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COIfTENTS, PAO« Morning and Evening Prayers 5 A Mid-day Prayer, No. 1 54 " No. 2 55 A Prayer before Receiving the Holy Communion 57 A Prayer under Doubts and Difficulties 59 A Prayer for any time of Temptation 61 A Prayer for time of Sickness 63 A Prayer in time of Prosperity - . . . . 65 A Prayer in time of Adversity 67 A Prayer before Reading the Bible 69 A Prayer before any Special Undertaking 70 A Prayer for a Blessing on Christ's Ministers, . . 71 Heads of Prayer for every Morning and Evening in the Week 73 (3) PRIVATE PKAYEES. untrag glormng. ALMIGHTY and Merciful Father, look down from heaven, and hear me, as I approach Thee on the morning of Thine own day. Thanks be unto Thee for having spared me to the beginning of another Sabbath. Pardon me for tlie abuse of those that are past. forgive me, for Christ^s p^ke, for having wasted those precious hours which might liave brought so many blessings to my soul. And now, Lord, help me to live this day as one who is earnestly seeking heaven. Draw away my thoughts from the things of the world, and enable me (5) 5 SUNDAY MORm'l^G. to fix them upon Thee. Come Thou, and dwell in my heart this day. Drive out every intruder, and take full posses- sion Thyself. Make this the best and happiest day that I have ever spent. Make my mind serious and thoughtful ; and prepare me for all those sacred or- dinances in which I am about to engage. Bless them greatly to my soul, and give me much enjoyment in them. Tune my heart for .thy service. Fit me for the blessed work of prayer and praise. Hast Thou not promised, Lord, that where two or three are gathered together in Thy name Thou Thyself will be in the midst of them? Fulfil that promise to me. Meet me in the courts of Thy house, and pour out upon me a spirit of true and earnest devotion. And when Thy Word is read, or preached, grant that I may listen with a humble and belie dug heart. Bring home some precious truth this day to my soul. Break this hard heart of SIWDA Y MOKMM. . 7 mine, and make it feel. Speak, Lord, to my conscience. May Thy gospel come to me, not in word only, but also in power. Bless my beloved brethren. May Tliy courts be thronged with devout worship- pers. my God, on this day of peace and rest visit the world with Thy mer- cy, and save the lost. Holy Father, I pi^ay to Thee for Tliy servants who shall minister before Thee on this day. Prepare them for their heavenly work. Teach them by Thy Holy Spirit, that they may teach others ; and, whilst they sow the seed of life, make their own souls to be as a watered garden. Bless, especially, my pastor. Lift up his hands, I beseech Thee ; cheer his heart, and prosper him in his work. And now, my Father, I commend myself for tliis day into Thy hands. Be with me in every hour of it. Open the windows of heaven, and pour down a fc S UN DA V MORNLXG large blessing upon me, not according to the measure of my worthiness, but ac- cording to the abundant riches of Thy grace, and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. MOST gracious God, I come to Thee this night to ask Thee to pardon my sins, and to thank Thee for Tliy many blessings. When I look back on the past hours of this day, I feel that I have much rea- son to humble myself before Thee. My heart has gone astray. My thoughts have wandered. The world has crept in, and spoilt my devotions. What coldness, and dullness, and unbelief hast Thou seen in me ! pity me, and for- give me, for my Redeemer's sake. Blot out every sin, and especially the sin of ray prayers and devotions. Wash me in the blood of the Lamb, and I shall be whiter than snow. Come to me now, my Saviour, and speak peace to my soul. Take me, sin- 10 SUN DA J' EVENING. fill as I am, and make me Thine. Sub- due my stubborn will. Fix my wayward heart. Thou Sun of Righteousness, shine upon my soul this night. And be- fore I go to rest, make me to feel tliat all is well with me, that I am Thy ser- vant, and that Thou art my Surety, my Friend, my daily and hourly Portion. Accept the many prayers which havo tliis day been offered up by Thy people throughout the world. Accept mine, poor and feeble as they have been, and mixed with so much sin. Bless the Word that has been preached. Make it a word of life to many, and especially to myself. comfort tlie mourning ; en- lighten the ignorant ; turn into the right Avay those who have wandered from it. Convert the sinful. Lead on those Id whom Thou hast begun a good work Save them by Thy almighty grace. Grant a blessing to my own parish and neighbourhood. Help me to do some gO' d ill my station. Make inc in some de[;ree useful to others. And grant that each day I may desire to glorify Thee, and to serve Thee faithfully. I thank Thee for every past mercy, especially for the many rich blessings which I have to-day enjoyed. Make me, I beseech Thee, a holier, a better, and a happier Christian. Fit me for a never- ending Sabbath in Thy courts above ; and grant that I may one day enjoy that eternal rest, which remainetli for Thy people in heaven. Hear me in this and all my pra)era, for Jesus Clirist's sake. Amen. r OOK down from heaven, my God, ^ and hearken to the prayer of Thy unworthy servant. My wants are great, but thy power to relieve is greater. Thou art the very Fountain ; I come to Thee poor and empty ; fill me out of thy fulness. Thou delightest to give ; send me not empty awiay. Lord, I thank Thee for all Thy past mercies to my body and my soul. I thank Thee for the measure of health which I enjoy, for the food which I eat, for tlie clothing which I put on, for the home in wliicli I dwell. I thank Thee for tlie kind and dear friends who care for me, for the portion which Thy love allots to me in tliis world, for Thy great kindness in watching over me, for shielding me MOM', i i ' MORNIXG. \ 3 