov. 14, 1813. Candle, Joseph Margaretha Ludwig Aug. 30, 1801. Carl, David Anna Maul Nov. 9, 1851. Carl, Henry Mathilda Rohrbach April 23, 1842. Christman, Absalom H Lillie Ludy Aug. 28, 1897. Christman Heinrich Susanna Kiehl Aug. 6, 1767. Christman, Isaac Sophia Langenecker Feb. 5, 1843. Christman, Jeremias Mary Brand Mar. 9, 1826. Christman, Johannes Elisabeth Henrich Oct. 24, 1818. Christman, Peter Maria Faegley Nov. 28, 1858. Christman, Samuel Hanna Underkoweler Dec. 13, 1829. Clauser, Enoch Anna M. Diellaplin Jan. 24, 1847. Clauser, Henry Levina Leh Mar. 31, 1850. Clauser, Daniel Sarah Brumbach Sept. 22, 1833. Clauser, Simon Hannah Mathias Nov. 20, 1858. Clauser, William Cath. Frohnheuser Oct. 2, 1858. Clauser, Samuel Lidia Herzog Sept. 10, 1837. Clayfield, John Margareth McGerby 1799. Cleaver, Abraham Sarah Braun Dec. 14, 1834. Cleaver, Daniel Susanna Koch July 20, 1829. Cleaver, Daniel Fronheiser Mar. 25, 1851. Cleaver, Ephraim Elisabeth Grosz Mar. 21, 1847. Cleaver, George Christianna Neifert Jan. 5, 1840. Cleaver, Isaac Rebecca Burkert .Jan. 29, 1832. Cleaver, Isaac Catharine Motz April 1, 1849. Cleaver, Samuel Hanna Koch Jan. 29, 1832. Clemens, Abraham Mally Miller Feb. 27, 1807. Coleman, Jacob Maria Gerber Sept. 21, 1823. Collins, Patrik Sarah Miller Sept. 22, 1751- Cotter, Jacob Cath. Reichert Mar. 3, 1822. Conrad, Benjamin Sarah Meyer Oct. 28, 1834. Conrad, Johannes Susanna Kohler Mar. 31, 1755. Conrad, Peter Anna Maria Grabiler Aug. 30, 1748. Conrad, Samuel D Mary L. Smale June 4, 1864. Conrath, Johannes Elisabeth Hoff Dec. 25, 1812. Cope, John Sarah Hirsch Jan. 12, 1856. Copperneit, Daniel Lidia Croll Dec. 22, 1825. Coplin, Samuel Elleanora Davidheiser May 1, 1836. Cor, Christian Hanna Miller Dec. 20, 1768. Corbett, Michael Elisabeth Harry Dec. 12, 1784. Corl, John Hanna Drumheller Oct. 18, 1829. Crader, David Susanna Schneider Oct. 24, 1824. Record of Marriages. 583 Crebiel, Nicolaus Barbara Decker Sept. 26, 1775. Cressman, Benjamin Margaret Boyer Nov. 11, 1847. Croll, Henry Carolina Erb Oct. 8, 1848. Croll, Josua Hanna Gerber Nov. 7, 1824. Croll, Josua Hanna Gerber Nov. 17, 1825. Culp, Charles M Mary Weand Dec. 25, 1867. Cummings, James Emlen. . . . Mrs. Anna May Mock Good. Oct. 6, 1903. Custard, George Mary Van Buskirk April 7, 1835. Custard, Jacob Catharine Yorger Sept. 4, 1814. Custard, Michael Sarah Hoch Aug. 24, 1830. Custard, Peter Hanna Allbrecht Sept. 21, 1841. Custard, Solomon L Anna Yochum Feb. n, 1840. Custard, William Lidia Wirstler Sept. 17, 1843. Dagebach, Johannes Maria Graf June 6, 1775. Darrah, Mark Mary Amanda Griesemer. . . May 9, 1854. Darrah, Marks Fayetta Fogley July 23, 1843. Daub, Daniel S Elisabeth Schoener Feb. 2, 1836. Daub, George Hanna Tyson April 5, 1852. Daub, Heinrich Maria Schwenk April 7, 1806. Daub, Samuel Maria Stadtler Jan. 20, 1829. Daub, William Maria Geisbach Jan. 29, 1843. Daubermann, Andreas Elisabeth Himmelren Oct. 16, 1771. Davidheiser, Alfred Y Bertha Nester Feb. 25, 1905. Davidheiser, Charles Hetty Reichert Oct. 5, 1851. Davidheiser, Charles Y Laura E. Johnson Mar. 2, 1901. Davidheiser, David Rachel Weaver Nov. 16, 1834. Davidheiser, Heinrich Anna Maria Weitner May 14, 1799. Davidheiser, Henry H Maria Yerger Nov. 24, i860. Davidheiser, Jacob Sarah Reifschneider Jan. 26, 1834. Davidshauser, Johannes ....Barbara Meister Oct. 22, 1799. Davidheiser, John Sophia Romig Dec. 21, 1845. Davidheiser, Samuel Anna Egel Aug. 13, 1848. Davidheiser, William H. ... Elisabeth Bauer Nov. 5, 1854. Dewidshauser, Daniel Sally Engel Sept. 25, 1825. Dewidshauser, George Salome Voegle Aug. 25, 1822. Dewidshauser, George Anna Yahn Feb. 11, 1827. Decker, George S Mary Hatfield April 25, 1891. Decker, Henrich Hanna Maurer Aug. 31, 1817. Decker, Henry Hetty Koch Feb. 9, 1847. Decker, Jacob Lea Reifschneider Jan. 29, 1832. Decker, Jacob Lidia Christman Aug. 29, 1841. Decker, Jacob S Sallie U. Umstead Feb. 28, 1885. Decker, Johannes Catharine Fillman Mar. 26, 1815. 584 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Decker, John Sarah Hoffman Nov. 29, 1890. Decker, John Mary Youse July 4, 1903. Decker, John M Susanna Schweinhart Jan. 10, 1857. Decker, John M Hannah Neiman Sept. 13, 1884. DeHard, Jacob Salome Well Feb. 5, 1776. Deheart, John Cath. Miller Sept. 4, 1836. Deipert, Jeremiah S Clara J. Beideman Mar. 22, 1878 DeFrohn, Peter Barbara Polich Sept. — , 1782 DeKalb, Sylvester K Kate H. Roemer Mar. 24, 1888 Dellkamp, David Hoffman June 18, 1837 Denis, Andreas Margaretha Starck Sept. 18, 1796 Dengler, Henry S Elisabeth Buchert Mar. 18, 1855 Dengler, Jacob Elisabeth Pickhart Feb. 22, 1851. Dengler, John Emma Royer Oct. 1, 1848. Dengler, Miles Levina Boyer Nov. 3, 1844. Dengler, Peter Rachel Neiman Sept. 23, 1836. Dengler, William S Mary A. Polsgrove Dec. 23, 1871. Derr, David Sarah Schick Jan. 14, 1836. Derr, Frederick L Rebecca L. Haas Aug. 27, 1864 Derr, Jacob Elisabeth Imbody Oct. 20, 1839. Derr, Jonathan Salome Kless Sept. 3, 1826. Derr, William Elisabeth Fry Dec. 15, 1844. Deturk, John F Sarah Marquart Sept. 19, 1847. Dettra, William H Anna M. Miller Oct. 9, 1897. Detweiler, Christian Chariot Krause Jan. 3, 1843. Detweiler, Gerhart Cath. Nice Jan. 31, 1841. Detweiler, Jacob Magdalena Heist May 12, 1807. Detweiler, William Elis. Miller Feb. 3, 1831. Dettweiler, Jacob Eva Catharine Breyer July 27, 1779. Dewalt, Philipp Polly Underkoffler July 15, 1804. Dewertshauser, Jacob Eva Jorger April 3, 1796. Dewidshauser, Henrich Mgdl. Hofman Mar. 16, 1823. Dice, Charles Elisabeth Smith Oct. 9, 1869. Diegel, John Jacob Ann Elisabeth Cope Aug. 7, 1853. Diehl, Christoph Angelina Altdinger June 14, 1849. Diehm, Elias Elisabeth Setzler Mar. 13, 1838. Diel, Georg Philip Elisabeth Catharine Fox May 3, 1763. Dierolf, John Leah Heydt Dec. 18, 1853. Dierolf, Louis Elisabeth Schanley May 12, 1861. Dieter, Johannes Catharina Reifschneider ...Feb. 14, 1769. Dieterich, Michael Catharine Meier July 5, 1774. Dobler, Frank Lucy Ann Shenkel Dec. 17, 1892. Done, Michael Elisabeth Schweinhart Jan. 4, 1824. Record of Marriages. 585 Dorney, Philip Eva Miller Aug. 10, 1820. Dornys, Wilhelm Cath. Wiessner Sept. 20, 1828. Dorr, Heinrich Catharine Schneider May 9, 1802. Dotterer, Amos Mary Cleaver Dec. 19, 1830. Dotterer, Jacob Sarah Sassaman June 4, 1820. Dotterer, Jonathan Mary Ann Gabel Dec. II, 1853. Dotterer, Matthews Cath. Muthhart June 20, 1819. Dotterer, Nathanael F Caroline L. Rudy April 25, i860. Dotterer, Rubin Christina Himmelreich Oct. 18, 1846. Drace, Edwin Emilie Hillegass Dec. 7, 1861. Drase, Aaron Maria Decker July 15, 1845. Drase, George Cath. Schwenk Oct. 22, 1835. Drase, Gideon Charlotte Stelz Oct. 13, 1844. Drase, Michael Sarah Fuchs Aug. 21, 1831. Drase, Nathan Maria Becker June 27, 1841. Drase, Nathan Hetty Hoffmann Feb. 15, 1846. Drase, Rubin Sarah Ann Decker Oct. 31, 1841. Dreher, Adam Mary Weiser June 2, 1833. Dreher, John Raquel Kreiter Nov. 17, 183 1. Drehs, Albert H Louisa Y. Binder Nov. 4, 1875. Drehs, John Christina Decker Dec. 10, 1815. Drehs, Nathan Harriet Stetler Sept. 13, 1877. Drehs, Peter Magdalina Gilbert Oct. 29, 1815. Dress, George Catharine Engel Dec. 24, 1820. Dress, John Cath. Decker May 17, 1825. Dressier, David Elis. Boyer Oct. 11, 1829. Drey, John Susanna Knetz Feb. 11, 1827. Drey, Persewell Anna Maria Hauk Aug. 25, 1850. Drey, William Elisabeth Focht Dec. 31, 1843. Drockenmiller, James T.... Sarah Conrad Jan. 27, 1848. Drollinger, Peter Catharine Reitenauer April 19, 1807. Drumheller, David Elis. Roths Sept. 8, 1833. Drumheller, Isaac Harriet Sulvan Jan. 26, 1837. Drumheller, Rubin Eliza Fuchs June 7, 1840. Drumheller, John Mary Rothenberger Nov. 13, 1842. Drumheller, Geo. Washington Elenora Florinda Haas July 23, 1881. Drumheller, Wellington .... Elizabeth Focht Mar. 1, 1868. Drumheller, Wilhelm Mary Bricker Oct. 29, 1837. Drumheller, William Cath. Koch Oct. 15, 1859. Dry, John D Annie W. Leaver July 26, 1887. Dull, Casper Hannah Matthews Sept. 20, 1774- Dullaplin, James Cath. Heffner Sept. 6, 1840. Dullaplin, Josua July Ann Imbody June 13, 1841. 586 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Diimig, Jacob Maria Schmidt Sept. 5, 1802. Dunn, Jacob Rebecca Drehn Jan. 15, 1852. Durolf, Adam Mary Meyer July 28, 1833. Diirolf, Andrew Sarah Weller Jan. 24, 1830. Durolf, Charles Maria Weller Jan. 10, 1841. Durolf, George Elis. Fronheiser Nov. 27, 1831. Durolf, Isaac Rebecca Minninger May 22, 1832. Durolf, Jacob Elis. Meyer Feb. 12, 1832. Durolf, Jacob Cath. Walter Dec. 7, 1834. Durolf, Jacob Maria Fronheiser Dec. 25, 1846. Diirr, Andreas Magdalena Rieger April 6, 1755- Diirr, Jacob Margaretha Barbara Nov. 20, 1745. Schlagel. Diirr, Melchior Anna Barbara Hilbart Nov. 20, 1745. East, Abraham Shonle Dec. 25, 1841. East, Daniel Elis. Hiestandt Nov. 15, 1838. East, Ephraim S Amanda B. Rebert May 15, 1869. East, Henrich Anna Marg. Yung April 11, 1815. East, Jonathan S Tillie A. Morey Aug. 19, 1869. Eberhardt, Joh. Caspar Christina Schmidt May 25, 1752. Eberhardt, Matheus Catharine Miiller Nov. 22, 1796. Ebly, Jacob Christina Mann May 23, 1763. Echbrett, Heinrich Catharine Fuchs May 4, 1806. Eck, Charles Elizabeth Anna Faegley Oct. 8, 1864. Edelman, Charles Sophia Kolp Oct. 19, 1834. Edelman, George Melinda Hauk Oct. 23, 1831. Edelman, Heinrich Cath. Gaukler Nov. 7, 1824. Edelman, Isaac Dina Sechler Mar. 26, 1820. Edelman, Jacob Marg. Dress April 3, 1825. Edelman, John Magdalena Fried Sept. 9, 1799. Edelman, John Anna M. Linsenbigler April 7, 1833. Edelman, Thomas Mary Reifschneider June 8, 1851. Egel, Philip *. Sarah Mauger Oct. 14, 1841. Egolf, Adam .' Elisabeth Hall Mar. 4, 1813. Egolf, John Sarah Renninger Feb. 24, 1839. Egolf, Malon Sarah Wien Dec. 23, 1865. Egolf, Peter L Malinda G. Geiger May 25, 1862. Egolf, Aaron Phoebe Detweiler May 22, 1836. Egolt, Jacob Cath. Willauer Oct. 6, 1839. Egolt, John Mary Ann Horner Oct. 9, 183 1. Ehrhard, Johannes Eva Berninger Dec. 17, 1776- Eirich, Johann Georg Gertraut Clauser Oct. 27, 1764. Eisenhauer, Jacob Maria Albrecht Feb. 25, 1772. Record of Marriages. 587 Eisenhauer, Johannes Sally Neumann Mar. 19, 1820. Eitenmiller, Nicolaus Maria Fillman Oct. — , 1826. Ekel, Johann Heinrich Margretha Horner Oct. 23, 1755. Elenberger, Carl Elisabeth Detter May 13, 1799. Ellenberger, Georg Elisabeth Hilpart July 7. I799- Elgert, Jacob Catharina Beck Jan. 31, 1775. Ellinger, Joseph Mary Ann Keely Dec. 25, 1831. Embody, Nathaniel Beckie Bickhart Dec. 25, 1877. Emery, Alfred R Mary D. Fox Mar. 14, 1874. Emery, Frederick F Mary Ann Zern Aug. 27, 1898. Emmerich, Frederick Maria Rusheau Sept. 21, 1845. Emmert, George Sarah Wagner Nov. 20, 1825. Emmert, Jacob Elis. Underkoweler May 13, 1832. Emmerich, Daniel Rachel Isett Mar. 21, 1830. Emmerich, George Elisabeth Iago Mar. 13, 1808. Emmerich, George Phaeme Rusheau Feb. 9, 1840. Emmerich, Jacob Mary Riesser Oct. 26, 1834. Emmerich, Johann Margaretha Beitemann April 13, 1773. Emmerich, Johannes Sarah Muthhart Dec. 28, 1828. Emmerich, Peter Eliza Stoffelet Nov. 12, 1837. Emmerich, Peter Rebecca Charles Feb. 24, 1846. Emmerich, Valentin Catharin Boyer Mar. 29, 1812. Endy, Charles Christina E. Schwenk Feb. 10, 1839. Endy, Daniel Mary Ann Gilbert June 26, 1836. Endy, David Lidia Davidheiser July 21, 1833. Endy, Henrich Magdalena Hartranft Nov. 16, 1828. Endy, Win. H. B Mary S. Boyer Oct. 13, 1894. Engel, Aaron Mary Ann Geiger Jan. 6, 1850. Engel, Jacob Matilda Gresh Mar. 1, 1856. Engel, John Esther Yerger Jan. 17, 1830. Engel, Samuel Catharine Hoffman April 12, 1846. Eppenhimer, Samuel Maria Schick Sept. 6, 1838. Erb, Allen R Rosa Smith Sept. 9, 1897. Erb, Benjamin Cath. Ann Kolb Nov. 27, 1858. Erb, Charles Elisabeth Friederich Dec. 20, 1840. Erb, Daniel Cath. Fuchs Dec. 23, 1827. Erb, David S Malinda Boyer Sept. 27, 1870. Erb, Edward Susanna Miller Sept. 3, 1859. Erb, Ephraim Rebecca Gilbert Mar. 21, 1858. Erb, George Susanna Binder July 2, 1809. Erb, George Catharine Burkert Dec. 8, 1811. Erb, George Elisabeth Roth Dec. 25, 1817. Erb, George Anna Schon Oct. 18, 1829. 588 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Erb, George Catharine Johnson Aug. 8, 1847. Erb, George Sarah Hoffmen Oct. 1, 1848. Erb, George B Alice S. Faust June 14, 1890. Erb, Henrich Margaretha Binder May 1, 1814. Erb, Henry Rebecca Freyer Oct. 12, 1845. Erb, Henry Sophia Drase Sept. 19, 1847. Erb, Henry F Sarah Moyer Oct. 19, 1867. Erb, Dr. Horace B Amanda Sweisford Nov. 29, 1888. Erb, Israel M Rachel M. Bliem Jan. 24, 1854. Erb, Jacob Elisabeth Miller Feb. 12, 1815. Erb, Jacob Judith Dietz Feb. 16, 1840. Erb, Johann George Catharina Renninger Feb. 15, 1785. Erb, Johannes Mrs. Elisabeth Bickel May 29, 1814. Erb, John Cath. Dotterer Nov. 10, 1816. Erb, John Judith Johnson Nov. 2, 1851. Erb, John Catharine Fuchs Mar. 22, 1856. Erb, John Leanna Haas May 18, 1861. Erb, John F Kate H. Schweisfort Feb. 8, 1868. Erb, John George Catharine Hartman Dec. 6, 1807. Erb, John George Mrs. Elisabeth Gillham June 10, 1821. Erb, Jonas Barbara Fuchs Dec. 2, 1832. Erb, Jonas Maria Zern Dec. 6, 1840. Erb, Milton Susanna S. Kolp May 8, 1868. Erb, Peter Susanna Wittman Oct. 20, 1822. Erb, Philip Elisabeth Renninger Nov. 9, 1821. Erb, Nathaniel G Sophia Undercoffler April 14, 1870. Erb, Samuel Levina Schwenk April 30, 1859. Erb, Solomon Sarah Gilbert Oct. 3, 1841. Erb, Solomon Sarah Boards Jan. 29, 1846. Erdman, Jacob Hanna Huber Dec. 8, 181 1. Erne, Jacob Anna Barbara Linsenbigler. June 5, 1764. Erny, John Maria Scheffy Jan. 28, 1826. Ernst, Johann Friederich. . . . Elisabeth Jiiger April 7, 1778. Ertman, Frank H Eva Romig Nov. 12, 1899. Eschbach, Abraham Mrs. Sarah Dengler Nov. 5, 1846. Eschbach, Abraham Mrs. Sarah Stofflet Jan. 27, 1852. Eschbach, Abraham R Mary Ann Y. Brumbach. . . . Nov. 2, 1867. Eschbach, Addison Elmira Hartline July 15, 1871. Eschbach, Edward Sarah Gilbert Sept. 16, 1849. Eschbach, Henry R Harriet G. Landis Nov. 2, 1867. Eschbach, James Catharine Fried Aug. 21, 1858. Eschbach, Joseph Rachel Stauffer Dec. 5, 1830. Eschenbach, Andreas Maria Bossert June 10, 1747- Record of Marriages. 589 Eschlymann, Abraham Sarah Roths Nov. 2, 1837. Ettinger, Elias Maria Clauser Mar. 30, 1845. Ettinger, James Mathilda Fretz Nov. 2, 1848. Evans, Jesse Mary Ann Souther Dec. 19, 1830. Evans, Monroe Sallie L. Bitting Aug. 29, 1903. Ewald, A Hanna Miller 7, 1811. Ewald, George Magdalena Hillegass May 21, 1807. Faegley, Augustus B Mary Ann Bittenbender Jan. 6, 1866. Faegley, Charles Cath. Rhoads Oct. 19, 1858. Faegley, Edward Mary Poh Nov. 12, 1859. Faegley, Fred M Esther Amanda Wagner. ... Nov. 6, 1869. Faegley, George Lea Bechtel Sept. 4, 1831. Faegley, George Hanna Daub Feb. 17, 1839. Faegley, Jacob D Louisa E. Wieand Oct. 18, 1879. Faegley, John Anna Davidheiser Nov. 3, 1833. Faegley, John B Lydia Ann Snyder Dec. 28, 1878. Faegley, John F Elisabeth Rover Aug. 10, 1861. Faegley, Josiah D Rebecca Reifsnyder Nov. 6, 1869. Faegley, Nathaniel Cath. Hartenstein Nov. 10, i860. Fagley, Samuel Rahel Bush Dec. 25, 1845. Faegley, Stephen Leah Umstead Nov. 17, 1877. Fagley, Theodore S Sarah Wenzel Jan. 14, 1875. Faegley, Wilson B Elisabeth Hittel Nov. 14, 1868. Fagley, Daniel B Laura E. Kayser Jan. 3, 1891. Fagley, Elias Elisabeth Bartolet Dec. 12, 1841. Fagley, Noah Mary Ann Hoffman April 4, 1896. Faust, John Elisabeth Noll April 4, 1819. Favinger, Josiah M Elmira H. Lightcap Sept. 28, 1867. Feather, Jacob Sarah Fillman April 27, 1823. Feather, Jonas Maria Engel June 13, 1841. Feather, Solomon Louisa Christina Greissemer. Sept. 29, 1836. Feather, Reubin Rebecca Weis Nov. 6, 1842. Febinger, Adam Elisabeth Hubert Jan. 9, 1774. Feebemann, John Mary Bartman Sept. 4, 1831. Fedele, Michael Catharina Wartmann Nov. 26, 1751 Fegely, Franklin G Ellen Moser Nov. 10, 1855 Fegely, William Sarah Rhoads Nov. 11, 1856 Fegen, Jacob Eliza Buff Dec. 25, 1836 Fenstermacher, Henry Mary Ann Keeler Dec. 31, 1848 Ferril, Elias Lieser Aug. 13, 1843 Ferrington, Mathew Sarah Badmann July 5, 1846. Fertig, Michael Anna Maria Ries June 10, 1764 Filbert, Samuel Charlotta Klein Dec. 10, 1822 59° The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Fillmann, Henrich Maria Schmidt Mar. 3, 1816. Fillmann, Jacob Elisabeth Foegly Sept. 13, 1818. Fillmann, James M Kate Harp Nov. 18, 1865. Fillmann, Jonas Hanna Gilbert Dec. 12, 1824. Fillmann, Samuel Marg. Neumann Oct. 28, 1819. Fillmann, William Sarah Ann Mauger Dec. 23, 1849. Finckbeiner, Philipp Jacob. . Maria Magdalena Shilleg. . . Feb. 8, 1774. Fink, John Margareth Binder June 7, 1829. Fink, William Amelia Daub Oct. 5, 1848. Firing, Amos Magdalena Scheurer Oct. 30, 1842. Fischer, James Esther Donneberger Aug. 3, 1856. Fischer, Jacob Maria Catharina Schmidt. .. Oct. 18, 1763. Fischer, Jacob Sarah Ann Ref Schneider. ... Feb. 6, 1859. Fischer, Nicholas J Sarah Bryan Oct. 23, 1858. Fisher, Aaron Rebecca Gilbert Nov. 7, 1830. Fisher, Henrich Judith Reichert July 20, 1823. Fisher, Henry Mary Janson Aug. 30, 1829. Fisher, Henry Harriet Romig Aug. 23, 1840. Fisher, Henry Hanna Dielmann April 26, 1846. Fisher, John Cathained Ettinger Nov. 10, 1844. Fisher, Jacob G Caroline L. Bauman May 3, 1862. Fisher, Samuel Sarah Weiss Feb. 20, 1825. Fisher, Samuel Elisabeth Roths April 11, 1841. Fisher, Silas Hanna Hartman May 11, 1845. Fisher, Valentine Rebecca Britten Sept. 17, 1848. Fisher, William Sarah Boyer June 13, 1852. Flicker, Lewis Hanna Koch Dec. 9, 1838. Focht, Elija Cath. Reinert Nov. 25, 1832. Focht, George Harriet Schwavely April 14, 1839. Fogley, Daniel Margaret Honnetter Jan. 19, 1845. Fogley, John Maria Schweinhart June 4, 1843. Fogley, Noah Hetty Bartolet Nov. 23, 1851. Fogley, Solomon Lidia Bickel Nov. 26, 1848. Fogley, Stephen Levina Neidig Oct. 1, 1848. Fogley, William Maria Zuber Sept. 17, 1846. Follmer, Josua Harriet Halloway Oct. 1, 1837. Fox, Albert Rosa N. Weiss Aug. 14, 1880. Fox, Gideon D Barbara Ann Royer Mar. 17, 1866. Fox, Harvin B Emma Gerhart May 1, 1900. Fox, John M Esther D. Fox Dec. 7, 1867. Fox, Michael Maria Saylor Mar. 3, i860. Fox, Reuben Maria Shanely Jan. 19, 1861. Fox, William B Mrs. Mary B. Groff June 6, 1889. Record of Marriages. 591 Francke, Johann Daniel Elisabeth Lang May 24, 1768. Franckenberger, Ludwig . . . Anna Maria Ammermann , . . Dec. 22, 1772. Francis, Jacob Lidia Yaeger Dec. 18, 1831. Francis, William Julianna Steinmetz May 14, 1843. Frankum, Lindley R Margareth Heit May 2, 1852. Fredrick, James Caroline Stauffer Dec. 1, 1855. Freed, Samuel Maria Mey Mar. 5, 1775. Frehn, Henry Rebecca Miller May 9, 1847. Frehn, James Sarah Becker June n, 1859. Frehn, Jesse Elisabeth Frey Oct. 3, 1847. Freiermuth, Christian F Catharine Moser Oct. 27, 1850. Fretz, Aaron Benjamin Mathilda Iorgy Mar. 31, 1850. Fretz, Benjamin Catharine Weis Feb. 15, 1846. Freund, George Maria Bayer May 7, 1769. Frey, Abraham Eve Endy Sept. 25, 1836. Frey, Abraham Yetta Wagner Nov. 13, 1842. Frey, Abraham Elisabeth Goebel Oct. 1, 1843. Frey, Amos Elisabeth Reyer Oct. 3, 1824. Frey, Christopher Hanna Bierman Feb. 18, 1806. Frey, Daniel Elis. Imbody -Oct. 15, 1836. Frey, Daniel Judith Frehn Mar. 9, 1839. Frey, George Mary Freyer Nov. 21, 1847. Frey, Henry Anna East Feb. 22, 1835. Frey, Isaac Maria Dotterer Aug. 19, 1851. Frey, Jacob Elisabeth Drollinger June 7, 1813. Frey, Jacob Salome Heebner July 25, 1816. Frey, Jacob Catharine Wien Nov. 10, 1833. Frey, Jacob Anna Bechtel Dec. 24, 1837. Frey, Jacob Anna Wien Aug. 1 1, 1844. Frey, Jeremias Anna Boyer Sept. 22, 1839. Frey, John Fredericka Miller Sept. 12, 1837. Frey, John Mary Ann Friederich Nov. 27, 1842. Frey, John Maria Phoebinger Oct. 12, 1845. Frey, Josua Elisabeth Wittmann April 9, 1776. Frey, Josua Anna Fox Dec. 3, 1822. Freyer, John Christina Fillman April 30, 1820. Frey, Joseph Catharine Reitnauer Oct. 18, 1851. Fried, Alexander Elis. Iorgy May 5, 1835. Fried, Johannes Margaretha Graf Feb. 18, 1772. Fried, Jonas Theresia Miller Sept. 27, 1829. Friederich, Apsalon Elisabeth Heit Jan. 5, 1845. Friederich, Caspar Maria Elisabeth Hostmann. . July 24, 1796. Friederich, David Catharina Borck Aug. 2, 1767. 592 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Friederich, David Hannah Bickel Nov. 5, 1859. Friederich, Edward Elisabeth Gilbert Mar. 7, 1863. Friederich, Georg Sara Kurz Jan. 27, 1805. Friederich, Heinrich Susanna Fuchs May 30, 1819. Friederich, Jacob Sarah Gilbert May 3, 1812. Friederich, John Hanna Rautenbush Nov. 11, 1821. Friederich, Peter Margaretha Krause Mar. 12, 1771. Fries, Isaac Lean Weidner Dec. 21, 1851. Frick, John B Ann G. Schale Oct. 18, 1856. Frick, Ephraim B Mary Gilbert Oct. 24, 1863. Frick, John Caroline Goldschmidt Mar. 17, 1855. Fritz, Balthaser Susanna Catharine Raeder..June 20, 1763. Fritz, Eli Catharine Riegner Nov. 28, 1854. Fritz, Ephraim Elisabeth Egolt Sept. 1, 1850. Fritz, Friederich Gottlieb. .. Margaretha Vogel Nov. 25, 1798. Fritz, Jacob L Mary H. Bliem June 1, 1861. Fritz, Johannes Catharine Dampman Mar. 17, 1764. Fritz, John Mary Buchert Mar. 23, 1820. Fritz, John Cath. Sassaman Sept. 4, 1825. Fritz, John L Elizabeth Zimmerman Dec. 24, 1863. Fritz, John S Sarah Naomi Shanely Nov. 22, 1870. Fritz, Joseph Mary Sassamann Sept. 16, 1832. Fritz, Lewis Rebecca Grau July 7, 1855. Fritz, Peter Rahel Liebengut April 17, 1814. Fritz, Peter Maria Kerr Dec. 6, 1825. Fritz, Samuel Lidia Zern Dec. — , 1819. Fritz, Samuel Maria Gilbert Aug. 27, 1820. Fritz, Samuel Esther Hauk Nov. 16, 1861. Fritz, William Carolina Storb Oct. 5, 1845. Fritz, Willoughby S Henrietta L. Hatfield Nov. 17, i860. Frohn, Jacob Regina Jorger Dec. 21, 1773. Fronhauser, John Catharina Herb Feb. 3, 1807. Fronheiser, Daniel Catharine Maest Dec. 12, 1847. Fronheiser, Jacob Anna Meyer Nov. 12, 1843. Fronheiser, John Rebecca Meyer Sept. 28, 1834. Fronheiser, Manasses Catharine Ann Heydt Aug. 25, 1877. Fronheiser, Samuel Magdalena Springer Nov. 20, 1831. Fronheiser, Samuel Elisabeth Heit Sept. 21, 1851. Fry, Daniel S Angeline Kaser Oct. 26, 1861. Fry, David Rebecca Botts Nov. 25, 1865. Fry, George Sarah Miller May 28, i860. Fry, Harry Sarah Buchert June 19, 1858. Fry, John B Lizzie K. Reifsnyder Sept. 17, 1898. Record of Marriages. 