LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON. N. J. PRESENTED BY ''^- H^, Hoel LaiTrence McQueel^ Division _ClsD--\ OC> Section...- LS.O \ ^ I i "^Biye.Enqli'sK. 1681. /\u-Hiov\'Ka . T H E OF THE HOLY BIBLE, CONTAISIXG THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS: TRANSLATED OUT OF THE ORIGINAL TONGUES; AND WITH THE FORMER TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED AND REVISED, BY HIS MAJESTY'S SPECIAL COMMAND. WITH Fartous Hcntrciings antr aRcatiings from t!)e l)cst ^utj^ovitics, EDITED BY Rev. T. K. CHEYNE, M.A. ] S. E. DRIVER, M.A. Fellow of Balliol College. I Fellow of Xem Colleije. Rev. R. L. CLARKE, M.A. I ALFRED GOODWIN, M.A, Fellow 0/ Queen's Colk'je. I Fellow of n„Uwl College. Rev. W. SANDAY, D.D. Principal of Bishop Hatfield's Hall, WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE AIDS TO THE STUDENT OF THE HOLY BIBLE. GEORGE EDWARD EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, i^tintcrs to tijc Ouctn's fHost CEicrllrnt fHajcstu. LONDON: GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE, E.G. EDINBURGH: 16. ELDER STREET. NEW YORK: COOPER UNION, FOURTH AVENUE. AutTwrised Version, T S. S. ffinxtcnarg CFOition.J m.dccc.lxxxi. 2Hjc l>^cari'orum ^cadjcr's Biftle. This volume comLines the Beference Bihle "witli our " Variorum Bible or tlie Authorised Version edited with Yarious Eenderings and Eeadings from the hest authorities," and vnih. the "Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible" from our Bible for Bible Teachers. In the Yariorum foot-notes, which distinguish this edition from other reference Bibles, the method of the notes in the margin has been extended until a conspectus of the really tenable oj^inions upon difficult or imperfectly translated passages in the Authorised Yersion — whether due to the incorrectness of the Hebrew or Greek text used, or to inaccurate translation of a text correct in itself — is laid before the English reader. The Authorised Yersion and the chief materials for its revision are thus jDresented at one view, and while comparison is thus made easy, the degree of authority attaching to each of the selected A^arious Eeadings and Eenderings is discriminated and (except where a general consent can be alleged) authenticated by the names of the authorities by which it is supported. So that the Yariorum Bible will be of general and permanent use, even when the "Westminster revision shall have been completed ; for while the revision may be expected to give results only, this work will indicate the places of the Author- ised Yersion in which the important changes are to be found, will give briefly and concisely the authority for the changes adopted, and will call attention to the balanoe of opinion upon disputed points. To the general reader, the Yariorum notes will often render other note or comment needless, and suggest the full meaning of a familiar passage. To the clergyman, the teacher, and even the i3rivate student, who frequently cannot consult an elaborate commentary, this summary of the results of an exten- sive literature will shew at a glance the passages about which no question arises, and an outline of the authorities that sujDport each construction of the passages which are capable of different interpretations. The professed student will find his attention called to the lesser or greater devia- tions from accuracj^, while he is provided with a carefully sifted digest of opinions, and, particularly in the Old Testament, with a more convenient and comj^lete selection of critical data and authorities than is elsewhere accessible. To such a corrected text and translation, the appended volume of Aids to the Bihle Student adds a Concordance, Index of Names and Subjects, historical, chrono- logical and analytical summaries, and a series of original articles by the most eminent writers explanatory and illustrative of the Holy Scriptures. A Glossary of Bible Words, edited with illustrations from English writers contemporary with the Authorised Yersion, by the Eev. J. Eawson Lumby, D.D., is added to this Edition. EYEE AND SPOTTISWOODE. Her Majp:stt's Printing Office, London, E.G., Ju7ie 1 880. [200th Thousand.] AIDS TO THE STUDENT OF THE HOLY BIBLE. CONTENTS. PAOE Preface. Siiiyptementary Contents 1 — i I. MATERIALS FOR BIBLE LESSONS : 1. Introduction : the Bible as a whole— its Divisions and Connections 5 2. Summary and Analysis of each Boos of the Old & New Testament i Rev. STANLEY LEATHES. D.D. Profesgor of Hebrew in King's College, London, Ac, &c. 3. References in the New Testament to the Old, showing their interdependence.. 6i/Xi. W. 15 4. Parables and Miracles in the Old Testament 13 5. Miracles of our Loud 19 6. Parables of our Lord 77ie Editor. 19 7. Prophecies relating- to our Lord :— (1.) Expressly declared in Holy Writ to have been fulfllted 20 (2.) Quoted and applied in the N. T., but not distinctly asserted to have been fulfilled in a particular manner 20 (•A.) Not quoted in the N.T., but wliich we see to have been exactl;/ fulfilled 21 (4.) Prophecies relating to the admission of the Gentiles to the Gospel covenant 21 Eev. t. woodhouse, m.a. 8. Names, Titles, and Characters of our Lord 22 9. Passages relating to the Nature, Office, and AVork of our Lord 22 10. Discourses of our Lord, classified TTie Editor. 22 11. Analysi.s of the Sermon on the Mount 23 12. Notes on the Lord's Prayer Eev. G. S. GRUGGEN, M.A. 24 13. Prayers of our Lord 25 14. Other Prayers in Scripture The Editor. 25 GEOGRAPHY. 15. Description of the Holy Land — Wildernesses of the South — Peninsula of Sinai. Palestine — its Climate.— Geology.— Water System.— Ports and Chief Towns, and Places of Biblical Interest 20 10. Remarkable Mountains* Hills of the Bible.") Arranged geographically, J7. jj Rivers and Lakes „ „ ■> with Bible notices and references 29 The Editor. TIMES and SEASONS, &c. 18. Bible Calendar.— The Divisions of Time, and their Principles. — The Seasons.- The Jewish Months.— The Weather and State of the Country (monthly).— The Jewish Feasts.— The Week, Sabbatical Year, Jubilee, &c.— Divisions of Day and Night. 32 The Editor. 19. Coins, and Measures of the Old and New Te.stament>: 35 F. W. MADDEN i Rev. C. HOLE, M.A. H. PLANTS of the BIBLE SiuJ. D. HOOKER, K.C.S.I., C.B., F.R.S. SS III. ANIMAL CREATION in the BIBLE :— (1.) Mammalia of the Bible *- (2.) Birds of the Bible ** (a.) Reptiles of Scripture *^ (4.) Invertebrate Animals Rev. Canon TRISTRAM, LL D., F.R.S. 46 rV, POETRY of the BIBLE • •■• ^2.) Technical terms connected with Hebrew Poetry and Music in the Psahns (Bible Version). Rev. T. K. CHEYNE. M.A. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. CO^'FTL'NTS— continued. V. MUSIC of the BIBLE :- page (1.) Vocal Music of the Hebrews 51 (2.) Musical Instruments of the Bible 51 ( i. ) String-instruments 51 ( ii. ) Wind-instruments 52 (iii.) Instruments of Percussion 52 (iv.) List of passages in which musical instruments are mentioned in O.T. & N.T. ... 52 J. STAINER, M.A., Mus. Doc, Organist of St. Paul's Cathedral, \I. MONEY and WEIGHTS of the BIBLE F. W. MADDEN, M.R.A.S. 55 Author of History ofJewinh Coinage, &c., dre. VIL ETHXOLOGY of the BIBLE : - Lingids/ic and Geographical Introduction CI (1.) The Patriarchal period 63 (2.) The period of the Davidic empire G4 (3.) The period of the Babylonish captivity G4 (1.) The time of Chiist and His Apostles Eev. A. H. SAYCE, M.A. 65 Queen't College, Oxford. VIII. THE BIBLE and the MONUMENTS ; or the Hebrews in their relations with the Oriental Monarchies of Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Aram (Syria), and Phoenicia. Geographical Introduction ** CI.) Historical and Political relations C6 (2.) Religious relations ""'^ (3.) Commercial relations "■' (4.) Science, Literatui-e, and Art Eev. A. H. SAYCE, M.A. 73 IX. CHEONOLOGT. (1.) Bases of Biblical Chronoloot Eev. S. G. GREEN, D.D. 71 (2.) Chkonological Spmmaet of Bible History, exhibiting the contemporaneous Peksons and Events in non-Jewish countries Eevised by Rev. S. G. GREEN, D.D. 70 fS.) Compendious Chronological Tables : — From the Death of Solomon to SIalachi, exhibiting the Hebrew Kings & Prophets. SI A Table for Reading the Books of the Prophets in their chronological order 81 X. HISTOEY. Historical Epitome, or Chronological arrangement of the Bible: — Part I. The Old Testament 82 „ „ Part II. Between the Testaments, or the Jews under the Persians, Macedonians and Eomans, with an abstract of \ Sit ilaccabces 96 Eev. p. THOMSON, M.A. and Editor. Jewish Sects and Orders 101 Table of the Herodian Family Rev. S. G. GREEN, D.D. 107 Chronological T.vble of Gospel HisyroRY, and a Harmony of the Four Gospels :— ( i. ) Events connected with the Birth and Childhood of our Lord lOS ( ii. ) Announcement and inti-oduction of our Lord's public Ministry lOS (iii.) From the 1st Passover, during our Lord's pubhc Ministry, until the 2nd 108 ( iv. ) From the 2nd Passover until the 3rd ^^S ( v. ) From the Srd Passover until our Lord arrives at Bethany, 6 days before— lO'J C%-i. ) the Last Passover Week HO (vii.) Our Lord's Rcstirrection, His subsequent Appearances and Ascension Ill, (^Bevised) Eev. E. ROBINSON, D.D. Historical Epitome, Part III. Apostolic History, 112 Exhibiting the Travels and Epistles of St. Paul. Rev. P. THOMSON, M.A. ami Editor. A Table to find each Psalm by its First Line HC XL GLOSSARY of BIBLE WORDS Rev. J. R. LUMBY, D.D. XII. SYMBOLICAL LANGUAGE of SCRIPTURE ByS.G. SIII. DICTIONARY of PROPER NAMES, with their MEANINGS and a REVISED PRONUNCIATION Rev. T. K. CHEYNE, M.A. XIV. INDEX to the PERSONS, PLACES, and SUBJECTS of the BIBLE ( refs.) XV. CONCORDANCE of BIBLE WORDS with their context — {ahovn references). XVI. C0p21l'isT)t iI5lajp^ (C), double page, prom recent Surveys, 3EntlC)rcl(, ok a kew plan. PEEFACE. rriHE object of the notes iu the present edition of the Bible is to put the reader in possession of the -*- main facts relative to the text of the Authorised Version. They arc desij,Ticd not merely to correct some of the more important mistranslations, but to supply the means of estimating the authority by which the proposed corrections are supported. Tlicy appeal at once to the ordinary Bible reader, whose chief difficulties they endeavour to meet, and to tlie special or professional student, who will find, it is hoped, particularly in the Old Testament, a more careful selection of critical data and authorities than is elsewhere accessible. It is this two-fold chai-acter which constitutes the special feature of the present work, and distinguishes it from the larger revision now in progress at West- minster. The editors of the Old Testament particularly desire that the two undertakings may be understood to be quite independent. Although they have for some time past taken part in the laro'er revision, they have been carefiU to keep the two works distinct ; indeed, they had practically finished much, if not most, of their preparation for this volume before becoming members of the Company of Kevisers. The notes range themselves under two heads, Variations of Bender ing, and Variations of Reading The former are those cases where the Authorised Version has been thought not to represent the orif^lnal fairly— these are indicated hy figures consecutive through the chapter as reference-marks ; the latter, where the text which the Authorised Version translates has been supposed to be either incorrect or doubtful— these are specified by the earlier letters of the Greek alphabet in each verse. The refer- ence-marks arc placed before and (as a rule) after the words of the text that are referred to ; the names of authorities immediately after the words in whose support they are quoted. No new rendcrino- is in- troduced on the private authority of the editors. We must, however, except a few of the notes on pas- sages where the Authorised Version is not strictly accurate in representing grammatical forms, or not literal in rendering the language of the original. But as a rule, if a Various Eendering has no name appended to it, it is to be imderstood that it has the general verdict of scholars in its favour. With regard to the English of the notes, it has been the endeavour of the editors to keep it as far as possible iu harmony with that of our present Bible. An exception must, of course, be made in the case of matter introduced as paraphrase or explanation, where the language of the Authorised Version has become antiquated, or where (especially in the Kew Testament) it has seemed liable to be misunder- stood. Completeness in the explanation of archaisms has, however, not been aimed at. It should likewise be mentioned that, where several authorities substantially agree, the editors have ventured to combine them by selecting some one English word which seemed fairly to express their meaning. (1) With regard to the Various Kenderings, it was obviously necessary to limit them to those (or some of those) which appeared sensibly to affect the meaning. A very slight change in the English has sometimes been found sufficient. Where, for instance, the thought, or the colouring of the thought, was perceptibly modified by the presence or absence of the definite article, or where the distinctions of tenses seemed of great importance to the sense or consecutiveness of a passage, such points have been noticed. But alterations in these respects have not been made in the interest of mere gi-ammatical accuracy. A great source of obscurity in the Authorised Version is the use of different English words for one word of the original, even in the same context. In such cases, one uniform rendering has frequently been adopted, with the result, not merely of clearing up the context, but of suggesting an unexpected parallelism between different parts of the Bible. (2) With regard to the Various Keadings, it is necessary to remind the reader that the text from which the Authorised Version of the New Testament is translated is substantially identical with that of the first edition of the Greek text published by Erasmus in 1510, an edition Ijascd upon not pwrc than five MSS., and those chosen almost at random without any regard to tlicir intrinsic value. The discovery of some of the most ancient and valuable MSS. of the New Testament, and the syste- matic use of others, both ancient and valuable, which, though known in Western Europe in the 16th century, were scarcely used, and, in general, a more comprehensive study of MSS. and ancient Versions, has shewn that this " Received Text," as it is called, labours under manifold corruptions. Most students will probably allow the superior authority of Lachmann, and (especially) of his successors Tischendorf, Trcgelles, and AVcstcott and Uort, and accept the judgment of these editors, where they agree, as decisive. The Hebrew text of the Old Testament stands upon a somewhat different footing. The form iji which it appea7-s in the printed Bibles is that in which it has been fixed by the Jews themselves for centuries. But a close examination reveals the fact that, jealously guarded as it thus has been, there must have been an earlier period in its transmission, during which errors and alterations crept iii. The existence of such errors may bo easily shewn, without passing beyond the limits of the Hebrew text itself, by a comparison of the corresponding chapters in the Books of Samuel and Kings on the ^iii PREFACE. one hand, and in the Chronicles on the other. Of the MSS. which have as yet been examined, but lew date' back as far as the 10th century A.D., and these few contain only portions of the Bible. But the ancient Versions at once can-y us back to a period fi-om 500 to 1000 years anterior to this : they thus reflect, with more or less exactness, a text far older than that represented by the earliest Hebrew MSS Certainly to classify and account for ni? the divercrcnces which they exhibit is a problem of extreme complexity, and perhaps insoluble : but, if used with tact and sobriety, the ancient Versions afford invaluable aid in restoring order and sequence where the Hebrew, as we possess it, appears involved in much confusion. Cases, however, occur in which a suspicion of corruption attaches to the text, which even a comparison of the Versions does not avail to remove. Here, then, nothing- remains but to make a temperate use of critical emendation. However reluctant we may be to admit the principle of conjecture, an exceptional application of it is justified in the case of the Old Testament (1) by the long interval which elapsed between the composition of most of the books and the earliest date to which we can trace them, and (2) by the nature of the Hebrew characters, which, in every phase through which the alphabet has passed, are very liable to be confounded. Purely arbitrary emendations are, of course, inadmissible ; but there are many passages which become at once intelligible on a slight alteration in the form of one or two of the letters. Changes of the vowel-points are also occasionally of service, but these do not in the same sense fall under the head of conjecture, for the vowel-points merely represent a valuable, but still post-Christian, exegetical tradition. The editors of the New Testament have been permitted (and they desire to record their grateful sense of the kindness) to collate throughout the edition of the Greek Testament, as yet unpublished, by Canon Wcstcott and the Kev. Dr. Hort. It is the result of more than twenty years' labour, dui-ing which the whole mass of evidence has been carefully sifted and weighed upon principles determined by an independent study of the authorities, their relation to one another, and the history of the transmission of the text. The opportunity of the present re-issue of the work as a reference Bible has been taken to make some additions and corrections : especially in the New Testament portion, in which the editors have been helped by several criticisms, public and private ; their acknowledgments are especiaUy due to Mr. S. Bloxsidgc, formerly of Exeter College, Oxford. The Various Ecadings of the Greek text have been still more^ca'rcf uUy examined, and it is hoped that few variations of importance wUl have escaped notice. Some additional MSS. have been quoted —notably H, which is of so much importance for the lirst part of St. Luke, and, to a greater extent than before, Z in St. Matthew. The readings of the principal Versions have been sparingly introduced, and also in some cases those of the most eminent Fathers. Among modern authorities, collations have been made of the text of 3IcClellan for the four Gospels, and of "Weiss for the first three ; also of the text of AVestcott and Hort for Acts to Revelation. Accoimt has also been taken of the readings of Lightfoot and Ellicott on the Epistles upon which they have commented. As Dr. M'Clellan, and in a qualified sense Bishop Ellicott, represent different principles of criticism fi'om those now generally in the ascendant, adiUtional confidence may be felt where they are in agreement with the other editors. It should be remem- bered also that the text of Tregelles for the Gospels, and that of Lachmauu for the whole of the New Testament, was formed before the discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus, so that the balance of evidence since their time has been somewhat altered. For the Various Renderings, the following have also been collated : Mt'Clellan on the Go.spcls, Vau"-han, Riickert, and Van Hengel on Romans, Lightfoot on Galatians, Van Hengel on Philippians, MouTton on Hebrews, and Jelf on 1 St. John. Tlie editors were also fortunate enough to be able to introduce at the last moment a collation of Dr. Westcott on the Gospel of St. John. Canon Farrai-'s St Luke, which they would gladly have included, appeared too late. By the method of notation adopted, the number of passages in each chapter for which new readings or new translations are proposed, as well as their places, can be readily ascertained without reading through the text. It only remains to invite the reader's careful attention to the pages in which the abbreviations and other points of detail are explained. T. K. CHEYNE, , ^.fKors of the S. K. DRIVER, ( Old Testament. •"""''''• R.L.CLARKE, , ^., ^,, AL^'l^^:^ GOODWIN, ft'S«,!^«^ \\ . b AJi DA I , ) LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS. I.— OLD TESTAMENT. 1. NAMES OF COMMENTATORS. yli?.— Aben Ezra, Rabbi (dierl nbont 1175). .-; ir.— Abu'l WaUd, Jewish lexicographer (born 985). Btick \ — Bachinanu, Dr. J. i?a.-Bahr, Dr. K. O. 'died 1874). i?e.— Bertheaii, Dr. Ernst. B;.— Bleek, Dr. Friedrich (died 1859). Boch |-Bochart, Samuel (died 1GG7). Bo.— Bbttcher, Dr. J. F. (died 1863). Ca.— Caspari, Dr. C. P. Ca.— Cheyne, Rev. T. K. e?.— Clark, Rev. Samuel (died 1875). Da.— Daridson, Eev. Dr. A. B. De.— Delitzsch, Dr. Franz. De IF.— De Wette, Dr. W. M. L. (died 1849). Di.— Dillmann, Dr. August. £io.— Ewald, Dr. Heinrich (died 1875). Fl. — Fleischer, Dr. H. L. (quoted from DelitzscW. Ge.-Gesenius, Dr. W. (died 18 ti). G(?i.— Geiger, Dr. Abraham (died 1875). Gi.— Ginsburg, Rev. Dr. C. D. Gr.— Gratz, Dr. H. iTa.- Havemick, Dr. H. A. C. (died 1845). ife.— Hengstenberg, Dr. E. W. (died 1871). ifcr.— Herzfeld, Dr. L. ffi.— Hitzig, Dr. F. (died 1875). f°^^;-^j-Houbigant, C. F. (died 1783). ifit.— iiupfeld, Dr. H. (died 1865), J«?r.— Jerome, St. (died 420). A'(«.— Kalisch, Dr. M. M. A'(imp.— Kamphau.sen, Dr. A. H. H. iYe.— Keil, Dr. C. F. if. Onk. — The Chaldee (rather, West Aramaic) Targnm or translation of the Pentateuch, ascribed to Onkelos. Thrown into its present form about end of third century A.D. on the basis of a ancient Palestinian Targum, by learned men at Babylon. Very literal, except in poetical pas- sages. PesA.— The Pcshito, i.e. 'simple' or faithful; a Sy- riac (rather. East Aramaic) version, made for Cliristian readers from the Hebrew, though in- fluenced frequently by Jewish exegesis, and in parts (e.g. in the Psalms) by the Septuagint. Date, about middle of second century. Saarf.— Rabbi Saadyah Gaon (died 942 A. D.). Arabic translation of Pentateuch and Isaiah. SuTO.— The Hebrew Pentateuch as read by the Sama- ritans. In character, its text agrees with that used by the Septuagint. Sept.—'Vh.a Septuagint. An aggregate of Greek trans- lations made in Egypt by Hellenistic Jews. The oldest and best is that of the Pentateuch (third centiiry B.C.) ; the latest, those of the Hngio- grapha (mostly finished before 130 B.C.). More valuable for criticism of the text than for inter- pretation. Si/mm.- Symmachua, probably a Hellenistic Jew. Date, close of second century A.D. More elegant in style than Aquila; fragmentary. Tan/ —Various Targums, or Chaldee versions, par- ticularly that of the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and the prophets, ascribed to Jonathan ben Uzzicl. Thrown into its present form in Babylon— probably some time after the Targum of the Pentateuch (see ' Onk.'X In style, paraphrastic. The Targums of the other books are cf late and uncertain date, and of inferior value. Targ. ./er««.— The Jerusalem Targum of the Penta- teuch. Extant in two recensions ; the one entire, and sometimes called pseudo-.Ionathun ; the other fragmentary. Second half of seventh century A.D. ABBREVIATIONS, etc. Theod. —Theodotiow, a Jewish proselyte of Ephesvis. His Greek version of Daniel was (according to a common opinion) substituted by the Christians for that given by the Septna^nt, as being more accurate. The rest of his translation (which seems to have been based on the Septuagint) is only extant in the fragments of, Origen's Hexapla. Date, shortly after Aquila. VaZg. — The Vulgate, or Latin translation of the Bible by St. Jerome. The Old Testament was done in the main from the Hebrew; date of its comple- tion, 405 A.D. KoTE 1. Notes of the form Vn7ff. (MSS.), Sept. {cod. Al.), mean that the reading or rendering is not found in the ordinary texts of the Vulgate or Sep- tuagint, but is supported by particular MSS., or by the MS. cited. The abbreviation MSS. is sometimes used to indicate a small number of MSS. 2. (On notes of the form Heb. marg.) There is a . certain number of places in the Old Testament in which Jewish tradition itself has introduced what may be termed an "authorised correction" of the I text, noting the alteration in the margin, and direct- ; ing the reader to substitute it for what he finds in the text. These marginal corrections are found in all MSS. and Hebrew Bibles. They are by no means always critically preferable ; sometimes they merely attempt to obviate an unusual, but quite defensible, grammatical form. 3. When (/.) is appended to a Various Reading. it means that the proposed correction differs from the ordinary reading only in the form of one or two letters, which may have been mistaken by the scribe. On the contrarj', (/;<.) or {pis.) signifies that the cor- rection does not differ in the letters, but only in one or more of the vowel-points attached to them. 4. The readings of the Hebrew MSS. are as a rule cited from De's Variae Leetionen Veteris Tenta- menti (Parma, 17St— 1788j, and his Scholia Critica (Parma, 17'J») ; those of the St. Petersburg MSS., which are among the oldest and most valuable, from the statements of Drs. Neubaner and Chwolson. 5. The Septuagint is cited, except where stated otherwise, from Tischendorf's edition, the Peshito from that of Dr. Lee, the Targiims from Walton, Lagarde, and Wilkins, the Vulgate partly from Heyse's edition of the Codex Amiatinus, partly from the Clementine text, and Aq. Symm. Theod. from Dr. Field's Oxford edition of the Hexapla. IL— KEW TESTAMENT. AUTHORITIES CITED FOR VARIOUS RE^-DERINGS AND READIXGS. 1. NAMES OF MODERN COMMENTATORS. .42.— Alford, Very Kpv. Dr. H. (died 1S70). Balk, Dr. F. Cli. (died ISGO). Beet, Rev. J. A. Be.— Bengel, Dr. J. A. (flied 1752). Bentley, Dr. R. (died 17t2.) SZ.— Bleek, Dr. Friedrich (died 1859). Bou. — Bouman, Dr. H. Briickner, Dr. B. £«.— Buttmann, Dr. Alexander. Calvin, John (died 1564). Co.— Conybeare, Rev. W. J. (died 1875), and ] Very Rev. Dr. J. S. Z>a.— Davidson, Rev. Dr. Samuel. OeZ.- Delitzsoh, Dr. Franz. De W.- De Wette, Dr. W. M. L. (died 1849). Dm.— Diisterdieck, Dr. Friedrich. £6.— Ebrard, Dr. J. H. A. m. or .BH.— Ellicott, Right Rev. Dr. C. J. Erasmus, Desiderius (died 15:iO). Ew.— Ewald, Dr. Heinrich (died 1875). Farrar, Rev. Dr. F. W. Frj.— Fritz.sche, Dr. C. F. A. Grimm, Dr. C. L. W. Ha.— Harless, Dr. J. C. A. von. Heinrich, Dr. J. H. Hitzig, Dr. F. (died 187.5). Wo.— Holtzmann, Dr. J. II. i/M.— Huther, Dr. J. E. Je.-3m, Rev. W. E. (died 1875.) Jo. — Jowett, Rev. B. A'e.— Kern, Dr. F. H. inn.- Lange, Dr. J. P. £;.— Lightfoot, Right Rev. Dr. J. B. £tt.— Liinemann, Dr. G. Luther, Martin (died 1546). Mack, Dr. Martin. il/c;.— McClellan, Rev. J. B. il/e.— Meyer, Dr. H. A. W. (died 1S73). 3roK. —Moulton, Rev. Dr. W. F. 01. or 0?x.— OlshauKsen, Dr. Hermann (died 1S30). Renan, M. Ernest. Reuss, Dr. E. /:».— Ruckert, Dr. L. J. (died 1871). Sf.— Stier, Dr. Rudoliih (died 1S(;2>. «/«.- Stanley, Very Rev. Dr. A. P. 27<9.— Tholuck, Dr. August fdied 1877). Trench, Most Rev. Dr. R. C. Fa.— Vaughan, Very Rev. Dr. C. J. Fff.— Van Hengel, Dr. W. A. (died 1870.) IF.— Westcott, Rev. Dr. B. F. Wetstein, Dr. J. J. (died 17.'>4). TTi.— Winer, Dr. G. B. (died 1858). JF/e.— Wiesinger, Dr. A. TFo.— Wordsworth. Bight Rev. Dr. Chr. Zii.— Ziillig, Dr. F. J. 2. NAMES OF ANCIENT COMMENTATORS OCCASIONALLY QUOTED. .4«3.— Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 305- (."SO. Ba^.— Basil. Bishop of Cfcsaroa in Cappadocia, 370 — 370. CAri^s.— Chrysostom, of Constantinople, 307 —407. Clem, /l/cr.— Clement of AL •- i:i':n;i, nourished lOt. CV/pr.— Cyprian, Bishop ot' < • i ' ^ '2.')8. B!/«.— Ensebins, Bishop of ( . m : :;:;8. ?H?.— Hilary, Bishop of 1'.,;^ 'I . . ;„.i ,7. ffipp.— Hippolytus, Bishop ot I'ortii,^, -M. /rcn.— Irenseus, Bishop of Lyons, 178. ,7er.— Jerome, flourished 878—420. Ojv'/.- Origen (died 254). Or/fr'"'.— The same as represented by an ancient Latin translation. Tcrf.— TertulUan, flourished 200—220. Tlie-^ti. .Vo;)».— Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia,Sn9— 428. Theoil. (in 1 Timothy— Titua) — Theodoret, Bishop of CjTUS (died 457). S. VERSIONS. Latin. Ot.— The Old Latin Triinslation, made in the 2nd century A.D.. nnd existing in various forms; the oldest "MSS. boldiig to tho 4th and .5th centuries. Vuln.—T'hc Old Latin as revised bv Jerome ^-ith the help of Greek MSS., A.D. 383—5; the oldest MSS. are of tho fith century. Sjiriac. Cur.— Tho Curetonian Syriac. Probably an old form of the Syiiac Version made in the 2nd century ; considerable fragments exist in a MS. of the 5th century. Si/rfac— (continued"!. Pes//.— The Peshito Syriac. Apparently a revised form of tho above ; its oldest MS. is of the 6th cen- tho tury. T:piiptian. Memph.—Tho Memphific Version. In tho dialect of Lower Egypt; made not later than the Srd century. 37if6.— The Thebaic Version. In tho dinleet of, Up- per Egypt; about the same date as tho Mem- pliitic ; some MSS. as early as the 4th century. .ABBREVIATIO>'S, etc. 4, MANUSCRIPTS. Note. — In the citation of the MSS., and the several handwritings in them, Tischendorf's notation has been followed. The citations of MSS. have been taken from the editions of Tischendorf, Tregelle.s, and Alfcrd ; usually the first : the accounts of the MSS., from Tischendorf and Scrivener. « (i.e. Aleph, first letter of Hebrew alphabet). Co- des Sinaiticus, now at St. Petersburg; discovered by Tischendorf in 185U in the Convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. Contains a large part of the Septuagint and the whole New Tes- tament. Written, in Tischendorf's judgment, about the middle of the 4th century A.D., pro- bably at Alexandria. Corrected in some places by later hands, K", of the 4tli century, X*, about the Gth century, S^" or iV", early in the 7th cen- tury, W'' of the 7th century. The first hand is denoted by H or M*. (See note below). A Codex Alesandrinus, in the British Museum ; presented to Charles I. in 1G2S by CyrU Lucar, Patriarch first of Alexandria, then of Constanti- nople. Contains the Septuagint almost complete, the whole New Testament, except St. Matthew i.— X.XV. 6, and St. John vi. 50— viii. 52. Date (first hand denoted by A or A*) middle of the 5th century or earlier, corrected in a few places by later hnnds (A^ and A^*) ; corrections which may probably have been made by the original scribe himself, are denoted by A**. May have been written at Alexandria, but " it e.xhibits, especially in the Gospels, a text more nearly approaching that found in later copies than is found in most of its high axiticimty ."—Serivener. B Codex Vaticanus, in the Vatican Library at Rome. Contains nearly all the Septuagint and all the New Testament except Hebrews ix. 14 to end, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Revelation ; these are found in it indeed, but supplied by a late hand, probably of the loth cetitury. First hand (B or B*) of the 4th century, probably Alex- andrine ; Tischendorf thinks that the copj-ist who wrote out this MS. was one of the two scribes who produced the original Sinaitic MS. of the New Testament. Corrected in some places by later hands B^ of the 4th or 5th centui-y, B^ of the 10th or 11th century. B (Revelation). Also in the Vatican. Contains Revelation. About 800 A.D. C Codex Ephraemi SjtI Rescriptus. So called be- cause certain tracts by St. Ephraem the Syrian had been copied upon it above the old writing. Now in the National Library at Paris. Muti- lated, containing about half the New Testament, no single book being entire. First hand (C or C*) of the .ith century, Alexandrine, or at least Egj-ptian, Tischendorf thinks ; later hands, C^ of the 0th centmy, apparently Syrian or Egyp- tian, C^ of 9th century, Constantiuopolitan. B (Gospels and Acts). Codex Bezas. In the Uni- versity Library at Cambridge ; presented to the P University in 1581 by Theodore Beza. Contains the Gospels and Acts in Greek and Latin, ex- cept a few chapters. The first hand (D or D*) of A the 6th century. Some of the missing portions are suppUed, " perhaps from the original leaves," by a hand of about the 10th century (D'"Pi'') Greek of Alexandria, Tischendorf thinks ; meant for the use of a Latin Church. Corrected by later hands, both Greek, D' of the 7th century, D"^ early in the 9th. (Gospels). Codex Basileensis, in the Public Li- brary at Basle, apparently brought thither from Constantinople. Contains the Gospels, except a few verses of St. Luke. 8th century. (Acts). Codex Laudianus, now at Oxford ; pre- sented to the University by Archbishop Laud in 1636. Contains the Acts in Greek and Latin, except about two chapters. Date, about 600 A.D. Apparently written in Sardinia, for use in a Latin church. (Epistles). Codex Sangermanensis, now at St. Petersburg. An inexact copy of D Claromonta- nus. 9th century. (Epistles). Codex Augiensis ; in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Contains the Paul- ine Epistles, in Greek and Latin, except a few passages ; the Greek text of the Epistle to the Hebrews is also missing. 9th century. (Epistles). Codex Boernerianus ; in the Royal Library at Dresden. Contains the Pauline Epis- tles, except the Hebrews, with some omissions. It has much resemblance to Codex Augiensis, F., and Scrivener beUeves that both were copied from one MS. some centuries older than either. Date, late in the 9th century. (Gospels). Codex Andr. Seidelii, now at Hamburg. Contains the Gospels, with many omissions. 9th or 10th century. (Acts). Codex Mutinensis ; at Modena. Contains part of the Acts. 9th century. (Epistles). Codex CoisUnianus Parisiensis. Part now at Paris, part at St. Petersburg. Contains fragments of five of the Pauline Epistles. Cth centm-y. (Gospels); Codex Cyprins Parisiensis. la the National Library at Paris. Contains the Gospels. 9th century. (Epistles). Codex Mosquensis. At Moscow. Con- tains the Epistles, except about 12 chapters. 9th century. (Gospels). Codex Parisiensis Regius. In the Na- tional Library at Paris. Contains the Gospels, except a few passages. 8th century. Has " a strong resemblance to Codex B ; abounds in what are termed Alexandrian forms beyond any other copy of its AsXe."— Scrivener. (Acts and Epistles). Codex Angelicus Romanus, belonging ti) the Augustinian monks at Rome. Contains Acts from viii. 10, and Epistles, except ' a few verses. Of 9th century. Codex Pahmpsestus Dublinensis. In Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Passages of Chrysostom and Epiphanius written over the old writing, in a hand of the 10th century or later. Contains part of St. Matthew. 6th century. {i.e. Gamma). Part at Oxford, part at St. Peters- burg. Contains the Gospels nearly entire. 9th century. {i.e. Delta) Codex Sangallensis. In the Monastery of St. Gall in N.E. Switzerland. Contains the Gospels, except part of St. John. "Written by Latin (most probably by Irish^ monks in the west of Europe during the 9th century."— Sc»-u-eKer. u' • . Xii. Coilfx Zacynthius. In the Library of the liriti-h and Foreign Bible Society, London. Con- talu^i cuusulorable portions of St. Luke. Like Z, a palimp^st, the original hand being probably of the Sth century. D (Epistles). Codex Claromontanns. In the Na- tional Library at Paris. Contains the Epistles of St. Paul in Greek and Latin. Written (D or D*) in the Cth century in North Africa by a References of the forms N*, B*, C*, *c., arc used to denote the original reading of the MSS. N, B, C, &c., in cases where a later hand has introduced an alteration. In passages which have not been touched by the later hands the first hand is denoted by N, B, C, &c., simply. B'"", C""^"', and the like, are sometimes used to denote one or more of the correctors, or later hands, of the MS. in quustiou, where it has not been thought worth while to distinguish these hands from one another. C»* {i.e. C, nt videtur) and the like, denote that the editor from whom the citation is taken is not quite sure that he has rightly read the passage in question in the particular MS. ABBREVIATIONS, etc. 5. CRITICAI/ EDITIONS OF THE TEXT. Al.—Aliori, Very Rev. Dr. H. (died 1870). The Greek Testament, with a critically revised text, and a critical and exegetical commentary. 8rd— 5th edi- tion, 4 vols., Ijondon, 1865, &c. El — Ellicott, Right Rev. Dr. C. J. Minor Epistles of St. Panl (Galatians— Philemon). London, 1S.')4, &c. ia.— Lachmann, Dr. C. (died 1851). The New Testa- ment in Greek and Latin, according to the re- cension of C. Lachmann. 2 vols., Berlin, 1842— 1,1.— Lightfoot, Right Rev. Dr. J. B. Select Epistles of St. Paul (Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, Phi- lemon). London, 1865, &c. J/<;7.— M<--Clellan, Rev. J. B. The New Testament, &c., vol. 1. The Four Gospels. London, 1875. Scr.Scrivener, Rev. Dr. F. H. A plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament. Cam- bridge, 1874, 2d edition. _ _ t;.— Tischendorf, Dr. Const, von (died 1874). Greek New Testament, 8th critical edition. Leipzig, Tr.— Tregelles, Dr. S. P. (died 187.5). The Greek New Testament edited from ancient authorities, with the Latin version of Jerome from the Codex Amiatinus. London, 1857—1871. jjr^ —Weiss, Dr. B. The Gospel of St. Mark. Berlin, 1872. The Gospel of St. Matthew, Halle, l,s7(;. Also in Meyer's Commentary, St. Mark and St. Luke, Gth edition. jp^._-\Vestcott, Rev. Dr. B. F., and Hort, Rev. Dr. F. J. A. The New Testament in the Original Greek. (Not published.) „ ,, , Edd.—Tbi^ abbreviation = (St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke) La. Ti. T>: Mrl. We. WH. = (St. John) La. Ti. Tr. Mel. WH. = (Acts— 2 Corinthians) La. Tl.JTr. WH. Edd.= (Galatians, Philippians, Colossiana, Philemon) La. Ti. Tr. El. Li. WH. = Ephesians, 1 Thessalonians- Titus) La. Ti. Tr. El. WH. = (Hebrews— Revelation) La. Ti. Tr. WH. Note.— There are many passages in which a critical editor does not satisfy himself that one of two rival readings is confidently to be preferred to the other, the evidence being divided. In such cases a figure (1,2) has been appended to the name of Uie editor in question ; the former showing that the reading is judg- ed on the whole the more prob.ibly correct by the editor, the latter that it is judged the le.-s probable by him. It should be said, however, that the preference thus in- dicated IS in some cases more decided than in others. The edition of the Gospels by Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort contains a special sjTnbol ([[ ]]), to mark particular passages which these editors believe not to have formed part of the original text of the Gos- pels, but to be early additions, usually of Western origin, and thus to have been founded in some cases upon a genuine tradition. This symbol has been reproduced here. It may be well to give an example of the notation adopted. The note upon St. Liike ix. 54 ("even as Elias did") runs thus: "So AC D, yi;i. La. Tr'. [[PF//.]] ; omit N B, Ti. Tr^." This im- plies that the words, "even as did," are found in the MSS. A C D ; not found in N B ; that they are accepted as part of the Gospel by Laclmiaun; re- jected by Tischendorf; that Tregelles, with some hesitation, rejects them from the text ; Alford, with some hesitation, accepts them ; that Westcott and Hort believe them not to have been found in the original Gospel of St. Luke, but to have been added, probably as early as the 2nd century. The names of the scholars who support the Authorised Version in a passage are introduced by the word 'So' at the beginning of the note upon the passage. 'Omit' followed by the name of a critic, denotes that the editor in question judges that the words referred to did not form part of the original text of the Bible. These words, ' So,' ' Omit,' and in general explanatory words, are printed in italics ; those which are given as substitutes or alternatives tor something in the text, are printed in Roman type. Jlenderinps are indicated by consecutive flpures throughout a chapter as reference-marks. Readings are specified by the early letters of the Greek alphabet ((3 y 6 f). These reference-marks are so arranged that they may be worked forward or backwards, i.e., from the text to the footnotes, or from the footnote* to the text. TO Tm: MOST UIGE AND JIIGHTY PRES'CE JAMES, nr THE GRACE OF GOD, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH. &c. The Translators of the Bible wish Grace, Mercy, and Peace, through JESUS CIIRISr our Lord. Q.nEAT and manifold were the blcssinprs, most dread Povereicm, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when first he sent Your Majesty's Royal Person to rule and reifm over us. For whereas it was the expectation of many, who wished not well unto our Sinn, that upon the setting of that brisht OrcidrntaJ Star, Queen F.hzabrth of most Iiappy memory, some thick and palpable clouds of darkness would so hare overshadowed this Land, that men should h.ave been in doubt which way they were to walk ; and that it should hardly be kno-svn, who was to direct the unsettled State; the appearance of Your Majesty, as of the 5! us. ToNi-, lege; tolle, lege; Tak(! up ;iiid read, tnki- up and read the Scriptures, (for unto I hem was tht' direc- tion,) it was said unto St. Aiigiixtinc hv a suiicr- natural voice. Whatsoever is in the Scriptnrr^. believe »ne, saith the same St. Anf/iislinr. is hit/h and divine; there, is rcrili/ truth, nml a i/aclriiic most /it for th". rrl-n.^luN'/'diid r,„<'iriiir/ (>r iiicii-s mim/.-i.inid Ini/i/ .v.. trnipn:,!. Unit mr,/ onr ma,/ dniw /'nnii /!i,ii,;' /In,/ ,r!nrli i.-< snilirifiit /or liiiii . if he com<>. to draw wi/l, a denatt and pious mind, as true religion rct/nirc/h. Thus St. Augustine. And St. Uierome, Ama Scriptnras, ei amabit te sapienfia, &c. Love the Scriptures, and wisdom will love • thee. And St. Cyrill against Julian, Even boys that are bred up in the Scriptures become most religious, &c. But what mention we three or four uses of the Scripture, whereas what- soever is to be believed, or practised, or hoped for, is contained in them ? or three or four sentences of the Fathers, since whosoever is worthy the name of a Father, from Christ's time downward, hath likewise written not only of the riches, but also of the perfection of the Scripture ? / adore the fulness of the Scripture, saith Tertullian against Hermogenes. And again, to Apelles an heretick of the like stamp he saith, / do not admit that which thou bringest in (or concludest) of thine own (head or store, de tiio) without Scripture. So St. Justin Martyr before him ; We must know by all means (saith he) that it is not lawful (or pos- sible) to learn (any thing) of God or of right piety, save only out of the Prophets, who teach us by divine inspiration. So St. Basil after Tertullian, It is a manifest falling away from the faith, and a fault of presumption, either to reject any of those things that are written, or to bring in (upon the head of them, iireKrayelv) any of those things that are not written. We omit to cite to the same effect St. Cyrill Bishop of Jerusalem in his 4. Catech. St. Uierome against Helvidius, St. Augus- tine in his third book against the letters of Petilian, and in very many other places of his works. Also we forbear to descend to later Fathers, because we will not weary the reader. The Scriptures then being acknowledged to be so full and so per- fect, how can we excuse ourselves of negligence, if we do not study them ? of curiosity, if we be not content with them ? Men talk much of elpe(Tiwvri, how many sweet and goodly things it had hanging on it ; of the Philosopher's stone, that it turneth copper into gold ; of Cornu-copia, that it had all things necessary for food in it ; of Panaces the herb, that it was good for all diseases ; of Catholi- con the drug, that it is instead of all purges ; of Vulcan's armour, that it was an armour of proof against all thrusts and all blows, &c. Well, that which they falsely or vainly attributed to these things for bodily good, we may justly and with full measure ascribe unto the Scripture for spi- ritual. It is not only an armour, but also a whole armoury of weapons, both offensive and defensive ; whereby we mav save ourselves, and put the enemy to flight. "It is not an herb, but a tree, or rather a whole paradise of trees of life, which bring forth fruit everv month, and the fruit therijof is for meat, and the leaves for medicine. It is not a pot of Manna, or a cruse of oil, which were for memory only, or for a meal's meat or two ; but, as it were, a shower of heavenly bread sufficient for a whole host, be it never so great, and, as it were, a whole collar full of oil vessels ; wherehv all our neccssifios ni.TV be provided for, and our debts discharged. In a wi>rd, it. is a panary of wholesome^ food .nuainst fiMiowed tra- ditions ; a phYsicinu's sliop (:is St. /.'-/.sfV calls it) of preservatives ML^MiusI ixiisoned heresies ; a pan- dect of profitable laws against rebellious spirits; a treasury of most costly jewels ii-;iiust beggarly rudiments ; finally, a foiintain of uwst pure water springing up unto everlasting life. And what marvel .' the original thereof being from heaven, not froiii earth ; the author bein-r God. not man ; the inditer. tlie Ilolv .Spirit, not the wit of the Ajiostles or rioi)liets ; the penmen, such as were s.-uielilied from the wonib. and endued with a priiioi|.;il i.ortion of Cxl's Spirit; the matter, verilv. pietv, iMii-itv. iiiivitililness ; the li>rm. (iod's word' (foil's Icstiii'ioMV, ( omI's onieles. the word of truth, the word of siilv.-iliou. Ac. : tlie efleets, light of understanding, stableness of persuasion, re- pentance from dead works, newness of life, hoU- THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER. xvil ness, peace, joy iu the Holy Ghost ; lastly, the end and reward of the study thereof, fellowship with the saints, participation of the heavenly nature, fruition of an inheiitance immortal, undefiled, and that never shall fade away. Happy is the man that deliffhteth in the Scripture, and thrice happy that meditateth in it day and night. But how shall men meditate in that which they cannot understand ? How shall they understand that which is kept close in an unknown tonyrue ? as it is written. Except I know the power of the voice, I shall be to him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian to me. The Apostle exccpteth no tongue ; not Hebrew the ancientest, not Greek the most copious, not Latin the finest. Nature taught a natural man to con- fess, that all of us in those tongues which we do I not understand ai-e plainly deaf ; we may turn the deaf ear unto them. The Scythian counted the Athenian, whom he did not understand, bar- barous : so the Roman did the Syrian, and the Jeio : (even St. Hierome himself calleth the Hebrew tongue barbarous ; belike, because it was strange to so many :) so the Emperor of Constan- tinople calleth the Latin tongue barbarous, though Pope Jficolas do storm at it: so the Jetos long before Christ called all other nations Lognasim, which is little better than barbarous. Therefore as one complaineth that always in the Senate of Rome thei-e was one or other that called for an interpreter ; so lest the Church be driven to the like exigent, it is necessary to have translations in a readiness. Translation it is that openeth the window, to let in the light ; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel ; that putteth aside the curtain, tiiat we may look into the most holy place ; that reraoveth the cover of the well, that we may come by the water ; even as Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, by which means the flocks of Laban were watered. Indeed without translation into the vulgar tongue, the unlearned are but like children at Jacob's well (which was deep) without a bucket or something to draw with : or as that person mentioned by Esay, to whom when a sealed book was delivered witli this motion, Read this, I pray thee, he was fain to make this answer, / cannot, for it is sealed. "While God would be known only in Jacob, and j have his name great in Israel, and in none other ' place ; while the dew lay on Gideon's fleece only, and all the earth besides was dry ; then for one and the same people, which spake all of them the language of Canaan, that is, Hebrew, one and the same original in Hebrew was sufticicnt. But when the fulness of time drew near, that the Sun of righteousness, the Son of God, should come into the world, whom God ordained to be a reconcili- ation through faith in his blood, not of the Jew only, but also of the Greek, yea, of all them that were scattered abroad ; then, lo, it pleased the Lord to stir up the spirit of a Greek prince, (Greek for descent and language.) even of Ptolemy J'hila- delph king of Egypt, to procure the translating of the book of God out of Hebrew into Greek. This is the translation of the Seventy interpreters, com- monly so called, which prepared the way for our Saviour among the Gentiles by written preach- ing, as St. John Baj)tist did among the Jews by vocal. For the Grecians, being desirous of learn- ing, were not wont to suffer books of worth to lie moulding in kings' libraries, but had many of their servants, ready scribes, t(i cniiy them out, and so they were dispersed and made cimiiimn. AL.'