■&' FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY >S J /55 -e 4M. MfcV ' / ^J Xv <*■ * ; M^ £ n rt *° »g tt •7 "2 *» s * C Q Os co C t^ ified by Th h the For oly Supper E X .8 a; B n So'g E u *U s "ft u v u 3 03 ~ »— » e New elation Baptisi s > -O c (X "c3 ■s s^ CD 3 co 3 P4 S c X X CO HE, the atio ,0 CO u -> • ~ r/5 a O Liturgy Jerusalem the Admin B CO X u cd u 0* E VO ro co vO mk I •|j: THE PROPERTY OF X' fr£ \Y 28 1936 OF THE G If •\ & LIT O NEW CHURCH, ; SIGNIFIED BY The New Jerufalem in the Revelation. TOGETHER WITH The Forms for the Ad m in f that ion of BAPTISM and the HOLY SUPPER; AND A CATECHISM for the USE of the NEW CHURCH. ALSO, HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, By the Rev. Mr. JOSEPH PROUD, Minifter of the New Church. The fourth Edition, And he that fat upon the Throne /aid, Behold, I make all Things New. Rev. xxi. 5. •J- — BALTIMORE: Printed and Sold by Samuel and Johh Adams, in Market-Street. 1793. PREFACE. IT is written in the Revelation, " I faw a " New Heaven and a New Earth ; for the " former Heaven and the former Earth were " patted away. And I faw the Holy City, New " Jerufalem, coming down from God out of " Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her " Hufband." By thefe Words is not meant that the vifible Heavens and habitable Earth fhall be diffolved, and a New Heaven and New Earth created, and that the holy City Jerufalem will de- fcend upon the New Earth, according to the literal Conftruction ; but by the New Heaven and the New Earth is meant a New Church both in Heaven and on Earth ; and by the New Je- rufalem defcending from God out of Heaven, is fignified the heavenly Doctrine of that Church, revealed by the Lord himfelf. This likewife is what is fignified by the Second Coming of the Lord, which confifteth, not in a perfonal Ap- pearance upon the Earth, but in the Revelation of the internal or fpiritual Senfe of the Holy Word, whereby the human Mind is now capa- ble of feeing and underftanding the fpiritual Truths therein contained in a rational Manner. The Doctrines contained in the following Form of Prayer are the Doctrines of the New Church, being taken from the Theological Writ- ings of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborgh, and when impartially and attentively examined, will be found in Agreement with the genuine Truth of the Holy Scripture or Word of God. It is not, however, expected that this Form ©f iv Preface. Prayer mould be confidered as perfecT: or com- plete, much lefs is it intended as the onh one proper for the New Church, it being only adapt- ed to the prefent Infant State of that Church, and designed to-aflift- thofe who are defirous of worshipping the Lord Jefus Chrift as the Only God oi Heaven and Earth. There will, no Doubt, be a Variety of Forms of Worfhip ia the New Church, according to the different States and Complexions of Mankind ; and this Variety, fo far from being any Evil, will rather tend to the Harmony and Perfection of the whole. But then in all thefe Differences the two Elfen- tials and Univerfals of the New Church muff e- yer prevail, which are, I. That God is One both in Eflencc and in Perfon, in whom is a Divine Trinity, confiding of Father, Son, and Holy Spi- rit, and that the Lord and Saviour Jefus thrift is that God. II. That in order to Salvation, Man muff live a Life according to the Ten Com- mandments, by fhunning Evils as Sins againft God. ^ Thefe two Effentials and Univerfals of Doctrine enter into every Particular of the New Church, as the very Life and Soul thereof. So that the various Modes of worshipping the Lord an this or that Society, whilft influenced and go- verned by thefe leading Truths, will have no o- ther Effect than for the better : For thus Unity will be produced from Variety, and out of many .Societies the Lord will form one Church. The Doctrines of the Old Church by no Means agree with the Heavenly Dodrines of the New Church, as is evident from a Comparifon of the two EfTentials of each. The two Effentials of the Old Church are as follow : I. That there are Three Perfons in the Godhead, or in other Words, Preface. I that there are Three Gods. II. That Man is faved by Juftification by Faith alone* And thefe Elfentials or Univerfals of DodVme like- wile enter into every Particular of the Old Church, as the very Life and Soul thereof, every Idea, both in Doctrine and in Worihip, being conftantly influenced thereby. It is 'for this Reafon, and on this Ground, that the Members of the New Jerufalem Church, who meet together in Great Eaft Cheap, London, and in other "Parts of the Kingdom, cannot in Confcience join in any of the Forms of Worihip now in Ufe in the Old Church '; for ' where a Trinity of Perfons is worlhipped, there the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift is not immediately ap- proached as the Only God of Heaven and Earth ; and yet there is no other God but Him, for He and 'the Father are One, yea One Perfon, alto- gether like Soul and Body in Man. Let it not therefore be accounted a Matter of fmall Impor- tance, whether we worihip God in Three Per- fons, or in One Perfon : It is of infinite Mo- ment that we conceive a true Idea of the Object of Worihip, feeing that all Conjunction with God is effected by a good Life according to the Idea- of him in the Mind or Underftanding. By the Old Church is meant the prefent Chrif- tian Church (fo called) as exifting both among Roman Catholics' and Proteftants, together with all the various Seels and Parties, of every De- fci iption or Denomination, that diflent from * The Roman Catholics do notfeparate Faith from Charity, in the fame Manner as the Proteftants do ; hut {till the Difference between them conftfts more in Words, than in Subftance, ▼i P R E F A C r. them, and yet retain the Doftrine of a Trinity of Perfons in the Godhead, and feparate the Hu. inanity of the Lord from his Divinity. All thefe have no^ other Idea of a Trinity of Perfons, than that of Three diilind Gods, as may appear evi- dent to any one who attentively examines the Matter. They indeed Jay, that the Three Per- fons are but one God j but the Lip-Confeflion of One God does not, neither can it extirpate the Idea rooted in the Mind of Three. For who thinks otherwife, or can think otherwife, that from the cuftomary Form of Faith prays, *' That ™ God the Father for the Sake of the Son, would "fend the Holy Spirit ?" Is not this praying to God the Father as to one God, and for the Sake of the Son as another God, and concerning the Hor ]y Spirit as a Third God? Whence it evidently appears, that notwithfranding any one may ima*- gine, and even afTert that Three Divine Perfons conftitute but One God, yet he adually forms to himfelf, in his Idea, the Pidure of Three cliftinft Gods, whenfoever he fo prays. The fame Form of Prayer alfo divides the Lord as it were into two Perfons, by feparating his Humanity from his Divinity ; for when Man prays in fuch a Manner, he then only thinks of the Humanity of the Lord, and not at the fame Time of his Divinity. This is plain from the Signification of the Words, "fir the Sake tf the Son," which mean for the Sake of his Humanity, that fuffered the Death of the Crofs. They who divide God into Three Perfons, and adhere to thefe Words of the Athanafian Creed, " 7 here is one Per Jon of the Father, another of the " Son, and another of the Holy Ghojl ;*' and alfo to thefe Words, « The Father is God, the Sm is P r e f a c r. vii JJ Gad, and the Holy Ghoji is God," cannot i$}ake One God of Three Perfons : They can indeed fay, that they arc One God, but they cannot think {a. In like Manner, they who think of th$ pivinity of the Lord from Eternity as of a Second Perfon of the Divinity, and of his Humanity ia Time as of the Humanity of another Man, can T not but fuppofe that the Lord confifts of Two Perfons, notwithstanding it is afTerted in the A- thanafian Creed, that his Divinity and Humanity- are One Perfon, united like Soul and Body. For if, as they fay, Jefus Chrift was as to his Divini- ty a feparate Perfon before all Worlds ; and if the Humanity, which he aiTumed in Time, was alfo a new Perfon, born of the Virgin Mary ; and again, if his Divinity and Humanity are frill feparate, as they erroneoufly afTert ; then it is plain, that they form to themfelves an Idea of the Lord as of two Perfons, which, by a certain .Kind of confufe^, Union, called the hypoflatic U- nion, are blended together into what they call the fecond Perfon, in the Trinity — fuch are the falfe Reafonings in the Chriftian Church concerning the Perfon of the Lord ; when yet it ought to be the fundamental Conftituent of all Doctrine, that God is One both in EfTence and Perfon, that the Lord Jefus Chrift is that One God, and that his Divine Humanity is thefole Object of all A- doration. From what has beenfaid, it is plain, that the Faith of the prefent or Old Church affumes two Faces, the one internal, and the other external. The internal Face is formed from the mental Per- ception of Three Gods, and the external from the oral Confeffion of One God ; thus they are at Va- riance with each other, fo that the External is \m P £ E F A C 1. not acknowledged by the Internal, nor is the In- ternal acknowledged by the External. Hence a- rifes a coufufed Idea in the Miwds of Men con- cerning Matters of Salvation, for which no Re- medy can be 'found, while it is a prevailing Max T im, that the Underftanding mull not dare to ex- amine its Faith, but mutt fubmit in blind Obe- dience to it's irrational Dictates. But the Cafe is widely different, when the One God Jefus Chrift, in whom is a Divine Trinity, is directly approached and woribipped : Then the Percep- tion of the Mind and the Confeflion of the -Mouth mutually regard each other as one : Then alfo the received Dogma, that the Father was alienated from Mankind, and that his Wrath was appeafed by the Satisfaction which the Son made by atoning Blood, is found to be a mere Spectre of the Night, which vanifheth at the Light of the Morning. Every Pei fori of enlightened Reafon may know that God is One, and that there can be no other but Him. He may alfo know that God is effen- tial Love and eifential Wifdom, or that he is Goodnefs itfelf and Truth itfelf; and that the felffame God as to Divine Truth, which is the Word, came down from Heaven, and aflumed a HUMANITY in order to remove the Hells, and confequently to remove Damnation from Man ; that he affected this by Combats and Vic- tories over the Devil, that is, over all the Hells, which at that Time infefied and fpiritually de- ftroyed every Man coming into the World; and that afterwards he fully GLORIFIED his HU- MANITY, by uniting in It Divine Truth with Divine Good, and thus returning to the Father from whom he came forth. When thefe Things Preface. ix are rationally perceived, then will that Saying in John be underftood, " The Word zuas ivith Gcd t " and Gcd was the Word; and the Word became " Fle/b" Chap. i. I, 14. And likewife this, " / u . came forth from the Father, and am come into the «* World; again I leave the World, and go to the Fa- " ther," Chap. xvi. 28. Hence alio it is evident, that without the Lord's coining into the World, 110 Flefh could be faved, and that they are faved who believe in Him, and live a good Life. This is the Frontifpiece of the Faith of the New Church. And by this Faith united with Chanty, or a Life according to the Command- ments, Conjunction with the Lord is efie&ed* which is Salvation and eternal Life. As the Worfhip of every Church ought to be according to it's Underftanding of the Word, it is confidered as highly neceffary that the princi- pal Doctrines of the New Church fhould be plainly avowed in it's Form of Prayer. For this Reafon a few Alterations have been made in the prefent Edition, in order to make the Whole not on- ly more ftri&ly confiftent with the genuine Senfe of trie holy Word, but alfo more fully characterise of this new Difpenfation of Divine Truth. The Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments are ftrictly rendered according to the original Greek and Hebrew, whereby the Correfpondences in each particular Word may be more clearly dis- cerned, and the Conjunction between their fpi ri- tual and natural Senfes more fully effected. In the former Editions, at the End of each Com- mandment, a Refponfe was directed to be made x Preface. by the Congregation: But on confidering that fuch a Practice is an Interruption to the Solem- nity of that Part of the Service, it has been deem- ed proper, by a General Conference of the New Church, to difcontinue in future the Refponfes at the End of each Commandment, and only ti> make Ufe of one after the Tenth. ] t may be neceffary here to obferve, that the New Church, confidering thofe Books only to be genuine Books of the Word, which contain the Internal Senfe, and thereby treat of the Lord alone, and of the molt holy Things of Heaven and the Church, has accordingly introduced them into her Service as ftated Leflbns for the Day, in the Order marked in the Calendar. Thefe canonical Books, or Books of Divine Authority, are the following, viz. in the Old Teitament, the five Books of Mofes, called Genefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; the Book ©f Jolhua, the Book of Judges, the two Books 'of Samuel, the two Books of Kings, the Pfalms cf David, the Prophets, Ifaiah, Jeremiah, La- mentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hofea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, "Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi : And in the New Teitament, the four Evan^elifts, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Revela- tion. The other Books, which have not the Divine internal Senfe, as well as thofe which have an internal Senfe, but not in Series, are ne- verthelefs ufeful in their Place, fo far as they in- culcate the great Doctrine of the Lord, and the Doctrine of Chanty. In the Forms for the Adminiftration of Bap- tifm, it was alfo unanimcufly aereed, that, in •rder to open the Gates of the New Jerufalem Pre fag e. xi as wide as poflible, the only Conditions of Ad- million by Baptifm be an Acknowledgment oi the two ElTentials of the New Church, which are therefore inferted in the two .Forms of Bap- tifm, inftead of the Creed. Let it alio be obferved, that Baptifm by Sprin- kling, and not Immeriion, is adopted by the New Church, as being mod convenient, although the latter Mode is not at all condemned. It is fufficient to pour or fprinkle Water on the Fore- head, as the Forehead correfponds to the Interi- ors of Man ; and the Sprinkling of Water there- on, is fignificative of internal Regeneration. The New Church conllders it unnecelFary te have God-fathers and Godrmothers in Baptifm, as it is by no Means an eftential Part of that Inftitu- tion, but may in fome Cafes operate as a Check upon the Baptizing of Infants. Moreover, we are taught in the holy Scriptures to call no Man Father in the fpiritual Senfe.oi that Word ; " for one is our Father which is in Heaven," Matt, xxiii. 9. The Lord alone is the Father of all who are regenerated, or born again ; and the Church, or Doctrine drawn from the Word, is their Mother. Therefore in this Senfe no other ought to be acknowledged as our God-father but the Lord ; and no other as our God-mother but the Word, and the New-Church, which is the Lamb's Wife, Rev. xix, 7, 9. Chap, xxi, 2, 9. +§+ The third Edition of the New Jemfalem Church Liturgy, &c. printed in •the- Year 1790, by Mr. Robert Hindmarsh, *»I P R Z F A C t. No. 32, Clark t'p.wci:, London, is calculated for the Kingdom of Great-JBritain only ; but the Promoters of this Copy thereof (with a few Al- terations) hope that this very exa llent little Book is now fitted both for r-ubiic and iocial Worfhip throughout the Uuued States. We are oi Opinion that this Form of Prayer is drawn from the holy Word, and is adj lifted to preferve the Dodui.< es of the New Church in their Purity — and it is at the fame Time a power- ful Guard a-gatr)ft the Introduction oi any Herefy. It is expeded that the Ufe of a proper For- mula, in public Worfhip, has a Tendency to implant in the Minds of Children anu young People, true Ideas of the One Object of divine Adoration, to familiarize them with the Word of God and his holy Commandments ; and thus to lay the Foundation of their future fpiritual Life on Chrift alone, who is the Rock of A^es. Some Members of the Old Church fay, that there is fuch a Gift, or Spirit of Prayer bellowed by the Holy Gholt on true Chrifti'ans, as ena- bles them to addrefs Heaven on all Occafions co- pioufly and fuitably, in unpremeditated Words of their own, which they think ought not to be reftrained by appointing Forms of Prayer, even for the public Ufe of Congregations. However, this Opinion is difcountenanced even by the Rev. Mr. John Calvjn ; for he wrote to the Pro- tector of England under Edw. VI. in thefe Words : " As to a Form of Prayer and of Ec- " clefiaftical Rites, I highly approve that it " fhould be certain ; from which it inay not be w lawful for any Miniiter to depart — as well in '«• Confideration of the Weaknefs and Ignorance if cf fome, as that it may more plainly appear, Preface. xlii « how eur Churches agree among themfelves— " and laftly, that a Stop may be put to the Gid- " dinefs of thofe who afreet Novelties/* We find Forms of Prayer prefented on feveral Qccafions in the Law of Mofes, Num. vi. 22, 23. Deut. xxi. 7. xxvi. 13. The Pfa'Ims of Da- vid is a whole Book of Forms. The Jewifli Synagogue ufed a Form, Luke xi. 2. Nay, at the very Time when the Gift of infpired Prayer was common, there is a ftrong Appearance in the iv. Chap, of the A£ts, that the Apoftles and their Followers ufed a Form then let down : Foe how elfe could they " lift up their Voices and fay with one Accord" as Verfe 24 allures us they did £ Hence it may be prefumed that extemporary Prayer is a modern Idea. It is equally faid, " I will pray with the Spirit, and I will fing with the Spirit." Without Scruple, at public and focial Worfhip, all ufe Pfalms and Hymns ; which undoubtedly are Forms of human Com- pofition. Reader— The Promoters of this Edition were? induced thereto on a Belief that the Lord Jefus Chrift is Father, Son and Holy Spirit ; that on the Confummation of the Old Church, He de- parted from it, and takes up His Abode in the New Church — Gn this Confideration we da> mod earneftly recommend the Theological Writ- ings of Baron Em an. Swedenborg, believing that he was divinely infpired to write for the Ufe of the New Jerufaiem Church. April 10, J792. m Proper Pfalms to be read on certain Days. Morning. Chriftmas Day Pf. 2, 20, 24 1 Sun. in Lent Pf. 3, 4> 6 Good Friday PL 22, 30 Eafter Sunday Pf. 45» 4 6 » 47 Afcenfion Day Pf. 24, 47, 138 Whitfunday Pf. 104 Prop The CALENDAR, [ Pointing out the Pfalms and Leifons proper to be read on certain particular Days, the Pfalms for each Day of the Month, and the Por- tions of the Word appointed to be read on e- very Day throughout the Year Evening. Pf. 144, 145 Pf. 69 Pf. 38, 39 Pf. 89 Pf.68 Pf. 14c, 146 er Leifons to be read on certain Days. MORNING LESSONS. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. Chriftmas Day If. 9, to v. 7 Luke 2, to v. 14 Sun. in Lent Lament. 3 Luke 4 Good Friday Ifaiah 53 Joh. 19, to v. 37 Eafter Sunday Ifaiah 55 Luke 24, to v. 37 Afcenfion Day Ifaiah 52, Mark 16, v. 14 Whitfunday Micah 4 John 14 EVENING LESSONS. 1 Lesson. | 2 Lesson. If. 7, v. 10 to i6Joh. 1, to v. 34 Chriftmas Da\ 1 Sun. in Lent. Good Friday Rafter Sunday Vfcenfion Day Whitfunday Jonah Jerem. Ifaiah Ifaiah Zec-h. 2 26 60 66 8 Matt. 26 Matt. 27, v. 57 John 20, v. 19 John 21 Matt. 28, v. 16J to 20 j The Order ot reading the P.SALMS, For every Day in the Month, from the Bible Verfion. Days. Morning Pfahns. , Evening Pfal ns. I 1 to 5 6 to & 2 9 — 11 12 — 14 3 15— 17 18 4 19 — 21 22 — 23 5 24— 26 27 — 29 6 30— 31 32— 34 L / 35 — 36 37 3 3 8 — 40 41 — 43 9 44 — 40 47 — 49 10. S& — £3 53— 55 ii 56^58 59 — 61 12 62 — 64 65-67 J 3 68 69 — 7a ' H 71 — 72 73— 74 l 5 75— 77 78 16 79 — Si 82— 85 *7 86— 88 8 9 18 90 — 92 93 — 94 *9 95— 97 98—101 2o 102 — 103 104 2i 105 106 22 107 108 — 109 2 3 no — 113 114— 115 24 116 — 118 119 v. 1 to v. 32 25 119 v. 33 to v. 72 119 v. 73 to 104 26 1 19 v. 105 to 144 119 i>. 145 to end 27 120 to 125 126 to 131 28 I 3 2 — I 35 136-138 29 139— .141 142- 143 _ld 144 — 146 147 — 150 J JANUARY hath 31 Days. D MORNING. EVENING. Y l LESSON. 2 LESSON. I LESSON. 2LESSON. 1 Gen. 1 Matt. 1 Gen. 2 Matt. 2 * 3 3 4 4 3. 5 5 6 6 ■4 J 7 8 8 1 9 9 10 IC 6 it 11 12 *'2 -7 13 13 14 14 « 8 *5 16 16 18 20 9 17 17 1.8 10 19 19 20 11 21 21 22 22 12 ' 23 n 24 24 *3 25 25 26 26 H 27 27 28 28 15 29 Rev. 1 ' 3 C Rev; 2 16 31 3 3~ 4 l l 33 5 3? 6 18 35 7 4 8 l 9 37 9 3? 10 20 39 11 4 C 12 21 41 13 4 r - 14 22 43 15 V 16 2 3 45 17 4< 18 24 47 19 4* 2: 2 5 4S 21 5^ 2^ 36 Dan. 1 Mark, 1 } Dan; 2 Mark; ■: 27 2 I 3 1 rf / 28 < 5 ( 6 2 9 ^ f 7 i * S 3° < r 9 ' ic| ic 1 12I 12 31I ill 11 *S (FEBRUARY hath 28 Days,' 1 And in Leap-Year 29 Days. b so MORNING. EVENING. C/5 I LESSON- 2 LESSON. I LESSON.|2LltSSON. I Exod. 1 Mark 13 Exod. 2 Mark *4 2 3 15 4 16 3 5 Rev. 1 6 Rev. 2 4 7 3 8 4 5 9 5 10 6 6 11 7 12 8 m / 13 9 14 10 8 15 11 16 12 , 9 F7 13 kt 14 ! IO *9 15 2C 16 II 21 17 22 18 12 •23 19 24 2C «i 25 21 2e 22 14 27 Luke 1 2& Luke - 15 29 3 3 C 4 16 3 1 5 3 2 £ *7 >33 7 34 8 18 35 9 36 IC l 9 37 11 3 s i^ 20 T^ 39 *1.| 40 i^ 21 Dan. 1 l S Dan. 2 it 22 3 *v 4 ib 2 3 5 19 6 20 24 7 21 8 22 2 5 9 2 : 10 24 26 11 Rev. 1 12 Rev. 2 2 7 Levit. 1 g Levit. 2 4 28 3 5 4 6 29 5 7 6 8 I MARCH hath 31 Days. ■ J MORNING, i EVENING ^ I LESSON. 2 LESSON. I LESSON.J2LESS< 3N- i Levit. 7 Rev. 9 Levit. 8 Rev. IO 2 9 11 10 12 3 lI 4 13 5 J 5 13 12 14 15 17 14 16 0! IO l8 6 17 19 20 7 *9 8 21 21 20 22 John 1 22 John 2 9 23 10 25 3 5 24 26 4 6 11' 27 7 Num. 1 8 12 Num. 2 9 1 3 10 13 1 4 11 5 12 14! 6 13 7 14 15! 8 16 10 15 9 16 17 11 18 17 12 18 14 19 13 20 1 21 i5[Rev. 1 19 16 Rev. 2 17 3 20 18 4 19 5 21 2C 6 21 7 22 22 8 23 9 23 24 10 25 1 1 24 ** 12 »; 13 25 2* i 14 2C ! H 26 3< 5 16 3 1 x 7 27 3' i 18 3: 1 1Q 28 3- 1. 20 3' 21 29 3 5 22 Dan. J 1 Matt. 1 3c 1 Dan. 3 1 2 Matt. 2 4 4 5 i' .7 5, APRIL hath 30 Days, MAY hath 31 Days. J J MORNING. EVENING. p ,1 LESSON. 2 LESSON. 1 LESSON.i2 LESSON. i Jofh, 20 Mark 16 j Jofti. 21 Rev. * 2 22 Rev. 2 23 3 3j 2 4 4 J ud g- A 4 Judg. 2 5 4 6 8 3 5 7 9 6 6 10 7 n 7 ? 12 9 13 8 ic 14 11 15 9 n 16 13 17 io i 4 18 IS 19 ii J 6 20 il %i C2 l8 *3 20 22 19 Luke 1 Luke ^ 21 3 14 Dan. i 4 Dan. * 5 IS 3 io 5 6 4 7 8 6 9- 17 7 10 8 11 18 9 12 10 13 19 ii 14 12 »5 20 i Sam. i 16 j Sam. 2 17 21 3 18 4 19 22 5 20 6 21 23 5 24 < 22 ; 24 8 IC 23 Rev. 1 25 I? [ Rev. 2 i I2 3 26 1; 5 4 ft 5 27 t! 28 r 5 8 it 7 9 29 i' j 10 2C u 30 2 i 12 • }s « *3 31I *3 *4 I 24 is I JUN E hath 30 Day f JULY hath 31 Days. c MORNING- EVENING. 9i or I LESSON. 2 LESSON. I LESS01S 2 LESSON^ I I Kgs. 18 Matt. 11 1 Kgs. 19 Matt. 12 2 20 J 3 21 H 3 22 J 5 2 Kgs. I 16 4 2 KgS. 2 17 ^4 18 5 4 19 5 20 6 6 21 / 22 7 8 23 9 24 8 10 25 ii 2& 9 12 2 ? I 2 2& 10 14 Rev. 1 15 Rev. 2. ii 16 3 W 4- 12 18 5 19 6 *3 20 7 21 \t J4 22 9 23 10. }5 24 11 25 12: 16 Dan. 1 J 3 Dan. 2 14 *7 3 J 5 4 16 18 5 J 7 •6 18 19 1 *? S 20 20 9 21 10 22 21 . 11 Mark 1 12 Mark % 22 Ifaiah 1 3 Ifaiah 2 4 2 3 3 5 4 6 24 5 7 6 8 2 5 7 9 8 10 26 9 11 10 12 27 11 13 12 14 28 T 3 15 H 16 29 i5, Rev. 1 16 Rev. 2 3° 17 3 *8 4 31 . 19J 5l 20 6 OCTOBER hath 31 Days. c MORNING. EVENING. I LESSON. 2LESSON. I LESSON. 2 LESSON. I Dan. .8 Matt. 18 Dan. 9 Matt. 19 2 10 20 H 21 3 12 22 Ezek. i 23 4 Ezek. 2 24 3 25 5 4 26 5 27 6 6 28 7 Rev. 1 7 8 Rev. 2 9 3 8 10 4 ii 5 i 12 6 13 7 14 .8 i5 9 11 16 10 17 11 12 18 12 *9 13 *3 20 14 21 i5 H 22 16 23 17 x 5 ^4 18 25 i9 16 26 20 27 21 17 28 22 29 Mark 1 18 3° Mark 2 3 1 3 f 9 32 4 33 5 20 34 6 35 7 21 3 o 8 37 9 22 38 IO 39 11 2 3 40 12 41 13 24 42 14 43 15 25 44 16 45 Rev. 1 26 46 'Rev. 2 ^ 47 3 27 S 48 4 Dan. 1 5 I2S i Dan. 2 6 3 7 29 1 4 8 •5 9 > c 6 IO 7 Ir »l 1 8 J 12 9 ^5' NOVEMBER hath 30 Days. O MORNING. EVENING. I LESSON. 2 LESSON. 1 LESSON 2 LESSON. I Dan. 10 Rev. 14 Dan. 11 Rev. 15 2 12 16 Hofea 1 17 3" Hofea 2 18 3 19 4 4 20 5 21 5 6 22 7 Luke J 6 8 Luke 2 9 7 10 4 11 5 8 12 6 13 7 9 14 8 Joel 1 9 IC Joel 2 10 3 11 n Amos 1 1 2 Amos 2 13 12 3 14 4 15 l 3 5 16 6 17 H 7 18 8 19 15 9 20 Obad. 1 21 16 Jonah 1 22 Jonah 2 23 ! 7 3 24 4 Rev. 1 18 Micah 1 Rev. 2 Micah 2 3 l 9 3 4 4 5 2C 5 6 6 7 21 7 8 Dan. i 9 22 Dan. 2 10 3 11 23 4 12 5 *3 2^ 6 14 7 *5 25 8 16 9 *7 26 10 18 11 19 2 7 12 20 Nahum 1 21 28 Nahum 2 22 3 John 1 29 Habak. i John 2 Habak. 2 3 3° ? 4 Zeph. 1 s DECEMBER hath 31 Days, MORNING. 1 EVENING. CO • I LESSON. 2 LESSON. 1 LESSON. 2 LESSON. I Zeph. 2 John, 6 Zcph. 3 John 2 Hagg. 1 8 Hagg. 2 9 3 Zech. 1 IC Zech. 2 11 4 3 12 4 13 5 .5 H 6 15 6 7 16 8 17 1 9 18 10 19 11 20 12 21 9 , J* Rev. 1 M Rev. 2 ic Mai. 1 3 Mai. 2 4 11 3 5 4 6 12 Dan. i 7 Dan. 2 8 *3 3 9 4 10 14 5 11 6 12 15 7 13 8 14 16 9 15 10 16 17 11 17 12 18 18 Ifaiah i i9 Ifaiah 2 2C 19 3 21 4 22 20 5 Matt. 1 6 Matt. 2 21 7 3 8 4 22 9 5 IO 6 23 11 7 12 8 24 J 3 9 14 10 2 S — «. ■ — , — ~— 26 '5 11 16 12 2 7 i? *3 18 14 2i .19. 15 20 16 29 21 *7 22 18 3° 23 19 24 20 3J 25 21 26 22 THE LITURGY OF THE NEW CHURCH. — .^OxS^frO* — Morning Servic ev f The Worjhip opens with one or more Verfes of fls€f following Glorification for the Lord's Second Ad- vent y to be read by the Minifter 3 all ft an ding. THOU faweft Iron mixed with.miry Clay, but they {hall not cleave one to another r And in thofe Days (hall the God of Heaven fet up a Kingdom which fhall never be denroyed ; it fhall break in Pieces, and confume all thofe Kingdoms ; but it (hall ftand for ever. Dan. \u 43 > 44* I faw in the Night Vifions, and behold, as it were the Son of Man came with the Clouds of Heaven \ and there was given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom ; and all People, Na- tions, and Languages^ all ferve- him ; his Do- minion is an everladmg Dominion wfhich fhall not pafs away,, and his Kingdom that which fhalL not be deftroyed. Dan. vii. 13, 14- To Jefus Chnft be Glory and^ Dominion for e-' ver and ever-; behold, He cometh with Clouds ; He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Firft and the Laft, Who Is, Who Was, and Who Is To Come, the Almighty .y c 5 30 Liturgy of the New Church. I John heard this from the Son of Man, out of the Midftof the feven Candlefticks. Rev. i. 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. Chap. xxii. 13. I faw a New Heaven and a New Earth ; and I faw the Holy City, New Jerufalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Hufband ; and I heard a great Voice out of Heaven faying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with Men, and He will dwell with them. And he that fat upon the Throne faid, Behold I make all things New. And the Angel talked with me, and faid, Come hither, I will mew thee the Bride, the Lamb's, Wife ; and he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high Mountain, and mewed me that great City, the Holy Jerufalem. Rev. xxi. 1, 2, 3, 5> 9, 10. I Jefus am the bright and Morning Star ; and the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come ; and he faid, I come quickly * Amen ; even (o, come Lord Jefus. Rev. xxii. 16, 17, 20. All Flefh (hall know, that I Jehovah am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, lfaiah xlix. 26. Thus faith Jehovah the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer Jehovah ofHofts, I am the Firft and the Lad, and befide Me there is no God. lfaiah xliv. 6. It mall be faid in that Day, Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, and he will fave us ; this is Jehovah whom we have expeded. /- faiah xxv. 9. The Voice of him that crieth in the Defert, Prepare ye the Way of Jehovah ; behold, the Lord Jehovih will come in Str«ngth, and fhall feed his Flock like a Shepherd. lfaiah xl. 3, 5, 10, ii. Morning Service. %l Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is giv- en, and his Name fhall be called Wonderful, Counfellor, God, Hero, Father of Eternity, Prinee of Peace, lfaiah ix. 6. Behold, the Days come, faith Jehovah, that I will raife unto David a righteous Branch, who fhall reign as a King, and this is his Name, Je- hovah our Righteoufnefs. Jer. xxiii. 5, 6. Chap, xxxiii. 15, 16. Jehovah of Hofts is his Name, and -thy Re- deemer the Holy One of Ifrael ; the God of the whole Earth fhall he be called. lfaiah Hv. 5. In that Day Jehovah fhall be King over all the Earth \ in that Day there fhall be One Jehovah, and his Name One. Zech. xiv. 9. The Minijier then addrejfes the Congregation in theje Words. WE are taught by the Lord in his holy Word to aflemble ourfelves together, to confefs our manifold Evils, both actual and he- reditary, to render Thanks for the great Mer- cies we have received at his Hands, to celebrate and glorify his DIVINE HUMANITY, to hear his mod holy Word, and to pray for his Di- vine Afliftance, that we may be enabled to a- rcend our Ways, and in future live to his Glory and the Good of our Neighbour. Let us there- fore lift up our Hearts with one Confent to the Throne oi Mercy, while we worfhip Jehovah God in his GLORIFIED HUMANITY. . €[ The following Acknowledgment and Confeffon to be faid by the M'.ivjhr> all kneeling. MOST merciful Lord Jefus, who in thy DIVINE HUMANITY art the On- 3£ Liturgy of the New Church. ly God of Heaven and Earth, the fupreme Go- vernor of the Univerfe, and before whom the whole Angelic Holt fall proftrate in profound Humiliation, permit us thy finful Creatures, Worms of the Earth, to approach thy heavenly Majefty, to confeis our manifold Tranfgremons,. and implore thy Divine Mercy. We acknow- ledge, O Lord, that we have not obeyed the Pre- cepts ot thy holy Word, but have too much fol- lowed the Inclinations of our own evil Hearts, and alienated ourielves from that true celeftial Life, which confifts in Love to thee, and Cha- rity towards our Neighbour. Enable us, we be- feech thee, to refill: and put away thofe Evils and Falfes which continually infelt us, and grant us Grace for the future fo to live, that by a dutiful Obedience to thy Commandments, and a fmcere Walking in the Ways of Repentance and Rege- neration, we may in this prefent World attain to the true Knowledge and Love of thyfelf, and in the World to come everlafting Life. flg "The People to anjwer here, and at the End of all other Prayer s t Amen. •[ Then the Lord's Prayer, according to the original Greek, is to be f aid by the Minifler and People together, all fill kneeling ; and the fame Order to be obferved wherefoever elfe it jhali be ufed in Divine Service. OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done,. as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us aot into Temptation, but Miming Service. 35 deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. % After which, all kneeling, the Minijler is to fay . the following Prayer for a Bkffmg to attend the Reading of the holy JVord. O MERCIFUL and bleffed Lord, who of thy Divine Love towards the whole human Race haft been gracioufly pleafed to caufe thy holy Word to be written, as well for the Inflec- tion and Comfort of Men on Earth, as for the Happinefs and Improvement of Angels in Hea- ven, we pray thee to enlighten our Underftand- ings that we may therein difcern the fpiritual and celcftial Things of thine eternal Kingdom : And while with our outward Ears we hear the Laws of thy Divine Order read in their ultimate or li- teral Senfe, may we thereby be prepared for Con- jun&ion with thee in thy GLORIFIED HU- MANITY, and Confociation with the Angels of thy New Heaven. Grant this we befeech thee, mod merciful Lord, for thy Name and Mercy's Sake. Amen. i[ Now follow the Ten Commandments, to be read If the Minijlerftanding; the People Jlill kneeling. i N the 20th Chapter of Exodus, God fpake all thefe Words, faying: I. I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the Earth of Egypt, out of the Houfe of * This Divijon of the Ten Commandments is the proper Divifton, and agreeable to Emanuel Swe- dinborg's True Chrijlian Religion, cr Univerfal Theology of the New Church, 34 Liturgy of the New Church. Servants. Thou fhalt not have other Gods before, my Faces.* Thou fhalt not make to thyfclf a. graven Image, nor any Likenefs, which is in the Heavens from above, or which is in the 'Earth' from beneath, or which is in the Waters from under the Earth. Thou fhalt not bow down thyfelf to them, nor ferve them \ for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the Iniquity of. the Fathers upon the Sons, upon the third and fourth, to them that hate me ; and fhewing Mer- cy unto Thoufands to them, that love me, and keep my Commandments. II. Thou fhalt not take the Name of Jehovah, thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not render, him innocent that taketh his Name in vain. , III. Remember the Day of Sabbath, to fane- t|fy it. Six Days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy Work. And the feventh Day is a Sabbath to Jehovah thy God. Thou fhalt not do any Work, thou, and thy Son, and thy Daughter, thy Man-Servant, and thy Maid- Servant, and, thy Bead, and thy Stranger which is in thy- Gates. For in Six Days Jehovah made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and ail that is in them, and re/fed in the feventh Day ; therefore Jehovah blefled the Day. of Sabbath, and fan&ified it. IV. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, to the End that thy Days may be prolonged upon the Land, which Jehovah thy God giveth thee. * Tins Tranjlation is literally from the Hebrew ; and the Reafon why the Word Faces is ufed, in the- plural Number, is, to denote (not a Plurality of Per- Jons in the Godhead, but) the Love, Mercy, Peace, and Goodnefs of the Lord, which in holy Scripture are conftantly fignified by the Faces of Jehovah. Morning Service. $$ SECOND TABLE. V. Thou {halt not kill. VI. Thou (halt not commit Adultery. VII. Thou (halt not {leal. VIII. Thou matt not anfwer againft thy Neighbour, the Witnefs of a Lye. IX. Thou malt not covet thy Neighbour's Honfe. X. Thou {halt not covet thy Neighbour's Wife, nor his Man-Servant, nor his Maid-Ser- rant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any Thing that is thy 'Neighbour's. People. Lord have Mercy upon us, and write all the'fe thy Laws in our Hearts, we befeeck thee. . , f Then the Minifler is to read as follows. THESE are the Precepts of Doarine-and of Life, comprifing the Sum and Subftance ©f all Religion. In the firft Table is contained a Summary of all Things relating to Love towards God \ and in thefecond, a Summary of all Things relating to Love towards our Neighbour. Wherefore the Lord faith in the Gofpel, " Thou «' (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, " and with all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind, ''and thy Neighbour as thyfelf ; on thefe two " Commandments hang all the Law and the Pro- "phets." And the Apoftle Paul faith, "He li thatloveth another, hath fulfilled the Law ; for " this, Thou malt not commit Adultery, Thou " {halt not kill, Thou felt not ileal, Thou malt 4 not bear falfe Witnefs, thou {halt not covet, i 1 and if there be any other Commandment, it is ** briefly comprehended in this Saying, Thoti <<. ihalt love thy Neighbour as thyfelf. Lovei Liturgy of the New Church. 36 *' worketh no 111 to his Neighbour; wherefore « Love is the Fulfilling of the Law." To which are now added, for the Service of the Ntew Church, the two following Canons : Firfl, That no Perfon can fhun Evils as Sins, and do Good, which may be good in the Sight of God, of Him- felf ; but that fo far as any Perfon Ihunneth Evils fts Sins, fo far he doeth what is good, not of Himfelf, but from the Lord. Secondly, That a Man ought to fhun Evils as Sins, and fioht a- gainft them, as of Himfelf; and that if a Perfon Ihunneth Evils from any other Motive, than be- caufe they are Sins, he doth not fhun them, but only hindereth their being made apparent to thq World. ■f Herefolhweth the Firjl Lefjlnfrom the Old Tef , t anient according to the Calendar. 4fter which the following Doxology is to be repeated. Minijler. To Jefus Chrilt be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever. People. For he is Jehovah of Hods, and in Him Alone dwelieth all the Fulnefs of the God- head bodily. f A Pfalm or Hymn to be nowfung. q Then follows a Prayer for the Profperity of the New Church, all kneeling. ADORABLE Lord Jefus, who in thefe lat- ter Days halt been gracioufly pleafed to manifeft thyfelf a fecond Time unto the Children of Men, in the Power and Glory of thy holy Word, by revealing the fpintual and celefhal Senfes thereof, wherein thou haft thy moft im- mediate Refidence, and bv the Light of which proceeding from thy DIVINE HUMANITY, Morning Service. 