T II E C HE 'd PEST f T I O N F ■« » § % i i c% v' •&» * *» JDGE PI RUSHED IN THIS COUNTRY. ISII 1 isof iMf'Mi/a'i mW :r*iNiNG P THE- MOKIIMG AiYB EVENING SERVICES OF THF EM {RACING \ CHOICE COLLECTION OF W SB F-46.103 « ly x/ '&ps§j ipsao/ja^ @^@ibsb) reikis, ^sM&sg ags® fiBOTrsrau y( /^ydO ' SELEiTEll FROM THE I'MJPUSITIOIVS UP THE FIRS! MISTERS, .P1I.F1) BY PHILIP A Kli K .V P II' >' R AT: ,R( LAY ST, r.'>STOV i-js rRHFIiAL STREET . . I FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS F1TZGERAUD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Division SCfr SecUoji fofO '■ THE ©^™@y© U/M$P 9 CONTAINING * JUL 16 1934 . THE MORNING AND EVENING SERVICE m € H W H ® S 1 H 9 S 1 ^ - EMBRACING A CHOICE COLLECTION OF l&\ #t fH W& ^ miTAMSS a 2?SAJLHm» SAQ&SSB HTlSIIS a ASHKBHBI SELECTED raOM THE C COMPOSITIONS OF THE FXSST IffiASTEBS. COMPILED BY PHILIP A. KIRK. NEW-YORK: D. & J. SADL1ER & CO., 31 BARCLAY STREET; BOSTON: 128 FEDERAL STREET; MONTREAL, 0. E. : COR. NOTRE DAME AND ST. FRANCIS XAY1ER STREETS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/catholicharpcontOOkirk We are at liberty to state, that the present work was commenced with the approbation of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Fenwick, Bishop of Boston. The compiler having observed, for a long time, the necessity of a cheap Singing Book, suitable for Catholic Singing Schools, and small choirs, has been induced to prepare this work with the hope that it may be received with favor by those for whom it is intended ; believing that, if properly executed, it would be productive ol much good, and be of great advantage to singing schools and singing societies. As singing is considered of so much consequence at the present day, being taught and studied to a considerable extent, in the common schools of Boston and vicinity, Catholic children are in the habit of singing in these schools, hymns and songs used in Protestant worship, and when they go home, or are at play, they are singing them over, for want of a Cheap Catholic Singing Book to practice and amuse themselves with in their leisure hours, and thus impart new vigor to the mind. _V PREFACE In the arrangement of this work, it may be proper to state, that, the Tenor part is written on the upper stave, when three or four staves are connected by a brace ; the upper notes on the Base, when written double, are also intended for the Tenor. The Alto, is under the Tenor, and generally in this work, on the same stave with the Soprano. We are aware that this little work is by no means as perfect as it might be, had persons better qualified than ourselves been employed. We are aware, too, that many faults and errors may be found, notwithstanding the care that has been taken to correct the proof sheets ; but we trust, none will prove material. We should be ungrateful were we to conclude without offering our thanks to Mr. Garbett, Compiler of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Fenwick's book, from which we have selected a number of pieces ; and to Mr. Jacob Walter of Baltimore. We also offer our thanks to a clergyman of Boston, who prepared music for this work ; and other gentlemen who have assisted us in this undertaking. The Publishers. CONTENTS Asperses me. . • * - /7 Adeste Fideles, Christmas hymn 68 Ave verum • • . 65 Alma Redemptoris 54 Audi benigue Conditor 53 Ave Maria 70 Bright Maker of the stary poles • 68 Behold ilie Royal ensigns fly 51 Bright Mother 'of our Maker' hail 80 Come all devout harmonious tongues, Ascension hymn. ... 49 Come sound his praise abroad .35 Children of the Heavenly King 49 Come let us lift our joyful eyes, Contemplation of heaven. . . 63 Creator Alme 68 Exercises 13 Graces from my Jesus flowing . » 73 Grateful notes and numbers bring 60 Hail Heavenly Queen 67 Hail Mary ! Queen and Virghi pur** 76 Hibernia's Champion Saint, all hail! 80 Jerusalem, my happy home 62 Let other cities strive 78 I.ucis Creator, .....48 My God, my life, my love 71 My soul, thy great Creator praise 59 Musical Terms 6 Musical Exercises 15 Musical Exercises in D, A and F. ......... 14 O power Divine 40 O Filii el Filial 56 O all ye people God hath made «... 78 O Salutans 75 O great Creator of the light 48 O Bountiful Creator 53 Parce Doinine. Lent Anthem 52 Regina Cceli 55 *5tabat Mater 50 *alve Retina ••••••..56 See the Paraclete descending . 77 Saving Host we lall before thee . . • • ... 74 Spirit, Creator of Mankind . . .... . • . 20 The fiery Sun 6-4 Tantum Ergo. The Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament . 53 To day he's risen 66 The Scale in different Keys 12 Vidi Aquain . IS Vexilla Regis ...51 With hearts truly grateful 68 What happiness can equal mine. Bishop David 72 Young men and maids rejoice and sing 1 .51 Vespers .40 Dixit Dominus ... 41 Confilebor 42 Bealus Vir qui 43 Laudato Pueri ......••••••••..44 In exitu Israel 45 Laudate Do minum ..........46 Magnificat 47 Missa Regia. — Kyrie Eleison 18 Gloria in excelsis i •*.... 19 Credo in unum .... .••••.21 Sanctus 22 Agnus Dei ••••.23 Missa dk Angelis.— Kyrie Eleison 24 Gloria in excelsis 24 Credj in unuin Deum ,'S* 25 Sanctus • ■••••? ,r 26 Agnus Dei • • . v y27 Mass for Sundays through the tear. Kyrie Eleison J"*? 1 ** Gloria in excelsis , . 3>» Credo in unum Deum ....*.«. •■••• .37 Sanctus and Agnus Dei ••••.39 Mass in C. Bv II. Demunti. Kyrie Eleison and Gloria in excelsis .23 Credo in unum Deuin .■•••••••31 Sanctus .........••••••• .33 Agnus Dei > 3ft ▼I £iCims£L®!3lH c £P®I2 i E££lS« Adagio; very slow. Air : the leading part. Allegretto; a little brisk. Allegro; brisk. Alto ; part between the treble and tenor. Affetiwso ; Tender and affecting. Allegressimo ; Very quick. Andante; gentle, distinct, and rather slow. Anthem; a vocal composition, the words taken from the bible. A tempo ; in time. A fe-npo gusto ; in strict and equal time. Base ; the lowest part in the harmony. Ben Marcato ; in a pointed and well marked manner. Bis ; twice. Canto ; the treble. Crescendo or Cres.; to increase tho sound. Con Spirito ; with spirit. Choir; a company or band of singers; also the part of a church where the singers are placed. Da Capo or D. C; to return and end with the first .strain. Dim.; to diminish the sound. Dolce; sweet and soft.. Eapressivo; expressive. Fine; the end. Forte; loud. Fortissimo ; very loud. Legato ; slurring the notes together. Larghetto; slow. Leggiero ; in a light, free, cmy maimer Maestoso; with dignity, majesty. Mo de rat o i in moderate lime. Mezzo; with the middle voice. Pastorale ; applied to easy and graceful movements in 6-4 or 6-1. Pia; soft. Quartette ; consisting of four parts. Soto; a single voice. Soprano t high treble voice. Spiritoso ; with spirit. Staccato ; short and distinct. Symphony; a passage for instruments Scherzando ; in playful style. Siciliana; a movement of a slow, soothing character. Solfeggio ; a vocal exercise. Soli; plural of Solo. Trnor ; high male voice. Trio; for tliree voices or instruments. 'Putti ; all together. Tempo a piacere ; time at pleasure. Tacet ; be silent Unison; sounding alike. Verse ; one voice to a part. Un poco Ritenuto ; rather gentle and restnuz&J Vivace; in a brisk and animated style. Volti ; turn over. I 'timce ; quick and cheerful. Vivo i cheerful Vcloce ; in rapid time ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC. Musical characters are commonly written on five lines, called the staff, thus : ZZZZZZ^Z^T On the Lines and in the Spaces, the Notes and other Characters are placed. lines. spaces. -D- -F =± T 2 _4I The first seven Letters of the Alphabet are applied to the Staff, to represent the sounds of the Scale, as above. When more Lines are wanted than those contained in the staff, other lines are added above and below, as the subject require it The following is the proportion of the length of notes. r p r r 00000 V ** *» <* * > o . u & & V '** k» * u V 11 9090 0000 0900 0009 999990099090 00 I I I MM . -L- t^-^-l . J.. L— ■■-L J - ' ' : ■■'■■■■'■ In singing the Scale, the syllables and figures are used as contained in the following example. THE SCALE. 12345678 8 7 6 5 4 S 2 1 5"i5 &> is. .gpjszj^-s,: ^"tte Me Fa Sol La Si Do Do Do -& SL Si La Sol Fa Me fie""" D» The situation of the Letters upon the Staffis fixed bya Character called a Clef, of which there are two kinds in common use : the Base, or F Clef, and the Treble, or Q Clef. F clef. G CLEF. A Bar is a line drawn perpendicularly across the staff to .li vide the tune into equal measures. The Double Bar is similar but thicker, it is used to denote the end of a line of Poetry, or a strain of Music. Single Bar. Double Bar. Close. em The Close shows the end of a tune. The Slur / shows the number of notes to be sung to one syllable. When placed over or under two notes of the same degree, it denotes but one sound. 8 ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC. 8«mlbreTe. Minim. Cro fhet Quaver. Semiquaver. O Demisemiq * t r lr 1 M £ Rests are marks of silence, which is to be continued for the same length of time, as its corresponding note. The difference of pitch between any two sounds is called »n Interval. In the Scale there are five large and two small Intervals, called Tones and Semitones, or whole Tones and Half Tones. The Semitones are between the third and fourth, seventh and eighth, as follows : Between those sounds which are a Tone distant, we may have an intermediate sound, a Semitone distant from each. This will make twelve different sounds, and forms what is called the Chromatic Scale, thus : 1 ASCENDING. s*^"^ 5 --&■ T^J&f&BSttOL 22Z C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C Do Di Re Ri Mi Fa Fi Sol Si La Li Si Do Tin character used for dividing the to.ies is called a Sharp, (g) which elevates the note following half a tone I DESCENDING. ^!»3teai5PS: 35- e^R^^-— Cb B Bb A Ab G Gb F E Eb D Db C Do Si Sa La Le Sol Sa Fa Mi Ma Re Ri Do The character used for descending is called a Flat, (b) the effect of which is to lower the pitch a halftone. The Natural ^ is used to contradict the effect of a flat or sharp, and restores the note toils natural sound. A Hold O is a point covered by a curve placed over or under a note requiring a pause, to be continued at the pleasure of the singer for a longer or shorter time. The Staccato I • signifies a short and distinct mauner of performing the notes over which they are placed. The Diminuendo is a mark of gradual dimi-^~2^r=— nution of the note or passage over which it is placed. A Crescendo has the opposite effect. A Swell comprises them both first increasing, then diminishing, The Pressure Tone.Ojs a short and sudden swell. The Explosive Tone ~> is a sound struck sudden with great force, and diminished instantly. For the same, the letters (sf. and fz.) are frequently used. The Triplet, ^8-- is used to show that the three notes it is over, are to be sung in the name time as two note* of the same character. ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC. Besides the intervals of the Scale in its natural courr-e, other intervals are produced by skipping from one degree to another, thus : from Do to Re, the interval is called a Second. Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Third Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Octave. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Octave, ~9 :?; I i -9- ' -9- -9- -•- PRACTICAL EXERCISES. 1 SECONDS. ~t td-rrd •-•-*-#-«-*-' I 1 -UjMl J^t^tm^- £^=t rOTJRTHS. -9 V -9- w 1 Hio^'ig-^^ ifst^' E3 *:#: '-9- -9- I =Ptt 1*^ •-» *£ :s:±e •-* 9- L *Si»3te r# *ir--^ tiy 10 ELEMENTS OF VuUL MUSIC IHTHI 1 , I IJ 1 ^* rititzn_| — . _ziiiqzG — q — 3 n*. -»zrr^ — 'i tzzzji^q! -o- — r-»f- 1-*+- — I — ^--H— + — *■ i — 'f*-i l-*--ri OCTAVES. THE SCALE EXTENDED. pPIlS^ragpi RECAPITULATION. f -#* -#- -ff* -»- -*« -0- -09. _ 9 _ When the scholars are familiar with the foreijoin^ exer- cises, the teacher may give them others, embracing a variety of intervals; as follows, 1 35 *1 7 6 4 2 5 7 *2 "l 5 145 1 17561225 156341464 7175612513517641 The scholar should learn tnoroughly the interval of tha third, which frequently occurs, and is very difficult, being sometimes a major, and sometimes a minor third. ELEMENTS OF VOCAL M .ft) sic. 11 "4= - 1 — »*- iincls. 4lJis. lCths. 3'ends. k* GJtils. zp —p—p - 1z=t= ^a= -K«— &l (— I Four Beats to a Measure. k* k* 4 ZZZQ- pz^r.-a-fkzw- H 1 — 4-H 1 1 Two Beats to a Measure. Three Beats to a Pleasure. )t&^zJ2zzp\&zpzekpz$^^ li® 2 x- 1 — 1 — H — ti — i — 1 — i — 1— . 4 ' - 1 ^ -1 — 1 — (— 1 — -| H 1 — Hi — H-**-**-! — *-A Six Beats to a Measure. fc— r- 1 i 1 pzszp-.