Prelacy an Idol, and Prelates Idolaters : All Pre- latilis, Maimainen of, znd Complyers with Prelacy, charged with Idolatry, and proven guilty* SERMON- H#TT- ____ By the Reverend and Learned Mr. James Frafer of Brae, Minifter of the Gofpel at Culrcfs. The Second Edition Matth. 15. 13, 14 — Every Plant, which my Heavenly Fa~' ther have not planted, /hall he rooted up. Let them alone z They be blind Leaders of the Blind. And,— both (hall fall into the Ditch. Hof. 4. 17. Ephrai'm is joined to Idols: Let him alone, Luke 22. 25, 26,— The Kings of the Gentiles exercife Lordfbip over them 3 --But yeJbaU not be fo. Set Matth. 20, 25, 26. Pet. 5.3. Neither as being Lords over G oa^£ Heritage, but biing Enfamples to the Flock. 3 John 9. -— But Diotrephus, vuho kveth to have the Preemi- nence among them, receivtth us not. 2 John 9, 10, II. Whofoever tranfgreffeth y and abide th not in the Dodrine of ChriH, hath not God : — If there come any unto youand bring not this Doftrine, receive him not into your Houfe, neither bid him God Speed. For he that biddeth lint God f peed, is Partake* of his evil Deeds. G ■ L A S G O W: Printed for, and fold by George Patok, Hook-feller in Linlithgow > 1742. Advertisement. I AT George Patons Shop in Linlithgow is to be fold, A Collection of feveral remarkable and valuable Ser- mons, Speeches and Exhortations, at renewing and fubfe is fome- bing of Mercy, and Judgment coming in by 7 urns ; Aercy, in thai GOD fhould yet have them plead* i with, and that they were yet in Capacity, to do hat which might make up their Breaches ; Put way your Adulteries : And there is Judgment this, That he difowned them as his People, hat he would flay them withThirfi, and that he vomd net have Mercy on their Children, and rec li- ned them, as Children of Whoredom, Hof. 2, rom the i. ver. to the 14. From the firft I obferve this Note, That the ^rofeffors of the vifible Church, are much inclined the Jin of Idolatry, or corrupting of the Jtorfhip f GOD. Look to the Church before, and af- er the Flood, how foon did Idolatry creep in, .nd to how great a height did it come, and low Univerfal did it become, and how long did it coutinue ! how did the Lord's own Peo- ple in Egypt follow the idolatrous Courfes of ;he Egyptians, EzeL 23. 3 and 20. 7. There the keafts were prefl: : Look alongs unto the Cap- ivity, how readily did thoy corrupt the Wor- hip of God s fo that in Elijah's Time, he thought here was none that bowed not the Knee to iaal ; and thus they continued, fay the Lord /hat he pleafed, till they were deftroved. .00k after CHRIST'S Time, and the Apoftles Time, tho' fomething ol ic was in tneir own Time 8 'Prelacy an Idol, Time of their Meats, Wafhings, andvolunta; ry Worfhipping of Angels, Col. 3 23. Seehov Religion was defiled with Mens Invention. by degrees, till the Subftance was loll at lafti and the great Antichrift got up. Let us bu look among ourfelves, what a great ftir fina the Reformation, about altering the Govern- ment ot Chrift's Church, and introducing oj Ceremonies ^ and I will give you thefe five Reafons why People are lo apt to corrupt the Worfhipoi GOD. 1. Men deiire to be Neighbour like, and thti whole World is given up to this iin, by any other fin in the World: Hence lays the Jews\ Give us a King after the manner of the Nations\ Ezek. 20 32. We will be as the Heathen, as the Families of the Countries to ferve Wood] and Stone : This it was, that fo much inclined the Jews before the Captivity, to this fin o^ Idolatry, the whole Land about them, did thus worfhip. Men naturally defire not to be lingular: Why is Prelacy brought into the Church, and Officers, not of GOD's appoint-^ ment thruft into GOD's Houfe? 'Tis fo in the Nations ; fo in Pole, Spain, Italy, and moft of France and Sweden. Why do fo ma4 . ny comply with this amongft us, and go tri the Kirk and fo bow down before the Gol- den Image, the King hath made ? The Reafon is, they fee the Multitude, and Generality doj fo, and they will do as their Neighbours, and riot follow a few defpifed Perfons, but this id the Day of your Accout will not do youl Turn and Prelates Idolaters. 9 Turn to fay, O Lord, all my Neighbours round about, and all the great Folk went to the Church, and therefore I behoved to go. 2. The fecoixi Ground is from wicked car- nal Policy. Men fee it their Intereft, and conducing to their worldly Standing, to fol- low fuch a way, and therefore they will [ rake it up. 1 King 12. 3 5. Ye may fee this plainly in Jeroboam, who rebelled againft the Houfe of Rehoboam, he fet up Worlhip that was not according to GOD's Will, changed the Officers or GOD's Houfe, and the Place of Worlhip, and made a Feaft ac- cording to his own Heart, which became a Snare to the Houfe of Ifrael lor ever, and a landing Quarrel between GOD and them tor many hundred Years. Now what made lim do this think ^ye, was it any Zeal? no> out if (faith he) the People go to Jerufalem to worjhip, then will their Hearts return to their own King, and I will be put from the Kingdom. And therefore it is too much for you to go up to Jerufalem, here be thy Cods, quoth he. And thus by corrupting the Worlhip of GOD, he :hought to fecure the Kingdom to himfelf : "riow comes that our Kings are fo greatStick- 1 ers for Prelacy, for this Government of Man's invention? Why, the Caufe is plain, it is :he King that hath the Nomination of them^ gives them their Charters and Rents, and Vhen he has any Thing ado in Parliament igainfl the Countrey, he is fare of fourteen Votes from his Creatures, who will l^rifice B Ho- J io Prelacy an Idol^ Honour, and Confidence, and all to him: The Carats are countenanced by the Nobles, it's firft the King's Will, and they will get leave to drink, curie, fwear, and Whore, and ne- ver be reproved : They were reproved and made odious to be ftri£fc Presbyterians, and liable to the Cenfures of the Church - y and why do fo many moderate Men, who in their Confidences, know the Curates to be but naughty gracelefs Men, hear them, and fo countenance them? but this, it's the way to get to Court, and to fecure their Interefts. %dly, Men are fo much given to corrupt the Worihip of GOD, by adding their own In- ventions, m refpe£t of fome Appearance of Conveniency, that is in thefe ways, above what they can fee in the Ways of GOD: GOD had tyed the People to worfhip at the Door of the Tabernacle at J-erufalem , quoth Jeroboam, This is inconvenient, for fuch Mul- titudes of People, to go fo far three times every Year, and befides very hazardous ; for our ill Neighbours, that are round about us may come to our Houfes, when we are at Jerufakm, and kill our Wives and Bairns, and rob our Houfes, and pofTefs themfelves of them, and therefore will we worihip GOD nearer hand, with a great dale more Conveniency, and lefs Hazard : [Hence, the Will- worfhip, and carnal Inventions of the Primative Times , had a fhew of Wifdom, and of Humility, Col. 2. 