593 Fry, James F Catharine M. Fox Oct. I, 1864. Fryer, Peter H Sarah M. Berryman May 10, 1866. Fryer, Samuel Sophia Hoffman Nov. 13, 1842. Fryer, Samuel Lidia Derr Feb. 15, 1846. Fryer, Thomas Mary Friederich June 19, 1853. Fuchs, Aaron Erb Anna Margaret Miller Oct. 25, 1853. Fuchs, Bernhart Elisabeth Erb Dec. 25, 1817. Fuchs, Charles Elis. Draze Nov. 30, 1834. Fuchs, David Mary Herb Nov. 28, 1847. Fuchs, Franklin Sarah Frey Mar. 24, 1850. Fuchs, Heinrich Anna Maria Moser April 11, 1769. Fuchs, James Sarah Renninger Nov. 8, 1829. Fuchs, Jacob Catharina Huber May 17, 1807. Fuchs, Jacob Sally Renninger June 27, 1813. Fuchs, Jacob Sabina Krauss Mar. 18, 1828. Fuchs, Jacob Ally Young Nov. 12, 1837. Fuchs, Jacob Catharine Meyer Nov. 26, 1848. Fuchs, Johann Christoph. . . .Rosina Elisabeth Lincking. . Nov. 25, 1746. Fuchs, Johannes Cath. Erb Jan. 12, 1812. Fuchs, Jonas Susanna Beiteman June 4, 1826. Fuchs, John Maria Erb Nov. 21, 1819. Fuchs, John Sarah Friederich May 22, 183 1. Fuchs, John Lea Frehn Oct. 12, 1845. Fuchs, John Levina Fuchs July 28, 1855. Fuchs, Nicholas Mary Linsenbigler Nov. 17, 1842. Fuchs, Peter Sophia Fagley April 16, 1843. Fuchs, Rubin Lidia Schaefer Nov. 4, 1838. Fuchs, Rubin Sally Ann Schonly April 25, 1852. Fuchs, Samuel Sarah Gansert Aug. 2, 1829. Fuchs, William Cath. Anna Gehry Jan. 22, 1832. Fiillman, Friederich Nansy Reichert April 19, 1795. Fiillman, Israel Catharine Geiger Jan. 11, 1835. Fiillman, Jacob Margretha Lober June 12, 1796. Fiillman, Jost Elisabeth Hartlin June 21, 1767. Fuss, John Maria Fritz Dec. 20, 1807. Fuss, Valentin Rosina Henrich Nov. 2, 1763. Futter, John Hanna Frehn June 21, 1842. Gabel, John P Emma C. Long Sept. 27, 1902. Gabel, Henry Fredericka Kurz Sept. 24, 1835. Galger, Joseph Elisabeth Huben April 6, 1775. Ganzert, Gabriel Mrs. Sarah Rauh Jan. 9, 1852. Gauckler, Johannes Elisabeth Renninger April 21, 1799. Gaugler, Jacob R Jane Smith Sept. 8, 1894. 594 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Gauker, Daniel Rachel Swavely June 5, 1842. Gaugler, George Catharine Croner Oct. 5, 1817. Gaukler, Jesse Elleonora Freyer Oct. 8, 1843. Gaukler, Joseph Maria Hiibner April 30, 1843. Gaukler, William Sarah Underkoweler Nov. 25, 1849. Gebhart, Henry Rachel Berke Oct. 24, 1841. Gebhart, Henry Esther Fetter July 17, 1853. Gebhart, Johann Michael. .. Philippina Crebiel June 30, 1776. Gebhart, Warren Kate K. Endy Oct. 13, 1903. Gebhart, William Emma Hetzel June 30, 1906. Gehris, Jeremiah M Caroline Schierbrand May 16, 1868. Gehris, Levy Sarah Heit Sept. 22, 1850. Gehris, Peter Mrs. Mary Thompson Oct. 17, 1830. Geider, Adam Magdalena Scheratti April 2, 1769. Geiger, Albert Mary Ann Hallman Nov. 18, 1845. Geiger, Anthon Barbara Geiger Nov. 25, 1746. Geiger, Charles Esther Linsenbigler Dec. 14, 1834. Geiger, Carl Elisabeth Dengler Dec. 31, 1809. Geiger, Daniel Elis. Lachmann Dec. 11, 1831. Geiger, David Cath. Georgy Mar. 25, 1826. Geiger, Didirig Regina Dottinger Sept. 3, 1764. Geiger, Fred Hanna Bickel Jan. 9, 1827 Geiger, George Elisabeth Schoen Jan. 19, 1817. Geiger, Henry Cath. Weis Oct. n, 1835. Geiger, John Hanna Geyer Oct. 20, 1839. Geiger, John Susan Endy Oct. 17, 1854. Geiger, Joseph Stichler May 21, 1846. Geiger, Michael Mary Wien Nov. 15, 1863. Geist, Henrich Marg. Miller Dec. 5, 1824. Geist, Isaac Sarah Erb Oct. 24, 1841. Geist, John Susanna Missemer Sept. 3, 1826. Geist, Matthias Fredericka Staedtler Jan. 6, 1833. Geist, Samuel Elisabeth Zuber Nov. 25, 1828. Geiszler, Thomas Meyer July 20, 1845. Genie, John Anna Barbara Keller Sept. 18, 1770. George, Joseph Sarah Reitnauer Sept. 29, 1856. Georgi, William Leah Day April 22, 1854. Gerhart, Edwin Emiline Reiter June 16, 1861. Gerhart, James A Millie F. Yerger Nov. 3, 1894. Gerhart, William H Lucyette H. Richard Sept. 29, 1866. Gerber, Johannes Magdalena Kien Nov. 1, 1795. Gerber, Joseph Catharine Peil Nov. 12, 1841. Geringer, Jacob Elisabeth Fertig Feb. 21, 1764. Record of Marriages. 595 Gerlin, Geyer, G lbert, G lbert G lbert G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, G lbert, David Margaret Stofflet June 5, 1779. Jacob Sarah Emmerich Jan. 5, 1828. Abrm Elis. Baumann Sept. 14, 1830. Adam Anna Makary Mar. 27, 1796. Adam Mary Ann Weaver Nov. 1, 1829. Andreas Maria Fritz Nov. 27, 1814. Anthony Maria Herbst Aug. 2, 1825. Bernhard Maria Elizabeth Meyer Nov. 21, 1752. Bernhard Justina Sassaman Dec. 18, 1825. Charles Harriet Rambo Nov. 13, 1836. Charles Hanna Erb Jan. 21, 1838. David Maria Merklay May 20, 1800. David Elisabeth Schoch Nov. 16, 1828. David Mathilda Hauberger Nov. 26, 1837. David Harriet Schneider Dec. 10, 1839. Daniel Cath. Meyer Oct. 24, 1833. Daniel Susan Keeler Sept. 25, 1836. Elisa Magdalena Sorg May 23, 1774. Elias Rebecca Wartmann Mar. 17, 1850. Frederick Charlotte Kurz Nov. 10, 1849. Friederich Susanna Renninger Dec. 18, 1814. George Sally Hauk Nov. 27, 1825. George Hanna Wambach Nov. 25, 1830. George Matilda Glaes Oct. 26, 1861. Heinrich Salome Kaiser April 7, 1805. Henry Maria Schneider June 12, 1836. Henry Elisabeth Mock Aug. 1, 1852. Henry Elisabeth Geist June 3, 1865. Henry Sophia Bickhart Dec. 8, 1855. Henry G Emma A. Freyer Aug. 31, 1889. Henry S Sarah G. Fronheiser May 7, 1864. Jacob Barbara Schanle Dec. 14, 1784. Jacob Sarah Schmidt Oct. 15, 1815. Jacob Magdalena Friederich Jan. 1, 1804. Jacob Sarah Hartranft June 10, 1819. Jesaias Maria Mattis Mar. 7, 1852. John Elisabeth Yorger Jan. 25, 1824. John Sarah Zoller Jan. 23, 1825. John Sarah Schmidt Feb. 17, 1825. Jacob Rebecca Dawidhauser Nov. 6, 1825. John Esther Bickel Jan. 29, 1828. John Maria Beidemann Oct. 18, 1840. Joseph Elis. Hartenstein Dec. 28, 1823. 596 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Gilbert, Joseph Levina Freyer Oct. 23, 1831. Gilbert, Levy Lidia Gilbert July 20, 1837. Gilbert, Levy Hetty Stofflet Aug. 4, 1844. Gilbert, Levy Sarah Yost April 12, 1845. Gilbert, Levy Mrs. Mary Bryan June 11, 1849. Gilbert, Matthias Christina Dorethea Huber...Jan. 5, 1748. Gilbert, Matthias Hanna Bechtel Aug. 25, 1804. Gilbert, Matthias Cath. Werstler Dec. 15, 1816. Gilbert, Mathias Anna M. Griessemer Jan. 20, 1839. Gilbert, Milton Mary Ann Weidner Sept. 21, 1861. Gilbert, Milton Cath. Anna Buchert Dec. 24, 1868. Gilbert, Milton F Emma Y. Fisher Dec. 27, 1862. Gilbert, Nathan Rebecca Fogly Mar. 31, 1839. Gilbert, Richard Mary Wartman Dec. 13, 1846. Gilbert, Samuel Catharine Saul Nov. 19, 1776. Gilbert, Samuel Rosina Buchert April 13, 1820. Gilbert, Samuel Mary Ann Derr May 17, 1835. Gilbert, Wilhelm Maria Engel Dec. 21, 1823. Gilbert, William Amelia Reifschneider Nov. 8, 1840. Gilbert, William Amelia Wans Aug. 9, 1846. Gilbert, William Hetty Bickel Oct. 17, 1847. Gilbert, William Sarah Koch Sept. 18, 1864. Gilhelm, Thomas Hanna Kandel Feb. 7, 1769. Glaize, Ephraim Elisabeth Swavely Nov. 26, 1848. Glas, Martinus Elisabeth Huber Jan. 6, 1765. Glaze, Friederich Catharine Pott Dec. 7, 1806. Glaze, John Adam Catharine Weiss Sept. 27, 1804. Glaze, Stephen Mary Beck Nov. 11, 1804. Glees, Frederick Matilda Yeakel Sept. 9, 1855. Gooldin, Henry G Lidia Schwenk Jan. 13, 1850. Gottmann, George Susanna Muthhart Dec. 19, 1819. Gottschalck, Ernst Maria Klein Oct. 18, 1774. Gottschall, Jacob Barbara Dotterer Jan. 5, 1812. Gottschall, John Maria Neidig Oct. 2, 1804. Gottschall, Samuel Maria Schoener Aug. 22, 1847. Gottshall, Philipp Catharina Neuman Jan. 31, 1808. Gottshall, William Elisabeth Young Dec. 13, 1840. Gotze, Christian Maria Barbara Petri Feb. 13, 1776. Graeber, Jonas Maria Grosz Dec. 9, 1849. Graf, Abraham Elisabeth Krauss Oct. 26, 1816. Graf, Jacob Catharine Reiff Jan. 15, 1805. Graf, John Elisabeth Drumheller Mar. 29, 1818. Graf, Jeremiah Sarah Schneider Oct. 18, 1846. Record of Marriages. 597 Graf, John Sally Kiihly Nov. 18, 1817. Graff, Joseph Emmaline Hauk Oct. 17, 1847. Graff, Samuel Cath. Schaefer Mar. 20, 1831. Grant, Bertolet Esther Stapleton July 2, 1843. Grasz, Samuel Lidia Drumheller Oct. 15, 1836. Grasz, Henry Elis. Bickel Mar. 31, 1839. Grau, Daniel Sarah Ann Diehl Feb. 20, 1844. Grau, Samuel L Sophia S. Fry Sept. 2, i860. Graul, Henry W Esther Dotts Mar. 21, 1861 Grauss, Abraham Elisabeth Ziegler Aug. 30, 1796 Greiner, George J Mary A. Homoyer June 10, 1899 Greiner, Johannes Catharine Beyer May 24, 1748 Gresch, Eli Mary Ann Roudenbush ....Sept. 23, 1855 Gresch, Henry Cath. Fox May 30, 1830 Gresch, James Lea Freyer May 30, 1852 Gresch, Samuel Ellen Burden Feb. 13, 1848. Gresh, Augustus K Anna Brendlinger June 7, 1862. Gresh, Carl Rebecca Boyer Mar. 23, 1823. Gresh, Charles Margaretha Steinruck Feb. 26, 1826. Gresh, Daniel Susanna Kuser May 3, 1827. Gresh, David Anna Dengler April 8, 1828. Gresh, Elmer Rose Marquart Dec. 26, 1888. Gresh, George Cath. Markward Feb. 1, 1817. Gresh, Harrison S Emma Davidheiser Mar. 7, 1891. Gresh, Henry Cath. Fry Feb. 19, i860. Gresh, Jacob Christina Battow Aug. 13, 1809. Gresh, Jacob Anna Boyer Sept. 21, 1822. Gresh, John Sally Fiery Aug. 1, 1813. Gresh, Nicholas Sarah Steinruck Oct. 20, 1822. Gresh, Urias F Rebecca Baker Dec. 14, 1861. Gressovv, Matthias Elisabeth Maurer Nov. 12, 1771- Griessemer, Henry D Cath. Ritter Jan. 14, 1844. Greissemer, Isaac Maria Gilbert April 15, 1838. Grim, Clinton R Eva D. Mest Nov. 21, 1903. Grimes, Jesse Cath. Schuhman Oct. 11, 1827. Grisinger, Georg Barbara Fisher April 5, 1795- Grobb, Daniel Hanna Allbright Dec. 26, 1830. Grobb, Daniel Sophia Albrecht Nov. 30, 1845. Grob, George Mary Yost Jan. 31, 1828. Grobb, George Elisabeth Miller Jan. 6, 1852. Grob, Henrich Hanna Krauss Dec. 17, 1826. Grobb, Silas Elisabeth Bartolet Jan. 17, 1847. Groff, Abraham B Sallie M. Gilbert Feb. 21, 1891. 39 598 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Graf, Simon Sally Herbst Jan. 30, 1814. Grof, Joseph Sarah Rusheau Oct. 20, 1839. Groff, William Anna Barber Nov. 14, 1847. Groh, Peter Hanna Gottschall Dec. 5, 1830. Gross, Daniel Elisabeth Pool Dec. 8, 1816. Gross, Ephraim Mary Ann Thomas Oct. 9, 1858. Gross, George Sarah Heinrich Jan. 29, 1854. Gross, Jefferson B Lucy M. Boyer Nov. 21, 1868. Gross, Jacob Sarah Schroder Aug. 26, 1827. Gross, John Catharine Moyer Jan. 28, 1819. Gross, Nathan Catharine Dierolf Nov. 4, 1855. Grosz, James Susan Yahn Oct. 15, 1848. Grosz, Jacob Elis. Renninger Oct. 9, 1831. Grote, Jacob Elisabeth Shumacher Mar. 3, 1808. Grove, Jacob Catharine Underkofier Mar. 23, 1807. Grow, Henry Mary Ann Shire Jan. 9, 1864. Grub, Casper Eva Schweitzer Oct. 25, 1768. Grubb, Charles E Mabel H. Zollers June 2, 1906. Grubb, Esra Charlotte Binder Dec. 24, 1853. Grubb, George Adam Elisabeth Huber May 7, 1854. Grubb, Irwin B Minerva Cordelia Houck...Oct. 13, 1883. Grubb, Irwin Norman Alverda N. Roth Jan. 26, 1907. Grube, Peter Susanna Schweitzer July 24, 1770. Gruber, Andrew Emma Fisher July 17, 1869. Guldin, Daniel Margareta Jorger May 31, 1795. Guldin, Jacob R Hannah K. Sassaman Nov. 25, 1871. Haacke, Gottfried Johanna Mozer April 7, 1772. Haarim, Johann Tobias Elisabeth Possert Sept. 24, 1751. Haas, Augustus Z Mary Y. Royer Aug. 27, 1864. Haas, Benjamin Elisabeth Liebengut April 16, 1796. Haas, David Cath. Francis Oct. 27, 1839. Haas, Henry Hanna Marquart Aug. 24, 1845. Haas, Rubin Sophia Zuber Dec. 25, 1838. Haas, William Sarah Swavely Sept. 9, 1849. Habner, Daniel Sarah Zink Aug. — ,1827. Haertlein, Michael Elisabeth Hilbert Sept. 8, 1811. Hagen, Anton Catharina Jorger Jan. 24, 1775. Hagy, J. Keeley Clara Kepler April 25, 1871. Hahn, Wilhelm B Hanna Hartranft Jan. 22, 1829. Hallman, Abr Elis. Trumbauer Dec. 18, 1825. Hallman, Alfret Sarah Wald Nov. 1, 1840. Hallmann, Friederich Cath. Fritz Aug. 16, 1816. Hallmann, Henry Hanna Setzler Mar. 8, 1838. Record of Marriages. 599 Ilallman, Isaac Cath. Levy Feb. 23, 1823. Mailman, Isaac Sarah Sensendorfer Mar. 4, 1838. Hallman, William Rebecca Emmerich Mar. 27, 1836. Hamilton, James Cath. Zieler April 12, 1818. Hammes, John Eliza Rohrbach Jan. 5, 1834. Happes, Solomon Sarah Hassler Aug. 19, 1849. Harb, Henry Susan Holder Aug. 15, 1858. Harlv, Benjamin Susanna Pannebacker Feb. 4, 1826. Harpel, Ambrose H Sallie S. Trumbower May 13, 1897. Harpel, Benjamin F Caroline Kolb Dec. 25, 1858. Harp, Bennewell Matilda Hartline Jan. 6, 1866. Harpel, Irwin H. S Theresa D. Fox May 2, 1891. Harple, Daniel S Kate Young Sept. 23, 1876. Harple, Jacob S Theresa Hockspill Aug. 26, 1876. Harpel, Marcus Emeline R. Smith Oct. 18, 1884. Harpel, Silas S Mary J. Moll Oct. 22, 1892. Harpel, Ulysses H Kate S. Alderfer April 19, 1902. Hartenstein, Henry Cath. Schnell May 25, 1845. Hartenstein, Jacob Miss Brey Hartenstein, Johannes Sarah Gilbert Jan. 9, 1820. Hartenstein, Peter Hanna Schnell Nov. — , 1811. Hartenstein, Peter Cath. Hartman July 24, 1825. Hartenstein, Samuel Charlott Seeboldt Dec. 21, 1850. Hartfield, Christian Mary Liebengut June 1, 1826. Hartlein, Elija Sarah Ann Reichert July 6, 1845. Hartlein, George Sarah Ann Parks July 13, 1837. Hartlein, Henrich Elisabeth Foster May 27, 1810. Hartlein, Jacob Cath. Koch Aug. 9, 1813. Hartlein, Lorenz Magdalene Seibert Sept. 14, 1779. Hartman, Adam Mary Barnet Oct. 4, 1779- Hartman, David Lea Rhoads Mar. 23, 1845. Hartman, Friederich Sophia Weis Dec. 11, 1796. Hartman, Jacob Catharina Egold Feb. 25, 1810. Hartmann, Johann Jacob ...Sara Burchard May 22, 1770. Hartmann, Jacob Mary Ritter Feb. 25, 1866. Hartmann, John Hanna Custard April 18, 1816. Hartmann, Jacob Sarah Schulz April 12, 1840. Hartmann, Joseph Elisabeth Eschbach Nov. 4, 1849. Hartman, Malon Deborah Egel Aug. 4, 1846. Hartranft, Andrew Magdalena Frankenberger ..Mar. 26, 1809. Hartranft, David Salome Bickel May 20, 1810. Hartranft, David Christina Binder Nov. 11, 1828. Hartranft, Jacob Mary Weaver June 9, 1833. 600 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Hartranft, John Maria Roth Nov. 16, 1806. Hartranft, Wilhelm Magdalena Brey 1806. Hartranft, William Sarah Weaver May 30, 1841. Hartsill, John Magdalena George Oct. 27, 1772. Hartz, Francis O Lottie D. Nester Jan. 20, 1906. Hase, Mathias Catherine Dress June 29, 1806. Hassinger, Peter Eva Maria Fuchs Dec. 26, 1775. Hatfield, David Sarah Liebengut Dec. 13, 1829. Hatfield, Ephraim D Catherine Y. Moser Oct. 15, 1864. Hatfield, Isaac Mary Spatz Sept. 10, 1837. Hatfield, Isaac Elisabeth Brauer Oct. 31, 1848. Hatfield, Joseph Maria Derr June 4, 1843. Hatfield, Levy Elmira Swavely July 12, 1846. Hatfield, Milton Cath. F. Gresh Jan. 8, i860. Hatfield, Orlando B Mrs. Elmira E. Miller Dec. 19, 1896. Hatfield, Christian Mary Liebenguth June 1, 1826. Hatfield, Samuel Sarah Liebenguth Mar. 6, 1831. Hatfield, Samuel Christina Liebenguth Oct. 23, 1849. Hau, Henrich Cath. Bartman April 3, 1825. Hauberger, Abraham Rebecca Roths Feb. 28, 1841. Hauberger, David Susanna Ruth June 23, 1816. Hauberger, Peter Christina Kepner April 14, 1803. Hauberger, Peter Sophia Leidig Jan. 15, 1835. Hauberger, William Sarah Bastress Jan. 26, 1834. Hauch, Jacob Anna Maria Hahns June 23, 1745. Hauck, Susanna Boyer July 29, 1804. Hauck, Daniel Catharine Trumheller Aug. 24, 1806. Hauck, Francis W Lizzie Bitting Oct. 12, 1895. Hauck, Jacob Anna Maria Minninger May 13, 1806. Hauck, Joh. Henrich Eva Rosina Heinzelmann. . . Jan. 12, 1773. Hauer, Jacob Angelina Bitting Feb. 3, 1845. Hauk, Amos Hanna Gabel Dec. 17, 1843. Hauk, David Rebecca Wesner Mar. 21, 1837. Hauk, David Catharine Fuchs June 22, 1839. Hauk, George Hanna Koch Jan. 8, 1842. Hauk, Henry Maria Dotterer Sept. 4, 1842. Hauk, Marks Deborah Georgy Nov. 23, 1856. Hauk, William Mary Herb Oct. 14, 1832. Hauk, William Hanna Haas Aug. 16, 1838. Hanselman, Hans Jurg Maria Christina Macherli. . . Feb. 2, 1752. Hebbenheimer, David Catharina Graf Feb. 20, 1763. Hederich, Johannes Sarah Klein Mar. 14, 1815. Hefelfanger, Abraham Nancy Engel June 18, 1826. Record of Marriages. 60 1 Heffelfinger, Isaac Sarah Wenzel Dec. 10, 1848. Heffner, Thomas L Emma E. Yerger Dec. 24, 1887. Heft, Harrison S Mary Ann Rhoads Feb. 6, 1875. Heft, Jacob Susan Spatz Nov. 20, 183 1. Heft, Jacob Sarah Schwenk Oct. 11, 1846. Hellbart, Jacob Elisabeth Morris Mar. 7, 1844. Heibst, Nicolaus Appollonia Wamser Oct. 20, 1767. Heil, Christian Catharine Wampolt Jan. 10, 1765. Heilig, Samuel Esther Diirolf Feb. 6, 183 1. Heilig, William Maria Decker Nov. 3, 1844. Heilig, William G Anna Harper July 5, 1851. Heimbach, Matthias Susanna Weske April 9, 1747. Heimer, Josua Susanna Krauss Feb. 19, 1822. Heinrich, Jacob Nancy Landes Oct. 19, 1800. Heisser, Jacob Hanna Dengler Nov. 9, 1823. Heidt, Josua Sophia Reidnauer Oct. 25, 1840. Heist, Henry Esther Rohrbach Sept. 8, 1850. Heist, Henry Elisabeth Muthardt Sept. 7, 1861. Heist, Henry Mary Ann Endy May 20, 1866. Heist, Jacob Eleonora Gerhardt Oct. 27, 1827. Heist, Jeremiah G Amanda Boyer Jan. 11, 1862. Heist, Peter Maria Heist Sept. 26, 1813. Heit, Abraham Maria Frehn Nov. 12, 1809. Heit, Benjamin Rebecca Becker Dec. 31, 1837. Heit, David Elisabeth Frey Aug. 16, 1840. Heit, Elija Judith Heit Sept. 4, 1842. Heit, George Margaretha Geris May 7, 1816. Heit, Henry Elisabeth Strunk Oct. 14, 1849. Heit, Jacob Anna Hool Dec. 5, 1830. Heit, Jacob Levina Conrad May 19, 1850. Heit, Jacob Maria Reichert Oct. 25, 1812. Heit, Johannes Magdalena Weller Oct. 24, 1814. Heit, John Sarah Fuchs May 13, 1849. Heit, John Elis. Gehris May 24, 1835. Heit, Jonas Susan Dallecker Jan. 19, 1851. Heit, Matthias Mary Ann Erb May 19, 1850. Heit, Thomas Anna Will Sept. 19, 1847. Heitz, Michal Amelia Burthen Mar. is, 1852. Hellbart, Philip Catharine Renninger May 7, 1837. Hellebard, Michael Anna Maria Frack Jan. 8, 1771. Heller, Daniel M Anna B. Reitmeyer Aug. 30, 1862. Heller, Frederick M Rebecca Conrad Oct. 3, 1847. Heller, John Maria Wagner April 16, 1805. 602 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Heller, Jonathan Anna Bartolet Dec. 25, 1845. Helm, Daniel Susanna Ludwig Oct. 7, 1804. Hendrix, John Elonora Tyson Nov. 29, 1812. Henrich, John Anna Yost Dec. 15, 1816. Henrich, Jonas Amelia Howe May 6, 1854. Henrich, Peter Elisabeth Dotterer May 10, 1796. Henrich, Samuel Esther Wittes Oct. 1, 1815. Henry, Abraham Mary Stelz Dec. 8, 1850. Henry, Jacob S Ann Kate Houck Oct. 2, 1869. Heppenheimer, Jacob Elisabeth Hartman April 29, 1817. Herb, Abraham Susan Reitnauer July 18, 1847. Herb, Daniel Elis. Fronheiser Aug. 28, 1836. Herb, Daniel Levina Heyt Jan. 16, 1859. Herb, Friederich Catharina Egold Nov. 5, 1799. Herb, John Emma Star Mar. 1, 1862. Herb, Peter Elisabeth Hillegass June 23, 1796. Herb, Wilhelm Mary Phreby Sept. 7, 1823. Herb, William Emilie Schwenck Oct. 4, 1862. Herbst, Hanna Reitnauer April 7, 1816. Herbst, Reidnauer Oct. 26, 1834. Herbst, George Barbara Kele Nov. 12, 1776. Herbst, James Hetty Fritz Nov. 13, 1836. Herbst, John Sophia Oberdorf Aug. 2, . Herbst, Peter Elisabeth Farmer July 5, 1812. Herbst, Samuel Elisabeth Frehn June 11, 1859. Herman, Frank Annie H. Weiss Feb. 7, 1903. Herman, George Eliza Wick May 1, 1828. Herner, Henry H Mary M. Bucher Nov. 2, 1876. Herner, Henry H Sally A. Snell April 12, 1890. Herner Irwin E Sarah Emma Buchert Nov. 24, 1900. Herner, John Henry Gertrude S. Moyer June 17, 1903. Herpel, Daniel Sarah Steyer June 13, 1852. Herpel, Henry Rachel Albrecht Mar. 19, 1844. Herpel, Henry Elisabeth Schmidt April 11, 1847. Herpel, Henry July Ann Schmidt Nov. 11, 1849. Herpel, John Elisabeth Witman Dec. 23, 1827. Hertlein, Daniel Sarah Schwavely June 2, 1833. Hertlein, Gideon Esther Anderson May 16, 1841. Hertlein, Joel Maria Alby Oct. 18, 1840. Hertlein, William Rachel Hoffmann Nov. 22, 1840. Hertlein, William Magdalena Roths Dec. 3, 1843. Hertlein, William Elisabeth Fronheiser Oct. 27, 1844. Hertzel, Georg Catharina Groll Sept. 30, 1795. Record of Marriages. 603 Hess, Daniel Maria Frey Jan. 22, 1811. Hess, Daniel Harriet Leh Jan. 7, 1844. Hess, Daniel Elisabeth Baer July 31, 1842. Hess, Frederick Amelia Rohrbach Dec. 16, 1854. Hess, George Miss Young Dec. 26, 1814. Hess, Levy Hanna Miller Jan. 16, 1849. Hess, John Harriet Conrad Dec. 20, 1846. Hess, Thomas Maria Fronheiser May 12, 1850. Hess, William Margaret Grosz Dec. 17, 1843. Hetzel, Samuel Susanna Wartmann Sept. 30, 1849. Heydt, George Sarah Dotterer Nov. 4, 1854. Heydt, Henry B Levina Moser April 22, 1861. Heydt, John Maria Fronheiser April 10, 1859. Heydt, Joseph Lydia Faegley Feb. 25, i860. Heydt, Louis Anna E. Muthhardt Nov. 7, 1863. Heyer, John Margaret Berrit Mar. 10, 1816. Hickes, Jeremiah Sarah Chapman Dec. 18, 1750. Hiester, Daniel Sarah Zerr April 28, 1850. Hildebeutel, Abraham Margaretha Borleman July 25, 1807. Hildebeutel, Daniel Elisabeth Reiter Sept. 10, 1803. Hildebeutel, Johannes Catharina Schittler May 15, 1797. Hildwein, Christian Lydia Sell May 14, 1859. Hill, John Catharine Hill Mar. 19, 1808. Hillegass, Jacob Barbara Hillpart Oct. 12, 1807. Himmelreich, Jacob Sarah Kolb Dec. 25, 1853. Himmelreich, John Maria Renninger Jan. 19, 1840. Himmelreich, Jonas Susanna Moser May 26, 1817. Hoch, Abraham Catharine Muthhard April 23, 1804. Hockly, James Catharine Schneider Jan. 14, 1821. Hoff, Jacob Ella M. Becker Feb. 14, 1903. Hoff, Nathaniel Maria Muthhart Oct. 28, 1838. Hofman, Jacob Maria Acker April 17, 1825. Hofman, Johannes Elisabeth Davidshauser ....Dec. 24, 1826. Hofman, Johannes Anna Maria Fritz Oct. 16, 1764. Hofman, John Mary Boyer Feb. 29, 1824. Hofman, John Cath. Miller Mar. 9, 1828. Hoffman, A Esther Jerger Oct. 10, 1841. Hoffman, Andreas Elisabeth Knetz April 1, 1798. Hoffman, Andreas Molly Beuteler June 26, 1804. Hoffman, Benjamin Maria Roths Dec. 7, 1843. Hoffman, Benneville Hanna Rhoads Sept. — , 1838. Hoffman, David Sarah Hoffman Feb. 4, 1838. Hoffman, Edwin D Harriet Honnetter June 10, 1876. 