37 we are enabled through Mercy to approach thee alone as our Father and our God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Regenerator ; we pray for the Profperity of thy New Jerufalem Church, novr defending from thee out ot Heaven. Diffipate, nvebefeech thee, the thick Clouds of Darknefs •that prevent thy Appearance j remove all the Pre- judices arifmg irom Evil and the Falfe ; and may the glorious Truths of thy Heavenly Kingdom, at this Day revealed by Means of thy Servant E- •.Manuel Swedenborg, in the Unfolding of. the fpiritual and celeftial Senfes of thy holy Word, find an ample Reception in the Hearts of all Men. Particularly we pray for the .Eftablifti- ment of thy New-Church in thefe United States. Open thou the Eyes of them. who fit in Darknefs iand in the Shadow of Death, that they may fee the genuine Light of thy holy Word, and there- by be brought to. acknowledge thee in thy GLO- RIFIED HUMANITY as the only true God and eternal Life. This we beg, mod merciful Lord, in thy own Name, and for the Salvatioa of Mankind. Amen. J§ Then follow the Pfalms in Order as they are ap- pointed in the Calendar, to be read by the Minifier dene : And at the Conciufion of each Pfalm, the Doxokgy is to he repeated, as before, viz. Minifier. To Jefus Chrift be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever. People. Tot he is Jehovah of Hofts, and it Him Alone dwelleth all the Tulnefs q\ the G©d~ :head bodily. A 3$ Liturgy of the New Church. ■fl Then follows a Prayer for the Prefulent of tfofi United States, and both Houfes of the Legi/lature, and all Magijlrates \ the People kneeling. OLORD Jefus Chrift, molt glorious and omnipotent Father of all, high and migh- ty King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who from thy heavenly Throne beholdeft all the Inhabitants of the Earth, we befeech thee to blefsand defend the Prefident of thefe United States. We pray thee alfo to give our Senators Wifdom and true Underftanding. Endue all Magiftrates with the :Love of Equity and Truth, that they may exe- cute Juftice and Judgment in thy Fear, to the Advancement of thy Glory, the Good of Man- kind, and the Happinefs, Peace, and Profperity »f thefe United States. -Replenifh them with the Grace of thy Holy Spirit, open their Hearts for the Reception of thy Heavenly Influx, that being guided by thee in all their Ways, they may become Ornaments of thy New Church on Earth, and at laft be received into thy New An- gelic Heaven, to praife and glorify thy Holy Name, World without End. Amen. ij Then follows the Setznd Leffon from the New Tef- tament y according to the Calendar. After which the Doxology, as before, viz. Minijler. To Jefus Chrift be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever. People. For He is Jehovah of Hofts, and in Him Alone dwelleth all the Fulnefs of the God- head bodily. % Here follows a Prayer for all Conditions of Men, MOST adorable Lord God and Saviour Jefus Cbrift, who alone art the Creator a \ Msming Service. ^9' Preferver of all Mankind, moft humbly we befeech thee to have Mercy on all Sorts and Conditions of Men i make known to them thy faving 1 ruth, and lead them in the Way of everlaftmg Life. More efbecially we pray for the good Mate ot thy New Church whcrefoevcr it appears on the Face of the Earth, that it may be fo guided and governed by the Holy Spirit proceeding from thy DIVINE HUMANITY, that all who embrace and profefs the Heavenly Doarines of the New Jerusalem, may with one Accord maintain the fame in Purity of Heart, and Holinefs of Life. Finally, we commend to thy Divine-Mercy a,l- thofe who are in any Ways afflided ordiftreffed m -Mind, Body, orEft*e,[V^«^ 9 ur Prayers are at this Time 4efwd>\ ^JT* wouldft be pleafed to fandify all their Amnions to the Welfare of their immortal Souls ; and to far as is confident with heavenly Order, reftore them to their Health and Strength, that the Re- mainder of their Lives may be fpent m thy Fear and Service. This, O Lord, we beg in fny own frame, and for thy Divine Mercy's Sake. Amen. 4 Now follows the Creed of the New Church, to be Ja'idby the Minifter and People together, aUJiandmg. I BELIEVE that Jehovah God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, is one in EfTence and in Perfon, in whom is a Divine Trinity, confin- ing of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift is that God. I believe that Jehovah God himfelf came down from Heaven as Divine Truth, which is the Word, and took upon him Human Nature, for *Vhefe inclojed Words are "only to befaid-whm anydeftre thePrayencftfo Congregation. *o Liturgy of the New Church. the Purpofe of removing Hell from Man, of re- ftoring the Heavens to Order, and of preparing the Way for a New Church upon Earth ; and that herein confifts the true Nature of Redemp- tion, which was efFeaed folely by the Omnipo- tence of the Lord's DIVINE HUMANITY. I believe in the San&ity of the Word, and that it containeth a three-fold Senfe, namely, Celeftial, Spiritual, and Natural, which are u- nited by Correfpondences ; and that in each Senfe it is Divine Truth, accommodated refpedively to the Angels of the Three Heavens, and alfo to Men on Earth. I believe that evil Aclions ought not to be done, becaufe they are of the Devil, and from the Devi). I believe that good Actions ought to be done, becaufe they are of God, and from God : And that they fnould be done by Man, as of Himfelf ; tteverthelefs, under this Acknowledgment and Belief, that they are from the Lord, operating -with him and by him. I believe, that immediately on the Death of the material Body (which will never be re-af- fumed) Manrifes again as to his fpiritual orfub- ftantial Body, wherein he exifteth in a perfect human Form ; and thus that Death is only a Continuation of Life. I believe that the Laft Judgment is accom- plished in the Spiritual World,* and that the for- mer Heaven and the former Earth, or the Old Church, are palled away, and that all Things are become New. f See the Treat'tje on the Lajl Judgment, rj. 45 & 52, 65 to 72. Morning Service. 4* I .believe that Now is the Second Advent of the Lord, which is a Coming, not m Perion. but in the Power and Glory of thefmntual Sirf* of his holy Word, which is Himleif. And 1- believe that the holy City, New Jerufalenn , * now deicending from God out of Heaven, pre pared as a Bride adorned for her Hufband. And the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come. And- let him that heareth fay, Come And let him that is athirfl, Come. And whofcever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. Amen,. Even fo, come Lord J ejus. if After which the Mtwfter is to read the following Thank/giving, all the People fianding.. ALMIGHTY and ever alerted Lord, we give thee moft humble and fincere Thanks for all thy Goodnefs and Loving- Kindnefs to us, and to alL Mankind \* particularly to thofe wbc now defire to offer up their Praifes and Thankjgru- hfs for thy late Mercies vouchjafed unto them\. We praife thee for our Creation, Prefervation, and all the BlefTmgs of this Life, but efpccially. for thy Divine Love in the Redemption of An- gels and Men, by defending upon this Earth for the Purpofe of fubduing the Hells and GLO- RIFYING thy HUMANITY, and thereby rendering Salvation poiiible to Mankind. We defire to celebrate thy Name for the. Accom- d 5 * Thcfe inclofed Words arc only to be/aid when atj defire to return Thanh to the berd* 4& Liturgy of the New Church, plifhment of that wonderful Work the Lafr Judg- ment, lately performed in the Spiritual World, whereby Babylon was deftroyed/and the Spirits of the Dragon removed, who obftruded and' perverted the Influx of Divine Good and Truth from thy GLORIFIED HUMANITY, in it's. Defcent to Men on Earth. We blefs thee, that thou haft again reftored to Order all Things ia Heaven, and that thou haft alfo been pleafed, at the Destruction of the former vaftated Church, in Mercy to lay the Foundations of aNew Church, which fhall acknowledge and worfhip Thee Alone, O blefted Jefus, in thy DIVINE HU- MANITY, as Creator from Eternity, Redeem- er in Time, and Regenerator for evermore. A- »ien. f Here fallows feme Ext raBs from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, to be read at the Difcre- Umof U?e Mini far.- % After which the Lord's Prayer is to be faid by the Minifter and People together, all kneeling. GUR Father who art in the Heavens; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. ^ Then let the Mimjler conclude with the following Benediaion; kimfelf -Jiunding, while the People Jlill kneel. T H E Grace of our LorcI J e ^ us Chri ft be X with you all Amen. Rev. xxii. 21. ( +3 ) THE LITURGY, &c, Evening Service. ^[ The IVorJhip opens with one or more Verfes of the following Glorification for the Lord's Second Ad- vent, to be read by the Minifar> all ftanding, THOU faweft Iron mixed with miry Clay, but they (hall not cleave one to another i And in thofe Days fhall the God of Heaven fet up a Kingdom which (hall never be deftroyed ; it (hall break in Pieces, and confume all thofe Kingdoms \ but it ihall ftand for ever. Dan. ii. 43» 44- „ , I faw in. the Night Vifions, and behold, as it were the Son of Man came with the Clouds of Heaven j and there was given him Dominion,, and Glory, and a Kingdom ; and all People, Na- tions, and Languages (hall ferve him ; his Do- minion is an everlafting Dominion which (hall not pafs away, and his Kingdom that which (hall not be deftroyed. Dan.\\\. 13, 14. To Jefus Chrift be Glory and Dominion for e- ver and ever ; behold, He cometh with Clouds 4 He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Firft and the Laft, Who Is, Who Was, and Who Is To Come, the Almighty ; I John heard this from the Son of Man, out of the Midft of the feven Candlefticks. Rev. L 4* 6, 7, 8, ii, 12. Chap. xxii. 13, i 44 Liturgy of the New Church. I faw a New Heaven and a New Earth ; and I faw the Holy City, New Jerufalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Hufband ; and I heard a great Voice out of Heaven faying, Behold, the. Tabernacle of God is with Men, and He will dwell with them. And he that fat upon the Throne faid, Behold I make all things New. And the Angel talked with me, and faid, Come hither, I will fhew thee the Bride, the Lamb's, Wife ; and he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high Mountain, and mewed me that great City, the Holy Jerufalem. Rev. xxi. i, 2 a 3> 5> 9» I0 - I Jefus am the bright and Mornmg Star ; and the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come ; and he faid,- I come quickly ; Amen; even fo, come Lord Jefus. Rev. xxii. 16, 17, 20. All Flefh fball know, that I Jehovah am thy- Saviour and thy Redeemer. IJaiah xlix. 26. Thus faith Jehovah the King of Ifrael, and his Redeemer Jehovah of Holts, I am the Firft and the Laft, and befide Me there is no God. IJaiah xliv. 6. It (ball be faid in that Day, Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, and he will fave m ; this is Jehovah whom we have expected. /- faiah xxv. 9. The Voice of him that crieth in the Defcrt, Prepare ye the Way of Jehovah ; behold, the Lord Jehovih will come in Strength, and fhali feed his Flock like a Shepherd. IJaiah xj. 3, 5, 10, II. Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is gir- •n, and his Name (ball be called Wendcrful, Cjunfellor, God, Hero, Father of Eternity^ Prince of Peace. IJaiah ix. 6, Evening Service. 4$ Behold, the Days come, faith Jehovah, that I will raife unto David a righteous Branch, who fhall reign as a King, and this is his Name, Je- hovah our Righteoufnefs. Jer. xxiii. 5, 6. Chap. xxxiii. 15, 1.6. Jehovah of Hods is his Name, and thy Re- deemer the Holy One of Ifrael ; the God of the whole Earth lhall he be called, lfaiah liv. 5. In that Day Jehovah (hall be King over all the Earth ; in that Day there lhall be One Jehovah* and his Name One. lech. xiv. 9. f The. Minifler then addreffes the Congregation in thefe Words. WE are taught by the Lord in his ho!/ Word toaflemble ourfeives together, to eonfefs our manifold Evils, both aclual and he- reditary, to reader Thanks for the great Mer- cies we have received at his Hands, to celebrate and glorify his DIVINE HUMANITY, to hear his moft holy Word, and to pray for his Di- vine Afliftance, that we may be enabled to a- mend our Ways, and in future live to his Glory and the Good of our Neighbour. Let us there- fore lift up our Hearts with one Confent to the Throne of Mercy, while we worfhip Jehovah God in his GLORIFIED HUMANITY. M The following Acknowledgment and Confeffion to be f aid by the Minifler, all kneeling, MOST merciful Lord Jefus, who in thy DIVINE HUMANITY art the On- ly God of Heaven and Earth, the fupreme Go- vernor of the Uniyerfe, and before whom the whole Angelic Hpft fall proftrate in profound •'jfi Liturgy of the New Chureh. Humiliation, permit us thy finful Creatures* Worms of the Earth, to approach thy heavenly Majefty, to confefs our manifold Tranfgreflions, and implore thy Divine Mercy. We acknow- ledge, O Lord, that we have not obeyed the Pre- cepts of thy holy Word, but have too much fol- lowed the Inclinations of our own evil Hearts, and alienated ourfelves from that true celeftial Life, which confifts in Love to thee, and Cha- rity towards our Neighbour. Enable us, we be- feech thee, torefift and put away thofe Evils and Falfes which continually infeft us, and grant us Grace for the future fo to live, that by a dutiful Obedience to thy Commandments, and a fincere Walking in the Ways of Repentance and Rege- neration, we may in -this prefent World attain to the true Knowledge and Love of thyfelf, and ifi the World to come everlafting Life. %. 'The People to anfwer here, and at the End of aU_ ether Prayers, Amen. <| Then the Lories Prayer, according to the original Greek, is to be /aid by the Minijler and People fegether, all Jlill kneeling ; and the fame Order to be obferved wherefoever elfe it Jhall be ufed ik 'Divine Service, OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. .Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon lEarth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Ameiw Evening Service, 4% ■4J After which, all kneeling, the Minijler is to Jay the following Prayer for a Bleffing to attends he Reading of the holy IVord. O MERCIFUL and blefled Lord, who of thy Divine Love towards the whole human Race haft been gracioufly pleafed to caufe thy holy Word to be written, as well for the Induc- tion and Comfort of Men on Earth, as for the Happinefs and Improvement of Angels in Hea- ven, we pray thee to enlighten our Understand- ings that we may therein difcern the fpiritual and celeftial Things of thine eternal Kingdom : And while with our outward Ears we hear the Laws of thy Divine Order read in their ultimate or li- teral Senfe, may we thereby be prepared for Con- junaion with thee in thy GLORIFIED HU- MANITY, and Confociation with the Angels of thy New Heaven. Grant this we befeech thee, moft merciful Lord, for thy Name ansl Mercy's Sake. Amen. % Herefolloweth the Firft Leffonfrom the Old Tef- tament according to the Calendar. After which the following Doxology is to be repeated. Minijler. To Jefus Chrift be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever. People. For he is Jehovah of Hofts, arid in Him Alone dwelleth all the Fulnefs of the God- head bodily. % A Pfalm or Hymn to be now Jung. f Then follow the Pfahns in Order as they are dp~ pointed in the Calendar, to be read by the Minijlet 4f.B Liturgy of the New Cburfh. nlone : And at the Condition of each Pfalm, tin Doxclogy is to be repented, as before, viz. Minijler. To.Jefus Ch rift be Glory and Do* minion for ever and ever. People. For he is Jehovah of Hofts, and in Hirn Alone dvvelleth all the Fulnefs of the Godhead bodily. ^f Then follows a Prayer for the Prefident of theft United States, both Houfes of the Legiflaturt, end all Mag if rates ; the People kneeling. •"\ LORD Jefus Chrift, moft glorious and om- ^^ nipotent Father of all, high and mighty King "of Kings, and Lord ot Lords, who from thy hea- venly Throne beholdtfi all the Inhabitants of the Earth, we befeech thee to blefs and defend the Prefident ol thefe United States, and both Houfes of the 'Legiflature. We pray thee alfo to give our Senators Wifdom and true Underftandins:. o Endue all Magiftrates with the Love of Equity and Truth, that they may execute Juftice and Judgment in thy Fear, to the Advancement of thy Glory, the Good of Mankind, and the Hap- pinefs, Peace, and Profperity of thefe linked States. Replenish them with the Grace. of thy Holy Spirit, open their Flearts for the Reception of thy heavenly Influx, that being guided by thee in ail their Ways, they may become Ornaments of thy New Church on Earth, and at laft be re- ceived into thy New Angelic Heaven, to praife and glorify thy Holy Name, World without End. Amen. ■q Then fallows the Second Lefpm from the New Tefiument, according to the Calendar. After, which the Doxehgy, as lefcre, viz. Evenlrg Service. j~ Mnfcr. To Jefus Chrift be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever. Ml'- For He js Jehovah of Hods, and in Him Alone dwelleth alt the Fulnefs of the God- bead bodily. andM,n,JUrs of tb. Old Church, <*i fenced' A LMIGHTY and everlafting Lord J e fu S f± who by thy DIVINE HUMANITY a Jone worked great and marvellous Works we tmreat ,hee to look doVn in Mercy upon 3 Bdhops, Pnefts, and Minifters of the former Seir'Dir^ " P °r "" <>*&&»*** under their Dire.cli.on. Convert them, we beieeeh «hee, to the Knowledge of thyfelf, and e c fc^A^ Word > ,hal » ^y DIVINE h ad dwdleth bodily May they all be brought by the Door info thy true Sheepfold, and in due Time^be admitted within the Gates f % holy City, the New Jerufalem, now de- fending from thee out -of Heaven. Grant nour and Pr"^ 11 ***> N <«« Ho- Amen ' 7 great ™ d ho V^^- % Here f How, a Pr,.yer for allCondalon, of Mm. MOST adorable Lord God and Saviour Jefus Chrift, who alone art the Pr«i™ » i f h rt '7- of ^'Mankind,mofthumb,y r wbfe thee to have Mercy on all Sorts an/ Condi, on of Men ; ma*e known to them thy f av i rCT Truth ™d lead them in the Way of eUiiin 2 Lft.' r Liturgy of the NeW Church. Mere efpecially we pray for the good Eflate rf hy New Church wherefoever vt appears o n the Face of the Earth, that it may he o g^»«J Governed by the Holy Spirit proceeding from thy DIVINE HUMANITY, that all who embrace £d profefs the Heavenly J*£Am °< 5 h ?. ; .%* jerufalem, may with one Accord maurtai i he fame in Purity of Heart, and Holmefs ot Lite S we commend to thy Divine Mercy all S who are in any Ways affliaed or d.ftrefled » M^d Body, or EU[V«f>£-S ^ Prjym *"> */ this Time defired,\ that tnou to the Welfare ot their immortal Sou* , and far as is confident with heavenly Order, reftore them to their Health and Strength, .hat The Re- mainder of their Lives may be fpent in thy 1 ear and Service. This, O Lord, we beg in thy own Name, and for thy Divine Mercy's Sake. Amen. 4 Now follow the Creed of the New Church, to itt faidby IheMhvfier and People together, allfiandmg. T BELIEVE that Jehovah God, the Creator I of Heaven and Earth, is one in Euence : and in Perfon, in whom is a Divine Trinity, conGft- ng of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that the T orH and Saviour Jefus Chrift is that God. L °Ib "eve that JehoVah God himfel- came down from Heaven as Divine Truth, which is the W™d and took upon him Human Nature or the Purpofe of removing Hell from Man, of re- ftoring The Heavens to Order, and of prepanng *e Way for a New Church upon Earth ; and » Thefe inchfed Words a-re only to lefald when any defiie the Prayers of the Congregation. Evening Service. $ r that herein confifts the true Nature of Redemp- tion, which was effected folely by the Omnipo- tence of the Lord's DIVINE HUMANITY. I believe in the Sanctity of the Word, and that it containeth a three-fold Senfe, namely, Celeftial, Spiritual, and Natural, which are u- nitedby Correfpondences ; and that in each Senfe it is Divine Truth, accommodated refpeclively to the Angels of the Three Heavens, and alfo to Men on Earth. I believe that evil Actions ought not to be done, becaufe they are of the Devil, and from the Devil. I believe that good Actions ought to be done, becaufe they are of God, and from God : And that they mould be done by Man, as of Himfelf ; neverthelefs, under this Acknowledgment and Belief, that they are from the Lord, operating with him and by him. I believe that immediately on the Death of the material Body (which will never be re-af- fumed) Man rifes again as to his fpiritual orfub- ftantial Body, wherein he exifteth in a perfect human Form ; and thus that Death is only a Continuation of Life. I believe that the Laft Judgment is accom- plifhed in the Spiritual World,* and that the for- mer Heaven and the former Earth, or the Old Church, are pafied away, and that all Things are become New. I believe that Now is the Second Advent of the Lord, which is a Coming, not in Perfon, but in the Power and Glory of the fpiritual Senfe * See the Treat IJe on the Laft Judgment ', «. 45 to 52, 65 to 72. 52 Liturgy of the Nezv Church. of his holy Wo?1, which is Himfelf. And I believe that the Holy City, New Jerufalem, is now defcending from God out of Heaven, pre- pared as a Bride adorned for her Hufband. And the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come. And let him that heareth fay, Come. And let him that is athirft, Come. And whofoevcr will, let hip take the Water of Life freely. Amen : Even fo, come Lord Jefus. «j After zuhich the Minifler is to read the following Thmivfgiv'mgy all the People Jlanding. ALMIGHTY -and ever bleifed Lord, we give thee molt humble and fincere Thanks for all thy Goodnefs and Loving-Kindnefs to us, and to all Mankind [* 'particularly to thofe wh& 7161V dsftre to offer up their Praifes and Thankfgiv- ings for thy late Mercies vouchfafed unto them\ We praife thee for our Creation, Prefervation, and all the Bleflings of this Life, but efpecially for thy Divine Love in the Redemption of An- gels and Men, by defcending upon this Earth for the Purpofe of fubduing the Hells and GLO- RIFYING thy HUMANITY, and thereby rendering Salvation pollible to Mankind. Wc clefire to celebrate thy Name for the Accom- pli fhment of that wonderful Work the Laft Judg- ment, lately performed in the Spiritual World, "Whereby Babylon was destroyed, and the Spirits of the Dragon removed, who obftructed and f Thefe indofed Words are only to he f aid when any ieftrc /9 return Thanks to the Lsrd. Evening Service. 53" perverted the Influx of Divine Good and Truth from thy GLORIFIED HUMANITY, in it's Defcent to Men on Earth. We blefs thee, that thou haft again reftored to Order all Things in Heaven, and that thou haft alfo been pleafed, at the De(tru£tion of the former vaftated Church, in Mercy to lay the Foundations of aNew Church , which ihall acknowledge and worfhip Thee Alone, O bleffed Jefus, in thy DIVINE HU- MANITY, as Creator from Eternity, Redeem- er in Time, and Regenerator for evermore. A- men. % Here follows fome Extraclsfrom the Writings of ' Emanuel Swedenborg, to be read at the Difcre- tion of the Minifter. f After which the Lord's Prayer is to be faid by the Minifter and People together, all heeling. OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. ^[ Then let the Minifter conclude with the following Benediclion; himfelf Jlanding, while the People fill kneel. TH E Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you all. Amen. Rev. xxii. 21. cd at that Age, to Adults. The firft Ufe of Baptifm is Introduction in- to the Chrifiian Church, and Tnfertion at the fame Time amongfl Chriftians in the Spiri- tual World. Baptifm itfelf, however, is only a Sign of Introduction into the Church, as is e- vident from the Baptizing of Infants, before they come to the Ufe of Reafon, and confe- quently before they are capable of receiving any Thing relating to Faith. Yet this Sign is perceived in the Chriftian Heaven, and there- upon Guardian-Angels are appointed over thera by the Lord, to take care of them ; wherefore as foon as Infants are baptized, they are plac- ed under the Care of Guardian-Angels, by whom they are kept in a State of receiving Faith in the Lord ; and as they grow up, and become capable of thinking and acting forthem- felves, they draw into Alfociation with them fuch Spirits as make one with their Life and Faith. Hence it is evident, that Baptifm is r6 Baptifm of Infants ' an Infertion amongft Chriftians, even in the. Spiritual World; and that the Per fon baptiz- ed, afterwards becomes ailbciated with the Spi- rits of this or that Society, according to the Quality of his Life and Faith. The fecoxdUfe ofBaptiim is, that the Per- fon baptized may know and acknowledge the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrilt, and fallow him. This Acknowledgment confifts in a firm Belief that He is the Only God ot Heaven and Earth,, the Creator, Redeemer, and Regenerator ; that in Him there is a Divine Trinity, confining of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, like Soul, Body, and Operation in Man \ and alfo in a Lite of Obedience to his Commandments. The third and final Ufe of Baptifm is, that Man may be regenerated ; in which Cafe he is baptized with the Holy Spirit, or with Fire ; that is, he is admitted into Allbciation either with the Angels of the Lord's Spiritual Kingdom, or with thofe of his celeftial Kingdom j and after Death he himfelf becometh either a fpi- ritual or a celeftial Angel. Now, whereas thefe three Ufes follow each ether in Order, and join with each other in the ultimate or laft Ufe, and coefequently in the Idea of Angels cohere together as one, therefore whenfoever Baptifm is performed, or read in the Word, or named, the Angels who are prefent do not underftand Baptifm, but Re- generation. Wherefore, by thefe Words of the Lord, " Whofoever believeth, and is baptized, ftall be faved," is underftood by the Angels in Heaven, that whofoever acknowledgeth the Lord, and is regenerated, will be faved. Be it known therefore to every Chriftian,that who. /;; the New Church. 57 foever doth not believe on the Lord, and keep his Commandment?, cannot be regenerated, nctwith'ianding his having been baptized; and that being baptized, without Faith in the Lord, is of no Avail; ior Baptifm itfelf neither giv- cth Faith, nor Salvation, but is a Teitimony to fuch as are baptized, that they may receive Faith, arid that they may be faved, if they are regenerate. *[ After which the M'mijler is to fay. Let us pray. ALMIGHTY and everlafting Lord, our heavenly Father, who dolt, invite little Children to be brought unto thee, that they may receive thy Buffing, and be made Par- takers of thy eternal Kingdom, we befeech thee, favourably to receive this Infant now prefent- cd before thee; admit him into the Fellowship and Communion of thy New Church, embrace him with the Arms of thy Divine Mercy, and give thy Holy Spirit unto him ; that be- ing enrolled by Baptifm among the Number of thofe who acknowledge the DIVINITY of thy HUMANITY, and who rejoice in the Glo- ry of thy Second Advent, he may hereafter de- ny himfelf and take up his Crofs, by refift- ing the Loves of Self and of the World, and finally through thy Afliflance overcome all the Powers of Darknefs. Amen. f Then the M'mijler Jhall fay to the Parents cr Friends of the Child, "X T E have brought this Child here to be bap- X tized in the Faith of the New Heave* and New Church. In the New Church. S* m Faith in thy DIVINE HUMANITY be° prepared to dwell with thee in thy eternal Kingdom. Amen. - Tbtn the Mini/er, after taling the Child int* bis 4ms, jhalljay to the Parent; or Fnenas ./ the Child, Name this Child. *T And then naming it after them, he fhall fprinlh the Water en the Child's Forehead, faying, I BAPTIZE thee in the Name of the Lord Jefus Chrift, who is at ©nee the Father, Son, ■ and" Holy Spirit. Amen. <( then the Minifer /hall fay, WE receive this Child into the Congrega- tion of the New Church, that he may hereafter be initiated into the Acknowledgment and true Worftiip of the Lord, agreeable to the Heavenly Doflrines oi the New Jcruialem. And as there is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repents, fo let us rejoice on Lartli, that it has pleafed the Lord to add to the Number of thole, who by the Baptifm ot Ke- pentance and Regeneration may finally inherit the Crown of Everlafting Life. -« Then the Minifer returning the Child, gives the following Exhortation to the Parents or Friends of the Child. I Earnestly exhort you, who have the Care of this Child, to take Charge of his Edu- cation, and as far as lies in your Power, to fee that he be properly inftru&ed in the Prin- ciples of true Religion. Let him be weH ac- quainted with Jsf Hcly Word, and with the Heavenly Do&nnes of the New Jerulalem, as revealed by the Lord in the Writings of his Servant Emanuel Swcdenborr, but parti- cularly fee that he learn by heart the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and 'he Creed of the New Church. Teach him the Necemty of fhunning continually all Evils as Sins againft God,. and by renouncing the 1 of Self and the World,, of loving the Lord a- hove all Things, and bis Neighbour as ■ / So will you be preparing for Us I [J j n this Life 1 , and for his eternal Salvation V the World to co ne. f Then tbtJMinijier is to repeat the fJl 0W w* Tharikjgiving and Prayer, WE give thee molt humble an J hearty Thanks, O heavenly Father, tiiat thou haft been gracioufly pleafed to accept our Ser- vice at this Time, and to receive this Child in- to the Congregation of thy New Church upon Larth v As he grows in Stature, may he grow m t.ie Knowledge and Love of Thee and thy Kingdom. Support him in the future Hour of Temptation, give him Power over all his fpiritu- al Enemies ; and, having followed thy Foot- Heps in the Regeneration,^ may he finally be re- ceived into thy New Angelic .Heaven, to glorify and praifc thee, World without End. Amen. f Then the Lord's Prayer is t, be repeated by all OUR Father who art in the Heavens : Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come In the New Church. 6z Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, Co alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. ^ Andlaftly, the Minijfer concludes with the follow- ing Benediction. TH E Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you all. Amen. Rev. xxii. 21. ^^^^^iws^^^^ssw^ ^^^^.^^fc-^ 5 ^^"^^"^ c r«1 Thi FORM of the Adminiftration of BAPTISM to ADULTS, In the New Church. — >o#o-o— -f A Bafon of pure JVater being placed 9n the Table, and the Perfon to be baptized being prefent, the Minifier is to begin with the Lord's Prayer. OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth. Giv'e us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory/ for Ages. Amen. *[ Then the Minifier is to read as follows. FORASMUCH as the Order wherein Man was originally created, has been per- verted and deftroyed by the Abufe of his Free- Will, and in Confequence thereof we are all born in the Love of Self and of the World \ and fince no one can enter into the Kingdom of God, except he be regenerate, and born again of Water and o£> the Spirit, that is, by the Truths of Faith, and a Life in Confor- mity tt thorn; therefore Baptifia was mftitv*- Bapttjm of Adults. k% id by the Lord as a Sign and Memorial that Man may be purified from his Evils ani Falfes, and thereby become regenerate. Thus the Lord was pleafed to fuffer himfelf to be baptized by John, in Token that his HUMA- NITY was to be GLORIFIED, for hereby was all Righteoufnefs fulfilled in his own Di- vine Perfon. By the Waters of Baptifm are alfo figni- fied Temptations, or fpiritual Conflicts againft Evils and Falfes ; for Purification and Rege- neration can only be effected by Means of Temp- tations. And inafmuch as Baptifm is for a Sign and Memorial of fuch Things, therefore it may lawfully be adminiftered to Infants, or if Begle&ed at that Age, to Adults. The firft Ufe of Baptifm is Introduction in- to the Chriftian Church, and Infertion at the fame Time amongft Chriftians in the Spiri- tual World. Baptifm iifelf, however, is only a Sign of Introduction into the Church: Yet this Sign is perceived in the Chriftian Heaven, and the Perfon baptized is thereby diftinguifhed in the Spiritual World, according to the Quality of the Faith he profeffes, and at the fame Time ac- cording to the Quality of his Life. The fecond Ufe of Baptifm is, that the Per- fon baptized may know and acknowledge the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, and follow hiiru This Acknowledgment confifts in a firm Belief that He is the Only God of Heaven and Earth, the Creator, Redeemer, and Regenerator ; that in Him there is a Divine Trinity, confifting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, like Soul, Body, and Operation in Man ; and alfo in a Life «f Obedience %g. &s Comoiajjd»ents« 64 Bnptifm of Adults The third and final Ufe of Baptifm is, that Man may be regenerated • in which Cafe he is baptized with the Holy Spirit, or with Fire-; that is, he is admitted into Aflbciation either with the Angels of the Lord's Spiritual Kingdom, or with thofe of his celeftial Kingdom ; and after Death he himfelf becometh either a fpi- ritual or a celei'iial Angel. Now, whereas thefe three Ufcs follow each other in Order, and join with each other in the ultimate or laft Ufe, and confequently in the Idea of Angels cohere together as one, therefore whensoever Baptifm is performed, or read in the Word, or named, the Angels who are prefent do not underftand Baptifm, but Re- generation. Wherefore, by thefe Words of the Lord, " Whofoever believeth, and is baptized, fliall be faved, " is underftood by the Angeli in Heaven, that whofoever acknowledgeth the Lord, and is regenerated, will be faved. Be it known therefore to every Chriftian, that who- foever doth not believe on the Lord, and keep his Commandments, cannot be regenerated, notwithstanding his having been baptized ; and that being baptized, without Faith in the Lord, is of no Avail ; for Baptifm itfelf neither giv- eth Faith, nor Salvation, but is a Teftimony to fuch as are baptized, that they may receive Faith, and that they may be faved, if they are regenerate. «f After which the Minlfter is to fay, Let us pray. A LMIGHTY and everlafting Lord, our XjL heavenly Father, who in thy Word doft in- iavitc all Men to come unto thee, that the/- In the New Chunlt. 6^ may be made Partakers of thy eternal King- dom, we beieech thee, favourably to receive this Perfon now to be baptized \ admit him into the Feliowihip and Communion of thy New Church, embrace him with the Arms of thy Divine Mercy, and give thy Holy Spirit unto him ; that being enrolled by Baptifm among the Number of thofe who acknowledge the DIVINITY of thy HUMANITY, and who rejoice in the Glory of thy Second Advent, he may hereafter deny himfelf and take up his Croft, by refifting the Loves of Self and of the World, and finally through thy Affiftance overcome all the Powers of Darknefs. Amen, 4 Then ■ the Minijler floall fay to the P erf an to he baptized, , "pv O S T thou believe, that God is One JL/ both in Etfence and in Perfon, in whom is a Divine Trinity, confifiing of Father, Son,, and Holy Spirit ; and that the Lord and Savioux jefus Chrilt is He I Anfwer. I do. Minijler. Doft thou believe, that in ordeX" to Salvation, Man mult live a Life according to the Ten Commandments, by ihunning E- Yils as Sins againft God ? Anfwer. I do. Minijler. Art thou defirous of being bap- tized in this Faith ? Anfwer. I asn. H 66 Baptifm if Adults 4|[ Then the Minijitr is to pray as fallows. O MERCIFUL Lord Jefus, who didft give Commandment to thy Difciples that they mould go and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit ; and didft alfo promife to be with them until the Confummation of the Age ; thereby inftru&ing us that thy felt art Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that on the Deltruction of the former Chrif- tian Church, thou wouldft depart from it, and take up thy Abode in thy New Church ; wc befeech thee to be prefent in this AflemWy, and to fanctify this Water to the Ufe which thou haft ordained in thy Word, that this P erf on how to be baptized may be cleanfed from all his Impurities, and by a living Faith in thy DIVINE HUMANITY, be prepared to dwell with thee in thy eternal Kingdom. Amen. ■ % Then the Minifter, naming, the P erf on to- i?e baptized, jball fprinkle the Water on his Fore- heady faying, I BAPTIZE thee in the Name of the Lord Jefus Chrift, who is at once the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 4 Then the Minifer Jhafl fay, WE receive this P erf on into the Congregt- tion of the New Church, that he may be further inftructed in the Acknowledgment and true Worfhip of the Lord, agreeable to the Heavenly Do&rines of the New Jerufalem. Aad as there is Joy in Heaven over one In the New Church. 6/ Sinner that repents, To let us rejoice on Earth, that it has pleafed the Lord to add to the Number of thole, who by the Baptifm of Re- pentance and Regeneration may finally inherit the Crown of Everlafting Life. ^ 7 hen the Minijler is to deliver the following Ex- hortation to the Perf§n baptized: I Earnestly exhort you to cultivate with all Diligence an Acquaintance with the Holy Word, and with the Heavenly Doctrines of trie New Jerufalem, as revealed by the Lord in the Writings of his Servant Emanuel Swedeniorg : But particularly remember the Neceffity of fhun- ning continually ail Evils as Sins againft God, and by renouncing the Loves of Self and the World, of loving the Lord above all Things, and your Neighbour as yourfelf. So will you be providing for your Happinefs in this Life, and for your eternal Salvation in the World to come. ^ Then the Minifier is te repeat the following Thank/giving and Prayer. WE give thee moft - humble and hearty Thanks, O heavenly Father, that thou haft been gracioufly pleafed to accept our Ser- vice at this Time, and to receive this Per/on in- to the Congregation of thy New Church upon Earth. Support him in the Hour of Tempta- tion, give him Power over all his fpi ritual Ene- mies ; and, having followed thy Footfteps in the Regeneration, may he finally be received in- to thy New Angelic Heaven, to glorify and praife thee, World without End. Amen. #$. Baptlfm if AdulH. ^ Then the Lord's Prayer. OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, ib alfo. upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us, not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the King- dom, and the Power, and (he Glory, for Ageis. Amen. % Andlqftly, the Benediftion. THE Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be'-mik you all. Amen. ( 69 ) The FORM o? the Adminiftration of The HOLY SUPPER, In the New Church, ^ Every P erf on defirous of being a Parfaler of the . Holy Supper in the New Churchy jhaii fir ft open- ly confefs and acknowledge, that the Lord and Sa- viour Jefus Chrifi, as to his DIVINE HU- MANITY, is the Only God of Heaven and Earth ; and that all the Truth of the Church, end all the Good of Religion, are folely derived from Him. And he Jhall further declare his fe- rious Defire, through Divine Mercy . and Afjifl- ance, for the future, to jhun all Evils as Sins a* gainfl God, to be in Charity with all Men, and to live a Life according to the Ten Commandments, % The Bread and Wine being placed upon the Ta- ble, the Mi ni ft er begins by repeating the Lord's Prayer, all kneeling, OU R Father who art in the Heavens ; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, io alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. -And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the King- dom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. f$ The Holy Supper f Then the ATinifler Jlands up, and reads as foU lotus ; the People Jiill kneeling. DEARLY Beloved in the Lord, ve are novr invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, who is the Lord God and Saviour Jefus Chriilin his DIVINE HUMANITY,- to be Partakers of his Flefh and Blood, that is, the Divine Good and Divine Truth proceeding from his GLORIFIED BODY, whereby your Souls may be nourifhed unto eternal Life. The Bridegroom himfelf invites you, and fays, Come. Be ye therefore ready ; put away all Evil from your Hearts, look to the Lord jefus Chrift a- lone, acknowledge Him as your God, your Sa- viour and Redeemer, and he will enter in, and make his Abode with you; for behold, the Ta- bernacle of God is with the Men oi the New Church, and they (hall be his People. Yea, the Lord himfelf is now prefent in his DIVINE HUMANITY, and waiteth to open Heaven to all thofe who approach his Holv Supper worthi- ly, agreeable to his own Declaration, '* Behold, I ftand at the Door, and knock ; if any Man hear my Voice, and open the Door, I will come in unto him, and will fup with him, and he with me." ^ Then the Mimfier, Inecling, is to pray as follows O MERCIFUL Lord, our heavenly Father, to whom all Hearts are known, and from „whom no Secrets can poilibly be hid, we deflre to approach thee at this Time in the -Spirit of Prayer and fincere Humiliation. We confefs, that of ourfelves we are mere Evil, and utterly fenworthy of thy great Gbodnefs, and of th« In theNeW Church, 7X many Benefits which we daily receive at thy Hands. Yet trufting in thy Divine Mercy, and encouraged' by thy holy Word, we now prefent ourfelves before thee in the Way of thine own Appointment, humbly praying that thou wouldft be pleafed to communicate that fpiritual and fub- ftantial Food, the Good and Truth proceeding from thy GLORIFIED HUMANITY, which fern alone nourifh and preferve us to eternal Life. Amen. <5 After which the Mmijler is to read as fellows ; the People fitting, THE Holy Supper was inftituted by the Lord himfelf, for the Purpofe of maintain- ing thereby a Communion betwixt his Church and Heaven, and of Confequence betwixt his Church and Himfeif. It is therefore the mod facred -and folemn of .all Worfhip. How fuch 'Communion is effected by Means of -the Lord's Supper, is incomprehenfible to thofe who are un- acquainted with the internal or fpiritual Senfe of .the Word ; for their Conceptions .are terminated in the external or literal Senfe, and cannot pene- trate beyond it; whereas it is by the fpiritual Senfe only, that the Ufes and Benefits of the holy- Supper can be truly difcerned. And as the New •Church, meant by the New Jeruialem in the Revelation, is now. about to he eifahiiihed by the Lord, wherein God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are acknowledged as Gne, becaufe they are in ONE PERSON, therefore it hath pleated the Lord at this Day to reveal the fpiritual Senfe of the Word, and together with it the £)oclrine of Correfpondencies, to the Intent *hat this New Church may be admitted int« J 1 The Holy Supper the real Ufe and Benefit of ths Sacrament of the Holy Supper ; which Intent is fulfilled, when the Members of this Church perceive with their Spiritual Eyes, that ii, with \heir Underfland- ings, the Sanctity therein concealed, and apply it to themfelves by thofe Means which the Lord hath taught in his Word. Hear therefore the Doctrine of the Lord con- cerning his Flefh and his Blood, and concerning Bread and Wine : " Labour not for the Meat which perifheth, but for that Meat which endur- ethunto everlallingLife, which the Son of Man will give unto you. I am the Bread of Life ; he that cometh unto me mail never hunger, and he that believeth in me mail never thirft. I am the Bread which came down from Heaven. If any Man eat of this Bread, he (hall live for ever ; and the Bread which I will give is my Flefh, which I will give for the Life of the World. Verily, ve- rily I fay unto you, Except ye eat the Flefh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no Life in you. Whofo eateth my Flefh and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal Life, and I will raife him up at the laft Day \ for my Flefh is Meat indeed, and my Blood is Drink indeed. He that eateth my Flefh, and drinketh my Blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." By Flefh, Blood, Bread, and Wine, in a na- tural Senfe, is meant the Paflion of the Crofs, in Remembrance of which they were to be received; wherefore the Lord laid, when he inftituted this Supper as a Conclufion of the Jewifh, and a Be- ginning of the Chriftian Paifovcr, " Do this in Remembrance of me." In a fpiritual Senfe, by Flefh and Bread is meant the Good of Charity, and by Blood and Wine the Truth of Faith ; In the New Chunh. 