from a thousand dangers, and for sparing my life up to this hour. But still more I bless Thee for Tl-y spiritual gifts. How great is Thy love to my soul ! Thou hast given me a Sav- iour to die for me. Thou hast pointed out the way by which a lost one may be saved. Jesus, save me. Sprinkle Thy own blood upon my soul. Stretch out the arms of Thy mercy, and receive me, sinner as I am. give me the joy of acceptance, the blessedness of pardon. Say to me, gracious Saviour, Thy sins be forgiven thee. And make me Thine for ever. Thy true servant, Thy faithful fol- lower, Thy loving disciple. my God, enable me this day to live nearer to Thee than I have yet done. Strengthen my faith ; increase my love ; fill me with Thyself ; draw my sinful heart towards Thee. Lord, I desire to know all the evil that is in me. Show me to myself, I be- 1 4 MONDA r MO RXJXG. seecli thee. Sliow me the hatefulness of my guilt ; and make me to abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. TIiou hast bidden me to be holy : make me so, I entreat Thee. Lead me, lead me, in the narrow path of life. Enable me to break off every evil habit, especially . And if there is any hidden sin lurking in my heart, give me grace to overcome it. May the blessedness of Thy own day still rest upon me. Let me not forget those holy lessons which were taught me yesterday. Deepen any good impression which has been made. Carry on any work of grace which Thou Thyself hast begun in me. Make me in some degree useful. Make me a blessing to others. Lord, I have been a cumber er of the ground. Grant that I may now bear fruit. Show me what Thou wouldcst jiave me to do, and give me grace to do it. MONDA T MORNING. \ £ Bless my pastor, and my fellow-wor- shippers. Grant that the seed sown yeS' terday may not have been in vain. Do Thou give the increase. The harvest truly is plenteous : send faithful labour- ers to gather souls into Thy garner. Be with those especially who are gone forth to labour in distant lands. Lord, prosper them in their arduous work ; and as they bear the burden and heat of the day, may their own souls be refresh- ed, and may they receive a full reward. Hear me, my Father ; and give me all that I liave asked, and all that I need; for my Saviour's sake. Amen. HlontiaD ® boning. A THOU who art not only my God, ^ but also my Father, I thank Thee that Thou dost encourage me to draw near as Thy child. give me a Father's blessing. Thou art acquainted with all my wants. Every trial, every sorrow, every craving of my heart is known to Thee. I am weak ; do Thou strengthen me. I am poor ; do Thou enrich me. I come to Thee in all my emptiness ; do Thou fill me out of Tliy fulness. Give me all tliat I need, and more than I dare to ask. Give me, not according to my unwortlii- ncss, but according to my necessity, and according to tlie abounding riches of T "ly grace. 4nd, God, Thou knowest likewise (16^ MONDA 7 E VENIXG. \ 7 all my sins. Make me to know tliem albo, and to feel tlieir greatness. Call to re- membrance all that is past. Show me where 1 have been wrong. Bring to light my hidden ini(iuities. I acknow- ledge the guilt of my evil thoughs, my unlioly desires, my secret transgressions. Pardon me, my Father, for Jesus' sake. Blot out my ?ins in that precious blood which was shed for me on the cross Take away this heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh — a tender, believing, loving heart. Lord, help me to live nearer to Thee day by day. Keep me under the blessed influence of Thy Holy Spirit. Make me to be ever growing in grace. Forgetting those things which are behind, may I be ever pressing towards the prize of my liigh calling. Give me grace to crucify self, to keep under my body, and to bring my thoughts and desires and will into su}»jection to Thee. 18 MOMhiV FrJi'NJALf. Take me, my God, under Tliy gra- cious oare this night. Refresh me with sleep and rest. Let Thy fatherly hand ever be over me. Let Thy Holy Spirit ever be with me. Make me to feel safe and happy under Thy protection. Bless, Lord, those who are near and dear to me. Give unto them all that I have asked for myself. If any of them are at this time in sorrow, do Thou com- fort them. If in doubt or diflSculty, do Thou guide them. Those of the\ii who are still afar off from Thee, do Thou bring near. And to those who know and love Thee, give more ond more of Thy grace. Hear me, my Father ; and give me an answer of peace to these my prayers, for Jesus Christ's sake. /Imen. Cu^strag horning. A ALMIGHTY FATHER, through ^ Thy mercy [ am spared to begin another day. Thanks be unto Thee for Thy safe keeping during the past night, for watching over me during the hours when I was helpless, and for defending me from the many dangers which might have hurt me. Thou God of love, make me to feel that Thou lovest me. my Saviour (who art willing to gather me under Thy wings) draw me to Thyself. I thank Thee, I praise Thee, I adore Thee, for Thy great goodness. Glory be to Thee for all that Thou art in Thyself, and all that Tliou hast done for me. Give me a thankful lieart now ; and grant that I may praise These hereafter in Thy courts above. (19) 2 TUBS DA Y MORXLXG. Lord, I wish to be holy. Enable me to walk in the narrow path wliicli leads to heaven. Give me Thy Holy Spirit to dwell within me. Take away from me the love of sin, and stamp Thine own image upon my soul. 1 confess that this present world has too strono- a hold of me. I am tied and bound by its cliains. loose me from tliem, and set me free. May my heart and my hope be in heaven. May I feel that Thou art my portion, and my ex- ceeding great reward. Heavenly Father, be with me this day. Keep me near to Thee, and uphold me every moment lest I fall. Let me en- gage in nothing this day which is con- contrary to Thy will. Show me what Tlion wouldest have me to do, and