^z% tlS«4IIT P jjrfsbgterian I oard of tiMiatton Case, PHILADELPHIA Shelf, Xo O J FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. sec 3752 BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY tax^-FJiM^ f ^ln Utr 0 i As soon as the coming of an English preacher was assured people began to talk of the need of an English Psalm Book and of an English Catechism. A committee was appointed on July 5, 1763, to examine into the matter. After much dis- cussion and several changes, on June 11, 1764, Francis Hop- kinson, later one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, was engaged to render the Dutch Psalms into Eng- lish verse. Musical type was obtained from Holland, and JVfr. John Holt printed a first edition of 2000. The second edition was of 1800 copies. This enterprise was financially unprofitable. 1 i 8. AMERICAN BOOK OF PSALMS. Psalms of David, with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, etc., •in metre; also, the Catechism, Confession of Faith, Lit- urgy, etc., translated from the Dutch for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York. 8vo, old calf (worn and some leaves somewhat Boiled). Very scarce. N. Y. : James Parker, 1767 \ l n SAL D A V WITH The TEN COMMANDMENTS, CREED, LORD'S PRAYER, &c. In Metre. ALSO, e CATECHISM, CONFESSION of FAITH, LITURGY, &c. TranQated from the DUyf H OW bled is he* who ne'er confents to walk, By ill Advice, nor dares to (land and talk In Sinners' Way, their Vice and Caufe maintaining ; Nor fits with Scorners, Things divine profaning : But in God's facred Law takes great Delight, Still reads by Day, and meditates by Night. 2. Like fome fair Tree, fix'd by the River's Side, Which bends with Fruit, and ipreads its Foliage wide ; So mall he flourifh, Heav'n his Caufe defending, And fweet Succefs his good Defigns attending : In vain the Temped drives to (hake his Leaf, The Sun of Joy breaks thro' the Clouds of Grief, 3. Not fo the Wicked ; triey no Root fliafTlind, But fly like Chatf before the rapid Wirid. The Lord hath not their evil Ways approved, Their Race ihali therefore from theEarth be in. A The/ PSALM II. They fhall not Hand in God's moil holy Sight, __Who only loves the Man that feeketh~Right7~ 4. When God with Glory fhall in judgment come, " _A confcious Guilt fhall ftrikc the Sinner dumb ; Nor to the Wicked will he grant a Station, jAmong the pure and righteous Congregation :~~ _The Ways of Juitice, thus, to Blifs fhall tend, Whilft Sinners' Paths mufl in their Ruin end. PSALM II. W ITH ever reftlefs, and ungovern'd Rage, Why are the Heathen ill Defigns contriving ? Why thus in ralh and vain Attempts engage, Which they can ne'er complete, tho' boldly driving? The earthly Kings, in Council clofe combined, Their utmofl Pow'r, their various Forces bring ; In Union join'd, in Compact all defigned, Againfl the Lord, and his anointed King. 2. " Mufl we fubmit," prefumptuouily they fay, "And yield, obedient, whilft they keep us under ? « No PSALM' II, 3 " No, let us carl their flavifh Bands away, , "Shake off their Chains, and break their Cords afunder.> But on his Throne the Lord in Glory feated, Knows their Intent, and fees how they combine ; And while their bold Attempts are all defeated, Laughs them to Scorn, and mocks their vain Defign. 3. His waken'd Wrath fhall make his guilty Foes, Tn great Difpleafure he fhall fore diilrefs them; And thus while yet they dare his Will oppofe, The Lord himfelf in Thunder lhall addrefs them; " Tho* madly thus you have my Pow'r difowned, " Yet be aflur'd, the King whom I ordain, " On Sion's holy Hill lhall lit enthroned, ==CF (f And there fecurely lhall for ever reign." 4. Let all attend and hear God's fixt Decree, Of which he made to me this Declaration, " Thou art my Son, I have begotten thee " This Day, -be Sov'rcign Lord of ev'ry Nation ; " Alk and receive, 'tis yielded to thy Pleafure ; «Th- PSALM II. " The Heathen thine Inheritance ihall be ; f' Lands far remote, whofe limits know no Meaiure, " Shall be eternally polfeis'd by thee. 5. "■ Thy awful threatning Sceptre thou ihalt lhake " O'er all thy guilty Foes, and keep them under ; " jult as the maffy Bars of Iron break " The Potter's weak and brittle Ware aiunder." ==3^5^: Learn then ye Princes, hear with due Attention, -/.- :^^: And be ye wile, ye judges of the Earth ; His facred Name with humble Rev'rence mention, And joy before him with a godly Mirth. 6. Before the Son bow down with due lieipect, Strive to appeafe him by a low Submillion, Left he in Wrath revenge the bold Neglect, And doom you, helplefs, to a iwirt Perdition. it but in Pari, his Anger be inflamed, ^,__ What Mortal can the fatal itroke wittiitand? ie ioon ihall lee his daring Foes alhamed, uid cruuYd at once by his Almighty Hand. 7= Then PSALM IIL 5 r"~77 Then bleil are they, wlib on our God rely, With coniiant Hope on his itrong Arm depending, Who humbly itrive to ferve the Lord mod high, With grateful Hearts and Fervour neyer ending. PSALM IIL T~\ O W many, Lord, there be, that itrive to trouble me, My Peace of Mind deflroying ! And as their Numbers grow, fo does their Hatred too, In my Afflictions joying. They do my Soul upbraid, though God himlelf 's my Aid, Yet know they not to fear him : InTultingly they cry, let him on God rely, a= The Lord no more will hear him. 2. But thou art my Defence, my Hope and Confidence, In thee alone are placed ; ■ My glory thou {halt raiie, and to thy endiefs Praife, My toes lhall be diigraced. When like Diitreis was nigh, my lad and mournful Cry* Was to the Lord addrdled; And 6 PSALM III. =**=£= And from his holy Hill, he did my Willi fulfill, And aM my Wrongs redreffed. 3. In thy Protection blelt, fecure I take my Reft, No kind of Danger fearing ; When Morning gilds the Skies, refrefiVd again I rife, Sweet Sleep my Spirits cheering. Not all my Foes combin'd, difiurb my Peace of Mind, Their Rage ihali ne'er confound me. To thee I lift my Voice, and in thy Strength rejoice, Tho' Thoufands mould furround me. illlllilil^iillEllpEl=i|El3i^lii§llil^ 4. Arife, O God, arife! difperfe thofe Enemies, That are my Life purfuing ; Let thy Almighty Hand, their utmofl Pow'r withftand, And guard me fafe from Ruin. To God, who is my Song, Salvation doth belong^ And they ihali be defended; Who have lift up on high, their iupplicating Cry, And on the Lord depended. P S A L M PSALM IV. 7 Psalm IV. AVE mercy, Lord, on me, for thou myjudge {halt be, My Hopes in thee remaining, ■ |illlii^^lill^liiil=i=illi=il§l Oh ! to my humble Pray'r, bow down thy gracious Ear, Be thou my Caufe fuftaining ; How long with vain Deljgn, will ye my Foes combine, In wrathful Indignation ? How long deftructive Lies, malicioufly devife, To blot my Reputation. 2. Coniider that the Jult, who place in God theirTrufr, Are Mill by him protected ; The Lord my voice will hear, and grant my humble pray'r, z2==£$z=st==a Whene'er to him directed. >f!H;^iH^H!=!Eip^!iliIi=!iH Oh ! • Hand ye then in Awe, of his mod facred Law, Reflect with deep Contrition ; Flee ev'ry Thing that's 111, and humble to his Will, Your Hearts in low Submiffion. 3 . Amidfl thine anxious Cares, and Soul diftreffing Fears, To God pray without ceafmg j Sue 8 P S A L M IV. Sue for his heav'nly Grace, and offer Righteoumefs, A Sacrifice well pleating. While Sinners reftlefs grow, more prof p'rous Times to know, In Difcontent complaining ; Lord, let thy Face divine, on me with Glory mine, Thy Mercy me fuftaming. 4. So to my grateful Heart, thy Goodnefs (hall impart, More true and lading Pleafure j Than theirs who feek to find, their Joy and Peace of Mindy In Stores of worldly Treafure. With thy Protection bleft,Tll take my needful Reft, My Head in Peace reclining ; Securely I'll repofe, nor fear, tho' ail my Foes, Againil me were combining. P S A L M V. [ORB with thy wanted Mercy hear, The Voice of my Diftrefs ; To my Complaint bow down thine Ear, And all my Wrongs redrefs. To b A 1VL To thee my King and God, I will direct my mournful Cry, Accept my fecret Pray'r, For I on thee alone rely 2. Soon as the Morn with cheerful Light, Shall paint the floating Skies, To thee I will my Pray'r addrefs ; To thee my Voice mall rife : ;$^=; 6= Ev'n when the early Dawn, ^=3^ rgr±:: Shall fhoot abroad it's timed Ray, To thee I will look up, To thee my God, devoutly pray, :^rr±:: ;. In Men to Folly ftill inclin'd, 3-" The Lor.d takes no Delight; Nor will permit the finful Wretch. *=fc To {rand before his Sight. The Wrongs which I fuftain, The God of Truth will not approve, Who from his holy Place, B Will io PSALM Will all Unrightecufnefs remove. 4. The ftubborn Fool, who ftill with Scorn, ~ e^e:?eee:£e^;^*~~*eeeeeee^ Rejects his protfer'd Grace, He will reject with ju'ft Difdain, And banifh from his Face ; Thofe who unrighteous Things, Do (till with wicked Hearts purfue, His Vengeance will not leave, n To Hand unpunifh'd in his View. Part 2d. 5. The fland'ring Tongue, oh God of Truth ! Thou furely wilt deftroy In lying Lips and faithlefs Hearts, Thy Spirit finds no Joy : So like wife doft thou hate, The Man who is to Blood inclin'd ; And his deceitful Race, From thee (hall no Protection find. 6. But when thy heav'nly Grace, fliall me To PSALM V, ii To thy bled Courts reitcre, On thee I'll fix my longing Eyes, Ev'n at thy Temple Gate, With conitant Zeal 1 wiil attend, !i==I£§s; And thence my Pray'r direct, To God, on whom I itili depend. 7. Conduct me by thy righteous Laws, To me in Mercy (how, ft That facred Path of Truth, oh Lord ! ^, _.- In which I ought to go. My Foes Hand watching round, In Hopes my hidden Fail to fee ; Oh guard my heediels Steps, m : — " a- :-C> — ^-n~~~^ ""?" — 7 — 'J- :-~"- — — :=r— &= And from their Snares deliver me. t__ f: 8. Their Mouths vent nothing but JJeceit, To Slander itill inclined ; ' t-Z Their wicked Hearts againft my Life, ~ -L- 1= — : £ ± ^ .svr-^v_^-_ I — . E -■ : Have treach'rouily delign'd : Their 12 PSALM V. Their Throat is like a Grave, That's ever yawning to devour ; They hatter with their Tongue, And Hill exult in lawlels fow'r. ~v- 9. in their own Couniels let them fall, By Toads of Guilt oppreit ; And as they others would have wrong'd, So let them be diltreit. For they againft thy Laws, Have ever hardened Rebels been, They daily thee provok'd, By lull periiiting in their Sin. 10. But let all thofe, who truit in thee, Shout with triumphant joy ; And aii their Hours in Songs of praiie, n Delightfully employ. Let thole whom tnou prelerv'ft, Thy Goodnefs all abroad proclaim ; And tell what Bills awaits, Thofe V S A L M VI. 13 Thofe who revere thy holy Kame. 1 1. To righteous ivien, the bounteous .Lord, His Blefling will impart ; Protection he affords to Who have an uprignt rieart. Th^e Lord to all his Saints, His Grace and Favour will extend ; And from approaching Harm, o_t . £. A v - v Hi 1 1 Their Lives as with a Shield defend. T PSALM VI. HY dreadful Anger Lord reitrain, Nor let thy Wrath on me remain, For 'tis not to be borne : Oh, 1 pare a Wretch forlorn. lnltead of Juitice, which i fear, Let me the Voice of Mercy hear. Who can the Stroke withltand, rr ♦ l- * jk Ot thy afflicting Hand I j-f s i 3 _ . 2. Have Mercy Lord ! for i gfow faint. Oh 14 PSALM VI. Oh liilen to my fad Complaint ! And as thou know'ft my Grief, Vouchfafe a kind Relief. The an^iiiih of my aking- Bones, g=g: ^^ -j= $fz- £»~ jz=rgzf kt Extort from me continual Groans ; And thou alone can'fl cure, The Torments I endure. 2. My anxious Soul is troubled Sore, Do thou oh Lord, my Peace reftore ; My Heart within my Breafr., Can find no folid Reft : But Lord how long muft I fuflain Theie heavy Woes ? how long complain ? fo me in Mercy turn, Nor let thine Anger burn. 4. Thy wonted Goodnefs, Lord, extend ;_ To me thy kind Ailiihince lend~,_ For my unequal I'd Grief, _ Oh lend fome quick Relief. And PSALM VI. 15 And for thy wond'rous Mercy's Sake, On my Diftrefs fome Pity take ; Vpuchfafe to make me whole, And eafe my troubled Soul. 5. For after Death I can no more, Thy loving Kindnefs, Lord, implore, No more in Anthems raife, mug; My Voice to fmg thy Praife ; None in the dreary Tomb conhVd, T t. 6 Who hath his fleeting Breath reiign'd, Can thy great Deeds proclaim, And magnify thy Name. >-: 6' With Groaning faint, and tir'd with Pain, I ceafe not loudly to complain ; My Nights in Grief I fpend, In Grief that knows no End. My Tears that never ceafe to flow. Are Marks of undiffembled Woe ; From Anguifh never free, No lo r o i\ ±u in > i. No Hopes of Eafe 1 fee. 7. My Sight grows dim, my Beauty fades, Did Age my totfring Frame invades, My feeble Eyelids clofe ; My Soul no: comfort knows, Whilft Iv with ever anxious Care, My angry Foes infultirig hear, Who daily me annoy, And my Diftrefs enjoy. 8. Depart ye Wicked, far from me, Ye (hall no more my Sorrows fee, Nor with exulting Voice, In all jny Wrongs rejoice. For God I find accepts my Tears, The Lord will fopn difpel my Fears, He hears when I implore, And will ray Strength reitore. 9. The Lord at length vouchsafes to hear, My mournful Cry, and humble Pray'r ; Mr P S A L M VII. 17 My Life he will retrieve, My Soul from Death relieve ; And thole who wifh'd my Fall to fee, Shall foon with Shame confounded be, And know, with humbled Pride, That God is on my Side. PSALM VII. i N thee, O Lord! my Hope I place, ( Let not thy Servant meet Difgrace \ From him who Would my Ruin fee, Do thou, my God, deliver me: 2. Left like a Lion he devour My helplefs Soul, with favage Pow'r, And plunge me into black Defpair, If no Deliv'rer fhould appear. illli^ifllliili^==illi g. Lord, if to Malice Tindme, Or do againft his Peace defign •, If I have e'er promoted Strife, Or praSis'd aught asainft his Life -7 C Nay, fS PSALM VII. 4- Nay, if I have not oft reftor'd My Foe, when he my Help implor'd, ~~ And fpar'd his Life, and fet him free, Ev'n tho' he periecuted me : ^. Then let mine Enemy purfue, And by his Strength my Life fubdue-, My Soul to him become a Prey, ::£— jfc: And in the Duft mine Honour lay. ]=t: 6. Arife, O Lord, th;ne Anger fhew; Thy Vengeance turn againft my Foe :' V- In my Defence do thou engage, n. =E3gj g^gEESE^^^gS^E And Diinifh their infulting Rage 7. So, Crowds thy Goodnefs mall adore, And in Diftrefs thy Aid implore : Then for their Sakes, do thou, O Lord Refume thy Seat, and Help afford 8. Thou who doft Juftice flill obferve, Accordirg as I do deferve, So kt thy righteous Sentence be ; For PSALM VII, 19 For I my Cauie refign to thee. 9. Do thou root out and undermine :»-: All thole, who wicked Arts deiign ; But let the Juft be ne'er o'erthrown ; Thou God, to whom all Hearts are known, ie. In his .Protection I confide, Who is my Safety and my Guide; The Lord not only takes my Part, but their's who have an upright Heart. 11. He daily lays up Wrath tor thole Who boldly dare his Pow'r oppoie-, For he's a righteous Judge, and will Severely punim ev'ry 111, 12. He whets his 5v>ord, if they perfiit, Oh 1 who can his ltrong Arm reiiit ? For them his Bow is ready bent, And charg'd with Death his Shafts are lent. 13. JViy Foe doth fecret Plots prepare, And would my harmlefs Lite enlnare -> His ao P S A L M VIII. His bale Intentions prove to be Falfhood, Deceit and Treachery. 1 4. But ail his Arts are try'd in vain •, For he in all ne'er his Purpofe gain : The Fit which he deiign'd tor me, Shall lure his own Deitruclion be. 15. On his own Head his Spite returns; His Heart with conitant Malice burns, To hnd himieir within that Snare, Which ror my Soul he did prepare. 1 6. Therefore to God I'll offer Praife, And ftill puriue his righteous Ways •, His Providence I wiil proclaim, And celebrate his holy Name. PSALM LORD, our GOD ! how great art thou ! To^whorrTall earthly Creatures bow ; To thy unbounded Sway iubjec~tedh_ How great 1* through the World thy Fame! Oh! P S A L M VIII. 21 Oh! may tny ever glorious JName Be ftill, with Rev'rence due, refpected. — ztz 2. In Heav'n thy wond'rous Acts areiuno;-, The Angel's Voice and Cherub's Tongue, j_i | . o , . o * Are endlefs Songs tor thee preparing; : And yet thy Wiidom doth ordain, That Infants fnould in heav'nly Strain, Be itill thy Praiie with Joy declaring. _3-_Through thee, the weak confound the ltrong, _Andjfothou queil'ft the wicked Throng, Who have in evil Ways perfiited : Thy Fow'r fhall crufh thy haughty Foes, Who boldly dare thy Strength oppole, And have thy mighty Arm refilled. __4._When, in Amazement loft, I itand, And view the Wonders of thy Hand, !!=I!!lMllIiiiliii!iir The Heav'ns, thy holy Habitation •, _The radiant Moon that rules the Night, And glitt'ring Stars of feebler Light, With 22 PSALM VIIL With all the Works of thy Creation ; 5. Lord, what is Man ! iurpnz'd, I cry, That thou ihouid'it thus his Wants liipply, And take him under thy .Protection ! Or to his Orrspnng prove io kind, n ''■■.,» ?v> — To keep the in ever in thy Mind, And guide them by thy lure jJirection. PART II. 6. Him cloath'd with Pow'r, thou didlt create, And crown' d with Dignity and State, In high exalted Station placed ; Ev'n next to thy caeleftial Train; Thou gav'ft him o'er thy Works to reign, And him with heav'niy Honour graced. 7. For him the lowing Oxen toil, To make the Earth with Plenty fmile, And give their Labours uncomplaining : The bleating Sheep their Fleeces yield He rules the Creatures of the Field, And H S A L M IX. 23 And thofe in depart Wilds remaining. S. To him thou hail in Mercy criv'n The Birds that mount the azure Heav'n, With out-ftretch'd Wings the Air d'vid;nor : And all the Fifh that thro' the &ra, Delight to cut their liquid Way, With glofTy Fins for ever gliding;. 9. O LORD, our Lop.d, how great art thou \ To whom all earthly Creatures bow \ To thy unbounded Sv/ay fubie£ted : How great is thro' the World thy Fame ! Oh may thy ever glorious Name, Be ftiil with Rev'rence due refpectecl ! T PSALM IX. Illii^ll=^f=l^^=l?=i; O celebrate thy Name, O ; ord ! My Heart and Voice, in one Accord, With grateful Tov, I will declare To Men thy Works, which wonrProus are. 2. The 1 hought of them to me (hall bring; Exalted 24 r S A I. M IX. Exalted Plealure whilft I fing jg— L^^^S^ Mv thankful Soul mall ftrive to raife, To thee, my God, triumphant Praife. 3. When thole who did againft me rile, Have fled with Shame, (truck with Surprize, =3==P Terror fhall feize them in their Flight •, They fall and perifh at thy Sight. 4. Againft my Lire they ftrove in vain ; For thou didft ftill my Caufe maintain % My Right arTerting from thy Throne, Where Juftice reigns, and Truth is known. 5. The Tnfelence of heathen Pride, O God of Truths thou wilt deride \ =^3^= Their Offspring fhall be low debas'd, Their Names with Infamy difgrac'd. PART IT. 6. Miftaken Foes, vour ill Deiign, Quite vanquifh'd, now you muft relVn •, Our City yet remains fecure, Althtf J\ .L. 1V1 ±A. *S Altho' you thought its Ruin fure. 7. For God, the Lord, enthron'd on high, Is with impartial Juftice nigh : His Judgment-Seat he hath prepar'd, As well to punifh as reward. 8. There fhall he fit in Righteouihefs, And ev'ry fecret Wrong redrefs : His Anger will his Foes deftroy, His Saints fhall ftill his Smiles enjoy. illiiil^lllliii=ll§illlll=ii=li 9. God is a conilant fure Defence Againft oppreffive Infolence ; And when our Foes exert their Rap-e, f!=l!lfiil!^i!!illill!!; He will in our Behalf engage. 10. All thole who have his Goodnefs known, Will look for Help to God a^one ; His Mercy never will neglect Thofe who his holy Name reipecl. 11. Oh join your Hearts in one Accord, D Frona 2b f b A L M IX. From Sion's Hill blefs ye the Lord : His Deeds throughout the World proclaim, 'Till all revere his holy Name. 12. When he Inquiry makes for Guilt,' p——j—l=i :iEE=?: z-dz The Bloodvof Saints by Sinners fpilt-, He calls to Mind the Poor diftre7sTd, And all their Wrongs are foon redrefs'd. 13. Then pity, Lord, my troubled State, . Difpel the Grief my Foes create •, II— Thou v/ho doft oft my Pray'r attend, And in Diftrefs AfTiftance lend. 14. That I in Zion may proclaim Thy Praife to all who love thy Name, And in loud Shouts of grateful Joy, My Heart and Tongue, and Voice emplov. ^15. Deep in the Pit defign'd for me, The heathen Pride fhall humbled be •, Their Feet infenfibly enfnar'd, Where they my Ruin had prepar'd. •16, Thu* PSALM IX. *7 16. Thus by his Judgments, God is known •, All Nations mult his Juitice own ; ^^:^=£=: The Wicked he will low debaie, And by their own Deiigns difgrace. 17. In Hell the Sinner in all be calf, Mid Torments which muft ever laft : ;m^p= i— None are by Privacy oblcur'd ; None ihall by Numbers b* iecur'd. 18. His luff' ring Saints, when molt diftrels'd, Are by his timely Aid redreis'd -, rr~r Tho' for a While in Sorrows drowr/d, Their Hope lhall with Succeis be crown'd. ii __i9- Ariie, O Lord ! to Judgment come, Pronounce the guilty Heathen's Doom •, Let not thy Foes tny Saints devour-, But crufh them by Almighty Pow'r. [M — 20. Strike Terror through the Nations round ; The heathen Pride, OLord! confound-, And let them by confenting Fear, No 2.5 P S A L M X. JNo more than mortal Men appear. PSALM X. \f HY doit thou now withdraw thy Prefence, Lord ! Why nideit thou thy Face in my Diitreis I Why wilt tnou not thy wonted Aid afford^ Wncn Sorrows deep my troubled Soul opprefs? iSenold the Heathen, fwell'd with Haugntineis, Have with deceitful W lies the Poor annoyed •, But in their Treach'ry let them be deitroyed. 2. Triumphant they rejoice, with Pride elate, To fee Succefs their ill Defigns attend : And itili the lordid Wretch, whom thou doit hate, With Infolence perverily they commend, And for lupreme Authority contend : Their itubbom Minds ail higher Pow'r dildaining, And in their Hearts no Thoughts of God retaining. 3. Oppreffive Ways they eagerly purfue, And with contemptuous Scorn their Foes they flighty Beciule thy j udgments, tho' for ever true, Are P S A L M X. 29 Are unobicrv'd, and tar above their Sight : ,_ Deluded, ftili they think their Actions right •,__ And as thy Vengeance hath not yet diitreis'd the.;-, They think no Troubles ever ihall moleit them. _ 4. Their Words are nougnt but Treach'ry and Decc^-, Their Mouths with Curies fill'd and iland'rous JLiesj The wicked rurpoies they would compleat, , ==$^C= Are always cover'd with a fair Difguife •, Near publick Roads they lurk, that by Surprize The Poor and Innocent may be deltroyed •, Thus is their Arc and Malice ltill employed. 5. Not watchful Lions, lurking in their Den, With greater Fierceneis catch their heedleis irYey, Than thele Deceivers take unwary Men •, Or treat them, taken, with more Rage than they : Sometimes a leeming Homage they will pay, A humble Look and harmleis AfpecT: wearing ; Thus are trie Poor deceiv'd, no Danger fearing. 6. They in their Heans have laid, " Goi> hath forgot ; « The 3o PSALM X. -j " Tiie Lord will not our wicked Actions fee : _" He doth not heed our deep deiigned i^iot ;~~ M Soihaii the Innocent enihared be." Arile, O Lord, the Foor from Danger free ! Thy mighty Arm againit thy Jroes extending, Thy humbk People from all Harm defending t. But why is God contemn'd by wick ?d Men ? Became in Jf ride preiumptuouily they lay, " The Lord regards us not \ he never can " caii to account, and our Mifdeeds repay :>J But thou wilt try all thofe who go aitray : And when the .Poor and Orphans are diftreiied, They look to thee alone to be redrefled. 8. Deienceleis let the Evil-minded fall, While all their boalted Strength proves but in vain \ i£v*n in their dark Deiigns deltroy tjiem all, Till none of all their num'rous Race remain : 1 hy jiiit Dominion, JLord, aiiert again ; Thai from thy chofen Land may be expelled, All f i ii L 1V1 AI. 31 • All thofe who have againft "thy Pow'r rebel ed. 9. Thou always doft thof humble 'Suppliants bear, That oroftr ate fall before thy facred Throne: Thou doft at firft incline their Hearts to Pray*r; j Then granteft what they alk •, for thou alone Canft help the Fatherlels and Poor undone: So (hall the earthly Tyrants be deftrovetL Who have their Craft againil thy Saints employed. PSALM XT. OlNCS in the Lord my Hone fecure h plac'd, Who is to me a Refuse ever nigh ; Why fay ye to my Soul, " Away, make ha- AVI " And like a Bird to diftant Mountains fly ? Behold the Wicked hath his Bow prepaid, :^-3j=:^ Arid lurking doth in fecret Places lie, That lb th' upright in Heart may be en&ar'd. 2, When once we fee the firm AlTurance fail, Which puWicki Faith mould to the Tuft impart; Tis Time for Innocence, which can't avail, To 3 \.J.J.< To fly in Ha'ie from fuch deceitful Art : But God his Seat of Judgment will erect ; :.*: -*: -~di He hates the wicked Man, and knows his Heart, And will his fecret crafty Wiles detect. 3. If God, the Tuft, in whom his Soul is pleas'd, With heavy Trials often doth correct ; How mail his waken'd Vengeance be appeas'd ? What muft the Sinful from his Wrath expect ? With Fire and Brimftone fhall they be diftrefs'd, And dreadful Storms mall punifn their Neglect, While righteous Men are with his Favour bleis'd. PSA L M XIT. O^NCE Godly Men are ev'ry Day decreafino;, Do thou, O Lord, my righteous Caufe defend; Thefe wretched Times are to my Soul difpleafine, They fcarce afford one iuft and faithful friend. 2. One Neighbour now can fcarce believe another. Or truft in any Thing he doth impart • With flatt'ring Lips each Man deceives his Brother, And 1mm :i=?§= 33 And oft enfnares him with a double Heart. fee "♦ A £ 3. But faithlefs Lips with treach'rous Words abounding, mmmmmimmmmMwmmmmm The Lord will not permit to prolper long ; ►lt— » — --3£g:— : ; His awful Vengeance, them with Fear confounding, Shall fudden ftrike the proud blafpheming Tongue. 4. In vain are ftill thofe fooliih Boafters faying, m m " We'll freely talk, our Tongues are lure our own? H ;e ~z " With doubtful Words the Innocent betraying, " We'll ftill go on, and be controui'd by none." 5. For God, who always hears the Poor diftrefied, And all their Sorrow and Affliction knows, Shall ibon arife, their Wrongs mail be redrefled ; He gives them Reft in ipite of all their Foes. #ifi!!iiiSE in ipite or an t i$s=-: 6. Their Hopes are fure who have on God relied, His Word mall ftand, and voicTof Falihood be •, II Like Silver fev'n times in the Furnace tried, *~:&l Still pure remains from droffy Mixture free. £. God keeps the Righteous from this Generation •, Thou for their Safety ever will provide : E When ~4- L ° •"■ -l* 1YJL yviii. When vileft Men rife to the higheft Station, The Wicked then exult on ev'ry Side. PSALM XIII. 1 O W Ions fhalfl reDine? LORD, mufti ever mourn? Haft thou withdrawn from me ? And wilt thou ne'er return ? How long fhall anxious Thoughts My Heart with Grief opprefs ? How long my Foes infult, And I have no Redrefs ? 2. Oh! to my longing Eyes Reftore thy wonted Light ; And foon, or I fhall deep 5_- :^=xr== In everlafting Night. Reftore me, left they boaft, 'Twas their own Strength o'ercame : Left thofe who vex mv Soul, Should triumph in my Shame. 3. Since? PSALM XIV. 35 3. Since I my Truft have plac'd Beneath thy Mercy's Wing ; Thy Help will come, and then My Heart with Joy mail fing: ^-3: Then mail my Song, inipir'd, To thee, my God, afcend, Who to my Soul, diftrefs'd, Such Bounty didit extend. PSALM XIV. O U R E wicked Fools, devoid of Shame, Suppoie that God is but a Name: Corrupt and lewd their fracfice grows, No Breaii with heav'nly Ardor glows •, All Thoughts of Virtue they refign, Their Hearts to evil Ways incline. 2. The Lord, from Realms of endlefs Day, Did all the Sons of Men furvey, Look'd down from his exalted Tow'r, To fee if any own'd his fow'r j To s* PSALM XIV. gs=^ To fee if any Juftice knew, £±^====x=r==sa=3Z== I£^^ =5==|b Or did the Paths of Truth purfue. 3. But all he faw were gone afide, :3^q None took Religion for their Guide -, Not one of all the finful Race, But was degen'rate grown and bale, And ftill in ev'ry wicked Way, iiiiii iiiiii^i m With wand'ring Footfteps went aftray. 4. Their Throats are open to devour The helplefs Poor, when in their Pow'r ; Their Mouths with Curies fill'd and Lies, No Fear of God's before their Eyes ; Their Ways to fwift Deftrudtion tend, And muft in certain Ruin end. 5. But will thefe Workers of Deceit, Like Bread my harmlefs People eat ? fife II Are they fo dull and fenfelefs grown, That they will God's great Pow'r difown ? Will they not his Commands obey, And PSALM XIV. 37 And yield to his Almighty Sway ? 6. How will they tremble then for Fear, When they behold his Vengeance near ! When his juft Wrath {hall them o'ertake; For God will ne'er the Juft forfake: For them he will his Arm extend, And from the Foe their Lives defend. 7. Bad Men in vain with Scorn deride The Juft, who follow Virtue's Guide, And ftrive their Methods to expole ; Since God a Refuge is for thole : His Eyes fhall them with Favour view. Whilft they their righteous Paths pur'iue. 8. W7ould he hs laving Pow'r extend, And now his People's Cauie deiend ; OhT would he break their ferviie Band ; What Shouts fhould echo thro' the Land i c How mould we then our Songs employ, And join the univerfal Joy ! P S A L M 38 P S A L M XVr PSALM XV. J_^0 R D ! who fhall to thy Courts repair, And, crown'd with Blifs, inhabit there ? Oh! who mall find that fare Retreat? Not Stranger-iike awhile to itay, As thofe who tranfient Vifits pay •, But rlx with thee a laiting Seat ? 2. *Tis he whofe pure unipotted Heart. Dcth pure and ipotlefs Thoughts impart, Whole Deeds by Rules of Virtue move : &E=*=EZ%=&= "Tis he whofe Words are loft and meek, Whole gen'rous Tongue difdains to ipeak The Thing his Heart doth not approve. 3. Who never Slander whifper'd round, His Neighbour's ipotleis Fame to wound, Or wrapt his Thoughts in_ mean Lilguife ; V/ho never lent a lirVning Ear, _ The keen provoking Strokes to hear, Or bold Reproach or iecret Lies. al, Who r S A L M XV. 39 4.. Who Vice in all her Pomp array'd, _^ With Wealth and Honours full difplay'd, m Can nobly treat with )v£t NeglecT: ; And Piety, tho' fet afide, For icornful Sinners to deride, Doth with religious Zeal refpect 5. Who to his plighted Vows and Truft, With Heart inviolably juft, Hath evermore unfliaken flood •, Whofe Soul by Ufury difdains To heap up ill- acquired Gains, a Nor hath, for Bribes, fought guiltlefs Blood. 6. The Man, who by this fteady Courfe, Hath fhunn'd the Sting of keen Remorfe, And inward Happinefs infur'd •, Tho' Earth from her Foundations (hake, __And troubled Nature loudly quake, Shall Hand by Providence fecur'd. PSALM 4«> P S A L M XVI. P S A L M XVI. Vjf GOD, prelerve me; I on thee depend," _Thou art my Lord, O grant me thy ProteSionT" My Goodnefs doth not unto thee extend, Nor ever can arrive at fuch Perfection : ':">z ^^=4 ■ ■■ -' ■■ z,=±=+~=r— E=±E JB;Ut to thy Saints, who all on Earth excelling, _Are my Delight, with whom I chufe my dwelling. 2. To wicked Men, v/ho other Gods adore, Severeft Sorrows mall be multiplied •, _Their Offerings of Blood I do abhor, By which they have God's Pow'r and Wrath defied : With Idols' Names, however highly ftiled, My Heart and Lips mall never be defiled. 3. My Lot is fallen in that blefied Land Where God is known, and Virtue is prevailing *, 'Tis here he fills my Cup with lib'ral Hani Aft^builds my Throne with Firmneis never failing: ^: s:?^ **—-$■ ^:^r=:-zrr^=±f:z3:;^r£:^=— — zz:rr r::r=rr^^±: r.± 3E^2fc=5 In Nature's raireit Scene he fixt my Station.^ WithHonours crown'dabove each neighb'ringNation, Mv PSALM XVI. 41 4. My Soul doth blefs the Lord, who me iuftains ; His Counfels wife, in all my Steps conduct me ; In needful Knowledge alfodo my Reins, ^=i:===r=^: In deep Affiction's darkeft Ninhr, inftrucl me : I fet the Lord before me •, he directs me ; Fll ne'er be mov'd, a prefent God protects me. 5. 'Tis thus my chearful Heart all Grief defies, illiiHIIHiUpiHiiUlIiliU:^ My Glory doth rejoice, for I'm aflured, My Flefh fhall reft in hope agrain to rife, ~H§II1II1 e*= s*^^as Thy faithful Word, this Hope hath well iecured -, Iliii^^Ilpi^iiiillii^i^^Ig Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, nor give me To fee Corruption 5 but wilt foon revive me. 6. The Paths of Life thou fhalt to me difplav, The facred Paths to thy bleiVd Prefence leading, Where endlefs Raptures dwell without .Allay, With beav'nly Joy and Glory never fading ; For in thy Prefence is unbounded Pieafure, At thy Right-hand are Joys that know no Meafure. F PSALM 4f PSALM XVH. PSALM XVII. ][ Q my iuft Plea and fadComplamtT ~ Attend, O righteous Lord ! And to my Pray'r, which is unfeio;n'd, A gracious Ear afford. As thou my Ways haft feen, And I have upright bt So let thy righteous Sentence be ; For I refign my Caufe to thee. 2. Thou, Lorp, hail fearch'd my Heart by Day, And vifked by Night: And on the ftricleft Trial found, It's fecret Motions right y Nor fhalt thou only find My Heart to Good inclined, __ £__ For I Tiave purpos'd tnat my Tongue Shall be reftrain'd, and fpeak no Wrong, 3. I know what wicked Men would do, Their Safety to maintain ; But PSALM XVII, 43 But me thy juft and mild Commands, From bloody .Paths reftrain : ' That from thy righteous Way My Soul may never uray Do thou my Innocence iecure, And make my Footiteps ever lure. 4. Since heretofore, 1 ne'er in vain, To dice my Pray'r adarefs'd, O now, my God, incline thine Ear To this my juft Requeit. The Wonders of thy Love, Let me, thy Servant, prove, Thou whvie Right-hand doth oft engage, To quell the bold Oppreifor's Raa;e. 5. Oh! keep me in thy tend' reft V are ! Thy ifieit'nng Wing It retch out, To guard me late from lavage Fees, That compais me about. Their wicked Tongues blafpheme, O Lcrq 4.4 r o a x-i ivi uYvii. 6 Lord 1 thy holy Name. Enclos'd in their own Fat they lie, And God, and Man, at once defy. 6. Well may they boait, tor they have now Encompafs'd me around, Their Eyes at watch, their Bodies bow^d, IIIl! And couching on the Ground : In Treach'ry they engage, Or, like the Lion, rage, When greedy fearching for his Prey, He lurks within a Covert Way. 7. Arife, O Lord ! defeat their Plots, Their fweUing Rage controul •, From wicked Men, who are thy Sword, Deliver thou my Soul : From Men who ltill employ =Szz=&=2Z Their Thoughts in worldly Joy ; Who find their Portions here below, z=&:z^z= =3fc: And leek no higher Blifs to know. 2. Their av V 111. ^j 8. Their Race is num'rous that partake Their Subftance while they live; Their Heirs furvive, to whom tney may The vaft Remainder give. t»* But in thv heav'niy Grace, p— ::£:: — I'll feek thy glorious Face,^ And when I 'wake, with joy ihall find, Thy Image dwelling in my Mind. N PSALM XVIIL O Change of Times fhall ever move My lirm Affection, Lord, to thee •, For thou doft my Protection prove, A Fortrels and Defence to me ; My Truft is in thy Might and Pow'r, Thou art my Safeguard and my Tow'r, =3£=:z: 2. To thee I will addreis my t^ray'r, To whom all Praiie we juftly owe •, So lhall I by thy watchful Care, Be guarded from my treach'rous Foe -, Nor 4-0 r 3 ix j_i ivl JLViii. JN or will I ail his Malice fear, it cnou art with Aiihtance near. 3. By Floods of wicked Men diltrels'd •, With deadly Sorrows compais'd round •, With dire infernal Jiangs oppreis'd ; In Death's unweitdy Fetters bound •, I made to God my humble Moan, Who heard me from his lofty Throne. PART II. 4. When God arofe, my Fart to take, The conlcious Earth was itruck with Fear ^ The Hills did at his Freience make ; Nor could his dreadful Fury bear : Thick Smoke and Fire berore him came,^ That Coals were kindled by the Flame. _ 5. He left the beauteous Realms of Tight, Whilft Heav'n bow'd down it's awful Head •, Beneath his Feet fubltantiai Night VV as iike a fable Carpet fpread : HJ5 PSALM XVJIT. 47 His Chariot, Trooos of Angels drew, Which on the winged TemDeit flew. 6. Black wat'ry Milts ana Clouds confpir'd, With thickeft Shades, his Face to;vei But at his Brightness foon retir'd, And fell in Show'rs of Fire and Hail: ' Thro' Heav'n his thundering Voice did roar, And Earth with Coals was cover' d o'er. 7. His fharpen'd Arrows round he threw. Which made his fcatter'd Foes retreat ; Like Darts his nimble Lightnings flew, And quickly finim'd their Defeat ; The Deep her fecret Stores difclosM; The World's Foundations lay exoos'd. 8. The Lord did on my Side engag-e, From Heav'n, his Throne, my Caufe upheld; And fnatch'd me from the furious Raq;e Of threatning Waves that proudly fwelPd \ His Pow'r againft my Foes employed, Or 48 PSALM XVIII. Or efie my Soul had been deftroy'd. 9. Their fubtle Rage had nigh prevail'd, when I diftrels'd and friendlefs lay; But frill, when other Succours fail'd, God was my firm Support and Stay ; And did from Danger fet me free, Becaufe he took Delight in me. 10. Becaule in me no Guilt remains, God does his gracious Help extend •, My Hands are free from bloody Stains, The Lord is therefore fiill my Friend : In his juft Paths I always trod, Nor loofely wander'd from my God. 11. His Judgments I have kept in Sight ; H Did ev'n from darling Sins refrain •, T never did his Statutes flight, And both my Heart and Hands are clean, ; His Favours therefore (till endure, Becaufe my Soul's fincere and pure. PART 49 PSALM XVIII. PART III. 12. Thou fuit'ft, O Lord , thy righteous Ways, To various Paths of human kind ; They who, for Mercy, merit Praife, =£E: With thee fhall wond'rous Mercy find. Hie Juft thyTurityThairjeeT ~~ _ The Perverfe meet Returns from thee. 13. That he the humble Soul will fave, _And crufh the Haughty's ^boafted Might ; g*: In me, the Lord^ an Inftance gave, "^^ Whofe Darknefs he hath chang'd to Light. Thro' him I did o'er Hods prevail, _Nor fear'd the higheft Walls to fcale. 14. For God's Defigns fhall ftill fucceed ; His Word will bear the utmoft Teft •, He's a firong Shield to all that need, And on his fare Protection reft. Who then, but God, fhould be adoPd ? Or whais mighty, like the Lord ? G 15. Tb $6 PSALM XVIII. 15. 'Tis God that girds my Armour on, And all_ my juft Defigns fuffils \ Thro' him my Feet can fwiftly run, And nimbly climb the fteepeft Hills : • Leffons of War from him I take, Mine Arms a Bow of Steel can break. 16. The Buckler of his faving Health, Protects me from affaulting Foes ; His Hand fuftains me ftill •, my Wealth And. Greatnefs from his Bounty flows : iiiiliilillii?" My Steps, to narrow Paths confin'd, '■ft ^ .-* -v 1»~ . rr'jri. He freed, and all my Ways defign'd. 17. Thro' him, Inum'rous Hofts defeat, ljl^^llfi^liliiilll'=!=i^l=l^= And flying Squadrons captive takej Nor from mv fierce Purfuit retreat, ^___ 'Till I affinal Conqueft jmake_. To~l-ear~their Heads in vain they try, For at "my Feet they vanquifh'd lie. PART iS. God, when freih Armies take the Field, Recruits my Strength, my Courage warms -, m |pr~? He makes my itrong Oppolers yield, Subdu'd by my prevailing Arms : ' Thro' him my .Feet my Foes ihal! prels, g^E Who hate and envy my Succefs. 19. With loud Complaints, all Friends they try'd, But none was able to defend \ At length to God, for Help, they cry 'of; But God would no Affiitance lend -, .Like Duit, their Troops I fcatter'd round, And with their Bodies itrew'd the Ground. gag*= 20. Our factious Tribes, at Strife till now, By God's Appointment, me obey; il^^lililllllllillll^ill^ 1 he Heathen to my Sceptre bow, And foreign Nations own my" Sway; Remoteit Realms their Homage lend, ££ £: And Strangers my Commands attend. 21. All 21. All to my Summons tamely yield, ii=ElII=^I^lii£ FSS5 Or loon in Battle are difmay'd •, HI ==£ For ltronger Holds they quit the Field, And ItilT in ltrongelt Holds afraid. Then prais'd be God, in whom I reft; Who me with his Salvation bleis'd. 22. fis God that ltill lupports my Right, His ju(t Kevenge my Foes purfues ; "~'Tis~~ he that with~re(iitieis Might, Fierce Nations to my Yoke fubdues ; . From him my latting Honours riow, Who treed me from my bloody Foe. gfe^=s 23. Therefore, to celebrate his Fame, Sis My grateful Voice to Heav'n I'll raife ;_ And Nations, Strangers to his Name, Shall thus be taught to fing his Praife :_ " God to his King extends his Grace, :^e?: And crowns with Mercy David's Race. PSALM o jtx ±-j xvx S* PSALM XIX. £ HE Heav'ns declare thy Glory, Lord, -$=^=^: Which that, and that alone can fill ; :5^= The Firmament and Stars expreis Their great Creator's wond'rous Skill : Each Dawn frelh Beams of Knowledge brings, From ev'ry Night Inftruction fp rings. 2. Their pow'rful Language to no Space, 3flE=»=^: Or Realm, or Region is conrin'd ; 'Tis Nature's univerlal Voice, And underitood by all Mankind : The Sun their Doctrines doth diiplay, ^ — ji- — ^^ Where-e'er he darts his genial Ray. $*£E 3. No Bridegroom, for his Nuptials dreis'd, Can fhew a more enliven'd Face -, No Giant does like him rejoice, To run with Strength, his glorious Race; . 1 o_ . o * In one unwearied Round he goes, » *"*'„ 8: And Light and Heat on all beftows. PART PART II. 4. God's perfect Law converts the Soul, Reclaims the Heart from faffe Defires ; With iacred Wiidom his pure Word The Weak and Ignorant mipires ; His Statutes bring iincere Delight •, 3to*E His Word aifilts trie feeblelt Sight. 5. The rear of God moil perfect is, Ana ihall tor evermore endure ; The judgments of the Lord are true, Molt j ait and altogether pure; More precious than fine Gold they are, And iweeter than the Honey tar* 6. My truity Councilors they are To me they friendly Warnings give : Divine Rewards attend on thofe, Who by his Iacred Trecepts live. But who can all his Errors lee t Jrrom iecret Faults, Lord, cleanle thou me ! 7. Let PSALM XX. $$ 7. Let no preibmptuous Sin, O Lord ! Obtain Dominion over me ; That, by thy Grace, preferv'd, I may Far from the great Tranfo-reffion flee ; So (hall my Pray'r by thee be b! my GODT wfcy kav'tt thoti me, When 1 in Anguiih call on zr^c ? Why dolt thou me neglect, And my loud f ray'r reject i3 All Day, but all the Uay in vain, To thee, O Tord, do 1 complain : All Night nave f impior'd •2. Yet thou, O Tord, art everjult, Relieving thole, who in thee truit ; Therefore ihall ilrael raiie :— s£ To thee, continual fraiie : On thee our Anceltors rely'd, And 6a PSALM XXII. And in thy S ength their Foes dery'd; To thee their jr/ray'rs addreis'd* And with Succeis w.re blefs'd. 3. Thy fure Deliv'rance, Lord, they found, When Dangers gather'd thickeit round •, Thine Ear their Cries receiv'd, And they were foon reliev'd ; But I, like none of human Birth, Am made the fcoffing Rabble's Mirth ; Ev'n like a -Reptile bafe, 'they hold me in Difgrace. P A R T It 4. My Agonies, the gazing Crowd, Survey with Scorn and Laughter loud , They mock whilit I complain, And thus ^my Woes dildain : " He boaited,N he was Heav'n's Delight, " Let God relieve his Favourite 5 iC Let him Affiltance fend, His PSALM XXII. 63 But tho didft from my Mother's Womb, Make me a living Offspring come -, afc: Thv Care thou didft extend. Me helplefs^ to defend : My Youth thou didft from Dangers mieio, And Guardian-like Protection yield -, In thee I will confide, For thou wer't ftill my Guide. 6. Withdraw not then, O God, Hoft high ! Thy Aid, when Trouble is lb nigh •. Do thou that Help extend, On which I ftill depend. High pamper' d Bulls, a frowning Throng, From B a fan's Foreft, fierce and ftrong, Prepare with growing Rage, Againft me to engage. gg~a~1»=:===i ■• " t 1 7-_They gape on me, and to my Fears, Each Mouth a yawning Grave aopears j Wide 64 PSALM XXII. Wide open to devour T4y Sotil, .when in their Pow'r : The defart Lion's favage Roar, Could not increafe my Horrors more. In CoiTiDadr. clofe combin'd, They have my Fall defign'd. PART III. 8. My Toints are rack'd, and out of Frame; Mv Heart like Wax before the Flame, £ Within my Bofom £rlows •, My Blood like Water flows : -A— - — ^v — — -^ — — tv — ^ <*=— —^—: ^^=r-r-^^^^^t My Strength is parch'd like Potter's Clay,, My fault'ring Tongue forgets to play My Soul all Hope refigns, And to the Grave declines. q. Tike Blood-hounds, they afTembled round. My harmlefs Hand's and Feet they wound ; And through my coriftant Pain, L_ ~ I languifh and complain •, That PSALM XXII. 65 r"^ThaTTirmyBones_niay well be told; "Yet~this~"aTPaftime thev behold, And ftift thchr Pteafurc (hew, ~ At each Increafe of Woe. iorAs~Spoil, my Garments they divide: 4 ~By~Lots their Portions they decide ; Therefore thy Arm extend^ _ t And kind Protection fend. =ri From their fharp Sword defend thou me, And "let my Life from Danger free ; Nor leave my Soul o'erpower'd. By Dogs to be devour'd. iimiL 1 1. To me, O God ! Aftiitance fend, My Life from Lions fierce defend •, As once thy Strength prevaii'cT, When Unicorns arTail'd. Then to my Brethren I'll proclaim, _The Triumphs of thy holy Name ; And to the Saints repair, I Thy 66 PSALM XXII. Thy Glory to declare. 12. " Praife ye the Lord in Songs divine, " Ye num'rous Race of Ifrael's Line ; " To him with Fervour pray, " And low Obeifance pay : " "His People he hath ne'er difdain'd, " Or turn'd his Face when they complain'd ; " But to their humbie Pray'r, " Doth lend a gracious Ear. P A R T IV. llI=iIli=ilIIi=L_ 13. Thus in thy Courts, _thy Name HI blefs^./ And in loud Songs my Thanks exprefsj And to thy Saints declare,_ I==?=i=ili=i^ Thy providential Care. , The meek Companions of my Tjrief, And all who feek thy Face, Shall find refrefhing_Grace._ . ::$: 14. Then fliall the World their Homage pay, To PSALM XXIII. 6> To God, and his Commands obey ; _His Po.w'r they fhall confefs, _ And Pray'rss to him addrefs. From Kings Submiffion to receive, _Is his fupreme Prerogative, Who doth the Worlds fuftain ; _And_over all Things reign. 15. The Rich his Bounty muft confeis, ^=3^: The Poor their gen'rous Patron bleis ; To him they all refort," For Succour and Support : Then fhall a Race exalt his Name, And to their Heirs his Truth proclaim, ^Tiil Heav'n and Earth combin'd, Are all to God reuWd. PSALM XXIII. X H iTTTO lOTHiimleirdoth^ To be my Shepherd and my Friend ; ~~ I on his Faithrulneis rely 5""" His €8 PSALM XXIIL His Care mall all my Wants fupply. 2. In Failures green he doth me lead, And there in Safety makes me feed, Refrefhing Streams are ever nigh, _ My_ thirlty Soul to latisfy. 3. When itray'd, or languid, I complain, His Grace revives my Soul again •, For his Name's lake, in Ways upright, He makes me walk with great Delight. 4. Yea, when Death's gloomy Vale I tread, With J oy, ev'n there, I'll lift my Head ; From Fear and Dread he'll keep me free, His Rod and Staff mall comfort me. 5. Thou ipread'lt a Table, Lord, for me, While Foes with Spite thy Goodnefs fee; Thou doit my Head with Oil anoint, And a full Cup for me appoint. _ 6. Goodnefs and Mercy fhall to me, Through all my Life extended be; And PSALM XXIV. 69 And when my .Pilgrimage is o'er, I'll dwell with thee for evermore. PSALM XXIV. HE Fullneis which the World affords, ^=mmi=i^^ The Earth and People are the Lord's-, By him anTgn'd their Habitation : Bit1 « i k^*=~ * * — i»;^ j&j- J~ Eitabliih'd on the Seas it Hands, The Floods by his Almighty Hands, il^illl^iiilii^iiiiiiis; 2. Oh! who (hall to that Hill afcend, And low before thy Footftool bend ; =r_:±; S*^3 Where thou, O Lord, haft chole thy Duelling? The Man whole Hands and Heart are free, £^==3* E=Ei^=$-:5r5: From blood, Deceit and Perjury, m=mmm The Man in Purity excelling. 3~ This is the Man, to whom the Lord, His laving BieMings will afford-, ""And whom he'll crown with his Salvation : By iuch alone his Courts are trod, Who yo PSALM XXV. Who leek the Face of Jacob's God-, Tr.e happy chofen Generation. 4. Erect your Head, O Zion's Gate ! Untold to entertain in State, Receive your King in Might abounding. Who is this King of Glory, wno ? 3Tis he who triumphs o'er the Foe, Their Ranks with Ruin wicie confounding. 5. Lift up your Heads, ye Gates unfold ! Eternal Gates, ye Doors of old, Receive your King, tor Might renowned. Say, who that glorious King can be ? ^Behold! the Lord of Hofts is he, lhc God who comes with Glory crowned. PSALM XXV. X "o GOD I • lift my Heart and Voice, " In whom my Truft is placed ; Let not my Foes, O Lord, rejoice, f Nor let me be diteraced ! No P S A L M XXV 7i *=E~3EEE*E=$=E: No Sorrows have furrounded £e Thole, who en thee for Aid depend ; it they fhafl be confounded, Who daring wilfully often « i^=£ * a.^ 2. Teach me, O Lord ! thy i ruth impart, :r3r— c: And grant me thy Direction 1 For all Day long, with humble Heart, 3£=^5E== I wait for thy Protection. Guide me in ev'ry Station, And lead me in the Way that's juft, Thou God of my Salvation, In thee alone I put my Trufh 3. Thofe Mercies call to Mind once more, fe* With which I have been blefied ; And let thv Goodnefs, as before, Lord ! pardon each Tranigreflion, Committed in my heedlefs Youth: Accep: of my Ccnfeiiion, And 72 PSALM XXV. And think of me, thou God of Truth. 4. The righteous God, his juft~Controul, And wond'rous Love difplayed, In bringing back the wand'ring Soul, That had from Virtue ftrayed : In Tuftice, he will ever Guide thofe who his Direction feek, And from their Sins deliver, 1 he humble-minded and the meek. PART II. Are Truth and Mercy mining; r^: To fuch as with religious Hearts, Are to his Will inclining; 5 Tho' I have much tranfgrefTed, HH Yet let me not be put to Shame •, Since Mercy, 'tis confefted, _0 Lord, doth moft exalt thy Fame. __^_ 6. Whoe'er to God his Duty pays, And PSALM XXV. 73 t: And him with Fear refpecleth ; The Lord in all his righteous Ways, With conftant Care direcleth : His Soul for ever blefied, t.. 7ZZZ Shall reft in Peace, nor know Diferacc •, _____ ? o__ f i His Wealth~fliall be poffefled^" By his furviving num'rous Race. fe_--ft-i T^^f^^^^.-^-gll 7. To all his Saints the Lord imparts, _ His fecret Will and Pleafure ; And plants in their obedient Hearts, i^E His Precepts boundlefs Treafure. My Cry to him increafes, That he may fend his timely Aid ; _ And break the Snare in pieces, Which for my heedlefs Feet is laid. :«e^ 8. Turn thou, O Lord, and let my Grief, In Mercy be redrefled ; Patient I wait for thy Relief, With many Woes oppreffed K The n PSALM XXV. The Sorrows are encreafed, That trouble my tormented Mind ; g^§ Oh ! let me be releafed, And from this State Deliv'rance find. mz From all Afflictions let me be, O Lord, by thee defended •, ^Hi^iHII And in thy Mercy fet me free, Tho' I have much offended. My Foes are daily growing, And for my Ruin ftill engage •, Their Malice ever fhewing, In lawlefs Force, and boundlefs Rage. ~^E: Sli 3^i 10. From their fierce Anger, fet me free, And let their Rage be tamed •, =& Since I have put my Truft in thee, I mail not be afhamed. On thee my Hope is placed, Lord, perfect thou thy Servant's Mind : !i:=i!=feli?; Let Ifrael, now difgraced, O PSALM XXVI. 75 O God, thy lure Deliv'rance find. J UD P S A_L M XXVI. GE thou my Caufe, O God ! For I have ever trod The Paths that righteous are and juft •, I fhall not be difgraced, Since I have always placed, ie^ ==&=Z&£= In thee alone my Hope and Trult. 2. Search, prove each inward Part •, Examine thou my Heart, Which lies uncover'd to thy View': From Sin I have refrained, My Righteoulhefs retained,"" _ And will the WayiTof Truth purfue. 3. For ftill 1 keep thy Grace, Q Lord, before my Face7 Aiid m thy Mercy take Delight* Thy Truth is my Direction, To bring me to Perfection, And 76 PSALM XXVL i£te£ And keep me in the Path that's right. E^S :^S :S3E£E 4. The Idle and Trorane, m Could ne'er my Pnendihip gain ; f/or in their Deeds 1 take no Part : :g=: JNor could the ily Deceiver, With all his Treach'ry, ever Win to his Ways my faithful ineart. 5. i hate the^buly Crew, Who Mlichief ftill purlue7,"- And ever make diitracted rimes -, :3t; 52 S3 Their Ways I ne'er approved, Their eonverie never loved, ^-4= £ut ihun them as I fhun their Crimes. PART IT. 6. My Hands in Innocence, Til wain from all OffenceT" r4;=:^: Make thou, Oh God, my Heart fo pure, No Spot or Blemifh mewing D» My PSALM XXVL 11 My Welcome may be found iecure. e£ fer. 5^E __7. My Thanks I'll publilh there, And to the World declare, Thy vaft Renown and mighty Fame ; My Heart with Rapture giowing, My Tongue for ever mowing, The Honours due to thy great Name. iir 8. Thy Sanctuaries, Lord, To me Delight afford, My Soul in Peace repoiing there ; £?=^ Tis there thou moft excelleth ; 'Tis there thine Honour dwelletii ; ?t^=^E?=^^=i; :^£=$— #: And thither I with Joy repair. ::5: 9. Let not the Sinner's Doom, On me, thy Servant, come; Nor leave mv Soul to be confin'd, m W7ith thole, who Blood enjoying, T ♦ . ■■ The Harmlefs are deftroying; To Blood and Murder itill inclin'd. ic. [ ;S PSALM XXVI. io. Urg'd^ by a wicked Spite, They ieize another's Right, And make Oppreiiion thus their Trade ; They iecret Bribes are taking, Their Oaths in private breaking, Or elfe by open Force invade. c fcz 1 1 . But# my Delight ihall be, • To walk from Falfhood free ♦, The Paths of Truth I will purfue : Then by thy Grace direct me, J\ in virtuous Ways protect me ; Thy former Mercies, Lord, renew ! 12. My Foes afTaii in vain, . 1 fall my Ground maintain ; Tho^arnTd with Rage they Hand around:, Among the Congregation^ __ " Qf~Saints7~ril fix my Station, Thy Praifes ever to reibund. PSALM PSALM XXVII. 79 PSALM XXVII. V V H CTM^ould>l"1^7T"ce 'Gaol^tr Is raving Health and glorious Light ; He is my Strength againft my Foes, What Dangers can my Soul affright F 2. With. fierce Intent my Flefh to tear, When cruel Foes befet me round, :^-= They Humbled, and their haughty Crefts, =s= With "fudden Ruin, irruck the Ground. 3. My humble Heart on God depends, And dares vwith mighty Hofts to cope ; Since he's my Help, in doubtful War, For certain Conqueft I will hope. 4. Henceforth to dwell within his Houle, My Heart's Defire fhall ever be ; -O- To know his Will I'll there relbrt, The Beauty of the Lord to fee. 5. For there alone my Soul mail rind Sweet Reft, in Times of deep Diftrefs^ And 8o PSALM XXVII. And fafe as on a Rock, with Joy, Abide in that fecure Recefs. S—^zzz 6. Whilft God, by his Almighty Pow'r, My Head o'er all my Foes (hall raife, My Soul Thank-Offerings mall make, And fing before him Songs of Praife. P A R T II. :■:-: 7. Continue, Lord, to hear my Voice, Whene'er to thee I humbly cry ; In Mercy all my Pray'rs receive, Nor my fincere Requeft deny. 8. When thou, O Lord, to feek thy Face, Doft us moft gracioufly advife, " Thy glorious Face I'll always feek," My grateful Heart with _Joy replies. _ 9. Then hide not thou thy Face from me, Nor my Requefts in Wrath reject •, Forfake me not, but Aid_affordL To him thou~didft fo oft protect. 10. Tho' P S A L M XXVII. Si io. Though Friends and neareft Relatives, - ^In~T7ouFles7~helplefs me forfake •, tEE^EE— ^e7~di*ouT^h"oTe~Love excels them all, _ In Mercy, Care of me will take. _ II. Inftrufl: me in thy Ways, Q Lord, In a plain Path do thou me guide ; Left wicked Men, who watch my Steps, Rejoice to fee me tread afide. 12. Lord, difappoint my cruel Foes, Left they obtain their bafe Defire, :J*: ^=*=3E Whofe lying Lips and bloody Hands. Againft me unprovoked confpire. 13. I did believe my future Life, Should with thy tender Love be crown'd, :=^ Or elfe my fainting Soul had funk, With Sorrows deep encompafs'd round. 1 4.. Wait on the Lord, with Patience hope, And he will timely Aid afford ■ Still truft in him, viefd not to Fear~~ L Wait 82 PSALM XX VIII. Wait thou, I fay, upon the Lord. o PSALM XXVIII. P^3fc:§:==: '2E^E5^ i=^ L O RD, the Rock of my Defence, My certain Hope and Confidence, Do thou in tender Mercy hear^ j Thy Servant's earnefc humble Pray'r Left I in Sighs confume my Breath, And fall like thofe who fleep in Death. 2. Attend the Cries qf my Diftrefs, Hear me whom many Woes opprefs ; Nor cafe me from thy Mercy- Seat ; 1 Left T the Sinner's Doom mould meet, Who make a Trade of doing 111, And fpeak them fair they mean to kill. ?. According; as they have defign'd, So let them, Lord, thy Juftice find; As they without Remorfe tranferefs'd, ^ And have the Innocent opprefs'd i- _ , Be thou, O Lord, refentlefs too, And PSALM A XVIII. 83 And let thy Vengeance them pudiic. 4. The Works of God they ne'er relpefly But ftill with Scorn his Grace reject-, Againfb his Saints they Wiles employ, Our God Ihall therefore them deltroy : His dreadful Wrath ihall vex them fore, The Lord will build them up no more. 5. To God my Song^fhall be addreTs'd, Who heard the Voice of me diftreis'd -, In him my Confidence was plac'd, _^And I return'd with Triumphs grac'd : My grateful Heart mail therefore raile, This chearful Tribute to his Praife. 6. " ^Tis by his Pow'r I am fuitain'd, " His Arm hath ftill my Caufe maintain'd : " 'Twas he advanc'd me to the Throne, ,TT - - " I reign fecure through him alone." :^=: Thy Chofen, Lord, with Plenty blefs, And in their Battles grant Succefs. PSALM H PSALM XXIX. PSALM XXIX. X J? _j^™ces w^° in Might excel!",- Your grateful Sacrifice prepare ; God's glorious Actions loudly tell, His wond'rous Pow'r to all declare~ To him alone your Homage pay ; To him alone devoutly pray. 2. To his great Name freih Altars raile, And humbly due Relpect afford; Him in his lacred Temple praile, Where he's with folemn State ador'd To him continual Pray'rs addrels, §Ill^li=i=IIiI^lllS^l His Name with conitant Prailes blefs. 3. 'Tis he that with amazing Noife, 1 he wat'ry Clouds in funder breaks^ The Ocean trembles at his Voice, When he from Heav'n in Thunder fpeaksj^ His Voice loud echoes through the Hills, And all the Earth with Terror fills. 