PRIVATE THOUGHTS, IN T^'O PARTS COMPLETE. J--r7^DOfir-^w UPON v RELIGIO DIGESTED INTO TWELVE ARTICLES; WITH JPJBACTNKBAIL Effi8©lLIira©HS. FORMED THEREUPON. PART II. UPON A CHRISTIAN LIFE; OR, NECESSARY DIRECTIONS FOR ITS BEGINNING AND PROGRESS UPON EARTH, IN ORDER TO ITS FINAL PERFECTION IN THE BBATIfflO VISKDH. BY THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IK GOD, WILLIAM *BEVERIDGE, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. A NEW EDITION, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE AUTHOR. DERBY: PRINTED BY AND FOR HENRY MOZLEY, BROOK-STREET. 1817- THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE AUTHOR f I^HIS excellent Prelate, who, by his learning and piety JL was one of the brightest ornaments to the church of England in his time, was born at Barrow, in Leicestershire in the year 1638- — he was educated at St. John's college, Cambridge, where he applied with great assiduity to the study of the oriental languages, and made such proficiency in this part of learning, that at eighteen years of age he wrote a treatise of the Excellency and Use of the Oriental Tongues, especially the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and Samaritan, with a Syriac Grammar. The 3d of Ja- nuary, 1 660-1, he was ordained Deacon by Robert, Bi- shop of Lincoln, and Priest the 31st of that month, and about the same time was presented to the viqarage of Ealing in Middlesex, which he resigned about a year af- ter, upon his being chosen Rector of St. Peter's, Cornhill, by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London. He ap- plied himself to the discharge of his ministry, with the ut- most zeal and assiduity. He was highly instructive in his discourses from the pulpit ; and his labours were crowned with such success that he was styled the great reviver and restorer of primitive piety. Bishop Hinchman, his dio- cesan, having conceived a great esteem for him, collated him to the prebend of Chiswick, in the cathedral of St. Paul's on the 22d of December, 1674 ; and this bishop's successor, Dr. Compton, conferred upon him the archdea- conry of Colchester, on the 3d of November, 1 68 1 . No- vember the 5th, 1684, he was installed prebendary of Canterbury, and about the same time was appointed chap- A 2 * LIFE OP THE AUTHOR. lain to king William and queen Mary. In 1691 he was offered, but refused to accept of, the see of Bath and Wells ? vacant by the deprivation of Dr. Kenn, for not taking the oaths to king William and queen Mary. But some time after he accepted of that of St. Asaph, and was consecrat- ed July 1 6, 1 704. Upon his advancement to the episco- pal chair, he wrote a most pathetic letter to the clergy of his diocese, recommending to them " The duty of cate- " chizing and instructing the people committed to their 8 Resol. III. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to do my endeavour to give to God whatsoever children he shall be pleased to give to me, that as they are mine by nature they may be his by grace 146 Resol. IV. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to do my duty to my servants, as well as expect they do theirstome 148 Resol. V. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to feed the flock that God shall set me over with whole- some food, neither starving them by idleness, poison- ing them with error, nor puffing them up with imper- tinencies 1-50 Resol. VI. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to be as faithful and constant to my friend, as I would have my friend to be faithful and constant to me 152 Concerning my Talents. Resol. I. I am resolved, if possible, to redeem my time past, by using a double diligence for the future, to employ and improve all the endowments both of body and mind, to the glory and service of my great Creator 155 CONTENTS. 19 Resol. II. I am resolved, by the divine grace, to employ my riches, uTe outward blessings of provi- dence, to the ?ame end ; and to observe a due medium in the dispensing of them, as to avoid prodigality on the one hand and covetousness on the other 156 Re sol. III. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve the authority God gives me over others, to the suppression of vice, and the encouragement of virtue ; and so for the exaltation of God's name on earth, an d their souls in heaven 155 Resol. IV. I am resolved, by the divine grace, to improve the affections God stirs up in others towards me, to the stirring up their affections towards God... 160 Resol. V. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve every good thought to the producing of good affections in myself, and as good actions with respect to God Ita Resol, VI. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve every affliction God lays upon me, as an earn- est or token of his affection towards me * 1 63 PART SECOND. On the Education of a Ckristia?i. THE advantage of being well grounded in the Chris- tian religion • » » ♦ * * * 7 1 The want of this is the occasion of so little true religion among us 172 The direction of the church in this behalf, and of God himself 172 The obligation on parents to observe it 173 The church catechism most easy, and yet most full and comprehensive • 174 The necessity of being made Christians by baptism ... 175 And that for children as well as for adult persons 176' The promise made at baptism implies the necessity of Christian instruction 177 The several parts of that promise lead to the know- ledge of all the rest of the catechism, viz. of the creed, ten commandments, Lord's prayer, and doc- trine of 'the sacraments • ••• 177 Directions for instructing children in this catechism 178 They must begin with them betimes .. 178 Employ others to teach them, if they cannot do it themselves 170 20 CONTENTS. When taught the catechism, send them for further in- struction to the minister 180 The great obligation upon parents to instruct their children ; ... 181 Abraham's care in this respect rewarded, and Eli's neg- lect punished 182 The advantage of it to themselves, and to their children 183 An exhortation to it 184 On the knowledge of God. Though all men agree about religion in general, yet they differ about nothing more than the particular exercise of it 185 Our form of worship incomparably the best 186 To serve God aright, it is necessary to know that God whom we are to serve '.. 187 To know what he is 187 And what he is, both in himself ; 187 Andtous .\ 18S To know all his attributes; 188 All his works 188 To know that in the one Godhead there are three persons 189 Our knowledge of God must also be practical and ex- perimental 190 That all this knowledge is necessary towards serving God aright 190 The error of the church of Rome in this particular ... 191 Arguments to induce us to seek after this knowledge 192 How we ought to serve God 192 What it is to serve him 193 Mistakes about this 194> We must serve him with all we are ; 1 95 And with all we have 195 Pay him sincere and universal obedience 1 96 We must serve him with a perfect heart and willing mind f .. 197 For what reason we ought thus to serve God 198 An exhortation to it 200 On the Mystery of the Trinity. It is impossible to be truly religious without knowing God 202 Which we cannottruly do but by the light of revelation: 203 Which alone discovers to us the mystery of the Trinity 203 Into which our Saviour commands all nations to be baptized 203 CONTENTS. 21 Where we must consider the work he sends his apos- * ties about 204 What is meant by teaching 204? The mistake which occasioned the sect of Anabaptists 205 Our Saviour speaks not of teaching before baptism, but after it 205 So that infant baptism is commanded in those very- worlds which are pretended to forbid it 205 The large extent of the commission here given 206 Not understood by the apostles themselves till inter- _ preted from heaven 207 The manner of admitting all nations intoChrist's church 207 The church always baptized in the name of the three persons 207 The Trinity of persons proved from the scriptures of the Old Testament 209 And especially of the New 210 The Godhead of each person ; 211 Particularly of the Son 211 (Who otherways could not be our Saviour) m 211 And of the Holy Ghost 212^ The order of the persons 214 Why the Father is the first 215 Why the Son the second 215 Why the Holy Ghost the third 216 His procession from the Son 217 Inferences from the whole 217 The conclusion 219 On Worldly Riches, Section I. Why Christians, notwithstanding the excellency of their religion, lead as bad lives as other men 221 This cannot be owing to any defect in the gospel ; ... 221 But proceeds from being too much concerned for the things of this world 228 The love of money is the root of all evil 223 Where, by money the apostle means the things of this world 223 In what the love of these consists 224- How the love of money is the root of all evil 22£ Of all the evils of which we are guilty, viz. of sins of omission, 226 And commission ; 228 Of all the evil which we suffer in this life, 230 And fear in the next 230 Directions for taking off our affections from the things of this world 232 CONTENTS. On Worldly Riches, Section II. Timothy first bishop of the province of Ephesus 234 He and all ministers enjoined to preach with authority 235 To charge not only the poor but the rich 238 Whom the apostle means by them that are rich 238 Why they are charged not to be high-minded '239 Why not to trust in uncertain riches 240 What good they are enjoined to do 241 Works of piety towards God 241 Works of charity towards the poor 243 And to be rich in good works ; 243 Which are our principal riches 244 Ready to distribute 245 Willing to communicate 245 The reward promised to this duty '. 246 On Self-Denial The introduction 248 Mistaken notions about Christianity 2 49 How to know what it is to be a true Christian 250 It is not so easy to be as some imagine 251 They that will be such, must deny themselves 251 Deny their reason in matters of divine revelation which are above it 252 Their wills in submission to God's 253 And their affections 254 And the enjoyment of their estates, when they come in competition with their duty 255 They must deny themselves in those sins, and lusts they are used to indulge 255 And must renounce their own righteousness ; 256 Which will not justify, but rather condemn 257 Why we must thus deny ourselves 258 We must also take up the cross ; 260 Which they only do, who- suffer for conscience 261 The reasonableness of this duty 262 An exhortation to it - 263 On Striving to enter in at the Strait Gate. All must expect ere long to be in another world 264 Either of endless happiness, 264 Or of endless misery %65 Our Saviour's direction in this case - 266 That to happiness narrow and difficult 266 It implies the forsaking of all sin 267 The performance of many hard duties 267 CONTENTS. 23 Yet it is worth striving to obtain it 269 For, though hard, yet it is possible, 273 We are invited to it by God himself ; 274 Who affords us all necessary means to obtain it 274? The difficulties will soon be over 275 Heaven will make amends for all 276 In order hereto we must first resolve, 276 And then set upon a new life, 278 Depending entirely upon the merits of Christ ; 278 Praying for the assistance of his grace ; 278 And w aiting his answer to our prayers 279 On the Imitation of Christ. Christ came into the world to save sinners 279 Paying, by his death, the debts we owe to God ; 280 Giving us a pattern of holiness in his life, 281 More perfect than any before or since, 281 Which we are bound to follow 2S2 But we must not presume to follow Christ in what he didasGod, 282 Nor in what he did as God-man 283 But only in what he did as mere man 284 Both in his behaviour towards men ; 284 In his duty to his parents, 284 And to his governors 285 In his meekness towards all men 286 In his bounty and goodness to all, even to his enemies 286 And in his piety towards God, ^ 287 Increasing in wisdom as in stature 288 Though, as man, his knowledge w r as finite, yet that implies no imperfection or sin 288 Such ignorance is no sin 289 But only the ignorance of what we ought to know ... 289 At least we should thus increase in godly wisdom when grown up 289 Teach our children after Christ's example 289 WTio as he grew in godly wisdom when a child, also used that wisdom when grown, and devoted him- self wholly to the service of God 289 His resignation to God's will, love of him, zeal for him, trust in him, were also most exemplary 291 So were also his external acts of devotion, frequently retiring to pray 291 The meaning of proseuche .... 291 Frequenting the synagogue on the sabbath 292 An exhortation to follow Christ 292 24 CONTENTS. On our Call and Election. Many are called but few chosen, a hard saying. , 295 The Jews rejecting Christ's invitation, the Gentiles are called _ 097 What is meant by being called 297 We are called from darkness to light 298 From superstition and idolatry to the true worship ... 298 From sin unto holiness 298 From temporal things to eternal 299 From misery to happiness 300 God hath called some by immediate revelations 300 He calls all by his works and providences 301 But our Saviour means his call by the ministry of his word .. 301 That many have been, and are thus called, 302 But few chosen 304 Not absolutely, but com paratively few 304 Only such as do God's will 306 No atheistical persons 307 None that are ignorant of the principles of religion... SOS On the Appearance of Christ the Sun of Righteousness. Why the scripture represents spiritual things by sen- sual objects ; 321 As, Christ's coming ; by the rising of the Sun of Righ- teousness 322 To burn up the wicked 322 But with healing in his wings, to such as Tear God, that is, to all true believers 323 This Sun is the object only of our faith 324 He gave some light before his rising 324 Christ is often foretold under this emblem 325 Is properly styled the Sun with respect both to what he is in himself 325 And to what he is to us, the fountain of our light and of our life. 325 (Who by nature are dead in sins) : 327 And of all our joy and comfort 329 Of our fruitfulness in good works ; 330 Which receive all their lustre from the reflection of his righteousness, as colours owe their being to the re- flection of the sun 331 The Sun of righteousness thus displayed, 332 By a lively faith SSS Would have a great influence on the holiness and hap- ness of our lives 334 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION Vi^IIEX, in my serious thoughts, and more retired me- ^ dilations, I am got into the closet of my heart, and there begin to look within myself, and consider what I am, I presently find myself to be a reasonable creature : for was I not .so, it would be impossible for me thus to reason and reflect. But, am I a reasonable creature ? Why then, I am sure, within this veil of flesh there dwells a soul, and that of a higher nature, than either plants or brutes are endued with ; for they have souls indeed, but yet they know it not, and that because their souls, or ma- terial forms, as the philosophers term them, are not any thing really and essentially distinct from the very matter of their bodies • which being not capable of a reflective act, though they. arc, they know it not, and though they act, they know it not ; it being impossible for them to look within themselves, or to reflect upon their own existence or actions. But it is not so with me ; I not only know I have a soul, but that I have such a soul, which can con- sider of itself, and deliberate of every particular action that issues from it. Nay, 1 can consider, that I am now con- sidering of my own actions, and can reflect upon myself, reflecting; insomuch, that had I nothing else to do, I could spin out one reflection upon another, to infinity. And, indeed, was there never another argument in the world to convince me of the spiritual nature of my soul, this alone would be sufficient to wrest the belief and con- fession of it from me : for what below a spirit can thus reflect upon itself? or, what below a spirit can put forth itself into such actions, as I find I can exercise myself in ? My soul can, in a moment, mount from earth to heaven, fly from pole to pole, and view all the courses and motions of the celestial bodies, the sun, moon, and stars ; and then the next moment returning to myself again, I can censi- B %6 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. der where I have been, what glorious objects have been presented to my view ; and wonder at the nimbleness and activity of my soul, that can run over so many millions of miles, and finish so great a work in so small a space of time. And are such like acts as these, the effects of dros- sy earth, or impenetrable matter ? Can any thing below a spirit raise itself so much beyond the reach of material actions. But stay a little ; what is this soul of mine that I am now speaking of, that it is so nimble in its actions, and so spiritual in its nature ? Why, it is that which actuates and informs the several organs and members of my body, and enables me not only to perform the natural actions of life and sense; but likewise to understand, consult, argue, and conclude ; to will and nill, hope and despair, desire and abhor, joy and grieve, love and hate ; to be angry now, and again appeased. It is that by which at this very time, my head is inditing, my hand is writing, and my heart resolving, what to believe, and how to practise. In a word, my soul is myself; and therefore when I speak of my soul, I speak of no other person but myself. Not as if I totally excluded this earthly substance of my body from being a part of myself ; I know it is. But I think it most proper -and reasonable to denominate myself from my better part : for, alas ! take away my soul, and my body falls of course, into its primitive corruption, and moulders into the dust, from whence it was first taken. All flesh is grass, says the prophet, and all the goodliness there- of is as the flower ofthefleld. And this is no metaphorical expression, but a real truth ; for what is that which [ feed upon, but merely grass digested into corn, flesh, and the like ; which by a second digestion, is transfused and con- verted into the substance of my body ? And thence it is, that my body is but like the grass, or flower of the field, fading, transient, and momentary, to-day flourishing in all its glory, to-morrow cut doWn, dried up, and wither- ed. But now, how far is this beneath the spiritual and in- corruptible nature of my immortal soul? which subsists of itself, and can never be dissolved, being not compounded of an earthly or elementary matter, as the body is, but is a pure spiritual substance infused into me by God, to whom, after a short abode in the body, it is to return, and to live and continue for ever, either in a state of hap- piness, or misery, in another life. But must it so indeed ? How much then does it concern THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 2? me, seriously to bethink myself, where I had best to lead this everlasting life, in the heavenly mansions of eternal glory, or else in the dreadful dungeon of infernal misery ? but betwixt these, (as there is no medium, so) there is no comparison ; and therefore, I shall not put it to the ques- tion, which place to choose to live in ; but without giving the other that honour to stand in competition with it, I, this morning, with the leave of the most high God, do choose the land of Canaan, the kingdom of heaver, to be the lot of mine inheritance, the only seat of bliss and glory for my soul to rest and dwell in, to all eternity. But heaven, they say, is a place hard to come at, yea. the king of that glorious place hath told me, that strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that lends to eternal life, and that there be but few that find it, Matt. vii. 14. Yea, and that many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able, Luke iii. 24. What therefore must I do ? Why, 1 must either resolve to make it my whole business to get to hea- ven, or else I must never hope or expect to come thither. Without any farther dispute, therefore, about it ; I re- solve, at this time, in the presence of almighty God, that from this day forward, I will make it my whole business here upon earth, to look after my happiness in heaven, and to walk circumspectly in those blessed paths, that God hath appointed all to walk in, that ever expect to come to him. Now, though there be but one way, and that a narrow one too, that leads to heaven ; yet there are two things requisite, to all those that walk in it ; and they are faith and obedience, to believe and to live aright. So that it as much behoves me, to have my faith rightly confirmed in the fundamentals of religion, as to have my obedience exactly conformed to the laws of God. And these two duties are so inseparably united, that the former cannot well be suppos- ed without the latter ; for I cannot obey what God hath commanded me, unless I first believe what he hath taught me. And they are both equally difficult, as they are ne- cessary : indeed, of the two, I think it is harder to lay the sure foundation of faith, than to build the superstruc- ture of obedience upon it ; for it seems next to impossible, for one that believes every truth, not to obey every com- mand that is written in the word of God. But it is not so easy a thing as it is commonly thought to believe the word of God, and to be firmly established in the necessary points of religion ; especially in these wicked times where-- B 2 28 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. in we live ; in which there are so many pernicious errors and damnable heresies crept into the articles of some men's faith, as do not only shock the foundation of the church of Christ but strike at the root of all religion. The first thing, therefore, that by the grace of God, I am resolved to do, in reference to my everlasting estate, is to see my faith, that it be both rightly placed and firmly fixed ; that I may not be as a wave tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning craftiness qf those that lie in wait to deceive ; but that I may be thoroughly settled in my faith and judgment concerning those things, the knowledge of, and assent unto which, is absolutely necessary to my fu- ture happiness. Let, therefore, what times soever come upon me ; let what temptations soever be thrown before me; lam resolved, by the grace of God, steadfastly to believe as followeth. ARTICLE I. / believe there is One God, the Being qf all beings. HP HE other articles of my faith I think to be true, be- -*- cause they are so ; this is true because I think it so : for if there was no God, and so this article not true, I could not be, and so not think it true. But in that I think, I am sure I am ; and in that I am, I am sure there is a God ; for if there was no God, how came I to be ? How came I hither ? Who gave me my being ? Myself? That could not be ; for before I had a being, I was nothing ; and therefore, could do nothing, much less make myself a being. Did my parents give me my being ? Alas i they knew not that I should be, before I was ; and, therefore, certainly, could not give me my being, when I was not. As to my soul, (which I call myself) it is plain, they could not give me that, because it is a being of a spiritual nature, quite distinct from matter, (as my own experience tells me) and, therefore, could not be the product of any natural or material agent : for, that a bodily substance should give being to a spiritual one, implies a contradic- tion. And if it could neither make itself, nor take its rise from any earthly or secondary cause, I may certainly con- clude, from my own reason, as well as from divine revela- tion, that it must be infused by God, though I am not able to determine, either when, or how, it was done. As to my body ; indeed, I must own it was derived THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 29 from my parents, who were immediately concerned in bring- ing the materials of it together : but, then, who made up these coarse materials into the form or figure of a body ? Was this the effect of natural generation ? But how came my parents by this generative power ? Did they derive it, by succession, from our first parents in paradise ? Be it so. But whence came they ? Did they spring out of the earth ? No, what then ? Were they made by chance ? This could not be • for as chance seldom or never produces any one effect that is regular and uniform, so it cannot be suppos- ed, that a being of such admirable beauty, symmetry, and proportion, and such a nice contexture of parts, as the body of a man is, should ever be jumbled together by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, which nothing but the chi- meras of Epicures could ever reduce into a regular form and composition. And the like may be said of all other created beings in the world. For there is no natural cause can give being to any thing, unless it has that being it gives, in itself; for it is a received maxim in philosophy, that nothing can give what it has not. And so, however the bodies of men, or brutes, or plants, may now, in the ordinary course of na- ture, be produced by generation, yet there must needs be some one supreme almighty Being in the world, that has the being of all other beings in itself; who first created these several species ; and endued them with this genera- tive power to propagate their kind. And this supreme Being is that which we call God. Hence it is, that there is not a leaf, no not a line, in this great book of the creation, wherein we may not clear- ly read the existence and perfections of the great and glo- rious Creator, and that even by the glimmering light of nature. For who is it that bedecked yonder stately cano- py of heaven, with those glittering spangles the stars ? Who is it that commands the sun to run his course and the moon to ride her circuit so constantly about the world ? Who is it that formed me so curiously in my mother's womb ? Who is it, that gives my stomach power to digest such variety of meats into chyle, and my heart or liver to turn them all to blood : and thence to send each particle to its proper place, and all to keep up this crazy carcase ? Doubtless, these, and such like things, however ordinary or natural they may appear to us at present, are in them- selves very great and wonderful effects, that must, at first, be produced by some infinitely powerful and supernatural B 3 zo THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. agent, the high and mighty God, who is not only the chiefest of beings, but the Being of all beings whatsoever. I say, the Being- of all beings, because whatsoever ex- cellency or perfection is in any other thing, is eminently, yea, infinitely comprehended in him ; so that he is not only the creature's perfection in the concrete, but in the abstract too ; he is not only all-wise, all-good, all-mighty, &c. but he is all-wisdom, all-goodness, all-might, all-mer- cy, all-justice, all-glory, &c. And as he is the ocean and abyss of all these perfections in himself; so is he the foun- tain of them all to us. Insomuch that we have nothing, not so much as the least moment of life, but what is com- municated to us from this everliving God. And not only what we, poor sinful worms are, or have, but even what- soever those nobler creatures the angels have, it is but a •beam darted from this sun, it is but a stream flowing from, this overflowing fountain. Lift up thine eyes therefore, O my soul, and fix them a little upon this glorious object ! How glorious, how tran- scendently glorious, must he needs be, who is the Being of all beings, the perfection of all perfections, the very glory of all glories, the eternal God ! He is the glory of love and goodness, who is good, and doth good continu- ally unto me, though I be evil, and do evil continually against him. He is the glory of wisdom and knowledge, unto whom all the secret thoughts, the inward motions and retirements of my soul, are exactly known and mani- fest. Never did a thought lurk so secretly in my heart, but that his all-seeing eye could espy it out : even at this time, he knows what I am now thinking of, and what I am doing, as well as myself. And indeed, well may he know what I think, and speak, and do, when I can nei- ther think nor speak, nor do any thing, unless himself be pleased to give me strength to do it. He is the glory of might and power, who did but speak the word, and there presently went out that commanding power from him, by which this stately fabric of the world was formed and fa- shioned. And as he created all things by the word of his power, so I believe, he preserves and governs all things by the power of the same word : yea, so great is his pow- er and sovereignty, that he can as easily throw my soul from my body into hell, or nothing, as I can throw this book out of my hand to the ground : nay, he need not throw me into nothing ; but, as if I should let go my hold, the book would presently fall ; so should God but take THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 31 away his supporting hand from under me, I should, of myself, immediately fall down to nothing. This, there- fore, is that God, whom I believe to be the Being of all beings ; and so the Creator, preserver, governor, and dis- poser of all things in the world. ARTICLE II. J believe, that whatsoever the most high God would have mt to believe or do, in order to his glory, and my happi- ness, he hath revealed to me in his holy scriptures. UPON the same account that I believe there is a God, I believe, likewise, that this God is to be worshipped ; the same light that discovers the one, discovering the other too. And therefore it is, that as there is no nation or peo- ple in the world, but acknowledge some deity : so there is none, but worship that deity which they acknowledge ; yea, though it be but a stick or a stone, yet if they fancy any thing of divinity in it, they presently perform worship and homage to it. Nay, that God is to be worshipped, is a truth more generally acknowledged, than that there is a God. No nation, I confess, ever denied the latter, but no particular person ever denied the former : so that the very persons, who through diabolical delusions, and their own prevalent corruptions, have suspected the existence of a deity, could not but acknowledge that he was to be worshipped, if he did exist ; worship being that which is contained in the very notion of a deity ; which is, that he is the Being of all beings, upon whom all other things or beings do depend, and unto whom they are beholden both for their essence and subsistence. And if there be such a Being, that is the spring and fountain of all other L-ings, it is necessary that all others should reverence and worship him, without whom they could not subsist. And there- fore it is that men are generally more supers- titious in their worshipping than they ought to be, rather than deny that worship to him, which they ought to give. That, therefore, there is a God, and that this God is to be woBshipped, I do not doubt, but the great question, is, who is this God whom I ought to worship ? And, what is that worship which I ought to perforin unto him ? The former I have resolved upon in the foregoing article, as the light of reason and my natural conscience suggested to me; the latter I am resolved to search out in this, viz. Which B 4 32 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. of all the several kinds of worship, that men perform to the deity, and the several religions that men profess in the world, I had best make choice of to profess and adhere to. The general inclinations which are naturally implanted in my soul to some religion, it is impossible for me to shift off : but there being such a multiplicity of religions in the world, I desire now seriously to consider with myself, which of them all to restrain these my general inclinations to. And the reason of this my inquiry is not, that I am in the least dissatisfied with that religion I have already em- braced ; but because it is natural for all men to have an overbearing opinion and esteem for that particular religion they are born and bred up in. That, therefore, I may not seem biassed by the prejudice of education, I am re- solved to prove and examine them all, that I may see and hold fast to that which is best. For though I do not, in the least, question, but that I shall upon inquiry, find the christian religion to be the only true religion in the world, yet I cannot say it is, unless I find it, upon good grounds, to be so indeed : for, to profess myself a christian, and be- lieve that christians are only in the right, because my fore- fathers were so, is no more than the heathens and Maho- metans have to say for themselves. Indeed, there was never any religion so barbarous and diabolical, but it was preferred before all other religions whatsoever, by them that did profess it : otherwise they would not have professed it. The Indians, that worship the devil, would think it as strange doctrine to say that Christ is to be feared more than the devil ; as such as be- lieve in Christ, think it is, to say the devil is to be pre- ferred before Christ. So do the Mahometans call all that believe not in Mahomet, as well as christians call those that believe not in Christ, infidels. And why, say they, may not you be mistaken, as well as we? Especially, when there is at least, six to one against your christian re- ligion ; all of which think they serve God aright, arid ex- pect happiness thereby as well as you. So that to be a christian, only upon the grounds of birth or education, is all one, as if I was a Turk or a heathen ; for if I had been born amongst them, I should have had the same reason for their religion, as now I have for my own : the pre- mises are the same, though the conclusion be ever so dif- rerent. It is still upon the same grounds, that I profess feligion, though it be another religion which I profess THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 33 upon these grounds ; so that I can see but very little dif- ference, betwixt being a Turk by profession, and a chris- tian only by education ; which commonly is the means and occasion, but ought by no means to be the ground of any religion. And hence it is that in my looking out for the truest religion, being conscious to myself how great an as- cendant Christianity hath over me, beyond the rest, as be- ing that religion whereinto I was born and baptized, that which the supreme authority has enjoined and my parents educated me in, that which every one I meet withal high- ly approves of, that which I myself have, by a long con- tinued profession, made almost natural to me; I am re- solved to be more jealous and suspicious of this religion, than of the rest, and be sure not to entertain it any longer without being convinced, by solid and substantial argu- ments, of the truth and certainty of it. That, therefore, I may make diligent and impartial in- quiry into all religions, and so be sure to find out the best, I shall for a time, look upon myself as one not at all inte- rested in any particular religion whatsoever, much less in the christian religion ; but only as one who desires, in ge- neral, to serve and obey him that made me, in a right manner, and thereby to be made partaker of that happi- ness my nature is capable of. In order to this, it will be necessary to propose to myself some certain marks or cha- racters, whereby I may be able to judge and make choice of the religion I intend to embrace : and they are, in ge- neral, these two, viz. First, That is the best religion, wherein God is wor- shipped and served most like himself, i. e. most suitably and conformably to his nature and will. And, Secondly, Since all men naturally desire, and aspire af- ter happiness, and our greatest happiness consists in the fruition of God, that is certainly the best religion, which gives me the best and most comfortable assurances of be-* ing happy with God to all eternity. To embrace a religion without these marks,, would be worse than to have no religion at all ; for better it is to perform no worship to God, tlmn such as is displeasing to him ; to do him no service, than such as will be ineffec- tual to make me happy, and not only frustrate my expec- tations of bliss, but make me for ever miserable. The religion, then, that I am to look after, must be such a one, wherein I may be sure to please God, and to be made happy with him ; and, by consequence, such a B 5 34 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. one, wherein all the cause of his displeasure and my mise- ry may be removed ; and that is sin. For sin being infi- nitely opposite to him, as he is a Being of infinite purity and holiness, must certainly set me at the greatest distance from him, and render me most odious in his sight ; and whosoever does so, must make me as miserable, as mise- ry can make me. For as our holiness consisteth in like- ness, so doth our happiness in nearness to God : and if it be our happiness to be near unto him, it must certainly be our misery to be at a distance from him. In enjoying him we enjoy all things, he being and having all things in himself ; and so in not enjoying him, we are not only de- prived of all that we can enjoy, but made liable to the pu- nishments that are the consequence of it. That there is no such thing in nature, as virtue and vice, as good and evil, as grace and sin, is what I can by no means persuade myself to, for my conscience tells me, that there is : and not only mine, but every one that ever yet lived upon the face of the earth ; all people of whatsoever nation or language, still acknowledging sin, to be sin, and that the displeasing the deity, which they worship, is in- deed an evil that ought to be carefully avoided. And therefore, the very heathens did not only upbraid others with it, but likewise often checked themselves for it ; and all men naturally desire to seem though not to be holy. But let others say what they will, I, for my own part, cannot but see sin in myself, by the very light of nature. For, my reason tells me, that if God be God, he must be just and perfect ; and if I be not so too, I am not like him; and, therefore, must needs displease him ; it being impos- sible any thing should please him but what is like unto him. And this deformity to the will and nature of God is that which we call sin, or which the word sin in its proper notion, brings into my mind. And being thus conscious to myself, that I have sinned against my Maker, I may reasonably conclude, that as he is omniscient, and, by consequence, a witness of these my offences, so must he iikewise be just in the punishment of them ; for it cannot stand with his justice, to put up with such offences, without laying suitable punishments upon the offender. And these punishments must be infinite and eternal ; for wherein doth the nature of divine justice consist, but in giving to sin its just punishments as well as to virtue its due rewards ? Now that the punishment of sin in this world, is not so much as it deserves, nor, by conse- quence, as much as, injustice, ought to be laid upon it, to THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 35 me it is clear, in that every sin being committed against an infinite God, deserves infinite punishment ; whereas all the punishments we suffer in this world cannot be any more than finite, the world itself being no more than finite, that we suffer them in. Upon these grounds, therefore it is, that I am fully sa- tisfied in my conscience, that I am a sinner; that it cannot stand with the justice, nor the existence of God that made me, to pardon my sins, without satisfaction made to his divine justice for them ; and yet, that unless they be pardoned, it is impossible for me to be happy here, or hereafter. And therefore must I look after some reli- gion, wherein I may be sure, my sins may be thus par- doned, and my soul made happy, wherein I may please God and God may bless me. Which, that I may be the better able to discover, I shall take a brief survey of all the religions 1 ever heard of, or believe to be in the world. Now, though there be as many kinds of religions as na- tions ; yea, almost as particular persons in the world ; yet may they all be reduced to these four ; the Paganish, Ma- hometan, Jewish, and Christian religion. As to the first, it is indeed of a very large extent, and comprehends under it all such as neither acknowledge Mahomet to be a prophet, nor expect a promised Messiah, nor believe in a crucified Jesus : and, since it is the majo- rity of numbers, that usually carries the vogue, let me see whether the paganish religion, being farther extended, and more generally professed than any, or indeed all the rest, be not the true religion, wherein God is most rightly wor- shipped, and I may be the most certainly saved. And here, when I take a view of this religion, as it is dispersed through several parts of Asia, Africa, and America, I find them very devout in worshipping their deities, such as they are, and they have great numbers of them : some worship the sun, others the moon and stars, others the earth, and other elements, serpents, trees, and the like. And others again pay homage and adoration to images and statues, in the fashion of men and women, hogs, horses, and other shapes ; and some to the devil himself, as in Pegu, &e. But now, to go no farther, this seems to me, at first sight to be a very strange and absurd sort of religion ; or rather, it is quite the reverse of it. For the true notion we have of religion, is the worshipping the true God, in a true manner ; and this is the worshipping false gods in a false manner. For, I cannot entertain any other notion of B 6 86 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. God, than as one supreme almighty Being, who made and governs all things, and who, as he is a spirit ought to be worshipped in a spiritual manner. And therefore, as the very supposing more deities than one implies a contra- diction ; so the paying divine homage, in a gross, carnal manner, to material and corporeal beings, which are ei- ther the work of men's hands, or at best, but creatures like ourselves, which can neither hear nor understand what we say to them, much less give us what we desire of them, is not religion, but idolatry and superstition, or rather mad- ness and delusion. So that this religion, I see, if I should embrace it, would be so far from making me happy, that the more zealous I should be for it, the more miserable I should be by it. For he that made these things cannot but be very angry at me, if I should give that worship to them, which is only due to himself; and so, the way whereby I expect my sins should be pardoned, they would be more increased ; it being a sin against the very light of nature, to prefer any thing before God, or to worship any thing in his stead ; therefore, leaving these to their super- stitious idolatries, and diabolical delusions, I must go and seek for the true religion somewhere else. The next religion, that hath the most suffrages and votes on its side, is the Mahometan religion, so called from one Mahomet an Arabian, who, about a thousand years ago, by the assistance of one Sergius, a Nestorian monk, com- piled a book in the Arabian tongue, which he called Alco- ran, which he made the rule of his followers' faith and manners, pretending that it was sent from heaven to him, by the hand of the angel Gabriel. * This book I have perused, and must confess, find many things in it agreeable to right reason : as that there is but one God, gracious and merciful, the Lord of the whole universe ; that this God we are to resign ourselves wholly to ; that all that obey him shall be certainly rewarded, and all that disobey him, as certainly punished ; and the like. But yet, I . dare not venture my soul upon it, nor become one of the professors of it; because, as there are many things consonant, so there are many things dissonant to the natural light that is implanted in me ; as, that God should swear by figs and olives, by mount Sinai, as this book makes him to do, in the chapter of the figs : that So- lomon should have an army composed of men, and devils, and birds ; and that he should discourse with a bird, which acquainted him with the affairs of the queen of Sheba, and the like. THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 37 As to the argument whereby he would persuade us, that this book was" sent from God, viz. that there are no con- tradictions in it, I take to be very false and frivolous. For besides that there are many books compiled by men, which have no contradictions in them, it is certain, there are a great many plain contradictions in this book, which over- throw his suppositions. Thus, in the chapter of the table, he saith, that " all that believe in God, and the resurrec- tion of the dead, and have done good works, shall be sav- ed :" but, Hi the chapter of gratification, he saith, " all that do not believe in the Alcoran shall be destroyed :" and so in the chapter of Hod. In like manner, he tells us again, in the chapter of the table, that the books of the Old and New Testaments were sent from God, and at the same time, supposes that the Alcoran was sent from him too ; which to me, seems impossible. For, my reason tells me that God, who is truth and wisdom itself, can- not be guilty of falsehood and contradiction. And if these books contradict one another, as it is evident they do in many instances ■ it is plain, God could not be the author of both ; and by consequence, if the Scripture be true the Alcoran must of necessity be false. To instance but in one particular, the Alcoran says, m the chapter of wo- men, " God hath no son :" the scripture, in Matt. iii. 17- God said of Jesus, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ; and Heb. iv. 14, it expressly calls that Jesus, the Son of God; and so in many other things. Now it is impossible, that both these should be true, or, by conse- quence, that that should be true which says both are so. But if this were granted, there is still another objection against this religion ; and that is, that the rewards therein promised will not avail to make me happy, though I should be partaker of them. For all the promises made to us in this paradise, are but mere sensible pleasures ; as that we shall have all manner of herbs, and fruits, and drinks, and women with exceeding great and black eyes, as in the chapter of the merciful and judgment, and elsewhere; and such pleasures as these, though they may, indeed, af- fect my body, yet they cannot be the happiness of my soul. Indeed, I know not how this book should promise any higher happiness than that of the body, because it shews no means of attaining -to it ; it shows no way, how my sins may be pardoned, and so my soul made happy. It saith, I confess, that God is gracious and merciful, and therefore will pardon sin ; so he is also just and righteous, 38 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. and therefore must punish it. And how these two can stand together, is not manifested in the Alcoran; and therefore, I dare not trust my soul with it. Thus, upon diligent search, have I found the two reli- gions, that are most generally professed, to have little or nothing of religion in them. I shall therefore in the next place, take a view of that religion which hath the fewest followers, and that is the Jewish. A religion, not esta- blished by any human laws, nor, indeed, generally pro- fessed in any nation, but only by a company of despicable people, scattered up and down the world, which as the pro- phet expresses it, are become a proverb of reproach, and a by-word among all nations whither they are driven. The principles of this religion are contained in a book written in the Hebrew tongue, which they call the Torah, or law composed of several precepts, promises, and threatenings ; together with histories of things past, and prophecies of things to come : this book, they say, was written by men inspired by God himself; and therefore they avouch it not to be of human invention, but merely of divine insti- tution. This book also I have diligently read and examined into, and must ingenuously confess, that at the very first glance, methought I read divinity in it, and could not but con- clude, from the majesty of its style, the purity of its pre- cepts, the harmony of its parts, the certainty of its pro- mises, and the excellency of its rewards, that it could be derived from no other author but God himself. It is here only that I find my Maker worshipped under the proper no- tion of a deity as he is Jehovah, and that is the right man- ner, for we are here commanded to love and serve him with all our hearts, with all our souls, our might and mind, Deut. iv. 5. chap. x. 12. which is indeed, the perfection of all true worship whatsoever. And as God is here worship- ped aright, so is the, happiness which is here entailed upon this true worship, the highest that it is possible a creature should be made capable of, being nothing less than the enjoyment of him we worship, so as to have him to be a God to us, and ourselves to be a people to him, Jer. xxxi. 33. But that which I look upon, still, as the surest charac- ter of the true religion, is, its holding forth the way, how I being a sinner, can be invested with this happiness, or Low God can shew his justice, in punishing sin itself, and yet be so merciful, as to pardon and remit it to me, and so receive me to his favour ; which the religions I viewed THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 3 ( J before did not so much as pretend to, nor offer at all at. And this is what this book of the law does likewise disco- ver to me, by shewing that God almighty would not visit our sins upon ourselves but upon another person ; that he would appoint and ordain one to be our sponsor or Media- tor ; who by his infinite merit, should bear and atone for our iniquities, and to shew his love and mercy, in justify- ing and acquitting us from our sins, at the same time that he manifests his justice, in inflicting the punishment of them upon this person in our stead. A method so deep and mysterious ; that if God himself had not revealed it, I am confident no mortal man could ever have discovered or thought of it ! Neither are there any doubts and scruples concerning this great mystery, but what this book does clearly an- swer and resolve ; as will appear more plainly from a dis- tinct consideration of the several objections that are urged against it. As, 1 . That it does not seem agreeable either to reason or scripture that one man should bear the sins of another ; be- cause evert/ man has enough to do to bear his own burden ; and since sin is committed against an infinite God, and there- fore deserves infinite punishment, Iiorv can any finite creature bear this infinite punishment ? especially, it being due to so many thousands of people as there are in the world! But this book sufficiently unties this knot for me, by shewing me, that it is not a mere man, but God himself, that would bear these my sins ; even he, whose name is, Jehovah Tsidkenu, The Lord our righteousness, Jer. xxxiii. 6*. where the essential name of the most high God, which cannot possibly be given to any, but to him, who is the Being of all beings, is here given to him, who should thus bear my sins, and justify my person ; whence David also calleth him Lord, Psalm ex. 1. Isaiah calleth him, The mighty God, Isa. ix. (). Yea, and the Lord of hosts him- self, with his own mouth, calls him his fellow, Zech. xiii. 7. Objec. 2. But my reason tells me, God is a pure act, and, therefore, how can he suffer any punishments ? or, suppose he could, how can one nature satisfy for the offences of ano- ther ? It was man that stood guilty ; and how can it stand with the justice of God, not to punish man j or the sins he is guilty qf? To resolve this doubt, this holy book assures me, that God should become man, expressly telling me, that as his name is, Wonderful, Counsello?', the Mighty God, the 40 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, so should he be born a child, and given as a son, Isa. ix. 6. And there- fore, at the same time that the Lord of hosts calls him his fellow, he calls him a man too, Against the man that is my fellow, says the Lord of hosts, Zech. xiii. 7. Objec. 3. But if he be born as other men are, he must needs be a sinner, as other men be ; for such as are born by natural generation, must necessarily be born also in natural corruption. To remove this obstacle, this holy book tells me, that A virgin shall conceive and bear this Son, and his name shall be Emmanuel, Isa. vii. 14. And so being begotten, but not by a sinful man, himself shall be a man, but not a sin- ful man : and so being God and man, he is every way fit to meditate betwixt God and man ; to reconcile God to me, and me to God, that my sins may be pardoned, God's wrath appeased , and so my soul made happy in the en- joyment of him. But there is one thing more yet, that keeps me from set- tling upon this religion ; and that is, the expiration of the time in which this book promiseth this person should come into this world ; for it is expressly said, Dan. ix. 24. that Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon the city, to finish the transgressions, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in ever- lasting righteousness, and to seal tip the vision, and the pro- phecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. From which anoint- ing he is, in the next verse, called Messiah, the Anointed, (under which name he is, from hence, expected by the Jews) and the beginning of these seventy weeks is express- ly said, ver. 25. to be at the going forth of the command' ment to build and restore Jerusalem. Now if we understand these seventy weeks in the largest sense for seventy weeks, or sabbaths of years, as it is expressed Lev. xxv. 8. the time of the Messmh's coming must have been but 490 years after the commandment for the building of the city ; where- as -whether we understand it of the decree and command that Cyrus made, 2 Chron. xxxvi. 22, 23. Ezra i. 1,2, 3. or that which Darius made, Ezra vi. or that Artaxerxes made, chap. vii. I say, whichsoever of these decrees we understand this prophecy of, it is evident that it is above 2000 years since they were all made ; and therefore,' the time of this person's coming hath been expired above l600 years at least. So likewise doth this book of the law, (as they call it) THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 41 assure us, that the sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come, Gen. xlix. 10. where the Jews themselves, Jonathan and Onke- los, expound the word Shiloh by Messiah ; and so doth the Jerusalem targum too. Now it is plain that there hath been neither sceptre nor lawgiver in Judah, nor any poli- tical government at all among the Jews, for above 1600 years ; which plainly shews either their prophecies and expectations of a Messiah are false, or that he came into the world so many ages since, as were here prefixed. So likewise it was expressly foretold in this book, that the glory of the second temple should be greater than the glo- ry of the formers, Hag. ii. 9. Now the Jews themselves acknowledge, that there were, five of the principal things which were in the first, wanting in the second temple, viz. 1. The ark with the mercy-seat and cherubim. 2. The Shechinah, or divine presence. 3. The holy prophetical Spirit. 4. The Urim and Thummim. 5. The heavenly fire : and from the want of these five things they say, the words / will be glorified, Hag. i. 8. wants an he at the end, which in numeration denotes five. Yea, and when the very foundation of the second temple was laid, the old men that had seen the first, wept to see how far short it was likely to come of the former, Ezra iii. 12. To make up therefore the glory of the second temple, to be greater than the glory of the first, notwithstanding the want of so many glorious things they must of necessity, understand it of the coming of the Messiah into it, who, ver. 8. is called, The desire of all nations. Whereas the Jews them- selves cannot but confess that this temple hath been de- molished above 1600 years; and therefore, it is impossible for the Messiah to come into it, and for its glory to be great- er than the glory of the first temple ; and, by consequence, for the word which they profess to believe in to be true. Indeed, the time of the Messiah's coming was so ex- pressly set down in these and the like places, that Elias, one of their great rabbies, gathered from hence that the world should last 6000 years, 2000 without the law, 2000 under the law, and 2000 under the Messiah, Sanh. c. 11. which computation of the Messiah's coming after 4000 years, from the beginning of the world, comes near the time of the sceptre's departing from Judah, and the end of Daniel's seventy weeks. Which shews,- that this rabbi was fully convinced, that it was about that time that the Messiah should come. And therefore, it was, likewise, 4-2 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. that about iGOO years ago, the Jews did so generally ex- pect his coming ; and that so many did pretend to be the person, as Baz-Cozbah, who about that time, vaunting himself to be the man, almost the whole nation unani- mously concurred in following him, insomuch, that, as the Jews report, there were no less than 400,000, or as others, 500,000 men slain by Adrian the emperor, in the city Bitter, all fighting in defence of this pretended Mes- siah. There were likewise many others that fancied them- selves to be the man, and were esteemed by some, till ma- nifestedly convinced of their error, as we may read in some of then* books. And unto this day many of them hold that he is already come, but that, by reason of their sins, he is not yet revealed unto them. Hence it is, that my natural reason draws me into this dilemma, that either that book which the Jews receive as the word of God is indeed not so ; or else that they do not rightly apply it : and so, that either their religion is a false religion, or else their profession of it a false profession : and therefore, I must go hence and seek me some other religion to fix my soul upon. Not as if my reason told me, that all the prophecies which I have mentioned here, were false in themselves, but only that they appear so to this sort of professors ; for, for my own part, I cannot shake off my faith in this law, which they profess to be- lieve in ; especially now I have so seriously perused it, and so deliberately weighed and considered of it. Neither can I believe that ever any Mahometan or Indian, that did, without prejudice, set himself to read it through, and to examine every particular, by the light of unbiassed reason, could say, it was ever hatched in a human brain ; but that it is indeed of a heavenly stamp and divine authority. And, therefore, though I am forced by the strength of reason to shake hands with this religion, yet the same rea- son will not suffer me to lay aside that law, which they do profess, but only their profession of it. So that whatso- ever religion I settle upon, my natural conscience still commands me to stick close to this book of the Jewish law, and to receive and entertain it as the word of the glorious Jehovah, the Being of all beings. Well, there is but one religion more generally professed in the world, that I am to search into ; which, if upon good grounds, I cannot fix upon, I shall be the most mi- serable of all creatures ; and that is, the christian religion, so named from Jesus Christ, whose doctrine, life^ and THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 48 death, is recorded by four several persons, in a book which they call the Gospel. And this book appears to me to be of undoubted authority, as to the truth and certainty of those things that are therein recorded. For, if they had been false, both the persons that wrote them, and he of whom they wrote had so many malicious enemies ready, upon all occasions, to accuse them, that they had long ago been condemned for lies and forgeries. But now, these writings have been extant for above l600 years, and ne- ver so much as suspected, but even by the worst of ene- mies, acknowledged to be a true relation of what passed in the world about that time ; my reason will not permit me to be their first accuser, but enjoins me to receive them, under that notion, in which they have been brought down to me through so many generations, without any inter- ruption whatsoever. For this general reception on all hands, is a sufficient ground for me to build my faith upon, as to the truth of the relation, though not a suffici- ent ground to believe every thing contained in the book, to be the word of God himself; for, in this particular, it is not the testimony of others that I am to build upon, but its own ; I may read its verity in man's testimony, but its divinity onjy in its own doctrines. This book, therefore, I have also diligently perused, and find it expressly asserts, that Jesus Christ, whose life and death it records, was indeed that person, who was long promised by God, and expected by the Jew T s : and, that all the prophecies under the old law, concerning that Messiah, God-man, were actually fulfilled in this person : which if, upon diligent search, I can find to be true, I shall presently subscribe both with hand and heart, to this religion. It is a comfort to me that it acknowledgeth the Jewish law to be sent from God ; for, truly, if it did not, my conscience would scarcely permit me to give any cre- dit to it ; being so fully convinced that that book is indeed of a higher extract than human invention, and of greater authority than human institution. And therefore it is that I cannot, I dare not believe, but that every particular pro- phecy contained in it, either is, or shall be, certainly ful- filled, according to every circumstance of time and place mentioned therein ; and by consequence, that this pro- phecy, in particular, concerning the Messiah's coming, is already past ; the time wherein it was foretold he should come, being so long ago expired. So that I do not now doubt whether the Messiah be come or no, but whether 41 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. this Jesus Christ, whom this book of the gospel speaks of, was indeed the person. And this I shall best find out by comparing the Christian's gospel with the Jewish laAv ; or the histories of Christ under the one, with the prophecies of the Messiah, under the other ; still concluding, that if whatsoever was foretold concerning the Messiah, was ful- filled in this Jesus Christ, then he was indeed the Messiah that was to come into the world. And to make this com- parison the more exact, I shall run through the several circumstances that attended his birth, life, death, resur- rection, and ascension, and shew how punctually the pro- phecies were fulfilled in every particular. And first, for the birth of the Messiah, the law saith, he was to be born of the seed of Abraham, Gen. xxii. 18. and David, 2 Sam. vii. 17. and of the stem of Jesse, Isa. xi. 1. from whence he is frequently called by the Jews, Bar- David, the son of David. The gospel saith, Jesus Christ mas the son of David, the son of Abraham, Matt. i. 1. The law, that he was to be bom of a virgin, Isa. vii. 14. The gospel, that Mary, a virgin, brought forth this Jesus, Matt, i. 18. Lukei. 17, 31, 85. chap. ii. 5, 6, 7- The law, that he was to be bom at Bethlehem Ephratah, Mic. v. 2. The gospel, that this Jesus was born there, Matt. ii. 1 . Luke iv. 5, 6. The law says, that he was to be brought out of Egypt, Hos. xi. 1. The gospel, that Jesus was called thence, Matt. ii. 19, 20. The law saith, that one should go before the Messiah, Mai. iii. 5. and should cry in the wilderness, Isa. xl. 3. The gospel, that John Baptist did so before Christ, Matt. iii. I, 2. Mark i. 2, 3. The law, that the Messiah should preach the doctrine of salvation in Galilee, who sitting before in darkness should see great light, Isa. ix. 1, 2. The gospel, that Jesus did so, Matt. iv. 12, 23. The law, that in the Messiah's days, the eyes of the blind should be opened, and the ears of the deaf should be. unstop- ped, and the lame leap, and the tongue of the dumb sing, Isa. xxxv. 5, 6. The gospel, that it was so in the days of Je- sus Christ, Matt. iv. 23. chap. xi. 5. But for all these wonders and miracles, the law saith, they should hear, but not understand, and see, yet not perceive, Isa. vi. <). And the gospel, that seeing they did not see, and hearing^ they did not hear, neither did they understand, Matt. xiii. 13. Mark iv. 12. The law, that he should be despised andre-> jected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, Isa. liii. 3. The gospel, that Jesus Christ had no where to THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 45 lay his head, Matt. viii. 20. His soul was exceeding sor- rowful even unto death, Matt. xxvi. 38. yea, he was in. an ago- ny, and his sweat jvas as drops of blood, Luke xxii. 24. so well was he acquainted with grief. The law says, that he should ride into Jerusalem, upon an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass, Zech. ix. 9- And the gospel, that Je- sus Christ, as he was going to Jerusalem, having found an ass, sat thereon, John xii. 14. Matt. xxi. 6. At which time, the law saith, the people should cry, Hosanna, blessed is he that comcth in the name of the Lord, Psal. cxviii. 26. The gospel, that the multitude did so to Christ, Matt. xxi. 9« The law, that one of his own familiar friends, in whom he trusted, which did eat of his bread, should lift up his heel against him, Psal. xli. 9- The gospel, that Judas who was one of Christ's disciples, and so eat of his bread, did betray him into the hands of the Jews, Matt. xxvi. 47. Luke xxii. 46. The law, that he should be prized at, and sold for thirty pieces of silver, with which should be bought the potter's field, Zech. xi. 12, 13. The gospel, that they covenanted with Judas, to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, Matt. xxvi. 15. with which they after- wards bought the potter's field, chap, xxvii. 7. The law, that he should be numbered amongst transgressors, Isa. liii. 12. The gospel, that Jesus was crucified betwixt two thieves, Mark xv. 27- Matt, xxvii. 38. The law, that he should be wounded and bruised, Isa. liii. 5. The gospel,, that they scourged Jesus, Matt, xxvii. 20. and smote him, Mark xv. 19. The law saith, they should pierce his hands and feet, Psal. xxii. 16. Zech. xii. 10. The gospel, that they cruci- fied Jesus, Matt, xxvii. 35. Luke xxiii. which was a death, wherein they used to pierce the hands and feet of those that were put to death, and nailed them to the cross. But though they should pierce his rlesh, yet the law saith, that they should not break his bones, no not one of them, Exod. xii. 46. Numb. xi. 12. Psal. xxxiv. 20. The gospel, that they brake not the legs of Christ, John xix. 33, 36. The law, that they who should see him, should laugh him to scorn, shoot out their lips, and shake their heads, saying, he trusted in the Lord that he would deliver him, let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him, Psal. xxii. 8. The gospel, that the scribes and elders did so to Christ, Matt, xxvii. 42, 43. The law saith, they should give him gall for meat, and vinegar to drink, Psal. Ixix. 21. And the gospel, that they gave Christ vinegar to drink, mingled with gall, Matt, xxvii. 34, 48. The law, that they should part his gar- 46 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. merits amongst them, and cast lots upon his vesture, Psal. xxii. 19. The gospel, that they parted Jesus' garments, casting losts, Matt, xxvii. 