^ain the Greek tongue was well knciwn and made familiar to most inhabitants in Aain liy reason of the conquests that there the Grecians had made, as also by the colonies which thither they had sent. For the same causes also it was well under- stood in many places of Europe, yea, and of Africk too. Therefore the word of God, being set forth in Greek, becometh hereby like a candle set upon a candlestick, which giveth light to all that are in the house ; or like a proclamation sounded forth in the marketplace, which most men pre- sently take knowledge of; and therefore that language was fittest to contain the Scriptures, both for the first preachers of the Gospel to appeal unto for witness, and for the learners also of those times to make search and trial by. It is certain, that that translation was not so sound and so perfect, but that it needed in many places cor- rection ; and who had been so sufiicient for this work as the Apostles or apostolick men ? Yet it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to them to take that which they found, (the same being for the greatest part true and sufficient,) rather than by making a new, in that new world and green age of the Church, to expose themselves to many exceptions and cavillations, as though they made a translation to serve their own turn ; and there- fore bearing witness to themselves, their witness not to be regarded. This may be supposed to be some cause, why the translation of the Seventy was allowed to pass for current. Notwithstand- ing, though it was commended generally, yet it did not fully content the learned, no not of the Jews. For not long after Christ, Aquila fell in hand with a new translation, and after him Theo- dotion, and after him Symmachus : yea, there was a fifth, and a sixth edition, the authors whereof were not known. These with the Seventy made up the Hexapla, and were worthily and to gi-eat purpose compiled together by Urigen. Howbeit the edition of the Seventy went away with the credit, and therefore not only was placed iu the midst by Origen, (for the worth and excellency thereof above the rest, as Epiphanius gathereth,) but also was used by the Greek Fathers for the groimd and foundation of their commentaries. Yea, Epiphanius abovenamed doth attribute so much unto it, that he holdeth the authors thereof not only for interpreters, but also for prophets in some respect : and Justinian the Emperor, injoin- ing the Jews his subjects to use especially the translation of the Seventy, rendereth this reason thereof. Because they were, as it were, enlightened with prophetical wace. Yet for all that, as the Egyptians are said of the Prophet to be men and not God, and their horses flesh and not spirit : so it is evident, (and St. Hierome afiirmcth as much,) that the Seventy were interpreters, they were not prophets. They did many things well, as learned men ; but yet as men they stumbled and fell, one while through oversight, another while through ignorance ; yea, sometimes they may be noted to add to the original, and sometimes to take from it : which made the Apostles to leave them many times, when they left tlie Hebrew, and to i^eliver the sense thereof according to tlu; truth of the word, as the Spirit "fave them utterance. This may suflice touching the Greek translations of the Old Testament, There were also within a few hundred years after Christ translations many into the Latin tongue : for this t flu- IdlH/init/r „r flir ( irrriaiis. hut also of tli, Iloiiiinis, anil i:>iiiji!iy ,ire not asliained to confess, that we forced tlieiu to translate it into English against llieir wills. Tliis seeineth to argiu^ a bad cause, or a bail conscience, or both. Sure we are, that iris not \\o. that hath -: deputy* from the faith. 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) '" filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, 10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, " thon child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 11 And now, behold, " the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness ; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand. 12 Then the •* deputy ', when he saw what was done, behoved, being astonish- ed at the doctrine of the Lord. 13 Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphyha : and i' John departing from them retiu-ned to Jerusalem. 14 H But when they departed from Perga. they came to Antioch in Pisidia. and 'went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. 1.5 And ''after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the syna- gogue sent unto them, saying, ^ Ye men and brethren 5, if ye have 'any word of exhortation for the people, say on. 10 Then Paul stood up, and 'beckoning ■with his hand said. Men of Israel, and " ye that fear God, give audience. 17 The God of this people of Israel Var. Rend. — Chap. 13. 1 F. 1. i.e. inspired preacTiers Al. Be. Me. '^ So Me. perhaps; as margin Al. Da. Wo. (De W. perhaps). ^ F. 2. Separate therefore Be. ; Separate me now, or Come, separate me Al. Da. Me. Wo. ■• Vs. 7, 8, 12. Lit. proconsul (i.e. lieutenant-governor Li.). ^ F. 15. Brethren Me. Var. 'Read. — Chap. 13. F. 6. ;3 Insert whole MABC, Edd. Paul preacheth at THE ACTS, 13. Antioch in Pisidia. X Deut. 7. 6, u Ex. 1.1. Ps. 105. 23, ch'. 7. 17. z Ex. 6. 6. 4 13. 14, 16. a Ex. 16. 35. P.S. 78. 55. ./ Judg. 3. 16. ■ 1 Sam. 3. P.,. 1.32 11. Rom.l Luke 3 ;, Jlatt. Luke 2 28. 6. * chose onr fathers, and 6 exalted ^ the people vwhen they dwelt as strangers in the land ol' Egyiit, = and with an high arm brought he them out of it. 18 And "about the time of forty years /3 t suffered he their manners j3 in the 1!) And when ' he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, « he j3 di\-ided their land to them ^ by lot '. 20 And after that •'he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, ' until /3 Samuel the prophet. 21 /And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years. 22 And swhen he had removed him, ''he raised up unto them David to be their king ; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, ' I have found David the aon of Jesse, 'a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. 2o 'Of this man's seed hath God ac- cording '"to his promise j3 raised jS unto Israel " a Saviour, Jesus : 24 "When John had first preached be- fore his •* coming 5 the baptism of repent- ance to all the people of Israel. 25 And as John 9 fulfilled = his course, he 1" said ", " ^ >- Whom /3 think ye that I am? I am not AeH. But, behold, there Cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose. 26 '2 jien and brethren i^, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, ^^to youjS is the word of this salvation sent. 27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, ^^ ■■ because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the pro- phets 'which are read every sabbath day, 'they have fulfilled thein^^ in condemning him. 28 "And i-* though" they foimd no cause of death in him, ■'yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain. 29 v And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, = they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a se- pulchre. 30 " But God raised him from the deid : 31 And ''he was .'=een many days of them which came up with him ' from Galilee to Jerusalem, /3 '' who j3 are his witnesses unto the people. 11. Mark 1.7. Luke 3. 16. John 1. 20,27. q Matt. 10. 6. vev. 46. ch. 3. 26. iLuke 23. 34. ch. 3. 17. 1 Cov. . 14, 15. ch. 15. 21. (Luke 24. 20, 44. ch. 26. 22. & 28. 23. 22. Mark 15. 13, 14. Luke 23. 21, 22. John 19. 6, 15. 14. !, Luke 18. 31. & 24. 44. John 19. 28, 30, 36, 37. 59. Mark 15. 46. Luke 23. 53. John 19. 38. a Matt. 2. 24. i 3. 13, 15, 26. i 5. 30. 6 Matt. 28. 16. ch. 1. 3. , 6, 7. c ch. 1. 11. d ch. 1. 8. 4 2. 32. & 3. 15. i 5. 32. Var. Rend.— 6 v. 17. So Be. Be W. Me. ; multiplied 01. ; reared up Al. ^ V. 19. for their inheritance Se. Da. Me. ** V. 2'i. i.e. entering upon ojjice Al Me. Ol. 3 F. 25. So 01.; was fulfilling, i.e. com ing to the close of De W. Me. i" used to say Al. ^^ So Al. Be. Da. DeW. Me.; I am not he whom (that which Ti. &c.) ye think me to be Bu. iWi. perhaps). 1^ Vs. 26, 38. My bretliren Me. 13 y_ 27. So Da.; because they knew him not they even fulfilled the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day Me. 01., so iiearly Al. Be. De W.- 1* V. 28. So Da. De W. Me.; when, or because Al. Var. Read.— r. 18. P So X B C^ D, T»-.i nv/.i ; bare them as a nursing father [as marg.) AC*E, La. Ti. Tr:^ Al. Is. in, 20. ^ So D, Al.; divided their land to thorn by lot for the space of (or strictly in) four hundred and fifty years ; and after that he gave them judges until X A B C, Edd. F. 23. a 5o C D ; brought N AB E, Edd.- — - F. 25. j3 So C D E L ; What ^< A B, Edd. V. 20. ^ So CEL, La. Tr.^; to us «ABD, Ti. Tr:^ Al. WII. — -V. 31. /3 So BEL, IF/f.2; who now «AC, La. Ti. Tr.l Al. H'if.i ; who tiU now D. 32 And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that «the promise which was made unto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto jSus their children (3, in that he hath raised up Jesus again ; as it is also written in the y second y psabn, / Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 34 And 15 as conoeming that he raised him up from the dead, nom no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise 15, a I will give you i« the sure t mer- cies of David 1^. 35 Wherefore he saith also in another pnalm, '•Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. 36 For David, || after he had i' sei-ved his own generation by the will of Godi^, > fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption : 37 But he, whom God raised again, saw no corruption. 38 If Be it known unto you therefore, i-men and brethren 12, that * through this man is preached unto you the forgive- ness of sins : 39 3 And |3 ' by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come up- on you, which is spoken of in '" the prophets ; 41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish : for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise beheve, though a man declare it unto you. 42 And when pthe Jews were gone out of the synagogue fi, y the Gentiles be- sought y that these words might be preached to them tthe next sabbath. 43 Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious prose- lytes followed Paul and Barnabas : who, speaking to them, i* " persuaded i^ them to continue in "the grace of God. 44 H And the next sabbath day came al- most the whole city together to hear the word of i3God/3. 45 But when the Jews saw the multi- tudes, they were filled with em-y, and P spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, /3 contradicting and j3 blaspheming. 46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, lit was necessary that the word of God should fiirst have been spoken to you : but "• seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of ever- lasting life, "lo, 'we turn to the Gentiles. 47 For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, 'I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation i^ untold the ends of the earth. 48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: "and as many as ^o^^-ere ordain- ed-" to eternal Ufe believed. Kom. 4. 13 Gal. 3. 16. / Ps. 2. 7. Hcbr. 1. 5. which woni ch. 2. 29. k Jer. 31. 34. Dan. 9. 24. Luke 24. 47. lJohn2.12. •ntus2.ii. HL-lir.12.15. 1 Pet. 5. 12. Isai. 55. 5. MBtt21.43. Rom. 10.19. . ch. 18. 6. Var. Rend.— 1= F. 34. that he raised he has said on this wise Da. De W. Me. • i^ the holy promises which I made sure to David Al. Be. Da. DeW. Me.- 1'' F. 30. So Ah; served the will of God for (in Be. Ol.) his own generation Be. Da. DeW. Me. Ol. 1* F. 43. Bather e.xhorted Me.- — - 19 F. 47. i.e. as far as. '■" V. 48. So (were ap- pointed) Da. De W. Me. 01.; were disposed Al. Be.; had marshalled themselves (in the way that leads to eternal life) Wo. Vab. Read.— F. 33. /3 So C^; our children NABC*D, Edd. (but probably corrupt WH.) y So NABC, Al. WH.; first D, La. Ti. Tr. F. 39. |S So B C^, TJ-.2 Al.^; omit MAC*, La. Ti. Tr. F. 42. /3 they (i.e. Paul and Barnabas De IF. Me., i.e. the congre- gation Al.) were going out NAB CD, Edd. (but the verse seems to bear marks of corruption WB.) y they besought N A B C D, Edd. F. 44. |3 So b* C E L, r)-.2 n'fi.i ; the Lord N A B^, La. Ti. rr.i F. 45. /3 So D, Ti. ; omit N A B C, La. Tr. WK. Paul healeth a cripple. THE ACTS, 14, 15. Paul is stoned. 1- 2 Tim. 3. 11. . 43. 22 borders.. Chap. 14. 1 V. 3. i.e. through their tnist in the Lord Al. Da. De W. Me. 2 y, r, gg (< ^gji .) Da. ; attempt, plan Al. De W. ; eager attempt, push Me. ■* V. 13. i.e. of that Jupiter who had his tem- ple before the gates of their city Al. Me. &c. * So (i.e. gates of the city) Me. ; doors (i.e. of the court- yard of the house) Al. De W. 01. Wo. ; gateway of the temple Li. Var. Read. — V. 50. (3 Omit (the devout women of rank Al. Da.) ABCU, Edd. Chap. 14. V. 2. j3 the Jews who refused obedience {i.e. through nn- hclief) « A B C, Edd.' y D adds but the Lord speedily brought peace, and so {nearlv) E. V. 3. j3 So C; by granting A B D, La. Tr. Al. WH. ; while he granted t<, Ti. V. 0. 3 was hearing (i.e. listening) B C, Al. WH. ; heard « A D, La. Ti. Tr. clothes, and pran in/3 among the people, crying out, 15 And saying, Sirs, 'why do ye these things ? »' We also are men of hke pas- sions with you, and ^ preach imto you^ that ye should turn from "these ^yani- ties* "unto the li\ing God, i' which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things are therein : ](■) « Who in times past suffered all na- tions to walk in their own ways. 17 '■ Nevertheles.s he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and " gave j8 us (3 rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling youry hearts with food and gladness. IS And with these sayings scarce re- strained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them. 19 IT ' And there came thither certain Jews from Antiooh and Iconium, who persuaded the people, " and, h.Hving stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. 20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city : and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. 21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, * and + had 1 taught l many, they retm-ned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioeh, 22 Confirming the souls of the di.^ciples, and 'J exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that -we miT^t through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. 23 And when they had »" ordained'* them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed. 24 And after they had passed through- out Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. 25 And when they had preaclied the word in Perga, they went down into Attalia : 26 And thence sailed to Antioeh, 'from whence they had been 'recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled. 27 And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, ■'they re- hearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had ' opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. 28 And /3 there |8 they abode long time with the disciples. CHAPTER 15. 1 Cy.'i!' di.'nirutiinu ariseth touching circumcision. , K casteth out a spirit of il,r.,!,'i i; ii fur which cause he and Silas (irr iciui'f.r.i I'tnl iinprisoned. 2(i The prison ili'"/:^ II IX iijii-iii'il. :il The Jailor is converted, 37 THEN came he to "Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, ''named llmotheus, «the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek: k ch. 13. 1. A. D. 53. 7 ch. 14. C. I) ch. 19. 22. Roin. 16.21. 1 Cor. i. 17. Phil. 2. 19. lThess.S.2. 1 Tim. 1. 2. ! 2 Tim. 1. 5. Var. Rend.—* V. 25. having agreed with one con- sent Be. 3Ie. ^ y, 35. But Paul. Var. Read.— r. 23. /3 elders who are brethren «'!' A B C, Bdd. V. 21. /3 So C E ; omit « A B D, La. Ti. Al. Tr. V. 30. 6 went dow n « A B C, Edd. ■ • V. 33. P So EH; those that had sent them « A B C, Edd. V. 34. 0 So CD; omit NABE, Edd.; D adds and Judas went alone. V. 40. /3 the Lord NABD, Edd. Timothy is circumcised. THE ACTS, 16. Paul and Silas imprisoned. fch. 15.28, 29. 3ch. 15. 41. 0 ch. 19. 24. 7 See Mark 1. 25, 31. • Mark 16. 19. 25, 2 Which ''was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium. 8 Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and ■'took and circumcised him be- cause of the Jews which were in those quarters : for they knew all that his father was a Greek. 4 And as they went through the citie.=!, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, /that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem. 5 And 3 so were the churches estabUshed in the faith, and increased in number daily. (i Now jSwhen they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were j3 i forbidden i of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, 7 P After 3 they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia : but ■y the Spirit y suffered them not. 8 And they passing by Mysia '' came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night ; There stood a ' man of Mace- donia, and prayed him, saying. Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go '' into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that ;3 the Lord /3 had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. U Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samo- thracia, and the ne.xt claij to Neapohs ; 12 And from thence to 'Philippi, which is lithe 2 chief city of that part of Mace- donia, and a colony * : and we were in that city abiding certain days. 13 And on the t sabbath we went out of the /Scity^ by a river side, where y prayer was wont to be madey; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which re- sorted thither. 11 IF And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thya- tira, which worshipped God, heard un ; whose '" heart the Lord opened, that she attended imto the things which were spoken of Paul. 15 And when she was baptized, and her household, she besought nx, saying. If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there. And "she constrained us. 16 IT And it came to pass, as we went to Sprayer 3, a certain damsel "possessed with a spirit || of divination met us, which brought her masters f much gain by soothsaying : 17 The same followed Paul and us, and * cried *, saying, These men are the ser- vants of the most high God, which shew unto /3us3 the way of salvation. 18 And this did she many days. But Paul, 1 being grieved, tm-ned and said to the spirit, i command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. 'And he came out the same hour. 19 IT And ' when her masters saw that 26. Var. Rend.— CAap. 16. i F. 6. hindered. ^V. 12. first (i.e. in order, of the cities that the travellers came to) Macedonian city of the district (first city of that part of Macedonia De W.) and a colony Al. 01. Li. ; first (i.e. in rank) city which is a colony in that part of Macedonia Me. ; WH. suspect some corruption in the text. ^ v. 16. the place of prayer Me. * V. 17. used to cry Al. Var. Read.— CAap. 16. F. 6. j3 So H ; they went through the Phrygian and Galatian region \i.e. the borderland of Phrynia and Galatia^ being i>! A B C D, Edd. V. 7. /3 So H; And after MABC, Edd. V So H L ; the Spirit of Jesus « A B D, Edd. V. 10. /3 God « A B C, Edd. V. 13. /3 gate « A B C, Edd. Y So E H ; we thought that prayer was made (or that there was a place of praver Me. De IK.) « A B C, Edd. V. 17. ^ -So A & L, La. ; you « B D, Ti. Tr. WH. the hope of their gains was gone, 'they caught Paul and Silas, and "drew the^n into the || marketplace unto the rulers, 20 And brought them to the magistrates, saying. These men, being Jews, ■'do ex- ceedingly trouble our city, 21 And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to ob- serve, being Romans. 22 And the multitude rose up together against them : and the magistrates rent off their clothes, » and commanded to beat them. 23 And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely : 2t Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks. 25 IT And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God : and the prisoners heard them. 26 » And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken : and immediately "all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison awak- ing out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew oixt his sword, and would have kiUed himseff, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. 28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying. Do thyself no harm : for we are all here. 29 Then he called for =a light =, and sprang in, and came trembhng, and fell down before Paul and Silas, 30 And brought them out, and said, ' Sirs, what must I do to be saved ? 31 And they said, ' Believe on the Lord Jesus /3 Christ 3, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. 32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes ; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway. 34 And when he had brought them into his house, ''he set meat before them, and rejoiced 6, believing in God with all his house ^. 35 And when it was day, the magistrates sent the i Serjeants '', saying, Let those men go. 36 And the keeper of the prison told this saying to Paul, The magistrates have sent to let you go : now therefore depart, and go in peace. 37 But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, ' being Romans, and have cast us into prison ; and now do they thrust us out privily P nay verily ; but let them come themselves and fetch us out. 38 And the Serjeants told these words unto the magistrates : and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans. 39 And they came and besought them, and brou.ght them out, and / desired them to depart out of the city. 40 And they went out of the prison, ? and entered into the house of Lydia : and when they had seen the brethren, they 8 comforted 8 them, and departed. CHAPTER 17. 1 Pn^il prcachcth at Tkessafouica, 4 where some beliene, and others persecute him. 10 ffe is smt to IScrca, and preacheth there. 13 Being perse- ctitfd at 'J'hcssalonica. 15 he cometh to Atlwns, and disputefh, and preacheth the living Qod to them unknown, 34 wherebi/ many are converted unto Christ. Var. Rend. — 5 F. 29. lights. » F. 34. that he with all his house had been brought to believe God Al. De W. Me. 1 V. 35. lictors Al. De W. Me. 8 V. 10. So Be. ; exhorted Al. Me. Vau. Read.— F. 81. j3 So CDE; omit NAB, Edcl. Paul preacheth at THE ACTS, 17, 18. Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. : )3. 5, 1 : 16. 13. Luke 23. 2. lohiilO.12. Pet. 2. 13. .\ D .54. ,i2Pet 2. 8. 1 Or. fM of NOW when they had passed through Amphipolis and ApoUonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews : 2 And Paul, as his manner was, " went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, 3 Opening and alleging, '' that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead ; and that this /3 Jesus, II whom I preach unto you, is Christ p. 4 ' And some of them believed, and 1 consorted with i Paul and •' Silas ; and of the j3 devout Greeks /3 a great multi- tude, and of the chief women not a few. 5 H But the Jews /3 which believed not ^, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the- - baser sort ^, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of ' Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people. 6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, / These that have tiirned the world upside down are come hither also ; 7 Whom Jason hath received : and these all do contrary to the decrees of Csesar, » saying that there is another king, one Jesus. 8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things. 9 And when they had taken seciirity of Jason, and of the other, they let them go. 10 IT And ''the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Be- rea : who coming t/iither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and ' searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 12 Therefore many of them believed ; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. 13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, 3 and stirred up p the people. 14 '' And then immediately the brethren sent away Paul to go /3 as it were to 0 the sea : but Silas and Timotheus abode there still. 15 And they that conducted Paul brought him unto Athens : and ' receiving a com- mandment unto Silas and Timotheus for to come to him with all speed, they de- parted. 11) IT Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, '"his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city ^ || wholly gi\en to idolatry 3. 17 Therefore dispxited he in the syna- gogue with the Jews, and with the de\ out persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. 18 Then certain philosophers of the Epi cureans, and of the Stoicks, encoimtered him. And some said. What will thib i| babbler say ? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods : be cause he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection. Var. 'REiii>.—C?mp. 17. 1 V. i. were added to Al. Be. DeW. Me. ^ y^ 5. idlers in the market-place Da. * V. 16. full of images of gods De W. Me. Vab. Bead.— CAoj). 17. K. 3. ^ So 13. ; is Christ Jesus, whom I preach unto you A D, Ti. ; is the Christ, even Jesus whom I preach unto you B, WB.^ {and so practically La. Tr.) V. 4. 3 So « B E L, Ti. Tr.^ WH.; devout (i.e. proselytes) and of the Greeks AD, La. Tr." V. 5.3 So a few MSS. ; omit NABE, Edd. V. 13. 3 So EH; stirring up and troubUng NABD, Edd. V. It. 3 So H, Al. who translates towards; as far as NABE, La. Ti. Tr. WH. 19 And they took him, and brought him unto * II Ai-eopagus *, saying. May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou, is ? 20 For thou bringest certain strange things to om- ears : we would know there- fore what these things mean. 21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, biit either to tell, or to hear some new thing.) 22 11 Then Paul stood in the midst of * II Mars' hill'', and said. Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye ^ are too superstitious ^. 23 For as I passed by, and beheld Syour II devotions °, I found an altar with this inscription. TO ' THE ' UNKNOWN GOD. 3 Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him 3 declare I unto you. 2-1 "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is " Lord of heaven and earth, I'dwelleth not in temples made with hands ; 25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, 1 as though he needed any thing, seeing "-he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things ; 2f> And hath made 3 of one blood 3 all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and " the bounds of their habitation ; 27 ' That they should seek 3 the Lord 3, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, "though he be not far from every one of us : 28 For *in him we hve, and move, and have our being ; v as certain also of yom- own poets have said. For we are also his off.'^pring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God. = we ought not to think that 8 the Godhead s is hke imto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. .30 And " the times of this ignorance God winked at ; but ^ now commandeth all men evei-y where to repent : 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which "^he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained ; whereof he hath || given as- surance unto all men, in that ''he hath raised him from the dead. 32 ir And when they heard of the resur- rection of the dead, some mocked : and others said, We uall hear thee again of this matter. 33 So Paul departed from among them. 34 Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed : among the which was Diony.sius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damans, and others with them CHAPTER 18 Paul Tahnureth vnth his handi and, preachc'n at (oiinth to the Gentiles 9 The Lord en AriER the c thm,' P ml dop-iited fiom Athens and came to Corinth 2 And found a ceitam Jew named <• Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla ; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome :) and came unto them. 3 And because he was of the same craft. thai ije uof- ^ess.2... r Ps. 50. 8. Num.16. 22. Job 12. 10. & 27. 3. & 33. 4. Isai. *2. 5. & 57. 16. Zech. 12. 1. Dent. 32. 8. t ch. 11. 17. Var. Rend.—* Vs. 19, 22. the hill of Ares Al. Me. &c. ^ V. 22. are excessive in religious reverence Al. De W. Me. ^ y. 23. So Be. ; what ye worship Al. De W. 7 AN De W. Be. Me. Da. « V. 29. More nearly deity. Var. Read.— F. 23. 3 So \i' A^ ; What .... that «* A* B D, Edd. V. 2fi. 3 So D E ; out of one «AB, Edd. V. 27. 3 God NABL, Edd. Pmil preacheth at Corinth. THE ACTS, 19. The Holy Ghost givt e Job 32. 18. ch. 17. 3. ver. 28. II Or, is the Ch-isl. /ch. 13.45. 1 Pet. 4. 4. 0 Neh. 5. 13. Matt, 10. 14. ch. 13. 51. h Lev. 20. 9, 1, ch. 13. 46. & 28. 28. I 1 Cor. 1. 14. m ch. 23. 11. n .Ter. 1. 18, he abode with them, '' and S wrought p ■ for by their occupation they were tent- makers. 4 'And he reasoned in the synago.sjue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. 5 And ''when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul i was ' press- ed i j3 in the spirit ^, and testified to the Jews that Jesus || a-as Christ. 6 And / when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, she shook Hs raiment, and said unto them, '■ Your blood he up- on your own heads ; * I am clean : ' from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles. 7 IT And he departed thence, and entered into a certain man's house, named /3 Jus- tus p, one that worshipped God, whose house joined hard to the synagogue. 8 ' And Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house ; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized. 9 Then "■ spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vi.sion, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace : 10 " For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee : for I have much people in this city. 11 And he t continued tJiere a year and si.x months, teaching the word of God among them. 12 IT And when Galho was the 2 deputy 2 of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat, 1." Saying, This feUoio persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law. li And when Paul was now about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews, ° If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O pe Jews, reason would that I should bear with you : 15 But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, ^look ye to W^; for I will be no judge of such matters. Ifi And he drave them ifrom the judg- ment seat. 17 Then ^ all the Greeks (3 took p Sos- thenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gallio cared for none of those things. 18 IT And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having 1 shorn his head In "■ Cenchrea : for he had a vow. 19 And 0 he |3 came to Ephesus, and ■' left * them there : but he himself enter- ed into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews. 20 When they desired Mm to tarry longer time isdth them, he consented not; 21 But bade them farewell, saying, (3»I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem : but p I will return again unto you, 'if God will. And he sailed from Ephesus. 22 And when he had landed at Cresarea, and gone up, and saluted the church, he went down to Antioch. 23 And after he had spent some time there, ho departed, and went over ail the coimtry of " Galatia and Phrygia in order, * strengthening all the disciples. 21 IT » And a certain Jew named ApoUos, Var. Rend. — CAa;?. IS. 1 F. 5. was earnestly occupied Al. De W. Ol. ; was sore troubled Me. ^V. 12. Lit. proconsul.- '^V. 15. ye yourselves shall look to it. * V. 19. he left. Var. Read.— Ctoj). 18. V. 3. (3 So «'AD, La. Al. Tr. ; they wrought «* A B*, Ti. V. 5. p So K ; in discourse (because of the word 3Ie.) i< A B D, Edd. V. 7. /3 So AB'^D, La.. Al. ; Titius (Titus « E) Justus B* D, Ti. Tr:^ WH. V. 11. 0 So D E ; they all NAB, Edd. V. 19. /3 S'o H L ; they KAB, Edd. V. 21. /3 So (D) HL; omit NABB, Edd. born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25 This man was instructed in the way of the Lord ; and being ^ fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things /3 of the Lord;3, "knowing only the baptism of John. 26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue : whom when j3 Aquila and Priscilla |3 had heard, they took him unto them., and expounded unto him the way y of God y more perfectly. 27 /SAnd when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhort- ing the disciples to receive him : who, when he was come, ^ '' helped them much which had believed through grace ^ ;8 : 28 For he mightily convinced the Jews, CHAPTER 19. 6 The Holy (fhost U given by Paul's hands. 9 Thii Jews blasiiheme his doctrine, which is con- firmed hij miracles. 13 The Jeimsh exorcists IG aye beaten by the devil. 19 Conjuring books are burnt. LM Demetrius, for love of gain, raiseth an uproar against Paul, 35 which is appeased bij the townclerk. AN D it came to pass, that, while " A- pollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the i upper coasts i came to Ephesus : and finding certain disciples, 2 He said unto them, 2 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed 2 p And they said unto him, '= We ^ have not so much as heard ^ whether there be any Holy Ghost. 3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, '' Unto John's baptism. 4 Then said Paul, ' John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on ^ Christ /3 Jesus. 5 When they heard this, they were bap- tized */in'' the name of the Lord Jesus. 0 And when Paul had 3 laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them ; and '■ they spake with tongues, and prophesied. 7 And all the men were about twelve. 8 » And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading /3 the things j3 ''concerning the kingdom of God. 9 But 'when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil '" of 5 that way ^ before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of /3onei8 Tyrannusy. 10 And " this continued by the space of two years ; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord P Jesus p, both Jews and Greeks. U And "God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul : 12 p So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons. d ch. 18. 25. 5 Matt. 3.11. John 1. 15, li. 11. 3. ;h. 5. 15. ee 2 Kings .29. Var. Rend. — 5 v. 27. So Al.; did much help by the grace iiehieh vas in him) them which had be- lieved Be. Me. Ol. Chap. 19. 1 V. 1. upper regions or highlands of the interior of Asia Minor. " V. 2. Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye became believers Al. Be. (after ye had believed Me.^. *dld not so much as hear Al. *V. 5. unto as in v. 3. ^ F. 9. 1" way (of ChristiavitiA . Vau. Read.— F. 25. /3 So HL; concerning Jesus « A B D, Edd. F. 20. /3 Priscilla and Aquila « A B E, Edd. y So M A B, La. Ti. Tr. WH. ; omit D, Al. F. 27. B U has this verse in quite a different .form. Chap. 19. F. i. P So Jih; omit ABE, Edd. F. 8. p So « A E L, Ti.; B D, La. Tr. WH. F. 9. /3 So DHL; omit «AB,iVrf. y D adds from the fifth hour to the tenth. F. 10. jS So L; omit NABD, Edd. Tlie Jewish exorcists beaten. THE ACTS, 20. An uproar against Paul. I ch.6. A. D. : ch. 18. 21. Rom. 15. 21 and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. 13 IT ' Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, ''took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, /3We|3 adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. 11 And (3 there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew. and chief of the priests, which did soj3. 15 And the evil spirit answered and said, ^ Jesus I know, and Paul I know ^ ; but who are ye ? 16 And the man in whom the evil spi- rit was leaped on them, and overcame j8them/3, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus ; and ' fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. 18 And many that believed came, and ' confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19 Many of them also which used curi- ous arts brought their books together, and bm-ned them before all men : and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand 2>ieees of silver. 20 " So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. '21 IT -^ After these things were ended, Paul « purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying. After I have been there, = I must also see Rome. 22 So he sent into Macedonia two of " them that ministered unto him, Timo- theus and *" Erastus ; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season. 23 And ''the same time there arose no small stir about ''that way. 24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for 7 Diana 7, brought ' no small gain unto the craftsmen ; 25 Whom he called together with the workmen of Uke occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. 26 Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and tiu-ned away much people, saying that /they be no gods, which are made with hands : 27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought ; but also that the temple of the great goddess ' Diana ' should be despised, and /3 her magnificence should be destroyed /3, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. 28 And when they heard these sat/inr/s, they were fuU of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is 1 Diana 7 of the Ephe- sians. 29 And the /3 whole jS city was filled with confusion : and having caught v Gains and '■ Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. 30 And when Paid would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not. 31 And certain of the ^ chief of Asia 8, Var. Kend.— i^ V. 15. Jesus I know and Paul I Icnow well ( the two words for know are different) Da. ; Jesus I acknowledge and Paul I know lA. ~ Vs. 2-t, 27, 28, 34, 35. Artemis. s r_ 31. Asiarchs (i.e. officers elected to preside over games and religious festivals bi/ cities of the province of Asia AD. Var. Read.— F. 13. |3 So H L ; I « A B D, Edd. V. 14. p seven sons of one Sceva .... were doing so B (D), La. Tr. WH. ; certain men, seven sons of Sceva wore doing so X A, Ti. ; this verse is freely amplifnd in D. ■ V. 16. ^ So H L ; both of them « A B D, Edd. F. 27. ^ So H L ; she be deposed from her magnificence S< A B, Edd. r. 29. /3 Omit « A B, Edd. which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring /lim that he would not adventure himself into the theatre. 32 Some therefore cried one thing, and some another : for the assembly was con- fused ; and the more part knew nut wherefore they were come together. 33 And 3 they j3 drew Alexander out p of the multitude, the Jews putting him for- ward 9. And 'Alexander '^beckoned with the hand, and would have made his de- fence unto the people. 34 But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is "> Diana" of the Ephesians. 35 And when the townclerk had appeas- ed the people, he said, Ye men of Ephe- sus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is ta 10 worshipper 1" of the great /3 goddess /3 7 Diana ', and of the image which fell down from n Jupiter n? .■)6 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly. 37 For ye have brought hither -these men, which are neither robbers uf church- es, nor yet blasphemers of ^yourg god- dess. 38 Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, ^~ i| the law is open 12, and there are '^ deputies i^ ; let them implead one another. 39 But if ye enquire any thing fi con- cerning other matters p, it shall be de- termined in a II lawful assembly. 40 For we are in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no j3 cause whereby we may give j3 an account of this concourse. 41 And when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly. CHAPTER "0 1 p 1 I fi t V > fi c 1 I I a tr AiND ttt tlionii aui ce-itl P^ul XJL cillcd unt // the Ji cii les nnd ^embiaced3 tl im and depaited for to go into Macedoiu i 2 And when he had gone over those parts, and had gi\en them much exhor tation, he came into Greece, 3 And there abode three months. And 'when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to sail into Syria, he pm-- posed to return through Macedonia. 4 And there accompanied him /3into Asia/3 ySopatery of Berea; and of the Thessalonians, ■: Aristarchus and Secim- dus ; and "* Gains of Derbe, and ' Timo- theus ; and of S Asia 5, /Tychicus and 0 Trophimus. d ch. 19. 29. cch. 16.1. /Eph. 6.21. Var. Rend.— ^F. 33. some of the multitude urged forward Alexander, the Jews pushing him on Al. ne \V. 1" F. 35. As marg. Al. DeW. " Zeus. '- F. 38. court days are being held Al. Be. Be IF. Me. 13 Proconsuls Al. De IF. Me. Vab. Read. — F. ."3. /3 instructed (so Da. translates this reading, which according to Grimm gives no sense; possiblM together urged forward) « A B E, Edd. F. 35. fi Omit « A B D, Edd. F. 37. P So El; our « A B D, Edd. V. .39. /3 So N A D L, Ti. ; fur- ther B, La. Tr. WH. F. 40. jS So D E, Al.^ La.; cause : concerning which thing we shall not be able to give itliiis translated hi/ Bornemann) N A B L, Ti. Tr. WH. [hut suspecting some corruption). Chap. 20. V. 1. |3 So H L ; exhorted them and embraced A BiM D), Edd. V. 4. /3 So ADEL, La.. Tr.^ WH.-; omit « B, Vulg. Memph. Tlieb., Ti. Tr.^ WH.^ • 7 So H L ; Sopater son of PjTrhus N A B D, 1 Edd.- — -6 Ephesus D, Thcb. Paul's charge to the THE ACTS, 21. elders ofEphestis. 1 Kings 17. !1. ! Kings i. Kom. 8. 35. a Cor. 4. 16. c 2 Tim. 4. 7. 5 These j3 going before^ tarried for us at Troas. () And we sailed away from Philippi af- ter '' the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them *to Troas in five days; where we abode seven daj's. 7 And upon 'the first day of the week, when 3 the disciples /3 came together ' to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow ; and con- tinued his speech until midnight. 8 And there were many lights ""in the upper chamber, where /3 they & were ga- thered together. 9 And there sat i in a window i a cer- tain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep : and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third luft, and was taken up dead. 10 And Paul went down, and " fell on him, and embracing him said, ° Trouble not yourselves ; for his life is in him. 11 When he therefore was come up a- gain, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed. 12 And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted. 13 ir And we /3 went before to /3 ship, and sailed unto Assos, there intending to take in Paul : for so had he appointed, minding himself to go afoot. 14 And when he met with us at Assos, we took him in, and came to Mitylene. I.') And we sailed thence, and came the next (lay over against Chios ; and the next (lay we arrived at Samos, and ^ tar- ried at Trogy Ilium ; and /3 the next day we came to Miletus. 15 For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia : for i' he hasted, if it were possible for him, s to be at Jerusalem 'the day of Pentecost. 17 IT And from Miletus he sent to Ephe- sus, and called the elders of the church. 18 And when they were come to him, he said unto them. Ye know, " from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner /3 I have been with you at all seasons, 19 Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with PmanyjS tears, and temptations, which befell me 'by the ly- ing in wait of the Jews : 20 And how " I kept back nothing that was profitable tnito you, but have shewed you, and have taught you pubhckly, and from house to house, 21 * Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, !/ repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus j3 Christ (3. 22 And now, behold, '^ I go bound ^ in the - spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there : 23 Save that " the Holy Ghost witness- eth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions 11 abide me. 24 But g '' none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, "■ so that g I might finish my Var. Rend.— CAaj). 20. i V. 9. on the window- seat Al. De IF. ■ • ~ V. 22. in my Al. Be. ; by the De W. ; to the Me. Vak. Read.— I'. .'5. /3 So B^ D, Vujg. Pcsli. Memph. TJieb., La. Ti. : having gone thither N A''' B* E L, Tr. WH. V. 7. g So H L ; we «ABD, Edd. V. 8. g So some late MSS. ; we N A B D, Edd. V. 13. 3 So N B3 C L, La. Ti. ; went unto the A B* (D) E, (Pesh. Yulg.), Tr. WH. V. 15. g So DHL; omit. X A B C, Edd. V. 18. g D adds for three years or more. Y. 10. fi So C H L ; omit N A B D, Edd. V. 21. j8 So « A C D, Ti.; omit B H L, Al. La. Tri y_ 24. /3 So E H L, /.«. nearly; I hold my life of no accoimt, nor so precious to myself as to finish «* B C D^, Ti. Al. Tr. course ywith joy 7, ''and the ministry, 'which I have received of the Lord Je- sus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. 25 And now, behold, /I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom /3 of God /3, shall see my face no more. 20 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am »pure from the blood of all men. 27 For 'I have not shunned to declare unto you all ■ the counsel of God. 28 •! * Take heed therefore tmto your- selves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost 'hath made you 3 overseers 3, to feed the church of /3Go'dg, '" which he hath purchased " with y his owny blood. 29 For I know this, that after my de- parting " shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also r of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore watch, and remember, that ''by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. 32 And now, g brethren ^, I commend you to God, and ''to the word of his grace, which is able "to build you up, and to give y you y <■ an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. 33 " I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. 34 Yea, ye yourselves know, "^that these hands have ministered unto my necessi- ties, and to them that were with me. 35 I have shewed you all things, iJhow that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. 36 IT And when he had thus spoken, he = kneeled down, and prayed with them all. 37 And they all wept sore, and "fell on Paul's neck, and kissed liim, 38 Sorrowing most of all for the words ''which he spake, that they .should see his face no more. And they accompanied him imto the ship. CHAPTER 21. to .tf.rnk to thr pcoj.le. AN D it came to pass, that after we 1 were gotten ^ from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara : 2 And finding a ship sailing over nnto Phenicia, we went aboard, and set forth. 3 Now when we had /3 discovered g Cy- prus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre : for there the ship was to unlade her burden. 4 And 2fiiiciing disciples 2, we tarried there seven days : " who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem. Var. Rend.— 3 F. 28. So Be. DeW.; bishops Al. Chap. 21. 1 F. 1. Lit. had torn ourselves. '■^ V. 4. having sought out the disciples Al. DeW. Var. Read.— F. 24. y So C E ; omit NA B B, Edd. V. 25. /3 So E H L ; oviit N A B C, Edd. F. 28. /3 So « B, Al. WH.; the Lord A Ci D, La. Ti. Tr.^ y WH. suspect some corruption here. V. 32. /3 So C E ; omit « A B D, Edd. y So C H L ; omit (give the [.or your] inheritance) HABD (nearly), Edd.- — —Chap. 21. V. 3. g This rejidei-iinr may be taken to cover two readings come in sight of A B'' C E, La. Tr.; brought in sight « B*, Ti. WH. Paul goeth to Jerusalem, THE ACTS, 21. where he is apprehended. DOMINI eo. b ch. 20. 36. c Johnl. 11. p A. 22. 3. Rom. 10. 2 Gal. 1. U. 5 And when we had ^ accomplished those days 3, we departed and went our way ; and they all brought u.^ on oiu- way, with wives and childi'en, till tee were out of the city : and •■ we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed. G And when we had taken our leave one of another, we took ship ; and they re- turned ■'home again. 7 And when we had finished onr course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one day. 8 And the next clay we /3 that were of Paul's company ^ departed, and came unto Csesarea : and we entered into the house of Phihp ■'the evangehst, 'which was one of the seven; and abode with him. 9 And the same man had four daugh- ters, virgins, /which did prophesy. 10 And as we tarried tliere many days, there came down from Judsea a certain prophet, named sAgabus. 11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own fi hands and feet j3, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, '' So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. 12 And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, be- sought him not to go up to Jerusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, « What ■• mean ye to weep and to break * mine heart i for I am ready not to be boimd only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. 14 And when he would not be per- suaded, we cea=ed, saymg, 'The will of the Lord be done. 15 And after those days we ^took up our carriage; 5, and went up to Jerusalem. 16 There went with us also certain of the disciples of Cjesarea, and brought ^with them 6 one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge. 17 ' And when we were come to Jeru- salem, the brethren received us gladly. IS And the dmj following Paul went in with us unto ""James; and all the elders were present. 19 And when he had saluted them, "he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles "by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glori- fied /Sthe Lord^, and said unto him. Thou seest, brother, how many thou- sands y of Jews y there are which be- heve ; and they are all v zealous of the law : 21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest /3 all ^ the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circum- cise their children, neither to walk after the customs. 22 What is it therefore ? /3 " the multi- tude must needs ^ come together ; for they will hear|3 that thou art come. 28 Do therefore this that we say to thee : We have four men which have a vow on them; 2t Them take, and purify thyself with Var. Ren-d. — 3f. .5. So Al.DeW.; refitted (the ship) during those days Me. * V. 13. do ye, weep- ing and breaking. ^ V. 15. i.e. packed up our baggage. « V. 16. us to Be. DeW. Me. 1 V. 22. a multitude will certainly AL He W. Var. Kead.— F. 8. /S S'o HL; omit N A B C, Edd. V. 11. j3 Bo A ; feet and hands N B C D, Edd. V. 20. S God i< A B C, Edd. 7 among the Jews A B C E, La. Tr. WH. ; omit N, Ti. K 21 /3 So « B C L, Ti. Tr.