4. How PSALM XXIX. 85 D 4. How full of Pow'r his Voice appears! •-. :&=: With what majeitick Terror crown'dj Which from the Roots tall Cedars tearsL_ And iirews their fcatter'd Branches rouncL__ Whene'er the Lord in Thunder fpeaks,_ The Trees of Libanus he breaks. 5. They and the Hills on which they grow, Are fometimes hurried far away, . And leap, like Hinds that bounding go, Or Unicorns in youthful Play : The Cloud-topp'd Hills themfelves will quake. IiIiMli=l=iI^iIHIII^i _And from their firm Foundations make. 6. When God in Thunder loudly fpeaks, And fcatter'd Flames of Lightning lends, The Foreft nods, the Delart §HH=Ii=l=lI^ And ftubborn Kadefh lowly bends, To fee his pointed Lightnings fly, r— f- _While Thunder rends the vaulted Sky. 7. He makes the Hinds to cait their Young, And S6 PSALM XXX. And lays the Bealts dark Coverts bare •, While thofe that to his Courts belong, Securely iing his Praiies there : His Saints in Safety there attend, l£J^=g^=g=:£=|E &m And at his awful Footitool bend. 8. God rules the angry Floods on high, His boundlefs Sway (hall never ceafe •, His Feople he'll with Strength fupply, M And blefs his own with conltant Peace; On them _he lends his BlefTings down, • And will his Saints with Glory crown. w PSALM XXX. ITH Heart and Voice in one Accord, I'll celebrate thy Praifes, Lor d : For thou half fet me up on high, With Fury they my Peace affaird, _[Till thy all-conqu'ring Arm prevail^ " $=E* » £=£=fe £E5=: 2. In my Diitrefs, I cry'd to thee, Who PSALM XXX. S7 Who didft in Mercy i>t me free •, My Eyes were almoft clos'd in Death, And I had nigh refign'd my Breath ; When thou my hopelefs Life retriev'd, And from the Grave my Soul reliev'd. j 3. Thus in his Courts, with Songs of Praife, Ye Saints your grateful Voices raife ; His Truth and tender Love declare, And bleis his providential Care : His tender Mercies loud proclaim, And ever blefs his glorious Name. 4. His Anger foon is over-pafs'd, His Favours will forever laft ; Tho' Sorrow mav a Night endure, Yet is his loving Kindnefs fure •, For with the chearful Dawn of Morn, His chearing Mercy will return. P A Pv T IT. 5. But I prefum'd on profp'rous Day?, My 88 PSALM XXX. ll^Pl^lllf^tlllii! My Glory's yet unfully'd Rays ; And as no low'ring Clouds appear'd, So f no fudden Danger fear'd : f thought the Lord my Ways approv'd, And I fhould never be remov'd. 6. But foon I found thy Favour, Lord ! Alone could folid Joy afford : For when thy Face was turn'd away. My blooming Hopes difhonour'd lav ; My Sin 1 humbly then confeiVd, And thus again the Lord addrefs'd. y, " What Profit in my Blood is found, " When cold congealed in the Ground ? " Can filent Ames ever raife, " The glorious Tribute of thv Praife ? " Oh then thy wonted Aid extend, " For on thee only I depend ! " "8r'Tis^m^ra7^1ho^jiarrc^ng5d my Fate,_ -^ Inverting me in Robes of State -, o Thou PSALM XXXI. 89 — ThouHRafF~my ^Grief to Gladnefs turn'd, Tho'Tately I in Sack-cloth mourn'd 5 """Thel^orTlmy Songs, with grateful Joy, In praifing thee, I will employ. PSALM XXXI. JT ROM" ~Sharne~and" Infuft jet me free, _For {lillTO_LoRD, I truft in tficc ; Once more thy kind A ff fiance lend, Once more thy Servant's Caufe defend : As juft and righteous is thy "Name, So let me now thy Favour claim. 2. Bow down, O Lord ! thy gracious Ear, Do thou my ftedfaft R ock appear ; To me fome fpeedy Succour fend, My Soul from Danger to defend : Hear thou my Voice, when I complain, llltailllilliii =3~~=* And frill my righteous Caufe maintain. g. Since thou'rt my Rock, and Foes oporefs. Oh lead me out of this Diftrefs ! M Thy 9o PSALM XXXI. Thv wonted Help, my God, impart, For thou my Strength and Fortrefs art : £ To thee alone I look for Aid, To fhun the Snares, my Foes have laid. 4. Thou God of Mercy, Love and Truth! Who haft preferv'd me, from my Youth My Life, my Soul, and all that's mine, |liiiiilli|p_i^ii( To thee T willingly refign : To thee my Soul for Succour flies, For thofe T hate, who truft in Lies. PART II. ~5l^y Name, Oh GopTyvT^GT bids, »r, TCnXTlillln chearful^ Songs exprefs, T"he Mercies thou to mejiaft jhewnj_ ] "TorthovJhaft feen my ftraits, and known ^WhaF gloomy Sorrows gather round, What- riiinor "Fears my__Soul_ c^nfou_ncL_ ^grWhene'eFThovrTaVft my watchful Foes, DicfirTtheir Wiles "my~Strcngth enclofe, Thou Thou gav'ft my Feet a larger Space,_ To fly from all their treach'rous Race^ And (hun the fecret hidden Snare, __ Which for my Soul, they did prepare. 7. Thy Mercy, Lord, again difplay, For both my Soul and Flefh decay : Attend, O God, the juft Complaint, Which I, with Grief and Hunger foTfit, /_ With teeble Voice to thee addrefs : Oh hear the Cries of my Diitrefs ! Sad Thoughts my drooping Life opprels,_ My Sins have made my Strength decreafe ;__ JVly Years are iperit in waiting Groans, __ Which ev'n coniume away my Bones ; My toul Offences, to my View, Are ever rifing frefti and new. PART III. I 9. My Foes at all my Suff'rings mock'd, My Friends at Sight of me"~were fhock'd My My Neighbours chiefly did upbraid, They look'd at me as Men difmay'd •, And when they did my Anguiih fee, With one Confent they fled from me. 10. Forfook by all my Friends am 1, As one that's dead and out of mind ♦, *=^==*=«=5Je: __And like a fhatter'd Veflel lie, Whofe broken Parts can ne'er be join'd *, Not one to comfort me appears, To eafe my Grief or footh my Cares. _ 1 1 . Againft me fland'rous Words they fpeak, Whilit they together Counfel take ; They ltrive my guiltlels Blood to fried, And yet they feem my Pow'r to dread ; tfut itill my Soul thy Goodnefs knows, And will her Hopes on thee repofe. 12. Whatever ftrange Events betide, _Thy Wifdom, Lord ! will time them all ; Thy Servant then in Safety hide, From PSALM XXXI. 93 "From thofe who daily leek his Fall : Oh render all their K/jalice vain, "Nor let my Foes their Will obtairu _ i^rTheTBrighmeT^ To me, O righteous God, difcloie,_ "l\nd~as~thy Mercies^ltill increale, Preierve me rrom my cruel Foes •» Do thou in Mercy let me tree From thole who itnve to rum me. PART IV. 14. Thy Servant from Uilhonour fave, Who ltill hath piac'd his Trult in thee -, Let that, and Silence in the Grave, The Sinner's wretched Portion be : Do thou their lying Lips reitrain, Who treat the Juit with proud Difdain. if. How great thy tender Mercies are, To fuch as fear thy holy Name •, Which, Lord, thou doft for them prepare, Who 9+ PSALM XXXI. :=>£: $=: Who fpread abroad thy glorious Fame : 1 he Sons of Men thy Love ihaii iee, To thofe who put their Truit in thee. 1 6. Thou keep'it them ever in thy Sight, From all their proud Oppreiiors tree ; From Tongues that do in Strife delight, They are preierved ftill by thee ; m :::^: Thy Saints fhall find thy Fnendihip lure, te And in thy Temple reft lecure. 17. With Glory, and with great Renown, God's holy Name be ever blels'd ; =£==£ Whole Love in Ket lab's well-fenc'd Town, To me was wond'roufly exprefs'd •, £2 For he was then my Strength and Tow'r, To guard me from af failing Tow'r. _i8. Dilmay'd with Fear, in halty Flighty I faid, " I'm baniibM fromjhine Eyes -, :£=a: Yet fbill thou keep'it me in thy Sight,_ And didit accept 4ny earncit Cries i In PSALM XXXII. 95 [=M In Mercy thou didfl bend thine Ear, And liften to my humble Pray'r. 19. O then, let all the Saints, the Lord With never-ending;; Love purfue, Who to the Juft will Help afford And furely give the Proud the:r Due : Couraseoufly on God rely, Who will your Hearts with Strength fupp'cy. PSALM XXXII. LEST is the Man, to whom the God of Heaven, All his TranfgrefTions freely hath forgiven : Whofe Guilt is cover'd, and fhall not appear At God's Tribunal to condemn him there. Thrice blefs'd is he, who as he has tranfgrefed, With contrite Heart hath all his Crimes confefTed ; To whom the Lord will not impute his Sin, And" whofe pure Soul from all Deceit is clean. 2. Whilft I conceaPd my Sin, my Heart was grieved, My Bones confuming could not be relieved ; All 96 PSALM XXXII. HiiiiiPi|IIiI|isIIIIiiipi^iiiI= All Day, did I with inward Anguifh roar, But no Complaints aftuag'd my fretting Sore. Heavy, O Lord ! thy Hand on me remained, H^i|iiliiEill^iiIHIiliii=lliIii= And I was quite of vital Moifture drained ; Like parched Lands, with Summer's Drought oppreft, ^And equally by Night and Dav diftreis'd. 3. But I no fooner had mv Guilt difclofed, Than thy Forgivenefs kindlv interpofed ; I mew'd the Wound that tortur'd me within, And Mercv's healing; Balm was poured inf Thus with Succefs Repentance fhall be crowned, piliiJiEfpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii|iifii?:i Whilft in the Flood the thoughtlefs Wretch is drowned : To thofe who feek, and would thy Pardon find, Thou art, O Lord ! in Mercy Sill inclin'd, PART II. 4. Thv Mercies neveFfail, when Pm diftreffed^ Bv thee, my haughty Foes are all fuppre. How happy then, are they, to whom The Lord Iupreme, for God is known ; Whom he, from all the World befides, Has chofen out to be his own ! io. He^ all the Nations of the Earth, From Heav'n his lofty Throne furveys ; He views their Works, and knows their Thoughts, For ioo PSALM XXXIII. For by his Pow'r their Hearts were made. ii. No King is iafe by num'rous Holts, Their boafted Strength the Strong; deceives •, No manag'd Horfe by Force or Speed, His gallant war-like Rider laves. 12. 'Tis God, who thofe that truft in him, Beholds with ever gracious Eyes ; He trees their Souls from Death -, their Wants,_ In Times of Famine, he iupplies. 13. Our Souls on God, with Patience, wait, Our Help and only Shield is he -, Then, Lord, let itill our Hearts rejoice, Becaufe our Trult is plac'd in thee ! 14. The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord, To us thy Servants ftill extend ! _As we, for all our various wants, On thee, our God, alone depend. PSALM •XT TTTT PSALM XXXIV. PSALM XXXIV. 101 >gl££E====S=£=i :^: -&zzzzz X HROUGH all the Scenes of Life, As well in Trouble as in Joy, The Praifes of my God i'hall itill, -$-3: My Heart and Tongue employ. His Goodneis I'll declare, 'Till all that are with Woes opprels'd, From my Example Comfort take, And charm their Griefs to reft. 2. O magnify the Lord ! And blels, with me, his holy IS! ame ; His faithful Word is ever lure, His Truth is ltill the fame _With heavy Woes encompais'd round, He heard my Voice, and in his i_,ove, I foon a Refuge found. _g. Their drooping Hearts were eas'd •, WeTook'd to hjxn alone tor Aid,- Defir'd 102 PSALM XXXIV. Defir'd Succefs in ev'ry Face, A chearful Air difplay'd. Behold, laid they, and fee "Trie Man whom Providence reliev'd, " So dang'roufly befet with Woes, " So wond'roufly retriev'd." P A RJT IL 4. The Holts of God encamp Around the Dwellings of the Juft •, _DehVrance he affords to alF, Who in his Succour trult. O tafte his wond'rous Love ! _And foon Experience will decide, How blefs'd they are, and only they, Who in his Truth confide. 5. Oh fear him all ye Saints_!_ And you'll have Nothing elfe to fear ; Make you his Service your Delight, He'll make your Wants his Care. While PSALM XXXIV. 103 * 3* While Lions lack their Prey, The bounteous Lord will Food provide, For thofe who put their Truft in him, And fee their Wants fupply'd. 6. Ye piouily difpos'cl, Approach, and my Inftruclions hear, I'll teach you the true Difcipline, Of his religious Fear : Let him who Life defires, |4|li=!!gli!=irai™| And many proip'rous Days would fee ; From fland'rous Language keep his Tongue, His Lips from FaHhoods free. 7. The crooked Paths of Vice Decline, and righteous Ways purfue ; Eftablifh Peace, where 'tis begun, And where 'tis loft, renew. The Lord from Heav'n beholds, _The Jult with favourable Eyes ; And when cliftrelVd, his gracious Ear, Is Is open to their Cries. PART III. 8. God turns his wrathful Look, On thofe whom Mercy don't reclaim ; To cut them off, and from the Earth =£= Blot out their very Name. When in Diftrefs they cry, In Mercy he will hear his Saints, And with a providential Care, Attend to their Complaints. 9. The Lord is always nigh, With Balm, to heal the broken Heart ; And to the contrite Spirit ftill, His Comfort to impart. The Wicked often ftrive, But vain is always their Defire; When they againft the Juft and True, Malicioufly confpire. 10. For under all the Weight, Of P S A L, 1V1 AAAV, IO5 "Of Tore Affli6lTons'~th€y endure, ^ ~ThelLoRD~ will flill preferve his Saints, ~^\ncf Tceep their Bones fecure. "~~The"WickecT from their Arts7~~ TheirTpeedy Ruin fhall derive; While righteous Men, whom they deteft, Shall them and theirs furvive. 11. For God the Souls mail keep, Ili=ii=i3iil=li^i^li=i=i== Of thofe who on his Truth depend ; To them and their Pofterity, His Blefftngs fhall defcend, PSALM XXXV. jl GAINST all thofe that firive with me, AfTert my Right, and let me free f Be thou, O Lord ! my iureJProteclion, And bring my Foes to thy Subjection. Put on thy Buckler and thy Shield ; Stand up, OT^od, in my Defence ; Bring forth thy Spear, and to my Soul, " O Say, Say, " I am ftill thy Confidence." 2. Let them to fudden Shame be brought, Who have my Soul's Deftruction fought ; Let them who Miichief have deviled, Be with Confufion foon furprifed : ""Thenlhai they fly^ifpeWd Ukc^gT^ Before the furious driving Wind ; And from God's Miniiter of Wrath, They, no where, fhalla Refuse find. 3. But when, his dreadful Rao;e to fhun, Thro* dark and flipp'ry Paths they run, The Angel of the Lord purfuine, Shall urge them on to fpeedy Ruin-, Since unprovck'd by any Wrong, They laid for me their treach'rous Snare, And, for my harmlels Soul, a Pit Did without any Caufe prepare. r 4. Let them in Mifchiefs be furpris'd, Which for my Soul they had devis'd; Their F S A L M AX1V. 107 Their beec m their own Snares betrayed, So lhali tneir Treach'ry be repayed ; Whilit my glad Soul fhall God's great Name, For this his kind Deliv'rance blels •, And by his faving Health lecur'd, Her grateful Joy in Songs expreis. PART II. 5. My Bones fhall lay, trom Anguilh tree, " Oh Lord ! who can compare with thee? " Thou halt rehev'd the poor diitreiled, "And all their heavy Wrongs redreiied," Falie Witnelfes, with forg'd Complaints, Again ft my Honour have combin'd-, And to my Charge unjuitly laid, Such Things as 1 had ne'er ckflgnVt. 6. For all the Gooator them I wrouf : , My Life they have with Malice fought; My Soul to Danger ihll betraying, My Xindneffes with Wrongs repaying. But io8 PSALM XXXV. But as for me, when they were fick, In Sack-cloth T fincerely mourn'd ; T pray'd and fatted ; but my Pray'r -yHiH^il^lIiifn Again to my own Breaft return'd. 7. Not to my Friends or Brethren dear, =* Could I have fhewn more tender Care •, Or for a Mother more deplored, Whofe Lois can never be reitored. How difPrent did their Conduct prove, iHHHIflUlllillilllll^IlI^ To me in Times of deep Diftrefs •, When they in Crouds together met, lusn^timliii: And did their favage Joy exprefs? 8. The Rabble too, in num'rous Throngs, Came round, infulting me with Wrongs^ _ _With Flatt'rers, bufy Scoffers joined,^ _Againlt my Peace of Mind combined^: But, Lord, how long wilt tnouJ^5_Pn_i_%/!_ Do thou on my Behalf appear! _ Ajidfavemy guiltiefsSoul, which they3 Liks PSALM XXXV. 109 Like Be ails, would into Pieces tear. PART III. Hiiilili=i= 9. So I, before the World, will raife, To thee, my God, loud Songs of Praiie; Thy Name in great ArTemblies bleffing, My Thanks with humble Joy expreffing: Lord, fuffer not my caufelefs Foes, ~iHIiIpi~ Who me do moil uniuilly hate-, ZJ£=±1 With open Joy or fecret Signs, To triumph in my fad Eftate. 10. In framing Lies they never ceafe, With wicked Hearts averfe to Peace ; Againfl the Juft they have combined, I=HH 1*E?~ Who are to Quiet {till inclined : Nor with thefe private Arts content, _ They vent their Spite aloud to aTf, And fay, " At lalt we have our Wifh, " With PleafurFwe behokThim fall/' " Ie^ 1 11, But thou, O Lord, who doft furvey, Both no PSALM XXXV. Both them and me, keep not away ; l^liiliir^ :*: -.-£=r=:^f±— *z====r.j.- But let thy Servant be defended, And in his Innocence befriended : Lord! as my Heart has upngnt been, Let me thy Juitice ever hnd ; IN or let my cruel Foes obtain, The Triumphs which tney nave deiign'd. 12. Oh let them not exulting lay, " At length he is become our Prey -, " Our fonder! Wiihcs are compieaied, " There — there he lies by us defeated." _ Let iuch as in my Hurt rejoic'd, a With Shame confus'd, their Faces hide ; Difhonour be their Lot, who have Themlelves againfl me magnihed. _jj. Whilit conitant Bleifings lhall attend, On thofe who my juft Caule bernend-, By them, O Lord, Ihak thou be praifed, To thee mall all their Songs be railed : So PSALM XXXVI. 1 1 1 So {hall my Tongue thy Judgments fmg, Inipired with a grateful joy ; And chearful Hymns in praife of thee, My God! mall all my Days employ. PSALM XXXVT. J HE wicked Man's Tranfereffion proves, He fears not God, but Falfnood loves ; Mifchievous Arts conceiving : The crafty Foe, with flatt'ring Lies, His curfed Purpofe would difguife, In him there's no believing : Rut his dark Plots expos'd to Shame, Shall fhew his Friendfhip's but a Name, Whate'er is his Profefilon ; His wakeful Malice fpends the Night, In forging his accurfed Spite, In Schemes of great Oppreffion. 2. But, Lord, thy Mercy's my fure Hope, Thy facred Truth's unmeafur'd Scope, Beyond 112 PSALM XXXVI. Beyond the Skies extending •, Thy Juftice, like the Hills, remains, Thy Providence the World fuftains, :£=^: All Things on thee depending. Since of thy Goodnefs all partake, Thy melt'ring Wings the Saints mall make, A Refuse for Protection. pq=r:-z=— ; Such Guefts fhall to thy Courts be led, And drink as from a Fountain Head, Of Joy, in full Perfection. 3. Thy Prefence is eternal Day, To upright Hearts, O Lord ! difplay, Thy Truth's invalued Treafure ; Oh ! let thy Saints thy Favour gain ! With thee the Springs of Life remain, The Springs of Joy and Pleafure. Whilft they, at me, infulting fpurn, &z- 3e^E=^= ^eir Mifchiefs on themfelves return, Z3E m For thou haft me protected : My L M XXXVII. t*| PSA * llill=l==i==i=^i^ they would furprize, §§=!==§: =^f== fall'n, no more to rife, But down_they?re_^g=|^|E^^^^^^ ll=§=i==iE=i^l rejected, By all Mankinc , A L M XXXVII. TIllil=E53 wicked Men grow rich and great, HOU fe^^iEg^gS=EH£ fi^^EE^fe not their fuccefsful State |fe Thy Anger or thy Envy raife, ill Howe'er they boaft of blifsful Days : if For they cut down like tender Grafs, f Shall find their Glories quickly pafs ; Or like a Flow'r that droops its Head, Whofe Beauty foon begins to fade. 2. Depend on God, and him obey, So thou within the Land (halt flay ; Secure from Danger and from Want, And he fhall thy Petitions grant : Make his Commands thy chief Delight, And then thy Duty to requite ; To Al thee in Mercy he'll impart/""" ( P The ii4 PSALM XXXVIL ^ ^__. . 3/ ifL all thy Ways jru^houj ^J^-^g ^— ? == ^AnTl^iffT^^^ All thy Concerns to him refir- Who'll perfect ev'ry juft Defign : ji_— ^nrr^ He'll make, as Light, ferene and clear '^hz^-p^^ Thy clouded Innocence appear; \ — ?: And will thy Righteoufnefs difplay* ^= Bright as the Sun's meridian Ray. \= With quiet Mind, on God depend, And patiently for him attend •, Nor let it e'er thy Anger ralfe, When thofe who follow finful Wavs, With large PoiTefTions ftill abound, And with Proiperity are crown'd : But let thy Soul at once dcfpife Them, and the Plots which they devffe. ( 5. From Anger ceafe, and Wrath forfake *, =5 Let no ungovern'd Paffion make ~^V PSALM XXXVII. 115 Thy wav'ring Heart efpoufe their Crime, But trull in God, and wait his Time ; For he mail finful Men deftroy 5 Whilfl only they the Land enjoy, Who humbly feek the Lord moft high, And with firm Hope on him rely. 6. How foon fhall wicked Men decay ! JZz Their Place fhall vanifh quite away ; Nor fhall, by ftri&eit Search, be leen, ::$— The Traces where they once have been : WhiLft humble Souls pofTefs the Earth, l*?=i§g= _Rejoicing ftill with Godly Mirth ; With Plenty they mail ftill abound, With gentle Peace be ever crbwn'd. PART II. 7. While finful Crouds, with falfe Defign, Againft the righteous few combine, And gnafh their Teeth, and daring ftand, To And (hake the vengeful threat'ning Hand ; God n6 PSALM XXXVII. God fhall their empty Plots deride, And laugh at their defeated Pride ; And while his Juftice they defy, He lees their utter Ruin nigh. 8. They draw the Sword, and bend the Bow, The Poor and Needy to o'erthrow ; They pra&ife Mifchief ev'ry Day, The Men of upright Lives to flay : But their ftrong Bows fhall foon be broke, se; ii Their fharpen'd Weapon's mortal Stroke, Shall back to their own Bofoms turn, And make their Hearts with Anguifh burn. ^£EEE5E 9. A little, with God's Favour blefs'd, That's by a righteous Man poflfefs'd, Is always to be valued more Than all the Sinner's coilly Store : E2E For God fupports the juft Man's Cauie ; But a7~rbr thofe who break his Laws* On them he will his Vengeance Ihow'r, And PSALM XXXV1L "7 sss And quell their unliiccefsful Pbw'r. 10. His conftant Care the Upright guides, Arid over all their Life prefides ; Efc J_: H* Their Portion mail for ever laft ; The Fruits of Plenty they jfhall talte 5 And when Diftrefs o'erwhelms the Earth, :33l=xt=:-: Shall ftand unmov'd •, and ev'n in Dearth, The Lord fhall all their Wants fupply, *=^ £=ifc And make their Hearts o'erflow with Joy. 1 1 . Not fo the wicked Men, and thole, Who boldly dare God's Will oppofe ; Deftruclion is their certain Lot; Their very N ames mall be forgot: ^— ■^=—=^=~^^ Like Fat of Lambs, their Hopes and they H=i!H!iiiii!p=ir :fc±$=: Shall in an Inftant melt away ; Like Smoke, that vanifhes in Air, So lhall they quickly disappear. PART III. 12. While Sinners, brought to lad Decay, Still u8 PSALM XXXVIL Still borrow on, and never pay ; The juft have Pow'r and V\~ill to give, And fhall in flowing Plenty live : For fuch as God vouchlafes to blefs, Shall peaceably the Earth poflefs ♦, And thofe he curfes, ihall not ftand, — -r it- Hi But fall by his Almighty Hand, fe i|. The good Man's Way is God's Delight, He orders ail the Steps aright, Of him, who moves by his Command, And ftill upholds him with his Hand : Though he fometimes may be diltrefs'd, Yet fhall he ne'er be quite opprefs'd ; Since God with Help is always nigh, For thofe who on his Pow'r rely. 14. Though Age doth o'er my Youth prevail, Yet faw I ne'er the Righteous fail, Or Want o'ertake his num rous Race •, God made his Offspring's Wealth increafe •, Becaufe PSALM XXXVII. 119 HBecaufe Companion filTd his Heart, ""And he How i4o PSALM XLIV. How thou did ;t plant them by thy Hand, __ And drove the Heathen from this Land. 2." For not their Courage, nor their Sword, To them this great Poileflion gave; Nor Strength that rrom unequal Force, Their fainting Troops could ever iave; _But thy right Hand, which they implor'd, __ Thy Prefence, which they ftill ador'd. 3. As thee their God, our Fathers ownM, So thou art now our fov'reign King ; +1. . ! t> eJ Oh therefore, as thou didft to them? ' To us thy kind Deliv'rance bring •, For thro' thy Name, our Foes we quell, Whene'er againft us they rebel. 4. I'll neither truft my Bow, nor Sword, When I in Battles fierce engage-, ' But thee, who haft our Foes iubdu'd, And put to jfhame their ipiteful Rage: . In God, from whom the Conqueft came, We PSALM XLIV. 141 We will rejoice and biels his Name. ^ PART II, 5. But thou halt ca(t us off, and now Molt m~amefuTly we're forc'd to yield ; For thou no more vouchiaf 'it to lead, Our vanquifn'd Armies to the Field ; To ev'ry Foe we turn in Flight, _ And with our Spoil they fcalt their Spite. 6. To Slaughter doom'd, we tail Tike Sheep Into their cruel butch'nng Hands-, _Or what's more wretched yet, iurvive Dilpers'd throughout the Heathen Lands-, Thy People thou haft valu'd low, __Tnat their Dilgrace may greater grow. 2^_Keproach'd by all the Neighbours round, The Heathen's By- word we are grown, Whole icorn or us, is both in Speech, __And in provoking GeiWes Ihewn: My Face in conicious Shame 1 hide, Whilft 142 Whilft they blafpJiemejn haughty Pride. . . 8. On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n, All this Difgrace we have endured, Yet have not, Lord, renounced thy Name, Or Faith to thee, our God, abjur'd; But in thy Paths have kept with Care, Tho' brought to Danger and Defpair. 9. Could we, forgetting thy great Name, Oh Lord, on other Gods rely, And not the Searcher of all Hearts, The treach'rous Crime at once defcry ? For thee we daily Wrongs fuftain, And are like Sheep doom'd to^be flain. iii^ii=i^=ir 10. Awake, arife, let fee ming Sleep No longer thee, our God, detain ; Nor let us, Lord, who fue for Aid, :^— Forever fue to thee in vain ; But haiten thou to our Relief, And let thy Prefence banifh Grief. 11. Oh 1 1 . Oh wherefore hideft thou thy Face, From our afflicted ruin'd State? i==£i Whole Souls and Bodies fink to Earth, Beneath our Grief's oppreffive Weight : Up, Lord, and us in Safety take! Oh help us for thy Mercy's Sake 1 •^ *- M PSALM XLV. I Y chearful Mind a good Defign fhall frame, Whilft I the King's loud Praifes do proclaim ; My Tongue directed by my joyful Heart, Is like a Pen that's us'd with ready Art : How matchlefs is thy Form, O Kino; renown'd ! ££_ __»_ . ~ • 2. * k ft — _ With beaming Glories are thy Temples crown'd, Thy Mouth with Grace continually o'erflows, Becaufe frefh BlefTmgs God on theebeftows. 2. Gird on thy Sword, O Prince! in Might excel, Gird on that Sword which doth thy Foes repel •, And clad in Ornaments and rich Array, Majeftic Pomp, reiiftlefs Pow'r difplay : Ride I4«- Ride on in State, and ftill the Meek protect, "Thy dreadful Wrath againft thy Foes direct *=*=*zk Let thv right Hand with fwift Revenue purfue, All thofe who ftrive againft the Juft arid True7 9. The fhnrpen'd Weapons which thy Hands direct, ~ "Thv humbled Foes fhall tp thy WilTTubjeft; - Down, down they fall, who dare thy Pow'r oppofe, Whiift thro' their Hearts the fcather'd Arrow goes; But thou, O God! mail firmly fit enthron'd, And thy iuft Rule by all Mankind be own'd ; Thy Scepter's Swav forever to endure, Shall always make thy righteous Laws fecure. 4 Becaufe thy Heart hath upright Ways approv'd ; Thd pure ft Truths and ftri&eft Juftice lov'd; And hated ftill in crooked Paths to move, Where wand'ring Sinners ever thoughtlefs rove : Therefore, thy God, did thee to reign appoint, And with the Oil of Joy thv Head anoint : With Caffia, Aloes "and Myrrh abound, Thy PSALM XLV. «+5 Thy royal Robes, and fpread their Odours round. PART IL 5. Amongft thy honourable Women plac'd, /. Do princely Virgins Hand, with Beauty grac'd ; The glorious Queen herfelf in State did (land, Array'd in golden Robes, at thy right Hand. But to my Words, O royal Bride, give Ear, And my Inftructions with Attention hear; Forget thy Country, and each former Friend, U- And on the King alone, with Hope depend, 6. So mail thy Beauty more inviting be •, So fhall his conftant Love encreafe to thee : Since he's thy LoRD,to him thy Homage pay, And his Affections ne'er ihall know decay. The Tyrian Matrons fhall rich Prefents make, And daily ftrive thy Favours to partake : The King's fair Daughter inward Graces fill, ;=^e^; Her Raiment is of Gold, adorn'd with Skill. 7. She with her nuptual Garments, wide difplay'd, T In f#& PSALM XLVL In coftly Robes of Needle Work array'd •, fa. g.^ ^»-=g T'i*:. » f » — *±: While Virgin Trains, attending, (land around, Shall to the King be brought with Glory crown'd. .With all the State that folemn Pomp can fhow, With all the Luftre Riches can bellow ; The grand Proceflion flowly moves along, Ilii 'Till the wide Gates receive the pompous Throng. 8. Then, iii the Room thy jroyal Father grac'd, Expecl to fee thy princely Orfspringplac'd; Whom thou in State to different Realms mayft fend, To govern there, and Juftice to defend. Whilft this my Song, to future Times preferv'd, _Shall tell the Praifes, thy great Name deferv'd. And make the World, with one Confent proclaim, Thy lafting Glory and perpetual Fame. =*£== G PSALM XL VI. TOD is our Refuge in Diftrefs, A prefent Help when Dangers prefs; On him for Safety we rely'd, And PSALM XLVI. 147 r-- -+- r __ "And in his Strength we will confide: ThoT~Earth werefrom "to Cejige t(^>_: = And Mountains in the Ocean ioitj_ ___ r Or lofty Hills from their Abode, ____ _____ TorrrPTece-Meal, by~the ro_^ng_J^^^__. 2. Let angry Waves together roll'd, ^ Rage on with Fury uncontroul'dj We will not tear, whilit we depend_^ On God, who is our conftant Friend : A gentler Stream, that ever flows, And Joy to all around beftows, The City of the Lord mall fill. The City where he's worfhip'd itill. 3. God dwells in Sion, whole ftrong Tow'rs, j>hall mock th'Aflault of earthry_iJow'rs, To thofe who on his Strength rely. In Tumults, when the Heathen rag'd, -___?. v.— And Kingdoms War againft us wag'd, In I4§ PSALM XLVI. :=* ■^= In Thunders loud his Voice was heard, And loon their Forces diiappear'd. P A R T II. 4. The Lord or Hoits conducts our Arms, 1~ jQur Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms j Our Father's Guardian he hath been, And we his tender Love have feen. Come fee what Pow'r he hath diiplay'd._ _ His . People ne'er ihall be diimay'd •, For them he hath thefe Wonders wrought, ii And on the Larth Deftruclion brought. 5. Abroad he hath his Venereance hurl'd, =1=11=1=1=1^111 ^And^ aw'd to Peace the jarring World; He doth deftroy the Spear and Bow, _ And into"- Flames their Chariots throw:. J=i==3=i^ With Rev'rence be the Lord addrefe'd^ The Earth her Sov'reign hath conrefs'd ± " ^The Heathen lhall his Pow'r obey, And yield to his Almighty Sway, 6. The PSALM XLVII. 149 6. The God of Holts, contiu&s our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms; Our Fathers Guardian he hath been, And we his wond'rous .Love have ieen. PSALM _XL Vn-_ \ E ^People clap your Hands, And with glad Voices fing; No Force the Pow'r withitands, Of God, the mighty King. For us in Battle he lhall fight, __________ The Nations round to quell, And fix where we mult dwell, The Pride of Jacob, his Dengnt. 2. God is gone up our King, With Shouts and Trumpets lound, To him loud Praifes ling, And let the Song go round-, For him, who all the World commands, Your utmoft Skill be ihewiij Who 15° P S A L M XLVIH. ■»- -s ^ — : ■ — \\ no from ms nc-httous Throne, , v tg 7 Extends nia Sway o'er Heathen L.. Are to the People join'd, Aora'ams God aciore, th pure and upright Mina: , idr rrom nence to ierve him came, :^=x: I Succour fend, His People to derena: ror great and glorious is rus iName, PSALM XLVIII. T X H£ Lord, the only God is great, And therefore greatly to be prais'dj ... Slop, on whole happy Mount, His everlasting Throne :s rais'd-, Pi » t - Sion :s tne cholen P:ace. Where he unveils his glorious Face^ 2. Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth, In ftrong and beauteous Order rife* On PSALM XKY] i5i hrr North Side, 12's" Surer?, in"* q. God in her Police- is known. ■ful Prefence is her Guard; ne> wkhdrev. their ci:r . And : Succefs at one :hi . Nor could their Ar:::ir^ e'er prevail, Should th: ■".: rheir Faroe aflail With Sorrow .:::d with Terror ::ru;k Like Women, whom the fudden Panss Of haftv Tra-rc took. Thou, by the Fro Wind male The Shir? * '"..it w; ; annov. In Sion we h.r A Work : ? :o u> : In Pledge ::ut Gob for Times to tx 1 52 P S A I, M XLVIII. His Holy City will uphold: We on thy loving Kindnels ftay'd, Which in thy Temple is difplay'd. 6. According to thy Sovereign Name, Thy .Praiie, Q Lord! thro* _Earth~ extends;""" Thy pow'rful Arm, as Juftice guides, Chaftiles Mankind or defends: Thy Hand, almighty Pow'r mall mow, And Men thy Righteoulneis fhall know. 7. Let Sion's Mount with Joy refound, And let her Daughters all be taught, In Songs his Judgment to extoll, Who hath this great Deliv'rance wrought, Your Eyes around her Bulwarks eaft, Xnd fee if any Stone's difplac'd. 8. Count well her Tow'rs, her Fojts iurvey, Obferve their Strength and Order well, That with AfTurance to your Heirs, This Wonder you may juftly tell : This This God, while wc in him confide, Thro' Life, till Death, fhall be our Guide. PSALM XLIX. ' w II ITH joint Confent let all the World attend, And let my Precepts in their Hearts defcend, "Let high and low, and rich and poor, give Ear, And my Inftructions with Attention hear : My Mouth lupply'd with Wifdom from my Heart, Shall facred Oracles to you impart; — 4. .53E= The found Refult of prudent Contemplation, And Thoughts digefted for your Information^ 2. Mine Ear I will to Parables incline, _ Whilft to my Harp I fing the deep Defign. In dang'rous Times why fhould my Courage fail, Tho' wicked Men againft me would prevail : Ii^H=il^^^ii^l=fi=iIi^iit Thofe Men, who all their Hopes in Treafure place, And boaft to iee their ill-got Wealth incrcafe, I^IiUlI^i^^lIillil^flSllllfl Cannot from Death, their deareft Friend deliver, Or change the WiTFof God, that's fix'd forever. U 3. la XLIX. 3. In this, their vain Endeavours they muft quit, The Mark is far too high for them to hit; No Sums of Wealth a Grant fo large can buy, That Man, by Nature mortal, mould not die •, No Wifdom can fecure the Wife from Death, Nor Fools by Folly ft ay their fleeting Breath ; But both muft fall, their Wealth muft be refigned, And in the Grave their mould'ring Duft confined. 4. For tho' they think their Names will have no End, But unto diftant Ages fhall extend; That all their {lately Seats mail ftill endure, And that their Lands and Treafures are fecure. Yet (hall they fan\ how great fo e_'er their State^ AncTwith the Beafts fhall meet one common Fate; ^harlranfrenrGiory "fhafl be difrefpe~c~ted7 Their Memory forgot, and quite neglected, PART III -.- - 1. HIP =5^=^^II1=ee1111? 5. How~gTeatly then7 their Folios to_be_ blam'd. Who walk in Error ever unreclaim'd ; Whofe -^v-Lii^v. *55 "Whole Children ftill repeat the grofs Miftake7 And like their Sires, abfurd Conclufions maket They all like Sheep, when to the^ Slaughtered ," The Prey of all devouring Death are made Their Beauty (whiift the Righteous are protected^ Within the dreary Tomb fhall lie neglected. 6. But God fhall ihatch me from th' expecting Grave, And fhall my Soul unto himfelf receive : Then fear not thou, tho' worldly Men abound, gES- In envy'd Wealth, and are with Honour crown'd ; Nor let their profp'rous State difturb thy Peace, Altho' their large PofTefTions ftill encreafe; f ^s mr For when they die, their Wealth muit be refigned, mm^ *^* £^iES="=5! And ail their Glory in the Grave confined. 7 . And yet, enticed in the Flatt'rers Snare, They tho't their State was bleft, and took no Care~; Their Father's Steps they tread, and when they die, i^ In endlefs Darknefs, like their Father lie ; For Man, how great fo-e'er his State may be, U 2 Uhlefc Unlcfs he walks from Vice and Folly free* As like a Beaft, he hath his Life directed, So fhall he perifli like a Beaft neglected. PSALM L. X HE Lord hath fpoke, the mighty God Hath fent his Summons all abroad, From dawning Light till Day declines ; The lift'ning Earth his Voice has heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where Beauty in Perfection lhines. 2. Our God fhall come, and keep no more, Mifconftru*d Silence as before; But wafting Flames before him fend: Around (hall Tempefts fiercely rage, While he docs Heaven and Earth engage, His juft Tribunal to attend. j. " Aflemble all my Saints to me, (Thus runs the great divine Decree,) "ThaTln my lafting Covenant live; And PSALM L. '5f " And QfPrings bring with conftant Care." The Heav'ns his Juftice fhall declare, For God himfelf fhall Sentence give. ' 4. Attend my People, llrael hear, 3fiE=^: Thy ftrong Accufer I'll appear; 1 i I P3~ Thy God, thy only God, am I, 'Tis not of OrFrings I complain, Which, daily in my Temple (lain, My facred Altar did fupply. 5. Will this alone Attonement make? No Bullocks frorrTthy Stall I'll takeT" Nor He-Goat from thy Fold accept: The Foreft Beads that range alone, The Cattle too are all my own, 1 hat on a thoufand Hills are kept. 6. I know the Fowls that build their Nefts, In craggy Rocks; and Savage Beafts, fe=I That loofely haunt the open Fields : If feiz'd with Hunger, I could be, 10 PSALM L. ^=j^s^=ili=^i=; I need not feek Relief from thee; H2===T4E Since the World's mine, and all it yields. ;=z-7$z:^z fc£: iimili=H=HiIli 7. Th'ink'ft thou, that 1 have any need,__ On ilaughter'd Bulls and Goats to feed, To_ eat their Fleih and drink their Blood I The Sacrifices 1 require, '.=■•!-_ _Are Hearts which Love and Zeal infpire, And Vows with itri&elt Care made good. 8^ InJTimes of Trouble, call on me, 3= And I will let thee iafe and free, And thou Returns of Praife fhall make; But to the Wicked, thus faith God, How_dar'ft thou teacfTmy Laws abroad, _Or in_thy_Mouth my Cov'nant take? gf Fo£ ltubborn thou, confirm'd in Sin, Haft Proof againlTrnfoucTion been] __And_of my Word didft lightly fpeak : ^WfeTlhotTaluK^ Thou gladly did'it with him agree, And PSALM L. 159 ^¥ And with Adult'rers didft partake. 10. Vile Slander is thy chief Delight: •, Thy Tongue, by Envy mov'd and Spite, Deceittul Tales does hourly fpread-, Thou dolt with hateful Scandals wound, iiii^liil^ *L= Thy_Brother, and with Lies confound, The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed. 11. Thefe Things didft thou, whom ftilll ftrove _To_gain, with Silence and with Love-, 'Till thou _did'ft wickedly furmife, _ That I was fuch a one as thou •, But Pll reprove and fhame thee now, And fet thy STns_before thy Eyes._ _ jt2. Mark this, ye wicked Fools, left I Let all my Bolts of Vengeance fly, Whilit none fh all dare your Caufe to own. 1^^=11=^11=111 3== Who praifes me, due Honour gives; lllilli^il^feiEli^ir My ftrong Salvation ihall be ihown. PSAtM ;6o PSALM LI PSALM LI. T HY Mercy, Lord, extend to me, - As thou wert ever kind; Let me, opprefs'd with Loads of Guilt, Thy wonted Mercy find: 1: '■« ^ Wafti ofl^my foul Offence, And cleanfe me from my Sin; For I confefs my Crime, and fee 2. Againft thee, O my God, alone, And only in thy Sight, Have I tranfgrefs'd, and tho' condemn'd, Muft own thy Judgment right: In Guilt each Part was form'd, Of all this finful Frame; In Sin I was conceiv'd and born, The haplefs Heir of Guilt and Shame. 3. Yet thou, whofe ever fearching Eye, Does inward Truth require. In PSALM LI. 161 In fecret did'ft with Wifdom's Laws, With Hyifop purge me, Lord, And fo I clean mall be; I mail with Snow in Whitenefs vie, When wafh'd and purify'd by thee. 4. Make me, O Lord, to hear with Joy, Thy kind forgiving Voice-, That fo the Bones which thou haft broke, May with frefh Strength rejoice. Blot out my crying Sins, Nor me in Anger view, Create in me a Heart that's clean, A juft and upright Mind renew. PART II. Jlii 5. Withdraw not thou thy Help, O Lord ' Nor caft me from thy Sight; Nor let thy Holy Spirit take Its everlafting Flight. The 162 if b A JL M LJt. I he joy thy Favour gives, Let me again obtain; And thy free Spirit's firm Support, My feeble fainting Soul iuitain. 6. So I thy juit and righteous Ways, To Sinners will impart; WHiCt my Advice mail wicked Men, To thy juit Laws convert. My Guiit of Blood remove, 7 My Saviour and my God-, And my glad Tongue ihall loudly tell, Thy Truth and righteous Acts abroad. 7. Do thou, O Lord, unlock my Lips, With Sorrow clos'd and Shame •, So mail my Mouth thy wond'rous Praiie, To all the World P£°claim1_ Could Sacrifice atone, _^_ Whole Flocks and Herdsfhould die; But on i'uch Oft'rings, Lord, thou do'ft Difdajn PSALM LIT. 163 i=i Dildain to cait a gracious Eye. 8. A humble Spirit is alone, EE=E=£ By God molt highly priz'd-, By him a contrite broken Heart, ; 1 Shall never be deipis'd. Let Sion ever be Of thy good Will ailur'd; Let thy own City rlounlh long, _ By ftrong and lofty Walls lecur'dL _ 9:_|Tis there the Righteous mall attend, And pleafing Tribute pay; __ And Sacrifice of choiceft Kind, Upon thy Altar "lay. PSALM LII. X N Vain,""Q Man, of lawlefs Pow'r, Thou boaft's thyfelf in 111; Since God, who is my Strength and Tow'r, _Vouchfafes his Favour itill : Secur'd by his Almighty Hand, Your 164. PSALM LII. Your Malice I withftand. a. Thy Tongue To~Mifchier"ftiH inclin'd^ Doth QandVous Tales devife; ;^- Thy Heart in Malice hath deiign d, To wound with treach'rous Lies-, ^ In/ Thoughts thou doll in Schemes employ. The ^Righteous to deftr^y. 3. Thy Tongue delights in Words, whereby 11111111^11*= "" 1 he Lruiitleis are opprefs'd ; but Cjod mall all thy jt'ow'r defy, And thou in alt be fupprefs'd ; The Lord mall not permit thy Stay, Fut {hatch thee ioon away. 4. The Jult, who wait w.th pious Fear, Thy fudden Fall to lee-, Atlatt fhall find thee quite o'erthrown, _And from thy Ruin flee-, " They at the Downfal of thy Pride, Snail thus with Joy denae 5, « See 5- " See there the Msn who God defy'd; " And on his Wealth and Art rely'd, To be protected ftill: " His Pride, which more and more did grow, *L =-*' Is now at laft brought low." 6. But I am like thofe Olive Plants, Which fhade God's Temple round; I And hope with his refrefhing Grace, To be forever crown'd: In his Indulgence I'll rejoice, And fhout with chearful Voice. 7. So fhalt thou ftill, O God, be prais'd, mr For all thy wond'rous Love, And thy great Name in Anthems rais'd, For this thy Saints approve : While on thy Word I reft fecure, Which ftands forever fore. PSALM I DO r O A Lt 1V1 J.,111. PSALM LIII. J[ HE wicked Fools muft fure fuppofe, That God is nothing but a Name; This grofs Miftake their Practice mows, Since Truth and Juitice all difclaim : In each corrupt and finful Way, Their wicked Hearts have gone aftray. 2^ The Lord look'd down from Heav'ns high Tow'r,~ The num'rous Race of Men to view, To fee if any own'd his Pow'r,, If any Truth or Jufbice knew •, But all he faw were backward gone, None for Religion car'd, — not one. 3. But are thofe Workers of Deceit, So very dull and fenfelefs grown, That they like Bread my People eat,_ And God's Almighty Pow'r difown_? Will they his Juftice ne'er proclaim, __ Nor call upon his Holy Name ? 4. Their P S A L M LIV. i67 4. Their caufelefs Fears flfait flronger grow; And ail the Enemies of God Shall foon be foil'd; his Hands fhall throw Their Limbs and fhatter'd Bones abroad. Thus fhall thy Foes be cloath'd with Shame, Becaufe thy God defpifeth them. ilfillliiill^l^l^llilllli 5. O let thy faving Help appear^ '*f Salvation out of Sion fend; Thy People's earner! Prayers hear. And to our conflant Sighs attend When thou fhall break our fervile Band, Our Joys fhall echo through the Land. L _P SAL M_ LIV^ O R D fave me, for thy glorious Name, In thy refifilefs Strength appear To judge my Caufe, and to my Pray'r j Vouchsafe to lend a gracious Ear: Mere Stangers whom I never wrong'd, Againftmy Safety have defign'd, And i68 PSALM LV. And cruel Men that fear no God, To take my Soul have clofe combin'd. 2. But God takes part with all my Friends, And he's indeed the fureft Guard; The God of Truth mail on my Foes, ^=z~- Pour down their Falfhood's juft Reward. Whilft I my grateful Offerings bring, And facrifice with grateful Joy, And in his Praife my Time to come, !=; With holy Extacy employ. 3. From dreadful Danger and Diftrefs, The Lord of Life hath fet me free-, And through his Strength, of all my Foes, The juft Deftruclion T fhall fee. |!!^tE=EE*?= PSALM LV. V ]f IVE Ear, thou Judge oTzXi the Earth, _ And liften when to thee I pray, Nor from thy humble Suppliant turn, Thy glorious Face, O Lord, away, Do PSALM LV. 169 Do thou bow down thy gracious Ear, I^i^i Wffilft Tluylrwurnful Cafe declare. 2713ark7~how~the Foe infults aloud, And~how~my fierce Oppreffbrs rage; "WhofeTland'ring Tongues agciinft my Fame, With growing Malice ftill engage: "My^oul's with trembling Fears diftrefs'd, ~~ My Heart with Horror quite opprefs'd. 3. How often wifh I then, that I - The Dove's fwift foaring Wings could get; That I might take my fpeedy Flight, And find out fome fecure Retreat: Then would I through wild Defarts {tray, 'Till this fierce Storm had pafs'd away. illlliiE=l=lI=i^=l^^i==I== A^^Deftroy,^ Q Lord, their ill Defigns, Do thou their Counfels foon divide; i^§mm :§~~ For through, the City my griev'd Eyes, __Have nought but Strife and Rapine fpy'd: Within her Walls . they walk their round, . . •; X Where 170 PSALM LV. Where Grief and Mifchief ftill is found. pgs:- — ~^-: 5. Whoe'er through every Part will roam, Shall ever frefh Dilbrders meet; Deceit and Guile their conftant Pofts, ill Have ftill maintain'd in ev'ry Street: Daily their wicked Plots encreafe, ^iiiiiiiiiiii Their treach't^is Actions never ceafe. 6^ JTwas not my open Foe profefs'd, Who thefe fevere Reflections made; For then I could with Eafe have borne, 5^ £ The many bitter Things he faid And when he did againft me rife, Have hid from his malicious Eyes. 55 7. But 'twas ev'n thou, my Guide, my Friend, Whofe fweet Advice I valued moil, Whofe Pray'rs were always mix'd with mine Ev'n thou, whofe Coaverfe I approv'd, My Bt=*"" P * f s A L M LV. 171 My Bofom Friend, whom -Jb: a.— moft I lovU f83™3E: — ■'—- 3:=%= s ^— ^ : : 8. Sure Vengeance, equal to their Crimes, Such faithlefs Traitors muft furpnfe-, And fudden Death requite thofe Ills, Which they with wicked Hearts devife — :$:: — But God fhall in my Aid appear, _And Night and Day my Voice fhall hear. 9. God has released my Soul from thole, That did againft my Life contend-, And made a num'rous Hoft of Friends, At length my righteous Caufe defend : The Lord my mournful ^Voice fhall hear, And punifh thole who know no Fear. 10. Whom can I truft, if faithlefs Men, 2T- To ruin me, their peaceful Friend, And bafely break the ftrongeft Ties : Their Hearts with War and Strife abound, Their Words though fmooth like Daggers vround. X 2 11. Do 172 PSALM LVI. ii. Do thou, my Soul, on God depend, iir And he mall then thy Life iuftain-, He aids the Juft, whom to fupp'lant, The Wicked ever ftrive in vain: :£=g=^=E=; S;— «:: My Foes_fhall all untimely die, Whilft I for Health on GoD~rely." PSALM LVI. _X HY Mercy, Lord, to me extend^ Againft my Foes my Life defend; Bafe Men perpetual Strife renewing, With daily Wrongs are me pitrfuing: Continually my fpiteful Foes, To ruin me, with Joy combine-, Thou feeft, who fit'lt enthron'd on high, What mighty Hofts againft me_join. 2. But though fometimes furpriz'd with Fear, When firft I think the Danger near; Yet have I ibll on thee depended, That my juil Caufe mould be defended: God's P S A L M LVL *73 God's faithful Promife I mall praife, . On which T;fte4faMy rely;"' ~ ~ In God I truft, and trufting him, The ftrongeft Arm of £lefh. defy. 3. My Words they purpofeiy miftake, And by perverting, make them fpeak A Meaning which I ne'er defigned; Thus are their Thoughts to 111 inclined. In clofe AfTemblies they combine, And then moft wicked Projects lay ; :±-^=:r=±: They watch my Steps, and lie in wait, _To jnake my harmlefs Soul their Prey. 4. Lord, wilt thou not fuch Wrongs regard, Shall they rjot meet their jufl Reward ! As they have trea.ch'rous Things devifed, So let them be by thee chaitiied. i^x— =: Thou numb' reft all my wand'ring Steps, Since I was firft compell'd to flee, My very Tears are treafur'd up,""" O 174 PSALM LVL O God ! and regiiter'd by thee. \-£=l 5. My Foes ihali therefore be o'erthrown •, For God my jighteous Caufe will own •, And fince to him my Pray Vs directed, I know that I fhall be protected. I'll trull God's Word, and fo defpife, Whatever Force Mankind can raife : To thee, O God ! my Vows are due, To thee alone I'll render Praife. ;=3P=£ 6. Thou, Lord, malt make my Footfleps fure. Thou, Lord, fhalt make my Life fecure •, My Soul from Death thou haft retrieved, And from furrounding Foes relieved, That thus protected by thy Pow'r, I may this Light in Peace enjoy, — : SALM LX. ' GOD, who haft our Troops difperft, ^zf=:=r3E=s Forfaking thofe who'd left thee firft; As we thy juft Difpleafure mourn, To us in Mercy, Lord, return. 2. Our Strength, that firm as Earth did ftand, Is rent by thy avenging Hand; O heal the Breaches thou haft made; C— rrft We ihake, we fall, without thy Aid. 3. Our Folly's fad Effects we feel, For drunk, with Difcord's Cup, we reel;, But now for them who thee rever'd, Thou haft thy Truth's bright Banner rear'd. 4. Let thy right Hand thy Saints protecT, Lord i84 PSALM LX. Lord, hear the Pray'rs that we direct. The holy God has fpoke, and I O'erjoy'd on his firm Word rely. " 5. To thee in Portions I'll divide, " Fair Sichem's Soil, Samaria's Pride, tc To Sichem Succoth next Til join, Cfe And meakire out her Vale bv Line. lt 6. ManafTeh, Gilead, both fubfcribe, tc To my Commands, with Ephraim's Tribe: " Ephraim by Arms fupports my Caufe, " And Tudah by religious Laws. " 7. Moab my Slave and Drudge lhall be, ** Nor Edom from my Yoke get free; ct Proud Palleftine's imperious State, " Shall humbTy on my Triumph wait." 8. But who mail quell thefe mighty Pow'rs, And clear my Way to Edom's Tow'rs? Or thro' her guarded Frontier^ trea Nor let your Hearts on worldly Gain, Be P S A L M LXIII. 189 Be fixt with fuch Delight and Pleaiure. z*=l 5=ES 8. For God has oft his Will exprefs'd, And is of boundieis Pow'r pofTels'd ; In him are Grace and Truth united: Though Mercy in his Works takes Place, Yet for their Deeds, the human Race, 3»3=: Shall by his Juitice be requited. o gE|gE PSALM LXIII. mm: H God, my gracious God, to thee My Morning Pray'rs fhall ofFer'd be ; Forxthee my thirfly Soul doth pant ; My parched Flem implores thy Grace, Within this dry and barren Place, Where I refrefhins Waters want. H^PiHHi; z^=r: 2. Oh! to my longing Eyes, once more, That View of glorious Pow'r reftore,. Which thy majeftic Houfe difplays : Becaufe to me, thy wond'rous Love, Than Life itfelf does dearer prove, My i9o PSALM LXIII. My Lips {hall always fpeak thy Praiie, 3. My Life, while fthif Life enjoy, In bleffing God I will employ, With lifted Harids adore his Name : tMy Soul's ContentTThall be as great, As theirs who choiceit Dainties eat, While I with Joy his Praiie proclaim. 4. When down I lie, iVeet Sleep to find, Thou, Lord, art greient to my Mind-, * And when I wa~ke~ln dead of_Night: _ Becaufe thou ftill doft Succour bring, Beneath the Shadow of thy Wing, gn^ln=i^iii§ir I reft with Safety and Delight. 5. My Soul, when Foes would me devour, _ "Cleaves faft tt> thee, whole matchlefs Pow'r,^ In her Suppbrt is daily jhown:_ ^ But thofe~the righteous Lord fhall Hay, _ ^T¥at"lny"15eftruaion wjjh, and they _ That feek my Life, fhall Iofe their own. 6. They PSALM LXIV. i9i 6. They by untimely Ends fhall die, Their Flefh a Prey to Foxes lie, ButTjop fhaU |[B~lhe King with JoyfT Who fwears by thee, fhall itill rejoice*, Whilft the falfe Tongue, and lying Voice, f hou, Lorp, fhalt filence and deftroy. JP S A L M lxivl JL/ORD, hear the Voice of my Complaint, And to rny humble Pray'r give Ear; Preferve my Life from cruel Foes, And free my troubled Soul from Fear; f _Hide me in fome fecure Retreat; The Plots of all my Foes defeat. ' 2. See how, intent to work my Harm, They whet their Tongues like fharpen'd Swords, And bend their Bows to fhoot their Darts, Deftruclive Lies and bitter Words: _In lecret, void of Fear and Shame, They~at the~Jtifl direcl~heir^im~ To 192 PSALM LXIV. 3* To carry on their ill Deflgns, In frequent Councils they agrees They fpeak of laying private Snares, And vainly think that none ft all iee^ _With Care their wicked Plots they lay, Their Hearts defigning to betray fe^ m i=ilEfei^ :$r::==- 4L ButGoD, to Anger jultly mov'd, His dreadful Bows mall iurely bend-, And on his flying Arrow's ,Pojnt ;% -yr— ■* Againft them fwift Deltruclion fend: : Y j-_ ^?E Their Slander on themfelves lhall fall, And they be fcorn'd and fhunn'd by all. 5. The "World fhali. then God's Pow'r confeis^_ :3Jl=:x: And frighten'd Nations trembling ftand; 11 Convinc'd that 'tis the mighty Work, Of his uprais'd avenging Hand:_ _^_ _For they mall fee his Pow'r, and own_ "That he is God fupreme alone.^ . 6. Whilit righteous Men whom he lecures, Shall PSALM LXV. *93 Shall in his Mercy gladly trult; And alt the lift'ning Earth fhall hear, The glorious Triumphs of the juit-, The true of Heart fhail blels his Name, And to the World their Joy proclaim. JP_SA L MLXV^ O thee, O God, we render Eraiie U==: From Sion, thy bleil Seat-, Our promis'd Altars there we'll raile, r promis a i\i Iii^l And all our Vows compleat. 3 =3^=*=!™ O thou, who to my humble Pray'r, Didft bend thy lift'ning Ear; To thee mail all Mankind repair, And at thy Throne appear. 2. Our Sins, tho' numberlefs, in vain To ftop rhy Mercy try, Whilft thou forgiv'ft the guilty Stain, _Xnd wafheft out the Dye. Bleft is the Man, who near thee plac'd, ' Within LXV. Within thy Dwelling lives! Whillt we at humbler DUtance taftey The Joy thy Temple gives. 3. By wondVous Ads, C^Gop, molt jufl, Have we thy Anfwer found: In the^remoteft Nations triu%~~ And thole whom Seas furround. G^d by his Strength lets fail the Hills, And does his Pow'r engage, With which the ftormy Waves he ftills, |=lill=ii^i'r~ And quells the People's Rage. PART II. mm a==£ 4. Thou, Lord, doll barb'rous Lands difmay, When they thy Tokens view; "With Joy they fee the Night and Day, Each other's Track puriue. From out thy unexhauiled Store, Thy Rains refreih the Ground; Make Lands, which barren were before, With PSALM LXV 195 i==te£ With Corn and Fruits abound. SSI 5. On riling Ridges downitpours. And ev'ry Valley fills; And in the fort prolific Showers, A blefs'd Increafe diftills. Thy Goodnefs does the circling Year, With fmiling Plenty crown; And where thy glorious Paths appear, Thy Clouds drop Fatnefs down. 6. They drop on barren Forefts, chang'd By them to Failures green; The Hills in beauteous Order rang'd, In Robes of Joy are feen, Large Flocks the chearful Downs adorn, The teeming Vallies bring A plenteous Crop of fuli-ear'd Corn, And fern to laugh and ling. PSALM 19° r o a l m jl,a.vi. PSALM LXVI. J_^E F all the Lancfs, Jehovah bleffing, To him their chearrul Voices raife; To his great Name their Jr'ialms addrefiing lx£gL Spread far abroad his glorious Praife: And let them fay, Lord, how excelling. In ail thy wond'rous Works, art thou ! Thy Foes againft thy Pow'r rebelling, Shall conquer' d be, and forc'd to bow. 2. The Nations round, thy Pow'r confeffing, Shall thee, their God fupreme, adore i Their Dread of thy great Name exprefling, In Hymns and Songs for ever more: O come, and view with Admiration, The Works of God ! and then you'll own, That he to ev'ry Age and Nation, _ Hath great and wond'rous Judgments mown. ' ^iiHIiiiIi=iHsii~ 3. The Sea, thro' which our Father's walked, By him was turn'd to folid Land* Of PSALM LXVI. 1 97 OfmiiTthey* to their Offspring talked, v ~!Tnd~prais'd the Wonders of his Hand. ~He~by' his Pow'r js ever reigning, H His Eye doth all the World iurvey ; ~7~* Let Man, preiumptuous Thoughts reftraining, Yield humble to his Sovereign Sway. 4. Thro' • all the Earth let God be blefled •, Ye Nations fpread abroad his Fraife: To him be all your Pray'rs addre/Ted, To him in Songs your Voices raife. 'Tis God that gives us fate Protection, 'Tis he that does our Lives fecurej Our Footiteps form'd by his Direction, li-r=z^— = W^W===£=^ ==g==S==s= Are made ,to tread the Path that's fure. 5. As Gold by tire becomes refined, And Ore is in the Furnace trv'd; l^iiiliiiillilliiiiiiiiiiii^i So, Lord, to know how we're inclined, Thou halt thy fe arching Pow'r apply'dT"" Thou X-l x»x Thou plac'd us in a low Condition," Where we oppreflive Burthens~~bore7 V- Qur Hearts were touched with deep Contrition, u-r^rzr We daily did thy Help implore. 6-_Our_Foes did us~lheiF"^la^s^Tftre(red7~ At once thro* Fire and Water chafeT" But ^ thou hail" all our Wrongs redrefled" :£ESE: And brought us in a wealthy Place. Burnt-OfP rings, therefore, I am bringing, 1= To thee, the God whom I adore ; My Voice fhall be employ'd in Tinging, Thy Praifes, Lord! for ever more. 7. The Vows my Soul, when much diftrefied, Hath made to God, I will repay; Whate'er my Lips have _then_exp relied, __ Shall be perform'd without Delay. Then fhall the richeft Incenfe burning, __ Perfume" 'the~Air, fat Rams jhall fallj__ _ The choiceft Goats from Fields returning, Shall PSALM g; yj — ^ LXVI. 199 ^ME=i|=il=E5^ Shall bleed, with Bullocks from the Stall., 8. "All ye that fear the Lord, attend me, O hear my Voice with heedful Care! _ ■ I'll tell how God his Help did Tend me^ His Love with joy I will declare. "As I before his Aid implored, So now Til fpread abroad his Fame; jread abroad his He hath my Soul to Life reftored, ~~And T will blefs his holy Name. g7 But if my Heart had Evil framed, Or if my Bread had harboured Sin; My Vows would foon have been dilclaime/i, My Pray'rs had not accepted been. But God to me, whene'er I cried, His gracious Ear did quickly bend; Nor hath my humble Wifh denied, But does with conftant Love attend. io._JBe thou, O God, for ever blefied, Who never, when to thee I pray, Will 2oo PSALM LXVII. Wiil hold thy Love from me diftrefled, Gr turn thy glorious Face away. PSALM LXVII. J[ O bleis with joy thy choien Race, Do thou in Mercy, Lord, incline ; And caufe the Brightneis of thy Face, On thy triumphant Saints to mine. 2. That ib thy iuft and wond'rous Way, May thro' the fpacious World be known-, Whilft diftant Lands their Homage pay, And humbly thy Salvation own. 3. Let the rejoicing Nations join, To celebrate thy endl'eis Fame; "Let all the World, O Lord, combine, ~ To blefs and" praife thy glorious Name. 4. O let them loudly (hout and fing, With grateful joy and pious Mirth; For thou the righteous Judge and King, Shalt mildly govern all the Earth. 