34. John xix. 23. Mark xv. 24. And as for the time of this Jesus' coming into the world, it is certain, that this Jesus came before the second temple was demolished; for it is said, that he went into it, Luke xix. 45 ; yea, himself, taught daily in it, ver. 17. by which means the glory of the second temple was greater than the glory of the first, according to the prophecy, Hag. ii. 9. And as for Jacob's prophecy, that the sceptre should not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver, till Shiloh, or the Messiah came, Gen. xlix. 10. it is certain that it did not depart from Judah, till Herod, by the senate of Rome, was made king of Judea, in whose days this Jesus was born. Matt. ii. 1 . Luke i. 5. And so did Daniel's 70 weeks, or 490 years, exactly reach unto, and were determined in, the days of this Jesus, as might easily be demonstrated. So that all the old prophecies, concerning the time of the Messiah's coming, are perfectly fulfilled in this Jesus of Nazareth. But farther, the law saith that though the Messiah should be crucified, yet God will not leave, his soul in hclu nor buffer his holy one to see corruption, Psal. xvi. 10. and that when God should make his sold an offering for sin, he should see his seed, and prolong his days, Isa. liii. 10. which plainly implies, that though the Messiah should die, yet he should rise again, and that within a few days too, other- wise he would have seen corruption. Now the gospel saith, that this Jesus rose from the dead, Matt, xxviii. 6. Luke xxiv. 6. and that he was seen of several after his resurrec- tion, as of Mary Magdalen, Matt, xxviii. 9. of the eleven disciples, ver. 16, 17, 18. Mark xvi. 14, of the two that were going to Emmaus, Luke xxiv, 13, 14, 15. of Peter, ver. 34. and of the disciples that were gathered together, the door being shut, John xx. 19. And, to be sure it was himself and not an apparition, Thomas, one of the twelve, thrust his hands into his side, and found it flesh and blood, indeed as before, John xx. 27- And he eat before them, Luke xx. 43. which it is impossible for a spirit to do ; yea, he was seen of above five hundred at one time, 1 Cor. xv. 6. and cfPaul himself, ver. 8. Neither did he lie so long as to see corruption, for he was buried but the day before the sabbath, Mark xv. 42. and rose the day after, chap. xv. 1 . Lastly, He was not only to rise again, but the lav; saith, he was to ascend on high, to lead captivity captive, and to THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 47 give gifts to men, Psal. lxviii. 18. Now this cannot but be an undoubted character of the Messiah, not only to rise from the dead, but to ascend up to heaven, and thence to disperse his gifts among the children of men ; and that Jesus did so, is likewise evident from the gospel ; for, af- ter he had spoken with them, he was received up into heaven, and there sat at the right hand of God, Mark xvi. 19. Luke xxiv. 51. And he gave such gifts to men, as that his dis- ciples, of a sudden, were enabled to speak all manner of languages, Acts ii. 8. to work many signs and wonders, chap, v. 12. to heal all manner of diseases, ver. 15, 16. yea, with a word speaking, to cure a man lame from his mother s womb, chap. iii. 6", 7. Thus the gospel seems to me to be a perfect transcript of the law, and the histories of Jesus nothing else but the prophecies of Christ turned into a history. And, when to this I join the consideration of the piety of the life which this man led, the purity of the doctrine which he taught, and the miraculousness of the works he wrought, I can- not but be farther confirmed in the truth of what is here related. For the miracles which he wrought, as the heal- ing of the sick with a word of his mouth, raising the dead, feeding so many thousa?ids with five loaves, and the like, were powerful and convincing, that his very enemies, that would not believe him to be the Messiah, could scarce deny him to be a God, Joseph. Antq. 1. xviii. c. 4. And it is to this day, a tenet amongst some of them, that the miracles which Jesus did, were not the delusions and jug- glements of the devil, but real miracles, wrought as they say, by the virtue of the name of God, Jehovah, which he had gotten out of the temple. By which it is plain, they acknowledged God to be the author of them, which I cannot see how he should be, unless they were agreeable to his will, and for the glory of his name. Neither was the doctrine of. the gospel only established at the first, but likewise propagated by miracles afterwards, as it was necessary it should be, for, if it had been propa- gated without miracles, itself had been the greatest mira- cle of all. It was, no doubt, a great miracle, that a doc- trine so much contrary to flesh and blood, should be propa- gated by any means whatsoever ; but a far greater, that it should be propagated by a company of simple and illiterate men, who had neither power to force, nor eloquence to persuade men to the embracing of it. For who would have thought that such persons as these were, should fever 48 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. make any of the Jews, who expected a king for their Mes- siah, to advance them to temporal dignities, or believe, that that Jesus, whom themselves scourged and crucified at Jerusalem, was the person ? Or, that they should be able to propagate the gospel amongst the Gentiles also, who neither believed in the true God, nor expected any thing of a Messiah to come and redeem them ? But this they did, and brought over not only many persons, but whole nations and countries to the profession of the gos- pel ; propagating this most holy doctrine among the most barbarous and sinful people in the world, maugre all the opposition that the world, the flesh, and the devil, could make against it. Now can any man, that exerciseth his reason think they did all this purely by their own strength? No sure, none of these wonderful effects could ever have been produced by any thing less than the wisdom, and power, and faithfulness of their Lord and master, whose service they were engaged in, and who promised to be with them to the end of the world, Matt, xxviii. 20. Ques- tionless, it was nothing else but the Spirit of the most high God, that went along with them, and accompanied the word they preached ; otherwise, it never could have made such deep impression upon the hearts of them that heard it, as not only to command their attention, but to hinder them from resisting, when they strove and endeavoured to do it, the power and authority by which the disciples spake. And now, methinks, 1 begin to perceive this divine spi- rit is come upon me too, and seems, by its powerful influ- ence, to be working up my heart into a thorough persua- sion, that it is Christ, and Christ alone, I am to cast my soul upon ; that it is he alone, that is the way to life, and his word alone, the word of life, which whosoever believes, and is baptized into, shall be saved, and he that believcth not, shall be damned. Away, then, with your Pagan idola- tries, your Mahometan superstitions, and Jewish ceremo- nies ; it is the Christian religion alone, that I am resolved to live and die in, because it is this alone, in which I am taught to worship God aright, to obtain the pardon and re- mission of my sins, and to be made eternally happy. And, since all its doctrines and precepts are contained in the holy scriptures, it is necessary that I shall assent unto them, as a standing revelation of God's will, and an eternal treasure of divine knowledge ; whereby all, that sincerely believe THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 4<) in Christ, may be sufficiently instructed, as well as tho- roughly furnished, unto every good word and work. Without any more ado, therefore, I believe, and am verily persuaded, that all the books of the ancient law, with all those that have been received into the canon of the scripture by the church of God, since the coming of Christ, which we call the New Testament ; I say, that all these books, from the beginning of Genesis to the end of the Revelations, are indeed the word of the eternal God, dic- tated by his own Spirit, unto such as himself was pleased to employ in the writing of them ; and that they contain in them a perfect and complete rule of faith and manners ; upon the due observance of which, I cannot fail of wor- shipping and serving God, in such a manner, as will be acceptable to him here, and of enjoying hereafter those ex- ceeding great and precious jjromises, that he has reserved in heaven, for such as do so. Unto these books, therefore, of the law and gospel, I am resolved by his grace that wrote them, to conform all the ensuing articles of my faith, and all the actions and reso- lutions of my life. Insomuch that whatsoever I find it hath pleased his Sacred Majesty herein to insert, I believe it is my duty to believe; and whatsoever he hath been pleased to command me, I believe it is my duty to perform. ARTICLE III. / believe that as there is one God, so this one God is three Persons—Father, Son, and Hohj Ghost. HpHIS, I confess, is a mystery which I cannot possibly -■- conceive, yet it is a truth which I can easily believe ; yea, therefore it is so true, that I can easilv believe it « because it is so high, that I cannot possibly conceive it • for it is impossible any thing should be true of the infinite Creator, which can be fully expressed to the capacities of a finite creature : and, for this reason, I ever did, and ever shajl, look upon those apprehensions of God to be the truest, whereby we apprehend him to be the most in- comprehensible : and that to be the most true of God which seems most impossible unto us. Upon this ground, therefore, it is, that the mysteries of the gospel, which I am less able to conceive, I think my- self the more obliged to believe ; especially this mystery ef 50 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. mysteries, the Trinity in Unity, and Unity in Trinity, which I am so far from being able to comprehend, or indeed to appre- hend, that I cannot set myself seriously to think of it, or to screw up my thoughts a little concerning it, but I immedi- ately lose myself, as in a trance, or ecstacy : that God the Father should be one perfect God of himself, God the Son one perfect God of himself, and God the Holy Ghost one perfect God of himself : and yet that these three should be but one perfect God of himself; so that one should be per- fectly three, and three perfectly one ; that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost should be three, and yet but one ; but one and yet three ! O heart-amazing, thought-devour- ing, unconceivable mystery ! Who cannot believe it to be true of the glorious Deity ? Certainly, none but such as are able to apprehend it, which, I am sure, I cannot, and believe, no other creature can. And, because no creature can possibly conceive how it should be so, I therefore be- lieve it really to be so, viz; That the Being of all beings is but one in essence, yet three in substance ; but one na- ture, yet three persons ; and that those three persons in that one nature, though absolutely distinct from one ano- ther, are yet but the same God. And I believe, these three persons, in this one nature, are indeed to one ano- ther as they are expressed to be to us, that the one is really a Father to the other, that the other is really a Son to him, the third the product of both : and yet, that there is nei- ther first, second, nor third amongst them, either in time or nature. So that he that begat was not at all before him that was begotten, nor he that proceeded from them both, any whit after either of them. And therefore, that God is not termed Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as if the di- vine nature of the one should beget the divine nature of the second : or the divine nature of the first and second should issue forth the divine nature of the third ; (for then there would be three divine natures, and so three Gods essentially distinct from one another ; by this means also, only the Father would be truly God, because he only would be essentially of and from himself, and the other two from him :) but what I think myself obliged to be- lieve, is, that it was not the divine nature, but the divine person of the Father which did, from eternity, beget the divine person of the Son ; and from the divine persons of the Father, and of the Son, did, from eternity, proceed the divine person of the Holy Ghost ; and so one not be- ing before the other, in time or nature, as they are from THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 51 eternity three perfectly distinct persons, so they are but one co-essential God. But dive not, O my soul, too deep into this bottomless ocean, this abyss of mysteries ! It is the holy of holies, presume not to enter into it ; but let this suffice thee, that he, who best knows himself, hath avouch- ed it to himself, and therefore thou oughtest to believe it, see Matt, xxviii. lp. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And again, 1 John v. 7. There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. ARTICLE IV. / believe that I was conceived in sin, and brought forth in iniquity ; and that, ever since, I have been continually conceiving mischief, and bringing forth vanity. HP HIS article of my faith, I must of necessity believe, -*-■ whether I will or no; for if I could not believe it to be true, I should therefore have the more cause to believe it to be so ; because unless my heart was naturally very sinful and corrupt, it would be impossible for me not to believe that which I have so much cause continually to be- wail ; or, if I do not bewail it, I have still the more cause to believe it ; and, therefore, am so much the more per- suaded of it, by how much the less I find myself affected with it. For, certainly, I must be a hard-hearted wretch indeed, steeped in sin, and fraught with corruption to the highest, if I know myself so oft to have incensed the wrath of the most high God against me, as I do, and yet not be sensible of my natural corruption, nor acknowledge my- self to be, by nature, a child of wrath, as well as others. For, I verily believe, that the want of such a due sense of myself argues as much original corruption, as murder and whoredom do actual pollution. And, I shall ever suspect those to be most under the power of that corruption, that labour most, by arguments, to divest it of its power. And, therefore, for my own part, I am resolved by the grace of God never to go about to confute that by wilful arguments, which I find so true by woeful experience. If there be not a. bitter root in my heart, whence proceeds so much bitter fruit in my life and conversation ? Alas ! I can neither set my hand nor heart about any thing, but I still C 2 52 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. shew myself to be the sinful offspring of sinful parents, by being the sinful parent of a sinful offspring. Nay, I do not only betray the in-bred venom of my heart, by poi- soning my common actions, but even my most religious performances also, with sin. I cannot pray, but I sin ; nay, I cannot hear, or preach a sermon, but I sin ; I can- not give an alms, or receive the sacrament, but I sin ; nay, I cannot so much as confess my sins, but my very confes- sions are still aggravations of them ; my repentance needs to be repented of, my tears want washing, and the very washing of my tears need still to be washed over again with the blood of my Redeemer. Thus, not only the worst of my sins, but even the best of my duties, speak me a child of Adam : insomuch that whensoever I reflect upon my past actions, methinks I cannot but look upon my whole life, from the time of my conception to this very moment, to be but as one continued act of sin. And whence can such a continued stream of corruption flow, but from the corrupt cistern of my heart? And whence can that corrupt cistern of my heart be filled, but from the corrupt fountain of my nature ? Cease therefore, O my soul, to gainsay the power of original sin within thee, and labour now to subdue it under thee. But, why do I speak of my subduing this sin myself ? Surely, this would be both an argument of it, and an addition to it. " It is to thee, O my God, who art both the searcher and " cleanser of hearts, that I desire to make my moan ! " It is to thee I cry out in the bitterness of my soul, " wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the " body of this death ? Who shall ? Oh ! Who can do it, " but thyself ? Arise thou, therefore, O my God, and " shew thyself as infinitely merciful in the pardoning, as i( thou art infinitely powerful in the purging away of my " sins." ARTICLE V. 1 believe the Son of God became the Son of man, that J the son of man, ?night become the son tfGod. OH ! how comfortably does this raise me from the low- est abasement of sin and misery, which I have before acknowledged to be my natural state, to the highest exal- tation of happiness and glory, in a spiritual one ! This is THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 53 that great article of faith, by which all the benefits of our Saviour's death and passion are made over to me in the new covenant, and by which, if I perform the conditions there- in required, I shall not only be retrieved from the bond- age and corruption that is inherent in me, as a child of wrath, but be justified and accepted as the son of God, and be made a joint heir with Christ. This a point of the greatest moment and concern, which, by the grace and assistance of him of whom I speak, and in whom I thus believe, I shall therefore be the more exact and particular in the searching and examining into. Now, when I say, and believe, that God became man, I do not so understand it, as if the divine nature took upon it a human person, but that a divine person took upon him the human nature, i. e. it was not the divine nature, in ge- neral, without respect to the persons, but one of the per- sons in the divine nature, which took flesh upon him, and yet, to speak precisely, it was not the divine person ab- stracted or distinct from the divine nature, but it was the divine nature in that person which thus took upon it the human. And this was not the first or third, but the se- cond person only in the sacred Trinity, that thus assumed our nature; and, considering the mysterious order and economy of the divine persons, it seems to be necessary that it should. For, first, the Father could not have become this Son of man, because, theh, he, that had begotten from eter- nity, should have been begotten in time ; by which means, as he was the Father to the Son, so would the Son also have been the Father unto him ; and so the order betwixt the Father and Son destroyed. Nor, secondly, could the Holy Ghost have taken our nature upon him, because the bond of personal union be- twixt the divine and human nature is from the Spirit, (and thence it is, that every one that is partaker of Christ's per- son, is partaker of his Spirit also) which could not be if the Spirit itself had been the person assuming. For, I cannot conceive, how the same person could unite itself, by itself, to the assumed nature : and therefore we read, that in the virgin's conception of our Saviour, it was neither the Father nor the Son himself, but the Spirit of the most high, which did overshadow her, Luke i. 25. And, farther, if the Holy Ghost had been my Redeem- er, who should have been my sanctifier ? If he had died personally for me, who should have applied his death ef- C 3 54 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. fectually to me ? That I could not do it myself is, beyond contradiction, evident ; and that either the Father, or the Son, should do it, is not agreeable to the nature or order of the divine operations ; they, as I believe, never acting any thing ad extra, personally, but by the Spirit proceed- ing from them both. And, therefore it is, that Christ, to comfort his disciples after his death, promiseth them in his life-time, that he would send them the Comforter, John xvi. 7. which is the Spirit of truth, ver. 13. He doth not say he will come again personally, but mystically to them, by his Spirit. But now, that the Spirit, whose office it is to apply the merit and mediation of God-man to me could not have done it, if himself had been that God-man, seems to me as clear and manifest as the other : for, if he had done it, he should either have done it by the Father, by the Son, or by himself. Fie could not do it by the Father, nor the Son, because he does nothing by them, but all things from them. The Father acts in the Son by the Spirit, the Son from the Father by the Spirit, the Spirit from the Father and the .Son. And therefore it likewise follows, that as the Spirit could not unite itself before, so neither can it apply itself here, to the human nature ; for, to assume the human nature into the divine, and to apply the divine nature to the human, are two distinct offices ; and, there- fore, to be performed by two distinct persons. The first could have been done only by one that was really man, as well as God ; the other, only by one that was merely God, and not man. And that must needs be so : for, otherwise, God should act upon man by man, by the person man, as well as God ; and, by consequence, all the dispensations of his grace towards us, would have been stopped in the frailty of the human, though perfect nature. So that it would have availed me nothing, if the Spirit had taken my na- ture upon him ; because, though he had assumed the hu- man, I could not thence have participated of the divine nature ; nay, therefore, I could not have participated of this, because he had assumed that, by which alone I could be brought into this capacity ; and so by this means, I should be farther off than I was before. And lastly, as, if the Father had become man, there would have been two Fathers ; so if the Spirit had become man, there would have been two Sons, the second per- son begotten from eternity, and the third person begotten THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 55 in time. But now, by the Son's taking our nature upon him, these and far greater difficulties are avoided, which we might easily perceive, could we sufficiently dive into the depth of that wisdom of the Father, in sending his Son, rather than his Spirit, or coming himself in his own per- son. However, to us, it cannot but seem most equita- ble, (if reason may hold the balance) that he, who is the middle person, between the Father and the Spirit, should become the mediator betwixt God and man ; and that he, who is the Son of God in the glorious Trinity, should be- come the Son of man in his gracious mystery. But, on the other side, as it wasfnot the divine nature, but a divine person that did assume, so neither was it a human person, but the human nature that was assumed ; for otherwise, if he had assumed the person of any one man in the world, his death had been beneficial to none but him, whose person he thus assumed and represented. Whereas, now that he has assumed the nature of man in general, all that partake of that nature, are capable of partaking of the benefit he purchased for us, by dying in our stead. And thus under each, Adam, as the represen- tation was universal, so were the effects designed to be ; For as in Adam all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, 1 Cor. xv. 22. Again, when I say, the Son of God became the Son of man, I do not mean, as if, by this, he should cease to be what he was before, the Son of God, for he did not leave his Godhead to take upon him the manhood ; but I believe he took the manhood into his Godhead ; he did not put off the one, to put on the other, but he put one upon the other : neither do I believe that the human nature, when assumed into the divine, ceased to be human ; but as the divine person so assumed the human nature, as still to re- main a divine person, so the human nature was so assum- ed into a divine person, as still to remain a human na- ture : God, therefore, so became man, as to be both per- fectly God, and perfectly man, united together in one person. I say, in one person ; for if he should be God and man in distinct persons, this would avail me no more, than if he should be God only, and not man, or man only, and not God; because the merit and value both of his active and passive obedience is grounded merely upon the union of the two natures in one and the same person. He there- fore, by his life and death, merited so much for us, be* C 4 56 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. cause the same person, that so lived and died, was God as well as man ; and every action that he did, and every pas- sion that he suffered, was done and suffered by him that was God, as well as man. And hence it is, that Christ, of all the persons in the world, is so fit, yea, only fit, to be my Re- deemer, Mediator, and Surety ; because he alone is both God and man in one person. If he was not man, he could not undertake that office ; if he was not God, he could not perform it : if he was not man, he could not be capable of being bound for me ; if he was not God, he would not be able to pay my debt. It was man by whom the covenant was broken ; and, therefore, man must have suitable pu- nishment laid upon him : it was God with whom it was broken ; and, therefore, God must have sufficient satis- faction made unto him : and, as for that satisfaction, it Was man that had offended, and, therefore, man alone could make it suitable ; it was God that was offended, and, therefore, God alone could make it sufficient. The sum of all this is : man can suffer, but he cannot satisfy ; God can satisfy, but he cannot suffer ; but Christ being both God and man, can both suffer and satisfy too ; and so is perfectly fit both to suffer for man, and to make satisfaction unto God, to reconcile God to man, and man to God. And thus, Christ having assumed my nature » his person, ice fbr my sins, i Ban re -:' ■•'■. ed ; ■ ■ . ■■ I . ' agdn with the most high God. Upon this principle, I believe, that I, by nature the son of man, am made, by grace, the son of God, as really as Christ, by nature the Son of God, was made by office, the Son of man : and so, though in myself, / may say to corruption thou art my mother, yet in Christ I may say to God, Abba Father. Neither do I believe this to be a me- taphorical expression, viz. because he doth that for me, which a father doth for his child, even provide for me whilst young, and give me my portion when come to age; but I believe, that in the same propriety of speech that my earthly father was called the father of my natural self, is God the father of my spiritual self : for, why was my earthly father called my father, but because that I, as to my natural being, was born of what proceeded from him, viz. his seed ? Why so, as to my spiritual being, am I born of what proceeds from God, his Spirit : and as I was not bom of the very substance of my natural parents, but only of what came from them ,• so neither is my spiritual THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 57 self begotten again, quickened and constituted of the very substance of my heavenly Father, God, but of the Spirit and spiritual influences proceeding fron lim. Thus, therefore, it is, that I believe that Christ, th 3 Son of God, became the Son of man ; and thus it is that I believe my- self the son of man to be made, thereby, the son of God, « I believe, O my God and Father, do thou help mine un- " belief ! and every day more and more increase my faith, u till itself shall be done away, and turned into the most i* perfect vision and fruition of thine own glorious God- « head !" ARTICLE VI. / believe that Christ lived to God, and died for sin, that I migkl die to sin, and live with God. 4 ND thus, by faith, I follow my Saviour from the ii womb to the tomb, from his incarnation to his death and passion, believing all that he did or suffered, to be for my sake ; for Christ did not only take my nature upon him, but he suffered and obeyed; he underwent miseries, and undertook duties for me ; so that not only his passive, but likewise his active obedience unto God, in that na- ture, was still for me. Not as if I believed, his duty as man was not God's debt, by the law of creation ; yes ; I believe that he owed that obedience unto God, that if he had committed but one sin, and that of the lightest tine-* ture, in all his life-time, he would have been so far from being able to satisfy for my sins, that he could not have satisfied for his own ; For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens ; who needed not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the peoples, Heb. vii. 26, 27. So that if he had not had these qualifications in their absolute perfection, he could not have been our high priest, nor, by consequence, have made atonement for, nor expiated any sins whatso- ever. But now, though both as man, and as God-man or Mediator too, it behoved him to be thus faithful and spoU less; yet, as being God, co-equal and co-essential with the Father, it was not out of duty, but merely upon our account, that he thus subjected his neck to the yoke of his own law ; himself, as God, being the legislator or law* giver, and so no more under it, than the Father himself, C 5 58 THOUGHTS OX RELIGION. And hereupon it is, that I verily believe, that whatso- ever Christ either did or suffered in the flesh, was merito- rious ; not that his life was righteous towards God, only that his death might be meritorious for us (which I believe otherwise it could not have been) but that his life was equally meritorious, as righteous. So, that I believe my person is as realty accepted, as perfectly righteous, by the righteousness of his life imputed to me, as my sins are par- doned by God, for the bitterness of the death he suffered for them ; his righteousness being as really by faith im- puted to me, as my sins were laid upon him : as those are jet upon his, so is that set upon my score; and so every thing he did in his life, as well as every thing lie suffered in his deaths is mine ; by the latter God looks upon me as per- fectly innocent, and therefore not to be thrown down to hell j by the former he looks upon me as perfectly righ- teous, and, therefore, to be brought up to heaven. And, as for his death, I believe it was not only as much, but infinitely more, satisfactory to divine justice, than though I should have died to eternity. For, by that means, justice is actually and perfectly satisfied already, which it could never have been, for my suffering for my sins myself; for if justice by that means could ever be sa- tisfied/ if it could ever say, // is enough ; it could not stand with the same justice, now satisfied, still to inflict punishment, nor, by consequence, could the damned just- ly scorch in the flames of God's wrath for ever. Neither did the death of my Saviour reach only to the condemn- ing, but likewise to the commanding power of sin ; it did not on! v pluck out its sting, but likewise deprive it of its strength ; so that he did not only merit by his death, that I should never die for sin, but likewise, that I should die to it. Neither did he only merit by his life, that I should be accounted righteous in him before God; but likewise that I should be made righteous in myself by God. Yea, I believe that Christ by his death hath so fully discharged the debt I owe to God, that now, for the remission of my sins, and the accepting of my person (if I perform the con- dition he requires in his covenant) I may not only appeal to the throne of grace, but likewise to the judgment-seat of God ; I may not only cry, u Mercy, mercy, O gracious " Father, but, justice, justice, my righteous God ;" I may not only say, Lord, be gracious and merciful, but be just and faithful, to acquit me from that debt, and cancel that bond which my surety hath paid for me, and which thou THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. $9 Tiast promised to accept of; being not only gracious and mer- ciful, but just and faithful, to forgive me my sins, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness, 1 John i. 9. ARTICLE VII. / believe that Christ rose from the grave, that I might rise from sin, and that he is ascended into heaven that I may come unto him. A S Christ came from heaven to earth, so I believe he went from earth to heaven, and all for the accomplish- ment of my salvation ; that after he had lived a most holy life, he died a most cruel death ; that he was apprehended, arraigned, accused, and condemned, by such as could not pronounce the sentence against him, did not himself, at the same time, vouchsafe them breath to do it ; and that he that came into the world to take away the sins of it, to bring sinners to the joys of life, was himself by those very- sinners brought into the pangs of death. But yet, as it was not in the power of death long to detain the Lord of life ; so, though the worms had power to send him to the grave, yet I believe they had not power or time to feed upon him there ; for he rose again from the dead the third day : he lay three days, that I might believe he was not alive, but dead ; he arose the third day, that I might be- lieve he is not dead, but lives ; he descended down to hell, that he might make full satisfaction to God's justice for my sins ; but he is now ascended up into heaven, that he might make intercession to God's mercy for my soul : thi- ther I believe he is gone, and there I believe he is, not as a private person, but as the head and Saviour of his church. And under this capacity, as I believe that Christ is there for me, so I am there in him : For where the head is, there must the members be also; that is, I am as really there in him, my representative now, as I shall be in my own proper person hereafter ; and he is as really preparing my man- sion for me there, as I am preparing myself for that man- sion here. Nay, I believe, that he is not only preparing a mansion for me in heaven, but that himself is likewise preparing me for this mansion upon earth, continually sending down and issuing forth from himself fresh sup- plies and influences of his grace and Spirit ; and all to qualify me for his service, and make me meet to be partaker of his inheritance with the saints in light* C 6 60 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. Which inheritance, I believe, he doth so much desire his Father tc bestow upon me, as he claims it for me ; himself having purchased it with the price of his own blood. And as he hath purchased the inheritance itself, so likewise the way unto it for me ; and, therefore, sues out for the pardon of those sins, and subduing those cor- ruptions which would make me unworthy of it ; and for the conveyance of those graces to me, whereby I may walk directly to it ; not only saying to his Father, con- cerning me, as Paul said to Philemon, concerning Onesi- mus, If this thy servant oweth thee any thing, set it upon my account ; I will repay it. But what is this thy servant ovveth thee, see, it is set upon my score already, and I have paid it ; what punishments he is indebted to thee, for all the offences he hath committed against thee, be- hold I have borne them already ; see how I have been wounded for his transgressions, and bruised for his iniqui- ties ; the chastisement of his peace was upon me : with my stripes therefore let him be healed, Isa. liii. 5. And thus, as he once shed his blood for me amongst men, he now pleads it for me before God ; and that not only for the washing out the guilt of my transgressions, but likewise lor the washing away the filth of my corruptions ; himself having purchased the donation of the Spirit from the Fa- ther, he there claims the communication of it unto me. And that he hath thus undertaken to plead my cause for me, I have it under his own hand and seal ; himself by his Spirit assuring me, that if / sin, I have an advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the righteous, 1 John ii. 1 . So that I believe, he is not so much my solicitor at the mercy-seat, as my advocate at the judgment-seat of God, there pleading my right and title to the crown of glory, and to every step of the way that I must go through the kingdom of grace unto it. In a word, I believe, that Christ, upon promise and engagement to pay such a price for it in time, did purchase this inheritance for me from eternity ; whereupon I was even then immediately chosen and elected into it ; and had, by this means, a place in heaven before 1 had any being upon earth ; and when the time appointed, by covenant, was come, I believe, Christ, according to his promise, paid the purchase-money, even laid down his life for me ; and then forthwith went up and took possession of this my kingdom, not for himself, but for me as my proxy and representative : so that whilst I am in my infancy, under age, I am in possession, though THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 6l I have not as yet the enjoyment of this my inheritance ; but that is reserved for me till I come at age. And how- soever, though I do not enjoy the whole as yet, my Father allows me as much of it as he sees convenient, so much grace and so much comfort as he thinks best ; which are as a pledge of what he has laid up for me in his kingdom which is above. ARTICLE VIII. / believe that my person is only justified by the merit of Christ imputed to me ; and that my nature is only sancti- fied by the Spirit of Christ implanted in me. \ ND thus I do not only believe Christ to be my Savi- -£*- our, but I believe only Christ to be my Saviour. It was he alone that trod the ivine-p7'ess of his Father's wrath filled with the sour and bitter grapes of my sins. It was he that carried on the great work of my salvation, being himself both the author and the finisher of it. I say it was he, and he alone ; for what person or persons in the world could do it, besides himself? the angels could not if they would, the devils would not if they could ; and as for my fellow-creatures, I may as well satisfy for their sins, as they for mine ; and how little able even the best of us are to do either, i. e. to atone either for our own transgressions, or those of others, every man's experience will sufficiently inform him. For how should we, poor worms of the earth, ever hope, by our slime and mortar (if I may so speak) of our own natural abilities, to raise up a tower, whose top may reach to heaven ? Can we expect by the strength of our own hands, to take heaven by violence ? or by the price of our own works to purchase eternal glory ? It is a matter of admiration to me, how any one, that pre- tends to the use of his reason, can imagine, that he should be accepted before God for what comes from himself? For, how is it possible that I should be j ustified by good works, when I can do no good works at all before 1 be first justi- fied ? My works cannot be accepted as good, until my person be so ; nor can my person be accepted by God, till first ingrafted into Christ : before which ingrafting into the true vine, it is impossible I should bring forth good fruit; for the plowing of the wicked is sin, says Solomon, Prov. xxi. 4. yea, the sacrifices of the wicked are an abomi- nation to the Lord, chap. xv. 8. And if, both the civil 62' "thoughts on religion. and spiritual actions of the wicked be sin, which of all their actions, shall have the honour to justify them before God ? I know not how it is with others, but for my own part, I do not remember, neither do I believe, that I ever prayed in all my life-time, with that reverence, or heard with that attention, or received the sacrament with that faith, or did any other work whatsoever, with that pure heart and single eye, as I ought to have done. Insomuch that I look upon all my righteousness asJUtky rags ; and it is in the robes only of the righteousness of the Son of God that I dare appear before the majesty of heaven. Nay, suppose I could at length, attain to that perfection, as to do good works, exactly conformable to the will of God, yet must they have better eyes than I, that can see how my obedience in one kind, can satisfy for my disobedience in another ; or how that which God commands from me, should merit any thing from him. No, I believe there is -no person can merit any thing from God, but he that can do more than is required of him ; which it is impossible any creature should do. For, in that it is a creature, it continually depends upon God, and therefore is bound to do every thing it can, by any means possible to do for him ; especially, considering, that the creature's dependence upon God is such, that it is be- holden to him even for every action that issues from it ; without whom, as it is impossible any thing should be, so likewise that any thing should act, especially, what is good. So that to say, a man of himself can merit any thing from God, is as much as to say, that he can merit by that which of himself he doth not do ; or that one per- son can merit by that which another performs ; which is a plain contradiction. For in that it merits, it is necessarily implied, that itself acts that by which it is said to merit, but in that it doth not depend upon itself, but on another in what it acts, it is as necessarily implied, that itself doth not do that by which it is said to merit. Upon this account, I shall never be induced to believe, that any creature, by any thing it doth, or can do, can merit, or deserve any thing at the hand of God, till it can be proved, that a creature can merit by that which God doth ; or that God can be bound to bestow any thing upon us, for that which himself alone is pleased to work in us, and by us ; which, in plain terms, would be as much as to say, that because God hath been pleased to do one good turn for us, he is therefore bound to do more ; and, be- THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 63 cause God hath enabled us to do our duty, he should therefore be bound to give us glory. It is not, therefore, in the power of any person in the world to merit any thing from God, but such a one who is absolutely co-essential with him, and so depends not upon him either for his existence or actions. And, as there is no person can merit any thing from God, unless he be essentially the same with him, so likewise, unless he be personally distinct from him : forasmuch as, though a person may be said to merit for himself, yet he cannot be said, without a gross solecism, to merit any thing from himself. So that he that is not as perfectly another per- son from God, as really as the same in nature with him, can never be said to merit any thing at his hands. But farther, God the Father could not properly be said to do it in his own person, because, being (according to our conception) the party offended, should he have under- taken this work for me, he, in his own person, must have undertaken to make satisfaction to his own person, for the offences committed against himself; which if he should have done, his mercy might have been much exalted, but his justice could not have been satisfied by it. For justice requires, either that the party offended should be punish- ed for these offences, or, at least some fit person in his stead, which the Father himself cannot be said to be, in that he was the party offended, to whom the satisfaction was to be made : and it is absurd to suppose, that the same person should be capable of making satisfaction, both by and to himself, at the same time. It remains, therefore, that there were only two per- sons in the holy Trinity, who could possibly be invested with this capacity ; the Son and the Spirit : as to the lat- ter, though he be indeed the same in nature with the Fa-~ ther, and a distinct person from him, and so far in a ca- pacity to make satisfaction to him ; yet not being capable both of assuming the human nature into the divine, and also uniting and applying the divine nature to the human, (as I have shewed before in the fifth article) he was not in a capacity of making satisfaction foreman ; none being fit to take that office upon him, but he that, of himself, was perfectly God, and likewise capable of becoming perfectly man, by uniting both natures in the same person ; which the Holy Ghost could not do, because he was the person by whom, and therefore could not be the person also in whom, this union of the two natures was to be perfected, #4 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. And yet it was by this means, and this method only, that any person could have been completely capacitated to have borne the punishment of our sins : he that was only man could not do it, because the sin was committed against God ; and he that was only God could not do it, because the sin was committed by man. From all which, as I may fairly infer, so I hope, I may safely fix my faith in this article, viz, That there was only one person in the whole world that could do this great work for me, of justifying my person before God, and so glorifying my soul with him ; and that was the Son of God, the second person in the glorious Trinity, begotten of the substance of the Father from all eternity ; whom I apprehend and believe to have brought about the great work of my justification before God, after this or the like manner. He being, in and of himself, perfectly co-equal, co- essential, and co-eternal with the Father, was in no sort bound to do more than the Father himself did ; and so whatsoever he should do, which the Father did not, might justly be accounted as a work of supererogation ; which, without any violation of divine justice, might be set upon the account of some other persons, even of such whom he pleased to do it for. And hereupon, out of mercy and compassion to fallen man, he covenants with his Father, that if it pleased his majesty to accept it, he would take upon him the suffering of those punishments which were due from him to man, and the performance of those duties which were due from man to him : so that whatsoever he should thus humble himself to do or suffer, should wholly be upon the account of man, himself not being any ways bound to do or suffer more in time, than he had from eter- nity. This motion, the Father, out of the riches of his grace and mercy, was pleased to consent unto : and hereupon, the Son assuming our nature into his deity, becomes sub- ject and obedient both to the moral and ceremonial laws of his Father, and, at last, to death itself, even the death of the cross. In the one, he paid an active, in the other a passive, obedience ; and so did not only fulfil the will oi' his Father, in obeying what he had commanded, but sa- tisfied liis justice in suffering the punishment due to us for the transgressing of it. His active obedience, as it was infinitely pure and perfect, did, without doubt, infinitely transcend a>U the obedience of the sons of men, even of THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 65 Adam too, in his primitive state. For, the obedience of Adam, make the best of it, "was but the obedience of a finite creature ; whereas the obedience of Christ was the obedience of one that was infinite God, as well as man. By which means, the laws of God had higher obedience per- formed to them, than themselves in their primitive insti- tution required ; for being made only to finite creatures, they could command no more than the obedience of finite creatures ; whereas the obedience of Christ was the obe- dience of one who was the infinite Creator, as well as a fi- nite creature. Now, this obedience being more than Christ was bound to, and only performed upon the account of those whose nature he had assumed ; as we, by faith, lay hold upon it, so God, through grace, imputes it to us, as if it had been performed by us in our own persons. And hence it is, that as, in one place, Christ is said to be made sin for us, 2 Cor. v. 21. so in another place, he is said to be made our righteousness, 1 Cor. i. 30. And in the forecited place, 2 Cor. v. 21. as he is said to be made sin for us, so we are said to be made righteousness in him : but what righteous- ness ? our own ? No, the righteousness of God, radically his, but imputatively ours : and this is the only way, whereby we are said to be made the righteousness of God, even by the righteousness of Christ's being made ours, by which we are accounted and reputed as righteous before God. These things considered, I very much wonder, how any man can presume to exclude the active obedience of Christ from our justification before God, as if what Christ did in the flesh, was only of duty, not at all of merit ; or, as if it was for himself, and not for us. Especially, when I consider, that suffering the penalty is not what the law primarily requireth ; for the law of God requires perfect obedience, the penalty being only threatened to (not pro- perly required of) the breakers of it. For, let a man suf- fer the penalty of the law in never so high a manner, he is not therefore accounted obedient to it ; his punishment doth not speak his innocence, but rather his transgression of the law. Hence it is, that I cannot look upon Christ, as having made full satisfaction to God's justice for me, unless he had performed the obedience I owe to God's laws, as well as borne the punishment that is due to my sins : for though he should have borne my sins, I cannot see how that could 66 - THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. denominate me righteous or obedient to the law, so as to entitle me to eternal life, according to the tenor of the old law, Do this and live, Lev. xviii. 5. Which old covenant is not disannulled or abrogated by the covenant of grace, but rather established, Rom. iii. 31. especially as to the obedience it requires from us, in order to the life it promis- eth ; otherwise, the laws of God would be mutable, and so come short of the laws of the very Medes and Persians, which alter not. Obedience, therefore, is as strictly required under the New, as it was under the Old Testament, but with this difference : there obedience in our own persons was required as absolutely necessary ; here, obedience in our surety is accepted as completely sufficient. But now, if we have no such obedience in our surety, as we cannot have, if he did not live, as well as die, for us ; let any one tell me what title he hath, or can have, to eter- nal life ? I suppose he will tell me, he hath none in him- self, because he hath not performed perfect obedience to the law. And I tell him, he hath none in Christ, unless Christ performed that obedience for him, which none can say he did, that doth not believe his active, as well as pas- sive obedience, to be wholly upon our account. And now I speak of Christ's being our surety, as the apostle calls him, Heb. vii. 22. methinks this gives much light to the truth in hand : for, what is a surety, but one that undertakes to pay whatsoever he, whose surety he is, is bound to pay, in case the debtor proves nonsolvent, or unable to pay it himself? And thus is Christ, under the notion of a surety, bound to pay whatever we owe to God, because we ourselves are not able to pay it in our own persons. Now, there are two things that we owe to God, which this our surety is bound to pay for us, viz. First, and prin- cipally, obedience to his laws, as he is our Creator and governor ; and, secondly, by consequence, the punish- ment that is annexed to the breach of these laws, of which we are guilty. Now, though Christ should pay the latter part of our debt for us, by bearing the punishment that is due unto us ; yet, if he did not pay the former and prin- cipal part of it too, i. e. perform the obedience which we owe to God, he would not fully have performed the office of suretyship, which he undertook for us ; and so would be but a half-mediator, or half-saviour, which are such words as I dare scarce pronounce, for fear of blasphemy. So that, though it is the death of Christ by which I be- THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. #7 lieve my sins are pardoned ; yet it is the life of Christ, by which I believe my person is accepted. His passion God accounts as suffered by me, and therefore I shall not die for sin : his obedience God accounts as performed by me, and therefore I shall live with him. Not if as [ believed, that Christ so performed obedience for me, that I should be discharged from my duty to him : but only that 1 should not be condemned by God, in not discharging my duty to him in so strict a manner, as is required. I believe that the active obedience of Christ will stand me in no stead, unless I endeavour after sincere obedience in my own person ; his active, as well as his passive obedience, being imputed unto none, but only to such as apply it to them- selves by faith ; which faith in Christ will certainly put such as are possessed of it upon obedience unto God. This, therefore, is the righteousness, and the manner of that justi- fication, whereby I hope to stand before the judgment-seat of God ; even by God's imputing my sins to Christ, and Christ's righteousness to me ; looking upon me as one not to be punished for my sins, because Christ hath suffered, but to be received into the joys of glory, because Christ hath performed obedience for me, and does, by faith, through grace, impute it to me. And thus it is into the merit of Christ that I resolve the whole work of my salvation ; and this, not only, as to that which is wrought without me, for the justification of my person, but likewise as to what is wrought within me for the sanctification of my nature. As I cannot have a sin pardoned without Christ, so neither can I have a sin subdued without him ; neither the fire of God's wrath can be quenched, nor yet the filth of my sins washed away, but by the blood of Christ. So that I wonder as much at the doctrine that some men have advanced concerning free-will, as I do at that which others have broached in favour of good works ; and it is a mystery to me, how any that ever had experience of Jtipd's method in working out sin, and planting grace in our hearts, should think they can do it by themselves, or any thing in order to it. Not that I do in the least question, but that every man may be saved that will ; (for this, I believe, is a real truth) but I do not believe, that any man of himself can will to be saved. Wheresoever God en- ables a soul effectually to will salvation, he will certainly give salvation to that soul ; but I believe, it is as impossi- ble for my soul to will salvation of itself, as to enjoy salva- tion without God. 6S THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. And this my faith is not grounded upon a roving fancy, but the most solid reasons ; forasmuch as, of ourselves, we are not able, in our understandings, to discern the evil from the good, much less then, are we able, in our wills, to prefer the good before the evil ; the will never settling upon any thing, but what the judgment discovers to it. But now, that my natural judgment is unable to apprehend and represent to my will the true and only good under its proper notion, my own too sad experience would sufficiently persuade me, though I had neither scripture nor reason for it. And yet the scripture also is so clear in this point, that I could not have denied it, though I should never have had any experience of it ; the Most High expressly telling me, that the natural man re- cciveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are fool- ishness to him ; neither can he hioiv them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. ii. 14. Neither can he know them, i. e. There is an absolute impossibility in it, that any one remaining in his natural principles, without the assist- ance of God, should apprehend or conceive the excellency of spiritual objects. So that a man may as soon read the letter of the scripture without eyes, as understand the mysteries of the gospel without grace. And this is not at all to be wondered at ; especially, if we consider the vast and infinite disproportion betwixt the object and the facul- ty ; the object to be apprehended being nothing less than the best of beings, God : and the faculty whereby we ap- prehend it, nothing more than the power of a finite crea- ture polluted with the worst of evils, sin. So that I believe it a thousand times easier for a worm, a fly, or any other despicable insect whatsoever, to understand the affairs of men, than for the best of men in a natural state to apprehend the things of God. No ; there is none can know God, nor, by consequence, any thing that is really good, but only so far as they are partakers of the divr^e nature : we must, in some measure, be like to God, before we can have any true conceptions of him, or be really delighted with him : we must have a spiritual sight, before we can behold spiritual things ; which every natu- ral man being destitute of, he can see no comeliness in Christ, why he should be desired ; nor any amiableness in religion, why it should be embraced. And hence it is, that I believe, the first work that God puts forth upon the soul in order to its conversion, is, to raise up a spiritual light within it, to clear up its appre- THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 6^ hensions about spiritual matters, so as to enable the soul to look upon God as the chiefest good, and the enjoyment of him as the greatest bliss ; whereby the soul may clearly discern between good and evil, and evidently perceive, that nothing is good, but so far as it is like to God ; and no- thing evil, but so far as it resembles sin. But this is not all the work that God hath to do upon a sinful soul, to bring it to himself; for though I must con- fess that in natural things, the will always follows the ulti- mate dictates of the understanding, so as to choose and em- brace what the understanding represents to it, under the comely dress of good and amiable, and to refuse and abhor whatever, under the same representation, appears to be evil and dangerous ; I say, though I must confess, it is so m natural, yet I believe, it is not so in spiritual matters. For, though the understanding may have never such clear apprehensions of spiritual good, yet the will is not at all af- fected with it, without the joint operations of the grace of God upon us ; all of us too sadly experiencing what St. Paul long ago bewailed in himself, that what we do, wc allow not, Rom. vii. 15. that though our judgments con- demn what we do, yet we cannot choose but do it ; though our understandings clearly discover to us the excellence^ grace and glory, yet our wills overpowered with their own corruptions, are strangely hurried into sin and misery, I must confess, it is a truth which I should scarcely have ever believed, if I had not such daily experience of *it; but alas ! there is scarce an hour in the day, but I may but that, when this cove- nant was unhappily broken by the first, God should in- stantly vouchsafe to renew it in the second Adam ; and that too upon better terms, and more easy conditions than the former, was yet a more surprising mercy : for the same day that Adam eat the forbidden fruit did God make him this promise, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head, Gen. hi. 15. And this promise he afterwards explained and confirmed by the mouth of his prophet Jere- miah, saying, This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after those days ; I will put my law into their inward parts, and write it in their hearts ; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people, Jer. xxxi. 33. And again, by St. Paul under the New Testament, almost in the self-same words, Heb. viii. 10. A covenant so gracious and condescending, that it seems to be made up of nothing else but promises. The first was, properly speaking, a covenant of works, requiring on man's part a perfect and unsinning obedience, without any extraordinary grace or assistance from God to enable him to perform it ; but here, in the second, God under- takes both for himself and for man too, having digested the conditions to be performed by us, into promises, to be fulfilled by himself, viz. that he will not only pardon our ?2 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. sins, if we do repent, but that he will give us repentance, that so we may deserve Ins pardon • that he will not only give us life, if we come to Christ, but even draw us to Christ, that so he may give us life ; and so not only make us happy, if we will be holy, but make us holy, that so we may be happy : for the covenant is, not that he will be our God, if we will be his people, but he will be our God, and we shall be his people. But still, all this is in and through Christ, the surety and mediator of this cove- nant, in whom all the promises are yea and amen, 2 Cor. i. 20. so that Christ may be looked upon, not only as a surety, but as a party in this covenant of grace, being not only bound to God, but likewise covenanting with him for us. As God-man, he is a surety for us, but as man he must needs be a party with us, even our head in the cove- nant of grace, as Adam was in the covenant of works. What therefore, though I can do nothing in this cove- nant of myself? yet this is my comfort, that he hath un- dertaken for me, who can do all things. And therefore it is called a covenant of grace, and not of works, because in it there is no work required from me, but what, by grace, I shall be enabled to perform. And as for the tenor in which this Covenant runs, or the Habendum and grant which each party covenants for, it is expressed in these words, / will be your God, and you shall be my people; God covenants with us, that we shall be his peo- ple, we covenant with God, that lie shall be our God. And what can God stipulate more to us, or we stipulate more to him than this ? What doth not God promise to us, when he promises to be our God ? and what doth he not require from us, when he requires us to be his people. First, He doth not say, I will be your hope, your help, your light, your life, your sun, your shield, and your ex- ceeding great reward ; but I will be your God, which is ten thousand times more than possibly can be couched un- der any other expressions whatsoever, as containing under it whatsoever God is, whatsoever God hath, and whatso- ever God can do. All his essential attributes are still en- gaged for us ; we may lay claim to them, and take hold on them : So that what the prophet saith of his righteous- ness and strength, surely shall one say, in the Lord have J righteousness and strength, Isa. xiv. 24. I may extend to all his other attributes, and say, surely in the Lord have I mer- cy to pardon me, wisdom to instruct me, power to protect me, truth to direct me, grace to crown my heart on earth, THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 13 and glory to crown my head in heaven : and, if what he is, then much more what he hath, is here made over by covenant to me. He that spared not his own Son, saith the apostle, but delivered him up for us all ; how shall he not but with him likewise freely give us all things ? Rom. viii. 32. But what hath God to give me? Why, all that he hath is briefly summed up in this short inventory ; what- soever is in heaven above, or the earth beneath, is his ; and that this inventory is true, I have several witnesses to prove it, Melchizedec, Gen. xiv. 19- and Moses, Deut. x. 14. and David, 1 Chron. xxix. 11. Indeed, reason it- self will conclude this, that he that is the Creator and Pre- server, must, of necessity, be the owner and possessor of all things ; so that let me imagine what possibly I can in all the world, I may with the pen of reason write under it, this is God's ; and if I take but the pen of faith with it, I may write, this is mine in Jesus Christ. As for example ; hath he a Son ? He hath died for me. Hath he a Spirit ? It shall live within me. Is earth his ? It shall be my provision. Is heaven his ? It shall be my portion. Hath he angels ? They shall guard me. Hath he comforts ? They shall support me. Hath he grace ? That shall make me holy. Hath he glory? That shall make me happy, For the Lord will give grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from those that walk up- rightly, And as he is nothing but what he is unto us, so he doth nothing but what he doth for us. So that whatsoever God doth by his ordinary providence, or (if our necessity re- quires) whatsoever he can do by his extraordinary power, I may be sure, he doth and will do for me. Now he hath given himself to me, and taken me unto himself, what will he not do for me that he can ? And what can he not do for me that he will ? Do I want food ? God can dron down manna from the clouds, Exod. xvi. 4. or bid the quails come down and feed me with their own flesh, as they did the Israelites, ver. 13. or he can send the ravens to bring me bread and flesh, as they did the prophet Eli- jah, 1 Kings xvh. 6. Am I thirsty ? God can broach the rocks, and dissolve the flints into floods of water as he did for Israel, Deut. vii. 25. Am I cast into a fiery furnace ? he can suspend the fury of the raging flames, as he did for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Dan. hi. 23. Am I thrown among the devouring lions ? he can stop their mouths, and make them as harmless as lambs, as he did D 74 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. for Daniel, Dan. vi. 22. Am I ready to be swallowed up by the merciless waves of the tempestuous ocean ? God can command a fish to come and ship me safe to land, and that in its own belly, as he did for his prophet Jonah, Jo- nah ii. 10. Am I in prison ? God can speak the word, as he did for St. Peter, and the chains shall immediately fall off, and the doors fly open, and I shall be set at liberty, as he was, Acts xii. j, 8, 9, 10. And thus I can have no wants, but God can supply them, no doubts, but God can resolve them, no fears, but God can dispel them, no dan- gers, but God can prevent them. And it is as certain that he will, as that he can, do these things for me, himself having, by covenant, engaged and given himself unto me. And as, in God's giving himself, he hath given whatso- ever he is, and whatsoever he hath unto me, and will do whatsoever he can do for me ; so in my giving myself to him, whatsoever I have I am to give to him, and whatso- ever I do I am to do for him. But now, though we should thus wholly give up ourselves to God, and do whatsoever he requires of us (which none, I fear, without some de- gree of presumption, can say he has done) yet there is an infinite disproportion between the grant on God's part, and that on ours, in that he is God, and we but creatures, the workmanship of hisoivn hands, to whom it was our duty to give ourselves, whether he had ever given himself to us or no : he is ours by covenant only, not by nature ; we are his both by covenant and nature too. Hence we may infer, that it is not only our duty to do what he hath commanded us, because he hath said, Do this and live ; but because he hath said, Do this ; yea, though he should say, Do this and die, it would still be our duty to do it, because we are his, wholly of his mak- ing, and therefore wholly at his disposing ; insomuch that should he put me upon the doing that which would inevi- tably bring ruin upon me, I am not to neglect obeying him for fear of destroying myself, his will and pleasure being infinitely to be preferred before my life and salvation. But, if it were my duty to obey his commands, though I should die for it, how much more 3 when he hath pro- mised, I shall live by it ? nay, I shall not only live, if I obey him, but my obedience itself shall be my life and happiness ; for if I be obedient unto him, he is pleased to account himself as glorified by me : for herein is my Fa- ther glorified, if ye bring forth mueh fruit, John xv. 8. Now, what greater glory can possibly be desired, than to THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 75 glorify my Maker ? How can I be more glorified by God than to have God glorified by me ; it is the glory of God to glorify himself; and what a higher glory can a creature aspire after, than that which is the infinite glory of its all- glorious Creator ? It is not, therefore, my duty only, but my glory to give myself, and whatsoever I am, unto him, io glorify him both in my body and in my spirit which arc his % 1 Cor. vi. 20. to lay out whatsoever I have for him, io ho- nour him with all my substance, Prov. iii. 9. and whether I eat or drink, or whatsoever I do, to do all to his glory, 1 Cor. x. 31. Not as if it w r as possible for God to receive more glory from me now, than he had in himself from all eterni- ty. No : he was infinitely glorious then, and it is impos- sible for him to be more glorious now ; all