^ WH. ; omit A D'* E, La. Tr.'' V. 22. /3 S'o N A C2 E, La. Ti. ; they will certainly hear {omitting the rest) B C*, Tr. WH. them, and be at charges with them, that they may « shave t/icir heads: and aU may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but tliat thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. 25 As touching the Gentiles which be- lieve, ''we have 3 written j3 and concluded that 7 they observe no such thing, save only thaty they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. 26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them » entered into the temple, ^ ( to signify * the accomplishment of the days of puri- fication, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them. 27 And when the seven days were al- most ended, " the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and *laid hands on him, 28 Crying out. Men of Israel, help : This is the man, '.' that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place : and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place. 29 (For they had seen before with him in the city = Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.) 30 And " all the city was moved, and the people ran together : and they took Paul, and drew him out of the temple : and forthwith the doors were shut. 31 And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the ^ chief captain ^ of the 1" band ^°, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar. 32 '' Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down unto them : and when they saw the ^ chief captain ^ and the soldiers, they left beating of Paul. 33 Then the ^ chief captain ^ came near, and took him. and 'commanded him to be bound with two chains ; and demand- ed who he was, and what he had done. 3t And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude: and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the 'i castle n. 35 And when he came upon the stairs, so it was, that he was borne of the soldiers for the violence of the people. 36 For the multitude of the people fol- lowed after, crying, ''Away with him. 37 And as Paul was to be led into the 1' castle 11, he said xmto the " chief cap- tain 9, May I speak unto thee ? Who said. Canst thou speak Greek V 38 12 'Art not thou 12 that Egyptian, which before these days madest an up- roar, and leddest out into the wilder- ness 1^ four thousand '* men that were murderers ? 39 But Paul said, /I am a man ii-liich am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cihcia, a citizen of no mean city : and, I be- seech thee, suffer me to speak imto the people. 40 And when he had given him Ucence. Paul stood on the stairs, and » beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying. Num. G. 2, cli'. 18. 18. : ch. 24. is. :cli.2C. 21. ch. 20- 4. I ch. ;g. 21. Var. Rend.— 8 V. 26. making known (to the mims- ters of the temple) Al. Be. DeW. Me. ^ Vs. 31, 32, .33, 37. tribune. ^ V. 81. cohort. " Vs. 84, 37. barracks (i.e. the ton-er of Antonia) Be W. Me. O?. — 12 V. 38. Thou art not then Al. " the fom- thousand. Var. Read.— F. 25. /3 So N A C E, Ti. ; sent B D, La. Tr. WH. y So C D E ; omit NAB, Edd. Paul declareth at large THE ACTS, 22, how he was converted. 2Cor.ll.22. 33. "^^ Luke 10. 39 »i_Dan. 10. cii. 9. 7. r/ ch. 3. 13. Si 5. 30. r ch. 9. 15. S; 26. 16. s I Cor. 9. 1. St. 15. 8. ( ch. 3. 14. & 7. 52. u I Cor. 11. & 26. 16. t ch. 2. 38. Hebr. 10.22. 2 Cor. 12. 2. ver. U. I Matt. 10. CHAPTER 22. 1 Paul declareth at large, how he was converted to the faith, 17 aiul called to his apostleship. '22 At the very mentioning of the Gentiles, the people exclaim on him. 'J4 He should have been seowrged,. 25 but claiming the privilege of a lioman, he escapeth. MEN, "brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defence w/iich I make now unto you. 3 (And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence : and he saith.) a '' I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city "^at the feet of •' Gamaliel, and taught ' according to the 1 perfect manner ^ of the law of the fathers, and /was zealous toward God, 3 as ye all are this day. 4 ''And I persecuted 2 this way^ unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women. 5 As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and ' all the estate of the elders : ''from whom also I received letters unto the brethren, and went to Damascus, to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished. 0 And 'it came to pass, that, as I made my jom-ney, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why per.^ecutest thou me ? S And I answered, Who art thou, Lord ? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest. 9 And "*they that were with me saw indeed the light, 3 and were afraid 3; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me. 10 And I said. What shall I do. Lord? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus ; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are ap- pointed for thee to do. 11 And when I could not see for the .glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus. 12 And " one Ananias, a devout man ac- cording to the law, "having a good re- port of all the P Jews which dwelt there, 13 Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me. Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him. 11 And he said, 'i The God of our fathers 'hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and ' see ' that Just One, and " shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. 1.5 " For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of ifwhat thou hast seen and heard. 10 And now why tarriest thou ? arise, and be baptized, = and wash away thy sins, "calling on /3 the name of the Lord 3- 17 And ' it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; 18 And ' saw him saying unto me, '' Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem : for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. 19 And I said. Lord, 'they know that I imprisoned and .' beat in every syna- gogue them that believed on thee : 20 yAnd when the blood of thy martyr Var. Renb.— CteD. 22. i F. 3. strictness Al. DeW. Me. Wo. 2 V. i. i.e. tlte n-ay of Christiairity. Var. Read.— C/wd. 22. V. 9. ^ So DE ; omit « A B, Edd. V. 16. ^ So H L ; his name « A B E, Edd. Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and ''consenting /Sunto his death /3, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. 21 And he said unto me. Depart: 'for I vrill send thee far hence unto the Gentiles. 22 And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, ''Away with such a fellom from the earth : for it is not fit that ' he should live. 23 And as they cried out, and ^cast ofE^ their clothes, and tlirew dust into the air, 2t The * chief captain* commanded him to be brought into the ^ castle^, and bade that he should be examined by scourg- ing; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him. 25 And as they ""boimd him with thongs ^ Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, "'Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned V 26 When the centurion heard that, he went and told the •'chief captain*, say- ing, 3 Take heed what thou doest : 3 for this man is a Roman. 27 Then the * chief captain* came, and said unto him. Tell me, art thou a Roman ? He said. Yea. 28 And the * chief captain* answered. With a great sum obtained I this free- dom. And Paul said. But I was free bom. 29 Then straightway they departed from him which should have || examined him : and the * chief captain* also was afraid, after he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him. 30 On the morrow, because he would have known the certainty wherefore he was accused of the Jews, he loosed him 3 from his bands /3, and commanded the chief priests and all their coimcil to ap- pear, and brought Paul down, and set him before them. CHAPTER 23. Fehu. the ;,...,, nur. AND Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men_aHrf brethren, "I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day. 2 And the high priest Ananias com- manded them that stood by him "> to smite him on the mouth. 3 Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall : for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and ' com- mandest me to be smitten contrary to the law? 4 And they that stood by said, Revilest thou God's high priest ? 5 Then said Paul, ■'! wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, " Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people. 6 But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pha- risees, he cried out in the council. Men and brethren, /I am a Pharisee, the son of |3a Pharisee |3: »of the hope and re- surrection of the dead I am called in question. 7 And when he had so said, there arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees : and the multitude was divided. Var. Rend.— 3 F. 23. So Me. ; shook Al. De W. * Vs. 2't, 20-29. tribune. ^ V. 21. barracks (i.e. the tower of Antonia) Me. 01. 6 y^ 05. go Al. Be. ; stretched him ready for the scora-ges De W. Me. 01. Var. Read.— F. 20. j3 So HL; omit «ABE, Edd. V. 26. 3 SoDH; What art thou about to do? N A BC, Edd. V. ,«!0. j3 Omit N A B C, Edd. Chap. 23. F. 6. 3 S'o E H ; Pharisees « A B C, Edd. Eccles. 10. 20. 2Pi-t. ,■!. IC Jude 8. /ch. 26. 5. Phil. 3. 5. q ch. 2-i. 15, 21. !c 26. 6. The Jews laying %vait for Paul. THE ACTS, 24. He is sent to Felix the ffovernor. 8 '■ For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit : but the Pharisees confess both. 9 And there arose a great cry : and /3 the scribes j3 that were of the Pharisees' part arose, and strove, saying, "We find no evil in this man: ybut '■if a spirit or an angel hath spoken to him, ' let us not fight against Gody. 10 And when there arose a great dis- sension, the 1 chief captain i, fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them, and to bring 1dm into the 2 castle^. 11 And '"the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, lie of good cheer, 3 Paul j3 : for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. 12 And when it was day, |3 " certain of /3 the Jews banded together, and bound themselves || under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink tiU they had kiUed Paul. 13 And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy. 14 And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. 15 Now therefore ye with the council signify to the i chief captain ^ that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would 3 enquire something more perfectly ^ concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. 16 And when Paxil's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and enter- ed into the ''^ castle -, and told Paul. 17 Then Paul called one of the centu- rions unto him, and said. Bring this young man unto the i chief captain i : for he hath a certain thing to tell him. 18 So he took him, and brought him to the 1 chief captain i, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. 19 Then the i chief captain i took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me ? 20 And he said, "The Jews have agreed to desire thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul to morrow into the council, as though /3 they would 3 enquire some- what *of* him more perfectly. 21 But do not thon yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have kill- ed him: and now are they ready, looking for =a5 promise from thee. 22 So the 1 chief captain i then let the young man depart, and charged him, See tliou tell no man that thou hast shewed these things to me. 23 And he called unto Jiim two centu- rions, saying. Make ready two himdred 6 soldiers^ to. go to Csesarea, and horse- men threescore and ten, and 'spearmen" Var. Bend. — Chap. 2.3. l Vs. 10, 15, 17—19, 22. tribune. ^ Vs. 10, 16, 32. barracks De W. Me. 01. — — -3 V. 15. determine more accm-ately Al. - — - * r. 20. i.e. about. 5 y_ oi. the. • 6 y_ 23. i.e. heaw-armed soldiers. '^ light -armed men Al. De W. Me. Var. Read. — V. 9. /3 So some late MSS. ; some of the Pharisees A, La.; some of the scribes that were . . . . « B C, Al. Ti. Tr. WH. ■ y So H ; but what if a spirit or an angel hath spoken \mto him V ^5 A B C, Edil. r. 11. /3 So later MSS.; omit NAB C*, EcUl. r. 12. ^ So M; omit N A B C, Edd. V. 20. /3 thou woiildest « A B E, Edd. two hundred, at the third hour of the night ; 2-1 And provide them beasts, that they may set Paul on, and bring him safe un- to Felix the governor. 25 And he wrote a letter after this manner : 26 Claudius Lysias unto the most excel- lent governor l''ehx semleth greeting. 27 rThis man was taken of the Jews, and should have been killed of them : then came I with *an armyS, and res- cued him, having rmderstood that he was a Roman. 2S '/ And when I would have known the cause wherefore they accused him, I brought him forth into their coimcil : 29 Whom I perceived to be accused 'of que.stions of then- law, 'but to have no- thing laid to his charge worthy of death or of bonds. 30 And 'when it was told me how that jSthe Jews laid wait for/S the man, yl sent straightway to thee y, and " gave commandment to his accusers also 6 to say before thee what the// had against him a. < Farewell f. 31 Then the soldiers, as it was com- manded them, took Paul, and brought him by night to Antipatris. 32 On the morrow they left the horse- men to go with him, and retm-ned to the 2 castle 2: 33 Who, when they came to C'sesarea, and delivered the epistle to the governor, presented Paul also before him. 34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he miderstood that he was of ' CiUcia ; 35 v I will hear thee, said he, when thine accusers are also come. And he com- manded him to be kept in * Herod' ,5 "judgment halP. CHAPTER 24. 1 Pail! hebi'i acriisnl hi) TeitiiUus the orator, 10 aiisiirn-t/i fill- his life and doctrine. 24 He prcariielh rhrisr to tin- i/ijivnior and his wife. •Hi Tin- iiortnior hnurtti for a bribe, but in vain. i;7 At lust, ijoimj out of his office, he Icuvctlt Paul in prison. AN D after " five days <> Ananias the - high priest descended with |3the/3 elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. 2 And when he was called forth, Ter- tuUus began to accuse him, saj-ing. Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness, and that ^very worthy deeds are done;3 unto this nation by thy providence, 3 We accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfuhiess. 4 Notwithstanding, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee that thou wouldest hear us of thy clemency a few words. 5 ' For we have found this man a pes- tilent fellow, and a mo%er of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the i sect ^ of the Nazarenes : 6 ■'Who also hath 2 gone about- to pro- fane the temple : whom we took, /3 and would ' have judged according to our law. Var. Rend.— 8 r. 27. the troop. ^ y. 35. Lit. PrKtorium ; vide Mark 15. 16. Chap. 24. i V. 5. Same uord as heresy in v. 14. '^ V. 6. i.e. sovght. Vab. Read.— r. 30. j3 ifo H ; a plot would be laid against N A B E, Edd. y So B H L, Al. WH.; [th-at a plot would be laid] by them, I sent him to thee « A E, La. Ti. Tr.^ S So B E H, Al. 2'r.' WH. {nearly); to .speak themselves before thee N A, La. Ti, Tr.^ ^ So t< E L ; omit A B, Edd. Chap. 24. F. 1. 3 So H ; certain W A B E, Edd. V. 2. /3 So H; reformations are being wrought « A B E, Edd. Vs. 6—8. /3 So E ; omit N A B L, Edd. Paul answerethfor himself. THE ACTS, 25. and nppealefh u7ito Ccesar. A. D. 53. 7 /But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, 8 » Commanding his accusers to come imto thee fi : by examining of whom thy- self mayest taJte knowledge of all the^se things whereof we accuse him. y And the Jews also j3 assented ft saying that these things were so. 10 Then Paul, after that the governor had beckoned unto him to speak, an- swered, Forasmuch as I know that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation, I do jl the more /3 cheerfully answer for myself : 11 Because that thou mayest understand, that there are yet b it twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem ''for to worship. 12 'And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city : 15 Neither can they p prove j3 the things whereof they now accuse me. 14 But this I confess unto thee, that after '' the way which they call ^ heresy ^, so worship I the ' God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in " the law and in the prophets : l."i And " have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, " that there shall be a resun-ection /3 of the dead j3, both of the .just and unjust. 16 * And p herein do I exercise ^ my- self, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. 17 Now after many years » I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings. 15 j3 '■ Whereupon ;8 certain Jews from Asia foimd me pm-ified in the temple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult. 11) • Who ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had ought a- gainst me. 21) Or else let these same Itere say, if they have found any evil doing in " me, while I stood before the council, 21 Except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, 'Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question 3 by j3 you this day. 22 And |8 when Felix heard the^e things 3, having more perfect knowledge of ^ that way 5, y he y deferred them, and said. When « Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will •'know the uttermost of * your matter. 2.'i And he commanded ^0,1 centurion to keep Paul, and to let liim have ** liberty s, and *that he should forbid none of his acquaintance to minister ^or come/3 un- to him. 21 And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in |3 Christ j3. 2.5 And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix ^ trembled, and * answered. Go thy way for this time ; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. 20 He hoped also that v money shou.ld have been given him of Paul, /3 that he might loose him j3 ; wherefore he sent for him the oftencr, and communed with him. 27 But after two years Porcius Festus came into Fehx' room: and Felix, ^will- left Vau. Kend. — 3 V. 14. a sect Da. Be W. Me. * V. IH. I also accordingly (ors iceU as tliPii) so exer- cise Al. De W. Me. ^ V. ii. the way tof C'hrhtianity). fi adjudge Al. TV. 23. the. ^Sn DeW. Me.; remission (i <•. partial liberty) Al. ; rest Be. 9 V. 25. becoming afraid. Var. Read.— r. 9. ;8 So some later MSS.; joined in attacking him S A B E, Edil.- V. 10. ^ So H; omit NABE, Edd. 1'. 13. ^ So H ; prove to thee « A B E, Edd. V. 1.5. /3 So E H ; omit HABC, Edd. V. 18. /3 So H; Amidst which (offerings) NABC, Edd. V. 21. /3 So «EH; before ABC, Edd. V. 22. 0 So H ; omit « A B C. Edd. y So H ; Fehx NABC, Edd. V. 23. |3 So H ; omit « A B C. Edd. V. 24. /3 So WC, Al. Tr.^; Christ Jesus N* B, La. Ti. jri/.i CHAPTER 25. 2 The Jews accuse Paul he/ore Festus. 8 Be answer- eth for himself, 11 and appealeth unto Cctsar. 14 Afterrvards Festus openeth Ms matter to l-ing Agrippa, 2:3 and he is hnuitht forth. 25 Festus cleareth. him to have done nothing wor- thy of death. NOW when Festus was come into the province, after three d,ays he ascend- ed from Csesarea to Jenisalem. 2 "Then the high j3 priest^ and the chief of the Jews intonned him against Paul, and besought him, 3 And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, Maying wait in the way to kill him. 4 But Festus answered, that Paul should be kept at CiEsarea, and that he him- self would depart sliortly thi flier. 5 Let them therefoi-c, said ho, which a- mong you are lablt-', go down with me, and accuse this man, ' if there be any wickedness in him. 6 And when he had tarried among them j3 II more than /3 ten days, he went down unto Csesarea; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought. 7 And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, <' and laid many and griev- ous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove. 8 While he answered for himself. <■ Nei- ther against the law of tli<- .l.\,-. n itUir against the temple, nor \< a-- sar, have I offended any i ! ' '. 9 But Festus, / willing tu cIm iIm' .'.v s a pleasure, answered Paul, and said, » Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me ? 10 Then said Paul, I stand at Caesar's judgment seat, where I ought to be judged : to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest. 11 '• For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die : but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may dehver me unto them. ' I appeal unto Ciesar. 12 Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered. Hast thou appealed unto Csesar r' unto Cffisar shalt thou go. 13 And after certain days king Agrippa and Bernioe came unto Cresarea to salute Festus. 14 And when they had been there many days, Festus declared Paul's cause unto the king, saying, '' There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix : 15 'Aboit whom, when I was at Jeru- salem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me, desiring to have judgment against him. 16 '" To whom I answered. It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man |8 to die /3, before that he which is accused have th6» accusers face to face, and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him. 17 Therefore, when they were come hither. d Mark ] liiike 2; Var. Rend. — Chap. 25 De W. Me. 01. Wo. Var. Read.— K. 26. /3 Chap. 25. V. 2. jE Edd. V. 0. |8 So H ; ' V. 5. So Be.; powerful .4?. HL; omit NABC, Edd. fo H ; priests N A B C, not more than eight or Edd. C Edd. V. 16. /3So H L; omit N A B C, Paul's defence THE ACTS, 20. b^ore Agrippa. Wr. rch.22.22. >ch.23. 9, Deut.18. 2 Sam. 7. Ps. 132. Isai. 4. 2 & 7. 11. & 37. 24. Dan. 9. 24. Micah7.20. " without any delay on the morrow I sat on the judgment seat, and commanded Che min to be brought forth. IS - Against whom when the accusers stood up, they - brought J3 none fi accusa- tion of such things as 1 supposed : 19 " But had certain questions against him of their own ^ superstition '^, and of one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affinned to be alive. 20 And because II I doubted of such man- ner of questions, I asked him whether he would go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these matters. 21 But when Paul had appealed to be reserved unto the || hearing of * Augus- tas ■*, I commanded him to be kept tiU I might send him to Csesar. 22 'i'nen P Agrippa said unto Festus, I » would ^ also hear the man myself. To morrow, said he, thou shalt hear him. 28 And on the morrow, when Agrippa was come, and Bernice, with great pomp, and was entered into the place of hearing, with the ^ chief captains '', and principal men of the city, at Festus' command- ment Paul was brought forth. 24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all men which are here present with us, ye see this man, about whom i all the miiltit ude of the Jews have dealt with me, both at Jerusalem, and also here, crj'ing that he ought >■ not to hve any longer. 25 But when I found that 'he had com- mitted nothing worthy of death, ' and that he himself hath appealed to * Au- gustus ■*, I have determined to send him. 2S Of whom I h ive no certain thing to write nnto my lord. Wherefore I have brought him forth before you, and spe- cially before thee, O king Agrippa, that, after exxmination had, I might have somewhat to write. 27 For it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a prisoner, and not withal to signify the crimes laid him. CHAPTER 26. 2 Paul, in the presence of Agrippa, declareth Jiis life from his childhood, 12 and how miraculouslu he wt.^ coni'L'i-ted. and called to his apostlcship 24 Fe^tua chnr-jeth him to be mad, whereunto he iiiisiitjn-th modcsti;/. 28 Agrippa is almost rerr.aiilfd to he a clirix'ian. :il The whole com- pan;j jjronounce him innocent. THEN Ag.-ippa said unto Paul, Thon art permitted to speak for thyself. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and answered for himself : 2 I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shill answer for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I .am accused of the Jews : 3 Especially because I know thee to be expert in aU customs and questions which are among the Jews : wherefore I be- seech thee to hear me patiently. 4 My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among mine own nation at Jerusalem, know all the Jews; a Which knew me from the beginning, if they wo ild testify, that after " the most straitest sect of our religion I hved a Pharisee. 6 *" And now I stand and am ■ judged i for the hope of ' the promise made of God unto our fathers : 7 Unto which promine ■' our twelve tribes, Vak. Rend.— 2 V. 18. Conc°ming whom when the accusers .stood up, they; or And the accusers stood round him, and. ■* V. 19. The word used is some- what equivocal in meaning betieen superstition .uHd religion. * Fs. 21. 2.5. i.e. the Kmjteror-.^'Ccesar of vs. 8, 11, &c. 5 V. 22. could have wi'hed to. ^V. 23. tribunes. Cliap. 2fi. i V. 6. being judged. Var. Read.— F. 18. j3 So H L ; no criminal A C*, La. Ti. Al.^ Tr.^ WH.^; no accusation of such criminal things as I supposed B E, Tr.i WH.^ instantly serving God t ' day and 'night, / hope to come. For which hope's sake, king ;3 Agrippa /3, I am accused of the Jews. 8 Why should it be thought a thing in- credible with you, that Uod ^ should raise '■^ the dead ? 9 ^ » I verily ^ thought with myself, that I ought to do many tilings contrai-y to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. 10 '■ Which thing I also did in Jemsa- lom : and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority ' from the chief priests ; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice a- gainst them. 11 'And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and * compelled* Ihem to blas- pheme ; and being exceedingly mad a- gainst them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities. 12 ' Whereupon as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests, 1:5 At midday, O king, I saw in the wa,y a hght from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round a- bout me and them which joiu-neyed with 14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongie. Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me .■' it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 15 And I said, Who art thou. Lord 'r And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. IG But rise, and stand upon thy feet : for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, '" to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee ; 17 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, " unto whom ^ now 3 I send thee, 18 » To open their eyes, and ^r to turn them s from darkness to hght, and from the power of Satan unto God, 'i that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and ■• inheritance among them which are » sanc- titted by faith that is in me. 19 AVhereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: 20 But ' shewed first unto them of Da- mascus, and at Jerusalem, and through- out all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do " works meet for repentance. 21 For these causes ^ the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. 22 Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witness- ing both to small and great, saying none other things than those a which the pro- phets and = Moses did say should come : 2:{ s « That Christ should suffer, and I" that s he should be the fii-st that should rise from the dead, and '' should shew hght unto the people, and to the Gen- tiles. 24 And as he thus spake for himself. Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, '' thou art beside thyself ; much learning doth make thee mad. 25 But he said, I am not mad, most 1 Tim. 5. 5. rPhil. 3.11. 9 John 16. 2. 1 Tim. 1. 13. h nh. 8. 3. Gal. 1. 13. .ch. 9. 14.21. k 22. 5. 1 Tliess,5.; ri 2 Cor. 6. .*t 5. 8. Col. 1. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 9, : John 5. 46. . Luke 24. 26, 46. John 10. 20. I Cor. 1.23. & 2. 13, 14. Var. Rend.— 2 v. 8. raises. 3 y_ 9. go jj^g^ j Al. Me. * V. 11. Perhaps sought to compel Al. Me. 5 V. 18. So Be. ; that they may tium Al. De W. Me. « V. 23. That is, whether the Christ be subject to sufferin.g, whether .... /)e \V. Me. ; If at least the Christ be capable of suffering Al. Var. Read. — Chap. 2fi. V. 7. 3 So H L ; omit « B C E, Edd. V. 17. 3 So some later MSS. ; omit N A B C, Edd. Paul's voyage toioard Borne. THE ACTS, 27. He suffereih shipwreck; "jury. noble Festus ; but speak forth, the words of truth and soberness. 26 For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely : for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him ; for this thing was not done in a corner. 27 King Agrippa, believest thou the pro- phets V I know that thou believest. 28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, 7 Al- most 7 thou /3 persuadest me fi y to be y a Christian. 20 And Paul said, ' I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear ' me this day, ^ were both almost, and altogether ^ such as I am, except these bonds. 30 And j3 when he had thus spoken /3, the king rose up, and the governor, and Bemice, and they that sat with them : 31 And when they were gone aside, they talked between themselves, saying, / This man doeth nothing worthy of death or of bonds. .S2 Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at hberty, v if he had not appealed unto Ctesar. CHAPTEK 27. 1 Paii.7 shipping toioard Rome, 10 foretejjpth of fhr ddiufi'i' of the voyage, 11 but is not believed. 14 Tlii-ii arc tossed to and fro with tempest, 41 ai„l siiffri- shipwreck, 22, 34, 44 yet all come safe Ali D when ° it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they de- livered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of 1 Augustus' band i. 2 And entering into a ship of Adramyt- tium, j3 we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia /3 ; one <> Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us. 3 And the next dai/ we touched at Si- don. And Julius ' courteously entreated Paul, and gave Mm liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself. i And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary. .5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and PamphyUa, we came to ^ Myra 3, a citi/ of Lycia. f> And there the centurion found a sliip of Alexandria sailing into Italy ; and he piTt ns therein. 7 And when we had sailed slowly many days, and - scarce ~ were come over a- gainst C'nidus, the wind not suffering us, we sailed under || Crete, over against Sal- mone ; 8 And, hardly passing it, came unto a place which is called The fair havens ; nigh whereunto was the city of Lasea. 9 Now when much time was spent, and when 3 sailing ^ was now dangerous, '' be- cause * the fast ■* was now already past, Paul admonished tliem, 10 And said unto them. Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with |l hui-t and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. 11 Nevertheless the centurion believed Vab. Eend.— 7 K. 28. Lightly Al. Me.; In short time De W. * V. 29. whether hghtly {with case\ or with difficulty (whether shortly or at length DeW.) might become Al. Chap. 27. ^ V. 1. the cohort Augusta probably. " V. 7. with difficulty Al. Me. 3 Y_ f)_ the voyage Al. * i.e. the Day of Atonement. Var. Read.— F. 28. /3 So « B E L, La. Ti. Tr. WIT. ; persuadest thyself A, Al. y So EH; (so as) to make me NAB, Tr. La. Ti. WII. ; that thou canst make me Al. ; WH. however suspect corruption in this clause. V. 30. fi So H; omit « A B, Edd. Chap. 27. r. 2. j3 So H; which was about to sail to the coasts of Asia, we launched NAB, Edd. V. 5. p So h; Myrra B, Edd. the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by PavU. 12 And because the haven was not com- modious to winter in, the more part ad- vised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter ; which is an haven of Crete, and ^ lieth toward the south west and north west 5. 13 And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete. 14 But not long after there ^ || arose a- gainst it fi a tempestuous wind, called (3 Euroclydon p. 15 And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive. 10 And running tmder a certain island which is called j3 Clauda /3, we had much work to come by the boat : 17 "Which when they had taken up, they used helps, undergirding the ship; and, fearing they should ' fall into the quicksands 7, 8 gtrake sail ^, and so were driven. 18 And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship ; 19 And the third day /3 ' we cast out with our /3 own hands the » tackUng » of the .ship. 20 And when neither sun nor stars in many days i" appeared'", and no small tempest lay on ns, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away. 21 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said. Sirs, ye should have hearkened imto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and "to have gained 11 this harm and loss. 22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer : for there shall be no loss of any ■man's life among you, but of the ship. 23 /For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and awhom I sers'e, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul ; thou must be brought before Csesar : and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. 2ii Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: ''for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. 26 Howbeit »we must be cast upon a certain island. 27 But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the .shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country ; 28 And sounded, and found it twenty fathoms : and when they had gone a little further, they sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms. 29 Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon i^ rocks '-, they cast fom- anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day. 30 Arid as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under coloiu: as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship. Var. Kf.nd.— 5 V. 12. look toward the south-west and north-west winds (i.e. in the direction of these Kinds, viz. N.E. and S.E.) Al. ^ V. 14. So DeW.: blew down from it (Crete) Al. ' V. 17. be cast on the Syrtis {on N. coast of Africa). ^ So De W. Me.; lowered the gear {e.g. topsails d-c.) Al. ^V. 19. i.e. mainyard Farrar. loj^. 20. shone. n F. 21. (ye should) have saved (i.e. avoided) Al. Be. DeW. Me. 12 y_ 29. rough places. Var. Kead.— F. 14. (3 So H L ; Euraovlon {i.e. North Easter) iiA'B*,Edd. F. IC. fi So N*A(HL1, Ti. Scr. ; Cauda N"; B, La. Tr. WH. V. 19. /3 So H L ; they .... their N A B C, Edd. but all escajjc safe to land. THE ACTS, 28. Paul preacheth at Home. Matt.l5.3S. Mark S. 6. John 6. 11. 1 Tim. 4, 3, 81 Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved. 32 Then the soldiers ciit off the ropes of the boat, and let )ier fall off. 33 And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the foiu-teenth day that ye have tarried and contmued fast- ing, having taken nothing. 34 Wherefore I pray you to take some meat : for this is for your '^ health '^ : for * there shall not an hair fall • from the head of any of you. 3.") And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and ' gave thanks to God in presence of tliem all : and when he had broken it, he began to eat. 36 Then were they all of good cheer, and they also took some meat. 37 And we were in all in the ship jStwo hundred threescore and sixteen "' souls. ^ .•:s And when they had eaten enough, tliey lightened the ship, and cast out the wliuat into the sea. :>'.) And when it was day, they knew not the land: but they discovered a certain creek with a i+ shore i*, into the which they were minded, if it were possible, to ^'^ thrust in 15/3 the ship. 40 And when they had || taken up the anchors, they i^ committed themselves i^ mito the sea, and loosed the rudder bandit, and hoised up the i"mainsaili^ to the wind, and made toward shore. 41 And falling into a place where two seas met, " they ran the ship agroimd ; and the forepart stuck fast, and remain- ed unmoveable, but the hinder part was broken with the violence /3 of the waves 3. 42 And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. 43 But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose ; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land : 44 And the re.«t, some on boards, and some on pieces of the ship. And •-0 it came to pass, "that they escaped all safe to land CHAPTER 28 ''; ur after the bn b, i^Trr,-'' tth tk re two i/eais AND when /3they/3 were escaped, then /3they/3 knew that "the island was called yMelitay. 2 And the i ' barbarous people i shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us eveiT one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold. 3 And when Paul had g.athered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fas- tened on his hand. 4 And when the i barbarians i saw the venomous beast hang on his liand, they said among themselves. No doubt tliis man is a murderer, whom, though he Var. Bend. — i*F. 34. i.e. deliverance DeW. 1* V. 39. sandy beach Al. and so venrUj Be. De W. Me. 15 strand Al. Me. iT. 40. let them go {i.e. the anchors). 17 foresail .4?. ; topsail Jl/e. ; mizen- sail DeW. Chap. 28. ^ Vs. 2, 4. natives AJ. Var. Read.— T'. 37. 3 So « C H L, La. Ti. Tr. Ser. ; about seventy-sLx B. Theh., WH.'^ V. 39. |3 fiTo « AH L, La. Ti. Tr. Scr.; save B* C, Memph., WH.^ V. 41. /3 So «=CHL, Al."^ Tr.i; omit N* A B, La. Ti. WH. Chap. 28. F. 1. 3 So C^ H ; we « A B C*. Edd. y So NACH, La. Ti. Tr. WIi:^; Melitene B, VuUj., Wll.^ hath escaped the sea, yet ^ vengeance^ suffereth not to live. .5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and "^felt no harm. (! Howbeit they looked when he should ^have swollen 3, or fallen down dead sud- denly : but * after they had looked * a great while, and so.w no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and •'said that he was a god. 7 In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius ; who received us, and lodged us three days courteously. 8 And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux : to whom Paul entered in, and ' prayed, and J laid his hands on him, and healed him. 9 So when this was done, others also, which had diseases in the island, came, and were healed : 10 Who also honoured us with many 5 ho- nours ; and when we departed, they laded vs with such things as were necessary. 11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had win- tered in the isle, whose sign was ^ Castor and Pollux 5. 12 And landing at Syracuse, we tarried there three days. 13 And from thence we fetched a com- pass, and came to Bhegium : and after one day the south mnd blew, and . we came the next day to PuteoU : 14 Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven days : and so we went toward Rome. 1.5 And from thence, when the brethren heard 6 of 6 us, they came to meet us as far as Appii forum, and The three ta- verns : whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage. 16 And when we came to Rome, /Sthe centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard : but /3 '' Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a sol- dier that kept him. 17 And it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together : and when they were come to- gether, he said unto them, 7 Men and bittliren '', ' though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet 'was I delivered pri- soner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans. 18 Who, 'when they had examined me, would have let me go, because there was no cause of death in me. 19 But when the Jews spake against tt, "> I was constrained to appeal unto Csesar ; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of. 20 For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with liou : because that " for the hope of Israel I am bound with "this chain. 21 And they said unto him. We neitlier received letters out of Judeea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came shewed or spake any harm of thee. 22 But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest : for as concerning this sect, we know that every where I'it is spoken against. 23 And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging ; 'i to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, ''both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening. 14, 15. / Mark 0. 5. " 7. 3;!. Var. Rend. — 2 f. 4. justice. ^V. fi. become in- flamed. * as they continued looking. ^ V. 11. the Dioscuri. '^ V. 15. the news concerning. " r. 17. Brethren. Var. Read.— V. 16. 3 So H L ; omit « A B, Edd. Paul's desire to see ROMANS, 1. his brethren at Rome. 21- And 'some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not. 25 And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word. Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto |3our3 fathers, 2(i Saying, ' Go unto this people, and say. Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not un- derstand ; and seeing ye shall see, and t not perceive : Mark -4. 13. 27 For the heart of this people is waxed J "h "^ ?2 '•(<) gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, Kom 11 s' and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their Kzek. la. Matt. la. 14, 15. Acts 9. 15. Gal. 'l"'l5. Luke 1. 33. Acts 2. 30. 2 Tim. 2. R. /.Tohn 1. U Gal. i. i. heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. 28 Be it known therefore unto you, that /3 the 3 salvation of God is sent " unto the Gentiles, ^^ and that they will hear it*. 29 /3 And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reason- ing among themselves /3. SO And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in xinto him, 31 ■'Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern thi Lord Jesus |3 Christ j3. with all no man forbidding him. ■THE EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE ROMANS PAUL, a servant of Je.^us Christ, "called to be an apostle, ^ separated unto ^ the gospel of God ^, 2 (' Which he had promised afore ""by his prophets in ^ the holy scriptvires^*,) 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, 'which was /made of the seed of David according to the flesh ; 4 And 3 til declared 3 to be the Son of God with power, according ''to the spirit of holiness, by the resm-rection ^frona* the dead : .5 By whom = ' we ^ have received grace and apostleship, ^ \\ for ^ ' obedience ' to the faith i among all nations, * ' for * his name : 6 Among whom ^are ye also the called of Je.^us Christ 9; 7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, '" called to be saints : » Grace to you and peace from God om- Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. H Fu-st, " I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that I'yom- faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. 9 For '< God is my witness, 'whom I serve 1| with my sjiirit in the gospel of his Son, i^that "without cea.sing '" I make mention of you always in my prayers ; 10 ' Making request, if by any means Cor. 1. 2. Coi-. 1. 4. ch. is. i Acts 9. 15. m ch. 9. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 1 Thess. 1. 2. PhUem. Phil. 3. 3. 1 Thess. 3. 10. Var, Rend.— 8 V. 28. they will also hear it AT. Me. Chav- 1. ' V. 1. So {strictly God's gospel) Al. De W. Jo. ; a gospel that is of God VH. Me. '■^ V. 2. holy writings. ^ V. i. As marg. Be. De W. Jo. Me.; marked out Va. * of. ^ F. 5. i.e. I Al. De W. Jo. Me. Va. ; I and the other apostles VH. •* i.e. so as to briny al/ont Al. DeW. Me. T So (i.e. to the duty of faith] DeW. Me. Rii. ; of {i.e. she'in in) faith I'll. * i.e. to the glory of Al. De W. Me. VH. » V. C. So VH. Rii. ; ye also are called by Jesus Christ Al. ; ye also are called ones of Jesus Chi-ist's De W. Jo. ^ V. 9. So Al. De W. ; how unceasingly Me. Jo. VH. Var. Read.— F. 2.5. /3 So H L ; your NAB, Erld. V. 28. B So H' E ; this N* A B, Edd. F. 29. 3 So H ; omit N A B C, Edd. V. 31. p So H' A B, La. Tr. WH.; Omit N*, Ti. * To the Romans « A B, Edd. 11 now at length I might have a pros- perous .iourneyi' u^y the will of God to come unto you. 1 1 For I long to see you, that * I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established ; 12 'i hat is, that i^ I ^'^ may be i' com- forted 13 i* together II with you by v the mutual faith both of you and me '*. l.'i Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that ' oftentimes I puri)Osed to come unto you, (but "was let hitherto,) that I might have some * fruit II among you also, even as among other Gentile-. 14 <■ I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For '' I am not ashamed of the gos- pel |3 of Christ ^ : for « it is i^ the i^ power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth ; /to the Jew y i"" first ii* y, and also to the Greek. 17 For 9 therein is i^the righteousness of God 1' revealed from faith to faith : as it is written, '' The just shall live by faith. 18 ' For 15 the i* wrath of God is reveal- ed from heaven a.gainst all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who i^hold'^ the truth in imrighteousness ; 19 Because * that which -" may be 2" known of God is manifest || in them ; for ' God hath shewed it mito them. 20 For '" the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clear- ly seen, being understood by the things that are -'made^i, evin his eternal power Var. Rend.— 11 F. 10. at last I may some day be prospered (or have a prosperous journey Jo. VH.) Al. DeW. Me. VH. Jo. Rii. 12 V. 12. we Va. 13 encouraged De W. VH. i^ among you, each by the faith which is in the other Al. DeW. Jo. Wo.; in the matter of you, by means of the faith which is in each other, (.the faith) both of you and me Va. 12 F. 16. a. 1^ i.e. principally Al. Me. De W. Rii. ; first in time VH. 1? V. 17. God's righteousness Al. ; i.e. rightemis'ness proceedivg from God Be. De W. Me. Rii. VH. Wo. ; righteotisuess ac- cepted before God, Ltither, Calvin ; a div ne gift of r ghteousness Va. i" F. 18. a lie. a particular e.rercise of irrath Va.). 1^ hold back Al. DeW. Me. > for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself ; for thou that judgest doest the same things. 2 ^ But ^ we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou .shalt escape the judgment of God? i Or despisest thou 'the riches of his goodness and '' forbearance and '' long- Var. Rend.— 22 r. 20. divinity (i.e. all attributes of God) Al. Be. DnW. Me. Va. VS. 23 to the end they may be Va. 24 jr_ 24,. in. 25 so Va. VH. Rii.; in the dishonouring of their bodies De W. Me. Bu. Wi.; so that their bodies were dishonoured Al. 26 J,'. 2.S. reprobated the knowledge of God Al.; did not approve to have God in knowledge Va. 27 an unapprovable Va. {to keep the play on words). 28 ir_ 29. contention U. 29 j^. 30. So Va.; hated by Gad Al. De W. Jo. Me. 30 y^ 32. join in the pleasure of Va. Var. Read.— F. 21. j3 S'o D E, AI.T-; omit M A B C, Edd. F. 29. 0 So L; omit NAB, Edd. V. 31. JS So C Dc ; omit «* A B D*, Edd. Chap. 2. V. 2. j3 So A B D, La.i Al. Tr.^ JVH.^; For « C, Vulg. Memph. Ti. Tr.- WIi:^ suffering ; / not knowing that the good- ness of God leadeth thee to repentance V ft But after thy hardness and impenitent heart ^treasurest up vmto thyseli wrath 1 against the^ day of wrath and revela- tion of the righteous judgment of God; 0 * Who will render to every man ac- cording to his deeds : 7 To them 2who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortaUty, eternal life 2 : B But unto them that are 3 contentious 3, and 'do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousnes.s, indignation and wrath, 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew ■"'first*, and also of the t Gentile ; 10 ' But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew ■* ■', and also to the t Gentile : 11 For '"there is no respect of persons with God. 12 For as many as have sinned 5 without ^ law shall also perish ^ without ^ law : and as many as have sinned in "^the^ law shall be judged by ^the** law ; 13 (For "not the hearers of ^the^ law are just before God, but the doers of ^ the 6 law shall be justified. \i For when ''the' Gentiles, which have not 6 the 6 law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not '^ the ^ law, are ^ a ^ law xmto themselves : 15 Which shew the work of the law writ- ten in their hearts, II their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts ^ II the mean while accusing or else excus- ing one another ;) la " In the day when God shall judge ' the secrets of men r by Jesus Christ 1 according to my gospel. 17 ^ Behold 3, '' thou art called a Jew, and ' restest in the law, ' and makest thy boast of God, 18 And " knowest his will, and i" || * ap- provest the things that are more excel- lent If, being instructed out of the law ; 19 And 'J art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a hght of them which are in darkness, 20 An instructor of the fooHsh, a teacher of babes, = which hast the form of know- ledge and of the truth in the ^' law. 21 " Thou therefore '^ which teachest an- other, teachest thou not thyself ? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal ? 22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adul- tery 't thou that abhorrest idols, '' dost thou 12 commit sacrilege 12 ? 23 Thou that -^makest thy boast of "the" law, through breaking the law dishonour- est thou God ? ■ Deut. 4. 8. Ps. 7. 19, 20. II Or, Mat tht Ihiniji that Jiffer. x PhU, & 23. 16, 17, 19, 24. John 9. 34, 40, 41. i ch. 6. 0 Ps. 50. 10, &c. Mat. 23. 3, &c. l.MiU.3.8. ever. Var. Rend.— CAai). 2. 1 F. 5. in a. 2 p-. 7. go Al. Se. DelV. Me. liii. VH. Va.; who patiently en- dure in a good work, seeking for eternal life, (he will render) glory and honour and immortality Jo. ; (immortahty same word as incorruption 1 Cor. 15. 