5. Let PSALM Lxvm. 201 £. Let the rejoicing Nations join, To celebrate thy endlefs Fame ; g ^ — .g. "fc — ■ Let all the World, O Lord, combine To blefs and praife thy glorious Name. 6. Then fhall the fruitful teeming Ground, A large Increafe of Wealth difcloie-, And we with plenty fhall be crown'd, Which God, our God, on us beftows. 7. Then God, upon our happy Land, -» — : 3E=;g~- — »— s: In conftant Streams fhall Bleflings ihow'r-, :*==* :3fc=: "^ And all the World in Awe fhall Hand, I Of his fupreme Almighty Pow'r. PS A LM LXVIIf. ET God, the God of Battle, rife, And fcatter his prefumptuous Foes; Let ihameful Rout their Hoft furpnie, Who fpitefully his Pow'r oppofe. . 2. As Smoke in TempefVs Rage is loft, ii§i=$=i§Ei=^ Or Wax into the Furnace caftj So 202 PSALM LXVIIL So let their facrilegious Hoft, Before his wrathful Prefence wafte. m ^£fE^ mm 3. But let the Servants of his Will, His Favour's gentle Beams enjoy -, S:5E Thei£_upright Hearts let Gladnefs fill, And chearful Songs their Tongues employ. 4. To him your Voice in Anthems raife; ; Jehovah's awful Name he bears : iHS=iliSr*: In him rejoice, -extol his Praife, Who rides upon high rolling Spheres. g. Him, from his Empire of the Skies, To this low World Compafiion draws, The Orphan's Claims to patronize, And judge the injur'd Widow's Caule. 6. 5Tis God, who from a foreign Soil, _Reftores poor Exiles to their Home; _ Makes Captives free; and fruitlefs Toil, Their proud Oppreflbrs righteous Doom. 7. Twas fo oFc>la7 Ivhen thou dTdft lead In r o s± 1j ivi 1..A v in, 203 In Perfon, Lord, our Armies forth; Strange Terrors thro' the Defart ipread^ Convulfions fhook th'aftonim'd Earth. 8. The burfting Clouds did Rain~di7til, " And Heav'ns high Arches fhook with Fear, How then fhould Sinai's humble Hill, i=^ Of lfrael's God, the Prefence bear? 9. Thy Hand, at famifh'd Earth's Complaint,, Reliev'd her from celeftial Stores ; _And when thy Heritage was faint, AlTuag'd the Drought with plenteous Show'rs. 10. Where Savages had rag'd before, At_Eale thou mad'ft our Tribes refide, And, in the Defart, for the Poor Thy gen'rous Bounty did provide. jj^_Thou gav'ft the Word, we fallied forth, And in that pow'rful Word o'ercame: Whilft Virgin Troops, with Songs of Mirth, Z 2 In 204 r 5 A L, M JLXV111. i==l=^2=!^=i=§ In State our Conquefts did proclaim. r_JE 12. Vaft Armies, by luch Gen'rals led, As yet had ne'er receiv'd a Foil, Forfook their Camp with fudden Dread" And to our Women left the~Spml— 13. Tho' Egypt's Drudges you have been, Your Army's Wings mall mine~as bright" :±^z ?m^ gill __As Doves in golden Sunfhine feen, Or filver'd o'er with paler Light. 14. 'Twas fo, when God's almighty Hand O'er fcatter'd Kings the Conquefts won-, Our Troops, drawn up on Jordan's Strand, High Salmon's glitt'ring Snow outihone. 15. From thence to Jordan's farther Coaft, mm And Bafhatis Hill, we did advance; £e=*e No more her Height mall Bafhan boait, in^i^i=ii: But that fhe's God's Inheritance. 16. But wherefore (tho' the Honour's great) ~" Should this7"0 Mountain, fwellyour Pride? For PSALM LXVIII. 205 For Sion is his chofen Seat, Where he forever will refide. 17. His Chariots numberlefs; his Pow'rs Are heav'nly Holts, that wait his Will; :=^H£E Bis Prefence now fills Sion's Tow'rs, i~ v- 18. Afcending high, in Triumph, thou Captivity haft Captive led-, :*es~ And on thy People didft beitow The Spoils of Armies, once their Dread. 19. Ev'n Rebels (hall partake thy Grace, Efr-TT"T 1— And humble Profelytes repair, To worihip at thy Dwelling Place, And all the World pay Homage there. 20. For Benefits each Daybeftow'd, Be daily his great Name ador'd; Who is our Saviour, and our God, ill Of Life and Death the Sov'reign Lord. 21. i$ut Juftice for his harden'd Foes, Proportion'd 206 PSALM ill LXVIII. Proportioned Vengeance hath decreed, To wound the hoary Head of thofe, Who in prelumptuous Crimes proceed. 22. The Lord hath- thus m: Thunder fpoke, ^ As I fubdi^d proud Bafhanh King,"- =mmm " Once more I'll break my People's Yoke, " And from the Deep my Servants bring : 23. " Their Feet fhall with a crimfon Flood ^ "Of flaughter'd Foes be_cover'd o'er; " Nor Earth receive fuch impious Blood, " .But leave for Dogs th'unhallow'd Gore." PAR T_ ni. 24. When, marching to thy bleft Abode, The wond'ring Multitude furvey'd, The pompous State of thee, OGod, In Robes of Majefty array'd. 25. Sweet finging Levites led. the Van, _^_ Loud Inftruments brought up the Rear, z^==^r=-*£==s Between both Troops, a Virgin Train With PSALM LXVIIL £07 With Voice and Timbrel charm' d the Ear. 26. This was the Burden of their Song;, " In full Aflemblies blefs the Lord, :E*BEE " All who to Ifrael's Tribes belong, " The God of IfraePs Praife ^record." From neighb'ring Bounds did there attend, Nor only Judah's nearer Throne, Her Counlellors in State did fend. 28, But Zebulon's remoter Seat, And Napthali's more diftant Coaft, ^E=i I: (The grand Proceflion to complete) Sent up their Tribes, a princely Hoft. 29. Thus God, to Strength and Union brought Our Tribes, at Strife till that bleft Hour This Work, which thou, O God, haft wrought, Confirm with frefh Recruits of Pow'r. 30. To vifit Salem, Lord, defcend And Sion, thy terrcftrial Throne 5 Where zo8 PSALM LXVIII. Where Kings with Prefents mall attend, And thee with offer'd Crowns attone. "" 31. Break down the Spear-Men's Ranks, who threat^ Like pamper'd Herds of favage Migln%~~ Their filver-armour'd Chiefs defeat^" Who in deflructive War delight. iilll§illlir~ S=:c=: 32. Egypt fhall then to God ftretch forth Her Hands, and Afric Homage bring: The fcatter'd Kingdoms of the Earth, ,, ii. A - J Their common Sov'reigns Praiies fing ; 33. Who, mounted on the loftieft Sphere Of antient Heav'n, fublimely rides-, a From whence his dreadful Voice we hear, Like that of warring Winds and Tides. 34. Afcribe the Pow'r to God mpft high -, Of humble Ifrael he_ takes Care, Whole Strength, from out the dufky Sky, Darts mining Terrors__thro' _the Air. 2$. How dreadful are the facred Courts* Where I. Where~GoD~has fix'd his earthly Throne !__ Tlir"Srrength his feeble_Saints fupports : Praife ye the Lord, our God alone. PSALM LXIX. lj A V E me, O God, from Floods that roll, And prefs to overwhelm my Soul; In the deep Mire 1 tread, ^_ And Waves o'erflow my Head. With conftant Cries my Spirits faint, My Voice is hoarfe with long Complaint: My Sight with Pain decays, Whilft God his Help delays. 2. My Hairs, tho* num'rous, are but few, Compard with Foes that me purfue, And ftrive with_lawle?s Might, To execute their Spite, They force me, guiltlefs, to refign, As Rapine, what by Right was mine. But thou my Wrrongs doft lee; My 2IO PSALM LXIX. My Sins are known to thee. ?. Lord, God of Hofts, take timely Care, £=E^? Left for my Sake thy Saints defpair; =j=i#T~T5^ Since I have for thy Name, Endur'd Reproach and Shame. -/- — v/- A Stranger to my Country grown, And to my Kindred quite unknown; Thofe of my Mother born, Are treating me with Scorn. ifHIIiiiii mm 4. For Zeal to thy lov'd Houfe and Name, ===*=*====fe=g^^ :=-—*<: Confumes me, like devouring Flame; Vex'd at their Slights of thee, m s» - ■ rfe More than their Scorn of me. ^"•fct- =£ :-^r^r=^:z=^-— r=*L- My very Tears and Abftinence, ^__ They confrrue~~in a fpiteful Senfe; _ When Tvlourning for their Sake, Their "Mocks" at me they make. 5*= 5. Their Judges make my Wrongs their Jeft, Thofe Wrongs they ought to have redrefs'd-, Drunkards PSALM LXIX. 211 Drunkards my Sorrows fee, 1S=S; 3*=a= And make their Songs on me. _ £ :£=St=x= But, Lord ! tos theev I will repair For Help, with humble timely Pray'r, O from thy boundlefs Store, Diiplay thy Truth and Pow'r. 6. From threat'ning Dangers me relieve, And from the Mire my Feet retrieve, My Soul in Safety keep, And fnatch me from the Deep; - Controul the Deluge e'er it fpread, And roll it's Waves around my Head: And from th'expecting Grave, My Soul in Mercy fave. 7. Lord, hear the humble Pray'r I make, For thy tranfcending Goodnefs Sake-, And from thy Mercy's Store, Relieve my Soul once more; l^li^llii^iiil^ili Nor from thy Servant hide thy Face, v— Make 212 PSALM LXIX. Make Hafte, for defp'rate is my Cafe : Thy Succour interpofe, And ihieid me from my Foes. illillllllll^ilillilllllllilll S. Thou know'ft what Infamy and Scorn I from my Enemies have borne Nor can their fecret Spite, Or Plots efcape thy Sight. Reproach and ^Grief have broke my FTeart, I look'd for fome to take my Part, None would relieve my Pain. ^lIi^iI=li^i=IIiliii=E 9. WithTTunger faint, for Food I call; Inftead of Food, they give me Gall, And Vinegar to drink, Whene'er my Spirits finkj ^__ The Tables therefore they prepare, -± Shall prove to them a fatal Snare-, Darknefs fhall ferze their Eyes, :^-i=: :*~ mL=*i==Mz£^m^ And fudden Fears furprize. On PSALM LXIX. .:« 10. On them thou fhalt thy Fury pour, 'Till thy fierce Wrath their Race devour, And make their Houfe a Cell, Where none will dare to dwell : For new Afflictions they procur'd For him, who had thy Stripes endur'd •, And with a {harper Scorn, Their tender Hearts have torn. ii. Sin fhall to Sin their Steps betray, 'Till they to Truth have Jolt the Way, Their Souls mall Ruin fee, Nor with the ^Righteous be. But me, howe'er s diitreft and poor, Thy ftrong Salvation fhall reftore^ Thy Pow'r I will proclaim, And celebrate thy Name. 12. Our God mall this more highly prize, Than Herds or Flocks in Sacrifice-, And Saints lhail hope to fee. The PSALM 214 The like Redreis with me. .. — VL For God regards the Poor's Complaint, Sets i^ns'ners free from clofe Reftraint; And Heav'n and Earth fhall raife, Fheir Voice to found his Praife. 13. For God will Sion's Walls erect, u -*- Fair judah's Cities he'll protect, 'Till all her Sons repair. And gain ^Pofleflion there. This Bleffing they fhall at their Death, ' To their religious Heirs bequeath; And God fhall fure reitore, Thole who his .Name adore. o PS A_LMJLXX1_ Lord! to my Relief draw near, For never was more Need; In my Defence do thou appear. ^2: O God, and come with Speed. On mem let Shame return, Who ** O il l-i 1YI .L^Al. **5 Who to deftroy my Soul combine; O let them blufh and mourn, Defeated in their bale Defign. 2. Their Doom let Deiblation be, ;ES^£E3E: Their Malice be repaid, Who mock'd my Confidence in thee, And me their Jfaltime made. While thofe who leek thy Face, To joyful Triumphs ihall be rais'd, And all who prize thy Grace, 3E^ Shall ling with me, the Lord be prais'd. 3. Thus wretched, tho' I am, and poor, The Lord of me takes Care; Thou God, who only can'it reltore, 1 To my Relief repair PSALM LXXI. N thee I "put my ltedfalt "Trult, :=zr£: Lord, let me not be put to Shame-, =3E Incline thine Ear, and fave my Soul, For 2l6 S A L M LXXI. For great and righteous is thy Name: To thee, tor Help I will refbrt, For thou art ftill my Rock and Fort. 2. From cruel and ungodly Men lEEErs: Protect my_Soul and let me free-, For from my early Youth, till now, My conftant Hope hath been in thee: liHIIIilliir m Thy Care did guard my infant Days, And brought me forth to fing thy Praife. 3. While fome on me with Wonder gaze, Thy Hand unfeen fupports "me ftill; 1 hy Honour therefore, and thy Praife, My Mouth with grateful Joy fliall fill: Then caft me not, O Lord, away, -_E_______r^^ ^=====^: Tho' Strength and Vigour mould decay. iiii!^iiiIPp^p!^mf=I!Il=l=i= 4. My toes againft my frame, and me,_ "With neverceahng Malice ipeak; ~ AgainTTmy Soul they lay their J>njires,_ "AndT"5u;tu'al' Council daily take:"" On PSALM LXXi: 217 " On God, fay they, he did rely; " Now take him whilft no Help is nigh." Igjlipiiiiii^fllpteiiir 5. But thou, my God, withdraw not far, On thee for fpeedy Help I call; To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes, Who feek with Craft to work my Fall : And I, who ftill on thee depend, My Time to come in Praife will fpend : PART II. 6. Thy righteous Acts and faving Health, ;s^*^ My Mouth mail evermore declare ; :*=: Unable yet to fum them all, y=TT^= *z:: m Tho' counted o'er with utmofl Care e^eSIe Lord, in thy Strength I will go on, :«>: =ar: 3§m :5Ei And truft thy Righteoufnefs alone. 7. Thou, Lord, haft taught me from my Youth, To blefs and praife thy glorious Name,; iillliliiii^falratanf^lf^^ And ever fince thy wond'rous Works, . Have been with joy my conftant Theme. A a On On them I will with Pleafure dwell, "And to the WorkTthy Goodnefs tell. i!lp=i^iiii=!Pi^iiii^Iliii= 8. Then now forfake me not, when I With Age am grey, and feeble grown * 'Till I to thefe and future Times, Thy Strength and mighty Pow'r have mown, For I thy Mercy will proclaim, And fpread abroad thy glorious Name. 9L How high thy Juftice lbars, O God ! How very great and wond'rous are * The mighty Works which thou haft done? O LoPvD ! who can with thee compare ? Altho' thy Hand hath me oppreTs'd, Yet mail my W7oes be all redrefs'd. 10. Thro' thee, my Time to come, mail be With growing Pow'r and Greatneis crown'd ; And me who difmal Years. have_ paft, Thy lafting Comforts ihall furround: Therefore my Harp and Voice I'll raife, To PSALM LXXII. 219 To Jacob's God, in Songs of Praife. iTTThen gratetul Joy fhall fill my Mouth, And chearful Hymns employ my Voice-, My thankful Soul, by thee redeemed, _ _~ Shall in thy Strength and Pow'r rejoice; My Tongue thy Juftice fhall proclaim, Becauie thou brought'ft my Foes to Shame, PSALM LXXII. mmmm -=^&- T i j_>ORD, let thy juft Decrees, the King In all his Ways direct; And let his Son throughout his Reign, l^^iii Thy righteous Laws refpect. So mall he ftiTl thy People judge, With pure and upright Mind; Whilft all the helplefs Poor fhall him, Their juft Protector find. 2. Then Hills and Mountains fhall bring forth, :£::— The happy Fruits of Peace; Which all the Land fhall own to be, A a 2 The 22o PSALM LXXIL The Work of Righteoufnefs •» Whilft he the poor and needy Race, Shall rule with gentle Sway, And from their humble Necks, mall take Oppreffive Yoaks away. 3. In ev'ry Heart, thy awful Fear Shall then be rooted fail, As long as Sun and Moon endure, OrTime | Self fhafflaft, ^r7\ j~ He mall defcend like Rain^ that chears a The Meadow's fecond Birth; Or like warm Show'rs, whofe gentle Drops, Refrefh the thirfly Earth. 4. In his bleft Days, the Juft and Good Shall be with Favour crown'd-, |^i^lil=ii^Siiiiii^iili^l The happy Land mail every where, With endlefs Peace abound. His uncontrolled Dominion mall Fr©m Sea to Sea extend-, Begin PSALM LXXII. 221 Begin at proud Euphrates' Stream, At Nature's Limits end. 5. To him the Savage Nations round, Shall bow their fervile Heads; E£ His vanquilh'd Foes fhall lick the Dull Where he his Conquefts fpreads. The Kings of Tarjhijh^ and the IJles, tm Shall coftly Prefents bring: From fpicey Sheba Gifts fhall come, And wealthy Saba's King. 6. To him fhall ev'ry King on Earth His humble Homage pay-, And diff'ring Nations gladly join, 1=!T To own his righteous Sway. mmmi For he fhall fet the needy free, When they foF Succour ery, Shall fave the ^Helplels and t he Poor, And all their Wants fupply. PART 222 PSALM LXXII. PART II. 7. His Providence, for needy Souls Shall due Supplies prepare-, And over their defenceless Lives, Shall watch with tender Care. He fhall p refer ve and keep their Souls From Fraud and Rapine free; And in his Sight, their guiltlefs Blood, Of mighty Price fhall be. 8, Therefore fhall God his Life and Keign :S=2=±: To many Years extend; Whilft Eaftern Princes Tribute pay, And golden Prefents fend. __ _For him fhall conftant Pray'rs be made, Thro' all his proip'rous_Days_;_ His jult Dominion fhall afford^ __ A lafting Theme of Praife. o. Of ufeful Grain thro' all the Land,_ _^^_ Great Plenty fhall appear; A PSALM LXXIL 223 A Handful fown on Mountain Tops, A mighty Crop mail bear. t_ Its Fruit, like Cedars fhook by Winds, A rattling Noile mall yield ; ___ The City too mail thrive, and vie_ For Plenty with the Field. 10. The Mem'ry of his glorious Name, Thro' endlefs Years mail run; His fpotlefs Fame mail mine as bright AncMafting as the Sun. _ _ In hk the Nations of the Earth _ " __Shall be compleatly bleft, And his unbounded Happinefs, By ev'ry Tongue confeft. 1 r. Then blefs'd be God, the mighty Lord, The God whom Ifrael fears W ho only wond'rous in his Works, Beyond Compare appears. "Let Earth be with fiTGlory filKd5 "* Forever LXXIII. Forever blefs his Name; "Whilft to^hTs^lPranerilieni^mn^WolTo^ I Their glad Aflent proclaim. PSALM LXXIII. A mm T length, by certain Proofs, 'tis plain, That God will to his Saints be kind; That all_whofe Hearts are pure and clean, Shall his protecting Favour find. niilliiiilir ==3E 'Till this fuilaining Truth I knew, My ftagg'ring Feet had almoft fail'd; I griev'd the Sinner's Wealth to view, D * | __j ±_ And envy'd when the Fools prevail'd. 2. They to the Grave in Peace defcend, And whilft they live are hale jmd ftrongj__ No Plague^ or Troubles them offend^ " Which oft~to"otneT MerT belong. _ ""With Pride, as~ with a Chain_ they're held,_ Their Eyes ftand gut with Fatncfs fwell'd, They P S -A L M LXXIII. 225 They grow beyond their Wifhes great. ililiI^i=Piii^il=iililiir" 3. With Hearts corrupt and iorty i alK', z3zi — -t^ag =*E Oppreffive Methods they defend; Their Tongue thro' all the Earth does waik, Their JBlafphemies to Heav'n alcend, milium' And yet admiring Crouds are found, Who fervile Vifits duly make; _Becaufe with Plenty they abound, Of which their flatt'ring Slaves partake. 4. Their fond Opinions thele puriue, 'Till they, with them, profanely cry " How Ihould the Lord our Actions view? " Can he perceive who dwells ib high"? Behold the Wicked, thefe are they, __Who openly their Sins proreis; _And yet their Wealth's encreas'd each Day, And all their Actions meet Succeis. 5. " Then have I cleans'd my Heart, faid I, i£=H§ And wafli'd my Hands from Guilt in vain, "If 226 PSALM LXXIII. "If all the Day opprefs'd FTie, And ev'ry Morning iuffer Fain." Thus did I once to ipeak intend, But if fuch Things T rafhly fay, Thy Children, Lord, I muft offend, And baiely ihouid their Cauie betray. PART II. 6. To fathom this my Thoughts I bent; But found the Cafe too hard for me, 'Till to the Houfe of God I went, Then I their End did plainly lee. IIIl=l"E=lil=iii^[ " How high foe'er advanc'd, they all ^E^l=S^Ei=E^J=l^i=^^^E^i On flipp'ry Places loofely ftand Thence into Ruin headlong fall, Call: down by thy avenging Hand. _ 7. How dreadful and how quick their Fate! Deipis'd by thee, when they're deftroy'd; As waking Men, with Scorn do treat ihe Fancies that their Dreams employ'd. Thus PSALM LXXIII. 227 Thus was my Heart with Gner opprels'd, My Reins were rack'd with reitleis .Pains; So ltupid was I, like a Beait, Who no reflecting Thought retains. 1. Yet Hill thy Jt^reience me iuppiy'd, And thy Right-Hand Aiiiita_nce gave; Thou hrit fnalt with thy Couniel guide, And then to Glory me receive. Whom then in Heaven, but thee alone, Have I, whofe Favour 1 require r Throughout this ipacious Earth, there's none That I befides thee can deiire. o. My trembling Flefh and aching Heart, May often fail to luccour me; But God mall inward Strength impart, EE3E.rS? -"■ ■liafe^= And my eternal Portion be. tor they that far from thee remove, JShall into hidden Ruin rait, ir after other Gods they rove, Thy 228 PSALM LXXIV: !=i=i£=E=?==^ Thy Vengeance mall deftroy them alL___ 10. But as for me, 'tis good and juft, £5= That I mould ftill to God rePair In him I always put my Truft, And will his wond'rous Works declare. J^SALM LXXIV. HL OW long mall thy fierce Anger burn, Lord, wilt thou never more return? How long withdraw thy Face, From us thy chofen Race ? *=x=£ Think on the Tribes thou haft redeem'd, On Sion's Mount, by thee efteem'd, The Land that is thine own, Where once thy Glory fhone. 2. Lift up thy Feet, and them deftroy. Who would thy holy Place annoy; For where thy Servants pray, Their Banners they difplay, ~4midft the" Work the Artifts wrought, And PSALM LXXIV. .229 r— ^rJt And to fuch great Perfection brought-, They dreadful Havock make, And with their Hammers break. 3. Thy holy Church they burnt with Flame, Tho* confecrated to thy Name; Thine Houfe they did furround, ._*!- And level to the Ground. Thy Tokens, Lord, no more we fee*. Our Prophets from Deftruclion flee, Nor doft thou let us know, ==«: The End of this our Woe. :5E" m PART II. 4. But, Lord, how long muft we fubmit? 3E^E£:? How long, O God, wilt thou permit. Th'infulting Foe to boaft; And (hall thy Name be toft? _Why doft thou on thy_patient Bread, Let thy Right-Hand fo calmly reft\ When Vengeance fhouid o'er throw,*" The 230 PSALM LXXIV. "The bold iniulting Foe. 5. Thou, as our King, hail often fought, And for us great Deliv'rance wrought-, Thou did ft the Sea divide, And quell the Monfter's Pride. Refiftlefs PowsrN thou didft employ, And fierce Leviathan deftroy. Then vanquihYd let him lay, a To lavage Beaits a Prey. 6. The folid Rock thou didft divide, ^35- J. And loon gufh'd out the cooling Tide, And Waters ceas'd to flow, To let thy People pro. Thou didft create both Day and Night, The Sun and every feebler Light; The Summer's lultry Shine, And Winter's Cold are thine. PART III. 7. Remember, Lord, thy People's Shame, How PSALM LXXV. g=^=g===g=JF==gE^^=^ &~ 2?r -j— — How fooliili Men blafpheme thy Name Thy Turtle-Dove reftore, Nor quite forget the Poor. Lord, make thy antient Prorr.ife good •, ~The_Land is filTar^S~Me"n"or~BToo"dl Cloath not the Poor with Shame, But let them bieis thy Name. 8. Arife, OGod! thy Caufe maintain, For Fools each Day thy Name profane -, Thy daring Foes encreale, Make thou their Triumphs ceafe. PSALM LXXV. :±=: Jl O thee, Q God, we render Praife, To thee, with daily Thanks repair; For that thy Name to us is nigh, Thy great and wond'rous Works declare. ~~ For thou, O Lord, art (till the fame, And_yery glorious is thy Name. 2. In Ifraelywhen mv Throne is fix'd," With *32 PSALM LXXV. With me fhall Truth and Tuftice reigru The Land with Difcord fnakes, but I :3z—zz The falling Pillars will Tuftain. mmmmm „ _To Fools,_I_faid,_your Wrongs redrefs, _T° w^c^^ Men, your Pride fiipprefF. 3. For that Promotion, which to gain, Your vain j\mbition daily ftrives-, From neither Eaft, nor Weft, nor Norths Nor yet from Southern Climes arrives. _For God will call the Haughty down, And Tift the Humble to a Throne. 4. _His Hand holds forth a dreadful Cup, With purplevWine full mix'd 'tis crown'd, The deadly Potion which his Wrath, Shall pour upon the Nations round, Its bitter Dregs mall Sinners fqueeze, And drink up all the deadly^ Lees. 5. But I will talk of Jacob's God, And to the World his Pow'r relate; His e= PSALM LXXVI. £33 His Juftice, Truth and Mercy too, . My Song fball ever celebrate-, _The Wicked fhall before him fly, The Juft fhall be exalted high. I PSALM LXXVI. N Judah the Almighty's known, (Almighty there by Wonders mown,) His Name in Jacob does excell, His Sanctuary in Salem Hands, The Majefty that Heav'n commands, In Sion condefcends to dwell. 2. He brake the Bow and Arrows there, The Shield, the temper'd Sword, and Spear-, There ftain the mighty Army lay, Whence Sion's Fame thro' Earth is fpread, Of greater Glory, greater Dread, Than Hills where Robbers lodge their Prev. ~. Their valiant Chiefs, who came for Spoil,- Themfclves met there a ihameful Foill B b Securely 234 PSALM LXXVI. Securely down to deep they lay, But wak'd no more; their ftouteft Band Ne'er lifted one re Ming Hand, Againft his, who their Hofts did flay. 4. When Jacob's God began to frown, Both Horie and Charioteers, o'erthrown, Together flept in endleis Night. Wh*en thou, whom Earth and Heaven revere, Doll once with wrathful Look appear, What mortal Pow'r can Hand thy Sight? 5. Pronounc'd from Jhleav'n, Earth heard its Doom, Grew hufh'd with Fear, when thou didit come The Meek with Justice to reftore. :=£: The Wrath of Man fhall yield thee Praiie^ It's lalt Attempts but Terve to raife, The Triumphs of Almighty Pow'r. . 6. Now to the Lord, ye Nations, bring Vow'd Prefents to th'eternal King: Thus to his Name due Rev'rence pay, Who PSALM LXXVIL *3. W£o proudeft Potentates can quefl, To earthly Kings more terrible, Than to their trembling Subjects they. PSALM LXXVIL Tpill^ll=ii^l^l^llPI?lllil=;= O God my loud Complaints I made, And he vouchfaf'd his powerful Aid; He to my humble Pray'r Did lend a gracious Ear. All Night my feft'rins Wound did rage,, if3--* & tfv it7 — -y-^==**^'^—^^==i No Med'cine could the Pain aftuage: My Soul indulg'd her Grief, Nor would accept Relief. 2. I thought on God, but then diftrels'd, The more I did complain, The more encreas'd my Pain; My Grief is fwell'd to_fuch a Height, That thro' each tedious __Watch of Night* Mine Eyes are kept awake; B b 2 I 236 PSALM LXXVIL I figh, but cannot fpeak. 3. I call'd to JMind thofe ancient Days, When I, exalted, fung thy Praife-, Thofe Years ib much renown'd; With fignal Favours crown'd; ~~By Night I recoiled: -the Song7" ' " That to my Triumphs did bebng, And once fuch Joy impart, Then thus coniult my Heart. 4. " Hath God withdrawn his Favour quite, " Is Mercy loft in endlefs Night? %< Will he his promifs'd Love "For evermore remove?" I laid my Weakness doth fupply Thefe Fears; but in the Lord moll high I fhall fecurelv ftand, Protected by his Hand. 5. His Works of old I will relate, On them my Heart fhall meditate , My PSALM LXXVII. 237 My Tongue fhall ftiil recite. The Wonders of his Might. Thy Promile, Lord, is ever lure, Thy Ways are holy, juit, and pure, And deep thy Couniels are, Who can with thee compare ? 6. Thou art the Lord, that doit diiplay Amazing Wonders every Day, And all the World fhall own. That thou art God alone; And Jacob's Seed and Joieph's Line, Jhiave known thy Strength and Pow'r divine, __Wn~o didit thy Arm extend, And them with Might defend. 7. W7hen thee, O God, the Waters law. m The troubled Deep was ftruck with Awe, "The frighten'd iiillowsThrunk, And in their Channels lunk: The Clouds pour'd down., while rending sFies? 'Fill'd 238 PSALM LXXVIII. Fill'd Earth and Heav'n with dread Surprize, Ana lorth thine Arrows came, Wiii> d with avenafe tnro' a defart Land. PSALM LXXVIII. Jf~iEAR, O my Peopie, to my Law, lour mofl devout Attention lend; Let the Inltruftions of my Mouth, Deep in your faithful Hearts deicend, My Tongue fhall Parables unfold, And bring to fight dark Things of old. 2. ^Which out Pore-father's pious Care, From PSALM LXXVIII. *39 From ancient Times has handed down ; Nor will we hide them from our Sons, But to our Offspring make them known, That they the Praifes may be taught Of God, who hath inch W onders wrought. 3. For Jacob he this Law ordain'd, This iblemn League for Tlfael made, With Charge to be from Age to Age, From Race to Race wi h Care "convey'd; 1 o be transmitted to their Heirs, Which they again might give to their's. 4. That they might God's Commands obey, And in his Strength their Safety place; And not like their Forefathers, prove A ltubborn and rebellious Race, Who QiU the Paths ofjError trod2i_ Nor put thieir ftedfaft Hope in God. 5. Such were revolting Epbraim's Sons, Who from the Field ignobly fledj Tho5 HO PSALM LXXVIIL Tho' fkiiful Archers arm'd with Bows, And to a conrtant Warfare bred; Tho* God to them his Works diiplay'd, Yet they his Orders diibbey'd, n 6. The Wonders which their Fathers law, They in their Minds did not retain-, Prodigious Things in Egypt done, ll^i^iiiilliiili: And Miracles in Zoan's Plain: For them he did the Sea divide, And pii'd in Heaps the prefling Tide 7. A won'drous Pillar led them on, Compos'd of Shade and radiant Light; A ihek'rmg Cloud it prov'd by Day, And was a leading Fire by Night. _ Thus went they thro' a delart Land, Conducted by his powerful Hand. 8. When Drought opprefs'd them, where no Streams The parched Wildernefs" iupply'd, He cleft the Rock, whofe flinty Breait Diffolv'd PSALM LXXVIII. 241 Diilolv'd into a cooling Tide, VVhich down in plenteous Rivers fell. And prov'd a conitant lViiracie. 9. Yet there they finn'd againfl: him more, Provoking (till the Lord molt high, In that lame Deiart, where ne aid Their tainting Souls with Strength luppiy ; His .r'ow'r lupreme, they did diltrult, And longyd lor Meat to teed their Lull. 10. Then utter' d their blaiphemous Doubts, " Can God, lay they, tor us prepare __" A Table in the Wildernels, "And let it out with various Face? " JTis true, he did the Rock divide, " But can he Corn and Flem provide." 11. The Lord with Indignation heard, And from the Heav'ns, avenging Flame IliSiiiiiiiilllil^iitur ' _On Jacob fell; coniummg Wrath On moit ungrateful iirael came For 242 PSALM LXXVIII. _For they would not in God confide, ih "Who had io oft their Wants fupply'd. I2._ 1 ho God had from the fruitful Clouds, Around their Camp his Manna ipread, And had with Angels iacred Food, Ungrateful Man in Plenty fedf _V\ iiich from his own celeftial Stores, _"V\ as rained down in frequent Show'rs. 13. From Reav'n he made an Eaft Wind blow, And iikewife did the South Command To rain down Flefh, like Dull, and Fowls Like ihe Sea Shore's unnumber'd Sands, Around their Tents an eaiy Prey, The rlutt'ring, feather' d Booty lay. 14. Thus gave he them their Heart's Defire, And they luxurious eat the fame ; But whilft the Meat was in their Mouths, God's hieavv Wrath upon them came; He flew the Wealthieft of them all, And PSALM LXXVIII. 243 And Ifrael's Chiefs were made to tall. P A R T II. 15. Yet ftill they finn'd, nor would afford His wond'rous Miracles Belief-, Therefore thro' fruitlefs Travels, he Confum'd their Lives in wafting Grief; 5T" When fome were flain, with early Cry, They turn'd and fought the Lord molt high. 16. But this was feign'd Submiflion all, Their treach'rous Hearts their Tongues beiy'd, They ftill remain'd perverfe, nor would Firm in his Covenant abide; And yet his Anger did not rife, 3S Nor would with Death their Sins chaftife :=:^E :^r=^r= <£=3= 17. For he remember'd they were Fleihc X~-—z And could not long on Earth remain; A murm'ring Wind that's quickly palt, And never more returns again; And His Mercy knew they were but frail, 244 PSALM LXXVIIi; And vvoula not let his Wrath prevail, 1 8^ riow ort did they 'provoke him there ? . How ort did they his Faiience grieve! In tnac iarhe Ueiart, where he did Their tainting Souis with iHood rcneve, They turned Dack, and raitniels prov'd, liliiiiiiiililililiElIIIi^r" And liraei's God to dinger mov'd. a). Nor did they call to Mind the j^-ay, When God, with his Almighty Hand, Delivered them rrom ail their Foes, And lhow'd his Signs in Egypt's Land, When he their I'nbes from Bondage brought, _And wond'rous Things in Zoan wrought. 20, Their Rivers, that they might not drink, Were turn'd to Blood at his Command; Devouring Flies in ihickeit Swarms ; And Frogs were lent to plague the Land; Locuits and Worms o'eripread their Soil, And reap'd the Harveit of their Toil. 2i. Their PSALM LXXVIIL 245 2 1. Their Vines with battering Hail were broke, With pinching Froft the Fig-Tree dies'; Lightnine and Hail made Flccks_and Herds, "*^ — -*c— v — "»*. — * To fall one gen'ral Sacrifice. His Ra^e that had no Time to ceafe, Sent Spirits to deitroy their Peace. ■ 22. He clear'd a PafTage for his Wrath, Nor would that Wrath fevere controul; But gave their Life to Peftilence, Nor fpar'd from Death the fainting Soul. Upon their. Heirs Defi ruction came, The firft born in the Tents of Ham. 23. But his own Tribe, like folded Sheep, He brought in Safety from Diftreis, And like a Flock, conducted them Thro' a long barren Wildernefs; Their Foes were in the Ocean drown'd, JBut they no Caufe of Terror found. 24. Nor ceas/d his Care, 'till them he brought " In 24<5 PSALM LXXVIIL In Safety to the promis'd Land"; And to his holy Mount, the Prize Obtain'd, by his victorious' Hand ; For them he did his Arm extend, And from the Foe their Hofts defend. 25. To them, the outcafl Heathen's Land, Lie did in equal Lots divide; And in their Foes abandoned Tents, Made lfraeFs Tribes iccure abide: For them he quell'd the Nations round, And plac'd them on the promis'd Ground. P A R T_ IIJ^ _^_ 26. But Hill they tempted, ftill provok'd The Anger of the Lord mod high; - Nor would, to praclife his Commands Their moft rebellious Hearts apply: But turn'd like a deceitful Bow, And in their Father's Steps would so. 27. For God to Fury they provok'd, With PSALM LXXVIII. 247 With Idol Altars let on high, ""'And with jdheir graven Images, Inflam'd to Wrath his jealoufy; '"On" Tfrael then his Hatred fell, And Shiloh, where he lov'd to dweli. 28. To vile Captivity, his Ark, His Strength and Glory to difdain, His People to the Sword he gave, Nor would his awful Wrath rei train : Amongft their Youth his Anger fpread, Nor were their Maids to Marriage led. 2Q. 4 n Fight the Sacrificer fell, The Prieft himfelf a Victim bled; Nor Were there any Widows left, Who fhould v/ith Tears lament the Dead. Then like a Giant ftrong with Wine, The Lord awak'd in Wrath divine. 30. He fmote his Foes, that from the Field Their vanquiih'd, fcatter'd Remnants came, With 248 PSALM LXXIX. With Wounds imprinted on their Backs, The Marks of everlafting Shame: The Tents of Jofeph he forfook, Nor Ephraim for his Dwelling took. 31. But Jiidah's favour'd Tribe he chofe, And made his own peculiar Care-, On Sion's Mount his Temple built, And fix'd its ftrong Foundations there. From Sheep-Folds he did David bring, And over Judah made him King. 32. From tending on the teeming Ewes, He brought his Servant forth to feed His People, and Inheritance, ■+E The Tribes of Ifrael's chofe n Seed And he a faithful Shepherd (till, ^_ Fed and conducted them with Skill. PSALMLXXIX. JL HFrPepncr^^="5=GoD T= ""Have thy Pcffeffion feiz'd; Th7 PSALM LXXIX. 249 "~Thy holy City raa'd. The Bodies of thy Saints Abroad unburied lay, ~~~ Their Flefh expos'd to Beafts, Or rav'nous Birds a Prey. 2. Their Blood, like Water, was Around Jerus'lem ihed ; And none were left to pay, The Duties to the Dead: The Foe our fmall Remains, With loud Reproaches wound; And we are made the Sport Of all the Nations round. 3. How long wilt thou be wrath? Lord, muft we ever mourn? And fo all thy jealous Ra_g^_ Like Fire for ever burn? On Lands that know not thee, C c Thy Thy heavy Vengeance fhow'r; Thole Kingdoms let it crufh, That have not own'd thy Pow'r. 4. Their hungry Jaws have prey'd On Jacob's xhofen Race, And to a Defart turn'd, Their fruitful Dwelling Place. O think not on our Sins, But fpeedily prevent The Ruin of thy Saints, AlmoB: with Sorrow fpent. 5. Thy Help, O God, impart, And free our Sou is from Blame, So mall thy wond'rous Love Exalt thy glorious Name. Let, Infidels, that fay, " Where is the God they boafl"? -^■-: In Vengeance, for thy Saints, Perceive thee to their Cqft. 6. Lord PSALM LXXX. 25* 6. Lord, hear the Pris'ner's Moans ! Thy faving Pow'r extend-, Preferve them, doom'd to die, rom their untimely End! Thofe who blafpheme thy Name, Do thou, O God, deftroy; Againft the Nations round, Reiiftlefs Pow'r employ. 7. For they have us oppreft; Then let them be repaid, f With Sorrows fevm Times more Than what on us they laid. _So we, thy humble Flock, Shall ever praile thy Name* And our unwearied Thanks, s^3= From Age to Age proclaim. PSALM LXXX. Our Pray'rs to thee vouchfafe to hear ! . C c 2 Thou 2^1 f 5 A L, M LAAA, Thou tnat doft on the Cherubs ride, Again in folemn__State_ jippear : Ev'n thou that doit thy People keep, And lead'ft them like a Flock of Sheep. 2. Behold, how Benjamin expects, With £phraim and ManarTeh join'd, In otir Deli y' ranee, the Effects Of thy refiftlefs Strength to find. Turn us, O Lord, thy Face difplay, -^ — s- And all our Grief mall pafs away. j. O thou, whom heav'nly Hofts obey! How lonp; fhafl thy fierce Anger burn? How long thy furPring People pray, And to their Pray'rs have no Return? Thou mak'ft us eat the Bread of Wee, And drink of Fears that largely flow. 4. For us, the Heatheri Nations round, As for a common Prey conteft ; Our Foes with fpiteful Joy abound, And PSALM LXXX. 253 aj.— . ^ .ft . _ L--J — -~- — — """And at our loft Condition jeft: Turn us7 Q Lord, thy Face diiplay, And all our Grief ihail pais away. f A R T ' 1*. 5, Thou brought'ft a Vine from Egypt's Land, And, calling out the Heathen Race, Did'ii plant it with thine own Right-Hand, And' firmly fix'd it in their Place. Thou mad' ft it take a lafting Hoot, And o'er the Land its Branches (hoot. 6. The Hills were cover'd with its Shade, It's goodly Boughs did Cedar ieem, Its Branches to the Sea were fpread, And reach'd to proud Euphrates Stream. Thus Earth and Sea were covered o'er, With the thick Foilage winch it bore. 7. Why then, haft thou, it's Hedge o'erthrown, Which thou had'ft made fo firm and ftrong, Whilft all its Grapes, defencekfs grown, Are 254 PSALM LXXX. Arc piuck'd by thofe that pais along; Its Fruit the lavage Moniters claim, And the wild Boars root up the lame. _ PART III. 8. To theer O God of Holts, we pray-, Thy wonted Goodnels, JLor.d, renew, From Heav'n, thy Throne, this Vine furvey, And her lad State in Pity view. Preferye the Branch thou mad'it fo throng, The place thy Hand did guard lo long. 9. To waiting Flames 'tis made a Prey, And ail its jpreading Boughs cut down; At thy Rebuke they loon decay, And perilh at thy_ dreadful Frown. Crown thou the King with good Succels, The Son of Man with Mercy bleis. j o. So fliall we ftill continue free •From whatibe'er delerves thy Blame; And if once more reviv'd by thee. Will PSALM LXXXL 255 Will always praife thy holy Name. Turn us, O Lord, thy Face difplay, And all our Grief mall pafs away. PSALM LXXXL X O God, our never failing Strength, With glad Applaufes, loudly fing; And jointly make a chearful Noife, To Jacob's great and awful King. 2." Compofe a lofty Hymn of Praife, And touch your Inftruments of Joy, Let Pfalteries and pleafant Harps, With warbling Lutes, your Skill employ. 3. Let Trumpets at the great new Moon, Their animating Voices raife, To celebrate the joyful Time, Th' appointed folemn Day of Praife. 4^ For this a Statute was of old, Which Jacob's God himfelf decreed, To be with pious Care obferv'd, For 2:6 P S A L M LXXXI. j For Times to come, by Ifraefs Seed. 5. This he, for a Memorial fix'd In Jofeph, freed from Egypt's Land; Strange Nations barb'rous Speech we heard, A Speech we could not underitand. 6. " Your burden'd Shoulders I reliev'd, (Thus feem'd our gracious God to fay ;) " And by my Pow'r your fervile Hands, " Were freed from Jab'ring in the Clay. 7. Your Anceftors, with Wrongs oppreis'd, For timely Help did call on me; With Pity f their SufF'rings faw, And from their Troubles fet them free. 8. They fought for me, and from the Clouds_ In awful Thunder I reply'd; At MerebaFs contentious Stream, Their Faith and Duty both were try'd. P_ARTJI. 9, Whilft I my folemn Will declare, Do PSALM LXXXI. Do thou my choien People hear; If thou, O Ifrael! to__my Words Wilt careful lend a lift'ning Ear. 10. Then mail no God befides myfelf, 257 3£ Within thy Limits e'er be found, ;$e~ Nor ihalt thou worfnip any God Adored by the Nations round. 11. The Lord thy God, am I alone, Who brought thee out of Egypt's Land; 'Tis I that all thy jufl Defires __Do ftill fuppTy with Hb'ral Hand. 12. But they, my choien Race, refus'd To hearken to my gracious Voice; lI=l=ll=^iiiHIil=^il^^|== Nor would rebellious Ifraei's Sons JVTake me, with Confidence, their Choice""" ^3. So I provok'd, relign'd them up, To ev'ry wicked Luft a Prey. _And in their own perverfe Defigns Permitted them to go aftray. 14. O 2^8 PSALM LXXXII.1 D 14. O that my People wifely would, My j aft and mild Commandments heed •, That Ifrael in my righteous Ways Would fliil, with pious Care, proceed. 15. Then mould my heavy Judgments fall, On all who would their Pow'r oppofe ; And my avenging Hand be rais'd To cut off all their daring Foes. 16. Their Enemies, and mine, ihould all, Before my Footitool lowly bend; But as for them, their happy State Should ltand fecure, nor know an End. 17. All Parts with Plenty ihould abound, With fa|reft~WheaT the_ f^SfuPField,_ __The barren Clifts of craggy Rocks, For them ihould ncheit Honey yield. G _P SA L_M_ LXXXII. _ OD in the great AfTembly fits, Enthroned, where his impartial Eye In PSALM LXXXIL 259 l?i^^ji^=^i=E=i^ii In State iurveys the Earthly Gods, And does their weaker Judgments try. How can ye then unjuftly judge; And be to daring Sinners kind.'' Strive ye the Orphans to defend, And let the .Poor your Juitice find. ' 2. Protecl the humble helpleis Man, JWhen he's reduc'd to deep Diitreis, And let him not become a Prey, To iuch as would his Soul opprels. _They neither know, nor will they learn, _But_blindly roving, go aitray; Julticc and Truth, the World's "Support, '. Are now beginning to decay. ^JWell then may God, in Anger, lay™" " Fve call?d you by my iacred Name, __" Pve laid, ye're Gore's, the Sons ^nTFTieirs" u Qk Glory and immortal tame, :s=5~ -fcrEE::—:^ £ut ne erthelels. )Our unjuit Deeds, To 260 PSALM LXXXIII. "To ftrjft Account I'll lurcly call; You all fhall die like common Men, " Like other haughty Tyrants fall. 4. Arife, and thy juft judgments, Lord, Throughout th'aitoninYd World dilplay, And all the Nations of the Earth, Shall own thy everlafting Sway. PJ>ALM LXXXIII. OLD not thy Peace, O Lord, our God! Do thou no longer filent be-, Nor with contenting quiet Looks Our dreadful Ruin calmly fee. For, ioT the Tumults of thy Foes ""O'er alPthe Land begin to fpread; And thofe who hate thy Saints jind thee, Lift up~with joy their threat'ning Head. 2. Againft thy zealous People Lord ! They all, with Treachery, combine-, And to deitroy~thy choien Race In PSALM L XXXIII. t6i :^^>: In fecret lay, their clofe Deli'gn. " Come let us cut them off, they fay, " Let us their Nation quite deface •, " That no Remembrance, may henceforth " Remain of lfraei's hated Race." E3£~ g. Againft thee, and thy People's Peace, Thus they coniult with one Conient, And different Nations jointly leagu'd, Their common Spite and Malice vent. The Ifhmaelites that dwell in Tents," With warlike EdonVs Forces join'd, And Moab's Sons, our Ruin feek With Hagar's num'rous "Race combih'd. 4. Proud Ammon's Offspring, Gebal too With daring Amalek confpire; The Lords of Paleftine, and all The haughty Sons of wealthy Tyre. All thofe for their fecure Ally, The ftrong Affvrian Kin? have .get-, Who 2 6> PSALM LXXXIII. Who, with a powerful Army, means To aid th'inceifuous Race of Lot. PART IT. 5. But let fuch Vengeance come to them, As once to wicked Midian came, To Jabin and proud Silera, At bloody Kifhon's fatal Stream: When thy Right-Hand their num'rous Holt, Near Endor, did with Fear confound, And left their mangled Carcaiies, Like Bung, to feed the hungry Ground. 6. Let all their mighty Men the Fate Of hapleis Zeb and Oreb fhare; As Zeba and S aim ana, To Let all their boaftin£ Princes fare-, Who with the lame Deiign ini'pir'd, Thus with a jvain Aiiurance lpake, " In firm Poflefiion, for ourlelves, ervaafis to defend. P S A_L _M LXXXVII. \jrOD's Temple crowns the holy Mount, The Lord there condeicends to dwell ; l^iHiii^E=l^pPi|Il=i=l=^ His S ion's Gates, in his Account, Our Ifrael's faireii: Tents excell. _ Fame, glorious Things of thee mail ling, _Q City of~tr? Almighty King! 2. I'll mention Rahab with due Praile, In Babylon's Applaufes join, The Fame of Ethiopia raiie, With that of Tyre and Paleftine ; _ And grant that fome, amongft them born, Their Age and Country did adorn. 2. But ftill of Sion rii^a^erT" That many fuch from her proceed ; il=ll^SI^=lllIi^fll=illiii; lh' Almighty (hall eftablifh her -, __ _His gen'ral Lift mail mew when read, That fuch a Perfon there was born, And 2 72 PSALM LXXXVIII. And fuch did iuch an Age adorn. 4. -rte'ii Sion rind with Numbers fill'5~ Of fuch as merit high P^enown, l 47-=?: ees: For Hand and Voice Muiicians ikili'd; And ( her tranfcendino; Fame to crowrj) Of fuch ft*e_lhail SuccefTions bring, Like Waters from a hying Spring? PSALM LXXXVIII. ;£*: O thee, my God and Saviour, I 15y Day and Night, addreis my Cry ; To me incline Chine Far, And my Diltrefies hear ; For Seas of vT rouble me invade, My Soul draws nign to Death's cold ^hade, Like one whole Strength is tied, Fm number'd with tiie iJeaa. l. 2. Like thole who irirowded in the Grave " From thee no more Remembrance have, Z= Rejected from thy Care, And PSALM LXXXV1II. 273 "And" plung'd x in dark Deipair : Thy Wrath has hard upon me lain, Afflicting me with reftleis Pain j Me ail thy Waves have preit, Too weak to bear the leait. 3. Remov'd from Friends, 1 ligh'd alone, In a ioath'd Dungeon laid, where none Vouchiares to vifit me, rait hopes of Liberty. My Lyes from x weeping never ceaic, They wafte, but itili my Grieis increaie, Yet, Lord, to thee I've pray'd, ~~A nd~ltilT invok'd thy AidT" 4. W'llt thou by Miracle revive The Dead, whom thou iorlak.'n auve t And them, thy Praiie to fmg, From their Confinement brine: ? Shall the mute Grave thy Love confeis, Or mould'nng Tomb, thy Faithfulneis ? Thy 274 P S A L M LXXXVIII. Thy Works renown obtain Wnere Shades and Silence reign ? 5. To thee, O .Lord, I cry forlorn, My Pray'r prevents the early Morn ; Why hideit thou thy Face, And leaVu: me in Diigrace ? Prevailing Sorrows J>ear me down, Winch irom my Youth with me have grown, With conitant Grief oppreis'd, Thy Terrors fill my Brealt. 6. Thy Wrath hath burit upon my Head, My troubled Sroui is fill'd with Dread, fc:"" And Woes on ev'ry Side, ^E^ Like Waves, are multipiy'd. _ , My Lovers, Friends, Familiars^jill^ _^__ Remove irom Sight, and out of Call, Daily I make my Moan,_ Neglected and alone. PSALM P S A L M LXXXIX. 275 PSALM LXXXIX. BY Mercies, LoKD,_ihaii be iny Song; iViy Song on them lhall ever dwell; To Ages yet unborn my Tongue ^_ D i a _ if. O . . Thy never-railing Truth ihall tell. 2. i have amrm'd and ltiii maintain, Thy Mercy lhall rorever kit; i hy Truth that does the Heav'ns iuitain, LiKe them ihall itand ror ever rait. 3. Thus lpak'it thou by thy ir'rophet's Voice : " With Dayia I a League have maae ; " To him, my Servant, and my Choice, " By iolemn Oath this Grant convey'd : 4. " While Larth, and Seas, and Skies endure, "Thy Seed xf hall m my Sight remain; _ To them thy Throne I will eniure •, w Tney inail to endieis Ages reign." 5^ For iuch itupendous Truth and Love, -rr^:- Both Heav'n and Earth jult Praifcs owe, By =3E 276 PSALM JBy Choirs of Angels fung above, AncT by aifembled Saints below. 6. What Seraph of cefeitial Birth, To vie with liraeFs God ihall dare ? Or who among the Gods of Earth, With our Almighty Lord compare ? 7. With Rev'rence, and religious Dread, His £aintsv ihould to his Temple prefs ; His Fear thro5 all their Hearts Ihould ipread, Who his Almighty Name confeis. 8. Lord God of Armies, who can boalt Of Strength or Pow'r Tike thine renown3 d ; Ot iuch a numerous faithful Hoit, As that which does tb4y Throne lurround ? 9. Thou dolt the lawleis Sea controu^_ And change theTV6fpe& of the Deep ; Thou mak'it zht lleeping JBillows roll, ^hoiT~rnak'It the~roTllng^Billows deep. _ fl=S 10. Thou brak'it in Pieces Rahab's Pride, And PSALM LXXXIX. *77 And did'It opprefling Pow'r difarm : Thy fcatter'd Foes have dearly try'd The Force of thy refiftlcfs Arm. ii. Jn thee, the ibv'reion Right remains Of Earth and Heav'n ; thee, Lord, ak>] The World and all that it contains, Their Maker and Preierver own. 12. The Poles on which the Globe does roll, Were tbrm'd by thy creatii Tabor and Hermon, Eafl: ?nd Weft, In thy fuftaining Pow'r rejoice. 13. Thy Arm is mighty, ftrong thv Hand, Yet, Lord, thou doit with Tuftice reign : rst=^ Pofleis'd of abfolute Command, Thou Truth and Mercy doit maintain. 14. Happy, thrice happy, thev who hear Thy facred Trumpet's joyful Sound •, Who may at Feitivals appear, With thy moil glorious Preience crown'd* 15. Thy 278 PSALM LXXXIX. 1 Who on thy iacred Name rely-, — .e__t>y__t:riee reipe£tecT,~~ And teach jas our ihort Date' to mind-"' That7"by tm^^iijfon^^ Our Hearts _may be to Go^mHuTcK 7^Turn_thee,_0_GoD, jo_jis ^Tftreiled~ And to thy_Servants gracious bej Let us with Mercy foon^eHbleffedT™ And make us ftill rejoice in thee. " Since thou halt us with Sorrows vexed,' Lord 286 PSALM XCI. 1_ord, wipe away our former Tears ; And let us be no more perplexed, But comfort us with happier Years. . 8. Let this thy wond'rous Work diipiayeii, To all thy Servants, Lord, be mown-, And, down to diltant Times conveyed, U let thy glorious Pow'r be known ! Be thy bright Rays to us inclined, And kindly give our Work Succeis ; 1 he glorious Work we have deiigned, ? D . . _3D j f -j _ Do thou, O Lord, vouchlafe to blels. PSALM XCL T T HO hath his Dwelling made, rteneatii th' Almighty's bhaae, Shall lecureiy there abide: iTiuslo my Soul I'll lay, He is my Tow'r and Stay, In thee, Lord, i will confide. His tender Love and Care, Shall free thee from the Snare, ~ And "thc~noiTbme Peitilence ; _ _ ~Aj His lhelPring WingsTie'll jpread] O'er thy unguarded Head, And IV! ^V^l. 2 6 7 Ana his Truth is thy Defence. 2. i\o rl errors ct the rsignt, bhaii thy firm Courage fright, iNor the Shafts that fly by Day-, Nor lecret riague that kills, i\or thole infectious las, Whicn in hotteit Seaions ilay : i\ear thee ttn 'ihoulana die, And ltrew'a around tiiee lie, Vv hillt thy Health untouched remains; Ihou liikic iook on and lee, '1 heir iaci Lataitrophe, Counting it nl tne Sinners Gains. 3. hccaule with Confidence, On God, lor tny Dcience, 'Ihou molt family didit rely; Therefore no Sickneis lhall, Upon thy Dwelling fall, _ INor ihall any blague draw nigh: i^fli^Iiiii^^i^^lig^liiiilllll r=or God, throughout thy Days, lu guaro thee in thy Ways, To his Angels gives Commands; And they, leitthouihould'it meet, Rough Stones to wound thy Feet, Shall convey thee in their Hands. 4. In Safety he lhall go;- Lions and Dragons too, Underneath his Feet ihall fie-, Bccaufc 2b3 T S A T M XCII. Becauie he honour'd. me, Saith God, I'll lee mm tree, And wai place his Throne on high: 'iiminiiiiin Whatever 111 betalis, ill aniwer when he calls, And mcreaie his Tow'r and Wealth; H!Hi!i!^!i!!Iii!iiIii!IiiliiIsi^ And vvnen in cairn content, tut happy J^ne is i^ent, Him I'll crown with laving Health. PSALM XCII. J[ ±0 W__ good and plealant mult it be, To thank the Tor d molt high ; And with repeated Hymns or Jr'raiie, His jName to magnify: With ev'ry Morning's early Dawn, His Uoodnels to relate ; And of his conitant Truth, each Isiight The glad Effects repeat. 2. To ten ftring'd Initruments we'll img, With tuneful Plalt'iies join'd; And to the Harp, with lojemn Sounds, For lacred Ule deiign'd : For PSALM XCIL 289 For through thy wond'rous Works, O Loru, ~Thou mak'it my Heart rejoice; " The Thoughts of themihall make me glad, And lhout with chearful Voice. 3. How wond'rous are thy Works, OLord! How deep are thy Decrees ! Whole winding Tracks, in Secret iai5 No ltupid Sinner lees: He little thinks, when wicked Men, Like Grals look lreih and gay; How foon their lnort hv'a Splendor mult, For ever pais away. 4. But thou, my God, art ftill molt high; And all thy loity Foes, Who thought ihey might lecurely lm, Snail be o'erwheim'd witn W oes : Whult thou exait'it my Sov'reign Pow'r, And mak it it largely lpread; "l^!Hii=iii* " =3: And with rctreihing Oil anoint'ft My ico PSALM XCII. My coniecrated Head. 5. i loon ihall iee my itubbcrn Foes. To utter Ruin brought-, And hear the diimai Lnd of thole VVho have agamit me fought: JLSut righteous Men, like rruittul Jfaims, Shall make a glorious Show ; As Cedars mat on Lebanon, In itately Order grow. 6. Thele planted in the Houle of God, Within his Courts lhali thrive; Their Vigour and their JLuitre both Shall in old Age revive. _ A__ Thus will the Lord his jultice ihew-, __ And God, my itrong Defence,^ Shall au"e~~Rewards to aTl_ the_ World Impartially diipenie. PSALM PSALM XCIIL 291 P S A L M XCIII. IT ST Glory clad, with Strength array'a,_ The Tord, that o'er ail IN attire reigns ; The World's foundations itrongly laid, v And the vatt frabnek ttiil iuitanis : _ Howfurely itabhlh^d. is thy Ah£°/^2_ O JLord, tor thou art God aione. _ ( 1. The floods iirt up their angry Voice, And tols their troubled Waves onhigh; But Uod above, can itili the iNoiie, And make the raging Sea comply : They mult in Jriolmels excell, Who in thy lac red hiouie would dwell. P S A L M_XCiV. ENGEANCh belongs_ to thee, U God, :&: Thy Juitice now dilcloie-, Arile, thou judge or all the Earth, And cruih thy haugnty Foes : How long, O Lord, mail finr'ul Men, Theia 292 PSALM XCIV. Their ioJemn Triumphs make ? How long their wicked Actions boalt, And iniblehtly ipeak? 2. Not only they thy Saints oppreis, But unprovok'd, they fpill =±=x: The Widow's and the Stranger's i5iood, And helplefs Orphans kill: " And yet the Lord lhali ne'er perceive, (profanely thus they Ipeak) " Nor any JNotice o£ our Deeas, ".The God oi "Jacob take.'*' 3. At length, ye itupid Fools, your Wants Endeavour to diicenv, In Tolly will you ftill proceed, And WilHom never learn ? Can he be deaf who ibrm'd the Ear, Or blind who fram'd the Eye ? Shall Earth's igreat Judge norpuniih thofe, \V ho ins known Will defy ? 4. He PSALM XCIV. 293 4. He fathoms all the Thoughts of Men, To him their Hearts lie bare •, His Eyes furvey them all, and fee How vain their Councils are. PART IT. 5. Bleft is the Man, whom thou, 6 Lord, In Kindnefs doft chaftife-, And by thy facred Rules to walk, Moil lovingly advife: In Seafons of Diftrefs •, Whilft God prepares a Pit for thofe, That ftubbornly tranfgrefs. 6. For God will never from his Saints, His Favour wholly take •, His own PorTefTion and his Lot, He will not quite forfake : The World mail then confefs thee juft, In all that thou haft done; And 2 94 PS A L M XCIV. And thofe that choofe thy upright Ways, Shall in thofe Paths 2;o on, 7. Who will aDpear in my Behalf, When wicked Men invade ? Or who, when Sinners would opprefs, My righteous Caufe mail plead ? Lone; fince had I in Silence flept, But that the Lord was near, To ftav me when I flipt; when fad, :~^——-:^.z My troubled Heart to chear. 8. Wilt thou, who art a God mod juft, i heir finful Throne fuftain ;5"T==— : Who make the Law a fair Pretence, Their wicked Ends to £ain ? Againfl: the Lives of righteous Men, They form their clofe Defign; And Blood of Innocence to fpill, In folemn League combine. __ o. But my Defence is firmly plac'd, In PSALM XCV. In God, the Lord moft high; He~is my Rock, to which 1 may For Refuse always fly: The Lord Thai! caufe their ill Deiigns, On their own Heads to fall •, He in their Sins (hall cut them off, ^ ur Gcd ihall ilay them all. PSALM XCV. \ f COME, loud Anthems le: us fins, Loud Thanks to our Almighty King: For we our Voices high mould raife. When our Salvation's Reck we praiie. 2. Into his Prefehce let us haile, To thank him for his Favours paft ; To him addrefs in joyful Songs, The Praiie that to his Name belongs. j. For God, the Lord, enthron'd in State, Is with unnval'd Glory great A King iimerior far to all, Whom 296 PSALM XCV. 4-_ ^f he Depths of Earth af^nThis'^Hand, , _Her fecret Wealth at his Command! _The Strength of Hiflj that threat the Skies, SubiecTed to his Empire lies. <. The rolling Ocean's vaft Afayfs, By the fame fov'reign Rierht is his; 'Tis mov'd bv his Altnignty Hand, That form'd and nx'd this folid Land7~ 6. O let us to his Courts repair, And bow with Adoration there ; =te Down on our Knees devoutly, all, Before the Lord our Maker fall. ili^liill^l=fiillliiill^^= 7. For he's our Goo, our Shepherd he, His Flock and Failure Sheep are we; If then you'll (like his Flock) draw near, To Day if you his Voice will hear, 8. Let not your harden'd Hearts renew, Your Fathers' Crimes and Judgments too ; Nor 297 PSALM XCVI Nor here provoke my; Wrath, as they, In defart~Plains_of Meribah. 9. "When thro' the Wilderneis they mov'd, And me with frefh Temptations prov'd, t"TT^c^llT,^rorUnbe1ief> rebelTd^ While they my wond'rous Works beheld. *EE#EEEE 10. They Forty Years mv Patience eriev'd, Tho' daily I their Wants refiev'd : Then— 3Tis a faithlefs Race, I laid, Whole Hearts from me have always itray'd ; 1 1 . They ne'er will tread my righteous Path, Therefore to them in fettled Wrath, Since they defpis'd my Reft, I lware, That they mould never enter there. PSALM XCVI. jj.JNG to the Lord, a new made Song ; _Let Earth in one afiembled Throng, :5E5=E£i Her common Patron's Praife refound, Who us hath with Salvation crown'd. * Ff Sing 293 PSALM XCVT. 2. Sing to the Lord, and blefs his Name, From Day to Day his Praife proclaim *, To Heathen Lands his Fame rehearfe, His Wonders to the Univerfe. $' ^es sreat, and greatly to be prais'd ; In Maiefty and Glory rais'd, Above all other Deities, He only rules who made the Skies. 4-. WithT/Fajefty and Honour crown'd, Beauty and Strength his Throne furround, But Pageantry and Idols all Are they, whom Gods the Heathen call. 5. Let Worfhip be to him reftor'd, By you who have falfe Gods ador'd -, Afcribe due Honour to his Name, lllilllii That Honour he alone can claim. 