EECu Stem t^e feifirarg of (jBequeaf^eb 6)^ ^tm fo t^e £t6rat^ of (pttncefon C^eofogtcaf ^emtndrg BM 525 .P33 1888 Page, Thomas Frederick The Golden fleece THE GOLDEN FLEECE A BOOK OF JEWISH CABALISM THOMAS FREDERICK PAGE LACONIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, U.S.A. , PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1888 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by T. F. Page, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PRESS OF ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, BOSTON. PREFACE Face and re face ; the two ways of reading language from one print. The face of language, is as divided into syllables and words with one straight meaning, as man makes use of it in framins: laws and transactino: business. Language has to have in it one exact meaning on its face, so man can read of what is taking place in the history of the earth and its inhabitants : any deviation from this, will result in never ending discord. When language is analyzed, a deeper meaning is seen, which leads to a higher knowledge of the law of God, and of his deal- ing with man in that law. Beneath the face of language lays the Hebraic law, always and forever the same. All names in pagan mythology are woven together in this w^ork, and herein is found the method of reading the same ac- cording to the Jews of antiquity ; also the way of approaching the interpretation of sculpture as seen in ruins and remnants of past ages. T. F. PAGE. Laconia, Belknap Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A. GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER I. HEBREW LANGUAGE. Hebrew is to be extracted from any and all languages of the earth, and can never run out. Every letter and utterance in language, has a meaning other than man considers as he makes use of the same in the trans- action of business. They all have a high meaning in the great temple of nature, and there they are God's law as revealed to man.^ Letters are all syllables of themselves, and can be spelled by adding H, E, A, V, to each, and doubling V and putting Y with A and I. U is a clean letter of itself, and its connection with all others is to spell it Y, 0, U. As Y is the urn, and 0 the gateway to im- mortality, they are added to U, as the three arc applied to man. In searching for Hebrew in English, spell each word by let- ters, making them to express conversation as in liou^e. Spell ns H 0 you see. H is told to see 0, and 0 to see H.^ This is by accent. The reader is told the same things as the pronoun may be applied. Spell hours as H oh you are S ; S, becomes H in that way. This is but one way of dividing that word. After spelling ])y letters, spell by letter and syllable in every conceivable possible displacement, and always accent the oh (0) and ah, (R) for there is the ohah (oar, ore) of the sculler, the * The book which Hilakiah found. ^ H is also told that it is C GOLDEN FLEECE. skuller of Golgotha. The difference between those scullers is the sea, (C) and the K = the key ; he saw the key. To put a word into Hebrew, see what other word it contains, and what is in the second word and so on. Leave L, Leave N, leave H, leave I. Leave the second letter of all that are doubled ; double any letter that may be single, add H, add one stick, subtract one stick, add and subtract the crooks, add one I and so on. Find the closest rhyme of a word, then the next and so on. Find the dialect mix in a sentence, and discover how words are joined together; i.e., find a sentence which sounds most like the one preceding it, as — Labor brings pleasure ; Labor rings play sure. Lay brings plays, your Laborings place, you Labor in place. Thus one word or syllable joins on to another by a soft blend until another sentence is formed quite different from the first- This is the harmonious blending of all the dialects of the earth, in which, lays the law Hebraic. Man's life is set on the letter C, the cut circle. D comes next, and is death ; the next is E — the law. Divide 120 by 6, gives periods of 20 years. Add 1 for the sun at each interval ; these are the tender points ; the opening is the Styx = Jordan. a birth. h 2 1 y, ears. c 42 d 63 e 84 f 105 9 126 4|4 1 4 + 5 r= 9, the kat. rig. 1. GOLDEN FLEECE. . 7 The bridge, is the reed, the way to read C ^ = sea, and where and w^hen "read" becomes red. A is darkened as /D — the dif- ference between reed and read. a birt 11. h 7 years c 14 d 2 1 e 2 8 f 35 9 42 h 49 Death Ol|9 6 0l|l5 0 115 ^,. ^ — -~ tig. 2. O 6 Add 1, 9 and 6, = 16 = P. ' Add 1 and 6 = 7 = G — — the 7th letter of the alphabet. Add 9 and G = 15 = 0. Add 1 and 5 = 6 = F. F is the Gth month Virgo, so F becomes V sisrn Yircjin. This is the astrological birth and death unto a new life. The letter G (the holy biblical number) is the letter C with a bridge to close the circle from C to 0; all together, spells COG, see ogee ^^^ the serpent. The point h, is where Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall, and where Peter went into the sea ; see C. This is the river Styx in which Achilles was dipped, and the red sea which Moses crossed. That sea is the fiery furnace, the den of lions, the hanging of Absalom, of Haman, the slaying of Joab, the trials of Job, the death of Saul, the suffering of Pro- ^ Whether that life is short or long, the C is whole all the same, but by a closer division of time; as hours, days, weeks, months, years. In the example, the extreme limit is given so to include all divisions, and the largest circle of the same. A circle of ll'6 seconds is governed by the same law. 8 GOLDEN' FLEECE. metheus, of Apollo, the ftill of Adam, the voyage of Jason, and the place of a scull — skull. He at the t urn of the boat with the one O R sculled across T= t that strait straight; the difference, is the H G = temple and the holy seventh on which God rests the eighth. The book of Esther is an ancient story of the astrological life, and death unto a new life, of Haman the A man. He lived his seven, and was the G man. As the octave dies at seven and is renewed at eight, he became the H man — the silent trip from G to A through the H. He found Esther.^ Est her, he st, by her rod, her — od — Herod. He was Thomas surnamedDidymus the twin — Castor and Pol- lux. As the twin, he bear the names Mordecai^ and Ahasuerus.^ In this wa}', plow with the heifer and find the riddle of Samson. This is music of mysteries, and approaching the profound depths ofcabalism, see a 0, is M. ^ Est F^ . ^ Mort decay I. ^ jj^sli of the whole 13. GOLDEN FLEECE, CHAPTEK II. hA Be Ce De hE eF Ge. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ox those seven, rest the word Haytch ; which is an add of the T and Y = the cross and cup. The E is with the A, only as /E — meaning death. To continue the alphabet beyond the seven, as by octaves, the H is united with A, and the two as one, rest on the seventh. /HAH rest on G in building octaves. This is the law as shown in Fig. 2, and it is the cause for a weak (wick) place every seven years in the life of mankind.^ It is the step from G to A again. One man chewed grass like oxen ; " seven times passed over him." Another labored seven years for Eachel ; in Avhich word find arc and hell. A woman hear twins ; one was Jacob — see Joab — a Job, the other he saw Esau — U sea — C. These are twins. Two lives of the body ; the life of the body with the soul, first, than the death of the body and the trans- forming of the soul into a spirit ; the second life of the body with the soul spirit replaced, and the additional spirit of the holy one also in the same bodj^ is the mystical make up of the character of he who is the twin of many names, and the subject of mythical tales. Upon these seven^ is the rock placed which the builders reject. Here is the pith'^ of the subject, the foundation for Bible tales and they are all true. When the Hebrew of the Bible is reached, then all is plain enough. The Hebrew is the easiest way to read those stories of Hebraic origin. * 7 months, weeks, days, hours, seconds, the same. 2 Pit H — I^i i^' 10 GOLDEN FLEECE, X J? * c D E G 5$^" 8-" • I fe^'' • J • ^Q '5;l &^ S»- ^« ^'^ ^i u (f w There is wo Hebrew, but what more Hebrew can be taken from it. That language which is understood to be Hebrew at the present day, can be treated in the same manner, and it is all of it, the explanation of the explication of the connection betwixt this life and the life beyond the grave. The history of the Jews is obscure,^ for the very reason that ' Ob is S see you [^ he — S cure, — the brazen serpent, the letter S on T, son -|- ^ GOLDEN FLEECE. 11 all races of men have in their turn been Jews and Hebrews/ as will be shown in this work. They are numerous as the sands of the sea (C), and scattered over the earth. Letters were named al^omh^iations, at a time when people had an understandinsr of their astroloo'ical meanins^. Abomination, is defined as odious. 0 die us. When a soul goes forth from the house of clay, it sees these letters in the light of that word in all of its meaning. The present use of the Avord comes down from an age when the masses did arise against the abominable use to which they were put. These things " which shall be an abomination unto you," are for Jews to study ; both the name and letter, and the thing of life, as the parts of that thing of life fit the law of language by names and anatomy. See the kidneys^ are the kid (goat) and knees — the knee pans — the sign Capri. See capricious. ^ Those who read double are Hebrews. 2 Skimmer, strainer, sieve, riddle, puzzle. 12 GOLD Els' FLEECE, CHAPTER III. J^ the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. 6 + 2 + G III 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Even and od. o I 2 10 12 14 16 11 Do Re Me Fa Sol La Si G- Times. O Time. D ^ Times. Short step in music. Short step in music. Even. Od. (Fig. 3.) See Fig. 3. With G, there are three marks, because of the vibrating reed. With 0, one mark because of the circle com- plete. With D, 1 is placed, because of the circle divided in two. Reduced to whole num])ers they read G, 2 and 1. Those figures added, make 9 — the cat. The cat, reads, see sun and cross = eye (I). See why G is one, 0 is one, and D one, in the startinir of the GOLDEN' FLEECE. 13 three columns of figures. It is easily seen how the minor scale is in this arrangement. The III, I and \ are the foundation for the five senses of man. Call the fourth taste and the fifth (J) smelling. They connect the same as the 0 and D. The fifth, is the connection from bodily to spiritual existence. A person can smell that which he cannot see. ASTRONOMICAL DIAL. I. A March 1 II. B April 2 III. C May .3 lY. D June 4 Y. E July 5 YI. F August 6 YII. G September 7 Kill. H October 8 IX. 1 Noveml)er 9 X. J December 10 XL K January 11 XII. L February 12 The diflference between a square and its circle, is the amount of time that has to l)e disposed of in the heavenly bodies and their orbits, and is the law of destruction. It is the foundation for the law of death also, and that frac- tion is the length of time of the deatli of the A man as he suf- fered in the silent H from G to A, after seven times had passed over him.i That fraction of time is the wafer and the seal. It is the eater piece in the H which makes the heater piece. There is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This same principle is in everything throughout (threw out) nature and must not be forgotten in reading this work with an understanding. Things are all ways changing from one condition to another, the same as the everlasting transposition of the scale by sharps. CGDAEBF5. F becomes f- 4 marks =. M, ^ From the G man he became the H man, from the H man he became the A man, from the A man he became the B man i= Q man, see Fig. 7. 14 GOLDEN FLEECE, CHAPTER IV. 1 God. 2 Unity. 3 Trinity. 4 Death. 5 Lord. 6 Virgin. 7 Holy. 8 Temple. 9 Kat. 1 + 0 Globe ( 3 = 0 1, A 1 + 1 Unity zr 2 = 11 2. B, 1 + 2 Death rr : end . 3, C 1 + 3 Sun M 4, D 1 + 4 Son N 5. E. 1 + 5 God 0 6, F, 1 + 6 Arc P 7, G, 1 + 7 = 8 , H 1 + 8 = 9 . 1 1 + 9 = 10 , J 2 + 0 == 11 + 1 = III ^ K. = ±. 1 A Sun rise, to set. 2 B Earth (p. 3 C Cut life = - vision. 4 D Bodily death. 5 E Law. 6 F Fan t P = Pan. 7 G Foundation. 8 H Temple = : A opened. 9 1 Eye. 10 J Janus. 11 K Key. GOLDEN- FLEECE. 15 12 L Square = death. 13 M Star of Bethel, the sun. 14 N Son in heaven. 15 0 God, soul's passage out. 16 P Arc, Ursa minor, pole. 17 Q Second life. 18 R Healer. 19 S Serpent. 20 T Square cross. 21 U Holy ghost. 22 V Virgin v^ B CD. 23 w Double LL, double VV. double UU. 24 X Saltier cross. 25 Y Urn, cup. 2io z Lightning, fire from heaven.^ Two P Ps are Ursa major and minor — the Dippers in the northern heavens. All letters are absolute in the reading: of the law of God, and always have been so from the foundation of the earth and heav- ens. They are abbreviations of heavenly language, and are all — each and every one of them representations of some part or parts of the temple of God — the firmament. The starting point is the bearing of the pole of the heavens ; next, those signs which revolve around the pole, and from there to the zodiac, the great matrix of nature. ^ From A to L is 12 inclusive. M becomes A, and X becomes L in a 24 months circle, z.e., lap tlie alphabet in tliat manner by twelves. Y becomes A, and Z be- comes (p. In the law of time divided by ten, K becomes A, and U becomes K; correspondingly, the letters set against each other in the blend of language. 16 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER y. VOYAGE OF JASON. Commencing on the 12th month urn — Y. Pisces, the ash death and (Fig. 4.) 12 Y Pisces, February. 1 t Aries, March. 2 X Taurus, April. 3 X Gemini, ]\Iay. 4 t Cancer, June. 5 X Leo, July. 6 II Virgo, August. 7 t Libra, September. 8 X Scorpio, Octol^er. 9 X Sagitti, Nov^ember. 10 X Capri, December. 11 V Aquari, January. 12 Y Pisces, February. Lapping Pisces gives double -F, six sticks, making the weak- est letter the strongest — the sign ^. F sets against the month February. The X crosses, in Fig. 4, are the experience of soul and body in being readjusted in the womb of the zodiac. They are the mountains in mythology. The square crosses are deaths. In the wheel of fortune, the Gth month opposite, is across the dell. The strongest is Virgo, the weakest is Pisces. The same is heat and plenty, against cold and want. In this circular dell, can l)e seen the foundation of many syl- lables and their fitting place in the temple of nature. ^ As the cereals of Virgo, are the panacea for the days of want God's temple of time and its divisions. GOLDEN FLEECE. 17 -Af 18 GOLDEX FLEECE. Ill .. Pisces, so is Ceres ^ salvation for the suffering soul as it leaves the body at the Tekel place between Pisces and Aries, the leap into eternity. ^1^+4.. Pier. 5 shows the current of life as it leaps from the feet to 17 O -J u. c -n Libra — the scales of justice. The same body suffered all three, the Phoenix came to life and explained the riddle. The sign of the Crab laps with Cancer at the height of sum- mer. See why crabbed is cross. Face south to view those 3 crosses ; they read, light, heat, cold. These are the 3 of Golgotha, the place of a skull — the locality of the most acute suffering.^ In Fig. 8, ^ is older than the pyramids.^ The small bit on the outer end of the l)eam at the west, hath the same meaning as that of the little bit on the upper right hand side of the lower case letter g. The king post represents the plumb line — a stroke of gravi- tation; that which struck Saul w^iile "yet he breathed out X is gah. Pisgah. 2 Suffer in G. ^ Pyre amid, amid fire — the Phoenix. GOLDEN FLEECE. 27 threatenings,"^ as by other names he died the death of the seven, slain by the hand of God — the bolt which makes a P into an F as P .^ Underneath the plumb is the well hole of death ; from that well he came out alive again, and was a well man. These three crosses are the three da^-s (daze) of Jonah in the belly of the fish = ^ is H. This is the well from which came fountains of living waters, and is where Moses struck the rock. Each of these crosses are numbered 4. 