23. and proud Men will not partake of the Sacrament of the LORD's Sup- and Prelates Idolaters. 1 1 Supper in that Pollure CHRIST did, viz. fit- ting or lying, but will kneel. Why 16? It is not reverent to lit, while we are receiving fo great a Blelling ; this looks, and favours more of Humility : and hence I have heard fome Reafon for Prelacy againil: the Presby- terian Government, thus, What foolifb unjuit- able a Thing is it y that a young rafh Matfs Vote fhould fignify as much in a Synod or Presbytery^ as the Vote of the graveft^ godlieft and the moji judicious Per/on in the Church? Indeed I con- fels, fuch Minifters as now are in the Church, it were a Pity, their Vote fhould lignify any Thing at all in the Church ; and they have need of fome grave Rulers j but did Men choife Perfons qualified according to GOD's Word, they might be able to give a Vote. 4thly, Men are apt to corrupt God's Wor/hip, by their Inventions^ from the Pride of their Hearts^ and the Love that they have tothefe In- ventions : It's no more natural to the Drun- kard, to lull after his Cups, nor the unclean jPerfon, to lull after his Whore, nor to the Worldling after his Profit and Advantage, i:han 'tis for a carnal Heart, to have fome jBrat of its own, foilted into the Worlhip of JjOD -, and hence they are (aid to be mad after :heir Idols , and inflamed with them, Dan. 3. plebuchadnezzar will have the graven Image " o be woiihipped, under the Pain of burning juick : Why ? It was the Image that the King et up: And hence we are deavM with the B2 Noife 12 Prelacy an Idol^ Noife of his Majefty's Government : Every Man loves to ferve GOD" after his own Way. 5thly- The Simplicity of the Go/pel doth not fuit 3 nor bulk with a carnal gro/s Conception^ 2. Cor. 1 1 ■ 3. Why did the World choofe to wor- ship GOD by Images fir ft ? Here was it, They could not in their Underftandings apprehend an Infinit, and invifible Godhead ^ their Minds wavered, and were fwaliowed up and loft here ; and therefore to fix their Under- ftandings, and to have fomething that would bulk to' the carnal Eye, that's much taken up with a fenfible Religion > they would make an Image of this GOD, ; that by worfhip- ping of it, they might hereby worihip the true GOD : And hence alfo a World of Cere- monies are crept in the Worihip of GOD: Some thing of Decency and Beauty ; 'tis a glorious Thing to hear the Sound of Organs, to fee the Reverend Prelates in their long white Sleeves ; and hence we hear tell of io many Heathens profelyted to the Popi/b Re- legibn: Why, the poor Creatures were much taken up in their carnal Fancies, with thefe outward Shows, arid Trinkets. 'Tis not .bulkfome in the Eye of carnal Reafon, to fee die Ambaffadors of CHRIST with equal Power, having a fniall Lively hood, of feven or eight hundred Merks a Year: This Sim- plicity of the Gofpel is defpifed ; and there- fore a Lordly Pompuous Government, with outward Glory, of forty or fifty Thouiand Merks r and Prelates Idolaters. 13 I Merks a Year, and taking Place of all the Subje&s of the Kingdom : O that's brave/ Uje. Is it lb, That Idolatry, or corrupting of , . the Worfhip of GOD, is a Sin to which Maris • ■ Nature is very prone and inclined? Then it gives us Ground to fear that there is more Idolatry, i and of this Sin among us, than we are well r: aware oi] and that this Prelacy draws deeper inow at this Time than we dream. Remember, there is no Sin hath prevailed in all Ages fo much, and among k> many ;. Multitudes, as this Sin ; it would be a rare Thing, if it were not fo now among us at ••this Time : Let all the LORD's People take : heed to this, Beloved, I do conieis, this ■■(I think) more concerns you, than many *1\ think : There are many, who will con- : . lefs, There hath been great Jpoftacy in the Land, . and there is much Wickedmfs broke out, and the I j People of GOD them/elves, to have left much of : their firfi Love ; but the Sin of Idolatry to be a- • mongjk them ! they think, // is not ccme to that : 1 yet : The Prelate is indeed an Officer of Maris ej Invention ; and the Curats are little worth as : 1 to their Perfons : And fome will go the Length to fay, They ought to be difcountenanced 3 but I I they cannot fuffer, nor believe, That the : Charge Jhould be ftmtned up fo far, as to make • all, that any way complies with them, and re- - cetves the Ordinances at their Hands, to be guif- \\$ty of Idolatry ; The Ordinances are yet pare? i and ye think it, afar other Cafe with you, than it : ; 14 Prelacy an Idol, it was with the People of the Jews, when the worjhipped Baal. Beloved, I confefs, tho' thefe many Yean I have had fo much Convi£iion, and Light, as to refrain from hearing of the Curats, yet till of late did I never think, that this Sin did draw fo deep, as now the Lord hath convin- 1 ced me it doth ; I muft ingenuoufly, acknow- ledge and declare, that within thefe few Months, fuch a prevailing Light from the Scripture hath ihined upon me, as to that Mat- ter that I do indeed believe the Lord to be as much offended, at our contenancingtheC//ra/j by hearing of them, as at the worshipping of the Calves at Dan and Bet he L I love not to debate much, I would have you to take thefe feven Confiderations to Heart Firft, let us but compare our Cafe with the Cafe of the vf* jible Church of the Jews at this Time, when this Prophet fpoke to them It's well known, that this Whoredom, this Idolatry, hefpeaks of, was the Change that Jeroboam made in GQD's Worlhip , where ye have a fourfold Corruption. Firft, In that he did worlhip the Invisible GOD by Images, two Calves, which he caufed fet up. Secondly., That he did put out the Levites, who only were allow- ed by GOD, to ferve in the Prieft's Office, and did fet up the bafeft of the People to niini- fter in their ftead, as our Rulers are now do- ing. Thirdly, That he did change the Place of Worlhip, from Jerufdlem, where GOD appointed it, to Dan, and Bethel, and other high I and Prelates Idolaters. i $ ligh Places and Groves. Fourthly, That he appointed a Feaft of his own Invention like into the Feaft of the Lord, all which ye ^ iave in the latter Part of 12. Chap. 1 Kings. „et us look to our (elves, and iee whether we jiave not like wile corrupted the Service of i*OD, have wenotietupanOfficerin GOD's .iouie, to continue there, which CHRIST .ever lettled nor appointed y and doth not all Ordinances flow, principally from his Autho- rity y have we not like Jeroboam thruft out Ijfce faithful Servants of CHRIST out of ^)oors, and taken the Keys from them, and r,;iventhem to a Sort of People, that CHRIST fij