that we can do, is duly to acknowledge that glory which he hath in him- self, and to manifest it, as we ought, before others ; which, though it be no addition to his glory, yet it is the perfection of ours, which he is pleased to account as his. As for the grant, therefore, in the covenant of grace ; I believe it to be the same on our parts, with that in the co- venant of works, i. e. That we Christians are as much bound to obey the commands he lays upon us now, as the Jews under the old covenant were. What difference there is, is wholly and solely on God's part ; who, instead of expecting obedience from us, is pleased, in this new cove- nant, to give this obedience to us. Instead of saying, Do this and live, he hath, in effect, said, I will enable you to do this, that so you may live. I will put my laws into your minds, and write them in your hearts ; and I will be to you a God, and you shall be to me a people, Heb. viii. 10. Not, I will, if you will, but I will, and you shall. Not, if you will do this, you shall live, but, you shall do this, and live. So that God doth not require less from us, but only hath promised more to us, in the new T , than he did in the old covenant. There, we were to perform obedience to God ; but it was by our own strength : here, we are to perform the same obedience still ; but it is by his strength. Nay, as we have more obligations to obedience upon us now, than we had before, by reason of God's expressing more grace and favour to us than formerly he did ; so I believe God expects more from us, under the new, than he did under the old covenant. In that, he expected the obedience of men ; in this, he expects the obedience of Christians, such as are by faith united unto Christ, and, D 2 76 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. in Christ, unto himself; and so are to do what they do, not by the strength of man, as before, but by the strength of the eternal God himself; who, as he at first created me for himself, so he hath now purchased me to himself, re- ceived me into covenant with him, and promised to en- able me with grace to perform that obedience he requires from me ; and, therefore, he now expects I should lay out myself, even whatsoever I have or I am, wholly for him and his glory. This, therefore, being the tenor of this covenant of grace, it follows, that I am none of my own, but wholly God's : I am his by creation, and his by redemption, and, therefore, ought to be his by conversion. Why, there- fore, should I live any longer to myself, who am not my own, but God's ? And why should I grudge to give my- self to him, who did not grudge to give himself for me ? or rather, Why should I steal myself from him, who have already given myself to him ? But did I say, I have given myself to my God? Alas ! it is but the restoring myself to him, whose I was ever since I had a being, and to whom I am still infinitely more engaged, than I can thus cordi- ally engage myself to him ; for, as I am not my own, but his, so the very giving of myself to him, is not from my- self, but from him. I could not have given myself to him, had he not first given himself to me, and even wrought my mind into this resolution of giving myself to him. But, having thus solemnly by covenant given myself to him, how doth it behove me to improve myself for him ; my soul is his, my body his, my parts his, my gifts his, my graces his, and whatsoever is mine, is his ; for, with- out him I could not have been, and therefore could have had nothing. So that I have no more cause to be proud of any thing I have, or am, than a page hath to be proud of his fine clothes, which are not his, but his master's; who bestows all his finery upon him, not for his page's ho- nour or credit, but for his own. And thus it is with the best of us, in respect of God ; he gives men parts and learning, and riches and grace, and desires and expects that we should make a due use of them: but to what end ? Not to gain honour and esteem to our- selves, and make us proud and haughty ; but to give him the honour due to his name, and so employ them as in- struments in promoting his glory and service. So that, whensoever Ave do not lay out ourselves to the utmost of our power for him, it is downright sacrilege ; it is robbing THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 77 God of that which is more properly his, than any man in the world can call any thing he hath his own. Having, therefore, thus wholly surrendered and given up myself to God, so long as it shall please his majesty to entrust me with myself, to lend me my being in the lower world, or to put any thing else into my hands, as time, health, strength, parts, or the like ; I am resolved, by his grace, to lay out all for his glory. All the faculties of my soul, as I have given them to him, so will I endeavour to improve them for him ; they shall still be at his most no- ble service ; my understanding shall be his, to know him ; my will his, to choose him ; my affections his, to embrace him : and all the members of my body shall act in sub- serviency to him. And thus, having given myself to God on earth, I hope God in a short time will take me to himself in heaven : where, as I give my self to him in time, he will give him- self to me unto all eternity. ARTICLE X. / believe, that as God entered into a covenant of grace with us, so hath he signed this covenant to us by a double seal, baptism and the Lord's supper. \ S the covenant of works had two sacraments, viz. the *£*- tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil; the first signifying and sealing life and happiness to the performance, the other death and misery to the breach of it : so the covenant of grace was likewise sealed with two typical sacraments, circumcision and the passover. The former was annexed at God's first making his covenant with Abraham's person ; the other was added, at his ful- filling the promises of it, to his seed or posterity, which were therefore styled, the promised seed. But these being only typical of the true and spiritual sacraments, that were afterwards to take place upon the coming of the Messiah, there were then, in the fulness of time, two other sacraments substituted in their stead, viz. baptism and the supper of the Lord. And these sacraments were both correspondent to the types by which they were represented. As to the first, viz. Circumcision, whether I consider the time of conferring it, or the end of its institution, I find it exactly answers to the sacrament of baptism in both these respects. For, as the children under the law were to be circumcised in their infancy, at eight days old; so are D 3 78 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. the children under the gospel to be baptized in their infan- cy too. And as the principal thing intended in the rite of circumcision, was to initiate or admit the children of the faithful into the Jewish church ; so the chief -design of baptism now, is to admit the children of such as profess themselves Christians, into the church of Christ. And, for this reason, I believe, that as, under the Old Testa- ment, children had the grant of covenant privileges, and church-membership, as really as their parents had ; so this grant was not repealed, as is intimated, Acts ii. 39. but farther confirmed in the New Testament, in that the apostle calls the children of believing parents holy, 1 Cor. xii. 14. Which cannot be understood of a real and inhe- rent, but only of a relative and covenanted holiness, by virtue of which, being born of believing parents, them- selves are accounted in the number of believers, and are therefore called holy children under the gospel, in the same sense that the people of Israel were called a holy people under the law, Deut. vii. 6. and xiv. 2, 21. as be- ing all within the covenant of grace, which, through the faith of their parents, is thus sealed to them in baptism. Not that I think it necessary, that all parents should be endued with what we call a saving faith, to entitle their children to these privileges (for then none but the chil- dren of such who have the Spirit of Christ truly implanted in them, would be qualified to partake of the covenant) but even such, who by an outward historical faith have taken the name of Christ upon them, are by that means in covenant with God, and so accounted holy in respect of their profession, whatever they may be in point of prac- tice. And if they are themselves holy, it follows of course, that their children must be so too, they being esteemed as parts of their parents, till made distinct mem- bers in the body of Christ, or, at least, till they come to the use of their reason, and the improvement of their na- tural abilities. And therefore, though the seal be changed, yet the co- venant privileges, wherewith the parties stipulating unto God were before invested, are no whit altered or dimi- nished ; believers' children being as really confederates with their parents, in the covenant of grace now, as they were before under the Jewish administration of it. And this seems to be altogether necessary ; for otherwise, in- fants should be invested with privileges under the type, and be deprived of, or excluded from them, under the THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 79 more perfect accomplishment of the same covenant in the thing typified ; and so the dispensations of God's grace would be more strait and narrow since, than they were before the coming of our Saviour, which I look upon to be no less than blasphemy to assert. And, upon this ground, I believe, it is as really the duty of Christians to baptize their children now, as ever it was the duty of the Israelites to circumcise theirs ; and therefore St. Peter's question, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, who luive received the Holy Ghost as well as we c 4 Acts x. 47- may very properly be applied to this case. Can any man forbid water, that chil- dren should not be baptized, who are in covenant with the most high God as well as we ? For what is it, I pray, that the right to baptism doth depend upon ? Surely, not upon performing the conditions of the covenant ; for then none shall be baptized, but such as are true believers in them- selves, and known to be so by us, and, by consequence, none at all ; it being only God's prerogative to search their hearts, and to know the truth of that grace, which him- self hath been pleased to bestow upon them. But chil- dren's right to baptism is grounded upon the outward pro- fession of their believing parents ; so that as a king may be crowned in his cradle, not because he is able to weild the sceptre, or manage the affairs of his kingdom, but because he is heir to his father : so here, children are not therefore baptized because they are able to perform the conditions of the covenant, which is sealed to them, but because they are children to believing parents. And this seems yet to be farther evident, from the very nature of seals, which are not administered or annexed to any covenant, because the conditions are already performed, but rather that they may be performed ; and so children are not baptized be- cause they are already true Christians, but that they may be so hereafter. As for a command for infant baptism, I believe, that the same law that enjoined circumcision to the Jewish, enjoins baptism likewise to Christian children, there being the same reason for both. The reason why the Jewish chil- dren were to be circumcised, was because they were Jew- ish children, bom of such as professed the true worship of God, and were in covenant with him ; and there is the same reason why Christian children are to be baptized, even because they are Christian children, born of such as profess the true worship of the same God, and are confe- D 4 80 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. derates in the same covenant with the Jews themselves. And, as there is the same reason, so likewise the same end for both, viz. That the children might be actually admit- ted into the same covenant with their parents, and have it visibly confirmed to them by this initiating seal put upon them : so that circumcision and baptism are not two dis- tinct seals, but the same seal diversely applied ; the one being but as a type of the other, and so to give place to it, whensoever, by the institution of Christ, it should be brought into the church of God. And therefore, the com- mand for initiating children into the church by baptism, remains still in force, though circumcision, which was the type and shadow of it, be done away. And for this rea- l believe, that was there never a command in the Sev; Testament for infant baptism, yet, seeing there is one for circumcision in the Old, and for baptism, as com- ing into the place of it, in the New, I should bok upon baptism as necessarily to be applied to infants now, as cir- cumcision was then. But why should it be supposed, that there is no com- mand in the New Testament for infant baptism ? There are several texts that seem to imply its hieing jeiwactiaed in the first preaching of the gosrjet, as particularly in \'<\e case of Lydia and the keeper of the prison, Acts xvi. 15, 33. who had their whole families baptized, and we no where nnd that children were excepted. On the contrary, St, Peter exhorting the converted Jews to be baptized, makes use of this argument to bring them to it, For the promise, says he, is unto you and to your children, Acts ii. 38, 39- which may as reasonably be understood of their infants, as of their adult posterity. But, besides, it was the express command of Christ to his disciples, that they should go, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, Son, ami Holy Ghost, Matt, xxviii. ip. The mean- ing of which words I take to be this ; go ye, and preach the gospel among all nations, and endeavour thereby to bring them over to the embracing of it ; that leaving all Jewish ceremonies and heathenish idolatries, they may profess my name, and become my disciples, receive the truth, and follow me ; which if they do, I charge you to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; for the word Matheteu.mte doth not signify to teach, but to make disciples, denoting the same here, that mathe- taspoiein doth upon the like occasion, John iv. 1. And this is the sense that all the ancient translations THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 81 agree in : nor, indeed, will the text itself bear any other • especially, not that of teaching ; for though the apostles should have taught all nations, yet they were not present- ly to baptize them unless they became disciples, and pro- fessors of the doctrine that they were taught. A man may be taught the doctrine of the gospel, and yet not believe it ; and even though he should believe, yet unless he open- ly profess his faith in it, he ought not presently to be bap- tized. For, without this outward profession, the very professing of Christ cannot entitle a man to this privilege before men, though it doth before God ; because we can- not know how any one stands affected towards Christ, but only by his outward profession of him. It is the inward profession of Christ's person that entitles us to the inward spiritual grace: but it is the outward profession of his name only, that entitles us to the outward visible sign in baptism : so that a man must, of necessity, be a profess- ed disciple of the gospel, before he can be admitted into the church of Christ. And hence it is, that the words must necessarily be understood of discipling, or bringing the nations over to the profession of the Christian religion ; or else we must suppose, what ought not to be granted, that our Saviour must command many that were visible enemies to his cross, to be received into his church ; for many of the Jews were taught and instructed in the doc- trine of the gospel, who, notwithstanding, were invete- rate enemies unto Christ. They were taught that he was the Messiah, and saviour of the world, and that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life; and they had all the reason in the world to be convinced of it : yet, I hope, there is none will say, that the bare knowledge of, or tacit assent unto, these things, are a suf- ficient ground for their reception into the church. Now, as it was in the Jewish church, when any one became a proselyte, not only himself, but whatsoever chil- dren he had, were to be circumcised ; so in the church of Christ, whensoever any person is brought over into the profession of the Christian religion, his seed are equally invested with the outward privileges of it with himself though they be not as yet come to years of discretion, nor able, of themselves, to make their profession of that reli- gion they are to be received and baptized into. For, so long as children are in their infancy, they are (as I before observed) looked upon as parts of their parents, and are therefore accounted holy, by the outward profession which D 5 82 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. their parents, under whom they are comprehended, make of it; and in this sense, 1 Cor. viii. 14. the unbelieving hus- band is said to be sanctified by the believing wife, and the un- believing wife by the believing husband, that is, man and wife being made one flesh, they are denominated, from the better part holy, and so are their children too. And hence it is, that I verily believe, that in the com- mission which our Saviour gave to his apostles, to disciple and baptize all nations, he meant, that they should preach the gospel in all nations, and thereby bring over all per- sons of understanding and discretion to the profession of his name, and in them, their children ; and to engraft both root and branch into himself, the true vine, by bap- tizing both parents and children in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The main objection against this is, that infants are not in a capacity either to learn and understand their duty in this covenant, or to stipulate and promise for their future performance of the conditions of it. But this difficulty is easily removed, when I consider, that it is not by virtue of their own faith and knowledge, but that of their pa- rents, that they are admitted to this sacrament ; nor is it required, that they should stipulate or promise in their own persons, but by their god-fathers or sponsors, who enter into this engagement for them, and oblige them, when they come to age, to take it upon themselves ; which ac- cordingly they do. And this engagement by proxy, does as effectually bind them to the performance of the condi- tions, as if they were actually in a capacity to have stipu- lated for themselves, or sealed the covenant in their own persons. For these spiritual signs or seals are not design- ed to make God's word surer to us, but only to make our faith stronger in him ; nor are they of the substance of the covenant, but only for the better confirmation of it. And, as baptism thus comes in the place of the Jews' circumcision, so doth our Lord's supper answer to their passover. Their paschal lamb represented our Saviour Christ, and the sacrificing it the shedding of his blood upon the cross ; and as the passover was the memorial of the Israelites' redemption from Egypt's bondage, Exod. xii. 14. so is the Lord's supper the memorial of our re- demption from the slavery of sin, and assertion into Chris- tian liberty ; or rather, it is a solemn and lively represen- tation of the death of Christ and offering it again to God 3 as an atonement for sin, and reconciliation to his favour. THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 83 . So that, 1 believe, this sacrament of the Lord's supper under the gospel, succeeds to the rite of sacrificing under the law ; and is properly called the Christian sacrifice, as representing the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. And the end of both is the same : for, as the sacrifices under the law were designed as a propitiation or atonement for sins, by transferring the punishment from the offerer to the thing offered, which is therefore called the accursed thing, as we read, Lev. xvii. 11. So, under the gospel, we are told, that it was for this end that our Saviour died, and suffered in our stead, that he might obtain the pardon of our sins, and reconcile us to his Father, by laying the guilt of them upon his own person. And accordingly, he says of himself, that he came to give his life a ransom for many, Matt. xx. 28. And St. Paul tells us, 2 Cor. v. 21. that he was made sin for us, who knew no sin. And as the end of both institutions was the same, so they were both equally extended. The paschal lamb was ordered for all the congregation of Israel, and so is the sa- crament of the Lord's supper to be administered to all the faithful people in Christ, that do not exclude themselves from it. And for this reason, I believe, that as all the congregation of Israel was to eat the passover, so is all the society of Christians to receive the Lord's supper ; those only to be excepted, who are altogether ignorant of the nature of that covenant it seals, or openly and scandalous- ly guilty of the breach of the conditions it requires. But why, say some, should there be any exception ? Did not Christ die for all mankind ? And is not that death said to be a, full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world ? All this is true, but it does not from hence follow, that all men must be actually saved and absolved from their sins, by virtue of his death. No, it is only they, who apply to themselves the merit of his passion, by partaking duly of this holy- sacrament, which is the proper means by which these bles- sings are conveyed to us, whereby we are sealed to the day if redemption. I say, duly, because though this sacrament was ordained for all, yet all will not make themselves wor- thy of it ; and those that are not so, are so far from reap- ing any benefit from it, that, as the apostle says, they eat and drink their own damnation, not discerning the Lo?-d's body, 1 Cor. xi. 29. And therefore/ I believe, that' as in the in- stitution of the passover there were some particular duties and ceremonies enjoined for the better solemnization of it ; D 6 84 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. so there are some preparatory duties and qualifications ne- cessarily required for the celebration of the Lord's supper, which, before I presume to partake of it, I must always use my utmost endeavours to exercise myself in. And these are, First, That I should examine, confess, and bewail my .sins before God, with a true sense of, and sorrow for them ; and taking firm resolutions for the time to come, Utterly to relinquish, and forsake them, solemnly engage myself in a new and truly Christian course of life. Secondly, That I should be in perfect charity with all men, i. e. That I should heartily forgive those who have any ways injured or offended me ; and make restitution or satisfaction to such whom I have, in any respect, injured or offended myself. Thirdly, That I should, with an humble and obedient heart, exercise the acts of faith, and love, and devotion, during the celebration of that holy mystery ; and express the sense I have of this mystery, by devout praises and thanksgivings for the great mercies and favours that God vouchsafes to me therein ; and by all the ways and mea- sures of charity that he has prescribed, manifest my love and beneficence to my Christian brethren. These are the proper graces, this the wedding-garment that every true Christian, who comes to be a guest at this holy supper, ought to be clothed and invested with. " Do thou, O blessed Jesus, adorn me with this holy ** robe, and inspire my soul with such heavenly qualities '< and dispositions as these ; and then I need not fear, but " that as oft as I eat the jiesh of Christ, and drink his blood, " I shall effectually obtain the pardon and remission of my *' sins, the sanctifying influences of his holy Spirit, and a " certain interest in the kingdom -of glory." See farther, Treatise of the Sacrament. ARTICLE XI. / believe that after a short separation, my soul and body shall be united together again, in order to appear before the judgme?rt-seat of Christ, and be finally sentenced aeconU ing to my deserts. I KNOW this body, which, for the present, I am tied to, is nothing else but a piece of clay, made up into the THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. $5 frame and fashion of man ; and therefore, as it was first taken from the dust, so shall it return to dust again : but then 1 believe, on the other hand, that it shall be as really raised from the earth, as ever it shall be carried to it ; yea, though perhaps it may go through a hundred, or a thousand changes, before that day come. There are, I confess, some points in this article, which are hardly to be solved by human reason ; but, I believe, there are none so difficult, but what may be reconciled by a divine faith : though it be too hard for me to know, yet it is not too hard for God to do. He that should have told me some years ago, that my body then was, or should be a mixture of particles fetched from so many parts of the world, and un- dergo so many changes and alterations, as to become in a manner new, should scarce have extorted the belief of it from me, though now I perceive it to be a real truth ; the meats, fruits, and spices, which we eat, being transport- ed from several different places and nations, and, by natu- ral digestion, transfused into the constitution of the body. And why should not I believe, that the same almighty power, who made these several beings or particles of mat- ter, by which I am fed and sustained, can as easily, with his word, recall each particle again from the most secret or remote place that it can possibly be transported to ? Or, that he who framed me out of the dust, can with as much ease gather all the scattered parts of the body, and put them together again, as he at first formed them into such a shape, and infused into it a spiritual being. And this article of my faith/ 1 believe, is not only grounded upon, but may, even by the force of reason, be deduced from, the principles of justice and equity; justice requiring that they who are co-partners in vice and virtue, should be Co-partners also in punishments and rewards. There is scarce a sin a man commits, but his body hath a share in it • for though the sin committed would not be a sin without the soul, yet it could not be committed without the body ; the sinfulness of it depends upon the former, but the commission of it may lawfully be charged upon the latter : the body could not sin, if the soul did not consent ; nor could the soul sin (especially so oft) if the body did not tempt to it. And this is particularly observable in the sins of adultery, drunkenness and gluttony, which the soul of itself cannot commit, neither would it ever consent unto them, did not the prevalent humours of the body, sfe it were, force it to do so. For, in these sins, the act that is 86 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. sinful is wholly performed by the body, though the ful- ness of that act doth principally depend upon the soul. Neither is the body only partner with the soul in these grosser sins ; but even the more spiritual sins, which seem to be most abstracted from the temperature of the body, as if they depended only upon the pravity and corruption of the soul : I say, even these are partly to be ascribed to the body. For instance, an atheistical thought, which, one would think, was to be laid upon the soul, because the thought takes its rise from thence ; yet if we seriously weigh and consider the matter, we shall find, that it is usually the sinful affections of the body that thus debauch the mind into these blasphemous thoughts : and that it is the pleasures of sense that first suggested them to us, and raise them in us. And this appears, in that there was no person that ever was, or indeed ever can be, an atheist at all times ; but such thoughts spring up in the fountain of the soul, only when mudded with fleshly pleasures, And thus it is in most other sins ; the carnal appetite having gotten the reins into his hand, it misleads the reason, and hurries the soul wheresoever it pleaseth. And, what then can be more reasonable, than that the body should be pu- nished, both for its usurping the soul's prerogative, and for its tyrannizing so much over that, which, at the first, it was made to be subject to ? But farther, it is the body that enjoys the pleasure, and therefore, good reason, that the body should likewise bear the punishment of the sin. Indeed, I cannot perceive,, how it can stand with the principles of justice, but that the body, which both accompanies the soul in sin, enjoys the pleasures of it, and leads the soul into it, should bear a share in the miseries which are due to, and inflicted upon it. For what doth justice require, but to punish the person that offends, for the offence he commits ? whereas if the soul only, and not the body, were to suffer, the per- son would not suffer at all, the body being part of the per- son, as well as the soul, and therefore the soul no person without the body. Hence it is, that though the scriptures had been silent in. this point, yet methinks I could not but have believ- ed : how much more firm and steadfast, then, ought I to be in my faith, when truth itself hath been pleased so ex- pressly to affirm it ? For this saith the Lord of hosts, Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise, Isaiah xxvi. 19. And many of them, that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 87 some to shame and everlasting contempt, Dan. xii. 2. And thus saith the Saviour of the world, who is the way, the truth, and the life : the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth ; the}) that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and theij that have done evil, imto the resurrection of damnation, John v. 28, 2.9. The same hath it pleased his divine Ma- jesty to assert and prove with his own mouth, Matt. xxii. 31, 32. and by his Spirit, 2 Cor. xv. and in many other places : from all which, I may, with comfort and confi- dence, draw the same conclusion that holy Job did, and say, / know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth ; and though after my ski?i, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God ; whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another, though my reins be consumed within me, Job xix. 25, 26, 27. And, as 1 believe my body shall be thus raised from the grave, so I believe the other part of me, my soul, shall ne- ver be carried to it ; I mean it shall never die, but shall be as much, yea, more alive, when I am dying, than it is now ; so much my soul shall be the more active in itself, by how much it is less tied and subjected to the body. And farther I believe, that so soon as ever my breath is out of my nostrils, my soul shall remove her lodging into the other world, there to live as really to eternity, as I now live here in time. Yea, I am more certain, that my soul shall return to God who gave it, than that my body shall return to the earth, out of which I had it. For I know, it is possible my body may be made immortal, but I am sure my soul shall never be mortal. I know, that at the first, the body did equally participate of immortali- ty with the soul, and that had not sin made the divorce, they had lived together, like loving mates, to all eternity. And I dare not affirm that Enoch and Elias underwent the common fate ; or suppose they did, yet sure I am, the time will come, when thousands of men and women shall not be dissolved and die, but be immediately changed and caught up into heaven, or to their eternal confusion, thrust down into hell; whose bodies, therefore, shall undergo no such thing as rotting in the grave, " or being eaten up of worms, but, together with their souls, shall immediately launch into the vast ocean of eternity. But who ever yet read or heard of a soul's funeral ? Who is it ? Where is the man ? Qir, what is his name, that wrote the history of 8S THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. her life and death ? Can any disease arise in a spiritual substance, wherein there is no such thing as contrariety of principles or qualities to occasion any disorder or distem- per ? Can an angel be sick or die ? And, if not an angel, why a soul, which is endowed with the same spiritual nature here, and shall be adorned with the same eternal glory hereafter ? No, no, deceive not thyself, my soul ; for it is more certain, that thou shalt always live, than that thy body shall ever die. Not that I think my soul must always live, in despite of omnipotence itself, as if it was not in the poAver of the Almighty, to take my being and existence from me ; for I know, I am but a potsherd in the potter's hands, and that it is as easy for him to dash me in pieces now, as it was to raise it up at the first. I believe, it is as easy for him to command my soul out of its being, as out of its body ; and to send me back into my mother's nothing, out of whose womb he took me, as- it was at first to fetch me thence. I know he could do it, if he would, but himself hath said, he will not, and therefore, I am sure, he can- not do it ; and that, not because he hath not power, but because he hath not will to do it ; it being impossible for him to do that which he doth not will to do. And that it is not his will or pleasure even to annihilate my soul, I have it under his own hand, that my dust shall return to the earth as it was ; and my spirit to God that gave it, Eccl. xii. 7. And if it return to God, it is so far from return- ing to nothing, that it returns to the Being of all beings ; and so death to me, will be nothing more than going home to my father and mother ; my soul goes to my father, God; and my body to my mother, earth. Thus, likewise, hath it pleased his sacred Majesty to assure me, that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, wc have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, 2 Cor. v. 1. so clearly hath the great God brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, 2 Tim. i. 10. The light of nature shews the soul can never perish or be dissolved, without the imme- diate interposition of God's omnipotence, and we have his own divine word for it, that he will never use that power, in the dissolution of it. And therefore I may, with the greatest assurance, affirm and believe, that as really as I now live, so really shall I never die ; but that my soul, at the very moment of its departure from the flesh, shall im- mediately mount up to the tribunal of the most high God, THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 8J) thereto be judged, first privately, by itself, (or perhaps with some other souls that shall be summoned to appear before God the same moment :) and then, from these pri- vate sessions, I believe that every soul that ever' was, or shall be separated from the body, must either be received into the mansions of heaven, or else sent down to the dun- geon of hell, there to remain till the grand assizes, the judgment of the great day, token the trumpet shall sound, a?id the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and ire shall be chang- ed, 1 Cor. xv. 52. And when our bodies, by the word of the almighty God, shall be thus called together again, I believe that our souls shall be all prepared to meet them, and be united again to them, and so both appear before the judgment-seat qf Christ, to receive sentence according to what the j have done in the flesh, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. And, though it is very difficult, or rather impos- sible, for me to conceive or determine the particular cir- cumstance of this grand assize, or manner and method how it shall be managed, yet, from the light and intima- tions that God has vouchsafed to give us of it, I have ground to believe, it will be ordered and carried after this, or the like manner. The day and place being appointed by the King of kings, the glorious Majesty of heaven, and Saviour of the world, Jesus Ghrist, who lcag ago received his commission from the Father to be the judge qf the quick and dead, John v. 22. Acts xvii. 31. shall descend from heaven with the shout of the archangel, and with the trump of God, 1 Thess. iv. 16. royally attended with an innumerable company of gloiious angels, Matt. xxv. 51. These he shall send with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the one end of heaven to the other, chap. xxiv. 31. yea, and the wicked too, from whatsoever place they shall be in ; and then shall he sever the wicked from the just, Matt. xiii. 49« So that all nations, and every particular person, that ever did, or ever shall live upon the face of the earth, shall be gathered together before him, and he shall separate the one from the other, as a shepherd divideth the sheep from the" goats, and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, and the goats upon the left, Matt. xxv. 32, 33. Things being thus set in order, the judge shall read his commission, i. e. declare and manifest himself to be the judge of all the earth, sent by the God of heaven to judge them that had condemned him, and, in that very body, that 1)0 THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. was once crucified upon the cross, at Jerusalem, for our sins. So that all the world shall then behold him shining in all his glory and majesty, and shall acknowledge him to be now, what they would not believe him to be before, even both God and man, and so the judge of all the world, from whom there can be no appeal. And having thus declared his commission, I believe the first work he will go upon, will be to open the book of God's remembrance, and to cause all the indictments to be read, that are there found on record against those on his right hand ; but behold, all the black lines of their sins being blotted out, with the red lines of their Saviour's blood, and nothing but their good works, their prayers, their sermons, their meditations, their alms and the like, to be found there ; the righteous judge, before whom they stand, turning himself before them, with a serene and smil- ing countenance, will declare to them before all the world, that their sins are pardoned, and their persons accepted by him, as having believed in him ; and therefore will he immediately proceed to pronounce the happy sentence of election on them, saying, Come, ye blessed of my Father, in^. herit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. The sentence being thus pronounced, the righteous (and I hope myself amongst the rest) shall go up with shouts of joy and triumph, to sit with our blessed Redeemer, to judge the other parts of the world, who sit at the left hand of the tribunal, with ghastly countenances and trembling hearts, to receive their last and dreadful doom. Against these all the sins that they committed, or were guilty of, shall be brought up in judgment against them, as they are found on record in the book of God's remembrance, and the indictments read against every particular person, high or low, for every particular sin, great or small which they have committed. And the truth of this indictment shall be attested by their own consciences, crying, Guilty, guilty ; I say, by their own consciences, which are as a thousand witnesses : yea, and by the omniscience of God too, which is as a thousand consciences. And therefore, without any far- ther delay, shall the judge proceed to pronounce ths sen- tence, the doleful sentence of condemnation upon them, Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting f re prepared for the devil and his angels. This, I believe, or such like, will be the method of THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. 91 Christ's proceeding with us in that great and terrible day of trial and retribution. " Oil ! may those awful thoughts and ideas of it always " accompany me, and strike such a deep and lively im- " pression upon my heart, in every action of life, as to de- " ter me from offending this just and Almighty being, in n resolved, by the grace of God, to mingle such recrea- tions with thy business, as to further my business by my recreations. XXAVING wholly, devoted myself to God, all I have, JLX or am ^ j s s till i be improved for him ; insomuch that was it not for the necessities of nature, every moment of my life should and ought to be spent in the immediate wor- ship and service of him. But though nature requires some time" from my solemn serving him, for the recreating of myself; yet grace requireth, that this recreating of myself should still be for the promoting his service ; so that my recreations do not only fit me for farther service, but they, in themselves, should some way or other, be serviceable to him ; which that they may be Pmust have as great a care in the choice, as in the use of my recreations. There are some recreations that are so far from conduc- ing to his service, that they may make more for the incens- ing of his wrath : as drinking and gaming, which though in themselves lawful, yet, as they often prove an occasion of swearing, lying, cheating, and contention amongst men, and, by consequence of wrath in God ; so they ought, by all means, to be shunned and avoided. Indeed, it may be questioned, whether gaming be ever a lawful recrea- tion ? For, either it is a lottery, or not. If it be a lottery, it is not lawful, because it is a great presumption and sin to set God at work to recreate ourselves ; for poor nothings to employ the chiefest good, immediately to determine such frivolous and trifling impertinencies. If it be not a lottery, then it is not a pure recreation, for if it depends upon man's wit and study, it exercises his brain and spi- rits, as much as if he were about other things : so that be- ing on one side not lawful, on the other side no recreation ; it can, on no side, be a lawful recreation. For, what is the end of recreation, but to revive my lan- guishing spirits, to let them rest and be quiet a little, when they are tired with too much exercise, that they be fresher, livelier, and fitter for work afterwards ? hence it is, that God indeed hath provided a recreation for all sensible creatures ; sleep, which is the rest of the spirits in the nerves. When the little animal spirits have been all the day running up and down upon the soul's errands^ to lis 140 RESOLUTIONS. down still and quiet, is a great refreshment and revivement to them, provided still, that it be moderately used. Where- as the indulging ourselves too much in it, is rather a clog- ging and stupifying of them ; as we see in our bodies, which, when not accustomed to, are most averse from, and unfit for exercise. So that the chief and only time for recreation, is, when my spirits are either weary with labour anjd study, or else call- ed in to some necessary employment in some other place ; as at and after meals, especially such as are of a hard di- gestion ; for then the spirits have enough to do, to turn the food we eat into good nourishment. And, therefore, the intenseness of study, running, wrestling, and such like violent exercises, are not proper at such a time ; because in studying, we draw the spirits from the stomach to the head ; so in the other exercises, such as moderate walking, conference, and free discourse about common but necessa- ry points, we send them from the stomach^into other parts of the body, where they are to be set on work. But, that which I have found the best recreation, both to my body and mind, whensoever either of them stands in need of it, is music, which exercises, at once, both my body and my soul ; especially when I play myself. For then, methinks, the same motion that my hand makes upon the instrument, the instrument makes upon my heart; it calls in my spirits, composes my thoughts, delights my ear, recreates my mind, and so, not only fits me for after business, but fills my heart, at the present, with pure and useful thoughts, so that when the music sounds the sweet- liest in my ears, truth commonly flows the clearest into my mind. And hence it is, that I find my soul is become more harmonious, by being accustomed so much to har- mony, and so averse to all manner of discord, that the least jarring sounds, either in notes or words, seem very harsh and unpleasant to me. That there is something more than ordinary in music, appears from David's making use of it, for driving away the evil spirit from Saul, and Elisha for the bringing of the good spirit upon himself. From which I am induced to believe, that there is really a sort of secret and charming power in it, that naturally dispels, from the mind, all ox- most of those black humours, which the evil spirit uses to brood upon, and by composing it into a more regular, sweet, and docible disposition, renders it the fitter for the holy Spirit to work upon, the more susceptible of divine RESOLUTIONS. 141 grace, and more faithful messenger, whereby to convey truth to the understanding. But however that be, I must necessarily acknowledge, that of all recreations, that is by far the more suitable to my temper and disposition, in that it is not only an exercise to my body, but to my mind too ; my spirits being thereby made the more nimble and active, and, by consequence, the fitter to wait upon my soul, and be employed by her, in whatever business she is engaged. But in this and all other recreations, I must always take care not to exceed my measure, either in point of time or intention ; I must not follow them too close, nor spend too many hours in them, but still resolve to use them, as they may not become a snare to me, but answer the ends for which they were designed, that when God shall call me to it, I may give him as good an account of my recrea- tions, as of my necessary duties. %^w-w»-vv-vvwv CONCERNING MY RELATIONS. BUT be not deceived, O my soul ; thou art not yet ad- vanced far enough ; it is not sufficient to pretend to holiness in my thoughts and affections, and in my words and actions ; unless I express it likewise in all the rela- tions and conditions of life. The commandments of God are said to be exceeding broad : they extend themselves to eve- ry capacity I can possibly be in, not only enjoining me to live soberly in respect to myself, but righteously to my neighbour, obediently to my sovereign, lovingly to my wife, and faithfully to my people ; otherwise I cannot live holily unto God ; and, therefore, if I would be thoroughly religious, I must farther endeavour to fix my resolutions with regard to the several duties the most High expects from me, in all these particular relations I bear to him, during my sojourning here on earth. RESOLUTION I. / am resolved, hij the grace of God, to honour and ohey the king, or prince, wliom God is pleased to set over me, as well as to expect that he should safeguard and protect me, whom God is pleased to set under him. THE King of kings, and Lord of lords, the great and glorious monarch of all the world, having enacted 142 RESOLUTIONS. many gracious laws, is pleased to set over every kingdom and nation such persons as may put them in execution. So that I cannot but look upon a lawful king, as truly a re- presentative of the most high God, as a parliament is of the people ; and am therefore persuaded, that whoever rebels against him, rebels against God himself; not only in that he rebels against the ordinance of God,, and so, against the God of that ordinance, but because he rebels against him, whom God hath set up as his vicegerent, to repre- sent his person, and execute his laws in such a part of his dominions. Hence it is, that these two precepts, Fear God, and ho- nour the king, are so often joined together in holy writ; for he that fears God's power cannot but honour his autho- rity ; and he that honours not the king, that represents God, cannot be said to fear God, who is represented by him. And hence, likewise, it is, that God has been as strict and express in enjoining us obedience to our govern- ors as to himself; for, thus saith the Lord of hosts, Rom. xiii. 1. Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. Why ? because there is no power hit of God ; the powers that be, are ordained of God. And he hath denounced as great a judgment against such as rebel against the magistrate he hath ordained, as against those that rebel against himself ; For whosoever re- sisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation, ver. 2. So that the wrath of God shall as certainly fall upon those that rise up against the king, as upon those that fight against God. And no wonder that the punishment should be the same, when the fault is the same : for he that fights against his king, fights against God himself, who hath in- vested him with that power and authority to govern his people, representing his own glorious majesty before them. Upon this ground it is, that I believe the wickedness of a prince cannot be a sufficient plea for the disobedience of his subjects ; for it is not the holiness, but the authori- ty of God that he represents, which the most wicked, as well as the most holy person, may be endowed with ; and therefore, when the gospel first began to spread itself over the earth, though there was no Christian king, or supreme magistrate, of what title soever, to cherish and protect it ; nay, though the civil powers were then the greatest ene- mies to it ; yet, even then were the disciples of Christ en- joined to submit themselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake. RESOLUTIONS. 143 Insomuch, that did I live among the Turks, I should look upon it as my duty to obey the Grand Seignior, in all his lawful edicts, as well as the most Christian and pious king in the world. For, suppose a prince be never so wicked, and never so negligent in his duty of protecting me, it doth not follow, that I must neglect mine of obey- ing him. In such a case, I have another duty added to this : and that is to pray for him, and intercede with God for his conversion : for thus hath the King of kings com- manded, that prayers, supplications, intercessions, and giv- ing of thanks, be made for all men, so more especially, for kings and those that are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty, 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. So that whensoever I address to the court of hea- ven, I must be sure to remember my sovereign upon earth, that God would be pleased to enable his servant to reign on earth as himself doth in heaven, in righteousness and mercy. But especially, in case of any seeming or real de- fault or defect, thoiigh I do not think it a subject's duty to judge or censure their sovereign's actions, I am to be the more earnest in my prayers and intercessions for him ; but, upon no account to fight or rebel against him. And, if I am thus strictly obliged to honour, obey, and pray for a bad prince, how much more should I pay those duties to one, who represents God, not only in his autho- rity, but in his holiness too ? In this case, sure, as there is a double engagement to reverence and obedience, so I am doubly punishable, if I neglect to shew it, either to the prince himself, or those that are set under him ; for the same obligations that lie upon me, for my obedience to the king, bind me likewise to obey his inferior officers and magistrates, that act under him ; and that for this reason, because, as he represents God, so they repre- sent him ; and, therefore, whatever they command, in his name, I look upon it as much my duty to obey, as if it was commanded by his own mouth ; and, accordingly, do, from this moment, by the grace of God, resolve to put this duty in practice. RESOLUTION II. / am resolved, by the same divine grace, to be as constant in loving of my wife, as cautious in choosing her. nnHOUGH it be not necessary for me to resolve upon -*- marrying, yet it may not be improper to resolve, in case I should, to follow these rules of duty ; first in the 144 RESOLUTION.-. choice of a wife ; and secondly, in the affection that I ought to bear towards her. As for the first, I shall always endeavour to make choice of such a woman for my spouse, who hath first made choice of Christ as a spouse for herself; that none may be made one flesh with me, who is not also made one spirit with Christ my Saviour. For I look upon the image of Christ as the best mark of beauty I can behold in her ; and the grace of God as the best portion I can receive with her. These are excellencies, which, though not visible to carnal eyes, are nevertheless agreeable to a spiritual heart ; and such as all wise and good men cannot choose but be ena- moured with. For my own part, they seem to me such necessary qualifications, that my heart trembles at the thought of ever having a wife without them. What ! shall I marry one that is wedded already to her sins, or have possession of her body only, when the devil hath pos- session of her soul? shall such a one be united to me here, who shall be separated from me for ever hereafter, and be condemned to scorch in everlasting burning ? No, if it ever be my lot to enter into that state, I beg of God, that lie would direct me in the choice of a such a wife only to lie in my bosom here, as may afterwards be admitted to rest in Abraham's bosom to all eternity ; such a one, as will so live and pray, and converse with me upon earth, that we may be both entitled to sing, to rejoice, and be blessed together, for ever in heaven. That this, therefore, may be my portion and felicity, I firmly resolve, never to set upon a design, before I have first solicited the throne of grace, and begged of my hea- venly Father, to honour me with the partnership of one of his beloved children ; and shall afterwards be as careful and cautious as I can, never to fix my affections upon any woman for a wife, till I am thoroughly persuaded of the grounds I have to love her, as a true Christian. If I could be thus happy, as to meet with a wife of these qualities and endowments, it would be impossible for me not to be hearty and sincere in my affection toward her, even though I had the greatest temptations to place them upon another : for, how could I choose but love her, who has God for her father, the church for her mother, and heaven for her portion ; who loves God, and is beloved of him ? especially, when I consider, that this love to her, will not only be my duty but my happiness too. As to the duty, it is frequently inculcated in the scrip- RESOLUTIONS. 145 ture, that husbands shall love their wives, and that not with a common love, but as Christ loved his church, Eph. v. 25. yea, as their own body, ver. 28. or, as themselves, ver. 33. and they are so to love them, as not to be bitter against them, Col. iii. 1Q. not to be passionate or angry withthein upon every light matter, nor suffer their resentments to rise to that height, upon any occasion whatsoever, as to abate the least spark of conjugal affection towards them, but to nourish and cherish them even as the Lord the church. In a word, to do all the kind offices they can for them, in their civil capacities, and to help and forward them, by all means possible, in the way that leads to heaven ; that as they are united in the flesh, so they may likewise be united in the spirit, and raised and rewarded together at the general resurrection. And, as love is the great duty, so it is likewise the chief happiness of a married state. I do not mean that love whereby she loves me, but that wherewith I love her ; for, if I myself have not a cordial esteem and affection for her, what happiness will it be to me, to be beloved by her ? or rather, what a misery would it be to be forced to live with one I know I cannot love ? As ever, therefore, I desire to be happy, I must perform my duty in this particular, and never aim at any other end, in the choice of a wife, nor expect any other happiness in the enjoy- ment of her, but what is founded in the principle of pure and inviolable love. If I should court and marry a wo- man for riches, then, whensoever they fail, or take their flight, my love and my happiness must drop and vanish together with them. If I choose her for beauty only, I shall love her no longer than while that continues, which is only till age or sickness blasts it, and then farewell at once, both duty and delight. But if I love her for her virtues, and for the sake of God, who has enjoined it as a duty, that our affections should not be alienated, or separated by any thing but death ; then, though all the other sandy foundations fail, yet will my happiness remain entire ; even though I should not perceive those mutual returns of love, which are due from her to me upon the same bottom. But, oh ! the hap- piness of that couple, whose inclinations to each other are as mutual as their duties ; whose affections, as well as persons, are linked together with the same tie ! this is the chief condition required to make the state of matrimony happy or desirable, and shall be the chief motive, with 14t> RESOLUTIONS. me, to influence me to enter into it. For, though it be no happiness to be beloved by one I do not love ; yet it is certainly a very great one to be beloved by one I do. If this, then, be my lot, to have mutual expressions of love from the person I fix my affections upon, what joy and comfort will it raise in my heart ? with what peace and amity shall we live together here ? and what glory and felicity may we not promise ourselves hereafter ? What is here said of the duty in choosing and loving of a wife, may be likewise applied to a woman's duty in choos- ing and loving her husband. But being not so immediate- ly concerned in this, I pass on to my next resolution. RESOLUTION III. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to do my endeavours /ogive to God whatsoever children he shall be pleased to give me ; that as they are mine by nature, they may be his by grace. 1HAVE sometimes wondered at the providence of God, in bringing so many millions of people out of the loins of one man ; and cannot but make this use of it, even to stir up myself to a double diligence, in bringing up my children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. For who knows, but the salvation of ten thousand souls may depend upon the education of one single child ? If I train up my son in the ways of religion, and teach him what it is to keep a conscience void of offence towards God, and towards man ; he will then not only have an in- ward sen^e of his own duty, but take all possible care to instil it into others, whether children or servants, that are committed to his charge ; and these, again, will do the same to theirs, by teaching them to walk in the same patli ; till, by degrees, the piety and holiness of one man has diffused itself to all succeeding generations. But now, on the other hand, if I neglect the care of my son's educa- tion, and suffer the leprosy of sin and wickedness to taint and corrupt him, it is great odds, without an extraordi- nary interposition of divine grace, but the infection may spread itself over all my posterity ; and so draw down upon me the curses and accusations of ten thousand souls in hell, which might otherwise have been praising and blessing God for me, to all eternity, in heaven. Hence it is, that I am resolved to endeavour to be a RESOLUTIONS. 147 spiritual, as well as natural father to my children ; yea, to take more care to get a portion for their souls in heaven, than to make provision for their bodies upon earth. For, if he be accounted worse than an infidel that provides not for his family, the sustenance of their bodies, what is he that suffers his family to neglect the salvation of their souls ? That nothing of this, therefore, may be laid to my charge, if ever providence sees fit to bless me with chil- dren of my own, I will take effectual care, so soon as con- veniently I can, to devote them unto God by baptism ; that what guilt they have contracted, by coming through my loins, may be washed away by the laver of regenera- tion ; and then to be constantly soliciting at the throne of grace, that he who hath given them to me, would be pleas- ed likewise to give himself to them. The next thing to be done, as soon as they come to be capable of instruction, is to take all occasions and make use of all means, to work the knowledge of God into their heads, and the grace of Christ into their hearts ; by teach- ing them to remember their Creator in the days of their youth; by acquainting them with the duties that he that made them expects from them ; with the rewards they shall have, if dutiful; and the punishments they shall feel, if disobe- dient children ; still accommodating my expressions to the shallow capacity of their tender years. And, according to their doing, or not doing, of what they have been told, I shall reward them with what is most pleasing, or punish them with what is most displeasing to their years. To speak to them of heaven and eternal glory, will not encou- rage them so much, as to give them their childish plea- sures and desires : and the denouncing of a future hell will not affright them so much as the inflicting a present smart. Hence it is, that Solomon so often inculcates this upon pa- rents, as their duty to their children, that they should not spare the rod, lest they spoil the child. But I must still take care to let them understand, that what I do is from a principle of love and affection to them, not of fury and indignation against them : for, by this means God may correct me for correcting them : I may set before my children such an example of indiscreet and sinful passion, as they will be apt enough to learn, with- out my teaching them. On the other hand, it behoves me, if possible, so to order my family, that my children may not see or hear, and so not learn, any thing but good- ness in it ; for commonly, according to what we learn G 2 148 RESOLUTIONS. when we are young, we practise when we are old. And, therefore, as I shall take great care, that my children learn nothing that is evil or sinful at home ; so likewise that they do not come into such company abroad, where their inno- cence may be assaulted with swearing, cursing, or any kind of profane or obscene discourse, which the generality of our youth are so obnoxious to. Or at least, if this is not wholly to be avoided, to pre- vent those poisonous weeds from taking root in the heart, it behoves me to take all opportunities of discoursing to them of God and Christ, of the immortality of their souls, and the future state they are to be doomed to in another world, when they have lived a little while in this ; that according as they grow in years, they may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And when they come to years of discretion, capable of do- ing farther honour and service to God and their country, by some calling or profession, I must be sure to place them in such a one as may be no hinderance to that high and heavenly calling, which they have in Christ Jesus, but rather contribute to further and promote it ; that, be- ing like tender plants engrafted into the true vine, they may bring forth much fruit, to God's glory, to my com- fort, and their own salvation, RESOLUTION IV. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to do my duty to my ser« vants as well as expect they should do theirs to me. IT was Joshua's, and, by God's grace, it shall be my resolution, that / and my house fear the Lord. I, in the first place, and then my house ; for if I myself do not, I cannot expect that they should. So that, for the order- ing of my family in general, I must not only press their duty upon them, but likewise practise my own duty, in suppressing all vicious and lewd conversation, and com- posing all strife and contention amongst them ; in pray- ing every day, at least twice with them ; in catechising and expounding the principles of religion to them, and in calling for an account of every sermon and godly discourse they hear, either in private or in public ; in seeing that they constantly frequent the divine ordinances, and that they behave themselves so conscientiously therein, that they may be, some way or other, the better by them. RESOLUTIONS. 