6. Peace Off'rings at his Altar lay, Before his Throne your Homage pay ; To worihip at his facred Court, Let PSALM XCVK 299 Let all the trembling World refort. 7. Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns, Whofe Pow'r the Univerfe fuftains •, mm : And P S A L M XCVIIL 303- And Nations in Earth's Corners dwelling, The laving Pow'r of" God have leen. Let Earth's Inhabitants, combining, To him their joyful Voices raiie •, 1 ^ct ail in Songs of Triumph joining, _ Loudly reiound their Maker's Praiie. 3. With many tuneful Harps furrounding, _Let them into the Concert bring l£umpets and Cornets, (hrilly founding, And hymn glad Traiies to their King : Let the loud Ocean roar, tranfported, ^VVith all that ipacious Seas contain, Be Earth's Inhabitants exhorted,__ _ " ^To join in Praiie the noily Main. __^__ 4- Eet Streams, thro' fertile Meadows bounding, mmwmwM In larger Torrents dance and play ; |I^^^i=l^=iiliEll=L_. Let Hills and Vales their Joy refounding, Far off redoubled Shouts convey : Tq welcome down the King renowned, Who :^: :^: 04 PSALM XCIX. Who docs in awrul Triumph come, With never fading Glory crowned, With Juflice to reward and doom. _p j AL M XCI^i J EHQ V A^agSylcTaiF The guilty Nations quake -, On Cherub's Wings he "fits, Let Earth's Foundations make : In Sion he is great, Above all People high ; O Praife his holy Name, Who dwells above the Sky, In awful Majefty. 2. For Truth and Juflice itTTl, Of Strength and Pow'r take Flace ;__ Mis righteous Judgments are, Diipens'd to Jacob's Race: Therefore exalt the Lord, Before his Footftodl foil In PSALM XCIX. 3°5 In Adoration low ; And with his Pow'r, let all 3. Moles and Aaron thus, Amonglt his Pneits ador'd-, Samuel his Prophet too, He heard, when they impior'd. Before the Camp, their Guide The cloudy Pillar mov'd; They kept his Laws, and tney II=Iii^=HIlii^i "" Obedient Servants prov'd, His Ordinance they lov'd. 4. He heard, and oft forgave His People for their Sai thy Throne G g 2 Eternal Si6 PSALM CIV. Eternal Majefty fur rounds : """With Light thou doft thvfelf en obe„ And Glory for a Garment take; Heav'ns Curtains ftretch'd beyond the Globe, Thy Canopy of State to make. 2. God builds on liquid Air, and forms His Palace Chambers in the Skies-, The Clouds his Chariots are, and Storms The fwift wing'd Steeds, with which he. flies: As bright as Flame, as fwift as Wind, His Minifters Heav'ns Palace fill; To have their fundry Talks aifign'd ; All proud to ferve their Sov'reign's Will. 3. Earth on her Centre fix'd, he fet, Her Face with Waters overfpread 5 Nor proudeil Mountains dar'd as yet, To lift above the Waves their Head: But when thy awful Face appear'd; Th'infulting Waves difpers'd; they fled, When if b A L M L,iV. 317 When once thy Thunder's Voice they heard, *" llill^iiii^iiiiiiiiiiii^^l^i^i And by their Hafte conieis'd their_ Dread. 4. 1 hence up by iecret Tracks they creep, And gufhing irom the Mountain's iide; Through Valleys travel to the Deep, Appointed to receive their Tide; There halt thou fix'd the Ocean's Bounds, i±z 1 he threat'ning Purges to repel; That they no more o'erpafs their Mounds, Is or to a lecond Deluge fwell. PART II. 5. Yet thence in lmaller Parties drawn, The Sea recovers her lolt Hills ; =r::sJt=:-^: _And ftarting Springs, from ev'ry Lawn, Surpnle the Vales with plenteous Rills: The Fields, tame Beaits are thither led, ig=iir~ Weary with Labour, taint with Drought; And Afies wild on Mountains bred, Have Senie to find thele Currents out. 6. There 318 PSALM CiY. 67 ThereThady Trees, from fcorching Beams, "Yield ihelter to the leathered Throng; They drink, and to the bounteous Stream, g*=p Return tne. Tribute ot their Song: His Rains from Heav'n parch'd Hiils recruit, That loon tranimit the liquid Store-, 'Till Earth is burthen'd with her Fruit, And Nature's JLap can hold no more. 7. Grafs, for our Cattle to devour, He makes the Growth of ev'ry Field; Herbs for Man's Ule, of various Pow'r, That either Food or Phyiick yield: With clniter'd Grapes he crowns the Vine, To chear Man's Heart, opprett with Cares; Gives Oil that makes his Face to (hine, .find Corn that waited Strength repairs. P A R T III. 8. The Trees of God, without the Care, nm Or Art of Man, with Sap arc fed; The PSALM CIV. 3*9 The Mountain ^coai iook^ ^ ruir, >--— As thole in royal Garucns brcu : Sale in the ioity Cedar's Arms, 1 he VVana'rcrs or the Air may relt$ The hoipitabie r'lric rrom Inarms irotects the Stork, her pious Gueit. 9. V, 11a Goats the craggy Kock aicend, Its tow'ring Heights their Fortrels make; Whcfe Cells in Labyrinths extend, Where leeblef Creatures Refuge Lake: The Moon's lnconrtant Alptct inows, Th'appomted Sealor.s or the I eax -, Th'initructed Sun its Duty knows, ins Hours to rile ana diiappear. 10. Darkneis he makes the Earth to ihroud, When Foreit Jtfeaits iecurely itray; _Young Lions roar their Wants aloud, To jr/rovicitnce, that lends them Jfrey: They range all Night, on Slaughter bent, 'Till 32a PSALM CIV. 'Till Summon' d by the riling Morn-, To fkulk in Dens, with one Conient, The confcious Ravagers return. ii. Forth to the Tillage of his Soil, The Hufbandman iecurely goes-, Commencing with the bun his Toil, With him returns to his Repoie: How various, Lord, thy Works are found, For which thy Wildom we adore ! The Earth is with thy Treasure crown'd, 'Till Nature's Hand can grafp no more. PART IV. 12. But mil, the vait unrathom'd Main, Of Wonders, a new Scene fupplies; Whofe Depths Inhabitants contain, Of ev'ry Form and ev'ry Size: Full-freighted Ships from ev'ry Port, There cut their unmoleited Way; Leviatha?^ whom there to Import Thou PSALM CIV. 321 :=^:=£ Phou mad'it, has Compais there to piay. 13. Thefe various Troops of Sea and .Land, In Senfe of common Want agree; All wait on thy difpenfing Hand, And have their daily Alms from thee: They gather what thy Stores difperfe, Without their Trouble to provide; Thou op'ft thy Hand, the Oniverie, The craving World is ail iiippiy'd, 14. Thou, for a Moment hid' it thy Face, The num'rous Ranks of Creatures mourn; Thou tak'ft their Breath, all Nature's Race, Forthwith to Mother Earth return Again thou fend'fF~thy Spirit forth, T'infpire the Mafs with vital Seed; Nature's reitor'd, and Parent Earth, Smiles on her new created Breed. 15. Thus through fucceflive Ages ftands, Firm fix'd thy providential Care; Pleas'd 322 PSALM CV. A'itas'cL witn the Vv ork or thy own iiands, jjiou aoit che Waites of Time repair: One i-.ook of th:nc, one wrathful Look, j^arth's panting breait with Terror rilis, One i ouch from thee, with Clouds of Smoke, In Uarknels ihrouas the prouaeit Hilis. 1 6. in prailing God, while he prolongs My breath, 1 will that Breath employ •, Ana join Devotion to my Songs, Sincere, as in mm is my Joy : vv hile dinners from Earth's Face are hurPd, Iviy Soui, praife thou his holy Name, 5 l'ill with my Song the ftft'rhrig World join Concert, and his l^raile proclaim. o PSALM CV. Render Thanks, and oiels the Lord, mum Invoke his ever facred N arne ; Acquaint the Nations with his Deeds, ""His treat and* rftatchieis Deeds proclaim: His PSALM CV. 323 His wond'rous Works in Hymns renearie, Make them the Subject of your Verle. 2. Rejoice m his Almighty JName, VV hich only ought to be ador d ; :±=& And let their Hearts o'errlow with Joy, E2: Vvho leek with humble Fear the Lord Seek ye the Lord, his Strength impiore, 6eek ye his Face for evermore. 3. The Wonders which his Hands have wrought, "fcl=iliillir" >=^= Keep ever thankfully in Mind; With all the Statutes of his Mouth, And Laws he hath to us affign'd: His Works are glorious to the View, His judgments all are juft and true. £. Know ye, his Servant Abrdms Seed, And likewife Jacob's chofen Race; _rle's (till our God, and through the Earth, His righteous Judgments will take Place : His Word, for i houland Ages pait, Hath 324 P S A L M . XV. Hath itood, and fhall for ever lait, 5. His Covenant firlt to Abraham lign'd, By Oath to Ifaac made iecure-, To Jacob, and his Heirs, confirard, A Law tor ever to endure: __A Teitament to 1/rael made, Is on a firm Foundation laid. 6. That Canaan's Land fhall be their Lot, When yet but few of them there were; But few in Number, and thole few, Forlorn and iielplels Strangers there : From Realm to Realm iecure they mov'd, Whiiit Kings were for their Sakes reprov'd. 7. " Thefe mine anointed are (Taid he) " Let none my cholen Servants wrong; " Nor treat the pooreft Prophet ill, " That doth to me, his God, belong:" At kit he made their Corn to fail, And through the Land a Dearth prevail. 8. But PSALM CV. 325 8. But Jofeph he had fent before, ::£=r^y: Who for a Slave was fold and bound; His Feet, fecur'd within the Stocks, Did 'galling Irons pierce and wound: 'Till Goo's appointed Time and Word, Had try'd him, and did Help afford. 9. The King then fent, and fet him free, :^zz~z And Lord of all his Houfhold made; His Wealth he gave to him in Charge, Before him all his Counfels laid. That he might teach his Stateimen Skill, And tell the Princes of his Will. r^== P ART II. 10. To Egypt then, invited Gueits, With Speed half famifh'd Ifrael came; And Jacob, though a Stranger, held By royal Grant the Land of Ham: S=^E5: There God his People multiply'd, 'TiiF they with their Oppreflbrs vy'd. 11. Their 326 PSALM CV. ii. Their van: Increafe, th'Egyptian's Hearts, ^=-j With Jealoufy and Anger nYd; 'Till they, his Servants to deftroy, With fecret Treachery confpir'd : Their Hearts againft his People turn'd, Their Breads with inward Envy burn'd. 12. His Servant Mofes then he lent, Hefent his chofen Aaron too*, EmpowYd with Signs and Miracles, To prove their facred Million true: Thefe fhew'd the Wonders of his Hand, And fpread their Tokens through the Land. 13. He call'd for Darkneis, and it came, Yet would they not his Voice obey ; He turn'd their Waters into Blood, And did their Fifh in Numbers (lay: A nqifome Peft of Frogs was bred, Kndi fent to croak at Pharaoh's Bed. 14. He gave the Sign, and Swarms of Flies, Came PSALM CV. 327 m Came from above in cloudy Hots-, While Earth's enliven'd Dud below, Bred hateful Lice through all their Coafts: Hailftones he did for Rain command, And Flames of Fire, to plague the Land. 15. He fmote their Fig Trees and their Vines, Their lofty Foreft Trees deftroy'd •, Locufts and Caterpillars join'd In dreadlul Swarms, ths Landanrtoy'd: Their Numbers cover' d all the Ground, And eat the Fruit and Herbage round. 16. He, in one Night their Firft-born fmote, ~Th€ Chief oral! their ^ideliie^wt ~ But from their Land, enrich' d with Spoils, In Health and Strength his Servants drew: Egypt was glad when they remov'd, Who had to them fo fatal prov'd. 17. God fpread a Cloud to cover them, A Fire at Night was their fore Guide > He 28 PSALM CVI. He gave them Quails at their Defire, And them with heav'nly Bread fuppiy'd : He fmote the Rock, and from the Wound, The gufhing Waters flow'd around. - — rr*-- 18. For he his Promife kept in Mind, And brought his People forth with Joy-, Gave them the Fruit of other's Toil, And did their Heathen Foes deftroy: That they his Statutes might obey, And to his Laws due Rev'rence pay. o P S A L M CVL. Render Thanks to God above, The Fountain of eternal Love; Whofe Mercy firm through Ages paft Hath flood, and ffiall for ever laft: What mortal Eloquence can raife Of his great Deeds th'immortal Praife?_ 2. Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy Judgments never ftray, Extend PSALM CVI. 329 Extend to me that Favour, Lord, Thou to thy Choferi doft afford : When thou return'ft to let them free, Let thy Salvation vifit me. 3. Oh! may I worthy prove, to fee Thy Saints in full Profperity That I the joyful Choir may join, And count thy People's Triumph mine : But how can we expect fuch Grace, Of Parents vile, the viler Race ! 4. Ingrateful, they no longer thought On all his Works in Egypt wrought ; The Red Sea they no fooner view'd, But they their bafe Diftruft renew'd ; Yet God, to vindicate his Name, Once more to their DehVrance came. 5. To Right and Left, at his Command, ~ ir The parting Deep difclos'd her Sand; Where firm and dry the Paffage~lay,"~ H h As 330 PSALM CVI. As through fome parch'd and deiarFVVayT" Thus refcu'd, by his Hand, they were7~~ And freed from Danger and from fear; 6. Their Foes puriu'd them to the WavesT"" Which prov'd the rafh Purfuer's Grave's";""" The watry Mountain's fudden Fall,- O'erwhelm'd proud Pharaoh y Hoft andTaflT" This Proof did ftupid Jfirael move, To own God's Truth, and^aife~his~Xove.— LAJLT_IT-_ 7. But foon thefe Wonders they forgot,"" His Counfels they regarded not; But furling in the WiTderneft, Did him with frefh Temptations prefs: Strong Food, at their Requeft, he fent, But made their Sin their Punifhment. 8. Yet (till his Saints_ thev did opoofe, The Prieft and Prophet, whom he chofe: "" But Earth, the Quarrel to decide, Her PSALM §111111111- CVI. 33* Her vengeful Jaws extended wide, i*E3EE Ralh Dathan to her Centre drew, And Flames deitroy'd Abiram\ Crew. 9. Near HoreFs Mount a Calf they made, And to the molten Image pray'd ; Adoring what their Hands did frame, They chang'd their Glory to their Shame: Their God and Saviour they forgot, And all his Works, in Egypt wrought. 10. Nor thought they on his powerful Hand-, Who fpread fuch Wonders through the Land, Nor on the fearful Things, which he Had done lor them, when at the Sea, 'as- Proud Pharaoh^ and his num'rous Hoft, fir ■*■*— ^g 4 ±X~ Were in o'erwheiming Billows lolt. 11. Thus urg'd, his vengeful Hand he rear'd; But Mofes in the Breach appear'd : The Saint did for the Rebels pray, And turn'd Heav'ns kindled Wrath away. H h 2 Yet 33* PSALM CVI. Yet they his pleafant Land ^fefpis'd, Nor his repeated Promife priz'd. i?.. Gqcf's Voice they would noe yet obey, But when he laid, Go up, would flay-, This feaT'd their Doom without Redrefs, To perifh in the Wildernefs : Or elfe to be, by Heathen Hands, O'erthrown and fcatter'd through the Lands. _p_a_r T_ lll_ 13. Yet unreclaim'd, this ftubborn Race Baal-Peor\ Worihip did embrace ; Became his impious Guefts, and fed On Sacrifices to the Dead : Thus they perfifted to provoke God's Vengeance to the final Stroke. 14. 'Tis come — the deadly Peft is come, To execute their gen'ral Doom ; But Phineas^ fir'd with holy Rage,_ Th' Almighty's Vengeance to affwage, Did O XX la XVX V-Vl. 333 Did, by two bold Offender's Fall, Th'Attonement make, that ranfom'd all, 6Se =5=: ^SE^E":£E: 15. As him a heav'nly Zeal had _mov'd, So God the zealous Ad approv'd ; In him 'twas counted Righteoufnels, The Lord did therefore Phineas bleis To him confirming, and his Race, —r*r. The Priefthood, Jie fo well did grace. If 1 6. At Meribah^ God's Wrath they mov'd, Who Mofes for their Sakes reprov'd ; Whofe patient Soul they did provoke, 'Till ralhry the meek Prophet lpoke :• ?&=mm £= Nor did they, though defir'd, employ Their Swords the Heathen to deftroy. 17. Nor only fpar'd the Pagan Crew, But, mingling, learnt their Vices too ; And Worfhip to thofe Idols paid, Which them to fatal Snares betray'd : To Devils, they did facrifice3 Thejr Their Children, with relentlefs Eyes. 1 8. They ftain'd their Altars with a Flood, Of their own Sons and Daughters Blood •, No cheaper Victims would appeafe, Canaan s remorfelefs Deities : No Blood her Idols reconcile, But that which did the Land defile. PART IV. Iil^=|sH=:li=§i=i=il=iliii 19. Thus after their Hearts Lulls they went, And daily did new Crimes invent; But Sins of fuch infernal Hue, God's Wrath againft his People drew: 'Till he, their once indulgent Lord, His own Inheritance abhorr'd. 20. He them, defencelefs, did expofe To their infulting Heathen Foes ; And made them on the Triumphs wait, Or thofe who bore them greateft Hate : To Tyrants they were fubject made, Who Who on them heavy Burdens laid. 21. Yet when, diftrefs'd, they "did repent, His Anger did as oft relent ; Implacable he never prov'd, N or heard their wretched Cries unmov'd : But did to Mind his Promife bring, And Mercy's inexhiaufted Spring. 22. Companion too he did impart Ev'n to their Foes obdurate Heart •, And Pity for their Suff'nngs bred, In thole, who them to Bondage led: He did their Enemies difpofe, To ^afe the Burden of their Woes. 23. Still lave us, Lord, and IfraeVs Bands Together bring from Heathen Lands ♦, So to thy Name our Thanks we'll raife, And ever triumph in thy Praife : Let all thy Saints, with full Accord, Sing Toud Amens — Praife ye the Lord ! PSALM 33b PSALM CVII. PSALM CVII. jL__P God X2lIr gratefuTVoices raiie, _ Who does_your Patron prove"7~ " 5 n^_ie^^u£ never cealTng~PralTe_ Attend hisjendiefs~Lovc~ JUet thofe gVgJThanks, whom he from Bands — ^ naughty Foe7"releas7d] ^ V ■Prom^oyth, Somh, Wgft and Kaft, 2._Through lonely defart Ways they^went, ~~ Nor could _aJCTty"~fir7d7~ 'Till quite with ThirfFand HungeMpent7~ Their Souls withirTthem pin'd." Then foon to Gon's indulgent Ear it- ■ u..,.l— rr-S^===i They did their Cry addrefs •, I=E^=§^t§lllSfiililiizlii _Who_gracioufly vouchfaf'd to hear, _And freed them from Diftrefs. 3. From crooked Paths he led them forth, And did their Footfteps guide j T<* PSALM cviir To wealthy Towns of great Retort, 3<»< Where they were well lupply'd. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me, Would God's great Mercy praile ; And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World difplays. 4. For he beholds the longing Souls, :35r=: Their Wants he fatisfies •, The hungry Soul, e'en to the full, With Goodnels he fupplies. Some lie, with Darknefs compals'd round, In Death's tremendous Shade •, And with unwieldy Fetters bound, By Cares more heavy made. 5. Becaufe God's Counfel they defy'd, And lightly pm'd his Word; E^E5: They fell, and were with Sorrows try'd, Where none could Help afford. Then foon to God's indulgent Ear They 33% PSALM CVII. They did their Cry addreis ; who graciouily vouchfai'd to hear, And freed them from Diitrcfs. 6. From diimal Dungeons, dark as Night, And black as Death's Abode, He brought them forth, to chearful Light, And Liberty beitow'd. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would God's great Mercy praiie, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World difplays ! 7. hor he, with his Almighty Hand, The Gates in Pieces broke •, Nor could the Bars of brals withitand, Or Steel reifit his Stroke. PA R_T JL_ I. Remorfelefs Wretches, void of Senfe, With Boldnefs God defy •, ""AndfTor theiF"muItipJyJd Offence, Of- PSALM CVIL 339 "Oppreis'd with Sicknefs lie. "Their Soul, a Prey to Pain and Fear, Abhors the choiceft Meats •, And they by faint Degrees draw near To Death's moft dreadful Gates. 9. Then ftraight to God's indulgent Ear, They do their Cry addrefs; Who gracioully vouchfafes to hear, And free them from Diftrefs : inmnin He all their lad Diltempers heals, And Health and Safety gives ; And when all human Succour fails, Their Souls from Death re-trieves. 10. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would God's great Mercy praiie ; And all the wondrous Works, which he Throughout the World dilplays ! With Offerings let his Altar name, Whilft they their Thanks expreFs ♦, And 34o PSALM CVII. ""And with loud joy, his holy Name, For ail his Wonders bids. _P_AR_T III. ii. They that in Ships, with Courage bold", Through Seas their Frade puriue, Do God's amazing Works behold, And fearful Wonders view. No iboner his Command is pail, But forth the Tempeft tiies ; Which fweeps the Sea with rapid Hafte, And makes the Billows rife. 12. Sometimes the Ships, tofs'd up to Heav'n, On Mountain Waves appear ; Then down the fteep Abyfs are driv'n, :5Ez:E Each Soul diifolves with Fear. They reel and itagger to and fro, __ Like Men with Wine opprefs'd ; Nor do the fkilful Seamen know, Which Courfe to fteer, is bell. 13. Then PSALM CVII. 341 -? 13. Then ftraight to God's indulgent Ear - -'.. They do their Cry addrefs ; Who gracioufly vouchsafes to1 hear, And free them from Diftrefs, He does the raging Storm appeafe, And makes the Billows ftill •, Their Voyage they fulfil. 14. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would God's great Mercv praife, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World difplays ! Let them, where all the Tribes refort, Advance his glorious Name, And in the Elder's fov'reign Court, With Joy his Praife proclaim. PART IV. 15. A fruitful Land, where Streams abound, God, if the People iin, Will 34* PSALM CVII. Will turn to dry and barren Ground, l=is ^5E£: And puniOi thole therein : The parchM and defart Heath, he makes To Imile with fpnnging Wells ; Which for his Lot the Hungry takes, And in ltrong Cities dwells. b=kirS=£ 1 6. He fows the Fields, the Vineyard plants, _ Which all his Toil repay ; Nor can, while God his Bleifing grants, His Seed or Stock decay. But when his Sins Heav'n's Wrath provoke, His Substance fades away-, He feels th'Oppreffor's galling Yoke, And falls to Grief a Prey. -^— : rr~?-: 17. The Prince that lhghts what God commands, Muit quickly leave his Throne And over wild and delart Lands Abandon'd ftray alone. ^ Whilft God from all affti&mg Cares Sets PSALM CVIII. 343 Sets humble Men_ on hlgh;~ And makes in Time their num'rous Heirs With num'rous Flocks to vie. 1 8. Then Sinners mall have nought to fay, The Juft their Joy "Thalf lhow~~ The Wile thefe ftrange Events mail w-iah, And God's great Mercy know. PSALM CVIII. V J God, mv Heart is fully bent, To magnify thy glorious Name •, My Tongue with chearful Songs of Praife Shall ftrive to celebrate thy Fame. 2. Awake my Lute, nor thou mv Harp, Thy dulcet warbling Notes delay ; WhiTit I with early Hymns of Joy Prevent the Dawning of the Day. 3. To all the lift'ning Tribes, O Lord, Thy Works of Wonder I will tell ; And to thofe Nations ting thy Praife, E'en 344- PSALM CVIIL Ev'n thofe who round about us dwell. 4. Becaufe thy Mercy's boundlefs Height l=3EEEE?EEg :ny Mercy s be The higheft Heav'n itfelf transcends, And far beyond th'afpinng Clouds, : — ±. Thy faithful Truth, O Lord, extends. 5. Be thou, O God, exalted, high Above the glitt'ring ftarry Frame; And let the World with one Confent Confefs thy great and glorious Name. 6. That all thy chofen People, thee, Their God and^ Saviour may declare; Let thy Right Hand protect me ftill, And anfwer thou my humble Pray'r. j. Since God himfelf hath faid the Word, Whofe faithful Promife cannot fail;_ With Joy I Sechem will divide, And meafure SuccothS fruitful Vale. 8. G tie ad is mine, Manajjab too, And Epbraim likewife owns my Caufe ; Their ■ P s L M CVIII. 345 ==•£=3:— Their Strength my regal Pow'r iupports, And Judab publLnes my Laws. ."). Moab I'll make my fervile Drudge; On vanquifh/a Edcm I will tread •, And through the proud Fhiliftine Land Will my triumphant Banners fpread. 10. By whofe Support and Aid, fhall I ^=E%EEE^ ;3eS^ The well defended City gain ? Who will my Troops fecurely lead Through Edcm's ftrongly guarded Plain ? ii. Lord, wilt not thou aifift our Arms, Which thou fo lately did'fl forfake ? And wilt not thou of thefe our Hofts Once more the Ibie Direction take ? 12. O to thy Servants in Diftrefs, Thy HeipN and fpeedy Succour fend ! For vain it is on human Aid, For Safety ever to depend. 13. Then valiant Ads fhall we perform, I i If 346 PSALM CIX. If thou wjk thy great Pow'r difclofe ; For God it is, and God alone, That treads down all our haughty Foes. PSA L M CIX. GOD, whole former Mercies make My conftant Praife thy Due, Hold not thy Peace, but mv fad State, With wonted Favours view. For finful Men, with lying; Lids, Deceitful Speeches frame, And with their ftudy'd Slander leek To wound my fpotlefs Fame. 2. Their relllefs Hatred prompts them ftill Malicious Lies to fpread; And all againft my Life combine, By caufelefs Fury led. Thofe whom with tender'ft Love I us'd, __ My chief Oppofers are; Whilft I, of other "Friends bereft, Refort L M 3. Since Mifchief, for the Good I did, Their ftrange Reward does prove, And Hatred's the Return they make ^e?ee±eIe?=^ For undifiembled Love, Their guilty Leaders mail be made To fome ill Man a Slave; And, when he's try'd, his mortal Foe For his Accuier have. 4. His Guilt, when Sentence is pronounc'd, Shall meet a dreadful Fate, Whilft his rejected Pray'r but ferves His Crimes to aggravate, He, fnatch'd by fome untimely Fate, Sha'n't live out half his Days : Another, by divine Decree, Shall on his Office feize. 5. His Seed fhall Orphans be, his Wife _ A Widow, plung'd in Grief j I i 2 Hh 348 PSALM CIX, His vagrant Children beg their Bread, Where none can give Relief; His ill-got Riches ihall be made To Uiurers a Prey •, ^T^FrvSTofT^^ Toil ihalTbe^ By Strangers borne away. 6. None ihall be found that to his Wants Their Mercy will extend, Or to his helplels Orphan Seed The leaft Affiftance Tend. A fwift Definition ibon ihall leize On his_ unhappy Race-, And the next Age his hated Name Shall utterly deface. 7. The Vengeance of his Father's Sins, f_ Upon his Head fhall fall; God on his Mother's Crime ihall think, And punifh him for all. All thefe, in horrid Order rank'd, Before PSALM CIX. 349 Berore the Lord fhall ftand, Till his fierce Anger quite cuts off Their Mem'ry from the Land. P A_R T II. 8. Becauie he never Mercy fhow'd, But ftiii the Poor opprefs'd-, iind fought to flay the helplefs Man, With heavy Woes diftrefs'd, Therefore the Curfe he Iov'd to vent, Shall his own Portion prove ; And BFemngs, which he ftill abhorr'd, Shall far trom him remove. i. Since he in curfing took fuch Pride, £=*E Like Water it mail fpread or & Through all his Veins, and flick like Oil, With which his. Bones are fed. Ujt== This, like a pbifon'd Robe, mall ftill His conltant Cov'ring be, Or an envenom'd Belt, from which Hq 350 P S A L M CIX. He never mall be free. 10. Thus fhall the Lord reward all thole, That ill to me defign, That with malicious falfe Reports Againit my Lite combine. _But for_thy glorious Name, 6 God, ""r" And tor thy gracious Mercy's lake, Prefer ve and fet me free. ii. Fori, to utmoft Straits reduc'd, Am void of all Relief-, My Heart is wounded with Diitreis, And quite pierc'd through with Grief. I, like an Ev'ning Shade, decline, TV- -" Which vaniihes apace : Like Locufts, up and down l'am tols'd;L_ And have no certain Place. 12. My Knees with Falling are grown weak, iH=iii^iiS=|fii-: My Body lank and lean; All PSALM CIX. All that behold me, make their Heads, And treat me with Diidain. But for thy Mercy's fake, Q Lord, Do thou my Foes withitand ; That all may fee, 'tis thy own Act, 13. Then let them curie, fo thou but blels : g-s= 5^±; Let Shame the Portion be Of afl that my Deitruction feek, While I rejoice in thee. My Foe fliafl with Difgrace be cloath'd ; _And, lpite of all his Pride, His own Conruiion, like a Cloke, The guilty Wretch ihall hide. 14. But 1 to God, in grateful Thanks, rE^EEElSrrr: My chearful Voice will raile; And where the great Alfembly meets, Set forth his noble Praile. For him the PooTThalT always find =* Their 352 PSALM CX. Their lure and conitant Friend ; fH^ii^i^lPIilfPllL. And he (hall from unrighteous Dooms Their guiltlefs Souls defend. P S A L M CX. J HUS faid God, unto my Lord, " Sit in State at my right Hand; " Till I make thy daring Foes " Subject unto thy Command. 2. Thou, from Sion, lialt extend O'er thy Foes a gen'ral Sway, Nations {hall thy Pow'r behold, And their Free- Will OfPnngs pay. 3. They, to worfhip thee, fhall come, When thy rifing Beams they view ; Full as numberlefs and bright, As the Drops of Morning-Dew. 4. God hath fworn, nor fworn in vain, Thou a Prieft fhalt ever be ; Like MelchifedectfSt thy Reign Shall PSALM CXI, 65 S Shall no Change or Period fee. 57"Helhair BTat thy Right Hand,~ For thee, Kings in Anger wound •, Heathen Nations he fhall judge, And their Bodies fcatter round. 6. After drinking of the Brook, Which he crofles in his Way ; He fhall lift his Head on high, And his glorious Pow'r difplay. PSALM CXI Pws RAT SE ye the Lord, our God to praife, My Soul her utmoft PowV fhall raife; With private Friend* , and in the Throng Of Saints, his Praife fhall be my Song : Great are his Work?, and fought aright By thofe, who in them take Delight. 2^_His Works are all of matchlefs Fame, And univerfal Glory claim : His Truth, cdnfirm'd, through Ages pall, Shall 354 PSALM CXI. Shall to eternal Ages Lift. The gracious Lord hath us enjoin'd, To keep his wondrous Works in Mind. 3. hl-s Bounty, like a flowing Tide, — -» — ■ — — — -i- Has all his Servants Wants iupply'd; And he will ever keep in Mind hi is Cov'nant with our Lathers fign'd : .For us he did his how'r diiplay, 1 o us the Heathen Lands convey. 4-. Juit are the Dealings of "his Hands, immutable are his Commands*, hie let his Saints irom Bondage free, And then eitabliih'd his Decree, , hor ever to remain the lame \ Holy and Rev'rend is his -Name! 5. Who Wiidom's lacred Lnze would win, Muit with the Lear of God begin , tl-=: • -»!! Good Underitanding, heav'nly Skill, Have they, who know and do his Will : The V SAL M CXII. 355 fcrz:: The Praife thereof is fixed lure, 5=jSs==$==5= And lhall for evermore endure, B mm I^ESS'D is he, who fears the Lord, And doth his Laws obey Great his Seed (hall be on Eartn, Crown'd with Wealth his Houie (hail be,, "To Mercy (till incEn'd; *= 1 hough in Trouble, he (hall fhine, The Blefling of Mankind. 2. Grt he lendeth to the Poor, m His Words are always juft ; And his Glory (hall furvive, Though he mould (leepjn j^uit. Him ill Tidings mall not move, Vv hofe Heart on God relies ; But in Safety lee the Fall Of all his Enemies. 10 3$6 PSALM CXIII. — 1-_ 3. To the Needy he beitows, And doth their Wants fupply •, Thus his RighteoiTnefs fhail laft, Mis Horn "be rais'd on high. ""This the Wicked flull behold, ~~ And gnafh their Teeth in Pain ; Whillt their Hopes but fruitlefs prove, And all their Wifhes vain. PSALM CXIII. I E Saints, and Servants of the Lord, The Triumphs or his Name record; His lacred Name for ever blefs ; Where e'er the circling Sun difplays , His nfing Beams, or letting Rays, Due Praife to his p;reat Name addrels. 2. God through the World extends his Sway, The Regions of eternal Day But Shadows of his Glory are : With him, whofe Majefty excells, Whq PSALM CXIV. 357 Who made the Heav'n, in which he dwells, Let no created Pow'r compare. yf. Though 'tis beneath his State to view, In higher!: Heav'n, what Angels do, Yet he to Earth vouchsafes his Care : He takes the Needy from his Ceil, Advancing him in Courts to dwell, Companion to the Greater! there. 4. When chiidleis Families deipair, He fends the BlefTlng of an Hcir,_ To reicue their expiring Name: Makes her, that barren was, to bear, And joyfully her Fruit to rear. Oh then extol his maichlefs Fame! w PSALM CXIV. HEWl^a^by^?Almiga^Qir 2*E3: (Enrich'd with their OpprelTors' Spoil) / From Egypt march'd, and Jacob's Seed From Bondage in a foreign Soilj 2. JE- 45 gf F S A L M CXIV. ;i=^lllllli; :*:-^' 2. Jehovah, for his Residence, Chofe out imperial Judab's Te n, . . His Manfion Royal, and from thence Through Ifrael's Camp his Orders fent. j. The diftant Sea with Terror faw, And from th' Almighty's Hrefcnce fled ; Old Jordan's Streams, furpriz'd with Awe, Retreated to their Fountain's Head. 4. The taller Mountains fkipp'd like Rams, When Danger near the Fold they hear •, The Hills ikipp'd after them like Lambs, Affrighted by their Leader's Fear. S5. O Sea, what made your Tide withdraw, And naked leave your oozy Bed? Why, Jordan, againft Nature's Law, Recoil'd'fl thou to thy Fountain's Head?, c. Why, Mountains, did ^ ou flap like Rams _ When. Danger does approach the Fold? y\ hy arter you, the Kills like Lambs, When PSALM CXIV. 359 behold? When they their Leaders Flight 7. Earth tremble on-, well may' ft thou fear Thy Lord and Makers Face to fee-, When Jacob's awful God draws near, 'Tis Time for Earth and Seas to flee. 8. To flee from God, who Nature's Law Confirms and cancels at his Will 5 nz=r Who Springs, from flinty Rocks, can draw, And thirfty Vales with Water fill. PSAL M CXV. I ^ O Glory, Lord, we claim j But to thy J acred Name Be all the Praife addreffed -, Thou, who doft ever prove The God of Truth and Love, Hath us in Mercy bleffed. 2. Why mould the Heathen fay, u Where doth their God delay ? " Why are they not rekafed ? 5J Our 36o PSALM CXV. Our God, who cL veils on high, v The Sov'reign or the Sky, Hath done whate'er him pieafed. 3. Their golden Idol itands, The Work of mortal Hands, It's Mouth no Words expreiiing ; It hath both Eyes and Ears, Yet neither fees nor hears -, It's Noie no Smell poffeilmg. 4L It's Hands but ufelefs prove, It's Feet can never move, To one fiVcf Place confined -, Though Idols fenfelefs are, As ftupid they appear, Who them for Gods deiigned. 5. IfraeU on God depend, Who only can defend, And fuccour the Diftrefled •, Prieils, Levites, him alone Your PSALM CXV. 361 Your God and Saviour own; To him be Praife addrefifed. '. All ye that fear the Lord, 1; Truft in his holy Word, On him with Faith relying: HTis he doth Comfort yield, He is your Help and Shield, Your Wants he's fiill fupplying. 7. We have his Goodnefs feen, And God hath mindful been Of Iffatl; he hath blefTed _Priefts, Levites, great and fmall, ' His Profelytes, ev'n all, 1111=111111 Who have his Name confefied 8. For you, and for your Heirs, iir His Blefling he prepares, Who made both Earth and Heaven; The Skies are all his own, This WorId~he"fram'd alone","" K k Which 362 PSALM CXVI. Which he to us hath given. 9. The Dead, O righteous Lord ! To thee no Praife afford, In filent Shades confined: But we will evermore, Thy glorious Name adore, With Hearts to thee reiigned. _PJLA L M CXVI. XVJlY Soul with grateful Thoughts of Love, Entirely is poffefs'd ; Becaufe the Lord vouchfafM to hear, The Voice of my Requeft. 2. Since he has now his Ear inclin'd, I never will defpair; But ftill in all the Straits of Life, To him addrefs my Pray'r. 3. With deadly Sorrows compafs'd round, With Pains of Hell opprcfs'd-, When Troubles feiz'd my aking Heart, And PSALM CXVI. 363 And Anguilri _rack'd my Breaft : ins- f. On God's almighty Name I cali'd, 1: And thus to him I prav'd; lili Lord, 1 befeech thee, lave my Soul, " With Sorrow quite difmay'd ! " 5. How juft and merciful is God ! How gracious is the Lord! Who faves the Harmleis, and to me Does timely Help afford. 5. Then, free from penfive Cares, my Soul, Relume thy wonted Reit-, For God has'wondrouily tj> thee, :==*<: His bounteous .Love expreft* 7. When Death alarm'd me, he remov'd ■-*=-. My Dangers and my Fears; • My Feet trom falling he iecur'd, And dry'd my Eyes rrom Tears. X. Therefore my Life's remaining Years, Which God to me lhall lend, K k 2 Will 3$4 PSALM CXVL "Will I,- in Praifes to his Name7~~ And in his Service, fpend. 9. [ did believe, and therefore fpoke, Great my Afflictions were : "And inTrty Hafte I rafhly iaidU That all Men Liars are. 10. Oh, what Return to him, mail f For all his Goodnefs make ? I'll praife his Name, and with glad Zeal ~The~Cup ofTJleffinY'takeT- 11. I'll pay my Vows now to the Lord, With mod fmcere Delight. The Lord preferves his Saints, their Death Is precious in his Sight 12. Truely I am thy Servant, Lord; To ferve thee, is my Choice ; Thine Handmaid's Son, my Bonds thou loos'd, And made me to rejoice. 13. To thee I'll OfPring bring of Praife; And PSALM CXVII. 36§ _iii^i=i=!=i!H And whilft I bleis thy Name, The juft Performance of my Vows, To all thy Saints proclaim. 14. They in Jerusalem mail meet, And in thy Pioufe ihall join, To blefs thy Name with one Confent, And mix their Songs with mine. PSALM CXVII. V^/Hj praife the Lord, ye Nations round,_ Let all the Earth his Praife refbund, And in his Mercy~ftill Tejol ce]T~ _His_Love and Truth fhall ne'er^decay, _To_him your grateful Tribute pay -, O praife the Lord with Heart and Voice. PSALM CXVIII. Tli5iJiiiiiP:iii^=i=^ii^i== O JCjod_ be endlefs Praife addreffed, _Becaufe his Mercies" ne'er decay, That he hath us with Favour blefled, ™~ Let thankful IJrael ever lay: And 366 PSALM CXVIIL And for the Love he's ftilT extending, Let Aaron's Houfe their Joy exprefs ; His Truth and Goodnels never ending, Let all who fear the Lord confefs. 2. My Soul to God her Pray'r addrefled, Who graciouily vouchlaf'd to hear-,_ Since he relieves me, when opprefYed, Why Ihould 1 any Mortal fear? My Foes, no doubt, fhall be difgraced, Since God declares himielf my Friend : Our Hopes mould all in him be placed, And not on human Pow'r depend 3. Though manv Nations, clofe combined, Did oftentimes befet me round-, Yet I my Caufe to him refigned, Who did their boafted Strength confound. They fwarm'd like Eees, and me defied, Their Rage was like a (hort-liv'd Blaze; for, whilft on God I ltill relied", I oyer- PSALM CXVIII. 367 " I overcame them all with Eaie. I. "When they their utmoftForce exerted, In Hopes to fee my hidden Fall; The Lord, who never me deferted, In Mercy fav'd me from them all. That I've eicap'd from Tribulation, lo him alone the Fraiie belongs ; • He is my Strength, and my Salvation ; He is the Theme or all my Songs. 5. The J uft, with Joy, are ever praiiing TneTLoRD, who laves their Souls rrom Harm ; For wond'rous Things and Works ama2ing,, Are done by his Almighty Arm. tmwmmmmwmmwms, His ltrong Right Hand he hath extended, And never-fading Honours won; His ftrong Right Hand hath us defended, "Hiiiiiiiiti^ni^fen And molt furprizing Wonders done. 6, Th?ugh Death draws nigh, my Soul dilmaying, Yet God fhall itill prolong my Days ; That 36t PSALM CXVIII. ' iIi^Hii^|ili=II^IIiiI==== That 1 his mighty Works difplaying, May thus advance his glorious Praile. When God, with heavy Hand correcting, My Soul of all her Joy bereaves ; illiii§liil^il*r = ^r^-= Ev'n then, his Mercy me protecting, From Death my fainting Life retrieves. 7. Then let the Gates be wide extended, The Gates, to which the Juft repair; That I, whom God hath thus defended, V- May praife my great Deliv'rer there. With Footfteps to thole Gates directed, To which in Crouds the Righteous prefs, Since thou halt heard, and me protected, Thy holy IS ame^^LoRP, ,m blejsf ^ 8. That, which the Builders once defpifed, Is now become the Corner-Stone ; This Wonder, Lord, thou haft devifed, This wond'rous Work is thine alone! This Day is God's, let Songs afcending P S A L M CXVIII. 369 To Heav'n, be ient from ev'ry Voice : Lord, be thy Arm our Cauie defending, And make us itili in thee rejoice. 9. Who truits in God, to be iupported, EVn him let alHr7A5e^rym^ ~" We, who have to his Houie reiorted, Do freely wilh you good Succels. God is the Lord, in whole Salvation, We all both Light and Comfort find; Fait to the Horns, with Adoration, The Altar's Horns, the Victim bind. 10. Thou art my God, and I with Pieaiure, Will ever praile thy holy Name: Thou art my God, my Soul's great Treafure,~ Therefore Til celebrate thy Fame! Oh, to the Lord be Praiie addrelied, Who doth lb kind and gracious prove; For us, his People, he hath blefied, And crown'd with never ending Love. PSALM 37o P S A L M CXIX. PSALM CXIX. I. A L E P H. _ O W blefs'd are they, who always keep The pure and perte£t Way, Who never from the (acred Paths Of God's Commandments iiray ! 2. How blefl, who to his righteous Laws Have ftill obedient been-, And have with fervent humble Zeal His Favour fought to win. ' 3. Such Men their utmolt Caution uie To fhun each wicked Deed ; But in the Path, which he directs, With confiant Care proceed. 4. Thou ftriclly hail enjoin'd us, Lord, To learn thy facredWill; And all our Diligence employ Thy Statutes to"~fuTfilL"" " ~ s, O! then that thy moil holy Will Might PSALM CXIX. 37i Might o'er my Ways prdide, And I the Courie of all my Lire, By thy Direction guide ! 6. Then with AfTurance fhould I walk, From all Coniulion tree, Convinc'd with Joy, that ail my Ways With thy Commands agree. 7. My upright Heart fhall my glad Mouth With cheariul Praiies hii •, When by thy righteous Judgments taught, 1 fhall have learnt thy Will. 8. So to thy facred Law ihall T All due Observance pay ; O ! then forfake me not, my God, Nor can me quite away. ^ ILJL£ r £ q. How ihall the Young; preferve their Ways, From all Pollution free? By making itill their Courie of Life With ?73 PSALM CXIX, With thy Commands agree. 10. With hearty Zeal for thee I leek, To thee for Succour pray; 6 ! foffer not my careleis Steps From thy right l"aths to" ftray. ii. Safe in my Heart, and cloiely hid. Thy Word, my Treafure, lies •,*" To luccour me with timely Aid, When iinful Thoughts arife. 12. Secur'd by that, my grateful Soul ' ^hall ever bleis thy Name : O ! teach me then, by thy juft Laws, My future Life to frame, 13. My Lips, unlock'd by pious Zeal, To others have deciar'd, How well the Judgments of thy Mouth _ Deferve our belt Regard. 14. Whilif. in the Way of thy Commands ^=i|||!i=il!i More foiid Joy I found, Than PSALM CXIX. 373 "Than had I been with vail Increafe ~~6f envy'd Riches crown'd. 15. Therefore thy iuft and upright Laws ~ $halPalVavT~fill"lTr)^lvirnd7~ And thofe found Rules, which thou prelcrib'ft7~~ All due Refpect (hall find. 16. To keep thy Statutes un^efac'd, Shall be my con ft ant joy •, The ftricl: Remembrance of thy Word, Shall all my Thoughts employ. III. G I M E L. :=*: 17. Be gracious to thy Servant, Lord, ~~ Do thou my Life defend, That I, according to thy Word, Mv future Time may ipend. 18. Enlighten both my Eyes and Mind~ That fo I may difcern. The wond'rous Things, which thev behold, Who thy juft Precepts learn. 19. Tho* 3/* PSALM CXIX. 19. Though, like a Stranger in the Land, From Place to Place I ftray, Thy righteous Judgment from my Sight Remove not thou awav. 20. My fainting Soul is almoft pin'd, ' With earnelt Longing fpent; WhiTft always on the eager Search Of thy juft Will intent. 21. Thy iharp Rebuke fhall crufh the Proud, Whom it ill thy Curfe purfues ; Since they to walk in thy right Ways, ir'refumptuoufly refufe. 22. But, far rrom me, do thou, O Lord, Contempt and Shame remove-, For I thy facred Laws affedt Wit 11 undiflembled Love. 23. Though Princes oft in Council met, Againit thy Servant lpake-, Yet 1, thy Statutes to obierve, My CXIX. PSALM My conitant Bus'nefs make. 24. For thy Commands have always been My Comfort and Delight; By them 1 learn with prudent Care, To guide my Footfteps right. IV. D A L E T H. 37 O/D 25. My Soul, ooprefs'd with deadly Care, , Clole to the Earth doth cleave : Revive me, Lord, and let me now Thy promis'd Aid receive. 26. To thee I ftill declare my Ways, And thou inclin'it thine Ear : O teach me then my future Life By thy luft Laws to iteer. 27. If thou wilt make me know thy Laws, And by their Guidance walk, The wond'rous Works, wThich thou haft done, Shall be my conftant Talk. 28. But fee, my Soul 'within me links, Prefs'd 376 PSALM CXLt. Prefs'd down with weighty Care ; Do thou, according to thy Word, My wafted Strength repair. 29. Far, tar from me be all falfe Ways, And lying Arts remov'd •, But kindly grant I iiill may keep cr The Path by thee approv'd. 30. Thy faithful Ways, thou God of Truth, My happy Choice I've made : JThy judgment, as my Rule of Lire, Before me always laid. 31. My Care has been to make my Life, With thy Commands agree : O then preferve thy Servant, Lord, From Shame and Ruin free. 32. So in the Way of thy Commands Shall I with Pleafure run, And with a I (eart enlarg'd with Joy, Succeisf ully go on. y ° V. HE. PSALM CXIX. 377 V. H E. 33. fnftru6l me in thy Statutes, Lord, Thy righteous Paths difplay : And I from them through all my Life, Will never go aftray. 34. If thou true Wiidom from above Wilt gracio'-fly impart, To keep thy perfect Laws, I will Devote my zealous Heart. 35. Direct me in the facred Ways, To which thy Precepts lead: Becaufe my chief Delight has been Thy righteous Paths to tread. 36. Do thou to thy moft juft Commands Incline my willing Heart : Let no Defire of worldly Wealth From thee my Thoughts divert. 3 j. From thofe vain Objects turn my Eyes, Which this falie World difplays, L 1 But 378 PSALM CXIX. But give me lively Pow'r and Strength To keep thy righteous YVays. 38. Confirm the Promife, which thou mad'ft, And give thy Servant Aid": Who to tranfgrefs thy iacred Laws, Is awfully afraid. 39. The foul Difgrace I juftly fear, In Mercy, Lord, remove : For all the Judgments thou ordain'fb, Are full of Grace and Love. 40. Thou know'ft, how after thy Commands My longing Heart does pant, O then make hafte to raife me up, And promis'd Succour grant. VI. V A U. 41. Thy conftant BlefTing, Lord, beitow, To cheer my drooping Heart: To me, according to thy Word, Thy faving Health impart. 42. So PSALM CXIX. 379 42. So fhall I, when my Foes upbraid, ThisTready Anfwer make '* In God I truft, who never will " His faithful Promiie break. 43. Then let not quite the Word of Truth Be from my Mouth remov'd : tmmmwmmmr Since itill my Ground of ftedfaft Hope, Thy juft Decrees have prov'd. 44. So I to keep thy righteous Laws Will all my Study bend; From Age to Age. my Time to come In their Observance fpend. 45. E'er long I truft to walk at large, I: From all Incumbrance free; Since I refolv'd to make my LAie With thy Commands agree. il^lHI^HI^^Iiltlll 46. Thy Laws fhall be my conftant Talk;, And Princes fhall attend, Whilft I the Jufticc trf thy Way* L 1 2 With PSALM CXIX. With Confidence defend. !3E 36O 1= 47. My longing Heart and ravjh'd Soul Shall both o'errlow with Joy •, When in thy Ibv'd Commandments I My happy Hours employ. lis^i^Eiiiiiiil^-i^i^iii; 48. Then will I to thy iuft Decrees Lift up my willing Hands ; = *=z My Care and Bus'nefs then fhall be, U- ;t-*—z To ftudy thy Commands. 49. According to thy promis'd Grace, Thy Favour, Lord, extend; Make good to me the Word, on which Thy Servant's Hopes depend. 50. That only Comfort in Diftrefs, -»— :s*: i Did all my Griefs controul; Thy Word, when Troubles hemm'd me round, Reviv'd my fainting Soul. 51. Limiting Foes did proudly mock, And PSALM CXIX. 381 F£: = ■£-:£=:»:: And all my, Hopes deride ; Yet from thy Law, not all their Scoffs, Could make me turn afide. 52. Thy Judgments then of ancient Date, I quickly cali'd to Mind •, , Till raviih'd with iuch Thoughts, my Soul Did fpeedy Comfort find. S3. Sometimes I Hand amaz'd, like one With deadly Horror (truck, To think how all my finful Foes Have thy juft Laws forlobk. 54. But I thy Statutes and Decrees My chearful Anthems made ; Whilft thro' ftrange Lands and Defarts wild I like a Pilgrim ftray'd. 55. Thy Name, that chear'd my Heart by DaT , ^_Has^fiird my Thoughts by Night; I then refolv?d_by thy juft Laws To guide my Steps aright. 56. That 382 PSALM CXIX. $6. That Peace of Mind, which has my Soul In deep Diftrefs iuitain'd, By ftrict QbedienaTto thy Will, I happily obtain'd. VIII. C H E T H. :;£— 57 O Lord, my God, my Portion thou. And lure PoiTeffion art; Thy Word" 1 itedfaftly refolve _To treafure in my Heart. 58._ With all the Strength of warm Defires^ I did thy Grace implore-, Difclole, according to thy Word, Thy Mercy's boundlefs Store. __ 59. With due Reflection and Uriel Care, ^_ On all my Ways I thought ; u_ And lb reclaim'cTto thy juft Paths, n a to tny jure ratns, My wandring Steps I brought. 60. I loft no Time, but made great hafte, g. « v t-4r Refolv'd without Delay, To PSALM CXIX. 3*3 To watch, that 1 might never more From thy Commandments itray. 61. I hough num'rous Troops ol firifui Men, To rob me have comoin'd; let I thy pure and righteous Laws inave ever kept in Mind. 62. In dead or iN'ight I wiil anie, ^__ I To ling thy ioiemn Praiie -9 Convinc'd how much I always ought To love thy righteous Ways. 1>3. To luch as tear thy holy .Name, Myielr Til cTolely join," ~ ~~~ To all who their obedient Wills m=s^m _To thy Commands refign. 64. O'er all the Earth, thy Mercy, Lord, Q make me then exadtly learn, Thy facred Paths to tread. IX. TETH. 3 §4 PSALM CXIX. ix. r e r h. 65. With me, thy Servant, thou hail dealt, Moil gracioufly, O Lord, Repeated Benefits beftow'd, According to thy Word. 66\_Teach me the facred Skill by which" Right Judgment' Is attain'd, _ Who in Belief of thy Commands _ Have ftedfaftly remain'd. 6y. Before Affliction ftopt my Cotide. My Footfteps went aftray ; But I have fince been diiciplin'd, Thy Precepts to obey. 68. Thou art, O Lord, fupremely good, And all thou doft is fo ; On me thy Statutes to difcern, Thy laving Skill heftow. 69. The Proud have forg'd malicious Lies, My ipotiefs Fame to itain : But PSALM CXIX. 3* But my nVd Heart without Referve, mmmmmmmiwmr Thy Precepts mail retain. 70. While pamper'd they, with profp'rous Ills, J _ In lenfual Pleafures live ; i=iHHiii!!lp§i My Soul can relifh no Delight, But what thy Precepts give. ~£E5E 71. 'Tis good for me that I have felt Affliction's chaft'ning Rod; That I might duly learn, and keep The Statutes or my God. 72. The Law that from thy Mouth proceeds, Of more Eileem I hold, Than untouched Mines, than thouiand Mines Of Sliver and of Gold. X. JOB. 73. To me, who am the Workmanfhip Of thy Almighty Hands, _iL_ _The Heav'nly Understanding give To learn thy juft Commands, 74. My '7KZ 3S6 PSALM CXIX. 74. My Prdervation to thy Saints Strong Comfort will afford; To fee Succeis attend my Hopes, Who trufted in thy Word. 7$. That right thy judgments are, 1 now, By fure Experience fee, And that in Faithfulnefs, O Lord, Thou hail airlifted me. 76. O let thy tender Mercy now Afford me needful Aid : According to thy Promile, Tord, To me, thv Servant, made. 77. To me thy laying Grace reitore, T'iat I again may live ; Whofe Soul can reiifh no Delight, But what thy Precepts give. 78. Defeat the Proud, who unprovok'd, To ruin me have fought -, Who only en thy fa~:ed Laws Em- PSALM CXIX. Zl7 Employ my harmleis Thought. 79. Let thoie that tear _thy Name, elpouie My Cauie, and thole alone, Who have by itnd and pious itearch Thy facred Precepts known. 80. In thy bleft Statutes let my Heart Continue always found -, That Guilt and Shame, the Sinner's Lot, May never rne confound. XL_C A_PJI^_ 81. My Soul with long Expectance raints To lee thy laving Grace •, Yet itiTl on thy unerring Word, My 'Confidence I place. 82. My very Eyes confume and rail With waiting for thy Word; O ! when wilt thou thy kind Relief, And promis'd Aid afford ? S3. My Skin like ffiriveTd Parchment Thows," That 388 PSALM CXIX. That long in Smoke is fet-, Yet no Affli&ion me can force, Thy Statutes to forget. 84. How many Days mtift I endure Or Sorrow and Diftrefs ? When wilt thou judgment execute On them who me opprefs ? 85. The Proud have digg'd a Pit for me, That have no other Foes, But fuch as are averfe to thee, And thy juft Laws oppoie. 86. With facred Truth's eternal Laws , -ft— -ft-T- Ail thy Commands agree •, Men perfecute mc without Caule, Thou, Lord, my Helper be. 87. With dole Deiigns againft my Life i hey had aimoit prevail'd ; But in Obedience to thy Will, ""My Duty never fail'd. 88. Thy PSALM CXIX. 3S9 88rThy wonted Kindnefs, Lord, reftore, ""My drooping Heart to chear; "That by thy righteous Statutes I ""My Life's whole Courie may freer. XII. LAMED. 89. For ever, and for ever. Lord, Unchang'd thou doir remain : Thy Word, eitabiifh'cl in the Heav'ns, Does all their Orbs fuflain. 90. Through circling Ages, Lord, thy Troth immoveable mail ltand : As doth the Earth, whic \ thou uphold'it, by thy Almighty Hand. 91. Ail Things the Courie by thee ordain'd, Ev'n to this Day fulfil ; They are thy faithful Subjects all, And Servants of thy Will. 92. Unlets thy lac red Law had been J My Comfort and Delight, I muft 39( PSALM CXIX. I mutt have fainted and expir'd In dark Affliction's Night. 355^: 93. Thy Precepts therefore from my Thoughts, Shall never, Lord, depart: For thou, by them, hail to new Life Reitor'd my dying Heart. 94. As I am thine, entirely thine, Protect me, Lord, from Harm -, Who have thy Precepts fought to know, And carefully perform. 95. The Wicked have their Ambufli laid, My guiklefs Life to take : ===^z But in the midft of Danger, I Thy Word my Study make. 96. I've ieen an End of what we call Perfection here below, But thy Commandments, like thylelf, No Change or Period know. XIII. MEM. 391 PSALM CXIX. XIII. M E M. )j. The Love that to thy Laws I bear, T No Language can difplay : They with frefh Wonders entertain My raviifi'd Thoughts all Day. >8. Through thy Commands I wifer orrovv, ~ Than all my fubtle Foes ; For thy fure Word doth me direcl, And all my Ways difpofe. 9. From me my former Teachers now May abler Council ta M Becaufe thy facred Precepts I My conitant Study make. 00. In. Underftanding I excel The Sages of our Days ; Becaufe by thy unerring Rules, I order all my Ways. 01. My Feet with Care I have refrain'd From ev'ry finful Way, That 390 PSALM CXIX. I muit have fainted and expir'd In dark Affliction's Night. 93. Thy Precepts therefore from my Thoughts, Shall never, Lord, depart : For thou, by them, haft to new Life Reitor'd my dying Heart. 94. As I am thine, entirely thine, Protect me, Lord, from Harm ; Who have thy Precepts fought to know, And carefully perform. 95. The Wicked have their^Ambuih laid, My guiltiefs Life to take : But in the midft of Danger, I Thy Word my Study make. 96. I've ieen an End of what we call Perfection here below, _But thy Commandments, like thylelf^_ No Change or Period know. XIII. MEM. PSALM CXIX. 39* XIII. MEM )j. The Love that to thy Laws I bear, ~~ No Language can difplay : They with frefh Wonders entertain My ravifli'd Thoughts all Day. )8. Through thy Commands I wiler orrovv, Than all my fubtle Foes •, For thy fure Word doth me direcl, And all my Ways difpofe. )g. From me my former Teachers now May abler Council take ; Becaufe thy facred Precepts I >E=L¥^^%=&==Si My con icant Study make, too. In- Underitanding I excel The Sages of our Days ; Becaufe by thy unerring Rules, I order all my Ways. [Qi. My Feet with_Care I have refram*d ^^ From ev'ry finful Way, That 39* PSALM ■t i g — i ... i , — r — r cxi: lhat to thy iacred Word 1 might Entire Obedience pay. 1 02. I have not from thy Judgment itray'd, tSy vain Defines milled ; For, Lord, thou halt Jmtrudted me, Thy righteous Paths to tread. 103. How iweet are all thy Words to me, ! what divine Repaft ! How much more graterui to my Soui, iot. Taught by thy iacred Precepts, I With heavenly Skill am blefs'd, Thro* which, the treach'rous Ways or' Sin i utterly deteit. wm 1 05. Thy Word is 10 my Feet a Lamp, 1 Le W^ay of Truth to Sow ; 2 Al Watch-light to point out the Path, In which I ought to go. .06. I PSALM CXIX, 393 1 06. I fwear, (and from my folemn Oath Will never ftart afide) That in thy righteous Judgments I "Will fteadfaftiy aBlcE ~ 107. Since I with Grief am fe oppreis'd, v That I can bear no more •, According to thv Word do thou My fainting Soul reftore. 108. Let dill my Sacrifice of Praife With thee Acceptance find : And in thy righteous Judgments, Lord, Inftrucl my willing Mind. 109. Though ghaftly Dangers me furround, My Soul they cannot awe, "Nor with continual Terrors keep From thinking on thy Law. no. My wicked and invet'rate Foes For me their Snares have laid : Yet I have kept the upright Path, M m Nor 94 PSALM CXIX. Nor from thy Precepts itray'd. in. Thy Teftimonics I have made -x. My Heritage and Choice •, For they, when other Comforts fail, My drooping Heart rejoice. 112. My Heart with early Zeal began Thy Statutes to obey, And till my Courfe of Life is done, Shall keep thy upright Way. XV. S A M E C H. 112. Deceitful Thoughts and Practices I utterly deteft; ButM:o thy Law Affection bear, 114. My Hiding-Place, my Refuge-Tow'r, y And Shield art thou, O Lord •, f firmly anchor all my Hopes On thy unerring Word. 115. Hence, ye that trade in Wickednefs, Ap- PSALM CXIX. 39-5 Approach not my Abode ; iiiitiiitiifgtiiiii^ii For firmly I reiolve to_keep The Precepts of my God. r — — - ■■-■ — -r — - r-r — -.4- — * T-i -—J- — --— — —-— , - . — ^ 1 1 o. According to thy gracious Word, From Danger fet me free •, Nor make me ot thofe Hopes afham'd, That I repole in thee. 117. Uphold me, fo mall I be fate, /ind reicu'd irom Diltreis; —1- To thy Decrees continually ~~My jun^efpecT^addreisT" n8._The Wicked thou haft trod to Earth, Who from thy Statutes ftray'd; Their vile Deceit the juft Reward Of their own Falfhood made. 119. The Wicked from thy holy Land -**. Thou doft, like Drofs, remove : lilii I therefore, with luch Juftice charm'd, Thy Teftimonies love. M m 2 120. Yet 396 PSALM CXIX. 1 20. Yet with that Love the-/ make me dread, ^UeF L Ihould S> offendT WHen on TranfgrefTors [ behold, Thy Judgments thus defcend. XVI. A I K 121. Judgment and Juftice I have lov'd, O therefore, Lord, engage in my Defence, nor give me up To mv Opprefforfr Ra^e. 122. Do thou be Surety, Lord, for me-, "TnTlblKall^nls^rtoeTs"" ~J^ Prove good for me; nor mail the Proud My guiltleis Soul opprefs. 123. My Eyes, alas! begin to fail, - j- In long; Expectance held, 'Till thy Salvation they behold, And righteous Word fulrffl'd. 124. To me, thy Servant, in Diftrefs, Thy wonted Grace difplay, And PSALM CXIX. 39y And discipline my willing_ Heart, Thy Statutes to obey. : 125. On me, devoted to thy Fear, ~Thy : foiyd^kill beftow, That of thy Testimonies I The full Extent may know. 126. 'Tis Time, high Time for thee, O Lord, Thy Vengeance to employ -, When Men with open Violence Thy iacred Law deftroy. 