ifcharged to fpeak of his Covenant, or open )( beir Mouths, as bafe every Whit as thefe, \ feroboam made Priefts unto the Lord, Men of c o Conlcience, nor Honour, but will comply . yith every Thing w r herein Gain is to be had ; j > there not a Feait Day, and holy to be kept r early as the Sabbath is y and is not that a profitable Way of expounding of Scripture, j .ommended to us, by the Examples of God's j frophecs and Servants of Old, now difchar- 5 jed by Law, and taken away from God's Vorftiip - y and are there not Things added as \ leceiiary Parts of Worfhip, that God never . urdened his People with y fuch as finging of , le Doxology, repeating of the Creed, and [ lord's Prayer, and are not all thefe, Men's . iventionsj and if not Idols of the Hands, e et Idols and Works of the Underftanding ; ) ad is not the Worfhip of GOD thereby mixt r and 1 6 Prelacy an Idol, and defiled j and what did all Jeroboam 's Sin amount to, but this the defiling of the Wor- ship of GOD with Man's Inventions ^ Second ly, That fuch as did worihip Images in all Ages, did not fin, as to the Obje£t ofWori fhip; that is j that they did not ultimately in tend the Worihip to the Image, but unto the true GOD, that thefe Images, did reprefent,| but did fin in the Manner of Worfhip : The firft Command did indeed dire£t us as to the' Object of Worfhip,' or fhew us whom we fhould worfhip The fecond Command doth dire£t and command the right Manner of wor fhipping that Objefl:, and doth forbid the worfhipping of him any other Way than what is appointed by himfelf, in his Word, and doth forbid to worfhip him by Images, be- caufe the way of Worfhip, was the ordina- ry Way by which Men did corrupt the Wor- fhip of GOD at that Time, and therefore all other Ways of corrupting the Worfhip, are by that forbidden, and condemned ^ . and hence ye find, that the Heathens when chal- lenged for direfting their Worfhip to Images, did reply, it was not Wood, nor Stone, that L they did worfhip, but the Invifible GOD, re presented by that \ and fo did the idolatrous Jews defend themfelves. To Morrow is a Sa- crifice unto the LORD. Exod. 32. And wh./(Iay a Man, much lefs thought it, but the ::Lord, in Point of Guilt thought it all alike ; ;• and for my Part I fear that many, who de- : ,i 7 otely go to the Church, and hear the Carats^ -thinking that they honour God thereby, will : be reckoned, to worfhip the Devil. $dh 9 That there are Idols of the Under ft and- : . : «g 5 as well as Idols of the Hand ', Hof 13 2. That is, That not only doth the Work- : -"nan's Hand frahte an Image by which he t'J C wor- 1 8 Prelacy an Idol, worfhips GOD, and in which he approaches unco GOD y but like wife, the idolatrous proud Mind, when itforgeth Ways and Inventions in the Service of GOD, to beautifie it, or as more convenient \, it makes an Idol s and there-! fere, that' humane Invention, of a conftant, fixt ordinary Officer in the Houfe of GOD, with a Lordly Power above his Brethren, is an Idol j tho' not of the Hand, yet of the Mind and Un~ derjlanding, out of which it is forged -> and fo is any other Invention of Man in GGD's Ser- vice: And thus all humane Inventions, cor- rupting the Worlhip of GOD, are all named by the Name oi Images, in the fecond Com- mand : It matters not then, tho 5 ye do not worlhip GOD by the Idol made with the Hands, if ye worlhip him, by the idols made by the Un- der (landing : It was no great Matter, as to the Guilt of Idolatry, whether the Idol that was worlhippedj was made by a Smith, or Graver of Stone, or Silver, Gold, or whether it had the * (hapeof a Man. or a Be aft, all was Idolatry] lb it is no Matter, if ye worlhip GOD, by an unlawful Mean, or Idol, or Invention, whether that be the Work of the Handj or of the Under/landing, it is Idolatry. Afihly, Coniider, That not only fuch, who didfet up, invent and authorize Idolatry, or an unlawful Way of Worlhip, were guilty of Idolatry , but fuch as in Obedience to that Command and Authority, did go alongs and comply with that Worlhip, whether Officers or common People : Nebuchadnezzar only, nor and Prelates Idolaters. 19- )r Jeroboam only did fin, in fetting up the golden Image, or the two Calves j but all fuch, as either for Fear, or any other End, ;. did worlliip the golden Image, or go to Dan v and Bethel, and lacrifice, were in like Man- ner guilty thereof: And therefore, are the King and Rulers. andBifhopsandCurats not , only guilty of Idolatry, but all, who join with them, in the unlawful Worihip, which ;. proceeds from that 'unlawful Authority, ..which is the Idol of Man's Understanding, and : the Dagon, that is fet up inftead of the Ark of .GOD, are like ways guilty. Stbly, Conlider, That our coming to GGD's Houfe, with the Body oi the People, to hear GOD's Word, is not only a Mean of Edifica- tion, but a- Matterial jiff of Wbrjbifo whereby r : ,W£ exprefs fome Part of our Homage to him$ r: and therefore if there be Idolatry, or any • Thing oihimiane Invention in that, as the Cu- rate's Authority, by which he preaches, is, we worihip GOD- by Idols ; our Worfliip is corrupted, as well as when we fet up an exter- nal Image before us, when we pray and direct our Worfliip to that. 6tbly, That however in the Times of \gno- ranee, GOD according to his long fuffering Goodnefs, did zvink at Sins of Worfliip, of Practice, yea, and at Errors in Doctrine too; yet when the LORD was pleafed, to declare his Mind more clearly, as to thefe Things, and to ftir up his Servants, to teftifie againft them, and fo concerned himfelf by his Provi- C 2 dence, 20 Vrelacy an Idol, dence, they come under another Confiderati- on, and are no way to be tollerate : The Sin of Idolatry was a Sin, that Rachel 'a godly Woman, lived in for a while : How many of the Patriarchs and the godly King's lived in Yolygamy, and had Concubines ? When the Ifraelites lived in Egypt, they had Idols yet were differed and born with, till GODfe declared his Mind more fully again ft that Sin, and then nothing but Severity. We would not now count them Chriftians, nor converfe with a Man of luch Ways, if a Man, ir even after Chrift came in the Flefh, believed on a MeJJiah, tho 3 he was not perfwaded, that this Mejjiah was come already, he might be faved ; but when the LORD by his Word and Works declared, That he was already come, then except ye believe, that lam he, y cannot have Life in you, Joh\ 2 Epiflle,?^ is -the Antichrift, bat he that denieth a Mcjftah, but he that denieth, he is come in the F/eJh already ? This was the Truth of the Times : Ye fee that the Jews, that were firft brought to re- ceive the Gofpel, did ftick to many of the old Ceremonies, and which by Chrift his coming and Refurrection, were indeed really abro gated 5 fuch as Circumcifion, and feveral Wafliings, and Meats: How tenderly the ApofiJe dealeth himfelf with them,* and how careful he is to have others carry fair to themj hut look again, where he fpeaks of the fame Things, at other Times, and to other Per- fons, as to the Corinthians, dnd Galatians, what and V relates Idolaters. 