1 4ty And to these ends, I think it my duty to allow my ser- vants some time, every day, wherein to serve God, as well as to see they spend their other hours in serving me ; and to make them sensible that they do not serve me only for myself, but ultimately and principally in reference unto God ; their serving me making way for my better serving God. And, for this reason, I cannot believe, but it is as great a sin to cumber my servants, as myself, with too much worldly business. For how can they spend any time in the service of God, when I require all their time in my own? And how justly should I be condemned, if by this means I should bring them into a sort of necessity of sin- ning, either in not obeying God, or not obeying me ; not that I think it a servant's duty to neglect his Creator to serve his master ; on the contrary, he is obliged, in all cases, where their commands interfere, to obey God, ra- ther than man. But where they do not, there is a strict injunction upon all servants, that they should be obedient to their masters according to the flesh, with fear and trem- bling, in singleness of heart, as unto Christ, Eph. vi. 5. But how with fear and trembling ? why, fearing lest they should offend God, in offending them, and trembling at the thoughts of being disobedient to the divine command, which enjoins them to be obedient to their masters in all things, not answering again, Tit. ii. Q. that is, not repin- ing at their master's lawful commands, not muttering and maundering against them, as some are apt to do : for it is as great a sin in servants to speak irreverently to their mas- ters, as in masters to speak passionately to their servants. But how are servants to give obedience to their mas- ters, with singleness of heart, as unto Christ ? why, by obeying them only in obedience unto Christ ; that is, they are therefore to do their master's will, because it is the Lord's will they should do it ; serving them, not with eye- service, as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with good-will doing service, ■ as unto the Lord, and not to men, Eph. vi. 6, 7. Col. hi. 22. This is the duty therefore that I shall be oft incul- cating upon my servants, and shall as oft be reflecting upon myself, that what I require for my own service may be always in subordination to God's, who is our common Lord and master, whose laws are equally obliging to all ranks and conditions of men, and in whose sight there is no respect of persons. G S J 50 RESOLUTIONS. RESOLUTION V. / am resolved, by the grace of God, to feed the flock thai God shall set me over, with wholesome food, neither starv- ing them by K idleness, poisoning with error, nor puffing them up with impertinence. ND here I cannot but declare, that ever since I knew what it was to study, I have found by experience, that spiritual and intellectual pleasures do as far surpass those that are temporal and sensual, as the soul exceeds the body. And, for this reason, as I always thought the study and profession of divinity to be the noblest and most agreeable of all others, as carrying with it its own encou- ragement and reward ; so I have often wondered with myself, that the greatest persons in the world should not be desirous and ambitious of exercising their part in the study of this necessaiy, as well as sublime science, and even devoting themselves to the profession of it. For, do they aspire after honour ? What greater honour can there be, than to be the mouth of God to the people, and of the people unto God ; to have the most High himself, not only to speak by them, but in them too? What greater honour than to have a commission from the King of kings, to re- present himself before his people, and call them, in his name, to return J) om the error of their ways, and walk in the paths of God to everlasting glory ? What greater ho- nour than to be an instrument, in his hand, to bring poor souls from the gates of hell, to set them among princes in the court of heaven ? Do they thirst after pleasures ? What greater pleasures can they have, than to make it their bu- siness to feed themselves and others with the bread and water of life ? But stay, my soul, let not thy thoughts run only upon the dignity of thy function, and the spiritual pleasures that attend the faithful discharge of it; but think likewise upon the strict account thou must give of it in another life : the serious consideration of which, as it cannot but be a great comfort to the true and faithful pastor, who has diligently fed his flock with the sincere milk of God's word ; so must it be a great terror and confusion to the slothful and negli- gent, the false and deceitful dispensers of the divine mys- teries, who have either carelessly lost, or treacherously de- luded the souls of those committed to their charge, which RESOLUTIONS. they must one day answer for, as well as for their own. And, therefore, that nothing of this kind may ever be laid to my charge, I solemnly promise and resolve, before God, so to demean myself in the exercise of my ministerial func- tion, as to make the care of souls, especially of those com- mitted to my charge, the chief study and business of my life. And that without partiality or exception, I must not sin- gle out some of the best of my flock, such as I have the highest respect for, or have received the greatest obliga- tions from ; but minister to every one according to their se- veral necessities. If I meet with men of knowledge and virtue, my business must be to confirm and establish them therein ; if with those that are ignorant and immoral, to teach and instruct them in the ways of religion, and by all means possible, to reclaim and reduce them to the exer- cise of their duty ; always remembering, that as the bless- ed Jesus, the great shepherd and bishop of our souls, was not sent, save unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance ; so it is the indispensable duty of his apostles and ministers (and by the grace of God I shall make it mine) to follow his example in this particular ; to spare no time nor pains in the reformation of sinners, though it be never so irk- some and difficult to accomplish ; even though I should meet with such as the prophet David speaks of, who hate to be reformed, and cast my words behind them. And there- fore as I know it is my duty, so I shall always endeavour to take pleasure in the several offices I perform of this kind, to strengthen Ike weak, heal the wounded, and bind up the broken heart ; to call in those that err and go astray, and seek and save them that are lost. To these ends, though preaching is, without doubt, a most excellent and useful, as well as necessary duty, (es- pecially if it be performed, as it ought, with zeal and re- verence, and the doctrine applied and pressed home, with sincerity of affection) yet, I shall not think it sufficient to instruct my people only from the pulpit, but take all op- portunities to instil good thoughts and principles into their minds in my private conversation. I know it is impossi- ble for all ministers frequently to visit every particular per- son or family in their parish, there being, in some parishes, especially in and about London, so many thousands of souls : but, howsoever, if it should please the Lord to call me to such a flock, though I cannot visit all, I shall visit as G 4 m RESOLUTIONS. many as I can ; especially those that are sick or infirm, and be sure to feed them with the sincere milk of the word, such as may turn to their spiritual nourishment, and make them grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I will not fill their heads with specu- lative notions and niceties in divinity ; (which, among the less judicious, are very often the occasion of heresy and error, and sometimes also, of delusion and distraction:) but my chief care shall be to instruct them in those neces- sary truths which their Christian faith indispensably ob- liges them to know and believe, and press them to the per- formance of those duties, without which they cannot be saved ; meekly and impartially reproving the particular vices they are most inclined and addicted to, and cheer- fully encouraging and improving whatever virtuous ac- tions they are, any of them, exemplary in, and whatever good habits and inclinations the divine grace has put into their hearts. And since love and charity is the great characteristic of our profession, the bond and cement of all other Christian duties, in order to make my ministry the more successful, I resolve, in the last place, not only to avoid all differences and disputes with them myself, but amicably to compose all such as may arise among the neighbours. In a word, I shall make it my endeavour, in all things, so to approve myself as a faithful minister, both in life and doctrine be- fore them, that at the last day, when the great God shall call for my parish, and myself to appear before him, I may be prepared to give an account of both ; at least, to answer for as many of them as he requires ; and may, with joy and comfort pronounce this sentence of my Saviour, if it may, without offence, be applied to his ministers, be- hold I, and the children which thou hast given me. RESOLUTION VI. lam resolved, by the grace of God, to be as faithful and con- stant to my friend, as I would have my friend to be faith- fal and constant to me. HAVING before resolved to be zealous in loving God, I here resolve to be as constant in loving my friend. But why do I resolve upon this ? Is it possible to live and not to love ? This to me seems as plain a contradiction, as to live and not to live. For love, in my opinion, is as RESOLUTIONS. 153 much the life of the soul, as the soul is the life of the body. So that, for my own part, I shall expect to cease to live, at the very moment that I cease to love ; nay, I do not look upon love only as my life, but as the joy and comfort of it too. And, for this reason, I shall never envy any man his riches, pleasures, or preferments, provided that I can but enjoy the persons my soul delight in, viz. Christ in the first place, and my friend and neighbour in the second. But then I must have a great care where and how I place this affection ; for if 1 place it wrong, my very lov- ing will be sinning. And therefore, I shall always en- deavour to make such only my friends, as are friends to God. Not that I look upon it as necessary to love my friends always under that notion only as they are friends of God ; for then, no love but that which is spiritual would be lawful ; whereas there is, doubtless, a natural love, that is no less a duty, and, by consequence, no less lawful, than the other ; as, the love of parents towards their children, and children towards their parents ; and the mutual complacency that arises betwixt friends, as well as relations, from the harmony and agreement of humours and tempers. Thus our Saviour is said to have loved St. John more than any of his other disciples, which cannot be understood of a spiritual love ; for this, undoubtedly, was equal to all ; but being a man subject to the like pas- sions (though not imperfections) as we are, he placed more natural affection upon, and might have more natural complacency in John than in his other disciples. And, therefore, when I say, I am to make such my friends only, as are friends to God, my meaning is, that I will make none my friends, but such as I know to be good men and good Christians, such as deserve my love in a spiritual as well as a natural sense ; and since I may law- fully love my friend in both these senses, the one is so far from being exclusive, that it is really perfective of the other. And for this reason, as the spiritual good of my friend is always to be preferred before that which is tem- poral, I am resolved to found the one upon the other. I will always be ready, as oft as he stands in need, either of my advice, encouragement, or assistance, to do him all the kind offices I can in his worldly affairs, to promote his interest, vindicate his character from secret aspersions, and defend his person from open assaults : to be faithful and punctual in the performance of my promises to him, as well as in keeping the secrets he has entrusted me with. G 5 154< RESOLUTIONS. But all these things are to be done with a tender regard to the honour of God, and the duties of religion ; so that the services I do him in his temporal concerns, must be still consistent with, and subservient to, the spiritual interest and welfare of his immortal soul, in which I am principal- ly obliged to manifest my friendship towards him. If I see him wander out of the right way, I must immediately take care to advertise him of it, and use the best means I can to bring him back to it. Or if I know him to be guil- ty of any reigning vices, I must endeavour to convince him of the danger and malignity of them, and importune and persuade him to amend and forsake them. And last- ly, I must be as constant in keeping my friend, as cauti- ous in choosing him, still continuing the heat of my af- fections towards him, in the day of his affliction, as well as in the height of his prosperity. These are the rules whereby. I resolve to express my friendship unto others, and whereby I would have others to express their friendship unto me. CONCERNING MY TALENTS. AVING so solemnly devoted myself to God, accord- ing to the covenant he hath made with me, and the duty I owe to him ; not only what I am, and what I do, but likewise what I have, is still to be improved for him. And this I am bound to, not only upon a federal, but even a natural account ; for whatsoever I have, I received from him, and therefore, all the reason in the world, whatso- ever I have should be improved for him. For, I look upon nryself as having no other property in what I enjoy, than a servant hath in what he is intrusted with to im- prove for his master's use : thus, though I should have ten thousand pounds a year, I should have no more of my own, than if I had but twopence in all the world. For it is only committed to my care for a season, to be employed and improved to the best advantage, and will be called for again at the grand audit, when I must answer for the use or abuse of it ; so that, whatsoever in a civil sense I can call my own, that, in a spiritual -sense, I must esteem as God's. And therefore it nearly concerns me to manage all the talents I am entrusted with as things I must give a JiJ^aw-uu iiuma« strict account for at the day of judgment. As God be- stows his mercies upon me, through the greatness of his love and affection, so I am to restore his mercies back again to him by the holiness of my life and conversation. In a word, whatever I receive from his bounty, I must, some way or other, lay out for his glory, accounting^ no- thing my own, any farther than as I improve it for God's sake & and the spiritual comfort of my own soul. In order to this, I shall make it my endeavour, by the blessing of God, to put in practice the following resolu- tions. RESOLUTION I. £ am resolved, if possible, to redeem my time past, by using a double diligence for the future, to employ and improve all the gifts and endowments, both of body and mind, to the glory and service of my great Creator. npiME, health, and parts, are three precious talents, -*- generally bestowed upon men, but seldom improved for God. To go no farther than myself, how much time and health have I enjoyed, by God's grace ? and how lit- tle of it have I laid out for his honour ? On the contrary, how oft have I offended, affronted, and provoked him, even when he has been courting me with his favours, and daily pouring forth his benefits upon me ? this, alas ! is a sad truth, which whensoever I seriously reflect upon, I cannot but acknowledge the continuance of my life as the greatest instance of God's mercy and goodness, as well as the greatest motive to my gratitude and obedience. In a due sense, therefore, of the vanities and follies of my younger years, I desire to take shame to myself for what is past, and do this morning humbly prostrate myself before the throne of grace, to implore God's pardon, and to make solemn promises and resolutions, for the future, to cast off the works of darkness, and to put on the armour of light, and not only so, but to redeem the precious minutes I have squandered away, by husbanding those that remain, to the best advantage. I will not trifle and sin away my time in the pleasures of sense, or the impertinencies of business, but shall always employ it in things that are necessary, useful, and proportion it to the weight and importance of the work or business I engage myself in ; allotting such a part of it for this business, and such a part for that, so a§ G 6 '156 RESOLUTIONS. to leave no intervals for unlawful or unnecessary actions, to thrust themselves in, and pollute my life and conversa- tion. For, since it has pleased God to favour me with the blessing of health, and I am not certain how soon I may be deprived of it, and thrown upon a bed of sickness, which may deprive me of the use of my reason, or make me incapable of any thing else, but grapple with my dis- temper ; it highly concerns me to make a due use of this blessing, while I have it : to improve these parts and gifts that God has endowed me with, to the manifestation of his glory, the salvation of my soul, and the public good of the community whereof I am a member. To these ends, it will be requisite for me frequently to consider with myself, which way my weak parts may be the most usefully employed, and to bend them to those stu- dies and actions, which they are naturally the most inclin- ed to, and delighted in, with the utmost vigour and ap- plication ; more particularly in spiritual matters, to make use of all opportunities for the convincing others of God's love to them, and their sins against God ; of their misery by nature, and happiness by Christ, and when the truth of God happens to be any way traduced or opposed, to be as valiant in the defence of it, as its enemies are violent in their assaults against it. And as I thus resolve to employ my inward gifts and faculties for the glory and service of God; so, RESOLUTION II. J" am resolved, by the divine grace, to employ my riches the ouhvard blcssi?igs of providence, to the same end ; and to observe such a due medium in the dispensing erf them, as to avoid prodigality on the one hand, and covetousness on the other. THIS, without doubt, is a necessary resolution, but it is likewise very difficult to put in practice, without a careful observance of the following rules. First, never to lavish out my substance, like the prodi- gal, in the revels of sin and vanity, but, after a due provi- sion for the necessities and conveniencies of life, to lay up the overplus for acts of love and charity towards my indi- gent brethren. I must consider the uses and ends for which God has entrusted me with such and such posses- RESOLUTIONS. 137 sions ; that they were not given me for the pampering my body, the feeding my lusts, or puffing me up with pride and ambition ; but for advancing his glory, and my own, and the public good. But why do I say given? when, as I before observed, I have no property in the riches I pos- sess ; they are only lent me for a few years to be dispens- ed and distributed, as my great Lord and Master sees fit to appoint, viz. for the benefit of the poor and necessitous, which he has made his deputies to call for and receive his money at my hands. And this, indeed, is the best use I can put it to, for my own advantage, as well as theirs : for the money I bestow upon the poor, I give to God to lay up for me, and I have his infallible word and promise for it, that it shall be paid me again with unlimited- interest out of his heavenly treasury, which is infinite, eternal, and inexhaustible. Hence it is, that whensoever I see any fit object of charity, methinks I hear the Most High say unto me, give this poor brother so much of my stock, which thou hast in thy hand, and I will place it to thy account, as given to myself; and look what thou lay est out, and it shall be paid thee again. The second rule is, never to spend a penny, where it can be better spared ; nor to spare it, when it can be bet- ter spent. And this will oblige me, whensoever any occa- sion offers of laying out money, considerately to weigh the "circumstances of it, and, according • as the matter, upon mature deliberation, requires, I must not grudge to spend it : or, if at any time, I find more reason to spare, I must not dare to spend it ; still remembering, that as I am strictly to account for the money God has given me, so I ought neither to be covetous in saving, or hoarding it up, nor profuse in throwing it away, without a just occa- sion. The main thing to be regarded, is the end I pro- pose to myself in my expences, whether it be really the glory of God, or my own carnal humour andappetite. For instance, if I lay out my money in clothing my body, the question must be, whether I do this only for warmth and decency, or to gratify my pride and vanity ? If the former, my money is better spent ; if the latter, it is better spared than spent : again, do I lay it out in eat- ing and drinking ? if this be only to satisfy the necessities of nature, and make my life more easy and comfortable, it is, without doubt, very well spent ; but if it be to feed my luxury and intemperance, it is much better spared ; better for my soul in keeping it from sin, and better for 158 RESOLUTIONS. my body in preserving it from sickness ; and this rule is the more strictly to be observed, because it is as great a fault in a servant not to lay out his master's money when he should, as to lay it out when he should not. In order, therefore, to avoid both these extremes, there is a third rule to be observed under this resolution ; and that is to keep a particular account of all my receipts and disbursements, to set down in a book every penny I re- ceive at the hands of the Almighty, and every penny I lay out for his honour and service. By this means I shall be, in a manner, forced both to get my money lawfully, and to lay it out carefully ; but how can I put that amongst the money I have received from Gad, which I have got by unlawful means ? certainly, such money I may rather ac- count as received from the devil for his use, than from God, for his. And so must I either lay every penny out for God, or otherwise I shall not know where to set it down, for I must set down nothing but what I lay out for his use ; and if it be not for his use, with what face can I say it was ? And, by this means also, when God shall be pleased to call me to an account for what I re- ceived from him, I may with comfort appear before him ; and having improved the talents he had committed to my charge, I may be received into his heavenly kingdom, with a well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into thy master s joy. RESOLUTION III. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve the authority God gives me over others, to the suppression of vice, and the encouragement of virtue ; and so for the exaltation of God's name on earth, and their souls in heaven. rfl HAT all power and authority hath its original from A God, and that one creature is not over another, but by the providence and will of him, who is over all ; and so, by consequence, that all the authority we have over men/ is to be improved for God, is clear, not only from that question, Who made thee to differ from another ? and, what hast thou, which thou didst not receive, 1 Cor. iv. 7. but likewise, and that more clearly, from that positive as- sertion, the powers that be arc ordained of God, Rom. xm. ] . That, therefore, I may follow my commission, I must stick close to my present resolution, even in all the power RESOLUTIONS. lof) God gives me, to behave myself as one invested with that power from above, to restrain vice and encourage virtue, as oft as I have an opportunity so to do, always looking upon myself as one commissioned by him, and acting un- der him. For this reason, I must still endeavour to exer- cise my authority, as if the most high God was in my place in person as well as power. I must not follow the dictates of my own carnal reason, much less the humours of my own biassed reason, but still keep to the acts Avhich God himself hath made either in the general statute-book for all the world, the holy scriptures, or in the particular laws and statutes of the nation wherein I live. And questionless, if I discharge this duty as I ought, whatever sphere of authority I move in, 1 am capable of doing a great deal of good, not only by my power, but but by my influence and example. For common experi- ence teaches us, that even the inclinations and desires of of those that are eminent for their quality or station, are more powerful than the very commands of God himself; especially among persons of an inferior rank, and more servile disposition, who are apt to be more wrought upon by the fear of present purtishment, or the loss of some temporal advantage, than any thing that is future or spi- ritual. Hence it is, that all those whom God entrusteth with this precious talent, have a great advantage and op- portunity in their hand, for the suppressing sin, and the exalting holiness in the world : a word from their mouths against whoredom, drunkenness, and the profanation of the sabbath, or the like ; yea, their very example and si- lent gestures being able to do more than the threatenings of almighty God, either pronounced by himself in his word, or by his ministers in his holy ordinances. This, therefore, is my resolution, that whatsoever au- thority the most high God shall be pleased to put upon me, I will look upon it as my duty, and always make it my endeavour, to demolish the kingdom of sin and Satan, and establish that of Christ and holiness in the hearts of all those to whom my commission extends ; looking more at the duty God expects from me, than at the dignity he confers upon me. In a word, I will so exercise the pow- er and authority God puts into my hands here, that when the particular circuit of my life is ended, and I shall be brought to the general assize to give an account of this among my other talents, I may give it up with joy ; and so exchange my temporal authority upon earth, for aii eternal crown of glory in heaven. ifef) RESOLUTIONS. RESOLUTION IV. I am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve the affections God stirs up in others toivards me, to the stirring up of their affections toivards God. IF the authority I have over others, then questionless the affection others have to me, is to be improved for God ; and that because the affection they bear to me in a natural sense hath a kind of authority in me over them in a spiritual one. And this I gather from my own experi- ence ; for I find none to have a greater command over me, than they that manifest the greatest affections for me. In- deed, it is a truth generally agreed on, that a real and sin- cere esteem for any person is always attended with a fear of displeasing that person ; and where there is fear in the subject, there will, doubtless, be authority in the object ; because fear is the ground of authority, as love is, or ought to be, the ground of that fear. The greatest potentate, if not feared, will not be obeyed ; if his subjects stand in no awe of him, he can never strike any awe upon them. Nor will that awe have its proper effects in curbing and re- straining them from sin and disobedience, unless it pro- ceeds from, and is joined with love. I know the scripture tells me, There is no fear in love, hut that perfect love castcth out fear, 1 John i v. 18. But that is to be understood of our love to God, not to men, and that a perfect love too, such as can only be exercised in heaven. There, I know, our love will be con; ummate, without mixture, as well as without defect ; there will be a perfect expression of love on both sides, and so no fear of displeasure on either. But this is a happiness which is not to be expected here on earth ; so" long as we are cloth- ed with flesh and blood, we shall, in one degree or other, be still under the influence of our passions and affections. And therefore as there is no person we can love upon earth, but who may sometimes see occasion to be displeased with us ; so he will always, upon this account, be feared by us. This I look upon as the chief occasion of one man's having so much power and influence over another. But how comes this under the notion of a talent receiv- ed from God, and so to be improved for him ? Why, be- cause it is he, and he alone, that kindles and blows up the sparks of pure love and affection in us, and that by the RESOLUTIONS. l6l breathings of his own Spirit. It was the Lord that gave Joseph favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison, Gen. xxxix. 21 . And who brought Daniel into favour and ten- der love with the prince of the eunuchs, Dan. i. <). And so of all others in the world : for we are told elsewhere, that as Godfashionelh the hearts of men, so he turneth them which tray soever he nill. Insomuch that I can never see any express their love to me, but I must express my thank- fulness to God for it ; nor can I feel in myself any warmth of affection towards others, without considering it as a ta- lent hid in my breast, which I am obliged in duty to im- prove for him by stirring up their affections unto him whose affections himself hath stirred up towards me. And this will be the more easy to effect, if I take care in the first place, to express the zeal and sincerity of my own love to God, by making him the chief object of my esteem and adoration ; and manifest my aversion to the sins they are guilty of, by representing them as most loathsome and abominable, as well as most dangerous and damnable. For, wherever there is a true and cordial affection to any person, it is apt to bias those that are under the influence of it, to choose the same objects for their love or aversion, that such a person does, that is, to love what he loves, and to hate what he hates. This, therefore, is the first thing to be done, to stir up the affections of others to love and serve God. Another way of my improving the affections of others to this end, is by setting them a good example ; for com- monly what a friend doth, be it good or bad, is pleasing to us, because we look not at the goodness of the thing that is done, but at the loveliness of-the person that doth it. And if the vices of a friend seem amiable, how much more will their virtues shine ? For this reason, therefore, whensoever I perceive any person to shew a respect for, or affection to me, I shall always look upon it as an op- portunity put into my hands to serve and glorify my great Creator, and shall look upon it as a call from heaven, as much as if I heard the Almighty say to me, I desire to have this person love me, and therefore have I made him to love thee ; do thou but set before him an example of goodness and virtue, and his love to thy person shall in- duce and engage him to direct his actions according to it. This, therefore, is the rule that I fully resolve to guide myself by, with relation to those who are pleased to allow me a share in their esteem and affection, which I hope to 162 RESOLUTIONS. improve to their advantage in the end ; that as they love me, and I love them now, so we may all love God, and God love us to all eternity. RESOLUTION V. / am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve every good thought to the profiting of good affections in myself and, as good actions with respect to God. "If WHATSOEVER comes from God, being a talent to *7 be improved to him, I cannot but think good thoughts to be as precious talents, as it is possible a crea- ture can be blessed with. But let me esteem them as I will, I am sure my master will reckon them amongst the talents he entrusts me with, and will call me to an account for ; and, therefore, I ought not to neglect them. The scripture tells me, / am, not sufficient qf myself to think any thing as of myself, but that my sufficiency is of God, 2 Cor. iii. 5. And if I be not sufficient to think any thing, much less am I able of myself to think of that which is good ; forasmuch as to good thoughts there must always be sup- posed a special concurrence of God's Spirit ; whereas to other thoughts there is only the general concurrence of his presence. Seeing, therefore, they, come from God, how must I lay them out for him ? Why, by sublimating good thoughts unto good affections. Does God vouchsafe to send down into my heart a thought of himself? I am to send up this thought to him again, in the fiery chariot of love, desire and joy. Doth he dart into my soul a thought of holiness and purity ? I am to dwell and meditate upon it till it break out into a flame of love and affection for him. Doth he raise up in my spirit a thought of sin, and shew me the ugliness and deformity of it ? I must let it work its desired effect, by making it as loathsome and detestable as that thought represents it to be. But good thoughts must not only be improved to pro- duce good affections in my heart, but likewise good ae- tions|in my life* So that the thoughts of God should not only make me more taken with his beauty, but more ac- tive for his glory ; and the thoughts of sin should not only damp my affection to it, but likewise deter and restrain me from the commission of it. And thus every good thought that God puts into my heart, instead of slipping out, as it does with some others without regard, will be cherished and improved to the pro- RESOLUTIONS. 163 ducino- of o'ooc! actions : these actions will entitle me to the blessing of God, and that to the kingdom of glory. RESOLUTION VI. / am resolved, by the grace of God, to improve every afflic- tion God Itys upon me, as an earnest token of his affection towards vie. EVERY thing that flows from God to his servants, com- ing under the notion of talents, to be improved for himself, I am sure afflictions, as well as other mercies, must needs be reckoned amongst those talents God is pleased to vouchsafe. Indeed it is a talent, without which I should be apt to forget the improvement of all the rest ; and which, if well improved, itself will work out for me afar more exceeding and eternal weight qf glory, 2 Cor. iv. 7. ^ It is the non-improvement of an affliction that makes it a curse ; whereas, if improved, it is as great a blessing as any God is pleased to scatter amongst the children of men. And therefore it is, that God most frequently en- trusteth this precious talent with his own peculiar people : You only have I known of all the families of the earth ; there- fore will I punish you for your iniquities, Amos iii. 2. Those that God knows 'the best, with them will he entrust the most, if not of other talents, yet be sure of this, which is so useful and necessary to bring us to the knowledge of ourselves and our Creator, that without it we should be apt to forget both. It is this that shews us the folly and pride of presump- tion, as well as the vanity and emptiness of all worldly en- joyments ; and deters us from incensing and provoking him, from whom all our happiness as well as our afflic- tions, flow ; let, therefore, what crosses or calamities so- ever befal me, I am still resolved to bear them all, not only with a patient resignation to the divine will, but even to comfort and rejoice myself in them, as the greatest blessings. For instance, am I seized with pain and sick- ness ? I shall look upon it as a message from God, sent on purpose to put me in mind of death, and to convince me of the necessity of being always prepared for it by a good life, which a state of uninterrupted health is apt to make us unmindful of. Do I sustain any losses or crosses ? The true use of this is, to make me sensible of the fickleness and 'inconstancv of this world's blessings, which we can 164 RESOLUTIONS. no sooner cast our eye upon, but they immediately take t<* themselves wings, and fly away from us. And so, all other afflictions God sees fit to lay upon me, may in like manner be, some way or other, improved for my happiness. But, besides the particular improvements of particular chastisments, the general improvement of all is„the increas- ing of my love and affection to that God, who brings these afflictions upon me. For how runs the mittimus, whereby he is pleased to send me to the dungeon of afflictions ? De- liver such a o?ie to Satan to be hiffetted in the flesh : that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, 1 Cor. v. 5. By this it appears, that the furnace of afflictions, which God is pleased at any time to throw me into, is not heated at the fire of his wrath, but at the flames of his affection to me. The consideration whereof, as it should more inflame my love to him, so shall it likewise engage me to express a greater degree of gratitude towards him, when he singles me out, not only to suffer from him, but for him too. For this is an honour indeed peculiar to the saints of God, which if he should be pleased ever to prefer me to, I shall look upon it as upon other afflictions, to be improved for his glory, the good of others, and the everlasting com- fort of my own soul. Thus have I reckoned up the talents God hath, or may put into my hands, to be improved for his glory. May the same divine being that entrusted me with them, and inspired me with these good resolutions concerning them, enable me, by his grace, to make a due use of them, and carefully to put in practice what I have thus religiously re- solved upon. There are some other mercies, which might be set down in the catalogue of talents, as the graces and motions of God's holy Spirit, and the use of his holy ordinances, un- der the ministry of the gospel ; but these being included and insisted on, under several of the foregoing heads, will not require a distinct consideration. PRIVATE THOUGHTS UPON A CHRISTIAN LIFE; OR, NECESSARY DIRECTIONS FOR ITS BEGINNING AND PROGRESS UPON EARTH, IN ORDER TO ITS FINAL PERFECTION IN THR PART SECOND. THE PREFACE. k-&» ■% ■V%»-V ^'W-VVWV THE kind reception which has been given to all the other works of this incomparable author, particularly to his private thoughts, written in his younger years, has encouraged the publishing of another volume of his thoughts, upon subjects of the most importance to the Christian life, in all the chief scenes of it ; and those com- posed when age and experience in the course of his paro- chial ministry had taught him, what directions were most necessary for the conduct of every disciple of Christ, through all the stages of that race that is set before us, that he may so rim that he may obtain. Accordingly, the read- er is here furnished, not only with such instructions, as are most proper for the entrance upon this race, and the early discipline of those who are new listed under Christ's banner ; but also with such other points both of faith and practice, as are most fit to be afterwards inculcated and pressed upon them, for their successful carrying on of this holy warfare, and finishing their course, so as at last to attain the crown of righteousness, laid up for all those that continue Christ's faithful soldiers and servants to their lives end. And as in his private thoughts. and resolutions, this ex- cellent bishop seems chiefly to have aimed at settling his own principles, and regulating his practice, as became a follower of the holy Jesus, and a minister of his gospel : so in these which are more public, he carries on the same pious design with respect to others, and executes that sa- cred office, for which those were to prepare him. Indeed, great and indefatigable as his labours were (for few ever laboured more) the end of them was always the salvation of soids. And as the spirit of piety which runs through all his writings, together with his plain, unaffected, familiar, and yet solid way of argument and persuasion, are both admirably adapted to this great end ; (to say nothing of all his other daily and unwearied pains in the ministry whih? l6S PREFACE. living) so, through God's great blessing upon his endea- vours, they were then, and have been since crowned with great success ; and it is the hopes and prayers of all good men, that they may continue so to the end of the world, and daily add to our holiness and his happiness. Among many instances that might be given of this hap- py success, I have now one before me in a relation of the behaviour of one of this vigilant pastor's fiock, in his last sickness, as it is attested by an eye-witness of it. I will not trouble the reader with the particulars ; the sum is, that this pious gentleman, with his last breath, expressed so much resignation to God's will, and so little fear of death, such comfort in reflecting upon the better part of his life, especially his charity to the poor ; and so much zeal in recommending that duty to those about him ; and above all such an anticipation of those extasies of joy and happiness which he was going to in another world, and so uncommon and enlarged an understanding of the great mysteries of religion ; that if, in the midst of these holy raptures, he had not owned his great obligations to Dr. Beveridge for these spiritual blessings, yet we might have easily judged, that so great a proficient in the school of re- ligion could be indebted, under God, to the care and in- struction of no less a master for such extraordinary acquire- ments. And, with respect to that good, which it is piously hop- ed this great prelate's works have done since his death, and may continue ^o do daily, it has been observed by some persons, that since the publication of them, our churches have been generally fuller than they used to be ; to which, as nothing would contribute more, than that spirit of devotion and true piety, which, in all his practi- cal writings, this holy man both expresses himself and la- bours to create in others ; so, if after all these pious en- deavours to cultivate and promote it in the world, we are sensible of the least growth of it, I know not why we may not ascribe so good an effect to the blessing of God upon so probable a cause. However, if the piety of some among us, which we hope increaseth, be not a sufficient argument of a probable in- crease of true religion, to be expected from the influence of this great man's works, yet I am sorry to say, that the wickedness of others does abundantly make up that de- fect ; I mean the restless endeavours of all the enemies of God and religion, to discredit and defame them ; if by any PREFACE. 169 means they could be able to ward such a blow to the king- dom of darkness, as they seem to apprehend from his pi- ous labours. And what wonder if those who mock God, and would bring religion itself into contempt, use their ut- most endeavours to blast the reputation of an author, whose writings are so eminently serviceable to religion, and tend so much to advance the glory of God ? all their attempts of this nature, are so many arguments of the excellency of what they would decry ; they are the testimonies even of enemies, in behalf of those admirable books, which they pretend to ridicule ; and all the scorn and contempt they express upon this occasion, reflects more honour upon bishop Beveridge and his works, I had almost said even than the approbation and esteem of all his and religion's friends. So much good does God in his infinite wisdom and mercy produce out of the greatest evil, b}^ turning all the wit and malice of these reprobates against themselves, and making them, even against their own wills, instru- ments of sounding forth the praises of this excellent writer, at the same time, and by the very same means, that they vainly attempt to dishonour and reproach him ; as the de- vils themselves were forced to own our blessed Saviour, though they knew he came on purpose to destroy them. It were only to be wished, that in this, as in most other instances, those children of this world "were not in their ge- neration so much wiser than the children of light. It is true, we may as well fear, that dogs should bark out the moon, as that the utmost malice of these enemies to truth, shall ever be able to sully a reputation, that has long shined with so much brightness, among all learned and good men, both at home and abroad, insomuch that when this illustrious prelate was a dying, one of the chief of his or- der deservedly said of him, there goes one of the greatest and best men England ever bred. No, we have seen all their at- tempts against him do but add lustre to his fame: how- ever, it cannot be less the interest of religion to promote the works of So able a divine, than it is that of atheism and irreligion to oppose them ; and if all good men would shew as much zeal in the defence of them and their great author, and be as industrious to recommend both his writ- ings and example, as atheists and libertines are to obstruct the influence of both, this would still be another addition to the glory of so great a name ; and the good effects we might hope for, on the lives of men, from such excellent books, dispersed into many hands, would be at once the H 170 PREFACE. best attestation that could be given to the wondrous bene- fit and usefulness of them, and also the effectual means to stop the mouths of gainsay ers, by lessening the number of them daily, and bringing them over from infidelity and atheism, to the cause of God and religion. And I cannot close this preface better, than with earnest prayers to God, that this and all other works of bishop Beveridge may have that blessed effect ; and that in return to all the malice of those, who seem to envy us the great good we may hope for from such pious and instructive dis- courses, they may by degrees instil, even into their breasts, some of that spirit of piety, diffused through every page ; and of atheists and libertines, make them sober men, and Christians, THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. */*'W»'V%%'»/W"V»"VWVW'« JF the principles of the Christian religion were well root- ed in the hearts of all mankind, what excellent fruit would they produce ! the earth would put on another face, bearing some resemblance to heaven itself: idolatry, with all sorts of wickedness and vice, would be every where discountenanced and suppressed ; for all would worship the one living and true God, and him only : there would be no more wars, nor rumours of wars ; kingdom would not rise against kingdom, nor nation against na- tion, but all princes would be at peace with their neigh- bours, and their subjects at unity among themselves, striv- ing about nothing but who should serve God best, and do most good in the world. Then piety and justice, and cha- rity, would revive and flourish again all the world over, and particularly in the church and kingdom to which we belong. Then the prayers would be read twice a day in every parish as the law requires, and all people would heartily join together in offering them up to the almighty Creator of the world. Then all that are of riper years would, at least, every Lord's day, celebrate the memory of the death of Christ, by which their sins are expiated, and the most high God reconciled to them, and become their God and Father : and as all sorts of people would thus continually worship God in his own house, so where- soever they are, the}' would do all they could to serve and honour him ; whether they eat or drink, or whatsoever they do, they would do all to his glory. And as for their fellow- servants, they would all love as brethren, and every one seek another's good as well as their own : Whatsoever they would that men should do to them, they would do the same to all other men. In short, all would then deny ungodli- H 2 172 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. ness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and god" h) in this present world, and so walk hand in hand toge- ther in the narrow way that leads to everlasting life. This would be the happy state of all mankind, if they were but well grounded in that religion which the eternal Son of God hath planted upon earth. But not to speak of other people, we of this nation rare- ly find any such effect of this religion among ourselves ; though it be as generally professed, and as clearly taught among us, as ever it was in any nation, there are but few that are ever the better for it ; the most being here also as bad both in their principles and practices, as they which live in the darkest corners of the earth, where the light of the gospel never yet shined : though the kingdom in ge- neral be Christian, there are many Heathens in it, people that never were christened ; many that were once christ- ened, and are now turned Heathens again, living as with- out God in the world : many that would still be thought Christians, and yet have apostatized so far as to lay aside both the sacraments which Christ ordained, and every thing else that can shew them to be so : many that privily bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and so bring upon themselves swift destruc- tion : many that follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth is evil-spoken of, and through co- vetousness, with' feigned words, make merchandise of men, as St. Peter foretold, 2 Peter ii. 1, 2, 3. Many who will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts heap to them- selves teachers, having itching ears ; and so fulfil the pro- phecy of St. Paul, 2 Tim. iv. 3. And of those who still continue in the communion of the church, and in the out- ward profession of the true Christian faith, There are ?na- ny, who although they profess to know God, yet in works they deny hinC being abominable and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate, Titus i. 16". Many did I say? I wish I could not say almost all : but alas ! it is too plain to be denied. For, of that vast company of people that are called Christians in this kingdom, how few are they that live as becometh the gospel of Christ ? that finish the work that God has given them to do, even glorify him in the world? How many that refuse or neglect to worship and serve him upon his own day ? Plow few that do it upon any other day, when they have any thing else to do ? How many that never receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper in THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 1Y3 their whole lives ? How few that receive it above two or three times in the year, how often soever they are invited to it ? Flow many are the proud, the passionate, the co- x'etous, the intemperate, the incontinent, the unjust, the profane and impious, in comparison of the humble and meek, and liberal, and sober and modest, and righteous, and holy among us ? The disproportion is so vastly great, that none but God himself can make the comparison : so little of Christianity is now to be found among Christians themselves ; to our shame be it spoken. . It is indeed a matter of so much shame as well as grief, to all that have any regard for the honour of Christ their Saviour, that they cannot but be very solicitous to know how it comes to pass that Ms doctrine and precepts are so generally slighted and neglected as they are in our days ? and how they may be observed better for the future than now they are ? both which questions may be easily re- solved ; for we cannot wonder that of the many which profess the Christian religion, there are so few that live up to it, when we consider how few are duly instructed in the first principles of it. The religion which Christ hath revealed to the world, is by his grace and blessing, settled and established among us, so as to be made the religion of the kingdom in gene- ral : and therefore all that are born in it, are, or ought to be, according to his order or institution, soon after bap- tized, and so made his disciples, or Christians by profes- sion. And the church takes security of those who thus bring a child to be baptized, that when it comes to be ca- pable of it, it shall be instructed in the catechism which she for that purpose hath set forth, containing all the prin- ciples of that religion into which it was baptized. But notwithstanding this hath been neglected for many years, whereby it is come to pass that the far greatest part of the people in this kingdom know little or nothing of the reli- gion they profess, but only to profess it as the religion of the country where they live ; they may perhaps be very zealous for it, as all people are for the religion in which they are born and bred, but take no care to frame their lives according to it, because they were never rightly in- formed about it ; or, at least, not soon enough, before er- ror or sin hath got possession of them, which one or other of them commonly doth before they are aware of it ; for they are always as children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and H 3 174 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, Eph. iv. 14. And whatsoever sin gets dominion over them, there it reigns and domineers in their mortal bodies, so that they obey it in the lusts thereof, in the spite of all that can be said to them out of God's own word ; for they are no w T ay edified by any thing they hear, in that the foundation is not first laid, upon which they should build up themselves in that most holy faith that is preached to them. The word they hear, is a seed that falls by the way- side, or upon a rock, or else among thorns, and so never comes to perfection ; their hearts not being prepared before- hand and rightly disposed for it, by having the principles of the doctrine of Christ first infused into them. This therefore being the great cause of that shameful decay of the Christian religion that is so visible among us, we can never expect to see it repaired, unless the great duty of catechising be revived, and the laws that are made about .it, be strictly observed all the kingdom over ; as most certainly they ought to be, not only as they are the laws both of the church and state under which we live, but likewise for that they are grounded upon the word of God himself, who expressly commands the same thing by his apostle, saying, Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. For here by nurture, we are to understand, as the Greek wordpaideia signifies, that discipline which parents ought to exercise over their children, to prevent their fall- ing into, or continuing in any wicked course. And by the admonition of the Lord, is meant the catechising, or putting them in mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of what he would have them believe and do that they may be saved. For the original word, nouthesia, which we tran- slate admonition, properly signifies catechising. (Catechu sein Nouthetein, Hesych.) And therefore to catechise or instruct children in the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, is a duty here laid upon all parents by al- mighty God himself; and all that neglect to educate or bring up their children in the admonition of the Lord, by catechising or teaching them the principles of his religion, they all live in a breach of plain law, a law made by the supreme Lawgiver of the world, and must accordingly answer for it at the last day. Wherefore all that are sensible of the great account which they must give of all their actions, at that time, to THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 1?3 the Judge of the whole world, cannot but make as much conscience of this as of any duty whatsoever, so as to use the utmost of their care and diligence, that their children may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and so be wise unto salvation. Neither is this any hard matter for those to do, who live in the communion of the church, having such a catechism or summary of the Christian religion drawn up to their hands, which is easy both for parents to teach, and for children to learn : and yet so full and comprehensive, that it contains all things necessary for any man to know in order to his being saved. As you may clearly see if you do but cast your eye upon the methods and contents of it ; which may be all reduced to these five heads, the baptismal vow, the apostles' creed, the ten commandments, the Lord's prayer, and the doctrine of the sacraments ordained by our Lord Christ. It begins where a child begins to be a Christian, and therefore hath a Christian name given him, even at his baptism, wherein he was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven. Which great privileges belong to all that are baptized, and to none else ; none else being in the number of Christ's dis- ciples ; for our Lord Christ, a little before his ascension into heaven, left orders with his apostles, and in them with all that should succeed in his ministry of the church to the end of the world, to make all nations his disciples, by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as the original words plainly import, Matt, xxviii. 19. And therefore as people of all nations are capable of being made his disciples ; so none now are, or ever can be made so any other way, than by being baptized according to his order. But they who are not thus made his disci- ples by being baptized unto him, are not the member's of Christ ; and if they be not the members of Christ, they cannot be the children of God, nor have any right to the kingdom of heaven, that being promised only to such as believe and are baptized, Mark xvi. 16. And our Saviour himself elsewhere also saith, That except a man be born again of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot en- ter into the kingdom of God, John iii. 5. Whereby we may perceive the great necessity of this sacrament, where it may be had, as our church observes, in her office for the ministration of it, to such as are of riper years. It is to be farther observed, that when our Saviour or- dained baptism to be the means of admitting persons into H 4 176 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION.. his church, or the congregation of his disciples, lest we should think, as some have done, that he meant it only of those who are of riper years, he used the most general terms that could be invented, requiring that all nations should be baptized; and if all nations, then children also, which are a great, if not the greatest part of every nation. And accordingly his church hath always baptized children as well as adult persons : when any who are come to years of discretion, were willing and desirous to become Christ's disciples, that they might learn of him the way to heaven, they were made so by being baptized ; and if they had children, they were also baptized at the same time with their parents ; and so were the children which were after- wards born to them ; they also were baptized soon after they were born : and that it is our Saviour's pleasure that children also should be brought into his church, appears likewise in that when his disciples rebuked those who brought children unto him, he was much displeased, and said unto them, suffer the Utile children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God, Mark x. 14. But seeing they who are thus baptized according to the institution of Christ are thereby made his disciples, and in him the children of God, it is necessary they should then promise to believe and live from that time forward, ac- cording as he hath commanded ; which promise therefore all that are grown up always use to make every one in his own person, and for that purpose were and ought to be catechised beforehand, and put in mind of what they were to promise when they were baptized ; and therefore were called Catechumens. But children not being capable of making any such promise themselves, in their own per- sons, they were always admitted, and required to do it by their guardians, that is, by their godfathers and godmo- thers, which brought and offered them to be baptized ; and are therefore obliged to take care that they be after- wards catechised or instructed in the principles of that re- ligion into which they were admitted, and put in mind of the promise which they theri made of framing their lives according to it. This promise, therefore, which children make at their baptism by their sureties, and which is implied in the very nature of the sacrament, whether they have any sureties or no, consists of three general heads : First, That they will renounce the devil, and all his works, THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 177 the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and all the sin- fid lusts of the flesh. Secondly, That they will believe all the articles of the Christian faith. Thirdly, That they will keep God's holy will and command- ments, and walk in the same all the days of their life. Which three things, under which the whole substance of the Christian religion is contained, being all promised by children when they are baptized into it, it is absolutely necessary that they be afterwards put in mind, so soon as they are capable of the promise, which they then made, and of the obligation which lies upon them to perform it : for otherwise it can never be expected that they should ei- ther do, or so much as know it ; whereas the instructing them in this, the first part of the catechism, we prepare and dispose them for the understanding all the rest. Particularly the apostles' creed, which is next taught them, containing all those articles of the Christian faith", which they promised to believe, and nothing else, nothing but what is grounded upon plain texts of scripture, and hath always been believed by the whole catholic church in all ages and places all the world over : here are none of those private opinions and controverted points which have- so long disturbed the church, and serve only to perplex men's minds, and take them off from the more substantial and necessary duties of religion, as we have found by woe- ful experience, which our church hath taken all possible care to prevent, by inserting no other articles of faith into the catechism which her members are to learn, than what are contained in this creed received and approved of by the whole Christian world ; and then acquainting them what they chiefly learn in it, even to believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, in whose name they were christened, and therefore must continue in this faith,, or cease to be Christians. The other thing which they, who are baptized, promise is, Thai they will keep God's commandments, which there- fore are next taught in the catechism, without any mix-* ture of human inventions or constitutions : those ten com- mandments which the supreme Lawgiver himself pro- claimed upon mount Sinai, and afterwards wrote with his own finger upon two tables of stone. These they are all bound to learn, because they are bound to keep them all, H 5 178 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTTAN EDUCATION. as they will answer it at the last day, when all mankind shall be judged by them. But no man can keep these commandments without God's special grace, which we have no ground to expect without praying to him for it. And therefore children are in the next place taught how to pray according to that form which Christ himself composed, and commanded us to say, whensoever we pray, Luke xi. 2. And as he who believes all that is in the apostles' creed, believes all that he need believe, and he that keeps all the ten commandments, doth all that he need to do ; so he that prays this prayer aright, prays for all things which he can have need of: so that in this short catechism, which children of five years old may learn, they are taught all that is needful for them, either to believe, or do, or pray for. The last part of the catechism is concerning the two sa- craments which Christ hath ordained in his church, as generally necessary to salvation ; that is to say, baptism and the Lord's supper : both which our church hath there ex- plained with such extraordinary prudence and caution., as to take in all that is necessary to be known of either of them, without touching upon any of the disputes that have been raised about them, to the great prejudice of the Chris- tian religion. Seeing therefore this catechism is so full, that it con- tains all that any man needs to know, and yet so short, that a child may learn it : I do not see how parents may bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, better than by instructing them in it. I do not say by teaching them only to say it by rote, but by instruct- ing them in it, so that they may understand, as soon and as far as they are capable, the true sense and meaning of all the words and phrases in every part of it ; for winch purpose it will be necessary to observe these rules. First, You must begin betime, before your children have got any ill habits, which may be easily prevented, but are not easily cured. When children are baptized, being born again of water, and of the Spirit, as the guilt of their original sin is washed away in the laver of regeneration, so that it will never be imputed to them, unless it break out afterwards in actual transgressions ; so they receive also the Spirit of God to prevent all such eruptions, by ena- bling them to resist the temptations of the world, the fesh, and the devil, to believe and serve God according as they then promised ; so far at least, that sin shall 7ioi have do- THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 17$ minion over them, that they should obey it in the lusts thereof, seeing now they are not under the law, but under the grace of Christ, Rom. vi. 12 , 14. But that the seeds of grace which were then sown in their hearts,, may not be lost, or stifled, but grow up to perfection, great care must be tak- en that they may be taught, so soon as they are capable to discern between good and evil, to avoid the evil and do the good, and to believe and live as they promised, when they were endued with grace to do it. Hast thou children ? saith the son of Sirach, instruct them, and bow down their neck from their youth, Eccl. viii. 23. Give thy son no liberty in his youth, nor wink not at his follies. Bow down his neck while he is young, and beat him on the sides while he u a child, lest he wax stubborn and be disobedient unto thee, and so bring sorrow to thine heart, chap. xxx. 11, 12. Whereas he that gathercth instruction from his youth, shall find wis- dom till his old age, chap. vi. 1 8. According to that of the wise man, Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, Prov. xxii. 6. As Timothy from a child had known the holy scriptures, C Z Tim. iii. 15. And that was the reason that he was so ex- pert in them when he became a man : which therefore that your children may also be, the first thing they learn must be their catechism, where they are taught all the great truths and duties that are revealed in the holy scripture, as necessary to salvation, But how can such persons do this, that cannot read nor say the catechism themselves ? This, I fear, is the case of too many among us. There are many who having not been taught to read when they were young, neglect or scorn to learn it afterwards, and so lose all the benefit and comfort which they might receive by reading the holy scriptures : but this, I confess, is not so necessary, especi* ally in our church, where the holy scriptures are so con- stantly read in public, that if people would as constantly come and hearken to them, they might be wise unto sal~ vation, although they cannot read ; as few heretofore could, at least in the primitive times, when notwithstancL ing they attained to the knowledge of God, and of their duty to him, as well as if they had been the greatest scho-? lars in the world. But then considering that they could not read, they supplied that defect by attending more dili- gently to what they heard out of God's holy word, and laying it up in their hearts, so that they understood all the principles of the Christian religion, and were able to in, H 6 180 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. struct their children in the same as well as if they could read. But this is not our case ; for now there are many who can neither read, nor so much as say the catechism, having never learned it themselves, and therefore cannot possibly teach it their children. Such as the apostle speaks of, who when, for the time, they ought to be teachers, they have need that one teach them again, which be the first prin- ciples of the oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat, Heb. v. 12. And what must such do ? They certainly, as they tender their own good, must be doubly diligent in the use of all means that may tend to their edification and instruction ; as they desire the good of their children, they must send them to school, or provide some other person to teach them ; which if the parents neglect to do, the godfathers and godmothers of every child should put them in mind of it, and see that the child be taught, so soon as he is able to learn, what a solemn vow, promise, or profession, he made by them at his baptism. And, that he may know these things the better, they must call upon him to hear sermons ; and chiefly they must provide that he may learn the creed, the Lord's prayer, and the ten commandments in the vulgar tongue, and all other things which a Chris- tian ought to know and believe to his soul's health, as they are contained in the church catechism, and then to bring them to the bishop to be confirmed by him. But for that purpose, when children have been taught the catechism, they must be sent to the minister or curate of the parish where they live, that he may examine and instruct them in it : examine them whether they can say it, and instruct them so as to understand it. For though the words be all as plain as they can well be made, yet the things signified by those words, are many of them so high, that it cannot be expected that children should reach and apprehend them without help, which therefore they must go to their minister for, whose duty and office it is to ac- quaint them with the full sense and meaning of every word, what is signified by it, and what ground they have to be- lieve it is God's holy word. But to do this to any purpose, requires more time than is commonly allowed for it in our days. And that is one great reason they are so few among us that are built up as they ought to be, in their most holy faith. Many refuse or neglect to send their children to be catechised at all : and they who send them, send them so little, and for so little a time, that it is impossible they THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 181 should be much the better for it ; as many have found by- experience ; who although in their childhood they were taught the catechism, and could say it readily, yet having not been sufficiently instructed in it, they afterwards for- got it again, and know no more than if they had never learned it. I wish this be not the case of too many parents : wherefore, that this great work may be done effectually, so as to answer its end, as children should begin as soon as ever they are able to learn the catechism, and go on by degrees till they can say it perfectly by heart ; so when they can do that, they are still to continue to be instructed in it all along, till they understand it so well, as to be fit to receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper, which usu- ally may be about sixteen or seventeen years of age, more or less, according to their several capacities. By this means, as they grow in years, they would grow also in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. iii. 18. This likewise would be a great en- couragement to the minister to take pains with them, when they are such as can understand what he saith to them, and will continue under his care and conduct until they are settled and grounded in the faith, and have their senses exercised to discern between good arid evil ; and so shall be every way qualified to serve God, and do their duty to him in that state of life to which he shall be pleased after- wards to call them, upon earth, and then to go to heaven. If this could once be brought about throughout the king- dom, that all children that are born and bred up in it, were thus fully instructed in the knowledge of Christ, and of that religion which he hath revealed to the world, till they are fit for the holy communion, and ready to engage in the affairs of the world, the next generation would be much better than this, and Christianity would then begin to flourish again, and appear in its native beauty and lus- tre. And verily, whatsoever some may think, such espe- cially as were never catechised themselves, this is as great and necessary a duty as any that is required in all the Bi- ble. For God himself by his apostle expressly commands all parents to bring up their children in the nurture and ad- monition of the Lord; that is, as I have shewed, to cate- chise or instruct them in the principles of the doctrine of our Lord Christ. And therefore they who do it not, live in the breach of a known law, yea, of many laws. There being many places in God's holy word, where the same thing is commanded in other terms by almighty God him- 182 THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. self, saying, These words which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart, and thou shall teach them diligently to thy children, Deut. vi. 7- And again, Therefore shall ye lay up these words in your heart, and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your head, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes, and ye shall teach them your children, chap, xi. 18, 19. so also, chap. iv. 10. This is that which he commands also by the wise man, Train up a child in the way he shoidd go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, Prov. xxii. 6. The word in the original which we translate, train up, signifies also to dedicate or devote a child to the service of God, by instructing him how to do it, and exercising him continually in it ; and therefore, in the margin of our Bibles, it is translated catechise a child ; so that we have here both the necessity and useful- ness of this duty : the necessity, in that it is commanded to train up, or catechise a child in the ways of God : and the usefulness, in that what a child is thus taught, will re- main with him all his life long. Seeing therefore that God hath laid so strict a command upon all parents, to bring up their children in the know- ledge of himself, and of their duty to him, they can ex- pect no other, but that he should take particular notice whether they do it or not; and reward or punish them ac- cordingly. As we see in Abraham, what a special kind- ness hath God for him on this account ? Shall I hide from. him, saith the Lord, that thing which I do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations upon earth shall be blessed in him. But why had he such an extraordinary favour for Abraham above all other men ? God himself gives us the reason, saying : For I know that he will command his children and his house- hold after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, Gen. xviii. 