IM 1 0 M / LIBRARY OF TIIE Theological Seminary PRINCETON, N. J. Case, Division W: -jSfi&Z' /''«-•' '5 ■ £ Jk* J^£*\~^ i ^ ^fr_ £_ A^Mi J^c t^f ftnrs* K ♦ rcne-z&i~ ..i r-+ ; 4 i* V t •** v* x *&■*&&& ■£ ^fj /?/ 0 . THE Pfal mes or 'Dauid and others. f [At- ;^'l.*.-.i...uj"i"..'i'i ' '"' '". ^ 'Si iT 0 THE %IGHT HO ^0%A- ble and his yerie good Lord Edward de Vere Eric of Oxinford tLord great Chamberlain of England,Vicount Bulbccke &c. ^Arthur Goldingxvishcth incrcace of godly knowledge withhealrh.honour and piofpcritie. T may peradueture be thought in re- fpeft of the matter wherof this woork treateth , that it ought rather to haue bin dedicated to fbm of my very good Lords the Lords fpirituall, or to Tome * of the Clergie,as to whom fuch things ftreme to perteine more peculiarly, by reafbn of theyr charge and calling . Which opinion as 1 purpofenotto encounter , but rather moft willingly fubmit my felfe and my doings to the iudgement 5c reformation of fiich re- ucrend Fathers & learned men,as god hath put in trull: with the care of his flock and the charge of his Church within this.Rcalm:euen fo forafmuchas the things which the holy ghoft vttereth in the facred Scriptures,belong indifferently vntoo all men, of what eftate,degree,fex, age, or calling fo cuer they be without excepti- on : 1 haue at this tune let all other ref peels and confi derations ahde, & only had an eye to my dutie toward your Lordship. And bicaufe my co tinuall troubles and futes in the Lawe (as yit vnended after more than three yeeres trauel) haue bereft mee of the greater! part of my time, fo as I could not difpatch things withflich expeclitioasotherwilelmight haue done : my care and indeuer hath bin,too rctompence mine ouer- long filence with goodnes of matter, that might redound to the furthe- rance of our Ciuiften common weale,and alio be mcctc for your Lord- ship too looke vpon. But you perchaunce,according f oo the noble cou- rage and difpofiticnofyoui yeeres,doo looke 1 should prefente vntoo youfbmeHillorieof theConquefles and affaircsof mightie Princes, feme treatife of th e gouernmet of common wcales ,fome defci iption of the plattc ofthe whole har th,or feme difcourle of chiualric and feates of Armes. Thefe things are in deedc mectefludiesfora noblcmanne, and in their feafon right necellary for the common welth : but asnowe I prefent vntoo your honour muche greater things : that is to wit, ti ve, Rcligyon, trueGodl)nefle,true Vertue wythout thewhych, *.ij force, The Epifllc Dediutorie. force, policie, nor freendship are of any value, neyther can any comon weale,any Citie,any houfeholde,orany company bee wel gouerncd or haue any fhble ana long continuance.Thefe be the things wherin your Lordship may do God,your Prmce.,and your Cuntrie bed feruice,and which do giue true nobihtie,or rather are the very nobilitie it felf The greater that you are of birth and calling,the more doo thefe things be- long vnto you.The greater gifts of Nature, the mo graces of mind,the mo worldly ben elites that God hath bellowed vppon you : the more are you bound to be thankful vnto him.But thankful you cannot bee without the true knoweledge of him,ney ther can you know him right- ly but by his woord.For his woord is the lanterne ofyour feeteand the light ofyour fteppes. V Vhofoeuer walketh without it/walkcth but in darkenelTe, though hee were otherwife as sharpe lighted as Linceus or ^r^ns, and had all the fciences,artes,conning,eloquence,and wifedome of the worlde. No found and fubflantiall truthc is too bee founde any where els faue onely there, And therfbre the holy Ghoft by the mouth of Moy fes willeth you that the lawe of God (that is to (ay his word and doctrine) shoulde not departe from your mouth , but that you should byndc it about your wrifts,imbroyder it vpon your garments, ingraue it vpon the poftes ofyour houfe,and write it in the tables ofyour hart. And Dauidfpeakingby the fame fpiritc, exhorteth you by hisowne example to fet your whole delight in it, too occupy your felfe in it day and night,too lay it vp in your hart,too fet more ftore by it than by n- ches,to be mindeful ofit,to make it your counfayler,to flick too it, too talke of it afore Kings and greate men,to loue it,too make your fongs of it,to remember it night and day , too count it fweeter than Hony ,too take it as an heritage,and too make it the ioy ofyour hart. Neyther is it without caufe that GOD calleth fb ofte vppon Magiftrates and noble men by name,that they should be diligent in his worde.For looke how muche the greater burthen and charge lyeth vpon their shoulders, and the greater accounte they haue to make afore him : fb muche the grea- ter wifedome and knoweledge haue they needof, which are not to be at- teynedelfewherethanin his lawe. I befeeche your Lordship confider how God hath placed you vpon a high ftage in the eyes of all men , as a guide,patternc,in(ample,and leader vnto others. If your vertu.s be vn- counterfay ted,if your religion be found and pure,if your doings be ac- cording to true godlines : you shalbc a flay to your cuntrie,a comforte too good men,a bridle too euil men,a ioy too your freends,a corzie too your enemires,and an increace of honor to your owne houfe. But if you should beecome eyther a counterfaytProteftant, or a peruerfe Papill:, or The Jlpijlle DcdkcM&ric. or a colde and carclelfe newter (-vvliich God forbid) the harm d could not be cxprefled which you should do to your natiue Cuntne.For(as Cicero nolelfe truely than wifely affirmeth , and as theforowfull doomgs of our prefent clayes do too certeinly auouch)greate men hurt not the co- mon weale fo much by becing euil m refpect, of themfelues,as by draw- in0- others vnto euil by their euil example. I allure your Lordshippel . write not thefe things as though I fufpected you to be digrelTed f< :6 that foundnes and finccntie , wherein you were continually traynec and tra- ded vnder that vigilant ylijfcs of our common welth , fbir.cty me y oi n c re mifcheuoufe than the Diucl himfelfe) labour with tooth and nayle too winde their owne trash into credit with all men , and to bring the hea- uenly doctrine of the Gofpel in hatred. Ageinc the Mftk ifta which fay in their hartes there is no God : and the Fpicmc; which dcpriueCCD of his prouidence in gouerning the world, as though hee ey ther \ re'er- *.iii. flode The Epijllc DcdicAtoric. floode not what is doonc vppon Earth , or els cared not for mennes af- faires : feeke they not by all ineanes poilible too weede all Religion ? all feare of G O D,all remorfe of confcience oat of mennes harts? Out of thefe rootes fprinj; other impes,no lefle pernicioufe than the ftockes of whiche they come : men of all Religions , Shippemen that canne fiiyle with all wethers , Carpenters than can hewe with bothe handes , Laddes that canne holde with the Hare and hunt with the Hounde,and (as the Scripture termsth them) time feruers and men pleafers. Ofwhich forte be the pi&hank Preeits of H amnion, who with the vencmoufe blafte of their filthie flattery, corrupt the wel inftrucled mindes of our Alexan- ders (that is to fry, of our noble men) by bearing them in hand that they bee the fonncs oflufitrr, and making them beleeue thcmfelues too bee Gods,yea fometimes before they be Tcarce men. Thefe after the mancr of V anthers and Ttiemaides, aftonnethe fenfes with a deadly fweetnes,& work dcftruclion by delighting. Moreouer,to the further withdrawing of mens minds from the eftimation of the found Religion, itfalleth out that euen in the outward face of the Church,therc be many Hipocrites, many looce liuers,many Se&aries,and many wranglers, wniche preten- ding the countenance ofChryftesflock,butbeeing in deede the Deuili hirelings, confefTing GOD with their mouth,but denying him in their works,caufe his holy,pure,and reuerend do&rine to bee 1 laundered and ill fpoken of among the Gentiles 3 (that is too wit,among the Tapiji . and worldlings) and fo alienate men fro Chrift. The ignorant fort alio dee- ming things vntowardly by the outward shew,charge the Gofpell with the faultes of men,whicn it reprooueth and bringeth too lyght , as who would fay , that hec whiche bewrayeth a Murtherer,or rebuketh an A- dulterer,wcre too bee counted an offender in theiame caces,bicaufe hec diicouercth their wickednefle,too the intent too haueit punished or re- drellcd. And thefe arc ftumbling blocks common to all fortes of men : but more peculiar to great menne are thofe that I fpake of rn the third placc,and alfo thefe enfumg. Namely, noblenelle of birth, rcnowne of Aunceters,fauor of their Prince,freendship of their peeres,awe of their inferiours^reatalyanccSjgreate retmewes depending vpo thcm,libcrtre aboue the comon 1 atejWelth^onourjrichejCafejfumptuoufe fare,colily apparel,gorgeouie buildings, attendaunce of feruants , and fuche other like: whiche as they bee theflngulcr good s;iftcs and benefited of God bellowed vpon them for their comfbrt,to the end they should the more louc him and imbrace his truthc : So Sathan abufi ng the infirmitie and corruption of mans nature, doothinmany menne wreft them all too a contrary ende,namely too the proude contempt and impugning,or at lcaflwife The Epiflle DtdudttYit. leaftwife to the carelefle neglecling of Gods true Religion and fcruice. As for the fraylnefle of youth it felf,thc open manaces and priuie prac- tizes cfvintkhrift , the common hatred and difdeme of the VVorldc ageinft the fincere worshippers of GOD, the hardnclTeand aducrfities which they endure in this life , and infinite other by matters.whiche are no fmall hiuderances too the proceeding of the Gofpel : I wil not ftand too intreat of them. For doubtlcfle although ^tt'e/w/? were abolished, although Sathan were a fleepe, although the world wereat one with vs, although wicked courrfel were vttcrly put too filence,although no euill example were giuen vs, although no outwardc Humbling blocke were caft in our wayc : yit hauc wee one thmg in our felucs andof our felues, (euen originall finne , concupifccncc or lull) which neuer ceafeth too egge vs and allure vs from God,and too ftainc vs with all kinde of vn- clcnncs : according as Sainct lames fayth: Eucry man is tempted of his owne luft.This is the brcth of tlic vencmouie Cick&tricc , which hath in- feclcd the whole offpring ofadAm.This is the ftin g of that olde Sei pet whofe wounds neither Cbyron^efcuUfins, nor Apollo can heale,no nor any W)ght in Hcauen or £arth,faue oncly God, This is the bitter foun- taine Exumpeus, which with his brackishnelTe marrcth the fweete Riuer Hipdtiis ,xhat is to fay ,the flowing ftreamc of all Gods graces, benefites, and gifts in vs.Good caufe haue we thcrfore to bee fbrewarnedand con- tinually admonished to beware of the mifcheef that is armed with fo ma ny weapons and policies to anoy : fpecially confidenng how the op em- tio therof is to flea both bodie and foule,and to drown them togither in to endlcs damnation. For this 1 dare be bolde to lay vpon the warrant of a(iuredtruthe,thatwhofoeuer is but lightly blafted with thepoyfonof Papillitis the vnapter to all tlic dutiesof true vertue and godlinesjlike as a Cripple or lame man is the vnmceter and vnabier for the affaires of \ this life.But as for him that is thrcughly fcped in it,& bathe diverted it \ in^o his bowels.and hath fetled the rcots of it in the bottome of bus hart: depending vpon the ^fnthhrift of fyme as vpon the mouth ofGcd: He can ney tier be thcfaithful feruaunt cf God,nor a 1 artie Scbiect too bis Pruice, nor a good and found member of the ccrrmon welth,vntill bee haue done as the Snake dooth when he ccn meth to engender with the Lamprey.For the better manifeftatior cf all,l befech your good Lordship to perufethis prefent bcckc,which corbtlcfle/or tie excellency therof, not onely defciueth mote lingular cctrendation than mans wit is able to yeeld:butallb is wcrtl y tco be bad continually in all mennes bands, or rather tcobcepru ted in then I artes.Ioi if ycu haue an eje too the Authors :itwasw nt ten by I top bets, Trec^es, and *.mj. Kings \ ' The. Ep iftlc Decii c atorie, Kinges inspired with the holy e Ghoft the fountaine of aft vndaftarT ding,wyfedom,and truth,and auouched vnto vs by Chriit the Sonne of the euerlaftmg God. Or if you hauc an eye to the matterrit contcineth a treatift. of the- Doctrine of ly fe and euerlafting Saluation:the particu- lars ,wherof areas many as are the points of true Religion and holinclTe to Godward,or the points of faithfull meeningand honeit dealing too manward. And thefe things are common to it with the refidue of holy Scripture. The thing that is peculiar to it, is the maner of the handling or the matters wherof ittrcateth. For whereas other partes of holy writ (whither they be hiitoricall, morall,iudiciall, ceremonial^ or propheti- .Call) docommonly fet down their treat i2e$ in open and plaine declara- tions : tins parte coniifting of them alfwrappeth vp things in types 6V figureSjdcflribing them vnder borowed perfonageS'6c oftentimes win- ding in matteis by preuention, fpeaking of thinges too come as if they were pad: or prefent,and ofthingspafl: as if they were in dooing, and e- uery man is made a bewrayer of the fecrcics of his owne hart. And for- almucheas it confitleth cheeffyof prayer and thankfgiuing, or (which comprehended! them bothc) of inuocation, whiche is a communicati- on with GoA , and requneth rather an earned: and deuout lifting vp of the ivjinde,than a loud Or curious vttcrance of the voice : there be many vnperfecl ientcnces,many broken fpeechcs,and many difplated words: according as the voice of the partic that prayed , was ey thcr preuented with the (wiftneireofhisthoughteSj or interrupted with vehemeiicy of ioy or greef,or forced to furceafe through infirmitie,thaC hee might rc- couer newe itrcngth and cheerful nelfe, by interminding Gods former promifes and benefices. Notwithlfanding, theobfcuntieof thofe pla- ces is not fo great, but that it may be eafely oUercome,by fuch as when they pray , doo vtterly fecjuefter their mindes from all earthly imagina- tions and fleshly xonceits,and after a fort forfaking their bodies for the time,do mount vppeahoue the world by faith,and prefent themfelues before the heaueraly throne of grace, to leek the vnfpeakable and irielli- mable comfort oftheir foules. Suche aretheconteints, and fuche is the. maner or difpofition of the ground worke of this booke, that i^to fay of the Pfalmes themfelues. VVhervnto (for the better vnder [landing ofthem)heere;s added anexpofitionor Commentane written in La- tin by that learned Clerk and fiithful miniffcrofChryitin the church ofGetietiA, JVlafter Ibhn Cdmih whofe worthy praifeand commendatr- on,his ow.:icmanifoldewoorks molle peinfully, fincerely, and foundfy fetfoorth too the greate furtherance and profite of thewhoIcChrilfen common weale,doo better declare than my pen can vtter or my wit dc- uiie. T.he Eft file Decliutorie. uicc. And among the reftc of them,it is thoughte of molt learned men, that next vntoo his Inftitutions , this pr efente volume beareth the Bel, bothefor varietie of matter,fubfrantialnes ofdoclrme,depth of nidge- ment,and perfeclnefTe of penning. For it is not puffed vp with vaine found of emptic woords,nor with Rhetorical enlarging of painted fen- tences : but it is fluffed with piththy and grouded matter,fuch as plain- ly sheweth him too haue bin a man indued with the fpinte of God,and alfo well practized and tryed in the affaires and troubles of this world. What is to bee thought of the tranflation of it : that I rcmitte to you* Lordships fauourable acceptation : vnder whofe Antefigne it is ray de- firc that it may fight in the defence and maintenance of the true religi- on, ageinft Antichrifc and his wicked members. Onely thus muche I may fafely fay of it,that in all pointes (to the vttermofte of my power, and according to the abilitie which God hath eriuen me to edifiewith- all) I haue fincerely performed the dutie of a faithful! Interpreter, ra- ther indeuenng too lay foorth things plainlye (yea and fbmetimes alfo homely and groflely) too the vnderftanding of many , than too indy te things curyoufly too the pleafing of a fewe.For in tliis and fhche other workes,the rude and ignorant haue more intereft, than the learned and f If any thing beamifle (as I dare not prefumetoo vpholde that nothing hath cfcaped mee in fo great a woorkc) my hartie defire is that the fame may be amended by fuch as arc of found iudgement 6c know- ledge in Gods woorde , lb as no inconuenience may enfue of it too the churche of Cnrift. And look what I requeft in the behalfe of this prc- fent booke : the fame do I requeft for all other books whiche 1 haue or (by Gods grace and permiflion) shall heerafter put foorth for the edi- fying of Chryfres flock : for 1 knowe how fuche things are the woork of God and not of man. What remayneth then, but that your Lord- ship framing your felte according to the rule of Gods mod holy word, should hie you apace to the atteinmentofthe true honour and immor- tall s;lory ,by fubduing finne, the world, and the Deuil, the Hectors that cannot bee vanquished but by a chriften ^fcbrlles . and by your good guy cling bring many vnto Chrift, that in the end you may receiue the rcwardeoftrueand perfeft bliflednefle, euenthe cucrlafting faluation of the foule , whiche is the faire Helen for whofe fafctic it behooueth all good men too endure, not tennc yceres warre, but continuall warrc all their life long.To the furtherance wherof, God hath by houfeholdea- lyancelinckcd vnto your Lordship a. long experienced Neflor ; whole counfaileand footffeps if you fo!owe,no doubtebut you shalbec bothe happiein your felfe,and fingularly profitable to your common welth': *.v. and The Epifllt Dcdkdtme. and inoreouer, GOD shall bhfle you with plentiful and godly lfliie by your vcrtuous and deerbeloucd Spou(e,to contincw the honour and re- noWne of your noble houfe after the happy knitting vp of bothe your yccres, which I pray God may bee many in vnfcperablc loue, like the loue oiCcix and ^Alcyonec, to the glory of God, and thG contcntation of bothe your defires, V Vritten at London the xx. of Qfioltcr. 1571* ^ Your good Lordships mofte humble to commaund Arthur Goldin^, ^10H3^ QALVI3^T0 THE godly Readers fendcth greeting. FTHEREADINGOFMY Commentaries map pato as mucb p^cfit t© tbe Cburcb of dDoD, aej bane gathered frufe bp tu^ttnge tbenr.tbere is no caufc tobt? 3 fbulo ►repent ma of mp paincs taking . £ tto pares a go,3l baa erpeuoeD ttje bolt e of pfalmes m tOJo mi? 0enber fcb©le.#oto foben J baooifpatcbeb | we felf of tbat charges U?as uotfte* termineotopublifli further abjoce ttje rbinges tbat 3t bao WtercD famt* liarlp among mp franoes at beme. 8m> bafoje 3 toent in bano txn'tb tbe espofition at tbe entreatace of m? b?etb:en, 3 faio (as trutb mas) tbat 31 tberfoje furceafeb , by caufetbat moftfaitrjfu!l2Dotto;> of tbe Cburcb Martin Bucer badbp tbe finguler leming,t>itigence,ano faitbfulneae,mbicb be barb per* fojmeo m tbis too^,at leatftopfe attepnea tbus mucb * tbat tbere fl?©lD not be fo greate neeoe of tbts mp trauell ♦ #cptber mere it latofuUfojmeetopaffie ouer toitb lileuce tbe Commentaries of VVolphangusMufculus, iffbepbao tben fa^tbmttb baue cornea* b;ooe,Gtb tfet be alfo,bp tbe tuogemcut of goo men, batb oeferueD no fmatt p^atfeb^ bis trauell ano pain effacing, i mas not pit come to tbe eno of mp too;fc, but beboia 31 toas femes tmto Uritb mtrea* tance^bat a Ojoulo not fuflfer nrg trauels to periu),tobtcb not ferity* out great labour baa bin faityfullpano o^Dcrl? garbereD bp at mp bano. 31 abooe all tn one minD,graunting onlp tbat mbicb 3 bao pur* pofcD alatemamety tbat (lead mp countrimen fljou to toaut furtbe* rante in fo profitable a b3ae,)3l tootilo fej:ite fomembat in jFrencb. tobtfe 31 tb3ugiK to go in bano uritb ity foDeinlpcontrarie t®m? De* termination, (31 unom not bp mbaf inChnct) 31 maoe a triall in one pfalmc boto 3 coulo ec pouno it in llatin . jjiam tonm mp fuccetfe anfmering mp oeftrc farre furmountco iro> bope,3 tcohe bart to me> t fo began to attempt tbefame in a fealucotbers. ©Elben tbts mas perrctucQ,m£ acquaintace{as tbsgb tbep baa ban me bounD)ipurrcO me fo>cluar9 mo:e bolult?, $ 31 Cboulu mt giuc ouer in mi? race £Dne reafan tljer mas ^ maac me incline tjnto tbf ,tu^icb alfo o;aue me to tbe Iohn Caluin to the Reader. tbe nrft attempt at tbe begtnnmg. j?.amelt> leaft tbe tbmgestbat bab bin receyueb at my reaoinges ,ttjonlD £eale fco;tb tmtbout mg content oj imotolebge.^urels tbis fearebib ratber bjtue m® tban imme olrine fr& will leabcmec to tueauetins toeb. j]5ottmlb£an* btug,bt! tbe to)ay,in tbe goingefojeiparse toitb mj> foo,?feJbagan mojecerteinlEtcoperceiue, beta it toatlo not b&a fupcrflucus W bounanb alfo J founts b^nifne ofc)nec?:perience,tbat3!llionlbbe* eomeacommobious belper fo^tbe bn&ertanbmg of tbepfalmcs, tro fuel) Keabers as baue not bin mucb rterdfcsj in tbsmijeto fun* bxy anbijcatotifull Bletoellcs tbis 2Eb;eafo;»ie conte?netb,it is barb to totte'rin looses . j?o^ tobatfoeucr Si (ball fpeakctberof^fenefo ttlottbefarretnfertourtratljtujo^tbincfire of it. ^ciubeeit fo^af* mucb as it is better tm gtue fome fmateb of fo greate profit tm tbe 3£eabers be it neuer fo little ,tban to fa? notbmg at all of it:it (bal* be lawfull fo> me to giuc a glaunce at tbat tbing,tobicbe tbe great^ neffe of it imlnot fuffer met to fet out to tbe full, jpot tuitfjout caufe' am | tucsnt to termetbis boob tbe Anatomy of all tbe partes of tb,e ^oule , inafmucb as a man ffjaluot fints an? affection in bimfelfe, ioberoftbejmageappeeretbnot intbisglalTe. l^ea ratber,tbc bo* lp (©boft batb baefe tyaelp fet out before o*tr eyes , all tbe grcefes, fo;oUjes,feares,Doutes,bopes^cares,angutitbes,anb finally all tbe trubbicfome motions wberewttb mennes minbes are Vucont to be turmopleb J£be reft of tbe Scripture conteinetb &bai commauno* mentes ©oo batb enio^ncb to bis feruantes to be b^ougbt bnto bs. iButtn tbisba)fje,tbeli);cpbetstbcmfelues taming *uitbcctrinc (ball bee baue obtcpneb.Carneltpja?' cr fpzingetbfirE of tbe feeling of our otonc neebe , anb feconbi? of bci&f of dDoss pjompfes . ^eerfijalltbe Keabers as well hk foake* neb to fete tb:ougbi?tbeir otone eutlles , as alfo putre in m?nbe taj feefce remebtcs, |^ea i tubatfoeuer ma? mahe to? our encojage? , ment Iohn Caluin to the Reader. mcnt toben <25j©2> is tea be p?a?eb bnt©,fbe fame ts fee out tn tbis .barfs #nD not onl? pjomifes meet bs,but alfo bettoeenc <£oDs a! Jure mettt ano tbe impeoimentes of tbe flettje, tbere is oftentimes fet in tbe mios before tis, one tbat aoojcOetb bimfelfe tm p?a?tng : tbat if at an? time funo:? DoubtsJDai oifqu?et bs, toe mat? learn to tojettle tottb tbem tinttl tbe minoe mount bp free bnto «3H>2D.ano not tbis onl?,but alfo let bs toaoe mm tfcougbooubtings, fearfulnes,ano trembltng,bnto p?a?er, bntil tore bee glao of it fo? tbe comfort tbat toe receiuc.ifojtbus mutt toe Determine toitbourfelues, tbataU tbougboittrutt fo;eclofe tbe gate ageintt our p?a?ers : yit mutt toe not giue ouer as oft as our minbes toauer o? be trffubleo toitb tot* qu?etnes,tmtil faitb getting tbe tipper bans ooput bp bir bco.0no tn man? places a man ma? perceiue tbe feruants of tbougb not fo ft rong as toere tat bee totfl)eo,?it at lefttoife reao? to encounter,tjntil it ma? b? little ano little get perfect ttrengtb.$ottoitbttanoing,bicaufe t\)t tbings tbat are atia?leable ten tbe maner of p?a?ing arigbt are tco bee founo oif* perfeo tbougb tbe tobole tocojk, 3 toil not burtben ? reaoers toitb afuperfluous reberfall, no? tta? tbem from tbeir gucng fo?etoaro. gDnel? tbis tbing toas toontbe tbe telling b? tbe toa?e, tbat in tbis b©fee(tbantobicb notbmgismojeto bee toilbeb) tbere is b?ougbt t© paffe fo? tjs,not onel?e bom foee ma? baue familiar acceffe tmf ® <35oD3but alfo boto toee ma? latofull? ano freel? titter before bim tbe infirmities tobicb fbame fo?btooetb tos to be atmotoen of tsnto men, 99o?couer in tobat untc t\)c famfiee of tbanfeefgiuing in to be offe* reo arigbt , tbe tobicb ®oo auoucbetb tco bee motte paetious ano of motte ftoeete fent bnto bim,tt is beere alfo p?efcribeo motte era ctl?, $0 tobere are reao mo?e euioent rommenoations as toel of ® oos fmguler bountie totoaros bis £burcbe,as alfo of all bis toco>ks. &o tobere are fbetoeofo man?oeliueries, 0? pjcofesof bis ifatberl? p?ouioence ano care totoaros tis fo beautifull? fet out : to be fl)o?r, no tobere is tbere e?tber a moje ful ano perfect manner of p?a?ftng dDoo taugbte b$, 0? a fbarper fpurre put tco tis fo? tbe performance of tbis outie of goolines,H5euocs tbis, albeeit tbat tbis ba& be reple nifljeo toitballmaner ofp?ecepts,tobatfoeuer ma? auaileto frame tbe Itfe after a bol?,gool?, ano rigbtf ul foztc : ^it toill it cbeefl? in* ttruct mb to tbe fuffcrancc of tbe Crotte, tobtcbe is tbe true tr?all of obeoience Iohn Caluin to the Reader. obeDtcnce,tube btterlp forking our otwn affection, toe fubmit our Uiuts to goo,? fuffer our i^fe to be fo gouerneD at bis pleafurc,tbat tbc miferies iobicb arc to bs moll bttter,oo toer fluetebicaufc tbep come from bim.llaft of all,not onlp tbegenerallcommcnoactonsof goss gcoancs are bare rcciteo,t»btcb mat! teaeb bs to (rap bpon butt onlp,fbat § goDlp minos map Imke fo j aflfu reD bclp at bts banD tit all tbetr neceffiticstbut alfo tbe free remtfuon of finncs (iobicb alone botb maketb Cod at one tmtb bs, $ purcbacetb bs quiet peace tout? buu)tsfo fet out,fbattbertoantetbnotbingatalltoloaro tbcfcnolo leDgeof cucrlaffingfaluatton.l£olobeit,if tbe labour taken bpmee in tbeis commentaries fljal profit {> HeaDers,tbep ihuII knolu tbat tbc mcanc erperienceoftbe encounters (loberlwitb tbe Ho^D batb jcrcrcpfeo mee)batb nota little furtbereb mee,not onlp tbat 3 migbt apply to mp p;efet bfe tobatfeeucr Doctrine mas to be gatbereD:but alfo tf f bar migbt be openeDa reaDiar loap to bnDerffaD tbe purpofc of cuerp cf tbc totter* of tbe pfalmcs.^nD toberas among f bent p cbeef is SDauiD: to tbinf ent 3 migbt p fuller bnDerffaD bts coplaints concerning tbe tnluaro mifebeeucs of the Cburckit auaileD ntee not a It tic tbat HI bao abioen tbe fame tbings tbat be betoatlctb o; mucb itUc,at tbebanoes of tbe boumolDc tntmies of tbe Cburcbe. jfoj ak tbougb 3 bee tw tco farrc fyis inferior pe a oj ratber tbat in afptring painfully ano flotoelp totoarD tbemanifolDe bertues toberin be er* celleo, 35 ftill am attaintcD Voitt) tbc cotrarp bices : yit it irketb mee not to make comparifon toitt) bim luberetn 3 baue any tbing com* mo toitb bim. SLbcrfo^e albeeit tbat in reaotng tbe eramplcs cf bis fattb ,patieuce, beate, jeale, ano purenes, tbc bnlifcencs bettoecne bim ano me did U)©;jtberp io^eff out innumerable ftgbs from met : pit DiD it greatly auaile mee to beboloe as it lucre in a Piaffe, botbc tbe beginnings of nrpbocatton, anD alfo tbecontinuallraceofmp minified^ inafmucb as 35 knew fo? a ccrfcintie, tbat tobatfocucr tbat mod excellent iking anD p^opbet enDurcD, loas fettc fautb tea mcc fo^ mp inffrurtion. ^oin mucbe mp efface is inferiour , it ma* fectb notbmg tco tbc matter tm tell 315ut like as bee loas aouaunceD from tbe Sjeepfoloc tco tbe bigb etfate of a kingDome : tuen fo d5oD Djatoing mee from bafe anD flcnoer beginnings , batbe toototfaucD me tbis honorable efftce,to make me a p:eacber anD miniffer of bis (IDofpcl. Spp if atber bab appointeo me to tDiuinitit toben 3 loas pit hut a tenser iSabe. 35ut toben bee fatoe tbat ti)t fcnoleeleDgc of tbe ilatoc did eucrp lubere enricbe tbe p^ofcOers tberof : tbat bope DiD foocnlp D;tue bim to alter f)is purpofe #no fo it came to pallet 31 be* i«S John Caluin to the Reader. tng calleD back fro tlje ftuDp of IBbtlofopbtc, teas let to learn £ iau>. Mtberunto albeit 3 enucuereo to applp mp felf fattbfullp fo; fatifn* tng of mp fatberstetl:\ut0oDteitb£fert,et bjiDleofbispjouiorce, Dto at § lengtb turn mp race ageine tbe otber teay.^no teberas at £ ftrft 3 teas mo;e ftiflp aDDicteo to tbe fuperftttios of tbe papiffrte, tban £ 3 migbt tuttb eafe be D^aten out of fo Deep a puDDle:be foDcn* IpturncDmsmtnD (tob«b fo;> nrp^eeresteas ouermucbebarDneD) t mabe it eafie to be taugbt.ibcrfoje being f oucbeD luitb fome fade of truegDDlines,3 burnco teitbfo great a Deftre ofpjontuig:tbatal* tbougb 3 DiD not quite giue ouer all otber ttuDies,]?tt 3 foloteeD tfje moje colDl£.#nD it teas not full)? a j?eere after,tebe all (mh as toere Deliroue of § purer Doctrine, came flocking to me being as jnfa $$* nice i a ratoe fcboler,to lerne at me.3 (beeing fometebat ruoe of na<* ture floumgaltoaies mine otene eafe anDqutetnes,fougbt tobiae mt felf out of tbe teap:tebtcb tt^tn teas fo baro foj me to do,$ tebere foeuer 3 teitbDjete mpfelfymv Cabane teas as a comon fcbrale.jF i< nalty tebtle3 fet mp mtnb on notbing but bote to liue at eafe f fen* knoten:€>oo leo me about by fo man^ totnolafles^ be neuer fuffreD me to reft, bnttl (nottettbffanDing tjjeD?ateing back of mine otene bifpofftton)3 teas baleD fotfb into tbfc ligbt.#nDfo? £ fame purpofe forking mp cuntric,3 Departed into Germanic yto tbe intent tbat b? lurking tbere in fome blinoe n©ke,3 migbf tnioy mine eafe fo long time DenieD me;H5utloe>at fucb time as 3 lap btD at Bafil tmknoten, bicaufemanpgoDl)?perfons,baD bin burnt in Framce3t%t Germma tmk great DifpUfureat $ burning of tbe.^o? tbe pacifying of tebo, teeremani? leteDf l£ingb©kestb20teenab;oDe,auoucbtng$ none tecre fo banolco but Anabaptifts % feoicious perfos, tebo teitb tbeir frotearD Dotages pulleDDoton not onlp reIigion,buf alfo al cinil op Der,3 perceiutng tbat tbe craftmaifters of tbe court fougbf,ncf on* It to bur? tbe unaeferueD bluDftjeD of tbe giltles,tn tbe fcntrue flaun Der of tbe bolv 5partirs:but alfo tbat it mtgbf be latoful fo? tbe beer* after to comit tobat flaugbters tbes lifteD toitfyout pttie of anp man: tbougbt mp ftlence coulD not be ercufeD of tetfaitbfulnes,tf 3 DiD not fet mpfelfeageinft tbe to £ fcttermoffe of m? poteer.SOjis teas tbe caufe of putting fojtb mine 3nftituttons, botb to DefenD mp bjetfye fro tejongful flaunDer lobofe Deatb teas precious in (> £o?ds figbt: 0no alfo tbat (fojafmucb as mang feelp foules ft©D fcpon tbe point of libepumfljmet) otber fojein natios migbtatlefttotfebetoucbeD tettb fome greef i remote fru tbe.ifo? tbis bouge anD painful toojk (lucb as it is note)camc not tben abjoDe: but onel? a tbo;t manual : neptber Iohn Caluin to the Reader. tmtljcr foas it publiffjeo to an^ otber enb, tban to tefftfie tfjc faitlj oftbofeiobomSSfatwetobe foicfccblE ra^leb bppen b^tingoDl^ano falfe flatterers, jFurtbermoje tobttber my intente foas tco bunt fo^ fame,tt appeereo b£ my fpeeb^ Departure, fpectallp cenfioering tbat no man f bere feneto mee to be tbe autbo^ tberof. 3ftlbicb tbing 3 al* foa\>cs DiflTemblea in otber places alfo, ano fofoas minbeo ttobaue Doneftil,bntil3toasffaveDat Geneva, notfomucbebstbecounfell o? perfuafton, as bp tbe Djeaofull obteft ation of william Farel , as if <2od bao la^eo biolent ban& bppon mee from ^eauen. Mben tbe foarres bao ftoppeo m^ foai? tbat 31 coulo not go Directly tco strauf- brougb :■ 3 bab DetermineD to paflte toitb fucbe fpeeo, as tbat 3! fooulo not tan? aboue one nigbt in tbe Citie. £Uittlebefo;e,tbis gob man ano Peter Viret, baofo fojougbMbat ^oper^foas putt® f\i^W ; but as yit matters toere bnfettlebjano t\)t Cttie foas Diutoeb into ietob f nopfome factionsJDncman (tebo nofo bp fljamefull reuol* ting is turneo agetn to tbepapiffs) fejougbt me b]?anbt> t© fenofo* leoge. %\}t Farel (burning foitbmcreoiblejele to furtber t^t dDofc pell) foi^tb luitb bent all bis fo^ce to tbe bttermoft to ffa^ mee tbere, #no tehtn Ije bn&erffa&e 3 foas aooicteo to pjiuate ano fecret ftu* Dietafter be pcrceaueb be coulo p;>euaile notbing foitb me bp entree tanceibe fell to flatcurftng tbat (SoDfomlocurfe m^ reffinefle if 3 fftouloe foitbo^afo mp felfe frombelping tbem in fo great a neeoe, ^berebpon being ftrtdicn foitb feare,3 left my purpofeo iourne^ in (ucb tui?fje, as acfenofoleoging mpneofonefbamcfalfncffe ano fearefulneu~e,3 foalo not bjmo m\> felfe to take bppon mee any cer* tcin office . Scarce fofoer monetbes toere paffeo, foben toee lucre aflTaulteoon tbe onefifoeb^ tbe Anabaptifts ano on tbe otber fioe b?a certein foiefceo renegate , fobo being bpbi?l& foitb tbe fecret fuccours ofcertein noblemen,foas able toputbs to mucb trubblc. 3n tbe meane fobile,infoar& feoitions (s tbofe one bppon anotbers necbe)oio trjconDerfull^ toffe tisj being(Bi con feffc) of nature fear? ful,ano of a tenner $ fmal courage,tbougbt it toent fo^e ageintl mg bart tco bee toelcomeb foitb fucb raging Ito^mes at m^ firfte ente? rance.SDo lubicb altbogb 3 reelceo not : yit bao 3 not fo great front* neCTe to (rap nice bvy but tbat a reiorcco mo?e (ban bcecame nice in tbis trubblefonie tb,iolrjing of mee out . , £ino fo Icetng fet lore ano free from t\)is bono of fcocaf io,8i oetermineD to fit at rc^ in pjiuate Hate, bntillfbat mofl erccllenf minifter of Cl^ifi Martin Bucer tjftnglilse intreatancc as Farel -did, Djeiumcebacfee aget'nc tarn miiy fian^ing . Sberfo^e being UricUen toitb fearcb^ tbe erampJe . ^_ of Ihon Caluin to the Reader, of Jonas tubicb be bao alleogcc),3 p:ocec??!3 in tbe office of reading. #lfo lubcras 3 teas alfcoapcs like m£felf,ano{bunncDfamo:!fncs, 3 teas (3 tuotc not by tubat meanes) b:ougbt to tbe aireinbiyts of tbe £-mpire;tobcrc(Ujajlo 3 oj tocolD 3 not) 3 Urns faine to come in* to tbefigbt of many. ^fteriuaro toljen tbe ilojoc pitying fbis Citte baoappeafeB tbofeoeaolyturmoyles, t by bis tosmoerfiitlpolDcr bao oifappointeo as tuell tbeir luicKeo Deuyfes, as alfo their blouDy p:acti$es : tberefoasno fluftebut (contrary tomyijarrsDefire) 3 mult go to mine oloe ftanoing ageine. if oj altbcugb 31 baD nio?e re* garoeof tbe welfare of tbis Cburcb,tban tbat3 tooulo refufe to fuf* fer oeatb fo; it : yttnottoitbftanoing, mine ofone fearfutnes yaN loco mee manye pretences of ercufe , toby 3 fboulO not toillingly false fo bougeaburtben upponmy Ibouloers ageine. Sltlcngtbtbefearcof dDooanotb&truft of my cbarge ouercamemee, ano maocmee t© re* ttoje my feife ageine t© my florae from tobicb 31 toas baled atoaye. ipotobeeit tottb boto great fo;>otoc,toitb boto mucb to&ptng, $ tottb boin great greef,tbe 2lo?D is my bett toitnes, ano fo are many gooly men, tobicb tooulo bauetoilljeo mee to bauebinoifebargcoof tbat burtben,if tbe fame feare tobcrctoitb 3 toas ft rcyneo, baa not \)il%e tbem bouno as toel as me.if rom tbat time fotfb,if 3 ftjoulo tel tottb boto funojy encounters be crercifeo mee , ano toitb tobat tryalls bee p^coueo me, tbe ftojy tuoulo bee long. 115ut ten tbe intent 3 baing not fome lotbefomncffe tm my Keaoers by mine Unprofitable falUe : 3 notoc ageine o© b^cefiy repete tbat tobicb 3 f oucbeo a little before : namely tbat toben SDauio IbetoeO me tbe toay by bis oton fotff eps, 3 founo no fmall comfotfe tbereby. ifoj like as tbat boly fttng toas foje bayreo loitb continetoall toarres by tbe vhilijlims ano otber fo* reine foes, but moje fojer toounoeoby tbe intoaro malice ano \nit> ftconefiTe of faitbleflfe perfons at borne : fo 3 alfo beeiug affaulf eo on all ftocs baue fcarccly bao one Minutes reft, eytber from outtoaroe o? from intoaro Sgbtings, after tbat £>atban bao oftentimes p:actt> feo many tbings to ouertb?otoe tbe (fate of tbis Cburcb : it tame at lengtb to tbat point, tbat 3 wbo am fearful t Unapt foj tbe loarrcs, iwas compellco to bjeafee tbe oeaoly conflicts facetting mine otone booy ageinft tbem, tobole fiue tttres togitber,\uben frotoaroe men lucre furniftjeo loitb to mucbe potoer,ano tbat part of tbe comoual* tie alfo baing co jrupteo by tbeir 'enticements fou gbt unbjiceleo It* bertte : toe lucre faine to figbt continually foitbout ceafing,f o main tew goo o;oer,5f o? unto beatbcnilbe men ano oefpifers of tbe bca* uenly ooctrine,rbe oeftruction of tbe cburcb tuas but a trifle, fo tbey 1 **«t. migbt lhon Caluin to the Reader, migbtbaueobtci>ncotbc autbo^itie tobtcb tbep toilbcD,ta) tow&t fobat tbeg ItHeD at tbeir oion pleafure.span? foj Dertfj ano famine, and fome tb;ougb bnfatiablc £Unbttion,oj fiw greeDf gripplcncfle of fl)amefulgatnc,becamefo toiaoctbatconfounoing alltbings togp* tber,tbc2 bao Ictier to oettrop tbemfelucs ano bs to,tba tljct? &outo abioe tit o^oer.JDHring tbis long time 3 tbink tbe£ fcarce omittco a* itp tbtng tbat is to ont to be fojgeo in §£>atbans fbop. ipe^tfecr coulo tbere at le ngtb be an? olber c no of tbeir letoo p?acti$es, tban in tbc tbamcful Gaugbtcr of tbem,tobicb iuas euen a fojetoful ftgbt to me to beboloe, jfo j altbougb tbc? iuere tuagtb? of an? punifbmcnt : ?it bad 3! leucr tbe? mtgbt batte flejilbeo in welfare ano fafette : tobtcb bao come to palTctf tbe? bao not bin btterl?e bnobeoient tw all g©D counfel.SLbets fiue ?ccres tr?all toas bare ano troublefome to mee:f yit no leffe groruous teas tbe malice oftbofetbat foitb tbeir bene* mous Oaunocrs ceafe not to aCfaultmee anom? spiniffer?, jfojak bait tbat a great nomber are blinoeo in tbeir ofone lull of railing, fo as it fo?tbU)itb beto2a?etb tbeir fljamelefTencs to tbeir otone re* pjocbe : ano tbat tbc toilines of fome otbers cannot fo clofee ttjf , but tbat tbeg alfo b&ing conuicteo , lie bnoer fcote loif b ibame j rtt nor* iDttbdanoing toben a man batb bin purged from a faulfc a bundled times,tt is a bitter mw to bee call in tbe feetb toitb it lottbout an? caufe. IBieaufc 3 bpboloe tbat tbc mo^lde if gcuernco b? tbe fecrete pjouidence of omctrriueteouertb?olue ©00s euerfafting p;eoefrinatiou,U)bicbe puttctb a difference bettoeene tbe cbo^en ano t%t ofcafls.&tberfcme tafec tpon tbem tbc defence of free foill.#nd b? anobvviot fomucbtbetoantoffUil,as Sitoofenet tobatafcmoe of frotoaro indination,o:ab3Ctb man? to tbeir ftoc^oVue if our ope enemies bao put bs to tbcfe trouules,it toerc tea bee bo?nc. iiSut b?* caufe fyz$ l.urfe bnocr tr;e name of b;olbctboOc,ano not cnl? feco of Cfjiylles mod boly b^eao tbemfc!ues,butalfo minifrer tbc fame fa) otbcrs,beafting tl^mfrlucs luitb full mcutb to bee p^catbers of tbe dDofpcl : boU) octcftable a tbing is iUftat tfay Oioulo p;aai?c fo Uuc feco tnarrcsf ^eere ma\> 3 cf gtoO rigbt conjplaine luitb S>auio : tbe .man \uitl) tobcm 31 teas at pcace,ano tbat ate b?eao tottb mcbatfje ItftcD John Caluin to the Reader. iiftcD bp !jtsi We agctnft mec,$famt 4i.t&erf. 10. jaifo, pfalm, $$. (Her. 14. SppentierfreenDanDmv Companion tbat toenttoitbmce t©tljc2Ccmplcof0oD,lDttbtol)oma bauetafecn ftocete counfcll, batbafiaultcD mee toitb flaunocr I^fee an enemie. £>omefp;eo. iv bjoDe ba?ne tales of m? treafours: anD fome of m? taking to mucb bppon mee: anD otberfome p;ate of my Dc?nt? fare. #s tobo UndId fa?, bee istco bee counted ceant?,U)bicb contenting bimfclfe lottfj flcnocr fare ana apparell of tbe common meaner fojte, eractctb not tutn of tbe bafeft fojte rnoje tb^ift? fparing tban is to bee feme m bimfelf. £s foj rue autbojitie tobicb tbe? enu?e,toa)iD dD ^D E> tbe? migbt fucceebc in it : fo^ tbe? meafure m? foueretntie b? tbe bote* gencfle of tbe pannes tobcretoitb 31 am ouertobelmefc. Cbat 3 am no monieD man,if ttjer bee an? tbat 3 cannot perfuaDe tnb^lc 3i nue, m?Deafb ffjal fljeto it at ? lengtb^oUibcit a cofcUcJ am not peoje, b?caufe Bi couct no moae tban fufftfetb. <22Hberas in tbefe furm?fes tber is no colo? of trutb:?it dbrle 3i feeije peace,tbe^ rutb tco battell,pfal 1*0,7* if urtber* mo^e,bercinDootbtbet3nmcafurable\mfet!ni3netTe of tbemall be^ ixj?aE itfelfe,tbat on all f^ocs tbe? affault fucb a man as ttey ougbt to furcour,brcaufe bee is oittreffebfojbtslrouttranoing in Defence of tbeir com on*care, £>urel£tf tbe? bai5an? fp?ceofmanboDintbe» tbouab it U)erc neuer fc fmall : tbe fur? of tbe ^apttles tobtcb ruf* **.<;. (betb John Caluin to the Reader. fl&ctb topon tljmi tottb fun f^ce,ougbt to pacfefbeti? batre&, lucre it ncuer fo great. 115ut fotng tbat SDautos eftate &as fuel), tbat aU tbougb fjdc baa DcferucD toel of bis people,yit maris bateo ban toitb* out caufc,as b& complaynctb m tbe 6$.pfalm 5 . bo in b& payco tbat tubicb b& baD not tascn: tt toas no flcnoer comfort to nne, tuben 3 toa£s-allayle& U)ttft imoeferuco barren (by tbcfe,fobofc Deutie it baa ijtn to fcaue rcfaetoeD mee),taj frame myfclfe accojotng too fo noble ana excellent a pattern*, J^ea ano ttjis experience toas no fmall belp taimeetoj tbe tmocrftanoing of tbe pfalmes, lead 31 mygbt baue toanocreo as tit an bnkuotoen countrte. 3no tf J bee not oeceyucD, Vc be J erpounD tbe iutoaro mtemngs,a« toell of SDauio^as, of ctber men,tfee reaoers toil ronfeu"etbat3! intreat of tbtngo tobcrimtb31 ant toell acquayntco. jfurtbermo?e,toberea03lbaueenoeuereo too communicate tbe bfe of tbistreafuretmallgooly folae, altbougb 31 baue not atebceueo tbe tbing tbat 3 oefy^eo : ytttbts enoeuer oe* feruetb fometbanfees. #no yit 3 rcqueli none ofber rbing,but tljat cuery man accoutring tea tbe profit ano frute tbat b& iball receyue, toill become an topiygbt ano freenoly iuoge of my trauell. Certetn^ I^tberceningitfelfe (ball plainly flje\wetbat tobtcb 3 baue fayoe: namely,tbat 3! ncuer coueteo tojpleafe,furtberf tbe intent all toaunfing mygbt bee oifbarreo tbefurtberof ) 31 baae fo* tbe moft part abfteyneo from refufaaonstoberefceuertoasmimtfrcobntaima: any freefcopeof boafftng tbat migbtcury fauour.jpeytberbauej at any tymetou* cbeoconfrariem&nmgsjauetobere by boloing my peace 31 mygbt leaue my leasers Doubtf all ano in tbe bjeera. #no 3! am not igno* rant boiu utucbfto&ter 31 woulo baue bin t© many men if 3ibao Ijfeo allurements by manyfolo beaping ftp of rbmgs tbat mygbt mi* mfrer matter of ambitioufeglQ^ioufcnefifeJiBut 3 etfeemco notbtng moze tban to pjouyoc fo; tbe eoifying of tbe £t>urdi* <® ® K> tobo batbgyuenmce tbismyno,graunttbat fucceffe anfuierable tbere* tnto, gt Genua, tyz wiif, of 3ul#, 1557. " mn ■>'■' 1 m r» 1 ^"Iohn CaluinsCommentanQ ypon theTfalmes* ^ The contents of the firfl: Pfalme. IP hither it ycere ijeirds or feme other man that gathered the P/almes intj> one "volume , he feemeth to haue placed thii pfilme in the beginning inficdefapre- facatothentent to exhort all men to occupy them/clues m Gods law.The ftitnhie thP'of is> that thofe are happy vcbich apply their endcuer t*o the heauady wife - dome, and that the heathenifo defp ifers of Cod J) jail com c to an ill end3 thou o )■ for. 4 time they thwh^themfelues bujjed. Thefrfi Vfthnc. Lifted is the man that walkcth not in the counfcll of the vngodly, and ftandeth not in the way of the wicked^and fitteth not in the feat of the f korners : But delighteth in the law of the Lord;and occupieth hinafelfe in his law day and nifiht Bloljit Caiums Commentary. i [^efle&tetbeman4c.]Chte(a03J fayb cucn now.) is his eljcfc mccnmg,tbat it fl;aUaUrape0 go well with tfyebcuout Stforfbtppcrsof <15ob,wl;Uh enbeuer con= ttmtaity-to profite infus lavoe . -jforin z& mnty as the greater parte cf the worlijo fcluca into the (hares of fothamejt at leaft fcjpfe how few Do {bift themfelucs fro tl;c enticements of finite. Cfycrcfoje Ittftfoe] fboulDhaucfoiittlct"orecufl,J tti0H*eefra= rp for \>s to bnberiranb,tbat the worlo t& fraugbteb wit!) beablp corruption , fo a$j laugbethat tbctr rmiplicitic,a3thcugj)c thefiruTU>^toiiueweU,tstoforfafcetl;e be- c6pamj>oftfcelwgobip,wbicb clfcwouibj they DiO but iefc their labour : it $t»afi bourfui that tljep fljolD be tec eD wifb tlyis &ieiD:t!;at all men are wretcbeb without dPo&0 bltfling, $ that <$m is fauourable to none.but to fuel) a0 arc bent to his doc= trine. ^Bwbcit,btcaufcthcr Ijatl) euer= more reignefc fo grcate corruption in the worloc, tljat the common trabc of iuu'nge wa0 almoff nothmgc elfe but a falling fro tEJobaUa : before that the fD?opbetc be- nounceth the folovms of ibe law to be !;atiprV)egmerl; tbe warning to tahc beeb, that the? be not caricb awav witb tl?c on* gobiincFc i f the common fort, ^For be bc= ginning w«b abctcfiation of the cuill,tcl= let!; ttjcrip it. isnot pofftblc that anp man fijonlge applpljkt heart to tbcminsinrj of <2?3D0 law, onlcfc be gather m , nnbfeucr bmuclfefrcmtbcrclowajip of tbe »ngo»)3 ^.1 ptefctatleabmoniftmctutrclp. 5ro? we fee how bnabuifrblp all men caft tljcm attcintbs with tl;c infection thersr". 9na»| bicaufe in*bc firff place tbe #!> jepfcet Ijstfe wiilcD cbe goblp to beware of cmll :cttc0 : llet i>0 alfo fouow tbc fame ojber. wl;crs a0 be auoucl;ctb tbofe to be buffee y ^iiie notljing to bo wit?) tbcfengoDty: common r cafon anb opinion i»ouib scarce n&mtt it. $ or albeit tijatail men naturalise couct bbfiebne(Te:petbo wrefee, bowcarclcfijf c t\)Vo cocfeet il)t mfelues in f beufmne0:rca tljefurtber that enerp of tbem bail; ratin= geb from rigb>couHiCU"c ?.fter l;t0 otenc luJr^icrmfcbecbtdattbbiBbcartcbcfive, J)c is cotmtcb blitTsb. lBut clean cotttrarp^ wik tV,t )$£Og^te tcacbetb bete , tbat no man can be ngbilp nmiueD to. tbc ftarc^ wozQ)ipping of daob anb to;tbc fiubp c» bi0iawe,bntiiibe bee full? perfjyabci)^ allbngOblpmcnaro wrctcljca, s tb«'taU thofe Qjaibc wzappci u* m fan* mUcljief , 31 m John Cabins Commcntaric tltft Depart nata great wa? fro tbeir com^ p inr\ aBat bpcfcufe it is a baro matter ,m fad) iwfe to ft)tume $ bngcblp witbwJ/5 we arc uuer;ncDlet>,33 ti>at we map be aU to retber cftragcDfromtbem : tbepjopbet to augment tbe fejee of !)& erb02tation, bfetb a picnttfumeffe of woo?Dc0. 3!nD ftrft of at be fejbiDDctb b0 to walk m tbctr coufEUfcconoIp to frano tntbcir wap: ana iaftlp to fittc m tl)eii: feate . Cbe etlcct, !S tbat ©eim feruants muft enoeucr , Ms tctlpto abi)C?re tbctr mancro. tyyxbtit fojtomtub as ^atban crafttlp tbJuttecb to bt0Dcccrts0,leaft an? man fboaio be bcgi= ieDtmware*; :ti)ei2>2opbc.e fbfwctbafs tcr wbatfejtmcn are wont bp little anD itttle to tnrnc aCU>« from t&e ngbte wapc4 ;ff 02 tbtp protest not ac tbe fp2ftc oaPoc tco tlje p20ub contempt cf 45od. 0P»$ Srbsn tljsp r^aue ones began to glue care to cuiil (oanfeil , tben ^atb-m eggetb them further on from time to timc,ttl tbcp run belong into nta:ttf:ft falling awap. Cbeifo,e £ ^jopbctetegimwrb at [cotV fell:] b*> wbt'tfi termc 3B bnberftanD tbe IcwcneTs wbieb a0pet fbcwctb not it felfe abiooc Chen namctb be the [wa? jwbicb is taken to; tbe mancr anD tract cf fining. 3nD tfnrolp Jje imttctb tbe [feats] bp wlncljwoxDbs betokmctb(ma bojowcD matter of fpeetb) tbe fettlcbncCe tbat ifl eoctcscu of tJje cccinuall cuftomc of lining. Co tbeiame purpofe>-!fc ougbt tbcfctbjcc wojbeo [watke,ftani;,% « Utte,] to be res ferreb. jf oz- wben a man wiifuilp gotilj ad rap after bt0 Q^ne lercb ItiC0 , tbe cn- ftotnc of fuming makctb bim bzonken , fo as forgetting Ijimftif, be barDcnetf; i*W own naagbtm£&,wl;icb i0 tbe i|nn-j >' tbe #>,iopbet called), [to **««& in tlje wap. ]&? Je gtb folowctb Defprrate flubbo;ncffr,tb« Sobitbbenotetb bp tbe uier&pboji of fit* j ting, yoifitijtt there be tbe fime goinge Ibp O£grcc0 in tbe S^etneajiDOjaeB. i [^fiM^niaB,CM«WiU^m.] let Ot!)er mm cesser. e laft Soo;ir. .-ic^rljeparc called } fJ?k©?ners\]T3?bKb caftmg awapaUfeare of ^ob, pjeiUau to fmne c!je mo^e bolDlp, bitaufttbopfcapebnpimiSbeo, f fcitijout j r emo^fc fcaffe at gobs UDgifc c*i:,a0 tl^cugb ; »v-c p Eboulfc neuer ccme too account fsj j it . ^otTCitbaaaOmg , bic&ufe tbe Jje= ^ue0 feri! fito;ai;ar8i«an:fcftJpi»jic^e5, [Cataim-.] it 10 not amiffe tbat tbep are tnatcbcb toitb f p^ofeffebmaner of iining. $o\» tb5 if in tbctime of tbe ?$?opbct , it frooi f ocuoutSoc?Jbippcr0 of goo in bsb to witbbjan? tbemfcluc0 fro ti;e fclo^ofbip of Ac bngobip, too tbentent tl;cp mpgfet* frame tbctr life arigbt : tben at t'010 bape, the corrupter tbat tbe Saojl5 is , fo imit^e tbe mo}z carefullp zmib tcce f^unne aU nopfomcfelofbippc, tbat »e map be pje= ferucb pure front tbe beftlemcnto tbcrcf. 3Cna pet tbe £) jopbetc not cnlp comman= betb tbefaitbfultob^aw bacfee fro tbebn- gcDlp.leaft tbsir infectto OjoID atteir.t tbr : 25nt atfo bi0 Sofirnwa ertenuetb tt>n0 faiTC,tbatnoman fbcuft be a fcl;cicmat^ Her cf bngobiinciTe to tymfclit. jf 02 ft map fail cut, tbat l;e£t>!?icb i)Bti) taken no bicmifb bp eutll ejcamplc,tnap nottritbfift- bing become like bnto tbe cuiil bp coun- ter.citng of bis otone accoabe. 3n tlje feconb t crfc be botb not Qmpip pzonouncf tbofcblcffcD tbat feared oo (80 in otljcr placco) :butbebctofeenetb geblinefTebp tljcftubp of tbcla»e. itl;ercbp fecc are taugbttyatiSob !0not otljerscife fooojs fbtppooarigb^.tbanivbe bt0is?o;6ci0o= bcpcD.^bcnmuftnotcuerp man bcuifca religion nftcr bi0 oiune fancpetbuttbe ruleofdBioblineiremuftbcfetcbeb oute of <5cS3 iyoo?Dc. xo\}exasin tyitt place be fpeaketl), tnlp of tjje lavoc. it is not to bee taken in fuclje fepfe , 30 tpngb tbe reft of t3ji fcriptnre (boib beareno ffcavc :.but ratber foiafmuc^c a© all tlje iol;oie fcrip- ture is notbingctotban an ejepofttien of H)t lawc,bnbcr tt,o$ tbe bcab,i0 compnes benbeb allttjeiob^cbobp. Cije )i>2opbct tbtrefojc commenoctb t^elawe ioitb tbe ap?nrtenacc0.i^cul;er coulb it otbertrife .ftanb (febicb J, fapbs encn now) tljat it wad I)t0purpofe toe:t;o)tctbe faptbfull totyereaotng of tlje ^falmc0 alfo. 3nb tobera* be rcqunretb at tbe fir ft , tbat [tbe bclpgbt of tlje gcbip fboulbbc in tbe lawe of tbe H 02b : ] bp tbefc luo^ocB wee map lerne tbatconftrapneb 02 bond ferupng of (Boo t0 in no wife allowable, 9 tbat none otber are meete J?ifcipl»e of tbe lawe,but rl)ofe tbat come to ittoitl) a cbercful minb, anb wbotl)e Doctrine tbcrof beligbtetb in fucbwpfe,tl)attb'P atcofitnotbing moje Deere 02 mo2e fwetctban topi^fit in tbe faint&Hit 0? t%\$ loue of ri;e laweflowetb tbe, vppon the fyrft. Pfalmc. 2 imgiy stexciic rbemf clues in it, ^IJofo eucrtbey arc that be tcucrjeo wrrb the tbc continuail minowg of it , febieb the ^opbetc menctonett) by ano by after. ..# 0? it cannot be,bnc that they mu&fril' louc tbci-of. 3 And he shalbclikc a tree planted by the riucrs fydc, which shall yeldc his frute in dew fcafbn, and whofc leafc shall ncuer fall awaye : and what fbeucrbedocthitshall profper. ^cborbbeaatiSerh anbalfo confirmed the fentf ce going bcfQjc,fc>itb a umilitubc. jfozbc 0) ci»ctb after tobatfojtetbey are to be countea bapp?c,tbat fc-arc $od: na= uttly, not bycaufe they caioye atranfitojy anb baync glabncffc fo* the earning of a banoc ,but becaufe thru cftate is frcove. 3tab there is a certain coucrt fctting toge* tber of eontrarics,bcttr>cnc the frefiincfTe oftl; is plateD iaamoya plottc, anb the facing beanryc of f totjtclj though it flouflj trimly fo? a&bylc,botb notwitlj ftSDing foonc toiler by rcafon of the bar* rci.weffe of tbc foyle. ;#g? as eonccrntnge tbc bngobly , foe (ball fee in the pfal. : 7. 55. Cbat they are ercwbyle lybe the ce j bers of kibamis. ^01 tbcp fwir.i infacb fe)ife in ail abundance of fcjcltb,? honour, tbat nothing icantctb fc/bicbmeyc mafee tbctttbapppctntbtsfoo^lbe/Sut be the? groa>cnneuerfobygb,8nb tocabtbey out their boucrbes neucr fofarre ab^ooe : pet becaufe tbeybaue no rocte in tbe grouno, ne mopft»r e fuSnfctb them to mainteine 4. So are not the vngodly, but as the chaflfe which the wynde IcatCereth their fappe: til the &)!jele beautpe of then; cytberbanilbetbfperifbctb out of hanu, oj els icittjereth, away/jt is onl? the bki Cng of ©05 thrive, tbat msintfUKtti) s tn»orpcrousttatc.Cbc-P £ by tbtefomju tube 00 gather ,tbst tbe caufc fcby y fattg- full b2ingfoo?tb tbetr frute in feaion , ac foj that they feif folly bifecrne iwtjen goob is to bebtme : be (m my infegctxent) rea^ fon mojc- fubtly then tbc pzopbeic mart. ;fo; be ment nothing els but tbatd^abs cbilDiai flo^ifljc continually ,anu are al= fc>ay*s Saatrcbfettb tbe fccrctc dfrace of <£oe, foasSobarfacuerbappcnetbto tb§ ta a&trtbcrauncc to tbcit toelfare , when eseptberf fobctnefto?me i»au)Ctb away the tongobiy^ ds cjcccflwcbeatc fcatrth tbc bp. atno Soberas be fayctb tbey b?ing fo^b tl)6ir frute in bcu> feafon : by fe toy* tiSbe ctrp;efTcti; tbetr ful ripcnc£e:fercatu"e tbatalti;ougb tbc t-ngobly maKe a fboroe ofbafty frutc: yet boo tbeybjinge fsojtt!) notbing.but fucb as conuftctb, fojtb befj? t Ijts full tune. $c might bauecoparebtljcbngcblyeto a tree that foone £oitberctb , as jB 6remyc in\)is. 17 .chap. 6. bcr.lifccnetb them to Scathe tbatgrotDctbin tbc i»ilberncO>. H?ut being not content frith this ftiniit - tuoc,be caftctb t'oem bor^nSBitb far greas ter Defppgbt: berrlp bycaufe l;e hatb not an eye to tbeir ioly pjofperttie febctin the? bauntthcmfclucsfoj a aiojttime,aut ra= tljcrfc^£tl)5»hat tnanerofenofball be= tyocthtm at length. Cbcrfcjctbemea= nina is , that though the bngctiyc banc p:ofpcrttienoa:c,rctfeifinn aSrhyJc they fbalbcliKctocbaflfc, bycaufe that offooae asthelo?bc ftjnlihauc brought thct« fcn^ bcr fba! toff? thesn lnt!;cr ano t\)ir therfoitb ybiaftofhtSt»?atb.^o?23urr , bythismaner offpeeche, thcfcolfcgbotfe ; teacbrthbs to b«bo*b that thing ixjittj !l;al eyes of our faith, febicb, ctljcnrife wysht j fecinc incrcbifcie. fh; although f bngcbi ly perfonc pcrtte bp hUc a bi£«jc trc: ; fct muft S»cc sfiUrc ear ffimrs, that he Biiflfec as chafit o^bjofTe.aflcone as ©cb liftct!) ] • to caliboanehis ^e»ghtixoithht» bjsatij. \\ Thcrroro shall not the vngodly ftand in iudgement, not' the wicked in the congregation of the rightuoufe. 6., For the Lord knov/eth the waye of the rightuoufe t and the wave of j at tl^cp iocre but D?unUen Sohcn tbep tboughtc tbemfelues moil! bappie . \vz fee now l;ooo m jOzopbctc auoucbethtbc&ngoDlpc to be miferablc , bpeaufebapppneffe is one- of tbeintcar&e goobesof the coi'tcicnee. $^c Denies!) not but tb at before tbcp bebjtiuen to tbc trpal ,al t lungs go S»ell to ithrihCHt : but be besu'etbthemtobe bapppe , onlciTe tbep be founbeubponiiibirantiaianb'ftcbi faft purcncfiV. ifeibp tbc trpalt of tyz fbcD ail ioapes, noz in all men : fcjee, muft patiently waptfoz tbc bap of the-la^'itucs lacion, in icbtcb, <£ tjitft (fcal fepajate.the ILainbesfrom tt;c (£ctcsVi$cu>bcu\itis to bcljilo , that generailp the bngosip are appsintcb to nnfebicfc , bpcaufc tbepare mine in tr>cic o.ponc confctsnccs : ans bps caufc that ss often as thep are calico to ac- count of tijeir Kfctctng as itSnerc toafce; neb from flcepe ,• tlrfv pcrceiuett feasbut a Dzeamc that tbep femeb bapppe to th cm; (clues , fenttttbep lokeD into tbfm felt-rcs. « /frotwithftanBmg.fozxifmucbe as thinges fcemc to be toficD bere at auentur e , anb it ijshpt-cafpe info cSfufeb mingling, to fino the mccntng of tbc pzopbete : tberfcjc be callctbbsbacKcagaintoan other pzincfc pic: /ftamelp tbat <2>oD is tl^c iubge oftl;e i»ojlDe.wb.eruponitfolovoctb,t!)atitcan not be pofltbie,but it mulr go £»cl with the fcpzigbts'iulrpcrfones : $ that fetter Dc= ftractio muG light upon p" fcnsoblp.Che*: goob, appcarcth their true paren-cflTc- in*, foje although (to owtwarbc apperance) ibecnD. i$ozeciteralthoughcthe &ozbe ' thS purcneffe cftberoczfbippercwtf <£oo. bobaplp execute tbc iubgement bp Sobtch' bcputlctb a Difference bcttoene tberisb- tuoufcanb tbe rcpjobat.«: Tctnotwit!;^ Ganbfng bpcaufe tbc fame is boonc bat in part onelp: it is meet fee fl)OlD lift bp our epes !)pgbcr,if i»ee purpofc to bebolD t!)e congregation of tbe rightuonfe ibl)erof mencion is maDcintliis place. CEuen wows trculp bcginnetl) tbe p?ofp critic of t1je\;n= goui? to faoe aroap,as often as ©oo, Ipttc- re^i; fojtl) tbc fignes of i;:s iuDgcmet; JF.o^ t])cn beingc ioakeneb , tl^ep arc, fntofeD Either tljepSuti o?no,toacfenbiblcp5;j * booted). them nothing at ail : ict tjctwitlj-- ftanbmg tndmuclje as it iis tij'z peculiar office of d5oD,too?fcnDt!>eifn ahoto iape fojtl;cirfv.ft?e ?t!;cp mnft cfnccculticbce happreUn'jcrbbpjctection.Snbbcrupo 8..uin€»c map gat!;cr, tljnt beeaufe he is an afliltea aaetiger of itti:be^ncfie,5)e fcjill at length beftrcp all t\)c •vnigobip', though l;c "bialx at them fo? a timc.Wherfo?c leafl: their fantafmal fdicitie map bcccpuc kt:: IztMsin aUtrpablcs am turmoplcs, fct befpjteijs the pjouifiencc of CBoo /iLhofc buctpe it is to fettle tl»? aatc of the SooziD _ n t\)zy> arc bamlbeD from the companp of the . accojbtng tn i\)t rightfqup^Cr. S.obl^.2i3ut bgcaufe this ts not accompli? The contents of tliefecond Pfaline. .Dduid hojicth that hi1: 'kjngttowe-, although it be a fj ay led with hot/re niulti- iucle of enemies and mighty e power ■, (I d vofwithftaridyn^ be perpetual, byeaufe it is ypb'ild by the hand ^r p nverofGod. He addeth alfo that it Jhalbe erjUiyedcucn to the yttermoU coajles oftheeartlh vtitftgie his enemies. *And 't her fore he exhvr- feth Kings and other wagiflrats to lay downe their pride }and 'with tnecke haristo take they okt. 'that 'the Lorde, layesyp^on them ,byc*nfeit is in vain for them to ■j'h-H^le to (hake it of. Neuertbelejfe » this figure anteincth a pophceie concer- n in \ drifts Kino dome that* wa-s & cetou The r'ppon thefccondPfalme. Tbc fecond Pjklme. H Ydoo nacions rage,and why c!oo people murmuf in vainc? The kings of the earth band thcmfelucs and the princes arcaf- fembled together in counfel againft the Lord & againft his Chrift. 3 Let vs breake their bondes afunder, and let vs call their yoke from vs. YDefenotoboromanp confpireb agafnft fojljolc i»o?!De lapb tbeir bcabs togitber 1Daum,anD enbeucrcD to let bpm tijat be fboulb not rctgnc,bp tobem be migbt bee put in fucb feare (accoxbing to tbe fenfe of tbc flcftc,) tbat be migbt bp anb bp baue caftaroap ail bope of being bing. 3lnD no Doubt but be Soas bjiue to SvzeQIc fo:ow- fullp againft moft grcuous temptations, n? tit bpcaufe be Id as iocll aflurcb in totals fclfe,tbatbcbab attemptcb nothing rafts If, (as ambition ana leaub luft moue ma; npctoinnouation of tljmgs 0 but ratl;cr foao tijjougblp pcrfuabcb,tbat fcobcras be couetee no fuebe tbingc , be iaas treatcb feingbv tbc appointment of <£od : be raps feb inmfcifc fontb CQuragcoufe trufte a? gainft all tbeiDOzibc,accsxbing ap be rop? allp bauntctb in tbefcioozbes, asft>ell a- gainft tbe kings as tbeir armr-cs^ e cons f eflctb in becbe that be batb a barb encous tcr ,foz tbat not onelp a fmaii bano , but to bole nations to ttbtbnr Kings confpirc againft bint. 215 ut aftcttuarbc be boairctb courageouflpc tbat tbeir fo boinge is in bapne, bpcaufe tbcpfetagebattcll, nota= gainfteamojtallman, but agatnftc <25ob bimfdfe.319 ozeoucr it iff bncertcine ft>b»c tljcr befpabe onelp of inroarb enemies, oz tobitber be t jctcno bis complaint to fo;ci= nets alfo. Ccrtctnip in afmucbe as enes mies rofebp againft bint on all fpocs, anb tbat asfooneas be bab pacifpeb tbe tu= mults among bis owne people , bis neigbs bows alfo (tabing their turnc) S»ere at beablp foobc feitl) b»nt : H toiliinglp abs mit tbat be mccnetbtbembotb , as Soell tbe3!eajsas tbe<0errtples.;f ojutioerea barb manet of fpeeebe , tbat bnber manp nacios anb peoples, t ut one nation Cb onto be mcnt:nno alfo tbat mention fbouib bee mabe of i nanp bings, if be ment but onelp &aulc. 115 efpbcs tbio it agreetb better to tbe accomplifbmet of tbe figure, tbat funs Djp fortes of enempes fboulo bsebntt tos gctljer : foj&>cbnott>ctbatCb£ift bab to bo,not onelp &>i?b boufeljolb cncmics,bnt alfo foitb f o?remcrs,in fo nmclje as all tbe to pzacttfe bwf beftruction . 2£nb fitfte tbc 31 ewes began to rage againfte <£ b?tft , as tbcp bab erft ooonc againft JDautb:cnD aftcrtoarbc Ipbc mabncOc caught otl;er nacions alfo. ^bis is tbe fumme , tbat ais tbougb tbcp toW) go about to euertbzoto bim,be able to mabe neuer fo ftrong f o;ce, pet are tbeir topxozes bapne, anb tbeir be- uifes to no purpofe. jf n attributing corns motion anDbp?o;etorbc pcopic,aM) = ting too tabe counfel to tbebinge s Gatrs, be fpabc mott aptlp.lgp tbeirap bisme^ ntng is, tbat Sobcn tbe bings baue cons fultcb neuer fo long anb neuer fo mutcb , anb Sobcn tbe people bau c poioicD out all tbeir fppgbt,tbep fball all auaple notbing. l&utrtje reafon of bis affurance Us to be marbeb: namelp tbat be tb;uft not bimfclf into tbc feege ropall, rafblpe op \>ppon bis o ir>nc bcab, but onelp felon? cb tbe calling of d5ob. iT>beTbpbcgatbcretb,tbat in bis pcrfonc €>ob is bcaueb at , bpcaufc it can not be but tbat t£ob mult fl? ewe bpmfelfe befenbcroftbebingbomc,wbcrofbe is tbe founbtr.jfo^in bono?ing bimfeU toitb tbe tptlc of fllf) efftas c? anointeb,bc gmctb to tnberftanbc.tbatbercignetb not butbp tbc authentic f tomtuaunDcment of <©ob, bpcaufe tbc ople tbat fcoas b? ougbt to bint bp tije banb of &amucll,crcateb b»m btng of a pziuate perfone. JDauibs enemies tbong!)t not tbat tl>cir liriuinge i»as ^ gainft b# po.lcr itis toaa created &ing, not fo much, i cj b'»S oionc Ufec,as to repje 1 fent the image ottbc rcDcctncr. astb?ougb= lp ftabliibeb in the perfonc of Cfojuft : tne rhrngstbatbc otterctb of bimfcli'c.arc not ctolemlp oj altcgoftcalip Sojefteb too C^tft,bnt ticvoi? $->jophef?cD of him. jioz if xott marks ioeil ti,»e nature of the hmgDome, it were a feno thing too ieauc the cnb oj mark, ano too flap in the firft fbaDOvccofit. Chat <2TIj?tfts Umgbome 10 Ijeere Ocfcrtbcotoobs bpthe fptrit of pvipbcfpe.tbe atpoftlcs arc fufneient fcut= neffes , iobo bcboloing the ongfrDip too confppjcagainft£b?tlt, 00 arme tl)em- fclucs to pjaicr ioitb tbts boctrine. 3lct. 4. 1 +.l&'jit Icaft our favrb map be fubtect to anp qnarelimgo: it appeared openip bp all ? ^Q*hets,that the things iob'.cb 2Dauio hati} Soitnctfeb coccrning hiffjoam fcingoomc ,boo fitlp agree bnto <£!#!&<> Cberfoxe let tins beafure ground, rbat rcbofoenectbep be tbatfubmit not tbem= fduss onber the goucrucment of Cl^iJe, the? make toarre agcinft 4&oD. fQ% fctng it plcafeth (Sob to rule 00 bp tfte band of his fonstr: tnitrwlp do t^tp piefcflel&eius fsiuca not too refute bis obedience, iobicb rciufctooobep ChJift IriutfcIfc.Jfojitis a treu? faping, Sobofoeuer bonojteih not the fomie, neptber ijo?io?e4l>Ij« the father that fentbmt 3flol>n.5 23 atuditftauDctbuS gvcutlp infyari* to bold faft this fcnfepa= tabic comunctton, that Iter as the #a istfie of ip cnlp tejotren ionne :fo tljc father ioii not bee rsacrenceaanb loojdjippei but inijisperj fonc. jBeto,out of ti;t0 place map be picScb a Dubbl? cotnfojt. $o}ns oft as nf&ali 'oa^pen that tl)c5ao;lb ragctb, to then tent too Duturb oj, binber Cb?!ft0 hpng= borne; if it commc to our remembrance that that thing 10 fulfillcb Ssbicbc iuas fo^efpofeen long ago , no aitcracicn (ball abailj be : yea rather it fijall greatlp a^ uaple bs.'.fiucc compare the things that the $pofilc0 taftcb, iyith tbcp;cfcnt cr- amplec. ii)f it felfc Ch?iCs buigosmc i»oulb bee quict,anb from thence iflrojf th treio peace to the ioojtlo: butithap^ eneth through the Default ano malice of men, that it ncuerpu-.tctb bpht0hcab With- out trouble. ix>bcrfoie it is no fcjoonber- full oj bnvcoontcb thing , if the £»c;Id be- gmtobufaleaffooncaoa th?onc is a fct- tmg bp foj Ch?iO. Che other comfojt fo^ loioeth,that i»hen the bngoblp hauc lavD their fojee togitljcr, although bppon truft cf their innumerable multttuce, riches, ? furniture , tbep not onelp fpcto out pjoub blafphempes ,but alfo funoufip afTaultc heauen :pit maptoee fauflp laugh them to ffeojnr, bppon truft of tins oneiooojD, that thep mafcc their chalenDge to OD,u)ith irbom thep P.jaII not pjcunplc, anb therfojc all (halbce but fonb 9 baine, fohatfocuer the? attempt Without cea= fing. itct bs lernc further, that this Dec- time cutcnbcth to the Sobolc courfc of the f&ofpeii.-jFo;, ti;at draper of the 3apoftlci i»hich 3 citcb cuen novo,Dooth mamfeftip iDitneue,thatit otpghtnot to be rcfircp- neb onip to tiA" t-erfoite of ul hjtft. 3. 3LctbSb?caK««c. 3 1 is a fcpntng of perfonc,^oherintl)«,i9uephcte bjungerb m his enempes tbentcnt he map the better erpjctle theic Swe^eo anb trap= tenuis Dcupfeinc^thatrhep opsnl?p?oF; fcfTcD thcmfcluesrctfUes ageinft i;c:what i'o-, euer their mouths IpaUe ,ptt their con- fulting ioas to this cnb , bow thep mpgbt ouerth^ocoe the Uingbome that iods fct too bp <©0D. 3iub furelp 3 bout uot , but rtjatby terming bis goucrnement meta= pbo?ically by ft;c name of[bonbcs ? yoke] in tijc perfonc cf tb? , be coucrtiy fauntct \y tbeir pjttac. jf o? be bjingctb the tn,fpcfcing otfocynfully ,30 it Socrc of fome fiauilb $ j^ppon^hefecond Pfalme. 4 feet fbamefuU fubtectton , eccojDtnp; a. fee nil Ctytfts enemyes to rafce it no leffe to bart if tt/ey bee coinpclleo to bcefubirct to his goucrncincnt, than if tbey focrc put to tbefcttmr.ofr fbamctbatcculbbc. 4. He that dwelleth in hcauen will laugh them to skorne. The Lord will haue them in denfion. f. Then will he fpeakc vnto them in his wrath;and he wy 11 trouble thern in his fore difpleafurc. 1 hauc anoynted him my King vppon my holy hill of Sicn. 6. Sftcr that jDaiiiD bath rcbcrccb the S;uf flm.x, tbe p?iute pacUmg, * the p;ycc, the famitureanBpoa-crc^notbc fttcngtb .£ a»tcmptcs of bis enemies :agatn(l aiUKttf rbirgs bcfcttctl) goes might; fcbtcb to be iulbnitagamfttbcm be gathered) hereby, btcanfctberfcigl)tagatnf> b'Sbetrcc:2Snb) u^cb of tl;cHi ti)atffrt tlicfcltif0 ar bi£ tike asa tittle befuie , by terming ibem i ing0 cf tl)C card), be noteo t!;cir f r ay I* $ ajitnle (tf,tc:fo norr agcinby naming d&cb djc tiSrcltcrtn bcauen,bc by d*ts tytlccics tollctb b'-s power astf l;c fboulb fay, it continewcrh fa«f ar-b fcnsppay?cD, Srbat Ije-feil r.trb qutct content ft; a time , eon fofib v tnalapf rtr.f (Tr cf bis ettonwiB. 1& v this abucrb [tben,] be bcrcncncdjtbefit tmic of iubr.cment : as if bch< b favb , af= foonc a& it thai fecmc goco bntf> d/e J.c?b tc make none account eftbe it itfeco wat-- j& oimf skii*ccomc:IjcS»;iIifobctnly rut nc biscopyc,an5 fbcivcthatbc mifabcta no= thing fo mutt) , a0 (mh malapcrtnctTc, $$ cj ccucr be attributed; $ced)bntc gob, not to mfiruct tl;e enemies feithnil , tut only to ccuinectbetrmaonefrc.yca,by tl;e foeuer men boo practise it foj, &?oo?b rfpen^c] he mcenctb uot!)ii;s elfc though tbey tiaunt fbenuelues neuevfoi but a nuaiifcft fbcirtng fcc;tb or .Cob* &vatf),£or)ic')f feiefceb pcrcerue not iyll mud), ?it fhaU tbey net rcachc intoo bca= ucn :butrat!;crfohyiethey tbinUto com feunbheauen anb card; tcogrdjet , tbey DocbutlcapeliKc grciTcboppcrs ranb -tl;-c 3Loib all tbe ubyle btborocrb their fvans tic-Kc turn:c^liucs,quietl? fretp aioft.Snb be attributed; laugbttr bntc Cobfoz two caufes : fivG that 5yc may Knou c V,t\v be barl; no neebc cf great ijtfls to tcp?cficmc y feicUebly rife v»jp agcir.u buu,a0 ti;Ov»tb it feerc a bart) a pctnfuil matter , but y \)C tbey fele tt.fcauits t^ougbt tiuy uagbt eafly bruc t tfrrottb iDauiD , foj y ^cccmmf/Cutofa filic fbcpbc!ti0e©te>b&& raGjly teken bpo him to be fcing.^be pto pl;-cfp $ aucynting cf ^amuciSsas & t\)i up better tb* n a niaygc-jue.^ ut Sr be get i;aD at lengt'; c-ucttbowen tbem, 9 ftttlcb fc-auibm tbe feingbttnc : Ijcfpafec, not lb much & bis tur g as it his banb , to Q; ctt> openly $> be bimfeif ioas tbe founber cf f feillbco it icub ff.fe as efts \\ as be Ul;eti;... feinatom Cbcrfo?c let bs tcrne,y 5Dpiu0 3m& fecrcly be tioib bs'to nnociflab,tbat - entreated; beerc oi ^ooiUfullfpefcbifebe fc>lcn<25ob fuffcretljbtsfonneo feingfceime ] y Icjio fpcabingnoS»oo,iD at ali,bpotb r:c- tobctrcubicb,bcccafctl)notby£aulc be is, ucvtbelcfrcopclybeclaretis Octeimupci- cyU)eroceupitbcifevrberc,o?ishctabicto>, en. ^o^alfe as often as be by tlcabmg fccccur ,01 Keclcctctb tbe pffiiw cil;i/j; foejtblsf-S^atbmainicynctbbis^ones 5)cne: but bclayetb f tcucugcjucnt fo^;| ' lu gicmac-c'infly brgr:&!y,bctrfcruerbe. nonccbnnltbcirmabntfn: beful ripe,? ti>c , bclb bispcace , m bcry becjee be fpcabcirj nwfec*|itbc a iarcgl in^fi QcHcV *. ct bs al'^ loivD. ? firiivaTi? JDauip(li:nbc.r^.pcr.tcne mfe QurTclufEti;e;fc;c, y t'ltbcugb «^ob otgobjfl-tvcetbtitet^ pia.niy,i;&u; bi£ enc micorulb iuicKefcly agemft it,tbat be is further of fro cartbip mcn,tijan that the whole mul= tltubeoftbemcan onemptebefacetbe glo= rie of bfm alone. Cbetfojeas often as ma0 power id Dzeabfullto b0, let bs bctbinfec our felucs ban? ranch <©ob alone i0 able to outwep than ♦ after in t!)ct0 woozaes is fet f oo.itb bnto bs the bncbangcablc be? cree of 459D,wbicb mult (lap up ourfaitb amib the troublefome ftozmes of? wozlb: berelp bpcmtfe <©od Sx>il out of bout main= ttine unto $ enD.lns fon0 HingDome whet of l;et0tl;e founDcr.CbcrfojG wbatfocucr me do pjactije againft it,lcttbiS one thing fuifife bs,tbat (J5oDo anointing can not be wppcD out bp them. & ere i0 mentio mabe of [i^ount *>ton] bp etpicflc woezbes: 7. I will prenche the lawe whereof the Lord hath laid to mec : thou art my Sonne3this day haue I begotten thee. 8. Defy re of mee,and I wil giue thee the heathen for thine inheritaunce, and the vttermoft cofts of the earth for thy poifcfsion. C J wtl pzeaebe qec] Co tbenret that t>ta uib might take all pzctenccof^lgnozance from bis enemies , he tafceth bppon bpm th^ office of apzeacbcrtopttbliftje <25ods not foztbat JDauib was anointeb there firftc , but foz that aftcrwaroc in Ijio i)ca»time, the footbfatfncflTe of the |2>zo= pbefpewas Ojcwcb there bp the cercmos np of folcmncconfccrarion,f (tabfiSjeb bp bzingmgittopafle . iftow although that JDauib haue bv tbcis wczbes calicD bacae himfclfcano others to <25ods promts : v^t notuntbftanDing he ment tberroitball to giue bs to bnDerftanbetbat hts bingDom tsbolp anD bnfcparablc from the temple of <5oD. oi5 ut this agrecth moze truelp to Cbztfts feingbomc, Which wee fcnoroe to be both fpirituall anD alfo iopncD with the piccftboD, pea anD to bee the cheef part of (goDsferuis. Decree : oz at leaft wpfc he pzotcfteth that he commcth not foitbout an aflureb anD manifeft warrant of bi^ calling: 80 if he fholo iape,be ftcpt not out raOjlp to bfurp tbcHingDomc , but he brought with him the comaunDmcnt of d5oD, without which it hab bin a rafbneffe fo? tym to haue moil* tcD to that efface, $owbeit, this was moze ttulp fulfilleb in Cbzrtl: anb no Dout but jDauiDbp the fpirit of pzopbefpe haD afpectallcpcbntobim. ^Fozin tbisSupfe arc all the bngoblp mabe bncpeufable, that not onlp bp miracles Chztftc pzoueo btmfcifetdtyaucbtncnDcwcb with lawful power from <£taD , but alio mabe it mani- fell bp pzcacbmg of the (£ofpell.yca $ tb« : fdffame witnefl: founbet!) Daplp though the whole SaozlDc. $at although rl>« 3U potttts 'avQz of gll ioitncfTeb that €\ftiftz fcjas creatcD htng bp <0oo the father,anD after them the teachers anb bocto?S cjccc** 3 teDtt)e fame oiftcc : petinafmuch asthep ail came of ambaflaDe inCh^ifteSfteo, h& botl^righrip anb fitlp chalenge to h»nfelfe: alone,^Dhatfoeucr he hath boone bp them. 3mo therfoje Cph- ^17. paure attrtbtt- tttt) bnto \)if$ perfonc , ftbatfozuev t\)G preachers of the ©ofpclhauc boone in hio name, became (fapcth bO anb p^eacheb peace to thofe that ioereneere anD farre. l^c»:ebp alfo is the autbojitic of the <0of- pel the better ftaoli(i;cb,f oj that although it be publiu^eb bp others,pet it ceafctb not tobecallcb anhjifts.^pojasoftenasioce hear c the 6ofpel at menncs hanbes , iocc muftc t'htnbic , it is not fo tr.twhc tljcp , as Cb;ufl: that fpcaKetb bp their mouth. 3nb tln0 10 a Angular bcnefitc,that. Icaftc Succ fboulbe Dout of the maieftie of Ch?tfts feingDome : he himfelf alluteth bs gcntlp bnto hpm bp Ins ovvne bopce. jt it refpect i»herofi»ecmuftbcthciuarer,that foee bo not Soicbcbip refufcthe latoe iubich he publithcth ♦ [Chouartmifonne.]^u= telp Dauib in refpect that he &>as a rights ful bing,mtght lawfullp haue bin counteb <5oDsfonnc,accojDmgasiiDe fenotre that p^mces, bpcaufethep ejecel other men , are calleo <]5oD0,anD the fonncs of <5oD.li3ut in this place, <5oD,bp honoring iDauiD S»ith tljiss lingular ftplc, auancetl>bM»lPt onlp aboueall mojtall iopghts.but atfo a= boucthe 3ngels. wha0 neuet anp aungel that bab fo much fapb to him. $ 0? although 5DatttD iocrc inferiour to the 3inge!s ; pet ttotwithftanbing,fofarfo?th as he jvppon the feconcf Pfalme. < a0 be bare tijc perfonc of Cb?ift , be was fcjoojtbelp pjcfcrreD a great wap before tbem. net b0bnowe tbcrfojte tbat bv tbe fon of <2?od in tl»0 placc,f0not mentfome one fonnc among manp, but tbe onelp bes gotten fonne, tbatije alone Q) oulbc fur^ mount all others botlj in bcaucn and in eartb-2>nb fcbetas tf>ob faitb be batb bc- gottebnn:iti0incnta0 in refpect of mass bnberftaabing o; bnowlebge. $op ZDa; uio ferns tben begotten of q15od , fe>bcn bis election wa0apparentlp mantfeft. % no tl)erfo?etbeiswo?bcs[tbisDap,]bctOBen tbetimc of bismanifeftatio :bpcaufc tbat aflbone as it fe>a0bnowen tbat \)Z was ercateb bing bp itneu"cD bun to be bte fonne . 31 bnowe tbat manp baue eje; pounbcD tbi0 plaee,0f Cb?ift0 eternal be- getting : anb tbep baue curiouflp Defeat tcD upon tb«0i»oo>os[tbi0 bap] a0i»ljo SoouIDfap ,tl;ci- betobeneDaneucrlafting actfentbouttpme.^ut paule is a mojc faptbfull anb moje apt interpreter of tbitf |5)jopbefpe, i»bo in 3Cct. 13 .3 3 . caUetb b0 baebe to tbat manifeftation of Cbjrtteg beauenlp glojic tbat 3! fpabc of. Cbetfoite be is fapb to be begotten: not tbat be tljen began (as m refpect of bimfelf)to bee tbe fonne of <£oD,but tbat be S»a0 tben tbero= cDtotbctoo;lbc,tobcfo. again tbi0 be- getting muft not bebnoerfiooo of tbe mm tual refpect betwene tbe fatber j tbefone: but onelp fignifpetb tbat tbe fame pcrfonc frbtebe- bat> bin bib in tbe fecret bofom of tbe fatber from tbe beginning , ana aftcr= Ssarbbarbelp ftjaDoweb bnber tbe lawe, Saas bnowc to be tbe fonne of <& oD , from tbat time tbat be came foojti) a? ttb b»0 ^i bent marbc0:acco?Ding as it 10 faiD 31 olm i,i 4. wc baue fecne Ijtp gio;tc,as tbegloe tie of tbe. onelp begotten fonne. yet nets fentbftanbrag, berew'thai wc muft bear in mmDtbatfe>bicb42>auieteacb*tb !&Q», wben be rofeagemfrom bcatb. 3nD tberfojc tbatfeibictjisfpoben bccre,agrectb cbeeflp bnto tbat bap. JDut Sobatfoeuer it bc,tbcbolpgboftmarbctf> out bercffelemnc* lawful time of bis raa mfeftatto, libc as be Dotbbcr carter. |Sfai n ?. 2 4 . Cb'0 i0 *be bap feljieb tbe Hc^D Ijatl; mabc,let b0 rciopccs be mcvp tbcrin 8. [IDeb>?c of mcc.] Crutljtt t'0 tbat Cltfift entrcatcb lji0 jratljer , 3!obn. 17.5. tobcebc b»n fioitlj tl;c glo?p Sobieb be baobab fentbbim fromtljebc= ginntng before tbe felloe fe>a0 maoe. iBotvDttbilabing,tbepiapncrmccringis, tbat tbe fatber wil Denp i)t0 fonnc nothing tbat conccrnctl; tbe enlarging of Ino king- Dome to tbe bttermofte bounty of tbe cartb • 16ut a0 in a ftrangc matter, £bJtft t0 bjougbt in offering bimfelfe to bis fa= tbrrtD!tbp?«vcr3to tbentent (Sobs free bounttfulnefTe map appecre mo?elpgbt= fomlp in tbi0 bebatfe,tbat be batb b outfa= utii tofctbi0 fonnc oucr al tbeirojlb. f o^ altl/o ugi; tbat On refpect tbat be 10 tbe e- ucrlafting fooo^De of d^oo J tbe foueicin power attDmaiettie bauceucrmoje bin of rpgbt in Ins banb,in fuc!> &pfc as no aug * mentation map encreafe tbe: it tpet not- toitbftanb ing be i0 eralteb in tb c flc Q) , in i»bicb be tooHe bppon bun tbe fljapc of a feruant. wbcrfojc ttjis is not tbe irgic of bis (Sobbcad onlp^butitertenbetbto tbe Sobolc perfone of tbe ^cbiatour: bpcaufe tbat after Cb?iftSoa0abafcb,tljere Soaa giuenbimaname 5»bicf)i0 aboue alina; mes,tbat all fcneco fbolb bow before b«n, |d^U. 1 .9.1Hnb albeit 5»ebnow tijat a>a= nib obtepneb notable bicto;ie0 $ reigneo farrc,fo as manp nations papeb trtbut too bim:pet was it not fulfUleo in lnm wlncb i0 IpoUcnberc. ^To; if pec compare tys bingoome wit!) 0 tljer monar c'n tcs , it Suas inciofeb at I' nxift is furmfbeb & power, Snherb? to rcianc oacr theurciten foibiti er t!>cp Wilt 02 no, ftttttC tbci ncucr UW-WtAr\% ijtPmU ftibbci? bp mapnc fo:ce,ana cnpcUtbcmto Dbebin«cc.^ rulp the gtCMp feeautpc of the feingbomr that he fpenbeth of,fl)pnctl;foo*tb& much the moze,tn y Yt\ts people of their own acco?& m:cts htm Hi the- bap, to ibewse tbcmfcluc£ bb.mcntto ban. $9wbcit fojafmucbas the greater pm auanncet!) ft fctf* aeptnft him fcitth hntrcatatlr fccrcenelTe : it iv-as ncebcfulUbat this alfo fbtuib bee abbeb. iCbat th'fi fcmg fbeuibe baue the bypcr hanb of fucbtihpt.Dmttnts. 3£nb of tbig &arHfceriotrefre, <25ob began to fbewe a b'anbfelin the perfonc of 2Dau'D,bpfc)bom ice fenotoc that tnanp enempes foew ban qtafbcb (f 0'ierth?ow>enbpfojee of armes. jjowbeit the beep truth eonftft'e'tb mojtc in£b?iu\fo?bOE0tfcti:b fiuoibojtfpcarc, but fc)f?btbeb?etb of bigmetitb ', flrfketfi the bngoblp cuento their ttt er bcStites :ton.j£et*ettheleflc it map fecme firaU; ae, that ftfb the f^jopbetes in other pf-fes flconimf nb HHmtig n«.eekcncu"c , tnerepe, &$. no.5. after that the otcbtctTcc or the gobi^ foite 10 commenbrbjinincMatip alfo ie Clpfti ortneb feuth povx^cr .toherereitl) to beftvop fcpr.gsanb tljcir armvec tljat arc againfl the Dap of big 'tyjatb. anbfur'clpc both of them arc aptlp attrittiteb bntc Imr , bt»tawfc be »« fe?'t bp fl;c father tec ctyecre the poojc anbfc>?ftcbeD toiil) ty bingo of faiuation,to hea!ctleDifeafeb,tc b^ing tl)c fojcwfuii anb affiictcb out ot the DarfcncfTc o^ beathtnto t^ciigljic ot life, ^cfa 6r.i.2?gembpccu(cmanp thjougb tljcr bntbanV cfnmcffe pjor/che bts fc?a(b ngamft d)cm : to tbentcnt te iubbuc tl;etr frurbinefit, hebectb (nfitr t fc?ti ptit on ancu- perfent. lipnt the qucfttGnt0,tebnt this p^cr mace fe, (.bat t a f\figaf,pet tbf»< b? cti; he fir ongty pnouph agamft hts cnc= niicsbp h»0 enelp fpeafetng , anb confu= ttretf) them to notbing irtih the oneiprob of h<0lirt>e0 i 0? frcarrhep ,fe?cfecthep, « rcfift thep ltbe mabmen ncucr fo mucl;, tlep fbalbeeopdleb atfcn^rii mfeclthpm their iubgt , Subon c thep irouib net l;o« nourfo;tbetrbtn^. /^ot-ee fh02t , rbep arc beaten into ponibcr biuc vd fc^vcg, till the? become hte footcftccic l^oirc the boctrmc of njc dcofrcH ie a-mi-ee of p;tcn, a man mapc gather bp J^aufe; ?'. € 02.4. £o!;ere be tcccljctb tbat p itfclfengatnft Ci):ift, *c. «Ucrdp 31 co;v- fcffc that eaea the f attbfuil arc flapne m fa - crtfpfe fcnto i!5oD ,tljat bemaye qutcUcit them frith bis grace , bpcaufe u?ee mu&e tirft be bzcugbt lowe, befoze fChzift reach out bis bans to os. I3ut fozafmuclj as be Dootn infuebfrpfc trapneb.sfcoolcrsto rcpeatancc,tbat be fcemctb in no wpfc tcr= nblc to tbem,but rather bp Ibeicinj them biSfhcpbcrDsbookc, booth out of banD tame tbeir fozoroc into to? be ts fo farrc from bfmj bis pzon mace to bzcaUc tbem fmtbal,tbat be ratber QjzouDctb tbem bn : Dcr the frbolfomc CbaDorcc of bis banbe, anb boiDcti) them up loitlj bis power. CberfoiC t,n0 bica'fting agrectb not but tn the rebels anb bnbeteucrs, frbtcb fink bnber £b?ift5banbnot asfubDucb bp re; pentance,but as oucrloben with befpapze. i^owbeit, although hefpeakenot to all men bp Ins oome tuoutb : pet netantftan= Ding fozafmucb as bepzonouncctb W0 froozbc frbatrocuenuDgemcntbc cjeceu tetb bppon tbem , be ts trulp fayb to aea tbctongoDh* pcrfonc frith tbcfczethof bis mouth- z.-£beiT.z.£.2m:>be layctbopcn their fooltfb P?pbe bpa gooDlp fimttttubc. :JFoz albeit that their ftiffcnccKeDncffc bee barb ano mozc tbanftcape : pet be ifccws ctb them to bee mozc bzrttle than earthen befliiies . iftoftcttbftanbing fojafmucb as wcefce tbemnot bpanD by bzeken in pccccs, frbicb fritbaanb Cbitft > but ra= tber the frsauc Church is like a potfbeiD tonbcr tbebammers of tbcmatbcboouetb that all the goolpfboulD becfratneb too repute Cbztfts Daplp iubgements, as flo- rifljes of tbcbozrib;cDcftructionfrbicb a= bpbctb all the bugobtp; anb to afrapt pa= cientlp the latt Dap,frbcrm be Qjali bttcr- ip confume tbem frttb the flame of bts co^ ming. 3n the meane tpme let it fuffife, that be bearctb Dominion in the miDDes cf l)i5 enemies. 10. And nowe ye kyngs bethink your felues ; be lerned yce that be iudges of the earth. 11. Serue die Lord infeare^nd rcbyce vnto him in reuerence, Sifter that SDauiO lihea preacher 0* bis iuDgcmeitt , bath fct fooztb <£ods toen= gcaancc.noTO be takab toponbpm the part of a l£>zopbcteanD teacher , ejebozting the bnbcleucrs to r epentauce , lead (fr ben it is to late) the? be oziuen to feele that tbofe tbi earnings inert not trifling anb bapne. %'xiQ be fpeakctb to kings auD princes bp name , frbtcb arc not berpc caflp maDe mcckc. £Wo;couer , the fonD fwclltng of reuxopibome frberwitb tbep are puifeD top , fuffcrcth tbem not to learne iobat ts rigbtfuU. -jB aire if ID a'uiD fpar e not eueu Hmgo, uiijid) fecme laujcIeflcanDcecm: ptcb from common o?bcr : much mo;e both bud criojtcition touch the common fozteofmen, to bumble all men eucn from the bpgbcft to the lo-.vcii . li&p the aD ucrb ClHioa?e,] beugnifpctb that u ftan? Detbtbem m hano to amenD betpmes, bpcauTc tbep (hall not alvoapes bauc the likcopo;tututie. 3lnti)e meane fobpleb? g.ueibtijcmio bribe rftuKD, that as pit it tsauaplable to frame them,bpcaure there isreipit of reycunce,if ti;eg make fpeebc. Wh«» he biDDeth tbem to bec Icrncb , he 0; ttcrthwartlp tauntctl) ibciv fonD iruflin their occne fjjtfbomc: as if he fljoulD haue fapbc * the begmnpngc of treto tDifbomc, is too lap Doumeall (latclinciTe , anb to fubimt amansfelf to Chxtfts goucrne^ ment. Cherfoie howe &ell focuer the i^;mces of ibis 5»oxloe like of their oirnc (harp feit : wee mapc affare our felues tl>at tbep bee fcut ftarke fooles , ttll the? becomme the lotrlp fehflcrs of Cbiift. 3Jgein,hcflppointetb tbemanerof their being icpfe : commaunbmg them to feruc the iLozbmfeare.5? c^m afmucb as bpon truft oftheir oame hpgh eftate , tbep fur; mpfetbemfchies tobeepztuiicbgeb frotn the conbttion of alt other men : this p:pDe Dooth mod of all blpnD them , fo as th^P cannot fpnD in tbep: harts to bee fiunect euen bnto«Uob. /CljcrfozctonriU ti)ep haue lerncD to ftanb maro* ofbpm, !).' telleth the tbep arc bopD of right briber flanDpng. ainb certcinlp bpcauft cartle(Tc= nctTeharoncth them,fo acthepfrubDjaTO their obcbiencc from d5ob; ti;ep wu8 fiift dot Iohn Caluins Comcntanc bee biougl;t in awe bp eompulHon, tbat tbep? ttoutneffe map be corrected . |f)ot= toitbflanding, leatf tbis btnte too io\)ic\) \)c callctb tbem fboulbbe trubblcfometbc teacbetb tbe bp tbe fooojd [reiopec,] tbat it is a fweetc and oefpiable fcrut0,bicaufe it bjingctb matter of trcw gladnefle.1l3ut leatttbep fbould (after tbep? ownc ma= ner)ronneatrpot,Kbemgd?unben&Htb ttapn glaonc(Tc,)mrmpfc tbemfclueobap; pic ioben tbep be enemtco to <£od : be er» bojtctl) tbem once againc (bp tbename of f earc) to lowlp and meeio fubmiflion.;tf o; tljcre is a matching of contraries bctwenc tbemerie 9 cbeerfull fiat c of a quiet cons fctence, fobpictbe faptbfull reiopce tbat tbeparem tt;c fauour of <&oi> of iobome tbep (land in awe : am> tbe bnbjtpbled ma; lapcrtnefle to Sobtcb fl)C contempt and fo: getting of <0oodjawctb tbe fcjicteed.i; be j^jopbet tl)crefo;c giuctb b0 to bnder= ttandc.tbat aa long as pzowD pcrfons rc= iopcebHmeafurabip according to tbe lull of tbe aefb.tbepdalptbcp; owncdcfirne= tion : and tbat tbe oncip iop,« tbe iop tbat tarnetbto feelfarcte to fettle a mans feife in t!;c fcare anb awe of 45 oo. KifTe the .fonne, leaft bappely he be angrye, and yee perish out of the way /when his anger is kindled but for a vvhyle : bleiled are all that put their trufte in him. &c cepxeffrtb,petmoxe openlp iofct mas neroffeare* ferui0 dSodrcquirctb. iffoj iiti) it is \)ia Soill to r eigne bp f banb of bis fonne, anbtbatbebatbwmtcd markcjSf tohens of bis gloxp in tbe perron of bim:? lawful triall of our obebicnee 9 godlpneffe towarDC0bim,i0reuercntlp to embrace btmiDbombcb&tb appointed king ouer bs,accojdfngtotbis faping, 3Eo!j.5. 25, ^e tbatbonojctb nottbe£>onnc , neptber boriozetb be tbe fatber tbat fentbim. for bndcr the terme of [luffing] , be implietb tbe folcmne teftimonic 0? t oben of bonour , Saljicb fubicct© fcere Soonteto pccldcto tbeir bingo. Cbe berp full meening of it ts,tbat <15ooi0 defrauded of bus bonour,if be be not ferued m CbJift./fcow altbougb tbebcbzcwS»ooib [Bar] Ogwifpe botb a fonne f an elect pcrfone : Ttt tabeit folncb ioap pec S»fll,ano tbe fence fball contincw all one . foi Cb?lft *»a0 m deede cljofcn of tt;e fatber, anb all power is gtuen bn= to btm,tbatbc alone (bouib furmoutbotb aingcils and mennn fobtdj confidcration alfo be 10 faibto bee' fealeb bp €>od. 38 ob. 6.27.bpcaufeapcculiar bignitie S»ao be- flowed bppon b»m,i»btcb eremptctb bim from all creatures. Wberas fomcinicr= pzctere crponnd it[lad 0? fcruant,]tbat is fomwbat bard anb moze ftrerncd. 30 foj mec, 31 lib c fojeUtobepcftilltbenamc of fonnc,fo>btcb anfwcrctb foci to tbe fo?mcr fentencc,tDbereitiDa0 fapD , tljou art mp fonnc,tbi0bavbauc3l begotteibec. fEbat ivl^icl; foliowctb nerte after , Doctb bs to &it,tbatfiicbasberppfe Cb^ift fball not fcapcfcotfrccfritb tbeir ftateipneflc: as if be bad fapbe, fo^afmucb as Cbj&ift is not befpifeo ^itboutbifbonourtotbe fatber Sub° batb Decbeb bim w ttb bis owne glo - r ic ; f& be fatber foil not fuffer fucb a treas fon bnreuengeb. %uto icaft tbep migbtc fobe tljcmfcluco ioitb bopc offome long bclap,$ fojtgcfonbbeligbtsto tbemfclues of their p^efent cafe : be tclletb. tbem plain: Ip, tbat bmfojatb fotlbe UmDleb out of banb. Jf 0^ Soee fee tbat if <£>od foinb f oj a tpme,anb beare ivitb tl;e bngoblp , tbep tabebart ofgraffeat bis gentlcncfTc, bp: caufe tbep cocepue not bis iubgeracnt but acco?Dtngc to tbe fence anb erperience of tl)e flefb. 3 hnorec that the bebxew &o;t [Camongat] is otberwife ejcpounbeb bp fome:namelp,tbat afToone as gobs wjtatb is binoicb (pr a but a it tic ,; tbe goob Dates of tbe reprobate are pad. n& tit it is mo?e conuenient to applpc it to tl;c tptne, leaftc tbe p;oub foer barbeneb tbjiougb tbeir longreftincffe,anDfotbinHe to feapebn; pimtfiicti bp reafon of <0oos M) o j eouer altbougb it fcemc to be a rcn--= beringof a caufe,$ tbat tbe atuerb •wb'cb is put tljerets often among H)t tyebtzxvcs a peioing of a eaufe : pet notwitbftawDing 3 Sroidnot depart fro tbe alloweo tranf- lation. |5euertbelen"e J, tbougbt gooo to oep^effe it bptbeatjucrb [foben] fobicb bctobenetb as foeil a caufe as alfo tptne. [Co periO) out of tbe fc>ap]fomc cicpofid, foj pour froward i»apc0,o? fc? pour wic? bed vpponthetbyi'd Fialme. fcebtrabcof liiiing. £i>tbcrfomcrefoiuctt luretb the r'«pthJuU ano cooip iyconhip- thus, ieaftpouri»ap pertfb accozbing to persof btmtol)opcS»cifci)eTatacorocr tbtsfapingof the firliei&falme in the bi. alfo Don}) f3aulc fecepe, 2.CCZ.10*. berfc . Che foap of the bngotlp Ojall pc= ^Fo? ft>bcn he bath toio them tl;at lie hath rifb.^ut 31 iiKebctcer of the other fence, bengcaunceat fairae foz the bntcieucrs : tijat ZDauiD tcllctbti;cmplainlphoi» the ti^en Directing hia trtlfectotl,cfaubrttH,lie S»zath of c Unorce the pzopbets mccning. iFejinafmnci) ajs that the befppfcrs of goo are ioont to flat= the faptbfui might banc estcnoeb to tbcitu tcr tbcm'fciurs in pzofperitte , f as it iocre fellies the rigour of &>b»cb he mafectb me tofriffe ttialargcfccioe. r&'tyerefoze (not tion : he opencthrotbema fanctuarpe of Without caufcj) Docth the $;zophcttb?ca= hope to flee bnto from dBtoos 5a?at!;t rpfce tcn,tbat&?bcnrhep Oiallfap, peaces reft, fuppofing tbemfciueaf to be a greatc Soape from tbcpzrnDe : then fbail tbcp be fb-bem ipcutcf, iMW-5-h Cbccloungbpof the jOfaime temper crb that ^hicb ioas rpohen carft concerning ftr eightneffc^fo; Cbziftcsp?on roD,anb<0obs f>zp &natb, ,£doo!J) ft ricbe fcarcinto all men Without Difference , onelcfiTz this comfo?t bab bin abbeD . Cher efoze after the tftnc he bao 00 in 3! oelalfo. 2.} 2. after be bath eitcbtl;c bngoblp to tbcbzcaDfuUubscmcnt fcate of <£ob:bp anb bpbe abbctb a ccmfozt,&>bo= foeuer callctb bppon the name cf the 3Lo?b fhalbc fafc . jroi in mp opinion, this oa>tcrp[3(3icfrcD arc all thep that put their trwft in h'm,] is to be reb feucral bpit fclf. Znh although tbc pzonoome [him] map be refmeb as fc>cll to <0ob as to Cbztft : pctinmp iubgement it is inoze agtcable 'intrcatgb, of tbobozriblc fuogementtbat * to be tmberftoobe of Chzifte, fcrtjoinljec bangcthouertbefenefceo : nowbpfctting. commaunDcDafozeto&e&iffeD. f witty tjje focetneflt of (IE?ods grace ,i)c ah ■p.: The contents of the third PCiImc. Dauid being diiuenfr'ow his fangdome 3 albeit the ytter defpxyre of all men encombered bin? 3callefh notyyilbflandjng yppon God3Atidynder sboretb bim- feqe-mth bis promh iUgainft bis great temrs3and again/} tbe skormngs andcru- (Uajjaults oj'his enemies 3yea. andagainft -very deatb3 -which -when prcaced befo) e 'his eyes. *And in the ende be reioycetb in tbe bebalfc of ' himfclfe and of the whole Cburcbe,for the luckye falling out of the matter*- The fong of Dauid when he fled from t\ie face of Abfblon his Sonne* it is to be knbtt>n,tbat there tS but the onr halfe of his pzsper copzifeb in this pfalmc. 3!n that goo punmCbeb l;im fo? h'S abuoxv tr^c * fozhis toickext betraping of Unas, it i0 not to be bovtteb but that at Ujc firfie l)ei»as Diftrcffeb ioith greuous 9 fozc toj ments of mpnb.i5ut after hebab hm hum bleb becfoze d5ob, 9 l;ab rccoucrcb bait to bitmthen affurins ^ttrtfclfe that he hab ob- tepnebfojgiucncfre, heperfooabctb hiwfc!f fo^'a ccrtcintp,tl)at <£> oo toas on his fpbe, 9 that he wojb alroatcs bee the Defender of IjiSHingeDomc.l^e c5ptatncb of hisfonnc ano of alilnspartafeers : bicaufetjekneu? ti;at tijep rofe Dp ioicUcblp to Difanui gobs Decree J D«> bitter JDauibS fuzow Soas in fiihc confpiracic of his oume houfti y IjolDc againft him,whic.h rofc tho* . J rough the treafon of bis ewne fonne, it is cafp fez euerp of bs to coniec^ ture bp berp natu^aU bnaciacmDing.lBc-s ftbesthis,fozafmuch as bchne* that this pl^gc Suas lapbe bppon btmbp (5obfo^ '■ rjisotwnefauit,foz Befpling another mans iopfe,anb foz Ojebing of gtltlefTe blub : be mighthaue funbe bowne altoogcther ano bin otter cfl^rimeb iotth pcnfmcncfTe, if he hao not rapfer> btmfelfe bp (ffifobs pzomis 9 bopeb foz Ipfe cucn in bcatb. aLgein inaf= mucins ijie mafcetb no mecion of ins finj r lohnCaluins Commentarie pentancc.^utif our enemies affeutttfob rafget than bs : let tbis confidence courts naaU? cnfcfc>, tbat fee fbalbc faucD b? bis piotccrion,S»bofc pjomtfeb grace tlje? bef s pifc ano trcsbebnocrfoote. D&rce. & o if at an? tinne <25oo fefe tricked anD langracious foiHc as fal^ppes to clja a?js twit bebcuctb t>S firfte too Sue? d;e caufe : mmelpe tr>at i»ce fuffcr nothing Sabjcb luce bauc not deferucotto tbentent the m?.idingc fycrof ma? Icadc W too re- 2. Lord how arc they cncrcafcd that trouble mec ? Many arc they that ryCe vp again ft mce. 3. Manyc there bee that (aye vnto my foule, there is no helpe for him in God, SeUl\ frcfo?e tbeu;$ he is ere afra?d of tl>e multitude tljat came againfi luni : fo; nothing ceulo bauc Ijapr p:ned moje tmlooUco f o», tb. an fo fodcin a rcbellio.35 at it ft>asa token of rarcfattl;, t\)\t being ftrifcen fcrirb fo grcatc fearc.lje durft b tier bis complaint into tbe bofom of (Sob. CertcCc tbe onl? rented? to afi forage our feares , is cucn to caft toppon bim i»!)atfocucr cares trubblc bs:l?oe as on t\)t otber f?de , tlje? muft necocs l?e 0; uertljiovocn, *j»l)icb tlnnUe tSjemfcincs not to be regarded of lnm.31gambc ctpicfifctl) the p:pbe of bis enemies mc:e pla?nl? f t>cbemcntl?,in tl?at they fcoffe at bim as a cafraTOa? ano a befperate perfoac.3ind be giuctljtratoo tondcrfiand.tJjat their pj?oc grefcj l;erbppon , bpcaufe tibep boped tbat beb2dbinfojfaKenof<£>oD . f5eradueu= turc alfo in t^ctsr tmjos is ot>crt!)'u>artl? noted tljcir onckcdncifc,fo? t^at tbci mndc no reckening of C5odsb*ls in pjefcruinge rbe'&i;tg ttjljom be ^ab cbofen:^r«!5 tins fes con* is tbelikclper. *oi 3bf9lon tsarran (et» not bpntfelfc tljr fanoure of C5oa , but palTpng ouer r!;e regiroe tberef,bcycb foj V):xto?i3 bp bis o^one po\»er. 2Dauib tb. er= fo?xfo; tb? nonce bitngertj-tn ftpm anb rbe reft fpcaUins in tips i»ire, too 0j e tot mt I) l)9'vs>tt3l?enno otorrageous conteniptof 5 tbe? fcjcreencourageb too mabnefTe, as if tbcp m tac no account at a! t'^nst f i€ l;r.b fo oftentimes cm oeliuercb out of mo3: great perils, ifoj t&Ayovocfo tbcbngobip S»l)cn tbev rpfe Up to beftto? t!S,btirft not out open!? into fo great pr ibc,as to benpe y <£>oDSfauour (ballaRptbingauaplebs: pitnotwitbftanbing, fojafiuncb as tljep e?tber impute all tbings ^nto fo?tunc,c? elfe Detertnin tbat accoibing as etter? man ejrcellefb in ftrengtb, fo frail be fpce&e of tbe ^pper bans , anb tljcr f o?e ronne a bcab bptrpgbto^bp Sv^ong boitfyout calling of perilles, as tl;ot»gb itSoerc all one &itb tljcm, to !;aue <^ob bifpleafeb 0? fauo^able to tbe : itiscertembercbp that tbe? mafee noaccomptof Ijtsfeuour, anb tbattfyep fio wt t\) c f a?ti)f ull,as if it coulb boo tbcm no goob to bee %nbsr ttjebanb anb p;otcc= nonof 2D. wberasfometranflate it [j^anp fa? of mpfocpie,] itagreetbnot feitb tbis p'ace. ^0? albeeittl;at [Lamed] bee now t tben taken in tljis fence among tbe i^cb?cu?c0 : ?it IDauibs tnivXic now, fo&s to CjcpjcfTefomcajbat mo?e : nstnel? tbat bis bart 'wiz after a fo?t£poixn&cD Soitb tbe raplmgs of bis enemies. Cbcrs f o?c in m? opinion tbe S»o?b fcwle fignifis rtbtbefeateof tbe affections. Snbbntoo tbis mcening anfireretb contrartx«?fc tbat tvtjicl? i»ec foali fee i\: another placc.fMal. 7 5. 5 . * a? tmto tn? fotoie, 31 am tlj? ir»cl- f«rc.S>auib tbcrfo;eb? bis cwne example teacl)erb , tl)at tbotsgb tbe irbolc ioo?lD S»irb one fco?ce fboulb mouc bs too Defc paire : 'tozz mud ratber giue eare to <5ob alone, ano e t «rmo?e foobe our femes ins Saarblp ioitb b.ope of tbe Ijelp tljatbcbatb pzOHiifeb : anb b?cattfc tbe tongo&l? 50 a^ bototto murder our fowlcs,'a,e muftfece tbemb? p?a?cr. (Concerning tljc&oo?b [Sciah-i' tbe tnterpietersacrrtcnotainong tbemfciues.&omc bpbolb it to te a mark of afnrmaiioa,anb to tignif? cs mutcb as trul? rppbn the thyrd Pfaime. 8 trucip, oj tocrety.oj fc be ft. 3Dtbers tafce itfo; time without cno. $jowbcit fojafs mud) [sa!ai]fignitlctbto lift bp:tbc opinio on o? tbofe is aloorable, i»bicb tbtnfe tbat bp this woojb is betobeneb $ liftuigbp of tbe uopce in lunc. /gcutrtbelcflc ft is too brebnbeiftoobtbsrwitball tbat tbe notes of fingtng were apply CD to tbc meaning of tljc mactcr,an'o fo the tune anfwerb ttye tl;mg o> $s matte* tbat it wss fet bmoo. UUc as now after tbat ZDamb bath inatie bis mow: tbat bis bope woe Isitgijebtco fUo;me,as tbougb ft boetco him noting to beebefenbeb b? «2>od :ijc flatlet!) 'jpf en tin's blafpbempc, wl>tcb wounbefc bis Ijart bcrpe fojc,acco?bing as anon after, afione as be h/atl) bnbcrp?cpp£b btmfelfc i»itb >:f= faranee of comfojt,lie will repew tfye fame woojoageine. 4. And thou 6 Lord art a shccld for mee, my worshippe, and the lifter vp of my head. e. With my voyce haue I cryed vnto the Lorde, and he hath herd mee from the hill of his holy neile. i cUb. Cbc copulaitae part of tbc fpccebe(t!)at iSy [3mbj)woclb bemrncDinto [HBut,] bpcaufe Oauto fetttng bio w combes full of conBbcncc, agcinft tb,c foiebco malapert* nefle of I; to enemies, oooctl) bo to briber- ftanb,tbat wbatfocmr tbep fap, be neucr; tbelcffe leaned) bn.otlje woojbe of ©oa. 4&cw, itj&t be bao crft coneciucb an ami? reb appecrett) bc^P > tbat tfcere id no mention mabe of tbc cbaftlfement lap o bppon bim bp <£obs banb. 15 tit ratljcr ttttfting bpon tbc bclp of <25ob, be encoun; tcrctb cojagcouflp wttb bis foe* ,»fc>bo purpoftng to bepofe bim being lawful! Ring , from Ins fcatc, mabe bntjbblp ana forxfccb warre egcwtJljtm. y mallp l)a* mug ac&nowlcbgcb bio ownc fawlt be- fo;e,bc wepetb nothing Ijeere but tl)t p?c= fent cace. -ft} fo becomraetb it tbc fcr= uants of (Sod ,tbat are tronblcD bp tlje wickeb, (after tbcpbaue fcmtenteb tijeft finnes f reflates humbly to $ob fc; mer^ er*,)tofct tijeirepesto tbebcbolinng of tijcirp;efcnt eacc, tbat tbep bout not but &ob rotil bee tbeir t)clper wbcntbcp are ttoubblebbnwcotfbelp. Specialty ivljcn tfobstrutbeisaflauttcD bp tbeir troubs bles.ft becommetb tbem ftoutlp to nuance tijemfclucs aloft witl; tl)is confibcncc,tbat out of all bout clpcof<5ob. t£5utbpcaure t>e Soas perfwab«b tbat be few* not btterlp fabic from (J5ods fauour, but tbatljis elcci tion acob ftebfaft ftUl : tbcrfoie be taKetb Ijiart agein to l)opetDCll.Ki nb firft of all bp lifeening <5od to a (beclb,t)tmcenetb tbat ^e io fencebSoitb W power, ^crbp IpUe- wife t)e gatljcretb tbat be ft* aifo bis to oojn fljtp : bpcaufc it toas bio will to bee trjc mainteyner anb befenber of tbe ropall e= Hate wlrtcb^ebabboutfaucb bppon bun. 3Jni be^euppon commctb tbat bolDnelTe of btflf , t^at l)e ourft goljolbung bp l)is l;eab. 5. [wptt) mpboprc.] ^c btelaretl) tbat be was netter pit fo quaplcb toptb abuct; fities,oz caft botrne witi) ffeojnmgs , but tbat be turneb bis pliers bnto Cob 3nb it was a trcw trpail of faptb, tl;at be ercrcifeb it bp p>ipino:,eHen m tlje mibbes of Y,is oiftreffes. ifoj notbing is moje bnmectc , tljan bp bytftig bppon tl;e bit, too witjbjjclD our groningo from <&oby if ftjcegiuecrcbttto biop?omifts. |?icp- tber is ti)txz beer e a fapcrfitittie in too?bs : but 3Dauib of fct purpofc mahetb mention of bis bopec , too tbe intent hcmpglfttlje better eyp;cffe,tbat bowetnutebfo cuer tbebngoblp turmopleb, pit be was ne= tier bum , buttl)cnamc of tf ob fount ch lorob tnbf0 moutb :iobicb feafi a far& tbing in fo fo?c anb baro a temptation. ; %rt> it map fee tbat bcfettcbtbbi bopce of l)\0 p?npiU3,agimO; tlje comberftm out trpes erpcs of fuel) as ettljcr blame fortune , oj raj>lc bppon@ob,02 clfcma&c a bowling SsiibQutmcafure, anb fmallp totyd) toftl) tinrulp race power out tbc bnwcelDmcfle of thxir foi zvo . 25 ut tt fecmes to mee tbat SDautD mcenetb eljceSp, tbat among tl^c blafp^cmiescf bis fees Syijcrcrdtl) tljep cnDcucrcD too ouerwbslme brs HfFaptbc, \)t $nm.Ure Svas not tuhgt^c: butratber lifted bp b'-S bo'ocetmta <£oD, toljom t\)t bngcDip furmifeD to !;aue binturneD a= gainft btm 3liiD to tlje intent to encourage ail goblpfoihc to tijclifec coMlantncae,bc aoDctb t'batbs crpebnet inbamc.tDber= as be faptljj [from t^cljii of bi0 bolineflfej oi(wbirbisaUcne) [from bis Jjcl? bill:] it is not tyell to erpoimDcit offocattcnag fomc taftcit.31 confeife in Deebc tbat bc.a= ucn tti otber places i§ oftentimes calico. (0o5s boip palace, ©ut in tljis place, 31 bout not but JDSaiiftj JjaoD an cpeto tbe JPrH of coucnat,fe)!nri) att*natttmcftooD's bppon mount

c atfirmctb erp? cfll-ip tfjal bck>asl)crDftcm tbence, though, Ije &cre compelled to fipc into tijc £t>i!bcrRcfie. itHTije Ijolp biftozic reporter!), 2. &>armicl 15.24. tbat io\)tn H'biatbar the p:ccft commaunbeD tlje %r\\ to bec c&= rpcts b? ti)e %mit3, JDauiD 5youlM not fuftcr it. 3!nD therm appecrctb tt;c Syoon= Derfull f aptb, of ttyebolpe man . ;tfojai= 6\ ■ — . \ John Caluins Commentarie ^ _ tbmiglj be fencw tbat'tliclLojb lja&cljdfcti tlje 3rkc foj ins Dwelling piacc:prtl)e bat) leucr bee puHcD from tbat Ijoi? nltfge-ef tiEobspjcfcnccttfit herefrom i;isow»c bowcte.tlian too altai ?np $W& ^u^CMt: crpjciTc commaunbetttent rrCJfc ^oC« 22 nD nowbebofrctbtbat t!;ougij Ik ^e bereft of tt;e rpg^t-of t!>e 21rU : pet Dib not rlje Diffrnicc cf tl;c place let bint to appjorij • unto <0od bp fys pzapers. 16p ielndjo feoo?besbcbooctbbstoiott,tl)at!}ehcpt rbe tmbble Snap-, fo as be neptber Dcfptfco tlje biftfclc figrte, fob'.cb (^ob baD appoms teb fo? tberubcnctTs of the tpme : no? m= pcrrcitiotjflp tying bjmfelfc to place , con cepnetranp ficfolp.optmon of tbc glozifdf <0ob« feo bib be not rafblp finv.Q ot::e Suanjing &oo?bcB into ri;e aire as imbc; . tcucrs are S»oi ntto bo,fel)0 alfo bo p?ap, but are in a mainering to fobat place rbep ougbt to Direct tbeirfpccd;c. Dauib tur-s neD btmfclfc rtg!>t towat bs tbc (C abcrna= clcfrom ^obencc <3?cb b^b pjomifeb to bee merciful to bis feruf.nts.5^eri!ppon fp?ag bclbneffc to p?ap : anb tbc fame boitneffe watcb not fucccffc.3!" tbefc bflpr0(fbiaf: tnucb, a0 f tb'tig i0fulSleb in duUl,fe!jicl) fens ftabctccb in olb time bp f figures of t\)C Haw):focbaue a tuml) mojerc&ppak fagcopenebbsbnto d5ob,foweft|apnot iwittinsip.f Sniliinglpfrom tbc S»ap.. Tlayd mee clowne and tockemy reft :aad I awaked, bycaufe the Lprde vpholdeth mee. I will not bee afraydoftkoufand Jioulr.ncisofpeoplc wlikh ha'Ue pit- ched their tents on euery (yde againfl: mee. 3if 5»ec fecepe tbe p:ttcr tew in the Vfcrbcs,2Dauib btterctf) a iuoonberfuli anD almoftincrcbibleconftancie efminb, in tbat among mauve bcatljcs be flcpt as founslp as if be bao bin out of ailbamrger. 2no lutein attljougl) bcibcrc tofleb ameg tijc.craVll iuaucs of cares: pet is it ccr- tcin; rVat tljep 5»crc allUagcD by faptb , (0 as ijf reticbin d5o&,\»er be ncucr fo muclj btfivuicfso, Cuen fo t\)C gobip Do aHvaics efcapc jop_qnei,ours out of all fear c,itfcc tis bzf$obs bcfcnce,anb not of fluggiftmefle m bimfelf. ;f oj cucn tbe totcUeb alfo arc fotteb iottij tlje fluggiQmeffc of tbeir owne roinb, iuljvlc tbcp cienmc tbat ti;cp bauc mabc a leagcftntb Dcatb- 2&uttt was otlicrwtfe fcitb 3Dattib,i»bo hab no red in any otber reflect , but bpcaufe be Soas bpbilb by l;tcr;c all tbe gociy concetue by tbe protection of i£ob. 3r o; Hb c as the power of <£o& is tmt:ea= ibrnuwi fu hv.mzx'yz? y xt ujrui CQntinew inttinciblc agetnft all manor of atTautes, outrageo,p;acnTc0, t powers of \ whole ft>ojlb.3mo bnbouteblp, wept we pcelb tins fyonour bnto <£ob,our liartc ftjalab wapsbefapnting. U">bcrfo;tcut baungers let bs icrne,not to mefure gobs fycip after y mancr of man:but to oefpifc wbatfocucr tcrrour rrumpetb in our teaptcuch in ttys rcfpcct,f02 tl;at tbe? arc but tryfjes wljat foeuer tbings men bo &>aetifc againft gob. Vp Lorde,laue meeo my God : for thou haft fmitten ail mine enemies vpon the chclcebone,thou haft broken the teeth of the vngodly. 9. The Lord is he that faueth : thy blifsing; is vppon the people. [dip iLojb] .-ffojafmucb a0 JDauib in caufr [Lamed] 10 now nno tljcn taken fc? the fojmcr bcrfe0 bofteb of Ins quiet ftate, be mygbt feemenow to befyje oftlje ilozb, tbat be may contineto in faufty all \)is lyfe long : as if bebab fdyb,Hoio,fecing tboia baft ouertbzotoen myne enemies, pjocccbe teitb tbistljy fauour 9 contincto it to the cnbe. IBut fojwfmuch, a0 it is no noucltie wttbiDauibinbiS f£>falmestoo mingle funtyy affection© togitljer : itfecmetlja mo:e lifeelybob,tbat after be batli interla= ceb fome metion of bjs returned again to tus former piayers.Cbcrfozc be befiretb to be faueb,bicawfebe toas in p?c; fentbaunger.Cbat tolncb foloujetb concer mng tbe ftrtbyng of luscnemyes,may bee ef pounbeb twoo wayes': eytber tbat bp playing be migbt call to rcme-mbiannce bisfojtmcrbicto?ics , o;elfc tbat by fee- ling <£obs belp anb obtcyning iusbefyje, Ije migbt ab tban&cfgeuing : bnto fe>biclj mccmng 3D Smilingly giue my confenr. :f itft tijicrfozc be rcpo?tetb tbat be flcb to <3Pob foj belp in bis btftr efTc, anb bumbly rcquefteb bim to faue bi»n. 3Bnb aftcrwarb foz fenbingbimit,be yeeibctb rbanbes: toberby be tefttfyetb btmfcife to acfenows icbge.tbat be rcceyueb Dcliueracc at gobs bano. [Min] among tlje ^cbjcwco : fome (not fcnaptlp) bo tranfl'itc it [Valuation xs of tbeiL0?b.] jj^encitbclatcr 5 baucfolow^ fb tbaticbte1)^ plaincft,tbatfoluation oj [Belmerance] 10 oniy in od« potuer. 15 p ioiicb S»ojbcsbe not onelp cba'err- gctb , the offjcc anb piaife of fauing bnto CPod alone, coucrtlp fctting biohanb a- geinft all mans fuccours: but alfo tb?.t ai- tbougb a tb. oufanbe bcatbs bang oucr n tnan,pitcantbepbcno let bnto &ox>,y be ftoulb not be of fufficient abibtic to faue lum : oj ratlier tbat be fboulb not fpccDcly (mitboutany aboo) feno fooztb bb? belp tobicl) be Ijatb atoayes in rebtneffe in lnm felfe . 3n tbe enbe of tbe pfalme JDauia affirmetbtbattbts was not giucfomucb too bym fcueraliy, as to tbe toljoie people, leafttbe ioelfare of t'je thtuerfalicburcbe fajbtcb toas grounaeb bpon bis ftingbome, fboulb go to to?ecbe . SDeiub tljei fo?c ac= hnolebgetb tbat tbe cawfc biby tbe bitcheb c6fpiracie toas bifpereeb, btasfoj tljat gob Ijab a care too p?efei uc lj.i« cliurcbe . % no tberfoje gatber bp tins plate, tljit t!ic eljurcb fbail euermoie bee beliucrcb from all cuills,bycaure (Bob, fciio is of fufficic t abieneffcto faue,i»iUn.uer ioitl)Dja* IjtS grace anb bliffir.3 it om u. to 9. CCfceJle?btei)etbat fauctl;.] 115? The contents of the fourth Pfalme. lifter Daniel bath firftprayd God to belp bim, by Cr h turning his talks bis enemies 3hc triumph eth oucr them as a conquer our, yp^on trufc oj Gods promts . Therfore by his owne example be teacbed vs, that as often as aduerftiepincbetb B.t. ys,or lohn Caluins Commentarie I Ofalmc ioaO mabs,faumq ; tbat b? t\yc framing of it a li&cl? cbiecturc is gitbercb , t^at be Sju0 as tbert an ovctlaroc 3 abanifljeb perfenc. 3 tbcr* fine tio9 refer re it to t^e f ?mc tljat *>aule ocVfecuteb bim.3!nb pit if an?; mas bao ic= tier to ta'aeti of \)is otljer Seeing w\)ic\) be iuao ojiuentoo bp $e confpiracic of Sib* folon, 31 Soilnct great!? a%rpucSmtbbim. iforobeitfejafmucbas fritbina little af= tcr,tljere is one icoo?b SobicJj beto&enetl) tbat bs bab capl* encounter : that agrectb better si>!}icl> 3i bane ailebges in tijc f?zft piacft.ifo3H»e^noa)b6wo?uernyf)etejafi( coficb before be coula bee clccre ris , from tbattpmcfco;tbtbar *>anie began to bee bio cacmic.Ccncerntng tI;cieo?DSiw!nci) tbioberfecontcpnetb , 3, So ill towel) but tl)is bjeca?: fobcrao fbme tranCatc tb?0 tyOOJtD[Lamnetfeak] [fojt Cuetja0 tbOHJgb ps j 1// yner aijtrtjje appnjjetfj ys3vpee mujtc call tominde thepromifes oj Gody wherin the bepe off.tluMion is shey»ed3tbbtcb cjccclletbano furmountctb aboue otbcrs.^owbccit b?= eaufe all of tbe are not agrees SoLjat Upnb of excellence anbbtgnittc it G)0ulb bec:let it futtpfebo tljat b? tbi0 S»oc?b is betofce; neb tbe cbeefemapfter of tbe qupje . -$\ s% the name of conquerour UUctlj mecnot: bvcatofe altborogb it anfwer to tbe pjefent matter, pit it in nofcjpfe agrcctb too otljer placco fc>bcr Soc fljai fee the fame r epetco. 3j OCriue tljtS S&OOJbCNeginoth,] of [Naga7 J iobic!) ftgnifpetJj to ftrH$e,anb tljcrtojie jj bowt not but it Soao an inttr limit of SStyti? fics.TPljcrupon it folowctlj y tbio |?»faln;e iuajs to be fung, not oneip in abpgb note , butalfoSmtijplaping bpon inftrumentff, iotytq&tvc rulco anb ojDcrcS b? tbcfa?a matfter of febom mention is mabe.. Aunfwer mee v/hen I call 6 God of my rightecumefle : in my difheffc thou haft fet mee at largcjiaue pitie vppon mee and heeremy prayer. 3Bn "tijers iaojD5 is SDauiDtf faitl) QjeiocD, i»l}0 being bjougbt to y bttermoltpomt, ?ca i in mancr fojf; et ictt!) long cotmuacc of trubblco one in anetbers nccbe,bib not vcelb bnto foio\»,noj kag fo bifco^agcb in bart.but y be rcfoiteo to goo bio Dcliucrcr foi JDattia b? l)is pza?ing tcGiScti^ iilje be isas btterl? bereft of al Soejlol? fucco?, l)Z bab fttll bope repofeb in goo.^o?eoucc be caUctbbim [tlje d5oD of lnsr?gbtuouf= nefle,]asif be Qjoulb fa?,tbemain[eincr of l)\s rigbt,bpcat»fc all men euer ? &ber c on bemnco Yjim, anb bio innocencie toa0 oner febelmcb ioitb tlje Qaunberou0 reports of bi0CK?mic0,f tbe mi£bceraing0 of tljecom mon people. 3mb tl)io tljmg is to be noteb auifeblp.^oj tebcraonotbing is ino?cbiti ter too bo tban to bee conbemneb ioitbout befert, anb togitber Sjitb&jongfiill bios J ience to fuffer flaunber : yit not«?itl)5an= biiigat ba?l? befallctb too tbe faincto, too bee til fpoUen of fo; booing iucll: anb it i0 ecpebicntfo? tbemtoo beefo ercrc?feb,too tbentent ebat btterl? giumg tbcmfelaetf from all ent?ccmentc0 of tlje £oo;lb , tlje? |aiapoepcnbi»bol?bpj;on(^£)2D alone. Cberfo^e rpgbtuorcfEneiTc is tar. en bcere fo^agooo cace , fc>bercof JDauib mabina d5ob ttje toitneffc, cumpia?nctb tbatmen arebecomme maliciono anb i»;or,gfttll as geinft b»m : anb b? bio cu nc example bee teacbetbb0, tbatif atan? t?mecurgilt= Iefreneu*eappesrenotfecfo:etbe&o;lo,fit it becommctb b0 not to bee bifcenrageb m bartjbicatofc our befenber to in Ijeaue. <&: ucn beatljcn men bauefatb tbattbcrci0 no ftage better foj btrtcvo, tban a manne0 owneconfcicnce.But ^ittijio comfort far crcebetl; it, t!;at S»e Unowc our fcluco too ftanb in tbe figbt of (Sob anb bio 3ngci0, febenmen bo baunt agcinft b0 u>^)ngful= full?.wefcef 42>aule SoaocribctrcbiDttb; uben man? wifrcpojteo of bim S»crc fp;eb abjobca:; mong tl;e € o?intbiati0:bc appcalcb to t\)t iubgementfeate of <^oo. witb Hbc ftcsots neffebotb €fa?.5o.6« intbebcrfefo!cn> ing,befp?fc5obatfocuer Haunbero biofce0 ra?fcbbpponbim."tt)bfrfo?c tbe onlpfta^ of our t5atiericc,&bftubcre rcmapneo no r ocme in tbe SdcjID f cj bpi?gbtne(Te, is to bauaanc?ebmo£C3,$ to l;oib our femes contenttii vppon the fourth P/alme. io content* %ity bis rpgfttuowjfnelfs.jl-:} ot= ^Mti)ftanDing,a quefrton map be obiecteb, that feeing the fc&bole clcnnnciTe of men is ftarfe filtbpnefle befoje gos-.bow tijep map bare to putfojtti) their rtgbfcuo wfncflTe into l»ts' Qsbt. 2£s toSDauibwarb, tbefolution iSeafpc:btcaufebebofictb not of Ins own rigbtaoufncflfe.but as in refpect of his ene= roics. ^oj bitf confeience bib frdl afflux bim.tbatbc attempteb noting but bp the calling 5 comaunbment of gob: $ tbcrfoje he both not amuTe to call fnm the Defenber of bis right. !£cerbp S»e gather j> 2Dauib, (to tbentent be might the moze cbeerfullp match <0ob agctnft the Sobole fc)0?lo,)ab- o^nebljim ■& tl)is title, wheras betiopce requirctb to be bcrD.tbcrin is ejepjefreb on to bs,botb the bebementneae of his grefe, 9 the ear nc ffncffc of Ins pjap tug. 3! n the fe conb place alto he (bercctl) Soberuppon he conceiuetb hope to obtein:? is to font, fcp = on the mercp of gob.ainD furelp as often as tee crane anp tbj g,it becometb t S to mafee our begmning at tbtSftbaithe ILojb of his free gooDncffc ioill rcietuc our miftries. [ Ehou? haft fct mee at large.] SDomtne think that 3Dauib iDarramctb hpmfelfe that thing iwhicb be hao not pet taftcb of,f that thzotegh his hope he mahetb recUe* Ring before hatib of gobs grace that fhouJb befall hpm after. :Sut in mp tubgmeut, he rather rccftetb €>o&s former fcencfites , fobGrteirball too confirme hpmfclf foj the tpme to come. Jf o^fo arc the goblp fooont to call to vememb?acc the tbinges that arc auaplablcto p ftrcngtbiung of their faptb. 3inb hereafter voce fballmeetc Suitb manp fuch places,fc>berc 2Damb too tbintcnt too rapfc bp Ins fapth ageinft tcrrours anb pe rills,totll gather togttber manpc crpenen- ccs.teberfcp he hab Icrncb that gob is cuer rao?c at hanb Smth. bisferuantes,anD that thep areneuer bifappopnteb of their be= fpjes. 2fnb it is a mctapbozicall fpeccbe, Soberbp he fignifpcth,that there foas tuap mabe f oj, hpm to get otet.euen tebe he teas bcfccgcb anb enclofeb vounbabout.31 fop; pofc that the [btftreffc, ] ofiwljicl; he fpea= Ueth, is refer rcb no lefle to his mpnb,tban to his piefent cafe. fo} iDauib teas nctfo uxekbartcb , but that Ins abucrfstte bp& 4- caft hpm intoo piteocDfeanguiQ; of mpno. Yec Tonnes of men, how long will yee blafpheme mine honour, deiHit in vaniticand fecke after lyes? Selab. But knawe yee that the Lorde hath chofen vnto himfelf5thc man that is bountifull,euen the Lord will here mee when Icall vppon him. 3 [fee tonnes of men.] s;b>3 mode fvoeete frutebpD SDauiDo pjapcr pcclDclnm,? ta= liing hart to bmi,bc toas able not onlp too rcpulfe f furp of his enemies, bistalft too chalegg the of hfS oirn arco?b, f tmftarfuf Ip to Dsfpifs iahaifocucrthsp fc^ought a; gainll him. wherf o?e to f intent our truft ■ map ablacftcsp: it is not mzcte fo? bs too come into v Itnesfurnishcb & anp other ar monr.tha theis fame , as often as Sac are chalcgcb bp tbcSmcfceb . ^ote tlje^-ct of p matter is,^ mafinueb as zzhsvo'M is to maintain ©autb 2; !)i3bcfecc,itisinbain t!iatallis)0?lDip i»igi)tcs enbeuer too be- drop him,alihviigh othemnfe thep be able too boo neucr fo mutch barme. 31 nD bp tcr ming them thefonncs (not of 25 Dam oj of fomc cemon petfen, but) [of mcn,]be fec- raethbp tl;e ftapto giueagirbc^at thep? ftcutneflfe JFoj J agree not S»ith certaine l^c^cws'ajinch tbhvH that the pecrcs are r.otcD. But rather it is a icfhngfcmbc of gratmting, 'j»ljcrbp heffco;ncth their Gate Uttcflc, bpcaufe tl;cp feemco ftcutfcllowcs anb 'inifc men to tbemfemes , Whereas in beebe onlp blpnb rage bjaue them to iok= kcd attempts. 3Cnthefeo?b [i^owlong,] is conbemneb their icatob £»ilfu!ncfle. f oj JDauib booth bs to Dnberftanb, that tl,c^ fc?cre not ftirrcb5»ith fomc fcbatti bjapbc onlp,bntrl)at there &jas rather a fltibbc;n purpofe of mtfchefe fctleb in their (lomafes. 5Foj hab not their oumc malicioemefle be reft them of their right 'byittes , dt>oo ha j p;cu:b I^mfelfe to be JDeufts be fe nDcr bv manp trpallcs^bich misW bane corned Ico tljcm to ceafc from their cr.terpjtre.i.'nD bpeade thep 5a?re fttitsir, tbamcfullp too putbowne him xj\)omt <0ob hab fct * $ in thefeege ropallthce af?.cth them bow long thep toil contmea? in fcrk !ng to befar z \}is l;onoj. i^ote then it is too bee notes, that although he Sucre burthencb ivitij al kmb of reptoch, boti; among high anb Jolc : fit he ccaragiouQp holDcfi; faS the pofTcu"te:i of thehencj graHRteb|fita bp <©co,f Doits teth not but that John Caluins Commcntaric fanRout fucccffe, bpcaufe tfje^ Ki2!i fctfs Rat tf?iD2> i0agam(l Rcm,tonber &>l)0fe banb Rep mull neeoc0 fmU . 3nD 6 til lie fapeR be Soas fet a part bp <2?od : &>hcre= bpbemccncRRatl)e&»asabuaunccb,not at Re plcafure of men , o? bp bis ownc to= Iitie:butbp Reappointment of d5ob.;ff oj Sabcrcas [Phaiac] (n $?ebjew fignifieR to feparatc : in Ris place it 10 refcrreb to ejt= celling : as if tjebab fnpO,pou&nll abmit no king but fuel) a one as to cl;ofcbp pour oumig bopecs5oj fuel) a one as liU-ctl; pou : but it is Re peculiar pjcr ogattuc of (fr'cb to auannce foljom h e UfteR.ift 0 bowt but Rat bp Re fc)00?d [tiBoolp,] bcSDarran= ttt\) too fyimfelf tbc vpght of being &tng, fojRe fccrpe thing oj effect Rat enftws cR : as fobo Suoolfc fapebe allebgcbtbe marhc ojtbabge of bis location. ;ff o* it btcb anfwcrcR his bo cation arpgbt,bpcaufe be is tnercpfull anD liberall. ^ erbppon be inferreR,Rat CB on Suill beer e bpm as often as be calleR bnl 0 l)pm.;ffo; herein booR (©00 cbceflppjoue bis owne fapRfulneffc,Rat be fojfafeeR not l)is owne S»oo?H, but befenbcR Rem euer, whom be once emtyaccR. avbcrcbp &>eearc taught too SualketotRowtf care in our Soapcs.bpcaufe it (ball neuer bee in bapne Sshatfocuer toee tahc in banb at Ins appointment . 51 tt trjts bee taben foj a mar-imee , Rat Rofe ftjali neucr bee befti= tutc of (©obs belp, Rat p;occcD£ Onccrcf? in Rcir race : without ft>btcb comfeit, Re faptbfull mull necbes quaple euerp mi- nute of an hour. tDO?thelpblotteD.[>»pll pee Oclpght in »a= nttte.] J0 n Reis iooibcs be partlp bpbiap= oeRbtc enemies iciR their frowaro f«n= fUHlttie u^erc with, bee fatoe Rem ieo , al- though ttiep falflp pjetebcb a gooip ?clc : f partlp mocfeeth at their folp,thatmfetgb= tmg againfl autb therefore ferpet 1) owt,Rat Rougl) H)c^> befcjp ifullp bipna,f bcrnifb their ton rpghtuouuieiTc iciR countcrfet colours: pit it bootcR Rfin nothing . 3inbtru!p Ro wgh Rs bngoblp footh Rcmfelucs: pit is hen thep u)albe b^awento trpall in gooo eanicH,it toill ali»aics be fownb ccrtcine, tljatthecaufe tobp Rep are beccpueo , is fo? Rat from Re bcrp beginning , their purpofe was to bcaie Dcccptfullp . ^oro then out of tine place mufl free tabe Re fljcclD of mtunciblcftcDfaftneffe, asofta0 iy e fbal fee our felues ouermatcheb & Re craft f futtletie of RcioicHcb. ifojt i»hat enginsfo euer Rep affault bs fritl) , if fo bee it that our conference bee clecre , (Sob fonll ftanb on our fpDc.ageinfi Soljom ti)C^ fbal not pjeuaile . dErcell t\)t^> neucr fo mud) in ob Re au^ Rojof hisfeingebomc . 2JnD furclpioee map Ren fauflp boftagainft our encmie0, Soi)'en is?c are aflurcD that our calling is of <0oo.Chcrefoj£ SDauia boftcR not hecrc at ail of hisowne ftrcngR , 0? of r»S ri= cl)cs,o^ of hi0 hoftcs,feherbp he gate h«m fclfe Re bingDome. 25utfo&tfmucb as he S»as chofen bp ©ob, fytQlmtt) bs too bn= berUano, thar tl)ty attempt manp Rings j. Tremble and yee shall not finnCjComnaon with your owne hart in your . bed,andbee jftill. -: -. ^^ 6 Sacry- ^ppon the fourth Pfalme. 11 d.Sacrifne yee the focrififa ofrightuoufnede^c put your truft in the lor d- -h 5 [Cremble.] 0ovo erboirtetb be lyin enetmco to repentance,if pcrcbaunce tbctr mabnefle be pit curablc^lnb fir ft of all be biooetb tbem tremble o? bee btftrubbkb: bpS»btcbfpcecbebc totocbctl) tbctr ouU nefie, in tbat tbep ronne on beablong, bt= rcrlp bopD of t'befcarc of oD 9 tbemr£luc0,tbcv folow fo>bitbcr fo eueriuftieaoerb ibem. J&cfaitb tbat tbe beft mebictne to cure tbeir maonetTc fo a0 tbep map fin no mo;e ,ix:ibc to awake fro tbctr o?ou?5inefle, $ to begin toftirre anb to tremble:a0 if be Rjou'D fap,3iflfoone a0 pee ftjal banc fljafeen of pour Djotouncflc, anb fenflcflhefle , it vptil commc too paflc tbat pour befpje of finmng toil abate. ;ffoj tbe caufe fo>bp tbe bngoblp are troubbtes fome to tbe goob ano fimple,$ mabc fucb turmoplingageinft tbem, tofo? tbat tbcp are to qupet in tbem fducs . aifter* tnarb be eounfciletb tbem [to common toitb tbcmfeluc0 in tbctr bcobc0] 'ttjatid too tape, too take arecBcmng of (bents feiuc0 at lepfure anb alone from all rcfozt : tobicbtb>ngt0matcbebagcmft tbe beate of tbeir bnruipneffe. 3Pnb m tbe enb be en= topnetb tbem to bee (hit. flow it is to bee notco,tbat tbe caufe of tbto ftilnefle,i0 tbe Sirring anb trembipng tobcrof be maoe mention before. ^F6;tfiunattb raftmclTc baue carpeb anp into finne , tbe firft mca= ne0 fo? tbem to recouer tbeir rigbi S»tt0, battotoabetbemfclucofrom tbctr ojoros $tnefi*e,to fearefulnefle anb trembltng.aif- ter tbt0 foloxeetb an ojberip betbinbtng of tbemfeluc0:tben boo tbep confioer anb reconGber,fc>bttber tbep baue eatt tbem? felue0. fcnbfoatlengtb, tbcpft>beHnotce tbat a0 long S0 Sue are among copanpe in tbe bap ttme.our Snit0 are bjtaw en oiuer 0 S»ate0: anb fc?ee often bifcerne anb tubge amifle bp tbe outroarbe appecrance : %%ztt con- 1 trartropfe folitarineffe mafe$b£js totti? abupfeo.aigcm (frame buti>t:3tb no: a man ; toconfiber bi0oa?nc faults arigbt, ©as I uiu tberfoje fontbbjawctb b»0 mmve-s I fromfontneffco anobmpcr0,totbentent j tbep map tbe funplper anD rpgijtlper c*a; j mintbefcluc0. ainDtbi0erbo?tation per- | tctnetb to b0 all :f 0 j notbing 10 nioxc cafp, ! tban fo? one to occcpue anotber Sottb f oria j aattcrpe, bntill cebe man enter into Him; j feif , f comune alone Soitb b<0 oo>ne bare. 1 |£>aul citing tbf0 place Cpbe.4- z6.o;at leafttopfc alluomg to 5DautO0 meening, ' folowctb tbegrccbetranaation, [515c an* grp ana fin not.-]but pit be fratb conning^ Ip anb 6tlp applycb it to bio purpofe. fo} bcteacbctbtberctbatiijjberao men 000 fmfullp power out tbctr anger agemfte tbeir neighbour*, tbep ftjoulb ratber bee angric S»ub tbemfelue0, tbat t\w tmgbt abftepne from fin:anb tbcrfoje be biDbctb tbem ratber to fret inwarblp anb too bee angrpeioitb tbemfelucs : anb aftertoarb to be oftenbeb , not To mud) at tbe often Der0 as at tbctr offencc0. 6. [^acrifpfe pec.] flpanp fuppofc tljat 3Dauibcounfeletbbt0enemie0to peelb a toKcn of tbeir repentance : ano furelp 3 confefle tbat facrifpfe0foere partlp com= maunbeb in tbi0 reject ,;tbat tbep fljoulb fttrre mentonewneffeoflpfe.lBut&ben 31 confiber fofratbinb of men tbep ivere y affaultf o iDautb: J botot not but be nip peb tber bppocrtfie, 9 beatetb boxvn tbeir f aife bjaggmg. iPo? in afmucb a0 3Dauio ioanbereblibe an outlatoe inbefert0, 0} cauc0 , 0} moutair.0, 0? in fo?retn realms: be migbt feeme to baue bin a ftraunger to ere tbe ftrft in offering facrifpfes. 3tno tberf ojs tbep baunteo tbemfeluc0 agemd JDauiDioitbf fame boltmcffe ioberwitb Suee Know tbat btpocrtt0 are euermo;e puffcD bp. %m it 10 not to be bouteb^ut tbat tbepwouoip abufeo berin tbe counteract to o?fl>tpper0 fobs themfeiues. t be effect of it ttjerf o?e, 10. y ee b?ag that •Sob t0 on roar fpb2, btcaufe pee banc free accede to bio altar to bill pour £>acrifpfc0 there i»itb greate pomp : ano 30 fo? nice, bpcaufe J am banifbeb out of £ holp lanb, ano fcept from commingtotbcCcmplc: yce think that jd caretb not fo; mee. 25ut pee mult fc)O?.0)ip ap toe mud betoarc,^ tb ebapnc p?ettce of gobltneflc nourifb not tn tos an oucr- thwart bolbneftein ftco of the trero hope. 7. Many fay, who will shewc vs good? lift vp the lyght of thy countenance vponvs,OLord. 8. Thow hafte put gladneiTe in my hartc , more than what tyme their conie and their wyne were encreaied. 7 [^anp ftp.] Sbemt are of opinion f £>auio cotnplaincth becre of the cruel ma* lpceof bisenemie0,fof that thep greeoelp fought bi0lpfe.H5ut % am out of bovot $ 2>iuio coparctb b«0 onlp one Sotlb tohtcb he longeb foi,to the funb?p bcfp?e0 fohers fcritb the tobolefeoMb almoft,i0 toflfeb hi- ther $ thither. 5f oMnafmuch a0 foojiblp foih, hoioe it not fo? a principle, that thofc onlp arc ba^PP in ail rrfprct0,fe>bom <^ob fauo?etb*.* ageuu.tbat thep muft To tour* ncp topon the earth , that thep map bp hope ? patience come to a better lyfettbep fticfce altogither in tranfuo?te goob0:3nb then f o?c,fo the xooiib map go iocli iottb the a0 touching the fleflj, the? take no great cate fo: goo.?ohcref o?e inafmuch 00 thep catch fome tins,* fome that fo? the fouereine fe= ticitie,aftcr f manec of b?ute bcafte : 5Da^ uio ooti) feioztbelp fcparate himfclf fro the, fctting op bimtif aeieane cotrarp mark to fnootc at. 0 cither bo 3D fpnb fault ft that fohtcb liketb fome.tbat 3Dauibc6platnctb of his own rerineco, iobo ioben thep ivcrc to S»:aH to bcarc out their mtfcrics> repps neb fo? ioerpneffe f grcefe, toifhing ^ thep mpght be at rcft-l^oiobcit 3 bab leuer ce ■■ ten 0 it further, that 2Dauib being cotcnteb tott^.ths onlp fauour of gob.fljoulb tefttfie that J;e nothing rcgarbctto 0? paflctb iol;at orl)cr0befp?e. 3nb thig comparifon booth not a Ipttle enlarge tbe matter , fehple the fattbrull fctting Ipght bptbc p?efent p?of= peritie0,bo fettle tbemTelue0 in d5ob, anb mafec accout of nothing To mud) ag to fino bim fauo?able to thera.^Firft th«fo?e 1Da= uibboth t»0 to bnbciQanb , tbatallthofe are out of their S»tt0,feljfclj toiOjtng p?of= peritie to thefclue0, begin not at the grace of ((Sob : fo? thcrebp it commetb to paHe, that s»anb?ing rrrour0 carp them about. 3 gem he rcbufeeth another bpee : f grofte 9 earthip men pelbing to eafe t pleafure0 of the flc(b,bu5pc themfelue0 in the onelp cniopingof thcm.wherebp it comcth aift to pa(Te,tbat <0ob map go Sphere be \t(t,ag though tbep h<*b no neebe of htm, as long 60 all other things anftocr their befp?e. T&ut 3Dauib contrarptopfc, howfocuer bee lacfec atl other goob0,toitneu*eth that gobs fatherly loue i0 too htm in Gen of them all. Cbi0 thcrfo?ei0 the fume : Although the common fo?t of men gape gnbelp after the p?efent belighto* c6mobitic0: pit boo % beterminc the perfect bliffe, not to be cue - toberc than in the fauour of <& 8b . $ e ta- fecri) [the Ipght of €>ooo countenacc] fo? hi0 cheerful ioofec,ltfcte a0 agein, gobo fa« fectneth barfee 9 iou??ing bppont>0, iol>en belhevoctljaBptoHcnof bi0So?a^. 3n& bpa vppon the fourth Pfalmc. 12 bp a toerp goetilv metapboz it is fap& tbat tbis Ipgljt its lifteto top] i»ben (bpning in oar barts, it engcnbczctb truft anb bope. fro* it Srerenot pnougb foj to* to bee be- laucb of t0ob,onleffe tbe feeling of j fame lone c-itnc snto to0 . I5ut nor© be (bpntng into our barts S»ttb tya boiy fpirtt, cbec= retb to0 top toitb treto ana fubftantiall top. 2tno tbis place teatbetb, tljat tbough tbep ftc.m tn neuer fo greatcabunbauncc of ail things , pit are tljcp mifcr able b>bID. % no conrrariwpfe.tbe faptbfull, tbotogbtbep be tofleb among manp trufcs bic0, arethzotogblp bliffeb, euenlntbis one r cfpeet.f o j rtjat f fatbcrlp face of <25 so fbpnetb, bzigbttoppontbem,enlpgbtening all Darbncff c f (a* a man map fap j qutcfcs nsng euen 2D cat*? It feife. 8 [Cbow baft put glabnetTe,] 3Bp ano* t!;er comparifon be ejepzeflerb t enlpgbte.- netb better tbe fozee of bis affectio : name- lptbat bailing obtepneb tbe goob that be bablongeb fo;, befenupetbno S»bt» tbe Sneltb anb Welfare of otber men , butts plapnip conteteb Sxritb bis otone lot. Cbe effect of bi0 meentng is , tbat tbe fauojas ble countenannce of <£oo 10 mozeS»ooztb to btm,tban if be bab garners ful of cozhe, anb cellars full of Sopne. flow alrljovcgb 3Bnterp?etcr0toartctntbeiuoo?b[Mcgnet] btcaufe oiucrfeof tbcmtrarjflatett [fince tt>c tpmc,] anb fo mecne tbat JDamb Spas glab of tbe iodfareof bi0 cncmtes:?tt to rhp fceming,f other meentng a greet!) bets ter : namelp tbat be {feoulb favc lie 10 mozc glab of tbe onelp fauour of <&<&£> , than eartblp men are of tbe entoping of all Saozloip goob0 : St>itb ocfpzc S»bcrof tUp are all ( foz tbe moft part) inflameb. fo% be bab fapD bcfozc,tbat tbcp Sucre fo bent anb giuen ouer to ioozlblp Suclfarc , tbat tbcp careb not greatlp f 0; c onelp feeling of CT 00s goobneffe . atnbtbts toerfecemtcpnetba profitable boetrme.jtfoz iic fee lyou> eartb- lp men , after tfjcp b&ue befppftb ob fbpne bppon bo. 3 no although tbe faptbfull alfo,b 0 befpze r'ocyj otrnc cotnmobittes : ptt are tbcp not carps ebbeablongto tbctn Sutrba pzepoftcrous beate , but can patpentlp fpnbe in tbcp; bartcstogo Svttbouttbem , fo tbat tbcp pcrccmc tljcmfclucs too bee rcgarocb of (0oo. I will flepe togither in peace, and take my reft : for it is thow, O Lord, that hade placed mee alone in fauftye. fcceonclubetb tbat bee is as carelclTe anb quiet, bpeatdebceis befenbetobptbe bans of <£ob : as if bcSoccre enupjwncb Srttbaii tbcgarrifonsof tbeSuozlb. %tto Sreefenoojeit is a benefite to bee befpzeb aboue all otber tbingcs,to bee toopbe of all feare,anbnotto becttfquiettcbanb toereto S»ttb anp care . Cberefoze tc ist a confir= mation of tbe fo;mer fentence, tbat bee iwoztbeip pzeferretb tbe iop tbat be con- cetuetl) of tbe Ipgbt of <©obs jPatberlp Iouc,bcf9>e all otber tbtngs : btcaufe tbe tmxmrB peace of tbe mpnbe furmotmtctb all bene &t0 tbat map be imagtneto. i^an^ etpounb tb*»0 place tn fucbu>ife,as tl)0usl) JDatitD fools t;opc to baue bis enemies tc- cocilcb tonto \)im,p be might flepe in peace j& t1)cm : bicaufe gob bab graunteb btm to reft Suttbout trubble oztoeration of anp man. W>ut mmp tuogementtbis meening is tbe apter, tbat bee fbau itue a0 qmetip bpbimfeife alone, as in a greate bofte of men: bpcanfe iozb bafte fcttemcc in fauftpc] : bpcawfe tbat bp taking ai»ap tbematcbing of contraries betwecnetbe two ^Ducrbcs [ togttber , anb alone j mucb of tbe grace of tlje fentecc is abateb « lohn Caluins Commentarie C'Jbc fljoit.beboftetg ttjat tto&tfents of @iob fufftcctb bnn.tbatbefieepttb. ns qnietlp bnber it ( tbo^gb be be left na; feci) of all fc>o£lblpmccour,) a0 if be bob tnanv ioateljtng abowt \yim, oj S»erc gars &te about on all fpDe0fo>itb. a great com- jwnps . C5;eufoj£ let tost itmz i>p b's c?s ataxic y-S4lD tvis bonour fctuo <£ £> 3D » a0 often a& t^csre appssrr ctb no Jjclpf e at manne0banbe : tbatb»0onipl;anoei«a= blc to mapntepne b0 in p?ate » 30 &« 11 60 agreatljofteofmcn. The conteintes of the fifth Pfalme. Dan id being fore ouvriiyd wttb tbcwongfull ancltie of his enemyes,and doubtino yet more mifcheefcalleth ypon God for help, ^Andto the intent hemayc the cajlyer obteine that -which hi defyreth: after he bathe by the carneftncjje of his praying fljeyved tbe grcatnefje of his greeffirft he layeth forth the intolerable ma- lice of his foesj-vehich it -were vnfeemly for God to leaue vnpumffljed. Then brin- oeth he in his owncfayth and pativce,y;a and alfo a comfort, as though he had no dfrxvt at ally but he [hould doo -well. In the end he concluded) stbat ajjoone as he jhalbcfet at libertie,the frute of his grace fliall becomme common to all the godly. To th e cheef Chauntcr vpon Kehlloth a long of Dauid. SDmmc Cranflatc tbe $eb?et» S»oe:b, [heritage©,] anb fomme tranuate it [i&ortes:] Cbe fpjft allebge ti)i0 reafon of trjetr wee- ning : tbat JDauifc pjapeb foi tbe feelfarc of tbeta>clueCribe0. 3nb tbe other al- lege tbat being befecgeb of agreate tnttU tituue of men,be refoiteb to aU fignifpc [ageinft]. 16ut fojafmueb a0 31 like not tbeic ribbciifcc tptlco, J frilling; Ip fubrcrtbe to tbe optnion of tbefe tljat lap it 10 cptber an mftrument o* a tunc of mus life : anb 80 fo: frbst Urnbc of one it 10, 31 count it not mucJj material!. *. Hcrken vnto my woordes, O Lord, vnderftand what I faye. 3. Gme heedc to the voyce of my krye, my King and my God, for vnto thee will I pray. 3! barenotbctcrminp?ecpfclp,frbe= tin* JDauib in tl;ts pfalme betcaple tbe Swongeflfrtntb befuffereb at bt0 enemies banbc0 at fotnme one tpme enelp: 0? frl)i= tber becomplapne generally of bi0biuerfe pcrfeamon0,frb crfritb be fra0 longtime trobblcb bnber *>aule.&omcof fne i&e- bzewes ertenb it alfo eucn bnte SBbfalon, biea\ttfctbatbptbci0 fro>bc0 [Deceitful 9 brobtbirftp men,!]tbeptbmKtbat3Doeg anb 3!cbttopbclare noteb.OISut bnto me it femetb amo2elifeelpbob,tbatfr1)e 3Dauib Cafter tbe bead) of jfeaule) bab gotte qui= et poffeffion of tbefetngbome,becomitteb to Sorting, ^ p?aper0 frbicb Ijc bab be- nifeb inbt0 tmbbic0 $ bawngcro./frow.aa concerning tbcfroo2bc0:frbera0bebtte5 retbonetbingtb2ecfrape0:thi0repetitio bctofeenetb abebemeretc of atTectic,anb a long cotinetcacc in p?aving.i"o? betciigb ic D not in fupcr6uou0 hepi g bp cf \x ozt 0, tbat be fbouibfmtbout matter bablcotvt Hiucts mancr 0 cf fpeaUing:but accorOtng a0 be w>a0 earneftlp bent to p?aping,fo re^ p^cfeteb bebt0 mamfolo gronmg0. Cber* fo^eitbetobenetb tbat be pzaycb neptber colblp,no; in fcattc iooibfi onelp: but tbat be 'boas vendue tn befrapltng bt0 mifcriea before gob,accojoing as tbe botcgenefle of bi0 griefc enfoicco bim : 9 tbat, bicawfc it appereb not bp $ bp fobat iEtvo tbep fbolb comcto,beiva0bu^pcin repetingtbe felf Tame complamt0.3nb iobera0 be mabetb no petition bpejcp?effc?»o?b0 : tbcrcioa greater fojec in tbi0 fepnb of fhlnefle, tban if ^c bab fpofeen biftinctlp.^Fo? bp fupp?ef Gng fina; fetjat he Seiffrc D m in* t)An.\)C do; t\\ i\)ti)ttmtCcUntl}?.t\it lavD fodtbc the i j;v#fttD meaning of hiam?nD,infucb St^fe iicftKgCt'i.- as that Ijis iung i»as not a~ feletaofpeaHs.ajifoibcfcocjD [fcrpfj figs ntttmgali;«?b ano fbtrifounDmg !'.opfe,icr uetb to bcto&fntbe e&rncftncffe of bio m= tent, # oj £>8GiD ferpeb not ft b«D bin to tbe csrtfi of one tljat feas desf: but the carnefinefie otbitfgrcef, $ bte invoata angstifbe enfojeeb bim to ferpe osct. Cb" foje tnafmueb 80 tbe berb [ Haga ] (Sube* of eommetb tbenon?ne [Hegig] fcbitb tijc f->?opbet bfctb beere) fignifpctb amog tbe l^cb?crcfjff, as foclito fpeabealou?b,a0 to vdnfper foftlprdno fceonD cjrpofition fee? metb to agree better to tbft patent place. fo% after tl;at SDauiD l;atbe put f o jtb bus iuoojDc o in general!, be fecmctb to DiuiDe tljc fame m to ferret moaninge0,anD ioroD krpingeo ot»t. Ur,t>cr the firfl fojtt be bctc henetb a confufcD ftutttng, fucbe gp ts Oes feribeb in tbcfongof <£$frina0, &>bcrefb; roroc interrupter!) tbe plapne utterance of fpeccbe. 3 cbattercb (fapctb be) libe $ Crane f tbe £>n?alot»e , t 31 gtoncD iifee vppon thcrmcPiatmc!. «3 tbc.*Dfreu8 j(rh:#; ;f atanptwueSree bte tj?tl;er Howe too pityi, t\i that oin tctiout fojewavDiicffeDoofoenc flake, ft om betiru tttiifi- fcfc fetch, (pur tee ro pnehc ba tc;.c = warn . |Biibb|iatife rb»tbvcai!mg god [hio Sing, anb bi0 <£tD. , l, : tvn e qufcs fecned bpnifelf bP tl)t time e gcr^ tc i)epe fcell: ftct bfrtcraercoapplv fl;c tie© to itbe bfeuiemety to mafc eo'm mo&e f amdtar fcuh 46 ob . 3" n th c Ei Dodetb b0toobnoerflar,D, tbat is. fafrcrtj nottbebitteintbetecibso- ci-tri-us arerooonttoDoo,but burette f!> i « cje ninge0bntoo<©eo . fs% tbcp iyl; b fettmg gob afpoe,bo cptber f«t tin stDIp, o? make complaining bntoo mm, e u bn- w?oo?tb?e tbat 05od ffcouia recjarD rbem. ^omctranaatcit Oben J pjaye bntec tbec] but itfeetnctb bnto mce to bee re tl)tr a renoeringof tbe caufc,£ebcreintbepur« pofc of JDauiD Soa0 to rapfe bp i)ia mpne tnto tru&fulncfle,bp tefemgtbis foj a ge- nerali principle, tbat feljofotucr boo caii bpon <3o'o in fytit troublc^are ncuer fi;s fecncfbpbim. 0 that thow woldeft hearemy voyce betymes, O Lord : betymes will 1 direft vnto thee, and I will keepe watche. Cbt0fcntence mapaifo bee reb in tbe future tence of tbe ^nbicatiue ntoouc, a0 tbus:1s:bctt',o 3Le?b,fbalt bcere inp bop= ce bctpmcd. ^oxobett 3] am of opinion tbat it Us in tl;e mancr of foiffbing , acco^t> Ding a0 31 bauc tranflateb it. if o? after tbatl.cbatbbcforogbt O^ob to grauntbi0 r cquefr, n on: c be fercctb too bmi too make baftc. fty altbowgb % miOiHe not tljat fomccccmcbim to aluiOeto tbe moaning p?ar crs, febich caplv fecrc 5» ooi't to bee topneb Soitb tbe facrifpfeo, acco^bing a0 j 3Lai»e bab appopnteb :pet t>on>t J not, but tbat be being compclleb Soitb toeerp= neffe of fomewbat long tarianee, &nf ibetb to bauebts ticliuerance bafteo:a0if be b^o fato, afToone a« 3! i&aHe,tbi0fe>ili bee tbe firfttbingtbat^ fballtlnr.b topon.Cbcrs foje,o Iloid, Dciap tboto no longer f belp Sobcreof 31 ftano inneebe,butaccompiJfb tboto mp oefp?e0.[to Direct bnto ©ob]3l tabe to bee ao mutcb in effectc,asfoo^tlj5 rigbt to abb?cfle one© felf bnto <15od. j^a; npCa0 tbotogb tbe fentence Sucre clippeb) boo fupplye it Soitb ti;us Sooojb [|d?a?er.] 115 ut ratber (in m? iubgmf t) JD auib ment to Declare tbat be ioaa not fleeting biti;Ci anD tbitber, noj baieb D^uerfe Scape©, but bao full? fcttlco bimfelf too flee bnto ^ob. 2Hnb it i0 a certeine coucrt matching of co* traric© fcettocenetbe gtbbrc % bncerteinc gaDDing of tbefc £ gajcaboat iox Sno?lD- lp bclpe0, o? &>bicb bang topon their came foifoome: t tbe ftretgbt ttrectto of faptlj, Sobcreb? it commcth too tiafft.tljat all t\)c gooip retf ^ng from fonb entpecmcto, boo turne tbefeluc© to d&oo alone, /o? [Gua- dar ] among tbe i^ebjetoee fignifpetb too ojber o? Dtfpofc,« fometpmc0 too actacfle oj mase fit . 3nb the fence agrcctij berpe SDell,tbat3DauiD p;otcftetbb»nftlf to bte no frbitD;acoen at»ap bp croofeeafevru- latTc0, but ioil! aVbitflb bitnfclf the Direct feap bnto <©od , U&p tbcfooo^D [watch] bebetobenetb a0 iucilbcpeanb patience, 80 alfo carcfulneffe. ^o? tnafmucl w [Tu- pha] 'among tbe !$cbjcu:r0u§ntCK&a0 feeli too 6.'a?t,a0toot»cop: j> Doitthet, but JDauiD ment to fap,vtbatrifferh5i;a& MliurDencDhisjcarrs mtoo 45OD0 Jappe, lit> .\). be Iohn Caiuins Commcntane bcfoootb & longmgbarta0 it fe>erckecpe a ftanbing %»itcb,bntillit appeared bpf bcrpcbeebe.dpt^ob bab herb bint. 31nD albett that in longing there :a cucrmoje fame bnquictneffapet notfend)ltanbing he tbat fe>atcbetb foj the grace of got), Surjiclj 5 be longed) foz,bodj f»op t foz the fdinc p«< cif nti? . Ci)erfo?e this place tcached) us, that thofc papers are fonb,fe>bcrcuntoo there to not fuchc hope annereb , ao tttap lift top mcrmes mpnbc0,a0 tttoere tntoo a Soatcbtowje. By caufc not a God that hathe pleafure in wickcdneiTe,thow,there shall no cuill dwell with thee. 6\ The folish shall not ftand in thy lyght: thow hateft all them that com- mit iniquitie. 7, Thow shalt deftroy them that fpeake leafing: the Lord will abhorre the bludthirftyc ancl deceitfull man, l^cere JDauto fecbetb (£000 fauour bp fer perfceutlonr/oj it belonged) too Cobfl beclarpng the malice anb icatvtmciTc of bis foes . jt 10 after d)« manner of a bzofeen fpeccbe, aecozbing as the fainctcs in pip- ing 000 oftctpmes autre: but ttt tbte ftut ting Ufccs 45 ob better djan all the figure© of Kcd)0?ifee,bce tbepneuer fo fpne t flo= rifbeb. Smrclpc trje berp marfe tbat £>a= tub ameth at, to rbte : tbat feinge hu$ enc- mtcs are comme too the bttcrmoftepopnt of cruder c anb tattoo that map be, it can not be but 1 hat <0 ob unit foone tying them beiane. %*is rcafon to grounbeb bpou the nature of <0ob . $0} tnafmucb ac rpgbtu= oajfencfle anb bpjpgbt bcaling plcafc bim: be gathered) tbcruppon, that be feriil take toengeacc of fucb as arcieair-b anb toicheb. ■$ 0% hotoe can it comme to pafle, that djep ftall fcape bt0 banb bnpunnifbcb.fcing be is t\)C ?ubgc of tbekozlbe 1 jit is a place S»ooztbp too bccfpeeiallpcnoteb: foj fe>ec fcnowc hovLic fojc the malapcrtncffe of the rpgbntowfenefle too recompence trrtralas cton pntoo tbofe that trouble pow,anb too pow, fe>bid) are troubleb, reft feuth b0. anDfurclp,otberte?febeft)erenotf inbge off iuoilD, \f be lap b net spin frojea re- compence fo; all the toitbeb . /froroe pit* ecpuc toce tbebfe of fl)i0boctrine,namelp, tbat &>bcn though dje ronning of tbe bn= goblp at ropot, there entered) tntoo bs a botet, iobttbcT <0ob baue re-garb of bs: fe>ec fboulo lerne to fct d)t0 bucfelcr bef oje to: (Sob u>bo bated) anb abbozred) al! tnt - quitlc, fenll not fuffcr thno to fcape bnpu* nifbeb: anb although be beare fend) tl;em fo; a tpme , be fe>ili at iengtbe get bpm bp tntoo bt0 iubgment feate, anb (hcue him= felf a reacnger. Ulfo berebp i0 gst!)crcb an bniucrfall Doctrine, that attbovegb gob fe?oozfc bp fatba ano bp bngooip perfoneo, ano that be bfe djctr ferula too the execu- tion of bis iubgmrntcs: pet is \)c not f au* fe)ichcb abafbeeb b0. $ ojttf <©ob boo not d;oz offin,no2 liatA) of fin : bpcaufef cno redrepnc it out of banb, cptber fe>ee are at oar feutteo enb,ao folb ama^eb, oz clfek-cc fapnt tbzougb befpapze. But 3Dauib from hence fetcbed) rather matter of moze affU= ranee. fo% loohc fe»itb boicc muebe mc?e bnbjpblebneCTe I)i0 enemica ronneropet, fo much the mojte checrfulip callctfj he bp pon (0ob l)io befenbcr.fe)l)ofe osftcc it is to bsurop all ioicKeb perfons.bpcaufe be ha= ret!) allfericbcdneffc.Chcrcozeao often 20 tbe goblpo baue too &00 ageirrtl biolencc, beceit,anb bnrpgbtuowfnefTe: let them all lerncto ryfe bp bnto (£QQ, that tbep ma? encozage tt)cmftluc0 to affureb hope of be? Imerarice : accozbingas paulc alfo ctho?* mhtheu, i.Cbefi"'i-5.^ti0Cfapthhe) a tosen ofijijs tubgm?t,d)at pcto notofuf j that Yjt purpofcth is ateapes rpgljduil: namelp, to bamnc anbpumfb tbofs fe?l)om l)io fecrct pzouibence bztutt!) fe?l)itb« it tbinbetb soob . 3^" d>e fifth bcrfe fomme take [Rag] in the mafculpne genber , foz a fericKcb man : but 3 taHe it rarber foz d)C ittcbebnefcit felf. jfozJDautb auorochetb fimplp, tbat there 10 no agreetiif t fecticeen (35ob anb bntpghtuowfeneffc. Hlftertoarb be corned) botrnc to tbementfcemferaeo, bntping f[fcolc0 Q)allftanb in bis fygbt.J ainb tt to a berp goob confeqttencc to fap, J niqmttc is batcfnll fcntoo (5ob: ergo,h* toitl taKc tuft bengeance of ail iiiicKcb per« fones. i^e called) thofcfooic0,afterf ma= ucr of the fcripturc , tohicl) tbzowgl) bipnb fenfualirtc ronhe Ijcablongbntoo ftn. #0; i-i__- notbtng vppon the fiyfth Pfalme. no;u;ng 10 mozc fooliCbe tban the bngoD; Ip, S»l)ici.) catting arcane ri>c fearc of <5o&, arecarpeDiottbDcfpjetooDoobarme.yca tJjct c is no mabnciTett>oo}fe,tl;an tbe ecu-; tempt of (Sod, isberetbjosogb it commctb to paffc, that men perucrt ali tpgbt. iftovo H,cn , alrbougljc 3Dauti> uoo fet this tiding 8. And I in the manifoldnefleofthy mcrcye will enter into tbyhowfe,! will worship in thy holy temple in the fearc of thee. }±__ befoje Inmtaf fo? bis comfoit, pet tbcre= Soitball map bec ptebeb out of it a pjtofita ble Doctrine too tbc fearc of #e>D. $ cj tbe fptrtt, bp auoroebing <£ on to bec tbe aucn= gcrofimcbcDnciTe, Dootb cafta typDie b= pon be .tbat tDtc fb cull; not i.n bpon l^opc of cfcaping onpimmtycb. &omc tbmfcc, that tbe "i»Go;tDe, [3nt>] (iubcvebp ibefentencets to?ncD too tbat S»bicb toent before) 10 put fo? (H5ut,) as; tbotcgb 'iDamd comparing bpmfclf i»itl) tbc br.goDlpe, BjoulDe Declare tijat C5ob ii»oolo bee mcrcpfullbntoobpm. IB ut let tbc rcaDers confiDcr, if it agree not better, too take it after tijc maner of inferring, in tbia S»pft : jrejafiuucl)c as tboto, Ilojd, omit not abpoe tbe bngcblp , 3E trjcrcfcjc being taucD bp tbp po^e,ictil rebcr fclcm - ne tljanfet0 too tbccmtbp temple foj tup Deliuerancc rccciucD. 31 f tbe former inter- potation bee better ItheDjttjenf 0?oph,ct commenbinge funplpc liis oronc Dewtifub ncfle to goDfcmrb, feparatctb bpmfclf from tbe rable of thofc iobom be fpafee of. W ut tbe etrcumfiancc of tbe place feemctb to re-, mnne, tbatbec ffcoulDe p?omis tbanfefgis mug *ntoo <£foD. f 0; inafmucb as be ban fapD bcefoje, tbat bis enemies tocre bated of <2?oD:noo>e bailing concepueD nffur ance of faufip,bep?ouokerti bimfclf bntc tlianfc fulnefTc. j So til commebntoo tbp temple, Cfapetb be) [in tbe manpfolDncffc of tljp mercpet] as if be GjouiD fap,tbat altbougb be mpgbt fcemc to bec as tben little better t'ban at the iatt caft: pet (ball be bp <]5oD0 grace fcape fauf anD fonnD. Cb'-s place tberfo^e wacbetb.tbat tube extreme temp- tacions b?ge bs ,iccc mutt fct cD3 tuercpe:pctnot; Srit!;aanbmg be fbcu etr> tbcr&>ttl)aU,t!idt iobcnliefbalocc bcliucreD,bt iotlbeibank full ana mpnofull of it 3inD bpcawfe l^ps pocntes bp tbeir tbanbfgiuing, boo no= tbmg clfc but blafpbcme tbe name of €»ob, like as tl'.ep rbcmfelucs are bnclcanc $ dc^ fplct: tberfo^e be auotocbcib,tbat be SoiU comme Soitb [tbefcare of <15oD,] to coo*- fbip bpm toittj a pure anbtmcojrupt Ijart. 3nbbet:cbp mape bcegatbercD a generali Doctrine , tbat tberc ia ne accede open fo j to bntoo 45 ob , bnttll be b. aue giuen tos a tafte of bis goobnefle: 3 tbat no man pj-ips ctb arpgbt, faue bc,f»bicb tjaoingftit Ijiflf grace, belcuetbc,anDisfullpe perfceabco, tbat be iotlbc mcrcpfuU bntoo,ot= SoitbftanDtng.tljcrc i& iopncDbntco it lb? fearc of <2»oD , &b«b puttetb a Difference bctweenctb,ei'pftbt fjjoblp truftfiOncffe, anb tbc Qeujjlvcareldlcncu'e, 10. XI. O Lord, Icade mec foorth in thy r)ghtuowfeneiTc,bycaufc of myne ad- ueriaries: make thy way ftrcight before my face. For theie is no faythfulnefle in their mowght : their inward partes are veryc wickcdnciTe: their throte is an open fcpulchre* with their tunges they dealc deceitfully, Make thtm to bee ouerfeene , 6 God : let them bee fet befydes their purpofes, deftroy them in the multitude of their mifcheeucs: for they naue rebelled agcinfl: thee. Iobn Caluins Commentaric, ?. [iD Jiojo w»$z] l&ome qcpowmD ietijus, (bea> mcefoijat to rpght fuU, ono matte mee too be foljotlp aDDtctcD ton tly? rpgbteoufheiTe , ano that foz tnpne aduei fartco fake, bpcaufe it is too bee fca - vcd , lead ttjc gooipc being Bluett bp the leaceb anD bcccitfullcroftco of the foiefceo, fbouio Sep afpDe oxrt of the tpgbt foape. &urelp tluo mcening to goDlp anD pjo5- table, botsbeit, there to another etpofttion ntojc rut , nametpc, that <©oO CbouiD leaDe l)t0 fcruant fooithc in fauftpe ti)20xt>gb the miDDes of bis enemies fnares: 9 open htm an efcapmg place, ctten i»l»en he fcemeth on all fpocs cacogljt anD bcfnarlea. Cljerfojte in tht3piace(iiHeastnmanp otber)iH5oDs rpgbtuoufncfll' i0 tafeen foj ins faptljfuiu nefis anD mcrcpe, fohich, he flt>ea?etb in De= fenDing the fapthfuli. 2&nD tljerfozc £ ^?e= pofttion [Jn] bero&cnethe as mutely ad [ftn,oj accojDing.] ;ff 02 iDattiD foiftljatg to haue goo the gupDe of 1^0 iournep,puts tztl) Ijimfclf in hope of obtcpntng it , bp reafon of goD0 rpghtconfncfi*e:a0 if he bab fapb, JIo;d bpcaufc thou? art rpgbtuoufc, Defend me; foith ttrpne apD , that 3H mape foaDe tljzottgi) f fotcbeopjtactpfeo of tnpne enemies . Che fame thing alfo bctoUeneth the latter member , foherc he requpretb to ljau£ [t!)e foap of <0oD to be inaDe ftrcight before l)i0 face, ] that is too fape,too bee take bp f power of ti$ od owt of 7 Siftreffe fo'icrfoith be foao fo narrorolpe cnclofeD, 7 (according to the iuDgmet of the flefflj) he !oo';cd neuer to bane efcapco . 3lnb fo he confeuec:? hpmfelf bnablc to eiljcw p trea - fo.ta of ijts enemies, onleflc «0od Doo both giuehpmfoif Dome, anD alfo openhpma foap fohere no foap is. Che fame alfo be; commetl) it bs too doo after fyis e.cample, nzjm*lp , to Biftrufl: ourfelues, 9 fohen ep= t t.r feee bee at car forties enD , 02 that i'e jfavpDnetfe of our enemies grofoetl) to fttongfe* fcs,focctntt£r tnafee haftc bnto <0od. in fo'.pfe hanD arg the otDtgoinges of ttidtlh as foee (bail fee another folate. 10. [# cu there is no fapthfulneflfe in their roowthc] l^erepeteti) the fame complaint agrin,.to i'oeniet he map looe his enemies foul; the greater hatreo before <2>od, f the W02e p: ?uo'ae touarDcs fypmfelf the mer= tit of Cod, foholjatb, pjomifeb to fuccour thofe iluir bee iojonafullp oppjcfTeD . ^5nD tW is a thing too b^e notcotti)ai thecrus cllcr our enetnies omtrage agetnil vjs.cj bet bsmoje fetch CDlp: to mttch fe»t^ ttje greater confidence mwft foee fenD vp our fpghes intoo heaucn,bpcaufc <^od foil not fuflfcr their fur ie to bearefioap to tlje vtter moft,butfoillD?at»efoo?th their maUce * froicarD fe.cljes intoo trje Ipght.Jn > firft place b, c accufeth them of fenfapthfulncfie, that thep fpca&e no rpgl)t no? trutrjc : anD he aileogeth the caufe to bee, fo; that U?cp are fratoght full of all fotckeDncfle.3ftc v. foarD he liHcne th them to graues, ns if be fboulD fap,thep foere molt rauenouo guU fes : foherbp is noteD their bnfaciableDe= fp^e of fbcDtng blub. 35 n the enD he repc- teth agein Hjctr DcceitfulnefTe, tohcrbp lece gather { he 'was aflaulteb fo itb no meane tt>:ongc0,but l)ao to Deale fo.' th mod foics beD enemies,fucb as Ijao nepther manhoD not ftap of tbemfelues.lScing fo mifcrablp opp;e(TeD,he not onlp cottncicctb bis p?ap ing, but alfo taKctb occafton of hope, cum of his oumeconfufeb anD Defperate eftate. /^owefoberas|dauiclSom.^. i^.alleD^ gtng this place, cctenoctl) it too all man= apnDe ,bc Dooetb it not contrarie too the meening of tbe bolp <8>\)oQ. foj, mafmucb asbetahctb tins principle fo; a thing dh - Denpable, [that briDer the pcrfonc ot JDa- uiD, to DefcrtbeD bnto bs tbe C burche, as € b?tft tbe heaD^as in § membero] ttfolotvetb, thai thep muft nceDes bee ac= coumeb m the nomber of enemies, as ma- np as be not bojneanetoof ©obsfpirit, fohither thep be fo?retncrs,o; of f bomfc- bolD of tbe £ burche. f 02 IDauiD in this place citeth not the 3Kfp2tans 02 Cgpptt- ano to the iuogment feate of at <£>od fljouib bcreuc them of their fcitte», anb tnabe tbem oucrftoote^emfcluoECanbfCi conblp,tbat be fljoulb iet the befpbeo their purpofe. if oj i»bcrof commctb it to paffe that the bngooip lap their bcabeotogitbcr in bapnc, anb bee carpeb bnaoupfcblp anb fcrttbout iubgment,peaanb (rjamcfuitp ta= be the foopic ; but bpcaufc the It c?D com- paffctb them in their oumc iopipnc© . t$ e fojlapctb their craftpncu"c,befottctbtbcm Suit!) thefptrit of ojotojpncffe anb gtbbp= nefle , To as tbep bote euen tn fmallcft tty * tics ■ Cberfo;e tf iuee bee afrapb of the xyp lpneffe $ Hzce^ttS of men, anb that incc fee them too bee fage anb fbarpfcntteo, SdIhc!) go about too hurt b.j: let be call this fen - tencetoo mpnb.tbat iti0 alr»apc0 the pjoj pcrtie of d5oo too ftnUc tbcfe fcntb ama- jcbncffc,anb to fet them feefpbes their ix?rt- tec, that arc fcnttpe tn io oj-Htng mtfehecf. §2> o fhall it come to paffe, that cucn though io cc bee a flecpe, the Jlojbe fc>tll fottb b tc bzctb bifappepnt their bcupfe0,be the? ne* ner fo futtie, anb in the cnb make them a larogbingftocke to all tbeioojtlb. Jn fpnc, JDauib ioifljet!) that cBca fjjouib lap banb bppon bts cneinic0, a»b put ibem bttpocs their leawb confuitingeo . 3mo furcipe it tnu& Htebes fall cut.tbat fith Nathan the fc*ozfemapftcr of ftU&pics pjomptctb the Mgoblp Sbttb all mcancs to boo mtfeijeaf ; the thpnge0 that thep bcupfe bcceptfullpe, muft aifo bee brought to nothing bp ti&oos p;ouibeucc.£ip bepngfet beftb0 thetr pur^ pofe0,hcmecncth5thatthepfl,oulbHotc6: paffe,oj bjingctoopaffc,tbattPhl?et) tbep hab betcrmtneb . 3ffterfc>arocbeS»pfbcrb them the punnifbrnenr that thep bab beierc ucb,bpcaufe that in fcjjtongfully c anb fete c feeblpe becomming encrope© too a gtlflcffe perfone, tbepalfo [rcbcilcb agemft <&8w/j $S>*owb pcrfon© neuer think bppon this, that pe o? e vol etcheb fovclee are of fuch eftt man on , that (Sob to hurt tn the petfono of them, if o? thep imagin tbattbetr ftro&c0 boo no mozc petcc into bcaue, than if thep trampleb a Itttle butt o* clap bnber thetr feete. 35 ut <5ob peelbcth this tncfttmablc rcroarbtoo tbofc tbatiDOUbipbpni, that heacceuntetb their eacctoo bee btsorone. Cberefoje Sobofocucr bathe a cleerc con; fciencc, anb ftoarueth not from bpp^pgbt- neffe, but is troublcb S»zongfullp,necbctb not too borot , but he n:apc fet (i&'ob a? a bucUler agemft btsenemtce* 12. And let them all reioyce that put their trufr in thee,yea let them reioy- ce for euermore: and kiuer thow them, and let them delyght in thee, that loue thy name. 13. For thow O Lord shalt bliflfe the ryghtuowfe perfone, thow shalt en- compalTe them with thy Iouing kyndnefTe,as with a sheeld. [Ulnb let cbern all reiopec] whither the enb 0} effect of it, namelp, that it firill ftir bp greater trua tn all the goblp, 9 cn= 12. tbct0 iooojtb0 bee reb in the future tence, o;tn the timncroffoifbing,itf&illc0not gteatlp to the bnbcrftanbing.if 0? inbotb tl;e &apc0 the thing ffjall abpbe ftebfaft &)hichthe|5jophct ment : namelp, that if befyercbclluereb bp thchanbof a&ob,thc fratc of the fame grace Suoolb rebotcnb to all the goblp in gcnerall : a0 if he hab fapb, llozb if thoto fuccour mee , tbp benefite fl^all not reft bppon me alone,but fhall ejes tenb too all the S»oo£fbippcr0 of thee; bp* caufc it xoill commc too paffe,^ thetr faptb fbalbc the mojic ftrcngtheneb tbcrbp, anb thep fhall p?apfe thp name. Cbcrfozctbat he mpghte the caliper obtepnc beliuerance at the JlojDcs banb, he commenbeth it fo; co?agc tl)cm to peelo p?apfe anb thanKfsi- utngbntoo(Sob. 3!nbthi0placctcachcth bo , tljat i»ee bee bntbanfcruli toxoarbes C5ob, tf 5»ce applpe not too our ofome bfe, tohatbenefitetf foeucr hebeftoubjethbpon our ncpbour0:bp 4ur^tcl) benefit© he boetb boto bnber(ranb,that bi0 goobneffe fhall alli»ape0beefetfoo2thctn a rcbpnefTefo; ail f goblp in eotmnon, anb tberfoie there is Mutt the caufe of the glabncffe, name= lp,foj tl;at the 3lo?b tuuerctb tljein. ^Foj 00 often a0 he fbetocth tymfoi bcncficiall too anp one of the faptbMMbe reft (a0 3 fapb before) muft alltrnnli that he foillbe the fame towarbctf tbcm alfo. 3gew, this place IdhnCaluins Commentarie place ttacbetb»tbattl)e trcu? glatmefic fp?m gctb not from elfoere, tban oftbebefence of <£ob: bpcaute tbat altbowgb &cc bee t» bajarb of a tbdufanb Beatb0,?ct »««ft tbjjs one tying abun&antlp fuffpse Wi tbat to ec arc couercb bnocr tbe Ijano of <0oo . 3ln& tbi0 fotil comme to tljebapnc ffca= botocfl of tbe ioojlD begrcple b0 not, too make b0 fb?ot»o ourfelue0 bnber tbem. Cbt« alfo is too bee noteb,bow be fapctb, f tbofe tofycb truft in tl?e 3lo:b,boo loue Ins name, jf oz- it can not fall out, but tljat tbe remembrance of <25 ob mud beefweete bnto ftB,on& tburrowlp Belpgb* b0,pea f rauiib \>S m loue of tt,after tbat be batbe giuenbo a tattc of bi0 geobneffe. 3Likc a0 agctn,all tbe bnbclecuei-0 foeolD tbattbe name of <$ob were burpeb,an& fbunne trjc remembrance of it iDitbbcircur. i ? . lfo% tljow, o 3Lo?o, fbait bliffe ] m conBrmctb t\)t former fentcnee, namelp, £ all (5or>0 feruante0 Swill take common in* ftructton of faptb attbeperfone of bpra,bp caufc l)i0 S» ill i0 tbat bp one ejeample men fboitio iubge ofbj0contincu>all grace to; «?atDc0 all men . 2&nb agcin,bc puttctb b0 in mpnb,tbattbcrc i0notanp ful 9 perfect b?m abuuDantip fcntb all gooo tbtnges. jf oj inafmucl) as C&'cbst fauour i0iyoo?k - foil, %S fcUiipngbzingetb fooit:; Sf it Zt abunoance of ail gsob tbingco (lk\}t name of [ISpgbtuowfc] is not rcftrepneo to an? one man,but betcbenetb, all tlje xroo?fliip; pcr0 of <£rOD foritljout exception, tjowbeit tbe fcripturccalletb tbofe men rigljtuoufe, not Sobic!) are accountcb fuel) fojt Deftrt of tbeir i»oc?Uc0, but fuel) asooo long after rpgbtuou?feneu"e:bpcaufe tbat, after tbe &02D bath, cmbjaccb tbem rcitb btefauc?, in not laping tbeir finnes too tberr cbargc, be acccptctb tbeir rigbtfull enoeuer foj full perfection of rpsbtuowfeneffe. Igcrebnto alfo pertepnetbf Soiucb folowctb,[^rt;ou fbalt compaffc tbem femb tbp free fauour, ez- goob fenii , a© Suitb a fbcciD.] jFo? bis tneening is,y tl;c fapfbfull fbalbc tsuoug); Ip 5»cll feneeb on all fpDfS, bpcaufc tl)q> (bail in no cafe be beftitute of gracc,u?bicb botije tsan inutncible fojttreflc.s alfo bzin; getb afTureo Soelfare Ssifb it. ^olce tl;en, aitbougbtbeSDO?a[Crown,]w?bicbbeb? f6tb,booib oftentpme0am6gf l^tb^cwes Cgnifpe garniD)mcnt,o^ becking: pet not; SxTttbftanDing fcjafmucl) tber i0aooeb rtje iop faue ir)atSur>icl) is concciueb of tiic fee likening of it too a fbeclb,31 bo«?t not tut ling of d5«-b0 fatbcrlp goob it ill . Cbe be taketlj it mctapl)c?icatlp,fC7 to f jnce,c? iocoju [SBiiCc,] (ft>bcn ioce talk of men) to compaffc about. d:berfo?e tbe mecntng Q gnifpeti; among tbe i^eb2ei»c0, too fc>? fij i0 , tbat altbougbe nctter fo great ai b ftm= i»cll . 3tnD i»ben tt t0 referrcb to <©od, it t>wz pttilks befee? e tbe rpgl;tuovtfc : pet betoKcnetb a0 mucb a0 to giuc a ma goob tbep u^ail bee fauf tl)?ovoabc itje fauour of fortune, (a0 tbep termc it) 0? too enrpebe <0ob. The conteints of the fixth pfalmc. Dttuid hclnvs.fflictcd-nith Cods bjndjbyctttfc be ackjovcltdofth bimfclf? too bttueproiidkedGods yeratb thrown]) bis ownefi-rwltytoo tbe intent be may obtcyne rdeefc, requeftctb forgyuericjfc of bisfinnesiand tlwwitball bewylctb, that if be Ihould bee taken owt of tbe world, hcjljould bee berifi ofableneffc toa pratfe God, ^Afterward taking bart yn to him jit awmcndetb tbe qrsce »fGodyandtim:etb bis talkc too bis tnemyes3 -winch triumphed at bis barmes. Tbe fmh ffalme. Tothechecfchauntcrin Kegwoth, vppon the eyghth,aSong of Dauids. $j £ ong,] bcdareilj mi tbat 2Dauii> coppleD tins fSfalmc *' ( S»berctn be e,rp2cfKrtb the affee^ tt'on0 of bis gtecf ) aft:r ti;e tj>mc tbat be bao obtepneo Dcltuerance from tl;c euillc0 iobicb be becuapietb • 2But febat UpnD of cbaftpjment ri;at5oa0 >iti$ not knewen. 5Foj tbep tbat reffrcpne it fcnto a fzhneffe, alicbge no reafon of fuffitient frrengbtb , S»bp fyt? 0)onlD bee of tbat 0- pintcn.(Cbcv CanD bpo tbe SscozDCAmai.] St>bicl) in oeeD fiptfpctb to bee fickc: bow bctit, it is a mo2c likclpbob,tbatii Q)Oulb bee taken mctapb02icallpe in tljis place. Cbcp Ci)tp aHebgc,tljat Cjccljias fung f fame concerning Death, after tbat ijc fc>as reco= uereb ef ins Difeafe. 25atin tbc jftfalme 1 1 6 . SdIjctc tijerc ts no mention mabe of fifcnefle, ttje fame complaint is rcD in tlje perfene ofcijc iubole Cburcbe./ftoo? tl;en although wee picks out of tbets wcojbes, that 3D auto Suas bjotcght to the laft call: petnotimtbfran&tng, ttma^e bee that he ^t>as combcrcb &>itb fomme other kpnb of atflictton, than bobeip Gknette . wi?erfo?e let betake that S»I)icb is the ccrtcincr, na- me^, tljatlje &>as ttriken totti) fomc barb milcbaunce,o? that he &>as bit home Zoify fomc puniibmcnt,fo>bielj &lD ouercaft tym to ub t:»e (babowe cf Death iuljicl) i»apc fa cuer be icoUcb. Cbw is to bee conftbereb, that tbispialmctyds not comppteb tlje fcif fame bowje tbat be pjapcb: but that j vpponthc fixth Pfalme. pjapcrs,tobieh l?c bab ecTccpueb to $ f pmc of bis baungero anb heaupnefTe, Socre afc terwarb put in&jpting bp bpm, Schcn be bab gotten ntoje refpit. sjno therefore iopnctlj bis fojorefuincfo(aacinftS»hicb it is certctn be Ijab S»?e(tlebt"oj a tptnc) &itb bis giabncfle, tobtcb enfeweo afters Soarbe. 3Jnb as concerning tlje X»oo?b [<£pgbttb,] bpeaufeiacbaue bcrctoofoye fapb that [ Neginoth ] ts an inftrument of tnufife: 3! cannottcll Sxjhitber it bee n:ecfc to tcrme it a harpe of cpgbt firing?s . Mb therefore J eafipbeare , that it {bouib bee rcferreb too tbc Cuitr, fo as it fijouib be- token fotrmc btfttrence of ftoging. !£cw= becit,m a matter to Darke, veaanb of fo Ipgbt importance , 3! leaue euerp wan Ijis uberrie too cotuccture Sobat \}t tbinkes gooo. 2. Lord , reprouc mec not in tliy rage, and chaftyzc mcc not in thyne anircr. o 3BItl)ewgI) parabuenture tljeljannc that Suas boone bntoo iDamb, It; as boone by men: pet booth rjciupfelp confiber,tljat be l;atfce too beale feritb (Sob. $ o?,cmii boo tbcp thnuic in their aDucrfities,fc>htch rjnue not an epefojtljtoithbnto tl;eir ofcm finnes, tbat tijep map ttjinU. tijemftlues to banc befcrueb (Bobs &>?atb,. 3nb pet ires fee bole fojs almofl all men are benotmueb in tfyis behalf : fo? foljereas tbcp kr pc ovot tijnt tljep are bnbapppe, pet fcarflp one as mong an bunb?eb hatbc an cpe to tlje banb that ftribetb. Cljerfoje from &>l)cnce fo Ci tier onr batmescommc, let bsierneto lift our fenfes bp anb bv bntoo '45ob , anb too acbnoa-lebgebpnttoo bee tlje iubgc, tljat cnctl) bs ty offenbers before tjis iubgmct feate^ljen i»ec of our ou>ne accojb turne not atoap h,ts iubgment before banb. ^oios beeit,bpcalcfe it oftentpmes fallctb. otot, j> S»ben men are cSpclleb too feele tbat <&o& is angrr c I»itb tlje, tljcp ratljcr 8art afpbc too feicbeb reppnu^es,tljan fpnb fault 2> tljcmfclties anb tljrir ovone finnes . 31 1 is too tee noteb, Ujat iDauin bootlj not fittf* pip afcribe bnto <£fob &>batfoeuer IjarmeS be fuftcpnetb, but acfenoMc&getl) tbat bis ou ne f:nncs are iuttlpc rctsarbeb. -ff oj be quareilettj not Sottf; c5ob, as tljoicglje Ije plapb tlje crucll encmie toitijoutuia caufc: tut pcelbing to ^pmtbe rpgbt of rebuking f cbaQp3ing, be iDiOjctb. no mo?e but tbat tljere map bee tneafurablencflebfcbin pu- nilbing bpm: bp tobicb S»co?bes be bccla= retl?,tb, at <5on ts a iutt puniOjer of Dimes, i^ottbeeit, asfoone as be batbc conftfleb bpnifelf too bee iuftlp co2rcctcb,be p?apettj tbat ije map not bee belt ii> ttb acco^bing to cjBtrcmttpc oj rigour . fcj, Ije bootee not totterlp rcfufe puniujment , f o; it Sucre no rcafon Ije fboulb: pea « it Suoolb boo Ijpm mo?e h,arm tbangoob. ©utbc onlp fbuns neti; <5obs i»jatb , Soljiclj manacctb be= ftruction bntoo (toners . ^oj ageinft an= ger anb rage,tbcre is coucrtlp matcbeb fa? tbcrlp anb gentle cbaftp$emcnt: accoibing as it appceretb bp jCeremics tooojbes, i o . 24, Cl;aftpje mee, €> Ho?b, ( favtl) be,) tjotobceit in tbp iubgment, ano not in tljp Se?atlj. ^urelp, <^ob is fapb to be angrpc toitb Gnners,as often a>i be pumajetb. trje , hotcbeeit,bnp?opjelpe . rfojbenot on; Ipe fp?inc»!ctb tofommefroeetncfTeof bis grace , too mitigate tlje fojowe : but alfo meafuring the punnifbenientes anb mer= cpfullp bclbing bnber bis l;anb , fbewctb bpmfclf to bee fauo?able bnto tljetn.i^ ot? SoitljCtanbing , fojafmuch as u can not o^ tberitpfc bee,but 5»ce tnuft nccbes bee ftri ken SDitlj bjcabfull feare,as oft as be ftcro etl),l)pmfclf^cpunmu"rjcrof&ickcDne(reT it is lolin Caluins Commentaric it it not toitbout tautcttjat IDaibKaccoji bing to tbe fcnfe of tljc ficfb) ooott) fearc bio Smatb anb anger. Cbe mccning tbcr- foze to this : Cmcflfc &o;D 3 confefle mp fclf i»oo;ttbp too be tnotogbt too nategbt: bowbeit fbjafroucb as J Q)OuU> nener bee able too beare tbp ftretgbtncffe , beaic not fejitl) mceaewbingto mpbefertes-.butra tlier beare imtb mp rinnco, tob^tftfowg!) 3! bt'tic pjououcb tbp i»jct!) agcinft nice. , 3. Haue mercy vppon mee, 6 Lord, for I am wcake: heale mee Lord, for my booncs areafrayd. 4. And my fowle is fore afrayd: and thow, o Lord, how long? 3. [^auemcrcpcbpponmee.] jlnafmucb bano,toeemuftbnoTOCtbatf famefloroctl) fi r to tben, as often acfoee (botbe biftrefc feb icitij aDuerfitics.ict bs ictttcbp tbe cjs ample of *Daufo,to flee bnto tbts remebp, to be at one fc>itb <0od: fo? i»ce map in no fopfc leobc to baue am> gooo fucceflc 0$ pzcfpetitic, onleflc iuec baucbto fauour. wberbpon it foloivctb, tbat S»ec fball ne- ucr xom • mtfcbecfe one m anotbero nee* He, imtiii i;ebaus releafeb our finneo. as be eallctb bppon d5ob foj mercpe,tt aps pccrctl) £ better bcrebp,tl)at bp tbe names of frjtatb ano furic,be mentnot cruelties bnmeaftirable rigour,but onlpiubgment, fuel) as <&"ob ejeecutetb toppon fye repjoba? tcs, i»bom be fparetb not merctfullpc , as be bootb bis cbtlb jen . j oj if be Ijati com* plapncb of tbefrjongfuU grecuoufneftc of pumfbment, be Sbooib now haue fapb no mo?e but rtms : rule tbpfclf, tbat in punifc thing tboro crceebenottbcmeafurcofrnp offence. as bjorcgbt lovoc anb tyofce. % na fojafmucl) asi»eUnox»e tbat tbe enb i»btcb<0oo purpofctb inpunntffijingbs, is to bumble bo : as foonc as free ^ec fub= bemeb bnber bis rob, bp anb bp tbe gate of bis mcrcye is openeb bnto bs. 35cfpbs tl)ij5,inafmucb as xt is bis peculiar office to beale t!)C bifeafeb , to rapfe bp tbem tbat bee brtbtr focte, to fboje bp tbem tbat bee fcrta';e,anD fiaaibetoo giuc lpfe too tbem tbat feec DcaD : Cb'-s onip is fefuctcnt mat tcr f 01 bs to r cquric b»S fauour ,if &ee fmh bnber our abucrfmco . i^ocre tl;en, after bebatbcp;oteft»D tbat be rcpofctbnottbe bope of I)is ioclfarc clf«?beretba indpoos onlp merepcanb batl) pittfnllp bttereb bis otenc cafttng oowr.c : be aDbctb tbe effect bnto tbe cattfe, requeuing bealtb at ©eDS banD.^no tljio o?ocr muft iuec Ueep,tbat frbat gooo tbmg fo cucr luce afli at d^oos from tbe fountapnc of bio free gooDncffe.f tbat teec are tl)cn bcliuercD from pnnnifbs meKtcs, 'iotytn be batbe bab merepe bpon bs . if oj mp bones are.afratO] jit cons firmetf) tl)atS»bicl) f> totrcbeb alatc : na= mcipc,.tl)at be conceiuetl) bope of cafment, b^> tbe grecuorcfenefle of \)i& calamities: bpcaufe <0ob is fo mucb tberebper to fuc= cour it?etcbes,as be fcetb tbem to be mojte biffrcfTeb, anb in manner oucru>bclmcD. fWo j cotter be attributetb fcare bntoo bis boncs,not fo^tbattbep are enbcroeb 5»ub fcnfe,but bpcaufe tbe grcef &>as fo bcbe= ment, tbat it cruffbeo bis tubole bobpe. |Irieptber fpcafectb be of tbe fleft),S»btcb is f tenberer part: but bp tbe name of bones be mcenetb tbat bis ebecf ftrcngtb 5»as mabe too quatse . %ft crtoarb be afftgnetb tbe caufe , faping, tbat bis fowle feao fo;c afrapb; jIFoj tbeb30o?b [anb] (in mp iubgs ment) impo?tstb as mucb as [fo?.] as if it bab bin fapb : fo fo?e anb biolent io tl)C in* nermojtc fojowe of mp bart, tbat it bcrctb all tljc&bole ftrcngtb of mpbobpe: foj 3J ItHe not, tbat [tbeforole] fboulb bee taken foz [tlje ipfe,] neptl)er agrcetb it Soitb tbe tnatter. a- [3Pnb tbow,o Eojb,boro iongr1] XW cltppeb maner of fpeecbe mafcetb too tbe ecpjiefOng of tbe bebementnefle of grcef: bibid) not onlp bolbctb mennes mpnbcs in biftrefle, but alfo euen tbetr cl)appcs,fo as it fwalowetb bp tbeir fpeecbe in tbe tnib= lets of bis courfe. |Bcucrtbcleffe, tbefenfc intl)isb?obcn fpeecbe is bowtfull beere. ^Foj fome ftpplpe it 5»itb, [i»ilt tboto pu-^ ntlb mee , 0% contincitc to cljaftpje mzcf ] 5Pnb otberfomc reabc, [ J^otoc iongc 5»ilt tljou beiape tbp mcrcpe. ] 1£>ut tl;c reafon Sobic^ ynponthc fixili Pfclmc. »7 tys tettotv kpubneffe grauntctb b0 thus much, that fc>ee map ftjiO) l)im too make fpcbe too fuccour bs. 3lnD toben ioee banc -implapneb of bis long tarpencc,teaft our fanning 0; oar fojowe {bnulo paffe bcpob their bownbc0, be giue b t0 grace alfo to put the matter too bis biferef ion , that be make no inojc Ijafle than thai! fecme gooo too bpmfelf. which foiowetb nett after , fljewrtb ti)at this fccenD fcnre is of mo*c ukelpbob, na- mclp , wherein 5Dauio feifbcti,^' t <£?od woolb banc regarb bntoo bpnt.^'Ti;^ c* fo?c be complapnetb that 45oa bathe now fojfafce bpm, 0% that he bathe no rcgarb of bpm, IpHe as be fecmctb to bee farre effro often as bis bclp,ex bis grace, ap= peeretb. not in berp beebe . 2i5ut ($o$ of Turnc thee O Lorde^eliuermecrfaue mec for thy mercyes fake. For in deth there is no remeinbraunce of thee : and in the graue wh6' shall acknowledge thee ? ^. ccttrne tbec €> fto?b.] &ifecas cx& Iwbple be bewapico <85oD0 abfence, fo now be rcquettctb a token of bio pzefence. jfo} herein confiflcth, our bapppnefle, tf <£foo banerefpect untoo bs.l5ut wc think !n'm too be cftraongfofrott; bs.onlcfTcbc fhew bimfelfc too bauc care of bo. Chat 2?a= utD was at tbat tpme m ejetrcmitie of pc= rtU,4DCC gaUjer bp thetb iooojbs.Sobenbc p?apetb botbc to bee beliucrcb a0 tt Soere owt of tbc mowtbe of JDciib , anb alfo too bee frtagem in fauftpe.35nb pit is s her no mention tnabe of anpe fiefcneffe : anb therefore 31 fufpenb mp iubgmcnt concer= ningthe kpnbof bis affliction . jftcucr= tbeieffe JDauib confirmetb again the tbmg tbat bee bab touches in the feconbebcrfe, concerning <2?obs mcrcic : nauielp tbat be bopetb not foj beliucranccfrom elfcwherc than from it. wbcrefo?cmen fballncuer fpnbe remebpe fo* tbeir miferics, bntpil forgetting tbep? owne befcrtefi , C fc>irb truft whereof tbcp becepuc rbcmfclucs,) tbepbauclerncb to flee bnto the free mer^ cieof <25ob. <5. [ jFoj in beatfj.j 3fter tbat CFob batbe beftoBueb ail tbinge3 freelp npponbs, be rcqupietb nothing agein , but tbat free fboulb bee mpnbfull of bis bencfites. Stntoo tbts popnt of CbanfcfulnelTc is referrco tbts fapmg of £>autbs,that there (ball bee no rcmcmbcraunce of <0 £> 2D in beatb » no? anp p^apfe of bpm m tbe gra uc . ^o.i bi0 meentng is , tbat if be (bail bp <©oi)s grace bee Dcliucreb from beatb , be ft>M bee tlianiifull anb mpnb= ^nb be bcvoaplctij that this power fboulo bee bereft bpm, if ijc fboulb bee taken owt of tbe feojtb , bpeawfe be fboulbe bee no moje conucrfant among men, too fct owt tbe p?apfe of d£5ob. 35ut berebpponooofomme tojonglp anb bn- fktlfullp gatber, tbat tbe beab are bopb of allfcnfc, anb tljat there remapnetb no per= ceiucrance at all in tbcm : SDb^ca0 ( in this place) be intrcatetb of nothing cue, than the mutuall pjapfing of <2>obs grace, Suberetn men erercpfe them&lues S»bple tbepbcealpuc. ^o?5»celiinoioc,it>ceare placeb on tbts earth too this pur pofr, that fe>ec Cboulbe i»ith one confent anb one mowtb p?apfe 45ob , fuhtcb thing is the enac foj Jolnch Soee line. /Bow tlien,ail= thowgh bcatb maHc an mo of fucbe pjiaps fmgco, pet booth it not foiowe, that tfje faptbfull fowics, fcljicb arc loo$eneb from their bobpes, are bereft of bnbcrffanbtng, oi towcheb fontb no affection too <25ob- S»arb. 1J5efyMB this, 3Dauib hab euen in beath it feif taken holb of ©obs iubgmet: Sobicb thing mabe hitnbumb,as inreiprct of fcttmg fco?th tbcp?apfc of b»cb fwalowcth bs bp iDtthfcare,bcefapDtooquencbcthep?ap- Dng of bpm.^nb hercbp is biffolucb an other qucftion, i»hP JDauiD bib fo grcat= ip fljunnc bcathe , as thowglj there baD bin no hope remapnmgci»hcn a man is owt of the ioojiD . ILerrcD menrccken bp th?ee cawfcs,iDbp the iFather0 that fcerc bnberthe JLawciocre biftreffeb with fo greate feare of beath : that is to &it , fo; CI. that ]ohn Caluins Commcntaric ttyat the gr ace of d5oo being pet tmoifcios feo before the comming of ftfyitt, y bark pjompfco bib gtuet-hem bntafmall tafie ofrijc Ipfe too coinmc . 3a>cc onDtp,foj that tl)i0piefcnt Ipfe, in tolucb tf?iD3D fbewetf) bimfelf a father, 10 of nfdf befpjablc, $nb tljtrblp , ft? tijat tqcp tocrc afrapb,lea8 there mpgbt happen fommc cbaunge in xt-> ligion after their beceafc. iButtbetoresu: feno fecmc not to bec fubttanciall inowgb: fo; ID autoo mpnb Iras not alwap es m tb&t fe«rc,a0ft>bo baumg imeo bio &U,btb qui* ctip pecibe bp bio fotele intoo the bofesn of <£jeb. Ho fo* tl;c iiconb rcsfon, it owghc to moue t>o 00 SmU 00 the father of aun* ctent tpme , tnafmucli ao (£000 fatherly lone t oiuarfif 0 be, cuen in tHo ipfe , fr>p= neib foojib foitb mo?e euibent pjcofeo. iSBut ]fl (30 3 fapb rpgbt now 3 boo con* fiber an otber thing in tbto complaint of 3Dauibo: namdp, that fueling tlje l;anb of (5 o5y bengcancc bent ageinft bpm , be i0 fo oucr&bdmeb ivitl) fears, that befoul a mancr befybco bimfeif. Cbe feme fo too fc% fapb of OB5Cc6ia0 , that be P?apcb fa* beliucrance , not Gnglp from beattje , but from £> 3D §> fejyatb , pea anb from fuc'n fojatb ao &>80 not of ty e common wtc.Cfaic.38,3. 7t I haue trauayled in my groningj will make my bed to fwym night by nyght:wy th my teares will 1 water my couchc, 8. JMyne eyfyght hath wcxed diinme for penfiuenefTc: I haue wcxed old among my perfecuters. SlHjotogl) the fpeccbeo bec $ppcrboli= call, pet booth not 2Dauit> enlarge ijio fo= rowcj&oetltke,but brdaretb trewip anb Amply I;ovo barb anD bitter it Saa0« ;ff oj tt)i0 i» al&apeo too bec bdecueo , that b« toao no; fo fozc fojownbcb Soith boostpe burteo, but that in bet-sunning bimfetf ijoaa fozc <5od ferns bifpleafcb )&itl) tyrant fau>e ao it Soere !jcH gaping bppon him, icolfici) fozotocfarrc fur moutetb all ortier fojoiteo. 3! nb tije mose fonnblp djat ecbe man is ab* ttictto bntoo (Bod, fo mud) the barber 10 be pcrccb 'wity \)is fcjjatb.Wbcrbp it com* metb to pafle.tbat f faincto Obtcb other:: S»pfe ate cnbcwco foitb rare ffcwtndte,) banc in tbio bef>alf ujeweb moft teber foftc* neflc . 