21 ■what Severity doth ne ufe ? Now, the Rea- son is, thele to whom he ufed Severity, were J 1 People that had received much Light, that J had caften off theie Ceremonies j and there- iifore to take them up again, was very intolle- rable in them ; but theffc to whom he is fo fa- > vourable, were Perfons, that never had caft- [ en them off, but were all their Days bred with them, and never knew fo clearly their > chriftian Liberty : And therefore tho' I have Abundance of Charity, to the godly Bifhops ' in the primitive Times, and to many Bifhops a living in other Places, and might go a ■ great Length with them, in Refpe£t the Lord : had not cleared that Mattery yet here in S ct/and, we cannot fo much, as part with a i) Hoof in that Matter j But to /fund to the Liber- y ty, wherewith Chrifi hath made us free, and ' not be again entangled, with the Yoke of Ben* dage. *]thly 3 And laftly confider, Thatthefe Things, :: wherein the Servants of GOD did pew fo much v Zeal, and the LORD was fo fevere againfi, were inthemfelves, and as they did appear to ^humane Reafon, bat(/f finall Moment: What was the great Quarrel all alongft from Jero- ?;/7 5 sTime, till the Captivity, but the Place ot Worihip ? what a fmall Thing did Daniel ihoofe fuffering for ? Net a Hoot, quoth Mofes: -. How did the Apoftles contend againft Circum- ^e,:[iOTi, againft the Obfervation of Days, and .."•■"night not the People fay, as ye do now, , Why docs Mofes, and the Prophets, and Apojlles i: , make 22 Vrelacy an Idol, make fuch a Stir about jo fmall a Matter? we worfhip the true GOD, and have the Subftance of Religion, and why Jhould there be a Fire rat fed in the Church, for the Ceremony of the Place of Worfhip ? And do ye not fay the fame many of you, What a Work is here for Government : what great Matter is tt, whether the Government he Presbytenal or Eptfcopal, if I live a good Life ? I hope it will not be ask'd at me, at the Day of judgment, Whether was I Presby te~ rian, or Epifcopal ? We have the true Religion, md found Dottrine preached-, and why jhould Folk be fo contentious, as to lirive for Circum- fiances. Well Sirs, look ye on it, as ye willy the LORD looks on it otherwife ; and know it, however ye think. It fhali not be asked, what Judgment ye were of, and what Party ye took by the Hand : Know it, thou arr,t and fhall be deceived : Many (I queftion not) j never dream'd, that ever they fhould be r queflioned anent that Place they worfhipped I at; fo they worfhipped the true GOD, with a [ fincere Heart, and good Mind ; for that was,j | fo fmall a Matter, that they did not think id 1 fit to difobey Authority, or feparate from the? | Church, or expofe themfelves to fufFering for, [ Obferv. 2. That the Sin of Idolatry^ or cor- ^ rupting of God's Worfhip, is a very great Sin in thi Sight of God, and one of the greatefi Sins, that a i { Yeopk can (?e guilty of, however fmall the Matte? (/. mayfeem to fome. And this appears, firft, iron the Names it gets in Scripture: It's called \\ Whoredom, Idolatry or Adultry; ye fee, 'tL c her< id and Yr elates Idolaters 23 lere called Whoredom and Adultery : Now ye enow the Sin of Adultry is a very odious Jin. But why is the Corruption of Worihip :alled by the Name of Adultery, or Whore- lorn in the Scripture, fo frequently as in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and in this Prophecy: The Reafon I conceive is this, that as Adul- ery doth alienate the Mind of the Adulterefs rom her Husband, fo doth the Corruption of he Worihip alienate the Mind, very ftrange- y from GOD ; caird therefore a departing •rom Him : O what Apoftacy hath followed ;V his Idol of Prelacy ! and what Diftanoe from SOD! And then again, in regard of the rervent Lulling, that the Idolaters have to •heir Idols, as the Adulterer hath after the Adulterefs : O how zealous are the Yrelates, ] \nd Perfecuters for Submiffion to them ! what Severity againfl Non-conformifts\ what Pu- : Xtifhrnents for a Ceremony, that are of all Men ^aoit lax and loofe, as to other Things, whofe ^eal only appears in their Superftition ; and - >ence, to be mad, and inflamed with their Idols. ^aflly, I fuppofe 'tis called Whoredom and A- ■uhevy, in refpe£l, that as Adultery is the • ireftelt Breach of the Marriage Covenant; - j when Men corrupt the Worihip of GOD, iey in this call off GOD as their Husband, ; nd make their Hearts, or Men, or the Wills f Men their God : Hence, Yut away thine '■'tdu/teries from between thy .Breajls, or elfe,\Z be no Husband to the. This Rebellion U likewife called Witchcraft, in refpeft oi the 24 Prelacy an Idol, the ftrong and wonderful fecret Deflru6Hor of the Soul : Is it not Matter ot aftoniftiic Wonder, that thefe, who follow Prelacy, the? formerly known to be devout Men and fober, how are they bewitched with it, to break out fb univerfally, into grofs Evils! 3 Tis faid Baalam ufed his Enchantments •> do ye think thefe were the Charms the Devil uied him with, or taught him ? it is not like he would feek GOD in thefe - y 'tis his fuperfti- tious Way of worshipping, and enquiring of GOD, in his own ceremonious Way, fome times in this Place, and fometimes in the other, and his Multitude of Altars, and Con- ceits 3 however thefe Names given to it iho ws, it was a great Sin. 2. A fecond Thing, that demonftrates the exceeding great Sintulnefs of Idolatry, is the fad and woful Concomitants and Confequent$ of it $ for we never fee the Worfhip of GOD corrupted in a Place, but all manner of Wick ednefs breaks in with it. Thir idolatrous Jews did not only corrupt the Worfhip, but did break out into Murders, Lying, Igno- rance, Oppreffion and many other Sins ; and look but to ourfelves, no (boner was Prelacy fet up, and the Government corrupted, but as if the bottomlefs Pit had been immediately opened, out did there flow fuch a Flood of Prophanity, and Ungodlinefs with it, thorow the whole Land, and it was ever fo ; Ungod- linefs and Prophanity follow Prelacy, as the Shadow doth the Body. fie and Prelates Idolaters. 