19. This was the reason that Abraham was so much in favour, that he was called the friend of God, Jam. ii. 23. And how much God is displeased with parents neglect- ing to bring up their children in his true faith and fear, and suffering them to grow up and go on in a course of vice and profaneness, appears sufficiently from that severe judgment which he inflicted upon Eli and his whole house for it, saying to Samuel, For I have told him, even Eli, that I will judge his house for ever, for the iniquity, which he knoweth, because his sons made themselves vile, and he re* strained them not. And therefore I have sworn to the house THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 183 of Eli, That the iniquity of Eli's house, shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever, 1 Sam. iii. 13, 14. The execution of which dreadful judgment is left upon re- cord in the holy scripture, as a standing monument and caution to all parents, to take heed how they educate their children. Be sure the saints of God in all ages have taken as much care to bring up their children well, as to live well them- selves ; making as much conscience of this, as of any duty whatsoever which they owe to God. That the children which he hath given them, may answer his end in giving them ; that they may not be insignificant ciphers in the world, or as fruitless trees that serve only to cumber the ground ; but that they may serve and glorify God whilst they are upon the earth, so as to be meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. And verily all parents would make this their continual care and study, if they minded either their own or their children's good. Many complain, not without cause, that their children are disobedient and undutiful to them ; but the cause is chiefly in themselves. When they have neg- lected their duty to their children, how can they expect their children should perform their duty to them ? They were never taught it, how can they do it ? If therefore they prove stubborn and obstinate, if they give themselves up to all manner of vice and wickedness ; if instead of com- fort they be a grief and trouble to their parents, their pa- rents must blame themselves for it : and when they come to reflect upon it, their sin in neglecting their duty to God and their children in their education, will be a greater trouble to them than any their children can give them. Whereas when parents bring up their children in the nur- ture and admonition of the Lord, if their children notwith- standing happen to miscarry afterwards, they have this to comfort them, that they did their duty, and have no- thing to answer upon that account. But what a mighty advantage would it be to the chil- dren themselves to be thus continually put in mind of their baptismal vow, the articles of our faith, the duties of reli- gion, and what else is contained in the catechism, from their childhood all along till they come to be men or wo- men ? Their minds would be then filled with such divine truths, and with so great a sense of their duty, that there would be no room Jeft for heresy or sin to enter, at least not so as to get possession, and exercise any dominion ISA THOUGHTS UPON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. there. The first impressions that are made upon us are not soon worn out, but usually remain as long as we live. As the wise man observes, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, Prov. xxii. 6. When one hath been all along from his childhood brought up in the knowledge of God, and his holy will, it will stick by him so, as to be a constant check upon him, to keep him within the compass of his duty in all or- dinary cases ; and if any thing extraordinary happen to draw him aside, it will make him restless and uneasy, till he hath recovered himself, and got into the right way again ; and so it will either keep him innocent, or make him penitent. In short, by the blessing of God attending, as it usually doth, this great duty when it is conscientious- ly performed, is the best means that parents can use, whereby to breed up their children for heaven, to make them fellow-citizens with saints, and of the household of God, both in this world and for ever. Wherefore if we have any regard either to our own or to our children's eternal welfare, let us set upon this duty in good earnest ; let us bring up our children so long in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, till they fully know him, and all that he would have them believe and do, that they may be saved. But we must be sure to teach them by our example as well as instructions ; we must not tell them one thing, and do another ourselves ; but shew them how to keep the faith and laws of God, by keeping them ourselves before their eyes, all the while we live together upon earth : that when we are all got one after another, out of this troublesome and naughty world, we and our children may at last meet together in heaven, and there praise and glorify almighty God, we for them, and they for us, and all for his grace and truth in Jesus Christ our Lord. After this general instruction in the principles of our holy religion, it will be necessary, as soon as our young Christian is capable of it, to inform him more particularly in the nature of God, and the great mystery of the Trini- ty, unto which we are all baptized,, which therefore shall be my next subject. THOUGHTS UPON THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 185 THOUGHTS UPON THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. THOUGH religion in general be a thing that all men naturally agree in, yet there is nothing, I think, that men differ so much about, as about the particular acts and exercise of it : for all nations in the world have some reli- gion ; but there are scarce two amongst them all that have the same, yea, in one and the same nation too there are divers modes of religion professed and practised. No na- tion or country in the world, but will afford us instances of this ; and our own, I think, as many as any other what- soever. For could we but cast our eyes into the several corners of this land, at this very moment, what variety might we observe in those acta which the several parties amongst us account to be religious ! Some we should see sitting silently for a while together, without either speak- ing, or hearing a word spoken, until at length up starts a man or a -woman, or some such thing, and entertains them with a discourse made up of censure and malice, blasphe- my and nonsense ; and this is all the religion they pre- tend to. Others we should find crowded together in se- veral corners, sometimes praying, sometimes discoursing as it were, sometimes arguing the case with almighty God, and acquainting him with what happens in the world, and that with as much confidence and malapert- ness, as if he was their fellow-creature, and then very gravely walk home and please themselves with a vain con- ceit that they are more religious than their neighbours. Another sort of people there are amongst us, who are as superstitious as the former were slovenly and irreverent in their devotions : for these having been sprinkled with a little holy water, and performed their obeisance to a cruci- fix or picture, presently fall a pattering over Ave Maria's and Pater Nosters to themselves, as fast as they can ; whilst the priest in the mean while says something too, but the people generally do not know what it is, nor indeed what themselves say, it being all in an unknown tongue. But howsoever, though they know not what they say, they think that God doth, and therefore satisfy themselves that they have said something, though they know not what, and think that God is well pleased with what they have done, because themselves are so. 186 THOUGHTS UPON THE Others there are, and by the blessing of God, far more than all the rest, in this nation, who present themselves before the great Creator and possessor of the world, in that solemn and reverent manner as the constitutions of our church direct, humbly confessing their manifold sins against God, begging mercy and pardon from him, im- ploring his favour, and praising his name for all the ex- pressions of his undeserved love to mankind : and all this in our vulgar tongue, that Ave all understand, and so per- form a reasonable service unto God. And verily, if we consider the institution itself, of that religious worship which we thus perform, it is certainly the best that ever was prescribed by any church, as being most consonant to the general rules of devotion laid down in the scriptures ; as also most conformable to the disci- pline and practice of the primitive church. But we must not think that we serve God aright, because we be present with them that do so. I do not doubt but that there are many amongst us who sincerely endeavour to. worship God, whensoever they present themselves before him in public, I wish that all of us would do so. But we must still remember, that we should serve the Lord elsewhere as well as at church, and on other days as well as upon the Lord's day. And that if we would be truly religious, our whole man must be devoted to the service of God, yea > and our whole time too. We must not think that it is enough to do something, but we must do all things that are re- quired of us ; which notwithstanding we can never do, un- less we know both that God whom we ought to serve, and that service which we ought to perform unto him. And therefore David directs his son to the right and only way to true religion, saying, 1 Chron. xxviii. 9- " And thou, Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy fathers, and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind :" which words, did we apply them to ourselves, would, by the blessing of God, put us upon sincere endeavours after real and universal obedience to all the commands of God, and persuade us not to content ourselves with vain pretences to, and professions of religion, as most do ; but strive to live up unto our profession, and carry and behave our- selves so as becometh those who desire to be religious, and to serve God in good earnest ; which that we may do, let us observe the rule and method which David here pre- scribes to his son ; first, to know God, and then to servp him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 187 I shall not trouble the reader with any critical division of the words, for they naturally divide themselves into two parts. First, That we should know, and then that we should serve God with a 'perfect heart, and with a willing mind. I shall begin with the first, not only because it is first placed, but because it necessarily must precede the se- cond ; it being impossible for us to serve God aright un- less we knew him : for without this, all our services will be but like the" altar which the Athenians dedicated, To the unknown God. By which inscription they manifested to the world, that they knew that they ought to serve some God, but they knew not that God whom they ought to serve. But that we may so know him as to serve him aright, I shall first shew what it is of God which we must know in order to our serving him aright. First, Therefore he that would serve God aright, must believe and know that he is, Heb. xi. 6. that is, that there is such a supreme and all-glorious Being in and over the world that we call God, that made,- preserves, governs, and disposes of every thing in the world, as seemeth best to him ; and that it is not only probable, that there is such a one, but that it is the most certain and necessary truth in the world ; without which there would be no such thing as truth or certainty. For, indeed, if God was not, no- thing could be, he alone being the basis and foundation of all being in the world, yea, and of all motion too, Acts xvii. 28. And therefore, every thing that lives, every thing that moves, nay, every thing that [is, argues God to be ; which therefore is the first great truth, upon which all the rest depend ; without which nothing would be true, much less woidd our services be so : so that the first thing to be done in order to our serving God, is to know, and believe that he is, and that he ought to be served and adored by us. Secondly, It is necessary to know his essence too, as well as his existence ; what, as well as that he is ; what he is in himself, and what he is to us ; that in himself he is, in and of himself, the source of his wisdom, the abyss of all power, the ocean of all goodness, the fountain of all hap- piness, the principle of all motion, and the centre, yea, perfection of all perfections in the world ; whose nature or essence is so pure, so glorious, so immense, so infinite, so eternal, so every way perfect, transcendent, and incom- prehensible, that the more we think of him, the more we 188 THOUGHTS UPON THE contemplate upon him, the more we praise and admire him, the more we may. And the highest apprehensions that we can have of him, is still to apprehend him infinitely higher than all our apprehensions of him. And there- fore, that man best knows God, that knows him to be be- yond his knowledge, and that knows he can never know him enough. But we must know too what he is to us, even the author and giver of every good thing we have, and who in him- self is whatsoever we can desire to make us happy ; and therefore it is, that in the covenant of grace, when he would assure us that we shall have all things that we can enjoy, he only promises to be our Cod, Heb. viii. 10. which is as much as we can desire, and indeed as himself can promise ; for in promising himself, he hath promised whatsoever he is, whatsoever he hath, whatsoever he doth, nay, whatsoever he can do, as God. And thus are we to look upon God as the only object of all true happi- ness, and the only centre wherein all the desires and in- clinations of our souls can rest. Thirdly, It is necessary also to know the several attri- butes and perfections which he hath revealed of himself, in scripture ; that he is so wise to know whatsoever can be known ; so powerful as to do whatsoever can be done ; so great and glorious in himself, that we have all just cause to fear him ; so kind and gracious in his Son, that it is our duty also to trust in him ; so true, that whatsoever he says is true, because he saith it ; so good, that whatsoever he doth is good, because he doth it ; so just, as to punish every sin that is committed, and yet so merciful as to par- don every sinner that repenteth ; Chat he is pure without mixture, infinite without bounds, eternal without begin- ning, everlasting without end, and every way perfect without comparison. Fourthly, We must know also the works of God, what he hath done, wherein he hath manifested himself to us. But what hath God done ? Or rather, what hath he not done ? It was he that raised this stately fabric of the world we live in, out of the womb of nothing. It was he that extracted light out of darkness, beauty and perfection out of a confused chaos. It was he that bedecked the glori- ous canopy of heaven with those glistering spangles, the stars. It was he that commanded the sun to run its course by day, and the moon to ride her circuit by night about the world, to shew the inhabitants thereof the glory of KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. lg() their all-glorious Maker. It was he that hung the earth upon nothing, and spread upon the surface of it a curious carpet, embroidered Avith all manner, not of painted, but real flowers, and plants and trees. It was he that first produced all things out of nothing ; and it is he that still preserves all things in their being. It is he that ordereth the affairs of kingdoms, manageth the intrigues of state, di- recteth the events of wars, and disposes of every particu- lar person as himself sees good. In a word, whatsoever was ever made in heaven above or in earth beneath, it is he that made it ; and whatsoever is still done in heaven above, or in earth beneath, it is he that doth it ; so that nothing ever was, or is, or ever w T ill be, or can be done, but what is done by him, as the first and universal cause of all things. Fifthly, It is necessary also to know, so as to believe, that though there is but one God, yet there are three per- sons, all and every one of which is that one God. I do not say it is necessary to understand or comprehend this mystery, for that we cannot do ; but we are not therefore the less to believe it, because we cannot understand it : for there are many other things in divinity ; yea, many things in natural philosophy, and in geometry itself, which we cannot understand, and yet for all that, both know and believe them to be true. But how much more cause have we to believe this, which God himself hath asserted of himself? nay, and besides that, we have the same obli- gations to serve and honour every person, as we have to serve and honour any one person in the sacred Trinity ; our Saviour himself hath expressly told us, That all men should honour the Son, even a.s they honour the Father, John xxv. 23. But that we cannot do, unless we believe the Son to be God as well the Father ; and by consequence, unless w T e acknowledge this fundamental article of our Christian faith, into which we were all baptized. Secondly, We must consider what kind of knowledge we ought to have of God, in reference to our serving him aright. For we must not think that it is enough to know in ge- neral that there is a God, and that he is wise and power- ful, great and glorious, true and faithful, good and gra- cious ; these things a man may know in general, so as to be able to discourse of them, and dispute for them too, and yet come short of that knowledge which is requisite to our true serving of God : which should be such a know- 190 THOUGHTS UPON THE ledge as will not only swim in the brain, but sink down into the heart ; whereby a man is possessed with a due sense of those things he knows, so that he doth not only know, but in a manner feel them to be so. Thus David, who, in the text, calls upon his son to know the God of his fathers, intimates elsewhere what knowledge he means ; saying, Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, Psal. xxxiv. 8. Where we may observe, how he requires our spiritual senses to be employed in our knowledge of God, so as to see that he is good, yea, and taste it too ; that is, feel and experience it in ourselves ; which though it may seem a paradox to many of us, yet there is none of us, but may find it to be a real truth, and attain unto it, if we be but careful and constant in our meditations upon God, and sincere in performing our devotions to him, for by these means our notions of God will be refined, our conceptions cleared, and our affections, by consequence, so moved to- wards him, that we shall taste and experience in ourselves, as well as know from others, that he is good, and that all perfections are concentered in him. But this practical and experimental knowledge of God doth necessarily presuppose the other, or the general know- ledge of him, so as to be acquainted with the several ex- pressions which God in scripture hath made use of, where- by to reveal himself and his perfections to us ; as when he is pleased to call himself the almighty God, the all-wise and infinite, the just and gracious God, and the like ; or to say of himself, / am that I am ; that is, in and of my- self eternal. Unless we first know that these and such like expressions belong to God, and what is the true meaning and purport of them, it is impossible for us to arrive at that knowledge of him, which is necessary to our serving him aright. And I am come to the last thing to be considered here concerning the knowledge of God, even that it is necessary to our serving him ; so that none can serve him that does not first know him, and therefore that the method, as well as matter of David's advice is here observable : Know thou the God of thy fathers, and serve him ; or, first know him, and then serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. And verily, one would think that this is a truth so clear, so evident of itself, that it needs no proof or demonstra- tion ; for how is it possible for us to know how to serve God, unless we first know that God whom we ought to KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. If) I serve ? for all our services unto God should be both pro- per to his nature, and suitable to his perfections; and therefore, unless I first know his nature and perfections, how can I adjust my services to them? As for example, I am to fear his greatness, and trust on his mercy, and rejoice in his goodness, and desire his favour : but how can I do this, unless I know that he is thus great and merciful, good and favourable ? Moreover, as a man cannot serve God when he hath a mind to do it, so neither will he have a mind or heart to serve him unless he first knows him. For the motions of the will are always regulated by the ultimate dictates of the practical understanding ; so that a man chooses or re- fuses, loves or hates, desires or abhors, according as he knows any object that is presented to him to be good or evil. And therefore how can I choose G6d as my chiefest good, unless I first know him to be so ; or love him as I ought, above all things, unless I first know him to be bet- ter than all things ; or perform any true service to him, un- less I first know him to be such a one, as deserves to have true service performed unto him ? Nay, lastly, nothing that we can do can be accepted as a service to God, unless it be both grounded upon, and di- rected by a right knowledge of him. God would not ac- cept of blind sacrifices under the law, much less will he accept of blind services now under the gospel ; and there- fore he expects and requires now, that whatsoever we do, either to or for him, be a Logike Latreia, a reasonable ser- vice, Rom. xii. 1. That our souls as well as bodies, yea, and the rational as well as sensitive part be employed in all the services which we perform to him ; which certain- ly cannot be, unless we first know him ; so that there is an indispensable connexion betwixt our knowing and serving God ; it being as impossible for any man to serve him, that doth not first know him, as it is to know him aright, and not to serve him. But however indispensable this connexion be in its own nature, the church of Rome can make a shift to dispense with it ; yea, so far as to assert that ignorance is the mo- ther of devotion. But you must excuse them, for they do not mean by devotion, as we do, the real serving of God, but only the performing of some outward services to him. And such a kind of devotion, I confess, ignorance may be the mother of: but a man must be grossly ignorant that thinks this to be devotion, which is but a piece of pagean- 192 THOUGHTS UPON ^E try, a mocking instead of serving God. And,, for my part, I cannot but tremble to think what a dismal, what a dreadful account the heads of that church must hereafter give, for daring to keep the people in so much ignorance as they do ; so as to render them incapable of serving God, that so they may be the more ready to serve the church ; that is, the interests and designs of the court of Rome. But let them look to that ; whilst we, in the mean while study to know God before all things else, considering, First, God therefore made us that we might know him, and that we might know that he made us. And therefore it is that he hath made rational creatures capable of reflect- ing upon him that made us so ; neither did he only make us at first, but he still preserves us ; we feed daily at his table, and live upon his bounty. And the very beasts that any of us keep, know those that keep them ; and shall we be more brutish than brutes themselves, and not know him that keeps and maintains us ? Oh how justly may God than call heaven and earth to witness against us, as he did once against his people Israel, Isa. i. 2, 3, 4. Secondly, There is none of us but have attained to knowledge in other things : some of us have searched into arts and sciences, others are acquainted with several lan- guages ; none of us but are, or would be expert in the affairs of this world, and understand the mysteries of our several trades and callings ; what, and shall he alone, by whom we know other things, be himself unknown to us ? What is, if this be not, a just cause, wherefore God should infa- tuate and deprive us of all our knowledge in other things ? seeing we labour more to know them, than him from whom we receive our knowledge. Thirdly, Ignorance of God, is itself one of the greatest sins that we can be guilty of, and which God is most an- gry for, Hos. iv. 4. And there God himself imputes the destruction of his people, to the want of knowledge, ver. 6. Nay, and it is that sin too that makes way for all the rest. For what is the reason that many so frequently blaspheme God's name, slight his service, transgress his laws, and in- cense his wrath against them, but merely because they do not know him, how great, how terrible a God he is ? For did they but thus rightly know him, they could not but regard the thoughts of doing any thing that is offensive to him ; and therefore the true knowledge of God would be the 2 KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 193 best security, and the most sovereign antidote in the world against the infection of sin, and the prevalency of tempta- tions over us ; neither would it only preserve us from sin, but put us upon duty and service, and direct us also in the performance of it. Insomuch that the hardest duty will be easy to one that knows God ; the easiest will be hard to one that knows him not. Hard did I say ? yea, and impossible too, for although a man may know God, and yet not serve him, it is impossible that any man should serve God unless he knows him ; knowledge itself being both the first duty that we owe to God, and the founda- tion of all the rest. And therefore, to conclude, if any desire to perform the vow, they made in their baptism, to love and fear, to ho- nour and obey the eternal God that made them: if any de- sire to be Christians indeed, and holy in all manner of con- versation ; if any desire to trust on the promises, and observe the precepts of the great Creator and Possessor of the world, to live above the snares of death, and to antedate the joys of heaven; if any desire to live the life, and to die the death of the righteous, to serve God here so as to enjoy him hereaf- ter ; let all such but study the scriptures, and frequent the public ordinances ; be constant and sincere in prayer and meditation, neglecting no opportunity of acquainting them- selves with God, but making use of all means possible to get their hearts possessed with a reverential apprehension of God's greatness and glory, and with a due sense of his goodness and perfections, and their work will be soon done ; for if they thus know God they will serve him too w T ith a perfect heart and a willing mind. We have seen how we ought to know God ; and we are now to consider how we ought to serve him ; without which, indeed, our knowledge of him will avail us no- thing. For, as the apostle argues, Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal, 1 Cor. xiii. 1. So here: though we should have the highest notions and speculations in divinity, that men or angels ever had ; though we should understand the highest mysteries in reli- gion, and dive into the profoundest secrets of Christian philosophy ; though we should excel the greatest school- men, and the most learned doctors that ever lived ; and were able to baffle heresies, dispute error and schism out of the Christian church, and evince the truth of the articles of our faith, by more than mathematical demonstrations; I 19% THOUGHTS UPON THE yet, if after all this, our knowledge be only notional, not moving our affections, nor putting us upon the practice of what we know, it is but as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal : it may make a noise in the world, and get us ap- plause among men, but it will stand us in no stead at all before the eternal God, yea, it will rise up in judgment against us another day, and sink us lower into the abyss of torments. And therefore, though men may, God doth not look upon this as the true knowledge of himself. Nei- ther can any one be properly said to know God, that doth not serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. And therefore, having discoursed of that knowledge which is necessary to our serving God, I shall now endeavour to shew, how we ought to serve God according to our know- ledge. In speaking unto which, I must beg the reader's most serious and Christian attention, as to a matter which con- cerns our lives ; yea, our eternal lives in another world. I hope there are none of those that pretend to instruct, so brutish and atheistical, as not to desire to serve God : none so proud and self-conceited, as to think that they serve him well enough already, or at least know how to do it. I write only to such as want to be instructed, read books of practical religion with no other design but to serve God, and to learn how to serve him better. And if this be our only design, as I hope it is, let us manifest it to the world, and to our consciences, by attending to, and fixing what we read upon our own hearty. For I may venture to say, that this is the noblest and most necessary subject that I can write, or any one can read of; and that, which if seriously weighed, rightly considered, and truly practised, will most certainly bring us to the highest hap- piness which our natures are capable of, or our persons were at first designed for. Now, for our clear proceeding in a matter of great im- portance, we will first consider what it is to serve God ? A question very necessary to be treated of and resolved, because of the general mistakes that are in the world about it : many people fancying the service of God to consist in some few particular acts ; as in saying their prayers, read- ing the scriptures, going to church, giving an alms now and then to the poor ; especially if they be but zealous and resolute in the defence of the party or faction they are of, so as to promote it to the highest of their parts, estates, or power, then they think they do God good service, and KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. IQH that this is all he requires of them. Others think they serve God by serving of his creatures, as in praying to saints, bowing to images, and falling down before the eu- charist when it is carried in procession : nay, many there are, who think they serve God when they dishonour him, wresting his scriptures, corrupting his doctrine, opposing his vicegerents, seducing his people and servants unto er- ror, and all for the promoting of some temporal interests, or groundless opinions. But we must know that the ser- vice of God is a thing of an higher nature, and nobler stamp than such silly mortals would persuade us it is ; consisting in nothing less than, I. In devoting of ourselves, and all we have, or are, or do, unto the honour of the eternal God ; resigning our hearts wholly to him, and subduing all our passions and affections before him. For seeing we were wholly made by Mm, and wholly depend upon him, if we would serve God at all, we must serve him with all we are ; every fa- culty of our souls and member of our bodies employing themselves in those services which he set them, so as to live as none of our own, but as wholly God's ; his by crea- tion, it was he that made us ; his by preservation, it is he that maintains us; and his by redemption, it is he that hath purchased us with his own most precious blood ; and there- fore being thus bought with a price, we should glorify God both in our soids and bodies, which are his, 1 Cor. vi. 20. And as we are to serve him with all we are, so also with all we have. Honour the Lord with all ihy substance, and with the Jirst-fruits of all thine increase, Prov. iii. 9. What- soever we have we receive from his bounty, and therefore whatsoever we have should employ for his glory : our parts, our gifts, our estates, our power, our time ; what- soever we call ours, is his in our hands, and therefore to be improved, not for ourselves, but him ; as our Saviour shews in the parable of the talents, which the master of the house distributed amongst his servants ; to seme he gave one, to some jive, to others ten, that every one might employ his proportion to his master's use ; neither squats dcring it away, nor yet laying it up in a napkin. It is God that is the grand master and possessor of the world, who parcels it out amongst his creatures, as himself sees good, but wheresoever he entrusteth any thing, he expects the improvement of it for himself. And so, I suppose, doth every one of us from such servants as we keep ; we expect that what we put into their hands be laid out, not far I 2 196 THOUGHTS UPON THE themselves,, but for us ; and that they spend their time in our service, not their own : and if they do otherwise, none of us but will say, they do not serve us but themselves. How then can we expect that God will look upon us as serving him, when we do not do so much for him as we expect from our own servantSj though our fellow-crea- tures ? Or how can we think that we serve him as we ought, unless we serve him as much as we can? Or that God should look upon us as his servants, unless we employ and improve whatsoever we have, not for our own pleasure, profit, or applause, but for his honour and glory, from whom we did receive it ? Let us remember our Saviour's words, Matt. v. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 2. Hence the serving of God consisteth also in the per- forming of sincere and universal obedience to all his laws and commands, which is but the natural consequent of the former : for if our whole man, both soul and body, and whatsoever we have, or are, ought to be devoted to his glory, it must needs follow, that whatsoever we do should be conformable to his precepts ; which also is no more than eveiy one of us expects from our servants : for those whom we have covenanted with to be our servants, and whom we keep upon that very account, that they may serve us ; we all expect that they should obey all our com- mands, and do whatsoever in justice and by our covenants we can enjoin them. But how much more then must we ourselves be obliged to obey all the laws and precepts of him that made us, whose creatures we are, and whose servants, by consequence, we ought to be ? I say, all his laws and precepts ; for we must not think to pick and choose, to do some things, and leave other things undone : for we should take it ill if our servants Should serve us so ; if when we send them upon several businesses, they should mind one of them, and neglect all the other, we should questionless look upon them as very idle and careless servants : but let us consider and bethink ourselves, whether we have not served our master the eter- nal God, as bad as our servants have or can serve us. He hath given us several laws to observe, and hath set us seve- ral works to do, and we perhaps can make a shift to do something that is required of us ; but never think of the other, and perhaps the principal things too that he expects from us* KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 197. Just as if when Moses had broke the two tables of stone, whereon the ten commandments were written, one man should have come and snatched away one piece, a second run away with another piece, and a third with another, until at length ten several persons had gotten ten several pieces whereon the ten commandments were severally written ; and when they had done so, every one of them, should have striven to keep the law that was written on his own piece, never minding what was written on the others. Do you think that such persons as these are, could be re- puted the servants of God, and to observe his laws, when they minded only one particular branch or piece of them ? the case is our own ; we hearing of several laws and com- mands, which the most high God hath set us, get some one of them by the end, and run away with that, as if we were not concerned in any of the rest. But let us still re- member, that the same finger that wrote one of the com- mands, wrote all the other too. And therefore he that doth not observe all, as well as one, cannot properly be said to observe any at all. Neither indeed doth he serve God in any thing : for though he may do something that God requires, yet it is plain, that he doth not therefore do it because God requires it ; for if he did so, he would do all things else too that God requires. . And therefore such a person doth not serve God at all in what he doth ; no, he serves himself rather than God, in that he doth it not in obedience to God, but with respect to himself, as to get himself a name and credit among men, or perhaps to satisfy his troublesome conscience, which would not let him be at quiet unless he did it. But now one that would serve God indeed, hath respect to all his commandments, Psal. cxix. 6. And walks in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless, as Zacharias and Elizabeth are said to have done, Luke i. 6. And thus whosoever would serve the Lord in any thing must serve him in all things that he requireth. And this is that which David means in this advice to his son, say- ing, Know thou the God of thy fathers, and serve him : that is, observe and do whatsoever he enjoins, and that too with a perfect heart and a willing mind. And so I come to the second thing to be considered here; that is, the manner how we ought to serve God, even with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind. First, With a perfect heart ; that is, with integrity and sincerity of heart, not from any by-ends, or sinister de- O 198 THOUGHTS UPON THE signs, but out of pure obedience to the laws of God, as he is the sovereign of heaven and earth, and in Christ, our Lord, and our God. A thing much to be observed in all our services, without which, indeed, they are no services at all. Insomuch that should we pray our tongues to the stumps, and fast our bodies into skeletons ; should we fill the air with sighs, and the sea with tears for our sin ; should we spend all our time in hearing of sermons, and our whole estates in relieving the poor ; should we hazard our lives, yea, give our bodies to be burnt for our religion, yet nothing of all this would be accepted as a service unto God, unless it be performed with a sincere obedience to his laws, and with a single eye, aiming at nothing but his glory, which ought to be the ultimate end qf all our actions, 1 Cor. x. 31. Secondly, We must not only serve God with a perfect heart, but with a willing mind too, benephesck ckephatsoah properly with a willing soul ; that is, our will and all the affections of our souls should be carried after, and exer- cised in the service of almighty God. Our desires are to be inflamed towards it, our love fixed upon it, and our delight placed in it. Thus the Israelites are said to have sought the Lord with their whole desire, 2 Chron. xv. 1 5. And we are commanded to love the Lord our God, and so to serve him with all our heart, and with all our soul, Deut. xi. 13. Yea, we are to delight to do the will of God, Psal. xi. 8. as our Saviour did, saying, It is my meat to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his wor'k, John iv. 34. Thus we are so to esteem the service of God above our ne- cessary food, pleasing ourselves in pleasing him, and so make his service not only our business, but our recreation too ; and whosoever doth not so, whatsoever he doth for God, he cannot be said to serve him, because he doth it against his will, and against the bent and inclination of his soul. And therefore, though as to the outward act he may do that which God commands, yet inwardly he doth it not, because his soul is still averse from it, by which means it ceaseth to be the service of God ; because it is not performed by the whole man, even soul and body, both which are necessarily required in our performance of real service to him that made them both. Thirdly, What is the reason why we ought to serve God so ? Because he searcheth the heart, and undcrstandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts : that is, he is thoroughly acquainted with every thought in our hearts, and with KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 199 every motion and inclination of our souls infinitely better than ourselves are. And therefore it is in vain for us to think to put him off with outward and formal, instead of inward and real service : for he doth not only see what we do, but knows too what we think while we are doing of it ; and doth not only observe the matter of our actions, but the manner also of our performing them : it being his great prerogative to " search the heart, and to try the reins, and to have all things naked and open unto him," Heb. iv. 1 3. so that he seeth what the soul doth within doors, in the se- cret closets of the heart, as clearly as what it doth without in the open streets of the world : every affection of the soul being as manifest unto him, as the actions of the body are ; and therefore hypocrisy is the most foolish and ridi- culous sin imaginable, making as if we could cheat and deceive God, and hide our sins from the all- seeing eyes of omniscience iteelf, or make God believe that we are holy, because we appear to be so to men. But to bring this matter more closely to ourselves : we have been all at church, perhaps, performing our service and devotions to him that made us ; it is true, as to our outward appearance, there hath been no great difference betwixt us, we have been equally present at these public ordinances, and we do not know but one hath prayed and heard the word of God both read and preached as well as another ; so that seemingly our services are all alike as to us, but are they so to God too ? That I much question : for he hath taken especial notice all along, not only of the outward gestures of our bodies, but likewise of the in- ward behaviour of our hearts and souls before him : and therefore, as I hope he hath seen many of us serving him with a perfect heart and a willing mind ; so, I fear he hath found too many of us tardy, coming before him as his peo- ple come, and sitting before him as his people sit, while our hearts in the mean time have been about our covetous- ness ; and hath plainly seen, though our bodies have been at church, our souls have been elsewhere, thinking upon our relations, or estates, or something or other, besides what our thoughts should have been employed about in so solemn a duty as the public worship. But know this, O vain man, whosoever thou art, that God will not be mocked : and though thou hast not seen, or perhaps so much as thought of him, he hath seen thee and thy thoughts too ; yea, at this very moment looks upon thee. And what wilt thou answer him, the great Judge of the whole world, I 4 200 THOUGHTS UPON THE when he shall tell thee to thy face, and call his omnisci- ence to witness, that he saw thee at this, as at other times, play the hypocrite with him, making as if thou servedst him, when thou servedst him not ; and instead of serving him with a perfect heart and a willing mind, servedst him in neither heart nor mind. Let us all remember this when we approach God's house, and also bethink ourselves af- terwards, whether we have not been guilty of this sin ! if we have, we may be sure God knows it, and we shall know it another day. But to prevent what justly may be our doom, let us repent of our former neglects in this kind ; and, for the future, whensoever we are serving God, let us still look upon him as looking upon us, and fix in our hearts this one thing, That God knows all things in the world. And therefore let us not think to put God off with such careless and perfunctory services as heretofore too many of us have done ; but if we desire to serve him at all, let us serve him with a perfect heart and a williJig mind. Thus I have endeavoured to shew both, what it is to serve God, and how we ought to do it : now let us not think it sufficient that we know how to serve God, unless we serve him according to our knowledge. Let us remem- ber our Saviour's words : //' ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them, John xiii. 17. Which happiness, that all who read this may attain unto, let me advise them, in the name of the eternal God that made them, to renounce and forsake their former masters, sin, Satan, and the world, whoever may have hitherto been enslaved by them, and now dedicate themselves wholly to the service of him that made them for that very purpose that they may serve him ; yea, and who hath composed our natures so, that the highest happiness we are capable of, consists in our serving him : and therefore let us not think, that he calls upon us to serve him, because he wants our service ; no, be it known unto all that he is infinitely happy in the en- joyment of his own perfections, and needs not the ser- vices of such poor silly mortals as we are, who have no- thing but what we receive from him ; and therefore he doth not call upon vis to serve him because he cannot be happy without us, but because we cannot be happy with- out him : not because he wants our service, but because we want it ; it being impossible for us to be happy, unless we be holy ; or to enjoy God, unless we serve him. Wherefore all ye that desire to go to heaven, to have him that made you reconciled to you, and smile upon you ; KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 20i or that desire to be really and truly happy; set upon the work which God sent you into the world about, put it not off any longer, make no more vain excuses, but from tins day forward, let the service of God be your daily, your continual employment and pleasure : study and contrive each day how to advance his glory and interest in the world, and how you may walk more strictly, more cir- cumspectly, more conformably to his laws than ever. But whatsoever service you perform unto him, be sure to do it with a perfect heart and a willing mind. Think not to put him off with fancy instead of faith, or with outward performances instead of real duties ; but remember that he searcheth the hearts, and tricth the reins of the sons of men, and observes the inward motions of the soul, as well as the outward actions of the life : and therefore whereso- ever you are, whatsoever you do, still bethink yourselves, that he that made you, still looks upon you ; taking no- tice not only of the matter of the actions which you per- form, but also of the manner of your performing them ; and therefore be sure to have a special care in all your ser- vices for or unto God, that your " hearts be sincere before him, and your minds inclined to him," that so you may " serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind." But to conclude ; whoever ye are that read this dis- course, I have shewn you the " things that belong unto your everlasting peace," have acquainted you with the me- thod and manner of your serving God in time, in order to your enjoyment of him to eternity ; how you are affected with what you have read, and whether you be resolved to practise it/ yea, or no, it is only the eternal God that knows. But this I know, that if you will not be persuad- ed to serve God, yea, and to serve him too with a perfect heart and a uniting mind, you will one day wish you had, but then it will be too late. And therefore if you will put it to the venture, go on still, and with the unprofitable servant, hide your talents in a napkin, or lavish them out in the revels of sin and vanity ; let thy belly be still thy god, and the world thy lord ; serve thyself or Satan, in* stead of the living God : but know that for all this, God will bring thee into judgment ; after which expect nothing else but to be overwhelmed with horror and confusion to eter-. fifty. Whereas on the other side, such amongst you as shall sincerely endeavour from henceforth to serve God with a, perfect heart and a willing mind, I dare, I do assure them I 5 202 THOUGHTS UPON THE in the name of God, their labour shall not be in vain in the Lord : for God suffers not his enemies to go unpunished, nor his servants unrewarded. And therefore go on with joy and triumph in the ser- vice of so great and so good a master, and devote your- selves wholly to his service, and employ your talents faith- fully for his glory. Remember the time is but short ; and Christ himself will receive you into eternal glory, saying, Well done, good and faithful servant. *•%. v*t*v%v-* -v* */% ■% •%- THOUGHTS UPON THE MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. THOUGH there be many in the world that seem to be religious, there are but few that are so : one great reason whereof is, because there are so many mistakes about religion, that it is an hard matter to hit upon the true notion of it : and therefore desiring nothing in this world so much as to be an instrument in God's hand to di- rect men into the true religion, my great care must, and by the blessing of God shall be, to instil into them right conceptions of him, that is the only object of all religious acts, without which it is impossible to continue, or indeed to be religious : the true nature and notion of religion consisting in the right carriage and deportment of our whole man, both soul and body, towards him that made us ; whom therefore, unless we truly know, we can ne- ver be truly religious ; and therefore they that begin their religion with zeal and passion, begin at the wrong end ; for indeed they begin where they should end : our zeal for God, and love unto him, being the highest acts of religion, and therefore cannot be the first; but they necessarily pre- suppose the true knowledge of God, without which our zeal will be blind, and our love both groundless and transient. But as it is impossible to be truly religious, unless we know God, so it is very difficult so to know him, as to be- come truly religious. It is true that there is such a su- preme Being in and over the world, as we call God ; the very light of nature teaches, and reason itself demonstrates it to be the most certain and undeniable. But what he is, and what apprehensions we ought to have of this glorious Being, none but himself is able to describe and manifest MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 203 unto us ; so that our conceptions of him are still to be re- gulated by the discoveries that he hath made of himself to us ; without which, though we may have some confused notions of him, yet we can never so know him, as to serve him faithfully, and, by consequence, be truly religious. Hence therefore, if we would know God, we must search the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, wherein God hath been pleased most clearly to manifest and discover himself unto us ; I say, both the Old and New Testaments, for otherwise, our knowledge of God may be very defective and erroneous, there being several things which God, in the New Testament, hath most plainly revealed of himself, . which in the Old Testament are more darkly and obscurely delivered to us. As for ex- ample the great mystery of the Trinity ; though it be fre- quently intimated in the Old Testament, yet it is an hard matter rightly to understand it without the New : inso- much, that the Jews, though they have had the law above three thousand, and the prophets above two thousand years among them, yet to this day they could never make this an article of faith ; but they, as well as the Mahome- tans, still assert, That God is only one in person as well as nature : whereas nothing can be more plain from the New Testament, than that there is but one God, and yet there are three persons, every one of which is that one God : and so that though God be but one in nature, yet he is three in persons ; and so three persons, as yet to be but one in nature. And, verily, although there was no other text in all the scripture, whereon to ground this fundamental article of our Christian faith, that of Matt, xxviii. ig. Go ye there* fore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is a suffici-* ent foundation for it ; there being nothing, I think, ne- cessary to be believed concerning the glorious Trinity, but what may easily and naturally be deduced from these words ; which were spoken, it is true, by our Saviour be- fore his ascension, but I question whether they were tho- roughly understood, till after the Holy Ghost was come down on earth : it being only by God himself that we can come to the true knowledge of him, much less are we able rightly to apprehend, and firmly to believe three person?, in the Godhead, without the assistance of one of them, that is of the Holy Ghost, by whom the other two are wont to work ; he being the issue, if I may so sav, and breath of I 6 204 THOUGHTS UPON THE both. Hence it is, that the wisdom of the church, for these many centuries, hath thought fit to order, that this great mystery be celebrated the next Lord's day after the commemoration of the Holy Spirit's coming down upon the disciples, and in them, upon all true believers ; both because all three persons have now manifested themselves to mankind ; the Father in his creation of them, the Son in his conversing with them, and the Holy Ghost by his coming down upon them: and also so shew, that it is only by the grace and assistance of God's Spirit that we can rightly believe in this glorious and incomprehensible mystery which our Saviour hath so clearly revealed to us in these words, Go ye and teach all nations, &c. For the opening of which, we must know that our Sa- viour, in the foregoing verse, acquaints his disciples, that now all power was given him in heaven and in earth ; by virtue whereof he here issueth forth his commission to his apostles, and, in them, to all that should succeed them, to supply his room, and be his vicegerents upon earth, he being now to reside in his kingdom of heaven. For saith lie, all power is given to me in heaven and earth : go ye therefore and teach all nations. As he also saith elsewhere to them, As my Father hath sent me, even so I send yov, John xx. 21. As if he should have said, My Father hav- ing committed to me all power and authority both in hea- ven and earth, I therefore authorize and commissionate, yea, and command you to go and teach all nations, &c. This therefore is part of the commission which our Lord and master left with his apostles immediately, before he parted from them. Those being the last words which St. Matthew records him to have spoken upon earth ; and therefore they must needs contain matter of very great im- portance to his church ; and it must needs highly concern us all to understand the true meaning and purport of them. Which that we may the better do, in treating of them, I shall observe the same method and order as he did in speaking them. First, Therefore, here is the work he sends the apostles about ; Go ye therefore and teach, poreuthentes mm mathc- tcusate, which more properly may be rendered, Go ye therefore and disciple all nations, ovmake the persons of all nations to be my disciples, that is Christians. That this is the true meaning of the words, is plain and clear, from the right notion of the word here used mathcteuo, which turning from mathetcs, a disciple, it always signineth either MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 205 to be or to make disciples, wheresoever it occurs in all the scriptures ; as matheteutheis, Matt. xiii. 52, which is in* structed, say we, the Syriac better, damtachlamad, that is, made a disciple, a Talmid, that is, not only a scholar or learner, but a follower or professor of the gospel, here called the kingdom of heaven. Another place where this word occurs, is Matt, xxvii. 57. ematheteuse tou lesou, where we rightly translate it, was Jesus' disciple. Another place is Acts xiv. 21. kai matheteusantes, which we improperly render, having taught many ; the Syrian and Arabic, more properly, having made many discijiles. And these are all the places in the New Testament where this word is used, except those I am now considering, where all the eastern languages render it according to its notation, dis- ciple. The Persian paraphrastically expounds it, Go ye and reduce all nations to my faith and religion. So that whosoever pleads for any other meaning of these words, do but betray their own ignorance in the original lan- guages, and by consequence, in the true interpretation of scripture. I should not have insisted so long upon this, but that the false exposition of these words hath occasioned that no less dangerous than numerous sect of Anabaptists in the world; for the old Latin translation having it, l'mntes ergo, docete omnes gentes ; hence the German, where anabaptism first began, and all the modern translations render it as we do, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them. From whence it was supposed by some that were not able to dive into the true meaning of the words, that our Saviour here commanded that none should be baptized but such as were first taught the principles of the Christian religion; which is the greatest mistake imaginable ; for our Saviour doth not speak one word of teaching before baptism, but only after, ver. 20. didascontes, his meaning being only that his apostles should go about the world and persuade all nations to forsake their former idolatries and supersti- tions, and to turn Christians, or the disciples of Jesus Christ ; and such as were so, should be baptized. And therefore infant baptism is so far from being forbidden, that it is expressly commanded in these words ; for all dis- ciples are here commanded to be baptized ; nay, they are therefore commanded to be baptized, because disciples. And seeing all disciples are to be baptized, so are intants too, the children of believing parents ; for they are disci- ples as well as any other, or as well as then* parents them- 206 THOUGHTS UPON THE selves : for all that are in covenant with God must needs be disciples : bat that children are always esteemed in co- venant with God, is plain, in that God himself command- ed the covenant should be sealed to them, as it was all along by circumcision. But that children are disciples as well as others, our Saviour puts it out of all doubt, saying of children, of such is the kingdom of God, Mark x. 1 4. And therefore they must needs be disciples, unless such as are not disciples can belong to the kingdom of God, which a man must be strangely distempered in his brain before he can so much as fancy. And besides, that children, so long as children, are looked upon as part of their parents ; and therefore as their parents are, so are they : if their parents be heathens, so are the children: if the parents be Jews, so are the chil- dren : if the parents be Christians, so are the children too ; nay, if either of the parents be a Christian or disciple, the children of both are denominated from the better part, and so looked upon as Christians too, as is plain, 1 Cor. vii. 1 4. But now are they holy, that is, in a federal or covenant sense, they are in covenant with God ; they are believ- ers, Christians, or disciples, because one of their parents is so. Now seeing children are disciples as well as others, and our Saviour here commands all disciples to be baptized, it necessarily follows that children must be baptized too. So that the opinion that asserts, that children ought not to be baptized, is grounded upon a mere mistake, and upon gross ignorance of the true meaning of the scripture, and especially of this place, which is most ridiculously mistak- en for a prohibition, it being rather a command for infant baptism. But I must crave the reader's excuse for this digression from the matter principally intended, though I could not tell how to avoid it ; nothing being more needful than to rescue the words of our blessed Saviour from those false glosses and horrible abuses which these last ages have put upon them, especially it coming so directly in my way as this did. Secondly, Here is the extent of their commission, which is very large indeed, not being directed to some few parti- cular persons, but to nations ; not to some particular na- tions only, but to all nations ; Go ye therefore and disciple all nations; or all the world, as it is, Mark xvi. 15. This was that which the prophet Isaiah, or rather God by him MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 207 foretels, Isaiah xlix. 6. which our Saviour himself seems to have respect unto, Luke xxiv. 46, 47. The meaning whereof, in brief, is this, that though the Jews hitherto had been the only people of God, and none but they ad- mitted into covenant with him, now the Gentiles also are to be brought in and made confederates or copartners with them in the covenant of grace ; that the partition- wall be- ing now broken down, the gospel is to be preached to all other nations, as well as the Jewish ; Christ being now come to be a light to lighten the Gentiles, as well as the glory of his people Israel, But though the words of the commission be so clear to this purpose, yet the apostles themselves understood it not, till God had interpreted it from heaven to St. Peter, shew- ing him in a vision, that he should call no man common or unclean, Acts x. 27. From which time forward, he, with the rest of the apostles, observed their commission exactly in preaching to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. And this was one end wherefore the Holf Ghost came down amongst them, even to enable them to do what their master had commanded them, to preach unto all nations; but that they could not do, unless they could speak all lan- guages, which therefore the Holy Ghost enabled them to do, Acts ii. 4, 5. which also is a clear demonstration of the true meaning and purport of these words : for there was no necessity that the spirit should teach the apostles all languages, but that the Son had first enjoined them to preach unto all nations. Thirdly, Hence is the manner whereby they are to ad- mit all nations into the church of Christ, or into the Chris- tian religion, by baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. For the opening whereof we must know that baptism was a rite in common use amongst the Jews before our Saviour's time, by which they were wont to admit proselytes into their religion, baptizing them in the name of the Father, or of God. A little before our Saviour's appearance in the world, John Baptist, being sent to prepare the way for him, baptized the Jews themselves, as many as came unto him, in the name of the Messiah to come, which was called the baptism of re- pentance. I indeed baptize you, says he, with water to re- pentance ; but he that comes after me is mightier than I, Sec. Matt. iii. 1 1 . But when our Saviour was to go to heaven, he left orders with his apostles to make disciples; or ad- mit all nations into the religion that he had preached, con- 208 THOUGHTS UPON THE firmed with miracles, and sealed with his own blood, by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; which form of baptism, questionless, his apostles faithfully observed all along, as may be gathered also from Acts xix. 2, 3. where we may observe, how when they said that they " had not so much as heard of an Holy Ghost," he wondering at that, asked them, " Unto what then were ye baptized ?" plainly intimating, that if they had been baptized aright, according to Christ's institution, they could not but have heard of the Holy Ghost, because they had been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. But verse 5. as also Actsii. 