73 and in a fupreme Senfc the Lord himfelf with. Refpeft to the Divine Good of his Love, and th& Divine Truth of his Wifdotn. < By Flefti and Blood are alfo llgnified the Divine Good and Divine Truth contained in the Holy Word : And by Eating and Drinking thereof is fignined Ap- propriation, and fpiritual Nourimment. Since, therefore, the Holy Supper includcth and containeth in it the Lord, his Divine Good, and his Divine Truth, it follows, that it alfo includ- cth and containeth, both univerfaily and particu- larly, all Things relating to Heaven and the Church ; and whereas the Lord's Flefh fignifies- the Divine Good of his Love, and his Blood fig- nifies the Divine Truth of his Wifdom, it is e- vident that the Lord is completely Gmniprefent in the Holy Supper, both as to his Divinity, and as to his GLORIFIED HUMANITY; con- fequently, that in this Sacrament there is a fpi- ritual Eating and Drinking, whereby the wor- thy Receivers are admitted into the Lord's Body, which confifteth of, and is formed by, Heaven and the Church. When Man is regenerate, the Lord is indeed prefent with him, and by his Divine Operation prepareth him for Heaven ; neverthelefs, in or- der to his actual Admiffion therein, it is expedi- ent that Man mould a&ually prefent himfelf to the Lord ; and whereas the Lord doth a&uallj prefent himfelf to Man, Man ought actually to receive him, not indeed as he hun£ on the Crofs, but as he now is in his GLORIFIED HUMA- NITY, in which he is Omniprefent ; and the Flefh of this Humanity is Divine Good, and it's Blood is Divine Truth, which are given to Man* S 74- The Holy Supper and by which Man is regenerated, and is in the Lord, and. the Lord in him. Thus Eating and Drinking are Acts of a fpirituai Nature; and thus the Holy Supper becomes a Signing, Sealing, Certifying, and Witnefling, even be- iore the Angels, that the worthy Receivers there- of are the .Sons of God, and moreover as a Key to their Houfe in Heaven, where they (hall dwell to all Eternity. $ Now all are to kneel, and the Minl/ler proceeds, faying, Let us Pray. ALMIGHTY and ever-blefTed Lord, who of thy tender Love and Mercy waft pleafed to defcend from Heaven for the Redemption of Mankind, and by the Aflumption and perfect GLORIFICATION of thy HUMANITY, didft overcome all the Powers of Darknefs, and thereby refcue us from the Jaws of eternal Death; ■who didft alfo in thy holy Gofpel inftitute this moft facred and folemn Ordinance, in perpetual Commemoration of thy Victory over the Hells, and the Accomplidiment of Redemption, by the full and perfed Union of DIVINITY and HU- MANITY in ONE PERSON ; confecrate we Jiumbly befeech thee, with the Prefence of thy DIVINE HUMANITY, thefe natural Ele- inents of JBread and Wine, that they being re- ceived by our Bodies in the Spirit of Love to Thee, and Charity towards our Neighbour, we may at the fame Time with our Souls feed up- on that Divine Good which is thy Flefti and Body, and that Divine Truth which is thy Blood. Amen. In the New Church. 75 f Conjuration of the Elements. JESUS kept the Paflbver with his Difciples, and when the Evening was come, he fat down with them; and as they did eat Jefus took Bread, and bleiTed it, and brake, and gave to his Difciples, faying, Take,^eat, this (*) is my Body. And he took the Cup, and when he had given Thanks, he gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of this, for this is (b) myBlood the Blood of the New Teftament, which is fhed for many. f Then the Mmifter, after receiving the Communis cnhlmfelf is to deliver it into the Hands of the People. And when he delivered, the Bread, he Jhall fay, ^PHE Body of our Lord Jefus Chriit, which X is the Divine Good of his Divine Love, nourifh and preferve you unto eternal Life. Take and eat this, in Remembrance that the Lord GLORIFIED his HUMANITY, ami there- by became the God of Heaven and Earth. « And when the Minifler delivered the Cup, he Jhall fay, THE Blood oi our Lord Jefus Chrift, whick is the Divine Truth of his Divine Wif- dom, nourim and preferve you unto eternal Life. Drink ye all of this, in Remembrance that the Lord GLORIFIED his HUMANITY, and thereby became the God of Heaven and Earth. . (a) Here the Mini/ler lays his Hand over the Bread., (b) And here he lays his Hand over the Win* 7 6' The Holy Supper % TVhen all have communicated, the Lord's Prayer is to be repeated by the Minifier and People 'te- geiher, all kneeling. OUR Father who art in the Heavens ; Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth/ Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. f Then a Pfalm or Hymn may be fang. f After which ^ the Mimfler is to repeat the follow- ing Tk a nkf giving and Glorification. MOST merciful and gracious Lord Jefus, who haft been pleafed at this Time to fa- vour us with thy heavenly Prefence, and under the Forms of Bread and Wine to communicate, by Influx, that Divine Good and Truth, of which thy GLORIFIED BODY is the Fountain and Source ; accept of our Praifes and Thankf- givings for this and every other Inftance of thy Mercy. Thee only will we acknowledge as our Father and our God : By thee were- we created, by thee redeemed, and by thee alone can we be regenerated. Thou only art the Father, thou, only art the Son, and thou only art the Holy Spirit. Thy Name is Jehovah of Hofts, the Holy One of Ifrael, the Mighty God of Jacob. Thou art Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Fir ft and the Laft, Who Waft, Who Art, and Who Art To Come, the Almighty. Thou art the King of Glory } thou art the Lord In the New Church. 77 •i Life. From everlafting to everlafting, of Hea- ven and Earlh, Thou Alone art God Glorify thyfelf in us, that we alfo may glorify thee. A- irien and Amen. Minifter. To Jefiis Chrift be Glory and Do- - minion for ever and ever. M, For He is Jehovah of Holfc, and in Him Alone dwelleth ail the Fulnefs ot the God- head bodily. « Then the Minifter concludes with the following Benediflicn. THE Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you all. And may His Peace, which paffeth all Undemanding, reft upon you, and be with you, now henceforth, and for evermore. UK ^^.^^^^^^^^^^^ P. ■? ( 78 ) A CATECHISM FOR THE USE OF THE NEW CHURCH. %/?. WHAT are yon? AnJ. A human Creature. Q What is a human Creature ? A. An Image and Likenefs of Almighty Q What isGocI? A God is a Being of infinite Lovj What is the Son ?. A. Divine Wifdom, or Divine Truth, an- fwering to the Body of Man. In other Words, it is the Divine Humanity. j9. And what is the Holy Spirit ? A. It is the Divine Proceeding of Love and Wifdom from the Divine Humanity of our Lord, anfwering to the Operations of Man's Soul and Bodv to«eiher. ' Catechlfm of the New Church. U Jf> What doft thou know of the holy Word ? A. I believe it is a Revelation of the Will of my heavenly Father, and therefore I reverence it for his Sake, and becaufe it teaches me to love the Lord above all Things, and my Neighbour as f if © . Which are the Books of the Word ? A. All thofe which have the internal Senfe, which are as follow ; that is to fay, in the Old Teftament, the five Books of Mofes, called Ge- nefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deu- teronomy ; theBookofJofhua, the Book of Judg- es the two Books of Samuel, the two Books *f Kings, thePfalms of David, the Prophets, Kaiah, "Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Da- niel, Hofea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Mi- cah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephamah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi : And in "the New Tefta- ment, the four Evangelifts, Matthew, Mark; Luke, John, and the Revelation. j5>. What will become of you after Death f A. If I live a good Life, I (hall be received intoHeaven by the Lord, and be for ever happy ; but if I live wickedly, I fhall be turned into Hell, and be miferable to all Eternity, 4>. What doft thou mean by the New Church, or New Jerufalem ? . A. By the New Church I mean a new Mam- feftation of Divine Goodnefs and Truth, in the Unfolding of the internal Senfe of the holy Word, whereby I may be more immediately con- joined to the Lord, if I keep his Command- ments. jp. How many Commandments are there'* A. Ten. Cat. Repeat them, tfa Cattchifm of the New Church. _ A. In the 20th Chapter of Exodus, God fpake all thefe. Words, faying, [first table.] I. I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the Earth of Egypt, out of the Houfe of Servants. Thou fhalt not have other Gods be- fore my Faces. Thou malt not make to thyfelf a. graven Image, nor any Likenefs, which is in the Heavens from above, or which is in the Earth from beneath, or which is in the Waters from under the Earth. Thou fhalt not bow down thyfelf to them, nor ferve them ; for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Sons, upon the third and fourth, to them that hate me ; and mewing Mer- cy unto Thousands to them that lore me, and keep my Commandments. II. Thou fhalt not take the Name of Jehovah thy God in vain ; for Jehovah will not render him innocent that taketh his Name in vain. ; III. Remember the Day of Sabbath, to fane- tify it. Six Days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy Work. And the feventh Day is a Sabbath to Jehovah thy God. Thou (halt not do any Work, thou, and thy Son, and thy Daughter, thy Man- Servant, and thy Maid-Servant, and* thy Beaft, and thy Stranger which is in thy Gates. For in fix Days Jehovah made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that is in them, and re/ted in the feventh Day; therefore Jehovak Weflfcd the Day of Sabbath, and fanftified it. IV. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, to the end that thy Days may be prolonged upon the Land, which Jehovah thy God giveith thee. ■Qatedifm-of tht New Church. 8£ [SECOND TABLE.] V. Thou (halt not kill. VI. Thou malt not commit Adultery. VII. Thou (halt not (leal. VIII. Thou fhalt not anfwcr againft thy Neighbour the Witnefs of a Lye. IX. Thou ftialt not covet thy Neighbours H ° Ufe - 1. XT • U i X. Thou (halt not covet thy Neighbours Wife, nor his Man-Servant, nor his Maid- Ser- vant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any Thing ; that is thy Neighbour's. §K What is the great End and Dcfig-n oi thefe Commandments \ A. They teach me to worfhip and acknow- ledge the true God of Heaven and Earth, to (bun continually all Evils as Sins againft him, to re- nounce the Loves of Self and ei the World, and to love the Lord above-all Thing, and my Neigh- bour as myfelf. 4>. Art thou able, of thine own Strength, to do this ? A. No ; but by the Divine Mercy of the Lord, and his continual Affiftance, I truft I mail be enabled to love and obey him all the Days of my Life : And therefore I offer up my Prayers unto him, agreeable to his holy W r ord, in the fol- lowing Manner : Our Father who art in the Heavens J Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, fo alfo upon Earth. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Debts, as we alfo forgive our Debt- ors. And lead us not intoTemptation, but deliver *%4 Catechljm of the New Church. us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for Ages. Amen. £K How many Ordinances hath the Lord ap- pointed in his Church ? • . A. Two, Baptifm and the Holy Supper, which are the two Pillars of Heaven and the. Church. Q What is the Ufe of Baptifm ? A. There are three Ufes in Baptifm. The "firft is Introduction into the Chriltian Church, and at the fame Time Infertion among ChrilH- ans in the Spiritual World. The fecond Ufe is, that the Perfon baptized may know and acknow- ledge the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, and follow him. The third and laft Uie of Baptifm is, that Man may be regenerated. j^. Does Baptifm itfelf confer either Faith or Salvation. A. No : It is only a Sign that the Perfon bap- tized may receive Faith, and that he may be lav- ed, if he is regenerate. J§>. What is the Ufe of the Holy Supper ? A. Bread and Wine in the Holy Supper re- prefent the Divine Good and Divine Truth of the Lord's Divine Humanity; which being received in Charity and Faith, are productive of actual Conjunction with him, and more immedi- ate Communion with the Angels of Heaven. Thus Eating and Drinking are Acts of a Spiri- tual Nature ; and thus the Holy Supper becomes a Signing, Sealing, Certifying, and Witnelf- ing, even before the Angels, that the worthy Receiver is a Child of God ; and moreover, as a Key to his Houfe in Heaven, where he fhali dwell to all Eternity. FINIS. H T M N S AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, TOR THE USE OF The L O R D's NEW CHURCH, SIGNIFIED FY THE NEW JERUSALEM In the Revelation. caes THE PREFACE; O R An Addrefs to all thofe who have received the Dodrines of the New Jerusalem. Beloved Brethren,. AS it hath pleafed the Lord Jefus Chrift, our only God and Saviour, to form the New- Heavens, and the New Earth (or Church) fo much fpoken of in his holy Word, and alio to communicate unto us, his unworthy Servants, in fome good Meafure, the Knowledge of the Doc- trines, Truths, and Glories of his New King- dom ; together with the great and unfpeakable Mercy of being admitted into the Gates of the holy City, to enjoy the Goods and Truths, the Bleffings and Felicities of this his New Church ; it furely becomes our Duty, and ought to be our conftant Delight, to celebrate his Praife. with all the Powers of our Mind, in a ho- ly, fpiritual, zn&xacceptabk Marnier, according to his Word. Now it is well known to you, that although there are many Compofitions and Colie&ions of Pfalms, Hymns, and Songs, writ- XXXVI P R I FACE. ten by very refpeelable Characters, who poflefTed the Genius and Talents of the Poet ; yet none of thofe Compofitions or Collections are adapt- ed to the New Church, nor are they confident with the genuine Doctrines and Truths of the holy Word ; moft, or all of them, being formed* according to the prevailing Do&rines of the Chrif- tian Church in it's fallen, corrupted, and per- verted State. J (hall not take upon me, in this Addrefs, to point out the Falfrs, and Errors of Dsfirine % with which thofe Compofitions a- bound • as I prefume they are pretty well known to my Brethren of the New Church, to whom thefe Lines are addrefteCh Suffice it to fay, that the Idea of Three Perjons in the Trinity, confe- fjuently of Three 'Gcas, runs through the Whole of thofe Compofitions " and with this general and leading falfe Doctrine, are connected all thofe other Falfes, which have vaftated the Church, fuch as Predeftination, imputed Ri;_hteotifnefs,. Atonement of Wrath, JuiHfuation by Faith al- hne, C5V. tsfc. C5V. Moreover the Hvmns and- Songs now in Ufe, mult be very exceptionable to- thinking, judicious Mtrafs for another Reafon r said that is, that they abound fo much with /V~ iiilcns and Prayers, and nany other Subjects Ojtute improper for public Singing, and inconfiil- t:.nt with Praife and Thankigiving. From thefe Gonfiderations, (and more which might be offer- ed) the Members of the New Church can by no, Means ufe the Publications now extant, in their religious Services. In Confequence of which, and at the RequHt of my Brethren'* I have attempted to compote a frriall Volume of Pfalms and Hymns adapted to the r r ' ' rrr Di&» peu&iion, and confident with the Doctrines and Preface. Ixxxis Truths of the holy Word, according to it's true, internal, and fpiritual Senfe. How far I have fucceeded in this Attempt, I leave ta the impartial Judgment of my Friends: I can only fay, that I have been par- ticularly careful to keep clofe to pure Truth, according to my Knowledge thereof ; and alfo, to avoid as much as pofiible whatever is petitionary, ox prayer -wife, with every Subjc£t that is im- proper for Praife, Thank/giving and Glorification. • And as I- can truly fay> I did not take up- on me, nor proceed in, this Work, without afking Direction and AfTiftance from the Lord our God, who alone-can give Wifdom to Man ; fo I do humbly hope, the Work will not only be acceptable, but really ufeful, to thofe Societies and Perfons by whom it may be ufed. The true and living Members of the New Church are really principled in Love to God, and Cha- rity to Man; and under the Influence of this Principle, they will, as our enlightened Author fays, w be careful to obferve the Ceremonies of "external Worfhip, in frequenting the Church,- " in partaking of Sacraments, in hearing Ser- " mons, in repeating Prayers, and other Things '•of a like Nature, which they will do with " MUCH DILIGENCE AND ATTENTION."" Therefore in Tinging Praifes to the Lord, as v/ell as in every other Act: of public Worfhip, thev will doubtlefs have a fingle Eye to the Glory and latter far$ " ofldthverfe* j T> EHOLD the Lord in power arife, ±J Tocruih his church's enemies :- Infernal fpirits Jefus dread, And by his arm are captive led. 2 Long did the fons of darknefs boaft, And triumph in their num'rous holt y Long they infefled men below, , And'fought a gen'ral overthrow.- <2 Their hellifh influence did prevail, The church below was feen to fail ; No more could love and truth remain, If Jefus had not come again. 4 But thou, O Lord, with matchlefs might* Haft put thy daring foes to flight ; Down to their hells are devils thrown, And thou art conqueror alone, r NowTnall thy kingdom glorious rife, Thy church on earth and in the floes \ Nor (hall the powers of hell deftroy Jerufalem, thy chiefeft joy. € Thy kingdom fhall forever ftand, Spread far and wide thro' every land* { ICO ) Till thou, O Lord, by all art known, Jehovah God, and God alone. H Y M N ■ 7. Long Metre. Jefus the Sun of Heaven. X TESUS, thou fun of love divine, J Thy rays thro' boundlefs nature mine ; In thee with bright effulgence meet, Wifdom and love, or light and heat. ^ Thro* heaven thy glory is difplay'd In one bright day without a fhade : Angels from thee fupremely prove The namelefs, endlefs joys of love. 3 "With thee they dwell in fervid light, Nor feel nor fear the fhades of night ; Thy heavenly beams will never fail, But one eternal day prevail. 4 Be darknefs known on earth no more, But truth difplay'd from fhore to more ; Till men of every land mail fee Thy glory, Lord, and worfhip thee. 5 'Tis done — the fun of love appears, The (hades withdraw, the morning clears ; Now love and truth prevail again, A«d one eternal day mail reign. HYMN 8. Common Metre. The Glorification of the Lord in the Eajltrn ghxar- ter. See Univ. Thed. n. 625. 1 T> EHOLD the God of truth and might, JD Jehovah, Jefus, Lord ; Around him beams celcftiai light, And be our God ador'd ! ( 1*1 J 2 The Son of man, and God of heav**» On clouds he makes his way : To him are pow'r and glory giv'n, And bouridlefs is hisfway. 3 His holy kingdom is begun, And will divinely grow ; Nations and lands, from fun to fuR„ Their God and Saviour know, 4. People of every name confcfs Jehovah, J efus Lord, Serve him in truth and righteoufnefs* And glory in his word. 5 His kingdom muft for ever (land, Our God for ever reign : His church, fupported by his hand, Eternal mall remain. 6 The power of hell their rage may try. The happy church aflail ; But all her foes muft fink and die, For Jefus will prevail. 7 O happy kingdom ! blefled ftate, Where Jefus reigns alone, The only God of heaven and earth. To all his lubje&s known. 8 Jefus Jehovah God of heav'n, Before tHy throne We fall ;, To thee alone be praifes giv% For thou art all in all. HYMN 9. Common Metre-. 1 On Deut. viii. 3 to 9. Temptations, fc/V. I T?ULL forty years was Ifrael led X Through deferts wade and wide ; * 5 ' ( 102 ) They-hungerM oft for daily bread, Their fouls were deeply tried. 2 So we our wildernefs muft go, Our forty years fuftain : Pafs through the dreary paths of wo,. And walk the thorny plain. 3 What doth this lonely defert mean J Thefe forty years imply ? Temptations, forrows, trials keen, And defolation. nigh. 4 Conflicts internal, fharp, fevere, All hell againft us join'd ; No rays of heav'nly light appear, To raife the finking mind. 5 The hungry foul- can find no bread, His third no fpring fupplies ; But every ftep he feems to tread* His forrows fwtll and rife. 6 Now, tempted foul, look up on high, Truft in thy gracious God ; Tho' dark thyitate, thou (hall not die, For Jefus guides the rod. H Y M N io. Common Metre. On the fame Subjtft'. % /^OME then, my foul, and learn the caufe V^y Of 'this temptation-night \ For Jefus rules by holy laws, And all his ways are right. 2 Alas \ we're full of pride and fin, . The heart and life impure : From thefe arife the ftorms within, That tempted foyls errdtire. ' ( i«>3 ) ; We walk in darknefs, have no light, Our fouls are prov'd and tri'd ; Thus are we humbled in his fight, And hate our former pride. (. The dreadful evils of the heart Are fet before our eyes ; And (harp temptation's inward fmart Has made us truly wife. 5 The kind intentions of our God With grakful mind we prove ; Now deeply humbled, kifs the rod, And keep his laws in love. H Y M N ii. Common Metre : On the fame. 1 T> UT while in deflation's night J3 We walk our dreary way, The hand of Jefus leads us right, Till beams the cheerful day. 2 Tho' forty years this defert land In darknefs we may prove, Yet Jefus guides us with his hand. And guards our Souls in love. 3 Hunger and thirft we often feel, But death we need not dread ; Our (hepherd will his truth reveal, And give us heav'nly bread. 4 Tho' long and tedious be the way, And ftorms aflail the foul, Our garments never (hall decay, But ftill be found and whole. 5 Thofe garments are the truths of God, Tney ne'er grow aid nor wear; f i©4- ) By them the tempter is withftood, They fhield us in the war. 6 By thefe our fov'ieign will defend When pow'rs of darknefs rife ; Preferve us till our confli&s end, And ilay our enemies. HYMN 12. Common Metre, On the fame, I 'THHE ftate of conflict now is paft, JL The long temptations ceafe ; Darknefs and ftorms no longer laft, The foul is blefs'd with peace. 1 Jehovah's kind, all-powerful hand Doth every cloud remove ; He guides us to a better land, A land of reft and love. 3 Now waters from their fountains flow In foft and gentle rills, Refreih our minds where'er we go, O'er valleys, plains, or hills. 4 If walking thro' the humble vale, Or on the mount we rife, The living waters cannot fail, The fountain never dries. 5 The wheat and barley, oil and wine, Upon our board are fpread : Ten thoufand bleflings now combine, And kindly we are fed. 6 OblefTed' fabbath ! joyful day ! Of plenty, peace, and reft ' Cheerful we'll trend the defert way, To be io richly blefs'd. ' ( ™? > 7 Jefus will be our Saviour God When defolations come ! And thro' temptation's gloomy road; Guide us in fafety home* H Y M N 13. Short Metre, On Ifa. xi. 11, 12. I T> Y Egypt long enflav'd, JlJ By fcience led aitray, By A(hur too (vain reas'nings) led, Mankind have loft their way. 0, Elam and Pathros too, Perverted fhew their fall ; Now nought but faith alone will do> For that is taught by all. 3 O fad and awful night, The church in darknefs lies ! But now (hall beam divined Hgfcr* And heavenly glory rife. 4 A fecond time the Lord Doth as an enfign ftand, Opens the wonders of his word To ev'ry name and land. 5 Now will the Lord reftore What good and truth remain ; Gather the outcafts and the poor,. And bring them home again. H Y M N 14. Short 'Metre* On the fame. j TSRAEL fhall own his name, X Judah their God confefs, Nations his boundlefs love proclaim, Aad people own his grace. t 106 ) 2 The humble poor, and meek, Their God and Saviour find ; And all who Jefus truly feek, Shall prove him good and kind.. 3 His fubjeds richly blefs'd Who in his Kingdom ftand, For great and glorious is the reft: Of Zion's happy land. 4 Thro' fix. days labour, Lord, Thou wilt thy children bring ; Then ihall they meet their full reward, And banquet with their King. «; All meet in heav'n above, That happy bleft abode, Partake the feaft of joy and love> And ever live with God. H Y . M N 15. Long Metre. On Jer. xxxiii. 6, 7, 8. * A lmight y Lorc] > tQ thee we raife jLjL A facred fong of humble praife i Thy captive Judah thou wilt free, And give thine Ifrael liberty. a 'Tis done, our fov'reign Lord and King Doth health to wounded Ifrael bring ; Diforders of the foul are heaPd, And peace and truth again rev eaVd. 3 The nations all around lhall hear, And Ifrael's great Redeemer fear : Jerufalem divinely prove Jehovah's boundlefs truth and love, 4 Now fhali the voice of joy arife, And fongs of gladnefs reach the fkies^ ( i°7 ) The name of Jefus loud be fung, From ev'ry heart, by ev'ry tongue. 5 O happy church, exalt the Lord, In higheft {trains his love record ; < | Your facrifice of praifes bring, And hail the advent of your King. H Y M N 16. Common Metre. On Ezekiel x\m. llafi Verjes. 1 "f^OME (faith the Lord) ye fons of men* V^/ " Call all your (ins away ; " My invitations now attend, " My friendly calls obey. 2 < f From all your vile tranfgreflions part, M Whereby your fouls offend, " And make anew your life and heart, " And I will be your Iriend. 3 " Why will ye die, O finners fay ? <« Why will ye thoughtlefs take u The road to hell, that dreadiui way, " And God and heav'n forfake V* 4 Jehovah calls, — the call we hear, For all our evils mourn ; Now weep the penitential tear, And home to '.God return. < O Jefus, Sovereign, Saviour kind, To thee- we thankful come : Thou wiltreftore the erring mind, And lead the banifn'd home. & Thankful thy mercy we embrace, Our evils all difclaim ; Accept thy boundlefs love and grace, And triumph in thy name. ( io8 ) H Y M N 17. Short Metre. On Rev. xxi. 25. THE holy city fee In all it's glory ftand, It's happy gates now open be To every diiland land. Now one eternal day Shall in the city reign ; Darknefs and night are fled away, Ne'er to return again. Ye diftant lands attend, Ye people that are nigh, Behold Jerufalem defcend, In grandeur from on high. The gates wide open view, The Lord invites you in ; It's honours are for me, for you, And all who fly from fin. Jefus is Lord alone, In Zion, lo ! he reigns : Bow to his fceptre, Jefus own, And walk the golden plains. O happy, happy ftate ! Great God we thankful come ; Low at thy footftool humbly wait, Till thou (halt take us home. Jerufaiem fliall be Our peaceful, bleft abode ; Here will we love and honour thee, Our Jefus and our God ! f 109 7 HYMN 18. Common Metre. On John hi. 16. t ^V^E fo° s of God, your tongues employ, X And fpread the rapt'rous found - 9 Ye angels join the gen'ral joy, And bear the echo Tound. £ Wefing of Him who reigns above On heavVs imperial throne ; We praife the God of boundlefs love. And make his merey known. 3 Salvation to Jehovah's name With grateful hearts we fing, And join our voices to proclaim The love of Ifrael's King. 4 Down from the worlds of radiant light Behold the Saviour come, To ranfom fouls from endlefs night, And bring the wand'rers home. 5 He calls us to his dear embrace, From mis'ry and defpair : Bids us receive his wondrous grace, And feek falvation there. 6 We come, Emanuel, at thy call, Believe thy glad'ning word ; Renounce our fins, ourfelves, our -all, And glory in our Lord. *] I mmortal praife to God belongs, For fuch unfathom'd love : Join all below in rapt'rous fongs, And fliout ye hofts above. k ( II* ) HYMN 19. Common Metre. On the 97th Pfalm. f TEHOVAH reigns the mighty Lord, I And Jefus is his name ; Now in the church his praife record, Ye faints his pow'r proclaim. 2 Darknefs and clouds his way furround, And awful is the God ; His haughty foes he will confound, And rule with iron rod. 3 The hills (hall melt, the fons of pride Their pow'r no longer boaft ; Jefus (hall now in triumph ride And fpoil th' infernal hoft. 4 On truth and love is built his throne. The idol gods muft fall ^ Jefus Jehovah rule alone, The fov'reign Lord of all. 5 Zion rejoice, and Judah fing, Your hearts and tongues employ ; In notes divine exalt your King, And boundlefs.be the joy. : 6 Jefus (hall reign from fun to fun, In ev*ry clime and land ; His holy kingdom is begun, And muft 'for ever (land. 7 Rejoice ye righteous, and proclaim His truth, hispow'r, and love ; Jefus is God, exalt his name, And fing ye hofts above, f in 5 H' Y M N 20. Long Metre, On John. xiv. 2, 3. t TJILGRIMS to Zion's city bound, JT Now palling through the defert ground* Look up with joy, nor yield to fear, The promis'd Canaan, lo ! is near. 2 Your thorny road with zeal purfue, A better kingdom waits for you; Urge on with joy your rugged way, And prefs to everlafting day. 3 See yonder holy kingdom rife, The golden portals meet your eyes ; Angels look down, and bid you come To your delightful, peaceful home. 4 No longer wrapp'd in ten-fold night The heav'nly ftate, thofe worlds ©f light ; It's glories now are brought to view, Beyond what all our fathers knew. 5 The well-taught fcribe,* by Jefus giv'n, Beheld the glorious things of heav'n j Remov'd the dark and difmal (hade, And namelefs wonders open laid. 6 Now every humble mind mall rife With growing ardour to the fkies ; The happy land with tranfport view, And know it's boundlefs glories too. HYMN 21. Long Metre- On the fame. EHOLD our condefcending Lord InviUs us by his holy word : * E. Swedenhorg, B f 112 | •« Where I am gone, ye kow the way* " I dwell in ever-Ia(ting day." 2 Your manfions and your thrones behold* Shining with pure refulgent gold ; The work of your Jehovah's hand, Which fhall to endlefs ages ftand. 3 O blefTed ftate, divinely bright ! Where all is love and pure delight * All holy, happy, honour'd are, And all in peace for ever there ! 4 Jefus, we come at thy command, And urge our way to Zion's land f Thy likenefs, Lord, we long to prove* And rife to fpotlefs forms of love ! 5 We long with ardent zeal to rife And meet thee in thofe better fkiesj To walk the city's golden ftreer, And humbly worfhip at thy feet.. 6 Cheerful we bid this world adieu, And hafte the dreary defert through ; The world, and fin, and felt, refign, And only feek the joys divine. HYMN 22. Long Metre. On Hipocrify. 1 TEHOYAH Lord, and God alone, I To thee all hearts are fully known ; Nothing efcapes thy piercing eyes, ThV vail'd from man by deep difguife. 2 If white and fair without we feem, As angels in the world's efteem ; Yet mould our fouls be vile within,, Thou feed every latent fin. ( "3 ) 3 The painted hypocrite may claim The chriftian's honourable name ; But when his fins are brought to light,. He'll (land a monfter black as night. 4 One latent vice we would not hide, Hatred, or envy, luft, or pride ; But gladly all our fins remove, And live, a life of truth and love. H Y M. .N 23. Common Metre; On Rev. ii. 13. 1 T> RETHREN, the Lord divinely wife* J3 Knows all our works below, The principle from which they rife, The fpring from whence they flow*. 2 If good or bad the end may be, Whate'er we have in view ; Jefus doth all diftinclly fee, And will difcover too. 3 Should we in ialfe and evil dwell* Where Satan has his feat ; Or with infernals now in hell, In fecret love to meet : 4 Our evils all he'll bring to light,. Our every fin reveal, And with the wretched fonsof night Our certain portion feal. 5 But if infernals dwell around, And we their pow'r oppofe ; Firm in the caufe of truth are found* . And fight againft our foes : 6 jefus will all our fteps defend, He'll keep our fouls fecure : From heav'n a full dehVrance fend, And make our vicYry fure. HYMN 24. Common Metre* On the fame. j f^OME then, my brethren, fear no ill, V^ Tho' Satan's feat is nigh ; Whom Jefus faves not hell can kill, The faithful fhall not die. 2 Jefus, we cwn thy fov'reign name, Our only God we own: J^or hell can put our fouls to ftiame, For thou art God alone. 3 Thy pow'r, thy truth, and love weboaft, We glory in thy word ; And tho' oppos'd by Satan's hoft, We'll not deny our Lord. 4. Thy truth to us is ever dear, More priz'd than mines ot gold : Bold in thy ways we will appear, And firm thy doftrines hold. * Our faith in thee the God of love, Unfliaken fhall remain, And Satan's arts abortive prove. His malice all be vain. 6 Tho* perfecuted for thy fake, We cheerful fuffer lofs ; Thee only for our portion take, And glory in thy crofs. H Y M N 25. Long Metre. Ifa. xxvi. 35. . g^ REA T God of heav'n, thy mighty han& \J Is now exalted in the land \ Thy pow'rupon the earth made known, As God of truth, and God alone. 2 But (till the wicked will not fee, That thou art God, and worfhip thee: Fond of their idols, vainly they To other gods their worihip pay. 3 Thy truth (hall foon triumphant prove, And glorious beam thy matchlefs love ; Thy mighty pow'r thy foes (hall know, And urge their flight to ihades below. 4 Thy foes by their own fins and luft, Mud bear their fhame, and die accurs'd ; Becaufe thy love they would abufe, And all thy faving truth refufe. 5 But all who love thy holy ways, Give thee, as God alone, the praife ; They (hall in lafting peace abound, And with eternal joys be crown'd. HYMN 26. Common Metre, On Luh xiii. 35. 1 T X 7HEN Jefus fhed companion's tear VV O'er Ifrael's fallen race, •* I will (faid he) again appear, " And with fuperior grace/' 2 The Jews were faithlefs, and his word They treated with difdain : But faithful is the mighty Lord, And, lo ! he comes again. 3 But not the man of forrow now, He bears the crofs no more : No more fharp thorns difgrace hisbrowj But heav'n and earth adore. fi "6 ) 4 The. mighty God of all appears> . The only God is he ; He comes to dry his Zion's tears, And fet the captives free. H Y M N 27. Common Metre. On the fame. 1 "VJOW bleffing, honour, glory, praife, Jl.\| By angel hotts are fung ; The faints below their voices raife, And join the heav'nly throng. 2 Ador'd be he, who comes to blcfs The nations with his love ; To mew his truth and righteoufnefs, And every cloud remove. 3 BlefTed be he, who comes to reign In Zion's happy land : Jerufalem is built again, And (hall forever ftand. 4 N© more this kingdom mall decay, No more the temple fall ; Here Jefus reigns with endlefs fway, The King and Lord of all. HYMN 28. Long Metre, On Daniel ii. 44. 1 f^ REAT God, thy kingdom is begun," \J And thou wilt reign from fun to lun ; Thy praife fhall found from fhore to more, Thy kingdom ftand, and fall no more. 2 Now ail the boafting fons of pride From Jefu's prefence feek to hide ; ( *<7 ) Ufurpers tumble from their throne* And our Jehovah reigns alone. 3 The dragon mighty to devour, Who rul'dwith a tyrannic pow'r; The ferpent cunning to decoy, The devil eager to deftroy : 4 Thefe all the Lord fhallput to flight, And hell (hall tremble at his fight : Kingdoms of darknefs now muft fall, And Jefus be the Lord of all. HYMN 29. Long Metre. On the fame, I "VJOW Babylon of haughty pride, JL\| Whofe purple robes in blood are dy'd 3. This queen of hell, this fcarlet whore, Shall fink and fall, to rife no more, a Polluted churches, idol lands, Each kingdom that in falfhood (lands* Shall now be broke with iron rod, And fly before the mighty God;. 3 Egypt, AiTyria, Babel, Rome, Prepare to meet your dreadful do©m ; Now muft your pomp and greatnefs fall* For Jefus comes, the Lord of all. 4. Hail,blefled King, in triumph ride, With truth and juftice at thy fide ; Now bring the haughty kingdoms down 9 For thou alone (halt wear the crown. 