^azpzpraz gies p^szzi^zz^zqr^zz^TjKiazgzzazgzzM ~-U=A -*»-hMT- - k" k * k*-+ The Scale In Time. 4 :r= Fr£dJ- J -J-»I :1= Hg^Hiil& -0-g-Jji 1-0 I ft etc t-ai—i- n^~» it* ♦at ^ 12 THE SCALE IN DIFFERENT KEYS 111 Key of C, Major. TRANSPOSITION BY SHARPS. Key of A, Minor. .-©=a^; 1 3 w- = E #g# g- g — g q Ogg *-°^= Key of G, Major. -*— — „. g .g— Q- g - a - Key of E, Minor. ,-©-- > ^-<2J I :#2t?L 2 E^ a - S Key of D, Major. Key of B, Minor. i*: r& &- :ia«:: -zr*- 1 - Key of A, Major. -j* ^- g-^- -^-g - g . ifcr: -®-2T SE 1 - ^gg^-^a^^ : 1 Key of Fi? Minor. I '-«-»- ,-^= #©? I Key of E, Major. Key of C# Minor. tjs^zjs:, 1 i «±: r-sc 3C ^g : tf© 32 — c tel© ^g; 5=^==J Key of F, Major. I r© S- TRANSPOSITION BY FI.ATS. Key of D, Minor. g: '^¥, 1 ^= ^i^z±=gtg6g: -^a- it 1 Key or B b, Major ^A -P-s-, I, e-ZZ^ 51 Key of G, Minor. 13 -,-©' i Key of Kb* Major. Key of C, Minor. £fc 7¥^- -J21 7J2ZZTJ2- I Key of AD, Major. j-i> ^rfL^a*, Key of F, Minor ^s9ggzf!gbg5 2^ »^r I ^:b=c:£: I ^5Jfr gg=:gfaB: 5i : . I EXERCISES IN C, MAJOR. «l^i — . _^_^Zpi_,_« H J. J-f-^l-l-^-ff L tf _*_^_I_)_| 3 _2 1 ..14— CC -3- r- 5 RELATIVE MINOR EXERCISES. 'Tartest EXERCISES IN 6. mm ♦f-H- SI 14 EXERCISES IN I) ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC -s-l If-s MINOR. EXERCISES IN A. w II — ^ X7 -t.t'— rF1^T-g-g : tP = F.;-r'l-P'-««-^»»*-hfr^fppJ : — «»Tj i i»»*«»-l J -''^1 MINOR. :p=S s=*q^ ....... n ,-...-. nn »«r r. * *__ . ; p. ,l- \r ... -r f-> ... .i-_ L'_.. _r p / a_. * .i rr.L _.r .!._ i^_.. .rr>:..n....j EXERCISES IN F. In transposing from the Key of C to the Ke v of F, (one flat,) the 7th of the Key of C is flatted, S? 1 MINOR. ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC. IS Staccato. Written. t I f 4= -#— »- :E=E: To he sung. A Pause indicates a prolongation of time either of a note or rest, over which it may be placed. Example. «= A Turn " af i^ consists of three sounds : i principal sound, and the Mounds next ahove and b*>]ow it: — FULL TURN. INVERTED. PARTIAL. When a sound commences on an unaccented, and is continued on on accented pan of the measure, it is termed Syncopation. Ex. 3!£ 4 Measured Inversion differs from Syncopation ; it does not, like Syncopation, commence on tnc unaccented, but on the accented part of the measure. HeEf: :=* -H— H- ^ The Swell. !HS!f=iS , °- The t'orzando. > > %7 The Pressure Tone _ <>_ 1 s* ~a&-@-0 TJ- <> <> <> <> «e±=gEfi*g <> se£p* <> 3* Mezzo, (m) is a medium or middle strength of sound. Piano, (p) a soft sound. Forte, {/) a loud sound. Pianissimo, {pp) very soft. Fortissimo, [ff) very loud. PP P m f ff f ff m P pp i^gii^§igpg // / m rt pp p pp m t Ky- ri - e e - leison, THE LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. -, cubitus -, ,- Christe e - )e -i - son. m tdfe£*z±=iz3=:tt Christe ainJi una Pater de rcalta Dens . Spiritus Sancti Dhi* 1 I ihi redempior inundi lteiK \ Sancta Trioitaa UltUH Deus J Sa&cta Ma- mi flanrla Dei gtniiirix Sancfa Virgo virgiuum \ Mater Uhristi ^ Mater divins ■^Ditio: Maier pu- nssiiiid Mater cass- tisniitia Miilel invio- lata i M titer interna rata i Maier a- raa>»]ia ■} Mater arilfli- raliilisH Mater rrea- toris ■ Meier S.dva- toris f Viryo pruden- tisniina! Virgo vene- rnuda \ Virso pnedi canda V Virgo uoiena , Virjjn clemena / Virgo fi- delis / Speculum jus- tlt:;e I Sedeg sh|»i- enii.-na Causn nostra; Iffl- til ice 1 Vas upirtlu- ate m Viis houorii- abile 1 Va» insigne devo- niua " Rosa misfica Turrta Da vidira Turrise- burn en Doini[n onrea Fmderii arr« J J an 11% crcli / fctella matu- iin'i Suliu taflr- norma (JhrUle ex - - audi Mia e re - re nobis. Ors pro nobU ReiU- bis me et su - per Ni - vem de -i-o—\-A-A-- r&>&z£ &^£g&&. ~JZ>1. -e=H S>-' cun - dum maanam Miseri - - cor - ^^?5 «— "^ Patre et Filio et Spir - ||g$— -si-g> g 4^ sJ-girghsJ- sJ-sl-^ ^ -O-gJ T *£ tui Sane - to, Si - cut erat in principio et nunc et sem - per P. Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam. SE£ &—&-& sae - cu-la sa? - cu S — 23- - - lo-rum A men. w -#r -s>- IS "C. Et salutari tuam da no - bis. P. Domine exaudi orationem meara. C. Et clamor meus ad te venial. P. Dominus vobiscum. C Et cum spiritu tu o. -&- I - - men. Tiie A ti them is repented as far as the Pi. Miserere. Oil Passion and Palm Smulav the Gloria Fatri U not sung ; but after the Pi Mist rant Asperger uie, is repeated [3] 18 VIDI AQUAM. TO BE SUNG FROM EASTER UNTIL PENTECOST, INCLUSIVELY. a- quam egre - di- entem de Templo a la - te-ra deztro a'-le-lu-ia Vi-di^"- - iy335^11|3 al-le - hi Et omnesad quos per venil aqua is - ta, sal - vi fac - ti aunt et dicent. Al-le-lu - ia. t -&- mm -- Alle - lu - ia. Con - fi - teniini Domino quoni - am bonus, quoniam in s&culum misericordia ejus. Glo-ri- Kb£=z -&- zSS -<©■ -©- =P z£^ i=S> t± :~ s!:^: 35§ S2J a Patre et Filio et Spiri - tu - i Sancto, sicut erat in principio et-nunc et semper, et in s;ccula scecu-lorum. Amen. MISSA REGIA. — kyrie eleison. ^ ^ ^^ ^ s>, ;q=3=3 2Z =t UH— l-S?-^ r Ky- - G*^ le - i-son. Christe f ^gJ JB 19 Ky - ri - e GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. I ,-b- B£Z* * ■9-0-Q- =t 2t± ■cr-23- s; /? Et in terra pax homin-i-bus bonQ,ui tollis pecca-ta mundi, mi -se-re-re nobis. Qui tol-lis pecca - ta mundi, sus-c't-pe depre-ca- ti - onem -S-^±lis±?i 'SO- $S3 ^zzzizztoz?:^ ;=F=tt= tdzstd. :=&3zEgS3E ooetrain./Qui sedes ad dexteram Pa - tris .omise - re ■ re nobis. pCJuoniam tu solis saiictua. Tu solus Boim-nus. pTu so - lus Al-tia-simus Jesu Christe/Cum sancto spiri-tu, inglo-ri-a De-i Patris. A P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiri-tu tu - o. SPIRIT, CREATOR OF MANKIND. P. Sequetia sancti &c. C. Glo-ri-a ti-bi Do mi- 1. Spir-ii, ere - ator of mankind, Come, vis-it eve - r_v pious mind. And 3. Chase I'rom our minds th'in tenia! Toe And peace, (he fruit of love, bestow: And 4- Make us e - ter-nal truths receive, And practice all that we believe : Give 5. Im-mor - tal honor, endless fame, Attend IhAlmighty Father's name; To -m- -m- ■b* — - 1 — ' csv m -9- x ■ ' ' ' ^ — ' C mm — *-» ■-«. thy grace in - vade, Our hearts, O Lord, which ihou hast made,Our hearts, O Lord, which thou bast made. should sle*~ a - stray, Pro- tect and guide us in the way, Pro-tect and guide us in the way. thai we may see The Fa - iher and the Son in thee, The Fa - iher and the Son in thee. qual prais - es be, And, ho - ly Par - a - clete, to thee, And, ho - ly Par - a - clele to thee. sweei-I.y let thy grace lest our fet*t should ste** a - stray, us thy - self that we may see Je - sus e - qual prais - es be, I -h :=' ±.|-rxt li :tz* I CREDO IN UNUM DETJM. 31 "mmmn f Patrem ommp-otentem fae-to-rem cceli et teme, vis - i -bil-i-um otn-mum et in vis-i-bil-ium. /jEt in unum ll^§I^g§gi§&g§Sglli§l Dominum Jesum Christum Fili-um De- i u-ni-gen-itum./Et ex Patre natum ante om-ni - a sse-cula. pDeum de De-o, lumen de lumi-ne, Deum verum de De-o vero./'Genitum non factum; consubstahtialem Pa-tre, per quern omnia facta sunl.pQui propier nos homines el propter nostram sa-!utem /de-srendit de coe - - lis. p Et in-car -na-ius est de Spir-i-tu — — - i. en — — — ' Sancto, ex Mari-a vir-gine, Et Ho-mo fac-tus est Cru-ci-fixus e-tiam pro nobis, sub Ponti-o Pi-lato, passua et -i — n '^m^m^m^m se-pultus-est./'Et resurrexit ter-ti-a di -e, secundum scripturaa./jEt ascendit in cerium, sedat ad dexteram Pa-tris. ir fl&i i-lerum veniurus est cum gio-ri • a ju di-care vi-vos et mor-tu-os: cu-jus reg-ni non c-rit fi-nis.pEt in Spin-turn suoctua 82 I =*§•: ggE: f=n :?rp: zfcdSza ±Btf:a.tgi I :£zs>: G&nS- '#? <-ri ■&Ll Domiuum et vi-vi-fi-cantem, qui ex Pa-tre Fili-o-queprocediL/'Q.uicuinPatre et Pi-li-o simul a do ra-tur et ^i^te* m i conjlori-ficatur, que locutus est per Prophetas.jsEt unum sanctum Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecle-siam. Confi-te-or t*&+3=x. iliilSs ^s^Fp'- I -tt-3 i— i- £z^t aif!z* unum Baptisma in remis-sionem peccatorem.yEt expecto resurrec-ti-onom mortu-o-rem. Et vitam venturi sffi-cu-ii. ^Responses. P. Dominns vobiscum. Per omnia &c. P. Dominus vobiscum. A - 3" men. 1 cum spin - tu tu o. P. Sursum corda. C. A - men. C. Et cum spiri - tu tu - o. P. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostra. :£=•=* -4- m^M , T -a f=P=t ^? I o .* • •- -r- ^ C. Ha - be - - mus ad Do - - mi - num. C. Dig num et jus -turn est. SANCTUS. aztzdi- ■$$: xjz f:*:c:|t rm d:^:d. fiz -t9 3*3: V Sane - tus, Sane tus./Sanc • - - tus Domi-nus Deua sabaoth. Pleni sunt cicli ct terra ulon-a l^m§HS^fl«i^| ^J± -s- WM lu-a. Hosanna in excelsia. pBene-dic-tus qui ve-nit in nomi-ne Domini. /Hosan-na in excelsis. RESPONSES AT THE PATER NOSTER. P. Per omnia &c. P. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. P. Per omnia &c. P. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum '&!&- IpggPJ fe^=^ 1 H is^if 1: 3 C. A - men. I ■BL-&L C. Sed libera nos a ma - lo. C. A - men. AGNUS DEI. C. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o. : h±:z=z:±£zczh2t?=:_: zn==l^= fed --BSH 2 -'-t i-riT ££:-a=it£: %e- p Agnus De-i qui tollis pec-ca-ta mundi, mise - re-re no-bis. pAgnus De-i qui tol-lis pecca-ta 333=« [pP^^-dzEi I =£1 rtf tf it -» -e* - g -g< - nst IP mun-di,y°mise -re-re nobis, pAgnus De-i qui tol-lis pecca-ta mundi, />pdo-na nobis pa-cem. RESPONSES AFTER THE CHALICE IS REMOVED. P. Dominus vobiscum. P Per omnia &c. P. Domimis vobiscum. P. Ite missa est. -S>-P- ii^U S e'—a- 1 C. Et cum spiritu tu-o. C. A B. Sit nomen domini benedictum. men. C. Et cum spiritu tu-o. C. Deo gra - ti - as. WHEN A BISHOP OFFICIATES. B. Adjutoriurn nostrum, &c. B Benedicat vos. 3^5*- 5 C Ex hoc nunc et usque in ste - cu-lum. Hii^ C. Qui fecit cmlum et ter - - ram. 24 M1SSA DE ANGELIS. i*4tt 13= ±z± -i-)-i 1- ) -^^^tf:^^: a±gg ^gdgz4^j m/' Ky - rie . . . . lei-son. pChriste i^q:q:q=:^^ni= z^^ ^^g^rff=j le-ison. S=^^S». :=C1^1: sd=, Sf^i^^Siit:^ -H- m/"Kyrie leison./"Kyrie . . :lEt=:| 4 TT1 i-OU n tti a:aS^:bzM: ° 6 ' * ■" . . . le-i-son. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. '^tfefeo-i 31 « pEl «n ter-ra pax homin-i bus bonse vo-Iun-ialis/Lau - da - mus te. Bene - di - ci - mus te. pA-do - - ra - mus te. qF=Hr: Ih:3§;?fe|^^|^3 =i i£:Z ;ne - di - ci - mus te. pA - /"Glori-fi - camus te. pGratt-as a-gimus li • bt propter magnam gloriam tuam /"Domine De-us, Rex ccelestis, De-us Pa-ter I =F^4 »-e om-nip-otens. pDomine Fi - li u - nigen-i-te Je - su Chris- te./Domi-ne Deus, Agnus Ue-i, V =m li-us Pa - - tris. pQui «a3isiiigi3i^isi§^ =2±si=i *s*#-0 jjj Sgzz s*-« T-r-j-i-)— tel-'i» peccata muo - di, mise - re-re no - bis. Qui lol-lis pecca-ta muii - - di, sus cipe ^epreca-ti - onem uos - - tron 23 /"Qui se-des ad dexteram Patris p mise - re-re no - - bis./"Quoniam tu so - lus sanctus, Tu solus Dom - i-nus, pTu so • his Altissimus fJe -#T=T 1 - 1 ^Sy * S^Sj^-^-^S^- ■-animal L aa=i — ' ^S^ -<*-& - su Chris - - te :^Cum Sanclo Spir - i - tu, in glo - - ri - a De - - - i Pa - tris, A men. CREDO IN ITNUM B^UM. &&-&*-& ■d± &JL ■&-Q fd~tr° @ h-lg-j Ml /* Pat rem omnip-oientem fac torem coe-]i et lerrte, vis-i- hi-li-um oni - - iii-um et in-vis-i - bi - - liucn. j?Et in u-nuro lEillSfi '-d-tf s-^^-jj' die'ieijE:; S»-*»-g sre^a ula. /?Deum de De-o lumen Duminum Jesum Christum Fili-um Dei u-ni-gen-iium. /El ex Patre na - turn an-te om-ni a saj-eula. /?Deum de De-o lumen ss^iL& "Sys^ra^ -^"Vs^ -e atat de lu-mi-ne, Deum verum de De-o vero./Genetum non fac - turn ; consubstantia-Iem Patri, per quern omnia facta sunt, pQui propter :d±?:ff-2 UMM 9&fc» ht±BLtl dos honn-nes et propter nosiram saluiem descendit de ccelis. /Et incar-natus est de Spiri-tu Sancto, ex Mari-a vir-gi-ne, E* 2« isa^^g o^-o^-v-' •s-^Ggs-m- Hi-mo fac-lus tst. Crucifix - - - us e - tiam pro nobis, sub Pon-tio Pi-la-lo, passus et sepul lus est./Et resur-rex-it IE* ra 3S 22: 2,-^ i=silf^isil=s *J^5- 22ar i "S^*^? isi ter-ti - a di -e, secundum scripluras. pEt ascendit in eoelum, sedet ad dexteram Pa - tris./Et i-terum Tentu-rus est cum glori - a &: =1 :±Iflr£ti^gZ). Sfs^3* 2z: =t= ;3 T-^=q: 3PJ 4 ^a^ ^ ^^ "^"^ : 33t 2: ^ ju-di-care vivos et mortuos : cujus reg-ni non e— rit finis. j)El in Spiritum Sanctum Dominum et vi-vi-ficantem, cui ex Paire ISLlpp&3SI^^ ^^ i* Fi-li -oque pro - ced - it. /Qui cum Palre et Fi - H - o simul a-do-ratur et conglorifieatur, qui lo - cuius est per Prophe - las \m^mm%^mm^m^ V; s r'ro ^-d- 1 pEt ununi sanciam Catholicum et Apos-lolicam Eccle-siam./"Confi - te -or unum Baplisma in remissi-o-nem peccato - - rem. pEt \^ mm*m ^s -te tt ex-peclo resurrec-ti-onem mortuorem.