604 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Hoffman, George Cath. Reitnauer Jan. 5, 1817. Hoffman, Henry Sarah Davidheiser June 19, 1831. Hoffman, Henry D Mary Ann Linsenbigler Dec. 28, 1867. Hoffman, Isaac Maria Oberdorf June 8, 1851. Hoffman, Jacob Elisabeth Fogley Oct. 13, 1850. Hoffman, John Elisabeth Steyer Nov. 14, 1824. Hoffman, John Polly Drees Aug. 2, 1856. Hoffman, John E Augusta Krekeler Dec. 29, 1888. Hoffman, Lewis Malinda R. Kepner Sept. 12, 1868. Hoffman, Michael Lidia Lichtel Jan. 13, 1839. Hoffman, Dr. Michael Esther Schweinhart Feb. 14, 1841. Hoffman, Nathan D Matilda M. Fox Sept. 28, 1867. Hoffman, Quillman D Laura Fronheiser April 22, 1899. Hoffman, Samuel Esther Gresch Nov. 15, 1829. Holdeman, John Julia Steib Oct. 19, 1826. Holdeman, Tobias Maria Grody Nov. — , 1828. Hollenbash, Henrich Judith Albrecht Oct. 26, 1828. Hollenbush, Hiram Apolonia Hilbert Oct. 27, 1844. Hollenbush Lucian Bertha W. Mutter Dec. 9, 1905. Hollobach, Bernhart Mary M. Sailor Dec. 10, 1848. Hollobush, Richard K Matilda B. Poh June 4, 1870. Hollobush, Samuel E. S Clara S. Harpel Aug. 30, 1879. Holter, Jacob Cath. Friederich April 27, 1819. Honnetter, Andreas Margaretha Gottshall Mar. 13, 1808. Honnetter, Bernhard Maria Dotterer April n, 1814. Honnetter, George Maria Schlonecker Oct. 6, 1811. Honnetter, George Anna Dotterer Mar. 10, 1822. Honnetter, Heinrich Susanna Reigner Jan. 1, 1824. Honnetter, Samuel Mary Long Feb. 22, 1846. Hoofer, Jacob Maria Semple May 19, 1785. Hopkin, Matthew Lea Johns Sept. 6, 1747. Horlacher, Ephraim Catharine Hendrix Oct. 24, 1847. Horner, Henry Sarah Frey Mar. 11, 1832. Horner, Henry Margaret Hallman Feb. 16, 1845. Horner, Samuel Christina Schaefer Mar. 7, 1841. Hornetter Frederick Sarah Gresch Oct. 9, 1856. Horning Benedick Elisabeth Miller Mar. 13, 1763. Houck, Edwin G Mary M. Wesner Dec. 16, 1871. Houck, Ephraim Cath. Weidner Nov. 13, 1862. Houck, Harrison M Emilie M. Ritter Nov. 1, 1862. Houck, Monroe Lizzie F. Wise April 4, 1868. Houck, Urias Mary Ritter May 29, 1869. Howe, William Henry Hannah K. Schainer Mar. 3, i860. Record of Marriages. 605 Huben, Henrich Elisabeth Bolde Dec. 5, 1775. Huber, David Rebecca Kepler Jan. 1, 1843. Huber, David Catharine Keppner Oct. 7, 1855. Huff, Franklin Sarah Brendlinger Dec. 25, 1858. Hughes, Peter Catharine Fusz June ro, 1847. Hummel, Jonathan Magdalena Walter Mar. 20, 1808. Hummel, Jonathan Mary Gilbert Mar. 21, 1830. Hummel, John Elisabeth Sailor Nov. 12, 1837. Hundsperger, Abraham Cath. Bartolet Feb. 25, 1844. Hunsberger, Daniel C Emma M. Smith Jan. 19, 1901. Hunsberger, Frank P Sallie A. Steltz Jan. 3, 1901. Hunsicker, Benjamin Cath. Winters Sept. 19, 1844. Hunter, Henry Charlott Gilbert Aug. 20, 1837. Hupart, John Y Caroline Schmull Sept. 28, 1851. Hiker, Jacob Catharine Herb April 2, 1795. Hiiter, Jacob Anna Maria Diener Mar. 26, 1815. Hutt, Gottlieb Jacob Maria Neidig Nov. 17, 1822. Huth, Henry Cath. Reitmeyer Sept. 18, 1842. Hutt, Jesse Ellen Grohty Dec. 19, 1847. Hutt, William F Annie S. Johnson Aug. 4, 1888. Ickes, Michael Catharine Acker Nov. 14, 1769. Ickes, Peter Dorothea Kebner Dec. 10, 1771. Ide, Henrich Use Dorothea Pless Jan. 27, 1755. Ihle, Jacob Heinrich Wilhelmina Friedericka Mar. 12, 1859. Kuder. Imbody, Jacob Maria Swavely April 28, 1844. Imbody, Nathan Susan Schwavely Aug. 12, 1838. Isett, Abraham Rebecca Miller Mar. 23, 1823. Isette, Henrich Marg. Rambo Dec. 12, 1816. Jacob, Henrich Elisabeth Fuchs Dec. 31, 1809. Jacob, John Hanna Elisabeth Nice June 14, 1851. Jacobs, Charles I Emma M. Roemer Nov. 12, 1898. Jacobs, Henry Elis. Neuman Feb. 28, 1830. Jaeger, Jacob Mathilda Bayer Jan. 18, 1838. Jans, John Susan Badmann Aug. 12, 1834. Janson, Christian Mary Hertlein Dec. 19, 1830. Janson, William Susanna Bechtel July 19, 1807. Jerger, Adam Sarah Kepler Oct. 24, 1841. Jerger, David Rachel Davidheiser Nov. 5, 1843. Jerger, John Mary Drase Sept. 13, 1840. Jerger, Jonas Susan Neimann May 20, 1841. Jerger, Michael Sarah Fryer Dec. 26, 1841. Jerger, Peter Sarah Erb Dec. 26, 1841. 606 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Johnson, Abraham Maria Schonly Nov. i, 1846. Johnson, Abraham Catharine Gruber Oct. 7, 1849. Johnson, Elam G Kate S. Steltz Jan. 8, 1870. Johnson, Jacob Sarah Bechtel Aug. 13 1809. Johnson, John L Kate Shaner Aug. 15, 1868. Jones, David Mary Broock Jan. 5, 1769. Jones, Edward Hanna Cleaver Dec. 20, 1840. Jones, George Elisabeth Miller Mar. 6, 1817. Jones, John Sarah Schwenk June 30, 1844. Jones, Lewis C Sallie E. Schick Oct. 13, 1877. Jones, Ludwig Catharina Hiibner May 6, 1810. Jochum, Jacob Susanna Fritz Mar. — , 1838. Jochum, Jacob Susan Fritz Jan. 15, 1835. Jochum, John Caroline Miller Dec. 29, 1840. Joder, Benevill Sarah Thomas July 12, 1846. Joder, John Lisetta Maurer Sept. 8, 1850. Joder, Joseph Annetta Glaize Mar. 5, 1843. Jorger, Adam Elisabeth Neumann Dec. 6, 1774. Jorger, Andreas Anna Stauffer Dec. 23, 1783. Jorger, David Elisabeth Krebs May 24, 1795. Jorger, Dewald Maria Margaretha Kreiner. . July 5, 1768. Jorger, Jacob Margaretha Ludy May 25, 1795. Jorger, Michael Margaretha Erhart April 2, 1765. Jorger, Paul Margdretha Graf June 21, 1774. Jorger, Philipp Maria Sold Nov. 1, 1796. Jorgy, Abraham Sarah Barlow Sept. 21, 1847. Jorgy, Christian Mathilda Fritz May 2, 1847. Jorgy, Ephraim Anna Bechtel Dec. 26, 1847. Jorgy, George Elisabeth Bauer Nov. 5, 1843. Jorgy, Isaac Rebecca Lessig Nov. 13, 1836. Jorgy, Israel Rachel Wiesner Nov. 17, 1833. Jorgy, Jacob Mary Shwenk Sept. 23, 1845. Jorgy, Joseph Lea Fronheiser Oct. 30, 1842. Jorgy, Peter Mrs. Dinah Dotterer Feb. 18, 1851. Jorgy, Solomon Lidiann Graff Sept. 17, 1839. Jorgy, William Mrs. Mary A. Baumann May 25, 1847. Jost, Joh. Heinrich Susanna Kieler Dec. 7, 1773. Jond, Johann Jurg Maria Margaretha Henckel. Sept. 10, 1745. Jurger, Johan Andreas Catharine Conrad May 28, 1745. Jurger, Johann Thomas Anna Maria Muller Mar. 17, 1747. Jurger, Veit Sybilla Renn Nov. 20, 1749. Kabler, Abraham Catharine Miller Sept. 25, 1764. Kachel, Simon Catharine Fritz Mar. 31, 1767. Record of Marriages. 607 Kaemmerer, Solomon Catharine Landis Nov. 22, 1856. Kapperling, Caspar Litz Stemple Mar. 18, 1752. Kaes, Joseph Magdalena Schweinhart July 7, 1839. Kahler, James R Maria Krebs Nov. 4, 1821. Kahler, Michael Mary Frey Oct. 19, 1834. Kalb, August Susan Phoebinger Oct. 11, 1851. Kalb, Jacob Mrs. Hannah Sailer Feb. 24, 1818. Kanner, David Appellonia Roths July 21, 1772. Kappauf, Giinther Dorothea Faber Dec. 26, 1863. Karber, Reuben Mary Faust Oct. 22, 1839. Katz, George Cath. Vogt Dec. 22, 1825. Kaufmann, Friederich Cath. Hallman Dec. 25, 1836. Kebler, Heinrich Maria Brand Nov. 12, 1776. Kebner, David Hanna Singer Dec. 5, 1752. Kebner, William Catharina Liebenguth Mar. 28, 1769. Keck, David J Rosa M. Christman Apr. 26, 1890. Keck, Joel Y Mahella V. Neiman Sept. 1, 1883. Keeler, Eli K Ella Ann Favinger Mar. 24, 1861. Keeler, Elias Cath. Frey July 7, 1844. Keeler, Reinhart Sarah Scholl June 29, 1845. Keely, Charles Caroline Beitemann May 2, 1852. Keely, Charles Mary A. Brendlinger Nov. 21, 1871. Keeley, Daniel W Ella A. Gross Oct. 12, 1895. Keeley, Irwin H Sarah L. Wynnings Apr. 2, 1904. Keeley, Jacob Mary Ann Cassidy Jan. 23, 1831. Keeley, William Lucy Barret Nov. 12, 1887. Kehl, Jacob Maria Zerly Sept. 10, 1825. Kehl, Johannes Elisabeth Renninger Nov. 9, 1794- Kehl, John Catharina Schmidt Jan. 2, 1820. Kehler, Wilhelm Elisabeth Bitters Sept. 18, 1814. Kehs, Harry O Melinda Frehn Apr. 4, 1891. Kehs, Thomas F Katie F. Miller June 2, 1906. Keiler, Peter Fredericka Merz Oct. 20, 1844. Keim, Bennevill Rebecca Baer Sept. 5, 1847. Keim, George Anna L. Grim Aug. 4, 1850. Keim, Israel Lea Ann Weidner Oct. 31, 1847. Keiser, Jacob Catharine Neidig Jan. 25, 1835. Kelchner, Peter Susanna Beyer Mar. 1, 1796. Kelchner, William Mrs. Mary Dotterer Jan. 8, 1837. Kelius, William P. N Susan D. Scheffy Dec. 20, 1902. Keller, Charles Harriet Meyer Dec. 12, 1841. Kemmerer, Jacob Elisabeth Sell Feb. 17, 1821. Kemmerer, Solomon Sarah Hauberger Dec. 15, 1842. 608 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Kemery, Henry Mary Ann Yerger Jan. 31, 1852. Kepler, Abraham Rachel Reifschneider Oct. 7, 1832. Kepler, Coplin Margaret Binder May 28, 1837. Kepler, David Maria Geiger Nov. 3, 1844. Kepler, Henry Catharine Schell Jan. 31, 1808. Kepler, Isaac Cath. Wiand Aug. 28, 1831. Kepler, William Judith Leidig Sept. 2, 1832. Kepler, William Sarah Koch Jan. 13, 1833. Kepner, Abraham Mrs. Susan Zoller Oct. 15, 1853. Kepner, Abraham Anna Kiihler Mar. 5, 1826. Kepner, Bernhard Eva Meyer Apr. 13, 1755. Kepner, Barnhard K. M Mary Ann Reichert Dec. 25, 1849. Kepner, Chester G Lucy B. Behr Jan. 15, 1878. Kepner, Rev. Daniel K Lydia A. Brendlinger May 29, 1871. Kepner, David Margaretha Ruth May 14, 1820. Kepner, Henry Elisabeth M. Yoder Jan. 7, 1849. Kepner, Henry Sarah Geiger Sept. 20, 1856. Kepner, Henry Mrs. Mary Shaner Dec. 31, 1874. Kepner, James M Lydia Ann Buchert Sept. 6, 1894. Kepner, John Chariot Herb Sept. 19, 1847. Kepner, Jonathan G Priscilla L. Drumheller Nov. 17, 1877. Kepner, Jonathan Hanna Ganzert Aug. 20, 1848. Kepner, Lawrence W Mary Gross July 13, 1861. Kepner, Percival G Mary Ann Reifsnyder Dec. 1, 1870. Kepner, Samuel Mary Engel Nov. 1, 1856. Kepner, William Henry Isabella Slonecker Oct. 5, 1878. Kerber, Jacob Elisabeth Kuter Mar. 30, 1806. Keyser, Absalom Louise Hauck Jan. 4, 1862. Keyser, Henrich Cath. Schlonecker Aug. 1, 1813. Keyser, Nathaniel Mary Long Nov. 18, 1865. Kiehley, Jacob Catharine Schweinhart May 15, 1853. Kieler, Ely Maria Gilbert Nov. 24, 1825. Kieler, Jacob Cath. Krug Dec. 6, 1818. Kieler, Martin Barbara Fron July 19, 1774- Kiess, Christian Anna Schoener Mar. 31, 1822. Klaus, William Rebecca Frey July 28, 1839. Klein, Carl Sara Lutz Sept. 7, 1802. Klein, Christoph Anna Born Mar. 22, 1774- Klein, Georg Louise Wagner May 1 5, 1806. Klein, George Mrs. Esther Schmidt Nov. 24, 1855. Klein, Hanes Jiirg Maria Catharina Kuhnz May 8, 1748. Klein, Henry Elisabeth Decker Nov. 25, 1849. Klein, Jacob Susanna Kropp Mar. 23, 1806. Record of Marriages. 609 Klein, Lewis Sara Thale Jan. i, 1767. Klein, Michael Miss Graeber July 5, 1812. Klein, Philip Miss Markley July 17, 1825. Kline, Franklin Barbara Fry June 1, 1861. Kline, Jacob Elisabeth Roths Apr. 15, 1852. Kline, John Mrs. Hanna Luther. Nov. 29, 1835. Kline, Sirus Phoebe Hoffman Dec. 2, 1847. Klink, Jacob F Susan W. Root Sept. 29, 1863. Klug, Catharine Schick Nov. 14, 1820. Knapp, John B Mrs. Christianna Fredericka Quasti. May 24, 1849. Kanuer, Johannes Barbara Kettere May 7, 1776. Knause, Harry C Clara E. Bickel Dec. 31, 1892. Knaus, Wilhelm Lidia Miller June 16, 1767. Knerr, Abraham Rebecca Schmidt Dec. 29, 1850. Kneiper, Johannes Anna Barbara Hofmann. . . . Nov. 5, 1749- Knetz, Jacob Elisabeth Boyer Mar. 20, 1808. Knetz, Jacob Mrs. Elisabeth Siiszholz Jan. 25, 1849. Knetz, Michael Cath. Hoffman May 5, 1816. Knipe, Dr. Septimus A Catharine B. Faegley April 26, 1866. Knipe, S. Austin Hattie A. Zollers June 18, 1896. Knochen, Valentin Christina Klein Jan. 23, 1774- Knodel, Johann Elisabeth Klein Dec. 14, 1773- Knople, Melchior Catharine Kepner April 14, 1755. Knous, William Hanna Krebs Apr. 19, 1807. Koch, Daniel Charlotte Wartmann Aug. 24, 1845. Koch, George Mary Freyer Dec. 25, 1838. Koch, Gideon Elisabeth Schmidt Nov. 7, 1843. Koch, Hiram Lydia Mayberry Dec. 20, 1884. Koch, Jacob Fronica Mack Mar. 14, 1813. Koch, Jacob Sarah Wiirstler Mar. 1, 1846. Koch, Joel Rebecca Decker Aug. 16, 1835 Koch, Joel Judith Weller Nov. 12, 1843 Koch, Johann Carl Maria Reinheimer Dec. 14, 1784 Koch, Johannes Christina Diener Jan. 3, 1805. Koch, John Maria Gross Aug. 12, 1821 Koch, Jonas Esther Everhart Aug. 16, 1835 Koch, Levy Maria Gabel Sept. 24, 1843 Koch, Peter Lea Schweinhart Jan. 14, 1838. Koch, Samuel Hanna Weidner Nov. 13, 1836 Koch, Tobias Harriet Moser Nov. n, 1838 Kohl, John Catharine Roth Nov. 25, 1821. Kohler, Johannes Magdalena Ingers Mar. 30, 1772. 610 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Kohler, Joseph Cath. Johnson Mar. 7, 1830. Kolb, Brooke S Sallie Sassaman Jan. 19, 1895. Kolb, Christian Catharine Renninger Feb. 29, 1824. Kolb, Daniel Cath. Schreyer Apr. 3, 1825. Kolb, Daniel Cath. Ann Erb Mar. 16, 1861. Kolb, Georg Susanna Eckbret Jan. 21, 1796. Kolp, Henrich Cath. Borger Mar. 15, 1811. Kolp, Henry Esther Schweinhart Feb. 5, 1843. Kolp, Israel Maria Honnetter Sept. 13, 1840. Kolp, Jacob Elisabeth Zern Apr. 18, 1816. Kolp, John Esther Zimmermann Nov. 27, 1831. Kolp, Joseph Sarah Kolb 1821. Kolp, William Anna Horner June, 2, 1833. Konig, Michael Julian Langenecker Nov., 1815. Koons, Augustus Elisabeth Fritz Oct. 18, 1825. Kox, Peter Anna Hughes Nov. 22, 1767. Kratz, Jonas Susanna Bechtel Apr. 9, 1829. Kraul, Levy Lidia Blank Apr. 23, 1839. Kraus, Franklin Lydia Scheffy Oct. 6, i860. Kraus, Heinrich Maria Magdalena Schwenck. May 12, 1772. Krause, Daniel C Mary A. Heffelflnger June 5, 1852. Krause, George Christina Singer Dec. 11, 1753- Krause, Hezekiah Elisabeth Yost Dec. 24, 1848. Krause, Jacob Mary Hummel Mar. 12, 1833. Krause, John Katie Moyer Dec. 19, 1885. Krause, Samuel Harriet Weis Oct. 13, 1844. Krause, William Susan Heffelfinger May 19, 1850. Krauss, Henrich Maria Binder Jan. 20, 1828. Krauss, Jacob Elisabeth Voegly June 6, 1802. Krauss, John Susanna Geiger Mar. 5, 1826. Krauss, John Anna Geiger Jan. 7, 1827. Krause, Jonas G Rebecca Gilbert Sept. 19, 1863. Krebs, Heinrich Hanna Betz Apr. 10, 1796. Krebs, Jacob Sarah Fedele Apr. 4, 1754- Krebs, Jacob Elisabeth Bayer May 22, 1799- Krebs, Michael Catharine Kunz June 25, 1771. Kreiner, Samuel Cath. Jones Apr. 19, 1818. Kressler, Philip Anna Margaretha Muller . . . May 15, 1748. Kretzler, Jacob Elisabeth Nied Jan. 6, 1761. Kugler, Matthias Elisabeth Hennrich Feb. 23, 1769. Kiihle, Henrich Susanna Hundsperger May 14, 1815. Kiihler, Conrad Hanna Reifschneider Feb. 2, 1817. Kiihler, Johannes Maria Hundsperger June 18, 1815. 12, 1771- 14. i834- 22, 1810. 25, 1753- 8, 1767. 28, 1868. 22, 1856. 9. 1747- 17, 1891. 2, 1871. Record of Marriages. 611 Kuhn, Andreas Catharina Kiehle Nov. Kuhnly, William Rachel Hatfield Sept. Kulp, Samuel Sarah Seefried Apr. Kiimmel, Jacob Anna Maria Stichter Mar. Kuntsmann, Hennrich Catharina Colb Nov. Kunzelman, Christian Mrs. Annie Engel Nov. Kurtz, Franklin Elisabeth Gruber Jan. 22, 1856. Kurtz, J. Nicolaus Anna Elisabeth Seidel Dec. Kurtz, Harry E Alice R. Sassaman Oct. Kurtz, Isaac B Kate S. Erb Sept. Kurtz, Nicolaus Anna Jeng Jan. 24, 1764. Kurtz, Samuel Sarah Zoller Nov. 20, 1834. Kurz, Johannes Hanna Scheelkopf June 6, 1802. Kurz, John Barbara Markley Sept. 7, 18 17. Kurz, John Elisabeth Schmidt Sept. 28, 1828. Kurz, John Emma Levan Apr. 1, 1851. Kurz, Matthias Sarah Miller Nov. 14, 1815. Kurz, Michael Maria Brauer June 4, 1815. Kurz, Solomon Sarah Schoener Feb. 21, 1847. Kurz, Valentin Elisabeth Weiss Nov. 25, 1798. Kuser, Charles Maria Davidheiser Dec. 24, 1837. Kuser, Jonas Rebecca Fronheiser May 30, 1868. Kuser, Michael Maria Baumann Dec. 10, 1815. Kuser, Peter Maria Dotterer Sept. 17, 1815. Lachman, Charles Cath. Royer Dec. 26, 1830. Lachman, Charles Sarah Fihry Dec. 5, 1847. Lachman, George Elisabeth Rusheau May 4, 1845. Lachman, James Rebecca Roths Dec. 20, 1835. Lachman, John Catharine Bitting Dec. 31, 1848. Lachman, Joseph Maria Schvvenk Oct. 29, 1815. Lachman, Joseph Mrs. Anna Grubb Oct. 15, 1848. Lachman, Matthias Elisabeth Reyer Oct. n, 1824. Lachmund, Nicolaus Catharena Korner Aug. 1, 1769. Lachmund, Valentin Catharina Schmidt Dec. 20, 1806. Lamb, Benjamin Rush Esther Ann Drehs Sept. 28, 1876. Lamb, William F Viola A. Missimer Jan. 8, 1907. Land, Cunrath Catharine Mack Nov. 29, 1764. Landes, Henrich Elisabeth Beyer Aug. 19, 1783. Landes, Jesse Veronica Langenecker Sept. 21, 1807. Landes, Jacob H Susan G. Ehst Nov. 9, 1895. Landes, Samuel Sarah Albrecht Aug. 25, 1822. Landis, Tobias E Esther J. Stetler Nov. 25, 1882. Landis, Warren K Katie Ackerman May n, 1907. 612 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Lang, George Magdalena Mumbauer Mar. 4, 1810. Lang, George Maria Albrecht Oct. 6, 1811. Lang, Jacob Elisabeth Aim Oct. 7, 1827. Lang, Joh Magdalena Grissinger Aug. 31, 1800. Langbach, Isaac Christina Hellebart Dec. 6, 1821. Langbein, George Susanna Marz May 13, 1828. Langennecker, Christoph . . . . Fronica Hirschstein Apr. 4, 1833. Langennecker, Isaac Hanna Weis Oct. 16, 1831. Langennecker, Jacob Catharina Zimmermann .... May 7, 1795. Latshaw, Abraham B Rebecca Whitman June 7, 1856. Latshaw, John Maria Boyer Nov. 20, 1825. Laub, Johannes Mrs. Cath. Wiesner Mar. 30, 1819. Lauck, Andreas Froncia Bausmann Nov. 18, 1776. Laucks, Hiram Mrs. Amanda Weidner June 27, 1863. Lauks, Israel Henrietta Roths Aug. 21, 1836. Lauks, John A Rachel Hoch Feb. 1, 1848. Lauks, William Maria Schoener Jan. 18, 1844. Lay, Nicolaus Hanna Becher Apr. 22, 1810. Leader, Jacob S. Ely Feb. 24, 1850. Lechner, Charles Susan Yahn Oct. 1, 1853. Lechner, William Mathilda Lang July 5, 1840. Lefavour, William H Esther S. Eschbach Nov. 5, 1854. Leh, Levy Sarah Birke Oct. 5, 1851. Lehman, Peter Maria Febinger Sept. 15, 1795. Leibersperger, Jiirg Adam. .. Catharina Barbara Kuhntz. . Sept. 26, 1749. Leininger, Jacob Catharina Kropp Dec. 26, 1775- Leister, David Susan Friederick Aug. 7, 1842. Leister, John Lea Emmerich Jan. 23, 1848. Lessig, Christian B Julian Spang May 28, 1840. Lessig, Henry Sarah Engel Oct. 21, 1832. Lessig, Henry Hannah Potts Aug. 3, 1851. Lessig, Johann Christian . . . Elisabeth Reifschneider Mar. 5, 1771. Lessig, Josua Christiana Bechtel Mar. 8, 1840. Lessig, Peter Elis. Bechtel Sept. 23, 1832. Lessig, William Judith Moser Oct. 23, 1842. Levan, Abraham Amelia Nagel Jan. 14, 1838. Levan, George Mrs. Christina Wunderlich. .Jan. 15, 1832. Levan, James H Emma Amelia Swager Jan. 9, 1904. Levengood, Clarence K Emma M. Huber July 8, 1899. Levengood, David D Bertha K. Saylor Oct. 3, 1891. Levengood, Irwin D Celmentine B. Kehl Oct. 27, 1877. Levengood, Oscar D Mary C. Binder Feb. 23, 1878. Lewer, Samuel Elis. Weidner Dec. 4, 1838. Record of Marriages. 613 Lichtly, John Sarah Block Sept. I, 1850. Lichtly, Tobias Cath. Schiveley Feb. 18, 1847. Liebengut, Daniel Christina Jochum May 18, 1837. Liebenguth, Isaac Lisetta Horner Dec. 24, 1839. Liebengut, Matthias Elisabeth Reinert Oct. 6, 1821. Liebenguth, Peter Elisabeth Custard Jan. 21, 1847. Liebenguth, Ruben Rebecca Imbody Sept. 28, 1845. Liebenguth, William Sarah Kepler Dec. 22, 1839. Liben, Henrich Maria Magdalena Stauch. . . Dec. 15, 1767. Lightcap, John Susanna Drace Aug. 3, 1861. Lindauer, Christian Rebecca Mellen Jan. 22, 1859. Lindermann, Aron Catharine Henrich Sept. 17, 1815. Lindeman, George Wilhelm. Catharine Braitigamm May 27, 1771- Lindermann, James Y Margaret Gilbert Jan. 7, 1844. Lindemann, Johannes Miss Uhl May 24, 1747. Lindermann, Philip Levina Buchert Nov. 9, 1845. Linderman, Peter Sarah Egolf Sept. 30, 1847. Linsenbiegler, Charles Cath. Maurer Feb. — , 1827. Linsenbiegler, Daniel Sarah Klein Jan. 22, 1832. Linsenbiegler, Henrich Elizabeth Zollers May 6, 1810. Linsenbiegler, John Maria Binder Apr. 10, 1810. Linsenbigler, John Marus. .. Maria Binder Dec. 10, 1837. Linsenbigler, Matthias Susan Oberholzer June — , 1848. Linsenbigler, Samuel Mary Ann Koch Nov. 13, 1842. Linzebiegler, Abraham Christina Miiller Sept. 15, 1795. Linzebiegler, Paul Elisabeth Binder Aug. 2, 1807. Lits, James Elisabeth Kolb Apr. 7, 1816. Lober, Jacob Maria Margaretha Arnd...Nov. 15, 1770. Loeser, Johann Jacob Maria Margaretha Ebli .... Nov. 10, 1747. Lofler, Conrad Catharine De Hart May 23, 1769. Loh, Jacob Elisabeth Bernhard Jan. 9, 1803. Longacre, Isaac W Susan K. Shantz Jan. 6, 1870. Longacre, John Lydia Bartley May 26, i860. Longaker, John Mary Ann Kline Oct. 7, 1865. Loopold, John Barbara Spatz Jan. 7, 1806. Lord, Harrison Maria Ackermann Apr. 7, 1844. Lord, Samuel Cath. Weiand May 18, 1834. Lord, Thomas Catharine Bleckle Mar. 31, 1776. Loyer, Michael Catharina Ritter Mar. 27, 1764. Lucas, James Rebecca Grosz July 29, 1849. Lude, Hans Adam Maria Salome Franck Oct. 31, 1769. Ludwig, Lewis A Amanda Moser Feb. 21, 1871. Ludwig, Sirus Anna Weaver Mar. 22, 1842. 40 614 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Ludwig, Theodore W Malinda Gilbert Nov. 23, 1862. Ludy, John Esther Kaufmann Sept. 15, 1833. Ludy, Urias Malinda Frederick Dec. 25, 1869. Lundy, John Sarah Weidner Nov. 12, 1841. Lupoid John Julian Egolf Oct. 26, 1837. Lutz, George Anna Regina Fritz June 16, 1767. Lutz, Michael Anna Regina Merckl Apr. 19, 1767. Mack, Jacob Sophia Dallicker Dec. 2, 1832. Mack, Joseph L. Hanan Sarah Steinruck Dec. 25, 1862. Machnert, Michael Widow Symmerey Feb. 23, 1752. Mager, Friederich Elisabeth Mager 1813. Mager, John Mary Ratz Dec. 26, 1830. Mangolt, Henry Sarah Heit Dec. 25, 1845. Mangolt, John Amelia Griffy Jan. 25, 1846. Marquart, Abraham Ellen Engel Oct. 12, 1851. Markley, Andreas Elizabeth Stadtler Oct. 2, 1820. Markley, August Chariot Bartolet Nov. 9, 1851. Markley, Benjamin Susanna Huber May 11, 1824. Marstellar, Daniel Elisabeth Umstat Dec. 20, 1764. Martz, Daniel Matilda Freyer Jan. 15, 1870. Marquart, Jacob Elisabeth Mauger Sept. 13, 1842. Markley, James Hetty Geist Oct. 11, 1851. Markley, John Catharine Landes Sept. 13, 1851. Markley, William Sarah Ann Dise May 28, 1864. Marstellar Friederich Hanna Pieters Mar. 22, 1796. Mast, Daniel Sarah Moser Oct. 6, 1844. Matthaei, Johannes Catharina Wendel June 25, 1775- Mathai, Jacob Rachel Jones Dec. 6, 1784. Mathias, Abr Sarah Reifschneider Dec. 8, 1816. Matthews, Philiple Miss Geiger Apr. 19, 1818. Mattis, Aaron Cath. Schwenk Sept. 10. 1837. Mattis, George Maria Spohn Nov. 12, 1848. Mattis, Hiram Anna Ruh Sept. 5, 1847. Mattis, Jacob Hetty Gilbert Nov. 9, 1851. Mattis, Joseph Elisabeth Frey July 29, 1849. Maurer, Andreas Hanna Colton *799- Mauck, Conrad Catharine Zoller Mar. 10, 1783. Mauger, Henry Mrs. Rahel Buchert Oct. 10, 1850. Mauger, William Judith Edelmann Apr. 30, 1848. Mauk, Rudolph Sarah Wartmann Jan. 18, 1846. Maurer, Henrich Sally Loch Oct. 2, 1806. Maurer, Peter Catharina Schweitzer Sept. 23, 1770. Mayberry, August Catharine Kepner Dec. 6, 1851. Record of Marriages. 