5 Come glorious conqueror, rule alone, Set up thy kingdom, take thy throne ; Joyful before thy i'ctt we fall, And hail thee King and Lord of all I c **• ) HYMN 30. Common Metre. On Divine Love. 2 TTQW (hall we praife thy dear-lov'd name, XJL Our Saviour and our God ! Fain would we all thy. love proclaim, And found thy pow'r abroad. 2 But ah ! our nobleft accents die, So weak and mean they prove y In vain our warmeft praifes try To fpeak thy boundlefs love. 3 So.vaft the fubjecl, angels' tongues Can never fpeak it's worth ; Not all their foul-enchanting fongs Can ever fet it forth. 4* Unfathomable are it's deeps, It's height no angel knows ; Open this fountain ever keeps, And unto al'l it flows. ^ For love is Deity alone, 'Tis heaven, and all divine ; It beams refulgent from the throne* And will for ever mine. 6 O Jefus, lover of my foul 1 Ardent I long to fee Thy love receiv'd from pole to pole, That all may honour thee. H Y M N 31. Common Metre* Love ta Jefus. £ /^OME, brethren, let us all enquire V^ What we ot Jefus know i ( "9 V How much of love's celeftial fire Doth in our bofoms glow. Are we from hellifli hatred freed, Our hearts and minds above ? With all our fouls do we indeed Our God and Saviour love ? The queftion's great, and muft be known Come try your fouls again : We muft be rul'd by love alone, Or all religion's vain. . What is religion ? 'Tis to love Our God with all the heart ; In charity with all men prove, And good to them impart. 'Tis love that makes religion fweet, 'Tis love that makes us rife, With willing mind, and ardent feet, To yonder happy Ikies. i Then let us all in love abound, And charity purfue ; Then mail we foon in heav'nbe crown'd, And love as angels do. For ever there this holy fire Shall all our paffions raife^ And fweetly all our fouls confpire, To fing Jehovah's praife. H Y M N 32. Long Metre. Longing for Heaven* DEAR Lord, our fouls are all on fire, They kindle with a warm delire ; We long to worfhip at thy feet, And dwell where angels have their feat, ( 120 ) fi This wWd has got no pleafing charms ; It teams with forrows, fins, and harms: Fain would we from this earth remove, And dwell in better worlds above. 3 But O ! how unprepar'd we be, That holy place ol blifs to fee : Slowly we move along the road, Opprefs'd by fin, that heavy load. 4 But all our fins thou wilt fubdue, We (hall be wife and holy too ; And when from all pollution free, We (hall appear in heav'n with thee. H Y M N 33. Long Metre. On the fame, I r *p*HY name, O Lord, be ever prais'd ; JL Thou haft our warm affections rais'd To holy, heav'nly things above : Thy people and thy name we love. a When meditating on thy word, The truth and kingdom of our Lord, On eagle's wings we long to rife, And join the angels in the flues. 3 Soon, foon the happy day will come, Jefus will kindly call ns home ; Then from each' trouble we (hall reft, With heav'nly peace our fouls be blefs'd. 4 Jefus, on thee we can depend ; We'll prefs thro* life till life (hall end; Only do thou our comfort be, Till rais'd in heav'n to dwell with thee* ( 121 ) H Y M N 34. Long Metre. On Hope. 1 \XT E travel trough a barren land, VV With clangers thick on ev'ry hand* But Jefus guides us through the vale, The chriftian's hope can never fail. 2 Huge forrows meet us as we go, And devils aim our overthrow; But vile infernals can't prevail, The chriftian's hope mail never fail. 3 Sometimes we're tempted to defpair, But jefus makes us then his care 5 Tho' devils may our fouls affail, The chriftian's hope mall never fail. 4 We truft upon the /acred word, The oath and promife of our Lord ; And fafely through each temped fail ; The chriftian's hope can never fail. HYMN 35. Long Metre. On the fame. 1 T T7H&N by temptations fharp befet ; V V And we almoft our Lord forget ; Then we look up, our joys prevail, The chriftian's hope fnall never fail. 2 When death (hall throw his poifon'd d.tft, And we to other worlds depart ; Hope leads us thro' the gloomy vale ; The chriftian's hope (hall never fail. 3 Then what have we to dread or fear ? Jehovah keeps us fafely here ; ( 122 ) Rejoice ye faints, ye (hall prevail, The chriftWs hope ihall never fail. 4. To hope we'll join both truth and love, Thus rile to happier worlds above : We'll fight and conquer, and prevail, Hope, truth, and love, (hall never fail. HYMN 36. 7 Syllables. J ejus our all in all. t TESUS, friend, to finners dear, < To my foul be ever near! Now I would thy goodnefs prove, All the wonders of thy love. 2 Thou art God, and thou art mine, AH but thee I will refign ; Thou wilt, Lord, my portion be, Thou art all in all to me. 3 Pleafure, folly, I have tried, Vain delights, all fins befide ; There's no happinefs in theie, Only thou my foul canft pleafe. 4 What's the world and all it's toys? Fleeting, empty, flatt'ring joys ; But in thee my heav'n I find, Thou canft fill my longing mind. HYMN 37. Long Metre. A funeral Hymn en the real Chrlfiian. EE (low and folemn move along. The weeping kindred gazing throng ; A friend is dead.belov'd and dear, And nature weeps the- tender tear. s f m ) 2 But fay ye kindred, tell us why Ye heave that melancholy figh ? He is not dead, but lives above, In worlds of light and endlefs love. 3 He only drops hisflefh and blood, His foul is gone to dwell with God ; With him to be for ever blefs'd, With deathlefs life, and endlefs reft. 4 Say not he'? dead, he lives indeed ; Throw o.ffthe fable mourning weed : Let ev'ry penfive tear.be dry, And fingyour friend to worlds on high* 5 He leaves his rags offlefh behind, From duft they came, to dud refign'd ; In body fpiritual appears, And walks, and talks, and fees, and hears. 6 The filent grave we cheerful leave, And for our friend no longer grieve ; Wefoon (hall end this life of pain, And joyful meet our friend again. HYMN 38. Common Metre. On If a. x\. r, 2. t XTT mourning fouls, with grief opprefs'dj X From ev'ry forrow rife ; Look to the Lord, ye (hall be blefs'd, And dry your weeping eyes. 2 Have ye your lot where fins abound, Where men their God forget ; Where vile infernals do furround, And thorns and fnares are fet ? 3 Still heav'nly comfort is your own. Jehovah will appear j ( *H ) And love and mercy from his throne* Shall be your portion here. Do ftrong temptations rife and fwell, And Satan's hoft aflail ; Do all the raging pow'rs of hell Determine to prevail f j Take comfort, then, your help is nigh, Atterld the holy word ; Your God (hall make their armies fly > " I'M fave you/' faith the Lord. I The time appointed, k> ! appears, JeTus your conflict knows ; He'll lave you from your trembling fears, AAd cruKi your cruel foes. HYMN 39. Short Metre On the Death of a real Chrtjlian. 1 All! fee that lifelefs clay, XJL 'Tis dead, and lives no more ; But lo ! the man has wing'd his way To Zion's happy fhore. 2 The flefh and blood are left, The man is fled and gone ; And of his cumbrous load bereft, A brighter form puts on. 3 His body tho' he gives To feed the crawling worm *, He now a nobler fpilil lives, In a fubftantial form. 4 There's nothfajj toft bv death, Except the lump of clay ; Nor is the foul a puff of breath, Like vapour biown-away. ( 125 ) 5 The fpirit is the man, Of ev'ry pow*r poiFefs'd ; A living fubftance now he (lands, And is for ever blefs'd. 6 Then let us all rejoice, Our friend and brother lives ; With angels now he joins his voice, And praife to Jefus gives. H Y M N 40. 149th Pfalm Tune. Praije for temporal Blejfings. 1 T T THAT bleilings below we daily receive V V V There's nothing too great for Jefus to give ; Ten thoufand rich mercies encircle us round, And we in this defert with goodnefs are crown'd. 2 Tho' common our gifts, no lefs do they prove, The Giver is kind, and free in his love ; The more they are common, the more may we fee, How kind to poor Tinners Jehovah can be, 3 Our health, ftrength, and eafe, our clothing, and food, Jehovah gives thefe, and all that is good ; The earth teems with plenty our wants to iupply, And millions of cattle to feed us mud die. 4 For us muft the rain in mowers dcfcend f The vaft orbs of light our footfteps attend ; The fun beams around us in glory by day, The moon and (tars nightly direct us qus way. 1 K IV f I26 ) Nor merely our wants has Jefus fuppliecf,. He gives us enough for pleafures befide ; All nature ftands ready to render us aid, And all the creation our fervant is made. Come, then, O my foul, his goodnefs confefe. To Jefus thy praife with rapture exprefs ; For mercies' he gwes thee, fend praifes above,. And let not the angels exqel thee in love. H Y M N 41. Common Metrs. On Mai. iii. 12. EjOIGE, ye happy fouls rejoice, Whoin new Salem ftand i And let your all harmonious voice Sound high from land to land. AH nations foon fhall hear and fee, How great your favours prove ; How wondrous rich thofe bleffings be, Which flow from Jefu's love.. "Jerufalem, divinely blefs'd* In all it's grandeur new, Shall be by ev'ry tongue confefs'd, When they your glory view. Delightful church, the Lord's abode \ Here (lands Jehovah's throne, The habitation of our God, Here Jefus reigns alone, Delightfome land of oil and wine, Here milk and honey, flow ; Celeftial bleflings here combine, And fruks immortal grow., » Here will we take our joyful reft, Nor e'er from Salem roam j ( "7 ) Not Grangers we, but Jefu's guefts 5 And this our happy home. HYMN 42- kong Metre Haggai ii. 8, 9. t A">OME, thou beloved faithful Lord, V^y Fulfil thy foul-reviving word ; Defire of all the nations come, And make thy church thy lading home-! ' 2 May all the earth thy glory fee In thy Divine Humanity ! Thyfelf as God of all make known* And in thy church erect thy throne, 3 O happy church, celeftial bride, Thy huflband will with thee refide - v , With peerlefs glory thou fhalt fhine,. In robes of honour all divine. 4- The gold and (liver, truth and love,. And all the weaith of heav'n above, Are thine, blefs'd Lord ; thou wilt bellow This treafure on thy faints below. 5 With brighteft glory thus array'd, And rich with holy treafure made, Jerufalem fhall glorious ftand, The pride of ev'ry age and land. H Y M N 43. Long Metre, On the fame. t "OUT Tee her more internal ftate, JD Her grandeur how.divinelygreat j No dang'rous errors can beguile, Nor hateful fin the church defile. ( x*8 ) I Silver and gold her inward drefs, Truth, love, and faith, and righteoufnefs \ Holy without, and pure within ; In will and understanding clean. 3 Her laws and doctrines juftand right, Her priefts are forms ol love and light ;, Her order from the courts above, And ah herfervice done in love. 4. Her difcipline is from the word, Her king and ruler is the Lord ; Her fons and daughters all agree, And live in peace and charity. 5 Her journey is the holy way, Which leads to everlafting day ; And her eternal fure reward, A crown of glory with the Lord* 6 Such is the church our God hath rais'd, And be his name for ever prais'd ! Here will we fix our blefs'c! abode, Amongft the faints, and with our God. HYMN 44. Short Metre. On public worfhip* I T ORD, at thy facred feet _Li Joyful would we appear ; Within thy earthly temple meet, To fee thy glory here. 1 We tome to worfhip thee, For thou art God alone ; In humble prayer to bend theknee> Before thy holy throne. 3 Thy word is our delight, Thy truth will make us free ; f I2 9 ) 'Tis from thyfelf a heav'nly light, It leads our fouls to thee. Thv goodnefs we behold, While in thy prefence, Lord ; Thy wond'rous truth and love unfold* The treafures of thy word. In all our meetings here, Our fouls areblefs'd with good ; Thou wilt to waiting minds be near, And give thy children food I So will we render praife To thee, the God of love ; With pleafure walk in all thy ways, Till we ihall meet above. . HYMN 45. Common Metre. New IVill and Under jlanding. HOW vile by nature is the will, And underftanding too ! We love what e'er is vile and ill, And finful all we do. 1 The nat'ral region of the mind, In this we love to ftay ; By this to all that's vile inclin'd, We take the downward way. 3 But Jefus elevates us higher, When truth is underftood ; J To nobler things we then afpire, And crave for heavenly food, 4 From nature we to fpirit rife. By influx from above ; In heart and life all fin defpife, And goodnefs only love. f »3° ) 5 The lower region of the mind Is to fubjeclion brought ; The will and undemanding join'oV In union as they ought. 6 The will and undemanding right, The man is born anew ; He walks in heav'nly heat and light,. And lives as angels do. HYMN 46. Long Metre. Man with Devils or Angels while here. 1 T X T HILE in this lower world we dwell, V V . We're either join'd to heaven or hell y Infernals our companions prove, Or angels from the courts of love. 2 Momentous fubjeft ! well to know, To which ofthefe we're join'd below X. If devils ouraflbciates are, We muft their awful mis'ry mare. 3 But if with angels we are join'd In heart, in will, in thought and mind ;. With them We mall forever prove Their heaven of boundlefs joy and love. 4 Dear Lord, we rife to things divine, Our heart andlife fhall now be thine ; Then angels will with joy defcend, And all our happy paths attend. 5 When from this earthly we remove, We mall be join'd with thofe we love ; Angels our blefs'd companions be, And all be happy, Lord, with thee, • ( '3' ) HYMN 47. Common Metre. On Pfa. lxxxiv. 10, 1 1. i "TT7ITHIN thy holy temple. Lord, V V My foul would ever ftay ; To hear the wonders of thy word, And learn my heav'nly way. 2 One day where thou art pleas'd to dwell, Would give me more delight, Than endlefs years with fons of hell, And all their works of night. 3 Yea, Lord, I'd rather keep the door, Where thy difciples meet ; I'd be a fervant to thy poor, And choofe to warn their feet ; 4. Rather than fit upon a throne, A golden fceptre fway, With all this lower world my own, And princes homage pay. 5 No earthly pomp my foul can pleafe, The world no biifs afford ; Wretched and poor, poffefs'd of thefe, Without thy prefence, Lord. H Y M N 48. Common Metre, On the fame. 1 r T^HOU art my fun of love divine, X Thy rays are radiant light ; This fun doth now unclouded Urine, Full beaming to my fight 1 2 Thou art my fhield by night and day, And doft from hell defend ! ( *3» ) Tho' hofts of foes befet my way, Thou wilt my foul befriend. 3 My health and ftrength alone in thee, O Lord, is ever found ; And thou my fure defence wilt be, When foes befet me round. 4 Thy grace thou freely wilt beflow, To ev'ry humble mind ; The upright foul mall ever know That thou art ever kind. 5 No real good canft thou refufe ; But every blefling give, To thole that truth andgoodnefs chufe, And to thy glory live. 6 Nor can thy namelefs love withhold A kingdom and a throne ; Soon (hall we walk" the ftreets of gold, And heav'n be all our own. H Y M N 49. Common Metre. On Humility. t TJRETHREN, behold your God, h, / XJ kind! How condefcending too ! All love and tendernefs his mind, He came and died for you. 2 When in the form of man below Example did he give, Of humble walk to friend or foe ; He taught us how to live. 3 Then let us imitate our Lord, Be humble, patient, mild; ( *& ) In all onf thoughts, in all our words, As humble as a chikl. £ Be envy, anger, luft, and pride. And all of felffubdu'd: AH evil tempers laid afide, And all the foul renew 'd ! 5 If treated with contempt and fcorn, By men of pride and ft rife ; Be their contempt with patience borne, And humble all our life. € The humble foul {hall furely rife, The lowly honour prove ; Tho' all the world the faint defpife. He has a crown above. H Y M N 50. Common M#tre. The Way to be happy. X \\ TOULDST thou, my foul, to heatf* VV arife, And live with angels there? Then all ot fin and f elf defpife, And for that world prepare 1 % Wouldft thou be happy ? firft be pure, This only is the way ; Only that man can heav'n infure, Who doth his God obey. 3 Boaft not of wifdom, faith alone, Or fay you're juftified, Thro' what the blefled Lord hath done* Becaufe for you he died. 4, He died to conquer all thy foes. To fet the captive free* m ( '34 ) O'er death and hell victorious rofe, And this he did for thee. Now love his name, in him. believe, Thyfelf and fin forfake ; Obey his laws, his truth receive, And his example take. i Thou muft be holy, righteous* pure, And ferve thy God in love : And faithful to the end endure, If thou wilt reign above. ' Lord, I confefs this is the way, No other -willl own ; ■I'll love thy name, thy laws obey. And truit thee for my throne. HYMN 51. Short Metres On the Lord's Supper. 't /~\ HAPPY ! happy we, Vy At fuch a feaft as this ; Where Jefus gives us all to fee How great his goodnefs is ! 2 Here may we joyful join, A feaft celeftial prove, Partake of living bread and wine. The Saviour's truth and love. > 3 His blood is drink indeed, His flefti is facred food ; And while on thefe we freely feed, W« can pronounce them good. 4 A pledge of Jefu's love, To all his children given ; .Foretafte of rich«r joys above, The antepaft of heavcrf ! ( n$ ) HYMN 52. Common Metre. Chrijliam living amongst wichd Men and fatten Profeffors. 1 X X T& dwell amongft the fons of night, VV Where Satan holds his throne ; Thick clouds have veil'd the heav'nly light, And darknefs rules alone. 2 Mankind are ftrangers to the truth, By evil led aftray ; And all -from hoary hairs to youth, Run on the downward way. 3. Oaths, curfes, blafphemies, and lies, Are found on ev'ry tongue ; Toheav'n rhe dreadful vollies rife, From aged and from young. £ Yet here awhik Ug fnijls muft dwell,- O may we keep them pure! And in the very mouth of hell, 'Ivfake out falvation fure !. .y Our God will guide us by his light;. Our ev'ry ftep defend ! Lead us in all'that's good and right, And be, our guardian friend! H Y M N 53. Common Metre* On the fame. 1 7y H^ chriftlan world, who own the name- X Of our moft holy Lord, Turn from his ways, and void of fhamCj Can trample on his word. % Of faith and do&rine they can talk, And "boafl how much they know ? But as the wicked they can walk* With them they love to go. 3 Now love and charity are fled, Thefe virtues have they loft; A name to live, while they are deadf, . Is all th^ church can boaft. 4 If we attempt a better way, And charity purfue ; If we in Vove the truth obey, We're fools and madmen too. 5 Yet ftill with courage we march on The holy happy road ; Nor fear the threat'ning envious throng, But urge our way to God. 4) 'Tis truth alone can make us free, From felf, and fin, and pride ; It lea$s by gbodnefs, Lord, to thee t And there will we abide, H Y M N 54- Long Metre. On the New Church in the interior Parts of Afric*, i JERUSALEM from heav'n defcends, J And far and wide her light extends y Now Africa's fable fons rejoice, And fhout to hear the Saviour's voice. 2 The idol gods behold they fall, And truth celeftial conquers all ; Darknefs gives place to facred light, And heav'n is open'd to their fight. 3 The mowers revive the thirfty land, The barren deferts fruitful- (land ; The thorny waftes rich plenty yield* And golden harvcfts grace the field* f m ) A. The valliesrife, they, laugh and ling, The hills their thankful tribute brmg ; And now the fable barb'rous race, Exulting, praife the God of grace. * Ye happy negroes, we confpire, 5 Join your glad notes, and raife them higher J May Europe's fongs with Afnc s rile, And praife united reach the ikies I H Y M N 55. Long Metre. Thtfoolijh- Virgins. I T70R heav'n how many will pretend, X Profefs the word the Lord hath penn.d» The doarines of the gofpel own, And fondly hope to fhare a throne. % The lamp of truth they feem to take,- A fplendid fair profeiTion make; Much they believe, and much they know,, Talk much, and make a- wond'rous fhew* -5 But lo! the oil of love divine, With doarines they forget to join: Of faith they boaft, and faith alone, But love and goodnefs are not known. 4 The midnight cry thefe virgins hear, Theheav'nly groom approaches near; The foolifh virgins now too late Perceive their folly and their ftate. 5 To wifer virgins, lo ! they run, ^ . «* Give us your oil, or we're undone. But here repuls'd, too late they try To purchafe that which none can buy*, m 5 ( 13? ) Then lo ! they haften to the gate, Knock hard, and for admittance wait> m I know you not," the Lord replies, Fools cannot enter with the wife. Then from the gate they weeping turn, Too late their fin and folly mourn : With hypocrites for ever dwell, The worft and vileft ftate in hell. H Y M N 56. Long Metre.. The wife Virgins. j -TIT THAT forms are thefe that meet m£, The holy virgins truly wife. Truth fhines, in all their veffels, bright, And love's the eifenCe of their light. % They know the doctrines of the Lord,, Their minds contain his holy word ; While facred love's feraphic flame Stamps both their character and name. 3 From love they all the truth profefs, From love they walk in righteoufnefs ; Urg'd on by love's divined fire, T© meet the Lord their fouls afpire. 4 But hark! they hear the midnight, cry, Their God and bridegroom, lo ! is nigh \ They trim the'tf lamps, and go to meet Their heav'nly groom with haftyfeet. 5 He fmiles, and opens wide the gate, The virgins not a monient wait \ But enter in, fit joyful down, Aitf Jefus gives to each a crown, ( i39 ) H Y M N 57. Trumpet Tune, off 148th Pfalm Metre. On Zeph. hi. 13. I TF we would enter in X New Salem's happy gate, We muft depart irom fin, And ev'ry evil hate ; Nothing unclean Muft here be found, No evil feen, 'Tis holy ground. % No hypocrite's difguife, Nor fubtle fal (hood here ; . From all deceit and lies The confcience muft be clear : • Jefus alone Is fov'reign Lord, To him is known Each thought and word, 3 This kingdom is for thofe, Who love his holy name. Nor can Jehovah's foes The holy city claim ; 'Tis only free For men of love, Whole hearts are fet On things above. 4 Here fuch fhall joyful feed, And drink the living wine ;„ From thirft and hunger freed, And on the Lord recline j He will provide, And we (hall be With good fupplied, His grace is free. 5 No danger is there here, No lurking foes are found, Nor (hall we need to fear, We (land on holy ground ; Safe and fecure We here may reft, And (hall endure Forever blefs'd.. HYMN 58. 149th Pfalm Tune. Fondnefsfor the earthly Body condemned. I XX THAT is this vile lump of clay that I V V wear ? Why doth it engrofs my ftudy and care ? 'Tis made of grofs matter, mud fhortly decay, Andfoon, like a garment, we caftit away. 9. Some fay, tho' it rots, it furely mall rife, When Gabriel's trump (hall found in the Ikies ; To foul be united, and glorious remain A permanent body when rais'd up again. 3 But wifdom informs, and that's the beft guide,. That flefh and blood cannot in heaven refide ; When once it (hall leave us no more can it rife. To duft it returns, and ior ever it dies. 4 Then why of this duft fo fond' do we prove r How ftrangethat mere earth fo dearly we love I The foul that's immortal we feem not to mind, We murder the man, but to dujl we are kind. 5 But thou, blefTedLord, haft given to fee, The foul is the man, an image ol thee 1 ( Ut ) To make the foul happy our ftudy be founcf, For that's not worth minding which rots irk the ground. The body was lent to ferve us below ; We want it no more when hence we mud go ; The foul is immortal, and ever fhalt be A devil in hell, or an angel with thee. HYMN 59. Particular Metre. On Temptation. Exod. xiv. 23 to 31. TEMPTED foul, and deeply tried, Canft thou in thy God confide ? Why fhouldft thou diftruft his power I Fear not in the dangerous hour. I Look on Ifrael, lately free \ From the tyrant's cruelty ; Now before the fwelling main* Pharaoh at their heels again. 3 What rauft feeble Ifrael do? Dangers all around they view, Hofts behind and leas before, Canft thou be expos'd to more ? 4 See Jehovah's mighty hand, While the people trembling (land \ Seas divide and make a road, At the voice of Ifrael's God. 5 Pharaoh gives his hoft the word, Longs in blood to bathe his fword ; Now to flay his armies fly, Waves return, they fink and die L 6 Every foe behold is loft, Ifrael in Jehovah boaft \ ( U2 ) TempteoVfoul in God rely, All thy foes (hall fink and die. H Y M. N 60. Common Metre. The Defire. 1 /^lOULD I obtain my whole defire, V> Great God, it mould be this; To love thee with as ardent fire, As angels now in blifs. 2 Thy facred holy laws obey, With all that zeal and love, And walk as faithful in thy way. As angels walk above. 3 To be as near in heart to thee, As clofe conjun&ion fhare, While in this finful world I be> As holy angels are. 4. I'd be as fpotlefs,juft, and pure, As loving and as kind ; As conftant.in the truth endure,. As any angeFs mind. 5 All pride and felf, the world and fin*. As gladly I'd refign ; And be as holy, Lord, within, As any child of thine. 6 My wifh, when rightly understood-. Will jnft amount to this ; To be as holy, happy, good, As angels are in blifs. HYMN 61. Particular Metre* On the Lord's Day. [Morning.} t T TAIL, happy day, the type of reft, £1 When all the faithful (hall be blefs'd, ( i+3 ) And ceafe from toil and pain ; So we to day the emblem prove, Ceafe from all work, butpraife and love, And folid pleafure gam. 2 To-day our. mighty Conqueror rofe, In triumph o'er his num'rous ioes, And death a captive bound ; So we from every evil rife, Mount up in thought towards.ihe fkies, And walk on.Zion's ground! 3 Begone, ye ev'ry wordly care ; My foul, to ftudy, praife, and prayer. To-day be wholly giv'n. ; I'll humbly wait at Jefu's feet, The faints in folemn worfhip meet, And learn the way to heav'n. 4 Jefus will kindly condefcend To teach my foul ,my heart amend, And fill me with his love! That ev'ry fabbath I may know, An antepaft of heav'n below, The reft of faints above ! H Y M N 62. The fame Metre, On the fame, [Evening, ] j rT^HE day of reft is nearly gone, X -But what have I for Jefus donei How have I fpent the day? Did J in folemn prayer begin ? Have I refrain'd from every fin, And run my heav'nly way ? 2 For what is giv'n this day of reft, That fouU^fhould be divinely bkfc^, ( H4 ) With m'rlk and honey fed ? That we fhould ceafe from earthly care, Improve in love, in truth and prayer, And eat of heav'nly bread ? a ThenQ, my foul, thy God obey, Keep holy all the fabbath day, And walk in truth and love ; Then wilt thou rightly keep the reft, With every folid good be blefs'd, And foon fit down above. HYMN 63. The fame Metre. Profpeft '-ef Heaven. X Ti j€ Y foul, on wings of afdor rife, JVJL Contemplate yonder happy ikies, Where all are blefs'd with love; Fain to this kingdom I would foar, The world, the world can charm no. more, I rife to realms above. a Behold Jerufalem the new, In all it's glory Hand to view, Before my wond'ring eyes ! What beams unutterable ihine, What namelefs glories all divine, In beauteous grandeur rife ! 3 The fplendid palaces' behold, GlittVing with precious (tones and gold* Built by the living God ! Parterrers and groves in velvet green. And golden fruit luxuriant ken, Around each grand abode ! 4 Ten thoufand harps of gold are ftrurig. Jehovah's love in anthems fung, With extacy of heart j k fits ) The foft enchanting echoes roll, Divinely charming to the foul, And pleafingjoys impart. 5 Methinks I hear the rapt'rous lays* The pious fongs of love and praife j My foul is all on fire ! I long to reach the happy land, With them in Jefu's prefence (land, And fwell the mufic higher. HYMN 64. 4 Lines of 8, ani 2 of 6 Syllables. On the fame, * TJ tJT ah ! what inward joys they prove, JD While all the foul is fill'd with love, From yonder fun of light ; The facred penetrating rays Infpire with rapture, love, and praifc, And infinite delight. 32 Thofe (lately manfions, lovely fcenes, The neat parterres, the ever-greens, The arched filent groves, The golden fruit from loaded trees. And all that can the fenfes pleafe, Where'er the angels rove : 3 Thefe altogether but fcxprefs, In outward life, the happinefs That lives within the mind ; That peace and pleafure, wifdom, lovev XXnion and friendfhip, angels prove, All holy and refin'd. 4 Thefe outward beauties do but paint The real ftateof eVry faint, They correfponcl to 'this ; n C H6 .) The happy foul before his eyes Sees in aglafs his inward joys, His more internal blifs. 5 My blefled Gcd, I long, I faint, To be in heaven a holy faint, And all that glory fhare : When freed from ev'ry luft and fin, And all my nature pure and clean, Then thou wilt raife me there. HYMN 65. The fame Metre. On the fame. x XTOW fay, ye happy fpirits, fay, JN (Who dwell in everlafting day) What is your fweet employ \ Live ye in drowfy indolence, Indulging ev'ry outward fenfe \ Is this your utmoft joy ? 2 Or do ye ev'ry moment bend In prayer and praife, and off'rings fend, Unceafing to the Lord ? For ever in fome temple fit, In waiting near his facred feet, To hear and learn his word ? 3 No ! angels live as angels fhould, In all that's right, and juft, and good, In charity abound ; In a&s of friendlhip, ufeful life, Free from contention, hatred, ftrifc, And all are a&ive found. 4 Ten thoufand difPrent works they find/ To fill with joy the noble mind, But none a burden prove ; Whether they bow at Jefu's feet, f 147 J In intercourfe of friendfhip meet, Their ev'ry work is luve. But ftay, my foul, enquire no more, Contented here thy God adore, Till he fliall bid thee come ; Then thou wilt all their glory fee , Be happy as the angels be, In thy eternal home. H Y M N 66. Long Metre; J ejus our King, Priefi, and Prophet. TESUS, my God, my only King, I Thy juftice, power, and truth I fing £ Thy fceptre o'er thy fervant fway,. For only thee would I obey. Subjection's due to thee alone, And proftrate at thy holy throne, My foul in humble love would fall, And own thee fov'reign Lord of all. Thou art my Prieft, thy heav'nly love Pleads for my foul, my fin removes, And I have full accefs to thee, By thy Divine Humanity. Thou art my holy Prophet, Lord, I'm taught the do&rines ot thy word ; It's glories open to my fight, And lead my erring footfteps right. Thou art my holy Prophet, Prieft, and King*, And wilt my foul to glory bring; "Thankful before thy feet I fall, Thou art, O Lord, my all in ahV ( i4 s ) HYMN 67. Long Metre; Saints in the Lord's Hand. 1 TJ EJOICE, ye faints, no longer mount* XV Let all your grief to gladnefs turn j In Jefu's kingdom now ye (rand, And ev'ry feint is in his hand. 2 Should ftorms and tempefts dreadful rife, And clouds of darknefs veil the fkies j Jehovah will the ftorm coipma^d, And ev'ry faint is in his hand. 3 Shoul'd fiends infernal rave and rage, And hell itfelf your foul engage ; ThenAVtth a noble courage ftand, Your foul is fafe in Jefu's hand. 4 Should keen affliction, yain and lofs, Bear hard, and heavy be the crofs ; Fear not, you're in adefert land, But quite fecure in Jefu's hand. 5 Whate'er our troubles in the way, Or dorms, or foes, or night, or day ; We may with dauntlefs courage ftand, For Jefus holds us in his hand. 6 Should death approach with all it's train Of glooms and horrors, fear and pain > Around your bed will angels ftand, And Jefus raife you with his hand. £ H Y M N 68. Short Metre. Ingratitude, Shth % and Negligent complained*/* j T TOW negligent are we, JlI A kingdom to' obtain ! And yet how bufy finners be, A little dirf to gain I ( *49 ) % Hovr many mercies giv'n, Our God how wond'rous kind ! And yet how few returns to heav'n, From our ungrateful mind I 3 Eternal glories (land In view before our eyes ; But we have hardly heart or hand, To take the noble prize. 4 Tied down to flefh and fenfe, And loft in earthly love ; We live in (loth and negligence. Nor care for things above. 5 Roufe, chriftian, roufe thy mind-, From indolence arife ; Be grateful as thy God is kind, And prefs toward the fcies. 6 The harveft foon is panS The night of death is nigh ; And while thy fpan of time mall laft* Infure the joys on high ! H Y M N 69. Common Metre*, The Pleasures of Religion, l TT THEN true religion gains a place* V V And lives within the mind \ The fen fual life fubdued by grace, And all the heart refin'd : 1 The defert blooms in lively green, Where thorns and briars grew ; The barren wafte is fruitful feen, And all the profpect new. 3 The ftorms of rugged winter eeafcj,, The frozen pow'rs revive -> »■ 5 f *5s J Spring fmites without, within is peace* AU nature feems alive. 4 O happy chridian ! richly blefs'd, What floods of pleafure roll ; By God and man he {lands confefs'd* In dignity of foul. 5 Subftantial, pure his cv'ry joy, His Maker is his friend ; The nobleft bufinefs his employ, And happinefs his end. 6 Ye fenfual, worldly, proud, and vain. Your airy good purfue ; Let me religion's. pleafure gain, I'll leave the world to you. HYMN 70. Common Metre On the fame. \ T S virtue here exposM io mares, X To wilv envious foes ? Shall the good man be tri'd with cares, And oft deprefs'd with woes ? 2 'Such on his way no doubt he'll meet, In this ungodly night ; _ But thefe he treads beneath his feet, And puts his foes to flight. 3 The nobler pleasures of the mind Are permanent and Aire ; ' All troubles foon are teft behind, But endlefs thofe endure. 4 Then let the fenfual finner boaft Ot (hort-liv'd, bafe delight ; They're but a moment at the moff> ( 15^ ) My foul, purfue the path of pe*ce* Religion's joys attend - x For thefe for ever will increafe, They never, never end, Thefe only can the blifs beftow, Immortal fouls mould prove ; From one ihort word all pleafure? flow, That bleffed word is lave. HYMN 71. Long Metre. The happy State Q ftheChriflian. c A LMIGHTY Lord, thou jiift and true* XJL What fongs of praife to thee are due ! Our happy ftate to thee we owe, And grateful hymns of praife (hall flow I 2 From Satan's pow'r our fouls are free, Weboaft in chriftian liberty ; The paths of vice no more we run, In thoughtlefs hafte to he undone. 3 Our fins and lufts prevail no more, We hate the deeds we lov'd before \ ' Taught by thy bleffed truth to fee, That worldly mirth is mifery. 4. No more from fin to fin we turn, No longer doth the fever burn ; What once we lov'd we now refign, Religion's joys are joys divine. H Y M N 72. Long Metre. On the fame, j A S we advance in wifdom's ways, jLjLThy love demands new fongs of praife; Our pleafures, joys, and hopes increafe, /ind all within is fettled peace. c m r 9l Our foes with weaker pow'r aflail, With ftrength increafing we prevail ; Above our ev'ry tempter rife, And prefs with zeal toward the fkies. 3 Look we at .death i 'tis with delight ; . A gentle deep, and fhort the night ; Angels fupport the feeble head, The faint hath nothing here to dread. 4 Think we of judgment ? happy day! . Joyful the fummons we obey ; It is to meet the God we love, And take our glorious crowns above. 5 Tranfporting thought ! celeftial ftate f For this we jive, for this we wait; And while we take the happy road, Our fongs of praife afcend to God. H Y M N 73. Common Metres Forfaking all for the Lord. Luke xviii. 28. 1 T7T7QULD we obey Jehovah's call! V V And follow him while here ! Then cheerful we muft give up all, i That all however dear. 2 Hard faying to the rich and great ! How fad their fpirits prove ! They think him mad, who his eftate Would give for heav'n above. 3 The poor have fornething too as dear, , From which they cannot part ; Some darling fin fo very near, 'Tis twifted round the heart. 4 But fay, what is this mighty all, Oi which fo fond we feeoii (r *53 > A bubble, which we pleafure call, &n airy, empty dream. 5 Lord, thou canft give a willing mind*, From all that's earthly, free ! To leave all fin and felf behind,: And follow none but thee 1 H Y M N 74.. Common Metre,, On the fame. 1 ?nPIS mercy bids us all forfake, X Whate'er that all implies ; And mercy's counfel we mail take. If we are truly wife. 2 Our carnal lufts, the pride of life, All bafe and low defirev < All hatred, anger, envy, ftrife, . Thofe vile infernal fires.. 3 Yea, all that would our ruin prove, Whate'er the evil be ; Nor longer madly place our lpye On death and mifery. 4 Indulgent God, how wond'rous kind I How fmall is thy requeft ! We give up all with willing mind, To be for ever blefs'd 1 5 But little can we give for heav'n, But little can we do ; But thou thyfelf to us haft giv'n, And all thy kingdom too 1 i) Here, Lord, we give thee all the hear^ The gift is mean and poor ; Accept it, Lord, and then impart: Thyfelf j— we aik no more \ \ f 154. ) HYMN 75. Short Metre* The Complaint. 1 TT7HEN will my ev'ry fear V V Be banifh'd from my mind } When fhall my clouded fky be clear From tempeft, ftorm, and wind t 2 How oft I fit and figh Beneath fome heavy load I My hopes,, my joys, my comforts die* And dark is my abode. 3 I grieve and I complain,. Opprefs'd with doubts and fears ; I look for comfort, but in vain, Still I am drown'd in tears. 4 O where's my faith in him, Who all my forrow knows ; Who can with mighty pow'r redeem* My foul from all it's woes ! H Y M N 76. Short Metre On the fame. 1 5 r I ^ISfurely good for me, X To bear my Father's rod I And fure I fhall falvation fee, From my almighty God I 3 He will fubdue my grief, . When I am purified ; He'll kindly give my foul relief, When I have loft my pride, 3 ButO!, this evil heart, This haughty foul of mine, It needs correction keen and fmart,. A. painful difciplinc. ( »5S J 4 To all my Saviour's will I cheerfully fubmit; Beneath his hand my foul be ftill, And humble at his feet. . J 5 He will thy foul reftore, From fin and forrow free ; • Then lhalt thou bear the crofs no more, But fing the victory. HYMN 77. Short Metre, The Relief, «r Anfwer, j TJUT now a cheering beam J3 Of hope revives my bread ; The ftormy ikies more placid feem, And indicate a reft. a My many fears fubfide, My burdens lighter prove ; My hatred, envy, loft, and pride, Are loft in humble love. 3 I feel the ardent fire, The light and heat divine ! I feel the ftrong intenfe defire, Dear Sav'our, to be thine. 4 Now, now I can fubmit To bear the friendly rod ; In humble refignation fit, Submiflive to my God. 5 My grief (hall turn to joy, My enemies be (lain ; And I fh ail all my pow'rs employ, To praife my God again. 6 Ye mourning fouls believe, When tempted, tri'd, diftrefs'd j ( '5« ) Salvation you (hall foon receive, And be for ever blefs'd. HYMN 78. Common Metre, Doubting the Truth dhd Faithfulntfs of God. * "T^VEAR Lord, thou haft reveal'd thy love, A-/ And taught thy truth to me y But O, how faithlefs do 1 prove, I fcarce can credit thee ! 2 What infidelity of mind, How much we doubt thee, Lord ! That thou art neither true nor kind, Nor wilt fulfil thy word. 3 Thou know'fl our unbelief and fears, And to remove them both, To all thy promifes appears Thy own mod facred oath. 4 O how can we thy name adore, Thou ever-loving Lord ! Dear Sav'our, what could'ft thou do more, To make us truft thy word ? 