38. chap. viii. L6. we read of baptism administered in the name of the Lord Jesus ; from whence some have thought that the apostles baptized only the Gentiles in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, but the Jews in the name of the Lord Jesns only ; because they believing in the Father already, if they were but bap- tized in the name of Jesus, and so testified their belief that he was the Messiah, they could not but believe in his Spi- rit too ; but this expression of baptizing in the name of the Lord Jesus, seems to me rather to intimate that form of baptism which the Lord Jesus instituted : for, doubt- less, the apostles observed the precepts of our Lord better than so, as to do it one way, when he had commanded it to be done another ; and baptized only in the name of Jesus, when he had enjoined them to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy GIigsL Neither did the church ever esteem that baptism valid, which was not administered exactly according to the in- stitution, in the name of all the three persons ; which the primitive Christians were so strict in the observance of, that it was enjoined, that all persons to be baptized should be plunged three times into the water, first at the name of t/ie Father, and then at the name of the Son, and lastly, at the name of (he Holy Ghost ; that so every person might be distinctly nominated, and so our Saviour's institution exactly observed in the administration of this sacrament. Hence also it was, that all persons to be baptized were always required, either with their own mouths, if adult, or if infants, by their sureties, to make a public confession of their faith in the three persons, into whose names they were to be baptized : for this indeed was always looked upon as the sum and substance of the Christian religion, to believe in God the Father, in God the Son, and in God (he MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 209 Holy Ghost ; and they who believed in these three persons, were still reputed Christians ; and they who did not were esteemed infidels or heretics. Yea, and our Saviour himself hath sufficiently declar- ed, how necessary it is for us to believe this great myste- ry ; as also how essential it is to a Christian, seeing that he requires no more in order to our initiation into his church, but only that we be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In which words we may observe : First, A Trinity of Persons, into whose names we are baptized, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This is that mystery of mysteries which is too high for human under- standings to conceive, but not too great for a divine faith to believe; even that although there be but one God, there are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, every one of which is that one and the self-same God: and therefore it is that baptism is here commanded to be administered in the name of all three. Now to confirm our faith in this great mystery, where- into we are all baptized, I shall endeavour to shew in few terms, what grounds we have in scripture to believe it. For which end we must know, that though this great mystery hath received great light by the rising of the Sun of righteousness upon the world, yet it did not lie altoge- ther undiscovered before ; yea, from the very foundation of the world, the church, in all ages, hath had sufficient ground whereupon to build their faith on this great and fundamental truth : for in the very creation of the world, he that created it is called Chaim, in the plural number : and in the creation of man, he said, Let us make man in our own image ; from whence, though not a Trinity, yet a plurality of persons is plainly manifested ; yea, in the beginning of the world too, we find both Father, Son, and Spirit concurring in the making of it. First, It is said that God created heaven and earth, and then, That the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, Gen. i. 1, 2. There are two persons, God, and the Spirit of God. And then we read how God made the world by his word : He said, let there be light, and there was light. From which expression St. John himself con- cludes, That all things were made by the Son of God, or his Word, Johni. 3. and so does St. Paul, Col. i. 16. Thus we read afterwards, The Spirit of the Zord spake by me, and his word by my tongue, 2 Sam. xxiii. 2. where we have Jehovah, the Spirit of Jehovah, and the Word of 210 THOUGHTS UPON THE Jehovah, plainly and distinctly set down. As also in Psal. xxxiii. 6. and Isa. lxii. 1. where there is the Lord speak- ing of his Son, and saying, That he will put his Spirit upon him ; and this also seems to be the reason why the holy angels, when they praise God, say, Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, Isa. vi. 3. Rev. iv. 8. saying holy thrice, in re- verence to the three persons they adore. Thus we might discover this truth in the Old Testa- ment ; but in the New we can scarce look over it. For when Jesus was baptized, Matt. iii. 16. had we, who know nothing but by our senses, been present at this time with Jesus at Jordan, our very senses would have convey- ed this truth to our understandings, whether we would or no. Here we should have heard a voice from heaven ; whose was it but God the Father ? Here we should have seen one coming out of Jordan ; who was that but God the Son ? Here we should have seen something else too, in the form of a dove ; who was that but God the Spirit ? Thus was God the Father heard speaking ; God the Son was seen ascending out of the water ; and God the Holy Ghost descending from heaven upon him. The first was heard in the sound of a voice, the second was seen in the form of a man, and the third was beheld in the shape of a dove. Voce Pater, natus Corpore, Jtamen Ave. But there are many such places as this all the New Tes- tament over, where the three persons of the Godhead are distinctly mentioned, as Luke i. 35. John xiv. 16, 26. chap. xvi. 7- Gal. iv. 6. But the words of St. Paid are very remarkable too, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. And yet that all these three persons were but one God, Gen. xviii. 2, 3. John x. 30. St. John expressly asserts, saying, There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, and the Word, and the Spirit, and these three are one, 1 John v. 7. Which certainly are as plain and perspicuous terms as it is possi- ble to express so great a mystery in. But I need not have gone so far to have proved that there are three distinct persons in the Godhead : the words I am treating of be- ing a sufficient demonstration of it : for as all the three persons met together at our Saviour's baptism ; so doth our Saviour here command, that all his disciples be bap- tized in the name of all three : and therefore 1 cannot but admire how any one should dare to profess himself to be a MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 211 Christian, and yet deny or oppose the sacred Trinity, into which he was baptized when he was made a Christian : for, by this means, he renouncing his baptism, blas- phemes Christ, unchristians himself, blotting his own name out of the catalogue of those who were made Chris- tians only by being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. II. Here is the Godhead of the Trinity, or of every per- son in the Trinity, that one as well as the other is God : for here we see divine worship is to be performed to them all ; and all that profess the true religion must be baptized in the name of the Son and Holy Ghost, as well as of the Father ; which certainly would be the greatest absurdity, yea the most horrid impiety imaginable, were not they God as well as he. For, if they be not God, they are creatures; if they be creatures, reason as well as scripture forbids the same honour and worship to be conferred on them, whicli is given to God himself, and only due to him; which here, notwithstanding, we see is given to them, and that by our Lord himself, commanding bap- tism to be administered in his own name and in the name of the Holy Ghost, as well as in the name of the Father, and so making himself and the Spirit equal sharers in the same honour that is given to the Father. So that, was there no other place in the whole scripture to prove it, this alone would be sufficient to convince any gainsayer, that the Son and Spirit are God as well as the Father, or ra- ther the same God with him. But that I may unveil this mystery, and confirm this truth more clearly, we will con- sider each person distinctly, and shew that one as well as the other is really God. That the Father is God, none ever denied it, and there- fore we need not prove it. But, if the Father be God, the Son must needs be God too ; for the same names, proper- ties, works and worship, which in scripture are ascribed to the Father, are frequently ascribed to the Son also in scripture ; the Father is called Jehovah in scripture, so is the Son, Hos. i. 7. Jer. xxiii. 6. the Father is called God, so is the Son, John i. 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ; with God, as to his person : God as to his nature. So also John xx. 28. Acts xx. 28, &c. Moreover, is the Father Alpha and Omega, the first and the last ? So is the Son, Rev. i. 8. Is the Father eternal ? So is the Son, Isa. ix. 6. Rev. i. 8. Is the Father almighty ? So is the 212 THOUGHTS UPON THE Son, Heb. i. 3. Is the Father every where ? So is.the Son, Matt, xviii. 20. Doth the Father know all things ? So cloth the Son, John xxi. 17. chap. ii. 24. Did the Father make all things ? So did the Son, John i. 3. Doth the Father preserve al] things ? So doth the Son, Heb. i. 3. Doth the Father forgive sins ? So doth the Son, Matt. ix. 6*. Is the Father to be worshipped ? So is the Son, Heb. i. 6. Is the Father to be honoured ? So is the Son, John v. 23. No wonder therefore that Christ being thus in the form of God, thought itjw robbery to be equal with God, Phil. ii. 6". He did not rob God of any glory, by saying himself was equal to him. The greatest wonder is, how any one can believe the scriptures to be the word of God, and deny this great truth, than which nothing can be more plain from scripture : nothing being more frequently and more clearly asserted than this is. And verily it is well for us it is so ; for if Christ was not God, neither could he be our Saviour. None being able to free us from sins, but only he against whom they were committed. And there- fore I cannot imagine how any one can doubt of Christ's divinity, and yet expect pardon and salvation from him : all our hopes and expectations from him depending only upon his assumption of our human nature into a divine person. And that the Holy Ghost also is God, is frequently as- serted in the holy scriptures which himself indited. In- deed this very inditing of the scriptures was a clear argu- ment of his Deity, as well as the scriptures indited by him. What man, what angel, what creature, who but God could compose such articles of faith, enjoin such divine precepts, foretel and fulfil such prophecies as in scripture are contained, who spake unto all, or by the prophets ? who did they mean, when they said, Thus sailh the Lord of hosts ? Who was this Lord of hosts, that instructed them what to speak or write ? Was it God the Father, or God the Son ; No, but it was God the Holy Ghost : " For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," 2 Pet. i. 21. Acts xxviii. 25. chap. xxi. II. The Holy Ghost therefore being the Lord of hosts, he must needs be God, there being no person that is or can be call- ed the Lord of hosts, but he that is the very and eternal God. This also may be gathered from 1 Cor. hi. 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 213 dwclleth hi you ; for none can be the temple of God, but he in whom God dwells ; for it is God's dwelling in a place that makes that place the temple of God ; and yet we are here said to be the temple of God, because the Spirit dwelieth in us. And elsewhere, Know ye not, saith the apostle, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost that is in you ? 1 Cor. vi. 1£). which could not be unless the Holy Ghost was God. Another express scripture we have for it in Acts v. 3, 4. where St. Peter propounds this question to Ananias, Why hath Satan felled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost ? and then tells him in the next verse, Thou hast not lied to men , but to God; and so expressly asserts the Holy Ghost to be God. Moreover, that the Holy Ghost is truly God, co-equal to the Father and Son, it is plain, in that the scriptures assert him to be, to have, and do whatsoever the Father or Son, is, hath, or doth, as God. For, is the Fath el- and Son eternal? So is the Spirit, Heb. ix. 14. Is God the Father and the Son every where ? So is the Spirit, Psal. exxxix. 7. Is God the Father, and the Son, a wise, un- derstanding, powerful, and knowing God? So is the Spirit, Isa. xi. 2. Are we baptized in the name of the Father and the Son ? . So are we baptized in the name of the Holy Ghost. May we sin against the Father and the Son ? So may we sin too against the Holy Ghost. Nay, the sin against this person only, is accounted by our Saviour to be a sin never to be pardoned, Matt. xii. 31, 32. We may sin against God the Father, and our sin may be pardoned; we may sin against God the Son, and our sin may be par- doned ; but if we sin or speak against the Holy Ghost, that shall never be forgiven, neither in this world, nor in that which is to come. But, if the Holy Ghost be not God, how can we sin against him ? or how comes our sin against him only, to be unpardonable, unless he be God ? I know it is not therefore unpardonable, because he is God, for then the sins against the Father and the Son would be unpardonable too, seeing they both are God as well as he; yet though this sin is not therefore unpardonable, because he is God, yet it could not be unpardonable, unless he was God. For, supposing him not to be God, but a crea- ture, and yet the sin against him to be unpardonable, then the sins against a creature would be unpardonable, when sins against God himself are pardoned : which to say, would itself, I think, come near to the sin against the 214 THOUGHTS UPON THE Holy Ghost. But seeing our Saviour describes this un- pardonable sin, by blaspheming or speaking against the Holy Ghost, let them have a care that they be not found guilty of it, who dare deny the Holy Ghost to be really and truly God, and so blaspheme and speak the worst that they can against him. III. We have seen what ground we have to believe, that there are three persons in the Godhead, and that every one of these three persons is God ; we are now to consi- der the order of those persons in the Trinity, described in the words before us. First, The Father, and then the Son, and then the Holy Ghost : every one of which is really and truly God ; and yet they are but one real and true God. A mystery which we are all bound to believe, but yet must have a great care how we speak of it, it being both easy and dan- gerous to mistake in expressing so mysterious a truth as this is. If we think of it, how hard is it to contemplate upon one numerically divine nature, in more than one and the same divine person ; or upon three divine persons in no more than one and the same divine nature ? If we speak of it, how hard is it to find out fit words to express it ? If I say the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be three, and every one distinctly God, it is true ; but if I say, they be three, and every one a distinct God, it is false. I may say, the divine persons are distinct in the divine nature ; but I can- not say, that the divine nature is divided into the divine persons. I may say, God the Father is one God, and the Son is one God, and the Holy Ghost is one God ; but I cannot say, that the Father is one God, and the Son ano- ther God, and the Holy Ghost a third God. I may say, the Father begat another who is God ; yet I cannot say that he begat another God. And from the Father and the Son proceedeth another who is God, yet I cannot say, from the Father and the Son proceedeth another God. For all this while, though their persons be distinct, yet still their nature is the same. So that though the Father be the first person in the Godhead, the Son the second, the Holy Ghost the third ; yet the Father is not the first, the Son the second, the Holy Ghost a third God : so hard a thing it is to word so great a mystery aright, or to fit so high a truth with expressions suitable and proper to it, without going one way or other from it. And there- fore I shall not use many words about it, lest some should slip from me unbecoming of it ; but, in as few terms as I MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 215 can, I will endeavour to shew upon what account the Fa- ther is the first, the Son the second, and the Holy Ghost the third person in the Trinity. First, Therefore, the Father is placed first, and really is the first person, not as if he was before the other two, for they are all co-eternal ; but because the other two re- ceived their essence from him ; for the Son was begotten of the Father ; and the Holy Ghost proceedeth both from the Father and Son ; and therefore the Father is termed by the primitive Christians, Rim kai pege Theotetos, the Root and the Fountain of Deity. As in waters there is the fountain or well head, then there is a spring that boils up out of that fountain, and then there is the stream that flows both from the fountain and the spring, and yet all these are but one and the same water ; so here God the Father is the fountain of the Deity ; the Son, as the spring that boils up out of the fountain ; and the Floly Ghost, that flows from both, and yet all three are but one and the same God. The same may also be explained by another fami- liar instance ; the sun, you know, begets beams, and from the sun and beams together proceed both light and heat ; so God the Father begets the Son, and from the Father and Son together, proceeds the spirit of knowledge and grace : but as the sun is not before the beams, nor the beams before the light and heat, but altogether : so nei- ther is the Father before the Son, nor Father or Son be- fore the Holy Ghost, but only in order and relation to one another ; in which only respect, the Father is the first per- son in the Trinity. Seco?idly, The Son is the second person, who is called the Son, yea, and the only begotten Son of God, because he was begotten of the Father, not as others are by spiri- tual regeneration, but by eternal generation, as none but himself is : for the opening whereof, we must know, that God that made all things fruitful, is not himself sterile or barren ; but he that hath given power to animals to gene- rate and produce others in their own nature, is himself much more able to produce one, not only like himself, but of the self-same nature with himself, as he did in be- getting his Son, by communicating his own unbegotten essence and nature to him. For the person of the Son was most certainly begotten of the Father, or otherwise he would not be his Son ; but his essence was unbegotten, otherwise he would not be God, and therefore the highest apprehensions that we can frame of this great mystery, the 216 THOUGHTS UPON THE eternal generation of the Son of God, is only by conceiv- ing the person of the Father to have communicated his di- vine essence to the person of the Son. And so of himself begetting his other self the Son, by communicating his own eternal and unbegotten essence to him. I say, by communicating of his essence, not of his person to him, for then they would be both the same person, as now they are of the same essence : the essence of the Father did not beget the Son by communicating his person to him, but the person of the Father begat the Son by communicating his essence to him ; so that the person of the Son is be- gotten, not communicated, but the essence of the Son is communicated, not begotten. This notion of the Father's begetting the Son by com- municating his essence to him I ground upon the Son's own words, who certainly best knew how himself was be- gotten : For, as the Father, saith he, hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself John v. 26. To have life in himself, is an essential property of the divine nature, and therefore wheresoever that is given or communicated, the nature itself must needs be given and communicated too. Now here we see how God the Father communicated this his essential property, and so his essence to the Son ; and, by consequence, though he be not a distinct person from him, yet he hath the same unbegotten essence with him ; and therefore, as the Father hath life in himself, so hath the Son life in himself; and so all other essential pro- perties of the divine nature, only with this personal dis- tinction, that the Father hath this life in himself not from the Son, but from himself; whereas the Son hath it, not from himself, but from the Father : or, the Father is God himself, not of the Son ; the Son is the same God, but from the Father, not from himself; and, therefore, not the Father, but the Son is rightly called by the coun- cil of Nice, God of Gods, light of lights, yea, very God of very God. Thirdly, Having thus spoken of the two first persons in the sacred Trinity, we come now to the last, the Holy Ghost. The last, I say, not in nature or time, but only in order ; for, as to their nature, one is not better or more God than another ; neither, as to time, is one before ano- ther ; none of them being measured by time, but all and every one of them eternity itself. But though not in na- ture or time, yet in order,* one must needs be before ano- MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 217 ther ; for the Father is of himself, receiving his essence neither from the Son, nor from the Spirit, and therefore is, in order, before both ; the Son received his essence from the Father, not from the Spirit, and therefore, in order, is before the Spirit, as well as after the Father ; but the Spirit receiving his essence both from the Father and the Son, must needs, in order, be after both. I confess the Spirit is no where in scripture said to pro- ceed from the Son, and therefore the inserting this into the Nicene creed, was the occasion of that schism betwixt the Western and Eastern churches, which hath now con- tinued for many ages ; in which I think, both parties are blame- worthy ; the Western churches for inserting this clause following into the Nicene creed, without the con- sent of a general council; and the Eastern for denying so plain a truth as this is : for though the Spirit be not said to proceed from the Son, yet he is called the Spirit of the Son, Gal. iv. 6. Rom. viii. 9- which questionless he would never have been, did he not proceed from the Son as well as from the Father. And verily, the Father communi- cating his own individual essence, and so whatsoever he is (his paternal relation excepted) to the Son, could not but communicate this to him also, even to have the Spirit pro- ceeding from him as it doth from himself. So that as what- soever the Father hath originally in himself, that hath the Son by communication from the Father : so hath the Son this, the Spirit's proceeding from him by communication from the Father, as the Father hath it in himself: and the Spirit thus proceeding both from the Father and the Son, hence it is that he is placed after both, not only in the words before us, but also in 1 John v. ?. and so else- where. From what I have hitherto discoursed concerning the great mystery, the Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity, I shall gather some few inferences, and so conclude. 1. Is the Son God, yea, the same God with the Fa- ther ? Hence I observe, what a strange mystery the work of man's redemption is, that God himself should become man. And he that was begotten of his Father, without a mother from eternity, should be born of his mother, with- out a father, in time ; that he that was perfect God, like unto the Father, in every thing, his personal properties only excepted, should also be perfect man, like unto us in all things, our personal infirmities only excepted : that he that made the world should be himself made in it ; that K 218 THOUGHTS UPON THE eternity should stoop to time, glory be wrapt in misery, and the Sun of righteousness hid under a clod of earth ; that innocence should be betrayed., justice condemned, and life itself should die, and all to redeem man from death to life. Oh wonder of wonders ! how justly may we say with the apostle, Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, 1 Tim. iii. 16. 2. Is the Spirit also God ? Hence I observe, that it is God alone that can make us holy ; for seeing the scripture all along ascribes our sanctification unto the Spirit of God, and yet the Spirit of God is himself really and truly God, it necessarily folioweteh, that the special concurrence and influence of almighty God himself is necessary to the mak- ing us really and truly holy. ^5. Are all three persons in the Trinity one and the same God ? Hence I infer, they are to have one and the same honour conferred upon them, and one and the same wor- ship performed unto them. Or, as our Saviour himself saith, That all men should honour the Son, even as they ho- 7iour the Father, John v. 23. And, ye believe in God, be- lieve also in me, John xiv. 1. And as we pray to the Fa- ther, so should we pray to the Son too, as the apostles did, Luke xvii. 5. and St. Stephen, Acts vii. 59. and St. Paul to all three, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. 4. Is baptism to be administered in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ? Hence I observe how necessary it is to believe in these three per- sons, in order to our being real and true Christians ; for we being made Christians in the name of all three, that man ceaseth to be a Christian that believes only in one ; for faith in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, is necessary to the very constitution of a Chris- tian ; and is the principal, if not the only characteristical note whereby to distinguish a Christian from another man ; yea, from a Turk ; for this is the chief thing that the Turks, both in their Alcoran and other writings, upbraid Christians for, even because they believe a Trinity of per- sons in the divine nature. For which cause they frequent- ly say they are people that believe God hath companions ; so that take away this article of our Christian faith, and what depends upon it, and there would be but little dif- ference betwixt a Christian and a Turk : but by this means, Turks would not turn Christians, but Christians Turks, if this fundamental article of the Christian religion was once removed ; for he that doth not believe this, is no MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY. 219 Christian upon that very account, because he doth not be- lieve that by which a Christian is made ; and whatsoever else errors a man may hold, yet if he believes in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, I cannot, I dare not but acknowledge him to be a Christian in ge- neral, because he holds fast to the foundation of the Chris- tian religion, though perhaps he may build upon it hay and stubble, and so his superstructure be infirm and rotten. I shall conclude with a word of advice to all such as call themselves by the name of Christ : I suppose and believe they are all Christians, from their taking that name, and therefore I need not use any arguments to persuade them to turn Christians, for so they are already by profession ; but, seeing that they are Christians, let me desire them to consider how they come to be so ; even by being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And if they desire to be Christians still, I must advise them to continue steadfast in that faith where- by they were made so. Of all the errors and heresies which Satan hath sowed amongst us, let us have an especial care to avoid such as strike at the very foundation of our religion ; I mean the Arians, Macedonians, Socinians. and all manner of Antitrinitarians, such as deny the most sacred Trinity. But I hope we have better learned Christ than to heark- en to such opinions as these are ; and therefore my next advice in brief is only this, That as we excel others in the truth of our profession, so we would excel them also in the holiness of our life and conversation : let us manifest our- selves to be Christians indeed, by believing the assertions, trusting in the promises, fearing the threatenings, and obeying the precepts of Christ, our master, that both infi- dels and heretics may be convinced of their errors, by see- ing us out-stripping them in our piety towards God, equi- ty to our neighbours, charity to the poor, unity among ourselves, and love to all ; for this would be a clear de- monstration, that our faith is better than theirs is, when our lives are holier than theirs are ; and for our encourage- ment thereunto, I dare engage, that if we believe thus, as Christ hath taught us, and live as he hath commanded us, we shall also obtain what he hath promised, even eternal happiness in the world to come ; where we shall see, enjoy, and praise that God, into whose name we are baptized, even Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for evermore. There, with angels and archangels, with the heavens and all the K 2 220 THOUGHTS UPON THE MYSTERY, &C. powers therein ; with cherubim and seraphim, and all the blessed inhabitants of those everlasting mansions, with the glorious company of the apostles, the goodly fellowship of the prophets ; the noble army of martyrs ; all the company of heaven, and the holy church throughout all the world, we shall eternally laud and magnify thy sacred name, " O God the Father of heaven ; O God, the Son, " Redeemer of the world ; O God, the Holy Ghost, pro- " ceeding from the Father and the Son ; O holy, blessed " and glorious Trinity, three persons and one God, ever- " more praising thee, the Father of an infinite majesty ; u .together with thine honourable, true, and only Son ; " thee the King of glory, O Christ ; and thee, O Holy " Ghost, the Comforter ; still joining with the heavenly " choir, and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of " hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory ; glory be " to thee, O Lord most high. We praise thee, we bless " thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks " to thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly king, " God the Father almighty. O Lord, the only begotten " Son, Jesus Christ, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of "■ the Father, thou who takest away the sins of the world, u and sittest at the right hand of God the Father. O bless- " ed, glorious, and eternal Spirit ; for thou only art holy, " thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the *' Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Fa- " ther : for thine, O Lord, is the kingdom, and the pow- " er, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen." " Almighty and everlasting God, who hast given unto " us thy servants grace, by the confession of a true " faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, " and in the power of the Divine majesty to worship the " Unity ; we beseech thee that thou wouldst keep us stead- " fast in this faith, and ever more defend us from all ad- " versities, who Hvest and reignest, one God, world " without end. Amen." And now having led the Christian through this first stage of his course, and instructed him in the principles of his religion, and in the great mystery of the Trinity, into which he was baptized, it may be fit to bring him into the world and shew him how he ought to demean himself in re- gard to the things of it. THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 2£1 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. SECTION I. HE that seriously considers the constitution of the Christian religion, observing the excellency of its doctrines, the clearness of its precepts, the severity of its threatenings, together with the faithfulness of its promises, and the certainty of its principles to trust to ; such a one may justly be astonished, and admire what should be the reason that they who profess this not only the most excel- lent, but only true religion in the world, should notwith- standing be generally as wicked, debauched and profane., as they that never heard of it. For that they are so, is but too plain and obvious to every one that observes their actions, and compares them with the practice of Jews, Turks, and infidels. For what sin have they among them, which we have not as rife among ourselves ? Are they in- temperate and luxurious? Are they envious- and malicious against one another ? Are they uncharitable and censori- ous ? Are they given to extortion, rapine, and oppression ? So are most of those who are called Christians. Do they blaspheme the name of God, profane his sabbaths, con- temn his word, despise his ordinances, and trample upon the blood of his only Son ? How many have we amongst ourselves that do these things as much as they ? But how comes this about, that they who are baptized into the name of Christ, and profess the religion w r hich he established in the w r orld, should be no better than other people, and in some respects far worse ? Is it because, though they profess the gospel, yet they do not understand it ? Nor know what sins are forbidden, nor what duties are enjoined in it ? That none can plead, especially amongst us who have the gospel so clearly revealed, so fully inter- preted, so constantly preached to us as we have. Inso- much that if there be any one person amongst us, that understands not what is necessary to be known, in order to our everlasting happiness, it is because we will not, wilfully shutting our eyes against the light. But what then shall we impute this wonder to, that Christians are generally as bad as Heathens ? Does Christ in his gospel dispense with their impieties, and give them K 3 222 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. indulgencies for their sins, and licence to break the moral law ? It is true, his pretended vicar at Rome doth so ; but far be it from us to father our sins upon him, who came into the world on purpose to save us from them. Indeed if we repent and turn from sin, he hath both purchased and promised pardon and forgiveness to us, but not till then : but hath expressly told us the contrary, assuring us, that except we repent we must all perish, Luke xiii. 3. I confess there have been such blasphemous heretics amongst us, called Antinomians, who are altogether for faith without good works, making as if Christ by erect- ing his gospel destroyed the moral law ; but none can en- tertain such an horrible opinion as that is, whose sinful practices have not so far depraved their principles, that they believe it is so only because they would have it to be so, directly contrary to our Saviour's own words, Matt. v. 1?. Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the pro- phets ; I am not come to destroy, bid to fulfil. But I hope there is none of us but have better learned Christ, than to think that he came to patronize our sins, who was sent to bless us by turning away every one of us from our iniquities, Acts iii. 26. But how come Christians then to be as bad and sinful as other men ? Is it because they are as destitute as other men of all means whereby to become better ? No, this cannot possibly be the reason, for nothing can be more certain, than that we all have, or at least may, if we will, have whatsoever can any way conduce to the making us either holy here, or happy hereafter. We have the way that leads thereto revealed to us in the word of God ; we have that word frequently expounded and applied to us : we have all free access, not only to the ordinances which God hath appointed, for our conversion, but even to the very sacraments themselves whereby our faith may be con- firmed, and our souls nourished to eternal life. And more than all this too, we have many gracious and faithful pro- mises, that if we do but what we can, God, for Christ's sake, will afford us such assistances of his grace and spi- rit, whereby we shall be enabled to perform universal obe- dience to the moral law, such as God, for Christ's sake, will accept of, instead of that perfection which the law re- quires. So that now, if we be not all as real and true saints, as good and pious Christians as ever lived, it is certainly our own faults : for we have all things necessary to the making of us such, and if we were not wanting to our- selves, it is impossible we should fail of having all our sins THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 223 subdued under us, and true grace and virtue implanted in us. Insomuch that since the Christian religion was first revealed to the world, there have been certainly millions of souls converted by it, who now are glorified saints in hea- ven, which once were as sinful creatures upon earth as we now are. But it seems they found the gospel an effectual means of their conversion and salvation ; and therefore it cannot be imputed to any defect in the gospel, or the Chris- tian religion, that we are not all as good men as ever liv- ed, andby consequence better than the professors of all other religions in the world. But what then shall we say to this wonder of wonders, that Christians themselves in our age live such loose and dissolute lives as generally they do? What shall be the reason that all manner of sin and evil should be both prac- tised and indulged among us, as much as in the darkest corners of the world, upon which the gospel never yet sinned ? Why, when we have searched into all the reasons that possibly can be imagined, next to the degeneracy and corruption of our nature, this must needs be acknowledg- ed as one of the chief and principal, that men living upon earth, and conversing ordinarily with nothing but sensible and material objects, they are so much taken up with them, that those divine and spiritual truths which are revealed in the gospel, make little or no impression at all upon them: though they hear what the gospel saith and teacheth, yet they are no more affected with it, nor concerned about it, than as if they had never heard of it, their affection being all bent and inclined only to the things of this world. And therefore it is no wonder* that they run with so full a ca- reer into sin and wickedness, notwithstanding their profes- sion of the gospel, seeing their natural propensity and in- clination to the things of this world are so strong and pre- valent within them, that they will not suffer themselves to think seriously upon, much less to concern themselves about any thing else. The apostle, in his first epistle to Timothy, chap. vi. en- deavouring to persuade men from the over eager desire of earthly enjoyments, presses this consideration upon us, that such an inordinate desire of the things of this world betrays men into many and great temptations, ver. 8, 9* And then he gives this as the reason of it, ver. 10. For the love of money is the root of all evil ; that is, in brief, the love of riches and temporal enjoyments is the great reason why K 4 224} THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. men are guilty of such great and atrocious crimes as gene- rally they are ; there being no evil but what springs from this, as from its root and origin ; which is so plain a truth, so constantly and universally experienced in all ages, that the heathens themselves, the ancient poets and philoso- phers, could not but take notice of it. For Bion the phi- losopher was wont to say, that Philargyria, the love of mo- ney, was kakias metropolis, the metropolis of wickedness : and Apollodorus, alia shedon te to kephalaion ton kakon eirkas en philargyria, gar panta eni, When thou speakest of the love of money, thou mentionest the head of all evils, for they are all contained in that. To the same purpose is that of the poet Phocylides, e de philochremosune meter kakotctos apazes, The love of riches is the mother of all wickedness. What these by the light of nature, hath here divine au- thority stamped upon it ; God himself asserting the same thing by his apostle, riza gar panton ton kakon estin c philargyria, The love of money is the root of all evil ; which, that we may the better understand, we must con- sider, I. What is here meant by money. II. What by the love of riches. III. How the love of money is the root of all evil. I. As for the first, I need not insist long upon it, all men knowing well enough what money is. But we must remember, that by money is here understood not only sil- ver and gold, but all earthly comforts, possessions, and enjoyments whatsoever, whether goods, lands, houses, wares, wealth, or riches of any sort or kind whatsoever. II. By the love of money we are to understand that sin which the scriptures call covetousness ; and the true na- ture and notion of it consisteth especially in three things. 1. In having a real esteem and value for wealth or mo- ney, as if it was a thing that could make men happy, or better than otherwise they could ; as it is plain all covet- ous men have their desire of riches proceeding only from a groundless fancy, that their happiness consists in hav- ing much, which makes them set a greater value upon riches, preferring them before other things, even before God himself. Hence the love of money is altogether in- consistent with the love of God, 1 John ii. 15. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. It be- ing impossible to love God as we ought, above all things, and yet to love the world too at the same time. 2. Hence the love of money supposeth also a delight and THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES, %£t> complacency in the heaving of it, proceeding from the aforesaid esteem they have for it ; for, being possessed of a fond opinion that the more they have, the better they are, they cannot but be pleased with the thoughts of their pre- sent enjoyments, as the rich man was in the gospel, Luke xii. 16, 17, 18, 19. who, because his ground brought forth plentifully, resolved to enlarge his barns, and lay up stores for many years, and bid his soul take her ease. How many such fools have we amongst us, who please and pride themselves with the thoughts of their being rich ? 3. From tills esteem for, and complacency in money or wealth, it follows that men are still desirous of having more, placing their happiness only in riches ; because they think they can never be happy enough, therefore they think too they are never rich enough. Hence how much soever they have, they still desire more, and therefore co~ vetousness in scripture is ordinarily expressed by pleonechia^ which properly signifies an inordinate desire of having more ; having which kind of desires can never be satisfied, because they are able to desire more than all the world, and to raise themselves as high, and as far as the infinite Good itself. Now such a love of money as this is, con~ sisting in having a real esteem for it, in taking pleasure and delight in it, in longing and thirsting after it ; this is that which the apostle here saith is the root of all evil ; that is, the great and principal cause of all sorts of evil that men are guilty of, or obnoxious to ; which that I may clearly demonstrate to you, we must first know in general that there are but two sorts of evil in the world, the evil of sin, and the evil of punishment or misery ; and love of money is the cause of them both. To begin with the evil of sin, which is the only foun- tain from whence all other evils flow, and itself doth cer- tainly spring from the love of money ; as much or more than from any thing else in the whole world; Insomuch that the greatest part of those sins which any of us are guilty of, proceed from this master sin, even the love of money, as might easily be shewn from a particular enume- ration of those sins which men are generally addicted to, But that I may proceed more clearly and methodically in demonstrating this, so as to convince men of the danger of this above most other sins, I desire it may be considered that there are two sorts of sins that we are guilty of, sins of K 5 226 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. omission, and sins of commission, under which two heads all sins whatsoever are comprehended. First, For sins of omission. It is plain that our love of money is the chief and principal cause that makes us neg- lect and omit our duties to God and man, as it is manifest we most of us do. In speaking unto which I must take leave to deal plainly, for it is a matter that concerns our eternal salvation ; and therefore howsoever some may re- sent it, I am bound in duty and conscience to remind men of their sins, and particularly of this great prevailing sin of covetousness, or inordinate love of money, which most men give but too much reason to fear they are guilty of ; and therefore I may tell them of it, without any breach of charity. It is true, I cannot pretend to be a searcher of hearts, that is only God's prerogative, and therefore I shall not take upon me to judge or censure any particular persons ; but I shall speak to all in general, and leave every one to make the particular application of it to himself. Neither shall I speak of things at random, but I shall in- stance only in such sins which I can assert upon my own knowledge that most men allow themselves, and that upon this account only, because they love money. For first, What is the reason that so few, indeed scarce any of us, are at prayers at church upon the week day, to perform our devotion to him that made us ? Is it because we think it impertinent to pray unto him ? No, our pre- sence there on Sunday contradicts that ; and I have more charity than to think that any are so atheistical as to ima- gine it to be superfluous to pay our homage to the su- preme Governor of the world, and to implore his aid and blessing upon us. But what then should be the reason of it ? In plain terms it is nothing else but because men love money, and therefore are loth to spare so much time from their sports or callings, as to go to church to pray to God for what they want, and praise his name for what they have. Let us search into our hearts, and we shall acknowledge this to be the only reason of it. But it is a very foolish one, for who can bless us but God ? 2. What is the reason that so many neglect the sacra- ment of the Lord's supper ? Do we not all look upon it as our duty to receive it ? I dare say we do ; Christ himself having commanded it, Luke xxii. lp,. and it being the only way whereby to manifest ourselves to be Christians ; what then can be the reason of this neglect of it ? but merely the love of money, which makes them both to spend time in preparing and fitting themselves for it. THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 227 But seeing men thus excommunicate themselves by not coming to the communion, in plain terms they deserve to be excommunicated by the censures of the church. And if God should in his providence deprive them of ever hav- ing an opportunity of receiving the sacrament again, they must even thank themselves for it. Howsoever this shall be their present punishment, that they shall be deprived of it, until they think it worth their while to come unto it. 3. What is the reason that the sabbath is so profaned ? That so many take their recreations upon the Lord's day, but because they cannot spare time for it from getting money on other days ; thinking the day long, because they can get little in it, as Amos viii. 5. And why do so many profane the sabbath, while at church, by thinking upon the world, but because they love it, Ezek. xxxiii. 1. 4. What is the reason that charity is so cold, but that the love of money is grown so hot among us ? For do not we all know it is our duty to relieve the poor ? Hath not God expressly commanded it ? Hath he not threatened a curse to them that do it not, and promised a blessing to theoi that do it ? What then can be the reason that so many neglect it, but because they love their money more than God ? To these might be added many other sins, which the love of money daily occasions. For what is the reason that many read the scriptures so seldom and so cursorily as they do ? What is the reason that the}' either have none^ or commonly neglect their family duties ? that every slight occasion will make them omit their private devotions ; that they can find no time to look into their own hearts, to con- sider their condition, and meditate upon God and Christ, and the world to come. What is the reason that many know their shops better than their hearts, and are acquainted with the temper of their body more than with the constitution of their souls ? that they are so careful and industrious in the prosecution of their worldly designs, so negligent and remiss in look- ing after heaven ? What is or can be the reason of these things, but that inordinate love and affection they have for money, or the things of this world, which makes them so eager in the pursuit of them, that they forget they have any thing else to mind, and so much taken up with world- ly business, that God and Christ, and heaven and soul, and all, must give way to it ? Oh the folly and madness of K 6 228 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. sinful men ! What a strange corrupt and degenerate thing- is the heart of man become ! that we should be so foolish and unwise, as to prefer our bodies before our souls, earth before heaven, toys and trifles before the eternal God, and the worst of evils before the best of goods, even sin itself, with all the miseries that attend it, before holiness and that eternal happiness which is promised to it ! And all for nothing else but the love of a little pelf and trash, which hath no other worth but what our own distracted fancies put upon it. And if the love of money be the root of so many sins of omission, how many sins of commission must needs sprout from it ? Indeed they are so many, that it would be an endless thing to reckon them all up, and therefore I shall not undertake it, but shall mention only such of them as every one, upon the first reading, shall acknowledge to be the cursed offspring of this one fruitful and big-bellied sin of covetousness, or the love of money ; of which Cicero observes, that nullum est officium tarn sanctum xitque solemne, quod non avaritia comminuere at que violate soleat. So we may say on the other side too, that there is no sin so great and horrid, but covetousness will sometimes put men upon it. Is idolatry a sin ? Yea certainly, one of the greatest that any man can be guilty of; and yet nothing can be more plain than that covetousness, wheresoever it comes, draws it along with it, insomuch that every covetous man is as- serted by God himself to be an idolater, Eph. v. 5. and covetousness to be idolatry itself, Col. iii. 15. And the rea- son is plain, for what is idolatry, but to give that worship to a creature which is due only unto God ? But what high- er acts of worship can we perform to God, than to love him, and to trust in him, which it is certain every covet- ous man gives to his money, and therefore covetousness is called p/rilargyria, the love of money ? And we cannot but be all sensible what trust and confidence men are wont to repose in their estates and incomes. But such will say, we do not fall down before our money, nor pray unto it ; but they trust on it, and that is infinitely more than bare praying to it : and though they do not bow down before it in their bodies, yet they make all the faculties of their souls to bow down and stoop unto it ; they love and desire it ; they rejoice and delight in having of it ; they are grieved and troubled for nothing so much as the parting with it, nor fear any thing so much as the losing of it. THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 229 But they will say again, we do not sacrifice to our bags, nor burn incense to our estates ; we never did nor intend to offer so much as a lamb or calf unto it ! It is true, they do not, but they offer that which is far better, they offer the poor to it, suffering them to perish with hunger, thirst, and cold, rather than relieve them with that necessary maintenance which God has put into their hands for them: they offer their own bodies to it, exposing them to heats and colds, to dangers and hazards both by sea and land, and all for money ; yea, they offer their own souls to it likewise, as a whole burnt-offering, giving them to lie scorching in hell flames to eternity, and that upon no other account but to get money ; and tell me which are the greatest fools, and most odious idolaters, such as offer beasts to the sun and flames, or such as offer themselves both soul and body to dirt and clay ? We cannot but all acknowledge the latter to be far the worse, and by conse- quence the covetous man to be the greatest idolater in the world, and that too only because he is a covetous man. Moreover, is not extortion and oppression a sin? And yet we all know that it is the love of money that is the only cause of it. Is not strife and contention a sin ? whence comes it but from our lusting after money ? Jam. iv. 1. Is not perjury a sin? Is not corruption of justice a sin? Is not cheating and cozenage a sin ? Is not pride and .haughtiness a sin? Is not unrighteous dealing betwixt man and man a sin ? Is not theft and robbery a sin ? Is not treason and rebellion a sin ? Are not all those sins, and great ones too ? But whence spring these poisonous fruits into the lives of men, but from the bitter roots of covet- dusness in their hearts ? It is the love of money that makes these sins to rise amongst us : it is this that makes men forswear themselves, and cozen others : it is this that oft-times makes fathers ruin their children, aiid children to long for the death of their fathers ; it is this that makes neighbours go to law, and brethren themselves to be at variance ; it is this that makes men strive to over-reach each other, and to blind the eyes of those they deal with : it is this that hath caused some to murder others, and others to destroy themselves. What shall I say more ? There is no impiety that can be committed against God, nor injury that can be offered unto men, but the love of money hath been the cause of it in others, and will be so in us, unless it be timely prevented, and therefore it may well be termed the root of all the evil of sin. 230 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. And it being the root from whence all the evil of sin springs, it must needs be the root of all the evil of punish- ment and misery too, misery and punishment being the ne- cessary consequent of sin. Indeed this sin carries its mi- sery along with it, as Seneca himself saw by the mere light of nature, saying, Nulla avaritia sine poena est, quamvis satis sit ipsa poenarum : No avarice is without punishment, though it be itself punishment enough. For what a torment is it for a man to be always thirsty, and never able to quench his thirst ? Yet this is the misery of every covetous man, whose thirst after money can never be satisfied, and who is desirous of having more, that he can never enjoy with comfort what he hath, loving money so well, that he grudgeth himself the use of it. Hence the aforesaid au- thor observed, that in nullum avarns bonus est, in seipsum pessimus. The covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself. And as this is the natural consequent of this sin in itself, so it is the ordinary punishment that God inflicts upon men for it, not suffering them to take any pleasure in the use of what they love, Eccl. vi. 1, 2. And besides that, what cares and fears, what labours and travels, what dangers and hazards doth the love of money put men upon ? How do they rack their brains and break their rest to get it ; and when it is gotten, what fears are they al- ways in, lest they should lose it again ? What grief and trouble do the poor wretches undergo for every petty loss that befalls them ? so that every covetous man is not only miserable, but therefore miserable because covetous. But if their misery be so great in this life, how great will it be in that to come ? Concerning which there are two things to be observed : First, that the very having of riches makes it very difficult to get to heaven, Matt. xix. 23, 24. 25. Luke xvi. 19, 22. Hence Agur was afraid of them, Prov. xxx. 8. Neither do we ever read of any of the patriarchs, prophets, or the saints recorded in scripture, to have been guilty of this sin, unless Baruch, who was reproved for it, Jer. xiv. 5. And as the having of money makes it difficult to get to heaven, so the loving of it makes it impossible to keep out of hell. For so long as man is covetous, he is liable to every temptation, ready to catch at every bait that the de- vil throws before him ; so that he is led by him as he pleas- eth, till at length he be utterly destroyed, 1 Tim. vi. 9« And therefore the same apostle elsewhere tells us, that the covetous have no inheritance in the kingdom of God, but THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 231 the wrath of God will most certainly fall upon them, Eph. v. 5, 6. But the wrath of God is the greatest evil of pu- nishment that is possible for men to bear : indeed it is that which once being incensed makes hell fire. And yet we see that the heat of our love to money will enkindle the flames of God's wrath against us ; yea, and such flames too as will never be quenched, Mark ix. 24. And so for the little seeming transient pleasure they take in getting, or keeping money now, they must live in misery and con- tempt, in shame and torment for evermore. Thus now we see that love of money will not only put us upon the evil of sin, but it will also bring the evil of punishment upon us, both which the apostle here, ver. 9, 10. imputes to this sin. And therefore he both well may and must be understood of both these sorts of evil, when he saith, that the love of money is the root of all evil ; which, the premises considered, I hope none can deny, and need I then heap up more arguments to dissuade men from this sin, and to prevail with them to leave doating upon the^ world, and loving of money ? Is not this one argument of itself sufficient ? For is it possible for us to indulge our- selves in this sin, now we know it is the root of all evil ? and that if we still love money, there is no sin so great but we may fall into it, and no misery so heavy but it may fall upon us. Surely if this consideration will not prevail upon us to despise and contemn, rather than to love and desire this world, for my part I know not what can. Only this I know, that so long as man continue in this sin, all writing and preaching will be in vain to them ; and so will their hearing be, their going to church, their reading the scriptures, their hearing them read and expounded to them ; all this will signify nothing, this root of all evil is still within us, and will bring forth its bitter fruit do what we can. And therefore as w T e desire to profit by what we hear, as ever we desire to avoid any known sin whatsoever, to know what happiest means to escape either present tor- ment, or eternal misery, as ever we desire to be real saints, and to manifest ourselves to be so, to go to heaven, and live with God and Christ for ever, let not our affec- tions be entangled any longer in the briars and thorns of this lower w r orld, let us beware of loving money. If riches increase, let 2is not set our hearts upon them, Psal. lxii. 10. but scorn and despise them hereafter, as much as ever heretofore we have desired or loved them. But I cannot, I dare not but in charity believe and hope. 232 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. that by this time my readers are something weaned from their doating upon the present world, and desire to know how they may, for the future, get off their affections from it, so as to have this root of all evil extirpated, and quite plucked up from within them. I hope this is the desire of all, or at least of most of them; and therefore I shall now endeavour to shew them how they may infallibly accom- plish and effect it. In order thereto, 1. Let such persons often consider with themselves how unsuitable the things of this world are for their affections and love, which were designed only for the chiefest good. When God implanted the affection of love within us, he did not intend it should be the root of all evil, but of all good unto us ; and therefore he did not give it us, to place it fondly upon such low and mean objects as this world presents unto us, but that we should love himself with all our hearts and souls, Deut. vi. 5. And surely he infi- nitely deserves our love more than such trash can do. 2. Let them remember that so long as they love mo- ney, they may pretend what they please, they do not love God, 1 John ii. 15. nor Christ, Matt. x. 37. Luke xiv. 16. and by consequence they have no true religion at all in them, James i. 27- 3. Let them often read and study our Saviour's sermon upon the mount, where he pronounces the meek and low, not the rich and mighty, to be blessed, Matt. v. 3, 4. and weigh those strong and undeniable arguments which he brings, to prevail upon us not to take thought for the world, nor trouble our heads about the impertinent con- cerns of this transient life, Matt. vi. 24, 25, 2(), 27, 28. 4. Let them labour to confirm and strengthen their trust and confidence on the promises of God, who hath assured us, that if we love and fear him, he will take care of us, and provide all things necessary for us, Matt. vi. 33. This is the great argument which the apostle uses, Heb. xiii. 5, 6. 5. Let them remember that they are called to higher things than this world is able to afford them : the Chris- tian is an high and heavenly calling ; we are called by it, and invited to a kingdom and eternal glory, 1 Thess. ii. 12. and therefore ought not to spend our time about such low and paltry trash as riches and wealth. 6. Let them get above the world, let their conversation be in heaven, and then they will soon look down upon all things here below as beneath their concern, Vilescunt tern- poralia, cum desiderantur aeterna, said St. Gregory. He THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 233 that seriously thinks upon and desires heaven, cannot but vilify and despise earth. O what fools and madmen do the blessed angels, and the glorified saints in heaven, think us poor mortals upon earth to be, when thev- see us busy- ing ourselves about getting a little refined dirt, and in the mean while neglecting the most transcendent glories which themselves enjoy, although they be offered to us ! 