127. Yet their Contempt of thy Commands, But makes their Value rile, In my Efleem, who pureit Gold, Compar'd with them, delpTfe. 128. Thy Precepts therefore I account In all Relpecls divine; They teach me to diicern the Right, And all falie Ways decline. . XVII. PE. 398 F S A L M CXIX. XVII. P E. 129. The Wonders which thy Laws contain, Isio Words can reprefent; Therefore to learn and pra&ice them, My zealous Heart is bent. 130. The very Entrance to thy Wora Celeftiai Light diiplays-, And Knowledge of true Happineis, To fimple Minds conveys. 131. With eager Hopes! waiting flood, And fainting with Defire, That of thy wife Commands I might The facred Skill acquire. 132. With Favour, Lord, look down on me, Who thy Relief implore^ As thou art wont to vifit thole, Who thy bleis'd Name adore. 133. Directed by thy heav'nly Wqrd,_ _^_ Let all my Footiieps be : Nor r 3) a l jw <~aia. 399 Nor Wickcdneis of any Kind Dominion have o'er me. 134. Releafe, entirely fet me free From perfecuting Hands, That unmolerted, I may learn, And ' prachie thv Commands. 135. Cn me, devoted to thy Fear, Lord, make thy Face to fhine : Thy Statutes both to know and keep, My Heart with Zeal incline. 136. My Eyes to weeping Fountains turn, \V hence briny Rivers flow, To lee Mankind againft thy Laws In bold Defiance go. XVIII. it S_A_B D_L 137. Thou art the righteous Judge, in v/hom JWrong'd Innocence may truft; _And_ljke thyfelf, thy Judgments, Lord, In 3U^efpe<^a7e~juftT" j 3 8. Mod 400 PSALM CXIX. 138. Moil true and juft thofe Statutes were, Which thou didft firft decree-, And all with Faithfulnels perfbrm'd, Succeeding Times mall fee. 139. With Zeal my Flefn confumes away, My Soui with Anguim frets, To fee my Foes contemn at once Thy Fromifes and Threats. 140. Yet each neglecTed Word of thine, (Howe'er by them defpis'd) HHiiill^iliil Is pure, and for eternal Truth By me, thy Servant, pmM 141. Brought for thy Sake, to low Eftate, Contempt from all I find; Yet no Affronts or Wrongs can drive Thy Precepts from my Mind. 142. Thv Righteoufnefs fliafi then endure, _ When Time itfeff is palF; Thy Law is Truth itfelf, -that Truth, Which PSALM CXIX. 401 —2: Which fhall for £ver lait. 143. Tho' Trouble, Anguifh, Doubts and Dread, To compafs me unite, Beiet with Dangers, ftill I make Thy Precepts my Delight. 144. Eternal and unerring Rules Thy Teftimonies give; Teach me the Wifdom, that will make My Soul lor ever irve. _ XIX. K 0 P H. 145. With my whole Heart to God I call'd, Lord, hear my earneit Cry, And 1, thy Statutes to perform, Will all my Care apply. 146. Again, more fervently I pray'd, O fave me, that I may Thy Tellimonies throughly know, _And iteadfaftly obey. J47. My earlier Pray'r the dawning Day Pre- 402 PSALM CXIX. Prevented, while I cry'd To him, on whole engaging Word My Hope alone rely'd. 1 48. With Zeal have 1 awak'd before The Midnight Waich*_wasr let. That I, of thy myiterious Word Might periect Knowledge get. 149. Lord, hear my iupplicating Voice, And wonted Favour ihew ; O quicken me, and io approve, Thy Judgment ever true. 150. [Viy periecuting Foes advance, And hourly nearer draw; What Treatment can i hope from them, Who violate thy Law? 151. Though they draw nigh, my Comfort is, Thou, Lord, art yet more near, =sfc :■:*: Thou, whole Commands are righteous all, Thy Promiles fincere. 152. Con- 5 A L, M CA1A. 403 152. Concerning thy Divine Decrees, _^ iiiE=I^r* My Soul has known of old. t— =zr.z± That they were true, and fhall their Truth To endlefs Ages hold. XX. * g''ML _ 153. Confider my Affliction, Lord, And me from Bondage drawj, "Think on thy Servant in Diftreis, Who ne'er iorgets thy Law. ' ii=Ili^I^iliilii^PiiIiII=^iiii= 154. Plead thou my Caufe-, to that and me Thy timely Aid afford -9 With Beams of lvlercy quicken me. According to thy Word. 155. From hardened Sinners thou remov'it :±: Salvation tar away : 'Tis jufi thou fhould'ft withdraw from them, Who from thy Statutes ftray. 156. Since great thy tender Mercies are, To all who thee adore, Ac- 404 PSALM CXIX; According to thy Judgments, Lord, My fainting Hopes reftore. 157. _A n^urn'rous Hell of fpiteful Foes Againft my Lite combine ; but ail too tew to force my Soul, 158. XnQfe °old Tranfgrefiors I beheld, rEESEI^iEEEEEE^EE^F^^^^ Ana was with Grief oppreis'd, To fee with what audacious Pride Thy Statutes they tranfgreis'd. 159. Yet while they flight, confider, Lord, How 1 thy Precepts love; O therefore quicken me with Beams Of Mercy from above, 160. As from the Birth of Time, thy Truth Has held through Ages pari, So (hail thy righteous Judgments, firm, To endkis Ages ls3h 161. SCHIN. PSALM CXIX. 405 XXI. S C H I N. 161. Tho' mighty Tyrants without Caufe Confpire my Blood to fhed, Thy facred Word has Pow'r alone, To fill my Heart with Dread. 162. And yet that Word my joyful Bread With heav'nly Rapture warms •, Nor Conquefts, nor the Spoils of War, Have fuch tranfporting Charms. 163. Perfidious Practices and Lies I utterly deteff; But to thy Laws Affeftipq bear, Too great to be exprefs'd. 1 64. Sev'n Times a Day, with grateful Voice Thy Praifes I reibund •, Becaufe I find thy Judgments all With Truth and Tuftice crown'd. 165. Secure, fubftantial Peace have they, Who truly love thy Law, No 4o5 PSALM CXIX. No foiling Mifchief them can tempt, Nor frowning u anger awe. ;$^^=^EE^$; fc- :§==^^ 1 66. For thy Salvation I have hop:d, __ And though fo long delay'd, With chearful Zeal and ftricteft Care pip All thy Commands obey'd. 167. Thy Teftimonies I have kept, And constantly obey'd; Becaufe the Love I bore to them, 168. From ftridt Obfervance of thy Laws I never yet withdrew; =t= T~ r£ Convinc'd, that my molt fecret Ways Are open to thy View. XXII. T A U. 169. To my Requeft^and earneft Cry, Attend, O gracious Lord ; — =dz Infpire my Heart with heav'nly Skill, According to thy Word. 1 70. Let PSALM CXIX. 407 170. Let my repeated ±TayVr at laft _y Before thy Throne appear ; According to thy plighted Word, a ^g- — For my Relief draw near. 171. Then fhall my grateful Lips return The Tribute of their Praife, VVnen tnou thy Counfels halt reveal'd. And taught me thy juft Ways. 172. My Tongue the Praifes of thy Word Shall thankfully refound ; Becaufe thy Promiles are all SEEESiESE* With Truth and Juftiee crown'd. 173. Let thy Almighty Arm appear, And bring me timely Aid; For I the Laws thou haft ordain'cl. My Heart's free Choice have made. 174. My Soul has waited long to fee Thy faving Grace reftor'd-, Nor Comfort knew, but what thy Laws, Thy 408 PSALM CXX. Thy heav'niy Laws, afford. ii=PlliIiil^iii^iilif= 175. Prolong; my Life, that I may fing My great Reftorer's Praife-, Whofe Juftice from the Depth of Woes My fainting Soul mail raiie. 176. Like fome lovb Sheep I've ftray'd, tiff T Defpair my Way to find : Thou therefore, Lord, thy Servant feet, ~*z——^.z=:- =U*fc I Who keeps thy Laws in Mind. PSALM CXX. N deep Diftreis I oft have cry'd To God, who never yet deny'd, =r&-=— -^: To refcue me, opprefs'd with Wrongs : Once more, O Lord, Deliv'rance fend, From lying Lips my Soul defend, And from the Rage of flana'ring Tongues; Which daily drive to wound my Fame, And Haft the Credit of my Name. 2. What little Profit can accrue, And PSALM CXX. "And yet, what heavy Wrath is due, O thou perfidious Tongue, to thee r 409 Thy Sting upon thyfelf fhall turn ; Of lading Flames, that fiercely burn, ii=§i!iiSlII=i^i^!!!^I The conftant Fuel thou fhalt be : Thus mall the Vengeance of the Lord Thy Torment be and dread Reward. 3. But O ! how wretched is my Doom, Who am a Sojourner become, fn barren Mefecb's defart Soil ! With Kedar's wicked Tents inclos'd, To lawlefs Savages expos'd, Who live on nought but Theft and Spoil : Oh, when fhall I DehVrance find, From fuch as grieve my troubled Mind! 4. My haplefs Dwelling is with thofe, Who Peace and Amity oppofe, And Pleafiire take in other's Harms : Sweet Peace is all I court and leek 5 N n But 4io PSALM CXXI. Bat when to them of Peace ffpeak, JThe y^traight cry out^to Arms7_to~ Arms.-"" My Soul is overwhelm'd with Care, Whilft for the Battle they prepare. JPS A L M CXXI. j[_ O Siorfs Hill I lift my Eyes, From thence expecting Aid -, From Sion's Hill, and Sion's God, Who Heav'n and Earth hath made. My Soul, in Safety reft, For know, thy Guardian will not fleep; His Care who Ifrael guards, Will furely thee in Safety keep. 2. Shelter'd beneath th' Almighty's Wing, Thou malt fecurely reft; Where neither Sun nor Moon fhall thee By Day or Night moleft. From common Accidents His watchful Care fhall guard thee ftill -, His PSALM CXXIL His Hand fhall thee prefer ve, From Foes that lie in wait to kill. if* t 411 3. At home, abroad, in Peace, in War, Thy God ihall thee defend, Conduct thee through Life's Pilgrimage, o Safe to thy Journey's End. PSALM CXXIL giff-Iiiilii 1 'twas a joyful Sound to hear Our num'rous Tribes devoutly lay, -&ZZ^Q.Z Up, Ifraelj to the Temple hafte, And keep your iolemn feftal Day At Salem's Courts we mult appear, tt^r. With all our congregated Pow'rs •, In ftrong and beauteous Order rang'd, Like her united (lately ToVrs, 2. 'Tis hither, by Divine Command, That all the Tribes of God repair •, Before his Ark, to celebrate His holy Name with Praile and Pray'r. N n 2 Tri- 412 PSALM zm cxxn. =3 *?: Tribunals (land erected there, Where Truth and Equity take place •, There iland the Courts and Palaces Of holy David's Royal Race. q. O, pray we then for Salem's Peace-, For they (hall ever profp'rous be, (Thou holy City of our God!) Who true Affection bear to thee: May Peace within thy facred Walls For evermore a Gueft be found; With Plenty and Profpenty, May all thy Palaces be crown'd ! 4. For my dear Brethren's fake, and Friends, =5E To me no lefs than Brethren dear, t£S==$==^ :z~z= =&t«- I'll pray, may Peace in Salem's Tow'rs An everlafting Gueft appear ! My Soul fhall ever feek thy Good, My Heart fhall ever wifh thee well; For Sion and the Temple's fake, Where PSALM CXXIH. CXXIV. 413 Where God himfelf vouchfafes to dwell, P S A_L M CXXIII. V^/N thee, who dwell'ft above the Skies, For Mercy wait my longing Eyes : illliyliiiiii^I=l=s As Servants watch their Mailer's Hands, And Maids their Miftrefles' Commands. 2. 6, then have Mercy on us, Lord, Thy gracious Aid to us afford; :^r=^ r=3fc=: :£=: To us, whom cruel Foes opprefs, Grown rich and proud by our Diilrels. H PSALM CXXIV. mwmm AD not the Lord, may Ifrael fay^ :-£r Been Jdndly pleas'd to interpofe ; Had he not then efpous'd our Caufe, __When_furious Men againft us rofe; Their Wrath had rag'd without Controul; Their Spite_and Pride o'erwhelm'd our Soul. 2. But prais'd be our eternal Lord,"" Who did deliver us that Dayj Nor 4H PSALM CXXV. p^i^l _Nor to their favage Jaws gave up Our threatened Lives an eafy Prey, Their Mouths were open to devour-, But he redeem'd us by his Pow'r. :££= 3. Our Soul is like a Bird efcap'd rprrfcrx: From out the fubtle Fowler's Net ; The Snare is broke, their Hopes are crofs'd, And we at Liberty are let : Therefore our Trull is in his Name, Whofe Hand both Heav'n and Earth did rrame. w] PSALM CXXV. r^-^r:: H O place on Sion's God their Trult, LikeJSion's lofty Rock fhall ftand ; *" Like her, immoveable be nx'd, Eftablifh'd by his mighty Hand : Whole ftrong Foundations ftand fecure. And fhall for evermore endure. 2. Look how the Hills on ev'ry Side _^ The fair Jerufalem indole ; Sq PSALM CXXVL 4i5 So ftands the Lord around his Saints, r=^s To guard them fate from all their Foes fe— T-Tfe He mail their ifrong Protector be, And from all Danger let them tree. 3. The Wicked may afflict the Juft S*==E «=: But they mail not too long oppreis, __Or torce him by Deipair to leek l^lIIIBii^lililiilill^^ Unrighteous Means tor his Redreis -, Po- God, who ltill remains his Friend, m ^=Y=f==¥=; ■bran Heav'n lhall ipeedy Succour lend. \. Do good, O righteous God, to thole, _Who do in Goodncls take Delight •, Tc thofe thy choiceft Bleflings giveT^ _'Yhole Hearts betore thee are upright: The Lord the Wicked lhall deitroy. Bit crown his Saints with Peace and Joy. PSALM CXXVL Y_V HEN Sioffs God her mournful Sons l.ecall'd trom long Captivity, It 4i6 r S A L M CXXVI. i ' ■■ - i . : — jc ._ — **. . -V— — — — • — It feem'd at firft a pleafing Dream Of what we only wifh'd to fee; But foon our Tongues we did employ In thankful Hymns and Songs of Joy. 2. Our Heathen Foes repining flood; Yet they were all compelPd to own, That great and wond'rous was indeed The Work our God for us had done : His Goodnefs we with Joy confeis, Who thus hath crown'd us with Succefs. 3. To us bring back the Remnant, Lord, Of Ifrael's long enilaved Bands ; More wellcome than refrefhing Show'rs, That fall on parch d and thirity Lands: That we, who did our Days employ In Sorrow, now may reap in Joy. 4. Though lie defponds, that fows his Grain, Yet, doubtlels, he at Iaft lhall come To bind his ri^en'd fuli-ear'd Sheaves, And PSALM CXXVII. 417 And bring the plenteous Harvefl home : "TheiTTormer Griefs fhall P^sjway^ "" And glad Succefs his Toil repay. PSALM CXXVII. w1 E=2~=E5=E*E E build with fruitlefs Toil and Colt, Unlets the Lord the Pile fuftain •, "Unlefs the Lord the City keeps,_ The Watchman waketh but in vain. 2. In vain we rife before the Dawn; In vain we late to Rett repair; Allow no Refpite to our Toil, And daily eat the Bread of Care. 3. Supplies of Lite, with Eafe to them, The Lord to all his Saints beflows; He crowns their Labours with Succefs, Their Nights with Peace and fott Repofe. 4. Children, thole Comforts of our Life, Are Prefents from the bounteous Lord ; He gives a num'rous Race of Heirs, Of 4iS PSALM CXXVIII. Of Piety the fweet Reward. 5. As Arrows in a Giant's Hand, When marching forth, equipp'd for War, _v— Ev'n fo the Sons of fp rightly Youth Their Parents hopeful Safeguard are. 6. Happy the Man, whofe Quivers are Replete with thofe prevailing Arms ! He need not fear to meet his Foe, fn Strifes of .Law, or War's Alarms. PSALM CXXVIII. J_ H E Man is blefs'd who fears the Lord, Nor only Worfhip pays; But keeps his Steps confin'd with Care, To his appointed Ways. 2. He lhall upon the fweet Returns Of his own Labour feed : !~=:2E EE£ Without Dependance live, and fee His Wifhes all fucceed. ______ 2, His Wife, like a fair fertile Vine, Her PSALM CXXIX. 419 Her lovely Fruit lhall bring-, His Children, like young Olive-Plants, About his Table ipnng. 4. Who fears the Lord, lhall proiper thus, Him Sion's God mall blefs -, And grant him all his Days to lee Jerusalem's Succefs. 5. He mail live on, till Heirs from him Delcend with valt Increafe Much bleis'd in his own profp'rous State, And more m Ijrael's Peace. F P_S_A_L M^CXXIX. /ROM my Youth up, may Ijrael lay, They oftentimes have me affaiPd ; Reduc'd me oft to heavy Straits, But never yet have quite prevail'd: They plow'd my Back with Furrows long; But God has relcu'd me from Wrong. 2. Defeat, Confufion, fhamefui Rout, Be 420 PSALM CXXX. Be ftiil_the dreadful Doom of thofe, Their righteous Doom, who Sion hate^ :r= rstm:— — : _ And Sion's holy God oppofe : Like Corn that's wkher'd, let them fade, Untimely blaiied in the Blade. 3. Which in his Arms no Reaper takes, _ ^J- 3 tj^^eid neglected leaves^" Nor Binder thinks it worth his Pains, To fold and gather into Sheaves Nor Traveller vouchsafes to flop, And crave a Bleffing on the Crop. F P_S^A L M CXXX. ROM loweft Depths ofWc^T Lord, hear my mournful Voice, And graciouliy reply : Shouid'lt thou ieverely judge, Who can the Trial bear? But Pardon is with thee. That PSALM CXXX. 421 ili=il=i^' That Men thy Name mould tear. 2. Mv Soul with Patience waits And trufts in thee, O Lord ; My Hopes are built upon Thy never-failing Word : My longing Eyes look out. For thv enliv'ning Ray ; Juft as the Morning- Watch Looks for the dawning; Day. 3. Let Ifrael truft in God ; No Bounds his Mercy knows ; The Source and Spring;, from whence Eternal Succour flows. Whofe friendly Streams, to us, Supplies in Want convey; A healing Stream to cleanfe And waih our Guilt away. PSALM 422 PSALM CXXXl. CXXXIL PSALM CXXXI. Lord, I am not proud of Heart, Nor do I caft a fcornfui Eye •, And my aipiring Thoughts, I ne'er Employ in Things for me too high. 2. With infant Innocence, thou know'ft, 1 always have myfelf demean'd ; Compos'd to Quiet, like a Babe, That from it's Mother's Breaft is wean'd. 3. Like me, let Ifrael hope in God, Let them his Aid alone implore; Both now and ever truft in him, Who lives and reigns for evermore. 1 j E T David, Lord, for evermore A Place in thv Remembrance find ; Let all the Sorrows he endur'd, Be ever prefent in thy Mind. 2. Remember what a folemn Oath To PSALM CXXXII. 423 To thee, his Lord fupreme, he _f wore-, How to the mighty God he_ vow'd., The God, whom Jacob's Sons adore. 2. I will not go into my Honle ; O . O , ' t I will not to mv Bed afcend; No fort Repofe fball clofe my Eyes, No Sleep my drowfy Eye-Lids bend ; 4. 'Till tor the Lord's defign'd Abode I mark the facred deihn'd Ground •, "Trm I a deccnTPla^ofReft For Jacob's awful Goo have found. 5. Th'appointed Place, with Snouts of Joy, At Euphrata at length we found ; And made the Wood and neighboring Fields Our Songs of Triumph loud reiound. 6. Oh! with due Rev'rence, \qi us then _To his moft blefs'd Abode repair •, / And proftrate at his Footftool tall, And offer up our humble Pray'r. 7. A- 424 PSALM CXXXII. ISE5: '. Arife, O mighty Lord, and now _ Poflcfs thy facre(TpraceofRe5 •,_ ~~ ~ Be that not only with thy Ark, But with thy conilant Prefence bleiVd. 8. Clothe thou thy Priefls with Righteoufnefs, And make thy happy Saints rejoice: J And for thy Servant David' % fake, Attend to thine Anointed's Voice. £^^=fe|§=^t=i=^y ^=s: 9- Cjod iware to David in his Truth, __ Nor (hall his fofemn Oath be vain, One of thy Offspring, after thee, Unon thy righteous Throne mail reign. isll=:i=iliilll io. And if thy Seed my Cov'nant keep, __And to my holv Laws fubmit, Their Children too upon thy Throne , In Safety mall for ever fit. ii. For Sion does, in God's Efteem, iHliIL_ All other happy Seats excel!;, His Place of everlafting ReiF, The PSALM CXXXIIL 425 The Place where he delights to dwell. 12. Her Store, fays he, I will increafe, immmmmm*'- 1^=2= Her Poor I will with Plenty blefs •, Her Saints fhall fhout aloud for Joy, Her Priefls my faving Health confefs. 12. Tis there that David's Pow'r fhall Ions #==^EEEi^^IiF~SE w^^m *v Remain, in his fucceffive Line-, And my anointed Servant there, s==$m Shall with perpetual Glory ihine. 14. The Faces of his vanquifh'd Foes, Shame and Confudon mall o'erfpread; Whilft, with confirm'd Succefs, his Crown Shall flouriifi on his Royal Head. H P_S_A L M CXXXIIL OW vaft muft their Advantage be, How very great their Pleafure prove ? Who live like Brethren, and confent, In tender Offices of Love. 2. True Love is like that precious Oil, O o Which 426 Halm cxxxiv. Ran down his Beard, and o'er his Robes, It's coftly fragrant Moifture ilied. 3. JTis like refrelhing Dew, which does On Hermon\ lofty Top diftiff; Or like die early Drops, that fall On facred Sion's fruitful Hill. 4. For Sion is the chofen Seat, The Seat, where the Almighty King The promis'd Blefiing has ordain'd, And fixed Life's eternal Spring. PSALM CXXXIV^ l^Hliiiiiii^ii=liilIillllli= LESS God, ye Servants that attend Upon the Lord's mod folemn State ; ThannTiirTcmpleTN igh t by JSBgh t,__ With holy Fear and Rev'rence wait. 2. Within his~Houfe lift up your Hands^^ And ever blefs his holy Name •, From Sion bTefs thy Ifraely Lord, Ev'n PSALM CXXXV. t?T»'.-« *U^., ...kn i Fontr'n n tt A l-l 42 7 in Ev'n thou, who Heav'n and Earth didit frame PSALM CXXXV. RAISE the Lord with one Confent, Magnify his holy Name; Let the Servants of the Lord Still his worthy Praife proclaim. B£==3K- 2. Praife him, ye thatjn his Houle, Wait with never-ceafing Care-, Praife him, ye that to his Courts With religious Zeal repair. 3. This our trueft Int'reft is, Joyrul Hvmns of Praile to ling; With loud Songs to blefs his Name, Is a moil delightful Thing. 4. God his own peculiar Choice Doth the Sons of Jacob make ; I JfraeFs num'rous Offspring too, For his Treamre he doth take. 5. That he's greatTv/e often have Oo 2 By 428 PSALM CXXXV. By our glad Experience found ; We have feen, that he with Pow'r, Far above all Gods, is crown'd. 6. For with unrefifted Strength, He performs his fov'reign Will,; Thro' Heaven, Earth and the Stores Which the deeper! Caverns fill. 7. Vapours from the Ground he lifts, Which, though pois'd in liquid Air, Fall at laft in Show'rs, through which His tremendous Lightnings glare. 8. From his Stores he brings the Wind; And with his avenging Hand, Smote at once, of Man and Beafr, The Firft-born through Egypt's Land. 9. He dread Signs and Wonders fhcw'd, Throughout ftubborn Egypt's Coaft ; Plagues on haughty Pharaoh fenf. And on all his num'rous Holt. He PSALM CXXXV. 429 S^=r3^=z=5£=:^==fc==j z-*z 10. He the Heathen Nations fmote, Mighty Monarchs he fupprefs'd ; Sihon^ Og, and all befides, Who rich Canaan's Land pofkfs'd. 1 1 . Then, upon his chofen Race, All their Land he did entail; Therefore fhall his Glory laft, And his Praife fhali never fail. ii. For the Lord, his People's CauTe Shall with pitying Eyes furvey ; And, repenting of his Wrath, Turn his kindled Rage away, =&=?$ 13. Idols, whofe falfe Worfhip fp reads Over all the Heathen Lands, K" Made of Silver and of Gold, Are the Work of human Hands. 14. They have Tongues, but cannot fpeak, (Tielels are their polifh'd Eyes; They have Ears, and yet they're deaf, And 43° P S A h M CXXXV. And no Breath their Mouth fupplies. 15. Senfelefs, as themfelves, are they, Who their utmoft Skill apply, -Firft to frame them, and when fram'd, _6n their Work fof~Aid rely._ l—j==?& * r- I^L_l^?t jheirjuft Returns to God, Still let grateful Ifrael pay ; Let the Priefts of Aaron's Race, Blefs the Lord without Delay. 17. Of his Love, let Levi's Houfe, Their mod pious Senfe exprefs; Let all thofe that fear the Lord, m His great Name tor ever blefs. 18. Oh, let all in Sion's Courts His amazing Works proclaim ; And in Salem> where he dwells, Still exalt his holy Name. PSALM PSALM CXXXVI. PSALM CXXXVI. 43 1 \^J Give Thanks unto the Lord, To his Name due Praile afford! For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love fliall never end. 2. To the Lord your Homage pay, Whom all other Gods obey; For he proves our conltant Friend, And his Love ihall never end. 3. Who the Heav'ns in Wifdom made, And the Earth on Waters laid. For he proves our conltant Friend, IIIIii!=iIIIi^iiiiip^ And his Love fhall never end. 4. Yon bright Orb he did difplay, Giving him to rule the Day; For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love fhall never end. t=. -» .=3CC 5^_He, with Stars ot feebler Light, Gave the MoorTto gild the NightT For PSALM For he proves our conftant Friend, _And his Love fhall never end. 6. God, with his almighty Hand, Smote the Hopes of Egypt's TIand ; For he proves our conftant Friend, $ And his Love ihall never end. 7. And with his refiillefs Arm, Brought out Ifrael fate from Harm •, For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love fhall never end. 8. He the Red Sea did divide, IJrael paffing through the Tide; For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love ihall never end. 9. But proud Pharaoh and his Hoft, =~*""vtl^ Y "^5 They were in the Billows loft ; For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love fhall never end. 10. Safe he led his chofen Seed, And PSALM CXXXVII. 433 And for them made Mcnarchs bieed; For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love fhall never end. n. Og and ~Sihon he deltroy'd, Whilft his Saints their Land enjoy'd; For he proves our conftant Friend, And his Love ihali never end. 12. He, difperfing all our Foes, Relcu'd us from heavy Woes -, For he proves our conftant Friend, - And his Love fhall never end. 13. God doth Food to ail Tupply, Praile the Lord, who reigns on high; For he proves our conftant Friend, Ana his Love fhall never end. PSALM CXXXVII. W HEN we, our weaned Limbs to reit, Sat^down by proud Euphrates Stream, We wept, with doleful Thoughts opprefs'd, And PSALM CXXXVIL Our Harps, that when with Joy we lung, Were wont their tuneful Parts to bear, i With filent Strings neglected hung, On Willow-Trees that wither' d there. 2. Mean while our Foes, who all conipirM, To triumph in our flavifh Wrongs. Mufic and Mirth of us requir'd, e£= " Come, fing us one of Sion's Songs." :E^: How {hall we tune our Voice to fing ? I*=i Or touch cur Harps with fkilrul Hands? fehall Hymns of Toy, to God our King, Be fung bv Slaves in foreign Lands ? q. O Salem, our once happy Seat! When I of thee forgetful prove, Let then my trembling Hand forget, The fpeaking Strings with Art to move. Tf I to mention thee forbear; Eternal Silence ieize my Tongue. Or F S A L M CXXXVIII. 43: Or if 1 fin 2; one chearful Aire, a. Remember, Lord, how Edcirfs Race, & Cry'd out, " Her frately Walls deface, " And with the Ground quite level lay. " Proud BabeP* Daughter, doom'd to be Or Grief and Woe the wretched Prev, ^= Blefs'd is the Man, who ihall to thee, K-z The Wrongs thou laidil en us, repay. 5/ Thrice blefs'd, who with raft Rage pofleis'd, And deaf to all the Parent's Moans, Shall lnatch thy Infants from the Breaft, And dafh their Heads againft the Stones, w P SAL M CXXXVIII. 1TH my whole Heart, my God and King" Thy worthy Praife 1 will proclaim -, Before the Gods with Jov I'll fing,~~ And ever blefs thy holy Name. 2. I'll CXXXVIII. 2. I'll worfhip at thy facreci Seat, And, with thy Love divine infpir'd, The Praifes of thy Truth repeat. Thy Truth through ail thy Works admir'd. 3. Thou graciouily inclin'd thine Ear, When I tov thee addrefs'd my Cry; And when my Soul was prefs'd with Fear, Did'ft inward Strength to me fupply. 4-. Therefore fhall ev'ry earthly Prince, Thy Name with conflant Praife purfue ; Whom theie admir'd Events convince. That all thy Works are juft and true. q. They all thy wond'rous Works, O Lord. With chearful Songs of Joy fhall blefs ; And all thy glorious Acts record, And fbill thy awful Pow'r confefs. 6. For God, although enthron'd on high, _ Does thence the humble Poor refpe£r.;_ The Proud tar off, his icornful Eye, Be- A JL, M CAAJUA. 437 Beholds with ever juft^Neglecl. 7. Though I with Trouble am opprefs'd, He (hall my fpiteful Foes difarm ; Relieve my Soul, when moil dillrefs'd, And keep me fafe from ev'ry Harm. 8. The Lord, whofe Mercies ever laft. Shall fix fecure my happy State •, "And mindful of his Favours pail, Shall his own glorious Work compleat. PSALM CXXXIX. J[ HOU, Lord, by (Iricleft Search hail knqwn My rifing up and lying down-, Mv fecret Thoughts are known to thee, Known long before conceiv'd by me. 2. Thine Eye my Bed and Path lurveys, My public Haunts and private Ways; Thou know'fl what 5tis my Lips would vent, My yet unutter'd Words' Intent, 3. Surrounded by thy Fow'r I itand, On 43 8 PSALM CXXXIX. On every Sidex I feel thy Hand ; O Skill, for human Reach too high ! Too dazzling bright for mortal Eye ! 4. O, could I 10 perfidious be, To think of once deferring thee ; Where, Lord, could 1 thy Influence fhun, Or whither from thy Prefence run ? ;. If up to Heav'n I take my Flight, 5Tis there thou dwell'ft enthron'd in Light ; If down to Hell's infernal Plains, 'Tis there almighty Vengeance reigns, 6. If I the Morning's Wings could gain, And fly beyond the Weftern Main •, Thy fwifter Hand would firft arrive, And there arreft the Fugitive. 7. Or mould I try to Ihun thy Sight^ Beneath the fable Clouds of M lght ; One Glance from thee, one piercing Ray, Would kindle Darknefs into Day. 8. The PSALM CXXXIK. 439 8. The Veil of Night is no Difguiie, No Screen from thy all-fearching Eyes^ TW Midnight Shades thou find'ft thy Way, j As in the bla2ing Noon of Day. Thou know'ft the Texture of my Heart, SEE My Reins and ev'ry vital Part; Each fingle Threadjn Nature's Loom,_ _ By thee was cover'd in the Womb. 10. I'll praife thee, from whofe Hands I came, A Work of fuchxa curious Frame; The Wonders thou in me haft mown, My Soul with grateful Joy muft own. ii. Thine Eyes my Subftance did furvey, JWhilft yetjajifelels Mafs it lay", In fecret; how exactly wrought, Ere from it's dark Enclofure brought. i2._ Thou did'ft the mapelefs Embryo fee, Ks. Parts were regifter'd by thee ; Thou faw'ft the daily Gr^rFthey~took7 Form'd 440 PSALM CXXXIX. 13. Let me acknowledge too, O God! That fince this Maze of Life I trod, o TKy Thoughts of Love to me, furmouni The Pow'r of Numbers to recount. 14. Far fooner could I reckon o'er, The Sands upon the Ocean's Shore ; Each Morn reviling what I've done, f find th'Account but new begun. 15. TCe^icE^T^qu2'ftgtt flay^ QGqd\[ ~ Depart from me, ye Men of Blood, Whofe Tongues Heav'n's Majefty profane, And take th' Almighty's Name in vain. 16. Lord, hate not I their impious Crew, Who thee with Enmity puriue ? And does not Grief my Heart opprefs, When Reprobates thy Laws tranlgrefs ? 17. Who practife Enmity to thee, Shall utmoft Hatred have from me-, Such r S A L M L'XL* 44* Such MerTl utterly deteft, As if they were my Foes profefs'd. 18. Search, try, O God, my Thoughts and Heart, If Mifchief lurk in any Part ; Corredt me, when I go aftray, And guide me in thy perfect Way. PSALM CXL. IS« E$EEEi£EEEi?= RESERVE me, Lord, from crafty Foes, Of bafe and treacherous Intent; And from the Sons of Violence, On Strife and open Mifchief bent. llili=^;;Jsii^ii§pi^i=iiii^ 2. Their (land'ring Tongue the Serpent's Sting, Though keen,vin Sharpnefs does exceed : Between their Lips the Gall of Afps, And Adder's mortal Venom breed, 3. Preferve me, Lord, from wicked Hands, Nor leave my helplefs Soul forlorn, A Prey to Sons of Violence, Who have my utter Ruin fwora 4* The 442 r 5 A L M L,AL,, 4. The Proud for me have hid their Snare, And fpread abroad their wily Net-, vvVith Traps and Gins, v/here e'er I move, I find my dang'rous Steps befet. 5. But thus, environ'd with Diftrefs, Thou art my only God, I laid; Lord, hear my fupplicating Voice, That calls aloud to thee for Aid. 6. O Lord, the God, whofe faving Strength, Kind Succour did to me convey ; Andcover'd my advent'rous Head, In the fierce Battle's doubtful Day. 7. Permit not their unjuft DerTgns, To anfwer their bafe Heart's Defire •, Left they, encourag'd by Succefs, Should yet to bolder Crimes afplre. 8. Let firft their Chiefs the fad Effefis Of their unjuft Oppreffion mourn; The Blaft of their envenom'd Breath, Do A L, M LAL1. 443 fS|I^i!liii^!ii=ii|g=iii= Do thou upon themfelves return. 9. Let them, who kindled fTrft the Flame, The firlt it's Sacrifice become; The Pit which they defign'd for me, Be made their own untimely Tomb. io.^Though Sland'rers Breath may raife a Storm, That fleeting Breath will quick decay ; . :-&=z^ Their Rage does but the Torrent fwell, That bears themfelves by Force away. 11. God will affert the poor Man's Caufe, ~^iliiliiliillili=i=§l And fpeedy Help and Succour give •, -^_- The Juil fhall celebrate his Praife, And in his Prelence ever live. PSALM CXLI. O thee, O Lord, my Cries afcend; Oh, haften thou to my Relief, And with accuftom'd Pity hear £== ==^mm m The mournful Accents ot my Grief; And when I lift my Voice to thee, Pp 2 De 444 PSALM CXLT. Do thou vouchsafe to comfort me. 2. Inftead of Off'rings, let my Pray'r To Heav'n, like Morning-Incenfe, rife ; " And let rqy lifted Hands fupply The Place of Ev'ning Sacrifice. _Let Prudence be my conitant Guard, My Lips with wary Silence barr'd. g. From wicked Men's Defigns and Deeds, Do thou my Heart and Hands reftrain •, Nor let me in the Booty ihare Of their mod bale unrighteous Gain •, Left I, like them, mould go aftray, And leave thy pure and perfect Way. 4. Let upright Men reprove my Faults, And 1 fhall (till believe them kind •, Like Balm that heals a wounded Head, Their Admonitions T fhall find ; When they're reduc'd to like Diftrefs, My Pray'r for them I will addrefs. 5. When PSALM CXLII. 445 5. W hen fkulking in Engedfs Rock, I to theirx haughty Chiefs appeal •, it one reproachful Word 1 fpoke, fc- Although I had the Pow'r to kill-, And yet our icatter'd Ruins lie, Like Chips that from the iixes fly. 6. But gracious Lord, to thee i will Direct my iuppiicating Eyes ; (J 1 leave not deltitute my Soul, &=— EEEE^g Whole Truft on thee alone rehes. Let them in Snares entrapped be, Which their own Hands deiign'd tor me. P S_AL M CXUI. _ J^ O God I rais'd my mournful Voice, To him in deep Diifreis I pray'd, :2E: Made him the Umpire or my Caule, _And all my Wrongs before him laid. 2. 'Twas thou, that did my Steps direct, When my affii&ed Soul deipair'd; For 446 t PSALM CXLIL For where j thought To walkTecure,"" _They had their fecret Traps prepar'd. 31J_iook'd2 but found no ready Friend, To own, or help me in Diftrefs ; i^ill=i^I^ifl:^II^IIIi _ Hi_s_ tender Pity or Redrefs. 4. To God above at Taft I pray'd, Thou, Lord, my only Refuge art; My Portion in the Land of Life Thou fhalt remain, 'till Life depart. 5. Reduc'd at length to ereateft Straits, To thee I made my humble Moan ; O ! iave me from opprefiing Foes, For me too Itrong and pow'rful grown. 6. That I may praife thy holy Name, My Soul from her dark Prifon bring, Whilft of thy kind Regard to me,__ Affembled Saints (hall gladly fing. PSALM PSALM CXLIII. 447 I j PSALM CXLIII. OR D, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry ^^E*~ Thy wonted Audience lend ; In thy accuitom'd Faith and Truth, A gracious Aniwer lend, Nor to thy Juitice bring: Thy Servant frn&ly to be try'd; For no frail mortal Man Can in thy Sight be jultify'd, 2. The ipiterul Fee purlues my Life, :S~ i Whole Comforts all are lied *, He drives me into Caves, as dark =S=E W==$=4=*F As Manfions of the Dead. My Spirit is o'erwheim'd, And therefore finks within my Breaft -9 My Heart grows cieloiate, With heavy Woes too much oppreis'd. 3. I call to mind the Days of old, And Wonders thou haft wrought. My 44& PSALM CXLIII, =S=afc My former Dangers and Eibapes Employ my muting Thought. ~£ To thee in humble Pray'r, My Hands I fervently ftretch out ; My Soul for Comfort thirds, Like Land opprefs'd with conftant Drought. 4. Hear me with Speed, my Spirit fails, Thy Face no longer hide ; Left I become forlorn, like them i=^^iiiii^i=iiilF That in the Grave refide. Thy Kindnefs let me hear, Whofe Truft on thee alone depends ; Teach me thy perfect Way, For ftiil my Soul to thee alcends. 5. Do thou, O Lord, from all my Foes, ^m ;s=e^ Preferve and fet me free ; A fafe Retreat againft their Rage, My Soul implores from thee. Thy righteous Will, O God, In, PSALM CXLIV. 449 Initruct me ever to obey -, 3= Let thy good Spirit lead, And keep my Soui in thy right Way. 6. Oh, for the lake of thy great Name, Revive my drooping Heart -, For thy Truth's lake, to me diftrefs'd, Thy prorms'd Aid impart. In Pity to my Grief, Do thou reduce my Foes to fhame ; Slay them that vex my Soul, i^IiHHii^iiiilii!^^ Devoted to thy holy Name. PSALM CXLIV. JP Oil ever biels'd be Gon, the Lord, Who does his needful Aid impart, "At once both Strength and Skill afford, To wield my Arms with warlike Art -, He is my Fort, my Tow'r and Shield, _ And makes fierce Nations to me yield, 2. Lord, what's in Man that thou fliould'ft love, Of 450 PSALM CXLIV. m Of him iuch tender Care to take ? What in his Offspring could thee move, Such great Account of him to make ? Man's Thoughts are vain, his Life doth fade, _And paiieth like a flying Shade. 3^ In iblemn State, O God, deicend, Wniift Heav'n it's lofty Head inclines ; The Imoking Hills in funder rend, Of thv Approach the awful Sign , With Lightnings rierce thy Foes defeat, With Arrows make their Fall compleat. 4. Do thou, O Lord, from Heav'n engage Thy boundlels Pow'r my Foes to quell ; .,>= — ^. And fnatch me from the itormy Rage Or threat'ning Waves that proudly {well; nfn^ii^niiiir n^E=T5S: From Foes, whofe Speeches all are vain, i!=^i^^i^iiimiiii!Ii=l== Whole right Hand Wickednefs maintain^ 5. So I to thee, O King of Kings, __ In. new-made H mns my Voice fhall raife, And PSALM CXLIV. 451 And Inftruments of various Strings Shall help me thus to ling thy Praife, ' God does to Kings his Succour fend, """"His ScnrzrS^avidheil^^et^9 _ ' 6. Fight thou againitt my foreign Foes, Who utter Speeches falfe and vain, Who, though in ioiemn Leagues they dole, Their (worn Engagements ne'er maintain ; Our Sons (hall then like P ruit-Trees grow, Our Daughters like fair Pillars fhow. 7. Our Garners, fill'd with various Store, Shall us and ours with Plenty feed; Our Sheep, encreafing more and more, Shall Thoufands and Ten thoulands breed •, Strong mall our lab'ring Oxen grow, Whilft we no War or Slav'ry know. 8. Our Wealth mall never feel Decay, No Sorrow in our Streets be found ; Our Days in Peace mall glide away, Whilft 452 PSALM CXLV. Whilit we_in_ev'ry _Good~abound ; i nnce happy is that People's Cafe, Who God's true Worfnip ibll embrace. "" PSALM CXLV. J[ 6 thee, my God and King, Perpetual Praife I'll fmg, rri — Ev'ry Day I'll bieis thy JName. Migh is thy Great nefs rais'd, And worthy to be prais'd, And thy Glory's rail the lame. 2. i hy Greatneis and thy Pow'r Shall future limes adore, Ol thy Worihip T will tell ; Whilit Men their Songs prepare, Thy Wonders to declare, On thy Greatneis I will dwell. 3. Thy Kindnefs mall be mown, Thy Righteoufnels be known, Son^s of Praife mall reach the Skies. Thy v± ivi LALV. 453 Thy Wrath does flowlv move -, But thy forgiving Love On the Wings of Mercy dies. 4. Thy Works in thee are Weis'd, Thy Love's to all exprefs'd, And thy Saints, with Zeal mipir'd, Thy Glory lhall adore, And talk of thy great Pow'r, 'Till by all it is admir'd. :^=5:: 5. Thus lhall thy Works be known, £ And thus thy Glory ihown, For thy Splendor ftill mail laft ; J" V Thy Throne from Changes frees Which doth no Period fee, Shall remain forever fail. P A R T II. 6. The Lord help; thofe that fall, On him his Creatures call, Daily Food he doth iupply •, What- 454 * S A la M ULAVl, Whatever their Wants require, He gives at their Defire, St " ^:==:r£=::3::rrrr^g; Nor doth any Good deny. 7. He's juft in all his Ways, Whoe'er devoutly prays, Him fhall find for ever nigh ; When they his Aid implore, And humbly him adore, He will hearken to their Cry. 8. The Lord will lure protect Thofe who his Name refpect, But the ^Wicked fhall deitrovj_ """My J\^uTh"fhaHlpeak his Praile" ~~_ And let all Mankind raife One loud Song of gen'ral Joy PSALM CXLVI. _Y Soul her Song fhall raife, The Lord of Hoft_to praife, _ M For whilft I my Breath enjoy, This I\ JL. iVl ^AL.VJ, 455 This Tribute I will bring, j And daily Praifes fing, In triumphant Songs of Joy. 2. On Princes ne'er depend, For they cannot defend, Nor in Danger Help fupply ; Depriv'd of Breath, they muft Return ao-ain to Dufl, And with them their Thoughts (hall die. g. How highly blefs'd are they, Who withsDevotion pray, Unto JaccPs God for Aid ; He form'd the Heav'n and Earth, And to the Sea gave Birth, Nor forgets his Promiie macle. -. p , ^ t 4. When Men the Poor opprefs, _He doth their Wrongs redrefs, And the Hungry he doth feed; Doth Prisoners Chains unbind, Give Give Sight unto the Blind, Whilft they walk from Darknefs treed. 5. The Weak and FalPn he rears, God for the Righteous cares, And the Stranger doth defend ; The weeping Widow's Caufe His tender Pity draws, Helplefs Babes on him depend. 67^plhafflhcrWigked flay, In their unrighteous Way, But o'er Sion he is King ; From Age. to Age his Reign Shall ever fure remain : To the Lord loud Praiies ling. PSALM CXLVIT. V^/ H ! praife the Lord with Hymns of Joy, And celebrate his glorious Fame •, For plealant good and comely 'tis To fing loud Praifes to his Name. His PSALM CXLVII. 457 mwMmm His holy City God will build, Though levell'd even with the Ground, Bring back his People, though dilpers'd Through all the Heathen Nations round. 2. He kindly heals the broken Hearts, And all their bleeding Wounds does dole He tells the Number of the Stars, Their fev'ral Names exactly knows ; Great is the Lord, and great his Pow'r, His heav'nly Wifdom has no Bound ; The Meek he railes, and throws down The haughty Wicked to the Ground. 3. To God the Lord, a Hymn of Praiie, With grateful Voices loudly ling ; To Songs of Triumph tune the Harp, And touch with Skill each warbling String; He covers Heav'n with floating Clouds, And thence refrefhing Rain beftows ; Through him on lofty Mountain-Tops, CLq Th« 453 PSALM CXLVII. The verdant Grafs in Plenty grows, 4, He favage Beads, that looiely range, With timely wholefome Food fupplies; He feeds the Raven's tender Brood, And fatisries their hungry Cries. He values not the warlike Steed, But does his boalted Strength dildain; The. nimble Foot that fwiftly runs, No Prize from him can ever gain. 5. But he to him that fears his Name, Mercy and tender Love extends ; To him that on his boundiefs Grace ^ With ever fteadfaft Hope depends. Let Sion and Jerufakm^ To God their conllant Praiie addrels, Who fenc'd their Gates with many Brafs, And does their num'rous Children blefs. 6. Through ail their Borders he gives Peace, With lined Flour of Wheat they're fed; He PSALM CXLVII. 459 He fpeaks the Word, and what he wills, AccompTifh'd is as foon as laid. Large Flakes of Snow, like fleecy Wool* Gently defcends at his Command ; And hoary Froft, like Aihes ipread, Is plenteous fcatter'd o'er the "Land. 7. When join'd to theie, he does his Hail, Theie little icy Morfels l£rTd;^ Who can againft his piercing Cold, Themieives fufficiently defend ? He fends his Word, which melts the Ice, He makes the warmer Winds to blow, And loon the Streams, congeal'd before, Now thaw'd, in plenteous Currents flow. 8. By him his Statutes and Decrees To Jacob's Sons were plainly fhown, And fiill to IfraeFs chofen Seed, He makes his righteous Precepts known, JNo other Nations this can boafty Q^q 2 Nof 46o PSALM CLXVIII. Nor did he ever yet afford To Heathen Lands his Oracles, And Knowledge of his facred Word, PSALM CXLVIIT. E Realms of Joy, your Maker's Fame, Exalt above the ftarry Frame •, Ye~Cheru"bims, your Voices raife, And Seraphims, to fing his Praife. Thou Silver_Moon, that rul'it_theJN[ight, With all the glitt'ring Stars of Light, Thou glorious Sun that guid'ft the Day, To him your grateful Homage pay. 2. Ye Heav'ns above, his Praife declare, And Clouds that move in liquid Air, Let all adore their fov'reign Lord, ^For all, at hrs creative Word, At once from filent Nothing came; Oh, let them blefs his holyName, Whofe firm Decree iiands ever fait, And PSALM CXLVIII. 461 .nd to Eternity mailjafh 3. Let Earth htr grateful Tribute pay: Prane him, ye Pifh that through the Sea Glide Iwiitly by, with glitt'ring _Scales ; <5h, praife him all, ye dreadful Whales. Let miity Air, Fire, Hail and Snow, And Winds that, where he bids them, blow, To him their conitant Praiie addrefs, And his great Name for ever blels. 4. By lofty Hills, in Concert join'd, Cedars and Trees, for Fruit defign'd, By ev'ry creeping Thing and Beaft, And winded Fowl, God's Name be blefs'd. " Let Men of low or royal Birth, Let all the Judges of the Earth, Let Youths and Maids his Praife proclaim, And hoary Heads advance his Fame. 5. United Zeal by us be mown, To raife his endlels Fame alone, Whofc 462 PSALM CXLIX. Vv'hoie Pow'r o'er all the~£arth extends^ _Vvhoie glorious Sway the Sky tranicends. ~ _.^fis_?aLnt?._^e doth w^ Honour grace, ~ _And_ ever favour IJrael's Race j _ Your grateful Voice, 6,~thererore~raile7~ Rejoicing Itill the Lcp.d to praifeT" P S A L M CXLIX. V_>/ JrJ, fing unto the Lord, Him let^the Righteous praiie, And in Aiiemblies meet, His glorious Fame to raiie. Let Ifrael now in God rejoice, _And Si en to their Kirg Triumphant Praiics ling, With chearful Heart and well-tuiAl Voice. 2^ Oh, praife him, in the Dance _ With Harp and Tabret join-, God loves the Meek, whilit they ""Their Hearts to him refign. PSALM CXLIX. 463 Let all the Righteous bleis the Lord, Jind on their Beds rejoice ; H-=^: And whilit they lift their Voice, Bear in their Hands a two-edg'd Sword, 3. The Heathen to en alt lie ; For their Injuitice part, In Chains their Kings lecure, And bind" their_Nobles fait \ ~ Them, as 'tis written, to deitroy : For God's molt firm Decree Shall full accomplilh'd be : Such Honours ihall his Saints enjoy, PSALM CL. PpIfffppISI S=~~ z.\ From whence his Goodnefs flows, In Heav'n, where he his Face Unveird in Glory mows. Praile him, for with the mighty Acfs Which he for us hath done, Our *64 PSALM CL. Our Praiie fhould equal run, His Kindnefs this Return exacts. 2L Let the Jfhrill Trumpet's Voice Make Rocks his Praife refound; Praife him with Harp's fweet None, And Pfaltries Silver found. Let graceful Virgins lead the Dance, And fprightiy Timbrels brings iiifiilSiili^^iF Let ev'ry warbling String, With Organs join'd, his Praiie advance. 3. Let them who Hymns compofe, 1i^iiiiiif^i^i=§Eiir To Cymbals let their Praife, _ Of common Ufe, and thofe That found on iolemn Days. That Breath he does to all afford, Let them who Life enjoy, ___ In Songs of Praiie employ, Let ev'ry Creature praise the LORD! The End of the Pfalms. The HYMNS. 465 *#*#***#***##*-**##-*#####**#**#^^ The TEN COMMANDMENTS. Exodus Chap. XX. Ver. 1, &c. VJ OD_Jjgake thefe Words,~Q Ijr'el, hcar7 What I fhall now command; Thy Lord and only God am I, Who with Almighty Hand 2. Prom Egypt's Land, and from the Houfe And therefore, Ifr'el, thou lhalt have No other Gods but me. IL 3. Thou malt no graven Image make, Nor Likenels fnalt thou feign, Of any Thing that Heav'n or Earth, Or watry Deeps contain. 4. Thou fhalt not bow thyielf to them, Nor outward Worfhip pay y Much lefs malt thou in Heart adore, And A66 H Y M N S. Ana to an Idol pray. 5. tor I, thy God, a jealous God, The Father's Sins cftaffife, To third and fourth Defcent, or ail who are my Enemies. 6. But Mercy do to Thousands ihew, And bounteoufly repay, Ail thole who me lincerely love, And my Commands obey. 7. The facred Name of God, thy Lord, Thou never malt profane-, Tor God will them not guiltlefs hold, Who take his Name in vain. IV. t 8. Remember thou the Sabbath-Day To keep with holy Care ; Six Days for Labour thou ifialt take; The feventh malt revere. q. The H Y M N S. 467 9. The Lord thy God the feventh Day His Sabbath did ordain ; In which thou (halt from ev'ry Kind Of worldly Work retrain. ic. Thyfelf, thy Children, Servants then from Labour ftiall be irco. ; Thy Cattle, and the Stranger whom Thou tak'ft to dwell with thee. 1 1. For God thy Lord was pkas'd the Space E3=£=*=~ Of fix whole Days to rake, 1 he Htav'ns, the Earth and Seas, ana all Therein contain'd, to make : i2. But relied on the icventh Day, Which for that Cauie he bleis'd, And fanciifi'd it to be kept A Day of holy Reft. V. 13. Honour thy Parents, that" thou may'ft Both long and happy live, In HYMNS In that bleis'd Land, which God thy Lord Did tor thy Dwelling give. VI. 14. Thou (halt not kill ; avoid whate'er 1 o Life would hurtful prove ; To all Mankind thou fhalt perform The Offices of Love. yii^ __ 15. Aduit'ry thou fhalt not commit, ~"£: :EEE:2EE But keep thee chafte and clean -, The Temples of the Lord muit not Defiled be with Sin. VIII. 16. Thou_ fhalt not Ileal ; deteit all Fraud, And never leek by Wrong 1 o take unto thyfelf, what to Another doth belong. DC 17. Kalfe Witnefs thou fhalt never bear, AgainlE another's Name. Hate HYMNS. 469 rlate Lies, love Truth, thou fhalt defend, Thy Nd^hoour's honeit Fame. X. i 8. Thou malt not covet Houle, or Witt, ~~€)r ManTorMaid" pFhT^ Or Ox, or Ais, or aught whereof He rightful Owner is. 19. Have Mercy therefore on us, Lord, And all our Hearts incline, With Diligence and Care to keep Thole righteous Laws of thine. N SONG of ZACHARIAS. Luke Chap. I. Ver. 68. V/hoie Mercy, at our Need, Has vifited his People's Grief, _And them from Bondage freed. 2- A"J-raJsl(j,J!1 faithful David's Houfe, Salvation, which o7oid,~ Ev'n 47° HYMNS. EVn fmce the World itfelf began, Hjs Prophets had foretold. g. To lave us from our fpitef ul Foes, And keep his Oath in Mind, Which he_to Abr'am heretofore. And to our Fathers iign'd 4. That we, from Fear and Danger freed, His Temple may frequent, And all our Days, as in his Sight, In Holinefs be fpent. 5. And thou, O Child, malt then be calP"cT God's Prophet, to declare His MefTage, and before his Face > ±:: Thou (halt his Way prepare.. 6. To mve them Light who now in Shades JE?=M1 Of Night and Death abide 5 "And in the Way that leads to Peace, Our Footfteps iafely guide. Th; HYMNS. 471 The SONG of the VIRGIN MARY. Luke I. Ver. 46. J[ V ,.1 Y ^ufjotlTlmgnify " ~ The Lord, who reigns on high; ~ For my Goo and Saviour, he Regards my low Eilate, Making his Hand-MaicI great, And with Glory honours me. 2. Henceforth all Nations mail " Kfe~ever blefled call; For the Lord hath rais'd my Fame*, His Mercy, who mail lair, Till i ime ltfelr is pair, Is on thofe who tear his Name. 3. His Strength he doth* difplay, To chafe the Proud away, Making; all their Wifties vain ; The Haughty from their Place His Juftice {hall difgrace, But 472 HYMNS. But the Meek (hall Honours gain. 4. To him the Hungry cry, f£: -Ce — Who doth good Things fuoplv. But the Rich he fends away; The Meek mall furely prove His everlaltino; Love, ■M Them he hears whene'er they pray. 5. His Mercy kept in Mind, Shall happy Ifr'el find. And his Help in Time of Need -, As to our Fathers he By Promife did decree Unto Abrcfm and his Seed. The SONG of SIMEON. Luke II. 29. 1 j OR D, let thy Servant now depart^ Into thy promis'd Reit; Since mv expecting Eyes have been With thy Salvation bleis'd; Which HYMNS. 473 Which till the Time thy favour'd. Saints And Prophets only knew, Long fmce prepar'd, but now fet forth In all the People's View. 2 . A Light, to mew the Heathen World The Way of faving Grace, Alfo the Light and Glory both Of Ifr'el's chofen Race. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost, The God, whom we adore, J3e Glory, as it was, is now, And fhall be ever more. JThe C R E E D, IJlL ^od r^e Father 1 believe, Who Heav_'n_and Earth did frarne7 By his Almighty Word ; TiisTraiTeT" _And Glory to proclaim. a=i5 . With firmer!: Confidence my Soul ===£ Depends on him alone ^ R r For 474 HYMNS. For He my God and Father, is, Through Jesus Christ "his Son, :s5:=r^: 3. His holy Providence upholds, And rules fupreme o'er all •, 1 therefore will rejoice in him, Whatever doth befall. 4. I do believe in Jesus Christ, :±=: H\s only Son, our .Lord, Begotten from Eternity, The eyerlafting Word. 5. Who was conceived by the Fow'r Of God the Holy Ghost ;- And of the Vifgtn Mary born, To lave that which was- loft. 6. He under Pilate's Tyranny, __ _ To Shame and Death was doom'd -,_ Was crucifi'd 5 to prove his Death He alio was entomb'd. 7. The Wrath of an offended God On II Y M N S. 475 On him, our Surety, fell : In Soul Diilrefs, he, as it were, :i_ Defended into Hell. 8. He role the third Day from the Grave, A mighty Conqueror, O'er Sin, Death, Heil, and ail his Foes, And lives for evermore. 9. He into Heav'n, moil gloriouily, In Triumph, aid aieencF, To plead our Caufe ; his Church to bieis, He fits a: God's rigiic Hand. 10. From whence he fhall appear again, ;£E5EE5 In fplendid Majesty, To judge the World in ilighteoufnefs, His Saints to glorify. §IIIft=^Ill=fl^lir 11. I in the Holy Ghost believe, A Ferfon real, and one - kfe*: In Eifence, Pow'r, Eternity, With Father and with Sox,- R r 2 12, An 475 HYMNS. E5EE5§EEE iliiliifii^iiiii^ 12. An Holy Cath lick Church I own, The Heirs of Heav'n dengn'd ; By Union one to Christ their Head, And one another, join'd. 13. Redemption, through the Blood of ChristT" I heartily embrace •, Ev'n the Forgivcneis of my Sins, The Gift of fov'reign Grace. 14. The Refurrection of the Dead, Sincerely T maintain •, My Soul and Body glorifi'd, With Christ fhall live and reign. 15. The Hopes of everlafting Life, My fainting Soul fuitain ; Let God for ever be ador'd, Let all Men fay. Amen, ^- 6. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost, ^ = — jS~ The God, whom we adore, Ee Glory, as it was, is now, And HYMNS. 477 And fhall be evermore. _The _L OJ^D'sJP RAYER. U R Father, who in Heaven art, Q Tlie Sp rit of Pray'r to us impart •, With childlike Reverence, may we, And Confidence, approach to thee : With more than earthly Father's Care, All needful Things for us prepare. 2. Hallowed be thy Name: — may we The laving Knowledge have of thee, To prailevand glorify thy Name, Which thou doll in thy Works proclaim : te=fc= May all our Thoughts, our Words and Ways, Be ftill devoted to thy Praife. 3. Thy Kingdom come ; — by thy blefs'd Word, _And Holy Spirit, fo rule us, Lord, That as thy faithful Subjects, we May more and more iubmit to thee. Keep and encreaie thy Church , dextroy What- 478 HYMNS. Whate er thy Kingdom would annoy, 4. Thy Will be done in Earth below, As 'tis in irieav'n. — Thy Grace beitow On us and all; may we and they Renounce our Wills, and thine obey. In Constancy, in Zeal and Love May we reiemble thole above. 5. On us our daily Bread bellow, From thee alone all BleiTings How. External Plenty cannot be A. Bleliing, but when bleis'd by thee. On thee, our Father, we rely, That thou wilt aii our Wanes lupply. 6. Our Debts forgive us, Lord, as we Forgive our Debtors.— For with thee Forgiveneis is, through Christ thy Son, Whole Blood did for our Guilt autone. Let mutual Love and Charity Be Proofs of our Sincerity. 7. Into HYMNS. 479 7. Into Temptation lead us not. — Though we are weak, and En'mies plot, i. hough Satan, World and Flefh combine Agairnt us, and our Hurt deiignj May we,- by tiiine Almighty Aid, Evyn more than Conquerors be made. 8. Lord, irom alFEvil let us tree, And make us more contorm'a to theej And as our Journey's End is Death, When called to relign our Breath, (J may thy everlafting .Love Receive us to thy Joys above, 9. for thme's the Kingdom, thine the Eow'r, And thine the Glory evermore. Firmly in thee our Souls contide, — j. The Eray'r or Faith was ne'er aeny'd. Amen, io let it be, O Lord, According to thy gracious Word. The End of the Hymns, An A N ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF THE PSALMS. AGAINST all tbofe that ftrive with me As pants the Hart for cooling Streams At length by certain Proofs 'tis plain B Blefs'd is he, who fears the Lord Blefs God, my Soul, thou Lord alone Blefs God, ye Servants that attend Blefs'd is the Man to whom D Deliver me, oh Lord, my God « F For ever blefs'd be God the Lord From diftant Times thou hail remained From loweft Depths of Woe From my Youth up, may Ifr'el fay From Shame and Infult fet me free PA 35 42 73 112 104 134 32 59 144 90 130 129 3i Give Ear, thou Judge of all the Earth God in the great Affembly fits God is our Refuge in Diftrefs God's Temple crowns the holy Mount H Had not the Lord, may Ifr'el fay Have Mercy, Lord, on me Hear, O my People, to my Law He's blefs'd whofe tender Care Hold not thy Peace, O Lord, our God 55 82 46 87 124 4 i 78 4i • 83 How Alphabetical Table. n How blefs'd are they, who always keep - 119 How blefs'd is he, who ne'er confents - 1 How good and pleafant muft it be - 92 How long fhall I repine - - 13 How long fhall thy fierce Anger burn « 74 How many, Lord, there be -» * 3 How vaft muft their Advantage be * 133 I Jehovah reigns, let all - # * 99 In deep Diftrefs I oft have cry'd - - 120 In Judah the Almighty's known - - 76 In thee I put my ftedfaft Truft - - 71 In thee, O Lord, my Hope I place - 7 In vain, O Man of lawlefs Pow'r - - 52 Judge thou my Caufe, oh God • '* 26 Juft Judge of Heav'n, againft my Foes - 43 I waited meekly for the Lord - * 40 L Let all the Juft with one Confent ~ 33 Let all the Lands Jehovah Blefling - 66 Let David, Lord, for evermore - « 132 Let God, the God of Battle, rife - 68 Lord, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r - 61 Lord, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry - 143 Lord, hear the Voice of my Complaint - 64 Lord, let thy juft Degrees the King - 72 Lord, fave me for thy glorious Name - 54 Lord, thou haft granted to thy Land - 85 Lord, who mail to thy Courts repair - 15 Lord, with thy wonted Mercy hear - 5 M My chearful Mind a good Defign * 45 My God, my God, why leav'ft thou me 22 My Soul for Help on God relies - 62 My Soul her Song mall raife - - 146 My Soul infpir'd with facred Love * 103 My Alp ha b e t i c a l Ta b l i. My Soul with grateful Thoughts cf Love N No Change of Time fhall ever move No Glory, Lord* we claim O O: come loud Anthems, let us fing O give Thanks unto the Lord Q God, my Heart is fully bent . O.God, preferve me, I on thee depend O God, who haft our Troops difpers'd G God, whofe former Mercies make Oh God, my gracious God, to thee Oh Lord, the Rock of my Defence Oh praife the Lord with Hymns of Joy Oh praife the Lord, ye Nations round - n Oh ilng unto the Lord - - 14 O lir'el's Shepherd, Jofeph's Guide - 8 O Lord, how lovely is the Place - 8 O Lord, I am not proud of Heart - 13 O Lord, our God, how great art thou O Lord, to my Relief draw near On thee, who dwell'ft above the Skies O render Thanks, and bleis the Lord O render Thanks to God above O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear Our Fathers, Lord, repeatedly P Praife God in that blefs'd Place Praife the Lord with one Confent Praife ye the Lord, our God to praife Preferve me, Lord, from crafty Foes R Refolv'd to watch o'er all my Ways S Save me, O God, from Floods, that roll Alphabetical Table. Since gcdly Men are ev'ry Day - - 12 Since in the Lord my Hope - - n Sing to the Lord a new-made Song - 96 Speak, O ye Judges of the Earth - 58 Sure, wicked Fools, devoid of Shame - 14 T The Fulneis, which the World affords - 24 The Heathen Hofts, O God " ~ 79 The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, Lord - 19 The King, O Lord, with Songs of Praife - 21 The Lord hath fpoke, the mighty God - 50 The Lord himfelf doth condeicend - 23 The Lord himfelf is King - - 97 The Lord, the only God, is great - 48 The Lord to thy Requeft attend - 20 The Man is bleis'd, who fears the Lord 128 The wicked Fools muft fure fuppofe - ^ The wicked Man's TranfgrefTion proves - 36 Though wicked Men grow rich and great 37 Thou, Lord, by ftricteit Search haft known 139 Through all the Scenes of Life - - 34 Thus fa;d God unto my Lord - - no Thy chafl'ning Wrath, O Lord, refixain - 38 Thy dreadful Anger, Lord, refifajn - 6 Thy Mercy, Lord, ex. end to me - - 51 Thy Mercies, Lord, {hall be my Theme - 101 Thy Mercy, Lord, to me extend - - 56 Thy Mercies, Lord, fhall be my Song - 89 Thy wonted Mercy, Lord, to me extend ^7 To blefs with Joy thy chofen Race - 67 To celebrate thy Name, O Lord - 9 To God be endlefs Praife addreffed - 118 To Gtfd I lift my Heart and Voice - 25 To God I rais'd my mournful Voice - 142 To God my loud Complaints I made - 77 To God, our never-failing Strength - - 81 To God your grateful Voices raife - 107 To Alphabetical Table. To my Complaint thine Ear incline • 86 To my juft Plea and fad Complaint - 17 To Sion's Hill I lift my Eyes - - 121 To thee, my God and King - - 145 To thee, my God and Saviour, I - 88 To thee, O God, we render Praife - 65 To thee, O God, we render Praife - j$ To thee, O Lord, my Cries afcend - 141 V Vengeance belongs to thee, O God - 94 W We build with fruitlefs Toil and Coil - 127 When Ifr'el, by th' Almighty led - 114 When I pour out my Soul in Pray'r - 102 When Sion's God her mournful Sons - 126 When we our wearied Limbs to reft - 137 Who hath his Dwelling made - - 91 Who place on Sion's God their truft - 125 Whom mould I fear fince God to me * 27 Why doft thou now withdraw - - 10 With eyer refllefs and &c> 2 With Glory clad, with Strength array'd - 93 With Heart and Voice in one Accord - 30 With joint Confent let all the World attend 49 WTith my whole Heart, my God and King 138 With new-made Songs let God be praifed 98 With one Confent let all the Earth - 100 Y Ye People, clap your Hands • - 47 Ye Princes, who in Might excel - - 29 Ye Realms of Joy, your Maker's Fame - 148 Ye Saints and Servants of the Lord f 113 SI******-********************* A TABLE of fuch PSALMS, as are fun3 to the fame Tunes. Pfalm 3. 