^r"Et vi - - lain venlu-ri sas-cu-li. A SANCTUS. gg -— , -^c r r r r — * — d^d-o- 1 43= T2*-g e3£rP5 iHrgzits Mtaan » m " itSaiic - tus^Sanc - - tus,/"Sanc - tua, Do - nun - us Do - • • 87 m "*&£)-&-■ ff &Ezjs:. e& B *p=mzi3 t s§H ba-oth. Pie - ni sunt coe - li et ter - ra glo - ri - a tu - a. Ho - san - na in ex-celsis. tt '-&=& :4 £h&-~-3-< =fl _ezs_ -^ — f sz pBene-dictus qui ve - nit in no - mine. Do - mi - ni. /Ho - san - na in ex-cel-sis. AGNUS DEI. a P^3Z &s- 3= =t 202: «■ ^Ag-nus De - - i qui tol - lis pec - ca-ta mundi,?ra/"mise - re -re no - bis. />Ag-nus De i qui 1S2; IK -j^g^^t J— 1 --^^l J ~'- C ^5>- lr d- C2 - igg^iigig&^ii tol - lis pecca-ta mundyn/mise-re- re no-bis. pAgnus De-i qui tol— lis pec-ca-ta mundi.jipDona nobis pa-cern. [For Responses, see page 23.] P. Benedicamus Domino. |||iS^g||^^g m it© De - gra - - ti I P. Ite missa est. Alleluia. Alleluia. i seeee De - o gra - ti as. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le #-=P- n lu LARGHETTO. Soil- MASS IN C KYRIE ELEISON. H. DKMONTI. i - son KyTi-'e^' *£z*I*iti £W e - le 83= i - son, Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son, Ky- ri e e - le i - son, Ky-ri - e e - le - Ky-ri - e e - le - - - i - son, Ky - ri - e e - le son, e le - i-son, e--le----i-- son, e - le - i son, e--Je----i-- son, Christe e ■ lei-son, Christe e-leison, |^fe^g. 3W e -le «£ |g^l|: 't X*~T-* r*-%* i - son, e - le - i - son, e - le "P-+H«»r* -i LL- 1 - Bfcfl fSfgipiSTp 2Sfe : s-, jatSp^jg. - - - i - son, ■+- S^0 3-0 TUTTI i - son, H-H-aTSTaT^-Hi g - I ?;tI H*«- Ky - ri le - y-ri -e e - le - - - i - son. Kyri - e e - le • i - son, Ky- ri-e e • - le - i - son, Ky- ri - e e le - i - son, GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. GRAZIOSO. Solo Soprano. Solo Tenor. «:i»== Ky-ri -e e--le--i- son. 00 E inrr -4- Ulori » Glon-a in ex- eel -sis De - o, Glo-ri - a Glo-ri - a in ex-eel - sis lie - - o, I I l -i— 1 — i — '■ il l - 1 — I — I- -— »— -jH<- _i — ! — &x\ xi — I — j».xi — : — j L«^#-i<< Glo - ri - a Glo - ri - a in ex - eel - si ?lfz5 l=t : ^ig^ZSZp 3 — 1 — I— ■ :a»it-a- -i ■»-r*-t— t— I" £ P-p£-» De Glo - ri - a +- . Glo - ri - a it: 99 —I 1 — r is celsis De -«#»-,-.- Et iu ter pax iio - min-i-bus ■»l — 0f+i. it5--*i zz^:zzt*z*4 ■I bo - nee Coro. bo -n ** y ^j vo - lun - ta - lis, ill »-r^ «fr— I- ra ter - ra pax. Lau - da - mus Lau - da - mus le, h— I- **Z#I *^e. ■m-m- b— h H — io-k- *=*z3 *:*z?± Bene - - di - ci - mus, A - do - ramus le 1 Glo-ri - fi - ca-mus le, Solo Soprano. izzxzpz Be-ne -di -ci-mus le, r»s ■r--|— r« 5=t propter magnam glo - ri-am luam, Solo Tenor. glo -*»-«•-■«*■ ■9-i—d r-""- t: Gralias, Coro. ||-»=f^-r* -*v* — x pZrSH jfT*-r -i-H—N ttez^z*_^z*:*z +-f| 1 L -9-9—0-9- " s a-gi-mus ti - - - b" |zS?iSt£(|Jzpz. 1 I 'ID Gratias, Cirati - as a - gi-mus ti - - - -bi, Gra-li-as, G rati -as, Gralias a-gi-mus ti - - - bi, ■:^» '±s prop - ler magna m glo - nam tu-am, propter magnam glori-am iu - - am, Solo Soprano. Andante ~ zzz prop - ter magnam, gloriam tu— am, Ejzgz^z^zH=^r^pzSi5EEz|f lzzzizzgz^ai^fc^ F zzzii R^^FTO^ 0— *■ propter ma^wmi gio-n - am tu - - am. Do '^M. **jr^0 0?0 izx Deus rex ecu - l« De 30 :fc Pa™- - - ler, Pa Dom-i-i.e i)e us, Agnus mundi. l-ier oin - nip - o-iens, l)o-mi-ne Fi - li u-ni ge - ni - ie, Je - - su, Jc - - su, Chris-le. >- | I - rj— r — t"*_t*T— j I f-^hH — i— 9\jgg-9-\-\ ' g I Sf d-*-*! -j~[ ■ ' I Dnin-i-iiii Do tie A n-mic lln . i Pi _ _ _ li . 11c Palru ]i - us Palris Qui lollis ppc - ca-la. pec - ca - U DUO- £= :zz:?z3;z±zz:zz^zz^f z±*zg:zz*±£z:* 5_S*1?=* fzzzz S[i^rr?z±^t*±rzlizt:ciriEzE=i?z*zfzr± bis. Qui tol - lis nee - ca - la pec - ca - la mundi. ■ sus-ci-pe. ^ZJZZtZJ^TZJ ca - ia pec - ca - la susci-pe. dep-re - ca - li - onem nosiram. Qui se - ck-s ad dexler-am, dex - ler-am I i*S§3KsS : Pa - iris. ^f'±szz s zt?.^5* 1 re re no - bis. Qui se-dus aJ dcx-terarn, Solo Soprano gl^z^zldigJlilzgzi^zgzg H 1 ,? — gzzz1^zzz*z:fgg:gzz± 1 -i„.. ■ j..„ 1 i>~ ■_:, :- _ __ u* dex - ler-am Pa - iris Solo Tenor. no - bis. llz!fct;t5fcgz^Fiz^-it=z. Quoniam, Quoni-am, in Coro. _ _ HIE lm . |_ „ so- lus banc - " 3»Z*p* J^ ill' solus ius r Qiioiii-am, :^i^±t=tzfc Sfe^=^lz=|z|zg IS ^, , — —5,, - . p-*? - ■ ■ -t ■ 1 .*» — ■-■ ^ — 1— solus Al - lissi - inus, Je - su Je - su Chris - ie. CumSancio t?piri - tii — ©- -9i — 1- De Pa - 1 — «<»- Iris. q=q ■■<*- ~ in glo - ri -a A - men. HHU SJAESTOSO. Coro. lulsun. CREDO IN UNUM DEUM. 31 «X " "^ — ' — ^~W~& L ^ — I — ^~& "& & — ' — =* — &~ — L -0-9- -0-0- *" v -0- Vis - i - bi - li-um om - ni-um et in- ralrem omnipo - tentem faclorem coeli et terrge, fac-torem coeh et terras, f- ■I — I — Pt- fTT^^rr . J J ^-t-t- — m n i . J J * i ~ r-PH* r H-H- . , , — r J H — , — .— i T _ . _ . . -*". „.~ „? _-»-_.,. -*-^-^-S(- EtexPatre i-hum , 7^~ u-m-fjen-i-tum. S5rfiSgp:i|^gzS _ i_^ 1— H- • bi - li-um. Et in unura Dominum Jesum,Jesum Christum FiHam De i, Fi-lium . T* _ u-ni-^en-i-tum. -i*-f*T 1 1 — n T X^ZZt^l TO *- - a ~ . -9-9- v _"*" Lumen de Lumi-ne, Deum verum, Deum verum de De-o ve - natiim ante omni-a sai-cula. Deum de Deo, solo. \S |- g-|— ^ asss $z3*m&ttm*t£^te -ro. Gen-i-tum non factum, consub - stanti - a - lem Palri, l?±3gSzd^:t:?-t per quem om-ni-a 3Mt± fac-ta sunt. Qui propter *~^ » 0< » ' y ' CORO. I.ENTC nos homi-nes et propter nostram sa - lu - tern deseendit,de - scendit de cee - lis. Et incar-na-tus est II — i — l»-t»i .■--iPm-*— ■^S Si SB: EE^-E-^41- 3a£ ■+-H- ... ^ l -:*S'-<- / rt *~ ex Ma - n-a vir-si-ne, et homo-factus est. Spin-tu Sancto, m 2*5H^ -S> -S 3 e-- mL s s~0-0S- 0m- Cruci-fixus eti-am pro-nobis sub Ponti - o -0-m , -0-& 0-1-0-d-- Pi - lato, passus passus et se-pultus est, pp passus, passus et se-pul-tus est. Et resur-rexit ter-li-a di-e *» cundum scrtpluras. Et ascen - clit in coe-lum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. Et ilerum venlurus est cum glori-a judi- I -aFR- -ud— in-H— '-Hf^F 1 *-*- — !-•-(— Fl — '-+ *- * i ' -=j •-*- -9-0-0-0-0- —I 4t— -E-FS-Sf LfciN TO.-# -S>— »— is care vivos et morluos. a TE Cujus regni non erit, non erit d - nis. Et in Spiri-lum sanctum Dominum et vivi-fi . -0—0-9- canlem, qui ex Patre Fili - o que pro - cc- dit. Qui cum Palre et Fili - o simu! ado - ratur et conglo - rifi - ca - tur, qui lo - I -£-•%- s-»—»---a-0j,- -a-«-#4— a,-0%- s — — V —\ — U- --LH— f— M- ~i — 1 — r — I — — I — IH — — p* — 1 I ca -tus erf per pro - phe - (as, qui lo • cu - tus est per pro - phe - tas. Et Unam Sanclam Catholic - am Eccle -siam. «; 3 +-* 3 3 35 0ZJCM. ir£z££ =flx=|: -0—0- m m -0—9- A- pos - to - li-cam Ec-cle - siam. Confi - te - or unum bap ■9-- m — 0-9-9— <-*—«-* y *J-*_ # _ #T tis - - ma in re - mis - si - cnem pec - ca - to-rum. Et ex - - pec - to re - sur - rcc - ti rum, mor - tu m X 3 Et tam ven - tu - n vi - tam ven - tu see - cu - - li. A - men, Amen, Amen* e.^NCTUS ADAGIO. Coro. > 4 - a *-* 0-0- aztl .2Zs£? J2Z -I — I ■Sf» &-&-» ■%—£ *3F*& « — i— t -*# -r teK- 33 h — n ±o—@ t=h 1— ( 22Z Sanctus, Sanctus, Sancius Dominus Deus Sa - baolh. Pleni sunt coeli, coeli et term glo Solo. Sooraiio. Allegretto. glori - a -P- ra l-r- 1 * » ■ dictus qui ve - nit, qui ve-nit in no - mi-ne Do - mi 0: DUO. Be - ne - diclus, 9 °-9—9- 9~cT Be - ne - diclus qui «*=» >n ve - nil qui ve - nit in no mi-ne Do-mi-ni,qui ve-nit in no - mine Domi SOLO 2Jo. Be - ne ■-T*- ..... . -9- SULO Imo. -#--' - dicius, Bene - diclus, qui ve - nit, qui ve - ntt in no - mi - ne Do-mi - ni. Be - ne - dictus; Be - ne - S*B-* 3 a ?•- S^ «: ^1-). — + ■ dictus, qui ve-iut, qui ve - nit in nomi-ni Do-mi — ni, Be - ne - die - tus qui ve - nit, qui venit in no - B -*-. * . . B 9-9 at* -9-9- 9-9 -9-9- Zip— mi ne Domi - ni, [3] qui ve - nit in no- mine Do-mi - ni Hosanna in ex-celsis, Hosanna iu ex -celsia. 34 AGNUS DEI. -W- -0—0—jj- ^TUTTI. la mundi, B- TUTT'. - re - re - ceni, Do na nobis ua - 35 "1ST*.-. EC==t L- jece:i a=t=t i«3 ^*FgS*«8 -H- . ai®. "t ^-7 1 — - cem, da pa - TUTTI-s cem, Do - na no-bis s gs = aH«:^; ■s>- H-aiT ^ l l h- .-•--ffa-M- # -L— *#^- —I rO '-® -m pa 4 P= Dona nobis- pa — \— w — I I— 1~ 3F a — \-o- ±&—@ — Dona nobis pacem, Dona no - bis pa - - cem, Dona no - bis pa-cem, Dona no - bis ^e?= -4 El GOD PRAISED IN HIS WORKS. p>-0> f>—p* H f\ <8 -f— 1 ~T t&. 7^ ' £2* 1 1. Come.sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glo-ry sing ; Je - ho-vah is the sov' - reign God, The u - ni - versal kin£. 2. He fornvd the deeps unknown, He gave the seas their bounds j The wat'ry worlds are all . . . his own, And all the solid crouud. o-H^rl 0s3£-r. - \ — lr2I -4-4- S- -+- EzEg-p^Ti^t^: -r«r-r- :*: 3. Come worship at his throne, Come bow before the Lord ; We are his work, and not . . . our own, He form'd us by his word. ± wm Praise ye the Lord,Alle-lu-ia Praise ye the Lord,Alle-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia,Praiseye the Lord ■3- I P* °± -«-»-#- -tt~» ±£ t~ KSHS&£ 30 MASS FOR SUNDAYS THROUGH THE YEAS. KYRIE i Chris - le Ky - ri - e Priest. le - i - son. — n^*^ 1 ^-P Ky - - - ri - e GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Choir. i -&-Pe- Glo ex-cel - sis De-o. Et tt£ ft&iW=p -m fe^Sil pax, ho-mi - ni - bus, bo - nse vo -luu-la - us. 33B L^u - da - mus le, He-ne - di-cimus te, A - do - ra - mus te, Glori - fi - ca - mus le. i^§H§|§Sgliigfl Gra-li-as a-gimis li-bi f£* aj '■&-&-&-; u - li o - uigen - i-te Je - su Christe ■ su Christe Do mi-ne De-us, Aguus De-i fi • li-us patris. Qui to! -lis pt lG~P&- ff 37 (S 3=n d^J^aat m ifr - UU-fl. mundi, mi-se • re - re no-bis. Qui tol - lis pec-ca- la mundi, sus - ci-pe de-pre-ca-li-o-nem r|= F-gg- nostra in, Qui se-des pfg gj p gggfef g^g ^ pgggggg^glS^ 1 ad dex-teram patris, mise-re - re nobis. Quo - ni - am lu so-lus sanclus. Tu so-lus Dom-inus. Tu solus al - tis—si-mus. -lT~r~f" :a: 1 a±*y±3?::^ -0-e- -&- -e-m-e^- ;eb Je-su Chrisle. Cumsancto spir-i-tu in Glo-ri -a De • i pa - - - CREDO IN UNUM DEUM. Priest. Choir. 5^Sgi^i^llll£ -::5zars:c^Z2 -?,-©- ^"-h-T^j^T-,— j— |f p imzj r— j: m i 1 — J — pj : Credo in unu m De - urn, Pa Irem omnip-o - lenlem fac to - rem cce-I et terrae, vis-i - bi- li-um om-n •urn r 1 1 r ■ | 1 1 1 \ 1 \\ 1 i - 1 IT 1 1 1" 1 1 ■ 3»_ j 4- 1 1 1 III 1 1 ! 1 J ■ 3t: -®-**" '- ... ~ ztjJ:^ - .r-.-b .* ~ : =dZ2_.^ ;. ,' . ._. , .!:! ^ - O m-vis - i - bi - lium. Et in u-uum Dominum Jesum Christum Fi - li-um De - i u-ni-gen - - hum. Et ex ^ y= ?Z*J?lt=b &*3fjz=±m.:d- at* «-& S 1 -© Palre na-ium an - te om-nt-a 1 cula. Deum de De-o lumen de lu - mi-ne, Deum verum de De-o ve • ro. 2, 3 is*:?: ©-I-J Gani-tum non factum ; consuDstantta-Iem Patri, per quern am - ni-a fac - ta sunt. Qui propter nos homi-nes et propter nostram 38 A little slower, P IBSMiSfefc6g*iii ?T g -g- f^-^ ;^ sa-lu - tem de-scendit de ccs-lis. Et incar -na-tus est de Spir -i - tu Sanclo, ex Mar-.-a vir-gt-ne, Et homo Ten. lmo. II |_,i,^-fq=4-J — Li ) --^rri7j-T'1iq~p3q=zr3:ij"_-L-H-l — I s-\e m fac - tus est. Cruci - ilx-us e-li-am pro-no-his sub Pon-ti - o Pi-la-lo passus et se - pul - lus est. Et re-sur-rexil, rr-iF ttlr-Tl - fT -nr=3=i^3ig L4_U-& 5iS= ±±±: ?f^^f 2 E?^B^3^3^^f^ilES +=t &S-I ter-li-a di - e secundum scrip-iuras. El ascendii in caelum sedet ad dexieram pa - Iris. El i - lerum vemu - rus est, I -i— 9&e-V+*&z0-& M O.M\TP cum glori - a jud.-care vi-vos et mor - luos cujus regni non e-rit fi - nis. Et in spi ritum sanctum Dominum, et ddjd, o^2b*± vi-vi - fi -canium, qui ex Palre 6 - li - o que proce- dit. Q.ui cam palre et fi-li-o simul a-dora-tur et conglo - rifica-tur ^fi±zg£gB+^^g;Ejfg:g±^f±ig:g:ggf^. 33^^a33^e *" ~* s ^^r '-^7 *^ g rtf -g.-tg-gf — *-^ a qui lo - cums est per prophetas. Et unum sanctam, catho-tlcam et a • poslo - licam eccle - siam. Confi - teor unum -H- 1 H i r — i x : : — •■ ! i . 1- 3=*t: fi 1 Sfelg^ m *?**- dz:±zt ^?zf£!±E?=gt»':*ti* ££*±£i£::2±2fc5 bapus-ma in remissi- o-nem pecca - torum. Et expeclo resurrecti - ooem morlu - o - ruin. Et mam vcntu -n RESPONSE AFTER THE AGNUS PEL Priest. Ite Missa est. 39 Sane - \\is r Sane - tus, Sanclus, Do - minus, Deus Sa - haolh. Pieni sunt cce - li et ler - ra glo - ri - a tu - a •S. Fin. Repeat to sign, 8. -&*&-. =1=1 Z M±^S&-9 < --f©-^ — _^2: I q=J=t=t -a-g-a- 33==;: ^5>-©- :=- ^id::^^_^H bo - san - na in ex - eel - - cis Be-ne - diclus qui ve - nit in no - mine Do - mi - ni. AGNUS DEI. -&o ° &—Q- Zd *ti&.j-Cr 3& &—&—&- w- Agnus De - i qui tol - lis pec - ca - la mun - - di Dona do - - bis pa - - cem- . . . Notb. The Agnus Del can be sung in Efc, by just railing it one third higher than it is written here, and changing the Key in conseauenre. 40 DESIRE OF LOVING GOD. 1E1E f—S" l—i -SH— B|- 5=^ =!_: i — *• 1— =1 °r r* ' — S>—\ — I— ^J -I" ■ — 1 i i — H- c In thee the source of H 2 — «-i 1 p ev 1 - ry — S> i— \—o e— s grace, In -3ll- -©- thee — © — — G — M — h- the — e— -. — i — , — ©— , S J sooth - ing p «H — 1 * " balm r-0 — -S> — a— > of a bzzJi peace. _-^__i^_^1 :_s g _ -4- p— =&' -... h— 4—^ -J— ■ L - 1 1 — — I (= — e s — — i 1 ' — K — K — -^£S 6S3 oa 32i aa S3 9 During Lent, instead of Alleluia, sing DIXIT DOMINUS. PSALM CV, 41 -0-0 i — H w 1. Dixit Dominus Domino - - - - - 2. Donee ponam ininiicns ... 