50). ^V. 8. So Be. VH.; self-seeking Al. Me. Rii. VH. ; factious De IF. Li. Va. * Vs. 9, 10. i.e. prin- cipally Al. Me.; first in time VH. ^ V. 12. apart from Va. '^Vs. 12— U. a Va. " F. li. So Al. DeW. liii.; omit Me. VH. Va. ^ So VH. Jo. Va. ; the Al. De IF. Me. ^ Vs. 15, 16. among one another accusing or perhaps excusing Al. De IF. Me. Va. VH.; excusing, in a day when God is judging Va. '" F. 18. So Be. Jo. Me. Li.; discernest things that differ ithat are more excellent IFo.) Al. DeVV. VH. " Vs. 20, 21. law; Thou, I .say Al. {to suit alteration in v. 17). '2 v. 22. rob (the idols') temples Al. De W. Jo. Me. Va. ; rob the (Jewish) temple (by refusing to pay the due offerings) VH. IFo. 1 13 Vs. 23. 25. a V. I Var. Read.— F. 17. ^SoU'; Now if « A B D* Edd. 3 [E] The Jews' prerogative. ROMANS, 3. A'o flesh justified by the law. g Matt. 12. 41, 42. h Matt. 3. m 1 Cor. 4. 5. 2CO1-10.18. lThess.2.4. 2 Til d Job 40. S. e John 3. 33 /Ps. 62.9. h 116. 11. ,j Ps. 51. 4. Ji ch. 6. 19. Gal. 3. 15. 24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is "i written. . ., „, ,, .. 25 ' For circumcision venly profiteth, it thou keep i^ the i^ law : but if thou be a breaker of i' the » law, thy circum- cision 1^ is made ^^ uncircumcision. "6 Therefore / if the uncircumcision keep the 16 righteousness 16 of the law, shaU not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision ? . . . 97 And 1' shall not uncircumcision which is by natm-e, if it fulfil the law, 3 judge " thee, who i» by i* the letter and circum- cision dost transgress the law ? . '^s For '' he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly ; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh : 29 But he is a Jew, » which is one in- wardly ; and '' circumcision is that of the heart, 'in the spirit, and not in the let- ter • '" whose praise is not of men, but of God. CHAPTER 3. 1 The Jews' prerogative : 3 whicTi tltey Tiave not lost ■ 9 howbeit the law conmnceth them also of sin • 20 therefore no flesh is justified by the law, 28 but all, without difference, by faith only : 31 and yet the law is not abolished. WHAT advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circmn- cision ? , . „ , i,. i. 2 Much every way : chiefly, because that »unto them were committed the oracles of God. , ,. , , , ,. ^ 3 For what if ' some did not believe i ' shall their i unbeUef i make the ^ faith ^ of God without effect ? „ , , ^ 4 3d (jod forbid » : yea, let ' God be true, but / every man a har ; as it is written, 3 That thou mightest be justified m thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou ■* art judged *. .5 But if our unrighteousness ^ commend " the righteousness of God, what shall we say ■'' Is God unrighteous who taketh ven- .^eance? (* I speak as a man) 6 3 God forbid •* : for then ' how shall God judge the world? „ ^ , , ^, 7 S For 3 if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory ; why "^ yet 6 am I also judged as a sinner .-' 5 And 7 not rather, (as we be slander- ouslv reported, and as some aflirm that we say,) '< Let us do evil ', that good may come ■•' whose ^ damnation 8 is just. 9 What then ? ^ are we better than then 9 f 1° No, in no wise i" : for we have before nf proved n both Jews and Gen- tiles, that Hihey are all under sin ; 10 As it is written, '" There is none right- eous, no, not one = ,, ^ , ^ , .x, 11 There is none that understandetn, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out' of the way, they are together become unprofitable ; there is none that doeth good, no, not 1 13 « Their throat is an open sepulchre ; Vau. Bend.-1+F. 25. Omit. 1^ hath become. 16 Y. 20. ordinances Li.; requirements To.— - 17 V «7 uncircumcision which is by nature it it fulfi'l the law shall, judge Al, Be J)en Me.— 18 with, i.e. though in possession of DeW. J^. 01. Fa -through (i.e. in the teeth of) Me. YH. Wo. ctaVT^V i vmfaithfuhiess Al. DeW. Jo Ta.— 2 faithfulness Al. DeW. Jo. Ja-"— '»^ \ Wii ■ T Pt it not be * V. 4. So Al. He W. Jo. ifit. ; J;ntendesrra'-(.om;,ar;^^ 1 Cor. 6 6) Be. Me Viu 5 K. 5. establi.^h. « V. 7. any longer.— -'K 8. i.e. irhy should I not sai/ Let ns do evil\U.; and why should we not do evil Bm. Da. ■»? ^J— 8 condemnation. ^ F. 9. So virtually Al. Be. De W. Rii-Tve we preferred (to them) 01. Fa.; have we any defence Me. ^^ So Al. Bit. Jo.Me.DeW. liu. Wo. Va.; Not altogether Be. VH.—-J'Ut accusecV Var. READ.-C/mj). .■!. V. 7. 0 So B D, La. Al. Ir. WH."; But «A, Ti. Wll.^ tCr. charged, ch.1.28,. with their tongues they have used deceit ; ° the poison of asps is under their lips : 14 T Whose mouth is full of cur.sing and bitterness : , , , , , 15 9 Their feet are swift to shed blood : 16 12 Destruction i^ and misery are in their ways : 17 And the way of peace have they not known : IS ■• There is no fear of God before their 19 Now we know that what things so- ever ' the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law : that ' every mouth may be stopped, and " all the world may become || guilty before God. 20 13 Therefore 13 ^by the deeds of i*thei* law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight : for v by " the i* law is the knowledge of sin. 21 But now 1= •- the righteousness of God 15 16 without " " the " law i« is i" manifested, " being witnessed by the law ' and the prophets ; . ^ •■ ,= 22 Even i^ the righteousness of God i^ which is "^by faith of jS Oe.sus Christy vmto all y and upon all y them that be- heve : for ''there is no difference : "3 For ' all have sinned, and '^ come '■^ short of 20 the glory of God/" ; 24 Being justified freely /by his grace .''through the redemption that is — fi---*- 2.5' Whom God hath 1| set forth '■ to he a propitiation through faith 21 > in 21 his blood, to declare his righteousness -^-xfor the II remission of ' sins 22 that are past, '3 through 23 the forbearance of God ; 20 To declare, / say, at this time his righteousness : that he might be, and the justifier of him 24 which believeth m^* 07 in Where is 25 boasting 2^ then ? It is excluded. By what law ? of works ? Nay : but by the law of faith. , ^ „ ^, . 28 P Therefore (3 we 26 conclude 2'> « that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of 27 the 27 law. ^ ^ ^ , „ 29 28 jg 28 j,f the God of the Jews only ? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also : „ , ,0 -u- -u 30 |3 Seeing 3 29 ° i< is one God f, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and imcircumcision through faith. 31 Do we then make void 3o the 'o law thi-ough faith ? 31 God forbid : yea ^i, we estabhsh 30 the 30 law. I Acts 17. 30. Hebr. 9. 15. m ch. 2. 17, 23 & 4. 2 1 Ephe.^. 2. 9. n Acts 13. 38, .39. ver. 20, 21, 22. ch. 8. o ch. 10. 12, 13. Gal. 3. 8, 20, 28. CHAPTER 4. Abraham's faith was imputed to Mm for riffht- emisncss 10 before he was circu^ncised. ^ ^ ^•' /' " ' " ■■ -- — - - I Or, lubjerf (o the judri- mml of God. iPs. 143.2. Acts 13. 39. Gal. 2. 16. & 3. 11. Ephes. 2. 8, throughout. d ch. 10. 12. Gal. 3. 28. Col. 3. 11. Gal. 3. 22. /ch. 4. 16. Ephes. 2. 1 Titus 3. 5,1 oMatt.20.2i EplT- ■■ ' Col. 1. 14. 1 Tim. 2. 6 nPs, and his seed received the promise, father of all that belieiv. hall be imputed to ui for Var Rend. — 12 V. 16. Affliction Jo. 13 F. 20. ■Rpcause 1* a. '^ ys. 21, 22. God's righteousness ; c^p'^on eh. f;i7.— 16F.21 ,.e. u-Hhm.t the help of ^l j,je_ 17 Omit Li. Da. 1^ has been.-— i^* >. 23. ie do noivcome. 20 5.o (as Rom. 5. 2 ; 2 Cor. o. IS.) Jo, so nearly ( = the glorious state m which God created mankind) Ol. Rii.; the F^ise which comes from God Al. Be. De W. Me. 21 v. 2:>. So 01. Ru. Lnther, Calvin, Baur, Va. [hath set forth] by means of Al. DeW. Jo. Me. TFo —- 2^ because of (his) overlooldng of the sins that were P^st ''•«• 5<'/o'^« t/?li/, or upon the uncircum- cision also ? for we say that faith was 6 reckoned s to Abraham for righteous- 10 How was it then ^ reckoned ^ ? when he was in circumcision, or in imcircum- cision ? Not in circumcision, but in un- circumcision. 11 And 5 he received the sign of circum- cision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being imcircum- oised : that ^ he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised ; that righteou-sness might be imputed unto them jS also fi : 12 And the father of circumcision ' to them who are not 7 of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he harl being yet uncii-cumcised. 1.3 For the promise, that he should be the • heir of s the* world, teas not to Abra- ham, or to his seed, through * the ^ law, but tlu'ough the righteousness of faith. 14 For * if they which are of s the * law be heirs, faith is made void, and the Ijromise made of none effect : 15 Because ' the law worketh wrath : jSforjS where no law is, there is no trans- gression. 16 Therefore it is of faith, that it miaM he »• by grace ; » to the end the promise might be sure to aU the seed ; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abra- ham ; » who is the father of us all, 17 {As it is written, v I have made thee a father of many nations,) ^ || before him whom he believed, even God 3, 9 who quick- eneth the dead, and calleth those ■■ things which be not as though they were. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, • So shall thy seed be. 19 And being not weak in faith, ' he Var. Rend.— C//aj). i. 1 V. 2. was. 2 y_ 4. iijg wages are not reckoned Al. Me. ' cQuu^gd. * V. 6. coimteth. ^ y_ §_ count. ^ Vs. 9, 10, 22— 24. counted {same word as in v. 3). T. 12. So Al. Oe W. Me. Ril. VH. Va. ; not to them who are Jo. Da. ^Vs. 13, 14. a. ^ V. 17. So Be. Bu. Jo. VH. Va. ; before God in whose sight he believed Al. Da. Me. Wi. Var. 'Read.— Chap. i. V. 1. /3 So [rather that Abraham our father hath found according to the flesh Al. DeW. Me. Eil. and so near!}/ TV/.] MAC (forefather N*), Al.^ La. Ti. Tr.^ WH.^; of Abraham our forefather, as pertaining to the flesh B, Al.'- Tr.^ WH.^ V. 11. 0 So H-'CT), LaJ; omit N* B, Ti. Tr. WH. (that it might be imputed unto them for righteousness A, Vulg. La.^) V. 15. /3 ,So N=D; but N* A B, £rff7. /3 considered not his own body J3 now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb : 20 '" He staggered not at the promise of God through unbeUef ; but was strong in faith 10, giving glory to God ; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, " he was able also to perform. 22 And therefore it was * imputed ^ to him for righteousness. 23 Now 'it was not written for his sake alone, that it was ^ imputed ^ to him ; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be 6 imputed «, n if we " believe y on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead ; 25 'Who was delivered for our offences, and » was raised again for our justifica- tion. CHAPTER 5. 1 Eelnij Justified by faith, we have peace with God, 11 and joy in our hope, 8 t!mt sith we were re- conciled by his blood, wJten we were eneinics, 10 we shall much more be saved being recon- ciled. 12 As sin and death came by Adam, 17 so much more righteousness and life by Jesus Christ. 20 Where siu abounded, grace did superaboiaid. THEREFORE " being .iustified bv faith, 0 we have (3 ' peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ : 2 ' By whom also we 1 have 1 2 access 2 P by faith /3 into this |rrace <' wherein we stand, and ^ ' rejoice •* in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only so, but j3 / we glory /3 in * tribulations * also : n knowing that tri- bulation worketh ^ patience ^ ; 4 '' And 5 patience ^, « experience ^ ; and 6 experience '■, hope : 5 * And hope maketh not ashamed ; ' be- cause the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which ' is " given unto us. 6 /3 For /3 when we were yet without strength, 8 || in due time ^ ' Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: ^yet^ peradventure for i" a good man w n some would even n dare to die. 8 But "' God 12 commendeth ^^ tis love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ- died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified " by his blood, we shall be saved " from 13 wrath 12 through him. 10 For P if, when we were enemies, n we were reconciled to God by the death of m .Tolin 15. 13. 1 Pet. 3. 13. 1 John 3. 16. & 4. 9, 10. Ephes. 2. 13. Hebr. 9. 14. 1 John 1. 7. o ch. 1. 18. ] p ch. 8. 32. q 2 Cor. 5. 13, 19. Ephes. 2. 16. Col. 1. 20 Hebr. 9.28. 1 Pet. 2. 24. St 3. 18. ' 1 Cor. 15. I Isai. 32. 17. John 16. 33. ch. 3. 28, 30. I Eph. 2. 14 1 Pet. 3. 14. [; James 1. 3. \ Jain. 1. 12. i PhU. 1. 20. J: 2 Cor. 1.22. Gal. 4. 6. Ephes. 1. 13, 14. Var. Rend.— 10 V. 20. With respect to the promise of God he doubted not through imbehef but was strong in faith Al. Da. Me. Jo. VH. n V. 24. to us who. Chap. 5. i V. 2. have had Al. De W. Me. 01. Va. 2 our access Al. 3 gjory (same word as in V. 3). * V. 3. our tribulations Me. Va. 5 r.s. 3, 4. endurance Al. Me. 6 y_ 4_ approval {i.e. tried and proved character, cp. Phil. 2. 22) Al. 01. De W. Jo. Me. VH. Da. ' V. 5. was Al. » V. 6. So {i.e. not too late to profit us) VH. Me.; at the appointed time Al. De W. Jo. Sii. ' y^ 7_ f q]._ 1" So (strictly the good man) Al. Be. Da. De W. Jo. Me. VH. Va.; that which is good Ril. n some one does even. 1^ v. 8. establishes. 1^ y^ g^ the wrath {to come). Var. Read.— F. 19. /3 So D E ; did indeed consider that his own body was N A B C, Edd. {contimiitm and did also consider the deadness of Sarah's womb, yet). Chap. 5. V. 1. fi So N» B', Scr. La.'- (through error as to B) ; let us have !<*AB*CD, Vulg. Pesh. Memph., Ti. Al. Tr. WH. Beet. V. 2. j3 So N* A C, io.i Ti. Tr.^ TTH.^ ; omit B D. Al. Tr.^ WH.2 V. 3. fi So HAD, La. Ti. Tr.^ WH.-; glorying BC, Tr.^ WH.'—V. 6.(3 S'oNACD*. La. Ti. Tr.; If B, Al. WH. (WH. however suspect corruption.) Reconciliation by Christ. Exiiortation to holiness. Si a. 29, 30. Gul. 4. 9. J Or, reeon- Gal. 3.19,23. c Luke 7. 47. 1 Tim. l.H. c Gal. 3. 27. II Or, are. rf 1 Cor. 15. 29. ■ Col. 2. 12. his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved ^ by his life. 11 And not only so, but we also 'joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the i* II atone- ment ". 12 "Wherefore, as ' by one man sin en- tered into the world, and " death by sin ; and so death passed upon all men, || for that all i^ have sinned '^ : 13 (For until the law sin was in the world : but " sin is not imputed when tliere is no law. U Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the simiUtude of Adam's transgression, 'J who is the figure of him that was to come. 15 But not as the oifence, so also ?■,•! the free gift. For if through the otfence of '^*> one "^ ■'' many ^7 is \,q dead i^^ much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, vhUh is by i^ one '^ man, Jesus, I'J hath abounded i^ =unto i^many '7. 16 And not as ^o if, uma 20 by one that sinned, so is the gift : for the judgment toag 21 by one ^ to condemnation, but the free gift ^a jg of many -■'■ offences unto justification. 17 For if II by i^ one i^ man's offence death reigned -' by one ^3 ; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life ^ by one ~^, Jesus Christ.) IS Therefore as 2* II by the offence of one 2' jiidcimeni came upon all men to condemnation ; even so 25 || by the right- eousness of one 23 the free gift mm/' "up- on all men unto justification 26 of 2fi life. 19 For as by i*^ one ^^ man's disobedience 17 many 17 were made sinners, so by the obedience of i^ one i^ shall i' many " be made righteous. 20 27 Moreover 27 6 the law 2s entered ~^, that the offence might 29 abound. But where sin abounded '■"', grace did ^o much ' more abound ^o : 21 That as sin 31 hath reigned 3i 32„nto32 death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. CHAPTER 6. 1 We man not live in sin, 2 fo>' we are dead vnto it. " «s apiKcin-th by our baptism 12 Let not .-iin rri'lu nn'i tnore, 18 because we iiave yielded "nr.-ie/rrK /<, lhe service of rifjJttcoasness, •23 inid .fur lltat ,l,-■ delight in the law of God after ' the inward man : 23 But ' I see 33 another 33 law in " my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity ^ to 0 the law of sin which is in my 21 O wretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from || the body of this death ? 2i) ;8»I thank |8 God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I my- self serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. CHAPTER 8. 1 They that are in Christ, and live according to the Spirit ate free from condemnation, 5, 13 nhitt h nm connth of the Jhih, b, 14 and what q \ I I uhat of being God's lI I I lance all things I III oeed from God. rpill hi !■- tluittoie now no condem- JL nation to them which are in Christ Jesus, 3 w ho "v. alk not after the flesh, but aftei the Spiiit/S 2 For 'the law of ''the Spirit of life 1 in Christ Jesus hath made (3 me & free 1 from ■'the law of sin and death. 3 For "^what the law could not do, 2 in that 2 it was weak through the flesh, / God sending his own Son in the like- ness of 3 sinful fle.sh3, and *|ifor* sin, condemned sin in the flesh : t Or. hnou; Ps. 1.6. J! Gal. 5. 17. II Or, thU body of s 1 Cor. 15. Var. Rend.— 23 F. 13. Did. 2* become. 25 it was sin (that became deatli to me) in order that Al. De W. Me. VH. Va. 20 to Al. El. Jo. 27 F. 14. i.e. into the power of Al. DeW. Me. Va. 28 Vs. 15, 17, 20. perform Al. El. Va. - — 29 v_ 15. know Al. Jo. Va. Me. VH. t= realize VH.). 3»not what I will, that do I. 3i jr_ 21. with respect to the law, that to me, who would fain do good, evil is present Va. ■ — - 32 the. 33 y .13. a different Al. El. Me. VH. Va. Chap. 8. 1 F. 2. freed me in Christ Jesus Al. De W. Me. Tho. Rii. VH. 2 J'. 3. So Al. De W. Me. Rii. ; that in which Va. ; in so far as VH. 3 i,Y. flesh of sin. * i.e. on account of Al. Da. DeW. Me. Va. (==for a sin offering Va.) Var. Read.— F. 18. ;8 5o D E ; omit N A B C, Edd. F. 23. ^ So (A) C, La.; by « B, ^^.1 Ti. Tr. F. 25. /3 Son* A WH:^ ; Thanks bo to B, La. Ti. Al. Tr. IFH.l Chap. 8. F. 1. 3 So A N'' D'; o^nit N*BC, Edd. V. 2. j3 So A.CT), LaJ Al. Tr. WH.^; thee « B, Ti. WH.^ (WH. suspect corruption). Works of the flesh and of the Spirit. a ver- 1. /. John 3. 6. 1 Cor. 3. It. t Gr. Ih, been,.., of ■ ch. 6. 7, U. 4 That the ^ righteousness ^ of the law might be fulfilled in us, swho walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5 For 'i they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh ; but they that are after the Spirit "the things of the Spirit. 6 For s * t to be carnally minded ^ is death ; but 7 1 to be spiritually minded ' is life and peace. 7 Because ^ f i the carnal mind ^ is en- mity against God : for it is not subject to the law of God, "'neither indeed can be. 8 8 So then 8 they that are in the flesh cannot please God. y But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that " the Spirit of God dwell in you. ^ Now ^ if any man have not "the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 10 3 And 9 if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin ; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of Phim that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, 1 he that raised up /3 Christ fi from the dead .shall also quicken your mortal bodies y II by his Spirit y tliat dwelleth in you. 12 ''Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, lotoi" live after the flesh. 13 For 'if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die : but if ye through the Spirit do 11 'mortify 11 the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14 For " as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For '■ye 12 have not received i^ the spirit of bondage again 'J to fear ; but ye 13 have received 13 the = Spirit of adoption, " whereby 1-* we cry, "Abba, Father. 1() '' The Spirit itself beareth witness '^ within our spirit, that we are the chil- dren of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; 'heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; ''if so be that we suffer with Mm, 1^ that "> we may be also glorified i' together i^. 18 For I reckon that «the sufferings of this present time ore not worthy to he compared with the glory which shall be revealed i^ in i' us. 19 For /the i9 earnest expectation i^ of the 20 creature 20 waiteth for the 21 s mani- festation 21 of the sons of God. 20 For '' the ^ creature ^o was made sub- ject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who "^hath^- subjected the same p -3 ijj^ hope ~3, 21 Because /3 the 20 creatm-e 20 itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of Var. Rend.— 5 V. 4. righteous requirement Al. De W. El. Me. 01. VH. Va. ^ Vs. 6, 7- the mind (i.e. desire, aim) of the Al. .Jo. Me. VH. El. Va. 1 V. G. the mind U-p. desire, aim) of the -spirit Al. Jo. Me. VH. El. Va. 8 y. 8. But or And. 9 V.i. 9, 10. But. 1» V. 12. that we should. V. 13. Lit. make dead. ^^ V. \f>. did not receive. 1^ did receive. i^irt. wherein (i.e. by vliose inspiration or communion Rii. and so Va. vear- ly) Da. Me. Al. Rii. VH. Va. ^ V. 16. -So DeW. Me. VH. Va.; to Al. nil. 16 F. 17. i.e. in order that. "with him Al. El. !» F. 18. with regard to Al. ; so as to come upon Va. is F. 19. patient expectation Al. DeW. Me. Rii.; desire VH. ■ ' " 19, 20, 21. creation (i.e. mankind VH. ; all our world except mankind Al. De IF. Me. Rii. Tbo. Va.). 21 F. 19. revelation [similar word to revealed in last verse). '^'^ V. 20. Omit. '■'^ i.e. so that it (the creation) has hope. Var. Read.— F. U. 3 So B D', Tr.; Christ Jesus «*AD*, Z,(i.i Ti. Al. ySo A «, Ti. WH.^; be- cause of B D, La. Tr. WH.^ Vs. 20, 21. (3 So «D*, Ti.; in hope that (as DeW. Me., VH. El. Wo. translate, but Al. Jo. Rii. as E.V.) A B C D", La. Tr. Al. Gen. 3. 19. Mark 16.15. Col. 1. 23. ; Jer. 12. 11. k 2 Cor. 5. 5. Ephes.l.U. I 2 Cor.5.2,4. m Luke 20. 5 ZecU. 12. Ephes.6.18. Prov. 17. 3. •Icr. 11.20. & 17. 10. corruption into the 24giorious liberty 21 of the children of God. 22 For we know that 11 the whole crea- tion ' groaneth and travaileth in pain to- gether until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have ""the firstfruits of the Spirit, ' even we ourselves groan within ourselves, " waiting for the adoption, to wit, the » redemption of our body. 24 For we -^ are ^^ saved by hope : but ° hope that is seen is not hope : for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? 2.5 But if we hope for that we see not, theyi do we with patience wait for it. 26 ^ Likewise '■'^ the Spirit also helpeth our p infirmities /3 : f or p we know not what we should pray for as we ought : but '' the Spirit itself maketh interces- .sion for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And 'he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, -' II because '■^^ he maketh intercession for the saints ' according to the will of God. 28 28 And 28 we know that g all things work together for good to them that love God, to them ' who are the called P ac- cording to his purpose. 29 For whom "he did foreknow, *he also 29 did predestinate 29 y to be conform- ed to the image of his Son, ' that he might be the firstborn among many bre- thren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also " called : and whom he call- ed, them he also ' justified : and whom he justified, them he also ■: glorified. 31 What shall we then say to these things ? <' If God be for us, who can be against us? 32 ' He that spared not his own Son, but /delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? 33 "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? ^°'Jlt is God that justi- fieth 30. 31 '' Who is he that (3 condemneth p ? 3i ;« is 7 Christ 7 that died^i, yea 32).ather32, that is risen again S, 'who is feven^ at the right hand of God, ''who also maketh intercession for us. 3.5 Who shall separate us from 33 the love of j3 Christ 3 33 ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, nakedness, or peril, or sword? ,,^ I a ■.um n » 36 As it is written, ' For thy sake we \ ps. ng. e. ' e ch. 5. 6, 10. f ch. 4. 25. o Isai. 50. 8, 9. Rev. 12. 10, 11. ;i Job 34. 29. ; Mark 16. 19. Col. 3. 1. Heb. 1. 3. & 8. 1. & 12. 2. 1 Pet. 3. 22. k Hebr. 7- 25. & 9. 24. 1 John 2. 1. 1 Ps. 4*. 22. 1 Cor. 15. 30, 31. 2 Cor. 4. 11. (John 17.22. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Phil. 3. 21. ii 1 Cor.6.1 Ephes.2. 6. Var. Rend.- 2-' f. 21. freedom of the glory Al. El. Me. VH. Va. 25 y_ 24. were. • 2G y. 26. In hke manner. ~T V. 27. So Al. El. DeW. Rii. Va.; that Fri. Jo. Me. VH. 28 y_ 28. Moreover Al. El. 29 F. 29. foreordained El. Al. Va. 30 jr. 33. g^ Tho. VH. Me. Rii. Va. and Ti. Tr. [Me. VH. Tr. Bl. connect this with next verse: It is God that justifieth : who condemneth ?] ; Shall God who justifies them? Al. DeW. Jo. and La. 3i ^_ 3,^. So Tho. VH. Me. Rii. Va. and Ti. Tr. [Me. VH. Tr. connect this with next verse: It is Christ who Christ?]; Is it Christ, that died? Al. DeW. Jo. and La. 33niore. 33 pr 35 ^^ Christ's love to us Al. DeW. Me. Ru.; God's love shown to us in Christ VH. Var. Read.— F. 26. P weakness N A B C D, Edd. V. 28. |3 So H C D, Viilg. Pesh. Memph., Ti. Tr. ; God works all things with those who love him (i.e. co-operates with them in all thiniis unto good) AB, La. IFH.l F. 34. j3 So Ti. Tr.; shall con- demn La. WH.^ (difference of accents — -y So BD, Al. Tr.; Christ Jesus « A C, £0.1 Ti. TFff.i & So B D E, La. Ti. Tr. ; add from the dead «* A C, IFfl^.i ^So BD. io.i Tr.; omit «* A C, Ti. WH. F. 3.5. 3 So A 0 D, Vulg. Pesh. Memph., La. Ti. Tr. JF/f.i; God N B, WH.^ Paul's sorrow for the Jews. ROMANS, 9. Calling of the Gentiles foretold. Gal. 1. 20. Phil. 1. 8. 1 Tim. 2. h ch. 10. 1. I "SAY the truth my conscience als p John 8. 39. ch.2.28,29. & 4. 12, 16. Gal. 6. 16. q Gal. 4. 23. iG«n.21.12. Hebr. 11.18. s Gal. 4. 28. ( Gen. 18. 10, 14. tDeut.: are killed all the day long; we are ac- counted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 2* '"Nay 3 1, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 3S For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor " princi- pahties, ^nor powers |3, nor things pre- sent, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other ^ creature ^^, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. CHAPTER 9. I Patd is sorry for the Jew.t. 7 All tlte seed of Abraham were not the children of the promise. 18 God h'lth mere;/ upnn vlimn he will. '.'1 The potter inay do leitJi Inn t-hni wJi'tt he list. '25 The calliny of the <_!cnt,h\^ <.- r( r.Jcctin V. IG. not all did obey the gospel [lit. not all hearkened to the glad tidings Al.) De W. Al. Me. Va. ; not all did obey (.God by believing) the gospel VH. Var. Read.— F. S3. /3 he that N A B D, Edd. Chap. 10. V. 1. P So Kh; them « A B, Edd. r. 5. p So nearly H' B D', La.^ Tr.^ Al.; writes that the man which doeth the righteousness which is of the law shall live in it N* A, Ti. Tr.~ WH. V. 15. /3 So N'- D, Al.^ Tr.'^i omit « A B, La. Ti. Tr.^ WH. gospel 10. For Esaias saith, ' Lord, who hath beheved t our II report ? 17 So then n faith" cometh by i^ bear- ing i^, and I2iigaringi2 by the word of ^Godp. 18 But I say, '^ Have they not heard '- '^ Yes verily, 'their sound went into all the earth, "and their words unto the ends of the world. 19 But I say. Did not Israel know ? First Moses saith, * I will provoke you to jealousy '■'byi* them that are no peo- ple, and i*byi* a sfoohsh nation I will anger you. 20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, ' I was found of them that sought me not ; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. 21 But 15 to 15 Israel he saith, »A11 day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. CHAPTER 11. 1 God hath not cast off all Israel. 1 Some, were elected, though the rest were hardened. 16 There is hope of their conversion. 18 The Gentiles mai/ not insult upon them : 26 for there is a promise of their salvation, 'S'S God's Judgments are un- scu reliable. IS A Y then, ° Hath God cast away his people ? 1 God forbid i. For '' I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God hath not cast away his people which ' he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scriptm-e saith ^ t of ^ Ehas V how he maketh intercession to God against Is- rael, saying, 3 '' Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars ; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. 4 But what saith the answer of God unto him ? « I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 5 / Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the of works : otherwise grace is no more grace. |3But if it be of works, then is it no more grace : othen\-ise work is no more work^. 7 What then ? '' Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for ; but the elec- tion hath obtained it, and the rest were 3 II blinded ^ 8 (According as it is written, » God hath given them ■» the * spirit of ^ || slumber 5, "^ eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not ^ hear ;) unto this day ". 9 And David saith, ' Let their table be made a snare, and a 7 trap 7, and a stum- blingblock, and a recompence unto them : 10 '" Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. 11 I say then, ^ Have they stumbled that 8 they should fall :■' i God forbid i : but ra- ther " through their ^ fall » salvation is Var. Rend.- 11 V. 17. belief (similar word to be- lieved in V. 16). i^report (same word us in v. 16). 13 F. 18. Lit. Did thev not hear? 1-* F. 19. at Va. and similarly Me. Al. " F. 21. So Jo. Rii.; of (i.e. in respect to) Al. Da. De W. Me. VH. Va. ■ Chap. 11. 1 Fs. 1, 11. Lit. Let it not be. - V. 2. in the history of AL DeW. Li. Me. Jo. Rii. Wo.; by the mouth of VH. (perhaps).' ^V. 7. As marg. Al. De W. Li. Me. * V. 8. a. ^ .stupe- faction Al. Be. De W. Fri. Me. VH. " hear unto this day Al. De W. Rii. ' I'. 9. net Al. Rii.; taking for a prey Me. VH. (nearly). ^ V. 11. Lit. Did they stumble in order that (i.e. in God's purpose) Al. De W. Me. VH. Va. ' Fs. 11, 12. trespass Al. De IF. Me. Rii. (nearly) VH. Va. Var. Read.— F. 17. |3 So H'A; Christ «* B C, Edd. Chap. 11. F. G. P So i^' Jj ; omit N* A C, Edd. A promise of Israel's salvation. ROMANS, 12. Divers exlwrtationt & a. 2, 7, Ephea.S. 1 Tim. 2. ZTim.l.l Bl Cor. 7.1 & 9. 22. 1 Tim. 4. 1 o Lev. 23. 1 Num. 15.1 19, 20, 21, Hebr. 8. 8. & 10. 16. a Deut. 7. 8 & 9. 5. & 10. 15. /.Num.23.1i come imto the Gentiles, for to them to jealousy. 12 Now if the ^ fall ^ of them be the riches of the world, and i" the II diminish- ing of them "• the riches of the Gentiles ; how much more n their fulness n V 13 & For |3 I speak to j'ou y Gentiles, in- asmuch y as " I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office : 14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and p might save some of them. 15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead ? 16 1- For 12 if 9 the firstfruit be holy, the lump /« also holv : and if the root be holy, so are the branches. 17 1* And 13 if ' some of the branches be broken off, • and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in || among them, and with them partakest of the root and fat- ness of the olive tree ; 18 ' Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. _ 19 Thou wilt say then. The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed '20 Well ; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. " Be not highminded, but '■ fear : 21 For if God spared not the natmral branches, ptafce heed lest he also spare not^ thee. 22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God : on them which fell, severity ; but toward thee, (3 goodness (3, 'J if thou continue in h>s goodness : other- wise = thou also Shalt be cut off. 23 And they also, » if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafled in : for God is able to graff them in again. 24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree : how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree V 25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be '• wise in your own conceits ; that 1* ' II bhndness in part is happened to " Israel, •^ until the '^ fulness i= of the Gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved : as it is written, ' There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob : 27 '^ / For 12 this is my covenant unto them, when I shall i* take i^ away their 28 As concerning the gospel, the?/ are enemies for your sakes : but as touching the election, they are s beloved for the fathers' sakes. „ „ , ,, 29 For the gifts and caUing of God ^^T are '' without repentance i'. Var. Rend. — i" V. 12. So nearly Be. Ols. ; their loss (or impoverishment) Al. Fri. ; their harm ior disaster) DeW. Ril. ; their defeat ^or humihation) Me VU. Vli. 11 So (or enrichment) Al. Fri.; their full restoration Rii. ; the making full of their num- ber Be. De IK. Ols. Jo. (nearly) Me. VR. ^ i2Fs. 16, 27. And. " T. 17. But. ^* V. 25. hardening Al. De IV. LK Me. VH. ; i.e. is havpenecl to a part of Al. Me. VH. Va. 1^ So {i e. full num- ber) De W. Me. Al. Rii- Va. ana (nearly) Jo. and VH. ; filling up (i.e. filling up from among the Gen- tiles to make up the numbers of the Jews) Ols. 16 V. 27. Rather have taken De TV. Me. Va. 17 V. 29. ie. can never be repented of by Him. Var. Read.-K. 13. 3 Sf D E ; But N A B, Edd. 7 Gentiles. Nay rather « A B C, Edfl. —— V 21 (3 So some later MSS. Al.^ ; neither shall he spare NAB, Edd. V. 22. ^ So Di" ; goodness of God « A B, Edd. 30 For as ye ' in times past is have not II beheved is God, yet have now obtained mercy through their i^ unbelief i" : 31 Even so have these also now i* not II beheved i*, ^ that through your mercy ^o they also may obtain mercy. 32 For ' Gcod hath ^i i; concluded them all 21 in 1^ imbelief i', that he might have mercy upon all. 33 O the depth of the riches -~ both of -^ the wisdom and knowledge of God ! 'how unsearchable are his judgments, and '" his , p.. 36. , ways past finding out! m Job 11. 7. 34 " For who hath known the mind of Ps. 92. 5. the Lord? or » who hath been his coun- « .lob 1 sellor V 35 Or f who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again V 36 For 1 of him, and through him, and to him, are all things : ■■ to t whom be glory for ever. Amen. Col 1. 16. r Gal. 1. 5. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 2 Tim. 4. 18. 1 Pet. 5. 11. 2Pet. 3. 18. Jude 25. Bev. 1.6. f Gr. Urn. CHAPTER 12. 1 God's mercies mitst move us to please Bod. 3 No man must think too well of himself, 6 but attend every one on that calling wherein he is placed. 9 Love, and many other duties, are required of us. 19 Revenge is specially forbidden. IiiiBESEECHi you therefore, breth- ren, by the mercies of God, ' that ye ' present your bodies '' a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, w/nch is your 2 reasonable sei-vice '■'. 2 And ' be not ^ conformed to ^ this ■* world ■• : but / be ye transformed 5 by ^ the renewing of your mind, that ye may s prove what is ^ that good, and accept- able, and perfect, will of God *•. 3 For I say, '• through the grace given unto me, to evei-y man that is among you, • not to ' think of himself more highly than ' he ought to 8 think « ; but to "thinks 9 -)- soberly 9, according as God hath dealt 'to every man the measure of faith. 4 For ' as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office : 5 So '» we, 1" being many i", are one body in Christ, ^and every one^ members one of another. 6 11 " Having then gifts differing " accord- ing to the grace that is given to us, whether 12 v prophecy 12, let us prophesy according to the proportion of '^ faith 1^ ; & 12 20 27 Eph. 1. 23. & 4. 25. I. 1 Cor. 12. 4. 1 Pet. o ver. 3. pActa 11.27. 1 Cor. 12. 10, 28. & 13. 2. & 14. 1, 1 Cor. 2. IC. o Job 36. 22. p Job 35. 7. &41. 11. 9 1 Cor. 8. 6. Hebr. 13. 21. 1 2 Cor. 10.1. k 1 Pet. 2. 5. c Ps. 50. 13, 14. ch.6.13,16, 19. 1 Cor. 6. 13, 30. JHeb. 10.30. . Pet.1.14. John 2.15. /■Eph. 1.18. & 4. 23. Col.1.21,22. 5 EphcB. i 10, 17. 1 Thess..( Var. Rend.— is Fs. 30, 31. disobeyed Al. DeW. Me. Jo. Rii. VH. Va. 1^ F». 30,32. disobedience Al. De W. Me. 20 |r_ 31. sq (j «. through mercy shown to ynu) Al. De W. Me. Ols. Ril. VH. Va. Jo. (perhaps) ; unto (i.e. so as to produce) mercy upon you, in order that Bu. and so Ewuld nearly, Jo. perhaps La. Tr. 21 V. 32. shut up all men Al. De W. Jo. Me. Va. Rii. shut them all up (i.e. all the disobedient) VH. 22 V. 33. So VH. ; and of Al. Be. De W. Jo. Me. 01. Tko. Chap. 12. 1 V. 1. exhort Jo. VH. ^ i.e. moral and spiritual worshipping of God De W. Me. (" a ceremonial of thought and mind" Jo.) ^ V. a. fashioned after Li. Da. * Strictly world age (time- state Va.). *in. ^ So Rii.; the will of God, that which is good and acceptable and perfect Al. De W. Me. Tho. VH. ^ V. 3. Lit. be high minded more than. s be minded. » mito sobriety Jo. Me. and (virtually) Va. 1" V. 5. the many (i.e. '■the complex and aggregate body of Christians") Bentley. n Vs. 6—8. Sn Al. Va. Da. Jn. Me. VH. and Tr. ; but we have gifts either prophecy or ministry, in our ministering or in teaching or in his exhortation DeW. Rii. and so Bu. La. Ti. apparently. 12 F. 6. i.e. speaking in t,e spirit: cp. 1 Cor. 12. 13. ^^ i.e. the .iaith which each possesses Al. Da. De W. Me. VH. Rii. (or which makes a prophet Jo.) ; the gospel Va. Var. Read. — C//oi). 12. F. 5. |3 So (rather, but every one) D* ; but severally (i.e. in respect of our relations each to each Me.) N A B D*, Edd. l? [E S] Divers exhortatwns. ROMANS, 13, 14. Of subjection to magistrates. J Acts 13. Gal. 6. 6. 2 Cor. 8. 3. Acts 20. 2S. lTlDi.5. 17. II Or, ti. Ihe lave 5 simpUcity ^^ ; 'he that ruleth, with diligence ; he that sheweth mercy, " with cheerfuhiess. 9 ■>■ Let love be without dissimulation. y Abhor that which is evil ; cleave to that which is good. 10 ' Be kindly affectioned one to another II with brotherly love ; " in honour i^ pre- ferring one another i^ ; 11 Not slothful in i" business i' ; fervent in spirit ; serving the Lord ; 12 '' Rejoicing in hope ; ° patient in tri- bulation ; <' continuing instant in prayer ; 13 <■ Distributing to the necessity of saints ; / given to hospitality. 14 s Bless them which persecute you : bless, and curse not. 15 '■ Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. 16 * Be of the same mind one toward another. '■ Mind not high things, but 18 II condescend to men of low estate i^. ' Be not wise in your own conceits. 17 " Recompense to no man evil for evil. " Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, " live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, r avenge not your- selves, but rather i^ give place uuto wrath 19 : for it is written, i Vengeance is mine ; I will repay, saith the Lord. 20 13 <■ Therefore |3 if thine enemy himger, feed him ; if he thirst, give him di-ink : for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of lire on his head. 21 Be not overcome of evil, but over- come evil with good. S;12. 1. .lam. 1. 1. & 5. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 19, 20. dLnkelS.l. 12. 5. Eph. 6. 18. Col. 4. 2. 1 Thcss. 5. 17. e 1 Cor. 9.1,12. Hebr.6. 10. & 13 16. IJohn 3. 17. /I Tim. 8 Hebr. 13. 2. 1 Pet. 4. 9. g Matt. 5. 44. Luke 6. 28. tB7. 60 1 Cor. 4. 12. 1 Pet. 2. 23. & 3. 9. ft 1 Cor. 12. 5 1 Cor. 1. 10. Phil. 2. 2. & 3. 16. 1 Pet. 3. 8. Jer. 45. 5. || Or, he conlealed with mean ihinij,. I Prov. Isai 5 21. ch. 11.25. m Prov. 20. 22. Matt. 5. 39. Pet. 3. 9. n ch. 14. 16. 2 Cor. 8. 21. o Mark 9. 50. Hebr. 12. 14. p Lev. W. 18. Prov. 24. 29. ver. 17. . Hebr. 10. 30. r Exort. 23. 4, 5. Prov. 25. 21, 22. CHAPTER l.S. 1 Subjection, and many other dutiet, ne owe to the magistrates. 8 Love is the fulfilling of the law. 11 Gluttony and drunkenness, and the worH of darkness, are out of season in the time of the gospel. LE T every soul " be subject unto i the higher ^ powers ^ i. For '' there is no 2 power '■^ but of God : the ^ powers - that be are II ordained of God. 2 "Whosoever therefore resisteth <= the 2 power 2, ree witness 3, Thou shalt not covet ; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, ''Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore ' love is the fulfilling of the law. 11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time |8 '" to awake /3 out of sleep : for now is our salvation nearer than when we * believed ^. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand : " let us therefore cast off the work^ of darkness, and "let us put on the ar- mour of Mght. 13 P Let us walk i" II honestly i", as in the day ; 1 not in rioting and drunken- ness, "■ not in chambering and wantonness, ' not in strife and envying. 14 But 'put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and "make not provision for the flesh, to "/«?^iii the lusts th-reof. CHAPTER 14. 3 Men may not contemn nor condemn one the other for things indifferent ; l.'i but take heed that they give no offence in them : 15 for that the apostle proveth unlawful by many reasons. HI M 1 that " is weak in the faith i re- ceive ye, 2 but II not to doubtful dis- putations 2. 2 For one ^ believeth that he ' may ^ eat all things : another, who is weak, eateth herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not ; and ' let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth : for God hath received him. 4 ''Who art thou that judgest another man's servant ? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be ''holden up*: for jSGod^ is able to make him stand. 5 ' One man esteemeth ^ one day above Var. Rend.—* V. 4. a. ^ y. 5. on account of that wrath (i.e. to avoid it) Va. ^ F. 6. i.e. ye pay Al. Me. De W. Rii. VH. ; Tho. takes it as impera- tive. 7 pubhc servants Da. (different word from that in v. 4). » F. 8. his neighbour. ' y^ n. ^.g. first became (Christian) believers Al. Li. Me. VH. Va. 10 F. 13. i.e. decorously. " F. 14. So Al. Va.; excite De IF. Me. Rii. VH. Jo. Cliap. 14. 1 F. 1. i.e. that has not strong Christian faith (confidence Va.) Al. Jo. Me. 2 jjot to judge (settle Al. and Va. nearly; condemn VH.) his doubtful thoughts Jo. ; not so as to cause (.further) division in thought (between you and him) Rii. * F. 2. .So Bu. and Al. perhaps ; has faith (confidence Va.) to Jo. Rii. VH. and DeW. Me. perhaps.- •*F. 4. made to stand. ^ V. 5. So Al. Me. De IF. Rii. VH. Va.; one dav and not another (i.e. alternate days Fri.) Jo. Var. Read. — C/Hfi). 13. F. 7. 3 So N" D' ; mnit «* A B, Edd. V. 9. P So N ; omit A B D, Edd. F. 11. /3 So some MSS. ; for you to awake N* A B, Ti. Al. IFH.i ; for us to awake >«' D, La. 7V.1 WH.'^ Chap. 14. V. i. fi So T> E ; the Lord « A B, Edd. Of uncharitable judgment. ROMANS, 15. The strong must bear with the weal. 1 Tim. 4. 3. ft 1 Cor. 6. GJ. 2. 20. 2 Cor. 5. 10. Jude 14, )o. »ilsai.45,'!3. Phil. 2. lu. y ch. 15. 2. 1 Cor.14.1 1 Thess. ! another ^ : another esteemeth every day aliki-. Let every man he || fiilly persuaded in his own miiid. 6 He that / 1| regardeth the day, regard- eth it unto the Lord ; |3 and he that re- gardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard itfi. He that eateth, eat- eth to the Lord, for » he giveth C4od thanks ; and he that eateth not, to tlie Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. 7 For ''none of us liveth to him.self, and no man dieth to himself. 8 For whether we hve, we Uve unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord : whether we hve therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. 9 For 'to this end Christ both died, and /3 rose, and revived /3, that he might be * Lord both of the dead and hving. 10 But why dost thou judge thy bro- ther ? or ^why^ do-st thou set at nought thy brother V for ' we shall all stand be- fore the judgment seat of /3 Christ /3. 11 For it is written, '^ As I hve, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall ' confess ' to God. 12 So then " every one of us shall give account of him-elf to God. 13 Let us not therefore judge one an- other any more : but judge this rather, that " no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brotlier's way. 14 I know, and am persuaded ^^byS the Lord Jesus, v that there is nothing t un- clean of itself : but 1 to him that es- teemeth any thing to be t unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 /3 But |8 if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, 9 now walkest thou not 9 t cha- ritably. ''Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 16 » Let not then your good be evil spoken of : 17 ' For the kingdom of God is not 1° meat and drink i" ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in |8 the-e things /8 serv- eth Christ "?'« acceptable to God, and approved of men. 19 /3 ' Let us therefore ^ follow after the things which make for iieace, and things wherewith n one may " edify another ii. 20 ' For meat destroy not the work of God. " All things indeed are pure ; *■ but it is evil for that man who eateth i-with offence i^. 21 It is good neither to eat "^ flesh, nor to drink wine, nor an;/ thing whereby thy brother i^ gtumbleth 13, j3or is offend- ed, or is made weak p. 22/3 Hast thou faith? have it^ to thy- self before God. «' Happy ?'» he that 1* condemneth i* not himself in that thing which he alloweth. Var. Rend.— 8 V. 10. thou too (i.e. them that eatest) why. 7 V. 11. So {i.e. confess sin) Jo. Rii. proljubly and Va. ; give glory Al. De W. Me. VH. » V. 14. in Li. '•• V. 1.5. no longer walkest thou. 10 V. 17. eating and drinking Me. Al. Da. Wo. " V. 19. i.e. build up another in the faith. '^ y_ 20. i.e. against his own conscience Me. Rii. Tho. ; so as to make otherx act against their comcience Al. Be. DeW. Fri. VH. and Va. virtually. 13 jr oj. Similar word to offence in v. 20. i* F. 22. So DeW. Rii. Va.; judgeth {i.e. calls to account) Me. VH. Var. Read.— F. 6. /3 So C^ L ; omit M A B Qi D, Edd. V. 9. (3 So «<■ D'' L ; lived (came to life Me. and Va. virtualli/) «*ABC, Edd. F. 10. fi So H' ; God «* A B C* b, Edd. F. 15. fi So some MSS. ; For « A B C D, Edd. V. 18. |3 So H' D" ; this thing N* A B, Edd. F. 19. j3 So C D, La^. Al. IFH.i; So then we KAB, TJ. Tr.'^ WH.^ F. 21. |8 So ^''BD, La. Al. Tr.^\ omit «* A C, Ti. WH. F. 22. p So D E ; The faith which thou hast, have NAB, Edd. 2.'5 "And 15 he that || doubteth is is dam- ned 1" if he eat, because he eateth not of faith : for ' whatsoever is not of faith is sin. CHAPTER 15. 1 The strong must bear with the weak. 2 We may not please ourselves, 3 for Chriu did not »o, 7 but receive one the other, as Christ did us all. 8 both Jews 9 and Gentiles. 15 I'atil ejceuseth his writing, 28 and promiseth to see them, 30 and requesteth their prat/ers. 1 'Wf E " then i that are strong ought to VV bear the 'infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 ' Let every one of us please Ms neigh- bour for his good ■'to 2 edification 2. .'i '■For 3 even Chri.sts pleased not him- self ; but, as it is written, .f The re- proaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. 4 For s whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through *5 patience ^ and com- fort of* the scriptures might have •'hope''. 5 * Now the God of ^ patience ^ and ' con- solation 7 grant you to be hkeminded one toward another || according to Christ Jesus : 6 That ye may 'with one mind and one mouth glorify 8 (jod, even the Father » of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Wherefore ' receive ye one another, ' as Christ also received /3 us ^ to the glory of God. 8 0 Now p I say that •" Jesus Christ ywasy a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, " to confirm the pro- mises made imto the fathers : 9 9 And 9 " that the Gentiles i" might glorify 1" God for his mercy ; as it is written, V For this cause I will n confess " to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. 10 And again i^hei^ saith, « Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. 11 And again, '" Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles ; and laud him, all ye people. 12 And again, Esaias saith, "There shall be 13 a 13 root of Jesse, and he that shall ri^e to reign over the Gentiles ; in him shall the Gentiles trust. 13 Now the God of hope fill you with all 'joy and peace in beheving, that ye may abormd In hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. 14 And " I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye i* also i* are full of goodness, «" filled with all know- ledge, able also to admonish one another. 15 Nevertheless, 0 brethren /3, I have writ- ten the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind, 'because of the grace that is given to me of God, 16 That y I should be i^ the i^ minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ■'> mini- stering the gospel iij of God, that the 2 Tim. 1.11 Var. Rend.— 15 F. 23. But. 1^ stands already con- demned Me. VH. Va. De W. Cliap. 15. i F. 1. But we Me. De IF. ; Now we Jo. Da. ; Moreover we Al. ^ F. 2. i.e. building up in the faith. 3 y t^ Christ too.- — -*V. 4. i.e. the endurance and comfort given by Al. Me. VH. ^ Vs. 4, 5. endurance. - ^V. 4. our {Christian) hope DeW. Me. Rii. Va. 1 V. 5. comfort or encouragement {same word as V. i). 8F. 6. So DeW. Me. VH. ; the God and Father Al. Be. Jo. Rii. ^ y_ g, B^t (/ g„y) ^^ 1" So Be. Me.; glorified Al. DeW. RH. Wi. » i.e. pice thanks Jo. Me. 1^ F. 10. it {i.e. scripture) Jo. Me. VH. 13 F. 12. the. 1* F. 14. of yourselves Al. Me. Va. 1= F. 16. a. 1« doing the work of a priest of the gospel Jo. and so nearly De IF. Me. VH. Rii.; offering up the gospel (tw my sa- crifice) Va. Var. Read.— CTap. 15. F. 7. /3 So B D*, La." Tr.^ WH.^; vou !< A C, LaJ Ti. Al. Tr.^ WH.^ V. 8. /3 So L ; iFor « A B, Edd. y So B C2, La. Tr.^ ; has been made NACi, Al. Ti. WH.' F. 15. S So H'D : omit N* A B, Edd. The success of Paul's labours. ROMANS, 16. Jfe sendeth divers salutations. • Acts 19. 2 Cor.12.12 ( 1 Cor. 16. 1. 3. 2 Cor. R. 1. & 9. 2, 12. 71 I Cor. 9. 11. Gal. 6. 6. Col. 4. 13. .2Thea.3.2 J Or, nre ich. II ' offering up of. the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost. 17 I have therefore >' whereof I may glory through 17 Jesus Christ isajnis those things which pertain to God. 18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things ' which Christ hath not wrought by me, ' to make the Gentile.s obedient, by word and deed, 19 13 ''Through mighty 19 signs and won- ders, by the power of the p Spirit of God j3 ; so that from Jerusalem, and -'» round 2" about ^' unto ^i lUyricum, I have 23 fully preached ^^ the gospel of Christ. 