3nb nothing htnb;cth bo too feelc in our femes the tbtng that IDauib befcrt - bctlj m bpmfdf,but f bulndTe of our fieflj. 10 ut tbep tijat haue iweandpfcit tohatit to too encounter fctth the feare of eueria^ ding bcarhe, (ball fpnb no ouerrcacbing at all in 0)03 WOOJDC0. whorfoscSoce wuft bnberftanb, that JDauib being afgfereb ft tlje terrour0 of l)is coiaeiencc, &»ao not bifqmcieb in htmfelf after tl;ecomonfo?t, butfapaimoftfo^bcaD. 3o towcl)tngthc 5a?oo?bc0,befapth that hio cpe ixejfCD tun, bpcaafe the greefoftijempnoDoot!) both* eaCp perct bmo the epeo, anb from thence ntoftc cheeflp btter it feif. ^Fo?afmnch eo n;cS»oo?b [ Gnawch,] ( foji»l;tcl) 3 haue tranflatco,[Jbmite*cbolb,]Dootbfom= tpmco f;gnifp to be part erot of onco place: bpuero trpownb it, too haue banifbeo as teap, anb to bee ficb otot of fpgbt. £)ti;cr= fome bnbcrftanb that l;io cpeo ioere couc- reo iyith fwelling that rpferb of iuceping. QIBnt in mp opinion, the fp?ft crpoCtton fcemeth mo;e funple, that 2Dau;b maheth bio mone that bio epfpght faocth , ao it Seere bp agebneffe . whereao be abDcrh, [ npght bp npght, ] hecrebp S»ec gather, that he Qio ao it Sacre ppne awap fo'ih long fo?owc, anb pet tijat he neutr left Shaping. 10. Depart from mee i\\ yee workers of iniquitie:for the Lord hatlic Jicrd the voyce of my weeping. The Lord hath herd my fewt, the Lord shall recciuemy prayer. Let all myne enemy es bee put to shame and confounded, let them bec put backe and ashamed fodcnlye. vppon the fixth Pfalme. 18 $ftertytt au atria batbbnbur&eneb l;?0 grecf0anb trubles intoo <5ob0 lappc, hs now C after a fo?t) putter!} bppon ijim a neto perfora\$no no bo&t but be teas fo;t ppnco fotti) continual! fapntnefle , befoje lie crept bp too tln0 conCbcnte. Jroj &>ce fawe euen new, boo? be bsb fpent manp npgbte0 in keeping. 3nb tlje moje grc= nous tl?at trjc teeerineCe of imger nig u»a0 bntoo bmt , fo mucb tbe moje cbcerfulip rapfctb be bp tjimfcif too Gng tbetriumpb. BnD Directing Ins talKagcinabisabuer^ fariee, be betobenetb tfeat tbe f fcofSng of wtcfccb men agemft ^tm,ajBfif l?c bab bin a CRftawap anb fo?l02nc , b«D not bin tl?e leaft part of His temptation. ^0.2 i»ee fcnoise bow bifccinfulip tbe p#>be j amh tpc of tbe-m bawntcr!) itfeif ageinft tlje cbu" toen of 49f ob,toben fU^V fee tbem oppzeffeb foritb tbe erode, ^nb ijcrebntoo aootb £§>atbanmoue tbcm, too tijintent be map 52tuc tbefaptbftilitoo befpap2e,fe)bcn tb?p fee tbeir bope ffcojmeb . t^owbecit , tl)i£ place teacbetb,tbat(£joD0 grace is tbe on= iv Ipgbt of ipfe too tl;egoblp : anb tbat afc foone&0 <©o& bjitb (heweD an? token of bf*fr2atl),ti)C]>are not onlpfojeabafbeb anb Difittapb,buta!fo in ntaner bzowncb in tb? barUneflc of oeatb : anb tbat agetn, 5»bcn tbcp acHnowlebgc 45oo too bee mer cpfull too tban, tijep are fooztijwitb. refto^ rco too l?fe ageinc. Hinb it 10 too bee notes bow 2>aulD rcpetttb tb2pfc,tbat bi0p2ap* erg were bctb: febcrbp beSDiineiFctb tbat beintputetb tys bciitierance bntoo <25oD: anb in tbttffavtb be affuretb bimfelf, tbat be ^nt notrefc2tet) too @ob m bapne. &o aifo mutt Soee pcrfwabe eurfelnes (if feee fcnilrecepueanp fntte of our p2apev0,} j ©o&0 earc0 arcnotbeaf to our requeftc0. 9 p tbe fe>oozb [teecping,] be not onlp be- tokenetb bebemencie anb earneftnefle, but a'do booetb b0too bnberftanb,tbatbeta)«0 Sabollp occuppbe tn moojning anb lament tabic moane0 . 3B ifo here is too bee noteb, tbe bolbncflfe 9 quietaeffs of 3Damo,wbicb be gatberctb too bimfelf bppon truft of ot>0 fauour. f 02 becrbp iwee bee taugbt, tl;at tbcrei0 nortjing in tbe Sobote iooilb, wbicb wee map not bdbpff ,if wee bee fuilp perfuabeb , tbat fees bee beioueb of <©ob, ano tberwitbal acfencteiebge S»bat bt0 fe? tberlp loue map auapie t0 . 25p tbe 2lb= urrb [ foo&cntp, ] be betofeenetb , tbat ti;e goblp are beiiuereb beponb ail erpectation bptbe poerofd5oD,euefc)bentbcirtoels fare feetnetb ^trcrlp paft all reccume. ^02 i»ben ©ob foobeinip turnetb menne0 trublefome cftatcs intoo iopfuii cace , be tbctbp manifefterb I)t0 power tbe twoje, ano n^Ucib it mojc fronbcrfull The contcints of the feuenth pfalme. bduicibcbigcharged-wirh wrongful 'Jlapndcr,calletb too God too be bis dduoc/ctc And defender ,*nd commhteth the tuition of his imocencic itntoo him . ^Andfirfi be pYoteftcth tbat be krtnvetb no eudl by bimfelf.Secondly be dccUreth bow it ft at. - detbgredtly -witb gods bono ur } that be {J^uld execute itidgemcht A^'mp tbe vn- *pdly.Tbirdly too tbentent be may hart en himfelfe vntoo beldncjje, be couftderetb Gods goodncjfe and ngbtuoufnefje yrith himfelfe , and laies bis promifes before bis fdce. Lafliy as bauing obteyned bis harts def'r,t,he skpmetb tkefoly and tbe yaiuc attempts of his enemies-.or rather, -vppon afjurauxceofGcds helpe , hevtamwtctb bimjelfe tbat -vbatfocHtr they practtfe again f, \mnm it fliaU turm too their swnc destruction. Tbe fcxenth pfalme, Dauids Sig0dion, which he fung vntoothe Lordc vppon the wordes of Chm the funne of lemtni. € 4« GTbc John Calums Commentarie /Cljc iricbzciu micrpKtcro agree not a= mongtbemfeluesbppontbeSooojb [ sig- gaion, ] 5fo? fomme tanc it fo? an inftrus mcnt of ^ufife.^antoo fcnwte it feemctb to be a note to fing a fong iv £)therfome tljmK it too bee tbe begtnntng of fotnme common Car oil , accojtbing too tt?c tune fc>bereof 5DautD0 ixull ims too banc tins jiMaimc lung . 3ina otijero internet the i&cbjew Sdoo?d toofignifpebelpgbtfulb neffc. 30n tup iubgtncnt,tbe feconb opi= mon fcemetb raoft allowable, namelp,tbnt it S»as fotne ccrtepnfcpnb of tune oj fong: as if a man Sa oolD termc it a §>apbicfee,oj |£>baleucian bcrfe. !^oa>bcctt, 31 fojtccnot a matter of fo ipgbt importance, iHgein, ioljerca© tl)e |lMalme i0 fa?b too baue bin uiabsoppon ttjs iaoojDes of Cijii0, it \U kerb, not mcc , (wljicb P»n~ not»ttbftan- binu i« eetnmottip recepueb) y bp u-oojbs fljoulbbcementWifpnefle. j confeile in DeCDe, tb,at it is an bfuali matter of fpeeclje among tbe ^ebjetccf, too put the termc [Woojb] fo? y matter, oj caufe of a tbmg. ^ovebeett, fojafmucl) as iDauiD anon af= tc«r uc-efotctl) , tljat l)e fc>as c'nargco &>ub i\)Z flaunber of a furmpfeb crpme: 3D boivt not,butbefpea&etb b,eere of tbetocrpetmT rcpo?t,o? flaunber, ^hereof JB coniecture fomc one of £>ault0 femreD,namcD Cbus, to baue bin tbe fijft banger tap, o? at lead kpfc tbep?cfcrrer of it. 5Foj tbere is no fufificient fcafon too mcue fome too fap, tb,at*£?aulc is ouern>»ar tip norcb bp an ofber raanncs name. W p their faping,*Da uib bib tberefojc fcjtbeate l;ts rpgbt name, bpcarcfe be iooolb fpare bis |£> jitneelp ma* teftie. Ji graunt tljat 3Dautb bare great re- nerence tottarbes tlje Ijolp anopntmg; but fojafmucb as in an otber place be namctb bitber be S»erc fubojtneo bp tljcUtng, ojtDbw^ct:l?crapfeba flaunber fcppon iDauib too tbentcnt too purcbacc lumfelfc tbe fcfng0 fauour . foi Sue know tbat JDauib fc>a0 eomtuoniptocrpillfpos Hen of, a0 tbowgb be Jjab bm bnthanUfnll anofalfebartcb toa?arb0 tbe Ringing fa= tber mlavoe . 3inb nltbowgb that £>aule focrcof tbeboitfeof 31cmini: pit t0 tber no abfurbittc in tbe matter, if &e fap tbat one of bi0 liiafiucn bib falUp accufe 5Da* uib. 2. O Lorde my God,in tHcc doo Itruft,faue mccfrom allthem that per- fecute mce and delmer mee. 3. Leaft peraduenture he feazc vppon mc as a Lion: leaft he teare mee in pceces,and there bee none to delmer mee. &ttbebcgtt!mngTje foprt)!?el)atb«an?. cnemic0 : anbmtbefeconb&crfebebetos henetbfomme one perfone in tbe finguJar nombe? ,%no certefle fttb all mens mpnbjg: &erc fc: on fpaeagaind bint : thereisaa, goob cmifcfrbP be IboulS requcft too bee belmereb fromeii b»0 prnecutevs. ffia*. bpcaufe tbei»icncb crueltic of.tljs-fetng- bab Ipbe a fpjcbjanb Hinsieo tbe batreb of tbe i»bole J^eaitne agiinft tbat BtitltfTe man : tl)cre is goob cattfe alfo tbat bee flioulb turnelns penr.epecnitarip againft btm £00.^* 0 in tbs firft b erfe be bder ib«b tbe tbing as it teastanb in tbe feconb bcrfc be ftetoetb tbe forontain 0? caufe of y mifc cbecf.i^oieouer i»beta0 he pjotefrcrb bc= fo?ebano,f be truttctb in goo: in tljat fap* ing , tbeve is conuepeb a great pirbCbP- neOc. Cb« totrote tn Ccctie of l^z **ctcr tence , anb therfo^ it orcgbt pjopjielp too baue bin tranflatcb , [ 3 Mue truftco in tbce. ] ^otobceit, fojafmucb a0 tbe tenfe0 0? tpmes of 5aerbc0are oftcntpmes cbaun gcb among the $cb?etee0, 31 cbofe ratber to trSflate it, [ J bo truft,] fpcciallp fctrg it i0 teiClipnotpgb Hnotoe f tberc t0 bctofees neb a continuall booing, as tljep termc tr. $<4 vppon the fixth Pfalme. _J9 fojcbpmas a buhrarh, he bcatetb baefce £ &>anc0 of tcmptaetonB,lcafi tbcp mpgbt ouero>belmcbt0faptb. 3Rn f fecono bctfe, bp the fnmlitube of the &pon, be enhaun* cetbthe crucitte of &auIe,teo the intent C5od fboulb bee the rebper too fucconr hpm : lphe as be cbalcngctb it (o% bts of- fice , too Dcltuer bi0 fUw fbecpe orot of the i»oolues mo«?tbe0. fop 2DauiD boftetb not of a tv uft fro m S&btcb be bab then falne,but Sobtcb be b »l& fait in ail b*0 troubblc0.3!nO this to a trct» trpall of out faptb,fr>bcn S»ec bemg aff lie- teb frith aOuerftttc0,Doo notuntbftanomg not ceafctoo bope bppon dPoo. &cr ebp ate fo i»ee gat!)cr,tbat tbc gate is Ibut ageinft our p?aper0,lf tijc fcpe of hope open it not. 3tnDiti0not fupcrfluowfc that be calietb htm btflt JLojb <25od : fo? bp fcttmg bun bc= 4 . O Lord my God , if I liauc cio one this thing, if there bee any mis- dealing in my handes . c. If I haue recjuitcd euill too hym that was at peace with mec,&hauc notfuccored him that perfecuted mee withowt cawfe: 6. Let mync cnemie purfewe mee , and ouertakc mec : and let him throwc my lyfe too the grownd, and hold downc my glorie in the dull . Srfab. at, tbattbc? map content tbemfeluea i»it& tbc onlp inogtnf t of d&oo,agcinft all oner5 thwart mifrepojtcs . atfterwarb be pjor teftetb moje eutbentlp, tbat be bab com^ mitm none offence . Jm tbc enbe be mens ctoneth ttooo fepnoe0 of tbtngca , name- ip, tbat be ban boone no fejtong at all, and tbat be bao fowgbttoo boa bis enemies goob , S»bo nc-uertbeleflc bab &;owgbt bpm barme Soitbout bis befert . Cbus tbcrfoje bo 3 bnfolb the fiftb bcrfc:[ J f 3 baue trubblcb anp man tbat teas in peace, ano baue not rather fuccojeB tbc bmr oo: - tbpetbat pcrfeeuteD mccSDitbowt cawfe ] $ op fctng that JDautb ioa© bateb of all men, as tboirgb luo bcfp?our-fcnc(Te too reigncbaD moueb bpm too traptcrcus re- bellion , ano too lap fejay t (op ||>auic , too Suborn be fc>as bomno bp allegeancc: ^n the fozmer part , be purgetb Ijptnfclf of that flaunber . Che reafon percbaunce, S»bp be tcrmctb £>aul£ [bpm that Sra0 at peace iuitb bpm,] isbpcavofc that (tn rc= fpect tbat be fc>a s a Xtmg ) be owgbt of rpgbttoo bee bolp anb free from baungcr, fo as it fii oulb not bee latefull too attempt anp cnimttic ageinft bpm . /fteucrtbcleffe tbisi«oo;D map bee tafeen mfinitclp, aa if behabfapb: ipo man that bathe refrap; neobwtifclfmoocftlpfromoociagiy^cng, I 9 behaucb btmfelfcourteotrfelp touorbss j mee , can tufHp cemplapnc tbat 3 bane i boone hptn anpe barme . SRnb pet thep i Soere commonipc pcrfccaeco of JDamb, €.iij. that1 4. [ £> !Lo?b mp Son. ] ^cerc ©auib too purcbace (SB ebo fauoar tovx>aroes bpm fclf , pjoteftetb tbat be.«s bercD i»?ongs fullp, ano fo? no offence of bus. ^nb too tbentent bte p?otc(tation mape baue tije mojte fo?ce , be bfctb a curfing . jfoz if be baue bconc anp tbing amiffe , befapctb be isreope too abpbc the blame: pea be offc= retl; bpmfelf too moft grcnous punnifb= ment , if be bee not werlp clcer of that erpmc i»hcreof almoft all men tljotegbt bpm too bee as good as conutcted . 3 no inafmucb as he ioifhetb that <©cd fhoulb fuccour bpm bppon none other conoicion, but if be bee fotcnb cleere : he teaebctb bs bp \)is eramplc, that as often as fe>e* flee vjntoo ©oo , fejee muft in anp 5»pfelooU« too it, that ft>ee bee 5»cll aflurco in our^ fclucs of the rpghtfulncflc of cur cace. itop ioee boo bpm gieatc i»?onge, if fcjee iooolb mafechpm acccfiojtc too the mapn- tenanccofan cutllcace. Che #>jonoaw CCI)i0,] bctofeenetb that be fpeahetb of a thing commonlp bnotcen. wherbppon tote map gather, that the flaunber iobicb feac rapfcobp Chu0,ioa0 fp?eb farre anb anofrpoe. /FJoio then, per ccputnghpm- fclf conoemnco bp f uj?ongfull fo?ooomc0 of men, ano that be couio baue no reme= tp toppen earth, he repapjeth, to the iubg= memfeatc of ©oD,anb boloe0 Ijtmfelf con-- tentco too auoroche bts mnocencie before the heauenip iutge. which thing it bes commetl) all the gooip too tafec example lolin Calunis Commentane, ' | 3inb fo rouft tbc negatpue itooib [.not] dec fupplpcb , iDt)Ul) tifmg S»cc fee DconcSt-* ibst in :J}c kuddcs of peace i;c fhrrca bp fojctruboie,anD gaue occafion of iyarrc. wberebp tt appeeretb t1;c betrcr, iSjat u)c onipcomfojt,Sobicb be retlcJ; bppon, is tl)at tjc tec allowed of Oos. 3!n tbis fe= conO part of t!;c tjcrfc ijc pjbcceDetlj fur= tljer: namclp,tbat l;c ljati;c not onlp bin a freenb too ti)C gcoa, bin &ifo too the bab: ano cbat l;e tyattjeitofbnlpftifljljtiD^uns fclfe from ali rcujr;gC2Utrnf, but alfoljatb fuccojeb Ijie enemies, at febofebanbes be bab fuffcreD grcate Sw jonges. 2ino furelp, tt were no bcrp notable bcrtcw, too iouc fucb as arc goob $ peaccablc,on!cfiTe a man bab alfo a Gap ano gouetnement of tfunTclf, to bcarc patiently u.itb tbofc t'uat bet ciuli. 35utwbcn a man not cnip uquptctlj not 5o»?ongC0 soonc bntoo lnm,but alio gect) atowtto'outrcome eutli wubfocioocfng, be ibewctb. a trew tofecn cf (0050 feco^ king in bpm : ana in fo coomg bepzouctb in'mfelf too bee one of (15 ods ctjiiDjcn. jfl oj fuel) mceKeneflepjocecDctbnos but of tbc fpu it of aooption 3!nD as concerning tl;c iooozbes, bpcawfe [ caiats ] fjgmfpctb too Diuio'e, fomme men ( too tlicntent nothing map bee left owt) oco erponno tl;is place in tljis fcpfe : [ 3!f J, bauc feitbojawen mpfelf from mp perfctuters, ano baue not fn*:o?eD fyem,] !&owbedt,tbe ettjer in= ierpjctation is tlje moje reccpueb , tljat it (boulo fignifpe,[too refHe2>,o? too Dcltucr from baunger: J bpcawfe wee Jet afpoc tbc rbjngcs tljat wee will befiowe infauttpe. 7. Vp , Lord , in thy feerce wrath , auauncc thy felf ageinfl the difplea- iures of myne enemies, and watch ouer meevntoo the Judgment, which thovv haft: commaunded. 8. And a congregation of peoples shall gather abovvt thee: and for this shalt thovv returne vp aloft. 9. The Lord shall iudgc the peoples: iudgc mcc, 6 Lord, according too my ryghtuovvfeneife, and according to myne innoccncie vppon mee. ucm tpmes in tijc $5fa'mcs. cc are fejon* gcb : feet arc bnroocjtbp toe fcee fuccoiea atdDOti0bano,pea ano our otrncbaffp- neOe fojtciofctfj tb,e gate agemft our p;ap C10 . iFtrft iDauio 10 tcbpc too tec aban= boneb too tlje lull cfl)is cnemte0,tl)at tljep map catcb l)Olo of bt0 Ipfc, anb ti#ow>e it boxync tootl;cgroi»nb : anbfecon&lp, toe bee giucn bp too bee ti^eir tefttngftoclie, tijat tljep map fpcatic fl)amc of Inm tut af= ter be is Dcab Ikowbeeit feme icoolo Ijaiie tbc itoo^b [ chebor, ] too bee tafee foj ipfc, tl;at be fl)OulD rcpc.e one tbtng-tlttpw. 05v.t mcc ibmhctl; tl)c fenfe Sutllbe moje full , if pec refcrre it too tyiz rcnoivme, as if IjcljaDfapb : Jftst onlp let invneencmie. bcttrop mcc, but alfo let bun fpeaUcali.tbe fbamc rljat can bee of mce &b,en 3 am beaD, tljat mp name map Dwell in mpje, oj bung. 7. C tftp, 3,o?b.33!selnfttbebirplea5 furc0 of l)i& enemies be fettctb tlje xujatb of (Kob : anb fo muS iotc ooo inltUe cafe of our matters, jpoj i»l)en tbe bngosip burne ana call foo?tij tlje fiames of tSjtiv furietcoocftrop bs, tocemufl; Beff?e0ob tbflt be alfo feill fee? feljot, tba; ts to lap, tljaf Ije S»ill Q;ewc m bc^oe, bow ije batlje nolcfle^clc anb pewet too p^eferue be. fl£bc feoojio [ 21p, ] is tafeen metapbo?!- call? vocr go up intoo a iuogment fcate , 0; too prepare one0 fcif too rcfifi. iro^ <15ob fcrmetb to acepc fo long as &c belapctb bio bcip. Cbercfo?e anon after SDamD befee- cbctb bim to aicauc,b?cawfe tt ioastntlje tnaner of alozgetting ,too ieaue a uuferas blc vppon the feuenth t^falme. 20 bis ana opp:cu*ea pcrfone Dtftttutc of all help. 3n tlje enbe cf t-;c berfe be fhcwetb bow he rcqueftctb not!) ing but tljat iu l«c!) isaccojftingtoa <5ods this rule muaSoeekecpc mbur pjapers, *S»e frame ourDcfpjcs accoj&Ding to bis will, JiUcaS l&GlmalfoaSmomf&ctb.i. 3!o!jn-5 i+.suiD, too ttjeintent be tnappjap arpgl&learieth bn- too (5o6S5»oc?D anD tmfcaobts pjomis : as if be fboula laps, Ho*o, itis neranp ambition , 0? fonD hcaDrnciTc , oj Icawb lull that bnaoutfeMp moujtb tueetoorcs aucft fobatfoencr H&etT) mp 8f tbc : but thp SaeozD is the Ipghttbat fhpnetl) bcc= fojietnee , febcrbppon 3! quietly vtVt tup ■fclfc . ' ■$ 0% feeing that ^od of Ins prone- will, haD callcD htmtpo the hope of the vUingDome,tt was atfe hts part too DcfenD anD mapnteinc bio feruauntfc>hom be baD cho$en . f£hcrcfo?c it is al! 011c as if he baD fapD,fc?ben a* jj $»as contcntcD toith mp p?iuate eftate ,• it picafea tbee to make mee King, jftow tljcrfozc itbeel)Ouctrj thee too take bpponthce the mapntcnauncccf thiscacc ageinft gsaulcanb his bangers on , which cnDeucr too oucrtb?owe tbp Dctcrmiracion bp afiaulting mcc . <& be wooxD [Gnotai ] might alfo betake tranfi= tpuelp foztoo tetdc oz ftablifl) 3DauiD in bis rpgfyt. '4>vX the funmtc commetb too tl)<0 effect, that trufting to (Sods calling, Ijce rcqutflctl) too bauc him reach orct hts banD butoo bim. 3lnD therefore tbcfaitl) - full tuuft bceware , that rbep paiTc not tbciff bownbes , ii ibep ottvzz too baue aDD« bin DtfpcrfeD , fbouiD i;rowe ageinc tcsgulier mtoo tbe trcive wrjns 01 c5co. 3?djt bnDcr ^auie.cpt^cr IKcUgion haD bin Dnvegattcft , oz fo great a looceneflTe of mifcljcef baD reigntD, tfjat feawe 0% none ijaD an cpe \jntoo <£©£). i&ljercfoze accojDing too t^cts 3nterp?Ci ter0,tb.c mccning istyis : S.o?D, fc>tycn tbovo fbalt Ijaue ftabli^cD nice *fting,aii tbc people fljallreturnc from tljeir^oan^ tcring anD confufcD owtgaODingcs, inteo tbs 5»ap, fo as ail men map fenoroe tbat tbow fittea ouer than in the miDDcftof tljem : anomap ioooitytp tbceas t\)cvt onelp Xking . TSBufJ taUe rbts too bee fpoKen gencrallp of manp nations . #" oj S>auiDintbis place fettctb otwt tbe frutc of i)iB Deliucratmce,in tljat tbc report tl)cc of fbalbec fp?cD abjoDe farreanD necrr: astf Ijc inn fapbe, 3LozD , bv ftabufhing mcc in pofTefiion of tbc feingDome, itiotll not onelp fete a benefpte p^puatelp bntoo mcc toppon &!}cfc pcrfonc tbow beftovoeft if,bntalfo it S»i!bc^a gencrail auot»cbe= it'.cnt of tbp purpofeD ^uDgmcnt Dnto» inanpc Rations : that tl>cp map turnc tbetr cpcs.too th^p tuDgment feate . fo% JDauiD ailuDetb too a ring of people tbat flanDetb rounfie abowt t^cpj l^ing in a foicmneaffembip. 2JnD in tlje fame fence i}BZ aDDctb immcDiatlp after , t^at ^»oa &>I)0 fojatpmc Ijatblpen frpll anD lapDc norl)ing, fbculDiift bimfelfcbpaloft,too il;entent too mafee bis gio>p too bee feeno, not too one 031 two, but too whole /paci^ ons. :tf oj there is in it a couert compari- fon, thatolthowgh tljcreioercno regarD too bccbaD of one man alone, yit it is com ucnient that (Eod fljou'.D feeepe the ioojlD tnfeare anD awe of \)is Jufgment. 9 r^The H02D fftall inDgc the ^sri? ens.] Chis fcntcncc bangetb t»ppon the iaOe tjcrre bcefoze . IDauiD has ptapcD that <25£E>ID i»oolo flicwe himfclfc too the jfracions too bee thcp^'KuDge : anD now bee tafeetb it foj a thing gfaunteb, t\)dt it is the peculiar o£?cc of <£cD too iuDgetbe .^acions. fo% the future fence of thcbefb, (as in generall fcntcnccs) bcctotieneth a contmewall Dootngc . iBepthcr fpeafecih-hce heerc of anp one /i-*acpon , buttc hce ccmpzcbenDctb all j jj^acpons . $ o? inafmucb ss hex ac- j bnoitjlcDgcth © £) 3D too bee 3uDgc of 1 tlje S»bole feozl^e : thcrebppon hec af= | tciiuarbe gathcrert) that bee &pll bee- comme tlje mapntcpner of his eaceansof £.iiii. Ins Iohn Caluins Commentaric, etc againe, lead l)c migbt fecme to ptctenD b/ts r^atjt* 3no as often aa ioec fecme too bee fozft.&en anb oppzeffcD, iocemuft bes tlnnfc UBOf tbt0, that feeing it is (Sots office to goucrne the i»oj!D , it cannot bp anp meancscome too paiTe,tbat be Qjoulb gmeppbiscIjargcungooD foot!) nomozc than be can Den? Inmfelfc. sDwtof tl)t0 fountaine xotil fpztng coutinetoall com= fozttboaigl) neuer folonj avoa>c of mif; foztunes Ipgtyt oppon ba one in a notl)cr0 necae: bpcaufe tocm-ip fanSp gatbcr.tbat bee ioiltbaueacare too ocfenD our inno= cencie foj. it i»ccc agcinSc reafon, tbat be telyitf) barb tbe geuernannce of manp nscions^oulo neglect one man.;tf oz tlje cacc ftanactb »ot fcntb b»n as it booth, toitij ioozlDlp jBuDgcs. , tbat bee CbouiD bee fa bujpco tn common affapzes, tbat bee fooula neglect pzmatc caccs. £lpoze= oner djee alicogcil; lys owne tnnoccn= tbe name cf >J5od fo? a colour as bppocnts Doo.jFozjfitljtbat C5od acccptetb no pcr= fonco:x»c cannot bopc tbat be ioil llano on our fpoe anb fauour bs ejecept our cace tec gooD.20utbereit i0DcmaiiOcb,bowj 3Da= mo ma? boft b'tf tnnoccne before gob,fitb in orbcr place0 be fbunnetl) l)ts iuDgeme t. Cbe anfvocre i0 cafp:btcaufe it is notj>e= bateb b,eere , l)Oto l)C map anfiver if c mattcr:foz tbe onlp fanctuarp iobicb tbep l)auet!;-ciitorra!Jbnto,i3y mercpofgoD. 10 Let the malice of the vngodly ceaft I beftcch thee , andleade thow the iuft aryght : for thou fercheft the hartes and thcreyneso rygbtu- ovvfeGod, 11 My shceld is vppon God who prefcruetb thofc that be ryght in hart. 12 Gad is the iudger of the iuftj and of the defpy fers of God dayly. 10. [fcettbemaUee.liffu'ftofaHbepiafc rtb gob to bjtvDlc tbe malice of bis enemies $ to bztng it to an enbe. wberuppon it fo= lowetb,tbat \)is baplp affliction Soas of no fbcjt tpmes contineu?anec. Co otberfome it feemttb ratber to be a foze air Gng,i»bo take tbe Suoozb [Gamar] tranGtpaelp too beftr op o? cofume.3Pno fo aecozbing to tlj f , JDauiD tot ibctb tbat &£> ID fbouID turne tappon tbe beabs of rb« bngoblp, tbe mif= cbeef tbattbepbabDeuifeD.l&utbntomee it fcemetb moze fnnpie,tbat 2>auib fbouID Defpze an enbe of bisorone trubbles. 3nb tfjerf foze immeoiatlp bppon bis rcqucft, in tbe enbe rbereof foiowetb , tbat <&on ftoulb[leaD $ inH arpgbt oz ftabliO) btm.] iFo* ttjere is fmall Difference S»btcb of tbe two to apes pot» reabc it. iff oz tbe mcening hereof is, t^atc^eD fboulbfet bpagcine ano mapntepnet^e iud perfones that are 5»zongfallp opp2e(Tco. [^02tboaarttbe fercber of barts]. Cbe copuiatluc in this place is not bnaptip x cfolucb into tbe part of fpcccbc tbat renoererb a caufc^o? tber is no ooo?t,bHttbat2Dauib abictb^vea* fonto confirmebiSpzaper&utbal!. %n\i altbotrgb be Declare novo tbetfypzi) tpme, tbat be appzocbetb boiDlpbpon truff of tbe S&itnefTe of a gooo confeience : y it not> foitbftanbing beerp?eu"etl)mo;e tbanljec bab Doone befoze : namelp tbat be baD not onelp conttnerreD innocent in outmarbe SdoozUcjd , but alfo bab folotrcs pureneffe turn ioitb tbe intraroe affection of b'0 bare . •ainD be feemetb to mate!) tbis bps tiuft againff tbe pzpDr of bis enemies, bp tobom it is ipKclp tbat fuel) mift0 of flaun^ Dcrc toer e fpzcb abzobc among tbe coinon people, tbat tbep compcllcb tbe ftlie fotvle, te offer b«S bart anDlns repncsintrpall Unto vj5oa.3inD it map bee tbat be (babctb tb?mowtof tbeir colotablcrlobc0,i»ber; feitb tbep bab pnotogb too becepue men foptball. ^o?.be Cbewetb rl;at tbowgb tbe multitube clappeD tbeir I)anbs at tbcm: pit S»as it of no balew , bpcaufe tbep Qjoulb anon aftcr,comme befoze (Sobs iubgment reate,fe>beremqutrie fbouID bee mabc, not of tptles o? of tbe orotwarb glittering of feoo2fecs:but of tbe pureneffe of tbe barf, ^ ii ^©p vppon the feuenth Plalme. 21 11 [^p Ojccto.] ;$t is no maruel though 2Dautb from time to time among bis piai txs do mebbic the minbing of other things Sobcnoitb to encourage bimfclft to boID= neffe. foj, go &>ee too (Boo S»itb ncuer fo goofi a cbecre,our heat boib bp anD bp cps thcralap 0; fall too D20opmg,onlcflc it ga= tber new ftrcngtb. Cbctf02e too tbentent JDautD might bolbout fejitbbts pjapers after one rate,bee calletb t 00 m pnD,fcnten ■■ ces out of the general! boctrme,S»berroitb beecbcntrjetbanbcbccretb bp bisfapfb. 2Hnb he auoucbet b,that fo? aftuueb as gob pjefcruetb thofe that bee right in barkbee to fuffictentlp feneeb foitbbte protection. Wberbpon it folov»cth,that he bab a right conscience of bt0 otene. aCnbiDherashce foptb notfimplp,[tbe rigbtcoufiMbut fuch as are[right in bart:]be fecmeth to ljaue an epeto that inwarb fearching of the hart $ rcpne0. 12 [©obt0thetubger]£)thersrcab,[goD t» a rigb tcoufeiubge,anb tf>ob is angrp cs uerp oap laiitbougb'tbe Soooibs &U bear this meentng alfo:ptt bicaufe there 10 mojte pletiful Doctrine in tbefo;mcr,3] bauetoil iingl? foieu>eb the famc,lifce a0 3! fee it ah loo?eb of ail the befl IcrneD:$ befibes that, it agrcctb mojc 6tlp to j piefentcace. ^ioi inafmucbas 3>aulc* fcreb asbcSoas, bab obtcpneD fo much bp their flaunoercus rc= poztes.tljat all tbcpeoplccfcjemccrc) cons bemneb 2DauiD:tbe goelp man fuftepnet!) btmfclfe ftntb this oncip onebope,tbat al though tl)ing0 be neucr fo confuftb in this S»02lD,ptt goDptrttctb a Dtfferincebettrcn the ngbtecufc anD the fcnc&eb. 'Chef fo?e i;cc appcaletl) from the ouertbwartiubgc- mcnt0 of men, bnto tirob, fc>bo can ncuer bcbegtr-pleb* iftotunthftanctng, it is t>t- maunbeb bote he map attribute oailp iut»g ment bnto (jfjob,S»bom S»c fee oftentimes to briap punilbmcnt a long time.2l!nb ccr= tzffc the icripturc ; not imtbout caufe)com mcbetb b«* long fuffcraceiftoto although he boo not ececute his iubgemcnt0 out of banb,ptt fojafmucb a0 ther is no time,(02 rather there paffcfb no Dap) iobcr cin bee fbetDCth not bp aflurcb pjocfes, that he Sit cerneth tbctbmg0 a funDer,ft>btcb arc win gleb togithcr in the ir 02 lb: tt is a furc cacc, that he ncuer ccafTctb from ht0 office, jff 02 Srhofoeucr ft) a I lift bp his epco to ecu to :r the gouernment of the &j02lb,uial clccrclp fee, that ©OD0 fufferanccbotb farre Differ fromftmifctng. ^urclp the faithful! Srrll refotte too bun bnfearefullp from bap too bap. l3 4 *$ Onlefleheeturnc, hec hath whetted his fwoorde : hec hath bent his bowe3and is redy toshoote. And hec hath prepared thetooles of death too it, hec shall makefitte his arrowes for them that perfecute. Behold hee shall trauell with wickedneiTe, he concerned nawghtineiTe, and hec shall brine; foorth leafinjr 13 [£>nlcu"e he tumeJCbeia th:ce bcrfes art Suoont to bee erporetnbcD ttoo Shapes. ^Fo:fomethmb that if JDauibS enemies p:ocecDc in their malicioufnefTc, there is benotrneeb againft tljcm , the bengeance 5»h'ch their foiifuIncOe befcructh. §>o tn the feconb member tbcpfupplp thefentcce fotth [the name of bo {ball let but ^1 mnft ncebes perifb bnbec bisbanD ^5fo: feeing Ijcl>at^ Socaponat 5s) ii:b: U5il pjr.cttjc mp bcatl) bp al mcantf. *$nbb*&Joperlpfeetcucnetbi§>aulc : nna tl;erefc;c be faptb be batb mabe St W ar= roa?c0 fo; pcrfccuters,bpcaufe be Sjab ma^ np pcomen at bans, tljat SuolD glasl? baue emplopcb tljctr labour too beftropeiDa: trio . Cbctfo;t tbe 49;topbetc0 purpofc &>a0 to cjctol tljg grcatneflTc of gobs grace, bp tbc ljowgcncfle cft!;eperil.[Curning] in tine place is not taken fojt amenbment, but onlpfo? ar. alteration of foiilras if bee baa fapb, it ions in bifi enemies ctyopce to peifojjneicbatfoeuer bisluft bablpbeb: i»bcrbp appzeretb tb,e better , bow feona bcrftril tlje alteration ivao.Sytyicb fosainlp gnfe&eb comrarp to an bios. wi;cra0 bee faptb tbat 2>culc im picpareb tcole© of oescb to Ins bon?,bs GgmScfn tbat be pur^ pofeu ug wears t^iiig, but that be i»a0 ful ip bent to io ounb fjm to bcarb 'tubom bee Ojotar.^ometranflatetbistooojmrDou- Jcchim, Burnersjfo? fo alfo flgnf&etb it a= mong tfje l^cbjc«?C0. ButtbatiDlncb 3 Usat txanflafeb if , sot!) huge agree to tbs p;efcnt plac?. SnD Dauto complapncb tbat be ftoob in feare not Of one man onip, but'ofagreafrtw&fttu&e, bpcaufe £>£ute bab armcb man? ptt&eutcrs againft the muerabic anb fugifruc man. |I5 [:5cl?oio be: fljall fraud!.] i^ttgerto fSDaiiib batb. Declares l>Oic Djeabf»i banns gee voasatbanb : ana now letting at tbe Pjokd pjacrp&s of &aulci»ttb W gtojis one furniture , he "declared) ibar tl)$p. are come too uawgljt 1Bv tbeabucrb of ajew- tng,l)c amphfieth tlje miracle acmatbisg failing out bnioofeeb fo?. n&cbolac (faptl) be) Mjen be uoail bauetrauelcb of irsic-s UeDncfl? Jike as he bab concaucb trubble, at length' tber came fojtb emptp 5» tnb anb banitie,bpcaufc d5oo batb Dtfapointeb bis fojicfceb purpofec. Txuc&cbndrc anbtrab- blc are taUen foj anp mnncr of ix>ionges iDl)icb 0auletl)ougbttobaue boriebnto IDauib.^g oiu altljougl) fctne interpjeter0 tbinfe ti;at tl)t iw&s are tranfpo&b out of o^Dcrbpcanfc [ C*aucling] is put bcfo;s [Concepuing: j pit 3P,fuppofe tbattb^be- grcesioere Stlp placeb , fe tbatpc refolue ittbuo : i5ebolb bcfijall traudl of Sx>icc UebnefTe, bpeaufebe batb ccHceincb trub= blc : tbat i0 to fa? , like as alatc 5js beiufeb miftbeefe in bim&lfe agemflt tnc,fo Syil bee enceuertoiuQjtiit nponmce. 3ftcro?ar& beabbctb.tbat be bat!) bzougbt fottbrjea- fmgJbpcaufebebaDbinbegi&ileb of l)is bope:acco?btng ap € fap faptb 26.18 .tl?3t tlje anbeleuerobjing fo?tb Sxspnb , fccien tbc fucceffe t0 not anftcerablc to tljcir boiD attCHtyt. 3W oft tf-crfo: t as feec fce-lbo bngoblp biewtng' beuifcs too btP rop b0: let u come to our remeiubiancc , tbat ti>e£ og but ipe to tt}emfciuco . /i^ott»itbftan= oing,cvce muft pacientlp abp&e it,if the t-tf- 'nppopnttng appcere not before tljcit tra- uciir.g 0? bringing a bcb. 1 6. Hcliath cut a pit and digged itowt : and he is falne intoo the ditch whith he hath made. 17. His naw^h'tmedes'iall turnevppon his owne head, and his violence shall lyght vppon Iiis owne pate. l^csrclDautB fssptb tljat tbcirvuicUcb p>acti^0n6t 6n$Ip^infeD fucctue, but alfo fe>:i-s bp <5obs feoonDCirfull p?oui= Deja.ce tumcc to a coninu-p eno. Cbis bes ciaret^ijcefirftiaa ^etapbo?, ufingtbc a0ttr;j:fia 3Dfcch.: anoaf= ter^arb b's'e bitsrcclj tlje fams t%u\g in runp!t>3oo?.o0 Soitbout figure , namcip, ti).ittbci«iCttCbjicri; iciurHca bppon t!je beuifcr^ lyzxo . 3! ooist not but it i»as a p;ouri-bsa!l mme0 be in anp nopfomc crafts: ti;iu cnb S»l>icb D bp tJjc fccretc Direction of tyst banb,brnrec!5 baeUc Y^ppon nietr p&heljcabes , tfjjg'nitF: cljccfe labicl) tficp ifticnb agairitl the inno^ cent. 3lgeiritf at anp time the tofrfamefTe of tbc flcfr ftirrctb ts eptber too burt our 18 r: jgbbo?0,o? to boo an? fotcfecb beebc: let bsbetbtnkU© of t!)t0 bcngcanccGf <£ca>, t?;atfbep&>!)ic?j pjeparcaptl foj. erbers, arc caft bourn into tt tljcmfe luc0.s§) o Gmll ttcommc tcparTctfjat Wake b,ow mite!) cebe petfemrcgarbetb bimfe'f anb bts otrn fe clfare , fo raucb Smll be r eft rcine piiftlt from all fc>?ongfuI! Dealing. I will praifc the Lord according too his rightuowicncilc and I wil fine; too the name of the Lord mo{kliv2;h. bjtcefip tbc tinner 'ft>!)tel) !)C bail) bttcreb in tbctrbolepfalme: nawelp,tf)ati)c owttij bis life to t!>c grace of Cob, &>l;o f;ab not tufizveb j~>aulc to tabe it from t)tm. (Sods vigbtuoufheffc is in tins place tafcc fo? Irs fatityfulncfle &btcb lje perfojmctlj tctvaro l)i0 feruantsinfauingtfceir Iiup0.^toj gcb Hcepetb not l)i0 rtgbtcoufnefiei>ibben wii b, in bnnfelf:btit fenbetb tt ab?obc to our t«:~ bocfe, fcbiie bcebcficnDctbb0agemftall SujongfiU biclence.Deltucrctb bs from op predion, 9 pjefcructb b0 in fauftp tfe, ougb iuc be aOUulteD bp fcnekeb men. ;tf ojafmucl) as <25ob btliuerrtb bts fcr= ttants tot'gss cnb, tijat thep fboule rettber bnto inm agein tbc factifties of pjtaife: 23 a tub pjotmfetli i;cerci!;atl}cfeabeti5an&- fuiifoz bis ocliuerance veccmeb: anb tljer= oitijaH atioucljctl) it to bee tbcbnboutcb t mamtciiftwU of ®cb,tt;at bebab cfca= peb from beat!), ^oz be coulb not berelp *frombis bart Ijatt'e afcnbeb tbe p?apfe of bisioelfaretmto dpQb,ifl)cljab not per fwabeb ;btmfclfe in goob earned', tbat bee ioas fhncb otljerxoil'e tl^s bp tnaus power. wbcrfo?ebcnot cnlp p?otmTctl) bc*o tljaU fulneflcto guf $cIiucr6t:butaUo auoucI;ctb The Conteintes of the eighth Pfalmc. Damd' bethinking hhnfclf of Cods fatherly bottntifttlncffe towards mankinds, vp wt-coptentprjTbajlivpIe thanks ^cuhi^but is ranijbcd into a yeondcrmct of it. The eighth Tf.tlme. To the checfc Chaunter vppon HaggitUth a fbns; of Dauids. 2 OLord our Lord hov v vvonderfull is thy name in all the earth , too fet thy glorie aboue the heauens tljat in the &bo!c ojber of Mature t^er appeeretb moft large matter of <©£DiD^>. p?a?fc : pet notftuibflanbiRg bpcatofe 'wtc bee mojte moueb btitl) tlje twinges tbat itee fecle in ourfelue0 , 2Dauib C nst Seitl;o\tt ^fj?> i^ttljcr [ Girhjrh] fignifpe an m= KO&SlI ftr«mcnt of ^nfifc, oj a bpnb of S^all ^wrc y oj tbe beginning of fome notable anb fojc&norvn UBallabc, 3 leaueitbneertapne. jfojaofo^tbofc^ tljinj; tlje ^falme &a0 ealleb fo, bpcau>ft it &a0 mabe in the citic of df>at!) , tljcp fetcbtbeir confirepneb crpofition too far of. ©f tlje tbjee former mahed no greatc matter at bes bs . 3no affurcblp aUttyoo-gi) goob cattfe)bcetb purpofelp comtnb gobs fpcriall grace tovoarbes manfepnb,bpcaufe it is tije moft bjpgbt mirrour febcrtn fee map bel)Olb!)is glojucifteucrtljekne, it is Oranngcfebpljc Cicula begin feitbaner^ damation, itingtnenarc&oont firfttco Ibci»tl)Ctbingit fclfc, etctbc creatnefic tbercof bccabuauKCCb. lSutti feeebcarc inmpnbc tbatfcbicb is fa^D inotljcr pla= cc0,Cnamelptljatatljc bowtfaucb toppon manfepnbj fcclctl) alibis fenCcs too becftoalowebbp c: cuv'tirljelmeD, lie ferpctb ouit,th,at it is a matter taootfbpe too bee fc>onb?eb at, bpcawfc it can not bee compidjcnocs in fct oojdc-j . ® cfpbes this, it is not too bee oomtco ,bat tbat tlic bolp d?boft Qstjo ru leb iDauibS tung) bpb tntjis pcrfonc quic ken bp tbe bulncffeSobidj is common too al men.tbat tljev fb oulD not after tbnr 025 binairc falbton nigarblp anb'colbip pjutpfe tbe unmeafurable tone of etr finesces to tr)ts crcrcpfc of goblinefTc. Jfoj tins acelama* tion, S»bicb JDautb batlj bfeb , beclarctb, tbatfc>ben all tbe abriitie of manncs&it is ftrepneo orot too tije bttermofr too rins tborcgbt, petit commetl) farr6 fbojtof it. 31 take tbe" name of tfoo toebeepatbecre fo^ tbc renooimcb hnowltbgc of bptnrtijat 10 to voir,fo far f oo:tb as be btfclofetb btms felf bntoo *s. foi 3 like not tbe fattlc fpcculation of tijofc, ltbtcb tbink tbe name of «Boo too bee nothing clfe but <2>ob bim= fclf. J?oj it miift bee referr cb ratber to Ins Sooojbcs anb influences , fortjerebp be is knoiecn, than too bis bceing or fubftancc. Cberfoje l;c fapctb, tbat tbecartb is full of c^obs focmbcrfiill glO£ie,fo as t!;erc= nou>tne tbereof mounted abcuc tbe tytas nens. jro? in mp mbgincnf.tbe S»co;b [Tana,] is rpgbtip taken of fommc in [m«- chor. J tbat is too fape, in tbe 3_nttni«uc moobe, foj [too place, 0? too fct] ^0? in tbe feconb member tb«re is an amplifica- tion, as if ^e bab fapb.rtje cartb ts to little too contcpn tbe glo?ie, 0; tbe repall mate* ftieof<2>ob. Unb fo tins Sacojb[ After,] fbail not bee a reiatiuc, but it (bail import as mucb as a fullalkng oj crpownbing part of fpcacbe. 3. Vppon the movvth of babes and fuckclingcs hade thovv fbvvnded ftrenghth for thyne aduerfaries , too put too flyght the encmie and reuenser. jftota entered) be intoo trje matter itfelf, tabid) be tooke bppon bim too intrcate of: namelp, tbat (©O3spxouibcnce,fo?tbc bts teringof itfelf m mankmb,toaitctb not fe^ pecres of btferetion, but fbpnctb bjtpgbtlp foojrl) eucn from tbe fpjft cbpiol;ob , fo mucb as map fuffpfe too bifp;oue all tbe bngoblp,S»bicb tbjoiugh- tbtirbearbcnifb contempte coulee fpn&e in tfjctr bartes tbat <&obs name Sucre quite abolifbeb. TObcrao fome rtnnk that [Mephi* $ipon,] tmpojtctb as mucb as [Kephi,3!n,]it is a- geinft reafc,bpcatt.fc tt fontb.icb 2DauiD bfctb.auib \jerp goob reafon to auow?cb,tl;at altr;otcgb tl;etungs of all tbat vppon the eyght Plalme. 23 tbat bee men grovoen Qjoulbceafe : pit tbe berpetungtpbcmovotbof infants 10 able pnowgbtofetfoojtb^owpjapfe . 25ut fojljcra© be- not onlp bjtingetb in babes, a0 ftmneffesanb publif ftjers of gob0 glojtc, butalfoattributetb ftebpc ftrengtb bntoo tbep? mototbe : it is not tcitborot a greatc pitbtbincffe . Jfo^tt t0a0rmjcb 20 tf bee bab fapb tbat <2?ob0 foulbper© are bnuan qutf fbablc,anb Q)all caflp bifperfc f oucr= tbiotoalitbciDbolcboft of tbe bngoaip, fib^en it cotnute© to tbe encounter.iFoj Sue muft mark agatnft totyom be gtuetb in- fant0tbe charge too ocfcnD <25ods glu?te: namelp agatnft the ftcclcbarteb befppfcr0 ^ociob0 after tbemaner of tbe dBpants fttcfee not to maKc Dcfpaice Dnto hcaucn. Cberfojc inafmucb as tbci0 onccpeb <35y~ ants iwttfj furiovofc bcaDpneffc pull ooirne ana oucrtbiotce fobatfocucr goDlpncfle 10 in tlje icoe;lD,anD enaeucr tottb tbeir ftce= IpncfTc to bjeaftc open eucn beauen tt felf : jQautb in moefcagc tytngcib Cbtlo?en0 movotbeo foojtl) too battcll againft tbern, fapmg tbattbep be fttrmfyeb tnitb armour ftrongpnovcgb ano enbcvocb frith fuff ct= ent mwlpneffe, to oucrrbjovoc tbeir p;poe. 2; no tbcrcfbze be IjaDoctb tmmeoiatrp, [fo? tbpnt abucrfarpc0.]5fo? e armetb bimfelf agatnft bi0 enemies frbtefo neuerpeelbbutbp eompulfton . SDommc taKctb«froc#D [founbeb] oucrftrcigbtip: namelp tljat <£od iapdb founbacions of bis gtojie in tbe bcrp birtb 0; begetting of man. ^urelp J! Dorot not but tt t0 put foj to [ftabufb,] 80 if ibc #>?opbet baD fapb: tbat tlje mowtbe0 of Cbil^en frcrtas gcoDbnto <2>oo.too fceftrot>c bt0 enemies frit!) , n0 frariike anb ftrong bofte0 of men . [Co put too fipgbt ] 'She Jntcvi meters bnrpe conccrmnce tbe froojbe [ Hafi.uchith.] |£)2opcrlp u fignifvetb too c.itn'e one loo ccafe cz leauc off . jfp.oj it 10 tntijc conHigaricn [Hiphii,] of tVjcncwtsy [shacath,} ioln'cb figntfpctb too ceafc 0? icaue off. 115 ut bp a metapbo? it 10 often tpmc0ta&ctoDeftrop ojbjmgto navogbt, bpcaiofc beftructton mahertj an enbe of tbings. ©tberfommetranaatctt [tbat tbow matft repjeffe 0? typbhr,] a0 tbo^gb iDauibfboulBmccnctbat ibep toerc put to filencc , fo a0 tbep ceafeb too raplc oj toop?ate anpmojc. l&nt bpcdVDfc tbere 10 in ti)is place a full atiufion bcttrcene grace,anD toarreagamft tlje enemies, (as 3fi bauefbeioeb eucn novo) tbe tcrmc of fc>arre liheD mcc better, iwbicb is to [put too flpgbt. ] 15 ut it i0 Dcmeiunbet) after &?bat fo?t (I5od puttctb bis cnemic0 too flpgbt, femgtbcp? trapterens malepert- ncflc ceafctb not too raftSe riolentlp a= gamft all tlje ecamplcs of ©ods p£ou:= bence :* 3Banft»er, tl)eparenot put too flpgbt as in refpect ibstrtjev bee compels leb bntoo moDcltie : but bpcavofc tbep ire fbamefullp confowmbco toogitber iwitb tbeir biafpbemics anb cuvrifl) barbings. Cbe effect is tbi0 , tbat from mans firft besetting 0; being bo?nc , tbe b^vgbtneffe of <15ods pzouibencc is fo apparant , as euentbe jnfants banging en their moo= tbers teats boo oucrtb;ovoe tbcp? Curve, bpcarofc tbat tljOirgb tijep ^oolo a bun- D?eo tpmes butft tbemfclucs fo? tt , rit tbepboobutfttpucmbapnetoo^anqiiifb tbeftrengtb folncb fbeSuctb it fclfc in ibat ireafeneffc. ^noalttjovcghtbtrereignea befpjotofeneffe of reuengc in all t!)c bnbe= leeuers,liliea0 contrarpwpfe C5od ruictb bbscbiiojenfeitbtbc fptrit of mccHncffc: yit notcoitbftanDing (. accc?Ding too tl;c circumftance of tbe p?cfcnt place , ) tbe ^Djopbet attri'outctb, t\)io title too tl)Cbcf= ppfcr0 of <5iD5D , 5»l)0 not onelp are cruell agcinft men , but alfo burnt frutlj b?apRfm mabneffe too affauUcuxn <25ob lnmfclf.30 appertcpning to tl;c opening of tbe p?Qpbet0 weening, 3S baucnoto bpf^ cljargcD p occotp of a faptbful interpreter. Cberc rcmainetb but one fcruple,bicavpfe CEb?ift S^atb: m.i 6 fee-mct'a to bjatot!)ic tejtt to an ot^cr tf ce,febcn he applpetb the fametocbtloje of tenpecresage.lButtbc folutionis eafp,p Cbitftrcafonctbtro the greater thing to tbe !cffcr,as tbus;3 ttras not agcinft reafen at sll^et gob,rcbo iF-b mate c'mlo?cn cucn in their mfancictoo be the Kiapntepncrs ef \}is glo^p, fl;oulDfcC fpe?tb lohn Caluins Coinmcntaric J fooztf) \jus pzapfc bp fytiv tungs after ttycp fe>cce come re feue pceres age oz ppwaro [ 4 When 1 fee thy heauens, the vvorkes of thy fingars, the Moone and the Stages which thovv haft trimmed : I j V Vhat is man that thovv art myndfull of him,itl;holD mens ep'cs in looking bppon it : yit is bus aloziebcbtlD after a peculiar maner inbptf fo bosentpf iil fauoiit xot)mx>ity be embja- at'.) man'apnb. 3ma tins fence isjoolo not agree amtff: . *$cuetrb?teffe 38 iiheb faefc Eerto folo«nl;atit>b:cb, ipasmoftrcceps ucb. I^otobceit, it bebouetb tbe reafcers to bee becbfuli in marking tljc purpofc of ttye ^>2opijct : namelp fbatbp tbts compart fon be cnlargctl) tljc ioonficrfull goobneffe of oonber tljat tbe creatoz of Sjeauen (fe>bok bpgb glozpc rauifijet!) fos bp too tbe aberration tl)er= of,) fubmittetl) Ijimfelfe folo&e, as too booytfafetoo tnkefcpponbim tge care of mankptib . 3nb this matching of centra^ visst is gatbereb of tbefooozb [Ancfli]bya carafe betermctl) man b? bis frayitte,va~ tlj# tfym bp bis ftrengtb- ^oj &»c fee rbat mifcrablc men Creeping fcppon tbe cartb, arc istermcDDiea loitb f bplcft creatarcs. waoztbcip tbcrefoze mpgbt d?ob Defppfe tbcm ano make no account of tbsm, if bee fiocsbc bppon tbe regard of fc>oo?tbmefifc. wberfoze tlje $zspbet abafetb tbeir eftate bpmlerrogation,meen!ngti)atgocsu)Onj fccrfaU gooineffe is fcene mojj clecreJp bercbj\tbat fo great a fejcjUmafter fabole maicftie (apnctb UifytmeufriU bswtfaue too cceke tbis miferablc anb bple creature iuttl) fmguiar glozic,ano to ernicb it &itb tnnumeraolericbcs. j(Fo;tf be bab liftco to beflovrc bis iibcrfiiire , bee neebi b not too bauecbofen men on?t of onft anb clap teo PZcferre tljcm afeouc all otber creatures : fo; tljere teas matter pnowgb fo? bim too iuoozKe bppon in ^eanen. Cberefozc feljoYocucr tcnot ama^eb at this miracle, be is mojc tban tntbanUfull anb blochifb . $)crebnto alfo pertevnetb it tljat'qe tcr= metl) tbe beauens, ©oos beauens anb tl;e fouOzUcs of bis Sngars-itfoz iubat (boo!D mcooebimtoo comcowt ci ti;atfo noble anb eiccllent part of bis Syoozfec , anb to let bourne bimfelfe bnto bs filie Joozmes : but to rnaHe bis goocnefic tbe moze mam? feft r iX)berebviDe«5atl)crairo, tbsttbep oucr leaioblp abufc (Sobs grace, w!jo tche occaftontoobccpzoxvjD bpreafen of tijeir ovone crccllencie.i5s5x)bo fboulD fap,tbc^ bab eptljer comme bp it bp tbeir oame cun nmg , o; poCTeffeb it fo? tljcp? crone it- fert:anD tbat tbeir oome beginning Cjoulb not ratljcr put tbcm in mpnbc, bow it is bcGoroeb b^pon fucb as otbcrwpfc arc bplc an3 bttcrlp bntvoojtijpc . i(Jberc= foze &>bat cfiimable tl>ing fo cucr tucc fee in our fciuts, let it frir bp our fenfestoo Hiagiiif^'c tbe freeftutour of CSob. 3fn tljc enbeof ibc fourtlj \?erfe, in freb of tijat Svrjicl; others translate too [pzeparc] oz too [townb] oz [frabliJli,] it feemcb goob ;o mc: too trauQate it to [trim]. ^Poj tbe pzopbet fecmeil; teo ijnm an epe bnto tbat mode goobip czDcrlpne(Te'iobere= tbiowgb (5ob bad) fo aptlp bifiinguif= fijeb tbe placing of tbe S>tarres , anb go= uznKtlrt\)epztQixcb. Cbfit d5obismpnb= ful of man, tmpoztetlj as mucb as too em bzscc man, icttb ^fatijarlp louc anb too &£&noe anb cbcrtfbc bifa bnber btsp?o- tcctiou.^Fozafmucb as almoft all fitter- pzetersta'ae [Pacad] to;[to bifitJJ i»ooiD not btfagrec from tljem.fub {- fence agrcetb 2 ■ , ■ ***T? . vppon "tlic cyght Pfalme. 24 ioitWWt\)tptalmt^.it^i\i\otbt amiffe to tranflatc it fo:as tf ijeftaD fapb,tl>ifi 10 a fooKCcrou0 thing ti>at ©od tinnbcrij bpo men continuallp. toerp S»cllfe>itb it. j0ota»itbftanDing in as much, as it figntfictt) now anb then [to re= memberjanb tfjat ttye repcting of one ten= tenccinfunbjp freojssis r^fc toomcete 6. For thow hafte made him little inferiour too Godyind hafte crowned him with glorie and honour. 7 Thow halt fet him oucr the vvorkes of thyne hands : Thovv kaftc put all things vnd^rhis feete. 6 [ f t% Vopto ijaftc.j 3! bowteb not hut tbattbc^ctyciD copulaitue [Chi] orogbt too baue bin turneb mto p abucrb of caufe , as tbovcgb it fcab bin Svjutten, [fo? furelp.j ;ffojbe conQrmetb tljat fc>bicb befpaUe a- latc cocerningibc incomparable goobneCc of d&jJDJD toioarbomcH, namelp tbatbc fbetoeti) i)tmfclfe necrc bnto tbcm an J) mpnifulloftyem 25natrulp,firftije faps etb tl;cp bee Dfcseo 5»ttb fo man? o^nas incnrs t^at tbtir cBatetc notmucb inferic our too tfjc b^auenip gtojve of <£>ob . &e; conbipbee reherfetbtbciroiitirarb fouec renttc anb autl?o?it:c finer al! creatures : i»bcrcbp it appeerctbintoo bow>bVgbbes greeof btgmttc <^cb qaU;e eraltcb tljem. iiburclp 31 borot not but bee commenbetb tbenctabie giftefifebicb fbew>el)Owmen SocrcfbapcD after tJjc image of $00, ana crcnteo too t!;t ijopc of bliflcD ano cuctla; Ring lyte.jFt't in t|at tljfp bcecnocroco & reafon iyfjcrbp tbep may oifcrne gocb anb cutll aflunocr : in t!;at ti)2 feeoe of religion t0 Dwocn in ttyem : m tfjat tijer e is bctttf nc tbemamutusU communion Snittogttijer fctitb cct tetne boip bonte 0 : in tljat tljcrc grotccfy among them a rcgarb of bone* flic,anb fbawefaftntffe, ano gouernaunee- of Iatoe0:rbei0arenoaarfe token0 of mod cjrccltfnt anb Ijeaucnip Sopf borne . 3nD tl)crrfojcnoti»it^owtcatrfe boctb £a- uiti Krpc owt , tbat manKpnbc is bccKca &ntb glojte* jjonour^o? too be [Croro= neb] io metapbojicaUp taHcn becre a0 tborcgb be Ijab fapb , l)t is clab 8 beawtps fpcb atnamei0 hnowentobec often refcrrebbntco3ngc!!fl , anbji tafee tbc Suoo;c0 of jDauib too unpojt «0 mucl) a0 tf i-cljats&pD, tl)?.t tncnarc Ipttfc biftant from ti;e bcauailvit«tc of ©cb.^Diint^ flanbing bpeaufc t^c ctljer rranflationte mo?e naturall, anbtljel?cb?e«cc0bco in manerfuofcribctoit: 3 Ijauc folou^cD tt. 3nb it t0 no rjinberaunce hnebnto ti) bit bppontl)e effecte of tl;e matter . Cbcre is mo?e ^arbneflc in bntpinc of an^ otl;cr fenot. flFo?i»ljera0 tl?cia?o$3l;ete in t\)is place intrcatctb of pjerogatiuc of men, anb fapti) tljat ttyrp appzoclj ntcre bn to <3 ob : tlje 3 pcftle bjau et?) it to tbe aba Cng ojlcfleningof Cb^ift.i irft 10 too bte feene, Ijoto it map ftanoe , tliattljc tbmo,?. feljicl) is fpoken of all mr.Hh mb , fij onto t c fitlpapplpcbtotbcpcrfonofC^J.i0■. 2ub feconblp r)Ow it mapbeconfircweb, rfcac £W& ^»a0 leffeieb in \)is beatl), i»bcn l;c icitljout fawt on a*ib beautp lap as it iuerc befaeeb Vjnber tlje flaunber nnb curfs if t\)C Crcffe. aitljougb fo? foluticn ef tbc firft qucfiicn it nugbtfuffticisbtirj fommemen fay, trjat tb,ere map bee a fit anb agrccatle couepance from tbc members totbe5;cab: fit nottoitl)Oanbing,3 Soillp?cceebcfur= tber , bpcaufc €\fti& \s not enclptije fiift begotten of all creatures , butaiiotbc re papier of all menUinb . f c? tlje that iDauib citetb l;ecrc, belor.gpjopcr Ip to tlje beginning of \\yz creation, fejl}m mannes nature toao iyl)de anb fcu-ne ^Wo^eoucr irec Unouc tljat bp trie U\\ of atbam all n?anHpnbe fell from bvs nat^uc ojiginall : byecufe tfcat bet!) ifjc 3iii>age of ©i^aD So?s ?.lmoft ttter: Ip rajeb o«?t, anb ivee tocre cIcbkc be- reft John Caluins Commcntarie bereft of tbe cljccfc gifts fctycb fljolb baue mab3Usasitiocrebatf<£ob0:anDfmaUp tss \uerc bzougbtfromtHOft b»Sb cjcccllcn etc, into fozowful anb lotbfom neebintfle. ■tcfeouglj fucb cozruptio ceafco tljat ltbc= ralittc of ;J5ob iobicb £>auib commenbetb in tins place : at Icaft wife tbat it map in no wife apperc in Ins pure bz-igbtneffe. fo% aitbougb it be not utterly rajcb out : yet noticttI)ftanbing,t/Ow ftnall a portion of it 10 there to be fc Jie among tbe miferablc be facings tbcrof - $owbcit,fozafmucb as £ bcauenlpfatber batb agcin beftoroeb tbe fulneffe of all gifts Uppon bis &onne,tbat aliwee iuigbt Djainottt of tins ioclfpzing: ioofcefobat thing focuer <£>ob fccftoujetb bpon 00 bp l)im, tbe fame of Uerp rigl)t a= grcct!> Srft anb fo?moft Un?o bim:?ea ra- is tbe iwelp image of <25ob, accoj= Ding to Solncb ^)C muff be awenbcb,fo>ber Upon all the other things bepenb. If any man make erception,ti)at SDautb Srft be- maunbebSub^tisman, tl)atbp be ttjoulb iuon* bcr at Cbr.ft tobo is not one of the comon fo2t of other men, buttl)e onelp begotten fonne of <£fob: Clic is eafp:namclp, that tbat fc>b'cl) loao befto&cb Upon £bzi ftcs manboco came to him office gf. : pea anb that it is a moft ligbtfome mtrro? of $obs mercp , tbat a mo;tall man anb the fonne of aibam, i0 tljconlp fenne of <£5ob, anb the Ilojo of glo;», r.nb tbe bcab of tbe 3ugels.Bnb bcrewitbal is to be marked, tbata>batgtf;csfocucr be recciuetl), tbe fame arc countcD fo mud) t\)t moit of free gift, bicaufctbep pertcme moze Unto US, Cbenfoloivctbit, tbat lnsp?crogatiuef bcaucnlp btgnitic arc cctcnbco Unto us al - fo.foz Sobofc lakes be is enrtcbeb ioitb the. Cljat io'Aicl) tbe aipoftlc bifcourfetb ffter isarb coneer'tng lus fbozt abafmg, isnot fctbowne tn trap of erpofition: but bp cn= rtclnng of the text, he turned) to bis ownc purpofc, tbatiul,*icb*oa0fi;ofccnin ano- ther fcnez. f o? ?£>aulc fiicUeb not iSo. i o . garnifb tb^ioozbo of i^ opfc© bp an ampliftcation.aftcr this maner,S»bcre bee fapetto : \v\)0 (ball ctiinbctntobcaucn.jc. rcbercfoje tbcHlpoftlebiD not rai e^c onip tobat iDauio mcnt:but aU iubmg to tl;c tames of [abafcincnt anb \)0- nour,] be places tbe onein Cbiift0 beatb, anb tbe other in bis refurrection. Co tbe fame purpofc almoft alfo makctl) tbat er= poQtionof?aaulc0Cpbef.+.g.l5p&)bicb be not fo mud) erpounbctb tbe place of tbe |l>falmc. 6 8 . 1 8 . ao applpctl) it to CbjiGff perfon,bp a goblp benbing of tt afioe. 7 C Cbot: bail fct l)im oucr .] tfjoui cometb tbe Cbaptcurbowntotbat fecenb popnt, i»bifb 31 toucbeb cuen no«> : nameip,tbat berebp it i0inamfe!r,i»itb boio great ioue <15ob batb cmb^accb mankinb , anb S»bat ft o?e be fcttetb bp tbctn, feeing be batb gi= uentljcmtbe ILozbfbipofailtbingo. fo% 5t»beras be batb no nccbe of anp tbing bim felfc : be batb appoynteb all tbe fep^on of i^cauen tnb Cartbto feme tbeir turne. ^»urelpa rare anb incomparable bono?, tbatamoztall manfbonlbm bole 'i»ozlb is frames in fucb ozber, as it mapferuc to manncsfelicitie. 3nb boto tbe fame map pzoperlp agree to Cb?iftalone,3!bauealrebp fbefceb a little afozc. Cbis retnainctb now furtber to bee fecnc,bowfarretbiS puttmgof aUtbings Unocr tbem ertenbctl).tiiInboutcblptf anp tbing be ageinftmen, citber mbcaue o? on cartb:tben is tbat per fectib of ozberlmcfle becapeb. wberUponitfolottctb,tbat after mankinb fras befaccb bp 3Pbams falling aroap , tbcv ^oerc not onelp bereft of tins moft gooblpanb bonozablc ftate,anb bifpo feffeb of tbeir fozmcr lozbfbip'.bttt alfo arc bilb tbzall in moft fo&le anb fb ameful bon bage. 3nb altljougb Cbzift be tbe lawful bctKbotl) of bcauen anb cartb, bp fcbom tbe faitbfulrecouer tbat icbtcb was bereft tbem in aibam : yitnotuntbftanbing,fcce batb not as pit gotten the full poffcffion of bisbominion. wberUpon tlje 3 poftle ga= r!)erctl),tbat tbis fbail not be H)Ojotoip ac= c6plift)eb,Untill beatb be pnt awap.Cbus tbcrfozcbotbbereafon : 3;failtbingsbe fubbeweb Unto£b*iu\ notbingougbtto ftanb vpponthe nynth Pfalme ftanb agcinft fyjS members;. 15ut S»ec fee tbat ftcatl) retgnes like a Cpjant ouer tbew. C5?«fo?e it (eioa«rtlj,d;attljcrsrcs mapnerb a t?opc of a better ftatc.iinD fyis tlnng fioujcrb from tbw principle &>btc^ | fpsfee of.namcip.fbat bp nature $ Suojlo i»as crcatcb to tins cnb, tbat all f partes tijero? ifcoulb leutl! at mannes 5»clfare,ajs at t^eir matfe.feo in an otber place l;e p;cuctb,rb&t tecc matt all tn tpme to ccme bee ctteb too tip iuDgmcntfoate of Cb^tft at tbe latt bap,bpc«b.fe it is fejittc, [5Bn- too tticc {ball all fences bote.] oj tbe fe= conb p^opoutton is too bfcfcntevficobc, namelp, tbat main* Does© pet p?08>blpe ttubfcojnlp ftjafee of bispofee, anb in no &>pfc fciubct?ott>gbtteofesi»ti)efcn«. 10. All Shccpc and Oxen, and alfo the cattell of die feeldes: The Fovvlcs of theairc,and the Fifshes of the fea, and that which wal- keth throwgh the pathes of the feas, O Lord, our Lord, how vvonderfull is thy name in all the earth? Cbe iaft que Own fecmetq not pet fouereintte iobertettb <£ob foab abejnet) bim. '€be efoct of it comes too tbts pur ti»owgblp refolueb. ;£o? if tbe J&joppet boo m tbe maner of erposontmg Declare bcere boto (Sob batbefubbctocb all ibingfl bntoobe: fucb fubbctotng is rcftrepncD too the pjefent beboof of tins eartblp ipfe. ? anfwer , ttjat tbe jSjtopbct Dootb not beerc compj^enb all tljc tbmgco ofior^icij be bab fpofecn > but allebgctb" an erampic, onlp in one part oj Speciall particular; y eaanb be tjatijc cl)03tn fpcciallp tljat part fobicb ioetEbcntpnotogb.cucntoo tbe bo tncip ar.D groflc fo?t of men. 5 01 tijere ;s no man fo Dull anD flotceinittcb , but if lje frill open bio cpes,be map fee it is £ &>ons Dcrful piou bece of gcD,S»b£tbp it cometb toopafie tbatbojfco anb c^en pcclD tijetr fenus bntoo all men : that Opccp bcare fc?ollc too clsti) tbem fcjitb : anb that all bpnb ofcattcil pedb euen tl;Ctr fiett) too feeDctbctuSoitb. Cbc tscje toifible tbat thereof of t\)\s Dominion is,fo muc'a tbe mo?e tccomcib it Ms too bee teucbeb tetty tlje feeling of ^o&0gracc,as cfienasteee eptber eatemcate, o; entop anp commobi= ties. Cljer/o?c JEDam&s mccning ist not fimpip tqnt tna & nip.De 2LO?b of alldSobS iooojfecs, bpcaufe b,c map clotbe inmfelf fcub feooU ana relics , bpcaufe be map fceoe bppon it); fieQ) of bcaftcs, « bpcaufe be applpetb tljeir labour too t!;c commobi - tic of bimfelf :but in tl>\3 Declaration i;e boo:b but onlp fet foo?tl;c tbat aLo;Q;ipoj pofe, tbat d&ob m creating man \ntercD a ^anfcil of bis bnmeafurablc grace, $ moje tban fatljerlp loue toi»arDt0bun,*a)bJc^ otogbt of goob rpgljt too mafee bs all ama 5Cb. Snb that altbowgb bp manne0 falling: atoap, tbcfapb cRate 10 noro almoft gone to SdzccUc: pet tljere rcntarne OiH certeine rcmnates eftbatboventcoo fnefle of ^ob, Sobtcb»napfuffp5Ctoo bjeeoc anabmira^ tion in bs. % ut Sobers m tbis fo?owfull ouertb?otoe, ti\at latofull ojtbcrlpncfle of nature fbpnet!) not foo?ibeanp mojte: pet the faptbfull,i»bom ^5cb gatbercrtj too bimfelf bnber Cb?ttt ibeirbcab, boo after fucb fou in part entop tbe remnants of t!;e gooD tbfaSf^fcjfcrof tbep toere (popleb in SIDam, tbat tbere fufi"pfetb to tbtm grcate matter of ioonberment, ui tbat Ujep are fo gentlp tntrsaieb at bis bat'abe becper,anb too tbinfe tppon tbe tneftimable treafurcs of btsbeauenlp 'feuvgoomc.iDljab Mbatbfet at?cbe in Cb?ift, anb teppon5»batfceuer giftrs elfe brisng too tbe fpirimalllpfe, tbat tbe con- fiDeracion tberof map feinblc cur bartcc to tbe f oiotcing of goblpnefTc, anb noi ftifs fev bs to become tiotljfull m fetiing fccjtb Ms P^apfc0> The conteints of the nynth Pfalmc. *After that Dauidhaib reckoned yp the further victories tvbid) he had gotten. And myojndy exalted Gods grace and power » for hisfuccejfe :noyv agein at \he - D .*■ ryfing John Giluins Commcntarie a fbng of Dauids ryfin* >/> of new enemies unci dattoeefs 3 be atllcth for tin bay >/ thzfafitt God: whom he fowrul hertofore tv bee his deliucrer '., and prayttb th.> tptle is bpuerflp erpoun 5»I>cra0 tljcp fuppofe it to be a feng of com mmbacio, St>!)crtn 2Dauib f.mplp pcclbetj) ibanfces bnto d5ob::bc bcrpe laying tegt^ tljcr of ti)C f»oozbe0 bifpzouttb tb etr cr= rorn*. :? oz although tljc greater part tber s of beefpentm ringing the pzajrite of <5ob, pet muff it all S»!jctlp bee rcferrcb bnto pzaping. foz to tijentet be map raife bp bis mpnb to truQ in d5eb, be,aceo?bing to bt0 ozbinarte Secant , cailetij to mpnb bp bow fingular S»coz&tng of ^oI> be bab beerto= fo2C bin Deliuereb from tfje biolcnce anb baunger of bis enemies . wherfeze it is a fononeife to refircpnc bn:o one pictozie, the tbankfgiuing fe>bicb be fr oolo Ijauc to comp:c!>cno manp Dclmeronccs. J? bcb.;tfoz fome translate it, [aapo $J the beat!) oj jlaben] anb their opi mon is, tl?at be fcas fomme one of the chert Ca&tcines of lji0 enewie0. tDtbero think it rather to be fome fepneb name, anb are of opinion, that dpoltatb is neteb in dps fDfalme.l&nb othetfome boio cpinion,t!jat it b>a0 an inftrumcnt of £$u CU. iSut bnto tnee it fcemetlj moz* rpgijts Ip: o* at lcaftiopfc (a0 in a bark matter,) raoze Ipbelp, tuat it S»a0 the beginning of fome notable ^alabe , to trie tune toberof tlji0 $falmfc)a0fct. 3&nbft>bcra0 the in= terp;eter0 make a bifputing S»bat btcto* i t it fijouto bee that 3Dauib fettctb out beere, tn mp mbgment it 10 a fommefle ^Firft 2 . I will pra}Te the Lord with my whole hart : I will tell owt all thy woudcrous woorkes. 3. I wilbce glad and reioyce in thee: yea I will make my (bnges of thy name, 6 thovv moft hygheft: 4» V Vhyle my ne enemies are turned backe, fall do wiie, and are chaced at thy prefence, table btcto?ie,bee a&amcb to befraub goB of lp0 pzapfc: pet nettoitbiianbing Soec fee that aflbonc 00 tbep batte s»itb a Sooozb 02 tiuavne acUnowlcbgeo45c& to banc ^ipeb tl)em,bp t bp tfoep fall to fotib gagging, 9 to fniging of trumipbco to tbcnvfclurs, as tlicugb tl)ep ioere nothing bebolben bnto <£od. Co bee Q)0?t, tljep boo nothing elfc but balpe, a0 ofte 00 thep tountenact their &oomgc0u.ttbtbenamecf(£o&,bpcaufe£ after thep baas offered a cabe bnto bnber the perfone of one p?oub feing bp fhej£;tophet3bacuckc.i 16. yeatoecfee li giv tljofe auncicnt r.nb famous captetne0, fc^en rt;ep fctceb to Ijaue foiemnc fuppltcar tiono emopneb inthctr names, ment noi thing kilt than tl;c hono;ing of tb,ctr faift ^000 : but onlp abufeb them 00 a bcccit= full tptle to let out their o^ne bjaucrpc. iCh^= 2. [J itili p?arfe-'j^e maUcrb tht0 preface to tl^cntent to fojin <0ob to fuccour him ,m his p^cfent Bt{frcfle0. f oj mafmuch as goa cotuieieth hisfauour £Diri)0utceafmg to* lEarDesyfapthfuIUtthatfocucrhehathcrft b2Sca?eDbp6b0,»nuft chcrifl) our b*pe fo? the tpme to come . Cb«e is trulp m thci0 5»oo?bc0 a p:ofefuo of thanBfgiuing:how»i bceit,tottb this mrnDfulncfleE>auib booth alfo barte hwnfelf to hope bjeli ,f bp mcanes ther of openetl) the gate of lU0 pzapcr. Ch« ttholc hart is tab? fo? afounb 6? bncozrup tcb hartjteljtch is cctrarie to n bubble hart o: a bolou> hart. % nb fo he not onlp puttc b a bitferecc betvoccne himfelf anb the gr offc hypocrites, toipch P?apfe €>ob but from tl>c teethe outoarb , Without an? tmearb affeciion: but p.lfo rchnowlcbgetb £ n-bati focucr notable thing he hath bconc hterc= tofozc, the fame pjoecebeb^hclp of <^ob0 mere grace. $ 0? although f tuc the heatl); mii; fo2t,^jJ;cn tbep \)wc obtepneb at map imtljolft Ijitn 0: oecupp Ijim in toapncDclpgbt : IjcaDbetl) tl;c SooozD re= iopcc , Subcrcbp Ije meenctb that tljc full abunDance Qf bt0 top conftftctb to ail rcf= pectsin (0oD,fo a0 not euentrjelcaftDjGp thereof 10 to be fought elfcSbljcrc. &?ozc= outt'f t is rcquifitc to cnl to rcmembe ranee tljatiDbicb 3! toucbeb afoze : namely ti;at JDauiD lettctbbcfczcbimfclfc tbe former experiences of <£odg gracc,to tbe choc !;c ma? tbcmojc ci?cctfullp Direct !nspzap= cr0 bnto lum.;froz be tbat m tbe cittcranee of bis pzaper affirmed bimfclfe to baue gooo matter of reiopemg in plc mpnc encmte0 are rarneD baefce.] 3ntbei0&)OozDesbee renberetb tlje caufe fr>bp be tahetb toppon lam to ling the pzapfes of i0 tbing came to paflfc, not bp maraics power 0? bp fortune , but bpcaufe «35od ftocD agemft tbem in tbe bat . ell . wpfclp tl^ercfoje DpD 3DauiD lift bp tbe cpc0 of bi0 inpnoc tonto <£>od i»bcnbe fateebis enemies turning bacbe, to tbentcnt be mpgbt pcrcciue »bat fcictozic floneo not to bin; from anp kber elfe tljan from ©ooseouert belp • 2inD DowtlciTe it i0 l)eonlp tobtcb gupDetljfyc Cimpleimtb tbe (pint of fo>tfDomc,anD a; gem isijicb afJrawgbtctbtbe Sbito of tbe craftpe, anb ftriKctlj tbem Soitb amajeb- ncOe : Sabtcb bzeatberb courage mtotijc favnt ano fearefull, ana fhtUetb euen ti?c ft6wtcftS»itb fcarefulnefle : fcbicb fur- rrif ffcerb tbe tocafcc xoitl) new fhcugtb, « fcci&enctb tbem tbat bee ftrong : i»bicb topboiDctb tbecowarDlp fc>itbb«0batiD,f manrtb tbe (wo; 00 to fal out of tbe banDS of tbe foariifec : ? finaHp i»bieb tncimetb tbe p;ofpcrcus o: fb20»ful fueceffe of tijc battel S»iucl; wap focuer be Udcti/.'Cbers fcie a0 often as £»c fee our enemies ouct= tbiOtoea:U;c mu8 beuarc tbat fee Gap not our eve in £ beacben men fciritfj fcenutiobentbcpbc«)0;b i»ub openepee. ©♦if. 16»t Cbcrcfozc JDauib i»ttb g«oo reafonaf; firmetl; btmfclf tobecbnlil%etl;e cljiibicn of tl)is Soozlo : tobofe icawb groplcfKi= neiTe is ectcctcD bp tbep? Icawo partmg of fla»c0, fc)l)pie tbepbjaa*ebntotbcm; femes tbe greater parte of that pzapfe, iy[jicb tbep p^etcnbeD to attribute fettto}, furclptt i0no pzapfing of (J5oD iwitl; tbe i»boie bartc, t»ben a mcjtall man nippetl) of neuer fo fniall a pcece of it to atmbute it to bimfclfe . gitbftan= Ding, in fomccertcin of bis giftcstye bath engrauaimojecuiDent marlico tbat bet-- tcr iuaken our fenfes , fo>bicl) ettjeriErfe are Dzois^pc . ^Cbtrcfoic it is all one as tf 2>auiDQ)OulD acfenoitieDge tbatbexoas not pzefcrueD of (Soo bp fome common ozDinaric mcane : but tbat tlje fpceial po fe>cr of onDerfullp aouaaceb bis banD abouc | bfuall j accuftomeD oxber . ? [5 Suilbcc glaD anb rciopce. ] ISebolD bow tbefaptbful pzapfe (COD Cncerclp anD Xt»itI)Cjit coloiirabieiulTe : namelp i»b«t tfo? leanc not to tbe:ufeluos,noti arc t jon ben Soil!) tbe fooltfb pzefumption cf ti^e fiefb.butrciopce in (5oj> onelp x'botycl) is notlnug fife tijan to feeHc matter of g'.aD^ nefTc out of b^s mere grace , bpcaufc tbat intt conftdctf; all bappineflc.jff w ft>e mutt bearc ux ntpna tfa matcbing of contranes bctvvcene tbe top tbat men pife out of tbem felues.nnD tl;e top tljattljep fcebem^oD. 3lnb to tbentcnt ZDauiD map tbe bettered John Caluins Commentarie parent tence , bpcaufe 2Daui& , before \)is crto ttyz fauour of \x>aa> fljew cd b,im aiate befoje. f . For thovv hafte maynteyned my ryght and my cace : thovv art fct vppon the throne a righteoufe nidge 6. Thovv hafte rebuked Nacions thovv haftc put the vngodly to flyght: thovv haite vvyped ovvt their name for euer and euer. $>: pjtoccebett) foojtl? in tfys bcrte, tbat ©3D bio Icno \)tm bis helping bono, bp- caufelje Saasj af nicteo irjtongmilv . 3!nD fure'p ,uec mu& loose too tt,f Suee fetgbt bnocr dgobs ftant>arD,if icec aiflj to ijaue feis bcip . Cbcrf oje termed be bim a iuoge ofrpgbtuoufhcfTe,02 a rpgljmoufc tubge, inbtct) is aU one: as'if be- ftjoulb fap, <£oo baD celtaccoibtng too i)is Sa>oont,e»D ac= cojtbingtoo bi0 contmcttjail ojbinarie, bp= caufc be is accurtomeo too tafce upon bun tl?e Defence of goob races. J cbo?e 10 trsT late tbe pzop^c 3iDiectpuc [iftpgtuoxvfe,] in f iftominauue cace,bpcaufc m to Doing t'.;e maner of fpeeclje 10 of mo?e fozce: as tf Ijc bab fapb, t^at tbepbefcrueb. 2J5p tbcS»002b Ljfiacions] be meenctb tbat not onlp afeaa-e bncosip pcrfoncs iuere GCftroyeb,but tnpgbtpc t;o frc0, pea aub boftc0 tbat rofe ageinft Ijirn biucrfe i»ape0. ainbbcrcbp Dbcfcb, burrctb ti>c name of tbe bngotiip^tth tfje partpc0 t'oernfeiucsrfof re tt not f 0? tbat be auoW cbetb ,tijat tbc memojiall of ibc tpgbti*= eufc (ball atoapc.0 ecrawew in bliucb? ncfie. j£ joncrtj. 7* 8. O thovv enemie, vvaftinges arc come too an end for euer, and thovv hafte deftroyed cities rand the memonall of the parties is penfihed vvitli them. And the Lord fitteth cucrmorc , he hathe prepared his fcatc vntoo iudgment. And he shall iudgethevvorldinryghtuovvfcncile,he shall iudge the nacions ar)'ght» beftroping , acrojbfngto tijdrbctcrinfnas eton. ^o^tbe^oooib [Thcir:m]fignifpetr> fomrpme to oj accc pbfb, a fomipnw to make an cnb of a ibtng. 3-nb fo Djoulb 5Cautb in tbe feap of moefcage latent tbe fooitQj pjicfunipiuoufucKc of ljt3 enemies. 7. [£) thott) enemie.] Cbid fettottb feerfe ia ctpotonoeb funbjpe ^iapes ■$, 02 fome take tlje letter [He.] fg? a mark ef interrogation, as tbougb iDanic fyeaKing tobt0encmte0,Q7oalo affe U;em,fe)hui>er iljcp babful^Ueb ibexr hut in icafimg ana vppon thcnynth Pfalme. 27 itb crueil outrage,* foil= fiUlp pjtoce&mg in their crucltie, in fuch= fojpfc as tl>cp map feemc tec purpofenone eua,hutin the totter beftructiS of SDauib0 Uingboraroc: 3inb aftcrro&rb tntl^e feconb part, fcttctb ,iJ> eitemie.totaftmynb nothing but flawghter aab beftroying of utitBi but pet <£lob ija'tbeat length {betceb lu'mfclf too fit m Ijcauen E0 a 3ubgc , 'wtyxlj Dupofctl} tbinges that bee in trubble topon the earth. Coo other* it fcrmctl}, tijat 3Dautb peek octb thank eg bntoo (Idod, fo?. t!>at fc?hen f ft>ickc& Sucre fulip bent too make bauocke of allrt)ingc0, be mafic an cnb of their cx&c trages. jJDtber* mo?e»ftrepncblp interpret it, that tbe outrage0 of the tongoblp Socrc cemtnc to their fuUncffc, bpcaufe <£>£>£> thJootghrpghtfuUtoengjance turnca top= pon their otonc bcabes the tt)tnge0 y thep hab bf upfca ageinft IDauifi. £)tberfomme fuppcfc tbatlDauifi booth firft complapne that cjfjoa alongSahrlc paflfeb ouer fe>itb ft* lecetbemifcrableb"fpevfmg of bt0 people, ioherbp it came to paflc, tbat the tongoblp mabe bauocke of all tbtnge* at tljctr plca^ furer anb aftcrtoarb abbetb in Soap of com- forting , tbat <£oto notSmthftanbtng is tbe tbe ruler of all xw o?blj> matterg. ^ miflike not tbat itftjoula firft bee befcrtbeb in the maner of mockagchoto b:eabfull the puik fance cf tbe encnue fcsa at the firft b;*mt: anb tbat aftcrSuara there fboulD bee let a= gemftit, l)tn tbmgce iucre fo eon* fotrnbeb. ^bevfo^e && often as noting appeeretb but btftruction , let fc0 remem- ber too. lift fep ourepc0tcotbcbcaaenlp tb^one, fromfel;erce (5o& ieoKctb benrne tontoo S»o?M? martcrg. ^0? it bebouct!) to0 too Diiue bac'EC all aflanUcs cf tcm= ptaciono tottb ti.r.0 buckler : tbat tljovotb Sees bee bjowgljt to© btttr be Ipapj e in tlje &ojifi,pet <5ob licucrthdcffc fittetbiubge in b^at»n- £>l ratt)tr,S»btn \+z mafeert) a0 tljourgl) be iy tU not fee it , anb terne-, frcthnot furljarmcc cut -cibar»b,tt bebo= ueib tofitao tafeeijolb 0? tfis fecret p;oui= benfetottbtljebanb offaptlj.;Jr?rft befap^ ctb,tiiat dc ob fittetlj cucrmo;ef%Dl}ctby be meenhb , tl;at !)C«? bpgb foeuer manncs totoienceauaunce ttfclf , anb Ijcu? farrc fi*= euer &itbout meafurc tbeir furpe burft foo^tb , pet can tljep neuer pull (^cb out of I)t0 fcate, neptber can it eommc to paffc tbat be fbouib ctue top t\\e office aro au^ tbo?ttic of a 3 ubge. TDljicb tbing be totte- rcth moje pla^nlv in tlje feconb part . f ej befapetb, tbatl)er£tgnetl},not onlptoo fit aloft in matcftte ans gio^ic, but alfo too go = ucrnetb,e toe?lb bp rpgt;tuowfcncfi'Cc 9. [ 28nb !je fliatl tubgc. 3 JLtHc a0 IDas uib teftifpeb cucn now , tbat <0ob i0 not enbeweb Soitb an pnic ^iuc bttu- felf too pleafure0,but ocecutctbbts autbos tb, orttpcin goncrning tbe i&o?tfi tufttp anb top^gbtlp : fo now be abbctb tbe tofe cf tbio fiocttine , namelp , tbat (ffi»ob0 opera= ci'on is not (bet top in bcauen, but totteretij itfelf to ibc behoof of men. 3nbtbs0t0tbe trcu? biutaitie, not to iwagin <^cb to gioe bimfelf otter to pblcnefte 0? pieafurc,$ to bee fucb a one 80 fertmg bp none but bins= fell onlp , neglectetb manUpnb , 30 epi- cure furmifetbibut too place bim i« tbe throne of pet»cr anb cquitie, fo a0tuec af- fureotnfclue0,tbat altbobgb be boo not foojtbftutb fuccour fucb a0 bee ix>?ong- fuilp oppjefteb, pet be neuer caftetb cf tbe care ef them. 3nbfurrtp,S»ecmufttbu0 belceue,tbatit>ben be ioinhetl) attbtngc0, be fojfabctb not bi0 charge , but crecutetb b<0 power : anb tberfoje rl)at wee muft a= S»apt tlje ttTcro Soitb quiet mpnbc0 . © .ttj. 3 tahe \ lohn paluins Commentarie, J tafec il)i pzoncmne IDomanftrai ptft to bee of as muci) *toe?sb>,as ;f i;c ft^oukj fap , 3! t can not bee ta&cn from dgfoo, but tbat be muft tu&^e tbe ioojiD, ano cttenD las wagmsntes bnto ail jftsctons.wber* bpp9nitfo:oiceti?>,thatbe S»Ui mud) moze bee tl)C iubgc of a>cfe tl;at are bis ownc. 2tnd 3Daui& aft'uretb bs, tljat tijeig tubgs ments are rpgqttuli, to tbcntcnttl;atfe>bc ioce are fc??e>ngfiilty ana craeilp tcubbleD, iocc fljoulb craac belp at bis bant) fcmb r.fiurcb hope, bpcaufe fcijat feeing be tub= get!) ^Jar.'ons acceding to rpgbt,lje vcill Bcptijer fufrer fcjjogful outrages to rntjric alltnapes Suitbout rcftrcnu , nej tafap- popnt tljegtltlcfTc oftjus belp. 10. ii. 12. n. And the Lord wilbeea defence too thcpoorc,and a refuge in dew {eafon in trubble. And they thatknovve thy name will put their trufl: in thee,bycaufe thovv fayleft not them that feckc thee ,6 Lord. Sing vnto the Lord the dweller in Sion, shevvefoorth hisdooinges among the people. For in making inquifition for blud,he remembered it, he forgate not the krye of the poorc. io. [ Wrta t!je JLojd fcnlbe?.] &e $&' uent'erb a temptation , Sub'tb ftnfectb the fejea&e berp barDip, %>\}tn the? fee ti;ern= ftlucs ,ano fuel) as tbcp bee, abanooneb to the lull of tbc ongooip , anb <£ob fapetb noting to tt. :ffo$bebooetl)tocmtq m~ bci'ftanD,tbat tl;e caufc it»b? <85ob belapetf) S)is belp , a:-:b (to ouf&arb,) fojfa&etbbis faptbful,is,ibat he map fuc- co? fucb as at biftreffeb * afcltctcb in incje conucmcnl tpnic.wbcrbppon itfoloroctb, that bee in no iupfe ceafcti) from bh* btwtpc, if at anp tpmc be fufFer the goob : anb gUticHc men to bee brought to poucr= tie, o$if be e,cercpfe tl)em S»ttb Sweptng ano moaningtbpcaufs that bptbis meanes l)c fcinble J) a Ipgbt fo? them.tbat tbe? map fee bis iabgntcmes tl)e better. 3nb tl)cr= fo?e alto 2Dauib crftieflelp fapcel), bow be b^ingctl) r\.o;tbe bis help in Deo? leafon, cuen in the *>erpe trubble itfeif. utycrbp iocebtetaugbt, togiuerefpttto bis p?o- uibence, rbat at ttyz length it map btter it- fcif in tpme of ncebe ivtyzxiotf tf noting bee bcticr fo? fes, fym to fee {bscibd imtb Caobs bsno, ar.D tolecie bis fatberlp gooo Soill: let it not be ilicl) a trout'Ie to be, to b;e counteb poo?e «nu md'grable in tb« fp2bt.Oi£bsi»8£lo:bmiei 0£, ^"x-i^e out* fo;ic«j iiufb t'cjiBcomfozt, r^at <^ob tti not favre of,«a>l)omaaraouerfities'iiiuie to fjelp b£. CO fomc tbC *«)00?b [ Ketfursh] fcemcib to bee a fimplc £t>oojb , £»i)ic'a in JlKbjsea? fisnifpetb a fo*;bibbing : anb in tins place tbep tate tt ^jjetapbojicallt' fo? btfttefTc , feben a man is b?ougbt to a H:rcpgb:,anbfpnbctb nofeap to get out. ^otiottbfianbing , t!-c opinion of tljofc is tno-ve lifeelp, $»i)id) fep tljat tlje letter [ car h ] is but a letter of office. Cberfoje <25oo ts fapb to bee r e&pe at banb in all op; po^ttmitics , namely , inben affliction ops p?.cffetl) tbe goalp. 31 n tbc elcucntb 'oerfe l;e teaebctb tbat tljis fravt enfetretb, na- meip, tbat as often as tbc lo^b belsucrcib tbe rpgbtucufe , botb vbcp anb all otbers cf tbetv fo*;t,boo profit mo?e at;b mojc in trufting to bis grace. Jfo? onlcfle feee bee fullp perfuaDeb, that d&'oo batb a care of mennes afifap;cs , &ee muS ncctcs bee *bejccb fejitl; contineroali bnquietneffe. ^owbmt^ojafmucb as moit men are tipnb at d5obs iubgmentcs , iDatiio re= tttt^nctl) tins pjofcnng onlp to tbe fapn> fuli.2inbcertcmip,Si?5)<5reas is no goblps neiic, tijere is no tncerftanbing of <2>obs iaoo^es. Sfilb it is to bee noteo, tbat be attnbutcib tbe Knovclebgc of <©o?j bnto tbe fapt:}fuii; bpcauie tljat t]erbppon fp*vmV gcib rcii^toti, it;r>tcl) in quencbeb ti)?ougb menj?e-3 iznowicz ano sumcile . %io?c= ouev.aifijougb »«anp boo tafee iljc name of vppon thenynthPialme. iff <£ob fimplpfe.i <£oa himttlf :pet(as 33, clofe \)im fc>itlnn anp bownbcs cf piece, bauc favb clfaberej 5 tljinfe tljer t0 mmt 5»!jom tl)C beauens of beam's arc not able fome fairer tlnng. jf 01 inaftrtucb as bis/ to tcccpue : but bpcaufc ijee i)«b p^cmifcc bring i0bibbt"f incompicbcnfible: loose j tbat tbe fame CsouiDbe l)is rcfhng place l)Ou)"fatrcfoo?;i)l}ctiircioft{bl)tmfctfbnto( fci euertnojc, eccejbmgasfccciliaU fee bs , fo farrcfoo;tbe confiftctb Ijis maicftte\ l;er after. 5Fcj JDeuib bib not bpc J>ijs; oan infyisname. Sftcrwatb bebcciarctii,that f bzapu appoint <£ob a brccliinsssiacctbcr: tl!Ccaufeefbopi.ig,i0fc?tbat<£obncucr but!;efe>a0ccrteuebbp ahariftetre htm fojfa&etb thofc tljat fecKc ijhn. ^!nt> trjisf icboone txooo ioapes: cptber bp inucca^ tlon anb ptapcr, oj fep enbeuer to hue bo- \ Iptp anb bpxpgbtip- Sinb fbeisgo alltapcS; topntlp togttber. l$crpbcGit,br;caufe b? enttraterb becre cf <£c>bs pzoteetion.iLber'' tn coniUtctb tbe Welfare of tbe goblp , J fafecif, that to fecixe <2>eo, is to Bee to JjtS; protection. li. C^ingfcntot!?el,o?b.]tDnt;fb be- ing not contcntcb to l>auc peribeb ibankes bunfclf alone , erbojttcfb tbc fapthfuii to bpeelb tljeir confentto tbe pjapfmg of <0oD: uctonlp bpcaufctbc,. arugljt to (litre bp others fe tbisbewt'pe of gcblpneffc,bui al* fo bpcaufc ibt beluterariccc of u.-t)id) lie m- treatctb , feiere fc>oo?tl)pc of open ana fo= iemtic ecuttttenbacion. tt bicb tiding is cp= pscfTeb moicclcerl? in tbe feconb member, tubcre b« fenllctb ttyem to be publiffceb as mong/#actor.0.;f e?tbemecningi0,ibat bets~hotmagr:!6eb acceding to %\$ itooj tbpriCffc, onleffc tbcp fill tl>e iuijolc vjojio S»;t!)b:-0 eommcr.Daeion. jftou?, altbcttgb. ibis &a0 a0 it feme to fing to tbcm fyai fceebcaf:vct bp tl)is maner of fpeatuug, 2}auiB tnent to tcciare tbat tbe bcjbsrs of 3!cw:pe 'were to narrowc to eonteine tl)fit bnmcafurablc iargcnetTc of <£obs piapfes. i^c tertnetb <2?ob,* be [Dweller in &ion,]to t'nenrcnt to bifecrncbim front all ttye countaf ct y idles of tlje ty eatben. jfoj it t0 a eouert companion bctvcccne tbat <£ob , tbat mabc tbe ecuusnent &>ith, 2&bzsbam anb 'J. fracll , anb ail tbe 0o&s iubicb feere raffclye feoozfijippeb ruerp Sobcrc in tlje Saojlb. fo% it is not pnoagb to reaerencc anb bonour feme <£oa at a= ttTiit^?;e,erccpttbctrett) ano onlp one ©ob batte \)ig benour attributeDtobimfclf a= lone . flfyojecuer , fo^afimicb as (^oo b&b cbofm tbat p?-*cc,fcbf tin to rjawc l)!0 name caUcb bpon, Dawb boot!) rygbtlp aftignc tbat place bnto Ijim, as l)i«! pjepzc Div cl= ling place : not foj tl;at it is fewfull to en- i^cautn, tljat it ioa0 6or>0 plcafurett fijoulDbccfo, acceding ac^c?re0rjab fojctclb . 2?.r.6 berebp i0 confirmcb tbat foljicb II baucfapbafozc : namelp.ttjat rl)t0 f&Tauise tern not mabc \^ppcn tbe j beat'n of Coliatb , bpeaufe tbat bpCos© 5 conintatinDoncnt t\)t Syhe cf coucnaunt S»a0 net temoncb mm ^ion , bnJiil a litac befo?c tbe enb of 3Daui&0 reigne . jFozit i0bervbarb anb farre fct %&\}it\) fommc boo coniectnre, t\)nt IDauiD bj> tbe fptrtte of p?opbcfp fpaUe of it as of a tbmg to come. jftctswtb&anBing isce fee tljat tbe bolp ^ratbet0, foben tbep refejtes to ^jicn to cfcrfacrificesto d?0D, attctnp- tcb notblnge of tl-;ctr ot»ne ijcacs, hut enlp Q:eaiebp?oofeof tbctr te= x»ar£0 bab HlteB bp ibep: mpnoco bntoe mefletoo ibis enbe, thattbep tnpgbt bee infractions too l;is tube peoplc.Cberes fo?e cum aiibisoaye, tbelavnftiUbfc of tbent is this , if tbep belp bo too tbe fec= Uing of <5ob fpii ttttallp in bis b^ucnip Slo^p:bnt not cptber to occupy bs in tins 5D iiij. iDOiiD, Iohn Caluins Commentarie, 5»o:lb, ojttoobolbbs in tlje topes of the fleu3:of io^ic!) matter fojefhall ljauema?c conucnient place too entreate ijecrcafter. J0oa>tbenli&e as the &026 in olbc tpme toben ijetcrmeo Ijimfelftlje bicetlcr in &U on, ment too giuc fubftanctall grownD of truft, reft, anb glabncfle toobis people: euen fo aifo at tbets bapcs,aftcr tljat p lao> is come fooubowtof &ion, anbtbeco= uenaunt of grace is fioroeb oict of trjat foumtapne bntoo bs : iettebsaffureouc fd ucs, rtjat Ijcs fittctij eucrp herein the miDoc0 of tijc faptr;fulS»tyiefyS»o;t&tpljun purcip $ rpgljtlp acco;bmg as rns&oojb i)atlje appopntcs. 1 3 ifW m making.] 3Intbi0ptacc it i0 £»??trenblut>besm ttje plurallnomfacr^ $ lljctefoje tfjc relatptie fc>birij is put too itt map aptip be referreo too the fame. &9te Sxutlj&suoing , bpcaufsit is an ojbtnarie tiding among tlje ^eb?e«c0,too tranfpafe •tljcsjber of tfjc antecedent anb tljc tela; .tiue : fo mme crpoumo it of pooje folk af= teri'msmaner: jnmaiiing mquifition 'fo? bSuD Ijcremcmbjebtljem, tljat is too fap tlje poo?e,of S»bom Ije fpeafeettj after* fcjarb/Sr.a altijorogij t!;at in refpect of tlje fence of tfjc matter , it Utile f fellies Seijicb, of t\)z\s 5»ape0 a man tranflate it:pit note Sjmtjftanoing tlje fojmer fence floroetb bc8 of botljc . 3!t is a repetition of tljat iyljicb Ije bao fpo&cn a little bcfe?e,name= Ip that <0ob0 povoer is cbceap too becon= ubcreb in bis mercpe tovuarbes rjis fcr= aattnte0 tbat are Sojongftilip trubbleo . ;fo?of <25oDsS»oo"tkes$»ljicbarcmanp, i)tc comnwuDctb one fpeciall fcpnbe as c^ecflp teoojtljpe too bee rjab in remems bounce : namelp tljat !jec beliuerctlj the pooze from btatb,ano tbat tf at anp tpme be futfer tf?crn too bcctrubblcb, pit after- •xsarb be rcucngctlj the Strong boone bn= toortjem . &cco albeit that tijciDQOjbes xafrclj be bfetlj boo betoken a contincwa'.l action : pit 3 Docot not but JDatubsmce= ntng is , tljat men fljoulb encn bp tlje ee= ample© that ljcfoa-1) rcljcrfeb , acknow- lebgerbst<£oD required; innocent blub, anb i0mpnbfull of tbe&rpe of bis people. 2inb be bcatctl) into our beabs agcin.tljat M)icl) 3 *)aue toiodjcb afo?e, that <2>od bortj not alixmpes mcete witij tlje S»:ong 3 in bade Soben ijwi \uoolo , no? bjeaSe of tlje attempts of tlje ongoelp at tbeir 6rft beginnmg0 : U5ut ratber bclapetb bps ^clpjfo as our brpmg map feeme in toapn: ioljict; tbing it Canbetl; bs in Ijanbc too bearetn mpnb : foj if S»ee mcafure gobs rjelp bp our ournc iopt , our Ijartcs {ball quaple from tpme too tpme , anbvn ttje enbe i»e Qjal not;retepnc one b?ap of goob Ijope . wee Sooolb (as 3 fapb) tb,at i;ee Cjoulb ftretcb ou?t l)ts Ijanb a farrc of,anb turns ao?ap f trubbies afojc banb, Suljic^ rjefeetbp^epareb againft bs: botobeeit, be maUctl) as tl)orc>sb, be faweitnot, anb fuffereth tlje gilrtcffe blub to be Ibeb. 25ut lettbis comfort fudepnebs , tljat at tl;c enbe bceSupll fberoe inberp beeoe ,rjo«) our blub &?a0 p^eciorofe bntoo ^im . 3f anp man obiect tljat ob0 Ijeipcommts too late after &>e be paft tafetng anp moje rjarme : Tftmfrozr, that (Bob ceafctlj not anp longer tljan it is fo? ourbeljoofe too bee ljumbleb bnber tlj: crofle : anb tljat Ije pjcferretlj not bengeance befojc bdp,; as tljocoglj Ije S»cre not at all tpmes ioiU ling anb rebpetoo fuccour to0 : but bp= carcfe ije anodes it is not aln>aps fit time tcomanpfedljis grace . 3n tljemcane ittrjple tijis is a Angular euibence, not on- lp of Ijis fatberlp louetotoarbsbs , but aifo of trje biideb immo?taiitie : tljat tjee fcatb a regatb eucn of tlje bcab.Jf o? if Ijis grace fljoulD alroapes pjcuent bs, 5oljo froelb not bee tpeb too tbts pjiefcnt ipfe i H3utix>ljen ije reucngetlj our aeatb , here- bp it appeeretlj tbat fe>ec remapne alpuc beefo^cljim. jfojrjebootbnot after tl>e maner of men Ueepe a memo^iall of tljofe S»ljom ije coulb not heepe alpue : but i-,c« p?ouet^ in berp beebe,tljat Ije cljcrif ftjeth anb bccpetlj in rjisbofome, tljofe tobtcb (as towcljing tlje flefbe) feeme btterlp fo;boone . *fnb ttj is is tlje caccfe ioljp 9Dauib fapetb tljat Ijcc rememberetb blub ftjljcn be mabe^ inquifition fej it , bp; cawfc altljowgb b/e beliucr not bis»fer= uantes cucntntlje berpcinftant from tlje f?oo?bcs of tlje bngoblp : pit Ijce fuffe- retb not t!jcpj .murbcrs bnpnnpf fljeb . Coo tije fame enbe tenbctlj alfotljelat= ter member [tbat ijee fotgat not tbep? brpc: ] bpcarcfean^orvgrjije fteroe not in cRzct tbat Ijce giueti? care otot of ijanbe too the complapnt of bps fcruauntes : pit at»!cngtljijc fijettct^ t^atljetoefe Ijtcb ofti;em. Ilnbrnencionismabe ejcp^clTcip of vppon the nynth Pislmc. *9 14 to be the fecono part of the jpfalme. Unto other© it fcemctb otbcnotfc,tbat is to fcrit that IDauib in giuing tbann0(a0 be is of= tcn&>ont)botba!fotbervoitbal (hem tohat be bab p?.apeb euen in tbe berp anguiG) of bi(lrefic:anb 31 cofeffe tbatfucb csamplefl are rife to meete Softball. 2£>ut Sobile 31 Soep ail tbe ctrenmftances? moje ncrelp,3 am compelled too enclpne to tbe contrarpe part : tbat is too\oit,tbat in tbe beginning bemagnifpeb tbe graccb beftoweb bppon bim, too tbentent bcmpgbt ma&e bimfelf Soap too p£aptng:fojtb,c pfaime at ttje laft i0fenitbp toitb a plater. Cberfojcbcbotl) not bcrc tb?uft in bp f Soap the thoughts Sobicbbebao concepucb inthetniDccft of bisbanngcrsanb cares:butbe purpofelp callctbfo? tfJobS beip,reqHcftmgtbata0 be bab of tentpme0 felt bim too bee bis be* liucrcr,fobeSooulb continetotbecourie of I)io grace toSoarbe0 bim. 21 no it map bee tbat bis enempc0 bepngeopuer0tpme0 1 oanD.uifl)eb,rapfeb neSo potoer0,f taking I courage bntoo tbem,attemptcb tbe bttcr; moft,acco?bmga0Soec comonlp fectbat 1 fucb a0 are befperate boo rage Softb mo?e I burlpburlp anb greater beaepncfTcCbid i0 a certeintie, tbat Soben JDauiO pjapco, tbtre Soa0 offer cb bntoo bim right greatc fcarc^Foj iti0 not fo? naugbttbat be cai- ictb v©ob to be SotttneOc of bi0 affliction, 2Hnb it is to be notcb , tbat Sob,ple be fiectb bumblp bntoo d5ob0 merepe , l)C bcaretb the crofTetbat is lapb bppon \)im , Soitb a q!ivctanbpatientmpnb.215utinefpcciallp Ijecrc is to bee noteb the tptlc Sober eSottli he abojnetb u5ob,eaUing bim bis lifter bp fro the gate of bcati>: fo*3! fins no better nameto erp?effcrt)c^eb?eujfooo?b[Mc- of fcrping, to the intent ttjep Ojoulo bircct <&od, as manp a0 fecfirc to feele Ijtm t\)tit their Soifbes groning0 ano pjapcrs bnto seltuercr ano rcuengcr. 1 14 Haue mercy vppon mee 6 LorcL,conficter ray affliction at thc-handes of them that perfecute mee.thou that lifted nice vp from the gates of death. ie That I may report all thy prayfes in the gates of the daughter of S1011, and that 1 may reioyce in thy faluation. [i$aucmercpbponme]3lta&erbt0 romim.] foi&vtt\)teQn&tmttWsffytt) bp experience in that bcebab oftentimes bmbciroCTcboutofejcceeotng great ban- ger0 j 2inb aftcraarD he bclnshtet!) bmt felfc fauftp mm in ibe mouth of bcatl),bps caufe €>ob is St>cont,noi orlp to help [510 fernauntsanb too rebjcHc tt;ctt harmed bp o?binatpmeanc0:but aifo to leab them out of the graue , cuen after that all hope of life is cut off. f c % he termetb the gates of beath metapbo?icaHp,t!jetottcrmo8 pe* riUe0S»htcl) tb?eatc beflruction,o?ratljcr Sobiri) la? the graue open before do. fit her fojteleaftepther the fo?cnefle ofbarnte© pjefent, ojtbefeareof trubble0 Ranging oucr b0 map fmallow bp our faptb ■> 0; b?eaUe of our pjaper0:llct bscal too rc= mebjance how this charge is not in oavn afcribcb bnto <£od , that he ltftetb bp l;t0 feruant0 from the gates of beath. 1 -5 [Chat 31 map report.] Although 2D a: uib mcene fimplp y he 5»ii fet fo?tb ©cbs pjapfemall companpeoanD Seberfoeucr fhalbemoftrefojt of people, bpcaufe men SoereSooont to make their afftmbiics at the gatC0 in tl;ofebapc0:pttitfcemctb too bee an aliufion to the gate0 of|oeath:a0!f bcb&bfapb,tbatafterhcet0 beltucrebfro the graue,he Soil boohi0 enbeuer to pub= hfh (0ob0 grace in the open light. 213 ut bpcaufe it is not mougb fo? b0 to fownb outC5oti0piaprr0Sr>ith our tunes, en- lcflc thep p?occebe frotn the hart : there 10 j aoocb animrarb glafincffe : as if bee bab fapb, he oefireb not too entop thispjefcnt life foj anp otner cnb, than to reiopec tfcat ©oohab pzeferucb hmt.^t i0Soel hnown y bnber the name of[5Dcughter,]is n\cnt apeopler? cttp,butherchefcetoher.rth 'he citic it felfc b^p the cljccfe part therof. \6 The heathen arc drowned in the pit which they madeiin the fame net which they had hid pnuily;is their owne foote taken. D .v. 17 The lolm Caluins Commentane '7 \6 The Lord is knowen by executing iudgement : the vngodiy is fnared in the work of his owne hands, Higaion. Sclab. r •Cbcbcatbenarebiowneb.j $ow (nogement "J CtyttS is it tea &o?b foj iDa-iiDbemgufceb bpbpfaitb ,batintetb agciml bis enttmes. Zns firft bee faptb metapbozicallp , tbat tbep arc fnareo in t\\tit oven 't»ilmcfte anb beccits. 3fter= warb be c jpzefctb tlje fclffame tbing fcoitb oat figure, tbattbcp iscre marts m tbetr ow n fcrfcfcctmcfTc. 3!nb be affirmetlj not fljis tljmg to banc bappeneb fep cbauncc, buJEobctl)c$»3ifc ef i$?ooan& a notable pjoofe of ©ods in&gement. $$ozeoucr it is net nmauifeoipboone, tbat beeompa= rctlj Ijia cnentpc£r to hunters oz toofoojs lcrs:fcj although £ tmgoblp do oft rcigne ^> i it) bielence anb o atrage , pit in crafti s nsue f o jerthuoart pzictifes,tbcp aivuais fslo\»e their fat'jcr Nathan, tobo is ibc father ofipeftanb tbsreftye frhat Sott fo- imc trjep baue.tSjcp implop it to naughti? neffe ano to Deuifmg of mifchcefe. Cher* fo ze 30 often as the bngoolp bo gtiilcfuilp pzactife mtfcbeefe againft tes, letbsre= member ourfelues , tljat it is no ftraunge matter foz tbccbtlozcn of D.r_Cbe Knotocn i,o?b bath 'coniubg merit.] i&utit is a bzolu maner of fpeecb, the Ojoztneffc ioljerof mafcctl) ;tbara;anb t' it iserpotmbeb ti5oioapes.;fFQX fomcespounbittbatilSob to then feno«v~ cn.fcjbcn bcpuuifbetb t!)C fcncKcb. 2i3ut tl;c other fe.nfe fcructb better to the pur : pofe : namel? boicit is open anb mamfeft: to all men, tbatgoo fuliiiletb the part of a 3i often as be befnat iftb tbe fc>ic= beb in their maUcioufneflc. &o be fbozt, 00 oft as<£>ob bcatctbbacHbppbntbem 5»batfoeucr pzactifes oftnifc!;ccf thep be= uife,it R)Cwetl) tbat bis iubg»^nt is mojc ap:parant,tl)au tbat it map be afcr iiseb cp= thw to nature oz to fortune. 3s foj bs,if d5os at anp time bo mamfeftlp put fojtlj tbel)aub of bis po«?er : icarnc to o= pen our epes, tl)3t tbe iubgmeRts t»bicl) \)c crccutcti) bppon t?;c cnncmie0 of Us cburcb,map confirine our foptl). wbp tbe ^cb?e«j Soo2b[Higaior.].cs»5;ici) pzopcrlp Hgnifictb mutbins oitnufrng bpc n tbtng, is put in, 31 finbe none otber reafon moze miclpt&;antbatiDaui& ment to £i>ir1}i)clD tbegcblpminbstn tbinUing upon©obs tubgments. C o t^c fame ^urpofc leruetb tl}Cu30zb[Sciai-is]S»ljicb fee bane tolbpou beretofoze to bcate fuel) a furnp in f for^, tbat it makedjtbenoteto agree iwit^tije t>erp matter. 17 l<& iS The wicked shalbe turned into helrand all the people that forget God ip For the poore shall not be forgotten for euer : the hope of the lowl) shall notalwayes perish. j 8 [3P)C&>uhcDCbalbctunteb] g>ome nanilate it in tbe mancr of iiiroing,tbu£: [£ct the i»:ccieo be turneb je. jas tf it »er a curling ii5ut rather; in mp iabgineut) 5Dauibconf«:meti)l,'iinfeIf« all tljegoblp ageinft bercafteribcclaring Satlp f i»bat; Cotrnt tbe iaicKcb bo attempt, it fbaiifall oivi to tS^eir osan l)arm«26p^ Srojbrtarn] be mecnett) tbat tljere rcmai'/ieil) another iW.i ■> fojtt!)etn tban tljcp t^inlt of, fo% t\)tt atmnce t\,tk\\xts aboae tbe tloubs.Sgctn! as tbougb tbcp ioerc in a leagc % beatb, (ac dBfap faptb 18,15) tbetr pjibc paflirtlj allmcafure. Cbetfozcisbeniyc feetbem taUc on fo cutragioafip iuitljout fearctbc 3£>Zopbet toarnetb ts tbat tbetr inabneffe earictb them Ijeablcng, fo as at if gtl) tl)cp fall into tbe grauefro fcbt'cb tbeptliougbt tljtmfclucs tobe a great Susp off. J,n tljus place tberfoze 10 befcrifceb bnto %s t%c fo is in it a couert matching of contraries,be tocin $ Dntyofccbfo? cbnnce, Sr ijcrbp (Sob tvzen i\)t Joftineffe of tbe(r bo!3neffc,anb ' (ioijg be uflctb) reaozerb tilings' to ozber fcije lo wneife oftbeir fai. ^'oz inafmucl) as t^epare ijilo feitl; no fearc of d5oD , ttyp febi'-b feere tit a bzcple. %$ often tl-en as the SwicUeo flitter aloft out of all Daunger, let vppon the nynth Pfolme. U : 3 w tbe i cpesf offend behold tbe graue is pieparcb fo; them:anD let us bee .fTurcD fyat <£>obs bnnb, although it bcbnfccne,is ncereat banb : fe>btcb in the miobes of their eourfc tou?arbc0beaucn, enn in thetetncltng of an epe turne them bac&cbnto bell . whereas the i^cb^cu? Saoojb [shcoiah] is of boutfuil fignificas tion : 3! fttcbcb not totranflate it [i^cli.] ;f oj aKbougb it mi fli&cs mce not that o> tbers tranflateit [the dPtaue : J pit is it ceTtemc,tbat the pzophet bctoBcneth fomc further thing, than coiuon Death. Qtl)tv~ topfe be fboulb fa? nothing of the Satchcb, Subicb fboutb not befall to all tbefapibfull a0 &tll a0 to them, f^bcrcfojc like a0 be fpeafcctb not fimplp concerning cternall fcelrructicn : fo elfo bn'oertbe metaphor of [i2>rauc,]bebootbbstofc)pt, that ail the bngcblp [ball peril!) , anb that tbcpj malapert bcttmeffe S»herctb;oi? gb thep Daunt tbemfclue s bp all bnlaroful mcanc0 to trcab rpgbtuoEpfcneffc bnber foote anb to opp?cffe the giltlcffe, Ibnli turne to tbeir owne btter bnboing. Crew it is that the faptbtul aifo gobcucneinto the grauc,but not bp fuel) biolcnt infc;ccmcnt a0 fbail bjoane them fcntljout hope of comming 20 out agctn.J&ut rather ,eucnuhcuthepb8 iapbbp intym graues,tl;cp Dtoeineutr- ! tbclcfie fcp bopc ni bcauen. i 9 . [ fo% the pcc?c Ojalnct be fcigctf en , Htthecnee.] 3!tt©a conSrtr.a ion of the j foiinerfcnrencc.&btcbis.tbat iS&ob fcritt not ftnfakc ti)C poojte * affiicteb fo? cucr . 2$ptohicbS»oo2b0heftgnifyeib that the? -, map in btebe fcenteto bee fotfafecu fe;a . time . xt)J)cr£fo?c it bebcuctb bs to ftnoro, that <0obs help isbehpgbteb be toppon this conbjeton, tl>at nofrettbftanoing, it J fboulb not picucnt our afflictions , but \ fhoulD fuccour b0 tn f ense after be hail) ( tamebbsagooDiDbple bnber the ctcfTe. | 3nb £>auiD ipcaiietb of hope ei rrpecta? j cionbpnamc, thereto to cjehojt bo bnto j p^apcr.^Fc? therefore booth auib repctetb acetn, I tr;attl)ifl i0 not boone out of banoe, bp= j caufc ice fboulb not ceafc to Ijope ircil al tt)8ugbgocfi fucceffe fmvleuotbpponb0 1 bpanbbp. Vp Lord,let not man grow ftrong : let the heathen bee iudged in thy \ fyght. Put the in fearc 6 Lord;that the heathen may know that they be man. [Up JLojb.] <£l)i0 feoo?b [©p] is neuerfo bnmeafurablp : pit nottp itbflan^ \ 21 20. not referreb to ©ob, but to tlje outwarbe apparancc of tbe matter , $ bnto our fen= fe0 : bvcaufc(0ob i0 not perccpuco to bee tl)c bcliueret of l|i0 fernaunt0,fauc fojljen I>e appctrctlj to our eyes as ii ft>ere fitting on f)t0 iubgement feate. C^e reafen i0 ab - bcbfer;ercbp(©ob40 inbuceoto rcuenge trjc S»?ongc0 of l>'0 feruaunt0 : namelp [lead man fboulb grow? ftrong :] bpcaufc tfjat iDben <35ob rpfctb bp , all tl)e feerce« neffe of £ bngoblp muff ncoe0 finfe bown, 5ro> feberbppon commctli it to paffe tl?at ttje toicbeb boo cptljcr baunt tr)emfeluc0 fo bolblp, oj r;auc fo gr rat povr er to teoo^fe mifc^cefe, butbpcaufc(0ob reftct!), f gis uethtbcmtbebjpble ^ l)5ut affoneaahe fberoethatofecn of Rt0 tubgmcnt,bc&5tll alap tijc^ trubblefomncffe , anb bjcafee tbeir ftrengtl),ujiti; ljtjoc onl? bci^c.iXJcare tauglit bp tr>i0 fejme of piping; tl;at ah tbottgijour enemies plapctljctr pjancKS bing trjtpare in ^ob0banb,« tan boo no ; moze tljan l;e Sinll giue tljem leaue : $ ilya j tiiere is no sow t but <5ot> can maHe bamc ) anb bifappcint ailtl;cp?. putpefeo as oft as ' Ijeliftctb.^nbtbcrfojepnttetb l)e j j of man Suhtcb in i^eb?ex» is Dcriucb cf \ miferie o?ix5?etcr>ebneffc,P0tf cncfijculb i tcrmerjimtn (gnglifb a mojtail ci icbtng • &pgljt. ^o?ecucr u't tbe infear 0 Imd.] <&bt <5rccK ' interp?eter trafiatctb t\)iu fcoib [fiior* ; a ! latontatvcrtberiutngitfrc tbefeozialya:- : S»l)tcbugntficthfcmettmetoiml). 23 ut j tye cirfumltanee of ? place rcquirct!},tivaf ! Sue fbolb taHe Ufo? (care o? b;cab : 3 1$& | isagrc? Iohn Caluins Commcntane 1 is agtecb teppoh among all ©octets of f/\;r>D luDgmcht. &o\x> remapnctb it too tec fecne of fe^at npno of feare l>c Cpca^ fecri). :f cj <25qd commonlp fubbcwetb cue Ins cbojen bntoo ofccbicncc bp feare.3S3ut bpcaufe be temperett) h?0 rigour ton?ar80 t?)em, ano tb, riyttball fattened) their ftc= ttpc birtw, fo as tbep fonllinglp f quietly fubmit tl)tmfciuc0, be 10 not pjopjcip fapD too compeil them tp feare. CostarDcs tl)c caftawapes be keeper!) a Dpucrfenpnb of Dealing. ;Jf o? inaftmict)a0 their haroncfle 10 tenable too bee bent,fo an it 10 an eafper matter too bjeane them, than tooamenb them: be fubDecoctb ttyav bntamable toiis f ulncfT: bp fo:ce : not tljit tbep fall too as mertommt , bat foj that ( fcnil tbep , mil tbep,) tbep aresnfojeeotoo achnowiebge tbetr oroncieeajjttcfle. Jroj although thep frcrtc nctter fo mucb,anD that their S»ooD; nrfTe boap!c ncutr fo isbote , pea $ £ their cruclneUe funnount t!jc fauage beaftc0: pcttDben the terrible feare of 35 ob comc0 ag?m(rtbem,tbspave ouertbjiotsen S»itb t':)tir o«me froap, ano beare baronc them* fclucs S»ttb their otonc Soepgbt. Wbereao fame ejtpouno it too conccrhe JDauib, tljnt il= fuUKiretorebatcD^htcb ncucr obep€»cb but fop compulfion. ^ittriojarDfolloxretb igbcrebntso the l^cattyen mutt bee Djiue, namelp , too acfcnculcbge %mfeluc0too bee mojtfail £opgb£e0. which, , though, it feemcatbing of ipgbt importance at the fir ft bluib, petcomepnetb it no trpfltng Doctrine, jroj, k>bat is man that be barca mouc one tingar of lumfeif :• 3in& pet all ri)8 iwicHcd le'apc about as loofeipe a0 if ttjep f;ao noting in the iooojio too let tljem . Cbjovogb a falfe (magmarjoa ccrtcfle boo tbep cljaienge too ti)cmfelue0 iohatfocucr 10 p?op;e fontco <5 £>■©** Coo bee (bojt, tbep teoolb ncuer ronnc fo rafljip mto fo great sifojbcr, if thep fccre not ignorant of tl)$p? owne etfatc.i^urclp' 2>a«t!) mcenctb not tl)at tbe ttngobip Qjal pjoat fo farre foojttb^nber lpne(Te of man conGftctb in tbcfeno&IcDgeof bimfelf /^oia)tbenfo?5 afmucb as p?pbe bjebetb in all men bp na= tnre : it is rcquifptc tbat goD fboulb ftrfee feare into all men one S»itf> another, too tbentet the faithful map leme mcclbnefle, anbtbercp?ebatc0 (alrtjorogh tSjcpceafc not to clpmb aboue the Sate of man j map be put backe ioitl; (hatue. The contcintes of the tenth Pfalmc. D.iUid amipUynetb hi the tonne ofhimfclf and of all the godly, thdt deceyt- ft*laejj}j extortion 3 cruell violence s drid all kind ofwrongfull dealings rei^ne euctyyvben in the world: and he afstgncth the caufe too bee, for that tbe yngodly and wicked prrfones , being dronken -with the ivy full and profperous fuccefje of their aff.tyrct, haue poahrn of the a^e of God s and thinh^thcy may doo ysbat they lift -without (ontrolment . Therfire be calletb yp>pon Cod for help , that he - •■ ' fbould vppon the tenth Pfalrne. 3* timtla > emedye mijcbcefes a{ tbfiajt cajt.^it length be comfoncth bimfelf and the ! reft of the faytbfull3-\vkh hope ofdetmerancc. ?>lorcouer}thn defer iption reprifen ~ tetb a'lyucly image of '.'be publikc ft 'ate corrupted and pert-i Cried 3 as it went in a zi.tffe.lhcfrrevbin as \r~iq:utic aboundctb lykc a fad:tjij!::?,t;;;! tin ntfje oft be temptation appayrc not the faith of'G.udi c •?/:'.; ■ • kid but ratber that yvce are r. e exercyfed in the fame fifes -with Dauid'amUh^hnhf fathers. 3D bp name, euen at tfyeberp beginning. <£nt this muft free ijc-lD x oz a r uic , that frhm :foce arcttoubieo ant jienFwe , free mutt feefce comfozt at <&(&& p> cuitencs. Jf oj among the tar mop Jingo ant ncate of our cares, frc muft alroapeo be Scfcfaft inthis belcefe , that u is his pcciiliar charge too belpe the frzctcbeo ana affiicfcet frith bis apoe. jftotvcirbfiaRfcit!g,bi>f«zopcrip at.t bv humane pamon,i)e faith that <£gd (ran teth a far of, from frbofc eyes nothing is :))ifcfccn.25utfciaimuch as s©ot gmrtb.\?3 leaue to talke fr ub frim after tbjc mane* of mcmthttsfpecd^seontcpnenqabmr&Up fo fre bnoro that the thing is but ficura= tiuclp refcrrct bnto <£ot,frbicb our fenfe cocciuetb bp tbepzefcht hcliolting of mat - ters -f o? (n tect it map fall Out tbat.fomc rigltfeoufcman rctzefleth not tbtfrzons that is oone to'a#oir tnari Icfozc his face, bpcaufe be is not afelc^but the cace cannof if ant fo frith <©oo, frgats eusrrap$e ar= met fritlj inuiucible power . wijerfojc if he let it Oip.utsaiioneasif ^ie,fritl}Wew bimfelf acarreof. 'gihefrojti [T^egnaUm] frijich ugumcrb to hpoc,(s e^poubco r^o- fraps.-f o?accd?,binc tofcire, *Pctiris 6n Dcd; fault frith neD to regarte frojJDip matters.iDthctfomtalicitfo? to'clcfc tlje epes.oz to.frinH,frhich.reemcth f plainer of both. 3Pr»t itis to te note 0,y aithcuglj hotfc calico Mteijtkf; C-;e mtcrrc^ai;r,i ifchici; Ijc^fetjitetcth ictl,!o carpbJeaejfi' frhtitmccn6vhtl)tSj,f frbcres itbeicge.h tothfCto gouerncvfrojlc,5 frhcmthcu ' fnftet'Reftbp thrpoucrjhim alfc to Direct to'tb th? rpgbtutufcc{fct t!;cu IhcwcG not ihtfelf a befenbtr ngctr^thf p?5fimiptit= oiifheO'e of tl^tengoti^ no fconrr f ^on-i bctit, iDr.ujp^pef.bcth m{vk.i)i&?k,nti fo much to fjnib fault, ^s to crecuvajtc hin?= fctf to afRireDnciTt of cbiernmg. 3ccczs ting to the fr ca hi;ci:e ct l;ia teti ,l)e faj ct^ ttisagcihftfre?Xcn,th>t #05fi)6v.i0 ceafe fo lpm> from bioltftuiic : ar.l) yet tn the mcanefrhrie rjcf3>iftl) net tovcclb him IfiS; bonsur,ar.B bp r)is pjsrtr* t;c Ctfchcr- gtth ^nto hi^ !aypc,thafgrcatt tut tben of ttumi . frhcivfrttb l;ee frco cuciiotni. iKr.ebnto alio % rnqnic'th tl>t t 'vrtych fo? iowctli, [ 2!tnr.cfcfutttr:i::t;2. ] fci afi»mt tl;at <25ce ftrctcbttij net cuiht^ Ijcr^ ?•!: c= u?rp I lohnCaluins Commcntaric u'srp momcnt,?et S»b:n be fees ttjc ftmple anb innocent oppzefleb, it is not tfje tpmc foz ium to Defer am* longer.;^ oz opoztunt tic of sealing comctb Tone to enb,$oben the faitljful arc in biftveu"c,£>f which maner of fpcaking.toc'baac intrcatcb in tijc laft pfal nit bcfoze,aub m the tenth tcrfe, i '[J!niJ>iDc.]bcfo?c!jesoabouttop:ap agsinft tgc bngobip,bebzcc£y !*?***! tl%>™ fault opemnamelp that tijep \?cr ftlp foulo crucllp foz none otljcr caufc, but foz p the? pzoubl? d?fpifetfyc:n. 3lnb be cnbauncctb tbeir crucltp not a little bp tbi0 circum= (lance, that liauins forgotten allmanbob, tljep fpitcfttiip Daunt tbefcluctf againft the poo;e f afOicrcb. Cru!p,cruclneu*c is ab» seats t3?oub:pca rather, pztbct'0§ mother ofaUi»jtongs. ^ojonlcfleamantb?ougb oucr weening pzefcrrco l»»nfelf btfo?e bis nepbozefc Difbcincb tl)em bp taking moze bponbimfclf than be ought to bo:euenco 4- mon manbob foolb teach b0 boiv to scale mobcftlp th.^ovu bctt fozafinuch a0iti0 fufficicntip bnoton, tbataistoiigthc ^cbjevrs tlje 5»ozD Sxfyt into the figniScatio paffcth, 10 oftentimes left bnctjizcffco, t^herc be tha't Doth 9 bec that fuifcrct!; is all oncpcrfon:3!n mp opt mon t!u tntfrpzetficton iyi)ich % hauefo- loo'cb ijvtlbetbe tnozccontoDtous $ apter: that w t« y$i'.,y t l;c bngobl^ pcrfon pzap; f;tb 01 S.utnieib bimfelf in tbcluftof b«0 foiilc.ano tiathcbluTctbbunfcif- il^oiuis it Dc»naunuD tobat ntancr of tscftrc of the fouie this 1 v. Crulp f oz the moft fart it is feaont to bt taken ti;u0: that the bngoblp tpozt tycm.'cUjcs skd make great io)> Sx>he the tco;ia gojclj on tljcir fiDe0 , anD iubtn fl)5?oWe>ni8 fc/jatfocner coinctl; in t!;cir ' minbe to &ifnaccozbinga0hei»f'laiibc anon after, £ thtpabnfc their pjofperouo liate to attempt tebatfocuer tbep lift 23ut in mm: opinion [the befire of the fouie] in tl)i0 place bctcUcncth rather their luft ant- bnrulincfletfo cs the mccntng io,tl)atthci fcoectlp footl; thefeluc0 in their lews luffs « fccfpifmg <^oO0tuogment, i»Uhout re mo?fc acquit thcmfelues of ail gut : J,v ftcb fehcrof ®$ ofes in 5Dcat. 1 9 • ' 9 faith that tip? bliflc their foulco, foz the inucn, tto© oz bcuifcg of their otcn bart.3in Dccb anon aftcr,2Dauib i»il fap tljat the bngob Ip abufc their pjofperitp to make thcfclucs fpozt. 2!5ut a0 novo (in mp iitogment) l)Z compzifeth matter of mojc i»tight:namc' Ip tl;at tbcp purchace p?avfcfoz rljcir pzc- fumptuoufnefle, i tbat tbcp glojpm tljeir icicfeebneffe, fol)tc^ carelefncfic is f caufc of their \;nt)?ibelcb malapertncfTc. Writ) t!>crfozc 3! tntcrpzete the feozbs[pzv-pfe j bliffejto fignifp both oncttjing:Mkc a£[bn i goalp j bopftcu0^jare alfo of one figntfica j tion nppcrtcinmg to tbe pzefent place, al= I bcit p tbcp DtfferbftaecntbtfeSuc£,ajE ti)C j general? the fpcciall . £>ercbritc cgr^tl* ] tl;atSo!;ichi0nb5cbin:iri!fb:atlp inthenb j of vppon the tenth Pfalme. of y licri"c,tt)at tijofe bngooip pcrfottcs bete ppfe <25ob , ;# o? ft>!)cr£a0 Ibme tranflate it [too biafpbeme-,] ana otberfome [too pio; uoftc to anger,] it 10 to farrefrom $ tert. . /$ap rather iDauiD booct!) Ms to i»it,tf)at tlje caufc of tljeir carclctTe footing of the= fciuc0,t0t!';c cotcmpt of d5oo. f ojfjetbat tljmt%ct!) tfyat (0co fbalbcc tyst iubgc.bath, fucb s tcrrcur caft tn bi0 i»ap, £ be barc0 not footljc b*0 otunc fcrole^ljcn !;i0 con* feience aceufetb bwt of euill. 4 >' ['t£bz fcngablp tn tbe bctgh, rl).]auib mente to cyp?cffe.^irft tbe fc>eo2b [SKegatb] being put at large, i0re= ffrcpneb amtfle, $i>berea0 2Dauib mecnetb, fimplp tbat tbe bngoblp ioitbout rcg*rb, giuc ttyemfelucsleaue to boo anp tbing,ej mafeenc Difference bctvcccnc lawful! ano bnlaxvful, bpeaufc tbep? owne luft istijeit lavoc: oj bpeaufc tljat being «0it Sucre bttcrlp lawleffr , tbcp iurngtn it too bee iavtfuli iobatfoeuert^ep lift. Cfce bee= ginning of feci booing in all a mans w>bo!e lpfe 10 regarbfulncffc : that ig too fe>pt SsbcnSuc be notrafblp car^cb aioap after our oo>ne fancpe, no? after tbe bcabpncul of our orone flefb . iCbebcfp|e of bauing rcgarb fpzmgetb ef mo&cfhe,*Dbcn fc>e fet &oo oner b0as our 3Jubgeanbrulcr,a0 rpgbt i0. IRpgljtlp tlicrfo?c botij Hjc |2>?o= pbet fap,t>}at tbe bngc&lp fctting a fpbe ail oiferetion,boo carelcficip abueturebppon Sobatfocucr tbcp hauca mpnb bnto : bp; caufe tbat being puffeb bp font!) p?pbc, tbcpleaue no power of iubgement tonto <0oo.]d bOHt not but t^at [ Aph] is taUen in In0p2op?e anb naturall .fignificatton in t\)is place, snb not mcrapboztcnUp fo: an= gcr,inafm«cba0 fkoincfuti pctfoucc be- ; fe>£ap tbeir fbamclcflencflc eucn in tbeir countenance alfo. ^nttyefcconb member, ' tbcr:epbctlapctb mojtcbarblpojtat leafr iopfc mojc openfpto tbeir charge, tbat ail their IcavPb una2ination0 fljetre tbat tl;ep baue no tf?oa.2dp i&bicb Sno2O0 j| fcnDsr ? ftanb tbat f bep turne all rigljt t confcicnrc tipfpbe Bownc bp tbeir trapterous bolD- nc(Te,a0 tbougb titer were nc d^ob in Ijca- ueu.iFo;if tbcpbelecuc»i!;at tl;creiucre anp dEfoD, tbe fearc of rbc iuogementtoo comcivoolBrcflrcpnctbem . ^oi tbat tbep plapnlp benptberets a Ccb: butb'p= caufc tbep bcreette \)im of l)ts poucr. $ oj cmc r Iobn Caluins CommenCaric STemt alfo apol? it Unto <£&>1D, tbat his i»ap£0 cOin«,tbat.i0 to fap,ooo pjolper at alitpmes : notw>itbftanbmg, in mp tubg= menUt is to uiucl)fozceb.||oi©bGit feeing that in otber placed of fcriptuieit tmpoi/> tetba0 mud) as too be pzofiicreb;!! nwr= ueli that tb&re is anp eoHtrouerfieamong uings.of the piop!)2tfl, ijjttb, let bs cafe anlJB}tnH,tomojevciei»e fbailbpe . jfo? S»!>eh tbe f^joptjetsuto put <25ods people tnfeare fojify Gjarp benowncir.g efbtfi U£= gcartce : ttjci&mtn krrebtbrt tfjep fccre bat talcs. Inb tbcrefoje <^ob itmepetlj fhiitpiv agemft ti)cm,tkpcanfc tvljen l;c cal* rUe lemeb ,.aboivt t^tjs place, Gib tijat bp ,ieo the people to mooinuig.ef Qies ft facK- anb Up after wtbefl'CttiD mcmbsTftbepzo* .ciotb, i\\cis perffoabct tbem to minftrclfy Pbetil)cc9et^..ciu&?ntlpitl)atl)fcfpeahetij $ feafhng. Binj of tbclucKpeGatcof the ungoalp, ano of tbcpj cotKinewall botbing on in pieafure fetyicb mane:b t'ucm dionben; ^nbbc not onip co'nplapnerl) of t^ts tb^tr IttC^^iicfT*, but alfo 'enijaunceth tbeu-' offence fof bar* Dcniag tlj'irieiues in tijeir jualieiowjfncffc bpcaufc <05b is $oob bntoo:tbem . 3mo tljevefozc 31 tt&m it in t^ifsippfe, tfftat fozafmucb as tbey fwim in.continual px ofs pcrttte,tbep tbmU tbe p baue <25eb tpbc too tbepz Qc^ue : anb fo it commetb to paffc tljat tbep bztue bisiubgements fatrcfrom ti^in anp ma& toityftanti tl)Cin,bp anb.bp tljc? beieue tbep tea? fba&* bun of t tfjr length be abbctb m Cibc-Jls trnlp as 2" liue.tbis mcumt fbal not be pat away , ^nBecbc tbsfaptbfuli lift Up t'ocir eyes aloft, tljat tbcp map lofee Upto«35ob0 iu&gvnents : but tbcp arc no lefle afrapb of tbem.tbsn iftljcp toe* e now re&petolpgbtUppQntIjcirbca50 . £on= trarptapfe tbc Ungoblp ait&owcjb tsjep bef= , pp&tJjem : pit notwitbft wbwg leaft tbcp map be trubblcb 'with feare 02 tare cf rM, rbep bantu; tbem into bcaucn , .like be tbe Cpicures boo , wljo Dar;ng not to be npc <£»ob Satlp,furmpfe tb/at l>t Kites bts eafe mpblcncu"« . £>vct cf tin's eeltifoneSIe Xp?i»g^t;batp?d'umpticn,fc!;occf £ a isit^apufe .. tfioto S»ee bnberftanbtbe uibfpcafeerll^tbatt^cpbototnptliutiibat piapnsmecning'of t^,«tl)ati0to enemies fqiusr tijcpbaK,c, tt;cp fbu'ibe i»?t, tbattlje bngsoip moc'*« ^?itb ©ob, bnberpjetence of #5 fafbeafing.: UKe as the Ungracious CpjaW Syain?0^ic9ufe psijaba pzofperous fapling, boafteb tbat tijcgobsfauo^Q cburcbrobbccs, i^ecrc^ bpit cotne^.topafff , t&tt.tijeppttC ©^>bS iub3eaientes:fromtl;0n:asjaire^s,map bee. j7o^S»U«re33tmflnp tjn^fee^JOt , -[tbc bectn^ of <8f9b0iUbi3m«n^9 aloft phtoo tbem,} tmplpctif as tnucb as if *b? 0?o- pijet fboulb fap«>: irbcre is to jnucb, fauour Gjsujcd t})©n: (Ifee as in auoiber place be c omplavnerb that tbe^'SHerein.pteb fvom t^c comon abustfittes :') ^t agrcetb not foap;!v ^ Qic ^ojbes, Autra^cxit fee= Wai to beHjavb-anb^jiefteb'i- Cbe*cfo# TOPS vane to tbcmfelues not onlp a truceburing #obs b«!p, be 'catintctb bimicife Ccutip tljep? i»!?olc l?fe,but alfoa ieagc ifc bcat^ agcinfi ail fcauivgerearnD furelp it became in tn&mm ■ \ rfe^WS fee bo«?bp fo= tueti) tlj6.fap^.uU to tetttc toi iuclmre j(ir8p,ti]Cini5>Kb a blafl onelp.. foi tbe SubojD ;pouc] (iyincDiioroanb tijcti Q3= nifpetl) to cmrappe, ) is in tb 10 place mc:e aptip to puffe bp,e? to fcl6w Up.f^e confiriuet^ rb> fame meening in t\)t nert berfc foloiping,namelp tbatrbep arc fiUtp PerEuabcQ in tbeir partes , "tbat.tbep are qap^.ouit of all baunger of altcracion « BokitU'^iailjoug'vt'ticp oftcniimes fpeto oxU: fucy Sipiib cf p?o'&b fpccc'iestpit aotb 3Dauibcrui)OiUptbc .fccrct'bple of tbcpjt SaicHea ^awItpnc(Te iobiclj t!;cp foSer S»itt)in : anb t^ejfcTojje bee td;crfctb not felfct^cp fpca&C i»it';| 6)cp3HRC«Mbe0,. but febat t^iparcperftmrb cf intl)cp?: : ^artig0 . ^fc^ti/cettisa quefticn bcui tbat tljcp mull acKnoto= Icogc tbcmfclucs too bee fubiect bnto all ti optica, ana mutt pattcnrlp fubmit tbcm= femes bn:o tbe. Cbcrfojtctbeis too thigs Differ fane one front another , tbatabef= ppfcr of <©od ittlucl) tjatij p3ofperou0fo?s tunc to oap.ffcoulD fo farre fojgct bio mo?* tall (rate that be fbauiD bp falfc imaGinatis onbuplbbimfclfeancftabouetheclouDS: ano a seine tljat a coblp man SobPlc be ac- counted) b*0 Ipfe to bang bp a truezbc, ano to bee befeegeb Smtb a tboufanb teat lies, offering btmfelf to fuffer anp mancr of trt= bulacions , ana liuing none othertcpfe in tbe foojlD than as if be Sucre fapling bp- pon a ftonnte fea : fboulb neucrtbclcflc afe fajage l)i3 troubles anb comfojt l)i0 (o- rot»c0 iotti) tbc onelp truft of gob0 grace, Che bngoblp fapctrj,3I ftal notbercmo= uca o; Ji fl)al not ftaggcr fo? euer. 3Bcrc* ip bpcaufe be trjinfecrt) tbe ftoutneffe of bi0 ftrengtbtobceof fuffictcnt potocr tofuf; tejmc all bjuntcs . Che faptbfull fapetb, i»bat tbougb 31 crjaujice too dagger pea anb to fall, anb To consequently too unU to tbebottome :' pit malt not mp fall bee to bertructio, bpcaufe <£ob fbal put bi0 banb bnber ince . l^ccrebp alfo is another que= ftion tcfolucb.iFo? the faptbful being fear fultn themfelues.flce wit-ball fpcebe to tbc fancmarpof itb bjapnftfc gib= bpneffe,fo a0 being out of tbep? S»lt0 tbep perccpucnot tbep? oirnc rjarmes . Cbe renbiing of tbc caufc S»b»ch folotoctb in tbcis t»o?b0, [bpcaufe J am patt barmc taUing,] recepuetbttoo coirruction0.<£p= tber tbat the bngoblp concepuc bope of a qupet anb a iopfull ftatc bp rcafon of tbep? f o?tti cr cfcapirig feutbout punifbment : o? elfe tbat bp rcafon of a beceptfuil imagi- nation, tljep erempt themfelue0 from tbc comon ftatc of men : acco?bing a0 in <£~ fai. 2 8 • 1 5 .tljcp fap , when tbc fto?tne paf= fctl; ujali not toucl; bs at all. 10 His mouth is full of curfing, and deceit and malice: vnder his tungc is trubble and wickedneife. He will fit in the chceuish corners of the ftretes,in his lurking holes wil he murther the innocent: his eyes willbce leering vppon the poore. He will lye in wayt priuily as a Lion in his den:he will lye in wayt too \ catch vp the poore:he will fhatchvp the poore by drawing him into his nette. He will crowch lowc and call: himfclf downe: and then shal the armye of the afflicted fall intoo thedaungerof his ftrengthes. 7 [$i0moutbi0fuliofcuriingOCbet0 foure fcerfes tenae to this purpofe, tbat if <£ob be mpnbeb to fueco ur b to fcr uauntfi , it[i0 nolo bpgb tpme to boo it: bpcaufe tbc outrage of tbe bngoblp is burft foo?tb to tbe bttcrmoftcjcccffc tbat can bee . fivft bee complapnetb tbat tbeir tungc© are fratogbtimtbfo?focaringanb beccptfuis neffe, anb tbat tbep carpozbpbe tubble= fomencOe anb cjcto?tio»,bpcaufe tberc can bee no bcaling Soitb tbem inanp matter ioitboutbomage . Che i»oo;bc [Elah] (i»btcb ti)tl? tranOatc curDng) fonota Spar rping in it»oo?B0 tl)Ct tcnce fo; tbe nonce , brcaufe tbis J^e- b:-:uj pbzafc 10 fpzcb into other tunga alfa. 2>a»ib il)crcfo:c befcribctl) fc>l;at tbe tons goDlvarctDor.ttoboo.^nDfirftof alilje t Umttb tt)Ciu too tbceucs tl;at fozlap tl;e naroa> pafTagcS of ioapes ano make tbcm fcluCjS baunts, out of £e!)icb tbep fail bp= pon trauelers itonbevoarcs. 3 lio !jc fattl? tl)at tljcpj. epes are lcertng,bp a fun ilttu&c taken of barters S»btc!; rafce tbepx leuel tottb tliciT cpe a baif fljcf ,to tbentent tbep map Ijit riie mara tbe furer, jfreptber fpea actij 1 je tjeer e of t l)c comon fozt of t!;c cuca , but l>«e Directed; bis ftple too tbe grcate t'o ceuc3 i»!r-cl) bpbe tbcpz SDtehcbueflc ton Der :l;c tptles of honour ,pomp, ano i»oj= fb'P Cjerfoxc manp tranflate tl;e tooozb [Cotfnm] though, SDauib (nolo lap tbat fbepmaberopall palaces, ttjepjt tbceutngplaccs too cur fiiie mens tbiorcs in. 26ut altbougb 3! map graunt it to bee an alluGon:p:t ji fecepc ftili tbe contmeu- allraceoftliefimiliruticimbfo Jnterpzet it in tbtsfepre topfe : tljat Ithe as tbeeues befet tbe out*ape s of tillages : fo tljcia lap tljepz marcs S»bcrfocucr tbep become. Jn tl)e ncjrt toerft bee cnbauncctb tbcp; cruelric pit fo:er imtb anotber compart = fon , faping tbat tbep gape foz tbeir pzap no ieffe tljan ftpons in tbep; benncs. 15 nt to matcb tbe cruel topio a grea ter bp&eoufcncfle tbanto maiie fpoptcaf- ter tbe maner of robbers. T& nb it is to bee noteo, tljat be aiwapes topnetb becept ano trecberie toitb biolcnce , too tbentent be map ctpzefle tlje moze plapnlp bom <2>ods clulDzcn (boulb m all rcTpects be mod mi= ferabie , if tbep feere not ref fcei&cb S»ptb beipfrombtauen. 3MfotbercisabDeba- notber fimiiituoe, to erpzeffe moze plapnlp tbeir eraftpe caterings mmgleo toitb cru= eitie f ox be fapetb tbat tbep fnatcb,boic = beeit bp bxauring into tbeir net.2£>p wbicb fcjootb* bebooetbtostotonberftanb, tbat tbep not onelp ronneonioitb openbto= lenceano fszee of banb , but alio tbcre= fettball lap tbeir ncttes ivbcreimtt) too Decepuc 3illtbisbootbbebca:eintoo to agem in tlje tend; toetfc , fetting ou-: t!;ctr gefture beefo?e our epes , as it focrebp a befcrtption of tbeir pcrfone.Cbep crowd) fapetb be anb make lowe curtfpe.icaft per; abuenture tbep mpgbt fcarc folfe awap« loitb tbeir cruemeffe: bpcaure tbep iooold fapnecatcb tbern ioiil) tl;eir bapiB.iDbom tbep cannot burt enclcffe tbep come feme-. &>!;at nccre tbcm.ivw fecbew bee topnetb twotijmgstogttber: firtt fnares o^grin= ncs,anb aftcrvoarb foobein Violence , as often as tl;e p:ap ligbtetb utto tbeir banbs. $ 0? bp ti)C feconb part bee mcenetb tl;at tbep falltoppon foluciwul) crucii outrage tonlooacb fox , ioben tbep fee tbe Hmple fozt in baunger of tbeir totcBcbneffe , as if a Upon fbeulb roitfebtmfclre furiouflp top from bis coacb too teare l)is pzap in peeccs Cbefcnfc ts open,tbat tbe tongcto Ip arc to bee feareb on all fpbes, bpcaufe tbep biuemble tbeir crucltic,ttll, tl;cp fpnto tbemmafkeb in tbeir nettes toijom tbep couet to ocuour.Cberc ia fomebarKncfife in tbe iuooibo . j:c; ix>bcrcas Suec l;aue tranOatcb it [tbeatmpof tl;e affitctcb,] tbC V?Cb;ctO ioOOZb [ChclcaimJ fccsMctlj to fomc,to be of forcer letters : but ti)cp go merer to tbe rpgbt,frbict) Tap it ts a coins pounbe ano tmpojtctb ^s mucb as tu.0 iso^bcs.Cberfoze altbougb it be a woozD of tbe lingular nombcr : pet notiittbfi'an - bmg m tl)c ivape of gaibering toogitber, tbepzopbetbptbtoiooozb [chcicaim] be= tokenetb a grcate compame Sob'fb is af= fitcteo bp cuerp of ti;eis iLions . 31 baue traflateo tbtstoozi [Gnatfomim] flregtbes in tbe fozme of a fubfrantpue . $ oz tl;crt tsn»bowt,buttbat tbe )&zopbctbp tI;S termebetobenetbtbe talantesanb tectbe of tl;e It pon, wberetn confirtctb tbe cbeef ftrengtbof tbatbeaft. |potu>itbttfitibtng fozaftnucbaa pCOinri] is pzopzelp a nown: itiml not mifagrec tl;at tbe lapb talamcs anb teetbe (boulb bp a fimtlttuoe be calico Crong forolbpcrs . Cbe fenfe commetb too tbis purpofe, tbat altbougb tbep bpbe tbep? ftrcngtb bp craftpc crciccbmg : ptt tbep i»'.ll baue tn a rebpneffe as ii ioere a banb of armeb cbamptonc , oz botbeta? iants anb tcetbe , as foonc as occauon iff oSevco t\)cm to ioozbe nufebeef. He fayd in his hart,God hath forgotten it : he hath hidden his face and will ncuer fee it. 12 Vp vppon the tenth Pfalme. 34 1 2 Vp Lord God,hft vp Ehyne hand.forgct not the poore. 1 3 V Vhy dootli the wicked ciefpyfc God ? he fayeth in his hart : thow wilt not make any in qui/1 tion &cfppfcrs of <£oD.5Sutbcftcppetb out be; times to correct it,anD laying on Ijie banb, forcftlctb forth bimfelf, cjiiie'.;l)Olficrt) bts mpnb, that be ceneetuc nothing bnbcefee= ming the rpgbtuoufncfle f glojie of 45oo . Cbcn is it a common feebe of temptation foiven in ail men , to begin to caft Doa?teg of (Soon promocnec foben be bpbctb bis \ymo ano bis iubgentest . idofobcnyibc goblp Differ farre from tbc caftatoapes . ifortbeone fort boo foorthfottb correct the tonberfranbingof tbe fleib.bp faith : 9 the otfcr fou footbc tbcmfelucs in their frowarb imagination . 3>o IDauiD bp tbe foorb CbP] both not To much foafec <£od, as l)t foafeenetb bimfclf o r cnbeuererb too foanen bmifclf .that be map bp gobs help, hope for fome further thing than be fees* 4£bi0*erfc tberfozccccepnes a profitable boctrine:namelp, tbc more that tbc barb= nctfe of carclcfle ignorance ouergrotoetb tbc bngoblp . fd as thep pcrfwabc tbcm= felues that <2>ob regarbes not mens af= ftv^;o,no;u)iU punlflb foicK:bnefic: the more mutt foe ftrpuc to tbe eontrap part, yea ratber their bngobtpnefle muft be an enf oicement onto bs , ftjarplp too repulfc tbc bow tings.fobicb tbep not onlp abmtt, butalfo fojgctoo tbcmfelucs of fet pur- pofe. 13 [wbp both the foichcbbcfptrc<2>ob.] although it be more than nccoctb too al- lebsc reafons too pcrfmabe <0 ob fo itb :p it notfoitbftanbtng be stuetb v?c leaue in our piatcrs coo talk familiarly forth bim,none orberfoife than the fonne talHctb forth bts cartblp father . foi the Mtc of praptng is olwaws to bee marfcea: namelp that o s auib in this prefent place lap ing be fore bimfelf hou? bncefonablc J tontolcra* blc a thing it foerc, y (Sob fooulb be Dcfpt fro i i- civ bp f foic&cb'.DiD tberbpo cocciue hope of reoreflc. (Che fame foezb is repes tco no fo ,folncl) be b«s bfeo before: fohtcb <£.iu Spoib r i [$ e fapb in bfe hart 3 iDncc agein be notetb the foclfprtng of pjefumptuouf: ncfle : namctp for that the foiefceb bp rea= Ton of i0ot)5 fombing at them, bib pros mis themfdues to fcape I corf rce . l^ott?; bcett forafmuct) as tbep ooo not openlp forth their mouth tbruftfoortb this trap; tcrous blafpbemic [tbat€>oD bath foz^ gotten it, anbtbat bccbat'i Gbethisepes bpcaufehefoooloneuer fee it: j but l;pbe bp their tbowgbts occpe foithm thems felues , asfapcth Cfat : 29,15 : tbe pro^ phet ufcth the fame fozmc of (pcech fob tch he list) bfco before , ano fort! anri repcte thetbprbtpme: namelp that the ongoo= Ip fap foitbin their hartes, that <£od cas retbnot for mens matters at all . 3 no it is too bee notes, that the bngoblp boofo baleto their cftatebptbeprcfentfpgbtof tt, that tbepimagin d5oo Cafter a (ozt) to lee bou?ub onto them, whercbp it com- metb too paffc , that tbep are pad care for eucr, bvcaufc thep con fiber not that after <& ods long fufferance , there foloiaetb the grecuoufer lubgment. 12 [Cap HorD.] Slithougb all men in gcnerall are ficfe of this mfeafe , that ac= corning too the fence of their otone ficfh thep imagin &ob to fit pble or too ipe ft ill foben he ecccutcth not bts iuogmentstptt is there a long fcepe bettoecnetbe fapth= full ano the reprobate, bpcaufc thcisfofter the err our foluch is caft in their foap bp the foeabnefle of the flcQj , ano grcebelp brawc bnto them foherewitb to foDeano flatter tbemfelucs in their oome oulnefl?, tntil at length through their wicacD foils fulReffe , thep barben th*mfelues bnto grofle contempt of <©ob. TBut the former fort boo bp anb bp Qjabe that falfe imagi- nacton out of tbeir mpnoes.chaftijmg the felues, ano of their ownc accozbe calling thf felues heme agein to their right fo its: of fobica thing a notable mirrour is fet foorti; to "B3 tn this placc.^or in fpca&ing .iter the maner of men,tbe ^ropbctbccla rcth tfjat the fame crrour crept bppon him fclf ,fob tcb he uxn now conbemneb in tijc John Caluins Commcntaric I too?bfometranQate[top;iouokc,] i fome [toblafpbcme.']3i5utboutieu1r,tbatfigm'- ucation tobicb 35 bauepjefcrreb is fitter fo? the matter. ;jfo;ttobcn<15oo is bereft of bis power anb office of iitDgmg. bcJS bcijutcfuU? pulleb out of bu* tb jonc , ano after a fo? t check matcD . $$ oicouer fo^ as mud) as be bao a little afojiecomplapncb, that the bngoblp scrip ob,oj elfe furmife iutri to fitte euermojtc a fleep, toftbout anp care ojt regarb of men : novo in rlje fame fenfe befcyrtb be makes no inqutution. 14 Thou haft feenc it:for thou confiderefr trubble and vexatio,that thou mayft put it in thyne hand r vpon thee shall the vngodly leaue, thou shalt be a help to the fatherlefFe. 15 Brcake thov v the arme of the wicked and euill man: thow shalt feeke his vngodlyneife,and shalt not fynd it. rpofbsapplp tbefamcto bimfclfc accojis btng as neeb tbni require. Cbcrfojte let bS learnebp JDauibS crampletoreafon.tbat feeing it is (2>obspart tomarktobarfoe; ucr nan nc is bone to the goob anb fimple: be confibcreth our troubles anb foiowes , pea cucn i»l;cn be toinkctb at trje»n for a time.3i lfo be abbctt) that <3 oh ootb not & an pole gajing out of be men lookc bobme bpontbe things tljat arc bone bete: but ta ketb bpon bim to iubge them, f 01 to put it in bis banb,i0 nothing elfe but to make mqtnfition of it carncfllp ano effectuallp. U3ut it is our bewtp to reft pacientlp, as long as bengeance 10 lapb bp m 4doc0 banfl, "brstill t>cc (Irctclj out Ins arme too help tos.'Cbcr c it folouseth, after, [Upon thee (ball the pooje leaue.] 2J5ptobicb toojoo iDauib mcnctb.tljat toe muft giue obS pjoutDencerefptt-.tbat toben gobip folk are miferablp opp?e(Tcb,tl)ep map res iect their cares into d5obs bofotne, § after tbep baue put bim in truft toitb their to el fare,make no haft of their beftrs,but take bjcath after btfburbening of tbcmfclucs, bntill <£5ob fbcw bp thebeebe itfclf, that it 10 conuenient time to beale m the matter. Cbctfoje beleaueth bnto tf?oo , tobofoe; ucr he is 1 hatputtctb bimfeif in fucb totfc in his tuicion , as being fullp pcrfu>abeb that he is a faithful keper, he quietlp toap trtb foj the fcafonable time of his bctiucs rancc. Some tcab it paffiuelp [ the poojtc ftalbe left.] 26ut the firft conftruction is the tighter ano agrcctb toitl) the rules of grammcr,faumg thatitis a mapmcb kinb offpeech, btcatifc tt is noc c* pjeGcb tobat he !cauctb.2i3ut this maiming is common among y ^cbjrtos ,* tber is no tiarKncfle in the thing itfclf,namclp that the pjapers ofali 1+ DCho« haft feenc.] $ere JDauib bcingkinbleo lutb a bolp jde , commcth foojth foocinlv into the liftcs, anb being armeb toitbf iptb, fccrcclp beatctb batke thofetraptcrou0 opinions. Ibotcbeitfo? afmuch as he could nothing auatle among nicn,be turned) foimfclf bnto <5ob. foi likea0 the bngoblp minbing to make tbfs felucsfcopetotoo?fcetotckcDncffe at their pleafure , toithb?awd)cmfclues farre off from «J5od, anb th :ough the crroj of their frotoarompnbe, fttrmife tbcmfclucs too farre out of his read; : fo deane contrary wife it ft anbetb the faithfull in banb to ga s ther in thcmfclucsfrom rouing anb toan bering opinions, anbtoithmmocD Ipfteb toplcarb,tofpeakebnto<0ob as it to ere face to face. Cbcrefo^e gooo canfe hath iDauib toturnethefigbtof \no minb fro all men, leaftbefboulb pedb to menncs blafpbcmie0. Chcreafon is abbeb to the confirmacion of ttns meening , bpcaufe <0ob confibereth the trubbieo anb b crati= on0 of men, iff oj inafmud) ao it belongeth Unto d£>ob onlp, to take knotolebge of all b3?onges, 5Dauib gathered) bote it cannot fall out, that he fboulb dofc bp his *ves, ichen the bngoblp bp bookc anb bp crook make bauockc of all things :$$ o?eouer he befcenbeth from the generall to the par ticularoifpcctaU: tobtd) thing is to bee markeb abutfeMp. ^0? nothtng is mo;c eafptbanto confcfTc in general! termeo, that <0ob regarbeo the too>lD anb mennco matters: but to applp this Doctrine to our bailp bfeo, is the harocft thing that can be.&no pit tocrecetuc butcolo comfojt of tohatfoeuer the fcripture fpcakctb conccr* ning Q500S power anb iufticconicflc tut* vppon the tenth Plalme. 3$ of ail tlje goblp djalnot be in bapne,iubcn tbcp ljauecommttteb tl)cmfcKtc0^ s tbep? affapzc0bnto 45ob. $oit\)tistvoo mem* ber0tlca«ctpgitber> [bppon tbec fbaltbc poojc kaue,] anb, [tbow fljaltbea belpet to tbe fatbcrlcflfe. J 25p a metapbo? be tcr= ntetli^itn fatlierlefrc , Sobomcrft be ba& called pooic . 3toa tbe berb of tbe future tenet be toUencrb a contincwall Doing . 1 5 [3l5?eafce tboro ti)z arme.] Cljia meu ner of fpcafetng tmpojteti) a© tnuclj a0 to confound bt0 drcngtb • 3lnb it 10 not a pzapcrenelp. 30 ut bpcaufe tbe beaIlP fu= rionfeneffe of our encmic0 tooib fo? tbe mod part Q>abe our mpnbe0 a0 trjowgi) tbcre Scercno let trjac couib rcftrepneit: 20auib (lead bee mpgbt Gnfcebnocr tbe ttrroar0,)G)O?etb. bp l?tsfaptlj Switb. tl)i0 yzoppc, tt?at aflbne a0 it fball plcafc #00 to b?eale bngoblp,be Ojal b?ing tycm * tobatfecucr tbcp pzactp3e,btito nougbt. wbcrcfo?c,tbat tbeniccr.uigniap be mo?e mnmfcft,tbcfentenee istobelapb fooub in tl)is fcpfe : IL02D, oflbne a0 it fljali ipUe tbecto bzcake tlje armeof tyc bngoolp, tboucanft bung bim too befpapze in tbe twine&ling of an epe , lanb mafce all b*0 ftowtaffaultes too baniOj, S»l)crS»itl> ije is carpebtooboobarmc . Crulp JDauio p?apetb <©ob to ma&cbafi of r;t0l)eip anb bengeancc,bowbeit in tbe means iebple be fudepnctl) l)itnfelfcS»itr> tl)i0 comfort , tbat tbe fcngoblp plape not tbe i»anton0 but bp tbe fufferancc of gob: bpcaufe it i0 in bis potocr ,to bifpatcb t!)C»n qupte feitl) bi0 encfp loofec, affooneas be gettetb l;im &P intoo bi0 tubgment feate . IbiD certefife cuenas'tlje fonne atbt0tp= ling bifpatcbctl) awap mides anb deame0 ioitbb»0bcatc: euen fo Sobcn <25ob put= tetb foo?tb bi0 banb too ejeccute n)c parte of a lubge , bee fcttctb agcine in quiet fetyatlocucr ii>a0 trubbicb anb confufeb. 31nmp iubgmet be Sjati)s put tbeig i»oiD0 (nameip tbe ft>icHcb anb cutl man) to en- creafeti5ematicr.^0if bebabfapb : bow umcb fc euer eutU mm iter ieoob in tljcir malice anB ango&lpneffe, pit is d&ob abie toremebpoutef i;anb. The Lord is king for euer and euer: the heathen are pciilshed out of his land. Thovv haft heard the defyre of the poore 6 Lord : thow shalt direct their hart : thine eare shall heare. That thou ina> ft iudgc the fatherlefle and the poore, that the man procede not to fray them any more from out of the earth. _[Cl)e &o?D is King fo? euer e euer.] into tbe cart!) from tebence it came,* tben fball all tbcp? tl)ougl)t0 pertQ) . f oj oftcn= \6 •7 iS \6 /ft oico JDauiD a0 t^ougl) be ^ab obtcpneb 1 bi0bafte0befp?a, rpfetij bp to bolpretops I ring . Jf oj in tliat be calktl) d5ob an eucr= lading lung, it 10 a trftimome of truft % glaoncrfe. Bp tbe tptlc of 3aing,bee djas kngetl) to bim tljcbuiic of goucrningtbc i»oUD : anb tbe cuerlaftingncffe of ^p0 reignepertepnetbtotl)i0popnt , tbat it 10 ill boone to enclofe i)tm teitljin tbe fireigbt bounumof tpme . ^0? inafmncb a0 tbe paffage of man0lpfei0 but 8)0£t : men tbofe tbat bee p?tnce0 of tl)C mpgbtpcft anb greatefthtngbom0, (bpcaufe tbepbc mojtall,)boo fo: fae mod part bifappopnt t!;ep? feruaunt0:acco?bing a0 the f^falm. i+6.2.3.toarnctbb0,tbattberi0notrttft to be put in princes 0? in j fonnc0 of men, in 5obom tbcre is no bcaltb , bicaufc tl)cpj b?ctl) u;aU go out of tljem , anbrcturne tpmcjB tbeir dregtb fapletl) tbcm,$ &bplc tbep prepare tbetnfciuc0 dotoclp too l)6lp men,tbe occafton Otppctl) an»ap from thje. Ii5ut of tbe bcancnlp King 5»c mud baue a mo?c bono^able opinion : bpcaufe al= tbocegb. b« ejeecutenot b»s iubgmcnt0 out of banb,pit bt0 ablcncfle remapnetl) cueri mojic n)o fame tbat it i»a0) alu?apc0 full f perfect . ^Fmallpbereignctbnoteucrla^ ftinglp fo? bimfclf alone, but fo? to0: fo a0 long bclapecan no S» ^inber ^im too drctcb out bis b^nb in Dew feafon, to help euen tbofe tbat bee bcab c? pad bope of rccoucrp. [ Cbcb^tben arc periffljcD.] Cb^ mecning is, tbat £ l)oip lanb fe>a0 at legtl^purgcb fro p bcfplcmet0 1 6itl)inc0, ij?bcnvitb ttf»a0 bttapeb.5Fo5t,bcjrtblc Soa0 £ beafynifbncOc, iobentlje lanb tbat <&.iii. S»a0 Iohn Caluins Commentarie, fc>as giue fo? an lyeritagc to <2>oss people, 9 allotfcD to his i»oo?(btpper0 , DiD fofter tongoolpanb Smckcb mbabitcrg. ;ffo?bp tljifi icoo?D, [ i^catben, ] be mecnetl) not f o?rcincr0,but bppocritcs.tobicb bniuftlp boftcD of the name of <25od: irae a© at this Dap manp,fc>l)icb are Cbitftians but in tptlc onlp,kccperefiocncc in tbebofomc of t\j: (£lmrcbe.Sno it i0 no new thing 5»iti| the |S?op!jctf0, to tmne renegate0fo>bicb fesrefainc from tfyc ijolp manerg of tbe fas tbers, bp tl?e rcp?ocbefuilname of [ ^ea= tl)i?n: ] ano to men t?jem not onlp to the bnctrcucpfcD, butalfo to tbe € hsnamt cs, Su'iOiucremoaeBetcflab'.cofaU.'CbPffl' tber tua© a £bananttc , anD tbp mother a gbttttte, €^c\). 16. 3. &ucb like places arc rpfc to mecte Sx>U\) . Cberfo?e in fl)a=> mmg t\)z talk ano baftereo cl)tlb?cn of 3J* b?al;am fc>i A) tbe name of [ l^eatljen, ] be tbanfectb, d£oD tbat l;e baa Djtuen fuel) co?= ruption0 ovct of Ins eburebc. 3lno bptbis crample &>ecbce tatogf)t,tI)at it 10 no new tjjfag.if at tbi0 bap alfo bcatljcntd) men ocfpic Hjecfyurehe of <0od. jj5oi&ttr>ilan= Ding,i»ec mud befeeebe C5oo to purge bis borofe totflj fpcjDc, f not to Icaue lH0 bowfe ufce a Dungljill to i;ogge0 Dog^ts. 1 7- C Cbc Dcfp?c of the poo?e. [ 25? tbei0 iooo?oe0 tbe 0?opl;ct confirmctb £ tbwg frhicb 31 ^P6 Gl*en nauj,namclp,tbatfo>be !)ppocrttc0 reigne in tbe djurctje, 0? ft>ub their multituDc oucri&belmc tbe fapfbfull, S»S2 mutt p?a? to <©od feifhout ceffing, £ be iDtll vcotetbem owt. jFo?it tsaiuft cattfc fc? the cf <©od to bee bcrcD anb grceueD at fo fowle confufion. 3nb bp tins Oracle tbebolp gboft affuretb bs,tbat ioceat this Dap Djall obtepnc f famethmg Sbbicfo <5od gtaunteD at the rcqueft of tbe father^ m olb tpme , if ( a0 it becommeth, bS , ) ft>ce bee carefutl fo? tbe Ddiuerancc of tbe church^. Cbcis fc>oo?Des, [ H bow fbait Direct their harts ,] arc bpucrflp er= povonticb bp 33 ntcrp?ef crs. ffijnto fontc it fecme0 to itnplp as rattcb a0 to giuc fuc- ccfTe to tljcnr acfp?c0 . Co otl)er0 it Ggni= injfcne0 map p?ouofce d5oD0 grace. fpetb to frame tbe bart , t!;at tlje faptbfull map nat rcqueil anp tbmg.futte tbat kljicb is rpgbt * ma, U&e a0 ?3aulc fapctb, tbat f fpirtt ftirrctb bpbnlpcaKable gronmgc0 i»i:biu \>3. IRom. %.i6. ^erabuenture ep£!;er of tytia tvooo c,c ?ofiti60t0to muci) ftrepneb . 5Poj firft IDauib commcnbetl) 3D, 5ri)5n be bpbolbetb our S»itrc0 tn tempta- cton , anb furTeret!) tbem not to bee IcD an otber tea?, aincn after foloroctb tbe otrjer parr , tijat tbe affectiono of tbe <2>oDlp arc not DtrectcDtnbapncto frame tbemfcluc0 to obeDicnce &ttb bo pc anb patience, anD to banc an epe bnto <£?0D,anD to call boon btm foi d^oD0 caree are not Deaf to bcere tl)eir fpgbc0. Sots tbere p?apfcD Ijcere a mutuall confent of a Dubble grace,namclp, tl)at ©od fuiferetb not bis feruauntc0 to qua^Ie, ojt to fall from tl)c faptb,ej to giuc OHei*p?aping,butcallet!}tbembacfeeagetn to bim, bnttll it appcerc bp tl»c Decbc itfeif, tbat ^beir bopercas not fonD,no? in bapne. Cbc icntcncc mpgl)t fccll bee lapD feojttbe tbus: Cboaj Q)alt SabliO) f bart of tl)Ctn tonuli il)j»nc care map Ijcarc "tl;an. 18. [ Cljattbou? mapft iuDgc. ] J?c ap= plpet'o '>b«2 m& fenience to a fp ectall vfe, tl;at the fapthfull iubicb. arc io5?ongfullp opp;eu*cD, (bbuiDnot Doat.buttljat attbe Icngtlj (0oD iotlbec tbe reucngtr tbat fljall Dclmcr tbi".H5p iobicb 5»oojDes l)t Dooctb bs to iott , tbat i»ee mnft ^erfeucr mam fullp bncer ibe croffe anD bnber tribula= cien : bpcaud <5od oft tpmes iotlnot fuc-- cour bi0 feruattte0,bntilltbcp be b?ougljt to tbe laft call. g>urclp this ts a barb tlnng to boo, bpcaufc euzrp of b0 coulb fpnD in l)i0 bart , to bee p?iuilebgeb from tnbula= cton : anD tberfoje, onleffe (0ob feme our turnc witb fpeebe, befecmcth to bz; flacfee anb Qowe. 26 ut tf 5»cc mccne to mafee rooinc fo? I>t0 belp, Svee mulr coole our bcatc,b?pDle our impatieKcie.anb mitigate our fozovofulnclTe,bnttll fyz tpme tbat our [ |2^ocecDe not anp mo?t.] £)ncc ageine becommenDctbd5oD0 puiffancc in b?ca= bingtbcbngoDlp, fo as amiD tl;e trt»bbie= fome turmoplc0 of tbem ,Soee tnap tafee tl)is fo? a cjrorcnDffD principle, ti;at ail tbat cuer vppon the tenth Pfaline. 36 cuer ttjep pjactpje fball banifb awap, as foone as tl>c ILojd Gjali thtsiK it goob. ibomme tafce tlje i»oo;D [ Erets,.] intbe jft cuter genbcr,fo as tlje fenfc fljoulb bec: [CbatinojttaU men map bec no mojeas frapb. ] J5«t reafon requpjetb p it (boulb beecrpoumDeb tranfitiuelp . Inb it tjS not agcinft rcafon, that tijc tmgooip (tborogb tijep lift ibcir bcabC0 aboue tljc clox»ce0,) {boulb bec callcb mo?tall,oj ftipgltfcs fub* tcct to roanpe nuftrics : foi bp tbjflf meant Ijc oucrtbroartipcroffebptetb tbctr toitleffe piefumption,in tljat forgetting tljcir ftatc, tl>cp bjcatbc out crudl manac c0,anb puffc out bojrible terrottrs,a0 tbougb not enen (£&>£> ijwnfclf S»erc able to repjefle tbur luftpneffc. 3Mfo ttytsparccil, [ jlfrom owt of tbc eartb, ] contcpnetb, a coucrt mat= cl)tng of contraries .bctu-ccKC tl;c lowc to- tage oftrje eartb , anb tbc bPgbnfffc of t!;e faaueno. 5r oj from femence come tl;cp to aflault tlje rinltyen of ob:' ^lerelp cuen out of tljc grounb.lwe as if little iccojuics fboulb rrcepe otot of tbc craupe0 of ttje cartb . 3nD in tbts i»pfc tljcp aflault <&ox> bimfclf ,iir>l)0 pjomifetl; l;elp to bjs fcr= nantesfromljcaucn. The conteintcs of theeleuenth pfalme. This pfalme eonffteth of two partes. In the fir ft Dduid shewetb bow hardc (tfptitltes oftemtation be bad encountered \andwitb how great heauinejfc be had 'nn diftrejjed at the tymethat Sanlc perfected him. In tbefecond he reioyectb in bis owac behafe for the hdpfeni him from G)d } andprayfeth Cods rigbtuowfe- '/efj'e in ruling the world- The eleuetitb pfdme. Too the chcef Chaunter a pfalme of Dauids. 2 In the Lord doo I put my trufhhow fay yow too my (bwle , fleetc yee into yowr hill as a bird? 3 Surely behold,thc vngodly shall bend their bowe, they haue made redy their arrowes vppon the firing , too shootc priuily at thofe that bec trew of hart. 4 Surely the foundations be throwen downe : what hath the rightuowfe doone? gi& tI)c&e?b.]3HmoftalUl)e3Sm g| tcrpzeters tbjnti it too bee a corns £ ; plaint tol)erin,S>auiD accufetb W Jcotmtrpmen, tl;atfo?a»bi0 fec= fcing of fl)jorc»bingplacc0 euerpfc>bcrc,pft be coulo notDbererpnbanp courtcQe.aino it is rrcw tnbeebe tbattoben btftrapeb hitber (f t'oitber to See £ crudtie of &aulc, ty coulo notrtyere fpnb anv faufe refuge,at leaft Sotjcre be mpgbt contineto anp footle to relr.wbctfo^e Ije Ijab goob caufe to I)auc founb fafcjlt i»itl; l>io oiun tijat none of tbem coulo fynbein bujijarttoo barber bint in the tpmc of bis outlarie . 16 at 3 fuppofe be barb refpeet to a bpgl)= cr tb ing. jr o? iot^crt all men (as it tocrc of tope.) biaweljim too bifpa]??6 it coulb not orbcrtdpfe bec,but tl)at accojbingc too tlje tnfirmitic of tbeflcflje, ^eemuft necocs bec toiccljeb , anb ttjst not ipgljtlp. <£ .tii|. l^ows lohn Caluins Commentarie, i$oix>Bceit, betng tberbp fenced, be leancb bnfearfulip anb ftcbfaftlp to <£aos pjo= mifes, fo n0 Ijc gaue no falrue too bcebmiocb tntoo twoo partes, foj, befojtc tljat ©auto com menbetfj tbet; fomt tbinb it fljoulo bee reb [ Harchemo tfi- phor, ] tbat it to fa? : into tbe bill as a bird, Sottbout tbe $oooi bes your, jJDur , oj anp >tbcr p?onownc. H5ut if isee foloxoc ■ tljat Srijfcl) 3 baue fapb,t5je tert i»tll tcrp 5»cll tbu0,Iflectc pee into pour bill,] fo? tijere is no place foj poto to btoe II m in pour countrpe. ainbpet^ tbmft not that anp ccttein b»H ifi went, but tbat ID auio tons fent atoap into befert roc'&es , S»bi= tljerfoeuer b'S luefce leb Ijtm. f pnbing faurtfantb tbe autbo?s of tl)is counftll,t)e P£otef!ctb tbat be trufteib fo mueb bppon Sons p?omis,tbat be toil! in no U.pfc pcclb bis confent to fucb a banniQjmcnt. *»ucb. tbrrfojc iuao JDautbo ftatc, tbat m bis er^ trecme necefutie,ail mc btb tljiufl Ijim ovot a greate ii>ap of into befert places. i^oo>~ becit , fojafmucb as be fecmetb to giue an incling, boo? it Swerca popnt of biSruft,to rcpofebts itiertp bppon fleeing 1 3ft is a qucfiion,i»lntber it bab not bin late full fo; bun to flee, ojno. yea ratljer S»ee Hno«?e Ije bab bin b^im'n aborct fro tpme to tpme tnto iuno?p places of refuge , anb now anotbenaifo be bab l)tD buntclf incaues- 31 anftrer , alrbowgb be feerc bnfcttlcb lp&c tbefearfuil btro,«S»asfapnc to mabe bpuerfc bpicapc0, io topnb bmtfclf fro \)i$ cnempcsfovrlmgncttcs: pet be ftooBcall= ioapes fo ftebpe in faptb ,tljat be ncuer eftratlgeb Ijim&lf from tbe people of <15od. $ 0} altljougij m otber mennes fpgbtes b.c iocre a fojlojne perfonc, anb as it were a rottc member: pet be ncuer feparateb b«n> felf from tije bobpe of tlje Clmrclje . 3nb furelp tbat faping, [fleepte] tenbeb to no; tbing but btter btfpapjc. T&ut be eugljt not to bauc giucn place,anb fo tol;auc fleb bpcaufc be i»as ^ncertem of tbe iflew. 3inb tbcrfo?c i;e fapetb crpjcflclp,tbat tbi0 ioas fpoken to bis fowie,fio,mfping tbcrbp tbutbtsbartwas flrtben wptz tb?ougb. i»itl) tbat repjtocbefuU cafltng of: fo?af= mucb as be fawe it tenbtb to none otljer enb,(as3 fapo,) fauc onlp to tocakenbi0 fapti). Cbc effect is i\)i£i, itjat wberas be bab al^wapcs ituib fcubout ijuvtmg anp man , as U became u pure ieoiu;tppcr of (Sod vppon the deuenth Pfalmc. 37 (goDtODOotpetfraobcconDemnebtobas mfb ntent foj euer.ainb ti)i0 berfe teacbetl) bo, ibat altbougb tbe fr ozlD tic c bo newer To much, vet mud free danb dill to our tacfeeltng, lead free fall from dB'000 pzo^ mires, 0? lead c0oD3 pjoniifes flip fro bo: ano that borofocuer fr ee bee toflco bp ana oovsne , free ttrnH fet tbe foot: of our bo= cation furemfaptb. 5 [<§mrelp,bcb9lD,tbebngobip.] -&omc fuppofe tbat tl;is is abecb in frap of er* cufe , in tbe perfon of tbem tbat bab H>a« uib faue bunfeif bp flight, IccozbiTig to 0* there, JtDautb flnbctb fault frub l)i0 coun trpmen, frbo pcrcciutng beatb to manace bun on al fiDC0,bib ncucrtqclcflc b«;np bint barb?otD.15utratber in nip iubgmcnt, be pxoceebetb fritb bio matter. ^Foj it is l)ts purpofe to fet before mennco epc0,not on* Ip tbe bangcra frljeruntb be fr ao befegeb^ but alfo beatl) itfclf* 3(!nb tljcrfozcbe faptb tbatfrberefoeuerbebioe bimfclf , be can not frinb Ipmfelf out of bio enimics baoo. 3gcm tbe befcription of fo miferable an eftate , botb tijc mozebcatotifp tbebeltue^ ranee frbicb d?ob fent aftcnaarb. 30 ap; pertepning to tbe fr ozb0,fr bcrao be fait!) tbat tbe bngoblp arc busp in (booting pji* ueip:fomc take it metapbozicallp, bpcaufe tbep affapeb to compafle bun bp craft anb polictco. jftottmtbdanbing , tbe Ampler fenfe iifec0 me better, tbat tljer to notbing fo l)tbbe, but tbat tbe enimico barts per cc bnto it, anb tberfo;e tbat beatb fr tlbe ips bnfeparabie copanion cucn mto all caucs. 4 [S)urelp tbe founbacions] & omc tratt date tbefr ojb[Ha(hatoth] #} cto: m frbicb fenfe t^e fcr.pturc bfetb tbe fame frozb oft tiraco ciferobere : anb tbep intetpzeic it tljat tbe fr tc'Reo gwik 0 fr licrtuttij tljc bn goblp aflapleb JDauib,fr ere bifappouitea. wlpeb interpretation if fre abmit : tijen frberas be abbetb foztbwtb, [Snb frbat baibtberigbtuoufcmanfrzougbt * ] tlje fenfe frill be, tbat be cfcaMto net in fauftp bp Ijio oam traucll anbpoiicie : but ratber frae plucHcb out of tbe nets ojfnares of lus enimics bptbe power of d&ob, mm frben be fras at red ana aoit frer adept. H5ut tbe name of founbacion fittetb tbe tcct better: bpcaufe be pjocebetb to report bottinarocolp be fras bziuento bio (btfes, fo as tberc fras tbenno faufgarb fcj l)im. 3no pit tbe 31 ntcrpjetCTs agree not bpon tbe fenfe. ^omc interfere it, tbat ti;erc fras no place ft>2 bim to dap bis fecte topon:«fottie,thattl)Ccoucnants in frbiri) tljereougbt to tymt bin mod dableneitc, frcre broken from time to time bp g>aui. Cbere are alfo tbat bnbcrftan& it alleges ricallp,tbat is to frit,tt;at tbe rtcfttuoufe pjeeds of gob.frbtcb frcre tbe bpboioero of tbe lanb,frere put to beatl). 25ut bout= lefle 3 fuppofe it to be ametap&onafcen of builbing0, frbicb mud necco fal fcoten anb btterip go to frzeck, frben tbeir foun oacionsbce pnbermineb : fo as £:auib fboulb copiapn,tbatbe fras btterip ouer= tb?owen before tbe frozlb , f l;ab notbmg left bimfrboic of all bis poflefliono.aifter toarbberepctetb agem,tbat to be puni- fbebfocrucllp, fras moietbanbebeierc utn. 3nbtbisbotbbe,partlp tocomfozt Ininfctfinbtsabuer&ttesfeitbtlje&itncs of a goob confeience , anb partip to make bimfelf frap to bope fe; beltuerance. $01 tberbpicasbeincourageo to trud,bicaufe tbat bp tbe goobnefle of bis cace be conccp ueb tbat (0oo dooo on bis ftbe,anb l&oulb be fauourabie bnto bim. j The Lord is in the palace of his holinclTe: as for the Lord,his feate is in heauen:his eyes will fee, And his eyelids will confider the children of men. 6 The Lord will allow the rightuoufe man , but as for the vngodly and him that loueth iniquitie,his ibwle hateth him ^ [Tbe 3Lotb fs in tbe palace] 0&vo fo^ neffe in tbio fr o?lb, fre fecfec Kgbt from !jeauen,to guibebo bnto hope offaluatio roitl)3li. f 0} altbougb all men confefle tbe frojibisto be qcucrneb bptbepobrerof d5ob:pit fr lien foiorcfuf! confufton of tbtn ges cucrcaftetl) tbeni fr itb bar^ncfle,rljcr arc but fete tl;at l;auc tb-s aiTnreb ptrfwa e .b* don lowetb tbat boafting frbicb 3! fpahe of. ^"oj ID auib being flntt out frommanncs l)clp, comteyetb bwnfelf bnto d5obspjo- uibencc. 1Tnt>Cas J bauefapb elfewbete) tins t'0 a nerable trial! of fatt!),frl)en bce- ing encompafleb rotuib about frit!) barfed Iohn Catuins Commentane Goji fctlcD in tbetr mini)0.U3utbp £ ccapic 0: 2D auto wc muft malic fuel; an account of<0oospjouiDence, pwben things are btteripfojlozn, Sue mufti) ope fojrc&zeiTc at bis iuDgmcnt. if 01 bctu>ccn[ljeaueu t cattb] tljcr is a eoucrt matcbing of c5£ra= tiss: bicanfe f if JDauios bnDcrftanbmg bab bin firxD in tbc eartblp f Utfible Irate of things, be coulD baucfoub no wap out. But no cp altbougb r bt t\)z wozlD ai cqut tp Itc troDDm bnDctfoot,? alfatthfulneflc be pertfbeD : pit bee betbtnketb fjim bow gob fittetl) founb in bcauc, atiubofebanb tbc tiiczciTe of oceapcD ojDer is to be lobeD foj.5fozbefaitbnotbarelp£goDDwellCib in bcaue:but tbat be reignctb a0it tocrc m a pzincelp palace,? bolbetb a court of iuog meut tber. 3lnb furclp.bis rigbtfull bonoj. to not otberwife to be pelDeb bnto bim,on lefle we be full? rcfolucD of tbis, tbat bis iubgmft feat is a bolp fanctuarp to al ttjofe aregaroofmcnncsaffairs.toecccutcbis tubgmentat tbc lengtl). f oz Cpieunwf fucb U'ic(5»bicl) furmtfc Inm to be iblODo rather mahe a beo foz i)tm tban kt bim bp a iabgmer feat. 113 ut faitl) glozictb in tbis f <£?od tbc maker of tbc wojio, in no totfc neglcctetl) f oxber iobicb be batb creatco. 3lnD altbougb be fufyeno bis iuogments foz atime:ptt muft ioe reft out feluco tn £ o«lP bcljolaing of bim,ltfcc a0 now Sue fee £>auiD contentcD ir>itb tb«0 onlp one com fozt,tbat <©ob is tbe ruler of manbino , 9 tbat be marUctt) whs tfocucr is Don in tbe £u02la,aitbougb f HnoleDgctbcrof apeere not bp $ bp. 3! ciiicx crpefit ton alfo is ab .- Deb anon after , v <15ob Dtfccrnctb between tbc rigbtcoufcf bnrigbtcoufc, pea $ tbat in fucb ixttfe as be to no tole lober on. fa; be t0 fatb to allow tbe rigl)teoufe « to bate tljebngoblp. CbcSoozD [Bacaz] fcnebtoe banc tranflatcb[to aUotojbofb oftetmies tbat be in miferp:$ are wzongfullp oppzef betoken trialhlJSut in tbt0 place 3 inter fcb.TD'.jcrfoze wben craft,guple0,falfboDj p;et it ftmplp,?' gob fo enquirctb of cucrp mans cac?,a0£ be mafeetb a Difference of tbc go&lp fro tbe bngoDIp. fi^ozeouer be faitl), tl/at fucb a0 giuc tbefeiuesto Doing crucltte,bto!cnce,£ ectozeion runrpot tn £ etb tbat it cannot be but be muft baue 8 Vppon the vngodly hec will raine fnarcs , fyre and brimftonc, and ilorm of whirlwyndes,the portion of their cuppc. 9 For the righteoufe Lord loueth righteowfnelTe,his countenauncc allow eth t'"ieri2;htuow{e. 8 [S?pon tbe bngoblp] ^oi» laft of all, SDama fets it Down fo^ a grounb,tbat ab tbougb goD fojtfloa) « Delap f 0^ a tol)Ue:pit notubftariDing tbe time of vengeance &tll furelp come: f fo fo>c fee l)im climb bp Dc« gre:5bnto the bope of bappp cnb: f leaft f DifazDcreDneffe of al tbingomap empatr bisfaitlj:bieaufegoDs tbzoneafeioctb fteD faft in bcausn, be fuftepnctb bmifclf i» lo j litngto § fame.3ftetu;arDl)e iceietb uobat f office of a iubgerequiretbwberbp be ga tberctl) , tbat mcn0 D«cb0 efcapc not goD0 cit0:f p altbougb be bo not fojt '.jwitb pu- mfb tlicu euill boing0:pit be batct'a all tb; xttCcveb.Jn tlicnD be abDttb,^ fitb leD2$mcnt of bictullicc toil tocli cbcriQ; ourbope.bnnil be make pzocf bp DeeDc, vppon the eleuenth Pfalms bceoc,p be ncucr bepartco from bts t»atcb 38 toxct. Ccnmngip in goob foot?) booth he coparc goDSpumlhmetsknto tapu . Jfoj Ipfee as rapn is not cortnevoal, but f Hojb fc octb itfojtb as oft as be ii&cib:pca 5 fes beinlp rapfetj) bp hapless Violet Oiotocrs, Subcras Seas faireft teethcr &o meenctb be £ foobem bengeace 10 at banD fez £ t n= gob!p,£ thsp map perifb in £ turning of a banb,euen ithe the? be merp > is oner tnabs f 0? aU:fo alfo tobe tbcp mecne to put tbercpiobatesm feare, tbcp manacc tbe beftructibn of & obome $ <0omoj:« not i&out gocbreafct,ftth Juie mtyss (igpifllCDcetb Vis to bait, that in the fame there remapnetb a contmevcal cram= pie of goD0 to?ati).WpfGlp 9 trimlp alfc pla cctl) be fnar e0,afozc be conic to fpte s bzim fione. foi 5re fcnoto fas long as goo fpas rrtl) £ fcnckeD,tbcp fear notbing,but mala pcrtlp leap about as it b.crc in a free fcclb : 3lgein if anp abucrfitiebfing ouer tbMhep fecfee frartingbolcs to Dtp out at : $ ftnallp tbep altoaies mock 2> gob as though tbep coulb not be ouertafeen, Until bchapcr the in bis fnatcs.€>ob therefore beginnctb Ins bengeaceatfnarc0,fo?cicfingailftartingi boles fro £ t>ngoblp.'3ln&S»be bebeibetb them fnarleb anb maffecb,bc tbunbcrctb bppcntbcm bzcabfullpaRb b02riblp,hfce as l)e confumeb fifcoaom anb the Cities thereabout So itbfpjc from beaucn.*>cmc translate thc&oojb [Tfiiegaphoth] feints Imgs 02 burnings : anb otbcrfcinc, com= motio:i0,o? tcrrours . 25uttbc matter it frlfe required) the interpretation fchjch 3 bauc r.uovccbcbjcj Oozmp iupnbcs rapfe fcp tcmpcflcs,afttr fetich, fclOKoctb tbuns bsriug. [^[Ijcpojtioncf their Cup.] 16p this tr 002b bee bcarctb rccozb t!)ntC5obs iubgments fbalbee certcine anb ftebfaft, hevribcuer tbebngcblp fccgtople thefciucs fcjitl) tbeir fclfefoothmg . Cbis metaphor is oft met ft>itl)tnf fcripturcs • f 02 inafs much as t!)c ficfb brieeticrl)notl)tngmo;e ljcublp,tl)an tljattljebcftructios ? miffo?s tunes foiucb fecmc cafuall, coo fall out in iuft mcafure i pjoponiobp gebs appoint ment : c$ob tafectl) tppen (jiin tys perfon or an t)ouicbotoer,tyat oeaictt) our to at)* man bis pittance 0? allowance . 3! n tins place tbercfo^e 2>auib mecnetl), tljat tberc is re ttarb certcinlp lapb Up foj the Vingcb: ip,anb trjat it fljalnot boote tbem to ftriue Soben tbe ILoib Ojall reaebe tljcm tbc cup of bis 4o?atb to biinfetneptber that fuel) a cupispjepareb fo? them as tbep mapfip of bp pcceemcalc : but fuel) a cup as tbcp muft be fapnc to fivoopc of all at oncc.acs cobbing ^.s f p?opbct C^ccbtelletb tlje, 2 3 .« fl)alt b;infe it of,euen to j b?e%qs 9 [j(Fc?t^rpgbtuo«jfc3Lojbc.]^ little crft be rcafoneb bppen ©obs offpec, ti)&t l)z Sottl punifb tbe rtpiobats : anb novr be gatberetb bpon tys narure,that be 4cilbC5 a helper to the goob anb rigbtuorefc. 5 0; tnofmucb as hci0 rigbtuorofe,bc fbcxcctb hoto it is of confcquet,tbat he Qjoulb loue rpghtuoufnciTc: fo? elfe \)C 0)oulb renouce himfelf. 3Clfo itS»creacolbfpcculatton,to tbinHc that vpgbtuorofncfle is endofeb in d5ob,if tt came not alfo to ourmpnb, that he acUnotolcbgeth &>batfccucr is his,anb fhexcetli p?oof tbetof mthc gouernancc of the icoilb , ^omc tabe the matter ttfclf fo? the perfones , as tf he bab fapb.[^cn of rpghtuo5»fnefrc.] HPut the iitterallfcnfc a grceth better , that rigbtuoxofncflct0ac= ccptabletontoo d5ob,anb thcrfoje that bee fauoicth Boob cace0. wherbpponbe con= clubcth , thatd5ob rcgarbcthrpghtuorcfe pcrfoneo . % little afo2e,he bab fapbc that goorcgarbeth^ fonne0 another fence namclpbicarcfe heSrtlltubge of ccl;e mnn0 lpfe.H5ut heere he meenctl) tl)nt gob Yjototfawetb a fpeciall care fcppon thcrigh - tuotofc anb ftmplc, to befenoe them bntcr his protection . ^nb this dawfe fljcwctb fuffictentlp S»hat bee ment in the fehoie ^falme : namelp that all tbofc ajaltecfas ucb bp <15obS piotection , fobtcb leaning ^nto his grace,soo folow* rpghtuou fnciTe tnfcpncblp : of iolucb number he htmfelfe &>c!0 cne,pca anb the Derp cbeefcof them. jfrow although rljislaft part [*£is cotm* tenancealioweth therpghtuotofej be by- ucrflp etpcunbeb : ptt3 borotnotbuttbc nr titral mecning of it is,that gob hath eo= tinualregarb off ryghtuoufe,j ncucr tux ncth h^ ^Ve^ 8toap from them. Jf 0? it is a confrrcpneb fence , to fap that the rpgbtu; cufe fhal fee t fatt of gob . 215 ut 3 **>« not tarp about cofutingof oihermeus opir.ios Che Iohn Caluins Commentanc The conteints of the twelfth Pfalme. Dauidbewayling the for lorne flat c of his people, and the vtter breach ofri?b: order, pr ay eth God to refcow them betimes . Id'ciri to thentcnt to comfort himfclf and ah 'the godly: after he hath mentioned Gods promts of helping hisfcruants,hi commendeth his faithfulnej]} andconftanciein keping. touch with him. U^her- vppon he concludeth in the end,that etten when the world is at the worfi then yeiL he del iucr the godly. The twelfth Pfalme. To the cheef Chaunter vpon the eygtth afbngof Dauids, a Saue me O Lord, for the rnercifull is wexed f kant,and the faithfull are wafted away from amons; the children of men, 3 Euery man talkcth decey t with his fellow, with the lippes of flattery in their hart and in their hart do they lpeake. ^ iD tijecbeefC gaunter, bppontbe :pgl)ttbOConcerningtbi0 i»oojD ^gl;ttl), tbcre be tft>oo opinions, g>omc cahe it to be an inftrument of 31) u ua,an'o fame tlnnfe rather it is a tune: but bpcaufe it f Rilies not greatlp S»bicb a man ctjoofe , 31 fttcke not much, in that bebalf . Wijera0 opucrfe coniecturc it to be tbe be* Sinning of fome meter, it feemctb not to nice to carp fo goob reafon fcntb it. Sntrc- ip it agreetb fejcll, tljat it fboulb bee refer- red to tbe noted. 3Bn trie enterance, IDauib complapnctl) tbat tbelanbetoad foeouercb fontbrnen tljstfeerc iotckcbnnb lobolp giucn cue* to all fepnbc of bngracioufcncfle,tl)at tber remapneo notanpregarb of rpgbt $ equi= tic,uozanp man too bee a bzfenber of tlje gooD,ho noi aap manbob o? faptbfulnefic anp moje.3nb it is a ufeelphoD tbat be no* tcb tbe tpmc taben &aule pcifecutcb bim, bpcaufe at tbat tpmc botb b?gb anb lowe tyao confppjcb y beftruction of tbe gilticffe anb mifcrablefbroie. jftoteritibfhmDfngit is a rjozrible tbing to be fpoUen,tbat rpghi tuoufenefle 5oas fo biterip ouertfototeen in ti)e elect people of d5ob,tbat all of t\)em Su.itbone confent taking pittcb ageing: a . goob cacc.ttjoulD be carpcb fjsablong von= to outrage anb crucltie . #oj Ijc accufetl; notfojrmcw inrbi0 plate , bat hectcHct!) bstbattbi0 flub of iniquitie ragctb eucn in i« refpect tljat tljerc remapneb no bpn'gl)tncfle among men,t0 tbat bp l)i0 erample roc map learn to flci to (0od in bttcrmoft bcfpap?e. f oj tbi0 alfo mutt be taken fo; a p;inc»ple,tbat tbe mojc confufeb tbat tbingo bee .in tfjc ioojHMljemoje i0ittypgbttmc5»itb. <£ob topzeferucb0. 2 . [Cltf mcrcifuli is fcjcreb ffeant.] tOv- uerfcfuppofe it to bee a complapnt ageinft tl;c bntooojtbpc fiaugbter of tbe rpgl)tu- oufc : a0 if be h,ab fapb , tbat ^>aule fab crucllp put to pearl) a0 manp a0 folotceb equttte anb faptbfuIncfTe . i!But J take it mo?c fimplp,tbat;tbcre is no mojtz courte? fpe o? trutlje remapning among mca.^nb bcbatl) in twoo i»oo;bcs erpze'ficb fo!;er- in rrety rpgbtuourneu"c conUllcib . 5Fo? ii&c a0 tbcre b?c fiooo fcpit&rn of ijnrpeb2 tucufneu"c,t!;at is to MtMctinte snb £c- cept : vppon the twelfth Pfalme. 39 tbat eucrp man entrappetb \)is nepbcur 2> fapje fprcdje . 3!lfo be pointed) orot tlje Srclfpung anb firft catifc of tt,foz tljat tljcp fpcaUefc>ttr) a bubble bart. lino tbts bub= blebarteOneffc ( a0 3 map tcrmc it, ) ma-. Uctf) Htcnoubblcttingeb J i»oo?Ovt7cficr0. wljcrbpon tbe i^ebjewes terme flattcrpc [ Calecorb,] Of biUtfien. $0% ItfeC 30 tl)Ofc tbat purpofc to bealf faitbfullp S»iti) tbeir ncpbour0, boo fet open tljcir Sobole batt as it is: fo tlie f alfe anb becep t f till per ion cs hecpebacaeapart of tbctrmccmns to tbe- fcluc0,anb coucr itS»itb tbebernifb of oft fmmlatton,foa0nocertcinttecan bee ga= tbcreb of their talfe . Cbcrfoje muft our taltic bec fingle , tr>at it map bec the toerp ttuage of our mpnb. ccpt: fo is tb,c ipfc rpgbtuoufc , ioben men bee eonuerfant togitber in faptljfulneffe, tottbout booing 5xj?ong,ano mapntepne- mutual! felowfbip one Soitl) anotber eccoj binglp, fo as tt>cp be neptbet i-pons, noj ircjees. jftocwtthfranOmg, if tl)i0 confa= fion, fe>bjcb is befcribeo becre, boo bappen to greeue to0,*DC muft taUc beeoc t!;at S»e Ijowlc not &ntb tbc woolucs , o? tbat tbe comon libertie of 5»tcfeebneffe,carp bsnot aft>ap,bHt ratber tbat freretpje ourfclues to tbe c cample of 3Dauib. 3. [ OEuerp man talked) Deceit. 3 Jn t\)i& Vjrrfe be notetb fyat part of bnrpgbtuouf:: neife fc>b»cb to contrarp to ttutl). i&e fap« ctb.therc is no trutb oj Gnglcncffc in tbeir talU,bpcatife tbep bec full bent to becspue. Stftcrwar j Ije Definetl; tbe mancr,namelp, 4 Le. the Lord cut owt all the lippes of flattcrie, and the tunge that fpea kcth grcate thinges j Which haue fayd, with our tunges will wee bee ftrengthened: ou r lippes are in our ovvnc power: who is our Lord ? tHnto l)i« coplapnt be anncrctb a curfc, fiatertes : but be ctofTcbptctb tbc courtlp tbat doOD fljouiD cut of occeptful! tungc0. tflom alttjofcgb « bee bovctfull , S»bitber be fc>iflj tbat tbe Deceptfull men mpgljt bee bcfrropcb,oz Sxrtjirber be iooolb bauc tbem onlp bereft of ablenefTc to boo barme: pet tbe tort icabctb bS tnoic to tbe firft fence, tbat (I5oo Q) oulo bp fome mcanes oj otber bifpatd) accap tbat plage, a no Ssbcrac paf fing ouer their Htaiicioufneflc,be cnuepetl) agcinft tr)cp? ncnpmeb tungc0: bcrbp Soee bnbcrft ano bow mud) moje barme be felt bp tbem, 3GnO fure!p,falfcboo ano Gaunbcr are moje ccablp, tban all fwoojbc0 anb Weapons, iSutbp tlicfccono berfcitap* peeretb mojeplapnlp,tobat Upnb of flatten rJestbep&cre, iorjerof mentio fc?a0inauc in tljciaS^erfe bcfoic. ^fo^ fomc flatter after a Qauifb ano bp le fojit, fo as t!)ep are reope to ooo ojto fuffer anp t!;ing. 2$ut becrcJDauio notetb anotber mancr of fes lowc0, namelp,4i)bicb intbeir fiattcrpooo notl»irt)ftanOing fct a ftewt countenance tpon tl)c matter, ano mcooic rt)«r nnocr= | mpning ^»itl) boloneffe.Cberfo je be fpea= ! bctb not of tl;e itinUtnganb rafcall hpno of 6 Clavoebacfee0, &bicl) nor onlp fc>pnO t\)i- fcluc0 tnbppleafatocupfc0,but alfo oucrs Sobebne filieforDlC0iottr) tbeir great eio- iptie of lotob Iping.wbicl) tbmgbe confirm mctb alTo better in tbe tocrfe folowing. -f oj tt bebouct!) tbem to bear e rpgbt greatc au tbontie, tbat fbali tljinfe tbep: lpc0 ougbt to go foj reDpc papmcnt.tCnD it ist tbe bp- gbeftpopnt of SoicfeeOneffe tbat canbec,to ftcp top Suit!) fuebb?a?cnfafteboUmcfTe , f> tbep are not one Soljtt afbaraebto peruert all rpg!)t anb confidence, fo>itb tljeir impoj tunate facing ano b?acing in Sooo;6e0. j?t>], tljeir oooing is all one , as if tbep fboulo Ocfpe !)imfclfto bis face. Wr)era0 fomereeoe,[wee Soill ftrcngtben our tungs,] altbougb it map bee abioocn, pet it feat up agrectb ioitb tbe ojecr of (5;ammer,bp reafon of tr)e letter [ Lamed] Sobicl) i0 abbco. 3Pgetn,t^i0 fenfc is fitter, that tbep are fo armco 5» ttb trjeir tungc0, f tl)epb;cabefoo^tl)i»bttbcrfo eucrtbep lift,acco;Oing a0 tl)i0 bpno of mc,ocfacing all tbjngcs fib tljcir Qaunoers ,faplctb little of oucrfbabowing f fenne S»itt) barhneffe. For the fpoyling of the needy ,for the deepe fyghing of the poore, will InowryfcvpfayeththeLcrd:Iwill fet him in fauftie whom he fna- rcth. i. c bjingetb in <6od bnnfelf fpcaktng. foi tt i0 of mo*e fo?ce ruben (0ot coined) abjoce , anD Declared) fijlrij bis ovrnc mowrtb , tbat be id come to bec a Dcuiitr er to tljcm rtjat bee in Difirefle. Elfo d)Cre tea great foice m rt)C i»oo?D C iPotD,]i»!)CTbp <2?oaDoecth,b0tobtt= b8ritanb,tbat i;c bad) fei fttcb topfe bellow ; eb cur Welfare in blmfelf , tbat be foill not bzing tt foajtbe owt of i)3tio . foj, be fap= ert),bf baill rpfe tip to iubgmcnt. CbJoknic Doctrine muft frame our mvnDeo to patience: anb it mutt not grccue be to bee accountcb among tlje inifcrebleanD necipe, of Suborn (Moo p?o= mpfcti) tbat heroill bec toe reuengcr. J it ibe feconb part of the berfc tf)C fa? tcrp^etcrs banc: [Co fct in fauftp,] fotne ute to itnpczt ao mucb ae to giue o% bjting fetlSue, aa tbouglj v letter [ Beth, ] fofcicb, fignirVetb 3i,n, Sucre fupcrfluouo. $ow= bccit.rattjer tl»crc is pjomifcD fuUrtftitu= ton to fuel) ao tec oppjtcflfcD . 16 ut tbat xotyc.) folowcd) bad) mozebarbneffein it. Cbc S0002D [ roue,] ftgnifped) fotnetpme to blows ttp , fomccptnc to fnarc , f fome= tpme to fpeakc. d>ep tbat tbutk tt to bee put in tins place tofpeafcc,Doo affoDifas grcc among tbemfclucs. Sometranflate it, [ <5ob Smll fpcaKe to lumfclf, ] tbat is to fap , be Soill Determine Soirt) bjmfelf: i»;)icb Sucre a fupcrfluouo anD colb repes tition , bpcaufe be Ijatl) alrcabp beclarcD <0oD0becrec.H!nbvctmo:eftrcpncD i0 it, tbat otljcr© rrferrc it to anp of the 0Dlp, ae tbowgb *DauiD bzowgbt rt)c in talking one to an oiher of 05 obo faptbfulncfle ano coffancte. 5Fo2bntotbt0^MOO2b,tbcpfentt tfjenertfentcnee, r Cbe Svoo2be0 of tbc ilo)t).?c.J Q2oicaHei»nblci0tbe opfnfoit of otbero, Sobicl) fuppofc tbat bnto dE»oD0 becrec d)ere io abbcb a talaing bnto rtje gooip. 5? 02 itfeercnotpnougb,tbati35oD fboulD Determine toid) Imnfclf Wijat be n. ill boo to our Welfare , onlcffc be fpake to b0 rpgbrfooztb anb bp name, f 02 bcrbp Oips nctl) bope of icelfare bnto b0,fcben d&ob fbcwetb bp bi0isoo2D,f be foil! beetncr= cpfull bnto b0. &e fpeaked) alfo cue to tlje bnbelecucr0,bowbcctt feitljout ftutc,bp- caufc tbcp bee beaf : Ubc ao alfo be Dcalr tb boiuntifullp toitb tbem, tut it booteo ibcm not,bpcaufcd)epbeeDullarDc5anDDcuonr Ijie benefit co fritbout bnDerftanDing. %s -fo2 mee, bpcauft "j fee tbat bnber ^ &002O [romai. ] p2omtft0mapbanbn3m!p« fitlp bee cotnp jcbenbcD : leaft one d)ing fboulD bcereb tt»pce,3D billing embjacedjemeei ning itbicb 3 banc fct Downc,nameip,tbat d5 on faped),be xd tl! rpfc bp to reft 02 r tbem agctn to libcrde, wljtcb fecme on all fpbes fnarlcD anD cawgbt in t!)e fnarc0 of tbeir enemies : as if it baD bin fapD , Sitbowgb tbcbngoDlp ncepe tbencebpes mifcrable fowlcs intangicD ao a gotten p2op , pet it) til J fct tbem in fauftpcSnD it io no noucltte fo; tljcp2onountcDemonftratiuc,to bee ta : fcen in fteb of tbe relatiue.3if anp man lihe better tl;ci»oo2b [blowcbp,] 3B S» til not greatlp flrpue.j(F02 bptbiomeaneo fboulD JDautD conninglp tatrnt tbcpjpDt of tbe bngoblp, ioincl) tbmu tbcmfclucocbleto boo anp thing euen ivid) tbeir blaft, ao is alrcaDpc fecne in tbe npntb J3falmc. 7. [Cbeiaoo2De0 ofd)c3L02D.]i>oto commcnbeibbe C5oD tobeefure,faptbfull, 3 ficdfAft inbtep2ompfc0. H3ut in bapne fb oulD be put in tl)io ccmenbacion of gobo iuoo^D bp tbc ioap,tf be nab not firO callcD btmfeif anD otbero to tbc mpnbingof goss pxomifco in tljctt abuer fitieo: tberf02c tt)is ozber of bio tstobcebept mrcmcmbjacc, tbat after be bad) DeclarcD,l)o\» goo giuco bio fcruanteo bope of fpcDpDeiiucrenccin tbeir t^ttrrtuoa biflrcflco'.noco to tbc (rap- ing bp of tbeir faptb anb bopcbcabDr d),f (I3od p20tnifetb not anp tbtng raftjlp, 02 to d)entent to begwple . £1 cw altbougb tbio feeme but a lpgi)t tbtng to loobe to, pet if a man moje ntcelp anb ijecbfullp tot?, boi» f02C= ?ppon the twelfth Pialme. 40 fo;rx»ar« metis natures bee to Diftruft, 9 bngoolp DotPtings, be (bal eaflp efpp Ijocd bcboueful it 10 foj, our fait!) to be Owes bp fantb tl)i0tcfttmome, f <0cD to not Deceit iooetb tos & eptp u-o?Ds,ne boftctl) wmcafurablp cpfber of Ins power 0? of bis gooDndTe, but offcrctl; m xooiD , tbat Sutyci) be font perfourmc m oeeD *mrclp ttjerc is no man but be foil p?oteu\tbat be tbim, ctb ti)Z fame tying in b''S ijart,tot>tcV 3DautD to£itctb^namelp,[tbat the fooics of tlje JL o?D arc pure.] w> iit tbep tt>bici) in tlje fljaDoro and in eafe do franfelp Ssstlj thrir commenDaaons crtolldooDS fattb- fulnefle, aObne as it comctb to riie puftj of tbeppKe:altbougb tbcpDarenotfpeo) out Mafpbemies agctnfi c make a Do as if be baD beguileD bs Cberfcje albeeit nothing be mo;e receptteD bp the generall cenfent of all men, t ban that & oo is footbfaQ : pit notUtbflanDtng tijep bee but fcto that founcip fubfetbe to tbis bis pjapfcin l)\e aDuerOtte. 3inDtl)erto?eit ftaKDttb. be grcatlp in banD, to c ut of tbc occalton of oar Diftr ufl : anb as oft as anp bout concerning tyeaflurcDneGe of <£odij pjomifes creepetb bpon bs : it beboouctb bs bp anD bp to fet tbis bucfcler agcinft tt, that tbefrojDsof the 3Lo;rt> arc pure. fctl> bcere, tsfarre mfcrto; to tljc iuo;t btnefle anD cp celiencicof fo grcata tiling; be&bctt,tt nn= foeretb berp i»cll to tbc final enpacttie of our bn&erftanDiug . ft} Giucr if it bec tb?ougbip fc>cil fpncD.ts b. ao in great cfti= tnatio among bs. 25 ut as fo? gobs foojD, (tf>cbaluefc>b«rof ts mcftunaWc ,)**« boutfaucit not Imc bono,: : pea tbe pure= nefle therof is letter cgareco Su^b bs ti en tbe cojupttble metal!, yea anD a goob fo?t cc^meDjofleintbe.jtoume burnc, i»i;cr- U uhal too Deface 0? to Dun tbe bjigbtntflc tbatfbmetb in <0oos i»o?b. ^anp(as tbougb CBalllJ fo>b«cb 3 bauc trenflatco a Cup ioere a fpmple S»ojd,)doo interpret it rjlorD.] 3tcco?Ding too tbem, tljefcnfc fboulD be tins. 'Cbat dpobs fr>o;D ts Ipfcc bnto mod fpnc fpluer S»bicb bp great tun nmg anD care ts tb?owgblp trpcD from all D?ofle,notto ferue fojanp common bfe, but ft>£ tl;e prince of fomc lanD. jfroiv: ub ■ ftanDing , j agree ratber bnto otbers fe>btcb fap tbatrBeth] is but a letter of of= ficc,anb tead; tbattAhi]« a b?igbt 0? fe>ell pottQjce bcffcli o? cup. 8 Thow 6 Lord shaltkcpc them ,thowshaltprelerue him from this ge- neration for euer. 9 The vngocUy walke about on eucry fyde, when they are exalted, they area reproch to the children of men. 8 rC1)Ott£>?Lo;D] 3L1 nto fomc it Uz- mctbtbat be fallttb agein to bis pjaper, anD th,crfo?ctbep tranQate tbe feojbes in tbemancrofiuifbtng. WutJ tlnnbra= tber tbat ©auto being barter. CD frttl) bolD ncf^,boaactb of tbcaflurcD Welfare of tbe goDlp.iDbofefeeepcr (Sod auott-djet^ bi>« felf to be.tobo neptljer can Deceiue no? ipe. TttDooJB notbtterlpDtfaioro tbofc tbat tbtnfe be pjaitt!) agcin:but it ie bnp?oper -. ip tytcftcD to tbe faptngs of alt beeps tbcm,ar,D tb,ou 0;aU p?cf:ruebim.] fignifp all one tbtng:bn!efTc pcroountture fee map fap \ in tijefeconc place bntcr tbe perfon of one man ts crp>cflc& tl)e fcn?= neOlofgooDmen : fobM) DiRcntetbnot from reafon : as if be baD fapD , although trjere rcmapneD but onegooD man nlptte in tbe5»o?lD : ytt fbulb be bepiefcrucb b^ tbe grace anb protection of 0oD. \^oxv- beitfo?afmuch! astbe ^ebjetces, feben tbep rpeabe'inbehnitelp,Doo noro anD tben cbaunge tbe nombcr,^! Icauc tt free to tbe rea&er 0 toiubge.CbLS tbing furelp is out cf qu cfl-ion , tba t bp tbc us 0 is [generation] ts noteb a great multttubc of bngoblp per Tons, 9 ioclnecrc f i»l>ole boBp of tbe peo pie. jfojttnafmucb as [Dcr]amongf i^e= b?ccos ftgnifpctb aftrell tlje men tbat liuc inanp one timc,as tbc fpace of tinicttfclf : . DOUti lolmCaluins Commcntarie tioutlciic j IDduto in t\)is place mecneth tijattSobs feruaunte0 cannot otbertrpfe be picfcrucD,bttt if ^5oD befenoe tbcm a* gctrift tbe malice of tljetobole people.anb bcliuer them from tbc uaicfecbanb frotoarb folHe of bteage. i»l)erebpi»egatber tbat tbat age ioa0 fo corrupt, that JDauib too t\)m repjtoebc bpnbetb tbcm all togitijer as it S»erc into one bunblc . flj)ojeoucr it is rcquifite tp cal to mpnbc ageing fc>b»cb 5 batte fapDc beerctofojc: namelp ttjnt be IpeaKetbiiotbeereof fojein nation©, but of tbc JIfraelitfl anbtbe cbofcn pcoptepf C5o5 : f»i)tcl) tljtng is S»oo?tb tbe inarbs tog, lcafttljc bnmeafurable multttube of tbs bngoblp fooula bifcourage b0,\f at a= np tymc t'nere appeerc a grcate beapc of cbaffc bppontlje flooje of tbe llojb , anb tbat there Ipe but a featoe grapnc© of cejme lub bnberncatb . 3&gein, be tbc notnber of tbc goobneuer fofmall : fit Utt\)is pcr= fuaGon ftife faft in out mpnbe©, tbat 45ob &>ilbec tbctr Keeper , pea f tbeit contineo?= al fcecpecif oj therefore i0[Guoiam]fe)bicb fignifpetb [fojt cucr] abbcb , tbat&emap Icameto ftretcb out our faptl) a far ofcbp- caufe tf>ob commaunbetb b0toobopcfoj ijelp at bw* banb; not fo* once, noj foj one bap onlp, but as long a© the fcnefeebnefle of our enemies reignc0 . /frotvwtbftani bing fee are toarncb alfo bereb>itbaU,tbat fc>ar is not fojagcb againft bfi fo? a fl)0?t time onfp.but tbat toe muft bail? ftanb in battel rap/&tfrifr<>betbat<15o&0 beeping be bibben , tbc faptbfull muft patiently a- bpbc bi0 lepfure.ttll <©ob rpfe bp: 9 loOfce, bow mud) tbe flub tbat ouerflowetb tbe, i0 tbe greatcr,fo mud) tbc moje muft tljep toitbbolb tbemfcluc© infeare anb catcfttl= ncfle. 9 r.Cbc bngoblp walUe about on eurpe fioe.] [Sachib] among tbe l$eb?eto0 figni= fictb a compaflfe.anb tljerfojefottiectponb' it allege?icallp , tbat tljc bngoblp befet all paffage© in fuel) totfea© tbep befeegethe goob men rounb about £>tbcrfome alio etpounb it mojc finelp, that tbe? bnbircct lp lapambuO)C0bp tljeir fcnnbiaffc© anb eroofceb craft©. 26ut 31 beeme tbe fenfe to be fitnple, namelp tbat tbeppoflefletbe. wijele lanb in fuoi) wife , tbat tbcp raunge ' about through ail quarter© of it : as if bee fboulo fap, wbitber foeuer beturneb bi0 epe0,tbeirbanb©wcrcrcabp to encoun= terbimoneuerpfibe. 31n the ne*t mem= ber becoplatnetb tbatmanHpnb 10 8) ante ; fullp oppjtefleb Sottb tljeir tpjanic : if at lcattwpfe,tbc feucting bee to bee itKcD, fo? becre the 3 ntcrpjetcrs bifagrce . jftots «?itl)ftaDtng, tt fecmett) to app^ocbe fotttc5 Sobat ncerc tbe ^?opbctc0 mpnb. S>omc traflatc it tl)U0 in one tobole tett togitber: [Cbc bngoblp flie about euerp to^cre, Sa>ben tbe repjoebe© among tbe fornc© st ' men, Ctbat »0 to fap,tbe nangbtipacb©^ j tbe offUotojing© of mcnO areeralttb :] iotyfi) ejepofitton agreeth not amiflc. fop it betpbetb moft commonlp , tbat like a© bifeafe© flow from tbe beab intomanne© bobp :fo corruption flow from prince© into all their people, jft otioitbftanbing , fo?af= tnuci) a0 tbc fojmcr erpofition is moje re= cepucb, anbthebeft lerncb 45?amarian0 teacbe tbat c xuioth ] 10 a noionc of tl;e fin - gular notnber , 'J, bauc folotoeb tbe fame: notfo^bpeaufetbe later etpofition tmfit betbmcbutbpcaufe 3 muft necbc0 bauc j cbo^enoncoftbem. The Conteints of the thirtenth Pfalmc. This pfhne hath -tvclbicereall o^grawidv/itb tbxt winch xoent Lfi befo re'For: Dduidbein^not ondy f inched with extreme dtftre(fe,but alfo oucnvbelmed with; lant dnd munifold miferies heaped one vppori Another: calletb vpon Cods faitbful- pejfe for help -which :was, the onely remedyc that remayncd for'lum: and at the length tal(m^ hart too bim}be conceyueth ajfuredbope oflyfe Mppon Gods promts, euen amynge thetcrrottrs of death. The thirtenth pfalmc. To the chief Chauntcr a (bng of Dauids. How long 6 Lord/wilt thow forget mee for euerJhow long wilt thow hyde thy face from mce? 2 How vppon the . 13 . Pfalme. 4» How long shall I put counfell in my felf? and vexation m my hart dai- ly ? how long shall myne enemyebee exalted oucr mee? i [^owlong£)3Lo?b.] Crew it is m becbe,tljat JDauao tea** fo fo?e bateb cue^ rpfojjjcrebp reafon of falfe flaunber0,tljat fcjelnccre all men tljougbt <25'ob too bee no tcfleangrie tDttbbtm,tt)an ^auleanb tbe reft of lji0 enemico Sucre . T&ut bcerc bee eoraplapnetb. tijat be is englccteb of dE>ob, not fo muclj bppon rt;c opinion of ctiicr mcn,a0 fo? Us o&nc feeling. j$ot fo? tbat tljebclecfcof 45ob0p?omife0&>a0 qucn= cbeb in b is ljart,o? fo? tbat bee icancb not bnto ln0 graccibut bpcaufe it canot orbet; fcpfc bctpBe,but tbat &>ben Socbcpincljeb a long time Suitb abucrfiticjS fontbout sp= pcerancc of anp fifiuc of <2>obs bclp,it Soil tonne in our rtjougbt tbat <2?ob batb fo?- gotten b0.;ff 0? it is not bp &>c?U)lp meane 0? bp natural bnocrftanbtng , tbat in our miferie0 fee acUnotolcbge gob to baue xe~ garb of b0:butS»c tafce faolo of bt0tnut= Gblcp?ouib£nce,bpfaprb.£)0 JDauib C fo farre as mtgljtbc conieeturcb bp tlje berp matter) feciucbtobimfelfto be fe?fafcen of <0od. 3lnb pit tbertcitbal, bp tlje ipgbt offaitrj fbpnmgbef62C ljim,tl)C epe0 of lji0 mpnb pcrccb cucn bnto ©000 grace ais tJjougljtbe famefcerebioscn. Cbcrefo?c &bcn Ijc fawc no fc>berc anp peccc of goob Ijope : fo farre foojrb 30 tbc capaciticof utan0 reafon ceulb ertcne: by compulfion of grccfe Ijc cx?cth out,tljat c fclffamc complaint bcforirueflctb bimfcife to bcliftcb bp lneb= er bp faf ti),fo a0 ccntraric to tlje iubgmct of tljf flcflj be bclccuctlj bi0 faufgarb to be fettleb inf banb of gob,o? clfeljow ftjonib be Directing fpgljing0 anb p?apcr0bnto bim^ ?efile fc)itlj tnnptaci50,tbat in tbe berp conflict, faith map affurc b0 y tbe mifcrtc0 foljicb moue b0 to bifpairc are to be oucrcome : ime a0 tbeSoeabncflc of tbe flefb letteb not 2Da= uin from feeUtng <2?ob, but Ijc bat!) bctpc Srcll iopneb tcgitber tlje affection© fc>bicb (to fee to) are contrarie . iftfjojeouer it is an bnp?op?emancr of fpeeeb to tap [^oto long f 0? euer .-*] but bnber tlje fame tfjer is conuepeb mo?e pitbtmmeffctban if Ije Ijab after t\)t bftial mancr of fpeaUing bemafi^ beb, [i»bp fo long :• ] $- 0? it boctl) MS too feit,tliat too tbentent tjecmpgljtttCttriu; his faptb.anb bartcn bimfdf bnto patteee, ijeiooUeb a great *»ap back. 3nb tbere= fo?elje complapncrtj not of tbe mifcrie of a frame bapc0 aa tlje tender 9 liu-cr JjartcB fo?t arc &>ont too boe , &>bicb fee no mo?e tban 10 before tbeir feete,anb quaple by 9 bpattbefirft pufb.wbcrefojcbe teacbet!) b0 bp his cramplc, 1 0 read; out our minfcc a great &>ap of,tbat t!;e p?efent greefe cut b0notof frombope. 2 [!Soto long fbal 3 put] &ebnow t^at folje v ioo?lb goctb agcinft men, tbep fret tntoarblp anb ga;c beere anb tber to feeke remcbic0.^pcciallp &ljen the? fee tljem^ ftlue0 fo?fafeen , tb. en arc tbep miferablp puiieb $ hales funb?p iy ape© : (j in greatc baiigcr0,tljougbt $fearc compel tbc to aU ter tbeir purpofc oftetpme0,4Dben they fee no afTureb reafo to leane bnto.3bauib tb, er fojc copla^nerb f &>bplc Ije ftobe bebating of tl)i0 $ tbat, v multitubc of beuites tbat ran in lji0 btterlp tvie bim.lnb in iopningbte baplp greefe poin tetb out f &clfp?ing of tbi0 bnquietneffc. jn o?lihe a0 in fl;arp fiHncffe0,tl)Cbifcafeb pc if one Snail) be cl;aunging of placed mz- rp moment: 9 tbc fbatpcr tbat tlje papneg toucb tbe, tlje mo?e are tljep fif Hing 9 tlje mo?e are tbep egrcof fbiftmg f cljanging: men fo tobenfojoto poffeffctb tbc bart,tlje arc miferablc men baleb, 9 it is leffc paine to tbc to tojmcnt tbemfeluc0iDitbout re= lecf,tban to bcare out tljcir trubble© teitf) fettleb 9 quiet mpnbcg jB ob> altljougb tbc 3Lo?bp:omi0 y Ije toil glue tljcfaitbnil tbe fptritofcounfcl,Cfat.ii.2.pitbotb!