25 idly, The fad Judgments and outward Evils, that this Sin did bring on, do abun- :! dandy manifeit the Sinfulnefs of it : Ye fee how it is threatned here, That unkfs would put her Adulteries from between her Breajfs, that he would be no Husband to her, that he would Jtrip her naked, and Jlay her Children, and no more acknowledge them, as his Children, but as fo many Ba- ' fiards, Children of Whoredom. I fear all the Bairns that are baptized by the Cu- 1 rats, GOD reckons them, as Children of Whoredom 5 we fee fome of the fad ' Effects of our Idolatry already, but when the Sword, Famine or Pejlilence will rage in this Land, then ihall ye fay, Wo to Idols, Wo is me that ever I heard a Curate, fourthly, The Evil of it appears in this, that the Lord doth fo much con- cern himfelf in it, in witneffing againfl j it, was not this the great Quarrel thac \ the Lord did plead uninterruptedly, for , for fome hundreds of Years ao-ainlt his j People, the High Places? And is not . this the capital Sin that he moll cries out a- . gainft, even where there were other Sins ? And have not the Labours, Lives, and For- tunes of many of his precious People been \ war'd to deftroy this Prelacy ? and did all 3 thefe Worthies fight, and labour, to die D up 26 Prelacy an Idol, for nothing ? Was the Lord only taken up with a Notion, thefe fourfcore Years bygone ? There are iome Folk looks on theie Things, as Matters of fo {mail con- cernment, that they think God, and all his gracious ServantsFools, that ever did make fuch a work, about it, as they have done, bu: Wifdonl is fuftified of her Children. J$>ueft. But what makes it fo great an Evil ? I anfwer, became when the Wor- ihip of GOD is corrupted, the Autho- rity of God himfelf is caft off, when we mix our own Inventions in the Wqr- fhip of GOD, or obtrude them upon others, 'tis a making of ourfelves GOD, and invading the" Royal Prerogative of CHRIST, whole itf is only to prefcribe Laws to his Church, and there is but one Law-giver, this is clear, iSam. 12. when the People were wearied with that Form ot Civil Policy, GOD, for many Years had given, and which he judged molt fuitable for them, and delired a King af- ter the Manner of the Nations, the Lord tells Samuel be not thou troubled, be- caufer that thou, or thy Sons are caften off, they have not caften thee off, but me faith "the. Lord: why lb? becaule they were weary of that Government, he bad fhaped out for them, and would be their avd Prelates Idolaters. 27 their own Carvers, and thus reje&ed , GOD: and if in Civil Government the , Lord takes it ill, that his Government , is rejected, ihall he not much more, who ' is King of his Church, take it ill, and count himfelf rejected if his Laws be difc- penfed with, and that Government which 'in. his Word he hath fettled, and carved sut, as moft convenient to his Church, be reje&ed, and another of Man's In- dention, be fet up in its ftead ? What a great lnvafion of the Royal Prerogative and Breach of the Privileges of Parlia- ment is it, it the People, or inferior She- riffs or Judges, fhall rule their Shires, by other Laws, and Cuftoms, than the Laws 'of the Kingdom already eftablifhed , Chrfft's Crown will be found too heavy ;(as one faith well) for any mortal Man to wear. Ufe, See hence what Caufe there is of deep Humiliation, for this Sin of Ido- latry, for changing ChriiVs Govern- ment, and-fecting another Form, and other Officers, whom Chrift hath not ap- pointed in his Houfe, and calling out thefe Servants, to whom Chrift entrufted the Keys of his Houfe: Hear this, ye that willingly follow the Commandire r , that bow the knee to Baal^ by your D 2 Com- ill 28 Prelacy an Idol, Compliance, and hearing of the Idol Shepherds, remember your Sin is the Sin of Idolatry, and this is as Witch- craft, ye have caften off the Laws of) Chrift, and ye are as guilty in the Sightlfe of GOD, as thefe who did worlhip ac t Dan, and Bethel, let us hear your Obje£U-i ons. Ob j eft. 1. The mofi ye can fay is, That the Government is corrupted -> this fays no-l thing to the Wbrjfrip ; 'tis extrinftck to it. IR anfwer Jeroboanfs Idolatry, was not on ly in that he yorfliiped the Calves, butlo. in that he fet other Governours and Mini Hers, and Prielts to minifter and to offe Sacrifice, than the LORD appointed, and fo now, other' Officers are fet up, | which the LOR.D hath not approven GOD never allowed a lordly Prelate,! as Officer in his Church, nor a perju- red fcandalous Perfon to be a Miniller. Secondly, If the Government of the Church be corrupted, the Worfhip of GOD cannot be pure, but likewife cor rupted 5 for where there is an unlawful Government, there the Governors are unlawful, and if the Governors be un- lawful, there the A6ls of preaching, which iflue from them, and in which they worlhip God, mult likewife be; unlawful and Prelates Idolaters. 29 . nlawful and corrupted , for pure Wor- : lip requires, that one in lawtul Autho- rity dilpenfe it, and officiate in it. thirdly, 'Tis indilterent whether it ie the Worfhip, or Government that is orrupted: I lay the Laws of ,CHRIST re violated, the Command ot GOD eaches to Government, as well as to :: 'Vorfhip, and who fhall change or add o the one, invades the Prerogative of I. thrift, as well as he, who fhall add to, .v>r change the other : The Government E >f Chrift's ^Church is that which concerns -he Service of GOD, and we make Idols n Government as well as in Worfhip: Tis impoffible to have pure Worfhip, :, vhere there is impure Government ; 1: :nd imlawful Minifters cannot preach e.. awfully. .. Obje£i 2. J Ti s bat a fmaU Matter, hat there is a Corruption to, we cannot \t\htnk tt will draw fo deep as Idolatry or T.levere, or divide from the Church for fuch [• mall Matters, we fee no Warrant for it : iMufi we be calPd Corrupters of the Worfhip, :ind Idolaters, and as guilty as thefe, who • ■vor flipped the Calves of 'Dan and Bethel, if \yVe but hear a Curate? Anf. 1. No Sin is little, and nothing : rvhere in GOD's Honour is concerned ill' Ihould b i r tr ( 30 Prelacy an Ido? y ihould be thought (mail, the Ieaft Jot * of which is of more Value, than Heaven and Earth, Matth. $ 18. Every Sin is in- finite in regard of its Object, the leaft Sin is more than the greateft Suffering. Secondly, GOD hath ftood much upon fhiall Matters :. Ye lay, 'Tis but a {mallei Matter, what Government be in the Church 3 and was it not a fmaller Mat- ter, where the Worfhip of GOD fhould be performed, might not fuch as wor- fhipped at Dan and Bethel, fay to the Prophets and People, that did fo vehe- mently condemn that Matter, Why ft and ye upon fo finall a Matter ', feeing we wor- fhip one, and the fame GOD, fhall the I Circumftance of the Place make fuch a Stir? When Mofes faid to Pharaoh, Not a HoofA^ might not the reft of the People faid, Mo-\^} fes, ye are too ftri&, the King offers a ^ very good Bargain, we and our Wives, { and our Children, and fome of our m Subftance may go away, and for a!|j : whine Kine, or Oxen, or Horfes, bet- ter not to fland on that, that endangers the whole Body of the People of GOD, in an endlefs cruel Slavery ? And there- fore tho' thefe Things appear fmall to you, yet we fee, GOD looks not fo upon them. thirdly, and'Preiates Idolaters. 