615 Maybury, Charles Sarah Stofflet Dec. i8, 1842. Maybury, James Franklin. . .Emma Umstead Mar. 22, 1877. Mayberry, Samuel Elisabeth Kalb June n, 1810. Mayberry, William Margaretha Scheurer May 17, 1807. Mayer, Carl Elisabeth Muller Aug. 4, 1799. Mayer, Charles E., Ph.G Irene Funk Dec. 13, 1888. Mayer, David Sara Hoerner Oct. 4, 1801. Mecherly, Charles N Cordilla Trout Jan. 10, 1891. Mechkinney, Samuel Hanna Herbst Nov. 27, 1836. Mecklein, Philip Barbara Schmith Nov. 16, 1784. Mecklin, Samuel Magdalena Bickel June 1, 1784. Megerly, Jacob Charitiana Nolt Oct. 3, 1869. Meier, Caspar Catharina Jacob April 5, 1768. Meissner, Oscar E Elisabeth S. Yerger Feb. 25, 1904. Melich, Johannes Anna Margaretha Steinrock. April 3, 1775. Mensch, Mahlon J Seville K. Keyser Nov. 3, 1894. Mensch, Samuel Susan Latshar Jan. 12, 1851. Merkel, Hiram Annie L. Yerger Mar. 16, 1895. Merckel, Isaac Maria Heyser April 7, 1795. Merklay, Jonah May Frede Nov. 18, 1804. Merz, Josua Louisianna Bickel Dec. 25, 1845. Metz, Johan Maria Rumpfield Sept. 29, 1811. Meyer, Daniel Christina Bardmann Nov. 25, 1838. Meyers, Daniel P Maria Weis Dec. 9, 1832. Meyer, David Sophia Derr Feb. 28, 1847. Meyer, Georg Maria Drehs Oct. 15, 1815. Meyer, George Cath. Muthhart Aug. 30, 1829. Meyer, George Hannah Muthhart Jan. 20, 1833. Meyer, Henry Mrs. Charlotte Renninger. . . July 26, 1835. Meyer, Isaac Elisabeth Friederich Nov. 2, 1794. Meyer, Isaac Sarah Hallmann Feb. 24, 1839. Meyer, Isaac Nanzy Miller Oct. 20, 1839. Meyer, Isaac Apolonia Baer Nov. 28, 1847. Meyer, Jacob Hanna Schweinhart Feb. 23, 1823. Meyer, Jesaias Cath. Hauk Nov. 24, 1846. Meyer, Jesaias Mary Ann Miller Nov. 26, 1848. Meyer, John Maria Moser Aug. 15, 1852. Meyer, Rubin Elisabeth Fried Nov. 26, 1843. Meyer, William Catharine Fronheiser July 26, 1846. Meyer, William '. Hetty Heit June 1, 1851. Michael, Johann Georg Margretha Colmar Oct. 23, 1755. Miller, Henry Elisabeth Fry Sept. 10, 1859. Miller, Lewis H Rachel R. Emery Jan. 22, 1876. 6i6 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Miller, Louis Cath. Ann Schanley Jan. 8, 1859. Miller, Michael Mrs. Anna Maria Rossmann. Aug. 16, 1768. Miller, Michael Maria Gilbert Oct. 4, 1812. Miller, Michael Catharina Towies Jan. 16, 1814. Miller, Peter Elisabeth Beiteman Dec. 30, 1810. Miller, Peter Catharina Bossert Dec. 18, 1811. Miller, Peter Sarah Zern June — , 1826. Miller, Solomon Sarah Jorgy May 19, 1844. Miller, Thomas R Mrs. Mary S. Renninger Aug. 8, 1868. Miller, Valentin Catharine Reifschneider ....June 13, 1769. Miller, William Catharina Ewald Nov. 20, 1806. Miller, William Anna Rohrbach Dec. 5, 1835. Miller, William H Hannah B. Fryer Mar. 21, 1888. Miller, William T Mrs. Rosa L. Scheffey April 11, 1903. Miller, Abraham Mary Fry Jan. 13, 1872. Miller, Augustus Sarah Eschbach Oct. 26, 1861. Miller, Benneville Sarah Cleaver May 23, 1841. Miller, Charles Rebecca Moser May 28, 1848. Miller, Charles D Mary Wald Jan. 15, 1843. Miller, Conrad A Mary Ann Mull Nov. 2, 1851. Miller, Daniel Maria Detweiler Dec. 14, 1805. Miller, Daniel Catharina Voegly Oct. 4, 1806. Miller, Daniel Salome Schweinhart Sept. 1, 1816. Miller, Daniel Elisabeth Schnell Nov. 20, 1831. Miller, Esaias Susanna Sehler May 3, 1807. Miller, Francis Levina Moser Jan. 3, 1836. Miller, Franklin Elmira Coplin Dec. 24, 1887. Miller, George Sarah Beitemann May 15, 1814. Miller, George Caroline Fuchs Nov. 10, 1833. Miller, George Margar. Hollenbach April 2, 1859. Miller, George Margaret Roths Nov. 9, 1834. Miller, George Rebecca Miller Sept. 16, i860. Miller, Irvin Hannah R. Freed May 11, 1871. Miller, Isaias Rachel Riegner Oct. 4, 1840. Miller, Jacob Susanna Kopling May 23, 1813. Miller, Jacob Cath. Straight Nov. 20, 1816. Miller, Jacob Hannah Leidy Aug. 31, 1817. Miller, Jacob Maria May Funk Mar. 6, 1831. Miller, Jacob Friederich Sept. 24, 1843. Miller, Johann Friederich. .. Catharina Meier June 25, 1771- Miller, Johannes Catharine Schleider Dec. 5, 1775. Miller, John Theresia Nagel April 18, 1830. Miller, John Sarah Neidig April 4, 1831. Record of Marriages. 617 Miller, John Mrs. Cath. Schneider Oct. 29, 1837. Miller, John Catharine Weisz Oct. 5, 1845. Milz, Johannes Margaret Weiss Nov. 9, 1802. Minner, Jonas Mary Derr Nov. 29, 1829. Minninger, George Esther Hoffmann Dec. 15, 1838. Mintz, Christoph Barbary Glouse June 28, 1770. Missemer, George Susanna Christmann Jan. 31, 1820. Missemer, Henrich Marg. Reichert Aug. 5, 1816. Missemer, Josua Anna Kolb Sept. 17, 1815. Missemer, Henry Mary Ann Schmidt Dec. 14, 1845. Missemer, James M Cath. Royer Dec. 6, 1846. Missemer, John Anna Dewidshauser April 7, 1822. Mock, Enos Caroline Bartmann Dec. 7, 1861. Mohr, Conrad Margaretha Kohler July 14, 1747- Mohr, Jacob Elisabeth Frey April 5, 1795- Moll, Michael Esther Miller Mar. 5, 1820. Mollen, Michael Esther Wollfert Mar. 8, 1774. Monnichinger, Andreas Elisabeth Moritz Nov. 5, 1769. Moore, Hennry Hanna May Mar. 3, 1768. Moore, Hennry Hannah Jones June 25, 1772. More, John Catharine Wyand Nov. 29, 1807. Morea, John Christina Strat Feb. 24, 1748. Mory, Jacob Amelia Taeusher Oct. 19, 1851. Millhahn, Heinrich Margaretha Fertig Feb. 21, 1764. Moser, Bastian Susannah Hill Mar. 29, 1748. Moser, Benjamin Lidia Nester Sept. 9, 1838. Moser, Benjamin Anna Mover Mar. 9, 1856. Moser, Charles Catharine Witmann Aug. 25, 1855 Moser, Charles Sarah Young Nov. 28, 1868 Moser, Charles M Mary Honetter Dec. 31, 1867 Moser, Daniel Hanna Kolp Dec. 20, 1835 Moser, Daniel Mathilda Anderson Aug. 14, 1842 Moser, Daniel Imbody Aug. 18, 1844 Moser, Daniel Joanne Shaefer Mar. 12, 1864 Moser, David Cath. Becker Mar. 10, 1833 Moser, Friederich Barbara Loeser April 22, 1750 Moser, George Maria Schmidt Jan. 23, 1803. Moser, George Anna Maria Lear Sept. 6, 18 18. Moser, George Lidia Zern Aug. 31, 1834. Moser, George Weiley Deturk Dec. 29, 1842. Moser, Gideon Hetty Zuber May 28, 1848. Moser, Heinrich Catharine Krieg Oct. 11, 1795. Moser, Jacob Justina Boyer Dec. 6, 1829. 6i8 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Jacob Jacob Maria Frehn July 12, 1840. Sophia Yerger Sept. 8, 1844. 27, 1866. 14, 1817. 25, 1826. 18, 1856. 19, 1870. Jacob N Sarah S. Stauffer Oct. John Magdal. Koch Dec. John Judith Freyer July John Levina Heilig Oct. Lewis Franna Reader Feb. Mabre Esther Faegley Jan. 3, 1863. Mathias Cath. Hartlein Oct. 6, 1811. Michael Mary Weller Mar. — , 1838 Nathan Elisabeth Moser June 16, i860 Peter Elisabeth Reifschneider Oct. 31, 1819. Peter Mary Ann Jones Jan. 6, 1866. Paul Maria Eva Becholt Aug. 10, 1749 Rubin Cath. Fiillmann Oct. 20, 1839. Samuel Esther Boyer Dec. 28, 1834. Samuel Cath. Heit Mar. 25, 1835 Solomon Catharine Deturk Sept, Sylvester Lea Elisabeth Bickel Feb. Tobias Sophia Moyer Sept William Catharine Conrad July 11, 1841. William Sarah Kerling Oct. 29, 1843. William Carolina Weller July 27, 1851. Johann Peter Elisabeth Andrae May 14, 1769. 24, 1846. 22, 1862. 18, 1859. Amos Sarah Escholz Sept. 11, 1858. Daniel Sophia Walleigh Oct. 30, 1851. Frank Y Clara E. Dierolf May 17, 1902. Isaac Anna Shumacher April 6, 1861. Jacob Susanna Leister June 13, 1863. Jacob Susan Binder July 15, 1865. Jessiah Maria Kolb Jan. 29, 1859. Joel M Hettie Strunk May 9, 1868. John F Lizzie A. Snell Feb. 14, 1884. Samuel Anna Binder Feb. 12, 1832. William Susette Heydt May 1, 1859. William B Katie Faegley Sept. 14, 1878. Muhlhoff, Johannes Catharine Schvveisfort Mar. 19, 1799- Muthard, Abraham Catharina Imbot Mar. 18, 1795. Muthard, Daniel Elis. Derr Nov. 20, 1831. Muthard, Henry Elisabeth Miller Nov. 4, 1855. Muthard, Isaac Martha Fisher Feb. 16, 1834. Muthard, Jeremiah Mary Ann Landis May 19, 1866. Record of Marriages. 619 Muthard, Joel Maria Eschbach Oct. 14, 1838. Muthard, Johannes Catharina Meyer Nov. 3, 1795. Muthard, Jonas Mary Ann Steinbach Dec. 25, 1849. Muthard, William Lidia Marty June 17, 1838. Mull, George Rebecca Staufer Oct. 3, 1847. Miiller, Adam Maria Magdalena Conrad . . Aug. 19, 1746. Miiller, Christian Mrs. Anna Elisabeth Gray.. April 19, 1802. Miiller, Daniel Maria Friederich Jan. 17, 1802. Miiller, Henrich Susanna Margaretha Henkel. Nov. 19, 1752. Miiller, Johann Adam Barbara Gilbert Feb. 28, 1802. Mundshower, Henrich Magdalena Weiand June 10, 1821. Mundshower, Samuel Ann Zoller April 23, 1848. Miintz, Johann Benedict Elisabeth Reil Sept. 30, 1747. Myller, Henry Hanna Winters Sept. 1, 1764. McCarty, James Margareth Staufer Oct. 11, 1807. McCarracker, Alexander ...Emma Burden June 11, 1864. McCoIlough, Allison Sarah Wright May 31, 1832. McKim, Joseph Sarah Gebhardt Nov. 17, 1840. Nace, Oliver Margaret Crater June 16, 1864. Nagel, Frederick Carolina Weber Nov. 5, 1843. Nehs, Thomas Mary Dengler May 17, 1835. Neidig, Adam Catharine Erb Nov. 2, 1819. Neidig, Adam Cath. Stoneback Oct. 17, 1858. Neidig, Adam Maria Griessinger Dec. 12, 1801. Neidig, George Cath. Erb Jan. 8, 1859. Neidig, Henrich Rebecca Burkert June 15, 1828. Neidig, Jacob Elisabeth Neumann Mar. 13, 1814. Neidig, Jacob Cath. Schoner June 20, 1830. Neidig, Jacob Hanna Bickel Dec. 18, 1831. Neidig, John Maria Marquart Feb. 4, 1838. Neidig, Leonhard Rebecca Moser Jan. 31, 1808. Neidig, Samuel Cath. Neidig Aug. 3, 1827. Neifert, Samuel Catharine Keeler Dec. 1, 1844. Neimann, David Mary Ann Becher Dec. 13, 1835. Neiman, George Cath. Herbst May 26, 1833. Neimann, Henry Lidia Fillmann Jan. 28, 1844. Neimann, Jeremiah Elisabeth Buchert April 24, 1851. Neisz, Jonas Sarah Moser June 2, 1839. Nester, Abraham Hetty Binder July 26, 1846. Nester, Andreas Barbara Herb Feb. 11, 1796- Nester, Andreas Catharine Bechtel Sept. 28, 1851. Nester, Andrew B Clara Elizabeth Neiman. .. .June 5, 1880. Nester, Benj. B Kate E. Weand Aug. 17, 1882. 620 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Nester, Daniel Esther Wagner Jan. 13, 1807. Nester, David Catharine Geiger Sept. 15, 1852. Nester, David B Alice S. Sheetz Sept. 8, 1888. Nester, Francis B Emma L. Gerhard Aug. 7, 1880. Nester, George L Lizzie E. Stengel Aug. 12, 1905. Nester, Henry Hanna Zimmerle July 15, 1848. Nester, Jacob Emma Bender Jan. 30, 1853. Nester, Jacob B Carrie E. Hartman Dec. 2, 1882. Nester, John Ellen Egel Oct. 11, 1846. Nester, John B Alice Gottshalk Sept. 14, 1889. Nester, Maurice E Olivia E. Bartmann July 2, 1904. Nester, Oscar F Sallie M. Matz April 27, 1901. Nester, Philip Sallie F. Rohrbach Dec. 23, 1871. Nester, William Mary Ann Yerg Oct. 5, 1861. Nester, William C Mathilda Gerhart April 27, 1898. Netz, Jonas Mrs. Mary Ann Keeler Oct. 1, 1844. Neuffer, William Fayetta Jans Oct. 27, 1855. Neuman, Henrich Sarah Fritz June 29, 1823. Neuman, Jacob Elisabeth Mager May 3, 1818. Neumann, William Sarah Drinkhouse July 8, 1832. Ney, John Sarah Rhoads Nov. 9, 1845. Nice, Frank P Ella Nester April 25, 1907. Nice, Isaac Mathilda Lesher Sept. 16, 1849. Niece, Abraham Elisabeth Ryer June 29, 1806. Nies, Heinrich Barbara Fryer April 14, 1801. Noll, William R Cath. S. Boyer Nov. 28, 1858. Ober, Peter Magdalena Steinmetz Aug. 31, 1834. Oberdorf, Charles Maria Frey Oct. 19, 1843. Oberholtzer, Jacob Barbara Ziegler Feb. 6, 1820. Oberholtzer, Jacob Maria Renninger Aug. 26, 1832. O'Brion, Brion Anna Mary Thomas Feb. 2, 1773. Obtegraf, Solomon Cath. Drumheller July 28, 1833. Ochs, William F Hanna C. Decker July 10, 1880. Orner, Martin Elisabeth Ether June 5, 1745. Ose, Emil H. F Sevilla B. Stineruck Oct. 22, 1868. Osterlein, Jeremias Maria Catharina Weitner. . . May 3, 1754- Ottinger, Michael Sarah Grau July 25, 1852. Otto, Wilhelm Elizabeth Yorger July 25, 1824. Oxenford, Jacob Catharine Freyer Nov. 25, 1854. Oxenford, John Mrs. Sarah Baer Mar. 2, 1839. Oxenfort, Aaron Mary B. Beideman Aug. 28, 1869. Oxenfort, George Lidia Endy Sept. 20, 1840. Oxenfort, Jesse Mary Ann Erb Oct. 14, 1849. Record of Marriages. 621 Oxenfort, John Lea Zeller Dec. 25, 1845. Oxenfort, Samuel Maria Baer Mar. 1, 1846. Oxenfort, Wilhelm Elisabeth Neidig Jan. 15, 1825. Palsgrove, David Katie S. Stauffer Aug. 24, 1878. Pannebecker, Elias Sarah Wiant Oct. 6, 1850. Pannebecker, Enos Ev. Gottschall Jan. 17, 1812. Pannebecker, Jesse Anna Kiihly Jan. 25, 1825. Pannebecker, Jesse Maria Bechtel Oct. 16, 1842. Pannebaker, Samuel Sarah Stetler Jan. 19, 1834. Pannebecker, Samuel Cath. Ann Schaefer Jan. 21, 1840. Popp, Daniel Anna Herp July 7, 1805. Patterson, West Kate Botts Dec. 25, 1869. Peck, George Helena Miickevuss Dec. 18, 1764. Pelz, John Maria Roths Nov. 24, 1842. Perry, William Maria Carroll Sept. 8, 1851. Pfaff, Francis Sarah Huber May 30, 1844. Pfannebecker, Wilhelm Elisabeth Pfannebecker April 26, 1795. Pfrang, Johann Michael ....Mrs. Anna Rosina Lerch. ... April 21, 1750. Pfuhl, Nicolaus Magdalena Fedele July 9, 1776. Philip, John Esther Rees April 14, 1754. Phoebinger, Charles Lidia Mauger June 11, 1837. Phoebinger, David Sarah Beitemann Oct. 5, 1834. Phull, Johannes Barbara Rothermel Aug. 16, 1770. Pickel, Ludewig Eva Barbara Schweinhardt. . Sept. 24, 1751. Pierce, John Cath. Geiger July 22, 1821. Pile, Henry Maria Willmann May 25, 1845. Poh, David Maria Maurer Aug. 18, 1839. Poh, George B Mary E. Brey Jan. 17, 1874. Pool, Abr Cath. Langbein June 10, 1821. Pool, Amos Anna Neumann Mar. 28, 1830. Pool, Samuel Susanna Neumann Nov. 30, 1817. Pott, Amos Mary Spies Nov. 18, 1847. Potts, Amos Sarah Reifschneider Dec. 25, 1834. Preiser, Henry Mary Setzler May 26, 1833. Prenhols, Fridirig Eva Kraik April 10, 1764. Prinz, William Louisianna Swavely Sept. 12, 1847. Protzmann, Jesaias Elisabeth Eisenhauer Nov. 17, 1844. Protzmann, Jeremiah Rebecca Missimer June 22, 1851. Puhl, Daniel Cath. Neumann June 6, 1824. Quillmann, William Harriet Heit Feb. 2, 1839. Rahn, Jacob Anna Ludwig April 22, 1824. Ralin, John Fanny Shunk Oct. 4, 1832. Ramstein, Johna Henrich. . . . Elisabeth Schmid Mar. 1, 1763. 62 2 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Ratz, Andrew Anna Decker Nov. 6, 1842. Ratz, George Cath. Bechtel Mar. 28, 1824. Ratz, Mahlon Louisa Zuber Aug. 10, 1867. Rau, Adam Anna Maria Goetzelmen. . . . Nov. 6, 1763. Rau, Henry Sarah Ann Yerger Sept. 28, 1867. Rawn, Joseph Elisabeth Schnell Feb. 23, 1806. Rawn, Samuel Hannah Sleiss Dec. 21, 1784. Razor, Enoch Anna Wiant Nov. 25, 1841. Reese, Richard Susanna Adams Mar. 15, 1851. Reeser, John Mary Ann Stetler Oct. 21, 1854. Refschneider, John Maria Gauckler Oct. 16, 1858. Reichard, Matthias Sara Buger Feb. 7, 1797. Reichert, Abraham Catharine Leidy Mar. 19, 1826. Reichert, Abraham Lidia Wiand May 30, 1841. Reichert, Amandus H Hannah Shaner Sept. 5, 1868. Reichert, David Sarah Hertlein April 18, 1841. Reichert, George D Lidia Weissner June 1, 1823. Reichert, Jeremias Sophia Schmidt Dec. 11, 1842. Reichert, Joel Angeline Fox Dec. 28, 1861. Reichert, Johannes Mrs. Catharine Krebs Feb. 16, 1801. Reichert, John Susanna Flicker Mar. 30, 1807. Reichert, Jonas Judith Hauk Sept. 15, 1839. Reichert, Peter Barbara Schaefer Sept. 15, 1818. Reichert, Philip Susanna Hauk Mar. 5, 1845. Reichert, Samuel Caroline Royer Nov. 12, 1853. Reichert, Samuel Mary Whitman Oct. 25, 1856. Reichert, Samuel Esther Moyer Feb. 8, 1862. Reidelsdorfer, Henrich Magdalena Keller May 29, 1774. Reidnauer, Charles Lidia Moser Sept. 24, 1837. Reidnauer, David Rachel Friederich Oct. 10, 1830. Reidnauer, Daniel Maria Becker April 9, 1837. Reidnauer, Gideon Mary Meyer Sept. 27, 1846. Reidnauer, Henry Maria Pobb Nov. 4, 1845. Reidnauer, Horace Emma S. Gilbert Nov. 9, 1889. Reidnauer, John Catharine Becker April 26, 1846. Reidnauer, William Mary Dellecker Nov. n, 1865. Reier, Johannes Catharine Appel May 29, 1770. Reif, George O Sophia Renninger Mar. 28, 1855. Reif, John O Louisianna Renninger Dec. Reifschneider, Abraham .... Cath. Kolb Jan. Reifschneider, Abraham .... Maria Schnell Jan. Reifschneider, Amos Sally Neiss Feb. 15, 1850. 15, 1804. 27, 1833. 22, 1824. Reifschneider, Benjamin .Maria Spatz Sept. 7, 1817. Record of Marriages. 623 Reifschneider, David Sarah Hoover Nov. 28, 1833. Reifschneider, Isaac Rebecca Young Jan. 2, 1842. Reifschneider, Jacob Rebecca Moser Jan. 18, 1851. Reifschneider, Johann Wil- Eva Catharine Schweinhardt. Dec. 9, 1746. helm. Reifschneider, Johannes . . . .Margaretha Jorger Mar. 16, 1801. Reifschneider, John G Mary Ann Augstadt May 21, 1904. Reifschneider, Richard Esther Hartranft Dec. 13, 1836. Reifschneider, Samuel Sarah Maul July 18, 1847. Reifschneider, Sebastian .... Maria Zoller Nov. II, 1832. Reifschneider, Tobias Elisabeth Grobb Jan. 3, 1841. Reifschneider, William Elisabeth Zieber Reifsnyder, David G Eva Smith May 12, 1907. Reifsnyder, Edward Sallie Trout Jan. 4, 1896. Reifsnyder, Milton Sallie E. Gilbert April 25, 1868. Reightnour, Charles J Ella S. Sell July 29, 1893. Reigner, Jacob G Mary A. Wartman Jan. 30, 1875. Reiher, Georg Catharina Wambold Jan. 29, 1804. Reiher, Joh Elisabeth Langebach Oct. 12, 1800. Reimer, Loduwig Susanna Kurtz Sept. II, 1764. Reiner, Philipp Sara Riddenhouse Mar. 19, 1805. Reinert, David Maria Hatfield Nov. 14, 1847. Reinert, John Sarah Thomas Aug. 15, 1824. Reinert, John Annie Mover Oct. 3, 1880. Reinert, Jonas Hanna Spang Feb. 27, 1825. Reinert, Reuben F Harriet H. Price April 30, 1874. Reinert, Samuel Cath. Ann Bickel Feb. 27, 1864. Reisemann, Philipp Catharina Leininger May 30, 1775. Reiter, Franklin Catharine Ann Neidig Oct. 21, 1850. Reiter, Jesse Julian Kaes Jan. 1, 1848. Reiter, Joseph Elisabeth Heist Aug. 29, 1824. Reiter, Michael Margaretha Hirsch April 26, 1812. Reiter, Michael Angelina Herbst Jan. 30, 1848. Reiter, Michael Mrs. Rebecca Hillegass Feb. 22, 1849. Reiter, Peter Salome Specht April 11, 1824. Reiter, Thomas Elisabeth Mailman June 4, 1843. Reitmeyer, John E Leanda Reinschmidt Jan. 13, 1839. Reitnauer, Daniel Sarah Reitnauer Feb. 5, 1825. Reitenauer, Jeremiah Sarah Lang Aug. 23, 1862. Reitenauer, Johan Susanna Herb Sept. 24, 1811. Reitenauer, Samuel Catherina Bob June 26, 1812. Reitenauer, Samuel Catharine Wager Jan. 10, 1852. Reitenauer, William Catherine Staufer Oct. 9, 1831. 624 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Remby, Johannes Susanna Eszig Mar. 26, 1796. Renninger, Abraham Abigail Heit April 29, 1849. Renninger, Abraham D Abigail K. Kinsey July 28, i860. Renninger, Abraham Y Joanna R. Bittenbender Dec. 16, 1865. Renninger, Alfred R Emma E. Groff Nov. 5, 1887. Renninger, Augustus Angelina Klein Oct. 20, 1850. Renninger, Augustus Y Sevilla G. Brendlinger Oct. 6, 1877. Renninger, Charles Susan Ioder Aug. 14, 1831. Renninger, Charles E Kate U. Johnson Feb. 28, 1891. Renninger, David Mary Frohnheiser Jan. 5, 1861. Renninger, George Mrs. Elisabeth Renninger. . .Dec. 24, 1804. Renninger, Harry B Annie S. Schweinhart Oct. 17, 1903. Renninger, Heinrich Maria Gilbert Aug. 12, 1804. Renninger, Henry Sarah Traut Mar. 19, 1839. Renninger, Jesaias Mathilda Gilbert Sept. 6, 1840. Renninger, Jacob Fronica Huber Jan. 9, 1814. Renninger, Jacob Elisabeth Specht Mar. 13, 1825. Renninger, Jacob Elisabeth Gebhart April 16, 1853. Renninger, Jacob Mrs. Hannah Roth Jan. 24, 1863. Renninger, Johannes Elisabeth Gilbert April 9, 1815. Renninger, John Maria Hofmann Dec. 22, i860. Renninger, Josiah S Mary S. Langner Nov. 10, 1892. Renninger, J. Wetallas Esther M. Seasholtz Feb. 19, 1898. Renninger, Peter Anna Staufer Dec. 4, 1825. Renninger, Peter Levina Specht Oct. 29, 1859. Renninger, Reuben Harriet Freyer Feb. 4, 1844. Renninger, Samuel Susan Krause Jan. 24, 1856. Renninger, Solomon E Stella S. Erb June 5, 1897. Renninger, William Anna Drey Jan. 24, 1836. Renninger, William B Ella S. Urffer Dec. 30, 1905. Reppert, John Philippina Christmann Feb. 22, 1851. Reppert, John F Elizabeth L. Miller Nov. 28, 1874 Resch, Christian Catharine Stoll April 18, 1847. Renn, Johan Michael Solome Krause April 18, 1754- Renn, Jiirg Bernhard Anna Maria Kallbach June 3, 1746. Reyer, Christian Hetty Dengler Aug. 22, 1848. Reyer, David Susanna Yahn Oct. 23, 1825. Reyer, John Sarah Christman Jan. 19, 1823. Reyher, Michael Eva Schweinhardt Dec. 11, 1796- Rhoads, Augustus B Mary S. Levengood Aug. 29, 1874. Rhoads, Charles M Alma N. Reed May 9, 1903. Rhoads, Clarence Sallie Moyer Jan. 19, 1895. Rhoads, Dieter Cath. Reifschneider Jan. 14, 1838. Record of Marriages. 625 Rhoads, Edward Mahlon R.Lizzie Roshong April 10, 1869. Rhoads, Ellsworth Mamie L. Gebhardt Feb. 17, 1906. Rhoads, Francis Carolina Hoffman June 15, 1861. Rhoads, Harvey H Ida Reifsnyder July 20, 1901. Rhoads, Henry G Emma H. Binder Oct. 26, 1878. Rhoads, Irvin H Katie M. Welder Oct. 17, 1896. Rhoads, Jacob E Abbasena E. Reitnauer Aug. 15, 1891. Rhoads, Jacob R Sarah Ann Zern Feb. 15, 1863. Rhoads, Jeremiah G Lizzie B. Gilbert Nov. 10, 1877. Rhoads, John Mathilda Kerns Nov. 17, 1836. Rhoads, John Mary Ann Joder May 6, 1838. Rhoads, Levy Mary Ann Knapp Oct. 18, 1842. Rhoads, Samuel Y Lydia Botts Dec. 31, 1881. Rhoads, Solomon Rebecca Kerling July 9, 1837. Rieb, Nicolaus Elisabeth Setzler Mar. 17, 1795. Richard, Albert Sarah Elisabeth Neiffer Nov. 28, 1863. Richard, Abner F Kate Zuber Oct. 30, 1869. Richard, Franklin S Esther Wagner Sept. 9, 1893. Richard, Henry Hannah Rauch Aug. 26, 1855. Richard, Jacob Mary Jones Dec. 2, 1855. Richard, Milton Charlotte Fryer Nov. 9, 1861. Rickerd, Johann Catharina Elisabeth Thie...Dec. 26, 1775. Ried, Jacob Elisabeth Schaufly April 14, 1829. Riegner, Isaac Elis. Beitemann Dec. 12, 1830. Rieser, Melchior Margaretha Hallmann Dec. 3, 1769. Rigley, Jacob Fred Elizabeth Goldschmidt July 29, 1869. Rimpy, Samuel Ellen Derr April 4, 1841. Ringer, John Anna Mary Niss Mar. 29, 1748. Rittenhouse, Carl Amelia Van Buskirk July 9, 1833. Ritter, Daniel Sarah Gooldin Feb. 2, 1840. Ritter, Daniel Maria Landes Mar. 7, 1847. Ritter, David M Sarah R. Stofflet Nov. 7, 1868. Ritter, George Sally Staufer Dec. 24, 1826. Ritter, George Mary Sassaman June 17, 1893. Ritter, Henry Susanna Richert Mar. 23, 1807. Ritter, Henry L Ellen K. Schneider Jan. 30, 1879. Ritter, Henry Hanna Reidnauer Jan. 12, 1836. Ritter, Jacob Emilie Lessig Mar. 20, 1858. Ritter, James M Elisabeth Harb Sept. 19, 1863. Ritter, John Cath. Yans April 15, 1832. Ritter, John M Susan M. Leh Mar. 17, 1866. Ritter, Joseph Esther Stauffer May n, 1848. Ritter, Joseph M Deborah Koch Dec. 17, 1870. 