5 Enough, great God, no more we crave, Thy promifes are fure ; And thofe thou wilt for ever fave, Who to the end endure. £ On thy own truth I will rely, 'Tislike thyfelf, divine: Thy promifes I will apply, And thankful call them mine. H Y M '*N 79. Common Metre] Truft arid Comfort in the tVord. OW let me all 'my powers faifc. From unbelief and night ! ■N ( '57 7 That truth divine, with mildeft rays, May fill my foul with light ! Why mould I fink beneath my fears^ While Jefus is my Lord ; And all his faving love appears, In his moft holy word ? Am la (inner? God is kind To Tinners vile as me. Have devils captive led my mind ? My God will fet me free. Have Iby fome temptation fell, And now my fall deplore ? jefus will raife my foul from hell, He will my feet reftore. Are we befet with hofts or foes. All thirfting to devour •? Our God will kindly interpofe, And fave with mighty pow'r* No ftate of trial can we prove, ■ ' While in this life we be ; But Jefus will, by truth or love, The faithful chrift'an free. HYMN 8b. Common Metre, Wijdom acquired from the Scriptures, I "\\J^ read the boly r wqrd with joy, V V And while the mind is there. How fweet and pleafing the employ, What wond'rous truths appear ' & Thirft we for wifdom ? here it (bines In all it's radiant light, *•■-•• ... o r i# J In ev'ry page, in ev'ry line, Full beaming to the fight. <•> Would we our God and Sav'our know ? (That fcience mod divine) To wifdonr s fource we'll humble go, For there his glories fhine. 4 Wifti we ourfelves, our fouls to learn, Their nature, ftate and end ? To infpiration's pages turn, There all the man is penn'd. 5 Would we the haav'nly kingdom view, While we for heav'n prepare? 'Tis in the facred pages too, The humble read it there. 6 Whate'er we want to Uarn or know Of ufefub pure, and good ; To Jefus and his fcriptures go, It (hall be underftood. 7 Jefus, thou God of all the word, To thee be honour giv'n ! Thou giveft grace and wifdorn^ Lord. And thou wilt guide to heav'n ! H Y M N 8i. Long Metre. Fratft to the Lord for fending his Servant Emanuel Swedenborg. , AND wnymouldwerefufetoraife J\ A facred fong of pious praife, To thee, thou kind and gracious Lord, For owning now thy holy word ? 3 'Tis thy prerogative to chufe Thy fervants, and What means to ule; That finners may emerge from night, And walk again in truth and light. a ( 159 ) 3 Thou haft a fervant rais'd, to tell The wonders both of heav'n and hell ; His faithful foul thou didftinfpire With light divine, with heav'nly fire. 4 When John the Baptift from thee came, To fpeak aloud his matter's name ; The lift'ning thoufands learnt thy ways, The earth refounded with thy praife. r So now, O Lord, thy love we own, And give the praife to thee alone ; 'Tis not the fervant we revere, But 'tis the God who fent him here, 6 Come to the Lord, ye erring race, Now own his new difcover'd grace I And join with us in heart and foul, To fpread his praife from pole. to pole I HYMN 82. Long Metre. Againft the Cahinian Ddflrine. % *TpHOU God of mercy, loving, kind, **• To fave the fallen race inclin'd \ Mercy and love are thy delight, And all thy ways are juft and right. a Can Chrift our God a Moloch be, Pleas'd with his creatures, mifery ? Dooming nine-tenths of men that fell, To burning-flames and endlefs hell * 3 A God in wrath and vengeance drefs'd, In rage which cannot be exprefs'd ? Decreeing unborn fouls to death ; Long ere they finn'd, or drew their breath f 4 No, Lord, thy name and nature's love, To all mankind thy bowels move j ( i6o ) Thy favirig grace for all is free, And none are doom'd to mifery. 5 Thofe only who thy Ioveabufe, And madly all thy grace refufe, Shall intoendlefs darknefs go, *Tis all the heav'n they wifh to know. 6 Lo*d, fet the erring chriftians right, Teach them thy truth, thy truth is light ; Then will they know, and feel, and prove, Thy nature and thy name is love. HYMN 83. Short Metre. Meditation and Retirement profitable* 1 T TOW fweet the minutes roll, XJl At home or when abroad ; While holding converfe with my foul, My kingdom and my God ! £ Adieu, ye bufy ftreets, Ye fcenes of mirth and noife ; The filent hour, the ftill retreats, Hayc more fubftantial joys. 3 On contemplation's wings Can fife the adlive mind ; Explore with joy celeftial things, And leave the world behind. 4 What raptures fire the breafr, While God and heav*n are near ! I feecn to Hand among the blefs'd. And joys divine appear I 5 f Creation fmiles around, The fcene is peace and love ; The groves and lawns with mufic found. From. angels' fongs above, C 161 ) 6 My foul is all on fire, I long for their abode ; I fpurn this earth, to heav'n afpire, A nd pant for none but God ! 7 O happy folitude, The lilentftill retreat! No earthly paffions here obtrude, The world's beneath my feet, $ In fuch a (late as this My ioul would joyful reft ; Till rais'd to yonder land of blift, To be more richly blefs'd. HYMN 84. Short Metre*.; A pure ConJcUnce defired, I T TOW bufy mortals prove ! XX How fond of earthly joys ! All eager after what, they love, Mere empty tranfient toys ! 1 Eafe, pleafure, honour* wealth, Pomp, vanity, and pride ; All kinds of fin, long life, and health,. They want no good befide. 3 But O, thou God of heav'n, I will not covet thefe 1 To me a heart and life be gif '-n, That mall my Maker pleafe I 4. I feek a confeience pure From ev'ry fin and (tain ! Holy and right'ous to^ endure, While here I. may, remain. . 5 The witnefs., Lord, within, While on my heav'nly road, . 5 C l6 * ) That I commit no wilful fin, Nor once offend my God. C Be all my confcience clear, Till this fhort life (hall end ! I fain would live fp holy here, As never to offend ! H Y M N 85. Long Metre. On I/a. Ixiii. 7. 1 "O ISE, ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue, XV Prepare a fweet angelic fong: Surprifing mercies mull require An angel's lay, a feraph's fire. 1 See what the gracious God of heav'n Hath now to his own Ifrael giv'n ; No heart can feel, no tongue exprcfs, The wonders of his love and grace. 3 In ev'ry age the Lord was kind, And to his church reveaPd his mind ; But we enjoy a wond'rous ftore Of mercies never known before. 4 The fun of heav'n illumes the'foul, Oceans of mercies fweetly roll ; The heav'nly flreams of truth and love Flow freely from the fount above. 5 O happy day ! we live to fee How kind to men our God can be ; His greateft mercies ftand confefs'd, AndZion is divinely blefs'd. 6 Thy truth and loving kindnefs, Lord, ' We will with holy Tongs record ; To us arc richeft favours giv'n, And praifes fliall return to heav'n. { i«3 )) j God will accept the humble praife ! The feeble notes that we can raife !. Angels unite their Tongs above, And heav'n refound with Jefa' s l ove - H Y M N 86. Common Metre. Not ajhamed to own the Lord in hisfecmd Advtttt*. I T S God in glory come again I: X. In Zion will he dwell ? Set up his kingdom, ever reign, And crufh the pow'rs of hell I 1 And (hall L be of him afham'd, Becaufe the world oppofe ? No, all his truth mall be proclaimed,, In fpiteofenv'ous foes. 3 Jefus a fe.cond time appears* We will exalt his name ; Away with cowardice and fears-,. And all difgraceful fhame. 4 AfhamM of Jefus ! Let me be A martyr for my Lord, Rather than irom his ftandard flee, Or once difown his word. H Y M N 87. Common Metre. On the fame. \ TT E comes again in pow'r array'd, JlI Jerufalem's his feat ; And all his foes fhalt foon be made To fink beneath his feet. 2 Then rife, ye faints, with courage rife* Jehovah's advent tell j ( 1*4 ) Your boafttng enemies defpife, Nor fear the threats of hell* Be prifons, racks, and bonds, and fire, In all their horrors join'd; And earth and hell as one confpire To perfecute the mind'. No favage cruelly (hall move, We'll boldly meet the whole ; And (till declare Jehovah's love, With an undaunted foul. Jefus, we will thy truth proclaim With our harmonious tongues ; And fpeak the honours of thy name, In everlafting fongs.. H Y M N 88. Short Metre* Againft Apojlaey. BE warn'd my foul, and fhun The fnares thy foes will lay ; Thy heavily race with vigour run, And watch as well as pray. \ Thou haft thy Lord confefs'd, His truth and love are known ; With glorious treafure thou art blefs'd, The kingdom is thy own. I And (hall I e'er defpife Thy wond'rous goodnefs, Lord ? From holy truth apoftatize, And trample on thy word ? 4. I've need to watch and pray, Already fome have fell : From Salem's gate there is a way That leads to death and hell. f 165 ) H Y M N 89. Short Metre. On human Liberty, or Freedom of JViR* 1 QAY, is the human mind O In bonds, or is it free f Dofome retraining fetters bind,. Or have we liberty ? * We have the pow'r to fin, The will is but too plain ; This freedom ever is wit hi n* Too conftant is it's reign. 3 Doth guilt our iins attend, And confcious fears diftrefs f This proves our life we might amend By works of right'oufnefs. 4 Where force compels the mind, No guilt or fin can rife ; This fhews the will may be inclined To what is good and wife. 5 We have the freedom giv'n The path of life to chufe : A conftant gift beftow'd from heav'iv Would we the freedom ufe. 6 Here lies our guilt and fin, That we this* freedom bind ; And let infernal fpirits in, To govern all the mind. 7 Dear Sav'our, 'tis from thee I Our liberty is found ; We would improve that liberty, And never more be bound I ( x66 ) j£ Y M N 90. Trumpet Tunc, «r 148th Pfalm Metre. Morning Hymn. t r TD thee, my God and friend, JL I raife my morning fong > Thou doft my life defend, Thy arm of pow'r is ftrong* M v many foes Befet me round ; But fweet repofe From thee I found. -2 While on my bed I reft, Amidft the (hades of night, My wakeful mind is blefs'd With heav'nly love and light.. Thy holy word Is brought to mind ; And tnere, * * ***** I pleafure find. 3 If fleep pervades my frame,. I ft ill amfafe inileep ; For angels in thy name My foul and body keep t How rich and great Thy mercies prove, The angels wait On man in love ! 4 Now blefs'd with morning light, To thee I give the day ; And in thy love and light, I'll ftill purfue my way ; Till thou (halt raife My foul above, Where all is praife, And all is love. ( i«7 ) 5 My grateful tribute, Lord, To thee I humbly give. Nor only praife in word, To thee alone I'll live. This conftant praife To thee is due, And all my days I'll give it too 1 H Y M N 91. Long Metre. Viftory. over Satan, Death, and Hell 1 TJ ISE, holy, happy chriftian, rife, Jtv. Your noble vi&'ry fing ; And fend your praifes to the fkies, To your all conqu'ring King. % The devil once a captive led Thy foul in all his ways ; Thy God hath bruis'd the ferpent's head, And he. lhall have the praife ! 3 My foul hath been with fears diftrefs'd, When death hath flood to view \ But Jefus hath my foul releas'd From all thofe terrors too. 4 No more the gloomy hour I fear, I'll pafs the folemn vale ; Jefus my God is with me there, O'er death I mail prevail. 5 The awful reg'ons of the dead, The Tinner's laft abode, Can give my .happy foul no dread, For I fhall live with God. 6 O'er Satan, fin, anp* death, and hell, I fhall triumphant rife j « i68 )' Jefusis mine, and I mail dwell In yonder peaceful Ikies. HYMN 92. To the Shepherd of Ifrael Tune, On Conjugal Love. % T TOW charming the fubjeel: I fing, XjL How grand is From Jefus freely giv'n. (" i?i Y 3 In love and wifdom grow, In holinefs abound ; Cheerful to brighter kingdoms go. Where richer joys are found. 4 Jehovah f mites the rock, The living waters rife ; Refrefh the humble thirfty flock. With true fubftantial joys. $ The bread of life is giv"h, The faints with rapture feed ; Ten thouiand blellings flow from heav'ny And here, we're blefs'd indeed. H Y M N 103. Short Metre*. On Ifa. Ixiii. 7. I A RISE, my foul, arife, jf\. And with a cheerful voice-, In God,, the fource of all thy- joys, Thy Saviour God,, rejoice. % His robes were ftain'd in bloody When he fubdu'd his foes ; And 'twas for us the mighty God- To conquer hell arofe. 3 By his almighty pow'r, Ag^inftthe hells he fought- ;- And in the great and awful hour> Our full fal vat ion wrought. wj His wond'roug mercy fing, Yefervants of the Lord:- To him your thankful praifes bring, His namelefs love record. ! Heowns-usfor his fheep, He breaks the tyrants' rod $ f 178 ) His flock he will in fafety keep, Our Saviour is our God. H Y NT N" 104- ' Long Metre. The L*rd loveth the Righteous. Pfa. cxlvi. 8. * r T^HEvile, the vain, and thoughtlefs race, X Sworn foes to virtue, truth, and grace j Muft not expect Jehovah's love, Nor dream of heav'n and joys above. a To thefe, the holy happy ft ate Would keeneft pain and woe-create ; Their life averfe ta all that's good, *Twould be a hell if near to God. 3 But" he who is of righteous heart, From all tranfgreflion doth depart ; ; Who loves Jehovah's holy ways, y In heart and life makes known his fraifcs 4 This man his Saviour's love will (hare, And ftar.d the cbjeclr of his care ; No foes (hall 1 hurt, no pow'r prevail, Nor fhall his confolations fail. 5 Secure of mercy from the Lbrd, He leans upon his faithful word.; Looks up with joy to yonder ikies, Longs to pofTes, nor doubts the prize, £ When call'dby death to leave his clay* His foul fhall rife to heav'nly day ; And in his Father's kingdom prove The heights and depths of all his love. H Y M N 105. Common Metre. For the Recovery of a Friend from Am&im. 1 T TOW many forrows wait around, XT!, Like formidable foes I And fallen nature deeply wound p With keen and heavy woes I a Upon our friend the iron rod Was long and grievous laid ; But he who is the mighty God, Hath fent his friendly aid. 3 While in the furnace, mercy prov'd His kind and cordial friend ; His fore afflictions all remov'd, And bid his forrows end. 4 The Father's hand which doth chaftife, Can finking nature fave ; And bid the ieeble body rife, When bending o'er the grave. 5 To him the grateful tribute give, Of humble ardent praife ; To him alone we'll thankful live, Our refidue oi days. 6 The Lord will own the pious vows, Of this our friend reftor'd ! Accept our off'rings in this houfe, And be his name ador'd ! H Y M N 106. Short Metre. >t)« No. 481, of the Treat if e '■ on Heaven and HsM- 1 TT THAT is my real love ? V V On what is fix'd my mind* Are my affections all above, To good and truth inclin'd I 2 What influx do I know, In this poor will of mine ? Doth it from vile infernals flow* • • - d is it all divine ? 3 'Important qiieflion this, On which alene depends My future (late, of woe or blifs. When thisfhort life ihallend. 4. If worldly vain defire, And carnal motives reign, I muftin.that infernal fire To endlefs yearo remain. 5 ,If heav'nly and divine All my affedions be ; That holy happy Itateis mine, Thro' all eternity. 6 How eafy then to know, When wifilom guides the mindj -Whether we fink to endlefs woe, Or heav'nly glory find. H Y "M N 107. Short Metre. On the fame. * /^OME, brethren, join in praife, V_^ To your all-teaching Lord ! To him your fongs of honour raife, And be his name ador'd ! 2 The influx he hath giv'n, We feel the truth and love; All our affedions rife to heav'n, We tafte the joys above. 3 We know the love divine. The wifdom from on high ; And fweetly there ourhearts incline, To pure celeUial joy. 4 Aflur'd of heav'nly reft, No terrors, death can give ^ f 1*1 ) With love to God our fouls are blefs*d, With him we foon fhall live ! H Y M N 1 08. Long Metre. Self Dedication. 1 TI THAT is there, Lord, that I can do V V To make thy goodnefs known I My heart and life to thee are due, And due to thee alone. 2 All my internal (hall be thine, My will and all it's pow'rs ; This understanding too of mine, With all my days and hours. 3 Whate'er I be, where'er I am, All my external, Lord, I dedicate to thy blefs'd name, Still guided by thy word. 4 My inward thoughts, my outward deecls. My words, and works, and ways $ Whatever from my foul proceeds, Be facred to thy praife. H Y M N 109. Common Metre* On Pfalm lxviii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I II THEN God arifes in his pow'r, V V His enemies muftflce ; The righteous in that joyful hour Shall truft, O Lord, in thee. The hells fhall feel thy mighty rod, Thy equal juftice meet ; With trembling awe confefs the God, Afid fink beneath thy feet. 3 3 No more fhall Zion's rageful foes The happy church deltroy ; Jehovah hisfalvation (hews, And boundlefs is our joy. 4 Jerufalem now owns her King In his all pow'rful word ; And humble facrifices brings To her redeeming Lord. 5 Protected by his mighty hand, Secure our fouls remain ; The happy church fhall ever (tend. And endlefs be her reign. 6 Wifdom, and truth, and humble love, In ev'ry member fhine ; Nor earth, nor hell, the church can move, Her kingdom is divine. HYMN no. Long Metre. , Breathing after the Eternal State* 1 ^V HOW I long to drop my clay, \J Quit earthly fcenes, and foar away To yonder holy worlds above, Where all is pleafure, peace, and love ! 2 Here evil fpirits will furround, And fins of ev'ry kind abound ; Vain aod imperfect all below, And troubles all the way we go. 3 One moment joy lifts up the mind, The next fome heavy crofs we find ; A fea of bitter forrows meet, With fcarce a drop of real fweet ! 4 But fhall I (hare fubftantial blifs, In other worlds, when call'd from this ) t t*3 . J Why ftiould I doubt the joys divine, Since truth allures me, heav'n is mine f 5 I love the Lord, revere his name, I feel the fweet, the heav'nly flame ; He is my God, and I (hall prove The wond'rous riches of his love. 6 But, O ! what tongue can fet them forth, Or tell their number, or their w orth ? Impoflible! Let this fuffice, They're mine, when Jefus bids me rife. H Y M N in. Long Metre, On the fame, i /^OME then the friendly hand of death* V.y Cheerful I can refign my breath ; What chriftian but would gladly die, To (hare tranfporting joys on high } a No keen afflictions enter there, No bitter grief, no galling care ; Afflictions are exchang'd for health. And poverty for folid wealth. 3 Infernal foes no more are feen, A life impure, or heart unclean ; No fin can vex the happy foul, Nor heavy crofs his peace controul. 4 But all the man divinely free From fin, and pain, and mifery ; For ever happy, ever blefs'd, And fafe in everlafting reft. 5 O how I long to foar above, Where all is peace, and joy, and love ! Where I mall fee my God, and live, . And from his hand my heav'n receive ! 6 Come, Jefus, Saviour, quickly come, And take my weary fpirit home ! Why do thy chariots thus delay ? O come, and take my foul away ! HYMN xi 2. Trumpet Tune, i4/8th Pfalm Metre. The heavenly Sun. I TN yon blefs'd world above, X Where angel-hofts refide* The fun of truth and love Is never known to hide j 1 It's facred heat For ever glows* Divinely fweet To all it flows. 1 It's all-attra&ing light For ever flows the fame ; No darknefs there, or night, No clouds obfcure the flame s One endlefs day Will conftant fhine # And every ray Is light divine. 3 O could we fee this light, And feel it's heav'nly heat. Joyful we'd take our flight To fome celeftial feat ; With angels fit, And fing away, At Jefu's feet, An endlefs day. 4 But flay, my foul, forbear, Tlje kingdom is thy own \ ( i»S ) But let me firft prepare, Then covet to be gone : Stay yet below, Till fully pure, Then (hall I know My heav'n is fure. HYMN 113. Common Metre, Heavenly Scenes, \ManJions.~\ x A ND may an humble chriftian here il. On heav'nly glories dwell ? What wond'rous beauteous fcenes appear, For once attempt to tell ? a Then rife with joy, my longing mufe Now take a rapid flight, And humbly for thy fubjecl: chufe Thofe worlds of love and light. 3 Behold what fplendid manfions Hand, All gold and precious ftone ; Built by the great Jehovah's hand, And form'd by him alone. 4 See how the lofty turrets rife, In all their golden pride, High mounted in the purple Aries, Where clouds oi filver ride. 5 The walls of porph'ry bright and clear, Founded on jafper ftone ; The (lately roofs of gold appear, Such as in heav'n is known * 6 But, O ! within how richly wrought The grand apartments prove ! Thefe all to full perfection brought^ AH overlaid with love L ^5 f 186 ) 7 But all defcription fails to paint The lovvefl manfion there, Which Jefus doth for ev'ry faint, In won'drous loye, prepare. 8 And (hall I dwell in manfions, Lord, Thy blefled hand will raife j I fhall, and be thy name ador'd, I'm loft in love and p raife ! H Y M N 114. Common Metre* On the fame. [Rural.'] j Z^IOME, from the (lately manfions rove, V^ The heav'nly landfcape fee ;. Behold the wide extended grove, With fruit on ev'ry tree ! 2 O glorious foliage, liveJy green, In fliades of various dye ; Above, below, around, is feen A paradifeof joy. 3 Here walks of woncVrous length extend, And deep the rural gloom ; The golden fruits in clusters bend, With flowers of rich perfume. 4 From walk to walk the angels rove, Or on the banks recline ; Jn fongs of praife and notes of love, With namelefs rapture join. 5 Swe.*et bowers are form'd, and velvet feats, By young entwining fhoots ; And a.U the happy blefs'd retreats Abound with pleafant fruits. * Here beci.s of flowers celeftial fpread, The fragrance ck^* s the mmd » ( i87 ) And arched bow'rs above the head, In wondrous beauty join'd. 7 O happy fcenes of flrange delight, Their glory none can paint ! And thefe fo grand, fo rich and bright, Prepar'd foi ev'ry faint ! g How long my fouls to foar away, And walk celeftial ground I To fpend an everlafting day, Where all thefe joys are found I H Y M N 115. Common Metis-, On the fame. [Muft€h~\ l T2 UT hark ! what founds of harmony J3 In well-tun 'd accents rife I What can this charming mufic be,. Which gives fuch inward joys ? a The angels' golden harps are ftrung. They ftrike the filver firing ;. Anthems of love divine are fung, In praife of God their King* 3 Celeftjal voices join . th« choir, In fweet feraphic lays; In warbling concert all confpire, And heav'n is fijl'd with praife. 4 From female voices, infants' tongue^ Mellifluous accents flow ; And deeper voices fill the fongs With founding notes below. 5 O harmony and joy fupreme, My foul is all on fire, To join in fome Geleftial theme, And fwell the mufic higher. I f iM ) 6 Soon flialt my foul be tun'd to praifc, My tongue in concert move ; Ami join with angel- bands to raife The fong of joy and love ! H Y M N 1 1 6. Short Metre. Comfort from the Word. 1 T T THERE can fuch pleafures flow, V V As I have found, O Lord, In thee, while walking here below,, And in thy holy word i 2 If deep temptations try To wound my peaceful breaft j Then to thy bleffed word I fly, And there my foul is blefs'd. 3 If forrow loads my mind, And I'm opprefs'd with care, I come to thee, and comfort find, I find falvation there. 4 If darknefs doth pervade, No light illumes my way ; Thy word removes the gloomy made, It gives a cheering ray. 5 Iffome unguarded fault Has fitt'd my foul with grief, Then to my mind thy word has brought Some kind and fure relief. 6 O how I prize thy word ! 'Tis more than worlds of gold <; A I blefs thy name, moft holy Lord, It's glories I behold ! 7 My foul (halt ever prove it's falutary aid y ( i8 9 ) And be by heav'nly truth and love Fit for thy kingdom made ! H Y M N 117. Common Metre* Complaint tf living among fi the Wiehd. ,TT THERE mall the humble chriftian find. VV The man who will improve His pious, heav'n-afpiring mind, In goodnefs, truth, and love I 1 He lives where fin and death abound,. All take the downward road ; And fcarcely. one immortal found Afpiring after God. -i How fad and awful is the night, Where now we're fore'd to dwell \ The heirs of heaven, and fons of light,, Amidft the heirs of hell,, 4 O could I find fome lonely grove, Some gloomy (till retreat, Where I might mare my Saviour's love*, And fome kind angel meet: & Free from the men of fin and ftrife, In folemn filence blefs'd ; And here enjoy a peaceful life, 'Tillcaird to better reft I 6 But ah ! the pleafing wifli is vain,. More public life is mine ; Ho longer I'll my lot complain^ But to my (late refign. n Soon from the wicked I (haft rife. To dwell in worlds above ; And live in thofe more holy flrics* With thofe I dearly love* f 190 ) H Y M N 118. Common Metre. Doubts and Temptations concerning futnr* Life* 1 COMETIMES Pm tempted to foppofe O There is no hell nor heav'n ; To Tinners no eternal woes, To faints no glory giv*n. 2 Religion's pleafing aid is fled, The word an empty tale ; When once we fall among the dead, Then life and reafon fail. 3 What is beyond the grave, who knowi i Conjectures all are vain : Who ever from the dead arofe, And came to men again r* 4 Jefus will help if we implore. Our unbelief remove ; Nor let infernals tempt us more, To doubt his truth and love. 5 The foul mud live, tho* flefh fha!l die, The man ihall furely rife ; The faithful chriftian mount on high, And tafte eternal joys. 6 The Lord confirms my foul below, In all his truth divine ; And I'll rejoice my journey thro% That endlefs life is mine. H Y M K 119. Common Metre Sick of the World. I Y TOW gladly would I die to prove, JLX What now I hope to gaia I ( 19* > A ftate of endlefs peace and love, Secure from fin and pain. 2 My thoughts, affeaions, and defires. To better kingdoms rife ; To thefe my longing foul afpires, I thirft for purer joys. 3 There's nothing here can tempt my flay, Mere emptinefsisall ; Td take the wing and fly away, If Jefusdidbut call. 4 Now Tick of all the world can give, With all I'd freely part, And in that happy kingdom live, Where now is fix'd my heart. 5 >Tis heav'n, O Lord, I want to mare, 'Tis heav'n I long to fee ; For thou, my bleiTed God, art there, » And there I fain would be ! 6 Well, foon will end this gloomy night, The happy hour is nigh, When I (hall take my joyful flight, To yonder worlds of joy. 7 Tranfporting thought ! be all my heart Prepar'd to meet my Lord ; Then when I'm bid from earth depart, I'll triumph in the word. H Y M N i2o. Common Metre* Pride condemned, I T ORD, what am I ? an angel made 5 I j Or more, fome demi-god ? In robes of deity array *d. With kingdoms at my nod ? { *0* f 2 Sure I'm fuperior to mankind, And muft an angel be ! Or whence this haughtinefs of mind 3 This curled pride in me ? 3 Strange that a finful worm of duit With vanity mould fwell ; WUh pride ungovernable burft, Becaufe he's heir of hell ! 4 No more of felf I'll dare to boaft, But all my vilenefs own ; In humble felf-abafement loft, Before Jehovah's throne ! 5 The humble foul my God will raife, His luft of pride remove ; Then finful duft (hall fing his praife, In grateful fongs of love. H Y M N i2r. Common Metre* Self -Love condemned, j "TIT THAT fondnefs finners ever prove, VV .For that which is their own \ Their little felves they dearly love. And love themfelves alone. a But what is felf ? a mafs of fin, Corruption, filth, and duff ; pollution all without, within, And nigh to be accurs'd. 3 And (hall I feel a love for this Ungodly felf of mine, That all defil'd and filthy is, As is the fulfome fwine \ 4 "No ; reafon, fcripture, fenfe, xonfpirc To reprobate the love \ ( 193 ) 1*11 raife my warm affections higher, And from myfelf remove. 5 Whatever is my own I'll hate, And Jefus will implore, That he'll anew my heart create, And all my foul reftore. 6 Then from myfelfl fhallbe free, And feel a purer flame ; And then , O Lord, in loving thee, Thy love fhall fill my frame, H Y M N 122. Short Metre. The Divine Humanity to be worjhipped. g TTV ARKNESS pervades the mind, \J And clouds prevent the light, That few Jehovah Jefus know, Or worihip.him aright. 2 But, Lord, we come to thee, And bow before thy thrbne; In thy Divine Humanity, Thou art our God alone. 3 Thy efle none can fee, That is beyond our fight ; But thy Divine Humanity Is feen in heav'nly light. 4 Thou art the only God, The only Man art thou ; . - And only thee our fouls adore, At thy blefs'd feet we bow. < In eflence thou art one, And one in perfon too %, r 148 th Pfalm Metre. On the Knowledge of the Lard* 'O HOW divinely blefs'd Are they that know the Lord ; * 197 ) Who have his name confefs'd, And learn'd his holy word. Thefe happy fouls Are blefs'd indeed, - And by the truth From dark nefs freed. What if we were as wife As Solomon of old ; Or if our wealth mould rife To millions ten times told :~ We mould be fools, And beggars too, If neither truth Nor good we knew. Had we all knowledge giv'n, So that we'd pow'r to tell The wond'rous things of heav'n* And horrid fcenes of hell : If Chrift the Lord We did not know, No greater fools Could live below, Dear Lord, how mail we own The riches of thy love ! Since thou to us art known, By wifdom from above ! 'Tis thou haft made- Us truly wife, And fongs of praife To thee mail rife I But ftill we may implore Increafmg wifdom, Lord t " For thou canft give us more, And teach us by thy wordw c *9« ; While here below We would improve, And daily grow In truth/and love. HYMN 128. Long Metre. On the Natural and the Spiritual Body. 1 yjORN in a world of Tin and death, Xj Soon as we draw our infant breath, Sorrows and woes, and pains begin, The lure inheritance of fin. 2 This body feels ten thoufand ills, At length fome fharp affliction kills ; It finks, it falls, relu&ant dies, Bound to the grave, no more to rife. 3 Strange that this dying flefti mould (hare So much arTeaion, love, and care 1 But 'tis becaufe we little know We have a better body too. 4 A body this of purer mould, That never dies nor waxeth old ; 'Tis fpiritual, nor will decay, But live an everlafting day. 5 O joyful happy. dying hour, When we (hall rife with ftrength and pow r! In this fubltantial body rife, And live with angels in the ikies ! HYMN 129. Long Metre. On the fame. EATH, thou art welcome to my arms, Attended with a thoufand charms \ 'D ( 199 ) From prifon then I ihall be freed, - By pow'r divine, and live indeed. 1 Then let this feeble flefti decay, Joyful the fummons I'll obey ; My heav'nly body longs to flee From prifon to full liberty. 3 This nefh and blood I want no more,. I land upon a purer fhore ; It's work is done, and I refign Thatduft which is no longer mine. 4. Then will my fpirit glorious rife, Matur'd by goodnefs for the fkies i A form of heav'nly light and love. And wellprepar'd to live above! HYMN 130. Long Metre. The Spiriiual Body raifed by the Lord alone, 1 A ND fhall my fpirit rife indeed r jt\. Will it from flefh ana blood be freed Leave- that to Jtfus, truft his word, He is thy faithful, loving Lord. J 2 None but his own almighty pow'r Can raife thee in that folemn hour ; But he who foul and body gave, Willraife the fpirit from the grave. His faithful fonsarehis delight, Their death is precious in his fight ; Truft then thy foul to Jefu's care, When death approaches he'll be there. Jefus, I give to thee my all, And watt till thou art pleas'd to call At death my fpirit thou wilt raife, And I fhall rife to Cog thy praife. ( 200 ) H Y M N 131. Common Metre. The Chrijlians Entrance into the Spiritual JVorld* I T> UT O ! what wonders ftrange and new, JD Will meet my ravifVd eyes ! What fcenes delightful ftand to view, Inthofe more happy fkies ! 1 What (hall I do, or think, or fay, When byfome angel's. hand I'm led along the heav'nly way. In that eternalland? 3 What wonder, rapture, joy, and love, Will all my foul pervade, When in fome paradifc I rove, Or fit beneath the (hade ! 4 And O, what infinite delight* When golden harps are fining ! And by the morning fiars of light, Jehovah's praife is fung ! H Y M N 132. Common Metre. On the fame, 1 A ND when divine inftm&ions flow XJL From thefe angelic choirs ; And they mall teach my foul to know What now my foul defires : a How will rejoice this heart ot mine, To hear the tale of love ! While they with eloquence divine My cv'ry cloud remove. 3 But ah ! I'm loft in wonder now \ Dear Lord, what (hall I be ! C 201 } When in thy prefence I (hall bow. And thy vaft glory fee ? 4 I'll joyful wait my time below, With holy zeal prepare ; Then fly with joy when call'd to go, And join the angels there* H Y M N 133. Common Metre* Faith alone exploded, 1 T TAIN man, by error led aftray, V - Has fondly dream'd of heav'n ; That he's an heir of endlefs day, And all his fins forgiv'n. 2 And why r becaufe he has believ'd That Jefus furely bled ; And from the fcriptures too receive Some knowledge in the head. 3 He now depends on faith alone. His fins are all forgiv'n, He's fure to fit upon a throne, And has no doubt of heav'n. 4. If fuch a faith be all your boalt, Your boafting is in vain ; Your hopes of heav'n will ail be lofr A And you lie down In pain. 5 Faith is no faith, if heav'nly love And gcodnefs be not join'd ; Your hopes will all abortive prove, And vanifh in the wind. 6 Give me the faith that is divine, The life of which is love ; To this a holy walk we'll join, Then hope for heav'n above. ( 402 ) n T M N 134. Long Metre. All Men deftgnedfi* Heaven, and none fir HeR. I, (~*\ RE AT God of heav'n, it cannot be VJ that good and evil flow from thee ;^ Thou art eternally the fame, And love and mercy are thy name. 2 Thy ways are truth,, thy laws are right, Juftice and mercy thy delight ; To all thy tender mercies flow, In heav'n- above, and earth below. 3 Thou didftin love our race create, Holy and happy was their ftate ; And when by fin thy creatures fell, Thou didiVredeem their fouls from Hell. 4 To all thy. grace is freely grv'ri, And thou wouldft lead them all to heav'n ; Thy nature's love, thy dealings kind, Nor one for hell was e'er defign'd. 5 Great God, how kind are all thy ways ? How free thy love, how rich thy grace I AH needful aid to us is giv'n, And we have pow'r to rife to heav'n-! H. Y M: N 135. Long Metre* On the fame, I , T7 NOW then that ev'ry foul is free J\. To chufe his life, and what he'll be ; For this eternal truth is giv'n, That God will force no man to heav'n. 2- He'll draw, perfuade, direft him right, Blefs him with wifdom, love, and light \ , In namclefs ways be good and kind \ . Rjt never force the huraaa -inip.4. r 203 ) 3 Freedom and region make us men ; Take thefe away, what are we theft ? Mere animals, and juft as well The bealls mi^ht think of hsav'n or helL 4 May we no more our pow'rs abufe, But ways of truth and goodnefs chufe ! Our God is pleas'd when we improve His grace, and feek the worlds above. 5 But if we take the downward road, And make in hellour laft abode:; Our God is clear, and we (hall know, We pkingM ourfelves in endlefs woe, HYMN 136. Common Metre- The PFay of Conjunction with the Ltrd. 6 r T^HATthere , s aheav'n of joy for me, JL Is told me in the word ; And what is heav'n ? It is to be Conjoined with the Lord. a But can unholy join with pure ? Or heav'n be rmVd with hell? Or can the wicked foul endure With Jefus Chrift to dwell ? 3 It cannottbe; then let me know, My fins of life and -heart; For thefe muft deep repentance flow, P'rom thefe I mud depart. 4 The truth and light mult next be known, My foul the truth muft love ; ,My heart be fcVd on God alone, And my defires above. 3 Goodnefs and truth my conftant choice, Tbe Lord my ojily guide ,; ( 204 ) My ear obedient to his voice, And follow none befide. 6 Then fhall I be to him conjoint, With joy my foul will own, That heav'n and happinefs I find In God the Lord alone. HYMN 137. Common Metre. On the fame. I '-pHOU blefled Lord, I feel and know, JL My love is fix'd on thee ; And fweet conjunction with thee too, Thou giveft unto me. a But nearer (till my foul defircs, With ardent zeal I move : To thee, my God, my heart afpires, . With a celeflial love. 3 In thee I find my heav'n of peace, And as I nearer draw, My wifdom, joy, and love increafe, And knowledge of thy law. 4. I would be nearer, Lord, to thee, For thou art all my heav'n ; There's nothing can give joy tome, Except' thyfelf be giv'n ! 5 I only wifh to be conjoin'd To thee ftill more in love ! For here my life, my heav'n I find, And hence I'll ne'er remove. H Y M N 138. Common Metre. Sin remitted in proportion as it is put away. I \ LL feeto to wifli to be forgiv'n, J\ When they to judgment come J f 205 ) Pretend to hope, and long for heav'n, As their eternal home. 2 Some think a fentence will fuffice, When hanging o'er the grave ; And hope they (hall to glory rife, If mercy then they crave. 3 Some truft their all to faith alone, They're juftified by this ; Jefus did all their fins atone, And they are fure of blifs. 4 Others fuppofe, if they repent, And feel a tranfient pain, They ftand fecure from punifhment, And fhall in glory reign. 5 And thus the devil can deceive, By vain and empty tales ; Mortals are willing to believe, And hell o'er man prevails. 6 Ye erring fouls, to life arife, And feek the better way ; And if to heav'n you wilh to rife, Repent, believe, obey. H Y M N 139. Short Metre. On the fame. X TF we would pardon find, X Thro' our Redeemer's blood, Our fins muft all be caft behind, And we return to God. % As we our fins remove, And put them all away ; f ( 206 ) Return to God in humble love, And his commands obey : 3 So (hall we be forgiv'n, And confcious peace receive ; Witnefs with joy an inward heav'n, And on the Lord believe. 4 As evils are abhor'd, In heart, in life, in mind,; They are remitted by the Lord, And we forgivenefs find. 5 Then let us now remove All evil from the heart ; Thus mall we confcious pardon prove, As we from fin depart. H Y M N 140. Short Metre. The Lord Jeen and adored in the Creation. ! "T TT THEN I furvey this world, V V With all it's beauteous frame \ It's great Creator I adore, And celebrate his name. fl The boundlefs whole difplays The wonders of the Lord ; All nature echoes with his praife, And be his name ador'd, 3 The fun in ev'ry beam Proclaims the God above : It's ardent rays exhibit him, Who rules the worlds in love. 4 The lofty ftars by night, The moon with paler glow, In ev'ry twinkling ray of light, Their Maker's honour lhew» ( to* J 5 The univerfal whole Proclaims Jehovah's praife ; And O, that ev'ry living foul Would fongs of honour raife I 6 The worlds were made in love, By wifdom all divine ; And while in praife my tongue can moYe> That praife, O Loid, be thine! HYMN 141. Short Metre. Perfections, or the wicked Enemies to the Rights* ous. See the cx\th P/alm. I r T^HE man who fears the Lord, X And walks in wifdom's ways ; Whofe life directed by the word, Shews forth his Maker's praife : a This man (hall furely firwi Ah oft of envious foes, To harrafs and diftrefs his mind. And load his foul with woes. 3 The vile ungodly man,. With poifon on his tongue, Will fcenes of cruel mifchief plan> To do the righteous wrong. 4, They lay the cur fed fnare, His iootfteps to betray ; A thoufand fubtle wiles prepare* And thus befet his way. 5 And could they but deftroy The man who fears his God ; How would they boaft with hellifh jof^ And triumph in his blood ! ( 2o8 ) 6 We're fafe in Jefu's hand, In ev'ry trying hour ; He is the rock on which we /land, Our refuge and our tower ! HYMN 142. Short Metre, On the fame. j \ IT Y God is ever nigh, 1V1 He will my life defend-. My foes at thy rebuke fhalL fly O my almighty Friend ! 