3 1 Thirdly, Tho' the Sin of Prtlaty might ; 3e thought fmall in itfelf, and of little Regard in fome Places, and at lome Times, yet not lb now; Confider Pre- lacy, as it is circuraftanced, and ye Will find it no iinall Things Prelacy is 'low clearly difcovered to be a Sin, 'tis ;;i Sin againft Lights and therefore tho' Wi were little, yet being againft Light, •-his makes it great j Prelacy and the -Curates are now generally difowned by •11 the Godly in the Lands the LORD * >iath fo far appeared againft Prelacy, that •*ince the Reformation hath been, that |fer which Mtcbael and his Angels hath ■ bughten, againft the Dragon and his >Angels - y againft which the LORD'S ■People have war'd and fpent their Time, J Uabours, Eftates, and many thoufand rf their Lives, to get this Plant rooted I Hit ; and after all this, is it fo fmall a /latter to comply with ? and hath not lie LORD, fo dreadfully witneffed gainft this Weed, that all who adhere o it, are {o curled, that they carry the jSark of Hell upon them j a few yet ^erfecuting, devQte, painted Tombs ex- epted. Fourthly, Compliance with the Cu- •ites may feem fmall, but it is an Intro- du&ion 32 Prelacy an Idol, du&ion, to greater Matters, if Man b< tollerated to fet up an Officer in GOD 5 Houfe, of his own Invention, and pai and add to the Worfhip, where wil he ftr, let this fmall Leak be, and wha Matters may come in, came not th great Antichrift in at this Crivefe ? Obje£L 3. Or ye will fa%, ibe fieafa why the LORD was fo offended with the big 01 Places, was, becaufe the Place of Worfhi \ was clearly y and particularly detennined c t GOD in his Word, it was a plain Cafe ; m I fo the Matter of Government, which is mo ye quifq'uous to fame. ne Anf Yet the Godly do generally ni ways doubt ol it ; yea, we may fay, an Co can prove it. That the Government u\ CHRIST' s Church is as particularly determined in the Word of GOD, an the Place of W orfhip was under the Ohen Teflament : If this feem ftrange to yo 1 know further, T'hat thefe who joined h the Service of B*aal, and went to Dim and Bethel to worfhip, did as much % that Time queftic m, whether the Pl^jfc of Worfhip was determined, as ye (^ the Government,, whether it be dete mined s and neither Priefts nor People would ever acknowledge, that in goiiy*; to Dan and Betha I to worihip, they d \ trai and Prelates Idolaters. 3 3 ranfgrefs any exprefs Command: It's rue the Prophets, and Faithful of the ..and were fully and truly perfwaded >f the contrary ; and had Ground for fo ping likewife ; and fo are the LORD's People (fome of which, yet hear the 'urates) perfwaded of the Unlawful- efs of Prelacy, and have as real Grounds ;Drit, as others had of Old. Ye fay ftill Hoat of the Place of Worfhip was clear ^ and z wonder how any could be in the dark as V that : And we wonder as much, how e can be in the dark as to the Govern- lent j fo that the Cafe is ftill the fame, .T.nd were you living at thatTime, when the ^Vorfhip was corrupted, ye would then ;s much have debated, for the Indiffe- rence of the Place of Worfhip, as ye dan do, for the Indifference of the Go- vernment. Object. 4. We cannot think it, fo dangc- otis a Bujinefsy as you fay ; becauje there 'jere many very pious Men^ that were Bi- b:ps, and if it were fuch an Evil , I think iich pious and holy Men would fiever have ■ cceptedthe Charge. % I anfwer, It doth not follow : I grant videed there were many pious and god- y Men, who were Bilhops, but that was :a the Times of Ignorance: There were E - many 34 Prelacy an Idol, many pious andgodly Perfons, that mar* ried two Wives that were Concubines^ it will not follow therefore. That nowl to have many Wives, is a f mall Thing : ^ There were Difciples, that heard not J* Jo much as of the Holy Ghoft, and were bap tized y will ye call fuch Ignorants Difci pies now ? Paul did efteem that fuehjjjj among the Romans, and profelyted Jews, who were weak, and obferved Days, and® were circamcifed, were to be born with, and not to be cenfured, feeing they did it ante the LORD : Did he therefore contra- di£t himfelf, or judge it a fmall Thing hi the Galatians and Corinthians, when'j he faid to them, than obferved Days and* rears, I fear my Travel is in vain ? What* 1 may be tollerable, and conliftent with' 01 Grace in fome Perfons, and at fomdJ e Times, may be very inconiifient with* 1 it in other Perfons, and at another Time. 1 J? Objeft. 5. But all the Curates are not Jdf wicked, as ye call them, fome fifthenl are very . ' fiber, and given to no Vice, and are painfuP and able, and well gifted, and (hall we not u hear them? I anfwer, tho 5 I grant this, but of very few of them, yet what fol- lows ; I queltion not, but iome otBaafd Prielt's were more devote than other sj mi of the Vhanfees, which perfecuted 1 Chrift a tii 1 t fc and Prelates Idolaters. 35 thrift, fome were more devote than o- hers, info much that they were not far rom the Kingdom of GOD i and this Day mong the Papiits, tho' generally their 4unks be ignorant, proud, carnal and nclean, and more taken up with State Matters, than their Books ; yet are there )mej who are very learned and devote, ake much Pains in rheir own Wav : It's wonderful, where it is faid in fome Chap- zxmAcis, 7 hat certain dewte Women per- rented Paul > jffis 13. 50. How were Jhey devote, when they were iuch Perfe- uters ? They had a moral outward De- motion, in their own Way ; and tho 5 fome f the Curates be more lober than others, md as touching the Law blamelefs j what rj^oth that prove, and what tho' there yere no more to obje£l againft them, but .his, their Idolatry, their Verjwj^ their jviding from the People of GOD, were not ihis enough ? Obje£h 6th, But the Curates breach good ]nd found Dottrine, and therefore we may mar them. I anfwer, I queftion not, but ihe Priefts, and Prophets of Dan and Re- bel and of Baa/, and the Scribes, and Pha- tifees, were found in every Truth except 2 thefe which were debated in the Times ; 1 all Ages they taught one GOD, who E 2 was oao f O v cr! is 36 Prelacy an Idol,, was to be loved, and honoured, tho 5 they grofly erred, as to thefe Truths which at that Time fell under Debate :toe:; The Curates are found in every Point, bO; except as to the Point of Chuch Govern- ft:: ment, the Obligat on of the Covenant :W Look therefore, as it was not lawful W. to countenance the Priefts of Dan and Be-m tbely nor the Scribes arid Pharifees, tho 5 lean they preached found Doctrine, as to many tfe Points of Religion, fo no more the Gti-p rates ; the controverted Truths of the feo Time, are the greateft. Obje£l. nth* We are but Vaffkes* tM this Charge againf} the Curates were all pro- ven* yet it concerns us nothing : We acknow- ledge them indeed guilty* who fet them up. : ice AnlVer, Look as Jeroboam* who fet up V the Calves at Bethel* was not only guil- ts ty, but all thefe who worfhipped, in that prohibited Place of Worfhip; So not on- U ly are our Rulers guilty, but all who . willingly follow the Commandment, and comply by Subjeftion, to the Com- mands of thefe who fet up an unlawful fe Wor(hip v p Object. $th. But what pall we do* we can hear no ethers* /hall we flay at home* on the Sabbath Days? I an- iV/er, Firft, Better fpend the Time fo, - — — and "Prelates Idolaters. . 