20 2^ Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel--', not where Christ was named, 'lest I should build upon another man's foimdation : 21 But a.s it is written, / To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see : and they that have not heard shall under- stand. •22 For which cause also ? I have been 2* II much ~* hindered from coming to you. 23 But now having no more ^5 place 25 in these parts, and ''having a great desire these many years to come unto you ; 24 Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, /3I will come to you^ : for I trust to see you in my journey, * and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled t with your compani/. 2.5 But now '^ I go imto Jerusalem -^ to minister's imto the saints. 26 For ' it hath pleased them of Mace- donia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for 'Tthg poor saints which are at Jervisalem ^7. 27 It hath pleased them verily ; and their debtors they are. For '" if the Gentiles have been made ^8 partakers ^s of their spiritual things, " their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things. 25 When therefore I have performed this, and have ^9 sealed 29 to them " this fruit, I will come ™by™ you into Spain. 29 I" And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of ;3 the gospel of 3 Christ. SO Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and i for the love of the Spirit, ■'that ye strive to- gether with me in pour prayers to God for me ; ;?1 'That I may be delivered from them that ^Ml do not believe *i in Judaja; and that « my ^2 service which T have ^2 for Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints ; 32 " That I may come imto you with Var. Rend.— '7 v. 17. my boasting in AI. De W. — '3 of Al. 19 F. 19. By the power of. 20 ,:.p. •I (or from Al. Bil.) the repions around. AI. De W. Me. Pil. VH. 21 as far as. 22 fulfilled {i.e. brought tjy its .full developmeitt) Me. {comp. Col. 1. 2.') I ; fulfilled the duty of preaching Al. Be. De W. nil. Tho. VII. Jo. perhaps, Va. 23 jr. 20. But thus to preach the gospel am I careful (or careful for honour's sake Me. VH. ; ambitious Va.) Al. De IV. Me. Rii. VH. 21 y, 22. these many times Al. De W. Rii. Va. ; most often Me. 25 y 93. i.e. occasion of work Al. Me. ^ V. 25. ministering. 27 y, 26. i.e. the poor among the sahits of .Je- rusalem. 28 y_ 27. Similar word to contribu- tion of precious verse. 29 jr. 28. i.e. secured. 30 through. 31 jr. 31. go jyg jjr. /)„. „g marg. Al. Wo. 32 rendering of service which is purposed Me. Vau. Read.— F. 19. ^ So « D\ Pesh. Ti. ■ Holy Spirit A CD*, Vulg. and several versions. La. Tr. Al.^ WH.^ V. 2" ; Asia « A B, Edd. F. fi. P So C3 ; you NAB, Edd. V. 7. P Or Junias (a man's nam").— V. 8. /3 So B3 C', La.^ Al.; Ampliatus ^»AB*, Ti. Tr. WH. F. 14. /3 So X)' E ; Hermes. . . . Hermas « A B, Edd. The apostle's salutation. 1 CORINTHIANS, 1. and exhortation to unity. hannless. f oh. 15. 33. g Gen. 3. 15. 1 Cor.16.23. 2Cor.l3.14. PhU. 4. 23. 1 Thess. 5. ; Lord Jesus Christ, but 'their own belly; and '" by good words and fair sj)eeches deceive the hearts of the simple. )9 For "your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on youi behalf: but yet 1 would have you " wise unto that which is good, and 11 II simple 11 concerning evil. 20 And Pthe God of peace ? shall || bruise Satan mider your feet shortly. ^ ' The grace of oiu: Lord Jesus v Christy be with youjS. 6 Amen S. 21 1- » Ximotheus i^ my workfellow, and 'Lucius, and "Jason, and 'bosipater, my 5 kiasmen =, * salute * you. 22 I 'lertius, who wrote this epistle, ■* salute * you in the Lord. 23 sGaius mine host, and of the whole church, 1^ saluteth i^ you. 'Erastus the . 2 Thess. 3. IS. View 22. 21. « Acts 16. 1. Phil. 2. 19. Thess. 3. 2. 1 Tim. 1. 2. Hebr. 13. 23. (Acts 13. 1. r AcU 20. 4. J 1 Cor. 1. 14. : Acts 19. 22. 2 Tim. 4. 20. w chamberlain 1* of the city " saluteth '^ you, and Quai-tus i^ a '^ brother. 24 /3 " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. AmenS. 25 Now >> to him that is of power to stabUsh you ''according to my go.^pel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, •'according to the revelation of the mystery, 'whicli was kept secret i^ since the world began 16, 20 But /now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for s the 1' obedience of faith": 27 To '■God only wise/3, he glory through Jesus Christ j3 for ever. Amen. H /3 Written to the Romans from Corinthus, and sent by Phebe servajit of the church at Cen- chreaja. Col. 1. 26. / Ephes. 1. 9. 2 Tim. 1. 10. Titus 1. 1. 20. i See Matt. Var. Rend.— * F. 10. So Al. Be. Li. Sta.; perfected Da. De W. Me. 01. Wo. ^ F. 13. into. ^V. 18. are being saved Al. Da. &c. 'F. 21. since Al. Da. De IF. Me. 01. Var. Read.— F. 13. /3 So Ti. Tr. Al.; Christ is di- vided La. WH.^ F. 15. (3 So C^ D ; ye were baptized N A B C*, Edd. Y. 20. ^ the world N* A B C*D*, Edd. The manner of 1 CORINTHIANS, 2, 3. Paul's preaching. Matt. 11. 6. & 13. 57. Luke a. 34. Gal. 5. 1) 1 Pet. 2. ■Col. 2. 3. 1 John 7. 4( : Matt. 11 2 God the world by ^ wisdom 8 knew not God, it pleased God by tbe of '■• preaching^ to save them that believe. 22 For the " Jews require fi a sign p, and the Greeks seek after wisdom : 23 But we preach Christ crucified, " unto the Jews a stumbhngblock, and unto the /3 Greeks /3 i' fooli3hne.=iS ; 24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ 'i the power of God, and ■'the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men ; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 20 For '" ye see '" yom' calling, brethren, how that 11 'not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called n ; 27 But ' God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, 3 i/ea, and /3 " things which are not, »^ to bring to nought things that are : 29 y?ed with thy hkeness £2. 20. meek shall eat and be s. .S6. 8. they shall be abundantly s, 63. 5. Eoui shall be s. as with 65. 4. s. with goodness of house J?rov. 14. 14. good man s. from him- 27. 20. eyes of man are never s. [self 30. 15. are three things never «. Eccl. 5.10. loveth silver shall not be .«. Isa. 9.20. eatandnotbes.Mic.6. 14. 53 . 1 1 . see travail of his soul and be «. CO. 11. be s. with breasts of conso. Jer. 31. 14. people s. with goodness Ezek. 16. 28. thou couldest not be s. Amos 4. 8. they were not s. Hab. 2. 5. his desire cannot be s. Num. 35. 31. shall take no satisfac- tion for hfe of a murderer, 32. SAVEyour lives, preserve. Gen. 45.7. Gen. .50. 20. for good to s. much Job 22. 29. he shall s. the humble Ps. 18. 27. wilt «. aflaicted people 25. 9. «. thr people and lift them 09. 35. God\iill s. Zion and build the 72. 4. he shall s. children of needy 1.1. he shall s. the souls of needy 80. 2. s. thy servant that trusteth 10. s. son of thine handmaid 109. 31. poor to s. him from 118. 25. .«. now ; send prosperity 145. 19. hear their cry and s. them Prov. 20.22. wait on L. he shalls.thee Isa. 85. 4. God will come and «. you 45. 20. cannot «. £9. 1. Jer. 14. 9. 49. 25. I will s. thv children Ezek. 18. 27. shall*, his soiU, 8. 18. 30. 29. s. from all uncleanness, 87. 23. Hos. 1. 7. I -n-ill s. them by Lord Zeph. 3.17. Lord is mighty; he will*. 19. s. her that halteth [&10. 6. Zech. 8. 7. I will *. my people, 9. 16. Matt. 1. 21. *. his people from sins 16. 25. who -ivill *. his life shaU lose 18. 11. Son of man is come to g.that which was lost, Luke 19. 10. Mark 8. 4. is it la\vful to «. life or to John 12. 47. not to judge but to *. Acts 2. 40. *. yourselves from this generation [ing to .«. them that 1 Cor. 1. 21. bv foolishness of preach- 9. 22. I became all, that I might s. SCO SAVE.— 1 Tim. 1.15. to s. sinners, of 1 T. 4. 10. both s. thyself, and them Heb. 7. 25. able to s. to the uttermost James 1. 21. word able to s. 2. 14. can faith s. him ? 5. 15. prayer of faith shall s. sick 20. converts a sinner shall s. soul Jude 23. others s. with fear, pulling Pa. 6. 4. save me, 55. 16. & 57. 3. & 119. 94. Jer. 17. 14. John 12. 27. Isa. 25. 9. save tis, 33. 22. & 37. 20. Hos. 14. 3. Matt. 8. 25. 1 Pet. 3. 21. Ps.44.7.thou hast sajjerf us from ene. 106. 8. s. them for his name's sake Isa. 45. 22. look unto me and be yes. Jer. 4. 14. that thou mayest be s. 8. 20. we are not s. [Luke IS. 26. Matt. 19. 25. who then can be s. Luke 1. 71. be s. from our enemies 7. 50. thy faith hath s. thee, 18. 42. 13. 23. are there few that be s. 23. 25. he s. others, let him a. himself John 3. 17. world through him bo s. Acts 2. 47. Lord added daily to church, such as should be s. 4. 12. no other name whereby be s. 36. 30. what must I do to be s. Rom. 8. 24. we are s. by hope [be s. 10.1. prayer for Israel that they may 1 Cor. 1. 18. to us who are s. it is 5. 5. spirit may be s. in day of Lord Eph. 2. 5. by grace ye are s. 8. [bes. 1 Tim. 2. 4. who will have all men to Tit. 3. 5. according to his mercy s. us 1 Pet. 4. 18. righteous scarcely be s. Rev. 21. 24. nations which are s. Ps. 80. 3. shall be saved, 7. 19. Isa. 45. 17. & 64. 5. Jer. 23. 6. & 30. 7. Matt. 10. 22. & 24. 13. Mark 16. 16. Acts 16. 31. Rom. 5. 10. & 11. 26. 1 Tim. 2. 15. 2 Sam. 22. 3. God my refuge and my Saviour [Neh. 9. 27. 2 Kings 13. 5. Lord gave Israel a S. Ps.106. 21. forgat G. their S. Isa. 63.8. Isa. 43. 3. 1 am thy S. 49. 26. & 60. 16. 11. besides me is no S. Hos. 13. 4. 45. 15. of Israel, the S. Jer. 14. 8. O'bad. 21. saviours up on Zion Luke 1. 47. spirit rejoiced in G. my S. 2. 11. to you is born a S. which is Acts 5. 31. him God exalted to be S. Eph. 5. 23. Christ is the S. of body 1 Tim. 4. 10. who is the S. of all men 1. 1. God ourS. Tit. 1. 4. & 2. 10, 13. & 3. 4, 6. 2 Pet. 1. 1, 11. Jude 25. 2 Pet. 2. 20. knowledge of the S. SAVOUR, sweet. Gen. 8, 21. Ex. 29. 18. Lev. 1. 9. & 2. 9. & 3. 16. Songl. 3.of s. of thy good ointment 2 Cor. 2. 14. the s. of his knowledge 15. are to God a sweet s. of Christ 16. to one s. of death ; to others s. Eph.5.2.sac.toG.of sweet smellings. Mt. 16. 23. savourest not things of G. SAY, Matt. 3.9. & 5. 22, 2S, 32,34,39, 44. & 7. 22. & 23. 3. 1 Cor. 12. 3. SCARCELY, Rom. .5. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 18. SCATTER them in Israel, Ge. 49. 7. Nu. 10.35. let thine ene. hescatiered Matt. 9. 36. s. as sheep, Ezek. 34. 5. Luke 1. 51. s. proud in imagination Prov. 11. 24. that scattereth and yet SCEPTRE shall not depart from Judah, Gen. 49. 10. Num. 24.17. ». shall rise out of Israel Ps. 45. 6. the s. of thy kingdom is a rights. Heb. 1.8. Zech. 10. 11. s. of Egypt shall depart SCHISM, 1 Cor. 1. 10. & 12. 25. SCHOLAR, 1 Chr. 25. 8. Mai. 2. 12. Gal. 3. 24. law oiu: schoolmaster SCOFFERS, Hab. 1. 10. 2 Pet. 3. 3. SCORN, Job 16. 20. Ps. 44. 13. Prov. 9. 8. reprove not a searner 13. 1. a s. beareth not rebuke 14. 6. a s. seeketh wisdom and [eth 15. 12. s.loveth not one that reprov- 1. 22. scorners delight in scorning 3. 34. lie seorneth the s. but giveth [C03SrCOIlID-A.3SrCE3.] SCORN.— Prov. 19. 29. judgments are prepared for sco-rners Prov. 9. 12. if thou scornest thou Ps. 1. 1. scornful. Pro. 29.8. Is. 28.14. SCORPIONS. 2 Chr. 10. 11. Eze. 2. 6. SCOURGE of the tongue. Job 5. 21. Isa. 28. 15. overflowing s. 18. Heb.l2. 6. Lord scourgeth every son SCRIPTURE of truth, Dan. 10. 21. Matt. 22. 29. ye err, not knowing s. John 5.39. search S.Ac. 17.11. & 18.24. Rom. 15. 4. through comfort of s. 2 Tim. 3. 15. from a child kno\vn s. 16. all s. is given by inspiration 2 Pet. 1. 20. no prophecy of s. is of 3. 16. wrest, as they do also others. SEA, Ps. 33. 7. & 72. 8. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 48. 18. & 57. 20. Zech. 9. 10. Rev. 4. 6. & 10. 2. & 15. 2. & 21. 1. SEAL upon thine heart. Song 8. 6. John 3. 33. set to his s. that God is Rom. 4. 11. s. of the righteousness 1 Cor. 9. 2. s. of my apostleship are 2 Tim. 2. 19. having s. Lordknoweth Rev. 7. 2. angel having s. of living Deut. 32. 34. sealed up among my Job 14. 17. my transgression is s. up Song 4.12.spring shut up.fountain s. Jolin 6. 27. hath God the Father s. 2 Cor. 1. 22. who hath s. us and Eph. 1. 13. ye were s. with the Holy Rev. 5. 1. a book s. with seven seali 7. 3. s. the servants of our God 4. were s. a hundred and forty and SEARCH out rest, place, Nu. 10. 33. Ps. 139. 23. s. me, O God, and know Prov. 23. 27. men to s. ovm glory is Jer. 17. 10. I the Lord s. the heart 29. 13. when ye shall s. for me with Lam. 3. 40. s. and try our ways Zeph.l.l2,s. Jerusalem with candles Acts 17. 11. s. Scriptures, Jolm 5. 39. 1 Chr.28.9.the L. se.archeth all hearts Pro. 18. 17. neighbour cometh and s. 1 Cor.2.10. Spirits, deep things of G. Rev. 2. 23. 1 am he that s. the reins Job 10. 6. that searchest after my sin Pro. 2.4. s. for her as hidden treasure Judg. 5. 16. great searchings of heart SEARED, with hot iron, 1 Tim. 4.2. SEASON, Gen. 40. 4. Ex. 13. 10. Ps. 1. 3. bringetb forth fruit in hiss. Eccl. 3. 1. to every thing there is a s. Isa. 50. 4. to speak a word in s. Luke 4. 13. departed from him fors. John 5. 35. willing for a s. to rejoice Acts 1. 7. to know the times or s. 14. 17. gave us rain and fruitful s. 1 Thes. 5. 1. of times and s. ye have 2 Tim. 4. 2. instant in s. and out of s. Heb. 11. 25. pleasures of sin for a s. 1 Pet. 1 . 6. for a s. ye are in heaviness Col. 4. 6. let speech be seasoned with SECRET, Gen. 49. 6. Job 40. 13. Job 11. 6. shew thee s. of wisdom [8. 29. 4. s. of God on my tabernacle, 15, Ps. 25. 14. s. of L. is with them that 27. 5. in s. of his tabernacle he will 31. 20. hide them in s. presence 44. 21. he knoweth the «. of hearts 1.39. 15. when I was made in s. Prov. 3. 32. his s. is with righteovis 9. 17. bread eaten in s. is pleasant 11. 13. talebearer revealeth s. 20. 19. 25. 9. discover not s. to another Dan. 2. 28., a God that revealeth s. Amos 3.7.revealeths. to his sen'ants Matt. 6. 4. alms in s. Father seeth John 18. 20. in s. have I said nothing 19. 38. secretin for fear of Jews Rom. 2. 16. God shall judge secrets SECT, Acts 24. 5. & 26. 5. & 28. 22. SEDUCE, Ezek. 13. 10. Mark 13. 22. 2 Tim. 3. 13. seducers— ing, 1 Ti.4.1. SEE, Ps. 34. 8. Mat. 5. 8. John 16. 22. 1 John 3. 2. Rev. 1. 7. & 22. 4. Matt. 6. 1. before men to be seen of 13. 17. desired to see and have nots. 23. 5. their works to be s. of men SEE.— John 1. 18. no man hath seen 20. 29. thou hast s. and beUeved; they have not s. and yet believed 2 Cor. 4. 18. look not at things s. but 1 Tim. 6. 16. whom no man hath s. Heb. 11.1. evidence of things not s. 1 Pet. 1. 8. having not s. ye love 1 John 1. 1. that we have s. and 4. 12. no man haths. Godat any time Job 10. 4. seest thou as man seeth John 14. 17. because its. him not, 27. 45. he that s. me, s. him that SEED, Gen. 1. 11. & 17. 7. & 38. 9. Ps. 120. 6. bearing precious s. Eccl. 11. 6. in morning sow thy s. Isa. 55. 10. give s. to the sower Matt. 13. S8. good s. are children of Luke 8. 11. the s. is word of God 1 Pet. 1. 23. not of corruptible s. 1 John 3. 9. his s. remaineth in him Ps. 37. 28. s. of wickedshaU be cut off 09. 36. s. of his servants shaU Prov. 11. 21. s. of righteous shall be Is . 1 . 4. sinful nation, s . of evil doers 14. 20. the s. of evil doers never 45. 25. all s. of Israel be justified 53. 10. see his s. prolong his days Mai. 2. 15. he might seek a godly s. Ro. 9. S. chU. of prom, counted fors. 29. except Lord of Sabaoth left s. Gal. 3. 16. not to seeds but to thy s. SEEK, Ezra 8. 21. Job 5.8. Ps. 10.15. Deut. 4. 29. if thou s. him \vith aU thy heart, 1 Chron. 28. 9. 2 Chron. 15. 2. Jer. 29. 13. [God, 30. 19. 2 Chron. 19. 3. prepare heart to s. Ezra 8. 22. on them for good thats. Ps. 9. 10. not forsake them that s. 27. 4. one thing I desired and will s. 03. 1. my God, early will I s. thee 09. 32. heart .shall live that s. God 119. 2. blessed are they that s. him 176. s. servant, for I do not forget Pro. 8. 17. that s. me early shall find Song 3. 2. s. him whom soul loveth Is. 26. 9. with my spirit will Is. thee 45. 19. 1 said not s. me in vain Jer. 29. 13. ye shall s. me and find Amos 5. 4. s. me, ye shall hve, 6. 8. 8. 12. to s. word and shall not find Zeph. 2. 3. 8. L. s. righteousness, s. Mai. 2. 7. s. the law [meekness 15. that he might s. a godly seed Matt. 6. 33. s. first kingdom of God 7. 7. s. and ye shall find, 8. Dt. 4. 29. Luke 13. 24. many will «. to enter in 19. 10. to s. and to save that wliich is lost. Matt. 18. 11. John 8. 21. shall s. me & die in sins Rom. 2. 7. s. for glory, honour 1 Cor. 10. 24. let no man s. o-wn but 13. 5. charity s. not her own [J. Ch. Phil. 2. 21. all s. their own, not of Col. 3. 1. s. things which are above 1 Pet. 3. 11. s. peace, and ensue it Lam. 3. 25. good to soul th&t seeketh John 4. 23. Fathers, such to worship 1 Pet. 5. 8. seeking whom he may de- SEEM, Gen. 27. 12. Deut. 2i).3.[vour 1 Cor. 11. 16. if man s. contentious Heb. 4. 1. lest any s. to come short James 1. 26. if any s. to be religious Luke 8. 18. taken that heseemeth to 1 Cor. 3. 18. if any man s. wise in Heb. 12. 11. no chastening s. joyous SELL me thv birthright, Gen.25.31. Prov. 23. 23. buy truth and s. it not Matt. 19. 21. go s. that thou hast 25. 9. go to them that s. and buy 13. 44. he selleth all and buyeth SENATORS. Ps. 105. 22. [20. 2. SEND help from the sanctuary, Ps. Ps. 4;5. 3. O s. out thy light and 57. 3. he shall s. from heaven and Matt. 9. 38. s. forth labourers into John 14. 26. whom the Father wills. 10. 7. if I depart I will s. him unto SER SEND.— 2Th.2.11.s. Btrongdelusion SENSE, if eh. 8. 8. Heb. .5. 14. James 3. 15. sensual, Jude 19. SENTENCE, Dent. 17. 9. Dan. 5. 12. Prov. 16. 10. a divme s. is in lips of Ec. 8. 11. because «. is not executed 2 Cor. 1. 9. we had s. of death in SEPARATE, Geu. 13. 9. Ex. 33. 16. Gen 49. 26. head of him that was a. from his brethren, Deut. 33. 10. Deut.'29.21. Lord shall s. him unto Isa. 59. 2. iniquities have separated Acts 13. 2. K. me Saul and Barnabas 19. 9. departed and s. the disciples Eom. S. 35. who 5. us from Christ, 39. 2 Cor. 6. 17. be ye s. saith the Lord Gal. 1. 15. who s. me from mother's Heb. 7. 26. holy, harmless, ». from SERAPHIMS. Isa.a. 2, 6. SERPENT, Gen. 3. 1, 13. & 49. 17. Num. 21. 6. Lord sent fiery s. 8, 9. Pro. 23. 32. at last it biteth Uke a .«. Eccl. 10. II.*. bite without enchant- Matt. 7. 10. wlU he give a «. [ment 10. 10. be wise as s. harmless as John 3. 14. as Moses lifted up «. in 2 Cor. 11. 3. as the »'. beguiled Eve Rev. 12. 9. tliat old ■'. called devil SERVE Lord with all thy heart, Dt. 10.12,20. & 11. 13. Jos. 22.5. 1 S. 12.20. Deut. 13. 4. shall «. him, and cleave Josh. 24. 14. fear the Lord, s. him 15- choose this day whom ye will *. me and my house will s. the Lord 1 Sam. 12. 24. fear the Lord, s. him 1 Chron. 28. 9.s. him with a perfect Job 21. 15. Almighty that we 4. him Ps. 2. 11. s. Lord with fear, rejoice Isa. 43. 24. made me to s. with sins Matt. 6. 24. no man can 5. two mas- ters ; ye cannot s. God Sl mammon Luke 1. 74. s. him without fear in 12. 37. will come forth and s. them John 12. 26. if any man s. me let him Acts 6. 2. leave word of G. s. tables 27. 23. whose I am, and whom I s. Rom. 1. 9. whom I s. with my spirit 6. 6. henceforth should not s, sin 7. 6. s. in newness of spirit 25. with the mind I s. law of God 16. 18. they.s. not Lord Jesus Christ Col. 3. 24. ye •«. Lord Jesus Christ Gal. 5. 13. by love s. one another 1 Thes. 1.9. tos. living G. Heb. 9.14. Heb. 12. 28. may s. God acceptably Rev. 7. 15. s. him day and night in Prov. 29. 19. a servant will not be corrected by words Isa. 24. 2. with «. so with his master 42. 1. behold my *. 49. 3. & .52. 13. Matt. 20. 27. be chief, let him be s. 25. 21. well done, good, faithfuls. 23. John 8. 34. committeth sin is s. of 13. 16. s. not greaterthan lord, 15.20. 1 Cor. 7. 21. art thou called, being*. 9. 19. have I made myself s. to all Gal .1 .10. if pleased men, not s.of Ch. Phil. 2. 7. took on him form of a s. 2 Tim. 2. 24. s. of Lord must not Ezra 5. 11. servants of the God of heaven. Dan. 3. 26. Acts 16. 17. 1 Pet. 2. 16. Rev. 7. 3. Rom. 6. 16. yield your.oelves s. to obey ; his e. ye are, whom ye obey 17. ye were the s. of sin 18. ye became s. of righteousness 19. members s. to uncleanness 1 Cor. 7. 23. be not ye the s. of men Phil. 1. 1. the-s. of Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 2. 19. .«. of corruption Rev. 22. 3. his e. shall serve him Rom. 12. 1. your reasonable service Jer. 22. 13. useth neighbour's s. Luke 10. 40. but Martha was cum- bered about much servinp Acts 20. 19. s. Lord with all humility 26. 7. twelve tribes instantly s. God Ro.12. 11. fervent in spirit; s. Lord Tit.S.S. s- divers luBts and pleasures [C03SrOORD.'C, Hag. 2. 23. [cision SILENT in darkness, 1 Sam. 2. 9. Ps. 28. 1. be not s. to me, SO. 12. Zech. 2. 13. bes.Oall flesh before L. Ps. 31. IS. silence, 32. 3. & 35. 22. & .50. 3, 21. & 83. 1. & 94. 17. Jer. 8. 14. Amos 5. 13. & 8. 3. 1 Cor. 14. 34. 1 Tim. 2. 11, 12. 1 Pet.2.15. Rev. 8. 1. SILLY, Job 5. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 6. SIMPLE. Prov. 1. 4, 22, 82. & 7. 7. & 8. 5. &9.4,13. &19. 25. &2I. 11. Ps. 19. 7. testimony sure making 116. 6. Lord preserveth s. [wi.=e the s. 119.130. understanding to the .<. [IS. Prov. 14. 15. s.believetli every word, 22. 3.8. pass on and punished, 27. 12. Rom. 16. 19. but *. concerning evil 18. deceive the hearts of the s. SIN SIN lieth at the door. Gen. 4. 7. Job 10.6. thou searchest after my s. Ps. 4. 4. stand in awe and s. not 32. 1. blessedis he whose s. is covered 5. 1 acknowledged my s. unto thee 38. 18. I ^v-ill be sorry for my s. .51 3 my •«■ is ever before me 5. in a. did my mother conceive me 119. 11. that I might not s. against Prov. 14. 34. s. is a reproach to any Isa. 30. 1. take counsel to adds, to s. .53.10. make his soul an offiermg for s. 12. and he bare the s. of many John 1. 29. taketh away s. of world .5. 14. s. no more lest a worse thing Kom. 5. 12. by one man s. entered the world, and death by «. 6. 14. s. shall not have dominion 7. 9. a. revived, and I died, 8. 10. 13. but a. that it might appear s. 14. I am carnal, sold under s. 17. s. that dwelleth in me 25. with the flesh the law of s. 8. 2. made free from the law of a. 1 Cor. 15. 34. awake to right. & .«. not 2 C. 5. 21. made «. for us, who knew Eph. 4. 26. be angry and .?. not [nos. Jas. 1. 15. lust bringeth forth*. & s. 1 Pet. 2. 22. who did no s. neither I John 1 . 8. if we say we have no «. 2. 1. ye a. not ; if any man .«. we have 3. 9. he cannot s. because born of G. 5.16. there is a. unto death [ous sina Ps. 19. 13. keep me from presumptu- 25. 7. remember not against me a. of Isa. 43.25. not remember thy .«. 44.22. Ezek. 33. 16. none of his a. shall be Dan.9.24. to finish the transgression and to make an end of s. [men's s. 1 Tim. 5. 22. not partaker of other 2 Tim. 3.6. silly womenlarten with s. 1 John 2. 2. propitiation for our .v. and for s. of the whole world Ps. 69. 5. my sinf, 51 . 9. Isa. 38. 17. 79. 9. otir aina, 90. 8. & 103.10. Isa. 59. 12. Ban. 9. 16. Gal. 1.4. 1 Cor. 15. 3. Heb. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Rev. 1. 5. TAatt.l. 21. their ahia, Rom. 1].27. Heb. 8. 12. & 10. 17. Num. 16. 26. Isa. 59. 2. 7/our aina, Jer. 5. 25. John 8. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 17. Josh. 24. 19. Ex. 32. 33. who hath sinned, I wiU Job 1. 22. in all this Job s. not Lam. 1. 8. Jerusalem grievously s. 5. 7. fathers have s. and are not Rom. 2. 12. many as s. without law 3. 23. all have ». and come short 1 John!. 10. if we say we have not.?. Ex. 9. 27. 1 have aimied. Num. 22.34. Josh. 7. 20. 1 Sam. 15.24. 30. 2 Sam. 12. 13. & 24. 10. Job 7. 20. & .33. 27. Ps. 41. 4. & 51. 4. Mic. 7. 9. Matt. 27.4. Luke 15. 18, 21. Judg. 10. 10. we have ainned, 1 Sam. 7. 6. P.s. 105. 6. Isa. 42. 24. & 64. 5. Jer. 3. 25. & 8. 14. & 14. 7, 20. Lam. 5. 16. Dan. 9. 5, 8, 11, 15. 1 Kings 8. 46. there is no man that ainneth not [wrongeth his own soul Prov. 8. 36. he that a. against me Eccl.7.20. nomandoethgood, a. not Eiek. IS. 4. soul that a. it shall die 1 John 5. 18. is bom of God a. not Eccl. 7. 26. the ainner shall be taken 9. 18. one s. destroyeth much good Isa. 65.20. .t. a 100 years old is accurs- Luke 15. 7. .ioy over one a. that [ed 18. 13. God be merciful to me a s. James 5. 20. shall convert a a. from 1 Pet. 4. 18. where shall a. appear Gen. 13. 13. ainnera before the Lord Ps. 1. 1. nor standeth in wav of a. 25. 8. Lord will teach «. in the way 51. 13. a. shall be converted to thee Isa. 33. 14. the s. in Zion are afraid Matt. 9. 13. I am come to call s. Lnke 13. 2. «. above all GaUlajans, 4. John 9. 31. God heareth not a. Rom. 5. 8. that while we were a. Ch. LOOI>TCOFi,DA.lSrCE. ] SIN.— Rom. 5. 19. by one man's dis- obedience many were made sinners Gal. 2. 15. are Jews and not s. of the 1 Tim. 1. 15. Jesus came to save s. Heb. 7. 26. holy, separate from «. 12. 3. endured contradiction of s. James 4. 8. cleanse your hands, yes. Jude 15. ungodly s. have spoken Num. 32. 14. sinful, Isa. 1. 4. Luke 5. 8. Rom. 7. 13. & 8. 3. SINCERE, Phil. 1. 10, 16. 1 Pet. 2. 2. Josh. 24. 14. serve him in sincerity 1 Cor. 5. 8. unleavened bread of s. 2 Cor. 1. 12. in godly s. we have 2. 17. as of a. in the sight of God 8. 8. to prove the s. of your love Eph. 6. 24. that love Lord J. in a. Tit. 2. 7. shewing gravity, ». SINEW, Isa. 4S. 4. Job 10. 11. SING to the Lord, Ex. 15. 21. 1 Chr. 16. 23. Ps. 30. 4. & 68. 32. & 81. 1. & 95. 1. & 96. 1, 2. & 98. 1. & 147. 7. & 149. 1. Isa. 12. 5. & 52. 9. Eph. 5. 19. Ex. 15. 1. 1 will s. Judg. 5. 3. Ps. 13.6. & 57. 7. 9. & 59. 16, 17. & 101. 1. & 104. 33. & 144. 9. Isa. 5. 1. 1 Cor. 14. 15. Job 29. 13. s. for joy, Isa. 65. 14. Ps. 9. 11. s. praise, 18. 49. & 27. 6. & 30. 12. & 47. 6, 7. & 68. 4. & 75. 9. & 92. 1. & 108. 1, 3. & 135. 3. & 146. 2. & 147. 1. & 149. 3. Ps. 145. 7. a. of thy righteousness Prov. 29. 6. the righteous doths. and Isa. 35. 6. then sh. tongue of dumb s. 1 Cor. 14. 15. I wills, with the spirit James 5. 13. is any merry, let him s. SINGLE eye, Matt. 6. 22. Luke 11. ;!4. Acts 2. 46. ainqleneas of heart, Eph. 6. 5. Col. 3. 22. SINK, Ps. 69. 2, 14. Luke 9. 44. SISTER, Song 4. 9. & 5. 1. & 8. 8. SITUATION, 2 Kings 2. 19. Ps. 48. 2. SKIN for skin. Job 2. 4. & 10. 11. & 19. 26. Jer. 13. 23. Heb. 11. 37. SKIP, Ps. 29. 6. & 114. 4. Song 2. 8. SLACK, Deut. 7. 10. Prov. 10. 4. Hab. 1. 4. Zeph. 3. 16. 2 Pet. 3. 9. [13. SLAY, Job 13.15. Ps. 139.19. Lev. 14. Eph. 2. 16. having alain the enmity Rev. 5. 9. wast s. and hast redeemed 6.9. that were .'. for word of God 13. 8. Lamb s. from foundation of SLEEP, deep, Gen. 2. 21. & 15. 12 1 Sam. 26. 12. Job 4. 13. Ps. 70 6 Prov. 19. 15. Isa. 29. 10. Ps. 90. 5. they are as a s. in morning 127. 2. he giveth his beloved a. 132. 4. will not give a. to mine eyes Prov. 3. 24. thy a. shall be sweet 6. 4. give not s. to thine eyes, nor 10. a little s. a little slumber, 24. 33. 20. 13. love not s. . . come to poverty Eccl. 5. 12. s. of a labouring man is sweet, but abundance of the rich will not suffer him to )t. Jer. 31. 26. my s. was sweet to me 51. 39. ,«. a perpetual s. 57. Luke 9. 32. were heavy with a. Rom. 13. 11. time to wake out of a. Est. 6. 1 . that night king could not .». Song 5. 2. Is. but my heart waketh 1 Cor. 11. 30. for this cause manv a. 15. 51. we shall not all a. but shall 1 Thes. 4. 14. them which a. in Jesus 5. 6. let us not s. as others : but 7. they that s. a. in the night 10. whether we a. or wake, should Ps. 3. 5. laid me down and slept, 4. 8. 76. 5. they have a. their sleep 1 C. 15.20. first fruits of them that s. Eph. 5. 14. awake, thou that sJeepeat SLIDE, Deut. 32. 35. Ps. 26. 1. & 37. 81. Jer. 8. 5. Hos. 4. 16. SLIGHTLY, Jer. 6. 14. & 8. 11. SLING. 1 Sam. 25. 29. ,Ter. 10. IS. SLIP, Ps. 17. 5. & 18. 36. & 38. 16. & 94. 18. Heb. 2. 1. Ps. 35. 6. slippery, 73. 18. Jer. 23. 12. SLOTHFUL under tri. Pro. 12. 24. SON SLOTHFUL.— Prov. 12. 27. a. roast- eth not tliat wliich he took in Pro. 15.19. way of a. hedge of thorns 18. 9. a. is brother to great waster 19. 24. a. hideth hand in bosom 21. 25. desire of the s. killeth him [13. 22.13. thes.sayeth there is ahon, 20. 24. 30. I went by the field of the a. 20. 14. as door on hinges so doth «. Rom. 12. 11. not s. in business, but Heb. 6. 12. be not s. but followers of Prov. 19. 15. slothfulnesa casteth in SLOW to anger, Neh. 9. 17. [asleep I Luke 24. 25. fools, s. of heart to James 1. ]9. swift to hear, s. to speak, s. to wi-ath, Prov. 14. 29. SLUGGARD, goto ant, Prov. 6. 6. Prov. 6. 9. how long \vilt sleep, O a. 13. 4. the soul of the s. desireth 20. 4. s. wiU not plow by reason ci'^'i l^il-^^ '■V?'^^ ^^ ^^^ °^"i conceit SLUMBER, P.S. 132.4. Rom. 11. 8. Ps. 121. 3. that keepethwiU nots.4. Matt. 25. 5. they all slumbered and o"«f^^;-^V^- *^si^ damna. alumberetli SMITE, Lord shall, Deut. 28.22. [not rs. 141. 5. let the righteous s. me J er 18. 18. let us s. him with tongue /ech. 13. 7. s. shepherd, Mat. 26. 31. 1^' Vi^^of- *¥^ on thy right cheek John 18. 23. why smitest tliou me Isa. 53. 4. him smitten of God ^^k.^ir^-^^^'^ *• ^^^ ^le will bind SMOKE, Gen. 19. 28. Ex. 19. 18. Deut 29. 20. anger of Lord shall s. ,nV '^*- ^- '^^^y ^°^'^ t^y ''•nger a. 102. 3. as a. Prov. 10. 26. Isa. 65. 5. Kev. 14. 11. s. of torment ascendeth Isa. 42. 3. smoking flax. Matt. 12.20. SMOOTH, Gen. 27. 11, 16. Isa. 30. 10. Ps. 53. 21. amoother, Prov. 5. 3. ^■S'^'^^.' ^^-^ 33. Judg. 2. 3. [11.9. I's. 09 22. let table become a s. Rom. 91. 3. deliver thee from the s. of 119. 110. wicked laid a a. for me 124. 7. s. is broken, & we are escaped Prov. 29. 25. fear of man bringeth a a. 1 Tim. 6. 9. that will be rich fall to s. 2 Tim. 2. 26. out of the s. of devil Ps. 11. 6. on wicked wiU rain snares 18. 5. a. of death prevented me S™n ^?A ^*- -A.3sraEi.] SORRY.— 1 Tim. 6. 10. and pierced themselves with many sorrows 2 Cor. 7. 9. sorrowed, Jer. 31. 12. 1 Sa. 1. 15. woman of sorroivtul spirit Job 6. 7. are as my s. meat Prov. 14. 13. in laughter heart is s. Jer. 31. 25. replen. s. soul, Ps. 69. 29. Zeph.3. 18. gather them that are «. Mat. 19. 22. young man went away s. 26. 22, 38. my soul is exceeding .«. 2 Cor. 6. 10. s. yet always rejoicing Luke 2. 48. sorrowing. Acts 20. 38. SORT, 2 Cor. 7. 11. 3 John 6. [14. 7. SOUGHT the Lord, Ex.33.7. 2 Chr. Ps. 34. 4. I s. Lord, and he heard 111. 2. s. out of all them that have 119. 10. vrith my whole heart I s. Eccl. 7. 29. s. out many inventions Isa. 62. 12. be called .t. out, a city 65. 1. found of them that «. me not Rom. 9. 32. s. it not by faith, but by Heb. 12. 17. though hes. it carefully 2 Chr. 16. 12. s. not Lord, Zeph. 1. 6. 1 Chron. 15. IS. sought him, 2 Chron. 14. 7. & 15. 4. Ps. 78. 84. Song 3. 1, 2. & 5. 6. Jer. 8. 2. & 26. 21. [15,43. SOUL abhor my judgments, Lev. 26. Gen. 2. 7. man became a living s. Deut. 11. 13. serve him with all ». 13. 3. love the Lord with all thy .«. Jos. 22.5. 1 Kings 2. 4. Mark 12. 33. 1 Sam. 18. 1. «.of Jon. knittos. of D. 1 Kings 8. 48. retm-n with all their s. ] Chr. 22. 19. set your s. to seek L. Job 16. 4. if yoitt 8. were in my s. Ps. 19.7. law is perfect, convertmg s. 34.22. L. redeemeth s. of his servants 49. 8. redemption of s. is precious 74. 19. deliver not the «. of thy turtle 107. 9. fiUeth the hungry s. [dove Prov. 10. 3. not suffers, of righteous 19. 2. s. be without knowledge is 27. 7. full s. loatheth honey-comb Is. 55. 2. let your «. delight in fatness 55. 3. hear and your s. shall hve 58. 10. and satisfy the afficted s. Jer. 31. 25. I have satiated weary ,■!. 38. 16. Lord made us this «. [12. 14. Eze.l8.4.s.thatsinneth, it shall die, Matt. 10. 28. not able to kill «. [20. Rom.l3. 1. let every s. be subject to 1 ITie. 5.23. s. and body be presen'ed Heb. 4. 12. piercing to dividing of s. 10. 39. believe to saving of the s. Ex. 30. 12. ransom for his soul Judg. 10.16.— was grieved formisery 2 Kin. 23. 25. turned to L. with all- Job 27. 8. when God taketh away— Hab. 2. 4.— lifted up, is not upright Matt. 16. 26. world, and lose— Ps. 16. 10. not leave my soul in hell 81. 7. hast known— in adversity 35. 3. say to — I am thy salvation 9.— shall be joyful in the Lord 42. 5, 11. why cast down, O— , 43. 5. 62. 1.— waiteth upon God, 5. 63. 1.— thirsteth for thee, my flesh 5.— shall be satisfied as with marrow 8.— followeth hard after thee [8. Is. 26. 9. with— have I desired thee, 61. 10.— shall be joyful in my God Luke 1 . 46.— doth magnify the Lord John 12. 27.— troiibled, Matt. 26. 38. Ps. 33. 20. our soul, 44. 25. & C6. 9. & 128. 4. & 124. 4. Isa. 26. 8. Deut. 13. 6. own sou!, 1 Sam. 18.1. & 20.17. Ps.22.29. Pro. 8. 30. &11. 17. & 15. .32. & 19. 8, 16. & 6. ,32. & 20. 2. & 29. 24. Mark 8. 36. Luke 2. 35. Deut. 4. 9. with all thy soul, 6. 5. & 10. 12. & 30. 6. Matt. 22. 37. Eze. 3. 19. deliver thij soul, 21. &S3.9. Luke 12. 20. this night— shall be 3 John 2. prosper as— prospereth Ps. 72. 13. save souls of needy, 97. 10. Prov. 11. 30. that winneth «. is wise Isa. 57. 16. spirit fail, and«. which I Eze. 14. 14. should deliver but own*. 1 Pet. 3. 20. few, i.e. eight s. saved peace 2 Pet. 2. 14. beguiling unstable .«. Re. 6. 9. s. of slain & beheaded, 20. 4. Luke 21. 19. your souls. Josh. 23. 14. Jer. 6. 16. &26. 19. Mat. 11. 29. Heb. 13. 17. 1 Pet. 1.9,22. & 2. 25. SOUND, dreadful. Job 15. 21. Ps 47. 5. God. .with s. of a trumpet 89. 15. people that know joyful «. 119.80. let my heart be*, in statutes Prov. 2. 7. s. wisdom, 3. 21. & 8. 14 Eccl. 12. 4. *. of the grinding is low Amos C. 5. that chant to s. of viol Rom. 10.18. s. went into all the earth 1 Tim. 1. 10.*. doc. 2 T.4.3. 2 Tim. 1. 7. s. mind, 13. of s, words Tit. 1. 9. «. doctrine, s. in faith, 2.1,2 . 2. 8. ». speech cannot be condemned Isa. 63. \^. sounding oi bowels, 16.11. Ps. 38. 3, 7. no soundness, Isa. 1. C. SOW that was washed, 2 Pet. 2. 22. SOW wickedness reap same, Job4.8. Ps. 126. 5. s. in tears, reap in joy Ec. 11 .4. obser\'eth wind, shall not «. Isa. 32. 20. blessed that*, beside wa- Jer. 4. 3. «. not among thorns [ters 31. 27. I vnO. s. the house of Israel Hos. 10. 12. «.in righteousness, reap Mic. 6. 15. thou Shalt *. and not reap Matt. 13. 3. sower went forth to s. Luke 12. 24. the ravens neither *. 19. 22. reaping that I did not s. [nor Ps. 97. 11. light i&sqwnioT righteous Hos. 8. 7. *. wind, reap whirlwind 1 Cor. 9. 11. have *. to you spiritual 15. 42. it is s. in corruption 43. *. in dishonour ; s. in 44. it is s. a natural body 2 Cor. 9. 10. multiply vour se Jam. 3. 18. fruit of righ. *. in Prov. 11. 18. soweth righteous 22. 8. *. iniquity, shall reap vanity John 4. 37. one s. another reapeth 2 Cor. 9.6. *. spai-ingly, *. bountifully Gal. 6. 7. what a man *. that shall 8. s. to his flesh, reap corruption Isa. 55. 10. seed to so«-w, 2 Cor. 9. 10. SPARE all the place. Gen. 18. 26. Neh. 13. 22. *. me accor. to thy mercy Ps. 39. 13. *, me that I may recover Pro. 19, 18. soul s. not for his crying Joel 2. 17. s. thy people and give not Mai. 3. 17. I will *. them, as man s. Rom. 8. 32. spared not his own Son 11. 21. if God s. not the natural 2 Pet. 2. 4. God s. not angels sinned Pi-ov. 13. 24. he that spareth rod SPARKS, Job 5. 7. Isa. .'iO. 11. SPARROW, Ps. 102. 7. Matt. 10.29. SPEAK against Moses, Num. 12. 8. Gen. IS. 27. taken on me to s. to L. Ex.4. 14. 1 know he (Aaron) can *.well 34. 35. went in to s. to the Lord 1 Sam. 3. 9. s. Lord, servant heareth Ps. 85,8. Lord will*, peace to people Isa. 8. 20. if s. not accordingto word 50. 4, how to *. a word in season Jer. 18. 7. at what instant I *. 9. [lie Hab. 2. 3. at end it shall *. and not Malt. 10. 19. how or what ye shall s. Luke 6. 26. when all men s. well of John 3. 11. we s. that we do know Acts 4. 20. cannot but *. things we 1 Cor. 1. 10. ye all *. the same thing 2. 6. we s. wisdom among perfect Tit. 3. 2. to *. evil of no man, but James 1. 19. swift to hear, slow to s. 2 P. 2. 10.*. evil of dignities, JudeS. Jude 10. s. evil of things which they Matt. 12. 32. speaketh against Son of 34. out of abund. of heart mouth s. Heb.11.4. he being dead yet*. [Abel '12. 24. s. better things than blood of 25. refuse not him that «. from 1 P. 2. 12. s. against you as evil doers Isa. 45. Vi. I speak, 63. 1. John 4. 26. & 7. 17. & 8. 26, 28, 38. & 12. 50. Rom. 3. 5. & 6. 19. 1 Tim. 2. 7. SPI SPEAK.— Isa. 5S. 13. nor speaking thine own words [hear, :i^. 9. Isa. 05. 24. while they are «• 1 will Dan. 9. 20. while I was «. and Matt. 6. 7. will he beard for much «. Eph. i. 15. 8. the truth in love 81. evil s, be put away, 1 Pet. 2. i. 5. 19. s. to yourselve.s in psalnis[58.3. 1 Tim. 4. 2. s. lies in hypocrisy, Ps. Kev. IS. 5. a mouth s. great things Gen. 11. 1. earth was of one speech Deut. 32. 2. my s. shall distil as dew Matt. 26. 73. thy .«. bewrayeth thee 1 Cor. 2. 1. not with excellency of *■. 2 Cor. 3. 12. use great plainness of s. 10. 10. his s. is contemptible Col. 4. 6. let your «. be with grace Tit. 2. 8. sound s. cannot be condem. Jude 15. of all their hard speeches Rom. 16. 18. by fair s. deceive simple Matt. 22. 12. he was speechless SPECTACLE to angels, 1 Cor. 4. 9. SPEED, Gen. 24. 12. 2 Jolm 10. 11. Ezra 7. 21. siieedUi/. 26. Ps. 31. 2. & 79. 8. Eool. 8. 11. Luke 18. 8. [13. SPEND their days in wealth. Job 21. Ps. 90. 9. s. our years as a tale that Isa. 55. 2. s. money for that which is 49. 4. have speiit my strength for Rom. 13. 12. night "is far s. day is at 2 Cor. 12. 15. spend and be s. SPICES, Song 4. 10, 14, 16. & 8. 14. [5. SPIDER, Pro. 30. 28. Jobs. 14. Is. 59. SPIKENARD, Song 1. 12. & 4. 13, 14. SPIRIT made wilUng, Ex. 35. 21. Num. 11. 17. take of s. which is on 14. 24. Caleb bad another s. with B Kings 2. 9. double portion of thy s. Ezra 1. 5. whose s. God raised to Neb. 9. 20. gavest good s. to instruct Job 26. 13. by his s. he garnished the 82. 8. there i.s a s. in man 18. the s. within constraineth me Ps. 31. 5. to thy hand I commit my s. 32. 2. in whose ». there is no guile 51. 10. renew a right s. witliin me 11. take not thy holy s. from me 12. uphold me with thy free .t. 17. abrokeng. & contrite, 34.18. Pro, 15. 13. & 17. 22. Isa. 57. 15. & 66. 2. Ps. 76. 12. will cut off s. of princes 78. 8. s. is not stedfast with God 104. 30. sendest forth thy .«;. Job34.14. 139.7.whither should I go from thy s. 142. 3. my .«. was overwhelmed, 143.4. 143. 7. s. faileth, 10. thy s. is good Pro. 14. 29. hasty of s. exalteth folly 15. 13. by sorrow of heart s. is broken 16. 18. a haughty s. before a fall 82. he that ruleth his s. is better than be that taketh a city 18. 14. a wounded s. who can bear 20. 27. s. of man is candle of Lord Eccl. 3. 21. who knoweth s. of man 8. 8. no power over s. to retain s. 11. 5. thou knowest not way of s. 12. 7. the 8. shall return to God Isa. 32. 15. until s. be poured on ua 34. 16. his s. gathered them 57. 16. for the s. fail before me 61. 3. garment of praise for s. of Mic.2.11.walkingins. and falsehood Zech. 12. 1 . f ormeth s. of man within 10. s. of grace and supplication Mai. 2. 15. take heed to your «. Matt. 22. 43. David in «. call him L. 26. 41. s. is willing, but flesh weak Luke 1.80. John waxed strong in s. 2. 27. came by the s. into temple 8. 55. 8. came again and she arose 9. 55. know not what kind of .«. ye are 24. 89. s. hath not flesh and bones John 3. 5. bom of water and of «. 6. that which is bom of the s. is s. 34. God measure [23. 4. 24. God is a s. worship him in s. 6. 63. it is the X. that quickeneth; the words I speak are «. and life Acts 6. 10. not able to resist the s. [0O3srC0RJ3jS».»a-G:e.] SPIRIT.— Acts 1G„ 7. the 8. suffered them nftt [in him Acts 17. 10. Pa,ul's s. was stin-ed IS. 5. Paul was pressed in s. and Rom. S. 1. not after flesh, but s. 4. 2. ,s\ of Ufe in Christ Jesus made 9. if any have not s. of Christ, he 13. if ye through s. mortify deeds 15. s. of bondage, s. of adoption 16. 8. bearetb witness with our s. 26. tbe «. helpeth our infirmities 1 Cor. 2. 10. 8. searcheth all tilings 5. 3. present in s. 5. s. may be saved 6. 17. joined unto L. is one s. 12. 13. 2 Cor. 3. S.written withs. of living G. 6. not of letter but s. s. giveth life 17. 8. of Lord is, there is liberty 7. 1. from filthiness of flesh and s. Gal. 3.3. begun ins. are now perfect 4. 6. sent forth s. of Son into hearts 5. 16. walk in the s. [against flesh 17. flesh lusteth against' s. and s. 18. if led by s, ye are not under law 22. fruit of 8. is love, joy, peace 25. if we live in s. let us walk in s. 6. 18. the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your s. 3 Tim. 4. 22. Eph. 1. 13. with holy s. of promise 4. 4. there is one body and one s. 23. be renewed in s. of your mind 5. 9. fruit of s. is in all godliness 18. not drunk but fiUed with the s. 6. 18. pra.vang always in s. Jude 20. Col. 2. 5. I am with you in the s. 1 Thes. 5. 23. whole 8. be preserved Heb. 4. 12. dividing of soul and s. 9. 14. through eternal s. offered James 4. 5. s. that dwelletb in us 1 Pet. 3. 4. ornament of a meek s. 18. in flesh, but quickened by the s. 4. 6. live according to God in the s. 1 John 4. 1. believe not every s. Jude 19. sensual, not having the s. Rev. 1. 10. I was in s. on Lord's day 11. 11. 8. of life from God entered 14. 13. yea, saitb tbe 8. that they 22. 17. the 8. and bride say, come Gen. 6. 3. mt/ spirit, Job 10. 12. Ps. 31. 5. & 77. 6. Isa. 38. 16. Ezek. 36. 27. Zech. 4. 6. Luke 1. 47. & 23. 46. Acts 7. 59. Rom. 1. 9. 1 Cor. 14. 14. Gen. 1. 2. Spirit of God, Ex. 31. 3. 2 Chron. 15. 1. Job 33. 4. Ezek. 11. 24. Matt. 3. 16. & 12. 28. Rom. 8. 9, 14. & 15. 19. 1 Cor. 2, 11, 14. & 3. 16. & 6. 11. & 12. 3. 2 Cor. 3. 3. Eph. 4. 30. 1 Pet. 4. 14. 1 John 4. 2. Isa.11.2. 8. of Lord, s. of wisdom, s.of covmsel, s. of knowledge, Eph.1.17. Zech. 13. 2. unclean s. Matt. 12. 43. Num. 16. 22. God of s. of all flesh, 27. Ps. 104. 4. maketh angels spirits [16. Prov. 16. 2. Lord weigheth tbe s. Matt. 10. 1. unclean spirits. Acts 5. 16. & 8. 7. Rev. 16. 13, 14. Luke 10. 20. rejoice not that the s. are subject to you [subject 1 Cor. 14. 32. s. of the prophets are Heb. 12. 23. to s. of just men made 1 Pet. 3. 19. preached to «. in prison 1 John 4. 1. believe not every x. try «. Hos, 9. 7. the spiritual man is mad Rom. 1. 11. impart some s. gift 7. 14. law is 8. but I am carnal 15. 27. partakers of their s. things 1 Cor. 2. 13. comp. s. things with s. 15. he that is s. judgeth all things 8. 1. not speak unto you as s. 9. 11. have sown to you s. things 10. 3. did all eat the same s. meat 4. same s. drink, 8. Rook, that R. was 15. 44. it is raised a s. body Gal. 6. 1. ye which are s. restore Eph. 1 . 3. blessed us with 8. blessings 5. 19. speaking in8. songs. Col. 3. 10. 6. 12. wrestle against 8. mckedness Col. 1. 9. filled with s. understand- 1 Pet. 2. 5. built us s. house [ing Rom. 8. C. to be spiritually minded STA SPIRIT.— 1 Cor. 2. 14. becausei they are spiritually discerned ' Rev. 11. 8. s. is called Sodom and SPITE, Ps. lO. 14. Matt. 22. 6. SPITTING, Isa. 50. G. Luke 18. J^. SPOIL, Gen. 49. 27. Ps. 08. 12. Ps. 119. thj^t finds great s. Isa. 53. 12. divide s. with the strong Matt. 12. 29. be will s. his house Col. 2. 8. beware lest any *■. you Ex. 12. 36. spoiled the Egyptians Col, 2. 15. haiving s. principalities Heb. 10. 34. took joyfully spoiling of SPOT, without. Num. 19. 2. & 28. 3, 9. Job 11. 15. 1 Tim. 6. 14. Heb 9. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 19. 2 Pet. 3. 14. [dren Deut. 32. 5. s. is not s. of his chil- Song 4. 7. there is no s. in thee Epb- 5. 27. not having s. or wrinkle Jer. 13. 23. spots, Jude 12, 23. SPREAD, Job 9. 8. Isa. 25. Il.&a7. 14. Jer. 43, 10. Lam. 1. 17. Ezek.16.8. SPRING, Ps, 85. 11. Matt. 13. 5, 7. Ps,65. lO. springing, John 4.14. Heb. 87. 7. my springs are in thee [12. 15. SPRINKLE, Lev. 14.7. & 16. 14. Isa. 53. 15. he shall «. many nations Ezek. 36. 25. I will s. clean water on Heb. 10. 22. having hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience 12. 24. to blood of sprinklino [Christ 1 Pet. 1 . 2. thi-ougb s. of the blood of SPUE theeoutof my mouth. Rev. 3. 16. Hab. 2.16. Lev. 18. 28. Jer. 25. 27. SPY, Num, 13. 16. Josh. 2. 1. Gal. 2. 4. STABILITY of times, Isa. 33. 6. STAFF, Gen. 32. 10. Zech. 11. 10. Ps, 23, 4. thy rod and s. comfort me Isa. 3. 1. stay and s. of bread 9. 4. broken s. of his shoulder, 14. 5. 10. 5. s. in hand is my indignation STAGGER, Ps. 107. 27. Rom. 4. 20. STAIN, Isa. 23. 9. & 63. 3. STAKES, Isa. 38. 20. & 54. 2. STAMMER, Isa. 28. 11. & 33. 19. & STAND, Ezek. 29.7. Ex. 9.11. [32.4. Job 19. 25. 8. at latter day on earth Ps. 76. 7. who may s. in thy sight 130. 3. if L. mark iniquities who s. Isa. 46. 10. my counsel shall s. do all my pleasure, Prov. 19. 21. Mai, 3. 2. who g. when be appeareth Mt. 12. 25. bouse divided shall not s. Rom. 5. 2. this grace wherein we s. 14. 4. God is able to make him s. [20. 2 Cor. 1. 24. by faith ye s. Rom. 11. Eph. 6. 13. having done all to s. 14. s. 1 Pet. 5.12. grace of G. wherein ye s. Rev.3.20. I8. at the door and knock Nab. 1. 6. stand before, 1 Sam. 6. 20. Luke 21.36. Rom. 14. 10. Rev. 20. 12. 1 Cor. 16. 13. stand fast in the faith Gal. 5. 1.— in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free Phil. 1. 27.— in one spirit 4. 1.— in the Lord, dearly beloved 1 Thes. 3. 8. we live, if ye— in Lord 2 Thes. 2. 15.— and hold traditions Ps. 1. 5. stand in, 4. 4. & 24. 3. Ex. 14. 13. stand still, see salvation, 2 Chr. 20. 17. Josh. 10. 12. Zee. 11. 16. Ps. 1. 1. stnndeth, 26. 12. & 33. 11. Prov. 8. 2. Song 2. 9. Isa. 3. 13. Ps. 119. 101. my heart s. in awe of Rom. 14.4. to his own master hes. or 1 C. 10. 12. thinketh be s. take heed 2 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of God s. James 5. 9. the Judge s. at the door STAR, Num. 24. 17. Matt. 2. 2. Judg. 5. 20. the starsin their courses Job 25.5. 8, are not pure in his sight 3S. 7. the moniing s. sang together Dan. 12. 8. shall .shine as 8. forever Jude 13. wandering s, to whom is Rev. 12. 1. on her head crown of 12 s. STATURE, Matt. 6. 27. Eph. 4. 13. STATUTES and laws, Neb. 9. 14. Ps. 19. 8. s. of tbe Lord are right Ezek. 20. 24. had despised my s. 25. STO STATUTES.-Ezek. 33. 15. walk in the «. of life without iniquity Mic. 6. 16. the s. of Omri are kept Ex. 15. 26. his utatides. Dent. (J. 17. 2 KinRS 17. 15. Ps. 18. 22. & 105. 45. 1 Chron. 29. 19. thii statutes, Ps. 119. 12, 16, 23, 26, 33, .54, 64, 68, 71, 117. STAY, Ps. 18. 18. Song 2. 5. Isa. 10. 20. & 26. 3. & 27. 8. & 48. 2. &;50. 10. STEAD, instead, Gen. 4. 25. & 22. 13. Gen. 30.2. Jacob said, am I in G.'s s. Job 16. 4. soul were in my soul's s. Prov. 11. 8. wicked cometh in his s. 2 Cor. 5. 211. pray you in Christ's s. STEAL, Ex. 20. 15. Lev. 19. 11. Prov. 6. 30. if he •«. to satisfy his soul 80. 9. lest I be poor and «. and take Jer. 23. 30. I am against prophets, saith the Lord, that .f. my word Mat. 6. 19. tliieves break thro' and s. 27. 64. lest his disciples «. him away Eph. 4. 28. that stole, steal no more Prov. 9. 17. stolen waters are sweet STEDFAST, Job 11. 15. Dan. 6. 26. Ps. 78. 8. spirit not s. with God, 37. Acts 2. 42. s. in Apostles' doctrine 1 Cor. 15. 58. be ye s. nnmoveable Heb.3. 14. hold confidences, to end 1 Pet. 5. 9. whom resist s. in faith Col. 2. 5. stedfastness, 2 Pet. 3. 17. STEPS, Ex. 20. 26. Ps. 18. 36. Ps. 37. 23. «. of good men ordered 31. none of his *. shall slide 44. 18. neither our s. declined 119. 133. order my s. in thy word Prov. 16.9. but Lord directeth his*. Jer. 10. 23. not in man to direct his s. Kom. 4. 12. walk in s. of that faith 1 Pet. 2. 21. ye should follow his s. STEWARD, Luke 12. 42. & 16.2. 1 Cor. 4. 1. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 10. STIFF neck. Dent. 31. 27. Jer. 17.23. Ex. 32. 9. stiJT-necked people, .33. 3, 5. & 34. 9. Deut. 9. 6, 13. & 10. 16. Acts 7. 51.— always resist Holy G. 2 Chron. 36. 13. he stiffened his neck STILL, Ex. 15. 16. Ps. 8. 2. & 1.39. 18. Ps. 4. 4. be .9. Jer. 47. 6. Mark 4. 39. 46. 10. be s. and know that I am God S?t. 1. keep not silence, be not s.O G. Isa. 30. 7. their strength is to sit s. Rev. 22. 11. unjust s. filthy s. holy s. Ps. 65. 7. stilleth noise of sea, 89. 9. STING, 1 Cor. 15. 55, .56. Rev. 9. 10. Prov. 23. 32. stiiweth like an adder STINK, Ps. .38. .5". Isa. 3.24. STIR up. Num. 24.9. Job 17. 8. Ps. 35. 23. .t. up thyself, awake, SO. 2. 78. 38. did not s. up all his wrath Song 2. 7. that ye »•. not, 3. 5. & 8. 4. 2 Tim. 1. 6. s. up gift of God that is 2 Pet. 1.13. think it meet to s. you up STONE of Israel. Gen. 49. 24.[fused Ps. 118. 22. s. which the builders re- Isa. 8. 14. s. of stumb. Rom. 9. 32, 33. 28. 16. a tried s. a precious corner ,«. Dan. 2. 34. s. cut out without hands Hab. 2. 11. s. shall cry out of wall Zech. 3. 9. on one «. shall be 7 eyes Matt. 3. 9. God is able of theses, to raise up children unto Abraham 7. 9. ask bread, will he give him .«. Lk. 19. 40. s. would immediately cry 1 Pet. 2. 4. living s. 6. chief corners. 2. 5. as lively s. are built spiritual Ezek. 11. 19. stoni/, Matt. 13. 5. STORE. 1 Cor. 16. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 19. Imke 12. 24. store-house, Ps. 33. 7. STORM, Ps. .55. 8. & 83. 15. Ps. 107. 29. he maketh the s. a calm Isa. 4. 6. covert from the s. 25. 4. refuge from the x. [the .■••. Nah. 1. 3. Lord hath his way in Mark 4. 37. a great s. Luke 8. 23. Ps. 148. 8. stormv wind fulfilling his STOOP, Job 9.13. Pro. 12. 25, Mk. 1.7. STOUT hearted, Ps.76.5. Isa. 46. 12. Isa. 10. 12. punish fruit of s. heart Dan. 7. 20. whose look was more s. [co3srcoi*r>.A.3srcE.] STOUT.— Mai. 3. 13. words been «. Isa. 9. 9. say in pride and stoutness STRAIGHT, Josh. 6. 5. Jer. 31. 9. Ps. 5. 8. thy way s. before my face Eccl. 1. 15. crooked cannot be made 7. 31. who can make that s. [,s. Isa. 40. 3. make s. a highway for oiu- 4. crooked made s. & 45. 2. Lk. 3. 5. Luke 3. 4. way of L. make paths ». Heb. 12. 13. make s. paths for feet STRAIN at a gnat. Matt. 23. 24. STRAIT, 2 Sam. 24. 14. Job 20. 22. & 36. 16. Isa. 49. 20. Phil. 1. 23. [14. Matt. 7- 13. enter in at the s. gate. Job 18. 7. steps straightened. Pro. 4. Mic. 2. 7. is the spirit of Lord s. [12. Luke 12. 