4. 91. Pfalm 5. 70. 121. 143. Pfalm 6. 22. 38. 69. 74. 77. 86. 88. 102. Pfalm 7. 20. 23. 60. 114. 127. 132. 134. Pfalm 8. 24. 62. Pfalm 9. 27. 33. 67. 68. 81. 89. 95. 96. 100. 123. 131J 138.142. Pfalm 13. 41. 79. 130. Palm 14. 15. 29. 31. $1. 64. 71. 80. 124. Pfalm 17.42. 43. 51. Pftlm 18.44. 48. 76. 78. 87. 113. 125. 126. 144. Pfalm 19. 105. 106. Pfalm 2 1 . 40. . Pfalm 28. 93. 129. Pfalm 30. 63. Pfalm <$$. 56. Pfalm 3j. 5%. y3. 82. 83. 103. 137. Pfalm 39. 55. in. Pfalm 47. 149. 150. x Pfalm 50. 1 17. Pfalm 59. 84. 104. 120. 122. Pfalm 61, 75. 85. 141. Pfalm 65. 72. 92. 94. 101. 107. 109. Pfalm 66. 90. 98. 118. r" * Plalm 97. 99. Pfalm 108. 133. 139. 140. - Pfalm no. 135. 136. Plalm 115. 145. 146. Pfaln 116. 119. Pfa.m 147. 148. A Ta- - «<• *U JU *•■» •.*• .*. ««. .«V -»• A 'J. •*- •*» -*« '.». .'. .% •*• «-V 4» •}• 4. •!• A A TABLE or REFERENCES, Shewing the Ufe of the Pfalms, according to the different Circum- fiances, wherein the Church of God, or Believers in particular* may find themfeives. Defctiption Of the BleJJlngs promifed.to the Pious and Charitable. Pf. 37. 41. 1 1 2. 128. the Church, * -concerning her Eitablifhment and Stedfaftncfs. Pf. 122. 125. 132. Glory and Renown. P. 48. 87. Happinefs under the Government of the Meffiah. Pf. 45. 72. 132. Union with Jefus Chriih Pf. 45. the Unity of its Members. Pf. 133. a Citizen of Heaven. Pf. 15. 24. the Confidence of Believers, in Dangers. Pf. 3, II, 27. 29.44. 46. 56. 91. 115. 118* 121. 125. 138. in Death. Pf. 23. 49. at all Times. Pf. 62. 112. the Duty of Judges and Magiftrates. Pf. 82. of the Miniftefs of God's Word. Pf. 2. 4. 75. 101. The Fear and Service of the Lord. Pf. 2. 4. 32. 34. 50. 95. 99* 100. the Glory of the Law. Pf. 12. 19. iit. 119. the Happinefs of Man. Pf. I. f 12. 119. 128.144* Hypocrijy. Pf. 5. 10. 12. 28. 35.41. 50.55.62. 120. Humility and Trials cf Eelievers. Pf.131. Idols. Pf. 115. 135. Impiety. Pf. 10. 14. 36. 53. Judgment. Pf. 50. the Mifery and Vanity of human Life. Pf. 39. 90. 144. Mortality. Pf. 91. the NeceJJity of God's Aid and Bleffing in our Undertakings. Pf. 127. the OpprcJJion of the Church in all Ages. Pf. 129. Repentance. Pf. 5 1 . Slander and Backbiting, Pf. 10. <>o. 52. 64. '109. 120. 140. Storms and Strcfs of Weather. Pf. 18. 29. yj. the Vanity of earthly Goods and Benefits. Pf. 37. J9. 61. 73. Uujuft Judges. Pf. 58. 94. the Unthankfulnefs and Rebellion of the Israelites. Pf. 7S. Si* 106. When Lciraycd by falfe friends. Pf. 41. 54. 55. Of the Church in general, for her Confoiation amidit the Slanders of her Enemies. Pf. 1 23. her Deliverance in Perfecution. Pf. 10. 12. 4^.. 74. 79. 80. 8r/y afflicted. Pf. 77. SS. fur rounded by Enemies. Pf. 3. 13. 22. 27. £4. 55. 56. 57. 99. 69. 70. 141. 142. 143. zealous for the Knowledge and Fear of God. Pf. 5 1 .119.148. Of the Calling of the Gentiles. Pf. £7. 1 17. Oijefus Chrifiy concerning his Afcenil on. Pf. 14.47.68. his Coming and Government. Pf. 2. 72. 96. 97. 98. no. 118. 132. his Humiliation and Exaltation. Pf. 8. 16. 22. 69. his Prieiihood. Pf. no. his Sacrifice. Pf. 40. 65. his Sitting at the right Hand of God. Pf. no. his Union with the Church. Pf. 45. Judas, the Traitor. ?{. 4 1 . his Puniftiment. Pf. 109. Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked. Pf. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 9. 1.1/14. 2-1. 34. 37. 45. 49. 53. 54. 57. 62. 63. 73. 75. 92. -94. 112. 145. 129. IV* Prophetical Curfes againft the Enemies and Perfecutors of the Church. Pf. 10, 17, 28, 35,43,52, 55, 58, 59,69, 70, 7i> 79> 83> 94> Id9> n5' x37> H°> H*> "43- ©onga of praife to e£X2X On bringing upthe^ri to the Place prepared for it. Pf. 24* 47. 68. the Coming of the Saviour. Pf. 8, 96, 97, 98, 118. his Covenant of Grace with his Church. Pf. 89, 1 1 1. his Majejiy and Attributes; Pf. 93, 95, g67 97, 117, 139, 145* 150. the Creation and Providence. Pf. 8, 19, 33, 36, 65, 75, 100, 104, 107, in. 113, 136, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150. S>our* ©efite. Qf Believers. Pf. 4, 14, 19, 27, 50, 53, 56, 66, 76, It 6, 1 19, 137. ] €fmnfcfgitnng& For Deliverances and Wonders, General. Pf. 66, 78, 81, 85, 105, 106. 107, 114, 126* 129, 135. particular. Pf. 31, 34, 40, 116, 118. Forgivenefs of Sins. Pf. 32, 1 03. divers Mercies, fhewn to Believers. Pf. 23, 738. to the Church. Pf. 36, 37, 65, 84, 89, 92, 103, in, to the Kim* and State. Pf. 21. 'Recovery of Health. Pf. 30. Viaories. Pf. 9, 18, 60, 62, 76, 108, 124, 144, 149.. FINIS, r n l JeIDELBERGH CATECHISM, O R Method of Inftru&ion, I N T H E CHRISTIAN RELIGION, A S The fame is taught in the Reformed Churches and Schools in Holland, Together with The Articles of Faith, and Liturgy of faid Church, Tranflated for the Ufe of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church, of the City of New- York. THIS Tranflation of the Heldelbergh Catechifm, together with the Con- feffion of Faith, and Liturgy of the Re- formed Church of Holland \ from the Dutch y having firft been examined, compared, and approved of, by theConfiftory of the Re- formed Proteftant Dutch Church, of the City of New-York, is by them recom- mended for the Ufe of their Church and Schools, and printed by their Order. THE Heidelbergh Catechifm, O R. METHOD of INSTRUCTION, IN THE Chriftian Religion, &c. I. LORDS DAY. FIRST QUESTION. T/TfH A T is thy only Comfort in Life rr and Death ? Anfwer. That I with • Body and Soul, a lCor- »•»•»• both in Life and Death b am not my own, h Ro r4. 7. 8. 9 but belong c unto my faithful Saviour Jefus c x Cor* 3' Z3' Chrift., who with his precious d Blood hath 4 tPet. i 18 %9 fully c fatisfiedfor all my Sins, and delivered f ef\ **J J J; me from all the Power of the Devil; and fo Heb *, i4 i5." preferves me, g that without the Will of my & j°hnJ' \9t heavenly Father, not a Hair h can fall from h Luke xi, is! my Head; yea that all Things mufl be \ fub- .JJJ**- 8,0:g30* fervient to my Salvation. And therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He alfo allures me k of * *fj». i, ». eternal Life, and makes l me fincerely wil- / R0m. '8, jJ, ling and ready, henceforth, to live unto him. and ?> a*. Queft. 2d. How many Things are neceffary for thee to know, that thou, enjoying this Com- fort, may/I live and die happily f Anf. Three; m Thefirft, how great n my mLuke i4, 47. Sins and Miferies are : The fecond, how I »• ***• 6> IO> ■ « may be delivered ° from all my Sins and Mi- R0m. it\% 19 feries: The third, how I mall exprefs my ' John **■ i- Gratitude p to God for fuch Deliverance. t EpkSt^M* A 2 T H E 4 Of the Mfery of Man. THE FIRST PART. II. LORD'S DAY. • Queftion gel. Whence know eft thou thy Mfery ? c Rom. 3, ** j\nf Out of the Law of God. * CHieft. 4th, What doth the Law of God require of us f Inf. Chrift teacheth us that briefly, Mat. xxii, 37 — 40. " Thou {halt love the Lord " thy God with all thy Heart, with all thy " Soul, with all thy Mind, and with all thy I Luke io, 27. « Strength. b This is the firft and the " great Command, and the fecond is like to " this, Thou {halt love thy Neighbour as " thyfelf. On thefe two Commands hang " the whole Law and the Prophets." Queft. 5 th. Canft thou keep all thefe Things perfeclly ? 1 j?hn\.X8*. Anf In no wife ; c for I am prone by Na? d Rom. 8. 7. ture to hate God and my Neighbour. d Tit. 3, 3< III. LORD'S DAY. e Gen. 1,31. / Gen. 1, x our firft Parents, Adam and Lve, h m rara- difej Of the Mifery of Man. $ dife ; hence our Nature is become fo corrupt, that we are all conceived and born in Sin. i ■*££]' !" Quell. 8 th. Are we then fo corrupt that ive are wholly incapable of doing any Good, and inclined to all Wickednefs ? Anfw. Indeed we are ; k except we are re- k Gen. 6, $. generated by the Spirit of God. * Job i4< 4 an<* / John 3, 5. IV. LORD'S DAY. Quell. 9 th. Doth not God then do Injufice to Man, by requiring from him in his Law, that which he cannot perform ? Anf Not at all : m For God made Man 7" Ecc1' 7} ip< capable n of performing it: but Man, by » Eph. 4, 14. the Indication ° of the Devil, and his own 5o!* 3' ,0, o ' c Get:. 3 4. 7. wilful Difobedience, p deprived himfelf and p Rom. \. \z. all his Poflerity of thofe divine Gifts. Qiiefl. 10. Will God fuffer fuch Difobe- dience and Rebellion to go unpunifhed? Anf By no Means : q But is terribly dif- ?f s s plealedr with our original as well as a£hial f Rom. t. is. Sins : and will punifli them in his juft Tudff- Dcut- i8> '*> ment temporally and eternally, as ne hath " declared, f " Curfed is every one that con- y-Deut iy a(J> " tinueth not in all Things, which are writ- o±i. 3, i«. " ten in the Book of the Law, to do them." Queu1. 11. Is not God then alfo merciful f Anf God is indeed merciful, c but alfo, ' E* 3*. *■ jufl; '"therefore his Juilice requires, wfhat j0b*^iofii. Sin which is committed againff the molt high ™ Fiaim 5, s- Majelly of God, be alfo puniihsd with ex- treme, that is, with everlafting x Punifli- * Gen. 2, i7. ments, both of Body and Soul. Ro31' 6' i3' the 6 Of Mans Deliverance. THE SECOND PART. V. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 1 2 th. Since t hen, by the righteous Judgment of God, we deferve temporal and eternal Punilhment, is there no Way by which we may efcape that Puniflment, and be again received into Favour ? a Ei *o. 5. An/1 God will have his Juftice * fatisfied ; a cl™$ i4,3 15. and therefore we muft make this full b Satis- faction, either by ourfelves, or by another. Queft. 13th. Can we ourfelves then make this Satisfaction ? c joh ». x. Anf By no Means ; c but on the Contrary 3 and 15. we d ja;jy increafe our Debt. d Mat. 6,' iz. Queft, 14th. Can there then be found any ifa. 64, * • where, one who is a mere Creature, able to fatisfy for us ? e Heb. *, ,4, i» Jfy None . f()r firftj Qod wIU nQt c pU- nifti any other Creature for the Sin which Man hath committed ; and further no mere Creature can fuftain the Burden of God's /pf 130, 2 and etcrnal Wrath againft Sin, fo as to e deliver 49, 8, 9- . . 9 others rrom it. Queft. 15th. What Sort of a Mediator and Deliverer then muft wefeek for ? * 1 Cor. 15,11. Anf For one who is very Man, g and per- Rom' 8* 3' feclly righteous; and yet more powerful than all Creatures ; that is, one who is aifo 0 Rom. 9-5- k r>> j Ifa 7, 14. Ver7 h G°d- VI. LORDS DAY. Queft. 1 6th. Why muft he be very Man, an4 alfo perfectly righteous f Anf Becaufe Of Mans Delivci-ance, 7 An/. Becaufe the Juftice of God, requires that the fame human Nature, which hath finned, fhould » likewife make Satisfaction * Romans 5,1* for Sin; and one who is himfelf a Sinner IS' k cannot fatisfy for others. k i p Queft. 1 7 th. Why muft he in one Per/on be \u. ss,\i. alfovery God? Anf That he might, by the Power of his Godhead, 1 fuftain in his human Nature, 1 l*£*\ h l8» the Burthen of God's Wrath ; and might m na. s\\ «• obtain for, and reftore to us, Risrhteoufnefs m ' John *» *• ITT Jcr- *3> 6' and Life. x. Tim. i,io. Queft. 1 8th. Who then is that Mediatory John*, 5*. who is in one Per/on both very God, and a real righteous Man? Anf. Our Lord Jefus Chrift, n " who of «Mat. 1, *3. * God is made ° unto us Wifdom, and T ' Tim' 3> l6' rv-r . t Luke », 1 1. " Righteoufnefs, and Sanctincation, and 0 1 cor. 1, 3». " Redemption." Queft. 19th. Whence knvweft thou this? Anf. From the Holy Gofpel, which God himfelf revealed firft in Paradife ; f and af- p Gen. 3, 15. terwards publifhed by the Patriarchs q and 1 Gen- **»»*■ Prophets, and was pleafedto reprefent it, by R0a,n. *, i!4 the Shadows' of Sacrifices and the other Hcb. 1, u Ceremonies of the Law ; and laftly, has ac- r Heb/xoV 9. complilhedit f by his only begotten Son. /R©». "» * r J J & Jieb. xj, 8. VII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 20th. Are all Men then, as they ferijhed in Adam, faved by Chrift ? t Mat> , %x Anf. No; only l thofe who are ingrafted if*. 53, 11. into him, T and receive all his Benefits, by a v ^jj^1/* "J; true Faith. iicb. xo, 3$. Queft. 2 1 ft. What is true Faith ? Anf True Faith is not only a certain Knowledge, o Of Mans Deliverance, W John V9' KnowledSe> w whereby I hold for Truth all iieb. 11,3 6, tnat God x nas revealed to us in his Word, *kom. a, xs, but alfo an affured y Confidence, which the y Rdm?4, i■ a i Mat. 9, *. Chrijlian to believe ? ^GaTVU' 4$ All Things f promifed us in the e Rom. 3, i4. Gofpel, which the Articles of our Catholick /john*i©**ji. undoubted Chriftian Faith briefly teach us. Mat. i8, lp,i0. Shicfl. 23. What are thefe Articles ! Anf. I. / believe in God, the Father Al- mighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, II. And in %efus Chrifl, His only begotten Son, our Lord: III. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, bom of the Virgin Mary : IV. Suffered under Pontius Pilate ; was cru- cified, dead and buried : He defcended into Hell: V. The Third Day he rofe again from the Dead: VI. He of c ended into Heaven, and fitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father Al- mighty : VII. From thence he (Imll come to judge the Quick and the Dead: VIII. / believe in the Holy Ghoft. IX. / believe an Holy Catholick Church : The Communion of Saints: X. The Forgivenefs of Sins: XL The Refurreclion of the Body : XII. And the Life everlafling Amen. ^ VIII. LORD'S Of God the Fattier. VIII. LORD'S DAY. Quell. 24th. How are tbefe Articles di- vided ? Anf Into three Parts ; the fir ft is of God the Father, and our Creation ; g the fecond g Gcnefis 1 of God the Son, and our Redemption ; h the third 'of God the Holy Ghoft, and our Sanc- tincation. ' Chi eft. 25th. Since there is only but one * * Deut- 6> Divine E fence, why fpeakefl thou of Father, Son, and Holy Ghojl? Anf. Becaufe God hath fo l revealed him- /cten' *'x i6' feif in His Word, that thefe three diftinct. johni^ns Perfons are the one only true and eternal iJohn> s< God. John'''5 b 1 Pet. 1 18 19. i 1 Pet. 1 21::. 4- Of GOD the FATHER. IX. LORD'S DAY. Chi eft. 26th. What believefl thou, when iboufayefti " I believe in God the Fa- " t her Almighty, Maker of Heaven * *nd Earth ?" Anf That the eternal Father cf Our Lord Jcfus Chrift, (Who * of nothing made Hea- * Gon- T *ni1 *< ven and Earth, with all that is in them; P M3 6' Who likewife upholds and b governs the fame J P&im "*. >• by His eternal Counlel and Providence) is Sa'."''3?' for the Sake of Chrift His Son, my e God, Johns' 17 and my Father ; on whom I rely (o entirely, € jp^\, [*'1(l that I have no Doubt, but He will provide ©ai< >., $, <->. • 1, 5- 3, 1. me with all Things neceffary * for Soul and Body : And further, that He will make what- i Mat. fc 2 c Rom. ever Evils lie fends upon Hie> in this V: of Tears, r turn out to my Advantage ; for He is • :o do it, bein :" God; /Rom. and willi lug as f; :r. * \ 0 7» if» * B X. LORD'S 10 Of God the Son. h Adt 17, 25, 26, 27, 28. i Hebrews 1, 3. h Jer. 5, 24. / Acl. 14, 17. MS John 9, 3. n Prov. 22, 2. Job. 1, 21. ©Mat. 10, 29, 30 £ph. 1, 11. f Rom 5, 3. Pfalm 39, 10. q Deut. 8, 10. 1 Thef. 5, 18. r Rom. 5 ,4, 5, 6 iRom 8,38,39. t Job 1, u, and 2, 6. Matt. 8, 31. Ifa. 10, 15. a Matt, i, it, * A&4, 12. X. LORD'S DAY. Quell. 27th. J'F/W <&/? £&?« mean by th Providence of God ? Anf. The Almighty and everywhere pre- fent Power of God ; h whereby, as it were by His Hand ' He upholds and governs Hea- ven, Earth, and all Creatures ; fo that Herbs and Grafs, Rain k and Drought, fruitful l and barren Years, Meat and Drink, m Health and Sicknefs, n Riches and Poverty, yea all Things ° come, not by Chance, but by His fatherly Hand. Queft. 28th. What Advantage is it to us to know that God has created, and by his Pro- vidence doth flill uphold all Things ? Anf, That we may be patient in Adver- fity, p thankful <* in Profperity ; and that in all Things, which may hereafter befal us, we place our firm r Truft in our faithful God and- Father, that nothing mail <* feparate us from his Love, fince all Creatures are fo in His Hand, that without his Will they c can- not fo much as move. c iCor.i, 13,31. Gal. 5,4. Of GOD the SON. XL LORD'S DAY. Queft. 29th. Why is the Son of God called Refits, that is a Saviour ? Anf Becaufe He faveth us, and clelivcreth us from our a Sins ; and likewife, becaufe we ought not to feek, neither can find, b Sal- vation in any other. Queft. 30th. Do fuch 'then believe in fefus the only Saviour, who feek their Salvation and Happinefs of Saints, of thcmfelves, or any where elfe ? Anf They do not ; for though they boaft of Him in Words, yet in Deeds they deny c Jciuft Of God the Son. 1 1 i Jefus the only Deliverer and Saviour ; for one of thefe two Things muft be true, that ..cither Jefus ,is not a complete Saviour ; or e,that they who by a true Faith receive this ..Saviour, mufl find all Things in Him d ne- d Heb- !*> *• 3 ceffary to their Salvation, col. i,'i9,zo. XII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 3 1 ft. Why is he called Chrijf, that ('s anointed ? Anf. Becaufe He is ordained of God the father, and e anointed with the Holy Ghoft, « Hcb. r, 9. to be our f chief Prophet and Teacher ; •* A^ * l%] Who has fully revealed to us the fecret John *> l8» Council and Will of God concerning our Re- Matt!Vi,S*7. demption : And to be our only High Prieft, g pfa.no, 4. E Who by the one Sacrifice of His Body, has Heb- 7> 2I» redeemed us, and makes continual h Inter- h Rom. 8,' 34.' iceffion with the Father for us ; and alfo to i be our eternal King, i Who governs us by His ' ^-™ *' *" IWord and Spirit ; and Who defends and k * Matt. 28, 18. preferves us in (the Enjoyment of) that Sal- John IO' 2®' vation He has purcnafed for us. Queft. 32. But why art thou called a Chriftian ? Anf, Becaufe I am a Member of Chrift \ 1 1 Cor. 6, 1$. by Faith, and thus am Partaker m of His ",T,./fhn.*;**t • * i f t /• r i • ^t Joel a, z*. anointing, that 10 i may nconfeis his Name, « Matt. 10, 3z. and prefent myfelf a living ° Sacrifice of Thankfulnefs to Him : and alfo thai with a free and good Confcience I may fightagainft Sin and p Satan in this Life ; and afterwards £F:p.h. n- Sake EpU. 1, 5, 6. Queft. 34th. Wherefore c a Heft thou him our Lord ? Anf Becaufe He hath redeemed us, both Soul and Body, from all our Sins, not with i?et. i,iB,ip. G0}d or Silver c but with His precious Blood, and hath delivered us from all the Power of the Devil ; and thus hath made us His own Property. xiv lord's day" Queft. 35 th. What is the Meaning of theft Words,* " He was conceived by the " Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin « Mary :" d John i, i. jnji That God's eternal Son, who d is, e Horn. *p, Z anc^ continueth true and eternal e God, f took 1 Johns, 10. upon Him the very Nature of Man, of the f GaT ll I? Flefli and g Blood of the Virgin Mary, by the ? Matt, i, 18. Operation of the Holy Ghoft ; h That He hvr^^ii. n^ght alfo, be the true Seed of David, < like Acis z, jo. unto his Brethren in all Things, k Sin ex- cepted. Que ft. 3 6th. What Profit do ft thou receive by ChrijTs holy Conception and Nativity ? nicb.z,i, i«. Queft. 41ft. Why was He alfo « buried ?" phiL z> 8- Anf Thereby to prove that He f was f Acts i3, r9. really dead. johni9l38,&e, Queft. 42nd. Since then Chrijl died for us> why muft we alfo die ? Anf Our Death is not a Satisfaction for our Sins, but only an abolifliing of Sin, and a PafTage into s eternal Life. g J°]™ >"> ** Queft. 43rd. What further Benefit do we receive from the Sacrifice and Death cf Chri't m the Crofs * Aifi Tail. i,a. 14 h Rom. 6, 6. 7. &c. I Rom. reign in us ; but that we may k offer ourfelves unto Him a Sacrifice of Thankfgiving. Quell. 44th. Why is there added " He " DESCENDED INTO HELL ?" Anf That in my greateft Temptations, I may be allured, and wholly comfort myfelf in this, that my Lord jefus Chrift by His in- expreinble Anguifli, Fains, Terrors, and hel- liih Agonies, in which he was plunged dur- ing all his fufferings, but efpecially on the Crofs, hath ] delivered me from the Anguifh and Torments of Hell. m 1 Cor. 15,16. n Rom. <5, Col. 3, 1 &c. $ 1 Cor. 15. Rom. 8. ix. f Acfts 1, 9. Mark 16, 19. j Heb. 4, 14. Rom. 8, 34. fcph. 4, io. XVII. LORD'S DAY. Que ft. 45th. What doth the Refurredlcn 9f Chrift profit us ? Anf. Firft ; by His Refurredtion He hath overcome Death, that He might m make us Partakers of thatllighteoufnefs Which He had purchafed for us by His Death. Secondly, we are alfo by his Power, n raifed up to a new Life. And laftly, the Refurre£lion of Chrift is a ° hire Pledge of our bleffed Refurreclion. XVIII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 46th. How doft thou underftand thefe Words, " He ascended into Hea- " VEN ?" Anf That Chrift, in Sight of His Difci- ples was p taken up from Earth into Heaven ; and that He continues q there for our Intereft, until He come again to judge the Quick and the Dead. Queft. Queft. 47th. Is not Chrift then with us even to the End of the World, as he hath pro- mifed ? Anf Chrift is very Man and very God : With Refpeft to his r human Nature, He is r A<*b 3, *r. no more on Earth ; but with Refpect to His s l°^n 5> I3; Cioahead, Majeity, Grace and bpint, He is s Matt, as, *o. at no Time abfent from us. Queft. 48th. But if his human 'Nature is not prefent, where-ever. His Godhead is, are not then thefe two Natures in Chrift feparated from one another ? Anf Not at all, for fmce the Godhead is incomprehenfible and c omniprefent ; it muft ' AfV 49' neceffariiy follow that v the" fame is not limited v Matt. H[ l*>'. with the human Nature He afiumed, and yet Johu l6> 28 r 11 1 and 17, 11. remains perionally united to it. john3, \3. Queft. 49th. Of what Advantage to us is ChrijVs Afcentlon into Heaven ? Anf Firft, That He is our w Advocate ™ Heb. 9, m- in the Prefence of His Father in Heaven : Rom^s*' 34. Secondly, That we have our Flefh in Hea- ven as a fure Pledge, that He as the Head, Will alio x take up to himfelf, us his Mem- x John 14,2. bers. Thirdly, that He z fends us His Spi- z j^ncfiI42/ ,£ rit as an Earneft, by whofe Power we " feek * Cor. i| %%. " the Things which are above, where Chrift z Cor" 5> 5* " fitteth on the right Hand of God, a and not * Coioffi. 3, 1. " 1 hings on Earth. * XIX. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 50th. Why is it added, " and u SITTETH AT THE RIGHT KaND OF GoD?" Anf Becaufe Chrift is afcended into Hea- ven for this End, that He might there b ap- * Ephefi. 1, a». pear as Plead of His CBurch, by whom the CoIlcf* j' l5* Father c governs all Things. c *?*£ *8,,j['* Queft. 2 6 Of God the Holy Ghojl. Quell, 51ft. What Profit is this Glory of Chrijl our Head unto us ? i iphe. 4, 10. j/2ji pjrfl.j That by HIs h0iy Spirit He * poureth out heavenly Graces upon us his Members : And then that by His Power He ' Mjjw* *> 9- defends c and prefer ves us againft all Enemies. John 10, il. ^eft> ^ whaf; Comfort is it tQ the? that " Christ shall come again to " judge the Quick and the Dead in Anf That in all my Sorrows and Perfe- /Lukcai,as. cutions with uplifted Head f I look for the i°Thef.Z4,' It. ver)' ^ame Perfon, who before offered Him- felf for my Sake, to the Tribunal of God, and hath removed 'all Curfc from me, to come as **"rtef.i,«,7. Jud^e from Heaven ; who mall cafl all his s Matt, aj, 41. J 6 . . > ana my enemies into everlaitmg Londerrma- * Matt. *$, 34. ti0Tlj but f|ia}i trandate h me with all his Chofen ones to liimfelf, into heavenly Joys and Glory. Of GOD the HOLY GHOST. XX. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 53d. What dofl thou believe can-> eerning the Holy Ghoft ? Anf Firft, That lie is true and co-eternal fduieffs 1,. a. God with the Father and the ' Son : Se- Ycm.f.'lt condly, that lie is alfo given " me, to 1 make * Matt. »8, 19. me by a true Faith, Partaker of Chrift: and all 1 Gsdati! *' * *" ^ benefits, that He may ■ comfort me, and 1 Peter i', a. * abide with me forever. m Acts 9, 31. _ . , ' F&t t ' XXI. LORD'S DA Y. C^ueft. 54th.' What believefl thou concern- ing the P Holy Catholigk Church'' of Chrift ? »jchn i», 11. Anf. That the Son of Gcd ° from the ?Geaefis* remember my Sins, neither my corrupt Nature, againll which I have to ftruggle all my Life long ; but will gracioully impute to me the Righte- oufnefs of Chrift, that I may never be c con- demned before the Tribunal of God. 17 q Romans 8, 19. Ephefians 1, 10. r Matthew 1 6, 18. s lfaiali 59, xi. t Dcu. 10, 14, 15. u AcSts 13, 48. v 1 Cor. 1, 8. 9. Rom. 8, 3s,&c. iv 1 John 1, 3. Romans 8, 31. 1 Corin. u, 13'. x 1 Corn. 13 5 Philippians i\'4» S, 6. a Tohn z. %. x Cor. s, 19,1 J- b Jeremiah, 3 1,34. Pfalim 103, 3. 4, 10, 11. Romans 8, 1,2,3. c John 3, 1 3. — XXII. LORDS DAY, Quell. 57th. What Comfort doth the Re- JUrreeli&n of the Body afford thee f Anf. That not only my Soul after this Life, (hall be immediately taken d up to Chrift its Head ; but aHbJ, that this my Body, bemg raifedby the Power of Chrift, (hall be reunited with my Soul, and e made like unto the glorious Body of Chrift. Quell. 58th. 'What Comfort takefi thou from the Article ofLifeeverlafing ? Anf. That fmce f I now feel in my Heart fee Beginning of eternal Joy, after this Life, rfLukezj, 4* Philippians 1, z%. ex Corint. 15,531 Job 19, is,x<5o fz Cor. 5, 2, 3, 6. Romans 14, 17-. i8 / Pfalms 1 6, 1 1 g i Corinthians : Romans 5, 1. Romans 1. 1 7. John 3, 3 A&s a, 38- j Mark 16, i. Que ft. 74th. Are Infants, alfo to be bap- fjfidf Anf Yes, for fmce they, as well as the Adult, are included in the v Covenant and ■w 1 covin. 7, i4. w Church of God ; and fmce x Redemption ,&*£** frpm Sin by the Blood of Chrift, and the Luke 1, i4. is. z Holy Ghoft, the Author of Faith, is pro- mi fed to them no lefs than to the Adult; they mud therefore by Baptifm, as a Sign of the Covenant, be alfo admitted into the Chriftian A I4' Covenant or Teftament by b Circumcifion, aM.x, u,i2. 13. inftead of which, c Baptifm is inftituted in the New Covenant. Of the HOLY SUPPER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. XXVIII. LORDS DAY. Queft. 75 th. Hoiv art thou admonifbed and ajfured in the Lord^s Supper, that thou art a Partaker of that one Sacrifice of Chrift, accompli jh ed on the Croft, and of all his Be- nefits ? Anf Thus, That Chrift has commanded me and all Believers, to eat of this broken Bread, and to drink of this Cup, in Remem- brance of Him ; d adding thefe Promifes, ii Matt. 26,16,17. Firft, that His Body was offered and bro- 28- ken on the Crofs for me, and His Blood Mark 14,22, 23. n 1 r • 1 t r • 1 14% lhed ior me, as certainly as 1 lee with my Lukc22,i9, 20. Eyes, the Bread of the Lord broken for me, fc.xilljwll' and the Cup communicated to me : And further, that He feeds and nourifhes my Soul to everlafting Life, with His crucified Body, and lhed Blood, as afTuredly as I receive from the Hands of the Minifter, and tafte with my Mouth Of the Lord's Suppei . Mouth the Bread and Cup of the Lord, as certain Signs of the Body and Blood of Chriit. Queft. 76th. What is it then to eat the cru- cified Body, and drink the jhed Bleed cfChrijl ? Anf. It is not only to embrace with a believing Heart all the Sufferings and Death of Chriit, and thereby to e obtain the Pardon of Sin and Life eternal; but alfo,- betides that, e John £ 35' 4&> . J F - • J T7- 47,43,50,5 1, to become more and more f united to Mis 53,54- sp. Acts 3, 11 & i. 9, 10, 11. facred Body by the Holy Ghoft who dwells /J?? 6> ?£ both in Chrrft and in us ; fo that we, though Chrift is in s Heaven and we on Earth, are notwithstanding " Flefh of His Flefn, and " Bone of h His Bone ;" and that we live * 1 com.'n,zo. and are governed forever by one Spirit, as paefianss,*9. o J I7 3°> 3 J > 3-- Members of the fame Body are by one Soul. 1 corimhi .6,1$. Quefl. 77th. Where has Ch rift proofed '$$£*-' x.l that He wilt as certainly feed and nourifh ij i!j- " and drink this Cup, ye do lliew the Lord's " Death till he come.'' This Promife is repeated by the Koly Apoftle Paul, where he fays, n " The Cup « \ cor.i:v-V- tl of Bleflmg which we blefs, is it not the " Communion of the Blood of Chriit? The 24 Of the Lord's Supper. 9 i Conn, io, 1,2/ 3. 4 1 Peter 3,11. John6, 35, 6a, 63 f i Cor. 10,16 Sec. and, 11, io Scct g Genelis 17, 10, 11, 14. Exodus 1 a, z5, Z7,43» 48- A&s 7, 8. Matthew 16 , %0. Mark 14, 24. rJohn *8, 3(J. Mark itf, 16. ♦a Thef.i, 7,8,?. £ John 10, 11, ax, xi. Matthew id, 19. Rom, *, 17- cy the Lord s supper, &c. to this Sapper, ivho by Confeffion and Lift de- clare t hem/elves Infidels and Ungodly ? Anf No; for by this, the Covenant of God would be profaned, and His Wrath * kindled againft the whole Congregation; therefore it is the Duty of the Chriflian Church, according to the Appointment of h Chrifl and his Apoflles, to exclude fuch Per- fons, by the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, till they mew Amendment of Life. XXXI. LORD'STJAY- Queft. 83. What are > the Keys of the Kmgdom of Heaven ? Anf. The Preaching k of the Holy Gof- pel, and Chriflian Difcipline, i or Excommu- nication out of the Chriflian Church; by thefc two, the Kingdom of Heaven is opened to Believers, and fhut againfl Unbelievers. Quefl. 84th. How is the Kingdom of Heaven opened and (hut by the Preaching of the Holy Gof pel? Anf Thus; when according to the Com- mand of ■ Chrifl, it is declared and publickly teflificd to all and every Believer, that when- ever they Q receive the Promife of the Gofpel by a true Faith, all their Sins are really for- given them of God, for the Sake of Chrifl's Merits; and on the Contrary, when it is de- clared and teflified to all Unbelievers, and fuch as do not fmcerely repent, that they fland expofed to the Wrath of God, and eternal ° Condemnation, fo long as they arc p unconverted : According to which Tcfli- mony of the Gofpel, God will judge them, both in this, and the Life to come. Quefl. 85. Hov. is the Kingdom of Hea- ven] hut and opened by Chriflian Difcipl'me? Anf Of Thankfulnefs. Anf Thus; when according q to the Command of Chrift, thofe who under the Name of Chriftians maintain Doctrines, or Practices r inconfiitent therewith ; will not after having been often brotherly admonifhed, renounce their Errors and wicked Courfeof Life, are complained of to the Church, « or to thofe who are thereunto1 appointed by the Church; and if they defpife their Admoni- tion, v are by them forbid the Ufe of the Sacraments ; whereby they are excluded from the Chriftian Church, and by God himfelf from the Kingdom of Chrift ; and when they promife and (hew real Amendment, are again w received as Members of Chrift and His Church. THE THIRD PART. Of THANKFULNESS. XXXII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 86th. Since then we are delivered from our Mifery, merely of Grace, through Chrift, without any Merit cf ours ; why niuft we fill do good Works ? Anf. Becaufe that Chrift, having redeem- ed and delivered us by his Blood, alfo renews us by His Holy Spirit, after his own Image; that fo we may teilify by the whole of our Conduct, our Gratitude x to God for his Blef- fmgs, and that He may be z praifed by us : Alfo, that every one may be a allured in him- felf of his Faith, by the Fruits thereof ; and that by our Godly Converfation others may be b gained to Chrift. Queft. 87th. Cannot they then be freed, who continuing in their wicked and ungrateful lives, are not converted to God ? 27 f Matthew if, 15. r Corlnthi. j. it. s Mit.18, 15, 18. t Rom.ix, 7,8,9. x Corin. ix, 18. 1 Timothy 5,17: i Theff. 3, 14. ^Matthew 18, 17: I Cor. j,3,4, S^ ip 1 Cor. t,<,r, 8. 10, 11. x 1 Cor. 6, 19, 19. Romans 6> 13, and ii, 1, x. 1 Pet. x, 5, 9, 10. z Matthew 5,16. ! Peter 2, n. a x Peter 1, 10, Galati. 5. 6, 24. b 1 Peter 3, i,z. Matthew 5, 16. Roman; 14, »?. 28 Of Conversion. ei Corin. 6, 9, 1©. Ephefians $, $. 1 John 3, 14, 15. Galatians St ~i- ^Romans 6,4,5,6. Eph. 4, 22. 23. Coloflians 3,5. 1 Corin. 5, 7. *Pfalms 1,3,8,1 7. Luke ij, 18. Romans 8, 13. Joel 1, ij, 13, /Romans 5, 1, 2. and 14, 17. Ifaiahs7, *5- gRomaj\s6,io,n r Peter 4, 2. Galatians 2, 20. h Romans 14, 23 : 1 Samuel is, 22. Ephefians2,2,io i: i Corin. 10, 31. /Deurer. ii; 32. Ezekiel 20, 18. Matthew 15,5. Anf. By no Means ; for the Holy Scrip- ture declares c that no unchaftePerfon, Idola- ter, Adulterer, Thief, covetous Man, Drunk- ard, Slanderer, Robber, or any fuch like, fliall inherit the Kingdom of God. XXXIII. LORD'S DAY. Quefl. 88th. In how many Farts doth the true Converfion of Man confifl ? Anf. In two Parts ; in <* the Mortification of the Old, and in the Quickening of the New Man. < Queit. 89th. What is tlie Mortification of the Old Man ? Anf It is a e fmcere Sorrow of Heart, that we have provoked God by our Sins; and more and more to hate and flee from them. Quefl. 90th. What is the Quickening of the New Man ? Anf. It is a fmcere Joy of Heart in God, through Chrift, f and with Love and * Delight to live according to the Will of God in all good Works. Quell. 9 1 ft. But what are good Works ? Anf. Only thofe which proceed from a true h Faith, are performed according to the j Law of God, and to His k Glory ; and not fuch as are * founded on our Imaginations, or the Inftitutions of Men. xxxiv. lord's day. Sguefl. 92 th. What is the Law of God ? Anf. Godfpake all thefe Words, Exod. xx. Deut. v. faying, I am the Lord thy God, which hath brought thee out of the Land of Egypt*. $ut of the Houfe of Bondage. I. Com. Of the Ten Commandments. z$ I. Com. Thou (halt have no other Gods before me. II. Com. Thou (Id alt ?iot make unto thy f elf any graven Image, nor the Likenefs of any Thing that is in Heaven above, or in the Earth beneath, or in the Water under the Earth. Thou/halt not bow down to them, nor ferve them ; for 1 the Tor d thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate ?ne, and /hewing Mercy unto thou- Jands of them that love me, and keep- my Com- mandments. III. Com. Thou /halt not take the Name of the Lord . thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guilt lefs, that taketh his Name in vain. IV. Com. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy, fix Days Jhalt thou labour, and do all thy Work, but the f event h Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : In it thou /halt do ??& Manner of Work, thou nor thy Son, nor thy Daughter, thy Man Servant, nor thy Maid Ser- vant, nor thy Cattle, nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates. For in Six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and refed thefeventh Day ; where- fore the Lord blejfed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it. V. Com. Honour thy Father any thy Mother, that thy Days may be long in the Land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Com. Thou Jhalt not kill. VII. Com, 3° Of the Ten Commandments, twEio. 34,18,19. Dcu. 4, 13 and jo, 3, 4. n Matthew 11,37. 38,39- 0 I Cor. 6y 9, 10. and 10, 7, 14. f Leviticus i8,xi, Deuterono. 18, 10, 11, iz. q Matthew 4, 10. Revelati. 19, 10. r John 17, 3- s Jere. 17, 5, 7- Heb. 10, 36, Col. 1, 11, Rom- 5. 3. 4. Phi. a, 14. i) 1 Peter c, 5, *3 *4 wife than with Fear and Reverence; fothat He may be rightly ° confeffed and p worfhip- ped by us, and be glorified in all our r Words and Works Queft. 100. Is then the profaning of God's Name by fwearing and curfvig%Jo heinous a Sint that fDcutcrono.<4, i£ Ifa. 40, 18. Rom. 1 , a 3 , &c. Acts 17, 29. f\ Samuel 15,13. Dent. 1 a, 30. £Deut.4,i;,iff. Ifa. 46, 5. Romans 1, 23. iExo.. 13, 14, and 34, 13, 14. Numbers 33,52. Dcuterono. 7, 5. i x Timothy 3, 1 tf. x Peter j, 1 9. Jjeremi. io,i&c Hab. 1, 18, jj« /Lcv.X4, 1 1, and 19> li- ra Matthew 5, 37. Leviticus 5, 4. (•Matthew 10, jx. f 1 Timothy x 8. rColo. 3, 16, 17. V s Leviticus s, i. I Leviticus i 4, is v Exodus tx, 1 1. Nehemiah 13,15 •w Deutro. 6. 13. Heb. 6, 16. X Genefis 11, 14. Jof. 9, IS, 19- I Samuel 14,11. x Cor. r, 13. Romans 1,9. ariCorinthi. 1,13. « Mat.5, 34, 3J. f Titus 1, 5. 1 Tim. 3>i4»i*- I Corinthi. 9,1 r. * Tim.i, x. and 3,iS. f Leviticus 13, 3. & 7. i». -a; Romans 11.10. x Ephefians 4. x. Galatians 6.i,x. Matthew s- 5- Romans iz, 18. z Exodus 13. 5 • 4- /Heb. 13.4. 1 Corin. 7.4, 9. g Ephefians 5. 3. I Corinthi.6.18; & Matthew 5. z8. i Ephefians 5. 18. 1 Corin. 15. 33. k 1 Corinthi.6. 10 1 Corinthi. 5.10. wLuke 3. 14. l Thefraloni.4.tfr Queft. 107th. But is it enough that we don't kill any Man in the Manner mention }d above ? Anf No ; for when God forbids Envy, Hatred, and Anger; He commands us to v love our Neighbour as ourfelves ; to (hew w Patience, Peace, x Meeknefs, z Mercy, and all Kindnefs, towards him, a and prevent his Hurt as much as in us lies : And that we b do Good, even to our Enemies. XLI. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 108. What doth the /event h Com- mand teach us ? Anf That all Uncleannefs is accurfed c of God, and that therefore we muft with all our Hearts d deteft the fame, and live e chaftely and temperately, whether in f holy Wed- lock, or in a fingle Life. Queft. 109th. Doth God forbid in this Command, only Adultery \ and foe h like grofs Sins ? Anf Since both our Body and Soul are Temples of the Holy Ghoft, He commands ustopreferve them pure and holy; therefore he forbids all unchafte Actions, g Geftures, Words, Thoughts, *» Defrres, and whatever i can entice Men thereto. XLII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. noth. What doth God forbid in the eighth Command ? Anf God forbids not only thofe k Thefts and 1 Robberies which arepunifhable by the Magiftrate ; but He comprehends under the Name of Theft, all wicked Tricks and De- vices, whereby we defign to m appropriate to ourfelves Of the Ten Commandments. ourfelves the Goods which belong to our Neighbour ; whether it be by Force, or un- der the Appearance of Right ; as by unjuft Q Weights, Ells, ° Meafures, fraudulent Mer- chandize, falfe Coins, * Ufury, or by any other Way forbidden by God ; as alfo all * Covetoufnefs, all Abufe and Wafte of his Gifts. Queft. in. But what dotb God require in this Command ? Anf. That I promote the Advantage of my Neighbour in every Inftance I can or may ; and deal with him as I r defire to be dealt with by others ; further alfo that I faithfully labour, fo that I s may be able to relieve the Needy, 35 n Proverbs n. r> oExc.4S,*,IO,H Deuter. 15. 13. ■p Pfalms 15. 5. Luke 6. 35. f 1 Corin, 6, 10, r Matthew 7 . 1 1 . s Proverbs j. 16. Epheuans 4. 28. XLIII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 112. What is required in the ninth Command ? Anf That I bear falfe Witnefs l againft no Man ; nor faliify v any Man's Words : That I be no Backbiter, " or Slanderer ; that I do not judge, or join x in condemning any Man rafhly or unheard ; but that I z avoid all Sorts of Lies and Deceit, as the proper Works a of the Devil, unlefs I would bring down upon me the heavy Wrath of God : Likewife that in Judgment and all other Dealings I love the Truth, fpeak it up- rightly b and confefs it : Alfo that I defend and promote, c as much as I am able, die Honour and good Character of my Neigh- bour. t Proverbs 19. 5,9 and zi. zS. -■ Pulm 15. 3. w Romans 1. 29. x Matt. 7. 1. &c. Luke 6.37. z Lev. 19. 11. a Pro. 11. 22. & h 1 Cori;ithi.i3,<5. Epheuans 4. 2> . c 1 Peter 4. 8, XLTV LORD'S 36 Of Prayer. Rom. 7- 7, e Romans 7. 14. / Romans 7, »*. IS,&C James z. 10. £ 1 John r. p: PfaJm 3 z 5. £ Romans 7, 14. 1 Corinthl. 9-24 Phil.S.iz^s,^. k?{al. 50.15. XLIV. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 113. Jfte ^ /£* tenth Com- mand require of us f Anf That even the fmalleft Inclination or Thought, contrary to any of God's Com- mands, never rife in our Hearts ; but that at all Times we hate all Sin with our whole . Hearts, d and delight in all Righteoufnefs. -Queft. 114. But can th'ofe who are con-' verted to God, perfeclly keep thefe Commands ? Anf No; but even the holiefl Men while in this Life, have only fmall Begin- nings of this c Obedience, yet fo, that with a r Tmcere Refolution, they begin to live, not only according to fome, but all the Com- mands of God. Queft. 115. Why will God then have the ten Commands fo firiclly preached, fince no Man in this Life can keep them f Anf Firft, that all our Life Time, we may learn § more and more to know our fin- ful Nature, and thus become the more ear- neft in feeking theRemhTion of Sin, »» and Righteoufnefs in Chrifl : Likewife, that we constantly endeavour and pray to God for the Grace of the Holy Spirit, that we may be- come more and more conformable to the Image of God, till we arrive at the Perfec- tion propofed to us, in a Life to come. » OF PRAYER. XLV. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 1 1 6. Why is Prayer neceffary for Chriflians ? Anj. 'Becaufe it is that chief Fart of k Tkankfulnefs which God requires of us : And (JJ Prayer. 37 And d.l(o becaufe God will give His Grace and Holy Spirit to thofe only who with fmcere • Defires continually alk them of Him, and i / Matthew?. 7.s. are thankful for them. J;ukeL J x • o> ■ i* _ n , TTTJ 1 -r% >r n Matthew 13. \%. C^uelt. 1 1 7th, vv hat are the Reqitijites of pfaim $•. 15. that Prayer, which is acceptable to God, and which He will hear ? Anf. Firfl, that we from the Heart pray to the one true God only, who hath m mani- » John 4j u. fefted himfelf in His Word, for all Things he hath commanded us, to aik of Him : n Se- « Romans 8. **. condly, that we rightly and throughly know 0\^n *' l4*2 our Need and Mifery, that fo we may °deep- pfaim i45. Is. * ly humble ourfelves in the Prefence of His ^*chron. 20,12. T • n/r •- n ' '*-• 11 i t r 11 ^ Plalm 2,n,and dirine Majefty; thirdly, that we be fully 34, ,», I9y perfuaded that He, notwithstanding we are Ii"diah 6 &c« has r promifed us in his Word. Daaieip' 17, 1 3. Queft. 1 1 8th. What hath God Command- Matthew 7, g. _/ , n r tt' o Pfaim 142, 1. ed us to afk of Him ? Anf. All c Things neceffary for Soul and * JaiT>es ». n- Body ; which Chrifl our Lord has compri- Matthcw 5' 33> fed, in that Prayer He himfelf v has taught us. * Mat.4,9,io&* Queft, 1 19. What are the Words of that Lukc "'*• &c' Prayer T Anf. Oz/r Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Hea- ven. Give as this Day our daily Bread, and forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debt- ors, and lead us not into Temptation ; but de- liver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever Amen. XLVL LORD'S. 3» Uj frayer. XL VI. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 120. Why hath Chrift commanded us to addrefs God thus, " Our Father ? Anf That immediately, in the very Be- ginning of our Prayer, He might excite in us a Child-like Reverence for, and Confidence in God, which are the Foundation of our Prayer ; namely, that God is become our 10 Matthew 6, 9. Father in Chrift, w and will much lefs deny us what we aik of Him in true Faith, than our Parents x will refufe us earthly Things. Queft, 1 2 1 . Why is it here addedy " which " art in Heaven ?" Anf. Left we fliould form any z earthly Conceptions of God's Heavenly Majefty, and that we a may expect from His Almighty Power all Things neceffary for Soul and Body, # Mat. 7,9,10,11. Luke ii, II. Ifaiah 49, 15. 2 Jeremiah 23,14. A&s 17, 14. a Romans 19, 1 z . a Matthew 6t 9. b John 17, 3- Jere. 9, *3, *4« Matthew id, 17. James 1,5. c Pfalm 119, 137, 138. Luke 1, 46. Pfalm 145, 8,9. fZ Pfalm 115, Matthew 6, ro. /Matthew <>, 35. Pfalm up, c. XL VII. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 1 2 2d. Which is the firft Petition ? A/f. a " Hallowed be thy Name"; That is, grant us firft rightly b to knowThee, and to c fanctify, glorify and praife Thee, in all thy Works, in which Thy Power, Wif- dom, Goodnefs, Juftice, Mercy and Truth, are clearly difplayed ; and further alio, that we may fo order and direct or whole Lives, our Thoughts, Words and Actions, as that Thy Name may never be blafphemed, but rather d honoured and praifed, on our Az~. count. XLYIII. LORD'S DAY. Quell. 1 2 3d. Which is the fecond Petition ? Anf. e " Thy Kingdom come ;" That is, rule us fo by Thy Word and Spirit, that fubmit ourfelves more and more to Thee v. e may Of Prayer. 39 Thee; preferve and « increafe thy Church, jPfaims i, i a. deflroy the » Works of the Devil, and ail bl^s3\*'%0 Violence which would exalt itfelf again!! Thee ; and alfo, all wicked Counfels devifed againft thy holy Word ; till the full i Per fection of thy Kingdom takes Place, k where in Thou fhalt be all in all. i Rev. xx, 17, 10. k 1 Corinthi. 1 J ,a 8 XLIX. LORD'S DAY. Queft. 124. Which is the third Petition ? Anf * " Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven;" That is, grant that we and all Men may renounce ] our own Will, & without murmuring m obey Thy Will which is only good ; that fo every one may attend to and n perform the Duties of his Station and Calling as willingly and faith- fully, as the ° Angels do in Heaven. i Matthew 6, 10. /Matthew 1 6, X4. Titus x, ix. m Luke xx, 4X. n 1 Corln. 7j *4* Eph. 4. 1. 0 Pfalm 103, xo. LORD'S DAY. 125th. Which is the fourth Pe- L. Quell. tition ? Anf c " Give us this Day our daily Bread ; That is, be pleafed to pro- vide us with all Things d neceffary for the Body, that we may thereby acknowledge Thee to be the only Fountain of all * Good, and that neither our Care nor Induilry nor even Thy Gifts, can r profit us without Thy Blefling and therefore that we may withdraw our Trufl from all Creatures, and place s it alone in Thee. LL LORD'S DAY. Queft. 1 2 6. Which is the fifth Petition ? Anf * c And forgive us our Debts, ' Matt- 6> as we forgive our Debtors;" That is, be c Matt . <5, 11 d Pfal. Mat. 145, J if. &c. q A&s 14> 17, *S 17. , & r 1 Cor. 15, Deut. 8, 3- Pfal. 1x7, 1 5 Pfal. 62,11 S8. » *• .and SS> *3« 4o' v Pfalm fjt i. . i John 2. i, 2,. •w Matt. Anf. Becaufe God hath fo revealed himfelf in his Word, that thefe three diftinct Perfons, are the only one, and true God, as we alfo are baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 23d. Queft. What believeft thou when then fay eft, M I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth >. Anfiv. That the Eternal Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who of Nothing made Heaven and Earth, and ftill upholds them by his Providence ; is my God and Father, for Chriit his Son's fake. 24th. Queft. What believeft thou ivhen thou fayeft, " and " in Jefus Chrift his only begotten Son our Loi'd ? Anf That Jefus Chriit is the eternal and only Son of the Father, co-effential with God the Father, and the Holy Ghoft. 25th. Queft. Do you not believe that he alfo became Alan ? Anf Yes : For he was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, and born of the Virgin Mary. 26th. Queft. Is his Godhead than changed into Humanity ? Anf No : For the God-head is immutable. 27th, Queft. How is he then become Plan ? Anf. By aiTuming the Human Nature into a perfonal Union with his Divine. 28th. Queft. Did he then bring his Human Xaturc frcrt Heaven ? Anf No : But he took it on him of the Virgin Mary, by the Operation of the Holy Ghoft, and is thus become like unto us his Brethem in all Things, Sin excepted. Hebrew 2. 17, and 4, 15. 29th. Queft. Why is he called Jefus, that is Saviour -? Jnj. Becaufe he laves his People from their Sins. 30th. QxieiL 46 A COMPENDIUM, 30th, Queft. Is there no other Saviour ? Anf No : For there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men, whereby we muft be fayed, than in the Name of Jeius, A els 4. 12. 31ft, Que ft. Why he is called Chrift, that is anointed ? Anf Beeaufe he was anointed with the Holy Ghoft, and ordained by God the Father, to be our chief Prophet, our only High Prieft, and our eternal King, 32th, Queft. What then hath Jefus Chrijl done to Javeus ? Anf He has fuffered for us, was crucified and died, was buried and defcencled into. HeU; that is he fufered the Tor- ments of Hell, and thus became obedient to his Father, that he? might deliver us from the temporal and eternal Punifhment due to Sin. 33th, Queft, In which Nature hath he fujfered this I 4nf Only in his Human Nature, that is, in Soul and Body, 341b, Queft, What hath then his Godhead contributed hereto I Anf His Godhead by its Power, hath in fuchwife ftrength- enecl the aftumed Human Nature, that it could bear the burden of God's wrath againft Sin, and deliver us from it. 35th. Queft. Did Chrijl then remain under the Power of Death \ A;f No : But he rofe from the Dead the third Day, for our Juftiiication, Rom. 4.25. 36th, Queft. Where is Chrijl now, as to his Human Nature ? Anf. He is afcended into Heaven, and fits at the Right Hand of God the Father, that is exalted in the higheft Glory, £ar above all Creatures. Eph, 1. 20, 21. 37th, Queft, To what End is he there fo highly exalted? Anf. Particularly that he might from thence govern his. Church, and there be our Intercefibr by the Father. 38th Queft, Is he not with us then even unto End of the H':rldy as he hath prcmifedus. Matth. 28, 20. ? Anf With Refpccl: to hist Godhead, Majefty, Grace and Spirit, he is never abfent from us : But with Refpecl: to his human Nature he remains in Heaven, until he fhali come again to Judge the Quick and the Dead, 39th. Queft. What do you believe concerning the Holy Ghoft I Anf That he is the true and co-eternal God with the Fa- ther and Son : And that he being given to me of the Father* through Chrift, regenerates me, and leads me into all Truth, comforts mc, and will abide with me for ever 40th. Queft, A COMPENDIUM 47 40th. Queft. What believefi thou concerning the Holy Cdtko* lick Church ? Anfw. That the Son of God gathers by his Word and Spirit out of the whole Human it ace, thofe who arc chofen to eternal Life, to be a Church to himfelf ; of Which I believe I am, and always fhall remain a living Member. 41ft. Queft. Where doth he gather this Church ? Anf. Where God's Word is purely preached, and the he :-!v Sacraments adminiftered according to the Inftitution o£ Chrift. 42d. QuefL Jl^t Benefits dcth Cod befiow on this Church ? Anf He grants her Remhlion of Sins, the Refurreclion of the Flefli, and eternal Life. 43d. Queft. What doth it profit thee now that thou belicvijl nil this ? Anf. That I am righteous in Chrift before God. Rem. 5. i , 44d. Queft. How art thou righteous before God ? Anf. Only by a true Faith in Jefus Chrift. 45th. Queft How is it to be underfloodthat thou art juftified by Faith only ? Anf. Thus : That the perfect Satisfaction and Righteouf-* nels of Chrift alone, is imputed to me of God, by which my Sins are forgiven me, and I become an Heir of Everlafting Life ; and that I cannot receive that Righteoufnefs by arty other means than by Faithu 46th; Quefti Why cannot our good Works be our Righteouf nefs before God, or fome Part thereof 1 Anf Becaufe even our beft Works in this Life, are imper* feet, and polluted with Sins. 47th. Queft. Do our good Works then merit nothing, which yet God will reward in this, and in a future Life I Anf This Reward is not given out of Merit but of Grace, 48th. Queft. Who wbrkcth that Faith in Thee ? Anf. The Holy Ghoft. 49th. Queft. By what Means ? Anf. By the hearing of the Word preached. Rom1. 10. 14, i'4, 50th. Queft. How does he ftrcngthen that Faith ? Anf. By the fame Word preached, and by the Ufc of thy Holy Sacraments. 51ft. Queft. What are the Sacraments ? Anf. They are holy Signs and Seals mftitttted by God, thereby to allure us, that he of Gntce grants us Rcmrftroii ci 48 A COMPENDIUM. Sins, and Life eternal, for the Sake of that one Sacrifice of Chrift finished on the Crofs. 52d. Queft. How many Sacraments hath Chrift injlituted in the New-Teftamsnt ? Anf. Two : Holy Baptifm, and the holy Supper. 53d. Queft. Wnichis the outward Sign in Baptifm ? Jnf. The Water with which we are baptifed in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 54th. Queft. What doth thatfignify and Seal ? Anf The Wafhing away of Sins by the Blood and Spirit of Jefus Chrift. 55th Queft. Where hath Chrift promifed and ajfurcd us of this ? Jnf. In the Inftitution of Baptifm, which is as follows, " Go ye into all the World, and preach the Gofpel to every " Creature. He that believeth and is baptifed fhall be faved, " but he that believeth not, fhall be damned," 56th. Queft. Jre Infants alfo to be baptifed ? Jnf Yes : For they as well as the Adult are comprehended, in the Covenant of God, and in his Church. 57th. Queft. Which is the outward Sign in the Lord's Sup- per ? Jnf The broken Bread that we eat, and the poured out Wine which we drink, in Remembrance of the Sufferings and Death of Chrift. 58th. Queft. What is thereby fignified and fe ale d \ Anf That Chrift with his crucified Body, and fhed Blood, feeds and nourifhesour Souls to everlafting Life. 59th. Queft. Where hath Chrift promifed fuch Things to us ? Jnf In the Inftitution of the Lord's Supper, which is thus exprefTed, by St. Paul. 1. Cor. 11, 23, 24. 25, 26. " For " Ihav* received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you, " that the Lord Jefus the fame Night in which he was betrayed, ** took Bread : And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and " [aid, Take eat ; this is my Body, which is broken for you : " This do in Remembrance of me. After the fame manner alfo he " took the Cup, when he had fupped, faying, This Cup is the new " Tcftament in my Blood; This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in " Remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this Bread, and " drink this Cup, ye dofhew the Lord's Death till he come." 60th. Queft. Is the Bread oJmnged ihio the Body uf Chrift, and the Wine into his Blood ? 'Jnf, A COMPENDIUM. 49 Anf No : No more than the Water in Baptifm is changed to the Blood of Chrift. 6ift. Queft. *After what Manner mujl you examine your* If before you come to the Lord's Supper ? Anf. i ft. I muft examine whether I abhor myfelf for my ins, and humble myfelf before God on Account of them, d. Whether I believe and truft that all my Sins are forgiven te for Chrift's Sake. 3d. Whether I alfo have a fincere Re- ;>lutionN henceforward, To walk in all good Works. 6zd. Queft. May thsfe be admitted to the Lord's Slipper, uho teach falfe Dotlrines, or lead offenfive Lives ? Anf. No : Left the Covenant of God be profaned, and lis Wrath kindled againft the whole Church. 63. Queft. How miffi we then deal with fuch Perfons P Anf According to the Appointment given us by Chrift, Matt. 18. 