/enot altoatc© mmifter tt to ujem at tlje firft in= flant.but fufferetlj tlje to rornie about as it 5oere in turning &pnblan"e0,o? to l>ang fnarlcb among £ b?cers fo? a time. &ome tane tlji0 &oo?b [yon-am] fo? [all tbc bapc long.] 25utbntometljcre fecmetb ratljcr an otljsr cctinuancctobcbctOBencb: nam* Iptbat bis greefe mafectlj rccourfecuetp bap.3!n tbe enbe cf ilje betfc be bctoaplct^ anotber mifc!ic£f,namclp tbat bis abucrfai ries feaunt rljcfelue© f mo?e bo!blp,&ljilc tljep fee b»n ^Kerlp fo?ppncb Swub baplp languif fljmg.^ut mucb auailable in p?ap mgt0 il;i0reafon,tb;at OpObcanabpBcnot tbuts S»c?fc tl;an tljts cruell aateipncffsi John Caluins Commentarie much the moze ftstelp agcinft bs, as tl;cp fee bs brought lower bnber footc. Sobcn eur enttmes notoalp feefte \jp6 our miferies, butatfoaDuance tbcmfeiuesfo 3 Lookc back,anfwerc mc 6 Lord my Goddighten mine eyes, that I ficcp not in death. 4 Leaft mine enemie fay, I haue prcuayled ageinfl: him 3 and they that trubble me may reioyce at my fall. [1LooHcbacKc,anfirercme]foiafmucl) bcatb* /ftcuertbelefTe JDauibfn afummr confcffetb that onlcflc Ipgbt of Ipfe fljpne from <& oo , be (ball out of binbbcoucr tobelmeb imtb the bar&nefft of oeata:anD that he ts alreabp as goob as bcab,onlcfle <25 oo bjcatb liuelincffe into bim.ainb here \jpon commeth ottr afTurancc of ipfc, tijit though the Snojlo tbxeaten ps a tboufano bcatl)S:pit notumbftanDi rig it ts in ©000 fcano to rcrtc'ic bS to Ipfeagcin. a- [ JLeaft mmc enemp.] <5-gctn bcreftcr? fetb that fcjbtch be babfpofceneucnnottj coccrntng tbe pjibe of bis cncmicotnamc j lp,hoi» it is bnbc&mtng that fallen in baunger,anb oppjeffeb bp bus cne mpes. wberfo;e foe map then piap after this miner as iscli as be bio , S»ben &>e figTji: tn fuel) foife bnocr gooo gouernance t antfpgnr, as our enempes can not Dana Sutflj bs,but the? mnft alfo iutc&e&lp trt* umpb oner <2?o& bimfelf. as tbc caufe Sobp (0ob feetnetb not to fuc; coj ijis fcruants out of banb,is fox that be lo"scth not bpon their nccefllties : iDautO btfwctb «£f as,fii.-^ to ioobe bac'«,f feconb ip to fuccox bun. Crewip nepeber oftbeis tbings is before o; after other in <2>cb.but it bat!) bin tolo pou beretofoxe, anb often= times muft be tola pou hereafter, that ir>c bolp gboftattcmperetbtbefojtncs ofpjap tng to our bnberftanoingfox tbenoncc.^f iDauibbaonot bin pcrfwaDeo ytye Spas in (Sobs fight, it &>culb not baue booteb him to fcrp bnto him : but tins iuas the bnoujlcbge of fapti). 3£n themeane 5»bpJc wtiH ^oDputfctbfojtbbis hanbtoh2ip in b eea .rcafon bcavctb b s in I). ino that bis Cjfcs are (bct.l^oatbeit the'maner of fpea King itnpojtctb as much as if he fljoulb Ut (Sobs mercp in the firft place.anb after rcarb match his \)tlp ioitl) it, bpcaufe gob tbenheareth i?s, Sohentafein^ pitie of bS he ig moucD to help bs. [Co lighten the epes, ] tmpipeih as much among the ^e^ b; CwS as to gui: tty bicacb ot lpfc: fo; the chcef power of lpfc appcerethin tl^eepes* 3En t'aisfcnfe Salomon # jcuerb.i 9.1 ; faprb that the z^cs afiocll of the pooje man as of the cj:to;tcionsrare ligh:eneobpthe 3Lojb.3nb at 5oI)at time 3 onathas fatn- tcb fo; hangar, the bolp ftojp fapth, that his cks iocre ouercafl: i»ith bimneiTc.anb agein that after he ba& taftcb of the bon? comb,bi)3 ^es~ recepweb lig^t. i .IRcg. 1 +. 17. C'-jclihei^ctapho; almott is in the iuoojbmeepe, ] S&bcnit is referred bnts But in thy goodneflc do I trufhmy hart shal reioyce in thy deli uerancc, I will fing vnto the Lord bycaufe he hath delt well with me. 5 autbongb the i3;opbet feele not as i^it bommucbb'hatb p;o5tcb bp pjaping:pit topon trufc of beiiuerauncc concepueb of •0obspioinis,hefetteth the foeeld of hope agdnft the temptations, feith the tcrrour ^hereof hjempgljt bee ftricaen th£QW3h» Cherfojc, dbctt th3t he be b3rbl? bedab, anb manp cares pzouohe inmto befpairc: pit notoiuhaanbing, he pjotcileth that he &il Q&m faft in the trufl of 45&3 grace 9 of his fauing help.^nb i» ith tins RIf (Ume trua it bchoueth ai y goblp to be enoeweb vppon the . 13 . Pialmc. 42 i)tm,l;cc bpnbeth, btmiefftotbarmfgiutng anDUnt>erp?oppcD,tb,atttyp map perfcuer arigljt in tljeir pjapcrs. TPljereUppon Soee gattjcralfo , (fertjtrt; things bauegiuen framing of bcfoie ) tfjat bp faitlj/cjc take i)Ol'o of gobs grace, Seine!) to IjtDCcn front tbe fenDerftaDing of f aeflj.^nD ali!jo«©l> a man map piefce out fitnDjp cenflructions out of tlje funDjp tences of tlje uerbes : yitnctrreitbfiaDmg Ji Doubt not but JDa- uiD tcfrifpct'O be ttoobc fall in ti)e l>pe of tbc pjomtfeD Dcliueranee, anD fo frooio OanD Unto tbc cr£c,ti)0u gb, ncuer fo great a burthen of temptations lap Uppon Ijis bacfee.Cljercfojc in the fejojD [ISciopcc,] tbc future teste bcccfcenctb, a continuance of Doing : tl)at 10 too S»it, tbat no fojow flmll cuer be able to italic of from Jnm tlje top of fap t\) ?i nb it 10 to bee noteD t!;at Ijc placets C5ods gooDneffe fointeft in o?Der, astt)ccaufeof lji0bcltueranee . [ 31 &»iH Gng Unto tlje HezD.J Cbt0 laft 31 refcrre to tfye time to come Jf 0? although, be Ijaue not pit obtcyncD Ins b,art0 Defpze: pit not; i»itt)ft anbing fozafmucl) as Ije &>as out of Doubt tl;at (Sod iwas pzefent tooDeliuer 2iriD in gcoD feotfj tt bceommcct) Ds To too pjeparc our feiues tnto pzaper, 00 tffcerfcs £0 itljall toe mat> aifc be rcDp to fing gobs PZapfcs. wliic!) tbmg cannot bttflc, on~ leiTe fe>c be tljzougljip pcrfwaDeb, tl;at cur pzatcrs fljalnct be in Uapnc.^oj altbougli S»e be not free from fo?o«j : fit muft tljis cbcerfumeiTeef fapti; pc?reUp,tooenbpfe tnto DC t!je fong of glsDnciTc to ccme,iike 80 2Damo aDDzcfletlj rtfmielfe tomagnifpc (©050 grace,fccfozet;.?eilIctt? of JjisaBuer- fairs be feencClie S»oe?D [Gan»i] fo'^cb others tranOate too [reraarD,] fjgntfpctl) nothing eire l)(?c*re,but to beftoro a free be= nefpte, Ufce a0 in manp otrjt r places . ;foz fc>ljat manet of tljafeujiutngtocrc it to fap tJjat <25oD I)aD papcD I)i0 feruaunt ijis Bcto rctearDt' Sotycrebp is DifpzoucDttye fonD ft trpfling captioufcncffc of tbofc y Swzcft tl)i0 place to pjeuc tb.c merits of S»ozfee0. iff inallpm making Ijaftctofmg of tigoDS benefits becfo?c bee l?aD reccpusD tl;em, ijee DiD fee befeje bjs tyts tlje Deliucrancc, £Dt;ic^asptti»a0 fane out of l;^fi?gbt. The Conteints of the . xiiij . Plalme, Firft be ckferibeth the -wicked contempt of Coci,to which yoelneere /til the people had abandoned thcmft'lnes* ^And to thentet/t his complaynt way carye the more Tveygbtjjc vtttrcth it in the perfone of God. ^Ajterytard bee cawfirteth bimfelfc and others -with hope ofrcdieffe, -which he beeleeueth to be at hand fr cm God.-altbougb he Jyob ryojn carefully in the meane -xbile . The. xuti Afal me. To Dauids cheefe Chauntrc. The foole fayd in his hart, there is no God . They haue corrupted, they haue doone an abhominable deede : There is not one that doeth s,ood. ftifnp of ti)t are of opinion, pat in tljis p faint e is DttereD n jp^opljefic concerning rb,e opp?ef= ' ftontr/at ferns to comebppentljeir #? p.cton : as tljougl) 5DaniD OioulD in (pis ritbfivaviertjcCljurctyef fap,t!-ey are tljatfzecteus heritage cf ©od 5»b«c>J tt:e5»vlD beaftes Dcuoure, 2?utit is eafp to befccne,tljat &!)ple tljep &00ID fapi:e l;pee tl;e fijame of tl;cir own nation, tljcp&jcfitijattljmgtotlje dp cm tplcs Jottbout reafon ioljp , Srlnch, tuns fpofeen of the frotearDimpes of Htzaljam, S)urclp iljerc is no fitter tntcrpictertljan f 3p£fllepaule>boappUctl) tt t> p?ctTc= l? to tlje people tt)at fejerc fcnoer tljc iafee. IHem.3. 1 9 • 3l£cin,eltlj0tigl) ix>cc iwanteD tljat retcjD : v^ tl;c Detp fcquele cf ttjc matter it felfc fbercetb, plapnlp,!jotv 5Da= uiD nctctt) rafter tUcrjoufcJjciu tpianres f ennnics of t^efaptljful^tljan fojrcincrs : Sutjich. tl?tng tt ft aoeth, Us grcarlp in i;anD to remember . ifoj ioc Knoto l)cw Ijarbrp tljiS teptationfJanDletl) Kpfrtyn &c fee a ^f,ti, fmcK of lofin Caluins Commcntarie thantlje rmgoDlp bewjap tbemfclucsbp their own iuDgment : a0 if l)e ftjoulo fap, hoa> befalletb it that thcis folk run rpot fo cjcccfnuelp,fo as trjcr is no rcgarD of right o? cquttic among them,? finally that thep ruibourragcouflp intoalhpnD of wickcD ncfTe : but bpcaufe thep hauing fbaUen of the feeling of goDlpnefle,bauc roppco all re membzance of goo out of their minDs as much as in the ipeth to Do ^ ;tf 02 in whofe mino focucr ther fittetb anp awe of <©oD, the? muff neebs bee rcftrepneb with fome bzpDlc of moDeft ic from p2cfuming to doo Sohat th ep lift, vol) erDppon it folowcth.f when the fengoDlp folo w their own luft fo ftuboznlp t wilfullpfcntljout fhameitbep haue Qjabc off fear of goD.lnD he faith f the? fpeafec in tl>eir hart : bpcaufe that al= though thep fpew not this curfcD blafpbcs mp out of thetr mouths: pit the DnbziDleD looccueffe of their Ipfc fcrpcth out, p tljeir harts( which arcfcspD of al goDlmcff; )Do fwectip fmg tr^at fong to thetnfclues. jfrot f tbeptopholD bp inwaro reafoning, oj bp fojmeb arguments, (as t!jcp term them,) that ther is no goo at al.(5Fo? to tljcntcnt tb,ep map be f mcze bncrcufable.goD Doth 6uer now ? then ererevfe cucn the SmefceD Deft fo:t of all,totti) ferret pziefces of cofci; ence, fo as the? are compelleo t o acUneu^ leDgehis saSjaicftieas foucrctn power otter them ) but bicaufe that loofee whatfoeuer rpght HnowleDge od become ftarfe DcaD.jf o£ although thepbenp not flatlp y ther is anpd5oD:ptt thcpCbcthimDp in beauen .bereft of his rightoufnefle $ power, Sohicb is as mud) as to fet Dp an jTieol in fteD of goD. fo% as though th^p fboulDneucrhaue awgbtto Do wit'.) bim,tf)ep put him quite awap fro al the Doings of their life. 0 ow iwhe <2?oD is pluefees out of his th? one , fo as \)t fhulD ceafc to be a itiDg: the is wicfccDneiTe come to his perfect f uinc fTc: fo as it is moft milp fapD of !DauiD,£ thofe which, careleflp fet ih? fclucs at libertic to do all maner of wtc fccDnefle pncotroleD,Denp goD in tbeir hart &owbcit,fozafmucb asf .5 ;.$Malm, aitff ring but few Sdojds, eontcpneth nothing dfe but a repetition of this matter:^ ^iU (hew tohaf Differece is bet wijtt the in their places. wbcrasHDauio complapnet beere* that Gncfce of toicUcDncffes fwimming in the miODcs ot the Cburchc , gooo anD funs pie men wzongfullp punifbeD , anDwtc= KeD men cruellp loiDing it at their luft. Jfojthis fozowfuli fight mafceth Ds aU moft out of our Swits. tt>hst fo^ it behoo ' ucth Dsmuch,to bcfenceD laith the eram« pleiwhich 3DauiD fettetb fojtlj DntoDS, totl^eintent^thatinthc Dcfperate Doicn= falles of the Church , the hope of oeliue= ranee map h,olD »s pp. 3 Dout not but tbat'tn this place is DcfcribeD the confufeD ano f o?lojne ftate of 3! ewjie which l£»aul bjough^ w at fuel) tpme as he began to rage openlp.^Fo^ then all goolpnefle was faDeD awap,f there was cuen aslitlcDps rigl)tneffe among men,as if ?rcmeb^ancc of ^od hao &in q«Pte quenthcD. [Chs foole fapD, ] fo?afmuch as [Nabaij among the^ebjewesfignifpeth not onlp a foole, but alfo a frowarD anD naughtp perfon , it bab not bin aimlfc to banc tranftateD it fo in tijts place. /ftotwitbftanDing , 31 wil= linglpfolowe that which is moje recep- ueDinamelp that all heathniCh foia IboulD be taHen fo^ bzainficU , inafmuchas thep uit awap the feare of rp map occu; pptheQjarpneflTcof t()eirSDpttcsmDefpt= fpng anD f Homing <25od. fitft ri>erfo?e it 10 tote Un owen, that hots much focucr the wejlD clap their hauDcsat thcis fhifting anD nofc wife men, which take themfeiucs aslargefcopeas thep lift : pit tl)e i^olp gl)Oft conDemneth them of folifl;nefle,bp= canfe there is no bulneffe mo;c b;utiu), than the forgetting of d5oD.^inD herewith all it is to bee conftoereD,whercbp he ga- thcrcth that thep \)mt bereft thcmfelues of al feeling of goDlpne(Tc,namelp,bpraufe thep haue perucrt^D all o;Der , fo as tl)ere rcmapnes no Difterenre of right $ Wong, noregaro of honcftic, noloue of humam= tic. 2>ouiD therefore fpeaheti) not of the l)iDDen affection of trjehait,furthcrfoo;ub. vppon the. 14. Pfalmei tbat tbe p fyauc son anabbeminable bcebe: therein ftcD of [bccbc,] tljcrc is put [JnU quittc] 2PnD tl)C rcaber© muft conGDcr, tijat 2Dauib fpcabctb not of one bccbc ez troap nc: but like as be fapbe tbat tbep baD peruerteb cz fczaken all lao>full cz'oer : fo 43 now be abbctb that tbep baucbcfplcb tljcir tebole a0 it 10 beccnte abbominable. £>f febtcli tbingbc allcbgctbtbtopzoofc, fo; tbat tbep obferue no * pzpglvt Dealing among men , but ijaue forgotten \>tteilp ail feeisootng. The Lord looked dovvn from Heauen vppon the children of men, too fee if there were any that vnderfland eth and fcekcth after God. Euei y man is flept afydc,they arc all tooge ther become rotten : there is none that dooeth good,no not one. [Cbe flozb. ] 3It 10 of mozc fozec of bpzpgbtnctTe 9 bertaotefcIiuing.i&oVDr beit btcaufc tbe greater part mtfapplp tbeir feljcn <25ob is bjougbt tn fpeaking,tban if 5DauiD bae giuenfentence in bi0 own pcrs fone.;tf 0? feeing y goe 10 fet in 1»0 tbzene as an 3lnqmfitcj : fee bee tnonftruoufelp oul!icaBcb,if b*0 matcftic flnfec bsnotm fearc.;tfoztbecuiiomecf (inning tnakCtfy men to barbentn tbeir fumes, anb too Difc cernc nctbing , as tbougb ibep fecrc tn a tbicbemift . Dauib tbercfoze to teaeii tbe tfcatfucli flatteries fbaiinotljingauaplc: auoucbctb tbat felien nsickeonciTc repnetb bnpuniibeb in tbe feozlb,tbcn <2>ob bct'oe \jr iretl) anb eraminctb tbcm from \->zmz, fo a0it cannot cfcapebim febattlicp bo a= mong men. Jfrow alttjougl) d&osbaue no neeb* tomafce anp inqutfittompitit is not tn bainc tbat be ta&etti bppon htm tbe rc= fcmtlanec of an cartb'p 3 ubge , to tljcns tent fe e map bp little anb li-tlc Cacce?bing to our fmall f bill,] taKc bolD of bts fecret pzoui&cnce , felncb cannot bee conceiucb out of banb bp our bnberftanbing . iflns feoolD be fpnetb tren? bnDerftanbing in one feooiD, namelp tbat it is f feefetng of d5ob.wbcr= bp bee mcenetb tbat a manns Ipfe cannot otl^rbcpfe be 02bcreb arpgbt,oncleffe men giuetbemfeluc0U-bollp bnto (0ob.^ome men tabe tbe feozb [ Maflikd] to ftr eigbtlp : fe tier as JD auiu pzonourtc:tb in general, f tbe reprobate are btterlp beflitute of all reafonanb tuoginet. [Cuetp man is fiept aftbeO^omc tranflate tbe feozb [sar]itoo [flinK,]pitmpgbtanfwertbenejctfeo?b, fobicb among f J$ebze«rc0t0 toterottf. 25 ut no necctTt iz copelletb to crpounb tbe t».-ofecz£0fo,a0if cnetbmgfecrefpoKf ttopce.Tea ratber it agrcetb better, f men arcconbemneb of fetcbeb falling fro goo, fo? tbat tbep are eftraungcb oz bepartcb a great toap of from bun : 9 tbat aftcrfearb i0noteb tbeir cozruptnctTc tn their febole lpfe,lihe ae tlie rencgatea fauour nctbing but tljat b4)icb is rottcn.3nD tbe l^ebzctD feooio is taken almoft eebe wberc in tin's fence .Sgetn,tn tbe. liij • f^falmc 10 put tbe feozU [San] febtcb fignifictl) f fame tbing. Co bee bzcefe, IDauto faptb flailp tbat all menarefocariebafeap feitb feanDering luftcs.t'.jatnotbmg contmuetb founDano bncozrupteb in all tbeir feliole Ipfe. Cbi0 10 tbe imiuerfallfallmgaaap,febicb quf * clictb all go&lpnefle.^ozeouer be fpnbeth not fault feitb fomc one pcrcci,but be put* t ctb all togitber into one packe of gtitp= ncli'c . % oetedable flraungenefTe feao it furelp,'tbat all tbccbiib?en of 3bzabam febicb feerc ebofen to bee tbcbolp poflef= fion of d5ob,fbeulD be fo cozrupteb from tbe fir ft to tbe lad . H5 ut it 10 bemaunbeb boiv iDauib taketb awapeatl crccptton, tljat not one townee perfone rcmapnetb : jp.iii. feben *»ba» neucrtbclcOe a Utile after be &jcla= mb bow t'ne iniferable f afflicteb boo put tbctr trutt in oa.3!gcut,if all &>cre imes fecD, io!)0 i»as tbat jrraell, of M)ofcrt:. bemptiou, %o$)ic\) S»as to corns, Ije fpea* hetb in tbe cno of tbe ^fainter* yea 9 fitb tbat be bimfelf was on* cf p bobpe of that people, iobp at icaftSopfe crceptctb be not bimfclffrointbcreuV J, anfwcr,thatfozs afmuc'n as be tnucpctb agetnft Uje flefblp cluing of 3ibzaba,tbc flcnocr fecbe &>bicb d^ob bab fet apart to bimfclf,ls not muftc tea among tbem. 3HnD tbts is tl|C reafon, S»b? $>aulc, Worn. 3. 1 o. crtcnDctb tins fentece bnto ai! manUpnbc. jf 02 altljouab IDauib bewaple tbe confufeb ioaftnclfc, inl)icl> fo>as bnber g>aule: vet it 10 not to be bowtcb,but tbat ageinft <25obs cbiioze bee matcbetb as man? as arcnotbozne a new of tr;ef»;mt,tjnt arc carpcb after tbe DifpoGtio of tbc.r flcO). ^omemafee nys folutton, tbat ^dauiebzgctb not chcteftfe mome of JDauib, as tljoug'o be bad fapb, Iohn Caluins Gommentaric, tbat bv nature &U men arc iimutuour ti)*t tbere 10 a fimiiiiuac put foozibs, tbat tbe beaoes of tbe c^ofsn people tocrc S»icUcb, fo asitiuas no marucll though bnrpgb= tuoufnc ffe rcignc cucrpfcbere in £ toozib. 28? ut tin's foiurson is to colo : fo? J$auls Bifputetb not rtjerc u>bat tl;e greater part of men be,but febat all be as man? as are lea * fcziucn bp tbeir owne nature. Cher = f o?c it is to bccnotcb,tbat fitb £>auib fet- tctbhuufclfanD tbe finall remnant of tbe gofeip agetuft all tl;e people: tbere to put a mamfeft bifference betweene tbe cbilbzcn of (£>ob febicb arc rcfozmeo bp \)is fptr tt, $ all tbe offpzmg of 3lDam,in fo>bom retg; nctb corruption anb naugbtpneffe.wber= toppon tt foiovoctl). tbat eticrp one of vs Sotjcniccobce bozne boo bztng iuiti) bs tbi0 lacbe of Scitte 5»b?rt) t0 Defcrtbed bp 3Dauio,9 ttys fihbpncffe of f Sobole Ipfc cuenfrom oursmoothcrsS»omb , $ tbat w cc cotinew fuel; ftill,dnttll gob make &s new creatures agcuie bp b'0 lecret grace. Are all the vvoorkcrs of iniquitie without knowledge ? Eating vp my people , they eatc bread , and call not vppon the Lord. fvSTb is interrogation is abbeb too en» fucb a token of bis mtflifeing. <2& o?couer, large tbe ooctrpne tbat toent before. JFojt feberas tbe p^opljct bab fapo, tbat <& 00 tnarUetb menneo booingesfrotn bcaucn. j batb fovono all me turneb aa>ap: now be b; mg cii) bwt in Urping , tn m an cr 0 1 u. 0 an • bcrtng,wbata maonefli is titts,tijattbcp. 'wiyxl) ougl)t to CgcriQ) mp people, anb to pipe tbcm teitb ail Dciv tpes of gentlcncfle, i (boulo ftntbout all fence of manboorage ageinft tbe after ? maner of l&plb beailes^ 3nb be attributrtb cb«s perfonbnte ?optiet dgfap.59.i6 banDitng(in a inancr,) p fclffamc cace,fapctb ii'aeuipfe, tbat (5 00 fawe it, anb iooonberco tbat no manmabe interceflion. S>urelp, tcb.$. 1 .i; cr ; ken peepzinces of tbe bettfe cf jiiracl^bc; iongctb ft not to pou to hnowc tubgmet/ 215 ut pee flea the Hun ft om mp peopic,anb peetearc tbe flefl) from .l;c bones of tl;em. qcJS i^ep tbatpzofefle tbe looozfbippmg ofdSoonjouiDbcalcfocrucllpiljtbc jpa; bplonias oz dcgpptias,pct were not tbeir k longfulnciTc to uc crcufcD: but ic-bc tl)cp feeoe opon tbe blub $ tbe e c Q; of ti;c faptl; i fttll^as tt fccre bpo bzeab,U is fucb a tnon; firucu0 vppon the .14. Pfalme. ftruous tljing as map iooojtbelp ama$e- boib/men * 2flngeJie0.;f o? tf tl?cp l>at» but a bjop of fovcKt) bnbcrtfat'&tng in tbcm,it tocolD it tlljDjalte tbem fro fo great tec cD * neffe. Cbcrfoje it muft ncc&re bcc,£ tbep are fo blpn&co bp tbe 5Dcutil,tbattfjej> can perccpuc nothing, ioben fcuttinglp f fe>iU= linglptbcp flea fr foalowc bp tiftoospco; pic fo crueilp.3-itt> tbis place teacljctl),l;oio fojc ttic crucltic Difplcarctlj <2?ob,anD bow lotbelp it is in bis fpgbt,S»bicb tbe bifej- facet) fbepebcroes crccutc fcpen the gcoip. 3S n tbe cno of tbe berfe.ieberac be fapc;b, tljat tl;cp call not bpon <25oo, be popntetb lis 44 out agcine tbe &elfp?mg $ caufc of ft fen= t;tpt>leD Syicfcconcffcnamelpjo? tljat tbep are tcsccbeo itttb no awe of Cgoo.rtf oj tbe fearc of €fcb is ibe belt uuftrcfle of ntu^ tuell bpjpgbtncffe among tos. Slno Sobcn tbe mpnoing tl?rrof 10 qnccbeb,all regard of rpgbtnoufe Dealing fcccapctb alfc.^ew beat, f o;afi v.wcb as tbe calling bpo <© ot> , is tbecbeef ciecrepfe ofgoDlpncffctnoi en= Jp be ere, but alfo in moff pieces of j&en= pturc, it compicbcnoetb tr;ciuljole>fcrui£s of <25od , b? tbe figure &pnccDOcbc, tbat in to fap,bp putting a part f oj tl;c £r4;oic. There they trembled with fearfulneflc , bycaufe God is in the rygh e* tuoufe generation. — — - c_t Yee niake a mocke at the purpofe of the poore, in that the Lord foereDible ccaruction oucr tbeir bcaoes, 1 .Cbeffi.vCbc^opbet tben rapfetbfr bpbolbetb tbe faptbfuli & tins bope, tbat iobc tljc bngpob* tbwK tbefclucs furtl^a of fro all Daungcr.o? ratber carelefip trps nmpb in tbeir cljecf fufte.fbc (ball tbep fall into ocftructicn. 'Cbe rcafon tbercf is,bp caufc goO iuiUmaintcinc Ins feruats toitb 5. [^eretbeprrcmblc&.ljftorof |$jo; pbec bartenetb bimfclf s tbe reft of f faptb full %ttb a mod ciccllentcomf0?t,£ CBoV unit not fo?fafec tbofc tbat bebisfo? euer: fut u>tli at length fbevt> bimfeJf to be tbeir DcfcnDer. ^joinc etpounb tbe Mmvb of place [tbcre,]as'tbougb tberfome refcrrc it to f blpnb cn^ cobcrances,i»bcnvitl) ?t?i}ssi«p ■mpnacs arcbercb. J"oj goo-manacsrvtb'S tojmet: alfo to tl)e tranfgreffers of \\is JLavr c.tbat t\)ty fba'.l flee fcbf no ma foiowctl) tljcm, ieuit.:6. y tbcpflialbeafrapo at f nopfc of a Icafc tbat fallctl) boivu: I ifec fectbem to be tljeir ewne bangmc, t to to^nct tbemfelucs mwarolp lxiibOKt enp cururaro t»fquietncCk.25ut 3 iaUe p mcirt'ttg of tbep^opbet tobeotbcrwpfe, nat!'.e!p,tljat me in tijc rteef ef tb&r quiet neffe s p?efperitic,(5coioiiifobaujlp ti)ii lev bpon tbem. f oi fcben tbep fhall fap, peace fr battes e«fc,tben bar.getb foDcin 9 bis rpgbtfuii ftef ece. ^o:eouer,y be map affure tbem of tbeir fauf tie,be muft ncebes tbunBcr cut cf ije&ue ageinft tljeir w?ongi full f totolcntencmics.i^otroubftanbmg. tberc is fomc boutfulncfle in f 5®o?b[Dor j j£jf inafmu(h as now fr tbe tljis too?D ber toeenctb an age,o? t1;c terme of amanncs lpfe,tljcre nugtyt be picks* tbis fenfe out of itiy abbougb goa pafle ouer fe?ongesfc? a tpme,pct l>e is alwapes pjcfcntSottb \)is fcruants, 9 oiliflctb tbem i» bi0 grace all tbeir liucs long.&ctobcit,icfemetb mo;e fiu^lc,ri)at <$ob tabetb part i3b tbe rpgb= tuoufe, fo its b»?rj unpojtctb as mucb »» tljiis place as b06il> (bit fo>oojD.Nano]new ane tben among tbe &atms,fc>b'cb fignis fpetb a natton,t>eoplc,bmrcb,gcneratton, 0; offp?ing.Cbc.5 ^.;|J)falme, in tbe f*tb bcrfe of it , aobctb : £ ^02 tbe Hojo batb broken ibe bones of b mi y befeegeo tbee: cbou fbalt put tbem to (bamc,bpcaufc tlje S.0310 batb reiccteo tbcm:]bpiobtcb S»ojit) §|3> jopbetbeclarctb mo^c plainlp,in «?bat fcjt go& gouernetb tl)« rigl)tcoufc:namclp bp faumg tbe out of y cbappes of bcatb,as if one fboulD bcliucr me from a fecge,»be tbep S»ere bjougbt to a narrowe Diftrcffe. $ .iiij. wljer Iohn Caluins Commentarie, wljcrtjpo it fol9w?ctl),tbat toce mttft bcarc oppjefUon patiently ,tf i»cc lofee to bee bcl* pcD moeiv tpmebp uljcn Ggmfpeib to befppfc'fome tranfiatc tttbu0:bpcaufe <0ob batb &efpp= feD fljem: but it 10 wpjopjtclp in mp iubg= ment.3JtiboolD agree better toiectranfla tcb: [bcbatlj ttiabc tl)cDefppfcb,oj,beb- tlj inabc tbem fubiect to re pjtoebe # fljamc] wbcrupon it enfetoctb,tb«t tbeppurcbafe nothing but foame to tbrielnc0,u>bcn ttyep clpmb aloft, a0 it i»:rc i»bit?;er Cob if til ojsno. 6 . Cfc P«r ?oft of $ poojc] &c tauepctb agcinft tbcto <£»pante tbat f Ho?ne tbc fim= piicittc of tbe faptl|full,b,t)e in tljetr abuer= ftttcs tljcv qu-.Ci.lp io apt to bee fccltncrcb bp^&cb.3nbfurclp,notbingfccmctbmo;t6 arc he too the flc fb , than too flee X n o & ob &bcn bcrclccuctb not our btftrcflc,name= lp;bpcaufc it meafurctb o cbiityen ouenvbcl< web fcrttb mifcric0 , tj;cp tixnt tljcm iuib their truft a0 bapne (tntbeir opinion) anb fcoffc at tbifl qutctnefle of tbcir0, in y tljcp red bppon «$ob,from iuhom tbcpfccleno belp to comc.SDaute tbcrfo;tc bearing bum fclf ftoutlp agcinft tljto p;tpbe,tcllctb them flatlp.tbat tbc fame p?pbe r.lfo Q>ail i»oc?h tbeir bcftructton,bpcaufe thep conbcinne j pooae* miferableof folp,fojt notpeelbing bato aoucrfitie bppon truft of aBobs b ip (ticfatecitnbl;ercu.i.l}allbcDooctbb0to bnbcrfianb,tbat tbcre is no grc? tcr pepnt of btfcretton,t'>an to bepenb upon f £o?b: anb tbat it is tbc cbecfeff fcnfbomc, torcft bpon tbefafetic pjompfcfr bp bint, tbougb foee bee neu«r fo fojc afJictcb. 7. Who shall giue fafctic rnto Ifrnell out of Sion? When the Lord shall haue turned the captiuitie of his people, then shall Iacob re- ioyceand Jfrael shall bee glad 7. Dttyo Cball giue.] JDauib after ljc batb fet foo;tb tbe ooctrmcof comfou.tctaHes bimfclf agemc too p?aptng anb fpgbing. Wbetbp be tcacbetb, tbat aUbougb 3b fuffer b0 :o larigutfb a long liibple,vet u ee muft not be fo bifco?sgeb iwttb tecerpnefff , bui t\)?.t iue c map alfrapes boaftetn bun: 9 feconblp, tljat in conttnuall trubbfeo tbc beft comfort t0,to fall often;pmc0 to p?ap=: son 5»afl tl)C bolp place frosn fobence <0oD l;ab p^ompfeb too beare tbfc p?apeir0 of ijio fernan.c0 : anb tt S»a0 t\)t bwcllingplaccof £ 3Mi ofconuenat^biclj &>a0 rbe pawnc ar»b plcagc of c^oo© p?e= fence. Cberfojtc be bovotetb not fe>bo Cball be tbe autl)o^ of bi0 fafetie,but l)c carefnilp 6cmsttnbeib» bow long it fojtll bee ere tbat fefctte comc,fc>l:tcb to not to bee b. opcb foj elfwfyer*ftbanat dpobo banb onlp./l^cuer tbclelie, it to a qucftion,if tlji0 P?apcr par- tepnc to rl)e tpme of fr aule, bovo it can ac gt e :, tbat 5>ton Q)Ouib bee namcb ao tbe fanctuarpe of dt»ob^ Jt it libcanp man, f JDautofboulo bptbefpint of^?opbefpe fo?ete»l tbat ubtcbtoao not pit mantlcCeo, y feill not fti yuc agtinft tt.$ otwithflan btng , it fecmetb to mcc a mo?c linclpbob, tbat tbi0 l^falmc io&s cnbitcb after tbat tbe 31 rK of conuenanttoa0 fcttlcb m mofit S>ion. 3 oj teee bnowc tbat 3D mih (of in ■> tent to boo gboo to tbofe tbat ftjonlo come cftcr bm,) tub atlcrfure commit to cohti? ncttwll remembrance tbe tlungc0 tbat bab baopeneb long tpmc fcefeje. Jftofc) m tbat be be fp?ctb, *bat Ifraell fboulb bee belp= uercb:bcrbp toec fenowe tbat be toofe c not fo inucb tbougbt fo? bimfclf pjiuatdp, as bci0a0carefuUf9;tbecomoni»elfdrcoff fob°le Cburcbe. i^bicb tbtng t0fo muelj m3?c bcebfiillp to be no:co,bpcanfc iobple etl)Z mm 10 bit}? co about bis ovom greef, tnoft vppon thc.xv. Pfalmc. 4* moitcomonlptbepubltntoelfarcofrbercft of our bzetbzcn to neglected . I5ut ©od bt* ectje inannc0 otcne aoucrGtico putter)) the tn mpnd to conucrt tlieir care to tbc boo? of tl}ei»bo:e£l)urcbe,libca0 JDautd com pzpferb 3! fraell font!) limtfcif. r wijen the iiozd frail Ijaue turned.] IDauid tn tljcis feoorcca Detcrinincti),U) '.t c5od Smll tnno fopfcfuffertlje faptljfull to ppnearcap in continctoell fojoroc, aceozdmg as is lapo tn an otljcr place. 124.5. Ebc? tl;at force tn tearcs, (tall reape tn top. j 0; no oorct, but ))c confirmed) and encojagerb bmtfclf ano all the godlp agetn to bore foz trje pzo^ mpfen dcltucrace. jf irft tberfoze IjcTapcfy, tbataUbowgb <©oo mabcdclap,02atlcait kupfcbcG cede btm not according to our be: fpitc, pet fetll be defend Inn ftruantcD, and rebecme tbem from capttuttic.^lfrcrwarb be affwagctb tbeir fo?ou>c,foj.f topfull cnb ■that fcall bctpoctt,bpeaufctt (ball at leg-.!) uttic torjerof be matter!) mencio , 10 not tl)e capttuttte of iBabplon, o? tbcfcattertng ef tbem among tbc bcatben naetons : but ra= rber an oppjtcflicn at bome^be y fetched bcarc fwap lifce 'Cpzants tn tbc Cburcbe. wljerfcic ioce be taugbt bp tlicts iroozb0, f 5»benfucbbeaft0 mafcc bauocH of gobfl flocfc,* fcattcr it abzodco? ptotrdlp tread i itbndcrfootc,toemu(rfleconto<0£D2D, f iobofe peculiar cliargc it 10 too gatber bus ' jffrall from tbc places 5»l?erc tbepioere I dtfpofcd.aind tt)c berp name ef [€ aptiui j tte,] teachctb M , tbat &>ben n)e bngcbip \ pcruert rtgbt ozoer at tbeir own pieafure, i tbenis iSabplon 02 tggpptcuentn fmital bcsoft'ieboiomcoftbeCnurcbe . &ow \ tben,altbougb 3Dauio bclap tbe gladneffe s ef tbeljolp people bnto tbctpmeof tljctr tcliucrance : pet mutt tins cotnfozt aua^le [ b0,not onlp to meafitre our greef,but aifo to fcafon it fcitb glabnefle bee turned into giadnc ffc.ttgetn.t be capti; The contcintcs of thexv. Pfalmc. This Pfalwe teacbeth ypon vebar condition God chofc the levees to be bispetple, hid placed faiyS 'ancillary in the middes of tbem : namely, tbat tbey foould jheve tbemfelues to be bis peculiar and holy people y by liuixg iuftly and uprightly. The xv.Vfalme. A fong of Dauids. 1 Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle ? who shall reft in the hil of thy holyneile ? 2 ; Euen he that walketh vncorruptly,and vvorkcth ryghtuoufnciTc,and fpeaketh truth in his hart, tteepe place tn tbe temple of ^ot> : bpcauf« !)e acltnottileoget!) no man fo? anp of bt^> but if rjcfoloi© rpsbtuoufnefle 9 bpztgljt Dealing all btslpfc long . 3Dauibfatoe tbe temple pcftreb teitb a great tb?ong of men tbat pjiofefleb all one ferui0 of ^ob anb after ttje outicarb arap pjcafeb into $ fig*)* of <6o*. bo info confufeb mcblpe of men, btfcer= netb bifl otoneferttanto ft om ftraungcrs . Cb'0 boctrinefcruetb to tbxeebfeo. f*l fitft, if fc>ec btfpnc intsccbc too be count cb among tbc cbilo?c of 0tbatfc)ce muft fbo» our fclues to bt fo,bp bncojruptnefle of ipfe ibpcauie it is not pnougb to fcruc tSob ith outvrarD ccremonpe0, enlcfle S»e alfolmcarrgbt f Soitbout barmebootng. ^econblp.fozafs t [JLo2b iobo Iball.] i5pcaufe nothing is mozc rpfe tn tbc lu ozid , than l\l([p too pzetenb the name of <£ oa, 7 t'aat tije moze part of men take liter ue to bo fo tottbont remozfe: IDautb fo; v nonce leaning men, fpcaactb bnto (Sob Itimfclf zmccning tbat albcett allmenabufe tbebeceptfulltptle: pitauaple tbep notbing bp their fonb foo- tbingof tbcmfcluc0, bpeaufe »J5obcontis ncirctb altoapeo like Ijtm felfe:anb itfec as \)C is fait!iful,fo i»ill be baue faptbfulneffe pcrfozmeb totoarbs bc fumme is , tbat the name of 45od is tn bapne pretended bp f bipocritcs iofjtcb John Catuins Xomfnentane mud; as it oftentpmcs betpbctl) &g,to fee (25 oog Cburdj Dcfaccb foitb ttwnp bcfplc* m~ ts:ls jft anp m 1 flj oulo bafb ageim! tl)i'S fttiblmgblocUe.tijci e is a WESre ce put be : ttticnc tbc cotinual inbujcllcrs of p cljurcb, $ t t',c fo ionrners tbat arc mcbleb fo itii r! • C f 9i a time. $ rigbt nccb tf ul foar ning fur e ■ lp, lead if d^eas tcrNplcbccftapncbfoiti; much, fildjinelfe, fee map bee bziuen to re= bolt fbzougb lotting anb foapwarbneflc. tSpfplrbineSe 5 mceue f topees of a foule anb co:rupt fpfe. Jr oz fo as Jftcligion pzo; ccdc pure in refpectof boetrtneanbccre= monies , Sue mutt net be fo greatlp offes- bca at mens faultes, tbat foe Sjoulb t5;ct*= foze cut a umber t!je tora'$ut tbe ejepe - rienceof all ages tcaebetbtos, l?otogrcc= uoas a temptation it is,foljen tbe C Imrci) of d5oB ("fobicb ougljt to fbpncdccre,anb to bauc all fpots foppeb out of tyt, ) betl» cljerifb raanp typpocrpts oz wicKeb perf os in bcr bofome . Cb»s Seas tbe occafion in tptnes pali fob?, tlje Cadjaranes.^oua? ftans, f ©onatifts Difltacrcb tbemfeluetf from tbefelowfljip of tbedJoblp. 2Bnb tbc 3!nabapafts renew f fame fctjifme at tbis tap,bpcaufe rtjep t^infe nottb,at to bee tljc crew Cljurcb, fob»cb bearetb foitb bicts. 15utittSnot foznowgbt f Cb;tu\j&J)at. 2 5.3 2 .cbalcngetij to bimfclfe tljc office of fcparatiug tbc ILambes from tljc Hiiobes: but ratber be abmontf ftetb tos tl;at cm lis arc to be borne fou1)al,tontil tfjc rppe tpme of purging boo come, /frotwitbftanbing, becrclsitbal tbe faptbfullare foiileb,cuerp tuan to enbeuer on l)is otonc bcbalfe, tl;at tbc cl)urcb map be purgcb eleane from all cozruptio.^nb tbis istbetbirb bfeof tl)is boctnnc wind) 3B baucnotcb. ^oz aibett tbat gossbolpflooze fbailnotbepctfccrlp clenfcD bcfo?c tbe laft bap, fo ben £b?Pft at Ins commtng fbal call the cbaffc out of tbe boojcs-.pitnotfottbftabing.tbcfamctbtng is begonne to be bone now bp tljcbocrrtnc of bis c goblp.^e maKctl; mention of the 'CnbcrnflclCjbpcaufe tljc temple teas not "pit builDCD.j0otuntbftanbing, tlje ef- fect ts tl)is,£ none baue acccflc bnto gob , faue tijc trcw foozu)ippcrs of l)im. 2 [$e tnatfoalkctl)Unco?ruptlp.] !;eere is to be noteb tbecouert matclnng of con= traries, betweene tbe bapns bauntmgof tbc tptlc 0: tbc nal;eb pzcfcCTion, foi)tdb confiftctl) in cercmotiics: anb tbis fubfta? tiall tcftimonic of goblpuciTcfoijtcb S>a= nib comtttcijbctb. ^euertljcletTe it mpgl>t be Dcmaunbct),feing tbattbc fcruisof gob goctl) in oiecr befoze i\,c bemtieg of cljan- tie , fob? tbere is mo mention tnabe becre of faptb 1 pzaping t foz ftircip tbeis be tbc babies fobcrbp it became tbc lawful cbil= bzen of<£ob to bebifcerneb from badarolp bppocrptSCb.cfolution ie rcbp:tbat l^a uto er clubctl; not tljc fpiritttal facrifpfes of faptb anb inuocation: butinafmucl)as tbe Ijppocrptcs bo comonlp taunt tbcififclucs cf tbemultttubeof ceremonies, (fo!?ofe bngcblpncflc notwitljiranbing bcbj?apctb it felfe in rtjeir outfoarb bcbc . ;ffoz accozbing as enct^ man bfeti) j rigbtuoufeneffc anb tqupit tcttb bis nep« Djcwctb be m bcrp bcebe tbat be fcarc;b <0oD.JDauio tben is not ccntentco foitb^ ciusll rigbtuoU.fer.c(Te , as tb. cuglj it foer pnott ji) to pelb cucrp mrat tljat icbicl) is bis,nnb pit brere laitfultobcrccuc <35ob of ins rigbtrbnt be msrfectb cut tbe fcerte- ous fooifDippcrsof ^pob bp tbc frutes of rigbtuoufenctTc . 3Pnb firft anb fojmoft be vcqupzcrl) bneozruptnefle oz fmgienciTe of bartc, tbat men {bou!bfoloa?tbcirbuft- neffe ftmplp anb foitb out cuill craft, ^c-- conDlv»,l)c required) ri3btccu&neu*c , tljat tb^T fljouloenbeuer to boo gooo too rtjeir nepbottrs, butting no man, anbabftep; ning from allfozong . %iio tbirb!p,bc re= quiretl) footbfaftneffe in tl)cirtalUe,tbat tl)cp fpealsc not anp rbtr:g gwplcfulip oz captuouflp. [Co fpeaVe in tlje bare] iis an barb anb fcnpzopze maner of fpcccl;e, but fobirl? vppon the, xv. P/alme. -46 fc?Snci) better cfpzeffctb £>auios mecmng ncfleef theharreanb tung toogttber , as than if be ^ao fapb,from the hart, fop be that t!)e fpcacb Qjoulo be the liuelp tm age betokened) fuel) a concojb anb tunable- of tl;c affcett on to^icb is S)tD. 3 He that backby tcth not with his tung , nor doth euill to his felow,nor rayfeth vp (launder ageinft: his neybour. 3 3fcer that JDauia bat!) bieetip eost= fboulb not boo an? barmeat all too the?? piehenbeb iobat gifts tb,ep ought to be cn= DccccDtoub, tohatfoeuertbepbctbatco; net to bauc a place in the Church : be res Ucnctb bp certcin bpces from u»hich >t be- houcth them to bee clcrc. $no nra he tel - letl) them tljev waft be no backbptcrs : fc- eonblp that tljep mud baue a dap of them; femes £ the? 00 not anp tjarmc op wiong: anb thirblp that the? further not flautt bersanb falfc reputes b^ thct»imapnte-- nance 0; bpbolbing. Che red foe (hail fee aftcrioarb. S>auib therfoze fetteth boccmc flaunberoufeneflc , as the ftrft popntc of bnrightuoufeueffe Sober Smtb our nepgb- bours are harmeb.^F op if a goob name be moze ioeztb than much riches, f^ouer b. 2 2. 1. n)ere can be no greater harme ooone bnto men, than ioben t\mp goeb name is impapzeb. /fteuertbelefTe becre is wot con= bcinitrbcucrpxooozD of repzochc, buttlje bifeafeanb lufr of baebptmg Sabtch ftir= rcth top malicious pcrfoncs too fpzeb a - bzobe flaunbers. iftoti»itbftanbing, it is nottobecbowfetebbut theholp (2?boftcs intent is to conbemne all falfe op forickcb faultfpnbings.Cbe feconb popnt,(name= Iptbatal barpghtuoufenefle ought to bee farrcof from the cbilbzcnof it,ouer much crueltie : 'lor, tx through wee either grebelp berken too,oi raiblp abmit f mifrcpozts of our nebozs, £»bicb *»cc ought rather bp all mcaney to (uwpcttc.fop the? that fha&c of lurmifsb leafmges,bo as it fc>erc let them fall to the greuno : anb tljcp that fpzeb them abzobe anb belpucr them oucr as it S»crc from hart) to banb, are (not tonaptlp) fapbtoo rapfethembp. Defpyfed in his eyes is the ofcafr : but lie honoreth them that feare the Lord : when he hath fv'vornetodooharme,he cliaungeth not. •tEhcfirftpartofthtjZbcrfe is crpoun= beb bpuerflp . S)omc picUe ti)ts fe:tfe out oftt.tljattheftruanteij of (2>obarcocfpp; fable to thetKfelues, anb of no rcputatio in their ownctpght . TDhic!) fence tf Xoe ab= nut, the muft the copuiattue be bnberflob toljich ZDauib cjcpzeflcthnct.i^obj,befibcs that,33 fee the matching of tooios ioitli? out a ccniunc. ton to be barb : there is alio another reafen which leabesmc tobctate that JDauiO hab anotljer meening. fop he compareth tveo thinges that arc full con - traric one ageinft another: namelp,to bcf= ppfe frowarb pcrfons f naught P^cfees, « to honour fuch as be iuft « crncft f ojooi ers of goblpnefl*e„Chatthcisttco meters map anfwer one another, 'i can none other teyfo take thati»h«h ts Tpo^c of DiTbcine, but ?> tlje bngoblp arebefppfeb of the ch'«i- bicn of (J5ob,anb rcceuethe rcwarb of re- piochc icohich the? h?'tte befcrueo . Crew tt is in beebc that although f faptbfut itae ft great pia?fe,pct ttjc? are not pufTCbfcp SDithpicfumpttcn: but rather miflthe of »hefciuco,b?caufe the? feele hoix> far thep come fboit of perfection . abufu^culB confibcr iyh^t the circumftauncc of the place rcquircth, 31 bonct thwfe-f icvol?= neiTe eimobcftic isfo much P?a?fcb , as plapnc anb bncoirupt iubgmcnt', where ncpther the leaies is fparcb, noithsbcr- tuowfe befraubcb ©f \)S bca> honour, fO}, Iohn Catuinj Commcntanc fo} flatterp.tobicb nouriibetb bices bp co nertng tljcm ,is a mv'cljccf no iefle nopfom tb m comon. 3 confeffe in gooo footl) ttjat tf f iy icfico be in autbo;itie,tbcp are not To to be DcfpifcD, but tbat toemuftobc? tbem , fo farre foztb as tbe confiDeratton of our Du'p fonlt bcarc. jft'euertljclcflc t»e mad taScbKoc tbatour flautfb footbtng of tbcm.fojjap bs not in tl>c Time giltmeiT &>irl) tbent. jfe; be tbat not onipbearetb iuitt) tljeir biccs,but alfobonoxetb tbcm : fbcwetb tbatbcalloioctb tbe alto as mud) as in bint Ipetb.CbKftW paule Cpb.5 : 1 1 : teacljctb tbat it i0 a fppce of iotcacD fc= loibtp,ft>bcn ior rebuke not menesbtccs. 3 no fur 6 1 p it is to mucb froioarDnefTe oner tb&artlp tootnocKcjimtb ©oDfojmans pleafure: tobicb tbtng tbcp Do, S»bofoeuer frame ti)f fciucs to pleafc tbe$»icHeD,botoi bete tbat iDautb rcrpcctctb not fo mucb tbe pcrfoncs,as tbe bcrp faulted . f op be tbat fectJi tbe ioicbeD to bee bonozablp entreat ted, anD too bee made mow (rout in tbepj nawgbtineffe bp reafon of tbe feell Ipfeing of t!;e toozlD:if be alfo DoSDillinglp putts bts confent , fc>bat elfeDootb be but gpue full foucrcntie bnto ftn^ 25 ut S*>o be bnto tbem tbat call eutll goaD, anb Darfenefle tpgbt,asfattb€fap.5.zo. 2&no £ ZDautD fboulD put tbtfl S»oxD[ofcaftfi]foz filtbp § fcjicfceD pcrfones(altbougb tbcp be plaeeb in bigb Degree of bonour)it ntnft not feme liarflj ojt drcpncD.:ffexif ttfoerlatofulfo* 13 irDfpccllers anD otber beatben S>ootb- fapcrs to tcrme naugbtp pcrfons anD ws tlntfrs bp tbe name of[putbacfcs,] tbougb tbe? crceiieo in autbozitie anD ricb«s,(ac= cozDinS as Cicero auoucbetb in bisbooKe coccrning $ anfroercs oft liSirDfpcllcrjg) Sub? (boulD nottben tbe beauenlp $3zo= pbet recfe'eh tbcm among tbe tcpzocbfull, as man? as be call of bp <35oD^Cbe effect tberfozc is,tbat «©obs cbilbzcn Doo freelp tuogc of cuerp mansoccDS , anD tbat tbep limit not bee boweD to leroD footbing fo? fauours fatte,tbat tbcp QjoulD bpbolo tbe %x> icUco in tbctr naujbtmeffe. 21 nD it is no meanc fcertuc*»bicb foloitctb ncsttnamc Ip to bonoz gcDlp « rigbtuoufe folk, :ff o? mafmucb as tbcp arc oft times asit&cre tbe co^es of tbe fo>ozlo:it often falletb out tbat tbofc \x\)ic\) are frinDs bnto tb?, oo eucrp i»b:i c procure tbemfclues tbe ba tr cd of tijc & ox' a . Cberf ojc tbe greater nomber refufc tbe frrnDCbip of goob men, anD fufferetb tbcm to IpeDcfppfeD : tobicb tb'ngcannot betpoc Smtljout rigbt foz* anD bepneujfe S»xcng bnto <2>od. Ilctbs leatnc tben not to balevo menbp tbeir fub ftance,oz t\)ix monp,c? tbeir fitgbtfulpzo motions, but to l?aucgoDlincu"c m eftimss tion. aino furelp no man fbalcucrfetbiS minDe to f ftubp of gosiincfTe,fcutb?tbat reuerccctb tbcfcrtwtsof goD:liBeasalfo tbcreuercncmgsf tbem, ftirrctb menbp to foloia tben- ftcps,[5xjbc be batbfwojn, to do barm]. Ci)cgreehctraflarionfcolD agree Derpft>eU,if tfjcpnchcsIettcD not: U-bicb altbougb tbe i^c^c^s toerc neuer toitbout:pit it is a bUcliboo y tl;ep DiD not altvaps cepteiTe tbeni in fe jittng. $ ot» witbftanDing,3i ftrtlfoloro tbebfualrcas Ding. Cbe mecning tberfoje ia, tbat tbe faitl)fuiii»tllrati)cr fufteme ioflcrbango from tbeir tooo^D. iiojtittsno trpallof faitbfulncflc ^b^reaman abioetb bp bis pjomis bpcaufc be fcetb it is fop bis owne p?ofite.H3ut notbing is mojte rpfe tban to fccHc pretence of eucrp bjcab couenants asfoone as men b«uc ptomifcD anp tbpng one to anotber.Cc') man wepe ctb fcucrallp iobat is fo? ins owne profit: f tfitgreeuebimtoflanD tobispjtomis, bei»ittclpfurmpfctbagreatc Dcaie moje loffe tben is to be fcarcD. 31 1 fecmetb pers abucnture an boned cjccufc , S»bcna man mahes bis mone tbat be fhallfuffcr great loCc , if be dart not from bis coucnatmt. i^crebpon growetlj fo great libcrtp am5g men, tbat tbeptbinkctbcmfeluesbounD to feeepc pjomtsno iogcr,iban is fojt tbctr oti-n bcboof.tDauiD tbcrfoje ccnDrmntng tbis ligbtncflc,requi?etb anotber furcncfTc in p;omifes-l&cre not» Do artfc qacftions- 3f tbott p?omis amurtljcrer a pecccof tnonp to fauc fbp ipfe, ano tljcrbpon be let tbec go, iubttber tbou ougbt to pcrfojme tbp woitiis.aigein.if a man be bntco?tbe- Ip bcguilce, iubctlierit belavofuilfojln'm tobjtcafee'iiaotb. %s toucbingtbemur-s tbercr, be tbat fball t?ing bim tnonp (ball run into anotber bice : bpcaufe be fball! fDitbbte ovenecoft cbcrtPoacomoncnes mic of manHinu, not Smtbout butt to tbe comon Sncale./ftcitbcr Dotb ^DauiD tsiiuc tbe faitbfullto fucb ncceQ"ii:ie,but or.'Ip bid Deri) mt piefer tbeir pzomifes befozc tbeijt pziuate comobitiestfpeactaUpif the? te bounD vppon the . xv . Pfalme. 47 bouno frity an ot!).3hi& fr ')cras a man is frouno in bp eraftp conucpancc , ana fo tnabe to ffreare:bc mud bane fo great Citi mation of tbe balpneflfe of dUous name, t'.jatb* frillratber pacientlp beare loSTe, than bzea'se bis otl), jQo ;u>itl)ftanbing,fo be be not lea frith refpect of bis oron pits uatepzo5te,it u)albe lawfull fo?. bttn to Do tccttlic beccittbatfrasfriougbt agemft bim.2p.lfe there is no r cafon to tlje contra - rp,but that be map gcntlp fall to compofc tion frith tbepartp. SJnfitlp bo manp of tbe lfcb?e& interpreters reftrcpne this place bnto bowes : as though JDauifc e;; boitea tbe faithful! tofuiaii tbeir bo^cs, asoftenas tbep fbali banc piompfeb to tame tbcmfelucs frith fatting. -Cbon tl;c 5»I)icI> furmpfe nothing is futtber of from JDauibs mccning. ;f 02 be entrcatctb but of tbe Teconb table of rbe to»e, anb of the bpipgbt sealing tbat ought to be between wan anb man. $ He putteth not forth his mony to vluric, nortaketh bribes vpon the giltlelFcHe that doeth thcis things shall not be moued for euer. jB n tin's toerfe JDauib commannbetb the faptbfull, not to greeue their neighbours frith b fur is, no? to be corruptee frttb biu bes to fauour roiong caces . $s per rep ■ mng to the firtt member, bpcaufe SDauiO fecmetbto conbemncall bfertes in gene; rail tottbout creep tien:the name of it batb bin beteftable in al places. 15 ut foiafmticb asfuttlcmcnbauc foigeb gap tptlestoo tbcmfelues , tbincbirig to efcape bp tbat fbift : tbep banc ptlleb anb povoieb fcttb greater iibertie , than if tbep bao folotoeo bfuricopcnlpanbintbcfaccoftbcfrojlo. $? occbeit €>ob fr il m no fr ifc be belt fru b bp fopbiftrp anb bemifbeb co!ours:but be lofcctb fimplp bpon the thing it felf. wb er f oze there is no fr02fe Upnb of bfurp,tben biiiuft mancr of bargening, frbcre mbif= fergt bprigbtneffc is not obferueb on both fibcs.25eu fenovocntben, y allbargeins, fr herein tbe one partpfecHetbhisgapne friongfulip bp the ioffe of the other partp, atceonbemncb, frith frbat namefoeuer tbep be clotheb. jftottottbftanbing,it is be maunbeb 5t>l;itr;cr all mancr of mterefl be to be unpipcb in this place.^f tbep be p?c cifelp conbcmneb,it is to be fearcb led ma np thinning tbcmfelues to be brought into fucb a ftreigbt, y fr bicb frap foeuer tbep turne tbe,On befettetb the oh al fioes,fril become the bolder ,f cad tbcmfelues bead long into it fr itbout regarb. 38gem,affone as anp thing Qjalbee graunteo, manpfrtl let loofe the rcpnes to tljcmfelues, anb bc= leue that Ubcrtie isgpucn them to follow bfurtcfritbout mcafure. irirft f formoft tb/erfoze J roaolbtbe "abers Cboulb tabe beebetbat tyzpbz not frittiein catching pjetences of beceit : no? tmagtn that anp thmg is lawfull fo? tbcmfrbicb isgrcc; uous anb hurtful bnto others. jfo ore then as concerning bfurie, there is fnarGp anp bfurer to be founom the frbolefrojio, frljicb is not thcroitball an crtojcioncr 9 giuentobniatcfullanb Slthp lucre. 3no therfoje not toithout gooa caufe bib Cato in oib time match bums anb manflaug!j= tcr abtcoa m one begree : bpcaufe it ts tfje purpefe of fucb fepno of people to fue'd 0= tber mens bloob. jro} it is aserp bnmcct thing that io\)Hc al other men get their lb umg pamfulip bp their trauell, (as, the iSloaman bp tpjing hunfdfc Soitbbailp &oo?bc,tbcbanbpcrflftermcn bp fermng other folbcs tunics ioitb fo?efcccatuig, anb the march at men not onlp bp bumping tbcmfelues frith !abo?o,but alfo bp bntict* tafemg manp inconucniences $ bangers 0 £Dnlp the monpmongers fittmg ftil fljuto tafec tribute of cusrp mans labors. I6e; fibes tbtS,fre bnou> that fo? the moff part it is not the rpcl; fo?t that arc ojapneb ty? bp bfur p,but the tljin fonlcs fr h tch rather frcrctobercicuGb.whcrfo^cnotfritijcut cattjfe hath <©ob.3Leuit: 25:: 5.^oibifiben bfurte, abbinge tins reafon : if mp people happen to be brought loui, thofr {bait not greeue bpm frpth Dfutic. voc fee that the Eato fras matte to the cnb that men fbuib not crucllp oppiefl^ the poozc, fr ho fr ere froitbp to be pittcb rather, /i^cvo al-. though tl)C Haw frbicb (^oogaue to the 3e»ccspeculiarlp, frctc butpolitphc:pit notfritl)ftanbtng this topnghtneuc ibat lie Qjoulb no: bcuour fucb as are mifera; ble anb bare, iscomonto all nations anb raatl lobnCaluins Commentarie ro all ag:s . wijerbppon it folou?etlj, tljat fcnbev wiiawfuU bfnricisnot compieljen beb 1 !;c gayne £ a ntan ntabetlj of tlje loan ofbig row foitljout tljc ljurt of any pars ^3lfo tljc name of [NeflKd,],fob»ci)1I>«* life bfetl),beirtg bcrtueo of [Opting,] beela rcrij fttffictcntly tljat ofurics arc consent* neb fo f arre fooitlj,a0 tljcy biaroe tottlj ttje a Itbcrttc to pill * poll. purely, tf^ccljiel tbe.i 8.17. ftuo tlje .2 2.12, fecmctlj to cen= Octree an? Kynb of oucrplu0. l^otfeittjs flrnnbinp;, tljcre is no cou?t, but beljab re= fpect fofcjzongfullanb polling poli«C0 of ;jaynmg,fol!crtt>vtlj ttje rtcbc foitbib byte tljCHcebyc. jBowtljenat a fooojb.iftrjc rule of bp?ygljtnefTc,foljicn Cbjuft prefer* bctlj, S&patlj. 7.12. be graue in our rjartea, fo a# eucry man boo to bte neybour, n0 be focolb bee boone wito Ijimfelf, trjerc (ball neebe no long bifptttatton concerning bfu - rie. Cbat foljiclj f olotoctb aftcrroarb w tl)efcrt,boot5jp?op?clp pertcpnebnto iubs gc0, foljid) bring rjpicb fcitlj rc«?arbc0, pcruert all rpgljt $ lawe0.iRcucrnjelrfre, i it map bee erttrnbeb further, bpcaufe it ofr tcntpaic* Ijappenetl; tljat ptyuate men al= fo are ceznrptcb fouij rctpar&£0 , to yeclb their Defence to cutllcacc0. JDauiD tber* foie compjerjenbct'i in gcnerail allco?ru- ption0,fotjerfoith. S»ecbee leb from irutlj anb rpgljt . g>ome tlimh, tljat rijc raue= noufnelTe of 3!uDgcs i& notcD,foljcn tlje? foicc giltlcfls pcrfonc0 to pap fo? njeir be= liucrance, foljom tljep ought to baue beU pco freelp.25 ut it appccrctlj by alibe place of C5eclj!rile0,Cb,at the mccning 10 otfj^r- &>yfe . [$9e that boc£tb tbcte tbing0.] (QltiG cluufe foarnetlj \)S agein , trjat all arc not continual! citi-jeng of i^ierufaicm, foljiefj tijjua tJ;emfclu£0 into the ^>an= ctuarpe: b«t tljat tljc rjppocrttc0,$ ae ma- np clfe 30 taunt tl}emfeluc0 bntrulp of tlje rytle of Ijolp men, (nail bee cafi out&itlj 3fmaell,fol)6tbcyrefcmblc.^tjatfobicb trje .46. JDfalme atrributctij to tije foljole Cljurcbe , tljat bootlj IDauib applp Ijeere toeuerp oneeftljcfaptbfull. CJjcrcafon ejtpicflcb tbcre, 10, fo? tljat d5ob b«?cllettj in tlje mibbec of l^icrufalcm. 3nb t»ce fcnowc, tljat be 10 far re of from tfjc falfe g fcnckcb fcit, fob tcli app?ocl)t to turn fcps ncbly foitlj tijeir movctlj aub lippcjg only. tbereisDifagrectKcnt cue among the f4eb?cauntcrp2cter0. &ome bertue it of [Natam,] a0if itfoere ! a golocn c8gnilance.^Dtl?er0tljUiH it to be ; f brojrining of feme li5a!abe,tlj£n famou0 I anb'forHhueTOcn.^Jnto otlicrfomcitfeei ; si-ctb ratljer to beca UpnD of tune: to b)bo 1 ~i gtue my coknfBv 9 by after fcloteetij: ! r^cepemcc,JiD 3D, not onip bpcaufe <8?oD Soantetb not anp tying, tut alfo bpcanfc no moztal iopgljt is able to purcbacc OSoDsfaueur bp bis fcnuTabienefk. jftotttitbftanDing, in tbe mtanc ioljpls be gatyerctb ban bn- to l)itn: anD bpcaufe tf5oo tafcrtn. our Dti»; tprolncffemgooDft)OOzib>bepzomifetbto become one of bi0fcruantcs.o tyings Drthnct= Ip put bourne in ti)is place. ;f reft, iDauiD ac&novolcbgety p d&oo of !)is evcnerpgbt map ecact ail tyingcs at tijc banDes of 00, So '.id be boloetl) SoLjoiJp borrnD 'onto l)im. foz bp veilbuig iiozblp autyoziticbnto bim,bc pzoteftcty bimfclf ? all tbat be batb to be bis, anb be confc ft", ty Ins 0&nc nee- Dpneffe. i&oiobecittyat t!>c JDntcrpzctcra crpouno tins latter member two Soapes. iff o? in afmucl) as [Gnaiik] map be tranda tea [bpon tyce,] Come picke out tins fence, tbat (Id ob is not cbarges bp anp bencfites, oz ix>ci oooings of cars, to be anp ti)tng in our Det : anb trjcp take tf>c name of to eia 0 0 mgpafTmelp,a3if iDauiD ftjoulD anouclj, tbat Sobatfoeuer is bcftoojjD Bppon bint bp c£o&,pzoceebetlj not of anp binbtng 09 befcrt of bis oienc. 3£tu in mp iubgment tyc fentence barb a larger fcope : namelp, tbat tyougi) men emplop tbemfcwejtnes uer fo bufelp bpon <5od, pet can tycp boo notbing foz Him:oenlp fozafmueb as mbat foeneris in our bano , reaebctbnot bnto bimmot onlp bpraufc be Soantety not *n? tying,fitylje i0contentcb Switijijimfcif a? lon*:out alfo bpcaufe Soee arc bopD s beg? gerlp of all goob tbingstneptyer baue Sot anp tbing Sobcttotty toe map be liberal to »arcs bun. jftotttttyftanDing of tyts boc mncSoilienfcvo y> S»l)icf?3l bauctoucbeb befozc.tbat gob can bp no befcrts be bof:D tobecombettej; bnto men. Cbe bjtftts tl)v0,y» frijen Sdc come onto goo, ii>c mult lap ai»a^ al pzcfumptto.i oz tficefiumtfe anp tljing to be in our otcn power , it is no marucl tljougb r,t D)acicbs of.bicaufc xoz plucu tl>e cbecf part of l)io bona: fro l}i«t 25 ut if i»e acUnovoIcog our ferules to bs nougbtvooztl) of tbemfciues, $ Soo^p of no e&unation,tl)ts lojz.4pHcu*c is as 2 per- fusne of 3000 fent, tljat Q;all picture tljjem grace anb fauour. 3 [<313nto tlje fatnets tljat are on eartb. ] Itlmoft al men Soitb one tonfstittafee tljts place as tbouglj iDf.uib t&bco,tbat tt;e on IpmeanetoSuczfbipC&'oD ausbt,isro en beucrto Do gooo tobiisljoipfcrurfunts. 3mb in becoefepcaufc no benefits of eurs read) bnto goo, be appoiutctlj tf;c fait«)fui in bis ftcD,oni»!;omto ercrcpft eur cija-- rittc. ^cn tbcrfoze bo iljcnferue <23oo a^ rigbt, ioben tbcp are bcnefictal one to ano tl;cr.3!nb altbougb tbat our cbarinc muO; c.tenbit fclfe euat to tbe otnsozt^alfo *. (line as our bcaucnlp father futfer£tl)bis fonne to arife bpon trje gocb ano tbe bao : j0^ati>.5. 45* ) Vitbotb iDauib Sooxtl)ci? pzsfcrretbcbolpmcn, anb piece tbcmtn btgbfr Degree.^ oicalbttt J Dcnpnorlut tljis fapb Doctrine is compzebencco bribes tbcis SoozDs of JDsuibo: pit notuntbiian. Dtng J fuppofe bcljatb^ fuvUier f.tcl) : namelp tbat l;c iciU acquamt liimfclf ion b tbcDcuout'ioozfbippcrs cf vii?ob, anb be a feioa? oz companio of tljeirs, ithe as it bc< Ijouctball tfje cbu"bzenof ©cd tobehntt togitl;er ioitl; tbe l>not of bzotbctlp bnit^, tbattljcp map feme tljeir fatber ail irttb. one affection f inbeuer. ^ovv Soe fecb,ou> JDauiD after be baa acfeno^lobgeB thjatbe finbetbnotbingiobiebbe map bung bnto Cod, to Scbom t]c oienl) alt t!)ings:botl> tberfozeftt bis mtnD bpon tl)e faints, bp= caufe Cob trilt6 pzatfeo bp tbe congrego - tion of tbe fattbtul m tiic SoojlD,l»bcm be ijatl; aboptcb to tljis enD, tbet tl;cp Q)oul*> ipue all of cnempnD bnDcr bis antfignc^ anD bnoer tbe gutoance of tl;c l>clp gboff ► ^bi0Placctl)crfozeteacbctijbs,tl;atCi,'erff is no facrtfpfc mozc acceptable onto <£>od, tban Soben ioec fct our mpnbcs carncfil? bpon tl;e fcloufntp of tbe faytl}&iH: fo m bemgfenittogit{;crini bolp bono cf so&= } Irnejfc^ \ lohnCatuins Commcntarie ljmcu"e, cr-crcpfc bjetljtrlp goob frill one to another . Cbi0 i0 tbc communis of fatr.ctc0, frbicb feparateth them from the beathenifb bcfplingc0 of tl?c fro*lb,£ tbcp ma* bec the bolp pofTcflton of dE>ob.3tnb be fpcaUetb of the fainctco on earth bp name, bpcaufc <2? 000 frill is p cacnmtl)t0teo?lD there Cboulb remapn notable marks of liifj Rtopc, fr berbp to tying bstento btmfelf. 3inb thcvfo?c the faptbfnll bcarctbe image of him, that b* their er§pic thep map fttrre bs bp to mr-nofulncfle of th c bcauenlp Ipfc. Che fame is the caufc alfo that hecalletb tbcm[Botabie,oj <&xcat boocr0,]bpcaufe nothing ought to beefo pjeciou0bnto b0, a0 1? gbttioufncfTc anb bclpncfic, in frbicb Ckineth v tyightneffe of h'0rpt"t:UKe as $ laft $2>ftlmc before commaunbeb b0 to fee much bptbofcrbat fear (5£>3D.wherfoje free mutt frith all carneftncficrcucrcnce the pure frG?fl)tpper0 of<£ob, fo an free cftceme nothing mo?e than to linfe our= felnc0 into their companpe. which thing frill bcrelp come to pafTc,if freeabupfcblp confiber frtycb i0 the trero erccllencie anb Dignitie, fo as the bam gltfiering anb tl;c beccptfull pompes of tl>c fr e^io bicarc not ourcpc0. Their forovves shall bee multiplyed which offer to a ftraunger, - I will not offer their offeringes of blud, nor take vp their names in my hppes. jftou? befpnetb he the manner of beeping b?otberIp agreement frith the holp men, Protecting that he l&tll haue nothingto boo frith the bnbelccucr0 * the fupcrftittous. :fo;t lice ca nototbcrwpfc growe togittjer into the one bobp of the Chnrchcbnbcr <£? jD 2D, than bp breaking of all bngoblp benbc0,bpfeparatingourfelue0from3l6o later©, anb bpfetting ourfcluc© clecre anb free from all bcfplemente0, frb»cb corrupt anb marre tbepurefcrui0Of <2?ob. £>ure ~i am that this i0 the b?tft of 2Dautb0coun fell, but the 3!ntcrp?ctcr0 bifagreein his froojtbrs. $$% fomc tranflate [ Gnarfiuoth, 3bolle0,] fo a0 the fence Cboulb bee, that after foolifl) men haue once begone to fojtge nctt' d5obs to thcmfelues,thcre i0 no mea* fure of their fonbncffc.till tbcp haue hcapeb bpanbnmeafurablerowtef<£»ob0.iBot= fritbftanbtng bycaufc this #Jotouei0put in the feminine genber, 3 Ucepc dill the figmficfitton of [ «rozotr cs,o? trubbles,] !;6v»brcit that the fence map bec manifolb pet iftll . Co fomc it fctmctb to bee a cur? flug,as though IDauib being hinbleb frith ahclp5calc,fl)onlb frifb that Cobs iuft bengcance mrgbt foil bppon tl;e fupcrfti= tious. £>tijcrs (fr hofc opinion 3 glablper allow, 3 ah'cr not the future tence of the fcerb, tut pet thep fecme not to mcc to cr- P?cfTe plapnip frhat mancr of trubblcslDa tub memcth Cbepfap,tbatfr?ctcbcbmcn continewallp bzairc bnto U)cm new foigc; nes,tcber in thep martp* thcmfelucs mifc- tablp . l&ut J tytnfc, that tyerfrinjall us noteb their enb alfo: namelp, that thep net onlp fojppnc tbemfriucs frtthout profit, but alfo fr?etcbcblp anb bnhappelp ronnc on to their ovonc beftruction. 5Fo? to then^ tent he map i»ithb?an?c himfclf the further of from their companpc: he tabctb this fo? a p?inciple,that thep bo fo little o? nothing auapl bp their fonb fnperftiti60, that their Gout laboring cntanglctb them from tpme to tvmcmmo?cgrccuou0mifcric0. jFo? tohat (hall bct^bc thofciuctchcb me,ichJclj foillinglp pcelb themfclucs bonbflattC0 to the3Diuell,buttobebi(appo^ntebofthctr hopcr'3Libea0 Cob complapneth in1crc= mpe : Ijrhep haue left mce tbefc)clfp?tng of ipfc, anb haue biggcb themfclucs tyipt J pittcs, *t»h»ch are fo full of bolc0,that thep | can holb no fejatcr . 3!n the nert member alfo , there ie fome bowtfulncne . Che fcQojtb r ivaiw ] among the l&cbievces, in the Coiugaticn[Cai;jfignfrIcih to ensotr, 0} to giuc.^ovobceit fo;afmurl) in the (Co* tugationHipfeei, it is oftentimes taben to ronne, o? to malic haflc , manp haue libeb of th?0 latter mtcrp?ctat jen, that fupcrftt= tiouoperfonsbo greebelpgab after ftrage (©obbe0 . 3nb furelp, 5tucc fee tl;cm ronnc hcablonglikcftrau^ghtfeihcs^the^Oi Fhcte0 bo oftcntptnes bpbjayb them ititb this importunate heatc.^hcrfo?e 3 coulb S»cl arcap frith tl)Jsfenfe,if tlje ccmon tfz ofthetungfroelbbcarcit.^Ott>beeir,fcj= afmuch 80 the C5:amarie0 ncte,thaf there is not anp other like place to be met frith j all, 31 haue folowcb an other fenfe in the J tranila-^ vpponthc . 16 . Plalme. tranCatio-HButtlje effect is tl>is,that fc>be 49 that be S»iil beware that be g:ue no tcfecn cf coftnt in bis out«jai5be5)3r.tOHr. Co y fame purpofc frructb tbatfcrfjicfc foiotoetb immcDiatlp after , [33 anil not taae ttjm names in mplippc0« ^roj b? fcpctb, ijeiwil fonmdj bateano abbojrc^bols : tljat bei»iU fbun the naming cf ttjem as a mod; bepneus trcafon agcinft C5cu . *Bot fos that it is &nlatt>rull too open their names foljici) a man {bail meetc & biucrrc times in ujepiopbets: but fey cat:i'e iDauib coulb not etljertrtfchattc cvpteffrb the erccebing great iotijfomneflc iuhtcb the fait&fidmnft bcare totearos falfc gcbs.wbicb thing ap< peereib alfo bp f fojunc of fpcafcing fobicfc be bfctb. ^fez be fcuctlj bewne tbercla= tpues alone, ano fuppjcffetb ttje ^belles tl>cinfclucs. ivtaereftye Up b?0 cramp!e!;e tcacbetb tbefaptbfuli.not onlp to fbun er^ rours ano iotc&cb opinions : but alfo too abftctn from all apparancc of confcnt.iFcj it ts manifeft tbat be fucafettb of the cut= roarbfejojfbippmg, Sobicb is the feritneffe eytber of pure o? of pcrucrfc 3ftc!tgtom 43 ow then tf it be not lawful fo? the fait!) : fultofljew anp tcUcn of contenting Snub tbe fupcrftitioufe : there is no caufcSubp tbeis bifojb ^BicobcmufTcsfboul8 coKer rJbcmfeluesfcHibtbis fonb pretence , that thep beepe tbcpjfaptb fecret to tbefelues, Sobcn tbep intcrmebbic tbem &?ub tbe traptcrous fupcrftttions of tbepapiftes. Cbcre bee tbat erpcunb tbeis fcoo^bes [ftraugcrs,* tbep? names,to be fpofeen of thcSDOjEbippers cf falfc gobs . -S&ut in mp iubgmcnt 5Dauib meeneib tbe falfc gobs tbemfelucs . JFo? bis bjift is il)i$ : tbat although the 4Farth tec oucrfioweb S»itb a fink of uipcrftutons, anb tbat tbe bnbecleuersareoutof meafurc iauifb in becking of their 31 bolls : pit to tbegoblp anb bolp,it fbalfce but abbommablc fcrijat foeuer tbcp fcjge-. $ The Lord is the part of my portion and of my cuppe : thovv vphol- deft my lot. 6 The mectlynes are falnc to mee in fayre grounds: verely I haue a good- ly heritage, 5 [ Tlje 31 o:b is.] jp. ovo be ctpaeffctb bt's | niyr. Din oj c c l^ereip . j? oj be fb £ w ; tb tl) e | cnuiefeVhtfrttbDjawctb, bunfcucaom . tbejbeiflters, anoioiilcontmeis in the tb: bnbeleuers lafb out anb mtfpenb tbcp£ fubftancc, the? not onelp lofe foihatfoeuer gtftcstbcv offer too their 5bols,butalfo ouer\rbclme tbcmfelucs fenrb neire trnb= bies from time to tunc bp pjouohmg gobs S»iatb agemfi tbemfciues. |0crabi;enturc aifo tbep^opbetallubeb to t))t comon bc-c ; trine of thefcripture:nameip,tbat3!bola= tcrs mabe couenants toitb tb^P? 38 colics, bp tyeaHmg tbeir p?omis of fpiritufil 5»cb locbe toktb irt)out caufe bpbjaiDetb tl;c Jewes, tl;at fchcras ilje louer allurctb the "tjarlot ioitb giftes.thep offereb reitarbcs too tl;e 3!bolica to befplc tbemftiucsiDitb tljcm. IScucrtbelcffc tbe ftmple fence agrcctij be- r.p5x3Cli : that iuben tbe onbeleu;rs bec= becfec tbeir falfc gobs fcntlj gifts, tbe? not onelp loft tbcpj coft , but alfo bcape fo>oi» t>ppon fo;cu;c , bpcaufc at icngtb the cubs Srilbeebnbappic. [3B fetlnot offer tbe cf= fcrings.jldp tbeis facnfcfes of blub,fcmc bnbcrOano things gotten eptl;cr bp blub - fljeb oj bpci;to?tton. i^ocobecit fc?afinucb as the pjopbec inuepctb not bcere agcinft cruel anb blubtl)trftp men,butc6Bemncth gcncrallpall fo^geoanb faultpfoo?fbip= pings : anb afterwarb namcti) not facrtfps fes timplp, but betoheneth tbe manerof offering. 3i boubt not at all, but that bee coucrtlp fcttetb tbe offering of blcub , a= gemft the cerc»nonie of tbelatDe. jfcpwe fcnoo? hoto it teas foibibbcn the people of olbetpmc too taftc blub , sb itjcll in ibepj comon foobe as in tbeir facrifpfes, too tl;e intent tljep fhoulb tbe mo?c abbcue all (laughter g cruel; tc. 3!gein, ftojtcs beare foitnefle tbat the heathen Sucre Snoontto offer blub in tbepj facnfpfes.XDauib tber= fojte p;otcftcth that he &ill not onelp haue norhingtoDoo ioiththc SotcksbctrQurs iubicb mtOcabe tljcjfibolaters : butalfo Church of d5ob : anb alfo fel;p ty nmn- ttetij vl}f iocicti c of tlcp? errors eucn Suitlj lothfomneffc, * clcaueth to the trcw Soo£~ fc»ppmg ot (£ob : nameip bpcaufe »;c ref; <0.i. tcrfj i ^John Caluins Commentarie felf contentso with Ins lot.;f urtbcrmojc tmoer the terme[Cuppe,]is bctoUencO cp tber tlic rcucneco o? lanbes of inheritance, o; cUXbp tijc figure S)?nfcQoc?)2)o?5ina= rpe meat ano Djink, as if be Ijab fapo,tbat (3503 is bis.botb bp owner fijtp anb bp en- creacc . jfrvpttyv is the tbfrb comparifon in bapne: mafmuch as it oftentpmes betp Dc£l) that the rightful owners arc put from their poflcfaon,bpeaufe no boo? Ocfcnbctl) them. 7&ui (£»oo hath fo gpuen hmtfdf foj an heritage bnto -001*1 fuel) fcjpfe, that bp onh? are tattg'at aright in tijj treto gooip - his pococr S»ee cntop h"" fauflp fo? eacr. rc.tctt) yppan the oaelytreajtiSoD. ^o> hereupon f-Jitn^ctj) the mtfcrable bnquu etne(T;,tfyat blpnb folke nmnc gabbing bt= tbcranb tljitheviibc mao ©totems : bp== c.vife tljcp art: bereft 0? the true bnoialcbg of ^>09.3nb furclp it can not othcrarift fal out,bttt fyffi tbep mull often aaggcr.toho ibeusr tljep be that an not groun&eO bpon gob, anb tubicb l)Olb not the rig?)t faith to keeps tbjmfelucs fcnthtn tl>c bounos ther «f,but are caricb atoap Smtb the bjtunt of evrojc. 113 ut tins place teacheft.thattlje? neffe, Su'nicij bold them femes contcnteo S»tth the one 45oo . 5Fox JDauiO bp ter- ming -000 tljcpojtion of Ins lot,bistnhc= t'itancc, anb Ins cup, auouchctb Inmfeif to be fo ftilip centcnteo mil) \)im, that he co= u:tctl) not ?:sp tljing beubes tym , no? is tttkici isitb anp lewa longings . 3Let be iernc tfcn fo to cmbisce vSoo foljen be of fcrc;!j bimfclf "onto os,as Soe map fcehe al the partes anb prpntes of our tpcifarc tn bun o,4p. fo} cer rein it is that ail tbefu- pcrUittons that cuer reigncb m the fosjio fpzang out of tins ;f ountain, namelp that one <5oo Jmtb not bin inough fo J fuper8i= cio xk folk . i$ui ccrteflc fo>ee haue no in - tereftinhim, onieffc h^be the portion of our lot:that istofap , onlcffc h^haue bs i£h9llp aOb:etcb bnto as no care of imfueicf bo triple bs an? mo;tc. ^&no ithe Ije accufetbthejbacfccQpD'.ng ^euies , foj g.iobmg af tzt > coles', [let ttjem, let them Ciaith \jz)\ii tbp pojtiou.] ©p Solnch iooj * bes he Sjeojeih that <^ob giueth place too thcjbolles.tfhcalonebenotpnoughtoo futrp^e bs . 3n& ©aiua puttetl) tb^cc fi- xnilaiiQzs.fQ} firft Y,z cempareth <0oo to an heritage: fcconblp to a cuppeianbthirb l^hemabcthhi^c^^aitttcpnerofapofi frfaon.u>bcrin ijc alluocih to heritages, Sr>h'C50 Sue knoio Socrcfo OiuibeO bp dPoos apppointuient among th' J,tvocS, as that tl)t Islw€ comaunoeo ec'oc man to holo him ft 9} it lx>:tc to litle purpofe foz bs to haue obtepneb him onee,onlcflcb*mapntepnco ourpoffcfUonagaind the oapip affaultes of the oeuill. wiicvcas fome ctporonoe it, [t'iou art mp grouno tahcriu mp pojtpon Ipeth, ] mce thinbes it is colo. 6 [Che mer rclpnes arc fallen to mee.T ^cconfinucth better that i»h'c[)h«hath fpokrn allreaope in the iaft Vserfe.namelpc that ty rcftetlj in the one e oenpeth that he co~ ucteth anp thing mojcaino the bfe of thifl Oocirpne is manifo!0:fo? it ought to fcith b?aw bs not onipfrom all fcigerics of fu- perSitions, but alfo from all tnticcmtntg of the Scfh anb the ioojlb.Chcrfoje as oft as things crcepctopo bs febschmapieao V2 avvap from the one &&Q : Ut tins sen* : tenceencoumer them in the face, that the ! lectio goetb berp i»ci on our ftoes,in that he 'a->htcl) hath in himfelfc the perfect ful - neffe of all gooo thmgs,l)ath giuen htmfcl* to Xn3 to eniop. &o (hail it cotne to paffe, that our eftate fljall alwapes befvoeteanb pleafant bnto bs : bpcaufe that be tor>id) poffctT::!) <5od, is Oeftitute of no peece of bUffeo life. 7 I will prayfe the Lord which giucth mec counfeli : cucn in the nyghtes do my reynes inltr uct mec. Haft of all 5Dauib confeffeth how tt)ls olfo to as giuen !nm bp the mere grace of <& £> JD, that became in poffeffion of fo great a gooo thmg bp fapth . foj. it feerctono purpoft fo? (85 iD 5D to offer bmtfelf franblp bnto »e, onlefle ire OtO reccpuc htm bp fapth, feemg that hccal^ lethonto him both thecaftawajsano the chosen vppon the . \6 . P/almc. P ) ci)Q}cn in ccmon, tut ujc ioitxKt lojt tec= rceuc tbcmfclues ef fo great gooDnefle,bp tbcpj own bnthanUfalnefie iiet b0 hnouj tbcn tbat boti) of tljcts tbtngs pjtocecoc of (EfoDfi fr« gift : a0i»cll to poGHfc bim bp :aptb,as aifo tbat be is our beritagc. Cbe counfcll t!;at 2D auib fpeabctb of, i0tbi0 : name!? tbe inrcarbc cnlpgbtenmg of tl;e fpirit, tbat i»cc tb?ougli tt>e blpnoncflc of iljc flefb.fbonlb not rcfufe tlje faiuauon to i»blcb be callctb b0 . wbcrebp toe gather tbat ^000 grace t0 mangiebno lefiebn- f fctlfuiip tbanbngoblp, i»be tbc accepting o: rciccting of it 10 imputeo to mans frees fcriil . jit appecretb clecrelp bptbeberp 5»c?O0,tl;at be entreated not Ijcsre of tbe outirarDbocttme,maf«!i;c!)E3lje!aptbl)* is inftructcb in tbe npgbtec iaben 'qe is re- moucb from tbe Ogbt of men 3gein U-fctn tyc fapilj it is Doonc in Ins rcpnes : tbcre is no boubt but Ije berefcenetb fecrct infpira* tions. wbcrcas be faptl) it 10 boone in tbe npgbts : tnarbe fccll tl;c plurall ncinbev . iffoj iDauib not enelp afcrtbetb tbc bcgm= ntng of faptb bntoo (5oo:but aifo acfenow Icogctb fjiinfclfc to pjofit contincirallp in • bis feboo!c,accojbmg as it ftanbetb b0 m l;anb toobaue tbe fonbneffe of our mpnee cojrecteb all our Ipfe tcng.anb tbc Ip jbt Oi faptb feinDieb clcercr, anb our klues fepali meattcs caricb bp bpgbcr anb b?£bcr, too tfje fpmtualfcnfe&ome. S I haue fet the Lord continually before race : bycaufe he is on my right hand,l shalnot bee moued. 9 Therfore is my harte glad, my tung rcioyceth, yea and my flesh aifo dvvelleth in aflurance. 8 [31 bane fet ty &o#. ] 3Jgefn fro fbcfe>etb bis faptb. f 0? to fet <& ob in one0 figbt,i0 netbing elfc but to bote all tys fens fe0tpbc tljat tbep fbouib not ficcte a&ap eUVwbere. 28 manbabnecbeof otbereped tban tbe cpc0 of tbc flcQ) too fee ban '- fo? be fiibomc appcretb, onleffe fee mount a= boue the b:o?ib.j|3cuertbciefle,faptb Oap= rtb b0,trjatfctcturnenotour baches bp- pon b vm . Cbc mecntng tbcrefo?c t'0,t!)at JDautb S»ss fo ftrllp giuen cucr onb fafte= neb to ©obs pjouibence : tl;at be Seas af= fureolp pcrfcoaccb be & olb be rebp atl;ab tobelp'cjtmasefrtnasbe fecrc bitiuento anp pincb . *j?c abtctb aifo [contmuallp,] to tbe enbe SDcnmp know !;o«? bee lesneb HebfaGlpto dgobs Ijclp : fo as beeing tur= morieb feitlj funbip encoantct0, no fcare coulbmafec bin: call bacbe !}i0 epesanp Ibbcrcclfc. ^inb it bebouetb tos fo to bang bppen d5ob, cs Sre map certatnlp belcuc, tijat tbougb be feme ncucr fo farrc of from bs,p:t is Ijcnccrc atljano bnio bs. bicb tsBOtfcemlp. 3nmp ivtoq? menttbcrcfc:cit i»aoa fullfentcnce, tbat I;e fet ioitb tbe cpes of bisfnitb, as tbougb bfcfeercpzcfent. ^c?eouer, ibis place 'oucrtlgotectb tbat fo?gcrp of t\)z ^.o?boni(l0, [tbat tbc faptbful arc in bout cf tbe -fpnail pcrfcuerance : ] fo? S>autD cootb manifeftlp crtnibc bt0 tending bp- pen v£»oD0 grace,eucn bntoo tty tpme too come.3nB furc tt i»crc a 5y?etcl)CD tvembic at etiv'rp m3:»:cnt,as tljoug?) fee e babno affuranccof tlje continuail pjtoce= cebingof <2»ebs grace. 9 ['Cbctfwempbartisglab.] IPnrbts bcrfc,bcc cdrnmenDetb tbc tncomparn'.e frute of fatib,i»bereof f fcripture mabetb mcncion cucrp »b«c : nameip , tl>at S»ce (fflf.u. liue lohn Caluins Commentarie liue onocr o'03 p:bte«ion,not onlp qui- cf, but alfo mcrpe anb ctjeereutl.tDe know tt)3t tbectyeefcpoput of bluTeb life is calm* neffc or mpno.ltke as nothing 13 maze mfs ferabietbantoobee toTco among fnnbzp cares anb ozeabes. Sut boo> mud) fo cuet the bng:»Dlp bcefotte tbcmfelues fcntb the fpirit of fixrvjie ana bloc'&iibiufte : pit boo tbepneuer cniop trei»e mirtb,noz ealmc quietnefft of mpnb:butrati)cr fccl^trublc; fome turmoples u>isbin tljemfducs.Sobtcb tozment Vgzm from tpmcto tpme,anb en- force tbem to (bake 0$ tbepzbzocDjpnefTe. jfrmallp it bcfalictl) to no man too iop qui- ctlp.but to bim that batb lerncb to reft bpj pon the one gob,f to lap bp bis Welfare in bie banb. Cherfoze tol^e innumerable trub bles befcege bs on all fpbes, let bs Know that the onclp remebie , is too lift bp our epes bnto gob:$ then toiler aptb not onlp quiet our rnpn&s , but alfo rcplcntfctbem teW.) full giabtiefle.^ a conceit, ID auib not onlp afiirmetb btmfelf to reiopce inwarb- lp,but alfo mafcet!) l)i$tm\$ pea f bis £Uft> alfo partners of bis io^ , 3>no goobcaufe fo>l)P • ifojtbc <£loblpboo notonelpfo- ftcr fpirituall glabneflTe in tbc fecret aSfec= tionof tbirljart : butalfo fetter it Sottb tbcpj tung, infomucb astljepboaflrtbat Croats the mapntepner of fljepj Welfare. 31 bout not but tljsfojozo [Kcuod3 (tobtcb pjopcrlp betokenerb. glozie)t3 takenbeere foz tbc tung, like as in itbftanbmginafm;*cb as 2D befen- betb our bobpesas iocll as ourfoules: it is no popnt of rafbnefle in tDauio , too .communicate this benefite of Da>elltnge fafc, tonto bis flcft) alfo. 10 For tho vv shalt not leaue my fovvle in the graue : ney ther shalt thou put thy holy one to fee the corruption, ^epzscebetb in bnfolbing the fojmer that butt tbcp arc, anb intobuttthep ttjall boctrme: namelp thai beioantetb nothing to the full mcarurc of glaoneffe,bicaufe be in not afrapb that bee ftall btterlp pcrtO)' wberbpontt foloi&etb that noman truf- teth in<0obinbeebc,fauin3l)eeb)l)ici) ta* kerb fuel) bolbe of tl)cfaluation pzomifeb htm bp gob,v be bcfpifctl) bcatl). 2mb it is to benoteo, that 3Dauib fpeak6tl>not here pzecpfelp of anp one certeine kpnbe of be= iiuerancc (as in tbc.jcUt.pfalmc anb.t'oi. uerfc,[bebatb rcbecmeb mp fosslfrom tlje l)anb of tlje srauc,] 9 in fucb otber liUeJ but comepuetl) affureb truft of eternal faU uacion i»!)icl) ftallfct bin* free from all oifquictncfTe anb feare : as if bee bab fapb rje Sboulb aiwapes baue rebp paflagcout of bis graue, fo as !)c fljeulo not abpbe in corruption . irojd5$bbpbeliueringbis fcruaunts from anp baungcr , pjelongctb tbcpj ipfc but foj a fijozt tpme. ifr oo? tben 1)3 w flenbcr anb Ijotc bare comfojtio ere it too take refpit fc> a feljple , anb afters tearb to bee fsoaloajcD bp of beatl) &itl;= out l)opc of vecouerp t l&eerebpponitfos lotoctb, tljat JDauib ipaUefo , bpcaufcljef abuaunceb t)imfelfe aboue x\\t comon Gate of manUpnb . jfozinafmucl) as fentenee is giuenbpyon all tl;e ofipjring of ^oam, returnc. (©enefis.?. 19. 3111 men5witl)0ut ejeception.arebotDnb toabpocit ^ i»l)cre: fozconeielTe Cljzillcomc fooztl) ,&^iois tlje frutcs of tijofe tl)atr? fe agcine , tl)ep (ball ipe in rottenncfic fo; euermo^e . wtyerebppon rcit^ goob reafon l^eter ga-- tl)Gi-ctb,^ IDauib coulbnot baue boirc-j fo,but bp tl)c fpirit of pzopt)c= fpc,an^erceptl)ei)ab l)ab an epeto rbcau= tl)o; of ivfe tljat Soasp^omifcD Ijtm , &>bo onclp ^oas to be fjonozcb ivitlj tl)is pjcroi gitme |}c'uertl)eiaterti)l3lettctl) not but tbat 'iDmfo nib la&fullp auurc l)imfe!fc of free e,:emptio^from oeat!),bicaufc Cb.jift bp l)is rifmg agcin, purcljaceb immo^talis tte,not to bimfelfe pziuatelp, but to bs all in generall : 2!nb febereas ^>etcr, %ct.i. 30.* |Daule. 13.^5. auoucbeff) t^at t!)is pzopJjefic iuas fululleb in tbe oncig per= fene of Cbzift : take tbou it tbus,tbat \)te S»as bticerlp anb iubollp erxmpteb from cozrupting in l)is graue , too t^enrent ^e? mpgl)t bp begrccfl anb accozbing to euerp mans tneafure, call bis members into t)is fcloccifl)ip . ^-oz feeing rijat 2D auibscar= feeffc fans cSfumeb into Duft:tbe ^poftles bo aptlp gatber, tbat l)e i»as not pziuticb= fiebfrotn cozruption . Clje fame reafon ettenbetb vppon the. 16. Pfalme. cjctcnactb to all tbe fap tbfull.of li»})omc no onebecommetb partaker of incorruptible ipfe ,bntofo>cbeo of rotting. wbcrtopon tt foloisetb.tbattbcfulncfre cf Ipfj totycl) re- mapnetb in f bcao alone,ootb fbcao Doune ;nto tbe members but bp oroppes or per- celmeale onclp. j^otai^fiaBing.tbc fame qucflhon mpgijt like&pfc be obtcc;eD con- cerning Cbrift,(S»bohlfo DcfcenoeD intoo tbe graueO 25utit is eafp to be anfoercD, fo tbat tbe originall of citber iaorb be con? iiDcrcD. jlrortbegraue tscallcoOheoijas anpnfatiablegulf y confumeti) altlnnges: anti it is calleD [ shacarh ] of corruption, wbcrfore tt in not fo mucij tbe place tbat is noteD bere, as tbe qualttie of tbe place. 2!siftt!-jaDbin tapes , tljatCluiftcs Ipfc fl)9ul& be free front tijcpovr-er ofoeatl),bpj caufc bis boDp fball not bcefubiect to cor= ruption ,no not euen fc>ben it is oeaD . %- gem See know U)at <£.l)}i&zs grauc £oa# *1^ wpltotajefo fc>(tb p IpucI^ fent of bis fpir it, fo as it fe»as bnto Wrc tlje gate to tmmoj tall glojic. 31 coafeffe thai tac anncicnt in- terpretcrc as Sscll gr Silie as latpn , baue brafemc tyeig Sdcojocs too anotber fenfe, natr.elp tl)at Cb^tScs foulc iras b? cugbtc agcinc from bell . Wut it is better to con= tiucw in tlje naturall firaplicttte,lca0: in ce become alaugbingftocftc to the Jcvezs, $ furtber ieafi one tope engenojinge manpc otber toics, map caft bs mto a tnaje.C en tepnelp tbere isnocoict, but in tbefeceno member tbere is mention tnabj cf tbe bODp:ant> Soe fenoioc trjat notljing is more rpfc fcritb SDauiD tban to repcic one tbing tropec. 3!nb altb&ugb &>ce translate tbe &0?D [ NephelhjmtO latin [AnimaOtbat IS to fape, [ £>oule:] pet notiDitljtfantungc, among tbe iSebreiosit ftgmfpetb notl;utg clfe but tl;e bjeatb of ipfc oj tbe ipfc it Iclf . Thovv shale make the way of lyfc knowen vnto mce : fulneffe of ioye is in thy countenaunce,, in thy handc arc pleafures euer- morc. !£e confirmed tbe mening of tbe ncjete bcrfegomge before, $ \jtterctl) tlje maner bosj>C503 fball fct turn free fromoeatb, namelp tbat bp tys guitring t;e Qjal aflureo ; Ip come to Ipfc. Wberbppon Soe gatber a* gcin,rl)at ft>birt) 3 t&V$ afo?c,namclp tbat tbe faitbfuil ar Difcernea bcre from tbe f 0? rtners ano rcp?obates,asin refpect of tbe eucrlafring ftatc. fej, tf anp man fap y tlje fcjap of Ipfefeas fbcioeD tonto 2)auiD,in-; afmud) as f time of bis life ioas pjtologeb: it isnotbing elfc but a cauill . Jro? d5obs grace is to mucb abafcD,if Soe fap be is tbe oucpbeofrpfcto bis fcruauntes butfoja featoe peares . f-oi after tbis rate, tbep fljoulD Differ notbingfrom tbe caflaSoaps, isbicb cniop tbe Ipgbt of tbefgnne asioell as tb?i1.U5uttf iDauto comenobcre ^ods peculiar gracc,ix>bicl) be bouebfauctb bp; ponnone but oncU> bts cbiiojen: BoiLtlcfTc tbis CbcSoing of f i»ap of Ipfc is CjctenocD to tl;e bl-.lfeo immoitalitic:pca ratl)?r tbat m^nboioctb tbe 'bap of Ipfe , fciljicb is fo femt bnto ttb a cljecrfutl looHe : anbptt becoootbnot cbeerc bs, tontill feiec on tbe ctber fpQe banc tlje fpgbtc of tys ampablc countc- naunce.yeaano bptbis member ttSoas JDautDs purpofe too erp?cffe pjecpfelp , to &bomc tbe plcafures becieng i»bercof tbere is full fio?e lapie bp in tbe banbe of CS £> JD . ^oj feeing 05 00 l;atbc in bts banoc fufficicntpicafurcs iyljertsitb too fatiffpetbeiDbolcioozli) : Ijoitcam^ metb it to pafle tbat fo fojowfull ana Dcao; Ip barUneffe aimmc:b tbe tno:s parte of manHpnDctutbptaafe CBoH iooUcsljnot bpponallmcnfiltfecloitbbio cbccrcmll « fatberlp opcnetl) all mennco q^cs tofic'jc for matter of glatmcffe, notcife- 5ajbcrrban in l)im:' ^ojecucr tbefulncffe of tope is inatcbcfiageiBftetbe Epobtfuil entpcctKottiB of t\)t ioojlsc, fe'ojci) fitter tym Dalptnu Si)iti) Sojietcbea foiHe foi a C5.iu. tpm? Iohn Caluins Commentarte, i tpme, Doo leaae cb»n fafttng and buagrpc m the enb. JFoj altbougb cijc? glnttbcm- fclueo n:i;:rfomuc'.) u>trl> ,jLcafure3,picare tijep rafyer ■zoesrpeo fcmg lotbfomneOe, itjan fatiffteo tsitt) fulncflc, funfjcrmoie, S»o;o!p D3lpj!jre5i bamib awap like o;ca= mes. jOayio tberfbje auoucbetb. that Gibs ttaactaM iop,\x>berUi meance manors map fcttlctbcntrelucs.ionoxDijcrclobcfounQ but onlp in <5os : ano tberfoje, tljattbc faptbfull onip , Sobie!) are eonreatcb S»ttb I)i0 cnlp gra«,arc in aUrefpcctW perfect- Ip bl.flio. The Conteints of the . xvi j . Pfalmc, Tbis'Pfalme comeynetb aferowfull complay/it a^einfi the audi pryde of Dauids enemies. afterward be proteftetb, that it h agcitifl bis defert,to bee ft yricourteoufly vexcd>bycaiife be bath giuen (hem no caufe of cruelty. Tber- mtbdll alfo be c.illetb yppon Cod fir help, that be may bee deliueredbybis baud. lAndaltbjuojj tbe tytlejbewe no tymc>y:t nofwithfiiUidmg it is lyl\£- ly} tbat Dauid complaynctb becre of Sauk, and of bis bangers eti. The* xvti . Vfalm". A prayer of Dauids. . Lord , hecre my ryghtuoufne/Te . take heecie to my krj e : herken too my prayer, which is not in deceytfull lippes. . Let my mdgmenC proceede from the prefence of thy countenance : let thyne eyes looke vppon myne vpryght dealinges. p&j .0 W eritcrancc Ijc allcbgetb fo? but alfo commit tlje fame to tlje tuition of \Wi bunfelf f gooDncffj of tya cace, tfjob,? flee bntobun as eice ao anp aimer __ bpcaufe €>od ijatl) pjosmfeb p fyc &tli in no ispfcfufFcr tbe gtUteCTe to be oppjefllo, but u«u at lcnntb fuccour t!)eai Jroifobcras fome ccpounb f rerme [ i&pgbtuoufneiTe,] to figmfpe \)\s rpgb= taoufep£aper,ttfeemetb to mee a cols in- terpretation. SfUtber JDauio concepmng troft bpc bus own elccrnefle, fcttcrl) ©od as an brnper betwecne btmfclf anb bis ab - wcrfaries , to baus tbe c;;aminacion of tbe cace. $0} isee i)*us fceneberctofoje, (l;at toi)c tscc bane to beale kntf) frowarb fom, it ts lawful! foj b0 to p;otrft our bngtlip- nefij before me pevfo;-: mco bi0 Dcwtpe rpgljtiulip anb wttbout biamc,? tycrfoje to ba iu^ongi:uUp uetcb bp l)t0 cncituco, i;e (Ijooii/ iao&e opo i}itn: fpeciailp bpcaufc ttje atfiace i»i)tci) t)C i)at\) in l)t0 bcip, uiat-ictl) fyim to bope iocii, ar.o aifo in tl}* imam u>bvic to p?ap baitcip Unto l)im. 55p tijc ico^oa iktip,* p^apcr ] be figmfpeti) ail ouetl^ng. ii?utpcuije iuoojio [ferp, ] j tljerepcnng of the fame ferttence, auajleiij too beteUen l)i0 grcate earncfrncfle. JFurtbermojc, inal'mucl) as I^ppocritc0 malic flout b?a2gc0, nnb tilt bp tbeir bopce i»ttl) iowb rccr can toHe of atftance,2Dauib benpetb ijttnfclt to fpcabe bcce-ftfuilp : fyat is to toit, to caft tuifte? bcfo?e !ntn to bpbe i)is o&ence0,anD faptti) t!)at be corned) foo^ti) into © ob0 fpgbi; bn fcpneblp.Cl;crto;ebptl)i0 maner otp?ap-- ing, tijcboip cSiioir mftrucictb "ts tbt' ens ttutt of ituing ft>eU, tijat tf anp boop bee bifpicafeo ^bui) t'0,wce map bee able too bonft , tb-^t &>ee cire Suit!)oat fault. %r gem , as eft as cijc fctcfeeb afTauit b0, tl^c fame fpirite^ljojten'j bgtoo p?api.*ciuit= ucflcof agooD ccfctencc n^Qlecf pjtaTpcr,ljc D2frauDetb got) of bj0 Detts f>onour,in ttyst bee pcelDetl) not too bint tbe office of iv&~ gtng.Het be lm:e further, tliat&ben fyc ojeaee Unto <25oa,k e nmft no: teals parm tcD'.p , bpcaufe ttsc feljoU grace of cur iSbetauUcts btilmcerefmtplicirtc before i £ from tbepjercnee of t\yp cettf enance. ] tx>0£d foz woio,tt tc,[from nfoje t\)v face] 02 [ frcm becfeje tbp face , ] bp iufjfclj fcoo:bs 2D&uia mcenetb tijat onlcffe ©c b rpfc isp to rcuengc butt, b is r^glu iy ctb o= ncrfobclmeo iuitb flaunocrs, 5 be 10 as a conbcrr.neo pcrfon.^Fo? (5050 tnqupjte 10 eeucrtip mntcljcD agemfi tbe fcarSsneffe of leafmgo : ae if i;e bas farbe , bee Defect!) nous ot'.jcr j^togc hut C5 CD , ncrefufet!) to com: to bte barrc, bpcaufcrjee bzingctl; ^_ fcrttblnm a clcerebart 9 a gcoo caec.Cco tljc fame puvpcfe tcnoctb tbatfobicb be ab fcetl; fir etgiit after concerning <£5cbolco^ liing..f c^bceaccufetbnot^cb of blpns* nelTe,'outontlpp:?r,«bbt*ntofi)eU3mte-- iy DCCD2, f be fcnnKcf!) not at incne Sole? fccfcneffe , no: mafceth, fmail accompt of fcietcfcca forces that are ill celt firitbail ioitbout oefert . £b erne tone tY,t feccjoe [tubgrnent]oiser frretgbup,f02 tbe rigbt of tar ktngoetne n>.t it»K0 p;omtfeb btmtas if bee fbouiD rcqucfl tno bee ploceo in his ti]ione bp tljc l;ano of epoo^yesufe he bao bin bcrJic cbofeu King b? nim,tn& a^fo m: noyntco bp t!;e of Samuel, bpbttf appepntmem ano in tyss np,me.H5ut j ant tut of ocnbt,rbct br caufc be fep0cpp;.ef^ fet) iBttlj tuanpanD funnjp injuries, bee pffiaetbljimfclfc into tl;c faptbful tuictcn anbbcfencccf C5co, giome fnppefe •bepjeter tenet in tbe ttyee 6rfl toertcs to be put in fjeebe of ibc futur cence.£)tbcr:ome lap it foenb moje rpebtlp ana decree $»j>fc: jftb,cu piouc mp IjartvS leskc into it in tbe'nigbt, anb tburretelp tty e it, tl;erc fijal! no falf- bob be founb m it j$ot vcttbfiaamg^itb^ outalte radon of any tljmg, tlie fenfe fesil agree fr el pnongb f« dy.s fcpfeitbou L02O fejrjidj nnovccfj ail tb; fecret tljougbtes of mpljart, Csfcojbingafi itbeclongccbtoo tbee to trpe inert 0 Unoivcft vjerpioeltbat 31 am not bubble, ncz a fofiercr cf an? be< cept 5Dtt!)in. Qi ureig jDamts mccning i0 not boubtft'ii . ^ cj-nafiuncba0i;G isas mifcljargeo feitb fcjongfulUjarrcD , anb cotilti obtcm no iribifferf cic at mencb^bs, be appcalctlj to ttyeiiiDginent of <3o&.25ut icaft \}i mpgbtboe it railnp, r;cc taaet^ an carnefr trp?.H of'caufe (0oa can net be begtopleb fcnri) tl; t dutrcaro appce= ra».cc, febofts ivopcr-icitis tolerrht'v:cte= (pretrerrett0 or ti;e \)M t. ^ c tjcp?e0et|) tbe m>gi;tunc in gebs &ifitaticn,b?caufe tliat forest l>c it:ric a>itljb?aweft from ii;e eyes 3 Thovv haf} prqueel my Iiart, thovv hafl looked into it in the nyght, thovv liafl tryed nice, thow shalt not fynde : my thought shall not palTe beyond my mouth. 4 At the dooings of men , in the vvordes of thy typpes, lhaue taken heede of the vvayes of the deflroycr. ofmcn.befaa) mc2edcerlp y bpccsicbW) etljcmpfc iueolD feaue ipchlub: Itseas a= £eiti , tbe f> gi,t cf men ouercaftet!) our fattltcs forth Qjamc: astf Ijccbabrapbc, Hojb, feberao tbe bariineflfi: of tl>e npgbt lapctb tbe confciencc ojjenbp taking awap all ccucrts , anotl)eDffcction0bootbem bcw?ap ibcmfcluec mojc freelp , bpcaufc tljereisno man too bearciyitneffe wtco rpnBefaultioifbtbem : if tl;ou fercbemce ctten in that inftantjtljcre (ball ko faifeljob be founts in mp ijartc . i^ecrebp ioec con; ieciurc Ijoto great £?auuio ctccrnefie ttas, SaJjo gatbering liimfclf intso his oronem fpjjfe o^eretl) Inmfelfe fc bnf eat fullp to be ti-peb bpthc iubgmcnt of <35eo.25tio l;e net onlp clecrcibbunfelffro cutxvavb ci!mc0, but air;, from p:uuemaiice,namcH"' tl;at be pictcnQi:?) not Oiijcrxvpfe outroarblp, \l)i.a tJ^g rJ^ongbt in bis \)&xt. $1% our rtjOttgift ts fapb to pafft beponb our mourb , feljen of intent to utccpuc , tbempn'oc tljinbctb Gtiicrvurfc ibantbciuncj fpCi'Kcu; . %\~ fcecit tJ)attbio&ooib [zamach] mapalio bee tafeen in ill part tc? capttocfi anb craf-- tpe QeupTe0. ®.iii'. 4 Cat J Iohn Caluins Commentarie, +. rjlt v Doings of me.] 33nterp;etcr0e,C5 pouna tfys \KrtCDiucrQp.;tf oj f3ine,tljins king p letter [Beth]to be ta&e^oj[agcinu\] trmidatc it tbu0: %t tbe Dooings of men, tuljicl) tbcp comit ageinft t!)p &oojD.H6 ut 38 agree rat'oer bnto ot!)er0, Salncb fap £ in t!)i0 place is comenDeo t'ac rpgbtiuog-. ment,S»bicb is eracrcb accojoais to £ ap» pom:ment of ^oD0 n*oo?D.5Fo?rl)crcb:c fomc Mtt1ei):aDcD perfones,iubicb marft otl)crmcimc0 Doomgcs narowlp,l)owbcit not aecojDmg to tlje taoojD of tije jLojtD. 215 ut wee Ijauc not pet the fall fcnDerftau ■■ Ding of ibis place, ^foj it remavnetb ftili to bee fecne, lobat Saapes tlicp bectobicl) be callett) t\)z to ape0 of tlje DcSropcr . l^c feemctb to note \)w own rctincw, i9!)3 lp.o foojtlj&ttlj flowen to tbe fpopie, after fosmancr of robbers, if l)z baD not reftrepneD tljem : a0 tobo being b?owgbt to tljc iaft ca!l,toere become boib tb?ougl) bcfpapie : top toee Unowc Ijoxo ftarp a tocapon nccefrttic i0. jfreucrtbclefle, tbi0 ejepoution feemctb to mce to be coffrcpncD alfo,* tnerfoje J rather refer it to b?0 ene* rates. 2BerpDC0 tbis,tljc 3]mGrp?eter0a= grce not tobat ftjoulD be ment bp [taking Ijcebe. ] f oj, fome take it as tbowgb 3Da= mo bab ftt bimfelf ftoutlp agemft f icawb fott, ano fuel; as toicbcolp mabe bauoc&e of all tl)ing:0 £Dibcr0taHe it tbat be gaue ijimfclf tobollp to finaing out § Difference betwecne rtgjjt ana to?ong,tbat be mpgbt beware of cmll tramples ,anb folowefucb tl)inges a0 bs fawc agreeing toitb f too?D cf €>'od. 2?ut 3 am owl of Dowt iDaaib ment otusnspfe, namelp,to fljcwcoptnlp ttyat i)Ovo mucl) fo eucr leawD men pjouo:- feeo bun, pet toas be btlb baefce b^ O5oD0 tooo;Dfr3in ftrpumgagnmc tsjem iuttb fo?ee anb m mrp, oi fro rcqupttttg cnfll fo? cuill.CbcrfojG be fapc.b.tljat tobatfoertcr tlic toooiUes of mcntocre.pct toss fye al= ieape0 fo aDDictcD too <®ods i&oo?9, anb bib ao it iucrcfoban3ala-'apcoopponbi0 moutbc,tl)at be tljougbt it in no u.pfe law - fall foj lutn to requpte like reco.^rb to lji0 cncmte0,altboug4) tbeir S»?6gfull Dealing pjouoiieolnm ib^'to.wc Unowc \)Ovo foje a temptacton it is, an} bow barb to oucr= comc,not too bauc refpect af xi- iobat fo.:t men bealcioitl) b0,but&bat «J5eb fo?bib* Dct?) o? commaunDct!) vs. foj, cuen tljep tbat be f ojewarb of t!)caifelue0 to bpjigbt Dcalmg,albccit tbat tljcp bee Dcurous too Doo goob too all men, a-:-D iuoolD hurt no man Dp tbeir todies : v^t totym tbcp bee pzoucHeb, t'cjcp burDfoojtb ioiti) blpnb bjapb to rcuengc tbcmfeluc0. <§>pcciallp, ioben i»ee fee all rpsbt auD la\se pcrucr= ttb, tben fucb confuQon blpnbert) bs, tbat S»ee fttcHe not to bovolc iDitl) y tooolucs. TPbcrfojc accojbingto iDauiD0 example, tbe bell toap to rule ourfclucs S»Ul bec,to caft our epes bppon tlje iooojb of ©oo, iD'aen our enemies b^ tljcir mif Dealing p^ouofee \»0 to Doo barmc. JFo? tbcrbp ic i»Ul cojne to patfc, ttjat our mpnses fball neucr Dajlc,but rt)all al toapes bceveare of f rowarb iuapcetbpeaufe d5iD3D toill not onip bjpble our affections toitl) ins com= manDemcntC3,but alfo cnQruct bs to pa= timet isntb bis pjompfes. foi be not on- ip p^obibitetb bs ail mifocaling bp bis fojbiooing, but alfo bp affurtng bs tbat be ftnll bee our reucnger, be ti)crewitl)all abmomffbcl) bs too gmc place too i)i0 iojatfy. 5. Vpliold my (leppes in thy pathes, that the fbles of my feete flydc not. 6. 1 haue called vppon thee, furely thovv wilt Jiecre mee, 6 God: bow dovvne thync eare vntoo mce , and hcerc my vvoordes. 5. [Stlpbclb tn^ fteppes'.] 3lf toee ta&e (Soospati}C0foj tt)c commaunbcmente0 of tbcilau>c,tbemrcning iotll bee manii feft: nameip.tljat altboug!) JDauib baue rpjbtlpbbasteD, tbat cuen in tl^tmobrs of mofl; greeuou0 temptations be batb ab toapes Jrcnfaftlp folawea rpgbtuoufenefle S»itb a pare mpnD: pet notwitljClanDing, being p^iuie ef'gis owns ;nfirm(tt?,t)ccfc mittetb l;imfdf to (5ob0gouernancc, bc= fp?ing bim to giue bun grace to perfcuer. 55s if l)Z baD fapa : iJlmc as bttberto bp tbp gupbtng 3 baus gone fojevoarD in tbe rpgbt race,fo alfo guvDetbow mp fteppes bcrcaftcr, tibat tl;cp flpDc not. % nD furelp, tbe mo;c tbat anp man cjcc&lctb, tbe mc?e bab be nccDc to beware of beablo'ng falling bowne . Jtopit is tl;e policie of ^atban , mm vppon the.xvrPfalme. S3 cucn out of tortus to SoozUc flefblp P*c= furap£ion,tobicb. map bzmg i)tm into otter fozgctfulncflTe. j^ojo altbougl) 3 000 not Utterly rciect ny.0 fenfc, pit ii femctb moze liHelp to me il)ats>auib in this place pzap ctl) to 300 foz bappp fiiccceffs : a0 if be Ijab fdpb,Hozb inafmud) as tboufeeft mectoo Ijauebin gmen -alplip unto purencfi"c,go- uernc tljou mee in fuel) &»fe,astt map api peer e to all men.tljat tl;ou art mp deeper : anb fuffer mec not to bee caft bourne at ttyz pleafure of mpne encmpe0.3Pnb ib,bp the fc>avejs of tbe Jl ftjai mcene, not ti>c Doctrine Soberewitb our life is ruleb, but tbepovoerfo>berewub bee bpbolbetbb0, ana tlje defence to bcrct-ettb bee pzcfcructlj bs.3 no be caliCvb l)im fo,not onip foz that tbeiffewoof all things are in bis Ijanoc, but alio bpcaufe tbat to-ben bee regarbetlj bs, tljen ail tilings uoive pzofpcrouflp on our f?oe. wljeras be aDbetij. [tljat tbc folc0 of mp fectc flioe not , be mecnetb tljat eu;ip troincUling of an epe , .manp oucrtb«?art cbaunc60 croflTe bs, anb toe are tn banger of mtfcarptng,tf tibe hanb of tid'eb IjolD 00 not bp. 6 [ Ji banc ealleb bpon]Cbte berb of the time; betoUenetb a continual! Doing, anb tber^foze it compztbenbetb tlje tptnc pzefcut.31f tbepa«tcl£[chi]tmplp acaufe in this place : tben tlje fcnlc fljalbrc tbat £>auu robe bolbncffc too pzape, bpcaufe tbat bpon craft of fai.3 1.20,) tlje goobncfTc of <5ob f 0 lapb bp in doze as a fpecial trea furc foz thofe tbat fcrue \)Un, tljat be tnap bzing tt foztb in bcx» feafon,cuen at tt>e bt tcrmoftpincb of Dcfpatre. Cbcrfozeif it fecmegoob to tranflatc it, [fct a partoz lap bp tbp mcrcie0 in ftoze, ] tlje mecning fbalbe tljat <2>od fboulb bjmg foztb to Ijis fcruant iDauia, tbat fpeciall grace Mjicb \)t bow? tfauet'j feppon none but the elect. 5Fozi»bcrao ^ob caftetb bot^t!;egoob f tbe bab into baungcr a lifee : in tl?c cnb l)e fbettctl) bp y bpuerfe fallings out,tbat ^e Dotb not confufeblp mingle cljsf c $ toljcat togitl;cr : bpcaunfl;cgatl)eretl)tl;ofctl;at be bi0,feueral!p bp tljemfclues. jl^otfettl); flanbmg (inmptubgcmenO £.niuib, bp- caufe be faw L)e coulb not be beipuercb tut bp arareano bmoonteb mcanc, refoztcrlj bnto tbc foponbetf nil poller of (Sob. $ oz a0 foz tljofc iuljtcU tbinl* tje SupfibCitj that bolD I)t0 grace from ijts perfecuter0,tljep 5»zeft tbe tejet to biolcnt Ip.S^ozcouer bp t!)is circumfiancc is er= pzefleb tlje greatneffe of ti;e baunger : b?z caufe it h\ab clfc btn inougb f°? 5Dauib to banc bin Ijelpeb bp fome ozbinarie anb co= mon mcane,accozbing as pc to fuccour bs. 3!nd tf all ti;C frapcsbe umt top.lct it alfo tbcre foitball come to mpnde, tbat in \)is power t'oerc arc incredible mcancs of fuccojing , fclnc-b map better fct out Ins puiuancc. ^o^beit fe£afmucb, as tbe participle [crus ftmg o? Ijoping] C fo? fo is it accojoingc to tbc l^cb^ew pbjtafc) is put fottboui anpe abdition, fome inter?? ctcrsiopnc it too tbe end of tbe toerfe , as tbowgb tbe ojocr of tt): foojbes were tranfpofeo. 33no tbns tijep refoluc it:[ tf£be pjeferuer of tbc I50- ping in tb? rtgtjt band, from tbofe tbat rife Up.] 2i?ut bpcaufe tbis is bard.and tbc er= pofttion foljicb 3 bane fet donate fioteetb better ana is moje recepucb, let tos foiovo it.Cberfoj in one compafle be attributed to goo tbc cbarge of befeding * fauing bis feruaunts ageinft alltbetongoblp,fobicb rpfe bp too impeacb tbeir Welfare. 3!nb tbe? arc fapd to lift top tbemfelucs ageinft tlje ban& of <5oD,bycaufc tbcp opel? foagc battcll ageinft nec p.getn accufmg bio enemies be p^ocuretb btmfelf (Bods fauour bp tl;c commcnDacis on of bis own innocencie. #5 otwitljftans otng,bc cemplapnetl} tberwttball of tbeir crucltie, to tbc intent €>ob fiould bee tbe fo?cvratbcr to belp bim- St% firft !;e faitb tbepburnem befireof fpopling j deftrop- ing. g>ccondlp,be abbetb tljat be is befee : gcb in bis foule. wb^rbp be meenctb tbat no otber raimfome toil content tljein, but bts dcatb.Cbcrfoje'tbc mo^c terroz tl):\t I tbe crucltie of our enemies ftrifcetb into ! mucb tljc mo?e muft it qtticfcc in ys tbe carneftneffe of piping. Tint altljougb ; (5 ob baue no necde ef a rcmemb;anccr,vit i tbc bfe and end ef pjaper is tbis,tbat folic tbe faitbfuil tonburtben tljctr mifliaps atid grecfes into <0obs iap.tbcp Oiouio bcleue fo? a certcintic tbat be regardctb tbeir ne- ceffittcs. o They haue clofcd tliemfelues in their own fat^they haue fpoken prowd ly with their mouth. In our flcppes haue they compafled mee round about : they haue fct their eyes to thruft downe to the ground. The likcnelTe of him is asofa Lion,that is greedy vppon his pray >and of the Lions whelp lurking in feciet places. it i? as 10 [Cb«? baue clofco ] 3f anp man bad leuer to tranflate it(as otbcrsoo)[^be? bnue clofrb tbeir own fat,] it foil conic ail to one tnccning. Jfoj fo"n*rasfo;nc V)Z- plac bieiaes crpound it, [tbcp foercfoffuffeb fottb fat] tbattbepcoula notfocllfpcaac, bicaufc tbeir tbjotefoasfteppcbuna too (lender rrpoution.SSut 3 fuppofc tbat b? rljis vppon the.xvij. Fialmc. *4 tbta u) roeitb ano pleafures, Ipne as xoz fee b did the tmgo alp, the fatter rljat tbepbeepampcreD,tbe tnoje bifbcinfullpe are tbep pzoojD.lgut ]D tlnn& bcere isoe* fcribeb the inroarbe bpee , that is to frit , that being befet on al fiocs frith pzclirnps: tuoufenelTc , tije? fritbo?aitc tbemfclucs from all bumamtte . 3Jftcrajarb bcfipetb that the toKcn tfyerof appecretb in t'nt^p tuna- [£iJ3 outh] tljcrc is not beerc a there is oft elfe&bere : for SDauiD mcenetb that thep puffc out fcozn -- fail repjocbes openly •bit!) fuli moutbe, frljtcb bearefritnefle of tbe?z pzpbe. ii [3Gn oro* fteppes.] ^: confirmeth tijat lsbtcb be bao fapo erft concerning the furious luSofooing bar me, lobcriritb bis enemies fr ere in 3amco . jroxljeefapetb thepfrcrefo crucllpbent topzactije bis bCilruetion,tbatfrbitberfoeurr be turncb bimfclfc.tbcp frerc cuer barb at bis bceics beI)pnobim.wl)cnl)c faptb [our fteppes] Domicile bee fompzebenaetb l)is crone trapnc, albeit tbat bee returne foozthfritb to bimclfe alone : onlefle anp man peri cbaunceltUc better of tbc otber tranflati; on,bpcaufe fome boo&cs bauc [Scuounou] in the plurall noinber . 25at tber is little tmpoztancciFoj 2Dauib complainctb fim-j pip, tlp.t(ercept 45oo rcache i)io banb out of bcaucn,) there rcmainctb now no Soap fo? bun tofcapc,bycaufehcccanno fooncr Cir bis footc,but bis cncinpes purf:w bun ano Mitel) all t)>,s fteppes . 23 p the ab* uerb of tymt [iBoro,] be b«o!ieneth not onilp that bee is in pzefent penll,but alfo that bis enemies purfero ano pzeace barb at his beelcs cucrp momcnt,fri)tcb wap fo cuer he tunics himfctf e . & ome ccpotinu the later member in fuch fr?fe,astf 2Das nib likened bis enemies to hunters, fo'jo looam 3 oorone too the gtciunojuaro purs few afi er tljepz pzap,fr unouc nopfe. «&no therefore tbep ihin&c.tbat bcere is notco their tcfturc.m calling ooi&nc their cpes. 3lnb furelp Deceitful men haue oftentimes fuel) a let co untcnanc :..03 1 jilt b itanDiiig, others pnoeritano itmoje rpghtlp, that bp tins figure is betokened tl)e contumall ano tnroecriablccatneancffc, tuhcrwuh the Pngoblp are carieo to tunic all things bpfpDe ooicnc. Chcrfoze to fct their epes, is nothing clfr but to applp ano beno tiicir ix)i.)ote toitanb enbeuer. Zno Whereas foloroeth itao aft oownc to the grounb,] it cmplpcth as much as too bcare coronc, o^too ouerthiowe. jfoz tljs bngoolp (as though it isere of neccfiitie,thai ciicp mini ncebes becap, if the Syoz'.b Q;oulD Uano at a flap} coulo fpno m ttjctr hancs, that ell tnanUpnb Suere rooteo out, ano tberfoze thep enDeuer themfalues ftoutlp to tb?ovo them all Doron.Clus oooth Ujc n»t bcrfe enlarge frith a fuuiUtubc, frberc vljcp are fapo to be line a Ipon ano a ipons iuOetps. 3!nb t!;is rule is alfrapes to be vemem= bereo , that tlje pzcroblpcr tijc br.gooip rage agemft PS , fo much the neerer is 'i&obs ha^b , to fct itfclf agcmll their cru= cltp: foz it is his peculiar p;apfe,to bzp&ic the ioplb anb blubbp bcalrcs . Che caufc £ohp he nameth their [ 3D emus , oz pziu? lurHtngplaces, ] is ,loz that Ins tncmu's iocrc conning in f'.mozpc ct mt£= cbeef, ano icercr.l.o of abUine,fo as it ijao bin a haro matter to So ttb&ano them. J3- 14. Vp Lord,prcucnt hhfacc,throvvehimdovvne,refkcvv my fbvvlc from the vngodly , by thy fvvoord. From the men by thy hand, 6 Lord : from die men, which arc of the world : vvhofe portion is in lyfe , whofc belly thovv filled with thy fecret goodes : their children arc filled , and they lcaue the reft too their little ones. Che Iohn Caluins Commcnrane (&ty moK bto'cnt'.ptbat £>auiB Soas ia*D at ,fo raucb tbe mo?c alfo calletb. be fo; (Sods foacin bcip: fojhe tiKctlj tlje SoojD [face]foitbcirbaftie oiolence, intbcrcs p:effmg Soberof tbct bcbauca ocrp great fpceae. 15? Soliicb Sooo?aes tbe fptrit tca= cbctl) , taat Suljcn acatb tt??catznctb lis bam at bana , <0oaisfurnpibca ^optij Pjefent rciKCUpe3,icol)icl) be is able to put in pjoof in tbc toweling of an cpe. 2hia be not onelp attribute!!) bnfo d5oa the ogtce of aeliuering, but alfo tbertoitball armctb bimSottb power to cutfb tlje ioicfeea in pcccca.l^oiobcit tbat be&nfbctb not tbctr easing a ovenc.furtbsttban it Soas neca= ful tbat tbcp fbouia be bumbleo,fo as tbep migbt csafc from Booing barme,acco?bing as Socc gatber of tbc member folaupmg, Soberc be required) agein to bauebis foule reffceiocB . iJfojbecoulB caQpbaueabiB= Den tbcm to liana tontouebca , if tbep bab not abufeo tbctr power bniuftlp ana cru= clip. &ct os know tben, tbatdHob pjoup= Betbfo;ttbofe tbat bee Ins, &>^cnb2 0ucr= tbjtowctb tlje bngoblp,ana bjeakctb tbcpj ftrengtb : bcrelptotbententtobeitucrtbe cjiitlefTsfowlcsfrombeftrnction . 5fur= tbermoje wbcras tbc 3I"terpjetcrs reaae it appofupuelp tbus, [JFrom tbe bnqoa= lp,Sol)icb id tbp fwoo?B : ] anb alfa, [from t"ae men Sobicb arc tbpnc banae : J 31 tyke not of it . SJcrdp 31 confeffe tbat from Sobcnce fo eucr cuius corns, Soee are cl)a? fli?cs bp <^ods bana, ana tbe bngoaip are I his fquojtges, anb tbat tbe fame is t!)f fit> ! tcfttrpall of patiencs . ^owbecitfojafs ; tnucb as it Soere fomcSobat to barfb a mas J ner of fpeafcing in tly.s piacec,ana alfo not ' feerp Soeil agweing Soitb p?apcr : 3! Soils Unglper abinit tbe otber erpofitton-.namcs Ip tbat <0od fbouia tenner bin: bp bps fwo?b tbat be fljonlo ioub bis banbilriKc the men So We .power anb ptofperitie ba& iaftea too long, 'foi bee matcbrty i0oas fcoojb agcinft mans apae : as if he fbouia kf, tzttpt ^ob bitnfclfc commc fojtb too rcuengc ana bjtais>ebisftooGiB,rbcrc is no bope of aeliucrante left. CbstSob'cb fo= ioSoetl) in tbcnect'scrfe [^ffomtljcmrn Suit?] tbp bana <£> JLojd , from tljcnsen fob^c't) arc of tl;c ioozlb 0 3! lap it togis ti)Ci* tbus. 3Lep Dcfcnt) tnte &ttb tbp banb o? feitb tbinc beauenip apb from tl)C men, J fop f»om i\)e men So!;ofc tpjannp batb flojilbcb too long , anb Sobom tbcu baftfuffcreo too fit Taping too long intbe b;egges oftbeir p?ofpcritte . ^nb ttjisres pct:cioncar?c-b afo?cei»Jtl)it : bpcaufc 3DantD being l)ilo bacfee 5x>itb bifplcafarc, fufpenbetb tbe ftntence at tbe f irfte, ano aftcrvoarb gatbering bis fp;?tes tonto bim, bttcrctb Sobat it is tbat trubbletb biin.jBotvx-itbtanotng fojafmucbas bee baa ereiobple bfca tbe ftr.guler nombcr : noro bee beclaretb tbat tbofc i»rjicij arc ofenbcb Soit!) bim are ber?e manp , pea ano flronge ana mpgbtpc : fo as tbere rcmavnetljno bopebttt onelptntbcbebpe of d5ob . Cbc particle [of tbeu)0?ia,] is Biuetflp ecpounbeb . §>ome tranf- latcit[fo? a tpme, ]as if JDatub fbonla Tap tbat tbeir cftate fljoulb not be of anp long contineu?ancc,Sobicb tbingfecmctb bttcr^ lp bnagrcable. iDtbcrs tljinU fucb to be fo calleb, as are tobolp Stucn to tbc So ozl'j, t faaourof notbingbttt tljccartb- Cbcrfote acco;aing to tbofe, iDama eomparctb his enemies to bjute bca5s:ana bete jnto alfo refer tbcp tbat Sobicb folo&ct'o nc>:t after, [tbat tbctr pojcio is in itfc:bcrelp bpcattfe tbep being bopo of tbJfpiritc, ana tvbz to tranfito^ie gooas, mount not abouctlje Soojlb. fop tbat is tertnea ecb mans poj= tien,Sebcrin ecbe of tbcm fcttctb bis felict tic. 2&utfojafmueb asfchciccrjamongtbc ^eb?cvoS fignifictb a long continuance of ttme,oj f race of a mans life: 31 dftubt not but S>autB complapnetb tbat l)iS encatics baa fioiifljca longer time rljan rigbt SoolD tbep fbouia bau: aonc. foi altijougb tbs lecoBneffc of the bngoaip migbt be bozne Soitball fo i a time:pit is it agcinft rsafon, tbat tbep fbouia coniineoo ftiU,ioben tbep foer Soanton agcinft <©oa . 3ir,a tbis fence tsconfirmeBbp ti;cp?cpofmon [m >.] bp Sob'.cl), IDauiD wp^ciretb tljat toepSrcm not perkcb op of a tij:ec bapes afo?e onelp oc: of lat: age , but tbat thept p^olpratte b'ab laftca noro tpme out of mpnb, SoI)icl) it baa bin meete Cboula baue bantfbea as u?ap in a moment . cB •. ccpt peraBucnturc bee terinctbem [of tbc S»o:lDe, ] bpcaufj l\)zv beare tbe cb-ref autbojittc among men, 3 fit a loft in honours tocltb,as iljougb v i&02lDc baa bin maBc fo? no menncs faft cs but theirs . i^oto i^bgre as bee faict!) tbat tbctr pc'ztio is in If ^3 fe^c it tbus : tbat tl;cp be free from aUBtfcommobittcs, ana vppon the . xvij . Pfalme. anb fount in pleafurcs,pca anb arc c;cemp= ted from tlje comon race of men,tiUc as on the otbetfpdc the portion of watched men 10 fapd to be tndcatb.Chetfojc he fa^ctij, it is not imztc that the bngobip fbould flitter about merp anD glad without feare of Deatlj, ano cbalcnbge to thcmfelucs the quiet anb bltfltb Ipfe, as it were bp rpght of inheritance, Co the fame purpofeten= betb that which IDauib abbetl) bp anb bp, [that <35obftutfcil) tijeir beitpes with his fecret goobes: ] as certepnlp wee fee, not onlp that tljep cniop f comon lpgbt,tyetb, foobes, j other commodities, as well as other men, but alfo that <25ob oftentpmes entertepneth them mo? c depntelp 9 coftip tba all otljcrs7as though Ijc banblcb them Ittte tenber babes in Ins lappe. aino tbcr= fo?c tbofc rare anb mo?e ejecjuifitc beinties are called the fecret goobesof itb \ toinges of fapth, thereto beholo thinges fettleb in their bero o?ber.^Foj firft,hete is a coucrt coparifon between the ivz\l o?bercb (late, &htn (5 ob Q;all bp his tubgmet fettle the thinges that are now confnfeb 9 the tru= blefome mift,tohicb ouercafieth f 5»ojlb, fe>h*n (gob holbcth l)i)8 peace, ano bpbeth his face, f oy 5Dauib,buring thofehw af= fiictions,i»hich he hath mabe report of, mpght feeme bjoameb mtoo cuerlaffing barfeneffe. ^oj the bngobip feeme necre bnto <2>ob,fo>he tljep flojifb in p?ofperrttc, ljononr,anb riches.25ut IDauib baunteth lntnfclf agemft the pjoub bragging of the: anb although ( to outxoarb appecrance ) he bee caft of farre from <15oo, •gtt he p?o- mifctl) himfelf the familiar fpght of Inm. Che p?onoune,3I .carpeth a bchcmcncie tsith it , as if he hab fapb : \)is mifcries f rep:oc!)cs fboulbbee no let bnto him to recfpue full glabnefle agein of <£»obs fa= tberlp lone, if o? t\)is alfo is to bee noted, that he holbeth this one thing fuf Sctent to the attepning of the foucram bitde, lp , to fectC hnnfelf in the fauour of <£ 00 , whom the iwicfecb hauing agemft them, boo in bane imagin themfelues to be hap- ppe. f Qp <0obs coutenance is nothing eife but the feeling of his fatljerip goob wii!r Jwbcrwith l)e not onlp cheer eth i*s bp iup -■ ping awap our fo;otees,but also rauifbi'tl) Ids bp into lgeauen. U5p the name of rpgh* tuoufneffe, he mceneth that he fljalnct cee bifappopntcb of the rctcarb of gooo con-- feience. $op as long as Op'ab bumbict?j fys feruantes with perfccution anb mile - ries,f wojlb f feoffctl) maiapartlp at their fimpleneffc , as if their tnbeuering too bee pure , were but rafhncfie anb folp . witty tbisfepnb of mocfecrp ftrpucth 3Dauib in thus place,auouchmg that the frute of his goblpncfle is lapb bp fo? l)im,fo that he depart not from the obebience of dBobss rpghtuoumeffe: acco^bing as Cfai. 3.10. C£ho?tcththefapthfull to mapntepn them-, felucs with tins perfuafton: [ 31 1 ftjall go well with the rpgbtuoufc. ] iriepther fo? all- i:at John Caluins Commcntarie ell tbat ,t>catl) be afcribe tl?e caufc of tys loclfarc to tye SboojUcs : fo? be buputetij not fo: Sofyat Dcfert0 be is to bee recepuco into <23eDi3 fauour, but onlp fcttetb tbi0 bourne To? a principle, tbat tbep lofe not tbdr labour as manp 80 feme <25ob, bps caufc tljat bowfocuer be fo>itbo?ai»e ty& face fro tijem f e? a t?mc, be &UI at length rcto?c tbem l;i0 bjvght ceutitcnaee agezn in bew fcaron . [ J (bail bee fattsfpeD.] £»omc 3Gntcrp?etcr0 mojeccnningip tba p?ep:c]y,rcftrcprie tbt0fcntenccto tbelaft rcfurrcction, ac tbcugb JDauib befmeb j \}opc of \)is bltffcD gtaBnclTcanb fufpens DcD tH0 longing *ntiU tbe Ipfc to come. 3PnD 3 confefle , tbat tbt0 fatisfpeDneiTc Oberof be fpcafectb) fbali not be tb?ougb lp perfect in all rcfpcct0 before Cltfifte* laft: coming. J^owbeeit, fo?afmucb80 tbe faincte0, frben & £> 2D fp?cDbetb. out tbe bcamc0 of rljc fenoirlebgc of bio lone tpon tbe,are at quiet in tbio ivfc; 3D auto oootb fc>oo?tbclp tertne tbi0 peace e? top of tbe fpirit, bp tbe name of fattsfpeoneffc. ;f o? altbowgb tbe bngcolp burft feitb tbeir abunbance , pet notttntbttanbing bpcaufc rbetr befp?e i0 bnfaciable, o? bpcanfe tljep arc feb Smtb S»?nb, o? bpcanfe tbep are fo attrawgbt ,tbat tbep pcrccpue not tijeir otonc gcob cacc, o? clfc bpcaufe tbep are bereb uritb cruell to jmcnti'0 of eenfeience, t\\cv arc neuer quiet 9 fcellat eafe in tbeir mpnbcg, but aK»ap:0 flote among blpnb tnrmople0. €berfo?eittetbe onlp grace of ©ob, tbat is able to feeepc P0 fro being loffcbbttber anb tbitber S*?ttb our own fcn fcafonablc bcfp?c0: tt>berfo?e31 boubtnot but 3Dauib aliubctb to tbe fono oclpgbtc0 of tbe &?oj!d , fc^tfb. boo noting clfc but ftir bp lnfiC0: to tbc.cnb be map ftjetee, bow none eniop fubftaciall glabneffc, fauz tljofc tbat bolb tbemfciues fatisfpeb &ttb onlp C5ob alone, tflovo, bpcaufe^ ft>oo;tb fo? ioco?b tbe $eb?cro tctt fapctl), [ jB (ball bee fati0fprb at tbetoafemg of tbp face, o? in fcjabmgbp tbp face: ] maapip= King better of tbe firft cjepofition , pnoer= fraub tbat tbe face of <©ob fcabctb, o? ist fc>a&cncb,S»!]en tbe ipgbt of bi0 grace ap; pe crctb , i»bicl) erft fc?a0 oucrfp?eb fcntl} mtfrc0. 25ut bnto mee it feemetb mo?e rpght, to refer tljc S»oc?b [Soafec] to JDa utb, tbat tt fboulb impo?t 30 mutb a© too bauc refpit from bis bcaupneffe , jpo? a.U tbougb be neuer ouerflcpt bimfcif , v^t it coulb not otbertopfc bee, but tbat after long fojtwcrping, be lap 80 it Soere in a flombcr. jroi tbe faincte© fuft epnc nct,ne rcpuUcnctallccnfltctes fo couragcoutlp, but ihat bprcafon of tbe iocaknctTc of tbe Cefb,tbcp cptber fapnt fo? a iobplc, o? are aba fb cd. 80 it icerc at tbe ouercafting of fomc bartnelTe: 3DauiD tljcrfojc copareib tbis trutblebneffc to aflomber. anb af= fbene ob, not cnlp in tbe glaffe of tbe (25ofpcll,fcut aifo in fo manp p?oofc0 of b«0 grace; let cucrp ma rapfe bimfclffrcmb?c«)5pncfft,ti}at Scce map tec rrplcmfbcfe S»itb fpintuall kiicU ticbntilt fuel) tymc a0 2D giuc fclf bnto b£ to cntcp l;im face to face. The contcintcs of the .xviij.Pfalmc. Wee hprwe by -what diftrejfa; ,*nd through hove fire lettes Dtttid attcyned Ubis Kitigdmic.For yntill the death of Saul he lingered a fear full lyfe aw id many deathes in hanifhment and .outla'rye. ^After-ward -when Cod had with his owne hand Jet him in the fee *e l\oyall , be was -welcomed with hrward deb atei : and forafmuch as the faction of his aducrfaries yvasfomeyrhat lot ftr on g, vppon the . xviij . P/almc. *<* flron«, be was oftentymes at the yery poynt ofdeftruciion. *And as for forrein encmyes , they hild him hard tacke eueh too his eld age . The is mifebeefts could he neuer haue oHcrcome,onlc£c he had bin ayded by the power of God. Therfore hauing gotten many and notable yichrics , be fnges not a fong of his owne commendation, as HeatbenifJj men are woont to doi : but be bla^etb abrade the ryghtfull prayfes of God the author of them. This Vfalme the/fore is an enter an ce3 whet in Dauid Royally cxtolleth Gods womderfull grace, as well in aduauncing him to the Kingdime, as m maynteyning his cjhtte. afterward he [heweth, that in his reigncwa; fljadowed the image ofClmfts kinrdome, tothentent the faythfull myght perfttad, themfelues 3 that Cbrifi [hall alwayes bane the yppcr hand through the incredible power of tbe fa- ther j though all the world fay nay too it > and wooxks neuter fa much a- geinfi it. The . xyiii. Vfalme. To the cheef Chaunter , of Dauid the feruant of the Lord , which reherfed the vvoordes of this fong vntoo the Lord, in the day that the Lord dchuered him from the hand of all his enemies , and from the hand ofSaule. jy^faftnnHMp ont of tbe tpme nta^ |<§ Infect!) not autre to tbe matter , to <^AJ^ giue bo to bnbcrfianb tljat ioben JDauibSaffaites f&erc coinmeto aftap,bcgauenot tymfctfc too rpotmg in bxunfecn pieafure,as t>eatV>cntCb ntcn doo, ir ijo aQTone as tbey bee releafeb ef tlje >\i trubbles, bo flbahc of tbe remembrance of 1 <5oo0 benefits , anb eptber plunge tbem fclues into groffc picafures.oj Ut bp tbctr bnfttcc, 01 elfe barken <2?3D3 glojic voitb tbe fmoke of tbepj onme b?auerie.5f o? tbe bolp (tones report, tbat be wng tbis long onto the Jlo^S&benbefraOfioco alntoft fpent aitb agc,anb fate in quttt,bifpatcbeb of all trubblc.z.lScg.z j.'Cbe tytle alfo a= gr cetb tberebnto, fc)b»cb too baue bin ab- beo bppon goob confiberation, 3 gatber by tbereafons afojtefapb. %m be poymetb out tbe tprne , after tbat <5ob baa beliuc= reo bun from alibis enemies, to tbentent Socmpsbtunocpcbectoasastbenin full quiet podemon of bis hingbomc, * tbat <5eb bab bclpcb l;i;tt , not once oj in one femb of enemie onlp , foxafmuci) as be bab nca? encounters from time too tuns, $ tl;e enbe of onefearre teas nje beginning of another, pearatbermanp funD?? boftes rofe bp againft !;itn at once. 5F0; ftar Qr is tberc anp one to bee founb fmcc tbe crea ttonof tbe ioojlb.'hjbom (0ob batb crer^ epfcbfoSpucrflv. Butbyeaufe S>aulbab perfecuteb b»m mo:c cruelly 9 Soitb grea- ter furic anb egreneffc , tban all tbe reft, tberfoxe is bis name pxecyfely crpjefleb, Soben as gencrall mention babbinmabe of all his encmyes befoxe. ifoj be is not put binbermofti, as tbougb be bab bin of later tp mc,fo^ be toas alreabp bcab a tliir = tie pecres beefoie, finceiobofebeceafe S)a uib bao fubbecceb many fozrin enemies, anb fuppjeffeb tbe rcbcUton of bis owmc fonnc SCbfolon. &ow tberefojc bpcaufe bee fenctoit tons a grace of cEobtoco?- trjtc fingolar commcnbation.tliatbebab fo man? pecres toogitber fcapeb from ins numerable beatbes , 0? ratber tbat iooKe bow man? bares be bab paflcb bnber tbe rcigne of g>aule , fo tnanp miracles bab <0 JjD 3D Qjeicocb m fauing bim , it is not iuitliout Ctiufc tbat bee mafectb men= tion cbceflp of tbia (toys, 3fn tar r. lohn Caluins Commcntaric 'Jn rcrmmgbimfclf [tbefcruant of ©od,] DoubtlctTcbc mint too not'.frc bisowne catling , as if be fbouiD Cap ■ l)C baD not leapt into the StingDonie rsfljlp, butonlp obc\?JD '&ox>$ appepntment. 3BnDfurclp it Syns a moil ucceGTarp (lap in fo man? fto?s mes : o? rather , tt ioas bis onlp baucn m bi0fl)tmr4CCfccs,tobcwc'llaffureDml»m lc?f of (0oc«3 comtnaunumct. Jr o; nothing i0 moic miserable, than man in aDuerfirie if be come in trubble bp bis owns motion. Cbtrfazc in betp gooD confiDcracio iuoio ^•auiDbsucitlmortien,tbatbeS»a0nep= tljcr moucb bp ambition to tbcis encoun= tcr0,fcnth, ftrfjicb b? baD bin fo fo^ctou- c.;eo:no2 bab attempted anp thing bp cutii practises agcinft rpgbt : but that <©oos commaunDment S»as the Ipgbt £ IcD bim. Wbicl) thing is not a little profitable foj i?0 to Unowe, to the intent iocc iooUc not to bee ejccmpteD from ail trubfc, &be fcjee foIOTOC the calling of dpoD, butratber pic* pare ourfclucs to a barb Warfare. (Cbe name of [&eruant ] then, is in this place C IiKc as in manp otljcr ) refcrreb too tys publtlic office,hhcas &>hc tbe^Siopbctes enb 3poftles call Ebsmfclucs the feruatetf of £>, 25p the S»ap, bis meeienefle is iuoojtbp to bee marfccD,tbat being cnno= bleb Ssilh fo manp bictojics, a coqucroar offosnanpnactons^nbenbcxjccb fc>itb fo grcate&:gmticattDfccltl),bcbono?ert)l)im fclf fcritb none otber ftple , than [ the fer=: uant of v2?0D:] as S»bo fl)CulD fap,bc coun teb it mojc honorable , to banc faptbfullp perfonneD the charge appopnteb ljim bp £> 3D , tban to b,auc all tbe cjcccliencie oftbeiooilD. And he faydj will loue thee 6 Lord my ftrength. T he Lord is my rocke^my fortre{fe,and my deliuercnmy God,my de- fence,! will trull: in himrmy sheeld, the home of my welfare,and my refuge. 2 [2BnD be fapb:] Jt feil not bete ouer cu= riouQp flanD about tbe fere fillables o? ftjojbs in. Ssbtcb this pfalmcDiffcrctb fro that Tons iuljicl; is mcncioaeD i .§>am. 2 2 u)n3p if j fbal meete fcntb anp Difference of foniepurpefe, 31 fcnil toucb itin ttys place, lifeeastbcleauingoutof tbis fen; tcntt, [31 will louc tbee £> 3L02D mp flrcngt^;] is' notable, ^oi'eouer.foiajsf mud) a# the fcriprure bfcrbnot tbe herb [ Racism, ] foj [ to lour,] but in tljc coniu« gation riuei , awb tbat it isbecre put in trje coniugatton Cahfome ^cb?etians inter-- pzstit [tofcchcincrcp: ] asif 3Dauibl;ab fapB , tloz&, foiafmucb as 31 bfiticfowno tl)cc mcrcpfull fo oftcipme0,31 it) ill leane imto thp mercpes euermQ2C. 3!nb ibis «r? I pofttja'n S^clb not agrccamiffe, neuertbe- \ itflc 31, fecoib not Depart from tEjeGtljeti ;: fatyt accuftbitteb 23ut it is to bee notcb, : thnt ihz loufng of cob is put becte as tljc c'.cifljtcb cf goblvncffc,bpcaufe be is Zooi fiiippc& irsitl) Kot'ing better. Crulp, jD c onfciTc tbat tl;c feruis , folncb Soce owe fcUfco bim , is nt02e erp2effcb in tlj.c tcrme oftilcucrcncc,] tbat bis ^aicfiic map ' a'ppcerc in rpgljt Degree. ^ot»bccit,fo2afi Httictj nk ije tequp2ctl) nothing mo:c,tl;an to poffeffcall tbe affections of our Ijart, tljere is no (acrifpfe mo^e ercellentm bts fpght , tban &bfn i)e boibccb Ds botmD bnto bim iuitb tbc,bqnD of frecbartcD anD Swilling loue: lifee as ascin,bts g'oip fi?p= nctbfooztb no S»bcre better, tljan in bts free goobneffe. Cbcrfojc ^opfes TScut. i o. j 2 . mpnDing to gather an abjicgmcnt of tbe|Lavoe,fapctb: Bow 3!fracll,&ibat requp?ctb tlje JL02D d5oD of tbre,but that tljou fboulbeft loue bim:' i^owbccit, JDa= uiD fberoctb tljcrwitbali , that be is not fo faftcneD to v benefits of (2>oD tbcmfelues, tbat be can bee bntbanfcful! to the autboj of tljcm : Sobicb «^ a b?ct tljat batb bin to comon in ail ages. HnDeucnattljistap &ec fee how the greater part of tbe S»ciJD ncgicctetb.o? ratber Defppfctb Cob, 9 v^ can tsfec plcafure in the tfe of l)is gsftcs. ai5ut3DauiD foi fcarc of falling into ttjto bnihanfefnlntflrc,Dootb as it ioeremaKc a folcmnc bow bp tbeis iooc^ocs : 3L02D, bpcaufe tbou art mp Grcngtb,3i till pcelD ttip&!f febolv wnto tbee tn bncoiruptlcue. 1. ]Cbc H02D is mp roche.J wbcras be hcapctl; togitber a create fo2t of tptlcs to enbencur d^oD S»itball,itis notfupcrCns ous. $\ o^feee fenowe I;qw harD a tbtng it I vppon the. 18. Pfalme. (s,fti men to balb their mpnbes $ barts tftUbent\mto<£oD.;ffojeptbcrtbepfma gin Ebat ftoofuffyfetb tbcmnot.anbfb allujftpc0 feefcefuccour eUcS»bcre:o? c!fc ttjcj? flpoe fromtbcpj affpaunceatcucrp bjunt of temptation. SDaatD tberfoje w attributing fubjtp tncanc0of failing ton- to d5oo, booetb "00 too fcnt,tbat bee te fa ioel $ fufftcicntlp ftneco , as bee nccDcti) no niojtc, but onelp Cdod to be tljt mapn« tepnetorbisfrelfaretasifbefboulDfap: tijattbofe Suborn <5?od hfterb to&cfcnb, arcnetonlp laufeagcinii fomconfepnb of Batmgcr, butaifo fobeogeb men ail fpoc0 feit!) a ft rong fencc,tbat no bcatbtf arc to be fcarccwc fee tben tbat not on= !? tt>e p?ar fco of gob are fet f oo*tb bcerc :afc)»pcf rbanfefalniffe: butalfomenfi mr nbes are armsb toil b finite and ftcb * fill faptb, thatibcp map aitoapes b&ue re courfe to <25sb tobatfocucr bet^bctb: J affare tbcmklHCs tbat bis power 10 ma ■ tnfolD:acco?Utngto tbc.funb.ip deuifcg cf {b^toickeBtodomifctjeef.Bnbnot&itb cut cawfc Cao 3 to!D peu cuen nofeO is IDauiB fo plenteous in this bebalfe. Jfo? if <£>Qb baue betoeb bs one toap,affoone 30 a neto tempefi: arpfctb.toe are no Icffe sifmay cd tljan if icee baa neuer felt bt0 belp. 2L>ut tbep tbat infomconetrubblc $7 fo? fttrconr at bis banbe, c aftf r* feavb reppningl? rcllrepne bizfpotoer, fcealc in Imc ioztsB if a manttjat fecre going to battell , fbouib take no care fo? bis b?eft\bpcaufe be 10 armeo toitb a cus ret f a fbeeib,bnt fbould fee afrapd of bis brad,b?caufc be toants a burgsnef.JDa? ulb tbcrfo?c offcretb bcere a complct bar neffe to tbe faptbmli, tbat tbt? map per= ce?ne tbemfclucs too bee tn penU of no 6rcfu0,fo tbf p bee armed fcjttb tIicp;oi tectionof bt0 crample, to fet tbeps tptles of 005 ageinft tobatfoeucr tritb bles aflarlc b0 : pea and let tbertt fettle in our remeb?ance,f3 astf g^atban tbjepe anp feare bppon map be Hcpt farre offrOHuntcrancc.jrojtoenoeonlptos- eer in trubble© p^efent.but alfo fanr.pfc ba?ne pcrills efteri»arD, to Dtfqiuet our feiue0tonopurpofe.3uj.^am.2 2.j.3;ii ftco of [ mp (5o& mp Oefcnce ] it is unit s ten [tljc <5oo of mp defence. ] anb after tbenameoffrrragOitiffto^tttcnrbere, [^lp ftrong i?olD,m? faupourstbou fliait iaucmecfrom io?ong : ] 5»bid) i»oo;&s mabe tbefemence fniierj but tbsp come elite one ens* 4 I will call vppon the pray fed Lorc^and I shalbc faucd from mync enemies. ^ T he cords of death had compafTed me about;thc watershotts of wic - kednelTc had mademee afrayd. 6 The cordes of the graue had copafled mcc about,thc fiiares of death had ouertaken mcc. 7 In my ddtrcde I called vppon thdlLord,and I kryed vnto my God: and he hath lierd my voyce out of his Temple, and my krye before him came vnto his cares. + & wfl faU\>ponf p;arfe6 O^ltbotjgb tljattbe cailtng \sppcn ^£ob ca© barb bux fapb elfe toberc)oftentrm£0 compjcben= Dctb bis i»bo!c ferui0: ptt notY»itbftan* Ding foiafmtieb as rberc foloSwctb becre tbc'r ffect cf p;a^cr , 3 am out of bout i: figmfirth b?e re [to putbimfelfc into tbc tattion tt tf j*,anc to fe'efee faff tte at b«0 bans] SuBlDatitbaEDtbtbtsteSuncs hie cf biabopc-tbrcaufe S»b°foeucr trua ftetb in ^ab, cilletb bppon bint fo? belp in bt0n€fDc*Ce>erefo^e nee iDarrantetl) fctmfetfe ftuftp , an'o btctc^u agatnft ail bis enemies, bpcaufc bee to:lt fie-c Tjntoo c0ob.3>nb SDaiUOcalletb <©oi. [tb« p^ap feUojb,] notovlpfojtb^tbe 10 P^apfc- feo?tbic , 80 ah tn a manee tranitai e tt : but aifo to giuc b a ton ^ni-'evi't* no?, tbat btspjapcrsajaibi' mijece izuh pi^pfes. jfozfo Ceemeil) tbe circomftance of tbe Iohn Caluins Commentarie, place too rgqupze:na:nclp,tbai:m gtumgc t'.ianfceafoz \)is fozmer bcncfit0, \)i tyou-ld make neic featf f oz Ins ijslp acciti-Sfluu fare is? etcepta man rapfe top himfclf &>it!) re- membzanw of c lap of <3>ob.l!5e£ib:0 tbt0, ibep boo butbzabU anb b?atcle Smtb » bzousbt ta tbe tit tcrmod $3tncb,be refoiteD to gob foz i)t\p, anb faas faonberfullp pzsferu«o.3&sf con- cerning tbe faozbs.thc i^jzeujs cal [ Cu- biiim ] cptljcr coxbes , ozfozowes , o? anp deftly mifebeef, bpcaufe it marrctb a man anb tenbetb to bis beftructio.wberfoje £ tbe pfaims map agree faith bis fongut mif liUetb mee notrbat It fboulb be taKen foz greef ,by cauTe it tier fajitten there, [ Mokcf- hi, Mancch,] faiucb feoozb is bcrpucb of greeutng. TBut bpcaufe the metapboz of cozb£0 oi fnarea fail agre moie fitlp to tb* SaozDtcontpaiT;,] as ifhe bab fapb he bab bin b^iojappeb rouna about & the perilis of Death: 31 ^>illingip cmb?aceb tln'B inters ^ctaiuon.iCijat ixjljtcl; feloSuetl; ofS»ates: : ... a)Ot3,tmpl?ct'.)astmscba0ifbehabfa}>b, hee hab bin oaecwhduicb Saoitl) totolent rags, asif tt &>ercfontba t!ub. 3nbhe calieth them the fratcrlhottea of ©eliail, bicaufciDtcfeeo anbfrocoarbperfoncs hao confpireb ageinfl: hint. -$0} among tijs ^ebjecy0thrname of Scltall fjatl? alarge fcope-.anb th:tranflatcr0 agree not about the oziginali of it . whP 3! erome fljoulb tranliateit[%)ithoutpoUe,] 3B Hnoujnot. (Ct)» moje afloiveb opinion is , that it is eomyounbeb of [ ya^nai and bcii , ] b?caufe the bngoolp ge: nat Dp oz pjeoaile not. §>urelp the I?cb;#i»e0 betofeen b? that b ozb , my m^ner of bosrtblc toic'i cbn?lTe. wh^rbpan itis IpUclp that JDauib h'3^ ancpe to hisenempea, iohtch i»ichebi? anb bugracioaft? pzacti;cb tys bedructi- on. ,0ottt>itbltanbtng tf anp manlike bet= ter to trandate it[thc oeablp i»aterthot0] 36 iaillnotftrtue S^ithhuu- 3Bnthenert tocrf£herep;tetl)ageme , that he bab bin beret about bp the corruptions oi[cO2be0] of the graue . ;f oj inafmucb ao the a^ e - b:eiy ioozb is all one, J thought goob to tranQate it [coxceo] in thi0 place alfo: not onelp bpcaufe he bfeth the So 02b of befet^ ting,02 gtrbing about,but alfo bpcaufe bp f bp after,beaobeti) the[fnare0 of beath,] Ca« 31 Tuppofe) in the fame fenfe . Cl)ia i0 the befcription of the baunger S»'.)icf) enhaunceth the glozie of \)is beliuerance: bpcaufe IDauib being brought in penllfo far re pad hope , could not be beliuereb bp tbepoujerofntait. 7 [ 3In mp bidrciTe . ] ^ote ob,be puttea a bitTerecc betwen him felfeanbthegroflc befppfera of doob, op the hppocrpi&frtjo m the condrcint of ne; ccliirtc 00c snbeese call toppon^c5,hott>c h«it vppon the. 18. Pfalme. bcett confitfebi?, but ap^ccb not toe €teb cptljer famtliarlp 0? fottb pure tjart, as of ferijofe fdt^crip fauout tijep batteno fec^ ling at all . Ctyercfojte &!?cn faprbfoje^ Qirnetl) bntoo us, fo 00 fcce bcleeue tljat (5 ^ 3D »s a father too b0, tben truly 10 tbc gate fct open fty b0to ijauc mutual cq -, muutcatton i»Un litm.23£fpBe0tl) be Seil a& bp $ bp after, cannot it eppipco to tye ieatiCi tuarp.$f0 tnccnmg t\)tn tg,tHt&I;cr.!;e uio0 fojfaUcntn tye &>c?iD,anD all menncfl care© Scere Deaf ngemft btin:€?oo reaches ljt0 !;an& to bim from cut of ijemen. 8 io 12 Then the Earth mouedit fclfe and quakcd,and tlic foundations of the Mountaynsshooke and limed themfclues , bycaufe hee was wroth. There went vpa fmokc into his noiethrilles , and the fyrc con- fumed which went out of his Jvlouthe : Coles were kindled at it. And he bowed the Heauens and came dowse : and there was dark- nefTe vnder his feete. And hee rode vppon Cherub, and flew : and was caryed vppon the wings of the wynd. * Hee made darkenelTe his fecret place,round about him was his tent, darkfomneile of water and theclowds of Keaucn. S [C^cn tyecarfb.] bpcaufe SDauio eoulb not fufficienrlp extoli un= beting, e% ferity tcmpcfic0 : euen tyep tfjat feeerc erft in a foa>no fleepc ma ft nccDe0 au:sKc,bycr.ufe fo fobct'ne cbaungeo Doo better fhefectye pjefence cf goo.&urclp (£000 maicftte to manifefl euen &5jen the tbUp is ftvic ano cahtie : but bycawfe Kicn lift not Vp tyeyj tenfeo tooconfibcr it,till it ccinc tovcrie neercr to tya- uia (tootowcjjtJfi tyemogc effectually 0 rc-ckenety bp tye rcooeinc'naunges i»l)rt; foti h foce arc feeont teo beemouefe , anb bjuigttiiw (Scb cr.e toljple cioil;cb iwa barfee £Io«j& , anorljerroljple rambling Ssttlj tempeft : nci» ftoccprng tb;orogij tbe mtobe0 of trjc apie feritl) bopGorofc ^polcnceof wynbe0 : nofc> JLpgbtening: ano anone Dartpng ocfenc J^avleftonc0 anD Cbunbcrboltc0 . (Cb,e efeccre corns metb too tbt0 pe^nt , rtjat tbefame = eo a0 mamfefl: anfi ctttt^ne tchens of tjts booinge iubat t^me it &a0l)ts turlitoo commeanb Oeliuer JDauto , aoifbcetjad p?acti5CD tjt0 poieer bppon all l)t0 crcas turcs betbe aboue ano beencatb- jFirft l;ce fapeib, tljat tlje dFartl) &20 fliaHeti , by? cauO; nothing ts mojc o?c;.&fuil iban an cartl^qufike . 3" G£0 °f Jbc [feunotci= ons of trje fountains,] itt0 5y?yttcn in tbc ^)ong [Cbe four.oacionc of tb« ^ eauen0,] bowbeit all m one fcncc.nawcj lp, tljat tl.icr i0 noiljing fo flablc ano flcbp in tl)e ivo?io,kb;ct) trcmblGb net, $ moucb not cut of bt0 place . y tt Dootl; not 3D autD (80 5 tolo pou afo?c) report tbcts tenets in ftc?pU4ife;butbfefb tbns uuuiituCco to i^.ti. tafce Tohn Caluins Commentarie, talie awap ouubtir>g,bp realon of ti>e oui ttEfFc cf men?wh icb take no holo of <©od but bpoutwacb fignes. ^poj, tijat tljns miracles fonts wrought openlp >C.** fome men fuppofe, ) it is fcarce too toe bel:cueb,inafmucb as in Declaring the fto?ie of bis lpf3 , fl)c tjolp ©hoik fpea= Ketb nothing at all of theiS tbing^s. ainbtrulp this oncrreacbing manercf fpceclje can not bee fubicct to amnb*r3if wee bethink bs of our owncbulncu*j,tj atfo sf our leawDneffs , accojsing a0 3 baue warneo a little afoje* :ffoj iDaaib, who was farrc better epeo, £> wb'.cb be fyimklt hao ftcne bp Faptb ano m fpirit«$n& it is no folnt ta be Doubteo^ but that iDauiDbib moje ccrreroip percepue the p;e fence of ®'oos power, t ban the suiheaocD fojt of corns people perccpuctb tbe banb of <2>ob m eartnquaUes, tcmpelres, rhunDcrs , fos rowfuil ouercsftinges of the aire, anb boplhms winDes.. f^erwitball it bebo= uetb to confiocr^chatbcw wonberouflp Co cuer <£»0D manifefteb bis f\iuour m p;tferiunglDaMQ:petnQtwitb&anDMg man? fappofec, tbat the caufe wbp all tinges fell oat &>eil on bvsfpoe, was < P tber b:0 own po!icie,oj tjiSgoob Uica, 03 eife fome other naturail meanes* &bo met) bulntu>,oj rather fucbmaltci; oufnefte as tbia is, copillcoinutto call all creatures to witnctfe* wpfelp alio f rpgbtlp boo fome mark, that in all tbt0 i»bol: befcription be aliubeib to the co= mon beUaerarsce of the people out of ?o= pbete0,as oft as the? mcenctopnttbs people m hope of their faluacioibboo call them bacUe to that firft couenant.iubicb i»as fi abltfbcb with tr>ofe wonber0 that 5»cre iujought in Cgi'pt, in paffingthe rcb Tea, anb bpon snontw ^>mai ♦ $z fapeth , that the earth tremblcb &hcn C5oo toas iojotb, in refpect cf the bn= goDl)>+ f:o} fo fpcaUcth (5^b oftetpmes, that being UinbleD S»ttb bifpleafurcana 5cle,he armetf) hi*nfeltta tnapnteine the fcelfare of thcfavthfull. 9+ [Chcre went bp a fmake*] ^h« fejcojD [Apfe] inl^£b>ew figntfpcthpjo; pjelpanofe,oj the nofethntics* ^ow= beit,fo?afmue;; as now anb then it is ta Hen metaphojtcallp fb? p^efulneffe, fome tranQate it thus : [ €here tocnt bp a ftnone from his w?ath:]m mp iuogment fcarce fiilp* iroz 2Damo compatetb the mtUes f ftcames , ft>berwitball the aire tabarbeneb, to the tbic&e fmobe which fa puffcb out at the nol'cthr-Hes of an an grie man* 1&nD herebp is anowen p het s ter how bieabfuli \n the w?ath of (0oo? Sbhe he cloubetb the aire with his blaft, 9 taHtng frombs the bxpghtKeffj of the ^onneanbof aUv ^)taires,ouerwi)cl- metbbs with barknelie* ^therwpfe it coulb not agvee whtch folowcth ncpt, y the fm Solncj went out of bis mouth coufumeb. -jgoi his meening is , f (Sob ioithout anp moje a doo, aiToone as he fijall butfenb eus the feialt of i)is nofe? thnlles55 op»n hiemoutlbcanHmolca f?;t,xatyt'3 with thsfino&e thcrof ujaibe able to barren the wbsle wc^t>,$ after= waro beuoiir it w hts heatc* -ji op wb:r = eshzaDDctijjtydtcolJSwercbuiDlcbjtt ensplcth to ujcxpc tlje Difference ef it ted aba* vppontne . xxii) . rialmc. abaniCbing flame. Che bowing of £ bea= uens betofcencth. the tpmc that is clewbp. jFoj Selnm tbicfeebapours occupy £ miD* Die of the aire, the dotobes fecmc to l?e b- pon our beabes. 3Snb not that onlp, but y €19aicfiie of <£oD alfo Grifceib a bjcabfull fcare into bs bp appjeebtng necrer bs, « DiarefTetb b0 Suit!) angmfb,&>ho &be the &>e trjcr teas fap?e,teerc aitogiiljcT fet bpo mirth. 25ut S» ec tnuft beare in mpnb,tljat bnber the Darkening of ttje ftipe, is papns teb oat snto bs gobsS8?atb: bpcaufc that lifec as Soften the ivgbt is clcerc, the pleas fant countcnauncc of tf?cb cheeretb bs: ft &>l;cn the aire is trufcblcfcme, as though. l)e Swere ixD^c to fall bpo bj5 S»ttb a frovt) ningleofee,Soee arecempclleb to bjeope fojgrcef. 2Bpti)c Soap toce are Suarnco, that there isno alteration mabccptljcr in tb« 3 ire, o? in the earth, but the fame is a recojb of ©obsp^efencc. ii. rjMtbhetobcbppon€l)erub.]?Lifec as in the cioubes anb in the barckning of the ap & , be bath pemteb orot bnto bs . afignc of <35c53ta?atb,as if be fbculbe puffe ovct fmo&e at his nofcthnllcs, anb come botene in manactngc Sopfs to p?cfle mestntu, tl;e terrible So eight of bis power, anb alfo hath fapb that m ligbtninges anb tbunberboltcs Saminge fper Socnt cat cf l)i$ raouth: ft noto he bnngetb l)im in rp= bmg bpen the Sopnbcs anb tempcGes,a£i if he fboulbpoft though the Scheie toojlb with his Sopgbtc romtng, oj rather Soitb bis foiftSpmg.S like befctiption is in the pfalme 1 04.3, Sobered? eb is fspb too bee cancb bpponthcSoinges cf rbcSopnDes, Sobom he fenbeth fcojttbe eucrp Soap as fopft meflcngers. ir* uicrtheleflTe, t-e mas fcctb not^CiO uraplpi the ruler of the &> mbes, as one that biiuctb them b^ l)iss pevcer: but alfo tfccrvntftail be fapctb that f* he rpbctb fcppon Cherub : too tl;entent Suee lboulbc Know, tl;at the bcrp bjunrs of the Sopnbs arc gouerntb bp 3i?gcJis at \)is commaunbement. $tii fcce knew that tlje 2£ngclls Socre refcmbleb bnber the fbapc cf €hcrubirs. Sub tijerfoje 3 boubt not , but 5Dauibes memtngc Soas to ailube to the ^tfe of concnaunt. Jr o? he fettcth foo?tb dPocs potecr Ijcerr, after fuch fo?t to be fecrrc it? the foenbers ofnature,as(^atno:St)ttl]Sanbtrgl-,gDe- partetb r.otfrem j tiwplc,£oIjcr that <£sb hats bifclofcD himfclf to the cbi!= b?encf2lbjahaniaftcra peculicir maner. (& hfffojc he abuauncetl)® ob net onip ?$ creator of the aojlb,butes l;imthathab mabe coucnant feith Jfvaell , anb c!;cfen himfclf a I;olp bSselling place in themiobs of htm • rJFoj he couib h^uccailcli tbcmbp their generall name ^ngellcs:but he put tl;c biftbie fjgne ef t'qz 3rfe fo? tl;e nonce, to tl;c er»D the faithfull fboulD applp their mpnbes to.thc ccefcing of | temple. Chat febicb folorocth concerning (Sobs barbs fomepauii!on,is a reherfalcf the former fentence bnber other SDc?bs:namclp that itbb?alD him ftlf out of the Soap , anb hpbe Ijim in fome fecret place. # c? thep arc becepueb Sub'tf; b?aio tlusbcrfe generailp to tl;cp?ouinge of(0obsfccret glo^ie, as though JDaiub minbingtorcflreinthefcolDneffe cf mans inquifitjuctfaturc,u;6ulb fap that <©obis hibbeninbarlindTe. Crete ttisOl con= fefTt:>that(0Db b'A'ellerh in bnapjochsbic Ipght : neuertheleflfc 31 b cut not but tl)is ftfcechousht to bereUrcpncbto the cir= cumllance of the pjefent place, in tlje fame fenfefthtch 5 l)cuc allcbgeb. 13 At the brightneffe of his prcfcncc his cloudcs paflcd away:hayIeftoncs and coles of fyrc. 14 And the Lord thundrcd in the hcauens, and the hygheft Vttered his voyce , hayleftoncs and coles of fyrc. 1 $ And he fent out his arrovves. and fcattcred them: and he multiplycd lyghtningcs , and aftonished them. H .ii j. 16 And John Calu'ms Commentarie \5 And die hcudfpringcsofthe waters were fcene,and the foundations of the round world were difcoucced at thy reduking,6 Lord, at the blaft of the brcth of thy nofethrilles . 17 He fent down fro m a loft, and toke mee vp : he led mee out of many waters. 18 He deliuered me from my ftrong cnemye,and from myncaduerfarie: bycaufe they were to ftrong for mee. 19 They had preuented mee in the day of my trubble : and the Lord was my ftay. 20 And he brought mee foorth at largc:he deliuered mc bycaufe he had afauour vntomee. though be foombeb the tjepee owt ofbte moud).-Ct)tcr;pcucion&oif)tticfi3nspur fcw,but pit f fence agrectb in nil pointcs. 3 no I) ere is trjar to be remembereb which jt i)ciuc ftuD I>crctofo;c,ijoiD 2Dtiui53 nefcrt^ bctb d5oos mpgbtpncffe bntoo bS bnber tbets terrible figure©, to thcenbbemap t!]G better fet owt tys grace in beliuering: him. ainbbc erpoitbeth bis ownmccning himfelf anon after , when be frjptctb that tyigt enempes frer bifperfeb bp the aroiues of <2>oo : as if be Cboulo flip , tbcp bab not bin ouertb?owen bptbc b*»bs ojfwojbs of msn,but bp <2>oos tbuubnng boom top* pen them opcnlp. &o: ti?at be auouchctb tbe thing to baue bin Done hiftoucallp:but bpcaufc tbe rube anb frilfull fo;t eoulb not etberwife be brought to perceinc that gob was tyB beliuerer . %% if be fijcuiD fap, tbcp map aftocl ocnp tbat ©ob t^unbjctf;, anb tl)ep map afccell aboliCb bis1 whole po= tccr in tbe o^oer of nature.anb fpcciallp in tbe frOncerfull interchanges : asnotac^ unowlcbge me to baue bin faueb bpbist banb. 3mb fojafmueb as 05 od ft ootcth out lightnings as if tbcp were arrowes : be hath Tct bo$cn the ^etaphoj in tbo firft place, anb afterwarb erpjeffeb the thing bp it own name. 1 6 [3&nb the heabfpjmgs cftbe waters] & 0 boubt but in this berfe he allubetb to the miracle that was frjougbt inpaffing the reb fca. $01 what intent that is bone, "3 haue tolD before. 5F ojinafmucb as bp the fpeciall benefttes which ^0D hciiow= cDinolottmcbponthe chiibjeuof aibjas bamfeuerailp , be bib pat them in remems bjanccfrom time-to time of the couenant once ftabiiftjeD icith tbetobclepeo|>le,tbat • . tl;c* 1 3 tM the bugbtneffe.] $ c rcturnetb ageintothc ligbtningcs which clpue the cloubsanb open tl>c clcment.3nb t'icrfo?e hefapth? that the cloubes of vfl?ob(tbat ts to fap.thc cloubes which he bab fet befojtc him in token of his anger to bereuc men of the Ipgbt of his countenance )pafleb aaap at h is bugbtneffe 0; bi r cafon ef his bugbt ne(Tc.irojihei3 fouein alterations toweb bs frith a raojc behement pcrcepucarcc of d£>obs power . l£ c abbeth,tbat barb after him there enfeweb baplcftones anb coles of rirctbat is to Suit , wbe n the clowDes are clouen frith the thunber ,o^ when the lightning bjcafcs out,oj when the cloubs poejrbownhaplt. 1+ [Slnbtbc&ejbthunbereb . ] $e telleth bs the fame thing in other fr ojbes: namclp.tbat d5ob thunbjcb from heauen. it siD he termeth the tljunber itfelf the boice J of ©ob, icaft free mpgbt furmpfe it to bee j engenb^eb epthcr bp chance 01 bp natural! cawfes without the commaunbetnent of d5ob . 3!nbee3cthJ?iM)ilofophcrsfeeti)C mcane 0? inferiour cawfes : namelp , that &>I;en the colb anb mopft bampes fojclcfe the frap of the bzpanb S»hot Seamesin ti)ctr mountinge bpwarb , the ftriumg of the anb the ruling togithcr of the clouDS bo ma&e a great nopfe . W ut XDauib dim* binginfpirit aboue the naturail catofes, mafectlj i&fo to beare the whole froa!,tobo 5»;tl? bi# comaunbement perceth into the l)ibbzn bcinctf of the earth, 9 from thence tylngctb foo^h thefteames : 9 afterroarb btuibtngthem into fpccialttcs , Cifperfeth tijem though the an*c,auo then gathering thebapours into a lump , fctietb them to fcpgbt frith the thinnc anb b?p bcatcs, as vppon the . xviij . Pfalme. 6a0 gtucn Ijim pjtuatlp out cf Ijcaue n, & tljat former beituerace of tlje djurclj. ^oj inafmuclj a0 £ grace ioljicl) Ijefapetl; &>ajs ecljibtteb bnto Ijtm^ao not to be ilsparn- teb from tljat firft ocliscrace/eing it fea0 a parcel anb an appurtenance of tlje fame; Ije bcljolbeilj Qaa it iucrc in one moment) boti? tbe miracle of bjpmg bp tl^e rtb kat anb alfo tljeljelp tljat fc>«0 mimftrco bnto lumfclf i^ljc effect r'0,tljatgoB (foijo once mabe leap top his feruats to paJTetijiong!^ tlje rcb fca,anb fbei»e&ljimfelfc to bctljeu: bcfenbcr.bppcn conbfeion ftjai trjep fijulb aflUvc tljcmfeluea to be ahvapcjs in fauftie bnber Iji0 Keeping:) bib novo agcitic ffceo? focjtlj l]i0 fcjonfccrfuH po&cr in tlje p;c= feruing of one »ian,to tljepte t Jjc tmgljt re- new tlje rc»ncmb?ance cf tljat aunctcntfto rie. wljctcbpitappceretljtlje berter.tljat ZDauib m tljci0furmcfitmg fpeccijes botlj not fable like a fOcet, but htcpz tl;e o?bcr Ssljiclj <£fob bath, p?cfcnbeb to tlje faytlj= full.Jserexritljal alfo is to be cofibcreb tlje reafon tljat rjatl) compellcb Ijim to abuance gobs grace too tlje bttetmoG : namelp,fo? tljat tlje greater nomtcr of tlje pceple,cp* tijer of malice ojtmabncfTc, pafflbttouev •&>itl; epeo faft fljet . Cbc S?eb?evc feoo^b [yiphikim] Spljiclj 31 Ijaue traflatco [&eab= fpjingo] fcoortj pjopcrlp figmfic ct;anel!0 : ncuerttjcIciTc itisnettobebowtcb at a!!, but that in tlji0 place JDautb mccnetlj tljat . tlje tocrp Ijeabfpjtngs cf tlje foatcr* fc>src layeb cpen,fo a0 it migljt be bifcemcb fro iDljencetljeriucr0 l;aue fo torrconfumablc ftojcanb abunbance of katcrtf to cottnea? tl;ctrceurfe&jaljail. 1 7 [£*,: fcntbotun from aloft.] If cere is b;cc£? fbevrcb tlje b:ut of In* fo goeDip becJarattc:namclp,tl)t-.f&£ mpgljt unoto, Ijcco ZDauib Ijab not Srabcb outcf f bepti) cf tlje bottOttilcfTcputes by ljus ofcm pcl- licj?c, nc; b? iljeapb of mcu.but \ua0 tea; iren out bvfyz Ijanb of <£oo. pToz <©ct» i& fa^b to fena l;clp fro alcft^cnljsfaucil) b0iocnb?oun?«b? Vjn^youteb meane0. 3 no fotl)i0 fjnDm3i0 fetagemaeartl>l? fucccur^,,bppcn fci;ic^ Xpe fee ioont to let our ttnmbe0an«ffe , 31 otuallofcj not Ujeir opinion iyljicl) erpoi»nb tt of 25ngel0:but pit 3! e.rccnb it nirtljcr : bycaufc bp iorjat mcane0focucr5»ebep?cfcrucb, (Sob op= popntetl; tys crcatutci Cio^arercbp at i!is becU ) to taUe cljargc of to 0, $ pjepas red; tl;em to fuccour bo.wljcrfo^e oibceit tl)at all utancr cf l]dp Doo ccmc from ljea= tten : pit beotl) 2D auto S»ojL£f)Clv affi'nuc, tbat ^ob reacljeb out lji0 tjanDc too Jm« fromaloft.tootliecnfec^ecmigljtbpaceri tein pjerogatiuc, p^efcrrc tl;i0 tnciebib'c benefite, bee;oje otljcr moje ccmon bene^ fit*. jFo? at !;cc Ijab bin faueb from a firong cnemp,irl)ic!j ^ab batcb l)tm bcatlp.anb pcr&cutcb Ijim. 5 0: Ijccrin commenbetlj b,e tlje pofojer ot (Bobjai tljat no firengtlj of men icttcb Inmtofauc Ijim in totter befpav^e . TBv- cmte tl^at in tlje cnoe of tlje to erfc tfjerc t0 this participle [chi]5»ijiclj among tlje i^e= b?eo?c0 impo?tetlj coinmonlp a caufc, tlje ejcpofjto?s take it aimed all in tljis fenfe : <35ebI?atl}rcfcou''Cbmee fromabcuc, bp? caufe mv foe0 5ajcre grcSrnc mc?e firong t^any tljcreioasaugljttobeljopeb fo?at mcii0l)5nb0. xrljcretoppon alioi0gatljc= rcb a profitable bocitinc: namclr,tljat tlje tpme sootlj fcruc tljen moft ccnucnicnt fo? ©cb to-ljelp lji0,^bcn tljep bee tonabls to luflUpnc tljepj cncmie0 : c? vailjcr isljc tljcp are fo bjofcen anb afSicten, ttjattljep Tnl;e tonber tljcp; totolencc, incace as if a man tljat babfuffercb fbipt»?ecUc, Socrc l;a!ct' into tljebeepe.viitljoufljope offoim min'gOTOt. i^ottoitljaanbing ttmpgljt alfo bee ctpcunbeb asuerfnttucip , tljat tljou&lj 5Dautb0 enemtC0 Ijab oucrmat- cbcb him , ?it Soas r>cc fsucD neucrtl;e= IciTc. TftAiii. 19 [CtjCf 1 9 D€bcj> bao pjcucntea me ] ifrc con= firmctb in ot^tc &>oo?t>s tl?c laft fentence, !?olo be fc>as ttp!>ilE> bptbeljelp of <&ob,at toljattpm: tbereSoasno&japtoo efcape. ^o? lie repoitetb bow be & as befeegcb on eaerp fp^^ • * tbat not ioitb an ojopnarie fecge,but in fuel; S»pfe as t)is enemies put fctoen \)im,f pjeafebbpon bim.28p telnet cir otmftance it appecretl) tlje better , Ijoro be was not fct at large, but bp tbe Ijano of ■Boo* 5Fo? from fonjenee cams fa foooem rcftojemcrit from ©eatb too l?fe.but bp* caufc it toasr 35ob0ft>ttl to fbe«?tl)att!}e iOe&esof oeatljarembisbanb e finally to tbeintcnt that fyz fcrtjole anb full pjtaife tnpgbt reoounb bnto <2?ob: 2>auibbeclai retb tijattlje only canfe thereof, S»as goos mere gooo Mil oj plcafure.3lnb i)t manetb mention of bis geoa in refpect of bis oujne calling, jr op tijf popnt tbat be reScb cbeeflp bppon , is tbat tbe cncoun= ters &>ber«ntbal be was wtmopleb,S»erc not Girrcb bp ageinft l)im fo? anp otbei: lohn Catuins Commcntarie cawfc,tban f op tbat be obepco tlje calling of" goo,ano bao patiently embraces bis corns maunaement. $o% al'tbouglj ambttioufcf trubblefome menfrbtcl) arecarpcobcab- long bp tbep? exonc luft to abttcnture anp tbing,anb rafljlp procure trubble to tbern ■ fclucs,bo oftenipmes bp Soieftiing frout= ip anb courag£oau>,attepnc tbeir Bcfp?es: \>it in tbe moe rbcp quapie bnluckelp, bp= caufc tbep be bnv»02t'n? to be mapntepneo bp gon, fojafmucb ^s tbe? rcere bp tbep$ mas buUOings bntcrbeauen,itbont foil; bacio of calling.Co be ftj02t,£>auib both bs to bnberftano , that goDs belp fc>as ate S&apes rebp at banbe fo? bim, bpcaufc bee baDnsttbjuft Irimfelfin of bis oicncbcao, but famsanopntcb bp tlje fjanb of ^amu* cl,(So!j!Cb teas an aftureb Zoavvat of goas free electio, ) at fuel) tpme as Ije S»a0 con- tentcbSoitblnsflenberftate, anoiooolo fcnlbnglp baue Ipne (till in tlje njccpccots, o? in ins fathers cotage. 21 2 2 24 25 The Lord hath rewarded race after my ryghtuoufenef le, according to the clennefTe of my hands hath he recompenfed mee. Bycaufel haue kept the vvayes of the Lord,and haue not wickedly shrunk from my God. By caufc all his iudgments arc before mee,and I haue not caft. his com- maundements from race. And I haue bin found with him, and haue kept my felfe from mine owne vvickedneffe. And the Lord hath rewarded mee according to my ryghtuoufneffe, and according to the clennefle of my hands before his eyes. 2 1 [Cljc %o$> Ijat!) re'isarbeb me.] 5Da; uibmpg'itfeemeattlje furft bluCbtoobee cotrarp to Ijiiufeif. $0% foljcras euen novo beimputebtbereceitof all tbings,tootb* goob pleafure of 45ob: note bee boiretb bimll'lfe to bee requires feitb in& rtvoavD, 23ut if S»e confioer to Wljat enbe bee zfc bet!) tbeis tpties of l)is ovene founone^c bnto tlje gooa pleafure of <£cb : it tottbc cafj> to make tbem agree botb in onemce= ni»tg. Jf irft l)ekatG2e& tl>at bee casne mt to tbc bope of f kingoom but bp j guibing of (Bon , nop ioa^ aimunceo bp'tbebop-* ecs of men, nop bab (lept foojtl) bponbis c^nljcao:but bpcaufc it Ijab-pIcftD goD to bauc it fo.$ oto fecobarilp,be abbetb,^ $s babpcelbeb faptbfullobebienccbnto gob, fo ac be ncucr bovoeb af?>oc from \)is bccH. ^ojbotbe tljeis tljings 5»ereneeofull : nantdp tbat d5ob fboulo frcelp p^euent JDsnib toitl) b'S fauour anb cljoofe Inm to be king : anb alfo tbat IDauio Q;ulb on tbc otijer f?De obebteilp anb 5»itb a pure con= fctenc^ fecopustl;e feingOomc offcrcobim bf ©oa : 9 furdjermoie pjoccbeftebfaftlt* in tbe flreigbtrncc cf bio calling, Spbatfo^ cnertljcujicKca piactijcbto impeacbbiS faitb • ii^oto 5sc fee there is fo littlebifa^ grcentent betvcj2netbtistt»o minings : tljat t!je? anftoerc one another berp apts I?. vppon the . xviij . Pfalme. 61 I? . 2>atrib make:!) ,<5 D 2D Ijccrc as it Sucre the matter of a gaming, bp Sabofc aflltrace and leading he is brought faojtlj to tbencounter. 3too this dependetb upon election, bpcaufe be bad call fo greatc fa= uour bnto him, as to make l)tm 2iingv Afterward be addcth,tbatbebath cj;ecu= tco tbc charge eniopned bnto btm,cuen to the bttermoft,Smtb fucb obedience as be ougbt to doo. 0o maruell tben if d5od bp b*S defence maintepned his owne cbam pton, S»bout be bad bjowglit in of bis own ebopec : anD alfo bp apparant miracles fbeweo bimfelf to be the defender of bim, S»hom be fawe to baue performed bis dew tte Soitb all faptbfulncffe. /fjeptber barb he I;ere babied out font) b?aggmg,to fecke commeiidacion: but it 'Idas rbc Smll of the fpirit, to (tint fooub a profitable boctrme bp tbe month of him : that is to S»it, that <5ods help Iball ncuer faple bs, fo iocc tc Socll allured of ourbocation,and tbat isce attempt not anp thing Without bis Snars rant. Ind bp tbcSxmp let bs bcaretbis in mpnd, tbat the beginning of a rpgbt race, is £ good pleafnrc of oojfces:tbatnencrtbe< leffc be bath all men beholden bnto him, and be bimfelf is bownd bnto no man. Cbe reaftn is, not onlp (as 3tuftin aileb- getb) bpcaufe he fpndcth no rpghtuoufs ncflelnbs,Soberbritohemap peelo recom pence , fautng fucb rpghtuoufneffe , as be hath bellowed bpon bs bimfelf : but alfo bpcaufe he bearing St>itb tlje blemifbes of our Suooj&es , acceptcth our bnrpghm= oufneffe, iDhicb he mpght lawfuilp retcct. filQxx) , if no pecce of our SooojUes can plcafc <& £> 20 Without fojgiucneffe: it folowetb that tbereward is not of defert, but of fauour. &owbecit,bcre is a fpecialt reafou to bee noted, $*i JDauiaaootl) not here pjcace bcfoie <5ob, as vspon con- fioenccoflawfull rpghtuoufneffe : but of purjjofc ta auouebe l)is own De!p?c(U;btcb he knew to bee altott>cd of c£ad ) ageinft the SaicKcd (launders ofhisenctmrs : l?e putteth the utdgment of it bnto aulesoronep?iuategreefDjauc him to madneOTe , and all otqenuen ruOjeb teiti) egcr and btolent moode agcinCJ iDautd to pleafurc tl;e &ing i»ith their femts : pet is it not to bee doubted, bntit Ssao bp the impulfion of ^atijan , that that fews= dome feas fo fo;e afftultco , bpcaufe that in the perfone of that one man, ©cafcad conueped tbchope of the Soelfareof the whole Hcalme. Cbis is the caufe iobp JDauid ftandcth fo carefulip and'earneftip in auouchnig the rpsbiucnfneffe of his owne cace. ^e?eouer, S»i;en he plcadcth Soul) his enemies at the tudgmentfeate of itb man? crpmes: rtrft,of rebellion and treafon, as ifbehadrtuolted frdm.thc liiing his fa= ther in lavoz : fecondlp , of robber? , as though he had crept into the kingdoms bp ftelth: alfo effcdition,as though he had trubbled the quiet ftatc of the realm c: and laftlp, of crueltp, and manp hepnous , crimes , as though be had g men occaficrj of flaughters, and habpurtctred his con= fptracte Sutth manp bniarcfull pjactijes. i&ut he mpndtng to mapntcine his inno= cic af o;c at ©ob is mcrcpfuil bnto men acco.2= ding as b.e deemeti; tljem iuoojtbp of his fauour. ^Foj here is onip auoudjed the goodneuc of the cace ageinS djc i»iched flaunderers : end not the Saho'c Ipfe of manfommoned onto trtaU£hathc ft'Cnld obtepnefauoiu:,and bee adiudged rpgh^ 1^ .b. tucufe, JohnCaluins Commentarie tooafe. tj;ci) mpgbtnot bane bin &>cll imevoen to tnen , if tbcre bab bin an? bpxpgbtneffc among tbem. Cbnforc fc>ce intra bp bis eraraplc in anp Snyfc enbeuer to banc a goob confeientie of our otone.3? gcin,letb0caermo2cl5auetl)i0ftotttnefre: nsmelp,to bcfppfe tlie faifc mif becminges of men, anb to feefce onr befence in beaue. $eabbetb,tbatbcbatb notfbinnfc fc>ic= fecblp awap from gob, bpcaufe be alwapcs; £»cnt rpgbt fooztb to tbc math of \}is bo= eation.altbougb tbe SoicKcb pzactifeb ma- np tbinge© to oncrtbiovcc tys fapth . f 0?, tbefeooibtebtcbbcbfctb,bttoUcnetbnot fomc one fall , but a falling airap , Seiner) bttcrlp cftraungctl) a man from 45 O 3D. 3ns altljotigt) IDaaib ( nccojbmgtoo tl>e focflknefle of iljc Ecfb,) UX> novr anb then cfFcnD:pit iix> beneucr cepattfromtbe fo lowing of <25osipncffc,o? forfaUetbc&ars fare tijst Sraa entopneb htm. 23. [ ^ycaufa all bis iubgmcnf 0.] j$ ovo fberoetb be from i»l>ence be bab tbat bns bovoablc fiebfaftneffe of Sealing arpgljtas mengfo manp moft greenou0 temptaci= ons : namelp , bpcaufe be alft>apc0 fct bi# mpnb bppon tbc iiawc of <35ob . ■$ 02, Imeaggjatbanmcnetb baplp neweaf= faultcjBi agema b0t fa alfo ftanbcrtj it b0 in banu to get curfclaca armour anb feea; pon. 23ut tl>e mpnbing cf cSossHawe petlbctlj b0 . Cbcrfcze , let Cliofe tibatiifce of perfect foernDnctffe, Icrne to occupp tbemfclai'0 ba|p!p in the flub? of *Sotto toootD. 3ra2,auoonc asbodritie 10 ncglccteOjllotbfuWeffe cvccpctb fc?Q" men rafip, anb ail fearc of <$oft fauetb swap. "3 rnaltc up futile biatnetion here tetsenre [ Ifiabsjncnts, ano. Commaunbmcntfi.J f(^otx»itb(ranbing, ifanp man lift to put aaiff.Tcnce betvoecne tbem, it fenll agree ioei!, t>it [ 3Baagment0] (boalb bee rc= fcrreD to tbc fecono tabic of tbc 3tawe,anb t'.jat [Commaar.Dcmcnts] Qvotycl) of t!;c i^ebiea'COarecaUeD choucothau.) fl)oalb bee tafeen for tbc ferai0 of(©oblpnerTe. [3 banc bin fownb imtl) l)im.]31H tbci0 feooibes arc ( in iDauib ) of the futare tence. foi be boftetb not of ant? \janifbmg act.bat of ficbp holDing oat. 3!noS»l)cra0 J banc tclD povo before, tbat 3Daaib,bp= caafc be farce bimfclf u-rongfallp conbem; neb bp men, mese ^5ob bts 3fabgc : t!je fame- thing appcerctb mojc cmbentlp bcr- bp,feben be fapctb.tbat be i»a0foamb,o? bncouapt feitb ban . Crutbc it t'0, tbat tl;c 0criptare fomtpmefpeafeetb fo cf the bolp men, to bifcerne tl)em from the bppo critc0 , ioiH) 5»bom U 10 pnoagb too pze^ tenb the oatccarb bifoz of tlie Ccrcmomc. 2i?ut in tbi0 place, 3D aaib to Difpjoac bn= treto rct)O2tc0 , appealer!) Smtbont fear c bnto . H3 ut foz as much as thep openip mcefcc <£ob,fr be be alluretb tbcm to repentance £b btfi long fufferaee: tfjtef boding of Datubs hath no alpanec at all frith, their teickzt) piefump : tuoufneflc. -f o: he caftetb not a colour b 5 pon his mifbootnges, bycaufc <£ob bare frith him: but t;e fr oozthelp tofcc § mam = folb aibes(frbcrbp he hath certcinip foub that dBob fauozeb hint ) foz" mantfeft aflu= ranees of his fauour.atnb tins bifterecc ist to be b oin c a&mp, that flic bngoblp being made Diun'acn frith pzofycritie,boo boaft fr itljont (frame,? gob liKcsfretl of them, fr he nottoithftanbing t!jcv fctting <2?ob a fpbe,bo rather mafeefacrinfebnte fortune: but the faptijfuil in their pzolperitic, bo fet out (Sobs grace bpo an uwarb feeling of their confeience. £bo JDanib m this place boftctb that he teas helpeb fro bcauen,foj f rpgbtfulneffe of his cace. ;#oi,firft this meening is to be applpeb to the gob infauinga giltlcfle perfonc fo oft from pie fent heath ,hath pjtoueb hunfclf bp the becb to be gentle totearbs the gentle, 9 pure to; icarbs the purc.flnb feconblp,tt bebouetb to ptk out of it a comonboctrtne, that <0od neuer btfappopnteth his feruates,but bca Ictb fauorablp frith the.if fo bethep frapt fo? bis help in mecUncffe f patience . g> 0 fapb 3!acQb,<£cn.}o.33.tntfelf moze $ moze to bzap thetn into pon?lbcr , anb becometh ftcelp agciuft their ftonnpneffe.^ozeouer,f holp ghoft birecting his fpecchc to the bngoblp, f^ea - feeth fo? the moft part accozotng too their otpnemccning. SSlnbfrhcn C5oo tljunbe^ rctb at them in goob crncft, thep mtfOjape him frith their blpnb fearfulneffe, bpcaufe thep concepue nothing in him but cruelt ie, fecrccneffe,? hibeoufencfre. ffrovo fr cc fee frbp iDauib booth not funpip attribute y name f office of a iubgebnto <^ob,butar meth hint frith btolcnt heabincflc, c.cc02= bing as it is fapb in the Jlatinpzouerb:^ Ibzetoo fenot muft haue a fhzcirb fr cbge. 28. [ 5Foz thoto fr tit feue the folH that bee bzought low.} thts ucrfc c6tcpnetb a fppce of qualtfping.^f ozinamiuch as ejeperience fberoetl) f tl)e meefe are oftcttmes harblp beftab lobnCaluins Commentarie beftao anottjcpuvc are Sejappso inmoft fojowfuHtrubbleji : lead anp man lboul& tbina it imtrui? fait) , tbat <2?oD aealetb gentlv i»itl)tf)e mecHc : JDauio boetb bs to tmt,ti)at tbc cnB muft be taucD fO£:bp= cao?fetbataltl}6Ugt) c25ot) come not in all baft to fuccour tbc goos : piinotroitbSan- Ding fobeu be batlj ejeef ctfeo tl)cir patience fo? a Sd!)i!?,I)c itftetl) bp fucb as are tonacr footc , anD fceiiuercti) fucb as are at tbc point of mTpaire . itfljcrebpon 4t folos toetb tbat it mapnot otberropfe beDtfcer= nco tljan bv f cno^oto <©oobcalctt) gently anti tuccialp uritb tlje meefee,anb bebauetb btmfelf pure!? townro tbepure . fci if be bile nottbe fattWul in fufpencc iottr) ions &>aiting,it ix?erc not bis pjopietic to fauc tbofe tW bee bjeugbt lorce , 21no it is no fmaii comfort in aoucrfitie , f oj tlje belp of 45od to be eelaieD fo?. tbc nonce ioljicb o ? tber&pfe ts in a return ffc5 tt;at foe map be faueo %>\)tn soe be bjougbt low . Sdnoioe muft not tbmU tbc bannes tbat S»e fuffcr to be to bitter , fitb tl)ej> purcbace bs tbe fauour of 3500.311 tbc fecona mcmbeMlje fong batlj another fenne of fojojDesdf 0? tbcre it is tbus: [<£bpnc tycs arc agepnil tbep^owb , tocafttbembovcn:]l5utsl)is narictie altercil) nothing of tbe meentng: fauing tl)at,tbcr tbc boip tf5b°ft manacctb tbe pjouo mo?e openip,tbat inafmucl) as (Sod S»atcbctbtooouertl)joro tbem,tl)e? cannot efcape tbefal.25ut tbe effect of cp=- tber place is tl)is : tbc moje careleflp tbat ti)c Soicbeb footl) tljefelues , ana tbc meje malapcrtlp tl;at tijep bifpife mifcrable per; foncs bnoer tbeir fcete:fo mucli tbc neerer arc tbep too seftruction. 3!s often tben as tbep cruelty batit tbemfeiucs ageinfi bs : %et bsaflurc our femes tbat tber is none otber Ict,tobP 60b rcbatetl) not tbeir ff ub« bo?ne &illfumefle,but bpcaufc tbeir pj^oe is not pit come to \)i& perfect fulncfle. 29 3° 3l 32 33 For thou shaft Iyght 'my caudello Lord : my God shall lyghten my darkeneflTe. For 111 thee shall I breake through the wedge of a battcll, and in my Godshall I leape ouer a wall. The way of God is perfcct,the word of the Lord is tried in the fyer,hc is a sheeld to"all that trufl: in bin. For who is Gpd but the Lord? and who is flrong but our God? It is God that hath girded me with ftrength, and hath made m V way perfect. . 2 <> [ ftj, tfjon (bait tygbt] Cbe maner cf fpceri) in tbe fong is a Ipttlc plainer tba it is ijeere.^o? tljcrr, <2?od is not fa^sc too ipgbtbiscsnBIe, but bee bimfdfe is calif s aeanole . /^rucrtbelcffc tbe mining com sneth ail te'ene enae : namelp tbat it cams to pafR rjnbagl) d^oos grace, tijzt iDauib being bzotj&heo in oarUncffc, rctnrncD a= gzin toiisbt. f9l DauiD Boot!) not.fimp= Ip tibana €^ot)fo?fi)?ning before l)im,but foj eniygbtenmg bis DarBneffc . 3DauiD tberefoje confeitet!) l)imfel?c toobauebin b^ougbt into fo mi o%> a ftreig!jt, tbat bee Suae Use to a man fo?io?nc anD paft bope. •if 0? be compared) bis confufco cfi'ate,bns tcaarUncff: .' .'EwroitiSjtbattViStJjmg 1 _. map bee applpcb to tbc fpirttnal! enipgbf cs ning of tl;c tnpnDe.Q^ut bp tbc foap,bcerc is to beconfioercb,&>bat2Dauioentrea- teti) of,lcaft ioe ft ep a ftbc from bis natme mccning. 3nb in ipUc mancr as be ac- linovvIeDgetb bimfdf to baue bin refre= fbcb faitl) GBons fauo? as it bab bm fcnf b a miicHening ipgl)t: cuen fo let \>S aifo (af= tcrbiscjcamplej) affure cur fclues, tbat tbcre fbaibeno cnbe of cur abucrfitie,bn= t!l c fee, tljat albeeit bee &ere a ftout fcjarrpour, pit be cballengetb no tbing to btmfelf. Jm tbe tenccs of the berbeslettberca&criS take tbiS framing once fo? at!, tbat tbe pzctertence anD tbc future tenceare bfca inbiffcrentlp, nofotbeone ananofrtbe otbec in this fMaltnc : not only bp caul'e £>auib compjebcDeti) bpuerfe tjtffoxtw, butalfobpcaufebee grounbetb bnnfetfc as bapon a tbing picfent,anb tber&ntb = all Hntttetb the continuall t)olDins on of tb: grace of od. 3 1 [Che Soap of €>oa is perfu%] %\)t Soap of itball> tbat (Bobs Saojb is purgeb o? rpnea . Sna Sue mutt bcare in mpnae bowit is not to beaoutea, but tbat <0oa fbewtb bimfclf ful 9 perfect toroaros bs in bcrp effect, bpcanfe be batb pjompfta too become our fceper^ana bis Promts is an aflurea trutb • ^ajeouer it is toe be gatbereb bp tbe ncrt member (i»be te be faitb tbat be is a QjeId to tbofe tbat trull in bim,)tbat bp [f? is fc>oza]becre is not ment bis comtnaunamets , but bis pzes Rtpfes*5>urelp it fecmetb to be but a co= mon title of commenbacion, to fapc tbat tbc i&cib of tbe 3Lojbc is cleerc from all fi-aub anb accept Itfce fiiuer tbat is fpnea from tbe bzou"e*i$ut our bnfaitbfulneffe niakctb oas faitbfumeffetobe bigbM? commetTbcbbptbis ftmilitubc :bpcatufe toourl;ope, notbmgts mozcrebpfostb bs,tbsnto banc fcneaea bovinmgs cons cerning35ob3$oo.£b,to ereepebp ana bp bpjm bs. S,ct tbe rcabers fecae i\)t reS out of tbe tfoeiftb pfaimc ♦ 32 [#ozfrbois€tob]^cerc£>am'bu* fcoznmg rbefona forgeries of me?i,wbicb raGblp fet t>p bclping <£oos to tbeTdues, conSrmctb tbat S»bscb 3 fapbe fe£fo?e: namc'pe tbat beensnevastemptcD anp tbing,butbp tbe Warrant anb ccmauns bement of <5oD . ^oj if \)t bab pafleb beponb tbc bouuos of bis catling, itbas not bin iatoful foi btm too bjaro j5od too bts fi'be iuitb fo greate bolbtneiTe . ^inb ijfee as be matcbetlj. tbe one tuvo (gob, ageinft al fojgeb c^obs: tuen fo be tbcrcs ixntljal ouertb?oK?etb all tbe bapn bopes Scbcr'sBitb tbe feojlb is Irb from tefttug bppon (0ob. f; oi fte entr ca tt l\) not besre oftbe bare title of [ztl) fiatlp tljerc is no belp to b? fougbt fo? elf SDbete,bpcaufc beonlpis enbcwtb Smtb poxoer.BeucrtbeleO'e,btspurpofeiJ3bicb 3 ba^e to be bo in in tninb name lp tbat in fctting John Caluins Commenranc $$. T caching my handes too fyght : and myne amies shall brcakc a bovvc of fteele. 36. And thovv hafte giuen mee the sheeld of fafegard ,and thy ryght- hand hath shored mec vp,and thy mcrcyfulneile hath encrcafed mee. 37. Thovv hafte enlarged my paces vndcr mec: and rhyne ancles hauc not daggered. ^pcatifs 5Da«tU Ijab ii»nnemanp!)o!B0 ii -bid) Soercbcieueb tobauebmbnaffaul* tsb'?,f9i tbar bpgb f bneafp fituation: b« cviolJeri) 6tb tbat be &>as furoitbeb too all encounters aboue tbe comen anb ©zbtnarp mansr of men :bpcaufe ljis armes fcjere ftrcng pnougb to tyeafce tuzn bowes of bzaffe. foi abmit, be bab bin a S»eil fi-. nct»eb man,pet 10 be oefcribeb to Ijaue bin but of a iovoe ftaturc: anb tbe bcrp fimilts tube betobsrnctb fouie thing furmounting raannes putflance.^in tlje neit berfe !)C be? slarctb that be contineweb fauf anb fownb tl#oug!) the onlp grace of <£ob. iff o?, bp the [ Q)celb of asbjotogljt to bttcr bef= papze, be 5»a« bneombereb agrin bp tbe ijelp of <15ob. ainb tbis W a fecrp profitable Seaming to correct cur ciflruft. JFo? on* j lefTc tl;ere bee befo:e our t^cB a plcafant j plapne fecib foj j flefb to galop in at plea* furc Ti»ce tremble us il;oo?gb tbe eartb Suocio faple bs. 3Let bs bcare in mpnb tl;cn, tljat it is not in bapne afcribeb bn- too ^obs c'oarge, too enlarge our -ojapes, anb too maUe tljem leuell . -be aboetb, bow tbe cftcct of tfcts grace was , tbat bis feete fiaggereb not , tbat is too fap, tbat be icas not il;;oa?cn bowne &>nb anp miffojiutw. 38. I will purfevv myne enemyes, and ouertalcc them : and I will not returne till I haue confnmed them. 39. I hauc fmittcn them, and they conid not ryfe:they are falnc vndcr my fecte. 40. And thovv hade girded mce with fhength vntco hattell : thovv hallc bouvved dovvnemyne enemyes vnder mee. 41. And vppon the,i8.Plalme. 64 4^ And thovv ffaftc giuen mcc the neckc ofmync encmyes: and chow hafte deftroyed thofe that hate mee. foitlrftattT) to tbe bttermofl . Cbe fumme is, tf?at JDauib bpcaufe bee fou»9t>t Xmacr goos ftanbarb, being cbofen Hing bp tym, anb taking bppon bim to boo nothing but bp Ins commaunbinent^as alfo apocs b? (Bod, that beempgbt ftanb DnuanquiSjeD agcinft all tbe sflau lt0 of bi0 encmics,pes ojratberput too flvgbtmoftborcge anb puiffant bo£e0 . OiScfpDetf tbts, Sde muft bn&crftano , tbat bubertbis figure ftas fljaooujea tfjc tnuinctblc (late of Cbjtires fcmgbome , 5»bo ti)?cugb t';e of dgobspoujcr, fljouib ahuapes oumfeovy bis ctwmics,anb gcttc tijc bpp*r tymbe of tbem, anb contineu? king in fypgbt of tlje &)02lo* i^oio feeing tbas: l)t0 btetc?ic0 arc comon too b0 alfo: it folOLt^b trjat tber is pjomifeb b0 an impugnable befcncta=! geinft all tbe biatlls pjactpjes , all fye at* ■ tempts of tlje finne,ant) all tf?e tcmptatins of ti>e flefbe. Cberef028 altbougb £b£& poffeffe not bi0 Uingbome in quiet, bu t bp battell : fit map it fuffpje bs, tbat<©ob£ banb is al&ap0 in a reopneffc fa*, tbe pzfc= fcruation of it. IDauib trulp fejas an outs lai» fo?atpme,anbbab mucb abo to fauc M0!pfcin tl)8 bcnne0 of ioplbe beafies . 35 ut at tbe lengtb (Sob turnet tlje bacH0 of bi0 cnemie0, anb not onelp pat tijem to fipgbt.but alfo gaue tbem bp to be beQrcii eb.Cuenfo, altbougb our enemies bang. in our necks foj a i»r>ple: pit frill <£ob at lengtb make tbem not onlp to turne tbeir backs.but alfo to perid) a0 tbcp arefre:= thp.euen beefojeour epes. 3!n tbe mcane feafon let bs bearc in mpnb fr bat mancr a frarfarc <£oa calletb bs &nto3fritb frbat kpno of men be frill bane b0 to fpght,ana fritb frbat weapons be armctb bs:to t\)i- tent it map fufrpjebs to baue tbe JDiueli, tbe flefb, anb fume tbjowen bourne snbes ourfcete tb?ougbbi0 fptrituall power. 5Foj looke, too frbem bee batb 5i«en tbe fwoojb,tbem frill be alfo tnapttteinc, ana notfuffer tbem to bee frjengfulip oppjef- feb,if fo be it tbat tbep reign* bnocr ttjep; btab Cb?tft.3l0 appertetnmgto \ we2O0„ tlje interpreters almoft fritb one cons fenttranflatcit [tf>e cntmicB to giuc back} in Scab of, [to pus tke enemies lo flpgbt.] 3ln tbts popnt is iDa«tb &bolp occu^ ppeD: namelp, to fl)7i»e bp tht falling out of tbinges , t1jat a0 tbe caafeofall bis bictojie0,^»berbpon it fo= locojtb , tbat I) ts cacc foas rpgbifnll anb utit . jroj alrl)Ougb a^ utosbocation muft beeconGocrcb , anb alfo bis pure 3de j clccrneu*cfrom flefblp iojatb • £t3o?eoucr,itts too beenoteb, tbat tbofearc termeb enemies bKre,u»bofe bntamabiefrUfulncfreDeferueb fuebbena gcanceof <5ob . Jfo? in refpect tbat be tfr pjcfcntcb Cluiftesperfon,be puntfbeb not anpbpbcatb,butfucbas%ocrei»Ufuiftub' bo;ne , 5eoi?tcf> coulo not bee b;ougl)t too o?Der bp mans commaunbejnent.jFoj tbe matter it felfe Qjeinctbboa bee oclpgbtea in notbing moje tban toofpare fucb a0 a- menoeo : UUe as liTbjiH alluring all mex gmtlp torcpcntance,bootb fritb an T?on uiacc bjcaae in pecccs tbsfc tl;at 5» illf ullp John Laluins Lommentane i E5tit in afitrocb as ttjclftb?cw S» d o ? n ib o u ID gtnc 2>autbtlje nccbe cfbtsene= ; [ Ghidapii ~] Ognifpctb p?opjelp a [necHe,] mpe© , bpranfe be ?eclocD l&em into bjs i the racenuig kill not bee amiCFe, y €5tD feano to bee flapne. 4?- They shall krye out , and there shall bee none to faue them: cucn vntoo the Lord, but he shall notanfvver them. 43. And I shall s;rynd them as fmall as the duft before the wynd: as the myre in the fheetes shall I tread them vndcr foote . 44 Thovv shalt deliucr mce from the (fryuinges of the people: thovv shalt make mee the head -of the Heathen. A people whom I haue not knovven } shall feruc mee. 4;. Aflbone as they heere,they shall obey mee: the children of the flraungers shall lye vntoo mee. 4 6". The children of the ftraungers shall shrink away , and tremble in their priuic chambers. ncfle thought b,im bouno fento tbem to further tbctr &icfecl> pjtccttKS* -f$% tbc vngoolp make tocwes and fup plications m c jctremttte of ttjctr necfitj although t hep pjetcnD bumtittic,b:caufe tbepbec call town Scitb fojoto,onQ trcm bit foj Uixtint tbcp alter not their pur- pofe to amenD.^Sefioes tbi0,cptber tbep ■bfep^efumptionanb bar&iuffeof hart, in (tea of faptb, 0? t\k tbcp law out tbctr rompiaintcs frith DonbtfuIntCTc, rather to the intent to brabble feub v0ob, than torepofttbeirtrufttHbtsbofom. &f- ucrthcltflebcrcfep is too bec gatbtrrb a pio Stable framing, that fr boloe ucr 000 crtullp \jaunt tbemfclues oucr the that be in &!Grcffe,anD pjouolp fyaae of tbefe tbat make their ntonebnto tfycm: fijall a!fo ftn&e C5cD ocaf to tbeir rcqucfiee * slnb bp the nejtt berfc fee be taught, that eftcr goo bath cafe cf tbc bngoblp,be \n; terctb tbem bnto all rep;ocb,anDgiuctb them bp to bs tramplcb tonoer fbotc like tr.pjte . ^Fo$ be not only telictb tbc cracl! ono p20tt>D, that bis cares fbalbe fhet a? agunfttbem : bat alfo thjeatenctb too bjmg to paltc, that the? (ball bee rcfrar- &eo frith tbc fame incafurcv 4+ [ Cboa? Qialtceitucr tore from the (ttpumgO 3Damb gathcrctb biecfip tbae be bao foitmo gobs tjelp in ait cacr0*^Fo? be fra0 xbc to be tn gicat ba?arD, bv the tn bales of bt3ofrnepcople,!ftbrpba0 no: bin appeafcb by in trade ,t tbc fce«cc - mix cf the people bjougijt too o?c :i bp • lojcr. 41 [5TbepCbaH&tpoat]Cbealtcrati< on cf tbc time tn the betb, t^taUctb not of the cottnutng frttb tbcmattervCbus tbcrfoje mnft it be iapb fojtb:^ altbougb tbcp Hrpeb bnto @oo , pet 5«ere tbnr p?apcrs retcctcb* ^0; be purfuctb tbat febicbbebaofap&befeitc : nameiptbat atlengtijit appecreD platnlpbp tbc fal- ling out, bcvofalQp bis enemies bofteo of <25oDs name, iebo fbcwco bimfeifeto be quite ageinft ttjenu Crexc it 10 in becb that fametitnestbep baue bin fo itftcfc vpfeitbpjofpcrous fucceffe , tbat <(&od bath commonlp bm thought to fauour them, b t fefcntttttic IDanib tn the means Si«btlctirping night ana Cap auaileD no« tUtng. ^utiuhtn€'00 b^o fufiftcicntlp trpeo the patience of htsferuant , be fee fcljOthcrbtftoctbeCuCtton, 9 btfappotn tcb them of tb ttr baine bope : pea rather be bontfaucD not to bearc tbttt p;aper0» ^ow?,?»c bnoerllanb JDaui&smecntng. ^oj ina'mucb as the bngoMpbab a long fehP'c leawoip abufeD tbc name of 05o&, belfcojmetbtbeir Dcccrrfuli bjaggmg* ^o;eoner,tt is ro be note? ,tb'at he fpea Hethbereoft^c l^ppocriti-0, SDhichne^ uer call b?cn <£ob £»tth pure effectton. Jfiu the prorata ajall ncuerfapie ,-tbat ©ob t-j ncere bnto all tbofc t?)at calspd htm in truth.|Dfal+J45«i8.lDauj!Jthcn faub not tbat bis cnemtc0 trierefbafeen of iolKUtuprcfojteb to «S?0D fetthan Mrncftan&tjartpflffjetton : but bpcaufe ti;cp th?o:tgi) tl;ttir iooonteD i&ameuflcfi vppontne . xvnj . i/iaime. *J foice. iigctn, u ijappcncD bcyono t\)t c;;= pcrtationofmoQmcn,tbat be teingcons querour far anD nccre, ouertbjew tlje na j nons tljat bojbcreb bpon bim, Syljiclj bab alate in mancr befcomfitcDaliJilraeU. jpo? It teas ati increbible reneu?ment,tljat Its not only CtD foojpeinly fct tep tbe people agcin,4ol}ld) tecre-ctfmayD toitlj £ fkucji) - ten but alfo mabe tljofe tributaries to \ytm at fobofc banbcs tbere coulD no peace bec ob;etncD. 3!t "nab bin a notable matter, if tlje iKcalme after tlje reccit of fo grcatc a flaugljter,bab cGtine&eb fontljoui further ioiTe,anD gafljcrcD fo muclj ftrcngth- agein, as too recoucr tlj&r fojmcr Gate. OB ut foj <£>ob to grannt bim to fubbcw bis ronque* rows: tbat fens a farrc moje excellent tp, as too pj£s ferae It , is tljat 3D ftrctc'o out tjiS armc, anb not only fy gbt ageinfi tbe p^o- fcflcD foes , tljat ryfc bp agcinft it from fcnrljcut: but alfo appeafc tbe topics ana querents tljat b?ceoc at borne, xoljiti) tljing alfo Si>as playnly fbeweb in tlje per font of £b?ift from Ujc beginning, -f o?> Ujc firft let that be baD , S»as by ttye wit* leftc ftjtlfulneffs of bis ownc countryfolk. 2Snbtljo experience of all ages fbcroctl), tbat the bebates anb fi-ry?cs,Si>bcrwitbail hypocrites renb an& trite tbe Clmrcbe, arc no lefle noyfomc too impeaebe Ctyifitt fetng&ome , tban tbe forcible attemptes of tbe f ojein foes, if (85 £> 3D bin not fct bis batib agnnft tljem . Cljerfoje, tco tljetitent too enlarge ana mayntcytte IjiS gjonnes fttngbemma , bs net only otters tl}?6wetb Ijts fojein fees befo;e ijun , but airo beUueretl; !jim from inwar& nebates. 3in tlje fang, m Gcb of mafttns W ttcatt ot ttjz t^taiijEn, J tl;ere is another iuoojb: tljat is tOO &>tt,[Tofhimreni,] iobtcb fignis fyctlj too hecpe. 9na tberfo?e it t& refers rcb tootbeGebbye ar.Q continetcall pof= feffion of tbe laingbome. ^"oj S»cc Hnovce Ijoto bato a matter ft is too Hccpe tljcm in tljeir bewtye , ferijtc!) arc not yet ens urea too tlje yofec. 3inbtberfc;e netting is utc?,c ryfe, tban foj itingbemes lately conqucrcb, too bes njcUcnfeitt) ncto com mot tors. lg>ut in tl}t fens 5Di:utb auow= clictlj <£> £D ID too banc bm tije picferuer of bis cftate of fouereintie ouer tlie $«ca= tbcn,fob5cl; be Ijab gotten by Ins gcoD gnybatice . [ % people fel^om 33 dane net UnovecnO <8H tbtsSolic-lettttDootij l?ery Swell confinnc tl;nt &b-Cb 31 toros c!;cb cuen uow : namely, tljat tijts p?o= criTctsnotreftrcyncb too ti]c pcrfone cf j JDautb,but is a |3?#pijcfyc conca-ning OT l??iftfS ^ingbammc too come. E)auio mygljt in becoe l;aue bcflleb, in tljat,^ns tions ( ialiofc maners «iab uifpofittojitf Ijg Soas btterl^ bnacquaynteb imtlj , ) iccrc iubiat \jrtoo bmt. 25ut certetu it iff, that fe)l;at Rations foeucrljc con * qucrcb, tlfcy fcete ncytljer bticrly bus fcnowen too i;im", no? fo fane btfiant from fcim. wljerfeje,a0 tljen C^iDiD bin but (as it 5rere wber a bark flja- bowe,) cljalk out tliebnmcafurable kings borne of \)is fonne , tlje largcncffe feljerof (iretcljetlj from tijc ryfyng of tlje &onne too tbe ® onne fcttemg.anb poiTciTct!) tlje fes'jole fejc?lb . Coo tbe fame purpofc al fo maKctlj t'qat Stljiclj foiovocilj ncjet: [2M« foene as lijcy becre, tljcy wall otey inee.] jfo?aitljOuglj JDauia bab by bis bicto-- riss gotten Ijimfelf fo renotemeb a name, tbat many laying au)ay Soeapon, Ub iv\U lingly fubmit rljcmJclucs too btm: yet nets bitijOanoing fojafmueb as tl)t\> alfo kcrc bifco^asea by tbe fojee of armes, -frfr'clj tljey?ncyboursljab felt too tljcyjfmart, before tl)cy?e faces : tljcy arc not pzop?c!p fayb too fyaue otferc'a tljeir obcoienre at ttje only b?ute of bis name. Cljis agree: b better too Cb?ift , Sol)0 fubbcccctlj tlje iij02ib tooijim by btsSj)Oojb,anb h^ tbeir only peering maKctl) tljofc obcbiait,u!jic!j erii&ercrebrilesmitooljim. «S)o fares foo?t?j tljen as iDauia bare tbe pctfonc cf Ci^iit , <15ob fubbJtreb fcnbsr bis Domt= cfon the fart!;sft Rations, anb fuel; as 31 4. crS lohn Caiuins Commentarie cvit 'boztz ljnAn3i.t»?nt03 "Jfraell asm re- fprct of csnaerfition. ^o^'JSit^i: 4d 13 Da: a Soii-l) offijz fOKcreinticpjomifeD to C'lliiMbebotinbcjB fejijcrof it bsboaea to uce es.cnseo to tbe bttermoft coftcs of tfjc *»o:lo. 2^tfa ?l>amo bao purc'iawo bints fclffogrcateafamzbpfcstcgofarmcaano foavittie pio-cocCfe , tb*t man? of l)is ene= wpts &e;i\% ocfcottuteo 'isi'b feare, Tut>= mttteb tbemfeluea too bim.isut fo "a toes: the tvpe So 30 Qjca>eo tbe fuutectio!t of t ?c <5v«t?lC3, iul)9 iasrc fyoagbt to fubmifs flan b? tbe onlp pjeacbing oft5.)? ©ofpell. ifoztlic obcjtcnccof fapt!),m 'vofyicl) tbe Dominion of CJjjid to fo-amSco, comstl; bpi^cring. Eom.10.17. 4«. [ Cbecbiibten of ftratnger* ] jRn tbia place t0 Dcfcrtbco tbatfemebtscos monlp tooont too bctpj; inncco do minis ons : namel? , tbat fuel) as arc fabDcweO Doo bumblp ijonour tbcpjt conqacrour, bsvfbeeit c ftjoitlo fap.tbe enc • m^j^osrjDdijaeaiu'tb Jipnc b&Fi o$ bad Ipingl* oenpeo tbemfelu:3 to? bane ptacrpjzo anp emnptfe, t.10 tbe entent too efcatie pu 'fitment ; it fccm.*b not too ec* Pidts 'Oauids mpnb fufi cieat!? . Cbcr= fois ( in m? tuogment ) it i« fatten genes rati? eoo bej bumbleo after a flauiilsj mas ner. ^o:tb:i»332i3[ acafh,]5»b-cb in !$:b?eto fcgmfpetb [too Ipe, J im/OiiCtb fonutpme £#etapb3;icau> aa roucb aa too bcebd«nbleD, 0: too take fit poHe of obcDumt e,boi»bccit after a fevnea ano flas utfb maner3nb bctcrmctb, nofe tbecb& tycn of tbe ftraangcr , a? o* ftraungera, fcrticb being erft at tbeir onme libertte, S»cr« otter I? DiatbeD front 31 frazil . tbis iocfee to be familca in vTiuift w 16 man? comet* bumble loyTe.bowbeit £*>itb a bubble * falfe bart: iu'iom tije 'jo= I? 05b 5ft ( in t'jat refocct, ) calLt'o aprh> ffraungrra bojmc: b^cauff ttjat alfbOitogb tb^v b;e tnmglcb ^ut? tlic elect peo#s,pit nztxxtit iftan j»n,{ tb.:v %z Oa»e not tntoo tb« fame boo^ tsurtj tb^n b» snfepneo fsrtb. fo as tiic? b&iio bee eouateb cbtlfr^cn of tie Cb^rcqe. Crewi.w tnbceje.tbat all tbe ^satben i»ere act.^e oegwmnj ftraas gers: o»t >» jen ti>sp put on a new affecti- on, £bcn tbe? tb it erft tosre flratrngsra ano alientea, become fcloajciti^js of ti>c S" aincte5,anD 3oos bo«fe!aolDe mcynpe. C»)at i»'.iieb folowetb immcbiatlp after, iHinel?e , [ C!)e ftrattngc cbtlotcn ftjaU fbjtnb av&a? ano ^all tremble oat of tbctr pyui c\) imber^: ] amplpfict .) tbat terrible name , i»berof free b^ne fpoben before. f oj it is a touen of no bafe reaerence, tiattboft, i»!>ic!i are ib?oo>oeo in iur= Uing'joles , ano eaclofeo iuitbm fo:ti?ica= ttonsr, QjonlO be:fo ftri^en i»rb ecarc,as too cam: foojtb of tbetr ovonc accojo 2BaO itae ao fearc batb b;at^n iDaaioa enzz mns our of tbeir place© of coitcrt, am> mibe t\)tm to mcr .cbtm ajitb fubmuTion: cum fo tic (0iofp^ll ftriSeib tbe bnbclecs nera iottb fuel) fcare, «bat it compelletb tbem too feclo obcaiencc untoo Cbjuft. iFo?,as J^aala feitntuet;), i.Co?.i4, : 4. fucb i» t'je fojee of pjeacb ng , tbat bp re- p?out:ig mennco confctjncca, ano b? laps inz open tbe fccrctco of tbeir bartea, it c*s ftctb tVn ootonefo; frarcuy 'jo ioere re- bel ioas before , ano enfo^cetb ti;em too gtue glo^ie bntoe od. 47. Let the LorH liue, and blilTed bee my ftrength, and the God of my welfare bee exalted. 48 It is God that giueth mee power too aucnge mce, and fubdevveth the people vnder mee. 49. My dclmerer from myne enemyes , thovr hafte (ct mee vp cucji from them that haue rifen vp agcinft mee : thowhafte rid mee from the cruell man. A_ _______^ *>• Thcr- vpponthe . xviij . Ffelme. 6s co. J1 Tl'Crforc will I prayfc thee, 6 Lord, among the .Nacions, and faig vntoo thy name. He vvoorketh myghtely the welfare of his King, and performeth mercy c too Dauid his anoynted, and too his (cede for euer. [lief rbeSejbliur/Ofainan fbonib tlm of tbem. 3En5 lead be mpgfct fee*-* to bcfpjwcte fymbuiUxiib&ftece of b;s 47- rcabe it in tl;c insner cf foiflung, actijUg: [ t£) that tlje % c?b mpgbt Imc, "J tt ieooiD etc a barb mnncroffptalung,fc!)ennet= kitfcflanbing it mpgbt tec crcuiib,tn iljat tt so U CD of m cn,iv befc cuflome it \s, after tbte fafbicn notenlp teo fetfb Sucii, tut aifo too ejttcH tbeir (aptcuics iuttij an fcenc?ablefbctt-t,anb fo it ffcculo bee as it ireie a tptie of triuiupM. ij^cumljclcffe tt fe>cc!b not mifagree too tee a finals af= bt matton.febenn 5Dauib Gjculb auoncije <£ fi> 3D to line, tijat ic to fap, too bee en = tevceii feiilj foue«m peitcr . 2£ut tijfs [truing, J 10 not refircyncb too <&ct?0bes tng, tut raslicr is too bee eftrrmeb bp bJS fccojnca , fotycb ftcwe'fcntoo ts tbai Ijc Uuctl) . f a , affocne as be b?-tb &«bs fciawcnbts fooojtkmg from out tyzts , bp cnb bp tberc bantftctlj cut of our mpnbeo tl;c feeling arb pcrcepuaance tbat l;e it; uetl). «? berfojcbeisfapbtoonue.tnrc fpect tbat bp cutbent p?ccfc0of big pewer, be fbctueti) l-otr t'. t Si >o?ib 10 center neb in !H0 hanb ^ctt>,b?cenic 3Dauib bab feit tl/ts lpfe of d5 £D ID tp experience , !;c bo- nojeib it icitb p?apfc anbtiianfcfgiinng. 5Fo?s if S»e e reabe it in tbe pjtefent tpme, [tbe i.o?bIiufib,] ibecopulatiue[ati&,] SMncb fcictceth, mtpouctb as mud? as an inferring: ens tbcrfojc it ft>cre too bee rcfoiueb tfctio : [€be lU?b buetb , arb tbetfojKMiflcbbeempftrer.gtbOllButtbe p?op?e abbnions of [my firergrb, janb af ■■ tetu arb of [m^fcclfarc, ] cenfirmetbat &cozb [Tfor] tfi pKt tranGtiuelp m t^is place, fc;i>uu tljat gtuctb flrcngtt;. 48. [3ti0tfob that giuetbmee power to aucrce.] 2! gc;n %i achnoulcbat \\) bun - frif to t;aue xuty hcb Ijjjb b tcto?.!t0 at £ot0 banb. i^oxjifec as fc« coulb neuer banc lookeb foj tbfm, tut bp tb* brlp of ^cb: fo new i;« fccfenculcogetlj ^ini t^e caiy au^ p?aiffe ft1? faCbion fahe: f,e nperct^tti tt? Wiiit S»co£t)C0, that L)£ b>iii notln'r.g, tut t5)at&jb'c!) be i/^tb gtucrb;m. 3m> 6?ft of all b« confcfc'cth. tytuietf to banc bin fare ntfbebStntb t^e bc.«»xr.iv pc^er.too •];§ enb l;c flioulb tal-s furl) pum&uicnt of bis cnem$e0 95 trje^ bekiusa . ^ow, fojaf- nmcbne at tbe Uifl bitid) it mygb,t f^tus enawfetS)ing,tbai: 35oSfbcuiD arn.e tbe faptbfuii to sb 31 told jeu be: fo?e, 2)autb0 cluing tc too tec bejnein M»pub. $■ ojt be i»as no p?ua.c perfow but tnafmucb as be &«s a Iiing,tbc iubg mr nt, fc*bicb ^ c);ccutcD,^afi ccntmaun= beb bu» b? d?ob . ivbatfocuer be is tl>at rece^uetb i»jong, if be ftart out too t§= uengc b'mfclf , be bfuvpctlj tbe office or ci^eb.SiiD tberfc?ctt cannot bec feitljout ttaytcrcus raujnefie , t^at pjittate tnen ftoulb rtquyte tl>eir ovt-ne Sujongeo. % ut <£oo, feb© auoucbctb l)imfeif to bes tbeabucugcr,art«ctb Jimgesanb f^a- fitilratcsioitb tbcfvi^oojibjanD ojCeyneuj thctu tbe ntin'.ficrs of b-s bengeancc. ^tierfcje batb 3Dautb putrcurngentenfs foj tbe r^gbtftdi jiursfbrne^tes, fciitcb it foas lan?£ull fo? b:m too etecute b? tl;e ccinmatirbtrentoi ^oo.l?cvcbectt}fo as beisctc icb b? tije jeale of tbe ftriritrigb> ip bifpofeb, enb not b^ tbe IjeabynelTe of tbe £cfb.^fo?,crcept tljctebecfucbaGaps ebnefie icpncb fettb tiicir calling , it \b in barne fo? fcpng2 too boaQ tbat <& S> iD batb ccmnattcb bntco tljctn: bycaufc it 10 no leffe frotoatbnede to atufe tbcltbcrtu of tbe fwoojb too si}£ Utft of tie fiefb, tban teo tahe tt in bans fottb- out <£lobs Ieaue . >Cbete 10 none o$i;cr i bengcancc pcrmitttb to tlic Cl;urcb,e tni_= litant b«Dcr C^iRJS?^^^ ^«= ncr , tban orlp agcitjfi tbe feiilfKU. ^rec are SajiUeb too flr^ae agcutft oar enemies iaitb bencfitirg tljem , ar.btoc pjap fo? tt;ctr Welfare. <2:go,t^cruui!c- ail feec mufl S»tfb tbem amensmct-.t of ' !j>&,o»b fo*?6ntffe of mvnb , bnMi tt » J [4. piSVU!?- lolin Cnluins Commcntaric plcp.ity appeere,tbat tbcp arc of icaoja-- ncuc fallows anb pafl Ijope of recoujrpe. 35 ut t:il tljat nunc, vengeance mult bee put oner too tbcpleafurc of 45 iD 3D, leaft foce bee carper ijtaolong befoze the tptnj. :$gcm, bp the pjrMcs ans Diftrefies 3Da= mb gatherer!) , that be ccuio not others i»piv baus cfcapcb fatif , esccpt \)Z bab bin p2cf:mcD bp the l^ana of p Sober; ef be fpcaBetb: namelp,tbatbe£0a3 ft>oni berfullp lift top, IcaS be mpgbtbaue funk bnber the Violence of bis enemies! , ti)at baa tbehpgbcr IjanD of fyim. 50. [ Cbercfojc Sfcfll 31 pzapfe tijw.] 3!n tins ncrfe be fbevocth , that tbc benc- fitcs of 4$ s£) 2) , Solncb be bati) rceeps ueD , areiuooztbpc of anew anb \jnae= euftomcb commenDacion , that tiicfr fame map fpzeb enen pntoo tt?c heathen, foi there is a coucrt comparifon betwecne the ozbinarie Sooozfbipping of <£ob, Scinch tbefaptbfull Sucre Sooont in tl)0fe Dapes too bfc in t!>e Ccmplc : anb this thanaf- giutng , Sobicb coulb not bee compjebens beb iottbtn fo narotu boronbcs.'Cbc mee; nmj tberfoze 10 tins : &ozD , 3 S»ill not oplp pcclD tljcc t'aanlies in the affemblp. of the faptbfull,nccozDing too tbe appopns teb ccrcmonie of the Havoc : but tbp. pzap= fes tballfp2caD further, li&c as tbp grace bedaveeb bppsn mre , is Soooztbp too bee renotomca oner tbcSoboleSoozlD. &z~ ueribelcOb , from hence is fetcbcD afbio? ps);rfpe concerning Cbziftes Hiingbommc too come. jpoz zr.zt$t the Heathen bab bin allure!) too the fcloiolfcp of the c:)0= fen pcopletit has bin in bapne anb a fonb= nefls too fing the p;apfcS of <2>ob among fuel) as arc Deaf. wbcrfozs $5aule bathe fiulfullp anb Stlp pzouetb bp tbiS tcjcf, tijat t'QZ calling of tbc S^catrjen S»as not a matter of evince , Horn. 15. 9 . if o* Soe; (ball fee in mmp places hereafter, ll)c Churche is afutrncb too bee tbe liolp Oojellingplnce of cBiD5D^> p;ap= fts . TO;>erfo2C <3? O 3D ^ pjapfes coulb notrpg'jtlp ano fru£efullpb;eretfoojt?.)5 an^ &)!)2r-: clfe , tban in 3etw2pe , tontill t!)3 cares of the fiSenrplec 5»ere opencb: Ssl^d) tlnng came too paffc at iobit tpme C5'S> "O purcl;aceb tl;cm toolntnbpbis ©ofpcfl. 51. C^: w»ooja.etIj mygijteip. ] Cbis bcrfe fhe^ctl) plapnlpbp tbe falling out, S»')V <25 -Ji> 3D Deli fo bowntcouflp Saitb 3DautD : natuelp, bpcaufebe bab anopn^ teo b,un &ing . iFo?, iix calling himfolf ^xtng ,l)e boaetrj bstoo DnbcrSanb, tb,at l)j ncptljcr rudicb in bnabupfcDlp of l)is ovone bcab, noj ioas tl;:uftin bp icairb factions, butrcigneb as a iavpfull ftins, bpcaufe tt fo plcafeb