37 >, as the Lord will help you, thantdgo ^ o an idolatrous corrupted YVorftiip, and lereby eftablifh Prelacy. Secondly, iOD hath not left himielf without a V^itnefs in this, few Places of the Land tot, by expofing your felves to Suffer- 'ig, and walking, or riding a few liles, ye may have the Occafion of earing an honeft Miniiter. Thirdly, light not the idolatrous Jews lay the *tme Things in Jerobearas Time, if we to, not to Dan and Bethel, there is no ther Place of Worfhip that we can go 3 without Hazard, and therefore bet- •*r Sacrifice here, tho' nor in all Things s we would delire, than to want Sacri- xe altogether, or be; deftroyed by Au- thority I This will not do : Do rather s the faithful at that Time, that upon all hazard ventured to go to Jerufakm, vhere the true Worfhip was fettled. ! Ufe fecond, May ferve to vindicate he Practices of GOD's People in thefe > ^ands, who will not hear the Curates, hat feem nice, and too flrifl: in this Point, Ih they dare net, they look upon as it is, ted Indeed Idolatry, and as to the go- ng to Bethel and Qilgal, they look upon joing to Church, as no leis than the wor- shipping 3 8 Prelacy m Idol, ihipping of the Calves, thefe Matter \i which ye fay, ye would not lay the Stref. y,r of your Suffering upon, are greater Mat tcrs than ye fuppofe.. Obferve 3%, Its the Duty of th Lord's People who have obtained Mer-j cy of God, to be faithful' and flraightL, to plead with the Body of the apoftat<| f i Church in which they are, plead with your Mother plead, that is, ftrive with her, to take her from her corrupt Courfes,!^ Queftion, By what Means fhould we plead r jt ; . jinfwer. By ihewing, and convincing hei{ er the Evil of her Ways, both publickly^ . and privately, to demonftrate to her^x her iinful Courfes, Ezek. 20. 2. SheiA.^ the Hon re of I fr a el her Tranfgrejfions^ ititf ^ might be had, there fhould be a publickb. Testimony for this Effect, but if this can- L not be had, let every faithful Society doL fbmething in Order to this, many know Li not the Sinfulnefs of their Courfes, or| r , the great Evil in them, let it be yourl Work to convince fuch. zdly. By ex-] jj, horting of her, that is by Suafion, pref- |L r i ling our Neighbours and thefe whom! we may have Occafion, to converfe with j L not to go alongs with the Courfes of L the Times, but in Time to come out}/ of' 1 and Prelates Idolaters. 39 r Babylon, idly, By denuncing of the /"rath of GOD againft the Courfes of le Times, not only by convincing them f their Sinfulnefs, but alfo of their E- 1. ^thly, By a contrary Pra&ice, and •ithdrawing from all that follow the ourfe of defe£ting, this is a pleading, !s Folly to talk and reafon with Men, the wonted Fellowfhip be continued. le give you three or four Rules in your leading. Firjf, Be conftant in your pleading, it not one Teftimony, one Exhortation itisfy you, but continue with much long offering till ye fee nothing will do, but a withdrawing and upgiving. Secondly, Plead with Love, and efpe- aly remembring fhe is your Mother, nd that thefe whom ye plead with, re Members of the fame Body, howe- ver they be corrupt, 2. Timothy 2. 25. W meeknefs, intruding them that cppcfb wemfehes* \ Thirdly, Plead plainly and freely, fo *s they may know what ye would be ft, let not the Trumpet give an uncertain nwd, but declare to the Houfe of Jacob heir Tranfgreffions. ' Fourthly, Plead practical] y, plead in- ed, as well as in word, iet your Con- verfadon. d 40 Prelacy an Idol, . verfation, keeping a Diftance with all that * is corrupted, be a living Teftimony againft, / the Times Corruptions. Queft. Why Jhottld we plead with oml Mother in a Time of Defettwn? Anf. Firft,!f for the End (if poffible) to get fome J1( drawn out of the Snare of the Devil, and the faithful Endeavours of God's|j! People, are not always in vain as to' 1 this, this is the End of pleading here,' that flie may put away her Adulteries from^ between her Ereafts, and fo let us now' 1 plead with the Apoftate Church, Guides!) and others, it may be, fome may be * gain'd. idly, To glorify GOD, and keep! up the Remembrance of his Truth; if-; we can do no Good to others ^ yet we fhall be Witnefles for the Lord, and keep the Remembrance of his Name, and Truths up, Pfa. 45. 17. %dly\ We fhould plead for this Caufe to make obfti- nate Folk inexcufiible, in the Day off Judgment, and this our Warnings will do, if they do no more: They might, have faid, Alas! Lord we knew no bet- ter, we never beard tell of the Sin of bear- ing the Curates, & r e zvere left in Darknefs. No iaith the Lord, / gave you Light , it was not want of Lipht^ I tefiiffd plainly againft all thefe Qditrfes, and therefore tt was and Prelates Idolaters. 41 ■pas your Love to the World^ and yottr Ob- hnacy^ ye would not receive In ft ruff ion ^ and here/ore depart. Oh Sirs, I tell you, Mi- lifters fhall be your greaceft Plagues, and re lhall curfe the Day, ye heard an ho- ,ieft Minitter. Mattb.ix. 24. Ufe ift. of Reproof to fuch as will lot plead at all in this Day of De- iftion, and there are five feveral Sorts fit them. Firft, Such as in their Judg- ment condemn this Way of it, that ,:hink what have private Perfons to udge of the A£tions of the Church, :hat fay Fie not meddle with thefe Things. I will refer them to God if [ he wrong, for I am no Judge of thefe Things. Yet here Beloved, plead with four Mother Ammi^ and Rubamab 9 they ire deiired to plead with their Mother, md that without any Breach or their Mothers Privileges : 5 Tis true, they iihould not affurne to themfelves, who ire private Perfons, a judicial Power Dve* their Mother, but a Charitative Judgment they may. 2^/y, Such as go along with their Mother in all her lin- ful Courfes whatever their Judgment Jthinks. idly^ Some fatisfy themfelves with their Opinions againft the Corrup- tions of the Church, and go not to F Church ILzl 42 Preljcy an Idol, Church, yet testify not againft them, they are paffive, not a£Hve, they nei- ther go along, not yet refill, nor plead. \thly, fuch as plead at leaft in Di£» courle againft their Mother for all her^' Sins, fave that which Ike is moil guilty of, *■ and for which we ought moll to plead with ,J her, her Adulteries: Ye will getma-^ is ny who will regrate the Abundance of v . Profanity that hath broken in, the Decay "ji of Zeal, and the want of GOD's Pre- fence (there is no Hazard that this Pleading expofes Folk unto) but never a Word againft the Idol of Prelacy 5 corrupting of the Worihip, &t\ Sthly, Such that join not in Worihip, and yet goes along with them in other Things, I will get you many, who never heard a Curate, that keep Fellowlhip with Curates,, and Apjftates, eat and drink needleily with them, are conformed in their Converfatioa to them ; this is not right Pleading. Ufi'. 