2 Virgam virtutis tue emittet Dominus ex 4. Tecum principium in die viriutis tua in splendoribus sane 5. Juravit Dominus, et non posnitebit - 6- Dominus a dexiris - 7. Juuicabit in nutionibus, implebit - - - S. De torrente iu via • fi. Glori Patri, et - 10. Sxut erai in principio, et nunc, et - i H?ff me - o 5 tu - OS, e - urn, tu - is, nil -n as, bi - l>et, FiJio, semper, setle a------- scabellum ------- Uominare in medio inimi- - - - ex uteru ante luci - Tu es sacerdos in sternum, ■ecunduci ordi confreyit in die ira; - - - - - r.onquassubit capita in - - - - propterea e.xal ------ et Spiri ------- et in sacula mbcu i H— H HSh S# m w '^M fen 'sr --HSH -4ist4 a± c i wi isd -H — H- m s=t ff-fH- g-e-0- I dexiris, pedum corum fertim nem Mel SU - ffi ter - ra ta - bit tn - i lo-rum. me - is. tuorum. tuorum. genuite. -chisedech. reges. multorum caput. Sancto. Amen. ^3 ■& — &- sra -»— t- 2^-2^: 3=1 -s ■ 42 CONFITEBOR, PSAL.M UX g b-e- t&tt E I Sett ^ £=£« 3 .5*4 1 sb£=J©i fct ^=4 **- =± «-#> B±bij i i J&& -ii^b — 3 sti h— H- Confltebor tibi Uttimneni toio Magna ------ Confessio et magnificentia [cors et mese Meinoriaiii fecit minibiliuin suoruni miseri- Memnr erii in ssculum tesii - - - lit det illis hsredi - Fidelia omnia mandataejits, conflrmata in- Redemptionem nnsit- - Sanctum et terribila - Intellectusbonus omnibus faci Gloria - - - - . Sieut erat in principio, et corde opera opus ratur menti lalem tisculum popnlo nomen entibus Patri et nunc, et 5 meo ; Domini -, ejus ; Dominus ; sui ; gentium ; ScBCUli suo ; ejus; eum; Filio ; semper, i*=3 ri — n — hw put e—s- in consilio jusiorum, et congre - exquisita in omnes volun - et jus tit in ejus nianet in escam dedit - - - - - virtu tern operum suorum annuntiabit ipera manuiim ejus Veritas - facta in veritale et naudavit in selenium testa - uitium supientiae . I and alio ejus munet in el Spiri ..... et in sscula sscu . . . gati . tales iwcul'm timen . populo et ju . aequi mentum timor siecuPm lui lonim. soe . ti.bus \)o banc- H^H- jus. culi. aura. te. um. mini culi. to. men. j-r— H- t=& ^ gg^ra 3E4 32? 3 =2 o. — ©- 1 #3t -OS m BEATUS VIR, PSALM CXI. BsS Mi _^=5Z=Z» 1. Rectus vir qui - 2. Ptttens in terra erit, 3. Gloria et divitie in 4. Exhorrem est in tenebris 5. Jucundus homo qui niesereturet commo' [dat dispone! sermones snos 6. In memoria sp tenia - - finnatini 7. Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino con [manet in 8. Dispersit dedit pHuperibus jnstitia ejus 9. Pcccator vjdebit et irascetur, dentibns a 10. Gloria Pa [fretnet 11. Sicuterat in principio, et >=fc# SH ifafe H5H- : S=^=tt 3= timet semen douio lumen in ju - erit est cor s&culuin t*t la - iri, et nunc, et —I 1- nstt =i=i ^ J-t&H- Dominum ejus; ejus; rectis; dicio; Justus; ejus; siBCuli; bescet; Filio, semper, in mandalis ejus ^eneratin rer.iorum - et justiiia ejus manet in - misericurs et misera - - quia in sternum non ... ab auditione mala - non rommovebitur donee despiciat ini coriin ejus exalt abi - - - - desiderium pecca - et Spiri et in sfpcula sa-eu . . . rzz t: ^fc Mi =tt t=Bt T&t =J volet bene - sier.ul'm tor et - piion tim- mi cos tur in torutn P-# ■+- H SM i— f*f 5 dice - Sffi . . jus - - nlo - peri . Sane- ■P=S fe^ ^fe! 3#tJ -H-— H-- -HS-H-- nns. tur. culi. in*. tur. bit. OS. ria. bit. ^ -in, — I . - - dit et fu - git ; Jordanis conversus- est re tror - sum. 4 Monies exultaverunt - • - in a - rie - tes j ei colles sicut - ag - m OVl inn. 5 Quid esi tibi mare - - - ' • quod fu - gis - li; et in Jordanis quia converaus es re - - iror - sum. 6 Monies exult as lis sicut - an - - - eles ; ei colles sicut- ae - ni OVl urn. 7 A facie Domini mo • - - la est terra ; a facie .... De - i Ja - cob. 8 Q.m coitvertit pet ram in Btaj - na a - - quarum; el rupem in fon tes a - - qua - -rum. 9 Non nohis Doini- - - ne non nobis ; sed uomini tu- o da glori - am 10 Super misericordia tua et veritate taa ne quaniio di - cant gentes j ubi est - Dens eo - - rum. 11 l'eus Htiteni nos ter in ccelo ; omnia quoecunque- voluit fe - - cit. 12 Simulacra Gentium argen - • turn et aurum ; opera ma - — nu - nm homi - num. 13 Os habent et • • • - non lo - quentur; oculos hnbent et - non vi- - de - - bunt. 1-1 An res hiibeni et--- - - - non n u - dient ; t'.ares habent et - non odo - ra - - bunt. 15 Manns h abent et non palpabunt, pedes faabent et non am - bu - labunt; non claniubuni in gut - ture — - BU - - o. i6 Similes iliis finnt qui- - - fiiciunt ea ; el oinnes qui coufi dunt in e - - IS. 1? born us Israel spera • - • vit in Domino ; adjutor eorum el protec - tor e - - orum est. 18 Un.-niis Aaron spera - - vit in Domino; adjutor eorum et protec tor e - - orum est. 19 Qui timent Dominuin sperave - runt in Domino ; adjutor eorum et protec tor e — - orum est. 20 Do minus memor • • fuit uostri ; et bene - dix - it no bii. domui Israel ; benedixit - domui Aa - roil 22 Benedixit omnibus qui timent Domiiium ; pusillis - cum ina - jori - bus. 23 Adjieiat Domi ..•••••• nua an - - per vos ; super vos et super - mi - ns ves - tros. 24 Benedict! • • • . . . voa a Domino; qui fecit era • litm et ter - ram. ens -A Domino; terram auiem dedit filiis homi num £6 Non niortui lauda . • . bunt te Dnmine ; neque onines qui descen- dnnt jn infer - num. 27 Sed nos qui vivimus bene .... dicimus Domino ; ex hoc nunc et us-que in tsrecu - lum. 28 Gloria . .... Paui et Filio, et Spiri - - - tu - i Banc - to. nunc et semper ; et in sxcula saecu lo - r, "n. A. men *6 LAUDATE DOMINUM, PSALM CXV1 SCNO OCCASIONALLY INSTEAD OF IN EXITI* La'iilnte Dominum .... Quoniurn conflrmata est super iios miseri - Gloria Pa- - Bicuterat inprincipio, et fc+t C l iq H=~ S^E: 7 3tEE=#% izS om - - nes cor - - dia :s: H 1- :?>zzzj2: rh=H « H^5t4 ^ 1 1+ f^zSz^ztz: -ts^j -ISH =t \&\ Fi - sem tea. Lfcudale eum - jug. et Veritas Domini manet - Ho, et Spiri - per, et in ssecula sajcu Z&l &x- &x ., ? SSt« I I --=££- -s z^zzz:; ~r£- ztz zczzaz: =t=l -S--0- ter- • Sane ■ A - • iztzzt :?zzst zzzzt: m u -?- num. to. men. m ST - ii i-^- MAGNIFICAT. 47 4. Qjiia fecit mihi magna qui potens- 5. Et inisericnrdia ejus a pmgcnie in pro ■ fi. Fecit pntentiam in brachio - 7. Ueposmt potenies de - - R. Esurientes implevit 9 S usee pit Israel puernm - Sicut lucutus eit ad Patres - Gloria Patri et Sicut erat in principio etnunc et - — HSW- est et sanctum gemea timen - suo dispersit superbos mente sede et exal - bonis et divitea di suum recordatus miserl - nostros Abraham et semini - Filio et Spiri - semper * et in sscula sascu H-f— H— -HSH-- nonien tibus cordis ta-vit mi-sit cordis ejus in tui - Jorum. -+ -+■ :dz* hu - ina- su - SBBCU Sane A - JUL um. i. miles, nei. e. la. to. men. --£& -H-l— m -*++-++ S3ft SH- ■jtiz -1-2+ G-e 9*& flst 43+ w- 3C*=: M „UCIS CREATOR. o :Z2t dfc2da**t i -a- i s *r— ■ -#- O greal . ere • - a - tor of . . the light, Who from . . the dark - - some womb of night, Broughl'st forth Dew :=ez^: -&£»—&■ -^tt=± -0-&- g§S B. Qui mane jimctnm vesperi, 4.C(Ele9te pulset ostium, Diem voeari procipisj Vitale tollat prcemium : lllaljiiur tetrum chaos : Vitemus umne noxium : Audi preces cum Iletibus, Purgemus oinne pessimum. t-Ne mens grnvata crimine, Vita; sit exul Tiiunere : Dam nil pereime coital, 5.Pra»esta, Pater piissime, Patrique conipnr unice, Cum spiritu Paraclito Regnans per omne nsculum 2. Who by the morn and evening ray, 4 O may she soar to heaven above, Hast meastir'd time, and called it day; The happy seat of life and love: Vouchsafe to hear our pray'rs and tears, Meantime all sinful actions shan. Whilst sable night involves the spheres, And pur^e the toul ones she hath dorr* 3. Lest our frail mind with sin defil'd, 5. This pray'r. most gracious Father, hear From gift of life should be exil'd, Thy equal Son incline his ear ; Whilst on no heavenly thing the thinks, Who with the Holj Ghiwt and thee But twines herself in Satan's links. Doth live and reujn eternally ASCENSION HYMN. 49 m§Mmm^*^m 1. Come all devout harmo-nious tong's,Your noblest mu- sic bring; 'Tis Christ, the ev . er . last . ing God, And Christ,the man,we sing. 1£ I I Duett. Soprano and Tennr. j -3i«-»-«- L s i -« J — * — J — o x e-^ x »- ! V j s>. 7==X -^ 2. He, from his Father's bosom sprung,Came down to save our racej He now returns, h=*«t=' . in triumph borne, Back to his ua . tive place b: "X3t- HgH 3. See how the conqueror mounts aloft,And to his Fa- ther flies; With sours of hou - or in his flesh, And triumph in . his eye*. 4. 5. 6. 7. There our exalted Savior reigns. Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light, rCmne let us join our cheerful songs, And scatters blessingsjlnwn ; Up lo the throne of grace; ' Willi angels round the throne: See what immortal beauties shine, [Ten thousand chousamj are their long': Aruuini yuur Savior's face. l But all their joys are one. With him th'Af mighty F»th The glory of his throne, [shares CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING. ^ :#_*=*£ fciZ-Stoht *z* £■ — U— +. — \—4 ■+- Live, glorious Lord, and reign on Lei ev'ry nalion sing, [liivh' Ami angels praise with endless joy, Our Savior and our king. iZ3 — it 1 — <— »t — ' — tii: ■ — n — r i -#—44—1 1 — I- -*--+) n+S'-B 1. Children of the heavenly King, As we journey let us sing; Sing our Sa-viors worthy praise. Glorious in his works and ways. 2. We are travelling home to God, In the way the Fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see L±] 3. O ye banish'd seed be glad, Christ our advocate is made : Us to save, our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. 4. Lord, obediently we go Gladly leaving all belo^.- Only thou our leader e- Aud wc still will fo..cw t 50 STABAT MATER SUNG ON EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT 1. Slabat mater do - lo - ro - aa, Jux - ta crucern la - cry - mo-sa, Dum pendebat Fi - li - us. IgSlai 2. Cujus an • i - mam ge - men - tern Con - tri - statam -P-s z ■-S" £©- -3- et do ?$£& tt pa 23: -a-> -©- -©- -e? I ISEgE t=:t £ T: len - tein, Pertransi-vit gladi - U9. 4==t 3*=2=£: +-©- p=* -©-©- I 15 3 9 O quam triatis et aflicta, Eia malei fons amoris Fuit ilia benedicta Me sentire vim doloris Mater unigeniti. Fac, ut tecum lugeank. 4 JO Quae mrerebat et dolebat, Fac ut anleat cor meum, Et tremebat cum videbat In amando ChristumDeum,Passionis fac consortem, Nuti p mn as inclyti. Ut sibj complaceam. Et plagas recolere. 5 11 17 Quis est homo qui non fleret,Sancta mater istud agas, Fac me plagis vulnerari, Virgo virginum praeclara, .Miin jam non sis amara, Fac me tecum plangere. 16 Fac nt ponem Christi mortem Coristi matrein si videret Crucifixi fi»e plagas In tanto supplicio '. Cordi meo valide. 6 12 Quis posaet non contristari Tui Nati vulnerati, Piain matrem contemplari Tarn dignaU pro me pati, Pmnas mecum divide. Dolentem cum lilio i 7 Pro peccatis sua? gentiB Vidit Jesum in tormentis £t flagellis aubditum. 8 13 Fac me vere tecum flere Crucifixo condolere, Donee ego vixero. 14 Vidit suum dulcem natum, Juxta crucern tecum starc,Quando corpus morietur, Horientem, desolattim, Te libenler aociare, Fac ut animas donetur, Dum emuit spiritum. In planctu desidero. Paradisi gloria. Cruce line inebriari, Ob amorein fllii. 18 Infiammntus et accensus, Per te virgo sim defensus, In diejudicii. 19 Fac me cruce custodori, Morte Christi pramuniri, Confoveri gratia. 20 Quae vulnerata lanceae Mucrone diro, criminun Ut litis lavaret sordibus, Mnnavit unda et sanguine. 3 Impleta sunt qiiT concinit, David fidcli carmine* Dicendo Nationibus; Regnavit a Jigno Deus. Arbor decora et fnlgida Ornata regis purpura, Electa dignu stipite, Tarn sancta membra tangere. Beata, cujus brachiia Pretium pependit sjpcuII Staiera facta corporis, Tulitque prsdani tartar! 6 O crux ave spes iinica *Hoc Fassionis tempore, Piis adau»e gratiam, Reisque dele crimiue. 7 Te, fons saiutis Trinitas, Collaudet omnis Sprilus ; Quibus crucis vicionam Largiris, adde premium. * Instead of this line, — "Hoc passionis tempore," — on the festival of the finding of the Cross, is said, — "Pasctaale qua fers gaudium. And on that of the exaltation of the Croc*, u said, — "In hac triumphi gloria" Music yag? ffA VEXILLA REGIS. 1. Be ^3E 1. Vex - il P- ~&3s- -&r '.721 -f — t- -a- i la Re :rT: pro - de unt Ku! - get cm - - - eis mys - te -I— _s2_I Ku! - get cru - I 1 — it I te -S- z£=P—p: i—i 1-: 22: -p— P ~£ptP—0^-P- - :t= X- -Q—pZ^l II where life it - - self did dealh en -dure, And by (hat death did H— ;p — ^-r-79 : H h lif'e pro SSlSS 2 A cruel spear let out a flood Of water mix'd with saving blood, Which gushing from the Savior's side, Drown'd our offences iu the tide. 3 The mystery we now unfold, Which David's faithful verse foretold, Of our Lord's kingdom, whilst we see ftod ruling nations from a tree. 4 O lovely tree, whose hranches wore The royal purple of his gore ! How glorious docs thy body shine, Supporting members so divine ! 