7. Let them never suffer the vanity of all things here below to go out of their minds, but remember still, that get what they can, it is but vanity and vexation of spirit, as Solomon himself asserted upon his own experience though he to be sure had more than any of us are likely to enjoy. And let them not only often repeat the words, but endeavour to get themselves convinced thoroughly of the truth of them, which their own experience, duly weighed and rightly applied, will soon do. 8. Let it be their daily prayer to almighty God, that he would take off their affections from the world, and in- cline them to himself, as David did, saying, " Incline my heart to thy testimonies, and not to covetousness," Psal. cxix. 36. To all these means, let them add the constant and seri- ous consideration of what they have here read, that the love of money is the root of all evil ; assuring themselves, that if they will not believe it now, it is not long before they will all find it but too true by their own sad and wo- ful experience, when they shall be stripped of their pre- sent enjoyments, and so turn bankrupts in another world, where they will be cast into prison without having a far- thing to relieve themselves, or so much as a drop of water to cool their inflamed tongues. By these and such-like means, none of us but may sup- press the love of money in us, which is the root of evil, and so avoid or prevent all the evil which otherways will proceed from it. Whether any of my readers will be per- suaded to use the means or no, I know not ; however let me tell them, that if they are loth to strive to get their af- fections deadened to the world, it is an infallible sign that they are too much in love with it, and that this root and seed of all manner of evil remains in them ; nor can it be expected they will be persuaded to any one duty whatso- ever, until they are first prevailed upon to do this, even to mortify their lusts and affections to the things of this world. For so long as those are predominant within us, no grace whatsoever can be exerted, nor duty performed, nor any sin avoided by us. 234 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. But oh how happy would it be, if it should please the most high God to set what I have here said home upon any, as to induce them to set themselves seriously for the future to the eradicating or rooting up this love of money out of their hearts? What a holy, what a blessed, what a peculiar people should we then be, and how zealous of good works ! Then we should take all opportunities of per- forming our devotions to almighty God : then we'should have as many to the sacrament as at a sermon ; then our churches would be filled all the week, as well as on Sun- days, and the eternal God constantly worshipped with re- verence and godly fear : then we shall take delight in cloth- ing the naked, feeding the hungry, and relieving the op- pressed : then there would be no such thing as cheating and cozenage, as lying and perjury, as strife and conten- tion amongst us. But we should all walk hand and hand together in the way of piety, justice, and charity upon earth, until at length we shall come to heaven, where we shall be so far from loving and desiring money, that we shall account it as it is, even dross and dirt ; where our affection shall be wholly taken up with the contemplation of the chiefest good, and we shall solace ourselves in the enjoyment of his perfections for evermore. ~ %*«<«%*«''%% » THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. SECTION II. f IMMOTHY, after his conversion to the Christian faith, -■- being found to be a man of great parts, learning, and piety, and so every way qualified for the work of the mi- nistry, St. Paul, who had planted a church at Ephesus, the metropolis or chief city of all Asia, left him to dress and propagate it, after his departure from it ; giving him power to ordain elders or priests, and visit and to exercise jurisdiction over them, to see they did not teach false doc- trines, 1 Tim. i. S. That they be imblameable in their lives and conversations, 1 Tim. v. 7. And to exercise au- thority over them, in case they be otherwise, 1 Tim. v. 1 9- And therefore it cannot in reason but be acknowledg- ed that Timothy was the bishop, superintendant, or visi- tor of all the Asian churches, as he was always asserted to have been by the fathers of the primitive church, as Eii- THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. %6o sebius reports, saying, Timotheos tcs en Ephcso paroicias estoritai proios tes en episcopen eilechenai, that Timothy is reported to have been the first bishop of the province of Ephesus. Be sure he had the oversight of all the churches that were planted there ; and not only in Ephesus itself, but likewise in all Asia, which was subject to his ecclesi- astical power and jurisdiction. And hence it is that the apostle St. Paul, in his first epistle to him, gives him directions how to manage so great a work, and to discharge so great a trust as was committed to him, both as bishop "and priest ; both how to ordain and govern others, and likewise how to preach himself the gospel of Christ. And having spent the whole epistle in directions of this sort, in the close of it, as it were at the foot of the epistle, he subjoins one general caution to be observed by him : Charge them thai are rich, &c. Which words, though first directed to Timothy, were in him in- tended 'for all succeeding ministers and preachers of the gospel ; such I mean w T ho are solemnly ordained and set apart for this work. We are all obliged to observe the command which is here laid upon us, as without which we are never likely to do any good upon them that hear us : for so long as their minds are set altogether upon riches, and the things of this world, we may preach our hearts out before we can ever persuade them to mind heaven and eternal happiness in good earnest. This St. Paul knew well enough, and therefore hath left this not only as his advice and counsel, but as a strict command and duty in- cumbent upon the preachers of the gospel in all ages, that they charge them that are rich, &c. Where it must be ob- served in the first place how we are expressly enjoined to charge them that are rich, &c. a word much to be ob- served. The apostle doth not say, desire, beseech, coun- sel, or admonish the rich, but paraggelle tois plousiois, charge and command them that are rich. The word pro- perly signifies such a charge as the judges at an assize or sessions make in the king's name, enjoining his subjects to observe the established laws and statutes of the kingdom. And so the word is always used in scripture for the strict- est way of commanding any thing to be observed or done, as Acts v. 28. ou paraggelia pareggeilamen humin : Did we not strictly command you, Luke v. 14. parcggeillen auto. He charged him to tell no man. Thus therefore it is that we are here enjoined to charge the rich in the name of the King of kings, not to be high-minded, nor to trust in un- certain riches, &c. 236 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. And this is the proper notion, and the only true way of preaching the word of God, which therefore in scriptures is ordinarily expressed by the word kerussein, which pro- perly signifies to publish or proclaim, as heralds do, the will and pleasure of the prince, and in his name to com- mand the people to observe it. Thus we are enjoined to preach the word of God, by publishing his will and plea- sure to men ; charging them in his name to obey and practise it. For we come not to them in our own names, but in his that created and redeemed them ; and therefore although we neither have, nor pretend to any power or au- thority over them, from ourselves, yet by virtue of the com- mission which we have received from the universal and supreme monarch of the world, we not only lawfully may, but are in duty bound, to charge and enjoin all in his name, to observe what he hath commanded them. Inso- much, that although we pretend not to divine inspiration, or immediate revelations from God, such as the prophets had ; yet we, preaching the same word which they did, may, and often ought to use the same authority which they used, saying, as they did, Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; ^ for whatsoever is written in the scriptures, is as certainly ) God's word now, as it was when first inspired or revealed J to them. And therefore it cannot be denied, but that we have as much power to charge upon all the observation of what is there written, as they ever had, we being sent to preach and proclaim the will of God unto all, by the same person as they were. Hence it is that the apostle in the name of God commands Titus, and in him all succeed- ing ministers of the gospel, to speak or preach the word of God, to exhort and rebuke all with authority, Tit. ii. 15. From whence nothing can be more plain, that it is our duty to preach with authority, as those who have received power from God to make known his will and pleasure to all men ; or as the apostle here expressly words it, to charge them not to be high-minded, and the like. But this I fear may be a very ungrateful subject to many, and therefore I should not have insisted so long upon it, but that there is a kind of necessity for it. For I verily believe, that the non-observance of this hath been, and still is, the principal reason why people receive so lit- tle benefit by hearing of sermons as they usually do : for they look upon sermons only as popular discourses, re- hearsed by one of their fellow-creatures, which they may censure, approve, or reject, as themselves see good. And THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 237 we ourselves, I fear, have been too faulty, or at least re- miss, in this particular ; in that when we preach, we ordi- narily make a long harangue or oration concerning some point in polemical, dogmatical, or practical divinity, and use only some moral persuasions to press upon our audi- tors the observance of what we say, without interposing or exercising the authority which is committed to us, so as to charge them in the name of the most high God, to observe and practise, what we declare and prove unto them to be his will, and by consequence their duty. But for my own part, did I think that preaching consisted only in explain- ing some points in divinity, and using only moral argu- ments to persuade men to perform their duty to God and man, I should not think it worth my while to do it, be- cause I could not expect to do any good at all by it. For all the moral arguments in the world can never be so strong to draw us from sin, as our natural corruptions are to drive us into it. And therefore we can never expect to do any good upon men, either by our logic, or rhetoric ; but our arguments must be fetched from on high, even from the eternal God himself, or else they are never like- ly to profit or prevail upon them. We must charge and command them in God's name, or else we had as good say nothing. It is true, did we, who preach God's word, propose no- thing else to ourselves, but to tickle men's ears and please their fancies, and so to ingratiate ourselves into their love and favour, it would be easy to entertain them with dis- courses of another nature, stuffed with such fine words, quaint phrases, and high notions, as would be very pleas- ing and acceptable unto them. But I must take leave to say, that we dare not do it ; for we know that as our au- ditors must give an account of their hearing, so it is not long before we must also give an account of our preaching too ; for so God himself hath told us beforehand by his apostle, Heb. xiii. 17- But how shall we be able to look the eter- nal God in the face, yea or to look our auditors in the face at that time, if instead of charging their duty upon them, in order to their eternal salvation, Ave slxmld put them off* with general discourses, which signifying nothing, only to please and gratify them whilst we remain with them? No, we dare not do it, and therefore I wish men would not expect it from us ; for we must not hazard our own eternal salvation, to gain their temporal favour and ap- plause. And therefore seeing God hath been pleased to 238 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. entrust us so far with men's souls, as to direct them in the way to eternal life : howsoever they resent it, we are bound in duty, both to God, to them, and to ourselves, to deal plainly with them, and to use the authority which he hath here committed to us, where he hath expressly commanded us in his name, to charge them that are rich in this world, &c. Where I desire the reader to observe in the next place, that we of the clergy are not only empowered to charge the poorer, or meaner sort of people, who, by reason of their extreme poverty and want, may seem inferior to us, but even rich men too ; charge them, saith the apostle, that are rich in this world. And the reason is, because we come unto them in his name, who gives them all the riches they do enjoy, and can take them away again when he himself pleaseth ; so that he can make the poor rich, and the rich poor, when he pleaseth • and therefore the poor and rich are all alike to him ; his power and authority is the same over both ; and therefore we, coming in his name, are ordered to make no distinction, but to charge the one as well as the other ; yea, here we are particular- ly commanded, to charge them that are rich. Which is the next thing to be considered in these words, even whom the apostle means by them that are rich in this world ? Wliich is a question that needs a serious resolu- tion. For many men, not thinking themselves as yet to be rich enough, will be apt to conclude from thence that they are not to be reckoned amongst those whom the apos- tle here calls rich in this world. But whatsoever they may think of themselves, I believe there are but a few, ex- cept the very poor, who in a scripture sense are not rich men ; for whatsoever any have over and above their ne- cessary maintenance, that the scriptures call riches, as is plain from Agur's wish, give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food convenient for me, Pro v. xxx. 8. From whence it is easy to observe, that as nothing but the want of convenient food is poverty ; so whatsoever a man hath over and above his own convenient or necessary food, is properly his riches ; and so he that hath it, is in a scrip- ture sense a rich man, and is therefore called here in my text j)lousios, quasi polousios, one that hath much sub- stance, or more than he hath necessary occasion for. And therefore although some may be richer than others, yet I believe the generality may justly be reckoned in the num- ber of rich men here spoken of; at least all such as, by THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 239 the blessing of God, have not only what is necessary for their present maintenance, but likewise something to spare, and so may all come under the notion of those whom we are here commanded to charge not to be high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, &c. Having thus considered the act which we are here com- manded to exert, and the object, the rich of this world, we are now to consider the subject-matter, what that is which we are here commanded to charge upon them ; but that is here expressly set down in several particulars, all which I shall endeavour to explain as they lie in order. 1. That they be not high-minded ; a necessary caution for rich men. For riches are very apt to puff men up with vain and foolish conceits of themselves, so as to think them- selves to be so much the better, by how much they are richer than other people ; but this is a grand mistake, which we are here enjoined to use the utmost of our power and skill to rectify, by charging them that are rich not to be high-minded ; that is, not to think highly and proudly of themselves, because they are richer or wealthier than other men, but to be every way as humble in their own eyes, and as lowly-minded in the enjoyment of all tempo- ral blessings, as if they enjoyed nothing : as considering, 1. How much soever they have, they are no way really the better for it. 1st, Not in their souls ; they are never the wiser nor holier, nor more acceptable unto God, by their being rich, Eccl. ix. 1 . Job. xix. 2dly, Nor in their bodies ; they are never the stronger, nor healthier, nor freer from pain and trouble, nor yet longer lived than others. Sdly, Nor in their minds ; their consciences are never the quieter, their hearts never the freer from cares and fears, neither can they sleep better than other people, Eccl. v. 12. 4thly, Nor yet in their estate and condition. First, Not in this life. For riches can never satisfy them, nor by consequence make them happy ; but they may still be as miserable in the enjoyments, as in the want of all things, Eccl. v. 11. Secondly, Nor yet in the life to come ; they are never the nearer heaven, by being higher upon earth ; their gold and silver can never purchase an inheritance for them in the land of Canaan, Jam. iii. 5. 2. They are so far from being better, that they are ra- ther much worse for their having abundance here below. 240 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 1st, They have more temptations to sin, to luxury, to covetousness, to the love of this world, to the neglect of their duty to God, to pride and self-conceitedness, to fe- rity and presumption, Luke xii. 19. 2dly, It is harder for them to get to heaven, than it is for others ; and, by consequence, the richer they are, the more danger they are in of being miserable for ever, Matt, xix. 23. Whence our Saviour himself denounceth a woe upon them that are rich, Luke vi. 24. and James bids them weep and howl for their miseries, Jam. v. 1. And therefore advises us to rejoice rather at poverty than riches, Jam. i. 9, 10. Now these things being considered as spo- ken by God himself, none can deny but that the rich are certainly in a worse condition than the poor ; and by con- sequence, that men have no cause to be proud or high- minded, nor to glory 'in their riches, Jer. ix. 2 3. And therefore whatsoever outward blessings God hath be- stowed upon us, Let us not be highminded but fear, Rom. xi. 20. II. Nor trust in imcertain riches, which I confess is a very hard lesson for a rich man to learn, nothing being more difficult than to have riches, and not to trust in them, as our Saviour himself intimates ; in explaining the one by the other, as things very rarely severed, Mark x. 23, 24. But certainly it is altogether as foolish a thing to trust in riches, as it is to be proud of them. For, 1 . They of themselves can stand us in no stead, they cannot defend us from any evil, nor procure us any good : they cannot of themselves either feed us, or clothe us, or refresh us, or be any ways advantageous to us, without God's blessing, Prov. xi. 4. How much less can they be able to deliver us from the wrath to come ? No, we may take it for a certain truth, our riches may much further our eternal misery, but they can never conduce any thing to our future happiness. 2. If we trust in them, be sure they will fail us, and bring us to eternal misery and desolation ; for to trust in any thing but God is certainly one of the highest sins we can be guilty of, it is in plain terms idolatry, He that trusteth in riches is sure to fall, Prov. xi. 28. For this is to deny God, Job xxxi. 24, 25, 28. 3. They are but uncertain riches, they make themselves wings andfiy away, Prov. xxiii. 5. They are in continual motion, ebbing and flowing, and never continuing in one stay. So that you are never sure of keeping them one 2 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. * i i day ; and what reason then can we have to trust on them ? especially considering, that they are not only uncertain, but uncertainty itself, as the word here signifies, irusl not in the uncertainty of riches, But in the living God ; he, he is to be the only object of our trust, whether we have, or have not any thing else to trust on ; or to speak more properly, there is nothing that we can, upon good grounds, make our trust and confi- dence, but only him who governs and disposeth of all things according to his own pleasure. So that it is he, and he alone that giveth us all things richly to enjoy. It is not our wit or policy, it is not our strength or industry, it is not our trading and trafficing in the world, it is none but God that giveth us what we have, Deut. viii. 18. Prov. x. 22. And as it is he that maketh men rich, so he can make them poor again, when he himself pleaseth ; and they have cause to fear he will do so too, unless they observe what is charged upon them. There are four duties still behind, which we are here commanded to charge all those who are rich to observe. I. That they do good. In treating of which I might shew the several qualifications required to the making up of an action good ; as that the matter of it must be good, as com- manded, or at least allowed by God : that the manner of performing it be good, as that it be done obediently, un- derstandingly, willingly, cheerfully, humbly, and sin- cerely ; and that the end be good too, so as that it be di- rected ultimately to the glory of God. But not to insist upon that now, I shall only consider what kind of good works the rich are here commanded to do, as they are rich men. And they are two, works of piety, and works of charity. 1 . They are here commanded to do works of piety ; where by works of piety, I mean, not their loving and fearing, and honouring of God, nor yet their praying to him, their hearing his word, or praising his name, for such works of piety as these are, the poorest as well as the richest persons amongst us are bound to do ; whereas the apostle here speaks only of such works as they who are rich are bound to do, upon that account because they are so. And therefore by works of piety here, I under- stand such works as tend to the honour *>f his name, to the performance of worship and homage to him, to the encou- ragement of his ministers, the propagating of his gospel, and the conversion of sinners to him ; all which they are L 242 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLV RICHES, bound to do, to the utmost of their power, out of the estates, which for these purposes he hath entrusted with them. For thus they are expressly commanded to ho- nour the Lord with their substance, or riches, and with the first fruits of all their increase, Prov. iii. 9. And the reason is, because God is the universal Proprietor, the head Landlord of all the world, and we have nothing but what we hold under him ; neither are we any more than tenants at will to him, who may fine us at his own pleasure, or throw us out of possession whensoever he sees good. Now lest we should forget this, even upon what tenure it is that we hold our estates, God hath enjoined us to pay "him, as it were, a quit-rent or tribute out of what we possess, as an acknowledgment that it is by his favour and blessing alone that we do possess it. So that whatsoever we do, or are able to offer him, is but a due debt which we owe him ; which if we neglect to pay him, we lose our tenure, and forfeit what we have to the Lord of the manor, the su- preme possessor of the world. Hence it is, that in all ages, they who were truly pious, and had a due sense of God upon their hearts, were always very careful to pay this their homage unto God ; insomuch that many of them never thought they could give enough to any pious use, wherein to testify their acknowledgment of God's domi- nion over them, and his right and property in what they had. A noble instance whereof we have in the children of Israel ; for when the tabernacle was to be built for the service and worship of God, they were so far from being backward in contributing towards it, that they presently brought more than could be used in the building of it, Exod. xxxvi. 5, 6, 7. So it was too in the building of the temple, which David and the chiefs or nobles of Israel made great preparation for, 1 Chron. xxix. G, 7, 8. And that they did this, thereby to acknowledge God to be the Lord and giver of all, is plain from the following words, ver. 11, 12, 13. The same was also observed in the build- ers of the second temple, as the raising the first out of its rubbish, wherein it had lain for many years. And as for Christians, I need not tell you how forward those who have been truly pious, have always been in doing such works of piety, since most of the churches in Christendom, or be sure in this nation, have been erected by particular persons. And it is very observable, that the more eminent any place or age have been for piety and devotion, the more pious works have been always done in it, for the THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 243 service and worship of almighty God ; which plainly shews, that where such works are wanting, whatsoever pretences they may make, there is no such thing as true piety, and the fear of God. And therefore, as ever we desire to manifest ourselves to be what we profess, true Christians indeed, men fearing God, and hating covet- ousness, we must take all opportunities to express our thankfulness unto God for what we have, by devoting a* much as we can of it to his service and honour. 2. Besides these works of piety towards God, the rich are enjoined also works of charity towards the poor; which though they have an immediate reference to the poor, yet God looks upon them as given to himself, Prov. xiv. 31. chap. xix. 17- Matt. xxv. 40. Hence it is that God ac- cepts of such works as these also, for part of the tribute which we owe him ; whereby we acknowledge the re- ceipt of what we have from him, and express our thank- fulness unto him for it, without which we have no ground to expect a blessing upon what we have, nor that it should be really good to us : for, as the apostle tells us, even/ creature of God is good, if it be received with thanksgiving, not else, 1 Tim. iv. 4. But no thanksgiving is acceptable but that which is expressed by works as well as words. And therefore it is necessary for us to pay this duty and service to God, out of what we have, in order to the cleans- ing and sanctifying the residue of our estates unto us, without which we have not the lawful use of what we pos- sess, but every thing we have is polluted and unclean to us, as our Saviour himself intimates, Luke xi. 41. A thing much to be considered. For I verily believe that the great reason why so many estates are blasted so soon, and brought to nothing amongst us, is because men do not render unto God their duty and tribute out of what they have ; and therefore it is no wonder that God in his providence turns them out of their possession, and gives their estates to other persons who shall be better tenants to him, and be careful to pay him the duties which he re- quires of them. And therefore, in order to men's secur- ing their estates to themselves and posterity, it is abso- lutely necessary that they observe the duty which we are here recommended to charge upon all that* are rich in this world, even to do good with what they have ; and not only so, but, II. To be rich in good works, that is, not only to do good, but to do as much good as . they are able with their" L 2 144 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES, riches, so as to proportion their good works to the riches which God hath given them wherewith to do them, ac- cording to the apostle's directions, 1 Cor. xvi. 2. Thus in the place before quoted, Luke xi. 41. where our Saviour bids the Pharisees to give alms of such things as they have, his words are, ta enonta dote eleemosynen, give alms as you are able, for so the words properly signify. And verily whatsoever we do, unless it be as much as we can, God will not look upon us as doing any thing at all : for we must not think to compound with him. When he hath given us all we have, he expects that we render all that he requires of us, that is, as much as we are able to pay unto him. As if a man owes you money, you will not ac- cept of part instead of the whole ; so neither will God from us ; we all owe him as much as we are able to devote to his service and honour, and we must not think to put him off with part of it ; for he reckons that he receives no- thing from us, unless it be proportionable to what he hath bestowed upon us. But how little soever it is that we give or offer to him, if it be but answerable to our estates, it will be accepted by him. This our Saviour himself hath assured us of, Matt. xii. 43, 44. From whence we may certainly conclude, that there is not the poorest person whatsoever, but may be rich in good works as the richest, because God doth not measure the goodness of our works by their bulk or quantity, but by the proportion which they bear to our estates ; so that he who gives a penny, may do as good a work as he who gives a pound ; yen, and a better too, because his may be as much as he is able, whereas the other's is not ; I wish all men may seriously weigh and consider this, lest otherwise they go out of the world without ever having done one good work in it : for we may assure ourselves, he that is not thus rich in good works, doth no good at all with his riches. But it is farther to be considered here, that this expres- sion, rich in good works, implies that good works are in- deed our principal riches ; and that men must not compute their riches so much from what they have, as from what they give and devote to God. For what we have is not ours, but God's in our hands, but what we give is ours in God's hands, and he acknowledgeth himself our debtor for it, in that he tells us that we lend it to him, and pro- raiseth to pay it to us again, Prov. xix. 17. And there- fore they who cast up their accounts to know how rich they are, ought not to reckon upon what they have lying THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. 245 by them, nor upon their houses and lands that are made over to them, nor yet upon .what is owing to them by men ; but should reckon only upon what they have given to pious and charitable uses, upon what treasure they have laid up in heaven. For whatsoever they may think at present, I dare assure them, that will be found to be their only riches another day. And therefore if any one de- sires to be rich indeed, let him take my advice, do w hat good he can with the riches he hath, and then he will be rich enough ; for this is the way to be rich in good works. But in order unto that, he must likewise observe what follows : to be III. Ready to distribute ; that is, ready upon all occa- sions to pay his tribute unto God, whensoever he in his providence calls for it ; taking all opportunities of doing good, and glad when he can find them, Gal. vi. 7. Thus therefore whensoever any opportunities present themselves of expressing our thankfulness unto God, by works either of piety or charity, whatsoever other businesses may be neglected we must be sure to la}^ hold on that. For I dare say, that there is none but will grant me, that there is all the reason in the world that God should be served in the first place, and that he should have the first fruits of all our increase, Pro v. hi. 9- Exod. xxiii. 19. Deut. xxvi. 2. And therefore we cannot but acknowledge, that works of piety towards God, and of charity to the poor, or as the scripture calls them in general good works, are always to be done in the first place ; and whatsoever other works may be omitted, be sure they must not. But we ought still to be as ready to pay our duties unto God, as we are to receive any thing from him, as ready to give as to re- ceive ; and by consequence as men let no opportunities slip wherein they can increase their estates, they are much less to let any opportunities pass wherein they can any way im- prove their estates for God's glory and other's good ; that they ought to be ready upon all occasions to distribute what they can upon charitable and pious uses. IV. Willing to communicate. As we must do it with a ready hand, so we must do it with a willing heart too. Thus we are enjoined to serve God willingly, 1 Chron. xxviii. 6. and cheerfully, 2 Cor. ix. 6, 7. Indeed God accepts of none but free-will-offerings. If we be not as willing to do good works as we are to have wherewith to do them, we may be confident God will never accept of them. And therefore in plain terms, if any would be rich L 3 '21-6 THOUGHTS UPON WORLDLY RICHES. in good works as becometh Christians, and as it is our "in- terest to be, they must not stay till they be compelled, persuaded, or entreated by others to do them ; but they must set upon them of their own accord, out of pure obe- dience unto God, and from a due sense of their constant dependance upon him, and manifest obligations to him ; yea, so as to take pleasure in nothing in the world so much as in paying then* respects and service to almighty God, 1 Chron. xxix. 14, 15, 17- Now to encourage the rich to employ their estates thus in doing good, the apostle adds in the last place, that this is the way to lay up for themselves a good foundation agavist the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. A strange expression ! yea, such an one, that had not St. Paul himself spake it, some would have been apt to have excepted against it for an error or mistake. What, good works the foundation of eternal life? No, that is not the meaning of it ; but that good works are the foundation of that blessed sentence which they shall receive who are made partakers of eternal life, as is plain from our Savi- our's own words, Matt. xxv. 34, 35, 36. And verily, although there be no such intrinsic value in good works, whereby they that do them can merit any thing from God by their doing of them • yet nothing can be more certain, than that God of his infinite mercy in Je- sus Christ, will so accept of them as to reward us for them on the world to come. For this our Saviour himself doth clearly intimate to us in the place before quoted; as also Matt. vi. 20. Luke xii. 33. xvi. 9. that is, distribute a' id employ the unrighteous or deceitful riches you have in this world in such a way as is most pleasing and accepta- ble unto God, that so he may be your friend, and receive you into everlasting habitations, when these transient and unstable riches fail you. From whence I beg leave to ob- serve, that to do good with what we have, is the only way whereby to improve our estates for our own good, so as to be the better for them both in this and also in the world to come. The Rabbins have a good saying, that barach had- jcin, good works are the salt of riches, that which pre- serves them from corruption and makes them savoury and acceptable unto God, as also useful and profitable to the owners ; unless w r e do good with our estates, we forfeit our title to them by the non-payment of the rent-charge which God hath reserved to himself upon them ; and therefore we may justly expect every moment to be cast THOUGHTS UrON WORLDLY RICHES. 247 chit of possession ; or howsoever though he may forbear us a while, yea, so long as We are in this world, what good what benefit, what comfort shall we have of our estates in the world to come ? Certainly no more than the rich man in the gospel had when he lay scorching in hell-fire, and had not so much as a drop of water to cool his inflamed tongue. Whereas on the other side, if we do good with our estates, if we devote them to the service of God, and to the relief of the poor, by this means we shall not only secure the possession of them to ourselves here, but shall also receive comfort and benefit from them in the world to come ; so that our estates will not die with us, but we shall receive benefit by them, and have cause to bless God for them unto all eternity ; the apostle himself assuring us, that by this means we shall lay up for ourselves a good foun- dation for the time to come, so as to lay hold on eternal life. This one argument being duly weighed, I hope I need not use any more to persuade men to do good with what they have, and to make the best use of it they can. For I know I write to Christians, at least to such as profess themselves to be so ; and therefore to such as believe there is another world besides this we live in, and by conse- quence that it concerns them to provide for that, which, as I have shewn, we may do in a plentiful manner, by the right improvement of what God hath entrusted with us in this world. What then do the generality cf men mean to be so slack and remiss in laying hold of all opportunities of doing good ! 'What, do they think it possible to lose any thing they do for God ? or do they think it possible to em- ploy their estates better than for his service and honour who gave them to us ! I cannot believe they think so ; and therefore must needs advise the rich again and again, not to lay up their talents in a napkin, but to use their estates to the best advantage for God and their own souls ; so that when they go from hence into the other world, they may be received into eternal glory, with a well done, good and faithful servants, enter into your master's joy. But fearing lest these moral persuasions may not prevail so much upon my readers as I desire they might, they must give me leave further to tell them, that I am here commanded to charge them that are rich in this world, to be rich also in good works : and therefore, seeing, as I have shewn, there are few but who in a scripture sense are rich in this world ; in obedience to this command which is here laid upon me, in the name of the most high L 4 2*S THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. God, I charge you, and not I only, but the eternal God himself, he wills and requires all those whom he hath blessed with riches in this world, That they be not high- minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but that they put their whole trust and confidence only in the living God, whose all things are, and who gives us whatsoever we have : that they do good with what he hath put into their hands, laying it out upon works of piety towards him, and of charity to the poor, that his worship may be decently performed, and the poor liberally relieved'; that they be rich in good works, striving to excel each other in doing good in their generation ; that they be ready every mo- ment to distribute, and always willing to communicate to every good work, wherein they can pay their homage, and express their thankfulness to him for what they have. ■*.-%. V* ■»-■». A. -w* *.■»■%. ■» THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL, ^P HE most glorious sight, questionless, that was ever to -*- be seen upon the face of the earth, was to see the Son of God here, to see the supreme Being and Governor of the world here ; to see the Creator of all things convers- ing here with his own creatures ; to see God himself with the nature and in the shape of man, walking about upon the surface of the earth ; and discoursing with silly mor- tals here ; and that with so much majesty and humility mixed together, that every expression might seem a de- monstration that he was both God and man. It is true, we were not so happy as to see this blessed sight; how- soever, it is our happiness that we have heard of it, and have it so exactly described to us, that we may as clearly apprehend it as if we had seen it : yea, our Saviour himself hath pronounced those in a peculiar manner bless- ed, who have not seen, and yet have believed, John xx. 29. that is, who never saw Christ in the manger, nor in the temple, who never saw him prostrate before his Father in the garden, nor fastened by men unto his cross ; who ne- ver saw him preaching the gospel nor working miracles to confirm it ; who never saw him before his passion, nor af- ter his resurrection ; and do as firmly believe whatsoever is recorded of him, as if they had seen it with their eyes. Such persons our blessed Saviour himself asserts to be truly THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. 2*9 blessed, as having such a faith as is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen, Heb. xi. 1. Hence therefore, although we lived not in our Saviour's time, and therefore saw him not do as never man did, nor heard him speak as never man spake, we may notwith- standing be as blessed, or rather more blessed than they that did ; if we do but give credit to what is asserted of him, and receive and believe what is represented to us in his holy gospels, where by faith we may still see him work- ing miracles, and hearing him declaring his will and plea- sure to his disciples, as really as if we had then been by him. And therefore whatever we read in the gospel that he spake, we are to hearken as diligently to it, as if we heard him speak it with our own ears, and be as careful in the performance of it, as if we had received it from his own mouth ; for so we do, though not immediately, yet by the infallible pen of them that did so. And seeing he never spake in vain or to no purpose, nor suffered an idle or superfluous word to proceed out of his sacred and divine mouth ; whatsoever he asserted, we are to look upon as necessary to be believed, because he asserted it. And whatsoever he commanded, we are to look upon as ne- cessary to be observed, because he hath commanded it ; for we must not think that his assertions are so frivolous, or his commands so impertinent, that it is no great matter whether we believe the one and obey the other or no : no, if we expect to be justified and saved by him, he expects to be believed and obeyed by us, without which he will not look upon us as his disciples, nor by consequence as Chris- tians, but as strangers and aliens to him, whatsoever our professions and pretences are. It is true, we live in an age wherein Christianity in the general notion of it is highly courted, and all sects and par- ties amongst us making their pretences to it ; whatsoever opinions or circumstances they differ in, be sure they all agree in the external profession of the Christian religion, and by consequence in the knowledge that they ought to be Christians indeed. But I fear that men are generally mistaken about the notion of true Christianity, not think- ing it to be so high and divine a thing as -really it is ; for if they had true and clear conceptions of it, they would never fancy themselves to be Christians, upon such low and pitiful grounds as usually they do, making as if Chris* tianity consisted in not! , but in the external per* 250 THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. formance of some few particular duties, and in adhering to them that profess it ; whereas Christianity is a thing of a much higher and far more noble nature, than such would have it ; insomuch, that did we but rightly understand it, methinks we could net but be taken with it, so as to re- solve for the future, to the utmost of our power, to live up to it ; to which could I be an instrument of persuading any, how happy should I think myself ? Howsoever it is my duty to endeavour it, and for that purpose I shall now clear up the true notion of Christianity, that we may know, not what it is to be professors and pretenders of Christiani- ty, but what it is to be real Christians, and true disciples of Christ Jesus, such as Christ will own for his in another world. Now to know whom Christ will accept for his disciples, our only way is to consult Christ himself, and to consider what it is that he requires of those that follow him, in or- der to be his disciples ; a thing as easily understood, as it is generally disregarded ; for nothing can be more plain, than that Christ requires and enjoins all those that would be his disciples, to observe not only some few, but all the commands that he hath laid upon us. Ye are my friends, saith he, and therefore my disciples, if ye do whatsoever I command you, John xv. 14. So that unless we do whatso- ever he commands us, we are so far from being his disci- ples, that we are indeed his enemies. Nay, they that would be his disciples, must excel and surpass all others in virtue and good works, Herein, saith he, is my Father glorified that ye bring forth much fruit, so shall ye be my dis- ciples, John xv. 8. yea, and continue in them too, John viii. 31. He tells us also, that they that would be his disciples, must love him above all things ; or rather, hate all things in comparison of him, Luke xiv. 26. And that they love one another, as he hath loved them, John xiv. 35. To name no more; read but St. Matthew xvi. 24. and there you may see what it is to be a Christian indeed, or what it is that Christ requires of those who would be his disciples. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself take up his cross, and follow me. Did we but understand the true meaning of these words, and order our conversation ac- cordingly, we should both know what it is to be true Christians, and really to be so ourselves. For I think there is nothing that Christ requires of those who desire to be his disciples, but we should perform it, could we but observe, what is here commanded ; which that we may all THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. 251 do, I shall endeavour to give the true meaning of them, and of every particular in them as they lie in order. For, saithhe, If any man will come after me, that is, if any man will be my disciple ; for masters ye know use to go before scholars, and disciples to follow after. And our Saviour here speaks of himself under the notion of a mas- ter, that hath disciples coming after him, and saith, that if any one would be one of his disciples so as to go after him, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him. So that here are three things which our blessed Saviour re- quires of those that Avould be his disciples, and by conse- quence of us who profess to be so ; for I dare say there is none of us but desire to be a Christian, or at least to be thought so ; for we all know and believe Jesus Christ to be the only Saviour of mankind ; that none can save us but he, and that there is none of us but he can save; and that all those who truly come to him for pardon and salva- tion, shall most certainly have it : hence it is that we would all be thought at least so wise, and to have so much care of our'own souls as to go after Christ and be his disciples. I hope there are but few but who really desire to be so. Yet I would not have any think that it is so easy a matter to be a disciple of Christ, or a real and true Christian, as the world would make it ; no, we may assure ourselves, that as it is the highest honour and happiness we can attain unto, so we shall find it the hardest matter in the world to attain unto it ; not in its own nature, but by reason of its contrariety to our natural temper and inclinations. For here we see what it is our blessed Saviour requires of those that would go after him, even nothing less than to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him. All which are far greater things than at the first sight, or read- ing, they may seem to be. For first, saithhe, If any man will come after me, lei him deny himself which being the first thing which Christ re- quires of those that go after him, it is necessary that we search more narrowly into the nature of it. For if we fail in this, we cannot but fail in all the rest. And there- fore, for the opening of this, I shall not trouble the reader with the various expositions, and the divers opinions of learned men concerning these words, but only mind him in general, that the self-denial here spoken of is properly opposed to self-love, or that corrupt and vicious habit of the soul, whereby we are apt to admire and prefer our own fancies, wills, desires, interests, and the like, before L 6 252 THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. Christ himself* and what he is pleased either to promise to us, or require of us. And therefore, when he commands us to deny ourselves, his will and pleasure in general is this, that we do not indulge, or gratify ourselves in any thing that stands in opposition against, and comes in com- petition with his interest in the world, or ours in him, howsoever near and dear it may be unto us. But to deny ourselves whatsoever is pleasing to ourselves, if it be not so to God and Christ too, so as not to live to ourselves, but only unto him that died for us, to live as those who are none of our own, but are bought with a price, and there- fore should glorify God both in our souls and in our bo- dies, which are his, 1 Cor. vi. 19, 20. But seeing this is not only the first lesson to be learned by Christ's disciples, but that which is necessarily required in order to whatso- ever else he commands from us, I shall shew you more particularly what it is in yourselves that you are to deny. 1. You must deny your own reasons in matters of di- vine revelation, so as to use them no farther than only to search into the grounds and motives that we have to be- lieve them to be revealed by God. For this being either proved or supposed, we are not to suffer our reasons to be too curious in searching into them, but believe them upon the word and testimony of God himself, who is the su- preme truth, or verity itself. For we who by all our art and cunning cannot under- stand the reasons of the most common and obvious things in nature, must not think to comprehend the great myste- ries of the gospel, which, though they be not contrary to our reasons, are infinitely above them : For the natural man receivcth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he knorc them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. ii. 1 4. So that to the understanding of the things of the Spirit, or which the Spirit of God hath revealed to us, there is a great deal more required than what we have by nature, even the superna- tural assistance of the Spirit himself that revealed them. And therefore, if any man amongst us seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he -may be wise, 1 Cor. iii. 18. that is, he that would be wire unto salvation, must look upon himself as a fool, as one incapable by nature of understanding the tilings that belong unto his everlasting- peace, without both the revelation and assistance of God himself; and therefore must not rely upon his own judg- ment, but only upon God's testimony in what he doth be- THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. 253 lieve, not believing what his reason, but What God's word tells him ; looking upon it as reason enough why he should believe it, because Cod hath said it. I know this is an hard doctrine to flesh and blood. For, as Job tells us, vain man would be wise, though man be bom like a wild ass's colt, Job xi. 12. Though by nature we be never so foolish, vain, and ignorant, understanding the oreat mysteries of the gospel, no more than a wild ass's colt doth a mathematical demonstration, yet howsoever we would fain be thought very wise men : yea so wise as to be able to comprehend matters of the highest, yea of an infinite nature, within the narrow compass of our finite and shallow capacities. But this is that which we must deny ourselves in, if we desire to be Christ's disciples, so as to acquiesce in his word, and believe what he asserts, only because he asserts it, without suffering our reason to interpose, but looking upon his word as more than all the reasons and arguments in the world besides. 2. You must deny your own wills. Our wills, it is true, at first were made upright and perfect, every way correspondent to the will of God himself, so as to will what he wills, that is, what is really good ; and to nill what he nills, that is, what is really evil. But being now pervert- ed, and corrupted with sin, our wills are naturally inclin- ed to the evil which they should be averse from, and averse from the good which they should be inclined to. So that instead of choosing the good and refusing the evil, we are generally apt to choose the evil and refuse the good : yet for all that our wills are thus crooked and perverse, we cannot endure to have them" crossed or thwarted in any thing, but would needs have our own wills in every thing, so as neither to do any thing ourselves, nor yet have any thing done to us, but just as ourselves will, who will usu- ally just contrary to what we should. But now they that would be Christ's disciples, roust not be thus self-willed, but deny themselves the fulfilling of their own wills, when it doth not consist with the will of God to have them ful- filled. This our Lord and master hath taught us by his example as well as precept, saying, Father, if thou be will- ing remove this cup from me, nevertheless, not my will but thine he done. Luke xxii. 42. Where v bserve that our! viour, as man, could hoi 7e a natural from death, as all men by natiu e have, and that without sin. And though Christ's will, as man, was ne- ver so pure and perfect, yet he only submits it to the will 254 THOUGHTS UPON SELP-DENIAL. of God. He manifested indeed that it was the will of that nature which he had assumed, not to suffer death, saying, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me ; but he shews withal, that the will of man must still be subject to the will of God ; and that man, even as man, must deny his own will, whensoever it runneth not exactly parallel with God's, saying, nevertheless, not my will bid thine be done. And if Christ himself denied his own pure and perfect will, that his Father's might be accomplished, how much more cause have we to deity our wills, which, by nature, are always contrary to his will, yea, and to our own good too, preferring generally that which is evil and destruc- tive to us, before that which is truly good and advan- tageous for us ? And verily a great part of true Christianity consisteth in thus resigning our wills to God's not minding so much which way our own inclinations bend, as what his pleasure and command is. A notable instance where- of we have in old Eli, who questionless could not but be very willing that the iniquity of his sons might be forgiv* en, and his family prosper in the world; yet however when God had manifested his pleasure to him, that his house should be destroyed, he submitted his own wholly unto God's, saying, // is the Lord, let him do what seem- eth him good, 1 Sam. iii. 18. And whosoever of us would be Christ's disciple indeed, must be sure thus to deny and renounce his own will, whensoever it appears to be con- trary unto God's, so as even to will, that not his own will but God's be fulfilled, as our Lord and master himself hath taught us each day to pray, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And whosoever hath learned this art of mak- ing his own will bow and stoop to God's, hath made a very good progress in the Christian religion, especially in that part of it which requires us to deny ourselves. And seeing we must deny our wills, we must needs deny our affections too, which are indeed nothing else but the several motions of the will towards good and evil ; but usu- ally they are so disorderly and irregular, as to place them- selves upon objects directly opposite to what they were designed for ; for that we ordinarily love what we ought to hate, and hate what we ought to love ; desire what we ought to abhor, and abhor what we ought to desire ; re- joice in those things which we ought to grieve for, and are grieved at such things which we ought to rejoice in : ao that if we suffer our affections to move according to their natural tendency and corrupt inclinations, we shall • THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENTAL. 255 be so far from going after Christ, that we shall continually be running from him. And therefore it must be our great care and study to bridle our affections, deny them their unlawful, and fix them upon their proper objects ; yea, and to deny ourselves too the lawful use of such things as our affections are apt to be unlawfully placed upon. As for example ; it is lawful, yea our duty to love our relations, but if our love to them becomes exorbitant, so as to love them more than God, our love to them must be turned into hatred, in comparison of our love to him, Luke xiv. 26. And whatsoever lawful thing it is that we take pleasure in, if once we find that our pleasure in that extinguished, or but damps that pleasure which we used, or ought to have in God, we are to deny ourselves such pleasures as these are, and rather despise ourselves than God. Yea, we must deny ourselves moreover the use and en- joyment of our estates and earthly possessions, whenso- ever they come into competition with his glory : so that if it comes to that point, that we must either leave our estates to enjoy Christ, or leave Christ to enjoy our estates ; we must be willing and ready, without any more ado, to aban- don and renounce whatever else we have rather than our interest in Christ. For indeed he is not worthy to be .Christ's disciple that doth not prefer him before all things else ; neither he that loves the world at all in comparison of Christ: For if any man love the world, the love of the Fa- ther is not in him, 1 John ii. 15. And therefore he that would be Christ's disciple indeed, must fix his heart so fast on Christ, that it must hang loose and indifferent as to all things here below, being no more proud of them, no more delighted in them, no more concerned about them, than as if he had them not. So that though he have all things beside Christ, he must have nothing but him, or at least in comparison of him ; yea, be ready to part with all, that he may gain Christ. And though many of us may think this an hard saying, we may assure ourselves, it is no more than what we must do, II we desire to be Christ's disciple, Luke xiv. 33. Furthermore, we must deny ourselves those sins espe- cial!)-, and lusts which we have or do still indulge ourselves in ; for thus the gospel teacheth you in a particular man- ner, to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, Tit. ii. 12. And therefore we in vain pretend to be true Christians so long as we live in any one known sin with any love unto it, or it in it. I suppose none of my readers guilty of all 25G THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. sins, and I fear there are few but live in some. No man but may be naturally averse from some sins, but it is very rare to find one that is inclined to none ; for ordinarily eve- ry man hath his darling, his beloved sin, his own sin, as David himself once had, though he afterwards kept him- self from it, Psal. xviii. 23. So I fear none of my readers but have some sin, which he may in a peculiar manner call his own, as being that which his thoughts run most upon, and his desires are carried most unto, which he labours most after, and takes most pleasure in, which he is most loth to be reproved for, and most easily overcome by. Now this and whatsoever other sins any of us are addicted to, we must wholly leave and utterly renounce if ever we desire to be Christ's disciples. And therefore so long as any of us live in any known sin, as in pride or prodigality, in oppression or covetousness, in malice or uncleanness, in drunkenness, uncharitableness, or any other sin whatso- ever we must not think ourselves to be Christians indeed. Christ will never own us for his disciples ; for so long as we live in any known sin, it is that sin, not Christ, that is our master ; and therefore if we would list ourselves into his service, we must be sure to deny ourselves whatsoever we know to be offensive to him. There is still another thing behind wherein we must- deny ourselves, if we desire to go after Christ, and that is, we must deny and renounce all our self-righteousness, and all hopes and confidences from ourselves, and from what we have done, which I look upon as a very great piece of self-denial ; for naturally we are all prone to sacrifice to our own nets, to burn incense to our own drags, to boast of our own good works,' and to pride ourselves with the conceit of our own righteousness. Though we be never so sinful, we would not be thought to be so, but would very fain be counted righteous, not only by men, but by God himself, for something or other which ourselves do ; though when all comes to all, we know not what that should be : but howsoever the pride of our hearts is such, that j i adversaries in the world ; mankind in general being so much in love with themselves, and doting upon what themselves do, that they cannot endure to renounce and vilify their own obedience and good works, so much as to think they stand in need of any other righteousness be- THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENTAL. 257- sides their own, as if their own righteousness was so per- fect, that God himself could find no fault with it, nor make any exceptions against it, but must needs acknow- ledge them to be just and righteous persons for it. Whereas, alas ! there is not the best action that ever a mere mortal did, but if examined by the strict rules of jus- tice, it is as far from being good, yea, so far, that God himself may justly pronounce it evil, and by consequence condemn the person that did it, for doing of it. And therefore I cannot wonder what it is that any man doth or can do, for which he can in reason be justified before God, our very righteousness being, as the prophet tells, but as filthy rags, and our most holy performances fraught with sin and imperfection, and therefore so far from justifying us, that we may justly be condemned for them ; but this mankind doth not love to hear of, the pride of our hearts being such, that by all means we must have something in ourselves whereof to glory before God himself. But woe be to that person who hath no other righteousness but his own, wherein to appear before the judge of the whole world, for however specious his actions may seem to men, they will be adjudged sins before the eternal God. He therefore that would come to Christ, although he must labour after righteousness to the utmost of his power, yet when he has done all, he must renounce it and look upon himself as an unprofitable servant : For Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Matt. ix. 15'. that is, lie came not to call such persons as think they have righteousness enough of their oivn to serve their turns, for such persons think they have no need of him, and there- fore it would be in vain to call them ; but he calls sinners, such as may perhaps be as righteous as the others, bid they do not think themselves to be so, but look upon themselves as undone for ever, unless they have something else to trust to, than their oivn good works and obedience to the moral law. Such persons therefore Christ came to call, and if they come to him, they cannot but find rest and righteousness in him ■ and if any of us desire to go after Christ, so as to be his disciple, we must be sine to look upon ourselves as sinners, as deserving nothing but wrath and vengeance for whatsoever we hr-ve done ; we must renounce all our own righteousness, and be so far from depending upon it, as to think we have non^ to depend upon, for so really we have not. And when we have laid aside all thoughts of ©IK own righteousness, as to the matter of justification be* 258 THOUGHTS -UPON SELF-DENIAL. fore God, then and not till then, shall we be rightly qua- lified to embrace another's, even that righteousness which is by faith in Christ. Thus St. Paul, though he had as much, yea more reason to trust in the flesh or in himself than others ; for himself saith, That as touching the righte- ousness of the law, he was blameless, Phil. iii. 6. Yet, saith he, what things were gain to me, those / counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. For whom I have suffered the loss of all thi?igs, and do count them bid dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, bid that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteous?iess which is of God- by faith, ver. 7, 8, 9. Thus therefore it is that all those must do who desire to be as St. Paul was, real disciples of Jesus Christ ; as we must forsake our sins, so we must renounce our righteousness too. It is true, this is a great and difficult part of self-denial, thus to deny our- selves all that pride, pleasure and confidence, which we used to take in the thoughts of our own righteousness and obedience to the law of God j- but we must remember that the first thing which our Saviour enjoins those that come after him, is to deny themselves. Thus I have shewn what it is in ourselves that we must deny, and how it is that we must deny ourselves, if we desire to go after Christ. We must deny ourselves the curiosity of searching too much into the mysteries of the gospel, by the light of our own clouded reason ; we must deny our self-conceit, our self-love, self-interest, self-con- fidence, and whatsoever proceeds from and terminates in our sensual and sinful selves, so as to have no delight in, nor dependance upon ourselves ; yea we must so deny ourselves, as to be quite taken off of our former selves, and become other creatures than what we were. Thus St. Am- brose explains these words, saying, " Seipsum sibi homo " abneget et totus mutetur, Let a man deny himself to " himself, so as to be wholly changed from what he was." But then you will say, what need is there of all this trou- ble ; what reason can be given that a man must deny him- self before he can be a true Christian ? To this I answer, it is reason enough that Christ hath commanded us to do it ; and surely he best knows whom he will accept of as his disciples, and what is necessary to be done in order to our being so : and he hath said in plain terms, Jf any man will come after me, let him deny himself!, THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. fc5g implying, that he that doth not deny himself cannot go af- ter him. But besides that, there is an impossibility in the thing* itself, that any one should be a true Christian, or go after Christ, and not deny himself, as may be easily perceived, if they will but consider what true Christianity requires of us, and what it is to be a real Christian. A true Chris- tian, we know, is one that lives by faith, and not by sight: That looks not at the things which are seen, but at those things which are not seen ; that believes whatsoever Christ hath said, trusteth on whatsoever he hath promised, and obey- eth whatsoever he hath commanded ; that receiveth Christ as his only Priest to make atonement for him, as his only Prophet to instruct, and as his only Lord and master to rule and govern him. In a word, a Christian is one that gives up himself and all he hath to Christ, who gave him- self and all that he hath to him ; and therefore the very notion of true Christianity implies and supposes the denial of ourselves, without which it is as impossible for a man to be a Christian, as it is for a subject to be rebellious and loyal to his prince at the same time ; and therefore it is absolutely necessary that we go out of ourselves before we can go to him, w r e must strip ourselves of our very selves before we can put on Christ ; for Christ himself hath told us that no man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Matt. vi. 24-. We cannot serve God and mammon, Christ and ourselves too ; so that we must either deny ourselves to go after Christ, or else deny Christ to go after ourselves, so as to mind our own selfish ends and designs in the world. Wherefore I hope I need not use any other arguments to persuade any to deny themselves in the sense already ex- plained ; I dare say there is none amongst us but would willingly be what we profess, even a real Christian, and so go after Christ here, as to come to him hereafter. But we have now seen how Christ himself told us, that we must deny ourselves, if we desire to serve and enjoy him : and verily it is an hard case if we cannot deny ourselves for him who so far denied himself for us, as to lay down his own life to redeem ours. He who was equal to God him- self, yea, who himself was the true God, so far denied himself as to become man, yea, a man of sorrows, and ac- quainted with grief, for us ; and cannot we deny ourselves so much as a fancy, a conceit, a sin or lust for him ? How 260 THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. then can we expect that he should own us for his friends, his servants, or disciples ? No, he will never do it, nei- ther can we in reason expect that he should give himself and all the merits of his death and passion unto us, so long as Ave think much to give ourselves to him, or to deny our- selves for him. And therefore if we desire to be made par- takers of those glorious things which he hath purchased with his own most precious blood for the sons of men ; let us begin here, indulge our flesh no longer, but deny our- selves whatsoever God hath been pleased to forbid. And for that end, let us endeavour each day more and more to live above ourselves, above the temper of our bodies, and above the allurements of the world, live as those who be- lieve and profess that they are none of their own, but Christ's ; his by creation, it was he that made us ; his by preservation, it is he that maintains us ; and his by re- demption, it is he that hath purchased and redeemed us with his own blood. And therefore, let us deny ourselves for the future to our very selves, whose we are not, and de- vote ourselves to him whose alone we are ; by this we shall manifest ourselves to be Christ's disciples indeed, especi- ally if we do not only deny ourselves, but also take up our cross and follow him ; which brings me to the second thing which our blessed Saviour here requires of those who would go after him, even to take up their cross. Where, by the cross, we are to understand whatsoever troubles or calamities, inward or outward, we meet with in the performance of our'duty to God or man, which they that would go after Christ must take up as they go along, without any more ado, neither repining at them, nor sink- ing under them, for we must not think that Christ invites us to an earthly paradise of idleness or outward pleasure, as if we had nothing to do or to suffer for him : for even as men we cannot but find many crosses in the world, but as Christians we must expect more, for Christ himself hath told us, that in the world ?vc shall have tribulation, John xvi. 53. And therefore whatsoever we meet with, is no more than what we are to look for ; especially if we walk uprightly in the way that leads to heaven, we cannot but expect to meet with many a rub, for God himself hath told us that it is through many tribulations that we must enter into the kingdom o/ heaven, Acts xiv. 25. And therefore we must not think to be carried up to heaven with the breath of popular applause, nor to swim through a deluge of carnal pleasures into the haven of everlasting happiness, THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. 2(}i No, we must look to be tossed to and fro in this world, as in a raging and tempestuous ocean, and never look for per- petual calmness and tranquillity, until we have got above the clouds, yea, even above the sun and stars themselves. This world was always a world of trouble, and ever will be ; its very friends, and they that have their portion here, can find no quiet nor satisfaction in it ; but the disciples of Christ they, are not of this world, as Christ himself tells us, John xvii. 14. And therefore no wonder if the world frowns more upon them than others ; the way they walk in is opposite to the world, it is enmity itself to the flesh, and therefore no wonder if they meet with so much enmi- ty and opposition here ; the way wherein they go after Christ is a cross way, it is cross to sin, cross to Satan, cross to the world, cross to our very selves as we are by nature, and by consequence cross to all men in the world but Christ's disciples ; and therefore it is no wonder they meet with so many crosses in it. But howsoever, if we desire to go after Christ, he hath told us beforehand what we must expect ; as he hath borne the cross before us, he expects that we now bear it after him ; yea, we must not only bear it,^ but take it up too : not that we should run ourselves into danger, but that we should baulk no duty to avoid it, so as to be willing and ready to undergo the greatest sufferings, rather than to commit the least sin, and to run the greatest danger rather than neglect the smallest duty. If whilst we are walking in the narrow path of ho- liness, there happens to lie a cross in the way we must not go on one side nor on the other side of it out of the path we walk in, neither must we kick and spurn it, but we must patiently take it up, and carry it along with us ; if it be a little heavy at first, it will soon grow lighter, and not at all hinder, but rather further our progress towards heaven. But here we must have a great care to understand our Saviour's meaning, and so our own duty aright ; for we must not think that every trouble we meet with in the world is the cross of Christ, for we may suffer for our fan- cy or humour, or perhaps for our sin and transgression of the laws of God or men; and if so, it is our own cross, not Christ's which we take upon us ; we may thank our- selves for it; I am sure Christ hath no cause to thank us : For this is thank-worthy, saith the apostle, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully, 1 Pet. ii. 19, 20. And therefore the duty which our Savi- 262 THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. our here imposeth on us in few terms is this, that we be ready not only to do, but to suffer what we can for the glory of God, and the furtherance of the gospel, and that we omit no duty, nor commit any sin for fear of suffer- ing ; nor think so much of any trouble that befals us for Christ's sake, but rather to rejoice at it, even as the apostles rejoiced, that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name, Acts v. 41. Which was a clear instance of their performing the duty here enjoined both them and us, under the name of taking up our cross. And I hope there is none of us can take it ill, that Christ hath imposed so severe a duty upon us ; for we may assure ourselves he requires no more of us than what himself hath undergone before, so that we can suffer no- thing for him but what he hath suffered before for us. Have we grief and trouble in our hearts ? So had he, Matt. xxvi. 38. Have we pains and tortures in our bo- dies ? So had he, Matt, xxvii. 29, SO. Are we derided and scoffed at? So was he, Matt, xxvii. 31. Are we ar- raigned and condemned, yea, do we suffer death itself? It is no more than what our Lord and master hath done before. And let us remember what he told us when he was upon the earth, The disciple is not above his Master, nor the servant above his Lord, Matt. x. 24. If we be Christ's disciples, we cannot expect to fare better in the world than Christ himself did, neither indeed can we fare so bad ; for it is impossible that we should undergo so much for him as he hath undergone for us, ours being only the sufferings of men, his the sufferings of one who was God as well as man ; whereby sufferings in general are sanctified to our human nature, it having already under- gone them in the person of the Son of God ; so that it can be now no disparagement at all to undergo any trouble, as hatred, reproach, poverty, pain, yea, death itself, or any other calamity, whatsoever in this world, seeing the Son of God himself, he that made the world, underwent the same while himself was in it. And therefore we need not think it below us to stoop down and take up the cross of Christ, as considering that Christ hath borne it before us, hath so blessed and sanctified it unto us, that it is now be- come an honourable, and advantageous, yea, and a pleasant cross, to them that bear it patiently, thankfully, and con- stantly, as they ought to do, especially seeing it is such a cross as leads unto a crown ; whatsoever we can do or suf- fer for Christ here, will be fully recompensed with glory THOUGHTS UPON SELF-DENIAL. 