3x4 = 121 death. ^ The salvation of 12, is to add the 1 and 2 : 1 + 2 =r 3 z=r Trinity. In deciphering the law which lays in unspoken language, the H is added or subtracted wherever its use or disuse will change a syllable in dialect. H, is spelled as aitch haytch. It is the /Hitch, A hitch, A H itch, the mange and distemper'* of the ash death; caused by being thrown on to the letter A (the sun) and his course through the zodiacal womb of nature, instead of the same twelve signs by the four weeks' course of the moon. This is the H hitch and itch {it see H) where Haman was hung with ten sons. (10 suns.) The triumph in Taurus, and the ease in Virgo, leaves ten of most acute suffering to add to himself, making eleven ; the lap of Pisces made twelve, according to the division of time in that tale, and that which all souls pass through. A gnome, is an inhabitant of hades. He is a G nome, waiting for a G name. The 0 is the hole of death he went through to know God ; see that 0 in gnome. He is put on the A (the sun), and gets a name for the cruise I fix on ; see that A in name. In this way, every word, syllable, and letter in language is placed in the law absolute for that journey. 1 th re ate N in G. ^ ^^^^^ is 0 all f » O o square T. ^ The 12 months' cruise of Jason. ^ See liquid. 28 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER IX. I IS the 9th letter — the 3 times 3. It is the all seeing eye of Almighty God. No place is so obscure as to ?^/^^^?< ^6 *^l^^t out from that sight. r:^:^C^E^^- On a lower scale, it is the sun. It is the bright light of the A, where all souls are purified and pass from elfs to cupids by the /O CE A V, Fig. 9 ^-^ J, is the 10th letter, and represents the outstretched arm of the Almighty. See 10th, is O ill, J is made by placing 2 sticks at an angle of 120,^ with a stone at the joint, and another at the fist, as in Fig. 9. J is the initial letter of the compound JEHOVAH-JIREH : meaning the time of an advent — the altar of the son Isaac and the Ram. Isaac ^ was slain in the month Arez ; he took the name of the lamb, and as the power of Orion the regulator of the zodiac, he is said to slay the bull because he suffers the influ- ence of that sign and lives through it.^ He passes to the next sign, and so on through the twelve. The laml) matures as the Ram. That Ram is Orion, the head and front of the zodiac. By precession, each sign occupies the place of every other sign in time. The changing of names will always occur to suit the sign aspect of the heavens. By the " signs changing places," is meant the time of j^ear that the sun will enter those signs successively through the whole circular course ; they change places, hy timeiuith the sun. The fall of Adam, the circumcision of Abraham, the tales of Moses, Aaron, Joseph, Saul, David, Job, Jeremiah, and all the ' The name is different at different epoehs, because of the rearranging of the heavenly signs — tlie place wliere the character of a letter sign is established by the relative position of the zodiac. 2 Death ami a naught 0 si fire — cypher. 2 The soul of Isaac in space, and his body on earth with a new spirit in the neck. GOLDEN FLEECE. 29 principal characters in l)iblical mythology, are different ways of describing some of the experience of Jason daring his voyage to the east. The whole has never been told in one tale. The name David is the root from which all grow, because of the letter D, and the divided life. D is the 4 th ; th, means fire from heaven in a manner of which man knows nothing until his death. In David, is div A — divided by the sun's course.^ The alphabet being composed of astronomical characters of absolute time meaning, it follows that the story of 4000 years ago would not be the same arrangement of letters as the story of 2000 years ago, because of the difference of the heavenly positions of those letter characters. The same name would not fit, althoucrh the same thino^ took place again and again ; and here and now, the same as ever, history is repeating itself by other names partially, but not a complete change. As the sun 2 man's time was placed on a sign for a time, his name changed to that sign ; when onto another sign, he was assigned another sign name, and so on : a name for each and every sign under which he suff'ered during the course of trans- figuration. He suffered the influence of all the letter an2:les with which the sun was brought into contact for twelve months, and a lap of one. He lived after death, and triumphed at the last, by having the name of the sun — as son. The sun was the star of Beth- lehem, and as that star passed through all, so did he by bearing that name. During the next twelve^ months following, he suffered the phases of the northern heavens. These are twelve signs and a lap of one which give thirteen, the same as the southern phase ; the two are twenty-six — the Alpha to Omega. ' Davy Locker, L ocker, ochre, earth. ^ The "sun man," was this man. This, is the cross and I H S; his superscrip- tion. ^ In twelve, is -f double you, and elve = veel = hell by the sign ^Z which connects V with B = Q ; so from this twelve = L death comes the bell which ia the church in the law of language. 30 GOLD EX FLEECE, Z, is the power of the whole ; put the three sticks on to the circle of the whole, and see ^ — the turtle, which, with the pen, is the full power in nature.^ The end of this 26 sign course places the time at Easter. ^ By this it is seen that it would require the cube of the alphabet many times multiplied and displaced ^ to tell a small part of the story. Writers of those stories were born under dilfcrent signs, and bore different names. As they sought to write a tale in which was to be found a part of that life, they wrote wide apart as their stories ran, but the same could be found in all of them, by knowing the foundation. The man who suffered these the most terrible of all things, was persecuted. If he told what he was undergoing, they thought him Aveak and breaking down. He was subjected to indignities, and cast aside as a broken down and a ruined man. He had to bear it all, and the earth has the history. People found that they had been worshiping their own imagi- nation of an advent. While he knew who he was himself, he was not allowed to tell of it, for it reacted upon himself. The people worshiped images in the workings of their own imaginations. They imagined an image of the man, and they imagined the images and scenery attending an advent; and wherein the facts did not agree with their imagination, they applied the panorama of their thoughts which were of the moon born, always one faced and one sided, and he of the sun had to be despised and considered a man of less than ordinary ability. Men of college education were called on to decide that he was not their equal. That trial came before pi was square ate — Pilate. P on T us. The tie was on P as P. See Pontius. 1 He bear the name son, as the liead of all other names, and with all those names. 2 It will be seen that Easter relates to the double spiritual birtli, and not to the birth of the body at the first. There was the birth of the body, then three births from three deaths, and the birth of Castor in the neck, the birth of Pollux as he returns to the head, then the birth as a spiritual twin. In this law man is mystified in reading mythology. 3 [) is placed, when turned from Q to [) for the sun man, and from [) to (3 for all others of the human race. GOLDEN FLEECE. 31 CHAPTER X. Fig. 10 ; ^. K, is the 11th letter, built of three sticks, and is from the Styx. It is ka kay kee ke key in Hebrew. This K, with the eye and serpent (S) is the kis of Judas; by double time (life) he was kissed and thus betrayed = (p t ray he D. It is changeal)le to R, by bending the upper right hand stick to the left, and into a six pointed star, by shoving the two right hand sticks diagonally across the upright. K, blends with A, in the word seek ; see K, seek A.^ This is the gather from eleven (11) back to one, the same as one leads to two. The same is true of the twenty-five, and thus the alphabet is a circle, always crawling within itself — "the wheel within a wheel." When shown in full as at Fig. 10, it gives the sad iron, goose, and flat iron, by the indivisible part in which the hole is punched to make it equal, even, and divisible without a fraction. It is that same bight which has to be gathered up in the earth's orbit at the close of each 2000 years of time. That dot is the death of the sun man on the even of time, — the wafer hole where the seal was opened and the veil rent. This is the key to the bottomless pit ; the same to hell earth and heaven, the same is with the archangel Mercury. These things are all of them material and real, the same as life and motion in any other way. ^ K becomes A in division by ten, as P is F. 32 GOLD EX FLEECE, CHAPTER XI. L, IS the 12th letter, meaning death; the same as Pisces the 12th, the foot and last of the year. It is two sticks placed at / o Pigeons. Bullock. Turtle. Turtle Doves, Cormorant. Owl. o ct) He Goat. She Goat, Kidneys. Flanks. Caul. Last. X Kid. Eisc. 11. Ashes. a right angle, in which may be written eight (LL) ninety, (l^o) or any number which may indicate division of time as differ- ently measured in the several stories of the Bible. GOLD EX FLEECE. 33 It is spelled el, ell, hi, hel, hell. It is the square and surety, because of the certainty of death on it. It is one-half of the square ci'oss, — two forming the whole. This is why two are used in IteU, They are the flanks in Fig. 11, a destructive and a cross fire. The L, is the lower part of the house where the cook, fire and payiixy usually are, and withal is a broken spine and a square death. In list, L becomes T. List, is a lurch, and the edge in G, as listing, G I N m 14 listening;. The pantry takes its name from Pan and tri, and buttery, is from the four head of the Ram ; for the obvious reason of the eat in G of the dip,^ and the pass over the Styx. Pan, is connected with th and R in panther — the cat. The signs of the heavens are chained together with the links of the Lynx. The Lynx is the keystone that binds all together.^ The panther is a painter in backwoods dialect, which shows the eye instead of the H ; H being allowed, gives pain th he R . Pan re versed, is nap = the sleep of death ; and shows that N becomes P. M, is the 13th letter, built of four sticks and spelled em.^ It is N with the reed added. It is the sun's (son's) number, the dose and doze of the baker's dozen. The son's number in heaven, is 14 — the N. He comes to this earth as Mercury with the reed, which he puts on to N, and gives M. The pin in the R is the same, and wherever that mark is added or subtracted, or held in hand, and l)y whatever name it is known, it is the same magic wand which gives the double read, and the knife which mixed the colored coat of Joseph on the palate of his throat.* ' Eating of the dip, tlie sop = so P . 2 All the signs of the heavens are in shape like some animal life. As they are all chained together, so all life i& connected together by the law of resem- blance ; one example, is the thumb claw on a dog's hind foot being a connection with a bird's claw = see law = square lior all in. The dog has no use for that claw himself, it Is the link that connects, and in this way find the links of the whole. ^ Also am, hem, ham, hum, him. ^ See ton sill, tom sill a bull — bell — bel — ble — pie — fie. 34 GOLDEN FLEECE. The death and resurrection of he of many colors, is why a colorer is named a dyer — die [^ . N is the 14th letter, and signifies trinity. It is built of 3 sticks of equal length ; these are the three sticks of A ^ \^ Y^^ Z"^ It is next to 0 in the alphabet, because it is the letter of the son when at home in heaven with the Father w^hose letter is 0. 0 is the perfect letter, and is the hole all must go through to hear the voice of God, and have an understanding of the whole. The word icJiole, carries to the letter 0, as Jiole, Ois 15, N is 14; 15 + 14= 29. In the key of A, 0 rests on N as the completion of a 2d octave, and becomes one for a start on the 3d octave, by uniting with H. 0 is a circle of life. Two 0 0s are two lives. 0 (oh) is the same as au, and awe. 0 tom, the fall of the year, and the fall of man. In winter^ find re twin win. The letters T and H put together and sounded as ih, have the absolute meaning of fire from heaven ; which sentence means the power and acts of God in every conceivable w^ay. The ih with 0, w^ill be understood in the synal)le tJiom as fire from heaven, (death to see God) and M the sun as 13. The A and S added for the 19th century, gives the name Thomas. The fall of man, is all in nature with nature's God. The two 0 0s are not experienced w'ithout death to divide. There w^ere two lives of the body, and in the second life, two spirits in that body ; one in the head, and one in the neck at the core. These are the sacred twins of mythology. This is the transformation and transfiguration. It is all done in and by the law of the astronomical alphal^et, and that alphabet is in and of the great temple throughout na- ture. Those letters fit all of the known and unknown divisions of time, and all the signs of the heavens. All divisions of time, are suns of time ; the sea suns, see suns C suns. Thus according to the law of the see suns, sea sons, seasons, did the fall of man take place. Adam was the A son, (D son, see son, Q son, E son, the fifth ^ Jews have the fourth stick in hand, and when added, is only lent hy repre- sentation ; the reed remains in hand the same. In loaned, is one all D, and the Cone ad — one hid. GOLDEN FLEECE. 35 of the scale, sol — S all — Saul. The re verse of saul is laus = laws. In scale^ is time and lace.^ In lace^ is the square ace, the one spot — the sun, the star of Bethlehem = sol. Adam fell and was lost. In lost^ is sol and the cross — Lo s t . Just as plain as is the foregoing sentence, just so plain is the language of man set to that work. When he don't see it, it is the weakness of his ability to comprehend it. » holy, hole Y- 36 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER XII. Ix the northern heavens are those signs which were the start- ing point for the law of language, and the means of man's re- demption. When Adam fell, God placed a spirit in his neck through his nostrils, and by this connection did talk to him, and gave him to know of a future life beyond this earth ; every 2000th year since that time, the same thing has taken place — the cruise of Jason. Commencing at the polar star, the small dipper, little bear, and Ursa Minor are all one, and here lies the point at the tip of the tail of that bear — the bar. This sign is a P, and is an F w^hen shot through diagonally as P. P, is the 16th letter, the number set with the arc of heaven. The two P Ps, are the two bears, — Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, the Father and son — the visible representation of the unity as in the law to man. They are to be read as Jupiter and Pan, major and minor in the principle of seven with one. These bears are the bars. In minor, see all that the word implies by the sound of it, no matter how spelled. The same with all words which man can utter. Minor, is the Gth of the scale as one, (La). It is the letter F, the numl)er of Virgo, and the Gth of the week, (wick) fry day. See dirge music sol M. Dirge, is death I are G he. The vil)rat- ing reed of G, is the mouth of the serpent — time. In serpent, is time and repent. In rejpeni, is O P he f$ .^ At the point of the northerly pole of the heavens, is the start- ing place of the law as revealed^ to man. This has always been 1 Ten = 10 = 0 P he are — the little bear. 2 Re veal he D — leave he D, calf of leg. GOLDEN FLEECE. 