where Thou wouldest have me to go. I have lived too long to myself; I desire hence- forth to live to Tliee : enable me to do BO. Bless me in all my ways, and make TUESDAY MORNING. ■ 21 .ne a blessing to others. Enable me to do some good this day ; and in all I say or lo give me a single eye to Thy glory. Make me very watchful over my thouglits. Preserve me from all miholy desires. SuV)due my unruly will, and bring it into subjection to Thy will. Keep Thou the door of my lips, that I offend not with iny tongue. And since I know not what a day may bring ,fortli, do Thou order every event of my future life. Mark out my course for me. If prosperity be my portion, make me thankful, and keep me Immble. Or if trials and sorrows come upon me, let me receive them as from Tliee, and may they all work together for my eter- nal good. Whatever Thou art pleased to give me, let me never forget Thee, the great and gracious Giver : and wliatever Thou takest from me, be Tliou still with me. 1 now commit myself into Thy hands. 22 TUESDA Y MOEMXG. Do for me as Thou seest best. Only save my precious soul, and make me Thine for ever. And all this I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, my liord. Amen. A MY God, I heartily thank Thee for ^ tliis day's mercies, and for all Thy goodness to my body and my soul. Thou hast been very gracious in preserving me in health, and shielding me from danger. Thine eye has followed me, and Tliou hast marked out my path. be with me still. I feel tliat I want Thy guid- ance and direction in all that I do. Let Thy wisdom counsel me, Thy hand lead me and Thine arm support me. If I have been kept from sin this day, or strengthened to resist the tempter, to Thee be all the praise. And if I have been enabled to do anything riglitly, glory be to Thee for that grace wliich has been so mercifully given to me. Lord, I put myself into Thy hands. (23) { TUK^DA y EVESIXG. Help me to correct all my evil ways. Keep me close to Thee. Give me more grace. Fill me witli Thy Holy Spirit. Make Christ very precious to my soul. May I lean upon Him day by day, and trust Him with a simple faith. Breathe into my soul, God, holy and heavenly desires. Give me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Conform me to Thine own image. Make me like my Saviour. that I may both look to Him as my atoning sa- crifice, and also daily endeavour to fol- low the steps of His most holy life! Enable me in some measure to live here on earth as He lived, and to act in all things as He would have acted. Lord, as Thou hast been about my path this day, so be Tiiou about my bed this night. And when I presently lie down to rest, give me gentle and refresh' iug sleep, and a calm and settled peace. And when at length I lie down to rise 7 VK.^l'A V E \ 'EXfXG. 2 5 up no more, may I sleep in Jesus, and wake up in His likeness. Bless to me all that I have read or heard tliis day. I thank Thee for Thy word, and for all the means of grace wliicli I enjoy. Teach me Thine own self, and lead me into the knowledge and love of Thy truth. Be with my dear Relations. Make them very dear to Thee. And if any of them are still afar off, bring them liome, gracious Lord, to Thy fold. Bless my intercourse with them, and help me to try and do them good. Hear me, my Father, and accept my unworthy offering of prayer and praise, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. / \ GOD, who didst at the first command ^ tlie liglit to shine out of darkness, I thaak Tliee for having brought me to the beginning of another day. T praise Thee for this, and for all Thy other mer- cies. Let me never forget that my very life hangs upon Thy goodness, and tliat in Thee I live, and move, and have my being. But, Lord, there is something better til an these temporal mercies, for which J have reason to bless Thee. Thou hast been very gracious to my soul. Thanks be. unto Thee for having redeemed me througli the blood of Thy dear Son. Thanks be unto Thee, Saviour, for having given Thy life for me. Enable me, in some measui-e, to love (26) rr EDNEsiJA y mo RXiyo. o 7 Thee in return. Warm my cold heart, I beseech Thee. Take away all that liinders me from giving myself to Thee. Holy Father, mould me according to thine own image. Bend my will to Thine. Give me grace to obey Thee in all things, and ever to follow Thy gracious leading. Show me the way in which Thou wouldest have me to go, and enable me to walk in it. Send down Thy Holy Spirit into my heart, to subdue my carnal aifections, and to bring them into obedience to Thee. Let not the world have dominion over me, but enable me to live above it. Raise my thoughts heavenwards, and teach me day by day to live a life of faith, and to walk through this world as seeing Him who is invisible. Lord, make me this day to be kind to my fellow-men, to be gentle and unsel fish, careful to hurt no one by word or deed, but anxious to do good to all, and 2 8 WE USES D . / Y MO R MSG. to make others happy. Give me a Iieart to feel for my brethren. Enable me to take an interest in their welfare, to re- joice in tlie prosperity of the prosper- ous and to feel for the afflictions of the afflicted. Lord, forgive the sins of my temper. Pardon all my hasty words, and unchris- tian thoughts. Make me watchful, that I offend not with my tongue. Give me a meek and loving spirit, which is in Thy sight of great price. Enable me this day, under every circumstance, to feel and act as becomes the follower of a holy Saviour. O my Father, I would not live unto myself, but unto Thee. Help me so to live. Keep me from sin this day, and from all that may offend Thee. Watch over me, a poor, erring creature. Hold Tliou me up, and I shall be safe. Keep me under Thy sheltering care. And never leave me until Thou hast brou<2ht WKDXESDA Y MORXiya. o ^ me into Thy very presence, where I shall be safe ft)r ever. Grant me this, and supply all my wants, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ®l£bnesbag ® fanning. ITNTO Thee, Lord, do I lift up my ^ soul. Help me to draw near, not with my lips only, but with my heart also. Pardon the many unworthy offer- ings I have made Thee, and all my prayers, which have been so mixed with sin. Forgive the imperfection even of my best services, and accept me now in Christ my Saviour. Jesus, I flee unto Thee to hide me. I shelter myself under Thy righteous- ness. I plead Thy merits, and trust to Thine intercession. Undertake my cause, I beseech Thee. blessed Spirit, Thou hast promised to help my infirmities. Teach me how and what to ask. Give me a devout (30) WEDNESDA Y EVEMNG. 