2 I will not yield to fear, Nor dread what men can do s In ev'sy trouble thou art near, And wilt deliver too. 3 Thou aft my God alone, And thou wilt hear my voice ; Oft thy falvation I have known, In thee I could rejoice. 4 I ftiil thy goodnefs truft, And in thy pow'r confide ; Thy daring foes (hall die accurs'd, And perifti in their pride. 5 While thofe who fear thy name, Shall triumph in thy love ;^ And when their foes are cloth'dwith mame, Sing victory above. 6 Thou wilt the caufe maintain, Of all thy humble poor ; Soon in thy kingdom they mail reign, ■And ev'ry crofs be o'er. C 20 9 ) H Y M N 143. Common Metre. The xvlth Pfalm, according to the internal Senfe, as opened by Emanuel Swedenborg. ! r-pHE Lord of hofts with pow'r divine, X In his own ftrength fecure, Will fave his church, tho' foes combine, For his falvation's fure. 2 The fons of darknefs vainly try, To triumph in our blood : Jefus will make their armies fly». For he's the mighty God. 3 Effence divine, to him belongs, Almighty is his pow ? r ; Crown him, ye faithful, in yourfongs, And fear your foes no more. 4 Behold the human finks and dies, And lo, he dies for you ! But fee from death the conq'ror rife,. For your falvation too ! 5 In glory, honour, all divine, His bleffed body fee ; What rays unutterable mine. From his Humanity 1 6 Rejoice, ye righteous, and record : His all-victorious love ; Jefus is your almighty Lord, He rules o'er all above. H Y M N 144. Common Mefre; The xhth Pfalmy acc&rding to E, S. I TN thee, O Lord, and thee alone* X All truth and wifdom dwell j '5 ( 2IG j Thy truth hath brought oppofers down. And fubjugated hell. 2 Eternal is thy fov'reign reign, Thy church fhall ever ftand ; Thy kingdom like thyfelf remain, And fpread from land to land. 3 Thy human erTence made divine, And glorified above, Beyond ten thoufand funs doth mine, In beams of truth and love. 4 To all the church our God is known, The church mail praifethy name ; And earth and heaven join in one, To celebrate thy fame. HYMN 145. Common Metre* On the fame. 1 (T^ ROUNDED in truth thy church fhall rife VX In all thy image, Lord ; And with divine affection prize The doctrines of thy word. 2 From nat'ral love thy faints depart, And with a hoLy fire, Give to their Lord their willing heart, To him their fouls afpire. 3 So mall the church in knowledge grow, Abound in truth divine ; In robes of righteoufnefs below, Above their fellows mine. 4 With ev'ry fcience richly blefs'd, To aid them in their road, The holy church (hall ftand confefs'd The fav'rite of Jiej God. ( sir ) 5 One with the Lord, the God of heav'ty Conjoin'd in truth and love ; To them (hall ev'ry good be giv'n Below, and then above. H Y M N 146. Common Metre, The Xiid Pjahriy according to E. S. 1 QURE as Jehovah reigns on high, O O'er all the boafting race ; So fure the hypocrites (hall die, And perifh in difgrace. 2 Tho' mifchiefs dwell upon their tongue* And like a razor wound ; And mad to do their neighbour wrong, In all deceit abound. 3 While they are eager to devour, In war, and blood delight ; The mighty God will curb their pow'r,. And check their feeble might. 4 PufFd up with knowledge empty, vain, When they are moft fecure, Then (hall they fall amongft the (lain* And endlefs woe endure. 5 But they who truft the Lord on high, Shall as the olive grow ; Profper in peace, in love, and joy, In God's own houfe below. 6 Their tongues fhall ever join in praife> To that almighty pow'r, Who faves his faints by various ways, In ev'ry trying hour. 7 Their foes (hall fee the righteous reiga On thrones of love and light ; While they fink down to endlefs pain, And eveilafting night. H Y M" N 147. Long Metre. The cxitb PJalrriy according to E. S. I T5^ AISE >' e lhe Lord » exaIt his name » X In his own houfe his pow'r proclaim ; His wond'rous works and ways demand The long of praife fromev'ry land. % He hath redeem'd our fouls from hell; Safe in his holy church we dwell r He freely gives celeftial food, His hand witholds no foiid good. •? His works of truth and love endure, His judgments ftand forever fure ; Eternal is Jehovah's reign, His church forever mail remain.. a Happy the man who fears the Lord, Keeps his commands, obeys his word I In this his higheft wifdomlies, This man alone is truly wife. K Lord, give me this divineft (kill, To fear thy name, obey thy will ! Then thy falvation I Tnall fee. And live for ever, Lord, with thee. H V M N 148. Common Metre. Good Angels attendant on Man. j r-pHO' cloth'd in feeble duft and earth, X Our noble fpirits are ; Angels attend us from our birth, And make our fouls their care. T 2I 3 ) 2 The holy angels mark our road, Our heedlefs fteps attend ; Infpire our minds with thoughts of God,. And alt our ways befriend. 3 For. ever tender, loving, kind, Our happinefs -purfue ; And with a fweet officious mind, Still have our good in view. 4- Great God, and do thy angels waitT On fuch a worm as I ■? To guide me in my erring (late,. And lead my foul on .high ? 5 O how mould I their friendship prize*. And alL my conduit heed ! Ne'er to offend their holy eyes, In thought, in word, or deed I 6 But O, thofe purer eyes divine My ev'ry (rep attend ! Lord, thou art near this foul of mine, • And 1*11 no more offend ! H Y M N 149. Common Metre* Evil Spirits attendant on Man. 1 A ND O ! my foul, be on thy guard, J\. Internals wait around, To rob thee of thy great reward, Left thou at length art crown'd. 1 Much is their guile, and great their pow'r, They rage in ev'ry breath ; O how they labour to devour, And bring us down to death ! 3 They watch our fteps, and love to dwell In all our love-s unclean j ( 2 H 1 They flyly lead us down to hell, And operate unfeen. 4 We'll guard againft their influence, Their ev'ry art oppofe ; Labour and ftrive to drive them hence*. For they're eternal foes. 5 But Jefus will our lives defend, And bid our foes depart, If we our minds to goodnefs bend, And give to him the heart. 6 Dear Lord, we long for none but thee». To thee we joyful come 1 Angels will our companions be, And heav'n our certain home ! HYMN 15a. To the Shepherd of Ifrael T-uiia. Formality and Cddmfs cvttplointd ef, I T TOW cold is my heart in thy ways, XTjL How formal and lifelefs I'm grown ! How little affe&ed by grace, And ail the rich mercies I've known ! 3 Whenever I pray to my <3od, How languid and dull is my heart i Awaken me, Lord, with the rod, Or grace to enliven impart. 3 I coHPie to thy worfhip, and join With all the dear faints of the Lord ; No heart is fo formal as mine, So thoughtlefs when hearing thy word* 4 While others rejoice in thy name, I mournfully hang down my head ; ( "J ) While they thy rich mercy proclaim, My joys and my comforts are dead. 5 From formal to faithful I'd rife, From cokinefs to rapture and love ; I long for the heavenly joys, To raife my affe&ions above 1 6 The fhadow, the form, and the name, Are nothing, dear Saviour, to me ; The power, the life, and the flame, Can only unite me to thee. II Y M N 151. Common Metre. Regeneration defired, 1 (~\ FOR a heart that's pure and clean, V_>/ A mind and will renew'd 1 In life no bafe tranfgreflion feen, But evils all fubdued ! 2 Nor will I dream, the heart and life Are in a moment clean ; For long and painful is the ftrife, That muft be felt within. ^ Nobly the ftrife I will maintain, And ev'ry fin oppofe ; Till felfand all it's loves are flain, And conquer'd all my loes. 4 But, Lord, the arduous work is thine, 'Tis thou canft make me pure \ My foul to thee I will refign, For there I am fecure. ( *rt ) HYMN 152. Short Metre The fpiritual Senfe of tlx holy Word revealed. T (~y REAT God, we give thee praife VX For all thy wond'rous grace ! Thy kind and condefcending ways, To our poor fallen race ! 2 Thou haft thy love reveal'd Beyond what prophets knew ; The holy book oftruth unfeal'd, To our aftoniih'd view. 3 We wander now no more Where ions of darknefs lead ; But truth in facred light explore, And wonder while we read. 4. The letter of thy word Before we hardly knew ; And in our awful darknefs, Lord, Deem'd half the word untrue. 5 But now it's inward fenfe Is open'd to the mind ; We learn thy heav'nly doctrines thence. And living waters find. 6 Lord, we adore thy name. For light and truth divine ! From thee the welcome mercies came, And be the glory thine 1 HYMN 153. Short Metre, On the fame. n T> UT O, what wonders rife JD To our aftoniih'd view i ( 2i7 ) The clouds are driven from the fkics> And all the fcene is new. 2 No more a fruitlefs ftrife For error we maintain ; The word is-fpirit, truth, .and life, An6! human notions vain. 3 The word is all divine, It's inmoft is the Lord ; His glories thro' the letter mine, And be his name ador'd ! 4 Now Jefus gives to know It's true internal fenfe ; And doth to all his church below It's light and truth difpenfe. 5 None but the Lord can make His word to Tinners known ; What Jefus gives we thankful take, And bow before his throne ! HYMN 154. Short Metre. Praife to the Lord, for the f pi ritual Serif £ of th Word. % TTJOW richly bleft we live, XjL How great our favours prove t To Jefus. may we ever give The grateful fong of love ! -2 Why, Lord, have we receiv'd Thy new-difcover'd grace ? 'While thoufands will not yet belie?©* Among the chriftian race ? •*? Thy doctrines they contemn, -And treat with proud dtfdaifl-; ( 21 8 ) Still, Lord, we might have been like them, As fooliih, blind, and vain. 4 'Tis to thy love we owe A better ftate of mind ; To thee, our God, (hall praifes flow, For thou art ever kind. 5 Now muft we holy (land, In all that's good improve ; For greater mercies fure demand A higher ftate of love. H Y M N 155. Common Metre. Vn reading the Earths in the Univerfe by E. S. See Pjalm viii. 3. cxlv. 10. r /^V COULD I foar from ftarto'ftar, V^l From world to world a rife ! Explore thofe fyftems diftant far, , Spread through the boundlefs ikies ! 2 Could I thofe num'rous orbs furvey, Their names and numbers know ; * And wing the vaft, the tracklefs way, Where funs far beaming glow 1 3 Then fhould I fee the works of God, With an expanded mind ; His wond'rous wifdom, boundlefs pow'r, In nature's works combin'd. 4 The pleafing thought how vaft, how grand ! Millions cf worlds arife, Supported by th' Almighty's hand, And fpread throughout the fkies ! £ How favoured he * who once could foar From world to world, and prove * E. S. f 219 ) . Jehovah's wifdom, fell, andpow'r, In thofe vaft orbs above ! Yet thefe are earthly, grofs, impure, May or may not abide ; But thofe for ever mail endure, Where angel hofts refide. , A HYMN 156. Common Metre* On the fame. ND if the outworks of our God Be fo immenfely great ; What is his own divine abode ? Where (lands his throne of ftate ?■ If worlds fo large, and numberlefs, In nature's fyftem roll ; What muft that heav'n of heavens be, That's greater than the whole ? What thought can reach, what mind cojd- ceive, Th' immeafur'd heav'n above ? Where men, from ev'ry world (hall live, Inendlefs joy and love ? All thought is loft, and reafon drown'dj In this immenfe furvey ! We cannot fathom the profound, Nor trace Jehovah's way. For infinite are ail his works, And all his pow'r proclaim : Fall down my foul in folemn praife. And honour Jefu's name, ( 220 ) H Y M N 157. Common Metre. On the Departure of a -pious and faithful Female Friend. 1 T7AREWELL, dear friend ! a long fare-. X well !' For we fliall meet no more, Till we are rais'd with thee to dwell On Zion's happier more. £ Our friend and fitter, lo ! is dead, The cold and lifelefs clay Has made in duft it's filent bed, And there it muft decay. 3 But is fhe dead ? No, no, fhe lives < Her nobler fpirit flies To heav'n above, and there receives The long-expected prize. 4 Methinks I fee her joyful (land Before the God of heav'n : He fmiles— flie enters Zion's land; And her reward is giv'ri. «j In robes of innocence and love Her virgin foul is drefs'd ; And all the angel hofts above Rejoice to fee her blefs'd. & Then let us dry our mournful tears* . . From gloomy grief refrain ; In heav'n our filler now appears, And will for. ever reign. 5 A little while, and we mail go ' To yonder happy fkies ; And join our friend we lov'd below, In everlailing joys. ( 221 } 8 Farewell, dear friend, again farewell 1 Soon we (hall rife to thee ; And when we meet, no tongue can tell How great our joy fhall be I H Y M N 158. Common Mqtfre. On the fame. 1 AH! late how full of trying pain XJL Our now deliver'd friend ! How oft we heard her thus complain, " When will my forrows end ? 2 " But to my heav'nly Father's will " Be arl my fpirit giv'n ! « Peace, peace my mourning foul, be (till, " And wait awhile for heav'n ?" 3 But now how chang'd our fiber's flate I She (lands on Zion's ground ; Her forrows here were iharp and great > But there her heav'n is found. 4 Angels the wond'ring foul attend, In pleafing converfe join ; She now beholds her God and Friend, And balks in blifs divine. 5 Pain, forrow, -grief, and fin are o'er, They're neither fear'd nor known 5 She lives on a celeflial fhore, And heav'n is all her own. 6 Surely our fouls woujd wifh to die, For joys fo great as thefe ! We waiting ftand^ and long to fly, Whene'er our God fhall pleafe I * 5 ( 222 } HYMN 159. Common Metre. The Lord our Help in all the various States we pofs through in Life. I JEHOVAH Jefus is my Lord, J I trull in him alone ; For every promife of his word Is ftcdfaft as his throne. % Am I a firmer in his fight, And humbled for my guilt ? To fave and heal is his delighr, For me his' blood was fpilt. 3 Am I athirlt for living wine ? The fountain's full and free ; Jefus will give the truth divine, He promis'd it to trie. 4. Am I defiring heav'nly bread With an impatient mind ? With this I mall be richly fed, For Jefus Chrift is kind. H Y M N 160. Common Metre. On the fame. j AM Ion ev'ry fide befet i"l ' With vile reproach and fcom ? Jefus will not my foul forget, He felt the wounding thorn. 2 Am I expos' d to enemies Who would my foul devour ? jefus will for my help arife, In thisdiftrefling hour ! .3 Do ferpents, dragons, beafts of prey, Befct me in my road ? f 2-23 ) Jefus will furely clear my way, For he's the mighty God. 4. Ami allur'd by earthly joys, Some fafcinating charm ? Jefus will ihew they're empty toys, And I mall get no harm. H Y M N 161. Common Metre* On the fame, 1 AM I diftrefs'd, and feel within il Some fore temptation there ? Jefus will keep my foul from fin, , He always hears my pray'r. 2 Am I by all th' infernal hoft Aifail'd and deeply try'd ? Still let me hope — I fhan't be loft. The Lord is on my fide. 3 Am I in darknefs deep as night, Without a cheering ray ? Jefus will quickly give me light, And turn the lhade to day. 4 Am I unworthy Jefu's aid, Vile, finful, bafe, and mean ? I am ; but will not be. afraid, My God can make me clean. HYMN 162. Common Metre, The fame. I AMI by fin an hejr of heJI, il Deferving endlefs pain ? I am ; but yet I'm call'd to dwell Where faints and sngels reign. f 224. ) 2 Am I the vileft of my race ? I am, or nearly fo ; But Jems Chrift is rich in grace, And will great mercy (hew. 3 Am I the leaft of all the faints \ I am, or wifh to be ; Then Jefus will from all complaints Moft furely fet me free. 4 Am I in earn eft for my God, And do I long for heav'n ? Jefus will lead me in the road, And ev'ry good be giv'n. HYMN 163. Common Metre. The fame. 1 T^\0 I my neighbour truly love ? JL/ My enemies forgive ? Then I (hall furely rife above, And with the angels live. 2 Am I preparing for my home, And longing for my Lord ? Then furely he will quickly come, According to his word. 3 Am I afraid to quit my clay, And lay this body down ? Mo ; I could give it up to-day, And fly to take my crown. 4 Am I aflur'd my God will raife My fpirit in that hour? I am ; and give to him the praife, For none but he has pow'r. f 2*5 ) HYMN 164. Common Metre The fame. AM I In waiting for my Lord I Do I from fin refrain . ? Do I obey his holy word ? If not, my hopes are vain. a Am I in heart and life fincere ? Lord, I appeal to thee \ No fair difguife my foul mould wear* Thou knptvelt. what I be. \ AmlamVd I mall be blefs'd, And live in heav'n above ? I am aiTur'd I there mall reft, Becaufc my God is love. [ Now, blefTed Lord, I give my a! To thee, and thee alone ; Before thy feet mod humbly fall, And all thy mercy own I. 1 j Henceforth I'll live to none but thee* Ifa humble faith and love! And ev'ry moment ready be To rife to heav'n above. H Y M N 165. Common- Metre* The Emptlnefs of earthly Riches, X T> OAST not,, vain man, of all thy (lore, _D Of heaps of fhining gold ; If thefe are all, thou ftill art poor, When all thy fums are told. £ Tho' lands and lordffups 3rethyown, Titles ?.nd pomp be£ Tho' diamonds, pear's, and precious (tone, Inereafe thy wealth and pride 1 ( -226 ) 3 What ari thou flill without thy God,, His love, his truth, and word ? A poor, polluted, dying clod, Tho' by : . thyfelfador'd. 4 Empty and vain are all below, And they who vainly truft In riches, pride, and pomp, and fbeWj, Are by themfelves accurs'd. 5 Let me enjoy fubftantial wealth, Jehovah's truth and love ; Be all my foul in peace and health. And heir to worlds above. 6 All earthly riches I reilgn, Contented to be poor ; Be Jefus and his kingdom mine, I afk and want no more. H Y M; N 1 66. Long Metre. Contention and Strife deplored, 1 TI7E live amongft a finful brood, VV Strangers to righteoufnefs and Go&i Who live in luft, revenge, and pride, And all that's good and true deride. 2 H^nce-wars and quarrels, rage and ftrifev And all the wretched fcenes of life ; Injuftice, cruelty, and rage. And ev'ry evil marks our age. 3 And muft welive where Tinners dwell, Amidft infernais, yea in hell ? Hard lot it feems, but muft be borne, Till we to heav'n our home return. 4 Like all the reft of Adam's race, We have abus'd Jehovah's grace t ti:' ( 227 ) And muft this ftate of trial prove, Till ripen'd for the world above. 5 Then we (hall leave the fons of ftrife, And live a peaceful, happy life ; Then ev'ry druggie will be o'er, And we fhall fee our foes no more. HYMN 167. Common Metre, On the fame. 1 "X A T^ ^E ^ ere Wc ^ ve * we ^ a * n wou ^ d ** c V V From quarrels and contention free ; But while the world is full of ftrife, Can we expect a peaceful life ? .2 Here in a defert, where are found Dragons and ferpents all around ; Can we expect we fhall be free From all their wounding cruelty ? 3 Where fhall we fly, or whither run, That we may all their fury fhun ? If into woods or caves we fly, We're feen by envy's piercing eye. 4 Jefus, we come.tu none but thee, Under thy fhadow let us be ; Thou canft from ev'ry foe defend, ' And guard us till our journey end. 5 In thee we fhall have peace and reft, But no where elle can we be blefl ; We'll make ourconftant refuge here, 'Nor envious foes or devils fear. ( 228 ) H Y M N 1 68. Trumpet Tune, o* 148th Pfalm Metre. Feiv'faved; or many called, but few chef en. j J TOW few., alas, ftiall live JljL In worlds of peace and love ! The crown of joy receive, The free reward above ! They dream in vain Of joys on high ; Sink down in pain, Defpair, and die. a But what can be the caufe, So few to glory rife ? Jehovah.gives us laws To lead us to the ikies; His mercy's free To all mankind, And none can be For hell defign'd. 3 No, God is ever good ; But men his love refufe ; ■His mercy is withftood, .His laws they will abufes And madly run Their race below, Till they're undone, And link in woe. 4 Jehovah calls them home, They turn an adder's ear ; Daily refufe to come, Nor will his warnings hcarf Till at the gate Of hell they be * i ( 2 *9 ) And then too late Their folly fee. 5 O tinners, now be wife, Your days will quickly end; The calls of mercy prize,; _ And turn to God your friend, Then you (hall reft In heav'n above, | For ever blefs'd With peace and love. HYMN 169, Long Metre* Old Age in Ignorance and Shu , % T> EHOLD decrepit, aged men, XD Bow'd down with threefcore years an«£ ten ; Their days in fin -and ■ folly fpent, Nor yet they've leifure to repent. 2 Fond of the world, and anxious mil To gratify the fenfual will ; Accuftom'd to an evil road, With no defire to turn to God. 3 Old age and pain their frames afTail, They feel, yet know not what they ailf But labour hard in ev'ry breath, And tir'd of life, oft wtfh, for death. 4 But O, how ftupid is the mind ! To heav'n or hell the're wholly blind ; That there's a God they hardly know* Or heav'n above, or hell below. 5 Grey-headed fouls from ign'rance rife $ Surely 'tis time you mould be wife; Juft bending o'er the filent tomb, Another Jiour may feal your doom* u { 2 3 ) *6 That hour improve while 'tis at han3„ Led, ere it end, you're call'd to ftand Before your Judge, then fink to hell, And in eternal forrows dwell. H Y M N 170. Long Metre. Characters and Adarks of the true Chrljllan. X TP\0 I belong to Chrift the Lord, \J My title founded on his word ? Important quell ion ! be it try'd, For truth willfoon the point decide. 2 The cnrimari hates his ev'ry fin, Evils external or within ; And with au humble broken heart, ', From all that's finlul does depart. 3 The chriftian takes his daily crofs, Counts all of felf but dung and drofs ; Gives up his pride, his luft, and ftrife, And ali'his former worldty liie. 4 The chriftian is no more his own," But given up to God alone ; His will, his mind, his life, and ways, Are all devoted to his praife. 5 Thechriftian has his heart above, His life is form'd by truth and love ; His whole delight is in the Lord, And he obeys the holy word. f> The chriftian's full of charity, To neighbour, friend, and enemy ; He feeks their good with zealous mind. a&ttd is to all fincerely kind. jrT Y M N 171. Long Metres The fame. THE chriftian knows his God aright, And worfhips him wifh ftrong delight j He's taught Of God, and truly wife, Still fets the Lord before his eyes. The chriftian has a faith divine, And does to faith obedience join ; Believes the truth, the truth obeys r - And conftant walks in holy ways. 3 The chriftian is a man of God, He takes the pure, the heav'nly road £ All his affections rife above, And all his heart is full of love. 4 The chriftian fhines with Iuftre bright^ His understanding's full of light ; To Jefus Chrift he's wholly giv'n, And is indeed a form of heav'n, 5 Dear Lord, to tbee my foul afpires, And kindles with feraphic fires ; The real chriftian I would be, And live, O Lord, to none but thee. H Y M N 172. Short Metre. The Lord rejected by the Jews in his fir ft Advent 9 and by the Chrift ians in his Jecond Advent* W' HEN jefus firft appear'd, Cloth'd in our feeble clay; But few the blefted Lord reyer'd, Few did his word obey. The Jews, that ftubborn race, Defpis'd their fav'reign Lord ; (23* ) Conterrm'd his overtures of grace, And trampled on his word. 3 He preach'd his gofpel, there, His ev'ry word was kind; And with a loving tender care, Would fain have heal'd the blind. 4 But ftill they disbelieve, From all his mercy fly ; At length their due reward receive*. They fink, defpair, and die. 5 Thus mercy is refus'd, Now God is come again ; By chriftians Je.lu's love's abus'd, They fight again ft his reign. 6 By falfes led afiray, By vain tradition blind; Darknefstothem appears as day, Andobljinate the mind. >7 But we will blefs thee, Lord, That thou art come again.; Thankful will we receive thy word, And fia.il thy glorious reign. % Tho' dspp reproach and fname We meet on ev'ry hand ; We know thou'rt come, and will proclaim Thy advent in the land. HYMN 173. Short Metre* On the fame, I T) UT why, ye chriftians, why JD Do you retufe your Lord ? And in your ign'rance rather die, Than now receive his word J . ( 233 ) I C Why treat you with difdain The fervant he hath giv'n ? Becaufe he proves your doftrines vain ; And points your fouls to heav'n. 'Tis evil, felf, and pride, . Which makes you blind and vain ; And thus the facred truth deride, Now God is come again. O would you humbly read, What is in love made known ; The truth your happy fouls would lead, To bow at Jefu's throne. But if you will be blind, And mil oppofe the light ; Your fad miftake you'll quickly find, And fink in endlefs night. H Y M' N" 174. Long Metre, On the Holy Supper. {The Approach.] 1 f~\ REAT.God of heav'n, thy children n©.v£r" \JT Humbly before thy footftool bow \ And with delightful pleafure prove The wonders of thy truth and love. 2 Thy ord'nance, Lord, we'll not forget, But round thy bleifed table meet ; In holy love, and faith divine, We'll eat the bread, and drink the wine*, 1 In charity with all mankind, One in affection, one in mind, Inftru&ed by thy holy word, We come to banquet with our Lord~ u 5 ( *34» J 4. Hatred and rage, infernal fires, All vile afTe&ions, bafe defires, Be all by holy love fubdu'd, Nor ever at this feaft intrude. 5 And while thy table we furround, May every heart in love be found ; In firm afFe&ion all combin'd, And each with each communion find. H Y M N F75. Long Metre. Holy Supper. [The Lord prejent.~\ 1 A ND is the Lord Jehovah here ? Jl\. Will he amongft his flock appear!' Welcome, moft holy fov'reign Lord, To ev'ry foul around thy board. 2 Now we approach in love to thee* And each with each in charity ; Open the heavens, Lord, and mew Thy richefl: love to faints below. Now may thy waiting children prove The heights and depths of faving love ; And favour'd with internal fight, Thy truth behold with fweet delight I 4 Then (hall we know thy flefh and blood Are all the truth and love of God ; That bread and wine imply the fame, The goods and truths in Jefu's name. 5 ITe feeds us with the bread divine, Gives us to drink the heav'nly wine ! And here we fweet conjunction prove With thee, the Lord our Ged of lovef f 2 35 ) H Y M N 176. Common Metre. [The Lord and all the Effefis of his Redemption pre* fentj] See Univ. TheoL «. 717. I Z^IOME, brethren, at this feaft appear, V^ With joyful fouls attend \ Jefus in love divine is here, As your redeeming friend- 2 All his redemption is applied To his adopted fons ; Jefus was conqueror when he died, We're his redeemed ones. 3 Deliver' d from the pow'r of hell, To Jefus Chrift conjoin'd ; In his own church and kingdom dwells And full falvation find. 4 This is the faith that's all divine, Firm founded on the word ; To call this great redemption mine, And glory in the Lord. HYMN 177. Short Metre. Holy Supper. [Flejh, Blood, Bread \ and Wlna opened.~\ See Univ. Thiol, n. 702. 1 npO God be praifes giv'n, X Who hath the word unfeaPd ; Difclos'd the wond'rous things of hcav'n> And holy truth reveal' d. 2 Dear Lord, that fleih of thine, By thee call'd living bread, Is all the good of love divine* By which the foul is led* ( 2 3 6 } 3 The good of charity Is in the fleih implied; By thefe we're kindly taught to fea Why our Redeemer died. 4 By water, wine, and blood, The all of truth are feen ; By thefe we're fan edified to God, Thefe only make us clean. 5 Dear Lord, we thankful join Around thy holy board ; We eat the bread, we drink the wine* And be thy name ador'd ! H Y M N 178, Common Metre. Holy Supper. [A Sign and Seal that we are the Sons of God.] SeeU. T. 728. 1 /^"\NCE more do we enjoy the fign, V_-/ That we are fons of God, Partake the facied bread and wine, The holy fieih and blood. 2 Now feal'd again by Jefu's love, We call the Lord our own ; Witrrftrength renew'd mount up above* And haften to our throne. 3 O happy meeting, heav'nly feaft ! Where God and finners meet ! And we (behold) the honour'd gueft, That fit at Jefu's feet. 4 But O, the bleft tranfporting thought ! Soon we (hall rife above ; And to the heav'nly table brought. There tafte the fcafl of love. r m J 5 With angels and bleft fpirits join. In all 'that can be giv'n, Of goodnefs, truth, and love divine, In that eternal heav'n. HYMN 179. Long Metre. Holy Supper. [The. Memorial] I /^OME, brethren, let us all unite V>» At Jefu's table with delight ; Obey with joy his bleffed word, And not forget our honour'd Lord. a He lives, he. lives, and reigns above, But gives us here his cheering love ; Tho' high he reigns, for us he died ;. For us he once was crucified. 3 And hath he this injunction giv'n K «« Remember me your God in heav'n ; " I died for you, my death proclaim, " My love confefs, and own my name.'* 4 Lord, we obey thy mild command, And now around thy table Hand ; Thy holy love with rapture own, And bow fubmiffive at thy throne. 5 While we have life, and pow'r, and breatfe* We will record our Saviour's death ; The holy bread and wine partake, And keep this feaft for Jefu's fake. §, We're not afnam'd to own our Lord, His tove and mercy we record ; He is our God, we want no more^ And none but Jefus we adore. ( *3* J H Y M" N 180. Common Metre; Holy Supper. [The Invitation ] x /^OME, all ye wretched, poor, and blinds \w> Ye heavy laden come ; In Jefus your faivation find, He waits to take you home. 2 The feaft of love is now prepar'd, Come yc, and tafte the food ; You're welcome to your God and Lord* For he is kind and good. 3 Make no excufe, but come away, The feaft for you is giv'n ; Linger no more, no more delay, Come to the feaft of heav'n. 4 If humble, lowly, meek, your mind, A nd Chrift your God alone ; Come to his table, comfort find, The feaft is all your own. 5 Why has the Lord this table fpread ? 'Tis to refrefh the poor, That thev may eat the living bread, And drink, and thirft no more. 6 Come then, ye humble, own the Lord*. And in his name believe ; Take what he offers in his word, And all his love receive. H Y M ■ N 1 8 1. Long Metre* H«Jy Supfer. [Ft's Excellency, .] I TX7HERE I to potent kings ally'd, V \ In all their pomp, and wealth, atuC pride ;_ ( 239 ) ^Could I their ev'ry pieafure prove. And in a princely palace move ; t I'd freely all this pomp refign, And with the humble chriilian join ; I'd throw away their empty toys, To mare the chriflian's better joys. ; What entertainment can compare With thy own feafr. when thou art there, In all thy love and wifdom, Lord, As thou haft promis'd in thy word? -4 Here will I fit at Jefu's fee*, And tafle his foul-reviving treat ; And all that's earthly I refign ; Enough for me that God is mine ! H Y M N 182. Long Metre, Holy Supper, [Same as above.] . THE, honours of this mortal (late, However fplendid, rich, and great, Are dearly bought, nor long remain, But end in forrow, fhame, and pain. But here, OLord, my foul is free, Thou haft in love invited me :, To me thy love thou wilt impart, And be the portion of my heart. 3 I afknomore ; the empty things, Baubles, and toys, and pomp of kings, And all that's earthly, I refign; Enough for me that God is mine. H Y M N 183. Long Metre. Holy Supper. [The Lord's Conflict and Temptations,^ * R^T T hile I eat this flefh and blood, ^J 1 he love and truth of (Thrift my God j f 240 ) Xet me remember Jefus too, His conflicts and temptations view. 2 The bitter cup he drank for me, His namelefs grief, and agony ; His deep temptation, bloody (wear, And dying woes 1*11 not forget. 3 He drank the cup, he bore the pain, And did with blood his garment (tain"; He felt temptation's awful hours, And grappled with infernal pow'rs. 4 But 'twas to conquer all his foes, And fave a world from endlefs woes ; To make his human all divine, And raife to heav'n this foul of mine. 5 While here my joyful fpirit's fed, I'll not forget my Saviour bled ; But all his dying love proclaim, And fmg the honours of his name. HYMN 184. Common Metre. Holy Supper. [Contemplating the Benefits derive* from Conjunction with the Lord in thty Feajt.\ 1 A ND wliile we fit around the board jt\. Of our kind God of love, We'll meditate the boundlefs joys Prepar'd for us above. 2 This feaft an antepaft is giv'n Of richer pleafures there ; The entertainment we in heav'n Shall with the angels fhare. 3 Our Saviour fuffer'd here below* Temptation, grief, and pain > f ni ) That we might rife from fin and woe, And in his kingdom reign. So while we fit, and joyful eat His flefh, and drink his blood ; The carneft, 'tis that we iha!l meet Around the throne of God. Ten thoufand joys we there ftiall prove, And endlefs be the feaft ; There all be harmony and love. And happy ev'ry. gueft. Jefus, thy name we will adore, For all our bleflings gtv'n ; But O, we'll love and praife thee more At the grand feaft in heav'n ! HYMN 185. Short Metre. Holy Supper. [Communion of Saint 'r.J YE faints that fit around The table of your God, In charity and peace abound, While on your heav'nly road. As one in heart and mind, Joint heirs of joys above, Be each to each, as angels kind, And walk in truth and love* May charity prevail Amongfl: the faints below ! The love divine which cannot fail, Unite us all belowl That we who eat the bread, And drink the holy wine, w ( M* ) At laft may live with Chrift our head, And all in glory join ! H Y M N 1 86. Short Metre, Holy Supper. [Communion of Saints.'] i T^HIS is a feaft of love, A An union with the Lord ; But none the fwect communion prove, Save thofe that love the word, a May ev'ry feaft increafe The union of the heart ! And cordial harmony and peace To ev'ry mind impart. 3 So fhall we rife and grow In all that's true and good ; Soon change our cottages below, For palaces with God. H Y M.N 187. Long Metre. Holy Supper. [Confidered as a Covenant.] 1 T> OUND to our Lord by facred ties, il Let us with holy ardour rife ; Purfue with zeal our heav'nly way, And prefs to everlafting day. 2 Once more we bind our fouls to thee And only thine, dear Lord, we be ; Our cov'nant we again renew, And to our vows we would be true. o 'Tis mercy, Lord, in thee to give The bread and wine, by which we live ; And as thy favours are thy own, We'll live to thee,' and thee alone. C 243 ) $ SatatT may tempt,' the world allure, Faithful to Jefus we'll endure ; The belt of Matters we obey. Nor hell (hall turn our feet aftray. 5 Jefus, in thee our fouls confide, Thou art our {trength, our help, and guide f Thy love demands all we can give, And to thy holy name we'll live. H Y M N 1 88. Long Metre. Hoh Supper. T The Greatnefs of Jefus Uve it) this Feaji. ] X T 7T THAT wonders hath Jehovah wrought, V V How great the price by which we're bought ! The all of love and truth divine, In our redemption fweetly join. 2 The beams of love defcend, and bring Ten thoufand bleflings from our King ; While rays of glorious truth and light Unveil his glories to our fight. 3 Here, Lord, our fouls with rapture fit, And wait and worfhip at thy feet ; How wond'rousrich the heav'nly feafr, And yet poor finners are the gueft. 4. Thy love exceeds our higheft praife, And all the fongs that angels raife ; How then fhall we attempt to fing The boundlefs goodnefs of our King I 5 Dear Lord, had we ten thoufand tongues> And notes beyond the angels' fongs ; Still we fhould fail, nor could make knovwi The namelefs mercies of tliy throne. [ 244 > H Y M N 189. Long M^tre. Holy Supper. [ Appropriation. ] 1 if^OME, brethren, while We eat this bread, V_> Know we our hungry fouls are fed ? Doth love divine, that holy flame, ; Raife all our hearts to Jefu's name ? 2 Do VTe enjoy a rich increafe Of goodnefs, charity, and peace I .And feel that. Wetted influx giv'n, Which raifes humble fouls to heav^a I 3 And while we drink the living wine, Do we enjoy the truth divine I In knowledge, zeal, and uifdomi rSe, More good, J more pure, and truly wife ? 4 So fhall we eat, -and drink, and live, Influx of love, and truth ije«eive ; And each and a^ll advance, improve, Till rais'd to forms of truth and love, 5 Internal be this holy treat, And heart with heart in union meet ! Be all as one in love combined, And- each* to Jefus Chrift conjoint! H Y M N 190. Common Metre. Holy Supper. [An Earnejl of every Good.] 1 A ND will the Lord, who gives this feaft, jljL One real good deny To any of his humble guefts, Who at his footftool lie ? 2 No ; 'tis a pledge of love divine. Of mercies from his throne ; : It tells me ev'ry good is mine,. That Jefus is my own* f 245 ) 3 It tells us we (hall mare his grace, While on our heav'nly way ; At length behold his lovely face In everlaftingday. 4 A foretafte 'tis of joys to come, Of all that (hall be giv'n, When brought to our eternal home, When landed fafe in heav'n. 5 Now while we feaft with thankful mind, May faith and love increafe ; Till we the richer table find, In worlds of joy and peace I H Y M N 1 91. Common ■ Mietre: Praifi to the Lord for conjlant Prefervation. i 'y HOU great, all-knowing, prefent God^ JL Where'er I (lay or rove, I am furrounded mil by thee, Encircled with thy love. % When in the paths of vice I trod, Nor fear'd thy holy name, Thou waft my all-fupporting God, Thy hand preferv'd my frame. 3 Still, Lord, thy hand my life defends, My life I owe to thee ;. Thy mercy all my way attends, Thy love abounds to me. 4. Where'er I am, I am thy care.* Thy dealings all are love ; And tliy intention to prepare My foul for heav'n above*. w 5- f 246 1 5 My God and Saviour guides mc ftill, In all his righteous ways ; Daily will I perform his will, Each moment live his praife. H Y M N 192. Common Metre, j. ne faithful Chrijiian. 1 /*^\ HAPPY man, thy Maker's care, *^Jr With ev'ry mercy blefs'd ; Peace, folid peace, thy portion here, Hereafter endlefs relt. 2 AfTur'd of Jefu's pow'rM love, CoMnpofure all thy foul, -Thy heart, affections, mincj above* How fweet thy minutes roll ! 3; Noflorms ortempefts rage within, The fire of hell-fubdu'd ; Conquer'd by truth thy ev'ry fin, And all the man renew'd. 4 Look up, beloved foul, and fee What namelefs glories rife, The vaflf reward prepar'd for thee. In yonder peaceful Ikies ! HYMN 193. Common Metre, Jijus -precious to the Soul. 1 S~\ HOLY Lord, thy name lo me V/ Is dearer than my all ; Kingdoms I'd facrlfice to thee, And at tHy footftool fall. . A Not worlds, nor all therein, can give. My foul fubflantial good j ( 247 ) But while on eefrfh I'm bid to live, I find my all in GotL ^ Thv n\ me is .nunc to r -?.rs f Whene er my fours autreis d ;. It calms my forrows ajui my fears^ And fets my heart at 4 Thy icivc to me'for everfio w$, Thy truth my certain gfiiae ;.. I rife above my fears and Toes, My wants are all fiippti'a. 5 A fong of praife to thee is due, Eternal praife is thine ; Accept, thou holy, juft and true, This humble fong of mine. H Y M N 194. Common Metre* On the Divine Humanity, EAR Lord, how have thy creatures err'd I How low their thoughts of thee ! Angels, by many, are -prefer'd To thy Humanity. 2 Some call thee prophet, fome a fori, And others, man alone ; Some give thee honours, others none, And fome thy Godhead own. 3 But if a God allow'd to be, Not thee alone fupreme ; Eat partner -of the Deity ; And thus the dreamers dream, 4 But thou art God, and God alone, In thy Humanity ; Before thee, Lord, no God was tnowD> Nor (hall be after thee, ( 2 4 S 1 5 Thy human nature rs divine, Divine is human too ; Here God and man in one combiaev And not three Gods, nor two. 6 Thee we adore, eternal Lord, In thy Humanity ; Who art the Father, Spirit, Word, The only Deity ! HYMN 195. Common Metre. The Humanity Glorified. 