37 SO, and has been given to people who had no knowledge of a future life by tradition. Whatever people or nation this man is born into, will thus receive the law from the fountain head, i.e. The visil^lc heavens in connection with divisions of time, as shown by sticks, stones, and marking in sand. Whatever name may have been applied to creed and religion, it was all the same. All suffer the influence of the signs in suc- cession after leaving the moon's time, and is that which has been called purgatory. THE 8000 YEARS TEMPLE. The Maltese Cross. Throughout nature there is a connected resemblance, because of the chain which connects the sisfns of the heavens to2:ether. This is called tj'pe, and is the reason why letters are type. Type, is tie P — as P. T eye P. The same P and eye, is the way to rate pi, and is pirate. This word is with the word thief, as ap- plied to two of the crosses of Golgotha.^ ^ G = 7 all go ih /\ = sunlight as /Q . 38 GOLDEN FLEECE. Everything of life, whether cold or warm blooded, has its type in vegetation. Type as applied to letters, has a very broad meaning. Twenty five letters with their combinations, represent all of the heavenly signs, and all life and motion throughout the firmament. GOLDEN FLEECE 39 CHAPTER XIII. The shepherd's crook is a half ch'cle.^ In the build of language it is a bail. Place it on to the handle of the P and see B. Give ears to B and see bears. B is a representation of the yoke of Ulysses ; meaning, July sees. The J being silent. Two crooks make two B B s of two P P s. In one half of 0, see D, the cutting of that D in two, was slaying the dragon,^ = beating the devil. Two of those quarters, give the son's crook ; this is to be put on to a P, so the O is the cub ; see you B. Tie the BBS into 0 0 and call them SHEOVAH and SHEVAH. Accent on last syllable. The first is she o bear,^ the queen of Sheba. "From Dan to O a she bear" = Dan to B a she bar. The slaying of the dragon, and all stories and pictures of the kind, mean the cruise I fix on. The statue of Mercury, is represented as holding 2 balls in the hand connected with a string, a magic w^and, and a scroll con- taining the law. Sometimes with a stick surmounted by two wings, and entwined by two snakes ;* or a stick witii a ball on each end; all meaning his double nature — the twin. Castor^ and Pollux. Castor, is Mercury.^ The man whom he goes into, is Pollux. Castor goes into the neck, locating in the Adam's apple core, brings the body to life and obtains control of the vocal organs. See the healing of the lunatic.^ Lunar, being his time by the moon at the age of forty-nine, and tic, meaning time — as t I see. ^ See I rk see square he — LJ- ^ Two DOs are cut as 0 in slaying the dragon. 2 O she bare. Vinegar cruise and side |^ apple. ■* Pallas, fallas, fall at the A and S; the Phallas, is two snakes with the wand. ^ In Castor, see 0 and a star. 6 In Mercury, see that M is f^ , and observe f^ Y '■> quicksilver, the cat th heart tick. See in a bear = cinnabar. ' See Matt, xvii, vr. loth. 40 GOLDEN FLEECE. The spirit Mercury returns to this earth once in every 2,000 years, slays the man who is ah-eady dying the death of the Uiw of seven. He takes possession of the body, casting^ the soul that was in that body into the great heavenly matrix by the path of the sun. This is purging and refining in purgatory where the soul is sun fired, sanctified and purified ; made pure by fire from heaven = th. None can live such a life as to avoid it, nor should they wish to ; for it is in the law, and is the way of progression from earth to heaven — from a soul to a spirit. Pollux sufi*ered this, and all mankind must as they come after him. The sculpture of old Egypt shows this same cruise. It is to be seen in curious head gear ; a body of a man with a hawk's head, a man's head on the body of a bull or a lion, the griflin, the cone and circle, and all combinations of curves and angles on the head, and those things in the hand, all mean their knowl- edge of the periodical two spirits in a man's body, and that man's connection with cosmos ; i.e., the cruise through sheol hades and hell for the soul, and the deaths of the body unto life. At the end of the eleventh month, the spirit of Pollux is back again in the head it left from, and located at the apex of the optic ^ nerves. It is a speck of microscopic size, enveloped in folds of gaseous matter in a cell of the brain formation. This is one of the twins of May. The other (with the star) is in the core of the neck, where he utters language with per- fect articulation, which the body feels the vibrations of as low as the sign Virgin. Thus is the body governed by the reins. ^ God rules and reigns forever. The apple is the sun fruit, as compared with the moon fruit — the orange ; the pear* (pair) unites the two. The going to the sun's time from the moon's time, gives the word apple, = the P Ps and his ale, ail. ^ He becomes Castor. 2 Oh P f I see, optic. ^ It is useless for man to tliink of comprehending any part of the incarnation. He can only think of his own body and its sensations as a comparison. ^ Pear (with the crook) is bear; shot with the bolt, ( p ) is fear, fair, fare, F are. GOLDEN FLEECE. 41 A swelling of the neck is a goitre, from the words — goat here, goat hear, the goat ear. The goat is the 10th sign, shown as half goat and man : his ways none could account for.^ His name was Pan, and he was this same sufferer, the moon and sun man. Pan played the reeds in his first life, and after crossing the Styx, he played the reads, (re add S) the double pipe. He read everything two ways ; one for low, the other for high. He also talked openly with man, and at the same time con- versed 2 (in the neck) with the Holy Ghost, the voice of the Holy Mother : The body became the servant of the spirit. Gap is pag, — the stretch of the neck. Pag and his N with the reed, is pag and his M ; pag anf^ /as M without the D and H is paganism. See death and the temple. History is his story. All language started from the voice of God as he gave the law to the first man : thus Adam gave astronomical names to all he saw, and made the application.^ David was this same man as can be seen by the names. He died as Uriah, as Absalom, as Joab, and became the wise man Solomon. He bore the 3 days' pestilence, slew 3 giants, and took 3 darts — the D arts, and in many ways is it shown that he bore all of those things and became the double — the twins of May. David took the name of Uriah, as Isaac took the name of the Eam. The body of David returning to life, it retained the same name that it was always known by. Uriah, is you are higher.^ These things were w^ell known in the days of those writings. The great learning of those writers can only be understood by a long life of study by the principle of the gospel — the doul)le read. In the ^\ov^i paint, see pan, pain, and the cross. In pagoda, see pag 0, death and the sun — A. 1 Ingenuity, in G, knew I f » in G he knew it = f , in the seven ill new eye t, Y- '■^ Conversely. ^ Apple eye, see A tie on. * Also the temple, Holy Ghost, and air. 42 GOLDEN FLEECE. One A, is seen to mean one half of a day circle of light, and 2 A As a Avhole circle of light — 6 sticks; so one A is the same as D, two A As, the same as B = (D. This explains the adding of A to D as /D — so much time. Add /D to A) by this rule, and see 0 and W. The earth has doubled in the light of the sun. In cherub, find church, U R of the Chaldees, and hub ; the hub, is the north pole rout — the tour — T oh 3'ou R — the T hour ; the last suffer of that supper, will be understood in the law of 12, when P becomes F by P. Language is of God, and is God's. If he says /, it is He. If he says me, it is Him. If he says ice, it is the unity, and tj'inity in unitj^ He, is Him, and Him is I. I is me and me is I. I am God and there is no other. You, are mankind ; you is to be coupled with U as shown. These personal pronouns are all allowable in the low language of the earth, to express thought and do business with; they finding their places as understood by one way on the face. Great care should be used in reading Hebrew^ by finding the fitting place for all pronouns. Conversation between Father and son, is the foundation of the whole of it. GOLDEN FLEECE. 43 CHAPTER XIV. San t see laws, santa claus,^ San T claws. Those who said "go up bald head," Avere the people of that race into which this man was born. It is a clause to show the pun ish meant of the Jews for persecuting him. He was Elijah before he went into Pyrrhic fire. The mantle, is the article worn on the shoulders (the sign Gemini) and a shelf over earthly fire. He became Elisha, and the two were Castor and Pollux — the sacred twins. He was the same Apollo who drove the fiery chariot through the heavens. From the hub of the arc is the axle, the spokes, the speaker who spake. The felloes on that wheel are the 12 segments of the zodiacal belt,- bound by the tire Orion, which is brazed at the "Tekel" place between Pisces and Aries — Arez. Felloe, is from fell 0. From this is fdlow. Fellows standing in a circle formed the rim. They who stepped toward the center to speak, were the spokes men. The fire in the center, was the hub. In the "hub," was the nut. The nut, was III you T. When two circles were formed, the inner one was composed of twelve and was the hub. The fire in the center was then the nut, the seed, the germ of life. This was neither wheel, nor fire worship ; it was the worship of that great power to which people have always looked, for salvation in death. Those fellows had the traditional story of Hiram of Tyre, he who un- derstood the wheel of time and the divisions. He is the Master to-day, the same as ever, and the stone which the l)uilders reject. He is also named Peter, and is the rock upon which the church is founded, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it.^ Tyre, is tire ; meaning downward — plumb. ^ Chimney is see him knee (Pan) the cup, see him nigh, see him bly, ply, fly, 2 Bell t . ^ See blowing up of hell gate in East river. 44 GOLDEN FLEECE. Blessed, B less eel, (P less the E (weasel) and D : (death) a time after the wafer of the weasel, and of course after death. The wafer, is the fruit of the tree. Less the E, means having passed through the trial of E. Less, is square he S S ; double S is double time, two lives ; one of which is of course after the death of the body. Double time, is |. 2x4=8 the temple. Blessed, is also 0 less hed, O less the head it (the soul) was in. The visions of Pan, is the Pan 0 Earn A. The appearance of the signs in the heavens which he sees on his Avay to earth as Mercury gives the word, and they are described in the book of Revelations, — the book of A^her.^ Bound in heaven bound in earth, loosed in heaven loosed in earth : meaning that the panorama of heavenly signs, governs the history of the earth, its productions, and the fate and fortunes of the race. P, is a B without the crook : struck by fire P becomes F the w^eak est letter. Week, wick he died, wicked, wick head, fire went out at Arez. See from death to life, the rekindling of that fire from the ignus fatus, that ignqminious fate — F ate = eight = H. YppFf"T:£naotK(D. Put the middle stick of the -£ onto the right side and form a square plat; D- Put the 0 inside of it and (E is formed meaning death. The diff'erence is as between a square and circle. The fraction is thrown out by punching a hole to even the two as O O. ^ A book giving a part of the life of he wlio died the ash death, and suffered the urn ( Y) the two ways of the gibbet = G bit. GOLDEN FLEECE, 45 CHAPTEE XY. Q FOLLOWS P, because P shot into F, closed the chxle of his life as 0 ; the tail of Q, is his start from that 0 onto his second circle of life. He went into the great suspension in H air and was there hung. He saw things before and behind; so the back hair is called the cue = see you £ . It matters not whether H is sounded with air, for in it is the fine hairy gaseous threads of the Holy Ghost, the invisible power of God. R, represents the serpent and death — a broken spine. The pin in the tail, is the pen — the club of Hercules. ^ That club with the upright is the two sticks of T.^ The R , is the same as P when read as a monogram.^ It is the title of him who with three names, went into that furnace which was heat one seven times more than it was wonf* to be heated. One seven multiplied by itself — from moon life to sun life at the age of forty-nine. From those three names came the fourth — 4 th. R, is spelled as are, ha, ah, iar, ari, air; meaning, are, be, was, am, is, M ; the latter, meaning the sun as the healer. Pull the pin and swing the tail to the left, forming B. Take away the crook ^ — the lower half circle, and Pis left. P becomes F by fire from heaven as P . Tip the F over and re- move the short piece ^ (eater) and see L T V X. The letter S, is the same as a circle, because it is two half circles put together. They are twisted in opposite directions, forming the 0 G = ogee ; ^ so S, is the sign of the serpent, meaning time and the track on which the house of God moves. The reason of this is, that the firmament moves as one body ^ Her cue (Q) square he time. ^ The tail and pin are the X on p . 3 M on o G ram. * W on T is double you on f . ^ See great owl. ^ See little owl. ' Ogee is the form of the serpent. 46 GOLDEN FLEECE. on a path the course of which is the shape of the letter S. Passing along the same curve, joins the two ends on the line across its own orbit ; thus S becomes 8 — eight = H . This is why the crossing of orbits is X, and why H is the temple and silent here on earth. Temples for worship have been constructed on the principle of divisions of time by this law. The Bible contains all of this method in stories. ^ The narrative, tale, story, is the high story at the tip of the tail of the Little Bear — the pole of the heavens. There is where the arch (ark) rests — Mount Ararat. The word ararat'^ means the law. In the center of the figure 8 is the apex — the crossing on the orbit of the whole house of God — the firmament. The amount of time in passing over this course once, is 4000 years ; but as the course at the apex is divided into two tracks, the 8 has to be passed over twice to complete itself. See Fig. 12. See 1900 years for one half of the 8 by single track, and 100 j^ears of time in cross- ing the line of its orbit, making 2000 years. See the same for the other half of the 8, gives 4000 years all together. Passing over it again on the other track at the apex, gives a total of 8000 years : so 8000, is the temple of time. The firmament is divided into two parts, and turns on its axis ; that axis, is always on the track of the 8. The crossing at the apex on the 8, is at the division of 8000 by 4000, and 4000 by 2000. A crossing is made every 2000 years, and at these times Mercury comes to earth. The law is always brought to earth at the time of the crossing at the apex — 14 years previous. Twist the two half circles of B together and form S ; use the stick of B for a bridge ^ Tlie lii story of liistory. ^ Ararat is in narrative, and I V he added = I B he, as v = B. GOLDEN FLEECE. 47 on the S, and thus form the Fig. 8 ; here B becomes H — the 8th = (D . The direction of the firmament across the apex of the double 8, is the same every other time ; first one track, then the other. This " orbit crossing," is the time orbit ; workis without end. These circles are all times, which are ended every 2000 years, 4000 years and 8000 years ; Avhirled off and are whirls of time. Worl is to move l)y revolving, and D is the end : the two to- gether, is the word world. Language slowly undergoes a change, to correspond with the heavenly sheet of signs. Hebrew, is always and forever the same. The earth has been whirled along on its path for a length of time which does not fit the ideas of most men at the present day. Everything is whirling along together on the great serpentine course of the twice doubled circle. The time used in crossing the orbit, is 100 years ; during that time, many things must happen, to compare with 4000 years ago, because the orbit is crossed in the same direction as at that epoch of time ; ^ and some things will be the same as 8000 years ago, because of the same direction and track. The whole firmament turns around like a wheel loosed on a shaft. The crossing of its orbit first to the left, then to the right, then to the left again, gives four lines at the crossings at the apex. The word eight, is with the word height, eight, ate, hate. Adam ate of the tree in the height of sheol. He went up where all is fair = F air. His soul was an F up above all storms where he ate of that fare. The pure sun light burst his sac of gas, and he was cast down to earth. He was cast into the bowels of the earth through a crater — an extinct volcano.