6 Hail, holy cross ! Hail, mournful tree ! Our hope with Christ is nail'd on thee. Grant to the just increase of grace, And ev'ry sinner's crimes efface. 5 The world's best balance thou art made ; 7 Blest Trinity, we praises sing On thee our ransom Christ is weigh'd: To thee, from whom all graces spring} Our sin, though great, his pains outweigh, Celestial crowns on those bestow, And rescue hell's expected prey. Who conauer by the cross below LENT ANTHEM. Par-ce Doini - ne . . Par-ce Pop-u - lo -S- tu - - o j -O- 9- ue in te i - ras - ca - ns DO - - bis. fr 1 I Solo. P/> W x=x m T= -HSU- £=*: za: -t- fes 1. Miserere De - us secundum majrnam miseri cor - diam tu - - am. Repeat Farce after erery three 2 Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, * dele iniquitatem meam. 8 Ampluis lava me ab iniquitate men,* et a peccato meo munda me; 4 Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognoaco, * et pencatum meum contra me est semper. 5 Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci-,* ut justificeris in sermonibui tuis, et vincaa cuni judicaris. 6 Ecce enim in iniquitatibus concepi.ua sum,* et in peecatis concepit me mater mea. 7 Ecce enim veritntem dile.xisti * incerta et occulta sapienliae tua? manifestusti mini. 8 Aspergea me hyssopo et rmmdabor: * lava bis me, et super nivem deallmbor. 9 Audilui meo dabis gaudiurn et laelitiam ; * et exultnbunt ossa humiliata. 10 Averte faciem tuani a peecatis meis, * et omnes iniqtiitateo meas dele. 31 Cor mundum crca in me, l)eus: *et spirituin rectum inkiova in visceribus meis. 12 Ne projicias mea facie tua : * et Spiritum Sanctum tuum ne auferas a me. 13 Redde mihi Iretitiam saluiaris tui ; * et sptritu principali confinna me. 14 Docebo iniquos vias tuas ; * et impii ad te convertentur. 15 Liners mc de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salutis inee; *etexultabit lingua mea justitiam loam. 16 Domine, labia mea aperies ; * et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. 17 Quoniam si voluissea, sacriflcium dedissem utique; * holocaustis non delectaberis. 18 Bacriflclum Deo spiritus contribulatus : * corcontritum et humiliatum, Deus, non deipiclea. 19 Benfgne far, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion, * ut aidiflcentur muri Jerusalem. SO Tunc acceptabts sacrillcium justiciar, oblatioues et holocausta;" tunc imponent super altera tuam Gloria. Fatri. ic O BOUNTIFUL CREATOR. S3 Almighty searcher of our hearts ! Thou know'st the weekness of our parts: We to thy tender mercies fly ; Ah ! do thy healing grace apply. 4 Whilst we by fast our flesh restrain, Permit us not to sin again : O may our hearts from vices free, For Avar live and burn tor thee ' Alas ! our sins are numherless j But we our guilt with grief confess : Lord, for the glory of thy name, From death our sinful souls reclaim. 5 Grant. O most holy Trinity ! O undivided unity ; The lahor of this solemn fast May lead us to eternal lest Scrutator aline cordium, Infinna tu scis virium ; Ad te reverssis exhibe Remissiones gratiam. 4 Concede nostrum centeri Corpus per absiinentiam; Culpa* ut relinquani pabulum. Jeiuna corda criininum Multum quidem peccavimn*, Sed parce confltentibus : Ad nominis laudem mi Conler inedelatn languidis 5 Pra>st» beata Trinitas, Concede simplex I'mta* It Fructtiosa i*int iuib, Joiuuioxuni munera. tt4 ALMA KEDEMPTORIS. Sym. Solo. FROM ADVENT TO THE PUrtiriCATtor.— j A — • — I 1. Al - • ma, Al-ma, Al ----- - - ma, Rc-clempio-ris Ma - ler quae per - vi -a coe - - li 2. Surge re qui cu-rat Pop -----u-lo in qiiie genu - is - - - ti Na - - iu - ra mi - ran - - te 1. Al - • ma, Al-ma, Al Surge re qui curat Pop 3. Vir • - go pri-us ac pos - ma, Re-clempio-ris Ma u-lo in qiiie genu - is • te - ri - us, Gabrie - lis ab o ■ ler ti re ^fe J I ! ' *- ^s=: -f- -9- ma - ris, sue - cur - - - re ca - - to-rem, tu - - um sane - turn -re -re, Fee - ca - - to - - rum -as -r- -o- :E: -(2- 1= I -© - den - - li. Sym. tie - ui • lorem. mis - e - re-re. — . g=ft^t: f§ -o- 321. US \ REGINA CCELI WLBBE. S3 Andante. Duett Sopranos. -£ rH 1 1 r*-r* ±5*3 £,--1-9-0 — i — ; — i-4-5-t»-*-»+g-si J-^— I — I — I m aw o —i-g-^-0—U ij 1 1 l—L L — a ,_^_^ \—0e- FROM EASTER TO TRINITY. t* Re-gi-na ece-li, Re - gi- na coe - ]i, la? - ta - - Tenor. Al - le - lu - ia, Al - le (*■ I* !"»■ I "1 %*-& zzisz: 22: -,-^-e^ — ■ f & 'X' D. C. Chorus. Alleluia. . ^0-&- -e- -o— 0—0— 00- 1 - le, I t le - - ia. 1 Qui - a queni me - ru ■G>- is - ti por ta - te, quern me ru - is - t; por - ta - - - re. T <5>- 1 3L-W. II SALVE REGINA 1. Sal - ve, 2 Ad te c!a 3. Eia 4. Et Je - sum sal - ve, sal - ve, Re - gi - na ma- mus ex • u-les Fi - lii go, Ad-vocata nos - tra be ne dictum Ma - ter ex - u - les Ad - vo - fruc-tum mis - e - Fi - li - - ca - ta ven - tris •i - cor - di - - - i E - - veb j nos - - - Ira ! tu - i nobis mi ~=f—e——^- —I — J-#— -* 1 1— 1-0-0— { — * — F 0..-in. V O FILI ET FILI^5. =t e: :#=* 1= =t =&£ iiisi - akfc&r* Al - le-lu - ia, Al - le - -b-4 WZ? *E& *—s- - > a > Al le-lu ia. -9- 9— Fi - li et mgm li - (B, Res coe- lestis, Rex glo - ri - se, Morte surrex - it ho - t Et mane prima ssbbati, Ad ostium Slonurneuti, Accesserunt Discipuh. 8 Vide Thoma, vide Intua, Vide Pedes, vide maims; Noli esse incredulus. 1 Young men and maids rejoice and sing: The King ofheav'n, the glorious King,- This day from death rose triumphing 8 Et Maria Magdalene, 9 Qnando Thomas vidit Chrstum 2 On Stmdav morn, by break of day. El Jacob! et Stlome, Yeuerunt Corpus ungere. 4 In albis sedens Angelus Pftedixit Mulieribus : In Galli;ea est Dominns. 5 Et Joannes apostolus, Cncurrit Petro cirtus, Monumento venit prius. 4 Dicipnlis astantibus. In medio stetit Christum, Dicct'.s, pax vobis omnibua, 7 Ul intellexit Didymus, Quia snrrexerat Jesu; Pedes, inanus, latus snum v Dixit, Tu es Deus metis. JO Beati qui non viderunt, Et firmiter crediderunt, Vitam aHeruam habebunt. Jl In hoc Festo sanctissimo, Sit lans et Jubilatio, Benedicamtts Domino. His dear disciples haste away Unto the tomb wherein he lay. 3 And Magdalen, in company With Mary of James, and Salome, T'embalm the corpse came zealously. 4 An angel ctothM in white they see, When thither come; and thus spoke he The Lord you'll meet in Galilee. 12 Ex quibns nos humilimas, 5 The dear belov'd apostle John DevotHs atque debitas, Much swifter than Saint Peter run, Deo dicamus gratias. And first arrived at the tomb, 6 White in a room th'aposttes were, Our Lord among them did appear, Hemansit lere dubiua. Sing the Alleluia to every verse. And said. Peace' be unto all here 7 When Dydimus had heard ii said That Christ was risen from the dead. His feeble faith yet staggered. 8 O Thomas, view my hands, my side. My feet: my wounds still fresh abida Set incredulity aside. 9 When Thomns his dear Savior saw. And touch'd his wounds with trembling Thou art my God, said he, I know.[awe 10 Blessed are they who have not seen, : And yet whose faith entire has heen; Them endless life Irom death shall scree* 11 In this most solemn Feast let's raise Our hearts to God in hymns of praise, And let us bless the Lord alwayi. 12 Our grateful thanks to God Tet'« giv# In humble manner, while wo live-, For all the favors we receive. 09 THE BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. ^gPPP-^P 3 ^-^r-Zzzzz^:ztzz]zzTrzZfzz:zzizzzjz^z^az^:Tzzzz s-rn — tt 3E+ti\*zz)\dz^+z*z&\£zJ^-*-*-lz]j^J^ : Tantum erijo sa-cra - mentun Ve - ne - re - mar cer - nu - Et an-tiquem doc-u - mentum =5F &tz\ -e- Gen-i-lo-ri Geni - to - que Laus et ju - bi T e— |— i — |- la - ti - o, Salus, honor, virtus quoque -©I| f-j 1 C T ~g ©-T"i3 T— i — i-' '-f~ "F-® ~ l-*-^-fl 1— T p s ' h :?:::£ 3-S>- 33: novo arr:2iz:i:j EiilegifiS rfci2 .©-- Zt3fcZBC3tM IIS ce - dat ri -- ti) - i : Praestet fi-des supple - mentum sensu -urn de - fee - tu - i. tt=|=± liziga -s>- -s'-g- - C )« ' =t fpst # .'F l -*-*-> sit et ben - e - die - ti - o: Proce - den-ti ab u m zzzr_:z3zzzz\ -9- I r m tro-que compar sit lau - da - to - o. zzz±zzzzzzzz^±3zdzh^z^:tzzz^z -£>-- ^=^ t=t is*— sr IB A SONG OF PRAISE TO GOD 59 Solo, B-£^ =t BE ^-#— ~1- :*-* •=&=* E* 1 **- ::J=P=J :*r |3>i±3E My smil, thy great Cre - a - tor praise, The heav'ns are for his cur - - tain spread, ■p. 9 » — ^ When cloih'd in his ce - les - lial ra3's ; He Th'un - fathom'd deep he makes his bed ; Clouds 3=fc iztt '*S gigj ±±r 3=: Si full his ma - jes • - ty chari - ots when ap - pears, And he flies, On like Wing Utr- t=t=: £SE3 frfca. ed robe his storms a :&== H gio - ry cross the wears. skies. -*-• I Chorus. Great is the Lord, what tongue can frame, _• «_ ZSC s- ©0 GRATEFUL NOTES Sym. Solo. ■ff: First time Solo, and time Chora*. 9#r 1 Grate - ful notes and num - bers bring, While the name of God we sing, Ho - ly, -•— T-H 1«* ± -m- s~ -•-£-* S T~ -&-B- ± Holy j— * Ho - - ly Lord, .#^— l*-P- ■» r — — i — — f» — •> r m r- — ^ t =t Solo. j — _ JfE_ :=H=i: Chorus. Solo. -^o-srt; **£*- «; ■*-•■ ~^«-" r r i' Chorus. Solo, J r- Chorug. Be thy gkirlous name adored; Men on earth and saints above,Mcn on earth and saints ahove,Sing the great Redeemer's love,Sing the great Re I -»- -0- m 3r=iss^ ■■■■' -m-s- LT± -=,»■ — »* Solo 1 1H- 1 r-J-^-n *H-M- "" HHHI -»-ri • I ■ ; -!- -"—**- ri r*— ©■ First time Solo, 2nd time Chorus. deemer'a love, Lord thy mercies nev er fail, Lord thy mercies nev-er fail. Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail ce - les - tial gcodneta, Hail. 61 Duo. While on earth or - daincd lo stay, Guide our fooi-step : if thy way, Mor-tals raise vour voi - cei* - a= zpz s hiffn; Till they reach the - t-4 echoing sky, Men on earth and saints a - bove. Sing- the great Re - deemer's love. :£j£ -4z=. =j= tab :*z ESI B 1=3 Soprano U.mon. • " WWW _^_ W , W _^_ W Men on earth, and saints a - bove, Tenor. Sing the great Re - deemer's love, Sing tire great Re - deem-er's love. iv Men on earth. JERUSALEM, MY HAPPY HOME. ■o—m- i — gJi=±t=«ctafcac±gE* ex - ile have an end? Thy j-sa - lem, my hap - py home, how do 1 sigh for thee! When shall my ex - ile have an end? Thy _^ T _. ._ T _ -^ _, — ,_ T _ _ T ^ — ,* — W joys when shall I see ? Je - ru - sa - lem, Je - ru - sa - lem, Je - sa - lem, my hap-py home t How do I sigh lor thee ! a -fHf-j^*-*-!^— M — +*-— 4f- ~ +* — IF — Ig^-IFV S* 9-0 Chorus. Pla. H *r« H h- tt= t±: Je - ru - sa - lem, Je - ru sa-!em, Je-ru - salem, my liap-py home, How do I sigh for thee 7 p -»- "I*-! 8 - -07 m * -0- m !"* S-'-r*- ■#" r* -ir * - P...iPm. ,0 m — r I --", -d [ " , ~i ^ • —,->*- *=3t ¥ »*- trSSJi:: i a No sun, no moon, in borrow'd light, Revolve thine hours uway : The Iwimh on Calvary's mountain slain, Is Un eternal day. Jerusalem, ic. 3 From ev'ry eye he wipes tno lear; All si»h.s and sorrows cease: No more alternate hope and tear. But everlasting peace. Jerusalem. 4 CONTEMPLATION OF HEAVEN. 63 Two Sopranos and Bass* Come let us lift our joyful eyes, up to the courts a - bove, And smile lo see the Father there, up - on a throne -0- -tf—9- love. The peace-ful eates of heav'nlv-bliss :3-S=s: h&Z -0-0%-a- The peace-fu! gates of heav'nly-bliss, are o - peu'd by the .^___ x _._ ,«» Son j High let us raise our notes of praise, and o-e- i — I— I 333 P 333 H 333 2 reach the Almigh - ly throne. High let -,_-i_U_.:rp: raise our notes of praise, and reach the Almigh - ty throne =t==-t= 8 O heav'n ! O land of pure delight, To thy bright seats remove; 3 To him who sits upon the throne, The God wiium we adure, Where saints immortal reisn, For e'er to praise my dearest Lord The Cod who all us made ; Be "lory as it was and is, Whence end less day excludes the night, In endless peace and love. And to the Lam I), once Tor us slain, And shall be evermore. And pleasures banish pain ! For e'er to praise, &c. Be endless honors paid : Be »\o ry When shall mv soul, from darkness free. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Be glory evar mom. fil THE FIERY SUN. m'tilttatltf. gj gg ppgj ^ gpgsgig *4^=^^ 2g§ T=*-0 ' **£i : - ter - nal dav, T The fie-ry son now rolls a z*g*5L ay; Blest Three and One, e - ter - nal day, Thy beams of light and love im - - -S — = ■0Z3SZ^t afcl£: M»- = =P=1= irtzjrz :*z:^_ ■s — jzz: ■ 9 \-& — j — fr --©- n s "2? - part, 3^ To ev'ry i r -° cold be - night - ed heart, be - night - ed t= -© — — SI heart. birrrnzq w^mmm *f-< 2 In morning and in evening verse, Thy glorious praises we rehearse ; May we.. O God, the same express Amidst thy saints in happiness. 