15, 16, 17. " If thy Brother mail trefpafs againft * thee, go and tell him his Fault between thee and him al©ne : ' If he ihall hear thee, thou haft gained thy Brother : But 1 if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two 1 more, that in the Mouth of two or three WitneiTes every ' Word may be eftabliihed : And if he lhall neglect to hear ' them, tell it unto the Church : But if he neglect to hear ' the Church, let him be unco thee, as an Heathen Man, and < a Publican." PART THE THIRD. Of the Gratitude we owe to GOD for Redemption. 64th. Queft. Since we are fived meerly of Grace through Chrift f why muft we then yet do good Works ? Anf Not to merit Heaven thereby (which Chrift hath done) but becaufe this is commanded me of God. 65 th. Queft. What Purpofe then do your good Works anfwer? Anf. That I fhould thereby teftify my Thankfulnefs to God for all his Benefits, and that he may be glorified by me ; and that alfo I may be allured of the Sincerity of my Faith G by 5p A COMPENDIUM. by good Works as the Fruits thereof, and that my Neigh- bours may be edified thereby and gained to Chrift. 66th. Queft. Shall they alfo be faved who do no good Works ? Anf. No, for the Scripture faith, that neither Fornicators, nor Idolators, nor Adulterers, nor Whoremongers, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Robbers, nor fuch like, fhall inherit the Kingdom of God, I Cor. 6. 9 and io. unlefs they turn to the Lord. 67th. Queft. Wherein doth the Converfion of Man confifi ? Anf. In a hearty Repentance and avoiding of Sin, and in an earned Deiire after, and doing of all good Works. 68. Queft. What are good Works ? Anf Only thofe which proceed from a true Faith, are done according to the Law of God, and to his Glory, and not thofe which are founded on Human Inftitutions, or on our own Imaginations. 69th. Queft. Can they ivho are converted io Cod, perfectly keep the Law f Anf Not at all : But even the mo ft holy Men, as long as they are in this Life, have only a fmall Beginning of this Obedience ; yet lb, that they with a fincere Resolution begin to live not only according to fome, but according to all the Commandments of God, as they alfo conftantly pray to God that they may daily increafe therein. 70th. Queft. To whom mujl we pray for this P Anf. Not to any Creature, but to God alone, who can help us, and will hear us for Jefus Chrift's Sake. 71ft. Queft. In whofe Name mujl we pray to God ? Anf. Only in the Name of Chrift, John 16, 23, and not in the Name of any Saints. 7 2d. Queft. What mujl ws pray to God for ? Anf. For all Things necefiary for Soul and Body, which Chrift our Lord has comprifed in that Prayer he himfelf has taught us. 73d. Queft. What are the Words of that Prayer ? Anf. Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors, and lend us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. AMEN. 7 4th. Queft. What do you defirc of God in this Prayer ? *' — Anj. •A COMPENDIUM. 51 Jtnf. ift. That all Things which tend to the Glory of God, may be promoted, and that whatfoever is repugnant thereto, or contrary to his Will, may be prevented^ 2d. That he may provile me with all Things neceffary fo|r the Body, and as to my Soul preferve me from all Evil, which might in any Wife be detrimental to my Salvation. Amen. [When thofe Perfons who are inclined to become Membete of the Church, thoroughly know and confefs thefe funda- mental Truths ; they are then to be afked whether they have any Doubt in any Point concerning the Doctrine ; to the End that they may be fatisfied : And in Cafe any of them mould anfwer in the Affirmative, Endeavours muft be ufed to con- vince them, out of the Scriptures ; and if they are all iatif- fied, they muft be afked, whether they propofe, by the Grace of God, to perfevere in this Doctrine, and to forfake the World, and to lead a new Chriftian Life. Laftly, they are to be afked, whether they will fubmit themfelves to the Chriftian Difcipline. Which being done, they are to be exhorted to Peace, Love and Concord with all Men, and to Reconciliation if their is any Variance fubfifting between them and their Neighbours.] The End of the Compendium of the Chriftian Religion, m THE Ohf/ffcti CONFESSION of FAITH O F T H E Reformed CHURCHES IN THE NETHERLANDS. Revifed in the National Synod, laft held at Dort in the Years 1618 and 19. ARTICLE, I. That there is one only GOD. WE all believe with the Heart, and confefs with the Mouth, that there is one only and fimple fpiritual Being, which we call God; and that He is eternal, incomprehenfible, invifible, immutable, infinite Almighty, perfectly Wife, Juft, Good, and the overflowing Fountain of all Good. II. By what Means .GOD is made known unto us. We know him by two Means : Firft, by the Creation, Preferva- tion and Government of the Univerfe ; which is before our Eyes as a moft elegant Book, wherein all Creatures great and fmall are as fo many Characters leading us te Contemplate the invifible Things of GOD, namely, his eternal Power and Godhead, as the Apoftle Paul faith,Rom. 1. 20. All which Things arcfufficient to convince Men, and leave them without Excufe. Secondly, he makes himfelf more clearly and fully known to us by his Holy and Divine Word ; that is to fay, as far as is neceffary for us to know mi this Life, to his Glory and our Salvation. III. The Confeffion of Faith. 53 III. Of the written Word of GOD. We confefs, that this Word of God, was net fent nor delivered by the Will of Man, but that Holy Men of GOD fpake as the? were msved by the Holy Ghoft, as the Apoftle Peter faith. And that afterwards God, from a fpecial Care which he has for us and our Salvation, commanded his Servants the Prophets and Apoftles, to commit his revealed Word to Writing, and he himfeif wrote with his own Finger, the two Tables of the Law : There- fore we call fuch Writings Holy and Divine Scriptures. IV. Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture. We believe that the Holy Scriptures are contained in twaBoqikv namely the Old and NewTeftament, which are' Canonical, againil which nothing can be alledged : Thefe are thus named in the Church of God The Books of the Old Teftament are, the five Books of Mofes, viz. Genefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy : the Book of Jofhua, Judges, Ruth, two Books c£ Samuel, and two of the Kings, two Books of the Chronicles, com- monly called Paralipomenon, the firft of Ezra, Nehemiah, Either, Job, the Pfalms of David, the three Books of Solomon, namely the Proverbs, Ecclefiafles, and the Song of Songs ; the four great Prophets, Ifaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel ; and the twelve lefler Prophets, namely, Hofea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Thofe of the New Teftament are the four Evangelifts, viz, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John ; theA&s of the Apoftles: The fourteen Epiftles of the Apoftle Paul, viz. one to the Romans, two to the Corinthians, one to theGalatians, one to the Ephelians, one to the Philippians, one to the Coloflians, two to the Thefalo- nians, two to Timothy, one to Titus, one to Philemon, and oae to the Hebrews : The Seven Epiftles of the other Apoftles, namely one of James, two of Peter, three of John, one of jude : and the Revelation of the Apoftle John * V. From whence the Holy Scriptures derive their Dignity and Authority. We receive all thefe Books, and thefe only as Holy and Canoni- cal,for the Regulatibn, Foundation and Confirmation of our Faith ; believing without any Doubt all Things contained in them, aot fomuch becaufe the Church receives and approves them as fuch, but more efpecially becaufe the Holy Ghoft witne/feth in our Hearts, that they are from God, whereof they carry the Evi- dence in themfelves : For the very Blind are able to perceive t)vst the Things foretold in them are fulfilling. VI. 54 The Confeffionof Faith* VI. The difference between the Canonical and Apocryphical Books, We diftinguifh thofe facred Books from the Apocryphical, viz. the third and fourth Book of Efdras, the Books of Tobias, Judith, Wifdom, Jelus Syrach, Baruch,' the Appendix to the Book of Either, the Song of the three Children in the Furnace, the Hiftory of Suiannah, of Bell and the Dragon, the Prayer of Manages* and the two Books of the Maccabees : All which the Church may read and take Inftroftion from, fo far as they agree with the Canonical Books : But they are far from having fuch Power and Efficacy, as that we may from their Teftimony confirm any point of Faith, or of the Christian Religion ; much ieis to detract from theAuthority of the other facred Books. VII. The fiiffciency of the Holy Scriptures, to be the only Rule of faith. We believe that thefe Holy Scriptures, fully contain the Will of God, and that whatfoever Man ought to believe unto Salvation, is fufSciently taught therein. For fince the whole Manner of Worfhip which God requires of us, is writ in them at large, it is unlawful for any one tho' an Apoflle to teach otherwife, than we are now taught in the Holy Scriptures : Nay though it was an Angel from Heaven, as the Apoftle Paul faith. For fince it is forbidden, to add unto or take away any Thing from the IVord of God, it. doth thereby evidently appear, that the Doctrine thereof is moil perfect and compleat in all Refpects. Neither may we compare any Writings of Men, tho' never fo Holy, with thofe divine Scriptures, nor ought we to compare Culbm, or the great Multitude, or Antiquity, or Succefiion of Times or Perlbns, or Council?, Decrees or Statutes, with the Truth of God, for the Truth is above all ; for all Men are of themfelves Liars, and more vain than Vanity itfelf : Therefore, we reject with all our Hearts, whatfoever doth not agree with this infallible Rule, which the Apoftles have taught us faying, try the Spirits whether they are of GQD. Likewife, if there come any unto you and bring not this DoCtrine, receive him not into your Houfe, VIII. That GOD is one, in EJfence, yet neverthelefs difinguified in three P erfons . According to this Truth and this Word of God, we believe in ©ne only God, who is one Angle Eflence, in which are three Per- fons, really truly and eternaily Diftinct, according to their in- communicable Properties ; namely the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghoil. The Father is the Caufe, Origin, and Beginning of all Things vifible and invifible ; the Son is the Word, Wifdom, and Image of the Father; the Holy Ghoft is the eternal Power and The Confeffion of Faith. 55 and Might, proceeding from the Father and the Son. Neverthe- JeisGoD is not by this Diitinction divided into Three ; fmce rhe Holy Scriptures teach us, that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, have each his Perfonality, diftinguiihed by their Pro- perties ; but in fuch Wife that thefe three Perions are but one only God. Hence then it is evident, that the Father is not the Son, nor the Son the Father, and likewife the Holy Ghoft is neither the Father nor the Son. Neverrhelefs thefe Perfons thus diftinguiihed are not divided, nor intermixed: For the Father hath notaffumed the Fleih, nor hath the Holy Ghoit, but the Son only. The Father hath never been without his Son, or without his Holy Ghoft : For they are all three co-eternal and co-effential. There is neither rlrft nor laft, for they are all three, One, in Truth, in Power, in Goodhefs, and in Mercy. IX. The Proof of the foregoing Article of the Trinity of Perfons in one GOD. All this we know, as well from the Teftimonies of Holy Writ, as from their Operations, and chiefly by thole we feel in cjir- felves. The Teftimonies of the Holy Scriptures that teach us to believe this Holy Trinity, are written in many Places of" the Old Teftament, which are not fo neceifary to enumerate, as to chufe them out with Difcretion and Judgment. In Genefes, Chap. I. 26, 27, God faith : Let us make Man in our hnage, after our Likemfs, &c. So GOD created Man in his own Image, MaleandFemale created le them : And Gen, 3. 22. behold the Man is become as 07ie of us. From this faying,/*?/ us make Man in our Image, it appears that there are more Perions than one in the Godhead : And when he faith, GOD created, he fignifies the Unity. It is true he doth not fay hew many Perions there are, but that which appears to us fomewhat obfeure in the Old Teftament, is very plain in the New. For when our Lord was baptized in Jordan, the Voice of the Father was heard, faying, this is my beloved Son : The Son was feen in the Water, and the Holy Ghoft appeared in the Shape of a Dove. This form isalfo inftituted by Chrift in the Baptifmof all Believers : Baptize all Nations, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. In the Gefpel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel, thus addreiics Mary die Mother c Lord, the Holy Ghoft foall come upon thee, and the Power of the Higheft fall overjhadoiv thee, therefore alfo that Holy Thing which fall be bom of thee^fhall he called the Son of GOD : Like*- wife, the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the Love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghoft be with you. And there are three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and theHo!yGhoft,and thefe three are one. In all which Places we are fully taught, that there are three Perfons in one only divine EfTcnce. And 5 6 The Confeffion of Faith. And although this Doclrine far furpafTes all human Underftanding, nevertlielefs we now believe it by means of the Word of God, iut expedt hereafter to enjoy the perfect Knowledge and Benefit thereof in Heaven. Moreover we mull obferve the particular GiTices and Operations of thefe three Perfons towards us. The Father is called our Creator by his Power ; The Son is our Saviour and Redeemer by his Blood ; the Holy Ghoft is our Sanc- tifier, by his dwelling in our Hearts. This Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, hath always been defended and maintained by the true Church, imcethe Times of the Apoftles, to this very Day, againft the Jews, Mahometans, and fome falfe Chriftians and Hereticks, as Marcion, Manes, Proxes, Sabellius, Samofatenus, Arrius, and fuch like, who have been juftly condemned by the Orthodoi Fathers. Therefore in this Point, we do willingly receive the thr^Q Creeds, namely that of the Apoftles, of Nice, and of Athanafms : Likewife that which comformable thereunto, is agreed upon by the Ancient Fathers. X. That Jefus Chrijl is True and Eternal GOD. We believe that Jefus Chrift, according to his Divine Nature, is the only begotten Son of God, begotten from Eternity, not made or created, (for then he fliould be a Creature) but co-effen- tial and co-eternal with the- Father, the exprefs Image of his Perfon, and the brightnefs of his Glory, equal unto him in all Things. Who is the Son of God, not only from the Time that he afiumed our Nature, but from all Eternity, as thefe Tefti- monies when compared together, teach us. Mofes faith, that GOD created the World : and John faith, thai all Things :1ed by the Word 7 o The Confeliion of Faith. Word of the Gofpel, in the Communion of the Body of Chrift; arid this Life is not common, but fs peculiar to God's Elect. In like Manner God hath given unto us, for the Support of the bodily and earthly Life, earthly and common Sread, which is iiibfepvient thereto, and is common to all Men, even as Life it- felf. But for the Support of the fpiritual and heavenly Life, which Believers have, he hath fent a living Bread, which de- fended from Heaven, namely Jefus Chrifl, who nourifhes and itrengthens the fpiritual Life of Believers, when they eat Him, that is to fay, when they apply and received Him by Faith in the Spirit. Chrift that he might rcprefsnt unto us this fpiritual and heavenly Bread, hath inftituted an earthly and vifible Bread, as a Sacrament of his Body, and Wine as a Sacrament of his Blood, to teftify by them unto us, that as certainly as we receive and hold this Sacrament in our Hands, and eat and drink the fame with our Mouths, by which our Life is afterwards nourifhed ; that we alfo do as cer- tainly receive by Faith (which is the Hand and Mouth of our Soul) the true Body and Blood of Chrift our only Saviour in our Souls, for the Support of our fpiritual Life. Now as it is certain and beyond all Doubt, that Jefus Chrift hatk not enjoined to us the Ufe of his Sacraments in vain, fo he works in us, all what he reprefents to us by thefe holy Signs, though the Manner furpaifes our Underftanding, and cannot be comprehended by us, as the Operations of the Holy Ghoft are hidden and incomprehensible. In the mean Time we err not when we fay, that that which is eat and drank by us is the proper and natural Body, and the proper Blood of Chrift. But the Manner of our partaking of the lame, is not by the Mouth but by the Spirit through Faith. Thus then though Chrift always fits at the right Hand ot his Father in the Heavens, yet therefore doth he not ceafe to make us Partakers of himfelf by Faith. This Feaft is a fpiritual Table, at which Chrift com- municates himfelf with all his Benefits to us, and gives us there to enjoy both himfelf, and the Merits of his Sufferings and Death, nourifhing, ftrengthening and comforting our poor comfortlefs Souls, by the eating of his Flefli, quickening and refrefhing them by the drinking of his Blood. Further though the Sacraments are connected with the Thing fignified, neverthelefs both are not received by all Men: The Ungodly indeed receives the Sacrament to his Condemnation, but he doth not receive the Truth of the Sacrament : As Judas and Simon the Sorcerer both indeed received the Sacrament, but not Chrift, who was fighified by it, of whom Believers only are made Partakers. Laftly, we receive this Holy Sacrament in the Affembly of the People of God, with Humility and Reverence, keeping up amongft us a holy Remembrance of the Death of Chrift our Saviour, with Thankfgiving : Making there, Confeftion of our Faith, and of the Chriftian Religion : Therefore no ons ought to come to this Table, without having previomiy rightly The Confeflion of Faith. 71 rightly examined himfelf; left eating of this Bread and drinking of this Cup, he eat and drink his own Damnation. In a Word, we are excited by the Ufe of this holy Sacrament, to a fervent Love towards God, and our Neighbour. Therefore we reject all Mixtures and damnable Inventions, which Men have added unto, and blended with the Sacraments, as Profanations of them : And affirm, that we ought to reft fatisfied with the Ordinance which Chrift and his Apoftles have taught us, and that we mnft fpeak of them in the fame Manner as they have fpokc. XXXVI. Of Magiftrates. We believe that our gracious God, becaufe of the Depravity of Mankind, hath appointed Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, willing that the World mould be governed by certain Laws and Polices, to the End that the DifTolutenefs of Men might be re- ftrained, and all Things carried on among Men with good Order and Decency. For this Purpofe. he hath inverted the Magiftracy with the Sword, for the P unifnment of evil Doersy and for the Pratetticn of them that do 'well. And their Office is, not only to have Regard unto, and watch for the Welfare of the civil State, but alfo to protect the holy Church Service, and to prevent and extirpate all Idolatry and fa4fe Worfhip, to deftroy the Kingdom of Antichrift, to promote the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift, and to take Care, that the Word of the Goipel be preached every where, that God may be honoured and worfhiped by every one, as he com- mands in his Word. Moreover it is the bounden Duty of every one, of what State, Quality or Conditition foever he may be, to fubject himfelf to the Magiftrates, to pay Tribute, to mew due Honour and Refpecl to them, and to obey them in all things which are not repugnant to the Word of God ; to pray for them in their Prayers, that God may rule and guide them in all their Ways, and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godlinefsand Honefty. Wherefore we deteft the Anabaptifts and other feditious People, and in general all thofe who reject the higher Powers and Magiftrates, and would fubvert Juftice, in- troducing a Communion ©f Goods, and confound that Deceney and good Order which God hath eftabliihed among Men. XXXVII. Of the Lafl Judgment. Finally we believe, according to the Word of God, when the Time appointed by the Lord (which is unknown to all Creatures) is come, and the Number of the Elect complete, that our Lord Jefus Chrift will come from Heaven, corporally and viiibiy, as he afcended, with great Glory and Majefty, to declare himfelf Judge of the Quick and the Dead ; burning this old World with Fire and 72 The Confeflion of Faith. and Flame, to cleanfe it. And then all Men will perfonally appear before this great Judge, both Men and Women, and Childrenr that have been from the Beginning of the World to the End| thereof, being fummoned by the Voice of the Archangel, and by| the Sound of the Trumpet of God. For all the Dead iliall be raifed out of the Earth, and their Souls joined and united with their proper Bodies, in which they formerly lived. As for thole who ihall then be living, they mall not die as the others, but be changed in the Twinkling of an Eye, and from corruptible, become incorruptible. Then the Books (that is to fay the Conferences) (hall be opened, and the Dead judged ac- cordingly to what they ihall have done in this World, whether it be Good or Evil. Nay Men Ihall give an Account of every idle Word they have fpoken, which the World only counts Amufe- ment and Jeft: And then the Secrete andHypocrify of Men Ihall be difclofed and laid open before all. And therefore the Confidera- tion of this Judgment is juftly terrible and dreadful to the Wicked and Ungodly, but mod defirable and comfortable to the Righteous and Elect ; becaufe then their full Deliverance Ihall be perfected, and there they fhall receive the Fruits of their Labour and Trouble which they have borne. Their Innocence Ihall be known to all, and they Ihall fee the terrible Vengeance which God ihall ex- ecute on the Wicked, who moft cruelly perfecuted, opprefled and tormented them in this World. Tkey Ihall be convicted by the Teftimony of their own Confcienees, and become immortal, but for this Purpofe, to be tormented in that everlafting Fire, which is prepared for the Devil and his Angels. But on the contrary the Faithful and Elect Ihall be crowned with Glory and Honour; and the Son of God will confefs their Names before God his Father, and his Elect Angels ; all Tears fhall be wiped from their Eyes, and their Caufe which is now condemned by many Judges and Magiftrates, as heretical and impious, will then be known to be the caufe of the Son of God. And for a gracious Reward the Lord will caufe them to poifefs fuch a Glory, as never entered into the Heart of Man to conceive. Therefore we expect that great Day with a moft ardent Defire, to the End that we may fully enjoy the Promifes of God in Chrift Jefus our Lord. Amen. Even fo come Lord Jefus. Rev : 22. 20. The End of the Confeflion of Faith. ^^yK^X^t-^tv».^A^ ■£&£>- iJ%*J- -t^JLl iJf^ j-^* i^A-S- jL^l :t^K^4^? fc3^&fc£jj Ihe LITURGY O F T H E Reformed CHURCH I N NETHERLAND. O R rhe Forms ufed therein, inPuBLiekWoRSH'ip, I ft. of Publick Prayer. 2d. of the Adminiftration of he Holy Sacraments. 3d. of the Exercife of Church Dicipline. 4th. of the Ordination of Church Officers. 5 th. of the Celebration of Marriage. 6th. of comforting the Sick. CHRISTIAN PRAYERS, to be ufed in the Affembiy of the Faithful, and on other Occafions. A Prayer on the Lord's Day, before Sermon. O Eternal God, and Moft merciful Father, we humbly proftrate ourfelves before thy High Majefty, againft which W€ have fo often and grievoufly offended; and acknow- ledge, if thou fhouldft enter into Judgment with us, that we de- ferved nothing but eternal Death : For befzdes that we all are by original Sin, unclean in thy Sight and Children of Wrath, con- ceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity, whereby all Manner of evil Lufts, driving againft thee and our Neighbour, dwell within us ; we have alfo indeed, frequently and without End trangreifed thy Commandments, negleciir>g what thou haft com- manded us, and don-e what thou haft exprcfsly forbidden us. K We 74 The L I T U 11 G Y. We have ftrayed like Sheep, and have greatly offended againfl Thee, which we acknowledge, and are heartily ferry for ; na) we confefs to our fhame, and to the Praife of thy Mercy toward.: us, that our Sins are more than the Hairs of our Heads, and that we are indebted ten Thoufand Talents, but not able to pay. Wherefore we are not worthy to be called thy Children; nor to lift up our Eyes towards Heaven, to pour out our Prayers be- fore Thee. Nevertheiefs O Lord God, and merciful Father, knowing that thou doft not denre the Death of a Sinner, but that he may turn from his Wickednefs and live ; and that thy Mercy is infinite, which thou meweft unto thofe who return to Thee ; we heartily call upon thee, trufting in our Mediator Jefus Chrift, who is that Lamb of God, that taketh away the Sins of the World, and we befeech thee, to commiferate our Infirmity, forgiving us all our Sins for Chrift's Sake: Wafh us in the pure Fountain of his Biood, that we may become clean and white as Snow : Cover our Nakednefs with his Innocence and Righteoufnefs, for the Glory of thy Name's Sake : Clear our Understanding of all Blindnefs, and our Hearts of all Hardnefs and Haughtinefs. Open the Mouth of thy Servant at prefent, and replenifli him with thy Wifdom and Knowledge, that he may purely and confidently fet forth thy Word ; prepare alfo our Hearts, that we may hear, underftand and keep the fame : Write thy Laws (according to thy Promife) in the Tables of our Hearts, and ftrengthen us to delight and walk in the fame, to the Praife and Glory of thy Name, and to the Edification of thy Church. O gracious Father we afk for, and defire all thefe Things, in the Name of Jefus Chrift, who hath taught us thus to pray, Our Father, &c. A Prayer to be ufed on the Lord's Day- after Sermon. A Lmighty and merciful God, we acknowledge in ourfelves, •**• and confefs before thee, as the Truth is, that we are not worthy to lift up our Eyes towards Heaven and to prefent our Prayers be- fore Thee, if thou mould refpedl our Merits and Worthinefs : For our Consciences accufe us, and our Sins bear Witnefs againft us, we alfo know, that thou art a righteous Judge, punilhing the Sins of thofe, who trangrefs thy Commandments. But O Lord, fince The LITURGY. 75 B . ince thou haft commanded us to call upon thee in all Times of >Jeceflity, and haft of thine ineffable Mercy promifed to hear our prayers, notbecaufe of our Merits (which are none) but for the t Merits of our Lord Jefus Chrift, whom thou haft appointed to be : >ur Mediator and Advocate : Wherefore we forfake all orher Help, : and take our Refuge to thy Mercy alone, Efpecially O Lord, befides the innumerable Benefits which jihou fheweft to all Mankind in general on Earth, thou haft inpar- •,-ttcular bellowed manifold Favours on us, which we are not capa- ble to comprehend or exprefs : For thou haft delivered us from the woful Slavery of the Devil, and all Idolatry, wherein we were held, and haft brought .us to the Light of thy Truth, and to :he Knowledge of thy Holy Gofpel. On the Contrary we have by our Ingratitude been regard lefs of thefe thy Benefits, we are departed from thee and have followed our own Devices, not honouring thee as was our bounden Duty to do. Thus have we, O Lord, grievoufly finned, and highly offended thee, and can expect nothing elfe than everlafting Death and Damnation, if thou fhouldft deal with us according to our Deferts. Yea we alfo perceive, O Lord, by the Chaftifements, which thou daily art inflicting on us, that thou art juftly difp leafed with us. For fmcethou artjuft, thou wilt punilh no Man without Caufe, and we alfo fee thine Hand ftretched out, further to pumifh us. But though thou didft punifh us more feverely than thou haft hithert© done, nay tho' all the Plagues fell upon us, wherewith thou didft vifit the Sins of thy People Ifrael, we muft ftill confefs that thou wouldft do us no Injuftice. But, O Lord, thou art our God, and we are but Duft and Afhes : Thou art our Creator, and we are thy handy Work : Thou art our Shepherd, and we are thy Sheep : Thou art our Redeemer, and we are thofe whom thou haft redeemed. Thou art our Father, and we are thy Children and Heirs. Therefore do not punilh us in thine Anger, but chaftife us mercifully, and preferve that Work which thou haft of thy Mercy begun in us, that the whole World may know and acknowledge Thee to be our God and Saviour. Thy People Ifrael have frequently offended thee, and thou haft juftly punifhed them, but as oft as they turned themfelves again to Thee, thou didft always mercifully receive them into Favour. And though their Sins and Trangrefllons were never fo great, thou didft always avert thy Wrath and Puniihment prepared for them, by Reafon of the Covenant which thou hadft made with thy Servants, Abra- ham, Ifaac, and Jacob, fo that thou never haft refufed to hear the Prayers of thy People. And we have of thy Mercy even that fame Covenant, which thou haft erected in the Hand of Jefus Chrift our Mediator between thee and all Believers: Nay it is now more glorious and efficacious, fmce Chrift hath ratified and confirmed 7* The L I T U R G Y. . confirmed the fame by his holy Suffering and Death, and Entrana into his Glory. Therefore, O Lord, forfaking ourfelves, and all human Affiftance, we fly for Succour to this blefled Covenant of Grace, by Means whereof our Lord Jefus Chrift (having of- fered his Body once on the Croft as a perfect Sacrifice for us) hath reconciled us with Thee, forever. Therefore, O Lord, look: upon the Face of thine Anointed and not our Sins, that thine Anger may be appealed by his Interceflion. And caufe thy Face to fhine on us to our Joy and Salvation. Take us hence- forth in thy holy Guidance and Protection, and govern us with thy Holy Spirit, who daily more and more mortifying our Flefti with all its Lulls, renews us to a better Lite, and produces in us Fruits of true Faith, That thereby thy Name may be glorified and praifed to all Eternity, and that we defpifmg all tranfitory Things may with an ardent Deftre fix our Thoughts only on Things heavenly. And in as much as it is thy Pleafure that we fhould pray for all Manr kind, we befeech thee, to extend thy Bleflmgs on the Do&rine of thy holy Gofpel, that it may be preached and accepted every where, that the whole World may be filled with thy faving Knowledge, that the Ignorant may be converted, the Weak ftrengthened, that every one, not only in Word, but alio in Deed, may magnify and fanclify thy holy Name. Send forth for this End, faithful Labourers in thy Harvcft. And alio replenilh them with thy Grace, that they may faith- fully ferve before thee. On the Contrary utterly deilroy all falfe Teachers, ravenous Wolves, and Hirelings, who feek their own Honour and Advantage, and not the Glory of thy Holy Name only, nor the Welfare and Salvation of Souls. Be alfo pleafed graeioufly to preferve and govern all thy Chrittian Churches, fpread over the Face of the Earth; in Unity of true Faith, and in Godlineis of Life, that thy Kingdom may daily mcreafe, and that of Satan be deftroycd, till thy Kingdom is perfected when thou fhalt be all in all. Particularly we pray for the Magii- trates whom it hath pleafed thee to fetover us,efpecially for (our gracious Sovereign, King George, His Royal Confort Queen Charlotte; their Royal Highnefles George Prince of Wales, the Princes Dowager, and all the Royal Family;) His Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable the Members of his Majefty's Council of this Colony : The Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of this City, and all others placed in Authority over us : Replenish them all with thy Grace and heavenly Gifts, each in his refpeclive Calling and State, wherein thou haft placed him, that they may wifely govern, and ftrenuoufly protect the People, whom thou hail committed to their Care, faithfully maintain th) V/orihif The L I T U R G Y. 77 Worfhip and rightly adminifter Juftice among the People : Pre- fide with thy Holy Spirit in their AiFemblies, that in all Cafes they may refolve nothing but what is good and becoming, and alfo afterwards happily execute it : That thefe Dominions 'being preferved from all Enemies, the evil Doers puniihed, and the Juft protected, thy Name thereby may be praifed, and the King- dom of the King of Kings, Chriit Jeius, promoted; and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godlinefs an$ Honefty. Moreover we pray for our Brethren, who are perk- cuted under the Tyranny of the Pope and Turk, comfort them with thy Holy Spirit, and mercifully deliver them : Suffer not thy Church wholly to be deftroyed, nor the Remembrance of thy Name to be abolifhed from the Face of the Earth, left the Ene- mies of thy Truth triumph to the dishonouring and blafpheming ofthy Name. But if ic is thy divine Will, that the Captive Chriftians, ihould die for the Glory of thy Name, and by their Death witnefs unto the Truth, comfort them in their Suffer- ings, that they confidering them as coming from thy Fatherly Hand, may therefore doing thy Will, remain ftedfaft, whether in Life or Death ; to thy Glory, to the Edification of thy Church, and to their Salvation. We likewife befeech Thee, for all thofe whom thou doft affiift, with Poverty, Imprilbnment, Sicknefs of Body, or Trouble of Mind, comfort them all, O Lord, according to their feveral Neceflities. Grant that their Chaftifement may bring them to the Knowledge of their Sins, and to an Amendment of their Lives. Give them alfo firm Patience, alleviate their Sufferings, and finally deliver them, that they may rejoice in thy Goodnefs, and eternally praife thy Name. And, 0 Lord, take us, together with all that belongs to, or con- cerns us, in thy Keeping. Grant that we may live in our refpeclive Callings according to thy Will, and fo ufe the Gifts, which we receive of thy BleUmg, that they may not impede, but rather further us to Life eternal. Strengthen us in. all Temptations, that we firiving in true Faith, may overcome, and hereafter enjoy with ChrilT, Life eternal. We afk thee for all thefe Things, as our faithful Lord, and Saviour Jeius Chriit himfelf hath taught us : Our Father, &c. Afterwards, the Congregation is diimiiTed with the ufual Bleffing, Receive the Bleffing of the Lord. The Lord Blefs thee, and keep thee. The Lord make his Face to fhine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee : The Lord lift up his Countenance upon thee, and give thee Peace. A Prayer 78 The L I T U R G Y. A Prayer before the Explanation of the Catechism. O Heavenly Father, thy Word is perfect, converting the Soul, a fure Teftimony, making wife the Simple, enlightening the Eyes of the Blind, and a powerful Means unto Salvation, for all thofe who believe. And whereas we are not only blind by Nature, but even incapable of doing any Good: And alfo fmce thou wilt help none, but thofe who are of a broken and contrite Heart; we befeech Thee to enlighten our Underftanding with thy Holy Spirit, and give us a meek Heart, free from aH Haugh- tinefs and carnal Knowledge, that we may, hearing thy Word, rightly underftand it, and regulate our Life accordingly: Be gracioufly pleafed to convert all thofe who hull ftray from thy Truth, that we may together with them, unanimoufly ferve Thee in true Holinefs and Righteoufnefs all the Days of our Life. We crave all thefe Things for Chrift's Sake, who hath thus taught us to pray in his Name, and promifed to hear us ; Our. Father, &c. A Prayer after the Explanation of the Catechism. O Gracious God, and merciful Father, we give thee hearty Thanks that it hath pleafed thee, not only to take us in thy Covenant, but alfo cur little Children, which thou haft not only fealed unto them, by thy holy Baptifm, but yet daily fheweth, when thou perfecleft thy Praife out of their Mouths, thus to caufe the wife World to bluih : We befeech thee, increafe, thy Grace in them, that they may always grow up and wax in Chrift thy Son ; till they acquire their perfect manly Age in all Knowledge and Righteoufnefs. Give us Grace, that we may educate them, as thou haft commanded us, in thy Knowledge and Fear, that by their Godlinefs the Kingdom of Satan may be deftroyed, and the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift, ftrcngthened in this and other Congregations, to the Glory of thy holy Name, and to their eternal Salvation, through Jeius Chrift. Amen. A Prayer The LITURGY. 79 A Prayer before Sermon in the Week. HEAVENLY Father, eternal and merciful God, we acknow- ledge and confefs before thy divine Majefty, that we are poor miferable Sinners, conceived in Sin, and bcrn in Iniquity, prone to all Evil, and unfit for any Good; and that we by our finful Life, continually trangrefs thy holy Commandments, whereby we provoke thine Anger againft us, and according to thy righteous Judgement, expoie ourfelves unto eternal Damna- tion. But, O Lord ; we repent and are forry that we have of- fended Thee, we bewail our Trangreffions, befeeching that thou wilt gracioufly pity our Mifery. Have Companion on us, Omoft bounteous God and Father, and forgive us all our Sins, for that holy Pamon of thy well beloved Son Jefus Chrift. Grant us alfo the Grace of thy holy Spirit, that* we may with all our Hearts ftudy to know our own Unrighteoufnefs, and fincerely abhor ourfelves ; that fin may be mortified in us, and we be raifed up to a new Life ; that we may bring forth genuine Fruits of Holinefs and Righteoufnefs, which through Jefus Chrift are ac- ceptable to Thee. Give us to underftand thy holy Word ac- cording to thy divine Will, that we learn thereby to put our whole Truft in thee alone, and withdraw it from all Crea- tures. That alfo our Old Man; with all the Affections thereof, may be daily more and more crucified, and that we offer up our- felves unto thee a living Sacrifice, to the Glory of thy holy Name, and to the Edification of our Neighbours ; through Jefus Chrift our Lord, who hath taught and commanded us to pray, Our Father, &c. A Prayer after Sermon in the Week. LORD God Almighty, let not thy holy Name be profaned for our Sins, for we have divers Ways finned againft Thee, fince we are not obedient to thy holy Word, as we ought to be, and through Ignorance and Murmuring daily ftir up thine Anger againft us : Wherefore thou doft juftly punilh us : But, O Lord, be mindful of thy great Mercy, and have Companion on us. Give us Knowledge of and Repentance for our Sins, and Amendment of our Lives : Strengthen the Minifters of thy Church, that they may faithfully and ftedfaftly declare thy holy Word: 8o Ihe L I T U H G Y. Word : And the Magiftrates of thy People, that they may bear the Sword with Equity and Prudence. Preferve us from all Deceit and Unfaithfulnefs, Confound all Evil, and fubtil Counfels taken againlt thy Word and- Church. O Lord with-hold not from us thy Spirit and Word, but grant us Increafe of Faith ; and in all Trouble and Adverfrcy, Patience and Conftancy. Affiit thy Church, deliver Her from all AfSiciiori, Deriucn, and Perfecution. Strengthen alfo the weak and forrowful of Heart, and fend us thy Peace, through jefus Chrift. our Lord, who hath given us this lure Promife: Verily verily I fay unto you , ivhatfoever ye jhall Ajk the Father in my Name, he 'will give it you ; and hath commanded us to Pray, Our Father, &'c. A. Morning Prayer, O Merciful Father, we thank Thee, that thou haft in Faith- fulnefs watched over us the Night part, and befeech thee, t'6 ftreng'then, and henceforth guide us by thy holy Spirit, that we rhay fpend this arid al! the Days of our Lives in all Righte* oufnefs and Holinefs, and that whatfoever we undertake, we may always aim at the Promoting of thy Glory, and expect all the Succefs of our Undertakings from thy bountiful Hand alone: And to the End that we may obtain this Mercy of Thee, be pleafed (according to thy Promife) to forgive all our Sins through the holy Pafficn arid Blood-fhedding of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrilt, for we heartily repent of them. Enlighten alfo our Hearts, that we, having cad off all Works of Darknefs, may as Children of Lignt walk in a new Life in all Godlinefs. Blefs alfo the Preaching of thy Gofpel. Deftroy all Works of the Devil. Strengthen- all Minifters of the Gofpel and Ma- giftrates of thy People. Comfort all thofe who are perfecuted and afflicted in Mind, through Jefus Chrift thy beloved Son, who hath promifed us, that thou wilt certainly give us, what- foever we fhall afk in his Name, and therefore hath com- manded us to pray: Our Father, &c. An Evening Prayer. O Merciful God, eternal Light, fhining in Darknefs, thou who difpelleft the Night of Sin, and all Blindnefs of Heart, fmce thou haft appointed the Night for Reft, and the Day for Labour ; The LI T U R G Y. 8x we befeech thee, grant that our Bodies may reft in Peace and Quietnefs, that afterwards they may be able to endure the Labour they mud bear. Temper our Sleep, that it be not diforderly, that we may remain fpotlefs both in Body and Soul, nay, that our Sleep itfeff* may be to thy Glory. Enlighten the Eyes of our Underftanding, that we may not fleep in Death ; but always look for our Deliverance from this Mifery. Defend us againft all AfTaults of the Devil, and take us in thy Holy Protection. And altho we have notpaned this Day, without having greatly finned againft thee, we befeech thee to hide our Sins with thy Mercy, as thou hideft all Things on Earth with the Darknefs of the Night, that we therefore may not be caft out from thy Prefenee. Relieve and Comfort all thofc who are afflicted or diftreffed in Mind, Body or Eftate, through Jefus Chrift our Lord, who hath thus taught us to pray : Our Father, &c. A Prayer at the Opening of theConfiflory. i HEAVENLY Father, eternal and merciful God, it hath pleafed Thee, of thy infinite Wifdom and Goodnefs, to gather a Church to thyfelf out of all Nations upon the Face of the Earth, by the Preaching of the Holy Gofpel, and to govern the fame by the Service of Men. Thou haft alfo gracioufly called us to this Office, and commanded us to take Heed unto ourfelves and unto the Flock, which Chrift hath bought with his precious Blood. Since we are at this Prefent affembled in thy holy Name, after the Example of the Apoftolick Churches, to confult as our Office requires of thofe Things which may come before us, con- cerning the Welfare and Edification of thy Churches, for which we acknowledge ourfelves to be unfit and incapable, as we are by Nature unable of ourfelves to think any Good, much lefs to put it in Pra&ice : Therefore we befeech Thee, O Faithful God and Father, that thou wilt be pleafed to be prefent with thy holy Spirit, according to thy Promife, in the Midft of our prefent Affembly, to guide us in all Truth. Remove from us all mifapprehenfions and unbecoming Defires of the Flelh, and grant that thy holy Word may be the only Rule and Guide of all our Confultations, that they may tend to the Glory of thy Name, and to the Edification of thy Church, and to the Difcharge of our own Confciences, through Jefus Chrift thy Son, who with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, the one only True God, art eternally to be praifed and magnified. Amen. L A Prayer 82 The L T U R G Y. A Prayer at the Clofe of the Confiflory. OLord God and heavenly Father, we heartily thank Thee, that thou haft been pleafed to gather a Church to thy Self in this Part of the World, and to ufe our Service therein, granting us the Priviledge, that we may freely and without Hin- derance preach thy holy Gofpei and exercife all the Duties of Godlinefs : Moreover we thank thee, that thou now haft been prefent with thy holy Spirit in the Midft of this our AHembly, di- recting our Determinations according to thy Will, uniting our Hearts in mutual Peace and Concord. We befeech Thee, O faithful God and Father, that thou wilt gracioufly be pleafed to blefs our intended Labour, and effectually to execute thy begun Work : Always gathering unto thyfelf a true Church, and preferring the fame in the pure Doctrine, and in the right Ufe of thy holy Sacraments, and in a diligent Exercife of Difcipline. On the Contrary deftroy all evil and crafty Counfels, which are devifed againftthy Word and Church. Strengthen alfo all Minifters of thy Church, that they may faithfully and ftedfaftly declare thy holy Word . And the Magift rates of thy People, that they may bear the Sword withRighteoufnefs and Difcretion. Particularly we pray for thofe, whom thou haft been pleafed toputin Authority over us, both thofe of higher and lower Dignity, and efpecially for the worfhipful Magiftrates of this City. Grant that their whole Government may be thus directed, that the King of all Kings may rule over them and their fellow Citizens, and that the Kingdom of the Devil (which is a Kingdom of Scandal and Reproach) may daily more and more be deftroyed and brought to nought by them, as thy Servants, and that we may lead under them a quiet and peaceable Life, in all Godlinefs and Honefty. Hear us, O God and Father, through Jefus Chrift thy beloved Son. Who with thee and the holy Ghoft, the only and true God, art eternally to be magnified and praifed, Amen. A Prayer at the meeting of the Deacons, MERCIFUL God and Father, thou who haft not only faid unto us, that we mould always have the Poor with us, but haft alfo commanded that they mould be affifted, and for that End The LITURGY. 83 End haft ordained the Service of Deacons in thy Church, by whom they might be relieved : Aftd as we who are called to the Office of Deacons in this Congregation, are here at prefent met in thy Name, to coniult together concerning ourMiniftry, there- fore we humbly befeech thee, for the Sake of Jefus Chrift, that thou wilt be pleafed to endue us with the Spirit of Difcretion, to the End that we may rightly difcern who are really poor, and who are not : And that we may with all Cheerfulness and Fidelity, diftribute the Aims col bcled by us to every one accord- ing to his Neceffity, not leaving the indigent Members of thy beloved Son comfntlels, neither giving thofe who are not in Want. Kindle within the Hearts of Men an ardent Love towards the Poor, that they may liberally give of their temporal Goods, of which thou haft made them Stewards; and that we having the Means in Hand to aihft the Indigent, may faithfully without Vexation, and with a free Heart, ferve our Office. Grant us alfo the Talents, not only to comfort the miferable with the ex- ternal Gift, but alfo with thy holy Word. And fmce Man doth not live by Bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of thy Mouth, be pieaied therefore to extend thy HJeffing over our Diftributions, and increafe the Bread of the Poor, that both we and they may have reafon to praife and thank Thee: Ex-, peeling the blelfed coming of thy beloved Son jefus Chrift, who became poor for our Sakes, to make us rich m Eternity, Amen. Grace before Meat. Pfalm 145 : Verfe 15, 16. The Eyes of all wait upon Thee, and thou giveft them their Meat in due Seafon, Thou opened thine Hand, and fatisfie-ft the Defire of every living Thing. A LMIGHTY God, thou who haft created ail Things, and doft ftill maintain and govern them by thy divine Power, and didft feed thy People Ifrael in the Wildernefs, blefs us thy poor Servants, and ian&ify thefe thy Gifts-, which we receive from thy bountiful Goodnefs, that we may temperately and holily uie them according to thy Will, and therereby acknow- ledge that thou art our Father, and the Fountain of all Good. Grant alfo that we may at all Times and above all Things, ieek 84 The L I T U R G Y. fcek for that fpiritual Bread of thy Word, with which oar Souls are fed to Life eternal, which thou haft prepared for us by the holy Blood of thy beloved Son Jefus Chrift, Amen. Our Father, &c. Alfo our Lord Jefus Chrift admonifhes us. Licks 21, 34, 35. And take heed to yourfelves, left at any time your Hearts be ©vercharged with Surfeiting, and Drunkennefs, and Cares of this Life, and fo that Day come upon you unawares For as a Snare fhall it come on all them that dwell on the Face of the whole Earth. Grace after Meat. Thus fpeaketh the Lord in the fifth Book of Mofes, CHAP. 8. Verfe, 10. II. When thou haft eaten and art full, then thou (halt blefs the Lord thy God, for the good Land which he hath given thee. Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his Commandments, and his Judgments, and his Statutes which I commanded thee this Day. OLord God, and Heavenly Father, we thank thee for all thy Benefits, which we without Intermifllon receive from thy bountiful Hand ; we blefs thy divine Will, for prefervmg us in this mortal Life, and for fupplying all our Wants : But es- pecially for our Regeneration unto a Hope of a better Life, which thou haft revealed unto us by thy Gofpel. We befeech thee Merciful God and Father, not to fufFer our Hearts to be fixed upon thefe earthly and corruptible Things : But that we may always look up to Heaven, expecting thence our Saviour jefus Chrift, until he appear in the Clouds for our Deliverance, Amen. Our Father, &c. A Prayer for Sick and Tempted Perfons. O Almighty, eternal, righteous God, and merciful Father, thou who art Lord of Life and Death, and without whofe Will nothing is done in Heaven or in Earth, altho we are not worthy The L I T U R G Y. 85 worthy to call upon thy Name, nor to hope that thou wilt hear us, when we confider how we have hitherto employed our Time ; we befeech thee, that thou wilt be pleaied o; thy Mercy to look upon us in the Face of Jefus Chrift, who has taken all our Infir- mities on him : We acknowledge that we are utterly incapable of any Good, and prone to all Evil, wherefore we have juftly merited this Punifhment, yea have deferved much more. But Lord, thou knoweft that we are thy People, and that thou art our God: We have no other refuge than to thy Mercy, which thou never haft withheld from any one who turned himfelf to thee. Therefore we befeech thee not to impute our Sins unto us, but account the Wifdom, Righteoufnefs and hohnefs of Jefus Chrift to us, that we may in him be able to ftand before Thee. Deliver us for his Sake from thefe Sufferings, that the Wicked may not think that thou haft forfaken us. And if it is thy Pleafure longer thus to try us, give us Strength and Patience to bear all fuch according to thy Will, and let it all turn according to thy Wifdom to our Profit. Rather chaftife us here, than hereafter to be loft with the World. Grant that we may die from this World, and all earthly Things, and that we may daily more and more be renewed after the Image of Jefus Chrift. Suffer us not to be feparated by any Means from thy Love : But draw us daily nigher and nigher unto thee, that we may enter upon the End of our Calling with Joy, that is, to die, to rife again and live with Chrift in Eternity. We alfo believe that thou wilt hear us through Jefus Chrift, who hath taught us to pray, Our Father, &c. Strengthen us alfo in the true Faith, which we believe in our Hearts andprofefs with our Mouths : I Believe in God, &c. Or Thus, ETERNAL merciful God and Father, the eternal Salvation of the Living and the everlafting Life of the Dying ; feeing that thou haft Death and Life in thy Hand alone, and takeit fuch Care of us continually, that neither Health nor Sicknefs, nor any Good or Evil can befall us, nay not a Hair can fall from our Head without thy Will. And fmce thou cioft order ail Things for the Good of thy People, we befeech thee grant us the Grace of thy holy Spirit, to teach us rightly to acknow- ledge our Mifery, and patiently to bear thy Chaftifings, which we have deferved Ten Thoufand Times more fevere. We know that they are not the Evidences of thy Wrath, but of thy fatherly co ine jl. i i u n. In like Manner alfo after Supper he took the Cup, gave Thanks and faid Drink ye all of it, this Cup is the New Teftament in my Blood, which is fhed for you and for many, for the Remiflion of Sins ; this do ye as oftej} as ye drink it in Remembrance of me: That is, as often as ye Eat of this Bread and Drink of this Cup, you fhall thereby, as by afure Remem- brance and Pledge be admonifhed and af- fured of this my hearty Love and Faithful- nefs towards you ; that whereas you fhould otherwife have fuffered eternal Death, I have given my Body to the Death of the Crofs, and Ihedmy Blood for you; and as certainly feed and ncuriili your hungry and thirfty Soul with my crucified Body and fhed Blood to everlafting Life, as this Bread is broken be- fore your Eyes, and this Cup is given to you, and you eat and drink the lame with your Mouth, in Remembrance of m£. From this Inilitution of the holy Supper of our Lord Jefus Chrift, we fee that he di- N re&s 98 ADMINISTRATION of the reels our Faith and Truft to his perfedt Sacri- fice (once offered on the Crofs) as to the only Ground and Foundation of our Salvation, wherein he is become to our hungry and thirfty Souls, the true Meat and Drink of Life eternal. For by his Death he hath taken away the Caufe of our eternal Death and Mifery, namely, Sin; and obtained for us the quickening Spirit, that we by the fame Spirit (which dwelleth in Chrift as in the Head, and in us as his Members) might have true Communion with him, and be made Partakers of all his Bleffings of Life eternal, Righteoufnefs and Glory. Befides that we by the fame Spirit may alfo be united as Members of one Body in true brotherly Love, as the holy Apoftle faith, For ive being many, are one Bread and one Body ; for ive are all Par takers of that one Bread. For as out of many Grains one Meal is Ground, and one Bread baked, and out of many Berries being prefled togetherone Wine floweth, and mixeth itfelf together; fo fhall we all who . by a. true Faith arc ingrafted into Chrift, be altogether one Body, through brotherly Love, for Chrift's Sake our beloved Saviour, who hathfo exceedingly loved us : And not only fhew this in -Word, but alfo in very Deed towards one another. Hereto affift us, the Almighty God, and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, through his hoi v Spirit, Amen. That LORD'S SUPPER. 99 That we may obtain all this, let us hum-" ble ourfelves, before God, and with true Faith implore his Grace. OMoft merciful God and Father, we be- feech thee, that thou wilt be pleafed in this Supper (in which we celebrate the glo- rious Remembrance of the bitter Death of thybelovedSon Jelus Chrift,) to work in our Hearts through thy holy Spirit, that we may daily more and more with true Confidence, give ourfelves up unto thy Son Jefus Chrift, that our afflicted and contrite Hearts, through the Power of the Holy Ghoft may be fed and comforted with his true Body and Blood ; yea with him, true God and Man, that only heavenly Bread : And that we may no longer live in our Sins, but he in us, andweinhim^ and thus truly be made Partakers of the New and Everlafting Teftamcnt, and of the Cove- nant of Grace. That we may not Doubt but thou wilt forever be our gracious Father, never more imputing our Sins ynto us, and providing us with all Things neceflary as well for the Body as the Soul, as thy beloved Children and Heirs ; grant us alfo thy Grace that we may take upon us our Crofs cheer- fully, deny ourfelves, confefs our Saviour, and in all Tribulations with up lifted Heads expect our Lord Jefus Chrift from Heaven, where he will make our mortal Bodies like unto his moft glorious Body, and take us unto him in Eternity-, Amen. Our Father, &x, Straighten xbo ADMINISTRATION of the Strengthen us alfo by this holy Supper in the Catholick undoubted Chriftian Faith, whereof we make Confeffion with our Mouths and Hearts, faying, ^ T Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of -*• Heaven and Earth : — And in Jefus Chrifil his only Son our Lord : Who twas conceived by the Holy Ghofi, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pon- tius Pilate, nv as crucified, dead and buried, He defc ended into Hell: The Third Day he rofe again from the Dead, He afcended into Heaven, and fit- teih on the right Hand of God the Father Almighty : From thence he fid all come to judge the^uick and the Dead. I Believe in the Holy Ghoft- The holy Cathoiick Church : The Communion of Saints : The Forgivnefs of Sins-, The Refur reel ion of the Body; And the Life everlajling, A M E x . That we may be now fed with the true heavenly Bread Chrift Jefus, let us not cleave with our Hearts unto the external Bread and Wine, but lift them up on high in Heaven, where Chrift Jefus is our Advocate, at the right Hand of his heavenly Father, whither alfo the Articles of our Faith lead us ; not doubting but we fhall as certainly be fed and refrefhed in our Souls through the working of the Holy Ghofi with his Body and Blood, as we receive the holy Bread and Wine in Remembrance of him. In LORD'S SUPPER. 