^ That fall, was a part of the same cruise from the influence of the earth and moon through the twelve signs of the zodiac, to the influence of the earth and sun through the same signs. This is Pandemonium ; in which word find Pan, demon, the eye, the Holy Ghost, and M — lo. ' Same direction but on another track. 2 Fall, F all, hall sun, P aul son. 48 GOLDEN FLEECE. In ate^ see tea and eat ;^ in that word is the cross, the D '^ sun, the "E and law. At this eating, the soul is taken off of the four weeks moon path,^ and put on to the fifty-two weeks sun path, as shown in Fig. 4. There his sins all reappear to him again, shown on a panorama to himself and to purified spirits. His sins all register during his life, so he sees them all reproduced after he leaves the body. Everything is exposed and made known. There and then he eats of the tree of the knowledsfe of good and evil. In the word knowledge, is know K now the square edge. The edge is the ax,* toniy ock, acts of God in the application of the law in justice — just ice the pole rout — R out. ^ Tea cannot be pronounced except as T, where the fruit was eaten — eat — N — he ten = 10 = Q Ursa Minor. 2 D is tA^ as /Q a half circle of light. ^ Crescent two quarters and full. ■* Act, is cat, see -j- in the sun = A. GOLDEN FLEECE. 49 CHAPTER XYI. The fall of the year and of man, is autumn — awe tom ; auto- matic,^ is mathematics of the same. Souls cannot know the im- mensity of these mysteries until their finger of time points to the holes in the hands feet and side. The feet locked and pierced, is the ash death at and between Pisces and Arez on the 30th, that day of which man has none but this explanation. The holes in the hands, is the doubled suffering in Gemini the twins. The spear in the side, is death in Cancer and the taking of the rib which Jews can now have to work in these cabalistic mysteries. The ^yq holes are □ the weasel in the Jewish alphabet. Four corners and the center. In the tale of THIS man as Thomas, he would not, because he could not believe, until ho went through those things. When the word believe'^ is put on the altar, it will be seen that all man can have, is hope in faith, because of his organism. God says you (U) to every animate and inanimate thing. He does^ it with the D, and in tliat way you are youd — chewed — Jewed. See why J is silent. Beside the U, there is nothing for you in you, except^ the Y 0. Est, is in East and West, the difference betwixt those words of the horizontal bar, is the W and A. A doubles by appearing again in the East. God says double you (W) to the sun, and the voice is double U. So W doubles, and is two double UUs ; the two with the pen make the yoke. When Y becomes J, yoke is joke. When see H (c h) is J, then comes the choke of being well hung in the H. God says double you to W, and makes 4Vs — 4x5 = 20 =^ T. He doubles T in the same way, and the 4 V s become 8 V s, which are seen to be 4 double V s = 'vvv^ the sign of Aquarius — Jove — Janus. * 0 tom (attic) a tic of time, atom. '-^ See Bee and Levi. ^ Dose. 4 X see he P T — except. 50 GOLDEN FLEECE. Est, is be St, = t .^ Time and a crossing. Est is set. The sun is said to set. Set is see T. So the sun is forever esting, est in G = he sting. Sting, is T sing. Sing, is S in G. Sin, is time in = the serpent swallows. In the word cursed. .^ O o I >^ GOLGOTHA. you are time he D — the end of time. Time is continually end- ing and asting ; a light D and a dark D = O. A glance at this earth from the hub, explains the lay of lan- guage, and how things are XD or crossed out by the precession of the equinoxes. X is a section of the Pan toe gra ph, and the shears — time hears and clips the sheep. Time H double he P, GOLDEN FLEECE. 51 spells sheep. So does all language carry beyond the grave, and the soul goes with the burden. The distance through to shame, is as a veil of tissue. One leap,^ and all is clear. ''And there was war in heaven." Heaven reaches to earth. Mercury comes with the keys to heaven and hell ; those keys are knowledge of the law, and the means by which he returns from hell to earth and from hence to high heaven. He gives t-he law in a way suited to the race into which he comes ; and whether in one race or in another, the same law is given in the language which that people use, and they become a peculiar people unto the Lord God. They become the Jews for the next 2000 years. The word Jew, is of the jaw, chaw, chew, chews, chose, chosen, and is of the eating of the tree and its forbidden fruit at the close of every 2000 years of time. He who eats, becomes the first man and woe man — the womb man he V, — EVE. The jawbone of Samson was the same.^ Phili's tine, was the suffering in Saggiti — the bow man, the arc he F$ = archer. One thousand, is on E thou son die.^ The bowman of no V ember shoots across the dell into any day or minute of the year. Phillip is the November apostle — the sun man in that month — Samson. The body got no V ember ; the soul got the iS^ embers on which is the longitude and latitude of the mesh, the net on which all are gilled — gil D, guilt T, guilty.'* See T and X crosses. Fig. 4. The cheek of the jaw, is the chop ; chops, is Cheops. It was the jaw of the ass, because of the sun and doubled time in that word. He rode throuHi fire on those letters to G rue salem. The rib of Adam was the system he was married to, and that with which he wrote the law. R i O is the rib ; the pen is the style 0. Style, is t lye the mash = M ash. See the signs ^ Leap is apple, clear see L ear — real. ^ Samson was the A and S man doubled. ^ By Phili's tine he slew one thousand M he N by the law of leave N = 11. 1000 = one th 0 you sun = son die. Phillip, is the foundation for philology, as pliil all ogee, he who died as od, hung with his nose against a column, p ah I od, period, dot, Q ot, ^. Philopena, is the double nut : the eating of which, brings the penalty — 2^en all tie, F O R ^eet you are he = forfiture. ^ G hilt hill f ; the shiny way of gold, place gold upon the altar of words. 52 GOLDEN FLEECE. which are enclosed within the bones of the breast. In side, find die and S, the time death. The la\7 was understood by the people of Egypt to the extent of building pyramids; but they were beUeving in the records of antiquity, and could not see the repeat of the histor}^ in which they took so much interest. Jonah was among them the same as Moses, before they had any thought that they were in the D ark, and they knew him not, and their ruin came. Ivuin, is R you in. Lamb chop from the rib of Adam — his pen. The system he wedded. His wife, Eve ; darkness. Night to all but himself. The Ram, was the name given to Isaac when slain on the altar. He suffered the sign Arez the head, the place of a skull = Gol- gotha — G all go th A sun fire. The male F actor on the left — east. His soul was out of the head, and in hell.^ This is when Castor entered the core of the neck, bringing the body to life, and caused it to talk in an un- known tongue. Corpse, corps, (plural) core ; the seed in the core within the hull. "Putting out the eyes of Samson," was the tearing out the soul from the apex ^ of the optic nerves ; the eyes were out of focus. The spirit in the core -prompting the body while the brain was suftering a transformation, connecting the fore part with the base and spine — the writhe of the serpent around the head. This was the man at the stern of the boat with the P addle (paddle) — an expert^ sculler, the skull R . The painter, was the nose (knows) of the boat, the Atlas of mythology all the same. The double reed (read) of nature, is as light and dark, win- ter and summer ; also the sun's path — G months one way, to 6 months the other way. There is no circumstance so small as * See by tlie picture of the Hindoo deity kaal, that he (she) stands on her own dead body which has the mark on the forehead where the soul was pulled out, and the same mark on the live body to show where the soul was replaced. Four arms, sliow the four ways of Janus and the cross. The masks, are the different charac* ters she bore. Janus is of no sex known to man, so he and she will always fit. See t!ie word middlesex. See Chambers' Ency., vol. 9. 2 A p he X = 24 = f double timer. ^ X p he are T — expert. GOLDEN FLEECE. 53 to be controlled by any power but the power of God in four ways. Man is so accustomed to nature, that he is looking for acts of God from some imaginary source, and does not accept a storm, or sunshine, as anything coming direct from the hand of God. The names of all tools, as well as every other thing on earth, show the exact fitting to the work. Look at the "jamb" on a door-casing ; it is a right angle, an L into which the square of the door fits, making two LLs ; a place where flies get jambed ; Jam bow re, the jam of Arez, Jambres — J ham Q Aries. The re bow jam of the zodiac and sun is meant. The doer cannot enter by the door, until he suffers the 3d letters in the words doer and door — namely the CE ; the A) comes first. J becomes G in the ^Yovdjig, and he says so. Thus G gets its soft sound from J. In ginger, see G in G, i.e. double G. Gog and Magog. M a Gog, S in agog, S is in gog, because S is an ogee, and so is gog G ogee. Synagogue. The land gage is colored to suit the painter. He Avith the mix^-of colors on his palette ^ is Joseph. He exphiins the double read to those Egyptians, the same as the two-[)ipe hautl)oy of Pan. He bears all the names of the sons of Jacob, as Elias. He suffers the sun in Pisces, Arez, Taurus, and so on through the twelve, and gets sacked by those brethren^ as he enters them. He o^ets the Y in his sack, and is the Father of them all, (Jacob) as the sun is the Father of the yearly twelve months. J a cob = Jacob, the cob that smokes ham. See 0 B the serpent, the cob S = cobs. Triumphant in the month of May, he becomes the twins, and takes the cup as the emblem of death in the months to come. The exact time of the 3 square crosses of Golgotha, will always depend on the position of the zodiacal belt with refer- ence to the sun's time on the same, as crossing at the equinoxes. 1 In the word mix, is the sun (13) and nine, — the cat — Lynx — that which links : also six sticks and the eye. Those sticks give the turtle, the ecliptic, the equatorial belt, and the reed in hand. This reed is a staff which goes with the sun, and gives the lines of Caprice^nus and Cancer. 2 p all ate. 3 Breath [^ he N = 14. 54 GOLDEN FLEECE. The interpretation of those three crosses, is the body of the man being adjusted to the line of the axis of the earth, across the line of the equator ; subjected to the yearly course of the sun with the zodiac, instead of the moon with the zodiac as born under at the first. ^ The soul at the same time is cast into hell, and sutlers the same cruise in space — the same adjustment, spiritually as bodily. Man is adjusted to this earth, with his head and feet on a line with the pole, and his arms on a line with the equator. This takes place in pregnancy. He is changed to a right angle from that adjustment at the time of parturition, which places him on latitude facing west, with his arms stretched from north to south. If anything takes place in the signs of the heavens to affect his square cross, he is sick. The soul turns summer set by its fall, and goes into pregnancy in a similar manner, bearing the angles of parturition as it bursts into a spiritual life. This is D west and Q east. The angle of the ecliptic with the equator, is the readjust- ment on the X, the saltier crosses. Samson suffered all these things and got bar bard ; his air was cut in space and the body came to life and health again. He suffered in the mounts of the soul's risins: and beinir cast down aii^ain to hades. He called the name of the place En-hakkore ; the N core, the H a key core, the core in the neck in which was the spirit Mercury who came to the foot light again at the encore, to repeat the law. Samson called fire from heaven the same as Elisha, and it is always done at the same encore. See story of fire-brands and foxes. 2 Moses called fire from heaven, the same as Elisha. He was the onhj sorcerer in Egypt; others did pretend to know it. He stood under the inverted saucer, (sorcer) the dome over head, and gave vent to his feelings. See you P and saw saw he Q = cup and saucer. Saw saw, is the sign of Aquarius, ^j^ . ^ All are born on the angle as square moon men, excejit he X see P T. * ^y fox, understand F and Taurus, S cent. GOLDEN FLEECE. 55 Cain was the same man. He slew the bull. The R in brother bothered him. Cain's cane, was the club of Hercules. He went to the L an D of N ocl — the od number of '3 sticks. Nod, is on D,^ also don. The nod is in the bow. He had to hold his peace, (piece). He could not speak it. He simply bowed to people as he passed them, only nodding, for fear of more persecution. He bowed to the inevitable. Then God brought fire and disaster^on to earth, so the people could see by names, figures, and dates, that what Cain said was true. This applies to all advents, and the history of Cain is always placed at those times, the same as all other names. The knowledge of the double read, is art in brass ^ and iron.^ In Fig. 4, two parallel lines (2 sticks) are with August. This is because the Virgin bear up the sufferer through that month with ease. Virgin, is the name for the female nature of God, and Jove for the male nature. Jove sets to the month January, and he is Janus — Aquarius the water-bearer. Aquarius, is the fountain for the words water (aqua) and quarter, the 4 ways of Janus ; the Q put with water is qwater, and is a "cue " to "cunning work in brass." Light, is quarter, and darh, is water; here is the divide in the law, because man sees but one at a time while in the body. When he goes to the "dark waters " he wants the cue (Q) to quarters. The cue will be found in the H, the air and hair. The 4 rivers of the garden, mean the 4 w^ays of the square cross, they quarter it, aqua it, acquire it, a quire it} P a P he R = paper. Adam was in Eden where there were 4 ways to everything, but he knew it not, until driven out at the time of death. All mankind are in that gar den the same as ever. The 3d cross agrees with the fall equinox : the male factor on the right; these deaths on the left and right, (thieves) are represented as a man tied on at the elbows, because they were ^ Became no D — triumph over death. ^ A type of brass is tin and copper. ^ Gen. iv. ch., 22 vr., was so called at that time. * A cue higher it, ire it. 56 GOLDEN FLEECE. not SO painful as the middle cross. The one at the right was not as painful or of so long duration as that on the left — the sign of the Ram — the head. Look at the three crosses of Golgotha with the back to the north, and the first cross will l)e east. By coming to life and strength again, he is said to slay the bull in April. Here he was St. Mithras.^ The meaning is again the same ; he suffered the influence of that segmentary arc of the zodiacal matrix, and lived through it by suffenng on the saltier cross as St. Andrew. _A_ ^^=^ \L ADAMS FIRST ALPHABETICAL TEMPLE. Si. ,<7^ TuH. Sa. Fix. Too. TWAL. Laf. /^ Ta •^^ \ Spal. © Col. LUGH. Fa. Ho. La. € Ubi. C5;^ An /■ ■■ ' Myth 1^ A and S of time. GOLDEN FLEECE. 