1 r T^HO > God our Saviour took our form, A Our feeble dying clay ; He by his mighty pow'r divine, The earthly put away. 2 The human, vile, impure, andgrofs, No more, O Lord, is thine \ Thou didft by fdPringS, and the crofs, Thy human make divine. 3 A procefs this, none but the Lord ; . Can fully comprehend ; But we believe, as in thy word That facred truth is penrrtL 4 Thou art the only Deity, Thy nature all divine ; In thy Divine Humanity, The angels' God, and mine, HYMN 196. Common Metre. On the fame. I T?ROM thy blefs'd body radiant light X Beams forth in god-like rays, ( 249 ) A fun divine to angels' fight, Who on thy beauty gaze. a They joyful fee thee as thou art, Thy namelefs glories view ; And unto them thou doll impart, Eternal glory too. 3 O could we all thy beauty fee* With an arch-angel's eye - y In thy Divine Humanity, How mould we long to fly ! 4 To thee, aRd thee alone, be praife, Below we tafte thy love ; And Toon thou wilt our fpirits raife, To fee thy face above ! H Y M N 197. Common Metre* Our Cod in Human Form. 1 /^\UR Jefus is both God and Man, \J In human form is he ; Tho' finite beings cannot fcan His vafl infinity. 2 Why mould we fear to fay or flng, Our God is Man alone,* W T hen to the heav'ns the fov'reign King As God and Man is known ? 3 Angels behold him as he is, In human form divine, While wiklom, love, and endlefs blifs, From his bleis'd body (Line. * By man alone* underf.and that God is the snly man, JiriBly (peaking* as all mankind are men from him, and not in t he mj elves* See E. 8* f 250 ) 4 Jefus to angels thus made known* They fee the God they love ; In human form he fills the throne, And all the heav'ns above. 5* This is the God our fouls adore, We glory in his name ; And joyful will, from more to more, His Deity proclaim. HYMN 198. Common Metre, The Lord our judge, 3 HPHINK, O my foul, the folemn day. JL Is fure, and foon will come ; When I mufl quit this houfe of clay, And hear my final doom. 2 Before the wife all- knowing God I quickly muft be brought ; Who knows my ev'ry way and word ir My ev'ry fecret thought ! 3 His nature is all holinefs, Almighty is his pow'r ; How (hall I ftand before his face, In that moil folemn hour ? 4 If all my heart be vile within, Unholy and impure, In love of felf, the world, and fin r . Gan I that day endure } 5 But if my heart and life be new, Made holy through the word ; With pleafing rapture I (hall view • My -holy, judge and Lord. H Y M N 199. Common Metre* he Lord our only H:pe here, and Portion hereafter* OUR confidence and hope, O Lord, Are nx'd on thee alone ; Encourag'd by thy facred word, That thou wilt finners own. Here dorms and (empefts daily lour, And enemies a flail ; But thou, dear Lord, our rock and tow'-r, Wilt o'er our foes prevail. Infernal hoffo, athirft for blood, Againft our fouls combine ; Our hope is fix'd on thee, our God, Thy pow'r is all divine. iWe fail o'er rough tempeftuous waves, And long to gain the land : ; Jefus is nigh, and ever faves, By his almighty hand. On him in troubles we rely, He hears us when we call ; IHis mercy is for ever nigh, He is our all in all. l$oon mall we gain the peaceful fhore, The land of endlefs reft ; [Enjoy our God, his name adore, And be completely bled. HYMN 200. Long Metre. The Lord's Care of his Saints. ""^OME ye that love the Lord, rejoice, k^> And praife him with exalted voice $ ( ^ ) "We arc his care, he will defrnd From all that earth and hd! mtendh 2 Our fouls he will in fafety keep, For he's tiie fhepherd, we the fheep : Tho' Tavage lions roar around, In Jefus is our fafety found. 3 Why mould we fear the cruel bear, Or for the ferpent's poifon care ; Jefus will all their rage fubdue, And make us more than conqu'rors to«, 4 Let men and devils do their word, Still in Jehovah's name we'll truft ; He is our God, and doth engage To fave us from their iitmoft rage. 5 To his own care our fouls are giv'n, We fhall be fav'd and rife to heav'n ; For faints to him are ever nigh, And he'll defend them till they die. 6 Jefus, we give our all to thee, Thou wilt our guide and portion he ; And unto thee we'll ever raife The grateful fong of love and praife. H Y M N 20 r. Common Metre, Exhortation to Peace and Holinefs. r /^OME, brethren, let us drive to live, \^s As angels do above ; With tender pity each relieve, And each abound in love. 0, Now God reveals his glorious name, And brings his truth to light ; And love divine, with ardent flame, Difpels the (hades of night. f. 253 ) 3 With balmy wing fweet peace defcends, And dwells with man again ; Now facred truth her path attends, And love and goodnefs reign. 4 Be ev'ry heart from hatred free, In friendship all combined ; In peace and mutual unitv, And one in life and mind. 5 Each holy as the Lord is pure, In ev'ry grace improve ; Faithful unto the end endure. And walk in truth and love. 6 So fhall we honour Jefu's word, For better worlds prepare ; Soon rife above, live with the Lord, In endlefs pleafure there. HYMN 202. Short Metre. Imitation ofjefus. C\ GOD, my heavenly king, ^ My Saviour and my all, To thee my ev'ry pow'r I bring, And at thy foo'tftool fall ! By thee I am fupplied "With every good below ; Thou art my pattern and my guide, In all the way I go. 3 Fain would I follow thee Along the heav'nly way, Whate'er my pains or conflicts b UT yet, dear Lord, I fee J3 I've fornethingmore to do > 'Tis to obey and follow thee, In all that's good and true- a Thou didft the law fulfill, And taught my foul the way ; If I would rife to Zion's hill, I mult thy laws obey. 3 Thou wilt the influx give, Of love and truth divine, That fo I may, while here I five* Make thy example mine 1 4 The faith that works by love Thou wilt to me impart, Raife my affections all above,. And govern all my heart. 5 So will I follow thee, Obey thy laws alone ; At length thy great falvation fee, And (hare thy heavenly throne. § I own thee for my Lord, I love thy holy ways ; My heart and life in one accord, TTo give thee endlefs praife. ( 2 5 6 ) il Y M N 205. Common Metre. On Pfahn xviii. 46 to 50. I TEHOVAH lives, and be his name I By ev'ry heart ador'd ! From age to age he is the fame, 4 The only God and Lord ! 2 He is our rock when troubles rife, And ftorms and tempefts lour ; - He rides triumphant in the ikies, And faves us by his pow'r. 3 Salvation to the Lord belongs. We give Jehovah praife ; Lift up our hearts, and holy fongi To our deliv'rer raife. 4 He faves from danger, death, and hell. From fear, diftrefs, and harm ; Makes ev'ry faint in fafety dwell, For mighty is his arm. 5 He rules o r er all the fons of pride, Preferves us from their rage ; Subdues our foes, and on our fide His cruth and love engage. 6 Great is the mercy we have found, And great fhall be our praife ; We'll fpread his pow'r and mercy round, And fongs of honour raife. HYMN 206. Long Metre. On the fame, t JESUS, thou God of pow'r, arife, J And fcatter all thy enemies ; Nor let thy fefvants be difmay'd. Or of their haughty foes afraid. C *57 ) \ Tho* thoufands here befet us round, Serpents and dragons vile abound ; Thou art our rock, and we mall ftand Secure in thy almighty hand. j Thou'It fave us from our foes within, Ourluft, our pride, fel f- love, and fin ; Influx of love and truth impart, And rule alone in ev'ry heart. 4. We long, O Lord, we long to be Holy and fpotlefs like to thee ; In truth advance, in goodnefs grow, And live as angels while below. To thee be conftant praifes giv'n, Thou haft invited us to heav'n ; Thou wilt our happy fouls prepare, To live in endiefs glory there. H Y M N 207. Common Metre. On Charity. 1 1 ^\ CHARITY, thou heav'n-born grace, V-/ All tender, fweet, and kind ; A friend to all the human race, To all that's good inclin'd, 1: 2 The man of charity extends To all his lib'ral hand ; His kindred, neighbour, foes or friendg His pity may command. He aids the poor in their diftrefs, He hears when they complain ; With tender heart delights to blefs, AndleflTen all their pain. , The fick, imprifon'd, poor, and blindj And all the fans of grief, * 5 (■ *5* > In him a benefactor find ; He loves to give relief. 5 But O, how mourns his feeling heart. While man in fin delight, From Jefus and his laws depart, And fink in endlefs night. 6 Fain would he rifcue thefe from woe So tender is his mind ; For all he prays, or. friend or foe, For like nis Lord he's kind. H Y M N 208. Long Metre. 7 he xiii/A Chnp. I Corinthians paraph rajed* 1 TTAD I all languages at will, JLX Did 1 poffes an angel's ikill ; If charity I cannot boaft, I'm but as founding brafs at moll. 2 B^di the gift of prophecy, Knew ev'ry heav'nly my(tery,^ By faith could mighty mountains move* I'm nothing if I have not love. 3 Should I beftow my earthly ftore, To feed the wretched ftarving poor 5 Vain are the favours I may give, If without charity I live. 4 Had I of zeal a wond'rous fhare, And bonds and c-haftifements could bear, Go to the flake and not complain, Still without love this crofs is vain. 5 Whate'er my gifts or virtues be> If dellituteof charity, My heart and life are only vile, And all within deceit and guile. C 2 S9 ) HYMN 209. Long Metre* On the fame. RUE charity is ever kind, T And fuffers with a patient mind \ She envies not the great and high, Nor views the mean with fcornful eye. 2 True charity is humble, mild, And inofFenfive as a child : Notfwell'd with pride above her race. Nor boafting of her gifts or grace. 3 True charity feeks not her own, Nor wants. to live for felf alone ; She ever feeks her neighbour's good, And imitates her Saviour God. 4 True charity, of humble main, Tho' oit provok'd, is patient feen m y Affronts and infults fee her bear, While fhe repays her foes with prayer. 3 True charity thinks well of all, And pities others when they fall; But will not fpread their fault? around, In fuch vile work (he's never found. 6 True charity is fill'd with pain, When wickednefs and falfehood reign ; But (fill rejoices in the word, And loves the men who love the Lord. HYMN 210. Long Metre,. On the fame. RUE charity believes the befr, Nor hears, or pafles by the reft 7 ■t r ; ( 26o ) Of all around her hopeth well, Nor judgeth any man to hell. 2 Reproach and fcoril (he can fuftain, But can't return reproach again ; Tho' friends or foes may ufe her ill, She prays lor all and loves them ftilL 3 True charity can never fail, But will o'er time and death prevail : When prophecies and tongues fhall ccafe, The man oflove (hall live in peace. 4 Of ev'ry virtue, ev'ry grace, True charity, is firft in place ; And love to God and man will be The ground of all felicity. 5 O chanty, thou all divine, Forever moremayft thou be mine; Then fhall I rife and live above, Where all is charity and love. H Y M N 2ii. To the God of Abra- ham's Praife i a Particular Metre. A Song of Praife, 1 '"TPHE great Jehovah praife, JL Who lives and reigns in heav'n ; The Qod of truth, and love, and grace, To fmners giv'n ! Great is the Lord, the Lamb, By holy faints confefs'd, He is their Lord, their great I am, Ador'd and blefs'd. 2 The finner's friends proclaim, Hell trembles at his rod I ( 26t ) The devils dread his awful namej And own the God. In him fecure we (land, Almighty is his pow'r ; Our rock thro' all the defert land, Our fhield and tow'r. J The dear Redeemer praife, He all-fufficient is ; He'll guide us lafely all our days, To worlds of biiO. The faint he calls his friend, He is the christian's God ; Arch- angels at his footltool bend, And wait his nod. He by himfelf can fave, I on his ftrength depend; .And when this earthly ftate I leave; I fhall afcend : His face I then mall fee, His dying love adore, And with my God my Saviour be i For evermore. HYMN 212. The fame Metre, On the fame, *"r HO' earth and hell combine, I fhall their pow'r withftand, My race I run thro' ftrength divine, At his command. Thro' all the croud I prefs, My heav'nly way purfue, And thro' the lonely wildernefs, I Jefus view. ( 262 ) 2 I fee the happy land, Where peace and plenty reign ;. I run, I fly, at his command, That land to gain. In this bright world above, Is happineTs divine ; Thro' Jefu's grace, and wond'rous lo?e, That land is mine. 3 Our great eternal King In heav'n fupremely reigns, Angels and faints his praifes fing* ° In fweeteft drains : There all his people live, Before his holy throne, And ail the joys a God can give, Shall be their own. HYMN: 213. The fame Mfeu& On the fame, I T> EFORE th: eternal One JD The ranfom'd bride (hall (land, And tell what Chrift her Lord hath done, Thro' all the land. The IKVning.hofts.attend, And fweil the founding fame ; They fing, in fongs which never end,, The Saviour's name. « Jems, who reigns on high, The happy fpiritsfmg, And^oly, holy, holy, cry, Almighty King! Who down from heaven came* A captive, world to hsc. t 263 ) Jehovah Jefus, great I Am, We worfhip thee! 3 The ranfon#d nations bow Before th' eternal throne ; Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, One God alone : Hail, Abram's God, and mine, I join the heav'nlylay ! All glory, honour, Lord, be thine, And endlefs praife ! H Y M N 210. Common Metre. On If a. I. 10. 1 A RT thou in darknefs, humble mind, JLjL And halt no cheering light ? And doft thou walk as one that's blind \ Or as in tenfold night ? 2 Still in the Lord thy God confide, Depend upon his pow'r ; Thro' gloomy night he'll be thy guide* And in thy darkeft hour. 3 In him is all thy ftrength and flay, He keeps thy foul fecure In all thy dark and dang'rous way, And his protection's lure. 4 Live then, ye tempted, in his fear, Obey your Saviour's voice ; Nor dread your foes, tho' hofls appear. You furely fhall rejoice. 5 He never did nor will for fake The fouls that love his word ; Then, tempted chriftian, courage take, And trufl thy mighty Lord, .( *<* ) 6 Tho' men and devils may furround, And forrow's waves run high, In God the Lord thy Help is found, The faithful (hall not die. v H Y M N 215. Short Metre. On the fame. 1 T FEAR thy holy name, JL In love I would obey ; And yet how feeble is the flame ! How llothful in my way! 2 Around me all is night, All darknefs is my mind; I wander deftitute of light. Nor can my Saviour find. 3 But O, I hear his voice, He bids me truft his pow'r ; Kind is his word, and I rejoice In this nloft gloomy hour. 4 He is my ftrength and flay, I may on him depend ; He can protect me on my way, He's an almighty friend. , 5 The clouds begin to break, I fee my Saviour's face, The cup of confolation take, And triumph in his grace. H Y M N '216. Common Metre. The Lord's G'oodnefs flows even to Inferntk, % f^\ THAT I could exalt thy name \Jr With aa arch-angel's tongue ; ( *6 5 ) Great God, I would thy love proclaim, \ With an immortal long. ft- For thou art holy, good, and kind, Beyond all pow'r to tell ; Angels and men thy favour find, Thy goodnefs flows to hell. 3 'Tis not in thee to curfe with pain The vileft devil there ; Gentle and good is all thy reign, Infernals prove thy care. 4 Tho' they pervert and will abufe The influx as it flows ; And ev'ry ray of goodnefs ufe, . To aggravate their woes. 5 So where the filthy dunghill lies, There mine the folar beams \ And ftench and putrefaction rife In fuffb'cating dreams. 6 The thoughtlefs, vile, ungodly race. To ev'ry vice inclin'd, Pervert thy truth, defpife thy grace. And fare deftru&ion find. y While thofe who give the heart to the* Thy love and truth improve, Efcape eternal mifery, " And live in joys above. H Y M M" 217. Trumpet Tun* or the 148th Pfalrri Metre. The Chr\jlian\ Conqueft. Rev. xxi. 7. X 'T^HE chriuWs call'd to fight, X And he muft face his foes, y t 266 ) Howevter great their might, Or if all hell oppofe. The daftard mind Shall gain no prize. Nor ever find ,, Thofe better fkies. % The chriftian too mud gain The conqueft over hell ; Or he can never reign Where God and angels dwell. The coward name, That fears to fight, Shall fink in fhame And endlefs night. 3 The man of God mult rife Againft his foes within, Thofe hateful enemies, Which prompt his foul to fin Thefe muft be flain, Ere we can rife, Or ever gain Eternal joys. .4 Infernals in the heart Will all their power try ; But 'tis the chriftian's part, To wound them till they die: Truth's fhining fword With courage wield, And latent foes Muft quit the field. 5 All felt, and lull, and pride, All paflion, anger, rage, Self-love, and all befide, That's vile, we mud engage. ( 267 } Nor let our foes Within remain, But nobly fight, Till ail be flain. H Y M N 218. The fame Metre; On the fame, 7 Q HOULD hofts of devils here k3 Encircle us around, We muft not yield to fear, But boldly (land our ground* We muft prevail O'er all the hoft ; Or if we fail, The foul is loft. < 2 Should perfecutions come, . And tribulations rife ; Still we muft haften home, And prefs toward the fkies j Go undifmay'd Along the road, Nor be afraid, But truft in God, 3 Should all the heavens lour, And ftorms and tempeft roll, And ftripp'd of help and pow'r, The floods o'erwhelm the foul ; Still we muft ftand, Nor quit our ground ; From Jefu'-s hand, Help will- be found- 4 If finking, we muff, cry," Our captain can but hear; That inftant lie will fly, And for our aid appear : { 2&8 } He'll furely give The help we need, And we fhall live From danger freed. 5 Rejoice, ye faints, rejoice, Give up your fouls to God ; And make his ways your choice,. He'll keej? you in the road ; You fhall o'ercome, And all' your fees Receive their doom To endlefs woes. H Y M N 219.. The fame Metre- r On the fame. I COON fhall the conqu'ror fhare O In heav'n his full reward j The palm of .vicVry bear, And triumph with his Lord. All joys divine Shall be'his own, And he fhall mine Upon his throne. $ The God who reigns above, Will own him for his fon ; Give the reward of love, Soon as his warfare's doner In peace and reft He fhalf remain, For ever blefs'd, For ever reign. 3 Then rife, my foul, arife, And urge thy heav'nly way* ( *3 )• Prefs onward to the fkics, Nor fear to win the day : God is thy aid, Thou {halt not die ; Be not afraid, "Thy crown is nigh. Let foss of ev'ry kind . Affail me as I go ; I'll gird up all my mind, And boldly face the foe : 1*4* nobly fight, The vicVry gain ; . Then rife to light, r' And- ever reign, J HYMN 220. Common Metre. On PJalm Ixxxiii. according to the internal Senfi. i QEE the infernal hofts arife, k3 And all their pow'r employ ; They, dare the. God who_ rules the ikies. And would his.clvu-rch deftroy. . - 1 Againft the Lord behold their hate, How violent- their rage ; Tumults and tempefts they create? And'dare the beav'ns engage. 3 With crafty counfel they.confpire ; Againft the church of God ; ■...' Eager to gain their bafe defire, And* thiirfting for. her blood, 4 « Come let us cut them off," they cry> M And blot out all their name : ** Zion, the hated feed, (hall die, «' And fink in endlefs fhame," y 5 f 270 ) j And Io! with tenfold fury they Againft the Saviour cry, Thirfting to make the Lord their prey, In his Humanity. 5 O could they here their end obtain, And conquer him "who bled ; The church mud fink in enlefs pain, And perifh with her Head. 7 But ah ! ye angry boafting foes, Our Saviour is your God ; He can transfix you deep in woes, With his almighty rod. H Y M N 221. Common Metre. On the fame. 1 TEHOVAH rifes in his might, -J The foes of Zion fly To their own fhades of death and night. And all their projects die. 2 DoWn from the heav'ns their fancy made/. Exalted in their pride ; In endlefs night and darkeft fhade, The black internals hide. 3 Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, Your foes are thunder'd down, By your Jehovah's potent word, They fink beneath his frown. 4 Confufion, deep difmay, and fhame, Shall fit onev'ry face; And.ev'ry devil's hated name Be loft in long difgrace ! t That men may know the God abovg PoiTeiTuh'boundlefs might 3 ( »?f ) And heav'n and earth, and hell mall prove r That all his ways are right. That he the great Jehovah is, The high and lofty One, Who fills the throne in worlds of blifs, The Lord our God alone. HYMN 222. Long Metre* Sighing for Heaven. O COULD I (bar to worlds above, That bleffed (late of peace and love. How gladly would I mount on high, Bid welcome death, and joyful fly!' But ah 1 (till longer muft I fray, Ere darkfome night is chang'd to day ; More crolTes, forrows, conflicts bear, Subject to trials, pains, and care. Well, let thefe troubles (till abound, And thorns and briers fill the ground ; Let ftorms and tempefts dreadful come. Till I arrive at heav'n my home. . My Father knows what road is beft, And how to lead to peace and reft ; To him I cheerful give my all, Go where he leads, and wait his call. J When he commands my foul away, Not kingdoms then (hall tempt my flay ; Withrapt'rous joy I'll mount and rife, And join my friends above the Ikies. f 272 ) HYMN 223. Common Metre* For the Succefs of the New Church, I TEHOVAH, Lord of truth divine, J Thy- word of grace proclaim ; O may it fpread from pole to pole, Till all (hall know thy name ! 1 Bi'd infeftators diftant fly, That men may be inclin'd To hear thy new-difcover'd grace With an exulting mind. 3 Profper the labours of our hands. To fpread thy truth abroad ; May ev'ry weak attempt promote- The knowledge of our God. 4 Infpire us with a holy zeal, To fee thy Salem ftand, The pride and glory of the earth,' . In ev'ry diftant land, 5 Go forth, blefs'd Lord, in all thy pow'r* The diftant nations bring ; In thy own kingdom may they ftand, And own their God and King. 6 One gen'ral chorus then mail rife From men of ev'ry tongue ; And fongs of joy falute the Ikies, J3y ev'ry nation fung. HYMN 224. Common Metre. Glorification of the Lord. Dan. ii. 43, 44. Sti Univ. Theol. n. 625. t 'T^HOU faweft iron mix'd JL With clay of miry kind 5 f 273 ) But each to other (hall not cleave, They cannot be conjoint. 1 And in thofe days the Lord, The God of heav'n mall raife A kingdom ne'er to be deftroy'd, A kingdom for his praife. 3 In pieces it fhall break Thefe other kingdoms all ; It fhall confume theiTi,— but itfelf Shall (land, and never fall. H Y M N 225. Common Metre* Song of Praife, I X TOW to our God a fong of praife, X\ For holy is his name ; Gracious and true are all his ways, We will his love proclaim. a See from his throne divinely flow His heav'nly truth and love ; Now we his great falvation know* • His richeft mercy prove. 3 He is the Lord, our only God, He comes to men again ; His truth and love are fpread abroad, And glorious is his reign. 4. Jefus, thou haft to us made known The doctrines of thy word ; Thou art our Saviour God alone, We know no other Lord. 5 To thee our fongs of praife arife, Thou wilt accept our lays ; And as to purer (fates we rife, , We'll give thee purer praife. / f 274. J* HYMN 226. Common Metre. On Pfalm xviii. loft 8 Ferfes, according to E> S : 1 TESUS hath conquer'd earth and hell, I Heathens fhall know the Lord ; Strangers the Saviour 's goodnefs tell, .. And joyful own his word. 2 Soon as they hear will they obey, And to the Lord fubmit ; While all his foes fhall fade away, , And link beneath his feet. 3 Tho' long conceal'd in (hades of fright; . They thought themfelves fecure ; Now fhall they all be brought to light, , And juft rewards endure. 4 The church fhall celebrate her God, . In pious fongs of praife ; Proclaim his love and truth abroad. In fweet celeftial lays. H Y to N 227 Common Metres" On the fame. 1 TEHOVAH lives, my rock divine, J And bleffed be his name ; His great falvation now is mine, And I'll exalt his fame. 2 'Tis God the Lord avengeth me Of ev'ryenvious foe, Subdues their heart, and fets me frea. From forrow, fin, and woe. 3 He kindly lifts me up above Thofe that againft me rife -j ( *75 ) Tiefervesme fafe by pow'r and love, "From all my enemies. 4 Tothee, O Lord, I joyful give The thankful tribute due ; Amongft the heathen, while I live, I'll iing thy praifes too. 5 Great is the Lord, his arm is ftrong, His mercy all divine ; To thee, my God, I raife the long, And be the glory thine. H Y M N 228. Common Metre. On Pjalm xix. according to E. S. j HpHE heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord-j -*■ The firmament above Proclaims the glories of thy word, The wonders of thy love. 2 Thy truth (hall fpreadon ev'ry hand, In heav'n and earth be known ; Thy holy church for ever ftand, Eternal as thy throne. 3 Thy truth is wifdom, and fhall raife Thy fons to perfecl: light ; Teach them thy holy name to praifo, And worfhip thee aright. 4 Thy word is pure and all divine, It makes the fimple wife ; It's beams of heav'nly glory fhine - To our aftonifh'd eyes. 5 Thy word fhall be my only guide, It's wonders I'll explore ; And while in truth I can confide, It's author I'll adore. H Y M N 229. Long Metre, Celebration of the Lord, from Ifaiah xii. 1 r TpHE joyful happy day appears, A Jehovah dries his Zion's tears ; He comes to blefs the humble race, And mew the wonders of his grace. 2 Great God, my praife fliall rife tc thee, Thy feeming anger's tiirn'd from me \ My comforts now thou wilt reftore, And weeping Zion weep no more. 3 "Behold our God, the migthy God, Who fpread the num'rous worlds abroad, Is. our falvation ; we rejoice, And praife his name with cheerful voice. 4 We'll truft in him, nor be afraid, Jehovah is our fortrefs made ; He is our ftrength, his arm is ftrong, And we'll exalt him in our fong. 5 Wells of falvation open ftand, And living waters blefs the land ; And while we draw, with joys divine, Our grateful praiies, Lord, are thine. H Y M N 250. Long Metre. On the fame. I TjRAISEyetheLord, ado;e his name, JL Declare his love, his truth proclaim j Be it to ev'ry nation known, Jefus is God, and Gcd alone. a Thy honour and thy name we fing, To thee, great Go6, our tribute bring ; ( *77 ) The wond'rous works which thou haft tf Ifrael, thy thankful praifes bring, Jerufalem, lift up thy voice, And heav'n and earth in God rejoicea 2 The Lord Jehovah, mighty God, Removes the judgments of his rod ; Cafts out our ev'ry hurtful foe, And doth his great falvatiori .(hew. .3 The King of Ifrael, Chrift the Lord, Doth in his church his name record ; Her faithful fons fhall faint no more, But rile to joy, and God adore. <4 The Lord our God in Zion dwells, Subdues for us the raging hells ; Our God will fave. his arm is (trong, And his lalvation is our fong. 5 Jefus in Zion will rejoice, Zion the obje& of his choice -•$ <0 Zion, richly thou art blefs'd, Thy God with thee will ever reft. 6 To God the Lord be praifes giv'n, By all on earth, and all in heav'n ; Our fouls the joyful chorus join, To give Jehovah praife divine. HYMN 232. Common Metre. I PJaJm xxxili. I to 4, according to the internal Senfe, I T} EJOICE, ye righteous, in the Lord, J\_ Ye upright, praife his name ; With heart and voice his love record, And celebrate his fame. 1 Let inftruments of muficjoin, The harp of filver firing, The pfalt'ry aid the fong divine, While we exalt our King. . 3 New be the fong, and fweet the found, With wifdom in the praife ; Each heart and voice in tune be found, And heav'nly be the lays. 4 For right and good is Jefu's word, His ways are truth and love ; And be his holy name ador'd In earth and heav'n above. 5 Hofanna to thy dear-lov'd name, Our Saviour, God, and Friend ; While we have tongues to.fpeak thy fame, Our fongs (hall never end. , t *79 ) H V M N 233, Common Metre, Pfalm xxxiv. 1 to 5. r T'LL blefs the Lord from day to dayy JL My mouth (hall fpeak his praife ; The humble foul fhall hear my lay, And fongs of glory raife. In thee, O Lord^ we make our boaft, We magnify thy name ; Aflift us all ye heav'nly houy To fpeak Jehovah's fame. We fought the Lord, he heard our pray'rSi And great deliv'rance wrought ; He fcatter'd all our doubts and fears, And full falvation brought. To him we look'd in our diftrefs,- He gave us heav'nly light ; Praife ye the Lord, his pow'r confefs^ He puts our foes to flight. Jefug, we own thy fov'reign name> We love thy righteous ways ; Thou will not let us fink in fhame, While we exalt thy praife. HYMN 234. Common Metre* On the fame Pfalm, 7 to 1 1 I I A NGELS of God encamp around jLjl The men who fear the Lord j- In Jefus. our defence is found, And be his name ador'd. Come tafte and fee the Lord is kind, For ever blefs'd are they f 2S0 ) Who truftin him with ftedfaft minS* And his commands obey. 3 Jefus will never let us want, While living in his fear ; But all that's good in mercy grant, And for our help appear. 4 O tafte and fee the Saviour's love, Ye happy fouls rejoice ; Let fongs of praife afcend above, With an united voice. 5 The Lord redeems our fouls from death, v He raifes us to heav'n ; And while we've heart, and tongue, ana breath, To him mall praife be giv'n. II Y M" N 235. Common Metre* '' PJalm xlvii. I to 4. 5 A^V fcLAP your hands, ye people all, V^/ /^nd mout with cheerful voice $ In Jefus boa-It, he's God of all, In him will we rejoice. 2 Jehovah is" the- Lord moft high, How holy is his name ! Sinners before his prefence die, His foes are cloth'd with mam* 3 People] and nations he fubdues, Thej: fall 1 before his feet ; And all who truth and love refufcj, Mud awful judgment meet. 4 Falfes.and evils he removes, In his own church he reigns \ ( z8i ZiQIp reftord, his goodnefs prove?; Praife him in lofty (trains. HYMN 236. Common Metrei PfalmxWu. 5 to 9. 1 TEHOVAH will our portion be, J His fons are his delight ; His church he will from darknefs free, And give her heav'niy light. 2 God is come up with fhouts of joy, With trumpets' cheerful found ;. And be the Lord exalted high, With fongs of honour crown'd. 3 Sing praifes, brethren, praifes fing, Sing praifes to our God ; Sing praifes to our heav'niy King, And fpread his fame abroad. 4 O'er all the church Jehovah reigns, , The pow'r is his alone ; Praife him in everlafting (trains, He fits upon his throne. 5 The heav'ns and earth confefs his fvvay* Exalted be the Lord ; Jehovah Jefus we'll obey, And be our God ador'd. HYMN 237. Long Metre On Pfalm Ixviii. 1 to 4. I " ' ET God arife in all his might, & ^ And put his daring foes to flight [ The hells (hall tremble at his word, And heav'n and earth confefs the Lord*. z 5 ( 2$2 ) 2 Prote&cd by- his potent hand, Safe and fecure his people ftand ; With,gladncfs they his name confefs, 'And glory in his holinefs. 3 The men that hate the Lord fhall fly As fmoke that's driv'n in the iky ; As wax by fire confumes away, So (hall they perifh and decay. 4 But they who love the Lord (hall rife, And praife the God who rules the Ikies ; His truth, his pow'r, and goodnefs own, In fongs of joy before his throne. HYMN 238. Long Metre. OnPfalmlwui. 20, 21, 26, 31, 33. I f^ OD is our (hield, and he will wound VJT Our foes, and caft them to the groun Save us. from all their cruel rage, And for his church his pow'r engage. «2 Iffues from death to God belong, ~ Our God will fave, his hand is (trong ; Exulting we will blefs the Lord, And in his houfe his love record. o Afcribe ye ftrength to IfraeTs God, His word becomes an iron rod, To make his ftubborn foes fubmit, And fall selu&ant at his feet. a To him that fits in heav'n above, The God of pow'r, and God oi love, Be everlafting praftfes giv'n, By all on earth, anu all in heav'n. .1 ( a*3 ) H Y M N 239. Common Metre.,. Pfaimlxxv. 1, 2, 3, 4. M* ty«* ESUS is come, his church to raife, Her ruins to repair; Tender and kind are all his ways, And Zion is his care. Let not the wicked hoaft with pride, Their judgment is at hand ; - Jehovah's fees will be deltroy'd, And periflvfrom the land. God is the judge, he bringeth dow* The wicked, but will raite The ^ood to honour and renown ; The good fliall Ting his praife. Falfes and evils will deftroy The wicked ftubborn race ; But righteous men (hall ling with joy, And fee their Saviour's face. HYMN 240. Short Metre* Pfahn Ixxvi. I to 4. [ TN Judah God is known, X Inlfrael he is great § In Salem is his holy throne, And Zion is his feat. 2 He will his tfmrch defend From fajfe and evil too ; From afl their haughty foes intend, Arid all that hell can do. n From arrows of the bow, From the devouring fword ; From all the darts infernajs throw, Thou wilt defend us, Lord, ( 284 ) 4 Vow to the Lord, and pay The facrifice of praife ; Jejiis our God will we obey,. And fongs of glory raife. 5 Thou onghteft to be fear'd. Salvation is from thee ; And be thy holy name rever'd. Thro' all eternity. H Y M N 24T. Common Metre. On PJalm xcvi. i to 4. 1 \^ E -happy church, arifeand ilng X The fong of joy and love, To our almighty Lord and King, Who rules o'er all above. 2 We'll blefs his name in joyful drains, And facred fongs prepare ; From day to day falvation reigns, He makes his church his care. 3 His boundlefs glory we'll proclaim! The wonders he hath done ; So (hall the people hear his name Declar'd from fun to fun. 4 The Lord our God is great and high. And greatly, to be prais'd ; Exalt the Lord with holy joy, And be his honour rais'd. HYMN 242. Common Metre. Pfalm xcvi. 5 to 7. j JEHOVAH ftretch'd the heav'ns abroad, J The univerfe he made j f **5 J He is the true and living God, In majefty array'd. 2 The idol gods mnft fink and h% Tho' long by men ador'd ; Jefus is God, and rules o'er all, The univerfal Lord. 3 All pow'r and glory are his own, Give honour to the Lord ; Beauty and llrength adorn his throne* And holy is his word. 4. Ye people, to Jehovah give All glory, honour, praife ; With heart and voices, while we lite. We'll hallelujahs raife. HYMN 243. Common Mctrftw, Pf aim xcxi. 8 to 13. I rpO thee, our God, is glory due, X We bring our off'rings, Lord ^ Thou wife and holy, juft and true, By us thou art ador'd. q, We'll worfhip thee in holinefs, With reverential fear ; With folemn praife thy name addrefs, And in thy courts appear. 3 The Lord Jehovah glorious reigns, The heav'ns in anthems ring ; The church is glad, and joyful ftrafin* Shall celebrate our King. 4 The fields are clad in cheerful green* The fruitful trees rejoice ; On ev'ry face be pleafure feen, And praife in ev'ry voice. r 2S6 j\ 5 We join the univerfal fong, Our hearts and tongues employ ; In his New Church is Jefus fung, And boundlefs be the joy. HYMN 244. Trumpet Tune, or 148th: Pfalm Metre. On Pfalm xcvii. 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 f I ^HE Lord Jehovah reigns, -t And let the church be glad ; Our God his pow'r maintains, In robes of glory clad. Exalt the Lord, Make known his love>- He is ador'd By all above. 2 Zion with gladnefs hears,. Judah exults with joy, Becaufe the Lord appears, And foes cannot deftroy. He will defend His church from all' Her num'rous foes That feek her fall. 3 The Lord our God is high Above the earth orheav'n ; His aid is ever nigh, Protection will be giv'n. ; The Lord exalt, All gods above, His nature and i His name is Love, 4. He will preferve his faints, That love his holy name, • ( 28 7 ) Trorn forrows and complaints, From fears, and foes, and fhame, .Gladnefs and light For thofe are Town,' Who walk upright Before his throne. 5 Rejoice, ye righteous race, Rejoice in God your Lord ; And magnify his grace, His wond'rous love record. Thankfgiving, praife, And longs of love, We joyful raife To God above. HYMN 245. Common Metre, On Pfulm xcviii. I, 2. 3. i 'TRIUMPHANT fongs to Jefus fing, JL Be new the notes we raife ; Our God is an almighty King, And wond'rous are his ways. 2 His human effence glorified, His mighty powYs difplay'd ; From him his enemies would hide, His foes are all afraid. 3 His own right hand and holy arm Hath glorious vicYry won ; His foes behold, with dread alarm, The wonders he hath done. 4 Now his Salvation's fpread abroad, The heathen fee his hand ; The truth and mercy of our God Are known from land to land. X : t W 1 5 The phrophecies are brought to light, The Lord fulfils his word ; We will adore his pow'r arid might, Hofanna to the Lord I HYMN 246. Common Metre. On Pfalm xcviii. 4, 7, 8, 9. 1 "\y\7'E celebrate thy dear-lov'd name, VV Our Saviour, God, and King ; With joyful tongues thy pow'r proclaim, And thy falvation fing. 2 Let feas, and floods, and worlds confpire To celebrate his praife ; And all the church with holy fire Jehovah's honour raife. 3 He comes to judge in righteoufnefs, We hail thy coming, Lord ; Thy faithful fervants thou wilt blefs, And be thy name ador'd ! H Y M N 247. Common Metre. On Pfalm xcix. I T ET finners tremble, Jefus. feigns,. t j And holy is his word 7 Be humbled ye whofe fin remains, And fear the mighty Lord. ■% Jefus our Lord in Zion dwells, Our God is great and high ; The Lord fubdues the angry hells, His ftubborn foes muft die. 3 Juftice and pow'r to God belong. To him be worfhip paid ; C 289 ) He aids the weak, and makes them ftrong, Whene'er their foes invade. 4 The word of truth from him is giv'n, His ftatutes all are fure ; His ordinances firm as heav'n, And will as heav'n endure. 5 In him is our redemption found, Exalt him in your voice ; In longs of praife his goodnefs founds And in his name rejoice. H Y M N 248. Short Metre- On Pfalm cxiii. 4, 5, 6. 1 r T^HE Lord our God is high, A Dominion is his own; In vain the fons of men may try To make his glory known. 2 Who can with God compare ? Or who is like the Lord ? Not man or higheft angel dare Oppofe his awful word. 3 But we'll adore his name, With all the pow'rs weboaft ; From heav'n the great Jehovah came To feek and fave the loft. 4 Come blefs the Lord, my foul, Ye men and angels join To fpread his praife from pole to pole, ¥01 mercy fo divine, a a ( 290 ) H Y M N 249. Short Metre. On Pfalm cxiii. 7, 8, 9. j r TPHE Lord our God will fave A The poor and humble mind ; He raifes Tinners from the grave, The loft falvation find. 2 From duft and dunghills he Exalts the wretched race ; From death and hell he fets them free, By his almighty grace. 3 With kings and princes rais'd, With ev'ry honour blefs'd, And led by mercy in the way To hcav'n and endlefs reft. 4 Now fhatl the church rejoice, A joyful mother prove ; And all her children raife the voice, To Ung Jehovah's love. 5 Praife ye the God of love, His holy name adore ; Join all below, and all above, In praife for evermore ! HYMN 250. Long Metre. A Song of Univerfal Praife. Part ift. 1 /^lOME fing his praife, all nature rife, \^t Whatever is beneath the fkies, Earth, water, air, exalt his name, And all your hofts his praife proclaim. 2 Reptiles that on the furface creep, Foflils that in it's bofom fleep ; ( 291 ) While filent ye, or reft, or move, Praife ye the mighty God above. 