tl|is Ijc pzouctl) bp t\)z Soarrantpje of anopn= ting: bpcaufe 45 £> 3D (in anopnting In'm bp t^e l^anb of Samuel , ) bin no lefle Warrant l)is rpgljt too reignc , tljan if be bab placeb ijitn in the feege ISopall , bp putting bis l)anb out of bcauen in tbe open fpgbt of tbc SjjojID. Cbis election (fa?stt) l);,)iBas mpgbtclp ratifpcb fo>itl> continetoall fucceffc of fauinges : Sober- toppon it foloicetb,tbat all ti)epma&e 0- pen Sosirre ageinfi: & £) 3D , Sobicb ac- count not l)t'S calling too bee of ftifucient autb02itic . i^eri»itl;aU be afcribetl) the canfc too & £) id §& mercve, too tlje ens tent &>ec map Knoioe that that Utngbome 5y ao fonnbeb bppon tl;c meere gooD picas fure of <© €) 3D . 2&nD bp tins clatofe appeetetbe moic openlpe that frbicb 3 baue fapb afozc : namelp , tljat 3Dauio- bcotl) not fo much make an bifioztcall be- claracion of the fcjoonbcrfull anb funbzp foztes of CB £) 3D fb grace , ft>bicb bee l;aD felt in Ijimfclf : as ^3zopbefpe of the eiterladtng (rate of Ins &ingbomme; Slnb tt is too bee noteb, that bp the name of [ §2*eoe,*] there is not ment cucrp one that is 3Datubs offpzing , but there is no* teb peculiarly the fame weeeffour of his, too Soljom ccbc bmoo bs , abozneb 5uit!.) fo fingnlar a pzomfs, as coulo ful<= Ip agree neptber too Salomon, no: too anp other of \jis fttcceCTours , but onlpe too the onebegottcn §>3nne of C5ob : like as the 3ipcfr!e too t:.;5 ^ebjefecs in the fira chRptcr m tl)5 fourth berfc bcclaretb, (feat vppon xnc .xix. fiaime. v?f tijat rt)f0 tea Dtgnftie M)ttin be weelletl) in tbfs $3 falmc, if tye fbaDoroemaplcaDe t\)t $n£elies..&o fjjail iocs profit arpgljt tos too tl;s boDp. The contcintcs of the .xix .Pfalme. Dauid mynding too exhort the fay th full too the confederation of Cods glorie,firjl fetteth a lookingglajfe before them in the frame ef the heauensy and in the fngnlar ordcrlyncffe of the -woorhinanfhip therof: and afterward calleth vs backg to the LavoCy -xvherin Cod hath difclofed himfelfto his chofen people more familiarly ■ In refpetl yrhcrof he purfhveth this peculiar bencfiie ■with many yroordes, commending the yfe of the Lawe : and at length do- feth vj> the Pfalme -with a prayer. The . xix. Tfalme. To the cheef Chaunter , a fong of Dauids. i. The fkyes declare the gloric of God, and the Cope of heaucn telleth foorth the vvoorkes of his handes. 2. Day vntoo day vttcrcth fpcechc,and nyght vntoo nyght telleth foorth knowledge. 3 . There is no fpeeche, nor language , where their voyce is not herd. 4. Their vvryting is gone foorth intoo all the earth , and their vvordcj intoo the vttermoft coaftes of the world: in thera hath he fet a pauilion for the Sonne. c. And he cometh foorth as a brydegroome out of his chamber, and reioyceth like a flxong man too ronne his race. 6. His coming out is from the vttermofl: coftc of the heaucns,and his gooing about is vppon the vttermofl poynt of the fame : and no man is hid from the heate of him. ^owbeett, fojafmueb, as tijerc is a nto:c 7fr^J\l $c fHpes Declare.] ^ l>mt fapn ejepjefle image of intn cngrnucn in t\)z ijea* 1§1> alreaDy,tbat tberc be two partes nens:2>auiD cbofetbem incfpcciau>,aB <£A& of tbis pfalme: in tb,e fcjuiec of foljofe b^gt?tncu"e mpgbt Direct ds to tl)z &)!jtd),2DauiD fcttctb out (Sods fercljins of ttjc Subtle SbcjId. 5f o? aflbone glojie bp l)iQ %ooe?fees : $ in tty ofyer, be as a man fhali bang acfenoa>lcDgcD <2JoD fcttctb out tl)c knowleag* of turn, fljpnms bp beljoIDing tbc beaucn : fje (ball leme to moic tulip in ins Sdcojd. fi ow, altbougb, confiDer ano to SooonDsr at !)ts &> if Dome i,efpealicerpjefrclpbutoffc{]cbeauens:ptt anD power etizn in eucrp little plant. is it not to DceDoubtcD.buttbatwiDertbe 3!nt'gc firffc tierfe He rcpetctb, one tlnng part tljat is moft noble, « Ssbofj ejc:ellen= twpce,after rns oronc mancr.jfoj !)« bj:n etc is moic betoKcmth, all tlje gctb in tbe i)eauens as fcntnclTes « p?ea~ fe!)Olei»o;lo, bp rtje figure ^pnecoocbe. cbers of dS £> 3D £> sl3jic, attributing a € crte(Te,tl)erc is notbmg fo "uace,0£ to be ftranngc pcrfone too tije creatur*%too fcp- DefppfcD,eucn in tlje leaft cs nooKes of tlje biapD men tbc mozc foitl) tljeir tn:l)an's= earth , febcrin tijere is not fome marU of fulncffc , if to fljoulD let Qip fo cuiD.-nt &'oos mpg^f «">nD &}ifeoine to becfecne. a te&tmonie S»"tt.) Dca? eares. j?o} tijtsi 3 .iijf. maner 1= lohn l^aluins j mancfrfTpcafet»5Doot^me?e effectual!? ! tsoue anb pjouofee , than if bee bab fapbe tijat the !&eauens Q)ti»f . £>f a ttut\) it is a great matter ,tbat tbcre is offereb THitoo eur epes alpuelp image of €?£>£>, in tlje fccawttfalncfleof tbcUeattcus. tflQtmtfc ftanbing, bpcaufc the utterance cf a foun= btng bopre,booth better ftirrc top our fetu fcs(o?atieaft frpfeteacb mojc eertcmlp anb frith mucb mo>e profit; tljan ftmple bccbolbing frbcrbntono framing is aft? beb : tbc pttbinciTe of tins figure to to bee noteb,tn tbat be faith tbc fytauens tel fojtb tbe glojtc of fi> 3D bp tijeir picacbmg. Che repetition frinc'i is abbcb tnthefe= conbpart,isanerpefttion, ;fo.:3Dauib fljcvsetb in frrjat fojtttbe beatteusbec'ire gobs giojiebnto bs: namely bpcaufc tfyep openip gius bs to bnber Gab, tbat tbep arc net ciottercb togitbev bp cha;mcc,but crea teb fr oonDcrfull? bp feme moftc excellent fr ojtematfter. ^Poj it cannot bee, but that tiic bcljoltimg of tbe tyeauens muft lift ps lip to tbe bcrp matter cf tl)era,f the frons bcrful o?bcrlineffe,garn(fbmcnt 9 bjught- neffe tobteh arc there feettc,mu!t peel? cut-- bent rccojb of bis pjoutbence. Cbe fcrip^ ture tnbecbc fettetb foojtb tbe tpmcanb manor of tbeir creation . 25utpit if <0os flioalo l;auc Into bis peace: the fteauens tbcmftlucs km out, tbat tbep frcre mabe bpbis banbes : febict) thing abunbantlp fuffp?fty to fritneffe bis glojie.^Fo? affone as free acfcnofrlcbge <£ob to bee tbe ma= tier of tbcfroiioe, free cannot cboofe but outrmpnbeemuftberauiffbeb to frontier at l)is ercebtnge greats goobne(Te,frife= &ome,anb potocr. 2 [ZDapbitfobapJ3ltbougbthe$bi- lofapbers do tno^e fpnelp bnbcrftanb bon> bcawtlfallp tbe ftarres an fct in e;ber , fo asm fo gfcate a raultitube of them , nos thing is confufeb : pitnotfritbftanbing, tbc continefrall fueceffion of tbc bapes,is amoje ccttem inter uction of ©obs pjo= uibencc to the rube anbbnlerncb . 3D auto tljercfoje befcenbetb not beere from ti;e beauestonto tbe other part© of thcfrojlo: but confirmed tljat frbiebbee baD fapbc alate,bp the m«e fcnfible anb neerc effect: namclp, trjat <2?obS glojie boot!) not onlp fbpnc, butalfo rather foronb out in the ijcauens . jSotoatt'gougbthcfr&ojbcs ^ommentane, map bee crpounBtJi opuerQp : pit the fence rrmapnetb in mater all one . jg)anp rc- folue it thus : tbat there paffctb no bapc frbfteindr-ob fbctrctb not fomc notable pjoofe of his power . SUnbotbcrfbmearB ef opinion tbat tberc are betottexeb tlje en ; creaftuent5 of learning, fo as tl;c iuter bap ft onlo aUjoapcs b?ing fomc noueltie. 13 ar - bcr to the conftruction frhtch fovic ga- tljcr tbat tbe bapesano nigbtco talhe too gitljcr among tbemfelueo, anb reafon con= ccntmg tljeglojic of their Crcato^ijofr- bcctt,j! boubt not but tbat bp tbe o;oma = riemtercourfes cf the U&iptB anb npgrjttf, JDatiib teaebctb tbat tbc courfe of tbc m onne , ^oon'c.anb .S> tarrcs.anb tbep? rcusluttono are gouerneb bp tl)« fronbcr« fullfrifbomeof dBob. 3no frl;itbcrfrr tranflate it [from bap to bap,] 0? elfe [bap tmtobap,] it fbill0 little : bpcaufc thcrebp is betoKeneb nothing elfe , but tbe o^bcrlp continefrancc of tpmes, fr^icfj tlje fuccef= fion of bapes anb npgljtfc mahetb. fSrus ip if fr e frere as beebfuli 00 fr e ougbt to bee , eum one bape fr oclb bee a fuf fictent fritneffe of ^»cbs glojtcbntoo bs : anb etien one np? h£ fr coib c eo tbc IfKc f 0; t>0. ^utfrbenfree fectbe^onncj ^oone to compaffc the fro^ib bapelp fritb tbcp? going about , the $>onnc a baptpmeo too bee ouer our heabs , t!)e Qfroonc too fuc= cebe bp turncs , the &oune too mount bp b)> begrees, anb tijerefr ttball to app;ochc weercr bnto bs,anb afterwarb to taHe bi* iournep backc agein anb to Depart from \jtt bp ipttle anb littlc,anb tberebp to be mabe the lengtbening of tbe bapca 0? npgbta, anb tyis biuevfitic to bee fo bifpofeb bp in? btffercnt o?bcr , tbat it retur netb peerc bp peerc : tbi0 is a far re moje eutbent rceo^b. 2Dnb tbsrefojenot fritbout caufeoootbe JDauib fap,ti)ataltbougb(2?ob fpeaheno fr oo?b at ail,pit tbe o?berlp intercourfc of bape0 anb npgbtes fo fttip fuccebing , boo mpgbtelp bia^e abjobe bi0 glojie:anb tber is no clone of ignorance left foj men^bp= caufe tbat feeing tbe bapes anb npgbtes boofo frell fupplp tbc office of teachers, t\w map attcpne fenoielcbge pnougi op the mfftuctions of tljcm. J [(^\)ZTc is no fpeecbe.} Cbis ^crfe abmittetb tfro interpretations inmancr fontrartc : of frbicb, notfritV&abing.both arc arc pzobabie . ;f e;i:fmud) as 9»oo?b fo; tooojb it is reD thus, [jf^o language, no fpeccb,thetr bo:« 10 net hcrD , ] Tome Unit tlie tipo berfes toogither as though ti;e fontcnce toerc banging bntoo tl;e latter member, [tbep j Uniting fcent foo?tl) into all tlje Cartb.f e. >Cbcrfojeaecojbmg fcn^ to tbep^ opinion t^r fence woulo bee, that though rtic besuens bee Dumb , ana not en t bCiriD feitt) poiser teofpeabc : pit tbep p:eacb<£'ODGfilojtt fajitb fuf ficicnt bpglj anblou>Dbopce . 315uttf tbisfe>crc2Da= utb0 mccning: to toljat purpofe femcoit torepeieittb?cetpmcs that tbepbaueno perfect fpecebe f furcip tbc barpmg bp= pona rbmg bnoteen bab bin bcrpcolbe. Cbc otber etpofition tberfojie like &b it is mo:c recepueb, To alfo fecmctl) it too ajres better. ;fo;tntbcfi*cb,xei»tung, tobicb t0 berp fbott , efttpwes fomefo>l>atis too bee fupplpcb : and fpeciallp it 10 a comon tiling %>itl) t\)t ^ cbicir es , to leaue out tt»e rciatputs.iFcfpbca tbistbe tbtrb negate on [Bch ] betofecnetb rather an deception from the former members : astf ttijab bin fapbe.tbe Dpucrfttie of tnnea ions no impeoiment, but that the pleaching of tip beancK0 mpgljt be bcrD. ;f 0; tljc bpuerlis tie of languages 10 a eaufe to make com- munication ceafc bctiijeene funBjp nan 5 ons : an 0 an cccafion tbat be fob 1 ch t0 molt eloquent in bis ofenc countrp,muft eptber bee bumb among fojrcpuer0 , 0? e!& bar - barous if tpaflap to fpeaUe . Tea if a mm &erc fur uvfQ) eb ioit!) tbe&nowlsDge of ail tungstpitcoulDbenotfpcaUe to a bicb be moft ftraunsers mappjofit as it Socreat tljc mouth of one ic;.ci>cr. 4- [ . i^eucrtbdeffe fojaftmicb as the SkccjD; [Caoa] in Ueb?ero fignifpetb fometpmea Ipne, anb fomtime a tempting : fome ga ttjer tins fence : tY,nt the butlbir g of the i^eauen0 frameb as irltccre bplpneanb bp leuell , bootb btter ^obs glejic farre anb mere . Vfrut inafmucb as feauiD me^ tapbo?icallp b?ingetl) inbtcretbefeeasctte of tbcljeaucnlp frame p?cacbing of gobs gloitc lmealcarncb man : itisere a ccibc maucr of fpecclt to fap,tl)e Ipne of the ^ea- nens paffctl) out to ti;c bttermod: bobbers of the earth . ^efpbes this, tntbebcrp ner t tneber folou>ing , be abbctlj tbat their &oo;D0are berbeuerrwhete : anDiob^at alpancc is there betwixt iDOO^bco aub tbe maner of biulbmg :' H$ut if fee tranflarc it[fc:pting,] tbei0 two tljings Smlberp feci! agree.botb tbat d5obs gto?ie is Wit ten oat in the b fattens as in an open fceSe ^ 1 fo? all men too iooHc bppen, anb alfo ii}tt t'jepbaue gtuentbema lovob toopccwl-icb map come too the eares of all mnt. jEkd lo are i»e Done to br.berftab.tbat ttjat fpeeeb S»bereof msncior. bar}) bin mabt bcfozc,is (as 3 »»ap tcrmc it) uifiblc. ^oj il)e i)caurs fpeafee to mens epes 5 not to tbeir eares : fo as JDautb rjatb goob renfon too compare tbcp; beorpfuineiTe fo DiCinct- lpfctinojB6r,bntooa iezpting . j^ow tbat tbc &oo:b [Ca«a] fignifpetb a pcrfc in feipting , it appeeretb fufiici^ntlp bp <£fai : 2 8 . 1 o . febere C5 u) 3D it^cning the "Jelaes too chit3:c:i that are not of pecres apt too bee taught, fapetb tljus: 3!t Ojalbee toot'nem,piecc?t top;ccept, pjecept toopjecept, berfetoo bcrfc, berfs too u zxtz, a title ivbtU there, a ipttle to'gilc there. Cljercfojein mpiubgement, tbc mcemng is, that C5oDsgio^icts to^pttm in no barkc 0? fm ill letters , but erpiciTcb in a fairc fet hanoc , tbc reabmg Sobereof j is open anb cafp too all men . ^ttljerto 31 Ijauc fet foo2-tt)tbenatiue mcemng of the fBzopbet . :fo?fc>bcrca0tb'.0bartof the' pfalmc batb bin SyjcffeD too allegories : tljc rcabcrs (ball caflp perceiue tbat tberc Soasno rcafon ir>hP itfboulbbee Doonc. 3 tolbpouattbc firfie (i»lucl) tbtngais (o appeeretb, bp tip lapingc toogttljer of J-iiif. tbc John Caluins Commentarie, tbstert) t\)M fcefoie s>auiD couininb too tljsiaiDS, bes fcttctb fojtb ©033 glojie to be bsbilo in tt;e ftoifcmanQjip of f fcmlo. /ftoiw,if of tiicbeausns&e (ballmafee tlje 3poftlcs,am> of the £>3nnc,£l#tft : tljnt partition can take place no mo?6. £>uer a* befpbes, itbabbinanbntotoarb faQ)ioa, too placets Haw after the <0ofpell in tlje teict . But fojafmucb ad notbmg ifi mojc dcere,tban that bee entreatetij berc of tbe Knotolcbge of 4fc»oo,fo>i)tcl) is naturally of- fcrcb to all men in tbe mirrour of £ toojlb: 31 waft from longer btfeourie of tljat mat; ter.iDnlp, bpnuifc tbeis allcgojicaljntct pjetcrs banc taken occafton bppon tbe taoozbsof $£>aule,t!jisKnotmufo bebns tunfrco.^aulcbifconrfmgbppontbe cal- ling of t\)z <0entplcs,taUs£!) tins fo? a pjin cipii , ti>at tobofocuer callctb bppon tbe name of tlje &o?b Qjaibcc faucb : anbafs tervoaro aooctlj, tljat bee cannot bccalleb pppon,bntil be be fenowen bp the Doctrine of toe aule publik fbca tbe pzomis of feluation to tbe <0en= tplcs: bej bemaunbetb^bisber tbepalfo lj?.o not herb t 3BnMjeanfweretb,tbatout of ti)is place there S»as opencb to tbcm a fcl)osle,ioberin tbep mpgbt lerne Ifteligio anb tbe fcrufs of <2>ob, bpeaufe tbc ft>?ps ttng of tl\G!n iocnt foojtt) into all the earrb ?c.£>urclp Rattle fboulo then out of fea= fon baus fapb that tbc ^ofpcl bab bin herb tfoongb the fojljele toojtlb attbemoutbof tbe Spoftlcs, ioljicl) bab fearcelp pit come bnto fcaaje men . tlerclp tbcfr pjtcac'jing has not as tben pailco into farre couns trpes, but abobc ptt enclofeb Soitbintbe bownbs 0? 33eo>;tp . l^is mcening tberes fojc is nothing Doartfuil . 5r oj Ije ment too lap, tbat (15 ob manp bnnbjcb pecres paft, bab bifclofcb bis glo^ic too the <©«ntpicar,. anb tbat tbc fame Seas as a flojiSj of mo?c large Doctrine . jfo} although tbe flats of bis cbojm people Sucre feparate fo? a tpme from the heathen : pit it ought not to fceme ftraungo, tbat <35ob at tl>c length bath bifclofcb bnnfclf inbifferent!? to rljctn botb«,fc>bome bcebabbeeretofoje allures bniuerfallp bntoobim : accojbingasbce fapetb in anotber place , tbat at &bat tpme <0oD fufferebtl^e ^eatl;cnto5oani Der after their owne foapeSrPit!jee l)fib not left bimfclfe &!tboat&irnca,e. 3!ct. 14 16. wi)crcbp5»icgatl)er-, that tncp Sscrc too groffeip oucrfeene, ioljicl; fur= mpfeb tljat )&att!e beparteb from tbc litte- rail fencc.wbicb tlung tl;e Kcabcrs (ball pit fnrtber bnberftanb bpmp Comment tarpes bppontbc fame place . [ l^e b.atb feta^auilionfojtbe S>onne] aiifeeas 3Dauib of all tbe ioljole frame of y i»o?lb Ijatb cbceflp cl^ojcn tb.c ^cauens, toVjerm tofctfoojtbtbeHmageofd5obtobcbolb, bpcaufe be map bitter bsz fecne tl)ere as m a b pgb ftage : fo noS» be popntetb bs too tbe S>onns placebin bigbeft Degree,bpi caufe in tbe bjpgbtncu"c,of ittbe maicftie of ©od bttcretb it felfe tbe mojc aparant= l? . $qi altbougl) tbe rett of tbe planets bauc alfo t!jeir courfes, f as it &cre tbepj races,anb rl;attl;e firmament Djafrctb all tbc fireb ftarrcs into tbe turning about of it felfe : pit bao it bin in bapnefoj iDautb to baue gone about to banc taugljt the fe- crctsof 2ftftrologie too tbe rube anb bn= lerneb. Cbcrefojc it i»as pnougb fo? bim Sottb grofle ftple too repjouc tbe fc>bole SdojID of bntbanHfulncfle, if tljep p?ofiteb not in goblpncfle b^ tbe bcrp beboloing of tbe fonne.'Cbis is tbereafoniobp befaptb tbat a Cent fo>as pitcbeb fej b, im, anb alfo tbat be goetl) out from tbe one coatt of tlje ljeauen,anb paffetl) fwpftlp bnto tbc coaft ouer agemft it . #oj be bifputctb not caps tiouflp among jdbtlofopbers concerning tl;e full going about of tbe £&onne : but applpingbimfelfe to cuerpeneof tbern- beft fo?t,bc« bolbetbbimfelfsp?ltl)in tbe erperience of t^e cpe. 3!nb tbcrcfojcfpcas fcetb be not of tbc otber balfeof tbe fonnes courfe, i»bicb ts bioben from our f^gbt Dnoer our ^emifpbere . Cbe tbings f \)z fettetb fo^tr) to be conftbercb in tbc fc?onne areibjee : t'oe beacDtp anb crccilentn;u"e of bis fljape: tbe fvotfrneffe of bis tons ning : anb tbe &>onbcrfull poiscr of bis bca'tc • ^ecommcnbetl) biSbigniticanb bcatotpfulneafe bp a Gmilitubc of a typocs groome : anb aftcrcoarb abbctb tbeflmilii tube of a ronner . ^Foj tbe ftoiftneffe of fucb as contenbeb in olbe tpme in cbarpot oz on foote intbcltftes, Soas S»onbcrs full : 5»!)ic!) tbofogb it came berp farre fljojt of tbefwiftneffe of tlj« *§>onne : vii noti»itb daubing , 3Dauib coulb finocno-. t^ingin comon ufc of men , fc>bicl) app?o c'gea vppon the.xix.Pfalme. ebco ncercr io it.wbcras fame tlunktbat tbe cbertCbmg beat* is beto&cneb in thtrD member : 31 allolo notofif. &urcttisa Suonoerfutl ft>o;ts of d5ol> , anb a fingular pjoofofbtsgoooneflfctbat tbe fojee of tbs fonne pcreing cuzn into tbe eartb,mabetb it frutfull by bis infpiraeion.^otcbcit f oj- afimtc!) as !;c fail b tbat riotfnwg o j noman *£?* is IjibDcn from tbe beats tbcrof : ^ take tt ratber too bee ment of tbat Violent beat?, Soberimtball a0 ft ell men as otber iiuing creaturs,togitber Suit!) plants $ trees are fcojcbeo.iFoj noman coactct'o to cfcbcuj f quickening beat, foberieitb, fteefesie our feluestobccberifljco. The laweof the Lord is perfect, repay ring the Sowle: theteftimo nie of the Lord is faythfull,inftrufting the little ones inwifdomc. The ftatutes of the Lord are ryght, and reioyce the hart: the com- maundment of the Lord is pure and giueth lyght to the eyes . The fcare of the Lord is cleanc, and endureth for euer:the mdgments of the Lord are truth,and iufhfyed togither. 7 [Cbc lata of tbe 2.o?b.] fil oto f olobsetb tbe feconb part of £ pfalme.^Fo? after tbat be batb fbetoeb bow all manUinb is fufi- ciently inftructeb concerning tbe only one (j&oD by fpc cblefTefcboolemayliers : now be falletl) in bano until f Jcu?cG,to tobom uD ob bab bin mabe better Hnotcen by bis Soozb.^f oj in tbat tbe bcauens bearc 5»it- ncflc of bim, it leabetb not men fo farrc as tomaUctbem tbioughly learncbin gob= lynefTc : bnt onely auayletb fo farre as to tnaKe tl) cm bne portable . Cr eta it is in Dccbc, tbat if free Sucre not totoomucb bitllaros, tber are inftructiongf y noio in tbe Cbeatrc of tlje ioojlD,to pjouotte bs bn^ too goblynefTe. 25utbyeaufe free basic tn tbe bjo&e lygbt : tbis tyygbt refemblance of <&> ods glone fboulD boote bs nougbt at all, ftntbout tbe belp of bis fc>oojb , al= tbougbitongbttoobec to bs in ftcb of a iowbfoambtngfermon. Cberefo?elooftc *bbome (0oo batb bctcrmineb too call too faluatton, bpon tljem bototfauetb be afin= galar grace-.libeasin olo tyme, altljougb bcauofrcbcbbimfcifc tobc Icbge.wbwbpponitfo= lofojetb, tbat tbe iRcircs arebounofcHtb bubble bonb to feruc oo.;fFurti)ermo;te,bnocrtb® name of tbe laws , be not only bn'osrftans betb tljc rule of iiuing rygbtuoufc!y,oz t\j: tenne commaunbments : but alfo conipje = benbetb tbe coucnaunt, frbcrby <©od baa biftinguitbeb tbat people from tljcreO: of tbefc)00?U>, anb all tbe it>I>ole ^Doctrine of ^oyfes.tbc partes iobercof berccft^ netbbp after&arocbnbcr tbe ttrmes cf 'Ccff imonies, ^>tatutcs,nnb otbersd^oj tbcistytles iobetcioitb bee commcnbctl) tbe lafre, fl)Oulo not agree enelytootbe tenne commaubements.onlefle tber catne tbcrfritball freeaboption, anb tbepjottu- festbatbepenbe bppcntbe fame, aho fi- nally, all tbat frbolebofiy of 2Dectrine„ botytveof conOftctb trcwe {Religion, aim goBlyneflc . ^s toucbing tbe ftebjewj- i»oo?bcS, Ji labour net curioufly in fct= ting out tbe fignificarions of cuery of tbe,. bycaufe it is cafic too be gat!)f ret) by otber places, tl;at tbeybeenow anb ttym con^ founbeb . Cfuly [Gnidoth] is generally tafeen fo? tbe couenaunt Scbcreby (50 S> (feljenbecbab pjomyfeu too become tf;s 45oo of Sbjabam, anb of tjis cbilD?cn, ) tabctb aflurance of faytb ano obco tenet at tbeir banbes, on tbe otbet fioc . Jtis tljerfo^c a mutuall couenant bctroirt (0od ano bis people . Cbe tooop [Pecudimj ' (frbitb 31 folotoing otljcrs baue trafiatca [S>tatuts]) is by fomc rcrtrqmcobntco> cercmoniC0,borobcitnotSr>£ilm5ny iuDg mct,bycaufc generally ? fee it cueryfe';cr 3^.b. tofocsi "Iohn Caluins Commenrarie a repetition oftbeiaftfentcnec:fo ao tbi psrfcctnefic of tVje iawc, ans tin faptbfufe neCe o* trut!;e of bio tefttwonfe, impoit all one thing : naaiclp , tbat lo^cn toe* baue peelses top eurfebts too bee rules b? <5£> 2D <&> iueojD, tijcrc Utno perill of draping, bpeaufe tbe i,c?D bootb ccr= t einip birect b<0 fci uanrcs tbat ivav bnto faluarion . % erning in fmfbome, fecmetb too be: aSSeS, as the beginning of tbe re^ paracion of fyt fowle. Jro; Gtbtbatbn* Scrftanbing is tl?e moft excellent power of tbefo&le.IDaui&tcaebetb ttjar t!je fame is too bee ferc'nes ont of tbe *a«?e , bpeaufe tocc ate beftitute of it bp nature, f oj fen; ber tbe name of [ little one*, ] be betehe= nctb not fome one fozt of men onlv , as tbougb tbe reft 'ant uipfe inougb of tbew felueo: but firfl be&arnetb tos.tbat none are enbeweS teitl) rpgbt vnDerfianbmg, tontili tbep baue pastes inebe JLawc of $03. I^erwitball aifo be fbcioetb Sobat maner of ^cboicrs <£>ob requpzetb : na* rsclp, fuel) 30 feeme f coles in tbemfelue0, ans come bou.netootbcftateofcbil&zen, tbat tbe loftpncfic of tbeit oume i»tt be not a let too t\)tm to peels tbemfelues fcljcUp too bee taifgbt bp tbe fojco;6 of <£os. 8. [<£b« ftatutd of tl;e £ozs.] 3ltbougb be feemetoo fapnotbing but tbat S&bicb i0cosi8n,icbenbecaUetbtbc (latutfg of tbe JLozs rpgbt : pet noLroUbfiancmgif a tsan canfiscr tlje matching of contranc0, betwecne the rpgljtncffe of tbe jtawe.anb tbe cr colics h> spes u>bcrm men entangle tl;e mfeluc0 bp {blowing tl.cir owne iclt, be (ball fpnb tins tptle too bee of no fmall foepgbt. voce bnowc bob fo;e cucrp man is bent too bimfelf, anD boio barb tt so too piueUe bp tbe trull of fslfe tutf come cut of oar mpnDc0. Jit is therefore a pitbtbP bectrme, tbat a manxec Ijffc cannot be« ozsercs arpgbt etberb.pfe , tljan if it tee frames according too q&sD2D& 3Lau.e, ioitlicut tobicb all is but foanbering in erconeb bpwapes. ^cccnblp be asteib, [tbat <15oB0 fratufg make a mcrtp bcrt: J bpcaufe tljcre is none otber top fubftan: eiail , but tbe top of a goob conscience: ivhic'i) fa>ee tben rnicp, SrbcN fc>ec arc ccr -; | tcinlp pcrfuabeb tbat our lpfe plefct'o gob. | 3Bn berp SeeDc tbe foelfpzing of peace ; is.faptb, fcbicb reconciled) bs frceip bnto 1 <&es* ^otttitbftanbing.from^nccairo j taKcn fo: proclamations ans actee of par* lament. Cb«rfo?e tbe SoooxS [ Merfath, ] ie\)ic\) foloaetlj ucct after , 10 almefre all one in figniacatton &itb it. i>f tbe re^ toes-* xou fball fee in their places . Che aril commenbacion of tbe &atoe,i0tbat it U3 feu no, op perfect: bptDtjicbbjoojD JDauis raeenttb , tbat if a man bee iemea arpgbt m tb? of <8> £> 3D, be %>antetb nos tbtng bntoo perfect Sutfsome. jtoi ah t'gowgb t\)tt in ^eatben roennc0 &)jp* : yigr-j rberc bee fpjiuclcs Tome treio anb p;o3tsble Tentcnce^ , and tbat 45os but b put in tbctn a ccrteine percepuerance of rpgbtuoufeneffc: pitnoncitbftanbing tbe corruption of nattn*e mabetb tbat tbere can bee founb no pure Ipgbt of boctrine among men , but ccrteine maptneb p;in~ ciples &?appca in tbe barbneffe of igno= ranee. TiJbJrfoje.iuoojtbelp bootb 3Da-- tsis cbalenbge tl;t0 pjapfe tootbeaiatoe, tbat it contcpnetl) in it tbe perfect anb ab* folute te)ifcbome . jpojafmucb a0 tbe cons u-erficn of tbe &oule,frbicb be asset!) anon after, is out of all boubt put fox tbe repapjing of it,3l fticbcb not too tranflate itfo. ^as tbere bee tbat reafon too fpnes ip in tljis place concerning mannc© re= ans reformation . 3 csnfcfie trselp, tl^at tbe ^>ou>k is not creates nem sgein bp <© il> 2D *» L&cor.but renewes "QtxiOQ rpghtuoufeneffe. i^ovrbceit,3Da= ufos fttnple plapne weening is too bee eortSBeKb b'p tbe &>ap , tbat lifee 30- ti)c fou>!e qtucteeftct!) tlje bobpe , fo alfo tb« %,mqi is tbe lpfe of t^e fotoic. 25nb be fa?t!?,rbat tbe fowie is repapjeb , as ab tufting too tl>c mtferable ftate in iubicb iue^are all botne. ;f oz eltbougb tbere r«»apfl« fii'.l tn be ccrtein fcrappes of mv nrft creation : pet notroitbfianbing, bpcaufG no part conttnetretb pure from sefplmge ans infection , tbe ftate of tbe fowls tn fucb Snpfe appapjeb , biffcretb iiftle frombcatb, anb tenbetb btterlp bn- too seatlj* ?$na tberfoic , it is of necefTb t.e , tl;at & £) 5D Ibonlb fucccur £0 bp tbe rcuicbie of l)is 3Lawe : not foj that tije letter of ibe 3Uwe booetb it of itfe^f, (aoaftenoavs fball bee fapo mete at lata $z: ) but bpcaufe dgos bfetb tys So 002b a0 m\ inftrument tog tbe repapring of mcnnc0f9wie0. wberafi be calletb tbe CteftiJMWtc of tJ)o fiojb faptbfull,] it i* yppon cnc.xix.Flalmc. 70 rpiecg ineftimsble iop too tbeferuanre* of 3nd Cure foee are, tbat where (C^ttftea <15od, in tljat tbrp fenotoc tbep fc»eerp not tbemferaearalblp and too no purporc,bp- eaufc tbe? baue <5oo a0 tbe fudge and ai* lower of their Iprc. Coo bee, tbw rairtb 10 Tet ageinft all icaud zntpecHientca « pleafure0,tobicb entpce tojetcbed foulcs toorbcirdetrruetion. 35 if ZDauia fljotiio fap: <£> bof jcuer tbep bre tb-it dctpjht tbe ; felu:s in fuming , tbep procure manifold matter of fotowe too tbc.ufcSurs : but tb? berp forond top (0 gotten bp folocoing tijJ 3Utoc of <£ 00 . jn tbe end ef tbe torrfe, bp teaching tbat tbe rule of 45od$ fiatcc ia pure , and giuc rt^ Ipgbt too tbe epca : be giuctb b)3 an incltng,tbatitt0fUdoont, 100 feelic fy: difference of good and ill elf-- &bcre , bpcaufe fc?b«tfoeuer tbing men tying bp of tbemfcluca.ft dcfplctb tbe elenncfle of Ipfe iottb tlje d?eggc0 of it: and furtbermoje,t}jatall tbctr ftjarp fpgbt so but blpndnefle , and tljat tijep feander alusapca in darfeneflfe,ttll tl;ep turnc tl*cir ep?0 to tbe Ipgbt of tbe'bcaucnlp doctrine. Wbtrfeppon it folioa?etb, that none other are rpgbtlp fopfe.tbafucb aafoloise <£ob foj tbetr gupde and matter , and are bent too the twacc Sxsljtcrj be p^eferretb bpbi0 Ssoojd. W>i\t beere rpfctb no fmall que= ftton.bpcatuc J$aul Utterly oucrtbzowcth tbetjat commenoacion0 of th> ftawe,fe>bicb are rebcrfed bp £>autd . jfc: bow Sand tbetstbingestoogitber, that tbc Haws ft) oulD repapje menned foulc0,aad pit bee a dead and deadlp letter t tbat it fljould ebzere mennc0barte0,and pit ftrlfee tym &itb feare bpbjinging the fpirit of bom dage :' tbat it fboulo enlp gbtcn menned epetf , and pet fupp?eu"c the ipgbt Soitbtn, bp cafting a bepie befoje it? jftrft pe muft bearc in mpnd tbat Sbtftct) 35 Earned pou of at tbe firft, tbat £>auid entreatetb not of ttje bare commandemcHte0>but com- pjeljendctb tbe ivrjole eouenant , Rubers though 45 £D 3D adapted tbeoffpjting of 3b?abam too bee bte people . i$ljerfb?t, tmtoo tbe rule of Uuing well, bee topnetb tbe free pjomifea of foiuacion , 0? ratber CluiS bimfelf ,in Suborn tbe adoption iuaif grounded. U5ut^au!e,feljo bad too bealefcjttb tbefroujard and oucrrbwart interpreters of tbe ILatee,S»bicb fcparated it from tbe grace and fpirit of Cb?ift,to& cbctb onip tbe bare miniftcrp of i^opfeg. fpirit quicbenetb not tbc £a*», tbe ftawe is not onlv dn?;o&table , but alfo - Ip too tl;e fcbolera tbcrof. •$ o? fettbout Cb.:ift,tbere retgn#tl) in ttje lame notbing bar \>atreatablc rigour , "iobicb caft^tb ail man'ipno bndcr (Sod0 \o%sx\^ and parfe. aigein, tbere dweiietb in d0 a rcbelhoufee neOe of tbeflcib,S»!)tcb feindlcrb in bs a batred ageini <©od and bis i.aa)C,f from b*ace flocoetb tbatfo?ot»full bondage and dKdd. i&\)ia dtucrletafemg of tbe ilawe, doorb caa? reconcile tl;elife;lphod j difa - greetuentut tbci»oo?oe0of S)auid and |£>aule : bpcaufe |2>aulc0 purpofc is , too (bewe 5»bat tbe ilaws is able too doo fo} b0 bf itfclf alone, fo farre foojtl) a« iuitb - outpjomis of grace it ccactetb ftrepgb:lp tfyit tobicb bace owe bnto CSob: j JDauios purpofc is to comend tbe U bole doctrine of tbe &at»,toberbJitb ^ (5ofpell i0matcl;ed, 9 tberfo? be ineludetb Cb?ift fender it alfo. 9 [Cbc feare of tbe %o;b is cleane] ^cre bp tbefeojd [feare ,]ia ment tbe mancr of ferumg d5od . Cberfo?etbt0too:d i0ta-3 hen actiuelp foj tbe doctrine febtcb p?c= fcribetl) fento fe0 in ft>batSDifeftjcougbt to feare d5od. iFo? men foj tbe mod part fearc 45od in fuc!) %t,^ tbep pjouohe bis to:atb mo? e agcinfl tbcm bp deuiQng falfe and faultieroojtbfppingfii. wojtbclp tb«r> fo;e dootb JDauid in coudemning oucrs tbcoartip »nennc0 bntoioard deuuea r a : firme tbat tbe beeping of tbc Iaio,i0 to bee pure from all filtbineffe . 3no bee addctb [tbat tbep endure fo? ener,] as if be fljnlo tcrmc it tbe treafure of cucrlaaiugbappi s ncfle. ^ojfcefceim'tbbowbhndbfadps neffe tbe &»o?ld is carieo to tranfitcjie- matter0. wberbpitcomctbtopafle, j>m rawgbtmgafter tbe emptp fbadois of bfife full life, it fo?goerb tbe fecrp bliftcdncne it felf. 31" tbc fecond member,bp cnnoblmg <2?od0 commaundcracnt0 i»it!it!^e title of truti; , be condemnetb all tbings of fond ; ncfle , &>!jatfocucr tbep bee tbat mm raise bppon tljcm of tbeir ownc bead, foit^out toarant of ttjc &at». %. nd furcrp bee could not bauc ttirr ed tos to tbe f oloxr mg f louc of tbe 3Hai» better ,tban bp tbis admoni£l) mcntjtbataltbofeiobicbta^etctberdiics a trade of lining i&out (0od0iaaj, beguile tbrTelucs $ folota not'oing but mere be rp. 3i5 ut in in? tudgmct tbep arc deceived , $»biciii jonn ^aimns ^ommenrane Sobid) rcftrcpnc ityo Syacjd [iudgments] onlp too tl)C commaundemente0 of tlje fe; cond table, fitl) it 10 SDattiospurpofetoo commend bsitb fundzp maners of fpcaUing t'ie frirtc tobicb iljc fr.ptljfullrcape of goD0 lcit»e.ix>ljera0 Ije fapctb ,ti)cp arc [iuftifpcd togitbcr,] it iinplpert) 30 mud) as £ tbcp arc all rpgbtfull fcntbout exception, ifey tl)t5 ftplc be difcernctb£U foj lljc pjecioufneffe, as foj tl;e fvosctneue tbcrof . Bnd tl)is coromenda- cton bangf tb bpon tbe pjctnifes. 5ro: tbc p?oStc0,is5bicl? Ije rcbcrccd euennovo,bc= ing fo manp and fo grcate, doo fooojtbeip delcrue, il)ut •soec u)oulo dcfppfe golb anb liUicr , ahb cSecme tbc bcaucnlp doctrpne as tljj rjpgbeft anb onlp trcafure.3in Read of [fpnc gold,] fomc tranflate 3Qei»ell,but tbc mois allowed interpretation is,of gold that is pure anb tburrowlp fpned : fc>l)id) interpjetacio manp places of tijefcripture conSrmc.Cbenamci0bcrpuebof[Caza,] ieljici) figfttfpctij>to ftrengbtcn : &l)erby a man map coniecturc , ti;at tbere is not menj of anp one countrp , a0 of £DpIur, but golo tbat is fpneb bp Sdooj&- manu)tp. yea ratber it appecretb bp 31 cs rcmpc.10.9. t'nat tbe land of QLlpbajtofec l)is name tljcrof, bpcaufe it bad mpnes of inofte fpne goold . Cbc otiginall of tbc iOOOja Obrizon.SybCTWitb ti)C golb i0 ttVi mcb,!0 bncertcin,fauing tbat Jcrom gefc feti), it is fo called , a0 it Sucre oPhrizon> tbat in too fap, bjougljt out of tbc lanb of ® pljir. Cbc effect t0 tbi0, tbat tbe lawc 10 not cfrcc.'.icb according too tbe defers tbcrof , except fe>ce pzefcr it befo?e all tbe .rtcljcs oftbetoojld. jftow, iftiudeStma-: tion tafec place iottlj be,it fcrill eaflp purge our mvixwa of tl)e ouermud) defpje of goold and [fluer. &j)o;ceuer,fc>itb ti)is rcuerentnelft tbere mart needes enfew? a!* fo leas and dclpgbt, fo a£ tbe JUroe fljail not onlp compel bs to otodienee,but alfo f«?cciiv allure b0 . i\>l)icb tljtng can not iifccibtberpgbfuoufcnefleof<2?o&. && uertbclefTCttJce map gatber ageinbeerbp, tbat be entreated) not of tbc bare com= mauKdmentes $ tbe dead letter : but tbat tlje pjomifc0,u)berbp grace is offered, arc comp?cbcnoedtbcrteitl)all.5Fojiftbc!atee fboulD but put men in feare bp commatm ding, bow could it bee ampablc^CertctTe if tbe laice bee feparated from bope of foj- giuene(Te,and from tbefpirit of Cb?iQ:it isfofarrc of from tbefcocctnclTc of bonpe, tbat it iooold ratber flea tbe Su?ctd)e6 fowlc0 Mt\) bio bitternefle. 11. [&9o?couer, bp tbem.] %\bscit tbat tbi0 faptng map bee crtended gcncrallp to all tbe godip : ^it it is rpgbtlp bndcrftood concerning 2Dauid ^imfclf, too tbe end be map teflifp, f> Soljatfoeuer be batb taugbt be^rtofo^e , be Hnoisctb djc fame bp bi0 oanc cjcpericnce.3ind fureip,noman 0>all cucr entreate trulp s carneftlp of tbe rjca= uenlp doctrinetbut be tbat batb it fired in tbe bottom of Ijtjge Ijart . JDauid tbcrfoje acUnocoledgetb , d)at febat fhill fo cucr be batb to rule and frame lji0 Ipfe: bs ^atl? gotten it bp djelawe of CD 0 £>. 2SnD al- tbougbbefpeabe p?op?c!p of bimfclftpet be fettetl) foojtljc a general! rule in tys came craiMple, tbat if cbc mancr of good bebautour and conucrfatton be fougbt,tbe onlp jLax»c of <&Q no i& pnougb 5a>urj an oucrplu0: fromfebJcbaiTooneas a man fteppsti) afpde,bt0 race 10 fubicct to manp evroui'0. 3nd if is to bec noted, tbat 3^a- uto bp turning \)is talk bppon tbe food?i;i bnto <&ox>, citctb J)fm as a Soitneffc of l;t0 faping, too t!)intcnt too mabc men fecisftre betpde , onleflfe tbal tl)ern?itball b^ee co?= tbe moje certeinlp , tbat be fpraUcrl) fm? CtCtej) t\)z dflpsbteal of tijc ficfl),S»bcr= cerelp, and from tbs bottom ofl)i0l)art. ,=0oto , bpeaufc tbe feoo^t* [ 2 ahar, ] figni= fpcti; s.3 Sbeifto tml)C,s? sffo to beware, fome SdiV.) it is no tharudtfb? b0 too bec ett- war!cd,ft long as our biifauerp tafte m\U ypport the . xx . Pfalme. 7' feme trr.nflatc it, [tljp fcrHant is taught 0? fcjarnet)] bp tJ>c commaunDemcntscfdjs laicc. isswbeit fojafmuc'a as it carpe:ba fuller uieenmg& it , tofap tljat Ijcc wljicb. Ijatlj fubmittcD Ijimfclfe to bee gouerncDbp ® $> H> , is maoe ctrcumfpect, ej Suave, 31 IiUcD better t\)\B trandation. 31 n tlje fc= conD member Ijcfiiowet*) t!)at wijofocuer tl;cpbcetl)atpeelD tfcemfcu«3ton;0 <5od, too fecepc tlje rpgfttnoufr neflc Swlurfj l)cc eommauDctfrtljcpncuerlofetljcir labour, bpcaufe great rewarD is lapD \>p tn fto2C foj tljem. 2Ugein,tlns is no fmall commen- Dacion of tijc &awc,tl;at in it tlje 3Lo?D cos uenantetlj with. 00 (anti after a fo;t bpn* Detfj bjmfclfe) torceompcncc our obeDp= ence . ;jfO£altljoug!) Ije maplawefullp eje^ act of us ftjljatfoeuer tlje &aw cotepnctlj ; yttnotft> irtjftanD ing Ijee of Ijis free boun= tcoufcnciTc pzomifctlj W fcruats retoarD, ioijicljtljcpDeferucnot . 'Crew it isin oecDe, t'nattlje pzomifes of tlje Iawe are inaDc kopDctlftOuglj our Default , bpcaufe tr>at euen be that its perfected tg farre too fljojtt of tlje full rpgtjtuonfencffc : ano men canloohefo;norcwarDof tljeir ioojlics, bntill tljep ijaue Doone full as atuclj as tlje lawe required). §> 0 Doo trjtts two ttjings agree well togitljcr : naraelp,tljat eternall ipfe CbalbetljerewarD ofrpgljtuoufcnefle, if a man fulfill the lawe in all points: ano pit natwitWtan&mg, trjat auicouimu pjodapmcD ageing all men in tlje lair, bps canfe all tlje whole wozlDe isBefHtuve of rpgljtttoufcneffc of &ao?kc0.u>ijic:5 thing fa'til nppecrcanon after bptlje nejet Serfs folowmg . $0} after tljst iDmib ijarlje commenDeD tljts fcencfite of tlje law, ifat it offered) plentiful retearD to fuel) as fcrue o fcnowefy ijisownemifoceDes e $ thereby Denoim cing all men giltp of cuerlsfting Death ,ljec tjttcrtp confouaoctl) teljarfocuer confiDecc can bee conccpueD of mens Defsruinas.^f anp man obicct ttyat it is in toaine to bcau- tifietljc Hawewitl) tin's commenaacton, 5»I;Gicof itistoopD in cfect : tlje aufwet is reap ffcapm : tbat rtyafmud) as tn ti?e co 1 ticnantof aDoption,t!)cre is iwcuttcDfrce fojtgtucncffe of finnes,wl}crbppcn x>c$niz ocrb, tlje imputacionof rpgljtuoufeneOr: tljere is ^cloeDretoaro Ctl)oug!) Dnoefcr= ueo) to rl;e woo?fecs of t\)z faptljfuU.Jf 0? looke,ft>b,at d5oD pjomifctl) in tlje lav»c to tfjc perfect obfetuers of rpg^tuoufenelTe: tljatooo t\)t faptljfuU obtepnc bp i)is fa= ttjerlp forbearing, wljileljc acccptctf; tliCit enocner ano gool? Defpjouffncfle of obcp= ing, fojtb^e full perfection of rpgljtuoui= nefie. 12 »4 Who can vnderfhnd his faultes 3 Clenzc mcc from my fecret fawltes. V Vithold* thy femant alfo from prefumptuoufc finncs, that thev ouermaiftermeenot : then shall I bee found, and shalbee clenzed from much wickednefTe. Let the words of my mouth and the conceyts of my hart bee accep- table in the fyght,6 Lord;my ftrength and my redeemer. Cty0 outUrp fi)cwetl) in 5»b,at fo?t t\)Z ptomtfes of tl)c lawc,io^icl) Ijaue a conoid cion annerco to tljem, ougl)tto bcetafecn. namelp^ataffoneas tljcpcome abjooc, cuerp man ftjouio ejeamin l)is oicnelpfe,^ fee tljat not oncl? \fig oeeo cs, but alfo ty$ tljougbts be acco?oing to tljat pet feet rule of rpgl)tuoufnc(fe,wl)icl)ts fttfoo^tljc in tlje iawc. ^)o Sopll it come too pa(fe,tl)at ecljeonc percepuing tljepiljope of rewarD to bee cut of , mufl of neceffitie flee tonto (Sons incrcte.itfoj U10 not pnoitgl) to co; Goer &^at tl;e ooctttnc of tlje laft> contct net!): except fo?e come alfo to cur ofcm ptr= foncs,Sol)crein tl)e Default Ojaibc founOc. SUffoonc as tl;c papules !)eere, [i^e tl;at ttooctr; tb,etst!)mgcs (ball luic in tljem, ] 3lcuit.i8.5. t^cp bpanDbp witlj out fur- ther regarD, tpeeternall Ipfc to tlje Defer t of tl)cp? Soo?&c0,as if it lap in tfyepz owne poieer to perfojwe tljelawe,wl)ereof w:e are all tranfgrcu"o?s , not onlp in fbm e on? little popnt,but alfo in allponits.3nD tljer fe?e JDauiD becing as it toerc encombcrcD in a ma^e, acfcnowleogei!) Ijtmfelfc in ma? net of SoonDering too b:c ouev&JjclmeD- lohnCaluins Commentaric tou'i) the atulntuDt of ins finnes . fiiil of all then it ts too bee boine m minie , that fojafitutch 23 fee be osftirute ef therfgbs tuoufencffs of the 3Lavoe in our oroneper* ton* , fee arc alio ui conuberattcn thereof cjecluDeb from the hope ef the rnxtfiu p;o mifeb in the famciana mozeouer nana git tie iscfoze d5o9, not of one ez two faultcs, but of innumerable faaUs : fo as our lews tieffc t0 to bee bcwspleo feitb mode bitter fojowe, fo: that it not onelp bcrcauct!) bU of (5oa0 biiilma ,but alfo turneth lite into cesfn : accozving as there is no Doubt tut that 2£>auta (after be ijab faptD t^at <25cs ctferctbrcrearDe liberalise bateo all men Qjst Obfetue ibe Jiawe) fees ftr^Ueninfo hozrible a fearc thatbe bzafee outinto this fozefapD fpcccfec. 25 p tbe feozD [shencoth] ci err ozs, feme tbmn 10 betokenca the iefc fer fault0 . But in mp tubgcmcnt,lDautD meat ftmplp to fop , that fee are befharcleD tn rnoc bcccptcs of g : athan tban that anp man can pet cctuc ityz bunbzetb part of bt0 ownemiicmg. bewttcheo the |3a= pitis , fe ul) fehom it it m eaftc ana rcabp matter too gather aU their fimws once a peers tntoo a bmule. Che Decree cf the Hatcrane C ounfeli commannoetij nsen to fbzpuc tbemftlueo once a pecre cf all their Fmnrg, anb nobepc cf fo?gmencu"cts lefts but toppen that cenbttion . <£chc inun bp toanmg m the ti zcefl cs eare belceue 0 he bathe mabe afaire oifpatche , ao thcughe the OmiC0 that hee bathe commtttcD of all thcTeerclong.couloebcerecUen^D )jp bp= pon his fingers enbes , febercas cuen the bolp onca bp ftretgbte iTcamination canr.c fcerce come too the remembznunce of tbe bunDscDtljpart, anD thcrfoze agree bppoa tlwsfaptng ofJCfuibs. [ivbocan tmfccr= fianb b'0 fflultw t ] 3lnD it auapleth net to mahe ejreeption iljatit is tncugb if tcb* man boo cs muebe es in htm i^ctlj.fc?. fstij itishnpofTiblc too pci foz me that fehttJ;e the latoe commamiDett, ; t mufl ef necellg^ ttefall cut that fehofecuer isenbefeeb & earnefte feelmg of the feare of ®cD , mull be etrcnxbelmcD feith cc^)aire,fo long as he tbinfceth ^tmfelf to be bennb feitl? tyis necemtie : anb that tbcp fehich^btiburbea tbcmfeluco of the it finnrs bp tl)ie fyivU, arc fiarUe coltes.^ hnoicc fame cjtpctms tt otljcnrife, tl;st <& SD 3D ffc culb call biw bacU frcmb'0 eirc:stpthebitetttoncf b?s fpp?tte. ^utthts p?apmg ts refers teb furtl;er too foigpuencae , ip»e as that febtct? vppon tne . xx . i/iaime. 72 feuitco toioEPcrJj m the ne# serfs , calletlj fo: (tt>b? to ourtcom? temptations , f f jj fc'iehelpeef tb*bo>p:?hoft. [jffrom p*c= Cuutptuons finite©}., forth 1Dsutb^[witb bolb tbi> feruant] necrung bv [yjrfamps tuotie ftnnesjapen iranjrcffrms wfcrr »>tcb there ts lopneb wi fulneife. 35 - t!?e &»3ja[i»tt§fll&}be Bote) os to xx»u , t'mt aecoiotttg to Uk fnpltp of £ fkfb whtcb is f j jewarb ^nto fin^cucn tbe bolp- fo'.b,: Bo dart area? 0; rather arc carpeo bcaOs long, erccpt (85 3b withhold tpem « beepe them baefc. 3! no it ts to be noted, that al- though be tenne fcimrclfcbefcruatrnt of <5ob : p*t notwitbGanding b* scUnowIea getb ijtmftt to bajf neece of ab:iOJe,teft be GjOiibbarftoutto wtlfull tranfgrcf'- ling of tffeos law. jFo? albett that bang bcjne fi«rvD br <2> rD 3 fptrur , bee groncd bnder tbc bartbtn of bis unncs: m Knew be bow great the flubb ajneffe cf tbe fk5) to, and bow eaflp foiget ulncflf of <£od creepetbbpponmci: wbetbjponftnin* gttbemtcmprano&a doimcffe jfroa>, if iDautb u>rre not free from perul of tranfgrcfions , who bab fu greatly p;os fitcein me f are of *i5oo : bo w (ball the flefbtp man rule btmfe'f bp bis 0 ion free fciij m wb«-» innumerable iuft^sooo rngncr' JLctb.*learnetbentob?arrapo of out f a rjt'o ,atr bo ug 1 tbe bnr aim ffe of tbe fleO),be fubouco bp cental! of our fcU UC9. fvlGnVtti d&OdWbhO'.O UJ,OU? p jiDc fenl belSe cot funouftp age in ft gob. 2ins tbis mecmng to confirmed with a reafon f jtbwuh aboeo thereto, [lead tUep ouermapfter mi.] jfo; bp t&is faps ing bee cutoentlpafftrmctb, that nee that not onelp be bnabie to rc&ft onefft tfjoo b ap btm:but alfo Oiat b* btm tp at cnrti= tnaunocment 0 bis 0 am wtc&edmffe a0 aflaue.Ct)iaplacetberfoteteaC'ietb,noc oneip that al. manbtno 10 naturalipm bondage bnto firmr.tmt alfo tbat th* be- r v fatthfuu iboulo become bon&fl aues of Cane aifo , bar tbat & jb waptctiji courts nuallp to gouernc tbem.and giuctb rgem (rrengrbto^olooutinfteotaOrtcff .Wo tbrrets glum beere another p;outaoIe leffon, tbat tote mad ncucr p;a t hj, ob- tef'Rm?iitcf f^gti'Cneir^bac iscemuit craue tbetcbjitbalt to beearmco tbent* fonb tot h gods power , leai umptacv on? gcttlje mcittmcf Vjs.^rd attjouib fee b?e dang feitbrrje fr»rg?of concuptf eencc ritmtiflweenot bc'faintbeavteb, bit\nnv t>mo C5CD to be oar Sa^» « ^}o bout b:it H)au:D cotiiu ba-ie four?!) in hart tobaitcfeltnofinftU rnonon tn blmfd . 20utfDzaftKticb 60bcfenctu b? fbottt^ tie uer be c!ea«c rto fre^i tbc hiz%B of fmne, bnti! !je bab put of btfl rcirttpt nflturc:r)t reqilret^ to be armeo to batte?,wit!? the grace of tbc fpiilte, leaa iniquitte fbouib oucrmaffer btm anb rctgnc omv btm. ?n tbena of the bcrfe tbf r are t wo tbmgo to be noteD* 5Tot wbe«-as IDamo afrlmtetb tbac be Cbal tben be founb ano clean from mucb feicUebneffc : firft bee attnbu tetb this bona: to -5000 fpintual Defence, tbac bpon tratt tljcrof,be foarantrt ij bam felf afTijrcb btctojp agetnft al the armies of j^itan. S> con!>ip bcconfiflecb tbat on if flT> gao bUp him, be muiit ntesee bee otierwhelmcb with the bnmeafuraote multttubeano liougent Dfe of mifcheeueff. :f ojbe faptbnot tbarbefbalbe cleaned one wichcDneflfe oj, twan, but fro i»an?. ^Oberbpontt folowetb, that adoone as we be befrttute of gods grace, ther ts no bpabe of finf&bmn &.itau will not en tangle b^. Cbt0C]tifefTionof IDau:D0 therfeze muft quicken bs op to careful netlc of p23vmg, bpcaufe it 10 not fa? bs to be D2ow?p among fo manp $ fo funD2p fnareff. Hgem, tbe fojefapo gooip Qloips ing muft get y opper band in oar bar rs: nameip y although fatan alfaile w & w ma np f firong armies: pi.notwuhftaoing, tf 300 afo os> we fbal contint w \}i\ii&n= q-4iffbcb,« ftanbetAfuct)wpfe,tbat out f j iononeflfc r^ ill abpbe bnappap;ca. 24 [35eacceptabt ] ^e Delpjetbmoje ejepuflp to be fenerb w gaos grace, y he map ieab: a rigbtuoufs # bolv Itfc.^ oj ^ effect is, y goo fboulb notonlp woio hi'ti fro trafgr? IQos, lead be might burft out into f ouiwata Dte0t:b6t alfo y he fbu b tberwubat frame b«s tang jbts mpnve to f obcotcce of bis law . xoc fer?» a b jS» haroa thing i: iscuenfotthe perfcteC:> fa too feuoie the:r icojoa atti) thoughts, tba: tbcp map neptber tbumriojfycaae anp thm^j agctnft the w;l cf C5^> ^ : ano pit neaerctieuiT- ? *btB tnwarDpurtnelTe t0 C!)ecflj> rcicteO r f U* in tbt ta\s.X^ J w tr»e the rarer bertuc tbatifjts flayaneffe of hart f tung tsjfo much the ojb[acccptablc] ^5oo of bte ftrenqtb ana bt* reDeemcr, it be fbewctb tljat tber is none otber rule of mafcetb to tl;c affurebneffe of obtesting . lining i©el,t^A fo? men to cnoencr to plcfc The Contcints of the . xx . Pflilmc, It is a eenerall prayer of the Church for the king of Ijraclljthdt G&dfhtdt help hint 'at bis neede: and for the fate of bit Kingdome, hee fbouh Id help hi iii 'ai bis neede: tine! fir the ft ate of his Kingdome, hee fjottld mdy.'iteittc it in fauftie 3 byedufe that in his perfine tottfifted the welfare of the wbste J\eaimei W berevnts is Annexed a pr&mis sthd% G»d -wilbee the flay of that kjnodomc whereof be was the founder, fo as be keepeth cominevcall \vatcb fir the prefernation of the fame. The . xx . Vfalwe. To the cheefe Chaunter,a Pialme of Dauids. T he Lord heerc thee : in the day of trubble the name of the God of Iacob defend thee. Scad thee help from his Sanc"u.iarie,'and ftrengthen thee from out of Sion. Rv^SI SHttjotighjlje tptlctbctotljattljc flMu $faitnc S»as of SDauibs ma= -1}$}] i^a : pit is it no abfurbitie that "eC-aa fjeeipeafcctb, of bimfclfc in tljc peifonc cf snotljcrman . ^Foj inafmucb as i\jt office of a #jepl)rtft>a* cniopneb bn= to bun : h,zbi"b Seen" in fitting out a fo?me of piping fo?"tbc faptljful.not fo mucb to commenb Ijitufclfc bp commaunbment oj p:incelpautbo?itic : as too fbeftjebpbis e&arge of teaching, bore it pertcpneb to tbe tdjo!e €burcb,to befi?e anb enbcuer,tbat tbe Vungbome mpgljt contineio fafc S»bich 0sbljao fetbp.Smb fcrfjcrasmanp inters pjctew reftrepne tin's pjtapet to one pecu^ liar tpme, 31 like not or tt.3Bt map be tljat thz ffrft oceafion tberof grew bppen Come one battel!, fertjitljer it Sucre ageinft tbe aSEmmomts o? ageinft fomc otber enemies. Sotujitbfianbing, (in tnp taDgmcnO it &>astbepurpofeof tbeljolp cre iocs befcribeb a farrc better gouernement, fe!-;ercbpponDcpen6eD tlje full isp anb fc= iicitie of tlje Cljurcb.iDauiDtfoet'a^bao anepe purpofelp to tljis popnt : too crljo^t all tlje cbilbjen of gcb to Ijauca goolp care cf ^bjiftcsbingbome.&jb'.d) migljt (lit ts bp continctoallp bnto pzepcr. 2 [Cbe Eojb becrc tbe'e: ] &,z !;olp (JSboft bringing in the people pj aping too fe bote name ts calico bppon among tbefonncs of 3! acob.;ffO£ 3 agree notfettb fuel) as fup pofc tljat motion is tnabe of the £> atrtnrK fe home (0od bao ejrcrctfcD in a mancr not muclje bnltfce bis fcruaunt JDauiD. 3d ra« ttjcr fnppofe tbat (accojbing too the o?bi= narie cuftomeof tbe Scripture} tfyzvein bp tl)i0 fpeeebe betoUc-HCD the ebofen peo= pie of 45cD,bicaufe it feao aifo a part of a* "o optio to luic tmoer ihe tuition of a &ing tbat feas fct euer them bp (Sod btmfrlfc. SnD here bp is to be confibcrcb trjc fptrttu all application feljich J baue touches be- fore. Jfoj fitb that Cb?Pftc our l&ing,ac- cojoing too the charge of bpo cucrlaQpng i??ccfthoD, ccafctb not to mane intercede on bntoo <© oo : it is mccte tbat tbe febois boepof l)\0 Cburcbc fbcuibfing papers fettb bint, iifee as aifo there is no hope f ot ts too bee beam , accept hce go bcfoi c bs. 2tnD it is no fmall comf c?tc too the affaa- ging of our fojotoes,tbat as ofte as fee be efflicte 0 ,bc accoti tctb our troubles as l;ts otoncconoitionallp ttjat fecc fojtget not to pluck bp gooo bat r s to bs in tribulation, 73 bicaufe tt is toibe bs becrc before tyni bp themoutb of the bolp <£bofrc,tbat Cb?p= fleo hmgbomc fbalbc fubiect to baungers and Dlfcommebitics. 3. [&enb tbeebelpe.] >in- fca] Sobubzfe'asboitje nnappurtenaunre buc bv oiocr of &?toe to tlje garni fning of ail offcrmcres , ano Svas airo offcrcb bp it fcife.^rv-fecciiOlpc 15urnlfecrp6cc. 26ut ftfeagJDauibjB minbebpttje 6gurc&i* rccsscbetocbctofecn ell ^actpnfes, ip^.e as ai;'o br^crtbename of S>ecrpf.fcs, t;cc copjebebeb all bowes * pjwpers.^o: fee Know tliat as of '. en as tbe jr atbers pjap--- eo felncb feere bnbtr tbe JLa&,tb«r lio'pe ofobtcpningfeas grcunoeD bppon tbnr S>acrpfices , Ufee as aifo at tbis bapc our papers are not otberccifc acceptable bnto d5£>2D, tbenfofarre foojtbas iCbfpfire perfumer!) anb bsloirett) tbemfeptb tbe ffeeetfent of bis oronc ^acrpficc . Cbcr- fo?e thebefire of tbcfaptbfull is , tbat the Ismgesfolctnncpjapers febiebfeftean- nejeebfetti) burntfacrpficcsanb eblations frjoulo auatle too bts pjofpf reus fucceffc , felnd) trjfitg is gatb^reo aifo moze appa= rantlp bp tVsc ncjtt bcrfe, febcretbc? com- meno bntoo (££>£> tbeoefircsanbpur= pofes of tl?c &tng. ^ovd fojafmuebe as it fe.i. fecrc ! Iohn Caluins Commentarie, ioerc agemltreafon too rcqatft 35ob too graunt fonb alio lescb &efirc0 : it is to bee conuberebfojapjmctplc, tbat tbe&ing UJbeere brfcribcorsot gmen to bisowne ambittonmotfepmng in couetouTnefiMo^ rangbting after cuerp tiling actojbing to W 0w" - lu!* • DUt tobollp bent too tbe charge cniopneb bun , anb abbictcb to tbe Soclfare of bis fciiolc lScalm, fo a0 becre^ quirctb nothing but bpt'ne tnffinctof tij2 l)olp <2?bofJe , anb bp tbeappopntment of <2?ob0 own mcut&. 6 [ Cbat S»e map reiopce.] Cbifl berfe nrigbt alfo bee tranflateo tsx>o otber Soap* es, like as fame makca pjaper of it , as if ttbabbmfapb, ILozb make bs to reiopce. 3lub ot!>er fonts tbinkc tljat ?qz faitljfuU ljaumjboonjtbeicbuticui pjaping , boo raifeoptbcmfclucstogooDbope : ojra= ttyv that beeing alrcabp rapfeb bp Sotti) aflureb bope , tljcp after a forte fall to tri= u-.npbing: like aa JDauib from time too time tntnglcfyfiicbjnancrof reiopcinngs Soitb bis Papers, tberebp to encreafe bts ebeercfulncffc to contineo? Ijisboing.But 3! bluing fojcpcb all things ntojcne^relp, am of opinion £ tl|C enoe oj frute of <2?3D0 grace is betokeuca , anb tberfoje 3B tijotu gbttbat tlje parte of fpcrcbertbat] fo>as to be fupplpeb. fop tbe fattbfull to the in- rent toe eaupcr wo"oiitcinc©obs fauoiir fo?tf)tir &Ung,oo3 otter atuobe fyeir eam- mou glabncffcanb fbanfcefgmmg : aotf tbcp fboulbfape, the care fcrtjiclj tb;ptake is not fo? tbe Welfare of anp one man.but foj tbe pjofit of tlje foo'aole Cbur clj.i^o^o beeit 5»ljerea0 it iff fapb [in top Welfare : ] although it map bee referrcb a0*oell )m:o (©03, as too tbe &ing, bpcaufe it is often= times calicb tbe Welfare of «5ob , fcjlncb <35ob beftoroctlj bpponfcs : pttnotwitb- ftanbing the framing of tbe fentence re? entirety, thatitGjouib rather bee bnbsr* ftoobeof tbe lung . ;JFgj fttafmueb a0 tbe people ipuco tinbertbe fga&botoeof tbe bins (like a0 Jitwnie fapefh Chjten.-f. 2 oO tijerek?e the faitbfall n^ uoio teftiae t"o3t a0 long as bee io fare anb in p?ofpert= tic,fo long Qjalltbep be all mcrp nriD baps pic. 2Jlnb b? tbe Soape , too the mtent tbep nnp put a bitference bettoscne tljcp? iop, anb tlje bcathcntil) frif ktnges : tbe? p?os imfe too fet bppe a banner m tbe name of <£>ob . . They are made too ftoope and are falnc : but wee are ryfen and fet vp right. 10. Saue Lord : Let the King heare vs in the day thatwecall vpponhim. 7. [ j$oa> Knoujc 3B].0oto folowetl) tlj reiopctng, tofyzcw tbe fattijful auoucb tbe fellies to l).iii3 felt gobs goootuo in mains tuning tbs Ikingo Welfare. ij^3ti»itbfla« bJng,tbcteo?itl)aUi0 anneceb aboctrmc of faitb*. tbat d5ob bat!) Cbccoeb in berp breb, bow itioasbp lu0 potoer y 2>auib0feiug borne cominewco, bicaufe it 5m as fonnbeo bppon bi0 calling. Cbe mrening tljcrfoje is, \)Q\x> it appeereb bp crpcrience rt>a£ dpob 10 rije maintepnsr of that Uingc bom, iobsreof bee btmfelfe toas tlje fetter bp aim ftriifounber. ^Foj JDauib is enljo no?eb 5»irb tbe title oftljs *T#effias to t\)is cnb, tbattlje faitbfui Oioulb pcrfuabe tbe^ felues , tbat bee was tbe lawful anb Ijolp &tng,fe)bom3 (jgob l;a!) auoucbcb bp out- t»arb anointmg,too be ebofen bp bimfclfe. /i^aat t!>en,tobctca0 ZDauib bab bin belt* uereboutefepceebing peatperil!0; ttjat boo tbe fap^full afcribc too oD0 grace, anb tymxiit ball allebge tbe caufe , fo? tbat r vppon the. xx. Pfalme. it Seas <£5obs &ill too fljiowb arm befenb tl;c man briber i)t£ protection, ft>bomc bee ba b cominauntrcD too be annointcb Iting of h is people 3nb tbcp confirm their hope of tl;c time too conic, pitmojtccuibentlp tn tl;c otl)f r member,tbat <25ob kill bear \)im out of f^eaunt.-jr o? 3 heep fit! ir)e future tenceoftbeflacrbc ,bpeaufe 31 bonbtnot but tbep ejetenb tlje trpall,fe>ljtc!> 45cb bab gtucn alreabp,too tye cGntincioall ftabltfs fbmg of 1)10 h,!ngbcroc.26ut beer is mabc mentto of another fanctuarie,f is too tett cf a bcauenlp fanctuane.^Fojltbc as <5ob in tljcfe bapes bouebfaucb to Dtfccnb too tbcpcoplcfcp tbe3'r&cof coucnanttotlje intcttobef mo;tc familiarip fenoiin fento tbcro : fo alfo iomit tys fciIlagctnc,tOQ b?atue tbe minfces of \)i& fcruants bpwarb too Ijtinfelfc, that tl;cv Hjculc ncr concctuc anp fiefblitrcffc ojeartblpnefle of bim, anb tbat tbcp mtgbtfcncto IjoSc bcSoasabcuc ail the So ozlo 3nD fo ViiDcr tlje bi&ble fac- tuarie,tbat Soas mabc*bp marines banb,iS commenbeb bofic mats chctlj tbcfc teo one agctnft another : it is toobcuoteb,tbatafrocncaD8cfbi?confi' bence pcfftffcib our minbes, it after a fo?t b?ing«b»nfo?gctfuineffe ef<^cb. ^Fo^it cannot cc me too pafle that be inijicbe p?o= mifctb bmtfelfe bictcjue "bppon i;opc of i;is ctrncflrengtb,fbculocbaueencyebntoo oo?b [mmbefuli] to fbew tbat tbefattb= full flee not tnteo ^ob but Sr>b£n t\)tf are btfburbencb cf all irapcbtmcnts. ^ojco^ uer tin's minbcfulneffe of d5c&, bootb &r£t b?awc bach tbe faithful from fonb p?cfupj tuoufncs.boto mucbe fo cucr tbcp erccll tn power anb abiluie : fo as tijep loolie not fo? augbt from anp Subctc c!s, tb^n frcra tbe mere graeeof(^ob.,aigeircifrbepbc bereft anb bttcrlp beftituteof ailfuccour, pit bootb it batten them to rail bpen (Bob tonfearfullp $ conftantlie . ILtfcc as on ti;e other fibeibben beatbeniffce men erccli tn pctrcr anb trcltb,tbep are fo blinbtb isttli p?ibe,tbat tbep flicfee not too befptfc ©oo Sritbout remejfe : anb if tJjep bappen too teebjeugtyt iotcc , tbep arcmiferablp b»f= mapeb. jlrinallp tl;e bolp d5befi* cemmcn= bctb beere bntoo tssthcrcmembjauncc of tlje name of dpob,i»biche beeping Oil! iy.s fc?ceas it el tnnaUebncsas inioelth, fub^ bewctb ttj-cfonbe bopes i»bero»ttbaU the flefbc is isoont to bcepuffcbbp.ll5pcauie tbc^)eoibe[ Nazechir] is mrtjc coniugati= on [Hiphii,] femeejepounbe tttranfitiuclp, voce fballcaufetoobecremembjeb. 1B\xt bicatifc it is no nefr ti;i»g among tbe $cs bxt'wts fojiooo?Ces too tc put netotral-- Ip &Mp;opetiparc tranfiriue : 3! Ijaue onbjaeeb tl;at Ss bpcl;c fitttb left tlje pje= fentplsce. 9. [Cbcparemabetoffoope.] jftisfo be p^oueb ll)at tn tljis place tl;c cremtes of I 31 ftaei arc pointeb cut as it ir t re ioitb ilje I finger , %jl)tcbc tecre oucrtb?Oi»cn by> tlje j poxrer ofd5ob,i»bcntl;eptbcghtnotb;ng ; leilc to ha i;e bin toaart-s tlje.a nb tijere is 3H»sj. in in it a couert matching of contraries be= tweens ti)Z feercenc(fr , iBbertcit'aall tt>e enemies iocre Ufteb tip foz a whpleSbb^n tijep ftcpt in ftotulp too make bauocKc of alltbinges: anb cije oppztffngof $5ods people . ;f o* lifee as to rife Dp , is not tbe piopertie but of tbofe tljat were crfi Down fo tbep arc pppcrlp fapcb to bee maoetoo (loops aao too fall,wbom tbeir own care* Icfleruff e ban lifteo Dp aloft befogs, Cfter 5 fojetlje ^jop'.)6tc,twcl)eitjbp the falling outmost rauclje maze it ia fo; our bel/oofe too applp all our l)opc too &oo alone,tfyan to leans co our ocune power. to* [gtaaslLoJb.] ^otncreadzal! in one tzit, [llozoe fane tlje &ing : J perad^ nenturc bicaufe it fecmerb to tbem agcinfl reafon,toat tbc tbtag wljicbla pzop;c toa= to d5oo (namelp too bzz calico dppon and to Ijt&tt men) ttjoalo bcz peciocd o;t:v too an earttyp Strng.-Sifcitftfipee «a our epes uponCbzpftaSweougbttoDo,ttf»illbe no matter fo; ds to maruaile at , tbat tlje tl)ing wbicb i0 peculiar dntoo Ijtu* Cbould bp a ftmilttudc bee attributed to JDauid $ b?S offming , fo farrefoo;tb as th,ep bare tbe perfon of £ b;pft. .0oa> in afmuebe as d35oD ruletb, and p;efeructb V»s bp tlje ijand of i)iut , we mad not looHe fo; faluarion a - np iobere els : li&e as alio in olbe time ;bc faptl)falli»ereto9ont too flee bntoo tbeir filing as tbc Emitter of ®ods bealtbfull gracc.^ecrof eommctb thatfapmg of 31c- rc!nie.[€b?cn.]+-2 3 • Wch 31 bane ctteD before : namelpe toe b;eatb of our mouth, tbeanopntedts of whom webauefapde, fcndcr tb? Sjadowe Hjall wecliue amonge the heathen. 31 nd therefor as oft as <2>oa ssjomifttl) refutation to l;ts Churcbe, Ijee lohn Caluins Commentarie, fc«etl) foo;cs; a warrant of bps Defence in trje Kingoom.jftcw wefee it is notimtljs out derp gooD reafo.t,tbat the faithful are b;ougl)tta,£ratung Ijclp of tl>eir &ing,in:> too whofc tuttion anb cuftodie tbep are co utitteo,and which, is fet ouer rhem too bee tbeir bead in ftead of <5oo. JLibc as ^i= ri)cas fapctb- 2.13- 'Cbcic &mg (ball patfc bp tljera, anbtbeaL£>iaiD'oppontbctr beab. ii5p tobtcl) 5»oojoes bee betokened tb'it tbeir bing ^albee as a giaflfc tobcrein tbc 31 mage of <0oo map Qjmc bnto tljem. 0.OVO 31 returns t9tbep?efeat place. Cbe ciippeofprecbein fe name bad bin abbcb : bicaufe tbat bp tbis meauco tDauio ftj:u>ctb Uow ti)is Defence pcrtepnetb^niuerfallpto tbcfa)bol2.booie oftl)eChmcb.3Jnb in tbc pfalnui 1 8.1 5. tbere is mabe a p?aper in tbe fame fojm of 5»oo;bS , &>'nicb is aflurxDlp tbe fclfc lame tbat this is. Cb« effect is.tbat <©*D1D bp buffing b>S Utng u>orIo fbciv bimfeh:e too bee ttyt p^eferucr of tbc ryijole people. %U terroarb is cr pzeffco tbe mancr of pzefer- uing,tbat tbe King fbouloe bee furmilbcb e tben truip become partakers, 5»bcn all of bs being gatbereo tog4tber in- to one boote bnber our toniuerfal beb, fljal baue mu mall care one of another, ant) not euerp man ujtftfoz b,imfelfe alone, T he contents of the xxj. Pfalme. This Vf/J/ne conteynetb a ptiblujue thanfagiuingfor tbe happy ft dte of the King. *And the meening of this And the laft before is muche alike. For Ui\e as there yeas fet foorth a common forme of praying } tbat the ythole people mighte bee careful for the welfare of their hcad:fo heere is shewed tbat all tbe yehole I{ealme ought too bee ojad of the fife eftate of their l{ing,bycaufe it yeas Cods yeill3by this meancs too preferue the yehole b)die inftfetie . Butfpeciallye the holy vppon the . xxj . Pfalme. Zi_) holy Gbofte hath din&cd the mindes of the faithful vnto Chrijt,-v?ho was the end and perfection of this kjngdome : too the intent they should knoyve 3 that they could not oibewife beefaued > than ynder the head ordeyned by God. The.xxi .Vfalme. To the cheefe Chaunter, a Pfalme of Dauids. Lord in thy flrength shall the King reioyce , yea how greatly shall hee re- ioyce in thy defence? 2. Thou haft giuen him his harts defire, and haft not denyed him the re- queftofhislippes. S -lab. 3. For thou shalt preuent him with blifiings of good : thou shalt fctte a CrowneofGolde vppon his head. ^]i$?b6mtb^ffrengtl?e.] £>aufb couib baue giuen tljans bnto gob _ pjiuatelp fo? tbe bictoiies anb 0; fyer notable gifts fo>berefo>tib W bab bin cnbonojeb : but tye ferns purpofeb to ferite neffe,not onlj? tbat <2>oo &ajs fye founber of \)is kingbomc,butalfo tbat fejbatfocuc* d?oD bab beftcareb bpon btm.tbe fame res bounbebto tfjc publiKcpjtofiteofallmen. 3nb at tbc firft entrance tbc faitbfulbo fo perry: abe tbemfclucs tljat JDauib &>as ere nteo Uting bp Hje appointment of d5oD ,as tbat <^oot>t»nfclf tafcetb bppo»bi»n afpe* riall care to pjefcrue ljun. Cbetfo?* it fe« tnctb tbat tins pfalme fe>as mabe to tljijet cnbe alio, tbat tbep fljoulbc toarrant tb. cm fclues tbc flablmcs $ continuance of goas grace, UUe as it ferns of neceffitie tbat tbep mufi ftano in aflureb truft to bopc Swell of tljcir 'i;ing , fe>'aofe countcnaunce ferns a glade of goos mercte anb fauour tofejarbs tbem.ainb tbefenfc of tbe fe»o?bs is,ilo?be if thou maintein tbe &ing ioxtb tbp poto- er,tbou fbalt bjingto paffe tbat tbjougbe tl)ee,be fbal contineui fafc,{anb fo afcrtbtng Ins fe>elfare too tljpmigbt,retopce in tb«, anb tljat not after tbe common fojte . ;JFo£ tl)ere is no bout but be batb put [ftrengtb anb befencc] foj migbtp anb Crong hdpe : meening tberbp tb,at gobs migbtyneffe in befenbing tbefeing fboulb be fucbMfjat it fboulbc mainteine Him fafc anb free from all baunger . 3!n tbe feconbe bcrfe 10 no* teb tbe caufe of reiopfmg , bicaufc gob bab bcarb tbepjapers of tbe hing, anb graun= teb bim irljatfoeucr bcGbab ferifbeb, fojtft ttooo tbem in Ijanb too h,olbe faft tl;is, anb to banc ft fafrcneb in u> bottemtc of trjct'r bart0,tbat all JDauibS "p^ofperous fuccefc fe0 Sbere a0 man? benefices of <0ob , pea anb auoucl)ementc0 of bi0 latofull calling. 3nb berelp in tbefe fooojbs 2Dauib botb bsto bnberftanb, tbat bee bio not let bim felfc loofetoobeftre fe>batfoeuer tbe Scfijc luften), (lifeeatfiDOjlolpmcnboo Sob^b fettb,eirminbc0noic bppontlns anb note 6 t>pon tbat , accojbfng as luft leabstb tl^em fetftbout cbotce:) but To biibclcb bis affec- tion0 tbatbe befireb notbing,but fuebe as ioa0 accojibing too equitic anb rigbt. 5Fo? altbougbe Ijee i»ere atteinteb iopt^foine fauite0 (accojbing as manncs inSrmitie bcarctb) anb alfo f;ll twice (bamefuUpipit notvxjitbftanbing h]is continetrall goucrnc menteof tb,e Uingbometoas fucl;e, nsit migbteaflp appecrebowtbebol? Cphcdz barecbceffaaptbere.l|oi»bettfo?afmucb as bf tbe fpiriteof f^?opbcfie , tl?c cbcefe tbingtbatbeebab cpebnto&as Cb?ift, Sub. 0 reignen) not fo^b'S °5»ns profit but fo? onrs.anb iobofc befir e tenbetlj enelp to our Welfare j &ee raapgatber becrebpa mode profitable bocrrine , tbat ioeeueebe notinanv&ifetofeare tbat d5ob 5»ill re; icct our papers , as ofte as Suee pxap fo; tbeCbttrcbc,fttb%cepurpofc tbem not butb?ourel;eauen!?eiiing going befoje bS. t . CiFo; tb. on fba!t p^enest Ijun.] ^be cbaungingof tbeCenccs intl;e ^lerbcs bjebetb net of tbe continuance of tbe mats ter : anb tberefo?e ji toillingl? tranflate tb,(3fetcnce intlje future tenc:, lilsc asfec John Caluins Commentarie Uno-i.e it to i?G an alteration mucb bfcB as mongtbe i^ebjeros. iftoto tben,tbcp tyat reitreine tr/ts 0falme too tbe lad bictoife kbat iDaaiO got of tbe foxreiue nations , f FUppofe tbat tbe cretontol)crof mentio is maae beers, teas the cronmc of tlj? fcing of ^Minium Solji^T'.jtTioJp ftojie comenBerb: Go in mp tuBgement to mucbeimbace tyair tltfng frbirhe tbe l)o!p <5>bofte batty fpo'acn concerning tbe contincioall felicitie of bis" vugiu'.Sn.D 3 Boubtnot but SDam'B com- pjeljenSco btsmcceffoiS'CueBnto C^jift, anafo commer.Bco-tfye continercallpzocc= &?ngsof€>oB0 grace in pjcfcrupng that Kingoomc. ji'Oi it leas not fapa ofanp one ma aioac [ J fc> il be bis father f be fbalbe mp&omic.r&am.T^.buttbatfaping ougJ)t to be ertenbea from |5>a!emen fens to etbzpfte, USe as <£fay Suitneffcfb fig^r ^>e!, 9.6. aff innfng tl>at it ft)as tl;en ful; fiUea, febeu tbe ^onnciuas gtuen o^e.t- bibitca. ^ozeouer£»b^nbecfa5Jib,tboti il) iitp;suc'ut, ljen«en?t!; that bome bee iyttnfelfe baa fet bp. Ifron? 5x>bcra0 tbe #?opbet teOiSCib tbat tlie C roamc, after tt baa bin iapco atoap a long time, fbula be fet ageinbpo' Cbziif 3 beaoe ^se gatber tbat bp tbis fong , tbe tKinb.c0 of tbe gcBlp Soere rapfea bp to tlje bopeGftbeeueriaGing&uvjBome,S»bcrof tberexoaD fftfooztbbuta fbaaoioe onelp ojBim 31 mage in tbe Cljilojcn of 3DauiB. wbctfojs in tbis place is anoncbeb tb, t e- ueriaftingneflisof tbefeingborae of Cbiift, bicaufe bee Seas not fette in ftegero^ali bp UuottranB boj?cc0 cf men, but goBDiBfct 'ioitfn be ia requeStD: but a!fo pjicuent tlje feu'33Beare,ibloaBingb»»^itb.alHmB*' tl;e£rownbponl;i#I?cBfromJ|cauen, ofgocD tljingg PuJoUeB fox. ^^[bUmngB] 4. He afked thee life_,ancl thou gauefl: liirn a long life for cuer and euer . f. Great is his eloiie through thv defence : b-riditneire and beautie haft thou put vppon him, 6. For thou haft fet him to be blelTings for euer : thou haft cheered him with gladneile before thy countenance 4. [f^eafkeBtbceuTc.] Cbtfit)crfecon= fii'tnctb tbatSobtcbe 3 toucbeb aiatc: tbat tljijs l^faJme is not rcftrr^ncD to tbe pers fon of aup one man . jfo$ ai^ougb 5b as tt'io0 life &ew p^oiogBjtb a0 IjcpaflcB not out of xY,z woilnsuii bee Suas fpent wit\) age j ful of pecrc0:piiiua0bi0racc mucb e fi)OUci-, Ujan djat it app^ncljea bntoo tl;i0 lengtt) of eimciobseb iefapatooconCft of m.ia^bmibiicBpeeres. Teatfpccaccounfe tt)i ivinz from tijc begpun^ngof 25auiDs hi%m , bntoo tbe captiuitie of Bailor: tijts icii^tl; fyail not bee feuna iit?DaniD j; . furcctTjuris. TOi-crcfoze tijer^ is notoubt bittJDsuiia conij;jd)CiiD£tr>becre an euer = laflinsliiiig.^nai^creija to-nmr, com= parifon betfeehc ti)i BatUfome anb Dei^u 1 — i . fable beginning of b<0 reignc ,-02 rather of l;»0 bcgmmng,i»bicb fea0 fraugbtcb witl) moftc grccuou0 perilk0, anb neite coufm too Bcfpaire : ana tbcincrcbibie glozp tl>at cnfucB aftervuarBe,&)bfn c!5od exempting ti;at Hmg&ottw front tfjc common o?Bet', placeb it in mancr aboue tl;e l;caucn0..-f .cj, tt is a common ojainarp fule to tape , "tbat tbat feingaome fbouiacomme-ijje ficcfaOe as long a0 tl;c&enne ana ^ocne&ail fljiincin tbe &feie. JDania tbcrcfo^e in ve= pozttngtbatbeeaffcea life, Boot') couertlp note mto M)tt BiS vefTe l;ec baa pftecimeg bin bzougbt : fo as tlit ' »;c vpponthe . xxj . Pfalme. 76 bano 20 is fttSfictent to ctfyono? fyiiv Utna tjs3 bat!) counted it a fingular bendste too Hip 9ti: of tt>e c^appcjs of oratb- n&tit nou> l>ee barb not onelp fcape 5 fafe tf»ougt> tnp gracctbttf alio tijca ijafte {$oim!cb contp= nuall facccSfion to \)i& of J&ing man? bfi= nizn peares after,S?;3 tin's rbtaij botb not a littlpentargc <0obs graccttljat be boucb faueb fucbe ineSimabls bono? topon a rats fcrablc s almtrtc fojlojne pcrfon(iobcn be fcarfullp craueb but refpite frsocat'rOaS to fee \)Un in fucfje cace as be Qjcitio ieaac tbe ropall*a>ccptcr to l)is poftcrittc man? bunojeo pecres after .wbevcas foment pounb tt» tbou bat giuen fyim tbe life tbat bcafbcb.pea 9 in fuel) fo;tte as tfjou fljoulf De3 prolong bis bapes fo; cue? anb cucr - moje : it is but colbe anb conftrapneb. foj fc>e muft l;oibe fttl tli2 matching of contra = vise between t\yz feeafce anb Difljonoura> ble beginning of tbe feing'Oemc,* tbat bn= bopcb r>eno?,i»l)erijettb;jU <£od barb bec= Ueo bisfernant, in calling tbe Qpoonc too toittuffttyat bis.fecoe Cboula neuer faile. (&\)c Use trpal alfo isms Sjerocb in Cbxifl &J)om tbe irattyer batb rapfee ap fro con* tempt , flaunber, Deatb • burpail, anb bef; paire,bntotbefoucieintic of l^eaucn , too fit at l)ts tigl) t banb f 0: cm m-:o;c , anb m tbe enb to bctbe 3!ubge of tbe SaoiU). 5. [Create is bis giojp.]25p tbtie tooj= beS tbe people ugnpfie ti;at tbctrfcpnj (bpcaufc bee is befenbeb bptbebanac of <5 £> £> anb bcipucreb bp b?0 bclpc) ffcal bjeome mo?cnotable, than if bee bab cptb^rrcigneDqnictlpfcDitijtbeeonfcnt of I all menne , 0; babbe bin gar beb bp t?;e po ■ vrcr ano puiflauncc of men, cp finally bab Kobe tmuanqutfbcb bv bis oa?npoo»er f pollicie: bicaufe it appcereb tbe tno^e deer 1? njerebp ,tbat bee bab not attepneb bis p^ncelj? bignitie , but bp tbe direction anb commaunbement of d5ob. Cbe faitbfull tberefo.K leaucit oner to iu 3? IDlp princes, to ennoble t'gcmfelues bp t^eir otone boo ■ ings,anb to purcbace ttjem pjapfe bp ttjcie otonmanbooe. ^ojtb.cgobIpfctmojebp tbe allowance of 'nelp at gobs ngbtgrcatlp. ome c.rpounb it Gmpip^at be isas cljo- 5cnto*ce liing, cn&bom C^oobab pom rea fojtb hiQ gracc»abu»bantlp. Jf]cnev< tbcleSTs it is certcine , tijat tljtw is foinei 4»b^t mo?e c^pjteffeb in ttjifffo.iine of ipee- cbc : namelp tqat tljevc fioweb fo plentiful abunbance of gooo tbings bpon tlje Uing, tbat bee migbt SDOo^tijc!^ be a patterne of 0003 bounteoufiKifooj al'o tbat in p?ap-. ing,btsname migbt eucrp tetytc become famous toi e,cample.^o?tbc beb?etes fap f men arefct to be a curfe, ioljen tbep arc mabcfooeteflableanb areftrilmt iiiiblb bojrtblebengcance ef is gooones, bpbiajingtbe beames of bis midbe eoun •. tcnancc bponbs.iifee asi^s ft m tbe tbirD .^faime : #anp fap,ijbo toil ujeto KB a < np goob .>>^o?be let tbp face fbine bpen bs anb fee fljalbcfafe. 2^no furelp tbe perfect fidicitic io to feele & ob fauourable too *js, tbati»cemap Oteellasit toere XmBer tys W8n 7. Bicaufcthe king trtfteth in the Lord and in the goodhefle of the high eft, he shall not ftagger. 8» Thy hande shall findc oute all thyne enemies , thy n'glite handc shall K.ixir. finds lolmCaiuins Commentarie to fold out thy haters. Thou shalt put them as it were into a fornace of fyer in the time of thy wrath 6 Lord : in his anger shall hee deftroy them;and fyer shall con - fume them. Thou shalt 4eftroy the frute of them from of the earth, an d th z feede of them from anions; the children of men. 7 WSfcaufcttycUingtruftctb] $cerea= gein tliefemctjc siejie tljat tijen: Uing Ojni be 8abu(beb,bicaufche leaned bnto gob: ans tljcp Bjcpieffe ti;c manor b,ott> fyc lea: nct!;,t!?at t0 to i»it in Ijopc oi truft . 3fl reabe fl)C ioljo'c bcrfc all in one tcrt fo as t beve is but one p2tnctpall berbe. [®bat ttic King,b?caufe lie is founbeb bpon liepe in ©cd anb bis gootmefic , (ball not be in ieopcrbp of ttyeoucrtlijottesiDlHCliturne tbcUingbomefioftljevoojlDbpfiDeboirn] ^ojcoueriubereao it Ijatlj btn fafbbc= fa?c,t!;at febatfoettcr tlnngstbc fattl)fall attribute to d;eir feinsj, tbe famepcrtapnc Sotl3eis?I;oIe bob? of tlie Church, : tyecre is effcreb a comon p2omi0 to fceepe bo at quiet roue among tljc funb2p toffing0 of tin 5y Oils. ;ff 02 aitljougb, tbeSyojib be rol Icd r.0 j J fecte bpon a &>l)eci?,iD!bercbp it commctl; to palTetljat ttyofc ioliict) S»erc carpco bptotljeb'gfaft toppe,bofobcinlp fai Doismpit tr)e feingoome of 3et»2p(anb teuber tl)e figure ti)etof tl)c fetngborae of Cl;?ifl)t0 always erccpteb. 26utictbs beare in minb > tbat tljofc onip are groun- beb bpen tbat ftcaincfic,fc)bicb caft tbem= fay'es into € cb0 lap bp aflurebfapti),ar.b &l)jd) tiulitng toppon l)i0 mere? commit ibetr toclferefonto ijim.jtf 02 lieretoitbalis r epjed'eb fncgrounb of boping, natnelp f 4Eh$ merctfuHp cberifbetb Ijis feruaunts, tobo bsbatl) embjutceb of bio frecgocb toil. 8 [Clsphanbfljaifinb.] ^ttbcrtobatb bin brfcnbtb tl)c intearb Ijappincfle of n)e Uingbcme |^otoCa0 neebe &>as)i0 ebbeb tbc muinefbie Brengtbtl(erof agcirift tbc cr.cmic0.^o2t!)i0impO2tcrr) a0 much, as if t?)c Ufng fboulb be pjorispmcO conriuc - mix of all cnemie0,31 fans cucn noin,fba£ tr)is member is not fttpcrfluous : bpcaufe itfeerc notincugl) fC2tbc fcingbome to SoiiHi im»arblp anb to be full rcplcnifbeb fcntb peace, nefcefie, anb atunbance of all gfaoa ibmg0,on«u"e it Sscrc alfo £acUfb?s ti £eb agetnQ fsiein fezec. SB nb tbjs tbins agretMj tijccS? td gbziiies tungbbiue. &r)icr)tteit£rS»antetrjfoetf in tljc &o?lb. ;f 02 alrbou3b it be not nltoaps aflrapleb bp openfojee , but tl?att!;crc to noto anb tben fome refpitgiucn:ptttl)e biucls mintfters newer la? afioe ti)?ir malice anb befirouf= nttlc to bo mifclicef, $ trjerfoje tijep neuer ccafc to p2actt3C tlje oaertbjoto of (iTl;2ift0 Hingbom .up ut it goetb &cl S»itl) b0,tl;at our king foi?o fettctl) \)ia fyanb befoie t>0 to befenb b0,t0 r)igr)cr tlian all. jFurtbers mo2e b^caufc tfje SD002b[Maaa] ftgnifictl) fontctimeo to ftrf fife, ano t bat Ijccrc in tl^e former member ttjere is put in tljc lettrc [Lamed]fome interpreter© takctlje SooozD biucrfip b? teafon of u)c biucr0 conftmcti ons of it: as if it "nab bin fato,tlip banb fl;al be able to rchfl- al enemies, tl>? ngl)tljanb fbal fins out al tijofc tbatbate tbce,fo Ojal f fctttencc afccnb b? begrces:tl)ir)anb fljai bee able to Suitbftanb , yea tbp rigbt b,anb fbal catel; tb. ine cnimie0,tbat tb. ep fljainot efcape tljc beflructiou. 3ifo tber is abbcb abzcabfulbinb of bergattec,tDl)erbp fee gather $ lie fpcabcrl) not r)crc of eucr? ma ncr cf encmiei?, but of tb. c feicUeb ? fran= tib befptfers cf (£ob, feijicij rife bp after { tnancr of Stents agcinft t)is onlp begot^ ten fonnc : fo? n>:berp fo?enca'cof tin pu= nifl)mentbeu)?apctb fbebcr/noufneffe off inifcl;cef. &>omc tljinli tbat Bautb allu* bGtljtotrjcbinb of purafbmcrt&lncl) tl;c ljolV25iblerep02ictbl)imto tjaae e,crcu= tcb bpon tt;e3lmmomt0.25ut it is a mo2c libcl^bcbe trjatfierc is tnetapb02icaHp fet fojtfb f czeabful btQruch'd fel^icl) feaitctl) fojt al tbc abucrfarieS of Cbjuft . iFoj albe ttrljat tr)ep ftp th fpig1;t agcinft f cburcl;, anb fettbcXoo2ibonficr£oitl) tbetrcru= cltte : ^it nottvitbftaribtng fejjtri fbt^ feicbebneffc (bail bee come too tr)e full ^eigljtt), tbcre is tbis tv^arb lapb bp fo? rbcitt af02C <0ob,tijat !je u?il caft tljcm into ijis furnacc,anb Ibcr burn tbcm bp. jRcto in tljc firfte member tljc Hing ftimfelfc is .callebtr)e rcucttger,anbni;t'Ctu;arBe t\)is cr)srge ip put otter too the per fon of <& ob : anb vppon the . xxj . Fialme. 77 anb at lengtb tbe execution of tl;c benge-- ance 10 commutes too fire : iiiljtdjc ttytt things agree berp S»cU one Spitb another. 5fojtocefenoðat iubgement is corns mitteb bnto £b?Pu\too call ins foes b«b= long tnio eucriaftingfirc: tjo^Dbctttti&sse erpefcient tob6 cirpjeffcB in plainc termes, tbat tl)ta iubgement is not tije tubgctnent ofman,tut of (2? sD 3D. /$o lcffep?cuta=: bie alio S»as it f oj tl]c extreme anb terrible hinDCofbcngcaunccteobecfctfoc^tl?,too tljcintcnt tbetr bjorofmes migbt be S&a&e neb, fotnclje elfe Defpife gobs ib?catn:ngs cateicflp. Ugcinetbc fclffame tying auap= letlj net a little too tije comfort oftijc go&- lp,fo; &ec fcnotce l;oio biesbfui tije cmch neffe of tlje bngoblp is , !bbcrcbncer oure faptb Ssolb caflp quaile,if it rofe not bp a? gemc too icb ga^ tber moie pjefutnpiucufncffc from bap to bay, br/caufctbep rage fcutbout control merit . /3c£oealtbcugl;c &ce feclc (mall fiucctr.efe in tl;ps fmp'ing of (Fobs : fit mufi fejee go ifocugb feitb oure Scarfare til tbe bap of bcngeancc comc,fo>bicbe alfo irjalbe tl;cp cere of eurc rcbcmtien,lifce as ®fap. 34. 8.fayetb Jfrcucrtbelcffett tntf 11 liUetb, mce not , tbat in the latter member tl)crcfl)onlb bebensunccbto edifies e- neintcs,tl)cbefrtuction S»bcrtmtb got it firopcb ^obom* (SSomojrljc in olb time. jfo} in aftnacb as tl?at pumfbment w>?s a lingular anb notable ejtaple aboueotljcrs, of <3S5cbs tubgemei agemft all fejicfecb per; fens : 0} ratljcr n biuble mtage bpo c&rtb, cfi^eii fire tbat is p^cparcofoj tijccf!la= Saapeo : tbis fimilttube \Q rtfc too bse met foitfecHin tr>c Scripture. 10. [Cbcfrutc of tbem fro of t!jc earf.;.] 215 p ti)!S circumftatmcc ZDmiQ amplifi ctij tbc greatneffe of <5obs io?atb , became it fbaiipjeb cuenbnto tlictr Cbtib?en.Jt ss a fufftcient ojbinarp popnt of boctrinc m y fcripture,tliat i©ob not cnelp tafectlj fcena gcance of ibefirft committers ofmifc^eef, but alfo cad'Ctr; it intoo t\)t bofome of tfjeir cl;ilDien3nb pit not5»iti}ftanbing, fe>l;en be fo purfuetb S)is bengcance too tl?c tbirb anb fourtl) gencratiGn,be oootb notrafl^ Ip 5e?ap m tbe giltlcs mt\) tbe offenbojts. 23ut fo?afmucl) as tbe feeb of tlje bngoblp febict) be batb bereft of bPS grace 10 accur fcb,anb tbatalltt)eCbilb?en of fcuatljare bamncb to btterbeff ruction: bis ftrcigbt? neffe is no leffs rigbtful towarb tbe C"bil= b?cn tban totearb tije ^atljcrs . $ 0? fei^o can commence anp actpon agtinft Inm , if Ijcfombbjate fro tbe bnteo?ibP , tbe grace &bcr5uitb be cmbjacctb bis fcruat&^foj bp boib fcapes be flu*b:erb bow becre anb pjccioufc Cb?ifics Umgbom isbnto l)im: es Socll in pjofccuting bis.'mcrcp towarbe tbe effpsiing of tbe faitbful cue bnto a tljou fanbe generations, as alfo in laping l)is 5»?atb bpo tbe reprobates bnto tl;e tbirb 12 »3. anb fcurtb generation For they baue fprcd out cuill vpon thee : they haue imagined deceit a- gc'mft thee which they could not bring too pafle. Therefore shalt thou fettethcinforaButte: in thy firings shaltthou prepare thy felf ageinft the faces of* them. Eec thou exalted in thine ov/ne ftrength 6 Lord : wee will fing of thy power and praifeit. jro%(«8 it &as faib in tbe feconb $5 fabu) no man ccuI&cbaucitnpeacbeD t^atltlngs bemeintbepcrfencf JDauto confccrateD fcp tbe commaunocment of <£oo , but bee luuftclfofrmcmabe to;cl.coanb trapte; rou£&at agemft = neffe of t\)tix pjibe agemfle ^ob b'.miciic. loilnCaluins Commentarie ttjc atagbow cf £t)H&,Citl) !t is not goDs Smi to re* gnc in tbe wo2lb,but bp f Ijanb of b&t.jftow t!)e foiafmncl) as t^e wo?b [Nata] in !&eb:cw ftgnifpctbfometime to i'pjcb out, (J forartpmc to tnrne afpfcc : it map be tr-jtiflatcb cptljer of borb wapes not &iifitlp.jf3amelp tbaty bngoolp (as tt fecr bp fpzeoin 5 out tbe tr nets .) wft a boutto;u*»tifif 0oD0 power bnber ttic: 02 that tbep bauc wJeflcb tbf ir malice a fpbe , to tbentent to oppjefie bis power: like as if a mar. Sjulb bjapne a brooUc in to fome place bp cutting a Dltcb fro tt.^e faptl) after war & tbat ttjep imagines be^ ccpt,Q2 a pnrpofc y wantcb fucceift, 1£p wbicb wcjbs be toucbetb tbeblpnb boia su'iTc of tbcm,feli tcb in ftpsbtingagcinft goD Dare abuettture bppon anp ttjing* 1 2 [Cnou Ibalt fet ttjem for a but.]U5p- cade tbe wojb [shkhem] in Hebrew figs nifperb pjopielpa fljoalber , fome feccpe ft til t!je fame fence: as if be bab fap&, tb t it beabs fl;oulb be ecaft bowne, fo as tbcpj fljoulsers fljoulb fticae bp m tbeir flow; ping bobics:{ fo acco?btng bnto ibe.tljrr is mctapbojicallp notcD tr>c fubicction of tbe cnemtes tbat Seas to come . iftcucr- f tyclcflfe, tbe otber ocpofitton is mote ac= cuftomeb euen among trje t£cbrcwfl(,tbat <©od wil pci-b tbcm Up tn fome corner 9 tber feeepe ttjem from being Marine . fo r [shichim] is often times taHen for a part, 02 a co,i8,02a plot,o; a place* l^owbecit forsfoittcf) as S&uta Utcle after,be biting* «b foojttb gob farnlujcD witi) a bowr,re= bptofrjootebisaroisesattbefaceoftbe: ~$ boat not butbpconfinetfltng ^ismc* tapbc2,l}e com^arecb tbe to a 2i5ut wb££ tnanmcbpintsfeoonttobvfet bp:f fo f f cce Srii fiew trtmlp m this fopfe: djew 2Lc2b witt ma&e tbe as it wer a batte to Gjote tbpne ar 0 ws aMiTr alp alt \)is bjift iS,to inftroct bs to psttece.bntil (Sob in Dew feafon bring f bngooip to tbeir cnb*. 13 t^5etbouexaUcb^)3Lo2D.]31ntbe enb,tf.)c pfaime ts fenit bp ioitb a prapcr, i»btcb agcine auowcbetb tbat tbe fetng^ borne wberof mention is mabe,is fo tops neb with, gobs glorp,tbat f powtr tbers of Cbpnetb foo2tb tbertn.jftow altbong'o os tn olb tpme ejcaltcb bis 0 ion power tn ejnlttng 2)antb:pit notwitljftanbtng, tbat wbfeb!0fpo!ienbeere,ts not fubfta^ ciallp fitlftiteb but in €btt& « &b 0 is it] fuel) tn wpfefet otter vsasoutbingb? j beauelp fatber,ttatbci0alfo gob,marrts fiiitD tn f figfb- $? olobcit tike as Ins gob; lp power muft ioo;tbelp ftri&e feareinto f rcp2obatc:fo ts it befcrpbeo full of mod fweetecomf02t,tbattt mapQtrrebs bp togiabneiTr, too tinging of fongs, ano to tbanafgtuing* The Conteints of the.xxii.Pfalmc. Dauul co?nplaynes in this Vfalmcjbo-iv be is brought to fitch difirejfc3 tbat be is like a man in defpityYctlotwithftdndingydfter be hath Yeckened vp the inconuc- iiiencesyvhich nipped him pitifully3tben recoueringout of the bottomlejj'e pitte of tempt actons 3he fatberetb hart to hini-to bapeypell.But by the ycay3in his owneper fine be fetteth forth a figure of Cbrifl3-who he knew by thefpirit of?tofefe3fhuld be c aft down byvomde-ifdzr \m-&5ted >n?xnes ,beforethe father fliitld exalt him . xAndfii the "Pfalme in two members mnfoldeth that propbefe of Efay : He was ta- l^en yp out of prifm and iudornenf.and who [hall declare his generation. Efia^i.Z. Tht-xxii.'ifidme. To tlie clicefchauter aPfalme'of D, A i-tbougb tbis tptle be barafome : pit £\ notwttbSanting, fome interpreters bane trubleb tbefelnr s mo** tba rea* fon feoslb tht^ (fcoulb Ijaue bone, febicb came to pa fie fo? tbat tljcp forogbt 3 wot not wbat a dc epe miltcrie in a final mat= tst&vmt ictll tljat [ vio) 3 fboulbbe tas 'auids^vpon the hynd of the morning. km fo; tbemointng&arre , 9 otberfome fo; baleantnefTe : butmojterpgbtlpitid tab en for a f&pnb . % no fb:afmucb &$ tbe SpoSlessrceutbetit wttnedestbat tt fs a 3&2opbefpc concerning Cb;ift : tbe olse wrptcrs rjaue tbowgbt /tbat C!>?ySes ZDignitpe coulbe not bee a= uaitncrb vppon the.xxij . Pfalmc. ?8 attaunceb royallp innugb,onlefTe bp an ate iegoiicaU fence, the? tranfpofeb the name of bpnbe Unto a facrpnic.Cbc fametbpn g attempted thep tijat lifceb better cf p name ofLmOjttmg.l&utbpcaufc 3 fine no fub; tn thJts cuibbttieg::* toi'ie belter to cbosc that tobscb, i9 mo?c fimple f natural!. &urcty,fents me it femett) of gcob li'aelps bob,ibat it foas £ beginning of Come com* men ballefcfcj otiprorfc 3! fe twtljou? the tptlc lb cu!c agree fo ttb the eon tefctg. 55p t!)C lariag of it togitbet it appecrefy , thai JDauio compjtehenbctb bw rc,not anp enc pcrfccntion,bnt fobatfocucrbe fmtcrfb fenber (^&u!e. wbitijcr hccompplebtbpg pfalrae at fo bat time he to ag in p?ofpcritic, that ig bttcci teuufaumg p a man map bc~ leue, that bcic be befenbeb tb« tbingg that !>e minora in ibc mibfccs ot tjig cars3,^er= ettcng,anofo?ovx;eg. My God,my God,why haft: thou foiTakcn ince,farrc from my defence and from the woordes of my roring? My God, I krie by day and thou herefl not'and by nyght neither hold 1 my peace. 2 [S$p ©ob.] Che firft fcerfc conteinctfj ttoo notable fcntcnergifobicb though tljcp fecme contrarp in apparance: pit boo tbcp bailp creepe both, togitber into the mints eftbegobip. wberagbefaplbbeigfoifa- fcen s caftof bp <£ob:it fcemetb to bee the complaint of a man in bcfpairc+;ff02 ioljat fparKe of faitb ig there rcmaining,fobere tljcr ig felt no belp in <0obz 3lnb pit ncwr t!)ctciTr ,m y be calietb htm ttoice big ©*ob, f btteretb liig groningeg into big bofomc, it isnobar&ccnfcffion of faptb. 2$ut the goblp muft necbeg be csercifeb foitb tbig intoarb conflict, as of us £>'cd foitbbjato etb tbc tokens of bis fauej , that folntbcr (better tbcp turn tbctr cics.tbep map meet foitb noting but barfcnefic of the night. 3tnb tbig 31 Tap betibetb tl)C faithfull , too tijcntenttbatbpfojcftUng foitb! tbemfei= Bfg.tbcp fhotilb aficcil bevt)2ap the focafc= r.etTc of tbc fleOj, ag Qjcwfsitb their faith. 5F ojag fojtljc reprobates , bpcaufetbep f obc themfelncs in their oion biftr nft»tl;cir fojtow oucrtobelmctb tb£m,fo eg tbcp can not atteinto <©esg grace bp faitb • ificto then, that IDauib bptjtlD bimfelf anb was notfrcalcrocb bpbptcmptacicn, ttig eafp to gather bp big S&cicg. ;f 02 altl;ougb ¥ bom grcatlp biftreifeb toitl) be«umeffe:pit not3rftanb:ngbeb?afecnot out intotbtg fpeccbC ^P ©OB, mp <5obJbut bprcfif; tmgffontlp. ^befflme thing botbeuerp goblp man fcclc bailp in bimfelf : namelp, that aftsrtb* iubgmct of the flefl:,bc tinn feeil; bimfelf eobc call cf j rctecteo of gob: ff pit bp faith ta'Kcth bolb dfttjc grace that is ljibben:anb To it commctb to pr.n:, ti?.t contrarp affecttong arc»:mgJcb j i3??aps peb together in thru-pjtaperg. Jt cannot be but that the fieffelp bnberdabtng mua bptbepjefent btboloing of tbmgs, con- cciue gob to be euher fauoiabie, c; agcinft it. (Eberfoie isbsn be futfereti) bg to Ipc long, % as it Soere to ppnc at»ap in fojow: foe muft ncebegbc toucbeb at the battin fucb foifc(acco2bmg to the fletb, >g if ho bab qutte to2gorten m&. u>bcn fuch aper= plejtltiepoQeffetb p foholc minb of aman, tt B2Gtt>netl) bim in bcepe \jnbeIecf,fo ag he labonrctb no mojc fo; remebp. 015 nt if on tbc contrarp part faitl)futco?bim: the fclf fame man , that bp the bcrp thing iifelf bse mcb0ob to before btfpleafeb foitl) him, oj rather bttcrlp eQranngeo from battels pictb bis ftcrctc anb far remoucb grace in the glaffc of his p2omig. bettor cue thefe troo affections to men fiote,fohcn 0atnn mcucth them to befpatre bv Cuftuig the figneg of <35o&0 fo?atl; in thar foap,H5ut faptb calling them bacUeto the p2omifcs, tcacheth them to qupct themfclucg pati» entlp,anb to reft bpeh (gob, bnttl he Q)eu? tljcm Ins fatherlp coutaianceagein.iBoro foe perceiuc out of fofyat fountain tflucb, as foci tins eutkrp[5£p'#?ob nip fiSoo,] as alfo the complaint that is abbeo nurnes biatlp to it, Qtoi)? haftthouf02Talien mc^J 3- 02] at fuche trmcastl)€tcl]cmcncie of greefcanb the in5tmitie cf the 6cfh bab fo:cebhimtofap,C3f;amfo2fabtnofgoD;] leaftbte Qjoulb bane bin Bucrr?eu~cb anb fo b««e giuen oucr : faptb pjompteb btm foitb a Quaiifiraticn, anb babe \y.ui bcltlp call bim bte<£f03D', ol feljsm be thcught btmfctf to bauc bin f oifaUca. Tea rather, foce ftc ho^c Ijec gaus tl;c fivfie ptect I Tohn Caluins Commentarie to faitb, foz before ljc giue bimfclfe Icaue to fctter f)is complaint ;bicaufc be fooulb bceotttbefj2cbanoe, bee pzotcfktb firft tbat nencrtbrielfe bee fiesta to btsstSoD. HUib furelp in afmucb as tlje affections o f tbc flem ate not cad? reft: einso foben tbep once bopleout , but ratber carp bs beponb cue bounds : tbepaveto bs bzvdi 1*0 tpues at tbefirftpufb . Cbstzfoze bib iDani&fecepea berpgo3doxoer,tn pzeueuttng bis fozo fo ,foiib faptb, and tn qualifying by gbblp pjapcr , tbe tbing fobiebbe afterfoarabefoapleib concern ning t!>e greatnefieef bis trubbles* foj, tf be bad fapd pzecpfcip, ILojd fob? fo?= faUeft cbou mee ? be e bad feemed to baue fretted foitb bitter carping ageinft od: pea ratber,ttbad bin a bajard,leaftiome onmcafurablebitterneffe of greef, (bulb bane attepnted bis tnpnd . lJSutnowbp closing to blmfelf tbe barrpers of faptb, bee boibctb in all bis fenfes, tbattbep fboulD not firart out beponb oefo mea« fure-iftcptber is tbe repetition fuper flu = ous,foberc be nametb Win bis <® £> 2D t fopce.anb fottbin a Subtle after beatetb bppon tbe fametptle ageinetbe tbpzde tpme * 5Fo? tnafmucb as tbe encounter foitb tbio fepnoc of temptation is bpgb. anbpepnful!, foben <£od (astbougbbe bedcaftof all regarb of bs.) fotnaetb at our miferies and gromngs : tbcrcfojc doot'o JDauid ftand tbe moze ftiflp infee* Utng to ftrcngtben bimfcife , iffozitts not at tbe berp fiift pufb tbat faptb gets terb bictozie* 25ut foben (fee hatb bin er= ercpftd foitb manp turmopico, at lengtb fbe fcapctb conqnereffe . 3 n tbe uteane feafon , 3G fape not tbat IDamd foas fo flout anb bnappalled acbampion, tbat bis faptb foauereo not. iffojalbeeittbat tbe faptbfull endeucr neuerfo carneftlp too fubdefo tbe motions of tbcpx- flcflje, anb too pelbe tbemfemes allfobollptoo (5obofcruts: pctaretljep alfoapeaats tepnted foitb fometnfirmttie ♦ l^eredps pon came tbat baiting of bo(p 3Iacob, fobcreof mention ismasebp S©opfc0, ©enefi^i.i^bpcattfetbataltbougbbe get tbe bpper band tn fozeftling, Pit bee bare afoaptbc marae of Ins Snfulldc* fault » witb fucb eramples bootb bcr&>itb to pjop bp bis faitb . iFoj b?e botbnotfmgip fape bee toas fo^fa&enof gobtbut be aooe? b that be[i»as far of fto bis Defence:] nam?!? bpcaufe tbat io))m be faw bim in Daunger, be gaue b,im no Qgne of goob bopc.^Foj inafmucb as tbe power of belping is ii tbe banb of gob : in^n be feetb our fauftp fet open to f tuft of our enemies,^ pit fitts ftiu as tbous^ be regarbeb it not at all : &>bo froulo not tap tbat be b;atr>;tb bacfe bis band, lead be fboulbbeliuerto?:' g^ozeouerbp [tbe $»o?bs of bis roring] be ooetb ns to wit tbatbefoastocrcD i» m ipgbt tojmets. Smtelpbcfras ntt fonpecbartebasto tnahe a cruell p doing out foj fome como barme* ij^ecbes tljen mnft tbe gretfe bee rigbt great,tbat foxceo rowings out from a meebe man,anb fucb a one as fras bn= bifcoiageabie in bnbertafeing troubles* atgeine wbtras Cb?p4 banging bppon tbe Croffebttereo tbe fame fpeeebe euen aimoft at tb« laft gafpc.S@atb.27.+6: it is to be fecne bow it map a jree, tbat t\)z onelp bego tten fonne of (000, fboulb bee biftreffeD frith fo great encomberance of greefe^ as to crp out tbat bee was f ozfa= ben of ftrpfeetb intoo fmncrs.^ru= Ipe it foas butte a fonbe feare , tbat tbep ftrepneb curtefpe too make Cbtpfte fub^ (ecte bntoo fo greate fo^ofoe , leafte tbep (boulo otiwmttj W g'.ozic, foj feing tbat j>etes vppon the.xxij.Pfalmc. |d tra.3!ct.2.2 4..TOttncCfeth plaj'alp.fjove it i»as impofftble fez him too b?e ijiio bp tbsfozowesof iDeatb, itfo'oojcrb that be inasnot pzfutleogcd ana \>ttni? free from them* iltnd furelp tnafmuch as bee bad taken tooponbtmour perfon'e. and onr gpltinefTe : it ft>as of neceffitte that be maft make bis aoparance as a fhner attbeludgmcntfeatj of <2>oo. t&creap* pan came that dffmapdnsffe ano dread Swiucb compelled him too craue releafe of deatbnecfez that it bad bin fo bitter foz bun to baacpatfrdoatof rbps Ipfe : bat bpcaufe tbere was teefo?c f>itj cpes , the curfc fy'jtc'j lapbcaailp ttppon tinners; /froto if tbere foere dzoppes of blud foz* ceo from dim in bio firft conflict,' fo as be needed an aingelitocomfoz? bim.JLufte. isno marucl if bee tottered fo great fozow in tbts laft pang ♦ 25pibe reap tt is to bee noted,tbat Cbitft fo faf= feted the affections of man, astbatbee felt not tbzougb ft>eaferic(Tr uf the flefl)> bpcaufe y pcrfectnefle of >jis nature Kept hint pare from all etccflV ♦ Cb*f cfozc ad foz the temptations totjcrctottlj g>atan aflaplcd dim, bee &as able too oucrc y me t!>:m fc>itbout anp wound that mpgbt IcaucbecbpndttanpblcmtEb of baiting. Siio it tsno SobittoobceoowbteD ,b«t Cbztfte bp tbatoutiirp u>:weo openip, 79 _ that tins gvfaime S5i maoe of bun bp ipint of jdzoobefic , albectr that IDauio beitwUhtsobnemuertes therein. ; r30p^oD.3JUrp.]1ititbtSberfeb2 erpzefTvth th : long continuaanceof hi3 tragic* fcjhich encreafeo bisBtfquicr- netfc and toeefpnciT: . 2i5efpDcs tys,tt ioas a fozsr temptation, that bee feemeo toloofc Ins labour tnkrptng.^oztober as the onelp remedp of our cutUs,ts too call toppon (2>od: if our pzaping bootc to3 not, todat help is there then e Chcre; fozebecompiapnetbtbat <2?t£)2D is afs ter a fozt deaf tu bio requeues, wberas be fapetb in the fecond part, that be bath not anp reft : the meenmg is that be fees Icty no eofozr, that map qtatct his mpnd. ^fozas long as affliction pinched feint, the dnqafemcfD of hts mpnoe fozced bint to top oat. $no beere is tbzongblp fcene the con&anae of faith, fc>btcb fc>aa not difcourageo fo>itb the long continuance of aonerfiticjs. foztbe tale of pzapmg arpgbt is , that he S»l)ieb hath fectnes to beate the apze a long fcbple tn papne, fbouldnot therefore Uaoc of . 15 p the famp thts is grauntcd to the fapthfull bp the fatherly lontngkpnoenefic of <©&&, that if tbep be dtfappapntcd of tljrp* dc fpje foz a tpme,thep map dif burden tljcir grecfes tmo his bolom* But thou art holy,and inhabited the prayfes of Uracil . Our fathers truftcd in thee^hey truftcd in thee and thou diddeft deli- them. They kryed vntoo thce,and were (aucd they truftcd in thec^and were not put to shame. But I am a vvorm,and not a man : the skorning flocke of men and the contempt of the people. All that fee mce skoffe at mee they make a mowe with theyr lippes, . and wag with theyr head. Hee tumbled downc vnto the Lord, let him rid him, let him deliuer him,feing he loueth him. caafe 3B meetc toitb a mozc fimplc 9 rooje nattae fence tnamelp that <©od batb al= inapes (hcroed himfelfe f luozablc to t)t£ elected people . ^ojheerets? no dealing Sohat maner a one Ijcc is in t)eawrt : but fcbatmaner a one he hath Djciafd him* fclf totoarDS men. 2D ad ti is dcinaunded ivhithcr 4 [Sat thou art bolp.HTbecopnlatuie iohich ts red in the f&cbzefr mtift dout= Icfle bcrefolucd into the abnetlattae part of fpeccb. Cbcre bee that thinei the eter? nalland immutable date of doaDlD too bee ft t agemft the mifertes iDhtch^Da- utd felt ; to ioljome J fabferibe not, bp; John Caluins Commentaric be bath an epe to f couerant Sober in gob aboprcb the offpjmg of 3 bjaljam to bun f:lfc*5oMtS»creto fmallpurpofc tore* mebertbepjoofesoff mercte which god bath ihcu: £d to 1)10 fmmt0,onii(Tc ectje of too can regtfter btmfclf into tbe fame o^s Dfr,'tUeoo JDauib tnelubeth himfeif tn= to ttjc Church of ©oD. avberasberepes tctb tb*pce,tbattbe fathers obttpneb be= liucracc bp boping:itis not to beaoutco, but y be modcftlp giuctl) an incling bote be bopetb fo as it e! as tber:wbcrbp tt cc metbtopa{retbattijecff:ctoftbep?omi= feseomctb tonto tos.;tfojtotbetcmama map appip to his own bchocfc,tbebcncs fits that gob beftoweb bpon bis fcruats in olbc tpme % it bcebouetb bint to fet bis epes topon tbc free p?omifcs, as though be Seer e bn= wejtbeip am Smtbibuttn bewailing bis eaee,Cto tbmtcnt bfemaptbemojep^os uohc(0o5tomrrep,) befdpctbbctsnot reputeb fo much ss fo? a man ♦ Chisat tljc fira blufb fecmerb to tenbe to tbe Dtf; cournging of bis bart.o; rather to tbe as bolifthtngof faitb • Wutbv tbefcqncle it willappcare flat contrarr snamelp to be; dare bow miferable bis date is, tbat bee map there bp conceiae hope of reiecfe ♦ Cbcrfoje be reafonctb of impoffibilttte , tljat st cannot be but d5ob muff at length rcacb bi0 banc to bun being fojeaffltctea ana at tbe laft caft^foj if be baue Qjew; eb compaffion to ali fitch as baue at anp time bmbntmeanlpaffltcteaibowfbouia befojfahe rjts feruaunt ajtowncam tbe mofiacepe bougeonof ail aDusrfitics t _— M fc>bttbcr 2>auiD in tbet© teojbs cnfc?cctb bio owne complapnt,tbat be onlp obtcp- mtb nothing at (Boas bast: o; whither, (as it wcr bp caCinga ffccis befrjc bim) be repmfctbetemptaciou , wbplebefcts tctb <5oi befczc btm as b»0 contincwall bciiucrcr^ltboucb J- map graunt tbat it maHctbtoo the augmentation of bis grecfe : pit bo«bt J nct,but tbat iDauia maUctb tbcwf a rcmebp agcinlt biftrufi-. ^o; ma'mucbasit Xtasa Datmgcrous temptation to fecljimfcif fojfafecn of gob: lead be might nourifb it with contmoatl thinking toppon tt , be tttrneb bia mpnbc afpbe to tbc totincwal cyampicscf gobs gracc5wbeicbp bee might corcciuc fome ncurrrifl)ment cf goob hope* i^bcrcfojc hts mecntng 5»flS,not onelp to fccUc bow te fijouib ccm: to padr ,tbat gob who bao alioatc0 belt mcrcifullp with tyss people, fl)U!b t!ow(a0it&cr forgetting bisown natttrO kme a miferable man beftitutc cf ailbclp 9 cemfojt : alfc to tafee Up a bucHlcr wbcrwitb to fbcclD btmfcife a* Frmfnbcfpzpbartooffijiatan.^eeallcb c5oDbo!p,bpcaufcbcc6tinewerbolwates niie ^imfcif.Hnb be faptb that be inhabit tctb the piopfcs of Jtrael, bpeaufe in be; mgb?ncfictaltebt0 elect mini; ft cr ctb matter cf tbanU0 fo? f cotintwal bettsuig en cf b,is graccs.^Fo? cnlcffc gcb giuc a tail of bis gocbnes,toe muft ncDcs be b umb.Snb fo;afmucb as JDauib ts one of bio members, be Ctpuetb agemft tms pebtmctsto tbc iutentbe map hope to be recctttrD at length into tbe felowflnpof bis i)cbtejto fing the pjapfts cf (0oo. S C3« tbce.] it is a ten&Mng of f be canfe tei)p <5od fsttetlj among f pjapfes cf tbe people: namelp breanfe be bath b«0 banD a'.&aic0arctcbco out to p?£f£ruc $ faith; fn!i.^ro^2Damb Cao^fapbecuennol^ Satberctb togttber the examples of all a- ges, wberwub to rapfc bpf ftrengtben btnifelf,and Scbe^wUh to pcrfwabc bim= fdfe affureblp,^ feeing gob ncuer fbooae of anp of bts cbofen people,bc olfo fljaibe one of tbencmbcr of them tobofe welfare ts lapD top tn tbe banb of (Sob.Unb tbcr= foje be faptb in ejepjeffe wo;bs,tbat be is come off poftcrttic of tbofe thathab bin betbtmeentng tbcrcbp y be ts an bene of t\}t fame grace totyti) t^cp ijao felt . Jr,oj vppon the.xxij.Plalme. 31 a tnts fetfe, as oft as bee oumobcl tueDft>itbb8ugebeapc0 of afflictions, fei mad ratber fctct) fro tlyzntz matter feber fcpon to grounb f>opc of bciiuerance, tbatt peelo our felucs to bcfpapje. 0 os» if goo foaue put tfji0 l)(0 moft excellent feruant to fo barbe plunges, anb fo ferre absfcb !;iitt tbat be b*ib no room easn among tbe moft befpifcD fozt of mcn,let not bs tlnnh feozn to be bjongbt too? aficr bio example . jtfvxo) becit fee ougbt cbCv'flp to call to mpafc tbc Tonne of <5oo , in febom aifo fece f;e t'jts tbing to ijauc bin fjiftUco.atco^mg as it feas auoucbeo bp tye pzopljefic of t$?fap. I£e feas befpifca, neptber ma&sfeeeanp account of bimtbe feas a man cf fozowes, tbere feasnofauournoz bsaictp in bim, fo tbat euerp man bib b^ foe: from bun, e teeth tbat 45ob (fei)6 be bab pzefefleb to bee bisfatbcr)feastur neofrombim. ;foz fee Unow tbat fe'ucn 5DauiD law bunfelfe fezongfuHp eenbems nco in tlje &)Ozl&,it toa0 altoafs l)is tocnt to rcfozt to tbi0 popnt : tbat b:mg affnrcb of a goob confciencc in bimfelf , bec might ioeUbaue<5oDto bee \)ts maintepner m beaucn.3lno tbep all bpbzapo bim,tbat be (\jpon abapnebzaucrp) mabsbnabuifco boail of ^foo0 belp . wberc is tbat c©oa Cfap tbep) on febom be leancb^ix>bere is tbatloueto v»'.)icb be traSei .-• ^bcr is no ibeapon of sfcatana mozcoeaolp to feouD memttfi foales , tljin Wycn be attempt; tt) to fctbo bcfioe our bopc.bp turning go&s PZom'Xe0intoamociiejp. l£ou>bcit, tbep lap not finglp tbat JDantbs pzapcro fecre to no purpofc,anDtlje louc of (25oD,febic!j be boaftcD of, occcitfull : but t-jep gtmcat bim oucrtbroartlp a0 an b^pocnte tbat falilp pzetenoeb tbe name of (Son from Sub'.cb be iua© a ftrangsr. &ow> Qjarpr a templaciontbi0 ioa0,encrt> man map con fiber bp b*»0 oron fe:tte. 15ut tlje remcDp £ob'fb be bfcD.pjoucb tlje imcozrupt a;v:c tion of l;tB faitb. .-IF o? oniefTc bee bao bin fure tbat at tbeinnermoje foftoneffiof our i^artmap anfwcrcfoz bo befoze ^ob.jjinb as oft as S>acan pzacttjctl? to'frt bs befibc faptl) bp bpting f HoSco : let tb'is bee cur S.ifecrbolD, to call <£ob to feitneife, tbat be map auoucb l)is own rtgbteottfncfle,in Dcfcnbtng bs: ftemg tbattberc can bee no focolcr blafpljemic offcrso to l)is name, tljan to fap tbat tbep i»Snd> repofetbeir truft m l)im,are puffeb bp So ub bain con- fiDencc , ano tbat tbep fobjei) bauc fullp pcdVoaoebtbcmfclues toftanDctn <5ob5 fauoz , becciuctbemfcluc0 toitl; bain opj^ nion. flow feeing tbat tbc fonne of (£oo ioas aflaplebfeitb tip: famefeeapon: ^>a tan feillneucra iobittl)? mozefparetbc fai:l)full febo are l>is membcr0.u>berfo?e .itbe'oouetbtbem to bee armeo iuttb Hits fbecta, tbat aUbougb t\^ be btterlp foj= loz«e among men*, pit if rtjep caft tljcir care bppon <2>ob,tbepzpzapcrs Gjall not bee in bap ne. 15 p tbe isoojo" [ Goi ] is bcrp feel cjcpzcffcb tbe nature anofozce cf favit)> feljicb leanmg bppon 35co0 pzouibehec, bifebargctb our minxes of tbe burtljcns of cares anb troubles. io ^nrcl^ Iohn Caluins C ommentarie |io. IK 12. Surely, thovv art the leader of ineeout of my mouthers womb, the fovvnder of my truft vppon my moothers breftes. Vppon thee was I cafl: out of the matrice, thovv art my God from my moothers womb. Go not farre from mee,for tribulation is nere at hand, bycaufc there is none too help mec. io. [&ttt-clp,tbow.]5gcin1Dauibrap; fctlj a new fo;n6cation>t)crUj«l) to mt%- ffanb ant) rcpiuTe the p?actp5C0 of s&atan. fQl be g?.flicrctb toogitber (5ob0 benc- fites,bp S»J#rii ijc l;ab lerneb alatc that !;e isass \)iB father, yea euen befoje be ioas bo?nc,befapctli tijiat (0oo i?aD fbeweb btm fuel) a pjoof of b is fathcrlp iouc , that be tutft Sue H bopc fo; ipfe at b'0 hanb , pea though be S»crc Scljclmeb Sx>itb the fba= fcowc of bcatb. $oi the help gboft giuttb this Svtfbome too the faptbfull,£ in cacco of.fcar tbep gather tcftttnonics of <0ods goobncflTe, iob. tel) map bee of nblcncfic too tonberpjgppe their faptb. iro> tbi0muft bee fatten foj a principle, that fitb tfjoos bountccumeffe is ncucr cucrlapcb, $ that no fpenbmg is able to confumchisrpchcs: IsHe as Srcc baue fownb l)iin our father from our firft infancfc, fo Smll be alfo con-, tincw the fame towatbes fcseuen bntoo cur lift age . wheras be ac&nofcclcbgcth; bimfclf too b?uc bin taken out of bis moo; tbers SDomb bv tbc hanb of d5ob, $ that tijetc Ssnscaufc of trufl giuenbim [fcpon bis mooters b?cfrcs: ] the weening is, £ infantes arc bo:ue inteotbcSoojlb, s feb iaiti) fcbnr taoorbcro miifec,after fo natifj rail nfafr,icn,tbattl)eS»oonberfi4llp?oui=: Bsnte of £> «£> 3D fbpnctb foo?tb therm. 3i« Steve this miracle becometb little tooo?tb,bp rcafon of continewall ctiftome. 55ttt if tbantUcffe bulneffebib netfeele Dp cur epes, there is neucr a cbplbbirtb in the &>o?id, but it So oolbrauith toSoonbcr at it. $ 0} what lettetb, but tbat tbc cbplb concepuco fboulb bee confumcb a huncjeo trmes in tt owne fcnclcnnefle , before it come too tbe rppeneffe too bee bouie : but fepcauft ?gcb tctthfojebiftrcfre. 2Jnb 3S boubt nor,but be bio fet before l)t0 efts, how the Scripture cuerpi»bcre attribu= teth to d5oo the office toofuccour fuel) as bee in mifcrie, anb aucucbeth, him too bee fo much the mo^c rebp to help,as Soce bee tyimn mo;c narcwlp to cur tbiftts. Che feerp being pafi hope thcrfo,;e , fe£o as goob as 0 iabber to him , to lift t>p his mpnb to affectio of pjaping. S>o alfo mult the feeling ot abucrfuie gather ts bnber the Sofnges of fyeto cger anb ferce feolbncffe to boo burt ,tl;cr ts in bogs fc)l)cn tbep rl? bppon a man in anger , tt ts bnorocniodlpnougb . <&t)t effect 10, ti;at iDauioc enemies to ere 10 blubtfmrftp atD cruell, y tijep iocrc mojciiKcioylb tcafls tban men . 3nb be callctb tbcm not Gnglp [ISullcsObut ftrong 25ulles< -$ 0? &l;cr- as fomc traflatc the fc>e?b[Rabbim maitp,] it liUctb not Crete tt is in bectf ,tl;at JDauib iuas aflaileb &>itb l;etrgc armies: bat it appecrctb bp tbc fecono mebcr, n>t becre is cntreatcb of tije ftrcngtlj of tbcm, 9 not eftbeir nombcr.;tfc2 \)t tcrmctb djf [25uls of J$afa«]as ttiuct tod ftb bulls, 8 tljerfo?e larger flrcg: foreknow* that tbc bill of H5afan Seas ennobled fo;batt= ling anb ronfcpafiurcs. 15 C3B fc>aspox»2cb oat. ] ^ttberi to bcfaV'b be ioas fo befet of iov lb bead cs tbat betoasnotfar from beatb.astbougi) be bab bin at the popnt to be bcuou)2Cb c- uerp minute of an b our c « 3inb noto be be toapletbbts intearb grccf alfo.uljcrbpoti toe gatber y be teas not ama3Cb in oigers iroitt mull not bauebtn anp ojbinaric fcar,iol)icb coulb bauemabebimin maner too pyncawap , 02toberctt?itb bis bones fbottifc bauebtn ioejeneb anb Insbart tsrei ccb.wce fectben tbat 2Damb tees net bea- ten imtb SoaucsliKc an infenfible rocfee, but fc>as firifecn tbxoSrgb anb tbiotogb ioiib fo?e turmor-lcs : too fcntbuanbttje S»b»cb,bcbabbinto&eaheacco?bingtoo ibemfinmticoftl;c£eu),tfljc!;aonst bin belpcbbp tbc power of tbc fptrit . !$etee tljcispafficns map agree bntoo Cl)juft,31 baue tolb pou a Ittle t cfoje. -f 0? in refpect tbat be Soas bcrp man,rjc foas berelp tub * icct to tbc infirmities or our fieflj ,bowbcit Smtbcut corruption . 5ro2tbe perfect anb founo purcnetTe of nature tbatteasin tym, botb not quite put ateapbwrmm affectics, but onlp ruletb tbcm tbat tbc? become not fmfull bp creeffe . Crjc greatnelTc ef grccf tberfoze might notfo Sueabe" btm,but tbat be coulb ncucrtbelcfle ioiirj aSocllbifpo^ feb mpnbefubmit bimfclf to <0obeucnin tbc mtbbcs of anp to^mentsailtbougb tlje fame tbing be not grauntcb bnto bs,6?lsO botb fuffcr trutlefome affections, anb ne= ucr fcepe tbe fo in atcc but tbat &>itb tl;eir bnruipncfre tbcp b?iue bs Ijitber anb tl)p= tber:ptt muft fee plucH bp our fyarts after tbe erample of 3Dautb, ano&beniocebee Soclncre at tbe lall call tl)?ougb tnfirmitp, S»c muft grcne bnto <& ob tljat be map re; Cojebs agem. 16 i$&y ftrengtb isb?feb.]^e mcanetb tije[ iL iuclpneffe jfebtcU out rcoteb mop= v fturemmiftrctb bntoo tos . Coo tbe fame purpofc a!fo tenbetb it tbat be abbetb[iljat bistungcclcauctbto bis gomes.] 5Fo? So c fenowe tbat tbjougb bnmeafarable mooj< ning,not onlp tbc powers of life arc Sups tbcrco, batallmoft allmopftnre is t*w* bp. Sftertrarb be fapetb be $»as lapb out to beburieo: mccningtberbp tljatallbope of itfctoasbereftebim. 3n iobpcbfcnfe ^aulcalfofapetb. 2. €0^.1.9 .tbat l;c Ijab rfccrucbtbeuibgcmentof 5Dcatb * 2lnb S?autb batb fpofcen of bimfclf b? creeffe of tbentcnttco biavo bs furtber. ^0 % tf>c b;eabfull encounter of €b?tft a= gemfl bcatb , in M)itl) be toas fojtccb too fwcatblub:bts going Dor^n to bfll,tebcr= bp betaftcb of tl;e S»?atb of as ofr as this mifrines Dimmer!) tl- c tnftt- acs of tbe garnets., t!;cre id alu aics foms mifuelecfc mireb toub, it,$>rjtcbcfu&crctl) them hot too toase outcbp ana bp too t!;e Itgljt ofnero lif:. lBwt in Cbitpfl: tbeie tu&o things Saere iopneb i»ontcrfuilp : tbat ts to >»tt,tcrroz tltfiifttng m it felfc tb?ougb tlje enrfe of <0oo, ant> pattcntc quieting ait motions bp ^raii!),fo as tt)?p rcilea bnacr tlje goucrnment cf (goa.afro? i?s tbat arc not cnuetoc'D toptl) ipfc? porter , if atanpc time btfeelDing noting but Deitruction, toe lie amasea fo; a fcafon : pit bebouce I; it "us bp Utae ana little too beaue bp toieat D tl;at jj ?pe fc?l)icb qutcKnetb tbe Dcaa* 17. [STbepboicbmpljanDS,] 5oo?bfo? fcjoja it is rjlifeca JLion mpbanas.]28na fojafmuche as ail tl)C 5£cb;urue bookes at tlnsDapagtc in tljc fame rcautng,31 fc>o D baue mdOc a matter of conscience too ftep aftoc from fo great a confent , but tbat iljc reafon of tlje amerce cempclkD me fo too £o,anatijattljere SsercgooD Itfeclibcuto coniccture tbat tl)e place is co?ruptc& fc; the nonce bptbe 3 crccs.^urelp no tout but tm 4£*cebe interp;cicrs rca tbe letter [va«] ioberas it id fcojittcn now? tbe lencr [yod] froi Suhereas tbe 3 cites bjabblc £ tip Utter all fence Syas inucrteb of fct pur- poft : it is bttcvlp bopDc of all cciourc of truetb , to* fo>bat necae was tbere to salt? fo boiaelp tn a nccaieffc matter:' IBM tljer ltgi)tctt)naligl)tfufpttion cf falfeboo Dpou tbct«,5«b6fe onclpDcfire tstofpopictije cruttuei) 3 efus of Ms ccgnijsnces^lcfi l>e Iohn Caluins Commcntarie, «ugijtappc*ic too be Cbtpft tbe anotateb aua tbe reacemcr . 3!ffc>eercectuetbat fc)b- cbc ibep SsottlD baue X>s too re ccpue, tbe fcnfc Suili be crabbca ana toerp Djr&e, firft it ioilbe a manglca fpcecIV,f o? tbc fup- punng toberof,tbepfap, tbeSoo^D [befet] muflt be repeatca agcine. Siput iyl)at mean tljep bp [befctting] tlje baas ana tbe fczte foj befcttmg belongerb no mo?c too tbcfc partes tban eoo all tl)cii>r>olc man.U5eing taUen tarcic,t!;cp ffe? to Doting talcs after tbeir Soontea mam r , ana fap , tbat tbe Hi on tobenbec mcetc^ anp tnan,caftctb bis taiic tn a circle before iie fal.bpon l)ts p ja^- : St> bcrbp it appear v-tlj feel mougb tbat tl;ct be Dcflitute of rcafon.^gcincfcctngbG l;aa VTca rl;e fimi ituDe of a ilionina oerfcoj tcoa:ne bcfo;^,tt baD bin too no purpofe to repcate it agemc.JB omitljowe certeine of our men oufct uc,tl]at a 5»o?o lopnea uiitb a note of utnilttuae,isc5monlp otbecir ife popnteD.i)5otattbftanaiag 3I paflc not to toaKqutroetbejficwea.fobofefiubfcojme; ncif > in b?abliug u bnuanqutQ)cablc : but oncip 3B wm i0° fbcw u?ceflp bou*leU;a= Ip tbep fnatcb at tbe Cb?pftians toj, iV,t ai= uers rcaatng of tins place. 5ro; totjereas tljep obtccte , ibai bp appopntmente of tbe iLaite,tbet c feao no manne faftenca toitb naples : tberctntbcp bew?apctbctr groffe tgnojauncc of tbe ft o?tc , fo; it is certeine tbat tl;c llomatnesconucpcamatn>ti)ins ges cf tbeir cttntric cuftomesmtco tljcir p;cutnces. 5ftbcp cbtcctc ibat2)au!& foas ncuer naples too a Croffc : t\)t folu^ tton t8 caliche complapnea tnetapbojical«i ip,tl)atbe ioasno IcfTe aiiirclTea bp r)fs c^ Rcnttco, tbanbetbat batlj bis banfces- anD fcete boica tb?cugb , ani) is naplca too a pecceof tmibcr , of \s>bicl;efo?tc of ^cta« pbojstoec fballme£te5»ptljtr.oe a Uttle fjcereafter. i3. 1 wil nomber all my bones : they flare and gaze vppon mee, 19. They part my garments among them , «Sc cafl: lots vppon my coatc. 20. And thou Lord bee not farre of; 6 my ftrength make hafb to help mee. 21. Delyuer my foule from the fwoordc^my alone one from the hande of the Dog* 22 Saiicl vppon the.:xx. Pfalme. 82 22. Sauemceoutc ofthc Lions mouth,and hearc me from the homes of the Vn iconics. 18. [3fc>ilnombet.]Crjc$eb2etosca! bones [Gnatfimorh] of fircngneffe : « tber= foie tl)to name iff fomctimc applpeb cptbcr bntoo frccnses, bpS»bofcDcfcncefc>ec bee firor.g : 02 too argumentcsanb reafons in bcfencc,fo)bicl) arc tl^c ftrcngtl) of tlje cace. &omc tljerfoje ejepounb tbis place in tbis iotfs3i fljallauails noting bp nutnbitng mp resfons.bicaufe nunc enemtes once fully bctcrmimb too beflrop ir.c bp fcooRc ojbp crooUe Sottbcut refpectcof cqutiie. 3i nb otbcrjB esp ountc it ti)us : 3 f 3i ga= tljcr Ssbatfceuer tjclp0 map fecm to mafce toomp furtherance, pit fball tbe*> notbtng boote me. 315 nt btcaufc tye crpofitton Sm!j( cJjc iff roo;tebfnalI? recetucb,femetb mo?c fimplc anb moie natiue , 3G embrace it tlje bulling! er : namelp tbat £>auib fboulDe cemplaine boro tlje bones appcereb in bis bobic fe)bicl}Cfc>aSft>ttberce foitlj lcanc= neffe , foi bp anb fep after bee abbetfj , tbat bis enemies take plcafure of fucbe a figbt. 3tab tlie icjct ronnctb, trlmlp bofyolz tcogi= tber , tbat ttje crucltic of bts enemies is fa tmfatiable , tljat inbcbolbinga miferable foutc ftyppneb feritr) langutfbtng,anb as it fcerc fottbereb atcap, it iajas ncuettbcles botbe tncat anb blink to tbcm too fc fo fo* rowftill a figbt. Cbat Scbicbe folowerb in tljc ncrt bcrfc concerning l)is garmentes, is ^e»apl)c;tcall.#cj it is alt one as if be bab fapcb.tbiit all bis goebs bab bin putte to tl;e fpoiie,liKc as conquerors arc fount eptber to riffle tbeir p?ape,oj elfc too caff e lotsfobat eel) man fball bane to bis (bare. S'O} incomparing bis 3!eitcls,ricbes)ana iobatfoeticr tie pcffeffctl) clfe, bnto bis rap meat : be complapretb tb*t after beeScas fpopleb of tbcm , tbcp i»crc bcaiscb fe>prb fljamt atnong l)is enemies, as if it bab bin nretoarb of teictoite: S»berbp is augment tcb tbe bn*ojtbineffcoftI)c:rDeaiirtg, in tbattb:p triumpbeb oucrbiwnone Qi[,t:-, fasife tljan if b,c bab bin a D wD ma**. #5 0 wz tobereastbe dEuingcttftes cite tb'.s place Jitternllp (as tbep urine it) anb i»ubout a figure : ta fo booinjtber: is no abf«rDi= tic. 5? 0; too t'i? mtcnt fore migbte fcnoivc tfefe-mo^e ccrrcinlp, tbat in tb'.spfciiitc Crjrpft # fcefcribeb too bs bp t\\t fpmt of p:opljcfic : tt Suas tbe S»tl of tijc 'ncaucnlp ;frat!}er,'tbat in tl^c perron of bis g? onne, tbtrc fboulb appcerc a tetftbleacccinpiifb--- ment of tlje tlnnaes that icere fijabobicb in 2^autb . i^atbtto reporting in i)is epgbt € bapit er anb firtccntb bcrfe that tbc btf= eafeb of iljc fDaiQc.tbe blinb,anb tl;e lame fc?cre bealcb of tbeir Difeafes : fapctljcbat bp tbat mesne fcasfuifiilcb tl)e pjopbeQc of €fap,tl)at € b?pft &ps fent too take an tsap cur infirmities : S»bcn notwitbftans 5mg,tl)ep?opbetintbatpl?xcrcttctbfo?tb bntoo bs tbe ^onne of titnDJD, too bec a gboftlp ^bifition . 25 ui fiowc anb barbs are 5»e to bcleeuc,anb ttjerfoje no maruell if fo? our grofencfTc fafee,t!)ere Snerc giucn bnto bs fucbe a betnonftratton as migljte be felt ioitl) fingers,totbetntentit migbt be able to inafee bs out of our b?c w jincs. 20. [^nb tbou ILorb.] wljatroeucr TDa uiD batb bitberto tolbeof bimfetf,muft bee fecpt itt mmbc , fc? inalmucbe as tber fonn tcb noibing too tbeful bcape of niifcrtejg,? pit in tt)? meanciylsiletbmghfterebnoS one fparkc of Ddiuerancctoo come1: jf!t is a Sponberfui trpall of faitl;,tl)at be not on • Ip enbureb patietulp, but alfo ivabeo oute of tbe bottomlciTc pit of befpair, to calling bpondgiaDlD.irec map note tbctfo?,e lijat 2>auib powieb notoutcb'0 monies ?s baine anb fpccbleffj,acce?iiiugas fojows - full perfons booofttimes ;caftfooitl) tljcir figbes bnabutfcslpe , foj tl)C p?apcrs tl)at j are abbcbboofoell Declare, tbat Ijcebopcb foztbeiffuet»f)tcbcbcelooKcbfo?.ycara= tber i»l;cn be tcrmetb ^5ob [ijis ftrengtb] in tbis proper flileljcpeclbetb anb cu:ben= ter S»itnefle of b:cl) as pit be recti) not. [115? tbeftc>ojD,bp the bans off bog.bp tl)Z moutb of tbe llion anb bp tbe Uoins of tbc Simcoins]iSbnbcrfto8b yjc fenr peril of Dcatb,f v manp fonbjpfoaps. iDb«bp i»c gae'ner tbat ioben be c teas fo befet bp bntb tbat l;ec btterlpfapntcb in l;imfclf : pit bee ftooa ftrong in tbc S.o?be, cub tb c fptri, c of b.f c bare f toap alfo>ai*s in !)is bartc . wbereas fome take tbc alone feulefoj beere anb pwtioufe , it agreetb not : bpcaufe it beotb, rather fignifye %.i'.. tlwt Iohn Caluins Commcntaric, is not the fence Doubtfull, bicaufe there (0 no mcjc,bttt the caufc put foz the t'Sictt. :ffojDcliuerauRcecommcth of<©oos hza= ring bs.3if an? man afii ho« thjs inap be fittcD bnto Chzpft.fohom the jf athcr fees liuercD not fro Death :'3i anfjoer at a foozb, that he S»as moze migl)te!p DciiucreD t£|a iftbebaunger habbin pzcuenteb teuenfe muche as it is m w to rifcfrom oca:!), tha to be healeb of a fexe ficfeaetTc . TOberefoze Death Soas no let, but that Cbzpfts rifmg agcinc bare b)itn?u~e at the length that he ioas hearD. that among fo manp Deaths there ioasno b etp oSFrcb t)itn ih alt the fe>o>tDc,U&e as in the jDfalmc. ; 5. 1 7. in the fame fence [the alone foule] is put fo? [abefolate oz folia tarp faule,]anD faclie a or.* as iSDcftitute of ail fuccour : iobicbe thing frill appecre mozeplainlp by the pfal. 25. \6. Sohcre ZDauiD calling bimfelf pozc anD alone,Dotb boubtleOc complaine.that he is bereft of al freenbs, anD fozfalscn of the S»holeS»02lD. 3BntbecnDeof the jcjtii.bcrfe.ishercttis fapo : [Hlnfcoere me ez hcarc me, from the hdznes ] albeit that tije ^ebzefc> phzafs be fomsi»bat Darke too tgngiilbc cares : pit 23. I wil declare thy name vntoo my brethren, in the middell: of the con- gregation wil I praife thee. 24. Yee that feare the Lord praife him , all yee the feede of Iacob glorifie him,and be afrayd of him yee feede of Ifrael. For he hath not defpifed nor difdeyned the poore,nor hidden his face from him • and when he called vnto him he heard him. [31 foil Declare thp name.] 2>autD(itt fulne(Te.li5p his [bzetbjen] he betofcenerb ti)e3!fraclita:not onclp bicaufe thepioere timca of the fame ftoc'a : but rather bicaufe the common religio Cas tt iocre fome ho= Ip bonoe) hilb them bounb one to another bp fpirituall KinreD. <£:hc aipoftle J^ebz. 2 1 2 . applping this toerfe to Chzifte, gatne- reth thsrupon, that he i»as partaker of all one nature Smth bs, anb iopneD too bs bp true fclotoftjip of flefb , acknowledging bs fo: bis bzefyzen, $ bouebfaumg that Ijono r able name bponbs. 3 bauetol&epouofs tcntimes alreabp (iohicb fclf thing foilbee eafp to ft no out bp the enb of this ^» faint) that ChzpCt S»as beere fhaboweD out bn: too bs bnber the figure of IDauib. Con- ninglp ano fftiifullp therfoze D.-*oth the %* pottle notc,tbat bnber this name is ftablu fheb our right of bzotherlp alpaunce S»itb Chzpftc. ii^occc although tbtsagrcctbfoj tim:s to all man&tnbe : pit the true cmop - tng therof remapaeth onlp amog the faith fuljiu s»hiebe confzberacion Chzpfte alfo bp his 0 vont mouth reftrcpneth this title to his JDifciplcs. So anb bcarcipoozb to mp bzethzcn,ano to ^cter ,31 afcenbe too mp father anb pour father. Ji olj.zo.i 7 ^Poz affozthataliance of the flcibc, ioher^ bp hee !)ath mabe bs his fellon>es,the bn - of thzougbe the biuozceof their bnbclecfe, fo as r^ep become bttce ftrangcrs ageinthzough their own fault. $*h- pzomifmg tl;at hee ioil not bee thanUleffc Sohen l)e is b?liucreb) con^rmeth £ Sohf = chc 3E haue fapb hseretofojie^at I;;e && neuer focad ooitnc ioiil) temptation, but that he tooHc hart too him too rsfift. JFoz hoto coulb hee abbzeflc himfelf to chefacrt* fice of thanhfgiuing , but bpon conSD:nce of bcliucrauncepzefumcb befozerfoz io'iat if i»e graunt that the J3falmei»as compo feb after that IDauto ijao obtepneb in tot- rp otiot, the thing that hee Saoulo hauc : Tit is it not to be Doubled, but hee put the fciffame things into berfe aftcrwarb.&iji chc h$e hab at tl)at tpmt concepueb in his minoe.3DnD it it to be marheo that he pzo; mi(erl) no common token of than'&fulnes, butfucheasd5oD requircofoz rare bene- fits: namelp that the faithful fhoulocomc into his fanctuarp,anb there ioiti) folemne ceremomc maHe fenowen to the x»ozlD,thc grace ioln'clje thep haD IjaD ecpertencc of. 3f oz too t\)is purpofe fcrueth open thanbf' giuing : uamelp that the faithfull fhoulDe bp all mcaneserercife tljefelues in thefers uitz of u5oo,anD encourage one another to Doo the fame, fr oz io :- hnam that <^od a increoiblc might in failing Dauro (hpneo fooztI),pea ano that in moe UinDe of tniras cles than one. TPhcrefoze it is no meruaile though hee binbe bimfclfe 5uitl) a fcllemne bom to mabe open pzofelTton of his thank vppon the.xxij . Pfalme. _83 tljcm anb tbe tmejtrmms I an& tfrcw= fcutbaii bcefbcfrctb tbat 45obs name ts ltotmagnineD angbt,but&l)crc ibergroj ujctl) inwarD goDiinefrc. ainDtbcrefojc tn bis cjcljopatton , bee iopncti) r euercncc a= getne to tip p;apfcs of 0od. % tano tn fear of btm (fapetb bee) foi it is but caiiaunce Jtorjatfonwr Ijipocrif cs mafce a Qjcwc of in tljts bebalfc.Sigein, Ijc comment) «b fcare, not fobicb map ftareawap fycfairbftilfro eoraming bnto @fob • but Sobtclje batting rtgbtlp bumblcD tljcm,map b2ing tbcm in too bis fsnetuarp, accojtsing asit is fapcD in the fiftb. i^fa!mc. jftoro if a man mantel to fee JDautD cjrb02te t!?ofc to ti;e pjapfine of<25oD,toM)om bee baDgiuencommcn' Dation a iatc foj fo booing : tijc anfaere is reaDp,tbat cutn tljc boipefi: of all fccre ne- ucr pitfofuUprcpleniibeb feutbtbefear of 05oD,but tbat tijep bab neeb of comities allfputrcs. Cb.erfoxeit isno icbttfupcr- fiuous,tbat be bibbcrb fttcbe as fcare <©ob to ttanb inarce of bim,anb to caftiSjcmfcl- uesbuwfclp boron befoje bint. 25. C^oj be bath not cefpifeb.] &w\)z tnutuali cotuummon ougbt too fio?.ifbca= tljcfaitbftiil , tbat one map rciopce ftrith, anctfjer,anD gtuc tijanfcs in common fo? ecbemans fecifarc : accojDtng alfoas paulc tcacljctb, 2. Ccj.j. n. tbatmanp pcrfoits (fapetb be) map giue tbanfcson our berjaifefojt tbe gift bcGorccb bpon bs bp manp. il3cucrtl;clcffe tbis confeffion of £>auiDs,bsbrcfpccttoc another ctib aifo : namelp tbat euerp man fcuevalip ftouiDe bope fo? bUc incrcp at f tfoj, lifce as JDautD ijauing comp2cr]cnDeD all aUbiabams offpnng in tbat i»ojD, Dot!) bi? anD b? after Direct tyst talfeefpcciallp to tbe truc5»02(bippcrsef»jQ5oDrfoCb?pfi:e (Icoho bp bjcaUiufj boron tbe foal bab pub litbzn tbe aDoptton too all nations,anD bp tbat tneanes orfcreb bimfclfe too bee tljcir b^otbeOrctcpnctlj none otber in tl;e Dcgre of b20tbcrboD but onlp tbe faithful, i^.. [>*cc tbat fcare tl)c3lo?D.] ^ceres* geinc is wp2efTc"o tbefrute of open tbanbf Siuing Sobicbc 3! fpanc of : namelp tbe ab lurement tubcrcbp cclje man Cafmucl'e as in Ijiin Ipetb) ftirrctb tbe congregation bp bisejeampteto pjaife d50D. ^o?bccDecla= ut\) tbat tljc cnD fo? Solticb be fe»tl magni* fictb^nameofd^oD in tbe congregation, is to Cjeb02t fyis b?etb2en too boo tbeiiHe. i^otvbeeit foinfmucljc as hypocrites Do co monlp crorob tljcmfclnes into tbe cburcb, anb tbe rtiaffe is mingleD fojitb tbe &>beate intl)efioo2eoftbciLoLiD:bcfpcaKetbtotbe goblp, anD too tbofe ti;at feare d&aDID bp name. 3nDfurclp altbougl) leroD mc tbun Deroutc<0oDS pjapfesasicuDeas tbeir tb?otc can pel : pit Do tbep noticing e!fe but Difbonour bis bolp name.31n DccD it &cre to be iuifbcD tljat all cftatcs of tbefoo?lDe agreeD in one tunc . ^ovobeeit fojtafntucb as tljc firft parte of barmonie floroetb o«t cf tbe finccrc affection of tbe bah: no man ran be a meet fetter foo?tb of ods glo?p, but be tbat feructb b«ti reucrcntip. Sfter^ tearDe l;ce namctl) tbe fecDc of 3 acob anb y fraell, asbauing an epe too tbe common calling cf tljc pcopic.3 nb truelp tberc 5»as no let in bim , tut tbat all t!jc i£b»lD2en of 3b2abam migl)t l}aucp2apfcD ^oDSoptb one mouth. l^ercbeit fcjafmucb as be favo manpe of tbe Jlfraelites groiicn oute of lohnCaimns Commentane j 16. [£>ftbec#albcmpgzr;fe]i!Ubougb 31 rncct not tbc otocr transition: pit not i»itI)3-anoi5ig tlie fyzbievt mancr offpea fcingfccmetb dittos mce too rcqupzetbps fenfe, that 3D auto tafcjtb !)?s matter o; pzapfcat S d) 3D . 3flnb ibercfozc 35 Dili Derftasbe t^Cu>002Qc [iTjall corns ox fball fiowe] fo as bee ujoutoc meats , mp pzatie fball co:uc oz floicefrom tbee:fobicb tbing J tafce loo be fpoHenfo, ;o tbcintent tbat jEDauiO(1.iou!Dct2at5c,!jowc^ccunpatetl) Ins Welfare onelp ano icboi? tntoo t£ oD. jFoj&e tino%)C cbcre be man? tbattmber pzctcncc of piapung 45 £> 3D ,blou?c out tb c eommcnbfuions of tbcJflfclucs rmb of tber freenbes : anbfettiug <253b aube,purebace oecafio to Gng tbeir Oii>n triumpbs.QJJoze ouer bee rcpatetb agcine tbe fem» tbing tljat be bao toncbeb atete : namelp tbat be toil fbeioe tokens of bis ibanafulneffe os pcnlp, tbercbp too cbedc otl)er0, art) that not imtbout tfjcfolcmoe ejCi'rcife of goblu ncs Some") tbe la»cont:naunbca. jFoz in caeca of great tmpoztaunce.anb S»ben an? baun^er i»as at banb, ibc?S»erc toont to tooa a peace ofjee mg,fcj[)icbetbep pcrfoz- mcb after £be?bainct3,framcD bimfelf too tbc common ozber of the cbur= cb«,ac Jibmg as ;t became bim. Cacfc arc tbe bowe^ i»^)tcljc be giuetb bs 10 bnber - eanb,tljatb:b3b bobbin irs bttermoft biftreffcanb too tbc pcri'ojmance i»b^cof be abbicfccb btmfclf wt\) a noble s cbecr< ful courage anb ful of conSocnct. jftOtD a! tl?ou3b it beboucb bin to pcrfosme tbis ce remonie before aUmcn fejit'^out scceptto: pitbe conferral) agetne tbat bis befire is, tb gasman? as ri-Jouibfae pzefentto bear 5» ?tneiTe, ra?3bt bee pure 5doz Shippers of 45ob.§jo albcett tbat it be notin our poo? cr to slcnje tbeClmrcbc of <©ob : pit i£ it our but? to h»ii"b ciennes.25uttbe papifts Sozcfting tbis piacctoo tl?c*r eeunterfcttc bowcs.are moze bnfauerp anb ftmbe.tban tbat tbc? n rebe lonj bifpzoofe. ^03 tobat liicnes is tber m t'r)c»r babift topes tobec ioitb tocp attj pr to plcafc dpob after tbeir otone imagination, tontotlusbolpauoaeb mentof tbanftfulnes, fe>b*eb notondptbe fceltnj of gob lines bib pui intot'cic bebs of tfje fathers, but alio d5cb liimfelfbatb co= maimbcb % ratiSeb in W law * 7c* tatbc* feitb febat countenance bare tb£? mate!)? t!?e:r folipj « Irin'ung fttpcrftitions , fei^ tbts facrtficc mode pjectous of all otbers, namel? tbe facrtfice of tbaafyurngf aicoj bing as tbc ^cnptutcfettneCTctbtbat tLi« cbesfpartof tbe-cruiceofd^oa confiQetl) in * b»s,tbat t\\z fattbful (bulb openl? (beo> how tbe? acknou) Jlctg ereiuont tofeaft at tbeir facri5ccs as it is fenon?n incl inougb Mrib be pzomi* fetb fucb a fea$ as be map eecrcife anb trie bis faitb m.Snbfurel? tbat is tbe accepta- ble ? fvr cc. facrtficc bhto «5ob, ic^nutxto is anejceb gcntleneiTc 5 mcrcie. jaDtbcricife tbeecrtiusnica %DbcrctLi;bal men pzofede too iz>oz(bip <^ob , togttber i»ul;a:l tljctr Git tain; anb pomp , toamfoeinto fmokef i^oujbeit 31 confeffs be pjonufctb not fim* pi? tbat be torn" mane a bole too tbe poze $ bun^rp, fcbcrewitb tofecb tbcm : but bee faptb, tbep ibaibe partakers of bt's feaft f 0? anotber caufe ; tljat is to &>it, tbat tbzogb tbeoccafion of coir.fojtc .ijans mintdrco to tbem , cbecrfuliics ma? fpzt g agetne uv tbc mines of tbcm ^roz the? bdjclje as it fccre in a glafle , tbc gbobncff6 of Ijipocritcs to pcrfozm tbe bcito ccrcaionte:be rcftrep^ netb tbis rigbtful bfc to tbe true anb belp 3BfraelitCB.f oztbeaflureb marH of gotli nefTe,is to feeae <&oi. ^oc? if tbefatlpcrs bnber tl)C low iocre rcfrclbeb bnto fpirf tn allife bp tl;cur bolp fcafid:mucbc mojc pie" tifullp vppon the.xxiij.Pulme. ttfullp Dot!| tljis potoer fetter itfclf at tbte Dap itt tbe liolp fup:r of ft be tbat tbcpteeUe t!>c iLozo truly 9 fottb all tbeir m ui? as corns too taac part of it. 2 3 [ JiDball remember tbctnfclurtf. fi£b& place toitbout controuerfp fljecoetlj f 3Da utauMpetbnottnbisounperfo.butDcfcri bcrb tbe pzonufeD Cbjtft miQcr a figure. ;tf 01 cuen tben U ougbt to be knoian fo2 a principle, tbat be fr as created bins bp ttie appointment of <£oo, to tbentcnt the pea= pie mtgljt grow togttber imo a bltflcD life bnoer one bco: ujbtc'z tbing i»as at Icngrb fubftanctailp fulfilled in Cbzifi. J cofciTs tn Deeoe, tbat tDautbs name S»as great * rcnoxomeb among tbe naciomj tbat bozoe rcD upon bimtbut Ijouj final a parcel of trje ta ojlo S»as cbntr' 26 cQD;s tbw , as foj. tbe foxetn nacions bpon fo>bom be bab latD tbs pbbc of bis btngoom: be ncucrb^ougbt tbe to tbe pure iaoz dripping of <15oD. i,bnto (Sob. iftovo in tbat be faptb tbep fcal return bn to (SOD aben tbep baue bin feel acquaint teo feritb bis grate: tber is noteb mo2Ctb« acomoncbaunge ffl^oicouerbp alluring tbem totbefeioivfbip of tbe bolp feaft.bcc era&ctb t'jem apparantlp tmo tbe boo? of feburcb. xofftrt fomc Dun? tbefrozD [re* member j to t e renewing of tbcitgbtof faitb among tbc©:nt leezastbougbtbcp BjoulD t?jcn nauc called age n to minoe tbe remembrance of 45ob,fc)bicb tbep bab ere t»r>tle fozpjottcn foj. a time : it fecmctb too fine anD farre fct . fir be conuerfion cz re= enrncfrberof mention ts mnec, figniSetb (31 confefle) tbat tijep S»crc eftrangcb fro oonb:rfuIl miracles of et e flipt atoap. 3ino it is to be nfitcb, tbat tr>« fooojQrippmg of ©cd is benucb of t'^e fenoujtng of bun. Jf oi befapetb, tbat fur !i (ball come in bumble i»p*c too benour bim, as bwe pzoStcd fo farre faoztb in tijempnDmgof^odsSajoozkcs.fyattbep 84 outrage not M}? raoze agemft \)im icitl} pzouo contempt, wbicb fence tfc reafon tbat is bp am b? ab^eb , conSrmctb : na= mclp , tbat [tije iimgaomc ts tbs Itoz&s too reigneoier tbe i^catbe ] JPoiioljers as fomcmtjrpzet io tbus:tbat tt is no mar uelt tbougb tbe gentiles bcecompe ico to pcelo honour bntco ©ob bpi»l)omtbep S»crc •, eatcb, ano bp Scbofc bans tbep arc rulcd.altljougb be i)m€ maoc no couenant ofipfcSyitbtbcm: J, rcteftttascolb.^Fo? tbercisnoooubt.but tb.ts place agreerb 5b?ttH manp otljcr Jt)jopbeipro , feb^bp C'Obs t&onetscrectCDto^Cbitft to fit in to goucrne t'as fo>bole I002ID . Cb«rfoie, altbougb tbat C'Obs pzoutbece \stter itfelf loitljout exception to ail tbe iob^U S» oilb: Vet matt ice Kneo? tbat be Dotb tben beare rule m beip beeDr.febfn baumg biium a wav barfeneOe.anb fbcb fooztl? tije ligbt of bis 5»oozD,bc (bewcrb !;tmfclfto bee feme openlp.&utb a bcrcriptto of bis htngoom is tbere m Cfap z . +. ^e (ball iui%z tbe nacions,* reptouetbc l^catlKit jffurtberj moze.fozafmucb asd5co bab not fiitdetrro f feljolc i»oilo unto bun, before ftscb tpme as tbep tbat ertt Socre bntamcable,fuffe= rcb tbcmfelue^ to bebzougbt to confozmi- tiebp tbe pjcacbmg of tbe gofpclh^c map gatber t'ja; tbis conucrficn vrasnot mate but bp v leaDinjf f gouernemenr of € rzift. Jit anp man obicct, tbattbcS»boieisoz!D ioas r.euer pit conucrtco : ifec folutton is eafpe, tl;at tbe t?n'-c Sx>\)crin ©cb feas fo= Bemlp mabe bnowc cuerpiober£ bp f gef* p:ll,is compared feitb tbat oto (ratc.kibcn be b'lb tb? hnoariebae of bimfelf inclofcb ioitlfln tbe boambes of ~f ccrzpe. f 02 i»ce Kt?oo?2 tbatCb?tft pcrccD Tatftip from t!;e ead into tlje wed like a fla Jh of listening, too fetcb fyc QtvMs on all fpbes mtoo tbe Cburebe. z o [3111 tbe fat oncs.]lcaft anp ma fljoulb t'iina tt an abfurbi tic t!jat nou? the fat ones of tbe eartbe arc abmitttb gucftes too tfyc feaft , irbicb be cemcb euen now? tso bane appornteb ou!p too tbe poojc : inee mull fenoirctbattbcfir(rplacc5yasrbcrfci2Cgi' uttx too tbJ poozc , bpcaufc tbat loo tbem cbcefiu foas tbe cotr.fozt fct fooztb in tbe cramrlc of iDauib. jftrucrtbetitte, ttfeas rcqutfire ihat in tbe leroriD place Oioulo bee fet tbe ncbCanb fortunate, lcafttjbep mpgbt t^tnUc tbcmfclucs epcluocb from IohnCaluins Commentarie the paructpacion of ttjc fame grace. $ o? al djougb tbe pjefentpmcb ofaDuerfttiescn fo?cc tfjem not to fed* comfo?t of grecf:pit banc tbep nce'ac of retueop , too toe intent tbep G;ouia i\at make tijeKifducs ejoncfee Smtb sel'.tcc,but racber lag bp f Ijcir top in Ucatien. Higeine tnafmucbe a0 tbep be fubs icct to man? incbnuGnter;ces;tbeir iocltbf j neffe Sstlbcc curfeD,;f ft tjoibc borons Ujetr minces too the grounD.Cb? effect i8,ti}c ful \x>itl; tlje buit3ip,tbeglo?iou0 nrittj t!?c rafaa!0,ans> t^eljappp Soitb tbctojetcbes, bnocr tbe mawe; muclje mo?c rcafoni0 tbereiobp be Oiouioboofoattb^bap bn= ber tije <25ofpcl. Cbcrfo?e foljen rid) men bcarc tljat foobc (0 oS ereb tbcm clfcfebcre tban in eartblp afcnnbance : let tbcm lernc to talie fo foberlp Hyz tlnngs tbat tf?£>3D batb gtaamcb tbcm to bfc fo? tbcttmc,as tbattije fpirituail mcate0 become not Vns faucric to tljem, 0? tbat tljeir ftomacls 0 go notagcinfle trjcmti)?ougl)e iQtbfomncfle, iF 0? as long a0 tbep Ojall tocher in tbeic ovonc b?eggc0, tbep toil nener l)auc goblp appetite to tbe otber, 0? take anpplcafure in t\)c tafte of them, i&ut like as it beboo; uctb f be fat ones too bee mabe leane , tbat tbepmap offer tbemfe.luc0too<0oD0fec= bmg : fo bootb £>autD barten tlje bunger Garucn toitb fojaarD aim fenfcarful tmft tbat tbeir nce&iucflc map not burner tbcm from acceffc, but rattier biooetb eucn tijc ocao too tbe feafte,fo a0 eucn tbep tbat be tnoft befpifeb ano in mancr dints before tbe face of t\j: too?!D,map neutrtbclcffc be boioe to ptcace too t'ne Ijolp table of <25od. Cbe alteration of tbe number in tbe enoe of tbe 5Jerfe , Doptb fomewljat Darken tbe fence : nottritnftanbtng ; it is certemc tbat the meeuing of tbe l^jopb^e is, tbat eucn irjepftjall become feiowcsof| fame grace, i»bid) feeme novo to bee turneb into buft, ano in Suborn tbcre is no reftitntion from life to3 Deatl) too be bopeb fox. 1 1 tCbeiv feeb Dball feme rjim,it fl>a!bee countcb to tbe Jlojo foj a gencraf ia : t\)t^ fball anb occlars bis ngbtuoafneffc to a people t'aat flialbcebo^r.e , bicaufc bee batb boonc it.] Co tljc intent Ijec map. t!;e mo2e epalttbcg?eatncffe of tbe bene&t, be fapetb,tt ftalbcfucbea one, as map neuer be forgotten among tbofe tbat ftjailccme after, ji^eneribclcfiebc etpjeffcLb the ma- ncr of tbe contmctoing tbcrecf,bicaufe tbe concrfion of ttjciwojlo of fcrfneb be fpaUe, fbait notbecfo? a moment onclp,but fbal= be fp?eb abjto&e as long as time cnbttrctij. wberebp S»ce gatber cgcinc,tbat bcere is not fet fo?tb fuebca glojp of tiE»ob,as fp?in gctl) out of a tranGiojp anb fabing mmo?, ano fo paff :tl) foo?tr> too all nations : but fucbeas ftutbbis beames fl)aii cnUgbrcn tbe So ojlo eucn tontoo tUe cnb. TDberefo?e tbe contmeujance of the Cburcyssauou- cljcb beer fentb. a notable tiJe:notfo?tbat it alwapes flo?injCvb , o?bolcctb onSoittj iitse eueneffe from tune too time : but bp- caufc d£ob mmoingnotto i;;ue tys name quencbeb in t\]t i»o;lo,lD :1 artoapes raife bppe fomc tbat (ball iuoiri)ip bim artgljt. 3no it is too be tttnembjeb tbat tbis feebe $»b'rin tbefcruiceof (Sob S»astobep?e- ferucDjistbe fruts of ^ incorruptible feeb: bicaufe ©00 begcttetb not nefpzebctb not ab?ooe i)is djufebe otberwif: tban bp bis &o?o. [Co be countcb to tbe lo?be fo? a generacponjis c^pounbeb toooioapes. gwne take tlje ^eb?e«> S»o?b [Dor] fo? a fucceffion of a^es , anb fome fo? a g?nera= tion, in&bicbe fence an offp?ing of men is fo tcrmeb in tbe Latin tung. &ov> fo?afs tuuei) as none of botlje t\)zU fences io ill a= grce amide, but come in a mancr al to one effect : tbe rcabers fball umz leaue fo: m: to cbofe iolncb tbep toil : fauing tbat % to feffe3! lifeebctter,^ bp tbi0too?b, fboulb bebetofecneb ©0D3 elect anb peculiar na- tion,tobicb ntap be accounteb tbeberitage of d5oo. i^ ouibeeit fo?afmucbe as becre ts not a>?itten tbe name [iehoua] tolncbc is pop^to <5obs being (asaUtticbefo?eO but tbe tooo?bc [Adonaij 31 Difaloiue not tlfeit opinion £ol)tcbe tbinfee tbat j£b?pfte is e;cp?cflclp maoc beab of tbe cljurcbe, too rcgtScrasmanps in \)is mu&crbookcas rjaue blue fttjoxn tbemfelaes foulD jours to gob tbe iratber:«8nD now bxcmtz £l;e fjeauen^ Ip father batlj BcituercD ail !n's ebofen into tbe tuition ano cuftoop of l)f£fonne,i)e ac* fcnowlcogetb none fo; bis.bat fuel; 30 are i>f Cfapflcs flock. [ Cbcp Cball come ano Declare.] £)eecou6rmctb that fobielie'jH baue fapbe afoje : naraelp ttjat bpcaufe tl)e fattylv (ball Deliucr oner tljc KnosrelcDge of tije benefite to tbeircbJlDzcnasttiDere from IjanD to banD/nts name fbal alaapes be rcnovomeD.wberupon alfo is gatbcreD tl)i0 otber tbing, tbat tbe onelp pjtcacbing of grace i0tl)e caufe tbat fyc eburebneuer pcrtfljctb- J^erewitball is cniopncD bntoo toSaeareanDenDeuourtoofpzcascabJODs tbe true Doctrine, to tbe intent it map con^ tine u>. after our Dcceafe.^r'o; inafmuebe a0 tbcbolp \)\c\) baue no remozfe of co; fciencetoburp tbe memorial of <5wD,fo as it fijoulD neucr be fpofeen of. Cbe name of rigbtuoufnefle in tips? ace is rekrreD too tbe fauljfulncffc xol>:c^e bee perfozmetb in pzeferuing bj0 bnmte, fc>bwcof tbe Delis vppontne . xxij . jfiaimc. »* ucrauccof iDauiDSoas a notable pzoofc. f 0% in DefenDingln's fcruant from tbe bi- olence anD inmrie of tbe fcnc&eo, be trpeD l)imfcffc to be rigbtuoufc. $nD berebp &e map gaijjcr boo? Deere our Welfare is bn^ to (5oD,titb bee matcbetl) it fentb tl)i com • menDation of bifi otonrigbtuoufnc 0. jftoto if tl?e rigb^uoufnefle of e rigbtuoufneflcfebiebe bee batbe Doone.j 0otroptbftanDtng,it is a fuller fpeecbtoo fap , [bicaufe <£?od batbe giuen a p;oof of bis rigbtuonfncffejfbewing bp tbe DeeD it fclfe tbat be is afaptbful beeper oftbofetbatbcbtS« The Contents of the . xxiij.Pfalme. This Pfkbneney titer bathe prayers intermedled3 ne bewayletb miferies too crane releefe : but conteyneth a rncere thank^giuing 3 whereby it dppeeretb it tvas made atfuch time as Dauid bad gotten tbe l^ingdome in fo DiunHen, that trjep no: oalp o tbcppjouolpiur ma at fetH . &o tnucb the moze feareip tben muftfeecmarke thiscramplcof iDauib, fe'jotn tbebpgbeft Degree of bio Digntttc, in tbe gloztoufencfic of bis rtcbes ano bo= ncur,tn rjt^ chefeft fecltb, $ in tbc mibbtf of t»s pimcelp pieafurcs , not onlptefltfi= etb bimfelf to be mtnDfull of <©ob,but alfo maUeth bimfelf labbcrs of ins beneutes, icberonto climb bp ncrebm*.3ln& bp this means be not onlp bziblst!) v toantonneffe of bis flefl), but alfo fpurrct!) bimfelf foztl; mo?e {batpip to tbankfulneflcanoto the ecercpfeso?gobltneuc:ciCcojbingasttap- nelfr, feho are all of fcs comtinceD bp out own feeafcneffc , to be mo? 6 tban mtferas ble, onleflefeciiue bnDcr the tuition of tbat fr epeberb^ Cbcrfoje it bebeuetb Ms to bearc in mpnD, tbat tbc fummc of out fe Itcttieconfifictb in ttys, that bis banb bee ftrctchco cut to goucrue bs, tbat fee liuc tonber bts ibaocw , s tbat b:o pzouibence fecepe featcb lb; cur fecifare, wberfojte el tbougb webaueabunbaiice of all tilings: pit muftfec Know tbat our bhffcDneue co mctb not from clfetebere.than fc2 that sob toou^fauc b torccKen fc*> m hie Soch-l&e- peereJj bv tbe knitting bp of tljc pfalme, ftbes tbis , t!;er. is tbc ofttcc cf OicpebcrD ~-v\)ZlC be (apctb iv fetU bxocl m tbe boufc attribuf eb kitb Dew arb rigljtfHll honour oftlieli,o^Dalll)tiel!feleni.^oairointl;e epgbtcnip 'wbat tune there uas clapping of banbesatbu«on alluocstljc (bc^eti) bow leell be fca© fettlco it- afte= ton brto mo8cftic,m tljatbr calletb hims fe'.ftb:fcrnantof(SoD:anDtberwtthalp;o fcffco bis tban'sfulncfis , tn letting ioo?tb 'nsp?apfc0.3a^o?ecuer tnber v ftmiJitube of a QjcpberD, be cfimenDctb <15ods p?om« bence tou arDs bim, as if be bab fapD tbat (15 Jb bab bao no icffe care of htm, tban the JjcpbevD b^.tb of the IbeepccomuteD pnto him . jft 3r» in that CBoa ofremtimes in tbe .fcrnturc bfurpetb tbc name, ano puttetb bppon lumfclf tbe perfone of n fbepbeto: it is no fligbttofee of bis tebcrJouetowarDS us. frai fetng it is a lowlp anD bomelp ma n:r of fp:cch'it muft neoes be that be »* On gUlarlp feelminbeo tevxtaroes bs.tbatDtfi ovpnetb not to embdecbimfdf fo much roz our faUc. 31 1 is a S»on&cr tljcrfoie tljatfo jcntle ana familiar an allurement, (bcuiD not allure bs reft fafelp anb bn;o (SoD.febf fee be pcrfivaDcD that his enelp pzcu bence ts fo? to. $a% Ufceas b^p a« ctrptp ano bnngrp ( tuett In meft abunbe rccOfebich ba«ci;or ^oD to tbeir (bcpcl;ci D : fo are fe>c fecli aflTureo j> tbepfebo befr.Kcbcharccof,fbni&ant notbmg to tbe full aburoance of all gcob tbiK£0-3r^tbcrfi;e2DeutDfdtbbeieas fraio of no totnt.bicr ufegob fecbetb tym, 2 CJnpaCttrcsof Deep srafir.]$0 ap^cr tcpn-ng to tbc fe Oibe, \ c bath put pal. urjs 02 fclDfi of graffc foz gra3 .ng $ fat grouDfl t# owbett there be y tranfla.e[Kcoth]a)jp berDfcotes 02 cotagesfebieb if it Ithe bet terrtbe fence (baloe, y there be (bepecotes P2epatcD tn berp bathng paflurgrounbs, fe'^erinco (bzawb bun fro ibe heat of tbe fanne.jrox if to much heat berrubtlefome to a Sotfee of (beeps tn ccloe countries : much kffe toll rr Abie feoulo joiner be in 3Ccwzp fetthout u,epccotcs:febtrebnto alfo ti>e fe9o*'b[Kabats]>c:b io bee re: fcrrca . 1? ce fap&e [ fearers of reft , ] foj fo| faft r6img.;jro;i fooifc btoohe# arc bu baubfontf ,pc a an* fox tbe mod part nop fome f j? Sbecoe to bxtnit of, ]Cn tb*0 berfe 9 tn tbc bcrfr 0 f >io wmg/tDauib ttooii- actb tbat part [^ (ball not want] jF ox be rcpntctl)t)tfifl Ibcrallp J5nD b^b P20Uis oeo fox tjim,not o?3artmgf:om tbc ftmis iitubc tn'oicl be tofc:>.:i5ui tbe bcrp effect cfimetb to tbjs, t'oat tbc bf aucnip fi)epc= berb bab omitted nothing f might m itie btm hue Ijappcl? bnber b»0 charge. Cber fojc be compare! ;i b!0 large abunDace of aUtbingfoncebctuH fox tbe bfcaof tb«0 lpfe>to mebowc0of oeepe eaHe: IDai.iDDcclaretbtb^bt ttccp= n«b tbts ben* fire at goD0 bin'), jf ox tbc reftoxtng of ttr wtoie (:>0 wt bam tranf lattb tt; ox tbc coaf tit on of fpt fowie (a0 ttiswotbfyx wo^o^mpoxtabasmueb a0 :o make agent ~i is * cyaire^accoping bo batb b;n faio ali i aDp in tbe upnteentb i2>falme3iib be batb pat [r be wapeo of rpgbtnowfeneffe] fj; cafp 9 leucl walt0. ^o xronfibering tbat be pcrfiftctb in b<£ tnetapbox,tt tucte ngctnft rcafon to take it concerning tbe Direction of tl>e bolp | gbcfte.Cbmfoiehlu as bee fapbe euen I now tbat <£> 3D mintttcretbbounteouflp bnto bt'4i wbatfocaer tbing0 perteine to tbc maintenance of bis Ipfe : fo now bee abbetb tbat be u bcfcnOeo from all trub= bit. Cbefumme is, tbat $5ob fapletb not bio faptbfult in a tip becbaife,bpcaufc bee botb faftcpnetb, cbcrtfbetb, 9 qaicanctb tbem bp bi0 power, anD turnctb awap all anopancee from tbem , tbat tfcp ntap go banofomlpuuucnanbleuelwapeo.iBot wttbftanbmg, Uaft be mpgbt ebalwoge ar.p tbtng to bis own af« cribctb toe caufc of fo great liberaiitit to <£>odo goobneffe/apmg f be pcrfoxmctb all (beta tbmgc in bts nam?s faar. 3 no furelp.tbat becgofctb OS to be his fljepe, I impiepc tbtb:' face of (bepeberb bpon U0,u 10 Ptttrip a free benefit, ao i»c Qjal Ueui ttyitkw ano afib pfaime* vppon tbc . xxiij . Pfalmc. S6 + [^Iltbougb Jt fbolb toatee.]^iafmacq e?0tbefirtbfaUaitbonttbt"ocp"owcllf(^c; Ip baber t';)t b%nb of <& -jo, are nottDitb- ftanDin? necre mant> oaungcrg : pearas tber.tbcp ipe fabtect to all cotr.6 mifcrte0, to tbentent tbrp map tbe brttcr fcclc bow nccciTarie goO0 piotection i0 bnto tbem: 5D3utb Oeclaretb becrc bp qc^reffe loozb, tbat tf anp abnerfitie fliall bctpbe,t>e re= fretb btmfelf bppon gob0 p20utbcnce.^)a p:o rufctb be not continetvall pieafureo^ but fozttfpetb bimfclf 'witb <2>ob3 ljelr> to cnoure cucn funbzp abucturco manfullp. i39j:eo coparctb tbe care ioblcb gob bfctb in gos uerni.ig tbc faitbfull , \>nt* a (bepeberb0 flie? pebofee « ft^lte,fapmg be bolbctb Uw felf contcc tberwttb fox p faufgaro of bt0 Ipfe* j(rox Ufee ao if a fbeepe ft rap bp anb bo ton in a barh balr,^ oalp p2cfece of tbe fbepebetb pxelcruetb bit fafe fro tbe ron* ning in of feplb bsafts,!* fro otbet anop* ance0: fo now 2>aut0 pjtoreftctb ^ a0 oft as be Cbalfal into anp baunger, be tbtnk etb bimfelf to baue Defence pnougb in tbe Q)epebcrolp care of^oto tbsn toe fee f tnbi0p2Ofperoti0 9 plcfac cita-re be fox - gate not bimfelf to be a man, but bib at f tpme fotccaft in bt0 *n?m) ivtjac abuetfi tics mpgot enfew.Hao furelp bcrebppon co netb oar fo great fearfulaclTc vo'ot gob crercpfetb b0 witt) tb? croiTc, tbat e»erp man Cto tbctent be map flcrpe founblp> fecl'eretb tn tbe carelefcnclfe of tbe fieO)* ^5ut tbc rcfhng of faptb Diff^retb farre from tbts flombcr of oxowjpncCTe . J£ap rat'ger femg tbat goo trpctb our faptb bp abuerfitic : tt folo wetb ^ none batb faitl) tn beebe.but be tbat to armeb & inuinct? blc conftacie to fubbeto all fcarco . 7 it bib not IDautb boll bimfelf to be bopbe of all feare.but onlp tbat be Ibouib get f bpper banb,fo e0 bee mpgbt go foitbous feare, tobcrfoeoer inB ftepeberb (bnlb Icab l)im: tobtcbtbmg appeerctb better bp tbe tcrt. 5ftrft bee faptb Vi willbcafrapbof no barmc: ] 9 fo;tbwitb allcbging f caufe, be cofetTztb opelp f be fcebetb tbereme= meop ot bio f^arc at p looking back to bt0 fi)eepbf tb0 ttaffe. jf ox too i»bat purpofe tocrc tbat £comfoxt,j if fearebtfquictcD btm noi ^Jt to to be remcbieb tbctfoxc,p- Soben IDautb coCbtreb tn bio mpnb f tn^ coutmcccs r mt^ftt btfalr be became not fttts John Caluins Co .lentane r oncmcrour of t etnptaiios otl>et«rife,tl)an f o; tl)cit IjC l)a& put inmfelf to tbc tuicion of <©oD:folneb tl)ing(tl?ougb fatntobat barfc Ip^eljaDfatD cucn intl)i0percel,[bpcaufe tlfou art &it!j me.] tfoj, Ijao J?e bin tooto of fearcljc fboulb not bane nccbeb f pjefence of <5oo.^5erpec0 tbjs,bc fertctb not goas bcfencc agemfrccmen anbbaplp income nienccsonlp , bat ageinS fuel) ajs trubblc mens mpnbc0 foitl) tbetr barfcneffe . ;tf o? among? i$ebjcw gvamarianfi [Tfciimoth] a man Q)Oulo fap[DeaMpfl)aoc.]3tao JDas uiD alluocty to f Barn funics o? tlje bend of foplb beafte0:fobertnto if a man come, bp anb bp at tbc firft entcrance Ije meetetl) foitb ttje fearc of Beatb-4frot» foben foitbout figure , ti>c tbing0 fobicb be batl) fbcfoeb bttfcerto bp trjc fimilitubc of tlje (bcpcbcrD, concerning tbc bounteoufc? ueffe of gob.^oi ijcfaptl) tlsattbiougb bi0 liberalise arc minifrrcfc tonto bim fobatfo= etier il;ing0 are necbefulto tijemaintcnace of bs-s Ipfe. [Co prepare a table] implpetb as roucb as to giuc a man fuflcnance foitb out trouble o.i Difcafe to !)im,in like cacc a0 if tbc father fboulb read) bis fonne meate. .ifnb be enlargcfb tl)is bencfite bp aobing actrcumflance,tbat aitbeugb manp tnali* ciousperfons cnuic l)im,anb rotfl) tjefoer t>eSropct>,o? ratljcr toent about to Defraub !;im of tbc buffing of d5cb : pit goD ceffeti) not to fbei» lumfcifc liberally bountcou©. CDat felncb lie ao&ctb concerning [opic] pcrtcpnctl) to the eultomeef ti;cfe bapc0. $o% foe fenow rljat in cofrlp banquets anb feaftes tbep bfeb alfo cpntments, fo a0 no man fccmcD to banc cnicrscraeb ins guefta b,onc?abh>,cnlcffc be hao Sscl fupplpeb tbc bsitl) ppntmcnt0, £18 oicoucr fo large plcn= tpeof qpleajsftbc iiiiaeffeof a cup , ougljt to be referrcb to tbc fame abuoance klncb erccebrtb. tbjs nccfefulbfcs^e: itisacom menbation of ti;at ropal foeitb,fol|er«pitb, the boip fcrtpturc fottnefTetij rjimt$r;ane bii tot meanlp iloico .^oie ti)i; aki)ovt0) all not Belt foltb-s libcltberallp : ^ii is tl;erenot any to b: fennb foljom gob bpnbctl^ notfoitl) luabounteoufcncffe: fo a0 foe muff nccbes eonfefle tbat ^c is a li= berall fatber too all that bceb(0, ^ntljc meanc feafon let ecbe man p?ouolie Inmfelf . to tijankfuIncH"* fo?I)i0mo?e plcntifulla- bunoance of gtft0 . y oj if be be a carle tbat acknovrlcbgctb not <15odb fatl;crlp pfuuiz bence in a fbittcr of crpble b?eb:boiu muclj lefTe tola-able fbal tbecurrtfbnefTc of tljem be,fobtcb cram tlicmfclttes i» ful fraught, : foitbout taft of (£>ob0 goooneffe t* ZDautii tberefoje (bp l»0 evene erample) puttet^! tlje rid) men in mpnb of tbeir Dcrctte, tbat iooUel)Oi» mucb moo?ecl)arelp <$on fee- Detb tl)e,fomucl)ti)emo?cfcillinglp ftulD tlicp burfi foojtb to tl;effibfgniuig.j9cucr$ tlielcffe foe m.uft bcarc in mpub^bat cuin tljcp foljicb bauc mo?c large fop^on tban otbers,srcbofi& to Uepe a mobcratcnevTe, no lefTe tban if tbeir abilitie fcrucb tljcm to tofe tbmgc&fcnt meanelp tmb meafurabl^. ^fo? inafmucb as foe bee bp nature oucr= mud) p2oneto etce(Te:gcbi0 nottbcrefo?e bounfpfulltotbefaptbfuIl,totbentcnttoo Cirrc Up tbiabifeafe in tljem. $01 all men inuftbolb ibis rule of |dau!c0, |^Inlip.+. 1 2 .tljat tbcp map knofo as foell i;o*o toa- bounD,a0 aifo to fuffer fcarccrie. 2Hnb Iccft fount map cafi: bsbsvrne , foce !;aD ncccfr too tee bnbcrpioppcr? foal; mffcraunce^ in, leaft fopjen marpntfe tF0.tlP.as1 Lrue jnral'urc : foerjaa ne ebc too becreps nco in fou!;tuc bjitble o? ftapcb'neffe . ■' fSt-l)C SirzDcfiro fobcnl-Jc '■cnrieljctljtbc f^ii}Iu\l , bootijs t!;crcfopt^'l tcs Krepne vppon the.xxij.Plaime. ftrcpnc tl)e toanton luff* of £ SeO) bp tbe fpirit cf frapeDntfft, foas tbrp mad p?e* fcrtbe a mcafurs to tbcfcUica of tljetr own aecojD.B^tfo? y it is not laiofulto? ricb men too cniop tbep? ptefent pUntj? mo?e fcanlib\tban if c5oo Dclt ftreigbdp i»ttb tbcm : but bpcaufe tt (lanoctlj ill m:n in banc to beware , O** eum king,? ttjcttt= fetucs) y tbep inciter not a'foap m picas furcs « rpotaufcncffc.-iiFo? alrbsugb 2>a uiDCa0b* iafcjfullp mpgbt) toaHc larger f hope to bimfelf, tban if be bib bin fome one off coinon fo?t,oi than if f>e baD cans ttncfojeo fUll tn bis fatbers cotagetpit be meafureb bim frife tn bis Deltcateneffe, fo a 3 be fattcD not bimfelf iritb pampering, tuber bp it came to paffc, £ be coulD put a Difference bctincne tbe table y i»a0p?e= pareD fo? bim bp gob, c an bogs trough. Cb'S alfo is &>oo?tb tb« noting , ttjat ais tbougb DauiD ItucD of £ lanD0,cuftom0, $ otbrr reucnetoes of tbe realmc: pit bee gaue tbanfes to goo as if be bab from bap to bape rccepueb bis mcate at bis banoe. Wberbpfee gatber> y bee S&asnot blpn* beo £b bberfo)ttb d£obi0 front too feafou bis benefitstos fo>arbs tbe faptbful, lead tbep fboulD bee rafyly Dcuotojeb iib anbnfauerp moutb^ jpo ? bcre?e, frben be fapb to bimfelf, tbat cucnm tbe barbneffe of beatb b'3 epes (bulD be bent to beboib tbe p?ontbencc of <2>ob:be&ntncffeb fufficlcntlp,£ be bung not bppon outf&arb tbings, no? meafus rcb (S oD0 grace bp tbe bnberft anbing of tbcflelb : but f bis faptb remapneb fbet bp tn v £doo?d of goo ,euen Sob e all eartb Ip betps DID fatlr. Cberfo?e al tbougb er = pcriencc alluwb b*m to bopc ino'l : pitbc cbec ftp cmb?a«D £ piomto tob^iouball goo confir mctb b*S fcrnant a fo? tbe time to co me. J f anp bobp cb t get, y it is ra Q) - neff; fo? a man to p?omts too bimfelfe an §7 equal courfe of p?ofperous fojtancfn tbis tranfito?ie Ipfe : 3 anf«?cr,^ 2)auiD fava no t fo to tbentent to bpno <©oo to cbta i - ence :but bpcau'fc (asmucb ao tbefhte of tbe1»o?lo migbt permit,) be bopeb fa? (Sobs gooonefle toiojrDco bim, ^»berC' i»t?b be ft>olo bolo bimfclf cotcntcb.jfo? be faptb not tbat bis cup fbalbe aitoate 0 fuiI,o? bis beab altoape0 perfumed %mt!) opntmcnt0 : but in general bpcsufe gi&0 goobneffc iobnftauncbablf, be gatberet!) tbat be fenlbec lib? rail to bim to tbe cnD* [31 iotlldioelltntbeboufeof tbe S,oiD.] T& p tbis claufc tyt fbetoetb openip, tbat be fetletb not bimfelf bppon eartbip plea ; furcs 0? cominsbitiea : but tbat f mar&e iobicb be fbootetb at,i0 in btauen,^ber bnto be leueletb all tbing0 « Jpo? tt ia all one as tf lie baD fapb,tbat beliuetb not to liue one!p,butratbcr to erercpfc biinfclfe tn tbe feare 9 feruisof o?lalp mcn.tbat tljinU tt V' nougb too ftuffe tbeir pauncb foitb gooD fare.^lnb befpses tbis , be giuctb b0 too bnberftanDjtbat bcemabctb fo greate an arcountofUuingbnto(0oD:tbatbemea furetb all commoDities of tbe flefl) bp tbe fame>l^eaffirmctb openip, tbat tbe ense Sobicb be lobeb at in all v benefits i»bicb be bab rccepucb of (5ob,^?a0 to D&cll in tbe boufe of tbc Ho?d. w ^-trc uppon it fo- iof»etb,tbatif tbc fruition of tbis gooo= neffe fcere tafegatoap, be mafic none ac= count of allotber tbings: astf bee baD fapb, be bab Dcligbt in eartbip cmomoDi= ties none otbcrfrpfe, tban if bee migbt tbcretDitball be of <&5oD0 floche : lt!;.e as be i»?ptetb in anotber place, tbep fball catl tbe people bltffeb , i»bofe tbpnges tbets be,bltu~eb is tbe people £d bofe anb to furtber bimfelfe to tbempnbing of tbe beauenlp life bp 0= tber cjterctfes of faitb :'£>urc it is tberfo?e tbat £>autD did beaue bimfelf fo?ctoarDe to tbe bope of tbe euerlaft ing inberitance, bp beip of tbe gooDs of tbis too?lb.u>ber- bt i»ce gatber tbat ttjofe men are bcafrlp, fobicb purpofe bppon an; otljer fciicitte tban to come bnto $?od. Cbe Iohn Caluins Co mmentarie The Conteints of the.xxiiii.Pfalmc. Wberdi God bath created all mankind ',and holdeth them under his zpuem- menti Danid ampUfyeth the grace which he hath youtfaued yppon his elect People, by (bis comparifm : namely that he hath veered hrmfclfc thefantluary as it -were a houfe to dwell in among the children of Abraham, ^y/ndthere- witb.ill be fljewcfb,tbdt although the fansluarywas open for all the Icwcs, come wbrwoold.-yit was not Godnccre to cuery of them, but oncly to the trew folowers of '?odlyncfie, which had purged tbemfclues from the fhbyneffe of the ■world, to ihentcnt to addict tbemjelucs to bolyncfji andryghtuoufcncjJe.Ttlore oner forafmucb as Gods grace appteredyit more euidenly after the building of the Temple : he commendeth the fame grace with a notable ftylc,to the end the fay th fd may gofortrward the cheer Iyer in eameftne£e offeekjng after it. The.xxiiii.Vfdmc. A fong of Dauids. i The earth is the Lords,and the fulnefle therof : the vvorld;and all that dwell therein. 2 For lie hath founded it vppon the fcas, and ftablished it vppon the fluddes. 3 Who shall go vp intoo the hill of the Lord ? who shall frandin the placeof his holinefle? 4 He that is cleane of hands and pure of hart, that heth not lift vp his fowle vnto vanitie,nor fworne in deceytfulnefle. ^£55]l£e©art!}f0tI)C ?Lo?Oe0.] wee utt» allaretb ano cielwrctb (fjem to bolp* ^|'£jumi m mam? ottjer places fee tbe ncfTe,t0 foj that it 10 gooD rpgbt £ cbcfe ^Af^\€\)i"bimof aib;a!)am comparrQ iubome (©on Ijatb aoopteo to b>0cbilf>?e, voit\) tbe reft of tbe fyojlo^to tbe fljoulo bcare tbep> P?opje mar&es, rtjat entcnttbatgoD0frergocDncu"etote>ar&0 tbepmigbtnot bcalcogitljcrftHe (lra'm= tbem in cmbiacu!gtbcmyx>itbbi0fanonr Bcrtf.^ottbatbeOttretljtbeintopitcuet befojcailorber nacior;0mapappeeretbe goe mparebadngtbcfUa?0b(s faaoar : better tijerebp ♦ £bc beginning of tbe but bv tbe cube of tbeir election be Dootb ^falme tberfo?c tcnocib to tbispurpefe, tbem to tjnocr&aab tbattbcpofleffion of tbat tbe 31 trues bancnotbmgof tbeut; tbep^onoar mail tben be rattfpco * ftas feiur0,t»bP tbcp (bouts pjcace merer of biiffbeD, &>ben tbep giae tbemulac0 too inojc familiat Ip Vjnto gco.tban t'ye tictoi leaoe a goal? f bpjpgbt Ipfe.^ro? in toitn tp if 0. f oj feeing tbat goo pjcfernetb tbe bab trjep bin gatberet) bp t befc^ts foj § »joiiotnDat)Qatci)p!-;!3 piomorncijt^e peculiar people of £5oD?iftbcp fl)M& not power of b!0 gouernineiu is ertcneco to applp tb£tnfelae0 to bolpnefle i Coo bee ail alike, fo as bee Dcfsraetb too be fc> oj-- b?eefe be aaoucbctij goD to be sing of tbe C)tppeD eacrp fcubere> UUe 80 be B)twerb fc>bolc focjtle , too tbmtf nt tbat all men to ell men toitrjout exception bi0 fatber* fbonlD bee boveno too ferue Ijtm euen bp Ip care roivarttftbem+jpurtbermoje fees tijUafoje of jftattttf.$gem,in Declaring mgbec batbp^tftrreb die 3jcu>f0 before tbat bee batbe tnafce bis couenaant of ait otber nacions : it bebemtcb (bat tber z falaacion i»rtb a fmsil parte of men , go fome belp bono of alpnee betvocn bim nne batb giaen tbe €bilo?en of ^b:a* anotbcm.wbicb map Difccrnetbem from bam tbe picDgc of Ins p?efcnce b^ i\)t beatben men* C^c r; af.-n Ssbcrcby JDa= ertctwn of t n tabernacle t too tbcnttnt t;ycp vppon the.xxij.Pfalme. 88 the? might tberbp be aflureb that be kti~ rtble confuGen Cboulb enfeto. ifteptber w ptrb refiaence in tb? mib&ear of them : bee tbi* tlmz p^fTco oaer uutb Qlettcc bp &:)o teaebctb that nun ought too e;iDcuer too fes m the creation.;tfoi after be hath accla baa* pareaefle of h/srie ana purcnefft of rea chatty Ycaters ft? ere fpjtca foo;cbiA banjas, if t<]cp *u?tlbc accounreb of bisbouf fach i»;fe as tb?p coucreD the ©bole ear*!): bole. % eanfefiTc that in the oja[fulncfTe] to aaaetb that tbep gaue place bp t!|e fpeci ijs compjifca all tfrefoppn i lecltb Saber toit!) tbecarrb is garnilbca : 'aobicb t'jing .isp.ioaeabptbeautbajutteof |2>au!r«iBc= ucrtbclclTe jfl ooubt not bat be bejokenetb tbemen :bcmfe!ucs,S»I)0 arctS)cmon:no2 tabfe ojnament anobsaiotp of t\)z earth. 5Foj if the? faplra: the cart!; beting ioafte ana bjwmgbt to a ^ilacr ?c "cSaolo be as farre our of faibion , as if Sob Qjoaia be= rccuc it cf all t!ie ricl)C3 fobfch. it bath JFo? to \»bat parpofe feme fa manifoia frmtcs in fo great abunaancc « imcrtcfrc, but that the bfe ano commoauie m:tp rcaonna bn= to men r* Cb^f efoje in the nert member 5Dauia openetb bio om mecmng,tbat bee Ipeabeth ebf cfip of men. :ff oj inafmucb as it is bis vuoent to rcpe£> one thing ttoice : [tbentltteflc of inearth ana the tnbabiters of the 'ioozla] import all one thing. Inb p tt 3! aenp nor, bat that tbzf3P30nfe>ben»itb the S»o?lQ abannaetbfozmanncsbe'aoof, is compzebenbeb tberrottbali. Conninglp tgercfoic both Banic,i.£Q2intb. 1 o . 2 <$♦ (Ssben bee cntreatetb of mcates) anoacb bp fyis U tt , that no hvtib of fooae is bn= cieanc,bvcaufc the earth in the Jlojas ana thefulnefrctbcrof. i [ fret he hath foan&cb itic~]$)G conQr mcth that men are of right bnaer tbcbanB of (0od ,anb map eaerp5»hcteUnow hint to be king of thcisoilb, y>ea eaen bptbe berp ozaeripncfTe of the creation , bpcaufc tbcisdnbcrfalpzouiaencc of (Sob (hinetb foxtb opcnlp in the itbolc bpper face of she eartb.3nB he taUeib that thing fo? a pzoof of tt.SsjbJfb ts moft cttibcnt. ^0? \)Ovo ca? tneth itwpaffc tl;nt the earth appecrcib a; boacthefeater, butfoitbat hcrebp can S»e fap rl;at this aiftinctton mapabibeftablJ, but bicaafc thetsatirs ore fet vmocrncatb aa a foanaatton bv the power of d5oa. ^owifdSoahaaecjtrcns oca his fatbcrip care bnto all manfepnbs cuen from the beginnmg of the £oo?lb:the picrogatiuc of bono£ Svbcrfn tlje % eiocs eje eel al o:bcrs,fp:ingctb but of free cbopce. 3 [TDho ftalgdbp]iFo?afmuchas ttioas a thing faff tcicntl? snoroen of it fclf, to be the mere grace of goa that l;c cbofe htmfclf abvrcllmg place among p 3,ecv?s bp fctting bp his fanctuarp:it to touchea here batco uertlp. HE ut iDaaio ftanaeth cijecflp bpon thothcr member, h ov» he map Btfcernc the trero 31 fracltts froai the falfe . j; 0? here= bpon groaaeih he his argument to erboit the Heroes to holp ana rigliteoas conucr= fation: bpcaafethep arc fet apart bp <25oa, to be his peculiar poffefliOH.jfo? although the reft of manHmae ( as m refpect^ thep Sucre crcatea bp hbn) pcrtapn to his mnf aiction-.ptt noro-tthftanaing he appiochcth necreil to him, ishich obtjpneth a P^ce in the Church • %z tnanp then as <©oa &t>= mittcth tr.too his iiocKe, fo manp callcii) be lohn Caluins Commentaric be to bolines bp tbe berp adoption. # o?e otter bp ttjcfc ioojos jDauib toudjetl) o^ ucvtliwartlp tbe bipocritC0,&>bo tnabc no conference tn pjetcnbpng faiflpctbcbouc name of ©cD:acce?sin8 asScefenotoboro tbe V baunte i bcrofdues, enelp of baine tt i tics anb cutwavb fbesres.y caraibcr of fee purpofc bee fettctb out tbis lingular grace of <£ob,too tbe intent tljat curry man map icarnc foi bmifclf,tbat be ispjcbvbitcb too come ftntbin tbe fanctuarie.ouicfle r>c foe* tifjeljimfelfc too tbe pure fcruice ofdtJob. Cruc it i0 in fceebe that trjc bngoblpc anb fenefceb bauntcb tbe tabernacle, 9 tiicrc- fojebp the piopljet CBfap. 1.12. <5oo bp= biaptietl; trjem foi Soearing tbe paucment of b?s C cmrt t>nu?ooitljcl?c. i!5ut intbiS place JDauiD intreatetb of fucb a0 map ens terinbpgoobrigbt. ■foi feeing that tbe boufe of Gobi's boip : tf anprufbe in tbp- tt;cc amiflfe anb ageiuft rigbt, the coir upt^ nciTe anb abufe of tbe is nothing els but a ttcfilmg of it. d^crfe:e inafmocb as tljeir going bptlntber is bniuo-ful : ZDautb acs countctb it as no going bp.yea rather on* bcr tijefc £00200 is indubcb a fojte rcbutte, rhatbneieanc men bare goe bppeintotbe &anctuane anb befile it ii>ttl> their filtbp ncfle. £>fSobict)e matter 31 bane fpohen tnoie in tire 1 5. ^ifalme. j^ cuer tbelelTe in the feconb part of the bene be feemctb too betoken pcrfeuerance : as tf be baofapcb, "aibo fballgoe bppc in too tbe btl of fbiu en, to fbc«J btmfdfm the fight of (Sob. 3 confctTetljat tbciocojb [Cum] m $ct>zen> figntftctbtoo rifebp : boiobecit it is taken fo? tl;e mette part too franb,aeeo2bing as batb bin feens in tlje firft jfMalme. 3lnb &U tgcugJi it bee a repeticton of one feife fame thing : pit is it not fimpic, but augmetctl) tbe matter bp fbewing too Sobat cnb tbep goebp , like as bee booth oftentime0 clTe= Sober. Cbc fomme is tbis,boujfoeucr tbe etiillircre wingleb Sup tb ti)c goobmtiie Cburcbe in tbe time of JDaaib : pit be bc= claretb boSu baine ibcouttearbe p2ofcu"t= on isy tf tberc go notintuarbc tructb fcutb ttJF 02- tljat Sobicb be fpcaHctb concerning the Cabernade of couenant,mufl bee aps pipeo too tbe conrineSoall gouerncment of the Cbnrcbe. 4 . [fee that is dcane of banbs.] sEnbcr tbe purencfle of tbe banbs anb tlje barte,* bntier tfjercucrencc of (So5s name,lje cos ' picbenbetb all gobltncffe , anb bctobeneth tbe Sucll bifpofeb life. 3Cnb«betljc true pureneffe tjatij rjts feat in tbe barte : but tt btterctbbtsfruies tntbei»oo2he0oftbc Ijanbcs.3! buifebip tbcrfoie ts tbe dennefle of tbe Sobole Wc topneb to a purehart:bt= caufc it is a fonbnefle fo; a man too boaffe tbat be batb a founb bar t, if be fbeic not bp bi0 frutc0tl;at tbe roote io goob./frcftber on tbe otber Gbe (ball it fntJi?c too frame tbe banbs,feet ,anb epes, acco2bing to tbe rule of rigbsuoufmefle: onleffepurenc0 of barte go befoic tbccuttrarbeftapcDnctTe* 33f anp man (ball tbincbcitaw&etbatibe banbsare plaecb fojmott : tbeanfircreis reabp,tbat tbe tfbtts arc oftttmes nameb before tbeir caufe0,nct fo?. tbat tbep go be f02c tbem in o;ber, tut bicaufe it is bclioue ful crtolnle 0 to begin &itb tl;c things tbat are bed nnoroen. 