3 1 heart, and grant that I may feel prayer to be not only a duty, but a delight. Another day of mercy has passed away : grant that I may have found mercy through Christ. Another day of opportunity is gone : pardon its wasted and unimproved hours. Make me to re- member that I am a day nearer to the joys of heaven, or to the miseries of hell. Soon I shall lie down and die. Make me ready for that time. Prepare me for it. I acknowledge with shame that I am too much taken up with the things of earth. The world and its occupations too deeply engross my thoughts and af- fections. Keep me mindful that the day of the Lord draweth nigh. Let my lamp be lighted. Make it to burn 1^ rightly. May I know the blessedness of that faithful servant who is ever waiting for his Lord's coming. Shed abroad Thy love in my heart. Make me not only to fear Thee and 3 2 WEDNESDA T E VENIXG . obey Thee, but to love Thee abave all my earthly friends. Enable me from my heart to say, Whom have I in heaven but Tliee, and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison with Thee? Take me now under Thy protecting care. my Father, watch over Thy cliild. Give me this night a Father's blessing. Grant to me the sleep which Tiiou givest to Thy beloved. Or, if 1 lie wakeful on my bed, may my thoughts of Thee be sweet. Teach me to feel the joy of Tliy abiding presence ; and in my dai'kest hour be Thou with me ; let Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me. I ask these blessings. Lord, for Tliy dear Son's sake. Amen. burstiun gtoruhtg. A MY God, at the beginning of an- ^^ other day I desire to present my- self before Thee. Be Thou my Guide, my Director, my Companion, during every hour of it. May this day be begun, con- tinued, and ended in Thee. Be Thou continually by my side, upholding me, strengthening me, and keeping me from all evil. Lord, I acknowledge, with sorrow and shame how poorly my past life has been spent. Much precious time has been wasted, never to be recalled. Many things have been left nndone, which ought to have been accomplished. And how much hast Thou seen to be posi- tively wrong in my doings ! my Father, I grieve over the i>ast. 3 133) 34 TirUMSDAY MOEMNG. I mourn over my many transgressions, my sins of thouglit, word and deed. Thou knowest all. Thou lookest down into my very heart, and from Thee no secrets are hid. The remembrance of my sins is grievous unto me, the burden of them is intolerable. Except Thou forgive me, I am lost. Saviour, I come to Thy Cross as my only refuge. Wash me in Thy most precious blood, and make clean my heart within me. Not only pardon me, Lord, but give me grace to go and sin no more. Enaljle me to live a holy life. Sanctify me by Tliy Holy Spirit. Make my heart pure within. Let no vain thoughts lodge there. Keep from me every un- holy desire ; and may it be my delight to do Thy will, and to walk in Thy ways. Lord, I know not what is before me this day, but Thou knowest. I desire to leave all in Thy hands, and to place my- tiiursda y Monxiya. 35 self at Thy disposal. Do for me as Tliou seest best. Prosper me this day in all that I un- dertake. Give me good success, if such be Thy will. But if crosses and disap- pointments are better for me, give me grace to accept them as from Thee. Enable me to bear tliem meekly and cheerfully, and. to say. Father, not my will, but Thy will be done ! my God, make me happy this day in Thy service. Keep my conscience void of offence. Let me do nothing, say notliing,' desire nothing, which is con- trary to Thy will. Give me a thankful spirit. O for a heart to praise Thee for all that Thou hast given me, and all that Thou hast withheld from me ! How glorious Thou art in Thyself! liow pure, how holy, how wise, how gracious ! And how kind Thou hast been to me, who have so little deserved Thy love ! Quick- en, I entreat Thee, my sluggish heart to 3 6 TIWRSDA Y MO RMXO. praise Thee now ; and grant that I may one day join the heavenly choir, aud praise Thee more perfectly with angels and arcliangels in Tliy courts above. Hear me, Lord, and do for me abiui- dantly above all I can ask or desire, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my Advocate and Redeemer. Amen. urstiau (Bbcnrng. OMY Saviour, accept mc as I come to Thee thi^ evening and put myself under Tliy special care and keeping. Thou art my best and dearest Friend, my Ahuighty Protector, my great Deli- verer. In Thy hands alone I am safe. If Thou dost leave me, I am destitute. If Thine arm is removed from me, I have no support. Saviour, abide with me, I beseech Thee. Keep me under the shelter of Tliy wings this night, and give me to enjoy that calm and blessed peace which is the portion of Thy people. remove every doubt and every fear which harass me, and enable me to rejoice in Thy love and favour. Draw very near to me, I beseech Thee. Make Thyself more fully 3 8 TTIVRSDA Y EVEXIXG. known to me. that I may walk with Thee all the day, and lie down at night under Thy peaceful, loving care. Lord, give me such a portion in this lii'e as is good for me. Grant me health, if it be Thy will. But if thou sliouldest see fit to send me sickness or suffering, give me grace not only to bear it pati- ently, but to welcome it as sent by Thee. If riches come to me, keep me humble and unworldly ; if poverty, make me cheerful and trustful. Whatever be my lot, give me a contented and submissive spirit. Keep me from being ashamed of Christ, or of His Gospel. Give me grace boldly to confess my Saviour before men. And, when my heart faints within me, be Thou tlie strength of my heart and my portion for ever. .Be with all my beloved friends. Give them earthly happiness, if Thou seest it good for them ; and grant them that TmiRSD AY EVENING. ."