50. how am I s. till it be 2 Cor. 6. 12. not s. in us, s. but in STRANGE, Ex. 21. 8. & 30. 9. Lev. 10. 1. Ps. 81. 9. Jer. 2. 21. Luke 5. 26. Heb. 11. 9. 1 Pet. 4. 12. Jude 7. Job 31. 3. and a s. punishment to Isa. 28. 21. do his s. work ; his s. act Hos. 8.12. law counted as as. thing Zeph. 1. 8. clothed with s. apparel Heb. IS. 9. about with s. doctrines 1 Pet. 4. 4. think it s. you run not Judg. 11. 2. stranae women, Prov. 2. 16. & 5. .3, 20. & 6. 24. & 20. 16. & 23. 27. & 27. 13. Ezra 10. 2, 11. Gen. 23. 4. stranger and sojourner, Ps. 39. 12. & 119. 19. 1 Chr. 29. 15. Prov. 14. 10. a s. doth not meddle Jer. 14. 8. shouldest thou be as a s. Matt. 25. 35. I was a s. and ye took Luke 17. 18. not found save this s. Jolm 10. 5. as. wll they not follow Ps. 105. 12. very few and strangers 140. 9. the Lord preserveth the s. Eph. 2. 12. s. from the covenant 19. are no more s. and foreigners Heb. 11. 13. confessed they were s. 13. 2. not forgetful to entertain s. 1 Pet. 2. 11. beseech you as s. and STRANGLED, At. 15.20,29. &21.2.5. Job 7. 15. soul chooseth strangling STREAM, Isa. 30. 33. & 66. 12. Dan. 7. 10. Amos 5. 24. Luke 6. 48. Ps. 46. 4. streams, 126. 4. Song 4. 15. Isa. 30. 25. &33. 21. & 35. 6. STREET, Rev.11.8. &21.21. &22.2. Pro. 1.20. s«ree!;s,Song3. 2. Lk. 14.21. STRENGTH, Gen. 49. 24. Ex. 13. 3. Ex. 15.2. the Lord is my s. Ps. 18.2. & 28. 7. & 118. 14. Isa. 12. 2. [down s. Judg. 5. 21. soul thou hast trodden 1 Sam. 2. 9.bys. sh. no man prevail 15. 29. the S. of Israel will not lie Job 9. 19. if I speak of «. lo, he is 12. 13. with him is wisdom and s. 16. Ps. 18. 32. girded me with s. 39. 27. 1. the Lord is the ». of my life 29. 11. Lord will give s. to his people 33. 16. mighty not delivered by s. 39. 13. spare me that I recover s. 46. 1. God is our refuge and s. 81. 1. 68. 34. ascribe ye s. to God 35. God of Israel giveth s. power 73. 26. God is s. of my heart, 43. 2. 84. 5. blessed whose s. is in thee 7. they go from x. to s. every one 93. 1. the Lord is clothed with s. 96. 6. s. and beauty are in his sanct. 138. 3. strengthen me with «. in soul 140. 7. Lord, the s. of my salvation Prov. 10. 29. way of the Lord is «. Eccl. 9. 16. wisdom is better than s. 10. 10. if iron be blunt, put more s. Isa. 25. 4. s. to poor and s. to needy 26. 4. in Jehovah is everlasting s. 40. 29. have no might increaseth s. 45. 24. in Lord have I right, and s. Joel 3. 16. Lord is the s. of Israel Luke 1. 51. shewed s. with his arm Rom. 5. 6. when we were without s. 1 Cor. 15. 56. s. of sin is the law 2 Cor. 1. 8. out of measure, above s. Rev. 3. 8. thou hast a little s. and 5. 12. worthy is Lamb to receive «. STR STRENGTH.— Rev. 12. 10. now is come salvation and s. Rev. 17. 13. give their s. to beast 1 Chron. 16. 11. his strength, Ps. 33. 17. Isa. 63. 1. Hos. 7. 9. & 12. 3. Ge. 49.24. in strength. Job 9.4. & 36. 5. Ps. 71. 16. & 103. 20. & 147.10. Ib.33.6. Gen. 49. 3. my strengt/i, Ex. 15. 2. 2 Sam. 22. 33. Job 6. 12. Ps. 18. 1, 2. & 19. 14. & 28. 7. & 38. 10. & 43. 2. & 59. 17. & 62. 7. & 71. 9. & 99. 4. & 102. 23. & 118. 14. & 144. 1. Isa. 12. 2. & 27. 5. & 49. 4, 5. Jer. 16. 19. Hab. 3. 19. 2 Cor. 12. 9. Ps. 37. 39. their strength, 89. 17. Pro. 20. 29. Isa. 30. 7. & 40. 31. Ps. 8. 2. thy strength, 86. 16. & 110. 2. Prov. 24. 10. & 31. 3. Isa. 17. 10. & 63. 15. Mark 12. .33. Deut. 33. 25. Neh. 8. 10. your strength, lea. 23. 14. & 30. 15. Ezek. 24. 21. Lev. 26. 20. Ps.20.2.L.s^re;i(/tteHtheeoiitofZion 27. 14. wait on the Lord, he shall s. thine heart, 31. 24. 41. 3. s. him on bed of languishing 119. 28. s. me according to word Isa. 35. 3. s. ye the weak hands 41. 10. 1 wiU s. thee, 54. 2. s.thy stakes Dan. 11. 1. stood to confirm and s. Zech. 10. 12. I will s. them in Lord Luke 22.32.when converted s. breth. 1 Pet. 5. 10. God of grace stabhsh, s. Rev. 3. 2. s. the things that remain 1 Sam.23.1B. strengthenedhnnAinG. Ezek. 34. 4. diseased have ye not s. Eph. 3. 16. s. with might. Col. 1.11. 2 Tim. 4. 17. Lord stood and «. me Ps. 138. 3. s. me with s. in my soul 104. 15. bread which strengtheneth Phil. 4. 13. through Christ whos. me STRETCH thy hands, Job 11. 13. Amos 6. 4. s. themselves on couches Matt. 12. 13. s. forth thy hand Jhn. 21.18. thou shalt s. forth hands Gen. 22. 10. stretched hand, Isa. 5. 25. 1 Kings 17. 21. s. himself upon child 1 Chr. 21. 16. sword s. over Jerusalem Is. 5. 25. hand is s. out, 9. 12. & 10. 4. Rom. 10.21. all day s. forth my hands Job 15. 25. he stretcheth out hand Prov. 31. 20. she s. out hand to poor Isa. 40. 22. s. out the heavens as a cm-tain, 42. 5. & 44. 24. & 45.12. & 51 . 13. Jer. 10. 12. & 51. 15. Zech. 12. 1. STRIFE between me. Gen. 13. 8. Ps. 80. 6. us a s. to our neighbom-s Prov. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up s. 15. 18. wrathful man stirreth up s. 16. 28. froward man soweth s. 20. 3. an honour to cease from s. 96. 20. no tale-bearer, s. ceaseth 28. 25. a proud heart stirreth up .«. 29. 22. an angry man stirreth up s. 30. 33. forcing of wrath, bringeth s. Isa. 58. 4. ye fast for s. and debate Jer. 15. 10. hast borne me a man of s. Luke 22. 24. was a s. among them Rom. 13. 13. not in s. and envying 1 Cor. 3. 3. among you envying, «. Gal. 5. 2(1. wrath, s. sedition Phil. 1. 15. preach Christ of s. and 2. 3. let nothing be done through s. 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh envj', s. 2 Tim. 2. 23. gender «. 2 Cor. 12. 20. James 3. 14. bitter envying andx. 16. STRIKE hands, Job 17. S. Prov. 6. 1. Prov. 17. 26. to x. princes for equity Is. 1.5. why stricken any more, Jer. 53. 4. did esteem him s. of God [5. 3. 1 Tim.S.S.bishop, nostriker, Tit.1.7. STRIPES, Isa. 53. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Pro. 17. in. & 20. 30. Luke 12. 47, 48. STRIVE, Ex. 21. 18, 22. Job 33. IS. Gen. 6. 3. Spirit shall not always x. Prcv. 3. SO. X. not without cause Hos. 4. 4. let no man s. Iior reprove Matt. 12. 19. he shall not s. nor cry Luke 13. 24. x. to enter in at strait 2 Tim. 2. 24. servant of L. must not.«. SUB STRIVE.— Isa. 45. 9. woe unto him that striveth with his Maker Phil. 1 .27- strivina together for faith Heb. 12. 4. resisted unto blood s. STRONG this day, Josh. 14. 11. Ps. 24. 8. Lord is s. and mighty in 30. 7. made mountain to stand s. SI. 2. be thou my «. rock 71. 7. thou art my s. refuge, 3. Prov. 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his 11. 16. s. men retain riches [s. city 14. 26. fear of Lord is s. confidence 18. 10. name of Lord is a s. tower 24. 5. a wise manis*. ; yea, a man of Eccl. 9. 11. nor the battle to the s. 12. 3. and the s. men shall bow Song 8. 6. love is s. as death Isa. 1. 31. s. shall be as tow and burn 26. 1. we have a s. city, 60. 22. 35. 4. be s. fear not, behold yoiu- 53. 12. shall divide the spoil with s. Jer. 50. 34. their Redeemer is s. Joel 3. 10. let the weak say I am s. Luke 11. 21. s. man armed keepeth Rom. 4. 20. s. in faith [his palace,22. 15. 1. we that are s. ought to bear the infirmities of the weak [am I x. 2 Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak then Heb. 11.34. out of weakness made s. 1 John 2. 14. because ye are s. and Isa. 35. 4. be strong, Hag. 2. 4. 1 Cor. 16. 13. Eph. 6. 10. 2 Tim. 2. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 25. strongerth^riTaen, 10.22. Job 17. 9. clean hands shall be s. Jer. 20. 7. thou art .•!. than I [and .<. STUBBLE, Job 13. 25. & 21. 18. Ps.83. 13. Isa. 33. 11. Mai. 4. 1. 1 Cor. 3. 12. STUBBORN, Deut. 21. 18. Ps. 78. 8. 1 Sam. 15. 23. stubbornness, Dt. 9. 27. STUDY, Eccl. 12. 12. 1 Thes. 4. 11. 2 Tim. 2. 15. Prov. 15. 28. & 24. 2. STUMBLE, foot shall not, Pro.3.23. Prov.4.12. runnest, thou shalt not s. 19. wicked know not at what they s. Isa. 5. 27. none shall be weary nor «. 8. 15. many shall s. and fall and 28. 7. err in vision, s. in judgment Mai. 2. 8. caused many to s. at law 1 Pet. 2. 8. which s. at the word Rom. 9. 32. th^y stumbled at that stumblingstone Iblet/i not John 11. 9. walk in the day hestum- Rom. 14. 21. whereby thy brother s. Isa. 8. 14. stnmbling, 1 John 2. 10. 1 Pet. 2. 8. Rom. 9. 32. Lev. 19. 14. stumbUng-bloelc, Isa. 57. 14. Jer. 6. 21. Ezek. 3. 20. & 7. 19. & 14. 3, 4, 7. Rom. 9. 32, 33. & 11. 9. & 14.13. 1 Cor. 1.23. &8.9. Rev. 2. 14. SUBDUE our iniquities, Mic. 7. 9. Ps. 81. 14. I would soon s. their ene. Phil. 3. 21. able to s. all things Heb. 11. 33. through faith subdued SUBJECT, devils are, Luke 10. 17,20. Rom. 8. 7. not s. to law of God 20. creature made s. to vanity [ers,5. 13. 1. every soul be«. to higher pow- 1 Cor. 14. 32. spirits of prophets s. 15. 28. Son shall be «. to him that Eph. 5. 24. as church is s. to Christ Tit. 3. 1. to be s. to principalities Heb. 2. 15. all lifetimes, to bondage James 5. 17. Elias s. to like passions 1 Pet. 2. 18. servants be s. to masters 3. 22. angels and powers made s. 5. 5. all ye be s. one to another 1 Cor. 9. 27. subjection, 1 Tim. 2. 11. & 3. 4. Heb. 2. 5, 8. & 12. 9. 1 Pet. 3. 1.5. SUBMIT, Gen. 16. 9. Ps. 18. 44. & 60. 3. & 68. 30. & 81. 15. 1 Cor. 16. 16. submit yourselves, Eph. 5. 21, 22. Col. 3. 18. Heb. 13. 17. James 4. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 13. & 5. 5. Rom. 10. 3. have not submitted unto the righteousness of God SUBSCRIBE, Isa. 44. 5. Jer. 32. 44. SUBSTANCE, Gen. 7. 4. & 15. 11. Deut. 33. 11. bless Lord, his s. Job 30. 22. thou dissolvost my s. Isa. 11. 8. sucking child, snckliiig, Lam. 2. 11. [I [C01SrC0R3DwA.ITCE.] SUBSTANCE.— Ps. 139. 15. my s. was not hid from thee, 16. Prov. 3. 9. honour Lord with thy s. 8.21. cause that love me to inherit «. Hos. 12. 8. I have found me out s. Luke 8. 3. ministered to him of s. Heb. 10. 34. a more enduring s. 11. 1. faith is «. of things hoped for SUBTIL, Gen. 3. 1. Prov. 7. 10. [1. 4. Acts 13. 10. subtilty, 2 Cor. 11. 3. Pro. SUBVERT, La. 3. 36. Tit. 1.11. &3.n. Acts 15. 24. subverting, 2 Tim. 2. 14. SUCK, Gen. 21.7. Deut. 32. 13. & 33. Job 20. 16. s. poison of asps and [19. Isa. 60. 16. s. milk of Gentiles 66. 11. s. and be satisfied, 12. Matt. 24. 19. woe to them that give s. Luke53. 29. paps which never gave s. 11. 27. blessed are paps fixon sucked 19.15. Lam. 2. 11. [1. 4. SUDDEN, Prov. 3. 25. 1 Thes. 5. 3. SUFFER, Ex. 12.23. Lev. 19. 17. Ps. 55.22. never*, right, to be moved 89. 33. nor s. my faithfiilness to fail 121. 3. not s. thy foot to be moved Pro. 10. 3. not s. righteous to famish Matt. 16. 21. he must s. many things 17. 17. how long shall I s. you 19.14. s. little children to come to me Rom. 8. 17. if so be that we s. with 1 Cor. 4. 12. being persecuted, we s. 10. 13. G. will not s. to be tempted Phil. 1. 29. but also to s. for his sake 2 Tim. 2. 12. if we s. we shall reign Heb. 11. 25. choosing to s. afHiction 13. 3. remember them who s. adver- 22. s. the word of exhortation [sity 1 Pet. 4. 15. none s. as a murderer 19. that s. according to will of God Ps. 105. 14. he suffered no man to do them wrong, 1 Chron. 16. 21. Acts 14. 16. s. all nations to walk in their own ways 16. 7. the Spirit s. them not Phil. 3. 8. for whom I s. loss of all He. 5.8. learned obed. by things he s. 1 Pet. 2.21. Christ s. for lis, leaving 3. 18. Christ hath s. once for sins 5. 10. after ye have s. a while Matt. 11. 12. suffereth, 1 Cor. 13. 4. Rom. 8. 18. sufferings, 2 Cor. 1. 5, 6. Phil. 3. 10. Col. 1. 24. Heb. 2. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 11. & 4. 13. & 5. 1. SUFFICE, 1 Pet. 4. 3. John 14. 8. Matt. 6. 34. sufficient to day is evil 2 Cor. 2. 16. who is s. for these things 3. 5. not that we are s. of ourselves 12. 9. my grace is s. for thee Job 20.22. sufficiency, 2 Cor.3. 5. & 9.8. SUM, Ps. 139. 17. Eze. 28. 12. Heb.8.1. SUMMER and winternot cease. Gen. Ps. 74. 17. hast made «. and [8. 22. Prov. 6. 8. provideth her meat in s. 10.5.that gathereth in .t. is a wise son Isa. 18. 6. fowls shall s. and winter Jer. 8. 20. harvest past and s. ended' Zech. 14. 8. living waters in s. and SUMPTUOUSLY, fared, Lukel6.19. SUN, stand thou still. Josh. 10. 12. Ps. 19. 4. he set a tabernacle for s. 74. 16. prepared the light and the .'i. 104. 19. «. knoweth his going down 121 . 6. s. not smite by day, Isa. 49. 10. 136. 8. s. to riTle day, Gen. 1. 16. Eccl. 12. 2. while s. or stars be not Song 1. 6. because s. looked on me 6. 10. fair as moon, clear as the s. Isa. 30. 26. light of the s. sevenfold 38. 8. the s. returned ten degrees 60. 19. «. no more thy light by day 20. thy s. shall no more go down Jer. 31. 35. giveth s. for a light by Mai. 4. 2. S. of righteousness arise Matt. 5. 45. his s. to rise on evil and 13. 43. shine as s. in the kingdom of 1 Cor. 15. 41. there is one glory of s. Eph. 4. 26. let not s. go down upon Rev. 10. 1. lusface as s. 1. 16. Mt.17.2. SWI SUN.— Rev. 7. 16. neither s. light on Rev. 21. 23. city had no need of tho «. 22. 5. [James 1. 21. SUPERFLUITY of naughtiness, SUPERSTITION, Acts 25.19. &17.22; SUP, Lukel7.S. Rev, 3.20. Hab. 1.9. Luke 14. 16. made a great supper 1 Cor. 11. 20. this is not to eat Lord's s. Luke 22. 20. Rev. 19. 9. to marriage s. of Lamb 17. come to the s. of the great God SUPPLICATION, 1 Kin. 8. 28. &9.3. Job 8.5. &9.15. Ps.6.9. & 30.8. & 55. 1. &142. 1. & 119. 170. Dan. 6.11. & 9. 20. Hos. 12.4. Zech.12.10. Eph. 6.18. Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tun. 2.1. & 5. 5. Heb.5.7. SUPPLY of spiritof Jesus,Phil.l.l9. Phil. 4. 19. my God shall a. all need 2 Cor. 9. 12. siipplieth, Eph. 4. 16. SUPPORT the weak, Acts 20. 35. 1 SUPREME, 1 Pet. 2. 13. [Thes. 5.14. SURE, Gen. 23. 17. 1 Sam. 25. 28. 2 Sa. 23. 5. covenant ordered and s. Neh. 9. 38. we make a s. covenant Ps. 19. 7. testimony of the Lord is s. 93. 5. thy testimonies are very s. 111. 7. all his commandments are ». Pro. 11.15. th.hatethsuretiship is s. 18. righteousness shall be s. reward Isa. 22. 23, 25. fasten nail in s. place 28. 16. I lay in Zion a s. foundation 32.18. my people dwell in s. dwellings S3. 16. his waters shall be s. 55. 3. s. mercies of David, Acts 13.34. John 6. 69. we believe and are s. that thou art that Christ Rom. 4.16. promise might be ». to all 2 Tim. 2.19. founda. of G. standeths. 2 Pet. 1. 10. calling and election s. 19. a more s. word of prophecy SURETY for servant, Ps. 119. 122. Heb. 7. 22. Jesus made s. of better SURFEITING, Luke 21. .34. SURPRISED hypocrites, Isa. ,33. 14. SUSTAIN, Ps. 55. 22. Prov. 18. 14. Ps. 3. 5. sustained, Isa. 59. 16. SWALLOW, Ps. 84. 3. Jer. 8. 7. Isa. 25. 8. will s. up death in victory Matt. 23. 24. strain at gnat, s. camel Ex. 15. 12. earth swallowed. Num. Ps. 124. 3. had«. us up quick [16. .32. 2 Cor. 2. 7. be s. with over much sor- 5. 4. mortality be s. up of life [row SWEAR, Num. 30. 2. Deut. 6. 13. Isa. 45.23. to me every tongue shall s. 65. 16. shall 8. by the God of truth Jer. 4. 2. shalt s. Lord liveth, 12. 10. Zeph.1.5. s. by L. and .«. by Malchara Matt. 5. 34. s. not at all, James 5. 12. Ps. 15. 4. sweareth to his own hurt Eccl. 9. 2. that s. as he that feareth Zech. 5. 3. every one that s. cut off Jer. 23. 10. for because of swearing the land moumeth Hos. 4. 2. by «. and lying they break 10. 4. s. falsely in making a covenant Mai. 3. 5. witness aga. fa\%Bswearers SWEAT, Gen. 3. 19. Luke 22. 44. SWEET, Job 20. 12. Ps. .55. 14. Ps. 104. 34. meditation of him be s. 119. 103. hows, thy words to my taste Pro. 3.24. thy sleep shall be,?. Jer.Sl. 9. 17. stolen waters are .«. 20. 17. [26. 13. 19. desire accomplished is s. to 27. 7. to hungry bitter thing is s. Eccl. 5. 12. sleep of labouring man s. 11. 7. truly the light is s. Song 2. 3. his fruit was «. to my taste 14. s. is thy voice and countenance 5. 16. his mouth is most s. Isa. 5. 20. put bitter for .•». and s. for Phil. 4. 18. odour of a s. smell Rev. 10. 9. in thy mouths, as honey Ps. 19.10. sa'eeiess, Pro.16.21. &27.9. SWELLING. Jer. 12. .5. 2 Pet. 2. 18. SWIFT, Deut. 28. 49. Job 9. 26. Eccl. 9. 11. the race is not to the s. Rom. 3.15. s. to .shed blood, Pro.6.18. SWIFT.— Jam. 1. 19. hear, slow 2 Pet. 2. 1. bring on ». destruction Job 7. 6. days swifter than a shuttle, Ps. 147. 15. swiftly, Joel 3. 4. ['J. i!5. SWIM, 2 Ivin.U.tJ. Ps.6.6. Eze.47.5. SWORD, Ex. 32. 27. Lev. 2G. 6, 25. Gen .3.24.cherubims and a flaming s. Deut. 33. 29. s. of thy excellency Judg. 7. 2U. s. of Lord and Gideon 2 Sam. 12. 10. s. shall never depart Ps. 17.13. from wicked which is thy s. 149. 6. two-edged «. in their hands Song 3. 8. every man hath his s. on Jer.9. 16. 1 will send a s. after them 15. 2. such a.s are for s. to the s. 43. 11 . Ezek. 21. 13. what if s. contemn rod Zech. 11.17. s. shall beupon his arm 13. 7. awake, O s. against shepherd Mat. 10. 34. not to send peace, but s. Luke 2. 35. a s. shall pierce through Eom. 13. 4. he beareth not ». in vain Eph. 6. 17. s. of Spirit, word of God Heb. 4. 12. sharper than two-edged ; Isa. 2. 4. Ezek. 32. 27. Joel 3. 10. SWORN by myself, Gen. 22. 16. Ps. 24. 4. thathathnot s. deceitfully 119. 106. I have «. and will perform SYNAGOGUE, Ps. 74. 8. Matt. 6. 5. & 23. 6. Luke 7. 5. John 9. 22. & IS. 20. Acts 15. 21. Eev. 2. 9. & 3. 9. TABERNACLE, Ex. 26. 1. & 29. 43. Job 5. 24. thy t. shall be in peace Ps. 15. 1. who shaU abide in thy t. 27. 5. in secret of his t. shall hide Pro.l4.11.<. of upright shall flourish Isa. 33. 20. a t. shall not be taken [16. Amos 9. 11. raise t. of David, Acts 15. 2 Cor. 5. l.if earthly house of this t. 4. we that are in this t. do groan Heb. 8. 2. minister of the true t. 2 Pet. 1. 13. I am in this t. 14. knowing I must put ofi my t. Rev. 21. 3. the*, of God is with men Job 12. 6. tabernacles of robbers Ps. 84. 1. how amiable are thy t. 118. 15. salvation is in the t. of the Heb. 11. 9. dwell in t. with Isaac and TABLE, Ex. 25. 23. Job 36. 16. Ps. 23. 5. prepared a t. before me 69. 22. let their t. become a snare 128. 3. olive plants round thy t. Prov. 8. 8. -write them on t. of heart Song 1.12.while king sitteth at his?. Jer. 17.1. sin is graven onf.of heart Mai. 1.7.'. of Lord is contemptible Mat. 15. 27. crumbs from master's t. 1 Cor. 10. 21 . partakers of Lord's t. Deut. 10. 4. tables, 5. Heb. 9. 4. 2 Chr. 4. 8, 19. Isa. 28. 8. Ezek. 40. 41. Hab. 2. 2. make it plain upon t. Acts 6. 2. leave word of G. & serve t. 2 Cor. 3. 3. not in t. of stone, but fleshy t. of the heart TAKE you for a people, Ex. 6. 7. Ex. 20. 7. not t. name of the Lord 34. 9. t. ns for thine inheritance Ps. 27. 10. the Lord will t. me up 51. W.t. not thy Holy Spirit from 116. 13. I will t. cup of salvation 119. 43. t. not the word of truth out Hos. 14. 2. t. with you words; say t. Matt. 16. 24. t. up his cross and 18. 16. t. with thee one or two more 2.3. would t. account of serwints 20. 14. t. that is thine and go thy 26. 26. Jesus said t. eat, 1 Cor. 1 1". 24. Luke 12. 19. t. thine ease, eat, drink Eph. 6. 13. t. whole armour of G. 17. Rev. 3. U. that no man t. thy crown Ex. 23. 25. take awav. Josh. 7. 13. 2 Sam. 24. 10. 1 Chr. 17. 13. Job 7.21. & 32. 22. & .36. 18. Ps. .58.9. Is. 58.9. Jer. 15. 15. Hos. 1.6. & 4. 11. & 14. 2. [aoKrcoiiar).A.Kro3B.] TAKE.— Amos 4. 2. take away, Mai. 2. 3. Luke 17. 31. John 1. 29. 1 John 3. 5. Rev. 22. 19. Deut. 4. 9. take heed, 11. 16. & 27. 9. 2 Chron. 19. 6. Ps. 39. 1. Isa. 7. 4. Mai. 2. 15. Matt. 6. 1. & 10. 6. & 18. 10. & 24. 4. Mark 4. 24. & 13. 33. Luke 8. 18. & 12. 15. 1 Cor. 10. 12. Col. 4. 17. Heb. 3. 12. 2 Pet. 1. 19. Deut.32. 41. takehold, Ps. 69. 24. Isa. 27- 5. & 56. 4. & 64. 7. Zech. 1. 6. Ps. 83. 3. taken crafty counsel 119. 111. thy testimony have 1 1. Isa. 53. 8. he was t. from prison and Lam. 4. 20. the anointed was t. in Matt. 21. 43. kingdom of God t. from 24. 40. one shall be t. the other left Mark 4. 25. be t. that which he hath Acts 1. 9. t. up into heaven, 11. 22. 2^im. 2. 26. t. captive by him Isa. 6. 7. thy iniquity is taken away 16. 10. gladness is— and joy out of 57. 1. and merciful men are- Luke 10. 42. good part not be— from 2 Cor. 3. 16. turneth to Lord, veil— Ps. 40. 12. my iniquities taken hold 119.143. trouble and anguish have— Prov. 1. 19. taketh away, John 1.29. & 10. 18. & 15. 2. taketh from, 16. 22. Ps. 119. 9. by taking heed thereto Matt. 6. 27. who by t. thought can Rom.7. 8, 11. sin J. occasion deceived Eph. 6. 16. above all (. shield of faith TALE, Ps.90.9. Eze.22.9. Lk. 24.11. Lev. 19. 16. tale-bearer, Prov. 11. IS. & 18. 8. & 20. 19. & 26. 20, 22. TALENTS, Matt. 18.24. & 25. 15,25. TALK of them when thou, Deut. 6.7. 1 Sam. 2. 3. t. no more so proudly Job 13. 7. and t. deceitfully for him Ps. 71.24. my tongue shall «. righte. 77. 12. I will t. of thy doings 105. 2. t. ye of his wondrous works 145. 11. speak of glory and t. of thy Jer. 12. 1. t. with thee of judgment John 14. 30. I will not t. much with Ps. 37. 30. his tongue talketh of judg- Eph. 5. 4. foolish talking [ment Tit. 1. 10. unruly and vain talkers TAME, Mark 5. 4. James 3. 7, 8. TARRY, 1 Chr. 19. 5. 2 Kings 14. 10. Ps. 101. 7. liar not t. in my sight Prov. 23. 30. that t. long at wine Isa. 46. 13. my salvation shall not t. Jer. 14. 8. turn aside to t. for a night Hab. 2. 3. though it t. wait for it Matt. 26. 38. t. ye here and watch John 21. 22. that he t. till I come 1 Cor. 11. 33. t. one for another Ps. 68. 12. she that tarried at home Mt.25.5.bridegroom t. all shunbered Luke 2. 43. child Jesus t. behind in Acts 22. 16. why tarriest thou, arise Ps. 40. 17. make no tarrying, 70. 5. TASTE, Ex. 16. 31. 1 Sam. 14. 43. Job 6. 6. is any t. in white of an egg Ps. 34. 8. O t. and see Lord is good 119. 103. sweet are thy words to t. Song 2. 3. his fi-uit was sweet to t. Jer. 48. 11. his t. remained in him Matt. 16. 28. shall not t. of death Luke 14. 24. shall t. of my supper John 8. 52. keep saying, nev. t. death Col. 2. 21. touch not, t. not, handle Heb. 2. 9. t. death for every man 6. 4. have fasted heavenly gift 5. and have t. good word of God 1 Pet. 2. 3. if ye have t. that Lord is TATTLERS, 1 Tim. 5. 18.[gracious TEACH, Ex. 4. 12. Lev. 10. 11. Dt. 4.9. t. them thy sons, 6.7. & 11.19. 33. 10. shall t. Jacob thy judgments 1 Sam. 12. 23. t. good way, 1 K. 8. 36. 2 Chr. 17. 7. to t. in cities of Judah Job 21. 22. shall any t. God Ps. 25. 8. t. sinners in the way 9. the meek will he t. his way 84. 11. t. you fear of Lord, ,32. 8. 51. 13. t. transgressors thy way TEM TEACH.— Ps. 90. 12. so t. us to number our days, that we may Isa. 2.3. t. us of his ways, Mic.4. 2. Jer. 31. 34. t. no more neighbour Matt. 28. 19. go and t. all nations John 9. 34. and dost thou t. us t 14. 26. Holy Ghost shall t. you all 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I *. in every church 1 lim.2. 12.IsufEernotwoman tof. 3. 2. given to hospitality, apt to t. 2 lim. 2. 2. faithful men able to t. Heb. 5. 12. have need that one t.yon 1 John 2. 27. need not that anv t. Job 34. 32. what I see not, teach me Ps. 25.4.— thy paths, 5. & 27.11.— thy way, 86. 11. & 119. 12.— thy statutes, 26, 64, 66, 68, 124, ]35.-good judg- ment. C6.— thy judgments, 108. 10. —to do thy will, 143. 10. 2 Chron. 30. 22. tavght good know. Ps. 71. 17. hasti. me from my youth 119. 171. hast t. me thy statutes Eccl. 12. 9. he t. people knowledge Isa. 29. 13. t. by precepts of men 54. 13. children shall be t. of Lord John 6. 45. shall be all t. of God Acts 20.20. t. you publickly and from Gal. 6. 6. let him that is t. in word 1 lhes.4.9. yom selves aret. of God Ps. 94. 12. teachest him ovit of law Matt. 22. 16. t. way of God in truth Rom. 2. 21. t. another, t. not thyself Job 36. 22. who teacheth like him 35. 11. who t. us more than beasts Ps. 18. 34. t. my hands to war, 1 44. 1 . 94. 10. he that t. man kno\\ledge Isa. 48. 17. L. thy G. t. thee to profit 1 Cor. 2. 13. words wliich man's wis- dom t. but which the Holy Ghost t. 1 John 2. 27. same anointing t. you Hab. 2. 18. teacher, John 3. 2. Rom. 2. 20. 1 Tim. 2. 7. 2 Tim. 1. 11. Ps. 119. 99. teachers, Isa. SO. 20. 2 Tim. 4. 3. heap to themselves t. Tit. 2. 3. be t. of good things Heb. 5. 12. ought to be t. ye need 2 Chron. 15. 3. a teaching priest Matt. 15. 9. t. for doctiines the com. 28. 20. t. them to observe all things Col. 1. 28. <. every man in all wisdom S. 16. t. and admonishing one [ness Tit.2.12. t. us that denying ungodli- TE AR, Ps. 50. 22. Hos. 5. 14. Job 16. 9. TEARS, Job 16.20. Ps.6.6. Isa.38..5. Ps. 56. 8. put my t. in bottle, 39. 12. 80. 5. feedest them with bread of t. 126. 5. they that sow in t. shall Isa. 25. 8. wipe away all t. from off Jer. 9. 1. eyes were a fountain of t. Luke 7. 38. to wash his feet with t. Acts 20. 19. t. and temptations, 31. 2 Cor. 2. 4. wrote with many t. 2 Tim. 1. 4. being mindful of thy t. Heb. 5. 7. with strong crying and t. 12. 17. he sought it carefully with t. Eev. 7. 17. wipe all t. from eves, 21.4. TEATS, Isa. 32. 12. Ezek. 23. 3, 21. TEETH white with milk, Gen.49.12. Job 4. 10. t. broken, Ps.3. 7. & 58. 6. Song 4. 2. ;. like a flock of sheep, 6.6. Jer. 31 . 29. '. set on edge, Ezek. 18. 2. Amos 4. 6. cleannessof t. in all cities Mat. 8. 12. weeping and gnashing of t. 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 25. 30. Ps. 112.10. TELL it not in Gath, 2 Sam. 1. 20. Ps. 48. 13. t. generation following Prov. SO. 4. name, if thou canst t. Matt. 8. 4. see thou t. no man, 16.20. 18. 15. go and t. him his fault 17. t. it unto the church John 8. 8. not t. whence it Cometh 4.25. when he is come he will r. us all 8. 14. ye cannot t. whence I come 2 Cor .12.2. in or out of body I can't t. Gal. 4. 16. because I *. you the truth Phil. 8. 18. now*, you even weeping Ps. 56. 8. thou fellest my wanderings TEMPERANCE. Acts 24. 25. Gal. 5. 23. 2 Pet. 1.6. TER TEMPERANCE— 1 Cor. 9. 25. tem- perate. Tit. 1. 8. & 2. 2. TEIVIPLE, 1 Sam. 1. 9. 1 Kings 6. 5. Ps.29.9. in t. doth every one speak of Jer. 7. 4. t. of the Lord, t. of Lord llal. 3. 1. suddenly come to his t. _ Mat. 12. 6. one greater than the t. is John 2. 19. destroy this t. and in ■ three days I will raise it up 21. he spake of the t. of his body 1 Cor. 3. 10. ve are the t. of God, 17. 6. 19. your body is t. of Holy Ghost 9. 13. live of the tilings of the t. 2 Cor. 6. 16. hath t. of G. ^nth idols Rev. 7. 15. serve day and night in t. 11. 19. t. of G. was opened in heaven 21.22. sawnoi. the L. God & Lamb Song 4. 3. thv temples. 6.7. [are t he «. Acts 7. 48. Most High dwelleth not TEMPORAL, 2 Cor. 4. 18. [int. TEMPT Abraham, God did, Ge.22.1. Ex. 17. 2. wherefore do ye t. Lord Deut. 6. 16. ye shall not t. the Lord Isa. 7. 12. not ask, nor will 1 1. Lord Mai. 3. 15. that t. God are delivered Mat. 4. 7. thou shalt not t. the Lord 22. 18. why t. ye me, shew me a penny Acts 5. 9. have agreed together to t. 15. 10. why t. God to put a yoke 1 Cor. 7. 5. that Satan t. you not for 10. 9. neither let us t. Christ as Ex. 17. 7. because they tempted Lord >fum. 14. 22. t. me now ten times Ps. 78. 18. t. God in their heart, 106. 41. turned back and t. God [14. 56. t. and provoked most high God 95. 9. when fathers t. me, Heb. 3.9. Matt. 4. 1. in wilderness, t. of devil Luke 10. 25. lawyer t. him, saying 1 Cor. 10. 13. not suffer you to be t. Gal. 6. 1. lest thou also be t. 1 Thes. 3. 5. the tempter have t. you He.2.18.being<. he is able to succour 4. 15. in all points t. as we are, yet 11. 37. sawn asunder, were t. slain James 1. 13. let no man say when he is t. lam t. of God ; for G. cannot he 14. every man is t. when drawn \_t. Matt. 16. 1. tempting him, 19. 3. & 22. 35. Ll^ke 11. 16. John 8. 6. Ps. 95. 8. as in day of temptation Mt. 6. 13. lead us not into *. Lk. 11. 4. Luke 4. 13. the devil had ended all t. 8. 13. in time of t. fall away 1 Cor. 10.13. no ^. taken yon but such Gal. 4. 14. my t. in flesh despised not 1 Tim. 6. 9. rich fall into t. and .snare Heb. 3. 8. in day of t. in wilderness James 1 . 12. blessed that endureth t. Rev. 8. 10. keep thee from hour of t. Deut. 4. 34. temptations, 7. 19. Luke 22. 28. Acts 20. 19. James 1.2.1 Pet. 1. 6. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Matt. 4. 3. tempter, 1 Thes. 3. 5. TENDER, thy heart was, 2 Kings 22. 19. Eph. 4. 32. Luke 1. 78. t. mercy, James 5. 11. TENDETH, Prov. 10. IC. & 11. 19, 24. & 14. 23. & 19. 23. & 21. 5. TENTS of Shem, dweUin, Gen.9.27. Num.24.5. how goodly thv t. O Jacob 1 Kin. 12. 16. to your t. O Is. 2 Sa. 20.1. Ps. 84. 10. dwell in t. of wickedness 120. 5. I dwell in the t. of Kedar Song 1. 8. kids beside shepherds' t. TERRESTRIAL, 1 Cor. 15. 40. TERRIBLE, Ex. 34. 10. Deut. 1. 19. Deut. 7. 21. a mighty God &^ 10.17. Neh. 1.5. &4.14. &9..S2. Jer.20.11. 10. 21. done t. things, 2 Sam. 7. 23. Job 37. 22. -ndth God is t. majesty Ps. 45. 4. hand shall teach t. things 47. 2. Lord most high is t. 68. 85. 65. 5. by t. things wilt thou answer 66. 3. how t. art tho\r in thy works 5. God is t. in his doings to men 76. 12. he is t. to kings of the earth 99. 3. praise thy great and t. name Song C. 4. t. as army with banners [003SrCOIlI3-A.3SrCE.] TERRIBLE.— Isa. 64. 3. t. things which we looked not for Joel 2. 11. day of the Lord is great and very «. 31. Zeph. 2. 11. Heb.12.21. so t. was sight that Moses 1 Chr. 17. i\.terribUness, Jer. 49. 16. Job 7. 14. terrifiest, Phil. 1. 28. TERROR, Gen. 35. 5. Deut. 32. 25. Job31.23. destruc. from God was a t. Is. 33. 18. thy heart shall meditate t. Jer. 17. 17. be not a t. unto me [21. 20. 4. a <. to thyself, and all, Ezek. 26. Rom. 13.3. rulers are not a f. to good 2 Cor. 5. 11. kno\ving t. of the Lord 1 Pet. 3. 14. be not afraid of their t. Job 6. 4. terrors, 18. 11, 14. & 27. 20. Ps. 55. 4. & 73. 19. & 88. 15, 16. TESTAMENT, Mt. 26.28. Lk. 22.20. 1 C. 11.25. 2 C. 3.6, 14. Gal.3.15. Heb. 7. 22. & 9. 15, 16, 17, 18. Rev. 11. 19. Heb. 9. 16. death of the testator 17. no strength while the t. liveth TESTIFY, Deut. 8. 19. &32.46.Neh. 9. 26, 34. Ps. 50. 7. & 81. 8. Num. 35. 30. one witness shall not t. Is. 59. 12. sins f. against us, Jer. 14.7. Hos.5.5.prideofls.«.tohisface,7.10. John 3. 11. we t. that we have seen 5.39. search Scrip, they^.of me,15.26. Acts 20.24.1;. Gospel of grace of G. 21. 1 John iAi.t. that the Father sent 2 Chron. 24. 19. testified, Neh. 13. 15. Acts 23. 11.1 Tim. 2. 6. 1 John 5. 9. Heb. 11. 4. testifiiimj, 1 Pet. 5. 12. 2 Kin. 11.12. gave him the testimont/ Ps. 78. 5. established a t. in Jacob Isa. 8. 16. bind up the ^.seal the law 20. to law and t. if they speak not Matt. 10. 18. for a t. against them John 8. 32. no man receiveth his t. Acts 14. 8. t. to word of his grace 2 Cor. 1. 12. the t. of our conscience Heb. 11.5. bef. translation had this ;;. Rev.l.9.f.of J. Christ, 12.17. & 19.10. 1 1 . 7. when they shall have finished t. Ps. 25. 10. keep his testimonies, 119.2. 93. 5. thv testimonies, 119. 14, 24, 31, 46, 59, 95, 111, 129, 144. THANK, 1 Chron. 16. 4. & 29.13. Mat. 11. 25. Luke 6. 32, 33. & 17. 9. & 18. 11. Jolin 11.41. Rom.1.8. &7. 25. 1 Cor.1.4. 2Thes.2. 13. 3 Tim. 1.12. Ps. 100. 4. be trianJcfiil, Acts 24. 3. Rom. 1. 21. Col. 3. 15. 1 Pet. 2. 19. this is tJiankworthv Dan. 6. 10. gave thanks. Matt. 26. 27. Mark 8. 6. Luke 22. 17. Rom. 14. 6. 2 Cor. 9. 15. t. to God for unspeak- able gift, 2. 14. & 8. 16. 1 Cor. 15. 57. Eph. 5. 4. aivina of thanks, 20. 1 Tim. 2. 1. Heb. 13. 15. [to God 1 Thes. 3. 9. what t. can we render Lev. 7. 12. thanksgivina, Neh. 11.17. Ps. 26. 7. & 50. 14. & IfiO. 4. & 107. 22. &116. 17. Isa. 51. 3. Phil. 4. 6.1 Tim. 4. 3. Rev. 7. 12. THEATRE, Acts 19. 29. THINE is the day and night, Ps. 74. Ps. 119. 94. I am ^ save me [10. Isa. 63. 19. we are t. thou never Matt. 20. 14. take that is t. and go John 17. 6. t. they were, and thou 10. all mine are t. and t. are mine THINK on me for good, Neh. 5. 19. Job 31. 1. why should 1 1. on a maid Jer. 29. 11. I know that 1 1. toward Rom. 12. 3. not to t. more highly than he ought to ^. but to <. soberly 1 Cor. 8. 2. if any t. that he knoweth Gal. 6. 3. t. himself to be something Eph. 3. 20. above all we ask or t. Phil. 4. 8. t. on these things Gen. 50. 20. thought evil against me Ps.48.9.wehave<.of thylovingkind- 73. 16. when 1 1. to know this [ness 1 19. 59. 1 1. on my ways and turned Mai. 3. 16. them that t. on his name Mark 14.72. when he t. thereon wept 1 Cor. 13. 11. 1 <. as a child, but when THR THINK.— Phil. 2. 6. thoiight it not robbery to be equal with God Ps. 139. 2. understandest my t. afar Prov.24.9. the t. of foolishness is sin Ecol. 10. 20. curse not king in thy t. Matt. 6. 25. take no t. for life, Lk.l2. 6. 34. take no t. for the morrow [22. Mark 13. 11. take no t. beforehand 2 Cor. 10. 5. every t. into captivity Ps. 50. 21. thou thoughtest I was Gen. 6. 5. imagination of thoughts Judg. 5. 15. were great t. of heart 1 Clu-. 28. 9. L. understandeth the t. 29. 18. keep this in imagination of t. Ps. 10. 4. God is not in all his t. S3. 11. the t. of his heart to all 40. 5. many are thy t. to us-ward 94. 11. Lord knoweth the t. of man 19. in multitude of my t. within me 119. 113. I hate vain t. but thy law 139. 17. how precious are thy t. to 23. try me and know my t. Prov. 12. 5. t. of righteous are right 15. 26. t. of wicked are abomination 16. 3. thy t. shall be estabhshed Isa. 55. 7. let the imrighteous man 8. my t. are not your t. [forsake his t. 59. 7. their t. are t. of iniquity C6. 18. I know their works and t. Jer. 4. 14. how long shall vain t. 29. 11. t. I think towards you are /. Mic. 4. 12. know not t. of the Lord Mt . 1 5.19. out of heart proceed e\i\ t. Luke 2. 35. the t. of many hearts 24. 3S. why do t. arise in yoiur hearts Rom. 2. 15. their t. accusing, or 1 Cor. 3. 20. the Lord knoweth the t. Heb. 4. 12. a discemer of the t. and James 2. 4. become .iudges of evil t. THIRST, Deut. 28. 48. & 29. 19. Isa. 49. 10. shall not hunger nor t. Matt. 5. 6. blessed are they which hunger and t. after righteousness John 4. 14. shall never t. 6. 85. 7. 37. if any t. let him drink Rom. 12. 20. if he t. give him drink Rev. 7. 16. hunger nor t. any more Ps. 42. 2. my soul thirsteth for God 63. 1. my soul t. for thee, 143. 6. Isa. 51.1. ho, every one that t. come THORNS in your sides. Num. 33. 65. Judg. 2. 3. Gen. 3. 18. Josh. 23. 13. shall be t. in your eyes 2 Sam. 23. 6. as t. thrust away Jer. 4. 3. sow not among t. 12. 13. so%vn wheat, but shall reap t. Hos. 2. 6. hedge up thy way with t. Matt. 7. 10. do men gather grapes 13. 7. some fell among t. 22. [of t. Heb. 6. 8. that which bearethi. and THREATENING, Eph. 6. 9. Acts 4. 29. & 9. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 23. THREE, 2 Sam. 24. 12. Prov. 30. 1.5, 18, 21, 29. Amosl. 3, 13. & 2. 1. 1 Cor. 14.27. 1 John 5. 7, 8. Rev. 16. 13. THRESH,Isa.41.1.5. Jer. 51. ,33. Isa. 21. 10. Mic. 4.13. Hab. 3. 12. IC.9. 10. Lev. 26. 5. and your threshing shall reach unto the vintage 2 Sam. 24. 18. threshing-floor, 21. 24. THROAT an open sepulchre, Ps. 5.9. Ps. 69. 3. weary of crying, my t. is Prov. 23. 2. pu"t a knife to thy t. Jer. 2.25. withhold thy t. from thirst THRONE, L's.isinheaven,Ps.ll.4. Ps. 94. 20. t. of iniq. have fellowship Pro. 25. 5. t. is established in righte- Isa. 66. 1. heaven is my t. [ousness Jer. 14. 21. do not disgi-ace t. of glory Lam. 5. 19. thy t. from generation to Dan. 7. 9. his t. was like fiery flame Mat. 19. 28. shall sitin t. of his glory, ye shall sit on twelve thrones 25. 31. shall sit on t. of his glory Col. 1. 16. whether they be t. or Heb. 4. 16. boldly to the t. of grace Rv. 3.21. sit on my t. with my Father 20. 11. a great white «. [on his J. 22. 3. t. of God and Lamb shall be TON THRONE— Job26. 9. hUthrone, Ps. 89. 29, 41. & 97. 2. & 103. 19. Prov. 20. 2B. & 25. 5. Dan. 7. 9. Zeoh. 6. IS. [1. 8. Ps. 4!j. 6. thy throne, 89. 4, 14. Heb. Isa. 22.23. yloriotm throne, Jer. 17. 12. THRUST, Ex. 11. 1. Job 32. 13. Luke 13. 28. John 20. 2.".. Acts IG. 37. Eev. 4. 5. thunderings, 8. 5. & 10. 3. & 11. 19. & 16. 18. & 19. 6. TIDINGS, evil, Ex. 33.4. Ps.ll2. 7. Luke 1. 19. shew thee glad t. s. 1. Acts 13. 32. Rom. 10. 15. [Ps. 32. 6. TIME when thou mayest bo found, Ps. 37. 19. evil t. 41. 1. 1. of trouble 09. 13. accept, t. Isa. 49. 8. 2 Cor. G. 2. Ps. 89.47. remember how shortiny t. Eccl. 3. 1 — 8. a time to every purpose —to be born — to die— to plant— to pluck up — to kill— to heal — to break down — to buildup — to weep — to laugh — to mourn — to dance^ to cast away — to gather — to em- brace— to refrain — to get — to lose — to keep — to cast away— to rend —to sew — to keep silence — to speak— to love— to hate— of war —of peace [to them all Eccl. 9. 11. t. and chance happeneth Ezek. 16. 8. thy t. was the t. of love Dan. 7. 25. tOl a t. and times 12.7. for at. t. and a half, Rev. 12. Amos 5. 13. evil t. Mic. 2. 3. [11. Lk. 19. 44. knewest not t. of visita. Jolm 7.6. my t. not yet come, your t. Acts 17. 21. spent t. in nothing else Rom. 13. 11. high t. to awakoout of 1 Cor. 7.29. the t. is short, it remains 2 Cor. 6. 2. accepted t. the day of Epji. 5. 16. redeeming the t. Col. 4. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 17. past t. of your sojoum- Bev. 10. 0. t. shall be no longer [ing 11. 12. the devil hath but short t. Ps. 31. 15. my times are in thy hand Luke 21. 24. tiU t. of the Gentiles Acts 1. 7. notforyou to know the t. 3. 19. t. of refreshing shall come, 21. 17. 26. determined t. bef . appointed 1 Tim. 4. 1. in latter t. some shall 2 Tim. 3. 1. in last days perilous t. Ps. 34. 1. bless the Lord at all time.t 62. 8. trust in God— [teousness— 106. 3. blessed is he that doeth righ- 119. 20. longing to thy judgments— Prov. 5. 19. let her breasts satisfy- 17. 17. a friend loveth— [IS. TIN, Num. 31.22. Isa. 1. 25. Ezek. 22. TITHES, Gen. 14. 20. Mai. 3. 8. Amos 4. 4. Matt. 23. 23. Luke 18. 12. TITTLE pass from the law, Mt. 5. 18. TOGETHER, Ps. 2. 2. Prov. 22. 2. Ro. 8. 28. all things work t. for good 1 Cor. 3. 9. labourers t. with God 2 Cor. 6. 1. as workers t. with him Eph. 2. 5. quickened us i.with Christ 6. raised us up *. . . sit t. in Christ TOKEN of covenant. Gen. 9. 12, 13. & Ps.86. n.shewmei.forgood [17.11. Phil. 1. 28. evident t. of perdition 2 Thes. 1 . 5. «. of righteous judgment Job 21. 29. ve not know their tnkens Ps. 65. 8. they are afraid at thy t. 135. 9. who sent t. and wonders Isa. 44. 25. frustrated the t. of liars TONGUE, Ex. 11. 7. Josh. 10. 21. Job 5. 21. be hid from scourge of t. 20. 12. hide wickedness under his t. Ps. 34. 13. keep thy t. from evil Prov. 10.20. 1, ofjustis aschoicesil- 12. IS. t. of wise is health, 31. 26. [ver 19. a lying t. is but for a moment 1.5. 4. wholesome t. is a tree of life 18. 21. death and life in power of t. 21. 6. getting treasure by a lying t. 23. keepeth his t. keepeth his soul 25. 15. a soft t. breaketh the bone Isa. 30. 27. his t. as a devouring firo [003SrCORI>.A.3KrOE.] TONGUE. -Isa. 50. 4. the Lord hath given me the t. of the learned Jer. 9. 5. taught their t. to speak lies 18. 18. let us smite him with the t. James 1. 26. and bridleth not his t. 3. 5. t. is a little member, and 3. 8. the t. can no man tame 1 Pet. S. 10. refrain his t. from evil 1 John 3. 18. not love in t. but deed Ps. 35. 28. my tongue, 39. 1. & 45. 1. & 51. 14. & 71. 24. & 119. 172. & 137. 6. & 139. 4. Acts 2. 26. Ps. 31. 20. tongues, 55. 9. Mark 16. 17. Acts 19. 6. 1 Cor. 12. 10, 28. 1 Cor. 14. 23. and all speak with t. TOOK me out of the womb, Ps. 22. 9. Phil. 2. 7. <. on him form of servant Heb. 10.34. t. joyfully the spoiling of TOPHET, Isa. 30. 33. Jer. 7. 31, 32. TORCH, Zech. 12. 6. Nah. 2. 3, 4. TORMENT us before time, Mt.8. 29. Luke 16. 28. come to this place of t. Rev. 18. 7. so much t. and sorrow 14. 11. smoke of their t. ascendeth Luke 16. 24. I am tormented in this 25. he is comforted, thou art t. Heb. 11. 37. destitute, afflicted, t. TORN, Hos. 6. 1. Mai. 1. 13. Mk. 1.26. TOSS,Isa.22. 18. Jer. 5.22. Jas. 1.6. Ps. 109. 23. I am fo&sfrfupand down Isa. 54. 11. t. with a tempest Eph. 4. 14. children /.toandfro [15. TOUCH not mine anointed, Ps. 105. Job 6. 19. in seven .shall no evil t. Isa. 52. 11. t. no unclean thing Matt. 9. 21. may but t. liis garment 14. 36. only t. hem of his garment Mk. 10. 13. children that he should t. Luke 11. 4G. t. not the burdens with Jolm 20. 17. t. me not, for I am not 1 Cor. 7. 1. good not to t. a woman 2 Cor. 6. 17. t. not the unclean thing Col. 2. 21. t. not, taste not, handle 1 Sam. 10. 26. a band of men whose heart God had touched Job 19. 21. hand of God hath t. me Luke 8.45. who t. me, 46. hath t. me Zech. 2. 8. he toucheth you, t. apple 1 John 5. 18. wicked one t. him not TOWER, God is a high, Ps. Ml. 2. Ps. 61. 3. .strong t. Prov. 18. 10. Song 4.4. thy neck like the <. of David 7. 4. t. of ivory ; t. of Lebanon Isa. 5. 2. built a t. Matt. 21. 33. TRADITION, Matt. 15. 3. Gal. 1. 14. Col. 2. 8. 2 Thes. 2. 15. & S. 6. 1 Pet. TRAIN, Prov. 22. 6. Isa. 6. 1. [1. 18. TRAITOR, Luke 6. 16. 2 Tim. 3. 4. TRAMPLE. Isa. 63. S. Matt. 7. 6. TRANCE, Num. 24. 4. Acts 10. 10. & 11. 5. & 22. 17. 2 Cor. 12. 2, 3, 4. TRANQUILLITY, Dan. 4. 27. [9.2. TRANSFIGURED, Mat. 17. 2. Mark TRANSFORMED. Rom. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 1 1 , M, 1 5. [of the Lord, Num. 14. 41. TRANSGRESS the commandment 1 Sam. 2. 24. make L.'s people to t. 2 Chron. 24. 20. why t. ye the com- mandment of the Lord Neh. 1. 8. if ye t. I ^vill scatter you 13. 27. this great evil to t. against Ps. 17. 3. my mouth shall not t. 25. 3. be ashamed that t. without Prov. 28. 21. for bread that man t. Amos 4. 4. come to Bethel and t. Matt. 15. 2. why do thy disciples t. 3. why do ye t. commandment of G. Rom. 2. 27. by circumcision dost t. Deut. 26. 18. not tramgreysed thy commandments [Judg. 2. 20. Josh. 7. 11. have t. my covenant, Isa. 43. 27. teachers have t. against Jer. 2. 8. pastors also t. against mo Lam. 8. 42. we have t. and rebelled Ezek. 2. 3. they Mnd fathers t. Dan. 9. 11. all Jsr.-id liavo t. thy law Hos. 6. 7. men have t. tlio covenant Hab. 2. 5. he trc.nsgfesKi^lh by wine 1 John 8. 4. that committeth sin, t. TEE TRANSGRESS.— Ex. 34. 7. forgiv- ing iniquity, tra7isgre8sion,ajaA sin Num. 14.18.forgivinginiquityand;. 1 Chron. 10. 13. Saul died for his t. Ezra 10. 6. he mourned because of t. Job 13. 23. make me to know my t. Ps. 19. 13. innocent from the great t. 32. 1. blessed he whose t. is forgiven 89. 32. 1 will visit their t. wth rod 107. 17. fools bee. of t. are afflicted Pro. 17.9. that cover, t. seeketh love Isa. 53. 8. for t. of my people was he 58. 1. shew people their t. [stricken 59. 13. in t. and lying against Lord 20. them that turn from t. in Jacob Dan. 9. 24. to finish t. and make end Amos 4. 4. at Gilgal multiply t. Mic. 3. 8. to declare to Jacob liis t. 6. 7. shall I give first-bom formy t. 7. 18. passeth by t. of his heritage Rom. 4. 15. no law is, there is no t. 1 John 3. 4. sin is the t. of the law Ex. 23. 21. not pardon transgressions Lev. 16. 21. all their t. in all their Josh. 24. 19. will not forgive your t. Job 31. 33. 1 covered my t. as Adam 36. 9. he shewed them their work & t. Ps. 25. 7. remember not my t. 32. 5. I said, I will confess my t. S9. 8. deliver me from all my t. 51. l.blotoutmy i. [ways before me 3. acloiowledge my t. and my sin is al- C5. 3. our t. thoir shalt purge away 103. 12. so far removed our t. [out t. Isa. 43. 25. I am he that blotteth 44. 22. out as a thick cloud, thy t. 53. 5. he was wounded for our t. f)9. 12. our t. are multiplied before Ezek. 18. 31. cast away all yoixr t. Gal. 3. 19. law was added because t. Heb. 9. 15. for the redemption of t. Isa. 48. 8. called a transgressor fioni the womb [become a <. of the law James 2. 11. if thou kill, thou art Ps. 51. 13. teach transgressors thy 59. 5. be not merciful to wicked t. 119. 158. 1 beheld t. and was grieved Prov. 13. 15. the wiiy of t. is hard Isa. .53. 12. he was numbered mth^ made intercession for t. Mk. 15. 28. Hos. 14. 9. the t. shall fall therein James 2.9. convinced of the law as t. TRAVAIL, I.=a. 53. 11. Gal. 4. 19,27. Eccl. 1. 13. & 2. 23, 26. & 4. 4, 6, 8. & 5. 14. 2 Thes. 3. 8. Job 15. 20. wicked travaileth with Ps. 7. 14. he t. with iniquity [pain Isa. 66. 7. before she trarailed, 8. 42.14. travailing woman, Hos. 13. 13. Isa. 13. 8. & 21. 3. Jer.Sl.8. Rev.12.2. Job 15. 20. travaileth, Prov. 6. 11. & 24. 34. [2 Cor. 8. 19. TRAVEL, Num. 20. 14. Acts 19. 29. Isa. 21. 13. travelling, 63. 1. TREACHEROUS, Isa. 21. 2. &24. 16. Jer. 9. 2. are an assembly of t. men Isa. 21. 2. treacherously, 24. 16. &S3. 48. 8. knew thou wouldest deal t. [1. Jer. 3. 20. as wife t. departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt t. 12. 1. wherefore, .happy that deal t. Hos. 5. 7. dealt t. against Lord, 6. 7. Mai. 2. 15. none deal t. against wife TREAD Aovra wicked. Job 40. 12. Ps. 7. 5. let him t. down my life on 44. 5. through thy name we will t. Isa. 1. 12. required, to t. my courts 63. 8. 1 will t. them in mine anger, 6. Hos.lO. 11. Ephraim loveth to*, out Rev. 11. 2. holy city shall they t. Dt. 25.4. not muzzle ox that treadeth out corn, 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. IS. Isa 22. .5. treading, Amos 5. 11. TREASURE. Prov. 15.6, 1G.&21.|0. Deut. 28. 12. L. shall open his good t. Ex. 19. 5. peculiar t. Ps. 135. 4. Isa. 33. 6. fear of the Lord is his t. Matt. 6. 21. where your t. is there 12. 35. good man out of good i. TREASURE.— Matt. 13.52. bringeth forth out of his t. [in heaven Matt. 19. 21. thou shalt have t. Luke 12. 21. laj'eth up t. for himself 2 Cor. 4. 7. this t. in earthen vessels Deut. 32. 31. sealed among m.v trea- Ps.n.U. fiUest with thy hid t. {,xures Prov. 2. 4. searches t for her as hid t. 10.2. t. of \vickedness profit nothing 21.6. getting t. by lying tongue Matt. 6. 19. lay not up t. on earth 20. lay up for yourselves t. in Col. 2. 3. hid all the t. of msdom Heb. 11. 26. greater riches than t. in Rom. 2.5. treamrestfx'^ unto thyself TREE, Gen. 2. 16, 17. & 3. 22. Ps. 1. 3. hke a t. planted by rivers 37. 35. spread himself like a bay t. 52. 8. I am like a green olive t. Prov. 3. 18. she is a t. of life to them 11. 30. fruit of the righteous is t. of Isa. 6. 13. shall be eaten as a teil t. ,56. 3. eunuch say, I am a dry t. Jer. 17. 8. a t. planted by the waters Mt. 3. 10. t. that bringeth not forth 7. 17. good t. bringeth forth good 12. 33. make the t. good ; else make the t. corrupt ; the t. is known 1 Pet. 2. 21. in his own body on t. Rev. 2. 7. will I give to eat of t. life 22. 2. in midst of city was t. of life 14. may have right to the t. of life Ps. 104. 16. trees of Lord full of sap Isa. 61. 3. called t. of righteousness Ezek. 47. 12. grow all t. for meat Mark 8. 24. I see men as t. walking Jude 12. t. whose fruit withereth TREMBLE at the commandment of our God, Ezra 10. 3. Ps.99. 1. Lord reigneth, let people ^ Eccl. 12. 3. keepers of house shall t. Isa. 66. 5. ye that t. at his word, 2. Jer. 5. 22. ye not t. at my presence in. 10. at his wrath earth shall t. Dan. 6. 26. men t. bef. God of Daniel James 2. 19. devils believe and t. I Sam. 4. 13. heart trembled for ark Ezra 9. 4. every one that t. at word Acts 24. 25. as he reas. Felix t. [66. 2. Job 37. 1. tremhleth, Ps. 119. 120. Isa. 1 Sam. 13. 7. all the people followed him tremhUna [_t. heart Deut. 28. 65. Lord shall give thee a Ezra 10. 9. people sat t. because of Ps. 2. 11. and rejoice with t. Ezek. 12. 18. drink thy water \vithi;. 26. 16. clothe themselves with t. Hos. 13. 1. when Ephi-aim spake t. Zech. 12.2. make Jerusalem cup of i^. 1 Cor. 2. 3. in fear and in much t. Eph. 6. 5. fear and t. in singleness of Phil. 2. 12. work out your own sal- vation with fear and t. TRESPASS, Lev. 26. 40. Ezra 9. 6. lKings8.31. Mt. 18. 15. Luke 17. 3. Ezra 9. 15. trespasses, Ezek. .39. 26. Ps. 68. 21. as goeth on still in his t. Matt. 6. 14. if ye forgive men their t. 15. if you forgive not t. neither will your Father forgive your t. 18. 35. 2 Cor. 5. 19. not imptiting their t. to Eph. 2. 1. dead in t. and sins Col. 2. 13. having forgiven vouall t. TRIAL, Job 9. 23. Ezek. 21. 13. 2 Cor. 8. 2. Heb. 11. 36. 1 Pet. 1. 7. & 4. 12. TRIBES, Num. 24. 2. Ps. 105. 37. not one feeble among t. 122. 4. whither i!. go up, t. of Lord Hab. 3. 9. according to oaths of t. Matt. 24. 30. shall all the t. of earth Acts 26. 7. promise our 12 t. hope TRIBULATION, art in, Deut. 4. 30. Judg.lO. 14. let them deliver yon in <. 1 Sam. 26.24. deliver me out of all «. Matt. 13. 21. when t. or persecution 24. 21. then shall be great t. such 29. immediately after t. Mark 13. 24. John 16. 33. in world ye shall have t. Acts 14.22. we must through much t. [COI^COR,I3.A.asrCE3-] TRIBULATION.— Rom. 2. 9. t. and anguish, upon every soul of man Rom. 5.3. know. t. worketh patience 8. 35. who shall separate us from, the love of Christ ■' shall t. 12. 12. rejoicing in hope, patient in t. 2 Cor. 1 .4. comf orteth us in all our t. 7. 4. exceeding joyful in aU our t. 1 Thes. 3. 4. we should suHer t. 2 Thes. 1. 6. to recompense t. to Rev. 1.9. brother & companion in t. 2. 9. I know thy works and t. 10. ye shall have t. ten days [pent 22. cast into great t. except they re- 7. 14. have come out of great t. Rom. 5. 3. glory in tribulations also 1 Sam. 10. 19. saved you out of all t. Eph. 3. 13. faint not at my <. for you 2 Thes. 1. 4. patience in all t. TRIBUTE, Gen. 49. 1,5. Num. 31. 28. Prov. 12.24. slothful be under (. [25. Matt. 17. 21. doth not Master pay t. 22. 17. is it lawful to give t. to Coesar 19. shew me the t. money Rom. 13. 7. t. to whom t. is due TRIMMED, Jer. 2. 33. Matt. 25. 7. TRIUMPH, 2 Sam. 1. 20. Ps. 25. 2. Ps. 92. 4. t. in works of thy hands 106. 47. give thanks and t. in thy 2 Cor. 2. 14. always causeth us to t. Ex. 15. 1. triumphed gloriously, 21. Job 20. 5. triumphing. Col. 2. 15. [21. TRODDEN do\vn strength, Judg. 5. Ps. 119. 118. t. down all them that err Isa. 63. 3. I have t. winepress alone Luke 21. 24. Jerusalem shall be t. Heb. 10. 29. t. under foot Son of G. TROUBLE, 2 Clnron. 15. 4. Neh. 9. 32. Job 5. 6. neither doth t. spring out 7. man is born to t. as sparks tiy 14. 1. man is of few days and full of «. Ps. 9. 9. Lord a refuge in times of t. 22. 11. t. is near; there is none to 27. 5. in time of t. he shall hide me 37. 39. their strength in time of t. 46. 1. God is a present help in t, 60. 11. give us help from t. 91. 15. I will be \vith him in t. 119. 143. t. and anguish have taken 143. 11. bring my soul oiit of t. Prov. 11. 8. right, delivered out oit. 12. 13. the just shall come out of t. Isa. 26. 16. L. in t. have they visited 33. 2. be our salvation in time of t. Jer. 8. 