2Dauib iooulb tberefc;c tbat tl;e 3I tvecs fboulb b2ing pure banbs into tbe Qgl>t of gob, pea f tbat euen ioitb anbnfepnto bart. 31 bout notbut tbat [to lift bp 02 too take tbe fouie] is put fo; too fwearc. Cb^efotc ti;cre is requires of (2?ods feruauntes , a confeience in taking otbC03nb bp tbe figure &pnccbccbe tl;cr is bnber one ninbe notcb faitbfuincfle anb tp2igbtnetTe in allaffaire0.3nb tbat beerc is mention mabe of otl;cs : a man map ga- ther it bp tbe perccll erpofitiuc Sobiclje is abbcb ftreigbt after ,iober e be faptb, [anb batb notffe>02ncto beceiue.]/^otwitl)ffa* bing, foiafmucbe as tbcreis a boubicrea^ bing in tbe io©2b [foulej tbat is too fap, it map be reab [mp foulc 0? bi0 foulc] bp rea Ton of tbep2iche [Hirck] fome ^ebjetuina terp^eterstahetbe iSelattueof tbe Srfle perfon to bement of <5ob Intnfclf: 5t»t)icrje thing 3B reiecte as barbcanb conflrcpneb. '3 1 is a forcible maner of fpcafeing, Sobers bp isment rl;at tbep iobicb fweare, bo cfi fer tbeir foulesas plebges bnto'b.£)ns lefic pcrabucnture it be r atber to be Iiheb, tbat [to lift bp tlje foule] fboulb be put foj to [applp it bnto Iping] iobtd) interp2ctai tion 31 lenue inbiu"crcnt,bicaufc it mahctb little too tlje matter, /flotiritbftandpng, beete rpfetb a cjrtdiion, i»bp SDauib l^ea= hetb uot fo mucbe as one %500?bc concer= ning faitb anb caUtng bppon (gob : but tbe cjucftion is cafie to be anfbcreb.^o?i inaf= mucbe ts it Oicome fallert) out tljat a man fccbsuctb tjimfelf bp2tgljtip anb innocents , ip io= vppon the .xxiiu. Pialme. «9 i$at^z^i^ealletljmerep,Mbgcment,? fjithfiUnefft, tljcdiccf points of tijcJLaw. SnbCtjaritic is termed bp0aule Tomes time tlje enb of the JLawe, i . Cim. i« 5,anb femttime tlje bond of perfection, Ccl.^r+ I? towards hjs bxetlj:entenlciTe bee bee To endued %>Ulj foe true feare of <2>oD,tfjat be Si>alUc ioarelp m bis ficjljt : £>nuib Dooti) not amtflTe too eftcemc gooipneffc bp tfjefe recoxdes. 3n iobicbe refpect Cbzpftc to 5 He shall rcceiuc a blifl'mg of the Lorde^and riglituoumefle of the God of his faluation. 6. This is the generation of them that feekc him,of them that feekc after thy face 6 lacob. Selab. 5. [|Je fballrcceiue.] Co the intent tjee map moue tljeir minbes tlje moxc effectual lj: ,1;? telle tb tbem tljat noting is moxc to bee &iO?et),tban too bee recUncb in ob , as if tljcp bad l)tm at tljeir commaundement, bpcaufetljep arebcdecfecbfo>ptb tlje fame outward tokens tljat tlje faitbful be,tbcr= foxe tljcdcmonttrattucp?onownc[tl)is]in tlje bcrfe folowing,is netSitttbout S»egbt fox it ejepxeQp fnuttetlj out all tljat mifoe= gotten generation, Sobicbe ioac pxoude of tlje ©nlpbifour oftljctr ceremonies. 3nd noio i^ljen rjc fpcafecilj ofbliiling.tjc bstlj bs to font, tljat not all tljcp foljidj in title onclpbaunt tljemfelucs fozSDexfbtppcrs of drob.Qjalbce partakers of tljepzomifcd tiiiVcbnclIe , but tb. cp tbat arc anfwcrable to tljeir calling, trom iljc t) art . ^owbeeit (as 31 baucfapd aircdp} it is a bcrp effect tuali encouragement to goblpneffc s good ufc,i»ljen tbc faitbful bcare,rtjat tbep rntfs penb not tljeir labour tnfolowmg ngbtu= oufnes,btcaufe tljcrc is an aiTurcb bliflmg lipcd bp fox tbem fenfb (2>ed.Cbe Suecjd [rigljtuonfnefle] map be expounded tio 00 aro fljccoc of fceUing tlje face of (8?ob as S»elastbegoblp:anbpttnotiBitb(lanDing bo fbimljimSoitlj tljetr feinblafics : 2?a- utD fapctlj plainlp in ibis place, tbat t&o'&s facets not fougljt arigljt , but fe^eretbe Ijartic enbeuer of IjoUneffc anb risljtuouf= nclTcgoefb bcfoic.ainb to tijeintau tljcfc= tence map ^auc tt>:ino?c pttbtljtncs: 3Das uit) repeating it m tljefeconbe perfon, turr netlj Ijis talUc bntoo 45 ob, f 0? tt is all one as if lie citeb tije Ijipocritc-i (fcjljtcij mabe it a matter of nottjtng to abufc gobs name bcfoxetljci»oxlbe) to tlje iubgemetttfeate of <£5 ob Ijtmfclf :bootng ibemtoo \©it, tljat Sobatfocuer tljcp pxate among men^obs tubgement fball bee otijtf uife. (Cljename Ciacob] is put tn as an ouerplus foj tlje i29.t. ron&rmattctt Iohn Caluins Commcntaric, confif ntatton of p fame Doctrine : as if be propteb«otoerwUefencwe;Jtbanbp~rbe baofapefij altbougb ctrrumafionDoofc- fearcf awe of <2>oD,itbc as CbiplKapB: ucr riic fobolc flefbtlp offpims of Jacob tbis is a true 31fraeltte, tn fotjom rtjerc foom tlje ©entiles: pit cannot tbe cbojen is no guile, 3)obn«w+7. 7* L ift vp your heads ycc gates, and be ycc lift vp yee cucrlafting doorcs and the king of glorie shall enter in. 8. V Vho is this King of glorie ? the Lorde ftrong and mightie,euen the Lordmighticin battaile. e 3Eetoe0 crcccblng great glorioufneffe of tb* terns pie y fobcrcin t'jcr c foa0 more outwarbe maieftic tban m tbe tabcrnsclCjfoas not as pit to be Utnt : 2DautD preaebctb beer of tbe builBtug of it tbat foa0 too come. 3Pno bp tbis mcanes be bartenetb f fattb fui to nnplop tbeir trauell to tbe cetemas nic& of tbe law moje foillinglp ano witb more confidence. $0% it foas no fmall be tiefite of <25oD;,tbat CSQ 2D Kept biS rcfis Bcnce in tbe miBft of tbcm bp a toifible to Bcn.anD foci; ice tbat bis beauenlp Bteel ling fboalb be feene bppon cartb.inB tbe bfe of tbis Doctrine ougljt too taHe place among b0 alio at tbis oap : y foiafmucb* as rbe grace of 1S0B is tntftimabls , foee (fomuebe as tbcfocahncffcoftbeflcfbe foil fuffcr to )muft lift bpour fefuccio 05oo bp tbe crerctfes of goDltne0* iror to fobatpurpofefcructbe preacbtng of tbe foo>D,tije facramcnt0,tbe balp meetings 1 thcmfelues, ano all tbe fobole outfoarBe Difciplme of tbe cburcbe,bui too iopnr t>S ! bnto^obt'ifrotfottboutcaufe therefore bootb XDauto fette out tbefcrutfcoftbe law foub fo notable a comnienBacio.n,fss ing tbat <£>oB offrcB btmfelfe to tbe fattb fui in tbe 3&rfee of couenant, 9 gauc tbcm an affurcD foarrantof bis patient apB, as oft as bee foerc calico bppon* jSowe al= fcbougb t&ob Bforlt not m temyics mabe fottb ban&.nc batbe Bcligbt m $utfoarb« pomps : pit notfottl;ftanoir.g fo^afmucb asitfoas fc-rtbebsboofc ofrboUruDCf asnfocre crjtlDilbe people , ano olfotbe plfa.ureof;b co maunbeb to be built bnta t)trn bpd mout S>ion,etceebeB tbe Cabernacle in glojh oufnes : fo mucb bligbter mirror fboulo it be of tbe glo;ie ano poioer of (00b bwel ling among tbe 3R (ftes. 38 a tbe mean fea fon j UHe as be bid burn tn great longing for tbe temple :fjl;Ctb!it3!eDtijc fame longing in tbe bartes of tbe goblp , tbat tbep mtgbt piofic more iu tbe fear of goD bp trjc furtberaunce of tbe principles off law, i?c tecmetb [:be gates cucrlatlmg] tn confiDt ration tt>at tbe conttncwal (ra= blcneiT; of tbcm foas founBeB bppon tbe foo?B oftffoB^^Foraltbougbtbe Ccmple eitcciteD tor U^ff- f foojbmantbtp : pit f cliecf crceliencp tljereof confifteb m this, y (^8Bs pr omife foas engraucn bppon y boufe, foi)tct) pr 0 mtfe foe fbal fee tn ano= tber place. [CbiS is mp reding place for cuer$euer.3£>falme*i32.i4..] ^oiebcett 31 Boubt not but tbat tber is to be bnber ft oBe tbe couert matcbing of it ageinft tbe tabernacle, for feeing y tbe tabernacle ne uer baa asp certein abiBing place, but be ing rccepueB into Biuerfe loogingsfrom ttme to time,BiB after a forte trauell as a foapfarerrp abiBing place of goB bega to be tben ccrtem, fobett mount gHonfoas ciy^zn our, jrio vo t!;cn forafmucb a© tbat bifi'dU fbaooise 10 banifbcD afoap bp tbe coming o.f C i;jill : it is no mar u el tbat f _^ tcmpU vppon the.xxiiii. Pialme. temple isnot to b e fene bpoft mount ^t on,fctng tbat t(jc Iprgcnee thereof palTi f; fctf) ti)ctoljolc feojb.-jff an\> man obtat tbat t!jc gates tehtcl) Salomon buylbtb were beaten Down in trje capttmtp of T& a fctlon:!:, y 0oDs occtcfrooc Qc Die in tbat oucrtb;otoe wbicbe w as fo; a ttmc,tnafmucb asanonc after erf neb tbc repairing cf tbe teple agcinciwbleb fo?as all one as if it bab enoureD always wout burt* Cbe dPrcrtt tranflatctbatb bnffcil fully co^rupteb tbt0 place, jfFoj aitbongb the t) cb? c w cs bo now 9 tben tn way of glpttapboi, callp?4nces[Rcrtiim]pit f re= latmc tbat t0atme]ceb,aDimttctb none c= tljcr fcnce,bot tbat tbe gates fboulb lifte Vp tbetr bcos.fojt otberwife it were to be fata [tbe pttnee 0 of you 0? pour winces.] iSbcrfoj e wbcras fome foil, tbat in ttjts place fttngs anb magtftratcc arc put in muiD of tbetr Dut:c,that tbep Qjulo fct 0= pen an entrance to Co t : altbougb it be a plefont beutce, ytt 10 tr'far from tbc mce- ning f wozbsof y $jopbc;e.$ow bow folt&ly * fbamfmip tbc ^apwsbauea-^ bufeb tbis place to tbetr grofe mcefcn i:s wbctby tbey wing in Cbiyft perctng bn to tbc bcties, it appeci etb tncugb ano to mucb by tbc natural fence cf tbc wozbs* 35 ut St t bs tcarne tjereby to b< ntle gobs bdp iacjo foberly anD rcuercntly, 9 too abbo;re tbe $Sapitt0, i&hic^c make as it were a lawlcflc fpo:tccf pcrucrtyng it wttb t'gctr boirible tr ecber ies* 8 . [wbo ts tbis. ]} £ be titles wbcr&al €>obs pc veer is cjtolleb u rue to tbts pur pofc:y tbe Jcwes may know bow be fits not tbte in bis Ccmplc,but is in a rcabt • ne0tobelpbt0fcru&nt0.3@o;toncrtbcr 10 a great fozee cont cy neb as well in tbe interrogation^ in tbe boubltng of tbe fame fetence. f 0; t be piopbet tafcetb bp on bim tbeperfon of one f wunbictb » to tbc cnb be may tbe mc?c effictualy teacb y udod is furnttbcD inbeeb ir iti) inuinci= ble power to matntein tbe welfare of bis people, fo as tbe faltbful may be tn faue = __ 9f>_ garb onber tbe fljafcewc ofbim* 31t batlj bin faib alreby y gob bwcit net tn tbe te= pie , as tbougb b# bnmefurable beewg bab bm enc leftfc t'oercin : but £ it tons a pjefentneffe of ins pcEoert grace , a'.coi: btngas tbe ?:omtfe maoe bnto Copies importcb, [TDbcn 3 fball banc fc t a me= moiiall too my name, 3 Suit come to tbee j bltlTe tbte. as tn t'oat tbe pzeacbmg 0 f £ wotbj f tbefacramentstoyne^sbutoo (Sod , ttbccommctb b0 to cmbtace tbefe furtberances r cuercm ly, b;caufe tt can 3 1 come to paOV, but tbat <0ob wil at legtb utterly wytbb;awebimfeifc frombs,tf tb«P tijjougb wicl. co ftatcltnclTi bee bef- ptfeb. The contents of the xxv.Pfalmc This Vfalwe conteyncth meditations mettled -with prayers, for Dauid becing hardly vexed with the crueltic of his enemies , too the intent hec may obtcyne helpe at Gods band , firfte aekjicyecled^ctb that bis funics arc iuftly puni. bed by tbat meanes by GOD himfclfe : and therefore bee defrcth forgiucnefl'e of 7)1 -ii. them Iohn Caiuins Commcntaric, them, to tbe intent be mxy haue Dts fauom and aeuwatttu e ^iftexwdt d bee caHctbfir tbegrdee oftbeboly Ghofte,ypon ajfuranee yvbcreofto fiaybiwfelfe in the feare of God among bisfo&dry temptations. *And in diueis places bee intermcdletb in medit ations 3yvbiryeitb be eytber ftirreth bimfelfe ~vp to bop e wel, or clfe gatberetb bis ycits in unto God from thewricementsoftbcworld. Tbe xxv.Vfahne. A Pfalme of Dauids. Vnto thee 6 Lord hauc I lifted vp my fbulc 2. My God,in thee haue I trufted : let me not bee put too shame , let not mine enemies tryumph ouer mee. 3. Yca,all they that wait vpon thee shall not be ashamed: they shalbcasha med that d^ale faflly without caufe. [SJrtto ttjec £> JLo?D.] |f»c pjiotcftcth, become not more baultte. T®j> the toqorbe that tjc is not carpeD about hither ano t!>i- tlio; after the mnncr of bubclecucre:bnt le u:lctb all b'.a hope ano Dcfires at tfJoo a= lone. JFoj noting is more contrarp to tbe true ano fmcerc catling i-.ppon od, than toaucringlp to gaje aboutc tobptber anp« toorlDlp belp be eommtng to our fuccour, (a0 beatbemfl) men are toont teoo>nD in tbe meanc Sz>l>tlc cptber to let 45cD flip, or els not to betake ones fclf forthright intoo t\)t tuition f Defence of bim.if or tbe? that tijinfe that iDautD auoucljetb bimfeifetoo bauc bin tobolp giuen ouer bnto <£»oo as if beljaD offreD Dp btmfelf infacrifiee : bn= DcrftanD not fufftcicntlp tbe mening of tbe tert. IRatbcr for tbe more afiurance of fpee Ding,bc taketb bnnto a tijing p is ef mofle importance inprapennamelp tbat bcebaD !)t0 hope 6;ceom <2> 00, f tbat bee toa0 not bmDico o^ bcio bacU Suitfj tbe enticements of tbe toorlD, but mountcb Dp free * looce Dnto d5oD. wbcrfoje let tbi0 be a rule for D0 of pjiaping angbt Dnto is confiDence ano hope aDbeD,a^i tbe caufe of tbat effecte or lifting Dp . sUno furclptbcfebetbcSDings Sobercroitb i»ee being lift out of tbctoorU^arecontu-pD Dp naro. Cben toas ZDauid caugb' bp iuttl; alitbcDcfire of bis ban Dnto goo , bicaufc Dppon truft of Ins promifcs,beebopccrfor DnDoubtrD faluation rl;crcbp. f^be Dcpje; cation tobicbe be Dfctb is tanenousoftbe comon Doctrine of the fcriptucr, r!;at tbofe can neuer be put to Cbamc,tob9foeuer tljei be tbat truft in ©OB. «lifo ttjis manner of bis m prouoUing <©oD0 mercp is too bee marked : bow be Defirctb tbat bee map not be fubiect to tbe rapling© of b^S enemies, tbe levoDnclic of i»bom Dootb nolcffe pro= uoKc d5oD bitnfclfe too Difpleafure, than it iuDtuiOeth the goolp bartes. 3. [yea,alltbep tbat toaitbpon tbec.] 3If pe fct Dooms tbe to ooros in tij* manner of toifbing: JDauiD in tl>isDcrfccontine\»ctb bis praping , 9 cjctenDctb in comon to all | faithful, the tlnng £ beebabfpofcen of bim frlf al9nc.l6ut 31 incline rather to the co= trarp fece:narae!p tliat JDnutD ibulD (bew the frutc of dPoDS grace.tobieb proceBetb of bis Deliuering . "3llfo there is a couertc tocigbt in p too.:D[pca]for tnafmuc!) as l;o fenewboro manp mens epes tocre caft Dp= on bim, $ tbat bis confidence in 45od tons not Dnfecn:bc meenetb that bis c.cample cr tenDetb far,rtjat is to toit, toe tbe rapfmg Dp of all the Cb-loren of <£>oD,ano too the ouer throwing of tl;c bauluneCfe off foicz Ueb vppon the.xxv.Pfalme. 9* Heo* 'Cbcre mfgbtbc alfa atrotbet ftnce, as ibougt) JDauiD fa; tbc confirmatto of bi0 own* fattb, QjoulO fct bsfoxe bimfclf the tbtng cbacgoD pjtomifetb cucrpu-ber, 20 at tbe interpretation that '■}, tautal- JcDgfD femctb to b; GttcG*;ff cj no Doubt but b? tl)t fcucKeO tbat ocate falflp Sottb out caufc,be meenctb peculiarly b is cne= mice, GTbcrefoiCiDbcn bee (balbebeltue^ rco ■> bee tracljctb to tbat it 10 apjttuate benefice, iabofc frutc {ball ucucrtljcltffe ectcno to all men; lift* aa it culD net bane bin c ty enu ifrjbut tbat crje fattb of man? mud baue quaplco,;f be bao ben foifafcen IJHSoo. i£e rtafcnetb bpbn tbe contrary member , tbat if ttje &> t c'aco map lie con* foun&eo,it toil turne to tbc glc jp of goo, bfcanfc tbnr taunting of tbemfcluesua tbetr pjofperttic , is an open mocbfng of ^DO>fobilrmOciptabtofbtSittfcgtncnt tberotmc mojebaloip into licenttoufncs of finning, wbcras bee aooetb [wttbout caufc] it auapleibtoo tbe amplpmng of tbeir offence. fo% icfie is tbe Irtobncff? of bim to be feojn? wi tbal!, is bo bailing no Oifplrafure offreo bim , is carpcb of bis came acco;o to burt fritmefcffe perfons. 4. Make me to vnderftand thy waies 6 Lord,teache mcc thy pathes. c. Lcadc inee foorth in thy truthc , and tcachc me : for thou art the God of my welfare,! hauc way ted for thec all the daylong. 6, O Lorde remember thy pitifulneflc and goodnefle : for they haue bin from euerlafting. 7. The tranfgreflions of my youth and mine iniquities remember thou not : according too thy mcrcie think vppon mce for thy goodnefle fake, 6 Lord. 4* ' t$9afee met*] 25 p tbe firnpes of tbc 3lo;De, £>auto mrenttb fometitne iopfnil ano bfltbful fucaffe,ag batbbin Teen elf Sobers : bat mog common ip bemcettctt) tbc rule of bolpano rigbrucufcUfe.^eer bicaufr bp » bp after tber to aboco rrutb, tbe e ffecr is( m mp iuo gemen t ) tbat goo fboulo Seep tin bio fcruant in tbe bcleef c of btspjomtfes , ano nctfuffcrblmto flip afiOe one Scap o? ether, f 0; wbe our in: n Oro arc fo fctlcO ontoo patience : at= natbing amifle,tf ice Dfpenb isbo Ip Open dcTcDspjouiOcncr. Cbercfoje in tbte place 2D auto oefir etb not fimplp too bernleobp^c-oo fpirit, tbat bee mfgbt not turnc afioe from tbertgbteourfc:but to baue it (bcxccO openlp Onto bim 3 l;ou? footbfaft anc faubfull 45oo is tn bis PJO= mii'cs>tbat be map ltucquieilp tonocrbjjg e>es,3!fanpmanbaoleuertttboulobfc 8 generall fence? as tbougb iDauiO Q;utO cotmt bimfelf to tbe goucrnance of ©oD: jB Sail not grcatip gamfap bitn.j$otu?itb AattDing, to;afmucbe as J8 am able too pjcouc, tbat onocr tbe name of trntbe m tbc nrrt berfe , tbei e is fbctcco fc>bat bee tijz faapes ano patbes tbat bee fpeafcetb of : 3! Ooubtc trot to rtferre tbiS rrqocft to tbe parent ciuuttarcittbat is to xcit tbat JDamo bee ing afraro tptber of im; patiencie, o>ofocGrcof reuenge? cjof fome bnlakfallbrate.rcquttcib too baue dD>oO0 p?omtfe0 tboiowejp cngrauenm bi0bart.^Fo> 3 bauefapoercwbile, tbat as long as tb<0 tbougbt bearetb fcoap tn our mtnbeS) namelp tbat <& £> ID tafect b (barge of bs , it is tbc bed bnole tbat ca bctotametemptations« li3uttfpceba-o leaner taUe ©ods foapes ano patbes fop bis ooctnne : 3! am almapcs at tbts one potnt,tbat 2Dauto batb an cpe bntoo tbe blinoe b:aro es tbat tb?c we OS beaolong into long errors iaben S»ec are toiTeo £b aOueruties, until tbcp be cptbernftrep; nco otapptafeo bp <£oos&>oo?o. $no fo tt}z fence is tbts : febatfococr betiottb, 3Lo:o fuffer me not to fall fro tbp S»ate s, ci to be carpce awap bp Soiifulnrs, 0; bp anp lemb luft : but ratljeT let tbp trutbe boloe mcc in reft bnber qupet obcOicnce. ano tt is not fuperEuous tbat bee l;ar= petb bp^n fcautng tbe Srapcs of 5oo o= pemo tnto l)im,anb bpen beemq taugbt ano leo fcc;tb In ttym. S'^l inafmuc b as S$MU a&ucrfmej&' ! lonni^amins ^ommentane aDuerfirtcs oarbenour fenfes-.eucrp mans owne erpericee map teach. b«n, bofc> &ar° a matt er tt is to bifccrnc in that bimncfle, &>bat s»c ought to folou?. $ etc if 2Dauib being fo ctcellcnt a pjop'net anb cnbecoeb biitb Ce great Ipgbt of bnoerftanDing^ccs beb tin© pointing ecr-tthou? fball &>c Boo, if goo ajiuc not axcap the mtftcs in our afs fltctios,tbat the? binder not the bribing of i)\3 light t'Cberfoju^ oft as any tepta* tion trubbletb bs.Sw ee muCl altcapes p?ap that 30DS trot!) map Cbpnc brfoje us.Uaft in feeding oucrthwar; beutfcs,fojeemap foanber av»ap in croobeb bppatljcs . Cbc renbering of t!jc caufc that is abbco, is to be marKeb. foi in calling htm t'ac <0od of Ins Welfare : loblse toljat benefits bee bab rcecpueu at bio babs heeretof oje,t!]C fame applpetbhc to the hope of j tpmeto come, ano afrerwarb repetctb l)is occn confj&cce agcin.§>o t\)t fir ft argument is grounbeb bppon tbe nature of €• d> a> btmfelf,anb asnfeerc bppon bis pjopjJDewtie : tbat is to ftritbpcaufehc taketb bppon Ijim to maintepnc tbefocifave of t'ac faptbfui,anb fucco^etft their neceffitics bppon this con= bicion,tljat be toil contine to £ fame fauour of Ms to tbe cnae . S5utbpcauft it bcbo= uctb that our truft fl)©ulD anfiocr this bis fo great goobneflc : jbauib tyingcib fo?t!) tbe fame aifo fc>itb a reco?b of bis p:rfcne=: ranee . tfoi [all the bap long,] oj[eaerp bap,] figmfpeth tbat be bang bppon onip <£oo v»uh bnicecriablecoaftancic.3Inb it- is tbe pzopcrtic 02 faith to bane an epe bn-> to CEob in mod cstremitte cf angaifb, anb as it ioere feutboiit making anp S»oojb0,. to reft quietlp \?ppon tbe belp tbat be bati; pjomifca-ii^euertbelcfre to tbentct :!)crc= membjaBce of gobs benefits map bpbolb 9 mawteuie our bope:lct bs lerne to cons fiber i»bat maner a one bee batbe ftje&eb jnmfclfe towarbes bs aireop,Ufcc as 3Da= utb mabe fats tbing b& buttreffe, y be bab tmb gob to be tbe feunscr of bis welfare, 6 ' [-5 3Lo?b remember.] tfixitit appee^ re tb Ijecrebp that 2>auto Suas foje beftab, foasbcefejas in maner bereft of all tafte of goos mercic. ■$ o? be puttetb d5oa in re* memtytauce of b'S grace in fach'aupfcas tf be bab quite f ajgotrcn tt. Cbts therfo?* ts tbe complapnt of a man tbat is not a little fojotof uil anb pcnfif . 1^ oabeeit fee gather heercbp,,£ alrlpugb 3°o fo? atpme 5»it^s b?aw all toben of Ins gooDneffe,anb feinh at our abueruties as though be SoolD fo^s faHibsasftraungcrs: pitt»emufti»jc* file manfulip bnttll our mpno map bjcafee out of this temptacton to the p^aper ttbtcb S»e bcarc : namelp that ©ob Qua it Sucre returning to btseiotoont) fboulbbcegin to bcale & bs agein mo^cmcrcifullp. ^Foj this iojmc of piping can taUe no place, but at fucb tpme as be bpbetb bis face fro tos,ane maKcth countenance as though he be bab no rcgarb at all of b0 2$gein 3 5D as oib in Seeing to gobs pitie ano gouDncfTe, teftifpctl) that lie pjefumeth nothing bppo hope of his ovone befcruings. iFo? he tbat b;at&e£b comfozt out of t!;c onip fountain of d&obSmercie, fpnbcth nothing in him- felfe that map bpnb d5ob too rccompence. W tit bpcanfe f tyea&ing of,bib ftoppe hps accefTc,he ouercotmnctb this let with a be< rp goob remebp: namelp, t'^at Ct>ob ivbo is raertttull bp nature.alrbongh \)ii S»it!)0lb bis banc f o; a xo\)?te\ cm notu» ttbftanbing nepther renounce htmfelfe, no? put of tr)e btfp out ion of mer cp b}tb in r>im bp nature, iy'ucb can no mo;e becap in bun than can bis enertafrtng being Chts boctrtue mud it>e holb bs to , tr;at ID map bee rapnb* full of tjiis oume gootmefle; it bebooueth, bim too forget our ftnne0, tbe fpgbt ioljcrcof tarnctlj !jt0 fauOHr from bc.3PnD note be confirmctl) moje openlp ttye tbing tbat 3! fpafcebcfoje: namelp, that tbong'j tije tDtcbeD outrages agemft bim fcmljout caufe : pit notwttbftan&ing be imputcD tt to bi0 QmK0,fe>batfoetKt be ruffcrcb. jfoj to wbat purpofc fboulo be m fleeing tnto t^obs mercpe,0efpje fajgincnefie of Ijte fumesibut fo? tbat be acisnowUogctbbtm fclf to abpbe iuft pumfbrnentarpfelp tljcr; foje turnetbbebts *"?nb to tbe firft caufe of tbe mtfcbecf,te tbentcnt be map finb tbe trtw remebp . 3inb fo bp bio: crumple ije tcacijetlj fcs, tljat Ujcn anp out&arb afmc= rion ptncljctb, '00 , fo>ee muft not onlp be= fecebe <£oo to Dcliucr b0 from tlje fame, but alfo to frppc awap our fmnc0, 5»l?cr= bp bauc pjouoUcb both l;is Dtfp! cafure f alfo the * Uooigc. Clfe tocc iball folowe the cramplc of ill |!>bturian0,,wbic;j neg= lectins tbecaufes of itjc Oifcafe0, boo onlp affuagc tbc gt ecf , J tmnifter but onlp out= warb reieefs to l;calc tl)c malaftic iottljall. 2tn& JDauib not onlp confcfTetb b.10 Ipgbt fcape0, as IjppocritcfliDoo, at not piftcrbape© Gnnc0 e? tbe finn20ofafeawebapc0,fbaU come into ftiDgment: but ti;at icbatfocuer be bab offentcb in fince be Soas a cbplb, mpgl)t iuftlp bee lapb to l;is cbarorenow4 Cbcr^ fo?c a0 oft as <$?ob fljalifrap t>0 foitb t^e iubgmente0 of bin i»:atbt not onlp let b0 call to mpnt our laft faultca.but let all the mtf Dccbco of our fojnter Ipfc pzouoke b0 to new afbamebncu*c,anb new fb^owing. ^ozeoucr, to tbentent be map tlje better ctpjeflfc i^at be crauetb freepar oon,be lap etb notbing befoje <& & sD , tut bis mere geebneu'e : anb tljerfejc be fapctb, C 31Sce mpnbfuli of mec, according to ibp mercp.] $qi tbefo?gctting of our fi lines on ^obs bebalf.mfiHctb iiim to bcbolb bs &itb fa= tberip epe0. 3inb of tbisbel)o!Dingbcfet= tetb none otijer tank before btmfclf, but fo? tljat crc is too bcc bnbcrftooo a matching of contraries fccm cene t!;e tu. 00 fojtec of [rcmemtzmg,] namclp.icbcn ^e Y>ifttctb fmnersin bus fe?atb,anb U ben !;c toutfauetb bis fauour agcin bppon tljofe, f»yo\n l)c fecmeo to oefppfe fo? aSvtjpJe. Good and ryghtuoule is the Lord ; therfore will he teache finners in the way. He will guydc the poore in judgment, and teache the poore his way All the wayes of the Lord arc mercy and truthe,to them that keepe his couenant and his tcflimonie. For thy names fake, 6 Lord , bee mercyfull too mync iniquitic, for it is grcatc 8. r<£oob anb rpg!iruoufc.]30itfecrc fdfbypon ttc goobncfTc of <2?cd, too t!;en? paufmg a wbple fro tbe continctrall gcir.g tent be map hinMc bunfelf tljc tr o?c agcin. on w iH) tys p^apcr , Ijcc mufetij i»itt^ l;i:u $vf\ faitbfuil perccme f d tbcp uirr c not iftj) .iiiji. ^p 9- 10. iu IohnOluins Commentarie toptfyemftbies from tprn* too tpmc S*itb neujfpurrcs : tb3p;m?nas become fapn: bpanbp: forare* Difo^alt atbingtoiba fat ana bnwerpea beeaf ameCre . #na foj all tbe »o:lD,Ube as to Keeps a fpjc,a man tnnS efte lap on Soooa: fo t'ae earneftneffe of p?aping ijatb nceae of fuel) helps ,lea3 it isejc but * at length quite quaile.asber foie 3Dauib mpnbing to bartcn himfelfe m pers feaering : fpeafeetb to himfelfe, ana auoon chetb ©aa to be goob and rpgbtuoufe, toa tbentet tbatbecing refrcibeabptbisma'- ung,bemaprpfe the cljemuller agemtoo p:aptng.3ln& tljis confequenceis to be no? tca,tbat<0 £> 2>, bpcaufebe i0gooa ana rpgijtuoafe.rcacbctb outbisbana tonJ3o fwncr0,to tying them into the Soap agem. jFoj,to attribute bpjpgbtnefife \>n;o >i5ob too bfe it onelp tow aroea the toojtb? ana tbofe that bau: acferueb *»ell,i0 a colo an hunger? ima jinacion : ana pit the fraila 'ancujctb <0od comonlptoo be goob none otbermpfetijanfo . 5Foibo,i»cotttmetbit topauV, that (force tbebuna?etb perfone applpetij <0aas mwpto Ijimfel'e : but {op that tbcp reSrepn it to tbofe that be x»oj= tijp t 26atbccrcbeis fapa to giueS ~?oof of bis rpgbtfulnetTe.'toben be teacbetb tbe tranfgreu"ojs in bis %> ip: Sobicb implpetb as much as too call fbcrnto repentaune-?, anb tooinitruett'jem boa? tooltue S»eU. 3lnD furclp,onlc(Te bom ^iDID receuetbto bee btsbifctples :it folowetb that tbcp are reneieca bp bis Spirit , too the intent tbcp map become apt ana obebpent too bee fangbt. 9 r&e fepll gupbe.] l^ccrc Ije fpeafc= stl; of tl>e feconb grace febic'a <5 d> 3D totteretlj to%Darce0 tbe faptbfull , after i\)z? bee bioug'ot too beare l;t'0 pohe and ftibmit tljemftlucs obcbicntlp to \^\& com* maunbemmt . 25ut tljis teacb^blenjOTe Smll na to'oere beefounoe, aslonga0t^s mpnbe being Itfteb bp fentfyptpbe, ujalbee ^nfuabeioeb . 5F ojafwucb ao rbe f?e= biewes call peojj 61 aftltcted perfones, [Gnanjuim] anb tbat tlje fam? tooojb i0 bp am?tap!;oj tranfterreb too t^c mtefee anb losolp : it tetmzfi) to me a goob ipHelpbob, tbat 2Dautb Ijatb comp^ebmbco a0 ix»cll tbe afflictions vobertnitl) tbe lufrpnelfe of tbe 3eu) tsrcbatcb, a 3 alfo tl^e bcrp bcr= tu; of meclbnsTc it (elfe : a0 if beebal lapb , after tbat @ob baib b?oug^t t^em loi»s,^e rcac^ctb out b,is banb gentlp im= toocbem, anb leaactb tbsm foo;tballtbe 5o!jole raea of t\)dz Ipfe . iJ^eu^rtljelelTe fome take [iuagment ana tbe ^>ap of tlac ILoza,] fo^arpgbtujufe ana%oelloza;ea traac of liuing. *:»b otberrome refer tt too gaas pjouiaence:iD^icl; fecmetb tlje rpgb= ter ana maze agreeable to fas tert.bpcaufe bpa.nb? after Ijee aaaetl) [ all tlje i»apes of tlie itdta are merc^ ana trutlj.] C'»)e fenct therefore is tbat tty? xotyth beeing trulp cad nv.vm m tbsmrelues bo fubmittbcm to ^303 tuition, Qj ill feele b. oco toell bee p^ou:aetbfo;b^>c!ji!D;en.Cberforeiubg: ment ana bis xo \? ,ar 1 nothing elfe but tns gouemmgiDbercb? Ije Declare^ lumfelfe to Ijaue care of their welfare liae a berp gooa fa ber,to refcew tb,c oppieHeb, to lift top tbofe tbat bee caft aolo \z, to cbeere ana comfort tl;c foio j?fuH,ai»D to fuccour tbofe tbatbeinmifcric. ij^aw S»;bnaerftana in io^at iispfe d^obs grace pioceeactb to 5 Soaras bs : namelp , rtjat 5rft be bjingetb agcin into t'ie iuap tli-r tirapers ana w an-; bnrers oj, ratber tbe ronueatoapes, bjtpa- lerb our ftnbbojneffe , ana boroetb tbofe that to;re crft bntamable,to t!)c obebience of bi0 rpgl)tuoufenc9e:ana feconalp abans aoneebnot tbe afSlicteaana trubbleb, but after l)e Ijatl; bp tbe croflc frameb tl)em to IjumilitieanameelaneiTe, fbctuetb bunfeif a fo;ccaa ing father in ruling tbeir Ipfe 1 o [311 the Swapes of the lojb.] Cbofe Jnterpjctersare becepuca tobtcfj tlnnRe tbat in tins berfe tbe Doctrine of t;jclafo> is ter mea treto a fu?eetc,f tbat it is felt to be fo bp tt)ofe r folosi it,as tbougl; this place agr ecb & tljat faping of Cl;?ift0, [mp poke to fvocet f mp burtbelpgljt.] ^atb. u.50 if oj fucb iriterp^etacio is not onlp coftrei ■. nca,but aifo map eadp be aifp^onca bp mas i — . — «n n? like placcs^ber tl)Z S»atcs of tbe ilojtb arc talien in pafiiue fence, foj tbe fatrjcrlpc ojber iobicb l)c kcoctb in mainteining anb r cberifb ing tbofe £ be bis : o? rather fo? tbc Ssbole goHcrnemcntiDijcrroitb beruletb tbc matters of tbc xoojlb.Cbe effect tbers fo?e t0, tbat tbc ILozb ocales in fuel) ioifc Soitb tbe? may onal G&e* feels b"n fatio?3blc anb oj 2Da -- mo Cbctoetb not tyztc &>bat maner a om tf?obbttcrctb bimfclf inbittcrenslp to all manHinb: but tobat maner a one bto ctyU bien 5nD l/im to bee . $ o; Sss fairs in tbc eightentb iSfalme , tbat bee is baroe anb rougb to tbe fti tfcnecUei) : ano u>c fee tbat tboagb be bears iottb tbem r.eucr fo mcr - ctfullp,pit are tbcp moueb ioUb no feeling of bi0 fweetneGfoib farre of arc tbc? from looking fo* full bUu~c3ne& at bio banb bp leaning to bis pjomifc0. jftapratberas fone a0 an? abucrfitie befalletb t ' >em,tbcp grubgc anD bifbepn, anb ttep accufc <25ob of cnteltie, oj cife complapne tbat <2>oo 10 tcaf to tbeir pjapcr0.^gcin in piofpcritp, tbcp fbun b'-fi Ogbt. tttyerfojc not wtb^ out caufe both be afligne vSobs mcrcp anb faitbrulrteffc as a fpcciall treasure, to tbe faitbfull: as if be u)onlb fap,tt i0 not to be fearcbtbat <0ob Soillbeguple bs, tfixjca; bibc in bid ccuenant.[C oucnant aub tefti monic] import all one tbing , failing tbat tbe feconb i0 abbeb a0 an erpofition of tbe fir a. 2iiO it eompjebcnbctb all tbe io'jcic bortrinc of tbe la a> ,fc>b>tiu be maUctb tbe cou?nant S»itb. b'-0 cijo^n people. 11 [ifo? tbp names fa&e £> &ojto f c . ] 25 '.caufe a copulatiue is put in,fomc tbink t')at tiys member i0 fet curtato,fo as tljer (rjou'.a befoiue £dojd miffing : onb aftcr= warb tbcp reab tbis fentencc a part bp it felf, [be merctfall to mp fin.] Cberfoje bp tl)cirfaping,thc fence (boult) be, 3lc?b,aU tbougb 31 bauc not kept tbp ceueriant cj;- actiptpit ceafe not tijou fej al tbat,to Qjero ti)-2 felf bcncfictall to mce:anb to tbentcnt mp finne keep not tbp goobnctTcfrom me, f ozgiue it mce. 25ut 3 agree ratber to 0= tbero, Sobicbtbinktbc copulatiueto be- fuperfluous, a0 it is in manp otberplas as tbc bcrfe map bang Sobole togts tljerin one knot. 3Mfo tbe Jlntcrpjctcrs biffent in tbe tence of tbe toerb. #oj fome bolD (hi tbcpjetcrtcnce a0 tbougb JDauiD Qjoulb pcclo ©ob tb,anbe0 foj remittingc vppontnc . xxv . Fialme. 93 b:0 finne . Wut the otljcr expofition 10 treaict ibbi'tljto alfo HtojcrcccvueD:name Ip tbat tDattiO refo?tetb ascin to tbcfanc= tuaric of d5oD0 tnerepe, tbat be map ob -- terns paroon.;#oj[Vau]i,6 a turning of tbe tim e,anb t!;e future tence is tahen m &>ap of x»iibing. 2lnD 3 iopnctbiffberfeiettb tbe tbinc0 1 bat fcent befo?e,tn tins \o ife : £ebcn tbep^opbet bab ccfiDcreD iaiti) bim felf tbat <0ob 10 liberal! anb faithful to bis feruanr0:nou> be commctb Domn into btm fclf,an* acbnoxolebgctb tbat be can not be accounted in tbat number, but bp j mcane of fojtgiucnc0:anb tbcrfo?e befalletb to in^ tercefuon,itkca0in the pfaime. 19*13, after be batb cntreateb of tbe rctvarc tbat is lapb bp fo; tbe faitbfull fofyen tljep ftjal bauekept f lato:iobcm!p be ferpetb [tui?c bnberftabctl) bis omi faults r']Cb erf c?c altbougb 2Datiio be not ignorant bole It- berallp gob pzomtfetb iubatfocuer pertep - nctb to a bliffcb life, to tbofe tbat Hcpe bis couenant: pit nottoitbffanbing fo;afmucb as b^e fe:»'b botb farrc bee 10 pit from ti)C perfect tigbteoufnes of t!)e Haw : be Hap- ctl) not bpontiiat trufr,but feeketb retne- biefo^tbemanpfolD olfenecs Snljerof bee idgiiticinbimfelf : foasto tbentcnt gob map repute bsfo? bis ftruants, Sue mutt aiwapcsfcjabntolumto beare Saul; our inSmitic0 of bis fatljcrlp louingbmbnc0, bpcaufe tbat iuitboutfrec remiffioH of fin ncs , tbere is no retoaro of S»o?lus to be rjopeb fo;./^euertbelc0, tbat bee map tbc mo^c certcinlp cr pxelTe lyovo i)t bepenbe^b altogetber bpon tbe mere grace of gob : be fett0 ootonc in crpjteiB &o?ds [foj t!jy names fakc:]mcemng tl^trebp tbat as oft as goo parbonetb bis feruants , be tabetb not caufe clfwbere tban of bimfclf: like as alitlc afe^c, befaibin tbe fame fence, [fo? tbp gooDnrs fake.] ^oiobcit k,c&a0 com pcileo bp tbc berp greatne0 of bis offence to cal bpon tbe name of ^oo.fci anon 9.U tsx folowetb Ins confefficn, tbat bis finne i0 [great an* manifolo] (fcjitbeiooojo [Rob]map bctr«nfla5.eDbotb feapcs) as if be ^ab fapo. iCrc^lp mp fpnnes ouct- lobe meioitb a great'jurtl)en,fo a0 the \jc^ rp bougenes 0? Soeigbf of tbem migbt cut ofailbepecffo?crj:^ncsfrommc:buttbc eceeaotng great gl^jie of tbp name , £> 3Lojb,is mojc feo£tb t^ tljoa canil (bakemeof. John Caluins Commcntatie 12 What man is he that feareth th c Lord'him will he teache in the way that he may chooze. 13 His foule shall dwell at eafe,and his feedc shall pollefTe the land by in- heritance. 14 The fccret of the Lord is reueled to them that feare him,that he may make His couenant knowen vnto them. t $ Myne eyes are euer towardes the Lord, for he will bring my fecte owt of the net. u [wljatmanteljer'] Stgembp muting fonb l;aafcif is>l)at maner a one gob fbcu> etl) bnufclf to J)t0 feruants : he gatr>cret!| ne&fozce. :ffozfosfapb tbat nothing ia mszc rebp,tbanfaj carncSncffe of pzaping to qu v.U*,onJcfle t!)cremcmbzancedfgob0 p:oimfc0 bolb it bp.Sp tbsfoap, it is not to be DouutfD, but tiiat IDauiD partly ace tufcrijitfmfclf, ano partly cntozagctb in'm fc!f to t!;: fwre of gob , bpon concepumg of b:ttcr bope.^oj fitft in boing \J0 tobn acrftauo, tijatttyccaufcfobP menarcoc= P.irute of rigbt bnbctfranbmg f fount e nipgment,t0 foz that tl;ep pcclb not tbcntJ fciucstogobfoitbreucrcncc anb feare, to be ruico bp bitn : bectmputet!) it to bi0 owv.c fluggiSbnerTstqatbtfmpnbs foa0 barkened , anb tbat be raungxb after I)i0 otcn lufts. 3nb contrarnufe Ijc p2omifctb. rnmfelf the bolp gboft to guibeluro in fei 0 foap, if be pcclb tjimfclfc foboll£ to #od, anb fbero rjimfcif fotfltngtolcarne. ®!fo t!;c mtcrogatton fccmrtbtonorctbefcios netf? cf t\)l tbat feare isfojf msfr. partbercftof £ fpj tit of counfel f fotfebotn-avherao fomem rcrt&tter0 tumc tbe future tenet in the fcerl\d)O0}c] into tbepzefent tence : a0if itfcao bin fapo, tbat (Sod popnf crimen to tbje foap fobict) be HHctg , anb m fobtcb bo fotli ban? men to foalfcutlisctljfnpt me. 3ro^t!)55cbOFCcCmnt?mug!ttettt) is ra: tlj:r refcrreb to ectjc man : as if it bab bin fapb , fo tbat foe be b ifpofeb to tf;c fcarc of ^ob,{]e foil! not bebebinb fjanb foitb \)is part , but foill birect b0 foitb tlje fpirit of fotfebemeto cl)005C our foap. ;tf 02 foljcn foe arc about to tahe ba to fomc trace of lilting: foe flans as it foere in a twoaaps leete:pea raiijer in cuerp of our booings, foe bang in beubt ana are at our foiites enb,ottlcfTe <#5oo mccfe b0 to Qjew b0t!)s foap.£)antb tberfozefaptb, tbat alt 'jeug!) mcnbnou? notfobat is rigbtanb fobat i0 meetefoz tljem to cboojepitnotantbfran: bmg fo foe aoozeffe our fciuc0 foit!) goblp tcacbablcncfTetofoloU! (35ob , bcefoiil a!= irapes be our certein anb fattljfuU gutbe. Slab fozafmucba0tbio feare oft^oD 10 not bjeb in bs bp nature : it foere a fonbneffe foz anp man to rcafon bcre, tbat ©od ccas fetr> tuT men bp tb.cir ou-ne preparation foinb tbcmfe!uc0 into \)ie fauoz , anb tbat tben be fbulo furtber tbeir rtgbtful inbes uer0. ^oz^ambmtrcateD eucnnowof tb J0 firft grate.tbat gob teaebctb tbe tranf i grriToz0 : anb nolo \;t abbctb tbefeconbe, ] tl;at bee taHetf; to \)is goucrnement tbofc. tbatbc alreabp fubbucb anb mcefeencb, fo fl!5 by rtje fojefbining of tbciigbtoftbe fyint t^cp map bnberfianb for;at 10 nccbe fttUtobebonc. 13 ffiiB foule fbaHbiccH] 3Rf tljcljigbea j feiicitie of man be to go inbanbfoitrjno-j tfn'ng, cz to attempt noting bnt bp tbsj -foarrant of (Sob : it is alfo a moft bi£b I anb mcomparablc benefitc to baue bim tbe : gupbc of bur Ipfe.tljat foe ftrap cot at anp j ttme.25uttn fteb of afurpmfagetyere t0 ab j Deb tbe cartblptltffmg alfo, fobereintbc | frutc of tbe fozmer grace appcaretf; openip 1 ljfeca0 0aule aifotcacbctb.i.Cimoil)^. ! Stbatbnlo. geolpncffe 10 pjomifeb net enlp etcrnall faluation.but alfo tlje tl)ing0 tl;at pertap'nc to tfjc pzefent ipfe. Cbe __„ effect j vppon zne . xxv . Piaime. Ftlrctcis, tbat tbc true i»u:fbtpptro of ©oo are not onclp blifleb fpirituailp.bac alio are blifleD bp bim men as apperteps ntng to rl^c ftatc of tt^is p?cfet life. Crae it is in brcbe tbaf tbc?arenotaix»ai?es ocltfontb accojtoing to tb*tr barts bttire no; tbat tbe eommoDictcsfobtcbe tl>cp conlb &>i(bc,Doo flowe aliuape 0' after one ccrteine anD encn rate: pea ratb ;r itbap netboft times tbat tbep are *>cy:bfo>ttb troubles anD mifenes &»btte tbe bngob- !p arc tn tbetr ruffe ♦ ii5ut ft 10 too bee fenotoue.tbat as oft as <0ob fc>ttbD;auj3 ctb bts bltfung,tbcparc foabenco tbere ■■ bp,tbat tbcp map pcrcetue tbefclucs too be pit far of from tbe perfc ct fear of ©00. /^ottxjitljft-anfimgvin tbc meanfeafon, fo far &o;tb as is cjtpebient f j; tbcm 3 tbep fo cniop tbc benefices of <25ob , tbat tbcp are bap pp in Dccoe tn ccjp ut fon of S»o;iD Ip fot&e anb Dcfptfers of <5ob is p;cfet Sottb tbcm , tnepi eft tbemfelucs tn tbat mode fdfc bauen of cof jjt.Ccrtcffe ti)i8 is mofl; true , tbat ailcnrctmfericsfp;tngoutof one SaeU . btcaufe i»cc b;eafc tbe courfe of gooos,ptt boo tbep contmcwa.Ip trfki ciiy.s f ttbcrlpfa nour* %nD bcrcunco bo 3 gtaorp rcferre tbe name ot [foul*] tbat to too S»tt , tbat tbep arc not tUteUffe in recepulng gobs gift j : fo as meanc things can bo mucbe mo,e too confer; t tl)em,tban n.oif e ab..n - bauncecan boo toofattffietbcbngoblpc* €berefo;e according as tebe man 10 tru fcarblp content :D iottb tys lct,ano ferttb pactence feefcetb after mtrtb anb qupcts ncfTe, 1)10 ionic 10 fapcb too Dwelt at cafe, nbcrcao fomc interpreters D;awctbp0 S»o;b [oroelltng] totbettmeof *Deatb,tt is mo;e futtle t ban fare : fa? (as tt tS fapbj) befpeatwtb of tbc ftate of tbe carta lp life* 3jtfccrfc>ar b toe amplpfie tbe mats tcr,be aooetb tn tbe fecono place tbattbe poitcrute of tbe fattbful (bail tnberue tbe lano : Sabcreupon it foilowstb tbat <2>oo purfuetb tbcm 'nutb btafauomvoJberbp fo>ee gatber agcinc tbat 3Dcatb is no oe- ftructton to tt;c fcruantes of ©oD,f tbat J± tbtppcariO)enot wben tbep palT: cutof tbtS5»3iIoe , but remapne allue* $q% it Saer e agctn ft rrafon tljat <& 03 fboutfi be 5 rccuetbeinofipfe» fo: S»bofcfa!ie0bee botb goob to oMers-il^ow in frbat fo^tc tbe becuageof tbc lano commctb too tbe cbilozen of tbe faincts, as batlj bin fapeo clfctobcre, s»ee fball fee mo? cat large*. £ftl«3'Jl >4-* [CbefecrcteoftbeItbat doao irnl becom e a teacber anb a matter to all tbc goblp : anb accojomg to bi0 cuftomc bee repcatetb tbe fame tbpng twpsc in one besrfe. iFojn .tbtngelfeto [tbe couenant of <©i)5D, tbantbefewet .ojpurpefeof <0oo.] 20utbnoer tijenameof [fecret] be commenbetb tbe crccUencp of tbe boc= trine i^t^clj is ft t fo; to to bs in tlje fiavo of (t5od»5To; bow mucbe focucr ioo;iblp mcntbiougb ftatelp pz;Deccfpifc:&3op= feSanb tbe 0;opbcts : pit tbe faitbful ac fenovoclcDgc, tbat m their boctrme are 0- prneb bntoo tbcm tbefecrcts of beaucn, &:bicb far furmotit tbe meafurc cf mans S»ifbome.Cbereto?e iobofaeucr bcftretlj to p;o fit arigbt in tbe law?, let \iun reue rentip regaro tbe boa rtne tbat tt contc i -- netb. 3ino now tbis place tnuptctb bs to moD?ftie anb lowlmeffe^tbat bpon mid of oure oionc volt 0; bppon can fioenc? of our ownc conning, ia cc attempt not too ruujc mtoo ©oas mtftcrusjtbc ftnoaj?; kbgei»berof!Dam9|*auou= cbetb too be tbe lingular gtfc of 3?od. ^s gctnjeingtbat ibe fearc of vBob ts fapea too be tbe entrance toorig'ot v^nberftan- bingtloHerjoro nucb ccl)eman couetetb to encr afe in fattb ,.fo mucije alfo let t;tm p;oceebe in tbe fcarc of d5oD„. ^o^obectt feberea0goblpnciTctb*inetb)toeeHeebe neuer boubt tbat wz (ball lofe our labour nt feeUing <£>ob« Crulp tbe couenaunt of (Sod is aftcrct tbat furmoantctb mans capacttte* I0ut fo?afmocbe as 05 sDiD*S> ioilisnottbat anpeman fbsilfcc&bim in bamc:tDbofoeuer tbep bee tbat traueil too feruebtoi typtb a ng:)te interne » tbe bolp gtroctb tbe litteratl IDpft'prcs of ty s SLa-^e , io^icbc faUlf c anb bamclps ^ bcai&& John Caluins Commcntnnc bemtgbt becom:mo;e cbeerfull to piap. :ff oilnafmucb as al tbep tljat bane refpect to <2>ob,arcp:omifeb tljat t^eir Ijops Gjall j bo-iilca tbemfeUus too bee partafcers of J 3o33 cotienant. ;f oj altljoug^ <5ob bp bis bopce fpeaHc inoiffercntlp boty too t!)S goob anb bao : pit if t!jcrc come not a fin- cere affemon,be fmgetb toobraf i'olfe: \i$t as Cfap, z8.ii.f3per;j,tbatt30tbetons gobip Havre is liox a booae tbat is (bet faft anb fcaleb. Cberfojte it isno mar ncll , tbat tl)c pure 'ajoozibipper© cfcJEJob (to$»bom be map bifclofe bi0 fecrstea) are fo;teb out from tbe feic&cb, 0? tbe bP- pocritcs. JDauib grotmoing bbnfetf bpon this bopc.cometb bololp to (£000 fcboole, ano bringing others S»itb bitn , (bewctb plapnip tbat tbe fojgcrie of tbem is bete* ftable,i»bicb fceepc all tbe lap pcoplefrom comtHg to tbe fcrtpture, 23 it ioercfrom entering into fome maje : 30 tSjougb there feere not of al Degrees bp crpzeffe ioazos callcb to tlje fenoitleeg of 45 gds couenant, as nnnp a0 fearc bim from tbeir bart. if [S^inc epes are] i&ere ©auto fettctb outlns-ownefaptb anb tbe ptrfeucrancc thereof, notfoja bjauerp , bat to tbein= tent that bpon contibence of obiepmng, not br otfappointeb.nsz tliemfelucsbeput to fbamc : tbefalncts bo often times fence tysmfelcies i»itb tlj ig buckler . 3In tr|€ m sane feafon , bp bts o\&ne ejcample be apt popntetb to otbers.tbz rigbt ozber of pzap tng : tbat is to i»tt , tbat tbep Ijolbe tbeir feutca fait Greb bpon tljc:r »0oo, 3F0; it 10 no rare tbing for ail tl;c affections to be betoUcneo bnber tlje name of tlje [dgpes] as of frljicl) the fenfe is moft fljarpe anb bzawctb al £ tobole man bnto tc.'Cbercai fan that is abbcb fbcwetb mozc plapnlp tbatbopets iopneb tolonging:as if bebab faibc that bee bib not fet fjws numbtoppon gobs belp boutmglp anb fcarfiillp :autbp caufe Ijc Id as perfroabeb that be fc>o«lo be bio beliucrcr.i&nb tbe £>?oaonnc[&e]eas rtetb a fozee Smtb it. ;ff oz it tcaebetb tbat be gajctb' not about beere anb tbere after tbemanerof tbofe tbat bp fleeting to anb fro fo'gc funbzp 5»aycs to faue thsfclues: \6 »7 20 21 22 but tbat be is contenteb forth ©oa alone. Lookc towardes mc,hauc mercy vpon mc,for I am alone and poorc. The forowes of myne hart are enlargcdrdraw me out of my trubles. See myne affliction and my trauaile,and take away all my finnes. Belx>ld myne enemyes , for they are multiplied : and they hate mee with outrageous hatred. Keepe my fouleand deliuer mee that Ibee not shamed : for I haue fruited in thee. Let my foundnefTc and vprightnellc prefcruc me:fbr I haue trufled in thee. O God redeeme Ifracll from all his trubbles. \6 [loofee to5»arbcsmec] ^IBpcaufe tlje flefbl? bnberfianbing bcaretb \JS in banb tbat <£odbatbfo:gottcnfcs ,if bee belp us not: iDanio folo tretb tbcojber to tob.cb nature ieaocrb i>s , befiring (25ob t$ b,auc regarb of bmi.astfbe babneglec= teb iiim befoje. B!nb 3D refolee it;e 4ooo?bS i«i!r.5%>!fe. ^Icoactoisarbs mctobaue mcrcp Upon nte. ^?o? be fcttctlj d5oos lo^ femg bpponbimas tbecanfc of bis feel' tare^Iicrto is aftervxifcrb sbI;eD tb? effect. jro? as fane as <5oD fbali baue bouebfa; ueb to rcgarb bs ,bts banb alfo ioilbc rea- 5^ to belp moue ^5ob icitb* ail, l>e fcttj^b foe? tlj bis oxvne miferie tec ; ming btmfclf [alone, ] tbat (0 to fap[befo- latcjanb after«?arb[poo;e.] 3!nb tbere is no boot but be aliubetb to thep?ompfrs Sc ijcrtn <£»ob auoucbcib tbat be toilbe rea ^ at banb to bdp tbe miferable anb corns fo^tlefTe. i 7 [ Che fojoacs of mpnc bart.] 3fn tbi0 berfc bee confeffetb not onlp tbat bee bat!) outivarb toarre isitlj \)is enempes, anbfeitb tbe troubbies iclncl) tbep put bim too,but alfo tbat be is bcreb int»arb= ip 9»itb fo jc a? anb anguifl;. Snb tbe ma- ner of fpeecb is to benoteb , tobetebp bee botbbsto bhberftanb,tbat tl;e beapc of bi0 care0ts fobouje, tbat it fplletb. all t?;e vppon the.xxv.Pfolme. 9> all cqc partes of bis lisirt : in lifcerotf? as if a rage of fcjater guQnng out farre ? topfie, fljoulD ousrfiococ fome S»bole countrpc* jft on?,fe>be feccfcc IDauibs barte to baue binfe>bollp pofleffeb fc>itb anguiQ): there i5 no caufe tbat &>ee fljoulD tooonber if tesaptactons noto anb then caflbsbowne feitb tbeir bopftoixtfncfle.HSut tit tosinttb ID auto befeeche ©oa to fuccout b o, as it fcure attbetocrppopntofbefpapze. 1 8. [&ce mpne affliction .] 25p beating fo often bpcntbetscomplamtes, lie fljccoetfj fufftcientlp £ tjjcpSocrcnolpgbtmtfcrics S»!)crroitlj b,e ioas temptcb. wb icb tiling to too bee marKco abutfcblp, too tbrntcnt that &>ben i»ee ibalbe ererctfeb after tfjc fame mancr,Soeemap hnoto t|0»s? to pjap. #63 tbe bolp gbofl fcttetb. fucb a glaffc be= foxe bs , bpcaufs our minces OjoulD not fin& bnber the mattttubc oti burthen of ate fl jettons. 2i3ut to thmtent be mag obtepne cafe of bis mi(erfi0,ag£in ijc craneti? remif (ion of Ins finnes, calling agctn too J; is rc= tnemberance that Sobtcb be hab toucbeb a little «ft: namely, tljat be oio not others wfic loouc foj ©ods fattour, onleflc he Soerc reconciles by free fojguirneflfe. % na ttretp fljep are to dull,w!;tc^ being conten tcb ivtth tbc outiraro bcltucrance , fljafee not out ;l>cir innjarb mifertcs,but asmucfo asin them is,coul& fpnb in tbeir partes to hauc them burpcb in fozgetfulncffc. JDauiB tberfoze to fpnb a remebp f o$ ins trubbles, bcgtnnetb at rcmifllon of fumes, bpcaufe as long as e multitubcanb cruclncffe of bis enemies* bpcaufe y ioohe bow much cSoas feruantes are the mo:c opp^effeb^o muclj is (Sob tb? fojtcwarbcr to belp ti;em,anb fuccojetl) tijem tlje rao?c mpgbtelp.accoibtngtootljc greatnefTe of tbctr baungcr.i^atrcb,charaas]tbat is to Cip,[outra3e,]is taUefoj cruell anb blub? bpebatreb. $8w,fojaimu:I) a* tbe rage of iDautbs enemies cd?as fo grcate. tljat tt coulb not bee appcafto but bp fjis ocatlv^e callerb bpon <& & ID to pjeferue l)is Ipfe, 5a>bcrfep ts gatbercb tbc lame cjctrcme ne= cefutie that J fpanc of. Cbat forincli folo= roetb ncrt : namelp , Qtrjat Ijc bee not flja^ mcb,] abmtttetb a bubble fence. ^ omme fecepe ftill tbe future tenc>?,as tljougb £>a uta aflurcb bitnfelf He ioas alrcabp bcrb, « pjomtfeb bimfcif tfye retcaro of ^0 bope in Ijt's Snifter) fucceffc. H5ut 31 encltne ra= tber too tbc contraric fpbc, tljat be tyoulD continct» ijijs p?aping. Cbc effect is,tbat be leanetf; bpon <5oo, bpcaufe l)ts bope of fanfgarfecoceiueo fboulo not becepue bt»n. ^Poj tbeve is ho Ipurre mo?c cffectuall too earncft affection pf piping, tl)an i»be u; ce map auow y ioce tru ft in Inm. g>o mucb tlje mo^e tljerfo?e is ®oa to be befp^eb to encreafe cur !)Ope, if it be fmall : to ioafeen tt, if tt bceb:on?}ie : to ffabtiQ) it, if it bee foaucrtng: to ftrcngtben it, it it be ineaUe: anb to lift it top, if tt bee falnc. 21. [!L ct m^ founbneffc $ bpzpgl)tncffe.] Coo fome it fcemctlj a angle p?aper , as tl)9ugb S>auib ftoulb requp2cto bccp?e= ferueb clecre from all faultpneffc, acco?= bing as l)C Ijab bebsueb bimfclf innocents ip , anb bab abftcpneb as Xoell from ail craftpneife, as from open fozong. £>tber- fome mate a bubble rcqucft of it , tljat Ije Iboulb befpie to bauc a pure anb founb af= fectien of bart giuen htm, ieaft perl^appcs be ftjouib ffart out to reuenge n«nt, 0? 0= tl;er bnlavcfull meanes of fauing Ins Ipfe: anb fo tbe fence Suoelb bee : 3101b , al= tbougb tlje flefl) p;touofcc mce to feefe c anp tnancr of remebies , anb that mpnc ene= mice alfo tyim mee too it bp tbeir tmpo?= tunateneffe : pit notcoirbftanbtng bzpble tbou mp leawb affections fottbin mee, tljat jP "tap bolo mpfclf in pure ano founb tq.uui$ : anb tbat equttie 9 bp?pgl)tncfle, as t\»oo of tbe beft mapntcpners of mp Welfare tbat can bee, map fuffp3C mee. ifteucrtbclcfle, 31 ratber embrace tlje firft fence, bpcaufe be ab&ctlj bp anb bp a re* eozb of bis founbneffe . ^'o; fcljofoeuer Sottb a quiet anb mtc&e fptrit ioaptctb b= pon <©oo,bc 5»ill cnbure anp thing ratber tljan gtuebimfelf leaueto cotcnb i»ttb bts enemtes in tonrpsbtneufeneffc. Cl]crfo;e (in mp uibgment) JDau« p?otcftetb,tl;?.t bebatlj John Caluins Commentarie bee batbeliueb fo Y>p;pgbtlp among men, tbat Ins enempes bab no eaufcto affaulte bim . attna bpcaufe bee 10 tocrp So ell aflii* rcb of (t in Inmfelfe , bee cailctb bppon <5 i£> id too Defence bis innoeencie. 35 ut foioiinucb as bec tjatbe confeffeo in tluec places alreb?e , tljat bec 10 mftlp cbaftp= 3eb : it map ferine ftraunge tbat Ijce boa= ftetb notoe of bis bpjpgbtneffe . (&\)i& qucaion batbc bin bifebargeb in anotber place, fob*** free fapbc,tbat tbe faincts (as in refpect of tbcmfclucs} come al- Suapcs Ssitl) fubtniffion intootbc fpgbtc of <25 £> 3D , maUing fefet foi fo?giuc= rteffe : anb pit tbat tbe fame is no lette foj tbcm too iapc foeztb tbe goobneffe of tt)m cace beefoje <£ £> 3D . Beucr* tbeieffe it orogbt too baue bin aoocb of neceffitie , tbatbfe fapetb.bec truftcbin 3D , anb Qjjofojbc our felues tmber b*s protection anb be- fence . S>o it often falletl) otot , tbat froc#t anb iopfe men baue not fucceffe anfroerable too tb*P.t befpzc, &>bcn tbep mapntepne goob caees eptber toppon truft of tbep? otone fc>pt , oiforirb bepenbing toppon fortune. 'CbJfcfo?e tbat d5£> 3D map bee tbe mavntepner anb befenber of our innoeencie , ieec mud; fpzft beale tpzpgbtlp anb innoccntlp Soitb ourenc= mica , anb aft*rf»arb feeetahe our Sock farebntotfob. 22 [ 3D d5 £> 3D rebeeme IRfradl . ] 3?n tbis Hmtttng top , 3Dauib ftcioctb iobat fepnbe of enempes tbe fame fecre of tabomc beccomplapncb . fot it is a tmelpbob that tbep fo>ere intaarbc ene- mies , Sobicl; Soere trubblcfoinme too <25obs people , as a malabpe tnclofcb in tbep; bofrells . iFoj bp tbc Sdoozd £re= bceme] free gatber tbat tbe £burcb i»as at tbat tpme oppz^fifeb Srtti) t>aruc bon= bage . 2flno tbercfoze 3! oowbtnot but faille anb tbofe tbat reigneo tpzannoufc Ip fcritb l)im are neteb in tbis pfalme . jfraptbeleffe bee ffcefoetb tbere&itb tbat bee fecHetb not bis ownefaufgarb alone, but compzebcnDctb tbe common ttate of tbe fc>l)oic IHcalme : acco2bing as tbe mutuailfocictieof tbe fainctesrequiretb, tbat ecbefeuerall perfoncQioulDbcgrec- MH %oiti) tbe common miffoztunes,anb felt!) one confent gronc becfoze d53D2C) . #nb it auapleib not alpttle too tbe cosu flrmacion of faptb > tbat 3Daui9 tljir.U- ing bmtfelfe too baue notbinge feuerail bp biuifelfe from tbe iubolcbobpe of tbe faptbfuli , accounteb tbe to: ongs inbicb bee fuffereb,to bcelong too ail tbe goblp asfeell asbimfclfe . SSilfo t!;is 02dens too bec obferucb , tbat taben ecbe man bcaaptetb h}5 otone mifencs , bee muft alfo tberetoiiball eietenb \)is carefuincfle anb piapcrs too t^e S»ijole^urc^ The contentcs of the . xxvj . Pfalmc. This 'Pfalmc is in a mancr life the other. For thcfrophctlein^o])- preffed -with many tvronges , and fynd'tng nofuccour at all in the world, calleth for ayd imtoo GOD: that hce will vowtfaue too yndertafe the cace of a man that was wrongfully a ffliHcd 3 and auowche his inno- eencie . iAnd hycaufe he had too duo with hypocrites , hee appealetb too CODS vppon the.xxvj.L'ialme. 96 GODS iudgment 3fh.a; nib fi)oulo call <£oo tl)t mapmepner of. us tight. ;tfoz*Dbcn be giuetb bs oucr foz a tpmc to tlje utilities anD malapertnefle of OHt enemies the feetuetb too neglect our cacc.U6 nt itbe be rcQreinetb our enemies, ti;at the? can cot r rpot too doo mif= cbeef at tbeir plcafurc: \)t fijecrctb in berp becoc, tbatbe hath a regard to Defenb our rpgbt.Cbcrfoze let bs lerne bp the eram* pic of iDautD, too refozt too tr>c iubgmcnt fcatc of <£oD>ft>ben Scce be: Deftttutc of manncs help, anD too fettle oavfclues in litj protection. Che tbinges that folotoe, ar; erpounDcD DmttCPbptl)c3Enterp;c= tcra. &ome rcabc it all tobolc tooatthcr, [ 3]aasc mce , bpcaufc 3 baue fcjalkeo in m? founDttcu"'.] 3lnb otbcrfoaK refer it to the latter member ,.[bpeaufe 31 baue Juab hco inmpfbunonefl"e,tberfo?c Chat! 31 not ftaggcr.] 35no3! ertcno it imllinglp bnto? toti). $o}, inafraucb as it is the pzopze Dccotie of tt3oo to auowebc ano mapntepne gooDcaees, in mafetng turn l)is Defender, b; citctb bun foz a Snitncffc of rsiis purc= nefleanD bopc,fobcrdppon be concspuctb alfoconfpDenceofebtepningbelp. jftot= SoithftanDing if anp man tike too feparate them, it feemctb moft pzobablc that this fentence [ 3BuDge mce, £> ILoid, ] fljoolD bee r cd bp itfelf ,anD that after ivarD (bonlD foioxoe tbio ot!)cr piapcr, [ tljat 2> fboulD not fuffer bmi to ftaggcr, ] bpcanfe be batt) bebaucD btmfclf innocent ip anD bn cozntptlp. ^ottottbftanDtng.tb: pitbtbp= neffe oi the iDzonoconcpoffeiTute [mp,] is too bee notcD , ix>btcl; the Jntcrpzetcrs Doo amide too omttte . frSi bee Dootbe not fimplp auorochc bunfclf to baue bin founD , but too baue jpzoceebcD conftant= ip in bis rpght courfe , anD not to baue bin put from hio purpofc, though be it> ere pufbt at Soitlj neuer fo bioient engines. lohnLaiuins Lommentane f0jfoben fopcRcDmenafriplebSjfo as tbep ouerwbcltne bs bp tljetr mlfcbee = uous policies :foec fcnorcc bow baroea tbingttis to beepe allinonemtnb. fo} becrtn as toe tbtnKconGftctb tbe bo tie of oar bJctojte , if foce can encounter fo:ce fottb fo;ce,anb poltcic foitb poltcie.SInD it is a tempts nan tbat foz ti)t mod part toucbetb gooD men ano fiapcb men,fobo orberwife are carneftlp encipneb too boo toei:tbat tbe tmpo;tunatencfle of tbetr e ncmics eorapelletb them too ftep out of tbe r tgbt foap* Cbcrfoje let bs learn bp the c cample of £> imo ,tb llano ttcaop on our grounD) euen fo b:n occaGon is off e- rcb ns to doo barme7anb foben our cne • in ies enfojee aub piouoiie \>sbpfunb;p meanes:anb not to futfer our felues tn aa up folic too be leb afoap from contlnew ■ ing in our founbnefle* i* [p?oue mee«] Cb* moje tbat 2Da= utb fawc tjimfelfr fcnwojtbclp anb foitb out DcfcrteoppjcfTeb foitb flaunbers : fo much tbe mcjefoasbc btnblcobp ejeceffe of grccfcjto aueucb bis ownertgbtuouf= nt lie bnfeatfuilp*Snb bee not onelp purs getlj btmfeif of outwarD fumes : but alfo ma&etbljts Daunt of tbcbpriabtncfns pure affection of fjts bar t, ano tberwitb allcomparetb btmfeif couertlp foitb bis enemies ♦ $o% iuafmucbe as tbep foere grofe bipocrttcs, pjoublp pjetenbtng tbe name of goo:be accufetb this tbeir fbamc leffe baroe bartebneffe before e be p;eafeo fo bolblp into tbe figbt of goo« 3no tbis is ftrli anb fo;moft to be loobt to , tbat if foe conet to mabe our fclucs a lotoable before <0ob, bcctbatisfojongs fullpttnpeacbcb mull not onelp baueab= ftepneb from booing fo^ong btmfeif, but alfo baue contimxoeb in a tigb tfuii aff:c= tiou. 3* [f oi tbp goobnefre»] CbPS berfe map bee reo all in one tejcte,ano dcejidcd into two meber s : Ijoivbcctt altnoft all in one fence* 3 f anp man lifec too nnit it all in one tejet.botbc tbe berbes fijalbe p?in- cipallln tljts fou"c : JLojbe ,bpcaufe tbp ^ooonesbatbealtoapcs bin before mine cpes,anb 5 &Bllc rc^c0 in ^P tuition: 3 bate b: to UD all foicbeb lulrs ttt mp bare led bp tbe p?ouocatianof tntne enemtes, lli mtgbt baue bin enforced too rcucuge* ^nDfotntbtsbcrfetbercfooulDbeare; b?tngofacauft*Cbeotbercppofttional fo to allowable, as tbus :bicaufe 3 baue bao tbP goobneile befojeotfae tvcs,Ji baue foatHeo in tbe trntbc fobtcoe tbou commaunbeft;.ll5ut t'jen SjoulD tbe copu latiuc bee fuperflucus ' fobicb is a tbtng berp o?Dinarie amongetbel^cb>cfocs* /froro altbougbe tbis tntf rp?etation bee mucne Use to tbe former : pit bao % l?as ner folofoe tbat fobtcb is teaft eftrangco from tbe foojos, ■$ o? I nafmucb as it is a rare ano cifficnitc bertue ? not onelp too foi;l)bolbj a mans felf from booing euill foben all things p^ouoKebim tbenmto : but alfo not too Hep aftoefrom purcncfTe of ban : tbe fS>jopbet Dcclaretb in fobat foife l)e continefoeD bis courfsatnong fo fojtc temptations. /Bamelp-.btcaufc be fct before bis cpes tbe gooomffe of <©£> 5D , robttbp t;cecarcfuUp pjcfeructl; bps (tr- uants vppon thc.xxiiii. Pialme. uant0,lcaft bp Declining to euill pjacttfes, J)C mpght bauc bepjttueD fyimfclfc of l)is belp: anD bpcaufctbat bpDcpenbing bpon l)i3 tuicion,bepoflciTeD bis life in afmucb a0 i)tc fea0 t'oojoivlp pci fteaDcD tljat it coulD not come to paflc tbat <0oD fbouiDfoifthcbio fattbfull fcruante0,tbat leane bnto bun . %\\b fur dp , ijao Ije not grounDeb lumfclf bpen<2E>oD0 goobneffc: bee coulD not baue kept one foote 0 cop in folocoing rjpjugbtncjs.among fo manp anD fobarbaffaults. 31nD tbis is a notable Dtf ference bctrcene tbc clulDjen of d^0D,anD 5»o^!Dlv men: tbat tl;e fir ft foit,tn bope of better tflue at tbe 3Lo;bcs bans, bo bang bpon b<0 feo?D, anD are not carpcb to nop fomc Deuife0 tbjougrj bnqutetneiTe : but tbc latter foit , altboagb tbepton&crtafec gooo caces,ptt bttaufe tbep are tgncjaunt of goD0 p?ouiccncc,arc barpeD hitljer anD tl)itber,feefeing after bnlatcful ttjifts, anD fleeing bntocraftineffe, anD finallpbaue none oiljer purpofc but to ouercome eutil fe ttl) euill'.tbe falling out fe Jjcrof is mtfe rable anD fojo&ful,pca anD notb anD tljcn alfo tragical! , bpcaufe tbep fetting afpDe go60 grace,are bent onlptocraft anD fep= Uncffe.'Cbc effect is tbat ZDauiD feas con ffantinHcpingbtmfclfc riglneoufc, bp= cattfebebaDDetermineDtbat d&'eb fbonlD be Ins gropDe.^oru tljcn in tbe firft place be maoe mention of [gooDnc0,] anD after «jarD rjc aDDeD[trutb,]bpcaufe goD0 gooD nefle is not Un o men but bp l)is p jompfes: febtcb gocDncs 10 able to leabe bs feitrj iroutco?age of mpnbtrj?ougrj alltempta= ctons. 4 O baue not fit.] aigem rje pjoteffe tb tbat be feas far imitfccbts enemies, -froi alltapsfbetnatcbing of contraries is too be notes , tljat Icwb men bp all tbe barm $ tfufcljccf tljcp fejougbt agcin(rbmJ,coulD neucr remoue bpw from foloroing tbat feb. id) is gooo. Cbts berfe mpgbt alfo be iopncD iuitrj tbe former as a rilling bp of t'cc fetttence : tbat 2DauiD bppon tm& of (SoD0 grace, rjabfeitljD Inmfeicfro 9Z. Decepuers. 3! nbbptl)cfeo?Ds[of fittings coming in,] bere is bcto&encb parttafcing of counfcll,anD fclowfl)ip infeO£Uing:ac- cojtbingas is fapD in tbe firft ?Bfalme. fop JDauiD Dcnpetb tbat be babategbt atail to Do wit}; bapncauD Deccitfull men. 3!nD furelp tbc belt remeDpetbat can be to call bS bacfec,anD to becpe bo from accompa= nping our fclucs feitb tl;e feicfteD , is to fallen our epes bpon gobs goobnes : fo? rje tbat fealfcetl) in tbe protection of <25oD, committing tbc fucccfle of all things to bis pjouiDence, feill neucr meDDlcfertb tbeir craftine0.wr)em in tbe former membcrbe tcrmctbCme of banitic] tbe callctb be anon afiCr [Nagnalamim ] tljat 10 tO fap, ClOfefC= locoes ano fuel) as are fejappcD infepli^ ncs. 5Foj ljercbpon eommetl) tbe banitic of Dtfltmulation,tbat iriip perfons bauc an otijer tlnng laiD bp in tbeir ljart,t^an tbat Subicb tbep btter Soitb tbeir tung. Cbat tbis fapb fcjo?D fljoulD be DcriueD of[Gna- iam]it batb no reafon : neptber pertepnet!) it to tbe matter tbat tbeir bifceitminede fboulD be compares t o clulD^cns plap* 31 confeffein dccdc irjai febofoeuer aregts um to craftine0 are f t oiners alfo: tut to Subatpurpofeferuetl; fo conftrcpncD ancj; poiition,fecing itis mamfeft tljat tbc feci ; fp?ing is popntcb out from febence al lp= rng f beccit p20ccbc^ 3lnb fo fairb(w>btcb is fullp fettleb bppon (©obs pjonufes) is f UtlfiUlp fctagcinftall crooaeo anD leatcD Dcuifes,feberinbnbclccf fejappetb bs as oft as fee peclb not ccw 1-onouv to <£fobs Dcfence.iFoj 2>auiD b^ l)is oron cpample teaebftb , tbat feee nccbe not fear e afei;it tbat our fimplicitie (ball mabe bs a p?ap to tbe bngoblp , fetyeras d5oo p?omifetb bsfaftp bnbcrbisbanD. Cbc cl)ilo?en of dEfoD alio bauc a fepfcDome of tbeir ownc, boiscbc'.t lucb a feifebome as D tffcr ctb far from t!)c feplincfle of tbc flcUi.iFo? bp tbe gicpDing j goucrnment of tbc bolp gboft, tbep beware of fecret trapns bcfo?e IjanD, in fucb uiife,as notUiitbCtanbtng trjcp gins not tljemfciues b jibl: to bfe anp craftines. 5 I haue hated the rable of the vngracious,and with the wicked will I not fitte. 6 I will wash my hands in clennefle , and compaiTe thine Altar about 6 Lord. N.j. 7 That! Iohn Caluins Commentaric, 7 That I may make men hcere the voyce of prayle , 6c shew forth all thy wonderousworkes. 5 [3B ij.iue batel>.] 1^ : r«:petc£^ agent t^at pjotcftation of btsmamelpboio fo;ebe ab Ijazrctlj tlje bngoolp. Jriift !je ocnpeo that beljaoamfeloSjipizntbttjemianDnoiorje bttlaretbmo;e opcnlp, t'jatlje efcbtweo tljjircompan? euenfoiti) alotbfomncsof tlj:m:fo; fo is taijlieo in ttjs too;o[batc] Cf c«> it is in aecoe tljat tlja bagaolp arc euerpwbcre be'jatcD: but Suljat is be tljat fc>itbD;awe;b ljfm!elf from tljcm Icaftbe migljt foloa? tljeir manners:* DauiDputs tetli botlj , ao as frell tljat be Ijatco tbeir com?anpe,as alfo tljat be communicatco not to ;.tlj tijem in tljeir ootnges . xvberbp itappesretlj , Ijeefoas at Debate, notfo tnuc'tj toitlj tijetr perfon;s as i»itlj their topees . 3tlfo Ijc puttetb another point of ftap:oneffe:nimslv tljat b:fo ajunneotlje bngoDlp, as notwitljfianomglje fo;foofcsr not tlje congregatio of <2?od fo; tbe b atrcD rje bare too tbetn, noiSoitljozen? Ijtntfelf from tlje feloioQjip comaunoeo bp tlje law of (0oo. &9anp there be tljat oflFcno in tljis behalf,? tfjat not onlp Ipgbtlp^iubo S»ben tljep fee tbe caill mirigleo i»itb tlje gooo tbi«fetbcmfclucSfteinebSx>itbtljctrinfecs tion, tftbep b? anb bp b;aa> not tbcm= felnes afioefrom tljc.SBboie Hoc'ae. etbc IDona- tills in olD tpmc, anb befo;etbem alfo tbe £atfjaransanDtlje /ftouatians, tonop= f ome &>itbo;atoingcs . 3nd in our oapes tbe atnabaprtftes bppon liHep;pDe, Ijaue feparateotbcmfeliiesfrom the help con= gregations , bpcawfe tljcp fatoe tljem not fo cleans purgco from all SltljineiFe, as-it Sucre tobeioifhcD.3i!Sfo;tlje tDonatpftS tljcp bp ftanbtng Upon termesmaoc tbcm fclues a laugbmgftoac in a certein oifpu= fation. I'Cljer frasaopctljilo fo; p appca= fing of oifcozbes. sit tlje Sotuelj becing oe- fir co to fitte bourn fo: bono;s fafcc bp t'ae Glfljercf tb:conu3:ation Ijoufeitljep fatb tljep to oulo (lano ,bpcaufe it i»as not laio full" to fittsftnth tlje bngcuip. Coen %vl gultneanfwcrtng tbcm mcrelpfapo, anb ioljpinaocpounot conrctcnce to come in tento bs alfo :' fo; botlj arc Suzifcen togt= tijer. 3! ^»tll not go in bnto tbctoickeo, nepttjsr iuill 3! fittc SPitfj t!|e bncjcDlp, 2DauiD tberetQiC both iyrfclp temper bis own 5de , To aslje feparatetlj bimfelf from tbe bngooip.anb pit eeaf&tlj not to baunt tbe Ccmple , fo farre foojtlj as tlje com= tnaunoement of dpooano tlje o;bcr ap= pointcb bp tlje.3Lav» bo require . Ccrtcs bp bis terming of it [ tbe rabij of tljcbn; gobfp, ] a mm map gatber tljat tbe num= bjr of tijem teas not fmall. Cljerfoje it is to be belcucD , tljat as tljen tljep flco about as tbouglj tbep onelpljab crcclleb among tbe people of 4$ob,pea and ijab bin 3lo;os of tbe u . yit nin not tljis let 2>auio to come to t!je S>acrififes , acco;oing to tbe cuftome. Crulp Ijcebeis to b: taKcn,tbat tbe djurelj be not oecilea openlp S»itlj fucb ioicKcDncs : ano celje man p;iuailp ougbt to cnbeuer fo; bis oione part,tbat Ijitt fo;» bearing ano coefcerinj cbenfij not tlje ma= labies of bices. 26 ut if at anp timetbere reigns not this frrcigl) t losing to tbe mat= tjr : fucb co;ruption lettctlj not anp man feuerallp to contmeua in tlje cburcb after a gooip ano bolp maner.iBp tlje 5»ap Ijcere is too bee noteb i»ljat Ijilo 2>auio bacHe : nam:lp, tlj:par-taUinj o; comatumonof tbe Sacrifices. 9 [3^)ill5»aflj.] I^eerefntbccomott pfe of tlje facriSces be fcparaactb \)imk\'s fromtlje ioic&cb S»ljicb p;ofefTco tbe fame religion of atcr : tljeir groffe fupcrfti= c;on is ijeere repzoueo. Jo;iti»astljc mccningof ©oo, tljat men becingby tljat (Ezvcmonit of ieafijing put in mpnOc of tljeir bnclennciTc , Gjouio be p;ouohcoto repentaunce . &>o Ipttlc tljen OiB tljs out- vppon tne.xxu cuta\irfcefoaG)tng pjofit of it fclfeilfeat" it ftcpt tbe IjipocrircB fm tber of from ap piocbtncj \?nto i0aD2D* 3inb tberfojc cue $D;opbct bp ptotcfhng tljat \y.s feafbtng fbalbc in t urcneile: piouctb rtjat tbtp by tbetr 1»afbtug5gatbcrmp;eftmcbe $ 61= tbvnc0«5Fo? tinSro;o rNiciuoun]fignifis etb tbe clennr ffe of anp thing, 5 bp a i$e tapbo; ts put oner onto innoceticie. 3>nD fo,ice fee tbe tains labo; fofycrc&ritb tbe btpocrttrs fcctptbf mf«luc0, lausbeD to fhc;nc fobcn purcncft 10 taken afcjape fro ttjctr feaffcmgo. Ii5uta0fo;b0,boto btgbe foc'uer tbe tngcolp perfee bp tn tb« cljuKb, ano tjcw? prcat tbicngs of tbetr0 io cucr pcftcr ibc Cbur cbc0-* let bsafter tbe eicattipic of JDauiD To folcwc tbe out- i»arOp;cfttrtcnofcurfaitb,a0tbatfc!ce p;ctenD not faJflp tbe outtt>arccc:rcmos rites in (Icttsc cf tbe true gcDltncffe , and aifo fo as Sue map be pure ano deer from al fpot of iDiCBctmc0.3ino btcaufe tt &as not lawful toz t!;e pcop!^ 10 tcucb ibc 3>l f anIDautb bfcD tlje foo?D of[compafTuig tt about. 7. [€ bat 3! rcap msec men bear] 115 p tbcfe toojDcs be fbctof tb3 tbat bee refers rctb tb* fact tfic£0 too tbetr larcfutl bfe $ cnb, from fcljub tbebtpecritcs arc farre fctbc.;f c; tl.sep itttle fenitec anb as uttle &tV, fo? fobat purpofc € CF2D o;Dcpncb tbecjtercifcsof relate: ttcatite tt;cp tt;tt.i> 11. Halme. os it fufftrteiif toTth^ilcTbcirfflueo intob 4foD0p2sfcncc Syttb tbetr pampco; \jv- fojt of ctllimalaticn.Dauib tbcrfo;e mill ctngtoobifrcractbc fptttti!s!i,u;o:n)ip= pirig from tl)e gamfew e at:b tc;gto fooi= fbtpptr>g:fa?tb y becommctb into tbe Kz< pie too let out tbe pjapf: cl £>oD0 name. SUnD tberc is tbe figure gmicccocbeitt big woibs. btcaufe tljcre to bat one tptce of&ojfbtppingtoucbcb.jfoi tntljc fccip ficcs , ti>tre fea0commaunGCD not ontlp gtutng of tbanhCjbut alfo minbfulncs of repentance anb fcutb. i]^ 0 1 xv it t fi ar tt tn g fe?afmucbe ae-tlje laff e cnte (o;at tcaftc it)tfc tbe ctjecf refpectj) of tbem ts,to com menb 0oes goobnes bppon tbe hnotoe= IcDgcofbtsbincfittstitwasnotagC'r.ft reason fo; tbe reft to be c6p;cbenbeb fcn= Drrtl;iiipatr.^oaifotntbcfj>fal.5o.i4. Cbe enlp facrtficc of p?atfc is fit agetrft ail outwarfte ccrcmontCB, as tljcugi; tlje Sobole fumme of goDipneo eorfificb tber tn.^lfotntbeg£>fal.it6*i2f icbatrccom ptrtcc fbal J, make to tbe 3Lo?o fojali bi0 gift©:* 3 iitl re ceiue tbe cup of faJnation J cat bpon tbe name of tbe irOjo.i^atcbc tttco tbe tntcntelDauiD map tbe better falaje d5oD& power,? e?to!ibi0bcnefit*0 tbe mo?e glcjtouflp , be bfub tbe tcrmeB of[ir ot'D?ou0 fc5OjtufJfl0tt be QioulD fap, tttoasnot after anptdmono? ejotnarte tt'.ancr,tbat (25cd l;ac p;eferuct> ijutu O Lord I haue loued the habitation of thine houfe,anc{ the place wlier- in thy gloriedwelieth. Gather not mvfoule with the vngodly, nor my life withithemenof blud. For in their hands is malicioumes,and their right hand is ful of bribes. But I wil walk in my found nes : redeeme me and be merciful vnto me. [£>fLc^D "% baueloueo.] 2l3prt)t0 tbtsp;ofircng5tra?etbalongiuganDios umg tn tbetr barte.^cco tbcn,cbt0 p;o= tcftatton Cbf tcetb tbat altljougbc SDauto fwcllto ottjer tnfattb:pittea0 bcafraj D,- leall tbcttranntcall btotencecf btsenc= mtc5 mtgbt cepftuc bint of tlicfc o?tma= rp tnftrttctton0,U)t;tcl)e (008 b^c BCltttti reo to bis C&nw&e* fo; mafmttcb aobee Ciw bimfcitt to baue nee D of tbe common fcifctphneano oiDcr tbecftoooeearKeJl: ip in contention fo; tbe boiotng cf tbe pof fcfTton of tijc '€ e»>ple.U"bci ebp 5rcega= t"ner,boi» UwD tt>c lotbfonints of ttjofe tet §fr+iU ?rbitb» 10. 11. terfebeconfirmftbtbatbccoinmctb^ct ;ntco the Cempk fo2 a fafbtcn fabe, but fcntb an tarnjfi Beuotton* $ 0; altbougb DngcDip folb Do oftentimes baunt tbe l;o lpaffembbf B:pit Co tbcp-*b?rbp fccl> but iutb.;ng boles to fcapc tbe figbt ot<2?oi3. ^igut tbe gofcip 5 pure banco folU baunt not t\)i Cburcbe fo;\>apnc oucntatron fafec.but btcaufe tbcp ere bert fc;t!jrtgbt to fctfe @ct, tbtp fettltnclp cnO ocfircuf ip appip to tbetr oirnc bfe tbe fnrrberan; cc0iobicbC(2coDoffreibtb£tntl;crc : cnD I &>!}* cb bcfpife the ererctfes of gobipneffe as fttperfluoas, wbtcbc not cuen IDauiD coiilo b? without, t ccftffe the cafe ftoDe otberwife in tbofe fcaies when the Jlawc as pit U^e a ^c'jolcmaftcr rules the olDe people QsniCblp in copartfon of fcs./£ot= wptbftanDpng, onrt cacc anb tbe place wbcrin bts giojp Dweiletb: Sue fenoroe bow rife facbe maneroffpeea cbes arc too bee met Soitballin tbe fcrtps ture,to Sottncfre d&obspiefeneemot tbat <&on cptber bwclleo tn a tent,o: tbat bee wouib bane tbc mtnbes of bis feruantes faftneo bponthe eartblp fignes : butbps caufe it was necbefull, tbat tbe faptbfull Qjoulo bee put tn wtinbe of <£>oes pzefent opcratto, left tbepimgbt think tbefctues to feeHe btm tn baine, liae as it bathe bin fapb alreabp tn another place* i^ewbecit to tbe intent tbat 45ods glo? ic map Dwel among bs:itbebonctb that tbeliuelp 31* mage tbcroffbmefojtbmbtswojDanD facraments.Whcruponttfolowetb,tbat wbatfoeucr places areaccounteb teples in tbc #opertc,are ratber the filtbp b?o= tbeiboufesofJ3>atbatu 9. [<0atbernot.] asfterbebatbauou=: cbcb bts owne tnnocencp : hec returnetb to p?apmg, ano cailctb bpon <£>od fo? bee tence*Cruc!pattbcfirftbmrbettmtf*bt leeme a fonoe pjtaper , to Dears <0ob tbat be iooulb not w?ap tbe rtgbtuous m De= flructton with tbe bngeDIpjl5ut©nD of bts fatberlp louing Binoencs pcrmtttctb fuel; large DemaunDs to bis feruants3 to tbe Intent .tbc? map in pjnping cozrecte their owne grecfs.f oj JDautD m concept urns tbts recuuft,Dio fet jds ittft iubge lonn Laluins Commentanc, ment beroje wo cpt0, tbat nee tmgbt ria btmfelf of earefulneffe ano feare:bpcaufc ^5oD tninbctb nothing leffe than to min= gle the gooa ano tbe reprobate togitber without Difference, tfoi w'^eras tt;e l^e b?eio wcojd [Afapb] ftgntactl) fometime to gather bp,anb lometime to oeflrop:tn this place 31 intcrpjetcit [to gathering to an beapc] as is wont to come to paffc in a confufeo aanghtcr.S>ucb an obiectt on was that of 3lb2abasns d5ene,i 8*254 farre from thee bee It, that tbou fboulDft ttea tbc rtghtoons wttb the bngoDlp , $ tbat tbc rtgbtuQus t the bngooip momb be all in one cace.fcct bs Bncwe tbe,that tbefe manner of pipings aretnopteo bp tbc bolp <©bott3to tbc intent the fattbfull might certetnlp affurt; thcmfelues , tbat €>oo Ceaennobj atfo) Otteth In inqutfittj on bpon euerp mans cacc , to gme r jght= ful tuogement at the lafh 31n tbe fecuno e member in ftcao of wicseD men,bee puts tcth bloubp men,to atnpltfie that whiche be b&D fapo. $ oi although mam> wtcfeeD men burft not fo;th bnto manaaugter at the ftrttcbaftc : pit notwttbaancing m pjoceffcof time thepbarocn themfdues bnto cruclncs. I^epthcr wtiltbe 5Dttteii fuffer tbem in rea,bntti; he hauc tbiowe tbcm heaolong into blouop facts* 10. [iFojtn their banoso [simma in §e b?cwisp?opcrlp tbetnwarD wthncffef beutcc:but beere it ts not amtffe put o-ier to the banbs,btcaufc 2>amo purpofeb to «P?cffe,thatthcbngo0l?offeho«»cbec fpca&etb,DtD not onelp um in Deceit fe- crctip Suttb tbcmfelucs : but alfo ftontelp ptacttjc with their banocs , whatfoeuer maltcetbcpcecepucDtn their barts.3lnD foberas he faptb , their [right bancs are tui of bribes] a man map gather beerbp, bow thep arc not the common foit of me that bee noteh , but the noble men tbetns fclucsj bnt9 whom this Kinoe of cojrups ting agreeth^o? although the rafBalls bace fojte of menne map bee hireb fo^ res warbe tpitweebnowe that bribes arc wont to be offreb to 31 ubges ano greate men.wbtcb ha«e authoittte in their bao: ewe two we alfo that at that time wojft menbearc all the fwape : anb therefore it was no marucl though ©autD complain that right ano JUto wasfet to fale.*ino Soec are abmontfbcb bp tbtS Taping, that it vppon the.xxvii.P/alme. it (0 not pofftble but tbcp mart neeos fell tfyemftlues to intquitie, tobicb dcHgbtm rciDcUDs, 3D tiD fureip it 10 not fo? nougbt tbat d£>oo auoucbub tbat gifts dJino tije e j: C0 of the totfe, a;U> pcruert tlje l>acte of tbcrtgbtuou0, ir« [But33&il5Dam*]3!ntl)f0rcpca ttt ion 10 too bee noted tbe ctrcumftaunce tobtcb bootb tbe better fef fo;tb JDautoa rigbtuouftu0, that 10 to tott ^bpcaufe as mong fo manp teptation0 be f>UD on bi0 toap fteOfaftlp*€?c faro manp become fo* D;r.ipncl)c bp gifccs.itbe 00 at tln0 bap, ao manp a0 fit at tbe ft ern ,bcap bp great abundance of rtcbt0 toitljin tbe compaffe of afmall time5bmfd fumptuou0 boafe0i ana cncvoclje lanb0 far anb totbe« jftotoe uubat bee coulo bp no enttcementes bee s9 bent too foloroe tbclr ftepDC0 : bee gaue 9 trpallof rareanb pjmcelp bertot.'Cber fo?e bee iuftlp auoucbetb btmfdf not too baue bin lea awap from bp0 accuftomeo foanbnefre,altl)o»gb tbe toojloe account ted tbcm ncuer fo bappp, toberbp it map appeer tbat be trotted mo?e to <&oHb p;o utdence.tban to eui! p?acti5C0. Cb* caufe tobp be r equtretb too bee dchuered*,i0 fo? tbat be bemg opp?efleb toitb tezortg© anb Diuer0 toapes temptco,did nottoubftan bmg bang onelp bppon dEfob , boptng fo? beltucranceat bt0 banb.&berebp toe ga= tber alfo, tbat be toa0 conftrepneo tottb barb dtftreffe at tbat ttme.£$o?couer be D?atx»etb ttjia deltuerance fro out of gobs grace , a0 oute of tbe proper toetfp? ing tberof, $ toe baue feene tbe caufe altcabp abbeb to bt0 effect btertofo?e. zi. My foote hath ftoode in vprightneflerin the congregations wil I bliiTe thee 6 Lord.. Cbf0 bcrfe map bee expounded ttoeo foapc0+ fo; feme tbinb tbat tn tbcfe too? fcf jb , IDauto auoucbetb the bpzigbtnefle tobicb bee bao bird among men* 2i3ut ^ tbinfe ratber tbat be fettetb foonb 4£»od0 grace, and tbcrwitbailpiompfctb tbanb- falncffc. 23pa fi^ctaprjo? tbcrcfo?ebee fapetb, tbat bee to a© p?cferued tn faferte* $nd fa?afmucrje ae tjee Hncto it toas the onip band of €>od tbat ftaped bfm bp bp on bt0 feete : tbercfo?ebc add?eu"ctb b«m felfeto p?atfc anb tbankfgtutng«3ino bee faptb,not onlp tbat be toil bee minbfut of tbe beneftte p?iuatelp : but alfo tbat tl;e open au"cmbhc0 ffjalbeetottneffeooftt, bpcaufett mafcetb toel fo? erample, tbat euerp man fboaioe ejetuil openlp £ grace of (Bon tobtcb be batb fat bp experience* The contents of the xxvii.Pfalme. In this 7>fdlme Daniel repeat etb tbe prayers and meditations "wherewith bee bad cxercijed bimfelfin bis great dangers. For tbe tbanl{spiuin^ ■which be in termedlctb, sheweth tbat tbe Vfalmc was fet topjtber after Datadhadbin de liuered.^lnd it may be that -he rchercethtoo°iibcr at once the prayers whiche* be bad conceyucd in bis minde atfondry times. For it is to befcen beer, with bow inuincible fioutneffc of minde tbe holy man was endued, to oner come tbe mofleforc ajjaults of bis enemies withalL .Alfo becrcin sbinetb bis wonderful eodUuefje , tbat bee neytber defred tohuc for any other intent than too feme COD : nor could bee bowed from that pur pofe by any difcjuictnejfc or care of m indc. The xx'yii.Pfalme. A Pfalme of Dauids. The Lorde is my lighte and my welfare . whome shall I feare ? The Lord' is the (trcngth of my life, of whom shall I be afrayd? • N.iij. 2. When i Q ■ John Caluins Com men tar ie VVhcn the wycked men when mine oppreffors and my foes come vpon me to eate vp my fieshe, they (tumbled and fcl. If camps (lode in battaile ray ageinfr. mee,my hart shall not be afrayed, If warrc be rayfed ageinfl: mee,heerin will I tiud: I yj ij? jcginnmg wap t c« ta&*n m fuc!>c l&§> imfcao if iDautt) baaing aire asp felt (©080 mercie fboulD btttr a rreo?rjc of l)istbanHfaInc0, but 31 ircluu rafter to tbc other mcningmamclp that £>aulD fti«gl)wnftlf to baue too encounter fojitb mod greuous teptationS;, fo;ttfictl)bJm fclf before banD,ano gatberctb matter to truft fcntc :!tB£ as it mud necbes be that the fainctes mutt Settle earncftlp fontb the mfriues to Djtiue afrap o^ to fubDuc $ Doublings Suberuto tbc flelb is to tnucb fojwarbe , fo a0 tbcp map cbcerfullp anO fettboutencombjtance mafcebaftebntoo p;aping<3DamD tberfojte beetngrofTcD 2> Diuers fto;me0:ai length recoaeretb bim feif,am>ageiart tbc cares fo>berem be Dao- Aq tcD,'dttrctb tbisbictojioas potct[tbat Sober as fl?obs merctc f fauour arc,tber is nothing too be feared] Ceo this pur= pofe atfo tenbetb tbc beaptng up of ioojs ots.tobereinbcctfrmetb <©ob notonelp bis ltgbt,but alfo bis Welfare 9 tbc rocs oj ftrengrb of bts ipfc ♦ :*? 0; bis mccning io&By too fctte as tt S»cr c tbis tbjecfo Idc fljeelD ageinft the fun&jp terrojs,as fufti cicnt to frarft the . apno it is Unoiven fed inougb.tbat PnDcr tbc name of light , is betokened p U fant neiTe anD tbc ful per fee tion of abliffcD Sifc.f oj erpofitlo fake be aoQctl), y c? cd is tbe &>etfare f ftrengtb of bis Ufemamclp bicaufebee is mfafciie tbjtougb obs beipanb is pjtefcruco fro tbe bar&neflc of D*atb*&ureip i»cc (bait finoe that all oar f cares rtfebeerupon fo; that tot fet to mucb fto>c bp our life, anD a chnc wlebge not 45ob to be ttje fceper of tb t fa ne . oU£oefcnce, mafmucb as be pauntetb bimfelf bnfear tulip agcinft all enemies $ fuel; as fo>o ?& bim barme.SP ub furelp toe ycelD not <5od bts ful Due honour , but if &e banc facbe truft tnbisb'lp,t!jatft>ce Dare boafr of affoteofafetie,iDaniD tber fo?c as it fcjcr topping in a pair of ("Holes, i»batfoeuet power f 0 m tbc feojID ana m bcl:countctb it cuerp "oibu Itgbtcr than a fetber,irbicb <©od alone outwepcttj *bcrp far.Cb?n let \>s learne to eftecmc crfo?e treble, btcaufc tbcp cannot leane b:ito bim \\>\)5 tbcp oft ttmes bclccue to be fo^e oifpleas fco isttb tbem,o* at Irad ioife to b: rema ucD far of from t he, IB ur fnrjc €»ods pro mifes ftanb bcfo;c our ere J, anb c&r PS btsfauour:our Dnbdeef oootlj bim crueli So?ong , tf i»cc bare not 5si?b bnabattjcb minoc fet bim agcin&e all oure enemies* Cbcr fojc feing tbat d5ob alluretb PS get lp bnto bim, jf atTuretb 'oa tbat be fell be tl>e mamtepner of onr iretfareufTone as foe fljail baue emb;acco t)is piomifcs (bt caufe vdc beleeuc bim too be foorbfaft) it frhoomtbtostbcrewuballtooe^altebis mtgt)ttttes aloft, tbat it map rauiftjc our baits too feonber at tbe fame, if 01 foee tttuft marine feel tbts companfon, [iabat are all creatures bnto <@ob^] ^o;couer it bebouetb bs to ejetenoe tbts confidence pit further tfo astt map cat); all mtfgts Kings 0 ute of cur hartes : accojoing as pauie intnattng of eternall faiuation? crpetb out freelp [3 f d£Job be on our fibe fobocanbeagcimtbs ?' lSom+8.ji*] j. [Wbentbei»iCBeo.]€bercisnorea fon toty tbis fentencc fboulb be tranfla= teo in the iPuture ttnce,as fome Jnters rp?cttrstraiifla'teit. l^owbcit3 although &>c ktpe Hit tbc pjcter tencx as tbe |d;o pbet batb frjiittcn it, pit map the fence of tt bee Double : that is to fape3 epeher that JDauiD blajctrj objooe tbc btcto^p iotjicrj vppon the.xxvii.Pfalme, 100 be bad gotten bp tbc beneate of <25od : oj clfe ii>at be matietb report in wbat wife be battened burxfclf to bopc well, cuen tn tbc bcrp temptation : namc'.p, bp confiDering of d5oOfi former bencfirco ii>u!> bunfclfe : wbicl) later erpofition li&etb mc tbebctter botb' Cbc effect commctbtootlnocnD, tbattbere 10 no caufe wtjy Dauto fboulD bcrcafter boubt of <£eD0 bclpe,wl)icb bee bao felt bp experience bcrrtcfoje , bpcaufe nothing 10 mo?e auapiable to tbe confirm mation of faptb.tban tbc calling to mpnb of tbofe wbtcb <2>ob batb fbew= cd an cmDentpjoofc, afct>cllofiu0fduour as of bio footbfaftncfTi anb rnigbt, Cljcr- foje 3D Knit tt)is ucrfe anb tbe nejet foloic= mgtogirbcr. ;fc;tntb!0 former ZDautD bctl;inHetb b tmfclf or tbe btcroj-cs ioI>icl^ bcc;bab obtcpneo bptbefauourof <©od. 2fnbtl)crupponbeeconclubctb,rl;at&itb boto manp befks focttcr bee bee befecgeb, anb wbatfocuer \)iB enempea p^actpsea* Bcpnftetjiimpit w?U bte ftanoe wptbout fcare. [Camb] ugnyfictbtooappiocbesbut bcereit 10 referred to f bzeacb tbat 5Da= utb0 enempc0 mabc wben tbep aflaultco bim.u»bcr a0 otbera trafiate it to fctgbt, it 10 but colo . Snb be caller!) tbc wicftcb 0? frowaro , to tbe intent to witneffc b«0 otoneinnocennc. at no in reporting tbat tbcp picafeo bppou btm to Deuoure i)i0 fieib : bee cr p;c (Tctlj an outragieutf crucU tic of tl;eir0. 3 [Jfcampe0 flot»c in bsttelrap ageinfl: mce.J 350 3! bauc fapb, be inferrctb bpon Iji0 oianc etpericncc,tbat wbat focurr ao= uarutie bc'tpae b»m,pit inuft !;e bopc well f not Dout of <5oD0 poser notb tbjougb Ipfcencbp cjcpcrience . fcerjabauoucbcb aoumcbintbefirft t?erfe:butnow tjppcm furtbzr pjoof ijc repctetb it agcin. 3HnDer tbc name of r canip0, $ armpco o? tjeft 0,] tbe P?opbetconipiebenDctb wbatfo^ucr i0b?caofuiiin tbc wojlo , 30 if be ftoulo fap t ^itbong!) all tbe men in tbe woilfi fboulDconfppzcbisoe&ruetion , bewclb fmailp wep tljcir power, bpcaufc tbe pew er of biclj bee knew to bee on Y,in fiDe,)wa0farreabouetbeir0. a^ojeouer in auouclnng tbat be wtlbe out of fear e of tbem : Ijcc botb not quite erempt bimfclfe from fearc(foj tbat bab bin a blocfctfbne0 ratbcrtbanamanlpnca : )butbee fcttctb tbe fbcclo of fait!) before btm, irtt bis bart fbouib faint at t!)etcrro?0 tbat encounte- red lum. gtomebjaw tbe wo;,d [beretn] to tljc berfc folowing, tljat be fbouib truit to bwei in tbeboufe of <£oD.23ut ttrarijer bepenbetl) of tljcboctrpnc tbat Soentbes fo?c. foj, tben botb faitti biing foojtb W frute in bew feafon , fo!;cn we ftano fiout anb bnfearfui! in t(;c tstobco of baungcr0. JDauibtbcrcfoiemcenctb, tbat bJ0 faptb fbalbc inuinable fo^cn it cemmctb to tbe pufb of tbe vibe , bpcaufe it leaned) to tbe Defence of (5 od. One thing nauc I defircd of the Lord, and the fame will I (till few for, that I may dwell in the houfe of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to bechold the beawty of the Lord, and to vifit his Temple. For hee shall hyde me in his tent in the day of trubble, hee shall hyde me m the fecret place of his hale : hee shall fet me aloft vpon a rock. And now shall hee lift vp mine head aboue mine enemies that befeege me:and I will offer Sacnfifcs of ioy in his Tent, 1 wil ling and praife the Lord. 4 [iDnctlungbauc^Uefircb.] gome tuaUc bcercof a pjopbfic concerning tbe perpctuallftate of tbefeingoome, fobcrin confift eo not ondp tbe pnuate toelfarc of IDautb alone , but alfo tbe Welfare of tbe Sabote people: ao if be fljoulbfap, befea0 fo feel contcntcb wttlt fc fingttler a recojb of bcra0 be wa0 a banifbeo man from bi0 cuntrcp, bifpeilcbofl;i0tDtfe,bcrcftofbi0htr.froijjJ anD Snallp btfpoffcffcD of aU)t0 goeb0:pit t»r.0 be not oifqutclcb fo mucb fo? p want cfaltbctotoingo.apl-cwaogrcucbf toy, incnteb at tbe !;arc il;at be waa an outlaw 15. Wil. from lohn Calutns Comraentarie rromtbe Svsnctuarp of antc& ttiefcfeof goDS ceremonies. Crjerfoie in f S»ozD[one,] tb?r ipctl? !>ts a eouert mat cl)ing of contraries , inafmucl) as IDauto matting no tecKsningof all otber commo= Ditic0,fcjasbenti»boUpto ifb fe>as to Dwell in tbe temple of the ilozD>mifi: bec reaD all in one ftrcpn. iFo? tbere is no like IpboD tint tbere fboulo be fome oar fee re- queft bete&eneD iobicb tjcfuppjeffetr^fitr) beKrpetboutopenlpimtb fo>bat care bee teas most mppeD.Utgctn lie aDiopnetb fteD faftnes of purpefe,tl)at be i»tl not ceafe to rcpete tbcts papers . iFoj foe fee manp tbatgtiiet'tje onfet ferittj great courage, votyofo earneft beat bp pioccffe of time not onelp cooler}) but alio quencbetb Cbere- fo?c bp affirming in tbjs fori il) ttjatlje frill perfcuer all bis life long, be puttetb aDif e rence between bimfeif ano tbcbppocrites. .Beuertbcleffe it is to be fcene , frbat rca= fun fttrrcD IDautD fo grcatlp. &urelp bee migbt bauc called toppon (Boq out of tbe tbe Cemple. yeafrhifberfoeuerbeljaD fleetco in bis b.inifbment,be carpeD S»itij btm tbe fingular promts of <©3D, fo as be nrc.eb not to baue paffeD for tbe ftgbt of tbe outtoarD builDing. ailfo be fcemetb to concerns fome groffe imagination concer; ntng c , but frtycb bab ben let foitb to ^oifes m t!p figure,as it is to^itteu C ;co. t f.+o.iloke tbou make all tbings accozDing to tbe pats terne tbat fr as fljeweD tbee mthemoun- tainc. Cberf ore inafmucl) as tbe fafbion of tbe Cemple fr as not Draroen bp tbe De= uicc of man.but fras an image of fpirttual tbmg0:tbe|2>?opl)ctDirecteDbisepesanD all b'-S fenfes to that enDe . &o mucb tbe more Detectable tl)?n tstbe maDnes of tl)e cbatfrrcft tl)is place to pictures auD ima- bleb Deferue fo lttle to bee nosntacD among ornamentes of c!.ranbcs,tijiat tbep arc rather Dung ano Dart frbicb Defpietrj all tbe purencs of bolp tbings. /ftow it is to be fcene frbifbertbe faitbfutl oug'jtto be DtfpofeD in Itfcearifc tenDcr Cbiift- %\- tbougb 31 confeffe fre Differ farrc from tbe fatbers : r>tt not\»ttbftanDing fo far re fo^tbasd^oDboloetr) bis feruants ynDcr fome outmarD o?Der,anD bjtngetl) tljcm to bimbpcartblp inftruciions ; Cburcbcs baue tbeir beawtp ftill,tDbicb ougbt wft- ip to Djaro tbe affections anD DeCircs of trje fattljfull vmto it. iFo? t'.jc ieootD, tbe ^)a= craments,tbe Comon pjapers,anD otber belpes of tbe fame fo;te, cannot be caftc afiae^itljouttDtcfecD contempt of d5oD, fe>bo p?efeuterb bimfelf bnto os iljere , ajs it fe? ere in a glaffe o; an image* 5 r^fojbcefljallbpbemee.] ^eereljcc ioarrantetb ijimfeifc tbat bis p?aping fljal not bee in toapne . -foj, altbougb fop a iobilebe 4c»ant tbe \3ifible ^anctuarie: pitbeeDoubretbnot but tbat wtyttocuev r;cis, bee ft) ill bee fbeelocD bptbcbanD of <5oo. HlnDbeeaUuDeti)to tbe Eemple, i»r)icc &as totl/efaitbfulla toarrantije of d5oDs p?efence:as if he fbouiD fcp,tbat in making tbe requeffc io rjiclj be fpakc of, be bao not loft bis labour, bpcaufe fobo- focuer (ball fccfeevBoDtruipanD i»ttb a purebart, fballlpcfafe onDcrtlje binges ofbisDcfencc. ^ofbcvoetbbctbattbe fi= gurc of tbe Cemple ioas not bapne , bp= caufe <15od DiD tbcre after afojte fp^-DDs out bis fringes , to gatber togptber tl)e faptbfull DnDcr bis protection . wbcre= UpponbceconcluDctb tbat fojafmucli as bee frifbetb nothing mojebartelp tban to fb^ot»D bimrjnDertbeisi»inges:<15oDS protection fbalbe a reaDp S>anctuarpfo^ !)tm in tbe time of aDucrfttte , in mancr of a foitreffe enable to bee fronnc . #01 in olD tpmctotecrs fcjcreiocmto bec bupl= DcD fo; ftrengtbes fake toppon Irpgb pla= ces. iBoto al tbougb bee bee attbis tpme befetteen all fpbes i&ttb enemies : pit bee boaftetb tbat bee Cball get tbe tpper banDe. 3 1 is an 02D marie manner of fpeecl) in tbe Scriptures , to fap tbat fucb as are oppjcffeD Soptl) fozroio , gocroos fecD anDfoitb tbeir beabs banging Down: anD vpponthe . xxvii . Pfalmc. 101 jmo contrarpwpfe tbat men lift top t\):yt beaD0,tol}en mivtl) is reftozeb tbem.g>o m tljs idfalme.r .+.5Dauio fapD, tbou 3Lo?DC lifted bp mp IjeaD . 2i3ut bpcaufe in tbt0 place,bcfeeging i0 fct on tbc otljerfpDz: bee mentte cepjeffe , tbat in tbat rccciuing of bimintoo goos protection,!^ fljoulD befet aloft , ft a0 bee mygbt ivitijout fcare ocf= pofc ibebarts of Ijio cnc»npcs,feberwttl)5 all be mpgijt clfe bauc but ftnfeen tb?ougU. aino in tbat be being brottgbt too fucb oi= frrctTe , as tbreatneo pjefent bcatbe , b?b truft too beecomc conquerounlje bttcretb 6 [3lno 3 ft)»H of cr nicrifpfes, T25p bcbvsbtinga bofoj of tbanbfgiying after tbat be fbaibccoeUuereo out of Daunger : bee confirmeil) bimfelfe agetn m tl>e bops of Insbeliucrance . voc Know tbat bnber tbelafo,tl?cfaptbful bp a folcsnne cuilomc papcb tbcpx bowes, foben tbep bab recces uebanp notable benc&te at <0oos banoc, i^cere tbcrefqzc S»ben IDauio mbtsba- mQjmGntkjasfccpt from commingto tbc CcmpJc , bee boaftctb tbat bee (ball come ageinto bisaltarcto offer tbc facnfpfe of pzapfc bnto <& $> 2D . iftcuertbelcflfe be a notable trpall of b>0 fapti>. wbcrcbp See fcemctb couertip to fct tbe bolp reiopemg, be tangbt , not to meafurc d&oos beip bp ano tye fangs Ssbercwitb bee pzouuTet!) outwaro apparaunce, oz bp tbc outwaroe too peelb tbanfecs bnto or lb. b ope tip oelmcracc at bis tnatncible banb. Herken vnto my voyce O Lord how I krye,haue mercy vppon mec and aniwer Hide. My hart hath fayd vnto thee^Seekeye my face : O Lord I will feeke thy face. Hyde not thy face from mee,ca(t not off thy feruant in thy difplea- fure : thow haft bin my ilrength, forfake mee not, neyther giue mec ouer O God of my welfare. 7 [^erhen bnto mp bopee.] Ugein be rcturaetb to bi0 pzapers. 3nb bee repoz= tetb font!) frbat armour be ioas furniffljeb to frzca bimfclfe out of temptacions.lSp tbe froozo [fcrp,] be notetb bebementneffe (a« 31 baue fapD elfewbcrej too tbentcnt be map bote 45 £) £> tbc fonertooljclp bun. Co tbe fameenoe alfo reberfetb bee bi0 own miferie a little after : bpcaufe tbat tbe mo?etbcfaitl)fulareopp?effco,fo mud) tbe more botl) tbe berp necetUtte win 3000 fauour. 8 C^pr;artbatbfapb,] Cbecbaungc- ingot tbe perfone in tbe Derbc0 batl) cau= feo tbe jHntcrpretcr0 to erpouo tbt0 place Dpuerflp.li5uti»bofoeuer acietb 2Dauto0 mpnbc fomctobat trulp , Cballfcetbctc.rt floooe berp ft>ell . fo} inafmucb a© it bees ijommctb not b0 to rufb baftelp tonto goo , oneleiTe Ijs call bs-before : in tbe beginning 3Dauib beclarctb tbat bee betbougbt btm= felfeljou) gentlp ano courtcouflp <& £> 2> pzcuentetb bis feruants, in tbat be of l)is own accorb encouragctbtbem to fctUe bis face.3ifterwarb be auowcbetb btmfclfc too be of goob cbeere , and tbat bee iotll come Solntljerfoeucr anb tbe ^ropliet ♦ 3 fapb euen now it fcas irnpoffible tbat anp man (boula tpfebp bp faptb too fccM John Caluins Commentaric glojicboon cartb . Jjowbeit inafmucb as it is at 05 odd onclp pieafurc , \)0w anD in Srhatmancr hefcnlbefccne of bs, (wbicb thing l;cc Dooetb trc his SaoojD anD facra= mentcs) it bccboueth our epes to bs fade= ncD bppon tr>ts fpg'gt, lead it befall Pncoo bs as it batb Doone tmto the papifts, wbo ioitb tbep; erroneous fojgerics Doo wics feesip tranffojme <25 sD 2>, Sobplctbep fcpnc bppon !jim at tbepj o»nc lud,t»bat fi)apc0fo cuer tl;cp l;aue DcupfcD in tbep* owne b:apne. 9 [i^pDc not tbp face] ^t confined ctl) trimip in one mancr of fpeafeing , ab tbougb in Dpucrs fence . ;tfo?tbe face of (0ob is put beere fc<; the fenfiblc wooing of t)t0 grace anD though, it baD bin fapo, ILojd, maUc mec to fpnb in fcerp DecDc,tbat tb ou art neere bnto mc,anD let tne openlp bebolD tbp power in fauing mz. ;tfo;t fe>cc mud confiDcrthc allufionfrom tbefc)Oo;D of (0oD too the trpeb perccme^ ranee cf bis grace . fop to tbe intent <25od map djewbimfclfe pjefentin actual Dce&e (as tbep comonlp terms it) bee mud firft be fought fo? in bis SooojD . Cbat i&bicb f olowctij, [call not awap tbp fecuaunt in tbpne anger,] fome Ifrzbpcw interpreters ecpounD a little mojefo?c£&lp,tbus: fuller not tbp feruanttoo bee bujpeD in tbe cuill cares of tbis woojId, wbicb arc notbmg elfc but anger anD maDncffe. TIB ut J, glaD= ip take tbe i»oo£D [Nata] foz to [fbun] op to [remoue,] ithcas manp others; traflate it alfo . fop tbep? opinion carpet!) a niojc li&elphoD,fc>bicb lap, [j^akenot tbp fers uanttoDcclpne bnto anger.] fop it canot be but that when a man in fo^faUcn of goD euen to tbe bttertnoft, bee mud befttr him ma rage* call bimfdfe Downe beaDlong through tbe beate of Dtrpleafure . 30f anp man think that IDautD Doth note encoun- ter this temptacion : 3D S»iU not danDea^ gcinft b'-m .fop tljerc was gooo caufc tbat be fboulD bcafvapD of impaciencie, fo>btcb ineafeenctb bs $ tbjowetb vjs Do&ne from our ftanomg . /frcucrtbclcu"e,3! bolD frill tbe firft erpofition,U»bicb is eonfirmcD al- fo bp the two woozns f olowing, anD fo in the termc [anger] there fbalbce a couert confefucn of fmne. fop altbougb 3DauiD acfcnowlcDgc y goD mpgbt iufi-ip cad b>m Doccne:?ttbcDefp;etbtoercbeicb!0it>?atb. ^Furthermore bp calling b*S former bcne= fits to 2> . ] ,5acb i?« 9 • iftols tbcrcfojc 3DauiD faptbc tbat f»itl) tbioferpctbc gatefeaoopcncD him tofce'AC d5 if) 3D: bpcaufe beb?ougl)t fDoxtbtlnspjomis, asii; toere toberefpc (53D0 faping . SnD furelp if t\)ia tana- bicne(& go not becfozc : noman fljail fing tbe fongof 31nuocationarpgbt . Cbere= foic as foone as i»ce bcere (j&iDXD freelp offering bimfclfe bnto \js : let bs toitb a rcDpbart anfa>er [3lmcn:] anD let &s co* fiber bis p?omifes feit'o our felucs , none otljeriopfe tban if SoccbaD familiar talke ftjitb bim.^nD fo f faptbful (bal not necbe too fecke cunoufe conucpanccs anD long fetcbes i»bcrcbp to iepnDe tbemfeliics in- teo iJ5&siauour : ftcing tbat tbis preface mabctb tbcm an eafp fc>ap : n-wnclp , rjoi» bmx>ojtI)p fo euer toe betobercccpueD of tbee dD Jlo?d, ^it tbp comaimocmet tobet bptbou ioillcft bs tocometenrootbce,gi= uetb bs courage pnougb . Cbe bopce of at ti)cy ftanb bppon tlji0 Doubt. ;JFez JDauib complaynetb not becre tljat f)e Soa0 Unnaturally betrayed by I)!0 father j mootijeK but by tins com= parifon !je amplifyct'i maze t'oc grace of rj? « gbeft begrce of loueamog men remaynetfj infarcts $ mootl}er0,anib place 45oo: namely, tljat Ik, 5»bo t0 tlje fountain of all goodneffc, far furmountetrj ail moztall men , wiio are of nature nigarbiy 9 ttrciglitlaced. lit is an bnperfectmaner of fpcafeirg, ltfce te t!jt0 ofcraya0.6].i6.31bzababatbnotHnowe b0,ncytijer is Jfrael arqnaynteb wttbb0, yit arttljow our farber.fEbc effect cometh, to tiit0 purpofe, thataitbougl) cartljly pa^ rente0 bee fozewaro in helping tbeir'cljiU bzen,yea anb take bery earned care te cbe ritb tl)em>anb tying tl]era bp:yit notwitb ■- ftanbwg if all iouingfepnoneffe were quyte qucneljeb in tlje wo?id, <25e'o woolb fupply t!)e fiewty boib of fatber anb mootljer, to= warbes tbofe trjat bee bi0. ip^erbppon tt folowetl),tbattDeemtfcfteemego&0 grace, if our faytb fur mount not all tbefcnfe0 of our flcQ).fo}\t kill fall out tr>at the ozber of nature ftja;l a bunbzeb tpmc0 bee rcuer^ feb,ratbcr tlia <0od trail fay le l}is feruat0. ii. [(Ceacljemeetbyiuay.] i^anytbinH tljat 3Dauto bcerercqucftctb of bje pzomi= fetb not any totf Qjcb fuccefle , but too ttjc fimple anb to fuel; a0 yeelb4rjemfelue0 in* torji0tuicion. 12 [d5iueracnotbpto.fc.']'Cbc&)0?b Nepfeefh] (tljat i0to fay, [oftbeluftj oz [of tLjeDefyje]) tmpojte^ a0 mucb a0 if bee l;ab fayb, leaue mee not bp to ttjc plcafuro 0} luft of myne enemy e0: anb fo rje giuctlj b0 to bnberftanb,tbat tliey gape greebely foz l)i* Deftruction.jFo; gob beliueretrj \)\b by tS»o S»ayc0:t^att0tooS»yt,eytber jonn ^aruins v^ommentane doronc &>itlj raapne fojce # mpgbt. irbcr'. foze, if tbe \mgodlp at anp tpmc net onlp rpfc top ageing b0 frutl) nianaccs « cruel! toiolcnce : but alfo Defame tos ia?it^ Iping, that tbep map fecme to baue good caufe to bee offended fcjitl) tos: let tos call to mpnd tbe example of 3D auto , ft>l)0 S»a0 affauls ted botb tbe fc>ape0. Tea ratber let b0 be= tbmH ourfeluc0, tjou? Cbjtft tbe S>onne of (& £) 5D fuffeted no lelfe imurie bp lp= tng tungea , tb,an bp fa>oozdc04 25 ut tl)i0 pzaper i»a0 DeliuercD bnto b0 , to tip intent tbat <^jD 3D fbould auoucbe our innocencic, anb fet tbe Qjcclo of l)t0 pzotcctton agcinli ilje ctuelncfic of our cncmpc0. OnlefTe I had belceuedtoo feethegoodnefTe of the Lord in the land of the liuing, Tarye thovv the Lordes leafiirejbee of good chcere,and he shall comfort thy hart, and tarye thovv the Lordes leyfure. in an other place. IDautd tbe beleeued that be fbould pit fttll cniop tbe goodneffe of 0D in tbi0S»ozld. 2Bnd bpcaufe tbat be- ing bereft of all tad of b*0 grace fo; a tpmc, be coulo fppc no fparH of ipgbt : tbcrfoze cuen eut of t!.)cDarfencfTcofDcatbJ)C pjas imfeb bimfelf tlje fpgbt of d5oD0 grace,and bptbb3 faptb fuflepneD b»0 Ipfe, altbeugb Ca0 to the tonoerftanding of tbe flefb,) it Ssas foziomc anb pad Ukclpl;od of rcco-- uerie. ji3 o tw itbftanoing ,it is to be noted, tbat 3Dauid rufbed not rafbip bepond tbat fobicb (Bob bat) pzomifed . jpo? altbougb godlpneffc baue pjomifos, not onlp of tr)e Ipfe to come, but alfo off ipfe pzefent : pit burfi not Dauis to baue bin fo bold,a0 to bp appeafmg tbe crucltic.of tbe bngoDlp, fo a0 tbcp become mceKc : oz elic , 0>;.}en be fuffcretl; tbem to bttrnc in outrage,) bp reftrepnmg tljetr bandes $ tljcir biolcuce, foatftbep couet anopzactpjetoodoe mifs cbf ef, ana cm not . if. cricaro be abactb, that i)C i0 affmlted a0 fortl b^> flaundct0 anb falfe accufation0,a0 bp open biolence. .jffoz be tcrmetb tbofc to [bj-mg fooz-tb bio fence,] £»bicb bias of noti)ing bUi fojee of annea and daughter. Sno fo S»ee fee, tbat tbe boip manS»a0 mifcrablp oppzeffcd on all fpbc0. f oz !)t0 founDncffe,S»tncb *»ee Unowe to base bm fmgular, coulD not ess empt turn from benemeus (launders: and bcfpDC0 t!;at,onf otberfpde be S»a# bozne *3- 14, i}« [sDnleffe 3! bad beleeued.] 31 1 i0fuf= rlcientlp agr ceo toppon among tb^e 31 nter- p;e*er0, bow it is a fpeeebe tljat'ioantetb fomcrobat. 4Bcuertt;elcfTc fome fuppofe ^ tbe iooojb [ Loaic ] t0putin ioap of affir= mation, a0 if it Sucre a maner of fircaring, iiUc a0 it is a comon ojbinarie among tbe 1e)c[#C£c>c0, to clip oftbeir otbc0. ifojin tljc b?ofeen lapingtogitbcr of tbe teooj&c0, tbcp bnoetflanD tbe curfe oj punifl^ment of periurtc . ^otn?itbftanbing , tbe mo?e partarj ofaoiuerfe opinion, tbat JDauib fboulu fap, bow be S»a0 bilb bp onlp bp faptb, bpcaufe bebab clfe periled a tjun- bjcb tprae0. C bi0 tbcrfojc 10 ttje fence $ tbcp picke.out: 31 f 31 bad not leaned bpon . tbe pjomis of <©o'D,and tbercbppcrfuadcd mpfcif fojaccrteintie,tbat31 fbould bee pjefcrucd in faftpe, and bad flood ftcdpe in tbe fame faptb '- 31 bad binfo?doone,nep= tber appecred tbere anp remedpe. wbera0 fotnc refer tl)e iLand of tbe lming,to tUc!;e^ ritagc of beaucn t it is conftrcpned,and al= fo it Bifagrcctb Saitb tbe cuQome of f ftris pturc. f,o% ioben (S?ccina0 in bi0 fong CdEfap.3 8.1 i.)coplapnetb tbat bopei»a0 taHin from bwi offering <£od anp mo?c in tlje fana of tbe lining : doubtteffe be beto= acnctb tl)i0 p;tfcnt Ipfe. f 0^ bp f bp tbere foloa>etb,3i fib^l no moieloofec bpon man tesitb tbe inbabiter0 of tbe fojozid.lUnd icee (ball mccte 'mtfo, a like mancr of fpeabing fet tl)i0 fapjeface bppon tbe matter,ercept be bad bin Warranted bp fome fpeciall ans fwer from <0od: and certcinlp be leas pio; mifed a fucceffoz tbat fbould fit bppon his ti;;ouc fo; euer. 3 ufllp tberfoze did b,e bope? be fbould ncuerdpe, till tbi0 tbing feerc acc5plifbed.u>berfo?e lead anp man bp tontotrard couterfctting tbe cjcample of lnm,migbt ouerleape tl)e bounds of faptb: it is good to tonberfiand i»batbel;adpjo= pje to bimfelf, and feuerall from b0. 0oU fettbftanbing,in gcnerall it bebouetb t>0 all to bope.tbat altbougb €fod deliuer b0 not openlp, ne totter bi0 fauour to b0 m bifible mancr: fit be fcnlbee alwapes met cpfull to to0 eucn in tljt0 Ipfe, 15. [Carp vppon me.xxvij.Maime. 103 1 5 [Cat* tljc llojba lepfure.] 31 1 ma? bcboo'tCD febiiber IDauiD turns ^10 Mlii from Ijimfelf bnto otbers.anb bp bis own crample edjcjtt tbcm too manlpncfle- anb comtanctc of patience , like as in tljc enoe of tbe pfalme.} ».. 19. after be Ijatljfpoken of bimfeSfc fcuerallp bee mafcetb a paffage to all tljc gofclp . T&ut fojafmucb as bee fpeafcetb beerc in trje fmgular nombcr, anb abbeilj not anp marbe fobctebp a man map gafbertbatbc btreetetbl)iotalbebns too otljers : to mee it fcemctb a goob bfeec IpboD , ibat bec cmiebenctb bimfclfc too trufffulneffe , leaft bis bart fboulD at anp tpme fapnt . ;ffo? inafmucb as bse &>as p?iuie of bis owne fe>eafcnefle , anb Uneio tbat bis faufgarbfras lapbbp bnoerrtje cuftobie of faptbe : in bcrpegoob feafon ftrengtbenctb be bimfeifc agcinffc tbc tpme too come, flpojeoucrbp [tar ping encounters, f fittetb before b*s tyzz tbc croflc tbat be mult bearc . jroj tuc are tbenfapb to [tarp d5obs lepfurejfoljeu \z S»itbojawing Ijisgrace/uffsrctb bs to la* guim m mifcrics . JDauio tbereftn? being rib of onecncoutcr,frametbbim'relf tobn- Dcrtakc otbers a frefb . fi;i om fojtafmucb as notbing ts mo?e batb tban to pcclb goo fo mucb bonour as to bepeno bpon b»« uaucr: fb?infc not, but ra= tber SyaQe tbjougb fccitl) bnwccrpabls courage cf tnpnD. jBeucrtbtfcfle iocc map learucbccrcbp, tbat gobs cJ)tlt^en are not ftocot in xmlfuincffc,but in patience: todjets bp tbc? berafee tbeir forces qutctlp bntoo GB'ob : accojbrng as bopc anb Gilncffe fbalfee pour fircngtb . |£ow bpcanfc '£DautD &>as not of fufficu t ablcncflf to fo greafc attcmp:s:be purcba= cetb ijimfelf ftrcngtb, at gobsbanb bp pjai= er.Jif be babfapbno moze but [plap t!je man,] fye m?g?Jt fyatu fccmebtoallcDge| motions of bis owmefreefciiH. 2J5utinafL mucb as be ftrepgbtwarxs after abbctlj m Soap of correction, [tljat gob fenlberebp at banb to giue tym ftrengtb : J bee fbewetl) cuibentlp pnougb > t'^at i»ben the famcts ftrpuefioutlp,tbcp fcigbt bp another bos b^cB power . f oj 2Daui3 bootl) not fenbe out bis owncenbeuer intotbe fojcwarbe (as tbe papifts furmpfe,) anb af;erwarb call fejt gobs apbe in tbe reere £oarb.H5ut Xobenbe ijatb cjc'jojtcb bimfelf to bis own becutte, bpcaufc be acHncwlcbgctlj bimfelf befhtutebf flrengtb, Ijce fechctljrcmcbp of bis Default ,in tbc grace o?<2?oes fpirit. 3nb bpcauie t?e fcncfc? be muft feccpe ix>ar all bis lpfe long,? neio encounters feoolb rpfc op from tpme too tpmc,$ tbat f trub- bles of tlje faincts arc often p?olongcb foj a leg feafo: be reperetb agein ^ itbicb be bab fapb concerning £ tarping of gobs lepfure. The contentes of the . xxviij . Pfalme. vdfterthdt Dauidhxd bin deliuered out of exceding great daunrers by tbe help of tbe Lord:firft according to bis cuftome, be puttetb in yprytin^ tbe prayers -which he bad made in his diflreffe,and afterward bis own retoycino and prayfwg of God, to then tent be mygbt by bis example caufe otbers to doo tbc Uke.iAnd it is a likclyhod tbat be cntreatetb beere of S aides perfecntiens. Tbe . xxviii . Pfalme . A Pfalme of Dauids. Vnto the 6 Lord wil I kryc,6 my ftrength hold not thy peace at mee: if paraducnture thou anfwer mee not,then shall I be likened to them that go downe into the graue. Heerc the voyce of my prayers when I krye vnto thee, when I lift vp my handes to the Santtuarie of thy holynefle. ^ 1 [SHnto Jo hn Laluins Lommentane "colMpf,fatit bur nco'itf'great 0 c fironfiie^afl " Uofljzce&« neberbpri 'fbttOfte ^fo?.altl;ougl5 men uc cucrp&hew biuret? neD bp tlje figne of the thmg.ljt haibbm a fco & maw mifencjs:pit fcaree y buntyetb corao ccrcmonte in ail ages, to: men to m- tag oucrcomc tb DefpaircpclDctb bnto mt Direct their fenfc© to tije one feoD ftjurc S rerie©,bicaufe all of tbeaimeft areiilapapD is micztej tht grctcr part fritf ttaihS in tlicir cofctf cc©, * ncucr bane taftcD Ijoro thf0 ccrononic , boo rcamc aaap in thJSt auartablc goc*s grace ts,p tbcp might Sjanc ©am foigeric0;neucrtbelcae v ber" ItftuS aneyetoit. 'Jn calling goo bis Mr eg; b, be bp of f hano0,cu^erbipocrtucff fWcboa cenrmetb better not only £ be fra© fully - are aroap,) r© an appurtenance of qo&h. ? pfuabe? cf gcD© help fobefrluiet at hi© tre is pjaymg. y it Dotb not £>ai-iD fin hce r bart© cafe f m qutetne0:but alfo ? be foue £ be liftctb bp bio banb© to faeamtwarft - KtbJ fam fatib uil,cuen in bi© otter tcp* but to f fanctuarie: bcrelp that bctna fur ' ta«o0.3fter«jai-b in copartng Inmfelf to f tberco bp £ belp mtaht civ mbe* ptao ,be oeelarctli to boro grct ncceffittc be caliper eucn into bcauen . jtm L mas not ba© mppf b:bou,beit y he ment not onlp to fo groffe ,oz fo fupcrfttttouflp tpoc to t cut erpielfc y gretnc© of F banger ,but alfo pjo warb (anctuarp,but bee Unci) y pod Was tefteb tbcpttuai.p rebe be &>atelb futeoz, to be fougbtfptriiuaHp,* that men Do then bee gaiety vet jeere s tiier about hmt,but come bnto bim, foben leaning the Wto DcpcDrtb in fuch ivue bpen got alone,* l;e the? perce to f hcaueip aloip by faith -P01 caueth himfcif no ronataDer of bope cut of taafmnclj a© ti;e fanctuarie fea* ^ gaae cf ins gracf.Jro? ttts a! one a© if be i;aD faiD, hce© couenst: 'JDauiD bebilD y ojtfcntncs j; am nobobp tfthou Depart fro tncnf tbou off p?omtfeB grace in y fame,a© tt baobta on»p fuccour mc net, } am bnbone. ;ff c? it m a filaffe. JLifec a© now S faubful r 0 tfi fo et not pneugb ro? bim y is tntJerablp af3 ttt «;ep map affure tbefclue© f ?od is ncre flic percauc bi© orr r.c mifcne© : on* tt)e>ugbt to amc rpgbt at Cbfiff ,Srl,c 10 KQrbca!roconbcnmgbi0OttnSuant,« bis come Down to b0 claD in v bo nelp feecbe ftruRjngFbclp0cf y Sdo?16, ajuiDgatijcr offi£ib,totbc intent be n.ap carp b©bp to btmfeif bnto goD alone.lnS hie a© f fcrip f et t©bnDcnlaD then ^ a>ai.S turefaietbi SOD anfneretb f fattDfiiW itcfert none etberteife bpL f fancmar ? be fbeactb bp bis tertc, that bcrcgarDetb tba y bp tlje flap of goD© p^omi© he mtaht Jbeir requeg0:fo agetnft bis fcftbie 9 p?e= mout oucr y clemcti of fitwlSSrS SS f !>en a0 ^c »5ct}) coutenancc a© to f appomtmet of f lavo [Debit] toi tbc tboigb lie bcro not trjctr p?apcr© . mner roome off Cabernacle oil he cbafi- a figncof angwlb . aifo y bcatc.f eatneft. ^nD it itasforalleD of * anfoc7c?oi ola- n-s of piping 1© gatbereD bp tl;c rcrme© ciesfehtcJ? ^cs gaue fro thence toVitrS 3 Drav/e me not with the vngodly & with the workers of iniquitie which focake peace to their neibours,wheras ther is malice in their harts. 4 Reward them according to their doings, and according to the malici- oiifncfTc of their wicked deedes: according to the work of their hands gme thow vnto them, pay thou them their hyrc. 5 Bycaule they haue not an eye to the works of the Lord & to the doings or his handset him breake downcand not bwild them vp. & 3 [SD?aw vppon the.xxvij.Pfalme. 104 3. [iOzavremecnot.]Cbefnmmets,that <£jd fyoulDnotinanbnliliccaeeDeftrop y rpghtuaufe xDitl) tbei» xKeD imtbout DiSfc rcce. 3 no Doubt but £ tn pointing out bis enemies, be couerrtp auoucl)Cf.) bis ocoiic tnno:ec!c. 3ud pit be piapco not after this ntaner,as tl^oisg^ he thought £<03D usitb outanp cippccinakmg DiD bn33u:f£3!p on trageageiull: men: but rather be rcafoaet;} topo the nature of <©oD,phe ought to hope &>ell,b;?caufe it is bis pzopzetie to Difcerne the goDlp fro the repjobate, f to reno:r to e^tljcr of them bis ui(tret»arD.2!5p [tooo; fecrs of imquitte, ] be bnoerftanDetb men toboI!p giueto u>tc&eDneu"e.if 0; although thecbilDzi of <0oD Do now ano then flpDe, 0? flrap, w b? an? meancs offcnD :pit their faults Delight ttjem not.but rather £ feare of Sod pzouoUetb tbctn to amenDmcnt of Ipfc. 3lfterujarD be Defpnctlj f amplifpetb their maliciourneB,f tbeptraprerouflpco; palTe goob mfbnDcr pjetfee of frenDObip,f talfc one thing frith, ttjeir rung, 9 bearc an other tlnngbiDDnn their bart.^oje tote; table is an ope leawDncs, than this fo c t Gj toplpncfT;,tt>bich bp fapz meanes frpnDetb itfclf in,to fr 02U mifcbcef.3lnD bp this fen tenee free are frarncD, that tbofe are molt Detcftablebefojc SoD,frl)ofocucr thep be, that afiaple the fimpte f bncircufpcct with their glo}inges,as ttfrcrc frith popfon. 4. [IS:warD the.] Sifter he h^threqueileD C5od to vegarD his innocecicbc tbunDzctl) frith a curfc ageing Ins enemtes. 3Lno the beaptngof fr 3q;dcs lbcwc£b,f be hao gro ncD much f long tpme bnber { burtbc,bc * fozs bebzaKe cut to scfire tbisbengeance. 5Foj hcDoocth bs to bnDerftaD,p thep bsD offcnbcD not once onlp, noz a little frbple, no; in one HpnD: but f tljep haD p;oceeDcD fo far m their cotincwall mifDooings.tljat tbctr bolDncs frasbttcrlp intolerable, we Know bow trublefome * grcuous a teptai cionttts.tofcc^tongoilpronnerpotibout tneafure e;enD,as though SoDfrinfceD at thctr inalapcrtneffclDauiD tbcrfo;e being A3 it frsrc tpzeD frith continewall fozbca; ring,-? fapnttng bnber £ hougnes of £b*ur t!)cn, Defpzet!) Sob at lengtl) to rcftranc f malapcrtnctfe of his cnempcs.frbo of late fcafcD not to bcapc mifchctf bpo tmfcljccf. *»o free fee that in this bcrfe tljcrc is no- thing fupcrfluous, frbcrebeiopnctl) [the malicioufnes of their fric*eD D:eacs,?thc ujoojHs of their h?«D3,to their bootRgs,j ; ano rcqupztrij tljicc tpmes.that thep map I be rcanracD accajDing to tljzit befert 23 c '■■ fpbes thts.wtth the fain: labour Lice izlxi- fpetij his ownefap:'), u>')tch kyiis of boa; ftitig the h?P3crt- s D23 often copcli Sods c!)ilD:ctotniUe,'iu')pIcthj)) djjft of $ iuDg miat3ofptooilDa>iththen'cauillr3.jFof ixjccfeeho^euerptotcftcofclow.bcmgnot content to fcape fcotfrce hintfelf.bccflmcth ap^omooter of thegiltlcfTj.f (asitts fapD in tlic pjoujrb) the i»oolf accufeth j lamb fo: trubbling of the &atcr.Chis ejetremt* tic tljerfo^c compelleD iDmiii to call bpon goD fo; Dcfence.11 ere agciu rpfeth a Doubt full queftion concerning Defp?c of reuenge, S»bicb notwithftanDing 31 toill bnfola in feawc woo?DS,bpcaufc it hath bmbanolcb in another place.^nD Srfl,it is a cerccintte that tftheae(hairrebstoreuenge,v fame affectio tsbnrightfull befojc goD. Jioi be- fpbes f goD fojbtDDetb encrp of ds toiBifb euill too our enemies in refpeci of pjtsnate ia^ongut is not pofftble.but y all the aScc tionSjtohicb fpjing of hatrcD,mulr neeDcs be trublefome. Cherc is no reafo thcrfo?e that IDauiDS eraple Q)ulD be pjctcnDcD bp thofc iDlnch ar leD bp their own fumi(l)nes to Dcfp?c bengeancc. f 0? the bolp Prophet fto^mct'a not here at bispjinatc greef,fo as he fhoulb curfe h'0 enemies to Dfftructio: but Imping afpoe the affection of the fleQj, heiuDgeth of Vne matter itfclf. CUerfo?c, that a man map i»iib euill to the toicKcD, he mud before all thmges Difchargc ium= fclf oftrubbleDnes. aiftcrivarb aifo Saec muft be Swell abupfeb, that the Difpic.ifurc ioluch toe concepue ageiKd the mills that offuio bs , Djiue bs not too bnconfiDcrcD jelc: toljich thing happcneD euen to t^ehl* fciplc3of€h?ilr,tohen thep Dcfp?co too haue thofc cofumcD frith fv;z fiom heaue, iohieh DenpeDloDging too' their Easier, 3luhc 9.'54-31nD this thep p;ctcnDco t'oe= felues to Doo bp the ctamplc of <£uas:b:rt Ch?tft rcbuKing the fharplp, favcth, thep Kno'A) not i»U)hat fpint thep arc leD. fixtk fc>c mud ta»c this fo; a general! rule y vac bauc a Dearoufncs j care of the toctfare of all manlipnD.^o iDill it co:ue to pafTs that io; fljall not onlp giucrefpit to 50DS nter* cv'.but alfoixiifh them to be fc?,cught agcin to ilicir rig'.)t iyittcs/sahich fefctns to rone S» toilfullmpnD to their own Deftvuciion. ©00* Iohn Caluins Commentaric Co bee fb02t,iDauib being free anb bopb from all froiuarD beabpneflfe, « being alfo eHoeivco ir> • tl) tije fpir it of Olfaction ana Smfoome: pleabctb, not Ijeere fo much, bi# owne cace, as €5 oos caee. 3!nb bp tbt0 ma «er ofpiaping,bebatbpntbtmfelf $ otber faitbfull foto in m?nd,tijat although. tge tmgoblp ronne rpot fontbout controiment foj a fcibpie ,ptt at tl>c lengtb tbep (ball coniz to tbebcauenlpiubgmentjiatc. 5 . [ 215pcaufe tbev Jjaue not an epe. ] 31 n this bcrfc \fa mfcoueretb tbc rootc of bus goDlpncfic, faying, tbat tbc caufefo>bP tbe toicUcoarefobolDcneb to boo f o? tbat tbep tijinH not tbep baue too bcale Suit!) <2?ob, feben tbep arc at beablp foobe Seiib tncn,anfc ioitbbolb tljemfciues from no Upnb ofnufoooing.jFoi- altyongb tijeit ojone conference pjicKc tljemtpit notrcitb5 ft anting tbep footb tbemfemes S»itb 9aite rics,anD at lengtb though fitubboznneffe baracn tbemfelues bnr oo bnfenfibienefic. SPno firft, being fottcoif) ptofperittc,tbep furmvfe dJoD to bee tljetr frcenD, ana tbat b? rcgavbetl) not ti;e goofc men, forijicb are oppiefleb S»itb many mifcrie0 , 9 finaltp tbat tbe £»02lb ronneti) bppon tbcS»bcele of JFojtlune: ansfo t\)z? are&ilmllp blpnb in tbc open Ipgbt . & 0 tbe abucrfarics of ©auio,bpcaufctbcpfo)erc itsilfuUp igno= rant tbat bcioas crcateb &ing bp (Sob, toofee bart of graffe too perfecute l)im. wbcrfoie bee csmpiapnetb of tins tbeir groffc ignorance, like as <£fap. 5. 2 a . bp= bjapDetlj all tbe bngoblp in gcncrallSantb rye fame. iit))O2couer,lbt0 Doctrine contcp netb a bubble bfe. f e$ it is no mcanc com foitctotbecbiibicncfagebjtobetltfcugb lp perfuabeo in tbemfeluc0,tbat S»bc tbep are &>?ongfulip fecjccb.tbcp are enurcb too patience bp<2?obsp?oni&eccfo2^bcirott>ne beboof : anb tbat itbc tbinges are ti ubblcb anb confufeb in tbe *DO2lb,<0ob flttetb ne- ucrtbcltreasgouernerinbcauen.aigein, it is a moil fit bipole to fubbca? tbebcaopj neffe of otir fiefb »t^at S»ee fygbc not in tbe bark, like t!;e inaabats, as though <2?ob l>ab no epe to mennes affap?e0 . ix>berfoje let bs lerne to confioer abuifcblp fo>batfo= eucr iuDgmcntes ©ob puttctb in cjcecu= tion, iy!)tc5) are as manp examples of Ins mffcicc m ruling manUpnb . Slfo if all tbinges bappen too bee mingleo conftta fcDlp toogitber ; it bd)ou:t!) bs too lift bp our epes too b?auen,too conQoer (Bods fecret iuogmcntes»l6utinafmucb as (©00 n:uer ceafetb too btter foo;tb fome fignes of bis piouiDcnce,cucn in f greatcft barfe- nciTc: it is a point of bne^cufablc bulnefie, not to giuc bcebe to tbem: i»btcb leatob- neffe tbc p^opbet aggrauatetb bp rcpeting agein tl)t C'qjoo^s of dfrobs banbs.] ^Foj l;ebooetb do too bnberftanb,tbattbebn= goblp bp going on carelcflp,boo treab bn= ber foote tabatfocuer of <0obs&oojbes tbep rneetc i»itlj,tbat map bjpble tbeir fu= rioufneffe. [ilet bim biia^e tbem bowne, anb not buplb tbem bp.] S>omc ieill tbat tbat Mnc'o ioent before tn tbis berfe (bulb be in ftcb of if bebab iapb: Cbi0 bcaftlp furtoufneffe of tb«rs, fball beflroptocm.OBut ratljcr bp tbc 5r>oo?b [i$im,] beere is to be bnoerftoob Cd5ob:] ano fo tbe tejet itill flowe bcrp iDCll.|5ots fcntbftanbing fojafmucb a0 tbep bee bcr=, be0 of tlje future tence, tbe fentence map bee eicpounbco tiros: tbat iDauib affuretl) bimfelf,tl)attl)e bellruction,&bicb be bab ZoiibeX) a late to tbe rep;obatc0, mail ipgbt bpon tbem . il^cptber retect 3J tbis fence: botobeit (fep mp iuogincnt) be cotmeir etb ftill bis petitions.Hlnb be beOretb tbat tbe bngoolp map be fo beflropcb,as tbat tbep map neucr put bp tbeir beabes agein, 0; recouer tbeir former (late. #0? tbat is tbe mceniwgof tbis fi&uvatiue fpeeebe of tbe ^eb2ewes, [JLet bim bzeafee tbem boron, anb not buplb tbem bp : ] imc as be fpea- herb of Coom in ^palacb. *• 4. &ow, leaft icec map be ft rme i»itb an incurable plage, let bs lernc to ioaben our fenfes to contioer 3D.;JFoi btfberto foe banc fcen ,tn frljat S»tfe tje batb occupy eD bttnfclf u?itb playing fob i !r bee isno tn Daunger : anD r.civ in tfcts fljewerb that bis pzaptts Sserc not in fcatne: anD fo bp bis crene erample , bee confirmctb tbat (5oo 10 reaDp to belp Ijts fcruanf oft as be is fought bntoo trulp anD bar tt lp* Cbe fame fentrnceccclaietb-bccmoicat large tn tfje wjcte toerfe , calling (Sod btsr ttrcngtb anD bts (bet ID. i o; bcercuppon Ssas be perfwaoeD tbat tipobbaDbearo* bim,bicaofc bee baD bin pziferueD bv mi racle<^ceaDbetb tbat bee baDbmbElpto tn relpr ct of bis err ne tr uft oz hope: foz it oftentimes cemmetbloo paffe tbat tber fe-btcb call upon <15oD , boo neuertbcleiTe Dtfappotnt tbemfdufg of bis grace, tbo= row their cron fcBbr icef. ClfeitbirD time be fayctb ttjat be ton adoc mtrtb as a to= Ucncfbtsthar»kfalncu"c. ;tf oz altbougbe tbttngoDlp anD tbe btcc-crne0 flee bnto <2>oD tube tbep are nippcD with btftrctfe: y it a (Tone as tbep are cfcape D, forgetting tbetr Dchucrancc tbep reiopce , but inn; afranttcb mirtb.'Cr^ cff'cc tfeetfbzc is, tlKt'OautD bopcD not in tame,bicaufc bee founfi bp experience tbat ©od is tux- nifoeb fcnthpzefrut power too pzeftrue tbofe tbat be bis : anD tbat tbe gtoucD of bts true anD fut flat tail top,foa0 foz tbat be felt (0oD faticurable bnto l,".m. wbcr= topen aUobcpzomifttb to become mtnDc= fall anD tbanUfull fo; it. 3inD furc'p 35od Doothtrjcrefozc fbcaD cbcerfuUuffctntoo our barts,tbat it fbulo open our moutljjs toungbtspzapfes. 8- [Cbe&ozDe is their Srcngtb.] Jn foapcfcypcfttiGnberepcatftbt&atiDbt; cbe bee bao to;eo : namelp tbat <^o& baD bin msfrtcngtb , berelr btcaufc btcbaD bltflcD bts armies* ;jf oz £>amD b^D DfeD tbetja»-.Dcat'Dbelpeofmcn,anDpitbeaf= cnbeilj the btttozic but to one* ^roz i: af tnacbe as be hnn» tbat fobatfoeuerbelp be baD rcecpucD bp men) tbe fame pzoce* bcD from (Bob , anD tbat bis pjofperous fuccefle flotoeD from bis free fauour : t: ee bebtiD bis banD cuen in tbof? mrancs,as aD flretcbcD it fclfopcnlp out cfbca: uen. 20nD furrtp (t is to much fljame tbat tbe ft>o?lMp meatus (vc bicb are nothing els than tbe inftrumcntsof^oDflpoa?^ er) iboulDDarfcenbtSgiozie : f pit there is no fault mozc common than it* 30nD it is of grcate fozcr, tbat tn fpeaking of bis foulnours,bee pfctb but tbe JSzonowne [tbetr] as tbougbbecpopnteo tootbetn Soitb bis finger* Cbe latter member »sa renDzing of tbe caulY.jtf oz be auoucbetb bttnfcif anD al! bis armte too bauebtn ars nteD ioitb .btctoztous paltauntnelTe from l^eautn,btctufc be ^oarreD pnocr tbe fla DeroofdScD. ^Fo?fo is mentbp tbe name [anopntcD] foz baD not ©cD crcateD htm liting anD cmbjaceD bim Soitb b*s free a? Doptton : bee tooulDe baue fauoureD bim no moze than be DtD &an!e. 3lnD bp tbis meanes in extolling tbe onelppovocrof (§od frberbp be iuas too tbe femgDome : bceattributctb nothing too the poltcte anD pewer of bimfelfe. Wv tbe iuap S»e map Icrne.tbatloob as ccb man isaffareD tn bisconfciencc tbat bts ca'.= ling is lawful : fo is b-e bartcncD bv this Doctrine to hope fofU^owbecit ttto too bee conCDereD vnefpcelellp (accozomg as toe baue toucbcD in anotber placcO tbat tbe fountaine from febfnee ail the bcnc= fitestbat^oD bcftoujctbbpponbSDoij flovoe,is tbts,foz that bee batb cljofcnbs frcclptn CbZPfte. ainDbccputtetb [fafe= ties] m t'oe piurail nomber , bpcaufc bee baD bin pjefcrueD mo;e than oncc,anD bp moe ioapes than one. Cbe mentng tber= fo;e is 5 that fmcc the time tbat (!5oD ijao ancmteDlDauiDbptbebanDof^amuci: be neuer lefte helping bim5but DeliuereD !)im innumerable iuapes , Until bee baD accompliiTeD tbciucozUe of his grace m bim. Saue thy people, and bli(Te thine inheritaunce : feede them , and lyfte them vp for eucr. j£M* Cbfs Iohn Caluins Commentaric, Cb is elatufe 0)C\»ct!) tl>at ^eSwasnotfo carcfullfojb^ownctoclfar? , asfojtbe Welfare of tlie it bole cbnrcb: 01 ratljer that beliucb not ne repgneo ptfuatlpe tobpin- fclf,butfo> tbe comon Swale oftlje S»boie IRcalme . 5Foz be bare is:li in m?no,ttjat bee S»a0 cfjojen Uiitg to noneotljerena. 3mb tbertn tic fb:u>cD ^tmfclf to bcarc tbe perfon of Cbjift tiie fonne of <£ob,S»l)om &>!jen£>acbanclnbi3 nintb Chapter an) ninth, bcrfc fo2e£b2coctb to be pjcferuco : out of bout hepjoimfctb b;m nothing feue rally from bis members, but that tb;ircct of bt0 being p;efemeb Ojoulb ffceo uTeifc into \)i3 to^ole boDp, U5p tbe Soap be P*e- fcribetl) a lavo to eartljlp i mgs bp bis own cjcamplc, that rbep rboulb bee fo aoDtcteb to tbe pubufce profit, tbat tfyep (goafe not befirefafetpbut fo^ tb?irfubtcet0 fafces. 115 ut bou> farre tbep arc from tbte effect, it boorctb not to tell, foi bceing blpnoeo fcntrt p)we,»ijc? oefpii'e v reft oftheiaojlb as though tbeir gloitoufnca ano ropaltp ought to cjttwpt tbcm front the common Rate of manKinb . 9nb pit it is nomarucll that manfepno isfo piouolp 04b fpitefullp troben bnber foote : confi= bering tbat foj the mod parte , tbcp tafce f &o;t;tc to beare tbepo&c of Cbul. IB ut So c mull bear in mpnb, tbat IDautb in as a looiun3la(T3 S»bcr m &ob fetteti) before bs tbe continual! bribing on of \)is gra= ces. £Dnlp fee mud fee to it , that tbe obe = ifence of our fapth map bee anfioe.rable to t)t0 fatherlp iouc , tbat bee map acisnofo>- ledge bSfojbi0 people auBmbcric#unec. jfroxoaltbougb tbe Scripture bo often* tpntcs giue JDauto tbe tptle of fbepeberb, pit nototthftanbtng b« rcftgmng tbat cbargeouer bntooa, coafctTetg rjitnfclf in no xmfemeetc foi tbe fame, bums fo far fojtb as be is 45030 mmiftcr* The Conteint* ofthc.xxix.Pfalme. To the intent he may bumble all men ynto God from the highejl to the hwejt,hcfetteth out bis dread full power by tbe yarietie of his wosnderfull n>»rtk^ in ndturewbeybyhsfayth we are wakened to vine glorie ynto Cody no leJJ'e than if God froidd chalcnoe the funereintie yntohiwfclfbyhis own yoyce. oind after he hath jit i\en a f care into the proud twbo are not willing to yeeld, and exhorted tbcm(nn without a kind of checking)hce fweetly al- itor eth tbe faith full to the willingferuis of God. Tb e.xxtx ,Vfal me. A Song of Dauids. Yeeldi vnto the Lord, ye children of the mightie : yeeld vnto the Lord, glorie and ftxength. Yeeld vnto the Lord the glorie of his name:woorship before the Lord in the brightnefleofhis Sanctuary. The voyce of the Lord vppon the waters,the God of glorie thunde- reth,the Lord vpon the great waters. The voyce of the Lord in power,thc voyce of the Lord in beawty* €clbbtttotbc^o^).i IKbongb IDautos purpofe iba0 to tying all tien to rbefmtls f feare of <£o:»: ^it notwitbftanbing fojafmticba0 t^c great cfta:e0 tbat ercrHin bi^mtte,are mo}t barb to be bjougbt ia G?ber;feefpeas kerb c?p?cup bnto tbem. Certctne it is tbat tbe (Stake 31n»crp?cter S»a0 DcccU nco bp tbe n*erene0 of tbelco?D0,fo a0 be traMaa:cbit,[peecbil3icb of i5amme0.] 2Hnb truip r# concerning ftje fignificas siou of tbc&ojb , all t\)Z ^eb.ievoes agrc* tosttljcro vppon the xxix. PSme. tecttbtr. SntSobcntljcp come to j mat ter,cptljer tljc^ pcrnmb) eUebartietbs natural fence tottb ttjetr eoto gleua. JTm fomc erpcimb tt of 3!ngcllfS,anb feme of tbeSarres : *ctbcTfomefetlbauetricfc great men of fobom mention is matte, to bee tbe bolp fntbers* H5utH>aultt rafter tc co^rt a ti>c fratcUiusfcbcrtettb tlje isomers cf triisfcejlbcbecingmntte TfiatTbep muft btt biftlthetttrp blgeb ere tbe? eanbe enfojeeo too acUriowtlcboe £ S»blcb IB artgbt [>85p the bjtgbtnes 1 1 l)tst fancfrarp] beemcenetb not f^eaucn (as Tome fuppofe) but tbc Cfibernacie of co= urnant becscb fccitb tbe tefeens of od bzenhen, boo lift bp tfetir be?nes aganft bao tttfcouercb bimfcirV u rfjs intent f all (gctt/Sr.btbiStStbcrcafcniDbPbcbrm msn&n!ttbiOfuperntctcnsfarcS»Ei.,firttt gctb m dScb 5»ttb a terrible betec bp tl,ri ewplop tbeTclucs to y true fcruice otbtm. &cr,balir,Ctr.?mc0, anb hgt)tntng£ :com= ftllmstbcfc barb bartett anb fliffeniCBCb <2jpant05&bo canrotsbifce tco ftanb in awe cf aip beautnlp power, but orlp foj Uatt.VOt fee thfnfe>bp omitting others, becturnetb b?S taUic pceu'iaslvtcotbc ebti&if n cf tbe migbtic : namcipe bicaufe notbmg is moic ajtttnarp among them* tbantoabufe tbelr b'gbntffe tco traptes roufnes tn cbalcnglngfuriouflp to tbcm= feiu-cs iubat foeucr to belonging tattoo Cctt : that at teatt fe ife tbcp map be com pclieb cf ncccfltue too futmit tttmfelucs inetltt'p bnto <2Pob, anb tt? confiocrattort cf their crone frasttp , too leane bnto bpfl grace.fTfcwfojc fcuictb he rtjem to peclb drenotb bnto f be &c;tt,bpcaufc tbcp be- ing beguptcb bp falfe jmaginattonytbin!* tbattbe perm S»b«rcwttf) tbcp are cnfcu cl con-. wet b to tbemtrom elftubcre than from bfanrn* i^lbctfficte is.tbat Japing afsbe all trattlpr.cfTe , eno falfe camion cf tbctr owne p cw?er , tS;ep fboulbe glojtfte <£ob,acco?btng as rjeecfeructb. ;f o?bce caUttbthartbeglo,ueofrjisr.amc,fcb!d) $ o? itfccre not tnongb Iq% men to irc?= fjjtp lomc one *)jcJj aliaictlj «s,*s nottotbc&nowietge of bere, |0ial. 19.1.) bt?t bee cboc&tbonclptboie &>o?Us cf oo, ix>b«cb not onJp isttncllg tt>a? tbcSeojlte k^sonte maBebp btm? ano ts goufiuco bp bts cummaunbemet: but alio febitb fcaoent»>ofe^ be ojowjp $ tiaw fljg aS it fecr fitttcof tbttr bares, tokojfbtpblmbubiv.^Mcbtbingcura feo?ace Suas convpclUb to confide-, &>bo Sras not ontp a r:t&x\;e jc cct^but alio an Ciiicgi£;? an vupuvi bef^ifet cf #cb* ts bcfccnHngbts maicfite, cf fetyebe tbc grr as nen of tbe & e?!be are &?ont to ties rtaubc btnnC^ tepmclon alfo Sje&crtj / that dofecld and J ore ageinjl my xeil tbc Gods regard, but beat my braines about tbefcnjlsfjcfayoss of'witlefle Eficures *Am now cowpcld toofaytc clcane bacl^agcirc and trace tbe way tbat late I left bcbinde. For hue diuidwg yoitb bis Tbedttskje Cioiidcs}dootb dritte bis tbitndrinvjlcedi and jlyhigCbaryot many a time ar.dofi Through out the ayre which crfr was calmc and ' cleere and fray tbe harts ofbrutijhe men that hare. £>4. 2r.& 1 Iohn Caluins Commcntaric, "~3tnd ceperfence itfclfe fbeiBetb tbat tljcp tures. But eye jp^opfyet toppenst ii neo» Sgftictj are molt flout in defpiGng gob, are iiioft abaftbeb at tbun&ers,fto?ms,£ fuel* like b?.atas. j&et ioitbout caufs tbcr:o20 botn tbe s-nopbet cat bs back ta tfocis par tic«.ilar0 ,' S»i)id) flrifee fome feeling of tbe Cgobbeab into the barbarous anb Dulant- teb,anD tobiebfttrrebp tbofe tbat bee ne= acr fo iumpiib and fottleffc. l|ee fapctb, not tbat t\)z l&unne rtfetb. bail?, no;t tbat t:;c qufcHcning ltg!>t is fpjed abjobe bp bis bzanw : hze fapetb not tbat tbe fRapnc deeper/) bowncfoftlp , to maHetbe eartb ftutef ttit &>itb I) s inopftur e : but bee cal= ietfytofrttnes tbe Cbund:r 0 , tl;e bio= lent !'oou#c0, anb facb tlnngcs as perce mennes minbes Smrb tl)£ir djcadfuUmo* qing.Sutclj ©ob fpea&etb in all bis crea tbofe fpeecbes Sobicb bp their fbarp rcbu king ma? correct our 0£Ott>3tnes 0? ra< tljcr our long continued ia^pnes. fo^t baucfapd that tins talfce pmepnetb fpcci; all? to tbofe frbtcb. tbtougb totlfull ftub= bojnneseaS of all fenbiclcbgc of <£>od , n0 mucbas inrj)cmlpetb3inb tbe *crppb?a fes of fpeec!) tbemfelues , ctpjeffc fufftci= entlp , tiiat JDautdS purpofe t»as to fub= dele tlje ftubbomnes bp fear, fetich, ot'icr v»jfc Soil not willingly pcelo.tfo? be tb?ea pctb bpon ttyem tb;icc , trjat (£000 bopec is bearb in the great anb ototrajious Gjotc?cs.3lno in tlje nect bcrfc be addctb, tbat tbe fame bopce is full of poise? and mlgl)tfullbjigl)tnc0. $ The voyce of the Lord breaketh the Cedcr trees, I fay,the Lord brea - keth the Ccders of Libanus And heraaketh Libanus too f kip like a Calf,andSirk>nasitvverca Colt of the Vnicornes. The voyce of the Lord,cleueth out flakes of fire. The voyce of the Lord maketh the wildcrnelTc to shake, the Lord ma- keth the wilderneffe of Cades too tremble. 5 [Cbc bopce of tbe ILojd tycafcetb «c] weefee bow tbe ^?Qpbetcto bjcabetbc rjarbneflc of men.bjingetb in \£od at cue- r? S»oo?b b?eabfull.3tr.D be fremctb glaun linig'p to caff: tbe pjoud anb fucb as fccell &ttbbapnepzcfumttQn>inti}etCitbfontl) rljeir maenefle foz tbat tljep beare not tbe tLmnbering bopce of ttb fe)tt anb raefon are not mo uci:' Bcfibes t!) 10 if tbepercell in ioitti- ncs anb learning , tljep mabe encbaimt= mentes to tl^mfelues to ftop tl;eir oume cares roitb,leaft tljebopce of tbe JLo?b(be tt neaer fo loto)iboulo percc inbnto tbeir Vmberftanbing . fox t\)t ^>bilofopbcr0 tlnnH tbetnfclucs to cntrcatc of clje mfcri= our caufes conninglp pnougb: onleffe tbep fcparate <»5oo a great 5»ap of from IjiS &oo^0. 3Butbutcit$ is tbat eoMning, S»b;cl) bp h, olbing bs in gating bppon na= turc, turnctb bs from <§ob. 3flf anp bo= lip betng befirous to iino w a man, fb oulb paffe oucr b to rotate countenance a;»b per fonc}anb flanb tooting onlp ttpon tfy: tips of Ijis naples,bis f oip migbt SdcI be lauglj cb at.lBut pit moje fooies are tbe |Bbilo= fopbers , fojbic'o of tbe mcane anb neere caufes fecauc tbemfelucs beples, lead tbcp mpgbt be compelled to acKnowlebge tljcbanbof c5obiooo^mg opcnlp. &e maUe;b mention cbeefip of tbe Cebers of 3Libanus,bpcaufc tbere Sucre toerpbpgb anb gooblp ones tbere. %m bcmaHetl) mention of iUbanusand J^ount i^ers monranb alio of tbeioilbernes of Cabes» bpcaufe rl)C(s places iocre beCr fenovrcn to tbe31cu3CS. Binbtjebfetbametapbo; bt= terlp p octliUe,iuberunto is abiopneb an ouerreacbing in fpeecb, feeing tbat [ a.iba - nusfbtppctljithca tfalf at tbe bopceof d5 £> 2> , anb tbat ,sirion(fo>bfcI) 10 a!s fo mount Sermon) leaped as a pong M- nicozrw, Trv nlcoznc]febicb fee anow to be one of the fvoifceft ano ntmblcft beafts that be. 1Bm> be alluoetb to the terrible crafting of the tbunorrciaptj ,fe'.)i cb f emctb in a man to rend &p the mountatnes bp ttjeir rootc0* Cbcte 10 tlje bfee figure feberc be faptb, f [<£>od oztuctb out flafees of fire]name' Ip fef/en tt>e fteames bjcmgaa ufeerc ttrtfcen feitb btg bammer,bunt out into flafbesst lightnings. €>f tijefe things 31= ridotie entrcatetb ocrp ibarpipc inbps £0eteozes, 80 appcrtrpning to the nerer caufes, fauing that be omittctb the cbees feft point. « rulp,rigbt plefant j pjofitas tie feerc tbe fearebmg out of tbofe ibms geo, if 00 n ougbt to oojt t leb tos bp tbe bano too tbe toerp an rtjoi of nature. 23 ur fozafmucb as lobe hoiv manp mean cau* fc0 fee meet feitb,fo manp flops tarp bs ano(lapb0bacb:notbmgi0 msze fcnto= iijarD*. ^o? it t0 all one as if a man fbu ID ftanD about bis fitft principles al bt0 life longer tnallp it feere nothing els but fo 9- to learne,a0 a man (bulo know norbtner* Cberfoje tbe onip fbarpneffe of xott that ta pzatfe feooztbp,is too bec tiftrD bp m tbefecbartots cttenlmto ($caue,tbat not onlp tbe cofufco noifc map beat our cars but alfo tbat tl}t toopce of tbe lozbc map tnftructbstogoohnefr^gjomec^pounb tbefeozb [yachil] otbcrtutfe, narnclptbat [vSoo mafectb tbe fetlDernclTe of Caocs to traucl of cbito,btcaufe manp miracles feere fezougbt there a0 tbe people oi Jfs raclpaffcD through ttifehtcb fence 31 res tcct as to far fet j to mticbe conflrcpned. 5Fo? JDaaiD femetb rathe* to allude to $ comon bnocrfiandtng of men.jfoi feber a« fetldernefles are gaftlp of tljcmfeiucs: tbepare mucbe mozegafiipebnroomen feben tberc are tbundjtngs.bapis « ftoi^ tnes. jBcucrtbelcs it tnifltfeetb me not y bp tbe figure *jb:ncebocbc,tbc fetloernes it fr if fbui d be tafecn foz y fetlde bcafis:j fo y nest neifefehcrtn m curio is made of ©tnds,(haibc added tn fear of erpofitio. The voice of the Lord maketh the Hindes too calue, and difcouereth the woods,and in his temple do all men fpeak his praifc. The Lord (i tteth ouer the fiud,the Lord I fav fittetii king for cuer. The Lord shall giue his people ftrength,the Lord shall bliile his peo- ple in peace. temple.] ailbccft that iJFcdsbopcc fill the febolcfeozlD,$fbea&tTfcifintootbebt= termotrebozders there fjpitnotfeitbfla= b mg tbe #>;epbct faptb tt;at bts glozp is fetfoztb fettb pjaptes, ontp m bis cbur= cbc : berclpbicaufe 45od net ontlpfpca^ fectb there m plaine feoozdes, but alia alluretb. tbe faubfiiligcntipbnteobtm* ^c; b«S terrible boicc feb'tbe tbur.bjctb bmt rfe feapes tn tljc atre,boctb fo beatc men0 care© 5 ftrtbe tbctr bartea , y thep bab ptt leucr go axrap f r6 btm,ib&n come neiftr bim* 3D feiiinot fap y a goobfojte ofmen pafTe ouer tbe fouDofSoDflboice tn (lo?mes,fbctoers3 tbunDcr anb ltgbt= nings fettb leaf f-arcs.lfn afmucbe tber foic as men pjefit net fo far tn that corns monfcboole,as to fubmtt tbemfelues bn tod5oD:200orcafonbatb1Dauibtoofcip, ibat tbe faittjful do fpcciailp fmg tbe pj^p fes cl<£>ou m tie ttm^lc : as feljo becmg fa'ntltarlp taught bplitsfatl^rtlrbepccj bo febo!paibict$conf(cratetbcn:ffi;;r£ji to b»s ferutce* ■$ 0; no n;an fcttetb focr.tb £>.ii). Cdods lo. it. 9. rCbebotccoftbclLo?b.fc.]^eerfs Cas J fapbjacouert compartfon. ^fo;tt t0 ageinff all rcafon, pea and ltbe a men- U r r , fo? men not to be maucD at f bepee ofd5oD,feborc povcerbttcretbitfelfefo cffrctuallp tcwatbeotbcfetlbe bcaftc0« ^ow trulptt is a foule bntbanfefulncffe not to fecte bis pzoutDcnce $ goucrnmet tn tbe febolc ozocr of nature : but tt is a Dcteftablc Dulncfie y tbcp ace not taught Cat Icafitxnfe ) bp bis rare and pnfeontcD feozbs, febtcbe compel turn tbe felloe 3 (aiicgc beads to obcr bitna^hereas fome tnterpzeters fuppofe that the ^mDs are crjec fipc namtb , bp rtafon of their barbe cal.ungnt tntflj -fettb tn c nof . Che Htzbs bo:ce ts fapb to Dtfcouer the feoobs , cp= tber btcaufc no couert 10 able to fecepe tt cf , but that tt pearcr tb intoo euerp ot tlie tbuUeft noihs ans fccrpeft oennt s:oz eifi bicauu the thuv.ber anDltgbtning,fiiovo= ere 9 (tozsr.p feinDes,bcate of thelcauco anotvafee tl}ctrcis bare. 5^oj cptrzer of thefc Icnccs agrcetb not atmCft ♦ [J n hta lonn L,aimns ^ommentane j&coo giojp artgijtjfauebc f is a totUmg toojfbtpcr 9 firmer of bun* SnD itmtGi;t be tahen m toap of coplei'tr^bat ID auto fboulo .ucufc tt)s sumtmlTe of tbe tobsle too?ifc:bteaufe y toberac t)t0 boicc fou:v- Bet!) eterptobcrc: pit tie pzfipfr0 a« ft* fa;t>) no tobcrc but in bfe cburc!). J$Qt& fta!:tiins,bcefecmctb to edjoUc al! mans kirD co tbe pjapfmg cf <25o&s name after tbe example of tijcsool^ $ offetputpofe to appoint the teple as it toere tbe pytaf cbtrg place of <4Dobc glojp:too tlyt intent toe 0)ou!o pnoerftann,? to ibe knewmg 9 pwpfingeftfjoDarighr.toerjauer.eeDf of another botce, tban y tobfcbe is be arb bptbunDcr)fbo»cr0,«flO!iiK0,m£apjf mountaincs, ana toscO0,;*Fo? oniefie be tcacS) ^0 in plain f?eecb> V-& $ genelp ai« lure bs bn: 0 Ijtsi bp gluing »o a taSc of bis tatberlp loucitoe fta! he ftll Dtib* foj euermaie^ Cbcmstctbeonelpbocmne ot faiua'ion tobicb cbecrct'n oar barts 9 openetb our moutbs to fing bi0P?arfes, bp Dtfcoiicrmg manifcttlpe l)is a* ace ano bis tobole toil bnto bs. Cbis cberfoje is tbe place fro tobence toe muft learne tlje matter bow to pjaifc btm.aino furelp toe lee 5 bowc at y time tbere toas no iigbt of gcolinesin tbc to Sole toojltb fane onelp in J urp.yea cue tbc pbilofepbcrs (wbo fecmeo to arpjoclje ncercft co tbe bnoiae kagcof (fr'oDJbjing notbtngatall that mop glorify bun arigbt«;Jf 0* tobatfoeuer tbe? tojitc cf rclig,lon,it is not onlpcolo, but a'.fo almoft bnfauetp.Cben j truths that cab leao bs to goolpnes fbpnetb on; ipm!)l3too:D* 10. [ Cbe ao?b ftttctb ouer tbc fioub.] H&omc tbmfcc £ JDauto aiiuaetb to y no* table bJngeance cf ©ab, wbc as be bjow neo tbe tobole toc^loe a: oncc,bicaufe as tbenbe mabett fcnowen to ail ages, tijat be is tbe Huoge of men. uftnto tobom ah tbougb 31 affent in parr,pit J erteno t)is SDauio pjcftcutctb one feife fame matter" ftd,urtitgtis to bnoeiff-an;>,thar tbe bc= rp flawing flaDS tobub manacebeiiructf op to rbc cart!) art fs gotunub by flJJoss p:ouiDcncc,as itap$?ecrctb£ bcalwapes bolccs tlje fxcwe.'Cbcrfojc among other litres of 45cB0 puiffancfjiDdUtD rccfeoj ncth ti)ts: tbateuentobcntbe tlementes feme to be ttiingUo f confotioeo toaitber % greateft bnfeafcnabltncs of fbc ap?c : pit aotb ©00 cuen tben rule $ mooerate tbtfc tarmoplm£s from out of bisbcane }p cbjone : 9 therefore be abbctb in toap cf rrpofnion 3 tijat ^ out cyceptiott pit be ottrctb tbe lame afs ter a peculiar maner totoar&obisc'ecte people* yea be oefcrpbeU) !)tm far otbers toifc notoe tljan bee btt> crfl: , ttritiielp not fucbaoneasbeatctbbousntbofetbatbe fpea&ctb to,vfc feare 9 terroj : but ratber lucbe a one as ppboioevlhChcritbztb ano Orengtbnctb tbem.'Cbc toojib[tir«ngtb] contepnetb all tbeir tobole liate. Cbere= loic tobatfoener pertepuctb to tbe an in tctiance of tbelife of tl)e fattbful, be mcc= netb that tbe fame bepenoctb bpo <25ods graceonelp. SnD tl)is bee ampipfietb bp tbe toooto [bliu"e+] f oj J5oo is iapeb toa bbfTc tbofe in peace, tobome b^e ban jl:tb fo liberal^ ano curteoufip , tbatnotbtng toanteeb them too tbe pjofpcroua courfe of tbeir life ano to ful bapppner. l^ecrbp toee map learne tben, fo to Sana in awe of d5oDs gouernment : as t^at toee map neuertbelciTe bope fo; all pjofpeittte at bis bano.^nb looli bow mucb be is able too boo bp >bis bnmcafurable power : fo mucb let be perfuaoe our fclue s-fo; a cer teintte. that toe are fo^tefieD toitb inum= ctble Defence* memngfurtber* $n in «P iaDgcmcn.^ The contcints of the xxx.Pfalme. Dautd bcin^ ddiucred from jome great danger, not onlyrcndercth tbankj to God by him fdf. done : but alfi aliuretb and cxhortetb all holy men to this dutifnlnefje tcpither.w4fterxcard be confejfeth that for afmnch as hee had flattered himfelfc too carelejly in bi>f>nfpcyitic:bis boldenes yeas inftly correcled.Thirdly after he hath brecfly yttredhis j'orowe 3he returnetb ageinc tozjuw^ oftbankg* The.xxxVfalme. The. vppon naime. ioS A Pfalme fong at the dedication of Dauids houfe. 2 I will exalt thee 6 Lord,bycaufe thou haft exalted nice, and haft not made my foes to rcioyce ouer mec. 3 O Lord my God,I haue kryed to thee,and thou haft healed mec. 4 Lord,thou haft brought me vp agein from the graue , thou haft quic- kened me from them that go down into the pit: ~ $e 3ntcrp?cterglioubti»!;it{)nr ucrp of %\s fo;mer (late . jF6; tbcre &as ^g(^!tbi0 J^falme Sucre comppieD bp gy°ysj 2D Sttbttberfomc ortjer cf ' tbc pzopbets beutfeb it after tbe 3Rc«?cc 'awe returncD from tbe captiuitp of 3]5abilon. ;f oz bp [biebou&]tb:p mem t!)C[Ccmple.] 25ut fozafmucb30tb?tptle codicil) JDautos name of fct purpofctit fcemctli a mQ?eitfeet>bob tbat he fpeafect!) ofapnuatcboufc. £lf)ozeouer Sobcrea0 fomc gefle tbat ID atuo Soaff taken Smtb a fozc defence at fuel) tpmc as be Suae about to bcbicatc bi0 palace , it batb no fubftan= ciall rcafon to Icane unto. I3utrat!)cra man map contccrure by tjje flonce of tbe 1(5 pb'e, tbat affoone ae be bab butlbco I-ts fj»alacc, b* bat cll:o tber quictip r.nb at bis cafe.^Fo? befapbtotbe ?3zopbe; /ftatban, tbat it feasafbamefoi btmfclfctolpcat reft in an boufe of Ccbcr, anb tbc 3trbc of coucnanttolpebnberpsltc0.3igemtore= ftrcmc tbat tbmg to defence , Sabtcb *s re= poztcb Ijccrc of baungcre.tbere is no rca= fon tbat compelled 31 1 ie mozc crcbible ratber, tljatbce commenbeb tl)te grace of €>cb,at fucb time ae 3!bfelon bemg flapn, anb Inefaction beftropcb, anb tbat beatlp commotion appcaieb,l;c rcmrncb into V,i& feinabomeagemae it Sucre from bamOjs mcnt.;(Fcz be mafcetb mentto tbat be Suae tberfozc cbaftocbbp <2?0Debanb, bpcaufc bee iopmg too mud) anb being tnmaner bzunfecnS»itbbiepzorpcrouecftate,b£b falflp anb fcnblp pzctupfeb bitnfeif conti* r-uall frtebem frcm all abuerftic fl»ozc= eticr be bab begone to bk ell in tbat uatelp anbrcpail palate id;crcf 3! Ijauemafcc incnncnalitlccru,bcfozeht0rcalmeSuae pit fcarce Sucll razpeteb . Cfcetfoje aepit tlicrc ecuib not fercepe bppen t;im a fc;= £etfu!mrf;e of mansfraitae , Sulncb mtgbt pzeuofee gooe u zatb anb procure htm fucb bsutt; cr , ae fboulb bzingbun almcfttoo tbc pittce bzinfe. Wbcifozc tt ts not agetnft rcafon , tbat m tly.e pfalme bee fcttctl; fooztl) © objB gractsue goobnes, foj reco -. noftifc but bee muft netolp bebicatc bb»cb i)?.D ^ ocfiicb tp tl)e bnnatural^bOK6cmc of ^Ibfolor. anbbp otbcrfe>icHcbneu~C0. H'nD Un6e«i|:aname tberc feyjetb to be notcb bis reflcjcmcnt, ae ioell to life, as to bis Xitngbome : as if ljce U) 3uib fap , bee baa lung tbie ^itnne tento (0ob, after \)z baD fct all public c af= fap^es at a ftap,«nD bebicatcb l)te Ijoure af ter afolcmm maner iljat bempsbt liuc in tys oiwn famtlie. i^ocobceit, concerning tbis£evcttionie of tbc JLaro, tljis ie to be noteb bjceflp : tbat bpcaufe«3e are berp dojie ana co!b m confiDcring ©obe bene= 6te, tt)is erercpfe icae commatmbco to tl)c people of oidc rpme, to tbentent tljep fbculb fenowtbat tbercionot anptbmg S»bcrof tbe bfemapbepureanblawfull, fettqeuttbanfefgiuing unto (©ob.'Srbcrs foje lifec as m tbctr firft frufc0,'tbep impu tebbnto C5ob tbc cncrcafc of tbctebolc pcere : fo aifo bpbalo&mg tbctr beufee, t^cp acHnoicleb : cb tbcmfeluee to be gobe tenantes , bpc«utfc be gaue tbcm rocmc to iobgc tn.wljerfoje if a>ci i»crc anp mufte ring to f iy are,it ft-as a tuft caufe to t. epe a man at liome. ui> e^ecuer bp tbie cuf- om tl;cpiucreputtnmmb,p tbencuctp oftbe cn:o^eDlKSbcufenng!)t$ mgoob cjtccr , Subenn; Ssae become ee a baickcb place ifcbermgGDltncesibcpurc&cjfbippirgcf goamigi;tfie?ifb.^fo;aUl;ogl)yi figure cf f laa^arc come to en enb:piimuft ice liolb Veto f boctrme of ^?.ul,tbati!>ijatfccucr tbinge cb appotntctl) to our i?fe,v fame arc fttilmabebclp by faptb anb p?apcr. i [J feilcjtaIttl;K£> ILozb.]f e^fmucb ae be bab tin lift bp to tbc bzwil) of itfc as ttkerc fro tbegre ucbepzcimfetb to cralt v namcofgob . ^ciliHcaeiubcniccare biotncb in § beep, gob liftctb tebp aloft fcitb bie banb : fb en t!;otbcr (ibc it ie on butp to e rait bis pwfee toxt\y our mctub $ tun?. Hie fox tbe foce Suborn be fapctb to baucbin abzibgcb of matter of glabncffe : £> iuj. tec lohn Calains Commentaric pec map tafec them to bauc bin as ioell bowfeboib enempes as fozrien enempes. jFoz aitljougl) the naugbtipaebs an& eutll bifpofca perfonc© bonourcb b itn ioitb fla= utO) flatteric:pit DtD tbep fofter pziuie bas as tbcp baa bin reabp to bauc lept m bis nccMfoccafiou bab bin ofrercb.3!n t!)c feconb oerfc be rcafonctb.rbat be S»aa faucb bp (©ob3 grace,bpcaufc that cucn at tbc bcrp mftant of beatl) , bcemabebis papers to <©od onelp , ans fobcinlp felt that bee bab not boonefo in bapne. ;tfo2 becrebp toe gaiber moze certcmlp, tbat (25 od becomctl) vbe autboz of our Welfare, aflboneasbebatb berb eurpzapers.^oto beit bpcaufe tbc fc>oozb[.Rapha]in i^cbzeui figmfictbCtobcalc : ]bp rcafon tberof, tbc 31 nterpr eters to ere Icb to r cftrcine it onto fikncs.^utfozafmucbasfojcarcaflureb, tbat it is taKen noco anb tbtn[to rcftoze o; fet bp agein,] (pea anb alio refcrreb to an altar 02 boufc , Sobcn there is mention mabe of reparations : ) a man map aptlp erpounb becrcof of anp maner of bcliae -. rance.iro2amanncsIife is inbajarb^not onlp bp ftc&neflc', but alfo bp manp other meanes. 3nb fee fenoir. tbat tbis maner offpca'itng is to be met ioitb cucrpa>bcr in tbcpfalmes : namelp, that iDauib S»as reito:cb to life , as oft as the II 02b oc'.iuc - reo bim from anp fo2C anb eitrcmc baun ger.Cherfoze to amplifp tbc matter Soitlj all , there is abbeo bp anb bp , [thou baft b20ugbtmec bp agein from tbc graue.J 5F02 bctbougbtbe coulbnot crpzeffctbe greatneffe of (25obs grace bp Sooozbs, cr= cept bee liKcneb tl)c barHncs of tliat time to[a gratte anb a pit,] S»ben beSoascom- pcliebto taHcbimfelf to fcarcfull flight, that be migbtfaue bis life in lurKingboles til tbc flame of tbe inCurrection focr e alap= eb. Cberfozeas oncrapfeb again to lpfe, \)z auoucbetb btmfclf to bauc bin plucneb frompzclent bcatb bp miracle.^nb furelp, bow great oefpaire of all things Diftrcffeb bim moil miferablp,it appeeretb bp tbe bo IpbiJJozts 5 Sing vnto the Lord 6 yee meeke of his,and acknowledge the memoriall of Iiis hohnefle. 6 For h'ec is but a while in his anger, but in his fauor is lire: weeping shall abide at the Euening,and in the Morning shall come ioy. 5 [*>ing bnto tbc llozb pe tneebs of bis] 'Co the intent bee map tbc better Soitnes bis tbanKfulncs, be callctb all tbc faincfts to bears bim companp tn fingtug tbc p>ap fes of tt£>oo:anb from one particular btnb, be paiTetb to tbe to\)0\z general! fetnD.JFoj inafmucb as bp being thus pzeferueb be^ ponb bope , be bab tl)20ugb that crample bin tbzougblp enfourmeb of ©obs conti= nual anb bnmcafurable goobnes totoarts all tlje fattbfull: bee burftetb out into this eitboitacio, Saberin be compzebenbetb the common ioelfare of tbe Sobolc Church as Socll as bis oajne. ^Fo? Ijc rebearcetl) not snip Sobat maner a one be bab founb (25 ob to btmfelfroarb, but alfo bou? frankfp anb Soitb bow f oicioarb fauourablcnen"fc be is &>ont to help all fbofe that be bis. Co be fi)Ojt, bp thefearmngof oncinQructton, be refcrretb tya bnberftatsDing to a gc*ic; ralj boctrinc. what the pzopcr abicctiuc r Chafidim]tmplp: t ) i»hetantl) "fomib oft J'i>mc# enutletb tljc faitrjftiil , it is alreabp fbcwebt'ntbeOftentb ^falmc. ^Fejtbc beauenlp aboption muvt kmsie in tbem tbe Dcfirc to bofc>ri,to tbcintenttbep map rcfcmblc their fathers bifpofition,iobo ina lxt\) bis j&unne to rpfe upon the tuft anb bntuft, i^atb-5. 45« 35"* there is no= tbmgfeberein menmapappzoebe nccrer bnto <25ob, than in benerltmi oz bomg of goob turncs- Cbe memoziall of bis boiPs nefTe ~]in tbc feconbe member of tbe berfc, map bee refcrreb too tbc though IDatttb bab all gobs cinlbzen come fo;tb before the arU of Couenant , Suljicb loss the memoziall cf as fo baptco ftntb manifold mtferies one in an otljcrs neefce , tbat be tnpgijt baue bin counteb tozctcbcD $ fojs lozne aboue all otber me.ainD pit inferring fooztb <25obs gooDHes.beacbnowleDgetb bmifclf to baue bm tofTcD in aDuerfttie but Ipgbtlp a fin nil tpmc,$ as it to ere but tt id) a glaunctng bp. 3lnD bcrbpponcamc that meclDncs ano bpzigbt mpnD of bis,tbat be cfteemcD mozc ©oos benefits, f peelDeD btmfelf moze quietlp to tbtfuffrancc of tbc € rode, tban tlje ix» ozlD is com on'. p i»oont toDoo. 3if tbe SoozlD go on our fpDe,&ee fwalovoe bp d5oDs bencfites Smtbout fee* iing:02 atlcaft&pfe ioelettbem fltpbp out own fiuggifbnes. l&ixt afTonc as anp bca^ upnes ozaDiurfttiebcfalletb \js,Sdc make a feb.pmng at bis rtgezoufnes, as tbougb be bao ncuer aeltltberallp anD mercpfulip Soitb )oz. Coo bee fbozt, our oome toap"-- toarbneo ano iorcrtfome longing too bee out of papnc,mafcetb cuerp minute a buns DzeD peeves. 2Bgein,our reppning ano bnz tbanfefulncflc tmagtnetb <2?oDs gracious goooncs to bee but of ftjozt tarpence, boro long foeuer it comtnero toirarDs bs. ?Pur oven icauDnes tberfozc is tbe onlp ict,\t>b? all of bs fecle not OBoDs anger to be fl)02t, anb Ins fauour to be pzolongeD toitarD bs Duruifj aii tbc race of our !pfe.;tf oz it is not fo? nougbt tbat be fo often auoiicL;etl) bints fctf to bee mercvf till j fauozablc to a i bou?= IanDsemracions,oftongfuferancf,aoive lop to S»zatljc,anD rebp anD eafp to fozgtueTfr tl;at i»l)icb befapctb bp tbepzopljei <£fap 5 +.7. (bpcaufeitpcrtepnctb to tbe &ing= DomcofCbzuT)muftnccDc.sbefulf?lleD: namelp, JFo? tbc turning of bano baue 38 punia)CD ttyce in mpnc anger, but 31 Soill gailjer tbee togitl^r i»itb enDlcs mercpe. 38 eonfeffe,onr ftatc tn tbifl ito^iD is fo>?ap pcD in fo manp mtferies , anD tofleD in fo grcate bariabienes,among fo manp Doubt fullcbaunces, tbat almoft no Dappaflctl) Smtbout fometrubbieano grccf . Sigctn, among fo manp QOHbtfiill cbaunces, it can net bee butfc^e muftnceDes bee full of tbougbt anb fcare. Cberfc y, ,feljitber= foeuer men turne tljcmfclncs a maje of mi; fcr tes befettctb tbcm about. § ou?beeit,al= tbougb tbat fiBcrcD, tbat (Boo neucr lapetb fo foze 0? long pepnes bppon bis feruantes : but tbat be toitljbzaaieib bb3 banb from tpmc too tpmc , anD fcafonctl) the fofc?eneffc of tbetr fojoroe i»itb tbc fvecetnes of funic comfozt . ^0 S»l)ofoeucr fball baue kt bp bitnfclf too tl)£ mpnbing of tbc bca- uenlp Ipfc, bee QjaU ncuer fapnt b^Der af= fiicf.ons, laft tl);p ncuer To long: but ccm= £> ,b» taruts lohn idiuins eommentane Paring rtjem ioitlj tt>s ejrccebmg great anD febple after ipg'jt (ball rpfe ageine tonto .„,H,fn^f3,.fi.vnf cK (V»aH wrrlftfn *h? vnhtrh PnsH rrfrffli hcrtiil* litrtfi. mamfolD fauoar of © €> ID.Qjall peelb fo mttcl) honour to tljc fame, tljat l)is gooo= ncffc Gbail outfeap bis anger an IjtmDjeo - folo.33n tlje feconb member I).' rcpetetb tbc fame fentence agcin riguratiuclp.t?s met= netbnot fimplp tqat tljc affliction a>al laft nomojebut one npgljt : but if an? Dim-- ueffc Ipgljt toppon tbtmtasit focrcinfte eucntpoe oj, at the fonrns fette, Suitl^in a tljs.feljicb Q)2ll rcrrcflj tl;elr Ijeaup l^irts. JDauibs purpofc teitjctl) too tl;i0 effect: ttjit if fee fecrc not oner faabp, tije 2Lojb feoolu alwapcs in occo feafen mintftcr oc= cadonpf giaoneffcbncoba.cuen feijentje l)3tbfc&me8to ouerrobdmebs feitb tlje raiU of nnfcricsfoj a little fe!jj>!e,as if tlje majning fyoalb barone after tijcnpgtyt. 7 And in mync cafe I had fayd,I shall not bee moued for euer , 8 Lord of thv °-ood pleafure thou hadft: ftablished ftrength to my moun- tain : thou hah hidden thy face,and I was trubbled. 9 Lord I kryed vnto thee,and I prayed to my Lord. 10 What profit is there in my blud , when I shalbe gone downe into the pit ? shall duft prayfe thee ? or shall it declare thy truth ? n Heere 6 Lord / and haue mercie vppon mee , Lord bee thou my hel- per. 7 [8nD in mpne cafe. «.] Cfttt itfttje confefiion of feljtcb 31 fpaUe bcfo?e:feb£r- in be acknoix>lcbgsrij Ijimfclfc to tymz fuf> fcreb tuft ana befcracb puniQjmcni fo? ty.s foolifb careleflcncffe : nameip intbatljee forgetting bis cftate bao oueriopcb ljim= felfc in r)t£s p^ofperttte . J'o; bptlje name of [cafe] be: mecnetlj the quiet anb bappp cftate of bisreigne. SDUjcrfomc tranfiate tljcfeoojb [shaloa] abunbancc , in fehicb figni 6 carton it is taken oftf tpmes in otljer places : but tbc terme of [eafe] fittctlj cijc tcrt better , as if bee fboulbfape,|atioDbat time fortune frnplc bppon ljim on all fpbs, anb that fljerc appecreb not anp bail ger to bee afrapD of , bis mpnb feas fapco as tt rjab bin feitlj a founb flcepe, fo as tjc belee= mto tljat l)is Ijappie cftate Qjoulb ncuer banc come too an enbe . # o; ttyts ficfblp confiDencc Urcepetb cuen tipon rbefatntcs oftentpmes.febcn tbep fofce tbemfelace in tbeir belpgljts as it feerc in tlje ices of fepnc : ano t'ocrefo?e 31cremie in biS-31' cbapter anb eigljtentb vcrfe,liKenctbbi»n' fcife to a feplb buliocUe beefo^e t!;c llozoe bab tameb l)im 9 cnureb bim too tl)e poke. jfrovo altbougb at f fivft fpgbt tbts fecmc to be but a Ipgtjt fault : pit a tnan map gas tber bp tbc punta)tncnt hereof , boo? foje ttbifpleafctl; 0ob : icbtcb tljing Ibalbee * no feoontier to t?£l,if S»2 conftber of feljat rootc it fp;ingctli,anb agcin febat fruits it b?tngetb foojtb- fo} inafmucb astnnume table beatbes feauc continsscallp beefoje our epes,anb tbat tberc be fo manp ejcam= pies of cljaungcs too ftirrebs too fearc anb fearcncfTe : tbep mufte necbes bee be&itcbeb oatb biuelifb p?pbs, i»!,icb pet* fwabe tbemfelucs tbat tbep? Ipfj fljalbce pjiuilcbgcbfro tbccomonlot of tljc febele SbojId. ^:bep fee tljc feljolc eartlj meoblcb toogitijer in confufeb bariableneffe , anb cucrp part to bee after a fojt tofleo te anb fro : anb pit as if tljep S»ere not of tbc nombcr of men , tbep imagin tljat thep Ojall ftanb alioapes at a ftap , anb not bee fubiect to anp cbaunges. l^crcuppon gtoio ctb iocalpncfre of tbc flcEb.that tl)t? licena tiouflp foloio tbep; oronc luirs . i^crcup= pon commetb (ratctpneflcanb crueltie,anb becrcuppon commetb flacHencflc of p;ap= ing.^ojboiDfboulb tbep flee bntofeoa, S»l)icbarepncbcbo? tnoucb feitlj no fee= ling of tljep; oamc ncebe i Cbc cl)i!b;cn of tfgob Ijaue alfo a goblp careleffeneflc bp tbefclues,febiclj feeepctb tljep? mpnbsqut ct in tl;e trubblefomc(lo;ms of tljc tt>o?lb: J'.Uc as S)auib altbongb be bab feene al tlje teboIeiEOjlD (Ijafecn, pitougbt Ijebp Lean* mg to gobs p?orats,to bauc l;opeb feel of f ton* vppo ntne . xxx.l/lalmc. no tljep fee, tbep tahe Seaming a: tbeto fpg?) $ groncbnto •-Soo.'Cbe^uopbct tberfoje Oiftn&ea in tbistobalf, tbat fattening bis ancboz in fylff pjcfcnt iodtb ano peace , oj clfc fpzeoing tts faplss att)iS mcr:c gales, \}z bepenoeb not bppon t :ie free fauour of <©ob,fo as be mpgfjt bee reop at all l]Ourt s too refigne intoo bis banb tobatfoeucr Ijc bab beftoajea bppon bun. jfo;tbe mats cbing of contraries is too bee mar'a cb, be= ttocene tbe ftableneffr,S»b!cl) is concepueb upon tbe trua of caje, anb tl)C ftablenefTe, Softie!) \a fettled in tbe free fauour ef .Sob. Wberasbefapetb,tbat [arengtl) Spas fta* bltfbeb to l)is mountain,] fome 3!nterp2e= ters erpounD it of mount S>ion. %>tl)Ers taUe it foj foms.ftrong boib>bpcauft in olb tpmc foztreflts So ere iooont too bee bupl= beo bppon mountapnes anb ijvgi) places. %3 fo? mec, like as 3! take this name of [ fountain ] fpctapbozicallp foz a fub= ftantiallbpliOlomg:fo jj to Ulinglp agree, tbat tb> |£zopbct alluoetl) to mount g)ion, JDamo tben aecufcil) \)i% owne folie , bp= caufe l)« bab not (as it became tjnnj con= fioereb that tbere fejas no affursbncu"e in tbened tbat \)i 1>30 bupibco bim , but in tl)c onlp goob pleafurc of 3D. [ (Cbow bafte bibb^'n tljp face.] tfzoto be confeffct?) tbat this bcrceutng bim of gobs giftes, ioas as it So ere a purgation, tljat purgtb bis mpno from tbe botagc of emit trufrfulndTe. 31 Sooonberfullanb increbis biz matter furelp, tbat <0ob b? bpbtng bts face (anb as it Soere. bp ouercaflingbim Soirt) a barknefis.) fboulb enipgbten tlje epes of bis feruant,Sol)icb faxoe notbing in tr>: clcerc IrsUt . 25ut fo is it neebfui1. fo; bs to bee btolentip fbafcen, to tyw awap our flattcrmges,Sobicb oo botb cijokeour faptb,anD binber our calling bpon <5ob,* alcogttlier amaje bs u>itl) a fvocetc franti&s neffe. jfroix»,tf JDautb bso ntzb of fneb a re meop: Sece are not cnoecoeo tb fucb faunb nefll'.but tbat it is cjjpcbtentfojbs to baue tbe fatte of our car eleffcuesenfepmeb tutl) fcarccnes. Cberfoze Socc ijauc no caufe to marucll, tbousb tf5ob ofttpmes bpbc Ijia face,attbefpgbtSoberofSoce become pur; blpnb ,i»bcn ;t a)pnctl) cbcerlp bppon bs. 9. [liozb^^^ovofolowctl)? frute of biS cbaftpjement: namclp,y 3Da= uib.tobo erft Ocpt founblp on boil) fpoea.fc foacrebbwOotl; % fojgetfulnes,nor©fo5 ftffOlf contmc voatrce c*bto rc.gnc.lidut tbe faptf) full, altbougb tijai being lift bp aloft Saul) tl;c binges of tbnr faptb,tbep eclppfe ab^ uerfitic: pit notroit^franbmgbpcaafe tbcp confibsr t5)emfcluestoo bee ubiccttoo tb? common trubblcs: tbep frame tfjemfelucs toa fuf erant c,t?)cp are euerp bow^c in re- bpnefTe too recepue fttol^es, tbep fljalw; of reftpneffe, ano e^ercpfe t'lCiufeiucs in t!>e S0atfarre,tooi9b-ci) t!)ep Unoive tbep arc appopntcb, tbep pttttbcmfclues into gobs tuicion foz fears of aforclappes, anb tbc^ tiling not tbrmfeluea in fafctpe titimifiit tban bnoer bis ban'o . l&ut tt iras otljer- lc?fe iott'j 5Dau!b,i»'50 being fnarleo in H)e entpecmentes of l;is pzofperous Sate, bab bebpsbteb Inmfelf contintivall cafe, ratber Dppou [)ia owneimaginacion, tban bppon ti)c ioarrant of bclp Sling C5ecbtas, S»bo bauing bin toajcbeb alat^ ioitl) a foxe u&nes,au'one as all 'bans iocll ano acceding too bis befpze , Soas carpeb bp fonbnes of tbe flcCS) to pzpoe anb baun- ting of irmielf. z. paralip. ?2. if . wb^b^beteacbcibbs to bcetbei»arer, tbat ^>atan bevoitcb bs not toitb b1^ fiatc tenes ioljen ioee bee in our cljecf ruffe of pjofpcritie.Cherfoze tbe moze bounteoufs Ip tbat d5 aD 3D bzaletb Soitlj anp man, fo mucb tbe i»arclper let l)t ioljen tbep are ftocctlp bjnmfcen in tijeir own furfctting: but a ccrteinfoft Quggift) nefle bab polTcffeb bis mpnb, fo as be bc= came mozc cold to pzap, anb Depenbeo not bppon tbe fauour of <25ob, but trufteo toa mucb to \) & owne fligbtfuU anb tottering fell arte. 8 . [iLozb, of tbp goob pleafurc] 3In tbfaf Dcrfcisnotcbtbe bifftrcnccbetroecne tl)6 truft tl)at is founbeb bppon t'oeSuoozb of $oD,anb tbe careleficnes of ^ flv'ib.tobtcl) fpzingctl) of pzefumptuoufnes.^r oj f faitb JttU.Soben tiicp leane tsnto ©oD,are not in tbe mcane tohplc flowe in pzapmg. 213 ut ratber confibcring carncftlp toit'j Sobat a tbzong of baungcrs tbep are be"ct,iooUe tjow manp examples of manncs frapitpc lohn Galium Uammentane beinlp (larrtng bt) In a fesrc beginncrl) too krpe \>t«3 (0od. "d?oz like ao tije p^on tbat bad) gat'jereD ruftc bp coutinzuall Iping fttll,cinnot be put to anp bf • till it be bcate agein in the fpze ano beaten fritf) tbe baa mi: fo after 1 1) it ttje reft ?nefTe of tbe flcfb Ijaiba one gjttiUtbcmwftrte.nominnn gin? bitnfdfe cb?erfuUpbnto p:apcr,ttllbc bee tbzoujblp tcavccb and i»eli ftirbufbeb bp tlK erode $n) Jljc cbeefep?o5t of affile tiGns istbts , that t'acp c*H PS bacfeetoo craue gobs grace, bp making bs to Unou> our otonemtfer ies. jo [wbatpzofitistberc.] *>omeejc- pounb it tbiis J S»l)atmapit auaplemeto bauslmcb,onIcffe tboupzolongmp lpfefo far .till 3! map bauc finiftUea tbe courfe of mp calling :' 13 ut tins fence fcemetl) to be eiurmucb ftrcpneb : anb furelp, [blua] is not put beerc foz [ipfc,] but foz [Death : ] as if \y. {boulDfap,i»batpzbfit (bait tbou get bp mp beat!):' xotyti) tbing a man map gatljcr mozG ccrteinlp bp the otljcr menu bcr, %obcrc be complapnetb tbat bis beab ecrkeffe ftall be bnabls to ajetrfooztb tbc pzapfes of (©ob ji^otyjitbftanbing it fee: metb tljat mention i»ss mabc of [trutbe] bppon goob attpce. iffoz itf»as not mectc tbat JDauiD fboulb bee taken out of tbe 5»ozlo bp bntpmelpbeatb before 43ob bab parfozmeb bis p;omis cocerntng bmi that fboulb be bis beirc * jf oz feeing tbere is a mutuail refpect bctujcne gobs pzomifes $ our faprt) : Crutl) is as it feere tbe meane tuijerebp gob fbcfectl) open'p tbat be bea= letb not franhlp i»itb bs in Saozbs to tlic= tcntto fotebsfettli batnebope,anbintbe enbe to btfappopnt bs.^ozeoucrto tben'- tent to obtcin a longer ipfc , bee grounbctlj r/is argument bppon tbe pzapfes of (EJob, foztolet out tljc SdIhc'u i»earc bozneanb creatcb : as if bee ftoulb Tape . Co fcjliat purpofe b iftc thou maoe me 0 C3co, but t'aat During tbe ScboU race of mp ipfc , 3H might b-: a 5»itnefle anb a publtfiber of tlyp gracc,to bla3e abzobc tb? renoromer* 13 tit tbtsscfpze of mpne fljall Deatlj cut of, foz &>hen ]B am bcab J ujalbc put too fiience foz euer . jftoso bcccc arpfetb a qucftion ; S»hitb:r tbeoeatb of tbe faitbrusiboonot gl3iiae €>ob , as to ell as tbeptlpfe. 2>a= uti fpafeenot ftmplpof beatbc: f^\y:t batli aDbeb tbe ctrctimfance xuVjicrj Ji baue banbleD in tbe fijctt; ^falme . f o? inaf= mucb as <$9b bao p20mifeb btm a fuccrf; b39 goobcaufeto beeafrapbof be^ ing bifappopntcb bp tbe cutting off of tbiS bope, foasbe%3S compellebto hrpout : [«?bat pjofitis tljjrc in mp blub r'JiFoj it lose to uicbee'ioofe of ©ods gloztc , tbat \}t iijoulb rcma me alpuc bnrill tljatbp ob; tepning bis befpzebe tnvgbt bcare recoiB to ©ob tbat l)C2 bab pcrfozmcD anb fulfpl= Ico bis p:otms.3!ntbe end of tljc berfc,bp bemaunimg tofytber ouft ujal pzapte gob, be boU) not quite bereetic t\yz oeab of poa?i er to pjapfc l)tm,as 3! haue fbcb?eom tbe firtb ^falmc. 5Fo: tf tbe fapthfuU becmg looen iuitb tip burthen of flett) boo natl).^ leffe erercpfe tbcmfelucs in tins Dewtic of gooivneiTc : i)Ow fihoul&tbepccafcaspDlc, ioljen ti)ep be bndotbeo anb fctloocefrom tljc bonbs of tbz boDp i 3 1 is to be conQ- bcreb tberfoze, tbat DauiD cntreatctl) not purpofelp iabat tbe Dc.iDDoo, ozirljcrein tbep occupic tiiemfelucs : but onlp tljat be batb a refpcct,to abat enbeioc liuc in tbis SdozId : namelp tbatiec fljoulD be fetters fooztljof <5obs glozpconc too anotber . wben feee bauc perfozmeb tl)is cbarge mpnbfullp euen too tbe bttcrmod bownb of our irfe : in beatlj toe become Dumb. ii [^eereaDiLozb.j 3!ntbi0claufehe tempcretb anb cozrcctctb tyB fozmer cotn- plapnt.fcz it bab bm agcinft rcafon tbat be iboulbljaucquarelleb foit}) (godlike one paff bope of recoucrie , ano to baue enbcb in tbat fretting . Cbcrcfozc after be batb moozninglp bemaunocb tobat l;is beatb fboulb bootc d5oD : bee encouzagetb bl)icb is, tbat bcmpgbt beftcwe t!)e refibcto of btslpfcin publtfs fbingtbep2apfes of <©s[)3D. tf£o2couer, Itfeeas JDauiD eonfefictbtbatbe Soasnot fo blocbifb 02 ftcelpbarteb , but tijatbce moo2ncb in beamneffc ana fo2Qu> : fo ijec . fljcirctl) tijat W bctpe raooimng Diauc bimtooefpje d&£) 3D tooturncawapbis 5»2atl) . <£ptber of rtjcfe things is tnoft fcjODjtbp tobemarKeb : ^F irft ieafl &>ee imagtn a ftoicall b^bbartebnefle in the §>atncts, tbat fbottlo tafee a%ap ali fee<= ling of greefe : anb feconblp tljat we map hnoi»,tbat bp tbep? mooting tbep mpn? beb repentance. £ ins latter be betoUenetlj bptbenaraeof [£>acUclotb.] j^ttfoas an oinmar-x matter among t^e people of oloe tpme , to put on facfcclotl), So tjen ttjep tnoo2neb : anb tljat Sua© fojnonc otber intent,buttocome foojttl) bumblp bcefojx ttyebeauenlp 3Inbge,anb too fci» foj pars bonmcooifc apparcii after ttjc ntaner of conoemncb perfons. SClfo&ee fenow tbat the Cafterne people toere abouc alt others giuen too ceremonies . jftofr tben&ee percepue ttyat 3Dauib Soasnot bopbe of greefe,altl)ouGb be fubmitteb b'-mfclf e pa; ticntlptoo <©£>2D. 25utiuecfcetbere5 fcritball, tbrtt bis b^aumefle Srtasaeco^ bmg too <25ob,as ^aulctcrmetb it : Jro? beetoohe lumfelfe to facKclotl) foz rcpen ■ taunce fafce. 15 p tbe iooojb [bauncing] tber is not ment cuerp maner of S»anton= neffe 0; ruffpanlp leaping anb friftiing : but a fober anb bolp btterance of glabnes, fuel) as tbe ljolp fcripture ma&etb mention of,fe>b,en JDauibconbcpebtlje 3irEeofco.< uenant into bis place, ^ofubeit (if a man map Ijaue leaue to coniccture) euen becres bp it map be gatbercb,tliat tbat great bans gerioljereof 2DauiD batbfpoHcn,isillre- flrrpneb too anp fiHncflc . fat it is not ltfe6 tljat l^c put on facfeclorij Suljcn ije lap faftencb to his bcb.^Inbccbc tins Socr not areafonof sufficient itrengtb m it fclfc : 3j3oritifb&anbing, in a boutfuli matter it isnotbopb of tocpgbt- sDauiD tbercfojc meenctb,t^at laping a fpbc tyts moojmmg apparc«l,bercrurncb from fojton? anb bca= nmefle bnto top anb mini) : anb tbis thing afcriberb be to tbe grace of bicl) 3 b^c fct bourne . 31 1 is certepne tliat tbe iuoo2D [Ccuoa] is fometpmc bp a metapbo? tahen fo.2 a [tung,] as \)&t\) bin kens in tbe pfalm 1 6.9. SI^Qjcouer fozafmucb as JDauib ab betl) bpanbp after, [31 foill fct fooitb tbp p?apfc fo? eucr : ] tbe berp courfc of t^e Sdoojds requiretb , tbat bee iTjoulbmafee mention beerc peculiar ip of bts otrn belsi tie.Cbe fence tl)m is tbts : iiL02b bpcaufc 31 acKnoi» icoge mp feife too Ijaue bin p*e--- ferueb,to tljentcnt tbp pjaifts fi)Ulbfounb in mp tung: 33 &iilpcrf02mett/is charge faptbfullp , anb ertcute mp berotpe mm bnto tbe bcatb. [Co ftng anb not to ceafc] isanamplpfping among t^e i&cbzcxccs: as if it bab bin fapb : tbat m^ tung ujoulD not be muet , 05 befraube