626 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Ritter, Matthias Catharine Roads Mar. 13, 1808. Ritter, Milton L '. Mary F. Leidy Feb. 22, 1877. Ritter, William Mathilda Landes Oct. 18, 1840. Ritter, William J Sarah H. Stauffer July 23, 1881. Ritter, William R Kate Fox Aug. 31, 1867. Roeder, Henry Sarah Ann Miller June 24, 1852. Roeder, Rev. Robert D Fannie Reimer Nov. 23, 1904. Roeller, George Sara Rautenbush June 19, 1804. Roeller, William Hannah Stelz Aug. 10, 1834. Roemer, Fred. W Hannah Buchert Oct. 17, 1866. Roemer, Frederick W Mary Ann Hetzel Mar. 8, 1856. Roemer, William M Kate Smith Dec. 5, 1891. Rohrbach, Enoch Cath. Miller July 7, 1839. Rohrbach, Ephraim Mary Ann Wenzel Mar. 15, 1846. Rohrbach, William Catharine Bechtel Feb. 8, 1846. Rohrmann, Heinrich Anna Cath. Lachmund Sept. 18, 1770. Roller, Jacob Anna Maria Genter July 31, 1764. Roller, Samuel Elisabeth Boyer Jan. 20, 1828. Romich, Henry F Lucy H. Rhoads Dec. 23, 1882. Romich, Jacob Elisabeth Romich Dec. 6, 1818. Romig, David Maria Daellicker Aug. 14, 1825. Romig, Ephraim Sophia Hoffmann Oct! 30, 1849. Romig, George Lydia Muthhart Sept. 10, 1864. Romig, George Oliver Amanda Berryman Nov. 10, 1877. Romig, Henrich Maria Hofman April 3, 1825. Romig, Henry R Polly Bobb Oct. 7, 1865. Romig, Jacob R Sophia B. Nester Oct. 12, 1878. Romig, Jeremias Hetty Gilbert Nov. 22, 1851. Romig, John Cath. Hoffmann June 15, 1847. Romig, John Catharine Ruth April 3, 1849. Romig, Lincoln Catharine Roth Dec. 26, 1847. Romig, Samuel Ellen Horner Jan. 8, 1832. Romig, Sophonias Sarah Dengler Dec. 1, i860. Romig, William Lidia Hallaway Nov. 3, 1833. Romig, Zepheniah Hettie S. Erb Oct. 16, 1869. Roos, John S Andora S. Dry Jan. 2, 1886. Root, David Catharine W. Burns Dec. 22, 1863. Rose, Christoph Susan Kutz Jan. 12, 1851. Rose, Conrad Maria Winzenheller Jan. 4, 1769. Rose, John Elizabeth Eschbach Oct. 21, 1850. Rosenberry, Isaac C Emma M. Kehl Sept. 7, 1889. Roth, Conrad Elis. Baumann Sept. 27, 1835. Roth, Daniel Cath. Yorger May 30, 1827. Record of Marriages. 627 Roth, Daniel Rebecca Fisher Oct. 7, 1849. Roth, David Mrs. Catharine Stelz April 6, 1801. Roth, Jacob Sarah Romig Dec. 28, 1823. Roth, Jacob Catharine Pommer Mar. 12, 1837. Roth, John Cath. Boyer Dec. 13, 1818. Roth, Joseph Susanna Gottschall Jan. 2, 1814. Roth, Peter Maria Kuter Mar. 11, 1804. Roth, Samuel Rebecca Gooldin May 10, 1851. Roth, Solomon Cath. Gilbert Aug. 24, 1828. Roth, William H. F Delia Irene Rhoads July 22, 1902. Rothenberger, Joseph Rebecca Renninger Mar. 6, 1825. Rothermel, Daniel Maria Magdalena Keiser. . . July 9, 1765. Roths, Abraham Elisabeth Lorah Dec. 18, 1831. Roths, Dietrich Eliza Brendlinger Dec. 30, 1832. Roths, Enos Elisabeth Lang Nov. 15, 1840. Roths, Henry B Thamar Gilbert April 28, 1844. Roths, Jonas Rachel Hunter Dec. 31, 1840. Roths, Jonathan Hanna Ruth May 30, 1841. Roths, Obed Hanna Baer Oct. 7, 1838. Roths, William Rebecca Kuser Nov. 1, 1829. Roy, Heinrich Susanna Kurz Feb. 25, 1799- Rover, Augustus Barbara Anna Bartmann. .. April 27, 1861. Royer, George Rebecca Dotterer Dec. 22, 1833. Royer, Hiram Hanna Shotter "... ..April 30, 1848. Royer, John D Sarah Ritter Oct. 5, 1861. Royer, Michael Rosina Seybert April 24, 1764. Rover, Samuel Matilda Van Buskirk Dec. 1, 1829. Royer, William Lidy Ann Beard Sept. 7, 1845. Ruff, Jacob Catharina Hellm Sept. 20, 1774. Rumfield, Henry Christina Bartman Nov. 3, 1807. Rumfield, Philip Rosina Minner Nov. 23, 1806. Rummer, Matthias Elisabeth Reichert April 23, 1810. Ruth, Charles Cath. Bock Mar. 29, 1818. Ruth, John Susanna Missemer Feb. 1, 1820. Ruth, Nathaniel Rebecca Reifschneider Nov. 25, 1832. Ruth, Peter Mrs. Lidia Weis Feb. 9, 1851. Sackman, Heinrich Anna Maria Saul Sept. 13, 1774. Sackman, Johannes Catharina Franckenberger.. . Aug. 23, 1774- Sailer, John B Mary Schweinhart Oct. 31, 1833. Sailor, Gottfried Schmidt Nov. 9, 1834. Sailor, Isaac Lea Renninger Nov. 28, 1847. Sailor, John Mary Willauer Oct. 20, 1844. Sailor, Jacob Delila Schvvenk Oct. 13, 1839. 628 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Samsel, Ephraim Sarah Bartmann Oct. 1, 1859. Sands, Daniel Mary Ann Focht Oct. 3, 1841. Sands, Jacob Rebecca Gilbert Nov. 11, 1827. Sands, James Maria Gilbert Oct. 4, 1812. Sands, James Cath. Yorgey May 31, 1862. Sands, James Kate Stetler Jan. 12, 1867. Sands, Rubin Sarah Fox Nov. 24, 1835. Sands, Samuel Eliza Roths April 6, 1851. Sands, William Annie F. Erb June 6, 1891. Sarg, John Maria Miller Feb. 6, 1820. Sarg, Peter Lidia Traut Oct. 26, 1823. Sassamann, Daniel Maria Hartmann Sept. 19, 1841. Satler, Michael Sybilla Deckert Dec. 26, 1752. Sauther, John Anna Frey Sept. 13, 1842. Sax, Adam N. N. Yung Jan. 12, 1812. Saylor, Frederick Rosa Schneider Feb. 10, 1881. Saylor, John C Mary M. Royer Dec. 25, 1869. Saylor, William G Maggie B. Renninger Sept. 26, 1903. Saylor, William H Hattie Funk Sept. 11, 1884. Schaefer, Jacob M Hannah F. Herb Feb. 27, 1859. Schaefer, John Mary Romig Feb. 10, 1833. Schaefer, Peter Hanna Reitnauer Dec. 7, 1817. Schaedler, Peter Ann Batz Dec. 14, 1856. Schaeffer, Augustus Emma Kieler Oct. 31, 1863. Schaeffer, John G Kate Imstead Dec. 27, 1892. Schaeffer, John H Ella B. Boyer Mar. 14, 1891. Schaeffer, Theodore L. Amanda Barger May 27, 1871. Schaeffer, William Catharine Gilbert Feb. 20, 1859. Schaeffer, William K Kate U. Hauck June 20, 1896. Schanner, John K Elisabeth H. Schweisford . . . Jan. 7, i860. Schaeufly, Johannes Cath. Gilbert Feb. 7, 1819. Schanely, George F Lucy Bauman Nov. 2, 1867. Schanely, Jonathan Mary Reigner Nov. 25, 1865. Schanely, Joseph H Sarah Weidman Oct. 5, 1865. Schaut, Johannes Catharine Sybilla Ebhard...May 15, 1748- Schantz, Henry Mary Pool Feb. 5, 1833. Schantz, Johannes Maria Walt April 29, 1804. Schatz, John Levina S. Moyer Aug. 20, 1864. Scheurer, John Sarah Nester Oct. 23, 1831. Scheurer, John Mary Mauger Nov. 20, 1836. Scheck, Jacob Harriet Feather Mar. 15, 1846. Schedtler, John Levina Honnetter Dec. 25, 1850. Scheelkopp, Isaac Lea Erb Nov. 27, 1836. Record of Marriages. 629 Scheffy, Aaron Mary Fillmann Dec. 19, 1830. Scheffey, Jacob Salome Seebold April 23, 1820. Scheffy, Levi Matilda Barret Nov. 14, 1891. Scheffey, William Lewis. ... Rosa L. Roemer Nov. 28, 1891. Schehrer, Benjamin Elisabeth Heller Oct. 14, 1851. Scheid, Thomas Deborah Schmoll Dec. 22, 1839. Scheidel, John Maria Kiihler July 18, 1824. Schelly, John Susan Neidig Mar. 16, 1834. Schenkel, Adam Elisabeth Thiirolf April 18, 1816. Schenkel, Lewis Susan Batz June 13, 1852. Schenkel, George Lidia Renninger Mar. 9, 1852. Scherer, Conrad Eva Jung May 3, 1763. Scheurer, Samuel Cath. Moser Dec. 28, 1834. Schick, Amos Elisabeth Hook Nov. iq, 1842. Schick, Friederich Magdalena Friederich Feb. 12, 1804. Schidler, Ludewig Susanna Cath. Wambold . . . . Aug. 20, 1776. Schilling, Leonhart Sarah Schmidt Dec. 25, 1836. Schittler, John Maria Fisher Jan. 23, 1825. Schitz, Henrich Hanna Zoller 1815. Schitz, John Anna Cath. Sands Dec. 1, 1835. Schitz, Solomon Stelz Nov. 13, 1831. Schletzer, Hans Martin Loise Schell Nov. 12, 1769. Schlicher, Franklin Sarah B. Frick Nov. 19, 1863. Schlichter, Joseph Marg. Reyer May 25, 1817. Schlonecker, George Adam. . Dorothea Barbara Wister. . . Mar. 13, 1763. Schlonecker, Henrich Elisabeth Steinbrenner May 9, 1784. Schlonecker, Jacob Mary Hofman Jan. 20, 1822. Schlonecker, Johann Michael Anna Maria Heilig Mar. 26, 1749 Schmid, Christoph Maria Miller Mar. 26, 1771 Schmidt, Augustus Mary Stedtler Aug. 28, 1858 Schmidt, Benj Maria Davidheiser Nov. 13, 1836 Schmidt, Daniel Cath. Seefried Dec. 26, 1813 Schmidt, Daniel Mary Kalb Nov. 6, 1832. Schmidt, Daniel Elisabeth Staufer Sept. 3, 1848. Schmidt, Daniel Esther Hellbart Oct. 6, 1822. Schmidt, David Mathilda Ierger Jan. 16, 1842. Schmidt, George C Annie B. Erb Feb. 24, 1898. Schmidt, Harrison Mary Schuler June 22, 1839. Schmidt, Henrich Maria Feather May 1, 1804. Schmidt, Henry Mary Lang Sept. 25, 1842. Schmidt, James Catharine Knetz Jan. 18, 1846. Schmidt, Jacob Anna Maria Sotter June 16, 1799- Schmidt, Jacob Maria Lachmann May 10, 1818. 4' 630 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Schmidt, Jacob Cath. Gilbert Nov. 13, 1825. Schmidt, Jacob Cath. Ward Mar. — , 1828. Schmidt, Johann Martin Mrs. Anna Gertrude Kutsch. Nov. 19, 1750. Schmidt, John Susanna Young May 1, 1814. Schmidt, John Elis. Schnell Nov. 12, 1835. Schmidt, John Elisabeth Adams July 26, 1846. Schmidt, John Magdalena Gottschall Oct. 19, 1851. Schmidt, Jonathan Sarah Schmidt April 25, 1819. Schmidt, Jonas Maria Stelz Dec. 9, 1827. Schmidt, Jonas Hetty Steltz Nov. 13, 1838. Schmidt, Joseph Cath. Schmidt Aug. 9, 1818. Schmidt, Joseph Rebecca Reyer Feb. 13, 1825. Schmidt, Joseph Elisabeth Binder May 18, 1828. Schmidt, Martin Elisabeth Schick Mar. 20, 1821. Schmidt, Peter Sara Zuber Oct. 2, 1796. Schmidt, Samuel Mary Ann Gottshcall Dec. 5, 1841. Schmidt, Samuel Emma Jonson Jan. 24, 1856. Schmidt, Wilhelm Sarah Fryer Dec. 9, 1827. Schmidt, William Charlotte Christman April 3, 1842. Schmearer, Tobias Sophia S. Derr Oct. 14, 1865. Schmierer, Tobias Fredericka Seiler Jan. 12, 1834. Schmoll, Harrison Magdalena Neifert Aug. 17, 1841. Schmoll, Johannes Cath. Bartmann Oct. 29, 1815. Schmoll, Peter Eliza Hiibner April 7, 1850. Schmoll, Peter Isabella Nyce May 11, 1856. Schmollinger, Christoph . . . . Frederika Lorenz June 19, 1853. Schmuck, Thomas D Lovina E. Yerger Dec. 1, 1900. Schueck, Henry Sarah Jorgy May 25, 1845. Schueck, Oliver Mrs. Seville C. Schatz Mar. 3, 1900. Schueck, William Anna Staut July 10, 1852. Schneider, Daniel Esther Hess Aug. 10, 1839. Schneider, Henry Mary Ann Gabel Nov. 5, 1848. Schneider, Irvin Caroline Bossard Aug. 26, 1855. Schneider, Jacob Hannah Schwenk Dec. 13, 1818. Schneider, Jacob Mrs. Lea Bartolet Sept. 29, 1834. Schneider, Jacob Lydia Hoefer Oct. 1, 1854. Schneider, Jesaias Maria Lachmann Dec. 24, 1848. Schneider, Johan Eva Dillkam Sept. 25, 1811. Schneider, Johann George. . Susanna Kropp July 27, 1773- Schneider, Leonhard Catharina Miller Dec. 20, 1768. Schneider, Malan Mary Dreibelbies Nov. 9, 1851. Schneider, Nicolas Mary De Hauen Feb. 25, 1769. Schneider, Nicolaus Barbara Haberle June 9, 1772. Record of Marriages. 631 Schneider, Nicolaus Nancy Marsteller Mar. 3, 1795. Schneider, Peter Deborah Paul Dec. 24, 1820. Schneider, Samuel Sarah Moser Mar. 15, 1840. Schneider, Thomas Susan March Feb. 15, 1838. Schneider, Tobias Sarah Frey July 25, 1847. Schneike, Henrich Cath. Heit May 7, 1815. Schnell, Conrad Elisabeth Erb Oct. 28, 1851. Schnell, George Anna Dorothea Bruge April 11, 1773. Schnell, George Esther Kurz Aug. 28, 1842. Schnell, Jacob Magdalena Bitting April 5, 1795. Schnell, Jacob Mathilda Glaize Sept. 29, 1839. Schnell, Jacob Mrs. Elisabeth Keiler Mar. 19, 1802. Schnell, John Rachel Krause Dec. 26, 1841. Schnell, Richard Hetty Geiger Oct. 26, 1837. Schnell, Samuel H Rachel Brandt June 22, 1839. Schoch, George Henrietta Verly Mar. — , 1826. Schoch, Nathan Elisabeth Muthart Aug. 23, 1862. Schodder, John Mary Frohnhauser Nov. 13, 1804. Schoener, Andreas Elisabeth Kuser Oct. — , 1823. Schoener, Charles Elis. Krebs Jan. 3, 1830. Schoener, Charles Cath. Hauer Aug. 27, 1844. Schoener, David Susan Dallecker Dec. 27, 1829. Schoener, Frederick Elisabeth Herb Jan. 14, 1844. Schoener, George Maria Hartenstein Oct. 1, 1816. Schoener, George Mary Reinwald Nov. 27, 1827. Schoener, Henry Amelia Edelmann Oct. 30, 1845. Schoener, Henry Harriet Schmaekl Mar. 3, 1855. Schoener, Jacob Maria Neumann Dec. 16, 1794. Schoener, Jesaias Hanna Gilbert Nov. 10, 1839. Schoener, Jesse Mrs. Harriet Wittmann. . . . Oct. 6, 1850. Schoener, Johannes Anna Maria Kitterer Mar. 3, 1761. Schoener, John Maria Blank Dec. 3, 1843. Schoener, John Henrietta Riegner Oct. 14, 1854. Schoener, Samuel Mary Staufer Oct. 4, 1840. Schoener, Samuel Maria Schnell July 11, 1841. Schoener, William Rebecca Gross April 20, 1856. Schonle, David Priscilla YVeidner April 30, 1854. Schonle, Edward Catharine Bauman Nov. 24, 1855. Schoenly, Andreas Elisabeth Boyer Nov. 3, 1822. Schoenly, Clinton E Ida S. Hunsberger May 26, 1900. Schoenly, Friederich Maria Christman Mar. 7, 1819. Schoenly, Friederick Maria Gilbert Sept. 23, 1849. Schonly, Michal Mrs. Elis. Richard April 23, 1837. 632 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Scholl, Bennevill Catharine Wise Sept. 7, 1851. Scholl, Eli Hedy Refschneider Aug. 7, 1858. Scholl, David Angeline Carrier Sept. 24, 1848. Schoner, Andreas Julianna Reifschneider May 21, 1771. Schoner, Andrew Elis. Keiler Feb. 28, 1830. Schoner, Charles Mary Moore Dec. n, 1836. Schoner, Christian Salome Wartman Nov. 4, 1821. Schoner, Henrich Rebecca Sechler Nov. 11, 1828. Schoner, Jonas Maria Gilbert Oct. 15, 1836. Schoner, John Elisabeth Mayberry July 21, 1833. Schoner, Thomas Elisabeth Kurz Feb. 25, 1810. Schoner, Thomas Lidia Ritter Nov. 9, 1828. Schoner, Wilhelm Elisabeth Gumry Feb. 22, 1824. Schonle, George Rebecca Voegley Oct. 18, 1829. Schonleber, Friederick Susanna Kiehle Dec. 10, 1771. Schowalter, John Elis. Bartolet Jan. 22, 1833. Schrack, Johannes Elisabeth Weber June 28, 1774. Schrader, Daniel Susan Engel Feb. 7, 1830. Schreiber, Conrad Hanna M. Lautenschlaeger. . April 27, 1834. Schuck, Johannes Margaretha Meisenheimer.. .Dec. i, 1772. Schuler, Jacob Margaret Yerger May 24, 1831. Schuler, Michael Mrs. Louisa Roedel Aug. 14, 1853. Schulz, Daniel Sarah Yerger Oct. 29, 1848. Schulz, David Levina Gehris Mar. 24, 1839. Schulz, Henry Catharine Schmidt Oct. 3, 1841. Schulz, Jonas Esther Staedtler Sept. 25, 1831. Schulz, Jonas Mrs. Sarah Liebenguth April 23, 1848. Schulz, Joseph Elisabeth Burden Aug. 29, 1841. Schultz, Carl Louisa Ludwig Aug. 6, 1854. Schultz, Johann Theobald. .Maria Elizabeth Henckel. . .April 6, 1747. Schultz, Philipp Barbara Klein Mar. 16, 1806. Schultz, William B Rosy Ann Adolf Feb. 7, 1863. Schumann, Jacob Maria Engers Dec. 14, 1773- Schunck, Conrad Mary Barck Dec. 23, 1768. Schunck, Isaac Catharine Heilmann Nov. 18, 1773- Schunck, Heinrich Sara Sehler May 1, 1807. Schupp, Michael Elisabeth Appel Jan. 18, 1774. Schupp, Michael Christina Reyher Mar. 22, 1796. Schurg, Andrew Mrs. Salome Weik Jan. 1, 1875. Schurig, Traugott Lebrecht.. Hanna E. Schmidt June 10, 1810. Schwable, Friederich Anna Steinruck Feb. 11, 1827. Schwable, Peter Cath. Hartmann Jan. 19, 1817. Schwartz, David Cath. Daub Dec. 18, 1858. Record of Marriages. 633 Sclnvarz, Friederich Mary Maybury Sept. — , 1828. Schvvarz, Solomon Catharine Horn Dec. 7, 1806. Schwavely, John Mary M. Schmidt Aug. 16, 1829. Schweinhard, Georg Susanna Sehler Oct. 20, 1805. Schweinhart, Heinrich Catharina Honnetter Jan. 22, 1799. Schweinhardt, Jacob Christina Vogly Oct. 27, 1811. Schweinhardt, Jacob Maria Staufer Aug. 9, 1812. Schweinhardt, Johann GeorgElisabeth Diefendoerfer Dec. — , 1814. Schweinhardt, John Elisabeth Hoffmann Feb. 18, 1810. Schweinhardt, Daniel Cath. Krauss May 11, 1817. Schweinhart, David Catharine Langenecker June 18, 1820. Schweinhart, Gabriel Sophia Geiger Aug. 17, 1828. Schweinhart, George Hanna Miller Dec. 4, 1825. Schweinhart, George Christina Renninger Dec. 7, 1845. Schweinhart, Henry Rachel Yahn Oct. 23, 1831. Schweinhart, Henry Caroline Erb Aug. 23, 1856. Schweinhart, John Hanna Weis Jan. 13, 1850. Schweinhart, Michael Christina Gilbert May 3, 1795. Schwenk, Maria Schweinhart Feb. 23, 1845. Schwenk, Andreas Hanna Harzfield Feb. 2, 1817. Schwenk, Christian Maria Kepner July 9, 1826. Schwenk, Daniel Maria Staedtler Jan. 23, 1825. Schwenk, David Elisabeth Zern Dec. 18, 1843. Schwenk, George Catharine Gerber Sept. 24, 1848. Schwenk, Henrich M. Trombor Aug. 12, 1804. Schwenk, Henrich Maria Wien May — , 1822. Schwenk, Jacob Elisabeth Louis Mar. 20, 1808. Schwenk, Jacob Anna Keeler Dec. 22, 1839. Schwenk, Jacob Lidia Wenzel May 19, 1844. Schwenk, Johannes Salome Stadtler Mar. 24, 1801. Schwenk, Matthias Hanna Latmann Aug. 14, 1810. Schwenk, Samuel Esther Reifschneider Dec. 1, 1842. Scott, John Elisabeth Badman Oct. 20, 1822. Seasholtz, Henry M Cath. M. Beryman Mar. 17, 1864. Seasholtz, John M Isabella R. Kepler Jan. 9, 1892. Seasholtz, Josiah F Mary Ann Ziegenfuss Sept. 16, 1876. Seasholtz, Nathaniel A Lizzie G. Markley Sept. 28, 1871. Seasholtz, Warren Mary A. Buchert Aug. 12, 1905. Sechler, Jesse Abigail Jerger Oct. 4, 1835. Sebold, Samuel Rachel Gilbert June 12, 1834. Seebold, David Elisabeth Weichel June 30, 1771. Seebold, John Maria Schick Aug. 21, 1825. Seeger, Johann Hannah Dewis Feb. 28, 1796. 634 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Sehler, Jacob Maria Mayer Jan. 3, 1808. Seiler, Adam Hanna Hetzel Jan. 19, 1845. Seiler, Gottfried Barbara Nice June 12, 1842. Seiple, Joel Maria A. Drollinger Oct. 12, 1845. Seitz, Christian Anna Maria Flegel Jan. 26, 1755. Sell, David B Ida Frey July 2, 1892. Sell, Isaac Alice Hoffman Oct. 29, 1892. Sell, John Catharine Huber Mar. 27, 1803. Sell, Philip Elisabeth Sechler Mar. 21, 1819. Sellers, Frederick Mary Ax Mar. 17, 1833. Sensendorfer, Georg Sara Bitting May 20, 1806. Sensendorfer, George Eliza Reppert Oct. 23, 1836. Sensendorfer, Michael Elisabeth Niess July 1, 18 10. Sevidge, George Mary Marz Mar. 16, 1828. Shanely, Harrison C Kate A. Mangold Nov. 27, 1869. Shanely, John S Katie M. Steltz Nov. 8, 1879. Shaneley, Jesse Nante Faegley Nov. 4, i860. Shanely, Wm. Hern Elisabeth Bechtel Oct. 31, 1871. Shaner, David D Catharine W. Fry Mar. 27, 1869. Shaner, George H Sarah Lievengood July 24, 1864. Shaner, Henry Susanna Frick Feb. 4, i860. Shaner, Jacob Cath. Derr July 5, 1862. Shaner, Milton S Minerva Sassaman Oct. 29, 1887. Shaner, William J Ella Olivia Fryer Aug. 6, 1892. Shedle, Isac Susanna Roth Oct. 2, 1814. Shellenberger, George B Ada M. Yerger Jan. 16, 1904. Shelly, Isaac R Annie K. Trumbauer Dec. 21, 1898. Shelly, Tobias Amelia Yost Jan. 11, 1870. Sherner, William Amietta Eschbach Oct. 22, 1859. Sheurer, William Sarah Boyer Nov. 10, 1844. Shiedel, Martin Susanna Weiss Mar. 17, 1825. Shieler, John Elisabeth Himmelreich April 3, 1858. Sheiry, Frank Mamie Grim Mar. 25, 1899. Shive, Monroe M Octavia D. Levengood Nov. 5, 1892. Shnell, Samuel Margaretta Haws Mar. 20, 1808. Shoener, Aaron Sarah A. Keeler Nov. 12, 1843. Shoener, Isaac Elisabeth Frey Feb. 12, 1843. Sholl, Conrad Elisabeth Sholl Feb. 20, 1842. Shollenberger, Horace W....Alverta R. Snell June 16, 1900. Shonly, Allexander Susan Wiesner April 19, 1846. Shupe, Joseph Elisabeth Brotzmann Jan. 3, 1841. Shute, John Mrs. Caty Coller Dec. 20, 1764. Shutt, William A Ella Jacobs May 25, 1901. Record of Marriages. 635 Siechrist, Jacob Rebecca Anderson Aug. 25, 1850. Skeen, Theodore Delila Missimer Nov. 9, 1837. Sloneker, Philip Sarah Ann Krause Feb. 1, 1862. Smith, Charles H Rosanna D. Fox Oct. 5, 1867. Smith, George H Hettie A. Yoder Jan. 12, 1867. Smith, Isaac Esther Davidheiser July 26, 1840. Smith, Jacob Katie Alnetta Moyer Jan. 23, 1897. Smith, John Richard Sarah Hartmann Feb. 9, 1841. Snell, Irwin Seville M. Richards Aug. 18, 1888. Snell, Samuel K Annie M. Bertolet Oct. 28, 1875. Snell, William C Sallie Shollenberger Feb. 22, 1896. Snyder, John G Maggie M. Dry Sept. 25, 1897. Snyder, John G Mrs. Emma Miller Nov. 19, 1905. Sommers, Johannes Elisabeth Reidinnaur Jan. 24, 1764. Spang, Henry Chatharina Schnabel Mar. 4, 1851. Spare, Abram G Elmeda H. Grubb Dec. 16, 1906. Spatz, George Rebecca Royer Nov. 25, 1804. Spatz, Jacob Magdalena Arms May 17, 1807. Spatz, Peter Maria Drumheller Nov. 2, 1823. Spatz, Samuel Elisabeth Roth Mar. 24, 1822. Speare, Silvester Susan Nyce Sept. 24, 1859. Specht, Henrich Barbara Reichert May 1, 1819. Specht, Henry Mary Scholl Jan. 8, 1843. Specht, Rubin Elisabeth Buchheimer Jan. 9, 1847. Specht, William Sophia Yerger Dec. 4, 1858. Sperry, Samuel Sarah Fetter July 23, 1853. Spielman, Julius Fridrike C. Iserer Feb. 2, 1895. Spies, Henry Margaret Kraus Mar. 2, 1830. Spies, John Sarah Krause Aug. 2, 1835. Spong, Jeremia Cath. Fricker Oct. 11, 1833. Springer, Wilhelm Maria Oberholser Mar. 16, 1764. Staedtler, Abraham (Widow) Meyer July 5, 1840. Staedtler, Adam Esther Schwenk Sept. 3, 1815. Staedtler, Christian Anna Schwenk Jan. 25, 1824. Staedtler, Christian Catharine Welker Oct. 24, 1847. Staedtler, Heinrich Elisabeth Bickel Mar. 27, 1796. Staedtler, Henry Maria Huber Oct. 4, 1829. Staedtler, Henry Louise Schaefer Dec. 11, 1858. Staedtler, Henrich Elisabeth Fillmann Oct. 12, 1816. Staedtler, Henry Harriet Roths Dec. 20, 1846. Staedtler, Isaac Sarah Johnson Feb. 28, 1841. Staedtler, Jacob Elisabeth Geigers Mar. 29, 1808. Staedtler, Jacob Elis. Geist Nov. 27, 1832. 636 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Staedtler, Jonas Carolina Buchert Oct. 8, 1843. Staedtler, Joseph Sally Saiter Oct. 7, 1810. Staedtler, Samuel Harriet Kolp Mar. 19, 1840. Stalb, George Sarah Burkert Sept. 2, 1827. Stalp, Ulrich Elisabeth Der May 30, 1769. Stattler, Abraham Elisabeth Voegley June 7, 1801. Stattler, Christian Mary Frey Dec. 21, 1834. Staufer, Abraham Esther Staufer May 3, 1804. Staufer, Christian Rebecca Brendlinger Oct. 27, 1835. Staufer, Jacob Maria Miller June 8, 1806. Staufer, Jacob Mathilda Fox Jan. 30, 1848. Staufer, John Lidia Bechtel Nov. 5, 1839. Staufer, Levi Sarah Brunner Dec. 22, 1859. Stauffer, David Cath. Reifsnyder May 7, 1859. Stauffer, Gehrhart Maria Magdalene HonnetterOct. 9, 1842. Stauffer, Jacob Margaretha Linzenbichler. . . Mar. 8, 1807. Stauffer, Johannes Elisabetha Jorger Dec. 17, 1782. Stauffer, John Nancy Hundsperger Oct. 29, 1848. Stauffer, Milton H Deborah S. Sheetz Sept. 13, 1890. Steier, Jacob Catharine Wartmann Nov. 5, 1848. Steinemann, Christian Sara Hottemann Mar. 24, 1773. Steinmetz, Isaac Sarah Mundshauer Nov. 23, 1843. Steiner, Henry Levina Erb Nov. 8, 1840. Steinruck, Charles Sarah Schoener Sept. 13, 1846. Steinruck, Isaac Barbara Rusheau June 1, 1851. Steinruck, John Elis. Boyer May 13, 1838. Steinruck, Joseph Mary Geiger Nov. 15, 1835. Steirock, Christoph Regina Lachmund April 3, 1775. Steltz, Hiram M Mrs. Caroline D. Bertolet. . .Dec. 5, 1889. Steltz, Peter Mrs. Susannah Schneider April 5, 1785. Steltz, Theophilus Henrietta Saylor Sept. 24, 1870. Stepelton, Johannes Maria Margaretha Geiger. . Mar. 10, 1747. Stepelton, Wilhelm Elisabeth Drummheller Oct. 21, 1812. Stetler, Franklin R Emma D. Buck Sept. 24, 1870. Stetler, Horace R Sallie F. Hutt May 16, 1891. Steyer, Daniel Lydia Weidemeyer Oct. 28, 1854. Steyer, Jacob Catharine Wissler April 27, 1811. Stichter, Frederich Lidia Gilbert April 30, 1848. Stichter, Henrich Anna Gaho Sept. 13, 1818. Stichter, Jacob Christina Beiteman Jan. 18, 1785. Stichter, Jacob Cath. Bickel Jan. 27, 1811. Stichter, Jacob Christina Geiger May 28, 1840. Stichter, Thomas Maria Liebenguth Nov. 9, 1850. Record of Marriages. 