^Q peace which comes from Thee alone. If any of them are far from Thee, bring them to Thyself (especially ). If any of them are at this time in trouble, visit them with thine own presence, and turn their sorrow into joy. Hear me, both for myself and them. Hear me, my Saviour, now and ever- more, for thine own name's sake. Amen. A THOU whose name is Love, who ^ never tiirnest away from the cry of Thy needy children, give ear to ray prayer this morning. I dare not enter upon the events of another day without putting my body under Thy protecting care, and my soul under Thy safe keep- ing. Make this day a day of blessing to me, and make me a blessing to others. Keep all evil away from me. Preserve me from all outward transgression, and from secret sin. Holy Spirit, dwell Thou in my heart. Take up Thy abode within me, and bless me with Thy presence. Teach me, guide me, sanctify me. Draw mj soul to the Saviour, and enable me to rest peacefully in Him. My heart is (40) FRIDAY MO RXIXn. 4| full of unbelief; give me faith. It is full of the world ; purify it, and raise my affections heavenwards. God, help me to control my temper this day. May I check the first risings of anger or snllenness. If I meet with unkindness or ill-treatment, give me that cliarity which suffereth long and beareth all things. If I suffer wrongfully, may I bear it with patience and meekness, remembering that Thou, my Lord and Master, didst suffer before me. Give me grace to deny myself, to take up my cross, and to follow Thee. Make me kind and gentle towards all, loving even my enemies, if I have any. Lord, let me live this day as if it were to be my last. Keep me from wasting its precious hours, remembering that my time is short. my God, show me the path that Thou wouldest have me to fol- low. May I take no step which is not ordered by Thee, and go now^here except Thou, Lord, go with me. 42 FRIDAY MoKMyG. Holy Father, let Thy will be done concerning me. Let Thy purpose be ac- complished. And, if it should be Thy pleasure, use me as an instrument to pro- mote Thy glory, and to be useful to my fellow- men. Bless to me the reading of Thy word this day. Be Thou, Holy Spirit, my daily Teacher. Open to me the hidden things of God. Light up the page of Scripture, and enable me to understand Thy truth, to believe it, and to rejoice in it. Lord, hasten Tliine own kingdom. Let Tliy truth at lengtli triumph. Bless the preaching of Thy gospel in this and other lands. Send forth labourers into Thy harvest. gather in, and save, many souls. xVnd save me, Lord, who am now kneeling before Thee. Save me now, and save me everlastingly, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. JfriiraD ^b^uing. TTXTO Thee do I lift up mine eyes, ^ Thou that dwellest in the heavens. Tliou art great and glorious, but I am vile and worthless. Thou art holy, but I am unholy. Forbid it. Lord, that I should ever come into Thy presence, trusting in my own righteousness, but teach me to come before Thee as a sin- ner, pleading the merits of my Saviour. Teach me to pray. Holy Spirit, help my infirmities, and make me to feel my many and pressing wants. My Sa- viour, I cry to Thee for the pardon of my sins. Make me to feel their great- ness. Let sin appear exceeding sinful in my sight. O deliver me both from its guilt and from its indwelling power. Free me from its dominion ; and reign (4o) 44 fKIDA V EVEMXG. Thou, mj King and my God : reign Thou alone in my lieart. Lord, I wisli to be Thine, Thy true ser- vant, Thy faithful disciple. make me to be so. Correct in me all that is wrong. Take asvay every brancli tliat bears not fruit, and may I live to Thee. Pardon all my hateful unbelief, my hard- ness of heart, and my contempt of Thy blessed word. Forgive me for some- times doubting Thy love and Thy good- ness. Lord, increase my faith. Grant that my trust in Christ may be firm and unshaken. Hast Thou not said. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed? May that blessedness be mine. Especially when I read Thy word, or hear it preached, may I receive it as from Tiiee, as Thy own word, as Thy message to my soul. Enable me, heavenly Father, to live as a stranger and a pilgrim upon earth. FRIDAY EVEMXa. 45 remembering that here I have no abiding city, no resting place in this world. Grant that I may^ be ever hastening onwards to my home above. Give me boldness to confess Christ. Let me not be ashamed to own Him as my Master. May I set my face heaven- ward, and declare plainly that I seek a better country, that is, an heavenly. Loosen those roots which bind me down too closely to this world, and give me grace to press forward with increased earnestness. I thank Thee, gracious God, for hav- ing watched over me and guarded me tliis day. And I beseech Thee still to keep me under Thy protection. Help me day by day to walk in the narrow way of life. Lead me in the path of holiness, and prayer, and praise, to that glorious kingdom above, wliere saints and angels bless Thy name for ever. Grant this, and all that I have asked, 46 FRIDA Y E VEXiyO. or failed to ask, through the merits and intercession of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. A THOU, who dwellest in the highest ^ heavens, look