2d. See then, what is one great and peculiar Duty of the Times, even for the Faithful: to plead wivh their Mo- ther, to hold cat the Sin and hvil of the pre font Jpftacy^ especially Compliance . with Prelacy , and the Idolatry of the j Worihip, to all PcrfonvS, and when we have o r !!( and Prelates Idolaters. 43 ive Occalion ; this ought to be our ge- ral Work. Gbferv. 4th. The Sin of Idolatry^ and tfttptiok) as to the Worfhip oj GOD y is Forerunner to^ and brings on great Jttdg- fifSj and fore Evils upon that Land^ where is corrupted ± as ye .may fee GOD threat- N s to divorce them^ to Jlay them with yvrjl) to Jlrip them naked. I cannot flay ng upon this, but I will tell you five, fix Evils, that are like to come upon us re in Scotland, if we continue in our Jolatsy. \fi. GOD is like to forfake us alto-, ther, and altogether to give up with , will he be found in an idolatrous brfhip, againft which he hath teftified much: GOD hath already departed ,)m many of us, in a great Meafure; •caufe this is no more laid to Heart; r. this Caufe he left Sbilch. \2. If GOD leave u$ 3 we are like get worfe Mailers in his Place; * will not fubmit to ChrilVs Yoke, 5 like we may be given every one, be opprejjed by our King^ and by one another xh. 11. 6. 3. We are like to lofe the Gofpel, i that there fhall not (but in very v Places of the Land) be found any, F 2 to 44 Prelacy an Idol*, to mention the Nams of the LOR DM] Rev. 2. 5. / will remove the Candlefuck, if 10 ye will not repent. 4. We ihall get corrupt Ordinances; iin ahd Judgments, which it a Man dojjid yet lhali not live: We are like to lie hear Sermons, that fball not convert, and] or a Worfhip that GOD never invented^ nor allowed, inftead of the living 'Owl dinances of GOD, Hof 9. 3. They Jhalm eat unclean Things, in the Land of Afiyria j they pall not dwell in the Lords Land. js y. We are like to meet with the S word,! | -ox Famine, and Peftilence, if we repent \ \ notj when we lhali praife thefe that^rejy dead, when to die, will be more tolle-i rable than to live. In 6. The eternal Curfe of GOD in Hell's Fire fhall follow, and complete your Mi- :1 fery $ this is the laft, and never ending |) Wo. Obferv. 5th. Idolatry continued in^ pro-\ yokes GOD to unchurch a People ; and not to he their GOD, nor acknowledge them any more for his People: God is very jealous, that Folk lerve him, in .his own Way, and when Men meddle with his Worfhip, to add, pair, or change, he is much con- cerned j that look as when jfdomjah fought I Jibifhag irorn Solomon, he anfwered, He miy and Prelates Idolaters. 45 \ ly feek the Kingdom as well : So Men, ! 10' they profefs God as their God, and* > worfhip him, it they do not worfhip Urn in his own Way ; he fays. Let them ek my Kingdom as well: Men, will :; fe Religion, it is true, but will ufe it ; )r themfelves; and hence will meddle i it, according to their Intereit : Hence >ith the LORD, I will not be your 'O D : I am not her Husband. Now, how is this underilood ? There ; no Tie betwixt GOD and an idolatrous ,ad corrupted Church: There are five :Lefpe6b (which I fhall but name) in rhich this is true. In regard that by their Idolatry, they ave done all in them lay, to difown iOD as their GOD, as the Adulterefs oes, what in her lies to difown her Hus- band. 2. In regard of Merit; fhe had in oint of Juitice merited, that GOD fliould /;ive her a Bill of Divorce. j 3. I am net her Husband^ nor Jhe my fife; that is declarative!)^ fhe hath by ler Adulteries declared, That fhe was lifembling, when fhe entred into Cove- nant with me, to become mine, and bo take me for her Lord; fne hath by Jiis declared, that fhe was never real in 46 Vrelacy an Idol, in this j b«t that I was her Husbanc only in the Word, and indeed am no? her Husband. 4. Efte&ually GOD would carry to-j wards her, as towards one, with whoq he had nothing ado, but as ' a fevere Judge. I 5. In regard of what he was begin- ning to do to her; J am not her Hus-* hand, that is, I am already putting her away, and eotring upon the Procefs of d Divorce, and was calling her already by Degrees off. And now to fhut up our Difcourfe at this Time, I would have the LORD^ People to lay this Point more to Heartj than they do, arid efpecially fuch as hear the Curates •> I have fix fad Wordsi to fay to them, and I end. 1 . Your fin, tho' fome of you excufq it, and fome of you mince it, as tho'j it were a fmall Sin ; it is a grievous; Sin, no lels than Idolatry in the Sights of GOD, and ye fhall be judged as| thefe who break Wedlock, the Drunk- j ard, the unclean Perfon, who knows no better fhall fare better than you. 2. Ye will flick to your Sin, your Sin is not only grievous, but it is ftic-j king, and fo binds and chains you, that ye and Prelates Idolaters. 47 e cannot leave it* let us never fo clearly Deak againfl it. 3. Your Sin not only prejudges your * ;lves, but ye refleft upon GOD and : ublickly difhonour hirn. e 4. Ye give a fad Difcovery and SufpU ion of all your Profeffion, that ye want *:ue Grace. Beloved, I do not fay, all "lat bide from the Church have true ] rrace ; but this I fay, Thefe who go, hd bow the Knee to Baal ^ difcover they : r ant Grace 3 and that Straightnefs as to ic Truths of the Times, is one of the "eft outward Evidences of Ele&ion ; 'tis Hain Rom. 11. Paul proves, that there ^as an Eleft Seed in Elijah's Time from his, that there were no lefs than Seven ■"'boitfand that bowed not the Knee to Baal. . 5. Tho 5 ye difown profane Folks, %A the open Perfecuters, and would be Dumed amongft the People of GOD ; x et becaufe ye follow your own croocked : Vays, GOD will lead you forth with the Workers of Iniquity j Hear this ye idola- " "ous Profeflors, ye and Prelates and de- • luched Folk lhall fliare alike. 6. Ye ihall not rejoice when Zion re- : dees, ye lhall never be in Court or Cre- 'it, when the Lord turns back the Cap- : vity of his People, whatever ye iigni- m fv If 48 ' Prelacy an Idol, &c, ty before, ye fhall never bear that BuU again, as it was faid of Egypt, Ye jha\ no -more tip up your Heads among the us dars $ .but jhall be defpz fed Reeds, Ezek. 44 io, 11, 12, 13. The LORD bkfs what hath been faid y • AMEN. FINIS. <&y c&9 <&> Cf%> k