637 Stichter, William Judith Bickel Sept. 25, 1842. Stierly, Christian Sally Krauss Oct. 29, 1825. Stoffelbein, Sebastian Susan Staettler July 31, 1842. Stoflet, George Maria Werthhain Jan. 25, 1807. Stofflet, George Lea Fuchs Feb. 12, 1832. Stofflet, George Rebecca Hoffman Mar. 21, 1847. Stofflet, Henry Sarah Ann Decker Nov. 6, 1842. Stofflet, Herrmann Anna Meyer Feb. 17, 1839. Stofflet, Isaac Angeline Dunn Jan. 2, 1848. Stofflet, Jacob Rachel Nehs Aug. 4, 1833. Stofflet, John Elisabeth Herbst Feb. 14, 1808. Stoffelet, Michael Cath. Reigner May 26, 1816. Stofflet, Samuel Judith Dotterer Aug. 2, 1835. Stolzenberg, Johannes Philippina Meier April 1, 1770. Stophler, Johannes Elisabeth Schumann April 30, 1776. Stoneback, Conrad Kate Kline Sept. 16, 1865. Stoudt, John B Ida Henry Dec. 25, 1902. Stouffer, John S Malinda Moser Dec. 23, 1871. Stork, Ludwig Maria Zoller April 16, 1797. Strohl, Calvin F Sallie M. Beiteman Jan. 17, 1874. Straub, Josua Maria Yerger Dec. 5, 1824. Strebel, John Christopher. . ..Sarah Brown Muskchalk. . . . Feb. 10, 1808. Strohman, Jacob Magdalena Linzenbichler ...Jan. 31, 1808. Strunk, John Anna Shirer Nov. 8, 1862. Strunk, Peter Esther Frohnheiser July 23, 1864. Strunk, Peter H Sarah R. Ritter Oct. 27, 1866. Stuard, John Catharine Klein May 10, 1768. Sulvan, Jesaias Cath. Minninger May 5, 1839. Siiszholz, Abraham Elis. Landis Dec. 8, 1833. Siiszholz, Charles Leande Fisher June 9, 1850. Sussholz, David Salome Kolb Aug. 1, 1815. Siissholz, David Sarah Badman Sept. 7, 1828. Siiszholz, David Sarah Hartranft Sept. 3, 1843. Siiszholz, Henrich Anna Lober Nov. 19, 1795. Siiszholz, Henrich Susanna Erb Jan. 6, 1822. Siiszholz, Henry Catharine Baer Sept. 27, 1846. Susholz, Jacob Elisabeth Liser Feb. 4, 1800. Sussholz, Jacob Magdalena Bernt Sept. 20, 1807. Siiszholz, Joseph Susan Latschaar Aug. 20, 1843. Swartz, James H Emma M. Shaner Dec. 22, 1866. Swavely, Aaron Mary Ann Burden June 1, 1845. Swavely, David R Catharine Ann Acker June 10, 1849. Suavely, Ephraim Mathilda Hoffmann Nov. 18, 1849. 638 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Swavely, Lewis Elisabeth Frohnheiser Aug. 10, 1845. Swavely, Samuel B Mary D. Buck Feb. 11, 1869. Sweinhart, Wilson S Emma E. Stengel Aug. 12, 1905. Sweed, John Emma Badman Sept. 6, 1879. Swinehard, Henry G Sarah Stauffer July 24, 1869. Swoyer, Edwin A Ida W. Batz Jan. 12, 1895. Taeusher, Moses Catharine Bechtel Nov. 14, 1844. Tagebach, Matthias Anna Kurz Mar. 29, 1767. Taggart, Charles R Katie E. Hoffmann Sept. 16, 1899. Tangier, Jacob Catharina Kohler Oct. 9, 1753. Thieme, Adam Dorothea Gotzelmann Feb. 2, 1768. Thieme, Heinrich Catharina Fischer June 23, 1772. Thomas, Elias Sarah Kolb Nov. 28, 1847. Thomas, Jacob Maria Ryer Feb. 23, 1806. Thomas, Jacob Mrs. Geiger Nov. 5, 1841. Thomas, Rubin Mary Staufer Dec. 30, 1832. Thomas, William Rebecca Fritz Mar. 14, 1830. Tobias, Joanthan Fayetta Gilbert June 23, 1849. Told, Philip Martha Miller Feb. 24, 1767. Tomson, Joseph Margrit Dotterer Dec. 28, 1763. Tormayer, Jacob Elisabeth Klein Sept. 21, 1784. Traut, Abraham Mary Weidner July 17, 1842. Traut, Baltzer Eva Moser Dec. 18, 1763. Traut, Jacob Elisabeth Geiger Mar. 20, 1821. Traut, Joseph Sarah Kolp Nov. 24, 1833. Traut, Samuel Sally Reyer July 27, 1823. Trax, Philip Frederica Dorothea Fager...June 23, 1745. Treichler, Balser Sally Johnson May 17, 1819. Trexel, Carl Eliza Weschcoh Dec. 9, 1838. Trexel, Jacob Catharine Collins Sept. 23, 1849. Trexel, John Leah Weis Sept. 11, 1842. Trexel, Rubin Louisa Adam Oct. 19, 1845. Truckenmiller, Wilhelm Rachel Pawl Oct. 10, 1771. Ludewig. Trumbauer, Henrich Elisabeth Hallman Mar. 26, 1825. Trumbauer, Henry Sally Horing Aug. 6, 1820. Trumbauer, Henry Mrs. Elisabeth Linsinbigler..Oct. 19, 1851. Trumheller, Daniel Elisabeth Frey April 2, 1795. Trumheller, Johannes Elisabeth Schoner Dec. 27, 1795. Trump, Philip Tobias Margretha Elisabeth Wart-Nov. 17, 1747- mann. Tyson, Enos N Elisabeth Ann Grosz Jan. 14, 1849. Tyson, Jacob Ellen Fisher Aug. 7, 1858. Record of Marriages. 639 Tyson, John Margretha Baum Mar. 26, 1807. Turner, Francis Anna Aschenbach Feb. 24, 1774. Tyson, William Barbara Urmy Nov. 6, 1806. Ulen, John Sarah Bakon Jan. 4, 1748. Umstadt, John Cath. Kalb May 22, 1836. Umstadt, Joseph Lidia Schoener Nov. 19, 1843. Umstadt, David Lea Christmann June 19, 1847. Umstead, Horace N Ida Horning Mar. 9, 1878. Umstead, John K Mary A. Steinruck Mar. 18, 1871. UndercofHer, Henry W Moietta B. Steyer Nov. 10, 1866. Unterkofler, David Marg. Dengler Nov. 29, 1818. Underkoffler, Harry S Rosa Guntz Nov. 2, 1895. Underkoweler, Charles Susan Grosz Dec. 17, 1843. Underkoweler, Isaac Rebecca Ruth Nov. 6, 1831. Underkoweler, Jonas Anna Grof Oct. 13, 1831. Undheim, John Catharine Margareth Koch . . Aug. 26, 1849. Updegrove, Abraham H....Ann Moser June 27, 1868. Uptegraf, William Elisabeth Bauer Oct. 25, 1846. Use, Elias Elisabeth Lessig Feb. 12, 1837. Van Buskirk, Lesher Anna Filbert Oct. 9, 1845. Van Derschleis, Johannes. . ..Rebecka Schener Jan. 31, 1764. Van Reed, Henrich Susanna Gilbert Dec. 22, 1816. Van Reed, Jacob Margaretha Gilbert Mar. 6, 1814. Vettermann, Johannes Maria Klein May — , 1813. Vetterolf, Philipp Christina Reicherd Nov. 13, 1770. Voegely, Philipp Elisabeth Eggolf June 19, 1805. Voegl, John Anna Fritz Oct. 26, 1828. Voegle, Henrich Lidia Ritter Sept. 7, 1828. Voegle, Jacob Anna Voegle June 29, 1828. Voegle, Jonas Anna Nice ..Dec. 10, 1822. Voegley, John Susan Warmann Nov. 29, 1829. Voegly, Bernhard Miss Griffy April 19, 1818. Voegly, Jacob Susanna Miller Jan. 25, 1818. Vogele, Johann Georg Maria Catharina Sam Sept. 24, 1747. Voegly, John • Maria Fillman May 1, 1819. Vogely, Peter Elisabeth Low Sept. 2, 1804. Vogely, Peter Gerdraut Christman May 13, 1804. Vogt, Elija Cath. Neidig June 15, 1828. Voigt, Valentin Anna Margaretha Cambe...Aug. 27, 1771- Volck, George Anna Maria Lober Dec. 25, 1770. Wade, Henry S Elizabeth N. Zeigler Aug. zz, 1867. Wagner, John Mary Ann Buchert April 29, i860. Wahl, John G Wilhelmina Rath Sept. 23, 1835. 640 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Wald, David Sarah Isett Dec. 15, 1825. Wald, George Sarah Cammel Dec. 25, 1827. Wald, Henrich Elisabeth Staufer Mar. 26, 1829. Wald, John Barbara Buchwalder Feb. 30, 1824. Walker, Lewis Anna Savage Dec. 16, 1750. Walker, Thomas Nancy Hockley May 4, 1785. Waller, John Elis. Becker Feb. 10, 1833. Walt, Andreas Elisabeth Schwenk Oct. 27, 1799. Walt, Friederich Maria Krauss Nov. 14, 1801. Walt, George Maria Schwenk Mar. 26, 1799. Walt, Heinrich Sara Sehler Jan. 31, 1802. Walt, John F Sarah Baumann Nov. 27, 1853. Walter, Anthon Anna Elisabeth Volck April 15, 1754. Walter, George Anna Gehris Aug. 10, 1845. Walter, Jacob Catharine Reiter Mar. 19, 1820. Walters, James Monroe H...Sallie D. Smith June 8, 1867. Walter, John Catharina Hofman Oct. 7, 1826. Walter, Matthias Mrs. Anna Maria Haag Mar. 28, 1750. Walter, Samuel Cath. Fronheiser Feb. 22, 1835. Walter, William Elis. Diehl Nov. 8, 1835. Wamboldt, Fridrich Maria Erb Mar. 17, 1850. Wampole, John Cath. Clache June 8, 1861. Wansiedler, Jacob Sophia Reiter Sept. 23, 1827. Ward, James Rebecca Davidheiser Nov. 27, 1836. Ward, James W Angeline Shaner Mar. 11, 1871. Wartmann, Adam Barbara Ehrhard April 23, 1771. Wartmann, Adam Anna Yans Jan. 12, 1845. Wartmann, George Rebecca Kulp April 12, 1830. Wartmann, Henrich Mrs. Marg. Febinger June 8, 1823. Wartmann, Henry Caroline Steffy April 25, 1852. Wartmann, Howard F Estella H. Drumheller June 16, 1906. Wartmann, Israel Marg. Geiger Dec. 24, 1826. Wartmann, Jessiah Cath. Wieand Nov. 13, 1858. Wartmann, John Mary Linsenbigler Oct. 11, 1840. Wartmann, Jonathan Henrietta Neiss Oct. 31, 1824. Wartmann, Lewis M Susan Sheetz Dec. 24, 1870. Wartmann, Matthias Mary Kehl Aug. 28, 1831. Wartmann, Philip Mrs. Susan Pickhart Feb. 18, 1838. Wartmann, Philiph Rebecca Stalp Mar. 29, 1818. Waymer, Johann George. . ..Barbara Roller Feb. 28, 1768. Weaver, Jeremiah Kemp Dec. 11, 1845. Weaver, Samuel Lea Moser Oct. 3, 1844. Weber, Peter Miss Boyer Dec. 31, 1815. Record of Marriages. 641 Weeks, John Harriet Missimer Mar. 15, 1840. Weiand, John Anna Dotterer Nov. io, 1816. Weiand, Peter Sarah Hundsperger Aug. 12, 1815. Weiand, William Rebecca Renninger Dec. 26, 1847. Weickel, Johann Christoph. . Catharina Hill April 26, 1748. Weidnecht, Jonathan Maria Welter Nov. 17, 1816. Weidner, David Hanna Wummeldorf Nov. 15, 1764- Weidner, Daniel Rebecca Reichert Nov. 21, 1824. Weidner, Daniel Sarah Reichert Aug. 9, 1829. Weidner, Daniel Charlott Hatfield Sept. 2, 1838. Weidner, George W Amelia H. Schwenk Dec. 24, 1874. Weidner, Ephraim Cath. Leh Jan. 9, 1864. Weidner, John Catharine Hess April 27, 1845. Weidner, Samuel Amanda Rhoads Sept. 9, 1838. Weidner, Samuel Sarah Ann Optegraff Oct. 16, 1842. Weidner, Samuel L Elvira S. Weaver Aug. 10, 1856. Weigel, Michael Elisabeth Linsenbigler Jan. 22, 1804. Weigell, Joel Angelina Scott Mar. 18, 1851. Weik, Jacob Fred Sallie Beltz Sept. 22, 1866. Weikel, Daniel Susanna Seibert Aug. 30, 1818. Weiler, David Sarah Miller June 3, 1838. Weis, Aaron Maria Use Dec. 27, 1840. Weis, David Rahel Gilbert Dec. 12, 1847. Weis, Ephraim Hetty Romig Nov. 24, 1844. Weis, Joel Angelina Yerger Feb. 22, 1852. Weis, Samuel Cath. Jorgy April 19, 1835. Weis, Henry Catharine Bickel April 9, 1848. Weis, Jonathan Charlotte Becker Sept. 25, 1853. Weis, William Lidia Freyer Jan. 12, 1840. Weis, William Rebecca Liebenguth July 13, 1845. Weiser, David Elis. Schonley Mar. 26, 1837. Weiss, David Hanna Roth May — , 1828. Weiss, Gilleon Catharina Landes Nov. 2, 1784. Weiss, Henry Mary Ann Miller Oct. 13, 1861. Weiss, Jacob Elisabeth Springe Sept. 26, 1824. Weiss, John Hannah Fry Nov. 11, i860. Weiss, Lewis B Eliza Jane Mover June 13, 1891. Weiss, Wilhelm Rebecca Fisher Nov. 28, 1824. Weissner, John Cath. Knetz Dec. 10, 1815. Weisner, John Lovina Kepner Dec. 8, 1866. Weisner, Samuel Mary L. Yoder Jan. 8, 1874. Weidner, Jacob Elisabeth Kummerer April 2, 1837. Weldy, Henrich Anna Lotz Sept. 28, 1823. 642 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Weller, We Her Weller Weller Weller Welter Benjamin Elisabeth Hauk Nov. 25, 1849. John Susanna Stahl Dec. 20, 1807. Samuel Sarah Meyer Aug. 12, 1851. Samuel Rebecca Hass Aug. 16, 1816. John Cath. Becker Feb. 10, 1833. John Lidia Muthhart Feb. 3, 1833. Wenner, George Elisabeth Wyand Jan. io, 1808. Wenzel, George Maria Herpel Nov. 25, 1832. Wenzel, George Hannah Schotter Aug. 6, 1820. Wenzel, George Elmine Bickel Mar. 27, 1858. Wenzel, Henrich Elis. Gresh Dec. 19, 1824. Wenzel, Henry Christiane Behr April 25, 1858. Wenzel, John Carolina Schwenk Nov. 30, 1851. Wenzel, John Sarah Moyer Jan. 1, 1859. Wenzel, Philip Elisabeth Carner May 23, 1822. Wenzel, Samuel Hariette Feather May 2, 1863. Werstler, Jacob Miss Horner July 24, 1814. Werstler, Jacob Cath. Horner July 25, 1816. Werstler, Jonas Rebecca Gilbert Dec. 29, 1839. Werty, George Henrich Anna Barbara Herbst Nov. 14, 1775- Werkmeister, George Mrs. Maria Magda. Diegel.June 17, 1854. Wesner, Ezra Catharine Dotterer Dec. 13, 1849. Wesner, George Elisabeth Meyer Dec. 14, 1845. Wesner, Malan Mary A. Fisher Feb. 6, 1842. Wesner, Peter Elisabeth Bartow Dec. 17, 1837. Westle, Solomon Regina Gretler May 15, 1763. Weston, Thomas Margareth Weld Feb. 3, 1761. White, Joseph Emma H. Brendlinger Feb. 22, i860. Whitman, Joseph W Hannah Boyer Aug. 9, 1862. Whitner, Abraham K Sally Jane Knipe Dec. 25, 1856. Wiand, Bernd Sarah Krebs Jan. 1, 1832. Wick, Jacob Deborah Kahler Aug. 8, 1841. Wiegner, Henrich Cath. Berrit May 19, 1822. Wiegner, Jacob Rosina Yegel Oct. 2, 1825. Wiesner, David Maria Zoller Nov. 16, 1834. Wiesner, Israel Maria Reinert Jan. 14, 1838. Wiesner, Samuel Sarah Schmidt Aug. 18, 1839. Wiessner, Jacob Mary Romig Dec. 24, 1826. Wiessner, Leonhard Rosina Schick Jan. 6, 1761. Wilckson, Thomas Catharine Ambor April 1, 1770. Will, Elias Cath. Leaver Sept. 27, 1862. Will, Henry Anna East Oct. 25, 1862. Willauer, Peter Sarah Margareth July 31, 1842. Record of Marriages. 643 Williems, Thomas Elisabeth Sivige Mar. 13, 1764. Wingert, Warren Lizzie Becker Dec. 15, 1894. Winter, Johannes Mrs. Deborah Buckwalter. . . Jan. 9, 1820. Wirsch, Julius A Louisa Augstadt Oct. 26, 1898. Wirt, John Harriet Hoffman July 4, 1843. Wirth, Philip Margretha Huber (widow) . Feb. 21, 1749. Wise, William Y Annie Amanda Oxenfort. . ..Nov. 6, 1869. Wisner, Joh. George Gertraut Braeuning June 2, 1752. Wissler, Henry Anna Weis Oct. 9, 1831. Wit, Johannes Margretha Hartlein April 23, 1750. Witman, Charles Sarah Egolf Nov. 1, 1835. Wittmann, David Harriet Parker Nov. 23, 1845. Wittmann, Frederick Sarah Keely Mar. 3, 1836. Wittmann, George Cath. Dallecker Mar. 20, 1821. Wittmann, George Mrs. Cath. Freyer April 16, 1837. Witman, Henry K Rebecca G. Fisher Oct. 19, 1861. Witman, Johannes Maria Hoofer July 5, 1785. Wittmann, Johannes Maria Schrack Sept. 3, 1815. Wittmann, Samuel Sarah Burger Sept. 11, 1814. Wittmann, Samuel Friederica Warman May 22, 1825. Wittmann, William Harriet Hauk Feb. 6, 1842. Wolf, George Mary Bary April 27, 1811. Wolf, Veit Eva Fisher April 20, 1767. Wolffer, Simon Margretha Baumann April 14, 1748. Wolfgang, Michal Rebecca Baer Feb. 3, 1839. Wolfgang, Michael Mrs. Mary Hauk June 16, 1850. Wyand, Samuel Anna Elisabeth Wyand April 26, 1807. Yahn, Aaron Mary Liebengood Oct. 27, 1853. Yahn, Henry Sarah Burns Nov. 5, 1837. Yahn, John Elizabeth Sassaman April 18, 1864. Yahn, Samuel Maria Bickel Mar. 27, 1831. Yans, Josua Catharina Staedtler Nov. 6, 1842. Yawn, Henry Phebe Garber Dec. 26, 1861. Yawn, Samuel B Mary Roth Mar. 24, i860. Yerger, Abraham Sarah Ann Miller Sept. 18, 1842. Yerger, Adam Sarah Wittmann Oct. 11, 1849. Yerger, Adam Elisabeth Siiszholz Jan. 5, 1845. Yerger, Amandus G Hannah H. Weiss Jan. 16, 1892. Yerger, Benjamin Maria Reichert April 27, 1851. Yerger, Eli Sarah Honnetter Aug. 10, 1867. Yerger, Ellsworth Dora Acker Jan. 24, 1885. Yerger, Frederick Louisa Hatfield Dec. 24, 1853. Yerger, Harry W Lizzie Shollenberger April 29, 1893. 644 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. Yerger, Henry Mary Ann Ziegler May 23, 1830. Yerger, Howard B Ellen L. Koch Jan. 18, 1902. Yerger, Isaac Michael Emma G. Reifsnyder Dec. 6, 1884. Yerger, James L Mary A. Reifsnyder Jan. 4, 1890. Yerger, Jacob M Lydia M. Kummerer Dec. 24, 1881. Yerger, John Sophia Miller Nov. 26, 1844. Yerger, John Mary A. Gilbert Dec. 10, 1848. Yerger, John Mrs. Lydia Y. Spittler Sept. 19, 1876. Yerger, John G Emma G. Keim Feb. 11, 1882. Yerger, John M Sarah S. Reidenauer Feb. 10, 1877. Yerger, Josiah M Emma R. Albright May 5, 1866. Yerger, Michael Barbara Ann Dotterer May 29, 1852. Yerger, Milton M Rebecca B. Sassaman Sept. 29, 1877. Yerger, Peter Hanna Himmelreich Nov. 24, 1844. Yerger, Peter R Sarah Bauman Oct. 16, 1869. Yerger, Preston A Mary Alice Ackerman Jan. 20, 1906. Yerger, Solomon Harriette Eliza Latshall Dec. 8, 1866. Yerger, William H Leah Yorgey June 4, 1870. Yergy, Hiram Caroline Beaver Aug. 5, 1865. Yochum, William Maria Jones Feb. 11, 1840. Yoder, Commodore K Katie M. F. Emery Oct. 19, 1895. Yoder, Thomas H Catharine L. Ritter Oct. 12, 1871. Yoerger, Daniel Maria Wonnemacher Jan. 10, 1808. Yoerger, Isaac Elisabeth Newmann Sept. 14, 1817. Yoerger, John Elisabeth Leh Mar. 30, 1807. Yohn, Samuel B Catharine Weiss Sept. 3, 1859. Yohn, Samuel B Elisabeth Wien May 14, 1864. Yorger, Abraham Marg. Achy Feb. 4, 1821. Yorger, Amos Sophia Buchert Nov. 24, 1822. Yorger, David Maria Dengler Mar. 22, 1812. Yorger, Henrich Rebecca Sensendorfer July 22, 1827. Yorger, Jacob Cath. Fillman July 15, 1823. Yorger, Marcus Rebecca Dotterer June 11, 1815. Yorger, Peter Hanna Roth Nov. 11, 1827. Yorgy, George Sarah Egel Sept. 3, 1848. Yorgy, James Lidia Traut June 8, 1851. Yorgy, Peter Sarah Hoffmann Sept. 6, 1829. Yost, Daniel M Hannah C. Feather Dec. 29, 1863. Yost, Henry Harriet Buchert Oct. 9, 1851. Yost, Robert Elisabeth Pannebacker Sept. 9, 1827. Yotter, William Mary Ann Gresh Oct. 21, i860. Young, Jacob Sarah Hoffman Jan. 17, 1830. Young, Jacob Susanna Fuchs Mar. 8, 1836. Record of Marriages. 645 Zeigler, Amos E Mary Fegley June 25, 1865. Zeihler, Jacob Maria Kohl Sept. 2, 1815. Zeile, George Cath. Holdeman Oct. 26, 1823. Zepp, Franklin Rebecca Kratz Jan. 19, 1851. Zern, Henry Sophia Freyer Nov. 1, 1835. Zern, Isaac Sarah Weiand April 16, 1837. Zern, John Cath. Berrit Aug. 31, 1817. Zerr, Jacob Sophia Miller Feb. 17, 1842. Ziegenfuss, Samuel Elisabeth Mescht Dec. 4, 1858. Ziegenfuss, William Osvvin.Emma Y. Keck April 14, 1900. Ziegler, Abraham Cath. Schwenk Dec. 8, 1833. Ziegler, Amos Cath. Engel May 8, 1831. Ziegler, Amos Rebecca Spohn Oct. 24, 1847. Ziegler, Amos Mrs. Sarah Feather Jan. 27, 1852. Ziegler, John Maria Koler Mar. 24, 1822. Ziegler, John Sarah Taeusher Oct. 8, 1843. Ziegler, Reubin Rebecca Fiehry Nov. 5, 1843. Ziehler, George Salome Geiger Aug. 1, 1819. Zimmermann, Benjamin ....Hannah Ullmann Oct. n, 1853. Zimmermann, Friederich ...Barbara Leber June 9, 1772. Zink, George Lidia Underkoffler Oct. 16, 1824. Zink, Henrich Maria Fuchs Nov. 30, 1806. Zoller, Edwin J Sallie Nester Sept. 19, 1874. Zoller, George Barbara Wittmann Mar. 26, 1820. Zoller, George Rebecca Ritter Nov. 14, 1830. Zoller, Jonathan Cath. Fillman June 17, 1825. Zoller, Michael Susan Engel Sept. 25, 1836. Zoller, Wallace P Mary Agnes Becker Nov. 14, 1896. Zuber, Henrich Marg. Gilbert Jan. 22, 1815. Zuber, James Elisabeth Ann Bauer May 23, 1863. Zuber, John Isabella Caular Dec. 10, 1853. Zuber, Samuel Cath. Meyer Nov. 24, 1816. 42 List of Deaths. 647 E E E E CO X H < w Q fa O h CO >> >> >> >> >> >> >, >> _ >> "^ »o **» «e VO 00 o\ 00 O VO t-N t-^ vo Ov + >0 00 m 00 00 w t-^ c> rooovo + 1^ wi + vo M N vo N N u-i ro t->. ^ •+ O OV t^ OO h~ M OO S OO M o> 00 M M M M OO OO m* »c «f « •* ^ ON Wl V"i "+■ t^ •+■ Ov w - tn ^recrevjg"rere «nC(vBd"MaBaJRS c-: * .C D u - pq _ CO u be c d ■a c S E K -g O W fa £ Ml V11 **" Mi o o ° o 5 S re re E ~ ~ re n c c .9 _G "S "fl o o < s s S o ' 2 ^ *- re t^ J= — re E £ bJD £ -a a I = 5 ^ •S — 1- O „ .a .a Mhiio aj re _re E i F F -f. w ■£ -« - . E E E c u re E » < 5 O 2 ■* w O C u S u a .8* .g Jj jO J3 £ ^ *f <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 648 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -a -a T3 £ cn N -6 bfl u O N id fi U en M ^5 s O s E s P i-t B s E no OS N w-i ST> »-< OS oo S*. >> >. >. >. >> ^ >, !>> x ti, >, >> >, T1 ON o M "1 0 () <-4 u-, to If M f^ so yj~, oo so hs * -t- M SO OO vn OS o SO H H 00 M M »/1 OO t->. oo T* ** CO • H M t^ SO OO so i^ r~- NSW ■ m N • • tr> • f^ oo m N t-> t-» • oo Os O ""> M OO N l> N H N ** C-» O O MMOOM Ot^MOSOS to N OS Os OO oo SO OO ,*• N M PJ N M N IH « At*..*5 12 ca *• a. D, « c cs ea q^o^A^ l^ - - H SO re ^ *> ►2, D to w so N T? to M N -* — a, < s, U CO u a 3 i—] i < cti < c M i — i j M >. b o u 3 ^ 5 u w to -O :3 w M T3 J* C 00 -^ £ "S « to -S ° 2 S to E u ._r c o -c x. a u pq E < 2 . W CD -S - a. ■a w E js rs E E .2 E < .2 >, a! bfl E E <" °* * C<-iUcDDO-jr3:r3c9PS:c3 :reta:c3faTOrarararoTOnreea List of Deal lis. 649 & u „ to N J> £ s a t%. OO OO en " ■o g E M u 00 SO M O * O MM CO OO SO SO SO N •+ M £ E t-» 00 • -a -a -o M O tJ- - - £ i i * ^ M >; e •v X •o •*» * so Ooo r^oo ot^oo o\ to o 00 ►H W t^oo m r-» « N N 00 00 to ^ f-- ^ „ J," «J H ? „ ^ ^ -t- v^l Oh OO « r^ K SO l-N r^ SO M r^ M M -t- M 0 (j M C/j 0 tO N " M -t f^ _ *- t^ [^ to SO so 0 0 r-. 0 ts SO t-x 00 0" r^ r/-. M O M »-< t-H i-( r^ -f oo~ so CO N H to **• 1 — oc * >> >> M ~ > < S o < o o S £ < < < £>£ < Q W .5 SjU U - .a c — c -5 .2 •J •2 ^ 2 3 >. JA u S "S pq "C O *1 a a, aj u c 8 0 V) E E « m M - e H E 3 c < < d E u •a u.* IS w 1J JS W u = 3 3 -^. ■'. 0 M ra n n ra n oj i> X DQ M pq pq pq 35 CQ pq ^ 3 iV ."H SM 5 £ 6 >*- 0 -^ 01 ~ £ w j= .y v: -r-r m 'J ^ ^ Ji! -* JS 03 pq K cq £Q J . E E E « « cfl E E E a* *- w ***-•« *5 650 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -a *-0 . S "° 6 ►» H H 00 in C) MO O i & -a E -1- T3 00 E a s~ 13 E~ •+ r ^ M M \o !>, E n B n >. 0 >, >, E >> ro CO u-i w ^0 C> N O «*1 CA N "i; 00 00 00 00 00 O w ■^mwmmmOsoo vnv. «*■ Oh U Oh OJ < Q M M *0 M c y *? &t M N » ■ O, v. a -C XI ffi a -* T3 13 "C C C _S* D U M PS uU Q O «.«« «r< ■A .5 < < •S "o E 2 a cs I E E 4> » *r 2SS 5 S a 13 aj 0 43 on — u 3 CJ ^< C _ 43 .^ 3 S w c ~ •« ^ x? Iji PQ M -a -a c c i-T i-T .H a) aj aj oj oj aj tu 'U 1 Mo N TD C ^ g s Wm 6 M pq pqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpq pq List of Deaths. 651 -a •+ -6 -6 E M ~6 i -6 os £ 00 a •6 E •6 i •a **■ en -6 0 N a* M -6 0* IN E * £ M ■6 i on -5 -6 M E 73 N E •a or, E "3 0 E -3 M E ~6 s© E •6 N E T3 e" T3 N M E*" •a M t~* ON _ oo 0\ u <-< M_ NO »H * t^ so N SO * M os SO •>*- tn >> >> 0 >. >> M £ >> r^ >. >> ^ -a >s >> >> >> >> *o >* s^ i M vs so N M U-, OO so so r*. t^ SO N ^ r^ N Be ae BO 00 N SO oa M M OS H M H M w M tn bo N n 00 n > > 0 u. >s 4J 4J id M a. s, t>. rs. t^ t^ m 00 os 00 r-» o M OO M M OO O OS V! OO M OS OO OO OS OS OS OS N OO OO M OO M OS OO OS OO zS vJ|_,U°,-TOCi.oO J Z z § w 2 cS — u U _£5 < < Jtf S3 u >, >» ■S E E E O^ > >. ci N B B 0 w 00 to N s 00 r^ 1^ 00 n t-» m ■o -O 73 -d -6 00 CO M M <* -6 i •+ w ^ . ro Tt" M ~6 0 M E M E E IB £ On E ON £ on ■6 -6 -6 B E >, O 0 s 0 >, -d >. 'A E'" (A E' ^O ON W CO "1 M no On N H-1 N in * N " u *^ OO T^" ON -t- On On UN ON 2 ° M C\ t^ 0 OO 00 r^ N OO W On hH w HH ■5 «£ m ^ „ w ^ N OO VO -o" O V ^_ ^ M N M — 0 u u JO ID D, Q Q < Q p CO < 2 OO NO M» OO VO M» OO V5 00 w 1-1 r^ m 00 P* ^O vo m vi io s t^ »0 ON OO OO t-s t^ t-* OO M 1H — . N _ 5?" u w >. W H-l -3 C a n td e aj 0 < E C e M tit mt) u £ "-i >h u •-" — O O O O > ra _c d iu aj w >HOOOQ o 'C J3 G u ,C u - & 'fcTMhOMbObObOe ijccccccE S C C S £ J; C I M M « « « g 5 « pq pq pq pq £ pq 1) 11 1» 1) ■a -a -a -a c c c c J= J3 -C J5 E -r --■ •— ~ i« i-cii u, pq S c 5 • - -5 jf if c -a -a J te S» c S Mpqpqpqpqcqpqpqcqpq List of Deaths. 653 -o ~o -6 Q en r«-i N E E E 00 E E N E >, >> >> >, >> >> >> r^ M Ov r*. •+ M M -n -a N — M ui E £ E f"6 v> VO VO t^M NOO C^ HI t^MOO M + w m N ■a & M ^ X >, ^ >» >> >, >> M tn M u-l VO «o to O O M M M N t^ ^~ c yj-L r<~, r*-, O t1- VO vc ON S M c. Vl SO 1-1 00 0 VO O VO vy~, vc VO VO O a> M OC BO CO 0-.' Ol M ae 00 0 r-^ t-* r- r-» O r-» O M w M ao *-l ao O M O 0> w M M M ao r^ ae M M M OO CO M M M M B< _ r ro » n K. M M O CO O' N N M tJ- M M ON * M - VO 1-1 * ri 0" M >» b a 0 CO & M 0 M ^ , >-. •— 1 ^ CS a 7^ ~ U bb £ o — . ■r tj aj v v > (9 rt 1-T fe *- -r: rs " -a &< J= u C n» S ra w W E -a -a g o •- •- ^wwwwfaHfe1— >>— >^c2«d> ra i> ra I 1 = u u aj V u V u bCbCMMttfccbCb£MtXtXtXtt "5 w 6 o < w £ rj « u, .2 — — « o > ^ = J > "* < "D - "O T3 "O "O M — ^3 mm l— — — « — i^ U i> i> ^ i; i; * » — " *■ B = S C C C 05««ffle;WSap5B5M«MP5D5a5CQMKD3fflc5P5K:33MK» 654 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 13 ■+ -a •a T3 O N t-^ u ri ~ W CJ ^ S E E E E s vo M r^ in •* -1- T3 "O >> >, >>>>>>>, >-. -s; oo ro O ^- O f> O o o i^ w t»,oo w oo OS Ov OO •»T OO M M M M W ^3 - M - v^O _w ---- ^ m - o\ N os co •^-oo . ; ; '. '. '. '. c c :::::::< ^ ::::::: u «u > s ::::::: w S i : : i : i is %::::::: S I ; ; : ; ; \ ;■§ "■;;;;;;;*.