down with compas- sion upon me, Thy sinful creature. Lord, I am unworthy to approach Thee, but I come in the name of Thy dear Son ; hear me, for His sake. Be with me through the whole of this day, in my going out and coming in, in my rising up and lying down. Be with me in my intercourse with my fellow-men. Make me careful as to what I say and do. Let me speak when I ought to speak, and when I should be silent set Thy seal upon my lips. Be witli mc loo ^- icn I am alone. Make me to romembo ^ that Thou, God, seest me, and ma" I act as in Thy (47) 48 'S^ TUEDA Y MORXING. presence. If . temptation assail me, give me grace to resist. Shield me, my God, from the tempter's power, and keep me from sinning against Thee. my Father, bless me, and make me a blessing. May my conduct be such as becometh Thy servant and Thy child. May religion be a reality with me. May it be my stay in trouble, my support through life, and the very joy of my heart. Make me not only a Christinn, but a holy, happy, rejoicing Christian. Give me that best of all knowledge, to know Thee and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent. As I pass through this world, make me useful. Give me grace to bring forth fruit unto Thee, and to be active, earnest, and zealous in my calling. Bless the Church to which I belong, and make me a ti'ue and faitliful member of it. Be with our bishops • give them wisdom, and piety, and singleness of SJ TURD A Y MO RXIAG. 4 9 heart Clothe Thy ministers witli right- eousness. Thou great and good Shep- herd, be with those wliom Thou sendest forth, and enable them faithfully to feed the flocks committed to their care. Let Tliy blessing also rest upon our Church-members, especially those with whom 1 worship. Add to their nmnbers daily such as shall be saved. Give life to our souls, and shed abroad Thy love in our hearts. Be with those too who belong not to our communion. Take away from us all anger and bitterness of heart, and make us to feel a kind and tender spirit to- wards them. Heal, Lord, our un- happy divisions, and make us more united. Hasten the time when we shall be one fold, under one Sliepherd. Keep me from thinking evil, or speak- ing evil, of any one this day. Make me slow to discern the faults of otliers, and quick in discovering my own. May I be 4 50 SATUEDAV MORXIXG. anxious to relieve the needy, to cheer the sorrowing, and to return good for evil. May I be ever ready to forgive, hoping to be forgiven of Thee. Lord, hear me, and bless me, and be with me, for my Saviour's sake. Amen. Saturbag fyrnm^. A THOU who art my Father and my '-^ Friend, who hast watched over me during my past life, and preserved me to tliis present hour, I desire to thank Thee for that love and mercy which have fol- lowed me all my life long. I bless Thee for all that Thou hast given me, and for all that Thou hast taken from me ; for all my trials and sorrows, as well as for all my joys. Thou hast mercifully led me through this wil- derness, and hast borne with my many short-comings and evil doings. Tliou art indeed most gracious and glorious, a Father of mercies, and a God of love. Rouse this sluggisli heart of mine, and fill it with gratitude. Put a new song (51) 52 SATURDAY EVEXlSCr. in my mouth, even thanksgiving unto mj God. And be with me, Lord, for tlie time to come. I know not what is before me, but Thou knowest. Choose Thou my portion for me. Lead me by Tliine own hand ; and keep me close to Tliee all tlie day long. Leave me not for a single in- stant, lest I fall ; but hold Thou me up, and I si 1 all be safe. My Father, I wish to love and obey Thee. My Saviour, I desire to serve Thee. Take my heart, for I cannot give it to Thee. Put away everything that hinders me from being altogether Thine. O snap asunder every tie that binds me down to earth. May I soar upwards on the wings of faith. Grant that the life which I now live in the flesh I may live by che faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. Prejiare me, Lord, for the coming Sabbath day. Grant tliat I may not only .SA TUR DAY E VEXIXG. 5 3 put «isidc my worldly occupations, but also my worldly thoughts and feelings. Grant that I may spend its sacred hours in a way that shall conduce to Thy glory, and to ray own good. Give me a prayerful and devout frame, and may I lift up my heart to Thee. Be with Thy ministers, and fit them for their holy work. Lord, I commend to Thy kind and fatherly care all my dear relations and friends. May they be very dear to Thee. Gather every member of my family into Thy fold now, and into Thy kingdom hereafter. Save the lost, bring back the wandering, and make the sorrowful to rejoice. And nr ^, Thou Keeper of Israel, keep me. Watch over me whilst I am asleep, or ^f I lie awake, help me to think of Thee, /i^nd grant me such quiet rest as shall fit ra 'or tlie duties of the morrow. Hear me, my Father, and bless me, for Jesus i liirist's sake. Amen. r ORD, I desire to withdraw for a few -*^ moments from the world, and to spend them in Thy presence. It is good to hold communion with Thee. O my God, how much the things of earth chain down my soul! Do Thou loose these bonds, and set me free. Raise me above the world : and enable me to live upon Thee, and to walk by faith, and not by sight. Wliilst I am in the world keep me from its snares. Let me do my daily work as for Thee. Let mine eye ever be towards Thee. Let me do evervthin^ with a view to thy glory. Keep me in a watchful, prayerful spirit ; (54) A MI D-D A r PR A YKR. 5.5 and let me never forget that for all T do I must one day give an account to Thee. Hear me, my God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. Amen. No. II. rjEAR me, my Saviour, whilst for a -*-^ few moments I put myself into Thy presence. Make me to feel tliat Thou lovest me with an everlasting love, and hast given Thyself for me. that