aptfrcs,that the waojHe* of the §>aincts areDnwoojtbp of retoaro, bpcaufe tbep arc befpjincled witUfpcttes. 16 ut hzer in tl>ep bewjap their grofle ignos ranee, ttjat tbep bp their oame wit doo mcafuve the mogement of <5 O 3D , in comparifon whereof the tocrp bjpsbt- neffe of the tStaxvw is dark . Cijer- foze let tb-s doctrine abpoc faft , tljat ft- ing wee are not accounted rpghtuoafc befojc (5 vaci)zv Cb mine bis fpght, tijan fccUc Ins grace fins eerelp , and from the bottom of their hart. 1B ut tbep , whom d£> &D 3D waHencthin Dccoe , fo as tbep bee torched with the liu.'lp feeling of their ewnt mifer ic : are trubbied with continewall fcnquictncffc, fo as it 10 a hard matter too appeafe their mpndc0. Crulp tljcp tafte = mer fozt this doctrine map bee applp= ed thus : what raeene pec, ^D p:e watches i Ct)oaglj one oj twos pjic* lunges wout pouo not , though a means John Gamins ^ommentane too anp ttjtng clfe , tljan tbe mere mcrs cpe of (5 €> 2D . wbctebp it appceretb, tbat tljep are too groftelp ouerfecne,&bicl) tbm& tbat fye fo^gmenclTc of finnes,i0 but an entcrance btitoo rye btuoulcncfTe. jpoj feeing that tl*e fartb,full £00 tsaslp cnbaunger tbcmfelucg Smtb many fpuitjo. it 4otll bootc tbem nothing at all too fjeue cntereb once tbe &>ap , onlefie 45 £> 2£> purfero tbem feutb tbe farce1 grecc eucn tmtoo tbe laG popnt of tbeir ipfc . 3 f a= np mart obiect , tbat in feme pieces tl;cp arc calltD biiffcD ioljtclj feare tbe ilo;D, fe>b'-rt) fral&e m Ins Shapes , wljicb are fount) of bart, anD fuel) Itbe : tbe anfirer is eafpe : tbat fojtafmucb as tlje perfect feare of <£eD, tbe keeping of trje &awe, anb tbe feunbneffe of bart, map nowhere bee foanb : S»batfoeucr tbe fcripture fpcaj Uctb an? S»bere concerning bliffcbncffc , tbe fame is not grounbeb bpon an? tljing clfe, tljan bpon tbe free fauour of <£>£) 2D, $»betbp be ritb tbe feeling of tbeir otrnc mi= ferie , oj bejceD fcritlj bnfecne tojmcntes: fit fcritb tbeir frowarD fojgctfulnes tbep cbofee all feare of ®ob . %& foj tbe bP= pocritcs, if at anp tpme tbcp? confcfcnce gnaire tbcm , tbep falnc tljcir fcje ioitl) bapnc plapftcrs. Hf <£ Q 2D cite tbcm too bisittogmentfeate, tbep fet 31 ivot not Soljat bifojs befojj tbcm fo? tbeir Defence: ano tbep are ncuer loitbout curtapnes, Soberfcitb too beepc tbe lysbt owt of tljcir bartes . 2111 tbets men are lettcD bp tijejt ovsm intoarb Soplpncfle , tbat tl)«p can not feefce fclicitiein tbcfatl]cc= Iplouj of <5 3D 2D. $ urtbcrmo?e, manp *1 mcanc fenowleogc of pour finnes bee not pnougb too ftriUc pow in feare: pit fcljat a froroarenco is it too Gcepe founalp ftill, feben po«» ate oucritbclmeb toitb tbcbn^ meafurable bcapc of tbcir?r* aino fl)is tepes tition maUcth not a little too tlje comfojs ting ano (Irengtbentng of tlje fccafee anb fcarfull . :ff 0? feing tbat boubtes baue re= cour&from tpme too tpme: it Sucre not pnougb foj tljem too get tl)t bppcr banb in one encounter omp.CberfQje,Icaftbcfr pap?c mpgbt fwaloaie tbem top among tbe funDjtpc affauites, &beri»itb tbcp are trubbleo : tbe bolp ^boft confirmetb anb ratifpttb tb.eremiffion of fmncs i»itbmas np feoojDes. ^furtbermo?c, it is rcqui- ftte too Sucp St>bat tbe manetg of fpeeebe irnpozt. gmrelp , tbe fojgiuenes , feberof be entreateil; becre , agreetb not Switb faa lisfactions . jfpoj Cod , in releaung , o: taUing aroap , anD alfo in bpbing anD not imputing fmncs , Dootbe frcclp fozgiue tl;em . Cbctfo^e , tlje 0apiftes bp t!)?u= Gmg m tbeir Satisfactions anb tooo^Ues of fDucrplus, 0? S>upercrogticn , Cas tbcp tcrmc tbem, ) bcreeue tbemfclues of tbis bliffcDncs . 2l5efpDes tW » JDauiO ejBtenbetb tl;cis 5»oo?bes too full fo;gi= uencs. 3finD tberfo^c out of feafon cometb becrc tbe Diftinctton of tbe penaltie, anb tbe faslt, Sobertp tbe ^apiftes curtail of tl)c fo?giutrcs bp tlje ioafte. i^oro tl» naiip is too beefcenctoo ii>bat perfoms tbis bapppnesbclongctb : fc>l)icb tb'ng is cafpe too bee gatbeteb bp tbe circumfiance of tbe tpme . 5f oj S»bcti 2Dauib fapb, ibatbe &as bmTeD tb>ougb tbe onlp mcr- cpe cf (Bod, be leas not a ftraunger from tbe Cburcb : but ratber bee bab p?ofitcb abcue manp otbers in tlje feare anD fer= uts cf bofc ftap of bis faluacion in [)is free reconcilement bntoo dB a) ID . iBcptljer is itfoj nougljt tbat 5acl)artc in bi0 feng ( JLufcc. 1 . 7 7 .) cal= Ictlj it tlje hnocDleBge of faluacion , too boio a mannes fclf too tlje fojgiuenes of unne0 . Cben alibougbamaneicceUne- uer fo much in bolpnes, pit muft be tI)inH birafelftoo bee (rill farre of from tbe per= fecticm of rpgbtuaufeneflc , anb not truft oftnem Docptbcrpieaccmalapcrtlp before Cfoosojfieell faitb pjotob pjtcfumptuouf* ruffe ,fo as $b*P became tbcmfciut0 to bse happve i»l)itlKr <3£ £D 3D Suui oj no.2>a= ui!> tbcrefojc mecnctb tbat noman taftctb of S»I)flt fcalcu? fo;gfuenefTe of Onncsi0, befo?c gxople bee frippcB out o? b'0 batte. fliflojeouer fc>I)at be mecnctb bp tln0 term [gwpic,] a man map gather bp tbatfo>!jtcl) ji bauefpofeen.T"Df)ofocuer tben ejeaminctb notbtmfclfebcfoje <85ob, butratberfban* rang <£oo0 iubgmcnt , epn>:r fbjou&eil) btmfclfc in t\) e barfee , oj coueretb iumfclfe S»itb !eattc0 : i)cc bealetb guplcfullp botbc fettl) Ijimfclfc anb fr>itb C5od . &o t0 it no niarnel tbougb be refwfc rcmcbpe,utb bee fecktb not b»0bifcafc. £>f tl)is gupic.tbe tiaofo.:tc0 S»5);cl) 31 bauc to^ebco are to benoteo. iftow altbougb manp bee not growenfo Ijarbljartcb , buttyattbepbee totwebeb xoitb feme fcare c? $ oa aria bc= fpze of Ins grace : pitfep tl;c fo>ap tbep cp= ti/er cocker tbemfclaca , o.z rife arc mbueb bat cololp too fccKe ftygtueneffe . ^>:rcbp it commctb to paGe,rbat rbcp pcrcaue net Ijooci ineftimable a fciicittc it t0,to ftaim in goBSfaaoar. £>ucb a one Soas iDauib fo2 a tpme, iaben oeceptfuli reebjemeffe lircpt bpponbun tooatfcenbtsmpnoe, tbat bee fbsulb notput bp bis beab too ioo&e after t'nis feltcitie . sDf tyis felftfamc Difcafe ars tbefainctfioftentpmesfjcfe ♦ Cberfojeif S»eccoaet too emop tbi0 felicttie fobich JDauiD fettetb out bnto P0,%e maft taHc gooD beeoc, tbat ^>atan poffefTc not our bartcs ioitb gnplcs , ana fo taKe from x>8 tbe feeling of oar otone miferie , in 5»?]icl| tljep muft neebes ppne ausap , Subofoeuer ttjcp bee tt>at feeUe Sarttngbole?. 3 V Vhen I hild my peace my bones confumed, and when I howled out all the day long. 4 For day and nyght thy hand was heauy vppon mee:and my greenneiTe is turned into the drowghts of Sommer. I [when 3 l|tiD mp peace. ] ^e cons firmert) up big otone experience tbe fen- tence S»lncb be bab fet foojtl): nameip tljat being bumbleb bp tbe Ijanb of s ioitb tbe fee; ling of \)is i»?atb . I^eptbcr fpeaUetlj bee of a meane cramming onelp: but bee be^ clarctb tbat be ioa0 bttcrlp bjoagbt bnDec f oote iuitlj cctreme rtgoar . ^nb certcfTc, foonbcrftiH in tbi0 beebaife is not onip tbe floati)fulneffe , butalfotbebarbenebncOc ofcurflefb.Cberct"8iejfSscbenotD?att)= en bp forcible miancs,b:e &nll netjer mafee baftetofechc rcconfiliation^uitb (M)ID fo carneftlpca xoce oagbttoboo. (Co bee fbo;t,t!jcp2opbetbp crampie of Ijimfclfc teaebctb , tl>at icee nener percepue bow grcatabapppne0iti0 too baue-tt/e fauour of (16 od, until Sue baue tbzougbip felt «)oia bjcabfull ©oba bifpleafure is.bp br,ng im SuarDl? cyereifeb S»it!j greeuous encoun- ter0 of temptations . 3nb bee fapetb tbat Sububer bee biK> bio peace, o? iy cat about to bif8urbenbi0 grcefe bp brping aub ro= ring out,al«>apeo i>!0 bones confumeb:50 if be woulb baac fapb, tbat all b?0 ftregtb 5»a0 cleane iuitbereb. aPbersbppon tt fo= iotoetb , tbat Sob/.tbet fceaer tbe finncr tame bimfelfe,anb in tobat fo?t focaet l)ec be mpnbeb,pit it cafetl) not bi0 maSabp, ne bootetb tym at all, bntill l;cbc come agcin intoo d5ob0faaoar . 5Fojit oftentpmes bappenctb tbat tbcp i»ljicb, cbafc feppon tbe bit,anb froalowe isp anb fuppjefie Ujeir fojovo inwarbip, arcnippcb fettb tpgfot fo^e greefe : imo pit aftcrwaroc arc carpen atoap Suitlj a foDem rage , ano tlje fejee oc tbep? grzefe b?uu:etb! oat S»U!j fotnudjc greater bioUncc,a0 trjep reftrcpneD ttyznu fellies tbe longcr.^p :l)e tcrme £f[fitencc] bie bcetoUenetb not gixcfiefncfn; oi bloc- "ftiCbneffe.batanafecid teljtcij i£S mcane bctiiienc futferance aru) ftubbcjncffe , alp= eb botl) to tbe bpec anb ta tbe czrtM for, btsboneg QjoaiD not baue biaconftaneb a0 it iu ere bp age, butti)jougb feKocr:.- tiot;0 of mpnbz : atib pit tya b^olamgof bis peace t-suto not be fepDe too pjtcccbt of tope oi cbiDtsnce , bpcaufc it eafeb not \)i& nufmcatall. + [jfojtDapanb npgfct.] 3!n tbtebcrfe beQjc&etl) niozc euiDentlp &>bcrcbppcn bis fo GjGfite bcaupneffc DiD fpjing : tljat is te Ssit.bpcaufe l;c felt 2D ap= peeretb ess a ' juDge,f bzingetb bun low f fcnDetfoote.bp uttering tbe fignes of bp0 Difpicafarc. f£ bents fulniieD tt?i0 fapfng of Cfap.40.7- tbc biaDe is DzpcD bp anD t!;e bower re itbereDatoape, bpcaufc tbe tnetb of tl;e 2Lo?o batbc blowcn toppon it. Hinb befa^etb it i»ac no comon UpnDe of eljaftpsmcnt , feijeTcbpbeicrneDtoofcare <£cD0 fezatb in Dceoe : fo? tlje banb of tbe jLojtD ceafea not to bee beanie bppon ljim Sap no; npgbt . ^>urclp be bab binframcb cuen of a cbplDe , ag fejcll too tbe feare of © Q 2D bp fecrct intttnet of tyt fpirft, as bntogoblpneCc bp inftmctfon . 3lnt> pit totbelerningof tbtefaifbome, fofanms fufficicnt S»crc tbe trapRCtnenteo ix>\)evtz Suit!) be ba& bin inftnictee,tbat use a raw feboier , be ijati nceoe to be fct new to febole agemin tbc mioocs of b?0 race, ^sp ra= tber fobenljeebaa ncis bp long cuftome enurcD bimfclf to bewapling cf bis finnco : be toas pluc&cD bacUe ncfe? ageine too bi» Daptp er.crcpfes.iobcrebp i»cmap gatber, l;oi» late ins ere men amenD, Sx>bcn tfjep fljee once falnc : anD alfo^ow flow tbep bee toobep.till ]DbcatetbemSmtbmanp ftrppc0 , ana cljafrije tijem centmeS&ailp uiozc anD mo^c.jif anp man af fee conccr= nmg lDauiD,inbubei' be became baroeneD at tljc lirppes iabttb be Jsne5» too be lapD bppon bnn bp the banD a0 !;tlD oowne anD fettcrcD in perpleritie of fojon-c , anD balcD funD^p feapeciintb leplurcip tojtmentcs , till bee ieas feeli tameD anD ninDe tnecbe : ft>b»cb 10 tl;e beginning to feefce remeDp. wberbp Sec gatber agemc, tl;at tbe cl^ftpjtii£Hte0 Sobcrein oo 10 the fow.Der of bis fecifare : inbtcb thing coaiD not bec DttermmeD bp t;>e pzrfrnt cQate of tbmgea, foi fucbe is our fnfenfibU Dulnrsubac $eft cfrttmrs »f!iuereibDs,%>bcntoeebea£cpiugan& tbtnk of nofijcoe thing. Ttfiirrefoze u tsa forcible manner of Ipcccbe , febercbp bee pjapttb too baue a liaclp fating of t&'c&s fauour giacn nnto btm, that being arrcub i»itb tbat bucUcter,bee map fuftepnc aap QroKc»,anB bzeafcc tbzougij alt-mancr of IztsanD ftreigbtes : estfuee fl>ouiD fap, 3Lo?d,fobatfotucr tbzuurth at me to a.f courage mc.Keeptbon me frcDfaft m this belec f5tbat tl;ou toili furctp fdfie mc.^no bowfoeuer temptations Dztue nice titfber 0% tbttber : call bace mp fritz unto thee, tbat 3 map cieerelp bebutec tbp Defence aboue allfcaungers.'? ra ratber .let me be lecae fe>ttbeut xoauermg tbat "J ffcaibec faucb though tbp fauourc 3 as ccrtcinlp as if tljsu loiDe m;e 10 i&pttj tbpne otone moutb* 6. 7- Let them blushe and be ashamed that feck my Iifejet them bee turned back and be put to shame that think me euiil. Let them be as Chafife afore the windc, and let the Angel of the Lorde driuethem. Let their way bedarknefTeand nippernefTe, and let the Angcllofthe Lord purfew them. For without caufc haue they hid the pit of their net for mee: without caufe hauc they digged a pit for mce. [Cct fbetnbloCb 9 be alfcameo^oto flietb b« tb«n VJUQnictrcs bp tbe fecrete tmpnlGonoftbe caitetb be bpo (Sod fc? aegcar/cf agctnfi; tjts enemies : « be net enly tcfirctb bint toLifarpofatatiooan-t!;2Ctt> ttjctrpjactf 5rs,bi't alb ton pap tfe§ tbe btre tbat ti)tip bane earneo*^uC: beeivtfibetb tbattbcp map be BiSmeD, ^ 10 to S»it,tn btemg fee bcfiDe tbctr.bcpc aaD DcQre :i afterroatD be pjccctDctb faTtt -er , tbat tbcp Sviutbc ftone to tbetnlclnfo&tl fttleD is ffrong WOts map bcas cbsCc- Dr.ciTi'/^ltfcHt'.e as ct;«.ff: is toff.D uhH) ti;e tetr.D, 10 Stsif* I'.ngel. Cbecuiif vfol= lowetb,ts pit four:^ &»bitberfnrurr tgep flir ttjeir fotr,ttjep map mctci» DailtirjEf a fib p*p places : ana tbat tbe 3ngct; of tbi liojn n)oulDpnrfu»tbrinw tbattbetr ah!'ajeDt7e3.33npnef»batfoeuertbeita&e in banD ? i»bubcr focuet tbep turn r'jem feloes,bf.p;sretb^ all their Denies ^ cu etrpjttes map fall out agcinft the. $®gh oner febenasljf feifljeilj fljot thep map tt B?incn bp the ainge! : l»ccsst^r that a.ftij* tn John Caluins Commentarie tbe caufe febp t\)s bngoblp are troublco, anb pit no man puTlucib tbem,is fo; tbat <£S>2D ttrmetb tbemtoitbtbefpirtteof gtbOpnefle 3 f balctb tb«m funo;p feapcs tottb tonqupccne0,tbat tbep map bcc ens combercb totttotntbemfelucs. Cbefante tbtng cjeo;su"ttb b*c ««?« clecrelp in tbe ncjct uerfe, tbat tbe 3togell Bjoulbe Djiue tbctn tb;ougb Darktutfeanb flipper p pla ccs tohtrt t';?p fboalo not be able tofcepe tbcir fecte, f> as tbep mtgiji baue ncitbcr feu no; rtafon to l)cip tbcmfelues &ntl>* aU,no no; fo mucbe rcfpit gmcn to tahc bjetb- 3 1 is no maruell that tfeio cljarge fbouiD bee appomteD too tbe aulr*w&« i^otobecit fojafaiucbt as fohen tjee tofetb tbe ferufce of£>cutfs,tbc?b*nQiDiawentotbcc]cc; cutmgofbiscomniaunDetmmcSjbtita- getnit tbeir &iis: tbe fenpture placet!) tbe etoojen anb boip Angelica as bis mi : ntfters in btgbtr 2cgreet^oD tbenetecu tctb bis mogement bp tbc reprobate %.x gels: butyitinfnebe fonfe as fcee gtact!| bis elect $ngcllf 0 charge omr tbem«3l n refpect fubercof alfo tbe p oncip are calks rtgb^mlpowers.&pbcfi.^io.CaUuirf, ano in otijer Use places. %t anp man oba ucte, t oat it 10 not feemelp , thai tbe 3ta* gels i»bicbe are tpe mimfters of grace f faluation, anb appomteb too bee Keepers oftberaitbtull.lboulbDoo execution top; on tbe reprobates : tbe falution is m a rebineffe,t.jat tbep cannot heepe foatche foiftz fanegartoeoftbcgoDlve, biittfiep muft tber«?ttballbee fcabpfnrniJbea tao 6g jt : no; bee able too Defeat) fyem xoyt-) tbeit b, elpe, Jto'ii tbep maft fc2 t^emfclues as cnemtcs agnnft their eiu.nies* 9s ce ccrning tbe Cmfes , fc>;e muS: beare in mtnbe that t»l)icb ~$ tjaue fata ciftcober, tbat 2>au'.b neptber ocaletb tub's owne pituatc cace,no; raGjip bablctb outt»bat foeaer cboler moneo bun tonto , no; fras ieb bp tonabui^eo scale to Sm(b Deftructis on to bis enemies : but bp tbe gupoing of tbe ipirite, concepnetb mobcrate \o\ Qjcs agcinft tbc reprobates : from febicbtbin I ges tbep are farrc toibe, iobofoeucr tbep bee tbat are Ieb eptber feitb oefire of re^ uenge,o; witty bate co, 0; feitb anp otber btfo;oerea motion of tbe flc£l>e. 7. if 9% Soitbont caufe*] l^e auoncbetb tbat w abufetb not (^obs name in barn, no; procures bun to bee bj0aDuocate ft* out tud caufe, fo; bee allebgctb \)i3 ocone innocencpopenlp * anb comptapnetb tbat it is not fa; anp fault of ins, tbat be is af= flicteb fo fo;e,S»bicb tbing is to bee mar* beb abuifeblp, left anp man leap e raQjelp intoo (0ODS figbte, 0; call tontoo bimfo; toengeauncf,feubouttbcau*uraunce8fa Pjoob confetence* ^ntofeberasbee fapctb bee teas' affapleo *w 1 tb trccber p ana lew to p;avtt;c0,tbcr cm is a couert commenda- tion of bis oume tnnocencie. S. 10. Let cncombrancc come vpon him vrrwares,& let his net which hchath layd priuely,catch him : let him fall into it with encombrance. And ray fbule hath reioyced in the Lorde,it shalbce ioyfull in his dely- uerancc. All my bones shall fay,Lord who is like vntoo thee/wbiche deliuerefi: the poore from him that is to flrong for liim : yea the pore & wret- ched from him that fpoylcth him i S. rj8,eteneom!.'.;jmce*&c/) Ugelnebce p;apctb tbat C5so toil turn rbe mifebecfe topon bis enemtcp, 5»btcb tbep to«»b puts pofeb agctnft: \)tm i» ttbout caufe anb ton: t>cfcr use. i^osce common a t bins it is a- mong tlje ©eb;cwcs too Cbift nSbcrs, it 10 Knowcn foci inouqfy. Cb?rcfo;etbat &>bicb 10 fpohen bere of one ma, pcrtcp-- tictb in general to all men: onleflc perabs uenturc itfeeme rather ^ £>aulc 0; fome one vppon the . xxxv . Pfalme. one of bts noblemnt is notcD, !!5ut btciufc it is ceraoyn tbat this un uj is tsten&ed fro tbe ^eao too tjj« fe>bole 'jobys, tl)3r :s no great fomgbt in ^c matter; Che fooozo [shoah] tigniSctb.fometymc cncombcrance $ fomctime Deftruction, $ tberefoscttjaup tranQdtc it: [ le' Deftruaien.oji ?saftcneff, o? Decay come open bim. ] 2£>i?t tie ofci;sc fe*metb to St $ place better , bicaufe bpan- by after ,be aooetb : [let bt# own net eatcb bim. it it bim fall into it 2> eueoberance. ] purely tobcreas otger j trail fiate ft, [tbat be fboiilQ fail into the ee&ructfomt frife:] ttitfbarO) f confrreyneb.l©uttbefent«nce 60 .vctl) bet p well, that fojafmacb as fyev tocltcr carclcfly in tijeir own Djegs,? feare fyougb tbey So ere qu fte out of, all gonneflbot : imfcfycef bnlo!*eD foz ftjalo oucrwbclme tbem foactnly as itSoere a tepctr. jJFoz tbey belecue noting lcflc,tban tbat tbcyj crafts f Soyies, $ tbcyj fcncfccD pjactyjes, f Ssbatfbeuer trayncs 9 bayts elfc tbey lay fo? tb)C gooD 9 fimple foln,G)al tame to v bettrnctiS of £ bcuifers of ttjein. Cb^fotc *n°ft aPttP Do°tb £>auiD b>tfb f tbey may fall into y nets Sobicb tbey bane layb S.encobcrlce:^ is to fay :£ tl>cy may beatnasebfozfearattbe fo&cynnefTeoftbe tnifcbcefc: foz iootu ioitb boto mncb grea= ter lycetioufraes men bopc about tbzougb mtfcoeeyueD bope of fcaptng bnpunifbeb : fo mucb tbe moze booty foobetn feare ado -. nyfb thcttt.^y tbe fc> ay , 3 Doubt not but ZDauiD betokenetbfome ftraungc ana bn= accuftomcD mifebecfe . [Cbzaletcnconn: berance come bppon bim bnaarcs.] ^Cbat is to fay ,i»be« be u)al baue pzomtfeD \nm* felfe peace in b is Decey trull entyecmentes, then let bnSoontcD terrour finite bim too the hart, anb let bim feels by bis comber* fome fcarfulneffe bofc> bee is caugfyt in jji* ownefnares. 9 [3nb my fo wlc] ©fbers reabe it in tbc maner of ft>tffbing[lct my fowl reioyce anbbeioyfull,] 25ut tnmy tuDgmentbe bootb not fo mucb contincw bis fejifujing, as pzomis tbat bee fenlbc tbanfefull onteo oo. wttcb tbingappeerctb better by tbc ncrtberfe,S»bereertolltng tbis benefits mygbtely,befatetbbeforilbtterbismynD= fulncOe tljercf fm'tyat tbe parts of bts bo* bye. 'Cbenfebeteas fome tljankr foztunc fo; tijeir pzefcrnation.anb fome rbeir ocon poltcie, but fcawe ez none y eels tlje ioljole 133 ) e pzayic bntoo (©£) ID : IDauto auSwcbetl) 0 bwre,that be i»tlace mpnofuli of tbe grace tbat be batb rccciucD. S9y foule Cfay t\) be) fiiall reioyce,nottna Dci'.uerancefejbicb rt Hnowes not bow it came b^ it, but in tbe fattfgarD of dBeD.3nbto enlarge tbe mat* tec frttball , be ptutetb ouer tbe commena bacfon of c5ot>s glozic too bis bones : air tbougb bee feerenot contenteo fcttl) tbe feruis of bistung,but applf eb all tbe mi* bcrs of bis bosye to aouauncc tbe glozy of <2>ob.,$ofe> altbougb b^e fpcaKe ouerreas cbingly : ytt Soitbout any fbnv etb bimfelfc to be enoebjeb ^>ttb fucb beat of earnefrncCFe.tbat be couetetb to tmploy euen bis fincaes 9 bones in tl;e btterance of Ins tbanKfulncffe. 1 o [ jlo jo ^>bo ts ItKe bn to tljcx 7' ] §r poyntetb outmozceuioently tbat ioying of bia in t£oD3 p^cferuation: namely tbat be afcrybeb tbe iv\)ic\) be bab c b= tcyneD Wholly bnto €>od . iFojcomonly men pzayfe ^5od in fucb fc>yfe,as be fcatfly obteynetb tbe tentb part of Ins Dev»» iiSut JDaniD fettingbim alons from all oibers, auowcbJtb pzecyfelp, tbat tbc SdIjoIc glo^ ry of Deliuerance is Dero bntoo btm.^nb fnrely tijen encly Do be yeelbe Xmto <5ob tbat febicb is b»S , &>ben ioce gamifb t)im in fucb ^oyfe fcntb bis own power, tbat be bolbetb all our bope tyeb bnto ijmt ^02 to Sbljat purpofe ferucs tt too founbe ©0D0 name in our moutb,if Sue part bis power anb gooDnefte at our pleafure e Jin goDly SvyfetbenDootb ±Dauio commend (Sous SrcatneQTi in tl;is fl-yle, that be i$t tbe aunt: get of tbepooze, ana tbat bee riDDetl; tbe nceD? anb aiflicteD from tbe biolent rob= bers : as if be Ibould fay e, it is bis pzopze Dewtic tofuccour tijem tbat be in miferic : by wbicb SoozDcs iu ce be taugljt.too beio fail goobbope in abucrfitic, bycaufet^ere isnoreafon &>by tb:puiu"anccanb&jclti) of our enemies fl; oulb accr a 5 c our bartes, fiti) that <5od trtlctb bo out of t^cauen, tbat tbe eno foz to [jicb bee reignetb, is too rcfitt tbe mygbry anb ftrong . 31f tberc to ere but onebzopof fotmDbnDcrftawDmg in ti;e clnlDzc of tbis S»ozlb 5»bicb enfozce tbemfelucs $»trb mygl;tanD mayneto bo barmean&to oppzeffetbetoeaise : furely tbeir bolbncs fooiD abate, f notpzoccbeas ny fur:l)cr to pjouoUc goDSivzatb ageind tbeififelues. 2S.& 11 Violent John i^luins Commentane it Violent vvitnefles ryfc vp:& charge mec with things that I knownot. it They requite mcceuillfor good,tothe vttcr difcomfortof my%yhd. 13 JNeuerthcleflTe^when they were Tick:, I did put on fkkclotheilpyncd my felFe with fading, and my prayer returned vppon myneownc bofom. 14 I haue bchaued my felfe towards him as if he had bin my felowor my brothertl went pefyuely asone that moorneth for his mother in black apparell. if But they reioyced in my halting,they gathered themfelues togither,yea cuen the very abiects whom I knew not gathered themfelues togi- thcr ageinfl; mee,making mowes at mee^ana ceafed not. I r [ Sl-oleat S»itnefTe0. s c ] W>v tte fa* tare terse l)s bcio&cneti) fe>bat be batb fuf* frceo a long ttiite.a'naijccomplatnetlj tljat be was fo oppzcffeD &>iti) Qau::ber0 , ttjat there Suaa no means too befenb tymhlte : tb ait fc>t}fci) tljtng nothing can ijappe moze greeuoas J bitter to gentle natures J fucb ao K«6to tbemfelur0 giltleffc.&nb hee not onlp fnptl) t^tl)C Suais cbargcb i»itlj falfc erpmt 0 bat aifo fpubetb fault £b tbe botes ncfitc 5 malapeitnes of tl>cS»itnen"e0, tbat tbep raft bp Saitb blolece $ fojee .^erebu too pertepneti) lbat be abbctb, [tbat tbep cbargeb him ftttl? tbingotliat be tmew not of.] iDaato tljsn teas not onelp fpopleo ef b'ts Soozlblp gooD0,ant> banif (beb bnujezs tbel? : but aifo to 30 loom fojitb fiaunber0 anb rcp20cbesbnocr pjctcncc ofIaw.U3c= mgfczsugbtto t!j s BtftvcflT?, beel^ebbtin ffrcigbttmtocn:fit0 at Ijio l;anb,t!?cp it- bcrrt a moff. &>jongfuil regard. 3nb ah tbougbfucbbna>ozti)p dealing do toouno geob men rpgbtfojt, as in refpeetc of tljc flefblp bnoerilanbing , 9 fcemcin no&pfe tolerable : pit it cannot be fapb boSx> great comfojt it bzingetbAtbcn iocmnp auoucl) bcfoie dfob, t^at tuee Ijaue boiie all t^at 10 poffiblt to be Don on oar bebalf,to bow the mvnbs of oar enemie© to acntlrncfff.anD pit tljep are carpeo to it!) bnappcafable cm : eltic,to to02lii b0 roiTcbesfe. jFoz <0ob wil not fuffer tljts barbara0 ana fauage cbur= Ufbncffe dnrcuf ngeb. 3lfo tljeir crucltie is erp:effeb better- bp anotljcr circumftance, tn tlfitttyy enbeuereb to btfcofojt ttje bart of a mtcfee f mcelb perfonc:r^at \s to fap, to make it fo bare f bcfolatc,c0 tbep migbt one riobehne it 'witl) befpapje f Deflrop it. 3rcri»arb berccfeaictl) bp ccrtetn bpnbs ne(Tc0 of bis oiunc , &I;icb ougl;t to baue b'.n certcin bonDs ef mo;e fte'ofaft loue , if tljcrebabbmanv fppceof bpzpgl]tncu"e in tbem. 3fnt> be fapctb not tljat bee Sjao Ije!* peD tbemiuiil) monnp 0: goofcs,o; thst be bab bin libsrall to tbem bp otber meanes : (fo; ttmapfallouttbatfcbtntbJ ban&cta bountihill, tbe bart map novo anD tl)en bee nigarolpO tmt tyreatlcdgetl; mozcafTareo tofeens of trco? ana earncft loue : namelp, tbat l;e loas no leffe fozp beefczc C5 £> 3D, noz lefrc grccuca fo; tljetr miffoztunea, tban if bee fljoulb mooznc fsz tlje beatlje of ln0 ^ooiljGr : an9 6nallp tiiat bee bare tbr»» no lede gooa tuill tban bee bare too t;t0O-unc naturali bzotijers . 'Cb^r= fozc tobereas of rpg!;i;e ti;cp ougbtc too bauc bm bel^olben bhtop fyim, l»ba: cca'D bauc b:n io&Uv fym tljis curnJbnefo cbat tOCP vppon the . xxxv . Pfalmc. rtjcpfoetceaonttrjc popfen of tljcir batrea aneinft ij:m enen in bis aauerfmc^ 2?* con ccming ibe toooircs, 3 taht ( fifencfle ) Ijrcrc Op a ^)2iap})Gj ) foji anp ma net of oifcesimoaitie oj beaupnes. jfoji IDautes mccning is ,tfoat as oft aa anp tl) ng l).ippc ncatoo'tbetu amifli", ha "was partaker of tbrtrgrc;f.3!n;) a&ttnefTe bcroffcjasthe piapcr,iL.';tcbb': fapci'i !;cpow?cu intojjict oronc befoin ^fot tbe natural! fcrce of the Sjjogzdcs is .that ije baimtea net of bis 6e ipics befoje men, to crauc tljanbes o;t com menaano* fc; bis labour, ItUe as manp pzc tcno far n:o?f tba tl;ep meene m trjscir bart: but tbat \)zz Declares boro iinccrcip 5 from bisbartbc*»a3foz^bpp2apinginbmtfeif Smtbout making tbe &>02lb pituictoo if. 5Foj Ipse 30 free fop , tljat the? lavogb in their fleer»e,B>btcb content tbemfehics & the fecret anD tmt»arD feeling of their oivhe to i : fo alfo map be bee apt l? fapa to foeepe o? piay in bis oo?ne bbfomc,ix>t)!Cl>caSctb not foeztb bis tearcs ana pzapers into tbe apje, to t'jentent too bee inosnea bp men: but bctng content tljat €>£> 3D aloneis bis SmttuCfe: conceaieth bis affections in Ijfrafc feif. 21 nb pit 3B acnp not, but ttjat in this inancr of fpta&ing, there is noteD tijc gc- flurcof onetbatpzapeib :as tf be fboula Cap, be borceUDQrone tys boap too p:ap, Sou!) btsbeaa banging a ovtne,artDijisars nits foiaeo one foitbtn an otber,8S men in bcam»ncifcatefe>oont too boo. iSuttbc c&cef t!»ng tbat is to b; confiacrea, is bis purport: that rtjere &>as no counter letncs in bis papers, Wb c r as to fome it fcemetl) a bpwxRbing, ana tbertoppon tbep aoo ga ■ tber ti)is fence: ILoja, if jfl fc>iQi tbcm not gooa toitb all mp^art/iCt alt mifebeef light pppcH mpfelf: tt is conftrepnea « Una not a fe>bit mo2c colour batb tbis other erpob Otton,[bpeaufe 3 banc auaplco nothing* t^er,cnd eriaeuerea all at once toe ouers '34 fcaflp bntco fa&tag fo? papers tSfct, nc baue nce&6 too tnt on fecKlctb as oft as tbc-? comefooztb into :l)c picfencc cf <£oB: pit Soee hncvee tbat fohen anp greate ne= ceffnie pincbta them, theniserctbtis f*= ere; %s put ia b?e. 3n a common plage oj, aaunger all men aib put on facWct!;,ana allfafiea *9ttboKt ejcccption, too tl;e:itenr loo ccnfcile tbeir gtlt fimpl^anb too paci- fic d^aas ir?atb- 3Jf an? man icere ac= fiictea p2tuatclp,beftiTrea btmfelftoo eat= netliurTe of piapuig bp trje fame tokens of roootmng . ^acfefofr}' in JDauia tijea im= pa?tco as mixt\) as if beEbouia me bedims felf giltpe in tbe fccbaif ef bis enempes, tai^icb ran bppon Ijim outragcouilp tsaoo Ijinimifcbeef. i^ojeouer, altbcuc^b 5»« map Bomber fachlotr) ana affljes among tlje ceremonies' of tbe iLawz : pit tbe fame en Some of faTring remapnetlj among bs at ?.)<& aap. wberfaie if © 'iD ID alltrre tos to repentance bt> Qrewtng bs Ogncs or Ins fo:aib,lct bs fcearc in rapna tbat io€ muft not onl£ pzap after f o?amaric maner.but alfo put too fucb fpurres as map ftir bs fo;.ca>aru too lovDClpncfTe. lln conclufion bee rape!;, Ijeebeljanco Inmfcifhbhe otb,cri lepfc toa»araestbera,ti)anif eucrp of tljcm ljaabinbisbjotljcr* l £ [^ut tljep rciopcea fn mr> baiting.]"? fee no caufe tobp tbe 3! nterpjtttrs fbouta trubble t^ewfelucs In il)e Sdooid [ ©als ting. ] £>ome gcJfe tbat iDama tjaa bis legputoutofiopnt,anaotl)crfc>nea;eattie tljat be baltea of a atfeafe . OiSut if d tvrnn &ep tbe fc>bolc pioccu"e,notb!H3ismo?e euiaent.tban tbat it betoUenetb misfo^ tunes : as tfl}€e baa fapa,as foone^as fbcp favoc mee begin too trippe ana bee rra^e too fan, tbep ataas it iuerc tbiong tcegi- bp pxa^mg foji tbem, ? frute of «tp piapct^ is relumes intco mpr.e oame bofom.] %i icooia comiucerer to tqe aipna off p;o; Pbct, (pea ana to tbe berp5»oo?aes,) too fap thus • L 3 baue pa&pea fe; tbcm none 0ibcri»?fc ttjan foj mpl^lf. J 25ut £ Scinch 3 bsueaCeageD bcfoie,corcfrnincitl)efe= crct aflfectton,S»tU ( J bope ) fattsfpe tbe i»pf« reaaers. §f -ipti) put [ ^ achlotb j falling,] as hclpes too piaping. fo% als tbsugil tbe faptt;full wp cuen Qreigbt a&J tcr tl;cir ir.;alcs, ana taf b not tljcmfelucs tbjovoemee^tterlp. ooja [Raiting,] almoft tbe fame ajjetapbo? tbat^ras creibbpJ««« f &oe?& [ubnefle.] 3ina it 5»as a popnt of to cru£ll ontrage,tbat febcras men oftcntpmes be-, come pttifuH bp rcafon of rlje imEc^ii-aic of tbeir enempes , f& as tbep ceafc too Liate oj, perfecute f it 2«cbes anp further : 2) aui as oiafrenasiDerc ( bp bis cafltngaowne ) bmalea too malapermes of leapmg in tbe reebe of l;tm. 3lno altljougb be uopnt but at a ftaaeat theb*ginntng, pic bp ana bp afcey to tbentcnt to encrcafe tbe fppgbtfulnes of tUc cace: not tbat \)t blametb all alike, but tbat it may tbe better app«ere,botu lifee an enempe l-c ii>as lapD at on all fpbes . jF o? it is tobcc&e!ccucb,tbattbepfo>bicbk>er« tn cljccf autbojinc in tbofs bapes, Sucre as [ fpjxtyanbes to feinble tbccomonfp?e,tbat tl;c people ftjciiiD ftrvue _l;o mpgbt lift Dp l]i5 banb iboneft too bcSrop ZDauib. 31 lit) to note tbeir -tlfulnctTe, bcercpttetb tfopce that tljcp S»ere gatbereb toogitber : cnlcfTe pcracuniture it Ipfcc anp bobp too tcfoluc it tbuc : tbcv* gatbereb tbemfrluc0 toogitber , not only fucb as pjctcnbeb any quarell agcinft bur., but mm tbe berpeflt rafcaltes of all.Cbep t'oct arcS»l)ippcb,oj flrthcn, are pjopcrlp called [ Naam : j but tbis _ooo?b ts ItocH taken fojrepiccbefull and ocfppfcb pcrfencs . % ibecit t'bat fome tnterpjettrs Diriueit of tbcSt)Oo;b[Kcach] lubul) Gguifyctb too caG one into beaup* neffe: ana crpounb it aetiuclp, [calling in? to beaufncffe,02 putting to papne.] 2?utf firfii fence agrectb better , [ f JDauib S»as fbamefullp intreateb cum bp tbe Githp of* fcourings of tbe people.] Cbe_t>oo2bcs John Caluins Commentaric too tlje matter, as to tbe perfencs „ttbffanbing,3 mtcrpjet it of tbe pcr= fones.tntbisfcnfe: £>o Uttlc eaufc baue tbep to complapn tbat _ baue beone tbcm anp barme,tbat tbcp arettterlp bnknotee bnto mee. 3Snb bcrantball _ ilbee induoco a complawt.tbat £ people are tooobc irnth outanpreafon_b?,fetngtbct _Dautb ii giltp of no mtfbfagc in tys bart , no? can tntftruft Ss-berbpo fo grcatc batrcb fljculb gro„e. 3lfo in tbe laft part of tbe bcrfe altbousb tbe tranflaters bifagrcc frfj mee* it fball fufrpje mcc to baue bjougbt j true anbnatutall fence. woojbfojiooojb it is [tbe? baue cut, ana not btlb tbeir peace.] ' 2£ut there isnobeubt,but£bp tbe nootD [Cut, ] is betofceneb ^etapbojlcallp tbe opcmngoftbcmoutb,a0ifbcfboulofap, [tbat tbep bttereb tbeir raplings f boffin^ glp, bp bjaarng tbeir lippes aww.] 3nb fe> betas be abbctb, [tbat tbep bilb not tbeir peace,] it is a repetition comon among the l&eb?ew?es, too erp?cs bebetnencie ojt cjc= ces: as if be fbouibfap, rtjer *>as no cnb o? mgafurc of tljeir rapiing, fcebpieleawb men lafocb out &ttb full moutb fchatfoe* uer came at tbe lunges cnb> 17. 16. [_S bnowenot,] map bee refer reb as &>eil 16 . Among falf harted fcoffers of bred baked vndcr the embers , they gnash their teethe vppon mee. Lord, how long wilt thow fee it? deliuer my fowlefrom encom- bcrances , and my aloneonc from the Lyons. I will magnifyc thee in a grcatc congrcgacion, and among much people will I prayfe thee. [3i mong falfbarteb fcoffers.]£>tber; Tome tranftetc it, [fcith, thebppecrites: 3 but tn tnp iubgment, JDauibbeclarctb Gm pip t!;c confpiracic of bis enemies • 2Jlnb f effect is.tbat tbe guplefull fo?t,anb fucb as are bojne to tooo?n becept,(f fo confequc't Ip are paft all fbamc,) beate tbeir b^apnes continuallp about nothing clfe.butboro tbep map befirop tbe mifcrabie fowIe.3nb now? be turnetb agein to tl;e captaincs anb bcaaes.fro Sobom all tbe inifchjcf fp?ang, fcpcauCe rbfs tptle fcoolo not agree too a grrnie part of tbe rafcall pjoplcitbicb b; as lea &ubbnaDnifebt?apD.Cb(rfo?e in t& p?fnefeOD?cs beebJametb tbetol? Cours ticrs,f fceb otber not bnltbe tbem,cf crm eltie, tbat t\w gnafb tbeir teetlvbpcn bim It&eiDOobc beaftes.^irabce calletb tl)em faifc!jartcb,o? &icBeb,to tljcntent be map tbe caliper obtepne belp anb apo of <2ioo, as one tbat calletb bpon bim at tbe btter^ itioftpincbe.fecccnblpjbp f fe>oo;t& [fcof= *rs,] bee mccnetb tbat tbep bee bzajenfas ctb ,nnb fo far paft all fbame,tbat tbep bee bolb to bo ir>batfoeuer a tr, p trt>U I baue i h c te bo. Concerning tbe Suodjo [ Magnog,] inbtcbfolcaetb nrjet, interpreters boo fcarOp agree, ^zopjclp it fignifietl) b?cb baUeb bpon tbe bartbe bnber the embers. /Reuertbelcffcfomc men (bpcaufc tljep couib not t.»H out a fie frncejljaue rt^ougbt it too bee ta&cn Pojt talnatpue; plating , op pblc cotumimiraticn. £) tl>'rs pjefuming too rauntgc pit further , baue fuppofeb tbat tbeir ffcoffiSngfcas«nifcb of b?cabe too tbem,namclp,bp«ufe tl;cp feb anb be; __________ *P3>)fto vppon the.xxxiiij. Pfalme. Ipghteo tbcmfelaes Sattli ffcoffing t floi» 1% ting. 15 tit bnto me it fee met!) faeft to bolb drill the p?oj)?c fignification of ibe S»oo?b. 3!nD pit in fo toeing there map bee a Dub- b!c fence . ;f o? fomc taking [Magnog] fo? a Carte o? a CuftaiD , arc of opinion that in this place bec touebebthe IiKtrcncbcr0 that bunted after fpne $ bepntp fare : (tier) a0 alioap0 fivnrm c much about in pjincc0 € ourt0 . ^Dtberfomc like rather that fla= uifb and rafcail felowes fhoulo bee noteb, &>b»cb froolb fet tbep? tunges tea rapltng fox itttic 0? naugbMtfcc as in all ages tljcp Ijaue bin to bee fo&no ttjat Snooto, as men fap)fet tbep? tung0 to fale fo?. a bit of b?cd. 310 fo? mee, iorjcnin fe>ep otber placc0 therein JDauib defcribetb t!;e natures f conditions of hi* countrymen: 31 am ins clpncd too coniecture tbu0 : tbat in this place arc noted f tabletefi:cr0 &>btcb gaue their berbit of bio Death among the cup0. Chercfo?e bee complapnctb tbatcucnin mailing cbecreat their meaic0,ttje bngods ip Schtcb bad ftjahen 08 all fbame, comos neb to anb fro bow tljcp mpgbt Utii lum . 17 rio?bboi» longi»tlt.«c] Che part of fpeccqe iobtcb 1! baue translated [^oklong,]i£ among fl&cb?efc>e0 bout* ful.Jin <£ngU0) it a0 mucb to fap,a0[$oto long i»tit thou fee it, to bolo tijp peace at it :*] 2tnb a0 toell &nll agree tbt0 otber tranflation, [ioben So tit thou after tbp long DiiTetnbling it , at length begin to fee it e ] 15 ut it cometb all to one effect . 5F o? 3D auto compiapnetb of <5od0 long fuffe= rance>in £ be toinfcetb too long at the Sotc; heo in their ioantonneffcand dclapctb Ijis to mud; • jR oa> although berefe>ttb tbep are greeutb . !5?ecrei»itball bcefberoetb that he 10 not carpco headlong fc>itbfttch befp?eimpo?s tunateip : but bpcaufe bee is compelled bp btter diftrcu*e.;tfo? he both fapth that tbep aflaulthis Ipfetrubbleoojflp , $ alfo com* pared) them to flpon0 : $ be termed) bi0 foteic [hi0 aloneonc] :ffo? tbep that take the flatin &>oo?d [Vnicam] fo?dcereand pjccioufc , boo not focll conGder ±Dauic0 mpnd.|$crcof bath bin fpofee |&fal. 22.2-1, 1 8 [3i Soiil magntfie thee.] SCgein bee p2omifetb tbanfefulncflein this berfc, bps caufe there 10 nothing fo? the faptbfulito render bnder bnto <5od ,fauctbcfacifpfe of p?apfe,a0 fc>e Qial fee in $ jsfal. u 6 . 1 7. 3tnb this is the meane Soherebp he cncou= ragetb h«nfcJfe to truft of obtepning fo?= giucne0,S»ben in the miDD0 of the S»aue0 of care0 anbbaunger0,heb?caUetbfoo?th into giuing of tbanfce0, a0 thougl) he hab alrcbp obtcpneb ht0 befp?c . wherein 10 feene a notable token of inumnblcmanlp; ne(Te, that being an outcaft* fleeing from place to place beftitute of all help, f finaU Ip in bttcr befpap?e : ^it notwithftanbing he thmfcctb ftill of p?apfing gob0 grace, 9 inaUethbowe0of folemnc facrifpfc, as if beliucrance fbone bppon htm in tbcbar&= neffc of beat!) . %nb hec fpeafeeth not onlp of p?puatcthafefgiutng,but of fuch thafef= giuing 00 tbofetbat lucre beliuereb out of berp greatepcrtl0, fccre&jontto vez'.lt in the open congregacionbp the appopntmet of thcIai»e.whera0Othcr0 tranflatcit [a balcant, manlp, 0? ftrong people, ] 3 l*.be not of tt.Chep conningip fttrmpfe that the Church is cnactceb i»itb great putffance, anb thercf o?e is callcb a [ftrong people. ] 15 ut feeing that JDauib beetofeenctb the greatcrefo?tf multitttbe of people i»htd) Syere Suont to go bp to the ^banctuaric tc holb their holp mcetingo bcfo?c<]5ob : 3 fcouit not but that in repeting one thing tttjpce acco?bing too hi0 front, after [ t!j« greatejCongregation] beeaDbcfb [much people:] fo? the |^eb?ew Xuoo?bfi2ntfpi -9 20 21 eth both. Let not them tryumph oucr mee which be mync enemies without my deferuing: ney ther let them leere vppon mee with theyr eyes,which hate mee without caufe. For they fpeake not peace.and they dab deceytful woords vppon the cliftsof the earth. They gaped vpon mee with theyr mouth,6c feydjiaha^u. c)'e faw it. 22 Thow lohn Caluins Commentaric 22 T hou LORD hafl: fecnc it, hold not thy tung, Lord be not far from mee. 23 Awake and ryfe vp to my iudsement, take thou my cace in hand my God and my LORD. 19 [&ct not tbem trpnmpbfc] fl5p« caufc E)auiDS enemies fougbt too make tbcmfclues merp S»itb bis cucrtb?oiv> anD Dcftruction : bep?apetp ©oD tbat be torn* not grauntfo welled a Dcfp?e.3l9o?c ouer tbat be map baue S&&1D fauo?able to bi0 cacc,becp?oteftetbagcin tbat there is no tank giucn otitis part , S»bp tbcp C&oulD i)utc bim.bnt tbat it is tbctr oitn mere u?ic; beanos that onuctb. tbemto be cruel mpn« DcD.i? 0? tt is mucb to tbe purpofe to b?ing tbctuttnefle of a gooD confcicnce beefo?e dboD,to make i;im tbe fe?cw>arDcr to help bS. 5?o? fe>bcrcas fome take the fc>oo?De [ShacarJ fo? DCCCptfulip, flff tl)OUgb tDaUtb fbulo bp tl)i0 tcrmenote bis enemies tbat iapD toapt fo % \)\\w 1 tbcp rcafon to Qmrplp : anD tbe repetition tbat folowetb (height after, fbewct!) bovu 2DautD compiapnetb of tbctr iyilfaii IjatreD , fo? tbat ef tbcp? eume accozDc being not p?oucfceD bpanp Difpieafure, tbcp mapntcmcD DcaDip fuDe agemft bim ttjat toas tbcp? frecnD anD baa DsferueD Swell of tbem. [Karets] is taken bc:rc [to tfcjtncle a iqumtSaritb-tbeepcs in Soap of mockagc : ] like as in tbe |&faimc. ii.6 M is taken too ivag tbcp? beaD0, anD to make moi?csS»itb tbep?ltppes.3!n the rjert cerfe be Declared) agein, tbat be batb to Da S»itb an Dnappcafallc bpnbe of cne= wpcs,ft>lucb are btterlp bent bpponcrueli tic,to tbe intent be map eonccpue tbe mo?e confioencc of goD0 rjelp at bano.^Fo? tbus awe met bclceue, tbat the barolper Soee bee btft reffeo , fo much t\)t mo?e certeinlp mu& ioc bopc fo? Deiiuerance. Cbercfo?c i:«e fapctb t^>a£ tbcp founDcof nothing but Dp;c?cs anD Caugbters. Cbc later mems Lcr is fbmeivbat boutfull bp reafon of tbe funb?p figwificatios of tbe S»o?D [Ragang] 3Fo?inauMicbns bisrootc fignifpetl) one Sample to cut,f anetb«rfe>bple to rta,fome trar.Gaieit, [the meckc of tbe earth,] anD otberfomc tranflate it [ ioit'o the quiet follies of tbe earth,] mcemngthcrbptbe fat anb full fcD folhe, Sshicb take tbep? cafe anD reftc quictlp . Cptbcr of botbe tbeisfeemetontomee toalleogc eonflrep= nco fenfes. 2tnD ueucr a S»bpt rpgbtlper Doo others erpounD it. [31 n cattcs 0? fecret places: ] tbat is too fo>it,ieaft tbsp? lcaS»D anD futtlc DeupfesOioulD come to ipgljt. Wut bp [tt)e difts of t!;e eartb] iree map in tnctapbojfopfe bnbsrfianDe mifcrablc mcn.tbat areas it Sucre bjto&en anD maps mcD.JDauiD tbetefo^e mcenctb tbataOone as l)is enempes fppc anp b;cactj oj cbinfee open : bpanbp tbep tbiuft tbemfdues into it \»itb mpg1)t anD mapne , to turnc it top* fpDc Dorone . ^Fojtbofe S»|)icb Duringe S?autDS p?orp6rous anD flojiffijing ftate Durft neuer fo mucb so once quctcb,began to wOfAi mifebcefc ngeinfi: lum affoonc as be began to as ir>ec map Know tbe to be f 01 tbe moft part fcngoblp pcrfons ,of nCauiQjntttiire.anDcotcarblp, anD fuct$e as bare not once crcafce , faue S»b£" occa - (ton is oftcrcD bp tbe aDucrftttes of gooD anD fimplc folHc . Coo tljc fame pur= pofe mafeetb it, tbat bpanbp after be tying etbtbeminhrptngout S»itb openmontb, [3iba3iba,] anD clapping tbep? bancs fo? top tbat tbep fai^e IDauiDlpe bnDcrfoote, in b tcb ttfus a pleafaunt fpgbt fo? tl)em too bcbold. n [CboulLo?D baft feene it.] Cbere isaccuert matcbtnge of contraries bcc= tiueenetbisfcemg of 05oDs,anD ibatfo?a mer feing ^txtol tbetongooipretopceD: as tf be Q;oulD fap, [3B t bootb pou gooD at tbe barte rootc too beebolDc mpnc aDuers Gttes : ] but <& £) 2D alfo batbe ms too marfectbc SuicfecD maltcioufencflc of tbofe tbat feeDe fo cruell? lappon otber folHes miferics . I^ofrbeeit iDauiD plcaDetb not S»itb tbem : but ratl;er bpctb bim fircpgbt tontoo 4& Q 2D , anD fettetb bis pjouiDencc as a ramppje agat^ft tbofe p?actpscs of tbep?s , fc>btcb mpgbt fbafee bis mpnDe.^nD ccrtefie tljc onlp fabftacial fo?tt(ication ageinft tbe f boffes of our cne to let tbem fltp,anD to gatl;cr cur mpnDes vppon tne.xxxnij. i^iaime. i»5 m?nDe0 bntoo dB»oo, an¥ bpoti coiiSbaice~i m^gljtluftlpbttcr tbct0fpcccbe3,ixbo toa# of bt0 fatherlp care otter b0, to beip2e bint aircaop tburrsrolp perfuabeD,tb&t 45ob te to Qjeroe m toerp beebe,tbat our trubblcs garbetb tbe pooic j afflictcD,ana tnarfcctii .-»*-* MA* V***3* 4* ****** fr* ♦■'1 }lKtf Al VSflltff *l* ** «?l *%9A &U * ft:t.-..^ *!..** ~„ «*.A>*U . *, ... .* ' arc not unUnowen to b»m: oi rather the i»l)oter tbat be feet!) the SotcUeb too gape after our beftruction,fo mucb f mojc fpee- belp to ronne too fuccour \>s: to!)tcb thing JDautb erp?effetb bptbei0fnnb2p formes of fpea&tng, [ l^oib not tbP peace, Depart not from me^awafcejarpfc top.] 3Damo ail the tmonges that ar Doone tonto tbGm. •Cberfo^e coo tbotient our rcqucftcfl map bee frames arpgbt, necbes mutt bclccf of €»o&s p?om?fesfirft (bine in ourbarte0: anb it muft not oni? go in ojtbcr bcfoic ail other affections, but alfo rule tyctti, ana totnet tbem. 24. Iudge mee according too thy ryghtuoufnefTe, 6 Lord my God, and let them not triumph ouer mee. 2C» Let them not fay in their hart, well doone our fbwlc : let them not fay , wee haue vndoone him. 16. Let them bee put too shame and confufion toogither, which are °-lad of my harmes: let them bee clothed with shame and reproche/which vaunt themfelues ageinft mee. 27. Let them reibyce and bee glad that fauour my ry ghtuoumefTe : and let them euer fay, the Lord bee magnifyed, which loueth the peace of his feruant. 28. And my tung shall talk of thy ryghtuoufeneiTe, and of thy prayfe euery day. 1 4« [Jnbgc mee atcojtring.f c] $e cons firmetb the fozmer fentence,p €5od fyoolo bee the abuocate <$ mapntepnar of bt0 cace. ;tf 01 inafmucb a0 be b ab Ipcn ncglccteb foi a tpmc , bee fcttetb d5ob0 rpgbtuoufenefle befoje btmfeif: fo)bicl) fufferetb btm not to f ozfa&e tbe topjpgbt anb tuft perfono to the tottcrmofte. 31 1 10 tbcrfoje a certepnc ear= neft fca>t,tbat dEf ob, bpcaufe be 10 rpgbtu= oufc , Q)Oulo fl)Ca>e an enfamplc of!;is rtgb tuoufeneffe bp befenbmg bt0 Teruant in a goob cace. Hinb certcinlp irben S»ee fecme bereft anb (bet out from all help, there 10 no rcmebp nvoze effectual! to toaquifl) teni « taeion,tban that ®OD0 rpgbtuoufenefle (irberon bepenbetb our boliuerance ) can not fall awap. &oBaule (2/Cbefr.i.60 to c,d)0jt the faptbfull te patience, fapetb: 3 1 bclongctb to tbe rpgl)tuoufnc0 of (£oa too renber affliction too fucb a0 perfecute pou1. '£> to fuccour b0. 3lnb be pepntctb out tl;eir feerccncfTe con= ninglp, bp bringing tbe in agetn fpeafeing: to (bewe tijat if tbtnge0 iboulD fall out ac= cobbing to tbeir lull, tberc iocolD be no bo ef tbeir maIapertne0.2Bnb b^caufe tbat tbe moje ti)9? toaiit tbemftlue0,tbe mo?e tbep P?ouaiie ^ob0 iowfy ageing tljtm : not &DttboutcaufebootbS>auid rapft top b<0 bope,anb ftabltfb anb feaie bp l)ts pjapcrs Soitb tbi0 argument. 2 6. [ &ei tbcm bee put toe fijame , jc. ] Cb»0 mificiflbiug b«tb bin «jcpeunbca ail rebpe c!fu>bsrt, fanmg tbat it is to bee no? teb,tbat bene 10 a couert fo2ce in $ Sr ocjb [toogitbcr,oz atoncc.] jfoj it botb« fb«w» etb, tbat ioarre S»a0 toagcb ageintt t)im bp a greate tmtltitubc:anb alfo ti;at be u.ajs not fo abafojeb ivttb fearr, but Jjc beleueb f all of tbem might eaflp bee oucrti^otom at one blawe, affoonc as & <£> 3D fbouia lift top b»0 banb. iPbcrafitbeyarefapb, too feeKe iDauibo bacihe : tbenin ap- pecrctij tbeir cructl batreb. 25nb Iohn Caluins Commentaric Jflnb in that tljep ejcalt ozbatont tbemret= ma, it is a token of pzpbe. Ci)£rfo?e, too tljcnrcnt too make tfycm bebateb of 06od, be fapetb , tijcp are lull of Dtf bcpne ano f Koznefuincflc. 0ovo tben, feing tfjat tbis fojinc of pzaping i»as beupfeb bp the bolp <25l)OU\no Doubt but ail pioub fel&es (ball come too fuel) enb as is beete fozefpofcen of , name!? , too mpzc baefce frith fbame enb tepzocfoc. 27« [Lcttbcmmopce,anbbeeglab.fc.] ^fulp alfo map tbcis to>oo froexbes bee tranflateb in tbc future tence no lefle tban in trjc maner of fr ilb mg : but bpcaufe tt is no matter of greatefrcpgbt,3l leauetttn- Different, fo} 2Dauib commenbetl) tbe Dc= ituerance, vobicb be friQjctb fo? at dPobs banb, bp the frute tberof: namelp, bpcaufe it ujali bee a generall occaQonoftopanb gooD bope too all tbc goblp,f tberfritball (ball ft ir tbem bp too fetfoo?tb tbe pzapfes ef <& $> 3D . 3lnb be attributctb it too tbe faptbfull, as a peculiar affection of tbeirs, to court rbat tbc rpgi)t of an innocent man fboulo retnapne frljoic anD fafe bnto I) im. f[op altbougb JDautb frere comenlp fozc bebateb, bpcaufe ti;c rube anb bnf fcilfull frere tnfectcb fritb falfe repoztcs: pit is \t certeme.tbat tber c frere among tbc people fo'.tic mbiffercnt anb bpzpgbt I'uogcs* frbom it grceuca rpgbt foje, tbat a bolp man , anb fuel) a one as fr as Unorocn too bee a goob man , moulo bee oppzeffeb bn= rooojtljelp anb contrarietoo bis befert. 3UiD furelp, eucn manbob requpzetb tljutf mucb, tbatfr -torn foeuer free fee trubbicb frzongfullp, tffrce bec not.ofabilitte too belp ibem, free fboulb at leaftcopfepittc tbeir cace. i^e fcemetlj couertlp too matci) tbc magnifying of tbe ILozb ,agcinft tbe ftatelpnes of tbe fricbcb,fr betof be fpake rpgbt now. ;ffoz inafmuc!) aa tbep Darken dfroos glozpe as mud) as in tbem lpetb,bp tbepz bent'uring ttppon all tbinges : tbe faptbfull baue berpgoob reafon too con* cepue tiits fo> ifb on tbe contrane part, tbattbcd^aicttic of <£ £> 3D map ibpne fooztljc, in fbecoing Ijimfclf bp fits DetDe too Ijaue a fpeciall regarb ef bts fcruantes, anb too loue tbeir peace fritb all bis bart. 2Jt tbe £ clofmg bp of tbis l^falme, be repctctb that be frill fctfooztb <£>0Ds rpg^tuoufnes , fr berttuougb be fr as pze= ferueb, frttb (nit) commcnDactons as to mate. The Contcintes of the . xxxv) . Pfalme. tAlmofl all are of opinion, that in this Vfalmc Dauid dootb generally cm- mend Gods goodneffe, that of his favour and mercy he bearethwith the re- probates » who neuerthelcffe doo wickedly defpyfe him . But I thinh^fome- xvbat ctlwivyfe t that the holy "Prophet } being fore vexed by naughty and wicked perfones , complayneth of their leaxvdnej]}, and afterward rcfortetb too Cods infinite goodnejfc, wherwith he cmbraceth not only all men without exception, but his owne children peculiarly ,fo as he may take breth in this fayth, namely, that at the length be fhalbee delivered by Gods fauour , which thing is manifefi by the knittingyp, where he armcth and fenceth himfelf ageinfi all the ajjaultes of the yn godly , by thinking himfelf too bee fafe through the protection of GOD. The . xxxyi . Vfalme, Too the checFChaunter, a Pfalme of Dauid the feruant of the LORD. Vn- vppon the.xxxvij. Pialme. »3f VngodlyneiTe faycth to the wicked in the mids of my hart , there is no feare of God before his eyes. 3 For hee flattcreth himfelf in his own eyes,vntill his iniquitie bee found out to hatred, 4 The woords of his mouth are iniquitie and deceit:hee hath left of to vn dcrftand to do good. Heeiroagineth mifcheef vpon his bed:hee ftandeth in a way that is not good^andhec abhorreth not that which iseuill. /j»goDfpneffeTapetb«c ] Wbp ofj£ 3D auiD is aaojtnca feitlj tbe tprie r^yjgi of tljcferuauut ofd5£>3D,bec« =• onlp ana in tbeeigbtcntbpfahne, retber tban elfc S»i)cre, tt is tmcei tmc:fa= t:u; g ttjat bp getting ti;c topper bans in an encounter aboueall otbero moft Difficult, l)C ptoueD Intnfc'fan fnutnctblc champion of : Know Ijquo rare a v crtcte it 10 at iobat tptne bngoaUr.cs raungct!) fcitboutrcftrcint ana oucrcafictbfcS frith l)ts Mn(T,ta loofce tip frub to £>t»D£ pjoui- bence frith tije epes of faptb , frbitb fra= tmng ourmpnacs to patience, map feeepe t>Q fleafaft tn gcDUnes. ;tf uvrbermc?e tl;c interpreters tranflatc tljefirfttcrfcoi^ ucrOp. wojafojtfrojte it is, [Che Taping of tranfgrcfltonjo? [tranfgrcfGon fapctb to rtje bngcDlp.] jftotwitbftanDing bps Caufc[Lamed]l3 nOtP * t!)Cn put fO?[M in?] fcmctranflaic it, [bngoaipncfiefpeahctb of the fr tchcD man tn mp ban.] 3is tf tije f2>?opbct fbulD fap, Ijc percciuctb through ip bp the fricheancs frbicb fbc bngoaip cctmt,tijat tbcp ate tcucbea frith no feare of dF cd .Wilt fo?aftnucbas tber is no ncea to Depart from the pzcpcrtp of the frojos, 31 agree fcnto others ratl)er,tbat is to frit that the pjopbet faytb,tbat ti^ malice of the bngoalp pcrfon frbicb fecmctb to Ipc tjnhnoaicn, fpeaUrtb alouD infrsbart, 5 rtjat be is a furc fr tinefFc frbat it pjotwp tctb bim frtiijaU . 3f nD firft it is to be no- tca, that tbe j$?opbet fpcaHetb net of out kara faults, but percctb to tbeberp beat) cf the fpjttng itfclf : as if I ee fhoulb fap,al= though tbe fetc&ea fojt cloHc tltc-'r malice frith frpl?aimmi!aticn:!an= &ing it is frclmousb fcnetpcn to it:c,fo as tnc tt fnkctb 3 beere it fpeaKing.'£rctt> it is in r.:ebe,ti;at br csufc tongcaip ana bca; tfceni8j folB rotwc beablong into all fc^nD offr icfeeancffc,a# though tbep tbouia ne ner pecia an account of it : fucb tuagment map bee giuen bp tbeir itfe. if ut this ts mojeapparsf, that tbeir intoarb frovcarb nes bcu??apetb itfeif opcnlp to tbe fcruatus of (0oD. ^In'o iDGUtOfpcaHcibnotcfati tnancr of tranfgrcfrojs, but of tbe bntb?tf tpbefpifersof obstubgemcnt anb to runne iuttbe-ut feare fejbitberfocucr bis luG: t?iuetl) bjtn. (£ b. erf o?e car elcffcncffe in fmntng ,fpccial Ip being topneb iottb contempt anb f Uo?- ntng, is as itiucretbecnclKiuntmemof ^atbaniubicb beu?;tapab a btfperatc per fon.3inb a!tl;cugb true religion hcepe gcD lp mens minbes tn ti;e fcarc of ®gd , anb b^tuetb ioicfecb thoughts a great iuap of: ptt is tbe famfi no ftfte,but tljat tljep map fee in tijeir i;artcs, bowtbebngoDlpare turmopleb Z&itl) Ijojnbls furp,i»bile tljep neptber rcgarb <& ab,no? are afrapa of Ijt0 iuogement.[il^o feare of d50D.]i?efljew- etb bjccflp tbe ena of eutil fuggeHtons, nsmclp, ttjat tbe perccptterance boll; of gooa ana etui bectng quenebca o? cbefcea, tbep aare do anp tbing, as tbougb gob fat not itibge in l^eaucn . Cbe meentng tben is tliis:tngoDipnestalketl) to tije tDtcbeb man in mp bart, p^ouoUing bim to ftarfcc maones,tljat be fi)Ou!D caft avt»ap tbe fear of <&'i2DiD ana gtuc bimftlfe altcgctbzrto fuming : U^af is to fap, 3ftisasi»ellmo= i»ento tnceiobattbc bn^oDlp imagin in tbctr bartcs, as if C5oa baa fet mec as a Ssjttncffc ana a aifrouercr to bcw?ap tbeir ^ppocnf c, brrtb?ougb tljar oume leswbnes fo blpnactb t\)dv iottfl tbat tbcp foosc tl)cm felues IpSiC biate brailc 3.3! .id bpcaufc tbc c?es be as it \o:tc tl>e gu idcsj of life, ant> bp tbat mouift g ozaw tlyz otbcr fenfes bitter ana tljitber:ibcrfQ?e tb: fear of (©oo is fapo to be before mennes epes, fo>ben tt ruletli tbeir life.anb blialetl) tijetr iudsbp meeting tbem fo>berefoeucr tfje^1 turne tljcmfelueS.Cbcrfo?e bp a contrary fo?me of fpeafcing , JDama meenerb tb*i tbc bngoaiprunneat ranaon licentjauflp foritboutregara of i£oa,bicaufe trjctr oiun fcagracioufeneffc hafo ttuDe tljem (tarfee Wfc 3 [tfo* bee flatcerctb I) imfcl£]$6 fbcuj; etb bp tbeir frutcs o? Ggnes , crjac there is no fear c of ?e!ica aoinges.tbat altbougl) all otljers abboj tbem fo? tbeir labour, vit tbsp con* tineu? in tljetr oxnc ftubbozneffe.ana bars ben tljemfelues fcrilfuHpc too go on ft ill . ^V?ft be faitb tljcp nurrtfb tbeir ewne bp ccs bp aaticrpes,leaft tljcp fbouib tmfltHe of tbcmfelues fo; finning.But foibcras be aaaeibOntUl tbeir iniquities bcefoama bntog batrca,]bp tb*is fo>o?aes tsnotca tbeir obilinateneffe . 5Fo? tbc mccningis, tbat fo>bple tljep falflpe foot'.) tbcmfelues: the? p?3ceea2f6farre,tbat tbeir naugbtp= nefTc is b atefull to all men . &>ometranf late it, r_ Cbat b« bbnfelf fbouia finbbis ot»n iniquitte to bate it] ana tbeir meening ts,tl)at tbcp run bcabtong fojiibcuc ftap of tbemfelucs , till oacrmaclj fulneffe of it mafce tbein to lotb it.^oj tljere is not fa; iscrp a naugbttyac&c,but noa ana t ben be tntflpfeetb bimfelf.Uut itytopntr fence ts tbc naturall fcnccinamclp tbat t!-c bn^ob; lp(tbo*nbe , altboug^ tijep pjouoUe all ofjcr mm to bate tbcm, pit are tijep oep^iueb of tbe fclws of tb;ir owueuils. 4 [Cbe &o?as of Ins montb.]!!5otb tbc wembcrs of tbis betfe map be referrea to one purpofc.namelp tbat Calping ioitb lc= fi'igcs tbcp abmtt no ligbt of DnbtrftaH^ bing. Kna trulp 31 taHe tbis too bee iDa= utbs tm:ening,bpcaufe bee aotb not fimplp fpna fault i»iti) tbc bngoaip fo? wiiibmg in otber folbcs ioitb ibeir fsples ana fetebes : but ratber fo? tbat tbct"e is no tbing rigbt ana bnco?ruptea in tbem.ivee batte fapa beret of oie tbat bs cucru tetb not of frnfull men in &>b°m there remapnetb fomefeeacof <©od , but of tbcbcatbenilb befpifers $o\)ic\) are %)bollp giuen ouer to tbeir own fmncs.Cbcrefoje be faptlj tljat tbcpbauc alfoapcs falfe pretences in tbeir meutb , i»bcrcwitiiail t!):pf uoffe out all founaaoctrmc^ftertoard bcaaaetl) tbat tbcp fuppiclTe all cbopce of gooa ana euil, bpcaufe tbep isoulo not become better. rot Know Ijoid reafon is tbe gupac of men toao tod. Cbis(faptb bce)oo ibe rep?o= bates ftjun, lead it fbouib compel tbem to aniens tbeir life to tbe better, ana fo>e arc taugbt bp tbefc fe>o?as, tbat if at anp time Sue Uep afibc from tbe &>ap,tbc onlp reme a? is to open tire epes of our mpna^,tbat tbe bifecrning of gooa ana cuilla funber, map call as back from crro.i: anb contra j rpvotfctbati»bcnaman refufctb bnbers ftanbing^it is a figne of aefpcratcneffs.^iu tbe nert fcerfe io notcb tbe inroara malice ana beepe ftubboinacffc.if o? it bappenetl) tbat :Hanp,(tbougb otljcrtoife tljep be not of \\)z ioo;it aifpofitionjao ftpae ana of= fena bpcaufe occafionoff crctb it fcif bpon tbc loactn. 26ut 5Dauia faptb that tbc forte U^biew aeupfes of cupli aoing fo)ttljtn tbemfclucs , eucn fo>ben tbep bee out of tbc fpgbt cf men : anafoaltbougb tbcp mectc i»no allurement, no? anp cuilier= ample ftirre tljcmbppc, tbcp are 3!u= tljoars ana .^cbolemapfiersof mifebeef too t!;em lUucs, fo>ptl;out impulfion o( anp vppon the.xxxvij. Ffalme itf any otber ipngTSp^eoaii fcctng fee gt- netb this as a mark to hnoroe tbe t epjo bates bp,tljat tbcp frcinfc naugbtinr 0 ^p on tbetr bco : the futbful arc taught too beftouje tbttr tnuftngs farre ctberroife fobcn tbcp br c alone .namelp too t> j tne a= fear rail thought* from tljcm man fu lip, bperamtning tbetr ounte life. Sftcnearb to aDfico tbetr ftubfccznco,tbat tbcpftanD ftil tn tbetr croohce f frowarb feaj>, tbat to to fap3 tbat tbt? barben tbcmfeiucs to fmntng,foittinglp anD foilfullp. 38nc ft* nallp i>cte is aootb t be rcafo feb?:namc ■ lp btcaufe ruill uiiflpfectb tbem not. $ 01 fottful bitnbcnee Djmctb rbcmbfa'otong, To as tbep fctlltnglp pccibe tbcmfelues tbtalls to foJcbcOne*.^ow let bs comic fcer tbe matching of contran?s,bettoeene the caftatrapcs anD tbe fattbf ul .'Cbt ? oe cttue tbcmfiiuw Seitb falfe flattering* : ano tbefe ere ftretgbt ewtntncc of rbcm fclues.^bep lap tbe repne in tbetr ntclic to ronne loocelp intoo btcet ano tbefe arc rcftrcrned foitij tbe bzpfcie of tbefeare of d5 siD 3D. Cbcpclette oz colour tbetr of = fences fottb eautlles, an& turne tbe light mtoo bar^mfTc; but tbefe fettltn.glp ac fenowelebge tbemfctucs too baue ftnneD, ano pjoupfce tbcmfelues too repr nraance bp platne ccn*etTtcn. t£bip can afoap all founbe tuogemente : anb tbefe eoueteale tbzougb too tbe Ipabtof life. Chip. tnucntfon&zpefoapescffin= ntng bpon tbetr b«D : but tbefe tahe btlp« gent beeb too tbemfclucs.tbat tbep ftirre not bp 1 i)iit luft too untie. Cbep u? otcne tbcmfelues beep tn contempt of <2>aD 3D : but tbefe boo fetlunglprr.crcifc tbemfel uesintbe miflpfcmg of tbetr ©nme mpf= beebs. 6. S, 10. O Lord,thy mercy reached) too the Hcauens, and thy t rathe vnto the Cloudcs. Thy rightuoufnes is as the Mountaines of God , thy iudgements arc a great deep : thou 6 Lord prefcrueft both man and heart. How precious is thy goodnes 6 God? thcrfore shall the fonnes of men trufl: in the shadowe of thy wings. They shall bee fatisfied with the fatnelTc of thine houfe,and thou shalt giuc-them drink out of the nucr of thy plcafures. For with taee is the fbuntainc of life, and in thy lyghtc shall lyght bee feenc. 6. tJD fiozbe,tbp mere?*} STbc ^nf c r - pjrtcrs tbinH y after JDaatb batb fbew= cbbpto great coir upnonar»DfroicarDne3 rcigVnctb eucrp febctcsntbefooztfe: bee catutb occafton tberupon to bur ft fooztb tr too feonbertng at d&ots fucrcDtole fuf - tbat i;ecceaff:b not too conti= mwe bis fauour anb gooo fottl tofoaroe manbtnoe, fobtcb is fraught i£> fo grcate afmcbcffeubcbnes. &ut~$ toioepou cref»bt!ettt)at 15 foas fomefobat of anos tber opinion. jFo^ after tbat tbe J3jopbct batb cntt -carcD cf tbe ejeccohg greet Icttb ncifi of men, I. ft be t)imfclf alfo bang ca= rr co auc^ ac it feercbp tbe rage of a tea tcr fiw'o : ntigb-' ouat'e : bee gatberetfybp bttr.felft. $o% tottmonlpfncbe iff our con bemmng of tbe fetcheb.tbat tl;ctr tr.fcctt on foinbctb it felf into oar mtnbes r anb fcarce tbe bunozeotb pcrfon of ps bepctb btmfeif pure anb bnatteinteb in tbe true goolpncs, after be batb coplavnco of tbe naugbttnes of otbers. Cbe fence then ts tbat altbougbtbcreapprrrc afoz-orofull and bozrtble confufton,tbat map ftvalovp bp tbe gooip mtnoes Ufec a bouge gutfe : yttnotvoprbftaaDpug , HDauib auaucbcrlj tbat tbe foozio is full cf vSobs goooneffe anb rtgbtuoufnes.anD tbat lyz gouernctb bctbt beaucn f cartl) fettb moftz perfect rqmtw.3lnb certciT- as eft astbectirup^ tton of tbe feozlb (baUetb $ ttrpbctb our minos?fo< muft befeare y our fenfes reft net bpon tbe naugbtines of mcn,feb«b< mingle f trouble ailtbtnge togitbenbut in tbis trob'efome tuifttnes fee muft tc &« £>.ii. br Iohn Caluins Commcntarie, ^p to tbe fecrct pjoutocttccof ($ol>*j$ot fcutbftanomg, E^amo rcchnetb bp beere (bp tbe figure ^inccbttcljOfiuwetoera tciC9 of<2>oD, fignifirtwinafautmetbat Soe inuft conliDf c <£?oos mcftmiable poto cr * mygbt tepneo Soptb Ufee rigbtuouf= neffsr. 3lna altbougb (be flea)ipbn"oerfta= Omg beare bs in bano, tba: tbe toojio is tofll'D at aaenture : pit netnntbfianouig, bp faptng tbat (Butts goobneiTe'rcaebsfcb tod tbe '#cauen0, bee meenctb tbat tbcp matcbetbe berpl^caucus in bigbneffe* _Sp liUc r salon ar»Deth be, rt'at b*0 trutb rcacbetb Vmtoo tbe Ciouocs. _^o;eoner [trut! je] in tbis place t0 taken eptber (op tbe faitbf antes iabtcbe <£ao performed) in tyS pjomifej3,9j els fo? ^10 tuft gouevn merit febertn bus rtgbtfulnes isibjougb lp feen to be pure anb fctterlp bnbecewas ble. HBntma-vp otijer places compel! mce to refcrre it too Snspjomifes, m ktcptng ft)!)creof \_>obcontinewctb fcitbfall itke bimfelftSIND immeoiatlp after,tbere fols Umj;tb acomraoation of bis rtgbtaonfs ntffe, fobiclj bclikenetb to ftje bigb mo& tames Cft>£ ire knr<~ tbat ?b* l^rbjcwes tcrme it too bee <0ob3;,S» tbing e reel lab.) btcaufc bis glejp flnnelb fojtb mojerleerelp tijerc+ Haft of all bee farerb tbat d5obs uiogemcateo areliae too tbe great ams bottomku" oeepcs,bp fyfyitye ■ Socjds bee Dootb bs to bnaerftano tb *t foberelocuer t»ce caft our epes,pp»»aroe are-ji»o;t!)e»i' jompatco 10 a bottomlcfle Dcepe,fe>bicbe fillctb ana poffeOctb botbe l^cauen anb cartb.tbat it map fwaBoroe fro all our car "8 ano troubles^ wbere 60 bec aooetb in tbe enbe of tbc fter fe , tbat 45£>_> prefer uetb botb men ano beafto : it maHetb bntoo tbtSpurpofe.tbatfitb 0iD £> boucbfiuctb too eictcno bis care cucn too tbe bjute beaftcs , mttcbe mote eeotb be pjombe foj tbe affaireo of men. 3no truSp as oft as anp boating of qoos pjtcupoencc creepetb oppon b0,tt btboo* uetb bsto fet tbts Gjael& befojc bs>xbat it cannot come to paffe tbat <& 3D ID iobt - cb« gpaetb foobe to tbe cattcll anb main- tepnetb tbem in tbctr ftate , Gjouio neg= lecte manbinbe. iFo^iobcrcasfomeejcs pounb tgts vDOCjb [bcafles] allcgojrtcals lp3of beaftip men; J retcctttasto mab conftrepneb. 8. [^owepicchnfetSfypgoobrcflfO Wberas fome ejeptmnb tbe mcrcpo'^oD too bec p?ectonfe,ani tbe clnlD^e*. of mm to be pjcciDufe tba* pat ti)?ir truft m tt:tt is f.irre from tbe Suosjss of tbc tejet. Co conningip aifo Do otbcrlome ejepotmo it, tb?.t C5oosm:rcp tsewjeomg greaetoj ioarostbc (©'Os,tbaf is ro fa?,tot»arbs botbe Bngelles anb aifo tbe CHlOjen of men* 3no % marnatl tljat tbc Babbinea ioeerp tbcmfelacfl fa muebe ta tojgmg c5 mentc0) fe?tng tbattbe mecntMgofcbc ano bownwaro all ti)tngs are o^bereo bp ^opbet is clccre of it felfe : uamelp tbat tbe mil JuDgemcnte t>f «n?oa* Cbts> place i0 tacnt to bee cpteD to a far ut'';cr fence : nameiptbat^oDsiiibiieaseufsfarrccy: cceoe our capactac,ana are mc^c btf>&cn , tbau tbat tbc rcafon of ibem map bee at= tepneb bnto : ano tbe UKetung of tbcm to abottomlclTeoeepe is no: tonaptip fittes btcrvjmoo.^oto?ttbaafi&tng a is to uc gatbereo bp ii)i text} tbat iDambateo*3 bcsbaue a larger ftcpe : namelj'tbat ab tboujgb n-:uer fo great a gull:eof Sa>tc^co= neffe but&e out among :-4£nne>anB cu*r= fiotos t\)e wfyote eartl; : pit is tl;e bottoai tcIT: oep:b ot <2?yDS pjouidence greater, foasbceoiTpofftb ^iiD ruletbaiitbm^' ngbtfullp* Cberefoje as oft as our faptb Soauerctbinfijefc bUnoe anooarbe tu**= mopnngs , let it come bntoo our vemetns bjattace, tbat t^ougb cut tbe Sobo:c go= ucii.ancc ;f tlje 500^10,^000 tuogtaenV bicanfc <35oOs mcrcp e^celietb ano Sjeto- etb itfclf: migbtelp,tberfoje tbccbilbjen of msn put tbett truft in tbc (baooro of it $n feeing tbat JDauto batb bttberto co mcnbeO tbe gooonefle of (S5© 2>? i»bpcb fb eoetb it felfe into all creatures : ttgt)tip (in mp luogemetuc) isoo otbers tbmbC) tbat ijce entreatstb bcere of bis peculiar friuour &)bcrixjitb becmb^acetbbtsovon CQiloten. ^otaltbougbetbefarae feeme taoDcebao generailpofallrbcfo.inejcf men : ptc tbc tin»ge0 that folloK>canone after, agree pjopcrlp too tnefavtbtuil 3= ione*^jKO to ije uametlj tbe foj tbe nonce, too tbe intent too commence tbc grace of (©€>iD,in tbat bee fcift-epnerb not to ga- tber tbe mo^tail ot%tng of Steam Vmge?. Cbe likening bntofomgs 10 nfe incmglj in tbe £ cripmrcs, Soberebp dfroo erp?ef= fetb tbat tocc are no leffe cbcrifbcD DnDcr b»0pjotectton , tlian Cbicbir.0 arc bnber tbctr bams : anD fo be e allures!; '00 famtli= arlp anb gemlp \?nto bitn* 9 CCbci>fba'ibeefattff«eb.] J Doubt net fauttfja: bp tbefatneo of <©oD0 Ijoufe, Ue ntcenctb itjc abunDaunce of all gooD tbmgs,fc>r;tcb 10 notfetfojtb inDiffcrentlp fo? ail men, but lapb Dp in fto?e fcj bi0 cblle?entbat peclD tbemfcluc0 febolipto bi0 tutcion. fi^omc reftrepne it to fpirt; tuali gr«ce0 : but bnto mee it fcemetb a mo?e libelpboD,tbat bnDer it arc ceropjes benDeD all<£>o&0 bc^efitejB , tbstpertcpn asiseit to tbcbl'c of tbi0p?efentlpfe, a0 to tb* eternall anb besucnip blifleDncffe : fautng tl;at it is to be noteD , fo as tljep be topncD Suttb tbe pure vmbcrftanDtng of faptb, &)[;crbptt comet!) tepafle tbat fee iKapcniep tfccm rtgbilp anD lau)fulIpto our Oil ne Welfare. #oj feijen as t\)t Dn= gefcip giutte ibemfilucsijritb tbe atoun- baficeef Cots benefit ce , inbeeoe tbctr ficlb i0 fattco as it S»cre tepnctf flcfl),but their fonie ts nltvaprs bungerfratucn ♦ £Dnl? tl?r faitr)fut(as 31 fapD)arc fattfSeD Sr ttb gtbs Uberalitp,ticaufe it is a pleoge to tt;nu 0: i;is fatbcrlp Joue tovcarD tljctn. «39 $?p [ tneate anb Djfnfc ] is bet ctfcwb fail anb perfect fuffpjancc: nun b? tbe name cf [Kiucr]is bctofcencD plenteous foy^on. 10 [:ffo?fo)ttr)ibc6f0tbe$c/] ^ccen- firmctb tS*e firmer Doctrine, tbe knowing fcbcrcfi0fopjoQtafcIc/asnofecjb0map erp?cfle.#cj tnafmucb as tbe bnbclceuers Defile tl;e lingular gooD gtfies of CBob bp tbctr &j ic&cD abufing cf ti;cra : onleffc & c bslD i?0 to tbe Difference tbat 5 bfuefct Dotone, it £cerc better foj b0 to (laruc an buntyeDfimcsfojbungcr, tbanjo fecbe abcunDantip of 3>3Ufi> tltt= itetij -jcnfelf to piaping. fuQ be reiutrcfcb in general! that iifrfc aonia continue tys m?*c?t9u>arbsall tije goat? : ana afters a>arb foe goetb tit ijaub \»::5j bis o o?ii ini- tiate cace,caJUng y-pon gab fs? !j^ agind I}i3 atonic? ■$$ ojcouer tbe? em to djil- etu)!?>S»t)icli lap tbat goo ffrcicW) (opt\) !)(5 mere? , bpcaufe it if cacljetb a'jatt* tb« i^cauer.d~. 5Toi tobcrc SDanib fpakt fo ere, ie tneiit not(as is faiDjto enclofe it i&nbmbeautm: buibeeanattcbeb Ompi? tuatintoasfpjcaabjooeeuctT&ber.jBOiSt in tins place ijre imtbtti) notbing eife, but tbat tf5oo foou?o contmeiobis were? ta- roarbo tbe goal?, eucn to tlje cnb. l^cere bnto !$ce ftnttterb, rpgtjtuoufeueffe, as the earn of tbe caufe. 3&no S»e base f.'pb cife- wljcre , tbat (Sobs rigbtuoufhefo appec= ret!) in tins, tbat be taketb bppon bint tl)e oefence of tyofc tbat be bi3,aefcnamg tljefc innoccncic,reue*ging anb repz-effing tbetr fojjongs, anb trains bunfelffaptbrullbp nupnteinmg tfocir fc>elfar«.$ou> tben fc* tug be toetl) all tins fo? tijejn f reel?:iuftl? boc.) a>auib begin at bis goobneite, ano place tbe fame fopnoft m arap,f o tbentcnt ice ma? lerne too aepena bppon Ins mere grsce. feow are tf)3 piopje aoaitions too be mar»ca,S»bcnoit}pU be befcrftxtty tl\t fait'-jful,namdp tljat fyw bnoa> © 3a,anb feconalp be of aright bar&iFoxbeerbp &>e gatljer, tjjat tmo goalpaeffe fpjinget:) of Unoaring (S»ob:ano asem tbat it cannot be but tbat tbe ligltf of foul) muit frame oar jjartes to rpgijiuUneffe. 313 p tbe i»ap it is to be confiaercb, tbat Soee boo tiien Jwnvo OPobar^gbi^benSoespcclb biml)tsbo= nour, tbat is too tait, ioljen oure truft t# tbjoagbl? fettlea topon ijtm. 1 2 [HetnottbefooJe ofptpaefc. J SPs 3B tola pou cum now , be appipctb to !ns orone perfon, the pjapcir to&icb he baa be- upffb : i^oiebeit bf ^ttorin* ttf o? all tbe cijab?en cf d?ob in comon, Sje mpnbco coo Qyiroc tljnt bsbefireo no Jjing piiuatcfp 1 3 bimfclf.bui: onlp Swii'S; :;o »0abfl! Pauour,bp cauls !}2 SoiS One of :!«? n 3: :i?j • ; i. rpanbbp3agbt^>»bic{)bt"n^ an c * j <0oo. i^s bat?) put [tbe focrte sijy.M aub tbeljanoof tbe bngoblp] all in one fence. ;j?32 tnafmiic'4 as tb* iuicUeb raflj bclbl? bpp on t\) z beSrucitou of goob «i :u,bfting bp tyzir feete to tre;>j bpon tb*m .Mb bfc mng ibetr li^naeiaJ rtb^i to ■oca -; rtjetn an? tuifefysef: S3aaibbcfeccbctb <5co jq bam • per as wc\\ tljeir feeteas tbettbanbs: mo fobs confeffetb^atbe S;albe inoaungtr oftbeir pjpbe,rapUnges, anb btclencejon iefTe ^obiuccourJ;im betpmes, i ; [ Cbere an tljcp fslnc % c.] SXpon bis piapcrl?cgat!)stetb conQbence , aotrting not but tbat b* batii alreabp obtepneo bi3 rcq;i:5T;.3nb tljus fc>2 fc boco tljt certcntp offaprljb rec:etl) tljefamtes top.zapinge. il^eacrtbelatct to tbentcnt to batten tym felft!)j raoieafTurcolp toobope\oeli, be botb as it ,u>erepopnt%)itb bis finger too tbe fail oftbebngoolp, tbougb it be as pit bioben. jf o? tbe aouerb[tber]isnot fuper fluois: fojtjbple tbebngoblpare biag of t!)cir goob foitune , ano Sohple tbe iooj)o clappetb bis b-inoesat tbem : IDautb bef= ctietl) tbetr beftructton a great Soap of, as it S»cre ou)t of a lo)atcl)tow;e , anb giuctb beJcrminat fentence of it,as afTureblp as if it fcoere barb at bana.l^ovxjbcit to tbc$«ent 5oec alfr map be alT^rcD of tbe fame conS= bencc;let^sbsareiumpnb , tbat tbe? boo amitfe, inbicb betermin ti?e tnftancts of time bp tbe beat of ti)z\t Ojsne beQres:anb tbatSuce muft gtuerefpit too ©oos p?oui- bere[tl)?uft bowne,!)e mce- net!) tbat tye? bee comberea in a flspperpe place, fo as tbeir felicitie is in no ^k ftas ble, 31n tbe enb lie abbct'ti tbattbeit fail fliaibc to bttct as t1;ep tna? neucrijopefojrecouerp. The vppon tnc.xxxvj. i/iaimc. 14& -^ay-j The contcints of the xxxvij.Pfolmc This Vfalme (whofe title fbeweth it tn bee Dauids) conteynetb a mo fie profitable doFhine* For inafmucbe as the faithfully as lon^ as tbey -wander in the worlde 3 fee things wonder oufly confufed ': onlcfjc tbey ajfwaec tbeyr greefe ■with hope of better iffue , their bartes muft needs faint from time tot time J be boldly er that any man defpifetb Cod 3 andfcllethbimfclfe too all yngracioufncfjcfo muche the more bappclyfcemctb bee too hue. ^And feeing that profpejitie feemcth a token ofCodsfauour towards the ynzpdly : what may be gathered thereby 3but eyiber that the world is ruled by chauncc3& that Fortune bearctb the fouerewtie : or els that God maketb no difference betweene the food and the bad:adowi[bc3and that tberforc tbey bee cur fed ' tbcmfclues ,and the gladnes is cuffed wherein tbey take pride : but the godly and holy wor flnppers of God are blijjed3euen in their extreme miferies, bicaufc they bee regarded of God 3who wil releeue them in ducfeafon at the lengtb.This tru- ly is an awke opinion 3wbich the ynder standing of the fie fie abhorretl\ For inafmucb as the good ?nenfujfer hunger a. long while Janguifoin? long time ynder manye nnfcries3andare cloyed with rcproches and wrongs 3 while the wicked and the naughtie packs are in their ruffe , and welter tbcmfclues in their delights : who might not bee of opinion 3xh at GOD caretb not for mens matter s\$o muche the more profitable then (as I jayd euen new) is the doc- trine of this Tfalmc3wbicbe turning afde our fenfes frwt the prefent behol- ding of things 3biddeth ys fettle our f clues ypon Godsprouidencejo long till hcreacbefoorth his band too his feruants3 and demaund affreight account of the yngodly,as oftbecues and traytours that bane fowly abufed bis Fa- therly louingkindenes. Tht'Xxxyiu'Pfalme. A Pfalmc of Dauids. 1. Fret not thy felfe bicaufe of the vricked,ncyther fpight thou thern that woorkiniquitie. 2 Eor they shall fone be cut downe like graffc , and they shall wither as the greenc grafts. 3. Put thy trufl in the Lord and doo good : dwel in the lande and bee fed faithfully. __________ S.iii;. 4. Delight I©!mCaluins Commentarie 4. Delight in the Lord,and hce will gyue thee thy hartcs defire, $, Commit thy wayes vnto the Lordc, and trufl in hinijand hee will bring ittoopafTe. 6. And he wil bring; fjborth thy ryghtuoufnelle as the Iyght,& thy Judge- ments as the noouc day. >cl^!ftet not tY;f felfeODaaiO tattf tb yft wj, tbw fcj a generali pimcpl? >tbat lfP^{ ttjet itckcD,m iobtrt) rbfp foott) tijcfelueefal Swcztlp.btcaule tt fbal (one face aroapianoon tfyv contrary parte, ti)£t altljougb tbcfatibfuli bee bifs tf r.fftti foj a time, ptt tbe fucafTe of tijent i0 fucbe,tbat tbep ougbt of rtgbt too bee contemcD fcttb ttjetf iot^no all tb**0 0* penoetbbpon €>OD0pjoiuoer»ce, btcaufe onlcflc Sue be pcmoaDcD :bat,tt)C iao:lde ts rulct) bp bis rigbrfuil gcuernancetour mmoes fbtllbv a*&bp fragger, ana at icngilj fu.cucooront. ^ojeeuer iDaiuD rc&rcpnetb two fauitic affectionsjiobicb neuertbeleffe are ncerecoufinsonctoa- notber, atib t&eoncistbcbjeeoeroftbe otbcv : Srft tbat tbe faitbfuii iboulDc not fret at tbe ttpy bates, ano frconDlp tfcat frofearD fpig!.;tfu:ncu"c fboutD not mooae tbcm* jf 0} firft i»ben tbep fee ti)t fo>ojlD go fc>cl t&tt'o tbe tongoolp (mcaufe it toet an eafi: matter to gatbet tberuppon ti;at <25oa rcgaroetb **ot mens af aires:) tt 10 too bee feareD,lcaft tbep fbouiae fljafee of tbe feare of ©00, ano bee cfirangeo from tbe faptb. 'SCbe otber teutptationfolaw= ttij oi Oji it3 bicaufe trample tic&lctb tbe t^attijjp^oulec^aptbemfemejjmtbe fcicti' jjipof tbctrimfdittngs.'Slijts is tbe naturall fmcc* JFo?, frtjeuasfome trail- flare [Al. TetLhar:] ['jnttrmcDDU not tbp fcife: J U t0conftr«pneo,ans it may b£Dif= p?.oQucobptbetcjc£3fejii»cipintbebuu toerfe (frberc mention is maoe of bsftp- nefl'c ano anger in c^KffcioGoj&es,) tt feme agftoll reafon tooojaa-f tt> :» fetfe fame &?o 3jo too anodj*r fenced tnebe 10 put in , too tbi Camenieenins ano joj tbe fame ctto.3igctnc,5Daia'o lie-.petbab'rp gooDojtoer:bicauicri;ai; i*b:a fyzvioiz pcvitte of tbe bngest? batfj uioucb 'sa to fcifpi.-afm^bpanobp ibe failing otitao fptgbttug j ts too tec caG& $im tberc= foic be ^arnetbbs to broate tbaft^eir tranGso^ie ojratber i«:.i4tnattut f Jutt? ftirretiotoar minoea : anoiecanoiptbat fpigljt mvue 00 net to finntng.^jn t^e fe eonb oerfetda&OtD ctcafjmbtcaufetljat tf tbep f»J?ul} to oip ii&e tbe %wn floare to mojow tbeu fimibs cut uovdt: anO si>pi tberco* ji^o marucU tboagrj t\)\s fimpits tuee bs iih too meetc tottt; w tbs ^J trtps tnre0,btcaufe it 10 oerp Utie, fo?^ti f*e tea jp tb« fap of grafft is too ioitb?r awap,i»btcb oeern^ caaootoneiunb one blailof SumDCjO^parcbfO Sxttb tbebeate of tbe i^onac , toaoetb of if Uif i ftitbout tbebanoof^.an, 013 tit ^DauiD tellctb t)0 plainlp ti)at45,.DJ tubsemeni fbalbee in fte&e of a gmb« too mowctbtm docd.ic, tbat tbep map iyitl;er awap in y turntng cfanbano. 3* [0nt tbp trua in tbe Hojto.f c] ^jto commetb be Downe too tbefecono mem- ber : tbat all ib'.agj fl) ill fii 0:jt wel attO luc&eip too tbe faubfull, btcaufs tgep are bnoer'J5oO0tuictJn.t>ovobettfo?3f:r.rtcb as no bir.g is better c; moje too be ocft- rebjtbanta bz fofterco bnocr ben »bcp are toEeo from pofte topiller tf. tyt fc>oiiD, "ftixb fujafmacb as tb^Pfee naugbtte pac^cs grows ricbebp cttuffat0,ano too eucreace ano purc^ace 8utyc;n;e bp licentioofnc0of finnm^: tt is a matter no kffc micafie to Uano ttcos tali in tbe mainfenanncc of feei tue,. 113c- Got© tqi0, it ts net inougb to let tigbt bp lutbe t!)M£0 as arc commonip toont too becouerto^itbtetnucbecgErneu^^fo; fomcof tt)e|Di)pIi}fo?t;tr0 vscrccnbctt?^ co frptt; f»c^c ^atiitpnefie of tbe mpnbe : ti;at tt^ttijGpDcfpp&D rpcljcs \mlaafullp got- tcn,ano abifcpncD from g«?plc ano £oitz : pea anD ftrepgijtlp rcp^oucd tije bajmgtoa lioufencGe 6f tljeSoicfceo , Soviet) tijecos tnorifo?tofm£ttDofonDlpl8onbevat.3i5tit bpcauie t^ep tocw DOjVof fapti), tljcp bt* tci't4i>oaof insljonoar, Sobercbpitcame to paffe tljat rt;c treioe fencttte Soas Inobe fromtljetn . ^oroulicag l)c mafeeib. Ins fcegmningatraptJj.tbatlje map ibeSb j)0So tigoo is t$e fbunber of al! gooo tying* , f t.)ut tyere :s no pzafperous to bee looses foj.but onelp at bis Miffing : fo is tyeanner-utg of tjje partpe* goobbctjauis our , to beenoieb : bpcaaic aryofoeuer bes tatectij innifrlfe to <8>o js taiaon, SoUl lue topjpght f p 9 mnocentip anD gius 'yis mpnd to iocieooing. [^Socllintljelahb.] i'jes fpcafcctb moz-c pitgtbelp tyan if tje pzomi» feo tyat tip ngij tuoafe U;oalo DSoeii in ti>e iano.^foju is «\ii one as if ye fbouiD bzing amanpzdsmip too 4jc tying, sua fiabliu) yim in po&efuon of tt . jiieuertyclcfTe , in tyeiswozus yeincy t'yiag ycc canarmetyas gem bp rye nect pat eel [oe feD faptyfuilp.] $ oz be btDOety tyem tuUc tyepj cafewtty; oat care oz eifqutetnes, bppon afluraunco of <25ods fafeaeepmg . Jt isafiraimge tying Lyat tyc jlnterpjelcrs Ibouio Sozeii anb u zmg tyis place iotcy tbep? fanbzp ?!?* pofitions . svomc taH2 tye tooozo [ieece] actpuelp : anb onto otyerfome, [too feebe toppon fait!;] impozteaj as muc'y as to fo? fier (2jdCis p: Ortities in tljepj partes. Coo otljers itfeemety, tyat iDamo commaan= be-ij tyB to fceoc oar bjetyjen iolti) fapty, bp mimftrtng too t-.jem the pare Sooozb of «35 UE» iO SoyerSoitl) iyepj foivlcs are narc riu)ebfptritaalip.i)t'ocrroiue taUc [fapty] fo? bncozrapmefle,foryat,[co feibe oppon faiilj] fyonlD bee to bcijaue o,u?s felfe trufa tplp among men. lifJat ci>o cacamftancc ci t'oe place teqap?ctI)bUtrlp (ioyicljc^tng ttjc pjopjetie of tbe ^ei*zeo; tunc& futte- vctlj)ibtit[Kasna] fboulb bctaUenpafuucs lp, [to be feo.j 2lno i)ereonto mclpnetp tlje moUc part of JIntcrpzcters.suijo notajtttj; ftanbtng do aftertoarb Driagree. ^o? it it* feeti> fomc tljat mi bv feo ioub fapti;,xol}en vppon cnc.xxxvij. waimc. 141 ) ^oi.s pzomire6fuatijewtranfs late it, [feebs tb? &ife ix>itt; tijefruuof faitl) : ] bi?caufc <£5*£>2D S»iU ftjeto m bcrp Dcebc, t^at credit icas nctgiucntoobrs iwoozo in bapne . £>tl)trfoinc refoluc it tl)us,[iettruU) bee t^p meate,]anb letnoc tl)tag oelpgbt ti);e mose tljan to oeaie Um-» pip anD plajnlp toul> tt)p ncpgljbours . luKe bnto ti;is tbere is a notl)cr e cpoiiu; onaltl)oagb ttoiucr fpme^bat> [Imcnot bppon t'ae fpople,but br content Soul) laws ful CaSenance.] S>arelp it is a foale ibnme tl^atletneo men baue fo ouerfijot tljerelues info catbent a matter . ^Fozl;abnotcci)c mansambi:ion moaeo him too f^cUefome new bcaice : tl)ep fi>oulO ftrcigl;tSoap^s( i>aue met Soidji fyc natiae weening ot ti>e ^?opl;sr , Soijici) is Jt)is, [iOtoeli in t\tf lino, xlyat tboa maUi eniopit inficDiiaa qaietneu"c] jiiozti)ex»oojD[Hmmuna] a mongt!je^eb;ev»es ligmfpetj notenelp [trutt) ojfapfe),] butaifo [debp contin^w-; ance.] ambSoyofeeti) not, that after tl)e poiTefiicn of tlje lanbe toas giucn too tl)C rpgytuowie : ftis latter parccll S»es ao= beoa&an ejcpoiitioa of tijat Soijici) went bstoje. 4 [25elpg!)tint!)e3lo?D.] Cbte&ce Ipgbting tsfetagemfte tlje bapiuanobes cepifuUeatpcemcncsof t»;e ioojio,\»lrcl; boo fo fotic Sooxlolp folne , that ocfppling .D, of ii?e John Galium Commentane rbep arc fapne too fincfcatibc laflt. SDauio pjeucnttng tfyts Sice : Soarnctb bs, tbat if foe & til take bpcn be the goucrncmc: t of our otonc ltfe,anb ftjtfie fo? cure fe'uctf, as tbougb few &>cre able too beare fo grcate a burtben : ioearc ro?ebeeepueD,aKD tberc^ fojc tbat tbc onelp remebp to, too call our epes bppon tfJoos pjoutDcnce , an& from fctcbe comfo? te of all our greefs. Whofocucr obepctb t^tjs ceunfcl.fljal wino bimfelfe oute oftijc bo?r tble Mtajefejbercm all men xocrp tbcmfclucs in bainc: bicaufe tbattoben <25£>ID (bail baue taken bpon i)tm tbc ruling of our affaires, tljcre Qjal nc ucr&>antgoobfttereu"e. jf o?fcobcrebppon cammed u tbat be f ojf^tictl) anb bifapom - te.ij \)s : but bicaufe i» cc Qjct trje fe>ape a= gctntt b»m, bp bectng too feme in our ocenc matters, wberefo?e tf ioeefenll gpucbpm leaueto Dcale,be feril boo bis pare tb?ougb Ip , anb not Difappomt our bopc,lifce as l;ce mftlppunifbctb our bnbeleef, 6. [$?c toil b?ing foojtb.f c] Jt t'sa p?e-- ucntion feberbp be p?cuentetb tfje Doubts tljat comonlp trouble bs &>benfee feem to lofe our labs? in fe)0?fbippmg <5od purelp anb in Dealing iuftlp fentl) our nepgbbeur: o? ratljcr ioben oure innoccnep ts eptber mabe a moc&ing ft ocfce too tbe fencUeb.o? elsts burtfulto bs among mcn,anb tbers fo?c is tbougljt to b: DefptLD of a * uib tbcrefo?eD?npctb tbat 45 ob fejilimffcr our rigbtuoufnes to lie alwapes bio in tlje Datfc.but Sctlbc a matntcyncr of tt, tljat it map fbinc f oo?tb anb bee feenc : tbat iff too S»it,fe>ben be renbjetb facb retoarb as Sue imfbe. f^e?coucrbealluDctb totbcntgbt the Darnnes,fe?bcrof ts put airap bp tl;c fo Dcmc b?can of the bap : as if be fboulo fap. 3io oft as toe bs grecueD Dniuftlp, $ <0oD fe?metb not to be afcnonocn tbat bee main= tepnetb cure innocencie : t'oere is no caufe ioljp fyis cKtercbsuns« fboulD mo?e trou> ble bs,tban ocof!; tye DarkncGe of f nigbt tbatcoucretb tbeeartfe, biiauk tbelofcmg fo? tbe DapugbtfuGgmctSj our i;ope. of tbewotlo. tSlnto tbc commaunbemrnt ;s aDOco a p?omis, tbat tf fe>e bee content tes & goo alone, be frill giue bs liberallp fe>batfncuerfe>c fbailfcoilb. j^ottbattbe faptbfull bo out of l?ano obtepne iobatfoe- uer commetl) bnabuifcblp in tbeir minbe to crau: : UUe ao neptljcr (boulD it bee too tbsir p^o&te, fo? <^oo to graunt tljctr leub iuftes : but iDauibs meenpng teas onelp tbis.that if fee fettle our toits bppon <^od alone, tootle otbersgaBaffer trjctr oa*nfa 1 2 aec ,ail otber things Soil come too bs m t'oeirfeafon. -y. [Commit tbp frapes.fc.] ^eocp?efj fetb« confirmed the former fetence mo?e apparantlp. grotto tbc intent tbat a^£)JD map accomplifbe our beftres,it bebooueeb \)B to caft our cares bppon bimioitb bope anb patience. Cbcrfo;ei»e learnebeerbp, bocoe Sues map bee qupctin our mtnfees as mong the troublcs.oattngcrs, anb Soattes of encombcranccs.^oman Doabtcti). but tbat [tuapes] are t«tfeen becre fcj Caffaircs o? bufmefics.] Cb^t'fof c tbat man comit* tctb bis Shapes bnto tl)e 3Lo?b,i»bicb put tetb ouer tbe ftscces of bio Doings to gobs pleafure, anbpaticnlip preparing bimfelfe to acccpte cptlj^r p^olperttic o? asuerfjtie, bnleDerb bis careo anb tobatfoetter bur= tijen eis pieCfetb btm intoo 8?is lap. i?nb in tbis refpect ageinebce biDDctb bi»t tru(t in bummecning ttjat rtgbtfull bono? is pecl= bcD bnte (0oD , bp trutltng to bim onlp to gcuerns our life, atnb fo bercmcapetb a cS mon Difeafc , fcjbeteof ahnofte all men are dcb.fei Sotjerof commetl? it tbat tbc clnU D?en of €»cD enup tlje rcp^obtites, anb <>U tcntimes 5»auer o? ftaggcr to anb fro, anb peclD tljemfelues cteemuelp bnto fo?ott>e, anD noa; nno t'icn alfe fret ano nepe a fhr: butbtcattf? tbep 5»?ap tbemfclucs bnmea« furablp in cares, anb Bearing grecbelp too looKetotocinfeluesroitbout^£)iD,Doo plun?c tbeDeS»!jaf fotucr in 5»opnt too utfqutet cur mpiiyCi. 5" oj among f!>c turmoytes or fo man? en > counters, a man i;ao necDc of no ftnall pa- tience. 3nt*bp tl)« ^etapbaj of ijoioing ones peace ( iubjcl) ifl rpfc to ae e mi 5»ittj in ibe fenptures) fyt ojrcLiretl) mod aptip tbe nature of iaptS); ;ff oj Use as our auc- tions ma'ac a nop5C before 0oo, i'o faptfj fettling bs to a quiet obsoiCj»ce,appeafctf) all trablefomnes m our bartcs . 25 p tijiss fcjoojb tfarfojc £>auio fozbzooctb DS too bee trubicfomc as t!je bubclczucrsare, op too fet ourfeiues ageuift bsappopntment Suit!) fretting : anb too gutc place too ami tottr) quiet m?nbes, y be map go tijjoug.) &>ub bis Uioojfe in fttece. jfftoco fojaftnucij as [ chui Jaraong tbe 0ebjccpes figmferb, fomctpme too lojotce, anb fometp me too Soapt, fome ta&c tfyc iooojo [ Hcthichold j intb'3 place foz [ to fojoa? ineafurabip, 0; to beare fo?o»> paiicnilp. ] 3iifo it mpgbt bee tranflatco moje fimpip, [to fo?oct»c be= foje ©00, ] that bre mpggt bee *»itncs of all our trubbles:bpcanfc tbat ioljcu t'08 faptbleffc ftanb oou;ning,tbep ratbermur mur agctnft tym, ti)m Totter tbtir com- plapntcs befoje bta. jfrotimtbitanbtng, fojafinucl) as tbc ofljer fence is mo?e re= ccpucD: namelp,ibat,BauiO cd)0?tett) bfl to Ijope anb fafi'erance, 3 giaofp embzacc tbc fame. $0}. <£fap alio in i)is jc5cccl)ap= tcr anD tb.uerfe, topnrtb b°pe too (Hence in tlje fclffame fence ♦ Ulfterwaro be reps= tett) tbat i»birf) b« bab fpoHcn in Hit ftril fccrfe, [5f ret noj tl;pfelf at tfje man y bait) luc'ap fucccffc, ] 0} y bjingci^ 4i3 "roapej to t\)z eno tbat be iwfilieo,noj[at tbc man tbat bebauct!) i};i«f;lf ivictieoip, ] oj tb^t fa^triisct!; i;tj5 beiiifes toyaffc: totjtctyfecQnD 8frre-:t!} better to tlje tcjet . Crttli* J con^ ffflfe, tijat tijC iUOOZO [ Mizcmotli ] 10 moft eomonlp taUcni-a til part-,t'o^ crarnn^s anb htwtfBh" catd)ing;s . ^ocwttbftano tng , fotaftnuci) as [zenim ] nocoano t!jea fignia S«tlj gc lerailp to ttnn», tlje p^ofjette off |^3b;ci» tung t»ilt 5weli bcase tlyis fence, tbat [too boo ones Dcuifcs, j mrpojttetb as muci) as to bung to street tljat ^i)icb o^e batljs purpofeb . 3Ino lice fee t!)?is ttooo tlnng^:s to be iQyntt toogitber, tljat is, to btfpofe oj pjofper ones ioajjcs acco^oing too l)is Dcfp?e,ano to bjtng bis bemfes too pa(Te. foi there is a foje aumbiiiigbiocUe call: m our S»ape,fc?ben ^fojtune fmpleib bppontbe bngoDlp,as tbougb <0s£>lD fauo;eD tlje ioicUcDncs of emlbooers: pea rat'aer, tben is5»?atb RinoteD mbs. 2>a= uib t!)5rfo?e being not cotent %)it\) a fyojt ioanting,tarpctb fomeisbat longer bpon ttjis mnttcr . f o? tt)e beaping togitber of S»oojocs tl*at foloife in ti)z nertbesr^is not in ba?ne, iobcre be putted) a b^pDSe bpon p?cfu!nes , alapctb rag^ , anb aflua= gcdj Difpleafure: but(as nceaerequrzet')) \n putteti) tbe mo remebpes to tbe curing of it,bpcaufe it is a btfeafe tbat is baro too bee bealeb. 31no bp tljirftncanes be puttetb bS m mpno, ijoo? rcDpei&ee bee to bee p:o* uofeeb,anb ijou? fojc\cara «»ee bee to coas eeyuz biip'.cafute, onleu"e tsee compell o;«r trubblefome auctions too obeoience, bp tojcitling ftawtlp agemft tbem.^Jow tben altljougi) tl)e faptljfull fuboeo? not { beaop nefft o^tlje fleiJ) ipitbout trubble anb paps nes taning,at fuel) tpme as tlje p:ofperttie of tl>2 tcicbeoftirretb tbejuto impattencte: pit notantbfianfcing t'ais repetition teas c't]erl),tv)at rwz muft pcrfcucr in zat ic?eit= ling : bpcaufe if Soee (tauo too it tb?ougb= Ip, our enoeucrs fball not bee baym iu tl)t cnb. 3 tranflate tbe laffc parcf 11 orders pypfc tl;an tb,ctca of Jmcrpjctcrs boo. __^_ Jo? lonn v^amim v^unnutuuinc g\ 5o:tt)cptranaateit,[at!eafrwpfe to fcn= nni'g,]asif5DautDQ)Ouls\9tU\?0tomit:* cats anger, tliat it fbouio not ftatt out too Sooijarme. lSut femgtbat [ad] booty of- tinrpmcG affirme among tbe tycbjerces, 3 bouot net but IDautD teaefatb, tl>at it can not oti*crwpfcbec,but tbat tfiwee p?e; uentno: our anger quicfclpf out of ijanb, ittotll enforce fcs to offcnD , ipfec as it is fspo in an otber jDfalroc: $ob 'anil b?eafce t!)$ cajbes effhe bngo&Ip, leaft ti*e rpgb= tucufe fbou'b arctci) out tl)Ziv l;anb to in= iqntttc. iSfaim.125.3. 9. [ifoitijceuiteoccrsfoaibec.jc.lii-lot feuti)Out caufc ooorb. Ijcebcate bppon one tying often: nam'dp.tljat tlje topfull* pjo^ fvercus f: c?tune, Sutucb rijc ungoblp cn^ top, is notlung elfe but a bifo? 0? a gb,ofie, bpcaufc i\)z firft fpgbt of tt b&jeletb our fcnfc0,fo 00 tl*ep can not tafec beefce to rlje 6ro of tt, accojbingftjberbnto&eeougrit toiu&g*.3inDibe matching ofcontrarie0 ib to bee marKcb betirjcenc tbe ttuoo mem-* ler0* 5Firft,in fapmg ttjat ilje bngofclp fbatl bee cut bp, bee gtuetb. b0 an meting, tl*at tljep florid) frefb anD grccne , till tt;e rp'fc tPmc of il)*ir belhuction come, ainb afterwarb, bp allotting tlje lanb to f faptl) full bp rpgljt of inheritance, Ijce mcenct!) tljat the? (ball liue in fuel) t!*c bltf* fing of *& j£> ZD fball folowc tljem eusn to tbetr graue. $!)o?eoucr, (as jji tawgbt pen aim now) manncs effete is too bee seeincD bp tlje crib of tt. SUfo bp tbe tptle &1 !f])l)egiu€t(?totl)cc'niD;en of ©sDJD, 1 cxz; gs ti;ct tbat tbcp bec travneo in a bara ftjarfare, too tbentent tb.epjt faptij map bec tryeD. ^"ojljeetcrtnetbttjcmnotrr^tu^ oulc,o: got*ip,but [Carvers of t!)e lojbg iepfUre.] 2Sut to Sooljat puvpofe G-ouiD !;cc fpeaUs of tfets £arpino;,if tfyep felt notfbem fclurs loDen fe>ub tbe burtljen of £ creffer* i$ owbeit, tfee peffeffton of tbclnti6,&!H'crj Ijcpjomtfetb to t^c cln'.D?en of <25j2>I> , is not alwapesfet befojes ttjetr epc0: boti*,bp= caufe tr)et> mttft SnanDcr in it 00 pjlgr in* 0; cm alio y !lo;o fufifcrct^ tfjr m not to l;auc anp fctilca abroingplace ati*.* i»^ere,but rattyft ;' .iTtcfv) t!:cni to anS rro,to tbentent the;1 fbouia traueii tt>c rno^c cbcerfi;ll? teo dace of l?eaucn. ^0^ tl;c tlefli couetctb toneftieal»apfs|nfcre: t if itzs Sucre not l^if.iD l;itl;cr anu tfou^cr bnftap eblp^eefeoolbb? little anD ttttle forget bcauen.anb tbe cucrlafiing S»iU)ftanbtng,(n tl)t0bnrefc,tbe pcfTjfficn of tlje lanb, Suljcrcof IDanib maketlj t«cn= tion , 10 not taken awap : foj tbep Unovrc mod certcinlp tbat tljep arc tbc beirc0 of tlje 2) fucccurtljctr n?cefljtic0 in tpttie conufnicnt. JFina!lp,a!tbousb tbc bngoblp go about too tb?uft tbcm out of $ £oe?lD, anb count tbcm bnicccjtbp to liue bpon tlieeartb: pit Scott) <15ob flrctct) out bisbanB,anb couer tbcm,$ (to bcefl)0?t) fo fuftepnc tbcm toitb l)i0pou?a*,tl;at tijep littemojcatbartC0 cafe in banm^ment, tljan the bngoblp boo in tljcir neft, 5»ber= bntoo tbcp be faft tpbe. 2Bnb fo tbi0 bent= rtte,febicl) 3Dauib commenbctl), is partlp invars anb btbbcn, bpcaufc tbe bulne0 of our fieft concepucth net fobat it is topof = feffc H)t lanb : anb fit £ faptbfull pcrccpue in berp bceoe ano bp cuibent effect, tl;at | fame is not pjemtfeb tbe in bapne,bpcaufe rtjep bauing fafteneb tbeir anhcrbolb in <© £) 3D , coo paffe tl^epj l*cfe quicilp from bap too bap. 3inb <& &> 2) ft)et»ctb bp tbe bcrpbceee,that tbe fbaboujeoft)i0^snb is pnougl) teo befenb t!;em. to. [T it ato!jpls.]3t <0 a confirmation of tl)e f e?mcr fentence. 5F02 it l>ab bin an cafp matter too obiccf, tbat5»ecfce tbe &»e?iD too bee in far orljcr cac£,th>n 25au .b fpcas fectlj of, bpcaufc tbe bngoblp ftrim in ttjctr j picafyrcs, ana tbefaptbfun ppne avcap pis,' tsouflp tn conttnnall lang«U*0}ing . 3D auib flberfo?? caUmg v-0 bacnerrcm fcoift iubg= msnt, fetbetb bs teo l tt quft^t fcj a little febple, till ti;e ^Lozo plucbc t^em bp bp f fOotc,onoa)Cu?etb2cffectuainefie of bi0 grace toa-artcs b0 . Cftc Sa>iPocmc tljen tbat he vequiret!) in tbe faptbfull, 10 djat tbep fboulb fufpenb tbeir iuagement fo? a fobV'«,bntill(5£)ID map fbcv»eout of beaucn ,tl;at tl;c full tpate is come : anD fo tbep fboalo not fiop at cuerp flratte , but flretcb outtfeeir mpno to t!jc wsuteccc of 45£)-i2>. W^era0 now in Beh of [tarpers of <35cco lepfute,] bsputretb [tbemcclic:] be grouni'ctb IjtKifeif b^pon berp gooo rsaion . i. 0; onleffe a marl bcleeue, tliat C5£>3D p?efeructb u;crefol)tcbbcchi0, __T______ bp i»ap vppon thcxxxvij-Vialme. bp u;dp of miracle:as if be portico ftpepe among SdooIucs: be Cball our a£fop to re= putfe b? bio!ence.£Dnip bope tlprfojcbjces belt) of it fctte meeaneiTe , b^caufe tijai: bp bjpoiing tip be«bpneu*c oftlic fleft> 9 alap= ing tip fpafc t' teaciptl) bpipgnt^ neffe anb fufiferancc , too tbcfc tljat fubmit tipmfclucsbnto goo.ainb from bence Qe-- mctl) £b;uft too bauc taken ttyitfobjct) is Smitten ^atli.s-5- iftowthenalttjougb tip i»oo?b [peace] bec generaUptaacna= tmmgilp*$ebjeu?e0 coj nil luclxv fucceflfe of thtng0: pitnotfoubaanbing another »43 fence fcnll agree better to t!)t0 placc:name» !p tbat: k>bple ;bc tengoblp iballiDSOjhe trubfelc to tbcmf.lues,a«b t»ljple *{5iI>2D ia.zappstl) tlpm rounbe about SoitijfcarCi fuineffe, tip faptbful Qjal fpo;t tlpunclues in tnucb qu etneffe . /frot tijattippare fcopb of all encomberanee: but bpcaule tr>e intoarb calmenefle of mpnb (ball bnbers p^op tipm,fo a0 accounting all tip trubble S»b&cb tlpp fuftepnc,to be but as tip tur^ King of a banoc, tipp reiopce in tije meane totyiz * in bope of tip quistneuc t&at 10 pjomifeo. 12 The vngpdly deuy feth ageinft the ryghtuoufe, and gnafsheth vppon him with his teeth. s 13 But the Lord shall laugh him too skome, for he feeththat his day is coniming. 14 The vngodly drawe their fwoords y and bend they r bowe, to throwc downe the poore and ncedy,and to flea fuch as be of a ry ght conuer- fation. ic Thcyr fword shall enter into they r ownc harte, and they r bowe shall be broken.. ri [€Iptmgoo!p.?cV]|£eptettentrth, tbat in ) cb mpgip ban: bin obiectcb a-- gnnft tip lad fentence.^o; S»!pr i0 calme quietncffe ano mirth , fotipn tip knc'&cb plap the mao men 1 pzactpp all tqatmap bee agemft tip clulozenof <5ob ^dgeme baonbali tipp tppe Soeli foz tip tprae too comc:tobicb fee tipmfeluc0 befet untb mas up bcati)C0 i 5Dauio tiprcfojte anfxocwttj, tbat altbougl) tipir ipfc bee afiaultcb fcntb funb?p pertt0 : fit nctiaiihftanbing, foi ail tipt cuer tip bngoblp can oraife, tipp arc fafe 'op tip belp ano protection of <£»oo,anb ftpU continea? fafe foi cucrmoze . 3nb fo JDauios purpof; & too pzeurat our feare, leafttipnatpgbt?riC0or f b^goblp (bulb frap bs aboue mcaforc, as ttpugb t»e ioer guien bp to tipm td 00 bbat ti)tp l:ft toitb t»0.^cucttbeiei tbattbepbeuift falfepjactpjcs 0?lp,attD fitmuj 6rttij tbcp? tect!) sipconiedcvi) b-A'vyt]):? arefraugb tco toub i»?ie0 toooomtfclpefe, anbaffo tijattipp bttnwSDttlj penemou0 fppgi;t-^ fulruS ana ragc.lBut ioljcn tp batb gtalis teDtins, Ipc awetf) foojtbwitt), ttjat tbcp; pjactpfe u^aH bes to none cfcxt : l^oiobcit ip feetReti) too giue bat a coD comro^t tao cur fo?ot»c0: foz b,e fap(I) no mojc but tbat <©iD tD iaugbctbliSut if Ip baue a care of our&fegarb , tDl;erefo?c maBetb ipc not baftc too u»u.]ilanDc tipm bctpmrs , anb Sol)ercfo?e fettco be not bimfclfe (loutip a- geinfttbe furpeof our enempe0 :• Cbi0 10 a mi l c trpall of our pacience, as it Uttj binfapb, pfalnuz.^.. tljatdBoDiltppcrt) not fooub armeb bpanbp too put tip bn= gobip to epgbt , but iutnivcti) foj a tprne, & Sottbboloeti) ijts banb* |-"ioio fo?afmucb as tbs bnberttanbmg of tl)e fie»b tbmHetb bun to bee tlpn ouer Uoto: anb bpon tbat ccafmgof lji0, gatlpretbtbat be content tctbbimfslfc i»ttbtii3ovrnceafeano* lectctbmcn0afifap?£3 : it is acemfcaj of no fmallfejxc , too bcljoiD i>irt& latogbtng; bp faptlj : to? tijerebppon $»e conclube foj a certctnrie,tbar be i^anbstb not ftiii pbic= Ip in beatten, ne Upttctb. bis cp?0 ?>nb let= tctb fortune alone ioitbtbe gouernment of tip ioo?lbe : but make0 b€lap Tc? tljc r.once,bpcauic be Derppfetbt'jepjfohbloo; UlbneO'e.^riDleafttbfe fit'^b fbouiamnr^ mur agctn,i»bp it (boulb Uac <&«3>jiD ra^ tber to iaugl) tbanto rcnenge : a rc-ijon is aooeb, bpcaufe bee fees tijeir bfftrttctwn at i>efeenot res bjrffe in all pod baftc,ftrctgbt toapcs S»ce befpapie of better (rate ^ iSutbe that fees the wectt.toner fhuiDefcjith l)i0 fa>oo?Dc b?afc>en at ri?c ioictieD man0 backc, longs r.o mo?sfo? reu:age , but ratber cntopctb bp0 glaofome t>g->t . 2?auib therefore booetb b0 too buoerftanbe , that it 10 not tneetc tbat bo ftctb tbe tongoas Ip to bee ncerc tbep? Dcftruction) fboulb bee angrp after our maner . #0? b«re 13 coucrtlp put a Difference betwene <5 od, f men So'jo arc blpnoe in trublcufe cacea, $ cannot lattgb fo? tljougbt anb carc,but ra* tber fret ano ciiafe fo? ^uerpnelTe of Delap. /fteuertbcleffe it 10 not pnougb to fenowe tbat tbe csce ftanbetlj otbcrwpfe *mtb gob rbanfottb bo : creeps free lerneto iscepc patientlp in bis laughter , tbat our teares map be a facrifpfe of obebtence . if n the meanc feafon toe mud befeccb bim, to en: Ipgljten bo font!; bis Ipgbt : fo? (0 it frill come too pa tie , tbat tbe tebolomg of bus Iflttgljtcr bp our ill maKc b0 parts tah ero thereof , euen in tbe miooes of our beaaine0. £>ome refer tbct0ta>oberfc0 to aaotber purpofe : as if BDautD fboulo Tap, tbat tbe goDlp Itue fo l;appp a ipfe, tbat tbe cml men enup tbem. W> at tbe r cabers fr il note eaflp pcrceiue,tbat y erpofitto cotne0 nothing new to tbe meening of tbe Jd?o* pbct. «+ j<£bebnsoblpD?at»e.«c] $eto p?ocebetb JDaoio furrber, tbat is too Sj?it, tbat tbe bngoDlp being armcb fritb fu?o?b anD boo?, manace Dtath too tbe cbiibztn of <5od : anD tbisbootb l;eeto p?encnt temps rations, frbicb Qtueiivpf: mu&e neebes tb?owbs bourne . jr o?<25ods p?omife0 baue not plaee in rede anb quietneffe , but in mofrefo?e battatlles. 3no thercfo?ehee teacbetb, tbat tbe rpgbtuoufe arc not be* p?pucb of tbat peace of frbicb be intvcatcD a little afo*e,aitboug?) tiie fr tcfccD tbieaten tbem p?efent Death. 3nb tbe fentence muft \6 be mabc plapne in tbls frpfe: #lbecit that finners D?a*o tbep? fwojas anD benb their bowc0 to Dcftrop tbe rpgbtnoufc: fit nots fritbGanbing , frbatfoeucr tbe? attempt, it fballturne too the beftructton of tbcm= feluco.BnD tbe fpeccbes arc to bee notcD : frberebp i0 crp?cff;D tbe miferablc (late of tbe rpgbtuonfe, bntiti <2>od at length fuc= cour tbem . f 0? tljep are calleD nccbp.anb pooje : anD aftcrwarDe tbep arc likened to facrifpfe0 , bpcaufc tbep arc not able too fritbftanD tbe biolencc of thep? enempes, but ratljer Ipe oppzetTeD bnDer t'KP? fectc. wb^rebppon it folowetb , tbat in tins fSfalme there is no fucb feliritie pjompfeD tbem,a0 (ball appeere to bolo on all after one rate : but in tbep? miferie0 anD afflict tions , tbere 10 fee beefo:e t\)tm a bope of topfull pflicro, Ssljerebp to boiD tbemfelucs bp . ^©robceitfojafmncb as it bappenetb ofttpmes, tbat tbe eutlDoocrs alfo are bee- bateD ano trubbleb fo? tbep? ocrnc naugij - tpncffctbeaDDetb [of rpgbt conuerfation:] mjsening tberebp tbat tbep are afmcteb isttbout Dcferuing. jf ojmcrlp be baD fapo [of arv-gbtbart:] bpS>?bicl)tBO?D0tpa0 comenDeb tbe inwarb pureneffe of f bart: anb now bee cpmmenbrtb goob bebauiottr in tbe outwarb Decctpes of tbe Ipfe . 3tnb fo hec ibewetb.notonclp y tbep arc te?ong fullp af0ictcD,bpcaufc thep bab not p?ouos b cD tliepz enemies bp anp nuf DccDcs : but nlfo that tab, e n tbep iucre pi e uofe eb bp m ■ turics,pit DiD tbep not ftep afpbe from bp* rpgbt Dcalmg.33^o?coueriDauiDfpeaUetb notnotoof <& obs laughter, butoenoun^ cctb bengeance to tlje bngoblp, accojbtng alfo as toe baue feene tn tbe feconD $£>falme 9 tbt fourtl) bcrfe,y after goD bp ioinHing at tbe matter a ioljpic , baD fiiffcrcD f bn- goblp to ronne bpon t be bzpble : in the enb be fpake to the in bis frzatb to oucrthjoo? tbem. Cbc effect jo, that the bngoDlp (ball fo itttlc p?cuaple : t!jr:;ttbefv»o?Dei»bicb tbep hab D?av»cn fball rcturne into tbep? owiic botccls, anb tbep? bow tbalbe o?o= Henupcece0. Better is a fmali thing to the ryghtuoufe^than is the welthyncflt of the vngodly greate ones. 17 For the armes of the vngodly shalbe broken, but the Lord holdeth vp the ryghtuoufe. a3 T he Lord knowcth the dayes of die ryghtuoufe aud theyr inheritance shalbe vppon the.xxxvsj.ffaime. 144 shalbceenerlafling. 16. They shalnot bcc shamed in the tyme ofaducrfitiejand in the dayes of famin they shal iiauc ynough. 16. [IScttcrisafmall thing. «c.] *£bi0 berfe (fritbont anp pzobabic caufe 3 is W= peun'ecD Diucrflp. j.n bce&e tbefroozo [Hcmin] among tlje I&ebzcwes Ggnifpcth fomctpra* a grcaretbzomj of mm, « femes tpme abunbancc of twinges: novo anb then alfo tljc pi op z e ^Du'ctiuc of § pit jr all noms bcr is iopnte to a £j>ubflantiuc ef the fin- eular nomber. ©nt thep djat tyawe 2Da- utbs fr oo;Dce too tlits fence, tijar a feawe rigbtuoufc pcrfousarc better 1 1)5 a [l)icb otbers tcaclje: namelp,that a ltttlc,frbtcb tlje tuft: man po fTcflTc t h ,ts better tna v grcate abun Dance of the bngoblp: fez no neccultte com pellet!) tofrzeft tl)c'iooojD[Robim3(tobicl) fismfpctbmanp men, 0? grcate men} into tlje fr oozb [ Hemon , ] contrarie to tbe oz= tier of <£ jammer. 3Hne tbcifoze 3 beubt not bat tbat 2Dau;t> comparetb the fienfcer abilitte of onerpgljtuoure man , frith the riches ano frclth of manpe fr • tcUe 0 men. jfteuctthcleffe f proper ,2lDicctiae[Rebim] map aptlp be tab en f 01 gr cat* men that ejes cell in authentic ano power. & ur clp 2Da« uibs intent is nothing barfc: namelp, that although the bngoblp eieccll in thefrozlb, ano bee ftozcu frith gteate abunbance,ano tr uft in their owne riches t pit is a little y t!;s mft manpoffcfTcth, moje froeztb than all ibeir heapes . 3no bcerbp free gather, that iDautbbifputctb not fo much of tb* etttearb date, as of <& 00s fceret buffing, frhicb cnrpchctbthctpgbtcoufe in oeeae: bpcaufe that although thep Ipue but from hano to mouihcpy: are thep feo from hea; uen as it fret* frith Joanna, frheras tb* bngoDlp are eu:r hungry, 01- elfcrot, as men burpes in tljeir abundance. ix>b«rtoo. alfo pcrtepnetb the reafon that is aoocD in tijenert berfe: that tstofr;t, no ftab'cneffe in the froilo, e-.ccptub;e bnberpjoppeo bp the bano ef <5ob. 2!no> he teller es plapnlp , that none but the rpghtuoufe are (bozcD bp bp <©£>3D , 8fld tbat tije firengttj of the bngoblp [tail be? bzoivcu, 3,10 tjeerc a&cm free fee, that if free frill cilcemcrhe ttew felteitierpgbtlp anb frpfeip, free mail lift bp our t^cs too the tpmetoo comc,oz rather leuell them at the fecret grace of <£ 3D 2D , anb his bib iuogements. jFo; oniciTe free bee pcrfua- dcd that & u) '£> chenflbctb us in bis fa? rherlp lap, our fienberntTTe frill alrvapcs bee trubbtefome bnto be .3nb on the other fpbe,onleffe free bcare in mpnD this biea= Htng of the armes of \ bngoblp, free {ball mats* greate account of their eftatc . H5ut if this doc trine bee tbzowghip fettled in tl-jc hartcs of the fapt!)full,the aubene as rhep flviii haue icrnc'o to leane bnto the pzeppe of d5obs bliffmg, tb"P 8)311 no lefle fvoeets Ip anb plcafamip belpght tljemfclues toitb a ltttle,tban Soutip as tt frerc loofe c bown in ffcozne fro aloft, bp on the howge heapes of riches, frberin t!;c bngoslp boo glozte. J5ptbefrap,fcearefrarneb,tbataslons as the bngoblp leane to their own ftregtb, free muft ^^t till 45 ob bzeabe the armes of them: anb the beft comfozt of our infir= mitte is tbts,tbat dp^lS bpmfclf holbeib bsbp. 18. [Cbelo.2bfcnowctb.fcJ/i5otfrttb out caufe booth iDauto fo oft teats bppon this popnt, tljatthe rpgbtuoufe are tber= foze bl:fleO,bpcaurc tbe &02D pzeuibetb foz their nccefiities before banb. ^ocefee how f ozciearD mtnres b'fpouttons are to bon^ ting , anb bow foze fuperflttous cares boo frjtngtbetn , frbcrof tljep can mafce none enb oj meafure: anb bp tbe fr ap there crcc pcth an other bpee bpontbem, y thep frill bee mojt fozecafling than thep ought too bee, i pit hew much f° ewer thep qcceii in fbarpneffe of frit anb pcpnfulncfle , tijep comonlp ouerQ>eot thcmfclucs in the tr be« upfes.f aftcrwarb eftentpmes come fhozt of that frbicb '-bep froole hau«. Waerfojc nothing ts tnoze pzofitatle, than too bane bicb fc>ee mud bnbertaKe, arehnowen bntolum. <&cing tben tbat 45oo fccepetb focrj fcatcl) fo? tbe maintenance of our Welfare in tl)i0 our pilgrimage,U;ce ougbt to bee no lelfe quie-- teo tn our ropnbe0,tban if S»ec foerc itt a grownb of our mberitancc./fojinafmucl) as i»ce bec regarbeb of <25ob, Jbautb ga= tfjcreJ) tberbp, tljat our qeritagc fljall bee cuer Jading. 2mb in faptng tljat tbe rpgb= tuoufc are Dcfenbcb bp <0ob, t»e erbojtetb bs to tbe pure an& onco^ruptfolocping of bertcw. 3inb if ioce.eouet too ipe fafe bn^ ber<^oD0p?o'.ccrton,letu0folcwcuicelie3 ncfle , $ atoap feitlj tbat biuclfdj pjtoucrb: . Ctjat men mud boo as ottjer men boo. 19. [Cbcpfbalnofbcefbameb.$c.]:tb,tl]at fljcrcis not p?omi fcD to tbe fattgfuH fucb exemption from ail inconucniences as tbe fled) fc>ooia befpje, I but fucb a beltucrance as tljougb it bec re» cepuco in bcrp becb,pit is it not tadea but 8bp faptb. ;ffoj free muft poke tfjeis rfcjoo tbsnges toogHIjer , tbatltkeas tbcfapn> full arc mtngleb frill; f cutlbooer0 in ityg fr cjlD , fo tmfrepo?te0 anb abnerGttes arc comon too tbctn botb : anb tbe onlp btffcs wi« tbem is , tijat <0ob readying Commcntaric ontWJani onto fyofe njat be %is in tftrtf neebe,fo?fakttb tbe bngoblp. 31f anp man obicct, tbat etiiU men oftrpmes fare bepn= telp,anb pamper tbcmfelueslargclp.tobple tljegoob men arepinebebfrttb banger: 3 Gtif«?cr,tbat tbe fuftp5anee,frbicb to mens cicneb I;erc,c6udctb c!;ceflp in cbts popnt, tbat fr beras tbe faptb'uU baue but flenber far?,oj tatter becijangrp anb bare,$ baue muctjaoootogctapoojeitumg^ttooon) (0ob feebe tbcm no leSe , tban if tljcp bab mucb mo?e plentiful* abunaanee, tban tlje bnbelecucrs baue, iiibieb cram tbe i&^ole frojib into tbetr matoeo.ano pit are tteuer fatisfpeb. 16ef?bG0 tbt0, tbei0 temporal! bliulngcs (as £oe baue fapb clfwbere) are not alwape0 apparat,to flovx>e cue after ail one rate.^Fo? altbougb <©o'oo banb teope, pit are £»ec drcptlaceo, anb our oitne bn- bclcef is no fmall b'nberance to bis bountc ouTene0.1nD bpcaufe our fieQ) teoolb dreit fall to looccnco, (©ob bealctb tnojeredrcp mblp Soiti) bs: anb lead bcmpglit marbS Ul)ic^ clfe be feere rcope too lafl> out fcitb plcn? ttfull fopjon. Certifie Sobofocuer djali contlbcr bow f o?c«oarb all ofbs be to Scan t5ne0 anb plcAfure0,bee Cball not mameli at tbe bimgre,iobcru?itl)pll 45 £> ID Cjeer= cpfetb tl)ofe tljat bee bis . ^otrbeett, at tbougb <© £> © minifter" not fo mucb a0 t0 ineugb to fill our ffcimesto tbefull,pit nottcitbftanbmg onlelle our oa-ntontbanfc fumes be a let bnto b0,%»e fball percepue eucn tn famtn anb btter fcarcetp, tljat ^ee nurtiffoetl) btfsracioudp anb liberallp. 20. But the vngodly shall perish , and the Lordes enemyes shalhee con- fiimed as the precioufenefl'e of Lambes , in the fmoke shall they bee confumed. The vngodly boroweth,and payeth not agcin: but the ryghtuoufe is mercyfull and giueth. For fuch as bee blided of GOD shall inherit tlie land, and iucii as bee curfed of him shlabec cijt vp. 21. 22. 20. [ 2l5utfbrbngoblf\ ?c] wbcraatbe &oc^b [ dfe ] Ogn fve;b [f^n,] ? tranflatc tt [ but :•] jjnlere pcraDaentow en?'- man Iphe to fctcl; v meening fomcw?bat fatibcr of. mm tbeis matcbvitges of contraries Ijang fitlpcr togitljer, tbattlje rrgbtuonfe arc fitisfpeb in ilje'rpme of oerrb,anb tbat tb:bngoblp ftatuc cuen in tbe wtb&e^of a tinnbancc: namelp, bpeanfe tbat isberas tl;cp trud in l!;cir plentp , €*ob bp fecret tntancs vppon the.xxxvi). Pfalmc. »4J meanco bjingetb tljem to nought, 3inb in calling tbcm (25oos cnemtc0,bcc boetb fcs to bnoerftano , ttjat tbcy arc iuftly eucr= S»bclmeD ioitt) tljc bengcance,fc>btrt) t^jcp pjocurc to tl)£fc'U€S by tbeir eron SdUUcD tics. vol)Cv&8 bee faytb fljcy arc [confumcb a0 tbe pjecioufneffe of jLambe0,]fcme bn ocrf^nD tt to be fpofeen of tbefat oft!;em. 215 ut feeing tr>at yacat ftgmfietb ercci!cnt= ncs amer.gtbe l£eb?ew0Ca0 3 bRue f^ clfctel;crc03i Scubt not bnt tbat Ijc bcto= fceretb t!;c cbeyce JLambcs trjcmfe!uc0, ano fucf) a^ arc of notable fatnc0 : fctb'cb tb'ng agrectb bery ktelte tbe marching of ifje contrarieties. ;ffo; beercby fc?eelcrne (Sorjicb tin'r.g another pjopbet tcacbctlj lib cfctife) that f bngcbly are fatteb agcinft tljc bay of Geugbtcr, fo tbatttyeoeintlycr tbcy arc banbJeu , fo mud) tbe foncr tyey tnaybcebcflroycb,[Co feecccnfumcDin tbcfmofee]impo2tctli afmucb re to bauitb array Quicfelp:a0 if itbab fctn fayb, irjcr \& no grimes o; fubGance m tbem , C be? &bici* by tlje tcrme [pzectoufncoj bnber Ratio fat.erpounb it tobc eofumeo agcinfr tljcfiticb'e line as far irelietrjc? Soaftetl) away.2£ uttberecter0 fee tbat tbe fo:me? mtcrpietauon fcttctb. tl;e place better 21 [<£be btfgobly borbtoctb ft] 'Crjc? are bccciucb tbat tinnbem tine place tbe bngcbly are contntmcDof falfe packing, fo; taking away otijer tnen0 gooc0 by fut tie fl)tfte0, anb tbat on tbe contrary part, ini"!;ecIiia:cncf<15oDtbcri0Con:n?tntcD „ bumanitie,f c: tbat tbcy arc rcDy to r elecue tbe leant of tbeitb?ctb?cn.^Po? tbe f2>?o= pbet botb rattier comment) tljc buffing of in geco foctb,if tbe bcyl of ouiKC0 $ Diotr3ine0ipcre not b;airenbefo?eourcvc0:tberebecp?oofcfi oftbistbingtobefccnefcairp. ;fFo;tbougb tbe bngobly bane neucr fo great abnun= banec:yittfeeirbnfati9bIeccuetoufnc£ma kctl) tbem to catcl) berc anb trjere lifee vcb bcr0,anb arc neuer able to make payment aget'n. J5nt in tbe meane Sortie dB ob tmiU ftrctb to I;io c!;tle?cn, cot cnlyS»l]cnritb to feme tijetr meutrabfc tXeis , but alfo foberroitb tobdp otl;cr0. f&raly ^ 3eng iict but tbat the iutdreb arc blsmcb fo? be fraubing tbeir crcbtto?0 by teaoi:nt!gall ^bingo toaflfuliy :cttl) alfo tbat tbcrisbtu; cue arepyayfeb i'c?bfing ©cu0 iiberaittie to tbe rrgbt enb.06ui t!;e |3?cpbet0 pur-. pefe 10 to fbcw , £cbat <5oos bliflmg can bo.^nb tbuc mccning i0 better coVi.rmca by tbe ner t berfe , 5&\)tt c the t $H rencc is -put in ti;c lltffing o; curfing of gob. ^!;cr fo?c if it beebemauneeb from $»bcncc tlje -tbi'bjen of dpes batte abiliticirbercwiib to i-clp tbe n. cbj.* anb to ntwtz liberality: anoi»b?ibe bngooly runne ener furtber anb furtber in tebt, fo a0 tbey are notable to pay it fo; tbeir Uuc0:3lmu!b anfnerctlj tbai tl;ec«cfo?t are tltficbcf tbe aio^b, anb tbe o;ljcr bjougljtto ^ttcr bnbcmg by lu0 curfe . ^bcra0 feme tranflatc tbe Soe;b [Mcuotakyau] actiucly [ bliffing tbe rigbtuop.0 rhan:]ii i0 conOrcrneb anb bn fatte.^o? tbe effect t0 ,tbat&^atfocuer is ncebcful to mcintcyn tbe life, ano perfc jm tbe betptice of bumaniiic , it commc.lj to b0 ney tlicr of tljc f fey noz ou t of tbe cart b, bnt flctcctb from tbe only fauour of (Bob: anb tbatif beett)iti;b2att) l)i0 grace,aiitbc abunbance of tbe Soo?U» cannot fuffyjs 23 The fteppes of man arc directed by the Lorde , and hee loueth his wayes. 44 Though he fall he shalnot bebroozed;bycaufe the Lord putteth vn- der his band. 2y 1 haue bin yong,and now am old:yit faw I neuer the rightuoufc forfa- ken,cind]iis fcede beg their bred. 26 Heis dayly mercif ull andlcndeth,andhis feede is vn to the bli (Ting. C.f. tj Cbe 23 [CbefteppfSofmanjc.l&omehnit tbe is t*o tbingo togitbcr ,tl)at tbe fteppe0 of tbc gobly arc Dircctco by tljc grace of goo, tbat is to fay , tljat men of tbeir osme power folowe not tbat frbicb ia mft anb rygt)tfull,furtber tljan tbefpirit oftbe lozb gbuernetl) tbcm: fr'aerc upon tbey gatbtr tlje fccono, namely tbat <£od fauozct!) anb alloujctl) tya; frbicb to bis owne . 35ut JDaaio conaneweib fimply tbc comment nations of (£030 blifung tosoarbs tbe goo ly,in fr bom this i0cbefly too bee ejcalteb, trjat fr batfoeuer tljcp go in bano frith. , it is Directed to aljappy anb befirable cnb. I^otcbeit, berearitbaU is to bee notes tlje rafon frip dffob fartberetb 9 pzofperctb tl>e fuceeue of all rtnnges in tbe race of one lyfetnamely byeaufe fre attempt noting tobicb ItKctl) not bint. iFoi 3 take tbe toozb [anb] CfrbW) is intbefeconD part oftbe tocrfe)te bee pat foz U)i0 fro:b[bycaufe: ] anb 3 refoluctijefentencz tbtf0 : byeaufe tbe fray oftbe gobly is acceptable bntoo (0ob, tberfoze be btrectctl) tbeir 8epp0 to a topfull ena:fo a0 tlje meeningi0,bicaufe <5od fcctlj tbefaittjfuU to scale frit!) an bp rtgl)t confcience,anb not to &cy afibe from tbc fr ap that be batb appopnteb : tbrcfoze rje bliOe'tb trjctr cntcrpztfe t'aa t tbeir fallmgcs are not beaoly. Jroxfre fensit-c tbat altbongb<5obftrybctbcres piobatc0 but ligbtly :yit it becommetb tbe caufe of tbeir btter beftructton. Salomon pzoceaetl) pit furtber:faying tbat tbe rig!) tuou0 man fallctt) feuen timc0 a bay, anb rifctb a*oft agein ^:ou.i4.i6,byfrbicl) froiDs be Dot!) bs to brtDerlranb, tbat tbe gobly are not feloome afflicteD in tbis life* tryeb fritl) bayly erercyfes , anb ?tt nenct foifabcn of tlje ILozo. Co be is to- be notcb alfo,tbat eucry lygbt fall fr ere y ■ nougb to crufl) b0 all to peece0, if © &) 2> fboulb not put bis Ijanb bnber bs. 2 HI fjauebinyong«!c»]Cbcmceningof tbcis frozb0 10 notbing Boatful : namely, tbatfrben ID auto fras come to be anolbe man, be bab not feeneany of rbcrigbtuouS oz any of tbeir offpzing begge tbeir bzeab. T&ut out oftbe matter it feife there fpzmg gctl) a Difficult anb fnarleo queftion , bys caufeit is a certeinty tbat many tuft men banc bin bzougbt to beggcry * 3Pnd tbat frbicb H^aoso fpeaHetl) of l]i0 orone erpc- ricnccpertcync f) to all agc0.1i5cfiD0 tbat bee batb taken tbtefentence out of £)j)o?; fes iPozinlDeuteronomium.if.+.begi: ging \s counteb amonge tlje curfe0 of <5 aDH) ,anD tbe Jlavo in tbat place ejectnp tctbtbe frozfbipper0 of d5ob from it by c^pxeffb fronts. I^oto can it franb tben, tbat none of tbe rigbtuou0 fras a beg; get, feeing tijat Crjzift placet!) ila?aru3 amoRZ 14* vppon thc.xxxvij. Pfalme. Mwmgtbcbilcftfozteofbeggerst'Culie arc tljcpnotqutteanDcleetefcemal giu,ttbcboMitl;b0tobcar tfnes.tobetefaze ttts no mantel tbouglje in mlnb tbat fc?!)tcb 311 b aue tcncbf D beer tbep be be Cubieet noire anb tben to terns tcfo zc : name Ip tl>at tberc can no certetnc anb cqnaU (late bt p?e fir co in effobs tern pozall btncftfw* -' oj there be tnanifoibe caufe0&bP 4c»£>3Dfboulbnotfb£n>bitf fauo? to all tbe goblp ah be in tbt0 wojlD. f o ? bee cbafir jetb Come feb pie bee fpa= retb otber fomr : becbealctb tbc Centre btfe efe s c f feme, ^ fo?bcar«b otbtrfome: bicaufe tb ty baue not nceoe of itfee rente btc : be tr pctb 'be patience of Come acco? - cms a0 be batb furnifbeo tbem foitb tbe fpir tte of tnanir neflc : anb otber Come be Ccttctb fcoztb fo? others too tafec eram- pic fcp.l&ut in grncrall bee btwblerb tbe ail % itb tbc Ct e. nc0 of bis S»?atb, tbat tp fuebe fpurrcs tbcp mop bee fttrtcbtppe butoo rrpt ntauncc* ;tf ttmtlp tec p;cao= fectb tbtiii bp CunDzp effltcttcns , too tbe turning of tbt beeutnipe Itfe :anbptttt ie not in toaine ox to no purpefc, tbat tbe £afcc CDOucbctb <25£ 2D to boutbefaue cartbirbbmnp© bpponb»0 CcrnauntC0, trpai rbcv map bee re cozfte e of bis fauonr tou>artc0tbcm*3 confeffe (3 Cap) tbat it t0 not m bamc no; fo? ncugbt tbat tbc faptljfutl ate pjompfib plentie too fuffise tbem.asfnrefpcctcffoobcanbrapment: Co tbat tljcrc be abbtb an tjcccptton,rame Ip Co farrc fcojtb as <£ £> 3D (tail bnoioe it too bee cfpcbtcnt, fo? fo & tit it fal cut* tbat tbe buffing of <$ © Erfljallfbpne fooztbin ii;c life oimcn^anD pit ttjcfaptbfult (ball bee pincbeb frpllfc>ptb pouertie , tpcaufctt to fui ttjeir bebocfe. 3nbtfltbappen tbat anpcf tbe faptbfui bee bzougbt bnto beggcrp tecc muff lift bp onr minbe g aloft to tbat bijrffcD l;crt* tage.febrre ©C3D feplllargclpfuptlp Srl;atfocucr irftntubnurcc tn bictranfis to?pe bene fit its. 3 ifo fc?ee muff c bcare in rmnbe tlitp otber tbmg, tbat if bee &?ap tbefattbfuligcnerallpintbeCamepeinc0 inber efe'trb bee puntfbett) tbe bngoDlpr* Cub bee fectb tbcmfc>?appcb m tbc fame bifcafcs ; tn fo bomg tbcre to notbtng a= reafen. ;tfo? aStbougbetbcp fiarte not out Co farrc,as bntotfoe contempt cf 006, nez at c bttcrlp gtutn otter to tope: no? fianfce m tbetr ou-ne con= ccU0,no? t tt a icU faff in tbetr vices : pit po?allpamQ>ment0*© p tbc fe>ap,tbts is true, (Sob to p?oaft>etb fo? tbofe tbat bee bi0>tbat becing content rb fottb tbcir lot, tbepfemnt notbing, btcaufc tbat bp tbetr Ipmng Cparelp tbcp b^uc altoato tnougb: arcoxbing as ^aule fcyttb )Db titp.4. 1 2. 3 baue learncb too abound anb toavoap foit^ fcatcctte* 16, C©ei0baplpmerciful.fc*] ^ere-* prtctb a tbtng tbat be bab Cpoben once as fb?e ; notnelp tbat $?obs grace to ti;c hjcI fp?tng of allgoob tbrngoj tbat can neuer be b?apneb b ip, anb tber efo?e &ben it b U tretb.itfelfetcU)arbc0t^eiattbfullttbcp not ottlp baue tnougb to Cetue trjctr own tnrne0,butalCo irbcrwttb to bee libuall to otber p.Cbei feb'.cb be abbrtb t oncer ning [tbe feet* of tbem, 1 is crpounocb Ht tur.e &oapc0. Cbat be ipcanetb of f ct>tl b?cn of tbc goDip, ttjet ta no Doubt at all: f tt)3t <0 gatbercD cf tbc lafte b ct fc. 16 ut tbat be faptb tbcp (baibte [teabltffuig,] Comctabc it tbus, as tbougb bebuDiapb tbcp fbalbcc tbc mimficrs of Croco hbe= rabtie : anb fo acco?btng bnto tbem , tbe Cence fbottlb be,t';at tbcp fbouib be foioto ers oftbdr fatbcr0, inbclpmgtbepoo?e anb in bfing hberalttp tovoat&s alt men. 36ut 3 am afrapb lead tbtc bee to curp? 011s .% Ifo 3 aoimt not tbat &»b>cb e tbers tcacbe : nameip tbat Cols grace flj.'ilbte fo notable to^atbes tbe Cbilo?cn of tbe get Ip , tbat tbcp fbalbce taben fo? a pat? ternc fo? menne to fejtftjc p?sfpcrttic anb goob iucb bptj confefie tbat trjts maner of fpcab tng is Co taben in biuers places : bnt beer (in mp tuogement) DauiD tnc= nctb notbing els.but to comment) tbc co ttncvoall botbing on ot (0obs fauour,fro tbe fatbers too tbetr CbtlDzc tt : as if bee Qjouib Cape, tbat «3 ods bhiCmg occapttb not 5»bcn anp rtgbtueus man otet'o, bnt temapnetb eucn bnto l)ie cljUtzcn. 9nb inberpocebe tberetsnoccrttpnerbcrt- tage to? our ct.ile?m too fucccebe bs tn? tijan ttijen ©3D emb?afing tbem anb bs Sop tb bps fatbttlp loutng btnlneffc ma= bet b tbem partakers &ttb bs of ijw 'olib Cmg« ,*if* 27. 55e= , lohn Caluins Commentarie, 37^ *8. *?• "Depart from euill and doo good.and dwell for cucr. For the LORD loucth iudgement, and forfaketh not his mceke ones, they shall bee kept fafe for cuer : and the feed of the vngodly shal- be rooted out. The ryghtuoufe shall inherite the Iand,and dwell vpon it for cuer. ¥. 27. [JDcpart from euil. jc.]?Danib con cluoettjtn tbts toerfe.tljat if S»c fell mia^ tbe true bapptnes wberof be ma&ctb me Jiort, we muft abftclne from all booing of wzong, we muftpcrfozmetbebucttesof butnamtte.anb we maft enbeuer our UU ma to be oooing of gobo tur ncs. 0o al tbougb tbts mening be in no wife agrees abh* too tbe &nos:rftar*Dmgof tbe flefbe : rit is tt a certemtte, tbat all wbole mans fctnoc is not faz anp otber caufc Strapped tn fo manp encomberances ano ttobles, but bicaufc euerp man foz bis own parr, being guen towzanglt-;ig>craft jCjctozrt: on, ana euil Dealing, rcfufctb tbe bliftmg of <0o&« Cbe men tbemfclucs tbetefoze arc tbe let> tbat tbep cannot line bappelp tn tbio iuojlo, ano cucrp man merely anb qupcrlp poffeffe tbat wtycb is bis owne. jB 0 1 imtbout caufc tben botb ID autb flip from his former boctrtnc to tins etbozta tion : bfcaufe if rbc meeb poff.ffe y eattb,. tben accozbing 30 ecbe man wifbetb fcoei to b!mfeif foalfo muft be applp btmfelf to good bebauicar ano too benefiting of 0= tbers* $no it is to be noeeb tbat it is not $>aur goob reafouj t'gat bee iopnetb tbefo twoo tagtxljcr : namelp t!)attrj« faptbfull fi)oulo eobcuer to benefits: others, anb al fo bztblc tbemfelues from all euil Doatng. #0; Cas batb bin fecn in tbe j-f^falm.) itbappesmb oftentimes tbat lome man not onelp bebauctb bimfdf curtconfl? to fearbes Come hinbe of mcn,but alfo Dea^ let!) of bio owne wicb ful banb,anb pit in tbe mcane wbile ptUctb anb pouetb m a- nottjer place, wberwttb to maintetne tbe countenance of bis liberalise* Cberfoze wbofocuer is befit Oiis lo .baue 1)10 Dueti fulnes ailoweb befoze *25ob : let Ijun en ■ better to do gooD m fucb' wtfefo Ijts bzo= tfeejrs tijat boae necb of t)ts bctof,tbftt be burner nut one to bclps anatber,ne make one fao too mafce another giaoDc.SinD tn tjjefe two wozdo batb 2D auto bzrcflp co - gzeb cuo ib tbe fccon&e ta&U of (be iia wc. $ trfl tbat tbe fattbf il (Boulb Ucepc trjetr banos cleane from all mifoealing, $ giue no man caufe of complatnt : anb fcconblp tbat tbcp fbouloe not line to tbemfclucs, anb be gtuen all to tbeir own psofite: but fboulb be beftrotis to pzofit all otbero tn generall , as farreas tbeirabilitte will llretcbe. TPee Dpeb beer etofoje,tbat tbis biifftng isbtcb is pzomifeb to tbe ngbtu= ous7is not fecRf all after one forte, [tbat rber fboulo tnbabtte tbe lanbe:] ano wee bane alleDgco tbe caufe : namcl? foz tbat auib allottrtb too tbe cbil- bzen of45co j is not al«» "-.res afetling of tbe feet in tt,bicaufc manp Pnquictneffes encomber bs : * !?u is it no fcpneb tbmg tbat bee pzemifcib'ir oj a!tbouv3b comon erperience djewe not mantfeftlpeaspit) tbat (0obs cbilbzen arc beites of tbe lanb pit 00 wee fecle accozbtng to tbe meafare of our fattb,bo«)c aaapleablc tbe buffing ©i(15'i>5> is,wl)icb flowed) connncwaU Ip hbe a fpjtag tbat cannot bee bjapneb* Cmli' tbep bt to too bltnoe wbtcb fe not tl)i3 rcioarb too be gtuen aircaop too tbe rtgbtuous^namelp tbat (60a bpboioerb ano maintepnetl; tbem witb bis Defence. 28. [.foztbe^ozbeloactb^c] Cbis confltmanon of ibe former Entente is ta be not;o, bicaufe it 10 fetcbeb out of a oe« per grouuo ; tbat is to wit, tbat €>ob it> vppon tlie.xxxvij. Pfalme. be rtj feel cfrigbtueufnegaKMrucscf.Mig: fcljicb fcemetb in be cbe to bee buta mep; mcb tying. $?ou>bcit, fo;afmucba0 3Da- niD caectb it fo; a tying agrccb topon , ano febtcb mufjt be fetleb in tyc bart0 of al tyg fnttyfull , tyat tyc feo;Ib i0 ruleb by geos pjouioence:bec rcaibticty toery feel ^Ftrft tljcrfojc it ijs te be be IcueB.tyat (Bob Ijaty a care cuer tyc date of manfcinDranb t!;at (ttB not toflfcD by fbauncc,but bircctcb by bi0 Cctet mtnacien, fo ag be guibety tye fal lingo out of all tyingeg tybioappoynt; mcnt,anb goucwety tycm feity tji0 Ijann. 2? no feconbly uiuft bee aooeo , tyatfelnclj JDauib fpeafcetb, of bcre: namely tyat rigb; tuoufeneffe plcafcty <5 ca . &cerctopon it folo«?ety,tyat tobofocuer Uuetl) fepngbtiy anD barm clefic among mcn,lje fbalbcbaps py,fo?afmucb a0 ali tymges mutt ncebe* fall outfeell feity bitit in tyecnbj bycaufc be i0 fn tycfaueur of<0ot». ISeuertyclefTe fecemuftbearcinmynb, tljat tycpjcmig fobcroffeeirttreatcCcpcnCety berebpen, tyat <0oo fcatlj tonbertaacntye fafefceping of tl;e gobly . i^ot to foa ere tbein contmu ally in cafe anb y tiler cc, but to fu ccoz ti)em in tyc cut) , after Ije bail) emctfee ty; feity tbc creffc. #o? tycrc 10a grcatfecigbty= neffeintyc-t0feojtb0, [ibatd&cb fetllnct fojfaae tye tr.ccfe. ] &bcrfo;e tycy mifintcr pjtctc t!)i0 pfalmc,febtcb ptoch tye grace of if tlje curfe of <£'ob totter not bisfejee byanby aacinft tbem:it is no marucll if be feeepe fecfet tyc kuour tyat be bcaretytowarb© tyefaityiuil. 2 9 [Cbe rigt)tttou0 iball inljerit.] Cbe repcttng of tbtje ooctryne isnotfupetau= ou0,tobicb is fccry barb to be ingreucn in curmyrioc©. ifo^oltbcuob allnicii couct tapprnefTcytt not feitbftanbing„rcarcely Jbeijubjetbrcrfon loKctbfc? it at © 000 banD:tutraibcr,totbcntcr,t toco fed by tbefeluc0,tbev»p?oucbe gofcsfejath effet purpofe.febo may piouohc \t uicu\feljiie feme of tbem frayne ibcmfclueg feub craf tyneffe anb fo2n»earing,fome renne l;cab j long to r cbfecry, fome p^actyjc ail Hynb cf cruelty c,«n& otberfemerace feitb Oangl; ter anb peyfemng . I^orc tbe ror?tincu.>e!/ bxreUingoa.igbttobebnbcrfioob,'Jil;uue tola ycu eucn now anb biucrfe ty mc0 bere tofe?c: namely y feljeras tl;cy arcamorfg trublefcmeturmc;ie0,yitbotb b?ocD tbem bncer btgfeinges: anb febera© no? tbing is 0abte bnber tbc moonc.yit be fee-, petl) tbtm fafe,a0 it fccw in a furc J^aucn. 3in& mo?couer berebnto is statu intrarb quyctnc0fel;icb 10 better tljan a bunbjeb liuc0^anb fo igfeojtbely ccceunteb tote, fojtb. c inccmpavable p?crogat4tte tljerof. 30 The moutliof the ryghtuoulc will fpeake of wifedome , and his tung will talk ofiudgement. 31 The Law of God is in his hart,and his fcete shall not flyde. 32 The wicked watchcth the rightuous,and fceketh to flea him. 33 The Lord wilnot lcauc him in his hand , nor condemne him when he is iudged. 5 o [/^bc mcutl) cf tbc 9 c.]25icaufc it is an 02binartc trattcr feitb I5ipccritc0too p^ctcnb to tbeir cfrnc bcljoof ,febatfocuer tbcfpintef^DCb fpcafectb of t^ctufl nr»D trcii- oealtng men : S?auib befinctb febat ntaner of ry gbtuoufe nefic Cfcb requyjctl) at rlje hanb0 of |)i0 djilb?en, anb beuibct!) it tnto tbjee poyntes : that is to 'mit, tbat tljcir talK fl-culi) be pure,£ t\)C lci» of gob fboulo rcyg ne in tbeir bart , an&tljat tbey fijculb (?Der tbeir conucrlaticn ari£l)t. /^owc ejepcunbe tlje firfic member otljer \ lohn Caluins Commcntarie ruletb t\)tvc hartes : thep (tagger not.but ftano to their fac'sling with fare footing, 0} at lead: wpfe aeepc on tl)cpf rpg'atc coiirfc. 32 [Cbswfckcbwatchctbfc] ^eers pjcflfeti) moie plainly the man^r of pou"cf= fingtbe Han& : namely, tl)at <£oo befen= betb I)i0cl)il3zm when thep are befecgeb rounb about with, enemies, wber upon S»e gather agein, that heretofore they baa no quyct Hat: pzomtfco them , fo as thep fbonlD bee free from trouble . rtfoj tbci0 ttyingeo coulo not (tana togitber, that the faytbfuil fbouia taUc their eafe ana pleas furetn tbeir quyet bcritage,ana pit neuer ? tbeleffe beebaylpbelpuereb as tibeepe out of the moutbes of woolitss.H5p the wap, tbei0 two \jerfc0 eontcpne a rare comfozt: namelp, that cuen in the miDbes of funbzp annoyance*, the? (baUnotwichlranatng efcape fare bp the jjelpe of Odsd . iDauio therefore warnetb the faptbfull befoze hano , that when thep U)all fee tbcyz eni- mpc0 fitte hatching foi them , anb feene all t'qt meane0 that can bee to anop them: tl)eponthecontrarp parte mu$ looac a= boat tbem.wbat care 45 £> 3D taBetb fo; t)Ctr fafegarb , anb what ioatcb >anb warb beebeepctb to pzefcrue them barm- leffe. 38 a becoe JDauta confeffcth that the trecberic0 are of th*mfeluc0bjeabfuU, wberw:tb the bngeaip impeach, not onlp tbegooa0,butalfotbclpue0ofgooamen, bpcaufe thep crucllp confppje their be* ftruction, $eu«rtbeleu"c Ijee willetb b0 to ftanae to our tackling frith bnappalleb courage0> bpcaufe <£«•£> 2D batbPJomps feb to bee our befenber ijimfdfc . 3lnb the etrcumSance of the aciiacranecuto bee conftbereb : namely that bee aiiueth it of fo !ohj, till free bee euenatacatbes booze. 3ilfo in the ncrt member wee are aomonpfbeb , that although soob men tafce neuer fo biligent Ijeea to themfeluc0 to ftjift their banbes of all enup: although they cnbeucrto beferuefeell atallmen0 hanbc0:anb although thep efcbew al qua* rellc0 anb faliingcs out : pit (bah thep bee fuotect to falfe accufation0 .. fop 3DauiD fapth not thatthepibertuc0 fbalbc blajeb abzobc with Dew pzayfes ioytb tbeiops full confent of the whole wozlae : but fc>l;cn thep fijnli bee balca too wages mait. tbpfe : namelp, that the rigbtuousare gwpaesana fcboolemaftcrs to others to Hue fed. 3&na thcrfozc [to taifee of wife= Dome ana to Ipwfce of augment] tmpo^ tett) a0 mun to them, as to inftfuc* other in goaip aoctrme,ana to frame them to the feare of .] which aLbous'.) 3! bifalow not: pit 3B feare leaft it be io much reftrep nea. fop wifcDomcano ljpjigl)tne*are fet afit>ellagei.ifl:hwtl)emihana Dncleane talH,i»herbp the tuicfeeo enbeuer to wipe oui: the name of go&:as alfo ageina fljifts ano crafts anb al binb0 of High t0,pea anb alfo ageina all thz catnmgs anb putting of men in fcare ♦ Che ttwenfag t!)erfoze 10, tl^at the r ightuous bo hono?ablp anb rcue reutlp c rto&i the rightuoufnc0 of <& ^D 3D , that thep map nurture tbemfelue© anb 0- thers in all goaipnea'.ano feconblp that as well in their oumeburpneu"ea0 in other mennc0, thep allow that fehtch (0 tf She frithont bifftinulatton , aabftt no colour bp ^op!jiftrie bpon euill matter0 , ns fi= naUp ttep aubc at anp timt from the truth. ^eerebnto is aObeo faunoncs of hart : which though it g° bsfoze in ozaer : pit is it no: amuTe to feite it m the fsconb place, bpcaufe the fcripture obferaetb not ozber fo curiouflp in reconing 'op bertues oz bis ccs £A92eoucr this founbnrt of hsrt com metb hereof. iftheJLawof od , icljo foil at lengtt) acquit tljctr innoce ncp fr5 tbc b nrigb tful iudge men ts of men.JE f a - np man obiect, tbat manp of tbe cbiiojen of <3>£>3D banc bin put tocruel j fljarpe deatb^ftcr tbep foere condemned:^ an- ftoerc tbat tijcir defendour fitterb neuer- iljcles m l^rauen* Jfoj, altbougb Cbjpft Sucre baled too mofte cracil Dcatb tortij mod fptteful r cpjccbc : fit foas be tafcen bp from tbat diftrcffe of condemnation (as fapetb <£fap. 5 3* 80 and <&od dcas letb liRciutlccaplpe irttblns numbers. j,f a man make exception agetn tbat Da utd p?eacbetb not be cr ofcrjeltfe to come, bat of tbc pjefente (rate of t be godlpe : J mnfte rept ate agetn e tbe folncton tljaijj made befojc.tbac is too (ape, tbat ej&ods I ca'ft^ij? bcnefitcsafereftrepncdtoobFS vppon the.xxxvij. Pfalme. _J4* parte»and anotber tubileapparant to bee feene , but neuer florae after all one rate* Cben map it bappen tbat tbe bolp £0at -. ttrff after tbep bee condemned , mapalfo be pot to deatb, as tbougb tbep Sucre foj fa&enof t0od .btcanfc notbing is better ojmojtc dcfirable euentoo tbeiagjartirs tbcmfclue0,tban to fet fb?tb c©oos glojp bp tbeir deatb. 3lnd pit notwitbftanomg not euen be that gtuab tbe rcpnes to tbe ungodlp to execute tbeir crucltie, cearetb to bee tbc auoucber of tbc rigbtuoufnefie of bis feruaimtes.bicaufe bee QjeSuetb 0* pcnlp befo;e bts 3ngclls, and befeje bis Subolc Cburcljc tbat be aliocuetb tt, and tbat be Sutll fitte in inqupfition fepoa it* y ca ratl>er lifting tbem uppc ou 1 c of tbe darkened? in iubtcbe tbep Sucre &?oS»= tted,bce maaetb tbctr afQjes too pcelde a mofte foeetc frnt* tfinallp after tbat tbe Ho;& batb fuffered tbem to be otter ir nel tnco Suttb tmiuoitbp rep?ocbes : be b«n- pjouidence.and fo Carcojdtng as be fenos fclfe Sutll gtue a tudgement Subcre bp 100 Suctb it too bee erpedient,) tbep are one defende tbeir iuttecace asctnfrs bnmfie S»bUe fuppjcOTcD erttjer in Subolc o? in (launders. Tary thou the Lordes leafure and kcepe his wayc, and hee will exalte thcc,that thou may eft inherite the land : when the wicked men shal be cut vp,thou shalt fee it. I haue feene the wicked ftrong and fprcading out himfelflike a greenc Bay. 36, And he palled awaye^nd loe hee was gone : and I fought his place and he was not found. 34 3S 34. [Carptbeu tbe Holder* *c*] 5Da* tud n turnerb agtine too b«s trbojttation, tl at tbe faithful trifttr g to € eds p?c rr i fes and being Vndctajojtc&bp bint fliould rot fr ff cr tbtmfciucs too bee d?atocnbi= tt;rr end (bitbrr bp ar.p temptactet s tbo rcvo tbc croHtd and cuertljwait Sucpes, but e bib e ftebfaft in tbe obedience of god. ;tf htt tbcrfoje be cjcbojttetb tbem to bope $ patuncr ,os if bf c 0)culb bid tbem btnd ttcmfrluts fatoip Drtoo ©oc tn time of tbctr tjoublc, &nd qcpettbcmfclucs^ till fcce Oetfi ttjem bis countenance age mr? fobtt'o be tiat b«d from tljcm. ^tcrdpon gvcuni^ ti,;£t ort;«r, ttjat s.^tp C;culd not (lep aCdc frcm tbe Snap of tbe Hejdc: fo? Subcrcforutr bopcand patience fiouffcc, tliep ii tii eaflp bzpdle mensmtndes tbat tbep fball net dartc cat too nnp tbing that ts tonlatcruU. 9nb futelp, t';at ecije man iceUctb bts otrn commoditie bp cutl fl)ifts,ine (pall flnbc tbc catif? to be tb ts : blc&ttfc no man leanctb upon (0od:o; els if ^ojtune iaugb trot fcppcn btm bp and tbtn&s it is to no v=t:t p- ie too keep bnnfelf Pncojrupt* £l^o,;goucr ince map iernebp tbts place, yifcucnmanpcftbe vcrtuoiis ? fmglc bartt d men lead tbctr life mifcrablp in continual peins:tbcpebp y> pHmibment iufilp, bicaufe fearedp tbe bundled t\) pecfiun of tbe,doorb pattcntip C«uif» tarp iohn Caluins Commentarie r-irp ,tbat <2>oa oftfimetf rcacfKtb bis banb too tbe fattbfull , cuen tbcnfpeciaUp fc?be tbcp fcemc oucru>bel meDSaMtbtbcbageneaofcalamittes^f* terwarb iDautb aa&etb tbattbe [fotcbeb (bail pcrtfbe befojetbeepe* of tbegoos lp:]fo?iftbc enbaoftbemS&ercnot tons UUe , t:>e date Soberin tbe reyjobatco res iopce f o j a ttine,fr onto cau>e allure cuen tbe beft fojt to ftnne*. 3tnbfurelp<15;D1D fcjouio pleafareba fontb fucb Ggbtff Dap; lp,if &e focre fcjell figbteo to fe bta tubge menta.Slnb plt,notteitbftanDtng tbougb all the fe>o;lbe bee blinoeb : C5oo ceafetb , not to renber iuft rewaroe to mens Sates beb dealings , fautng tbat bp pnnifljtng tbcm in moje fcerete S»ife>be fo>ttb&iat»s ett) from bs rf)is frute iu^crof our ou?ne Dulnc0 Dcp?tU;Cb bis. 35. 3ibauefcene tbcfDicbeb.fc.'] UBp bt0Ot»,ic cjepmenceijic conftiambtbat i»!;tcb 3 f peb cuen now : tbat a'tbougb tl; : tuibco be foctcD tn tbcw ba^ pp Gate ano ail men banc tbem ineStmattonfoT it : pit is it but rranftrojie ana Sij'otfuU, ano tberfsje nothing el0 but a bsep top* 2&noin tbe firfte acrfe befapetfMt is no ftranqe ojtbnfoontei) tbtng,if tbe bnjoo Ip pcrfon becing pufoD bo isttb btotuofs perou0ftate,bo fines niinfelf far 9 wioe, pea anoputtbcfitnplefo;tc tn feareaifo. 3lfrerroaro be abbitb tbat tbeir greatnes Sobicb &>aa ga$*b at not without fcjonoe ring, toantftetb afe>ape in the tammgof a banb. 33 s concerning t!je S»oo?oo:[Gua- tits] map be tranflateo as feell tftoute oj ttrong] a0 alfr [ojeabfiti]bf caufe $ &>o?b ef iobicbit iff oertueb figmfietb fomtime [to frapj-anb fomcctme [too ftrengtben. j &ome tabe f participle [Michgnaroth] foj [gremc] but ra:l)er ttimpojtetb afmacb a0 [atfeouering ot fpjraotng out tt feif ,] like ao l)tgl? anD bjoaoe tr e< 0 fpjeabs on t tbeirbougbeffafarreof* 9nb J dottbtc not but Baftiotauteti) the totiiticoffucb as baue no leaps of tbemfclaes tn tiauns ttng«[Co paflfcatoaplin tbe fcconb bcrfe is put [ to baniil) atoap: ] and fo bee ab^ momlbrtb bs to fit ft;l a Mobile, ttl bp tbe patting of tt aS»ape, it map appeere tbat al fras but-a mtft,Sobatfjetier tbe wojlb i&onotrcb at tn tbe p^fperite of t be »ic= fetlu Mark the perfect «4«,and confidcr the iufl; : for the endc of that man is peace. But the tranfgreflbrs shalbc wiped out toj^tie^the end of the vngod- ly shalbccutof. But the welfare of the rightuous is of the Lorde, he is their ftrength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them, and deliuer themrhe shal dcliuer them from the vngodlye : nee shall preferue them bycaufe they trufte in him. times faitb its quencbeb, anb all longing after <259&0bPbeercqup^ re tb marHing,anO bibbetb b0 lsob to it: btcanfe i»ben our totttes bee pofTefleo bp tbe 5r(l tctnptacion tbat to once offrco to our epe0,ba3e ma&etb ba taKe our mar- fcc0 amifTe^ut if a man loobe far of fro bttn, 00 tt wttt out of a Ssatcbe t ome,bc (ball &n*e it Soas truSp fapo, tbat tbe re-- .__„ p;obate0 37. 38. 5^ 40. 37. [fi^arb t'ae perfect man.fc«] 2Das iaOejr')ojcetb tlie faptbfull too conGocr trto?e Ijecaf ui !p febatfocuer ejcaples tb

ome take tbe woojb [Echamh] to bee fpoHen of tljem ttyat conic after : but ttjcp take it a= miffe : JF oj JDauib puttetb tljc oiffjrcnce onelptn tbe cno; of tbem.bpcaufc <£>:£) 2> after bebatb enures Ijiu feruants to i;arb- nefl?,bliu"et!j tbep? abuerfule, anb turnstf) tf)c mirti) of t!)e cmgool? into moojning, 59 [Cbe&elfare oft!jc rpgbtuoufc. batfaeaer betpbettj , pit u)altbe rpgbtuoufebe fafe,bicaufc tbep are in tbe bano of <0oo , anb bee can ncucr forget tbent.wbicb,tbing is to be:marUcb abupFeDlp,totl)2ntenttbattbcp a>l)tcl) bee in moftabuerutie , ma? bz bpinto bp tljiai conaocce.tbat (be fafetp Scobiclj tlje? ioo&e fo; at u5oo3 t)ano,is allur c j ; bpcaufe gob t0 eternal* anb gousruetb tye wojlo bp bis H? cotnnuunbement , l&e as CbjuT: favbtm Jffolm.i 0.2 9. dje father wfjtci) batb gme pon to great:? trjan all. 3tno ©amb boioetl) \)m\ fttU to tI)!S principle , tbatfcji afmucl) as rpgbtuoufnetTe is ailoSneb of (£>ob,it cannot conic to pafle t!>at be ujulb fo^fakebistrco? iyojO)ippcrs , ano oifap= popnt tbem of bis bci* . Cberfojtc be Sua* i:tb tr>e faptbfull too ieane bppon btm,not onelp iobpte tbings p^ocecbeaccojbing to tl;ep; partes befpje, but aifo &?b«i afflicttc ons pmcbetbem . 25 p tubicb 'ujoo.zds bee teac!)etb,tbatit is pnougb if <£»>& giue bis feruats ftrengtb tbat tbep quaptc not tobe tbep be Dt fir eiieo uttf) anguiuj ,o? tbat tbep finis not bnber t l;e burtben ivljsn tbep are fo fo:e loben ioitb mtferics, tbat tbep grone agcin. Co tb<0 purpofe alfo maHetb it,tbat 3D auto biatetb tft>pce bppon ti)C iyoojb [£)cliuer] namclpfyat tbe ebtlojcn of gob tbulo accmapnttbemfeluea Suitlj fuffcrmg of temptations : anb tbat if rayeth him to with- hold his -xtr 4th from him . »Andtoo thentent he may the better moue him tot mercyej)e bevt*ilctb the^reuoufneffe of his mdUdie with many circumfiar;- ccs,tbe which it wilbc m/tre conuenient too note one by one as they come in or- der in their places, j Tbe-xxxviii. Tfalme. A fong of Daaids for a rememberance. Lord rebuke mc not in thy wrath, ncy ther chaftyze me in thine anger. For thine arowes, thy ne arowes arc lyghted vppon mce, and thy hande is comedowne vppon mee. . There is no foundneiTe in my flesh at the fyght of thy wrath,nor refl: in my bones at the iyght of my finne. Por myne iniquities are goneouermyne head,andas a heauy burthen: haue they oucrlodcn mee, T,v. 6 My lohn Caluins Commentaric My woundes are putriflcd and fettered at rhe (yghtof my folye. & e tp tie te referrcb to f cotcfnw. ^I^ljjforfrbcrcao fometbtnk it to bee <&Afc jtlie beginning of aeommo balab, like a0 in other $£falme0 tlje bee; ginning of the Dttie of frbicb the tunc fr aa to bee taken , is front to bee abb:b : it 10 a coin raving, jfftay rather leaft tlje changes met frbcrof iDauib fr aebcltuereb might flip bpanbp out of mpnbc:bc mabe tbi0 re^ member ance , as fr ell for him fcife,a0 for others, f o: be knew bow caflp the punifb tHeteffrbicb (Bob lapctbbpon bo, (frbicb ought to nurture b0 all our ipfe after, ) bo banifbawaptanbfeconblphefraompnb* full of bio owne bocation . f or tnafmucb a© befeas let a0 a mapfler a teacher ouer tbefrboic Church : frbatroeucr bee bab icrneb in auib reffrepnetb binifclfe, anb en= largcth not <©o&0 forbearing beponb mea -■ fure, but is contcntcb frith mitigating of !;i0 tf he fhoulb fap,3i mb* m;t mp felf to be cbaflp?cbat il;p plcafurc: but fee in the meane frbple that (Jjou ban* ble ntee not barblper than Ji mav bee able to benre , but temper thp lubgmr" nt sccor= bingtoo rhentcafuveof mpnz tufirmitte, that the beauinefle of the maiabpc doc not bttctlp oucru \)t imc mee./Cfcis y?aper(a0 3! haue fapb) fraa fratneo b? the rule of gc&ipneffc : &r it coutepnetlj nothing cite than that frbtcb ©ob promifcth to all lu'0 cbtl&ren, jU3 orcoucr tt 10 to bee noteb.tbat Sdauibfrertctb notinwarblp to hi.r.ftife, butmatietbhi* moanebnto 45&10 :anb in the frape of quarclinge, bntin the way of fewt frith bnfepneb coitfeffion, anb aifb frith hope of forgiucneffc. JDamb hath put [anger anbfrjtarb] for ertreme rigo^, anb fet them as contrarie0 agemfle fatherip cbafrpjement. 3 [Jf or thine arowes.fc.] ^cf&ewetb that he wao conttrepneb bp ertreme ncecfe fitie, to craue affwagement of tys pametf, tiamelp bpcaufe hee funk t»nber the great- nee of theburtljcn.Ch»0i0alwapc0tobe obferueb for a rule in prapmg , that <^ob0 piom ifes be prefent before our c?e.s . 20 ut 0ob0 promi0 is, that hee frill pnniO) \)\s reruaunt0,notaccorbing too their befert, but accorbmg as tbcp are able toobeare. Chtfi is the reafon frhP the teincts boo fo oft make mention of thepr ownc freak- neflCjfchenthcpbceprefifbtofore . 3inb JDautb both frpfelp m calling the fickneffe frbicb be fuffereth,bp thenameof [^ob0 arowe0,anb hanb or piagcOi? or onlefie he haD bin perfwabeb that tt fras lap d bppbn him bp Cobc appopntment : he coulb nc= iter haue founb in ht0 ha^t too feeke rente-- bp of bi0 frounb at hiffhanb.TPcefce tjofr all men in a maner bee blpnb ingob0 iubg^ mcnt0,anb br came that tl;ep be but cafuall bappc0: fo «0 fcarce one among a hunbreb ba :lj an epet otlie hanb of <£ ob. 23 ut 3D a - utb in h'0 CbntQe (like ss in all other h»0 abucrfitic0,) fetteth bcefore h>0 cpc0 the h of <&£>1D armeb too punifb h'fi fmnes . Slnb furelpfrhofoeuergoethno further than the feeling of his ownc grcef: !;ee biffcretb nothing from brute beaftc0. a&utfojafmuchesall €>£>&£> fquoor^ ge0 put b0 in mpnb ef b,i0 iubgementtthe trew frif beme of the fapthfuii, 10 to haue an epe to the hanb of hint that (trikctb,a0 the prophet fapetb . therefore the pros nownc [thp or thpnc] earpeth a force frith it ,as if he? hao ^W^, hee hab not tco bcale frith a mortal! man fr';ofe haute mpgbt U)ootehi08vvowes acco;bmgtoth2 pneae fure of h'0 power: but frith €>£>3D,frho lljootctb out \)i& arowes frith a far other ferce. * [Clitre vppon the . xxxvij . P/alme. +. [Cbcreisno fotoiumcs.fc.] wberao ot'tjfra translate it [ there is no bcawtp,] it izcntttl) net too becfo St. 3md noa>fo= lotoetb an aifyet member in wl)K\) JDauid preldetb tbe pxapfe of rpgbtusufcn^iTe 'an= too <2» £> 3D , loitbout fobom tJ)e former knowledge fljoulo p;ofir lirtle, c; nothing at ail: pea rather no>» and tben it cnragctl) i!i8nne0 aaftljcy pjoaok: out curfed blafpbemiea agcinft bim . wberfojte noting can bec mo?e oucrtljcoatt , ttjan too beate ones b: apnea about uFoos bare and abfoiutc power, (aotljcp terme it) fcibicb robbetrj bim of bio rpgbtuoufenco. Cberfo?e 2Da uib, alfoone as he: batbecoHcepueo (£000 difpleafurc agcmlr lutn,turnetb too l)ts ownefpnneo. ;ffo;hee jjao alreadpe fet it down; fo; a furs ground , tbat <& £D 3D is no Cp;ant tbat io ooid bee cruetl fcjttb' out caufc, but an &p;pgbt J udge, that is neuerangrpebutbppon offence gtuendns tooljim . Chen, if i»ec Soul peelo Dew pjapfe bntoo <5 £) 3D, let bs icrne bp tbe trample of 2Dauid, too iopne our finneo bntoa In© i»;arb . Jn tbe next fcerfc fcce eomplapnetb, tljat Ijcg is ouctlooen Smtb, ro greate a bur i^mt tliat bee btterlp fapn= tetl) : and pit bee confirmed) tc,e foymzt Doctrine agent , tbat it 10 bss ownc defer t, tbat feelet!) © £> 10 fo fo;e anD d;eads full . #0; altbougb tyz fc)oo;d [ Aucn ] bee ofttpme0 taken fo; punnifbment: pit &>ee nnoroeit 10 but after a bo;oa?ed ma= ner of fpeccae. 3 no 3 Dcnp not, but tbat 3Dauid pattetb ouer tljat tiling too tl)t eft feet, foljicb, 10 pjoppe too tbe caufe , tolje n bee eallctb tlic punmlb mentes, fe^icl) bee bad procured bp \)\s ovont fault iiniquU ties A i^aicrtijclcfTe bso mccning is tbers baitball, too confeffeplapttip, tbat ail tbe aDuerfttie,i»bicb bee differed, 'was too bee tmpnted too bio fitmes . -fro; be qua= reletli not fcitb 35 €> 3D fo; tbe bnmea= furable fojencs of bio pumrfujiucnt , as Cain Did , i»bo fapd: i^p punmujnient (0 greater tlian tbat 3G snap bee able too bear; it. Hind trulp il^opfes bfetb tbts fame tooo;d [ Ancn ] in tbe fame place,45en. 4.13. fo as tbere mapJjcefoinclpHeneflj in th2^2O?,Dc0 of 3Dauid and Cain . 25ut iDauidS meening tuas fat otberit/pfc. $$} tym t^etv crept into ^10 mpnd r»cr> ICO tempracieno as tbeis,namclp,©oro barda ipdsotb <0£>ZD bandletbser's>urelp,rcci ing be batb no care to relecne 1 t>sz, be iv\l\ baue tijee deftroped altbougb tbat in be&apung l)is ovom mi-- fmeo, be map feeme after afo?t too cbpde Saritb (0od : ptt noticitbdandmg bee bce^ petb tbtt modeftie Cfo? <5£>ID punifbet!) not out of meafure) tbat tbere remapnettj nothing fo; b"n but intreitancs : i»l)eraa tl)Cbngodlp,tl|Ougb tl^eir own confcienceo accufe tbem neuer fo imic'j , Doo notuiirb- Handing murmur agemfl ©od like bnta- med fepldebcaftco^sbicb 5x»ttli ibetr tcctl) gnaujc the c'nepnes xoljcrtoiti t^ep bee tped. 6, [ Jt^ptoounds are putrifpde.]3Hn this Derfe be mencienetb tbe long continuance of bi0 dtfeafe, ioljicli oujbt too auaple too tbe obtepning of r tleef . f 0? fo^eras tbe fto?b m <2Bfap. +0.2 .auouebcti), tSjat tbe toich edn;(T? of bi0 Cburcbe i»as come to tbe full, and tbat bee bad renojeb l>ir dub ble fo; bir offences : be meenctli tbat foljen be batb punifbed pnougb, bee is foone pa- cifpde : 0; rather , tbat if bee continent bis bengeancc anp longe tpmc, be is though bi0 mercp ao it Suere ioerpe , fo as be ma= betb Ijade too deliuer : according ao bee fapetb in an otber place, (€fap. 48. 1 o.) 2 l)aue trped tbec, but not ao filucr, leaS % ftjould confetmc tbee. Cberfo;e 3Da= utd0 coplapning of tbe long co«ttnei»ance of l)i0 mifert'e, tendetb too tbi0 end, tl;at 5»l)en l)ee bad abidden mft punifbment ,at icngtb be mpgbi: obtcpttc releafe. &ure it ieas no fmall temptacion too t!;e fer= uant of (15 3D 3D , to ppne awap ioitlj con^ tinetoall languifajing, f i»ere to rot 9 melt atrap into matter in bio miftrtes. Whcr in W conftancic is t\)Z. raojc too bee comment John Calutns Commentaries furcly tbe |j>oty g>boft m glaurcmg ccbe toticrc at ntuct ft i;cynou0 cffenccs,Dootlj not broumfb £ gtitf nc0 of mcn,a0 rtjouglj tbcy fecre tntanglcb tut in ipgljt feapes: but ratber accufetb tljcm of feitlcflc furye, fo.2 tbat being blinbeb feitb leawb \u(tcg, tljcy rufl) agein tl)ctr owne mabcr. Cbcrs fojc feitb [fooltfl)i.e0,o;t lab of font,] tbcre t0 alvoay C0 ioyncb On. SnD in tb*0 fcnfe fpeafcetlj Dauib of bteortnefoolifibncs, as if bee fboulb fay, bee fees out of bt0 feittc0,nnb balco array ,ant> Djyucn about S»tcl? bcaftly rage, lybc a bjute bcaft,febe bee neglected <£>£> ID ,anO foloivcb tys cane luftcs, comtnenbeb , febtcb teas no mote abates feirfc tbelcngtb of bclay,tban it feasmabe too finK bnoer tbe bnmeafurabls burthen of mtferies . -furVjctmoit , febcrea0 bee puttctb tbe feoojb [foolifbneffe] in ftcb of our [fin,] it 10 not &oone too mabe our fault Ipgijt , a0 tbe bypocritc0 boo , fel)0 feben ttjcy can not fbift tljcir banbes of gtl tyneffe.yitnotfeitbftanbing ("too tbentent teo mabe but half a fault of it) p?ctenb a colour of igno;ance , anb cauill tbattbey bib but fltp though, err our 031 oucrfygbt. 2t3ut acco?bing too tbepb?afeof tbcl$e= b?eu> tung , tbe name of fooltfbncfle btte* rctlj bim too bauc belt f onbly , in obey i.*:g tbe lull of tbe fiefb ngcmft C5ob . 3nD 7 . I am bowed downc , I am brought very lowc , I go blackc all tbe day long. 8 . For my rcynes are full of burning , and there is no fbwndnefle iu my flesh. 9 . I am crufshed and fore broken, I haue rorcd for the very greef of my hart. 10. Lord , thovv knoweft all my defyrc, and my groning is' not hid from thee. 11 . My hart pantcth , my ftrength fayleth mee , and the very lyght of myne eyes is gone from mee. pefile$eter(i.#ct.?.0 cjtljotfctb all t(;c gobly too bumble tbcmfelues tuber tbercygbtybanb of d&^DJD* wberfo?c let bs ierne, that tljf re 10 not any otber remeby too cafe our tmfertc0,but only too lay away all frubfeojnefle , anb too bow bewme curfclufe bntcr <5ob0 rob. Cbe feoo?D [ Kodar, ] fo? febtcb 3 baue tranfs lateb [ blacbe, ] otberfome iranflate [dab in blacbe, ] anb apply it top tbe outrcarD apparcll, tbe biacbenefle fe hereof batb ah fcayesbinatsben of mooting, ©uttbelr opinion 10 trciver iyrjid; bnccrft anb it of tbe blabncfle oftfjcfbiit- $01 fecc fenorce l)Ow bcauynes biffiguretb men feitb lean? neo anb filtbyncs. SDautb tberfo?c fibers ctb rl)c grcatnc0 of bte fo?ow>e by tl;c figs nc© of fo?et»c, tbat tbe natiue colour fens feanjeb out of bis ?ace;anb be become lyUe a beeb carbeffe aireby feitbercb. Jn the nc*t bcrfc ,fome tranflate [ cfce- r»iim , tlje bottom of tbe belly. ]26ut tbe moje allowcb opinio tjs,tl>at it betobenttb tbe 7. [J ambCttcMe.] ^btobefcrtption fbcwctb full feell tbat tbe bcly man fees opF?cffeD feitb extreme greef , in fo mucb , as it ts a feoonber, tljat bnber fo ^owge a bcapc of mifcrif0, there fboulb remaync any faytb that coulb lift bis mynb bp» t»arb . :tf urtbermoje , feben bee fayetb, l;ce fees bcroeb bon?ne,bee fcemetb co? ucrtly too fct hie cafiingbotone, ageinft tbe ftubbo?nncflc of a ncmber,febicb feill not bee l;umbkb fo; any fqueojtge tbat & £> 3D can lay feppon tbem , but ratber firuggle ageinft bym fein) tbeir barbbar= tcbnefTe . foj, a!tf;ougb it i& not poffible buttbey mufl neebesbcebejtcb feiib tbeir grecfes , yit tbey C efter a fo;t ) benommc tbemfeiuf0 . JDautb tbcrfoic mouctb ty8 bcaucnly 3«bgetoopitie,by tl))0 circum= fiance , tbat be Ss&s not one cfrbefiubs bo?r?barteb fo?t , febfebdane feitb ftiffc neebe ageinft tl;e b«nb of <& 0 5D : but lay tb?e>rocn Dewne : lybe as alfo tbe %- vppon the.xxxvij.l-'falitie. tbspiacc SnOzr tlKrctncs'h?bicbc goctb to tl)c5}tppcaf , ejtbe miDfpacc between? t!;s tlrigtyffand [bo. tome ofttjc bcllp] mi»I)t= tfje place tbe foze in tbOug!)t too l)auc bin. 2llfo t\)c 3flnierp.zeter0DtIagrce in p SoezD [Nckaiah] 3 in mptranfla:tonbauefolou) eo tbofe tbat fceepe tbe firft original! of tbe Sajo^o. jf o?£Kaiach] among tfal&cbjewetf fignifietb too burnc. jfteucrtbeielTc otber feme oo not amiiTe to take it foz fiitljpncs. l^ocobcctt 3H line not to banc it rcftrepneb too tbefoje , bicauft in mp iubgement tbe fence is fimple,tyat b*0 re-pnc0,ht0 flanks o? bis tbigl)0 foevc corrupt fontl* burning, o? atleaa&ifefc>ereful of ftinciMffozt[?at part is borlje mode fubicct to burnings, f rotten Ijumozs Do common?? D;aw Downe tlj itber ..wbcras fome erpouno it allegozi= eallp,tbat 2>auiD feemeb to fhnk too ljun fclf wly:n tj: focpcD l)i£t ownc rcpzoebe : it jo to mucb comrr cp nc D. 3JnD fo'iercao bee abbetl) tbat bee S»a.s[fc)eakeneD ano foze bioUcn: ] tt is a confirmation of die former fentcncc.jffojbeminoeD toocrpzef&bp nu ttcro manners of fpeafeing, \)&x> mtollera; blc tbe oebemetnes of bisgreefefc>as.;fFo;j fub it ia btut a final) point of manlines too bur ft out intoo. erpinganD rowing , ano pit inc Rhojd that ZDauib was not nice tnbea ring of mifertes ; i»cc gatb:r tljw ljcc fc>as trurtpzeD ieitl) mod grcuous torments* in afmucb as iy cpmg fuffplcb not, but bee fojajs enfozecb too crp out alfo . #5oroab tbougb tbefeojD [Nehema] iul)ic\) 3! tjaue tranflateD[lRozing]bebertucDof anotber Saoozo tban tbat tolncb JDauiD batb fefeD in tbiS place : pit is tbemecning clcere, that tbe trubblefome pangs of bis Ijart en? fojcebl)imtocrpout. i o [fLozD thou knotted.* c] $e aobeeb tl)is,not fo much, in refpect of d5oo , as to arme bimfelfe &>itb bope of obtcpnmg, $ fo to barten btmfelf to pzap.^no altbougb tbe fence tbercof map bee Dubble , eptbir ttjat IDauiO afluretb bimfelfe that tl;c lo|o; becrctb bio pzapers ano gronings , 0? elfe tbatfieteftifpctt) l>ttnfGlfc to bauc Dtfcliar= gcb !)i0 cares ano trubblcs into tbe lap of (©Ob : pit cptberof tbe fenfes Q)allcome bot;j to one cnoc.^poj as long as men oout Soother ttjeirgroninga cometentoo C5oo oz no, mifcrabl e Difcouragraent totTctb tbe Sjtther ano tbuijer , f boloeth tljcpz minas W fctterco mpzifon, tbat tljzp cannot rpfe top bnto goo. T&m tljc ebeerfulnciTe 100 pzapc rpfctbbecrcof, &)hcn &>ce arc perfajaoeo tbat oar gromngs t)aniu> not aroap in tbe miBDes of tbe aire,but are bero familiarlp bp d^oo.'CbiStberfozempgljtbeno mean comfozt to S)auiO,to tnahe bnn pzeace On to <0oD,not foitb a ooutingano trembling Ijart, but feitb tailing too bitn befoze bano tbiS conSDcncc 5»bicti iott fpafee of : tbat Caccozoing as lie^tmfclfef^eaijietb in ano= tber place) lji0tcaresipcre put top intoo d&oasbott?c.pfal,5ap map be open fo? bstmto OpaD iO : i»j nuift bclecuc tbat l)zeis tberetoaroer as tbc^poftls tcrmcti) bim i^cbz.u.6. 25 ut J, ratljer embzacc tt>z otiier fence, tbat JDauiO bootb ratber tcpojit , tbat bee bab otf burocneo bisTozotocs into tbe lap of i£j£>2>. ^Fo? tb^e caufciobp tbe greater part of men boote not bp groning tn tbe?; fozotcics , is foz tb. at tlicp Direct not tijcrz pzapers ano fpgbes bnto <15£> to . id auto tbcrefozc(to rfjentcnt ljee map bnfcarfullp allure b. imfelfe tbat goo ioiibee bis bciiucs rer,) faptb tbat be baD ali»apcs bin ai»it= nefle ano p^inie to bis grccfes : tbat be baft neptber cbafeo bppon tbebttSmtbin bitn-s felfe, nojlaiuiCblp call foztbe complamtcg;; anobotcling0 into tbe aire Ovs tbe bnbc= lecucrsar? iuontto Do)but]jao treatablp lapo foozt'o all W affections becfoze <©oo\ 11 C^pbartpantctb.fclCljc^oozb tbat JDauiD tefetb fignifietb too tranel oj Soanber : but beere it 15 taken foz tbe trub bling of tbe bcart tbat is engenbzeo of tbougbtfnlneffe, ioben voz bee at our t»i£s snbs. jfoz tbcrafteras men be berebSoitb tonquietne.ffe : fo totlc tbep tljemiclues on all fpDes,ano fo tbep? bart flcctetb oz r'en- netb about, a^utfetng tbat faptb (after it batb pcclDeo bs bp to f obc&pencc of goD) boloctb our fenfes faft to bis iooozb: beere map be obtcGteo a quefhon , bow tins fen? ! certetn fleeting couio toucb 3Dauiie l;art. % ann»cr,tbat altbougb b^ bectng fcnbcrr pzoppeb bp goos pzomues3Hcpt b*s grotlo. fteofaftlp : pttfeas be not bttcrlp DopD of 1 mans in&rimti? . ij^cptber trulp can tt otberwpfc come to paffc , but tbat alfootie as Soce fall into anp bajarD, our flcfl) feili bzge funozpOcupfc0bppono0, ano b;a«? tos into opuer0bp.«jape0taofccl»5R!ti;t0. Iohn Caluins Commentaric 3n thte ca«,6uen Ije tljat batl) bcft (tap of bimfrlfc SjjoID be to rce&e.onelcffebe b?pbs leb btmfelfcioitbtty fame bit iotyercfottb. 3DambS»a0rcpgncbanbbtlbin : tbatttf to fa>pt , fentb keeping all bt0 frits clofc i&ttbm tt)c lifts of gobs frojbe . ITerelp cue" in cur quiet player s.frc fpnbe to feci, Ijow fr anbering out mpnceo bee, %x»t;tci; a tnan (ball baue much a boo to btrect intens tpuelp all after one ratebnto f> cnb . 0ovs if tty0 betpbe b0 frben tbcre is no earned trpall : fr bat frill befall ns in fo?c fiojmco anotempeftesfrbicb manacea tbonfanbe bcatl)C0 f no frap to frpnbc out of tUmf wherefore it is no mantel tbougb tfjep ca* rpco au>ap IDoutbs bart,fo as it frao fobs icct to manp toffmgo among tlje trubble; fome trbco.^-c abbetb rb at be fras bcpj{= ucd of Grengttj, as if bee fboulb compare btmfelf to a beao man. Cbat frtycb Ijc aD* bctb cocernlng tbc Ipgljt of tygt epc*,fome ejepounbittbus: tbat iljere rcmapneb no counfell o; fojeeaft fo? bim : fo fo;e bio befc papte pjteacc bpon t)tm rowr.b about fit- uertbelater thefimpler fence frilbtc, tbat l)i0 Ipnelp fpgbt fra0 taken from bim , bps CGiife tbat in tbe eves tbe cbecfeft Cycctfwi ncfTe of tbe fowls btterc tb it felfc* 22 My freendes and my companions ftoodc oucr ageinft my fore, 5c my kinffollc ftoed a far of. 13 And they alfo that (ought my ly fe , layd fnares for mc : and they that fought'occafion to mifchccfc mc talked wickcdncfl'c, and imagiadc- ceytday by day. 14 But I as a deaf man herd them not , and am as a dumb man that ope- ncth not his mouth. 1 f A nd I was as a man that heercth not , and in whofe mouth arc no rc- proofes. 1 2 [$fjp frenb0. 9 cj $e abbetlj otfjet circnmftancc0 to augment tbc grcuoufe= neffc of bi0 miferte,frberfritb to pjouofee eb,ittt>a0 a Gocoarbncfle in no frpfe too bee creufeb. 23 ut in tbe meanc ubple it augmctcb JDa- tubs calamtttc not a iittic,tl;at not cue n 1)(0 frcenbs anb uiffoweburft {hzvo anp toUen of ecmpafUon towarbs l)im.Ctulp it 10 a moft fbarp tcmptncton,frbcn a man b,aile fiouflbeb &ttb great flo^c of freenbs, anb after coarb ts fo?fafc en of ftll men . (5L l;crc folorcctb anotber circumftaunce,t!)at l)t0 enemiCjS lapD bapts fo? hint , talHeb about i)is beftruction , anb benpfrb beccpts as mongtbemfclues- Cbe t&ect i» tbis,rbaf fcl)plei)i0 freenbo fit ftill lifee cofoarbes, bis enctnpes beftirtbemfelues apace, and enbeuer earneQip to beftrcp btm.j^c faptb [tbepfcchebisfowle,] bpcaufe tbat being Ijio beabip enempes anb blub tbirftp men, tbcpcoulb not content tljemfclucs to boo bim anpmcane bar mc, but in greatc beate fougbt bi0 beffruction. i^et£»itbftanbtng bp tbe feape,bce complapnctb not fo mucb tijattbeprageb ageinft bimioitl) fojeeof armes: 00 be accufctb tbcp? g&picful con= fpiractc0 : the iobicb be becoUenetb firft bp [fnare0: ] anb after abbcttj (in plapne termc0,)tbattl)cp commen of l)i0 beflruc^ tton,anbCa0it Soerefeitb pn'up&btfpes rings) confultftnong tbetnfeluesbowto mtfcbccfe bim . $cw foiafmuclj a0 it is ccrtcpn,tl;at S?autbb02cwetl) not ccle?eb IRbetojiH from tfce court banc, frbtte* iottl) tcoSomnerjimfelfe <©€>3b^ fa= uour ; but ratljer takes ljt0 reafon? out of Vfjpuu u.v...^ ;■%.;«. iij.rwuni.. of 05OD3 &ao;b : tbe fcntenws \»\)ieb be gathered) toogitber tjeere fo; tfae ftrcng tljening of fats faptl;, mutt face applpeb too our bfe. 3fff all the faelpcs of tijc ioodb faple bs. infomucfa as fomc btfappopnt 'as of our rpgbtfull faewtpe0 , anb otfaerfomc purpofe nothing but our bcftrnction : let ft come to our remembrance, tljat it is not in uapne , too lap f oojttij tfjetjoe tl)ing:s as iuec bee p? aping, before 45 oo, Soljofe p?o= metie it is to fuecour thole tfaat bee in mis fcr ie, too take tn to bis tuicion fuel) as bee falflp fojfaken anb bctrapeb too bjpole tfac Soickcb, anb not onlp too fcritfaftanb tbeir btolcnce,but alfo to encounter tfaetr Soplp Pjaetpjt0,f to bifappopnt their beceptes, 14. [UButHasabeafman.fre.C^ecoms paretfa himfelf too a Dumb anb Deaf man fb: ti»oo eaufes. :#o? fir ft face booed) be too frit , tijat be is fo ouertofaelraco i»ub falfe anb ouerrbwart berbttcs , tljat face mpgfat not allcbge fo mucfa as one i»oo;.D in befence of fais rpgbtfull race. 3nb fcs conblp.bcebjfngctf) foo?tb i)iS o«mepa= tience before £E> 3D , to tbentent too in- dpnc him tfac moje to pitie. fio} fueb nia -■ ner of meekencfle , not onlp of rpgbt fetns nctfa fauour to giitlefle perfones tn abuer= fttte, but alTe 10 a figne of trew goblpnefle. 5Fo? tfaep tbat bang bppon tlje fe>o?lb, aim are let but onlp S»itrj regaro of men , if tfaep can not Sojcake tbeir ewne u>?onges, Soill (facco bp making e wlamaciens, S»ttfa Ijow grcate bnttmperatenc & that mpnb lS* bopictfa. Cfaerfo?e,tbat a man map quiets Ip anb fcritfaout turmople beare one the malaparmeilc of tys enempes, ano t^etr So;ongf ull aflaultcs, flaunb :rs , anb be- ceptes: fae bab nteu too fettle fatmfclf bp~ pon 45oa. &owbcrit, iofaofoeuer fball bee tulip afiureb in bimfdf, tfaat <$flb 10 l)is befenber,b« toil! cbcrifb bis faope in fc lence , anb bjtpble bis 0 vnc affections, bp calling bppon flBoo foj faelp. Cberfoje f^aule (Worn. »♦ 1, ) fopttfa aptlp , tfaat tfaen Soce giue place to fc>>atb , frfaen bee= ing opp?c(Teo befoje tfae Idojid , Soee ne= uertfaclefle reft ttiil in <5eb: like as on tfae other fpD«,S»faofocuer giuetfa facob too Ins own paffi60, taketfa bengeance (a0inucb a0 be can) out of (Sobs band, ano leauetb no enterance in foj bis belp . Crew tt is in beebc , that if IDauio mpgfat [jauc bin bears , be faao bin rebp too befenb fai0 own tnnocencie : but ioben bee pcrcepucb bee coulb not p?euaple, but ratber faw faimfelf (bet out anb bisbarreb from all bcfcucc-- making: bee rettrepneb btmfcif in fojbws rmg,i»aptmg foj cl>c beaucnlp Jubge. Cberfoje face fapctfa, face t)ilo \)is peace, as if face b^b bin conuicteo , anb faab not a &>oo;b mo?e too Tap f oj btmfcif. 3nb tru= lp , iofacn ioee knoroc our confeiences too bee deer e, it is a rpgfat faarb ca« , to beare otfaer menncs iotongfuii condemning of tos paticHtl? , anb frity fbet mowrfa , as tfaougb feeefaab no matter to lap foj our-- felues, anb rijat tl)cre rcmapneb no ercuie toobeemabe* 16. For on thee, 6 Lord^cloo I vvayt : thow wilt heere mee, 6 Lord my GOD. y^iL '/***- 17. For I £ayd : Lcaft peraduenturethey triumph ouer mee, in the flip- ping of my foote they lifted vp themfelues ageinft mee. 18. Surely I am redy too halt, and my fbrov/e is euer before mee. 15?. Trwly I bewray mync ovme inicjuitic , and 1 am fore difmayed at my fin. 20. Bat myne enemyes arc ftrengthened, and they that bee myne aducr- laries without caufc are become myghty. ai . And they that requytc euill for good are agcinft mee, bycaufe I haue folowed goodnefle. 16. C^Foj ontbee,olo;b4c.]i^cere31>a namelp.tfjat fjeljatl} oucrcome all tmyto tub popntctl) out tljc iydfpjtng of partece; ctons of djeioojlo bp muting in tfae grace of35ob 1 Iohn Caluins Commentaric of <£ob. &nb truh»,amannes mpnb fball neuer bee fettled too meeibncfl'c, nc^tijcc {ball bee b^pblc Ijtjs motions, till bee baue lerneo too danb ftebfaftlp bntoo bopc. Cherroithall alfo lice aBDetb,trjatbee cbe^ riftbcbbistiopcXDitb conttnttall tanking bppon it, lead it fboulb faple.3!nbci)e on; ip meant too perfeuer, ts Sbben being fur= niftbeo Sold; <0obs pjomifes^cc appeals tontoo bint • yea rather, bp fetting before our epes \)ie faptbfulncs anb condancie in keeping torocbe, i»ee arc furetpes fo? bint too ourfclucs . f&berfoje notbnfitlp boot!) fDaule(iSom. 5.4.)iopne patience too hope anb cemfojt . ainb tbe repciing of 4beS»oozbe0fbctpetb,tbat tbe bolpman S»30 in a fine anb ban encounter. [Cbou «tp Hozb, mp <& £> 3D (fapetbbce) fljalt becre mce: nnmclp,ty*caufe if tf5oo CboulD tyauz mabe long belsp, it ioas a bajaro, lead cptber bee mptbt baue fapntcb fo? focerpnefTc, o$ elfe baue falnc tntoo bef= pap?e,tf be bab not fctoght confiantlp anb bnfearfuilp bp feting this bubble Defence before bim. 1 7. [ foi 3 fapbtlLcad perabucnturefc.] 33p tbis etrcuinllance alfo bee cenfirmetb bisfaptbanb earmdnefle of pjaping, that if bee fljculD bappen too bee foifaUcrr, bis cnempes &eulbtriuntphe at it. Sinbtljis inconueniace is of no fmall &>cpgljt 5»tth €» £> 3D , too tneue bim too belpc bs •• bp--= caufc tl;c ir-trfecD bp paunting tbcuifelues malapcrtlp , boo not cnlp mafcc Soarre iotrb our fiefi), but alfo foojtbrpgbt af= fault our faprb , anb enbeuer too appapze icbaifoeur^ goblines is in bs. •$ ei to tebat enb feme tljeir mockeries , but too per= fu&ecbs, tbat iDtmtfecucr <2> <&> 2D hart) jnomifeb,is but bapnc anb of none effects 21£o:coucr , be abSetb bp anb bp, tbat hee ts not ftrilicn fefth tijis feare fcutbout caufe : fo? bee bab alrebpe bab ejeperience of tbeir pjoub biages . 2Snt S»ce bee taught bp tbis place , to eonccpue fo mucb tkemoj'cbops of tlje appzoehing of (2>obS help , as our cnempes loofee aloft moje crucl' baue (&ilb their lozblp dates Ipneuc) trcucn bs b:iber there feetc alre= bpe ouerloom fcritb abuetftttes. 18. [&>urcip 3! am rebp too bait. etc.] fl£bis betft barb mabe the Interpzetcrs too thinfc,th&t JDauib ioasoifcsfcbixntl) wmebpJM&at tnpgh* patijim in^ajarB of baiting cucr after. 25ut boto Soeafeea geffe tbis is, 3 baue meEotb btrtofoje in t\)e Jijfalm. 35. 1-) . &urclp, there is no mo?e reafen i*>b? 4ose fboulb lurmpfe Joa uib too baue bth lame , tban Jerempe, $»bcw befapctb, tbat b*s cnempes gapcb c; isatcfjcD carneftlpfc^ lj»s baiting. 5e- rem.z 0.1 o. itEberfo?e,tt is rather a £i$e; tapl)e;icall fpeccbe ,ioberbp 3D auto mec= netb, tyat if 45 it) 3D fuccour bim not bp tpmes, tbere is no bopc foj bim to rceouer bis former date: anb tbat be is fo trub= bleb, tbat be (hall go mapnicb,o? lame, all tys Ipfelong. 3in& tn i»ap of cypofition it foleactb , [tbat fcjoio eucr fcecpetl) bim companp. ] ^ro? tbc fence ts , tbat l;c is fo fo^c lapb at, tbat bee can not fojget bis greefc one minute of an bow; e 1 0 cafe bints felt. 3 n botbe partes, of the fcntence,3Das uto confeffetb tbat bis bifeafe is incurable, erecptbee obtCFncrcmcDp at Cobs banb: an tbat bee ts not able to beare it out, on? leffe lice bee rapfeb anb InlO bp bptbe ^ano of © jD 3D bimfclf. feerbppon tt cometb too pafTc, tbat lie gatberetb all tys i»ittes anb affections in bnto <£>cb onlp ; bv caufe tbataffocne as be C)bU dep aff&e'from bnii, be teztl) noting but p?cfcnt Oecap. 19. [Ctu!p3bet»jap.(jc.]2l5pacompa rifonbcampIirpctbtbatiobtcbbeljeDfaj-0 cuen note of tf>e p;pbe anb repjccljcs of bis cnempes. jPo? be fapetl),tl}atfc>bplc be It ctb in filtbpncs anb fo?owe,as tf be teere a JoicHcD man, tbep leape about cbcerfult anb merp:o? ratberdano bppon tljeir tip- toes , bpcaufe tbep etcell in power anb drengtb. 25 1 1 1 fir ft it danbetb bs in banb too marl; , in to bat fence be fapctl; , be be= r»?apetb W finne. 5Tc; C^n >np iubgmet) tl;cp arc beccpueb , febicb tahc tljis place fimplp , as if be p^otefteb bunfelf gilrie be? foje (0 £) 3D , too tbentcnt too obtepne par ben. Cbeir mcening is, tbat be fboulb repete in a mancr tbe fame trjtttg febicb Sue baue feene in tbe l^falme.3 2.5.31 baue mabe mp finbnowen bnto tbee, f 3! ^a°e net bib mpne iniquif ie. IBut in tbis place be fpeatietb not fo mucb ofrjtjs repentance, as bee bewaplctb bis beaup anb foiot»fuU date: anb tberfc?c fin anb iniquiiie aretaa ncn fottbe afflictions anb puniQ)»nentcs, S»brcb S»ere.tbe fignes of o?= tbp bcaling botb grcatip tojusent gemi* barres, feben ctttll anb fcntoroarb perftns renber fo bnrprjh/ifcillrewarb. ©tit feben t'uep betbin&c tbem of this cotnfojt, tbat <©ob is no lcfleo£cnbeb feitb trjts eifttfs Itibneffe: tljan tber tbat take tbe fezong : tb«r tc no rcatbtt feb'p tljcp Qjoulb be trub bleb out of meafure. Cbcrfoje to uu~ii>ag& fo?oro , lei ibis doctrine alwaps pjeuavlc, tbat a© oft as tbe fetcUeb psrfons to ioljo feeebauefou3bttobJseoo,rew>atbe bs feitb Utfptea&res: e bpgbcft ftcp cf uefperate malice : nametp tbat tbe? batcb tbeenbeuer of bpzisbt'tes in S)a= uib. ^Fo? neebes muft ti-ep bee frotcaro perfons: anb cf a icatsbanb crabbcb bifpo fttion.feljicb miflrtic fo mucb of bpjpght ncs, tbat tbep tit^e fearrc of fet purp ofe agcinfttbcfoisivcrsefit. Crulp it is a greuous tempi attottj tljat ibe ttto?e j ruptlpgoDlpfcl^ebcnb tbemfclucs totlje feruts of <£>ob,tbcp ftoulD procure ti;em= (clues fo mucijaje motrubbies : tut pit tbts comfort mttil fUSTpjc tljcm , tl;at not oncip a gco'o confctcnccfiapetbtbcmbp, but alfo tbat tljcp Know , tbat cljcefip fo? tbefatr.e caufe , <5obs mcrcp is reabp at banbfo? tbem bpponaffuranccof febicij truS tbepbare p:ccce imo ©obsfigbt, e (bpcaufe it is bis cace as feell as tbctrs) entreat btm familiarly to tafee bpponbun tbebefence cf u. £:uG$e IDatttb batb b? tbe example cf btmfcif piefcribeb a rule to ell tbe fapttjf ull,to pur ci;ace all ibe batreb cf tl;c feojlb , ratfar ttjan to bepart neuet: fo little from tlictr berotp:anb not to rcfufs to baue tbofc to be tbciv enntmies , febont tbep fee to be agcinft all goooncs anb rpgb tuoufeneffe. 22 Forfakc me not 6 Lord my God,rteyther depart thou farrc from mee. 23 Make haft to help mce 6 Lord,,my welfare. jMfyia danfe b^toucbetb b?ceSptbs cbccfyovntcfbtsbefirc,anbtbefttmmeof bis feljcle pjapcrtnamelp tliatfeljcras be is fojfaUc n ot men, anb pitcouGpafaictCD b'' all mcanes : <^ob feoulb rcccpueb'.Mt: anb rapfebun bp. 3fnb be oi'ctb »b?cc ma« mr of fpeecbes : tb-t 0&bo (bottle not fo?= fuU;litmb-Hio?cailotf t:^e care ef 2;im : m.U ■ tbat j Iohn Caluins Lommentane, ti)%t bee fljoulo notbtt farre from fjitn : nno that l)C moulb maUehatt to belpbim. Swrel? JDauib teas perfroa&eD, ttjat goo is alioapes ucere W feruants.anb that be fojflowetb not one minute longer than be (bou!ODo. 015 tit atf ^wbawefceneinan otb« place,no marad! at all if tbe fttntes ioi)tn tbep bnburben tbetr arc* ana to rovoes into tbe bolbtne of vffifoa , do make tbctr frifbes aecojbing to tbe feeling of the fleflj fo; nepther is it a, Ojume to con fefifc a mannes oameinfirmtttcineptber is it crpebicnt to couer rb* boutinss that ctccpe bppon fytm. jtatbemeancfeafott, although tarpence &ere a trttbble to Da-- uti according to tbe Serb: ptt bee (beccetb enibenrlp in one i»ojo,ti)at be pjapetlj not bouttnglp, Suben be termeth <£od l)is Soel fare,o; tbe pjefemer of bis S» clfare . jffoj Sofecra* other tranflate it [to faluation,]it t» conitrcvncB : fo; rat l)er,ag etna alltlje piacttjtfl S»bercu>itb ( %>ee bauc fe ene bis faptb aSaulteb, ) 2>auib fettetb this f o? a feMll, that bee is neuertljelefTt a(Turebof tmootttee fafry in u5 oo. The Conteints. of thcxxxix.Pfalme. f# the enter Ance> Daitid pewetb with how great bitternejfe ofgreef, he? was driuehtomdke complaynts in a he Ate with too much intemperance. For bee confeffeth that whems her hid bmthhnfclf to forbearing ana faience: hee was ncuertbelejfc compelled by exceffe offorow,to bttrft out to that which he leAJl minded. .Afterward hee reciteth grudges mixt with prayers ,which jherv exceeding great as it may dppccrcjic wrcjiled with no f mall endeucr agcinft defpay) e. The- v.v.v/.v. Tfalmc. To the checFChannter hduthiwi (bng of Damcfe. 2 I lay<3,I will take heed to my wayes. that I fin not with my tung : 1 -wall keep a brydle at my mouth while the vngodly ftandcth before mee. 3 I was dumb and fpakc nothing , I hild my peace from good words , and my forow was the more fhrrcd. 4 My hart glowed within mee , and in my mufing burned as fyer: and I ipake with my tung. Ci3 iWCliHuOWCntbat Ieduthu;* i»43 on: of the fingers fe'.jlcb t'oc bolpbifto?ie^c5mcno.1Dno tb«r= fo;e it feemetb a UStclpboo to me> that tbia £>falue t»as gitien to tbe cljeefe Cb-itwter,n?bo i»as of ijialjounjolD.iPaj fobcras fame referrelt to tbe ttming of it, ano cljtnkc it to banc bin tbe beginning of fome other fong : ii is eonftrcpneb. #no not a whit mo;te abmit J ( ft>bieb f°rac Qcfc) tbat 2DauiD eomplavneti) beere of fome fifcntscfo? onUOi reafon compell, it is a fonbnes torcSreis geneuHfentcncetf to feme one partiwiarihe* yea ratljer a muttttii? eoniecture bptfbe fine torment Su'jicb be befcribetb, tbat eptber manp af= mctiens are copiebenDcb, oj ccrtciTc fome one finer tljen all tberejl.iobicb contineoj eD a long fcafon.^-no it is to be confiDicO, tljat iDauiom tbiS pfjlmccommcnbeth noti);S OK?nitrciigtb,fo: making l)ts pzat era unto goo frarneb according to tbe rule of gooline0:but racbeeconfefTetb tbe fault of bis oamc fDcafeenelTcfo? boplpng *u?iti> tonmeamrable fojovu, anb foz being carpcb arofi? in a rage bnto cl;ioing. 1 3 fa?b,3fc«lta^ebecb325?rfji0cfreu ftance vppon the .xxxix. Pfalme. ftance *Daulb ampltfiefb tbe grcuoufnes of bis foic as contrary too tbe pur= porc'o!r;ts ramoe, bee bzafce fooztb intoj mcfr {^arp complaints^oj t'ge effect is tint fo>bet*s be bat) fetus bis mtnD on* to patience, anb cnicpjteD bimfelf to Keep Itlcncc: pit not&itbftanbfng bp rtafon of thrf^ccofgtogrctfi', bceinasfctbffioc bis tiurpof*,ftnD compeileb to fucbefpee- cl;a , as fbewe b openlp tbat bee fozoioeD to much beponb meafurf.lSp tbe iooozo fape, it is hnoivc n tljat cftttme 0 tljcrc 10 bttchcncD,ncttbeoutwarbfpcccbejbut foljat ccljc pet fen batbe conccpue 9 in $ist minb: f tber foze now rben tljcr 10 eoDcO [in bart.]3Dauib tbcnoootbbstoo font, ncttb^tbemaocanitto efftoutnesmf cpes of membut tbat be f»ae fc?el fojttft ; cD to bear onf aDucrnttcs bp long feeling: of bto introc befeze <£eb. 2£no tw bilp^ gence is too bee nofcb,fcz it fcao not :oi noogbt y bcifflc former nttuc to beware : but btraufc bee&as pztulcofiNSO&ue fratltiCj $ alfo knew boo? m«r.tro!t> fravs £>ott;an is front to lap foz men : be iocs bed about biro bete ? tbere,ano ftoDe fcp on bis garce on all fibes,!cfr temptation ttealing tbemfbb' toponbim tptber entbe rtpbtbeftc , ojt en tbclcfibarBc,migbt percc into bio mir be.^bc entrances tbe Jjab fcm fl)ut \jp on alt (iocs, if bis cokOa cp bab nor bin b tele nt ip bur 8 fcp, $ caff c open bp creebmg great bitttrnts gt greet" 35nt> S&brrss be faitb [be Qiet bis ractttrj fcith a bzttlejcaft bee mtfibt fin tn fpea= kmcj] it mutt not be Vnocr ftobr a° tljeglj i e bob mucb a bo to fc-olo in $ fwalcw bp Ins grccfe : (fez tbcp boo notbtng elsbut ptint,tob?cb make a fbou? of mretines.iu countenance fr fpeccb,lo!)en tb;p fwcll ifc ftubboznncs w-ithw) but fozafmucbe as notbtng is mozc wpyerp tbau tbe tung ; ZDauits auoucbctb, y be cnbeuoze!) biui= fell fantb fuc'o caruewnes to bzpole Ijisaf fattens , t bat not To mncb as one Soozoe nugbt flip out of Ijis mout3,frberebp bee ttiigbtbewzapanpur.pactcncp«3:notra; Ip tt mnft nccos be tbat bee 10 tnoueo i» rare, tobofot&tr 'qiz is tbat a tigbtrtr,cii»!tl)bnco;toptaDu\fcmetre- frrcpnrtb b'-S tung,fe>l}ub 12 to rcaop too bee Cv-ti'b. ^bf percc!! t'notfolciX'ct!), (tt;at ti to fep)[TObtlc tbe bngotilp ftan-- b«b before nut] 10 fciUcn almcfie bp all 1*4.. ra:n. nff'tbou-abe lOeniD b«b clcfeeb b?0 greef, left bee G?onlD gtue tb* ioicKco oc cafion to blafpbemc? iobo affonc as tlj ep fee tbecbUbicnof <5ooto flj:inls,bo ma^ iapertip baunt tljettif. lues, itoefrttbout vep;oebe bnto (S06. "But be feemetb too cjcpicffcpitmo^cbptbe S»oo;0c [Iratib:] namelp tbat fojafmucb as be few t ;e On goblp bear tbe cbee f fw>ap,b< Of termnteD to paffe ouer trjts Bifplelui c toub (Hence : 5o>bicb otberwtfc uoct!) not a title grecue f tojmcnt goob men* Cbcrfo?e be fapctlj notfimplp,tbatbtnfe«mgoftbeS»tciieb isaitbbtlb bun,tbat he bio net pcelo bitn= fclf to b: a uiocUtng flccU too tbem : but fb?afmnc'o as tbe S»otft men flozifbto , * be£inggottenabouebtl)cr0mOfsrc,Dck pifeb tS;ctn ; bee Sx*ac fnllp bet? rsnfneD tn bis mtnbc,to rcG in quptt.IDoubtUe l;ce fbcw?tb mantfeDlp,tbat be S»as !;tfctifc SyiclseD men,fo as bee cculbe not totter a figb freclp,but it rbouiD bee laugbcD at f mabeabp5bo3iDcfj:^ou?etbcn, feeing it Sras fo barb a matter to; SDauib to balo JjiS t ung,left be fijulO fui bp murmuring, fee map team bp bis tjcaaiple, too flnuc carneftlp toe mcafurcouraScctions, as oft as troubles moUft bs.ictt anp vngob Ip gruDging agewft (£oo flip ftotn \js* 3* [3! Saas bnmb.jc] |^cx» be (bctp= etb tbat it Sras no flctitng pur pofe wbtr of bcfpaUctbut tbat bee aueucbcbbp tm oecb it !'eifc,bcvt! tbiou^bip it fras fetlcb tnbis bart. Cbceefojf hi far etb be bil&e p«acc foj atimelpHc abumbeman: &b:cb tbmg ^sas afinguler toUcn of pa* tunce* •'Sbenbetsrmmco be not to boloe bifc peace UftbiswiiCbculO toaut effect asbg , r per Ions arc toont to do : but bee enureo bnnfelfe to paaence a I ms i»bt'c anb ftebf*aip : &n$ tb«,not onip bp fecc pingfilcnc^butbiJini ttig^mtrclfebts terlp bunrbj as t'ooucrbb^ bao bw tnng tpcb.Cbe peretl [.from goaj] is ejrpoun beb bp fome , as tiioug'o be not oulp btioe bimfelf from OngoDip oi vnabuifco iaoi= besjbot alfo abUcpneo from fp.aj.tug at aiUipt'jerfometbmVoeecefrepneDrVom fpeabing goao, bpeauie tl>a: bei:rg ouirs Sebe'mtb iyitb mtferua t)ec fouaocno comfozt anp i»bet c, oz foz tbat be couloc not firig tt;e pzapf^s of (S £ ID £4 gietfc. 15ut in mp iubgctnente , tge narurall r lolin Caluins Commentarie, f met is , that a!ti)0ug??b£e teas able too fcaue Defense* ^tmfetf rigi)t!p,o; ioanttD not bon:S licences of ejCcufututbcbilo bis peace of t>to our:!! accojb. Cberefoje altbougb bee »iigbt lawfull? baue&cf .'» 6cs bus eace ajctng; tbe &>ic&ed : pit baD be Utter to let tc flip, tban to gfue bimfeif the bipbte t 39 anpe vjivneafarablencffc of gcccfe«1Hftern>siri>e b?e aoaetb,tbat after bee b/ab reft reptteo bimfrifc fo a S»bi!e>at lengtb tbe Violence of greete bzafce tbo« row tbe enciofures fotjicb bs baa fettc a= gcinl b'S rung.Jftow if g>autDbeelngft ifour a cbampiott, fr.tmeD infbc mioft of bis racf : !)0\» much moje baue £x»e neebe to b2 af.-apb afUHc apstngt' ^efittb tbat Ct)i0 fojsto &aa fttrrco] bicaufc bis beat S»as su3?e foe (ball fee bp anD bp. t>ome tr&ndate U [cojraptebjas if be t;ao bin become iaojft r,UUe a S&otiD tbat rancMctb l»ttb patrtfitug oj feUrmgjbut tbist-sconftrcpned. 4, [^pbart3iotoeb,$c«]4&'on>faeen:: largetb t'ot greatnes of bis greefe op a Q s intlttuDctnainelp tbat bis fojoto bemg in fcsacDip fupyjcffcD.grevoe fojbotac/DntiU tbe bcate tberof pjeuapleb tnoje $ mote * 3ln5 beerbp i»e map gather a profitable It flan : namelp tbat trjc mo;e a man frd* metb bi nfcif tooobep ec mnft *• & rait to mu.oe tms encounter of iDauiDS, tbat oar b&rts fatle ds not, 0; at left wife tbat our obm tnfirmitie b;taebs not beb long to oifpair?. Cbt &2P anD isborc (tea mca fo>bicb tbe gnomic rapfctb bp in tbe Summer Of nothing Icttco fa cat in tbe aire,) Coulee mount aloft xaitboutanp rumbling : but &>ben tbe Cloubes f )jc* flailing tbem Do bmber tbfir fre pafHgc: tbe encounfing of tbem cngenojetb to a ber. Cbefame tbingalfo betpbetb £ gob Ip, fobo are minbeb too mount toproarb. f-oi SoonlD tljep gfue ouer tbeir mmb to S»ano?ing tmaginacions : tbep migbt as it^ereraungeioberetbepUftebi uut novo i»bcn tl;ep enbeuer to ? ?cfer tbems felues bntoo d5oD : tbere rpfetb bp refit: tencebpimpebimentoftbe Qifyz*. Writ} tberefo^e as ofte as tbe flefbe fbili fenbe fo? tb l) r a (faults, anb binble fire in our e barts: let bs onberftanb tbat iocs be cje; ccrfiftb toitb tbe fame btnoe of temptati on, &tncb btD put SDauio to berp muclje trouble. 3Bn tbe tnh of tbe berfc,bee con= fcffctbbtmfcifto befoaucrcomieitb tbe grceuoufues of tbe mifcljeef, tbat t)t catt out folifbe anb \?nabuifeb woowes. 5foj in!;t30tonc ptrfon b?c fettctb before our cpts a mirro? of mans infirmitte, to tbe intent tbat btinj iDarncb bp experiences &e map learn* to get b3 fearfuiip bnber t'ge fbabowe of d5obs toinxs. adn5 iobee as bee fapetb [be fpaHc S»itb bis tung]tt i0notafupcrfliittieoffpeecb,butamo;e fulconfeffionjf bts offence, namelp tbat be b^afce fooltb into ourcrpes. Lord let me know mine encie,and the nomber of my dayes : that I may be certified how long I haue to liuc, Behoide,tliou haft made my dayes as a hand breadth, and mine age as it were nothing before thee : truly all men are but altogither vanitie,. euen when they (land belt. Truly man walketh in a shadoWjtruly he difquieteth himfelfin vainc : They heape togither and know not who shall gather. 5. [ILojd let mcefencwe,jc.]^eetbp it apperetb that be foao baleb aw>ap amiffe ano bp fir.fuUtrcttre^bicaufc bee quarel= lctb£oitl)(25oD, as it fetl!appceremo?e piamlpbptbeffciticle,fo?feitbina«?bt!e after bee toill tntermeble bo'p anb rigbt framcbp?apers. ^utljcere bee tahetb pjptcb , tbat bee isnotbeite&itbmo?e tneclbi p,fcctng be is but a brittle $ tan fito?ie man:cf irljicb maner of complain trs,job0fapingsareinmancrful.|plot S»itboy t cbolcr anD otfplcafure tljercfo? z be faptb : €>d5ob, feeing tbat tbcu oca- lea fo rougblp S»ttt> me, mafec me at left irtfe vppon tlie.xxxix. Pfalrric. fo v fe to Show , bow mud) tun; thou bsfi appointcb mc to ltue.3Pnb pit mp Itfc is but a tunneling of an cpe ivtjat mcneth the fo great rigour tt iabp pacfteftthoufo great a h^ap of miferies bpo mp IjCuD.ajof though 3! bab pit manp buaDrcb pceres to liuc ^ what goot) is it to mee to be fcojne,tbat 31 map &>?etcliet>lp braro fo?ib the fbe?t time of mp life through continual pzoceffeof miferic»t" '(Lberforetbe ncjet berfe(fojbfcb is, [bcrjoIO iI;ou ball mabe mp Dnpcs as it ioere a banb b?ebtb, ] _)muft be reb iopnts tp fcntb it. 31 tia»b b?co tb t0 tljc meafure of foure fingar0, £t>bo?b [chadd] [S»orblp]anb otberfome [temporally Che latter tranf= latton can not agree, bpeaufe bee both not a0 pit openlp erp?eu*e the Cbortnefle of bis lpfe,but fpeabetb frill boutfullp . 3f anp man like of tbeft>oorb[fo)orblp,] the fence xetlbe, Qicromecfeiiuljer thou S»ilt pro = long mp life to tljc cnD of tljc S»orlb.25ut in mp tubgement , tbatfDbicb 35 baus fo= lorocb 10 the rpgl)ter , anb there map bee a tranfpofing in the letter0[Daicth & Lamcdj l^owbee it that it map p?opcrlp bee taken fo; an age o?fpaee of Ipfc.wbcrafi bee fap- cti; [ Ijis age 10 80 it fc>ere nothing before d5 o& :]to the intent fcce mop moue hni ttjs mo?c topitie, bee cptetl) bun fo? a &itnc0 of In0 frapltp , meening that tt t0 not bn = fenotven bnte him \)oxx> banifbwg manner Itfc 10. [tr-bole 0? altogether toanitte]im= pencil) 80 much a0 if bee t)6b fapbc, there Sucre nothing elfe but mere fcanut'e mall mnnbpnbe. 2Hnb tl'is rcporteth rjec of m en &ljen [thep ftanb ,] that is to fap,eucn in tljcir cbccfc loplitic Suben tbep fcotll be« coi.-ntcb to bee fomevobat. 