* • • • ■ s « ::::::: .i Q ::::::: 0 « CS C Q W ^ K ss fc> £ T5 T3 e s -a "o t^ <*■ N M vo ul so >» >s"° >> C\ Os «^l >o -o c •5 m?„3 1^ r-~ oo r^ -t- O oo t^. M N M 1H -t M r^ OO H M Ch oo r^ M oo CN , * M n _ - N t^. M „ (M M O M HH m ro (S as w — 6 G a. B O < 0 c < P 1—1 CO l—» 2 i— > 1 — 1 a h -j S .5 C3 Oj P3 r" * SQ^O««3 6§ >h -5 i-i »h W d cs rt , ra re JC j= J5 J3 O ^ J3 ^ ^ ^ ^ » >, ^ >, >■» M N **• VO N « E T3 6r E E « -3 B - - r< CO 0 M e 0 *o E E _, r _, m VO * VO H E >. e >> >, >> >, i >> >> >■, •6 Ov M Os t^ co 0 ro VO M M -f- so M m r>. * f>. M en Ov rs. c 10, Ov vo v» VO ^- t^ r^ 00 00 0" vo t-» t-» vo vo M OO ts M M co ts M M r^ t^ OO M < z H m vn N m vn _ N in N O en O C O Q 0> r-. O 0 0 o> en CO Ov O on O CO VO Ov o» CO M as CO l-i OH f^ OO M CO M M W M „ tO t-l _, en *f 6 _ M - r> N co' Ifl M N M H O t*> N «*■ VO s £■ « o « a. 5 £,£,&-a-cn15«ra£,vi2='2=-tu E E U U E ~ u 1— 1 CO O Oh *£ re " re 1— 1 co -o u- c re « •C d. = E E? ^ E E ~ 8 « S b^« « S as « o T3 D X <-> V U U D "O > re 4> ^ ^- *- § E ~ M W M O o w re re re U U G G Q Q u l" u £ £ £ •r-^-________-*_*-*.__: >ucjucjuuoo re&JajajQj&>&>ui> gcgqcgggg CS — _ — — v v l"2 i3 S ^ uM m l£ X VJ. jZ \£ c c U 1> vU U 3J Q G C S Q Q Q 656 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -6 13 -6 T3 13 -o -6 -d P <* IN oo M C\ "D OO o\ -d H be 6 -t- B OO £ M S i/1 £ M l-l B HI l-l OO E to vo -d B H H _ „ „ „ - ., t^ „ r _ w-i „ _ _ £ >> >", >. >> >» >> >> >> S >> >> >> >> >. w 1-^ CO OO •+ OO ro i-o IH o M o •4- oo un VO CO t^ VO M r^ t> M vo fl ■+ vo N O U1 ON ON ON N ON OO OO oo vo HI OO H W OO OO o\ N s m tj- Ov O vo rj- 1^. t^ OO t^ M OO *H M "00*" il * V5 + t ^" ^ N ^ ^ ^ ^ Q. <3 a. v d, d X> " Q < Q < S O Q ,Q Z fa W X X w re •- U W W ■5 -S re re SS c ~ a S1 ( ,-, en — -^ J> ■■-. -q re i> re " E IS h u • -3 -O 3 M N B S B VO «° " - E U re 'Q tf l» 1» 0) V gj OJ (U O Q Q 0 p Q Q s OO o m ON u-1 ON t^ OO r^ OO CO M OO l-l M f^. N OO CJ vn N (VI re -2 s fa u fa fcX "? u T3 a i-i M S b S Q « « 'S •« N o .a .2 3 C/D X) t^ M-l C S^ re re « < U fa uJ- en In c C >> >. E -a SEE >> >. X ON w N >> E >> M ON M NO ^ • "■> NT3 h •> no If! >>>>>,>> OO M VT, • VO M M VO OO N O M X! O O 00 00 ON ON t^ ON ON M I* M f^ M M M M 00" °°~ *f - \A ri \A> M m N 1^ N m N c n ~ c n S Q 01 sd 0 <-c r^ (S CO ~l- r^ r^ aa B t^ M DO ae ee w M ►H M IS u-i CO >, J > J J 3 I—I U u 0 'A 0 p fe On Os M N in h h r^ O N w-i ■O n CO CO WN NO t-- Tf r> 00 r^ 1^. H ON ON M M M CO CO . M M M VO M OO M OO w **> N rt- n J £ C J C 22 t> T3 J£.S >: E rt < (i, co H » "8 *C w •5 3 3 .- o 5 -e Q Q Q Q Q G Q W -a E W W E E -a" M H cq. w- •- ra - ^ 3 w EEcccacxt;. 658 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. £ £ T3 O B o JU N H ^ >> s ^ 00 tO tO M oo t*- no - J? B S no T3 to N to t^ NO >, >> >> oo N to tJ- T3 S d-d >> X r £ >> >, .. CN N SO ~SS 0\ N N H CO < < O S OO On On O m u-> On t> O t^ NO f^ NO tO oo t-» oo l~- -h "i m w m w t^ r^ On *? oo" N _ N N "1 OO s soo OO OO OO OO M __, A M __ ft x CO fcs-i < s •-: _b § < < o o £q § < o £* ft o Otc<2 S < < W M — D x c x § S o > nJ XI X t-c Ui W W x x x « W W X X X X X -p _->■—■ a c u £ M .bfi £ >; t^ ^ >; >; ^^ flj flJ (11 rti II. u if M M M bfl bo 4v _u.iu_.bDbC WWwpqwwwwWpqwWWfafefcfefofafefe List of Deaths. 659 "O "O "O "O m * o a IH M M 2 M ■o & T3 "O B i a E a E B E -6 E E -6 a E a E E E B E 0 On ■+ M v/1 N t-* t^ N NO m N »n 0 vn t^ -t- M _ M 00 „ _ r 0 _ _ * - _ M . - - a e" * >n >, y r >> >> >, >> B p >n >» r >> >, r >, >. >, >> >. >> >, >, X >-» to 0 0 **- t^ M M •* NO ON * NO NO ON On On ^O n r*-i oc M m t*. C> r^ * ro ts sc \r\ NO CN ON \o l^ NO N c/i NO **• N **• f> ■+ •+ O On 00 ON On OO 00 OO O OOO OnONCOOOOO OnOnOOOOOO V/-I0O0O 2s o "" HI < o ^ S N o" d" * ^ N - _ W «£ nl .. N N N N m (NJ M N t»» N N «N) xi w a, a. S2£S,SJi«Qz£S Era to Q rS w 1_^ Z Q pq ra ra 5 tS E U JS NO 1^ NO t~. NO t~» D O ra " .E PL, — = c u >nj= E c^.5J2 53 t- ra ra ra — - — - r % .c ~ -*- - p^- *- *j ra sj < — c "ti "bb "Sj "b3o M 1i "bi, "bi "So "bio Ml rarararararararararara __ — _ — — ___ — — U c -5 < Z o. U ra « 3 W ra 0 « ~ SiflSSI a > - i> u ■B H W) r.l M ^ to to fc — u ■0 — ■i/ _E u u V a; u 1/ Cs< (Xl to to to to to to to 66o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. M 0 ' to 0) E so a sr E a £ a -t- E o E - so l«n ~ « » - >> ~ •>■ >, >, F >-, >> r >. >, > >, >, N m »H r-^ *i- 1^ H lO SO OS m so to LO SO s a b E E t*> >> >> B E r E M "T3 ti W M W Os SO m. « * M * £ >, >! to >> So, >. >> Cs to to a OS ui r^ LO SO en LO so *H t^ (N t^ oo O t^ oo t^ OO OS oo t^ "-V O M OO Os O t^ so N ON CO N t-» 1-n >o t^ Os O » N IH l^t^OOCXJ OSOO M OS - CO m so d Os so ii "> Os to ro Ch pq M bO u * s< _>> ^ oHzdA^ «" .2 U pq w |H Ih U 43 c So S* -?, n: E Ej=-c S U3 Pm SH C /-, flj *T* re -i 2 PL, qj Qj Q-> ■, E o u E N re M w o -C ft OJ o 111 tH a re .m N bfl M i- >— i ^ bfi O u *" H"> Pw ,C _G -G .C ,C 43 a o o o , J in <" .23 "> * •" *• u "o O « « °° -g E B x" x" x" re S % O O O n (jh fct, fa fe List of Deaths. 661 £ -d e e M + + B E E I E T3 ^ ■4- , >> >> >C M 00 E E Nt^OOMNWOOlOWt~.Pj • On to N CO in o >>o in o oo OO OO OO In ON N ff> tN IN w w M M ^~ W M *"» . , «£ m~ cf <£ ^ > ojd Z < S LC fc <* -3 "O T3 rs G • rh u"> oo m IN to oc M tn r^ T+- m 4- IN r^ in CN U"» 90 N OO In r>s H M t^ OO M OO ae M OO N CT\ In M H W OO ^ M . * M M M 0 CO oo~ P» «■ H ci~ 1H M (f oo" 6~. 4 5 S fa U O u CO o «d >> > O S3 a. It — 1 u 0 J3 c K — H £ « U A ■a re re OJ c a N •- a < _ JZ <<«Sl t> .- >S ^ o .5 re js re re «£ O •a « •£ re rj re m-. ^ c c Q c o o £ c pe- rt E -Q - — CN CN M ^ .t; .~ .ts :o S JS _ E E re re Mi--- re -r; — "O « ^ 5 .a a 5 < K •- ^ — u >n T3 •£ G E re re s? re re w .g £? ~ = .2 2 S « re c ;s re ~ w ™ < w £ £S S .£XXJx£Xi fa fa fa fa U, CJL. fcE, 43 fa fa fafat — — — — — — __•_____ 662 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. i -a -a «u n M hfl N M 1 ' ^ - » E s E 0> >0 «, •t >» >> N to Ov CI -a M M N N 00 -3 E E E E E E E E T) u-v v/-> so M o oo r> N b» >, >, >, tn >i *►> >> >* >, E CO 0 CO r^ OO so H* N tH ts in HI M to M CO «o"o S -6 ■ B r « * B 2 S i*l -+• M so m so "VJ CN ^3 HH o *o 0 n o r^ t> 00 00 in LO o> os M M M M M M O O ^o tN co vo OS O O In In ON ON tN ON tN n OO (^ oo O In "-i »/n NOO SO N M In h 5i N N N N N In ih oo m hi t^ O so 0- SO N N CO SO N N M - «o ■<*■ N N N g oo ■s > *J rt C n G — n QZO^^^Q^^O^> ■S P .a .o U o w w w ^i Cj C3 C3 «+h pj O ^q £ .5 > "H 45 >n .9 B w 3 - b, 6 IS X C jj < .. <; Q £ K -3 J= 43 43 N N 2 rt r3 n 0 c3 j: x j: x j x j: •jh o) o> Qj o QJ ^ OJ -< M *. M r - E s E E ■d E 0\ LO f-i r^ 10 M E E E e >> >, x >> >, co rf co m ~3 ~ co N T3 "0 >d t3 T3! t^ M **• ■u n ■0 ro -a M tJ OO «rt B E 0 B E n E •6 M E £ F en er e" i B B to M oc H N ** CO Th M \o „ ~ - - - ^ t^ - „ >> X >> >> >> E >N >, >> P >> >> >. >N >, i/-i 0 oo q c\ * 00 00 ON m 00 00 N oo N * vo t^. t^ ^O «« v© r^ OO M n ts * >0 N Ov OO 00 t^ t^ t-^ M O Ov t^ OO OO >H M CN N w^ . « J»2 «"> „ " "NO COM < P < >-/-, cc M K -t- ^D a VO 6 M ex o -t- r> 1^ 00 0 r^ oo 1-s. 00 VC 00 VC (> o\ *i- oo CO 00 OO M H r^ H oo 00 oc M M 00 •-I Hi M ■X ►^ r^ H< M OO M m in M* M VO" in ^O M ^ O^ H M M i — N , — i n M ON U CJ c_ j>« O. 3 «j *; U a, G E. P < P 0 < t— > GO R 0 03 •—1 CO § N M H JJ M ■£ P ™ 3 - E 11 «J -uT ^J- o E < § JJ ."2 -o O « « w XI J J M c W efl w *-< ai N N N O — ^j. S fc o-K ^- gj t— • -^ mj >w -^^ »^^ ■■" w n^ «j >j ,*^ <4S qj . -—. oWuQPCwwwOEEEKEkK ._ .i ._ .S .S O u t J X X «> 1» X XXJXJ3XJJJX ooooooooouoooaoccocoooooaoo 664 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. n n « a bo n 00 m oo t^ oo t^ OO M ON M Q Q 2 fa Q g fa o S u >> >-> >> r^ \o m rt- oo o v© t-» o t^ M OO m -a SO .Si 6 •O > *j rt ' o i S S "3 : e to r . * - >,>».- >, 0 M >> IM ^ oo en t^- s e s E E -t- K n 0> on n N no oo 00 no r^ 1^. M M l-l M oo oo r^ M M oo LTl N - ^ M M N CO in N ON W M < "a u O 3 a rt l—i on • en on O to no n t-~ on o »n OO N N OO M t^ N O H N ^^<^^A pq -f3, rt i_ n c in w 3 K T3 "O rt rt o< c O D c > -a -2 -a a •S « ox -a a § -g u rt c« rt — ■|| S S S eg I* — "o -E >> 3 u x rt u . £ • - *r *r ^ 2 oooo t> U s> u i. £ £ £ o o o j" E K 53 E OJ CU o & *s c ^ OQOOoO:q»-iM" ooooooooooooooo « j- J3 J3 J3 J3 >-. ~ 73 h r= " -3 2 N :rt :rt W List of Deaths. 665 T3 TT — i ■ri Q T3 ■o > >-, ■> >, >, >> >> E ~ r r E >> >, >, VO OS >o •+ r^ M >rt M M VO V© to NO •>*- ro ►-( D t^ oo M M to >* "1 N M O • o M 0 n v© ""> v* t»1 OC t-~ oo fN, r~. • h~ ri r^ O in o 0 In r^ t^- r^ m «* (N oo OS 00 r-~ oo In OO t - OS in 00 lo M M M M In. M M H 8 M ON m OO OO H M oo M ►H CO M OO O n N M iri O N ro m ^ „ 00 „ IN, „ >N M to ro M M N 1/1 N M fl M M M N > ■J 4> >, >, «_< >> Vi 1) >^ j bfi 4-- u. • ™ «J re a re re re a 3 O < a A a re < Q. a y Q ■J* •— > ►— , § a/ CO §§ 3 >— > P. re — I % CO re 1-1 O OO tj- n© ON oo oo u-i vo oo M M |-> t^ M MM M" O" - . o~ •l N *© **• N "C *; bio >> bb as C.Q bfl M o o o o o M -H re o W) •*-, u 3 .£ O < ^- iM C U *C ,2 x 2 o C — ti •c < .5 «l. >! *J ^ -P — M Ed w re Oci re § — 9 13 C re a re — W J3 b( b» > •s .2 < J D g D M «J re .r *E "5 S C " fc< 3 ™ 3 < § < 0 co ?U^ «( pq _ ^ re £ £ •£ 2 < u Q w £ w S fe: S b3 « 4i J= J= J= J= ^= J= "-> < . ^ « mJ SI bJO re «> •; « > OJ U 4J K it rfc" o ooooooooooooooooooo ooooo 666 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. E e" -d E" a E NO so _ „ >N _ „ _ to. >, B So J5 >, !o So >, 0 N oo vo CO 00 •+ o so t^ Os m to in t^ in t^ w VO N ^J- E E -a -a £ ■a OO 13 ■o N T3 0 M M IH p. F, r E~ - r F E E E 0 E E ti 0 M M M vo t^ •+ oo w H >, >> >> So So >, So So >■, co M to w r^ o> w to N so no oo OO to oo -t M t-» O t^ OO ON ON t-~ VD in ON >* r^ -+ N 0 r^ r^ SO OO t^ r~~ i^ to oo ON ON oo 00 1^- ON H r^ () CO oo l-l >-t w OO ON M M M M _ i-> M HH ON oo t^ ~ M O O f^ no On ON tv. NO 1-* oo oo oo t^ N ON t^ N N ON N "So W> So w b'S M bfl °E t> >£> 3 "3 % g £< 3 a 0.0™ o w Q Z fa O r* fv «■> •S* a -g 52 * ■§ "O "° "■£ ' — ' W u _ 4» co -a .5 .5 « 3 f h 5 a ■b .£ *5 2 — « u 3 3 E « pi ca xi _o j3 -a o, 3 3 3 ~ H Ih li 3 R) OOOOK « E ca m E B . _r — - r-f —- — r 2 w o. a a Qi a Js a Ih h fci U. 1-4 t- ^ ca ca ca rt ca ca nj -o -a -a nJ >7 3 Ed J3 CJ M -J E u E < Z u o p^ CO ^ H- 1 a id _j. ; — ; ■a -a" -a bl bO E N N OJ 3 cfl R) ri RJ H Ed Ed ca KEKHCKEpHKKyHHCpHEKEKKpH List of Deaths. 667 s T3 w ~n & -1 >a ■O ■ti »H -0 -i -c •n N rl 00 0 M — 1 N t^ M c „ „ „ >, 1-1 N >, >> >N E E >» >n ^ >N >* E >, >> >. >N >> R E >, >> & >> >> >n 43 >, >, **• M M Tf t*. O n VO •+ 00 ON 00 m * M t^ 00 H tri M w-i M to i> M IN NO in 00 00 <•) w 1-1 ^ -t- * 0 ve 8 O 0 w r^ n M V/N * •+ m r^ ts ON 0 On N * ON a n >/N t«N t> r^ 0 VO O ts r^ JO CO 00 on 00 0 ON OO ON ON 0 t>» 00 H 00 ON 00 00 ON to M M M M M H M ON 00 M 00 ON f~ r^ M 00 M M 00 r^ 1-4 M M H M M M N 00 M M H OV W r-o -t- O no" 0> N ON BO n- OO to *• M vo t-l vo no" OO j*> > > O, > c z >N u >, d >N u 9 < J3 Ih n > O z A bl 9 < -O bl M O >N Cd X 0 Q bl 9 < ^3 JD |H »— > z < z CO s s 3 id - fe § u C/3 u, § ^ a 1— « Ce< to S C l> i2s , , , vW E OL, < < - ■- - - - c 1- - c -f; w 4) rt u ,x ^3 E ^ ^. < K « .2 * a ¥ Cl, &h K > bO M 2%\ s (4 n n ^ x x J3oonJ?'£cccccc . . . 3 3 3 3 S-gfct!fct3tt2tbtfci*fc:.£;.£:.£ w~r3nrja.>3joa;ajQja-> 1) c c c e „- „- as bfl « i^< H .^ "*■< '> o > ."H -S O ±10.- U O 5, SEE E 3 668 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. _: >" -a "6 ^ B ^ ^ S 0 ^ g r •« -oBg S b B ti M 00 * ON O t*. OO On C\ NN OO N ."s '.'.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. '. '. '. '. ; ; ■. ; ; 'C ! '. '. 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M 00 t ." • ^E E >. £ O 00 -a -a 00 vo Z E o m to Ix vo n VO _r E TD fe "O "O s >- $ E s E a E E E TJ s to vo M tx H 0 to ■* 00 IH >-, E >1 >> to >> Ix vn E to E >» s^ H N ro rx VO ^D vo m •* VO m 00 VO M tx 00 m m o\ MM „ t-» _ vo" OO w VO tx jv) N » "1 N N <(■ oc M N VO OO N CTv • rx vo oc OO to vo H tx M w 00 vo OO IX M S« H tO M M Q fa v5Cu^SE<2'2D§oao-r ix M 00, 00 rx -t- ri O 10 VO N Cn 0 tN Cv OC VO rx tx O o> M CK. H lx M H rx H M M _ 1 O \o VO VO* M 1 Ov N t> N H *x M tx ► j> < fa w < < z S u re E D J2 re .S < « — - t> «, re — -T • — re re "- M -a J2 « M S J2 re ^2 3 -S -5 - c c ■5 < < ~ G ») « E w re S3 f 'E < a S 3 ? bfl O 6 cecS2J«!5Iuj ~ vu « «J w «J O K £ re .2 M c IS Q, 2 51 h , £ re — re r- 1) U a. £? 1- be — m -^ S^ ^ Ji — * — c u u . U U U - 3 3 J ^1 ^ J XI J C u u » KXKKKKKKKEKKKKKKKKKEK^E 3 ^d ^> ^ -0 -a -a & & T3 •a -a HI r-~ 0 -a -t N SO 00 T3 t^ -t- ^ „ r •» LO M s -d ID E E F E E £ E IK E ON N ro vo w 00 t-t „ „ (N „ „ r - CO « *» f E >i l»l y >, >, b >> «* x >, >■, >, >1 M 0 0 M u-i N (M 1^ t^ to M CO M M M ON N . NO NO r^ NO r^ NO in t^ OO t-~ 00 t^ t~- r*» r^ r-. r^ ON M t^ 00 00 l-t M M M M M t^ fc M O „ r, m «tOO NN""vONmmNNCn> ^n >>" 3 „ M CN> N VI O <*> *J b bC >> « j ,-, tl rt ~t ~« ra Ti S< zoS< : <3 « *j ^ jj i _< U Goo " S h E E o o fa h bo "2 fa £ o 3«.S a 1- « w 2 E c -5 V OT ,S a c « .S •" o * « pq o •- c m £ ° Pv x> r1 en < V E 0 .2 "« cl c3 r| rj D w w J J3 g 8 u c A 3 o o C bX) bJO -S 1- - bC .5 b fa .2 S List of Deaths. 671 > -a > E E E E E N n On m co £ £ £ •« -0 E E E* E p E £ >>>>.- x M HI »>«.?• CO M OO CO "O t-» HI •0 -3 T3 fx On M B s E t^ NO -t •» >> >, >, NO r^ M ts t^. Pt eo co U1 NO NO U-l t-. CO "1 t^r^r~.No r~- 00 r-w — M M OO vo o* 4 i-T - - M « CO N ON N nooo t^ r-~ r~. r^ c~. on • OO • HI t^ • • U"l »<- ON -OO • l-^ OO O ON ON o onoooo moooo ^ n 00 onoooomOhihioooohi m hi oo on „ hi hi N CO <>H>§oq£h^OOSh^Q 2g M NM 3 O "3 -O t£ n rt A "r* ca u- o •-« Q- Q W U £ E "O "O y T3 "O E E Q E E > 2 •- E h fe n 2 £ E hJ W .U 2 ^3 », .« C _ O S N d2A^h1 s < M 4. TO ») = 3 E ^_. w -j ^« 5 ^ ^ ^ j< ^ t) flj Q; U £ L> ^ W — U U qj nU ^, 4j o OJ 0^ U Oj h4 Ui L> Ui W ^ w 672 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. « N ^ ^> O m" N M "S * f* ** *° ^ ^ "6 -d E r . a" a" S - S o "° fc E E a 6 E 1 g OooqE73 „N o E n ? ,. " o b - "-> .... «^, .. „ w °° B* B {^ " > d >, >> >^ >>~6 & >^ ? >> \^ J* >>>>.- >> >, r ►» e O O ^ ? "° to«ww^-^-w>,OvnCOto>,NTe>'« M-IWOnHINNOO "->VOOONMOOtOTJ-«rtVOeOVO«1MVOMMU-> "*»••• 'c i i ; ! ; i ; ! '. '. '. '. '. ' '. '. .' '■ '. '. '. '. '• '. '. a "ft >- ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ° t^ • '0 •VOCOtO- • • t^ C\ M • -HI • • "fttot^MOtoNOO'^-NoO'l-ooOooootovoi-^vooo^ovot^vo "t! O » N O O ^ + N O O Oi O t^ 00 MIO OO VO N » 00 t^t^OO l>» to ? OOOOO 0\ O0 OO t~^ M OS OS M ON M M MOO t^t~.M M MOOOO MOO t"N ^MMMMMMM MM_M _ _ M M M _ ^ M M MOO •^-^^OO N 00~ m" N~ M ^^"« MWtOMN N M Z *° N Ot-N^oo- ~ £ S K. .b £ 5> ~ 8 =' -£ S tj ^ § S, d d^l^S £ ci £ £ .£ «(_,(_, S7~ % V rt « 3 U g j= v w <« " J* ^ ''S *5 U > > E E c c w w « 0 u * -a -0 a c <+H rt , *j «j t. c a c c n « ^* <+H P H- , K _C _c « w E E W Pi E W S w u u — _Q ~ 1> JJ O M ^ Bow — pq ^ .3 -o cd " ■£ & ra E gg U B U -a oc w -a E —" pi a -a ^ £ ££ 2 'h ffi ^ u w ^ ^ x j: x < ^ < u u W « l) Q fe fa S ^ ^ i? .£ - - Ji _« _u _X i> u u W M W &^^^i^ B.Q.E E ja jh ddkiuuud £ £ j x j: j3 ^ aaaaaaaoifto, W M W M Oh a a, W M W W List of Deaths. 673 E 9 F — E E >-i t-i ON OO tn ON * » •» * >> >n >N E E >> >-, «*i 0 v© r^ H SO t^ ON t^ N UN ^ >, T3 -a -j ~3 rs vo O N * N « E PI » E F E H in M I>N M >> >N >N >. £ E r^ 00 o\ f» «^ CO 1^ CO kfl M * 01 M O * cn -1- O no • 00 ON CO UN VI va 00 CO t^ N ri ts no kC pi a BO ■o UN ^~ r^ M VI OO ON n 00 M DC N to BO r^. t^ r^ 10 OH CO p (N» t^ 00 r^ CO t^ 00 OO ON nO M M M c; r^ M M M H r^ 00 M CN M t^ w CO M r^ >-i CN M M >-» M M M M CO 1^ 4 ro VO M _ 00 CO kn _ „ n „ ri - vo „ M 00 VO M ri CN ^ PI DO M co >-l pi (T| PI rj O N O N M H (*1 UN M M M M ri be 9 < 0 C Q c 9 *— 1 2 9 n 1— > a, CO Q, CO Eli < CI CO d U O 3 eg 3 0 ^J bC 0 g O < 9 l—l O C a •— 1 bC bfl 3 3 < < IS CO d l—l n £ E -1 > - > « Q ^ o S .5 < e e -S •— ' £ UJ iiJ W UJ UJ w u J3 T) u W O r- — E -M 2 « c *> C C3 -a tt, E 00 ■ss ~ D ~ -3 w -0 >, C3 " — cs _ — K E Q ct; « . c c U - -' u J u:udui>d^^^^ jj - ra n .«.„._.„._, ja xi ej u — — ccccccccodo XX 14 X Ui U U X lii U X Ui \4 674 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. hO ^ ^ -6 •a NO B no M H •N •* •s >, >. £ N NO CO q A E E >,>>>»>>>> OO VI ON ON ^ M t^l^OO ON ON to t^ NO oo s oo oo noo oo >o » oo Tj-t~.t-.l-N. MOOMOOMMMt^MMt-.t^MM MM M MM °" ^ ^ ^ + ^ >" ~r o" o „- ►: ^°" ^ to •*!- cn> °n. N N m°° to moo «^M ** M M " N . „ M I— W> 1-* t-- 1-- t-- t-» *** to N M « :S -c M £ O -r £ -C __ w M O "I ffi s < s A „ .S R) W m , >» >. >> >-. >, £ ►l £ On w-i to t-. t^ 0 On * vn NO t> vo vO *+ M M ro 1-- M M t-- M O oo to N R c« Q fe ^ P te Z Z U 03 ' ^ -o u .a j .a -s £ "g U W bX) -5 c ca cd eu vT w" c/T »T .O jp p£J JO M DJj ^0 £3 M :3 c <4H o u O IS M id Mh 4h o _c c 2 C3 u O u H cd ' ' „ *a3 V e •a s u u o ^ o xl ^ .S E a, ojo WWW WWWW WWWWWW List of Deaths. 675 fe N O M >> ->, >, x VO M VO m + 00 £ ■d -6 > -a •a m 00 M •& N M s E E E E E b T3 "O N t^ CO t^ M w-i ts. to N H >. >* >, &►. >. >> >> >> >> 6 * M W 0 -t- t^ >/-, SO 0 t-- 00 r-~ *f on a* 00 >-" rl- ►< r^ *t- 00 w 1^ ^ »h r^ w fs ■ **• M m •+ H •+ u-» vo O r^ r^ 0O r^ VO t^ 00 t-~ C/j OO t^w + a m Noo t^ *«■> t^oo t^oo ov 00 00 00 vo t~-.M t^wOO MOOOO t»% OO N m «« N p» N H "1 c/d O < l> O. l) C £< SO ■£ c « n ^ n 2 « o w £ J? < .9 « *r a, o "S o W W E E t -= t£ M E E £ K fc2 M £ N N N N N N a « 23 a is a n < u w a 2 N~ (sT N* N~ Jj w w ra ~ -*= U .e if > c < < W E E E E E t"~; i> i> i> i> ."^ Ca i~1 l~j i~j i"j ,"i w w ra ra n n 676 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. N • •& ON ** s r >> ~ >> r >> X >» Os SO M t^ CO SO M l-( M S E E E S OO Tj- OS W CO O 00 co M M (s. N N M M Er E' E Er H T3 -a CI sr M 0 ui IM sn co 00 M M u"> >s >, >s >, >, £, B E" en SO vn N v^ M u-i M M OO M CO (^ (H SO H M ■■*- 00 r^ CS rh M w Cs so in sn o> ■SO Cs Cs OS CO f^ Cs -+ 00 M 00 CO CO M f^ r^ t^ M HI M w W „ CO ^ „ «£ ^ .. CO M -f r-^ CO M so CO CO N M , — 1 U p ft ti 0 ti 3 u "C ft -C Z < CO < < < O < [£ H W ^ Cs ^O Os O OO ON On M t^. OO On W M M t>» M H - w" 00" 00 £ z < ■S«X oS« 3jK « w ■£■£•£ www •a t) t3 c a a E E E 0 B) rt c c B aj PQ ,j- bJ bfl ft OS so aj < Q W 03 03 E £ E E w w -a ~o U U O c S E J3 XI J XI J J3 E E E E E E cfl rt P3 cfl cd cfl _} _l _i hJ hJ hJ U QJ O) U bJO W) bJD W) bJD bfi ^T Cd rt :cJ :rt C3 C3 Cfl ^ ^ fc ^ 0 -0 -a T) -3 _j 0 0 O O 0 0 O O bh bl M bfl M a c c a 0J > > OJ aj OJ » >» E ON "1 E E On "-1 E u w Ml OO ON N M >N o r^»oM onti-\o m-'^->h ifl n n n r>» E E C/-J 13 M M n E T3 E s * ON to NO M - * a >> >> >, >> >> ON O O w t> On DO 0> 00 Nfl * vfl no r^ OQ M ac ^ r^ to O r^ r> -/c r^ M H rs M VO (f| N N M H to rt r| N j>. u a > *J _> no 0 x£~* ►* ■ O 1> N N N M O t^O NOO OO OO t-* t-. OO M H W M OO OO M |-~ «1 O OO O N Ov N CN OO M Q < Z O O § ££ < < Cl, Pl, „ no" O no" n - - t-C .. r m" °> to „ NOMNMMCONOM^-J-^l-iMM i* 3 3 3 3 " 3 j- S u £ & Dh E — c ^ «J o — - c ffi ■g "B — aj 1— _ — V *7! ra 3 NtX ►— > »» " - Vf u « -o -3 £ 2 c'b tt « £ J3 W W -o -o c e ■a T3 n n d «} ij u u u J3 j2 jo _q . H X> c tn «J v « c c c c J J J J 3 J _) S3 M |5 c j. J -o js if a 3 3 3 3 3 ■5 ° E 3.-5 .= — O W 1-. ~ 1—1 co « ^ ^ tt < ■§>! 11 fl 0 a ^ ed ed Q W > U >. >; t> SJ M bll 3 u jn^^s 44 678 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. 60 E E E E E E £ r >> tO M N ^" W« DO * E* f^ 00 >>>^>*:>,>,>>>>>^ OO OO M T+- • tJ- oo C t^ f^ OO t^ On OO (^ M M M W 00 M M n m m • ^ oo • O Ot-^0\OONl-»NO\\©MNN ON t"^ OO N 00 OO OO OO N 00 OO OO II M MOO H >-IOO MOOOOOOOO . h s N O N M CI N 00*0 (M ^-oo - PJ «*> >o u-i oo ■*!- vo t^ W1 r-v l^ t~- M - N ^ O q Pi — T3 M (U g o bJD p M — £2 t-1 r^ H ^ ^^ T: £5 5 3 ^ E pq w S" -S z" s : 2 rt G 3 -P n _C ra g £-5 -5 = - u uT u rt — to -c K U W W £ co _b > MM _ oj ^ . . U c >, "r v* C g S-° s « « Q.O M 5 . £? S £ » o p *-jd^i_DX)X1X)-J3X» 0) 0* ._<; __J a n n ^ r) >*>^>i>^>*>\>^^U 3 3 3 3 3 D Cjrtc^nJPiWcJc^WnjWrtvuraro ra to to to to to ra »v ****—* *• CS « « W W C3 U List of Deaths. 679 & a o . * a 00 vo vo vo (^ t^ vo O <• ra" 6 B E £ B -d E E E E p £ VI N ■+ N <+ OS M il * VO ~~ >> >i T3 >> E >> >> £ >, &h >> >> E i/-, 0 to N • N » N ' 00 V3 VO ONONOVN rj- O t-~ O 00 00 00 O N a Ov ,. ONwMMONMMOOOOMM ■+ t^ r^ vo on 1^. 00 r^ N M OO O - w - •* 00 ON r? M *° N N N w vrl 00 N S-B — S3 o o - — < n - c d u _<: -^ (J w a * -" bX) — ■5 c 0 ,m S •— 1 ■~ « U u u u Oj > « o 3 a, w Si < £ § Pi u z & bo £ bfi B « -S < X £ c ™ "£ "xifi r a S E E u « 7Z ' — * * fe fe ^ «j y. ^5 c 4J CU QJ w bC t-T 1- J- W V-f _j Ifc/ w •—.— ._._ ta- t- *- — •— *-■ fc-l ■— ^- ^ -^ __ ^^ _— _ ■*> u u ■-£■ oj o i^ qj oajvTjajQjojvvOvu^ua-' .— •—.— •— *— 68o The New Hanover Lutheran Church. w O en u t^ H , X >, >, >, r >, >■, r >> -o >, «*■ oo VO t^ -t- tn VO 00 N u-i vo t^ r^ OO H tn in M M e s 0\ vr> m roc* >n N N m N eo >0 m • O * ■ • • • O tJ- o VO + >fl • t*> • -+ o\ CT\ O oo oo N oo oo 0\ \o oo m >o >o oooooooooooooooo t>.t^vo t-^oo t^ oo M M M OO l-^ H t-» M H ■22 >, a c c tF -°° c^ ^ (i N O" - oo" _ oo~ ^f M'd-^MMI-IIHCOOOn^Mrt ft, u 2 e In C j= « a h a, •a .a « »5 «U W 93 5 a, Jo o « 3 S w « H afcagegwcrtC&X' W W "O -a c c TO TO E E TO TO '£'£ ? "S e ra 3 ^ Q ^ ° • J2 c u -S s £ £ 5 « — vw « I— > fa .5 TO *S c w ,re ^ IS rt J3 ^" < s - £ * pq i> 0> 4J ~ c *- a> , p i» l> w , E >, >> >> >, >> > 0 en N 00 n vo *o , >-. e b >> X >1 >> >, >> I"~ 0 o\ M i^ CO ■+ vo ^O «*■ *-i 00 u-i r^ M l-l vo * CO D o\ (f| H ON t> r^ N M H r-. 00 M H-< »-< ro O • ON w (-^. "1 O ON O 6 O ^o on o osooo o\ on 00 on on on 00 Mf^OOONHtt^lHWMMOOIH OO W M H II t^ M , « pT . V3 >n n' (C . M" w' N ~oO\ONONNMMpjOONN m N VO, tft Wi r> I** M en M 0 r^ -t- t>- <^ "1 t- M h. no O CO N r^ VO VO o> M O 00 t-> CO M ►H N t^ CO CO CO N w N OO N ON 22 ■£ M bfi o > *: w ■iJ U 4J U "3 u S E w -a c « c H E ►J- w ■a a T3 C3 a E w >> -e E < E E u c -o g < < < < £ d £ a u "2 E pq • - 1- — 1- O < Pi C7D t£ fc£ bt nj u u." u." C u uT i_" u — .u — ^ — — !J^ .^- " :n c « .3 Pu - o •- C E -C i> ti u E c — / T CA 3 — _C _ 682 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. > to to r) T3 as H oo £ B £ E i £ E E N ■+ oo SO H OS -t- so OS ^ SO > »o so l-l M so SO S oo to oc -a n a E to s >, !