Thy love may possess my heart all the day long! May it constrain me to live no 'onger to myself, but to Tliee. Saviour, )ide me in Thy bosomi Keep me by Thy grace, and place beneath me Thine ^erlasting arms. Lord preserve me from tlie many temp- tations by whicli I am every hour sur- (40) 56 A MID-DA y PR AY Eli. rounded. Undertake my cause for me. Cheer me, strengthen me, and breatlie life into my soul. Give me the peace whicli thou hast promised to Thy people, even that peace which the world cannot give. For Thine own sake, Lord, grant this my prayer. Amen. % ^r;u)cr bi^for^ rctctbing tbe Dolu Commuubii. OTHOU high and holy One, who hast prepared a table for me in the wilderness, and invitest me to partake of the feast which Thou hast spread, help me to approach that heavenly feast with a penitent, believing, lo\ing heart. my Saviour, Thou who art the Bread of Life, nourish my soul, for it needs Thy constant support. Give me right feel- ings in coming to Thy table. Put away from me all worldliness, and sin, and un- belief. Purify my heart. Fill me with love to Thee. " I look to Thy atoning death on the cross alone for pardon, and to Tliy Holy Spirit for sanctifying grace. I look to Tliee as my great Helper, as my ever-present Lord and Friend. 67 58 fK^^y coMurxroN. Be with mc now especially. Manifesi Tliyself to me in tfce breaking of Dread. Draw nearer to me than Thou hast ever yet done, and make me to el joy and comfoj"t in this Thine own ordinance. Bring me to Thy banqueting-house, and may Thy banner over me be love. O bless me, strengthen me, feed me, refresh me both now and evermore. Amen. % ^raijcr la be itseir xuxbn B^i ritual Soubts anb Qifficulticfj. O' OTHOU who art my Guide and Friend, my Counsellor and my Support, to Thee I come in this my time of need. Lord, Thou knowest how sorely I am tried by spiritual doubts and fears. Have compassion on me. Pity Tliy poor, weak servant ; and in Thy own good time make every difficulty to vanish. In the meanwhile support me by Thy grace. Hold Thou me up, lest I sink. Let not the Avaves overwhelm ine. Speak to my heart, and make me to feel Thy love tcfwards me. Show me that Tliou art indeed my Father. Lord, I believe : help Thou mine unbelief. Remove every cloud that now darkens (59) 60 DOUBTS AND DIFFICULTIES. my soul ; and shine upon me, Thou Sun of Righteousness, with healing in Thy wings. Take away all that hinders me from enjoying peace, and restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. Give me grace to cast myself unreservedly on Thee, who art my Saviour and my Friend ; and to Thee be all the praise, now and for evermore. Amen. % ^rmj^r for mxYt iinu of Ccmp- htxon. A MY God, at this time, when tempta- ^ tion presses sore upon me, I flee unto Thee to hide me. Tliou hast bidden me resist the devil ; but I have no power to do so, except it be given me from above. Thou knovvest my weakness and my danger ; help me, I entreat Thee. Strengthen me, uphold me, fill me with Thy grace. Saviour, let Thy strength be made perfect in my weakness. And when Satan would have me, and sift me as wheat, do Tliou pray for me, that I may manfully fight against liim, and at length gain the victory. Lord Jesus, Thou wast Thyself tempt- ed, and Tb.ou lovest to succour them that are tempted. come to my help. Stand (61) 62 AXr TIME OF TEMPTATION. by me in my hour of need ; and keep me from falling into any sin, or doing any- thing tliat will dishonour Thee. Hearken to Thy servant in his distress, and when Thou hearest, put forth Tliy power to save, for Thy own sake, who, with the Fatlier and the Holy Ghost," art God over all, blessed for evermore. Amen. ^ '^jimx to be itseir in ium of ■"ll/f OST gracious and lovin-g Father, I ^^ thank Thee for the measure of health wliich I have hitherto eiijo3"ed, for having preserved me up to the pre- sent hour, and for all tlie many mercies which I have experienced. And now that Thou hast brought sickness upon me, I desire still to tliank Thee ; for this also cometli from Thee. It is for my good that Thou layest Thy chastening hand upon me. grant that I may profit by this Thy visitation. Make me to feel that 1 am in Thy hands, and that Thou canst take away my healtli, my strength, and my life. I bow before Thee with humble submission. Thy will be done concerning me. (68) 64 /^' TIME OF SJCK^'ESS. If it be Thy pleasure, remove tliia sickness from me, and restore me again to health. - Or if it be Thy purpose to lay me on a bed of sickness, sanctify this affliction to my souFs health. May it do me good. May it wean me from the world. I feel that I have been too much engrossed with the tilings of time ; that I may think more of eternity ! Whatever be Thy dealings with me at this time, leave me not, Lord, neither forsake me. Draw near to me, and bless me with Thy presence. Enable me to rest my soul on Christ, and keep me in perfect peace. Hear me, and receive me, for my Saviour's sake. Amen. §. ^rag^r to b^ usetr iit fnm of A MY Father, Thou hast indeed bless- ^ ed me far beyond my deserts. Thou hast greatly prospered me. make me thankful. Tune my heart to praise Thee as I ought. Put a new song in my mouth, even thanksgiving unto my God. Keep me from being too much taken up with the things of this world. Make me ever mindful that this is not my rest. I desire to show my gratitude by living henceforth more entirely to Tliy glory. jCt me not forget Thee in my present )rosperity, lost a curse come upon me, instead of a blessing. But feeling Thy 5 (65) 66 /^V TIME OF PROSPERITY. goodness and Thy love, may I give my whole heart to Thee, and live to Thee all my days, for Jesus Clirist's sake. Amen. ^ IPragcr to ht itscb m fime of g.iibn'sitg. A GOD, in Thee alone is my help in ^ this hour of affliction. Thou hast sorely smitten me, but it is in love. Thou pitiest me, my Father, and