3 To God the Father, and the Son, And Holy Spirit, three ill one, Be. endless giory, as before The world began, s> evermur*. AVE VERUM. lTlrst time Soli, second time Chorus. 63 NOTELIO. it F4- f T .#— p— fijzfizazaz * * * ^3 2=tzt JflZ^Zft A - - ve ve - rum cor - - pus na - - turn De Ma - ri - a, Ma - ri - vir - gi - ue. l-# H =t 1=q==tT »--j — i — - --« Cu - jus la - lus per - - lb - ra - turn Flux - it Flux -*-•- T- zzMzM: =#:j=tt i — "r le. 1 it un - da et san - g-ui-ne. rbfeatc =n -I r-rf W* :*^s: -za^: ■ >-— i- 3iSi • — #- m — r zM» a fSlsfl Ve - re pas - sum E^* im - mo - la - turn, in cm - ce, in cm - ce pro ho - mi - ne. Es - to no - bis prse - gus - ta - turn, in mor - tis mor - - tis in ex - am - i - ne- ZMZDt 1 H- 75—1 M~ «: -» — »- ■-<«—«- at*: m [»] EASTER HYMN. To- day he's risen, death no more sha II bind him to the grave; No more can hell or sin's fell po\v'r,0'er him do- Srtrfisr =4 "& -i «£ 1** -Tf""=r- _j ■ A • _^_Q.q_ S. -F»t *=* "i — ■ — -3 r i —0- -3- - m -• - L j*.' J - minion have. m He liken'd to our sin-ful form once doom'd him - self to die; - ~_ _i — m — 9 T lS . ^- -fa That he by death, might death o'ercBme,IU r f* 1 — r»^ r 3 in r/- "Chorus. I ^ j I , f~ ,^—V Al-le - lu-ia, Al-le-lu ,,',., noon, o c inir i o - et rn \' . i-i A . u . n dead-ly sting de - stroy -o^&im =l Mrzct ^gj Al-le - lu -iaf sN= -if=^ Al - le - lu - - ia. 2 O death! where's now thy mortal sting? Where's now thy victory ? To-day his glorious praise we sing, Who triumph'd over thee. Not trhimphM for himself alone; Bet, by his mighty powV Taught im to triumph in our turn, Nor dreoa ihy terrors more. 3 For lo! the dread of death is sin, And never ending woe ; From thence it is our terrors spring, From thence our evils flow. But now from sin and hell set free, No longer death we'll fear ; But, longing for eternity, Rejoice wIiku it draws near. 4 Ye angels now who watch around, The Conqueror's heav'nly throne; Aid us to make the skies resound, The victory for us won. Aid us to sing his worthy prairie, With one united henri Aid us to walk in all his ways, 'Till we from lite depart. Two Sopranos. r ^3 hail neav'nly Queen! /E MARIS STELLA 6? -| P 1 { Hr-«-a-- M - * V- ' " 1 -#-f— ^-i ~ • r * dif- fuse ihy beams a - far ; Hail foa - my ocean's star! Oh be our guide L ti-. P~. fe=8 zz^zrzzm -»— a ^ ._* ■ _a»_«a H— {--•- -' H »■ :£ptz£q=£ f: **£ SSl And Mother of God a - bove all Vir - gins blest. Hail happy gate of heaven's e - ter-nal rest ! z=c: 3: -0T-9 1- a^ m^^ m^ ^ mzm — K? - ^ ~h---» 1- -F— I " I I Hail foa-my ocean's star ! " — 0- ; — i*-rH f*~J7£-r II*' ii O—0- J™°< +-.•— « I Hail heavenU' Queen ! I I Oh be our guide l:p:: i — i — »- -Jz:?-?dFE=B=E -I K>- -P--(- -i- to end-less joys -g--gfe- T — a>v-a>-d- ! -i I ! ^ — *■ seen. -I r s :.*n*»h*. - 1 — « 1* 1 - 1 - - — t — ps-aq' s Hail ! full of grace! with Gabriel we repeat, Thy children save — oh gracious mother hear! Our lives unstained in purity preserve. Thee, Ciueen of heaven, from him we learn to greet; From brimful eyes, oh deign to wipe the tear! And ne'erpermit our ways Irom truth to swerve Then give us pence, which heaven alone can give, And 'lead thro' Eve, thro' Mtiry let us live. Chorus, Hail, &c. 3 Oh break our chains! thy guilty slaves release) Oh i.'iu- us light! ami let our blindness cease: Let every ill that preys upon our hearts. Fly at thy voice, which every good imparts. Chorus, Hail, «fco. Our anxious prayers to Gud thy Son present, That when our time has roll'd »ts rapid round, Whose life and blood for sinful man were "pent. VVe may with Christ in heavenly bliss be crownd Chorus, Hail, &lc. o Oh Virgin meek! alone of all mankind, In whom not God cnn stain or blemish hnd ; From Satan's chains our captive souls set free, And be our lives from sin exempt by thee. Chorus Hail. iw» Chorus, Hail, &c 7 Eternal praise to God the Father be! Eternal praise to Christs dread majfnty ! Eternal praise the Holy Ghost attend E To God triune be glory without end. Chorus. UatL &•» CREATOR ALME. _. !-^=^ J— •, £tS -t— t H 1. Bright Maker of the starry poles,Eiernnl light of faiih-ful souls,Christ,Savior of mankind,espouseOurcause,and hear our humble voire. 1 Cre - a - lor aline t»i - de-rum, ^E-ter-na lux ere - den - ti-uin, Je-su Redemp-tor omai-um in -ten -de vo - tis Bup-plicum. AHi2z*:ez.*idz - sua iu Belh - le - hem. See Christ vour Savior, Heav'ns greatest fa-vor. Let's hasten to a - dore him, Let's hasten to a - dore him, Let's hasten to a-dore him, our God and King. Chorus. zpr?~w. VZJkZM'. Saturn vi - de - te Regem an-ge-lorum Ve • ni - le a-do - remus; Ve-ni-te ■— LpS-f— ^^ saas mmm r — I i ■ J H -+- 1 — i tr[— ^t -^^-^ t— n musj Ve-ni-te a - do-remus; Ve-ni-te a - Ho - re-mus Dom - i - num. . _J3 1^ * i -S'-# — J ■ J- 1— I 9 — x - *-* -La-**- 1 GJT-ll « See Christ ynur Savior. Heav'ns greatest favor, &c. . m — ^-A . 1— t . :tei life^n TZL ESz* 32 * -Fi -t — (- -h4-«— 2~JST'- :&. 2 Rod to Goft equal ; Liuht of light eternal ; Carried in virgin's ever spotless womb ; He -nil preceded. 4 To Jesus, this day bora, Grateful homage return ; 'Tis he, who all heav'nly gifts doth bring ; Word increateil, 2 Denm de Deo, 3 Cantet nunc Io ' Lumen de lnmine Chorus angrmrum Gesiant puella? viscera, Cantet nunc aula celestlum Deum Verum Gloria, Gloria Begotten, not created. Let's hasten, «Scc To our flesh united. Let's hasten, &c. | Genitian nou factum. In excelsis L-co. Vecite.io. S \ngeis now praise him, 5 We, joyfully singing, Loud iheirToices raising ; Grateful irihutes bringing, The heavenly mansions with joy now ring ; Praise him, and bless him in heaVnly hymns. To him who'* most holy, Angels implore him, JBk honor, praise, and glory. Let's hasten, Ac. Seraphs fill before him. Then e'er let us adore him. our God and King. 4 Ergo, qui natus L'ie hodierna, Jesu tihi sit gloria. Patris ceierni Verbuni caro factum. Venice, 70 AVE MARIA. Chorus. Solo. TO BE SUNG AT THE OFFKRTOBT. Chorus. Solo. Dao. Chorus. Solo. chorus. A - ve, A - ve, A - ve, A - ve, A - ve, Ala-ri - a, Gra - ti - a pie - na, Dom-i - nus te - cum : Be - ne - dic-ta ligli^ 0—0-0- m ; — — i — F--0 — »-l 1 — 9 d =i ■x Jt^-g Pf : Solo. Chorus. tu in mu-li - e - ri - bus, et be -ne - die - lus et be - ne - die - lus be - ne - die - tus fruc-tus ventris tu - i Jesus -0—P—0—0- P a -S-»->- 3t H«»l — -: :ff at i — i — i — i — x ^-^-^— ■— i — -b «?— © Solo. Duo. Chorus. Solo. t3*f:d Saiicta, sancta, sancta, sancla, sancta Ma-ri - a Ma - ter De - ■0-0-0- M I 1 P—0 -0 — \-s—\0 \-0 -i- -0-i ' •- 0—0—0 1- -0-0 -0-9- -0- \* O - ra pro-no - bis pec-ca-tori-bus nunc et in ho - ra «J" 71 F^ =£: -pi — » — p«" — h— h — i*- — na — t— h n- m or- lis nostra* A-men, nunc et in ho - ra, nunc et in ho ±t ^r±af =w ra, nunc et in ho - ra, mortis nostrae, A-men, A-men frjzisp -9- II -#—»—»- ■£— •■ qc H- :E m. P •^ -0-m—m- -e- ^: *: .»"_. £_?_ -»—«•- ■^-*"H*- -In — l ' — :e>: I ASPIRATIONS BEFORE COMMUNION. Two Sopranos and Bass. God, my -# — Life, my love, To Ihee, to m thee £ '-ft. -a— me from heav'n a — bove, And be my God my all, . . And be my God my a-IJ. £Z;^ m And be my =ti I My faith beholds thee, Lord, Conceal'd in human lood ; My sense* fail ; but in My word I trust andfi»d mv God. O, when wilt thou be mine, Sweet lover of my soul ! My Jesus dear, my King divine , Come, o'er my heart to rule. O come ! and fix thy throne, In the midst of my heart ; O make it burn for thee nlone, iVrul from thence ne'er depart. Begone ye, from my mind, Vain, childish, earthly toj« j In my Jesua alone 1 find True pleasures, solid joya. ASPIRATIONS AFTER COMMUNION Solo. Soprano :^^:£:®zzzz:zzzz:«!z±t*z:^;gz:*:* ZZ"8:ZZZi What hap - pi - ness can e - qual mine ; ■x ti s - £: zt=J I've found Ihe ob - ject my love ; My Je - sus dear, my King di - vine, Is come to me from heav'n above. :£&E&r£r3z=$ ^zEfztziz*z:*zz?zz?z 3: chose my heart for • his -*t3z a-bode, He zaS^E^zzzzz3z:E£zE§ ^zSlzzi _.« — 0. there becomes my ]y bread, There on me flows his heal - ing blood, There, wiih his flesh my soul is fed. r» , r* r* P , i , x Z-*-»~t/» r*— IJ- zllSziil 2 I am my love's ami he is mine, In mo he dwells, in him I live ; Whiit greater treasure could I find ? And could ye, heav'ns, a greater give ? O sacred Ii.iiH|iiet, heuv'niy feast ! O overflowing source of grace. Where, God the fond, and man the guest, Ueet and uniiein sweet emhrace I 3 Ye angels, lend your heav'ly tongues, Come, and with me in praises join; Corne, and unite, in thankful songs, Vour sweet immortal voice to mine. O, ih:it I had > our burning hearts, To love my fJod, my spouse most dear ' O that he would with flaming darts, Raise in mv heart a heav'nlv fire 4 Dear Jesus: now mv heart is thine; O may it Irnru thee never fly ! Hold it with chains of love divine, Make it be thine eternally. Vain objects ! that seduc'd my soul, I now despise your fleeting charms ' In vain Temptation's billows roll, I lie uecur* ld Jm-u' arms. Solo. MES £g3£?=* HAPPY EFFECTS OF THE LOVE OF JESUS T» -, P"5 1* 1 i^-r ; 1 ,«* -O- til -9- H" £: 73 # 3±3 1. Gra - ces from my 2. Here she may from 3- Here with pur - est -I ) Je - sus flow - ing-,, care re - tir - ing. love re - mam - mg, Set Find Je - the faiih - Ail a sweet and sus ans - wers breast heal J~ fire : balm ; tag ev' - ry prayer j ,** 1 3- ±& -jtT Make the soul with rap - tures glow - ing, Nought bin hcav'n - ly bliss de - sire. All ce - les - tial love in - spir - in*, Shed a * round a heav'n - ly calm. With his help, jthe soul sus - tain - ing. Makes her *'v' - - ry bless- ing share. Horns. Tenor. CHorns. Tenor. sorit'. v o w * — s s"-s (— «■ 74 ADORATION OF JESUS IN THE SACRAMENT litirgo. X *—::Azz39—-m-2z: t=t :*— *: :=jzzzj; =4 I *ztit * Sa-ving host we fall be • fore thee, Trusting in our Savior's word. Thee we own the From thy Father's throne de - scend-ing, Thou becom'st our dai - ly bread; 'Midst celes-tial :&: 3S t=t= m =t g^ Egg^j^ g 1^=P= di zzi: zfcat 3?=t 4= Lord of glo - ry, thee we own our sov'reign Lord ; While our e - vil foes contend - ing, hosts at - tend - ing, With thy flesh our souls are fed. Come, thou source of ev' - ry blessing, =^ :tt £3 £ — 6> r 7 5 ~tr~i3~ Threat en our e Warm our hearts with love di - vine, £=— ^=3qp=q— zzzrzzjzzzjzzzizzzi— Tz^zzznzzzrzzrztzlzznzzizlzzpzzff 'z e^ Z^ ZZazZgzjlgZZazZgZZ^fezZ*-^^ nth heav'nly grace de - fend - ing, And protect us with thy cross. ter - nal loss ; EEBE33JSE0 Let thy p4 ev er thite :zzz*: souls pos - sess - wg, Make us be for ■ O SALUTARIS. — ©- Bel Qui — iS- — a- hos la pre — munt vi — lam si - ne izt— ^ - ©H— © — -p- -e— - -a—©— - ,— "^ - ti ter T-- li ■ mi -S 1 - 1— no, P- ~2t' Da No zzzztzpznzrz-nizznzzzqzzzpiz bis bur do fer net -o— #s- 1 t~ -2—^ :=p: -P- aux in -i9- i=B pa EEE -©-■ i 76 FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF THE B. V. M. MOZART. luTENOR. -*-0$+\ Hail Mary! Q,ueen and Virgin pure, With ev'-ry grace replete ! Hail kind protectress of the poor! Pi - ty ALTO. our nee-tfy -i* . i- S -0i-3-0 i -0 9 - 9 ~ L 3—0- i -S-0 g ^-O-^-0 i -S-*-0 1 -S-0 i -e0 i -0*- v - i S — J =t How oft,when troubles fill'd my breast,Or sin my conscience pnin'd;Thro'thee I sought for peace & rest ( Thro'lhee peace ob - = ^-4 ; » P=P HiSi 9fp-t 9 fMf-rffi t PjAs^I^-T-* *=?:*=£- T=tfP£ %mw^^£m\ state. O thou who flll'st the highest place,Next heaven's imperial throne! Obtain for us each saving grace, And make our wants thy own. mmmmm^mm' -3-0 tain'd.Then hence in all my pains and cares,!'!] seek for help in thee; E'er trusting thro'thy pow'rful prayers to gain e - ter - ni - ty. FP : £p i — j - *#,#* 3 W$i&$0-- P— * 3c£=tt H-#* H — I- m B =F=to ^H^ I HYMN FOR PENTECOST 77 Mode ra to. — b^ 7 r ' S5 § - -#-p-i — «■ t-F-L -S — ^— *— T ©— J" *— * EEE Solo. Soprano Chorus. I J^. t ~s~ al - le - luias singing, Of- ferhimour gratelul lavs. He all heav'nly graces bringmg,Mer-its ev-er- lasting praise. 2 Men in ev'ry danger fearing, Now ihe greatest dangers scorn ; Midst of torments persevering, Shew themselves in Christ new born. Let ua, &« 5 Source of love, our hearts inflaming, With true zeal and virtue pure. Grant we may in heaven reigning, Sing thy praise for evermore. Let as, fee. FOR EPIPHANY OR TWELFTH DAY. R. TaYLOi*. er ci - ^1 Lei oih ties at strive, which most Can of their strength or T t— *0- M r he - roes -0- P— H-I-- H^ ios T n to be the se —-}-■-*#- -»-^ — l- -9 <* > P» r f — *i«-t; — L ^^^— sf - ■ »»> -n* - ^ — 9 z=T*:z:«zi:*zzzai^imrzzifi^z±=: i tf - f_» | — I h -I_ r ZT^ boast ; Beth'lem a 3S fct=IE=£jfc !one is chos'n to I— r seat of heav'n bnrn ma-jes-ty. ~tm > - — -rV-r»H* -0 a & o- 9-9 m-o-te.- T e-m-m ZZX ESSH3a^B^ra U-»7«-9- -•-• .