101 In breaking and distributing the Bread, 7 the Minifter fhall fay. 3 The Bread which we break, is the Com- munion of the Body of Chrift. The Cup of Bleffing, with which we blefs, is the Communion of the Blood of Chrift. . "During the Communion, there fliall or"') may be devoutly fung, a Pfalm, or feme j Chapter read, in Remembrance of the [ j Death of Chrift, as the 53d. Chap, of ] Ifaiah, the 1 3 . 1 4. 15. 16. ij, and 18. Chap- iters of John or the Like. C After the Co m m u n i o n , ? £the Minifter fliall fay.} Beloved in the Lord, fince the Lord, hath now fed our Souls at his Table, let us there- fore jointly praife his holy Name with Thankfgiving, and every one fay in his Heart, thus, Blefs the Lord, 0 my Sou/; And all that is iviihin me, blefs his holy Name, Blefs the Lord, 0 my Soul, and forget not all his Benefits. Who for giveth all thine Iniquities: Who healeth all thy Difeafes. Who redeem el h thy Life from Befrufiion, iv ho croivneth thee ivith loving Kindnefs and ten- der Mercies. 8th. 102 ADMINISTRATION of the The Lord is merciful and gracious, Jloiv to Anger and plenteous in Mercy. He hath not dealt ivith us after our Sins, nor reivardeth us according to our Iniquities. For as the Heaven is high above the Earth, fo great is his Mercy towards them that fear him. As far as the Eajl is from the Wejlr fo far hath he removed our Trangreffions from us. Like as a Father pitieth his Children, fo the Lord pitieth them that fear him. Who hath not fpared his own Son, but de- livered him up for us all, and given us all Things with him . Therefore God com mend- eth therewith his Love towards us, in that while we were yet Sinners, Chrift died for us much more then, being now juftified by his Blood, we ihall be faved from Wrath through him: Tor if when we were Enemies, we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son: Much more being reconciled, we ihall be faved by his Life . Therefore ihall my Mouth and Heart fhew forth the Praife of the Lord from this Time forth for evermore, Amen. Let every one fay with an attentive Heart. O Almighty, merciful God and Father, we render thee mod humble and hearty Thanks, that thou haft of thy infi- nite Mercy, given us thine only begotten Son, for LORD'S SUPPER. 103 for a Mediator and a Sacrifice for our Sins, and to be our Meat and Drink unto Life eternal, and that thou giveftus a lively Faith, whereby we are made Partakers of fuch of thy Benefits — Thou haft alfo been pleafed, that thy beloved Son Jefus Chrift fhould in- ftitute and ordain his holy Supper for the Confirmation of the fame: Grant we be- feech thee O faithful God and Father, that through the Operation of thy holy Spirit, the Commemoration of the Death of our Lord Jefus Chrift, may tend to the daily Increafe of our Faith, and faving Fellowftiip with him, through Jefus Chrift thy Son, in whofe Name we conclude our Prayers, faying, -. Our Father, &c. The End of the Adminiftration of the LORD'S SUPPER. m On The F O R M O F EXCOMMUNICATION. TJELOVED in the Lord Jefus Chrift; It is known unto you, ^jffi that we have feveral Times, and by feveral Methods de- clared unto you the great Sin committed, and the heinous Offence given by our Fellow-Member N. to the End that he, by your Chriftian Admonitions, and Prayers to God, might be brought to Repentance, and fo be freed from the Bonds of the Devil, (by whom he is held Captive) and recovered by the Will of the Lord ; but we cannot conceal from you, with great Sorrow, that no one has as yet appeared before us, who hath in the leaft given us to underftand, that he by the frequent Admonitions given him, (a-s well in private as before WitnefTes, and in the Prefence of many) is come to any Remorfe for his Sins, or hath (hewn the leaft Tokens of true Repentance ; fince then he daily aggravates his Sin (which in itfelf is not fmall) by his Stubborn- nefs, and fmce we have fignified unto you the laft Time, that in Cafe he did not repent, after fuch Patience fhewn him by the Church, we fliould be under the difagreeable Neceflky of being further grieved for him, and come to the laft Remedy ; whereiore we at this Prefent are necelStated to proceed to his Excommuni- cation according to the- Command and Charge given us by God in his holy Word ; to the End that he may hereby be made (if poflible) afhamed of his Sins, and likewife that we may not by this rotten and as yet incurable Member, put the whole Body of the Church in Danger, and that God's Name may not be blafphemed. Therefore we Minifters and Rulers of the Church of God be- ing here aftembled in the Name and Authority of our Lord Jefus Chrift, declare before you all, tjiat for the aforefaid Rea- fons we have excommunicated, and by thefe do excommunicate N. from the Church of God,, and from Fellowfhip with Chrift, and the holy Sacraments, and from all the fpiritual Bleftings and Benefits which Gcd prcmifeth to and bellows upon his Church, The LITURGY; 105 Church, fd long as he obft'inately and impenitently perfifts in his Sins, and is therefore to be accounted by you as an Heathen Man and a Publican, according to the Command of Chrift, Matc 18. who faith, that whatfoever his Minifters mall bind on Earth, fhall be bound in Heaven. Further we exhort you beloved Chriftians, to keep no Compa- ny with him, that he may be alhamed : Yet count him not as an Enemy, but at all Times admonifh him as you would a Brother. In the mean Time let every one take Warning by this and fuch like Examples, to fear the Lord, and diligently take Heed unto himfelf, Ifhethtnkethkeflandeth,lefthefall; but having true Fellowihip with the Father and his Son, Jefus Chrift, together with all faithful Chriftians, remain fteadfaft therein to the End, and fo obtain eternal Salvation. You have feen, beloved Bre- thren and Sifters, in what Manner this our excommunicated Brother hath begun to fall, and by Degrees is come to Ruin; obferve therefore, how fubtil Satan is, to bring Man to Deftruc- tion, and to withdraw him from all falutary Means of Salvation; guard then, againft the leaft Beginnings of Evil, and laying afide, according to the Exhortation of the Apoftle, every Weight and the Sin which does fo eafily hefet us> let us run with Patience the Race that is Jet before us, looking unto Jefus the Author and Finifher of our Faith ; be fober, watch and pray, lefl you enter into Temptation. To Day if you will hear the Voice of the Lord? harden not your Hearts, but work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling; and every one repent of his Sins, left that ©ur God humble us again, and that we mould be obliged to bewail fome one of you : But that yOu may with one Accord, living in all Godlinefs, be our Crown and Joy in the Lord Since it is God who worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good Pleafure, let us call Upon his holy Name with Cofl- feffion of our Sins, faying, O Righteous God, and merciful Father, we bewail our Sins before thy high Majefty, and acknowledge that we have deferved the Grief and Sorrow caufed unto us by the cutting off of this our late Fellow Member ; yea we all deferve, fhouldft thou enter into Judgment with us, byReafon of our great Tranf- grefllons, to be cut off and baniihed from thy Prefence. But O Lord, thou art merciful unto us for Chrift's Sake, forgive as our Trefpaffcs, for we heartily repent of them, and daily Work in our Hearts a greater Meafure of Sorrow for them; that we may, fearing thy Judgments, which thou executeft againft the Stiff- necked, endeavour to pleafe thee : Grant us to avoid all Pollu- tion of the World, and thofe who are cut off from the Commu- * O niQ.^ to6 The LITURG Y. nion of the Church, that we may not make ourfelves Partakers of their Sins ; and that he who is excommunicated may become aihame-d of his Sins: And fincethou defireftnot the Death of a Sinner, but that he may repent and live, and the Bofom of thy Church is always open for thofe who turn away from their Wickednefs ; We therefore humbly befeech thee, to kindle m. our Hearts a pious Zeal, that we may labour, with good Chris- tian Admonitions and Examples, to bring again this excommuni- cated Perfon on the right Way, together with all thofe who through Unbelief or DhTolutenefs of Life go altray. Give thy Blefling to our Admonitions, that we may have Reafon thereby to rejoice again in him, for whom we mud now mourn; And that thy holy Name maybe praifed, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath thus taught us to pray, Our Father, &c. The FORM O T Re-admitting excommunicated Perfons, into the Church of Christ. BELOVED in the Lord, it is known unto you, that fome Time ago our fellow Member N. was cut off from the Church of Chrift : We cannot now conceal from you, that he by the above mentioned Remedy, as alfo by Means of good Ad- monitions and your Chriftian Prayers, is come fo far that he is alhamed of his Sins, praying us to be re-admitted into the Com- munion of the Church. Since we then by Virtue of the Command of God, are in Duty bound to receive fuch Perfons with Joy, and it being ne- ceflkry that good Order mould be ufed therein, we therefore give you to underftand hereby, that we purpofe to loofe again the aforementioned Excommunicated Perfon from the Bond of Excommunication the next Time when by the Grace of God we celebrate the Supper of the Lord, and receive him again into the Communion of the Church j except any one of you in the mean The LITURGY. 107 mean Time, mail (hew jufi Caufe why this ought not to be done, of which you mud give Notice to us in due Time. In the mean Time, let every one thank the Lord, for the Mercy (hewn this poor Sinner, befeeching hiro, to perfect his Work in him to his eternal Salvation, Amen. C Afterwards, if no Impediment be alledged, the Minifter} We then here affembled, in the Name and Authority of the Lord Jefus Chrift, declare thee N. to. be abfolved from the Bonds of Excommunication ; and do receive thee again into the Church of the Lord, and declare unto thee that thou art in the Com- munion of Chrift, and of the Holy Sacraments, and of all the fpiritual Bleffings and Benefits of God, which he promifeth to and beftoweth upon his Church : May the eternal God preferve thee therein to the End, through his only begotten Son Jefus Chrift, Amen. Be therefore aflured in thy Heart my beloved Brother, that the Lord hath again received thee in Mercy. Be diligent hence- forward to guard thyfelf againft the Subtilty of Satan, and the Wickednefs of the World, to the End that you may not fail again into Sin ; Love Chrift, for many Sins are forgiven thee. And you beloved Chriftians, receive this your Brother with hearty Affection ; be glad that he was dead and is alive again, he was loft and is found : Rejoice with the Angels of Heaven, over this Sinner who repenteth : Count him no longer as a Stranger, but as a Fellow Citizen with the Saints, and of the Houfehold of God. And whereas we can have no Good ofourfelves, let us, praifmg and magnifying the Lord Almighty, implox'e his Mercy faying, GRACIOUS God and Father, we thank thee through Jefus Chrift, that thou haft been pleafcd to give this our fellow Brother Repentance unto Life, and us Caufe to rejoice in his Converfion. We befeech thee, fhew him thy Mercy, that he may become more and more allured in his Mind of the Remiftion of his Sins, and that he may receive from thence inexpreflible Joy and Delight, to ferye thee. And whereas he hath heretofore by his Sins offended many, grant that he may by his Converfion edify many. Grant alfo that he may fteadfeftly walk in thy Ways, to the End; and may we learn from this Example, that with thee is Mercy, that thou mayeft be feared; and that we counting him for our Brother and Co-Heir of Life eternal, may jointly ferve thee with filial Fear and Obedience all the Days of our Life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord, in whofe Name we thus conclude our Prayer : Our Father; &c. The The F O R M FOR O R DA I N I N G THE MINISTERS O F GOD's WORD. The Sermon and the ufual Prayers being finifhed, the Minifter {hall thus fpeak to the Congregation, BELOVED Brethren, it is known unto you, that we have now at three different Times publifbed the the Name of our Brother N, here prefent, to learn whe- ther any Peribn had aught to offer concerning his Doctrine or Life, why he might not be ordained to the Miniftry of the Word. And whereas no one hath appeared before us, who haih alledged any Thing lawful againft his Perfon, We fhall therefore at Prefent, in the Name of the Lord, proceed to his Ordination ; for which Purpofe you N. and all thofe who are here prefent, lhall firft attend to afhort Declaration taken from the Word of God, touching the Inftitution and the Office of Paftors or Minifters of God's Word; where, in the firll Place you are to obferve, that God our heavenly Father, willing no GOD'S WORD. willing to call and gather a Church from amongft the corrupt Race of Man unto Life eternal, doth by a particular Mark of his Favour ufe the Miniftry of Men therein. Therefore Paul faith, that the Lord Jefus Chrift hath given fome, apoftles, and fome Prophets, and fome Evangelifts, and fame Paftors and Minifters ; for the perfecting of the Saint j, for the Works of the Miniftry, for the edifying of the Body of Chrift. Here we fee that the holy Apoftle among other Things faith, that the Paftoral Office is an Inftitution of Chrift. What this holy Office enjoins, may eafily be gathered from the very Name itfelf ; for as it is the Dirty of a common Shep- herd, to feed, guide, protect and rule the Flock committed to his Charge ; fo it is with Regard to thefe fpiritual Shepherds, who are let over the Church, which God calleth unto Salvation, and counts them as Sheep of his Pafture. The Pafture with which thefe Sheep are £cd, is nothing elfe but the Preaching of the Gofpel, accompanied with Prayer, and the Adminiftration of the holy Sacraments; the fame Word of God is likewife the Stiff with which the Flock is guided and ruled, confequently it is evident, that the Office of Paftors and Minifters of God's Word is, Firft, That they fhall faithfully explain to their Flock, the Word of the Lord, revealed by the Writings of the Prophets and Apoftles; and apply the fame, as well in general, as iq particular, to the Edification of the Hearers, with inftru&ing, admonifhing, comforting, and reproving, according to every ones Need, preaching Repentance towards God, and Reconcilia- tion with him through Faith in Chrift ; and refuting with the Holy Scriptures all Schifms and Herefies which are repugnant to the pure Doctrine. All this is clearly fignified to us in holy Writ, for the Apoftle Paul faith, that thefe labour in the Word: And elfewhere he teacheth, that this muft be done according /# the Meafure or Rule of Faith : He writes alfo, that a Paftor muft hold f aft and rightly divide the faithful and ftncere Word which is according to Doclrine: Likewife, he that prophefteth (that is preacheth God's Word) fpeaketh unto Men to Edification, and Exhortation and Comfort : In another Place he propofes himfelf as a Pattern to Paftors, declaring that he hath publickly, and from Houfc to Houfe, taught and teftified Repentance toward God, and T4' ait h toward our Lord Jefus Chrift \ But particularly we have a clear Defcription of the Office, and Minifters of God's Word, 2d, Corinth, c, Chap. 18, 19, and 20 Verfes, where the Apoftle thus fpeaketh. And all "Things are of God, who hath re- conciled us to himfelf hy Jefus Chrift, and hath given to us (namely to the Apoftles and Paftors) the Miniftry of Reconciliation ; to •iu/7, that God was in Chrift \ reconciling the World unto himfelf not, GOD'S WORD. nt not imputing their Trefpajes unto them, and hath ammittei unti ■us the Word of Reconciliation. Now then we are Ambaffadors for Chrifl, as though God didhefeech you by us : We pray you in ChrijTr Steady be ye reconciled to God. Concerning the Refutation of falfe Doctrine, the fame Apoftle faith, Tit. i, 9 That a Minifter muft hold faft the faithful Word of God, that he may be able b/ found Doctrine, both to convince and filence tile Gain-fayers. Secondly. It is the Office of the Minifters, publickly to call upon the Name of the Lord in Behalf of the whole Congregation ; for that which the Apoftlesfay, nve will give ourf Ives continually to Prayer, and to the Miniflry of the Word, is common to theie Paftors with the Apoftles ; to which St. Paul alluding, thus. fpeaketh to Timothy: I exhort therefore, that firjl of all, Sup- plications, Prayers, Infercefions, and giving of Thanks bi mad? f?*- all Men, For Kings, and for all that are in Authori-y, &c. I Tim. 2t 1 and 2d. Thirdly. Their Office is, to Adminifter the Sacraments, which the Lord hath inftituted as Seals of his Grace : As is evi- dent from the Command given by Chrift to the Apoftles, and in them to all Paftors, Baptife them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofl. Likewife, For I have re- ceived of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus the fa?ne Night in which he was be* frayed, The Almighty God and Father, replenim you all with his Grace, that ye may faithfully and fruitfully difcharge your refpective Offices, Amen. C The Minifter fliall further exhort them, and the*) \ whole Congregation in the following Manner, 3 Therefore ye Elders be diligent in the Government of the Church, which is committed to you, and the Minifters of the Word. Be alfo as Watchmen over the Houfe and City of God, faithfully to admonifh and to caution every one againft his Ruin. Take Heed that Purity of Doctrine and Godlinefs of Life be maintained in the Church of God. And ye Deacons be dili- gent in collecting the Alms, prudent and cheerful in the Diftri- bution of the fame : Affift the OpprefTed, provide for the true Widows and Orphans, mew Liberality unto all Men, but efpe- cially to the Houfhold of Faith. Be ye all with one Accord faithful in your Offices, and hold the Deacons and Elders. 119 the Myftery of the Faith in a pure Confcisnce, being good Ex- amples unto all the People. In fo doing you will purchase to your/elves' a good Degree , and great Boldnefs in the Faith, which is in Chriji Jefusy and hereafter enter into the Joy of your Lord. On the other Hand, beloved Chriftians, receive thefe Men as Servants of God; count the Elders that rule well, worthy of double Honour, give yourfelves willingly to their Infpe&ion and Government: Provide the Deacons with good Means to aflifl the Indigent. Be charitable, ye Rich, give liberally, and con- tribute willingly. And ye Poor, be poor In Spirit, and dc<; port yourfelves refpectfully towards your Benefactors, be thank- ful to them and avoid murmuring ; follow Chrift for the Food of your Souls, but not for Bread. Let him that haihflole (or who hath been burthenfome to his Neighbours) fteal no more: hut rather let him labour, working with his Hands the Things which are good, that he may give to him that needeth. Each of you doing thefe Things in your refpeclive Callings, lliail receive of the Lord, the Reward of Right eoufnefs. Butfince we are una- ble of ourfelves, let us call upon the Name of the Lord faying, OLord God and Heavenly Father, we thank thee that it hath pleafed thee for the better Edification of thy Church, to ordain in it, befides the Minifters of the Word, Rulers and Afliftants, by whom thy Church may be preferved in Peace and Profperity, and the Indigent aftifted ; and that thou haft at pre- fent granted us in this Place, Men who are of good Teftimony and we hope endowed with thy Spirit. We befeech thee replenifti them more and more with fuch Gifts, as are neceflary for them in their Miniftration ; with the Gifts of Wifdom, Courage, Difcretion, and Benevolence, to the End that every one may in his refpective Office, acquit himfelf as is becoming; the Elders in taking diligent Heed unto the Doctrine and Converfation, in keeping out the Wolves from the Sheep-fold of thy beloved Son ; and in admonifhing and reproving diforderly Perfons. In like Manner, the Deacons in carefully receiving and liberally, and prudently diftributing of the Alms to the Poor, and in comfort- ing them with thy holy Word. Give Grace both to the Elders and Deacons, that they may perfevere in their faithful Labour, and never become weary by Reafoa of any Trouble, Pain or Perfecution of the World. Grant alio efpecially thy divine Grace to this People, over whom they are placed, that they may wil- lingly fubmit themfelves to the good Exhortations of the El- ders, counting them worthy of Honour for their Work's Sake ; Give alfo unto the Rich, liberal Hearts towards the Poor, and to the Poor grateful Hearts towards thofe who, help and ferve them ; 120 Ordination of them ; to the end that every one acquiring himfelf of his Duty, thy holy Name may thereby be magnified, and the Kingdom of thy Son Jems Chrift, enlarged, in whofe Name we conclude our Prayers, &c. The FORM FOR THE CONFIRMATION O F MARRIAGE, BEFORE THE CHURCH. WHEREAS married Perfons are generally, by Reafon of Sin, fubjecl: to many Trou- bles and Afflictions ; to the End that you N. and N. (who defire to have your Mar- riage Bond publickly confirmed, here in the Name of God, before his Church) may alfo be affured in your Hearts of the certain Affiflance of God in your Afflic- tions, Hear therefore from the Word of God, how ho- nourable the married State is, and that it is an Inititu- tion of God, which is pleafmg to him. Wherefore he alfo will (as he hath promifed) blefs and affift the Mar- ried Perfons, and on the Contrary judge and punifh Whoremongers and Adulterers, In Confirmation of MARRIAGE. 121 In the firil Place you are to know, that God our Fa- ther, (after he had created Heaven and Earth, and all that in them is) made Man in his own Image and Likenefs^ that he mould have Dominion over the Beads of the Field, over the Fifh of the Sea, and over the Fowls of the Air. And after he had created Man, hefaid, It is not good that Man fhould be alone, 1 will make him an Help meet for him. And the Lord caufed a deep Sleep to fall upon Ada?n, and he flept, and he took one of his Ribs, and clofed up the Flefh inftead thereof And the Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man, made he a Woman, and brought her unto the Man. And Adam faid, this is now Bone of my Bone, and Flejh of my Fleflo i Shejhall be cal- led Woman, becaufe fhe was taken out of Man. Therefore- /hall a Man, leave his Father, and his Mother, and fhall cleave unto his Wife, and they two fhall be one Flefh. There- fore ye are not to doubt but that the married State is pleafmg to the Lord,fmce he made unto Adam his Wife, brought, and gaveherhimfelftohimtobe his Wife J wit- nefTing thereby that he doth yet as with his Hand bring unto every Man his Wife. For this Reafon the Lord Jefus Chrifl did alfo highly honour it with his Prefence, Gifts and Miracles in Cana of Galilee, to fliew thereby, that this holy State ought to be kept honourable by all, and that he will, aid and afTift the married Perfons even when they are leafl expecting it. But that ye may live godly in this State, you mult know the Reafons wherefore God hath inftituted the fame. The firil Reafon is, that each faithfully aflift the other in all Things that belong to this Life, and abetter. Secondly. That they bring up the Children which they fhall get, in the true Knowledge and Fear of God, to his Glory, and their Salvation/ Thirdly. That each of them avoiding all Unclean- nefs and evil Lufts, may live with a good and quiet Con- fcience. For to avoid Fornication, let every Man have his own Wife, and every Wife her own Husband ; infomuch q^ that 1 2 2 Confirmation ofMARRIAG E. that all who are come to their Years, arid have not the Gift of Continence, are bound by the Command of God, to enter into the married State, with Knowledge and Gonfent of Parents, or Tutors and Friends ; that Jo the Temple of God, which is our Body, may not be defiled, for, whefoever defileth the Te?nple of God, him (kail God deflroy. Next, you are to know, how each is bound to behave refpeftively towards the other, according to the Word of God. Firft. You who are the Bridegroom, mall know, that God hath fet you to be the Head of your Wife, that you, according to your Ability, fliali lead her with Dis- cretion ; inftrucling, comforting, protecting her, as the Head rules the Body ; yea, as Chrift is the Head, Wifdom, Confolation, and Afiiftance to his Church. Befides, yon are to love your Wife as your cum Body, as Ghrijl bath lo- ved his Church : Tou /hall not be bitter again/l her, but dwell with her as a Man of Underflanding, giving Honour to the Wife as the weaker Veffel, confdering that ye are joint Heirs of the Grace of Life, that your Prayers be not hin- dered ; And fmce it is God's Command, that the ManfJmll eat his Bread in the Sweat of hir Face, therefore you are to labour diligently and faithfully, in the calling wherein God hath fet you, that you may maintain your Houfliold honeftly, and likewife have Something to give to the Poor. In like Manner {hall you, who are the Bride, know, how you are to carry yourfelf towards your Husband, according to the Word of God : You are to love your lawful Husband, to honour and fear him, as alio to be obedient unto him in all lawful Things, as to your Lord, as the Body is obedient to the Head, and the Church to Chrifl. Tou Jh all not exercife any Dominion over your Huf- band, but be f lent ; for Adam was fiirfl created, and then Eve to be an Help to Adam ; and after the Fall, God faid to Eve, and in her to all Women, Tour Will/hall befub- jecl to your Husband: You ftiall not refift this Ordinance of Confirmation of M ARRUGE. 123 (of God, but be obedient to the Word of God, and fol- low the Examples of godly Women, who trufted in God, and were fubje&to their Husbands; as Sarah v; as obe- dient to Abraham, calling him her Lord: You mall alfo be an Help to your Husband in all good and lawful 1 hings, looking to Your Family, and walking in all Honefty and Virtue, without worldly Pride, that you may give an Ex- ample to- others of Modefty. Wherefore you N. and you N. having now underitood that God hath initituted Marriage, and what he com- mands you therein ; Are ye willing thus to behave your- felves in this holy State, as you here do confefs before this Chriftian Affembly, and are defirous that yuu be confirmed in the fame 1? Anfwer. • Yes. C Whereupon the Minifter {hall fay 7 £ to the Affembly, 5 I take you all, who are met here, to witnefs, that there is brought no lawful Impediment : [Further to the married Perfons,] Since then it is fit that you be furthered in this your Work, the Lord God confirm your Purpofe, which he hath given you ; and your Beginning be in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. f Hereupon they (hall join Hands") <| together, and the Minifter fpeak J> Lfirft to the Bridegroom, • J N. Do you acknowledge here before God, and this his holy Church, that you have taken, and do take to your lawful Wife N. here prefent, promifmg her never to forfake her; to love her faithfully, to maintain her, as a faithful and pious Husband is bound to do to his iaw- ^ ful 124 Continuation ot MAURIAGE. fill Wife; that you will live holily with her; keeping Faith and Iruth tQ her in all Things according to the holy Gofpel ? Anfwer. Yes. [Afterwards to the Bride,] N. Do you acknowledge here before God, and this his holy Church, that you have taken, and do take to your lawful Husband N. here prefent, promifing to be obedient to him, to ferve and aflifl him, never to forfake him, to live holily with him, keeping Faith and Truth to him in all Things, as a pious and faithful Wife is bound to her lawful Husband, according to the holy Gofpel ? Anfwer, Yes. [Then the Minifler fliall fay,] The Father of all Mercies, who of his Grace hath called you to this holy State of Marriage, bind you in true Love and Faithfulnefs, and grant you his Blefling, Amen. Hear now from the Gofpel, how firm the Bond of Marriage is, as defcribed by Matthew, Chapter 19, Verfes, 3,4,5, 6,7,8, 9. " The Pharifees came unto him, tempting him, and " faying untohim, is it lawful for a Man to put away his " Wife for every Caufe ? And he anfwered and faid unto * them, have ye not read, that he which made them at " the Beginning, made them Male and Female ? And " faid, for this Caufe fliall a Man leave Father and Mo- " ther and fliall cleave to his Wife ; and they twain fliall " be one Flefli ; Wherefore they are no more twain, but " one Flefli. What therefore God hath joined toge- * ther, let not Man put afunder. They fay untohim, " Why did Mofes then command to give a Writing of f Divorcement, and to put her away ? He faith unto " them, Confirmation of MARRIAGE. 125 " them,Mofes, becaufe of the Hardnefsof your Hearts, * fuffered you to put away your Wives; but from the " Beginning it was not fo. And I fay unto you, Who- " foever fhali put away his Wife, except it be for Forni- u cation, and fliall marry another, committeth Adultery : " And whofo marrieth her which is put away, doth • commit Adultery/' Believe thefe Words of (Thrift, and be certain and afTured, that our Lord God hath joined you together in this holy State. You are therefore to receive, whatever befalls you therein with Patience and Thankfgiving, as from the Hand of God, and thus all Things will turn to your Advantage and Salvation, Amen. f Then the Minifter fiiall bid the married"] (^Congregation to pray for them. J ^LMIGHTY God, thou who difplayefl thy Goodnefs and Wifdom in all thy Works and Ordinances, and haft faid from the Beginning, that it is not good that Man fliould be alone, and therefore haft made an Help meet for him, and ordained, that thofe who were two fhould be one, and like wife pun ifliefl all Unci eannefs. We be- feech thee (fince thou haft called thefe two Perfons to the holy State of Marriage, and joined them together) re- plenifh them with thy Holy Spirit, that they may pioufly live together according to thy divine Will in true and firm Faith, and refift all Wickednefs. Youchfafe toblefs them, as thou didft fend thy Bleffmg upon the faithful Fathers, thy Friends and Servants, Abraham, lfaac and Jacob; that they may as Co-Heirs of the Covenant (which thou didft make with thofe Fathers) educate the Chil- dren which thou fhalt be pleafed to give them, in all Godlinefs, to the Glory of thy holy Name, to the Edi- fication of thy Church, and to the Propagation of thy holy Gofpel. Hear us O Father of Mercies! for Jefus Chrift's Sake, thy beloved Son our Lord, in whofe Name we conclude our Prayers, faying, Our Father, &c. [Hearken j 26 Confirmation of M A R R I A G E. [Hearken now to the Promife of God from 1 2 8 Pfalm.] Blefledis every one thatfeareth the Lord, that walketh in his Ways. For thou fhalt eat the Labour of thine Hands ; happy flialt thou be, and it fhall be well with thee. Thy Wife fhall be as a fruitful Vine by the Sides of thine Houfe ; thy Children like Olive Plants, round about thy Table. Behold, that thus fhall the Man be bleffed, that fear- eth the Lord. The Lord (hall blefs thee out of Zion ; and thou flialt fee the Good of Jerufalem alhhe Days of thy Life. « Yea thou ihalt fee thy Children's Children, and Peace upon Ifrael. The Lord our God replenifh you with his Grace, grant, that ye may long live together in all Godlinefs and Holinefs, Amen. The End of the Form, for the Confirmation of MARRIAGE before the CHURCH. The The Confolation of the Sic it, Which is an Inftru&ion in Faith, and the Way of Salvation to pre- pare Believers to die willingly. SINCE Adam was created juft and good, that is to fay, holy and righteous, and Dominion given him over all the Creatures which God had created ; and whereas he did not long remain in this State, but has through the Subtilty of the Devil and his own Rebellion fallen from this excellent Glory, whereby he hath brought upon us the Mifery of temporal and eternal Death ; this is the original Sin of which David fpeaks in the 51 Pfalm, faying, / was jhapen in Iniquity and in ?f: *»• Vm S* Sin did my Mother conceive me : In like Manner Paul faith to the Romans, That by one Man Sin en- tered into the '4 orldy and Death by Sint and Death Rom. 5.1a. faffed upon all Men, for that all have finned: For as foon as Adam was thus fallen, he immediately came under a certain Curfe, as we read in Genefis, where God faith, Cur fed is the Ground for thy Sake, in Sorrow Jhalt thou eat of it all the Days of thy Life, Ocn Hi. 17,19* in the Sweat of thy Face Jhalt thou eat Bread, till thou return unto the Ground ; for out of it wajl thou taken : For Dufi thou art, and unto Duft Jhalt thou return. Whence we certainly know, that all Things which receive Life, muft once die : This David clearly teftifies, faying, What Man is he that Fs- *9' 48" liveih, andjhall not fee Death* For Solomon faith, Eccl *■ *• the Living know that they Jhall die. For here we have He&- x3- *4- no continuing City, but we feek one to come. And to the Hebrews, that it is appointed uni-o Men once to FLeh. 9. *y. die, but after this the Judgment. For as the Scrip- ture faith : We muft needs all die, and are as Water z Sam' I4> I4' fpilt on the Ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Fsr our Days (faith Job) are like the Days Job' 9' »*■ of an Hireling, and fwifter than a Pojl. And we pafs away (faith David) like a Stream, yea like a Leaf which the Wind driveth away, and a wither- ed Stalk and a Garment Moth-eaten. For the Dujt mufi return to the Earth, as it was, and the Spirit Eccl' i3" 7* unto 128 Of Man's Mifery. unto God whogazv it; as Job faith, We are AJfies Jam. 4. 14. and muft return to AJ3?es. Like wife James faith, that Mans Life is even a Vapour that appeareth for a little Time and then vaniflieth away. Yea our Time paffeth away as a Cloud and is confirmed like a Mift, and vaniiheth as a Shadow. And Peter z Peter t, »4. alfo faith (quoting from Ifaiah) that all F lefty is as Grafs, and all the Glory of Men, as the Flower of Grafs ; the Grafs wither rth, and the Flower thereof falleth away. Again Jefus Syrach faith, This is the old Covenant, you muft die; — the one to Day, and the other to Morrow, like as green Leaves upon a Tree, fome fall off, and others grow again: Thus it goeth with Mankind, fome die and fome are born. As Solomon faith, To every Thing there s> T» ' is a Seafon, a Ti?ne to be born, and a Time to die. — And this Time is in the Hands of the Lord, as Job. 14. j. j0b faij-j^ Man hath his appointed Time, the Num- ber of his Months are with him, he has appointed our Bounds that we cannot pajs. Which Paul alfo Ms, 17. 26. faith; That God hath determined the Times before appointed, and the Bounds of their Habitation. And Vs. 39. 5. David faith, that our Days are as an Hand-Breadth by the Lord, and our Age is as nothing before him : How vain are all Men who live fo unconcerned ? Job. 7. 6. For our Days are Ughter than a Weaver's Shuttle, 'jo . 9. z$. azdfxvifter than a Poft. Moreover we. are here ' 3' only Pilgrims and Strangers for a fhort Time. For the Days of our Tears are threefcore Tears and ten, and if by Reafon of Strength they be fourfcore Tears, yet is their Strength, Labour, and Sorrow ; V. jo. 10. for it is foon cut off, and we fly away. And when we live long, we live a hundred Years : As Drops of Water are to the Sea, fo are our Years to Eternity, a Vet. 3. 8. ^nc* Peter laith, That one Day is with the Lord as a thoufandTears, and a thoufandTears as one Day ; even fo are our Years to Eternity, whereas then we muft all die, according to Holy Scripture. Who would notearneftly wifh for Death, when we behold in what State and Ruin we are plunged through Adam, namely, in all Unrighteoufnefs, Mifery and Trouble ; inafmuch that we are wicked, and inclined to Wickednefs from our very Infancy. For as Paul faith: Et>h x * we 'lre ky Nature the Children of Wrath, andrepro- Tit. i.' itf! bate unto every good Work, having nothing of our- Vf. 14. x. felves butSiu. As David alfo faith; There is none that Of Man's Mifery. 129 that dsth good, they are all gone aftde they are all- tcgether become filthy . For the Good that we would, we Rom. 1 7. ig* do not, by Reafon of Sin that dwelleth in us. Of this inherent Sin, David witneffeth, That we are Ps. $i< conceived and born in Sin, and proceed in the fame. For the Inclination of Men's Heart's is to Evil front their Youth. Since we thus lie under the Wrath of God, and in the Shadow of Death, yea' in Hell and Damnation, therefore Chrift the Light ©f the World appeared unto us, and the Sun of righteouf- nefs is rifen : Who was delivered for our Offences, ^9m- 4° **• and was raifed again for our Juftification, and hath alfo quiekned us when We were dead in Sin, and hath forgiven us- our Sins, and blotted out the hand- Co^ *■ **• Writing of Ordinances that was again/I us, and took it out of the Way, and nailed it on the Crofs ; Whereby he hath triumphed over all our Enemies, as Death, Satan, Hell and the Curfe of the Law, as God hath fpoken by the Prophet Hofea, 0 Death, where is t'^J$'55i thy Sting ? 0 Grave where is thy Viftory ? Thanks he to God, which giveth ui the Viclory, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath alfo (according to the Promife of God) bruifed the Head of the Devil, iri whofe Power we were kept Captives, by Reafon of the Trangreffions of Sin. God to the End that he might deliver us therefrom, hath given us his deareft Pledge, namely his only beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleafed, and Commands us to hear him. Whom he hath given for a Propitiation and a Ranfom. For God fo J° tt 3* x * loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever bdieveth in Himfhould not perifh, but have ever lafting Life, Alfo hi this was man'tf eft ed i.Jokn^vf.- the Love of God towards us, bscaufe that Gcd tent his only begotten Son into the World, that we might live through Him. And this is Life eternal, {faith Chrift) that they might know thee the only true God, _. , and Jefus Chrift who?n thou haft fent. He is the ^A : L. true Meffiah, who came into the World in the Ful- nefs of Time, true God to crulh the Power of the Devil; and true Man to be our Mediator before God, that he might deliver thofe who were Captive under the Law. He is that Lamb without Blemifh, ifcat was wounded and offered for our Tranfgrei£oi#, R to I jo Of the Redemption of Man. to be a Propitiation for all our Sins, as Ifaiah 4. Ccr. 8; clearly teftifies. And he who was rich, for our Sak.es became poor, that we through his Poverty might be rich ; for he hath given unto us, all his Goods, all his Benefits, all his Righteoufnefs, Merits and Holinefs : Therefore we muft embrace him in Faith, and be thankful to him with Love and Obedience. And who would not love him who firft loved us ? in that when wc were yet his Enemies, he deli- 18. vered and reconciled us, how much ?nore being recon- ciled, Jhall we befaved by his Life P For how can one have greater Love, then to lay down his Life for his Friends ? Which Chrift as a good Shepherd hath done, who hath been obecKent to his Father, unto Death, even the Death of the Crofs, and was made a little lower than the Angels, for the Juffering of Death, crowned with Glory and Honour ; that he by the Grace of God Jhould tajle Death /or every Man. Alfo he is the true Samaritan who hath poured Oyl and Wine in our Wounds, that is to fay, he hath poured out his precious Blood for our Sins, and bought us with fuch a precious Price. For we are not (faith Peter) redeemed with Gold or Silver , but with the precious Blood of Chrift, as of a Lamb without Blemijb and without Spot. For we are not Hei. c: ii. adeemed h t^)e Blood of Goats or Calves, but by his own Blood he entered in once into the holy Place, having obtained eternal Redemption for us'. Who hath €«l i. 13. 14. alfo delivered us from the Power of Darknefs, and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have the Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgivenefs of Sins. Since we certainly know this, that we only ob- tain eternal Salvation, without our Merits, (for we have none, wherefore we are unprofitable Servants) „ through the Death and Refurreclion of Chrift, We muft therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and find Grace to help in Time of Need. And fince we always ftand Pf. j«. 15. in Need of Help, we muft go unto him ; for he faith, by the Prophet David, Call up 0?* me in the Day of Trouble, and I will deliver thee. And al- though a Mother might forfake her Child, yet will Mat. ii, »8. I never forfake thee, as Chrift himfelf faith in the and ap. Gofpei : Ccme unto me all ye that laUur and are heavy Rom. s. 18. John i$- 13 Phil. %. 8. Hci. a. * Luke. 10, 34 1. Pet. i. 18 17. Revf. iz. zy. Of the Redemption of Man. 13 1 heavy laden and I will give you Reft, and ye fhall find Reft unto your Souls. To whom elfe mould we go ? He has the Words of eternal Life, and Life is made John 6. 68. manifeft in him. He is that heavenly Manna, which eternally fatisfies our Souls, that heavenly Bread of which he that eateth through Faith, mall never hunger, and whofoever drinketh of his Blood (hall never thirft. Again Chrift faith by the Apoftle John, Let him that is a- thirft, come and take the j^T *?" !^ Water of Life freely : He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hathfaid, out of this Belly fliall flow Ri- vers of living Water, which are the Operations of the Holy Ghoft ; Whofoever drinketh of that living j0'Btti 4j 14, Water, fhall never thirft, for the Water that I fhall give him, fhall be in him a Well of Water fpringing up into everlafting Life. As God hath faid by the Prophet Ifaiah, Every one that thirfteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money come ye Va' &S- H buy and eat ; yea come, buy Wine and Milk,, without Money and without Price, Therefore let us go to this Fountain for our Refrefhment, and not to (link- ing Wells which contain no Water, For of his Full- John »" ***** nefs have we all received Grace for Grace : For the Law was viven by Mofes, but Grace and Truth came by Jefus Chrift. He is the true Mediator who ftands between God and us, to be our Advocate againftall our Ac- cufers : For there is one Mediator between God and rrfo» a> s Man, the Man Ckrift Jefis. For this Caufe he is l ' Heb . 97 1 s\ alfo a Mediator of the New Teftament, that by Means of Death, for the Redemption of the Tranf- greffions that were under the firit Teftament, they which are called might receive the Promife of an eternal Inheritance. Wherefore he is able alfo tcfave -■ r' %s* them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make Intercefionfor us ; with which the Apoftle John agreeing, faith, If any Man Sin, ^ „ , we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus drift the an »• *4» ttaf Love hira. \ To obtain this Crown of Righteoufriefs, we mufti manfully fight againft all Our Enemies, who attack us on all Sides : Particularly againft the Wiles of the Devil, againft which put on the whole Armour of God, with which you will be able to withftand the ts< Pes, $. 8. p. Devil and all his Might. Peter fpeakingoi his Fight faith, that the Devil walketh about as a roaring Lion feeking whom he may devour : Whom refift ftedfaft in the Faith, and he will flee from you. This Vic- tory and Refiftance we have of God through Chrift, who tramples the Devil under our Feet, in whofe Power and Bonds we were bound. He is the Prince of this World whom Chrift hath caft out ; and we have like wife through him obtained the Victory, and are alfo through Faith made Partakers of him. He is the old Serpent who feeks to devour us, who did devour our firft Parents, and who ftill bites us in the Heel, wherefore he is called a Murderer from the Be- ginning. Therefore we muft be diligent on our Guard againft r. Pet. 4. 7» h^ wiles, as Peter faith, be fober and watch unto Prayer. For as Chrift faith, We know neither the jy> Day nor the Hour wherein the Lord will come. But Lnie t%'. 39. tms ye know that, if the Good Man of the Houfe had Lukeiz.40. 4s known what Hour the Thief would come, he would and 4$. have watched. Be ye ready therefore alfo, for the Son of Man will come at an Hour when We watch not, but begin to beat our Fellow-Servants, and to eat and drink with the Drunkards ; then the Lord will come, and cut us in funder, and cur' Portion will Mark 9. 14. bewith the Hyprocrites : there will be Weeping and Gnafliing of Teeth, there the Worm never dieth,and the Fire is not quenched. For we certainly know a. Pa. 3. io. that the Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night, when we fhall fay, Peace and Safety, then fudden Deftruclion will come upon us, as Travail upon a Woman with Child. Therefore take Heed to yourfelves left at any Time your Hearts be over- Luke a 1. 34. charged with Surfeiting and Drunkennefs and Cares of this Life, and fo that Day come upon you un- awares. For as a Snare, or as Lightning which Luke it. 35. comes fuddenly, fhall it come on us all. Watch and 3$. therefore and pray always, thatyemay be accounted worthy Chrift is our Refuge and Life Eternal. 1 3 7 worthy to efcape all thefe Things, that fliall come to jpuis, and to ftand undaunted before the Son of Mail. But this Worthinefs to ftand before the Son of Man confifts in a pure undefined and immoveable Faith which worketh through Love, by which we receive and embrace Chrift with all his Merits and Benefits. Which Faith we muft fhew by a pure Life. As James faith, And of this Purity Chrift fpeaks by Matthew, Blelled are the Pure in Maf g Heart, for they fliall fee God. And the principal Purity lies in the Heart, for as Chrift faith, out of the Heart proceed evil Thoughts, Murders, Adulteries, Fornications, Thefts, falfe Witnefs and Blafphemies: Thefe Things defile Man. There- Mat% 15# I9> fore the Fruits of the Spirit follow, which are, and zo. Love Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Gentlenefs, Good- nefs, Faith, Meeknefs, Chaftity, Righteoufnefs, and Gals. 11. and Truth. Therefore unlefs we are born again, we z3* eannot fee the Kingdom of God. Yea as Chrift faith, except ye repent and become as Children 3* 3' (to wit in Sin) ye fhall not enter into the Kingdom Mark jo of Heaven. There fhall nothing enter into it that R defileth, neither whatfoever worketh Abomination, or maketh a Lie, as Paul likewife clearly teftifieth. Since then the Law of God requires this Perfec- tionof us, as it is written, Curfed is every one who doth not keep the whole Law, As James alfo faith, „. Whofoever offendeth in one Point, he is guilty of all. Again whofoever doth the Law, fhall live by it : But we do not keep the lead Commandment perfectly. As the wife Man faith, when we imagine to have done we only begin, (and in Cafe we did do it, we only do our Duty) wherefore we are by the Law condemned in God's righteous Judgment ; for this we have a fure Remedy and Cure, namely Chrift who hath redeemed us (as Paul faith) from the Gal- 3> I3' Curfe of the Law, and hath fatisfied the Righteouf- nefs of God for us, making Reconciliation ; and who hath broken down the Wall which was between us, namely the Law, contained in Ordinances, and for- given us our Sins, and torn the Hand- Writing of them, and nailed it to the Crofs : For this great Love of Chrift, we ought alfo to love him, and to be thankful to him, with good Works, and verily to S believe i38 Chrift is our Refuse and Life Eternal, believe in him, for the Gift of all thefe excellent Benefits : For he that cometh to God, mud believe Beh. ii, 6. that he is a Rewarder of them that feek him; For the Juft fhall live by his Faith. Therefore we con- Heb. 2. 4- elude that a Man is juftified by Faith, without the Rom. 3. 28. Deeds of the Law; and altho we fuffer a little with Chrift, we mull not defpair, for we fee that Chrift himfelf when he was fmote for our Sins, did not fmite again, but fufFered patiently ; and if the Un- godly live in great Profperity, as David and the Prophets teftify, we muft not marvel, neither ftum- ble, but comfort ourfelves, being aflured that their End is everlafting Death. He lets them go as Sheep to the Slaughter, therefore it is to be wondered at that the Faithful meet with no more CrofTes in Com- parifon to the glorious Joy which is prepared for them, and on the Contrary, that the Ungodly have no more Profperity, than they have, in Comparifon to the dreadful Damnation which attends them. Therefore if the Trial of Believers is not alike, fo neither fhall the Refurrection of the Dead be alike. And in this we have great Comfort, that all Be- lievers will rife at the laft Day ; of which Paul rea- ioning, faith, If the Dead rife not, then is not Chrift I5* rifen, then is our preaching vain, and we are found falfe Witneffes of God. The Manner of our Refur- . reclion we may read in the 37 Chap, of Ezekiel, I9' How that we ihall rife with Flelh and Bones. And job alfo faith, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and will hereafter raife me up out of the Earth, and that I fhall be covered with my Skin, and in my own Flelh, fee God ; likewife the Prophet Ifaiah faith, that the Earth and the Sea ihall give up the Dead which have, ilept in them, for Chrift is the Refur- rec~tion, the Firft of them that flept. But you muft not be ignorant concerning them which are afleep, that ye forrow not even as others, which have no 1. Tbtfs. 4. Hope. For if we believe that Jefus died and rofe *3 • ^ 17. again, even fo thofe alfo which fleep in Jefus, will God bring with him, tor this we fay as a true Word of God ; That we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, Ihall not prevent them which are afleep, for the Lord himfelf, ihall defcend from Heaven with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangel, and with the Tramp of God, and the 1. Co. Chrilt is our iieruge and Lite internal. 139 the Dead in Chrift fliall rife firft ; then we which are alive and remain, fhall be caught up together with them in the Clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air. Where we muft appear before the Judgment Seat *■ Cor. s- and of Chrift : Where every one will receive according l0th' to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Then Chrift will feparate the Sheep from the Goats, and the Sheep will be fet on his right Hand, who fhall hear the delightful Voice, Come ye bleffed, inherit the Kingdom of my Father prepared for you from the Foundation of the World. There we fhall ftand with greater Confidence againftthofe who have diftreffed us : Then we fhall mine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of our Father, there we fhall come to the Hope of an innumerable Company of Angels. There we fhall reign from Eternity to Eternity, Amen. Blefled are they whofe Names are written in the Book of Life The End of the Confolation of the SICK. Tii The Confession of FAITH, Compofed in the Council of Nice, in the Year of our Lord, 325. "E believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Ma- ker of Heaven and Earth, and of all things via- ble and invinble : And in one Lord Jefus Chrift, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father, before all Worlds ; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made, being of one Subftance with the Father, by whom all Things were made : Who for us Men, and for our Salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, and was made Man, and was crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate. He fuf- fered and was buried, and the third Day he rofe again according to the Scriptures, and aicended into Heaven, and fitteth on the right Hand of the Father. And he fliall come again with Glory to judge both the Quick and the Dead : Whofe Kingdom fhall have no End. And in the Holy. Ghoft, who fpake by the Prophets. And one Holy Catholick and Apoftolick Church. I acknowledge one Baptifm for the Remiffion of Sins, And. I look for the Refurre&ion of the Dead, and the Life of the World to come, Amen. The *JV- *A* •*- h(V- «!V. *4V> »A- Wfr- «** S©®ffif3:ffi(iI2Xi^^^ 5SM&? ?J? ^ «)(? Q? ^? 5P Q? ?p w THE CREED, O F Saint ATHANASIUS, Bishop of ALEXANDRIA, Written in the Year of our Lord, 333. 1. VT 7HOSOEVER, will be faved, before all Things it is VV neceflary that he hold the Catholick faith. 2. Which Faith except every one do keep whole and unde- nted, without Doubt he fhall perifh everlaftingly. 3. The Catholick Faith is this, that we worihip one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity. 4. Neither confounding the Perfons, Nor dividing the Subftance. 5. For there is one Perfon of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghoft. 6. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft is all one ; the Glory equal, the Majcfty co-eter- nal. 7. Such as the Father is, fuch is the Son, andfuch is the Holy Ghoft. 3. The Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Holy Ghoft uncreated. 9. The 142 The CREED. 9. The Father incomprehenfible, the Son incomprehenfi- ble, and the Holy Ghoft incomprehenfible. 1 o . The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Ghoft eternal. 1 1 . And yet they are not three Eternals : but one Eternal. 12. As alio there are not three Incomprehenfibles, nor three Uncreated, but one Uncreated, and one Incomprehen- fible. 13. So likewife the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Ghoft almighty. 14. And yet they are not three Almighties, but one Almighty. 15. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghoft is God. 16. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. 17. So likewife the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghoft, Lord. 18. And yet not three Lords, but one Lord. 19. For like as we are compelled by the Chriftian Truth, to acknowledge every Perfon by himfelf to be God and Lord. 20. So are we forbidden by the Catholick Faith, to fay, there be three Gods, or three Lords. 2 1 . The Father is made of none, neither created nor be- gotten. 22. The Son is of the Father alone, not made, nor created, but begotten. 23. The Holy Ghoft is of the Father, and of the Son, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. 24. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons ; one Holy Ghoft, not three Holy Ghofts. 25. And in this Trinity, there is notFirft or Laft, not grea- ter nor lefs. 26. But the whole three Perfons are co- eternal together, and co-equal. 27. So that in all Things, as it is aforefaid, the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped. 28. He therefore that will be laved, muft thus think of the Trinity. 29. Furthermore it is nccefTary to evcrlafting Salvation, that he alfo believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 30. For The C R E E D. M3 30. For the right Faith, is that we believe and confefs, that our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Scnof God, is God and Man. 31. God of the Subftance of the Father, begotten before the World ; and Man of the Subftance of his Mother, born in Time. 32. Perfect God, and perfect Man, having a reafonable Soul' and a human Body. 33. Equal to the Father according to his Godhead : And inferior to the Father as to his Manhood. 34. Who altho' he be God and Man, yet he is not two but one Chrift. 35. One, not by Converfion of the Godhead into Flefh, but by taking of the Manhood into God. 36. He is not one by Mixture of Subftance, but by Unity of Perfon. 37. For as the reafonable Soul, and Flefh is one Man ; fo God and Man is one Chrift. 38. Who fuffered for our Salvation, defcended into Hell, role again the third Day from the Dead. 39. He afcended into Heaven, fits at the right Hand o£ God the Father Almighty. 40. From whence he mall come to judge the Quick and the Dead. 41. At whofe Coming, all Men fhall rife again with their Bodies. 42. And fhall give Account for their own Works. 43. And they that have done Good, fhall go into Life everlafting; and they that have done Evil, into everlafting Fire. 44. This is the Catholick Faith, which, except a Man be* lieve faithfully, he cannot be fayed. FINIS, TABLE of CONTENTS. THE Catechifm. The Compendium of the Chriflian Religion. ------- The Confefllon of Faith. A Prayer on the Lord's Day before Sermon. A Prayer- * — after Sermon. - A Prayer before the Explanation of the page. 3> 4> 5> &c- 41 n 74 78 78 19 19 80 81 Catechifm A Prayer after the Explanation. - * A Prayer before Sermon in the Week. A Prayer after it. ------ - Morning Prayer. 7 Evening Prayer. 3 A Prayer at opening the Confiflory - - A Prayer at the Clofe of it. 82 A Prayer at the meeting of the Deacons. 82 Grace before Meat 83 after Meat. 84 84 85 Form of Infant Baptifm. 86 Form of Baptifm of adult Perfons. - - 89 Form of Adminiftration of theLord's Supper. 92 Form of Excommunication. - - - - 104 Form of Re-admifTion of Excommunicated Perfons. 106 Ordination of the Minifters of God's Word. 1 09 Ordination of Elders and Deacons. - - 115 Form of Confirmation of Marriage. - - 120 The Confolation of the Sick. - * - - 127 The Nicene Creed. ------- 140 The Athanafian Creed. 141 A Prayer for Sick and Tempted Perfons. - another. &c. X September X^,. ^ ^, /f- Js~7C 7* \Cv^ .> * /?, 1 z7, *.i/£ £ <^u <--*> ^t^n^j A-i // l^f-ZZ^Jr ■7 / .