wilt not lay upon me a burden too heavy for me to bear. May I find abundant support from Thee. Place under me Thine everlasting arms ; and make me to feel that as my days, so shall my strength be. Enable me to come out of this furnace purified. Saviour, I flee to Thee. Hide me under the covert of Thy wings, and speak to my soul. I do not ask Thee to take away my sorrow before the appointed time ; but I ask Thee to be with me in it. And (67) 68 IN TIME OF ADVERSITY. after I have suffered awhile, stablish strengthen, settle me. Hear me at this time ; and send me not away unblest from Thy Throne of o'race. Amen. A LORD, Thy Word is before me; ^ give me a meek, and reverent, and teachable frame whilst I read it. Open to me its sacred truths, and enable me to receive it, not as the word of men, but as the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever. Be Thou, blessed Spirit, my Teacher. Enlighten my mind and prepare my heart. Shine, Lord, upon Thy own sacred page, and make it clear to me. What I see not, show me ; and where I am wrong, correct me. Bring home some precious portion to my soul, and thus make mc wise unto salvation, through Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Amen. (69) % ^xnmx ia ht usctr before nm Special Enirevtahmg. T ORD, I desire to place myself, and ^ what I am about to undertake, in Thy hands. Guide, direct, and prosper me, I beseech Thee. And if Thou seest that this undertaking will be for Thy glory, grant me good success Make me to feel that unless Thy blessing is with me I cannot succeed, and that, except the Lord build the house, their labour is but lost that build it. Prevent us then, O Lord, in this and all our doings with Thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help, tliat in all our works begun, coi^tinucd, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Tliy name, thr'Qwgjb Jesus Christ. Amen. % '^XiiMx for n Wcsstng on MOST blessed Saviour, who hast ap- ■^'^ pointed divers orders of men in Thy Church, look graciously at this time upon Thy ministering servants. Teach them by Thy Holy Spirit, that they may teach others. Cheer and comfort them in their labours. Feed them with that Bread of life, which they deal out to their people. Bless them in tlieir la- bours, and make them wise to win souls. Lord Jesus, let Thine especial favour rest upon those who are preaching Thy Word to the heatlion. Support them amidst all their trials ; and grant tliat the word spoken by their mouths may have such success, that it may nevei^ be spoken in vain. (71) 72 BLESSING ON CUBISrS MINIS fEET And hasten, Lord, the time when they sliall no more teach every man his neigh- bour, and every man his brother, saying Know the Lord, for all shall know Thee IVom the least to the greatest. Grant this for Thine own name's sake. Amen. HEADS FOR PRAYER. glonxing f r^^n SUNDAY. Confession. .Coldness in praver. 4t>>iae p>' -*'tt sabbaths. Petition.. .For God's presen^'e. Gift of the-^uj-'* to ministers and congregavion*!. T''<< awakening and nourishing ot sohIs. Praise For day of rest. Public Worsnin. Ak ordained ministry. MONDAY. Confession. .Hardness and dulness of heart. Slot/ fulness. KTiTioN For Jews. Heathens. Our own cou>»' trymen. 'RAISE For Gospel light. Prayer. Christ^^ intercession. (73) 74 HEADS FOR PR A YER. TUESDAY. Confession. .Vain thoughts. Idle words. Unholy tempers. Petition . . . For Patience. Forbearance. A bl'-ss- ing on the sick, sorrowful, aged, young. Praise.. For Liealth. Sleep. Food. Clomi.ig. Safety. Oppoi tunities of doing good. WEDNESDAY. Confession. .Bible neglected. Heaven not kept in view. Love of the world. Petition For influence of the Holy Spirit. A kinder and gentler feeling towards all. Praise.... For any good in ourselves or others. Grace received. THURSDAY. Confession. .Unhumbled mind. Hasty words. Un charitable thoughts. Petition For a blessing on our Country ; all lu authority ; the poor ; our enemies. Praise For the gift of a' Saviour. Pardoning, restraining, and sanctifying grace. FRIDAY. Confession. . Want of kindness and tenderness. Self- seeking. Self-indulgence. Petition For Family. Friends. Pariah. God- children. Praise For the Spirit's teaching. Prosperity. Trials. HEADS FOR PRAYER. SATURDAY. CoNFESSioy .Selfishness. Jealousy. ITretfuiness. Love of Praise. Pbaisb For onr Home. Family blesslnga Kind friends. ®benmg ^nxmx. SUNDAY. Confession. .Wanderings of thought. Iniquity of our holy things. Unbelief. Uncon- cern. Petition . . . .For a blessing on the seed sown. More life and earnestness. Praise For Sabbath mercies. Ood's forbear- ance. For a Saviour offered to us. MONDAY. Confession. .Indwelling sin. Backwardness to con- fess Christ. Petition For a consistent walk. Communion with God. More faith. Praise For temporal mercies. God's love. TUESDAY. Confession. .Onr lost state by nature. Unwatchful- ness. Self-esteem. Petition To be useful. More love for souls. pBAisE For our privileges. For God's chastiso- ments. ntADS FOR PRAYER 77 WEDNESDAY. .Readiness to take offence. Sinful de- sires. Petition That Cbrist would make llinisclf known to us. A holy walk. Praise For our reason. Deliverance from danger. THURSDAY. CoxFESSiox. .Duties neglected. Grieving the Spirit J'i'.TiTioN To live a life of faith. Power to resist the devil. pRAisB For sparing n.ercy. For our promised rest. FRIDAY. CoxFE.ssiON. .Lost time and opportunities. Worldli- ness of heart. Petition For growth in grace and holiness. A contented and thankful heart God's protecting care. Pkaise For answered prayers. The promise of Christ's Second Coming. _ATURDAY. CoxFESsiox. .Self-ir'^'ilgence. Lore of ease. Love of money. Petition ... .For t*—^ outpouring of the Spirit. A blessing on the morrow. Pbaisb For God's care. His patience and lova Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library 1 1012 01026 6502