3nb altfecugb grccf £p?c8eb cut tbcis complapnts from JDauib : pttnottbirbftanbingit i0tobcc ncteb j tl;atmcn bctbcufeelehott! mud) Vi the? ate IctTc tljan nought , fobca tbep are p?eflfebiDitbabncrfirie. ^ojpjofpecitle tnaftetbtljem bjonftcn, fo as forgetting tbeir eSate,anb being fotteb fe u b &ulnc0, tbep D2eame of ontmmotfal ftatc in ecnlj. ^o«? although it bee >berp profitable to Hnoro cur ownefrailtp : yii muff fcee be= ware that through iuerpnefTc of it , it ttx \?0 not to reppne at it* l& igb tip anb ivife lp boe$h 3Dauib auouch thatcucnivhnt manreemethtobeeatlji0 beft, bee is si - togithcr nothing clic but a bubble blewen togttber of tannic, i? ccran onelp is his fault , that bee taHetl) cccaOon thereof to quardi fejitb <8>os. (&\)m let our rmfera^ ble ftate fo btfpleafc b0 as Irtng flat bp^on our facc0,fo>e map lift bp our cpes to <0co in i»ap of mtreatance . u»hich thing ID a= uio alfo(corrcctinghimfelf,) boil) Ssitbm aiohtieafter. foj, ncftapth not in that co fufeb lamcntatton,but th?°ugb the fccltng of fapth dpmbeth ouer to the comfort of hcanen. 7 ]Crttlpmanfoalfteth^c. ] J^ecpjo- ceebeth ivith the fame femence. irojbp the name of [&h85oro,]r)ce meeneth that tljere is nottjing fubftanciall in man, anb that bee is nothing butanemptp fhctce. £ omc trandate it oavftncs,fc as the fence fboulDbee, that manncs Ipfe banpfheth aroap before it map be hnotven.l^ut 2D a- uio reporteth that tbinge ftmplp of ccl;c perfonc feucrallp,fc>b:cb l^aule. 1 .€ ortn. 7.51 , crtenbetb to the xelytie 5i»crlDJ namelp, that t!;c fafbtcn thcrcf pau"eth a= reap. 3 no fo he cenpeth t'oat there is anp Ce68p ftate m them , bpeaufe the thctcc of ftregtb &l;icl; appeerett) for a fbc;.t time, ficcteth afcap bp anb bp. wh^as hec ao = beth thfit thep bifqupet themfclues to no purpofe,ttt0 an augmentation of banitie : as ?f hebso fapo, men fectnc to be born to the enb thep fhoulb bee bubble fonbe : fo? rljcpbifferlpttlefroui <5hoftc0, enb pit thep tp?e themfclues fe>ith fcoltfh or ra* tl;erSDivl! mabbcc«rc0to no purpofe.^nb hee erp;cffcth more plainlp hotx* thep bote entbatrbepbusp themfclues carefullpin heaping bp of riches, anb neuer remcm= bet themfclues that thep mutt flcetc hence fobemlp. ^"c: fchat is the caufe that tbep foimepgrc tbemfeiue0fb,but bpeaufe tbep ttitagm tljat all is too litle fo? tbcm :' f 01 WM). thep lohn Caluins Commcntarie tljrp ccemme in all the fo^en of the ft>o?l& fr>:tb as bnCitisblc greeopneffe, as if t^c? (bouiaiiucainmD?etbSno?iae3. i0utE>a iud taunted notthe coueteufenesof !Km a'togitber tn the tlje fame fence that &alo mon Booth €cdcf. ^ .8 . f 02 be not onclp fpca&etb. not of their baitcs ,but alfo fapti} Ejcncreil^ tljat thtptp?e tbcmfclues fcutb tosplc, &!;en asnorwitbftanDingc, tijcp snow not toljo {ball rca^c the frutc of it* jEnDzeie tbetr intent is too lap fo? them fciucs.lSut what a maoncs is it to topic nmansfelf fenbappelp fc>ul)bapnc cares tljat bsue neptber enD no? tntafure i foj, hec conDcmnetb fc>hott anabcaDp cares 5 is?tjcr2 fcjit!) 'iooztalp men beitijcarpeD as S» ap,confotmD beaam ano earth tDgitijcr, fc>biic thep thinti not tbemfclacs to be mo? tal:lo far arc thep of from acKnowlcDging their life to bee fboitiub to a banDb?eDtlj long Bou? although iDauiD bttereo tins geerc from ait bucerrtbp ano troubled af- fecuouof mino : pit of ttfeif iJccutepnetb a p?o Stable icSTon,namelp that there is no remcDp bettert 0 cure fupcrfluous cares , than to call to mpndthat the race of our iifoij* as it iocre but a hand bjeDtij long. 8 And now Lord,what wa)rt I for'my hope is vntoo thee. 9 Deliuer nice from all ray fames, make mec not a reproche of the foo- lish. 10 1 was dumb,! wilnot open ray mouth,bycaufc thou hafl: done it. 8 [2)nD now fto?D «c.]3fter tbat JDaufD hath confeffe^ himfelf to hauc bm to much trubbleo truth, heats or" affection : now b,ce recoucrctb Ijimfelf to fonnonrs anD qpfcf 3 nesof rmnD,wberbp that tiling: appccreil; the better Soljich 3 tol&pouof ercwbple : namelp,that this fs>fabKe is compacteD of piapcre o?Dcrlp DtfpofcD , anD of bnaoup= feo complaintes . 3nD 3 fapo that heere jDauto maKeth l)is entcranceof piping arpght Cucn hcfltbemfb men feelenow anD ihen the fame thing that he hath eon- ff u~cs:but pit the Knowledge of their own banitic b?ingcth them not fofarrc, ad to fctUc fubftanciali (tap in <&Qi . j$ap ra- ther , thep 'wilfull? Dull thcwfelues , that thep map flecpe foimhlp in tijeir ocone ba= iatic. ^oeobeeit fest map learne bp this place, that no man iooHcth carneUlp bnta <5oo, to Depend bppou !nm 0? to fettle his i hope tn hisubntill bcebceconuicteD of his own? f ratltie , pea anD brought euen bnto nothing, ir ojtbzre IpetbakicpgUtpneffe biD in the nbttcrb[nCKr. Ja0 if heh*^ fapd, hi haD but intu bina^oaUeD cut of the Sat teries iui>«rin menncs mpnDes are fot «d. © ut Sece mult nceoes go b£ponDf this trapnement : fo? (t is not inough to fceUe fearemlip S»hat i»eeoughtto&o,e]ecept <^sDiD nieetc 5»ith bs.that our iuapttng map leane itfeif bnto him . ^ojafmueh then as it is not p?o Stable fot is?ojiDlp men to be fo conutneeb of tr>cir beeing nos thing, as that thep fbul& neucrtljeles ttap bpon the fame : lev )ss levne to cnDetter to arurtljcc piccceDing.that <25eD map quic= hen bs "when ^oez bee i»ithoat lifc.accoj; Ding as it iB his p?op?e Duetp to create all things of nothing. ^Fo? man DctJ) theceafe to bee baniiie, anDbcginseth to bee fame tohatin DscDe, Soljen becing pullco bp the banD of ©od hec afpiretb foil bptoarD. 9 [iDeiiusr tnc from ec] l^e goeth fo?tb S»ith tl)e p?cccffe of ln^ goolp ano holp p?apinj. $03, bee is not nowe carpes as vuap 'witty rage of grccf to quarell ioith CE>i£>ZD aii^ moze , but humblp acfenonjs lebging Ijtmfelfe gpltp beefoje <8> £> 2D , bee refo?terh to his mcrcp. ^oiS»hcn hee rcqueftetb to be BeliuercD from ins tnncs: in the ptapfe of rpghtuoufeneffe bnto €>oD , h» Ghargcthhttufe'f imt'} the- blame of mifcrtc ^hteh hee enDuretb: and bee accufeth not bnnfclfe of fomc one fault oueip,but confeffcth himfelf bcfharleDtn manifolD giit ines. Slnb this muft ioc holD fo? a rule, if iu ee feeUe releafe of our mifes nes : fo? mpfcries (ball neuer ceafetoo flow out of tuifertesttll ti;e berp 5foun= tapne bee D?apneD b?p. ^arclp 3Da= ttid requciteD afTwagcment of his mifes ties : ho«bcetiro?afmuci)ashcehopeD, that aSTociis as hee ioere rcconcpleD too 45 £>"£>, it iooulD alfo come too pa(Fe» that vppon the.xxxix. Pfolme. tbat t!)« punifb aunts of bis fair© tbai'a bane an enra: be aefkctb on'.? eb at bts (m nesuupbef fotgtuminm. 3£nb iBjcbet taogh: b? tbe ejcautptc of fDautO.nat too ocfire onlp rcleafe of tbe mrfcnes So W3« be troablefome to bs : but to begin at thj oztgwnllcaufc>nnt> to Defre$39 tbat be wti not lap our fimus to our cbarge,but %Dlpc awapour gtltprjco* oa ftoulo not mabe btm a laagbing ftocfc to fooler, o? els that (S?oD fboutoe not &>*ap btm in tbe rcpiocbc, to febfebe tbe tongooip ace gt uen oner. 2&nD bicaufe eptber of botbe feaftc Soil agre feci tnongb'.lct tbe choice tbcreof bee free too tbe reaoers.UBcfibeS tbts,tbe fcojb [Nabai] Ggmfie tb not onlp. a foote, but alfo a befppfro perfon tbat 13 no^tRg iroo;tb7 0; Snotfetbennaugbt* Crutitis mijfpMbat all tbe? arc to be eountca repzobates/ajbom tbe icnpture eonbemnctb bptbenameoffaliOmes: bt caufe tbat being cepnuto cf ttgbt tonficr fcanomg , tbep are carpeo U»e mao men to the cefppfing of <35oD. jo, [3ira5 6umbe.fc*]©eete3Dant5 fincc rl; fault Suit!) btmfelf foj not fee ping tbatfUcnce fo?b»cbc ioce baue feenebpm bteab beertofoze tbieugb bebemenrnciTe cf grccf.-C berefcze wb^eas be faptb bee Seas Dumbettr to not aeommenbationof bis topzigbt anb continuall mobefhe: but a correcting of bis taulte , as tbougbc in cbafhung b»s oronc tmpatiencp , bee bad fpobe to bun fclf in tins inik« xohat ?o£c tbe i: i foj tbou bafcfccfi entopneb tbp felfe : but now tbou tr urmureft $ bzab leif agcii:fti<©obr ano b>ljat (bait tbou a- uatlc bp tbis tbp boloncs;' Cbi* place co tepncttjarpgbt p20fitfible boctrtnc % foz norbmg is moie fitte to bif tic tbe bcabp pangs ofgretf^antocall teminD,tbat fwebauetoooonot toltbamozta'lman, b'tc teitb$7o&)5»bo GJil«ra?apr:;matnc= tewe btsewae rigbtuoafnsflV agcinft all tbe bzabiwg £D&;fpering3 of men , pea § agetud all tbrir \>nbeittpe outcrpes^o? thereupon com nzit) it to pafTe^tbat tbe greater part of men ru!b into To great tut patmiep,but bicaufe tbepconfioer not Q tbefelucs tbat tbep bubble agetnft <©os e $>o tueu , febiic fotnc fopte tbetr mffc xiis Opott ^ fame bpon men, anb otberfome furmife funbzp oifecr cam fes>butfcarcct!)e bunDicotb perfo^acs Hnowdebgetb it to bee tbe bano 0 f od to be tbe atnboi of nytw: it bebouetb bs ta know? tljat it is cne of tbe cbeefefttrcrctftsef faitb»to bumble oure fclues unaer tbe migbtp bance c f &ov, * to peel-? to bis tubgements iuttbout ma= HiugofioozOtf*l?owb?euitiotobr: no; teb, tbat men bo tbenqspctlp f fottbfet- lebmtnoes fubmtt tbemklu'StO'.1 (£>'•&, $»bcn tbep are pcrfuaDco tbat be not enc Ip Dcotlj it Ijatfosuer be lidetb bp inn ab= folute power , but alfo is a rtgbuious iuoge« jjej attbogb tbe itickea perceiuc tbemfcitus to be diplscnbp bis bano: fit not&ftar.biDg fojafmucb as tbep cbargc btmi»itb cruelties $ tirannp , tbep ccafe net to belHe out bozrtble bfafpbemus a= At tnS btm, ^P tbe f»ap,2Damb fo reue rcntlp biijcioi tb ano bonozetb tbe fecrct iuogements of <£oo : tbat being com en- tebiutibbis cnip ir il!) tt bu= lawful ;o tn&kc &o;ts age al bii:t* ir. Take thy plague away from mee:for, 1 faint at the (Iroke of thy hand. 12, When thou with rebukes dooftchafhzc man for hi* iniquitie , thou as a Mothe makeft his cxccllencie too coniume : trucry all men ate but vanitic. Sctab. ii* C^ahetl>pplegc.fc«]3D8nibfonCr tncftlyfcwftrer j tbatbJu^gobttvnrb C.uiK fe^iucntffc, John Ijalmns Cornmentane V Foxglurnrffe, bee might be bandies niojte gently. 3nb pit ttjifi p?avcr b;teakctb not that file nee whereof be roaoe mention cf late,fc? our p>apct0,tfrbcp be frameo ac- ceding too (Soos appointment, ate nos thing a0 tbep fboulde pjo* uoh c (Kobe tifpUafurc : bnt ficro out of £ Alines of faptb 9 patience* Crue it is m Oreo tb£t wbenany twanfpeaketb carneft i v tontoo ©od? it cannot bee bnt bee mud nccd0tntcrnuddlebt0 cwnceffccttono, pourc out Ms compiatntcs,anB labc out fc>is fcnmcafurable beat. &ut ire fee that JDaulD Sxsho euenr.cwecombcrouflp br= Snapltd 1;»2 ewnnufertcs,ncw w\th qup ct minde conftfceretb fe>bat be batb defer neb, and pjapctb fc; paroon* ID Iboule begin todtalewttb to0 according to extreme rigo;, there woulD be no fbtfc but y all mult pertfb though bis w;at b. 3ind be fbewerh plainly tbat be fpeabctl) not of aup one man,e; of tbe rafkall fojtte only, fox tbat if d5oD cbaihje cuen y (lou ted per fonagc© : whatfoeuer is nougb t fooojtb in tbem,it fell melt ateape* ^ be ftlme t03 tbat no mortal crcatur erctUetij fo mucb in power 9 gloxp.wbo tbe wjath of ©oo (tftt burn anp thing wbotlp npo btm)fc>tl nothing b? and bp to nothing. TBv.t 4t>£ mufi fercb tl)c wojds fomwbat nerer,fa2 IDautd botb not fimplp Declare bote D?ca6ffcl;atb i0:but be fet= tetl) foxtb i) 10 tuft tee in crecuting ail tna= ner of puntffecmems. CSoos tufcgemen fs ftrike a fear now $ t ben cuen into beatbe mfb c men: but ? it tbetr oven blindnc0 o?t uetb tljein intoo arage,tbattbep qaarell Soitb r>tm ncuertbele©. [3Bp rcbuUC0]bc meenetb feje punifbementcs wbtebcare Gsne0 of mere rigour f of auibtbfncntrfatetbnetbecr oftbefdtbcrlpcbaflt?«ment:buttff pu= nf Ibment fel)icb ©oo lapcrt> bpon tbe re Picbate,i»bcn like an bntrcatable iuOge be erf cute -t b fucbe iuDgement Vpon tbitn as tbtp bauc beferueb.lX' t;:; tbt0 rigour l; e faith tbat all men are b? anb bp melted OKonfumcb* iBHtattbefirftblufbetbe likening of <£oD to a ^otbemap fecme f onb,foj Sr bat aliance batb ©ob0 bnme ; furable m atcOic fcttb a little ioo^meV 31 anftoer c tl?at ID aula batb bfeb tbts fimt litube mofi-e apt!v,to tbe intent 5»ee map fenoro y altbongb ©co tbunber not open i P from b can tn (pit tbe r ep;oba tc0 are co fumed bp hie fecret leffe then tbe ^otbeisttb bt» P)iup eating cofumctb clotb 0% timber : ano tberrturbal be batb an epc to mans cjeceltencp,fe)bicb be affir tnetb to be marreb aott Srere & rotten- ncs, Snbcn ©ob 10 of^enoeb &ttl) it, like B0 tbe £^otnc cenfumetb enen tbe pject- oufeQ c!oti;c0 inptb fretting tbem. after tbi0 to tbe fcrtpture toont to bos re vrc Dtuer0 fir.: ilitubeo fo? berpe gooo caufe0 , 9 to apptp tbe to fonb;p refpcct0. When C5ccbta0, Cfap5;8. 1 ]* hkcnctb ©00 to a &iun: be referral) ttto tbe fee* ting of l)i0 obm mtnt>c,bicaufe tbat being belioeo bimfelfe fo? feare, be l;ao almofre faiRtco. H5 ut in tbi0 place 3Dauto aOmo= m£bctb*os>tbataUbougbtbc«50jlopers cetue not ©ob0 b;ebful bengeace: pit are tbe reprobate confumeD bp \y.a fecret bp- tinu.aino noto mberp gooo feafo is tins fentencerepeateb agetn [tbat all men ate toanitte] bicaufc i»c uc tier look bocon ui= to our felae0 y tbe knowleog of our ovon \>amtie mape bereaue t>0 of all felf truft^ enleffe tee be tb?ownc boton bp tbe banb of ©OB* jrox whereupon commetb it too paff: tbat all men boo fo fonblp danbe in tbetr own concett,pea anb alfo footb the; feluc0 tn tbetr own follptbut bicaufc tl^i are wilfullp blinoetn tbetr owne tnfir mi ties, as long as Cob bear etb with tbe^ Cbe onelp remebpe then too purge p;tt>e Soitb , is wbenmen beeingfkarreb with tbe feling of <£cb0 wjath, begin not on^ Ip too nttfukc of tbem ft lues, but alfo too ciift ti^emfciocs btterlp bown. ijityttt rppon th c. xxxix Pfa! mc. '57 13 Kecrc my prayer 6 Lord, and herken to my kryc, hold not thy peace a t my teares : for I am a wayfarer before thec;and a foieornerlike as all my fathers were. 14 Withhold thee from mcc, that I may gather ftrcngth before I go hence and be not. 1 3 [^eere mp pjaper,«e.]$?e ampMfps ctb, bis toebeinectc of piping bp Degrees. f. oj. in tbe feconb place be fcttetb L&rpingp ana in tbe tbp?a place [Ceares.] 3Jna pit tl)t0 clpmbmg bp Degrees is not Jflbetozu^icty pertcpnetb onlp to tbe gaming tnent ana beawtpfpmg oftt>c iuojas.liput accoibing as IDauta U ept foritb an cawed ana inwarb affection of bart:fep?cfcribetr) be tonco tos all an ojeer of pjaping. wtycre* bo be callc t b bimfclfc a [toapfarer anb a fo- iconrner,] bp tbcid tcrmes bee Cbcwctb as geinc boro pitiful l)is tact fc>as,anb tjeaas betbpurpofclp [betfoje <£ob : ] not onelp bpcaufc men fcjanber from gob as long as tl;cp 'oircllin tb* Syojlae : butalfotntbe fame fence tb at (jefapa, [mp bapes arc no- ttung fentb tbec: j namelp bpcaufe <££>£> bnoroetl) Scclpnougb Ssttrjont a remem= bjancer,tbat men Ijauebuta fljojt tournep to roalH bpon eartb,o; tbat tbep tarp but a fmal time in it like gtcefts 0? foieoumers. Cbc effect is, tbat <0ob fees frombcauen bo so our (rate is miftrablc, ejecept tjee re= Irene bststtb bismercpe. 1 4 [witbolb tbcefrom mee «.] woojbc f o? fc>oo?a it is, [fbetfrom me:]anb tbere- f o?e feme er uotinD it, [31 et tbere bee a b ul= Svarafet betrcijttbs, tbat tbpbana come not at me.]£)tberfome fupplp it&itb t\)is fcjooxa [epes: ]but tbatpertepnetbfmallp to tbe matter. jFo* JDauib rcqueftetb a lit* tie refpit till bemaprcceuer ffrengtbtbat be map at leffiupfetahebjctb beefojebec bpe.^owbgeit,tljisclaul«b.atrjrefpccttoo the trubblefoinncs of tbe flcCrj, bpcaufc b* feemetb in tbe fcmp of quarslmg to require a t; me o»" free libertie to ape men are &>imt to 60 tbat be oucrtpzxb iottl) fccrts neffe of tbepjt grcefc.lKpgbtlp in beeae ac Rnoxulebgetb b« tbat tbere isnobopetoo tccoucr Welfare, till d5oa furceafe bis bif; pleafure : but pit be acorb atr.tfleto befpze but onlp a truce to be glue bim to ape.jfn beeae tbis fo>ifb misbtbeejccnfcai as if be rjab fapa, %oi\> fojafmucb as if tljcu p?o- ceebeS to aeale fo fircpgbtlp Soitb me,tbat 31 muft necacspenfb rojcfcbcaip:at Ieaft< Sopfe giue me feme refpit, tbat 3 map qui • ctlp betafee mp fetole into tbp banas. But iuemapcaOp gatberbptbetooojos , tbat ins mpnb teas attepntco iottbtbebittcr^ rteffe of bis greefe,fo as be conia not mane a proper tbat fras parc,ana feafonea ftntli tbeftovctneffe of faptb : fo^befaptb, [bee* fo?e 3D go bence anb bee not.] i»bicb was nerof fpeaktngD?an?ctb neerebntaobcf^ papje.^ot tbat JDautD tbougl)t beatb too bee an btter returning toncwgbt,0£ tbat be caflatoap all bope of Welfare anb pcclb= Deb bimfelfbptooeftructiotnbut bpcaufc be being ouerplungeb in fe;0£0,bib net lift top bis tmmb fo cbeerfullp as be ougbt too bauc d one.3 ub tbis (entence is to be found mo2c tban once in tv,t complamts of 30 ob. 31 1 is too bee bnotocn therefore, tbat ale tbougb iDauib ttin tbe beft bee coulb to res pjciTc b is affections: vit be abobe feme DU fturbancc in t\)is beebalfe, tbat ty e^ceebeb mcafurc in bis fejo wing. The Conteints of the.xl.Pfalme. Dauid being delinercdmt nf ' fome ?rcdte daun*er,4nd perdduenturc not fttht Any one but from ntdny, dooth myghtcly fet out the grace of Cod : and by occajion beer erf bevralketb foortb into tbe commendation of Gods proui- dence,-wbicb extendetb it felfe too all mankind* Then proteftetb be that bee "will gine bimfelfe -wholly to the firms of Cod , and defyneth breefy bow he V.y. is tor John Caluins Commentarie is to beefcru: d.^fftcrvurd be retnmetb a^eirt ta thankgfgiuiniyAnd puifev?- ct 5 bisprayfes -with many tytlcs. *At Icngtb vben he bath contplayncd of bis CMinycSihe clsfctb yp the T'fiilmcwitb a mwfraycr. Tbc.xl.Tfalmc. To the cheefe Chaunter a Pfalmc of Dauids. In way ti ng hauc I way ted for the Lord,and he endyned vnto mee and herd my krye. And-he drew mee out of thefowndingpit , out of the myry clay, and fet myfectevppontherocke,andftaDhfshedmy fteppes. f. And he hath put a newfong into my mouth, e#en of prayftto our our GOD: many shall fee it and fcarc, and shall put tlicyr truft in the LORD. /flfeapttagfjattelG «.]ir&««ts t -tawee of the pfalmc is a rljankf- gtuing, frberin 2>auU> rcpoitetb btmfclfe to baue bin b6liucreb,not onlp from Baunger , but alfo from pzefent beatbwhP fome Q)oalD gefle it to bcefpos Urn of ftkncffc.tb ere is no rcafon. yea ra= tfcer a man map coiccture that be compie^ benbeib tystt manp baungers thereof be bab bin bifpatcbeb . »nb furelp it is moxe than once that be toss in perill eurn to tije Beatb : fo as be map iufilp fap, that be bab bin foaletotB bp in a Bcablp gulf, anb bcc= mp?ebintl;e rclammp ciape.] jftnmttytz iefle it fberoeti) a conftancie of fapt'4 , that be ecafeb not to truCfc in c3oB,altbough tbe long continuance of the tmfebeffe mpgbt baue {batten of ail patience. Jf 02 ljcc faptb not fimplptbat bee babfoapteB : but bp Bubbling the fc>oo2B,be ftgKifpetb tljat bee bab bin m anguiflj a long tpmc.Cbc long* er tben that bus trpail Sras pjolongeb , fo mucb tlje ms?e cleerelp appeercb tbep20fe of bis faptinm tbat bee bare out tbe Belap* toitl) bp2pgbt atb quiet mpnb. autosbart fapntcbnotfoj Soe- rpneffe : anb that after bee bab ffcciweD a fufffctent trpall of bis patjencc.atlengtb be feas b£rB.2inb in bis crample there is fet foitb s profitable feoctrine fo? bs , that al- though s9&3 help np peers not fooztbrcitb, tut rather be totoerb bs at tbe Gaucs eno anb in pcrpletttie t yit tnud ten not giue ouer,bpcaufe faptb is not trpeb fubftanti* ailp.but bp long fufferancc. 2|lfo tt;e enbe tbat be tellerb of, ought too giuc courage «. bpeaufe £ although &ob fuccour bs moje flotoelp than the baSpneiTi; of our longing requpjeth : pitbisreffing 02 Diffimulation is far from bifappopnting ba . ^ez if inc uincible ftrength of faptb fuftepnc bs : the tpme of our Dcbucrance con mutt come outoffeafom ^ [3nb he b?ea me jc] &>ome tranf= iatc it [the pit of Defolation, ] bpeaufe the bcrb rshcth] thereof cummeth-thenowne [sheon] figmfpetb as fecll to beftrop 0% to frafte as alfo to peelb a fotrnb . 35 ut the fitter cf bothc is too allube too the beepe ix>h02lpooles inhere the ioatpr guffyctb S»ptl) trubblcfome 11 opfe . ^fo; bp a meta* phox he feesceth, that he fa>as ssneere the pcrtil of bcath,asif hehab bincaftintooa bcepeptt that r s.u:!i ioitl) biolent rage of Suatcrs. (& 0 the fatne purpofe pertepneth the Cmilitubei>f the clammp 0? mpz? clap, ioherbp he meenctb that he flufe, fad in his miferies,out of the i»bicb it tezs no eafpe matter to pull him . aBftcrfcjarbisaDDcb afoobeinnnbincrcbtble chaunge , fobsch bcrpe &ell auaunceth the greajenere of grace , fohen hec fapcth tt&t i;;0 feetc ipere ftt bppona JKocfee, imjercas 5;ce Soas crQe u»l)0!lp oucriyljclnjea iaitij foster : anb that ht» fiepprs Sucre ftas blifu;ea vppon the . xl . Pfalmc. 15S ftabiififceD o? fct bp?pgbt , iabicb crft net GnlpftaggcreDonflippencgrounDjbutals fo Saerc fctiaft t;j tbe mpjc.t^c conclubetlj. >' (^ob b:b put a new fong m fys titontlje: bp i»t)tcl; matter of fpecebe i>cc tctcUcnctf) tl)t tno of i>citucrancc.5ro? after &>bat fojt fo cucr 2D fucceur 1*0, be rcqupictij no tccom pence agcin,but tbat 5»ee ibouib bee tl>anlifaU anb bearc it in mpnb . (8Ci;cre fo^c «fl manp beneStco «5 bee btSocccri) bppon bs, fo oft epenetb be cur moutbes too pjapfe tjtjs name . £> ecing tben tijat «© ^ 5D pjouo'aer!) b0 too fmg bte piap* fco bp Dealing libetall? feritti b0 , JDaulb boatl) «?&02tbel}) malic account , tbat i ujt - r.fmttcb as l;s ions Dsiiucrcb fo fooonocr^ full? , tberc S»as mtmftreo matter bnteo tym of a new fong. 3! no be puttetb [new] fo; Gngular ano ejequifttie , acjojbwg ua tlje master of belmerance iaro not cemon, but *u :.3z tbp of cucrlattmg rememberace. if 0: altbougb tberc bee no benefpte of goo fo!pgi)t,tobicl) it bcco'tr.etb fcs-nottocom tneno mod bpgblp,pttnottr>t;bftanDingf moje mpg^teip tl»at bee firetcl)ctb out l)t* fyano to i?clt) bs , fo mmb tbe mo;e rcafon t£ it S»ce fbouio bee fcinbicb mo?e be? betncntlp to tbi0 ccerwfe of geolpnctfe, fo as our fongea map anfucer itycgrcatneife of rbc grace. 4. [ 2)£anp %&n] ^ec^rtenbetb pit further tbe frute of tbe belp tb&tb* bab fett: uamelp, tljat it fbaibee aninftrumon too manpc, too is? apt fo? tbe Ipfce. % nMu* rclp'4t>0C)Bt»iUtrf,tljattbcbenefitesa:b|cl) bebe&oa?ctbbpponanp one of tijefaptb- full, fbouio bee recedes of bte goobncfTe tO£oaroe0 tbem all, tbat one of tbem bee- tng affuvcb b^ tbe ejeamplc of an orber, fbouio not Doubt fentcliat t!je fame grace \z fct foox.'o fo; tbem all . Sno altbougb tqat at t^e 6rft fpg^t, there fcemett) to bee no agreement bctwfrt [fearing * Ij&ptng, J pit baits not JDamo itnftcu tbcm toogitljcr SoitUout cattfc Subp. $ 0? iberc «o not onp. man tbat can concent bore ct grace , but bee that 10 firfi cnbeureo feuf) tfjc feare of bim. ^roj.ncncraUp jj rofee [fcarej fo? $bc feeling of gcblvBjffe.&bicb tbebne«)lcbgcof (ScBo mpgb{P power., cquttie, anb mercp, eng^nberctb i" bs. (Cmlp , tbe iuStce tl;at ©jsD 5D crccutcb ageinft 2>auib0 encmpc0,i»es of fufftcict pevm to mafee all men afrab. 28 ut Qin mp iuogment)2DautD meenet!) ratber,tl)at bp tip bciiuerancc, M)ici) be bab obtcpneb, manp fgouio bcefeafeencD too peelD tbcm - fcl:ie0 to i5 fet foojtrb bntoo b0 met = cpfull anb be.-v? ticiall towarbfB otbero , 10 tbat fece fbou!i> aJTure ourrcluc0, tbat bee fcilbce tbe fame taivarDrs b0 i 2&lid tb(0 [feeing,] Soberof IDauib fpeahetl) , is not referred to tbe cpe0 onip,but cbecflp to tbe t>nberfianbing of tbe mpnb. ■$ oj altqougb ali in generall facoe %\y?.t ID a- mjs beUuerance twas tbe fe)eo?K of <£ od . ismng tljcn tbat fo manp bee bipnd in con. fi^mng 45ob0 5x>oo?he8,ft>ec Uhowe tbat iqofe onlp are tbouglit too bee iscll fpgb- i»bom is giucti f bnocrftanbing of tbe fpirit, fo a0 tticp are not occuppeb in tbe falling out of tl)tng£S, but loo^e bp- pon t\)( fecret ^anb of <© & E> bp faptb. i 6, Blifled is the man that hathe made the LORD his tru{t,and hathc not looked backe too the prowd , and too fuch as tnrnc afyde vntoo lyes. Many arc the woonder£ull vvoorkes that thow hade doonc, o Lord my God : and. no man can count in order vntoo thee, thy thoughtes vppon vs: I will declare them, and fpeakc of them: howbeit^they pane beyond expreftins;. u John Caluins Commentarie 5. []l&ercbercetb frbat occauoti of Roping tr ell, tys beliue= ranee frill gins teo all tbcgooip; vljat t partly bp ins iuoozacs. l&owbeeit that the ortlp beholding of © 003 it» oozfecs (as 31 fapo erefrbplc,) feoolb in no frpfe Kin Die this lpgbt in bs , enlcfTe <3on enlpghtcning bs b> his ftjoozD , fbouls fbewe bs \>is good Id til. jftow fr bcras be hath pjtomifeb too become mercpfull bntoo bs: mozeouer, m testifying bis gracioufe goobneffe bp affu- reb pz oofrs: he fignetb &ttb his banb,tbat fcbicb he hatbe btteteb frith his moutbe. Cberfoje not fcctthout caufe booth JDauiD auoocbe, rbatfozafmneb as heeis bzawen out of bcepc bcath bnto Ipfe : the faptbfull are taught bp £ experiment a thing frbicb naturallp men are harb to bclccue: namelp that he is bliffct>,\rbcfocucr he JS,that hoi betb tumfeif cententcb ix>ttt> the one (Sob. flip oz eoucr, fojbpcaufe the fonones of our oivn vtit bzaroetb bs comonlp boumusarb, anb free be tetnpteb frith manp leawb eje* amples,bpcaufefre are all of bo fozeirarb of our ctcnefuntiflc too beceptes, BDanib abbeth tmmebiatlp after, that bee is bliffeb frbicb iooUfth not backc too the pjotob* £>ometranllate [ Recfeabim , igtcrj men,or $> 2> . fct all their itMcitfein their come ambitioufes neffem^i Ipneue, bp anb bp ouertbroart cauntei^ets fcngfercepetb bppon other's. &pecpam> frben fucceffe foloroetb the pzoue mennes befpzes, then booth barns hope allure bS toe boo as thep boo. wpfelp tberfoze, anb not frttbout great neeoe, booth IDauib frame bs too beware of cjeamplcs , that allure bs on all fpbes teo falling awap: to tbentewt he map holo our frittes fettleb in fteDfaft muling bntoo the one <&-£>iD. |&owbccit,m that bee fapetb,tbat the pjowb [turnc afpbe after Ipes,] bp this mcanes hee befpneth bzeeflpe the foolift confibrncc of tUe fleCh . 5F02 foljat elfe is the pzpbe of thofe that fet bp their onmc fozgeries in place of 45 £> 2> , but a be= ceptfull illufion^ £urelp,tDhofeeuerta= fecih neuer fo little too himfelf , being puf- feb bp frith the fopnb of fonb ouertcce= ning , l;e fiattereth himfelf too his otcne beftruction. (Coobeebzeef: pzpbe anb fonbneffe are matcheb agcinft the goMp truft , £> jd alone : anb the foozlo in alioapes fran>gh= tcb &ith pjoujO folfe , atnb in this place booth frith a certein froonberraent conftber the pzouibence of (5 £> 2D , bp frbicb hee go^ uernetb mankpno . 2nD firft of all hee crpch out [ that the froonbers of <0obs froozHes are great , or manp : ] raeening that <5> J© ID fo gouernetb mennes af ^ fapzes frith bis incftimable frtfbomme, that hts froozbes , &l;ich groroe out of eftimaciOR, bp conrinewall enurance, boo far furmount the capacitie of man. 3nb fo free fee him clpmb from one partis cular too the frbo'.e generalUie , as if he fboulD fap, that «35 £> 5D hab net onlp bp this one BceQc p;ou<:b how fatberlp care he beareth towarbes manfcpnb: but alfo that Ins fronberfull pjtouibence fbpncrh foozfh .• uteche Icuerall part of the frozio. Sftcr? fratb beabbeth.that <5obs.tthougl}ts,oz purpefes, ] in regarbmg bs, are hPSber anb moze ijtbbcn, than that [tljc? ma? hee mftuittr- vppon the. xl. Pfalmc. [Diitmctb? recHzneb inczber.] S>o;neejcs pOUllDtljC paVCCl [Elir.oa] [bppOn P0,] Ut Soap of companion : as if it lyatt bin fapb, tbat (Sods purpofesare bpgber tban our bnDerftanDingoz-capacittc . 3$utS>au:D comenbetb ratine tbe care £ gob bovotfa s uetb to tithe fo; bs. ?£ cevbeit foz-afmu!) as bp tljta; mcancs tl>c tejcfr i0 bzoken of:tbep are compelUD to taHG tbe iuoozb [Gnarok] otbereppfc tbanjj! baue traflateD itiname; lp tbat no man can bee matcbeb oz compa= reb bnto (£>qd . 115 ut to tbentent 3fl map furceafe from long confutation: tbeSopfe reaber 5»ill graunt mee tbat tlje natpue fence is tins : tbat e confiber m part bow? Sooonberfullp^ob pzouiDctb fozb0:ptt is ttys confiberacion rcftrepncD too ouc fmall capacitis: anb tijercfoze it ftapctb for bno?rncafy tbe bnmcafurable glozpc of <& £> 3D. jfroj as foz tbcm tbat ejepounb it, that <25ob0 purpofes inerc not uuputeb to <£>eb, bpcaufe tl>e greater parte of men tmagtn tbat cbauncc anb fortune bearc tbs. Sobolefwap: a0ibougb 3DamDfounoe fault to x\\ t\)t bntijanlsfulncs of men tbat befraub <2>ob of iits pja^fe : bowtlcfTetbep arc hzc^} bpanbp after,tn aDbing, tbat Ijolcfoeuc r be go about to r cbcrcc tbe SoozUs of gob, bcfapletbercbc can Declare t\)t one halfe of tbcm : be fbewctb full fejcl tbat tbe gobip j tjolp mpnbfulnes i»bere= in tbe clulDienof <2?eb occupy tbemfelues, moittetl) not abcue a flenocr fmatcl; 0 ou» ioebnberflanb IDauibs meemng : fox ba= uingfpoKcn before of tbcbcUucrance fent bim from goo : bctaUctb occafiontijerbp* pon,tofctfDOitb tl;c gcncrall pzouiDcnce of goo mebcriffbing anb mapntepning men. 3lnD it 10 bis purpofc to ejebozt tbe faitb= full to confiDcr gOD0 p20utDcnce,tbat tbep (boulb not fticU to caft all tbepz care bpon iujfoi fc?bcrasfomc cptbercbafctbjougb bnquietncu"c,oz quaUe at eucrp little blaft, anb otberfomc befttr tbcm tofozttf-.ctbcm felue0tottbC3rtl)lpDc?eces:alltbi0fp?ing' etb of tljc ignorance of tbisboctrtnc, tbat <2>oo gouernctlj mensaftapzes accozDing _iJP tobisbifcrefcion . %nh fo?af»nticb 80 fyi mojc parte meafurmg (ffitabs pjouibettee bp Cbepz owne i« it, bo mdictauftp DarKen oz imbace tl)C famc:3Dauib placing it fejpft lp iittbe Dea> Degrce,tatvctb atoap t\)is 1st,. wberfozc f fentece pertepneti) to t\)ig pur pof?,tl)at in (gobs luozhes men fljoulD bc- Ijgid tbe tbmg iaitb reuerence.^D^tcb tbep compzebenb not ioitl) tbepjiyit:anb as oft as tbe ficfb mouetb tbcm too &zaugling, tbep fboulo l)6aaebp tbcmfclue0 aboue tbe Soozlo. <0od fesmet!) too bee a fleepe tf bee ccafc footing : berelp bpcaufe fecc tping bi0 banae to tbe outoaro meant© , tbinUe not tbar bee tooozKetb bp fecret meanca . Wbcrfoze i»e map lernc br tbi0 plsce.tbat aUbougbtl)evcafoncf I;i0 i»ozhc0 b:el;ib from v>0 : pit is be altoapcs toonberfuli m bt0 bcupfes.BnD tl)i0 berfe banger!) to tbe lafl bene befoze.iFo^noman boot!) rpgbt= lp mahe <25ob bis i»bole anb fubftanciall truft,but betljatfejitb clofeb cpes puttctl) Ijiimfclf to bio Difcretio to bcrulcb bpbim . jjtieptbtr bootb be bna&u!feDlp,(xol]crea0 be bab fpoKen lutberco in il)c tbtro perfon) now foDe'.nlpturncb'0 talUcbntooC5o&, to tbenDc bee map inftruct b0 tbe moze tU feciuallp in tbis fobcrncfTc anb moDeftic . l^owbeeit, Saljereas be Dcupctb plapnelp tbatgobs i»oozU0can bcefeno5»en: bee bootb not tbcrfoje frap bs awap from tbe fenowlcoge oj fercbing out of tbem : but bebzpbletb our ratbnetfe, *io\)ith clfc SoolQ raunge to far in tbis beljalfe . 'SinD to tbt0 enb t0 tbe parcel [to tbe] erp2effeo foz tljc nonce: Subercbp S»e are aDmon?fQ)eb3tbat tbougb a man bee earneftlp bent too mufc bppono32fec0 : pttbeeatfepnetb but to tbe enbes oz vittermoft bozbers of tbem . Cbcrefoze,albefit tbat fo greate a beigbtbbefarfromourreacb:pitmufttt)c cnbeuer Cfb mucba0 inbs Ipetb] too ap= pzocb moze anb moje to it bp contineojall pz4ceeDing0,acc9zbing alfo as ioe fee boio Son flrctcbetl) outbts banb bntoo Y»0, to bifclofe unto Ps tbcts i»onDerfuli tbing0 S»bicl) toe are not able to concepueof our farr e fooztb a0 is eppeDte t fo^ bs. ^ro2notbing is moze awfee than to couet a grofTe ignozancc of gobs pjombenccbp caufc as pitiuecompzcbenbitnot perfects lp,bu£ onelp baue a littU fmatcb of it :Ii&e ns at tbis Dapcfoce fecfowie benb tbep; ^;;olcfo:cc to oueru?beimcit , not fox anp o:ber lohn Caluins Commcntaric other pjct5c*,t^«n bycaufo it furmountctrj our ttttoer&mbmg : *s fatyo iyeolD fay , it ftjcrcreafoiito permit no moje- bntogob, than tbe nnbcrfranomg of tbe fletb tcilctb bjB is conuenfnt. :frar otberroyfcbib £>a= uiD,S»!)0 feeling bis cyfigbt Dimmeo witl) tbey> bmucafurable b;ygbtneu"c , confefe fctlj tljcai to bee fuel) Soonbcrs as be coulD not conccytic tbe teafou of tljetn : ano ytt in the mesne fobyUbeeabfteynetbnet from aii mention of tljcm,but appiyctrj Ijimfelfe to g9D!p coiifttcraeton of tlje fame , accojs bins to rhemcafure of Iris eapacitiewben fcppon fcii gather ,rjou> foolim anb tryfiing a Syarcncffc tbis is , tfyat bycanfc (Sobs purpofes aretogfy.tfprcfoic foe mutt fets tcriy fojbcare fp;anfngof tl)em.55ut TD&i uib finding bnber tlje burthen , ceafebne* nertbemoje to mount bp,nc fe>as tberfoje the mo:c bttmb ,fo: that be faaa unable to fetter fl)Ctn:but ijee thought it ynougb too elefc b? both, iris fay tt) &trt» b^s talUe Soitb, ioonbertng. Sacrifyfeand Oblation thou haft not loued : thou haft bored mync cafes : burnt offering nnd-iinne olTerii\2;thou haft not required. Then faydl, lo., I come : In the roll of the bookc it is written of inee. 9 That I should doo thy c;ood will o my G O D : 1 was willing,and thy law is in the middes or my bowels. 7 t&acrifpfe anb oblation ?e.] Jjecre SDauio or&rctl) not oncty tbe gjairifyfc of pjayfco; tbccalucsef bis lippes (as the $£Uopbct &>fcas tcrmctb them : ) but too SuitncOc bis thanhfulneffc to gobUmro,bc cfirem!) gs coftcrateth bimfelfc toholc bnto \)im:as if he bab fayb,bc is now thjougbly giuenbp tonto gob, bycaufcthat being be- net!) bPjbctoUenetb alltfjc faerrfyfes of tbe lavye. Tcberefojctbscffectc is, thatdfjob requyjcrtjnot^crffmonics of bts faooj,- fbippcrs , but is comenteb S»itl) pure af- feccien of tl)c Ijart,anblDirl) faytl),anb Ijo- lyneffc of cenncrfation : ncytber Dclygb* tetb itttbCbtltblc ^anctuaric , tl;c alter, tiy: fcnfing.tbc unofrcrmgs,lygbt0,gltO:c:: uuereb by bis merebible povcer, bee is a * iiugof appardi,anbourtoarbiDafn)ingS. bubble better to bim fo; I)i0 lyfc . jftcucr= tl)Glcu"e by tbs S»ay, entreating of bis trcu> fcjojfbip.bc Ojctoctl) U)at it confiftetb. not in outiaarb ceremonies, but isratber fpi- rituall . /"ilbcrcfojclns ntcening is,t!)arbc pjc^cctl) not mto (Sobs fyght, onely frith the outtoarb pomp anb figures of tlie lato: but bjingetb i»itb bimtbc perfect bcuoti= on of tbcbarti.^ojtoe Knowe tbattnafe mucb as all mens mynbes are pofi'cffcb )fo religion : notnan barctb fcntbbjaro bimfclf openly anb it>i)0lly from ljis obcbteccan^i ytt a greatefojt of tljcmftep afybe by croo; feeb iaynblatlcs. i»bcreby it commctb too pafife tl)at comonly tlicy boo but baly ,too j * (hipping <5ob flpcjtbilp fo; fAffbycnfahe. CIpon tbtooccafio IDauib fbcfoctb S»!)ich is tbc reafonable feruis cf iil) an a*vle, tl;at it inygbt bee a marfeof contiactvall tb?albctnc.l6utme? tbir&cstbia fync interpretation iscon= ftreyncb £>tl)ers mojc fnuply tcacb, , ljov» itimpo^cctbasmucb as tcniafcctbcmfii to obebience : fo? bee namctb not one eare cniy,butbotb tbc eares. ainbfccc know* tbat men are b^ nature beaf,bycaufe tbeyt cares arc ftoppcb faitl) bulnefTe , bntyll CiJ)3>bo?etbcint!»oa»gb . 3D. 5f oz bee cnclofcty tye bos ring of Ijisearesas it S»erc in a parens tactic , entreating of tl;c facnfvfes of fet purpofe , To as the map bee aptlp lapo foozty in this wpfe: &ozD,tyou hattc epeneb mpne carcs>that 31 map banbfouu Ip feno we to ix>ljat purpofe etyc tying per« tepnety, fc>I)icb tyow Ijafte commaunbeb concerning faenfpfes: namelp , tyat tye? of tyemfelucSDclpght tyecnotatall. jrop tyou(w!)oartafptrit)pa(reft^otfoztyeis cartbip Ceremonies, ne fjaftanp nceac of fleflj oz bluD : ano tyerfeze tycre is requp= tcD fome moze i;pgb ano crccllcat tyln j. ii^ou?, tf anp man obicct, tyat ^acrifpfes S»:renrucrtycl:0offereDbptyecdmaunb* ment of JdoD; 33 fapD cucnnow,tyat 2Da-- uia in this place puttcty a Difference bc= twerne tye fptrituall ano tlje ffaaaowtfl) ob. 3no it ia no mar= ucli,tyougb in tl;tu compartfonbe fap,tyat tye £>acrifpfe0 are of no bale w, bpcaufc tljep were but onlp heipes to goblpncs , j tctioco to an other eno . 5) ;ewg then tyat (0ob did but trapne bis people to fatty ana repentance bp futy principles; wee gatyec tyat bee woolb not bec w ooz Ojtppeb ioitli facrtf p -eg. foi tyi0 iu alwapes to be re- mcinbcrcb, tyat Sntyatfoeuer pieafety not 0oD fo; it ownc £aUe, but fo: fotne other tiling onlp, tye fame id reiccteb, if it be ac= (duntcb fo^ uia berp io oo; fytp oi fcruis, 8 . [ Chen fapb 38 lo.f c. ] 25p tye abttcrb [ Chen ] be bctoUcncty tbat l;e -was not a meet: ftyolar befozefuty tpme a0 © £> © baa openco bis cares : butaffoone as bee bab bin taught bp tlje fecret mfttnet of tye fptrit, bee fapcty, bjs bart fcas fozewarb ano cheerfull too obep. 2&nD becrc is tye trew obeatence rpght freil Difcrracb from tye flauifl) anb conftrcpneb obepfance . Chen let bsUnowc.tyatfetyatfoeuernicn effer to <& aD 2D , it is but bapne ano Mm kmQ, onlciTc tt;cp of er tycmfelue0:$ moic oocr , that tye fame offering of amannc0 ffif alfo is notljing Sroojttl], Oitfcffc it face SDillmglp ooonc . fop tljcis i»oo:oea arc toobecnotcb: [£0,3 come.janbalfo,f3! &a0 iuillmg tao boo typ gooa intll.] ji-oj t!)C ^Cb?ecc> iBOO^b [Capharfechi , j tmpO^ tctya0mucbas3':3B«3asl»eUplcafcD,3:t It'scb mec 'tucll, 0; J, ixnllmglp confentcb.] ^berfozebcerctsbetoheneb as iacil bts rebpneffe too obep, as alfo Ins freebartcc affection anb conttancic of piocceoing :as if !je bab fapb, l;e franKlp p?rfcvrcb the bc= fp?c too feruc d5 £> ID ,bcfb?c all otycr cares anb bcrp?e0: anb not onlp S»as obc; bpcnt&ityagoob ioill, but alfo cmbjaccb tye rule of goblp lpfc iuitl) a ftcopc pur= pofc of mpnb too contincw in it : iwbtcb tying be confirmetb pit better in tye tytrb member, bp affirming tyat the liawe of <&® JD i0faftenebinbi0bowclles. Jtqi berbpon it folovoety, tyat bow gap fo cuer mmncs t»oozkc0 glifter, gttif tycp fpjmg not out oftyeltuelprootc of tycbart,tye.p are Ho:l)ing elfc but bifozs : anb leconblp, thai it i0 inbapne toframe p fcecc,!;anbcs, ano epes, tQpj> keeping of tye Lawc, on- leflTc t\)t obebience begin at tye hart.^ow ; bceit, it is Hnowen bp otycr places of the Scripture ,bow it is tye p:opze ofQcc ef f tyalp (0boftc,to engrauetyci,awe ofc0o»3 in our bartes. Crulp c£fob iyoozUcty not in bs a0 tn ftone0,tyat be Iboulb ozawc b« Soityout tye feeling ozmanro mduing of our bart.ii^utinafinucb as bp nature tycr i0 bjeb in bs a iutll, j tbefameiuilits coz3 rupteD bp tye Default of nature, fo as it al= S»ape3 cnclpncty to tinning: be rcfozmety it to tye better ,tyat S»cc map frcelp Defp;c rigbtuoum:u"c,from 5»!;fty ioce iocrc crft turncb awap S»itb our ix>bole bart, 3tnb berbppon comety tye trcw frcebomc,i»bc [R>fttTum,]tyat is to fap,a :oil,oz a fferoli, -^ut tt is too be* feenc Uv S»l;ac fence iDauib lohn Lalums L,o ramentane IDauio clnlcnbgcty tyat tying pceultarip to bimfelt'.'sobtty is comonanD mmffcrent to all men. f o? feeing tljat tye 8.aroe p?c« fcribety to all men tye mcanc to Ipue fejcll, I ti>e tying fobicb t'0 fpo'&cn becrc,fecmcty ; not to agree to any one man, o? to a fcawe ' men. 31 anf\rcvc:'l<liougb tlielitterall ooctryne oftlje Havre belong to all mn in comon: pit fotafmuel) a© it is of itfclf ocao, anb booty notying clfe but beats tye aire, cj £> 2D tcatyctybisfentantcs an otl;cr &ap. 3JnS fu?bpcaufe tyts innernto?e ano effectual! teaching of tye spirit, is tycir prop?c trcafure: m tye fecret book of 2D . jh becbetSobsfcopce founoety tyrougb tye 5»bole ioorlo , fo as tyep are mabefcnejes cufablc as manpe as obey not. l^ocobccit it pcraty but into ti)C bartes of tye goal? onlp, too frtyofc faluacion it is orbepneb. Cberfo?c,l?fcc as a graunbeaptetne ta= bcty tye names cf l;is foulbpers , tyat tye nomber cf tyem map bee ecrtepne : # ip&c as a iDtyoIemaffcr rcgifirety tbe names cf Ijts iacljclers in a fUroil : eucn fo bail) '3D l)ts cijtloren S»?ittcn in tbe booHo ofipfc, il>atipcc mci-g i;olD tyem in, tonber tyepoUcefbifcipline. Cbereremapnety pit one fcruple, bpcaufe tyelpoftl* i^eb. 1 0.5. fecrw;tytofc>?cft tyls place toiolent= lp , toltflc bee rcQrepncty tyat tying too Cbnft alone, fctyity is fpofecn of ail tbe elect, anb contenDety p?eepfeip tyat tye fa - crifyfes of tbe Lavec areab?ogateS,k>bity ' 2DautD benpety to bee acceptable too <5oo otyerirpfe tyan bp fcjap of comparifon : $ citing rather tbe froo^bes of tbe dfrreefce tranflater, tyan tye feezes of tbe f3?oa pbet , gatyercty mo?e tyan JDauibs purs pafe &>as to tcstyc. C oncerning tbe pcrs fone of €b?m\ tbe folution is eafje : fo; IDauiO fpafce not of bimfcif onlp : but fbetrrt) in general! fc?bat is mtttt fo? all j tyilb?cn of (0 <£> 3D . 2ln0 tyerfo?e fcljcn tbe boope of tbe as notying elfe but a b apne bi oc ■■■ beric. 225 ut bcere, icljcn as tbe $>?opbet entrcatetyofbimfelf, (i»bo fe 3D) anb yit benpetb bicb 45 €> 2D bab commaunbeb fo? a feafon too tl)C peos pie of o'.D tpme . 21nD fo?afmucl) as tye trutye anb fnfeftance of tbem ts contcp= neo in Cb?ift : it in ccrtein tljat tbep tocre abolifftjet) bp bis commtng. 31" ceebc tye vjfeof tyem ao?iftyeb pit Ctilt in 3Da= uibs tpme, ncucrtycSciTc be booety bs too Mt, tyat tye perfect &>o?flnpptng of &on franoetb full tobole 9 founb in all popntes Xoityout facrif^fes : anb tyat tye ccremo= nies are as it Ssere an inconte , or a bp= fall, as a man map terme it* 3bb tye fame is io ooityp too bee obferueb, too tye enb Soee map bnoxoe, tyat c5ob,ty3v»gb be baue taHen aroap tye figurcs,it?bicb be bat) commaunbeb fc? a tpme, is notwtty- ftanbing notbnipne bpmfelf, bpcaufe tyat intyeis crercpfesbee babtegaro onlp of tbe perfones. 2flnb feljcrcns tbe SUpoftle foloiring tye d5?eefec tranflfatcr, applpcb to bis purpofc tlje fojoorb [©obpejfebicb is not in 2DauiDs 5»?pting : in tyis alius don tyere is notying agcinft reafon. ^0? betafeety not purpefelp topponbim too ers pouno IDauibsmeening : but bpcaufe bee bab fapb before, tyat ail otyer facrifpfes Sricrc abojtfibeo bp tye factifpfe of Cbrift, bcabbcty tycrwityali,tyat C brill bao a bob^e fitteb bntoo \)imy b? tye ottering bp 5»t)erofbemigl)tfulf?iltyeitiillofiIpob. 10. I haue declared thy ryg-Ktuoiiieneflc in the create cori2;re2;acion: behold, I vvilnot refreync my lippes : Lord thow knowef t. it. I haue vppon the.xl Pfalme. itfi u 12 I haue not bidden thy rightuouleneiTe in the middes of my hart:I haue blazed abrodcthy ryghtuoufenefTe and thy faluatio,! haue not con- cealed thy good neffe and thy truth in the greate congregation. Withdraw not thou thy mercies from mee 6 Lordrlet thy goodncflc and thy truth always preierue mee. io [3!hattebcc'arcbffc] l&cercaget'n, iDautb b2tngctl$ fajtt; bis oirnc tbanfefuU ncs fc? none otber purpofe but to pjtoucae C?oD to continue tbc courfc of bis fa 9 tin - tonfnes. ;tfojtnafmucbas CooD ailuretb ts togiuetbanfcsac one as bee fbewetb bimfelfe libcrall totv-arcs \?b : tbio alfo tc one reafen fohpbce fboulb pxoccc&clphc bimfelfe, Si ben b :c fees bs tbanHfull ar o mpnbfull of tt. p.oxu although in the fir ft place bee put the name of [rtgb^ucufncs] ftmplptpit k ottr irbftenbtng there mull be fcnbcrfiobe the rightttcufRCBOf 45£>2D, iub 'cb is e i pictTcb bpanbp after. &Hb bee aaouclietb, not en.ip il?at bee gaucpiapfc bnto fe Buprs tocrc Scent to teftiSe their tbanhfulncs bp peace offcrings,if a= np no.afcl'JtcItuerancebfbbappeneB fcnto tl;etn . foi [tbc great C ongregatiou of &birt}bccfpfakcib,]tsnotrfiicrrcDtotbe ccr cottrfc of people at lawbapcs o: about fcojtliip matrerobut to tljelaufulcburclj &bicb fcee hno© i»«0 S»cnttoau"emb!e intbofebapsat tbc ^anctuarp. Unbtbe* toje btcfayetb that bee bab net iu& dJoDs rigbtuoufnes in bis bart,S»bicb it become mctb tnen to bla^e abiobe openlp to tbc c- bifping one of anotber.ainb furcip i»bofoe uer fnppietTetb tt S»itbin,S»culo(asmucb 00 in b«n l< etb)tbat cbfcaac no necbe cf cur commentattons : pit toill bee haue this ej/crcpfe to flo2tfb mutually amosg oe,roi rnanp conubcraiions. i! [J bauenotbibtbvricbtuoufneSfeO ^eereisto bee nottbtbe Reaping pp of tennesftrtneb pertcpnc to the betokening ail of one thing. -fty tnto <25ods tigbtus oufnes, bcere ts abbcb \)\c truth , b'S f^5 uation.anb tys mercp. Co fcbat purpofe, bnttobla^e ^obs benefttes %\ b manp titles r'notwttbfiantutg, it is to benotcb, bon? tbcp biffer amongtbcmfc!uc0:bp= eaufetberbp a man may gattjer bevertgbt Ip anb aptlp tliep agree to tbc bcliucranee &bieb is noo? cntrcateb cf . J f anp man Ithe to b;ing tl;eis fcure tnio tbeir beve cj= ber, [mercp] (ball baut tbc fitfi place, bp Subteb alone €>ob istndutcbto poutiafe to banc regarb of bs. [K .ghtuoufneCejis tbc contu;uaifp?et*cttcnis3bftwitb be bc= fenbetb bi* fcruaunts.anb tl,e gentlct.eiTe Snhevwttb bee cbcrtlbctb tbcm , accezbmg as batbbtnfapb elfcwberc alrcbp.e l}irb= lp icaft anp manmigbt toubt of tbc contt= nual flowing tberof i»i;b equall anb tnbtfs fcrcntcourfe,tberc isai)b£u[Crutb : ]bp S»biel) tcrtnetoe fcetaugbt, that <£>eb ccn ttneu-eib ltHeijirafelf.anb to notfejcerpci* Suitt? belptng,noi at anp tpwte feitl5b?atD= etbbtsbanb. l^Owbci., ti^en&ichau ibere is acoucrt pointing io bis pjompfes : fo? nomanfhall ngbtlp tahcljcibeof ODcbs rpgbtuoufneffe , butbcctbatcnbiarctb tt in bts ioozb inben it to oftreb !mn [ sal - uat;on]is tl)« effect of rpgbtucuihcffe, bp= caufe cm t^ougblp f,ife» 1 1 caoitbbzalc net l'->p met cpes jc. J xote fee nioie clealp tbati»b»to 3 toucbeb cue noiB : namelp that i /an b ac^betb w :'->25oapp;api irtje cno be migfyt from time to tune purcijace new graces, ageing febieb , tljc IcavobneiTe of our frience a or!; comonlp fox clofe tlje gate, atfyerfoje tije relation is to beemttbea amgcn.Ujsfebers iDautDfattb bee DtD not ilya bio lipo : to xlymttnt rbat <£>o j anthe otfjee fpas (bonis not aifbar e; locUe b? ino tnerc-KSfrom l)ira,wi)iri bp fees b;e taught , trjat £> ID f 02 to mucb rigour, jftofe feben feee fee ZDauia fo tigozouflp bana= lea : feee alfo map lerne to few bumblp to our iuage,eum feben fee grone bnacr ex- treme miferies. £$ oxeouer be ibeujea not bitnfclf to bauebmbloc&rboz ftonebars tcb , fehenbis otonc bart fojfoo&e tyim 0? faplcabim. jSFozit is all one as if be fboulb fap,bce lap, not on'.p cra^ca , but alf 3 feitl) out life. ISotaNtijaanofng.tafce tbou tbc tbc [fapnting oj filing of tljebirt] ta bee merit of tbe bnaerdaamg of the flctb;JFoj bio lleafaftnjare in pzapingio an auonebs tnent tbat fattb feao neuer quite quencbea tnbim:bat fozafmucbao bcefeaoatbio feito ena,ana btterlp bopa of al ftrcngtb, it 10 not fe itbout caufe, tr^at bee faptl; t)& tyart quapictu 1 ? Ci^oz innu'ttcrable 6?c] l£])t ^ebzcw pljzafg contepnsti) moze tljan can be etpzef fca m jlatin. ^Faz it faptli [ Gnaiai ,bppon ms:]meen!Hgtbcrbp,t!)ati)cc is not onlp befei-onnll fpoeo roiino about, but alfo tljai a bcape of tmfc^eeueo Ipgbtetb bpon !)i0 beaa. 31 n tlie m:ane feafon l>c compla? n;tb not tbat be iopuntSbsa eitbec bnwoz tl)elp oz abauc t:>e m:arure of ijio fault: but rather be cofefTsib plapnl?,t:yat bis fjunea are iu3ip reroarbea.^Fo; aUi)oug^[Gnuz] Ca0feecbauefeeuem3zs tban once eife= KjlK«)figmfpeii) punifbimntalfo : pit 10 tbe ozijinall oftbe feozb to be confiocrea* •Cbcrefozs feben as ©auiatermetbtlje pjpnesfeb^b hce abp&etb, tbefru'.teiof finae j tbcre tsinclubeD a moaeft confefft; on, xo\)ct bp^on feee gatljec , fettb bab> greaJ mceKnsfle ana reuerencs be fubmits tea bimfeJf to O5oa0 iuagement0>utb tbat beetng ouetloaen mil) a b^uge bcape of 14- CUt I vppon the .xl. Pfalme. 161 i+* [Let (t p?eaf> tfje f2) jiatd.f c] £be fooo?dc that JDamd pfec ;, figmSetb too mean o; pursofe a tbt-g of a meere good fctl* Cbedefiretb be to in oelinereb tbo • tow tlje free mere,'? of <5o:>. Concerning making tjftftc > focebauc fpoken already ehwtjcrc, fo? aitbogb ar fuel) tune as gab makes Odap , foec muftefozeftle ageinft foertnes pit noiwrtbft&ttsittg bee of bis fatbcriptcDctnes grafiretbtostbtfl fojm ofpzaping.tbatbcfboulDmakebaiteacs cozbtttg to eur dcfucaiftcrwarD (aces; 5 ding to bis foont ) citing bis enemies to tlie- iuDgemec feat of a?c* tbc tutl^aleoftbofets to penned, &btcb* fo;oro r!jc bcadtneiTe ctfbt flefb ffez kbcicgutd?, m fifsb of erje jdoumes of tbc fpfrit, ivlfzttaz lj tbfP conGfcercb no tbing but to oppufTc me tsitb fh.8tnc,3Rt) malapertlr to ri&e ppjjon me foljen rljep bad confounded me and fo;bontme; ;fo 1st ttfec confufion Isgbs DPpon their ovtme pates* i o; in tije fcconD member be mar Uttb out tbat ktnd a.?CJnfuftomrepo;cmg tbeir falfe trp w>bs fobi rm tbep bad 'mtb bpcedtbe miferable ans fozetchcdfeaiie, $F)ozeouer like as foe be faugh? beet bp, tbat fobeti car enemies fbalbaye rapk'o Pppon bs fcnmcrcitniip ,tban ts tbeir re foard reDpfo;tf)Cin,tbat<2?oo fbattartti back o; tumble back pppen tb?tr yeads, fobatfoeucr tl;er bar, imagined agemftc bs,fo tbc famcieffan mufi bee a b;pDlc of tntJdenespntofcs, tbat feec map bef/aue our feints gcntlp tcn?artsonr ntybo^s. 1.7. 18. Let them all be glad and reioyce in thee,that feeke after thee : and let them that loue thy fauegard fay,the Lord bealwavcs prayfed. I truly am poore and needy,the Lord hath prouided for me:my help? and my deliuerer^thou my God make no taryance. 17* tJUttbcmallbcglad^ffcV] Coob= temt "ociiucrarcc. be f fetb another argu mentfobicb btl?atbV>ftd oft ditcher :uet Utatitc ti is needfull too allcdge reafons to pcrftoade 0cd,but bicaufe it is pzofi - table foz out fat tb too bee pnoerfet Sottl) fuel) r;ops« Cbepfub that <£od foil bee hncvocn to be of one oj tveo, but gencralip of ell men : as oft as be de liucrctb en? one of bio, bet petfojmetb a common benefit, fobtc'o tbe faittyul mu(t applp to tbemfcl6estcgitbtr,fobtl£ tbcp bij)clcc m tbeperfone of one man, foljat a one vl? 00 fotlbc to them all>fobo ts not Pnlffcc hunfeif. Cbcrfoic be fi)i'W= ctb that be ctauctb nothing pjiuattb' too btmfelf,fobtcb peitcpncthnot dniaetfals li to the u bote churcb* &epzapctb (to'od tocberr pp-atl,cts,o? too mimfhr occafu-n fo; tbcm alitoorctoi'ce atbnp= uerfailp, to tbc end tbat being afTurcd of msbclp,tbcpmap bit tbemielues tnerv'.p pnto btm^Wbernpon tree condnDt.tbat dc5e&giuctbap;oof£ofbi3good^eiTc(:o- foaros Ps.Pntoo cucrp fcucrali pcifonr. a Ifo foberas be fapt tb tbat tbep loue tl)e fauegard of <5od,it is a tbing foc;tb tbc tnar&; bcerbp foce gstber,tbat cbe cnelr true trpali of faitb is , if foee hope not o;couet not to be pzefcrued bp anr/ 0= tbermfanrstbanbpci? £)'£[) alone, j^o; tlvv that ;u,n2tncciu«efauc£Arac* too tbcfelues in tbts foozld, neglect 0; reuct t^c faucgard fobich ©od cosuaaridctb ta bee craucd at bts ba^ slone . 3it inti;o; tetb the fame cijtag foljicb be fa^o be ojrs [to f?t>e vjror> .] ;f 0; too tbc tr.tetvt a man map bang fob'J'? topon ©00, 9 ficGrc to be faucd and p;efctdcd bp Ijic gi \cc : sec mufi call avoav all \>a-;nc bope , f etnplop «4. a« alibi? &>tte to the embjactng of tjts pox» c r, y» ecre ageine arc too bee inarbcb two matcbingsofcitramtuo.^cbaDtetDes mn n»to,tbat the tolcfecb foagbt bto life: and now bee attributed tbf conttarp af= fcctioto tbt faitb^'.tbat tbcp te'b <£ob. $>cbab repojtct; tbc fUcfangcf the fete bcD tO be [Aha, Aha:] 5 1)CC bnngetl) Ut tbt godly fpca&tng otljcrtctfc, tbat to to fap3 Lie. the ILojo be pjtapfVb fo> ear r] »8* [3 traelpam poo?e.«c*] 3n trjtsf Claufe be tntermcbletb tbafefgtuing itutb Ibis ?:ap«.r ,*ib:r it tbat it ma? be fo, tijat be repoitetbfome botoc tbat bee maae tit bts bianffc.^weoucr rbe beginning of tbc \jcife map be I .pa to.itb tn tbto wife : altbougb 31 were WjUtciieo ana fuccour •'■ !c0 : pit did #ob tbtnb uppan me«5Foi tn •r.nacb as accoj&tngao »cbe man 10 mi* fcrablc « oefpiftd of tbe wojfr, fo Do wee furmife bim to be bftregardiD of ID : we mud beUcu: ftcdfaiilp tbat our tntfe= r t ca bjeco not an? lot nfomneo too <&*D, fa a.3 be Cboulo take ."fcoiii to laccour ^ j. ^acujirofi agoing ? we map ratber reabe tt jjjuo. it fucr>i rime as j wab mtfera- bte ana btipiee jttje JLojd toned bpon tnp nee i STi m:ri;at b< tbis circuit, ttauncc bee lohn v^alums Commentane, map aa.v mc mt grace of <0«Dl>.^Fo? i! dPoc ffconlo pjeuent bo btfoje banb with bts gocdnco, and not tarp ttu aoim u - ie pinrb bo: b>0 fauour towarda bo Qjouid tiotappetr fo mod wtch a oonbrful ano \sauertng m.not :bc gatberetb batte bp b^0 otene erpet tencc^accojoing ta bto etcne ioont^ana perfcoaoctb btmlclf tbat be fballtnnoiDtfebe otfappointeboftbe belp.bp febub be bao ^tt^erto but prefer act. *. 3- The contents of thexli.P/alme. When Daniel bcingfirc dflich-dby the hand 0) Godfow Irimfclfprcjfed veith the -vrrmgful mifdcemin°s of many tnen3as though hee bad bin already accurfed and damned to endles deftruffion : hefenceth hintfdft ageinft this temptation with the ctfort of hope ^ By the way he complaynetb partly of the crndtie and partly of the t/ecbrrie rfhis enemies.^ind although he ackflovr» ledge himfelfto be iuBly punished for his fmnes:yit he accujeth them sfma- licioufnes for troubling a man wickedly, yvbiebe bad defer ued -well at their hands, La H of all he knittetb to a reioyftng,foY that he was prefcrued by the grace of God- The. xli.Vfalme. To the checf Chaunter a fbng ofDauids. BlhTed is he that iudgeth wifely of the pore : the LorcUhall cteliuer him in the euil day. The Lord shall keepc him and quicken him : he shalbee Milled vppon carth,and thou slialt not deliuer him vp too the lull: of his enemies. . The Lord shall Oxen ^then him vppon the bed of forowc : thou haftc turned all his bed in his ilcknclle. :• J&luTcb vppon thc.xli. Pfalme. «?j]!Lcaebi0i)c$c.] Comonlpmanp 3Jnterpzeter0 tbink tbatbcreiare comenecb'tbc Dm> tita of cbaritie, fobcn mifcrable men ate car coifoz anb fjcIjJCD.U5ut otbcrs tocp 2>au:b0 ntee ning ttiozcrtg^tlp mamelp £ bccomcnbetb tbe bprpgbtneo of tijciu Sobicb iubge toife fp anb moseftlp of men in abuerfitie. /ftcp tbcr can the participle Mafhkii be taken o; tJjcrajifc. IB ut hecrxoitbal it is to be cofibe reD,S»bp2DauibbenQnncctb trjcra bhifcb Suljicl) iubge fcrifelp $ a founb abuifcment cocerning tl&'oos fcourge0,fe>ben fje ebaft! jetb bisfcruauto.wccbaue toio poutjoto bee cncountretbto ouertbwartiubgmetj: foj at S»bat timt affliction npppcb bptn barblp,manp tbougbtbce l)ab binfoziozne anb pad all bopc of recouerp.ainb no bout butitbappenebbntolnmas it bappeneb to holp 3 ob , S»bom b»s ftcenb0 ntcmtn to bee tlje imcUcbbcft of all men , bpcaufe tbepfarc d5cD DeaJcfomcsDhat ftragbtip fcntb bint. $nb trulp it is too common a toicc,tbat the greater part of menfeztubge mifcrable folk to bcftrocrion. fox like a0 the comon fojt of people clap tb ctr ijanbea at he!) men ,anb at tbcfc bppon fobom tb. o &joz;b latrgbeti),cfreeming dftobsfauour fcp tranGtoziefclicitietfo alfo rpbe tbep re -. pz ocbcfuHp toppon tl;c miferabie fozt , anb rafblp imagin tbem to be bates of <£ob,bp caufe be bearctb not So ttb tbcm fo m eclblp aobcebotb Smtbtbercpzobatcs. Qtyst leairbncs of iubging euillanb bntoinarb- ip,batbreignebinallfoozlb0. cgobcrpctb out cuerptobere, tbat bee trpetr; tbefaitrj^ full Suiil) abuetfitie0 fo? biuer0 caufco : fomctime to enure tbcm tonto patience, fomctime to (ubtiuz tbe finfull affection0 of tlje fJeftj,fomctime to dense $ fkour a= toap tbe fuperfiuou0lutt0 off acfb, fome time to mcekcB U)e, fomtime to make tlje an eramplc to otbct0,? fometpmcto quic= kentbembptotbemiubingoftbebeauen ip it>fe,0£ut sreefo; tbemoft part ronne a bccb Soit!;cut making bifference,anbfebo focucr ti;ei be tbat trauel bnber the crofTe, free bztrtsne tbcm beneath ail botomleflc pittc0 as 31 map termeit. Co bzible tbis rafbnrfic, 2Dsuib fapetbtbeparebufleb i»bicb rage not Co cruelty & ouerthtoar t w&gcmeiites , but abupfefelpputabiffc- reitcc btcwene plague anb pla§«e, nnb con fcqwnt!? fc? Sm&tiomf of tbefpirit , mm= __i^3 gate tbat maliciou0 rigoj naturallp bzcb in tbe flefb. dEuen noto 3! pzopounbei an example in tbe pcrfone of 3 cb, Ssbcm bis frecnb0 ftickcb not to account a caftaicap ano foziozne perfon ; bpcaufe tbep fate bim fozfpcnt ioitb crtremc mifcrie. 3!f anp bp rigljt anb gentle iubgc Cboulb ligbtppon fuel) aftgbt,bee luouib take tbe btfer etion 0* Soifibome to bim Sefciilj ©ausb norec commenbetl).SSribS»febc6ing iuarncb bp tbi0teftimonie of tbe boty gAoft,tnuft icrn to retrain our ouer baft? tubgsr.ent. wee muft bee fcjcllabuifcb iubat Sa?ec iubgc ot our affiictcb bzctbzen, tbat £0 re bope Se ell cftbcirfaluarion : leafrifiDccconbcmne tbem \jnmcrcifulip beroie tbe time, tb?0 Suzongfull rigoz of ours; ligbt bppon our Ottmfceass. igut fpcciallp is tbat tbing to bee notes &>bicb 36 touclFb afo;e,tljat5Da uib beeingfednpe oueru^elmeb ioitb ma licious anb rigozous f ozbeomes , armcb bimfclf &>itb tbi0 c9infozt,lcaft l;ee migbt Ijaue funk bnber tlje temptacion Cbcn ma? 5oec alfo lerne.tbat if at anp time ^a than p^actije to enfeeble our faitb i»itb tbe pzonbfojiubgmeuts of menifeee muft cal back our fats to this $»ifcbcme,tbat befs pap?c kreepe not bppon bs. ^nbrlnsi0 tbenaturaii\3fe of tb»0 boctrinc. [Cbe =to?b fball belraer bim m tbecuillbap.] I^ome iopn it to tbefozmcr member: anb tberc&ing ef it fo Sucre tolerable, but tbat tl)t0 biftinction is of tbe manifefteft ,tel)icr; is furtljereb alfo bp tUe accent . Certeffe, from bence is pickeb mojc fulfomc boc= trine : nantelt), tbat tbe liozb Soil! belmcr tbe poozc in tbe bap of bi0 abucrDtic. iT^a np tbinfc tbat iDauib S»ilnetb S»cll to fcp= rigbtanb mobeftmena0if b.e fboulb fap, if it bappen tbcm to bee atanp tpmeaffiic= teb iwtb mifcrie, tbe ftozb Suillraibcr tbcm tbe rctoarbe of tbeir pitifulncffea; gein*£Dtljerfome fuppofc tbat tbe Si)O?bc0 cf tbem arcrepoztcb&bcrbp tbeir S»pfc= borne anb bp^pgbtneffe tnap be pcrccpueb. jfirjotvoirbftfenbing , ( in mp tubgemeut) tljcp arc t)ttc\v.& botb of tl)em,i»i)en tbep rcabc tbe fcatcnec in tbe 5uap of iui filing". USttfiDbiibcrlDauibfpcakein bis ori'iic perfon oz'tn tbeirg, be bz!?fipxomincnbetb tbe inoiiferencp febicl) Sec muft keepe to; »arbcs tbcm tbat be in abucrfiticutamt ip tbata!tbou3b (^oa 0)S«7cl)itrtfclfD».fpj££j= feo loitb tbem foz n iviuc,vtt Ije 5iMlbcc fa- It'.u;. ncurable lohn Caiuins Commentarie foitljout rcanifeft figncs 3? d5obsfauour. 25 p ii>hicb iboibcs tjce both noibmg lefle tban crclabe fbope of a tetter Ipfc . Cbat iobicb foloieeti.) concerning the [did of fos roajc, ] bath i?b fome to a geifing ( tn mp iubgment ) fcaree fubftaacia'i . -ff o> that S»l)icl) i3 fpoicn t'nOmieh> of an? atticctb, tbatreftrapnethep to fitines. 25 lit it is no new thing fo; tijem that be fojorofuli mpn beo,to tumble Boamc bppon their bcb.ano to Ip ap?a»eb:fo? fotmtimc bcaupneSc bif mapctb mennesbartcsmozetbenfiknes • &orblp it is a lifeeiiljobs tbat JDautb toas ttouritbls to i\)tm , o: tberems? at leng;b fippcer* a mo;c glabfome nTtte , tban tbat mbgement map bee gmen bp tbe pizknt fctea). wee f.e noto boa? much mozc plcn* mmsanMnojcptfbrbpi: ts, cijat fauftp Ujoulo bee bopeo fbj at tbe ifLojbes hanbe eucn in t!;e bap of abucrfitp,fo; cife fyoulD no manfcttbe out of foiosu. ;f e? tbe boip gboa n^c onlp jjtbojtetb, tbe faitijnili to be fojeisaro onto mccanes aa oft as fye? fee tljtit b;cti»en at'flicteb : but alio ftebiefn a rcmebp to UaHe the fojow ass oft as our faptb is fbaUcnSmtb son?; (itte. 3 [Cbefi.o?bs fball Heepe bint fc.] $c pjocebcilj Suit!) tbe fame fentence.t'jat t\)Z ILoid (oil ticepc the miferabU man fc?bom crueil ano bnmbufercnt pcrfons furmife to bee fojloine. 3nD alwapes pee mull beare in minb the matching of contraries, between the euill bap,anb tbe grace of u~ liuerance. Jin the fame fence is abbeb res ftitueion to life anb bappineffc bpen sar tb« jfo? £>am&3 m«nmg is , tbat althougb bee bee as gooB as bead , pttioas not bee noj all the goblp qupie pail b^ps of Ipfe. Of eretp it migbt feemea fgnonefTc^bat iyz beljigbtetb t>imfelfa bappp Ifi. in p iaojlb: bpcaufc it Socre ill fontb there rcmat neb not a better ftate toj tos elfvrhcr. I2>ut foi?ftnucb as nunp bad befpayjteb of bis recouerp^bte purpofelp eupjcfTet!) tbat bee fball continue pii GUI alius, ano tbat, not f I iayd, Lore! hauc mercy vppon mee, healc my fowle: for I haue finned ageinftthee. 6 Mine encmyes fpake exiill of mce;when shall hce dye and hys name pe- rish? 7 And if hce come to fee mce,hee fpeaketh lyes, his hart heapeth vp ini- quitie to himfelfand when hee comes forth, hee will tell it.- 3n tfje feconoe member of tbe bcrfc tbere is fome barfenes. #o; fomt iaUeCturning oft^ebebJiniucbiDifeasif i£»ob (togiue ijis fcru.iunts fomc eafe oj, vefreffoins, ) fbaulbbauemabe bisfetberbeb , as men are ^onito bo fa fiHfolfee y> tbep map Ipe tl;e fofter.®tberfo!?ic(mo?eit3b*lp tn mp opin:on)fup tbat Sjauibfl beb i»!>icrj ?aas pjepareb foz bim io bauelpcn fi^ m [iyas turnco,] Wbenbcaitb ^as reilojeo bnto bim.#cco2bingto tbis mce-mng,aitbougb bee ipe nowc in fabneffe tob^mtbe ioioe nurtcrctb bnber tbe crotrj:pitnotivitbftan bing be fball ioitljiin a title S»bvf- 1 rccepne relsef at tbebano of tbe fame d5cb fc>b«- tl^ougb be map recouer bjs Qreug^. 5 [3S fapb lojft 9 c]!^? fb wetb bp tW Dcrfe.tbat in b»s fianeruties be fougbt not to bee moanebj UHe as lbs mojepart of men bo Ssbt'd) flatter tljes-nfeluesanbcOi act to banc tljcir fojoros Qatieo 'ojitb bain wmfa^s.l&nD boutlclfc /ubofocuer fs ru j Icd bp tbe fpirite of (03b , bee takctb iuars nmg bp i)\s oronc puntfbmenrs > cnbac^ bnoaleBgetb bis fanes of i}is owneaci co?b,anb acccptctJjgcntlp tbe corrections of bts bretbern : oj ratber bee pjeucnterb tbem tcith ieilling c3nfefT:on. apt 2?aui3b:fcerne:l} bimfeif from the rcp?o= bato anbbefperate pmonsbp tbis mar's, tbat be btlfclp bcroapieb His own offence, anbbpeb btm bnto ©cos mercp. 31 n occD be rcqucftctb to bane lys punifbment re^ leafcs, bowbedtbee beginnctbfomewbat beener : namelp , at obtepnement cf foy. grueiwflc anb reconciliation bnto © <& 3D. vppon the.xlii. Pialme. ■$0% (ac f»e baue faptJ eU"wbere)tbcp fee toe cart b -fo;e ttje bojfe, i»bicb In felling rcmeop of t^etr outvoarD mtfcrte0,nceleet f ca«ffofft)ciH:iucacca:5ifaman£ocii;D d;ert 3) an &gew,f Deftre onlp to qttcncb !)tfi Djiougbt. Cbctfoze bcfbie fucbe time 00 be fpeakanp&jojD of bcaling [bis foal: be fatfbCbaac mere? spott me] ioberbn- to mnft be iopntD p \»l;tcb fclottje tb anon after, [fo?3i baueftnncb ogewfl: fb,er«] fo% be conftffetb tbat tS'oD 10 tufirlp Dif plcafco feitb bitn3 f tbat be cannot reco- net b is fan o : td bis flnnea be Done aicap 3 take tbc perccH[chJ3inbi0 pioper ano natural! fignificatton;, f not aDucrfittue i? ae fomc foil baue it. Cberfoie be tutu tab to be parooncD in tbat bee batb fin-- nee. t&cernponcommetb rccouetpjiobte cbe t0 put m 40 it Soerc tbe effect of met cp,btcanfc IDautD truftctb to be releeueD of hi© mtferp a(T;nc as be batb obtepneD fbxginene*. 6* [£$mecmmtc£fpafce.£e]Cofpcak in tins place is put to fetfbt in cat! part. SB-ns br t b(0 bntccjtbtl Dealing be pzouo feetlj (©oD to mere?, 00 batb btn fapD elf febcrc: S»bo endr-netb fo mucb tbe tnoie gentlp tco fuccoi facbe us bee DifiretTcD, fcben be feetb tbe bantleD bnmercifullp, ar.D fo bp tbe cjeaple of htmfi If be fttrretb * liftctb b0 bp too trufi fa!Kis->btcaufc y 164 looft bow mocb moie outrastous tbe cru title of oar enemies 13, fo much tbe mozc fauci Dotb it purcbafe b0 feitb <5oD.2I= fo tbe maner of tbe mifunfbtng tt fttfictb boto cruel tbe batrea tuas: Sabicbe cento not be appeafeb but by Dcftrttctton.,pea f fep fbameful oifiructlon. iffoi tbepcoulo bauefoutib in tbeir bartce, tbat tbe \>*iy remfbianccof bun fbonlb baue bin bict= tea out fejltbbim, CbatCfojbtcbefolow- etb in the ncjct fcerfe, belonged to botoro barm* f recnD0 ♦ foi tbep tb?.t &tre bio pzofeftcD foes f mgbfc bpon btm ope nip, 9 tbat batb be fbexoeD in tbe fazmer tocrfe * ^ot» fraasetb bcanotbercoplamt , tljat manpcomctobimipitb fcpacD barf e as tbsugb tbep ipere btefrcnDB.fojbo neuer titles did afcrtoatD fpew out tbe tr pc-p- fon*Cb»si0 a feinDeof enemies mozetco bcefcareD, btcaufctbcp ciofeeanDbpDe tbeir malice anD'iainD tbemfcluestnpzi ucip to Soozfemifct'eefe* Cbeufeze after be battj complapneD of open focs,be com wctb boron to counterfctfrecnDa,'i(SJb6m beauoucbetb to come fo; none otber pur * poft, but toe fpcahebim faire, anb in tbe meanc&bile too imagine Dccettc m tbeir bart0, ano csnfcqmntlp to beap tp isic^ hcDnc0p?tuclpintb*mffltt?0:anDtobt: tcr tbeir falfe bsi teencg affoonc as tbep cotneoutcftbcDoo;e0. 8. All they that hate me whifper togithcr ageinfl me, vpon me they ima- gine euil ageinfl: me. $. The wickednes of Beliall clcaueth vnto hinijand he that lycth shall not adde to rife ageine. 10. Yea euen the man of my peace in whomc I truftcc{}anci that ate of my bread,hath lifted vp his hcele agcinft me. 8. [511 tbep tbat bate tuc«c c] ii^otoc truction, Suae fc; tbat tbep ccantcD btm be fecmctb to compjebenb botbc of tbcm genera'.lp, n0&>eltbofetbatau"apD to op p;cffe l;im openip ano a© enemte0, as al- fo tbofc y pjactijcb tbe fame tbwg crefte Ip anD bp Deceit tnDer pietcnce cf frccno- fbip. Cbcrefo^c be faptb tbat ell of tb«m confulteD togitber about bi0Deftructionr ccc:zting as Uto&c men Debate tbctrtre= cbciUs too ano fro linrb marspc febtfpe= rings* attic tberfoiie bcaDDetb tbe tuo?D [imagine] Soberebp beenotctb tbeir fros S«arD 9 mtfcbcuou0 confultatioita-^oia brat, bp tbc nm uerfe tt appecretb tbat tbe cauls fcbF cljcp fo confpireD l)\s> Def= a caftawap § a pcrfon fec;tb? a tboafanfr Dcatb0.^5nD tbt0P^ouD baunttng rofe of tbat msltcicas fo?ciucgmgfebcreof bee tnRDe metton m $ beginning cf £ pfeunc, Cbcrcfoje tbep feptbet tlje ^cicUc^RrCc cf a!5citailbol&cri) Inmpcntin, atu> ac tt Stcr? flrcigbtttDc.^oi fo Dotb tbe k>o;D [yacsuk] property Ggiitfie among tbc ^ t- buxvcB. Powbeit in trat.flacing, "5 baue fbilorocD that febicbe is mc&e ipfuaiU 9. [Cl^anctbbntco bitn«o;to[Bciiaii,] lohn Caluins Commentarie 31 baucfpoUcnalrcDpintbe i£.$>falme. l^owbeeit bieaufe ti)£ <5r amarians will bane it too bee eompounocb of [Beh] ano [yagnalj 5»J)tCb IS AS IHBCb tO fap 60 [UOt to ciimbc] % tntcrpjete tbe wo?b [Beiiial] in tijtu place , too bee an tmretoncitcable & ic&ebne 0 , o? a fr icbebneo fro Sobence tbere is no rearing feactie : onlcffe fome manpErcbaunce bableucr refer it to tbc mifebcefe it fctfs , as tbougb bt0 enemies fijcblo lap, be t0 bampereb in an bnuops cable mtfebcefc. 26ut Sobatfocncr it ur9 tl;ep gtue Determinate fentcce, ttjat <2?od t0 an titter enemp to ID auto ,anb tbat be toil neaer betntrcatebjbicauft bee pumf ftjetb btmfo foje. foi in facing [be {ball not as to rifeageine,] tbep tottertp cut of all bope cf better fortune. Snb it ferns no Ugbt temptation, to be tb mis beblong in fucbe fenfe to tbe Deepc ptt of Damnation bp tbe fomubgement of men , %>ben be bnewb»mfelf to be foil plea= feb <0od to trp his fernant: tbatconten* ting bwnfelf wttb bis own confidence, be fboulb not peclb too anp tannics of men. 4lnDitto30f,u0 feu too tiacb* *>0 &p bis example , tbat tl>e rewarDe of ugbruoufc n? 0,ta to be foagbt cifwbere tljan on tbe eartb,btcaufe S»e fee in bow bnequal ba ■ lance tij? &»ojlbe oft times frepetb ber= tnes anb biers. io. [yea entn tbe man of mppeaee.fc] XDambftUctb boron lino as aclofingbp Qi\)is miimes, tbat bee founbe tbe fame falfljeb in one of bis cbeefe free nbes oj in mo thai; one of tbem. jfo} tfjs alteractoa of notnber too fpeake of manp us it Soere but of one , is torpe nfe among ttje i^e= bjeases* fo tbc meaning Qjoulb bee ti)ws : Hot onlp tbe common tojc of men, o? from men fvftb fcoljom 3D bab not anp neer aliauncc , but ttie berp cbeefe of mp frccnbs,pca anb mine owue familiar anb boufbola folfe, iobom j aonuttcb torn? table too tateanb tyiuft Sottb mce,baunc tbefelueo rcpiccbsf uUp agctnft me. Cbe l^cbjeweo call tbe [men of peace] tbeir fcinffoibe ano aliauncc : but ptt it was a bono of mozc fteabpfrcencujip toe -[cat of 5Datitb0 bjcab] fo? tt itnplp ci b ao mucbe 80 tf be fboulo terme tim bis necr corns panion*3]f anp man bab leuer too vmber - franb it of fame certetne Crapto?? jC Suil not frriue ioitb bbn* [ Coo lift oppe tbe beelc] 10 (in tup opinion) taken «0eta= pbojicailp, to rife bp btfoeinfuiip ageinft a man tbat is caft ao wne. sDtbers inters pjete it eo lap Soait fo; one : but tbc ottjer fence io apter, namcip tbat S»?)en wicbeo men fau> 2Dauio ftaggcr,oz alreabp falne flat bowne, tljep abufeb tbi0 occafiou too affatle btm tnbtrectlp^owbecit pitneuer tbeleffe malapertlp yxoiyxx) is an o;omarp matter witb toicKeb f ilauifbc natures* CbJPft citing tbis place 31 obn.i ?*i 8 .ap ■■ pipetb it to tbepcribnof Jilubao^ab tru ip tt is to be bnowen, tbar altbougb ID*- uid fpeaa of ijimfelf m tbto idfalme : pit befpea&etbnotasacommonpevfon.buc as one tbat bcareta tbc pcrfon of Cb}tft, bicaufc be ioao tbe bniucrfall pattern of t'^e wbolc Cbarcbe:anD tbe fame is a tbing ioojtb tge marbiug, too tbe intent ecbe one of 00 map frame btmfelfe too fufteme l&eiotte. fo; line as it beboueb tbe tbing too bee fubSauctatip fulfllleb in CbiiiS.'iDvtcb ^>as begun in IDautb : fo muft it of neccffitte come to pall's in eue= rp of bis tnebers, tbat tbep muft not on- Ip be turmopleb bioientlp ano iottb open fo;ce;butalfo muft baueboufbolbe traps ms : accoibing as i^aule Tapetb y tbcre bangoucrtbe Ci)urcg,not onelp battels from ab;obe,but alfo fear from wttlun* n» And thou Lorde hauc mercy vppon mce : life me vp and I will reward them. xa. By this I knowe that I haue pleafed thee,bicaiifc mine enemy shall not tryumphe ouer me. »3» And 1 fayd : Thou shalt vpholde me in my foundncs and ftablishe me before thy face for cuer. 14. Bliired bee the Lorde God of Ifrael,worldc without end. Sobeeit,cuen Sobeeit. 11. [3lmb vppon the . xlj . Pialme. \6\ it [InDtlioullozB.jc.] ^gcuiebega^ tljzxctl) boloneo to pz ap,bppon ttje &>zong full crueltte of bts enemies."3inD tberc is a count matcfnng of contraries bestwene goD anD memasif be fboulD fap,fcing tber rcmaincf b no apD 02 !>dp in tlic fe>czJD,but ratber, epttyer outragconfebarbaroufenes o? clfc inwarD maltcioufencs rcignetl) eue= rpi»bere : stleaftropfepttfuccourbstbou i£> llozD teitlj tljp mercy . 3inDtlnS ozoer mull be kept of all afflicted pet Cons Srljom tbe&ozlD perfecutetb bniuftlp , tbattljep occupp nottbemfciues onclpin feetcapling tttct? tyarmes, but alfo betafcc tbeir eace bn to <5eD:ano tlie moze tbat tgjatan goerb a* bout to trubbletbcpz tmmos, anD to oiavo tl>em b ittjer f tyithtt,tl)C moze attentmelp tbepgatbcrtbem in bntoo<0£>S> alone. 3moonceageinbe puttctb <2>ods mcrcpe as the caufe of ijts reftozement. 115 ut tljat S»!)tci;folot»ctb concerning Vengeance is fjarD . ^foz if be confetTcD trulp anb from bis hart euen now, tl)at bee is puntffljcb Soo:tbclp:fc)bP Dotb be not fozgiue otbers as tyee Dcfpzctb too bee fozgt'uen bimfelfc t i&urelpiti»ercanabufmgof goDS grace to the ioooz it ,no i to ioloxv b is e.cample in fbeSmng mercpe.H3cfpDcs tins, ft bao bin no popnt of bumilitie o; of meelbncs , too bzcatty out bengeance sum in tlje mioos of Death . 25 ut beer e bee trootlnngs to bee confibercb : fit ft tbat DauiD i»as not as an? one of tbe comon fojt , but a king en* bevoeb i»itb power from <©od: anb fecono ip tbat bts Denouncing too Ins enemies tbe pumftjment wbict) ttjep bab DeferueD , is notbptljemouingof tbeflefb, butaccozs Ding to tr;e Dewtie of rjis office.'Cben if a= np man in generail, Soben bee reuengetb bimfelfe of tjis enemies,fcriU pzetenD 2>a= uios example: if irft be mull mark tbe Dif- ference of tb; perfon.ano feconDlp be mud fee tbat tbe fame jelc reigne in bim, ox ra= tber tbat be bee ruleD iiutli tbe famefpirit tliatlDauiD Spas . 3BnafmucbaslDamD S»as a lung,be mpgbt of b« ofcme rpgbt crecttte (0aDs bengeance : but our bands are tpeD. J&gctnc hfceasbe repzefentcD tbe perfon of C I) v.ft : fo r>e put bpon Inm pure anb oncozrupt as Ijcc obeyed not b'3 owne pzefulnefle , but tmplopeD faptbfull feiuis bntoo dpob.^po bee fljozt, fce erccuteD gobs inagment after tbe fame l maner as it is lawfull fo? bs too pzap tl>at tl>e 3L02U bimfelfe fboulo pumuj tljsbn- gsDl?. "jSro: tnafjimel; ae «je be nof kVujcd i»ir!jtbefa''02D,itia our fcetotie to repairs to tbe bcauenlp iubge. i^o&becit ire mnll toitb quiet mpuo befecci) bun to Pu eiu bim : fclfc our rcuenger , and wee mvM beware tr>at toe Qjafee no;: of tbe bzpDle of tbe iyi- rit,anD let our Defpieo leapc cut DnftapeD- Ip.aisfoz E)autD,lns calling rcqupzeD tbat be DjoulD compel rebciis to bis obebtence, anb bee <£>ods iawfull niiniftcr in punifftjs ing all maner of S»(cheaneffc. iz [23? tbis 3 know jc] 0 o\v com= tnetl) be to giuing of tbanUs : onleffcper-- baps S»ifb altering t'oetpmc of tbeberb, anp man Isfl too fentt u too tbe nert berfc tbus : [ 3!n tbis ftjall J hnoto tbat tljou fauoieft mee, tf tl)ou fuffesr not mpne ene myts to trpumpb ouer tnee ♦ ] T&utitaz greetbbettertobea reiopcing . ^Foz af- ter tj e batb oflFereo bp bis papers, now t)e afcribetb btflbeliueraunce bn>:o ©oo , ano Dcclaretb it to beeamanifeft anbfingular benctjtc of bis . j^euertb, eletTc it map bee DemaunDeD So^ttljcr tbis bee a fuficient furefenowlebge of gobs loue toioarDS ts, Sttben ty? fufcftretlj not our enempes too trpumpl) ouer bs . ^Foz it bappenetb ofi= tpmes t'gat fame man is DeliuereD out of Daunger, SobonotcoitbdanDing is not in <©oDsfauour.J^cfpDcstbis , CE>ods gooD S»til is not bnoS»cn bp bare experience, but cljeeflp bp tjijs tooozo.'Cbc aunfteer is eafpe,tbat JDauiD iras not bopo of faptij, but (fojtbe conSrmacion tljcreof,) em* bzacco ti>e rjelps tbat goo aboeo af teiwaro to bis tooozd.^lD bereto tbat be feemet'i to note, not t^c generail fauour&hicb ©od tooutfauetb bppon all tbe fapt!ifull,bat i)is fpcctal fattouv &>l)eretbzougb be *»as cbo 5en to be bing : as if be IjaD fapo, now I02D JamftrengtbeneD mozcanDmoze inbe= leefe of f $Doption feljicb tbou baft bout ■ faueD bppon nice, tbat % CboulD bect\)z firftbegotte among tljc bmgs of tbe eartb. 15 p tins tneanes b? ejetenbetb (Sods bcip (bp i»bitb t>e 1) aD bin Difpatcljeo from one mconucnience,)toti}e&>t)ple ftatcof tl;c iHealme. 1 } [5nD J fapb,tbou (baits c.] Some ejcpounD it, tbat bpcaufe 2DauiD foio\»cO bpzpgbtncire,tberefo;e<6 £> JD ftretcbcb outlnsljanDetoobim. H5ut tbis agreet!) not bcrp fulp to the fozmer fentcce,tobcf c £.0, l;ee con^ lohn Caluins C»mmentaric frombp^pgbtnes . 0otoif tbisfentence bee ailovoeb: it is to bee notcD,tf;at immc- biatlp after, tbtfi benjfitc ( namelp, tfcat 2>auia abooe bnuanqutfiuco anb manful; lp outftoob tbofc affauies of temptacions) t0 afcrpbco bnto <£>ob : f tbat fo; tl;e tpme to come JDauio loofcetb not fbj my other ma?nt«tan« fgan at tbe bans of <0ob. 3f be fpcri'sc of \)is outwarb ftate: tijc tejet ale fo fcnll flea g iveil fcntb it , that <£ct> iutll liotmakcan ent> of bts grace, becfo?c fuel) tpme S0 be baue bjougtjt l)is feruants enen Vnto tbe eno.lnb be is fapbe too [trabiifb tbofe before bis faec,]&bomc be befenbetb in fuel) £t>pfe , as bee ibevceib bis fatberlp earctoicarbs tbcm bp etnDenttOBens:lifee as be «s fepo too bpoe bisface from tbeni, fe>benbefeeuMtbtofc;gcttbcm ,3ntbe laftberfebeccenfumetb anb repetctbrbe tbanfefgf nir.g fohfeb be toucbeb euen notr : anb in ejtp?eflmgtbe &£>£> of llfraetl bp tcfttfpetb tbat tbe ccuena t Sabicb Saoas mabe ioitb tbe fathers , is tbjougb1? rooteb in bisljart, bpcaufe bis bciiuerance bab floweo out of tbat fountaine.Cbc bub bling of [§>o bee it^ is put fo; bcbemen= *p,to tbentent all gcbip folUc fboulb be tbe better Sirred bp to pjapfc ©od. be conceded bimfelfeto beuifllppuiuf&eb. l&nDaUbougWs miferte Soerefiibtcctto tbebaunt!ngofbisencmpcs:pitnori»ttl)J ftanbing it ts not l&slp that tbep xocretb? autbojs of it . Cbcrcf ojc it bab bin out of feafonto Ijauc maoe msntion of bis founb* lieffe to tijis eno: foi tbe &o?b ia tbenfapb to I iaue refpect to our fcunbnes, toben b? e befenbctbbsfromfakmgiojtong ♦ Cbsn mud 5»e feeae anoibcr fence . anb trulp foun&ncs map bee refsrreb as ft>ell too tbe bebp as to tbe mpnb intbis fcpfe : 31 fbaii ffano fafs anb fount) bicaufe ttjou fbalt bp; bold met anb redone mee. ifteuertbeiesbe fecmerb to ettenb gobs grace pit furtber, asifbz fboulDfap,bcbabnotbm!;elpcb bp bis banoc once onelp , but tys Sacifarcbab bin bpbilb bp bis power ,al tbe wbole ttuie £ bee ijab liuco in pjofperitic.Ji f anp man baoleucrbnberftanbit of goolpncffeanb pure afKcrid,(&rtnxb tbwg iaili bcrp ioel agree : ) SDauib bQaftetb not of bis ipfe paft: but in tbe berp ejrasntnacion tbcreof, aiii)Ougb g)atan anb tbe SetcUeb fO?t iacnt abeuttoujafeebisfapib: pit be Declarctlj tbat be is?as not fajitbtyawen fro tbe fearc of sSob.CberefojebptbtS means bceal= kbgetbbis psttcntneffe , tbat freeing fojc toffcD anb U;a»en,pit bee turneb not afpbe The Conteints of the.xIij.Pfalmc. Firft Danid fjeweth that dt -what tyme he wafjttrcd ds an ontUxc lyred- fon of Sdtdes crutlue3aothmg greened kirn mwethan thdt he wyght itot cowe dt the Sdnciudry, hycdnfc he preferred the feruis of God bcjsre dll eduhly commidities. Secondly he Jbeweth haw hard dn encounter he hdddgeinft def- pdyrc. lAlf) to flrengthen his hope, he intermedin]) prayer and inward myn- din& if Gods sn-ace . Lajl of all he repeteth agein his fayd inward enewnter with his fj/sw. The. xlii. 9 f dime. i To the chcefe Chaimtcr. An inftruc*tion to the Sonnesof Corah. & Like as the Hert braycth for the fprings of watenfb cry eth my foule vnto thee 6 God. 3 iVly fowle hath thirftcc! after Goc!,euen after the Iiuins; Godrwhen shal i 1 enter in,that I may appeerc before the face of Goa ? 4 JMy tearcs we're my bred day and nyght : whyle they dayly /ay vntoo- j mee^vliere is thy God ? t [Co j vppon the . xlij.Pialmc. \66 r. [ C«o tbe fonnca of &ozalj. ] JSpcaafc tbe name of JDaaib is not fcnitten too ttys *i>falme , m3np comccture tl>as tfjc fonnce of afcozab ioerc tl;e aatbozs of u , iaijifl) tbing 33 allow not of at all, fvx king it ts fct togitljcr in tb-: pei fon of £> ani9,&>i)0m S»ce fcnosrc to b«ne cjxclteb all otljcrs m y fpirit of pzopbecie: iyljo raj Ui bslceac tljat it Suas tnDitco to bim b? a»p etl>er tba Ijim izUffyt fcoao tip comon teacljer of £ i&tyole a fingalar inflntment off Uol-^, gboft ^c bab bclinsreb otljct: primes to tljc iLenptes too fmg,of io\)ic\) nomber tbe fonnti.' of &ozab Socre. wbat neeb* l?ab "ns tijen to dan© to tben- enrtefp in bo.jowing tljsir btlping banb f o* tbat t^mg fe»l>icij fjc Soasfar bearable topcrfoiroetba ibcpr' iHitito mec tijerfoxe it fecmctb lpfct\p, £ tl;c caufe &>bP tbefonneo of xiojaii arc namcb i0,fO2 f ttiuaa committeb to tbeir cnfto&p as a "JetoeH^ccojDtng aaipecfenowctbat tlj-j fingers S»crccl)0$en too bet keepers, fo«rc Ct ons jDfctme, onbfomc of an otber. TO% crnsS)aiuDS name 10 fupp2eu"Ct),tbere i0 no inconucntencc m tbat,b?caufe Saw frc tbe fame boon in otfjcr pfslme0,of iol)icl) netantTiftanDing a ma map gatbtr bp fare conicctttre0,tbat lje feao tbe autboj. Con cerninstbc iaoojb [Maft»kii]]jj baae fonte* fo'jat toacljco it a'.rcbp inf .3 2 .$falme.3I cofefle in bccbe,tue tlje fapb iuoojo is not al.sapesaboeB,as often as IDaniorepo;- tttl) bimfelf to baas bin cbafrp$eb i» (E?obs too ifteuerrbeleo it is to bee netcb,tbat it ngrectb pjopjelp to cljafipjementes, f enb &>bcrof ts to nartnre €>obs cij ib?en, "tube tbep pjofitnotfa:5cientlp bptcacbing.EU fo tbep arc not fallagrccb bpon tbeipine. 5roi- feme fcnli banc JDaaib ts complapnz beerc of tys facb tptne a0 be fe>as bepofcB bp b*0 fonnc aifcfolon.Bat | bcinglco bp s°°a reafotis(if 3 be net oner fcene.) Doo ratijet incline to f contrary opt nion. foi abfolonsconfpiracie 5»a0 foone fapp2cffeD, fo as it feept not 3DaaiQ anp long tyme from coming to tl?e fanctaarpe. 25at in tyis place bee bttcapletb crp;eflclp a long contincaing cri!e,bnoer feijicb bee aimoft ppneo awap. fo% it is not $ foiorce of a ftawc aape0, tebtcb be ccfcribttb in f tljtrD berfe. ^ap,ratljcr tl;e febotc pzoces feuii opcnlp fliewe.boro be lap a long tpmc in tbi0 tojctcbco Kate Gfiobicb bee Cpea- bet;;-wb5ta0tbcvbearcfolUinbanD,tbat tl)t 3Erfc of conenant &as ncgiccteblHtfie reigne of &auie,fc as it AistUD no; be like I t^at 2D raitb maBc anp folewe fcru:s m rJ;at tpme, it is not >jerp ftrong. fo? al'oiit U>at &> ia!c \iOo: & ipjieD rot 0P£> 5D bat from tijc '.cetbcOHtwar&.pit coalo be not abpoe too fecme tonfceaont. $no JDaaio bimfclf bat'oc tbercca clRoi)crrftbat!}c IjaunteD tlj? bolp sflfemblpcs basctp, fpeciallp Upon rfje feaafaii Dapcs. ^>arel?,r i»b«I; citb tbt erercifes com KMtniBcD bp tbe ftawcbcf a^e all commooi ttcs,ncbe0,pleafare0,peaeF bonours. ^ro? fobcrao befapctb, be crpeu too tbr iiumg <5£> ID ,nts not taken fimplp,to barticin loac ano longing after <£od : bat toe mult call to m?n* oft«r-tobatfo?t 45 ^D ID alia: retb bs bnto bim,f bp ftbat Wyce be lif= tstij oar m?v®z2 bp aloft. jFu? be btssc.b bs notclpmb Srcigbt \jp into beauen.but fauoar ing oar fcjea&nes,bc ccntctb botun nccterbntoabs. IDaaib tbJacrpeb bntao <^os , f be tbsagbt tbe ioap to be Qjst bp ageinft Ijim, bpcaafe bwaas cjtclaaeb fro f outvoarD kmictS^Wh arc bonb of l;a ip coniancrfo!T*03Jtb ccremos mes of tbcmfelucs parcbace vjs #'000 fa- aoav,bat bpcaafe tbep be eterciics of ocuo ttoajtobtcboar^ea^nesca-inotfu^bearc. 2)auib tberfo^c beting banifnco from t\)2 gjanctnarp, is no icfTegreeacb tban if t;e- bab bin edraangeb from 45 0 3D f?i«tfclf. Cralp bf e ecafeb not in tbe meane i»bplc to birect bis papers tnt 0 bcaaen , pea 9 to tl)t berp *)anctaarpitfelf.i^ovcbcit5confi Bering bis owneinSrmiti?,betookci£fo?e to fjart, tbat $ Soap, S»b*rbp tbe faptbfall come bnto gob,*Das CbetageinS I)im.li5p tobicb ecample is bifpioueb f p^be of fucb as p^fR oaer tbeis mean Jivttboat reg- r ) , o? ratber pjoroblp Befppfe tbfnt,as tbcugb it lap tn rbep? povner to flpe bp into beane &>itb en: minat of an tjotoers flpmg,02 a0 Suiio \» oo'b fap,tbcp paffe IDaaib in 5 cl; 1 cbccrfalnesoftnpnb.llmbpittbc^jcpSjet fiapet'u not in tljeii carti;lp Ceremonies, but lohn Caluins Commcntarie but bpcaufc be fencro be toanteb totnges toberwitt) too fipe,b« bfeb labors too clpmb tontoo <& _D 2D. Cbe fimilitube of tbe L©«t] ecpzeffctb a fmgular earneft= neffeofDcfoie.wbcrasfomcerpom?b,tbat Cherts] couet bnto riucrs to rcfreSb tfje= fciucs of tljeir toerrpnes, perabuenture it istotnucbredrcpneb.Jln becoe 3! con= reST?, tbat if banters fyaue a ^ert in ebnee, a«b tbe bounbcsfolGtocbarb after him, be gattjer etb nea? drengtb, if be meete taitb a ronning toater.'.S ut toe know alfo tbae at ccrretn tpraes of f pcere,_a>tagge*i boo bprcafen of tbirft couet fople beponb all meafure, anb tottb mojtegreebpnefle tban a man toooio belceue : toljicl) tljirftmcffe J fuppofe to bee noteb Ijeere bp tbe ^zo^ pbet, aitbougb 3 ftanbnot in contention foz £l;e matter. Cbe latter berfe fbewctt) mozetnamfedlptbat tobtcb 3 banefapb: namelp , tbat JDauib fpeasetb not ftmplp oftbepzcfcncc of <_> £D 2D,buttoitb acir= cumflanee, bv>caul"e be fcttetb feefoze bins= felf tbe Cabernacle.tbc lltar, tbe l£>acrt=: fpces, f tljc otber Ceremonies, bp tobich, @>on tjaa giucn afiiirance, tbat be tooolb bee at bano too ins people, SflnDfoitbes tyouzb tbe faptbfull too make tbeir begtn= ningattbofe tljinges, toljen tbe? DefpzcD to pzeace bnto <_5ob.j0ot ibattbep fl)®ulD GiU fad tberc, but tbat tbe? (bouio bp tlje Ijelp of fignes,feckc <_?ods glozte,tobicb of itfelf is bibocn fro rbeir fpgbtCbjn tobcr foeuer toe baue marfces of <0obs pzefenre cngraucn mbis tooozb ojtfaeramctcs, toe ma? lavofullp fap tottb 2Dautb , tbat there is tbe face of <_5 £D 2D , fo toee bzmg pure bartes to fcehebun fpirituallp. 3!nD tol;cn toee tmagin <& & 2D to bee pzefent otbers u>pfc tban bee batb bifclofcb bimfelf in bis tooozo ana facramentes, o% fimnpfe anp groffenes, oz cartbJ?ne£ of bis Ijeauenlp -Jt^aiedte, toee Do o but malic mere bifezs tobicb Difftgurc (Sobs glojic, anb turne bjstrutljeuitooalvc. 4- [2$pteare0toercmpbzeb. ffc.]C?ce toppenctb an otber ding of fozowe, tober* roitb t\)t reprobates 9 malicious pcrfones pzickcb bis mpnb. Hlnb tbere is no boubt but ^atban bfeb fuel) mancr of belotoes as tbcis, to tbentcnt be mpgbt grccue him tbe fsjer: i»bat meencft tboto^ feed tboro not tbat e bolp man,but tbat b^toas fojtifpcb tottb rare ttrengtb ofrtjc fpirit too make ftoivt rcQdence . 3nb it appeeretb tottb \)Ow earned affection bee toas totoc^eb. ^Foj it map befall bs to bee ofttpmes mo* ueb,anb pit not fo as toee fboulb bee pines Hcd from our mcate anb D^nU.But to^en amantoillinglpfo?faBetb bis ttteate, 9 gi= uetb bimfelf fo too toeeping as bee abitb s gctb bimfelf of bis bz?ty f oobc,anb is con: tinetoallp moe?ning,tt appeeretb be is not bcjccb Ipgbtlp. iDoutb tbe fa?etb,be too^e trot mo?e cofojtt in anp tbing tban in toee= ping: anb tberfoje, tbat be gaee bimfelf to it no lefle tban men arc tooont too bclpgbt anb rcfreftj tbemfeluestoitb feebing : anb tbat not fo j a fbc?t tpme, but baplp. 3 1 is too bee bo^ne inmpnb tbcrfe?e,tbat as oft as tbe bngoblp taunt tbcmfcluesageinfl: bS, anb fppgbtfuilp caft bs in tbetcetb, tbat 45 tf> 2D is ageinft bs: tbcp are tt.o- ueb bp <§>atban, tbat bee map oucrtb?oia?e our faptb: anb fo, tbere is no tpmc fo? bas ipancc , toben fo bau^ge roufe a toarre fs mouebageinft^s. aifnijere is another rcafon too moue bs bntoo tbis fo^owing: namelp, fo?rtbaJ tbe name of <& <£) 2D is ffeezneb bp tbe bngoblp. ;ffoz tbep cannot fcoffe at ourfaptbetoitboutrep^ocbebm too Mm. i$E berfcze, if toee, bee not fleciee bartcu , toee mud neebes bee toounbeb tottb rpgbt greeuous fojoroe. y. When I bethink mee of thcis thinges,I powrc owt my fowle vp- pon mee: bycaufe I paffed in the nomber leading them euen too the howfe of God , in the voyce of reioycing and prayfe, *s a mul- titude that daunced for iov. 6. V Vhy art thow cad clowne, 6 my fowle, and why art thow vnquiet vvithin mee ? way t on God, for yit wilh I confeife vnto him the . helpes vppon the. xlij. Plairac. 1S7 hclpcs of his countenance My G O D,my fowle is caft downe vppon mewhen T remember thee from the land of loidane, and of Kermonim fiom mount Mizar. notmaiClerof mpfclfc : aro if 31 tnpgbt baue $ fame gooo luchc t cftojeo me agcin. it tooolo ramQ) tnp totttco toitb tbe feme glabncfTc. jfrotuntbftanbmg, jg baue Q;e= toco bcfozc,tobat 31 libcD bcfl.j^eucrtbc - Icfle it is not too bsc tljougbt, tt>at 2Dautb S»ao oucnt>belme& tottb fozovo after ttje mancrcf men. ^utfozafmucbaobegauc tuogment of doo&s tozatb bp ino pzefent miftrte: rje btfquicrcbbinifelfe aftn* a gob= lpfa{bpon,fozfcarecf pzeuohmg agctnft b»m ti»;teugb Ms otone fault. 3Pnb tolcttbi0pan*e,toee fee toljerebppon tbtfi fozow toao conccpueo . ;fo; feeing iooen toitbfo nianppzpuate bifplcafnrco , fceeio grecueo onlp foz $ &3"ctuarp,to tbe enb be map fbcro bote tt toer IcfTc greefe to bim to fozgo bio ipfc, tba to be banulbcs fro goos pzefence. 3lno it becommerb fos to temper our affections after t!>e fame fo:t : namely rbat our glabncffe map baue rcfpcctc too gone fatljcrip goobtoilkanb ttytt tl$c caufc of our greef map bee to baue Ijim Difplea= feb . ji oz tl)is t0 tbe fozoa? trjac 10 accoz= bing to <£ob,febcrof J&aulc mafcetb men-;ooutnetbuttbatbp tbe noinber tob/cb in f£cb;ea> 10 called [Sak] 2>auib ment ranfes : bpcaufctbep Soent not confufcDlp 0; m a tbzong, but m ozberlp roteco iulic the? came to ttje Co= bernacle bppon tbe bolp bapr s. 6 [wbp art trjott caft boxonefr c.Jtzp= pceretb beercbp rbat 2>auib tozcftlcb man futlp toitb t)i0 fo;oi»c,lea£ be mpghtpeetb to t«mptacion.H5ut toe map ncte,tbat bee bob a foze $ rjarb encounter befoze be couio fcape teitb b:ctozt not but tbe naturall fence is , tbatxobeit Etatr.b calico bis foimcr ftate too remem- berancc/oc felt moie bcaupneffe bp tbe co= paring of it : 3B fape bio remembering of tbe t^mt paft\aDDCb not a little fo?ce to tbe au2"tcntacto" %? bt0miferte0,pbefboulb now be Dif barvea fro tbe temple , iubo bab bin a Captein -. t a ftanberbbearer to tbe reft in bauting ^oip Hnow that tbofe ubicb baue bin enureb to tmfcrie from t^ep?cbvlb^cib , SocybjtawncD : ana tbe toerp contincojance of mtferies bzee= betb a certepner)arbneflc m bs . &o mar^ uell ibcreroic tnough JDauib , ( fa>bo bab not bin one of tb.ecc'^nonfozt.butlatea- go a leab:r of tbe fo^urioQ: ranHe0 among tV)c foptbtul,) bee tneze greeuouflp bifquts cttib, tban otbers, feeing b imfclfc btterip fbaKen of , anb not to baucfo tnucb ao one of tbe bafeft roomes left btm. anb 3 knit tbcfcjoozb0 [tbci0tbmg0,3 5ottlj tlje De= clar acton folotrtng , tbus : jj3amelp tbat JDauiD remembcreb fyofr be ir as ivont to marcb m tbe nomber of tl:c goblp , anb to icaoe tbem to tbe b. oufe of goof €. 0 poa>:c out tb. e foule, 3 10 metapbo^icall crpoun- beo bp fome,[te btter fooztbbts fo;oo?0: ] anb to otberfome, it implpetl) 00 mucb ad tobeberpmerr jglar ^utbntoome rjeefeemecbfai .tofp cbioaffectis onoSaere uSebfoo2tb, fob^eritioerefo^ top ozfoioto. ^roj&ben tbe fovole of man kbKbfuatinerbijim .gatl;eretr>notinl;ta( fojee too boiD it too it feife : it is ioo^cneo tl>zougb immoberatc affeciion, anb after a feztmcltctbaroap. Cbercfozebetofapbe to p ofc>;c oat bio fowle: Soljicb to not mau fter of bimfclf, but rjatl; bio to: ttce bifperc feb anb Sping abiooe : ao tf JDacib IhoulO fap,bie forclc mclterl) t fapntctb fo; fozo» icbe be retnemberetb from to hence beets fame. J f pee lift to onberftanb it of ghb; ne(Tf , tbe companfon toilbe after tbio fojt. ^ t toao fucb a pleafurc to mc in tpmc pail to leabe ranUs of people to tij; ^anctuac r ie,tbav mp t;art Nultcb fo; top, $ J toao John Lalmns L-ommentane agcintt tfje Diucl! anb the ftorlD-.pit fepgfc tccli be not iz> the fo^tl?^ig!jt or loitb open Dcfvanec,but rather mahetb bis maid) a= ectiift bts ran felf.Sinb furelp t!>c beft leap that can be to oucrcome *>atan,t«,not too C.o out of Gni-fcisjcs , but jo bnocrtaKe in- SoarD battcll f.gcmft cut owns affections. 3sifo it ts to b:not«:Dbo.u1DauiDc5feiTcih ii>at lps fowls Seas caftaoamc. ;ff or Soben out* infirmities rpfc. op as it ieer a fiuD,bp caufi; &e pzefuppofe that oar faptb is airc= Dp fojlozne , fee are fo ouercome Soitb tlje onelp fene ofit, tbat$»e care not come to IjattD ftrolus . Cbercforc as oft astbis cowarcipneuc fbali Ibati Kreepe bpon b»: Izt it corns to our remembrance, boro it is the ozDinarie encounter of the goDlp,to re= clapwe t'jepr own affections, f fpeciallp to uagc battel agemflDifirufr .^Furthermore Ijeerc is fet Doicn tit>o btces,Dpnerfe to fee to,iz)ijicl) pit notujitblranDing affault our minces iopntlp togitber : that is too font, [*Difcpuragcmcnt,anD bnquictnes.] 5Tor tbougl) Sie l?c tmocr foatc,pit Doth bnqui ctne3 D?iucbS alfo to fretting, r^zvam- Dp of them bet?) is aDScD.namelp j^opein dr> oD.Sorp.cb. alone caufetb our mpnos firfl to (lap cuen m p mtDDS of grcatcft downs, f fecor.D!p to quiet tfycfeUics to'.tb patiece. ^ftertoarD DauiD ccprcfiT-itb ocrp veel il;e force? nature of hope mtbetsnjozbs, [pit fo-Jl 3i confrtTe bhto thee : ] jftamelp that it car ictb forth our mpnos a great leap off, t@ bebolo tijc grace p is btDoc.jrcr bp tins SoozD [pit,] be cofrtTctl) that Ijis mouth is ftoppeD for the pzefent tune fo as be cannot fmg cSJobspzapfes, bpcaofe tijat although Ij'C be ptttdjea on al [pD;s ia itb DiftreflTe.pit ncucrtbcles he ccieDttb his hope- to a long tjnnc.Smb to tb; intet be map toabe out of his pzefent beauineffe, be bcbpgbteth Ijttti- felfc the tfr'stg that appeeretl) not . 3mo yit be iittagntetij not anp thing rafblp , of Ins ocone bjapnc : but trufftngtoo <£»obopzo= mifcs,be botij taKctb bart to bim too hope i»iii,anb alfo feiatrantctb Inmfclfe affureo Dcliuerance. foi etiyevveik Sdc Ujal not be feSftcicnt u)itneiTf3 of goas grace too our b?etl)?en,tf ^eicttncneitnot firftto our fclu :s in our ovrne ijaits . Cb^ parcel tb,at folo-verb map be -cspoinDeB Opuer0p.Ct)C moze part of jlnccrpzcterafupplp f i»ozO ;'foz,]|i)atitm53bt betoucntlje matter os Cuufeof tyaniustumg-astl^zs: [pit Soil! 31 giue pzapfe 0} t!)anh cs too Ijtmfoj tb,e btipsof l)iscountenauncc: ] xotyti) tl)m% 31 'ioilungl? abimt . %") ot»"bccit t'oe fence fejillner fal out amiJTe, tf 'sue fet it fcuerals Ipbpit fclfe, r_tb,at<0oDs countenance is cur !;elp:] bpcaufc tijat &$om as bs bout- fauctl) to looiie oppon t)is fcruants,bc fets tet!)tl)cm in fafetp . 3?oi$oos counter naunceis taken foz tbe beciaracion of I)is fauour , bpcaufe t)is face boot'4 then ftpne eleerc : liSse as n^ucr fttic DarUcns tt 0; 0= ucrcaftcs it xeiG) douos. 7 C^p^eb^ipfoj^fcllf pei.ft to fupplp notbing , tbe^rrfe feall conQff of twjo biflinct femences . $q% SoozDfoj iooozb it is tbus : mp«5oD, tnpfoivleis caftDOkvnc bpponmee , tljerefozc Soil! jfi remember tt>ee jc. 2i6utibc molt parte of interpreters cspounb [Gnaichcn] bpcauft too the intern it map tee a renbering of a caufe. 3lnb furcip it iuill agree oerp ircll, that IDauiDS fozow i»as tbe mo?c cncrea= feb as oft as t)c caft i)fs urpnb too tlnnfeing bppon tfje S>anctuarp,out of tljc lanoe of 3Eozbanini»l)icb lice !)tbinmfcifeasaba= nif ibeo man . 35ut if it like pec too maHe bidinctton mtbe bcrfe, i^tt mufle beare in mpnbe,t'iatbismu6ugbppon <5ob in bis not too nurrifb bis gteefe, but to affv»agc ii.foi bt plapeb not f part of t\) cfe,tbat fpnoe no folate but in forget- ting 45Qi£>. 2!5ut being SoounoeD bp his Ijanb.bc neucrtbeleiTe achnorolcDgetl) Inm to bee b«s furgion.Snb fo tbefentencc Qjal implp as mtjcl) as if be bab fapD.SUbouglj 3i benoto baniffteb from tlje rccmple, f feemc tobeea^raungcr fromtbc Ijoafe- Jjolo of d?0D : pit ftailnotalltbtslet, but tl;at 30 SotUbaueanepebntooljun. fQ} I)oa>focKcr J, be Dcftitute of ^acrpfpfes, fc> bic5.) migb. t be a furtherance to mee : pit Ijatbljcnot bereft me of bisiooo?D.^ot»» beit fcjafmucSj as the former fence is more reccpueD, ana alfo fecmctb too be aDDed in ftea of an e spofitio n: 3 1 is not beft to Dec part from it . Cautfe tljcn complapnctl), tbat his focde is opprcffeD izjitl) foroi3,bps caufc befavo btmfclf caft out from f cburc^ of goD.^nDbeerctntbereisa couertmati djjng of contraries : as if be GjoulD fap,l>e iB not fo mucb,Difquictt:D for tbc forgoing of &>£fc,cz of i)euf6,noner of anp feorloip gooBs,as & tbis onip one care, f> be (cni) bun* vppon the. xlij. Pfalme. 168 Ijinu'cli fljet out fromtb:p?efenceofgob. 3!nb IjerDp it is too bee tecne&,$ aldjotig'i frc be barreb from t!?c I)elpe3,frb;cb (S5od Jjatl) o?bepneb to tl;e ebifpmg of oar fapri) anb Dcuotto.n: pit mud frc buifplp Sharpen our i»utcs,tl>at it neucr Urecpe bppon bs toofojget <5od* lip nt tins is tbe thing to bee cbccflp notcb, p like as in the '.aft berfe frcefavue JDatriD encounter like a ftou?t champion ageinft bis ownc affections : fo now 10 fljexeeb bp frbat meancs rce bilo out ftcbfablp: navmlp.bpcaufc bee flcb too (Sob fo? fnccdur, as to an bolp fanctuarie. Snb ford?, onlefle tbe mpnbtng of giue bo ftrengtb:' $67, tnannes foozle is as it S. S>> frercafroojhborcfefoi i&atban, to fojge a iboufano tnaner of e:!par:cG in. XPbers fo?e not fritljout caufc BoothJDfluib Rafter iongftrpumgfritb bimfclf)retire ftrc.gitf voapes bntoo p?apcr , anb call ' COaft tbat Ipetlj alfa long memnt[Hermon] calieb in the piurail nambcr,bp reafoti of tjfef &i- | Kerfe toppes: anb peralmenturc Ijc put tfje plurall nomber fo? the nonccbpcaufc feate fo?eeb bim to fleets anb franoer ijitljcr anb thither. £$anp interpret y fr oojb [Mfear] to fignifpe [fittatl,] anb frill that it bee m= birecttp compareo frith mount l&ton , as though IDauib p?cfcrrcb a fmail ©illocne before a berp bpgb moiitaim: fr inch thing feenictb to mce to bee conftrepneb. Depth calkth vntodepth, atthenoyfe of thy vvaterfpoutel : all thy vvaues and all thy fiuds ftaue palled vppon mee. In the day tymc shall the Lord graunt his louingkyndneffe , and in the nyghttyme shall I ling of him , men a prayer too the GOD of my lyfc. 8. [] 3!rt tbcte froojbes ;s erp?cffeb asfrdl \ grceuoufc ncc, as a'.fo tlje boxsgencs anb long con* tinuance of bis mtferics: as tf be bab fapb, be rjab not bin opp?efleb frith one fcpnb cf mifcric onlp , but funbjp mifcries retpjeb bppon inm from tpme to tpmc,fo as tljerc Suas no mli no? mcafure.^irft,bp f name of [beprbj be fbeteetb tbatf temptanons, ieb;nvul) be iuas atTau!ccD,tmgbt iuQoj^ ibcip bee comparcb too fcagulfcs , fitter- waro be complapnetb cf their long conti= nuance, anb tljat aule anb otijer Ins en£tnpc3,[<^obs riubs,] to £ enb free map ataapefi bsare in mpnb to l;umble oijr fducs in all abuerGttcs bnber trje mtgbtp banb of <£»£>iD, fr l)«b afflicted) bs. 3tib it is fr ooufj trje labour to pjcccebc pit fur tl$er, tbat if it plcafr <0ob to rapnc bovine bioicntlp bpon bs, afToonc as be bat!) ope neb )$is duces oj rcaicrfpcutes,tbere frill bee no cnb of our mifcrics,tiU l;ccbccpaci= fpeb. ^ro?bel)fltl) froonscrous ano bns fenott>e mcancsfrljcmitr) to perfecute bs. 3nbfofrl)cnlnsfr?atl) is iomn frljot ageinftbs,tl)er ftametbe one beptb aloi.e too fbalowe bs, but bepib lb all call aepti; ftili on . 3Jnb bpcaufe tlje fluggiQjncs of men is fucb,tbat tl;cp fcare not i£5£> jd *> treats inougb : as oft as mention is mabe of ijisbcngcance, ie: r-s call tyis bcrfc too mpnb. 9. [3Int:)ebaptpme.*e.]2llt!)oagb t'j? Slerbe bee of tb.e future tencc , pit 3 benp not but it map bee rcfolucb intoo tr# pzerer tence, accojbing as fomt boo, fr'io tbmUc tbat IDmiQ gat'ocr^tb ccogttber (Sobs fojmcr bencfpics, too tbe cno bee tbc mo?c oebcinentlp complapne cf tbe ftjowfuii anb. miferable ftate in fr!;i$b lyiiom.. Iohn Caluins Commentaric ty ^ss DlftreuVb: as if be has fapb, $ ow comes it too paffc , that 3D , S»1)0 bathe fljcwei bimfelf fo mercpfull to nwe bzmofJie,Eboulb novo as it fcjerc alter btsmpnb,* totter ettreme rigour •> 25at fojafwtucb as no reafon conftcc?netb too chaisngc the tpmc of th* Herb, * the other cjcyoOttou fcemetb to 6r the tcjet bitter, let bs fsiowe it, 3&n goob foothe 3 gepnfap nor, but that £>auio map, fo? the ftreng- tbening of bwf fapth, allebge the benefices of €» £> 2> , i»t)tcU he hac bao etperience ef : neuectbelcffe, 3 tbfofc that he pjorai= fcth fjimfclf oelmerance beraftcr, though it bee bib fro»« him as pit : anb there* fou ^ tooola not quareil about the tpme paft.o; the tpme to come , fo it bee futtp sgrccb bppon.tbat JDauia rcafonetb (n to. I will fay too God my roclce , why hafle thow forgotten m ce? wherforc go I moorning why le myne cnemye oppreileth mee ? n . . Slaughter i£ in my bones, vvhyle myne enemyes offer m«e rcproche, faying too mee dayly, where is thy God? 12. Why art thow call: downe my fbwle? and why art thow difquiet- ted within mee ? put thy truft in God, for I will yit confeflc vntoo him, the helpes of my countenance, and my God. t'ltsfrpfctTXJbP fbou!b 31 not hope that jatb,S»bicb Ue rcherfeb in the laft bcrfc. Oe [ pjaper ] Suljerof h« ma^eth mencton in the mb, is not the p?apcr of an afaictcb oj fojowfull pcrfonc : but tt corn* p^aibethareopci.jg.atUihattpmecgioi) cbecretb bs fe>itb b'S fauoar.ano opencth bs frecacceifc bntoo htm. 3lnb ibcrfo?e he tcrmetb bim the <& £> JD oi:bts Ipfe, bp* caufe that out of ibis ttnowleoge (g^m- getb cbccrfHUuflc of h&rt. jo. [ J; fcnll fap too <5ob mp rocfoe.f c] jKf i»ee rcab: the laft bcrfe in the tyme pad , the fence foi'.be:: g>itl) tbftt d5 £> 5D hath njeweb hunfelf fo beneficiall too mee beertoofozc, % foill p:ap font!) fo much the moje bolbneue : fbj experience fhall malie mcc bolb. J f any man ipfce the tpme to come.lDauib (hall iopne his piaper to $ mpnbfulncSj iDhic'u heehab concepueb bp fapt!) ♦ 3nb furelp , iubofbeuct bclceucth that ^Dhich l$t fapb eucn now concerning (Sobs fatherly fauour , fcall alio p?ap the mo?c chf crfu'.ip after !>5S example. Cher= fo?c trj? fenre fijalbee furh as this : ^o?af; much as 3 allure myfelf cf tf&obs fauour, that he fell! f nc foo^tg his mercy e to mee on the bap £puie,auo contmsw the as 31 map banc ocraQou tco Grig of him m the npgoitpmc. > iaill tbJ mojj franbip bcxayie mp miferpes bntoo bun , fapmg: [Hotd, mp tocHc, fehp hafti tho.v fcjtgot^ ten mee^] i^ov»becit,bp this complapnt the farthfull mccne noj that thep be btccrs t? wicckd cf v0oo. $%i onUffe thep bclecs urn themfclaes too bee bnber his charge f tuictourit 4i>ere in bapne fo? them to call bpon him: but thep fpeaKc fo after the per* cepucrancc of the aeth.w^crfoje t!iis[foj« getting, j is referres as Sscll too the outs roarb appecrancc, as too the biumictneffe foheririth the fapthfull arc trubblcb acco? bir.g too the flefh, although m the meane tpme thep pcrfuabc thcmfelues bp faptb, that C5 u> 3D regarbetb them, anb &)tlnot bee beof of heering tosoarbes them. i u [ ^laughter (s in mp bones. ] %U though t';e fentence becrabbtb m tooojbs, pit in the effect of the master itjere is no bathnes at all . -$z% JDautb aucucheth that he i»as fe>ounbeo iuith no lefle gtecf through the rep^oches of his mcrnvts, than tf thep bab bo?co through W bones. 35pcaufe [ Berctfacfc ] Ggnifpcth too Qea,3 baue Kept SUl the fame fence in tranOating it. 3!nb pit JJi bifalloa? notth?ir epinon, fehich tramlatc tt [ a flaroghter frooo^b.] ^owbeeit, i Opting is upucrfe, fo* feme pat vppon the.xlij. F/almc. is? put [»cth ]tbe mar fee effihnes , mrrco of [Ca?h.] 5F0? mp part ( inafmucb as tlj« matter te Doutfnl) | tbougbt beft to leaue the letter out al togitber,&>bicb molt com monlv tsfBperflnous.lgutas concerning tfjc matter itfelf, ( as jB fapb before ) t!>e caee is piapnc {.'failing ttjat rb, c 3intcrp?e= rcrs confiber not futTtrientlp,boit>e fcnDer- the tcrme of [ 2$ ones] becrc tjB betefeeneo tbe Gjarpncffc of rlje fojowe, fobtcbis felt to be greater bp tlje fhilung of tlie bones, than tf a foojD fboulb bee tl^uU tbjougb n mannes bowels c? tbe etber iptbe parts of bis boop.jftcptber muff tbe cbil&jcn of <0oD tbinU rtjig fimtlituDe to bee ouerrea- cbing.3ln&ifanpmanmfirucllfc>bp 5Da= utDtcGkctlic ffcoffmg of bis enemies fo fc:t to barf :be bclt?«petb t!jc bloch tuj nes of fjimfclf . tf c} among tlje fojeft mifertes that map bee, notbingcan tjappen mojo grectioufc,tban$x)bcn our faptb is mojtal ip aflaultco bp tbe tearing of <]5ods ®$ a = tetrtc.^auies Doctrine concerning tbe per fecution of 3D fmacl is bnoroen,(^al:4:29 ^f 01 altbougb manp mahc but a tiling of noting of btScbilDifb iefting: pitnotwitb (tanning bpeaufe tt tcn&eo too this eno , y ©ooscouenant (bulb be but a top to plap Sritbal bp tbe iubgmcm of f bolp atan ix>o^H bs tbe fame trubble:pit muft notioeebcbifcouragcD iottb Suecrines • Cb. e latter parte of t\)e berfe batb one 5»op biuers from tbe &x<\) berfc,iol)eras nottoitbftanbing all things elfe agree, foj, in tlnS place is put[mp]tljc ^jGnownc relatiuc of tbe firft perfone as trjus:[tbe l;elpcs of mp countenance.] 3Bt is vnbnovoen feljitber tbere Scant bcere tbe letter vau iobicb mabetb tl^c ttjirb per - Ton. jftotttHtbftan&ing fo2afmticb as all boofces agree in tins Sejpting Srlncb 3 baucfct&Oft-nc : SDauibmpgbttDitijout anp abfurbittc tcrme €>on tbe belp 0? i»cl fare of rjis count ercnunee, bpeaufe be l)opct f 0; manifeft ano auureb beliuerance , as if <&on fboulb bp inuifible maner offer bim= felf to bee rne bcfenfecr.Crctx) it is in oeeo tbat in tbis place <©'oo is iointip calico bis [belp 0? ft>clfare:]fo.: immcoiatlp after fo? loj»etl;[anomp<^ob.] The Contcints of thc.xliij.Pfalmc. This Vfulme is of the fame purport thdt the U H is.Tor Dduid(-vfho by all likeljhedis the ^Author of tt) bee'ine chafed and driuen out of his country? by theyniufl -violence And tyranny of his enemies, callcth vppon Ged for vengcancc>and encordgctb hitnfelfto hope for rcjlorcmcuc, The.xliii.pftlme. Iuclgemee 6 God, and plcadcmy cace agcinfl the mercylefTe gencrati- onrrid mce fro»r» the dcccitfull and wicked man. For thou art the < ifiny ftrcngth : wherforc art thou eftraunged from mcc:v/hy go I heauely whUe mine cnimy opprefleth mee? Y.j. 3 Send lohn Caluins Commcntane, Send thy light and thy truth: let them gwyde mee, let them leadc mcc too the hill of thy holyneffeand to thy Tabernacles. And I will enter in vnto the altar of God,to the God of the ioy of my gladnefTcjand I will prayfe thee vpon the Karp,6 God my God. V Vhy doft thou cafe thyfelf down 6 my foale,and why art thou Co dif- quieted within mee ? put thy trull: in the Lord : for I will yit prayfe him the help of my countenance and my God. Hgbc mt'£> <2?ob $ c] f irft £>a ai3 finuctlj fault Suitl) tbc cruelt? ofbiaenempes : but if it &> itlyin a Sobplc after tic forill fbetoc that no thing greeueb btmmozctbatto bcbarreD from acccflfe to the ibanctuarp. 3nD it is a tohen cf a goeD confetmee , that hec corns menactb the Defence of £jis cace bnto gob. 5fo; this[mbging] &>hicb be puttctb here in ? firQ; placets nought elfc tmtto bnber taftc the Defending of bis cace. $nb bpanbp after be crp^fleH} bis meening mote ciere 1?, [b? plesbmg tji0 cacc] amineD: that fcjheti the goabnes of big cace is trpcb anD tbiougbty feeac, ij:e mat? m tT?e ense gpue htm fuccour. 3h« Hfce 53 mod fc?cct com* nsounbeth 3ruo us hereby, t^jat gob aif aeinctb not to Jitte in inqaifition of our ci:e : fo is it bapne foj bs to looae that bee fhoulo rcuenge our tojongca , except our own innocsneic bee able to come foztb to pzecure bs fauouv ageinft our abuerfa- riccf. AJ5? the [m:rc:J£ife generation ] is meni tl>c i»holc roue cf hie enimics tobscb io&z bnmcrcifu!! anD bepb of al manbob. Chat votyeb foleise tb cccerrimg rbe[man of Deceit anb isriekcDneile, ] map in Deeds be applreb fcato ^aulcbut it fecmctlj ra; tber to bee a putting ofti)e lingular mnn= ber Co? the piaratt. a [rffoj thou art the £>oD tc.] CbiSVerfc Dtifercth fmallp from tt)£ tench cerfc of the lad j&faimc:aHD the Difference that t's;con fiftctbmozeiui»Q20stban in matter. riroj , fep fettmg tljis fbcclb ageinft temptacton: namelp tljatlieliab felt dpotiaf power pic - fent \xtl'i) \)tm : !je coinplapnei'o that ijc go= etl; la&ip, bicaufe bee (0 as it ioerc call bp to t!js lull; of bis enimies. Jfoj inafmuchas bcehab taHcnit foiatljing.? certcinc anD grauntcD , tbat i)is enemies b^ nomoje poi;er to Dooi/tm bannc tl;anthe tezb S»olo permit : tberfoze be bemannoetb as of a thing ageinll reafon : JjowitlhonlD come to pale that lus enemies pzeuaple, feeing be is onDer the a(T.»rancc anb pjotcc tton of <5ob :• $ nb berbpon hec gatijerctb co^age to pzap to d5'oo that be iboulo btter fozth bis fauour agcine,i»bicl) hee feemcD to baushtb abjap fo? a tpmc.33p[ipg!5t]is mciKfauour. ^o^li&easaoueiTiueinot oncl*^ Darken ©oosface, buialfo ouercaH; the bsauen toith rioubes to bs iaarD : fo in ©oDs bliflTing there ibvneth fo;tb cheer full clccrcncGe, 01 rather t'ae hgnt cf l?fe D;iucth a^ap the tnift anber toijich ^ee feere feljclmeb in heauineffc. 2BnD bp t?)is Soojd he aotb bs to wit, that aiimpfetics bef«i not f 01 an? other c* u&, tl)nn fez that t& ob So itbDjaitetb the figrcs of his father h> louc.aJiD that as tone as he feoutfauctl) to fbeo) his ;-ncrp $ cheerful! countenance b?anbp Drliuerance anD torifarc appecre. i^ce aDDet!)['Cruth] bicaufe be bopcb not foa !:ght,but bp the pzomifes of gob. ;tf o; although mif beleuers couet to bsuc gobs fviuoz: ptt lift the? not thepi epes bptobitf U$)t> bpcaufe manses nature is cuermojc groucltng tothe gronnDii!arD,onlcu*c it be rapfeb bp bp the frozb of ©ob ^cerbpon then Doth ZDauio concepuc truft of (ffifabs fauour, b?cauf» (Sooioho ia iotbfaft ana cannot Dccciue,har!i pzomtfco bisfcraars to fitccaurthem. Chcrcfoj* thefentence mutt be lapb foztl; in tin's faitc : feno fozth tbp li2ht tijat it nup bee fcnto mr e a Saar= rant anD affurancc of thp faptbfutocflTc, oz that it map in berp beeoe atrb m cScct vppon inc.xnij. I'laimc. \JV pione tbee too bee faltbfulimo bopceof ail bectit in tbp pjomitca . jroi altbogb the Hnowls&geof o;b:pt:noti»ttb&&n'aingfi:patencettf no Oral confirmation, betb of the fejene f of fditb,fe>ben <£>#>£> ftretcbttboutbis banb to b«l? bS.$o\» (bewetfa bee fe>bat becouet(tbmofr,anbfe>batboun&sofre tWctr.cnrbcfeitetb too btmfclfe>faping: [JLf t t\)tm guiDt mre anb let tbem leabe me too tt}? bolp btl-ifa; ItUe as the rijcefe caufe cf bis fojeir t jfe>as too be bani Qieo from tbe congregation oftbe goblp;fo al = fo be countcttj it to be tbe cfjecfcf al goob tbmgff,tf bee map baue itbertp to cntope tbe ejeerctfes of goblpncffc , f to feoiQjtp (0oo tn bio fancttiarp* Sifa 2>auib ootl) ccucrttp make a bone of tbanUfgtutng : botebtett tbere is no benbt, bat bp tbefe fejojosjjs beroKcncb tbe enbe of bis Delis werancefcebtebbebabancpebntomame* lp ibat b e might baas free retunte fcntoo tbe fanctuarp/torafejbencc bei»as b;p= urn ano cbafcfc bj? tbe ttrannp of bis tncs rnics. &nb it is a tbing r igbt fe>o;tbp too be not t b, that toberae be feas fpcplcb of 5»tfc, ncoE0, ail other commo fcttic o : be aiwaics burneo fejttb fticb Ion gtng after tbe temple , tbat In tnaner bee neglccteb all tbe otber tb* ngs< TBut it is toougb foj me te teacbe tbts tbtng b;eef Ipasncxre , buaufc 31 bauecnttcateo of tl;at fo £c&ig affeetw of bw »no^e at large tn tbe lafl $r&Imc« jfrotwtt tsbemaanbcb bow ttjer; fljou'D be men^ tion mabe of £$ount &mn,fe>bicb fc«s not appotntrb too tlje fcruice cf faim a long time after, turner tbat tbtng Obi cbe otberwtfe bee fejeuloc bane fpobr n tn generall of tbe Cobemac!e)bnf 0 tbe re; neJatientbatfejasguunbitnafttrwarb (n fe>b«cb being tbere is no abfnrbtt ie, 4. anb35»] Oepjompfetb #05 a folemne fact tficc in remembrance of tyis bcliucra»te,foj ijefpea&ctb not all onlp of tbe batlp 0; ojDtnarpeferutce.but: alio buocr tbe name of t\)t [3ltar] fesbcr bpon peace offrmgs iurr c front to be of: frcb,be tjpjcHcib tbat tcfeen of thankful r.csfe)bicb 3 bauefpckeof:<$ tberfcje be tetmetb btm tbe C5oo of bis top,bicaufe f beiug bzougbt from flume* to mirtb, b •» minbe ioas bent to acUnotoleDge tbi» be nefite openlp. 3-nb bee tetmetb btm [tbe fop of bis glabncs] to tbe enb be map let fojtbc the grace of b»* bcliuerauncc mo;e Itgbtfomlp.^oz tbe latter fe>o?D(ferhiebc is glabneo ) tm'poitetb as tuutb as [glab fome 0; me rp3 fe>bcr bp be figmftctb boto it fe>ag no fmalliop ttbat be ferns toucbeb Sottb at b>bat time tipob relic jeo btm too qufctnes beponb all bopc* %s fo? f fiftb ^erfe, biraufe^'bauecntrcatcbofttm tbe la ft ID falmf fo mncb as is fofftctent : 3 ccaie to fpcabe of ft anp tno^e beere « The contents of the xliii j.Ffalme. This Vfulmc co?ifijleth of three fpcciall members. For in the beginning «f it tbe faithful commend the infinite mercy of Cod towards Iris people 3cy the nomber of proofs -wherby he htdyvitneffed bis fatherly loue. *Af'c\-w that then mi ell handling is for none other caufe 3but for that they abide fed fafily in the pure wor [hipping of Cod. In tbe end is added a prayer ofrequcfi that God would not neglect the wrongful opprcffion ofhisferuants3fpcctally feeing it redoundeth to tbe reproche and defpite of religion* Y.ii. Th lohn Lalums Commentane, The. xliiii.Pfylmc. An inltmction to the cheef Chau titer of the Sonnes ofKorah. £i8buccrtcinc fe>bo foasthe lutbo; of the fdfalm/auing that it tnamfcdlp appeeretb too haue biu maoe bp another maurat ier than bp JDauib. $n0 tbecomplamts votyc)) it co tepnetij,bo pjoperlp agree too that fo?ets cbeo ano troublcfomc time, foberein the moffce oiuragieas tlrannp of Slatiocbus rcigieb : omen"? perhaps a man lid toet teno it further* jfo; after the retnrne of the 3Jewf 8 from ibe capttuttie of ©abps ion j thep baD almotte no timefpare frost fjaron:s aio trouble* Certeffefucb mats ter fooalb not agree too the time of IDa- uiD,bnoer fobofs reigne tbe Church fios ri(b:o. 31 1 map bee alfo that tome one of the 0 jophetcs gaue out tins complaint to the people in the berp time of tbe cap- trame* l$oxubeett,it is to be noteD beere tt>uball,that m tins pla:e is panteo oute an 3 ui^gc ol the Church, fucb as it foas fljevBeottCboutD be after Ch?tde8 time* jfo£0aule.!ii3m.£.2: fbctiiD go a fear- fare bnoer the croffejbntti toe map be ta ben bp into the red of the heauenlp kin% Dom:.TOhsti0mentbpthe&>o;O[M4skii] i8 occlareo alreop eU'o?bere,fo? although tt be noioe ano then tntituleo to matters of mirth : pttnotwntbdanDing tttsmo^e cononip bfeo inhere matters o/ fojowe are wtreareo of,fo; the befte UinD: of in ftruction i3> feben the JLojb conpelleth bs to his poke bp taming our ficrane*. O God we haue heard with our cares, md our fathers haue declared vn- too vs,the woorkc that thou diddeft in their dayes, atd in the dayes ofolde. 3, Thou draucfl out the heathen with thine own handySc planted!! them: thou dedroy edit the nations,and madefl: them to growe. 4. For they got not the land with their owne (woord, ney ther was it their own armc that (aued them but it was thy hand & thinearm & the light of thy countcnancCjbicaufc thou hadft a fauour to them. x. [£>€>oDfoeebauebearD.jc.]Cbep reherce op ,?it (Sob fcjasnot bc^ olo tune,tff tb&:namelp to rapfe tbetnfeis I nef.riali to tbe cbitozenof Sbzabam fbz a ues up to better bopc.i&e as baik bin fern I tcnoit&entppetreso»lp:buttbatbebaD in tlje beginning of t&e ?tiji.$$fa!mc. -fea 1 neuer ceafeb from continual! pzoofs of biff tbep tarp not bppon the bare comparifen fauoj.from tlic firft time tbat i;ee l;ab caft aloueto»carbffti;eni 3 [Cbonctfuieftontfcl 3!tiffanejc= pofttion of tbe former bcrfe . ;*Foz becbao not as pit eicpzeflp beclareD tbe faio Sooozfe cf ©00 fo rcnoromeb bp tbe report of tbe fatbcrs.jfrow tberfo^ebc abbetb that goo t&itb bis own band bzaue out t!;e beatben, to plant tbe cbiiojen of 2pb;ab«m in tbeir rcome : f tbat bee bnbib tbem,to encrcafe tbat fboulo make oaoes betocene tbofi, thai baue bin pzeferaeb bp tbe power of 0oo in tirneff paft, anb tbofetbat t rauaple etiD gronenow bnber affltctions : 250* ratber t!jcp fetbefoje rbcmfelttcs tbe bono of belp comunctton at t\)Z couenaunt of €>ob,to gatber tijere feperijtbat Sbfctfees uer goooncOe tbe ciiurcl; batb atanp tptne founo at 45330 bano bceretoftge, tbe fame pcrtepneib n«o a!fo bnte tbenc 31 « Decbe tbep finoe fault fcr.tb tfoomtbeirfirfte the cbtloien of 3b;abam. ^ce comparetb &o;o* , bjmaunbing'&b-tt bee meenes bp tbe olbtnbabttero of tljelanb of Canaan bietung of bifffatberlpfauez: but ttre-cWt to trees, btcaufc tbep bad taken root tbere Shapes tbep bttbmfee tbeuueiurs ,bv>caufe bp long continued poflemon.Cbcrfozetbc tber cornet!; in tbeir mines a vtw tbougbt fbbetn alteration tbat tfappeneo,fc>as liae concerning tbe faitbfulneSTe ana canflfrn- as if a man fboulD pluett bp trees bp tbe rootcs , anb plant otber in tbeir fleeoes. 25 at fozafmucbas it bao not bin ineugtj foztbe people to bauebfn planter in one Dap : tbere is abbcb another #j)etapbsz, i»berbp tbcfaitbfttll fl)C«? bowitcameto paflc tbzougb tiie blifling of ttjc & ojb,tl;at tbe cbo?:n people multtplpeo : like as in p? oceffe of time a tree is tbe moze fireng- tbeneo in tlje place tbat bee batb got£cn,bp fpzeDDmg fozri) farre,afu3£li bis bougbes , as bis r ootes.lj no U is a Ujing &>oztb ti;c labour to marac to tobat eno tbefaitbfuii bo nooo fct foztb tbiff grace of gob.^oz oft times tber fp?ingetb to bo cccafio of oef= pair in y i»e Turmtfe our fclucs to be rcicc ieo of gob, bicaufe be cctmuetb not p fame beneats toitarbs bs-fcljicb be boutfaucb bpon cur fatbers* 715 ut it tpcrc egcinft reafon tbat tbe faitbfnlltobicb pzeparc tlje feiucs 10 pzapmg.moulbbinoer tbeir con= fiDcncc fcitb fo ftnall a let. 2s fo? me,fure lp J confeffe it to be trcla,tbat tbe moze it cometbtoour ininb iobatbcncfitesarte0, aits na cuflotntt oalpe toa flauiflj Cities : tbe? ii>ooio foone Sjaue bin confamco &p tliepj eaempeo, ferfjo far esctfleo tfcem in raumti one atiDSrengt^inallptbe people were bp euioent (tgnea certpazo,ai$ t»el of rfKtr QKmfc>caHnc3,n0 of OSteos l!rengtb:foa0 tl}»p ougbt of Deu,tp to confers, boty tbat il;c ianb is as not ccnqusrcb by tljtir ctcn piuu~ance , ano alio c^at t be? iser 'e prefer* U20 bp tbe ijanD of <25ob. 2fins cnto[banb] is sddcd [ arms , ] to amplpfie tlje matter iv itbafl:to iftgmeni foec map fenoco, tljat tysp x&m not pjefscuca bp anp common meane. Cbe[lpsbt of b& countenance^ in t\)is place ( l\$z as in Diuer0 otbsr) ta= Ki'n fc> tbe Separation of i>t0 fauour. fop ime 50 <25oo after a fcjtf cioubctl) $ fe>?m& letij t)i0 face bp ouercatfmg it iaiti) mpfe= riesrfo agctnat S»bat time tbe 3Jfraclfte0 bppon afiurance of tbeir ttrrngtl) ouer= tt#ew tbctr emmic0fartcan& "a?pocS»it1>= outanp great DtfificuUic : tljep be»;ilDb?0 face clcere a»D bjtyljt, a0 tf be Ijao ftei&cD bimfclf openlp to be neer at bano to tbem. aino b?cre is to bee marties tlje inferring %>\) id) ibc fiwfozt \jfctb". nameip that tbe people inbent tbe 3lano bp foe free gpft of (&oo: (Krgo tljep got tt not bp t'ntit own pos cr. foj, tben bo fcjec begin to pteib to ole caafe 10 tmpatcD to <£ 800 gooo plcafure . #0? ttyr piop'nst furmUl'tb not anp feajtljincfre in tbe pcr= fone of in b*0 poftcriticbbp ©co iionlo ieale fo boantefuilp %iti) tbermont aicribfti) a to* gii^er to ©CO0 gooa iotll : i»!)icl) tljiiye fcemct!) to bcetafeenout of tflj)opfe0iu0 gjotcJ^acion: (Sob Ijatl) not etyojen ^on bp caufepee iosremotban otijernacion©, oj better t^an ttjcp,bat bicaafcl)e loacb pour fatb?r0.lDeut.+.37./f5oio altbougbbere beefpeciall mention maoe of tbe llano of Canaan , pit tljc p^opbet tolu- a gcnerall graunb,S»bp.0 fiocli. 3no certcfTe thia t0 tbe fountain anb original of tbe cljarcb, nameip tl;e free loue of d5oo, ano toljatlb; eucrbentnt0'Soo beftowet!) bpponbi0 iCbarcbitbep flow out of ti)e fame fouit- tain. Cberfoje.tbat iue be gatljcrcb into tlje fCbmcb.ano tbat ioe be cberitbco ana Defenbeb bp tbe bono of <&ob : t!)e caufe is nottobecfougbtclfccobere tban in <&on* J^eptber entreatctb bee Ijecre of gob0 bnt a;rfall gooo ieill , fe>bic'n Cjctenoctb alelfe to all manUmD:but tl;c elect people is bif- ttnguifijeo from tbe reft of tbe fc>o#o, ano fw oiffcrence faUe, 10 refcrrco to t^e mere good ioi'>l of <0oD. tijat tbxougl; a falfc owcrixccnmg,tbep cl;a Thou thy fclf art my king O God fend help vnto Jacob. /• S. i In thee haue wee dry ken our aduerfaries with our home : in thy name hauc we troden them vnder foot that role vp ageinft vs. For I wil not put my truft in my bow;neyther shal my fword &uc me» Truly it is thou that haft faucd vs from our cnemies,and put our il wil- lers to shame. In God wil we praife all the day long, and confcllc vntoo thy name for cucrandeuer. t'^tfclf art tnp femg.^Po;(tn mpiubgmcnt) tl;c pjonounBeiuon-lrattnc [How tbp felfj impejtetb afmucb «is ifttye |3?opbet (bulo in tbe ficft Deliuerace bnit tog ;tl)cr along roa> 0; feqarle of (5oD0 benc5tc0 : fo m tc migijt appeere t'oat gob S»bo bao ence bin tlje beliucrcr of bi0 pcople,continueb to be tbe 5 [^bsutbpfcu'arimpnmgfre.} 3" Slue bcrfe tljcp crpjefle fomewbat mo^tc pla:nlp,tbat febicb J toucijeb enena litis afoze : nameip , tbat ctfosg goocnelTe not onlp 5oas apparant in sc'.iucring lji0 peo^ pic,but alfo fiotce!) topon iljem contimiallp from age to age; anb tijer f eje faitb be, tyzu vppcn tne.xniij. i uirne. V/2 fbi rf)f{a\nt fttilteo tbfir poacrit:ie.£>n; !r.HV prrpBuetirurc ttbcc put cnrbKUigip hi affu ■ r.:*rf faHfrf Jircl»Cm^atl oibcn* 9 b Sjfetoftfcc' fanrefrt J.ttjcp fscuf&piatfe j <£>oo as tlje onlp maimrt>ev t lasrei fpeeeb Ggnt fietb -bst tlje people bao tbctt02e gotten tbe fcpp«t battr, fctcaUe tbcp fought lon» lev Cons ftnon&.t&cwbeitr.tofcritbat tljcy bat» fpoUtn alate ccnurmng tbetr fatberu tbat bo ci>cj> now apply :o tbenu fe lues, ivr aufc tbep were of tbe tcepe of tbefaire cbarcbtaub tbep. do it of fee put poft , too gatbet confidence « i oz tf tbep fijculc f perate fbemfeiuce frctn tbetr fa tberSjtbe tiu?rGri* cf tbe manet fbcnl&c after a fort b;eakccf tbe courfecft&cus gracc.lSlnctoafmtcbe as tJjc?> cenffff* f tcbatfocwr<2>JDbatbcb(ftcwtDnppGtt tbetr forefathers, tbciame tsbcfl-oweD >H On themfeiucs : tt;ep map Smib fafc (6 fetence ceftre bim to centtnew bio SrozUe ftti.:&3czeouer tbe tbwg tg to be retnem- t?co fa btcb 3. telb pou ctten newtnautes Ip tbat tbe reafen i»bp tbtp afniVc tbetr ^ictojtts Ifcboip uutco c£od 3 ts foj tbac tbe ?i»«re zbli te compaffe ne fuc'i tbis; ^ b? tbittf OwKtfwc^o ei Uur owttbewr* ^•"oitbtB matcbtitgof centrartr» eostb better comtnenb <£>&»u fiT*a,^>b«J ttwe ius canftT»cr ijotv g.i Cat our orcne fcrM&lj iii© i0, arsb bow nought fa?c^t;» fo*b? S? our^o?. 'C?!frjf02ctbtyrrpcueas(jne bows tbcp fecrc f.iuro bp ttjepou>cref ^rD,aK3 tbat tljctr t rif mieg iocrc Djtue out ana put to frame fcp tbe fame sc Scds gootnefTe too batte bin (o great tn a;l rgrs totoarDrs f cb*lbxe« of 3Jbjabam,tbat tbere feae co= tineojaU occafton cf tbanfee fgiutng, 4?cz tucna0 tf tfcfp&cre fttlipzrffnt tntljc race, thsy Ecancwelccgc tqt tnfeluts tco owe contiiuttjailtbanfcefgtnmg : bpxawfe tbep bat) flojtfbcb, not tn one age 02 to? a fatalt tunc : but ccttttnrbcabf from tunc to tune* ;f oj &batfo:iitr b?o befainc tt.t luefccip, tbat bo tbey BC&rtcjMdeDge i!;c- felues too bauc rcccputD cf lits- free otfr. 3no triiiijvbcn tfi b£«P f -0 weiosfpefr e glafiites concipRCO cfpjojpetttie ,febtn t: burftctb fcjtb into tbcp?arfre of geo, Cbcrfe2eletfcsrrmebcr,tbat tbiebttfe li^tb relation to that tune, in fobub Tp,ar.i! tbat it feas bpb?0 pcwcronelp ,f tijep t,ao contmctofo bttrjerto in fafctte. Bn2> tbtrfilp tbat tbep ba& not bab mattet ot tcp tnintflrcD to tbcm once 02 fistcc culp: but ctuer0 p?ocfe of bto fatbttlp iciiing fcu.bentffj bao btu tttcrcbtn Icr.g ecntt; mkauncc of time, fo ac tbe long poiTcfft- ontberofougbtohpgt/ttoGablttb tljcir bope* io. NcucrtlTc1ciTc,tliou haft Iothed vs and put ys to shamCjand thcu geefc not torth with our annics . 11. Thou hnft turned our back vpon the perfecutarj and they that hate vs hauc made a fpoile ofvs to themfelues. 12. Thou haft giuen vs as Shecpc to be eaten : and haft fcattcrcd vs among the Heathen, Y.iiii. n, Thcu iu.ui Vjiiiuiiij VA7:uillti»l.tjeres ioith the? bewaile ctjeir piercnt mifcrtes f extreme calamitte* SfnD beer is befcris bed fuel) an alteration, as not one!? S»it= ncfletb ^ob too banc ceafeb from his ac? cuftcmD good Soil: bat alfo to be become an open aouerfarp ano cnemp to his pcos pie* jffirffce thep complafne that tbep are cali of for batreb,for fa ftgmfietb f toors [zenieah] ^OpCtrlp , il?t7iCt)C toSC toltb 0= tbers baoe tranuateb [$otbcD] albceit f if asp man fcao leucr tranflatc tt [to ft»= gcc>ortobefmeof] 3B toil not ftrtoea= geinftbiuT.Cbcp abafttrtoarb tbatrbci toeretnabea reprocbemamclp bpcaufe U; ere to as no fyi f te,bu t ail t binges muft nee?s fall cat bnlacfeclp .,tobe trjep vocrc ence bereft of <25obs protection. JPbtcbe thing alfo tljcp Declare bp f bp aftcr^tobe tbep fap that <£oD[goeib not forthwith tbesstbefr captetneor fianDcrb bcaret toben tbep go to battel* aftenoars the? ejetenb tbetr complaints pit furtber,that (StDiiatb mabetbem ronnearoap,* tbat be bath giutn them ouer too be fpopiso f eaten bpo'oj inafmucb as boip men are fulip perfuabcD y men are ftrong* ftout fo far forth as $oa maintctnetb them & bis freest power :tbi*> Determine that tn their flights amajebnes^tbe fear ts ftrte ben into the bp (0ob,fo as botbe tott anb courage faplcb the tojetcbrb foules.iino this opinion is tafee cut of trjc laro,ZDeu. jrr^tobcrc^opfes faith* ^ova IbuiD a tboufanbeeeebffozeoneman, or bowe fl)ouib tvuo men cgace tentboufdnDe,but bicaufe tbe fLotfie batb ocltuertD bs,anb fbetbs bp tntbe banbs of our enemies:* ibctng then that the faitbftill&ere aflii= rcb of tine: tbep impute it not to fortune y ti,ep tocre amajcb at the figbte of tbeir cnemicsr,bppon tobome rbep .tocre toont erftto make ftout aflauits tottboutfear, but tbti' tbiufc ttiat their Difcomfiture cs tnerb to paffe bp appointment from f£ca nem 2toD h'ae as erft tbrp confeffeo that their former ftrengtb toas <0oso on the contrarp part, the? acHnowicege tbat tbeir fearfuines is SriKcn into tbem bp tf&obalfo* j&ow toben d£>cD batb broa ben tbeir harts tn fuch totfe,tbcp fap t bei lie open to tbe luft of tbiir enemies, ifo* fo bo 33 interpret tbe percel [Lamo j tbat tbetr enemies r tftleD tbem as tbeir prap> at tbeir plefurc ano &out anp rcfifrencr* Co tbe fame purpofeperteutctb auo tbat other comparifon , tobere tbep fap tbep ix>ere gtuen ouer to be eaten bp. roberbp the prophet figniSttb, y tbep toere aire bp ^aquifbeb before the battel $ fel boron of rhemfducs at tbefeet of tbetr enemies tbat tbep might feeb their ftl fepon tbem* 3nb it is too be noteD,tbat 45ca is made tbeatttbo£ of tbefe mifccieS) not intoape of quarelmg,but toa the enb tbe faithfull map the more botDel? feeb rcmeop at the fame banb that ftrabct^tmano tocnoeo them* 3lnb fureip it is not poUiblc p tbep tob;cb father tbeir miferies bppou fop tune,fhoulb flee earneftl? tontoo <©oo,or ioap t for heipeanb fauegaro at his banb. ubercfore to the intent^ob map rente bp our tmfertes, it bebouctb ns to beleue not tbat tbep happen bp cbaunce tn cafu alttc, but that tbep be lapb bpo bs bp the banb of <2>oD,£if)oreouer tohen tbep haue fapb,that tbep be cad boron bp their enes mtes,f hep ab therxoithal,that tbep toere fcattreb among the heatbeu, tohtcb fcat= tcr ing toas bitterer too tbem than a bun br«b beat bs* jF or inafmucb as the tohole giorie f fehcittc of that people confttteb in tins point, tb at bceing gatbsr cd togpc ther bnber enc <&ob ano one fting , tfjcp toere one botf : to be mingleb (tbe torne members touh trjj heathen, toas a figne ofejetremecurfebnes. ? 3« C^euhaa folbe thp tieoplc.f c] 3Jn tijitt^ep toere folfi toirbout gain, tbjp vppon tnc . xiuij . i/iaime. tljep meene that tbep&crc fettoo falcas bpie bono Qaucs that Sbere nougbtwozth. 3Clfofn the feconbe member thep fecme too allubctorbc manerof cheapening . ifcz fee linowe tfjat bcnbmm iocrcnotSuont to be bclincrcbtootbebpcrs, beefoje fuclj tpmeas t\)t pzpee of themfeasencreafeb bp louing ano biDDing . r£b«P mccne then, £ fojafmucb as t^cp Suer counteb nought^ fo>oo?tb,tl)epit)cr cafl; as thep? cacc Seas farfrjo?fc than the cacc of allbcno- flauc 0.^Enl> in that tbep turne tbcmfclues to <50 JD rather tljan to tbep? enempes, of fc>!jofe pjpbcanb crucltietbcpbab iuSt caufe to hauecomplapncb: S»e inaplcrnc rberbp, that nothing 10 better oj mo?c bt- booffull fo? tost, than to tbiuR bppon gobs p?ouibence anD tubgment in our aOuevfi= tie . ;jfe? although at fitch tpmeas men trubblc bS,S»e baue too beaiefe) it!) the bi- ucil fc?bo ftirrctb the m fo?ewatb : pit not= Smtbftanbtng i»e mud mount onto 35ob, to know ttjat SoebcetrpeD anbeicamincb bpbim,eptl)er tethententto cbaftpse Vis, 0? too fubbcw the Cmfull affections of our fiefb ,0; clfe too bumble anb to nurture fes to the oenpall of our felucs . j£ow tsbeu Sdc I, cere that tl)C fatber0 S»btch liueb bn= 6vT the law Sucre banblcbfo r f pj-ocbefullp: tberc 10 no caufe i»ljp an p rep?ocbcs (bulb pluck bowne our barts,if <$ £> 3D atanp tpme bzaw bs tberebmo. jroj <©ob 10 not fapb beere to Ijaue funplp foib a people: but to bauc foib bis owne peopIe,as though be bab now falne too mifhbmg of bis ownc wberitance.Cbc fame thing alfb map wee bewaplc in our pzapers at this bap, fo our faptb be ftapeb top with tins example, tbat our harts fapnt not.bow mud? foeuec Soce b:anlicteb.3!n<2?iap.52.3. (Sob faptb bee bath foib his people fjj nougbt in another fcncc:namelptomew,tliatitioilBcnomat tcr at all to bitn to raunfome them, be hath not bounb bis crcott to bis enemies. 14 [Cbouhafrmabeb0.fc.]^cfpeai Beth of the nepbours , febo bare eptber gruDgc 02 open batreb to y people of gob. 3mb ofttpmc0it bcfaUctbtbatnepbojbob ioijicb ought to auapic to tfc pzocGremcnt of rautuaUlotje, cngcnb?ctg cnup,bifco?o, aubbebate. 213m there ioas a peculiar ref- pect in t\)Z 3Leu7e0,Si>bo l)a\} conouerco tbe lanbc jnaugre tyem all,anb S»ljofe lReugi= *73 on ions as it feerc a trumpet to^atre . 3lfo tfjet fcjcrentanp rbatbrnowjariv ccfis tcrfetieb t\)tm : as t!;c OE&oitiita 5>ii=ofe mpnb0 Sucre pttffeo bpbp rcafsn of tbs^J cpicumculon , a0t?tbfpairobr>biaouir^ fbippeb tbe 0 : foj tb>£j kerc befet rownb about 6»ttb ciks mte0,fo a0 tbep ftjculo notbaue bab one minute of an houses reft from tmbble,c^i ccpt gob bab fejonbcrfallp befenbeb j!)cj». Cbep piocebe pit furtber , taattbcp toerc a bprooojb cuen among tbe nations tbat iocrc tar of. SMtbougb tbe Soooze [Mifliei] S»bif') tt)t? traQate a[pzouirb 6? bpivozb] map bee taben as ioell fo? a fo?e cur fc, as alfofozafkoffe : pitnotwitbftsnbingtbc mccnmg&nlbeali one,namelp , tbat tberc S»a0 no people bnber beaucu n?o?e afe^o?= reb : infomucb t'jat tljc name of them Hew comanlp abjobe among pzcuerbpall figu= re0 in fcap of rcp?ocbc , l^ecrcbntoalfo pertepnetb tbe [foagginganb nobbing of tbe»beab,] ioljf rof Soee bauefpoUen in tlje ^falme.2 2.8 .5$nb no boubt but tbefaptb; funperccpucbtbcbcngeauccofgob'wber* of tberc ty as mention raabc in tbe law, to be fnlfiilcb in thcmfelues . foj, to tbement tbcpmpgbt t\)t better &>nHen tijemfemes to conftber 7i> msnp mil twines , aiiS in benosg^ t'ae enoc oppjefftD $»;tl* moftc m actable il 17 18 '-9 20 21 22 My confufionisdayly bcfooremee,and the jbameof my face hath coucredmeouer. At the voyceof the vpbrayderand the raylcr,at the face of theaduer- farieandreuen\)0k 0% f ul Da? from moj m'Rg to eucning, cj foj tbe rccotme of one Dap after another * wtjiri) cf tbcio cjcpofi* fccnsfo eucr yen cI>oofc,tijS eSFcct is , tljat tberc ia no cn& of t^cpi mtfcrte0.wljftca* tbe nobcr is cljaungco agem , ft 10 no &>l)tc agetnflreafGiufo? f tal&e cf fofcole cburcfj to b? bitcccDac m Uje perfon of one man. 3frero>arD folotocib tbcraufe ftjfcpt'icp feere fo oucrfcrfjclmcD imtb frame, tljat fc!)Ep Durfl not lift Dp tbcpj countenance oj tl)rp? c?cs : nameip bpcaufe Ifytf baD no refptt gtucn tj;e;fl from tl?e maiapcvtnelTc j wupittjgc cf t!)cp? cuempes. dff oiif tljep mpgbtpauc bafi leauetoqbPDetbcsrlelues in corners : tbep fejcolD after a fejttjatie foualorpcD fcp tt-ep? mifcrtcs . HSut tbcpj fcouno fra© Dubbleo , bp reafon tljat tljepj enempe* f fcoffeD inalapcrtlpat tljf .fCbcr* foje tbcp lament tljat tbtir mtfcricB fboula bee io bcapcD Dppon tljem,a0 tljcp mull be fapneto licrrc reupungcanbblaipbempca UonttnuaUp. JnotbcpcaH tlicpj enenres I tlgcucngcr* : ] bp %eY,i& terme rt)e§?~ I b^€o?e* betoken fccrccntfTcf rnultie tops I neb fold) f boutfulneflfe , acco?bmg as toes bausftpa tn tlje npnetccnt'i |&falme. 1 18 [#H tbtet* cone fcppon &»«]§&«* I :ng tbc? banc crffi afcrtbcD bntoo <2> £> E> fejjatfcgucr imffc#i*nc tbep enbureo : if tl;cp fljulD no& fap ttjjp terre afflicted bn* DeferucDlp.tbep fboulo 2ceufc<$5oD of bus rpgbtitcufcrxe:^ fo confcqujntipit flbonlD be no Ijolp p?apfr, but tafytv a trapterou0 blafpbcmtc.S>ut tt t5 to tc^ nctco, tljat al= tbougb tljc faptbfut! percciuc no curbent cauffB ef tvcp^atuerftttcs: pittljcp atpDc faftbptb<0 p?mctplc, tbat^obis fnrelp icb bp gocD reafen to banDlc tl',5 fo rougljs IpanDbarolp. ^fnett!;tlefrettfBbcboof= ful to nctc-bcrc&mba'l, tljattbcpfpcefte notbeere of tl)tty\r.tvv.ttz,but railjcra^ uoucb tbep? fuffcrarc, febicb Suae no final toltcn of gesipneffe, fefcoi tbep obebpent* lp fubmittrD tbep> ncc&e to <©oD0 pefee . itfcjfoccfcc bosotbe mc;cpar;e fetcUcat <25sD5D lilvetopibc bo?fc0,frctting agctnft btm,anD fvovrortlp plapmg ttjemabmen. xu!)£rfo;c tl^at man batb not a little pjofi^ teo tn tt;c fc arc of gob,i»l)tcl) m afmctiontf bjpDi:ib lamfclfe bp goblp reflrtpnt , ttjat "be bee not carpco f rowarblp ace ap bp anp tmpatiencie . ^cjtttc an cafp matter cucn foj lippcerpts'to bltfi^ gcD in pjofperirte : inbo butf! fojtb mto r?.ge if be U;cu> lums fclfc rougb Dnto tS;cm . Cbs faptbful! tbf it auoucb , f altijougb tbep mrgbt feauc bin Dituen fr cm tfjcp;t rpgl;t eoune bp fs manp intfcrte0 : pit tl;ep newer folate goD, but 6Uvapc0 iBOjfbtpprb Mm , aitbougi) bee iiere notaltogitl)er fo fauojablc anD mer= epruli . Cljcn commenb tl;cp net tbf goes i bc^nui* vppon the . xliiij . PfaTmc. tKbcuionr t'jat ibey babljfeB^tptus pan\T '74 bni only allcoge tbat cncw in tbe tmbfccs of afatctio*!0,tJ5C? ncpt tlje coucnant of (Sod Scbfaftlp. <&n'o berely ttisccrtemynougb, tijat. long before Sfntiocbuspciffccutcitije, t?;e peoplsixrag fraugbteb Settl) man? co;= ruptions,u>bi£b pzoucfecb ftc-asbenseace, fo as f feunbii0S,u-!)lc!) is comenscb berc, cugbt not too tjaue bin boafteb of on iJjcir bebalf.Crcw it is in beebe (as foe (ball fee anon after) v <£od bare Soitl) tbem, foas tbcp fcerc afmctcD ratber foj Ijts namcfaUc tban fo* rbcir own offcnccsibut fit tlnsfas uojablencs cf (£oDS,ajonlD notbauecaus feo tbcm to ejrempt tbcfelucs fro giltpnes. Cberfoje it 10 to be conftDcreb,>> tljcp boo nothing elfc ncw,but fteco foojtb xljctr pa tience,in £ among fa greeuous j barb tern* tacion«,tbfPlj3b not (biinkeb fro § fertii$ of (Sod. InD firft tbep bar? p" tljep fojgate gob. fop aDuerfitiebootb after a f02t oucv< cad the beaurn, fo as tljc rememberance of <(5oD may fo one flip from bs.asrtjougb foe foercfet a greatfoap of from Inm.Cbey ab £ tfjep focre not falfe ojt [trapterous in liis coucnant.] 5r 02 Cas 38 fapb) f foicUe&neS »f men is thin mod bifclofeD,fobe tbep arc enfoieeb ageinft their foills.CbfrDly.tbep fay [tbe*.r hart foas not tnrncb bacfe.]3lnD laftly, £ they? [fbotfteppesfoent not afybe out of goos pat!;.] fcwlpUc as gob aUurctlj bs Bayly, fo mud our bartcs bee alwapes reby at bis calling. I^crbpon enfetrctb the Direction of our foaycs,in f fos fot'taes by our outwarD fooojke 3,-j by all our fobofc lyfcy our hart is bnfcyncbisj abbictcD bn- to (5ob.whcras3 tyntttranflatcb it.[our f ootfteppes are not gone afpDc]rljcr is alfo an otber allowable translation a'icbgeb by fomc[«boubad tnaDe our footing to OyDe] fop botb f fooo;D [Tot] mi? be tafcc tran fitfuelp, f alfo there is no negation put in. touching the fenfe, 3J Dtflent from them, bycaufe they copare tbts place forth that of efap. 6 3 . 1 7 . wbcrfoie bade tljoj mab: bs to dray}tbat Soc ftjoulb not S»aiH in tbp toapes^JPo; tl;« coplaint ten- ttctl) ratlicr to tljts purpofc,tbat fozafmucb as 35sD iD b^b iuitbbzawen btsbano from tbcm, tl;cp Swanocreb fezctcbcbl? m bp= voapes.^'o? gobs patl;s baue not aiwapes rclacion to bis Doctrine, bHt fomctpme too piofp:ro?.i3 9 D:urablcfuccefles. io. tSutl;ougt; t^OBljaucfinfttenW.f c.3 C!)cpa«fcle [cw j (fe!-;;cb iS[fe*J)Jtiiifl be rcfoltteb cptljcr tmo t!;e aDuerfafmc yjitt [altboagbJoz elfcinto fomeabucrb of i$me. ^rcz tlycisncjct tfjjce bcrfee clcaue or.e too an ot!;er,f the fentence bangetl) Jjntoo tl;is claufe, [ jf 02 l;c bncwCil) tlje frciets of tijc hart.] Cbep^cpetein manpisocjbes tbat iubicb ^»ce Ijaue f;cne crcwljj'lc : namely, t^attljougl) tbepfeerc plungeD into© tl;c bottojn of all »mTeries,pi.t tl^cp Ucpt ri>cm5 felucs bppon tbeir fcete, anb rcmoueb net. A9o?eouer, if i»ce i»ap too &>ljat DtlhreQe tljep iuerc b;ougbt : it ^Ul not fcemc ioo bs too bee any ouerreac'jing , in t\)ai t\)c$ fap, tbey &>ac ftnitten into rt>c bottomleHe pit. ^o: bp [tl)e place of Dzagonsj jS tin? Dsrftanb notbeferts anb 5otlBernc(Tcs,but tbcDeapetlsrjIfesoftbefea. 3lnb tbcrfoze 3 oecmc it too come necrer to t?;e matter, to interpret [ Tanim, of fcales 02 pojpifes,] liUe as it is taken in manp etl;rr places. 2CnD tins ejcpoftiion is conSrmeD b)> tljs latter member,tol)ere t^ey complepnc,tljat tbep iocre oueriebclmcD ^it\) tb,c fl;abaw of Deatb: ior>'-cb tbingimpo^tetb as raucb> as tijat tbepxocre fwaloweD r»p of ecatrj itfclf. ^ow,5»ee mud UnocrGanb, tijat in tljeis ^joojbes tlje boly ©bod inDuctb bntoo bs a fozme of p:apcr : anb tberfo:e tljere is znio-gnzo bs an thuincblc co2aae, fuel) as map fude?ne bs bn^er t?jc btir= tben of all miferies , fo as %occ map trnlp auoucije^liat cucn at tbe bttfrmgli po?n£ of Befpapsc i»ce trufreb in <2» Q E> , nub no temptacions coulo (b ike of tlje feare of do ob frombs, anb finally tl>at %>zc coulo by no bowgjneife of afaictions bee fo Difj mapeb , but tljat we [530 alwayes an eye too'lum. 25ut it ts bebooffull fo; ns too mar'semozsnccrlp tbetnaner of fpcrcbes Sobicb tbey bfc.^f 02 too tbententrljty may fbew bow tbcp rctepneD tlje pure fcruis of (^oo,tb,ey anoucljc tbemfelucs not to baus UfecDbpeytbcrl)art02b3nb,fauconlytop one cffifoD of 3fraell.i?o> it nab not )iih pa* ougl) f02 tljem to baue cencn'neb in tbtm= felucs feme cofufeb opinio of tlje goo'.icnD, onlcllc trctt) IScligion bab flonfoto amena tbcm. fop cucn tbep tliat murmur ageinft 0ob, altbougb t';ep bee coinpcllcb too ac= BnowlcbgefomeniancrofgOi;bcaD,yitboo tljcy fo2ge a ^cb to tbemfelucs afar tbctr crohc fancye. 2dnb tbis is cue of tlje :ot= utlls UnacUS, p b^CAufe \fz cat»ne: bpanbi? pull I lohn Calu'ms Cemmcntaric Pull alif(^ingofreugion out of our harts: be batteretb our rapnos toitb ebeisengms, tliat &ce mu8 fecfee an other <08D,o: that the (Soo.'tobo.'n &>« haue Uitl^etto ferueb, mad bee paaf?De after an other maner, oj clfcthat the ccrtcintteofbte fauonr muj be fought e!faM?erc than out of the Hau?c j tqe djofpell. ;fojafmucb then as among the toffmge© $ S»anf 0 of abucrfitus it is to Jjarb a matter fo* bs to cottnccc rpgb^P bifpofeo in pure faptb , tljis pjoteftation matt br e fttfet trnto, that the bolp fathers being DiftreifrD frith all fepno of tntfcries, otD nc!urt5)Clc0 not ceafcto ieanctmto the trca? ©aD 3D. ix>ijtclj tiding tliep cjcpjelle mo:e cleerlp af tervoarb in the tcjct, faying, [ free firctcij not out our bancs.? e. ] ©p i3j);ifJ)uioo:D0 the? &oob0 to w.iDcrfiano, that thep fr ere cententeb frith £ one o&, ar.Dbab not their hope fleeting hither ana thither, noj gajeb about to fee&e other fuc- ceurg. wberbpon fr ec gather, f &b many as bane their mpr.bes rouing after funbjp tjepes, fojget the trew <0 :D 3D,to Suborn free ptelb not I}t0 bew honour, crccpt fre reft; upon fn>» alonc3nDtrulp in the laws fuHfroojfbijjpmg of bitn.faptb ebtepneth the ftr&placc, $ (febtcb fpzmgctb theref) inuocation. 5F02 <25ob is abttbgeb of the checf part of bi0 honour, frben free feefce neucr fo little part of our frelfarc fr ttbout him . Chen let bs bcare in mpnb,tbat the treai trpall of gobltncs is.frben being caft into the bottotnlciTe pitus,fr ee birr u oar cpcs,cnr bopc.anb bartcs bntoo ainctes,of their ott>nema= &uig,to fpnb fauour m gobsfpght &P their thtsreeffson : pu is u certeuub*;: ti?ctv (0* no biSerencj in the fojwte of muocation. SBgein, although Soee a&nttt f felncl) tijep fap, pit ia ie but a trifling occafe, to leeHe abuoca?0 to themfeiuss. jpo? in fo booing, Cbjuft fufSceth tljem not.pta rather hi0 af fic£ i0 burpeb ar:ong theai. %i)e circum- fiance of tyis place 10 to be matfceo abup-* fcoip. fa} f fapt!)fitll Denp th2iufclue0too baucbilD bp their hanocs to Qraiige geb5, bpeaufeitis to coinon a bice 1, tfcontmuall abuerfitictal;cplacOtofet(©o6afpbc,atm toofcclse fo? o.:her remeDic0. 30 isagas <25oo cheriUjeth P0 gentlp « fwectlp , toee refojt bnto bun.JSunf anp aauerfttie hap pcn.bp anb bv iace begin too caft bonbtes. Snb if toe bepinct)eDrurtl)ei',o?if there be no enb of our mtferie0,tl)e berp contimtace ftlrreth b0 to befpapje , befpapje bjeebcth bntoroarb trufts, * herbponfp?mgcth the fojgerp of nets (2?obbe0. «£>f the lifting bp of hanb0 toee haue fpoUen clftohcre« 22. [^ha! not 0ob ferch it eut^^c] J,t is a fozc 9 earned pjoteftacion, toben thep bare make <5ob Kubge of their founbnefTe. U>h«"fap it is manifeft, tijat ttjep pleabcb not thetr cacc afoje j i»o?Ib, but comoneb 5»:th tl)cmfelucsas itljab bin at the mbS? mentfeate of <©iD 3D: pea anb thep ab 5r>itb greater bolbnefle, that notljing is tybtim from (Sod. :f o? foberbppon com?0 it tl?at hppocritscal! @od efttpmes to toitnefle, but that Suhplc tl;cp dolie tljeir leacebncs bnber a colour, tijep thmh thcmfelues too haue fl'.ppcb from ^000 iubgmcnt, anb fo tranfiigure ^5£>5D, as though thep coulb blcrelns cpes ioith their flpghtcc. (SThcr= foje as oft as S»ce p.zcace into <£>Gbs fight. Jet the rementbcrance of this come alfo too our mpnb.that foiaftnuch a0 he is tlic fer-= chcr of mennco hartes, there is no goob to be boonc frith, lam bp bapnc colours. 23. Surely, for thy fake are wee dayly flaync, and arc accounted as sheepc appoynted too the flaughtcr. 24. Vp, why fleepcft thou, 6 Lord ? awake, .urelp fo? tbp filic ?c] Cbc f^ttlj- ftili feefcctoo win <0 jos mercp in anorljer rcfpect: namely bpeaufctbe? arcno:pu= ma)safo?t!)epjo«)n8 mtfosebs , burbp* eau.Otbebnbcieucrs l>arcij tbom onclpfo: (Bona namefa'&e . Cmlp at ibe aril t'vglyt it feetuetb a fool' ft complapnt. ^f 0; it Soas a gaper anfwer £o!)ict) &ocratc3 inaDcin cljpDingfljis topfe , tol)en b« fapb, it ft>as better fo; Inm too peril!) stltlcOTc , tljan fo* !jis own fault, yea anb tt)e comfozt wljtcb Cbz^ftcrpouDetb in ^atl) to Differ far from tb«0 iooojbs : biiffeb arc tl)C? tbat fuffer pcrfecntion foz rpgljtuoufs ncflefa&e. 3Hfo 0etcr,3lf anp man fuffer fo? tbe name of Cluift, it is rat'acr a caufc oftovanoglaDneffc,i.^ct.4^3.f.i^.3 anfwer £ altljougb tt be tljc beft comfort of fo?ow,to baue our cace topneb & Cb?ifts cace: pic is it ncptber inbapnenojamifle fo; tbcfaptijfull to lap fo? tbsmfelucs,tbat tbep are bnioottbclp pcrfecuteb foj bio feBC,to tbentent be 'nap fet bimfclfe mo?s fi>arplp in tbapj Defence . #02. it is gooo rpgbt y be fljoulo baue regars of tys own giaiie,ageintt S»btcb tbc foncHeo Doo tben baun: tbefclucs,u>[)* tbcp malapertlp rage agnnft biSioojOjtppers.^nD bercbp it ap pecrctb moje clcerelp, f i\)is Jdfalmc was maae at fticb tpme as $ people languifibeb ineaptiuitie.ox elfe'wbcn ^nttocbus wa- ttco tbe Cburcb , bpcaufe religion ioas at tbofctpmes a catife of perfecntion. 5Fo? tbc conftancie of tl;e people mabe ti; * ©abpi a - ntans ftara maD,£oben tbep fawz tbeir fits • peril itions cobemnebe fucb as fcjere tljepj oaffals f bnberlings:fr all f Sebole rage of Snttocbus Soasbent too quencl) outtbe name of <5£)1D. Cbis alfo increafetlj tbc greefc, tbat <©8D fo little bjpolctb ttjc out= rage of ttje bngoblp, tbattbepronne fbie-- SoarD continuallp in tbcp* crueltie Smtb tljercpnesloocsmtbeptnecKc.Cberefoze tbcp fap [tlj:p are fiapne Daplp, 3 anb alfo tbat tber to no better account mabe of tb ?, rban of fbeepe appopnteo to tip flaugbter, &owbceit,it beipuetb to call tbat tying to mpnb toi)icb 31 toucbeo cretobple : names Ip tl;at tljep were not fo clcere from all of= fence but goo mpgbt -nfltlp lap punif fljsnet bppon tbcm fojtbepj nnn-:a . ^3ut of bui incomparable louing fcpnoncjs, \)z burpet!) Co mc vs for thy mercy es fake. our finnes , ana puttetl) baf too fojongfnll perfecutions,to tbc cub vo)c map glo^ie tbe nto?e cbterfullp tbat c&z bears t}e c roffe ijb €>fy\& , anb tberebp beecomefelowesani pamaferrs of big glojionswfurrettiojt. w:e baue tola pan tbat t-ic rag • of tf !Ct'i cnempes was fbjuone ^tbcecaufefofoje HinDteb, butfoj tbattbe pwjte ^>30lbnot rcuolt from tl>e law, 5 caltauiap^jetrsw S»oo?fbipping of goo. jftow mu(ltl)CDoc= trine bee fitted to our bfc: anb ftrtt t!;is is to be cofioereo, tbat acco^oing to tljeyam- pic of tbc fatbers, tfje afflictions, 'wbcrcs witli toe pjofeffion of our faptt; is to bee ftabltfib tb,muft be bojne patitmtlp:anb fos conb!p,tbat mtn in tbc occpeft barUnes of beatl) , fe»ee mod ftebfaftlp call bppon tbc natro of <&£> K> ana contincw in l;is feare. S£ ut panic pjoccbctb pit furtber lSom.8 2 ?.not onlp cpting tljisfoi an ejcamplcbut alfo auoucbing tbc continualt lor of tlje cburc'a to be pepntcD out in it. (STbns tben bebouetli it bs to beleeue , tbat tbe contis nnall 'warfare of bearing tbc croffc is m- iopneb bs bp d5oos appopntment: ano pit it is trew,tbat fometpme tber is a truce oj tefptt gintn bS,bpcaufc 2> rcacbctl) to bs , anb tbat b"c can ■ not be a Cl^iften man fobiclj offerctb not Ijiimfdfc m j&acrifpfs to ©oo. 14 [S»p jonn ^aiums \^oimncnunc j* [S^fobpGfcpeirtbonr'lrowtbe Gstntfs bci]>?c goo to pitic tbe at tbe length anb tefenb rbem tielp $ rc;«ebp3i* bough cot) beare ibid) tbis babbling of tbe faints tji r!;ep? pjapmg, totjen s^jcp oefp?e lum to r^fa bp oj. to aveake : pit it beboucti) tbcin to bscperfwabtDfojaeerteintie, tbntbec kecpetb Scare!) to; ibcp^Ssclfare. io? Sue« map Fsot fisrmwfc b»» to be epicures goo tbat bciprctb Ijumfclf in pSlcnefle, anb plea* fure . Hfrut bpesnfe that bp reafon of tbe bulncff-; of out nature S»ee eonccpue net fepsnop tbe care tbat Ijee batb of bS : tbe faithful rcqueft Inm to G)e& in berp btebc, bow be is ncptljet forgetful no; Gotbfull. 5ti ere ij> Sue mu&beleeue tbatdjoo regats Dctl) bs , aUbougl) bee tnafce countenance oti)«tvov;fe.|^ottoitbfianliing bpcaufe tbts bclccfe tji a pjopjettc of faptb anb not of t\)t SeQ) : tljcp bnburtbsn that contrarie fence iulucb tbcp eoncepue bptbc pjefent fpgbt of tbe matter: famtiiari? into tbe lap cf ©oa, fjbp that meansscaft the feflreo affsctions cut of tbep? mpnbs,to tbentcnt t!?at pure anb clcere faptb map aftercearo put bp Ip-beab.Jf anp man mahe creep* tion.f bp tbis meaner p?aper(tban Suljicl) nctl;ing is mo?e Ijoip) is bcfpleo, S»be tl^e f rouwb unoginacion of tbe fieflj is ming - Wo S»itb it : 3 confetle it to be fo in beebe : Jjowbcit Suben Sueebfe this libertic Sub tcl) tbe &ojb penmttetb,Suc mud bnoevftaub rljat \)Z9 of Ins tenber ioue Suppetb atc-ap tb'sfa«It,fo asitbcfilet') net our p?apere. i d [£3pcaufc our fcuie is fmitteti t c] Sfigcine tbcp beewaplc the gvcuoufneSe ef tbjpj m:fertcs,anb report t'i&t tbep arc afs flicteb bepenb ojotnewte, to tbentent C5od fb «uib be tbe tbe fo;eworbcr to help iimu, ^oj bp tbia metapboj tbcp meene , not onip tbat tijep be caft Downe,but aifo tbat tljep bee cruGjcb anb bilb bcwn,fo as tb,cp be not able to rpfe ageme . §? orue take tbe Suojb ]fcaale] fo? tbe[bobp, jfo as U G)ii;D be a repeting of tbe fame fentence. Wut 3 lifeebettcttbatit CboulObee tafecnfo?tbe part tbat giuctt) ipfe : as tf tbep bab fajro, tbcp are caft boron to tbe car tb, $ Ipe 'op on it fuitboutanp bope of getting bpagetn. i^cere to tbcp? copiapnt tljep ab a p:upcr, tbat gob [fl)Oulb rpfe bp to tbsir rcf &cu?.] 3n mcane fel)ile bp tbe S» o?b [IRaunfom] t^ep meene , tbat tbep befp?c not a comon fepnb of help, brcaufc tbep cannot be faueb otberiupfetbanbpraunfoming . ^nbpit no bottbt but tbep; tnpnbs isere tbm&tng bppontbecbeefc [IKaunfomc] iubtcb fen- tetb fooitb bio Greamcs Svbcn gob raun= fometb anb bcliueretb bs baplp bpfunb^p mceancs. 3irt)cugb tbcp bcaftcb cue no5» after a goblp fa(bpon,of tbe flebfaffttcs of tbeir faitl;: pit notwitbftanDingro tbentf t it map be fene y tbep boftc« not oftijetr me rus: tbcp ciapm not beere anp recopence of carntng:but are contententcb & gobs free goebneo, as f onlp cawfe of fycpj Scelfare, 1'hc Conteintsof the.xlv.Pfalmc. Salomons «)'dcc iind comlynes, bis venues in ruling of the kingdom? tbis puif- fonce & his riches are defenbed & commended yvitb notable titles in this pfalme. *And for/ifmucb as he had taken aflraungcr to yvyfe out of %Agypt : Cod promi- fetb to blijfe this maridiCyifJo be that the new bryde forfihf tbe hue of hit o-wnc n&cun^indfet bir hart wholly vppon hir bnfband.In tbe mcane feafon, no doubt but tbat yndcr this imaoestbe maiefiie, y»eltbincfjc, and far fpredding abiode of CbriHcs hingdome are adorned -with their tytles : that the faythfull may hpow bow there is nothing more blifjedcy more to be defyred3than to be rnder tbegouer- nancc of this mofi excellent King. The , xh . 'Pf.ilme. To the cheefe Chaunter vppon the Lillycs of the Counts of Core,a fong of loue to inffruft. SLpfcs as it is cortein tbat ttysi $falme Su2S mabe bpon $>8lcmon,fo to it bncer- tcin fc>bo is tbeautl;o? of it . "$t feemetl; JpbslV bnto met, rbatfomc one of tfje |3>?o r?!C?jc?,oj isoblp teacljers (Sobitber it Socrc aftet s^alo'.rtons benty, oj Subple I;ec teas ]pil alpue) tooUe tl)is grounb to entreat of, too teatf;: i:coi& , tbat febatrceuer Ijab bin feenc vppon the. xlv. Pfalme. Cccnc in Salomon , IjaB a Beeper refpect. $j3o2eoucr it is calieB a fong of &oue, not bpcaufe be cowcnDeil) d5oD0 fatherly ioue in tbc benefited febcrinul) Salomon iyas aB02ueb,asfotne fuppofe- :bat bpcaufe it contcpnetb a rciopcement foj Hus pjofpes rous anD ijappp matey : f fo rljs €»er»ituie [ofioitc]Q)aUtlano fojaptopje ^Diectmc, tljat it map be [Glouefoug,02 a b^pBfong,] 3B n Bcebe Salomon &>as caileb [ yechdia, j is it&erc, beloueb of t'oe JLojtD, 2. ^»am. 1 2 . 2 5. 25 uulj* fequ;ic (in m? iuBgtuent) requpjclij tljat [ yedidotk ] fnou'B be r( fer ; reb to t!jc nmtuaUloue, SoberwitljaH ma- rpcb cuppics ougbt too embrace one an 0= tljer. i^owbeitfo?rtfmucl) asloae0 incipnc now ano tlicn too t!je Suiong part, pea ana euentlje lone beirccenc man anb &>pfe is ncner &M:pgljtlp Btfpofca, but tbat tijert is 2. Comebntempcratncflfe of tl-c ficfli rr.ine.itB itntb it : tbcrfoze the fong is tijettofc&all callcfi [ Maski ] to tbciucnt iec map 6 noa c t^Gtr)£cret0ttOtara cf fittfjp oj tmrijaGc lours : but tljat fcnbcr tr)e figure cf ^aioa mor.,rjeereis fet foojili vjnto bs tbc help e Uuinz knitting togitbcr of Cb2ift anb Ijifl Cljurdje.lirijcreG.pcro cf rtje tptle tefa$g< fl*B Biuerflp bp tbc 3 nterpjerers. [] figntfpetb p20p;elp [a liilpj anb tije cl}iec= fcc2t^c|£falme is intptles [5! lillp,] bp'ttjc fmgular nember.25utijcre* mtlje fewer* fee? t';e jdfa!tm,Ujcre 10 put fpiural! ncm* bar [lUllpcs.] wljerfsic it Ujculo bmt it &?&•* eptljer f beginning of feme comen ba - !2be,ej elfe fome mfrrwwet cf fllfjufte. %a fiu-me, 3 fufpeo mpn opinions in a matte? of no great impoitace,bicaufe it 3>aibc free ft)2 me to folow tl)is 0? y ifeout tynbx&ct. 5. My nart is boyling of a good vvoord. The vvoork that I endite shal bee of the King. My tung is the pen of a fwift wry tcr. Thou art much fayrer than the fonnes of men, grace is shed fborthe in thy lippes, therfore hathe God Milled thee for euer. Gird thee with thy fwoord vpon thy thygh, 6 thou myghty, in beauty Good luckc haue thou with thy woorship:thou rydeft r (and glorie. vpon the woord of truthCjiueckneSjand ryghtuoufnes, and thy right hand shall tcachc thee terrible thinges. Thyne arowesare sharp too percc intoo the hartes of the Kinges ene- myeSj that Nacions may fall vnder thee. [ fl£p barti0 boplpnj.] Cbis preface y bis Ijart Sens tyewt'ng of fome notable f excellent matter. 3 ftero?3rB ijefccclareiij $ eonfent of S)i« Ijart $ tys tung.Syijc l)t iikci fi)ca3etbfaifjcicnclp,tl)at f grounb of tl)i0 0falme i3 no cgmon matter. Jr 02 &5)ofo -. eucrioastbeaurljo? ofit,bcpioniifctbtoo cnJreate of greate % notable mattertf . 3nO fcing, tliattbcboip <&i)ofk is not 5»oont to puffs out tuenes cheeks to v ufn out a bain founb,a man map gatbtr tljat bee not cnlp cntrcatct!) Ijcre ef a tranfito;ie bingbomet but alio bifcuiTcttj fom mo2cejtccll£t ibmg. $ 02 too iab,at purpefe feraetli fo Gnttbp a U7ie,n0 tljat C tijc ^2oybei0b,artfljoulD bople] to beftosrebifi labour anb traaell in ferting fo©2tl) tbe binges piapfc0r' 0oxo altliouglj ot^ere Iphcbcttc'r of t!;c,Q)C02b [btter,] pitnotwitbftabing tije otljcr fignt fication of tbeberb fcemctl; to agree better, R?bic!; is pioacb bp p noicne y ts beriuec cf f fame berb,^ is to iutt bp [ Merekiftoth,] tobtcb t0 a[frpiugga ju. Ijcnn fujecte meats are frpcb, fc>r)icl) io c^b is to be Hietwitball untt qi twice in <&$ opfc0:as if r)c l;ab fapb, nctli bt0 [ tuns to f pen of a mnft Sorter.] 21! nb be begt^netl) at p eotncnoacion cf bis beawrpe, 9 aftcrtcarb a^betb t!jc p:apfc ci e!oqufce.i^02eou£r,f ercclictnes of beaw t^ is comerbco in f amg,noifo2. ^ f fap?- nco efface is a tbing fo greatlp to be fct bp, cofibeemgbott) it ijatij no place among tocr: tues:bnt bpcaufc f> ofttpmes f noble oif^c fit'.cn of a ma Cbinctlj fco?tb in f bcrp coun tenance of bimtiiHc as \t is poffible y g>a!o mons onlp look fljexBeblnmto be enbevc:D iai b moH ercel' cut g-fts. 3 nb not tottt; out caufeis eloquece eomenbcbria ^ing,ccnri Bering i'oto it belonged) bntc i)\n\ v.ox orip to rule f people feii!) autljo?ittt,but aUb to allure tijem to obebience bp crac: cf fpeeeb: pcccibing a0 men of oto tpme f?pneb y tber iteregclBE cbcinc in^erculcs moutr),telifr S be Bjeto f como fojt cf people bp y carc0. 23 n& lobn Caluins Commcntarie XnD!)C£tcby is eowuncca tbcfcnbne0Gf binges m our aa£C0,tol)icb unnk it Cans beft not fonti) tlje honour oftljciv cftatrto make ojacions too tbeir fubteetes too iDttt tljc fcntbaib jftapratljer tb,ep betx>?ap tt;eiv barbarous ^Tpjatmpe.intbat tbcp? pur= pefe is rather to compell tbcm,tba to pet= fuaae tbetn: e to abufe.tbenx rather a0 fla* uc0,tban to gouernc tbcm fcitl) 3!u(hcc * ijLatt)e0,a0 tractable ana obcapent people. £?ctobett Ipfce as this ccurtefpe fc>a0 feetie tn gpaiomon, fo bio it Gjpne foojttt) tno;e fnlip aftcrwnrb in ChHG,to Soho boctrine feasiit fscb of a Scepter, accojaing a0 31 muft (bcirc ano at iatge. Cbe parcell[Gna Jiccni t0 not pat beerc bp fc>ap of inferring, ajs though Salomon Sucre bliffea fo? ti;e grace of btsbeawtp ana eloquence . ;Jf o; eptber of tbets is tbe buffing of ®oa.ai5 at rather it is the renaering of tbe caufc Ssb? Salomon ercellea tn tbet0 giftC0:namelp, brcaufe (2>oa bab blifleb bim.^oj i»bera0 Tome cspouna it , 45 ob Go all blific thee fo; * bjmc crcclicncic, it i0 botl;c colb ano con- drepneb. +. [<£irathpfv»M?a.?tc.]l$ttc5>alOttJO» is pjtapfca m feci! foj ljt0 SoarljUe ba= ieantnefle , Sohicb Grtfcetb f»'0 enemies in afeare,a0 fo; bis bevtues ,fcbicb pttr= ebace bun reiser ence among bis fubiertes. $ o? neptber can a &ing mapntetn ana be- fena l)is people, onlefie bee bee b;ab of bt0 enempes : ana it fbalbcc too fmall purpofc too fejarrc Gout!? bpen f ojrein i& calmes, erccpt tbe inrcara Gate of bi0 ifiealtne bee fettles bp t plight* es $ iuGice.;ff irft tbers fs?c be fapetb, tbat tbe fa>oo;ta, ft)btta?itb be Gjalbecgojaea.Gjalbeea toil en of tear s Iphe fe?ce to put %is enempes to flpght : f fectr.aip alfo of ptuffanec, n)at \)t bee not bclppfable among his owne fubiertes. I^crbntoo Ijc abbetb.tbat tbeglo;tic,fobct kith be fball fionfl),(bcmot bee fipgbtfuU, ipke tlje fORb glo;ioufnes of &ings, S»bich becapctbbp anabp: but ftjallbaue p;cfpe= rop,0 atia long ccntutcajing fpeeae. ^Se- conal?, !;e cometb tovctit to hi0 bcriue s, t'm ibjme foojtb b?G in a paccabSc $ quiet fiats?: irt);,cb ijec fl;ewcti) bpabcrptrim ^cttiptyo; to bse iije trcto bpljolbers ef a feingbome. 3Bt feemetb attbeflrftfygbt to beeabarfij fpeecb to fap,[be rpbetb bpo trutbe, mcefenc0,anb rrgbiucufnee:] but accosting a0 j, l;aue fa|b,behhenetb tijtis bcrtuc0 inoft aptlp bnte ivagon0,tbat ca» tpet&inge0 aloft. 3nb tbep are only ageinfttl)ebapnepcmpc0,fo3bennearttilp feinges baunt tbcmfclucs: but alfo agcinfl; tbeir tyces anb cojruption0, &itb S»bicb moft comonlp tbep go about too purcliace tljcmfciues eftimacicn. Salomon btmfcif inbi0p?ouerbe0fapcn)>tbat a liingc© tb?onc is Gabliffbcb bp indict atib mercp. 2But 5»be ieojblp &ing?0 i»Ul neebes cn= large anb fojtifp tbeir bomtnion.tbeir bojsi fes * cljariots are ^tabition, }^?pBe,^cct cenes, Crueitie, ^jcacttons, iRauin, ana Violence: anb tberfo?c it is no inaruell tbougb <5 fl) 3D aoo oftcntpmc0 tumble tbettt aotone from tbeit iupnbfliahcn ana rotten fceges. wbcrfo?e the tren> ana fub^ OantiallOabltffbingof Jiingaomes, it te erecutefaitbfulnc0 anb iufhee,sna to tem= per n)e gouernement &>!tb mercp . G£\)c latcrtKcmbcr booe t!j b$ i > &it,tbat fc>hat foeuer S>alomor a«efr ,tetb, fball b?uc lucUpc fucceffe , tf hec temper bi0 ioar^fee ncutnc0 forth titveanamcefencne. J"o; as fo? fneb iaitigw asare carpea 2> blpna enabeaapftoutne0,altbo(;gb tbcp fill an tljinges Sertb fearc ana amajebne© foi tht p^efent b?ap :,?it tbep fcone fall aorone of tbeir ownelwsp. (Cbcrfo^earpgb;^" cucn menfuruwienesmahetl) f bsnoes of* balcant to be bjea&fuli. Jnj next aerfc be returnctb to the fearlphe puifiance ffebcn befapetb,tl;at [the &tnggarowc0 fbalbee fbcrp]topcrce[tbcbait0cfbt0cncmpe0.] ^pfeljicb feoo2ae0bcmccnetb tbat bee batb Weapons in l)is bana,fc>bern>itb too flrilt \)is encm-pc0 a far of,fc>[)ofoeuer tl;tp bee tbat foitbGana big fouereintic. lln fehtcb fence alfo be fapctb, tbat [ jBaciorls fhalbecefi; botcne bnaer bim:]a0 tf bee fbonia fap , xvbofoeuer tl;ep bee that aare rpfe bp too impcace tbe Gate of l}is feing= beme,t!jep fball mifersblp pertfij: bpcaure the &mg fball bauc fuffictcnt abiittie tn bis onme t\m\i , too bjeafec the Goutne0 of tbcm aiU 7. Thy throne, o God, is for cucr and euer : the fceptcr of vpryghtneflc is the fcepter of thy Kirigdome. 8. Thou yppon the.xlv. Pfalme. V7 Thou loueft rightuoufhefTe and hatefl: vngodlincfle:therfore hath God euen thy God anoyntcd thee with the oyle of giadneile aboue thy felowcs. 7 [C&P tbjone £> d5oa ?c.]$?e commcn octt) otf)er pjtincelp bertues in v3aiOM?on.' natnelp tb*it $)is tbjor.c is cuerlattingtanD aifetbat tlje manerof bisgouernm:ntis tuft anfc rigbifuil. Jroj wberas tl;e 3jeu;s mtfeonfrer th>3pUcc,as tbougb ti?c woja toerc f?o!icn bmo goD: it is to pimfe.^ifo wtyeras otbers reaa [Eiohim] in tlje gene= ipuc cacc tbus, [tbe tfaonc of tbp (©00 :] it is boia of rcafon,$ bew?a?etfttfyrir foame lemcfTc.iu ti;at tbep fticke not to mangle £ fcripture fo Ibamefullp, ratbertbantbep WoiD b;c conftrepnea to acknowledge toe goal;taa of t\)C £|)ema3* 315 ut tlje ample ana natural fence is,f Salomon reignetb not tprantltke as manp itpngs &0: but & rpg^iful ana inaifcrent !atces,ana tl>erfo$ 1)10 tl;zone fbalbe flxafaft fo?, euer . $iou> alib5u&l)l)ebecaUeo[(]5oD3]bieauf8©oo bat!) impztntea foine mark of bis glozte in feinjes: fit coula not tl)is ftvlc be bcrifico of amoral! man,bicaurya>c reaa not tbat euer any ntan 0? angel was abozneo Wttb t\)iS title Soutantotbsraaottto.Crulp in tbe plur all number afsocll Bingels as 3fiuo gesarc termea<0oas :bntno onspcrfon is called Eiochim but wrtl) aaaitto of fome rclrcw't : like as wben a^fes tSap= popntc&JobcefM)araos<15ooa!o;nonpzo.i 7.15.1s knevoen,be tbat iufiifictb t\)t S»icheb anb betljat cenbem- nci^ tf)f rpabiuoufe, arc botb of tbcniab= rjomiii^blc bnto ajJca.'Ebcrfojc tbe rigbt full gotiernement conGftetbof tbets two part S'.r.ameip tbat tbcp i»l)icl) be in autbo I ritieao (trciUp reftrepnc cuill acebes,ana fioutlp ma(ntcpne rpgOtneufeneflfciaceo.: 5 Bing as it is f htffullp .$ abupfeblp fapa of $lato, tljat c luili o?bcr confiS ct$ of two parts,tbat tstoi»it,of rewaramge pum fi)tng wberas be abectb f b^ C^>as anopn tea aboue bis felowes.]J!t is not fetaown as the ctfeci o: frute of rigbtuoufencs,but ratber as tbe canfe of it. fo j berbpo came it tljat Salomons mpns ft>as bent to bp= rigbtnes $ iuft?ce:namel? bicaafe be was fct ouer tbe people to bee tbeir king bp tbe appoint meni: of ^oo.^fo? cDea o^aemmg !)im to tins bonour of foucreintp, bib tber Softball furnifb i)im witb nzebfull giftes. Cbcfcfa?6 tlje perccll [ Gnai Ken ] agein in this place import etii .is mud; as bpcaufe, as if be fouia lap, it is no mantel! tijougb ^alomon be fo notable an erecuter of tuf; ticc,feeing be is eljojon out of f nomber of bis b;etbzen,to bcasopfca king bp bolpa notnting. $q% befoje be was boitn be was appointea to be fuccciTo? of ti-e aingaomc bp anfroerc from beauen,ana after tbat be was fet bpon tbe tbjonc, be *»as alfo aa = oinca witb p^incclp bertues.^bcrebpon it folotoetbtl)at ^nopnting was ino?ber before rigbtuoufnes, ana fo rigbtuoumes cannot be countea tlK cam j of it. Jit is t cr mea tbe [opie of] bp reafonof tt;e effect of it,bicaufe tbe feitcfttc $ Welfare of tl;e cburc!) aepenaeb bpon tbat kings out . |^ttl;erto J baue e;pounaea tbe Utcrail fence: t;ot»muft 1 banalc fomewbatmc^e at large tUe comparifon of Salomon bnto tfbiiftailbetttbat goaipana moaeftmen w tl be futTi^ea Will) tljat a>l) icb is knovuen bp tbe often bfe sf f fcripturcmamelp tbat fbctmags of Cl^ift was reptefctea to tlje people of ola time,ratbe potter i tie of Das uiatpitnotwitbftanaing bpcaufe tbe Jtwst 9 otber beatbemu) perfons will not eafelp peeia to tbe trutb: it is woulj tb: labo: to fbeto bjecflp bp tbe terp pj'oces of tbe tej;t it felf, l)Ow part of tbe tlnngcs Wbicb are fposenbers, agree not fnllp ? perfectlp to ^alomo.25utCas3I tolopouat tbeQrft) tbe:^jopbets5 mcenmg was, to call backe tbe goalp rainas fro tbe fearfulnrs w'mclj t\)t fozo'tfcfuli alteration tbat Jjapnea Wit'n ma wbtle after, migijt (tribe into tbem. 5->- djeri I I jCbcre kmspjomifeban enerlsfiingnjfle j of tljc feingoomc rr»bicb becapcb affone as ! tbatenc man Salomon &>asbeab. Cbe ; p?opbct tberfbje maketb. ejcccptton,tbat al ' tijougl) tftcbabcam to!)0 i»as tbe &rft fuc« ccifoj of tbat glojtous a= putffi t kingbom, Jbas bjougbtinto a narovo ftreigbt,bp ba urn j a gveat part of the realmc cut of from inm : pit tber iaa0 no caufc iebp tbe faptb titty cburcb ftoulb qasplc:bicaufe tbc 6= gnrc off cusrlafrmg kingbom fobicb u»a0 j ft ill to b« bopJb foj, fo.30 etbtoiteb rbere, 25nD firil of all tbe name of kuigiagmen I to Salomon in toa? of cjcccitcncic, to tbe fattnt ioe fl)oulo smDerftantMbat be fpeas fcctb not of euerp uraer of king, but off I notable King Soljofe tl^ons gab bab p?omi fed fljttli) cnourc as long as tbe fuune anb tb« mooHC ftjine in f f kp pL 7 * . 5 . &me !>MD amb S»a0 a ktng.s lb k>erct'act tbat folotore afterward. Carets tljen in tbi0 tcrma fpeeialuiaicb &ojd tboug'j thebolp gboft fijoulo cbooje out t'gtg one man from al p" tttr,to place bim in tb^ big') cS rome.l!3ut bo w can (t agre,tljat tearltk toalpantncffe fboulo befo great!? commen bed in 5>alomo,s»ho botb S»a0 of a meek bifpofutcm,? alfo bauing obtcpntb a quiet ftate.folowcbonlp tbefcates of peace, anb ncuer fb&ced anp pjoaf of bimfcif in bat: ttW £>ure>? noiljingcan bealUbgeo mo;e euibent tban Vii$ tcfttmonp wberin tbf u uerlaftingnts of £ kingbom isauoucbed. jFo) tber t0 no bout bat tbat tbc anffeerc is noteb, fe>;>erof 3 fpake eucn noto, tbac tbe tb? one of JDamd (bulb continue as log as tl); fanne $ tbe moons abpoe m t!;e f kp 0f-72. 5.H5utracn tbe »cr)> Jewestbem feiuetf arc conCtrcpnjb to refer tbi0 to fyc tflfjcfnas. 'C^erfo^ealtbougbtbc pzopbet bega bt£ treatife bpo tbc fonne of JDauid: pit he mounted bp bigber in fput t« ,$ com s pjehenbc;) tl>c kmgoo.u of tbe true $ cttsv lafttns ti&iQfas. l^:rebw:o maHetbtbe name Eiohim,folHcb tbougb t* bccomonlp referred botb to angcis f men: pit it agre= etb not fimplp to an? one miin alone. 3!nb therfoje no oout but tbe gobip maieftie of |CbMft w betolseneo becrc p?ccifet?.^oa) come 3! coicn to ti)e feneral parts,&bicb notijbftanoing 3 5uil but iigbtlp run oucr* xot bauefato y tt to as calico arioutfong,] e^a[toebbingiong,]inrefpcc{of Ipiy ia= . Svoctiojiob^cbtcpnct^tbt firft place, loKn Caluins Commcntaric, ua ioc fljuio unagin anp Soanton 0; eartb Ip loaes.lin tbe fame fence muft S»c uuber ft5o y CbMft «» calleo [beautiful of fauotf notf bcefeasfogooblp tobeboib fojtijc beautp of bis countenance, as grofbeabtb follibjtame:butbtcattfc betoas cnbiub ijb Cngular gift0, tobcrin be far furmoiitetb all men. 5Foj it is no noueUp foj y tljing Sobicb i0 fpirituall in Cbiitt, to be bcfcn= beb bnoer eartblp figuces. Cb.tiftes kinz bom isfaib to bepuitfanr, tljcrbnto is ao= beo p? tncelp pomp ? rotaltp,fucb as in feen in abunoant paofperirp 5 great apaicftie : * onto tbat alfo arc iopneo plcafurs: $ pit n me of all tbei0 tbing© ajree to € biifts bmgbom xo\}ic\) is notbmg acquainteb i3b tbe pomps of $ S»o?lb. 25utfo?afmuebas tbe |2> jopbets mmbeb to applp tb«r boc^ trine to tbe capacitp of f people: tbet fpa'ie no otberwife of S>aloman,tban of tbe fer= uis of ^0D,i»bicb tljep ftjaooa bttocr t\\e ceremonies of clje Haw. 31 f iae b:ar tins pzopjistp in minb.tbcr rcmametij no barH fannes in tins place. Sfyopzoimj ttjebea uenlp feing(after bee iff pjapfeo foj bis elo quece)is alfo armeD loitb tbe foo^b: it is n tbing i»oytb if mar^ing.iPo? Uhe as elo quence of fpeecb gouernet'a lucb as be ioil ling 1 teacbabie, euen to bicaufe tber bju-; bin manp rebellious f bnrulp perfons in alages,f fo (balbe (til: it mudneebs be y al bnbe/euers i"buia fele bp tbeir ou>ne t>z= ftructio,tb3t Cbi»fl 10 not come unarmed. Cbcrfo^e i» otic befucectlp alluretb bs on ta bim,letbs tt)itb fo^eioarb obebience re- ccpuebu»poUe,tbatfjffainotbponbs,ar ineo fo>itb fujo;b $ beablp aroa>es.wojtbe Ip in good footb 10 grace fapb to be fbeb in bis iippes,bicaufc f of bis orone nature be bjeatbctb fo??l> $ ©btfpei tob'cb i0 f fent of life./i^cuertbelater if ivc be ftiffnecbeb, tbts grace is turneb into tcrriblene0, f of J)t0 bocirm: of faluation Cbiift fbal mafee btmftlf fwc^os f arowes. lii :rebp ftrcb bnto b3 no fuial comfo;t,le«ft f mul titvfoz 9 piioc of Cbjiftcs enm?z8 migbt btTcojajje t»0 .tpc fe Ipus pjouDlp p papitt 0 rcieet Cbiift,lt>bom tbcp boaft to be tbeir lung: $ beatbnifb contempt tbc mojte part of tbetoojlD nuiUctb but a i:d of qimtanb bow malapcrtlp alfo tljcCur&sf ^tvotg raple bpon bim • Cbcrfoze in fuel) confu- fion of tbmges, let bSbctbmH be of tbts p?opbeue,tbat be batlj fu>o;bs j crones to eticrtbjew g vppon the.xlv. P/alme. onertbjew § beftrop bps enemies* fceet fail i bjecfb rcpctc f fabtcb 31 taucbefc afoje £ borofoeuer £ 3 cn?0 ftriuc to left out ti)te bcrfe faith tljctr cattplle© [Cbp rbjone iD iff 00 ifi foj euer anb e tier :] pit is tt of ftUTiatKtfojcc to pjouc tbe cuer* lafttng <£>oobcb of Cb?pft : bpcaufe tbat fabenfoener the nameof[iiohim] 10 af* crpbeb erther to $ngel0 o? men,tbcrcis alve&is 'went to be aoocD tc U fotne mark tba t put teih a Difference bet ween tbemf tbe onlp trac (Bob: bat beer tt ia appipeD bnto C bjv£ funplp anb faitbeut anp f r ■ ception.;ffurtbcrmoje tbts alfo tefaojttb tbeno»rj(j,tl;ReCf;;ifti0fpofecnofbccr tnafmucb as Ijse fa as mamfedtb d5ob in tbeflefb*;ffo?aubougbhcbecatlcD<0oD, bitaufe be i0 tbe faoj& begotten of tbe fa ■ tber bcfojeail facjloe:\ it notuHtftabincr be t0 Tet beet in tbe perfon of mcoiaronr : V*-l 10. 11. 12. fabrrapou tnznb* an:* bp after b« ts fab raittib \>*;to <2? £>2>. 3tab fitrelp tfpe res ftrcine that tbmg to bis ©oibeao fabtcb fsfpoken of bio eaerlafttng lungoome : fae fljalbe bereft of tbe tneftimable frutc fabicb fae re ape of tSifs boctrinc,namelp that inafmucbe as bee (0 tbe beabe of ti;e CburcbcfctbepjeferucranopjeOoeritof our Welfare : bee reignctb not foj a time, but emcfttlj ano enbles foucrcintie, bp= eaufc that from fancc fpxingecb fubftan= tidii qupctnea as fael in ocatb as t n life. 3ilfa ttappeeretb cleerelp bp tbe tejet fol* lowing, tyat Cb;i& is in feittj to bs as our Hieotatour, bicaufc be to fapb too bee annotnteb of bis <0£>2>,pca ano that a- boaebi0felowea.2i$uttbt0car:n3t agree to tbe rternall faoo?o of <2?&>3D, but too Cbjpft ciab fattb fleO?c,tn fabtcb flcft be ts bocb ©000 feruant anb oar b;o ttjsr. All thy garments fmel of Mirrhc and Aloes & Caffia out of the Iuory palaces from whence they made thee glad. King,* daughters were among thy honorable women:Thy wife ftode on thy right hand in golde of Ophir. Harken O daughtcr,and confider,and bow downc thine care : and for get thine ownc people and thy Fathers houfc. So shall the king haue pleafure in thy beautie : for he is thy Lorde and thou shalt worship him. And the daughter of Tire with a gift : the riche people shall doo ho- mage before thy face. ontbeotrjerfiae faee mutt beware of too much p?eci(en£0,tbat face conbemncnot fetter ip tbe mcafurable fetting out of it;e felue© fa'mcb t0 afwtrable to that eftate, Ufee as anon after, tbe i&aeen is bjwgbt m fump t uouflp aiio ropallpc apparaplcb. jfJeuut'jcirlTrtno to be knowenbpttye Soap.ttjvt ail cbut t0 wapfeb here m §s>&- lomou,if-»0 aw put among trje bltf ftug0cf v©oc : foj it .0 not to be soubteb bur tbac [bp tbe bono?abU iuoaien] tbe ^;opbet mctneto Ut0 iutuvs , ot luijom nietion is maoe m aticctjer place. jfO} al tbougbb«0 ©g'ptiiui w.k frm f cocete of ibem:p it tt appceretb tf)at tb>: rcuoue So^ometljebolplto^ppiacctb inmeaner 54? begre 9. [3U tbp garwtnfs ftntLf c.1 3! fetll 1 not ftanb cur ton Dp in Cbanntng v fao jo 0 I S e* not cut tbe &?eb?uc0 arc voei agreed among ttjem feltie 0 iobat \ tbtrbe fao^be U)»ulbrignine3fauingtbatbptbeUUe!p! nes a man map conitcturc it to bs Carta. Jt 1 3 inougb tljat tbe fd^opbet faptb tbe iimgs garments are perfameb fa itb p;e cious fpices anb Tweete fmcllmg Pjug0. Snb bcebefctpbetb Salomon commTng foojtb of an 30 uojp palace, from fabence all men Ijatlt b\m3 clapping tbeir bauccs fo? iop. jffojt 31 tranQate not tbe particle [Meni] [e ut of mc]blcanfca man can picfe notoilerable fence crjerof : but jfi referre tt to [fdalaccs*] iBcwaitbougl-eciccctTc e::D fuperfiuitie ot tciigvts arc not blame les not enelp m tlje ccniinunaltie,but aU fo eucn in ^ings : pit nctfaubftaubing lonn \~aiums Lx>mmentane, Degree, were e ntertcpn«D ubcralip 9 bo? norablp: wbo the ?£>?opbct calletb bings Daugbters, bicaufe manyc of tbem were tffucd of blub ropaU.^cw ttjen bcotb tbe fftjopbet accounts tt among the p?apfes of Salomon tbat bee bad m?n? w t uc0, wbictje tbtng 05od oifoiswetb in all p?y = uatepcrfones -> and m &ings bp e;ep?efle name:' Cf itcdc tt is cafte too gatber tljat wben tbe fc i ngs r icbes $ giojtte arc com? tmn&eo after an o?dtnarp maner : pit is not tbe abufeof tbemaUowed,fQ? it was not tbe 32>?cpbets purpofc to matcbe tbe example of a man in contention wttb tbe rule of *3;n deed tbe ptuffancc, digs nttte,f glo?p of ^alomo were <£oOS fin guler bliffmg-.bowbclt fucb 80 be bimfclf (accc?ding as tt 10 'boot to come to paffiO defiled teitb manp corruptions wbtlc be baft no trap of bimfelfe, but abufed bis as bunbant plentte too itcentioufncflc of bitf flefb?