►, >s >• w IS **■ SO Os 1^. CO f^ SO M SO M o OO OO II C\ O t^ tJ- •* OO N m N N N O M N 5> S S N MOOt^HMPHOOOOMHMIHlH • SO • • 00 oo t~~ 0 O OS OS vo Os Os *J- SO os os t1- oo so oo oo M OO tx H (^ OO w t^ so so t^ t^ t^ t^ so t~. fa T? W fa re u ££ % b tC « H N O » g 5 a a pq u 3 re o a ■!h re Q z M-H n S|H <-M o o c ~! T3 a J3 ,« E re CO re u B o s CO C < re a o a o W fa u o u s N a re rt 1) u aj fa Oh Cm P4 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa '13 lH •■5 •? o £ .g u < < •5 -<= ■S3 C O 3 -a -§3 fafafapHfafafafafafa •5 (J >i -6 .y — 1 -D J3 0 p< fa 2 "3 "° fa fa List of Deaths. 683 r^ i T3 ■« -0 > £ ~i ■•j T3 -rj N O M DC fi »o ~ - tt M to Tt- N <-i O M H M * «»> e 0 H E to B a E to E NO E no E E E 4 to E in E -6 -6 0 1-1 ■d H M E B E >> >. S»> >> >, >> >> S >> !>. s >> >> t^ >, >-, R 5 5 >. >, >, to $ 0 in. <-i 0 o\ no ON CM NO N NO «o <*■ H H cN fi V«1 In M M SO VO NO ON N CO M f-1 to CM L/-1 N •* CO 0 Tt- ^3 r^ u-i M n CO N OS 90 r^ O CN 0 0 n to t^ r~- CO t^ t^ t^ CO CO CM ^0 r~- O. no in. CO a CM M CM O. e* eyi 0 CM CO M M M M M M IN M r^ M in r^ H M 0-. M On H NO M M w 00 M M M *■* M M »H CM CM H in rl NO u-i to (-4 -t" *H N vo N M to »-l M m N d •— > >N, a. Cfl N 2 < 3 a. >> id O 1—. 3 3 < < d CS 1— ) Ih (9 a, < a 3 U CO s 1— 1 >-C ^ 1- - a, cj a. n- < 0 < < 3 1— > 1- h U w b. O £ t- 6* E 3 o w ±; "3 ~a § W o o W u .2 2 •- 'u 'u -£ « « a u 13 o pe{ M w w n -> Z C 1-, ■- M g o n < < ^ cS U •5 « .S •3 J= ja -3-3-0-3-0-3 a; w w Qj a; w j= .3 ^: js j= ^= u u u u « OS « 05 *j *j- *r *r c jr. js j= j= u u u a^ — a a a Q a "O ja ja > y u y e < U U Q w O u S S sf c if u u u OJ CJ 0J Qj QJ u C u" l M W M M M bD u u o or-^'*-',-M^M-.^4-iM-. W)tJDt£ Q->nUcDIUQJ&>IUcu eSftS&SQSOSOS&Sct; tU hj 1> ty ty 4* os&sososespcsos&sos&sos&s 684 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. T3-0-T3. "0"a-0 "O T3 13 T) "O "O ._ "O m .~ **» "O • "O . m j. *o „ Os *0 so Nw^vot^Os^ "O j>arr«. t s. ■: : 5. ■: i * * ■; - M~ 2. * - * - * ~^ >> £ >> S & >,>,>,>;>> g^^jA^^^^E >> j£ £>g g sS PJ Os OwoOtJ-'J-Os u-isomi t*- w Os m so *J- ri- OO m vi H N <^ h no v; ^O t^N t>. so N V m tj- Ov N m u-> to w S m 'O ."s ; '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. * ■ i " '. '. ' a •*> *" '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '■ '. '• '■ '■ '• '• '• ° • • • * oj w o c c 22 B o .a .a c 2 « &h £ ■£ -p-s E ° W ^ "G « O 13 O c* U u u 0> u u u u bObCbObCMMbX)*J .5 .5 .5 .5 .9 .5 .3 G -o 5s«£ ^ 2 «) rt -c la I « 2 ^ WQ rf S a fv> o o ^ o K -OT3"0-aT3-a"at3 ccccccca,o _ Pi <* K S Q o -g rC ,C .S « S rt pi pj pi ^ pi & List of Deaths. 685 -o • • . T3 • "O "O _• "O T3 TJ 00 "O -oT3 T3 *i- N n 0 On 10 ui e a* ^ £ £ i i a g- a & * ee^ b g* Er a a "^ £ ^^g^XX^^rxgcS^^'^^E^^^^^"^ >>£ mu-i « n o\ N O 'I- "ooovot^ro a + » m « O N \© *t* tO • • • . 1/1 Vl • tO • M M O *0 **" • 'NO \o 00 *o *o o> o\ 00 00 00 O envo o Noo 00 o t+- 00 00 00 ct\ t^ ctn O o rh 000000000000MMM0NOvl-^00MM00M00«MMMM00*OIHt^ MMIHIHIHM M OO M »-( _ M OO ^ — ' - r ^ M w ^^ N OO _^ OO ,_„, OO "> « S S S 'E. = >J?f£>d %$'&&&% 6 ™ il>aic'^c *? ,£ i? .2 J2" «l ~ 3 J* 3 ra *3 £ J^ ^ u "3 re *2 A Jj^ 2 w u re > := n n ■ C l> IU h K ac 3 -- £ — — u 1- 0> U == "o u. f*< j; CO M « 0 _Q — ja P - ~ K -. — u £,£ £= E E E S E *-" - tStfKKS E ^ = =EEE 0) .C u. ~ - — _= — f*«0£««&;«««C*««l*PSe*Ctf«0£«C*«0£«««0<« 686 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. VO . "° •* o00*ot>«oT3tnt«.ts.e E ,«-afe„fe ^0 N - r .. r ~ - - M ^m-w ^ g" | # a E a" | E E g^E E E E g S a" g" g" e ^ oo moo Tl-ooOootv.voi-ct^t^O*«">vor^t-^ o t-^MTJ-^- 00"">00V0t^v0>-lwr^Of-»t«->0\Nv0Tl-C0MTi-«$-00 ."2 '. '. '. 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Is". ■<*• (^ «T *+• CO JJ> N N t^ t^ ^ cm • >-. *; bi en « re -O ^Q^^O^^OS Z « S E u 0 1/ u H > ■J M be — H re u w o S:g « O 5; « g c u Q S S '5S S S ^ J* ii E E — a s _ _ _ - - ftj qj w qj u PQ — — ■a (y n 3 E I 4 e re a M K q, _C nj OJ c -Q re < < -5 ^ K *J" *J" . ^- j- v" 4j" j' t,- aj u aj oj -s-=-=j=-c.s.= j=_sj=.s.e.J3 E E E E j= j: j= j= E E E E -c-Cj=jsj=j:j:x: C/jC/jC/DC/DCflCOC/DC/iC/JC/Dc/DC/jC/D C/iOOC/DC/jajC/DOO^c/^^^j/j^ 688 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. -T3 "O "d to - e s s >> >> >> *f ON N f^ N CI & M S B B t>. O >> >> T3 ^ >> s ,r N^ t*i w CI r^ * co M c-> vo N (M O N 5? d B gr r r >> >, r £ S E E CO M c-> oo E >> b >, >> >, >> "1 M M o oo M CO CO (^ M N Tj- OO t-» 00 vo M N ? M t-^ t^. l^ oo ■+ t^ oo C\ W H OO l^ (-^ u-1 CN (^ n O MS «n o tn ^O (i t^ t~- 0 t^ ^ r^ CO OO oo oo J + O Oww^vovo'-'Ocscipf 1> Cli 3 Q < < >' bJD cJ be 'I hZ l) ~ , >^ •v en •J vi -O CO E E~ £ & >; >> & -o 00 sn 00 tfl 'O N S N + tn 00 K) 00 r> M N 0J E E -d T3 "0 E E E t^ N M N c/d t^ ~ - ~ * r >, >> E E E >, >, >> >•, N 00 l> to 00 SO to V* vo «/1 ■>*• N M 00 "1» m so 00 io + NNN«"1'«M OO to O C\ N N S N N _0OMM_M MMM_ •"H n- > _ri M bb >> bJ5 >, _• "C £ «h J 0.4,0 ,u = 2*^^ 3 u ir 3 ^? /^ a .2 W I- — re £ s -: -a bo c c « W t-^ 1^ m so so Th -+• * tJ- o> SO l-( en SO SO L/~> to */j Vi M BO 00 0 r^ r^ O O -t- t^ H r^j ao M t^ cd l-~ M M M IH ci w~> 1-^ -+- «* , >, «J >> J a a ed M O a u [4 c o. D OJ *S *— ~. bO re O CJ OJD g «* bfl " re bJD © O £ O < -e a O S S "« O 0 re hJ hJ o "O M E S g g «+h ° -5 ™ "> .9 £,Z Z re g c -E b -° TL SS a £. * -a -o -o "o "o -a j< j: £ £ j: £ j T3 4-T *-T — — ~ .C j- .e P9 ■- bO u - J £ w o -= sS ..- „- < re .5 - ^ u a. t3 u a. *— ^ "■* - -t: ^ T3 T3 -T3 ,- fc Pi S ? i: i i i; id a» w a> «5 c/3 re a> u u E at aj u -r -r "a aj v 11 — •— — Qj o 0\ O O m to N O ^t- J-~ V3 * N in w ior-»ONf>'J-N"ic«i^ot-^oOMTj-MOOV) u-> to m t^ ^o to *«"> "C '. '. 1 '. ' 1 1 a -ft •'•■;•;;;•;; w ;;;;;;:;!;;;;;;!!! 1 1 1 !!! i ! 0 . . . O • • • ON **■ • • N m 00 w O M <; vo 0 m t-» . co O on no w •* o O Ov 00 t-^ Os O N *o •* • 00 vn on 00 ■►■> N© M» OO M (> N OO t^ 00 O ON On 00 OO OO NO ifl "HO On O N N >0 OO * r^t^OO M N OO OO M M f^ ON M M l-l M M t^l^t^t^OO OSOOOOOO M ,|S M M M OO M M MM MMMMMJ-^MMM •fe-MT - i ~ * $ * * "" a s" * * 2* ~ ~ «vr « - m ^ ^^rf * ^ S g fe jo Si 8 Si ^c c ££>S.o.d£>».g £ 'g, a a gig Q|^20ZmhQm^2Zm->COCOI-^I— iP^CO1*;^!— » • — > **3 I — : > a 0000 td -0 -a T3 Rj rt w w u u a) u .BP 5 e > o o hJ >—>•—>►— 1 •—> ££ . bJD (L) TO TT ►3 -s o "3 "O O 8 .2 N ^ •— > X « o "1 •S B B E J3 t! o M « O w ra g -B *3 E >n ~ _ a d w ■m "O s .-«^ ££S w B w Q -s < < m S S Q ■"^ C 1; Oj (L Oj lb >, qj U U > > >"^ v j: ^ A j: j3 £ rt rt rt W cfl w • — cocococococococococococococo BBSS .„.9 5 E CO CO CO CO E E CO CO E E E CO CO CO List of Deaths. 691 T3 •a "= — U~, -3 T3 T3 -3 "T3 ■a "O —! O v> M ■* vo T3 * >/-> ro i E a E E C M E E E E e' E B E 13 00 »o O N M H »-< m * M o\ 1-1 l-« r-» >H >-, >> >> >> >> >> >^ >, x >> >> >> >> >> >> ^ 13 E M 3 M >-4 O N t^ ■+ w* O O -t N >/-! N n K-, M OO -t" M ►* N M H * vo Vj tN M DO ri ^c E B E fl VO ^o O Ovw w M Osr^vo N Ov N O M ovoo o r-» O 00 00 vo n » » o 00 MIH0CO0Cy\IHMf~.0OI-l0O>-IM O *0 * . f«"| f^ M W M Q«-'<^t~.o* « C^^ * — K w — ■a c a w n a CS CS E E h •r E J= — -c « is G W W J3 OJJ N O < * w h wwwS^O^S ■S3 b I a £ w w « w' £■ "»» j= j= jq J= j= j: c en A c !^3 CO < > "0 V ■n c id •0 co c w >— , c T3 ed en ■+H E 9 0 , . w a u >, 0 e Ed a 3 E CO ■5 14 1— 1 b: •3 2 .* b xi to P C 1- O c -c ™ C _ m Ti — CJ « ed u U U £ E « £j:X£ir^j:-j:xx EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE = = Sc£S = c 692 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. On "3 "O * %> M in N N -d E s E'" S M SO B B B B <* na O <" -3 in M B w H *fr HI VO >n ON H J" i-^ i no >-, >, >, >* >> >> >N >, •+ 00 VO 0 0 in ■d "O "O 13 -d tj "* w 00 c^ « NO M N w N N N B B H M ^ 1^ >^ >> s s : 00 to *S- w to M N S ts N OO ON 11 •> •• to V"> CO ^t O + Oi N m CON t-^vo Wi Ov Ov N N OO w O0O0O t-^ MOOMMMOOOOIIWt^ M N O O ON in Ov 00 N ON O + C\ N oo t~» OO ON OO t^ ON CO M On 00 t-» ON OO H OO OO S*^ CO t*^ f\j o~ ^ *4- - r» 2 « N t^ M m U-l 3 QOfe»< can v a v < < P Q < Q ~K ta m 43 J= bfl ~ 3 ffi < '£ ■$ 3 t> 3 u O r-J ^h *-^t flj 4-' w w W c c I- . a - > S 5 bfl c « S '« S >> ,5 c h E rt *a r- <-H ca u .9 K u u bB -3 m ^ t; ~ « Cu b/j c 5 PQ 71 .3 Jx ^- r? X x £ _ _■ o < < a S 5 -" W Si 3 k-H u q fl AS . OJ OJ Oj 3 13 "U 'O U >-> >> >> 3 3 3 C CO CO CO CO List of Deaths. 693 T3 q -6 Z £ -6 £ £ ^. t3 -6 -6 -^ ^ ^ ^ "^ -u I e b" ^ 0r s" a" t i ^ d j ar e ^ £ i b e" £ E I "* >* .„ O O00CC c „ MMr^ M w"> rf- ^ VO WM •+ N N t^«1M W to 00 rr> Wl M s oo t^-N ro^-N ' .' J M • • • • • N • OSNONVOON *o W t^ oo O •MwooooOfo- • "■> • oo O *o O o CTs t^ ►■< On • Q OvOr^t^O N w s a s s O Om r^ -+• oo ovr^ooooooo Ooo O O oor^t^MooOoor^ooi-ioooovot^ooO>-iMMHi-iMi-ic\ooOoo WWM WOOMMM^MI-IOOOOMCS M>HO>« v5 E'e-'B S-S o E-8 = e.gtSu-S = a " 3 o 3 -g -S = u-£ u w u V. M W = - 8 .y AS P5 T3 E '> c / — — c & o E W 2 PC E ? >> .2 3: .2 ^ -C E 6 X W -** *J *^*. C «-< u U I •- - « — — J= c ~ O U ~ ^ .- .:: O N CO M >* ""! r r >» r On no T3 •+ * JH a I a M T3 S S >» >, M N N 0\ m t^ 00 On OO M 00 M •t l« a N O O t^ ■<*■ t^ t^ OO t^. M t^ W M HI 0 M N LO «*■ On in no ri n 0 00 M On in h ^0 c> M (N) M h» OO OO oo On o r^ 0 OO h» f> u~i m wi M t> M M 0 t^ OO H OO M w M t^. l^- 1^ HI HI HI l^ OO M HI ON - "f -? M M |H H fa B-l 2 S Q O O § O fa ►=, fa 3 Q. PJMmm „ u"> rf m >* c q. c * Z^^Aw^OOc/DZ^^^ZfafaZ < « w M 1> ~ C3 2 c -5 0 fa K OJ O > > > > c fa o o o p o 5 U »-t kH »-l 1- *** bD bO bJO bO bD pq «J -S U « "B *B U .S O o O Z U U 'J .: « - o, .5 bD bo x> a m .2 .&. >- ~ 13 IS J X £L fa fa o O u „C XX wo O O '— > •— > ss .« q 4= £ «i < fa aj a» a> w •a -a -o -a D. •a -r. noj 0j qj i> qj aj ^™ *"—1 ^^ """' ^^ ^^ ^— Qj Hj QJ OJ Qj f—« «— ojb/ji:L>1uQ-,[1-'a-'a-,t]-llljajajQjajaj >, aj c -S bl i) i> bJD bO J5 aj bfl bfl pj c3 rj t3&D>>>!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> £££ List of Deaths. 695 -a -o . > -6 -6 • . -~ -d "6 -d • -d-d _:•" T3.T3^ fe &■ £ £M'£ -«. " 2 N^NNTJ ,4. „ „ N m N ^ M N «o £ 1 . f jjbH" ? b" a a a b a a v> s a d a E -a cEEo 10 o^u w0.c OO M HI OO U1 I/) 1-ll^.wlNOONWcO m **■ 00 .00 *»."*••«'» .....JH »_«_--»_ P „ j. *** „ X •"■d r "d >, rr>>>,>..>)>.>.X>»>%>.>.^Ex>>^'>. CO t^ M W M M W| (^ N MOO OOO M V© VON t^t^-W^O M \C + W N •4-vo • • • Ov • O ti 00 ■ O • • O •* *© • . . m t^ • m . rn *© t^oo *$• -vo o ocv^o n >a 00 t^. 00 r>. r^ r^ «*> o O r^ i~> 00 C-. ^o t-. t^t^vO s (J M 00000 t^OO Ov N OO Ov N OO t^OO^O N N » M M O t~» MMt^OOr^MOOMMMOOt^Mt^r^MMMOOOOOOMMOOMOOM M M OO M MM MM MMM .M.M. J 8 4 O M.^ ^2 2 ^ H ^ N%" ^" N ^ O S SJ ^ H «" mNm m _*co #i^^m^_ o™-S-So-?Ej2J2 3 o 5 *E E u u J2 «i a o "3 3 3 J? o. = a. re • -C (ft (» W (fl rei *^ •E T3 "o -a -a -a -a co cd cd W cd Bd ^^^ • a. C re * c r 1 a. • • - ■3 — O o n ^ «i c - — u n o ™ w^M.t-C.SJc.-- 5 a — n, E E <5 £ -S i. « B - t, • - -Q "O T3 b tj £ < < < « •§ u o w 3 S . - 10" M* '/ in" j^ t« _ E a -o-s £ £ § nndtqpjtiRjd 45 **£££££ S 8 2 « i n 0 m? S -a - - - -Z c c c c o 0 a a u." — -3 n n 1/ E E E E S StUu 11 rt w ^ ci k 3 rei 1-lH ™ 3 c -° E 'fi N rei *- • s W « w m ^ .s E:>>^^^^^^^ 696 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. * - 13 O as & 1 1 « <° 1 r 6 - ^ -6 £ i i -o ar b s m a . g s * ^ * s , « « « | s * <* *~ VO N M CO t-K NO OS 00 N t^ 00 W Nt^ to OsoOTj-wtrico^Nr^coooNoo^oovou-iN '£'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■'. a ►a *» ! ! ! ! ! '. '. '. '. '. '. '■ '. '. '. '• '. '. '• ' ' • • '• m • m m m t^O • *n • Os N • • t** • ►St t^ • SO ^o VO • Tf oo OO SO vo SO f» <o a VI ^ t^ OO M M II M M _ M OO MM WWW M~ H' OO >£ Cf '"' „ - - „ „ ^ OO . (> H CO" N - - • *j S. S ^idi^Iii £ £ ^ c a a eta & g IS < c c £ < O % * - K S O c o = o 13 .SP bD c re a £ 0 0 ,- X w J3 a a a 2 IS s, h-i K hJ ■£ « S m0 si a h •5 0 w w -a -o o ffi h h x (U OJ oj a-" sl^ yj C t-t ert > >> I> ►*• ££££££££££££££££ £ List of Deaths. 697 e s vi ©v vo vo b t^ p» vo SO vo . "■> - - - M X r >> >> t^ r x O M VI VO vo "I **• OO vo OO N OO E E M ^ W 0. *«1 vO v H vn vi VO r*. r^ Q ve N r^ vo H 00 r^ M M r^ H M M O Lr\ N ci >: t>. N ©v a a >— 1 t3 0 1 1 > f^ (-» M t^> t-^ VO VO m M • VO VI M fs. • M • . -tO ■OOOO Ov OO 00 Cvvit^O ON VI00OO0OO00OOO OV OV ON OO ON N O vi „ (C >-, N '*"• >-i '<- K, t - 'E b bo < < < 0 0 & .g o Z ."H JJ o m — . — o .S^.£ Q •.- n 43 u .C 0 0/ ^ 0 ~ « d n E C Q n a B re £ B C 5 u K -2 & c W 9 o c > >:3 _ O M — — ►_, M G ^ w IT *- • ~ u o j= .e 43 j: ■ w o o o o c- fX S £ S S b b «- i: ^ 5: i-D blUbtbCtntttilbltitbDVlitbt > > > > ^ *► ^ ^^^^^H^H^-H^^^ 698 The New Hanover Lutheran Church. ■n -n T-, •n r TJ Tl ■a SO "d T3 Is <* «i os M o Os >. >s >> p F >s X -6 x >, >; ►» £ X R X E ^ >, CO M so co m t^ N M (^ t«. <* * •+ I-( E -d X >> >> >> g CO t-^ ON N N so t-^ t-^ co sr, as r-1 h-l l*N r^ SO «N in oo r^ t>, o to 0 r^ OO OQ n n oo oo M 1^. OO ■+ OS OS 0 l>. oo 0 M M OS OS l-( oo OO oo M r^ Cs os oo w OS M M M w oo oo oo oo M oo in OS HH M ri M -1- M _ „ O M CO l/"> (N ri U N M w r^ w 00 N >, o u Q jO jj 1 ja +J > o .6 D. < c >-. a X 3 •— 1 1 ^ OJ fa § O fa 0 fa 3 >— > s 3 1—1 OO M OO a3 u .2 -a M W < " W fa fa ■+; E >, u b M j Q S < O U Sp§ „ S i- J= X3 W ex J ^=.2 -S * l_J *^i .^t f * ^J * E — x; e -c 4» -3 ^< rt i-, ~— 1) 1) >4 bJD M »> o -«U«^»H»-l>-l»-'>-',-'U1'-''-'X uT in" u fa h aj qj H >H >< >H N N bJj N List of Deaths. 699 OS t~ M t^ e" e 4 4 t*> M V5 VT C CR c^ c^ r^ 0 oc cc r^ ** M *- 00 w -t oc v\ 0 <-i ci _ s < o c£ u '— n ■ ~- •~ gg ra [S 2 C/D 3 uT u" / iS l) - - V a { | JS V B E E a a N N N N N INDEX. Acker, 176 Ackerman, 216 Acrelius, 227 Adams, 246 Ahl, 230 Aigs, 245 Aister, 45, 246 Albrecht, 195, 197 Alibock, 244 Andrea, 49, 69 Antes, 246 Arms, 125 Arnold, 258 Auren, 136 Bargy, 244 Bastress, 188 Bayer, 187 Bean, 10, 11 Beates, 134 Beck, 30, 170, 176 Becker, 41, 218 Beiteman, 257 Bender, 176 Benter, 45 Bentz, 230 Bergner, 130 Berkbahn, 160 Berkenmeyer, 77, 78 Berndt, 224 Bernt, 186 Bertolet, 238, 256 Bewlls, 245 Bickel, 7, 30, 176, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 193. 197. 198, 199. 239, 257 Billmyer, 230 Bingamon, 244 Binder, 30, 170, 177, 179, 197, 200 Biorck, 139 Bittel, 45 Bitting, 246 Bjoerk, 136 Bjorck, 52 Bjork, 136 Bohner, 245 Boone, 64, 97 Boyer, 201, 203, 209, 213, 225 Bratschisch, 84 Braunsius, 127 Brendlinger, 167, 178, 185, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 263 Brooke, 245 Brucher, 85 Brunnholtz, 18, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 100, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, 154, 155, 156 Brunnholz, 9, 46, 48 Buchert, 218 Bun, 244 Burckert, 186 Burkert, 190 Burkhard, 170, 176, 177, 178 Burkhart, 30 Burr, 122 Bush, 240 Buskerk, 30, 175 Camp, 33, 34 181, Campbell, 35, 36 192, Carnegie, 217 Carpenter, 230 Carstens, 153 701 7 143, 233 Ruefeld, 84 Sachse, 7, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 51, 52, 77, 137, 140, Hi, 238, 242, 258 Saeger, 134 Sandel, 20, 21, 22, 51, 54, 55, 73, 83, 136, 139. 142, 233 Saur, 69 Saylor, 216, 217 Schaefer, 117 Schaeffer, 14, 182, 206, 223, 237 Schaffner, 223 Schantz, 85, 145, 214, 238 Scharff, 97 Schaum, 30, 47, 68, 70, 71, 74, 100, 104, 107, 109, 157 Schell, 215, 216 Schenck, 245 Schertlein, 228 Schick, 177, 195 Schidler, 176 Schierenbeck, 99, 104, 105, 106, no, 112, 113, 119, 156 Schittler, 177, 178, 257 Schlanecker, 30, 170 Schlonecker, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 245 Schmauk, 10, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 40, 50, 52, 53, 77, 87, 144, 235 Schmidt, 43, 45, 63, 64, 74, 85, 95, 96, 97, 98, 127, 130, 146, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 176, 184, 185, 186, 223, 228, 240, 245 Schmith, 186 Schmucker, 237 Schneider, 179, 180, 190, 191, 201, 245 Schnell, 178, 197, 199, 200, 201 Schoch, 168, 182, 184, 187, 188, 223 Schoener, 56 Schoner, 41, 245 Schrack, 41 Schreiber, 245, 246 Schrenk, 156 Schroeter, 228, 229, 230 Schultz, 15, 71, 74 Schultze, 57, 58, 59, 74, 85, 87, 91, 92, 116, 148, 149, 150 Schulz, 92 Schulze, 9, 40, 41, 44, 56, 90, 96, 107, 108, 116, 124, 145 Schumacher, 13, 100, 107, no Schweigard, 30 Schurig, 185, 223 Schwartz, 244 Schweinhard, 30, 176, 177, 179, 257 Schweinhardt, 176 Schweinhart, 170, 186, 199 Schweizerbarth, 127 Schweyer, 178, 183 Scull, 12 Seidel, 105, 221 Shaner, 216 Sheffe, 244 Sherrard, 36 Shimar, 244 Showle, 244 Shunk, 39 Sigler, 244 Sinzendorf, 176 Smith, 97, 207, 214, 216, 237, 238, 239, 244 Snyder, 112, 191, 195 Index. 707 Soams, 37 Spangenberg, 86 Spencal, 84 Spieker, 238 Sprague, 116, 127, 128 Sprogel, 32, 33, 34, 78, 164 Sprogell, 7, 12, 34, 35, 36, 37, 257, 258 Sproul, 12 Stedtler, 180, 189 Stephens, 220 Stephenson, 220 Stettler, 177, 181, 183, 189, 194, 195, 196, 204, 257 Stichter, 170, 176, 199 Stiever, 91 Stigler, 30 Stille, 83 Stirewalt, 82 Stock, 230 Stoever, 9, 19, 30, 39, 40, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 73, 80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 119, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 156 Stoferd, 244 Stofflet, 257, 260 Stoner, 244 Storb, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 224, 225 Stow fa rd, 244 Streit, 30, 31, 72, 74, 113, 121, 122 Strickler, 133 Stumpf, no Svedberg, 83 Swinehart, 216 Thomas, 46 Umbenhen, 240 Unander, 227 Van Buskerk, 72, 74, 113 Van Buskirk, 71, 123, 222 Van Dieran, 81 Vigera, 70, 219, 220 Voegele, 199, 201 Voegley, 191, 202 Vogel, 178, 179, 180 Voigt, 29, 30, 65, 72, 73, 74, "4, "5, 176, 222, 234 Voltaire, 82 Von Dieren, 136 Von Thieren, 81 Waage, 127 Wagner, 100, 258 Walter, 175 Walther, 222 Waltz, 193 Wambold, 193 Warthman, 186 Wartman, 30, 164, 166, 170, 176, 177, 179, 184, 188, 191, 194, 195, 196, 257 Weber, 239, 244 Webster, 128 Weichel, 170 Weinland, 72, 74, 124, 125, 178, 180, 181, 230, 249 Weiser, 100 Weissiger, 41, 56, 92 Weissler, 184 Weissner, 178, 179 Welden, 127 Wendt, 73, 74, 131, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 250 Weygand, 113 Weygandt, 71, 74, 106, 107, 220, 221, 222 Weygel, 30 White, 105 Wickerman, 230 Wiesener, 176 Withman, 45 Wittman, 176, 177, 245 Wolf, 106 Woodle, 245 708 Index. Wrangel, 113 Yaeger, 73 Yaldwyn, 37 Yeager, 249 Zentler, 245 Ziegenhagen, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 108, Zimmerman, 14, 15, 230 Yerger, 197, 203, 205, 209, 216, 218, Zinzendorf, 19, 43, 46, 49 256, 257 Zoller, 201, 202 Young, 244 GENERAL INDEX. Bell purchased for the church, 164, Fox, Rev. Josiah, 253 Bertolet, Rev. Ulysses S. G., 256 Bicentennial celebration, 237 Biographical sketches of pastors, 75 Brendlinger, Frederick, 263 Brunnholtz, Rev. Peter, oath of, 67 ; biographical sketch of, 102 Church building, present, 162 Church property, deed for, 32 Church records, preparation of, 9 Congregations supplied by Muhlen- berg, Brunnholtz and Handschuh, 48 Constitution of the New Hanover and New Providence congrega- tions, 170 Council records, 169, — , 176 Dedication of present church, 30 Deed for church property, 32 Drumheller, Rev. Clayton K., 256 Erb, Rev. Isaac N., 254 Erb, Rev. Jesse, 254 Ernst, Rev. Frederic, biographical sketch of, 120 Falckner, Rev. Daniel, congregation organized by, 23 ; biographical sketch of, 77 Falckner, Rev. Justus, biographical sketch of, 137 Falckner's swamp, location of, 10; settlement of, 12 Falk, Rev. Gabriel, biographical sketch of, 93 Fegley, Rev. Henry N., 254 First German Lutheran services, 24 Fox, Rev. William B., 253 Frankfort Land Company, 15 Geiger, Valentine, 259 German settlers, education of, 14 Geissenhainer, Rev. F. W., biograph- ical sketch of, 125, 252 Groh, Rev. Abraham H., biograph- ical sketch of, 132 Groh, Rev. Leonard, biographical sketch of, 133 Henckel, Rev. Gerhard, biographical sketch of, 80, 161 Hesselius, Rev. Samuel, biographical sketch of, 82 Indians, protection against sought, 242 Jaeger, Rev. Nathan, biographical sketch of, 130 Kelpius, arrival of, 14 Kepner, Rev. Daniel K., 254 Kline, Rev. John Jacob, biograph- ical sketch of, 134 Koester, Rev. Heinrich Bernhard, services by, 24 Kiihl, Rev. Timothy, 160 Kunze, Rev. John C, biographical sketch of, 159 Kurtz, Rev. J. Nicholas, biograph- ical sketch of, 104 Kurtz, Rev. John William, bio- graphical sketch of, in Lehman, Rev. Daniel, biographical sketch of, 122 Markley, Rev. Abraham B., 255 Markley, Benjamin, 262 709 7io General Index. Miller, Rev. Conrad, biographical sketch of, 128 Miller, Rev. George F., 253 Miller, Rev. Jacob, biographical sketch of, 127 Ministers from the congregation, 252 Muhlenberg, Rev. F. A. C, bio- graphical sketch of, 115 Muhlenberg, Rev. G. H. E., bio- graphical sketch of, 118 Muhlenberg, Rev. H. M., becomes pastor, 43 ; pastorate of, 61 ; bio- graphical sketch of, 98 Noted men in the congregation, 257 Ochsenford, Rev. Solomon E., 254 Oldest German Lutheran congrega- tion in America, 10; first service of, 17 Organists of the church, 219 Pastors of the church, 50, 72, 73, 74 Petition to Governor Gordon, 243, 245 Price of commodities in 1714, 21 Protection against Indians asked for, 242 Rauss, Rev. Lucas, biographical sketch of, 151 Reichert, John Frederick, 261 Renninger, Rev. Josiah S., 253 Report of Revs. Muhlenberg, Brunn- holtz and Handschuh, 18 Richards, John, 262 Richards, Matthias, 261 Roeller, Rev. Conrad, 158 Rudman, Rev. Andreas, biograph- ical sketch of, 135 Sandell, Rev. Andreas, biograph- ical sketch of, 142 Schaum, Rev. John Helfrecht, bio- graphical sketch of, 109 Schmidt, John George, biographical sketch of, 95 School-houses, first, 27 Schoolmaster, advertisement for, 193 Schoolmasters of the church, 219 Schultze, Rev. John Christian, bio- graphical sketch of, 91 Schulze, Rev. Frederic, biographical sketch of, 107 Slavery, first protest against, 14 Sprogell, John Henry, biographical sketch, 258 Stoever, Rev. John Caspar, 55; bio- graphical sketch of, 84, 143 ; will of, 150 Stoever, Rev. John Caspar, Jr., bio- graphical sketch of, 84 Stofflet, Michael, 260 Streit, Rev. Christian, biographical sketch of, 121 Sunday-school, 225 Synod, meetings of, held in the church, 227 Van Buskerk, Rev. Jacob succeeds Muhlenberg, 72; biographical sketch of, 113 Voigt, Rev. Ludwig, becomes pastor, 72; biographical sketch of, 114 Weinland, Rev. John Frederic, bio- graphical sketch of, 124 Wendt, Rev. H., biographical sketch of, 131 Weygandt, Rev. John Albert, bio- graphical sketch of, 106 Yerger, Rev. Orlando S., 256 Date Due &*-£*-*** — _ HAY 3 C 1995