-»-»- ■ i»* szs X- Glory lo .lis ho - ly name; z£E=^z3^r=5ic To him bo t=t is-TBzaszaifr; -i — w-\ — t-^-T-, — \ ou flew, To curb the devil's ty - ranny, And give the Lord his due. 8 Release our long entangled mind, From all the snares of ill ; With heavenly light instruct the blind, And all our vows fulfil. Exert for us a mother's care, And thus thy children own ; Prevail with him to hear our prayer. Who chose to be thy Son. 3 O spotless maid ! whose virtues shine, With brightest purity ; Each action ofour life refine, And make us pure like thee. Preserve our lives unstained from HI ; And guard us on our way; Timi Christ one day our souls may All WHb, Joys that ne'er decay. 2 Wandering through error's gloomy maze, Our grandsires lost their way, You cheer'd their hearts with gospel's blaze And truth's consoling ray. By your celestial doctrine taught To heaven they found the way : Soou flames oflove divine they caught, And Satan lost his prey. 4 From Faith's bright camp the devil fled ; The road to henv'n was clear'd ; When gospel raised its awful head, An isle of saints appear'd. This day another gern we'll join, Our faith we'll all renew \ In that same faith you brought from Rome Contirm'd, we'll heaven pursue. 3 VTour lasts, your prayers, your tears, your toil. Your miracles well known, Mellow'd our island's stubborn soil, And gospel's seed was sown. Oh ! what a harvest soon appeared ! The earth, long cursed was bless'd ; The Lord was lov'd, the Lord was fear*d« The sinner's heart at rest. 5 Thus we, whilst on a rock we stand. Defy the pow'rs of hell ; Our Patrick's shield and cross in hand, Shalt Satan e'er repel. Tn God, who sent him to our isle, For e'er be glory given *. Hereafter may our Shepnerd smile, And wehonie u-s to heaveiu FAVORITE MASS for three voices. H. DEMONTI. 88 :b— - »-»-»-• Ie§SS1£&e :'~f~= -0-0- 0-0 ^T*-P '" >-h ± H t"— t+ Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son Ky--ri--e 6-- lei-son, e -lei-son, , /— s — "ft b—Q-0-0-0-0 f-a-F-g-P ± -pr_| 1 |_ -I i*— I -0-0-0-0J-GT&-0—J- iHztifeEzE tztzz: 3±b, Ky-ri-e e- -lei -son, Ky-ri-e e- -lei-son, Ky--ri--e e - lei -son, e -lei-son, izzzizstz ^zzqgzjzz frzq zzzlz^zlz^z^zgz^zzz^; -^- g-F-p-»t~j — g-H-f-g- p-" -g T -i — #-l- — ©- -X m / Ky-ri-e e -- lei-son, Ky-ri-e e - lei -son, Ky - - ri - e e -- lei- son, e -lei-son, I 1 1 1— T ^- |_ O-0-0-0- — E — ** — e-- -X--- Egs Ky-ri-e e--lei-son. Ky-ri-e e--le-i-son, Ky - - ri - - - e e- - le - - i - son, itzp: |=zfezSaizffiz=£^S^£^feS^ Kyri-e e - - lei - son, Ky-ri-e e--Ie-i-son, Ky - - ri - - - e e - - le - - i - son, zE= =^31 =^s -e— -e—&- =z: Ky-ri-e e - - lei - son, Ky-ri-e e-- lei --son, [6] Kv • e e - - le - - i - son. 83 — s- — g _^ ± _ ?4 __ blt _ a-, — Wlh- Ky - - ri - - e e--le- i -son, Ky-ri - e -o :E tt: •ra :^e EE Kv - - ri- - le - i-son, e - le - j son,e - le -i-son. e- — e 'i~ a le-- i-son, Ky-ri -e e - - le - i-son, e - le- i-son, e - lei-son, e- — e— »P Ky - - ri - - e le-- i-son, Ky-ri-e e - - le - i-son, e lei le - - i - son, e - - - le son, e - le iR le i - son, e - - - le -fg-i — s — j — G—r-p'sm 1 - i - son, e - - le wmad mm — MM E — 1~ I Sh II j=top: 5 =± ,-s- -£-£? ±ztzt: -© — •on, e - le ■ son. e - le i son, e-- le i - son, Ky -ri-e e- le l-son, m z&j3" ----- e--le - , s o s o -TEES h -T- t" i - son, Ky -ri-e crtzliszzimrrzziz: e - ■ -»- -le- -s- l-son, simi t &EEE - i-son. / !e 1 - son, le g][filpaiiiiIiiliiili^Siill ^ralFf^ -3- le l-son, e le - - i-son, e - le - i-son, e-le - i-son, e - lei - son iiiSiiSigil^S^llil le--i-son, e le -- i-son, e -le-i-son,e-le-i-son, Chris-te, Christe,e -le -i-son, Chris-te. =7^i=rnzrzCTjirii=prq^==inrq a— liZs^s:: :fc E =ti zm -p-- c--le - - - i-son, e-le - l-son.e-le-i son ! - i-son, 84 son. e —o—g- _^__|_>2 .£ -»-«-»- : i-T»* -g-P -S- 31= / *>a g^^^^f Ky-ri-e e--lei-son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, -9-0—9- — I : Ky-ri -e e - le-i-son, e-lei-son, Ky-ri-e e- iigi^i^^^ii^i^iigi Ky-ri-e e - le -i-son, Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, Ky--ri-e e - le-i-son, e-lei-son, Ky-ri-e e -* - — ! — * t— — *-^i» - — i — :• ™i — P5 -•-H i-23Xi Ky-ri-e e --lei-son, Ky-ri-e e - - lei - son, Ky-ri-e e - le-i-son, e-lei-son, Ky-ri-e e- ■ • - *Ja±**-* J!? i — h- -S-—9 it B £* -s-- ■jf=»- *- e ESIE P lei-son, Ky-ri-e e-lei-son, Ky - ri - - e e -- le-i-son, Ky - ri - - e e--le-i-son. I Mil eW-Jf-z; T e^___ T c^ 0-0-0-0 -M^sw-m-^- -i — "0 m — ta -^ xr± : ^r^-» isgigilt Ie - i-son, Ky-ri - e e - lei - son, Ky - ri • «— t— = e- -le-i-son, Ky-ri--e e --le-i-son. zpzr*: -.S-:-*- t4=± t=::=iiz»_rz2 1» ■ei-son, Ky-ri-e e-- lei -son, Ky-ri--e e-- le-i-son, Ky-ri--e e--le-i-suu 86 Allesrro. ^:zcqzzj:zI*z*z«:Jt»z»z»z»:ta' Glo-ri-a Glo-ri-a in excelsis Deo, bzzzzz — -r-r---— t»-»^-^x — m GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO. ll?ilzlP^ipiPfeazi= in ex-cel- sis De • o, Et in terra pax ho> 3- E5ZiZ5^z^fez^fegg^z^%zHi^z^gz%^g^E zrz^ztz:±ZztzEz:±zzzz:zzzifzz;zfczztziEzEzzit:ztzi:±^z±czEIEzt:±?z :t=-P S&Iag^|Zg|5|^p| 3 ^|j Glo-ri-a Glo-ri - a in excelsis Deo, in ex -eel -sis De - o, Et in terra pax ho- —■ b— gyg-^-i^grg-g-^fi — p ~j — |-tr i -^t L t [ ---F-rl fg — TF-t : t s '-gf g — g -zr Glo-ri-a Glo-ri-a in excelsis Deo, in ex-cel-sis De - o, Et in terra pax ho- / 4: •-•-•- 3-«s: I xi r— hS>-| F-l & — ir n;~ w— m islziiiEE mi-ni-bu9 pax honii-ni-bus in terra pax. Glo-ri-a Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o, in ex -eel -sis, De - r*-x— s- [zzzttzz^;tz:f±fzjzfe: r#-» -#-£*■ 3££ *=-0-0i? tzzt EE ^« EEEEEzE t: -.•=* f&Ezfezp lEEEzzitzzzt trxrtzS mi-ni-bus.pax homi-ni-bus in terra pax. Glo-ri-a Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o, in ex -- eel - sis De - vni-ni-bus.pax homi-ni-bus in terra pax. Glo-ri-a Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o, in ex -- eel - sis Da • 87 «-e+— e j Jciz-PHzff^:--ItttEi=±::Et=±p:tK:-:?fcti=:-fc=:E= - e — T — 1 _ <- -i— -4 1 — i-©-- dtzzz±z*z*5z o, Glo-ri-a Da-o, pax ho-mi-ni-bus bo-na; voluntatis ter-ra pax hominibus pax in terra pax. : ibiTtiz: ±^:i: rqpA: :*zt=:b :bsz«:». S^WzVf Mr-**: :E:£: :|=f : ^Lz x_ •»-- \==y — L — i — H--H — '*■ — J - 1 - — : r — -I — '•='' J-L — ) — j — l i-i — | — lj ■ — P =5^3E5 z?:ziz*z*: De-o, pax ho -mi-ni-bu3 bo-nae voluntatis in ^ ^ T — zgazF-?-^ ter - ra pax hominibus pax ho-mini-bus. :E=ti ■M-Wjs.3.:-. G-S t ,, : sj££Jfegg|=E ;ssi Hiii o, Glo-ri-a De-o, paxho - mi-ni-bus bo-ntu voluntatis in ter-ra pax hominibus pax ho-mini-bus. Moderate. DUO. TF.9IOR. © — «? Laudamus te Laudamus te, SOPRANO. Be-nedi-cimus, A-do-ra-mus, Be-ne-di-cimus, A-do-ra-mus, rpfcz±3r i=t: ~H — ! M =s Laudamus te Laudamus te, Be-nedi-cimus, A-do-ra-mus, Be-ne-di-cimus, A-do-ra-mus, — ?z:-fz3Z?=*J?*z^IEit=t±^Eiffi=t.£±i^=t=HtEt=t^=-=-i?-t-=3 A -do - ia muste, Glo-ri-fi-camus,Lauda £: A - do- ramus te. Glo-ri-ii-camus.Lauda 8S mm -i-t-i—m- —i-»—ar 3: : :e ir=?[r£*±£ farrfip±=Z=^«ifdE 9 9- - ~ l^ - ^-44- 1 1 rr :a: c — - : fc: mus te.Laudamus te,Lauda- mus te,Lau-da mus te,Lau-da-mus te. mus te,Laudamuste,Lauda-mus te,Lau-da-mus te,Lau-da-mus te, Andante. CHORUS -v-S-9— J---9-9 1 v -9 1 — 9 CJratias, Gratias *afc*±: 1331 fc»-#H -H- * J-l 1— J m a-gi-mus ti-bi a-gi-mus tibi, Gratias : Gratias 1 *-*--»- a - gi-mus tibi. y-j [^"#- t--^-^-^ 1 q Gratias, Gratias a gi-mus tibi, Gratias, Gratias a - gi-mus tibi. Gratias, Gratias a-gimus ti-bi a-gi-mus tibi, Gratias, Gratias a - gi-mus tibi. a-gi-mus ti-bi TREBLE SOLO. ggg^gj ^^^ i9-*#-a hi— gi Pron - ter magnam glo - ri- am tuam, prop-ter mag-nam gio-n-am lu-arn, *^«» Gra ti-as a - - gimus ti bi, prop - ter magnam glo - ri-am tu - am, I -&- ^iza^-'z :^:c=c:lztrE= -s>- L prop-ter magnam glo-riam iSfe^^S tu-am, propter magnam gloriam tu - - am, propter T -,^A- -4- wzM: _, — , — . -P mgrftc-yp. mag-nam glo -ri-am tu-am, Gra-ti - as a-gi-mus, CHORUS. ^i= 1 a - - - gi-mus ti bi. Gratias, Gratias ^ 1 "I a - gimus ti-bi, a-gimus ti-bi, Gratias, Gratias a - gimus tibi. m^m w& 'try -*»-«* p^-t^c c=i=R aatfa *•* ^ Gratias, Gratias h*- e HS5 u — -+ — ~ *t£ m a - gimus tibi, a-gimus ti-bi, Gratias, Gratias a - gimus tibi. -^T& zzyr*rgzz f ^irp ^p^gp Gratias, Gratias a-gimus tibi a-gimus ti-bi, Gratias, Gratias a - gimus tibi vu TREBLE SOLO. zpr jtliL^l\l |§g=f£* Do BE^S wm £: #=F= J |_X L mine De-us rex ce - les-tis, rex ce - les-tis, pa-ter om -ni -po-tens, De - us pa-ter om - ni - po - tens, De - us pa-ter om - po-tens, ig^ipigiiigiigii^iiiii^ Do - mi-ne fi - li fili u - ni - geni - te, Je - su Cbris-te, Je - su Christe, n . _J__^ |__|._4_L_^.^. - 1 — w O-j 1 ;©- V^-0 — I-— F|-F * F|-F — ^— ■ Je _. -•^-r ' F£F #_p & -.*?(■- -«*»- bj se •F»- t=- I S=t=E: =g=t=P=H= *= £§ EfeEEf^SE ^E X: ^ Chm - te, Je - - su Chris - - te, Je - - su Chris te Jtdagio. CHORUS. zb: b- 01 01.0— 9 i _^ — ^ ^±-+-0 =|_.L| — j — — x — — j — w -_^i__^._ — _ Qui tol-lis, t tol - lis pec - ca - ta mundi, Qui tollis.qui tollis pec-ca - ta mun-di. rzfez: -j 0~- flj ^bga^zSis H-a-r*--- Jzfz-zzlEzzzzzi?izzbztf?z5zz]i?zizzJz*z«zz± ^bbz^izi: zdzzbzz:* ■ 0. ^^ s- Qui tol-lis qui tol-lis pec - ca - ta tnundi Qui tollis,qui tollis pec- ca - ta mundi. /- — s 'T* :az*z! .zlfzqzzzjzzzqpzczz «||iz=yzz-i|zdzz; a: Bzz£zdzzzz::zzzzz*: X isz=mip. tzt: :qiprz=ja=p=r Qui tol lis qui tol-lis pec - ca - ta mundi, SOLO TENORG Qui tollis pec-ca - ta mun-di. |[|^zzqzzpzz^zffi^zp;p£^ Sus - - ci-pe, sus-ci-pe de-precati o - - - - nem, depre-ca - tt o-nem, de-pre-ca-ti o-nem, nos-tram, de - pre - ca - - ti tram, sus-ci-pe, sus-ci-pe depre - ca-ti o-nem nos - - tram Qui se - des ad- 92 — m r - k-i-E— 0- dexteram, ad dex - - teram Pa-tns, sus - ci-pe, sus-ci-pe de-pre-ca-ti o-nem ^ o CHORUS. :za /* Mis - e — re - re nem nos - tram. Qui tol - - lis pec — ca-ta, pec 4 • ca-ta mundi =t 3E^ X=p: :~ d; it -©-- =F ^ no - - - bis, fcb: ip: -e — -i- : -72-19,9--— P— --' ::=rz^s - - re - re no - bis ^^F* :£E ■pz^i=::-p=:iz ^ Mis S:i±zrr=t= ^zfr re - re —& — =- bis, - re - re :-UT I ~gr I no • r32i bis. 11 Mis - e re - 1* - bis. mis - e - - - re - re no bis Allegretto. I pz^:£r:=3:£ = :tC:±£=p=^*:i:»r^zt:=J: 4^ rzz:_=: :sz:j' i= .1 — w ». Quo-ni - am tu so - - lus sanc-tus, tu so-lus Do-mi-nus, tu so - lus Do-mi-nus.tu so-]us al -tis-simus, Je - - su Christe, Quoni - am tu so-lus sanc-tus, Quo-ni - am tu so-lus Domi-nus, Je -------- su Chris - - te, Je - CHORUS, .lllegro tzbz— j su Chris-te Je - su Christe, Je - su Christe. 3T1H Cum sanc-to Spir- i-tu inGlo-ri-a De - - - i Pa-tris, A Cum sanc-to Spir - i-tu inGlo-ri-a De - — i Pa-tris zzs±^=±d=2; :t±z=?f.?=z_zz=fzc=:=t=tf= tzz Cum sanc-to Spir -i-tu in Glo-ri - a De Pa - tris A - 94 -o- P i~n. =ffn *ze: s — — - ©- men, men, A-men, A-men, men. bit men, :c iEF *$•:?:: P ._*-__.. ^1 A-men, A-men, ±= 3: © :p: H ©-■ 2:;e=z_=^ :ra: men, A-men, A-men, zzzazzz: : A- — C-s-X-j — x — m p | ?' (*H--»-»» Ol C i-z\z t=P men, Cum sanc-to,sanc-to Spir-i - tu in Glo-ri-a De-i Pa-tris, A S~r#- t Y—V-V *-& •^ISSiisSig men, Cum sanc-to,sancto Spir-i -tu in Glo-ri-a De-i Pa-tris, A - sii§iiil=^=Sli men. sanc-to Spir - i - tu De-i Pa - tris =n MS toqzqj:: ^tfehti: =l±r=| = =j= §yyi§iiiifc=ii =3m :*?*i=* »—«-+-- tiffin es - men, A - men. A - - men, A men. IrsSISfffJ men, A - men, A - - men, A - - - men. mmmm men, A men, A - - - men. CREDO IN UNUM DEUM. • Sttrgro. ,liaesto*o* ££_*,_- *,_,. £ -o-H-hr ^ sleg t :p=a:::: /" Cre - do, Cre - do iliiiifil t=t mm a - num De - urn, in u - num De - um, *. ... — ^ — ^"T 1 1 ^^ 1 — ^~^ — T' ..-© p Cre - do, Cre - do :t=t±i=: Eh£EBB b— 4- gT- fg : 3=: ©v — &-?- u - num De - um, in u - num De - um, T- -S-— 3= -Or- E^EE £-" fez tzfc Cre - do, Cre - do in u - num De - um, in De 96 V -\Z—0 — *— *»- pj==|r-]L_i_-i_-li_-^ 9—9- 3=HS - m — .-0 Palrem om-nip-o - ten-tem fac-to-rem coe-li fac-to-rem cae - li et ter - - rae — «_.£_-<£_-«_-<, tf _.»_ a _- r _ r _-_ r _ __ i#T _^_ — i — | — j. — i — j m — ff__-j-i — l =M= "g^lgpp^gpg* -•-fs-«+ Patrem ora-nip -o - ten-tem fac-to-rem cce-li fac-to-rem coe-li et ter - - rae ■^zzzizzzzrzz\zzz\zzzi\zrzz\zz. :*rrffi: 11 I *~*ZZZZ*Z s— ~z\z&zwk. *zzzz±± Patrem om-nip-o - ten-tem fac-to-rem coe-li fac - to -rem cos-li et ter - - rae. / -&—* — b*- nzez :j: :-H=s=i -#— — — — 0- =K i Pa-trem omnip-o-ten-tem fac-torem co3-Ii ■ - 1 «*— ■*»— **- fac-to-rem coe-li et *g$Z*z.0- ter - - ras, jgpagg^i^^gl^g gg pj Pa trem omnip - o - ten tern fac-torem coe-li f- — ,* — *» — t> — *»--!• J- >- J— -I fac - to - rem coe - li et ter - - rae, mzzzaz Pa-trem omnip -o-ten-tem fac-torern coe-li 3=X fac - to - rem coe - li et 'azzzvzzztzz; zzzzE ~ z zzj[zs, ter - - rse, 97 TREBLE SOLO. :b: g^?