15. looked for health, & be- 14. 8. Saviour in time of t. [hold t. 19. for time of healing, andbehold t. 30. 7. that day is time of Jacob's t. Dan. 12. 1. there shall be a time of ^ 1 Cor. 7. 28. shall have t. in the flesh Ps. 25. 17. fro«6?e«of heartenlarged .34. 17. deliver them out of all t. 71. 20. shewed me great and sore t. 88. 3. my soul is full of t. [Egypt Ex. 14. 24. Lord iljwtito? the host of Ps. 30. 7. hide thy face, and I was t. 77. 3. 1 remembered God, and wast. Isa. 57. 20. wicked are like the i.sea John 12. 27. now is my soul t. 14. 1. let not your hearts be t. 27. 2 Cor. 4. 8. t. on every side, 7. 5. 2 Thes. 1. 7. to you who are t. rest Job 23. 16. Almightv tronbleth me 1 Kings 18. 17. thou he that t. Israel Prov. 11. 17. cruel t. his own flesh 'jri. lie that t. liis own house Luke IS. :.. liicause this widow?. me ( ;,'il. .".. JO. lie that t. you shall bear Jnb :;. 17. irniOiVnia, John 5. 4. TRUCE breakers, 2 Tim. 3. 3. TFiUE, Gen. 42. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 28. Ps. 19. 9. judgments of Lord are t. 119. 160. thy word is t. from the Prov. 14. 25. t. witness delivereth Jer. 42. 5. be t. and faithful witness Ezek. 18. 8. t. judgment, Zech. 7.9. Matt. 22. 16. we know thou art t. Luke 16. 1 1 . commit to trust t. riches John 1. 9. that was the t. light TRXJ TRUE.— John 4. 23. t. worshippers John 6. 32. t. bread from heaven 7. 28. but he that sent me is t. 8. 14. yet my record is t. 15. 1. I am the t. vine, and Father 2 Cor. 1. 18. as God is t. our word to 6. 8. as deceivers and yet t. Pliil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are t. 1 John 5. 20. may know him that is t. Rev. 3. 7. saith he that is t. 14. the faitliful and t. witness 19. 11. was called faithful and t. TRUMP, 1 Cor. 15. 52. 1 The.s. 4. 16. TRUMPET, Ex. 19. 16. Ps. 81. 3. Isa. 27. 13. great t. shall be blown ."iS. 1. lift up thy voice like a t. Matt. 6. 2. do not sound a t. before Num. 10. 2. trumpets, Josh. 6. 4. Ps. 98. 6. Rev. 8. 6. TRUST in him, 1 Chron. 5. 20. Job 4. 18. put no t. in servants, 15.15. 8. 14. whose t. shall be a spider's web Ps. 4. 5. put your t. in the Lord 9. 10. that know thy name will put their t. [eth the Lord his t. 40. 4. blessed is that man that mak- 71. 5. thou art my t. from my youth 141. 8. in thee is my t. leave not Prov. 22. 19. thy t. may be in Lord Job 13. 15. though he slay, I will t. Ps. 37. 3. t. in Lord, and do good 5. t. in him ; he will bring it to pass 40. Lord shall save because they t. 55. 23. but I will t. in thee 62. 8. t. in liim at all times, ye 115. 8, 9, 10, 11. t. m the Lord 118. 8. it is better to t. in Lord, 9. 119. 42. for 1 1. in thy word 125. 1. they that t. in Lord shall Prov. 3. 5. <. in L. mth all thy heart Isa. 26. 4. t. ye in the Lord for ever 50. 10. t. in the name of the Lord Jer. 7. 4. t. not in lying words 9. 4. and t. ye not in any brother Mic. 7. 5. t. ve not in friend [riches Mark 10. 24. hard for them that t. in 2 Cor. 1. 9. should not t. in ourselves Phil. 3. 4. he might t. in flesh [thy t. 1 Tim. 6. 20. keep committed to Ps. 22. 4. our fathers trusted, in thee 28. 7. my heart t. in him, and I am 52. 7. t. in abundance of his riches Luke IS. 9. which t. in themselves Eph. 1. 12. who first t. in Christ, 13. Ps. 32. 10. that ,A.isrc:E..] TURN. — Mic. 7. 19. iurn again, Zech. 10. 9. Gal. 4. 9. 1 Sam. 12.20. turnaside, Ps. 40. 4. Isa. ,30. 11. Lam. 3. 3,5. Amos 2. 7. & 5. 12. Ps. 119. 37. tnrji away, 39. Song*. 5. Isa. 5S. 13. 2 Tim. 3. 5. Heb. 12. 25. Dt. 4. 30. turn to Lord. 30. 10. 2 Chr. 15. 4. Ps. 22. 27. Lam. 3. 40. Hos. 14. 3. Joel 2. 13. Lk. 1. 16.2 Cor. 3. IG. Ps. 9. 17. wicked be turned into hell 30. 11. t. my monrni'ng into dancing 119. 59. t. my feet to thy testimoJiies Isa. 63. "6. t. every one to own ways 63. 10. was t. to be their enemy Jer. 2. 27. t. their back to me, 32. 33. 8. 6. every one t. to his course Hos. 7. 8. Ephraim is a cake not t. 11. 8. my heart ii5 1. within nye. John 16. 20. sorrow shall bo t. to joy 1 Thes. 1. 9. t. to God from idols James 4. 9. laughter be t. to mourn- 2 Pet. 2. 22. dog is t. to his vomit [ing Deut. 9. 12. turned aside, Ps. 78. 57. Isa. 41. 20. 1 Tim. 1. 6. & 5. 15. 1 Kings 11.3. turned owai/, Ps. 7S. SS. J«r. 5. 25. ttirved vot awav, Ps. 66. 20. Isa. 5. 25. & ,0. 12. .& li). 4. Ps. 44. 18. turned 6«c7,-,78. 9, 41. Isa. 42.17. Jer. 4.S. Zeph. 1.6. Job 15. 13. tiirne/tt, Ps. 90. 3. [down Ps. 146. 9. wioked he turnet/i ujiside Prov. 15.1. softanswer t. away wrath 21. 1. he t. it whithersoever he will Isa. 9. 13. thepeople i.not unto him Jer. 14.8.?;. aside to tarry for aoiight James 1. 17. no shadow of turning Jude 4. t. grace of -God into lasciv. TURTLE-DOVES, Lev. 1. 14. & 5. 7, 11. & 12. 6. Ps. 74.19. Song 2. 12. TUTORS. Gal. 4. 2. [Jer. 8. 7. TWAIN, Mat. ,5. 41. & 19. 5. Eph.2.15. TWICE, Gen. 41 . .32. Ex. 16. 22. Num. 20. 11. 1 Kings 11. 9. Job :W. 14. & 40.5. Ps. 62. 11. Blark 14.30. Luke 18. 12. I fast t. in the week Jude 12. without fruit, i.'dead TWINKLING, 1 Cor. 15. 52. U,. & Y. VAIN, Ex. 5.9. » 20. 7. ,. ^ Deut. .32. 47. it is not a r. thiHg for 1 Sam. 12.21. turn not after J', things Ps. 39. 6. every man walketh in a v. shew, they are disquieted in v. Job 11 12. 'v. man would be wise Ps 60. n. ?'. is help of man, 108. 12. 110. 113. I hate v. thoughts, but P27. 2. it is r. to rise up early Jer. 4. 11. how long shall r. thoughts Slai.'S. 14. said it is v. to seiTO God Matt. 6. 7. use not r. repetitions Ro. 1. 21 . they glorified not God, but became v. in their imaginations I Cor. 3. 20. thoughts of wise are v. Eph. 5. 6. deceive vou with r. words Col. 2. S. through philosophy and?). James 1.26. this man's religionist'. 1 Pet. 1. 18. from r. convers.ation Ps. 73. 13. cleanspd mv heart in vain 8?i.47. whv hast thou made all men— 127. 1. l.-ibc'iur— ; w.aketh but— isa. 45. in. seek ye me— 49. i. laboiirert^spent strength— .Tcr. 3. 2:;.— is ^alva. hoped for from Matt, in.',).— do they worship [hills Rom. 13. 4i bearcth hot the sword— 1 Cor. 15. ftJ. your labour is not— 2 Cor.G.l.TCceive not grace of God- Phil. 2. IG. not nm— nor laboured- James 4. 5. think Scripture saith— 2 Kings 17. 15. they followed vnniti/ Job 7.'3.- made to possess months 16. let me alone; my days are?', [oft). Ps. 12. 2. speak v. every one to 24. 4. n'or lifted up his soul to v. 39. 5.' his best state is altogether v. 1 1 . surely c verj- man is ?; . VIL VAIN.— Ps. 62. 9. men. . . .are v. Ps. 94. 11. thoughts of men are r. 1 19. 37. turn mine eyes from behold- 144. 4. man is like to v. [uig r. 8. whose mouth speaketh v. 11. [v. Pro. 22. 8. sow«th iniquity sh. reap Eccl. 1 . 2. «. of vanities, all is v. 14. &3. 19. & 2. 1. & 4.8. & 12.8. 11. 10. childhood and youth are v. Isa. 5. 18. iniquity \vith cords of «, 40. 17. less than nothing and v. 41. 29. are all v. wind, confusion Hab. 2. 13. weary themselves for v. Rom. 8. 20. creature subject to v. Eph. 4. 17. walk in v. of their mind 2 Pet. 2. 18. swelling words of v. Ps.'Sl. 6. that regard lying ranitirv J«r. 10. 8. the stock is a doctrine of r. 14. 22. can v. of Gentiles caiise rain Jonah 2. 8. that observe lying r. Acts 14. 15. turn from these v. unto VALIANT, Song,3. 7. Isa. 10. 13. Jer.'9. 3. not v. for the truth Heb. 11. 34. through faith waxed v. Ps. GO. 12. valiantlp, 108. 13. & 118. 15, 16. Num. 24. IS. VALUE, Job 13. 4. Matt. 10. 81. VAPOUR, Jer. 10. 13. James 4. 14. VARIABLENESS, James 1. 17. VARIANCE, Matt. 10. 3,5. Gal. 5. 20. VAUNT, Judg. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 13. 4. VEHEMENT, Song 8. C. 2 Cor. 7. 11. VEIL, Gen.-24. 65. Song .5. 7. Isa. 25. 7. destroy ther. spread over Mat . 27.51 . r. of the temple'was rent 2 Cor. 3. 13. Moses put a v. over his 15.1'. is upon their heart, 14. 16. [in I'. Heb. 6. 19. entereth into that with- 10. 20. through V. that is, his flesh VENGEANCE taken. Gen. 4. 15. Deut. 32. 35. to me belongeth v. 41. 43. Ps. 94. 1. Rom. 12. 19. Heb. 10.30. Ps. 58. 10. rejoice when he seeth v. 99. 8. tookest v. of their inventions Isa. 34. 8. the day of the Lord's v. Jer. 11. 20. let me see thy v. 20. 12. 51 . 6. time of the Lord's r. 11. [-es. 4. Luke 21. 22. these be days of-c. Isa. 2 Ihes. 1. flamingfire takings. Jude 7. suffering?', of eternal fii'e VERILY, Gen. 12. 21. Jer. 1,5. 11. It is often used by well as reriJii. rrrilv. John 1..51. & S.^S, 5, 11. & 5. 19. 24. 25. & 6. 26,&c. ■&C. VERITY, Ps.111.7. iTim. 2. 7. VERY, Prov. 17. 9. Matt. 24. 24. John 7. 26. & 14. 11. 1 Ihes. 5. 23. VESSEL, Ps. 2. 9. &31.12. J'er.18.4. j Jer. 22. 2S. is he a «. wherein is no pleasure, Hos. 8. 8. 48. 11. not emptied from v. to-r. | Acts 9. 15. he is a chosen v. unto me Rom. 9. 21. one v. to honour [tion 1 Thes. '4. 4. possess v. insanctifica- 2 Tim. 2. 21. be a ?'. unto honour [v. 1 Pet. 3. 7. honour to wife as weaker Rom. 9. 22. res.sels of wrath fitted 23. riches of glory on v. of mercy 2 Cor. 4. 7. treasure in earthen v. VEXED, Job 27. 2. Ps. 6. 2,: ,3, 10. Isa. 68. 10. And I'.'his'HoIy Spirit 2 Pet. 2. 7. 1'Ot V. conversation, 8. VIAL. Rev. 5.8. & 16. 1.&21.9. VICTORY is thine, OL., 1 Chr. 29.11. Ps.' 98. 1. han T* aim gotten him v. Isa 25. S. MX allow HI' ileath in v. Matt. 12.20. iViiilijnd^'-.nontuntor. 1 Cor. 15. r,\. dcalh is .-wallowed up 55. O' grave, where is thy )•. [in r. 57. thanks to God who givefh us r. 1 John 5. 4. the r. that overeometh VIGILANT, 1 Tim. 3. 2. 1 Pet. ,5. 8. VILE thv brother seem, Deut. 25.3. 1 Sam'.S.'lS. sons made themselves v. 2 Sam. 6. 22. I will yet be more v. Job 40. 4; am' v: what shalll answer Ps. 15. 4; a r. person is contemned Isa. 32 .6. t). person will speak villany Jer. 15. 19. take precious from the v. UNO VILE.— Rom. 1.20. up to u. affections Phil. 3. al. shall change our v. body VINE, 1 Kings 4. 25. Mic. 4. 4. Deut. StJ. 32. V. is the v. of Sodom Ps. 128. S. wife shall be as fruitful p. Jer. 2. 21. I planted thee a noble v. Hos. 10. 1. Israel is an empty v. 14. 7. they shall grow as the v. Matt. 26. 29. not drink of fruit of v. John 15. 1. I am the true v. and my .5. I am the v. ye are the branclie.s Ps.80. la. vinevard. Pro. 24. 30. Song 1.6. Isa. 5. 1,7. Matt.20.1.&21.33. Luke 13. 6. lCor.9.7. Song8.11,12. VIOLENCE, Lev. 6. 2. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Gen. 6.11. earth was filled with v. 13. Ps. 72. 14. redeem their souls from v. 73. 6. V. covereth them as garment Hab. 1. 2. cry out unto thee of v. Mat. 11.12. k. of heaven suileretht). Luke 3. 14. do v. to no man, and be Heb. 11. 34. quenched the v. of fire VIRGIN, Isa. 7. 14. 2 Cor. 11. 2. Song 1. 3. vi,;7h:s: Rev. 14. 4. VIRTUE, Mark ;,. 30. Luke 0. 19. 2 Pet. 1. 3. callod us to glory and v. .5. to faith V. and to c. knowledge Phil. 4. 8. if there be any i: think Prov. 12. 4. virtuous woman, 31. 10. VISAGE, Isa. .■52. 14. Lam. 4. 8. VISIBLE and invisible. Col. 1. 10. VISION, 1 Sam. 3.1. Ps. 89. 19. Mat. 17. 9. Acts 10. 19. & 16. 9. Prov. 29. 18. where there is no v. the Hab. 2.2. write the u. [people peri-sh 3. the V. is for an appointed time Ezek. 13. 16. see visio7is of peace Hos. 12. 10. have multiplied ;;. [2. 17. Joel2. 28. young men sh. seeo. Acts 2 Cor. 12. 1. I will come to v. and VISIT you. Gen. .50. 24, 2.5. Ex. 13. 19. Job 7. 18. thoushouldest v. him eve. Ps. 106. 4. V. me with thy salvation Jer. 5. 9. shall I not v. 9. 9. Lam. 4. 22. v. iniquity, Jer. 14. 10. & 23. 2. Hos. 2. 13. & 8. 13. Acts 7. 23. V. his brethren. 15. 36. 15. 14. God did v. the Gentiles James 1. 27. to v. the fatherless and Ex. 3. 10. I have surely vinited Ps. 17. 3. thou hast v. me in night Isa. 26. 16. in trouble have thev v. Matt. 25. 36. I was sick and ye v. Luke 1. 68. v. and redeemed people 78. dayspring from on high hath v. Ps. 8. 4. vUitest, 65. 9. Heb. 2. 6. Ex. 20. 5. msitinpt'hB iniquity of the fathers upon the children, 34. 7. Niun. 14. IS. Deut. 5, 9. UNACCUSTOMED, Jer. 31. 18. UNADVISEDLY, Ps. 106. 33. UNAWARES, Deut. 4. 42. Ps.. 3.5.8. Luke 21. 34. Heb. 13. 2. Jude 4. UNBELIEF, did not many mighty works because of. Matt. 13. 58. Mark 6. 6. marvelled because of u. 9. 24. I believe ; help thou mine ?(> 16. 14. upbraided tliem with their u. Rom. 4.20. staggered not through u. . 11. 20. because of u. were broken 82. hath concluded them all in n. 1 Tim. 1. IS. 1 diditignorantlyin?(. Heb. 3. 12. in you an evil heart of u. 19. could not enter in because of v. UNBELIEVERS, Luke 12.46. 1 Cor. 6. 6. & 14. 23. 2 Cor. 6. 14. UNBELIEVING, Acts 14. 2. 1 Cor. 7. 14. 15. Tit. 1. 15. Rev. 21. 8. UNBLAMEABLE, Col. 1. 22. 1 Thes. 3. 13. [havod ourselves 1 Thes. 2. 10. unhlameahhi we be- UNCERTAIN, IC. 14. s. 17. UNCIRCUMCISED, Ex. 6. 12, 30. Jer. 6. 10. & 9. 25. 26. Acts 7. 51. UNCIRCUMCISION, Rom. 2. 2.5. 26, 27. & 3.30. & 4.10. 1 Cor. 7. 18. 19. Gal. 2.7. &5.6. &6. 15. Col. 2.13. &. 3. 11. UNCLEAN, Lev. .5. 2. & 11. 4, 26. & 13. 15. Num. 19. 19. [ao3srcoiii3-A.3srcE.] UNCLEAN.— Lev. 10. 10. difference between u. and clean, Ezek. 22. 26. Isa. 6. 5. I am a man of u. lips Lam. 4. 15. depart ye ; it is u. Ezek. 44. 23. discern between «. and Hag. 2. 13. if one u. touch any of these, shall it be u. [mon or zt. 14. Acts 10. 28. not call anytliing com- Rom. 14. 14. is nothing «. of itself 1 Cor. 7. 14. else were children «. Eph. 5. 5. no u. person hath inheri. Num. 5. 19. uncleanness, Ezra 9. 11. Zech. 13. 1. fountain for sin and ?(. Matt. 23. 27. are within full of all ?(. Rom. 6. 19. members servants to u. Eph. 4. 19. all w. with greediness 5. 3. all u. let it not once be named 1 Thes. 4. 7. hath not called us to u. Ezek. 36. 29. save you from all ji. UNCLOTHED,2Cor. 5. 4. UNCOMELY, 1 Cor. 7. 86. & 12. 2.3. UNCONDEMNED, Actsl6..37.&22. UNCORRUPTNESS, Tit. 2. 7. [25. UNCOVER, Lev. 18. 18. 1 Cor. 11. 5, UNCTION, 1 John 2. 20. [13. UNDEFILED in the way, Ps.ll9. 1. Song 5. 2. my dove, my u. 6. 9. Heb. 7. 26. holy, harmless, u. 13. 4. marriage. . and the bed u. James 1. 27. pure religion and u. 1 Pet. 1. 4. inheritance incorrupti- UNDER their God, Hos. 4.12. [ble, u. Rom. 3.9. all u. sin, 7. 14. Gal. 3. 22. u. law, Ro. 6. 15.1 C. 9. 20. Ga. 3. 23. 1 Cor. 9. 27. keep u. my body [& 4. 4. Gal. 3. 10. works of law, ?(. the curse UNDERSTAND not, Gen. 11. 7. Neh. 8.7. caused people to ?t. law, 13. Ps. 19. 12. who can w. his errors 107. 43. Shalt u. lovingkindness of L. 119. 100. I u. more than ancients Prov. 2. 5. Shalt thou u. fear of L. 9. 8. 5. u. wisdom, 14. 8. u. way, 20. 24. 19.25. u. knowledge,28.5. u. all things Isa. 32. 4. heart of the rash shall u. Dan. 12.10. wicked not u. wise sh. k. 1 Cor. 13. 2. to u. all mysteries Ps. 139.2. understandest rrxy thoughts Acts 8.30. 71. thou what tlionreadest 1 Chr. 28. 9. imdersfandeth all ima. Ps. 49. 20. man that u. not, is like Prov. 8. 9. plain to him that M. 14. 6. Jer. 9.24. glory in this, that he u. me Mt. 13. 19. heareth word & u. not, 23. Rom. 3.11. none that u. and seeketh Ex. 31. 3. wisdom and nnderstanding Deut. 4. 0. is your wisdom and u. 1 Kings 3. 11. asked for thyself n. 4. 29. gave Solomon wisdom and u. 7.14. filled with wisdom and n. 1 Chron. 12. 32. men that had u. of 2 Chron. 26. 5. had u. in visions of Job 12. 13. he hath counsel and n. 20. he taketh away the u. of aged 17. 4. hast hid their heart from !(. 28. 12. where is the place of u. 28. to depart from evil is u. 32. 8. the Almightv giveth them u. 38. 36. who hath given u. to heart 39. 17. neither imparted to her u. Ps. 47. 7. sing ye praise with u. 49. 3. meditations of heart be of n. 119. 34. give me n. and I shall keep 99. have more n. than my teachers 104. through thy precepts I get u. 130. it giveth u. unto the simple 147. 5. his u. is infinite Prov. 2. 2. apply thine heart to u. 11. u. shall keep thee ; to deliver 3. 5. lean not to thine owm u. , 13. happy is the man that gettethw. 4. 5. get wisdom, get u. 7. 8. 1. doth not u. cry, 14. I am a. 5. be ye of an u. heart 9. 6. and go in the way of «. 10. Imowledge of the holy is ?«. 14. 29. slow to wrath is of great ti. 16. 22. u. is a wellspring of life 19. 8. kcepeth «. shall find good TTNJ UNDERSTAND.— Prov. 21. 30. no understandimj norcoimsel agai. L. Prov. 23. 23. buy truth, wisdom* tt. 24. 3. by M. a house is established 30. 2. I have not the «. of a man Eccl. 9. 11. nor riches to men of ti. Isa. 11. 2. spirit of wisdom and n. 3. make him of quick u. in the fear 27. 1 1 . it is a people of no a. [of Lord 40.28. is no searching of his «.[his!<. Jer. 51. 15. stretched out heaven by Matt. 15. 16. are ye also without u. Mark 12. 33. love him with all the heart and with all the m. Luke 2. 47. astonished at his «. 24. 45. then opened he their u. Rom. 1. 31. without u. unmerciful 1 Cor. 1. 19. bring to nothing u. of 14. 14. my «. unfruitful [prudent 15. pray with the u. also _ [men 20. in malice be children, in m. be Eph. 1. 18. eyes of u. enlightened 4. 18. having the ii. darkened [all u. Phil. 4. 7. peace of G. which passeth Col. 1. 9. filled with all spiritual u. 2. 2. riches of full assurance of u. 2 Tim. 2. 7. give thee u. in all things 1 John 5. 20. given us w. to know Ps. 111. 10. ijood undentayiding, Prov. 3. 4. & 13. 15. Prov. 1. 5. a man of understanding, 10. 23. &11. 12. &15. 21. &17. 27. Deut. 32. 29. O t\\\\6y under utood Ps. 73. 17. then u. I their end [years Dan. 9. 2. u. by books number of Matt. 13. 51. have ye v.. all these John 12. 16. u. not hi.s disciples 1 Cor. 13. 11. when a child I u. as a 2 Pet. 3. 16. things hard to be u. UNDERTAKE for me, Isa. 38. 14. UNDONE, Isa. C. 5. Matt. 23. 23. UNEQUAL, your ways, Ezek. 18. 2.5. 2 Cor. 6. 14. not vnequallu yoked [.57. UNFAITHFUL, Prov. 25. 19. Ps. 78. UNFEIGNED, 2 Cor. 6. 6. 1 Tim. 1. .5. 2Tim. 1.5. 1 Pet. 1.22. UNFRUITFUL, Mat. 13.22. 1 Cor. 14. It. Eph. .5. 11. Tit. .3. 14. 2 Pet. 1.8. UNGODLY men, 2 Sam. 22. 5. 2 Chron. 19. 2. shouldest help the n. Job 1/3.11. G.hathdeliveredmeto?*. 34. 18. say to princes ye are u. Ps. 1. 1. walkethnot in counsel oiu. 4. the II. are not so. but are like 5. !t. not stand in the .iudgment G. wav of «. men shall perish 3. 7. hast broken the teeth of u. 43. 1. plead cause against an v. nii^ 73. 12. these are n. that prosper [tion Prov. 16. 27. V. man diggeth up evil 19. 28. an v. witness scorneth Rom. 4. 5. God that justifieth the v. 5. 0. in due time Christ died for u. 1 Tim. 1. 9. law made for the u. 1 Pet. 4. 18. where shall u. appear 2 Pet. 2. 5. bring flood on world of «. 6. those that after should live u. 3. 7. day of perdition of u. men Jude 4. u. men turning grace of 15. convince v. of their ;«. dPeds[God 18, mockers walk after ii. lusts Rom. 1. IS. wrath against n-ncjndU- 1 1 . 26. turn away u. from Jacob [ness 2 Tim. 2. 16. increase to more «. Tit. 2. 12. denying u. and worldly UNHOLY, Lev. 10. 10. 1 Tim. 1. 9. 2 Tim. 3. 2. Heb. 10. 29. UNITE, Ps. 86. 11. Gen. 49. 6. Ps. 133 . 1 . brethren to dwell in vnHy Eph. 4.3. endeavour to keep u. of Sp. 13. till we all come in u. of faith UNJUST, deliver from, Ps. 43. 1. Prov. 11. 7. hope of the u. perisheth 28. 8. by usury and n. gain 29. 27. ". man is abomination to Zeph. 3. 5. the u. knoweth no sh,^me Matt. 5. 45. rain on the .iust and it. Lukelfi. 8. lord commended u. stew- 10. he that is k. in least, is u. in [ard vol UNJUST.— Luke 18. 6. hear what the ti. judge saith [u. Luke 18. U. I am not as other men, Acts 2i. 15. resurrection of just & it. 1 {;or. IJ. 1. goto law before the ti. 6. 1 Pet. .'5. 18. once suffered, just for w. '2 Pet. 2. 9. reserve the h. to day of Rev. 22. 11. that is n. let him be u. Ps. 82. 2. will ve judge unjugtlii Isa. 20. 10. in laud of uprightness will he deal u. [22. UNKNOWN God, Acts 17. 2.?. Gah 1. 1 Cor. 14. 2. speak in u. tongue, 4. 27. 2 Cor. 6. 9. as2(. and yet well known UNLAWFUL, Acts 10. 28. 2 Pet. 2.8. UNLEARNED, Acts 4. 13. 1 Cor. 14. 16, 23, 24. 2 Tim. 2. 23. 2 Pet. 3. 10. UNLEAVENED, Ex. 12. 39. 1 Cor. .'J. UNMERCIFUL, Rom. 1.31. [7. UNMINDFUL, Deut. 32. IS. UNMOVEABLE, 1 Cor. 1.5. 58. UNPERFECT, Ps. 139. 10. UNPREPARED, 2 Cor. 9. 4. UNPROFITABLE talk, Job 15. 3. Matt. 25. 30. cast u. servant to dark. Luke 17. 10. we are all u. servants Rom. 3. 12. are altogether become u. Tit. 3. 9. they are u. and vain Philem. 11. was to thee u. nowpro- Heb. 13. 17. for that is a. for [fitable UNPUNISHED, Prov. 11. 21. & 16. 5. & 17. 5. & 19. 5, 9. Jer. 25. 29. & 30. 11. & 46. 28. & 49. 12. UNQUENCHABLE, Matt. 3. 12. Lk. 3. 17. [Thes. 3. 2. UNREASONABLE, Acts 2.5. 27. 2 UNREBUKEABLE, 1 Tim. 0. 14. UNREPROVEABLE, Col. 1. 22. UNRIGHTEOUS decrees, Isa. 10. 1. Isa. 55. 7. u. man forsake tlioughts Luke 10. 11. not faithful inK. mam. Rom. 3. 5. is God ii. who taketh vengeance [kingdom 1 Cor. 6. 9. n. shall not inherit the Heb. 6. If). God is not u. to forget Lev. 19. 15. do no unriqhteumiiesn Ps. 92. 15. there is no u. in him Jer. 22. 13. woe that buildeth by u. Liike 16. 9. friends of mammon of u. John 7. 18. is true, and no ii. in him Rom. 1. 18. who hold the truth in u. 2. 8. obey not the truth but obey u. 6. 13. members instruments of n. 9. 14. is there v. \vith God ? God 2 Cor. 6. 14. fellowship with u. 2 Thes. 2. 10. all deceivableness of ?«. 12. believed not, had pleasure in v. Heb.8.12. will be merciful to their?;. 2 Pet. 2.15. Balaam loved wages of n . 1 John 1. 9. to cleanse us from all ii. 5. 17. all 71. is sin [James 3. 8. UNRULY, 1 Thes. 5. 14. Tit. 1. 6, 10. UNSAVOURY, Job 6. 0. Jer. 23. 13. UNSEARCHABLE things, Job 5. 9. Ps. 145. 3. his groatupss is 11. Prov. 25. 3. heart of kings is h. Rom. 11. 33. V. are his judgments Eph.3. 8. preach u. riches of Christ UNSEEMLY, Rom. 1.27. 1 Cor. 13. 5. UNSKILFUL in word. Heb. 5. 13. UNSPEAKABLE, 2 Cor. 9. 15. & 12.4. UNSPOTTED, Jas. 1.27. [1 Pet. 1.8. UNSTABLE, Gen. 49. 4. James 1.8. 2 Pet. 2. 14. beirniling ;(. souls 3. Pi. unleavnril niul ». wrest [3. 2. UNTHANKFUL, T.iikr- 0. .35. 2 Tim. UNTOWARD, Alls 2 to. [2,5. UNWASHEN, Mnt-t. 15. 20. Mark 7. UNWISE, Dent. .32.6. Hos. 18.13. Rom. 1. 14. Eph. 5. 17. UNWORTHY, Acts 13. 46.1 Cor. 6. 2. 1 Cor. 1 1 . 27. drinketh nnwnrthilv VOCATION, worthy of, Eph. 4. I. VOICE is «.of Jacob. Gen. 27. 22. Gen. 4. 10. v. of brother's blood Ex. 5. 2. who is the Lord that I should obey his v. [morning Ps. 5. 3. mv r. shalt thou hoar in the 18. 13. the Higheist gave his v. [co]srcoR3=>-A.3srcE).] VOICE.— Ps. 42. 4. I went to house of God with V. of joy and praise Ps . 95. 7. to day, if ye will hear his v. 103. 20. hearkening to v. of his word Eccl. 12. 4. rise up at the v. of bird Song 2. 14. let me hear thy f. 8. 13. Isa. 30. 19. gracious at v. of thy cry .50. 10. obeyeth v. of his servant Ezek. 33. 32. that hath a pleasant?). John 5. 25. dead shall hear the v. of 10. 3. sheep hear his v. 4, 16, 27. Gal. 4. 20. I desire to change my v. 1 Thes. 4. 16. with v. of archangel Rev. 3. 20. if any man hear my v. Acts 13. 27. voices. Rev. 4. 5. & 11. 19. VOID of counsel, Deut. 32. 28. Ps. 89. 39. made v. covenant of ser. 119. 126. have made v. thy law Isa. 55. 11. word shall not return v. Acts 24. 16. conscience v. of offence Rom. 3. 31. do we make v. the law 1 Cor. 9. 15. make my glorying v. VOLUME, Ps. 40. 7. Heb. 10. 7. VOMIT, Job 20. 15. Prov. 23. 8. &26. 11. Isa. 19. 14. 3 Pet. 2. 22. VOW, Jacob vowed a, Gen. 28. 20. & 31. 13. Num. 6. 2. & 21. 2. & 30. 2. 1 Sam. 1. 11. 2 gam. 15. 7, 8. Ps. 65. 1. to thee shall the v. be per- formed [Deut. 23. 21, 22. 76. 11. V. and pay imto the Lord, Eccl. 5. 4. a V. defer not to pay, 5. Isa. 19. 21. shall v. a v. to the Lord, Ps. 132. 2. [vowed Jonah 2. 9. I will pay that I have Job 22. 27. shall pay thy vmrs Ps. 22. 25. I will pay my v. before 50. 14. pay thy v. to Most High 56. 12. thy V. O God are wpon me 61. 5. heard my v. 8. perform my v. Prov. 20. 25. after v. to make inquiry 31. 2. son of my v. 1 Sam. 1. 11. Jonah 1 . 16. off. sacrifice & made v. UPBRAID, Judg. 8. 15. Matt. 11. 20. Mark 10. 14. James 1. 5. UPHOL D me with thy Spirit, Ps. .51. Ps. 119. 116. n. me according to [12. Prov. 29. 23. honour shall t(. humble Isa. 41. 10. I will a. thee with the right hand of my righteousness 42. 1. behold my servant whom I u. 63. 5. my fury it iip?iehl me Ps. 37. i7. Lord ?/?)AoWe/A righteous 63. 8. thy right hand w. me 145. 14. Lord u. all that fall [tegrity 41. 12. thou vphoMest me in my in- Heb. 1. 3. iip?iohIhip all by word of UPRIGHT inheart.Ps. 7.10. [hold H. Ps. U. 7. his countenance doth be- 18. 23. I was also tt. before him 25. with u. man wilt shewthyself «. 19. 13. then shall I be ?'. and I shall 25.8. good and?/, is the Lord TtheH. 37. 37. mark perfect man, & behold 04. 10. all It. in heart sh.nll glory fed 112.2. generation of ». shallbeblcss- 4. to 11. light aviseth In darkness 140. 13. 71. sh. dwell in thy presence Pro. 2. 21. 71. shiill dwell in the land 10. 29. way of Lord is strength to ;(. 11. 3. integrity of v. shall guide 6. righteousness of ti. shall deliver 20. n. in their Avay. are bis delight 12. 6. month of n. shall deliver 13. 6. righteousness keepeth the ?f. 14. 1 1. tabernacle of ti. shall floirrish 15. 8. prayer of 71. is his delight 28. 10. 71. shall have good things Eccl. 7. 29. God hath made man 71. Song 1. 4. the h. love thee Hab. 2. 4. his soul is not it. in him Ps. 15. 2. that walketh 7ipri.n?ith/, 84. 11. Prov. 2. 7. >>:■ 10. 0. * 15. 21. & 28. 18. Mic. 2. 7. Gal. 2. 14. Ps. 58. 1. do ve judge », 75. 2. [5. 10. Isa. 83. 15. he tluit spcaket h ?(. Amos Deut. 9. 5. iipriiilitnesit of thy heart 1 Chron. 29. 17. hast pleasure in «. Job 33. 23. to shew unto man his ?«. WAI UPRIGHT.— Ps. 25. 21. let integrity and itprighttiexa preserve me Ps. 143. 10. lead me into land of u. Isa. 20. 7. the way of the just is ti. 10. in land of 71. will deal unjustly URIM and Thummim, E.x. 28. 30. Lev. s. 8. Num. 27. 21. Deut. 33. 8. 1 Sam. 28. 6. Ezra 2. 63. Neh. 7. 65. US, Gen. 1. 26. & 3. 22. & 11. 7. Isa. 6. 8. & 9.6. Rom. 4. 24. 2 Cor. 5.21. Gal. 3. 13. 1 Thes. 5. 10. Heb. 6. 20. 1 Pet. 2.21. &4.1. 1 John 5.11. [14. USE, Rom. 1.26. Eph. 4. 29. Heb. 5. 1 Cor. 7.31. u. world as not abusing Gal. 5. 13. «. not liberty for occasion 1 lim. 1. 8. if a man u. it lawfully 1 Cor. 9. 15. 1 have vserl none of these Jer. 22. VS.vseth neighboiu-'s service Tit. 3. 14. good works for necessary Ps. 119. 132. as thou iiseft to do lusen Col. 2. 22. lining, 1 Pet. 2. 16. USURP, 1 Tim. 2. 12. USURY, Ex. 22. 25. Lev. 2.5. 36, 37. Deut. 23. 19, 20. Neh. 5. 7. 10. Ps. 15. 5. Prov. 28. 8. Isa. 24. 2. Jer. 15. 10. Ezek. 18. 8, 18, 17. & 22. 12. Matt. 25. 27. Luke 19. 23. UTTER, Ps. 78. 2. & 94. 4. [of Lord Ps. 106. 2. who can 71. mighty acts 2 Cor. 12. 4. words not lawful for a man to 7t. [heuitereti Rom. 8. 26. groanings that cannot Heb. 5. 11. things hard to be v. Ps. 19. 2. day today w^Zercf'A lance Acts 2. 4. as Spirit gave them iitter- Eph. 6. 19. that?*, may be given me Col. 4. 3. God would open door of ?(. Deut. 7. 2. ittterly, Ps. 89. S3. & 119. 8,43. Songs. 7. Jer. 14. 19. 1 Thes. 2. 16. zittennost, Heb. 7. 25. w. WAGES, Lev. 19. 13. Ezek. 29. 18. Jer. 22. 13. neigh. 's ser. -without 71: Hag. 1 . 6. earneth ?r. to put into bag Mai. 3. 5. oppress hireling in his ?r. Luke 3. 14. be content with your 7c. Rom. 0. 23. the ?<•. of sin is death[14. WAIT till mv change como, Job 14. Ps. 25. 5. on thee do I 11: till the day 27. 14. tr. on the Lord ; ?c. I say 37. 34. 7v. on the Lord and keep his 62. 5. ?c. thou only upon God [way 104. 27. these «■. all upon thee 130. 5. 1 n\ for Lord, my soul dothzc. 145. 15. eyes of all ?c. upon thee Prov. 20." 22. ?('. on the Lord and he Isa. 8. 17. I will »c. upon the Lord 30. 18. will the Lord ir. blessed are all they that ?/>. for him 40. 31. that 70. on Lord sh.all renew Lam. 8. 25. goodtothemthat^c. for 20. quietly 7v. for salvation of Lord Hos. 12.6. TV. on thy God continually Mic. 7. 7. «'. for G. of my salvation Hab. 2. 3. «'. for it, it will surely Zeph. 3. 8. 70. ye on me, I will rise to I,k. 12. 36. men that n\ fortheirlord Gal. 5. 5. through the Ppiiit tr. for hope of right. 'o:iMii'ss li\ faith 1 Thes. 1. 10. tr. for lii< .'^1 11 from Gen. 49. 18. ?c,?(7,./ tor thy salvation Ps. 40. 1 . I ?('. pat ient ly for the Lord Isa. 25. 9. our God, we have 70. for 26. 8. in way of thy judg. have we tv. S3. 2. O Lord we have tv. for thee Zech. 11. 11. poor of flocktbat «'. on Mark 15. 43. 70. for kingdom of God 1 Pet. 3. 20. longsuffering of God 70. Ps. 88. 20.oursotU wniteth for Lord, 05. 1. praise tr. thee, in Zion [40. 1. 130. 6. mysovdw. for the Lord more Isa. 64. 4. prepared for him that w. Prov. 8. 84. waiting at the posts of Lk. 2.25. 70. for consolation of Israel Rom. 8. 28. tc. for the adoption 1 Cor. 1. 7. w. for coming of our L. WAL WAIT.— 2 Thes. 3. 5. and into the patient waitinq for Clu-ist WAKETH, Ps. 127. 1. Song 5. 2. Ps. 77. 4. boldest my eyes waking Isa. 50. 4. wakeneth, Joel 3. 12. WALK in my law, Ex. 16. 4. Gen. 21. 40. Lord before whom I w. 17. 1. w. before me and be perfect Lev. 26. 12. I will w. among you 21. if ye w. contrary imto me 23. but will w. contrary unto me 24. will I w. contrary unto you Deut. 5. 33. w. in the ways of Lord, 8. 6. & 10. 12. & 11. 22. & 13. .5. & 28. 9. 13. 4. ye shall w. after the Lord Ps.23.4. though I !P. through valley 84. 1 1 . no good from them that w. up- 116. 9. I will w. before L. [rightly 119. 3. do no iniquity, they w. in Eccl. 11. 9. 10. in ways of thy heart Isa. 2. 3. will w. in liis paths 5. let us w. in the light of the Lord 30. 21. this is the way, w. ye in it 40. 31. shall w. and not faint 50. 11. w. in the light of your firs Jer. 23. 14. commit adultery and ?o. Dan. 4. 37. that w. in pride he is able Hos. 14. 9. just shall w. in them Mic. 6. 8. w. humbly with thy God Amos 3. 3. can two w. together ex- cept they be agreed [name Zech. 10. 12. w. up and down in his Luke 13. 33. I must to. to-day and John 8. 12. not w. in darkness 11. 9. to. in day, he stumbleth not Rom. 4. 12. w. in steps of that faith 6. 4. should w. in newness of life 8. 1. w. not after the flesh, 4. 2 Cor. 5. 7. we w. by faith, not sight 10. 3. though w. in flesh, not war Gal. 6. 16. as many as w. according Eph. 2. 10. ordained that we w. in 4. 1. M). worthy of the vocation 5. 15. to. circumspectly, not as Phil. 3. 17. mark them who n\ so as Col. 1. 10. that ye might w. worthy 1 Thes. 2. 12. ye would to. worthy of 4. 1. how ye ought to to. and please 1 John 1. 7. if we to. in the light 2. 6. ought so to to. as he walked 3 John 4. my children to. in truth, 3. Rev. 3. 4. shall to. with me in white 16. 15. lest he to. naked and see his 21. 24. nations shall to. in light of John 12. 35. If. while ye have light Rom. 13. 13. let us lo. honestly as in Gal. 5. 16. «'. in Spirit, and not fulfil 25. if we live in Spirit, let us to. in Eph. 5. 2. to. in love as Christ loved 8. w. as children of light Phil. 3. 16. let us to. by the same rule Col. 2. 6. as ye received Christ, so w. 4. 5. w. in wisdom, redeeming the Gen. 6. 9. Noah tonlkpfl with God 5. 22. Enoch to. with God, 24. Ps. 55. 14. we tv. unto house of God 81. 12. to. in their own counsels l."). O that Israel had to. in my Isa. 9. 2. people that to. in darlmess 2 Cor. 10. 2. to. according to flesh 12. 18. tv. we not in same spirit Gal. 2.14. saw they w. not uprightly Eph. 2. 2. in time past yew. Col. 3. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 3. we to. in lasciviousness Isa. 43. 2. when toalkest through fire Rom. 14. 15. to. thou not charitably Ps. 15. 2. he that tvajketh uprightly 39. 6. every man w. in a vain shew Pro. 10.9. that to. uprightly, to. surely 13. 20. t». with wise men shall be Isa. 50. 10. to. in darkness, and hath Jer. 10. 23. that to. to direct his steps Mic. 2. 7. good . . that to. uprightly 2 Thes. 3.6. brother that w. disorder. 1 Pet. 5. 8. devil to. about seeking Rev. 2. 1. to. in midst of 7 golden Gen. 3. 8. voice of Lord toalklnp in Isa. 57. 2. to. in his own uprightness Jer. 6. 28. revolters w. with slanders [COISJ-COIII3.A.3SI-GE.] WALK.— Mic. 2. 11. if rasiatvalking in the spirit and falsehood do lie Luke 1. 6. to. in all commandments Acts 9. 31. 10. in the fear of the Lord 2 Cor. 4. 2. not to. in craftiness [16. 2 Pet. 3. 8. tv. after own lusts, Jude 2 John 4. thy children tv. in WALL, Ps. 62. 8. Prov. 18. 11. Song 2. 9. & 8. 9, 10. Isa. 26. 1. & 60. 18. WANDER, Num. 14. 33. Ps. 119. 10. Lam. 4. 14. tvandered, Heb. 11. 37. Prov. 21. 16. tvamlereth, 27. 8. 1 Tim. 5. 13. tvandering, Jude 13. Ps. 56. 8. tellest my tvnndermgs WANT, Deut. 28. 48. Job 31. 19. Ps. 23. 1. the Lord ... I shall not to. 34.9. no IV. to them that fear him, 10. Prov. 6. 11. thy to. come as an armed man, 24. 34. 2 Cor. 8. 14. a supply for your tv. PhU. 4. 11. not speak in respect of ?w. James 1. 4. perfect and entire, toantina nothing [2. 18. WANTONNESS, Rom. 13. 13. 2 Pet. WAR, E.x. 13. 17. & 17. 16. Ps. 27. 8. Job 10.17. changes and «(;.are against Ps. 18. 34. teach, hands to «>. 144. 1. 120. 7. 1 am for peace, they are for w. Pro. 20. 1 8. with good advice make «>. Eccl. 8. 8. is no discharge in that to. Isa. 2. 4. not learn w. any more, Mic. Mic. 3. 5. prepare tv. against [4. 3. 2 Cor. 10. 3. we do not to. after flesh 1 Tim. 1. 18. tv. a good warfare 1 Pet. 2. 11. fleshly lusts which to. Rev. 11.7. beast shall make to. 12. 7. there was to. in heaven 17. 14. these make to. with Lamb 19. 11. in righteousness make to. Num. 21. 14. in book of ivai-g of L. Ps. 46. 9. he maketh lo. to cease [of lo. Matt. 24. 6. hear of to. and rumours Jam. 4. l.from whence come «>. and 2 Tim. 2. 4. no man that loarreth Isa. 37. 8. toan-ing, Rom. 7. 23. WARFARE, Isa. 40. 2. 1 Cor. 9.7. 2 Cor. 10. 4. 1 Tim. 1. 18. WARN, 2 Chron. 19. 10. Acts 10. 22. Ezek. 3. 19. if thou to. the wicked 33. 3. blow trumpet, tv. people, 9. Acts 20. 31. I ceased not to to. 1 Cor. 4. 14. my beloved sons I to. 1 Thes. 5.14. tv. them that are unruly Ps. 19. 11. by servant warned Matt. 3. 7. who hath to. you to flee Heb. 11. 7. Noah being to. of God Jer. 6. 10. to whom I give viarning Col.l.28.Christ whom we preach, w. WASH, Lev. 6. 27. & 14. 9. & 1.5. 16. Job 9. 30. if I to. myself in snow Ps. 26. 6. tv. my hands in innocency 51 .2. tv. me thoroughly from iniquity 7. to. me and I shall be whiter than 58. 10. he shall to. his feet in blood Isa. 1. 16. to. you, make you clean Jer. 2. 22. thou to. thee with nitre 4. 14. to. thy heart from wickedness Luke 7. 38. to tv. his feet with tears John 13.5. began to tv. disciples' feet 8. Ito. thee not, thou hast no part 10. needeth not save to to. his feet 14. ought to to. one another's feet Acts 22. 16. be baptized and to. away Job 29. 6. when I tvashed my steps Song 5. 3. I have tv. my feet Isa. 4. 4. w. away filth of daughters Ezek. 16. 4. neither wast thou to. in 16. 9. I thoroughly to. away blood 1 Cor. 6. 11. ye are to. justified Heb. 10. 22. w. with pure water Rev. 1.5.20. us from sins inhisblood 7. 14. tv. robes, and made white in Eph. 5. 26. waxhina. Tit. 3. 5. WASTE, Ps. 80. 13. Matt. 26. 8. Luke 15. 13. toasted, 16. 1. Gal. 1.13. Job 14. 10. tvasteth, Prov. 19. 26. Prov. 18. 9. toaster, Isa. 54. 16. Isa. 59. 7. toasting and destruction, WATCH, Neh. 4. 9. Job 7. 12.l60.18. WAT WATCH. — Job 14. 16. dost thou not to. over my sin ? Ps. 102. 7. 1 to. and am as a sparrow 130. 6. they that w. for morning 141. 8. set a to. before my mouth Jer. 44. 27. w. over them for evil Matt. 24. 42. to. for ye know not, 25. 26. and pray that ye enter [13. Mark 13. 83. take heed, tv. and, 37. 1 Cor. 16. 13. to. ye, .«tand fast in the Col. 4. ' in the same with thanks. 1 Thes. 5. 6. let us to. and be sober 2 Tim. 4. 5. to. thou in all things Heb. 13. 17. they tv. for your souls 1 Pet. 4. 7. be sober, tv. unto prayer Rev. 3. 3. if thou shalt not to. I will Jer. 81. 28. like as I tvatched over 20. 10. familiars to. for my halting Matt. 24. 43. he would have tv. Ps. 37. 32. the wicked tvatchHh the Ezek. 7. 6. the end is come ; it tv. for Rev. 16. 15. blessed is he that tv. and Dan. 4. 13. a,toatchera,nA holy, 17. 23. Ps. 63. 6. tvatehen, 119.148. Lam. 2. 19. Rev. 3. 2. be tvatchfal & strengthen Prov. 8. 34. toatching daily at my gates [shall find tv. Luke 12. 37. blessed whom the Lord Eph. 6. IS. «■. with all ijorseverance 2 Cor. 6. r>. in ir,:/,-l/!„,is. 1 1. 27. [83.7. Isa. 21. 11. i';,fr/,,ii,i„. Ezek. 3. 17. & Song 3. 3. ir:itc/,),i,',i, ,o. 7. Isa. 52. 8. & .5(5. 10. & 62. 6. Jer. 31. 6. WATER, Gen. 49. 4. Ex. 12. 9. & 17.6. 2 Sam. 14. 14. we are as tv. spilt Job 15. 16. drinketh iniquity Ulie w. Ps. 22. 14. I am poured out like to. Isa. 12. 3. draw w. out of wells of sal. 27. 8. I will to. it every moment 80. 20. give you tc. of affliction 41. 17. when poor seek to. and there 44. 8. pom- to. on him that is thirsty 58. 11. shalt be like a spring of to. Lam. 1. 16. eye ruimeth with w. 3. Ezek. 86. 25. sprinkle clean to. [48. Amos 8. 11. nor a thu-st for to. Matt. 3. 11. I baptize you with to. 10. 42. cup of cold tv. in name of a Luke 16. 24. dip tip of his finger in w. John 3. 5. except man be born of tv. 23.baptizedbecause there was much 4. 14. shaU be in him a well of to. [w. 1. 38. flow rivers of living to. 19. 34. came thereout lilood and to. Acts 8. 38. both went down into to. 10. 47. can any forbid tr. that these Eph. 5,26. cleanse it with washing of 1 John 5. 6. he that came by tv. {tv. 8. three bear \vitness, Spirit, to. and Jude 12. clouds thev are without tv. Rev. 7.17. lead to living fountains of 21 . 6, fountain of tv. of life, 22.1. [w. 22. 17. take the to. of life freely Ps. 28. 2. leadeth beside still tvaters 69. 1. tv. are come into my soul, 2. 124. 4. to. had ovens-helmed us, 5. Prov. 5.15. drink to. out of thine own cistern, and running to. ont of thine Song 4. 15. a well of Uving 7(.'.[all to. Isa. .82. 20. blessed that sow beside 33. 16. bread given him ; liis to. pm-e 35. 6. in wilderness to. break forth 43. 20. I give tv. in the wilderness 54. 9. this is as tv. of Noah unto me 55. 1 . come ye to tv. buy and eat .58. 11. a spring, whose w. fail not Jer. 2. 13. fountain of living to. 17. 13. 9. 1. O that my head were to. [11. 9. Hab. 2. 14. as w. cover the sea, Isa. Zech. 14. 8. living tv. shall go out from Jerusalem. Ezek. 47. 1. Rev. 1. 15. his voice as the sound of many tv. 14. 2. & 19. 6. [tvatered Prov. 11 . 25. he that toatereth shall be Isa. 58. 11. like a,to. gar. Jer. 31. 12. 1 Cor. 3. 6. I planted, ApoUos to. 7. Ps. 42. 7. noise of thy toater-spotits WEA WAVERING, Heb. 10. 23. James 1. C. WAX, Ex. 32. 10, 11, 22. Ps. 22. U. & as. 2. & 97. 5. Matt. 24. 12. Luke 12. .S3. 1 Tim. 5. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 13. WAY, Ex. 13. 21. & 23. 20. & 32. 8. 1 Sam. 12. 23. teach you right w. 1 Kings 2. 2. 1 go w. of all the earth Ezra 8. 21. seek of him a right tp. Ps. 1. 6. the Lord knoweth the w. of the righteous, but the to. of 2. 12. lest ye perish from the w. i9. 13. this their «•. is their folly <)7. 2. that thy n\ may be known (S. fiO. made a n\ to his anger 119. 30. I have chosen w. of truth 32. run n: of thy commandments lot. I hate every false w. [his saints Prov. 2. 8. Lord preserveth the zc. of 10. 29. u: of the Lord is strength 14. 12. a M'. that seemeth right 15. 9. ti: of wicked is abomination 24. «'. of life is above to the wise Eccl. 11. 5. knowest not tv. of spirit Isa. 26. 7. to. of jnst is uprightness, 8. 30. 21. this is the «'. walk ve in it S.'i. 8. a w. called the u: of holiness 40. 3. prepare «>. of Lord. Luke 3. 4. 43. 19. make a ic. in wilderness, 10. 59. 8. w. of peace they know not Jer. 6. IG. where is a good w: and 10. 23. u: of man is not in himself 21. 8. the w. of life and «;. of death 32. 39. give them one heart and to. M. 5. shall ask the w. to Zion Amos 2.7. turnasidetc. of themeek Mai. 3. 1. prepare the ic. before me Mat. 7. 13. broad is «■. to destruction 14. narrow is io. that leadeth to life 22. 10. teacheth v. of God in truth John 1. 23. straight the ?p. of Lord 14. 4. w. ye know, 6. I am the w. Acts 16. 17. shew us w. of salvation 18. 2.5. instructed in w. of Lord, 26. 1 Cor. 10. 13. make a w. to escape 12. 31. shew you more excellent w. 2 Pet. 2. 2. the w. of truth he evil 1 K. 8. 32. bring his wn;/ on his head Job 17. 9. righteous shall hold on— Ps. 18. 30. as for God— is perfect 37. 23. dehghtin— 34. and keep— 119.9. shall a young man cleanse— Prov. 14. 8. prudent to understand— 10. 9. man's heart deviseth— Isa. .'i5. 7. let the wicked forsake— Ps. 2.5. 8. teach sinner.s in tfie jroy 119. 14. I rejoiced— of testimonies 139. 24.1ead me— everlasting[waitcd Isa. 26. 8.— of thy judgments we Matt. .5. 2.T. agree with adversary— 21. 32. John came — of righteousness Ltike 1. 79. guide our feet— of peace Job 40. 19. heis chief of 7(W/sof God Ps. 84. 5. in whose heart are h\ of Pro. 3. 17. «'. are u\ of pleasantness r>. 21. JO. of man are before Lord 16. 2. to. of man are clean in his 7. when a man's u-. please Lord Jer. 7. 3. amend your v\ and doings Lam. 1. 4. the w. of Zion do mourn 3. 40. let us search and try our w. Deut. .32. 4. his irai/s, Ps. 145. 17. Isa. 2. 8. Mic. 4. 2. Rom. 11. .33. Ps. 119. 5. mv irai/s, 26, .59, 168. & 1.S9. 8. & 39. i. Prov. 23. 26. Isa. 55. 8. & 49. 11. high ways Prov. 14. 14. own ways, Isa. .58. 6. & .58. 13. & 66. 8. Ezek. .36. 81, .82. Job 21. 14. thv ways, Ps. 25. 4. & 91. 11. ft 119.15. Prov. 4. 26. Isa. 63. 17. Ezek. 16. 61. Dan. 5. 23. Bev. 15. 3. Isa. 35. 8. wavfarina, Jer. 14. 8. WEAK,2 Chr". 15.7.'.Tob4, 3, Ps. 6.2. Isa. 35. 3. strrii?Mioii yo tr. li.iiids Ezek. 16. 30. l,(,w ,r. is tin l.riirt Matt.26.41.iliril,.wiiis;r ;\lk. Ii,:s. Rom. 4.19. Al),vili;iiii not n-. iiilnith 14. 1. him thai, is «•. in faith recx-ive 1 Cor. 4. 10. we are to. but ye strong 9. 22. to the w. became I as w. [coisrcoiR,X3.A.isrcE:.] WEAK.— 1 Cor. 11.30. for this cause many are w. and sickly among 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is w, and I not w. 12. 10. I am 10. then am I strong 1 Thes. 5. 14. support the w. be Isa. 14. 12. weaken, Ps. 102. 23. Job 2Sam. S.l.weaArer, 1 Pet. 3. 7. [12.21. 1 Cor. 1. 25. weakness, 2. 3. & 15. 4.3. 2 Cor. 12. 9. & 13. 4. Heb. 11. 34. WEALTH, Gen. 34. 29. Deut. 8. 17. Deut. 8. 18. giveth power to get w. Job 21. 13. spend their days in w. Ps. 49. 6. that trust in their !0. 10. and leave their u\ to others 112. 3. w. and riches shall be in his Prov. 10. 15. the rich man's w. is his strong city, 18. 11. 13. 11. w. gotten by vanity shall be 22. to. of sinners is'laid up for 19. 4. 10. maketh many friends 1 Cor. 10. 24. seek another's to. [9. WEANED, Ps. 131. 2. Isa. 11. 8. & 28. WEAPON, Dt.23.13.Meh.4. 17. Job 20. 24. Isa. 13. 5. & 54. 17. 2 Cor. 10. 4. WEAR, Deut. 22. 5, 11. Dan. 7. 25. Matt. 11. 8. James 2. 3. 1 Pet. 3. 3. WEARY of my life. Gen. 27. 46. Job 3. 17. there the to. be at rest 10. 1. soul is w. of life. Jer. 4. 31. Pro. 3.11. nor be to. of his correction Isa. 7. 13. u\ men, will ve «■. my God 40. 28. Lord fainteth not, neither is 31. shall run ar.d not be w. [to. 43. 22. hast heen to. of me, O Israel .50. 4. speak a word in season to w. Oer. 6. 11. to. with holding in 9. 5. «•. themselves to commit 15. 6. I am w. with repenting 20. 9. I was w. with forbearing 31. 25. I have satiated the w. soul Gal. C. 9. not be jo. in well doing, 2 Thes. 3. 13. Isa. 43. 24. toeariecl, 57.10. Jer. 12. 5. Ezek. 24. 12. Mic. 6. 3. Mai. 2. 17. John 4. 6. Heb. 12. 3. Eccl. 12. 12. toeariness, Mai. 1. 13. Job 7. 3. wearisome nights WEB, Jobs. 14. Isa. .59. .5, 6. [14.8. WEDDING, Matt. 22. .3, 8, 11. Luke WEEK Dan. 9.27. Matt. 28. 1. Luke IS. 12. Acts 20. 7. 1 Cor. 16. 2. [10.2. Jpr. .5. 24. toecks, Dan. 9. 24—26. & WEEP, JobSO. 25.L=a. 30.19. &S3.7. Jer. 9. 1. & 13. 17. Joel 2. 17. Luke 0. 21. blessed are ye that to. 23. 28. to. not for me. but to. for Acts 21. 13. what mean ye to to. and Bom. 12. 15. IP. with them that to. 1 Cor. 7. 30. that w. as though toept James 5. 1. rich men w. and howl Ps. 126. 6. toeepeth. Lam. 1.2. [1.5. 1 Sam . 1.8. why toeepest, John 20. 13, Ps. SO. .5. trprp'ini! mav endure for a Isa. 22.12. Lord call to to. and [night Jer. 31. fl. they shall come with w. Joel 2. 12. turn to me with to. Mal.2.13. covering altar of L.with to. Mat. 8. 12. to. and gnashing of teeth, 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 25. 30. [26. 7. WEIGH the paths of the just, Isa. Prov. 16. 2. Lord toeipheth spirits Job 31. 6. me be toeighed in balance Dan. 5. 27. art to. in the balances Prov. 11. 1. just toe).<7/''ishis dehght 10.1 1 .just to. and balance are the L.'s 2 Cor. 4. 17. eternal w. of glory Heb. 12. 1. let us lay aside every to. Lev. 19. 36. just toeights [23. Deut. 25. 13. divers w. Prov. 20. 10, Matt. 23. 23. omiitoeiahtier matters WELL, Ps. 84. 6. Prov. .5. 15. & 10. 11. Song 4. 15. Isa. 12. 3. John 4. 14. 2 Pet. 2. 17. Gen. 4. 7. if thou doest toelj, shalt Ex. 1 . 20. G. dealt to. with midwivcs Ps. 1 19.65. hast dealt to. with thy ser- 128. 2.itshallbew.withthee [v.ant Eccl. 8. 12. it shall bo to. with them Isa. 3. 10. shall be to. with him WIG WELL.— Bom. 2. 7. toellcloing. Gal. 6. 9. 2 Thes. 3. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 15. & 3. 17. & 4. 19. WENT, Ps.42.4.&l]9.67.Mt.21.30. WEPT, Neh. 1. 4. Ps. 69. 10. Hos. 12. 4. Mt. 26. 75. Lk. 19. 41. John 11.35. WHEAT.Ps.81. 16.Pro.27.22. Song Jer. 12. 13. they have sown w. [7. 2. 2:;. 2s. what is the chaff to the to. AmciS S. 5. that we may set forth to. Watt. 3. 12. gather to. into the garner Luke 22. 31. may sift you as w. John 12. 24. except a com of w. fall WHEEL, Pe.83. 13. Prov. 20. 26. Ezek. 1. 16. to. in midst of to. 10. 10. 10. 13. it was cried vmto them, O to. Ex. 14.25. wheels, Ju. 5. 28. Eze. 1.16. & 10. 9, 12, 13. Dan. 7. 9.Nah.3. 2. WHET, Deut. 32.41. Ps. 7.12. & 64. .3. WHISPERER, Prov. 16. 28. [11.5. WHIT,lSam. 3.18. John 7. 23.2 Cor. WHITE, Lev. 13. 3, 4. Num. 12. 10. Job 6. 6. any taste in to. of an egg Ps. 68. 14. to. as snow, Dan. 7. 9. Eccl. 9.8. your garments be always Song 5. 10. my beloved is to. and [to. Isa. 1. 18. sins shall be to. as snow Dan. 11. 35. fall to make them to. 12. 10. many purified and made w. Matt. 17. 2. hisinimentwast<\28.3. Bev. 2. 17. pave him a to. stone 3. 4. walk v,ith nie in to. raiment, 5, 18. & 4.4. & 7.9. l;;.& 1.5. 6. & 19.8,14. Matt. 23. 27. tohitPiK Acts 23. 3. [7. Ps, 51. 7. tvhiter than snow. Lam 4. WHOLE. Ps.9. 1. & 119. 10. Isa. .54. 5. Mic. 4. 13. Zech. 4.14. Matt. 9. 21. 1 John 2. 2. & 5. 19. [make w. Job 5. 18. he woundeth&his hands Matt. 9. 12. those that are to. need not a physician, Luke 5. 31. Mark 5. 34. thy faith made thee w. 10. ,52. Luke 8. 4S. & 17. 19. John 5. 4. to. of whatsoever disease 6. wilt be made to. 14. art made to. Acts 9. 34. Christ maketh thee to. Num. 32. 11. tohoUti, Deut. 1. 36. Jer 46. 28. 1 Thes. 5. 23. 1 Tim.4.15. Prov. 15. 4. tchnlesome, 1 Tim. 6. 3. WHORE, Lev. 19. 29. & 21. 7,9. Deut. 22. 21. & 23. 17, 18. Prov. 23. 27. Ezek. 16. 28. Bev. 17. 1, 16. Jer. 3. 9. whoredotn, Ezek. 16. 26. Hos. 2. 2, 4. & 4. 11, 12. & 5. 3, 4. Eph. 5. 5. tohoremonger, 1 Tim. 1. 10. Heb. 13. 4. Bev. 21. 8. & 22. 15. [1. WICKED, Ex. 23.7. Deut. 15. 9. & 2.5. Gen. 18.25. slay the righteous with to. 1 Sam. 2. 9. the to. shall be silent in Job 21. 30. to. is reserved tiU the day 34. 18. say to a king, thou art to. Ps. 7. 11. God is angry with the to. 9. 17. to. shall be turned into hell 11.6. on to. he will rain snares 58. 3. V. are estranged from womb 119. 155. p.ilvation fs far from w. 145. 20. .ill 10. sh.-ill he destroy, 147.6. Prov. 11.5. to. shall fall by hi.s own 21. to. sh.iU not be unpunished, 81. 21. 12. God overthrow-eth the to. 28. 1. to. flee when no man pursueth Eccl. 7. 17. be not overmuch to. Isa. 55. 7. let the to. forsake his way 57. 20. to. are like the troubled sea Jer. 17. 9. the heart is deceitful and desperately to. 25. 81. he -n-ill give the to. to sword Ezek. 3. 18. warn the w. S3. 8, 9, 11. Dan. 12. 10. to. shall do toickedly Gen. 19. 7. do not so to. Neh. 9. 83. 1 Sam. 12. 25. if ve shall still do to. Job 13. 7. ■will ye speak to. for God Ps. 18. 21. have not to. departed Gen. 6. 5. God saw that wickedness .39. 9. how can I do this great to.[ed 1 Sa. 24.13. to. proceedeth from wiek- Job 4. 8. that sow to. shall reap same Ps. 7. 9. to. of wicked come to end 45. 7. righteousness, and hatest to. "WIN WICKED.— Prov. 8. 7. wickedness is abomination to me [nothing Prov. 10. 2. treasures of w. profit 13. 6. w. overthroweth sinners Eccl. 8. 8. neither shall w. deliver Isa. 9. 18. to. burneth as the &-e Jer. 2. 19. thine own w. shall correct i. U. O Jerusalem, wash thy lieart 14. 20. acknowledge our u: [from w. Hos. 10. 13. ye have plowed u\ Acts 8. 22. repent of this tliy w. 1 John 5. 19. whole world lieth in w. WIDE, Deut. 1.5. 8, 11. Ps. 35. 21. & 81. 10. Prov. IS. 3. Matt. 7. 13. WIDOW, Mark 12. 42. 1 Tim. 5. 5. Deut. 10. 18. Ps. 146.9. Luke 18. 3, .5. Ps. 68. 5. widows, Jer. 49. 11. Matt. 23. 14. 1 Tim. 5. 3. James 1. 27. WIFE, Ex. 20. 17. Lev. 21. 13. Prov. 5. 18. rejoice mfh w. of youth 18. 22. findeth a w. findeth a good 19. 14. a prudent w. is from Lord Eccl. 9. 9. live joyfully with the m. Hos. 12. 12. Israel served for a w. and for a w. he kept sheep Mai. 2. 15. against w. of his youth Luke 17. 32. remember Lot's w. Eph. 5. 33. every one love his to. as Rev. 19. 7. his w. made herself ready 21. 9. the bride, the Lamb's w. 1 Cor. 7. 29. toii-es, Eph. 5. 2.->, 28. Col. 3. 18,19. 1 Tim. 3. 11. 1 Pet. 3. 1. WILDERNESS, Deut. 32. 10. Pro.21. 19. Song 3. 6. & 8. 5. Is. 35. 1,6. & 41. 18, 19. & 42. 11. & 43. 19, 20. Rev.12.6. WILES, Num. 25. 18. Eph. 6. 11. WILL, Lev. 1. 3. & 19. 5. & 22. 19. Deut. S3. 16. the good iv. of him that Matt.7.21. doethw). of my Father.l2. Lk.2. 14. good w. towards men [50. John 1. 13. w. of flesh, nor of w. of 4. 34. my meat is to do to. of [man 6. 40. this is the to. of him that sent Acts 21. 14. the w. of the L. be done Eph. 5.17. imders. what tc. of Lord is 6. 7. with good tv. doing service Acts 22. 14. his toiH, John7. 17. Ro. 2. 18. Eph. 1.5, 9. Col.1.9. 2Tim.2.26. Heb. 13. 21. 1 John 5.14. Rev. 17. 17. Luke 22. 42. mi/ loiH, Acts 13. 22. John 5.S0.ownwill,G.:;S. Eph. 1. 11. Heb. 2. 4. James 1. 18. Ps.40.8. thytoiU, 143. 10. Matt. 6.10. & 26. 42. Heb. 10. 7, 9. Ezra 7. 18. tviU of God, Mark 3. 35. Ro. 1. 10. & 8. 27. & 12. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 1. 2Cor.8.5. Gal. 1.4. Eph. 1.1. &6.6. Col. 1. 