57 CHAPTER XYII. April is one of the X crosses. These are the suffermgs be- tween the T T T s, the V and Ys. The reason for the bar being let down on the T to form the cross, is because of the revolution of the zodiac. Those deaths will not always occur precisely on the same dates, but will always agree ^yith the seasons. Otherwise the letter T would always be correct for the representation. For this same reason will the names vary from one generation of time to another. People who are looking backward, are blind to the truth of history repeating itself. They are looking for the fulfilment of prophecies which are already fulfilled. Use straw for making bricks, and see 64 inches in a brick. 6 + 4 = 10 = 0 = B ah I see 4<, the key. With these T s and X s, the soul mounts up to the upper strata of that which surrounds the earth ; this is the being " caught up into the third {tli heard) heaven" where there are^ unspeakable words to be heard. The soul leaving the body and returning again, are mounts ; mounting up to be cast down again. The Mount of 0 live ; (olives) live R — liver. See Prometheus chained to Mount Caucasus ; his liver chewed by the vulture of time for 7 times 7 years = 49, 4 + 9 = 13 the unlucky number of the sun. His luck turned again and again. The result of this one year's trials to the body, sums up 13 suspensions of animation, 3 of which were deaths. Those deaths were not the cold dead and forever lifeless body of a putrescent substance ; they are unexplainable to man. At the end of two years and one month, he turns in the matrix again so to fit the entrance to a spiritual birth in a northerly direction, and is adjusted to the polar line as its connections with the circumpolar heavens — the bears around the polar star. 1 th hair f^ . 58 GOLDEN FLEECE. His head is now in Aquari, his neck in Pisces, and his feet in Capri. His arms being in Aries, is why he is pictured with a lamb in his arms. His crook is the half circle of B — P, and the staff is the pen. With the st A F f (staff) he doul)les the F. He is now in the matrix so that the weak place (life line) is at new years. All mankind are on the 4 weeks' course of the moon, and pre- served or destroyed the same way. Once in every 4 weeks, aproximately, this same click goes from the toes to the head, so quick that the word quick'^ fits under the nails. 2 This is the circle of life by the moon's time, as it puts the influence of the zodiacal matrix on to the earth. This circle of life is always closed or opened where the sign of Pisces joins on to Aries. ^ Thus arise from the foot to the head. The last becomes first, and the first last. The difference between first and last, is the^r and la, which spell /«//. The difference between F and L, is the small piece of stick at the middle of the F. That piece is the od day of leap year. 14 40 40 = 9 and 0 — l^o. Adam's number on high l)eing 14, and death at four and the grave being 40, is why mankind are limited to 1440 moons; which, with 6 sun periods, is the 126 years of life. In this period of time is a fraction to carry along ; not a fraction of time, but a fraction in the law of division. * Cue U I see key ; the I here meant, is all those who read and understand. 2 Nail, is the N ail : that sickness which carries as far as 1-t = N by stopping on 13 = M= "^ =the sun. 3 This preserving circle is the toe add, (toad). This is true in all animal and vegetable life. The to ad, two D D s iid, two add to T V. Add to £ = [) the dot = death Q t and see the weasel hole all souls go through to salvation. The same is the ferret hole for one only; he who experienced the same thing in body, soul, and spirit — spirits. GOLDEN FLEECE. 59 Multiply the temple by itself, 8 x 8 = 64 Multiply the sun by the law, 5 X 13 = 65 121)" Fig. 13. X 8 = 64 = 10 = CD 5x 13 = 65= 11 =x-l-(D = 5 X 13 = 65 = 1 = X 01 O 29 01 29 01 11 = i) 12 90 3 90 = 12 0 3 0 = €) 1 X on Q is the turtle. 2 129. 1 -|- 2 = 3. 3 -|- 9 = 12 end L. It will be seen that the T square is the salvation by 1 1 1 the trinity — 3 sticks — T and the pen. 60 GOLDEN' FLEECE, The result, is the cruise I fix on. Mill, is M ill = 13 sick. Cents, is sent S, sense. S = 19 = (p. See Fig. 13. The law of four, is the law of the cross. For this reason the German says fear for four, and one on dread, for one hundred. The diil'erence in time of the almanac man's head beino- in Aquarms, and in Aries, is seen to be two months. There are twelve signs in the northern heavens that propel the twelve signs of the zodiac in the southern or middle heavens, and, as the dis- tance is great, the signs do not work exactl}^ opposite ; there is a twist of two months time between them. So, finally, this man is off of the southern 1 zodiac and lives in the twist. The southern zodiac no longer controls him because the power is always from the north. This is the difference between the sun and the north, and the difference between the A and 0. Because of this, two months' twist, it requires the same time for Mercury to reach this earth ; the exact time is sixty-six days. 6 + 6 = 12 = L the right angle. He comes on the square, and here is where both ends meet, and why a worm which puts both ends together is an angle-worm. The word angel is from angle, and is of the same letters. The signs in the north revolve faster than their counterparts in the south, and thus make the principle of the gain twist. In southern, see time oh you ^^ he are N = 14 = 5 = [~] = law. GOLDEN FLEECE, 61 CHAPTER XVni. Nineteen centuries of time, set on the first 19 letters of the Eoman alphabet as now arranged. The first is A a, the second is A b, the third is A c, the fourth is A d, and so on through to the nineteenth, which is now A s. In this way, syllables and their connections have determined the history of the world. The inward man is constructed on this law of division by 19, in the distance between, and the connections of, the digestive organs. See rector, wreck torn, die wreck ton, directon,^ wrecked on, wreck D on, wrecked ham, E wrecked ham, wrecked you M, wrecked hum, rectum — the end of digest and the law. W, is 4 sticks — 2 right angles and the cross where all double.^ V is also a right angle, but the same as W is acute in print to show good spacing. At the year 1901, the sphyncter and sphynx of time will be reached, which will be the letter T. Those two sticks of T are put on the letter P to make the monogram of Pan = P .^ In that monogram is D and 3 sticks to build with. The eye is always allowed with one stick. Thus of P can be built D I T, D I X, and so on. This is puny, and punny ; the puerile way.* The word juvenile, is Jew y/ Nile; the same as baby square on = Babylon. Nile, is line — the plumb of the raven rout from the eye at the hub of the firmament ; the dove finds no rest for the sole^ of its foot and returns to the ark — arc. The Carthagenian language was Punic. It is the strongest 1 Die and re on f is in the word direction. To re, is to change from a soul to a spirit and live again. 2 Every individual must take the W to himself, as double I. Those are the same four sticks of M = 13 = 4. M and W unite in mow, maw and marrow, by the sentence M are ah (f^ ) 0 double you ; see it is the M arrow = the sun ray. 3 History reads, that " Constantine placed bones on the letter P," but gives no reason. -» In puerile, is the purr of the throat, the lie = lye, and the law = Q. ^ Soul. 62 GOLDEN FLEECE. language man can use. He does use it continually ; but his dulness of comprehension, and his ignorance of where to place syllables in the outer court of the temple, lead him to see weak- ness and folly in a pun. The understanding of the double read is earthly wisdom ; the understanding of double read doubled, is heavenly wisdom. The letter T, is the cross at the apex of the temple of time, (Fig. 12) and is with A, the syllable At — the twentieth century. Every division of time known to man is to be divided by 20 in the law. Moses died at one on dread and T went Y — 120, and the story of Joshua is of the same division. At the close of the 20th century, the 2000th year whirl will be whirled off, and will have been a w^orld of time. The 0 (naught) is with D (od — do) in world, and the eye is in whirl with H allowed — hallowed. In world, is 4 sticks, doul)le U U (the two are the orbit of the earth) and Lord. When people of this age presume that the ancients were low down in the superstitious folly of paganism, they are assuming to know the law of God as they in their own minds frame it for him. They seem to consider the law of God as something foreign to this earth, which will not apply to their guilty soul's until they have forgiven themselves in a court of their own con- vening. They seek for a religion in which there is no punish- ment to l)e considered. There is no greater mistake for man. Pun is meant, the pun ish I H S meant, pun is H meant, the suspension in the great H the now silent space over head. There will the soul learn the double reed, and the double read, and will say sifolish, after shiboleth. The '' ish " of the Jew, is Jiis I H S. In the figures 1900, draw a line downward between the 19 and the 2 ciphers ; then a cross line underneath, making a T square inverted ; then add the 1 and 9 together, which makes 10; place this amount under the 19, then bring down the 2 ciphers below the line, and see the 1000 years that " Satan shall be bound; after that he shall be loosed for a season."^ ' Seepage 276. GOLDEN FLEECE. 63 Here is the Unicorn with the chain around tlie belly let loose ; the pike in the fore — 4 — head, is the pen and the spear of Mars, God of War. 1900 years here on this earthly ball, is just 1000 years in some other sphere of God's temple ; and just as mystical as this process of figuring is, just so mystical is every tale in the biblical mythology of the history of the earth and its produc- tions. After the A t century, the year one will commence again, and will be the first of another 1900 years — the double A again. 64 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTEH XIX. The messenger Mercury comes to this earth in the 1886th year, counting from the double A, the year after the cross at the apex is completed. See Fig. 12. The body which is to receive this spirit, is born in the sign Virgin, the 12th day — death. 13 is death unto a new life by the sun, so on that night between life and death, does the child's life quiver in the balance. The wood type of the birth is poplar ; the same of the second life, is elm — he square M = 13 the sun. In poplar, is p and polar. GOLDEN FLEECE. 65 AN ANCIENT ALPHABET. JtU V P X He. Ho. SEr. A ^ IGH. Shag. I - [ Sou.^ LiG. Fo. Shing. Phon. Fen. hang. wO O. ^o^o. CONFO. Po Yo. O w V/^''^^^ Br. Els. Tui. This child is Ishmael ; in which see I H S and the mahl and weasel. His hand is against every man's, and every man's against his. He is born to suffer in the flesh what souls must suff'er out of it. He is constructed in nature as facing the oppo- site way from all mankind. He is the H airy man Esau -- he saw. His brother took his heel and connected the circle of time. He * Weasel, whezze all, el, L 66 GOLDEN FLEECE. was red by the reed, read. Threescore is 3 T s and tli re score the time core in the throat of Esau and Jacob, the twins. His make up in numbers is as 135 = 9 = eye. 132 = 6 = Virgin. 267 = 15 = God. The make up of all other people is as 135 = 9 267 123 = 6 258 258 =15 9 The difference is the eye, although the same figures are used. In all Bible stories which give seven, it is to l)e multiplied by itself. Here rest on the seventh as one and octave, two and octave, three and octave, four and octave, five and octave, six and octave, seven and octave ; the octave has swallowed itself, and the moon sun^ man dies the ash death at the age of forty- nine. He is the Phoenix ^ who springs from the ashes and lives in flames — F square hames the garrote of the bull. His previous year w^as forty-eight, 4 + 8 = 12 death and L. 4 _[_ 9 = 13 = M the sun as 13 ; the gateway to the silent /H, as A is the D sun, and H is the connection between G and A by the gamut, the law of seven upon which one rests to complete the temple — 8. His birth is in 1836 ; ^ use the T square and see the result. 18 36 9 4- D = 18, 1 + 8 = 9 the eye. 9 is 7 and 2 ; the unity and the holy nuni1)er. The octave dies at seven, and is renewed by adding one for the temple and a foundation for its repetition.^ 1 Origin of monsoon. ^ Salamander. 3 Calling 2001 the first year. " Reap he tit eye on. GOLDEN FLEECE. 67 See 0, CO means life, and oc means death ; oc with the key added, means death unto life ; the syllable is ock ; u c k is the same for the soul. Co means life with death in the distance, as 0 is to be gone through to see God. Oh see C with the drawbridge of salvation, the reed (read) which shows C to be G at that time. G, is seven, and that seven is serpent even strict time and its consequences. Even, is he V he N = V is N ; N has the reed, and thus ^ is M = 13 = sun. V has the rod and is N. The observance of calendar days was brought about by the knowledge of the course of the cruise through the year of trans- formation. Purgatory is connected with the outskirts of hell. The Divinity, is the existence of God the Father with God the Virgin — the holy mother all in one. The Trinity, is the same God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. As every word has four meanings, man on earth cannot have a clear perception of the divination. The Holy Ghost is the presence of God's influence throughout all space, the way he reaches every one. AYith the fleshy eyes, the little gaseous threads of the Holy Ghost cannot be seen. In this way, God controls all things. He fights all sides in war, and causes all disasters^ and desolation. These things are all done on time, and by the law of the astronomical alphabet and its numerals. When mankind realize this, they will understand the epoch of time in which they live. W/i U S. ' D as Tar. D is a star — disaster. 68 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER XX. Mercury pierced the Easter-egg. The earth is the yolk, and the air is the white of that q^.^. He comes in '86 ; add these fio:ures and see 14 = N his number on hi2:h. He finishes^ the course in '87 ; which add and see 15 = 0. Then there is left 13 years on the A and S century, his number^ on earth, the M. 86 + 87 = 173 = 01 73 (D O See Fig. 7. 1901 is the j^ear in which the firmament commences to cross the serpentine orbit at the apex as shown in Fig. 12. It is in shape like the central part of Fig. 14. It is hung in the center, and swings around as it moves along on the 8. In the divisions of time on the 8, lays the law Hebraic. The year 1888 is, by Roman ^ indication, the year one ; see the 8 three times in that number. See A T (cat) the 20th century. 18 88 9 16 = 7 = G. The whole firmament turns around once in passing over one half of the 8, on its own axis, and is at the same time turning in a crosswise direction to its axis at the same rate of speed ; turn- ing one Avay and rolling the other way as it travels along on the doubled 8. Here are all of the mathematical laws combined in this and the continued course of the serpentine orbit. ^ Finish is -p in ish = I H S. = f is finished, when tlie weakest becomes the strongest. ^ Number, is N becomes M and Q. ^ The roe man. GOLDEN FLEECE. 69 Fio". 12 is the course of that orbit. The space enclosed in the center is not a square, but the rhombus, from which is the word rhomboid, etc. As there are double tracks at the crossing, the I I t I I « « % % % . I # -^* Fig. 14. course is traced over the 2d time, and the od, and so on forever ; first to the left,i then to the right. This course is the track that the whole firmament is following along on, and is the serpent. » Left foot first — death at tlie easterly cross, the Ram. 70 GOLD EX FLEECE. Now, take a medium size cord, and coil it in this same double- track 8 shape, beginning on the ground and lapping one 8 directly on top of the one beneath it, until 24 have been formed; then take a wire and pass it down through the hole in the center, and bend the wire into a hoop, fastening the ends together with the cord strung on, and see the shape of the track of the firmament, and the construction of the great serpent of time — the writhe of the python. Fig. 14 is drawn with 4 segmentary lines and shows the fir- mament. Mark out an oldong square 6 by 9 ; then at a radius of 5, draw 4 circles, using the 4 corners of the oblong for centers. Two lines drawn through the center at right angles will measure 10 by 17. See in these figures the principle of time. (Draw 4 circles without a center space and the law of chaos is seen.) 17 is 1 + 7 = 8 the H = temple. lOis 1 + 0 = CD. 6 by 9, is 6 X 9 = 54. 