^g. : tf=ff 3 £S *££? Cl=r Vi si-bi-li-um om-ni-um, *fc ■S-& ilS et in - vi - si — bi - li - urn, fac - to - rem I ~ bp -- ,#=fcPi I li^i-f :r£: *E*=* 1 *=r- t et ter - rae, vi - - si - bi - li - um et in - vi - si - bi - li - am, ii^iiiii^igiiiigiii^iiiig^i in- vi -si -bi - - li-um om--ni um, CHORUS. in - vi -si bi - li - um ni- um. mm^m^&mmw^m :t==t± ^=4F /"Cre -do, Cre - do in u - num De-urn, in u-num De-um, Et in u - num Do-mi- -ft — h r . i O ' -i— n i—^ t^^^t r t-^* r- /==a 'T t — t- 1 "^ it *— It 4t^Q - — Ig^± — 4- i-l — »4- -5, — i~ I_«_I — ^J-jg-» -»— -— ff. — i— 4—11 ESi^ffiIig3 rrtr Cre - do, Cre -do in u - num De-urn, in u num De-um, Et in u-num Do -mi- »■ T—rr j=:rt=t ipETHfiEB ©— ■&—-& ±.-=x 2Z1Z&: izSfc ^ ism Cre • do, Cre- da in u - num De-um, in pi £33 u-num De-um, Et ia u-num Do - mi 98 um, Jesum Christum Fil - i-um De - - i u ni-gen-i - turn, Jesurn Clinstui U 1 num. Je - sum Christum Fil - i-um De — i <9-K u ni-gen-i - turn, Jesum Christum iMi^ ^ B num, Je - sum Christum Fil - i-um De - i u ni-gen-i - turn, Jesum Christum Fil-i-um De-i, Fil-i-um u - ni-gen-i -- turn, Fil-i-um u - ni-gen-i-tum, Cre-do, igg^si S-- Fil-i-um Dei, Fil-i-um u - ni-gen-i -- turn, Fil-i-um u - ni -gen-i-tum, Cre-do, »: Fii-i-um De-i, Fil-i-um u - ni-gen-i -- turn, Fil-i-um u - ni-gen-i-tum, Cre-do. Cre-do in u - num De-um, in u - num De - um, De-um de De-o, lumen de lu-mine Cre-do in u - num De-um, in u - num De-um, De-um de De-o, lumen de lu-mi-ne, igigiii^iiSii;si^iiiiiiig Cre-do in unum De-um, in u-num De-um, De-um de De-o, lumen de lu-mi-ne, : — s De - - um ve-rum de De-o ve - - ro, De - - um, ve-rum de De-o vc - ro. T~)a - _ um vp.rum At* T)p-<-i vp - - fe\ T"Sa - . lim vp.rnm Hp llo-fi v* _ m Do - - um ve-rum de De-o ve - - ro, De - - um, ve-rum de De-o ve - ro. £fg£=e4-=3=i5J_-p ^-j --3CT-p:fjriJ=|gi 3EiI - e-v De - - um ve-rum de De-o ve - - ro, De - • um, ve-rum de De-o ve - ro. 100 SOLO TENORE £ =P=^ •+- 5=* ^:r-*: &=*£ T -0 m 3^— C :*=» *=* -H — I «** s -& ^-H — Gen - - i-tum Don fac - - turn, con - sub-stan - ti — a - lumPa ----- tri 2= *=;— £=£ t= «=S: 3=4 jst* •o— F* I per quern on - ni - a, om - - ni - a fac - ta sunt per quern cm ni - a fac - ta sunt. -3^. - W* -9-0 ms& 3_ jzpig_g_ J L-p zjgljr^ES: tt Qui propter nos homi-nes et propter nostram sa-Iu-tem, Et propter noslram sa-lu-tem. P tb-^e- -^=MZ mmm ^wrm ^mm l^m.: Qui propter nos homi-nes ct propter nostram sa-lu-tem, Et propter nostram sa-lu-tem. b— ©= 5 ■0-0-0- -9-0 V -0-0- 'r** ** y~ 1 H =P=* tt *^: -#-#- Qui propter nos homi-nes et propter nostram sa-lu-tem, Et propter nostram sa-lu-tem. 101 1-fSflS-. s- fe^isgis^s^iPP /• descendit,descendit.descen-dit de cce-lis, descendit,descendit,descen- dit de coe - lis E^ttt- ± X-t-4- EEE lit,descendit,descen-dit de cce-lis. descendit,descendit,descen-dit de coe-.js, descendit,descendit,descen-dit de cce-lis ~ t ^-h«: ±it=t: descendit,descendit,descen-dit de cce-lis, descendit,descendit,descen-dit de cce-lis TREBLE SOIX). ANDANTE. isIgStl^lai^; ■0^-0- « -^-■j za3*: Et in-car-natus, et in-car-na-tus est de Spir — i-tu sancto, de Spir-i-tu 3=t -0—0- M ^-0-:^~Mz^ -Tfzmjzp^zn*z»z o --^x sancto, ex Ma-ri - a Vir-gi-ne, et Ho - mo factus est, de Spir -i-tu sane -to et \\^^^w^s ^^ ^t ^i ^^m^^ Ho • mo factus est, ex Ma - ri - - a Vir gi-ne, et Ho-mo factus est, Et in car na-tusest (ie »pir-i->u sancto, de o tr ff C==S— p:3Mt ntzC=3=I (=2- ^zj=fr*+ -3=*=^ „:•—*=: Spir - i-tii s&uc - ;e, ex Ma-ri - a Vir-gi-ne, ex Ma-ri - - a Vir-gi-ne, et Ho - - mo lac -tug est, et Ho - - mo fac-tus est. TEXOR SOLO. _H3 s"* e - ti - - am pro no- bis, snh ^ ■ ■- M — J- • H : -i-+— re Cru - ci - - fix - - us — it— =— im — * e - ti - am pro no-bis, iiEliilifllll^i-IIl '— I M Pon-ti - o Pi - - la - - - to, pas-sus, pas sus et se-pul-tus est, subPon-ti-o Pi - - 8US, to, Cru - - - ci - fix- us sub Pon-ti - o Pi P Rilard — }=# — *• 1 — — e-+-& -—-+-« — to pas - - sus, izza — — pas -sus — «-+-& ct sc-pul-tus est, et se-uul-tus est, -- — • — # et se - pul - tus est. 103 CTIORUS. JHegrm J) — 'k—O— 1 r <**^ 1 — i 1 1 -<=. fl r -i 1 -r -t— ^^ — H 1 — i 1 r /• Et re-surrex-it ter - ti-a di-e secundum scriptu-ras, et re-sar-rex it ter-ti-a g— ztrzrrf-T — 1 — H-— - 1 — *-^ti--cz!rzgrrEzT — U~r — ! ti — ■■ — | --F - J — ; — « — H — » — H: Et re-surrex-it %fez!— t ter - ti-a di-e secundum scriptu ras, et re-sur-rex - it ter-ti-a czzpsizpziz^izp. i^-ic m-"-- P„ T __- T ^_ ■tf — <9- =±EE t=! EEEEi -©—#-; :E: Et re-surrex-it ter -ti-a di-e secundum scripturas, et re-sur-rex - it ter-ti-a =S=t 111 zp- pz ±z*zt »ztt; J— 1+— i-p- •-* — If-^f-h— — 9 ~* r -d — zff^rar3ifi=Jfi=i^=fEP|f=^ di-e secundum scripturas.secundum scriptu-ras secundum scriptu-ras ter-ti-a di - - e, *-~ ; -r-© iissg ^r*: t I 1 r— -t~- 3t -s-*-a r- "4=t= ■di - e secundum scrinturas, secundum scriptu-ras secundum scriptu-ras ter-ti-a di - - e, II- L. -r-fg-l-^-f — F-FF-»-^-h— Ffa-i- »- •as ter-ti - a di - - e, ^r»|izp : I~^E^EpzpEa -I ■ I di-e secundum scripturas, secundum scripturas secundum scriptu-ras ter-ti-a di - • MO* I Et ascendit in cas-lum, sedet ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris,se -det ad dexteram Patris,se- det ad dexteram fit-m-ft-m. mmmsWgmwmMmmmm Et ascendit in cce-lum, sedet ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris,se- det ad dexteram Patris, sed-et ad dexteram pggisisiili ::r^i±=|::~n:D:rf Et ascendit in cce-Ium, sedet ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris,se- det ad dexteram Patris, se-det ad dexteram B fe 1 ^-^.-J_J w 1 *s^-'mt— 1 m - 9 ZT-G h=— 1 =1p flplISS Patris, Et i-terum venturus est venturus est cumGlo-ri-a venturus est, cum Glo-ri-a, Judi-ca-re i^giiigi^giiiPigiiiiiiiiii Patris, Et i -terum venturus est venturus est cum Glo-ri-a venturus est, cum Glo-ri-a, Judi-ca-re T fl^ T rh— f* t— ©t* 2 -— t^P-PT^—t \r-i 1 +1 — -)-•-•+•-#— *--•- - [ 1 o-mTo-^M— ■=*— ti — i— H -s— 1+h- i-J £=£- ■•-•—• E*E*EHE=t Patris, Et i - terum vei turns est venturus est cum Glo-ri-a venturus est, cum Glo-ri-a, Judi-ca-re 103 £rMt^*z« Dn& iS*^fe-±^ vivos.Et mortuos, vi-vos et mor-tu-os, vi-vos etmor-tu-os, Cu jusregninon e-rif fi-nis, non tzzizM zt zjs --»—•+- iaji5=i=jrq: tztr F«f: a -»: » 4- J— 4-2 _ a 4-. — i — r- t=r: z&zL±zzd ■3-^rt m vivos,Et mortuos, vi-vos et mor-tu-os, vi-vos etmor-tu-os, Cu-jus regninon e-rit fi-nis,non -•t* :diz*: — he — I— ' — 1 — fr— g (9— vivos, Et mortuos, vi-vos et mor-tu-os, vi-vos etmor-tu-os, Cu-jus regni non e-rit ti-nis,non / ._ — T 1 — i — _ — » — T _| — r| ._. pza: :p==r ^-Zpw. zzr±z\: £>=tz*: ^=q±* mzmzw^T&-Z-z\. T «3p_p-*: :t 1 non, non e - rit fi-nis, Cu -jus regni noft e-rit fi-nis, non e -- rit finis, non e - - rit fi-nis. z a fl: J= *-pzj=rp: ^z= r=t scprpzp: -pzzzzt ?> P IH non, non e-rit fi-nis, Cu -jus regni non e-rit fi-nis, non e -- rit finis, non e -- rit fi-nis. SB fct: E gg ggj^EgglgE^^igEg^ g^ non, non e - rit fi-nis, Cu -jus regni non e rit fi-nis, non e - - rit finis non e - - rit fi-nis 106 SOLO TREBLE fea: :*z^:: Et in Spir - i-tum sanctum Dominium et viv-i - fi-cantem, viv - i - ficantern Spir-itum, ii^iiiiiiiiEsiiiiSiggiiiS Qui ex Pa - tre, Qui cum li o - que pro - - ce - dit, pro - - - ce - dit, -jjzz Pa- tre cumPa-tre et Fi-li-o, si-mul a--do-ra-tur et conglo-ri - - fi - - catur H^iliiiiggi|i|Egig|| qui io - -cu-tus est perPro-phe CHORUS. +- «=i^ tt=t— 3- 9-rV(- - !E^SW tas, qui lo - - cu-tus est per Pro - phe - taa. Et u-namsanctam,sanctam Ec- cle-si-am, Apos-to -li-cam Ec-cle-si-am, Cathol-i-cam Eccle- si-am, Ca- U—\— Et u-nam sanctum, sanctam Ee-cle-si-am, Apos-to -li-cam Ec-cle-si-am Cathol-i-cam Eccle -si-am, Ca- ^^ k - F-F r ^ T T T m^-m- r-is-o.-, r - - T -- T Et u-nam sanctam.sanctam Ec - cle-si-am, Apos-to - li-cam Ec-cle-si-am, Cathol-i-cam Eccle -si-ara, Ca- 107 Jt*EZL ?SsSis^i^is^^i§ thol-i-cam Eecle-sian., sanctam Cathol-i -cam Ec-cle-si-am, Cathol-i-cani A-pos-tol-i-cam sanctam Ecclesi-am. thol-i-cam Eccle - siam, sanctam Cathol-i - cam Ec-cle-si-am, Cathol-i-cam A-pos-tol-i-cum sanctam Ecc lesi-am. (2— « T ^* T *^-*- -0-0-9-0 0-0-0 ms ^mm^ -0-0-0 •i — i — i . .| — ^_i i — -0-0] thol-i-cam Eccle - siam, sanctam Cathol-i - cam Ec-cle-si-am, Cathol-i-cam A-pos-tol-i-cam sanctam Ecclesi-am. SOLO TEXOH. .Indanle, Bolce. Con - fi - te - or Ccn-fi - te - or. u-num baptisma, unum baptis-ma, in re - missi - onem pecca-to-rum, ^SiiS^iSSllI'lii^iilF: Confi-te-or u-num u-num bap-tis-ma in re-mis-si-one m pec-ca ■ CHORUS. in renus-si - o - nem. pec - ca - - to - rum. P- re - sur - rec - ti - - o-nem, re - sur - rec-ti - o-nem rnor tu - - orum, J0U0^0- et vi-tam ven- ex Dec to re -but -rec - u- -o-nem. re - sur - rec-ti- o-nem mortu- - orus. vi-tam ven- st Ti-uai vea 108 iCt: / &==$£ zzzpz=£zzt3zzizz i.tr_:=^rzT:^r-pzq:Tq = q=zpq:rp=f5z-iq^ ;z^z£Eg*z F * M r 1 -^ rF^-p F-^ ±z^»=gr^ Ei!LiljL p J *• e m tu - ri, m W-W-°ZI B8B-CU-H, A -men, Amen,Araeu, -T-e-r. A men, A men, Amen, A - - men. pzazz— T-s=px ^-^n f w~ - zzSzHz^E^S tu - ri, sae-cu-li, A-men, Amen, Amen, - - men, Amen, Amen -f 2 r-H— r^ T* A - - men. SEE£E^Edtg3 H tu - ri, sae-cu-li, A-men. Amen. Amen, A men, Amen, Amen, SANCTUS. A - - men. ./chorus, moderato, d»- s "ffi ^«:=t iSnfcar. flzizz:" ifzz ZZZZZTZtHl. [pz0^5 • i 51 - -0-0-m Tltt. -P Sfcgg E Sanctus,sanctus Dominus De-us Saba-oth,sanctus,sanctus,Dominus Deus, Deu8,De-us Saba- b = T=ZZT-r t-^-^--t^5-^t=— r— T«4ir~ rP-MTG^T^^ jizffezzf 221 ' l_| O # ! ^ ^Hpgg^ Bgg atftwa zi^zttz:tztz± Sanctus,sanctus Dominus De-us Saba-oth,sanctus,sanctus. Dominus Deus, Deus,De-us Saba- Shbz::z|:4?:^ z*fEzt±r: ■i — _-:i:z2-:^z^~::pzi «=! «=t liH £ztzzt:l Sar.etu? sanctus Dominus De-us Saba-oth,sanctus,sanctus, Dominus Deus, Deal. De-us Saba- ALLEGRETTO* 109 p— ry— p: :R= **p^ «=*' it= S oth, Deus, Deus Saba-oth 0©- Hosanna, Hosanna, Ho-san - na in ex - celsis, Hosanna, Ho- tkey- ^ / — \ * — ^. — > * — « oth, Deus, Deus Sabaoth. Hosanna, Hosanna, Ho-san -na in ex - celsis, Hosanna, Ho- Hosanna, Hosanna, Ho-san -na in ex -celsis, Hosanna, Ho- oth, Deus, Deus Sabaoth. + san-na, Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis, Ho-san-na in ex-celsis, Ho-san-na in ex -eel-sis. san-na, Hos-san-na in ex-celsis, Ho-san-na in ex-celsis, Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis. .p rT .____.___ T -^_^ lr __ — __-_^_. T .«_*- ._,_ c. Ife^i^Si^f^^^lS san-na, Ho-san-na in ex-celsis, Ho - san - na in ex-celsis, Ho-san-na in ex - eel-sis. SOLO TREBLE. ULU TKBIBLE. g) , — \,»— \ n s Be-ne - die-tus. Be-nc"'- dictus.qui ve-nit in nomine, in no-mi - ne Domine, Bo-ne-dictua, Ba-o* no dictus qui ve-nit in no-mi-ne Domini, Be--.--- • ne - dic-tU3 qui ve-nit in no-mine Domi-ni qui * ^-«»— ^ J- 1*- 1 ■■ L— L 1 — ' «• J-r— >— *--!-«»«*! - 1 - j U «<«. — -1-1 ■-— ve-nit in no-mi-ne Domini in no - - - - - mine Domini, in nomine Domini, in nomine Do-mi-ni, SOLO ADAGIO. — AGNUS DEI. Ag - nus De - - i qui tol-lis pec - ca - ta, qui tol - lis pec - ca ta mundi. TUTTT. zaz*:t£dzttzi±z*z^±£+3±±*~E:tt-X^l — H *z±Mzz^~tE±z : Agnus De-i qui tol-lis pec ca-ta, qui tol- lis poc-ca-ta, pec-ca-ta mun - di. liliiS ^ sgii^agim 5Efe — b — s- Agnus De-i qui tol-lis pec- ca-ta, qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta, pec-ca-ta mun - di. Aanus De-i qui tol-lis pec - ca-ta, qui tol -lis pec -ca-ta pec-ca-ta mun - di. VVri- 11? TUTT1 tn Mis - e - - re - re, r-B 0-i 1 ;^iE|f52|S|3p!| Mis - e nrzc re - re, Mis-e - - re - - re no - bis, Ag-nus Ve - i qui *=• "«#• E|il*l^ Mis - e - - re - re, Mis - e - - re - re, Mis-e - - re - - re no - bis, Ag-nus De - i qui -|S— *._*_ -#-i- I— t— I j — I — | \Q^r-\s>- -0 \- Q 0-0— \ Mis - e - - re -re, Mis - e - - re - re, Mis-e - - re — re no - bis, Ag-nus De - i qui f* ALLEGRO, MODERATO. tol-lis pec-ca-ta, pec - - ca - ta, pec-ca - ta mun-di. Do-na no-bis pa - cem, Do-na no-bi» ^^^S^^ffl tol-lis pec-ca-ta, qui -0—0- tol-lis pec - ca - - - ta, mundi. Do-na no-bis pa - cem, Do-na no-bis 0-0- t>;-li« pec-ca-ta, wm pec- ca - t» pec ca ta, mui.di Do-na no-bis oa - cem, Do-na nu-bu '1*9 -#-» — o— -t- S^fi?l««£a=p 0-0-0 -0 pa-cem, Do - - ua no -bis pa-cem, pa-cem, Dona no-bis pa -cem,Do-na nobis pa-cem, pa-cem, Do - - na no-bis pa-cem, pa-cem, Do-na no-bis pa - cem ( Do-na nobis pa-cem, _BS. H— -P-#-4- ' 1 1 — — - -- |-i — — -4.-1 |-s?- -4-i — m — i=F|T -•-+- pa-cem, Do na no-bis pa-cem, pa-cem, Do-na nobis pa-cem,Dona nobis pa-cem, 1st. 2nd. P ~-&^ -0 i^ii^i^^gSiii^Slpi Do - - na no - - bis pa-cem, cem, Do-na nobis pa-cem, /.Do-na nobis pa - - cem. :--- Si_^=E{£g[E--fe ee :ar*: sr e n: gg msgg Do - - na no - - bis pa-cem, cem, Do-na nobis pa-cem, Do-na nobis pa - - cem. rP— ™-, ,^-r^— , ■&- m ^mBiSsgfe Do - - na no - - bia oa-cem, cem. Do-na nobis oa-ccm, Do-na nobis pa - - cem. dAP CATHOLIC MUSIC. iNING AND EVENING SERVICE ol the Catholic Sol s; [i ni Gregorian and other Masses, I i , &c , Pub on of (he Right Rev. 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