3 Ye Teas and rivers, fountains, rills, And whatfoe'er your bofom fills, Fifties of ev'ry kind, declare The God who fix'd your ftatiqn there* 4. Ye herbs and flow'rs, and meaner weeds, Grafs, corn, and grain of different feeds, Give praife to him who makes you grow- In all your various forms below. H Y M N 25 £. Long Metre. Part ad. 5 "X^E lofty trees of ev'ry fize, X Whofe tow 'ring heads falute the fides 5 Or fuch as form an humble fhade, Or thofe in conftant green array'd : 6 Whate'er your make, or ufe, or name, Jehovah's boundlefs pow'r proclaim ; In ev'ry correfpondence raife Perpetual fongs of fweeteft praife. 7 Ye winds and vapours, rain and hail, Ye angry ftorms when ye prevail ; Ye loaded clouds with fleecy fnow, And hoary rugged froft below : S With cattle, beafts of ev'ry kind, And feather'd tribe that wing the wind* Exalt the Lord in various ways, And give to him uneeafmg praife. HYMN 252. Long Metre. Part 3d. a "VT'E ftars, and moons, and ev'ry fun, X Or fiVd, or as you circuit run ; f 292 ) Comets that fiercely blaze on high v And all the hofts that rule the iky : 10 Glow ye to your Jehovah's name, And round the worlds far fpread his fame j Let univerfal nature join, To raife the fong ol praife divine. Xi 'Tis done, all nature fpeaks his praife, Man hears the imiverfal lays ; But man, the lead propenfe to fing, Unmov'd, can hear them praife his King* 1 2 Come babes and fucklings, and rejoice, Ljfp Jefu's praife in artlefs voice ; By men of ev'ry clime and tongue, Be Jefu's name with rapture fung. 1 j The gen'ral praife ye christians join,,, K Unite your hearts in notes divine ; Your voices. raife with one accord,. And nature aid to praife the Lord. HYMN 25.3. Long Metre,' Part 4th. 14. JERUSALEM, arife and fing, k J Tn higheft ft rains, to God your King j ' Tit ycur's to give the pureft lays, 'Tisyour's the nobleft fongs to raife. 15 You are his church, his chofen bride,. With you Jehovah doth refide : 'Tis you his richeft favours prove^. And you mufl fing the fong of love. 1 6 Come found his holy name abroad, Hofanna to our Saviour God ; AH glory, pow'r, and prajfe be giv'n By the New Church in earth and heav'u. ! T { 293 ) 17 Ye holy angels all above, Come join our fong of joy and love ; One univerfal chorus raife, And earth and heav'n refbund his praife. 18 Tojefus, Lord and God alone, Who reigns on heav'n's eternal throne, Be glory, pow'r, and honour fung By ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue. H Y' M N 254. 149th Pfalm Tune. On Pfalm cxlv. 1 to 8. *HY Name we extol, Jehovah our King> For ever in thee we'll triumph and fing ; From morning to ev'ning thy goodnefs we'll praife, And while we have being thy honour we'll raife, 1 How great is the Lord ! no tongue can make known The infinite God* eternal his throne ; And great be his praifes, by all be they giv'n, By men and by angels, on earth and in heav'n. 3 The works of his hand declare his vafl: might* His terrible ads are holy and right ; His truth and his juftice are feen in his ways, ■ And his mighty wonders demand higheft praife, 4 His goodnefs and truth, how rich do they prove! No anger ,he bears, his nature is love ; To all he is tender, and good doth impart : To him will we render the praife of the heart* a a 5 ( 294 ) HYMN 255. Short Metre, On Pfalm cxlv. 10 /; 13. LL angels blefs'd above, A » r ej And happy fpirits there Sing of Jehovah's boundlefs lov His mercy they declare. 2 The kingdom he hath rais'd, The holy angels fing ; The glory, pow'r, and love are prais'd, Of their almighty King. 3 To men are now made known The glories .of the Lord ; And men (hall bow before the throne, And Jefus be ador'd. 4 His kingdom now mud ftand Eternal ages fure ; It is the work of Jeiu's hand, And ever (hall endure. 5 Praifeyethe holy Lord, Who in his church are found ; The honours of your God record, While angels aid the found. H Y M N 256. Common Metre* On Pfalm cxlv. 14 to 17. j y^VUR Jefus is divinely kind, X^J The loft he will reftore ; He raifes up the humble mind. He elevates the poor. % To heav'nly truth and good he leads The wretched ftarving raw? C 2 95 )\ The hungry mind he richly feeds K For free is Jefu's grace. 3 The poor and dying finncrs live, By Jefu's mercy blefs'd ; And ev'ry good his hand will give, Till rais ? d to endlefs reft. 4 The Lord's a God of love divine, And blefTed be his name ; His goodnefs, truth, and love are mine, . And I'll exalt his fame. H Y M N 257. Long Metre. On PJalm cxlv. :8 to 21. 1 * I ^HE Lord our God is ever nigh X Tothofe that for his mercy cry ; And all who feek in truth, (hall find, The Lord is ever good and kind. 2 The men that fear and love the Lord, Truft in his name, and keep his word ; Thefe he preferves from ev'ry foe, And guides them all their, way below. 3 But wicked men who love refufe, And jefu's holy laws abufe ; They perifh in their evil ways, And fcarcely live out half their days. 4. Glory to God, he's good and kind, In him our fouls' falvation find ; By him redeem'd, we'll blefs his name. And joylul his vaft love proclaim. , ( 2 9 & ) HYMN 258. Common Metre* On Pfalm cxlvi. 1 "T TAIN are the men who princes truft, V In them no help. is found \ Princes and nobles are but duft, Tho' with high honours crown'd. 2 Their honours, riches, name, and pow'r, Are airy, fleeting toys ; Their pleafures perifh in an hour, ' And gone are all their joys. 3 Be Jacob's God our help and aid, Almighty is his arm ; The heav'ns and earth, and feas he made, He can defend from harm. 4 He feeds the hungry, and fupplies With ev'ry good we need ; He makes the ign'rant truly wife, By him the bound are freed. 5 The ftranger and ,the fatherlefs, Orphans and widows prove The wonders of this truth and grace, The bleflings of his love. 6 To endlefs ages Jefus reigns, His kingdom knows no end ; Praife ye the Lord in joyful drains, He is our fov'reign Friend. K Y M N 259. Common Metre. On Pfalm cxlvii. 1/03. g ?npiSgood to praife Jehovah's name, X And of his mercy fing j ( 297 y To (peak of his eternal fame, And celebrate our King. 2 Sweet is the work to fins and tell The gooclnefs oi the Lord ; How we by love are rais'd irom hell, And by the truth- reltor'd. 3 'Tis pleafant to exalt our God, Who gathers outcafls in, And fends his love and truth abroad* To. heal the plague of fin. 4 The broken heart of deepen 1 wound The Lord in mercy heals ; Makes dying finners ftrong and found. And for the wretched feels. 5 Sing to the Lord, his love declare, My voice (hall gladly join ; He laves our fouls, we are his care, His mercy is divine. H Y M N 260. Short Metrev On Pj "aim cxlvii. 5, 6, 8, 9, 12. 1 "VTONE but the Lord can fave, XN Almighty is his pow'r ; 'Tis he can raife us from the grave. In that moft folemn hour. 2 None but the Lord can give The mercies that we need ; By him redeem'd, anew we live, From fin and Satan freed. 3 He makes the firnple wife, The Lord inftructs the poor ; ; And thofe who heav'nly wifdom priz^ May afk, and dill have more, (. 2 9 3 ) 4 He ev'ry good beftows To all that will apply ; Freely his tender mercy flows, And Tinners need not die. 5 O *Zi^n praife the Lord, Jerufalem make known The wonders of his holy word,. And worlhip at his throne. HYMN 261. Common Metre. On Pfalm c. 1/05. * f~^OME ferve the Lord with love and joy, Vw^ And in his prefence fing ; Cheerful your hearts and tongues employ, The Lord alone is King. 2 He forms his church by pow'r divine, The work is all his own ; Let us in holy praifes join To God the Lord alone. 3 The holy gates we enter in, And in his kingdom (land ; Releas'd from foes, and fav'd from firfci By his almighty hand. 4 Ye fons of Zion rife and ling, Who in his paftures feed ; Give praifes to your fov'reign King, For he is God indeed. 5 We are his people, and his fheep, Our fhepherd is the Lord ; He will our fouls in fafety keep* And be his name ador'd. ( 299 ) HYMN 262. Long Metre* PJalm ciii. 1 to 5. 1 T> LESS, O my foul, the God of love, .13 Who rules o'er all in heav'n above ; His great- and holy name adore, In fongs of joy for ever more. 2 'Tis he redeems us from the grave, For none but God hath pow'r to fave ; Sins he removes, and fets us fret From wounds and death, and mifery. 3 The loving-kindnefs of the Lord, Our tongues with rapture mall record ; Our lives redeem'd by pow'r divine, Thofe lives be, Lord, for ever thine. 4. Jefus diftributes ev'ry good, And, fills our mouths with heav'nly food ; Our ftrength renew'd, with eagle's wing,' We mount to heav'n, and praife our Kin LESS'D are the men who love the ways JD Of our Redeemer God ; Keep his commandments all their days, And run the heav'nly road. 2 The law of God is their delight, His ftatutes they attend ; Thefeare in fafety day and night, For Jefus is their Friend. 3 No evil tidings do they fear, But trull in Jefu's word ; When dangers rife, or foes are near, They lean upon the Lord. 4 On thee, great God, will we rely, Thou wilt in fafety keep ; Andwhenaholl of foes are nign, Pioteft thy helplefs fheep. 5 Praile ye. the Lord, my foul mall joftt In work (o fweet as this ; jefus protects by pow'r diving And leads us fafe to blifs. ( 3°* j HYMN 265. Common Metre. On Pfalm cxii. 3 and 4. I T X THEN upright fouls in darkaefs dwellj V V And all is gloomy night, Temptations rife, and hofts of hell, Like clouds, obftruct the light. 1 Jehovah knows their mournful hour, Their darknefs and their grief ; His deep companion and his pow'r, Soon give the wifh'd relief. 3 Mercy and love infpire the bread Of ev'iy righteous mind ; Happy to fee their neighbour blefs'd, And like their Saviour kind. 4. Riches and wealth their portion prove, Their houfe divinely flor'd With truth and goodnefs, peace and love, The bleffings of the Lord. 5 The righteous man {hall furely ftand Secure .'in Jefu's ways ; Return with longs to Zion's land, And fmg Jehovah's praife. HYMN 266. Trumpet Tune, or 148th Pfalm Metre. On Pfalm cxxxii. 13, 14, 1 5, 18. t TN Zion Jefus dwells, A What have we then to fear I Not all the envious hells, The Lord our God is here, b b f 3 02 ) Zion is fafe In Jefu's hand, Secure from foes The church mail (land. £ Zion is Jefu's choice, His holy happy bride ; He doth in her rejoice, With her he will refide : Here will the Lord Take up his reft, - And Zion is Divinely blefs'd. 3 He fatisfies the poor With living wine and bread ; Abundant is the ftore, With plenty are they fed : Hunger and want They never know, Thro* all the way They're call'd to go. 4 With truth and righteoufnefs, With love and goodnefs crown'd ; And ev'ry gift and grace In Zion (hall be found. Her fons rejoice, Her daughters ling, And join the voice, To praife their King. 5 On our Jehovah's head The glorious crown fhall reft ; His church to heaven led, Shall hail their Conqu'ror blefs'd: Adore his name, Exalt his love, t 3^3 1 And found his fame In worlds above. HYMN 267. Common Metre. Praife to the Lord for the Bleffmgs of his new Kingdom. TO thee alone, my God and Friend. Are due all praife and love : To thee my thankful fongs afcend,. Since I thy mercy prove. Thou haft made known thy word to me. For me thy fervant * giv'n ; That truth alone my guide may be To happinefs and heav'n. Now I behold thee come again, In thy own holy word, To raife thy kingdom ; glorious reign, As wiiverfal Lord. I hail thee welcome to my heart, Thou God of love divine ; My portion and my life thou art, And be the glory thine. HYMN 268. Short Metre. On Pfalm xxiii. 1, 2. THE Lord my Shepherd is, And ev'ry good will grant ; The heav'ns and all therein are his, And I fhall never want. In paftures green and fair, He makes my fpirit reft ; Preferves me fafe from ev'ry mare. And I'm divinely blefs'd. • E. Swedenhrg. ( 3/ How good are all his ways ; Come tell how. great his mercy is, And give Jehovah praife. 2 The faithful foul he makes his care, From foes he -will defend; But all the proud and vile fhall bear Keen forrow in the end. 3 Courage and joy to faints belong, They truft in Jefu's word ; When weak and low he makes them ftfong $. Praife ye the mighty Lord. 4 Hope is an anchor to the mind, When dorms and tempefts rage ; The faithful God is ftrong as kind, He will for us engage. 5 O love the Lord, ye faints of his, How good are all his ways ; We'll tell how great his mercy is, And give Jehovah praife. cc ( 3H | U Y M N 283. Metre of 7 Syllables. On Pfalm Ixxxix. 1, 2, 6, 7. t TESU's mercy let us fing, , J He is our eternal King ; With our tongues will we make known, Mercy is from him alone. a Truth and faithfulnefs are giv'n From the Lord, the God of heav'n ; Mercy ever fhall endure, Jefu's truth and love are fure. 3 Now the Human is Divine, See what namelefs glories fhinc From the body of our Lord, Be his holy name ador'd. 4 Who with Jefus can compare ? Not the higheft angel dare ; Who is- like the Lord moft high ? None on earth, or in the iky. 5 God is greatly to be fear'd, Be his holy name rever'd ; Earth and heav'n your voices raifc, Men and angels fing his praife. HYMN 284. The fame Metre. Pfalm Ixxxix. 15 to 18. 1 TJLESSED are the fouls that know JD Jefu's voice while here below j Joyful is the bleffed found, All his words with love abound. 2 In his name will we rejoice, All the day lift up our voice j f 3*5 ) Glory In the Lord alone, For no other God we own. 3 Jefus will our fouls defend, Tho' the hells our death intend ; Timely will the fuccour bring, For he is our God and King. 4 BleiTed jefus, God of love, We thy tender mercy prove ; And to thee be praifes giv'n, In thy church, like thofe in heav'n. HYMN 285. Common Metre* On Pfalm exxxvii. 1 to 6. 1 "\7*E gentile lands, no longer mounv X Your God will come again ; To you in mercy he'll return. With you the Lord will reign. 2 Tho' captive long in gloomy night, Without a cheering ray, Jefus will beam celeftial light, And turn your night to day. 3 Now is the time, the Lord is come, The heathen to reftore. To bring the gentile captives home, That they may figh no more. a Gentiles, your idol gods forfake, Approaching mercies prize ; Lqnk up, the clouds begin to break, The fun illumes the fties. 5 Hail, fov'reign Lord ! thy pow'r difplay To ev'ry diftant land, That tribes remote may thee obey, And in thy kingdom ftand. ( 3'6 ) 6 We long to fee thy church increafe, Thy own new kingdom grow ; That all the earth may live in peace, And heav'n be feen below. HYMN 286. Common Metre. On Pfalm xliv. 1, 2, 3. i f^ RE AT God, thy mighty works of old, VjT Perform'd in ancient days, To us in thy own word are\old, That we may learn t*hy ways. 2 Thy Ifrael from their bonds fct free. And thro' the defert led ; From ev'ry danger fav'd by thee, With manna richly fed. 3 1 o Canaan's borders fafely brought, Legions againft them rofe ; Thou for thy chofen Ifrael fought, And vanquihYd all their foes. 4 Not by their own, or arm, or fword, Did they the land obtain ; But by thy own almighty word, Their enemies were-flain* 5 Thou hadft a favour for their racei And they to Canaan came ; Ages unborn fhall read thy grace, And learn to praife thy name. H Y M N 287. Common Metre: On Pfalm xliv. 4 to 8. I 'THHOU art the mighty King of kings> X The Lord of lords rnoft high \ f 317 )) Ifrael is fafe beneath thy wings, Thy fervants (hall not die. 2 Thro* thee we fliall the vicYry gain, Tho' hofts of hell oppofe ; Thou art our God, and thou wilt reign* In fpite of all thy foes. 3 We truft not in our bow or fword, For weaknefs is our pow'r ; In thee we truft, almighty Lord, Thro' ev'ry dang'rous hour. 4 Thou haft already fet us free, And put our toes to lha'me ; Beneath thy banner ft ill we'll be, Our refuge is thy name. 5 In thee we boaft, thou God of love, Thy holy name adore ; And as we rife to heav'n above, We'll love and praife thee more. HYMN 288. Short Metre* On Pf aim xxv. 1,2,3. £ J'T^IS good to raife the mind A To thee, moft holy Lord ; For thou to all art ever kind, And be thy name ador'd. 2 In thee is all our boaft, Our truft in thee alone ; Thou wilt not let our hope be loft, But help us from thy throne, 3 Our raging angry foes Would triumph in our blood $ c c 5 ( 3i» ) But thou wilt all their rage oppofe, For now thou art our God. f. Thofe that tranfgrefs thy laws, Defpife thy holy name, And madly fin without a caufe, Shall all be cloth'd with fhame. 5" But thofe that wait on thee, And love thy blefled ways, With rapture mall thy kingdom feev And ever fing thy praife. HYMN 289. Long Metre. On Pfabn ix. 9 to 14. 2 "T X THEN heavy forrows may diftrefs, V V And angry loes the mind opprefe, Our God will then our refuge be, And fet the captive fpirit free. a Jefus, we know thy facred name, Thou wilt not put our fouls to fhame \ Thou never wilt the man forfake, "Who doth thy name his refuge make^ 3 Thou never wilt from thofe remove, Who walk in heav'nly truth and love ; The upright man fhall ever find That Jefus is for ever kind. 4 With pleafure, Lord, to thee we bring Our humble fongs, and own thee King;. In Zion is thy holy throne, And there the Lord our God is known. 5 Sing praifes to the mighty Lord, The honour of his name record ; He is our God, we know his name, And will with joy his love proclaim* ( 3*9 ) HYMN 290. Particular Metre' Divine Philanthropy, sr univerjal Love* 1 r I ^O celebrate Jehovah's love, A u Let earth and heav'n in rapture rife; Your tongues in praife, ye chriftians move, Ye angels fing above the fkies: Be Jefu's (iear-lov'd name with pleafure lung. By earth and heav'n, by all of ev'ry tongue. 2 Thro' all the former tracts of time, Ere Sodom blaz'd, or fwelPd the flood, Have ev'ry land, and ev'ry clime, Enjoy'd the love of Ifrael's God. Ye tribes of ev'ry age, exalt his name, Rehearfe Jehovah's praife, his love proclaim. 3 Eternal ages yet unknown, His boundlefs goodnefs fhall record ; And univerfal love alone Refulgent beam from Chrift the Lord. Jefus is God, and be his mercy fung, By all that know his name, of ev'ry tongue. 4 While we the wond'rous theme repeat, The golden harps are ftrong in heav'n ; Angelic choirs in rapture meet, And praife divine to God is giv'n. Chriftians arife, with glowing ardour fing. And join the angels* notes to praife your King, HYMN 291. The fame Metre. On the fame. 1 T^ TERNAL anthems to the praife Hj Of Jefus founds thro' heav'nly plains ; ( 320 y Our humble fongs, great God, we raife, Thy love on earth triumphant reigns. Gome fpread the fweet mellifluous accents round, Till heav'nand earth re-echo with the found. 2 The loft and wretched fons of vroe Are now redeem'd by love divine ; Andev'ry human mind below May with the ranfom'd angels join. Ye fmners fing, your God of love came down* To raife your fouls from dunghills to a crown. 3 Redeem'd by mercy, come and bring Your grateful tribute to your God ; Exalt thegoodnefs of your King, And fpread his namelefs love abroad. Love mail attune our hearts and tongues to raife An everlafting fong to Jefu's praife. 4 May gentle zephyrs bear around The pleafmg fong from land to land ; Till all the earth fhall hear the found, And ev'ry foul in rapture ftand. Jdfus, our God alone, is truth and love, Earth fhout his praife, ye angels fing above. H Y M N 292. The fame Metre. On the fame. I A LL nature fmiles, for love divine ±\: Breaks thro' the fable clouc's of night ; Still brighter rays of mercy fhi.ie, More ardent are the beams of light. The fecond advent now we're called to fing, Of our Jehovah, universal King. ( 32i ) 2 He comes again to blefs our race, Reveal the glories of his word, To teach the wonders of his grace, And reign the only God and Lord. Sinners prepare your hearts, give Jefus roorrij Your God is love, to blefs you is he come. 3 "Good-will to men/' the angels fing, New heav'ns and earth the Lord will raife; Good-will to men, we hail our King, The world lhall echo with his praife. O may the fame of Jefu's love be fpread Far as the folar beams of light are nSed. 4 Come ye, who Jefu's mercy prove, In his new kingdom joyful itand ; Lead yon the fong to heav'nly love, And tell his goodnefs in the land. Ye happy fouls, you know Jehovah's name/ He is your fun of love, exalt his fame. 5 Jefus, our God of love divine, We bow before thy facred throne ; And with one heart in rapture join, To make thy truth and mercy known. -Thou wilt accept our poor attempt to raife This weak memorial to thy name and praife* HYMN 293. Long Metre. Submiffton and Praife to the Lord in all States*. 1 AT thy command my willing heart il With ev'ry good fhatt freely part} Nothing I have, blefs'd Lord, is mine, And all to thee I will refign. 2 If fad misfortune fhould befall, And I appear as ftripp'd of all, ( 3« ) Still to thy care my foul I give, Unworthy am I, Lord, to live. 3 Patience, fubmiflion, calm content, Become my foul when trouble's fent j Thy chaftifements of ev'ry kind Are fent to purify my mind. 4 Had I all bleflings at my will, And knew no trouble, lofs, or ill, PufFd up with pride my heart would be* Nor mould I ferve and worfhip thee. 5 No (rate, my God, can e'er take place,. In which I may not fee thy grace ; All things thou doft for good defign, And in all dates (hall praife be thine. 6 An humble heart, a thankful mind, Is mine to feel, for thou art kind : Whatever comes thro' all my days, I'll fee thy hand, and give thee praife- HYMN 294. 149th Pfalm Tune. On the fame. 1 X T THY mould we complain whatever our VV ftate, If little and poor, while others are great ? There's nothing can happen which Jefus don't know, For he alone orders our dates while below. 2 If trouble mould come, and forrow take place, We'll view them aright as tokens of grace ; At beft we are finners, and croifes are giv'n To teach us our evils, and point us to heav'n. 3 What ! (hall we repine when troubles are nigh? Sink down in defpair, or labour to fly f 323 ) From chaflifements fcnt us in mercy for good, And think 'tis unkindnefs in Jefus our God ? 4 No, Lord of our fouls, we'll fret not, nor flee,, But gladly reilgn our fpirit to thee ; We'll own with fubmiflion how kind are thy ways, And tears of contrition mall mingle with praife. 5 Enough that we know our fouls are thy care, Each conflict and crofs we'll thankfully bear ; Thy dealings are mercy, and right are thy ways. And while we have being we'll ling to thy praife* H Y M N 295. Common Metre. Pfalm cl. 1 "V^E children of the living God, JL To ferve his name prepare ; Come ye with fongs to his abode,* And bow with rev'rence there. 2 The firmament to him belongs, The inmofl: of the mind ; Exalt the Lord in all your fongs, For he is good and kind. 3 Praife him for all his pow'r and might, How excellent his ways ; His ev'ry work is juft and right, We give Jehovah praife. 4 With trumpet, pfalt'ry, timbrel, praife, With cymbal's lofty found ; All your affections joyful raife, In truth and goodnefs found, 5 By all within us that has life Be Jefu's praife exprefs'd, * To his church. ( 3H ) And this alone our daily ftrife, To love andpraife him belt. HYMN 296. Common Metre. Pralfetothe > Lord/or the IVordin it's internal Senfo 1 T TOW (hall we celebrate thy love, XjL Thou ever- bleifed Lord, For all thy bleflinijs from above, For all thy holy word. 2 ■ Goodnefs and truth arc now difplay'd In a fuperior light ; And thy own word is open laid To our aftonifh'd fight. g [While others in their darknefs keep. Preferring night to day ; In error and tradition deep, And wander more aftray :] 4 'Tis ours to walk in light divine, And thro' our happy road ; The beams of truth around us mine, And lead to thine abode. 5 O blefled day of light and heat, Of facred truth and love \ Now we can walk with cheerful feet, To yonder realms above. 6 And as we travel on the road, We ? ll thankful anthems raife ; To thee, our Saviour and our God, We'll render ceafelefs praife. f 3*5 ] HYMN 297. Common Metre. The ChnJliarCs Progrefs, Safety in it, Prcfpecl of it's End, and the Lord our God praifed for th* Mercies and Bleffings of it. Part ift. c OME, brethren, let us joyful fing The praifes of our God ; We're rais'd to life, and on the wing To heav'n's ferene abode. 2 1 f faith with love be firmly join'd, We furely fhall obey ; And bound for glory, never mi»d The conflicts of the way. 3 The lamp of truth by night appears, With light of radiant kind ; By day the fun divinely cheers, And animates the mind. 4 'Tis true, we pafs a defert land, With dangers in the road ; But we are led by Jefu's hand, And he's the mighty God. 5 Jerufalem, lift up thy voice, In fongs of glory fing ; In thy own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. HYMN 298. Common Metre* The fame. Part 2d. 6 TTTE'RE helplefs, feeble, mean, and paw* V V Mere weaknefs when we're try'd \ d d ( 3*6 ) The Lord is ours, we want no wore, Me is our ftrength and guide. J Dragons and ferpents will aflail, They'll try both art and pow'r ; But Jefus will for us prevail In ev'ry trying hour. 8 Sometimes may darkncfs too pervade, And gloomy be the night ; Jefus will guide us thro' the (hade, And bring us forth to light. 9 Whate'er befall us on the road, We need not yield to fear ; The Lord Jehovah is our God, And always will be near. I© Jerufalem, lift up thy voice, In fongs of glory fing ; In thy own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. HYMN 299. Common Metr«. The fame. Part 3d. II A ND can we afk a better aid JLJL Than Jefus in. the road ? Of whom (hall we be once afraid, Protected by our God ? X2 Jefus, thou art our fkilful guide, In all our way to heav'n ; By thee are all our wants fupplied, And ev'ry mercy giv'n. 13 Encourag'd by thy wond'rous grace, We run with holy zeal, With ardent feet purfue our race, Delighting in thy will. f 327 J 14 The living waters conftant flowy Our thirft to fatisfy : Thou giveft, all the way we go, Of bread a rich fupply. 15 O happy church, lift up your voice,. In longs of honour fing : In your own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. II Y M N 300. Common Metre* The fame. Part 4th. 16 T T TE long to tread celeftial ground, V V With ardour would we rife ; But are we forms of geodnefs found, And fitted for the fkies ? 17 This heav'nly ftate, none e'er can fee, Or fhare that holy reft, Till they from falfe and evil free, With love and truth are blefs'd. 18 Enough, dear Lord, it is thy will That we mould dwell above ; We'll wait awhile, be patient ftill, ' Till perfected in love. 19 Now in the way we'll run our race, With holy zeal and care ; Nor doubt but we fhall fee thy face* When we the fight can bear. 20 Jerufalem, lift up thy voice, In fongs of glory fing ; In thy own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. ( 3** ) H Y M N 301. Common Metre. The fame. Part 5th. 2i QOON will appear a brighter fky, O As homeward we go on ; All fears and foes before us fly, And troubles all be gone. 22 The profpe£t opens grand and new, See Salem's walls arife : Soon (hall we brighter glories view In yonder happy fkies. 23 Ana 1 (hall we meet in heav'n above, Before Jehovah's face ? For ever balk in beams of love, With all the angel race ? 24 It (hall be (o, if we purfue With faithfulnefs our way ; For nothing more have we to do, But love, believe, obey. 25 O happy church, lift up your voice, In longs of honour ling ; * In your own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. HYMN 302. Common Metre. The fame. Part 6 th. 20 'HPHE angels beckon us to come, JL See how they waiting (land, To lead our joyful fpirits home, To yon celeftial land. »7 Infpir'd by love and faith divine, We long to wing our way \ ( 3*9 ) With yonder hofts of angels join, In all the blaze of day. 28 O love divine, that makes us meet For fuch a blefs'd abode ! We bow before thy facred feet, And praife thy name, O God. 29 And O what fcenes of ftrange delight Shall meet our wond'ring eyes, When we (hall take our willing flight, And to that kingdom rife ! 30 O happy church, lift up your voice, In fongs of glory fing ; In your own Saviour God rejoice,. For he alone is King. H Y M N" 303. Common Metre*, The fame* Part 7th. 31 TESUS, our God of truth and love, J Who leads us by his hand, Provides us palaces above, In his molt happy land. 3a There love divine, that holy flame. Will all our powers raife, To celebrate Jehovah's name In higher fongs of praife. 33 There fcience will to wifdom rife, That wifdom be refin'd ; All heav'n confpire to make us wife, And elevate the mind. 34 There love and wifdom fill the foul,, From Jefus ever giv'n ; d d 5 ( 33© ) Rivers of peace and pleafurc roll* And all the man is heav'n. 35 Ye happy fouls, lift up the voice, In fongs of glory fing ; In your own Saviour God rejoice, For he alone is King. H Y M N 304. Common Metre, The fame. Part 8th. 36 A ND may we call thofe glories ours, jTJL Which beam in yonder fries ? Shall we unite with angel pow'rs, In thofe eternal joys ? 37 Yes, Lord, they're ours by gift from thee* But what can we repay ? We can but humble debtors be To an eternal day. 38 We'll love and praife with all the heart,, In adoration fall ; Could we ten thoufand worlds impart, Great God, we'd give them all. in But what is more than worlds to thee s A thankfol mind we'll give ; To (hew how grateful we can be, To thee alone we'll live. 40 Jerufatem, lift up thy voice, In fongs of glory fing; In your own Saviour God rejoice* v For he alone is King. ( 33* ) p OXOLGGIES. Long Metre. PRAISE God, the great, the ever-blefsM, And be his name by all confefs'd ; He's Father, Spirit, and the Son, In elTence and in perfon one. Long Metre. iRAISE, honour, pow'r, to God the Lord, . As Father, Spirit, Son, ador'd > As God and Man to Tinners known, Jehovah Jefus, God alone. — 3-— Common Metre. THE Father, Son, and Holy GhofV One God our fouls adore ; Jefus his name, in him we boaft, And praife him evermore. Common Metre. NOW be the Father, and the Son >; And Spirit too ador'd ; In perfon and in elTence one, Jehovah, Jefus, Lord. — 5-~ Short Metre. TO Jefus, God of heav'n, The Father, Spirit, Son, Be glory, pow'r, and honour giv'n,. For he is God alone. ( 33* ) —6.— Common Metre. ALL praife to God, th' eternal One, Be giv'n by all below ; Jefus, the Father, Spirit, Son, No other God we know. ~ 7— Long Metre. JEHOVAH, Jefus, Lord of all, We Father, Son, and Spirit call ; One God, One Perfon on the throne, We give all praife to him alone. HALLELUJAH, AMENF. F I N I $. C 333 ) A TABLE To find any Hymn or Spiritual, Song and Doxologies by the first Line. A Page ALMIGHTY Lord, to thee we raife ic6 Ah ! fee that lifelefs clay - 124 Almighty Lord, thou juft and true - }S l As we advance in wifdom's ways - ibid. And why fhould werefufc to raife - 15^ Arife, my foul, arife - - I 77 And may an humble chriftian here - 185 And ihall my (pirit rife indeed - 199 And when cii vine infractions flow - 2CO AH feem to wilh to be forgiv'n - - 204 And O ! my foul, be on thy guard - 213 And if the outworks of our God - - 219 Ah! late how full of trying pain - - 221 Am I on ev'ry fide befet " - - 222 Am I diftrefsU and feel within - -, 223 Am I by fin an heir of hell - - 223 Am I in waiting for my Lord - - 225 And is the Lord Jehovah here - - 234 And while we fit around the board - - 240 And will the Lord, who gives this feaft - 244 Art thou in darknefs, humble mind - 263 Angels of God encamp around - - 279 All angels blefs'd above - - 294 All nature fmiles, for love divine - - 320 At thy command my willing heart - 321 And can" we a Ik a better aid - 326 And may we call thofe glories ours - 330 B Behold the Lord in power arife - - 99 Behold the God of truth and might - 100 But while in deflation's night - - l°3 ( 334 ) By Egypt long enflav'd Page Behold our condefcending Lord - - Brethren, the Lord divinely wife - - But fee her more internal ftate - - Brethren, behold your God, how kind - But ah I what inward joys they prove - But now a cheering beam Be warn'd my foul, and ihun But O, how enchanting this tie But Q, how peaceful is the foul But hark! what founds of harmony Born in a world of fin and death - But O ! what wonders ftrange and new - But O, what wonders rife Boaft not, vain man, of all thy ftore Behold decrepit, aged men But why, ye chriftians, why But while I eat this flefh and blood Bound to our Lord by facred ties But yet, dear Lord, I fee - Before th* eternal One Blefs, O my foul, the God of love Blefs'd are the men who love the ways - Bleffed are the fouls that know C Come then, my foul, and learn the caufe Come (faith the Lord) ye fons of men - Come then, my brethren, fear no ill Come, brethren, let us all enquire Come, thou beloved faithful Lord Could I obtain my whole defire Come ye who dwell in Babel's land Come, brethren, join in praife Come then the friendly hand of death Come, from the (lately manfions rove 105 in JI 3 127 132 *55 164 169 l l s 187 198 200 216 225 229 232 2 39 242 2 55 262 299 300 3*4 I02 107 n4 118 127 142 170 180 183 186 ( 335 ) Come, brethren, at this feaft appear Page 235 Come, brethren, let us all unite - 237 Come, all ye wretched, poor, and blind - 230 Come, brethren, while we eat this bread 244 Come ye that love the Lord, rejoice - 251 Come, brethren, let us ftrive to live - 252 Come Zion's daughter, fhout and fing 277 Come fing his praife, all nature rife , - 290 Come ferve the Lord with love and joy 298 Come in, thou blefled, honoured Lord - 306 Come, brethren, let us joyful fing - 297 D Dear Lord, our fouls are all on fire - 119 Dear Lord, thou haft reveal'd thy love - 156 Darknefs pervades the mind - 193 Death, thou art welcome to my arms - 198 Do I my neighbour truly love - 224 Do I belong to Chrifl: the Lord - 23© Dear Lord, how have thy creatures err'd 247 E Eternal anthems to the praife - 319 F Full forty years was Ifrael led - 101 For heav'n how many will pretend - 137 Farewell, dear friend ! a long farewell - 220 From thy blefs'd body radiant light - 248 G Great God of heav'n, thy mighty hand - 114 GreatGod, thy kingdom is begun - 116 Great God of heav'n,- it cannot be - 2Q2 Grounded in truth thy church (hall rife - 210 GreatGod, we give thee praife - 216 GreatGod of heav'n, thy children now- 233 God is our fhield, and he will wound - 282 Great God, thy mighty works of old - 316 ( 336 ) H He comes ! Jehovah comes to blefs Page 95 How ihall we praife thy dear-lov'd name 118 Hail, happy day, the type of reft - 142 How negligent are we - 148 How fweet the minutes roll - 160 How bufy mortals prove - 161 He comes again in pow'r array'd - 163 How charming the fubject I ling - 1-68 How happy when wc meet - 176 How many forrows wait around - 178 How gladly would I die to prove - 190 How biefs'd the iaints, when all are join'd 195 How vile by nature is the will - 129 How cold is my heart in thy ways - 214 How richly biefs'd we live - - 217 How few, alas, (hall live - - 228 Had I all languages at will - 258 How Ihall we celebrate thy love - 324 I In thy own church and kingdom, Lord 97 Ifrael Ihall own his name - - 105 If we would enter in - 139 If virtue here expos'd to fnares - 150 Is God in glory come agaia - 163 I love the Lord, his name is great - 175 In yon biefs'd world above - - 184 I fee a hoft of foes - - 195 If we would pardon find - - 205 In thee, O Lord, and thee alone - 209 I know I muft be pure - - 254 I fear thy holy name - - 264 I'll blefs the Lord from day to day - 279 In Judah God is known - - 283 In Zion Jefus dwells -. 301 f 337 ) 1 love the Lord, he heard my voice Page 307 j Jefus, thou fun of love divine - 100 Jehovah reigns the mighty Lord - no Jehovah Lord, and God alone - 112 Jefus, friend, to finners dear - 122 Jerufalem from heav'n defcends - 136 Jefus, my God, my only King - 147 Jehovah Jefus is my Lord - 222 Jehovah lives, and be his name - 256 Jefus, thou God of pow'r, arife - ibid. Jehovah rifes in his might 1 _ 270 Jehovah, Lord of truth divine - 272 Jefus hath conquer'd earth and hell - 274 Jehovah lives, my rock divine - ibid* Jehovah will our portion be 28 r Jefus is come, his church to raife _ 283 Jehovah ftretch'd the heav'ns abroad - 284 Jerufalem, arife and fing . 2 Q2 Jufliceand judgment, truth and love i 2QQ Jerufalem, thou church divine - 005 Jerufalem, divinely blefs'd l ^ IC j Jefu's mercy let us fing - -214 Jefus, our God of truth and love - o 2 q Know then that ev'ry foul is free - 2oi L Lord, what am I ? an angel made S fgx Long have the infernal band - 96 Lord, at thy facred feet fc 128 Let God arife in all his might - 28 r Let finners tremble, Jefus reigns - a2? e « t 338 ) M My foul, on wings of ardour rife Page 144 My God is ever nigh - 2c8 My happy foul reftor'd - 304 My foul from death, my eyes from tears 302 N Now blefling, honour, glory, praife - 1 16 Now Babylon of haughty pride - 117 Now fay, ye happy fpirits, fay * 146 Now let me all my powers raife - 156 Now to our God a fong of praife - 273 None but the Lord ean fave - 297 Not unto us, O Lord, be giv'n - 309 O O happy! happy we - 134 O how (hall we adore that nam© - 17 c O for an humble mind - 17a O how I long to drop my clay . - 182 O how divinely blefs'd - 196 O for a heart that's pure and clean - 215 O could I foar from (tar to {tar - 218 Once more do we enjoy the fign - 236 O happy man, thy Maker's care - 246 O holy Lord, thy name to me - ibid. Our Jefus is both God and Man - 249 Our confidence and hope, O Lord - 251 OGod my heavenly King - 253 O charity, thou heav'n- born grace - 257 O that I could oxalt thy name - 264. O could I foar to worlds above - 271 O love the Lord, ye faints of his - 313 O clap your hands, ye people all - 280 Our Jefus is divinely kind - - 294 O praife the Lord, ye nations praife - 307 P Pilgrims to Zion's city bound » - lit ( 339 ) Eraife ye the Lord, exalt his name Page 21 a Praife ye the Lord, adore his name - 276 Rejoice, ye happy fouls rejoice - - 126 Rejoice, ye faints, no longer mourn - U<> Rife, ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue - 162 Rife, holy, happy, chriftian rife When I furvey this world Page 2oflh Wc live amongft a finful brood 226 While here we live, we fain would be - 227 We long to tread celeftial ground - 327 We celebrate thy dear-lov'd name - 288 Y Ye fons of God, your tongues employ - 109 Ye mourning fouls, with grief opprefs'd 1 23 Ye thoughtlefs race of life profane - 174 Ye faints that fit around - - M 1 Ye happy church, arife and fing ^ - 284 Ye lofty'trees of ev'ry fize - - 39j Ye itars, and moons, and ev'ry fun - ibid. Ye gentile lands, no longer mourn - 3 1 5 Ye children of the living God - 3 2 3 DoxoLOGiES collected. I All Praife to God, th' eternal One - 332 a Jehovah, Jefus, Lord of all - - ibid. 3 Now be the Father, and the Son ^ - 331 4 Praife God, the great, the ever-blefs'd ibid. 5 Praife, honour, pow'r, to God the Lord ibid. 6 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ibid. 7 To Jefus, Godofheav'n r ibid. End of the fWk. Bioh to he Printed ly Subfcriptitti* SAMUEL and JOHN ADAMS, Market-Street, Baltimore, Rcfpectfully folicit the Patronage of the Public in the Printing of the following BOOKS: I. THE whole of Dr. Blair's Sermons. Will be printed with an excellent type, on good paper, in two large 8vo. vols, neatly bound, lettered, and filletted with gold on the back, and delivered to Subfcribers at Two Dollars the fet — To be put to prefs in a few days. II. Doddridge's Rile and Progrefs of Religion in the Soul, amounting to above 300 pages. 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