5 + 4 = 9, the eye, and 5 X 4 = 20 = T = -h = W. The 4 circles make 2 longitudinal hoops, the equatorial and the ecliptical circles also. The radius of 5 is the law of the weasel — the hole of the whole. The north pole line is the gate to heaven ; \\\q south pole is the blow-hole for chafi" — see hafi", half. Half, is alpha — when F becomes P — P. If the 4 sides of the rhomb are multiplied, the result is 100 ; 10 of which is O ; the 0 which is left, is the she goat, and the pen with it is the he goat 10 = Q . (p . Thus it is seen that God's temple has an actual existence in space, and is the perfect law of mathematical principles. Man has to be adjusted to the law as he goes along in pro- gression. It is a reality, and material, just the same as things on the surface of this earth are. His spirit goes to another planet, to a new l)ody, where things are much more harmonious than on this earth, and so on in progression to eternal life. The souls of men are the seed of Abraham. The seed leaves the body, is purified and replanted in a body so exquisite that man's comprehension fails in the efibrt to realize it. The coming of the spirit to the body of a man here, is a type of spirits GOLDEN FLEECE. 71 leaving this earth for the joys of immortality ; hut God is per- fect, and those seeds must he good in order to take root and pass ah)ng. Now return to Fis:. 12 — the track with the rhomlius in the center. Call the lower circle 1, the upper circle 2, and the center space 3. Add together 1, 2, and 3, and see 6. The fir- mament must pass over this track twice to complete the Temple of time ; namely, 8000 years. By the passing around these 3 spaces 1, 2, and 3 twice, the law of 12 is established,^ and is death to that qjoXq of time, the end of the world-whirl D. The firmament in travelling on the track of this serpent — 8, — turns over on its axis once in the bottom half, and once in the top half; and, at the same time, turns crosswise of its axis once in the bottom half, and once in the top half, establishing the law of quadrature in the heavens. The turning over 4 times in completing this cycle of time is to be multiplied by 4, because of the two halves of the 8 being passed around twice each ; so 4 X 4=16, and this is the same 16 — the arch. It requires 1900 years of time to pass over one half of the 8, and near the close of that time — just 14 years previous — does the law come back to earth by the messenger Mercury ; 14 years brings up to the rhombus, then 100 years — for crossing the rhombus — completes a circle of time. Once over the course by the left-hand track is a 4000 year cycle of time. Another course over the right-hand track is a 4000 year cycle the same ; the two are a great cycle of time and the temple — the octave — the rest on the seventh. The firmament is travelling on a track which is itself travelling on another track of just the same form, but much larger. The first track is 16 ; the course of the 16 track is the 32 track, the course of the 32 track is the 64 track. All of these tracks are turning, each and all of them separately, on the line of their axis, ^ For established, read "he -k a (p square ish he died. He stab square I H S he Q . Est alibi she (the womb man) Q . I stable shed. Each of the fore (4) going can be read four ways = 16 — 7 = G. 72 GOLDEN FLEECE. aDcl crosswise at the same time ; ^ add together the 64 — the last and largest track, and see 6 + 4 = 10 = Q. The straight mark is the upright in the letter B, and the 0 is the 2 half circles in the same letter. See that they are 2 D D s, and that it is the same law that divides the bean, and the pea, and that it takes the 2 halves to make a whole and perfect seed = see D. The sprout is the S P rout. Observe that the figures 64 are both even ; and that 6 is the virgin, and 21 the sign of Jupiter, Jove, Janus. Here see w^hy (D is a hieroglyph meaning God, as seen in Fig. 7. 10 = B = O. 0). Outside of all globes is the principle of 64x2 = 120, where no solid earthly matter exists. There is the inside layer of the double tire. Outside of that layer, is the principle of 120 X 2 = 240 — the outside layer which completes thedoul)le tire, and the two are the tyre. Tyre has the Y in it, the 25th letter. 2 -J- 5 = 7. By the law it requires two Y Y s to make an I.^ Y = 25 = 7. Y Y = 14. Y Y = 50 = the law and 0. In this way the temple of time is built for the Jews, and the way it has always been done since man inhabited the earth. 2 is lightning in the law, and is the power of the whole 25 to- gether. It is the 26th ; 2 + 6 = 8 — the temple. Castor leaves heaven as N, and arrives on earth as Mercury; he takes the pen from the left side of M which leaves the diag- onal line of N in a crosswise position ; this erects the suffering cross. It is the same line through P . By taking the pen from M, N is left — the leaven which leaventh the whole — leave N. That yeast was Y east, Aries, the last of Pisces — the leap in the dark. By taking the pen, tom becomes ton ; T on = on the cross. Here is the roch, the R ock (uck) the foundation of the church. Ch UR see H, church. Ch is K, and in the word church, are these two ch keys, and the ur in the center is UR of the Chal- dees = see all D D s = H< all a Ds = 0 0. * The word add^ is the sun and the same 2 D D s = (p . * Two Y Y s become 2 ■/\-/\s which is a 24 hour circle of light on the earth, and an eye on the mill from the north, sees the A /\s as W and X ; Ours — Hours 24. 2 -j- 4 = 6, 6 marks in W and X. GOLDEN FLEECE. 73 In tottle, see the Ts of Golgotha. Tottle in Aries, is Aristotle ; so a man by that name was a philosopher. Phil 0 so ; Phillip who died with his face on the pillar — the od column = Q . He rode Pegasus, and was hurled into the Styx. Mankind have a difficulty in placing many of these sayings, because they took place both in body and spirit. To think of them as having taken place in space and in spiritual life, is to excite the imagination beyond its soul power. The curtain is drawn to all mankind, and only one ever comes back from behind the scenes to ih^foot light with a P laws = applause — the En hakkore. X Eagle. ^ Cuckoo. J 1 Weasel • Chame- T Little & ^ LEON. o Ossi- FRAGE. Great Owl. ^X/^^. Stork & ^ . Ferret. 1 1 OSPREY. Vul- XJ.ERON. Lapwing. a Lizard. ^. ture. Raven. /N -^ AA Bat. Locust. ^>Cp^ TOISE. ^:: Mouse. o Owl. Night- —0 y the moon's circle from heel to head. If one of anything be cut in two, and one part cast away, and the remain- ing part cut in two and so on, there never would be an end to the work so long as the la^t piece could be found. The ''last piece," is the eater piece to be devoured. Fiy:. 19. Apply this law to the finest adjustment of the length of the earth's orbit by all divisions given, and see the human race carried over by the death of one man. Thus are Julian periods accounted for. eTuli, a N the lion from lye on, the ash death. The animal which bears that name is a type of the sun man by the mane ; re verse, is name. That mane is the H air of Mary^ wdiich surrounds the head and neck, and is invisible to children of the moon's time. Every animal and vegetable known to man are types of this same re double work, and the name and ha))it will fit the case. It can be found easy by English at this epoch of time, l)ecause the fruit was eaten in that dialect last. -E becomes I, by the four-sided square with a dot, and it is the sign of the w^easel.^ Here is the double you easel of the painter, and the right angles of the cross. See the word you. Y is the three sticks of A, Avhere the last 1 M = 13 = 4 in the air. 2 See frontispiece — law of desolation. GOLDEN FLEECE. Ill becomes first, and 0 is the hole of holiness.^ U is the silent maanet in the air and earth : that which controls all life and I— inanimation. From earn, to urn ; the sweat, of the F ace. In sweaty is A and west ; a cross line of his adjustment to the pole line. So, Adam earned his bread — ear N H is Q read = dear. Sweat is P her spire, S pire pyre — time fire. The sign Capricornus (Pan), is the letter V with a circle on it, which means that the V is united with and changeable to B as v*^ = \^. That sign also means the Virgin with the boy in her arms. See Saint Thomas' day — Christmas. The sylhdole torn, is seen to be the cross, the grave and M z= 13 the sun's number in the law. By analyzing the word ascension, it will be seen that it is another account, and another way of telling the story of N at the A and S of time. Sion, is time and eye (9) on, and in- cludes the rout of the Pyrrhic traveller. While yet he was talking, he was taken you P (up) out of sight; yet he was seen by many afterward, i.e., the body was known to be the same as had been seen. The four ways of heavenly reading disjoints all of man's efibrts to write the story. * Hole he see, hole Y C' 1^ ^^^ ^6^' *^^® ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ' ^^® ^^^^^ ®^^' "^^^ diet, was time, (S) urn, {Y)\H, {/\)0, (15) death (Q ) the whole was synod, — the congregation of all the signs, — the whale. Diet, is tied — irom. Q -\- Q to 7 -[- 7. 6 -|- 6 = 12, 7 -j- 7 = 14 ; 12 -f- U = 26, the Z from Alpha to Omega. He leaned = lean he died on the name John, as J on H the beloved = 0 loved = love (] ; as V becomes B by -y/ = ^, so love, is square 0 B E the serpent. No one dialect includes the law. 118 GOLDEN FLEECE. CHAPTER XXYII. The death and transfiguration of Hercules has been shown in many ways in the statuary and bas-relief of past ages. The Assyrians showed it by the representation of a man pinned to the ground, and his skin being stripped off by raan.^ Those pictures gave rise to the idea that those people did skin their war captives. So people of 4000 years hence may think that men of this age did tie and nail their captives to a cross and the letter T. The condition of a soul in the body of a man is the same as malt ; and purgatory is the same as the distillery f see the fit- ness of all names in connection. A soul being malt, it is an undeveloped spirit held captive in the flesh. It places all things on a belief, and honestly believes that upon that belief rests the surety of its soul salvation.^ It thinks God is angry with those who have not the ^^ rigJit belief." This is all, because the spirit is undeveloped. People cling tenaciously to their preconceived ideas because of the moon's influence. They become irritable if they meet any opposition, because born under different aspects. They wish to keep on worshipping the images of their own imagination. This is all in nature. About 30 days of progress l)y the moon's circle, and that is the extent ; the body is then put on to another thirty days, and so on. In that way the mind of man is held with the body, and he feels the limit of his understanding. His power of ready comprehension fails, and he takes to the slow process of study. Here he slowly adds idea after idea, without thinking of the perfect connection of those ideas by language and cir- cumstance. * See why man believes in but one advent. ^ By the law of typical representation. ^ It knows not the sole — 30 silver piece rout. GOLDEN' FLEECE. 119 God himself exists independent of the herein-described mathe- matical law. His number being 15, is the connection with man, and man's connection with and in the law — O.^ The letter D, and those od numbers set to that letter in Fig. 3, is the devil. It is the column (call em) by which he leads men around, tempting them to do all sinful things. In this way God has fought all wars, and brought misery on to earth as a punishment for man's refusal to accept the law. Two LLs twice make an H. The lap is 4 double on the perch — the trap of the H gallows. Four Ls make an £, so £ be- comes H — the n O lEl O the weasel hole through^ the law. The ferret is the two crooks on a staff, the stalk, S talk, and is the unity and the fineness of the infinite — in fin eight. Od is made even by adding the last D, as in odd. The D leads man into all manner of sin and wickedness, and causes him to commit all namable crimes. It requires man's nature with it, in order to succeed as the D. This is the natural way to handle man, because of his od construction. Man is always trying to get even, but in trying for even, he gets od ; which is his all that side of the sun's path. Soul, sole the cobler's last — the 12 foot — the last day ; that day the moon will not transfer the thread = th read of life from Pisces to Aries ; i.e., make the life jump from the foot to the crown of the head.^ Then is the moon turned to blood, and the soul goes marching on another experience.* Then take place many of those things which men have honestly believed would take place on earth at the last day,^ as they, in their mind, saw it. The commanding the sun to stand still, applies to a time when the earth will take a turn at the shifting of its axis. That event will take place again and again for ever. It is the way, it is heated up from time to time, so to retain astronomical life. The principle of the musical octave being the law throughout the great universe, no one of the planets can be thrown out of ^ The lu)le of the grave. ^ ^^^ rou The same as JEHOVAH-JIREH. 2 Q he ^^ bell. 130 GOLDEN FLEECE. The veil was rent and that soul went into sheol, hades, and hell. The earth did quake the same as it always has at the return of the same period.^ An earthquake at the present epoch in which 20,000 people are estimated to have suffered, is not considered as any proof of an advent, nor was it at that time ; years elapsed, and the fulfilment of his prophecies was the proof of that advent. People of to-day firmly believe that which the Romans could not, and those people were just as intelligent as the people of this age. The surprise which awaits souls on the " other side " opher th hair, cannot be conceived here on earth. It is the solemnity of a gigantic joke. Who knows what a joke is in Hebrew? If people of to-day could be shown an accurate picture of a scene in Aleppo, Syria, which took place 2000 years ago, would they be startled, or inclined to think of it as anything more than an every-day occurrence ? These musings should lead any one to see that the belief so strong in the mind is that which carries beyond this earth. In Syria see Beraea and Aleppo. ^ There is the Bear — he — A, and the 0 and apple. The fitting of those names is not any closer than the work was. The wrath of her who knows it all, was the foundation for Nazareth. There is 14, and the razer — with fire. The names which are in the several stories compiled as the gospel, are the result of the heavenly aspect of those days. Time eye O 0 see. "The stars shall fall." People can not get up to them yet, so their lans^uao'e is brousfht down. The forewarning was a seem- ing shower of starry sparks. Man is looking for things on earth which he will see after D. In this way he misses the mark. The bull's-eye is the center of the tar G he T. M is airy, i.e. , look through air to see the sun. M airy, without the eye, is Mary, the darkness^ of even in G = evening = Eve 1 Italy 1886-7= 13 = M. 2 See map of ancient Roman empire. ^ In darkness see the D ark and N = U, double timed. GOLDEN FLEECE. 