1. & 4. 12. 1 Thes. 4. 3. Heb. 10. 36. 1 Pet. 4. 2, 19. 1 John 2. 17. Matt. 26. 39. not as I will, but as John 15. 7. ask what ve to. and it 17. 24. I w. that those thou hast Rom. 7. 18. to to. is present with me 9. 18. on whom he to. have mercy Phil. 2. 13. worketh to w. and to do Rev. 22. 17. whosoever w. let him Rom. 9. 16. not of him that loillet/i Heb. 10. 26. if we .sin toilfnlly Ex. 35. 5. whoso is of a wiUivg heart 22. as many as were tc. {to. mind 1 Chr. 28. 9. with perfect heart and Ps. 110. 3. thy people shall be to. Isa. 1. 19. if he be w. and obedient Matt. 26. 41. spirit is ro. but the flesh Luke 22.42. if thou bero. remove cup John 5. 85. to. for a season to rejoice 2 Cor. 5. 8. w. rather to be absent 1 Tim. 6. 18. be to. to communicate Heb. 13. 18. «•. in all things to live 2 Pet. 3. 9. not w. any should perish Judg. 5. 2. willinrjlv offered, 9. 1 Chr. 29. 9. offered w. to the Lord Lam. 3. 33. Lord doth not affUot to. Hos. 5. 11. he tt: walked after 1 Pet. 5. 2. not by constraint, but w. Col. 2. 23. ^visdom in toill toorship WILLOWS, Lev. 23. 40. Isa. 44. 4. WIN, that I may, Phil. 3.8. Prov. 11. 30. winneth souls is wise [COI^COHU-A-KTCE.] WIND, Job 7. 7. &30. 15. Ps. 103. 16. Pro. 11. 29. inherit ro. 27.16. hidethro. 30. 4. gathered the to. Ps. 135. 7. Eccl. 11. 4. he that observeth the ro. Isa, 26. 18. have brought forth ro. 27. 8. he stayeth his rough w. in Jer. 5. 13. prophets shall become ro. 10. 13. ro. out of his treasures, 51.16. Hos. 8. 7. sown ro. 12.1.feedethonro. John 3.8. to. bloweth where it listeth Eph. 4. 14. about with every ro. of 2 Kings 2. 11. tohirlwitid, Prov. 1. 27. & 10.25. Isa. 66. 15. Hos. 8. 7. & 13.3. Nah. 1.3. Hab.3.14.Zec.7.14.& 9,14. Eze. 37. Q. winds. Mat. 8. 26. Lk.8.25. WINDOWS, Gen. 7. 11. Eccl. 12. 3. Song 2. 9. Isa. GO. 8. Jer. 9. 21. WINE maketh glad the heart, Ps. Prov. 20. 1. ro. is a mocker [104. 15. 21. 17. loveth ro. shall not be rich 23. 30. that tarry long at ro. that seek mixed ro. 31. look not upon w. when it is red 31. 6. give ro. to those of heavy heart Song 1. 2. love is better than ro. 4. Isa. 5. 11. till ro. inflame them 12. pipe and ro. are in their feasts 25. 6. ro on the lees well refined 26. 7. they have erred through ro. 55. 1. buy 10. and milk. Song 5. 1. Hos. 2. 9. take away my ro. in the 3. 1. love flagons of to. [season 4. 11. new ro. take away the heart Hab. 2. 5. he transgresseth by ro. Eph. 5. 18. be not drunk with to. 1 Tim. 3. 3. not given to ro. 8. Tit. 1.7. 5. 23, use a little w. for stomach's Prov. 23. 20. toine-bihher. Mat. 11. 19. WINGS of the G. of Israel, Ruth2.12. Ps. 17. 8. hide under shadow of ro. 36. 7. & 57. 1. & 61. 4. & 91. 4. 18. 10. on ro. of wind, 2 Sam. 22. 11. Pro. 23.5. riches make themselves ro. Isa. 6. 2. seraphims ; each had sis to. Mai. 4. 2. with healing in his to. WINK, Job 15. 12. Ps. 35. 19. Prov. 6. 13. & 10. 10. Acts 17. 30. WINTER, Song 2. 11. Zech. 14. 8. WIPE, 2 Kin. 21. 13. Neh. 13. 14. Pro. fi. 33. Isa. 25. 8. Rev. 7. 17. & 21. 4. WISE, Gen. 41. 39. Ex. 23.8. Dt.16.19. Deut. 4. 6. this nation is aw. people 32. 29. O that they were ro. that they would consider their latter end Job 5. 13. taketh ro. in own crafti- 11. 12. vain man would be ro. [ness .32. 9. great men are not always ro. Ps.2.10. be ro. O kings, be instructed 19. 7. making ro. the simple 107. 43. whoso is ro. and wiU Prov. 3. 7. be not ro. in tliine ovm 35. the w. shall inherit glory [eyes 9. 12. if thou be ro. be to. for thyself 13. 20. walketh with to. men sh. be to. 26. 12. a man ro. in his own conceit Eccl. 7. 4. heart of ro. is in house of 9. 1. the ro. are in the hand of God Isa. 5. 21. are ro. in their own eyes Jer. 4. 22. they are w. to do evil Dan. 12. 3. ro. shall shine as stars Hos. 14. 9. who is ro. and he shall Matt. 10, 16. be ye to. as serpents 11. 25. hid these things from the to. Rom . 1 . 22. professing them . to be ro. 16. 19. be ro. to that which is good 1 Cor. 3. 18. seemeth to. in this world 4. 10. but ye are t«. in Christ Eph. 5. 15. not as fools but as to. 2 Tim. 3. 15. is able to make thee ro. Matt. 10. 42. in tio wise lose reward Luke 18. 17. shall— enter therein John 6. 37. Cometh, I will— cast out Rev, 21. 27. shall— enter into it Deut. 4. 6. this is your ro-i>Y?om[5.12. 1 Kings 4.29, God gave Solomon ro. Job 28. 28. fear of Lord, that is ro. Prov. 4.5. get to. get understanding 7. w. is the principal thing, ch. 8. 16. 16. better to get ro. than gold WOM WISE.— Prov. 19. 8. he that getteth ivisdom loveth his o^^^^ soul Prov. 23.4. cease from thine ownro. 23. buy ti-uth, ro. and instruction Eccl. 1.18. in much ro. is much grief 8. 1. a man's w. maketh his face Matt. 11. 19. w. is justified of her 1 Cor. 1. 17. not with ro. of words 24. Chi-istthe ro. of God, Luke 11. 49. 30. who of God is made unto us ro. 2. 6. we speak ro. among perfect 3. 19. ro. of this world is foolishness 2 Cor. 1. 12. not \vith fleshly ro. Col. 1. 9. might be filled with all w. 4. 5. walk in ro. towards them that James 1. 5. if any lack to. ask of 3. 17. w. from above is pure Rev. 5. 12. worthy is the Lamb to 13. 18. here is ro. 17. 9. [receive to. Ps. 111. 10. ofwisdwn, Prov. 9. 10. & 10. 21.Mic.6.9.Col. 2. 3. Jas. 3. 13. Ps. 64. 9. wiMly, 101. 2. Ecol. 7. 10. 1 Kings 4. 31. wiser. Job 35. 11. Ps. 119. 98. Luke 16. 8. 1 Cor. 1. 25. WITCH, Ex. 22. IS. Deut. IS. 10. 1 Sam. 15. 23. witchcraft. Gal. 5. 20. WITHDRAW, Job 9. 13. & 33. 17. Prov. 25. 17. Song 5. 6. 2 Thes. 3. 6. 1 Tim. 6. 5. [11. WITHHOLDnotthymercies, Ps. 40. Ps. St. 11. no good thing will he ro. Prov. 3. 27. ro. not good from them 23. 13, ro. not correction from child Gen. 20.6. tvithheld, 22. 12. Job 31. 16. Johii.i.toithho!de)i, Jer. 5. 25. [2.6. Prov. 11. 24, 26. toithholdeth, 2 Thes. WITHIN, Ps. 40. 8. & 45. 13. Mt.3.9. & 23. 26, Mk, 7. 21. 2 C. 7. 5. Rv. 5. 1. WITHOUT, Pro. 1.20.&24. 27.1 Cor. 5. 12. 2 Cor. 7.5. Col, 4.5. Rev. 22. 15. WITHSTAND, Eccl, 4, 12. Eph 6. 13. Acts 11. 17. that I could ro. God Gal. 2, 11. withstood, 2 Tim. 4. 15. WITNESS, Gen. 31. 44, 48. Lev. 5. 1. Num. 35. 30. one ro. shall not testify, Deut. 17. 6. & 19. 15. 2 Cor. 13. 1. Judg. 11.10. Lord be ro.l Sam. 12.5. Jer. 42.5. & 29. 23. Mic.1.2. Mai. 2.14. Job 16. 19. my ro. is in heaven Ps. 89, 37. as a faithful w. in heaven Prov. 14. 5. a faithful to. willuot lie, a false tc, will \itter lies 25. a true ro. delivereth souls [hour 24. 28, be not to. against thy neigh- Isa. 55. 4, him for a w. to the people Mai. 3. 5. I will be a swUtw. against John 3.11 . ye receive not our ro. 5. 36. 37. Father borne ro. of [gi-eater to. Acts 14. 17. left not him, without ro. 1 John 5. 10. he that believeth hath Rev. 1.5. is the faithful ro. 3. 14. [ro. 20. 4. beheaded for ro. of Jesus Deut. 17. 6, two or three toitnesses, 19. 15, 2 Cor. 13. 1. Mat. 18. 16. Heb. 10. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 19. Num. 35. .SO. Josh. 24. 22. ro. against yourselves Isa. 43. 10. my JO. saith the Lord, 12. 1 Thes. 2. 10. ye are to. [& 44. 8. 1 Tim. 6. 12. before many to. Heb. 12. 1. so great a cloud of tc. Rev, 11.3. power to my two «,•. [8,19. WIZARDS, Lev. 19. 31. & 20. 6. Isa. WOLF, Isa. 11. 6. & 65. 25. Jer. 5. 6. Ezek, 22,-27. roo^w«,Hab. 1.8. Zeph. 3. 3. Mat. 7. 15, & 10, 16. Acts 20. 29. WOMAN, Gen. 2.23. & 3. 15. Lev. 18. 22, 23.&20. 13. Num. 30. 3. [honour Prov. 11. )6. gracious ?c. retaineth Ps. 48. 6. pain as of a w. in travail, Isa. 13. 8. & 21. 3. & 26. 17. & 42. 14. & 66.7. Jer. 4. 31. &6. 24, & 13. 21. & 22. 23. & 30. 6. & 31. 8. & 48. 41. & 49, 22, 24. & 50. 43. Prov. 12. 4. a virtuous to. is a crown 14. 1. every wise ro. buildeth house 31. 10. a virtuous ro. who can find 30. to. that feareth L. shall be pr.ais. Eccl. 7.26. tc. whose heart is snares 28. ro. among aU I have not fonnd WOE WOMAN. — Isa. 49. 1.5. can aw. forget her sucking child Isa. M.6. called thee as aw. forsaken Jer. 31. 22. «'. shall compass a man Matt. 5. 28. looketh on a w. to lust 15. 28. O w. great is thy faith 36. 13. this, that this w. hath done John 2. 4. M). what li9,ve Ito do with 8. 3. brought w. taken in adultery 19. 26. w. behold thy son Kom. 1. 27. the natural use of w. 1 Cor. 11. 7. TO. is the glory of man Gal. 4. 4. sent his Son made of a «>. 1 Tim. 2. 12. I sviffer not w. to teach 14. TO. being deceived was in trans. Eev. 12. 1. u,: clothed with sun, 6, 16. 17. 18. w. thou sawest is that city Judg. 5.24. blessed above women Jael Pro. 31.S. give not thy strength to w. Song 1. 8. fairest among w. 5. 9. & Isa. 3. 12. w. rule over them [6. 1. 32. 11. tremble ye «>. at ease Jer. 9. 17. call for the mourning tr. Lam. 4. in. w. have sodden children Matt. 11. 11. among them born of «i. Lk. 1. 28. blessed art thou among id. Rom. 1. 26. «'. did change the use 1 Cor. 14. 34. let id. keep silence 1 Xim. 2. 9. w. adorn in modest ap- 1 1 . let M). learn in silence wiih [parel n. 14. that the younger w. marry 2 Tim. 3. 6. lead captive silly w. 1 Pet. 3. 5. after this manner holy ?c. Kev. 14. 4. are not defiled with w. WOMB, Gen. 25. 23. & 29. 31. Gen. 49. 25. blessings of the n\ 1 Sam. 1. 5. Lord hath shut her w. Ps. 22. 9. took me out of the t«. 10. I was cast upon t)iee from hi. 127. 3. fruit of the w. is his reward 139. 13. covered me in mother's iv. Eccl. 11. 5. how bones grow in iv. Isa. 44. 2. Lord formed thee from w. 66. 9. to bring forth and shut rt'. Hos. 9. 14. give them miscarrying w. Luke 1. 42. blessed is fruit of thy iv. 11. 27. blessed is «'. that bare thee 23. 29. blessed are '". that never WONDER, Deut. 13. 1. & 28. 46. Ps. 71. 7. Isa. 29. 14. Bev. 12. 1. Acts 13. 41. U!. and perish, Hab. 1. 5. Ex. 3. 20. wonders, 7. 3. & 15. 11. [5. 1 Chr.16.12. remember his 1/'. Ps. 10.5. Job 9. 10. Goddoethiv. Ps. 77. 11, 14. Ps. 78. 11. forgathis w. Neh. 9. 17. 88.10. \vilt thou shew v\ to the dead 136. 4. who alone doeth great v\[w. Dan. 12. 6. how long to end of these Joel2. 30. sheww. in hea. Acts 2.19. John 4. 48. except ye see signs * "•. Acts 2. 43. many w. were done, 6. 8. Rom. 15. 19. mighty signs and w. i Thes. 2. 9. and signs and lying tv. Bev. 13. 13. he doeth great w. Zech. 3. 8. they are men wondered at Isa. 59. 16. w. was no intercessor Luke 4. 22. w. at the gracious v.'ords Rev. 13. 3. world w. after the beast 17. 6. I TO. -svith great admiration Job 37.14. wow(i»'0!(.'! works, Ps. 26. 7. & 71. 17. & 75. 1. & 78. .32. & 105. 2. & 106. 22. & 119. 27. & 145. 5. Ps. 72. 18. TO. things, 86. 10. & 119. 18. Judg. 13. 19. woiidrounlij, Joel 2. 26. Deut. 28. .59. thy plagues wonderful Job 42. 3. things too "'. for me Ps. 119. 129. thy testimonies are w. 139. 6. such knowledge is too to. Prov. 30. 18. tliree things too "'. for Isa. 9. 6. his name shall be called W. 25. 1. thou hast done w. things 28. 29. Lord which is tv. in counsel Jer. 5. 30. a m. thing is committed Ps. 139. 14. wonderfnllp. Lam. 1. 9. WOOD, hav, stubble, 1 Cor. 3. 12. 2 Tim. 2. 20. also vessels of w. and WORD, Num. 28. 5. Dent. 4. 2. Deut. 8.3. every to. of God, Mt.4.4. 30. 14. TO. is very nigh. Bom. M. 8. [oo3srcomE)A.isrcE.] WORD.— Ps. 68. 11. Lord gavethew. Ps. 119.49. remember to. to thy serv. Prov. 15. 23. w. spoken in due season 25. 11. a TO. fitly spoken is like apples Isa. 29. 21. man an offender for a to. 30. 21. shall hear a to. behind thee 44. 26. confirmeth w. of his servant 50. 4. how to speak a to. in season Jer. 5. 13. the to. is not in them 44. 16. tv. that thou hast spoken Mat. 8. 8. speak the w. only and my 12. 36. every idle w. that men Luke 4. 36. what a w. is this 24. 19. mighty in deed, and in w. John 1. 1. in beginning was the W. 14. the W. was made tlesh 15. 3. ye are clean through the to. Acts 13. 15. any w. of exhortation 26. to you is TO. of salvation sent 17. 11. the M'. with all readiness 20. 32. and to the w. of his grace 1 Cor. 4. 20. king, of God is not in u<. Gal. 6. 6. taught in to. communicate Kph. 5. 26. washing of water by to. Col. 3. 16. let w. of Christ dwell in 17. whatsoever ye do in to. or deed 1 Thes. 1. 5. Gospel came not in w. 2 Thes. 2. 17- stablish in every good 3. 14. if any obey not our to. [«'. 1 Tim. 5. 17. labour in w. and 2 Tim. 4. 2. preach to. be instant in Tit. 1. 9. holding fast the faithful v\ Heb. 4. 2. the to. preached did not 5. 13. is unskilful in «'. of righteous. 13. 22. suffer the w. of exhortation Jamesl. 21. receive the engrafted "■. 22. but be doers of the w. not hearers 3. 2. if any man offend not in to. 1 Pet. 3. 1. if any obey not the to. 2 Pet. 1. 19. sure w. of prophecy 1 John 1 . 1 . hands handled of the W. 5. 7. Father, fF. and Holy Ghost Rev. 3. 10. kept w. of my patience 12. 11. overcame by mi. of testimony Ps. 130. 5. in/(?>TOorddoIhope,119. 147. 19. shewed— unto Jacob [81. Jer. 20. 9.— was in my heart as fire John 5. 38. have not— abiding in you Acts 2. 41. that gladly received- John 8. 31. my word, 43. Rev. 3. 8. Isa.'S. 20. this word, Rom. 9. 9. Ps. 119. 11. Ihy tvord I hid in mine 50. for— hath quickened me [heart 105.— is a lamp unto my feet 140.— is verv pure, 160.— is true 138. 2. magnified— above all thy Jer. 15. 16.— was imto me joy and John 17. 6. they kept— 17.— is truth Prov. 30. 5. Word of God, Isa. 40. 8. Mark 7. 13. Rom. 10. 17. 1 Thes. 2. 13. Heb. 4. 12. & 6. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 23. Rev. 19. 13. 2 K. 20. 19. Word of the Lord, Ps. 18. ,30. & 33. 4. 2 Thes. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 25. Ps. 119.43. Word of truth, ICov.a.l. Eph. 1. 13. Col. 1. 5. 2 Tim. 2. 15. James 1. 18. [mouth Job 23. 12. esteemed words of his Prov. 15. 26. IV. of pure are pleasant 19. 7. he pursueth them with to. 22. 17. bow Ao\vn thine ear, hear to. Eccl. in. 12. the w. of a wise man 12. 10. to find out acceptable w. 11. M'. of the wise are as goads Jer. 7. 4. trust ye not in lying w. 44. 28. know whose to. shall stand Dan. 7. 25. speak «>. aga. Most High Hos. 6. 5. slain by to. of my mouth 14. 2. take with you to. and say to Zech. 1. 13. good ?('. comfortable w. Matt. 26. 44. prayed, saying same n: Luke 4. 22. the gracious w. that pro- ceeded out of his mouth John 6. 63. Jt'. I speak are Spirit and 68. thou hast the to. of eternal life 17. 8. given them w. thou gavest me Acts 7. 22. Moses mighty in to. and 15. 24. troubled vou with w'. 18. 15. 20. 85. remember the %v. of Lord WOR WORD .—Acts 26.25. speak the words of truth and soberness 1 Cor. 2. 4. not with enticing tv. of 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold fast form of sound 2. 14. strive not about to. to no [to. Rev. 1. 3. hear w. of prophecy, 22. 18. Ps. .50. 17. my toords, Isa. 51. 16. & .59. 21. Jer. 5. 14. Mic. 2. 7. Mark 8. 38. & 13. 31. John 5. 47. & 15. 7. 1 Thes. 4. 18. these words, Rev. 21. 5. Ps. 119. 103. thi/ words, 130, 1.39. Prov. 23. 8. ECC..5. 2. Eze. .33.31. Mat.12.3-. WORK. Gen. 2. 3. Ex. 20. 10. & 81.14. Deut. S3. 11. accept to. of his hands Job 1. 10. blessed thetf . of his hands 10. 8. despise the to. of thy hands 14. 15. a desire to to. of thy hands 36. 9. he sheweth them their tr. Ps. 8. 3. heavens to. of thy fingers 9. 16. wicked is snared in to. [ic. 19. 1. firmaiftent sheweth his handy 101. 3. I hate the to. of them that 143. 5. muse on tv. of thy hands Eccl. 8. 14. according to to. of wicked 17. I beheld all the w. of God[ment 12. 14. God shall bring to. into judg- Isa. 10. 12. perfoi-med his whole to. 28. 21. do his strange w. his strange 29. 16. shall TO. say of bim that 45. 11. 'concerning to. of my hands 49. 4. my w. with my God 64. 8. we all are the tv. of thy hands Jer. 10. 15. vanity and v\ of error 18. 3. potter ■\\Tought a to. on the Hab.l.5.a«'. in your days. Acts 13. Marke. 5. could do no mighty to. [41 . John 17. 4. finished »'■. thou gavest Acts 5. 38. if this iv. be of men 13. 2. for the n: whereto I called Rom. 2. 15. shew w. of law written 11.6. otherwise to. is no more to. 1 Cor. 3. 13. every man's tv. made 9. 1. are not ye my to. in the Lord Eph. 4. 12. for tv. of the ministry 2 Thes. 1.11. TO. of faith with power 2. 17. stablish you in every good tr. 2 Tim. 4. 5. do to. of an evangelist Jam. 1.4. let patience have perf. )','. 25. doer of the to. shall be blessed 1 Pet. 1. 17. judgeth every man's ?(•. Ps. 104. 23. his work. 62. 12. & 111.3. Prov. 24. 29. Isa. 40. 10. Job SO. 24. Ps. go. 16. thv tvork, 92. 4. Prov. 24. 27. Jer. 31.16. Hab. 3. 2. Ex. 32. 16. Work of God, Ps. 64. 9. Eccl. 7. 13. & 8. 17. John 6. 29. Rom. 14. 20. Ps. 28. 5. Work of the Lord, Isa. 5. 12. .ter. 48. 10. 1 Cor. 15. .58. & 10. in. Ps. 17. 4. concerning trorks of men 92. 4. triumph in to. of thy hands 111. 7. TO. of his hands are verity 138. 8. forsake not to. of thy hands Prov. 31. 31. let her own to. praise Isa. 26. 12. wrought all otu" tv. in us Dan. 4. 37. all whose to. are truth John 5. 20. shew him greater w. 10. 32. of these w. do ye stone me 38. believe the to. that I do 14.11. believe me for the w. sake 12. gi-eater tv. than these shall he do Acts 26. 20. TO. meet for repentance Rom. 3. 27. by what law ? of to. nay : but bv the law of faith [without tv. 4. 6. (Jod imputeth righteousness 9. 11 . not of TO.but of him that calleth 82. sought it as by u\ of the law 11.6. then it is no more of w. 13. 12. us cast off TO. of darkness Gal. 2. 16. by w. of law no flesh be 3. 2. received ye spirit by w. of law 10. as many as are tv, of the law 5. 19. u\ of the flesh are manifest Eph. 2. 9. not of to. 10. to good tv. 5. 11. unfruitful to. of darkness Col. 1. 21. enemies by wicked tr. 1 Thes. 5. 13. love them for their tr. 2 Tim. 1. 9. not according to our to. Tit. 1. 16. in to. they deny him WOR WORK.— Tit. 3. 5. not hy jmrks of righteousness which we have done Heb. 6. 1. repentance from dead w. 9 14. conscience from dead w. James 2. 14. and have not w. can 20. faith without w. is dead, 17, 2fa. 21. justified by tv. 24, 25. "2 by w. was faith made perfect i John 3. 8. he might destroy w. of Bev. 9. 20. repented not of tlie w ot 18. 6. according to her i"- 20- 1-' !•*• Ps. 33. 4. his works, 78. 11. & 103- 22. & 104. 31. & 106. 13. & 107. 22. & Ha- 9. 17. Dan. 9. 14. Acts 15. 18. Heb 4. 10. Ps. 106. 35. their works, Isa. bb 1». Jonah 3. 10. Matt. 23. 3, 5. 2 Cor. 11. 15. Rev. 14. 13. & 20. 12, 13. Deut. 15. 10. thw works, Ps. 66. 3. & 73 28. & 92. 5. & 104. 24. & 143. 5. Prov. 10. 3. Bccl. 9. 7. Rev. 2. 13. Ps 40. 5. wonderful iborks, 78. 4. & 107. 8. & 111. 4. Mat. 7. 22. Ac. 2. 11. Job 37. 14. works of God, Ps. 66. 5. & 78. 7. Eccl. II. 5. John 0. 28. & 9. 3. Ps. 46. 8. w. of the Lord, HI. 2. 1 Sam. 14. 6. the Lord will i«. for us Ps. 119. 126. time for Lord to iv. Isa. 43. 13. 1 will tv. and who shall Matt. 7. 23. depart that w. iniquity John 6. 28. might w. works of (Jod 9. 4. 1 must u). the works of him Phil. 2. 12. w. out your salvation 1 Thes. 4. 11. to UK with your hands 2 Thes. 2. 7. iniquity doth already w. ?,. 10. if any ur. not, neither [ful w. Prov. 11.18.wickedOT0)-fce«A adeceit- Isa. 64.5. meetest him that w. righte. John 5. 17. my Father tv. and I w. Acts 10. 35. that w. righteousness is Rom. 4. 4. to him that w. is reward 1 Cor. 12. 6. same God who tv. all 2 Cor. 4. 17. w. for us a far more Gal. 5. 6. faith which w. by love Eph. 1. 11. IV. all things according 2. 2. spirit that now w. in children Phil. 2. 13. it is God that w. in you 1 Thes. 2. 13. effectually tv. in you Isa. 28. 29. excellent in working Mark 16. 20. the Lord w. with them Rom. 7. 13. .sin w. death in me 1 Cor. 4. 12. w. with our own hands y . 6. have not we power to forbear iv. IBph. 1.19. according to w. of mighty 3. 7. by effectual tv. of his power 4. 28. tv. with his hands the thing Phil. 3. 21. according to w. whereby 2 Thes. 3. 11. tv. not at all, but are Heb. 13. 21. tv. th. which is pleasing 2 Cor. 6. l.ioorkers, 11, 13. Phil. 3.2. Job 31. 3. workers of iniqtiitii, 34. 8, 22. Ps. 5. 5. & 6. 8. & 28. 3. & 125. 5. & 141. 9. Prov. 10. 29. & 21. 15. Matt. 10. 10. workman, 2 Tim. 2. 15. Ex. 31. 3. workmanship, Eph. 2. 10. WORLD, 1 Sam. 2. 8. 1 Chron. 16.30. Ps. 17. 14. from men of the w. 24. 1. IV. is Lord's, 9. 8. Nah. 1. 5. 50. 12. w. is mine and the fulness Eccl. 3.11. hath set w. in their heart Isa. 26. 9. inhabitants of w. learn Jer. 10. 12. established theio. by his wisdom, 51. 15. Ps. 93. 1. & 96. 10. Matt. 16. 26. what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole tv. and lose his own soul, Mark 8. 36. 18. 7. woe to w. because of offences 24. 3. what shall be the end of w. Mark 16. 15. go into all the w. and Luke 20. 35. worthy to obtain that w. John 1. 10. he was in«i. to. was made by him, and w. knew him not 29. Lamb of G. taketh away sin of to. 3. 10. God so loved the ?u. he gave 17. tv. through him might be saved 7. 7. the vj. cannot hate you, but 12. 47. not to judge iv. but save w. 14. 17. whom w. cannot receive 19. tv. seeth me no more ; but ye may know I love Father [OOITCOIlID-A.KrCE.] WORLD.— John 15. 18. if the tv. hate you, ye know that it hated John io. ly. chosen you out of the to. therefore the tv. hateth you 16. 28. I leave tv. and go to Father 17. 9. I pray not for the tv. 11. I am no more in the tv. but these 16. not of w. even as I am not of tv. 18. thou hast sent me into the tv. 23. w. may know thou hast sent Rom. 3. J9. all the m). become guilty 1 Cor. 1. 21. w. by wisdom knew not Gal. 6. 14. w. is crucified unto me Col. 1. 6. as in all tv. and bringeth Tit. 1. 2. promised before w. began Heb. 2. 5. v>. to come, 6. 5. 11. 38. the w. was not worthy [the «'. 1 .John 2. 2. propitiation for sins of 2. 15. love not tv. nor things in tv. 16. all that is in the w. is of the w. 17. IV. passeth away and the lust 3. 1. the IV. knoweth us not 4 5. they are of the w. they speak of the w. and the tv. heareth them 5 19. whole tv. lieth in wickedness Rev 3. 10. temptation come on all w. 13 3 all tv. wondered after beast Matt. 12. 32. this world, Jiohn 8. 23. & 13. 1. Rom. 12. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 7. Heb. 1. 2. he made the toorlds 11. 3. the tv. were framed by him WORM, Ex. 16. 20. Isa. 51. 8. Job 25. 6. man that is a w. Ps. 22. 6. I am a tM. and no man Isa. 41. 14. fear not, thou tv. Jacob 66. 24. their tv. shall not die, Mark 9. 44. 48. [Acts 12. 23. Job 19. 26. worms destroy this body, WORMWOOD, Deut. 29. 18. Prov. 5. 4. Lam. 8. 15, 19. Amos 5. 7. Rev. 8. 11. V^ORSE, Gen. 19. 7. Jer. 7. 26. Mat. 12. 45. John 5. 14. 1 Cor. 8. 8. & 11. 17. 2 Tim. 3. 13. 2 Pet. 2. 20. WORSHIP the Lord in holiness, 1 Chr. 16. 29. Ps. 29. 2. & 66. 4. & 96.9. & 45. 11. & 95. 6. & 99. 5. Matt. 4. 10. Ps. 97. 7. tv. him all ye gods Matt. 15. 9. in vain do they tv. me John 4. 24. w. him must««. in truth Acts 17. 23. whom ye ignorantly w. 24. 14. so w. I the God of my Phil. 3.3. of the circumcision w. God Rev. 3. 9. tv. before thy feet ]3. 12. causeth earth to tv. beast 19. 10. to w. God, 22. 9. Ex. 4. Sl.tvorshipjwd, 32. 8. Jer. 1. 16. 1 Chr. 29. 20. Rom. 1. 25. 2 Thes. 2. 4. Rev. 5. 14. & 7. 11. & 11. 16. & 1.3. 4. WORTH, Job 24. 25. Prov. 10. 20. Gen. 32. 10. 1. am not «)OJ-tt;v of least Matt. S. 8. 1 am not te. thou should- est come under my roof 10. 10. workman is tv. of his meat 13. if house be tv. let your peace 37. more than me, is not tv. of me 22. 8. that were bidden were not tv. Luke 3. 8. fruits w. of repentance 7. 4. tv. for whom he should do this 10. 7. labourer is w. of his hire 15. 19. no more tv. to be called thy 20. 35. counted tv. to obtain [son, 21. 21. 30. tv. to escape all things Acts 5.41 .counted tv. to suffer shame Rom. 8. 18. not to. to be compared Eph. 4. 1. walk tv. of the vocation Col. 1. 10. walk tv. of the Lord being 1 Thes. 2. 12. walk tv. of God who 2 Thes. 1. 5. tv. of the kingdom of G. 11. God count you tv. of this calling 1 Tim. 1.15.W. of aU acceptation, 4. 9. 5. 17. elders tv. of double honour IS. labourer is tv. of reward 6. 1. count masters tv. of all honour Heb. 3. 3. w. more glory than Moses 10. 29. of how much sorer punish- ment shall he be thought tv. 11. 88. of whom world was not tv. Rev. 3. 4. walk in white, they are iv. WRO WORTH.— Rev. 5. 12. worth]/ is the Lamb that was slain [are tv. Rev. 10. 6. blood to drink ; for they WOULD God, Ex. 16. 3. Num. 11. 29. Acts 26. 29. 1 Cor. 4. 8. 2 Cor. 11. 1. Neh. 9. 30. tvould not, Isa. 30. 15. Mt. 18. 30. & 23. 30, 37. Rom. 11. 25. Ps. 81. 11. Israel tv. none of me Prov. 1. 25. tv. none of my reproof 3(». tliey w. none of my counsel Matt. 7. 12. whatsoever ye w. that men should do unto you Rom. 7. 15. that I tv. I do not, 19. Gal. 5.17. cannot do the things ye tv. Rev. 3.15.1 w. thou wert cold or hot WOUND, Ex. 21. 25. Prov. 6. 33. Jer. 10. 19. & 15. 18. & 30. 12, 14. Mic. 1 . 9. Prov. 27. 6. wounds, Isa. 1.6. Jer. 30. Deut. 32. 39. Iwound and I heal [17. 1 Cor. 8. 12. tv. their weak conscience Rev. 13. 3. his deadly w. healed, 14. Ps. 69. 26. wounded, 109. 22. Song 5. 7. Prov. 18. 14. a tv. spirit who can bear Isa. 53. 5. tv. for our transgressions Job 5. 18. he woundeth and his hands WRATH, Gen. 49. 7. Ex. 32. 10, 11. Num. 16. 46. tv. gone out from Lord Deut. 32. 27. feared tv. of the enemy Neh. 13. 18. bring more tv. on Israel Job 5. 2. tv. killeth the foolish man Ps. 76. 10. tv. of man. .praise thee Pro. 16. 14. tv. of king as messengers Isa. 54. 8. in a little tv. I hid my face Hab. 3. 2. in tv. remember mercy Matt. 3. 7. flee from w. to come Rom. 2.5. treasure up tv. against day 5.9. saved from M;.throughhim[of w. 12. 19. give place unto tv. 13. 5. not only for tv. but conscience Eph. 2. 3. by nature children of tv. 4. 26. let not sun go down on tv. 1 Thes. 1. 10. delivered from tv. to 2. 16. for u\ is come on them 5. 9. not appointed us to tv. 1 Tim. 2. 8. holy hands without V). Heb. 11. 27. not fearing tv. of king Jam. 1. 19. slow to speak, slow to w. 20. tv. of man worketh not righteous. Rev. 6.16. from w. of Lamb [of God 12.12. having great tv. because [ 18. 3. 14. 8. wine of tv. of her fornication, Ezra 8. 22. his tvrath. Ps. 2. 5, 12. & 78. 38. Jer. 7. 29. & 10. 10. Rev. 6. 17. Num. 25. 11. mu tvrath, Ps.95. 11. Isa. 10. 6. & 60. 10. Ezek. 7. 14. Hos. 5. 10. Ps. 38. 1. thy tvrath, 85. 3. & 88. 7, 16. & 89. 46. & 90. 9,11. & 102. 10. 89. 38. tvroth, Isa. 5t. 9. & 57. 17. WREST, Ex. 23. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 16. WRESTLE, Gen. 32. 24, 25. Eph.6.12. WRETCHED, Rom. 7. 24. Rev. 3.17. WRINKLE, Job 16. 8. Eph. 5. 27. WRITE, Ex. 34. 1, 27. Deut. 27. 3. Isa. 8. 1. Jer. .30. 2. Hab. 2. 2. Deut. 6. 9. tv. them upon the posts Prov. 3. 3. tv. on table of heart, 7. 3. Jer. 31. 33. 1 will tv. it in their hearts Ps. 69. 28. not be tvritten vrith the 102. 18. be to. for the generation Prov. 22. 20. have not I tv. to thee Eccl. 12. 10. that which was tv. Dan. 12.1. shall be found Jc.inbook 1 Cor. 10. 11. tv. for our admonition 2 Cor. 3. 2. epistle tv. in our hearts 3. «'. not with ink but Spirit of [20. Heb. 12. 23. are tv. in heaven, Lk. 10. 1 John 2. 1. little children these things tv. I unto you, 12. 7. 1 «'. no new commandment 8. a new commandment I tv. 12. I tv. unto you fathers, tv. to you young men, I «>, to you little 14. I have tvritteti to you fathers, I have tv. to you young men 21. I have not w. unto .vou 26. these things have I tv. WRONG, Ps. 10.5. 14. Jer. 22. 3. 1.',. Matt. 20. 18. 1 do thee no w. didst 1 Cor. 6. 7. why not rather take iv. S. YIE WRONG.— Col. 3. 25. lie that doeth | w. shall receive 2 Cor. 7. 2. wronged, Philem. 18. Prov. 8. 36. wrongeth his own soul WROUGHT, 1 Sam. 6.6. & 11. i7>. Ps. 139. 15. in secret, curiously u\ Isa. 26. 12. V}. all our works in us [22. Ezek. 20. 9. 1 w. for my name's. sake, John 3. 21. his deeds are w. in God Rom. 7. 8. w. in me aU manner of concupiscence [same thing is God 2 Cor. 5. 5. that hath w. us for self- Eph. 1. 20. which he w. in Christ I Pet. 4. 3. have w. will of Gentiles YEA, yea, nay, nay, Matt. 5. 37. 2 Cor. 1. 18. ?/. and nay 20. V. and amen [19. YEAR, acceptable, Isa. 61. 2. Luke 4. Isa. 6i3.4.j^. of my redeemed is come Jer.ll .23. y. of visitation, 23. 12. & 48. Job 10.5. thy years as man's days[44. 15. 20. number of y. is hidden from Ps. 90. 4. a thousand y. in thy sight 2 Pet. 3. 8. a thousand y. as one day Rev. 20. 2. bound him a 1000 y., 3. YESTERDAY, Job 8. 9. Heb. 13. 8. YIELD yourselves, 2 Chron. 30. 8. Ps. 67. 6. land y. her increase, 85. 12. [ooiTaoniD.A.3src:B.] YIELD.— Rom. 6.13. ?/. not members as instruments, but y. yourselves Rom. 6. 16. whom ye y. yourselves 19. yielded members servants Heb. 12. 11. yieldeth peaceable fruit YOKE, Deut. 28. 48. 1 Kings 12. 4. Isa. 9. 4. broken the?/, ofhisburden 10. 27. the y. shall be destroyed Lam. 1. 14. y. of my transgression 3. 27. good to bear y. in his youth Matt. 11. 29. take my y. upon you 30. my y. is easy and burden light Gal. 5. 1. y. of bondage. Acts 15. 10. 2 Cor. 6. 14. be not unequally i/oteii YOU only have I known, Amos 3. 2. Lk. 10. 16. despiseth y. despisethme 13. 28. and ?/. yourselves thrust out 2 Cor. 12. 14. i seek not your'shwiy. Eph. 2. 1. y. hath he quickened Col. 1. 21. y. that were sometime Luke 6. 20. y. is the kingdom of God 1 Cor. 3.22. all are .V. andyeareCh.'s, YOUNG, I have been, Ps.37.25. [23. Isa. 40. 11. gently lead those with .v. 1 Tim. 5. 1. entreat the youngermcD. 14. 1 will that y. women marry 1 Pet. 5. 5. ye y. submit to elder Gen. 8. 21. the imagination of man is evil from his youth 1 Kings 18. 12. the Lord from my y. Job 13. 26. possess iniquities of my 2/, Ps. 25. 7. sins of my y. ZIO YOUNG.— Ps. 11)3. 5. thy youih is renewed as eagle's Eccl. 11. 9. O young man, in thy y. 10. childhood and y. are vanity Jer. 2. 2. the kindness of thy y. 1 Tim. 4. 12. man despise thy y. Prov. 7. 7. youths, Isa. 40. 30. 2 Tim. 2. 22. flee youthful lusts z. ZEAL for Lord, 2 Kings 10. 16. Ps. 69. 9. the z. of thine house hath 1 19. 139. my z. hath consumed me Isa. 9.7. z. of the Lord will perform 59. 17. I was clad with z. as a cloak 63. 15. where is thy z. and strength Rom. 10. 2. they have a z. of God 2 Cor. 7.11. what z. yea what revenge Phil. 3. 6. concemingz. persecuting Kum. 25. 13. was zealous for his God Acts 22. 3. I was z. towards God as Tit. 2. 14. people z. of good works Rev. 3. 19. be z. therefore and repent Gal. 4. 18. zealously affected in a 21 ON, 2 Sam. 5. 7. 1 Kings 8. 1. for Jerusalem, temple, or church, 2 K. 19. 31. Ps. 2. 6. & 9. 11. & 14. 7. & 48. 2, 11, 12. & 146. 10. & 147. 12. Isa. 1. 27. & 2. 8. & 60. 14. & 62. 1, an^ in about seventy other places THE INDEXED ATLAS THE HOLY BIBLE. MAP -^^ .^-^<^ r FIGUEES. 1,— Assyria, Armenia, Stria, and the adjacent Lands, illustrating the Patriarchal Period, and also the later Historical Books of the Old Testament . . . . 113 to 130 2.— Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Promised Land, ilhistrating the Patriarchal Period, the Exodus, and the Entrance into Canaan 213 to 221 3. — Canaan as divided between the Tribes 317 to 322 4,— Palestine in the time of our Saviour . . 417 to 422 5. — Jerusalem (from the Ordnance Siu-vey) V 6.— The Eastern Mediterranean and adjacent Lands, ilhistrating the Missionary Journeys and Last Voyage of the Apostle Paul 601 to 623 ^ist of ®ifiUcal ll^ames, WITH FIfiURES AND LETTERS INDICATING THE SITUATION OP THE PLACES ON THE MADS. Note.— The first reference flaure in each case represents the number of the map; thiis, Antioch (in Syria) appears on the first map in the space 121 F, and on the sixth map in the corresponding space, 621 F. TJie names of places at present unidentified, also classical and modern names, are omitted from the Index, and where there are several places bearing the same name, but only one of these is mentioned in Scripture, tlie reference is given to t/ie latter only, thus Neapolis appears on the maps in four different situations, viz., 419 M, 422 L, 603 C, 610 C ; but it will be found in the Index only under the reference 610 C. Abana, river . 221 K ,321 I Appii Forum . 604 Ci Azotus .... 418 N Abarim, mountains of . 219 O ArofMoab . ' 219 0, 320 0 i Azzah, see Gaza 317 N Abdon 319 K Arabah, see Plain of Jor- | Abel, aUo dan . . . 320 M Baalah, Mount Baalah, Abel-maim, see Arabia . . 216 E, 615 Q . 319 0 also Baale of Judah, Abel-beth-maachah . . 320 K Arad. . . see Kirjath-jearim . Baal-gad (?) . . 319 N Abel-meholah . 320 M Aradus . 617 H 320 K Abel-shittim . 320 N Aram . 121 H Baal-mebn 320 N Abilene .... 421 I Aram Nftharaim . 124 H Baal-zephon (?) 215 Q 126 M Accad .... 126 M Ararat, mount. . 126 D Babel, see Babyloii . Accaron, see Ekron . 318 N Arba, sci Hebron . 319 N Bashan .... 321 L Accho .... 319 L Arbela (GaHlee) . 420 L Bashan-havoth-jair 321 L Aceldama .... V Argob ■ . . 321 K Bathzach arias . 319 N Achaia .... 608 F Arimathea . 418 M Beer-lahai-roi, see el '^iii 217 Q Achmetha 128 H Arkites . . . 221 H Beeroth .... 319 N Achzib .... 319 K Armenia; . . 126 D Beer-sheba . 217 0 ,318 O Adam . . 320 M Arnon, river . 219 0, 320 0 Beeshterah, see Ashtaroth 320 L Adora, see Adoraim . 319 N Aroer (Eeub.) . 219 0, 320 0 Bela, sec Zoar . 320 N AduUam .... 318 N Aroer (Gad) . 320 N Benjamin, allotment of . 319 N Adummim 319 N Aroer (Judah) . . 318 0 Beon, see Baal-meon 320 N Aenon .... 419 M Arumah . . 319 M Berachah, valley of . 319 N Ahava (Hit.) . . 125 M Arvad . 117 H Berea ^Macedonia) . 609 C Ahlab .... 319 K Ascalon . . 418 N Berea (Syi-ia) . 121 F, 621 F Ai, also called. Aiath, Aija 319 N Aser, see Hazor . 320 K Berea, also Beroth, see Aijalon (Dan) . 319 N Aser, sec Asher . 319 K Beeroth . 319 N Aijalon (Zeb.) . 319 L Ashdod . . 318 N Besor, the brook . 318 O Ain . . . . . 319 O Asher, allotment of . 319 K Beten .... 319 L Ajalon(Dan) . . . 319 N Asher . 319 M Betliahnra 420 M Akrabbim, ascent of 219 Q Ashkelon . . 318 N Beth-anath 319 K Alammelech . 319 L Ashtaroth • . 320 L Beth-anoth 319 N Alemeth, see Almon 319 N Ashteroth-Karnaim . 321 K Bethany .... 419 N Alexandria 612 Q Asia , . 611 D Beth-aram, see Alush .... 216 S Asshur, see Assyria . 124 F Beth-haran . . . S20 N Amad .... 319 L Assos . 611 D Beth-arbel 320 L Amaleldtes 216 S Assur, see Assyria; . 124 P Beth-baal-meon, see Ammon .... 321 N Assyria ' . . . 124 F Baal-meon. 320 N Amoritos .... 219 0 Ataroth (Reub.) . 320 N Beth-dagon . 318 M Amphipolis 609 C Ataroth . . 319 M Beth-dagon, at Azotus . 418 N Anathoth .... 319 N Athens . 609 F Bethel . . 219 0 ,319 N Anem, see En-gannim 319 M Attalia . . . 613 F Beth-emek . . . 319 L Aner, see Taanach . 319 L Ava . . 128 Q Bethesda, pool of . V Anti-Libanus . 320 I Aven (Egypt) . . 214 Q Beth-gamul 321 M Antioch (in Pisidia) 613 D Aven, plain of, see \ ^alley Beth-haccerem 319 N Antioch (in Syria) 121 F, 621 F of Lebanon . . 320 I Beth-haran 320 N Antiochia . 621 F Avims ■ . . . 217 0 Beth-hoglah . 320 N 'Antipatris . 617 M, 418 M Azekah , -. , . . 318 N Beth-horon 319 N Aphek . . . 320 L Azem . . 217 Q Beth-jeshimoth, see ApoUonia . 609 C Aznoth-tabor, see T abor . 319 L Beth-jesimoth . 320 N tENTERED AX STiTIOMERS' BitL.] [ALL SIGHI3 BE3ERTED.J INDEXKi) ATLAS TO THE HOLT BIBLE. Bethleliem (Zeb.) . Bethlehem (Jud.) 219 0 319 L Cuth 128 Q Ezion-gaber, see ,319 N Cyamou, see Jokneam . 319 L Ezion-geber . 117 S. 217 R 1 419 N Cyprus . . . . 616 H Bethlomon, see Bethlehem 419 N Cyrene . . . . 608 M Fair Havens . , . 610 H Beth-meon, see Baal-meon 320 N Beth-nimrah . 320 N Dabareh, see Daberath . 319 L Gaba, see Geba . 319 N Bethoron, see Beth-horon 319 N Dalmanutha . . . 420 L Gad, allotment of . . 320 M Beth-rehob 320 K Dalmatia . . . . 606 B Gadara .... 429 L Bethsaida. 420 L Damascus . 121 M, 321 K, 621 M Galaad, see Gilead . 320 M Bethsaida (Julias) . 420 L Dan . . . 219 K, 320 K Galatia .... 615 D Bethsan, also Dan, allotment of 318 N, 320 K Galeed .... 219 M Bethshean, see Dan-jaan . . , . 319 K Galilee .... 419 L Beth-shan 320 L Daphne . . , , 621 F Galilee, sea of . 420 L Beth-shemesh (Jud.) 318 N David, city of, see Garden-house, see Beth-shemesh (Egypt) . 214 Q Jerusalem . . . 319 N En-gannim . , 319 M Beth-shittah ■ . 319 L Debir (Jud.) . , . 318 O Garizim, see Gerizim 419 M Bethsura, see Beth-zur . 319 N DecapoUs.- .- . . 420 L Gath 318 N Beth-tappuah . 319 N Derbe . , . . 615 F Gath-hepher . 319 L Beth-zur .... 319 N Dibon . . 219 0,320 0 Gath-rimmon (Manasseh) Betolius, same os Bethel . 319 N Dibon-s-ad, see Dibon . 219 0 Dizahab . . . . 217 S see Ibleam . '319M Betonim . . . . 320 M Gaza 117 Q, 217 0, 317 N .617 Q Bezer .... 320 0 Docus . . . . 419 N Gazara,Gazera,see Gezer ? 318 K Bileam, see Ibleam . . 319 M Dophkah . , . . 216 S Gazer, see Gezer 318 N Bithynia .... 612 C Dor ... 117 M, 318 L Geba (Benj.) . 319 N Bozrah (Edom) 117 Q, 219 Q Dora, see Dor . . . 418 L Geba (Apoc.) . 319 M Bozrah . . 121 M ,322 L Dothaim.seeDothan 219 M, 319 M Gebal . . 117 H ,219 H Dumah (Jud.) . . . 319 0 Gedor (Jud.) . 319 N Cabul (Asher) . 319 L Dura, plain of . . . 126 M Gcnnesar, water of, see Cades=Kedesh 420 K Gennesaret, lake of , 420 L Cades-barne, see Ebal, mount . 219 M, 319 M Geon, see Gihon 126 D Kadesh-barnea . . 219 Q 125 H Ecbatana (N.) . . . 127 F Gerar . . 217 0 ,317 O Calah .... Ecbatana (S.) . . . 128 H Gerizim, mount 219 M ,319M Calneh . . . . 126 M Ed 319 M Gesem=Goshen . . 214 Q Calno, see Calneh • . 126 M Edom . . 117 Q, 219 Q Edrei (Bashan) 221 11, 321 L Gethsemane ... V Cana 419 L Gezer ' . ' . , . S18 N Canaan .... 217 0 Eglon . . . . 318 N Gibeah (Ben].) , , 319 N Canneh, see Calneh . 126 M Egypt . . .113 8,213 S Gibeon (Benj.) . , 319 N Capernaum . . . 420 L Egyi^t, river or stream of. Gihon, river . „ , 126 D Caphira, see Chephirah . 319 N see Wady el-Arish , 216 Q Ekron . . . . 318 N Gihon, pools of V Cappadocia 617 D Gilboa, hills . 219 M 319 L Carchemish . . . 124 H Elah, vaUeyof. . . 318 N Gilead, mounts 219 M , 320M: Caria. .... 611 F Elam . . . , 128M Gilgal (Benj.) . 219 0 ,320 N Carmel,'mou-nt 318 L Eiath . . . . 219 R Gilgal . . . . 319 Ml Carmel (Jud.) . 319 0 Elealeh . . . . 320 N Gilgal .... 318 M Carnaim, Carnion, see Eleutherus, river . . 221 H Gimzo .... 318 N Ashteroth-Karnahn . 321 K Elim 215 B Girgashites . , . 219 M Cedron, brook . 419 N Eloth, see Elath . . 219 E Gittah-hepher, see Celosyria, see Coele-Syria 420 I Elymais, see Elam . . 128 M Gath-hepher . •. 319 L Cenchrea .... 609 F Emmaus . . . . 419 N Gob, see Gezer . . , 318 N Cesarea . . 418 L , 617M Eudor . . . . 319 L Golan .... 320 K Cesarea (Philippi) . 420 K Engaddi, see Engedi . 319 0 Gortyna .... 610 H Chaldea .... 126 Q En-gannim (Issachar) . 319 M En-hakkore . . . 318 0 Goshen (Egypt) 214 Q 318 O Chanaan, see Canaan 219 Q Goshen .... Charchamis, also Charche- En-hazor . . . . 319 L Gozan .... 124 F mish, see Carchemish 124 H En-mishpat, see Great Sea ... 113 M Charran, see Haran . 123 F Kadesh-barnea . . 219 Q Greece, Graecia, see Chebar, river . 124 F En-rogel, see Joab's "Well Y Achaia 609 F Chephirah . . . 319 N Ephes-dammim, see Gudgodah , , , 217 R Cherith, the brook . 319 M Pas-dammim . . 319 N Chesalon . . . . 319 N Ephesus . . . . 611 F Habor, river . . . 124 H Chesulloth, see Ephraim, allotment of . 319 M Hadad-rimmon . . 319 L Chisloth-tabor . . 319 L Ephraim . , . . 419 N Hadid .... 318 N Chiuuereth, sea of 219 M 320 L Ephraim, mount . . 319 M Hai, see Ai . . . 319 N Chios .... 610 D Ephrain, see Ophrah (?) . 319 N Halah .... 127 H Chisloth-tabor . 319 L Ephratah, see Bethlehem 319 N Halak, mount . . . 217 Q, 319 N Chittim, see Cyprus . 115 H Ephrath . . . . 219 O Halhul .... Chittim (Apoc.) see Erech . . . . 126 Q Hali 319 K Macedonia . . , 608 D Esdraelom, see Hamath .... 121 H Chorazin .... 420 L Esdraelon . . . 419 L aUo Hamath the Great. 1 Cilicia .... 615 F Esdrelom, see Esdraelon 419 L Hammath, Hammon 320 L Cinneroth, see Genesareth 420 L Esebon, see Heshbou . 420 N ako Hammoth-dor. City of David, see Eshcol, valley of 219 0, 319 N Hammon (Asher) . 319 K Jerusalem . . . 319 N Eshtaol . . . . 319 N Hanes .... 215 Q 127 M Clauda .... 610 H Eshtemoa, also Eshtemoh 319 0 Hara . . , . . Cnidus .... 611 F Etam (Judah) . . . 319 N Haran .... 123 F Colosse .... 612 F 1 Etham, desert of . . 215 Q 611 F Etham (?) . . • . . 214 Q Harosheth . . . 319 L Coos, see Cos . Hauran .... 322 L Corinth .... 009 F Euphrates . . . 123 F Havilah .... 124 G Crete , . 610 H Ezem, see Azem . . 217 Q. Havoth-jair . . - . 321 L INDEXED ATLAS TO THE HOLY BIBLE. Hazar-shual . Kazeroth .... Hazazon-tamar, sea Hazezon-tamar , . Hazor (Naplitali) . . Hazor (Judali) Hazor (Benj.) . Hebron . 117 Q, 219 O, Hebron (Asher), see Abdon . . . Helbon . . ' , Heleph .... Helkath Hemath,=Hainatli . Hermon, mount 219 K, Heslibon , . 219 O, Hiddekel, see Eiver Tigris . Hierapolis .... Hinnom, valley of . . Hivites .... Hittites .... Hobah . . Hor,mt.{neaiPetra) 117 Q, Hor, mount Horeb .... Horem .... Hor-hagidgad, see Gudgodali . . • Hormah .... Hnkkok .... Hukok, see Helkath . 318 O 217 S 219 O 320 K 318 N 319 N 319 N 319 K 321 I 319 E 319 K 131 H 320 K 320 N 126 M 612 E V 219 M 217 0 321 I 219 Q 221 H 216 S 319 K 217 R 219 Q 319 L 319 K Ibleam. . . . , 319 M Iconinm ... * 615 F Idalali 319 L Idum£Ea=Edom . . 219 Q Ijon . . . . . 320 K Illyricnm . . . . 605 A Iron , . . . , . 319 K Ir-sbemesh, see Beth-sbemesh . . 318 N Israel 117 M Issachaj", allotment of . 319 L Italy 603 A Itursea. . . . . 421 K Ivah 128 Q Jaazer, see Jazer Jabbok, river . 219 M, Jabesh-Gilead . Jabneel ( Judah) ,see Jabneh Jacob's Well . Jabaz .... Jamnia .... Jabneh .... Janohah .... JapHa .... Japho .... Jarmuth (Judah) . , Jarmuth (Issachar) (?) , Jattir .... Javan, sea Achaia . . Jazar, see Jazer,. sec Chesalon Jebus, see Jerusalem Jebusites .... Jegar-sahadutha . . Jehoshaphat, valley of . Jehud .... Jemnaaji (?) Jabneh Jerechus=Jericho . Jericho . . 319 N, Jerusalem 117 Q, 219 O, 319 N, 419 N, V, Jewry, see Judtea . Jezreel .... Jezreel, plain of Jiphthah-el, valley of . 320 M 320 M 318 N 419 M 320 O 418 N 318 N 319 M 319 L 217 M 318 N 319 M 319 O 609 F 320 N 319 N 319 N 219 O 219 M V 318 M 318 N 419 N 419 N 617 Q 419 N 319 L 219 M 319 L Jokneam (Zeb.) . , Joktheel .... Joppa . 318 M, 418 M, Joppe, see Joppa ■ . , . Jordan, river . 320 L, Jordan, .plain of 219 O, Juda, also Judah, see Judeea . . . . Judah, allotment of , Judah, mountains of . Judah, land of . . . Judah, wilderness of . Juttah .... Kades, also Kadesh, sea Kadesh-barnea . « Kanah . . . . Kanah, brook . , . Kartah .... Kedesh (Naphtali) . . Keilah . . , , Kenath .... Kerioth (Judah) . . Kerioth (Moab) . . Kidron, the brook . . Kir Kir-haraseth.Kir-haresethj Kir-haresh, Kir-heres, see Kir of Moab Kiriathaim . 219 O, Kiriatliiarius, see Kirjath-jearim . . Kirioth, see Kerioth Kirjath, see Kirjath-jearim Kirjathaim (Keub.) see Kiriathaim . , . Ku'jath-arba . Kirjath-arim, Kirjath- baal,see Kirjath-jearim Kirjath-sannah, also Kh-jath-sepher, s«e Debir Kir of Moab . Kishon, river . . . Kison, river, see Kishon . Kittim, see Cyprus . . Lachish . . . Lahai-roi, see el-'Ain Laish (Dan) . . Laodicea ... Lasea . . . Lasha (? Calirrlwe) . Lebanon, mount 1 Lebonah . Leshem, see Laish . Libanus . . . Libuah (Jud.) (?) . Libya ... Lod . . . . Luz .... Lycaonia . • . Lycia • • . Lydda . . Lydia ... Lystra ... 319 L 117 Q 617 M 418 M 420 L 320 N 419 N 319 N 319 N 117 Q 319 N 319 O ! Manasseh 219 Q 319 K 319 M 319 L 320 K 318 N 319 0 322 L V 125 P 320 0 320 N 819 N 322 L 319 N 320 N 219 O 319 N 318 O 320 O 319 L 319 L 115 H 318 N 217 Q 320 K 612 F 610 H 420 N ,320 I 319 M 320 K 420 I 318 N 608 Q 318 N 219 O 615 D 612 F 418 N 611 D 615 F Maaleh - acrabbim, see Ascent of Akrabbim . Maealon, see Michmash . Macedonia Machmas, sec Michmash Machpelah, at Hebron . Madon ■ . . . . Magdala .... Magiddo, see Megiddo . Mahanaim . 219 M, Makkedah(?) . Mamre .... Manasseh, allotm. 319 M, 219 Q 319 N 319 N 117 Q 319 L 420 L 319 L 320 M 318 N 319 N 321 L Manasses, Maou Marah .... Mareshah .... also called Marisa. Mashal, see Misheal Maspha(Benj.)seeMizpch Maspha.(E. "of Jordan), sec Mizpeh , , Mearah ■ Medaba> see Medeba . Media -...-. , Megiddo, also Megiddon Melita . . . Memphis . 113 S, 214 E, Merom, the waters of Meroz .... Mesopotamia . Michmas, sea Michmash , Midianites . . . Migdal-el .... Migdal-gad . . , Migdol, Egypt . . . Miletum, see Miletus • Minni . • , , Mislial, see Misheal . , Mitylene, Mytilene . Mizpah, also Mizpah of Gilead, see Mizpeh . Mizpeh of Moab, see Kir-moab (?) Mizpeh -(Benj.) . . Mizraim .... Moab Moab, the land of . Moladah .... Moreh, the hill of . . Moriah, mount . , Myra . . ... , Mysia .... Naaran, see Naarath , Nahallal, also Nahalol," sec Nahalal . ' . , Nain Naphtali, allotment of . NaphtuMm . . . Nasor, the plain of, see Hazor. . . . Nazareth .... Neapolis .... Neballat .... Nebo, mount . 219 O, Nephthali, Nephthallm, also Nepthalim, see Naphtali . Nezib .... Nicopolis .... Nile Nimrah, see Nimrin , Nimrim, the waters of . Nineveh .... Nob Nobah, see Kenath . , Noph , . . , ( 319 M 319 O 215 R 318 N 318 T, 319 N 219 M 320 I 320 N 127 H 319 L 605 H 613 S 320 K 319 L 124 H 319 N 217 S 320 L 318 N 215 Q 611 F 124 D 318 L 611 D 219 M 320 O 319 N 113 S 320 O 121 Q 318 O 319 L V 613 P 611 D 319 N 319 L 419 L 320 K 213 E 419 L 610 C 318 N 320 N 320 K 318 N 608 D 213 S 320 N 320 O 125 F 319 N 322 L 214 R Oboth . . . , Odollam, see Adullam Olives, mount of, aho called Ohvet . . On Ono, Onus . . . Ophel .... Ophni .... Ophrah (Benj.) Ophrah- (Manasseh) see Feraia .... Oreb=Horeb, mount 219 Q 318 N V 214 Q 318 M V 319 N 319 N 319 M 216 S INDEXED ATLAS TO THE HOLT BIBLE. | Padan. see Padan-Aram . 123 P Rithmah .... 219 Q Tabbath, seeT«bns(?) . 319 M Palestina, Palestine 617 Q River (or stream) of Egypt Tabor, mount . 219 M ,319 L Pamphylia 613 F Wadyel-Arish . . 216 Q Tabor, see Chisloth-tabor 319 L Paphos .... 615 H Rome . . , , 604 C Tadmor .... 123 H Paran, desert of 217 Q ,319 0 Tahapanes.see Tahpanhes 215 Q Pas-dammim . 319 N Salamig .... 615 H Tanach, Taanach . 319 L Patmos .... 611 F Salcah, Salchah 322 L Tanis 113 Q 215 Q Peniel .... 219 M Salem .... 219 O Taphnes, see Tahpanhes . Penuel .... 320 M Salim .... 419 M Tappuah(?J 319 M Perga .... 613 F Salmone .... 611 H Tarsus .... 617 F Pergamps .... 611 D Salt, city of . . . 319 0 Taverns, The Three . . . 604 C Perizzites. 219 M Salt Sea . . 117 Q Samaria . . 117 M ,219 0 Tehaphnehes, see Persia .... 129 S ,319M Tahpanhes . 215 Q Pharpar, river 321 K Samaria, district of . 419 M Tekoa, Tekoah . 319 N Phenice, Phenicia 419 L , 617M Samos .... 611 F Thamnatha, see Tibneh . 318 N Phenice (Crete) 610 H Samothiacia 610 C Thebez . . . . 319 M Plieresites, also Sansannah 318 N Thecoe, wilderness of. see Pherezites, see Perizzites 219 M Saphir ..... 318 N Tekoa. . . . 419 N Philadelphia . 612 D Sardis 612 D Theras {? Hit). 125 M Philippi . . . . 610 C Sarepta .... 419 K Thessalonica . 609 C Philistia=Palestina 617 Q ,318 N Saron, see Sharon 318 M Thimnathah, see Timnath 318 N PhiUstines . 217 0 Scythopolis 420 L Thracia 610 C Pluson=FPison . 124 C Sea, the Great . 318 Thyatira .... 611 D Phrygia. .... 612 D Sea, the salt . 320 0 Three Taverns . 604 C Phud, Phut, Put, see also called the Sea, Tiberias . . . . 420 L Libya .... 608 Q the Sea of the plain. Tiberias, lake of 420 L Pi-beseth .... 214 Q 215 Q the East Sea. Tigris, river . 124 F Pi-hahiroth Seir, mount (Edom) 219 Q Timnah (Judah), see Piratlion(?) . 319 M Sela, see Selah . . . 219 Q Timnath . . 217 0 ,318 N Pisgah \ . . . 320 N Seleucia .... 617 F Timnath-heres, see Pisidia .... 612 F Senir, see Timnath-serah 319 M Pison, river 124 C Mount Hermon 320 K Tiphsah . . . . 123 H Pithom .... 214 Q Sepharvaim 126 M Tirzah . . . . 319 M Ptolemais . . 419 L ,317 M Shalem .... 219 M Togarraah, see Armenia . 126 D Punon .... 219 R Sharon, plain of 318 M Tophel . , . . 219 Q Put, see Libya . 608 Q 605 C Shechem . 117 M, 219 M , 319M Trachouitis 421 K PuteoU .... Shenir, sec Mo unt Hermon 320 K Tripolis , . . . 617 H Shiloah, the waters of, Troas . . . . 611 D Raamses, see Rameses . 214 Q see Siloam . V Trogyllium 611 F Kabbah (E. of Jordan), se Shiloh .... 319 M Tyre ... 319 K ,419 K Rabbath-ammon 321 N Shimron .... 319 L Tyrus . . 419 K , 617M Rachel's tomb , 319 N Shinar .... 126 M Rahab .... 213 Q Shittim, see Abel-shittim 320 N Ulai, river . . . 128 Q 319 K Rakkath .... 320 L Shoco, Shocho, see Shochoh 318 N Ummah . . . . Rama, see Shunem .... 319 L Ur of the Chaldees . . 127 Q Ramah (Benj.) . 319 N 419 N Shur, desert of . 115 Q, 216 Q Uz 121 Q Ramah tAsher) 319 K Shushan .... 128 M Ramah (Naph.) 319 L Sichem, see Shechem 319 M Water of Jericho, see Ramah (Mt. Ephraim) . 319 N Sidon . 219 K, 419 I , 617M Docus. . . . 419 N Ramah (Gad.j, see Sidonians 319 K Ramoth-igilead . 320 M Siloah, the .pool of, see Zabnlon=Zebiilun . 319 L Ramath-lebi 318 0 Siloam .... V Zalmonah .... 219 R Ramath-mizpeh, see Simeon, allotment of 318 0 Zamzummims . 221 M Ramoth-gilead , 320 M Sin (in Egypt) . 215 0 Zanoah . . . . 319 N Ramathaim-zophim, see Sin, desert of . 216 S Zareah,.sce Zorah . , . 318 N Ramah 319 N Sina, mt., see Mt. Sinai . 216 S Zared, the valley of,, see Ramathem, see Ramah . 419 N Sinites 219 H Zered . . ... 219 0 Rameses, also called 214 Q Sion, mt., see Mt. JEermon 320 K Zarephath . ... 319 K Ramesse Sion, see Zion .... . V Zaretan . . . . 319 M Ramoth .... 319 M Siriou, see Mount Hermon 320 K Zareth-shahar . 320 N Ramoth-gilead . 320 M Smyi-na .... 611 D Zarthan, aho Zarthanah . 319 M Red Sea .... 216 T Sochoh, Socoh, see Zebulun, allotment of 319 L Rehob (Naph.), see Shochoh . ..... 318 N Zelzah (?) . 319 N Beth-rehob 320 K Sodomitish Sea, see the Zemaraim (Benj.) . 319 N Rehoboth .... 125 F Dead Sea . . 420 N Zemarites .... 221 H Rehoboth by the' river . 217 O Sorek, valley of 318 N Zephath . . . . 219 Q Remeth, sec Rdmeh . 319 M Sparta .... 609 F Zered, brook . 219 0 Remmon, see Rimmoa . 318 O Stream of Egypt, see Zeredathah, see Zarthan , 319 M Rephaims .... 221 M Wady eUAri^k . 216 Q Zidon . . . . 319 I Rephidim .... 216 S Suecoth (Gad) (?) . 320 M Zin, the desert of . 219 Q Resen .... 125 F Succoth (Egypt) . 214 Q 128 M Zion V Reuben, allotment of 320 N Susa . , . Ziph 319 0 Rezeph .... 123 H Sychar .... 419 M Ziz, the cliff of, see Rhenium 605 D Sychem, see Nahloiis . 419 M ^id-jicly 319 O Rho«»*-"% ^^- ^ ~: 1^ < s •3 - j; < s ^ ^ I 1 ^ o A-^ 3 I I < 2 z -, ■" c a, Q ^ Q. ^ : ^1^ n° Z) S^ 1' I, ., \ t . X )i!s ^ate Due