26* hereafter; and therefore instead of being troubled to take up our cross, we are rather to rejoice that we have any to take up. Thus we see in few words, what it is which our Savi- our commands us, when he enjoins us to deny ourselves, and take up our cross ; even that we do not gratify our- selves in any thing that is ungrateful unto him, nor grudge to take up any cross, or suffer any trouble we meet with in the world for his sake, thinking nothing too dear to forsake, nor any thing too heavy to bear for him, who thought not his own life too dear, nor the cross itself too heavy to bear for us. What now remains, but that know- ing our Saviour's pleasure we should all resolve to do it ? There is none of us but hope and desire to be saved by him ; but that we can never be, unless we observe what he hath prescribed in order to our salvation : and amongst other things, we see how he hath commanded us to deny our- selves, and to take up our cross. As any of us therefore desire to be Christians indeed, so as to see Christ's face With comfort in another world, let us bethink ourselves seriously what sins we have hitherto indulged ourselves in. I fear there are but few, if any amongst us, but are con- scious to themselves, that they have, and do still live, ei- ther in the constant neglect of some known duty, or else in the frequent commission of some beloved sin : what that is, I dare not undertake to tell, but leave that to God and to men's own consciences ; only I desire them to deal faith- fully with their own souls, and not suffer themselves to be fooled into a fond and vain persuasion that they have any interest in Christ, or are truly his disciples, until they deny themselves that sin, whatsoever it is, which they have hitherto indulged themselves in. And let us not think that we shall deny ourselves any real pleasure or profit, by renouncing our sins ; for what pleasure can we have in displeasing God ; or profit in losing our own souls ? No, we shall gratify ourselves, more than we can imagine, by denying ourselves, as much as we are able, whatsoever is offensive or displeasing unto God ; for we may be sure, he that came into the world on purpose to save us from evil, commands us nothing but for our own good ; neither would he ever have obliged us to deny ourselves, if we could have been saved without it ; and as for the cross, that he was so well acquainted with, that he would never have imposed it upon us to take it up, but that it is indispensi- bly necessary for us. And therefore if we be what we 26l THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO pretend, real and true Christians, let us manifest it to the world, and to our own consciences, by denying our- selves whatsoever Christ hath denied us, and by observ- ing whatsoever he hath commanded us, even to the tak- ing up of any cross that he for his own sake shall suffer to be laid upon * us ; still remembering, that self-denial, though it be unpleasant, is a most necessary duty ; and the cross, though it be never so heavy, is but short, and hath nothing less than a crown annexed unto it, a glorious and eternal crown, which all those shall most certainly obtain, who deny themselves. ,\\V\V\VIWW\> THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO EN- TER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 4 S certainly as we are here now, it is not long but we -£"*- shall all be in another world : either in a world of happiness, or else in a world of misery ; or, if you will, either in heaven or in hell. For these are the two only places which all mankind, from the beginning of the world to the end of it, must live in for evermore, some in the one, some in the other, according to their carriage and be- haviour here • and therefore it is worth the while to take a view and prospect now and then of both these places, and it will not be amiss if we do it now; for which end, I de- sire the reader, in his serious and composed thoughts, to attend me first into the celestial mansions, above yonder glorious sun and the stars themselves, where not only the cherubims pnd seraphims, angels and archangels, but many also of our brethren, the sons of men, at this very moment are enjoying the presence, and singing forth the praises of the most high God. There are the spirits of just men made perfect, perfect in themselves, and perfect in all their actions, perfectly free from all both sin and mise- ry, perfectly free of all true grace and glory, all their fa- culties being reduced to that most perfect and excellent frame and constitution, that their understandings are con- tinually taken up with the contemplations of the supreme truth, and their wills in the embracement of their chiefest good ; so that all the inclinations of their souls rest in God as in their proper centre, in whom by consequence they enjoy as much as they can desire, yea as much as ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 2b5 . they can be made capable of desiring: for all those infinite perfections that are concentred in God himself, are now in their possession, to solace and delight themselves in the full and perfect enjoyment of them ; by which means they are as happy as God himself can make them ; insomuch that at this very moment methinks we may all behold them so ravished, so transported with their celestial joys, that it may justly strike us into admiration, how ever creatures which were once sinful, could be made so pure, so perfect, and altogether so happy as they are. And could we but leave our bodies for a while below, and go up to take a turn in the New Jerusalem that is above, we could not but be ravished and transported at the very sight both of the place and inhabitants, every one being far more glo- rious than the greatest emperors of this world, with no- thing less than crowns of glory on their heads, and scep- tres of righteousness in their hands ; where they think of nothing but the glory of God, discourse of nothing but praising him, do nothing but adore and worship him : in a word, whatsoever is agreeable to our natures, what- soever is desirable to our souls, whatsoever can any way conduce to make men happy, is fully, perfectly, eternally enjoyed, by all and every person that is in heaven. Whereas on the other side, if we bring down our thoughts from heaven, and send them as low as hell, to consider the most deplorable estate and condition of those who inhabit the regions of darkness, them we shall find as miserable as the others are happ3' ; not only in that they are deprived of the vision and fruition of the chiefest good, but likewise in that they are in continual pain and torment, as great as infinite justice can adjudge them to, and infi- nite power inflict upon them, insomuch that could we lay our ear to the entrance of that bottomless pit, what bowl- ings and shriekings should we hear, what weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth in the midst of those infer- nal flames, where, as our Saviour himself tells us, The worm dieth not, and the Jire is not quenched, Mark ix. 44. That is, where the consciences are always gnawed and tormented with the remembrance of their former sins, and the fire of God's wrath is continually burning in them, ne- ver to be quenched or abated : for certainly as the smiles and favour of the eternal God constitute the joys of heaven, so do his frowns and anger make up the flames of hell. To see him that made us displeased with us, to see mercy it- self to frown upon us, to see the great and all-glorious M 266 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO Creator of the world, the chiefest good, to look angrily upon us, and to shew himself offended at us, and incens- ed against us ! Methinks the very thoughts of it are suffici- ent to make the stoutest heart amongst us tremble. But then what shall we think of those poor souls that see and feel it ? What shall we think of them ? Questionless they are more miserable than we are able to think them to be. For we cannot possibly conceive either the greatness of heaven's glory, or the sharpness of hell's torments ; only this we know, and may be certain of, that whatsoever is ungrateful to their minds> whatsoever is troublesome to their thoughts, whatsoever is contrary to their desires, whatsoever is painful to their bodies, or whatsoever is or can be destructive and tormenting to their souls, that, all they who are once in hell shall fear and feel, and that for ever. But this is too sad and doleful a subject to insist on long, neither should I have mentioned it, but for our own good, and to prepare us the better, both for the understanding and improving the advice of our Saviour, Matt. vii. 13, 14. Enter ye in at the strait gate, &c. The meaning of which words, in brief, maybe reduced to these three heads : First, That it is an easy matter to go to hell, that place of torments we have now been describing, and by consequence that many go thither ; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leadeth thither. Secondly, That it is a hard and difficult thing to get to heaven, that place of joys we before spake of, and by conse- quence that but few get thither ; For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to it. Lastly, Howsoever difficult it is, our Saviour would have us strive to get to heaven, so as to pass through that strait gate, and walk in that narrow way that leadeth unto life. As for the first, that the gate is wide, and the way broad that leads to hell, or that it is an easy matter to go thither, I need not use many words to prove it. For though there be but few that mind it, I dare say there is scarce any one but believes it, yea, and hath oftentimes found it to be true by experience, even that it is an easy matter to sin, and that, we know, is the broad way that leads to hell ; so broad, that they who walk in it can find no bounds or limits in it, wherewithin to contain themselves ; neither are they ever out of their way, but go which way they will, they are still in the ready way to ruin and de- struction. And usually it is as plain as broad, so that men ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 267 rarely meet with any roughness or trouble in it, but rather with all the pleasures and delights which they desire, who look no higher than to please the flesh ; yea, whatsoever it is that they naturally desire, they still meet with it in the road to hell ; and whatsoever is ungrateful and irk- some to them, they are never troubled with k in the ways of sin. There are no crosses to be taken up, no self to be denied, but rather indulged and gratified ; there are no such tedious and troublesome things as examining our hearts, and mortifying our lusts, as praying or hearing, as fasting or watching : these are only to be found in the narrow path that leads to heaven ; the broad way to hell is altogether unacquainted with them, being strewed ail along with carnal pleasures and sensual delights, with po- pular applause, and earthly riches, and such fine things as silly mortals use to be taken with. And hence it is, that our Saviour tells us, many there be which find this way, and go in at this wide gate that leads to ruin, because they see not whither it leads, but they see the baits and allurements which are in it, which they cannot but crowd about as fishes about the hook, or as flies about a candle, till they be destroyed. Yea, this way to destruction is so broad, that almost all the world is continually walking in it ; the gate so wide, that thou- sands at a time pass through it. And therefore we may well conclude it is a very easy thing to go to that place of torments, which even now we speak of, or rather that it is an hard, a difficult matter to keep out of it, the way be- ing so narrow that carries from it, that it is a difficult thing to find it ; and the way so broad that leads unto it, that none can miss of it that hath but a mind to walk in it. But I hope none of my readers have, God forbid they should have, a mind to go to hell ; their taking religious books into their hands is rather an argument that they have a mind to go to heaven, and read on purpose to learn the way thither. And we do well to take all opportunities of finding out the way to bliss • for we may assure ourselves it is a very narrow one, it is hard to find it out, but much more hard to walk in it ; for it is a way very rarely trod- den, so that there is scarce any path to be seen, most peo- ple go either on one side, or else on the other side of it ; some running into the by-paths of error, heresy or schism, others into the broad way of profhneness or security : in- somuch that there are but very few that hit upon the right path that leads directly to the New Jerusalem, the place M 2 26S THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO of rest. I speak not this of myself ; no, Christ himself that came from heaven to earth, on purpose to shew us the way from earth to heaven, saith, That strait is the gate and nar- row is the way that leadeth unto life, and Jew there be that Jind it. And let not any think that Christ spake these words in vain, or thatit is no great matter whether we believewhat he said or no. For questionless, one great reason why so few ever come to heaven, is because most think it so easy to get thither, that they need not take any care or pains about it. For even amongst ourselves, to whom the gospel is so clearly revealed, men generally think if they do but read the scriptures, and hear sermons, and live honestly with their neighbours, so as to harm no body, but pay every one their own, then they shall as surely come to heaven as if they were there already ; nay, many are so simple as to think that their separation from the church militant on earth is the way to bring them to the church triumphant in hea- ven ; and others so ridiculous as to believe that a death-bed repentance is sufficient to entitle them to eternal life. But stay a while: it is not so easy a matter to get to heaven. In- deed to me it seems one of the greatest mysteries in the world, that ever any man or woman should come thither ; that such sinful worms as we are, who are born in sin, and live so long in sin and rebellion against the great Creator of the world, should ever be received so far into his grace and favour as to enjoy life and eternal happiness in him. And did we look no farther than ourselves, we might justly despair of ever obtaining such transcendant glory which we are altogether so unworthy, of. But the goodness of God both is and hath been so great to man- kind, that there is none of us but, in and through the me- rits of Christ Jesus, is in a capacity of it. Yet we must not think that it is so easy a thing to come to heaven, as the devil, the world, and our own base hearts, would per- suade us it is : if we do, we are never likely to come thi- ther ; no, we may assure ourselves, as heaven is the great- est good that we can attain, so doth it require our great- est care and study imaginable to attain it. This therefore is that which I shall endeavour to convince men of, and account myself happy if I can do it. For I dare say, there is none of us but desires to see Christ in glory, and to be happy with him and in him for ever ; but that we can never be, unless we do whatsoever is requir- ed of us in order to it ; and if we think it is so easy a mat- ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 9,G§ ter to do whatsoever is required of us, I have just cause to suspect that we never yet made trial of it, nor set ourselves seriously upon the performance of those duties which are enjoined us here in reference to our being happy for ever. For if we have set upon it in good earnest, we cannot but have found it very hard and difficult, by reason of our na- tural averseness from what is good, and inclinations unto evil. For we all know, that without holiness no man shall see the Lord, Heb. xii. 14. So that holiness is the way, the direct and only way, that leads to heaven ; neither is there any way imaginable of being happy hereafter, but by being holy here. And though it be an easy thing to profess holiness, and to perform some external acts of it; yet to be truly pious and holy indeed, so as we must be if • ever we would go to heaven, this is every wit as difficult as the other is easy. For first I suppose all will grant that he is not truly holy that lives in any known sin, as the apostle also intimates, saying, He that is born of God doth not commit sin, 1 John iii. 9. And therefore he that still indulgeth himself in the commission of any known sin, he is not yet regenerate, or born of God, he is not truly holy. So that to our being so holy here, as that we may be happy hereafter, it is ab- solutely and indispensibly necessary that we forsake and avoid to the utmost of our power whatsoever is offensive unto God, and contrary to his laws. But it is as difficult as it is necessary to forsake sin as we ought to do. It is an easy matter, I confess, to rail at sin, to backbite others, to blame ourselves for it. But that is not the business ; but to loathe our sins as much as ever we loved them, to abhor them as much as ever we desired them, and to be as much averse from them as ever we were inclined to them ; to forsake sin as sin, and by consequence all sins whatso- ever, one as well as another ; so as to deny ourselves all that pleasure we were wont to take in any sin, and all that seeming profit which we used to receive by it, and that too out of love to God, and fear of his displeasure : this is to forsake sin indeed, but it is sooner spoken of than done ; and it requires a great deal of time, and skill, and pains, to get so great a conquest over ourselves as this is, to cut off our right hand, to pluck out our right eye, and cast it from us ; even renounce and forsake those very beloved and darling sins, which the temper and constitution of our bodies, the corruption of our hearts, and constant cus- tom and practice hath made in a manner natural to us. M 3 270 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO So that our very natures must be changed before we can ever leave them. And therefore it must needs be a mat- ter of as great difficulty as it is of moment to master and subdue those sins and lusts that have been long predomi- nant in us ; which I dare say many of us have found by our own sad and woeful experience, having struggled per- haps many years against some corruption, and yet to this day have not got it under, nor totally subdued it. And it is such, and such alone, who are competent judges in this case ; for they that never strove against their sins, cannot know how strong they are, nor how hard it is to conquer them. And therefore it is to those who have made it their business to destroy and mortify their lusts, that I appeal whether it be not hard to do it. I am confident they can- not but have found it, and therefore must needs acknow- ledge it to be so ; and by consequence that it is no easy matter to get to heaven, seeing it is so hard to keep out of hell, and to avoid those sins which otherwise will certainly bring us thither ; every sin unrepented of having eternal punishment entailed upon it. And if it be so hard to forsake sin, how difficult must it needs be to perform all those duties, and to exert all those graces which are necessarily required, in order to our attaining everlasting happiness. It is true, praying and hearing, which are the ordinary means for the obtain- ing true grace and holiness, are duties very common and customary amongst us, but they are never the easier be- cause they are common, but rather far more difficult. For we being accustomed to a careless and perfunctory per- forming these duties, cannot but find it an hard and diffi- cult matter to keep our hearts so close unto them, as to perform them as we ought to do, and so as that we may be really said to do them. For we must not think that sit- ting at church while the word of God is preached, is hear- ing the word of God, or being present there while prayers are read, is real praying : no, no, there is a deal more re- quired than this to our praying to the great God aright ; insomuch that, for my own part, I really think that pray- er, as it is the highest, so is it the hardest duty that we can be engaged in. All the faculties of our souls, as well as members of our bodies, being obliged to put forth them- selves in their seyeral capacities, to the due performance of it. And as for these several graces and virtues which our souls must be adorned withal, before ever they can come ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 271 to heaven, though it be easy to talk of them, it is not so to act them. I shall instance only in some i'ew ; as to love God above all things, and other things only for God's sake; to hope on nothing but God's promises, and to fear nothing but his displeasure ; to love other men's persons so as to hate their vices, and so to hate their vices as still to love their persons ; not to covet riches when we have them not, nor trust on them when we have them ; to deny ourselves that we may please God, and to take up our cross that we may follow Christ ; to live above the world whilst we are in it, and to despise it whilst we use it ; to be always upon our watch and guard, strictly observing not only the outward actions of our life, but the inward motions of our hearts; to hate those very sins which we used to love, and to love those very duties which we used to hate; to choose the greatest affliction before the least sin, and to neglect the getting of the greatest gain, rather than the perform- ing of the smallest duty ; to believe truths which we can- not comprehend, merely upon the testimony of one whom we never saw ; to submit our wills to God's, and to de- light ourselves in obeying him ; to be patient under suffer- ings, and thankful for all the troubles we meet with here below ; to be ready and willing to do and suffer any thing we can for him who hath done and suffered so much for us ; to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, relieve the in- digent, and rescue the oppressed to the utmost of our power : in a word, to be every way as pious towards God, as obedient to Christ, as loyal to our prince, as faithful to our friends, as loving to our enemies, as charitable to the poor, as just in our dealings, as eminent in all true graces and virtues, as if we were to be saved by it, and yet by no confidence in it, but still look upon ourselves as unpro- fitable servants, and depend upon Christ, and Christ alone, for pardon and salvation. I suppose I need not tell any one that it is hard and dif- ficult to perform such duties, and to act such graces as these are ; but this let me tell the reader, that how hard, how difficult soever it is, it must be done, if ever we design to come to heaven, and by consequence it is no easy matter to come thither. Seeing therefore the way that leads to hea- ven is thus narrow, and hard, it is no wonder that there are few that walk in it, or indeed that find it out, as our Saviour himself assures us ; for people generally love to swim with the stream, to run with the multitude, though M 4 2/2 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO it be into the gulf of sin and misery. It is very rare to find one walking in the narrow way, and keeping himself with- in those bounds and limits wherewith it is inclosed ; and this seems to have been the occasion of these words in the gospel of St. Luke, where one said unto Christ, Lord, arc there few that be saved ? And our Saviour answered in these words, Strive to enter in at the strait gate : Foi* many, £ say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able, Luke xiii. 23, 24. Intimating, not only that there are few that shall be saved, but likewise that many of those who seek to be saved shall not attain it; not as if any of those who really and cordially made it their business to look af- ter heaven, can ever miss of it ; but, that many of those who presuming upon their seeming obedience and good works shall think and seek that way to enter into the king- dom of God, shall not be able. For many will say unto me at that day, saith he, Lord, Lord, have we not pro- phesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works ? and then I will profess unto them, I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity, Matt. vii. 22, 23. And if many of those who are great professors of religion, and make a plausible shew of piety in the world, shall not- withstanding come short of eternal happiness, and if out of those ?nany which are called there are but Jew chosen, Matt. xx. 16. we may well conclude there are but few in- deed that walk in the narrow path that leads to life, in comparison of those innumerable multitudes that continu- ally flock together in the broad way that leads to ruin and destruction. One great reason whereof is, because men generally, though they desire to go to heaven, yet will not believe it to be so hard a thing as it really is, to get thither; and therefore setting aside the superficial per- formance of some few external duties, they give themselves no trouble, nor take any pains about it ; as if heaven was so contemptible a thing, that it is not worth their while to look after it ; or howsoever, as if it was so easy a thing to attain it, that they cannot miss it whether they look after" it or no. Whereas questionless, as heaven is the greatest happiness that we are capable of, so it is the hardest mat- ter in the world for any of us to attain it. I say not this to discourage any one, but rather to ex- cite and encourage all to a greater care and diligence in the prosecution of eternal happiness, than ordinarily men seem to have. It is my hearty desire and prayer that every ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 273 soul among us may live and be happy for ever ; but that we can never be, unless we be serious, earnest and con- stant in looking after it, more than after all things in the world besides. And therefore it is that I have endeavour- ed to convince men that it is not so easy a thing as they make it, to go to heaven, the path being so exceeding nar- row that leads unto it ; which I hope by this time we are all persuaded of, so as to be resolved within ourselves to play no longer with religion, but to set upon it in good earnest, so as to make it not only our great, but Our only business and design in this world to prepare for another, and to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and by consequence to walk in that narrow way of true piety and virtue that leads to heaven, without going aside into the vices on either hand ; or howsoever to use the ut- most of our endeavour to observe the rules which Christ hath prescribed us, in order to our living with him for ever. And oh that I knew what words to take unto my- self, and what arguments to use, whereby to prevail with every soul of us to make it our business to get to heaven ; and by consequence to walk directly in the narrow way, and through the strait gate that leads unto it. What in- fluence or effect they may have upon the readers, I know not, howsoever I shall endeavour to present them with some such considerations, as I hope, by the blessing of God, and the assistance of his grace, may be so forcible and pre^ valent upon them, if seriously weighed, that they should not methinks be able to resist them. Let us consider therefore in the first place, that though it be never so hard to get to heaven, yet it is possible ; and though there be but few that come thither, yet there are some ; and why may not you and I be in the number of those few as well as others ? There are many perfect and glorious saints in heaven at this moment, which once were sinful creatures upon earth as we now are ; but it seems the way thither was not so narrow but they could walk in it, nor the gate so strait but they could pass through it | and why may not we as well as they ? We have the same natures whereby we are capable of happiness as they had ; we have the same scriptures to direct us to it as they had ; we have the same promises of assistance as they had ; we have the same Saviour as they had, and why then may we not get to the same place where they are ? Is the way more narrow, and the gate more strait to us than it was to them ? No, surely, it is every way the same. Why then M 5. 2?4 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO should we despair of ever attaining everlasting glory, see- ing we are as capable of it as any one who hath yet attain- ed it, ? It is true, if no mortal men had ever got to heaven, or God had said none ever can get thither, then indeed it would be in vain for us to expect it, or to use any means to attain it ; but seeing many of our brethren are already there, and many more will follow after them, and we are as capable of coming to them as any other, the straitness of the gate, the narrowness of the way, or the difficulty of getting thither, should never discourage us from endea- vouring after it, no more than it did them, but rather make us more diligent in the prosecution of it : especially considering in the next place that we are not only as yet in a capacity of getting to heaven, but we are all invited thither, and that by God himself, for he would have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth, 1 Tim. ii. 4. Yea, he hath sworn by himself, saying, As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live ; and therefore call upon us all, Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, for why will ye die, house of Israel ! Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Hence it is that he sent his prophets to invite us, Ho, every one that thirst- eth, come ye to the waters, Isaiah lv. 1. Yea, he came down in his own person to earth, on purpose to invite us to heaven, and to direct us the way thither : Come to me, saith he, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matt. xi. 2Q. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only beg'Jten Son, that whosoever believcth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, John iii. 16. Whence we may observe, that there is no exception made against any person whatsoever, nor by consequence against any of us. It is the will, yea, and command of God too, that we all turn from our evil way and live, and that every soul amongst us walk in that narrow way that leads to eternal bliss ; and therefore if any of us do perish, Our blood will be upon our own heads, our destruction is from ourselves, Hos. xiii. 9. For it is nothing but the perverse- ness of our own hearts, that can keep any soul of us out of heaven, however difficult it is to ccme thither. For God hath shewn how desirous he is to have our company there, in that he is still pleased to grant us both the space and means of repentance. If he had no mind to have us saved, he could have shut us up long ago in hell ; but he is so far from that, that he doth not only as yet continue our ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 275 abode on earth, and lengthen our tranquillity here, but he still Vouchsafes unto us whatsoever is necessary, yea, whatsoever can anyways conduce to our eternal happiness; we have his scriptures, we have his sabbaths, we have his ordinances, we have his sacraments, we have his minis- ters, we have the promise of his Spirit, we have the over- tures of Christ, and of all the merits of his death and pas- sion made unto us ; and what can be desired more to make men happy : and yet as if all this had not been enough, he still continues calling upon us, exhorting, com- manding, yea, and beseeching us most affectionately to turn, that our souls may live ; for we his ministers are am- bassadors to mankind for Christ, as though God did be- seech you by us : We pray you in Christ's stead to be re- conciled to God, 2 Cor. v. 20. And he hath sent me unto you that read this, in a particular manner at this time, to call you back out of the broad way that leads to death, into the narrow way that leads to life and happiness ; in his name, therefore I exhort, yea, and beseech you by the mer- cies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, Rom. xii. 3. Strive to enter in at the strait gate, and never leave till you have got possession of eternal glory. Nor let us be discouraged at any difficulties that we meet with in the way, for they will soon be over ; howso- ever hard and difficult any duty may seem at first, by use and custom it will soon grow easy. The worst is at our first setting out ; when once we have been used a while to walk in this narrow way, we shall find it to be both easy and pleasant : for, as the wise man tells us, the ways of wisdom or true piety arc ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace, Prov. iii. 17. Though it be rough at first, by treading it will soon grow plain ; we shall soon find the words of Christ to be true, that his yoke is easy, and his burthen light, Matt. xi. 39. All is but to be willing and obedient, and resolved upon it, to press through all diffi-i culties whatsoever to get to heaven, and then by the me^ rits of Christ's passion, and the assistance of his grace, we need not fear but we shall come thither. And verily, although the way to Leaven should prove not only narrow, but hedged in with briars and thorns, sq that we should meet with nothing but crosses and troubles in our going to it, yet heaven will make amends for all, For we may well reckon with the apostle, that the suffer* U 6 2?<5 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING TO ings of i his life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us, Rom. viii. 18. So that whatso- ever pains we are at, whatsoever trouble we suffer in or- der to our attaining everlasting happiness, bears no pro- portion at all to the happiness we attain by it ; which is so great, so exceeding great, that our tongues can neither ex- press, nor our minds as yet conceive it ; consisting not only in the freedom from all evil, but also in the enjoy- ment of what is really and truly good ; even whatsoever can any way conduce to the making us perfectly and com- pletely happy : so that no duty can be too great to under- take, no trouble too heavy to undergo for it. Wherefore, that I may use the w ords of the apostle to my readers, My beloved brethren, be ye stedfast and immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord, 1 Cor. xv. 58. By this time I hope we are all resolved within ourselves to follow our Saviour's counsel and advice, even to strive to enter in at the strait gate, and walk in that narrow way that leads to life. If we be not, we have just cause to suspect ourselves to be in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity ; but if we be but resolved in good earnest, we cannot but be very solicitous to know what we must do in order to it, or Iioav every one of us may enter in at the strait gate, so as to be happy for ever ? A question of the highest importance imaginable ; so that it is absolutely ne- cessary for every soul amongst us to be thoroughly resolv- ed in it, for it concerns our life, our immortal and eternal life ; and therefore I shall endeavour to resolve it in as few and perspicuous terms as possibly I can, that the meanest capacity may understand it. But I must take leave to say beforehand, that our knowing of it will signify nothing, unless we practise it, neither will you be ever the nearer heaven, because you know the way to it, unless you also walk in it. And therefore the first thing I shall propound, in order to our eternal salvation, is, that we would resolve imme- diately in the presence of almighty God, that we will for the future make it our great care, study and business in this world, to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, in the first place, according to our Saviour's advice and command, Mat:, vi. S3, that we would not halt any longer between two opinions, and think to seek heaven and earth together, things diametrically opposite to one ENTER IN AT THE STRAIT GATE. 2j( another. If we really think earth to be better than hea- ven, what need we trouble ourselves any farther, than to heap up the riches, and to enjoy the pleasures of this world ? But if we really think heaven to be better than earth, as all wise men must needs do, then let us mind that, and concern not ourselves about this. We know what our Saviour told us long ago, No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold with the one, and despise the other : ye cannot serve God and mammon, Matt. vii. 14. that is, in plain English, we cannot mind heaven and earth both to- gether ; for we can have but one grand and principal de- sign in the world; and therefore if our principal design be to get wealth or any earthly enjoyment, we deceive ourselves, if we think that we mind heaven at all. For that we can never properly be said to do, until we mind it before all things whatsoever in the world besides ; and let us not say, or think within ourselves, that it is an hard saying, for we may assure ourselves it is no more than what we shall find to be really true ; and that never a soul of us shall ever know what heaven is, that doth not first prefer it before all things here below, and by consequence make it his principal, if not only design to get thither. Supposing us therefore to be thus resolved within our- selves, my next advice is, that we break off our former sins by repentance, and shewing mercy to the poor, and that for the future we live not in the wilful commission of any known sin, nor yet in the wilful neglect of any known duty. Where it is evident, I advise to no more than what all men know themselves to be obliged to do ; for I dare say, there is none of us know so little, but what if he would but live up to what he knows, he could not be but both holy and happy. Let us but avoid what we our- selves know to be sin, and do what we know to be our duty, and though our knowledge may not be so great as others, yet our piety may be greater and our condition bet- ter. But we must still remember, that one sin will keep us out of heaven as well as twenty ; and therefore, if we ever desire to come thither, we must not only do some or many things, but all things, whatsoever is required of us, to the best of our knowledge. I speak not this of myself^ but Christ himself hath told us the same before, even that we must keep the commandments, all the commandments, it' we desire to enter into eternal life, Matt. xix. 16", 17. Not as if it was indispensibly necessary to observe every «78 THOUGHTS UPON STRIVING, &C. punctilio and circumstance of the moral law, for then no man could be saved ; but that it must be both our sted- fast resolution, and our chief study and endeavour to avoid whatsoever we know to be forbidden, and to perform what* soever we know to be commanded by God. And though by this we shall make a fair progress in the narrow way to life, yet there is still another step behind, before we can enter in at the strait gate, and that is to be- lieve in Jesus Christ, as our Saviour himself has taught us, Matt. xix. 21. The sum of which duty in brief is this, that when we have done all we can in obedience to the moral law, yet we must still look upon ourselves as unprofitable servants, and not expect to be justified or saved by virtue of that obedience, but only the merits of Christ's death and passion ; humbly confiding that, in and through him, the defects of our obedience shall be remitted, our persons accepted, our natures cleansed, and our souls eternally saved. This is not only the principal, but the only thing which Paul and Silas directed the keeper of the prison to, in order to his salvation, as comprehending all the rest un- der it, or at least supposing them, Acts xvi. 31. Thus therefore, though obedience be the way, faith is the gate through which we must enter into life. But see- ing the gate is strait as well as the way narrow, and it is as hard to believe in Christ as to observe the law, we must not think to do either by our own strength, but still im- plore the aid and assistance of almighty God, and depend upon him for it. For Christ himself saith, No man can come unto me, except the Father which sent me, draiv him, John vi. M. But we can never expect that he should draw us, unless we desire it of him ; and therefore it must be our daily prayer and petition at the throne of grace, that God would vouchsafe us his especial grace and assist- ance, without which I cannot see how any one that knows his own heart, can expect to be saved. But our comfort is, if we do what We can, God will hear our prayers, and enable us to do what otherwise we cannot ; for he never yet did, nor ever will fail any man that sincerely endeavours to serve and honour him. Lastly, Although we are to trust in God for the answer of our prayers in this particular, yet we must not expect that he should do it immediately from himself, but w T e must use those means which himself hath appointed whereby to work faith, and by consequence all other graces in us. Now the scripture tells us that faith comes -by hearing. THOUGHTS UPON THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. 27& Rom. x. 17. Wherefore, if we desire to believe, so as to be saved, we must wait upon God in his public ordinances, and there expect such influences of his grace and Spirit whereby we may be enabled to walk in the narrow way, and enter in at the strait gate that leads to life. Thus I have shewn you in a few terms, how to do the great work which you came into the world about, even how to get to heaven, For howsoever hard it is to come hither, let us but resolve, as we have seen, to mind it be- fore all things else, fear God and keep his commandments to the utmost of our power, believe in Christ for the par- don of our sins, and acceptance both of our persons and performances ; pray sincerely to God, and wait diligently upon him for the assistance of his grace, to do what he re- quires from us. Let us do this, and we need not fear but our souls shall live. If we leave "this undone, we ourselves shall be undone for ever. And therefore let me advise all to dally no longer in a matter of such consequence as this, but now know the way to heaven, to turn immediately into it, and walk constantly in it. Though the way be narrow, it is not long, and though the gate be strait, it opens into eternal life. And therefore to conclude, let us remember we have now been told how to get to heaven ; it is not in my power to force men thither, whether they will or no ; I can only shew them the way. It is their in- terest as well as duty to walk in it ; which if they do, I dare assure them in the name of Christ, it is not long but they will be admitted into the choir of heaven, to sing hal- lelujahs for evermore. iv»\«\v» THOUGHTS UPON THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. IF we seriously consider with ourselves, that wonder of all wonders, that mystery of all mysteries, the incarna- tion of the Son of God, it may justly strike us into asto- nishment, and an admiration what should be the reason and the end of it ; why the great and glorious, the almigh- ty and eternal God, should take our weak and finite na- ture into his infinite and incomprehensible person ? Why the Creator of all things should himself become a creature? And he that made the world be himself made into it ? Why the supreme Being of all beings, that gives essence and existence to all tilings in the world, whose glory the hea- 280 THOUGHTS UPON THE ven of heavens is not able to contain, should clothe him- self with flesh and become man, of the self-same nature and substance with us, who live, and move, and have our being in him ? certainly it was not upon any frivolous or ordinary account that the most high God manifested him- self to the sons of men in so wonderful and extraordinary a manner as this was. But he did it questionless upon some design that was as great and glorious as the act itself. And if we would know what his end and design in com- ing into the world was, the scriptures assure us in gene- ral, that it was for the salvation of mankind whose nature he assumed. For this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, 1 Tim. i. 25. And he himself tells us, That God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlast- ing life, John iii. 16. Now for the accomplishment of this no less glorious than gracious design, there are two things which it was necessary he should do for us, whilst he was upon earth, even expiate our former sins, and direct us unto holiness for the future ; both which he hath effected for us : the one by his death, and the other by his life. For by his death he hath paid that debt which we owed to God, having made complete satisfaction to God's justice for those sins whereby we have incurred his displeasure ; for death was threatened to all mankind in case of disobe- dience, and by consequence all mankind being disobedi- ent, are obnoxious to it. Neither would it stand with the justice of God, to falsify his word, nor yet with his glory, to put up the injuries that we have committed against him, without having satisfaction made unto him for them. But it being impossible that a finite creature should satis- fy for those sins which were committed against the in- finite God : hence the infinite God himself was pleas- ed to undertake it for us, even to satisfy himself for those sins which were committed against him ; which he did, by undergoing that death which he had threatened to us in our own nature, united to the person of his own and only Son, God co-equal, co-essential, co-eternal, with himself, who is therefore said to be a propitiation for our sins, 1 John ii. 2. Neither can there any reason imaginable be alleged, why the Son of God himself should suffer death, unless it was upon our account, and in our stead, whose nature he assumed, and in which he suffered it. But not to insist upon that now : the human nature in general having thus suffered that death in the person of the Son of God, which IMITATION OF CHRIST. 2S1 all mankind was otherwise bound to have undergone in their persons ; hence it comes to pass, that we are all in a capacity of avoiding that death which we have deserved by our sins, if we do but rightly believe in Christ, and apply his suffering to ourselves. And as Christ by his death and passion hath thus satis- fied for our sins, so hath he by his life and actions given us an exact pattern of true piety and virtue. And although I cannot say, it was the only, yet questionless one great end wherefore he continued so long on earth, and con- versed so much amongst men, and that so many of his ac- tions are delivered to us with so many circumstances as they are, was, that we, by his example, might learn how to carry and beh?ve ourselves in this lower world. For as from that time to this, so from the beginning of the world to that time, there had never been a man upon the face of the earth, that had lived so conformably to the law of God, that it was safe or lawful for another to follow him in all things. For all flesh was corrupt, and the very best of men were still but men, subject to failures in their lives, as well as errors in their judgments ; yea those very per- sons whom the scriptures record, and God himself attest- eth to have been eminent in their generation for piety and justice, did oftentimes fail in both. Noah is asserted by God himself to have been righteous in his generation, Abraham to be the father of the faithful, Moses to be the meekest man upon earth, David to be a man after God's own heart, Solomon to have been the wisest man that ever lived, and Job to be a jicrfect and upright man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil : yet none of these most ex- cellent persons but had their vices as well as virtues : and it is observable, that the more eminent any were in piety, the more notorious sins God hath sometimes suffered them to slip into, to keep them humble. So that from the first to the second Adam, there never lived a man of whom it could be said, this man never sinned, never transgressed the laws of God, and therefore may in all things be imitat- ed by men. But now as the first was made, the second Adam conti- nued all along most pure and perfect, both in thought, word, and action: for he did ?io sin, neither was guile found in his mouth, 1 Pet. ii. 22. Never so much as a vain thought ever sprang up in his most holy heart, not so much as an idle word ever proceeded out of his divine lips, nor so much as an impertinent or frivolous action was ever per- formed by his sacred and most righteous hands ; his whole 282 THOUGHTS UPON THE life being nothing else but one continued act of piety to- wards God, justice towards men, love and charity towards all. And as himself lived, so would he have all his disci- ples live whilst they are here below ; and therefore enjoins them that go after him, not only to deny themselves, and take up their crosses, but also to follow, or imitate him to the utmost of their power in their life and actions. So that he now expects that all those who profess themselves to be his disciples, do first deny themselves whatsoever is offensive unto him ; and then take up their cross so as to be ready and willing to do or suffer any thing for him that hath done and suffered so much as he hath for us. And then lastly, that they write after the copy that he hath set them, and walk in the steps wherein he hath gone before them ; even that they follow him through all duties and difficulties whatsoever, so as still to do unto the utmost of their power as he did, otherwise they in vain pretend to be his disciples. For he that saiih he abidcth in him, ought himself also io walk even as he walked, 1 John ii. 6. that is, he that professeth to believe in Jesus Christ, should live as he lived while he was upon earth. Hence St. Paul, a true disciple of Christ, saith, Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ, 1 Cor. xi. 1. As he followed Christ, he would have others to follow him ; but he would have them follow him no farther than as he followed Christ. It is true, we were bound to be holy and righteous in all our ways, whether we had ever heard of Christ's being so or no, the lav/ of God first obliged us to be so ; but how- soever, we have now an additional obligation upon us to be holy, As he who hath called us was holy in all manner of conversation, 1 Pet. i. 15. For the scripture tells us ex- pressly, that Christ hath left us an example that we should follow his steps, 1 Pet. ii. 21. And our Saviour himself commands all that come to him, to learn of him, Matt, xi. 29, 30. And therefore we can never expect that he should own us for his disciples, unless we own him for our Lord and Master, so far as to obey and follow him ; he having commanded all those that- come to him, to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow him. And seeing we all, I hope, desire to be Christians indeed, as I have explained the two former of these duties, I shall now endeavour to give the true meaning of the latter too, that we may all so follow Christ here, as to come to him here- after. Now for the opening of this, we must know that we nei- IMITATION OF CHRIST. 283 tber can or ought to follow Christ in every thing he did when lie was here below ; for even whilst he was here be- low, he was still the most high and mighty God, the same that he had been from eternity, and often manifested his power and glory to the sons of men, whilst he was con- versing with them in their own nature, wherein it would be horrid presumption for us to pretend to follow him. As for example, He knew the very thoughts of- men, Matt. xii. -25. which I suppose is something past our skill to do. Hence also he judged and censured others, Woe unto you, saith lie, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like to painted sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful out- wardly, but are within Jull of dead mens bones, and cf all unclcanness, Matt, xxiii. 21, 28. But this we could not do though we might, not being able to search into others hearts ; neither may we do it, though we could, Christ himself having expressly commanded the contrary, say- ing, Judge not, that ye be not judged, Matt. vii. 1. Our Saviour also, as God, foretold future events, Luke xxi. 6. and wrought miracles, such as were clear demonstrations of his infinite power and Godhead ; but in this he is to be believed and admired, not followed or imitated by us. Thus also when he sent his disciples to loose another man's colt, and bring him away, Luke xix. 30. that he did as Lord and Sovereign of the world, or as the supreme Pos- sessor and universal Proprietor of all things ; as when he commanded the Israelites to spoil the Egyptians, and car- ry away their jewels and raiment ; for all things being his,, he may give them to whom he pleaseth ; and though it would have been a sin to have taken them away without his command, yet his command gave them a property in them, a right and title to them, and they had sinned un- less they had obeyed the command. So here our Savi- our sent for the colt, as if it had been his own, for so really it was, as he is God, which he manifested himself to be at the same time, in that he inclined the heart of the civil owner thereof to let him go, only upon the disci- ples saying, that the Lord had need of him, Luke xix. 33, 34>. But this he did not for our example, but to shew forth his own power and glory. There are some things also which our blessed Saviour did, as God-man, or as the Mediator betwixt God 'and man, as his making atonement and satisfaction for the sins of mankind, his instituting offices and ordinances, and sa- craments in his church, and the like ; which have an im* 284 THOUGHTS UPON THE mediate respect to his office of Mediator, and being done upon that account, we neither may nor can imitate him in such things. But the things which he would have us to follow him in, are such and such only as he did as mere man, that had no immediate dependance upon or reference to either his Godhead or Mediatorship. For he having honoured our nature so far, as to take it into his oWn di- vine person, so as to become really and truly man ; as so, he did whatsoever man is bound to do, both as to God himself, and likewise unto man ; and being absolutely per- fect in all the faculties of the soul, and members of his body, he infinitely surpassed all other men both in divine graces and moral virtues ; so that as he never committed anyone sin, so neither did he neglect any one duty, which as man he was bound to perform either to God, or men, but still observed every punctilio -and circumstance of the moral law ; by which means he left us a complete pattern of truth and universal holiness, and hath enjoined us all to follow it. Hoping therefore, that all who profess themselves to be the friends and disciples of Jesus Christ, desire to ma- nifest themselves to be so, by following both his precepts and example, I shall give the reader a short narrative of his life and actions, wherein we may all see what true piety is, and what real Christianity requires of us: and may not content ourselves as many do, with being professors, and adhering to parties or factions amongst us, but strive to be thorough Christians, and to carry ourselves as such, by walking as Christ himself walked ; which that we may at least know how to do, looking upon Christ as a mere man, I shall shew how he did, and by consequence how we ought to carry ourselves both to God and man, and what graces and virtues he exercised all along for our example and imitation. Now for our more clear and methodical proceeding, in a matter of such consequence as this is, I shall begin with his behaviour towards men, from his childhood to his death. First, Therefore, when he was a child of twelve years of age, it is particularly recorded of him, that he was sub- ject or obedient to his parents, his real mother and reput- ed father, Luke ii. 51. It is true, he knew at that time that God himself was his Father, for, said he, wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business ? chap. ii. 49. And knowing God to be his Father, he could not but IMITATION OF CHRIST. 285 know likewise that he was infinitely above his mother ; yea, that she could never have borne him, had not himself first made and supported her. Yet howsoever, though as God he was Father to her, yet as man she was mother to him, and therefore he honoured and obeyed both her and him to whom she was espoused. Neither did he only re- spect his mother whilst he was here, but he took care of her too when he was going hence. Yea, all the pains he suffered upon the cross could not make him forget his duty to her that bore him ; but seeing her standing by the cross, as himself hung on it, he committed her to the care of his beloved disciple, who took her to his own home, John xix. 27. Now, as our Saviour did, so are we bound to carry ourselves to our earthly parents, whatsoever their temper or condition be in this world. Though God hath blessed some of us perhaps with greater estates than ever he bless- ed them, yet we must not think ourselves above them, nor be at all the less respectful to them. Christ, we see, was infinitely above his mother, yet as she was his mo- ther, he was both subject and respectful to her. He was not ashamed to own her as she stood by the cross, but, in the view and hearing of all there present, gave his disciple a charge to take care" of her ; leaving us an example, that such amongst us as have parents, provide for them if they need it, as for our children, both while we live, and when we come to die. And as he was to his natural, so was he too to his civil parents the magistrates under which he lived, submissive and faithful : for though as he was God, he was infinitely above them in heaven, ye as he was man, he was below them on earth, having committed all civil power into their hands, without reserving any at all for himself. So that though they received their commission from him, yet now himself could not act without receiving a commission from them. And therefore having no commission from them to do it, he would not intrench so much upon their privilege and power, as to determine the controversy be- twixt the two brethren contending about their inheritance; Man, saith he, ?vho made me a judge or a divider over you ? Luke xii. 14. And to shew his submission to the civil ma- gistrates, as highly as possible he could, rather than of- fend them, he wrought a miracle to pay the tax which they had charged upon him, Matt. xvii. 27- And when the officers were sent to take him, though he had more than twelve legions of angels at his service to have fought for 286 THOUGHTS UPON THE him if he had pleased, yet he would not employ them, nor suffer his own disciples to make any resistance, Matt. xxvi. 52, 53. And though some of late days, who call them- selves Christians, have acted quite contrary to our blessed Saviour in this particular, I hope better things of my rea- ders, even thai, they will behave themselves more like Christ, who, though he was supreme Governor of the world, yet would not resist, but submitted to the civil power, which himself had entrusted men withal. Moreover, although whilst he was here, he was really not only the best but greatest man upon earth, yet he car- ried himself to others with that meekness, humility, and respect, as if he had been the least ; as he never admired any man for his riches, so neither did he despise any man for his poverty ; poor men and rich were all alike to him. He was as lowly and respectful to the lowest, as he was to the highest that he conversed with : he affected no titles of honour, nor gaped after popular air, but submitted him- self to the meanest services that he could, for the good of others, even to the washing his own disciples' feet, and all to teach us that we can never think too lowly of our- selves, nor do any thing that is beneath us ; propound- ing himself as our example, especially in this particular, " Learn of me/' saith he, " for I am meek and lowly in heart," Matt. xL 29. His humility also was the more remarkable, in that his bounty and goodness to others was so great, for he went about doing good, Acts x. 38. Wheresoever you read he was, you read still of some good work or other he did there. Whatsoever company he conversed with, they still went better from him than they came unto him, if they came out of a good end. By him, as himself said, " the blind received their sight, and the lame walked, the le- pers were cleansed, and the deaf heard, the dead were raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached unto them," Matt. xi. 5. Yea, it is observable, that we never read of any person whatsoever that came to him, desiring any kindness or favour of him, but he still received it, and that whether he was friend or foe. For indeed, though he had many inveterate and implacable enemies in the world, yet he bore no grudge or malice against them, but expressed as much love and favour for them as to his great- est friends. Insomuch that when they had gotten him upon the cross, and fastened his hands and feet unto it, in the midst of all that pain and torment which they put him to, he still prayed for them, Luke xxiii. 34. IMITATION OP CHRIST. 287 Oh ! how happy, how blessed a people should we be, could we but follow our blessed Saviour in this particular ! How well would it be with us, could we but be thus lov- ing to one another, as Christ was to all, even his most bitter enemies ? We may assure ourselves it is not only our misery but our 'sin too, unless we be so. And our sin will be the greater, now we know our Master's plea- sure, unless we do it. And therefore, let all such amongst us, as desire to carry ourselves as Christ himself did, and as becometh his disciples in the world, begin here. Be submissive and obedient both to our parents and go- vernors, humble in our own sight, despise none, but be charitable, loving, and good to all : by this shall all men know that we are Christ's disciples indeed. Having thus seen our Saviour's carriage towards men, we shall now consider his piety and devotion towards God : not as if it was possible for me to express the excel- lency and perfection of those religious acts which he per- formed continually within his soul to God, every one of its faculties being as entire in itself, and as perfect in its acts, as it was first made or designed to be. There was no darkness, nor so much as gloominess in his mind, no er- ror or mistake in 1 lis judgment, no bribery nor corruption in his conscience, no obstinacy or perverseness in his will, no irregularity nor disorder in his affections, no spot, no blot, no blemish, not the least imperfection or infirmity in his whole soul. And therefore even whilst his body was on earth, his head and heart were still in heaven. For he ne- ver troubled his head, nor so much as concerned himself about any thing here below, any further than to do all the good he could, his thoughts being wholly taken up with considering how to advance God's glory and man's eternal happiness. And as for his heart, that was the al- tar on which the sacred fire of divine love was always burning, the flames whereof continually ascended up to heaven, being accompanied with the most ardent and fer- vent desires of, and delight in, the chiefest good. But it must not be expected that I should give an exact description of that eminent and most perfect holiness which our blessed Saviour was inwardly adorned with, and con- tinually employed in ; which I am as unable to express as desirous to imitate. But howsoever, I shall endeavour to mind the reader in general of such acts of piety and de- votion, which are particularly recorded, on purpose for our imitation. 288 THOUGHTS UPON THE First, Therefore, it is observed of our Saviour, thsXfrvm a child he increased in wisdom, as he did in stature, Luke ii. 62. Where by wisdom we are to understand the know- ledge of God, and divine things. For our Saviour having taken our nature into his person, with all its frailties and infirmities, as it is a created being, he did not in that na- ture presently know all things which were to be known. It is true, as God, he then knew all things as well as he had from all eternity : but we are now speaking of him as man, like one of us in all things except sin. But we con- tinue some considerable time after we are born before we know any thing, or come to the use of our reason ; the ra- tional soul not being able to exert or manifest itself until the natural phlegm and radical moisture of the body, which in infants is predominant, be so digested that the body be rightly qualified, and its organs fitted for the soul to work upon, and to make use of. And though our Savi- our came to the use of his reason, as man, far sooner than we are wont to do, yet we must not think that he knew all things as soon as he was born ; for that the nature he assumed was not capable of; neither could he then be said, as he is, to increase in wisdom, for where there is a per- fection there can be no increase. But here before we proceed farther, it will be necessary to answer an objection which some may make against this. For, if our Saviour as man knew not all things, then he was not perfect, nor absolutely free from sin, ignorance itself being a sin. To this I have these things to answer ; first, it is no sin for a creature to be ignorant of some things, because it is impossible for a creature to know all things ; for to be om- nicient is God's prerogative, neither is a creature capable of it, because he is but finite, whereas the knowledge of all things, or omniscience, is itself an infinite act, and therefore to be performed only by an infinite being. Hence it is that no creature in the world ever was, or ever could be made omniscient ; but there .are many things which Adam in his integrity, and the very angels themselves are ignorant of; as our Saviour, speaking of the day of judgment, saith, Of that day and hour, knowcth no man, no not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father, Mark xiii. 32. But the angels are nevertheless perfect, because they know not this. Nay, it is observ- able that the Son himself, as man, knew it not : neither, saith he, the Son, but the Father ; and if he knew it not IMITATION OF CHRIST. §89 then, much less was it necessary for him to know it when a child. Secondly, As to be ignorant of some things is no sin, so neither is any ignorance at all sin, but that whereby a man is ignorant of what he is bound to know : For all sin is the transgression of ike law. And therefore, if there be no law obliging me to know such or such things, I do not sin by being ignprant of them, for I transgress no law. Now, though all men are bound by the law of God to know him, and their duty to, him, yet infants, fo long as infants, are not, neither can be obnoxious or subject to that law, they being in a natural incapacity, yea, impos- sibility to perform it; but as they become by degrees capable of knowing any thing, they are obliged question* less to know him first, from whom they receive their knowledge. And thus it was that our blessed Saviour perfectly ful- filled the law of God ; in that although he nrght still con- tinue ignorant of many things, yet howsoever lie all .Jong knew all that he was bound to know, and as he grew by degrees more and more capable of knowing any thing, so did he increase still more in true wisdom, cr in the know- ledge of God : so that by that time he was twelve years old, he was able to dispute with the great doctors and learned Rabbis among the Jews ; and after that, as he grew in stature, so did he grow in wisdom too, and in fa- vour both with God and man. "And verity, although we did not follow our blessed Sa- viour in this particular when we were children, we cu