131 N in G. Joseph was betrothed to that darkness in which was the child of hght and knowledge. Joseph w\^s David, he of the seven mnltipHed. Mary is mar and the urn. To mar is to bruise ; the same is the heel (heal) of time. Reverse mar, and see Ram. Mar with the serpent is Mars. The Ram buts ; the reverse is stub. Stub is t hub, and huh is the center of the wheel — the double you heel — heal of time. Adam fell at Pisces, and went to the A — the sun, and could get no farther ; was stopped by the sun ; it was his dam — the A dam. He, by coming to earth again, becomes his own father ; and he w^as the womb man, woe man and woman ; so he is always his own mother. By twins, he is always his own brother, and as the woman (Eve), he is always his own sister. See the 4 ways of relationship in the one head — the subject of mythology. These things all fit farther along, where language is taken in at one glance, and where it can be known Avithout having to stop to study it. Use the tops of the two PP s for DD s. Use the bottoms (stork) for X, see a X D . D is X,i and T is R by putting the serpent on to T as t = $ = R . re add (read) D he X and T he R, i.e., DEXTER. In the foregoing (4 going) is to be seen an illustration of one letter becoming another. This law has but one weak place, and that place is only seemingly so to man. It is the law of the cruise, and no road but death (the 0) will give it in detail — the death tale — the re tale — the mean and small way of part- ing with the jobbers' wares, the effects of Job, the middle man. The word cruise, without the eye, is curse. See the abomination unto you — the turkey. See all of his parts, and name them. See the strut is the t rut. Therubber^ is on his knows, and the prime in G brush is at the double you^ * By death it becomes the 2 sticks of T = X. '^ The rubber is the last game. 2 W means you double in purgatory, and become as the angels in heaven — twined. 132 GOLDEN FLEECE. ish —the lucky bone.^ He is one type of the suffering Job. He has the FAN, the narrative, and the gobble — as Job gobbled down the menu of the tree. Job's patients were all mankind. A patient without the eye is a patent. The pay tent is in sheol. In this way examine all things by naming the parts, and see what it is to offer these things as a sacrifice. Offer is off of the usual way of thinking of them l)y a low base of land gauge. Here is the so-called ignorance of past ages. Jupiter is the name by which both Father and Son are known. That name gives the understanding of unity. Pan is at the head of the 12 as 13 the sun.^ 14 is connected with the word Son. In this way Pan is Jupiter. All things are blended together in this same w^ay, and is es- pecially noticeable in gradations of prontmciation. In Pisces and I H S see feet ish — fetish and his feat — feet. In this way read the law to suit the fancy — fan see — Pan see. "The pool of Siloam." P ool of Time, the eye and loam — the earth. The death at Cancer and the descent into hell was the pool. P ool. That spear on the P and the shepherd's crook put with it make another P. The two P Ps make a B and the two edo'ed sword — the two pen see — the spear with which the Dragon was slain. In this temple must all syllables be put in place to have an understanding of the absolute law of God to man in the language he uses for his earthly convenience. The grind of this wordy mill is here and beyond. This orthoora[)liy is alluded to all through the Bible, and gives it that air of sacred mystery wdiich man feels, but cannot tell why. All words which have ology for an ending, are for all ogee = OG the serpent ; graphy is the 0 and spiritual knowledge beyond. V becomes F, and F ph. The word God is the word for people of the earth to use, and ^ Two ways from the spade. 2 13 + U = 27 = 9, the eye. GOLDEN FLEECE. 133 is that which they are allowed. Jehovah is not for mortals to utter. In the word selfish see elfish— hell fish, that which swallowed Jonah. In swallowed see S W allowed — aloud. S W is time you double, if you DO — do. That L fish will swallow ^ every soul now living, as it has al- ways done in the past. E is sun in Leo. A is sun in Aries. U is the air.^ E A U is the 0 in dialect, and is the hole and entrance to God. Dialect — Die A he see t . Man is always looking for chaos, as a proof of an existent God, that very thing which does not take place because there is an existent God. God's works are used as a proof that there is no God, because man has never seen anything other than God's works to compare them with. He unconsciously desires proofs of no God, in order to prove to himself that there is a God. This is the result of his expecting chaos. It is in his nature to be thinking of chaos in the future, because he is in the scale of progression, and is to see wonderful things of which he has only an instinctive imagination while in the flesh. Man's disbelief in a future is largely due to the misrepresenta- tions of that condition by those Avho were in ignorance before him. Can man do away with the law of lye, grease, and soap? If not, how can he escape the ash-water of his record, unless he mix with the grace of God and see 50 a P . For this comparison people did take umbrage 2000 years ago, and the vengeance of God has followed them ever since. They said it was too small, and not worthy of the God whom they worshipped ; yet they would admit that there was nothing too meek for Moses. Souls have to get down lower than that comparison before they triumph in the silent H. See what it is to be born again — all in the she hall — sheol. See that the advent of 2000 years ago was, where historians ^ Swallow is in the core — sign Taurus. 2 These 5 months are pebbles — P bulls for the sling. 134 GOLDEN FLEECE. can find some connections b}^ war and disasters. He was of Carthagenian Mjlood, born in Aleppo, Syria. Bethlehem was the star route of his spiritual birth. The ancient Romans acknowledged that God caused war, and fought both sides. They opened the door of the temple of Janus until peace, as an acknowledgment ; but they would not believe that he was the same to the black man as to the white. People of this age should realize that the bhick race have been the Jews for the past 2000 years, thus avoiding that error of Eome and Greece. The blacks sound D in place of th, and give B for V. Thus is the soft blend of dialect divided amon<>: God's children. They are called the children of Ham. See the pun is meant ^ of that race. Pan is meant, fan is meant, han. The same warning is again here given, as at every suck time since the history of man. These things should be looked to with reason and understanding. ^ See car = arc ih age A G he. - Punishment for unbelief. GOLDEN FLEECE, 135 CHAPTER XXIX. By names, dates, and numbers, see the signs of this epoch of time. The combination cannot be unravelled by man in the flesh ; but he can see a mix of names in daily news, and he has history to look over, in which is plainly written the book of 8 — of ftite. The unison of language (as shown in this work) is the way to find the unalterable law of God, and the way to see his deal- ing with man by that law. This double reading is the "sign of Jonah"; always and for- ever the same — the double hautboy of Pan ; 2 w^ays for earth, and 4 ways for the passage over the Styx by the in die A rout,^ which is sure to be on time in the future, as it has never failed in the past. The Avay the Pomans read astrology was their fig-tree. Those "figs" (figures) was the way they built in the alphabeti- cal law. They had lost the art, same as now. They did not see the simplicity of it. The cursing of that fig-tree was the same as the cessation of work on the Tower of Babel — tower of babble — talk. They studied the double read, and admitted that they knew not what they said. Their language was confounded. C on founded — founded on C, the reed way they read — red. The P roof (proof) of the dou])le read will be the eat in G (eating) of music in notes of prince see P all and in T he rest — principal — principle and interest. Fig. 18, is the two hawk-feathers used by the Egyptians to illustrate the eater piece of time in the adjustment ; add the A to ment — meant. Those two feathers mean the difference between the. 8 X 8 square, and the b x ^^ oblong square, as shown in Fig. 13. ' India. 136 GOLDEN FLEECE. Rameses was he who saw the Earn in the spiritual existence. Xo matter how many kings took that name afterward. IJe was the real Sennacheril) also. G all on, is a gallon. On gall.^ From this, and with it, is the 4 quarts which it contains, i.e., the 4 quarters of the square cross. They are Pison, Gihon, Iliddekel and Euphrates. Hav- ilali is the circle around the whole as 0, and the circle of the neck. See havalock. The goat — Pan. Me knee me knee t kel — kill you far t-in. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin — you pass in — to sheol — the 0. Thy soul shall froth, foam, and effervesce in purgatory and hell. Arising again to that land of fire, the seven churches of Asia, where all souls become spiritual Paraisians — Persians. The "boils of Job," was this same overflowing in mead^ — meadow — the swamp and marsh from which come flags and cat-tails. The word dynasty, means the ash death, and should be a period of 2000 years. "There was war in heaven,"^ is the time of making things even at the time of the die nasty ; the simplest way to unravel the Bible, is the sure and the truthful way. In cursed, is the cure, time, and death. The man in the atlas of the heavens, is the sun man in his difi'erent characters and names as he goes through the 24 months' experience. Tales in mythology are connected by stating some relation- ship with the names of the characters of some more ancient story, to show their mythical meaning. Esau had a remarkable head of hair wdien young, and of air and H when old. This is why pictures of apostles vary as they got V airy. An apostle, means a part of the whole ; in that word see post — P oh t , and /E with the L for surety. All have to bear those twelve diflerent characters as they pass along, following their file — life — leader. ' The gall — gaul of the live [^ . 2 Medes. ^ War in heaven is -|- sun and Q . GOLDEN FLEECE. 137 All souls will be Thomases after death. The reality is so far bej^ond the strongest belief on earth, that the bodily life will be counted as doubting. All are Peters, and Judases, and will sustain those characters in sheol. They are all Alpheuses. They see the sun in Alpha and Aleph the bull. See why Alpha becomes Aleph. See introduce. Duced in the T roe. D you see law, is duce. Duce, is two — the double nature, because of suffering in that roe. In T rod, D you see -E. In trod you see the -£ cud. D you see G = see you (D , cub. Menu, men you — mean you. This word is of the eating of the fruit of the tree in the G hard den. M he N you. An acknowledgment that M is N, and that the you here meant is he who did eat, will explain the word in part. M becomes N, and is of and with the U, and U is the Holy Ghost in the law as revealed^ to man. That menu is the fi'uit of time which no man can touch until he sure^.y dies. lie is then driven out of the G R den, and sees that D is N. Tie finds every act of his life laid open, naked — t ark — and gets his apron for shame — H same. He eats of the tree (three ^) in the airy space of sheol, and chews the ^q\v cud in caverns of earth, the place of hades. Ancient pictures which show angels in the background have sheol for a basis. Wings are the same. Those which have Astro connections can be easily understood to mean the calendar man. Yulcan, the forger, is he who had to bear all the names of a 2 years' course — the 4 cube of the alphabet. From this is forgery when another name is used in fraud. Forging is " smithing " ; because he of many names under- stood the weld of the tire, the hammer and heat of Orion — iron — the steel — st eel — steal of the tJi eye he F (thief) who was forsfiven on the cross in the sunli^^ht of the heavens. In this way read myths with an understanding that the seemiyig whole, is but a part of it. ^ Re vealed, calf, see half — D. ^ Golgotha. 138 GOLDEN FLEECE. All the signs of the heavens are chained together electrically, and together they are the great "cats' cradle," a web, and the web. He who suffered all of those signs w^as stirred by that w^eb, and thus found the 4 meanings of words and their con- nections ; and it should be easy enough to see why the wordy man of his time was a Webster. The man next to him was Johnson, because of the son John soon to come. Events have all been Avove together as 4 warnings since the 10th century, gradually growing more perceptible. ^ Always by the mix of names and figures in civil affairs, as well as in war and pestilence. The knowledge of these things is building the temple of the Lord, and must have a foundation. The foundation is the con- nection of events in the mix of names and numbers. Place ain ' on the alter, and see Cain. The mark placed U2:)on him, Avas you P on him. He was born for G, and slew his first life. He was a wild man, ish M he all.^ He slew A bel — B e LL.^ As none can approach the eye, E is used ; it is the law, and in that way ain becomes ane, cain, lain, lane — the straight and narrow wa^^ Million, is eye on mill. Mill, is the great universe. United, is the re verse of untied; the same of unite and untie. Verse, is serve. Observe, is serve Ob — the serpent. In pen, see that P is N = 14. Shoro, is time, hor and 0 = 15. The "signs of the times," can be understood as the doul)le read of Jonah, and they always indicate the overruling power of him who is never changeable — change a ble, change a bell — change a bull never, Taurus is there the same as when placed there in and of the law, and he who Avas od in, and bald R'^ found the difference between the S not and the S H'ht. Because of his acute senses he is pictured with Ions: ears, aoa'^'le eyes, and a cherr}^ nose. He has to own up to all of his past inward thoughts, as well as sins of bodily acts. He is on the torture rack, and everything has to be told — he forgets nothing. Plis sac bursts, and he is cast to earth — to larvae. He drifts to a place where the murky atmosphere fits his aroma. See brimstone fire and the lake — the L ache of Hyades. He meets the Holy Terror. His toes are picked. The "cloven foot" is the split between life and death at the moony Tekel ^ place — at the see love N foot of the heavenly matrix. Of these things mayst thou eat.^ The chewing of the cud is see you. D. A cupid is the spirit released from the larvos shell in hades, and he follows the path of love ])y the way of the B 0 and ^ 0.^ The glorified spirit is never pictured. It is beyond description, because there are no close types on earth. The catfish^ is the water type of an elf, and the sculpin is the type of the elf's skin. The all seeing eye being the head, and the head being He, -E becomes I and is I. Thus is, is es. Es is se, and see C. B is two. B is see you T he. B is see you it — biscuit composed of 2 halves as 0 . In the word dictionary it is seen that death and the cross is the time and place where all iY\)Q will be understood. In anglo saxon see angle 0 and the sax horn — the time ax and trumpet of Gabriel. Gab ^ I he L. The last ivum]^ sounds S hounds. That last trump is always played at Pisces ; the game \^ footed, soles are turned, and all lights out at taps. Tap be- comes pat, ah T see H<.^ Ma sun double you tap pan. The tap at the brad ford of Jonah. ^ ^ Hell he meant airy. '■* See the power of the Tekel and fall — the pulley = p you f Y- ^ The " hody" is the twelve signs Avhich compose the matrix in which the soul is recast and born again; all eat of it, and P f^ "f ache (partake) of the double you Y (eye) in £ = 0. ■* Bow and arrow. ^ Hornpout. ^ Patrick, Aries 17th = 8. '' The brad — the point of the gourd. 148 GOLDEN- FLEECE. O A E U I is the way the five vowels run from earth out. For man here they run a e i o u w y. The soul takes them — first the A (sun), then the £ (weasel), then the eye (I), then cast down to 0 (hades), then the U lifts up again. The first 0 is at death. The angel (angle) of the Lord rolls away the st one (stone), and that stone becomes a th one^ by purifying fire from heaven. Tlie weasel is the square of a life with the wafer ^ hole of time taken out in hades. In L, the ogee spell, the G 0 spell, will be the gospel understood and experienced. Would the law of a civilized country allow of man's entering a temple with a mahl stick, and driving out those who bought and sold stocks ? What would be the result if it were tried in any city in this country to-day ? The Eoman laws Avere more strict than those of this day. How then did it take place, if the Bible is true, and it is true. Man will rather believe that that man was the leader of a mob than to consider it as a condensed passage to describe the general result of that advent.^ The " tal)les were turned on them," for by his coming they be- came unbelievers, whereas they had previously been believers. They were imperfect astrological readers. They considered the T as meaning the balance of Liber only, and they had lost the proper understanding of the double E — the oblong fold which means the doubling of a letter in the same syllable. See book of Sibyl. They read the signs of the times by names, games, dates, trades, deaths, births, disasters, etc., as letters and numbers applied. See why the}^ considered games of so much importance. The name of him who won (one) was of the greatest importance. They had some idea of an approaching advent, and were look- ing for signs of the times.'* They put on many knowing looks, went up on platforms, and, ' th one becomes thome, pluriil thomes. ^ Wafer is the seal of the sac. 3 Advent — V, add Q — V, add 10 — Ten. V ent ad and carry one for Ten — ent — enter — entre — three. ■* They wore the builders who rejected the stone. GOLDEN- FLEECE. 149 facing east, did pretend to read by stars those very things which they tried to read by the sorcery of observing the coinl^i nation of e very-day life. They thought things were either pro or con. They reckoned but two ways, and those they coukl not see. All events are subject to four quarters above, and the same beneath. The dark waters are dar quarters — D are quarters. Dar is the same as there, or there are, thar. It requires the com- bined language of all the earth to give the law of four. See is the light of the upper day, and sea is the darkness of the lower day ; these two D D s make a twin day of twenty-four hours. This is to be applied to souls as they pass through the 0, and on to their double life as twins. The law has to read in halves to man for this same reason ; it fits his case here, and while here, because he is but half and sees but one fourth. He is always probing the law, and thinks it un- reasonable. See the reason for unbelief in the minds of many men who have, or seem to have, good judgment about Avordly matters, and averasje ^ood tact. If a man were a (D instead of a D, and w^ere millions of miles away from earth on the pole line, he would then see what the Ds are fitted to here, and why the law has to read in so divided a manner. He would see the twenty-four hour circle, and see whv cone chans^es to come. If the law were given as though man were now even, it would be so far from fitting his case here that he could not accept it, and it would outrage the source from which it came. Some people who have been moved to tears while reading of the hardness and cruelty of the Romans of 2000 years ago, sud- denly find themselves doing the same thing, and for precisely the same reason. They are the assets of the riches of Job. They, with their long ears for musical language, said, " AYe hear enough/' Daniel in the den of lions. Dandelions for greens and flying seeds. All souls become ^'sunflowers," and this is why flowers are roses ; they rose from the dead body, F lower = flower — flour from the grind of the mill in sheol. 150 GOLD EX FLEECE. Is any one so simple as to think the yellow seedy flower which grows in the garden is meant? Yet people will do the very thing in Biblical comparisons. They do not realize the four w-ays, and that the mystery of the future is blended with the present for a connection. Simon he surnamed Peter. Surnamed is time you are named ; i.e., so much of the suffering time was Peter. eTames and John he surnamed sons of thunder; th is fire from heaven, and they (two months) were th under ; under th for sixty days, so much of the cruise. The people wished for bread made from stone, t one is the stone, and D bear is bread = O read. They knew not (new ^ not) that the reed was the pen with which he smote the read, or that in smote was see tom and some T. InT 0 M see two and four sticks. 2X4=8, the temple. The entire con^1)ination of sticks, numbers, letters, figures, or any way of showing the same, will always give the same names and law of perfection. The word law is to be read the square, the sun, the LL = storks ; the L L s are the t . The flanks and lapwing are the same. W double you there all the same in the law — lau — aul — awl. Mankind have looked coolly on the three TTTs of Golgotha, and tried to comprehend the love of God in allowing his son to be slain for themselves that they might escape the same thing ; thereby making the love of God greater for sinners, than for his only O gotten son. Not being able to see it in that light, they then say, the son was willing to die for them, for the love he had for the race ; and in that contemplation they rest. The mysteries are beyond man's comprehension. The law of the circle of life being closed or broken l)etween Pisces and Aries, is in all life on earth ; and is done by the sun, with the one exception of the owl fiimily. See feet head, fetid, foeted,^ feted is all the broken house of Levi. Th eat head, T heat head, th at head is the fire of life.^ Snakes have no such Feet V.s/t, fetish. Th instead of fe. GOLDEN FLEECE. 151 like experience ; they coil (see oil) up often enough to preserve the circle of life, and are the symbol of life and of time. The elf leaves the " feeted " body. The cupid leaves the elf shell, and has the full bow (the circle)., and the air 0 (arrow), and the circle forever made good, because in a sphere of airy circles. The rattlesnake has the Avarning of the goat (December) at the tail (tale), and the fangs of Aquarius (January) at the head = Janus. This is literally true in the H, and not a studied comparison. In a cj^cle of 2000 years, the rattle comes at the 20th cen- tury.^ The "slight warning" is his S (hiss) 4 th fly in Egypt. Egg why P T. " And he shall hiss for the fly in Egypt." ^ The blowing of the horn at the tale end of the 19th, is that hiss, H is S. Th is S. TJiis, present time, is the sphyncter, the Sphynx and Phoenix of time. Understand the Phoenix park — P ark — assassinations. "And there were giants in those days." The bodies are much larger than the souls while they are within those bodies. The Bible is a very nmch condensed work as it is ; with which, con- sider that all of those words are but abbreviations of larger words, that all read four ways, that those four ways are con- nected by a circle, — the tyre, — and then think, "who by searchino' can find out God."^ o See ticks; tick-tacks of time, and tactics of military;^ the drill of Upton — up Tom from hard D* — up Tom from H, death. Gold, is old G. The gold of that land is good. There is bdellium and the on X stone,^ — the X on -£ stone. All of the time stories in the King James Bible, can be understood to mean seven with the eighth added for one on ^ In Gabriel on the alter, see gab, bag, [^ eye he L. Gab, is talk, and bag, is the moonshine from which the EJ<(at was let out = (])isG = 7X7 = 49. ^ The last trump, was king of spades = time, p and hades, the triumph over the grave. The blowing of the red sea horn = read C horn with the set piece = pen. ^ This comparison is a fit in the law of the signs of the times in forewarnings ; the way things run by names. Every identical thing in the history of the earth has been, and is the same, and will continue the same, and man is to see the power of God tliereby. * Hardee's tactics. * 0 necks stone. 152 GOLD EX FLEECE. which to place the e^^e, making nine — the cat, and the destruc- tive bits thrown out. All told by different divisions of tune, and all meaning advents and their result. Man is subject to this law, and will be until he is over the last crossinof a\ here there is no " somethino^ " to fire out of music. There is the sapphire stone. The cruise of Jason is to be considered differently from the passage of a soul through purgatory to heaven, for the obvious reason of his returning to earth. It is the same experience with the accompanying labor of the bodily voyage (on earth) and the spirit of Castor who gives the law, being from the highest in knowledge among spirits, mixed in the twin. The two tales are in the Bible, and can be separated, or taken as one being a part of the other. Man should use reason about religious matters, as he does about worldly affairs, and not let his imagination lead him to expect heaven on earth, although it reaches to earth by the Holy Ghost which none but one man's eyes have seen in the flesh, and not another. Man goes wild in what he names a belief; his belief never changes the law by which he is saved. In saved, is the vase (Y) and D — the only rout = tour = T hour = our T oh you R ah — A to H. ISome people suffer in mind with a fear of hell, because that they have not felt that ^^ diange of heart," ^ which some claim to have experienced. That which is claimed as a change of heart does not alone save that soul from the most distressing and perilous voyage. A clean confession to the Holy Spirit of every little sin here on earth, with prayer, is a course for sinners to take. It is neglected because man is bodily blind to the spir- itual ether in the air ; one glance would fix him forever, but it is not in the law, or so to be. It is the soul's experience when it leaves the house of clay. Dishonest ^ dealings between man and man are obstacles in the path to salvation. There is no act so small but that it is seen, known, and on record. When a man "beats " another, in such a way as to escape the penalty of the laws of man, his ' In heart is earth. ^ D is H one st. GOLDEN FLEECE. 153 fellow-men say "he is sharp"; and give him credit for it, as though it were a line accomplishment. This is breaking the law of high heaven, and is a greater burden to carry through than that of him who, having broken man's law, has suffered the penalty on earth and goes out clean. Man is in a constant state of temptation to do sinful things, and none arc free from yielding. Some yield to greater, and some to lesser. In yield, is Y and lied — die L — dial =12. The innermost thoughts of man against man, must be all reckoned as sin at the last day, whether they were accompanied by acts of the body or not. Such is the purity of spirits. Here man will exclaim, " J^one can he saved! " Bear in mind forgiveness and a change of dealing. Upon this,^ the Church is founded, and people become Christians. The "golden rule" comes from high heaven, and it is a sin to break it. Born in a manger ; in a man, G he are. In a stable, st able — time t a bull — t able — l)ale — Abe L. Abe ray Ham. Abel. Paul was tins man. Put this on the alter and see fire is — the digest and law. See Paul's acute talk to those doubters ; it was full of the strength of the double reed, for he was the master of language. He was the Matthew^ Mark, Luke, and John; the four sea sons, the fore see son, the four C son of the divided year = 0. He could read the four ways of the trans P3^re in G, the trans- piring of transfiring. The spirit in the neck connected with the Holy Ghost w^as the source of his knowledge, the same as ever in the G man who is periodically born for it. Theology — th all ogee — the serpent. Prose p rose from death. Etymology — eat IVI all ogee. In rose, is sore — the time ore — metal — met all. Ogee — 0 G, is the foundation of hog. See why hogs will fight snakes, and absorb the poison of the rattlesnake without harm. The affinity of ogee the serpent with the letters 0 G does it. Thus grease blends with grace ; grace on time will triumph over the sting of death — the line of Pison and Gihon. ' He -who was forf^iven on the cross in sheol. 154 GOLDEy FLEECE. The name of everything is its affinity, and connects with a future life. That life is not reached without sufferins^ the law of destruction. Swill, is the time willed out of the orbit by distance ; blends in grease and grace. Pocket, is the same as the pit. Wagon, is the joker on G. That wag is on, then gone, and thus he drives the fiery chariot. G, becomes itself single, in gig, the D ock t he R s to double you healed (two wheeled) vehicle = V high see L he. See the flounder with his two sides ; he sees all one way. Thus all "little fishes praise God," and all things in sea and on earth the same by name and construction. Monkey, is 13 (M) on key; the soul gets at the key in the sharp rays of sunlight in sheol on the surface of the air, the top of that in which he is now at the bottom, smothered in the flesh. Han will weep at the recital of a tale in which is mentioned the stone which the builders reject, and is firm in his belief that it was all so ; and yet, when he is confronted with the reality which the cycle of time always brings a])out, he would rather believe tliat it was once so, but never to be again. He would rather continue to worship the same old images formed in his mind according to his interpretation of iron and brass than to take the trouble to find the foundation for his belief as given by the Prophet in the law from time to time, as cycle after cycle of time rolls on. Man loves to believe in the has been and is to be, but he shrinks from the idea of the repeat of history, or the thought of discovering the epoch of the circle of time in which he lives. Man worships his ideal as a law of nature ; he cannot help it. The phenomena of his mind seems to ha inseparable with his body, and he easily forgets that the Sun ^lan was very difler- ent in that respect. He, suffered the separation, and solved the riddle. j\lan will admit that ho was not like others, and will quarrel among themselves al)out what they think that difference was ; as though it were necessary to know that which they cannot know, GOLDEN' FLEECE. 155 until such time as the soul is separated from the body ; there the soul will be i)ut on the cross, and find out the fact of one having suflered there before, and returned to the body on earth — the leader of the human race and the head of the church, whether recognized on earth or not. It is in man's nature to expect all of the disasters of 2000 years to be thrown into one day, and that day to be the one in which the Archangel comes to earth. Some are suffering in the delusion of their imagination as they think of a God in per- fection wdio is suddenly to precipitate chaos, and thinking of themselves as plucked from that vortex, while their fellow-man is burnt with the earth and blown away with the smoky chaff. It should be easy for people to see that cold death will over- take them while in the same frame of mind, as it has always done in the past. See in F A N how the seed = see death is plucked, and the bodily chaff cast into outer darkness by the win oh in G (winnowing) mill of God. P you are G O is purge. Floor, Flower — hades. As long as this earth is fitted for man, so long will the spirit Mercury return in this same way to regive the law in unspoken language ; always teaching humility, and the way of the meek and lowly as the pathway to immortality and eternal life. The extent of man's power to comprehend the incarnati(m is his idea of a holy spiritual influence which he himself sometimes feels. That sensation on his part, is the pressure of Q , instead of D. See the difference is as Q compared with God, and no experience as a spirit out of the body or in it. A mere malty soul waiting for a release, and a re lease in the spiritual king- dom of God. The law of God in language, is the law forever, the same as found in Hebrew ; in which, there is no END. DATE DUE ^ ,-.»^ ^^*e _»,—«— "^"^ I GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S A. nil nil nil 11 1 1012 01010 9330