+Co be b?tcf, beer is Declared bow bounttfullp <£>od poured out abuoance of all t'.imgs 'spon Salomon » jjjrJonj tbat b* tcHe fo manp wtaes.and aept not a mca - furable means in bis gioitoufnep, it was as an ejttraojbtnarpibtng* ir* [i^ar&enfD bangbter*fc.]? boabt not bat be ipeafcetb of tbe od, 1 .Co?. 5. 1 7. fo alfo il>sy map after a manes: bee callso i f; oufc of Cb?pSe : but tn pjopep' fpeecbfi vppon the.xlv. Pfolme. »79 es Dung or 80 rigbtncugbt, that €i$ift nuglit enrich b0fc?iti)ir0goeB0. j£o&e libe«0 heegentlp* faeeUp Deltghtetf; ?be new Cljatcl) by calling bir Daughter : fo alfo both bee alow Ijir iyitlj rcwarb,to the intent that fo? €h?ifrs faHe, fl;e map ieil= lmglp,Defppfc anb fo?fakc fobatfocucr Q)e mabc account of heretofore ;tforitt0mo?c than a cotson comfcrMhat ioec fbalfce tijc cbecf barlings of the forme of<£ob . afFeae as free thai! banc put off cut catthfp DiiV pcfmon.3!n the mesne iwbplc letbs lern, that f Denying of our fcif t0 the beginning of our holp cupplirg buto€l)?ift. foi Doubtleffebp[bir father© houfe anb bp ijjr people,] the propbetc meeneib all maner of couuptnc© fcmcb &ce bring from out motbere feicmb, or iobicb fc>e brink in bp cuiil cuftcrae. <£)? ratber tenser tl)is fcpnb of fpeecb, bee comprebenBetb Sohatfceuer men bane of tbemfrlue0:biesufc no part of nature is fownb o? ft ce from corruption. 3Ifo tljc rcafon that i0 aDbcD is to bee no- teo^battbecbnrcb CbaHetb cfbir DcioanS lawful! fubicctton, onlcffe fbe giue birfclf fe>hollp fcnto Cbrift . ■$*}% bp tfocfc;o?bc rjwo?fnip] not onlp the outwaro cercmo= nie , but alfo tbe go&lp affection of reuc= rence anb performing obeDtcncctsbetobe neb bp tbe figure ^inecsoe^e 3!nD Soccib gob tbt0i»arning Ijab bin thr cugblp faep eb80itougbttobe:ro?tbenrc?Dtf : that all fcnecs CbuID boio beforehimtptt conftDertno; hoa tljcp cbaienge infinite to the church in making laiES:Si>hat clfe is ft bnt to tab t bribic in t\)Z neck , that fhe ma? run rpat inithoatmcafurc : 3 emit bow tbepfull Smckcblp pul to iheiufclues the title of u,c cljureh.Snt it is an intolerable treafen to rob Cb?ift ,to DccU btrfelf fcndjall. tE rulp tti0nofmall btgnitictoHtftt trjc rigbt banb,UKe as alio it is no final l;or.oz to be countJb tbc motljr.;- pf a Uljc actlp to bolb tbcm in atoc bnber btr."^?, v.t il is t ?.fp togatberbp innumerable tetvtfiof fcrip= ture, t^at Cb,uli botb not in anp iv>pu fo 3«uJ. aouan« fper cb tl)crc is but one fpoufe , Sul)icb is compact of tbe buiucrfail congregacion of tbe goDlp.Ulnb Qjc is faib to Qttc bp il)C iiings Gbc.not tljat fbc bcatctb anp feue? remtie,but bpcaufe OF ijzift bearetb tlje fo= ueremtie in Inr: in &l;icb fence Qjce is cab Ub tl)t motljer of \>s all. <35nl.-f.2 6 . Cbis place contepnetb a notable p?opbefp of tl;e calling of tl;c pennies as tbento cbmc.bp is>\)ic\) it came to paffe tljst the fonne of gob iopneb aliance toitl) Grangers, ancioitli fuel) as ioerc bio enemies.^ o; there tuns betvoene dE' allfencircumctfebpeo= pie a bcablp bebate ano a portcullis fet to maUe a Difference betxoenc tbem anb tljofc tljat Sucre U)e ebofen of tbeflochc of 2fb?a bant : bpcaufetbccoucnanttl;af dSo&baD ntabe Icitb 3Pb:a!jam , kept of tbe <0en= ttlesfromtbebtngbome of beaucn,til tbe commingefiCbJitt«Cberfo?ebccboutfa5 ocb to tabetlje foo;lbin!)Oip$ncblocb, in no fro?fc fo;t than if&Jcta m olb time bab taken a fenfe from a forein anb heathen na cion. &ft ojeoucr to tbentcnt tlje prophet mop bring tl^e U5?pbe cb^aft anb bnbefpleB bnto Cbrtftes prcfence: beecrljortetb tbe Church £i?htch is gathercb of tbed5cnttls to forget bit former life,anb to bow hirfe'f Sobollp to ber Ijufbanb. SnD bpcaufc tbi0 c'jange 10 harb,ic!;crbp the tmpec of Mi begmnmg to become tbe cbilbren of <£? ob, are tranfef ormcb into neis tnen: tbe |3 r o= pbet cractetb it tbe mere \jebementlp.;f o$ b? tty.B thronging of feort>0.[^cr!?.cn,c6i GDcr,bouj Down thine eare, jbee fignifietb tljat the faitbfull put not out tljewfcluxs f their olb bringing bp,to!tbout bncafp anb peinfull cnbeucr:for bnto tbofc that be'fo* toarb f iuilling,fucberbojtacio ioerc but fupcrflucus.Uinbfurelp experience fljews ctbbovobutlanb flow ioec bee to follow (Sob.^urtbermore bp tbe iuorD[c6fiBer] our Qotbfulncffe is Snortbdp rcproneo. $01 beere upon grotocth our fo blpnb felf loue, anb falfc ouertocening of our oicne fopfebome anb ftrengtb:becrcbpcn grow crb" tt that Saeclifee tbe enticements of the £yo?!b, anb rlnal!ptbat&>ecbcfop?Gub$ ft atelp:ctieu bpcaufe ft>c conflict not how precious a trcafutc gob oScretb b0in his onlp begotten fonne. 3C f this bmhanfefub nco letieb not, it i&olD not grecuc b0 after tbe ctfiKtpIc of panic Pbil-^.8 .to acGunt U.b,atfecucr Soe let meft ftcrc bp,to be but lohn Lalmns Commentane aDutttnccnis church, that be biminiQjetb 0} itnpeaebttb anp part of bis owne right* 1 3 [If no tljc bmghtcr of Cp*e $c.]4£bt0 15 a part of tberecomyence £Dl)trearitljaU tljel^apbctmfttgatetb oj rather puttetb qupte aisap the longing after hir former ftate:tl?at the Cirian0 that come fojitbpje fentes.wc linos) I)Oi3 renowmeo the fame of Cp*e bath bin in olb tpmeianb tljerfojte be putrerf) jt as a cb:cf honour , that the? 0) all coinc oivt of fo noble nr.D S»clth? a ct; tie to mafccfubmiffion bnber hir. SHU als though it bee not necbfull too go thjowgh &ntlieuerpfmal!perceli, that ioecrboulft finb all tbofetbing60 in tlir church, febich are fpoKcn here of g>alomon0fx>pfc :ptts noti»itliftabing S»e tatt fome f rutc of this tnopbefie at tb;0bap, Soben tf>eb manetb manp great menof the b>o?l& to foOcr ano maintcpne the church frith their eurtcQe, although the? tbemfeluesrccepuenottbe pofceefCbjift. 14 The kinges Daughter is altogither glorious within , hir rayment is of cloth of Tiilew. ijr She shalbe brought to the King in raiment of needle workrhir maidens that are nexte about hir shalbe brought vnto thee. 16 They shalbe brought with ioy and gladnes, and they shall enter intoo the kinges Palace. 17 Thy children shalbe in fled of thy fathers„thou.shalt make them Prin ces through the whole earth. 18 I will make thy name renoumed through out all generacions : T hcr- fore shall theNacions magnifie thee for euer world without end. 14 [Che fringes Daughter $ c ] Cbere map bee a bubble bjibcruanbingc of tbi0 tierfc : namc!p,cptber that tl>c i&uccne 10 alt»ap0fump:uoufelp apparelcb, not onlp ioben Q)C cometb abjooc intoo the face of the foojlb* but alfo i»ben fhe fitteth in hir their oven flottjf ulnc0 either rcfufc $000 liberalitie , 0; elfe after rbep are encicbeb, be brought agein to pouertte. 17 ['^bpcbittucnfhalbefc.] Chtsalfo furthest!) the ejec^lenep of ht0&fngaome, tbat tbe pofteritic fbalnot bee infenour to chamber^ clfc tijat the gozgeoufeaeffe of their forefathers in Soo;ubpne0,anb fo the hir attpje i0not eauriterfet to Dajle y cpc0 of thefimple fo;f,butS»asmabc offobfta cial anb rich ftuffcCbe p jopbet tljcrfoje amplifietb the bappp.ftate of the ^ucene bp thi0 circumftanee, that fbe hath fump ? tuou0 apparcll not onlp to Chew birfclf m note f then at time0: but alfo to attire hta fetf m,b8plp.£nber0 erpounb it that al hir glououfnc0 conCifietb in tbi0, ^ tr>c bins taUetb hir fammarrp into \)is companp:bp caufe that bpanbp after , hir palling bp into hir chamber is befcribeb to be &ith a great « gorgeous train folo*tng hir. jftcro al= though this pomp crccebc mcafure:pit the p?opbettcacbetb bp the Soap,£ the church is not fo filptuouflp apparcleb to tbentcnt fbc (buio make the people ftanb gating at. hir.but onlp to pleafe tl)e hmg ifcalt. 3pnD, that the church at tbt0 bap gipfterett) net i&ith fputtual beajtp, Uihcrin tl?c riches of €Ui& map fyine fo?tl?,it is to be ImputrD to rljc prjtbaHfutoes of men.'soh0 *hi«3h nobilitie of befcent fbalnot bee bimini^beD after fbetl>of &alom6:btcaufe f offp?ing that (hall come of htm, fl>vl match their forefathers inallercellentneffe of berteio. after a^arD bee abbeth [ that thep fhalbee l^jinces tbjot»gb tlie toholc carth,]with; bominion fo far fp^eb abjobc that it mpgbt eaQp bee btuibcD into manp Uingbome?. Crulpit lis cafieto bcgath.ercb,tbattbtaf pjophefic conccmcth Chuft. if 01 gmlo= nion0fonne0tocre fofar ef fromhauing fo large a Hmgbom as to biuibc p jomnces among ihctn ' that his fitft hcif^fetepneD but a fatal pettton onlp 3nb fo none of his iaa5fu!l fucceffours attepneo to be fo pmf= fant as be,but all ef them fcjcrea0it ^oere pent bp in aftreigl}t,i»ttlun the Jlojbfhip of one tribe anb a half, tfrix* fbhen i: came to Ch?iCl , i»ho *SDas tljs mibblcmofi bes ttccene chc oln Church anb the new,ljc m beeb begat chilb?e no lcbit inferior to their fathers eptber tnnombcr o? in ercellencp, fcbom vppon the.xlv. P&Ime. &bom bee fc»c oucr rulcrsof tbe foljou feojto.irQ*&l«!OP{$ tbe Hi fauonrebnes of tbe weffe b&rbcn t&e glojic of ti;e cbur clje btfois tbe feejlD J pit if free conflccc bow wcnberrallp tt barb bin cnercafeb.f SJb fobat gifts of gbouip MstiutB it batb bin garm Qjeo : fee *nn£ confeo bote it & not imtbout caufe.tbat ttje glojp tbereof is r enowmeb. /tfotw Ubfh 10 to be notcb, tbat tuc pzincelt. neflc iobereof mention 10 mabe,c6uftctbnoc in tbe pep tons of mm, but 10 rcferrcD too tbe bcab. ft oj tbe Dominion ants potu;r inbtcb pzo pcrlp belongetb to tbe beao 3 and agrectb pecul tattr tmto commontp put ouer too btff members. ^oji'wccHnowe tbat tbofe irbtcb baue cbeef pjebctmnece in tbe Cburcbe, tabe not vppon tbem as JlcjDce bnocr tbe name of Cb^ptt c, but ratber are as banbfcriiantsjbowbcic foi afmucb 80 Cfejpft batb pat the ui in truft tottbbi0tlmaBCtbpnamerencwmcb. «c«] $0 Sobit tbe niO?eagtcf tb tbps too Salomon i»bo OP b»s ftameful anb nn= fpcabable reuouing, Did fotlp btftein tbe renewm of bis namc3fo; feing tut be up the filtbpnes of bis fapcrfttuen0£e6leD tbe lanD tbat was batoiccb bntoo d5o37 bib be not befpoite ijimfcif S»«b cnoic-fle Thecontcintsof the xlvj.Pfalme. Jtfcemetb to be -a. tbankjgiuing3ratberforfome cert cine dcliuerance3 tbe for Gods contincwall help wherewith bee batb alwayes defended tbe fiat e of tbe ChurcbeJor it may be gathered tbat lerufalem was beyond expeslati- on prefer ued by tbefodcinc and wonder full working of God, at what tunc it wasftriksn in great fear c3and fode in bayard of extreme daungerTherfore ■ tbe 'Prophet (whofoeuer was the author of tbe Vfalme) commtndingfo j'm^u IarabincfiteofGod, exbortcth the faithful to commit themfclues into his tn it ion without feare3 and not to doubt but tbat vppon affurednes of bis pee- ping and bis mainteyning of their welfare 3tbey sbaloe ciwmorefafc agcinft all ajjattltes of their enemies , bycaufc it is his proper charge too appcafe all nations. Z.Hii. Tbe 180 Cbameff repjocber'&urdp befoma fee;'-: tb| tc]bane bab Jjts name but pea in cuer lairing fo:getfalttcfir,nctur a fobtt mo?e glojp befcrueo tSebabeum, wbc log tbe bette parte of bts btngoome ttoougb bis otone boltifb* p;tbc. ^00 tbe intent tben tbat tbe trotbc of t!jta tirle map be affu= reb.we babneeb to pafle br too Cb:puc, tobofe renown iinetb anb 602 ifbctb t uer moje,fo; aitbocgb tbe wcjid bcfpife b»n oj ratber pjeube folbe bo eptber teare 05 repzocbefollptbjowebownburcncwn: pit tbe mauftte of it remapnetb fafc Otil* ailtbotigb enemies fottb oat norabcr (tt p vp on ait ftbes to opp^ciTs bis htngbome: pit notwiebftanbing ail kners begin too bow btfo.iebtm.bnttll bee banc tb;owen all poteers tbat are agctnQc mm , bnber bis fecte.iro? tbe furious attempts of fa tban and all tbe fobolc too; Idc coulb net quencbe tbe name ofCb^Pfic, but tb* tit lwa0conuepcb ouertoo tbem tbat came after, anb bolbetb ftii bio gio;p from age to age,! lee as ice fee it to bee rcnowmeo So u b all rungs euen at tb>0 bap.jj^ow al beeit tbat tbe mc?e parte of tbe fcozlb do renb tt wttbtrapt rous blafprje.mesipit tsttmougbtbat ^jo bootb cuerpwbere fitr tp pjcaiber© to founb fojtb tbe p;ap les Ql£t)i?(k fsitl) a pure gar re, j t; ti>e meane time tt ig our butle3to ttti :tne our lelnes to tbe btr ermolt,tbot tots renown becap not at anp ame^lj tt , mua conn new3nbflo?t(b tbjougbal! ages too tr>e enblcft Welfare of all men. lohn Lamms Commentanc The- xlvi.Pfalmc. / To the cheefe of the fonnesofCorc,a fong vpon Alamoth. 2 , God is our defcee & ftregth, he is foud greatly our help in tribulations. 3, Therfbre wi1. wc not fearc though the eartl 1 be moued, and though the Mountaines fall into the hart of the Sea. 3pcn Alamoth. jCl)e^Rterpje= b»0fctuantf0,fi0tb?ttbe Cburcbemay perccmc it fcl/f o bee befcfcbzb peculiarly crsarrree not about tbe &0O?be ( 3naimuth ricuertbelelle, omtttmg luv>,c part of opinions 3 foiWencrce fcuttwo: cither ttjattfc S»as aninftru- ment of gBuQcft.oi els tbe beginning of be coraenfestb tbe nztutlebgc of abootto fame commorranD toell bnoroen fong : 9 fobicb ennacbe* rib by tbe banb of v0ob, z.HUg. i9*35> by bim.Htno there is no s?out bat tbat by tb to faying, l>ec feperatetb bis elect peos pic fro ftrange 9 beatljen nations ana fo jtton, ...pztng ofaibza^am* Cberf9ze&hen3i fayeait teas a general fentencc,3! mmbeb not to tjctenb it foitbout exception to all maner of perfon0,but to aitimcDtbicaufe be tea chetb no mote but bob) (Sob is front too bebaue bbnfelf cor»arD0 all tbofe tbat be btff. 3S fterioarD enfuetb an mferring,tbat feb'Cbe tbtng U feillmgip abtmt,btcaufe tberc is no caufe of Difmayiug in v raptb* it agreetb tory S»el *)it^ ^c &>bole pzo« ful.feing £ oo isalvoayes rear to belis cefTe of tbe matter* purely it i0 mantfeft "tbat fome fucb notable benefit of ?opbct fpeaH of tbe cjc= perience0of$>oO0fauGz,tbepzctcrtence toill fit tbe place bctter.'Cbe ?5>?opbcte0 intent i0 to ettoiltbe gooones anb puif- fancc of 05ob anb alfo b»0 fpeeop belp to= fearDcs bi0 fcruan tec, t!;at in abucr fitie tbcp fboulb not gaje about el0 5»ber ,but content tbefelue0 tottb bi0 only pxotecti on«»nb tberfo>? tt 10 fet ootbn in erp?e0 , Spozbfl tbat €>"3D i0 fucbe a one tocoarbs uer tbem7pea f alwapa armeb 2? imiinci ble power.5lnb j piopljet Gjewetb frbtcb is tbe true $ rtgbt trpal of bopertbat i& to fDit foben tbingoare fo confafeb, tbat in maner tbe beaueng feeme0to fai,f eortb to remoue out of b 1 0 place , f tbe monns tames to cliue from f betr rotc0i* pit tot Banb (reby 2» calmc 9 qayet mints, f 01 it is an cafye matter too make a counter nance of great faitb, as long as no perill bangctboueraman:but iftbecrufbing of tbe frbole fDOjtlbe giue auault too our minb0tf put tbe not out of quiet: then it eafiy apperetb f> 'toe yeelb bnto ©od tbe Due b^nozof migbttnes.^ozcouer tobe be faitb [tue (ball not fear] be 00 tb not bt terly exempt fgoDlyminD0froaltbogbt oj fear,a0 tf tbep 5»ere fenfles (foj tbere is far OD0 between infenfibilitie $ tbe con aancy of faitb ")bat Ije only Q)Co?e tb, tbat frbatfoeuer betibe , tbey are neuer ouer- febebneb 2b terrour , but ratber gatber Qrengtb fafftcient to alay all fear. [Cbe eartb to moue, $ tbe mountains to fal in to tbe bart of tbe fea,are ouerrecbmg fpe cbe0,but pit fucb as figmfie tbe turning of tbefebcle SoozlbebpfiDeDOttme* f oz %obeea0fomec)epounDtbeb^^toftbefea» too be tbe eartb 5 3 alon? it not. 115 tit too tbe cntent foe may baue tbe M Doctrine, letbs pzoceeD to tberefiDue. * . LCbe vppon the . xlvj . Pfolme. 181 The waters thereof shall rore and be trubbled : themountaineTsJialbe shaken in the lifting vp thereof. TheflrcamesofMr riuers shall glad the Citieof God,eaen the (anftu- aric oi' the 1 ,-j -crnades of the moil: hygheft. God is m the mids of it,therfore shall it not be moued : God shal help hiratthefyght of the morning. [12^e &>aterstycrcofjre.] Che latter our fapty 10 then rpgbtlp trpcb , fobenit berfe muftbe iopnea ferity tyts, bpcaufe it fHletytycfentence,as if bebabfapbe, al* tyougb tys fe>aters rage anb fa>ell,pea ana Ojafee tye bcrp mowntaine© Soit!) their !ji= beous ruffting: pit (ball the Cttte of <0ob merelp as quietlp taUe bir reft , cucn in tye m\os of tyofc horrible turmoples, contfs ting hivfelfe ferity bir final bzoofces . #0? £ pj onown relatuw [JJJtr] i0 fuperfluous ac* coding to the eomon cuftomc of tye i$c- b?ew tung.^roj tbe??opbctmentto fap no mojc,but tyat tye fmall lrreatnc0 of l?tr iits tie bisoKe ,:houlD mimfter full eccafion of glabneffetctyebolpCin^tyougbitibnib perhaps bctpbe tyat tyefetyole fe>0£looib quaplc.31 tola a little afozc bote profitable a leiTon tyts place contepnety, namelp tyat comes too titoll greeuoue conflicts , info* much tyat the berp btlis fecmc to bee ope= neb to ftcsJovoe b0 bp.&e alfo is tye bic= tozic of fapty agcinft tye ferijole fcsojlb pem tco out bnto b0 : namelp ferijen it feiabety out of trubblcfomneflfc in fuel; fejpfe , tyat although all creatures manaee beftructto, pit it banquiffljety all fearc. ifrot tyat tye cbilojen of bicb lean bppon ©ob map trulp make tyeir boaft,f tyep tyallnot onelp be bnfearfull, but alfo fafe 5 founb fetyen all tye fesojlb ts rebp to fall in pecces.S&nb tye pjopbet faptl) bp eje- pzctTe fe>ozbs,tyat [tye Citie of gob ftal= beglab,] although ttbaue notanp trub^ blefome fea to fet ageinft tyofe Soaucs tyat Ije fpafee of,but a fmall b^oofie onlp,anb be allubcty to tyat little dream 5»l)icb floieeb out of Srilo ooronebp ^ierufalem.Q9o?e ouer J bout not but £;tyc#?opbet booty ouertywartlp taunt tbe bapn truft of fuel) as bzeamctycfelucs to be out of all gonne.< Cbot,bpcaufe tyep are feneeb feity cartylp Heepcf. .if enemies a far of from coming np tyeu, ;sif tyep &»ereemip?oncb rouno penetb tyat tbepj onmc furniture turnct!? totyej^bnbooing.bfecasif atcpeft fbulb Soail anb beftrop an piano bp ouer flowing it.liSut tyep that eomit tycmfclucs too tye tuicion of <^ob,altyougl) as to the iso;ib- Soaro tyep befet open too all fe?ongs,anb arcnot futftcientlp feneeb too Ijolb outa- geinft affaults : pit are tbep quiet fcrityout carelRntyisrefpcct €fap.8.6. rcp?oucty tye 31ex»cs,bpcaufe tyep befppfebtyefoft x onntng Soatcro of Srilo, anb bao a mpnb to beepe anb fwift ronning riucr0. Cbcre is in tyat place a trim matching of contra; ric0 betteecne tye little bzoohc S»aa of tye one parte, anb ^ilusanb Cuphjatcs on tye otyer part : as if be Iboulo fap.tyep befraub gob of l)is honour ,as tljougb **be hecljofe ti)tQt> ia in tbe mi&s of tt.jc] noS» l$ee fhcwctl) from fcjljenec ibai fo great fuertte of the cburd) comctl), namtlpbpcaukgoD fitted) tn f muds cf f oz- f woj'o COjniltjg moucb] belongctb ; • loc fenitntne gcnDer, ana cannot be r eferrcb "onto gob a0 tbongb, be fbulo be bntnouable:but f fentecc mutt bee refoiueD tints : "ClyC^olv (ETih'c f^jal- notbe mioiu'o out of r>ir ftate , bpcaufegcb ftttetb in for,* is alwapco reop to fuccour- bir.ifr ox tberfpgljt of trjc mo?ning]impoj- tetb 30 much as if bee bab fapD,euerp Daye affowc as the tonne rpfetlj bnt s the carttj . Cb« effect eg,? tf i»c couet to be fbzoubeb tonoct 9 band of goo, tot tnuft in anp fonfe enoeuer ,tbat be map bis el among w. bp= caufc alibope ef toelfare oepcnDzib bppon bis onlp pzefence . 3 no be DSoelletlj not a - mong bs fox anp otber canfe, bat onip too fceepe bs in fafev. i^occbett altbougb t0ob belp b0 not alwatcsm poQ baS accozotng to tbebeate of our Dcf?xcs:pit toil be be a? bs tpme pnougb ,fo as it map eaflp appeerc too bestrew fobtcfo is fpoacnin anotber place.that is to frit, tbat tbe beeper of ctje €!;urci)Docrt) neptijer flctpc nojflomber atanp tpms.^falme.u 1.4. fet purpofeubat tbe fapt'.iful mpgrjt beere: after lerne bow tljc onelp grace of (25 ob is pnougb foj tb?m fottljout tr)c belp0 ef tlje Saozlo. :E5p the fame meanealfoboctb tbe bol* ^boft«bozt * encourage too to t!>ia conftanc.e at tbis bap,tbat belVpfing tbetr boft0i»f)icbtoaunttbsnt felues ftoutlpas geinffc bs, tot fboulb ftanb tonmouable as mongallDjfquietnesanotrubblcs.anbnot begreeuebox afbameoof our nafecones, fciug tbat tbe baub of <£>ob is ftrctcfco out to fane t»0 . 'Cberefoxe alttjougb goos help trickle botcne but foftlp to loofcei 00, 80 it Sucre but bp f«ullftreamcs:pit notimtb* ftanoingit bzingetl) usmozequietncs.tbS if ail tbe power of tbe SooziD fotr tbzongc'o togitber to belp bs. Wbsreas bee tcrmetlj ^icrufalcm [tbeg>anctuarpof tbe Ca= ternacico of tbe moii bpgbcft,] it ifi a trim aliufion to the (rate of tbat tpme. fopiU tbougb r gob bab b'0 foueccintictbxougb cnerpeene of tbe f?p:pit beboucb it tbe to be gatbereo allbnbcr one ^actuarp,tbat tbep mpgbt be tonber goo 7 The nations raged, the kingdomes wer mouedjie put forth his voyce, and th.e earth melted. § The Lord of hoftes is with vs : the God of Iacob is our ftrong hold. ScLth. 9 Come,conn*der the works of the Lord: what wilderncdes he hath made vppon the earth. He maketh battellsto ceafe,euen to the vttermoft coafts of the earth : He breaketh the bow,fcattcreth the harnefTe,& burneth vp the cha- ryots with fyre. Bee (till, and knowe yee that I am God ? I wilbee exalted among the Gentyles,! wilbee exalted on earth. The Lord of hofts is with vs : The God of Iacob is our ftrong hold. 10 11 12 SeUb 7 [ neucr feantctl) enc^ mpes.vea anb to ftrong enempe0.anb cqyi- fequentlp fucb as tbxougb tonbxpblcb out= ragcatlault it crucllp : tbe 0zopl;etno6» b\> etpericncecoftruretb f boctrinei»bicb be fit Down concerning tbe inumcibie tui= cion of go& : $ aftcrwarb pic&et'o out a ge* neral cofozt, boi» it is fbc cotinual cbarg8 of gob too aflroage all tr oubloufenciTe an& to appcafe it : 9 tljat bi0 banb is ftrong p= nougb too bzeahe all tl;c attempts of ene= tnpes. J, confeffe, tins place mpgijt be tafee iaSnitclp: tbat goos citte is fubiect to ma- np iro;me0 , f pit abpbetb alwapes fafe b^ tlje benefits of dEM?2> . 2i5ut tt isamoze lpkclpljoo vppon the . xlv; . Pfalme. 182 Ipfcclpbob ( a0 3 fapb at tijc beginning) tbat t^e trcatpfc concernctb fome notable beliuerance,ta)bertn <25oo bab fbctr>eb fome trpall of bis cnoleffe povcer ana fauour in pjeferaing bus Cburcbe , Cbe p?opljct tberfo; repojtttb tohat bab bappeneb.tbat 10 to font, that tbc cnempe0 of tbe € hutch came fontb tyeabfull furniture to beftrop it, anb that tbep iocre bpanbp e»0 it fo>cre molten at»ap bp tbe bopee of (5£> 3D. Hlnb beerbprcbonnbetbbntov>0anmeQimable comfort, fo»ben Socc beere tbat altt)OLcg!j tbe fo)l)0lc fo>o?lb rpfeageinft b0, anb tars mopletb ail tbingstoitb frentife beate,tbcp map be bjtougbt to nougbt in tbe turning of a bc tjimfelf to fau8urb0.|Bow,aUl)ougl) <£ obsbopce betoken bio commaunbment oz beck e, pit f jiMopljct feemctb to allube to dE>oD0 p:o; miu*c0,bptol)icb bebatl) affurcb bs,tbatbe fonlbe tbc keeper of Hto clmrcb.25p f fo»ap, tbe matcbfng of contra* ; cs 10 to bee notes bctroeenc tbc bopee ef e map applp to our oronc fcfe tbe ti)ing0 fojljicb tbc (crt- pturebtteretb euerpfebere concerning tbe tnmeafurable power of <&>&> 3D , if Sue b*= Iceue ourfclues of tbat nomber, iul)5 <£5ob bat!; embraced fcttlj htsfat^crip ioue ?5iobo»nbe5»'Hcberi{b.^"o?bcc5inehbetb agepu tl;s aboption,bp u»b'd) 3LfraeU&* 31 n tobicl) refpect, after tbat tbe #?epbet batb fet Otttbispuulince, bp calling but* [tbc d5ob of bofte, 3 immtbiatlp be a&bctfy tbc otber tptle.bp fo?bicl) be mabe bi0 couc nant in olb tptncferitlj 3b?abam: to tiien* tent bis pofteritie, to inborn tbc tnberitacc of tbe pjomffeb grace fcelogctb, fboulD not, bsubt,but tbat (Sob fauo;cb tb?m alfo. ifo? to tbenttnt our fa-vb map ttnougbl? fettle itfclf ,tbct£ ttooo tfjinco muft be con? fibcreD in (35 00 toguljcr , namelp, l;tc bn= meafiuable power, fo>itbfo>bieb be isar= mcb to fubbevr tbc ialjotc i&ojlb: anb alfo big fatfjs v!p !oue,S»btclj be ijatl) fet abjooc bp bis S»oo?a. $Qtt>,fo>bcn tbcts ttooobe topneDtogitbcr,notl)ingca lctbuttbat cur faptl) can baunt itfclf ageintt all cnempeo. if o: it t0 not to be boubtcn, i»bttl] cr <^cb toili fuccour bS,o? no,bvcaufe \)t batb p?o= mifeb be fetll boo it : anb ao foj power, be f;atl; fuf 6ctcnt to pcrfoiKic it,bpcaufebe 10 tbc (0ob of boflo. i^eerbp ice gatber tb&t tbofe pn Tones in-nnccr ii\utcl;c Diy m tbc Scripture, i»b,icb Icaue banging in $ aire iubatfocuer :s concerning ©cds mpgbtpnefle, anb beleeue not tl;atbc Sotit bee a father to them,bpcaufc tbcp be of b 10 flocke, anb parttaKers of b:0 aboption. 9. [Come, conGber. s c. ] i^e fecmetb to p;orcebe ft til Xoitb tbe ftojic of tbe bcliuc- ranee, ix>bcrbp €»o& bab auoucbcb bt»nfci.f to be I beft anb faptljfullell befenber cf i;is Cburcbe : to tbentcnt tbefaptbfull fbouio fetcb fro tljcnce botb armour ans ftrengrt> to ottercomme temptations , tutjatforacr fboulb ftcpbp bcrafter. fo} £ aauratices of d506B fauour, fobicb be bab pcrf o?meo in bcrp beebe bp faumg bs, muft bee con- tinuallp before our epc0,tbat tbep map tra bltEb tbc faitl)fulne0 of bi0 p;omifc0 in our bart0.ipcuertbcle0 intbi0 erbojtation b« couertlp rebukctb tbe buines of tbofe tbat make not fo greate account of d5obs puif= fance atf tbep ougbt to boo: 031 ratber be res pjcueti? tbc 5o bole fc?o? lb fo; \jnt bankfuU nes, bpcaufe fcarcc enc among an bunb?cb acKnorclebgetb tbat <5od ta able pnosgij to befenb Ijntt: anb fo tbep are all partlpnb tn bi-b ft %>oolb become tbe to fatijer tpon oojt&c0. Hlnb fo?afmucb a» b? bir ectetb W tain to all men UlirtfSicrsntip, Site k»!e^ beieafeeb f quic Iscneb bp. £$o?eouer,bc cjetollcth. Hitgbte* Ip <£c&0 poroer in pjcfcruing l)ts djojcn pcoplc.fejbtcb. t0&oont to be eptijer befpu feo,b?elfe is not foepco accoutring to tlje fc?oo?tl)pnc0 of tt,£t$cn iti»co?Uctij after tlje otfrinarie raaner . Cberfoje be fettct!) foojtb SDaSinges anb otljer miraclc0,tbat map it; cue meuc0 ioittes mo?c effectually. rCbat istycb folowctlj nejet, [tbat bee ma= fcetb bKttcllcs to ceafe,] if anp man lphe to fenbet ftanb it of gobsfpectall beip ,pit mutt it be refetrcb to t!$i0enb ,tbat tbe faptbfull muft locUc fej tbe fame in tpnu to come, Sebfcl) tbep bane bab trpall of bp erperiece alrebpe* Snb furelp tbe |i>?opt)ct fecmetb bp one beebe to fncroe mnmtelpboro mtgb telp <8 Ob id 5r ocnt to befenb bis £burclje« ^ orcbeit tbat it barb bappencb moje rban onee,tl?at <£>£>£> bifco?agingtbe enemies barte0 , breaking their boroes , $ turning bp tbeir cbarpot0, batlje pacifpeb all com= motton0tb?ougb |ew?p,ar.b b?iuenan?ap icarrco a fat of.ilnb it islifcc pnougb,tbat tbe^?opbct toofcc cccafion bcrbpo,to put tbc JI etccs in mpnb,bo*» oft (SB ob bab bif= appopnteb t!?e greateft attempted of tbeir cnemie0.^mxiti0inbeebe,tbat(i5obt0 abojmcb iritlj tbcic tpties, to tbentent tljat its ce fboulb ijopc fo? peace at b'£ Ijanbjeuf Sy ben all tt)e Sbo:lb is on a roje. s if. [i5eefitll,anbfenotBepce.jcO l^ce feemetb now to turn tysta'fe peculpatJp to ti;ccncmpes of <2?oD0 people, tfeatfoiosoe John Cabins Commcntaric tbeir lull tnoje bololpinbcoingmifcbeef: bpcaufe tijat Sobcn tljep put tl;c fainctes to trubble,tbep tljinK not ti;at in fo booing tbep mafcc i»ar ageinft itbcut feare o> Ihame : f £>?epbct reftrepnetb b«ew tbeir Ijeabpnefle , anb to tbentent bi0 talk map banc tlje mojte feice, be bnngetb m &ob b'.mfclf fpeabmg. 3inD firft be bibbetb tbcm be ftilMljat tbcp map tmowe bun to be bcn men ronne a beab toifyom abuifement, tbcre i0 no rocme fo* moberatcneflc : ano tbcrfoje tbc }£?opbet (net fettljout camY) requitetHtbcencmpcscf the Cburcije to bee ftiil,tbat£»ben tbeir beatc is alapcb, tbep map perceiue boaj tbep fepebt ageinft 4&ob.wee bab almofte tbc Ipbe fentencc in tbe fott>?tl) i^falme anb tbe fiftb berfe : [S)tanb in a«?c, anb fin not: betljink pctn: fciue0 tn pour bart0,anb bee ftill.]C^e cf* feet i0,tbat tbe toojilbfubbereingtbartrub blefcmeaffccticnsjlboulb peclb to tbc0o& of 31fracll t!;e g!o?ie tbat be bab bcf«rucb: anb if t\)ty> p?occebc to plap tbe mabmen, be telletl; tbem flatlp,tbat bis power is not enciofeb foitbin tl)C bcun&0 of 3"ccD?p,anb tljat it ffcalfece no barb matter fo: bim to ftretcb out b«0 armea far to tbc )oaid vppon inc. xivij. tuime. I6t Jhotild fprcd out the beames of his grace u far of, fi as k&£s and ,-. , fjould grove into fdovefri^ with the children of ^ibrAhdm. Thf.xlyii. Vfilme. A long to the chccfeof the fbnnes of Core. 2 All people clap your hands,(ing cheerfully to G O D with the voyce of leaping. 3 For the LORD is hvdi. terrible, and a great Kino; aboue all the Earth . 4 He hath brought nacions in obedience vnder xs, and put the gentyles vnder our fcete. c He hath chozen our inheritance for vs, the glorie of Iacob whom hee loued.SV/.*/;. ?§0A fcopte dap pour IjanDejef 9C] l^ojaftMicbastjeSi&illetljall pco= 'pic toclaptbef^anwat <2>Gsm token of glaoneffeano iop, ojras tfjet crbo? tetb tbcm to fuel; birtsonteb toy, as tbc toebemencte thereof tnay burfi foul) into leaping anb f Hipping : line if 10 that Ije intreatetb of tbeir fa'uscion.^Fo?- if gob ffeoulD fct bp a tycaDful fcingbomc among tbs <0entyies ,5jc fhoulD rather ca(5 townt all mens foarts $ o;ter&>bclme tbcmfcHtfj Defpay?e,ti)anginetbcmoccaficn of Dau= cmg.lBefyDS tljto, foe pieac-M not of tlje o?t> marie grace of (25cb,but of fuel) a grace a0 fbebing foojrtb incredible toybpon tfjc tof)oiciyo;ib,mavftir bp the my nbs of all tnentofetont <£>oo (by tlje icabmg of Cbjnft bis fonne) tamctb, 9 fub= De\»ctl) tbofc thatioererebcllsbefoje : tt folcwctb, that this frylc agrecth not but to Cfoutts fetngbome , &>ho is calico a bygh, anb b^abful king, not bycaufe he antajetl) tl)C fa5?ercl)20 folne ouer frbome l;ee rc?g= nctb, toitb tyrannical! toieience : but by; cauft bis maiefiie Sobicb erft fc?as Ijao m contemptjis of abilitie to bjea'ac tly: ftout= lies of the foljolc 5»c?iD.jf 0? it is to be no-; to tbat x\)z meening of tl)t boly ©hofi is, tbat feeing the Jcajesbab bm fpytcftiil? baubleb anb oppjeffea a long fe)b?lc,f af= fiictebiuitl) funo^ calamities fromtym.e to timetgobs gracioufe gooones i»as now fo mucb th««io?e notable toosarDes ttym, bpcaufe tbc nacions tbat bo?bcrt'S rcunbe about t])cm iuere fub&ewc3,- anb 2Dauibs Uingbome become mofi fio;iftbing.3inb by tlje'iaay tbc tbirg iis trevo l&tytl) Ji tolo you ef,na»nclL' tljat it is cafy too gather by tlje laying togitbw of tlie^oojtis ioljzte [C60D is calleb a terrible anb migbty King abouc all t\)z eartb,] tbat tl}Z fame agrcetb totbefeingbomcof Cbnft. Cbsrcfoicno boubt but tl;at goos grace to as colnmens Deb i& tbeis tytles,to tbc intent to frrcng= tijen the mynos of t!)e gooiy in t'oat mesne tymcunfohjebnot onl? tbe bign;tic of tbc people of 3fraelieasbccnvcb,but alfq tb?y tl)cmfclues being oppjteffeb 5»ttl)fojcin re= p?ocl),cottlb btcrefrcf fbco Suiib no tafi of gobsfauour,faue onelp by rcfting bppon bis onlp p3tomifes."»e hnoro !;otx> long i\)C ceafingof tbistoyall power conttneoreo, cuen from tbe beatb of Salomon too tbc coming of Gtytift.&fyis 'was asit i»cre a S»b'rtepooplc s/ tnygb^ baue foalovpco top \ gobly mynbs,if tbey i)at> not tin bpijilo by tbctoioja of gob.tSbcrfoje inafmucb as tbcre ioais aljanfel of tljis Utngoome tl;ct is lonn gamins i^ommenunc tanow fpOU5 of.giutnbp goo fcr?cer 2Da- ut\}:(aitbougb ttjerc foloroeb a fojtovvful $ almoft a fbameful alteracid fontbin a ft>bi*« after:* tmmcDtatlp \jppon tbat moft gree= uousmif fortunes : * l«ftlp capttuitie ano moO mticraole Difpcrfmg , Subicb DifFcreD itttlc fro biter Dcfiruciic: ) tbc bolp gbofi: batb ett)o?tc& ? faptbfuli to contineo? tbetr iopfuincs, titfilitbe l&eDemer Smrecomc. ^. [i$s batb bjougijt 3 c] Wberca0 otber tranflatcit, [$)ebaibputnaeusn0 mfub= tccnon.fc ] % t agrcetb i»iti) tbis tranfla= tton of mpae * J, t is fbmc&ljat further of tijitt fomc tranflatc it, [$ e tcaDctrj neciotiflf bnfcer *s:]but it is fctterlp from t!;c mce= King oftrjc ?:jop!)ct tliat otijcrfoinc tafec ttjc &)C0JD [ lerabec] tODeftrop . ;ffO£tt 10 nOt to bect>o«p?cD,buttbat bccrcbsbetcUcHea a pjofitablc,ior;ful,anD Dcfpjablefubicctid. 3?f anp man rjp.ts leuer to bcepe fctlltrjefu- tttre tcnce of £ bcrb,3 mtfltKe it not./ftot- Suitbftancmg fojafmuc!) a© it is ccrtein y ti)Z grace of gno to come,t0 cSmenfceD bn= Der a fbaDowe,3i fc>tllinglp embjaeeb tt)at fobtcb otber iranQatcrs baue ItUeo better of. i39o?60ucr altbeusb tbat in tbi0bcrfc ■tbepjopbet 20 pcculparip cjebojt \)\S ottme ecuntrpmen to tban&fulncs : bpcaufe tbat tb?ougb £ S^acc of goo ib*P ttcr foucreii!0 cfallp*opU:piti0 tt ccnem,£ tbofcSubicb icct tyougljt bnoer tbe poke off Jt5, arciopneo Ssitb tbem mfelowflnp of tbeir iop.ClKr«fo?eiooheboujmticb tbeboopc Dtfferetb from »r,e RjaDow , fo much ODDS iaasijjerc bctvreciieibe fcynco reiopctng Solvicb tbe beatb? nactanfi mace at £)au:0 1 in eio tj?mc,ar;5 tbe iov S»bcrfcttl) tl)c faitb full rccepuc C bittJ, bpcaufe it flowctb fro t\)t billing obcDtcnce of tbe ijart.SnD fure; Ip if after tr>e bringing of tlje 2lrk into tbe Cempie , tijere ba& appereD none otber bpgbcr trutl):itbab btnb«ta0a cbploifl) top to ieogs top goo in tbat narow looging roomc . Igiu fohen tbat maieflie that bab Hvctlt in ti)e Cabcrnacle,fo>a0 DifclofeD to tbe Sobois SnojiD, anti aUnacion0bjougbt in fabtcction to if.tbcn appccrcD tl)is p?ero giUiue of tl;c offpju^g of '^b?abam.Cl;Cr= fojic in tbcts teGQiiB tbepjopbetsefrnctb tbat Uingoome of wh\ctf\)C m&u metton : declaring tbc fitbicction of tbe tbc cbo - 5sn people . f 0: be intrcfttctb not becre of tbe fecret p^ou:Dcr»ce fe>bcrbp <©oD gouer* mil) the i»\)o\e toejsib t but of bis fpcci&l! power i»b*cb b«c?ccutetb bpl)i0fcoo?6. Cbettfojte to tbentcnt be map be p;opcrlp cailco a tang, it is nceofull tbat bis otcne people acUnowUDgc bun to befo.^otEid) is DcmaunbeD,tbat fit!; C bjift iepapjetb. 1)10 Cburcb bp bi0 eo?ne trauel ano beucnlp tcbat fence it ma^ bs fapoe tbat tbc naciott0 are fnbiect to tbe 3Jeroc0:fo?5»eUnott? tbattbeojoerof tbc Cburcb i0 not ort)ertc»pfe fettleb arpgljt, onieffc tber be but onlp one beao aboue at!, ano tb^t ail tbe faitbfuii from tbe bpgbcft to tbeiowefi , bo!o tisemfciues tn tbeftate of members. ^lap ratber fincef t?me tbat Cb?ul Tp:eO l)t3 Dominion otter tbe i&boie SoojiD,tt)t aooption iylncb Ijcrctofojtc b«D bin peculiar to one people, began to bee ce~ mon to al nacioti.lnb bp tbtc meane0 it 30 freeocme giuen too all at once , tbat being Hnit among tbemfelue© in bjotberlp lone, tbep fboulo all attapne togitber to tl-e bea rttagcof l^eaucn . 115 ut tbe folutior.10 c alpcttbat at febat tpnt tbe cburcb ftonlD lap tbc poUe of tbelavcc bpon tbe beatben, tben Oio tbe Jziccs obtcpne tbe fouercm- tic. f oi bHe as ^3aftoj0 execute tbc iutifs Diction of tbe fptnt.bp tbe pjeacbmg of tbc Sooo?D:fo tbe Cburcb is callcDa iHueene ar;D tbe motber 0$ all tbc goDlp.<0al.4. 2 6 bpcaufc fbc is put in trnft ir>itt) tl;e beaue= Ip ierning,fe>bicb i0 Q0 good 30 a marc too fuboett»r)0 all . ©bercf02ealtbougbtbe Jeiocs at fucb tpme a0 Cbiiftc hingsomc cams abjoue iutoo tbc face of tbe SdojIDc, i»cre mtfcrablp anb repiocbefullp in bon= Sage too U?catbcn nacions , anb ioere in maner flattcs too them : pit 10 tbe foues reintie trewip ano DcferucDlp attributcb too tbem , bpcaufe ion . 3no ittafmucb as tbep baD tbe cudoDpc of tbe 3La«jc, it bcelongco too tbep? cbarge, too b?poie tbe <25entplr0 , bp tbc autbo?itte thereof . fto% tbe reft of tbc &9iloi»a0 not otbcrfopfe gatbercb too tbe cfceer* ence of <& €> 2> , tban &>ben men &ere fo renefceobp tbe fpirit of <££>£>, tbat tbep pecibeo tbemf£lue0 cf tl>epj oi»nc accojDe tcacbable anD obcopent roo tbc 3fic5DC0,anDfuffcreD tbem too rule tbem as tbep? mapflere : acco?Ding 30 is i&vw in an otber piaci : 3!n tbat fcape faien nttn (ball taHc ijolo of tbe fUirtes of one 3igt»e, vppon the. xlvij. Pftlmc. jfeitc, anD fin!! fhpe : tdcc frill fralk aftft pour 45 sD E> . ?e . 5a^Ar^ *n $z ej»g!jt Chapiter attD theth?ee ano tfrentte Dtrfe. 5. [$e list) chosen] Che ?3?opb:t fetteiij out mo;e cutoentlp p peculiar grace frbicb nij impojleth afojec in itt as tf be fhouia fap:jo p'jet then frtlleth tbemto ziut gos than&s foz abuauncing bts elect people to tbe bps jjijctt Degree of honour, in tljepcrfon of Ja 184 cob: fo as tbep map boaft that f hep baae a feuerall lo; of pjerogatmc bp tbemfclucfi. SnD tberuHtbaU h; tcacbeth.tbU tbe fame thing came to pafifc bp p frccfauour of goo. ■f'Ql rlje ^>:onocyni rclar.ue [frl;om,"j tat put in ftcD of a part of fpecehc that impojM tcth a caufc : as tbougb | j&iophet QjoulD father tb? raufe of tbctr iooo^Qjip ano er= ccllcncie bppon <£oo bunfclf . 3nD this is to bee hiio fuj a rule, tliat es oft as <£fobs fauour torcarDcs the 3eccc0 is comment Dc5 fcj louing tfjetr fatbcrs.ali their Defer* umges are b.iousbt to nougljt. j$ ow,tf ttyt frbolefreo;ttbpnc0 of tbe ho!p $£>atrtarfcc hang Dpon ri;c onlp gooD fr ill of <& 0 3D , ioljo Bareg chalenbgc anp tbtng pxop^ ts bimfelf:' -%tt Da lcrrc tbrntoafenbeto CSOD0 fatbcrlp louc,i»b«tfceucr bee t:- ftowcti) bpon P0 peculiarly aboue others, bpeaufebe hath cbojen b0 to be hto floc-ic. ailfo free gather bp this placctJjae the fa * U3ur , frbtch Soo Pttt-rcti) t3\x>ar&ei5 bts ebojen , pertepneth not bniucrfallp to ell men,but is a p.swile uacfrhcrbp be fspara- tetlj a feawe from tl;c greater nomber. 6. God is gone vp with tryumphc , the Lord is tone vp with the fownd of Trumpetcs. 7. Smg vntoo God , fing , fing vntoo our King , fing. S. Por God is King of the whole earth, fing yee euery one of you that hathe vnderftanding. 9. God hathe obteyned too rcigne ouer the Heathen, God fitteth \ppon the throne of his holyncfle. 10. The Princes of Nacions arc afTcmbled toogither too the people of the God of Abraham :for the sheeldcs of the earth belong vntoo God , he is greatly exalted. tb! meane fobple there is no Doubt , but that onber tbat (baDowifb ccrcmonte the piopbcf commcnoeD an other of going Dp: Cijat is to iiut;to:;ni Clj?ift mounting aboue all tbe l^aucno, got the Dominion of ti)e isholc i»oo;lo,anb ax* tnmghimfelf with hcauenlp pu:ilance,fub: becced all pzpDeanD loftpnee . i^o^eoucr,. pee mud call to remembcrance ti^at My.i h 3D SrarncD pou of bt"fo:e^tbatt0toix«r, that tl)e name of [ ichomh ] ts giuen to the 3ri» , bpcaufe tljat although c 3! ewes ujojibippcs bbn after tbc appointment of tlje ILawe: fo i)ce (b;wes in tterp sccbc,£ be i»as pjefent & tbem,$ £ be fc>as not calleb bpon in baine amfuj tljcm. jftotwitbSansing.t'ms tbing agreed) better too tbe manifestation of tlje glo:ic, Sobieb at legtb tljpncs fooitb in tlje pcrfone of Cb?ift. <€be effect is, tbat at fact; tpmes so tfje trompcttes foere fown- Deo among tbe j ewes, acco^btng too tbe appopnttnent of tlje E-awe, tljst fownsing toanlRjcb not awap in £ atrc.bpcaufe i©ob, Suljo in tbe 3&rK of Coaenant bab giuen a figne s plcbge of bis presence, S»a0 berelp pjeftnt in tbat affemblp. &erfcpon £ $Bpo; pbet toeke lji3 groimb to cybojttljo faitb- full to fing bnto es Bnaroe is boons tn t)t papiftne. Qtyttopz bntoo tbc iarofull maner of finging, tbereis requires Hnou^ leogs , tljat tbe name cf (Ef ob be not bntya» lowcb tuitb bapne pciling. 8. [ <&on batb obiepneD.Jc.]35pcaufct!)e looop [ Maiach 3 tinoei* tl)s tpmc pad tecto* Ucncrb a eotinuili booing,tbcrfo?c 3 bane tradateb it [gob batb obteiuetl) to reigneO ^ojcouer,feing ibat tbc ^jopljct iVcftcs tpmss repctct'o , tljat C^od rcignctb oner tbc (Sentples, it is eafpe to gatber, tljat be fpeaKs.b of a new miner ef reign mg not bccrtofozeber&of. -f^P tyz matcbing of contraries is too bee confifitreb, betwecne tljctpme of tbe JLaw^en <5ob 5witbb>lQ biSbominionfcttbmtbcbounbsof jiewr rpe: anu tbe comming e? &fyiitt, 5»i]cn be enlarges it as farre a3 tbc ^oojlb is topbe anb b?obe . Jftow, altbottgb fyz i^aicftie of ©OS gliffcreb m certcirc fniall fparaes among tbe d5entples, at fuclj t^mt as 5Da uib mabe tljem tributairc to bim,pit coulb not tbe ^jopbet baue pjoperlp faps , tbat (BO^> Ijab reignes among tb«n, bpcaufe tbcp ait> botb bif bapne bis leruis,anb alfo couib baucfounDtntbcirbartcs.tbat tbe C burcljc bab bin qupte quenches. "jPber^ foje tbat tbe fulfilling of tins i^epbefpe map be« apparant,i»c muft neebs rcpap?e bnto €Ij;tft. \v\)zvas in tlje feconb tnems bcritisabbeD, [t!)»:t ^00 futctlj bpontbe tb?one of bis bolines:] it aSmfttctl; a bub -■ ble bncerfianbing . fop ofttpmes bp tl)is maner of fpeatUng is ment tbc ^abernas ilz,op tbe Cemple: anb now ans tben it Cu gnifpctlj i^eauen alfo. Ji pee i»he to ecs pounb it of tbc Cemple, tbe mecning ^yili bee, tljat u5o0 infuc!)i»pfereignctb ouec tlje ioWc 'woplb, ans boisc£l) all people tonoer Ins Sominion , as tbat Ins cbeef fca remapnetb ncucrtlKleffg v.t jSmifulem: IpUc as alfo from tbcuce fioweb f Doctrine of tbe (©ofpell.bp feljicb <5QiD bath fub= bewes all people bnto bim.iBotwitbllan= bing.a man map ta&e it Stlp to bee fpofeen of iicatien,tbat <2>:£>2D ftretcbing out kis bans to compel! me to \)is obsStence,mew ; ctb openlp tbat be ve ignctl) oucr men from bis beaucnlp thjone : bpcaufe tbat onJcu"e bee fbewe bis power bp nccre anb cuibent fignes,bce is not ac^nowlcjgcs to bee tlje goucrnoar of rtje ^ j?IS. 10. [Cbc^jinccs of fi^acions.b*t vppon tne.xlvij. Pfalmc. in ioljat Ssifc <£eb bath gotten bimfe'.f bo= minion oner tb* ©entiles: tl;at to to S»tt, feljcn the v tljat erfi Soerc ftraungers to bim.Sberegroujcntogitber into one fclfe fame confent of faptt; iuttl) t^e jIciecs, ant) fo the funbjp nacioiw fof)icl) ioere tm> fcrabip fcattercb, Sucre gatbereb togttljet agein into one bobpe. fop iuben tlje 00;= trine of tbe d&efpcll fijoonc let) not tljelB^cDCfl! awap from the couenanttljat &od bab fojmerip mabe toitb tbem : but rather it bath iopneb b0 bnto tbem. Chen feeing tbat the calling of tlje (Sintylta is nothing clfc but tbe grafting of tbem into the frock of 3ibjabam:tbc pjopbet boot!) rigbtlp to fap,tbat tbefojcpncr0 ioerega? tbercb togitljer from all ft&esf bnto f> cbo^ 5cn natio,to tbentcnt tbat fucb an encrcafe fboulb fpjeb abjooe <©ob0 kingoomc tljo= rob) all quarters of tbe earth. 3 n i» Inch refpect £>aulefapetb dEpljcr.^6. tbat tbe gentries i»cre mabe one bobp Softy the 3 etoe0,to tbentcnt thcpmpgbt be parta- kers of tlje cuerlafttng Ijentage./ftoru ate though tljatbp tbe aboltfbinent of tbe ce= rcmonie0,tbeSoal tbat Soa0 beticirt tbem bee taken area? , Sobicb. feperateb tbe one from tbe other: pit is it true, that Soec are not otljcrtoifc accountcb among goes ebti b?cn,but bpcaufc feebe graffeb into Sibja foams flock, 3!nb tlje f$jopbetefpeaketb ttGt onlp of tbe common fojt, but alfo faptfo tbat tber fbalbc no better oj rebisr Soap to tbe cbeef felicitie euen foj tbe pjmcea tbem fclucs , tban to accompanp tbemfclue0 to tbe3ietoe0 : accoibmga0Soceffoallfcctt elfcu-bcrc fapb of &)ion , [Cbis man anb tbatmanSoasbojneinbir. ] pfai.87.5. a^ojeouer it is fapb tbat tbe gathering togtthcr fbalbc to tbe people of tbe gob of 3Bb:aljam,io tbentcnt Soc map know tbat there is no Soojtbine0of tbe fleffo giucn to the 3ce?c0 , tljat fbotilb remainctn tlje pcrfonsef tbemfelucs, but that all their fojoMbmeabcpcnbctb bpon tbi0 , tbat tbe pure S»ojfbipptngcf dEfobflojifbetb,^ tbe foeauenip tewing barb preeminence amog tbem , wherefore this belougctb nothing 185 to tbe ofcafi Jetes Sobom their own mif= beiccf Ijatb bantfbeb from tbe cljurcb.lSnt fo; bpcaufeCa0^3auleteacbctb ftom* 11. 1 6 /takers tlje root is bolp, tbe fruuncbes are naturallp bolp alfo:tl;c falling awap of tbe greater part is no let, but tbat tbe rem nant fboulb bam) their honour referucb tbem. Cberfo?c tbat bcfotattonfeljtcbCac cojbmgto tbe pjopbefic of «£fap)ao«?ea bp into tbe i»bolc earth, 10 ealles the peo- ple cf tbe (0oo of aibjatjam : Cfap.10.2;, Cb'S place contepnetfo a profitable boc- trine,ana tbat of tioo fojts. fop Srft &ce lerne berebp, tbat as m jnp as to ill be rec^ keneb among tlje cb'lo?cnof0ob, muO: fee&e to bane a rooine in tbe € burclj, .tbat tbcp mapmaintcpn b?otbcrlp bnitie iottb all goblp folk: anb fceonblp thattbe bmtic oftbeCburcbi0not efeeemeb otljeru^pfe tbanjip pure confent,to peclo obebtence to tbe Soojb of <£cb , tt;at there map bc-c but one fljepefolb anb one fbepberb.UUfo tbcp tbat|e?:cell in honour $ riches in the S»ojlb areioarncb to lap accap all pjpbe,anb ioil linglp anb meclDlp to take tipon tbem the comon pokc.tljat tljep map pcelb tbemfcls aes obcbientchilD?ento tlje cburcb.wber as it f 0 Joitet t; that [tlje fi;.i?l'os of tbe ear ib belong onto ^5ob,]manp bnbcrfianb ttof the p;incc0 of the earth. 3*nb 3C confeffe in Dctn that tine ^etapfjoj is rife to be met fcitbailin the fcripture: a mojeouer it fce= metb not, to agree amiffetotbe ttut; as if tbe^jopbet l;ab (apb,3!tifl in gobsbano to ingraffe the great men of the Soojlb in to lji0 Clmrcb , bpcaufe bee is 3tojb ouer tbem alfo, iBottoitbftanbing, tbe fimpler bnberflansing t0,th^tfojafmucba0 the &ojlbi0 bcfcnbeDa?>D pjefcrncbbp (Bon alone,men ought of right to loke bp Sritb fcjoonberment zt fo great h^gi>tics,S»bich is fug.cicnt fo? fo grcr.t a ci;arge.5f oj tljct fojc putter? !!e[d)Cd*:3C0];F tbtphirai nois ber ,bic3ufe goba mantfc lb pioutbcnce(a0 it Socre manp Cbetlbetf,) b'lb neebe to trcp tn,among the iui»bjp anb almoft innnrnt = rablc peri'tlies ;ljat continuollp fang oucr all partes of ttjc x»e^to. TheConte'mtsofthe.xlviij.Pialme. In this Pfalmc is fit forth fome certcin notable refkgw of Fcrufaiem3 time many h^n z • • -■ d conferred the deftyvtiion of it TsLow 'when the "Propheti wkofoeuer . A? i. -was. [ jonn gamins ^ommentane. was the author )hathgtuen thanks ynta God3heetal\etb occajwn thervppon to ex- toll the happy fate of that Ciiie with royall tytles, in that it hath God the conti- nuallpreferucr of hir welfare. For it had not bin inougb for the godly topercciue and acknowledge thcmf lues once prefer ned by Gods band 3 onlejfe they had bin ajfxred that the fame God would alfo prefer ue themfafe ynder his tuition for the time to come 3bicaufc hee had adopted them for his peculiar people . Therfore the Prophet ft andcth chcefly ypon this poynt3that Cods San&uary is not erc&ed ypon mount Sion for nought, but that his name is called ypon there 3 to the intent his power may appere yifibly to the welfare of his people. Moreover by the conteints therofa man may gather, that this Vfalmewas made after Dauids death. I con- fejjein deede3that certeinforrein kjr/gs were deadly enemies ynto Dauid3 and that there was no let in them that Ietufalcm was not ytterly defrayed : but yit wee reade not that they proceeded fo farre as to befeege it , that God hadnecde to work? wonders to rcprefe their maruelons power, leather it is to bee beleeucd that heere is betokened the time of king xAcha^, when the fee ge was fodeinly ray fed at the poynt of ytter defpayre. Or elf the time of Iofaphat and ^ifaphifor wee kgartf that at thofc times Ierufalem was not fatted from ytter deftruciion but by woon- derfttll help from hcauen.Surcly this is to bee hildfor a certeintic,that heere isfet forth ynto the faith full one hanfcll of Gods grace 3 wherby they may acknowledge themfelnesto bee well and happily delt with3 in that God hath cho\en himfelfe a dwelling place ypon mount Storhjrom whence to ouer fee them to their welfare. The.xlyiii. Pfalme. A fong of prayfe to the fbnnes of Core. i Great is the Lord, and greatly to bee pray fed, in the Citic of our God, and in the hill of his holyneffe. 2 Mount Sion at the fides of the North5fayre in fituacion/is the ioy of the whole earth,and the Citie of the great king. 3 God in the Palaces thcrof is knowen to bee a defence. •&F£H ideate 10 t!jg &c?o.] SiSefoje the Supfcootus, gooBtteffe ar& riglifnouTnefl?. (|J$|3i p?opr;et fpeafecaj of ttjatfpeciail DO(bmefo?tl)tnfucb&tfeinibe*mmerfa! dr^y'etamplcofcl&oos grGcefeijtcO goucrnmcntoftrje&ojJD,tl)3tnjcret0nfl Ijaue toufytn&c tcacijet?) in general! tfjat part of it bopc from bj0 pjarfe, but matter 3!eraihiem is bU8co , b?caufe ©od !jatr> ofcommenDnnon is to be mttfext'iaU cue toutfaueo too tabs t»*jorjljim the c'wrge of t?vo\)cv: pmiotantbitantong tl?e |5?opbct fccfendtns it 3no tljiw fcperate.b be ©000 fettetl) fojtl) 3000 glojp fccre foi ccfenoing eburxi) from ail tl;e icojils.-liHe as it 10 an I) t <* t\)\\x?.)J)i fa?trj [r>e its great ariD to bee mcSitrtable btne6tf , t!|at tf>o:> cmfttacet!) pjaifeo in \)is UoIj> Citte j j ts lie noj fo a!fo S»iilib'.3 fatljcrlp lone afraal nomber oat in all tl;s xooj'tsr' Cr^K^ J bauefavb) . of all manKinoc. Sittljougl; tljesi tr/at tys tl)tx is no no»& fo fscrct, to S»ljic2} tjis Scif v aome, _vppontJie.xlviij feertaespeccenoctba? bicaafe W fclUS tsijiaetbrafceneebeeflpinbiscbarcb. not toitbouteaufe booth bee fet tbe fame before fcs an a looking <£>!affc,ro fcbt cbe ©'00 c&pjefT.tb ana repjefentctb b i* face after a moje Uueip taancr.Qcrobctt in na mitts it bis [bolp btl] bee bierflp pnttetb 1*0 in mtnB,bp toljat rigbt II errifalem is the Citie of <$5aa, namely bicaafe f 3IrK of Ceucttant toas pUeca tberc bp tbe ap pomtmont oft!}? £,gw: as if be fbulO fap Cljat ^erufalem is not fo? nir eton aefert tljc hi 3b Cage en tobicbe tcti cjlxcHsd at tb£t time , bicaafe tbat intbem^obsglojpCcftobicbe 3 fpaae enen novtO to&s to be feen^on? altbogb cuts gooaipnefie of fcttnation fehtebe tbe ^criopbct rcbercetb in tbe firS place.v&aa natural!: pit notwitbCanamg bcmenetlj tbat cuentntbenrrp beanttfalnes of tbe € itie, tbere toere marts of ©oas fauo; cngraucn from tbe beginning 3 fo as tbe feerp figbt of it fbcrcca tbst place to bane bin fpmaltp garmfbea bp <££>£>, to tbe tnb it fbonlo m time to come bebalowea bnto<25oa.l£cn>bcit3! tbinEttncttobe calico a faire place fimplp ,in refpect t^at it fcaa not bis mafebe in 3inrp : toj, it is Sotlhnc -wen tbat tbere toere otber &itz tics na tobittc inferior too 3! erufalem as toel tn f rutt fulr.f fi?as in plcfont yzofpece 9 otber comoDuue* iBut (in mp mages tncnOiepntip togitber toitb tbe fcituati- on,bcc compjebenoetb tbe bojotoca aig^ nttie fo>btcb baa bts ojtgtnallfrom f Ce= pic* 'Sbcrfoje i»r>en toe bear tbe beautt= fulnrs p?apfsa,lct vs call too mitiDc tbat fpimual bcantie tobftbCaccejting to tbe piopbcOc of tbe contmtmll tfanatng off 3&rbe)toa0anangtrtentationct tbe na- tural beaotie of tbep!aee.Cbe ?ntcrr:ie tits cgrce not about tbe fcoo?t£ [ nouf ] gfrome take it fo? a kfttng bp5as if tt baa bin ffj>a,that Jtrofalcm baa bm fcituate in a fctgb f icftte place. £> tbcrfome tran= date « a [Climate] in coafifccratm tbat . Pfhtmc, i i£~ IbVflfctojewJS bwl^tapfiozVcaiip calf CUmatesCiSzattncbes] Meanfc tbe? are fo?eaa cut tn length. So foj me 3 meette not to be fo carious in a matter of na gre tcr5»ci3bt:aitbtberfo?ebaaebitcb5fe.t tbat febicbe feemeo mofrc b&c!p: namelp tbat tbat euntrpfc)a0 abeae others pics fantana gooblp too bebolse. Cruel? tt ts DDubtfuli tobptljcrbee fct tt bovonz as a pjaife of £©oant £$ion,tbat it Sap towar Df 0 tbe jj^ojtb : ci febitbtr it Qiouia bee refoluea tbuo: Sitboagb ^0oant ©ton lie toioarBtbe^o^b,Ptti)o{bt;?a: abate notbtngcfbi0gooBlFn'c3 . i^cu?ectttbe former fecmstij too be the nun? tiatarail fencet^ojeaeniaptbtbefelfefimetptle cootb Cfap commend tbis Q3oanfaip.e, meentng to bcteKcn tbe wcelteatv tbcres of* $t>% tbas fpeaHetb be in tbe perfiia of @cnRacbertb.F4«i4..J toil climb aboae tbe beigb of tb c iC ouss, an5 toil fit bpo tbebi5o£toitae3,tn tbe fiacs off j£oitb. ^fcero^arabce tccmctJ; tt [tbe iop cf tbe toboleeartb] not snip bicaufe tbatrrgi; on toas rjelrr}fn!i bp reafon of tbe temper ratenesof tbeatre, ("as tbe 3kn>es nnfa ncrl^ trpfile) o? it fe?cagbt fojtb fwegt ana excellent f rates, cf febtcbefos rerne nations tnigbt be glau, fobicbeai fo is a cola acatce : but bicaafe f to tbence fljou'.a fpiing faluattcn kmoo t!)e toboie Soojia, accojaing as all nations bojoo^ ea tbe irsbte of lift ana afTurjinsetf b-ca wnlp grace from tbence ♦ ^Foj if men re? tc?ccfDitbonc<&£> £>f tbe mat cf it at iengtl; m acftruction, ana tijeir laugbttc is turnea mtoognalbpngof tectl) . seat Cb??fte apyeerea toitl) l)ts (25 sfpcl oat of ^ton,to Q)caa fubSantial! glaaneffranb enaics ftiicitie nppon tbe tuljaU toojbe* 55itboag^e tben tbat in tbe $?opbct?a aapes the fenorobagc of tbe <& ofpcl toas not pit fpzcaa ab?oD£ bntoc fojrepners : pit ata be rpgbt to ijfe tl)is mancr of fpe a fe trig, too tlje tntentc tbe 3 ewes mpaijte fenoroe, tbat bliffsOneite toas not too bee fojtgbt elfcortjere tban sh tbe free eouenat offfi©3D'4 Wjkfy toas bcdoicca in tbat 'rev.; niac?, Jh tjje mean? feafon alfo bee foict )iiu t';at t'oing, %?i)tcb was fulfiilcD at lengtb tn t ;c lag time at Cijjtftes com ming,3lnabecibptocemaplcaincst'jat Coaa one!? faaour i£ fuu> faStcicnttoo cl;jcrc tbebattes cf ibe gcolp : iiae as if £a.«|. tbat Iohn Caluins Cammentarie, tl&t be w(tb&?awtt,oll mojtalimen mtiCr. itcfDstofejmgcDfetcbmifcrablcbnqtip ctnes anD fojcwe.Cbat wbiebe ts afcocD immcDiatlp after concerning tbe [Cittie of tb£ grcatc ft'.ng] tcnoctb to tbis enfcc, tbat idpourt &tcn is rt8t onetpe bolp tt fcif, but aifo enfrancbi^D wttb fo great a p?iuitetige,tbat it mabeth tbe wfcoie Ct« tie bolp,bicaufc <5cD baD chosen bi0 feate ibece to reign oner al tbe people* 3! n tbe tbirD t>erfe habere b* £3p«b tfjnt [falme«46.6. 4?ob is in tbe mtoft of tt,tberfote fbail it not be mouco* 25 no be names palaces of fee purpofe? foj matcbing of contraries, tootle ense tbe 3 ewes migbtbnotoe tbat altbonsbc the balp Cittie were fo^tifieo Suptlj ftronge towje s, ano bob boufes botbe bcaunrall anD Uae bmoo bulwarks : pit tbe fafctie ot it was inc one!? Defence of '4E>eo* Cbe faprbfull therefore arc fearncD bp tbefe &0?D^,tbataItl)Ogbfb,epDro:tlin0;ron§ boloes anD palaces: tb«p mnft lofee well about c tljem , tbat tbat gejx-eoufrclTe o; tbat loftmes cucrpcrfc not \£oes power: Itfcc as wo^Dlpir en contenting tbcmfei:: nes wstb eartblp bclpes.count it nought foajtb too ban? ®oh too be tbtir heifer. ^ojeouer bicaufe tbtfe icwDnes to b:-:D in bsbpnatnrejtbat wcjU&'p ws Ulnae* GjcnlDe Da$!e onr creo, ano bzing bppon bs fojgetfulncs cf i^os : wee mull wttb fmguler b«D mtr.De tins Dear tbe intent tbat no tijing wbicb fectnetb woj tbp efcintation in bs, map Dim tbe fe now !€D'Dx of ©oDs potoer anD grace ,but tbat in all gifts wbercwttb wc fbalbe garnif? fbeD, <25ocS£lojp map enrrmoie (bine cleerlpfojtbfoas isce mapbcleeue oar felucs to be? bappp no wberc but ui bint. 4. For beholde3Idngs are gathered togither,and are patted by togithcr. j. They haue fccne,fo hauc they wondered and trembled,and byn driuen headlon £>■ 6. Fcarfulnes hath aught holdc of them , and forowe is come vpon them as vpon a woman labouring of childc . 7. With an eaftcrne winde shalt thou break the Ships of Tharfus, +. [;ffe*bebolDc,fcings.fc.] fceerefs toucbeo that fpeciail Dcltueraunce wbtcb 31 fpaae of. fo% tbe f£>*opbete repojtetb tbat wben fctngs i»erc gatbercD togps tber to Dettrop ^ernfalem: pit tbeir rage paffcD awap in bain? as ClouDs are wot to toamfbe : pea ratber be faptb tbat tbep were DeftroptD witb an onelp loose, ano tbat not after an ojomarpe manner , bat lifec a woman tbat is overcome S»(tb fo^ Dcpac tbjotbes tntpmeot hit trausple* l^ow altbougb it be not known foj a cer tewtie what ttojte tbe 0;opbetmaU£tb mention of : pttnorwubgaoingtlje tbm- ges tbat be fpoUen becre.agrce matte-fits rp as wet to tbe time of ^cbaj, as atfo to. tbe times of <£ 5? ctias o? 31a,fo? it was a wonDerfull woo;be of 0oD,tbat i»ben tbs two mofte puiflatint ^ingo of ^tria i Jtc&ti furmibeo wUb a mi^btp boSc, bab ftrpfeen tbe Cittie in facbe a f eaw,f tbe Htng ano bis people lap aimofte fo; Dcao:tbep fl)onlD fooenlpbee DU*co?ageD, pea anD Dtfappointco of ebeir cettcn bope of winning tbe Citie:wWraponCfap. 7«4.inieft, tcrmetbtbemfmobingmats cbes : btcaufe tbep were as it were two firebjtanDes UtnDicD to confume '3! urp £b fire. 3 ns no lefle wonoerfal miracle teas it, tbat tbe innumerable bofte of @)enna cbenb was in onenigbtDsftropeobp an ^ngclwttl^attbcbanDofman.z^eg. 19. 55* iFprtbetmo;e,atwbattimctbe btng of 2&c:biop came witb ten bunbjeD tboufanD men to befiege 3!ernfalf, was it notafingulcrpjofeof ^obspuiffancc tocuertb^owefo great a furniture ^©ut wbatfoeueritwas, becfapetb tbat tbe 3ewes founDebpopencjcpcmnce, tbat 0oD was tbe Beeper of tbeur Cittc,wbe It vppon tne.xiviij. I'laime. \%7 be Ut bimfdf aseynft tb« inEinfible poteer of tbci* cnzmpes. i&bcrfoje l)e fapetl) tbat binges affsmblcb togitber: bp Subicb fap* tngtjcc meenetb t!;at tljcre Suss a {cage mafic to the Deftmctio of tlje cijtircb.^fjc $uojb[pafTcb bp,]msp bec ejtpountcD two Soapes-.eptber tbat tbe armies kbicbtbep Ijefi gatbercb Sucre b?on;l)t to not-tying, o$ elfctbattbcp cntereb the bopage togitber asitSucretnbavtcilrapSoub one con fent. 3!nb irjt0 fecenb femctl; to fit tbe test feeft, bpcaufcit folowctb after warb , [tbattbcp fioebe aGcnpeb at the figljt of tbe Cine.] ^oubcita man mape (not unfitip) take ttyis berfcas abfceb in tl;c Soap of amplt; fpinge. 35ut fojafmucb as tt maketb not fogrcatlp to tbe cfect of tl;c matter, let tbclKcabers cboc5e Sotyicb lifectty ttyetn beft. j^cwSutycras be faptty[ttyat Suben ttyep fe& tlje Cttfe.thcp S»onbereb,trcmb; lefi, Sucre bjiueu tyeaalonge, anb oacrta= fc en iutrl) fo?ott e as it Sucre at fomc fo&cin ttufctyicfc:] be garmfb'ctbtije miracle ttyat <2?ob Su;ougl)t tn bcfiropmgfo great fur = niture, Suitb as tuanp titles of comment bationsshecsn. fn tbe fentencemuft be confireu rb ttytts : 3lffonc as tbep fake tbeCinc, ttyep Suonbcrcb. Cbiofapinge of% bp ttyis circuftanec tlje grace of (£ob fbincb fojtb mo?c b2ttgtytlp,bicaufe tbcpSycrcfofirtbcn Suitljfearc bnioofceb foj, tbat tljep Sucre fobemip at their Suits enos.f teere tb?e\senbewn beblong from ttycarrcctylefip^bf. ^Sn"oSucfeeSusr«ei) in tbis place.f there bappenetb no new thing at tbis bap,if tbe ctyurch. be aflimlri a Saisij putiTaiintarmpes , an& fulTcpne DjtaDfuil bjuntesrifoj C>o& Jjatb bnifeont to bum blc bisferuants in fucb Sopfe trom ti;e be= gmning,to tljcntcnt to mafee l)ts Suonfctrs full power inoje apparent to tbe Suojlfi. TBy tijeSuap let D& beaie itttmnfie , tljat C?o'O0 oneip becfee fuficpfctl; to Deituer us: ana bovufoeuer cur enempes bem bs in on all Goes to Oellrc? lyctb in bis pocu- cr as oft as \}t Itfteil) to ftriKe fiietr mmbs teW) amaje& ^s t^cp map petitb in tije trutncUng of an q>z, cucn in t^e m^es of al t!;eir pjsactijcs.^no lei tins tbcugljt Ijolfi our minbes as it Sucre Suitha b^p; ole.tljat'tbcy ga?e not about l)Ui;or$ t!;t- tber fc?Suo?Js!p beipes. 7 [Witb an caffcrnc Supnb $c] %lfr,Qu%\) tbcllntcrpje^ers ejepouno tbis place bps w rfip : pttlet bs content our felues Suitb tbe natural tbat tbe incmies oftbecburcb Sucre affiic^eoanD 5?oune& inbeflructton,Rcne oibcrujpfg t^an#ob bp Ins Holmes finUctl) tbe fbtps of |ji!t- ciaintotljcBcepe^ca. 2nD berebercctb dgofcs power u:btcb has Sscnt to bticr m great anobioicnt tempeC if be fijoulD fnp,it is no maruell if oD h«D hclpes bP3 Cburefranb now tbsp auoucb tbemfcittes to fyatscfecne as muchfeiib ttjctr epe0,bU caafc tbep Ijao foombe tbe fame raercp to* warbe0 themfelue0 bp crpcrtcnee . ^b* effect tije?fb?e t0,ti)at tbe faftbfulinot cn^ IpbanerecejoofoSODSgoobncsanDpuifs faunce in tl;e Itojiesjbu: alfo tljat tbep fele itbp ofej e.?perience5pca anb fee tbe thing feftb tbeir epes, lr>rjtcl? th>-p Uneto of afo?e bp tjeetre lap anb bp tbe repojt of tbeir fa- thersianb tb.eretoje tljan (2?od abibetl} aL= teafejS Iifee brmf5lf,con6rming tlje atweiet examples of bis grace feitb continuall e£s pcrienccs from time to tune. Cbc otber fence is fomefebat moje rurious,netbntb fianbing it agreetb toerp feel: namelp tbat ?[Mem] pjt[Lamed,]tlj8tJstoo &?, foi[conccrmng fee C utc oj ac toadjing v Ctti«0 fpi the f?>;ep!}ct tntnbsS n:t to fit? it fees bccla- tcb to Ujc faitljfttli it 3i erttfaicni , tf)at gcb feoolD fticcour \) is fetfea&ls : but ti>at goo ^ab from tijc beginning bin a faft^full Kc= per of tsjeCitic.snbcucr feoul^be. %t® mtneian is tu?.be of tbeCitie, of cSfobb? name , bp caufc be b$t)i$but\) not tbe fame fafcUeping to all people inoiferemlr , but to his cbojen 5 peculiar people. t2Tljc name ef[ILot:b]i0put to ecp?cs 05oospu'.nimcc 26ut bpanbp after, tl)e fapt!)fuilab[t']atl)j is tbeir <85ob,] to bctoUcn tbeir aooption, tbat tf)f t mav p?efumc to trufl; in bim anb to flcefamiliatlpbnto bim./Boia feljeras in tbe feconb Counceli at jj^ice tbegoob fatbers fe;e(teb tljis place to p^oue , tbat teacbingin Cburcbes fea0 notfufficient, onlefTe pictures anb 3d mage0 feere abbcD to confirms it feitball: it fens io fbatuefu! a botage, anb not feojtljp to bee repojteb ag-:m, Taumg tljat it is pjofitatle foz bs to bnberftanb , baa tbe? urtucb feent about to infect gobs cburcb feitb tbat cojruptio, feere ftrtsen feitb tbe fpirit of gtsoines ^ infenfibilitie. ® be clofmg bp of tbe bcrfe bifecrnetb 3!crufaiem from all Cttic0Of the feojlo febicb haue but tbeir turnes, f tbe? ftjonlb not floutlj but foj a time. 25 ut inafmucb aB tbe ftate of 31 erufalcm tsfoii beb b? 450b : tt abpbe tb ftebop among tbe funb^p turnings of tbefeo?lb. jj^o marue! tbsrfojte if gob continuailp fro age to age, mamtciM tbe <£itic that bee hatb cl)05cn,in febicb it is tys fetl to baue tbe tnuocation of bis name to remain fo? cucr«a'nb l&ber a0 tbe €^itie fees once beSropco $ tbe peo pie leb into captiuirp,tt rlgbtetb not agema tbis ctaofjtion. itfoj tbe repatring tbcrof agein fees alrcby fljea'-eb afo?e bp tl;e p?o Pbcfj)0f3!ercmp.27.2 2.a!nbtbcrf02ceue then moft of all Ma gob fijeijo boa? ftc&fatf Ijisfeoi^c feas. *lnb noro after ^ Cb?tft batb bp b'Scomming rencweb tb^feo?lb, febatfoener feas fpokenof tljat Citiem o!btime,tbefemepcrtcpnfti)totbcfpri.-itu ail 35 ctu&lem febicb isbiipcrfeD ibjougb all quarters of \> b oilb.'Sns as oft as cur minD0fe5uer.foc muftcal ioremebjrancc tbis Doctrine, $ febatfoeuer Sanger bans cucr n0,tbe feelfare of tbe Cburcb febicb ^ob l;atb ftatltfceb , ma'^ in Dcebebcfc;c ftjafeen,but pit net fo erleebleb tbat it ibulb fal.£^o?eoucr tl;e tocrbof ibe future tencc map bstmnco into tljcpjct^r tence, Ijoso; beit ail in one fence. 9 10?D. vppen the.xhrtij. Fiatm*. i. H.0fce SJiTtjInt feapeeb.eeT] tW tm£eEc^6tbCb«tt$Kfsttbffc15»crep2t fetaeb bp tbe power cf $ oa,ticaufe f^at cum in tbe ct?«f b?cric cf ai sbings,ti;cp eiupeteD tljcriilriocspaijentl? bntil <0ob atlcngtb pitping tb?,fent tbcbelpr«:f cj rfce €)e bzctu WO?b[Damam]fe>bttb peeper lp Cgi-u5aS? too be? Oil oj too t;clDe ones; peace , btrofcenecfe a calmcnw of minbr, tuber bp toe father t|jat tbe faltljful &ere turmcplcb a trebles, fo asaccejblng to tbcfiefWteR&et&abtnBtbeptntgbtbaee bin abafbtb o? beGee s tbcfclnes fo* fear: 3) (coding as S»e anew f> mm are in cos tinuatl b nquutnes f tofiTco btffjer f fbte tber as it were & contrarp S»atjr0,tenttf faith be cairn tbeir minbs « fettle tbe sit to ftUnes*Cbe effect eliercfoje is tbat ale tbongb tbe tVittUtuJi werrpueouflpfif -fa teb, ptt £ccrc tbcp net cafte bswn e front tbeir £tetifcing,bu.t y the? leaneb to gobs fcelp:cj satber opencb tfcefclues tl»c gate cf bis grace, bp tbeir patience anb bope* ^arttjertno^e it mabc grcatlp to tlje fete ting fojtb of ©obs grace, £&iberastl>ep bepenbeb bpon ti;e rppcctattS oJ ljl.« beip tbcpfcercnotbtiappotnteb.wbcibl'elfo map be gatbereb a profitable lefiott, tbat GSobsbctp is&b;uwcnfvcmbslc biftruft bis pjemtfes, $ t^ongb our cwn unquietnes fcffer net tbe grace too fita?e fcnto bs fc)bicb is larb bp fo? t&efe tbat be (i tl.ljfr u t what Hieencrb t;e bp [us tbcn;sbaofttetcmplc:']!;batii}ef«Mbs vuifuftrcb tfjeir fsitb endp tfceref f tbat cebe man ccafeb to bope altonc as be teas come bcrac agepne too bps twne bei:fe?' flnv trulp,tr is ccr tetne tbat tbcp carpeb borne fcttb tbemtlje bope tbat rbepbaD ccnccjjuco tn tbe temple, fo as tbtp Gobe flcifeflipmtt. !J?cwbccttfo?afn:ucbeas <£ obbfibpjiomifcbf- that place tnwbtctj be ironic bee railebfcpon,fbculDUtct)je. ft arc anb btet lling piece ol Ins migSjt aub grace : tew tbe fattbful fan tl;at appon trtft ef tbat afTurance , rijtp fcoubtcb not but nto bs5to topnt bs uuictjc mojie fullp bnto bis ^father. £>aclv i»ee tnnGe enbenour tbat eye ^e^a^tpptrig cf (^00 map continewjc pun anb fsunfte a> tnong bs, too ibe intent bis temple map (bine fo?tb in tbe mp* cf *s. io# [2,i^ea0tbpnam€UT.f;*] ^ome knit tijis betfc tea tbe lafl Jen Jence,as if it bab bin fapa: 3Lo;b tbos fe)itt net Ijaue tbp name pubUGjeb inttair.Cjfo? tbereS ail tbou minillreft matter of pjaife* 9nd fo tbe fence Suill beet^at <©ebs name is pjcacbeb S»itb tffecte, oj tbatbi^ power brteretb it felfetegitSjer i»ttb bis p;omt fcs. &ome cicpoanbe tt fomeiobat mo^e finelp, tbat (Sobs S»ooj^s are enfoeriu ble to bis renowmc, btcaufe be? is calics [tjjof bisputuance, feljcnije foewetbin berp beebt&at tbisnametsnotatttibu-- teo Coo btm in baine , but tbat t\)t p;apfe tbatisgttienbtm isepgbtfuii ono bue. i^sfee as tbe former c^peutton is If fTe co frrepneo , fo it appjocijc tb nserer too tbe Suojtbs anb mentng of tije p^opbet, tbat is to fe)tt , tbat €r & a> auaucbab bp bis becbes tbat tbe Jewcs wcj8nyl)tmnet tn batnc fo? t!je trne at:D enlr <©ob* 215 nt ixtfcrnji wepetbepertcil tbatfclowetb tbat ts tof«ip [open tlje tottermc&coafts; of il;c eattb] 3 tbmU tie |3?opbft men* anotber tUmg: namcip rtatSo^it^erfoes tier tljcbjutr otdBcrs name ccmeib me (ball bKOwc tbat bee is wo^tljp of mofle ^tgb p;atfc.^i oj m tbefe 5a?o?bea tijere is a ccuert matching cf cctrartcs.TOe bnole tbat tbe nasies of 3do1s in ttof? tapes flewc tbtcbeabjobe rtjjougbe tbe fetjsle &o?lb;ano pit tbat cltbougb tbcfi Cuun- cerfeitc ^fobs toere famous , tfecp it'tre tepb of rtabtftil p?aifr, btcauie tbere ap= peeteb in tljent no rdfblance of <©obbetf. 05uttbe45jopbtt?n tl>ts place ccmrarp fenfefaptb : Icjbe irbcriociin tbjuisme is bears ef ,it ftalbe tepjit b trttb fubfts tiall pwttij 0} it feil slwai S in u.g lojeb matter cfpjatft:^^£lti;j 5^0; 1c Cbat bn DetCantt &>l;at maner p> tne v bad eo tbp f^if tewarbs tl;p cboj? people, So tbe fame gurpofe pectepttctb tftat a>btcb 4S3.UIJ. ts lohn Caluins Commentaric • is aotco bp anft bp [tbat 45ofts ngbt 15 ft ft is ful ef ngijtwoiifHCjs:] tbat 15 too tott f is beiptng t)i& fcruaunt0>bc fbewstb Ijtat itgbtaoufneflcopenlp astt to ere bp rca= cbuigfajtb bis banc :anft that bee gtuetb not one banfel 0? ttooo of Ijib rigbtuouf= nes, barest be fulfilletb it in al popnts* ^.^coucr tt is to b?c remembjeb beere (•m'gicl) toe baue fpoften clfewgerej tbat <5o06 rigbtuoumeo is take fo; bis fattb* fulnes tobieb be perfojmetb in Defending tbof<;t!3ackebt0,toberbp?bercreftoim= Dccbbntoo bsmeftembie comfort, that be toll fljew bimfelf rjgbtnous in caring fo? out toelfare. jftow toe bnftcrftao tbe )0i}fpbcf 0 minee, tbat to to fap>tbat tbe namc0 of falfe jSods flic bjtecme in t&tn& moutbestottbont matter of trac p;tasfe : bat ttjat tbe cace ftanftetb otberwpfe & tbe <^ft of 3&frael:fo?tobttbetfoeajr tbe rcpnjt of him to bjougbt all imn fljall bn Derftanft btm to be fneb afteliuerer of bis people, as Dtfapomtctb not tbe bops ana biTtrc© of bi0 feruants ne fojfaHctb tbem tnDaunger. 11. 12. Amount Sion shall reioy ce,the daughters of Iuda shall Icapc for io\% for thy iudgements fake, Encompaflc ye Sion.,and walke about it, and nomber the towers of i t. 13. Mark wel the walles thero£ exalt hir Towcrs,that ye may make report to the generations that commeth after you. 14. For this God is our God for euer and euer : he shall be our guide eucn vn to the death. 1 1« [S0ount S)(on IbalUf e«] i&oto be fintfljetb bis teiojfmg 5 tbat Jerusalem anft ttie otber Cities of jflurie (ball bane caufe to commenb <2?oD0 rigbtooufneile, bicaufe tbep bane fcice bun m Deed to bee tbe raamtepner of tbetr toelfare* ;£o? tbe too;ft[iuftgemet]i0 put foj tbispurpofc, tbat &£> 3D tabtng \jjjon btm tbe cace of bis Cbtircb, batb pjcfcflcD btmfclfe ene= mp to tbcfe that oppteffe tt,fo as be toill fubouc tbeir fierce nes. Afterward agctn tbe |2> jepbete cemmenbetb t be fcttuation f beuttc of 3;emfalcm,a0 if be (bonlft fap it were a Cttiebcrp toe lfojttfiea anft bn affaultable : bicaufe (IPofts buffing fbone foojtb tn feme refpecte m tJjcfe outtonrb inarms, ^owbeeltpc mnft bear in mint e tbat tofneb befapft erewbile3tbat (Soft to feen to be a Defence in tbe palaces tberof* jfo> b»S mcening to not bp making men* tion of tbe [towers anb foailes] tbattlje minftes ef tbe goftlp ftoulbe ftape bppon tbofe things : bntrntber befettetb fo*t& a CPlafTe tbat map rspjefente (Softs face* rCb^fojefaptb be[CKCom?flu"e ye ^ion] tbat is too far>,loofc abent it a&utfeftlpe : [$uber pe btr towers, arft emplop pour totts to cenfioer bit toaU:]c&eem bit pa lacc0 acco?ft(ng to tbeir toc^tbines :anft fo fball pe caflp percetue if to© be a Cttie cbofen cf d5oft, b'.caufc it far furmoutety all otber Citttes. jFoj alibis enfteuer is to maae it appeer, tobat tbe qualuie and perfon toas tobetecoitb tbe JLojft enftaeo 3lerafalcm, m exalting it to be a fanctua tie to bint fclfe & a ftwelltng place fo^ bis people. Wutti)t 0iopbcte m noting tbe enft Cnamcip tbat tbe brautie 9 gloMoof= nesofcbebolpCitic fljoulDbeeDeclareo to tbem tbat come after) feemetb to giue a fecrcte mcling , f tbe time toill one oap come,tbat it map not be feene anp moje, fo> to tobat purpofe ibuift fbewing feme in a tbing tbat is ntanifeft $ tobttbe Hecb befo?e ones epesr* Cbet foje alttjougb be fapeft a Uttle before, tbat y Ctttic to fta= bliibeb fa? ener : pit now bp t\)Z toape of correction be beclaretb tobat maner of e= nerIaQmgne0itfbalbe, namelp facbeas fbal ensure but onelp to tbe renewing of tbe cbur cb* f 0? toe are tbat pofterttp to tobicb { Taps Declaration to fttrecteft: bi caafef loebe tobat benefiie0foeuer (Soft beBowcft bpen tbe people of olfte time, ^ fame are ours as tocl as tbers*|^ot tbat tbat outwarft glb^iotifnes tober tbjougb Jerurale toa0 tocfterful3batb piebemts nence among b0 at tbis ftav , but bicaufe y tbe cbnrcb barb bin no IcfTe glortOKflp a ftojneft S» gboftlP giftes fince tbe coming of Cb?lft3tban Jerufate toas garninbeo & toalles^ towers m olft time bnfter tbe , fbaocwetf vppon tbe.xlviij.PIalme ujaboixjes of t~!)e law.3 i^iuchanSatcb tlji feo?D[Pe(mou] [ccalt,] referring it to the confibt ractcn of tjir erccHerric.iffo? feljee asotbcrsernouriDit, [itrcngtbcn pee] tt feemetb not fo feell agreeable. 2flnb if any man itUe better of tbe traflation of orbern, febicii to, [bcbolB,be«j, o? looUc bppon,] 38 ftrtuc not ageintt it. i+ If oi tW <5obis c] l^eere; bpit appeerctb better tbat tl>c fS^opljet fpafcc not of tbe palace0 of !£ierufolcm,to tljentent tbecpes of tbegoolp fboulb fianb flaring fttll bpon t»;etn: but tbat tbep (bula lift Dp tljemfelues too beeljolb th,e glo?p of gob.jfo?febitberfocuer tljcp turticDtbe= telue0,d5oD feooiD banc tbe marks of ins grace engratien to bee fcene,o? ratljer to be nnoa?en to be ns it feere p?efcnt. wljerebp fee gatber tbat febatfocuer oignitie o? cjc= cellcntnefle tbpnetb intbe Cljurcb , tljcrc ongljt none otger confifceracion to bee bab of it,tban tbat (Sob map come too our re* memberance anb beep?apfcb m lu0 gifts. £$)o?eouer tbe p?onoune bemondratiue [« tins] id not fuperfluoufe, but & rtgbt goob afiurcbneOe Difeernctb tljc onelp one gob from all tbe eounterfet $ fo?3Cb goos. $<$ bow bolclpfo euertbe bnbclecuers biurp tbe name of <2>ob, anb pjate about religion : pit if a man fere!) tbcm anp tiling neerlp,be tyallfpnbe tberc i0 no ccrtetntic 189 febcrebnto tbteof Cfap, 2 5.~9~i?tnuc!) ItHe; [i5djoio tins is our <£5oD: 1 fee haue feaptcb fo? bim: * be fcal fane bs: [^l)ts 10 tbe 3U?D,]fee l;aue feaptoo fo? !r.m:3s if tbe faptbfal fbuio p?eteft rfcat tijep I^aue notanbnecrtcin goo, 0? fuel) a one ast^ep tafce bolt) en bp confai'cb opinion: but fuel; a one as tbep Know fo? a certemtic ar & arc fecll affureb of . £!nb tl;e faptbfuli p?otcft tbat (Bod fetil alfeapes be ftcofaft in p:e; feruing tbe Cburcl?,to tljcntent to encou-: rage anb confirms tbemfeluesto p?oce&c in continewai bolbtng on in the faptij.Cbc member that folotoetb m;ct , (tbat is too feit) [be fbalbe our gupbc cuztx bntco tljc beat!;: ] fcemetb to bee a maner of crpofi= tton.;Jro? bp tbis faptng.tbe faptbful fear= rantthemfclue0 tljat be fell be tijetr guibe ano tijepz Kepcr fo? cuermo?c . i^owbett tbep tn:cne not tbat tbep fbalbe Cafe bnber (©oD0gouernanceinti{i0 ipfconelp, foas tbep fijoulb bee fo?fafcen m tbe mias of bcatb : 315 ut tbep groflelp betoken tljnt feb'.ci) 3 Spake of, nameipti)ata0manp as leans bnto ^5£)lD,ar e regarbeb of bim euentotbeenb.3fif anp man lift too rcaDe [Gnaiimoth] t»rjolc togitljer fo as it map be a funple feojb , anb to take it fo? [a feo?m 0? an age,] tbefence fetlbe all one.iDtbcrs tranflate it [ebploljob,] tso tl;is meening : likeas d5oDbatl) from tbe fp?ft , begonue to cberifb bto cl}urcb,after tbe fame mancr no? fubftance in tbcm. yea ratber fehofoe* tbat tljc fatber b?inget!j bp bis fonnes fro uer tbep be tbat be not gtounbeb in { trcw tbeir cb,plDl)ab : fo feiilbce p?« faptb , tljcp muft neebes baniCb atrapein tbep?oumefo?gcrics . 35ttStl)crfo?ctl)e p?opertic of faitb to fee befo?e bs a bifrinct bnorolcbgcof is in m -myfe tot beceweted : &ndthxt thegwdmen dlthittgk they be ffyte fully dridreProcb- fit lly bandlcd^r affh&cd with many mif:rics,t,r; tisiwithfoaidw^ regarded «f Gidfi atb gooa caufe to maUe 10 cntcrancc &>ith fo goo&lp fc>029s,£ tya MU fpeaae of great $ Secret matters, to t!;-etent be map pjtocute :§*ome man £»oia percbaucc tburtcattbe ftvti bluCb ,tljat it tjs but a co- msn matter that is entreatca of bcere,bp= caufe J)c tiifcoarfcti? of the fbojtncs oflpfe, ana of tljc fens trufl 5»tjcrs»itl; meft men RtaUe tbcmfclucs Drunken , botrjc brtneb points feeme fuffictentlp fcnorocn . 23uf bis ipift is , that gooaana goaip aifpofca perfenrs tbst baue but little p?cfperitie oj none in the ft>o?la, Cbouia mitigate tbep? fojcwanaafTwagctbcpi Sycerpneffebntb tbis comfo;t,tbat it fijal&e better £mtb tijc fvt ?ije lcng;lj,fe)?>f n d5ou fbali reftoje coni fafeamattct«tciopbet tnounteth pit bpgbev.CbataltboitGb <&ob fbcro net openip out of bana thatf s»c?lo is rulca bp bte pjoatoence : pttmuStijcp patientipwaptfo? tbeen&e, ^btcbis not pereepuca bp tlje \macrftanainge of the j flefb. i^b'S &oo eucn tbe jaSnlofopbers cuVo ttsel;e, that &l$8agb lore bee mfferas fcl? be tea in the bjojto : pit moS foee not peclac too anp afflictions : ana mojeoucr that t!)2p ere m a foolcs paraapcr, that are countea bappp , byczute nothing is mo?e traufit0ji£tbsn riches, bonottrst , at?a oc* ipgbtes. ^uttbep come not too tbeijcaa of tbe fating: bpcaufefchen chepaifputs mpfr cleriUp concerning ti;e bltu"e& ipfc, tbep boID tr-cmfelues content toitb \jertuc e'.one,anB ujahenet OPsiDiD aoecer tbat ljee]fbculD gouerne mens affapjes, that men mpgbt iernc too reft bppon bim , too Ss&joine ot^crtopfe tijere can appeere no= thing but Defpap?e.'Cb0«'fo?c it is but cola gcere tbat tbe ^btlofopbcrs teach in tbeis matters. 25 ut the boip sboff,£ltl)ough be bnngfoojtb fuel) things as arc fenowen bp experience, ptt afterfearb be mounteth Mp bPSher, that is too fett that tfy isojlbe is rulco bp t^oosp?oui0ence,a{!D that S»bi*e the rmiltQ baunt themfelues bnmeafui'a= blp.ana tfjcgoaa arctreaen fpptefullpbn- aerfoctc,<3?ca fittctb euenno?e inheaum as a 3uage too fbahc tb§ rcpzobatcs in time couehtent out of tlje aelpghts ioher: in tbep pJcalUrc tfjemfdues: ana to pulbis $»o?C-tppcrs out of acepe aatkneffeana too rcpleniCbs tljctu i»it!; tviwc tope . ^r&m hewe is fubdantfai! camfo.ttetoo bse vppon the.xIvix.Plalme. i to b« fctcrjca in ail'^ &> ~oid o > uertobeime fes !»it'g tb* djeabfauTpgljtof tbem, if t»ne bpotibs. $ o> ejccept "sjeebelceue tljat tec circtb f9? our foclrare, fecc fee no retpcb? noj mn. Cbw (as 31 fapo} is tlje rcafoii fob? tbe ]&?op'jet btosetlj fes, lift bp otic mpndesansscrpjes maze earned!? to big Doctrine, bpcaufe be intenbetb to fpeaac of notable $ b?3b matters, jftotwitbft&bing, taoo thinges are notes m t!ji0 aerfe, tljat is to font, tbat tbe pjtofitablenefTe of £ boc= trine, ferijiclj l;c fettetij comon to all men : anb alfo, tbat all mm bauc nccde of earned Earning: bpcaufe noman liftetb Dp qt0 mpnd to eonfibcr things arpgb j,c;c * ceptbebetoa&encB^beras 38 baustranf iated,[ycc tbat drc til in tbe toojlb,] fonts tranflate if, [ ycetntjabftor* of tbetpme:] tfjougb it agree no: amide to f pjte= fent matter , pit in it fbmei»l?at toitfj tbe ijarOjeft. ILct it wSfpjc b0,tljat f ^jopbet calletlj nil men (t»itl)0:it exception, bpcaufs t\)t tljmg tljat be is about to fpcaUe of.per^ tepneiij alike to all men . 2i5p [tljc formes of Soa>n,] l)S mrcnetlj tlje comon anb tbe rafcall fo&ana bp[tbe former of man,] tbe |}oblemen anb u ter a Dactrmc tbattoucbetbalimanUpnb alpfce. 4. [!f$pmeutb (ball fpea«.$c.]£>f good ( rpabt boot!; tl)t $D;opljct contend bis docs trine &itbtljeistptles. jFoj altbouo/o be repjouc mennes folp bp experienced net rotttjftanbing tbe principle groanb tbat !js lb ill take to teacb,iS utojetijan comon rea foil can eompjebeno* ^erobeeit, be tofedj tljfjs preface not onlp to aefcns bis doctrine from contempt , but alfo to quicken up tbe Qombering mpndes. SBna to tiientcntljce ma? boo tljat tije moje effectuailp , I)e^ not Onlp C?lj3JtCtl) OtbCT0 tO tl)C bCf?2C Ot Ifd hing.bu: alfo p:ofcu"ctl]to gitte tjecBeiattb tbembimfelf. Sdnb bp tijts tneanes r>z mas fees biinfflf one of tfbe fecljoJers, iy!)0 in c^ecutmg tl}c bewtie cf atsacljcr,couetcttj to pjofit bimfelfaKo. Snb f«reip,aH (0o&a ?2»?op!)ete0 ougbt to be fo mpnb;:b,a0 tljep t«avf?nbint'ncivi;artc0 to \)ms 45 £> 2D. tbc^cl)3olm.iy{»er of tliemfdaeg ns'iDf'l as of t:]e reft of t!je people, anb too bee tlje ftrft tbat gius eare too i;fjs meflage, Spljicb tbc? btter bj> tl^ir owne moutb Xttiioo 9- tgerg. f^oxobecit, tljepurpsfc of tl)C|5jo^ p'j:tft)a0, too aup8c!)Jt!)ec»tbWttie an© raisreoce of gisboctrfew , 1>qvo tqai be ba= blcib not tbinge.0 lsuiftjlp ol7 l)tjs ovonc be^ usee, but onlp btieretl) tbatfebicb lie* bab lemebin ^000 ^cboois. 2Snb toe onl? foap tco teaebe iucU in 4&'obs Cburctjc, i0, tbat be 'ajiucb i0 mass a Rafter too teacljc others, Oj&uib GrO; bot»-bowi%e i?i0 oivus care to8Jcrnv,befoj«b« open bis mottt!) to fpsa&e : aub fo beiiuer faptbfull? from banb to banb, tljat wbicb be bat'o res cepaeb of tqe %ofo> tynn boubtUiTs, %iiU borne b?ecbetl> not in tbenaturallbupolid tion of man , but mnft be fct frcsn beauen: 9 tberfoieno man can euer fpea&e iypfdp % f feilfulip to t\)t ebifping of tlie Cburclje, but b« tljat bath fira peelD'D Ijimieif to bee taugbt of 45 £> D . 3s per tepning to t!je &oo?bes , in rljsforojtb ^erf$ fome cranr* late it , [ ainb tlje mnfing of mpbart Qjall fpea&e bnderftan&uigs. ] 25nt bpcaufe it fecre an bnpjop^e g barb raaner oi fpeaclje too tap, [ tbat trje mafing of the Ijart rpea= betb, J3 bane folowetb tbat toijicb is mojc fimple. Jn tlje fsftlj bcrfc,tbe ftjoojo r mi- fliei] (ioljicb Jbane traOatco [aparable]) Cgnifpetbpjoperlp a fimiiitube.^orobcit, it is eft referred to graue fenteces,bpcaufe tb^pnioftcomcnipareganiifljeb isitlj ft* gurcs anb bojovoeb fpeectjes. 11 n tqe fatns feaceaimoft is tije i^otonj [Chidath] ta^e, Sugtoj tbe? tranftats [ a TOM« : ] 9 tfjer* fojein<£5ecbiei.i7.i.tbet&oo sacrbas 9 tbe il^ownes are iopneb togiiber » C HoaJ hida onmifhol maihal ,] tljat 10 tO fap, [2BiD" bis tljou in ribble, anb parabU tlj an m pa- rable.] 3 cofeffe in beebe.tljat in tlja< puce is betoSencb aillegojicall fpcecbe. 1&ut ^ naue tol3 pou alreope,i»bP tbe ^ebjwroejS call fcnler.ces tbat be excellent * iaoo^bp ro be marbeb , bp tlje name of E ibbles anb S>tmtlituDr0. ^bptljefeooib [open.oj brfciofe, ] tbe ^zopljet atioucftctlj it to be no part of bio nipnb to fio?ap tlje tbinges tbat be loill tatrcate sf, in crooJ%eB 9 Dark fc>pii3lj£0. 3!nb fiwel?, altbowgg tbe j^eaucnlp E>octriue bee fane aboue tbe reaclje of our frit, bp rofen cf it?e tirlle tljetof: pit r.eta>ii!}aanMnB,t!)c i'^lp 45b°ft« lohn Caluim Commentanc (Sboftc bath fo tcntflcrco bis fpeecljcs tm= to our capacttie,tbat fye&ljolc Scripture is profitable to our eDifptng . wljerfoje it 13 to no purpofe tbat fome catcb pjetence of igno?an« : fo? fyerc is notions fo b?Sb,o? fc bars , istycb is no c lap D opm to tbe rube ana bnlettcrcb fotf.W&erafl manp*3!nteri pjeters fuppcfe tljat mention is maoe of ? [$arp,] to tbentent tljat the foeetneift s tbe allurement tf tinging, fcould mitigate t!>s fear (femflfe, if enp feerc: 3 can not tell foljitljcr it be fub&antiali pnougb, c? no. 31 1 fuop5etb mee ti?attbep?opbetfpaUe after tt)e ejoinanc mancr, bpcaufe it Ssas a cuftotnable matter m tfyofe ba?cs to ling fMalmesio ti;eljarp. 6 . Wy shall I feare in the dayes of euill? the vvickedneffe of my heele shall compafle mee about. 7 . They trull vppon theyr vvelthynefTe,and make boaft of the mul- titude of their riches. 8 . The brother shalnot redecme by redeeming : no man shall giue vn- too God the pryce of his raunfomc. 9 . And precioufe shall the raunfome of the foule of them bee, and the continuance of them for euermore. to. That he may liue ftill for euer ,and not fee the graue. 6. [at>!)p {ball 3! feare.f e.] jftow entcrctb tbe fDjopbet in't o tijc bcrp trcatpfc of bis boctrpne, tljst u> c!nto?en of 45oe nutft not beefetfquieteD cut of mcafure fo? abucr fitie,aitl)OugbtbcrjngODlppKttbemtnala* pcrrlp to tlje plunbge.anb Ijolo tfecm in cn= clofco oti nil fpDes at tbeir pleafure: names Ip, bpcaufe the SL o?o, although fee DifTcms bic ana lit ftill, pit fleepctb not in beaucn, butoelapetfe anDfufpenactfe btsiubfiinents till tpme conuenient. £t;jc?eoticr,tbe 3fu= terrogatton is u:c?e pttbtbp , tban if be fboulo fimplp auouebe tbat ijee Sotll bee of an bpugljt ano quiet tnpnb in abucrfitie. 3in tije fcconD part of tl|c bcrfe be fpeciallp bctcKcnctb tbe afflictions tbat bane mo?e fbarpneffe in tbcm , anb fobicb &>ownb mennes mpnbes mo?e greeuouflp: tbat is to ivit, M)m tbe imcfeeo rule tbe rofte, $ execute tttetr triolcttcc fcnrbout controi= matt, (^berfojc tbe Sibucrb of tpme is to bee funplpce tbus, [ S»I;e n tbe ft>icfcetmcs. frc] Cfecrc bee foute Jntcrpjercrs tbat pieUe out an other fence : 3!f 3! (ball bee afrapb in tbe tapes of atmerfttie,? p?o= upbe foj mp lelfto carefuil? , as tbe pnbe^ lesucrg are Sooor.t to boo : affoonc as J fljali come to tcatlj', mpne owne S»icfee5= ntOe iiiiiD LjoID nice as befccgcD . 3in0 i'o tr?ep tabe [tbe Ijcelc] fa? tbe enD of tbe tote. 23ut 3 rcicct all tbjs as to far ftt-^cpt^re boo 3! fee bp fcrijat reafen others refer it to tbe tljougbts: fo? J trjinfe tl;erc can not be founb anp ccampleof tbis ^etapho; ctf- iobere. 3tbatl) mo?c colour that ot!;cr= fome tranftate tt [ Ipers in feait, ] bpcaufc tbs i»oo?D [Gnacak j fignifpctb to bcceptie' a© if f ^epljct baD TapD: ^lltbougb falfc* bartcb anb craftp perfones lap %avt fo? mee, pit is tbere no caufi febP 31 fboul& bceafrapD . OBut J IjaD leuer totaae it Scitbout a figure: 5»ben tl}ei»icfectmcs of mpne enciHpcsfballbefcege mee, tb;uftmg Upon mee to trip bp mp becics: acco?Jtng as tl;cp fap in JFrencbe, r^ourfupureiur- qucs aur talons.] Cbat' 10 to fap in <2n^ glifl):Co foiotoeat tbebarD becles.38 con fefTG,befpeafcetb of bts enemies: but be fap ctb,tbat tbeii &>?ogful! perfecutions Qicbe to bis fcceles,bpcaufc tljcp ouermatcb bim in ftretigib,® purfeweb bim to onertb?oio l)tm,as tf amanfbeulDhjiuettoD bppon bis becies. 7. []BcrofolOtt)et!) tbe reafon,\»bP t\)t cbtiD?cn ef dE»0D cugbt not to fcce DifmapD in aeuerfme.anb mnc!) lc::c to giue ouer,cue &>be t\)?y fecmc to be MffrcfleDton&cr tbebanb of tljctr enemies, fo^s tbep can not cfcape their btoienccrano crafte0:nau'itip,fcpcatKC tbep are i-'tiftbp in teaine uitb a ft;aoou?i^ poiver,u.ln'cb bani Ojeilj aroap out of Ijano. Cije p?op!;et tbe reafos vppon the. xlix. Pftlme. ipi reafoned) in tbfsispfc, tljat iv!)cn Sac fear men S»ecavc trubblcb Suit!; bapuc anb Dc^ cepuable fearc : bycaufeSoeeconftDernot Sobat the irate of them is , m race as tf a titan fboulD bec afrapfc of a fbabat&e °* of a <0f)Ofte.C?)s? boafte (fapetbbe) in [the tmtitttu&esf the?? niches:] anoSoecltise fooics are Ijalcs airap mte the fame erro?, bpcaufc S»e confines not i)Oxo tvan'u tms j of bow tbojtt the date of tljte earthip ipfe is.jBcuertbelcGTe, tbe #to?bet loeketb pit oecp:t into toe matter, jfo? be not onlp ftewetb b? tbe tljing tcfelft , that tljofe arcfenonglp counteo blifleo Sohicb ejecel inplcafurcs.oj m fc>cl:b,o2inbono?, in this ibo? Id :but alfo be pjtouctb tbe cuen bp tbep? own bnscrftanbing, o? rather bp tljcir bIoeKilbnes,to be but notches. :ffo£ inafrmiebas happpneflceonfiltetb, m £ fce.« ling of »im tljat bath it to-cniop: noma can count fooics '•■? Dullarbshappp, 'iDboSaant bnbcrftabing.#}Ottj the $;opbet fijewetb that SoicKcD men arefcitictTeibpeaufe it is cnafliirct) figne of mabnefle too mid in a mans owne tDClthpncs.a nb to boaft of bis richcs,SDhe foolilb folK fee not the tying £ is fet before rbep? epes. f oj tbep fpnbc bp baplp pjoofc that no man can rcbeeme ano thcr mans Ipfefoj anp monp. wberbpon it foiowetb,tbat tbcp are no leffc out of their S»!ts,tba tljofe that be in a fren;ie.3!f aup .man lihe better to tranflatcit tl)us,rtf>?ait fijaU notbp raimfoming rcbeeme bfs bro- ther:] t!;c fence Soil! abpbeallone anb the l$ebtciv pluafc i#ill fcetl beare it. btcb though 31 reiectnot,pit it feemetb not to agree fit; ip.Wheras it is fapbaftcrfc>arD,tbat [#3 o man ijatlj the pjpee to pape to <& oa f o? tbe rannfome of another man: it pcrtcpnetfo to this purpofc, that tijc ipfe of all men in in the bano ano at tbe pleafurc of goo alone, f cannot be compouno fo? bp anp bargctn, that tl.ic tpmc (bulo be pjolongeo as oft as goo hftcth too call aiuap tbis man oj tbat nwn.Cbefame meening confirmed) be in the bcrfc folowing, DCbat tbep? raunfom is precious 0} ceftip.] y oj be mccnetb, not tbat tt is rare y\,\\\ tbat it can nowhere bee fomiD:iifcc as in ti)z flrti befceof [®amii= eI.-3.Lep arc )f>it aline in tbeS»o#D,;ffc?bec teac';etb tbat euerp= man batb an cnb of bis Ipfs appopntco be= fo?c banb, &bicb be cannot ottctf Utp : anb tberfe?eibat&bcn &>c?lolp folfep!aptl;e fooles in their bntowarbtrufie, rbepar« neercr tbeir grane,from fobtcb it fl;albe in bapnc fo? the to afTap to etempet tfyttmst. /Bo5» although the prophet fceme not too fpeaketnribDles , iol;en heebebatetbhis matters in fo Iohj anb bacc afiple after a bomelp foit:pit notisitbltabing fo^afmucl) as beronbemnctbheere tbebiocKift^ncJe of men as tt ioere from the bpgb tb?one of <©ob, (qi that tljep bemg blpnbeb & p?pbe forget tbemfclucs too be men : Suliei'cc tier loKctb tbjoughlp into tlje matter,(bail co= feflc that bcere be ribbles p?opounBca.3!n the meane tpmc, the faib [opening &heiof he mabe metion is to be feene in p ioojos: fo? gob mecneth tobclmcr an opcnfounDeb t>octrine,that cannot efcapc the bnot&leb^c eucn of the ruoca * moll onlerneb. 12 For he shall feehowwyfemendye3the fooleand the vnwyfe man shal perish togither,and leaue their v/eltli vnto ftraungers. Yit think^they that theyr houfe shall {land fbr euer, and theyr hahy- tacion "lolm Caluins Commcntaric {3 fctcipri shall ccntinew from age to age, they haiic called thcyr ownc names vppon lands. And man shaliioc continew in honour, he is become like yntoo the beafies, they perish. it [ Jro;i)c t&sl feebda>.«03! «sfce the ttghtb ano tenth kcrfes tapntl^ tcsitijsf bp eauf? it istbe |£>iopljet0 pur?jefe to Cberoe (joe? great tijepi fcioc&ironeffeis, folncli imng;n tint fyzy mall liue foj cuer in t^t^r &j9zlMnb applp al tfcep* cnbeiier to bunlo tbemfelites an enerlaftmg Dwelling place bppen cart!?, foben notfettltftanBtng tfje^ fee continually bo& all men flip atoape.3!t is fapD m a comsn picuerb tbat experience is tl)t rcboolemiftrcffe of fades : then are tlj-jv mo?e than fcnlfSjfcbicb. be cenuictefc bpfo manpanbfc euutent examples , ar?D yu Smlnot gather tl;eir fentts to tyein, too remember tbat tbcp are boznc to Dpe.Cbe Soozbs of the p; il«erfeze bang togi^ tlisr in tins Sspfe : Mtl)Q\ig\) tbcis blpnoe tecTppfcrs of ies,tbe name of ljtm is bt- terlp quenches , $ fo tiie&oztDlings bane tlic isiTf comfort, bpcaufc t'Qtft cbUDze fuc= c?De not in their rocmeto mapntepne their perfrng ^nb yit fytf pioZi fo little oj no- thing bp tbeis c«s? erieces,tlwt, ehepz mpno tonnes bppon nothing fo much, as bppon Isttnjg slopes on cartb.ifo? the ^cbzew SeoprMlobj (mafmucbas ft Ggnirpetb tbe tuj^as cr anp tlu'ng) is metaphorical- If W&& fo? t^cljart o.i bowels of a man . Cbs mcening trjcrefoje fs clecre, namely t^at tf)s imagmatiue euerlafttngnetTc of tije car tr)lp Ipfe polTelfetb tijeir mitai D fens fcs. Cberc is allebgeo bp otbers , a moie fpne iitterp?etario»if oj inafmuclj as Kcdob is taHcnnowanb tben foja graue, tbep fyiiili tbattbefolp of fuel) is Uugbeoat,as broilD ropall palaces &iti? grcate coft , foz tbeir memojtal to fcijccl in after rbeir Deatb: but tlits Deupcc is to colb. ^nb tljat M)iti) foloroctb, tmmebiatip after coftrmeti) btt? ttv tb,e fojmcr fenccmamelp tbat trjeis men fc>r)ict) are giuen altogitber to the fe>o?lDe, [bo call tbeir orone names bpponlanos: ] tr)at is to fap,boo enbeuer tbcmfclues roiti) mpg!;t anb mapne to ioin renottn among mojtallmen. Cbcptbcfpjesougljtto tcnQ to tbis enb,tl)at tbep? names map be keztt= ten in tlje boone of Ipfe.anb be blitTeB bees fo^c 0oD $ \\is <$ngeis: but noco arc il^p Ijjirrpeb to tbc contrarp affecticn,tr)Gt tl>cp »nap be famous bpon eartb,5 tljetr names map fauna aloft . ;# oz tp tl;c feoio [call,] tlje l^jopbct ouertljwartlp notetb, f baine fonnb, Soberfeitftall &>02lBlp men are ab= uaficc'o^ome line better of another fece : tljat is to fap,tl)at [Cb$p baue calleD coils tneo after t'ucpzovor.c names,] tbattbep tnpglit fcauca monument of t^epz gi02ie totbcprpoScritte.^ut^amoutofDout, tb,at tlje pjo^ets meenmg is tl;is ,t^at tljeg take greate papnes anb trauel to purc^acc tr)emfclucs a famous name bppon earrl) . 1 3 [2Snb man fliall not % t %fttt that ^ce batl; fccjncbtbemab tbongbts & fobjcl) tbe bnbclceuers Do Smlfuilp begwple tl)es fclucs : now l;e aBbctf),tbat aitboug!) tl;ep ft ano fo laud) in tbcp; ownc concepts , pit (ball tljep fbo?tlp ccme too the fame cnte ti)atfc2utebcaile0boo. ^ozalbccirtrjatin ! reject of f tnpnD,tl5tr is a great b'fercce betio>«ne tnr.n 9 bznte beaC'a:pit nDt&tttja ftabing,ln fpeabws of tbe {late cftljis p:e fent irfe.tljc p.20pt)etDotl5rpgl?tiO fap tbat tbc t^ifbrleeucrs fiialBpc like beafts. fa bcnccD^b riot to btivutc eftlje life to ccme, bpranfe Sj;el;aD to beale Saiti; t?jc t Qflly.s 'iiiCilo, &l;o pcrcc net too tlje l,ope tyctcef, vppon inc. xnx. fiaunc. 192 thereof ,ne cotrce puc in ropnb an? otljer to* , t3)3n that 'iohtcb the? cniops p?c= fentlp . €>itbmgc therefore at tbcpjboU ttnjnes.povo Cfn?ethhee) as though pee teere cjcemptcb from the couton lot of men, lift bp pour hojmes sbouc tb? cloubs : but bcatb pjcacetb barb nt pour heelcs, tabid) (bail &00 avoa? t\)is pour p;ibc,fo as tliere fljdioec no obbes bettoecnc pou anb aiTcsi 0? sog^es. #0? 3! l?Ke it not £ (bate 3ln= terpjctfrsbal? mojefuttip, faping,^ men became Ipfee bnto btattes,bpcaufc thep ton ber&anb not to fc^at ejtcdicncic thep b; ere ereateb,tfjat is to feit, tobc n €-'£) 3D gaue tb£.wa*&otrie,fe?bicb (bail nencr fieeye 03 bpe. ifo^ the aiecitingoft^e {i>jOpbet is cuiber.t pnougfo that Sbojlblinges flatter tbemfelues m yjapn fo;tbetranfi5o;ie Ipfe, bpcaufebefh'ucticn (balltyghj: bpontbem bpaitbp , ana gather them una the nombcr of b^utc beaRes. InD in the iaft tocojb the £>?opb€t Iumfdf Dcclareth , &>hv be IpKe? net!) cartbip folk to bjtute bcallcs: names lp,bpcanTctt;e? arscut of 02 pertf!).Te>feee3 as fotne fuppip the reiattue [ aCher , fobid),. c? that,] there is in t$)at but final! freight 14. This way of theirs is foolishnefTe too them, and their poftcritie shall as;ree too their mouthc, Selab. 16. Like sheepe are they layd in the graue, death shall feede them, and the ryghtuoufe shall haue dominion ouer them early in the mor- ning, and their ftrength shall vveare away: the graue from his houfe. But God shall rcdeeme my fowle from the hand of the graue, by caufe he hathe receyued mec. 1 4.. [ neffe : as though the $iopbet fboulb fap, the? leabe their Ipfe frowarblp , bpcaufe theparenotiajell at cafe in their ixrittes: foz it cculo not come to pafle,y> men (boulb bote fe Q)amefuUp,CKcept ibep itcre Mim ip bopb of all iubgmmt . fox Sucre tijep enbevceb Soith anp ojop of hnberdanoing, S»oolD the? not conubcr to fe?';at purpofc tbep arc crcatco, anb lift bp their mpnbcs to bcaucn^ Chus fap they. 2i5ut 31 fup- pofc that the f9)Qphet ment fimplp, that the falltttg cut of thfngcspjcucti) intend, that thep ir ere out of theis icittes, n>u fo place tl)cirfeHcitte in the luoiib. 3Ss if he fljouID fap,that at ibc lengclj the maaaeB of thofe that fettle thetureluctf in the&a;lo,id Detected to tljetr grcatc fbame: anb that ah though thep cficemc tljem&lacs to b: men of rare ioifoome , anb ouerioy themfchtes in their oo>ne fharpnede, pit nctwitbGan= bing it is bifclofcb Xm'tl) tooo?thp rcpzccl), hoa» i»itleu"e thep fejerc. %nn this the p jo p\)tt fpeafecth of fetpurpofe , to angrauate the mabneffe of the cbiiD?en,fc;bieh X»ilnot be taught to Sner Sopfe bp ti)z example cf their fathers^nb bpcaufe this latter mm ber alfo is MucxQ? Swjetteb bp the Jnter* prefers, 3! iotll firft beclare Soijat othsr men beeme . Che JEcrb [ Rarfa ] is taftcn [to ioais,] anb the U^owne [ Pi 3 is taHen fo? [a meafure: ] as tf it hab binfapb5that tl)z el)iiD?en ioai'a,oj pjoceeoe,sfter f mm mx of their fathers : 9 fo the? ciiaungc the. letter [Beth] into [Caph] tl)e martt cf Hies Ipneffe.iohich isa tpfe thing cmong| !^c= b?ew>es.?5nb % eonfeflTe,this fence biftereth not much from the t»oo?scs anb mcemng ofthepjiopheJ.tuherasotherfo.'ijereLYrir to biute bcaftes, it »s to much 5t?dlcb. 15 ut moje nghtlp becmc others inm? opt nion, taking the Soojb [mouth] fo? intfruc tions,oj pjecepts. 3Bgciii,tt agreeth better to u&b thciyco^a [Rct&] accoismgto hui comon anb moft reccpucb fignificatio,thst it fhoulb betoU:n a confent oj fcullmgnes: t thctfo;c 35 faM tranflatcb it [ to acjrc?.] lonn gamins vAXimiciiutric fi ovtf)t tmemag of tbe $:opbet tc tbts, t'.jat fob the foac conftbence of i»o?iDltngs turnetb tj flat f ohftrus ,fo as tbep are tuft Ip a lattgljwsftocUc among all men : it is a moaftcuoufs m?.aitcsin ttjcir poftcritic, £ tbe? can not tafee warning bp fuctj crpcri= enca tc begin to be fcjpfc, bat bclpgbt tbem Clues in tljefamc oaiagcs,anb botb bcenie a«o fpcaSe tbe fame tbat tbeir fatbers bib. 17 3rabeeit, fitb it is <0oos Smil £ big iubg merrtes fijoulb bsefcMpcbintbefeojlD,it ioaolu become tijem locondbermojcaDui fealp fcrijat is become of tbeir fatbers. %5cp conuinceb of bcafllp Smj; lefteneSt. H. [E-pfcefijcepe are tbep c] Cbe fimiluubcis bcrp fit , tbat theis men go Doame into tlje graue , ipfec as fbecpe are gatljereb in tbeir" folb bnber £ banb of tbeir fljepebero. fo} tbc iobole ioojlb is fcarce pneugb foj a p;oa>o man. Ccbe one of tbe frocUto m tbeir oronefonb imaginactons, tbat tbep in a mancr cbslenbge tbe fonne, tbe aiie,anb tbe tljeir proper own to tbcwfelues from all otljer men . 5fron* tbis tbeir bnmcafurabie fiatelpncs,S»ber- bp tbep ftretcb tbemfelues far f iopoe, tbc $*;opbet gstberetl) t'nem in fioencs Ipae fbeepe Into tbe gcane, onb beliueretb tljctn to Deatb to fcebe. Cbc mecmng tberfo^e is tbat teljcreas tljcp cbalcnDgefoucreinttc to tbefeluesaboue all me,tbep fljall atlengtb come bn&er t'os poke of beatb , p tbep map lerne i» ben it is to late , £ ti)t^ maoe tbeir fcoaft of a tbmg of ncugb^ifo* to Ipe oaer tbjowcnbnoer tlje it^ tljeir mabnes . ^ej it fycre to fono a tbing, tbat tbep fboulb be bltfieb foj a moa ment,anD aftcrtoarb caft avcap tbe bope f mpnbing of tbe ipfc to come, as it 'mete in ao?eamc,anb banniOj tbcmfelujcfrow tbc gl02tc of bcaucn,^o«?,toec fee tbat fcubicb 3H {paic of at tbs 6rft,tbat t!)e becmne of tbis ^faim bi^cret!) far from tfc pjecepts of tbe |abib3fop?)crs. 5o: f ^b'lofopbers boo cloquentlp 9 trimlp lair gb at i« o;!Dip ambit ion, rep: one mennes fonb lulles,pea 9 fpeabe agemft tbe ticble fraplrie of man= bpnb: but tijat Salnc!) is tbe cbeef tbing, ^ is omittcb bp tbem : nameip, tbat ioec are bapppe bpeaufe iccc be rule^bp tbc pj out* Dence of e fame Ujing ertenbetb alfo to all bis mes bers . ^Tojt Srberas it is fapD,tbat be fball beliaer up tbe Istingbome to <©od bis fa- tber : furelp, bis fo booing fbalnotaboliftj bis Cburcb,e , but it fl;«ll b?mg too paffe, tbat <0oo map bee all in ali.lnb in tbc 3D* ucrb of tpme [ earip,] tbere is a bcrp trim ^ctapbo?.JFo?inafmcb ajs i»e i»alU now in Darbnes,tbc Ipfe of man bpon tbe earrl) is ccucrtlp comparcb to npgbt,0; fleepe, 9 tbat fpeeiallp in refpect of tbe faptblefle, Subo Gt b^owfelp bpon tbe eartt) as men in a flomber. jj^ap, ratljer tberc is fucb con^ fufeb mtapnes in all tlnngs, tbat encn tbe gooipmpnbeB alfo are ouertobelmeD&ntl) DiOvDjpnes.fduingfo far feo?tb as 0£>5D filpnetbbpotljcmiuitbbtsiooojb.IC'Outs If fie Soc He not but tb^ougb a glafTe,anD in aribble,anb tljerfoze tl;c Combes coming ffoalbee as tlje moaning, in 5»biclj as 'well t\\t reprobates as x\)z cb05cn fljall awafee, cebe in tbctr.fepnD: tbat is to fap,bpcaufe f cboje Qjafcing of all ttotb anb auggiQmes, pea anb Ijauing cljaccb aroap all clo«?Dcsf fbaU jrppon the.xlix. Pfalme. Cball bcljoTo Cfjn'S tbe Dspfmt &fth right" tuoufnco face to face fcftb clere fig!)t, ano m Jnm tbe full tyisbtiuffe of ipfe : anD tberepzobatt0 So 1)3 nolo areftsr&blino, being ibaUeb from tbeir flugiiflbnc0,fbal begin to snow a neto ltfc,ef tobicb as noio tbep feele no maner of taft. 3nD tins Soar ; ning i0necDfull,not onlp bpcaufc our flelb Djametb b0euerme?c DounwarD, ano fo? tbemoftpart cbobetb anD barfenctb tlje Itffbt of fattbtbut alfo bpcaufe froglings gatber bp tbc continual going about of tbe S»02JD,p tbcr foalbenone ottjcrltfe, aceoi Ding alfo 80 fjeter teller t)0tbat tbep laugb at ti;e bope of tty ISefumction.bps taufe tbe continuall o?oer of nature batb floweD from tbe beginning tbjougb fo ma np bunDjeD pecrcs, 2 .j&et. ? .4. wberfoje leaf* tbeir malapertneo fbouiD truble to0, let &0 call to mtno tbi0 faping oftlje $>2o Pbet,tljat altbougl) tbe &02ID bee a0 now D?ol»ncD in DarKnc0 , fbcre fball rife bp« new moaning foDcmlp , &>bicb fbalreftoje bnto D0 tl;c figljt of tbe true $ cuerlafting life. atfterujarDfolocoetb [tbeir ftrcnsth fljallieere au>ap,]o? tbeir ffcape 0% bewtp (ball iosjcolo.^Fo: tbe wo?orrfocahii0in< tcrpjeteb botb loais.^f ice reaofttrlgtb,] tl;c fence Soil agre &utb it toerp 5»cll,tl>at tl;ci0 iDO.ilDl'.ngos aboronDe in Soeltb ano pu2ffance,boa?beit fo? a fbe?ttime,bicaufe tbep toptber ano Becap bpanbp , o? ratber melt a&ap . 15 nt bpcanfe tbe otber inters pictation is rcceiueD fritl) mo?e cofent,3 fcuangipmbfcrtbe, [tbat tbeir fbapcoz bearotp tenbctlj to Decap . ] fop ufee as £>au>c. « .Cejfoth.7.3 i,fcpt!) tbat f fbape fir tbt0 teozlb paffctb acoapCmcening tber bp tbat tbe bear? of tbc fejozl&lp Oatei0 but fbaDOitifbOfo tbe p2opbetootl) trim-- ip compare batngloip &>bicb b*tb no foub nc(Te m tt,bnto a fbaps 0? figure . /gbat tobtcbfGloiteibis fomeubat oarkerome. S>omctraflc5tcit[ygrauei5 tbeir boufe,] atiDtl)entbevmafec[samcch]tobcetbefa- anonmglettre of tbctiOune.26utit agrees etb to tbeiyoioea ana mpno of tbe £>2opi;er , tbat it fbouio be tncerpjetcD 0= tocrapfe,namelp£tbattltt graue feapterb foi tbcm from tbeirijouft.] f 0? tbe cbans gmg of tbe nomber i0 nfs among tbe &c b2:rce0.2:no tbe^zopbete© meenmg 10, tbat Glt[)Oug!) tbcp Otoell as notoin go:= Bcou0boiEfe0,feb«c 0)t^ ibuiUtbemfeh »5>3 ue0tobaueafurencS:pitft&tl!cometo paffe tottbitt a %\)i\z,tl)&t tbsp ftalae com pelkD to go out of tbe Dojes ans t\)t graue fballrecepue tbnn. 0era5uenture alfo be ftlluDctbcoucrtlp to tbetr glo2icufe ana Ratelppaffmge0bp , ftpcaiifc ityp nmer come ab20Dei»itbout great pompe. Cb8 ^opijet tljerf02c ftenpen) tbat it fbalbe fo Soitb tbcm alt»ap«0,bpcaufe tl)5p fbal one Bap come bourne into tbe graue. 16 [I2>ut <£»o& Jbal rebemejc-lCbcpar ticic[Ac]mapalfO bctranfiates [certefilr. ] ^Foj fe>bew0 tbc i3;opbst fawo m gem rail tbat tbe rigbtuoufe fbouio bane Dominion in ttye mojningrnow be applperb it to bp0 oicne peculiar bfe,to tbentcnt to b&ilo Dp bi0 oanefaptl) tl;efurer.3t i0tberfO2e as an appertenance of tbe former fentence: $»ber tn tbe $5 icpbct applietb t\)t tbmg to bis eitnc pcrfone, febicb be bat) fpoUcn as late of alltberigbtuous. 3itt0 iuelinougb fenoacn tbat[tljc banb] 10 tafeen fo? foue ; reintie, commaunbement , Dominion , 0? poioer.^pe? !i»bera0 otiiers toouiD baue tt taben fop tbe ftroKc of Dearb fit is to mucb conftrepncD. jfrommtbeis&?oc:De0tbc |2>20pbet cenfeffetb , tbat bp nature be 10 fubiect to Deatb , but ^it tbat <£?od fbaibw bi0 fauiour anD rcDecmcr . ^02eouer 5»e bauc beerbp a notabie record of $ faptb in iob'tb tbebolpfatber0liucDanb DpeDibn Der tbe laio.^o^ fe>c fe tbep ffaieb not bp pontbp0p2efcntlpfc, butltfieD Uptbepjt min&0 ana bp tbis meanrfi ran to beaucn &ar&, untpll tbep baD fintajeD tbeir race* fop if tlje |D jopbet fi}oulo ijopc to be De= liucrcD but from a periil c; ttoo, fo OjcuID beljauc Doonc but a$ tbe ctjiibjen of tb?5 SdojId Doo,&)bom (5od n&Detb oftprccs out of great Daungera.Cberfoir *>e bopeo fo? Ipfe in Dcatb,bpcaufc tbat bailing cuer cometbeDarbne0Oftbeiaozlb,be&irectcD bi0 cpe0 to tbatmo2ning«iol)tfb fbeulo b?ingi»itb it euerla&ing Dapngbt.wber= Dppon Soce gatber alio tbat tbc piompfjg. of tbcaaro fecrefpirituall.bppon trnft of S»bicb,tbc bolp fatbrr0 did Smlllngip anD glaDlp toanDcr ac fdilgrtms m tl>c i^ojie, too tbc intent tbcp mpgbtatlengtb reft in tbe bcauenlp beritage. t»berfo» it 10 fo mucb tbe «»02c 'a*onoer,tbai' t^f ^>aDucc0 Obo 5»cre b2ougbt top in tbe iiaroe,-) ceulDfuprc mto fiicb a eolctftnos 00 to aB3o.f. fiiinfce itjwh tr)at tfjc 8>ou.!c of man is nothing t Ifs* tut a b; ttb.f o; l)c mud be mo?e tban tlpna, tbat eanlcapc ouer fyis place as if tbcre&ere no mention mode in it of tijc fceaucnip Ipfe. ;f ojt Ipso can it be Sweden , tobtcb isfpoKen in the lad bcrfe cancers ning tbe nete anb bnaccuftomeb mo^mng:' £erccin!p , tbe bap darre rpfetb baplp to it>c i» o;lo: but in ttjat place be betohenctb one cert em day ,in te-btclj d5ob Jnmfc If fb al fupplp tbe offpee of the &unne to enlpity; ten 00 witb the bGiioiDingof bisglojp. /ftoia tben^itb \)t add*tb[88utleu"e, (Sena (ball rc&ceme mp feule from tbe power of tbe graue : ]oorb beenotbebisbt bimfclfe fome peculiar tlnng , tbat bctpdetb not to tbe rcfume of men:1 215ut if to be redeemed from destb bee a pjimleagi giueu to tbe on If cl)ilo.:en of O'os : S&ce gatber fe: a cer= tctatp, tbat t5;:re is a better life to bee bo ■ pes fo?. Sifa it quttetb cod to marfee tbat S»b tbat we tben p?oQ t arigbt in <2> ao» p? ompfes, feben ccbemanapplpctb feuerallp tobim= felf.tbatwbtcb (5ab offerctl) general!? to ad men.^c j abttbp is bee fare of tbe re* dsmption of bis fouU.bu t bpcaofe tbe date of £ gooip fijalbe otberatfe in time to com, tban it ifl now feene to bee in tbe wczla f &nd bp putting t>tnife!fc into tbe compa- ny of C5ecs cbiio^en , bee warrentctb alfo bimfclf to bee partaker of tbi* grace.<£bat wbici* be aBDCtlj afterward, if red in D? ts b>t w wojd foj ft>oojd tbus : [b pcanfc ipt lolin Caluins Commentarie, 0)51! ra&e met op.] 25 nt fometunierbe parcel! [f oj o? b?caafc,3inte tbe aduzrb of rime[wben,]am)ta&efbt i»o?d [iak»k] to fignifp to [raise quite area? : ] fo as ifc* fence ujoulobce.wbcn the 8. ojo fijai tafec mec out of tbi0 life to lnmfctf, bee Gjai rib mp foal from tbe pobacr of tbe grane.ZSut 31 fcarc met lead *l]is bee to mucb w?cf ted. flSjfcjje rpgbtip bo oriitrs dceme>tbat tbe future is put in ft to of tbe p?eter fence, ano fo bc§ce dill rfje pjoper fignifb cation of tbe w o:b [f oj o> bpcaufc.] ■$ oj t!|f pjopbete Ijop'e of bi0refurrecticn£oa0 not to be fougijtfo^ in bimfelf ,but in gob0 free aboptiou.bpcaufe (!5ob rjaD cmbjaceb htm fc»: b bi0 fauour, anb accepted bim m to tbe date of bis cijilsjen. i^o^beii tbere ntebctl) no Qnfting of t!)etime of tbe bcrb, if anp man htie of rtjis erpofiu6:^5ob Q;aJ tafee bpon bun tbe cudobp of mp foule in Deatb^.anb tberfojc be fbal fafe it from be- firuction jFoj i»bcrbpon commetb it tbat men tljmij tbeuu'elues fo^lome toben tl;cp go bown into tbeir graue,but bcaufe tbep betabe not tbeir routes to j tuicio $ cuds = Dp of gaa t jpo; tbep account tbe not to be fofe in bis Keeping as it were a p;ccioufe plebge. Cb^rfo^e bowfoeuer mans fowle bamiij awap bp all URelpboD wben it paf= ferb out of ttje boop : pit trad fee beleeuc tbat it is garnered bp as it acre into gobs bofomc,tbere tobefaptbfuUp kept till t^e dap of ti)i iScfurcection« 17 Fcarc not when a man shalbc cnricacc? , and wlicn the gloric of his houfe shalbc multiply cd. i3 . Por hec shall cary nothing away in dcath,his glory shall not go downe after him. 1,9, For hec shall blifTc his own foulc in his life time,and they shall prayfe thec when thou doft well by thy fclf. ao Hec shall come but to the age of his fathers^and hec shall not fee the light for cucr. ai Man is in honor, and shal not vnderftand,hc is become like the beafts, they shall perish. 17 [ireartnotwbmfc.]^erepefeebf mancr of citation, tbalfstofeif ,t!)at ^amefemence tbat Sot bjaobtfo?:bn5eribe itisin papnefo>^obsc^ilb;entobeput $ vppon tlic.xlix. Pfabtie. in ft arc i»Ub cbf riches anb pttiffisncc ef t!j«r eneauesjanb tba: ttjcr is ns rcafon ftb$> tbep flioulb cnap rbcm,b»eaufr t??i« tottering fcliatte of tfjeirs palTt'} awape « pace lihe a {babovye^UInb led oar mtns trs Eboulo fr f tie bpon rye c ar fj, btt t»iU beat tbe enb of onr lift to be aianpcs be - fc;f oar CfC0« jtfo? tbcibp it €»tl come to paffe,fbattbeS»eermc0 of tmferirs (ball not otierrobelm e ^*j foner ewi tb it bebo - uetb bs to ht eternfcQ m tb»s our (bojte rsce.3|jc w Ije lull iisue bs frtrb a bauis tie baft to ocfpLfc ali tbe gutlefull pomps inSubicbe foozl&lp men bcligijt tbtmfel* uc3 (o mucb«Cbf rfoje left toe mtgbt bee treubUb Srtcb facb figbts,tbe J£>ie&)i?eTe u tic: j calkty- bs baft to tijt c0.1fiDcr.rn * i*4. onof beatb, fetich ccmmtngfcbenlp bp5 bs, Sstit fbahc b0 our* of tins guttering gfejioufnesanb faftfcobetsnetnrootbc graue.^ojbptbefe&mts [b« ftalliarp nothing atoap in br atb] be mitnerb tbat tnbow r,igb»flatefcet;irmenbe:pttmap tbe? not abtb; in tbt Tame gio;p,beponbe tbe enbe of tbetr l.fe.Snb bee confittttctfe this nafctimcs tn tbenrjt member is^cn be ftptbj [bis fflo?? fbaH not go bourne ef terbim. ^-a^aUbongbmtferablemrnne fv;t\l ie reatt fo mtscbe,anb ftrtae to ca- rp fame glo?pe fritb tbem after bcatb, as ttfnere fDhptbet nature fcjpll oj no : pit (ball tbcp net efcapz rottpag anb tbe rc= p?o:be of nafcebncfTe , acco;opng as it is S'SllvUilg fdpD Cftljc p3wt. omcfctbown tbe icon* tba0 : [be fbouio banebltffcD bis foule in bis lift time^ome refer tbe firft member to tbe bnbclet uer0, anb tbe ficenb toibefattbft»U tofctebe rnaife <55ob tnallbtobenefites. atnbctberfometaKe tbetoboic tert too concerne tbe fapt^fnl, borobreit amide. 3c fo; n\c,j boubt net bnttbfP brcmcansbtjiDbicb teacb. tbat eucnbteraifo are notcbfntf? perfcneeg te gmrn to :le be itgUD of tbe rlefb. 3Jnb in tbe fir tic member be fare tb tbcp biiffe tbeir orcne fcule as long as tbcp (line m tbe%Do;Ue:cptbtrbicaufe tbep ftoeetip fob c anb glut tbemfclnrsin eartbtr piea= fares , ana confeqaentipxocttet tbcmf«b acs tn tbctr besQipe fenfaaiitie, liHe es y rtcbeglatton tsbsfcrtbtb br ftterfttui achf,i2«i9.fcafttbpfclfetotbeful,mp f« ul t,i c : oj els tittelp bicaufe tbep ff eke fo; no bapppntffe eifewljere tban in tbe i&c?l&e, bp rtaTcn ttjcp are tooc^eb Stub nobcflrccftbebceuentptife.wbeteasos tbers 1 1 an Gate it [be Q? aii bo &c! bp bts ov»ne feule] 3 hfee not of tt,fo: mcc tbin= fcetb tbi0 place airenb iottb that of £0o fes, Drue 29.1*. icaa percbauvce anp tn&tt being mifolcb bp etro? .imgbt bit lie bis ctone foals : tbat ts too fap, (call bee fboitie flatter btmfelf as tbogb be migbC befpife <&$> JD fcuboutcljjcUe. jfo; in tbis place %t lans^etb at tbe fenb«effc of tbofe Srbtc1) bjcamtng tbcmfciuffl to bee bappp,bo footle tl)etitfclac0 in t^cir otcn beltgbtcs* Jn tbe otbjr member tbere is e fljifting oftbe perfone.anb a turning ef tbe taiUs too tbrfe bolnptac ws pcrfons, fej'oicbf bjeame tUmfelues too be bappp in tbisia ojioe. ^foj tbe ^;opbetc mce= nir.gi0,ti)ae tbtparenotonlppnfi^jp & tbstr cton occrtoc£niritb tbeguilifaii flatte-- rpoftbc&>o;ib,tobtlctbepbeeuerptxiber piapfta anb bab in reputation, anb couns t£D bapnptn the opinio cftJjc muiutubr, anb Sobtie tbei' fulfil tbeir owne laftf ,ftt trngaHbeaU rcgatbott^e^tauenipiife. 10. [^c QjslM come but too t!?e agc.« c] ^cwe fbewctb bee bow oeceuruU :l;cfc flatteries "ce,fettb Snbic!) tl)e bnb4-Uucrs becetue tbetnfetues anb hz Pi cep ue& bp o tbc?.'S. Sfter tbat tljep b£e mace c;a«&*a ((aprtb be) as Saei ir itb tbeir otone mtfs toecmng as 5»itb tbzflattcrp of ttjc corns monfojte, pit (ball tbep not paffc bepono tbe age of clj etc fartjers. !& no abmtt tbep bee neucr fo long Uueo, ptt (ball tbep not eniop tbe Ugbt to; caer.^>tb£rs interpret tt fotmtobat otberm'ie^bct [to come too tbe age of tbeir fatheis jftp wo figin^e af tnttctj ns to btegat^creb into f gram tco £3b.ii. tbeir tbetv fathers, like aa Otatb ic commonlp called [tbe feape of all flcflj.'] J no a little afojt the #>xopbetfapa ttjcp feere gather rco bp bcapeo into toe graue a0 (beep in? to a foloc«3tnO fo tljep Soil baue toe fence to be tljus : fozafmucbe astbtp fVefee not after beauenjbut lie IntfeefecziOfafttiDc too the rottenncs of tbe earth: tbep {bail come to tbe fao accozoins; to tVjeir opinion , [not to fee t'o c light fox eucr]impipetb aimuci) 00 to be Ozorcneo in eueriadmg Darnnea oz te be Otterip quencbeOtf 01 , to be banis CbeO fro <& 00,10 far feozfc tfja all ocftruc tian* IS lit 3 bao letter to reao it febole togptber: f altbogb tbe? Oanoie tbemfel , «e0 fe itb oatne flatter tng0jT?tt fljal tl, ep ' Kot pails the bounD tl;at ts pitcbcO to all 1 UutttgfetgbW* $30i»beeit fozafmucbe as Iorin Caluins Commcntaric, N ! it mafeetl) lutic ffcill too tbe efnete of tbe . matter? let men take tbeir cbotce of febi= cbe tbe p lift* ©r.elp it t0 to be notco tbat tfrbt0 latter interpzetattonbcealloweo foz tbe bettcr.tbatfebicbefolowctb cons cerning [tbe light] mufi bee Onbcrfteooe thus : tbat tbe onbelecuers cniop not tbe Ugbtc of life but fox a fboztcti?m\bicanfe tbat aflboneaetbep bee gene out of tbta feozloe, there rcmapnetb none otber life foz tbem. TOberbp fee be feanuD to take Diligent beet*, tbat Sac MftTe not onr feU uco in this hfc, but rather to enocttour £ feben fee bee oepartce out of tbe feozlD 3 fee map be carpeO fehole to tbe beauenlp blifleDne0:ar.b no if He beebei0 too be ta= ken, that the oatne flatterp of mencarpe 00 notaxva'pr .^0 is ftlffemi thing fo;>eD tljeheatrjenincn. Thou mufi not like ofeuery thing that troublous Rjihc commends, nor put to try all efthojejcoales the iudgement that offends, nefeeke thyfelfc without thyfelfe. 25 ui fozafmucbe a0 it i& a fa alt e tbat bzceaetb fettb bs almc-fc bp nature , to giuc to mud) crefctt to Oaijtc flattertngs : toe mud glue car ta this Earning of tbe |2>ZOphi£0, 21* [^an in bonoz«fct3 ;fo2ofmucbe as be might feemc becrtofoze to baue fpo feeu to oaottnfiillp of tbe pzefe nt life>u?f)t cbe tf it be tonievoo bp it fcif, 10 a fingular b»nefite of C5 iaD JD : bee Ofetb a fptcc of correction, oj be mtt'gatctb tbe fentence tbat be baD fpoken afoze 3 bp putting in a thing : namelp tljat menne grorce out of fcmoetnta bea{rc03bicaufe tbepOnfaucr Ip oeuoure febatfoeucr gooos <£» fi> ID grauntetbOnto tbem, ano lb bztng Onto naugbt tbe c^celiencpe febtcbe C5od bao bonebfauco openrbem. ■Cbcpjopbete tberfozctnuevetb SgeinS tt)cfrou?aro as b»f?,febenbeatbcmii)e faUi?,feitbout a« np taile of goOlpn:0,ftoal3i»e 'np febatf-3 cuer gocD tbtngs ertfbetb fywuzXi our otone cozrup tton,$nO although the Oerp onbeleuer« (fo long as tbep hue in the feozlO") crceil the bjute beafte0,bicaufc tbep beeing in= Octpcb bf\>i\) rcafon ano OnDerftanDing, reterne a0 pit fome pzmte 0 of (J»oO0 3 « magr : pit notwitbftanDing tbe J3zcpfcet pzoncu'iiceib ngbtlpaccojDtng to the cnD of tbem, [that thtp fijaibeliUebcafrslbts caule that bcctngfpopicOcftbeicoapue glozie,tbep fbati fa.hritoo^cftructtoias $re! as the bmO-s.jf'rz wheras their fou= lC0 Ihall contmeto ahue aft:r Piatb: t;;at fljaJbeeno let at all, bat-that Oeat& mape Dioiar.c tl;:m in enOlcs Vgmne. The vppon the. L. Pfalmc. i^- The Contcinti of the fiftith Pfalme, Bycjufe tbe Church hath euermore hinfrduohted -with byptcritesx which haue im a*ined thdt God was to bee worshipped of them forfashhrt fak^iWith outward Ceremonies only : and fpcciaUy bycaufe thdt amsn* the I ewes, many misfohwed the figures of the Law Jetting afyde the mee- ning of them, as if God required but the Sacrifices dnd outward Cere- 'tnonies : the Vrophet chafii^cth this grojje error, and telleth them shdr ply, thdt Gods name is wickedly defiled when godlynefje is detenu in ed in Ce- tnonies:and he fheweth that the worfhipptng of God is fpirituall, the cheef parts wherofare Prayer and Thanks *juin;\ The. L.ffalme. A fong of Afaphs. i T he God of Gpds,euen the Lord hath fpoken, and called the earth fro the funne ryfing to the funnc going down. 2 God hath shone out of Sion which is thepcrfeclnefTc of his bcawty . 3 Our God wil come and wil not hold his peace,a fire shall dcuour in his fight^and a mighty whirlewindshalbemoued round about him. 4 He shal cal the heauens from abouc,and ti;c cartl i to fudge his people. c Gather my mccke ones to mee , which ftryke my coucnant vpon their Sacrifices. - FffS|j I*e 3Fob cf^otJjs 9 r . ] $ltbowgb an& fTmplp conbemnc tbeabufc an& co?rup yi \i? ^e #fai»» be intptles to Sfapb yit tien ef tbe Juteferuis:ej wbitber be p;io- fi'Jho is it not fenowenSDljitber bc&ere pbeueofiDsHfrestitngDOHretocome. Jit tbeantbo$«fit,Gj&>bitbet be rccepueott S»ilappcareeafipbptbetejttitfelf,tb8ttbe at IDaavos bano , bpcaufe bt&as one cf J^opbet was an erpounoer of tbe JLaw tbe cbee? fuigers.ltfut bicaufe it is a tbmg among tb« men of bis oaies'to teacb tbem of no great inttgbt, let k£ ratber looke to tbat ti?e ceremonies (atwbattpme tbe? tbe matter. &£snp tbinfe tbat beere is oef= flooD in fojee) were nougbt foozity of tbe- tribe* rt)erenumg of tbe Cburctyanb bis feiues , but ratber bab a furtber meentng opinion batb tahen place euer? wber, tbat in tbem. % no S»b«t'«s it is obiectct>,tl)at tbe p:cpbets purpefe tenceo to warn tlje tfors nener calico tlj© wbole wo?l& ,eicept 3! ewe s tbat tbe fbaootaifb wojfbipping it wete 5»i;cn tij* (0ofpdl was pablifbco, of tbe law feruei but fo? a time, $ fboulD b? canfe be gatbereb a certein anb peculiar bee one atoa? witbtn a 5x>ljtis after. &ur e people to fyimfelf bg f jjectrine of tbe law : ly it is'biofttrciDt'qat ©oaintimc paft it m«pbcDifp?oneDSvitl-,cutaH|?aeo.;f oj, ererafcotbe 3lewesin fucb trapnments tb&pjopbetmeGHetbnQtfyatailtbewcjlb as if tbe? bab bmcbuojen,fcntil f Cljurcb ft eulb bee calleb , fo as ail i be ^eatJjen migbt grow to manseftate , anotbetime CboalfeberetbtCbaifyoltyMctrpnetogts of fttlnefTc toerc come, as f^aule termetb tber : but tbat <£od argnctl) his cace fettb it (Sella. +.4. liput now beere is another tbe 3^wes, asif it feeve before all man= quclnon Demaun'feb , Sebptfccr tbe p?o= Upno.JFo? H)is pjoteftationagrectl)tt)itb pljct bircct iustalUtotbemcn ofbistime, tbat of ii^o^fe^ JDeut.32.1. 0erhen¥ce S3b.iu. l;eaueng j ionn^ar.!ins .i 9. 3 tsfcc bcftttcii ana earth too 5»ti= wOe this Dap , that 3! baae fct brfoje tbw tbebape of Ipfeanb D:a:?): iSnbafto &nrh t'tftf of (Bfop.i .2. fatten pee bcauens, f Spite care tboit earth :fo? the lojtD hath fpos ken. flPjfs scljsmrncie&jasfneeDcfitUas meng £ bpp9c:pt0,tothementtbe? might fhafce ef their felffcotbnig© anb gpuc beeb earneSl? to (Sods iubgement. 3tnb fpects nU? in this cace it tots nccr»2 that the j&caes {hcalDbee&afeencO mojeiharp^ Ip. ;#G2 inafmacb as ^cn aregtaento pat on euttoarbbifo20,ibep mtaTare (Sob a!fo bp their ovonc tnfpoGuon, ana fo the? thinhe they haucfrc!lb.:fcl}argfb tbtmfels u"2 towarDja bint , fehen the? baae occu- ppeb ibeinfclnc.3 in Ceremonies.&o £oas it an cafp matter foj the 31*»e0top!ucH to them raftl? tl;s figures of the 3Laa?>a0 though the? miglit nahtip pacifp ©ob bp tl)« obferumg of them. 2&KD free know that the # ispbete3 bab fcerp barbe hold aliaapcs about this fuperftitioufneffe, bp- cauf€tbefc>o?flesnb friclieaDcS fojte of msa.biunteb tbemfelues pnefumptuouG? foithetrusSooiQjippersof <2>ob, if the? might clo&e their bngoalpneffe fc>tth an? guplefull fljes? of bcaotion. wtyerefbtcit feas not inougb fo? the taacb fimplp that ©000 fer ui0 t0 marreo ana befpieb , fc)ben neglecting faptb ana cien; neffe of that, men are bujpea enelp about the oataara £ ereraonies : but alfo to the intent Ijce might fljafce of their bxoujjp* neffe anb correct their beccpuablc tranche Ssas biiuen ef neccflitte too mafce t\)is graue pjotcftation bnto them, Cherfoie S»bcras be fc?ingetb in <£ob coring all na= dans to Ijia mbgment feste: 3 take it not fo as though bee aeimereo n rule of true anb tncojvapt religion bniuerfallp to ail tbefeozlo . anb gathered the Church on ati (iocs to his obedience : but that theirs pocrits fhoulb ieaue their caSome of oats tcring ^cfeiue; it i»a0 no fmall (put to pjici the fe?icarb,to hauc a!J the fe>o?!D ♦nabc pjiup to tl&t ioicUcb btttitmilarton, f to bee vncotco out of that tljcir maff^ing garment cf bofrnefleroberoi the? uaiitea thefelaes.Co p fame parpoi'e alfo maHet!j itthathscaUeth £ ILo2Qt!)e®obofgoba: fo? rliep i» U ncuer lcaue moc&ing of ©sa, mlcWi thep be put in f ear e in goob earner!. ix>i)'ch Jhins toilappeare better bp the fes qatle off tcct,ft>bcre y 0?ca5fa5l jnaisftic of goo ;3bcfcnbev> :ta f intent that the fyi« poc:its map percein: hoiu the? aaaUc no« thing toith their clfpioifbe top?0 , becaafc thep tiaae too beale tyitl) too ffreijbts a 3 uos^ 23 at leafte foinc man mpght ob« iect that hcere is anp tliuig taitght contra-- rie too tije ILacoe, anb that tlje feruis aps popntca bp i^opfe0i0 rapleb toppon: t!j« |3?ophet6 erpzcfTcrl) bp name,that thijB mbgment of hi0 fbalbe agreeabliicitb th« 3La«t3) ^hereof he is a f^cacber, ^ot,foj €»ob too fpca'ae from out of g>ion,implps etha0mucha0 toorattfpe the aathojiti* of Iji0 ILaia e: ana therefore as efts &$ V.)9 i&?opbete0bfctbi0 manner of fpeaHing, thep aucwebe themfelaei too bee erpoun; ber0 of the %%xot. ^Toi in afoiucb as that bil ioa0nct chojen bp therafljneffe of me, it bathe relation to the iLaia- jftofe there; fotetbe |i3?op!}et£cutteth of the jfcfre* fro all occafion of oifputing,bpcaufe 4Bo* himrelfschergc.h not fuch aflfcle&e f bni cleanes of tbJir hart S colerab!; pretence, bp anp ncia lawerbut argueth & ttjemb? their oo?n ialo bdiuereb the b? i^cpfej. 3lnb hetcTnteth ^ionbp anhonozabs tps tle[the pcrfectnc0 of bi0 beai»tie] becaufe goD has choje it fej l)is S)lciucric 53ljcr* hi0name(houlb beecalUb bppon,$ there fhone l)'i3 vm& in the boctrine of p 3Uio. i C©ar0oaihallC8me.?c.] wh^eas he repeateth that be fljall ceme, it mafeeth to the confirmacio of bis boctrine,that he mapeOia&cmen0i>?o&u6 minbes moie behementlp. ^ : fbal come(fapeth hs)ani fljal net feecpe filence to the eno ,!ca6e pee fljoalb p;occeo to abufe his paciecs; [Our (25o*.] f&l)'S mape bee c^poanoeb tiooo ieapesreptber that the pjopljet gathering biuifeJftetbettTfofcjooifbippei^ofCJoB (w\)9 ?»cre \jrrp feaSo m nomber) fetter^ himfelf on the contrarie part ,to Qjero that ttje $?ipocrptf0 boof»flp f uapnipb^g, that thep fro; (hip the fame &oo that the help ^Fathers Uo.®], die (fe>b*cb fenfc li- fecth mee better of bothi) that f> $*>£opbe£ as on: of v i&hoie ptopW,benounceth that the fame C5oa n»hofe name all the cbiloten of 2Pb:aha pzetenbeb, fe oolo bee aueng eb fej the bjeache of Ins religion. &ur<£>ob then in Ssbo we glc2p toil cotm, eaen that gob y niabc the cosenantfrit!) 3'ozaham, tbe felfefame he that gauen&s the iaia b? the hand tbe tenti ef &$3pfr5.1i£bat w^lcb folow etb, awcernUg [fire and wbi?iwinde]al* tfceugb tt bcc puc t os waken tb« Itewccj tbat tbep map at latgtb iern to be afnpo Rt ©850 iuogemmt, wbtcb tbfpb*uetri tbttro E>e!pif?Z} too rcc^lcflp : pit centers netb it an illation to tbat ozcaoful Ggbte fx\}'£i)t 006 fhewed tn jounce 3jtnat. od made bis people quake m oio time at tbe publt fljing of bid jtcto : fo irll b" be armed now alfo fcmb terrible power, too revenge tbe groffc a* bafeeffcts doctrine. 4. [Ijt frail call rbe'^cauens.jc] H$? tbefc woids tt iseafie to gatber,to wbat end be faped era tbat tbe carts? fboulo bet cal'to.^c: now repcting tbe fame agein be effirmccb tbat ©od batb net anp qua* rel 0} matter in conrrouerfie,but on'p ft tbe liewrs, boicbeKt pit in tbepzefence cftbe wbole wczla : nameipbicattfeibis folcomeanD bnaccufiomeo iaweace fcif feretb far from tbe ozdinarpe eaces wbi- cl-c be fiifcuffetb bar Ip bp bis $>? opbets* TljcTfo;eblcanfe tbe tMpscntcs fbouSb net always fltfoud tbem tn trjctr lurking bole 0, tbe j$?opbct tell etb tbe tbeptntift pleao tbeir cacc be loje tbe #ngcilcs,;an& before ailmcn,f tbat tbe? cannot efcape, but tbat tbep muft be bzawcnfeojtb to f notable affembl?. iBeucrtbelcffetttnap beebmtauncib&bptbe#?opbettptetb tbepure wozBjippcrs of t zabams cf fpztng j»aa falne fro tbe true religion, pit be Ijaflfen eve to tbe ozdrr f be? appointed. ST.berefo?e b« callerb tbe [mcvli ones] not to tbe rotct to bear ton ncs too all alike of rtjcfr true religion, but to tbe intent tbep Ojoulb take tbe better bctb to tbe end cXtbcir calltng.3nb tbrr fbze rbcre ipetj^fo a ccrtctn kino of moc vppon the. L. Pfilme. 10 6' ketp as til rejects of tbe ba&srd « conn5, ter tec "Jews, wljo are noted onertbwat* !p,bteaafc tbep are net £fto-:rsble tb t'ger / pjofeffion.^f anp man itflr to cjspannb it mo?e finelptbus : fit s>e apart tbe fewe tbat fcoifljip me wcajruptlp ano batte* !p, from tbto confufjb rable tbat DefUetfj mpnameisicfeeblpe, ri|3tt"gep fejjapnot tbcfclucs brcrafter'tn tbe deceitful fb?ot$ ding fl>ect of outtoarise tuozfhrpping : j fa? not nap but tt map ft>£ll agree &ttb f . gi);opbctc0 m?ee»itt2, $ feftb tbe matter tbat be enm tits nf4 3Bo ^ t^fre <#$„ be no abfurb. e in it,if t»e fap tbat in ttje cburcb co?rupteD,tbere it $iutn fa raucb bono; totbe goolp f founft^tbouglj tbere foerebutfevoeoftbem remapning) tbat tn refpect of tbem, tbe company fe tr.tjccb of good ants bad fboulo be cailen tbe pcc= pie of (0od. ^bati»btcbe fo!en?rtb after is d?aton into ciuers fenfe0 bp tbe Inter p;etet&, fo; fame tbir.K tbat [boon tbeir facriSfcs] iB fpofeen in fteade of [bfGDes tbeir fact i fifes] as tbougb mg to tbe r iggt ful mtent of tt,] bicaufe tbep baloroe dn? too mec tbe dncozrupteb obedience of tbe bart H&ut On mp iucgement) tbe |3zos pbet cotntHfrderb bceie tbe true and r>~= tnral bfe of tbe into fcruice.^fo; it S»a0 to gteat purpole too baue it tod kne wrn to i»bat end be required facri&ces in tbe %a\x>.&9*> tbe |3;opbct dcciarctb bctic plaiuipctSjat facrificcsare ofnobeleio, but too be as it were fcales 0; bonowzp* t:n?feo; other btlps to trabiifbe tbe coue nant of €5 cd. y ca ratber be alludetb too tbe cuffome tbat was eucrpwbere rt cei- ued, fo: too tbe intent tbcre mtgbt be tbe moje religion enb fattljfeincc in leagues 8n&coucpams,ttCfcnctritet>werifc?6t too be con firmed wit b facrififf e* 4501D tberfo;e to tbe intent be tnigbt bmoc bis people tbe mo;e farelp too Utm, and tbat btscouenant migbt be tbe better con&rs stub and ratified, be czbeptub Cactifift*. •25b«ut|. Jt* io!inv,aiuim ^omnicnwne tmte feitb fall moutb tots <^oog eburs cbe:pttbootb tbebcl?tberuppontt flowctb tbe; • ceremonies tbat r3nrbefc>o;bnfoz= i not referred too that [els bjit a corrupting of arenotgrumt>b?r«bp sppeeri tb JBo are account ceD before <£eb foz t»mf mbcrs of l$fg eburebe: namelp faclra be cing enberccb S)t'tb tlic fpsrite of mmnee.bca! bpztgbt Ip Ssiib tbett bzctbjjn , ana fentb bnfcp? mb obebience offaptb ccr.fimretbe cone riant of aboptionMjtcb b« bapg'= nether ^cjfcipp-ng cf d5ob} an? ftcpjg fine f roKi tjjc tfisisUCbttuente febtc;l;e trjt tilpboctrin] ;rftabufbe&> tfjongb tfcV boaittljiiwf'tytB a tbonfabe 6. And the H c himlelfc. s,< 7. Harken O my peoplc,and 1 ! wil talke with thee : thou Ifrael and I will put dice in remembrancer am thy God,euen thy God. 8. I wil not fmde faulte with thee for thy Sacnfifes,for thy burnt offrings are alwayes before me. 9. I will not take a Calfe out of thy Houfe, nor Goates out of thy fbldes. 10. For all the beaftes of the Forell: arc mine,and fo are the cattcll vppon a thoufand hilles. 11. I know all the foulcs of the Mountaines I and the beaftes of the feelde are in my power. 12. If I be hungry I wil not tel it thee : for the world is mine and the foy zon the 13. Will I eate theflcshe of Bullespr drink the bloud of Goates? 6, [3lno.tb« i?eaHen&ec*]TfiMcanfetbt lejfcntb a fonbe pretence, fboalbenetter 3 ctotg iuerc Co bttlvmtteb tbat tbcp fur= come to account before bim.wce fee mm ! that tbc $&],op\)ttt fpaUc fitlpc accosting to tije date of the cace f»ljtcb bee bafb in banb* $ ez altbougb me confefle tbat gob is a $ u&ge , pit bicaufe tbep after rcacDc fc?ge to tbemfelues piping tupes iolnv ■• Syitbal too Obift bisu of,anb fo bp inbirect mcanes fet bun beftoe bis office f autbo= ritic of lubgmgut is neebfull tbat tbcftn tence S»btcb bets about to giue.OjulDbe mamtepneb ageinft tljetr balneeauiis. 7. [darken mp people.? c] after tbat tbc $■> zepbet hstb p?*-fojmeb tbc untie of a mcfienger,£ alfo atibeb facbe tbtngiS w ougbt of rigbtto ftrifeertie»tRtr.&g:con=: tineroing dill bis pjeceffe, bee bztngst in gob fpeabing: 9 to the intet %t map C;eiE» ageine iftt in bona teHty a matter of berp great ieetgbt : tydmiil) tbebp to giue car f»itb manp Soojbflr.if oz (Sob bp calling tbem bis people jCbnlengetb antbozitie mifeb tbemfglneiStoofal&l allpointcs of rigbf«oufnes feitl) balptng ano toping : tbe pso^Jbete rljieatgnttb *bat altbougb Cod fetnfe at tbcm fo? the pjefent ttme> be fell fijero foztb bis rigbtooufneS from ^eauen> febicb Ojallfcifpzcue anb ouers tbzoto all tbeir fatadical beuifes+€btnfe peu (fapetb b«0 tbat<$£>5D ispactfieb fettb pour iugling bnacb0,5»berebp poti offer bit" repjoebe^ bctofocuer pee cade tbefe tntft«0 as nots,<£ob {bail at lengtb fb^tofojtbbifi vigbtuoufnesfeom^eas aen,ano r-efenb it from pour feicfeeb foz= geric0,i;be ^eauens tbemfclues Qjalbe &?ttncfTes of pour irecb«tp,tbst pou baue beiptftb tbc true bobmrs, anb coirupteb elje pure &>©zfijipp^g cf^Sob* ^oz (Soo fetlnot anp nto;efu^er bimfelf to betraf fozmeb a: pour pleafurc>as tbougb pour mrearu uaugijtuzejS te\)iti) t'Q® now cou-- vppon the . L . Pfalmc. \ay autbojrtte to tys foo?D43fterfoatb be both tbetn tfl fo tt,tbat fee fo tlnot talh of ccmen tbings,but £ b« purpofecb too Coptic forth them fo> tranfgrefimg the articles of bis C0Rcnant*fe ome tranflate ft,[l foil bsare foitnes ageing thee.] 2£ut by f cemox bfe of f> fcripture foe gather, that becre is ra= tJjerbetoHeneb a Debating of tfje rygbtof eytber part,a0 if dEJob fijouIO put the new in mynD of bis coucnant , anb by oiDinarie rygbt require of Ijto choje people, y fobtcb, ijs bew by the couenaut. 3P "the fame refc pect be fayctb be 10 tbe at 10 bewe bnto mccr'ifo? feeing that 31 amdH>2D, my maicftie ought too reftreyne ail mala= pertnc0,fo as all fiefb fbculb feeepe filenee foben 3i fpeaHe.?nDamongyoutofob,om 31 baueDifclojeo my fclfeto be your <£od, 35 beferueo fo mutb t^e mo?e obebtence. 8 [J foil not ft.] Cbe ttate of tl;e eace is this: tbat dffoo paffeth not fo? facrtr?fes no? boutfauett) to makeanyncccunt of the in confibcracion cf tbemfelues . jftot tbat the 36 ewes bib facrifpfc in bayne anb 1&ify cut any frutc : fo? it fo ere to much ageintt reafon,tbat any bnpj,ofitabIc thing ujculb be enioineb by gob.&ut fo?afmucb 80 gob alloitetb fotue Doings funply,anb allciietb erercifes of goblyr.cffc but fo farfoo?tb as tbey are referreb to they? lawful cnD:fobe* rtjer goefb not truth forth the figncs,oD Doot|foo?theIy rciect tl>em.$no this ma- ncr of fpcaking is rvfe forth tbe p?opbetS, as foe haue fayb byuerfe tyme0,anb fpecu ally in the.jtli.^falmc. ;y?o?afmucb tbe as ceremonies ,tf they be cofibereD as of the* felues,are of no impo?tancc:o tlje p?opljet i^icheas. 6.7.fayeth: booth thy obrcqtty?e of thee that thou fboull;eft offer him flecKs of 13ammes,o? is l)is Delygbtta ihoufanbs ef ISammes t ar.D notratbet tijat thro ffcoibcftbo tnbga went 9 lone ryBl)^^o^(e»ef^er, sc. &>o alio £>feas. 6.6. 31 foi!l haue mercyfuiricg anb not facrtfyfe.Co be fho?t,the p?ophets are full of this Doctrine,* fpecialiy tber be ro= table places in Cfai ^owbeett ofttymes fohen (2?ob cotxplays neth that the facrtfyfesarebefylcb bybr^ gotly perfons, btnot oniy benotmceth the" to be b oyb of frnte 9 utterly refufeih them, but alfo abbeth that his fo?atb is pjouoa heb by fuch co?ruptings . ibYib this Diffe- rence is to be bo?ns in mynb , that as Ions gobs o?Dinance ta&«th place among men, anb that they eiccrcyfe themfeluesin cere^ monies to chertS) anb cofirme their friti), the ceremonies are accepteb as parcel! of ttcw ISeltgien fobercof t^ey are tlje fxts thercrs.H&ut afTooxe as htpocrytsnot ons ly th?eapethem\iippon menfoithoutfeitb, but a!fo(negleciing the clennefle iff hart) imagin them to be r econcylements to pur \ chace gobs fauour:they are not only co&- teD ncughtfoojth as fonb gewgawes, but aifoare greeuouOy conbemn'eb asbefyle- ments.that 'onhalowethe feruisof <6sb. j^ow \}stDerftsnb foe what crtfifes,aithough they be not fo bu^te in t\\l as they ought to be. jfteuerthcles the rcn= tence of them alfo is aiowable , that put in the IRelatiae [fobich.3 anb reabe: [ fo? the burnt offering , fohich are ol&ayts befo?e mee:] as if it hsb bin fayb , Although that acco?Ding to ihe appoyntment of y llawe, it foere meete you GjonlD offer meefacri= fyfe continewaliy : yitnottotthfianDing 3fi foillnot haue any quarellagemft youfe? neglecting it. 9 [3! foil net rase, f C] $ee allebgeth two reafons fohyh«« thoulbnot carefoj facr^fpfes,no? bebelyghteb tnthem . Che firft is that although be foolb entefacrifp= fes.yit 'wo neebetb not mans help, bycaufe «b.^ the} lohn Calumj Commcntanc tXit fop;o» of V.)t ix)i>dk iuojla at btfi com= maunoement. Cbe »ihcr is ,tl?at bee batbe r o neeae at all ef treat c and dzinft, , Sslncb are bat fuiienaces of mans infirmitic. In t ij : firft place tberefoze bicb fuftepne tfjctr frapic Ipfe Saitb mcateand Djtnfcc : fnafmueb as be is tbzougblp can- tented frith bis ownclpfe , tobtcb giuetb Ipfe to tbe isbole foozld . iftow altbougb f pz op Ijc t feemc to Tap nofomg fotclj is not openly fenowen f auoircbeo of all men : yit notwitbftanding fczafmucb as ivs bee fofroward bp nature to tbe flefljipu>oo2= 8)ippmg of a.i. if eauen is mp fcate ano ear rtj is mp footer fteole,5» bat Ijonfe tfecn fsill pea bwilo foj me :' alfo,batb not tny bano made all tbeis tbmgs e 2©p ^»bicb &>oo2ds be ejtemptctb bitnftlfe from cu" r.cede bpeaufe be bimfelfe is eternall,but tbe fe>czld bad a beginning, wbcrbpon it foio wetb tbat tbe fui aboufc dance is inbfsbanbi, bpcaafe altbougb tbere ioere not ftoje pnoagb of other lS rbings,pit is be alone fufficicnt in bimfelf. Offer to God the frcrifyfe of pray fe, and pay thy vowci to the mod hygheft. Call vppon mec in the day of trubtle^and I will deliucr thcc,and thou shaltglorifycmc. i+ [Offer to <£ob tbefacrffprefcJCbi* fecond part giuetb no fmailpgbt to tlicfoz- werboctrpne.irojif be bad fapdnomoic but tbat i&actifpfes arenougbtwoztb: jilt lnigbtbauebmdoutedfcbp ©cDbad cos maunded tbem to be offered too him.T&iit note tbe comparing of tbem i»sth tfjs tre w woztpping, tafeetbatoapali barhnes, bp- caufe it is gathered tberbp , f <£»od befpp^ fetb ntt facrifpfcs,iffobc tbepbeerpgbtlp bfeb.Cbis is faftcneo by nattnre fojt a p;ini ciple in f b^ts of all men f cannot be a a* ben out,^ gob is to be &>o?(l)ippeb.$ou>; beit fo^afinacb as noting is mo?e repng^ want tc tbebifpofirion of all men, tban too S» ojiljip <^od pttrclp f fpirttuailp, tber is no remeop but tbcp ma& imaginfome De- «pcc3f, to caft a fljaDotoe bpen tbe matter. Snb altbougb tbey perrtfae tbat it bcotctb Vjem not fo to a?, pitabpbe tbcp intangico in tbctr fapb fantaSicail benpees , bpcanfe t\}ty arc aibataed (©? ratber bo;riblp a= fcap?) tocaftatoap alliscjaupping cf geo. Sr.Dfo ceremonies rgjgne eaermoje itUe l3t30,bntiU tbe rule bee fcno&en boro too S»ozfl)ip ®ob i»ellf r^gbtlp . i^ozeouer in tbs ^eozb of [p?apf« % pza^er,] tber is is tbe figure of rpceccoctje,^ tJje p^opljrt tottcfjerb but only one part of trero &oo?s fbipptg,tehe be ilictb'os to achnowletge cb fpzinget'n offaitb,* go? tb alwapcs iopntlp Soirb patience,? 6?aweib t!)t mozttttcacio of f flefb 3> fs:s alfo P tber can act be anp trero tbanKefulnes, Settbouttbefoonbc f tncc;rupt affection of tbe bar;-: : it is no marueii tbougb tbe g)zopbct bane compte beseb f febole u\ 5eneraIl,bnDer tbis one particu'ar. irartbermozeto tbctetbemap fbewe tbat tlje S»ozfbtpping of <6£>H> is fp!rttualll?rematcbetb tbe p?arfcef (Sod anDpzapcr.ageinftallmaner of ceremo= nies and out£&arDe pzofcfllenof goDltaes. 3n3 be peruertetb not ezoer inbeginnisg at tbe pzapfe of 2>.5mrelp it mpgl;: fi'sme vppon the . L . Pfalme. itttr.t an t liiotrarD maner of scaling ,in« '■. imt'.) a0 pjapcr goctl) befojte tbarifgiuing. 1$tttfo?aimuc!)a0tbebcgmnutgofpiaper fpjtngerb of afcribingiuftan&bcw honour bntoo l)attes compmce fbnll 35 mafee bnto the i.o?D,fo? all tbe tljingcsfljat be bat!) beftoweaijpon mcc r" 3 will recciue tbe cap of faluacion.f call Upon tbe name of y ftojb.Ce be b;rcf, be required) tl)anUfnlne0 at tbc banbea of (I5OO0 cbiib?en : wbieb ttjing t'aep were toont to bttf r in cl3 tpmc bp folemne fact U fpfc0. I5ut fojafmucb 20 it ; 0 a place rpgbt inoo;ii)p to be obfsrtic&,tbie popnt of sec* tt in muft be tntreateb of mo2e lar gelp .3!uS> fira it is to be notes,tbat tbat tT)tng%Dr>icl> i0 taugbt bcrc (namcip,tbat(S5obi0 to bee S»o?C)ippeDfpintualtp)belonGCba0teeUt3 tbe 3ewe0>c0to *>0,cucn fr5 ? beginning. fox wlie C bnS: §01 tfc about to p;cuc i!;at tbere it none otber wojftjippH^ acccptcD of<$ob, be leanetbbnte tin* reafon, [tbat <5od i0 a fpirit,3H oba.-f ♦ 14..] HButbebe- gan not tben firft to be a fpirit,tobcn be abc rogateb tbe ceremonie0 of tbe fo* lotojtb tberfojc, rijat be ment to be weojs ffcippebeftbefatberaaftertbefamemance tI)ctbei0i»czfbtppeDnoto. 3tnbwbewt0 \)c looto them witb cercmonte0,l)c bib it in cenGbcracion of tbc tpme, lint as be pjoui bco foj b0,in patting tbc fame accap. /^ e« nertbelater tbe toojUjipping i0 all one, afl toucbing tbe fubftar ct, anb Differed) cn'p in outward sppieraKct, bpcaufc ©v 3D in 19$ tpitic paaaaempcraig b?mftif te tb! "capas cttteof tbe tube anb 5oealscpeople,rced}c3 out I)t0 banb to tbem b? Cerroiomcs ana otber ftic!) introbuctiO0 : anb beaietb mat pia^nlv Settb b0 tbat ate men gtowe fince tbe cothing of € f»i8:anD pit all tbe &!;ple tber i0no alteracion inbitn. ^c? St>beras tbe ^anicbce0 bab!eb,tbat <& £> 5D 'ixne cbaungeb bp reafon of tbc bmetfitte of gos ucrncracnt in tbe Cbnfcb: it was 80 fotfb a peemfoneift a0 if a w?n fbotilb p?atc, tbat CBQTD t$ fcatiabij,bpcaHfc tlje pecre bcUetb not on ail after one fo?t, but tt;e &p:ingtpmc folowetb after winter, anb £>emcr after ^>puugtpme , like aa alfo l^arueft folowetb bp courfc after boater, i^ow,feingtbat all cntwarb «£ercmontc0 are but colo ano bunjrpe gcere of tbem- fc'.iics , anb feme too no purpofe but too buplb bp'faptb, tbat <0ob map bcecailrb topponpurelp: tbe 43>jopbetbootb rpgljtlp be are tbe byP°cnt;s in banb, tbat tliep lyis tbemfelu:0 to no purpofe in facing 1 1; c mat ter iottb bapnepompe© onlp. 3Bf anp man ob'.cct,tbat it were amiiTc to omit tbe g>as crtfpfc0, tbe bfe wbcrof wa0 not fuper uu ou0 bnber tl?e 3Lawe : tbe anfroer 10 recp fbapen, tljat wben tbe p jopbet calletb tt;e 3!ewc0 to tbe marfc, 01 fcttctb tbem bp an incfcpinteo fbootcat, bee tafeetbnotawap tbeir bclp0,but onlp cojrectctb tijeir fault, bpcaufe tbc 3eioe^ werelcb bp tljem a0 bp bmbcrance© from tbe rpgbt wap. 3nb it 10 to be notcb) tbat in tbe fifteenth, berfe , firft piaper is comm£unbe>,tben is put in ' a p;offli0,tbat tbepjapers of tbcm tbat fice fento ($ib,fbalnot bee in bapne: f tijanl»f= giut'ng occnppetb tbe ti)tiD roome. ^ow, 5»bcra0 tt to fapb, [in tbe bap of trubbie,] tbe bewtp of p^apmgisnotforearepncD bp tliia cf tpme, but tbat tr;c faptbfull rauft goo tb:on«') e&it\) tbe fame • baplp 5 bowjelp. Cnerfoiie.altbousb wee J be at quiet 5 free ft om ail trubble, anb tbat ' alltlnnsfiotccpjicrpcrouflp on otjr fpDe, anb tbat no cifcommobitie biftrcu": b0 : pit mutt wee not in anp wpfc fcjfccare P?aving, bpcaufe wee fcnowc tsee arc but tsnaoone if Coo toitl;b:aw \)is grscc from t)0 but one mtnute of as rjo^er. I5ut bp= caufetberei0moje ranteft trpal baBbebf our Jraptljinabucrfttie: tbetpmc of nu ar8u7i0not wttljout caufcfep?effeb: as if t^e P jcpljet fjjouia fape, tbat 60D 10 too j fecej bee foa?s*)t bntoo in all neceffliie, bpcaafe lie tj8 the onip foauen sf ftivcou?. Snb fejs bpcaafe ttwn coaaenip tremble at the [pgbt of ©08, eptb« foj tijst bis glojie putjetb t\)tm uifeavc,0} foj ttjat t^c feeling of the i* owne bnajQojtbinefls cadet!) tyetn Doame: there is immeDiatlp aobeo a pjaper, to en- GOjagcpea anb to ftis bs bp to baioneSfc of gaping. $,zvo,XDl)m (£»od bath piemtfsb Tohn Catuim Commcntaric l^oato afa she f^apjftca,%al)Jti)€r it ioere lawfull too hoc facnfpfe too oeaofo!fe,t^s? ftnll oen? it ftautlp, 31 tijsp &all fa? truth: ano at this Dap the? grsunt it t0 a bspnous offence to of er facnfife to ^etcr 0? paul, bpcaufe comon reafon abbojreth fo greff$ a fancfeebneffe. 2Sut feeing that &ob pye= fertetlj tae calling bppon bis name befoje all &acnfp&g,Doottjh&ttOtftjet»e opens to b;e f auoiabla too our r equcftes, on ttje v I? tijat bsabfol&e can not bee callea bppon etl)2i*r?be be rcxjirirerb than&fulnes at one ijanD0.Bgein,5»hcn toes beere that pjaper fycl&etij as it Soer the firft rootne of p^s= tninence in the fsruis of (H5ob : if S»ee couet to iajttncfTc our beustion bp trca? pjoof, it bebsnetbbgto pedotbis bonour to <£ob f»uh moS: earneft befpje febole anb bnmi; nifibeo. wherfsje it its the mo?e fou?le anb Deteftable cojtropfib", Sotych. teignctb pit at this bap in tije^apiflrie: naraelp,tbat25n gelles anb beaofoltt are bnbifcrcetip min= glebS»itijatr&nes. 2£gein,the formes anb tuaners of their pzapmg boo epenlp con= uince, p thep mafee no Difference betroeene 00b anb eHerppeitnsig garnet: bpcaufe imtljottt making anp oobes, thep requeft as tiutctj of j^ainci lUmefoote as of & ob, ant* puttie the Jl ojbes p?aper to j image of Ikaserpn as Deuoutlp, as if tijep p?apeb fctito <25iD3D. 3inb pit tfje papules (in tljeir ovene iuogment) boo no Sob!* ceface tlj« honour of ^ob in calling uppon beab= felfes , bpcaufe t!)8p conclnbetljatpwper is no part of bis 5uoo?Cbi'p.#o? tijep mafee Cucb a babiing pjaping in &ap of Soojfi)ip= pin, tbat tbep ieaue no roome fo^c^tiuocai > tton. 2i6ut if f»ee ft>ep foell tlje ^«p!j£ts J fejaojocs , it Cball fece eafp too gatber , s . tl;ac all oeuotion is wytt becapeb, ohteflfe /^30DalioniibeecaUebbppon. 3Sfaman \6 . And GOD ftyd too the wicked man , what liafte thou too d©o too declare myne ordinances y that thou shouldcfl: take my coue- nant in thy hppes? 17. And thou hateu too bee reformed , and hade caft my vvoordes behynd thee. , 81 If Soitbout «nat bepnous feicl^ebnes^ xolyzt bppon it rblowetfo, ti>at altbouglj tbe }£>a= pilles boo? theirHneesa tboufanb tpmes before (S»^D2D , pit t?jep bereeue bim of tije cbee? popnt of bis glone, febple fk)ty turtle their fupplications bntoo ^ainctes . ^nb Ssfycvas tbere is ejcp?en"e mention mabe of trubble,it bjingetb no little cofo?t to iueafe an& featfull mpnoss. foj. affooneas <£>ob feitbbjtawetb f tohen of Ins fauour, tb«e breepctb bppon fes a boubtmg , tetytljtr ©ob frill tafee charge of our fejtlfate , 0; no:pea rather b>e are toucheD fritty plapne biftruft. Wut contrarpii.pie, goabes, fofctfeebim,anDtQ calLbprjon him. Cbis aiiois too oee markeb abutTebip, that our pjaperc arg then rightlp frameb to the rule of pjaping fc>e!l,fetjen <©ob pzouoheth bs bp his commauhbutcnt , anb harteneih bs too truft of ebtepning , bp giumg foo;thc his pjomis. Wheras the papif es b?au?e this place of perfo?mingbovo?0,to all ma* ner of bosoes, febetin thep raGjlp « 5oith= out chovcemafeing giue themfclucs leaue toobalpimtb ^ob ,thcp plap the fooles too cbploiu;l?.3U is ccrtcin (as S»ee fa^D enen noro) that the tteatpfc concetneth fo= lemne ti)ar x> S> too rebeeme themfeluesbp their boroes. ^5rfpoes this, in making their fcorocs, the? hauefo fmallregarD &)bat is allowcb of <5 <£> 3D , that thep fticbenot too bow the thmges that fepgrjt openlp ageind h<0 S»eojb. vppon the. xlix.'Pialme. \$9 18 Jf thon fpyeatheefe}thouwiItronne with him^and thou ait parttaker with whoremongers. Thou (endert fqorth thy mouth to-euill,and thy tungforgeth tleceyt. Thou Wilt fit and fpcake againit thyne own brother, and ray (eft Dan- der vppon thyne owne mothers children. - [3wo «t 55 epther a foboojefouns tcr,o?a;fo?ft»02ne pcrfoa , ojgmcntecr; to?cion,raunfome t)ts ftmiesfcntb mafTes, boroca pilgrimages, f fuel? etljsr trpfies : tbep Smlnot tbat b:s labour fsee in fcapne. 215u> on tijc coiiarie part <25ob fcrpet'n out, tbjaf ss feparate j outbjaroc figt-cs of bolpncs from fapth f from tbe pare atfecs tton of tIjel)art,not onelp iofc tbep? labo?, butalfobcrgtltie of bigbtreafon,&pcaufe tbep Icaroblp abufe Ins name. 3Uio m tl)ts place j pjopbet isaftbetl) atnap c is) {bants ieffe bolones tarity tbetjs &>o?bs, [t»bat baft ti)ott to bo to Declare mpne ojtainances:']? is to fap, S»bp &ifgo>pfeft tbo» typ feifsr to bsoneofmpbolppcQplc,astbougb nip co* uenant belongeo bnto thee ^25 ut feting be rciectetb Ijecre all p;ofelTicn of bolpncfife, &>b.c'.3p?oeeeactbnotcutof a pure hart : S»!jstt {balbceDconeS»itb fuel) ceremonies as come far (bo?t of tlje pjeacbiug of gobs SooojD t 17 [30nb tbou haft bate* * cO $e counts cctn tbe btpocrpts of tbep? trecberie, tljat tn tbep? ipfe anb &30?Ks,tbep renounce tlje goblrncffe ferbicb tbcp boaft of utSoo?os. I&na bep?ouety tbcp? contempt of goo bp tins, tyat tbep peelono rcuercncc too bis fc)OO?b.#oMti0«itr«irtrpailof cur fca= ring of €>oa, SsbenSaefubmit our (clues to bis &ojb,anD Sasillinglp embrace %jhat • focuer bccommaun&etb anb teacbety.^at the bppocrifie of men tcnacty alwapes to tl):s enD,tbat tljep map fbuiiKctin* obttu CHcebvtbep? lORgf crosHcb wj/nolaCfes. Cbercfo?e tye f$;opty:t popmetbouttb« isclt 19 20 15 Sfrovo be inuepetl? rno^e opcr.lp agsintl tlje pepnteo &oj(bippcrs of d5ob, alliohofe IRen'gion conrfteb in doping ©ob Sj'itb Ceremonies , as if tfcep QjoulD cafi; a mitt before bis e^cs.accojbmg as we Hnoro t§e S»o?lD ts billing too (b^orcb it feife tmber falfe R)aaov»es.%eere tbcrefo^c <£ob ppp* teiteti) tbat tl;ep auaple rpghtnougbt S»tt^ bun, iobicb p?etcno ceremonies iottb an bndeane bate ano a Soicheb ipfe . Cb'S gtounb i»bid) ougbt to be recciueb bp co= mon confent of all men,Soas berp irfefome to tl;e 33 ewes anb berp lotbc tbep feere to beetelof it . 31nbeeBeallmen confefle in Soojd ,tbat gobs feruts is befpb-O.if be bee not iocjtbippcb Cnccrslp anb bartelp. yea tmn ti)c beatben fdoets ieere enfe^eeb too confeCe this/ , anb SoeeHnovo tljat bep^ nousoflfcnbcrs&ereno; fufercbto come at tl)sn facrifpfes,no? to enter tbcp? cbur> cbe0-^5ut bp tbe S»apa , iooUc tobat fcsas i!np?intcbmtbcbart£iOfallmcn,tbstbotb bppocrifp beface.pea 9 fo btterlp blot out, tljat enen tbe berpeG; naugbtppacHs 0? all, bare tbemrelucs into f fpgljt of goo, as tbcugb tljepcoulb banc bint bebotaen bnto tbcm fojtbep? trpfling getogavues. •Cljerfojenot v»ttbout etcccbtng great nes ceffitie oo tqc j£>£apbct0 fo often bcate bp^ pontbis boctfme.tbai tlje moje tbat bipo^ crpts labotjr too csunterfct geaipmffe, fo mucb tlje fo?cr iubgmaitbo tljcppurcbacc tbcmfelues bp fucb tbep; feples.jftap Ijoig foeucr tbe fpirit of <& ob ferpes out , tbat it is a trapterous abufe of C5obs name, tso pmenbanoutujarb Qjcro of bolpncu"e,&.« out trcw faptb anb rcpentace:tl;e 0aptfts can neutr be nb of tl)is btueltQ) IjercOe, £ the anal ;'ntent(as tbep tcrme it)futfp3Ctb to malse t\)tn ibaboidfb trpfics acceptas blc too • Cljep confctTc in bzzbc $ none befcruc oftx>o;tbrnes,faumgfucb as are tn Hate of grace : but pit t'nepucare tbzmntlues in banoe, that tbe bare erercps fes of goblpneffe prepare- men too b:fer= umg , altbougb tbe founencs of , tlje bart loan Camim QMiuncntanc &*lfp:i»a of iyitUebne&-,«!;:n Ijwcssu*- phpnctlj that the i»o;b of $0Di5 caftbfs bpnb tbiyj b-iciie f and ma&ttlj tb: obedfe «icj of fapthtoobeetbegrounbof rretue fa-it pipping. $ecreimth*ll alio £8 not&b ttjt? c iufc of thio fr owarduefle .namely bp ■■ $airfe kaw!) pec fona cannot ab?b? to b:nre tl.ic poke of ^oo.^oj tf)2? coulo is> el fpna inrtjspjljartstoo grannt him tljicgtejie, fljat fc>batfO£uer pfrocebetb, ©tit or* h?0 tnoutb is t«a> anbrpgbt: butfo?afmsc!j ag 05dD3> bpbisfpeatimgcompdJftbbs to o?o:r ,atiu patteib a bjpbie bppon ba to «ftrcm all the affections of our flea? : bte talks istrubbkfomcanD bateful! tcot>0. £>ur ow5U feerceneiTe t^erefo^e fsttctb ts ftarp agetnft $£> £> :-bpcanfs &c be lot'.) ■too vtcniK tys correction : ana it cannot corns to paffe tlynt anprnanfeoiUD &nc!j a nice He ana istUtng mpnd lj«ers <& O ZD fpeahtttg , a«b obep bis S»ooid, bnttii ht: peels himfelf bp to l)i0 ruling f co^rrctton. 3fterfe>ara tbepjopbet rec&netb bptlje frutsof &ngobtyneGe,t!)atbppocrpt0 be= tag giuen to t!)efr and atmovctric, entangle and mingle (£000 hoi? name frith, fuel? nhbominactena . jJScjeeucr in touebmg but ccrtein fpnes onip,bc meenetl) that ail frcwaro and bifobebicnt perfonea Ssb:cb rcfuft cojrection,ruu) foc?cb greedcl? and foitb dntypbled Ipbcrtie frbitijerfocuer toft carpetb them ot mill examples pjo* oafeesbem . ^efmctboowne.firfrtbrff, thai !tpbo;6bome , end tbpjdip flaundcr* an&r&uyiing*. cbe mote patt of inters ftCiCf£?fli(tt& SpOOJb [Torct»] foirtoo rennet] alieci? that orberibuu uerwe ft of ( Rarii] fa 03 it (bonis tignifp to [ccnfent.J 3a touching the pjoph«0 mcening, fotafs much ajs it f UiH0 tut little S»bfrb of tfjew &ce abmit, ano totbe of tbetn arc alioros able: 3B teaue it inoifferent to rlje Olfaction of tbcreaberff,whfrca0b:Ja?,€ib u)at b« bipocrits [fens faktd) tbepj moutb £0 cuil.j perchance litwtt ondv rcbuHrtb tlje raaia: Hit of bacfebpttng , butaJfo all otijpr nops foms fpeeci;e5:fo; imincDiatlp after fo!oiDs etb [tbp tnnsfo;g:tli Deceits.] wee hnow irif ") bow fiinoip feates of anoyance anb hurting, tbclriwg anb beceprful rung© are furniibcb . ^p tlje ioojo [fit,] be fcjimtb to zlluM to iubgmcnt*, a* if he fijulb fap, that Dnber ti;e p?gtcnce of lawfull liki* plpne,tbep fc?ong?ti!!p babbpte t'oei-z bjo< thcrs . I^otrbecit tt map bee ecpounbeb of tbc cotnon farocpnefe.^o^ talBatme mer- cbant0 in fitting aili fpenb thep? pble time in raplmg. HBut 3 thicberatber thai tfjafc moft bojrifcls crpsntic ccnbemn6a,ns?!:e= Ip is'ien naugbtppacK0 Haunber goob and fimplefolfee , ano charge tbcm fpptefullp fotth matter of "entrorbc,*»en at the court barrc. 2i>p naming tb*m [tb«'r bjotberg anb their motbet0 chilbjcn,] be crpjellf t\) mojcpitlielp hoi» cruel thep; flaunoetoufi nefTe t£:bj>caufe that fo:gcet;ng comon na* ture.thep fpare not fo mucb, as tb *?l b;o^ tljcr0of rtjefamebellp* 21 VI *3 Thou !aft doonc thcis tilings & I haue hilH my peace : thou thougfi- Ccfl that I wooldhauc bin like thee : I will reproucthec and lay the m order be fore thee, O confidcr this yec chat forget God : leail he plucke you away 5c ther bee none that can dcliuer you. He that orTereth prayfe,shall glorific mcc : and too him thatordcrcth his way aright, wy 11 1 shew the faluacion of God. 1 1 CCbcn bafl bone f c] fti afinuc!) as hp?ocrpt0 l^arben tbemfclues in ftm bulncffe , anb cannot Ipgljtlp be moneb l>? anp vebuh?0,bce tl;tp newer fo fljarpe,\jns till tbep feelc (15oj0 banbe j^rauie bppon th:itt : t£htrtf02e the |5?ophet (teppetb to tbem moie bebemctip, anb tellctl; t!}«m plapnlp.thataJfrougb 5Dfetnkft?a tpme , pit thep boo but fobe themfeinctf naugh dp ano too thepz onjne beftruct:on Itith bapne (latter £*0:pea rather thep pzos uolte ^ob0 i»?atb raofte greenoudp by cbt'0thep?mocbcrie , that tbcp tbinH lum to be a bolflerer cf mirclieefe.^o? tljcr can not be* offered a mops ^o;tible rep?ocbet than vppon the. L. Pfalmc then too fpople !;(«! of ly.s JnSicc . jfrot tbat tljcb»pocrites Tap foopenip: but bp= faiift t&at in tbeir SsiicUcD imagination tb?? fransfojme 3D ,fo as tbep make a fpo;t of W 1^2 fufcrance. 5roj if tbep tocrcearneftl* perfuascb that ©£>3D ab- \)Qjvct\) feicbtbne'Ic, ttjep muS ntebes be trubfcitb foitb continuall bnquietneffe. Ctocrfoje, tbeir fo careleffc cccfcettng of t'citifslMCS , fbewetti tbat tbep Difgrcpfe djob intoo falfc fbapes, anb not onip taUe U om bimtbe ofiftcc of mage, but alfo mafce \)\m a batterer ano mapntcpner of Zoic? fccDneBe . Cberwitqail alfo bee rebafcerb tlje !jppcc ritefl fo? abufmg <£cbs foftnefft anb pactntcc fo ieatcblp , as tbcrbp too put tbemfciues mbope of fca^mgfcotfree.amb Fgerftye be teltctt) tfjem, tljdt fbojtlp tbe? Cijali bee aia-cocn intoo tb? open Irs^t , fo as tbep fball bee compcUeb too fee t'tjrir Swcfecaneffe fcmb their oanc e?C5, fobtcb tbepioent about too ln?Dc from (££>£>& e?es. ^roj tbus crpouno J tbeiooojbes, [ 3! few" lap tbem in ojber,] dj3t <£ s© 2D fciJi fet out a beab?oll of all tbeir foicfeeaj neffes in ojbe.r one bp one.fcbicb tbe f fljal bee enforced toe rebe f actonowUbge M)U tijertbepSotUojno. n* [£>con&bertbts.fe.} Clu'srebuhe fbereetb agetn,tbat folje ferec bane to aeale fcr.tb cariieffebppocntcs.tJjep ffeojnfullp fUoifc out all Doctrine, it tbep be notp?ic= fee* teitb berp fijarp fpurrRS. ifreucrtbcs Us the ^?opl; Jt manacetb tbcm,fr puttetb tbem m feare after fuel; a fo?te,aj5 tljat bee leauctb tbem bope of as tbep 1 make bafte to amenb.^ut leaf* tbep EbuiD bee to flow? ,bcfettctb befojc tbem as Suell tbe fojenes,as alfo tbe fariftnes of &, tysxs is non; tbat map rcfcou?e bs. 2;. [I^e tbatoffcretbp?apft.] jftew t%t tijirb tpme tbe p?opl)et bcatct^ tnto raeni nesb2abeSj,tbatnott}msismo?eaccepta= ble too (Sod , tban tbcfacnfpfe of pjapfc, &>b2rbpfeee ioitneas our tbanUfulncs to; tearbesbim. il^eptbcr is tbe repetition fuper2uous,fo? t«?oo caufes. Jfo;, botlje fo^getfulncsef <0ods ben«fp:c0 crccpftij eaQp bppon bs , oj ratber of a tbeafano bencfVtes, fcce fearflp tafte an? cneligbt= Ip f fb? fa anions fafee tanb alfo fret uiafee no fuel} account at alt of ©003 pjapfc, as isee ougt^t too boo . jpos ioS^rtas it is Wje eljcef Dctotpcof<15oDlpHcu"c,iu Subica d5ob S»ill bane bs crercifc otirfeltics all iubgment: 9 tbtrroit^all caftetb tbem re - our Ipfe long : it is nt glf deb, as fotne co* pjodjtfullp in ? tcetbe toitl) tbeir bntbanH- mon ojt 1 fubies, tbat tbep Ijaue fojgotten cf . ^oj onip et* 06 ut 3 aw out of boubt,tfcat tljc $!>?opbrt pmcnce openctl) our moutt) t« pjapfe gob. fetietl) [tl)e rpgbt fo>ap, j ageinGs tt}« croo= 25 ut fecc feels not $5oD6 goobnefic but fep fceb anb ftjpnbms bppa tbcs of tticm rbat faptb.TXJijierbpon tt folotcsti),t!)at f fctyole fcpnc tb^mfelues to fecfce Ceo : s fo nec= fpirituall £ooo?Jbipping is betcfccnebljers nitb, tbattyemsno appjocbmgto (509, b? the latter p?.rt,oj bp ti)e effect of it.Slnb but &ttb a pure l>art, ans a tingle rpg'.)t= tljerfoje anon aftcr,tbe1&?epbtt require^ «eu~c« 3B tafeenot [dSobsfaluactcn,] foja generallp.tljat tljofc febicb couet too baue rotable $ tenotomeo belinerance (as feme ti;efr obebience allotceb before (if? ob, fbulb jtooolb Ijaue it) bnt 31 am of opinion, that cjber tfycir ipfc arpgbt. ^ojiobcras fotne C5ob fpcafeett) of bjmfclf in tbc tbirb per= fuppofe,tbat [to e?bcr ejt bifpofe atnannes fone, to thentent ije mpgljt erpieflc ? tnojte Soap,] isnotbutg eife,but to fl#puelnm of elf crip, tbat beiooolb fbewc openlp to bis btsfinnesianbtoberasotrjrrfomecrpounb erect- fcjoojflnppers , l)Ovo l:ee "oiUnotbe* it, to tafce awn? ftumfclmgbiocfees, anb to counted tyetr & amour in bayne, make tye Soap ieuell f ej all men to f olerce: The Contcintcs of the. lj . Pfalme. The tytle j-whkh yoeefjallfee byanby,f}cyceth for -what caufe this Pfalme was made . For yvhen Daniel, yppon the committing of bis tnofie greeuous of" fence, bad lyen a lon^ tyme in deadly dulneffe : after that Kathan bad wa- kened him by rebuking him for it, be not only tnif iked himfe If earn c fly fir it, and humbled bimfelf before God; but alfo mynded to ycitncjje bis repen- tance openly before all men , and too leaue a memmallofit too them that fhould come after. *And at the beginning ,fctting before himfelftbe heynouf- neffe of his offence, to thentent he may rayfe yp himfelfto hope offcrgiuenejje, he myghtely extolleth the ynmeafurablc mercy ofC 0 D yeitb fundry tytles: and humbly confefjeth himfclfnot too beegtltie one "way only, but too be wor- thy of many dcathes, too thentent he may the better prottoke God too mercy, afterward for af much as he had defer ued too bee caft of for euer, and oyegbt of ryght tot baue bin bereft of all giftes of the holy Ghofte: he frayeth harte- ly too bee repayred new agein. *At length he affirmeth , that if he [hall baue obteyned ' forgiuenejfc ,he yeilbc thank, full and myndfullofit. Befydes this, he fheyteth that it tstoo the behoof of the -whole Church that God fhould hcere htm . lAndfurcly , inafmuch as God had made the couenant of his grace •with him, if he fhould baue mifcaryed, the welfare of all men myghtfeeme too baue bin decayed in the per fone of one man.* Pfalme. Too the cheef Chaunter,a fbng of Dauicfs, i . When the Prophet Nathan came vntoo him , after that he had gone in vntoo Bethfeha . , - 2. [What vppon the .Ij. Pfalme. 20\ ]!i»cntbe$:op^e;te.] H£beco;n-- mmg of the p?op!*et is fpoben of bcerc fo: tbe nonce.torepioue 3Da tubo bultteffr. -fniii teassinen= ftrous matter that fo nobie a perfonage.f one cn&ea*cb & fo greet euclteac cf fpirir, couls ipe fottcb in bis fin abouc a peere, as if lie bob bin bereft of bis teito . jjf o? tel(o teco'.D notfap ti;at l)cc teas bcuntcbcb bp fatan,tbat bis confcic~ce fboulo be fo foub a flee pe, as to fcefppfc (o? at leafhopfe too neglect) the bengeancc of (Bon t Cbi0 inarbe tben encrcacctrj tns fault, y be iras touches teitb no remozfe of conference of bis occn acco?b,bntiil tY,t p?opbetteasfet bruo !)tw. 35ut f fame rcafon maaetb not a iitle to tlje abuauncemint of gobs gract- o«0 geeoncs.tbat be goetb about to bjing I}im bacae bp tijc Ijanbe of bis prophet, icljcn \)t teas ftrapeb and teabereb an?ap. Co tt)c lobic^ purpofe bclcngctlj the pla* ting of the teo?bs[come anb go,] in tefneb there 10 a couert matcbtng of contraries. Sifter y 3Dautb bab [gone in] tonto 25cn> fcba,tbc $?cpbet /Batban is fapb to baue come in tontobim.jftoiabp tbat bplegeing tn,be teas gone out a great leap from gob. Cbc goobneffeof <25obtbcrfo?e fbone fo ' niucb ttjc b?pgbtcr,tn tbat be ftrctcbeb out hi0 banb a far of to pul bacb a ronneawap. jft tuertbeleffe it to not to be tbougbt tbat be teas not fo bttcrlp bopb of all Dn'ocr= Canbtng ,but tbat !;? exhr. owlebgeb gob in general to be tl;c tubge it j teejiD: f p?ap« cd D&rip : $ net onip etercpftb bunfelfe in teojtfbipptns bun , tut alfo enbeuereb tot? frame 1)10 (we ant conucrfattcn acceding ] to tbe rule of tbeiavc.ive map br.ow then, that be wasnot totter Ip toopo of allfeare of <2iob,bBtbJ?nScb in cnefp?cc,fija0bcf)fib rccbeb tlje feeling of gees te?atb a ficepe fc HI) bistontcrratb fclfSatterings .&nb fo bis go&lynes, (teb'-cb etbemife bib fenbe foot;b manp fparfcs) teas in tbts bccbalfc ebcheb. j$ ott> feing that fc beafilp DulnefTc brep: bpon fo bolp a p?op!jct 5 moft e.ecclo lent bing,tbe« is no man but be qugift to bee abaffbeb at httetampie. 115 tit te betas be teas bpanbp ftriben ib fear at tlje botce of tbe |&;opbit,anb laping afr be all (tub = bojneffepeclbeb bimfelfecontojtmsble anb obebicnt : tee gaftjer beerebp y tine feeling ofgoblpneffeteasnotbttcrlpqucncbebin bis mpnb : fo? rben bab be not i'o csflp no? fofobcinlp biirft foojtb into tbis faping [i baue finneb ageinft tbe iL,c?b,tebat ffeal 3 boor'j. ^am.n 13.] onleffcbeebabb'lb Otll feme fecoe cf gcblpnes tb c ugi) it tr ere b(bbe.3Snb tee be taugbt bp tbts etatnple, tbat tebe tee baue Qnncb,tee muft not ta= ric till <15obtbunbcr out of beauen.bitttce muft quietlp anb teillmglp be ruleb bp bts ^jopljetc , bp tei;afe mautl; be callcilj bs to repentance. 3 4 Hauc pitic vppon mce 6 God according to thy mercy, according too the multitude of thy companions wy pe away myne offences. Multiply to wash me from my finne, andclenzemce from my wic- kednefle. 3 [l^aue ptttc bpponm tu ] 3f baue tolb poti before banbaireaop , tbat IDauib be= ginnctb tettb befire of fo^giuenes,anb con fcquentlp tljat bee crauetb notparbon at tf?ob0 banb funplp anbteitb a teo?b oj nuapn,but tbatCacco;bing to tbe bemoufs neffe of lus offencc)bc tnabctb carftiii futc to €>ob to fbcto btmfclf intrcatablc. Cber fo?c after be batlj mabe mention of bis mcr aboetl)[tbemu!titnbe of b«S ccpaf= Cons:]b>-caufc tt tea0 no ojbinaric mcrcp tbat be bad neeoe of, bc:ng te^appcb in fo peategtitptttne. jiifljebab no mo?-: but btfougbt <£> ob to baue pitie bpon btm 2c= coibing to bts mercp e? goobncs,!)c (bulb in fo boiug baue confetfeb btnifelf too besa fo?lo?ne perfentbut fttb Ije'lapet!) bis teic= betineffe open , anb ejcpjeflct?; fiatlp t^t tbep cannot otberorife bee ben: awap : but if <& £> 3D fucccur Inm tettb t\)C bnmca= Curable So;e of bis compaffions, bee not -a little cncteaf:rlj tbe bcpr.o::fercffe cf !)i# ovonc faulted? 0? tberc »s a cou6rt matcb= ing of contraries, bcttoeciie tl;cm anb tbe multitube of bis cfftccs.H^ut mo?e fo?ci= blc *.0 t\)M tebicb folcwetl) immebiatlp afs ter, [tbat ©ob moulb multiply to teaty.] ^0? tebcreas feme tbinb [Herba] to bee a Cci. novene !' lohn Caluins CommeMarie, n3vo«',it t0 fomea^t to far of from the bfcofJ?:bjtcyfp£CCi) . 3nb albeit that the mcemng fr oolo be all one.tljat d5o5 Cbulb J fr a3) kim abunoantlp anb manp times to j gttrjcr:? itnotombaaRbing J glaalper cm ! b^nw t!ic pbjafeihat agrccth belt too the j pzopzrtte of the tuns - 31 n $ meant frhils there is no bout butbeauoucebctb plains I ip.tbiib'B fvlr^instTc is no: fofmatlthat I tt canoe ffcoswzeboutfrftija meafurable framing : but tbac it cleaner.) faft,pea o? ratbet is becpe funk m, fo as tt bath, nccbe of tump fr affljings too make it cleane : not that it is anp barb mat;cr to '45ob too elenje tusa, but bpcaufe the mozetlje fin- net feckth himfeife befpleb , fo muchtht tnoze ought t,6 to flirbp fetmfetfc ic carc= full anb contine&all ipghings , to i'oc in= tentehee map at Icngcbc frabc out of ibe trcrours of confeiene* . 3Js touching the y^etapho?, frc know it ts rpfe to bemet foitfyall in the fenpturcs . foi injfmucb as fmncs arc as it frcre filtb anb bnclcn- nefles that befiie bs, ana beftainc bs,anb maK: bs fhnking m the fight of goo: y re; milTto of them ts aptlp icrmcD a framing awap. 3nb this boctrtn: mud make as frell to the commrnDacion of gobs grace, as to the hatrcb anb bete&ation of finne. 5Foz thep are toto bull, frbom this maner of fpeechc tiuaeth not to quake. $ For I acknowledge my finnes , and my wickcdneiTe is cucr bcefore mee. 6 Ageinft: thee, ageinft thee only haue I finned , and doone euill in thy fyght , that thou may ft bee iuftified in thyfayinges, and pure in iudgins;. 7 Beehoid, I was begotten in wickednefle , and my moodier conccyued mee in fin. S Bceholde , thou liaft loued truth in the inw ard partes, and thou hafte taught mee v/y fedome in kcret 5 If ci H achnoircbgef c.]!^ee fbc&cth frbp he francetb fo carefullp anb earneftlp U\ fcwmgfo; par&on : namelp bpcaufe he cannot be in qupet.tJHtpU he bercconcileb to <©sb. SJnobp thistneanes befritnefe fethtbathcbzmg.'tb no 0iffnnulatiou,aS fame boo nocoe anb then , frbo garnuh (BohB grace in fozgiuinge fmn:s, frptb greats glozioufeneffc of fr oozes , anb pit care fo? it but eolbip, bpcaufe tljcp are not mutch tauc'ieb frith Ins tuogmeut. 3Da* mo therefore to tijentent \)tt map obtepnc paroon,fapet!) (notfritgcut caure)that he is bcteb frith continevoall toztnentcs, anoenfojeebto this toehemencie ef pzaps ing, bp the bsiqmetncflTe frhicl) hce cnbu= rcrt). SDfctrebppon i»ce gather that there is none other mesne of rcconcplcment.thS that our oanicconfcicncc feounb bsanb affl'Ct bs,t beje bsi» contiiieixiallbRquis etnefTe.bntii ©c& be at one fcuth bs, that he majiquiet bs ih Us mercie.^ljerefo^e tee then craueparbo at go&s ^anh in gooo carneiJ,i»ljcn § h,exriiilenfs of ouv fumes facing befoze our epes, ftrifecth ther^oith^ all a terreur into \tst. ;vI;:rbppon it folo= toct b , that as long as men beare frith tbcmfclucs,thep htnole goDs S»?ath ntoze agemftethem toopuniib them the fo:er« TDbcixfoze let bs leme, not onlp too cons bsmne our felues frith our mouth ^butal fo to mates rough 3 b;cabful cjcaminacioti of our oame finnes,if fre couct too b: ac- quit bp dSoo.^roj ©auiD fipeth not that hs confeSeth his fmnes befoze men, but f he fcdetl) tljem frithin, f trnlp not fr ith= outfoje tozmft-.frhsras l)ipecrits cpther caft rcchleflp bchpnb thepjbacUS, oj eife burp in ieavcD foigetiiilneffe, frhatfoeucr bpee of theirs pzic^et!) tl)cm.?;nb agctw, tbc plural nombcr is too be martecb in ti>e frociBC^mncs.] jFoz aitbough all aow> ei> oat of onefbutatnc, pitfras his cfirece manifolb.bpcaufe that to ]ji» abuoutr te he hab iopneb trecberie ano crueU;e,r«nb hab bttraprh not one man alone oj a fearce mzn, battle foljo'c hofte that ions fepgh tingfoip feelfare ofgebs£huvcb.3na tl^rf 3ze not il>out caufc b3th ijc acfenoios Itbge vppon thc.Ij. Pfalme. 202 Usnrc tnsnv fojrs of fin in one fefcbtoncs. 9. [8getnfttbce,agctnfrt!)ee.fc]3>oine erponnb thcfc feoozos in rtjts fetfe : tbat altbogb £>auifc ba^oftfDcDagetnft men, pt? eonlo no man bear tvitnes of fete fait, feuing <£od. $01 tl;e Double fezong tbat Ijc bab Done to £?rtas,fea0 bnknoxf n to men* Jtikcunfe, tbat bee bsD no lefle rrcs cberoufl? tba crnd:p,caft Dp to $ flauaj^ let anb to baue tbctr rbjotes eut,tbe ars mp that feas making fearrc tn bts qua= rcl.feas bibDcnalfo. Cberfo;c tbep ton? bcrftanb that tbe fumes feer cotmnttted agemft C5od alone, febicb no man Using feas pi tup to. £> ti)tts erpounb tt otbers fetfc, tbataltbougb JDauto baD offenaco agetnft men? fit bis greater! greefe fea0 fo: tbto one tbing>tbat bee batbe bicfeen tf tbcp eptlcr beat feitb mec>oi let fen w? fault to flatter me : 0? footbe mee top to affuagc mp fo;oro.^e menctb tben tbat be tjatbbi0 epes anD al bis feus fa ft nib toppon cd, a'.t begb no Itutng fepgbt feouibc trouble btttu 3lnd ttjis muft feec boIDc fo; a tulc, if feec co= uti to bee endued fettb tbe true affection cf rcptntaunce.;? ot tn gooD footb,febat auatltil? tt bs to be acquit bp tbe berbits of men 3 o; to fbunour giittneffe 6p fetn= ktng at it, if our confcicncc arcufe tos be= foie <25oD^ 0: at leaft wife i? fee net fcbat free tbep can ptc'a out of tb is maner of piav = mg : [bane pttttc bpon mce,tbat ^ mapft be pure in tbp lucgement.] |3>aule to tbe i^om^tnfs, ;^7taUctb atvap ail Doubts, fetting mens toicHeenefIcagetnftC3obs iuDgcment*"Vcbat tbf n(faptt) be) tf fome of trie 3Bcwcb banc bin bnbeleeamg,fbal <0oDbc bnrtgbtuouo^ oo mat»e feptb bpm . fcj. inafmuebe 00 tbe feclfareeftbefeo?lD feascommittebto bts ctsftobte , it feas a fp?tbp matter foj tbe fetcaco to fpevxi out tote tlaanber.Jf f bis fellow inert tbe piller of tbe cliurcij, febat (ball become noweof tbefejctcbcb foules tbat baue leaned bpponbtsbotp« nesr'jf tbts manfeereas tbe g>onne cjt v es tbe moznmg ftar^bovobub be tbiovoe bimfclf bewnto bclr'ljeb) map feceficKe f 0: bo pe of faluat ion in bis fccb,af ter bis fo fcule fall:' Cbcrfojc feben be faro tbat tb;ougb mens ieo3btubgemcnts,oc:afi= on feas catcbeb too affaiilt ©cbs rigbttl* oufncsibccnccuntrctb tbimbett ucs,? auoncbetb tbat it ts fejongfuilp bone too afcrtbt anp part of tbe tv.m bntou dDOb; fu; be btntff If feas fo feboip anb altogp^ tbtf too btamc, tbat <5obabibefl)fonnbj anb bts rtgbtuoulhes anb truetbftanbe bnappapjtD. ©cvobcotjbp bnsfafing0, 3! mccne not bis p:cmifes (as fume UHc to boo) but ratber tbe mbgcmcpt u felfe tbat tf?0D feas about to giue \?{Jpon 2Da* uiD, bab net bis giitmefTc togy tber 'wffn Cc.tU bts bis fault biafripeb atoap bv fat fojgiae ttc_,fbj J Doabt not but be repeitcti) one tbing tope? accojstng too bvs cilftottie. ^bstfojc foj [£5oa to bit tu&tftc e iti big fapings,ana t) be pure in ranging] Ggni* fie all one tbuig*§3u>brcitf3;afmucb 33 ^2>au!e JHo^«4, fecmetl) to aqplpas _kI tbiJ fapmg as tl>z ftqncic of tbe robole fcerfe too another meening:3J &il bjecSs fljew Ijow rbt tfjing tbat JDania fpe'sctb agrcetb p?operlp to ljispu;pof;» l^ee cps tctb tbefc pjoue tbat altbougb tbe 3i ero:s bee coucnant beakers, 5 ar* fabie from t!>s grace tbat f» as pjompfeb tbeni : fit is not <£>_>£> bntruc:<_btcb2 tbm_ ftftnctb sat at tbe fir it fi Jbt to bee psifctsleta begatberca bectof. _5utif toe cal ta ntlnb tbefapo circuftace iabcrof j| bane inate m£mion,fc>£ Qval eofip fee tbat tijc test 10 fitl? alicogcojoji ficb bee toas a fcln_ ani> notable 0ppfct in tbe cbur* cb* , yeaanb as acbeefe pillcr cft;,tberc ts no oout bat tbat b'.s fall bio IbaUettje mirt0£3 of a nombcr , oj ratbsr nnaeaebe tbe fatttjfulnes ot ©002 piamucs. &nrc Ip man? tooulae bane tbougbttbat maf: ntucbe as <£> iD id bao ispneu tbat manne tonto ta ti bpfo great alianac?, beemufie nrcbes bauc futtepnea font* parte of tbe blame ♦ Cbis Qaonber pjcusntcib be faj? fag fcojo, aitboasb tbon pluck me oae of ^eauenanatbjowemcbeaDlongaorone to §jei : 3 imti its Oil ana peels m? felfe gtltte : but tbou in toe means fiibtte fljalt Keeps ail tbl' ia&gemtnt feat aa tbou art _ooo;tbp,nc?tber {bail anp Sobttre of tbp rtgbtuoafneffe bee a'uatea , tbougljc men carpc attbec. $2»anle DigrcOetb from tbe fo>o;tO0 of t'ge |3iopbct in ttjis beb ilf one !?,tbatb?folowmgtbe<_>re£iuranaatu on.beetooketbefejQOjD [wage] pafftue* lp,ar.a tn ftcaa of [to be pare] pastetb[to ouercotne.] ^oajbecttttto -ocUtnoagfje bnowen , tbat tbe Spoftics frere not fa piccife in reciting tlje ixioozaeg, aa oft as tb«p allebgc tetcesoutof the JlaweanD tbe $d;opbcts*3lno rtjcrfbze itaagbt too fu3H}ebff>tbatpauiapplp?ti)tlr.3 place rigbtip to bis owns purpofc, 3nabeeres 'cponustoobeegatbereo a general! boc; trine,t!jat inljariacHcr fault bee fauna m men , tbe blame of it 10 mtbemfehies , fo as 2), a0of; ar> b£ iaagetb not accojoing to tb« bn?« fraastngann fciloftbeflefbr. Cbc'ffs;? atfecbetimesao d5 ■D ID eptber lifts t?> tep tbe mode Dcfpifea perfsars : 0: ft: fifes retb faebe ta fall ao be baa fetalofttb^to s foener tbcoatwarb apparancc of conrras rictieo?abfarDetir Rtebefs iiibgemrntes trouble b3 : pit let rhts framing bolo as ftillinfabcranbmoa;:a reaereace, tbat Sobstfoeuer be appomtetb 'iti* rtgbtrai, anotbfrefo;ttj?!t perfect ngbtu- oafneffe ar ac; b eaermoje as frcll in bts &oa^e0a0ir bisiacozaea* ^oieouer tbe 25iacrb [tbat] oj thz §)ebzew rcojtb [Lemognan]»{nj30JtCtbttOtfomaCbtbf XZ Dimg ot a caufe m tb<0 place , as a c@nfc? c['ic-:te.tfQ% iDaaiag falling loaa net pjo pcrlp tbe caufe tbat 15oitB glezpe appec^ refi tn bis iaagemrntes : bat fojafmacbe as bp finning, men oar ben ©000 rigbtu oafncUe : bee fapctb tbat it aaauncetb it fefatlcngtbbptbeoronepovoer, foasit appeeretb mozc bzigbtfome : bicaafe it 10 tbe peculiar office of J5ao too bjing ligbt outofoarbneff. 7. C55ebolb,355»a0be5otten.fc]i!5ow beenotonelp confiffetb bim fdfsgiltic 0? onefinajtmoe, asbebatb bitbertJOone: but bee clpmbetl) bigber, tbat be bioagbt notbingSoptb bpm from bps ^otbers ftsomb bat finne,anb tbat be is bp nature Sobolp cojruptea ana as it iuerebefmeas tit i»ptb finfa!nclTe . 2Jna fa bp confiat- ring tbe bepnoufneffe of one offznee , bee toaobtougbt too tbmMbat being bojne too finne, be bab no elenne 0 0; foanbnes at all in btm* $na traelp i»cc ooo not els acbnoa?eleageoarfinnc0fubftanciallpe, onlcCTc -i»e condemne oar 'ieboic Btfpofit t entobebtteripfalofcozruptneo.yearas tber eaer p particalcr offence mutt tying bs too tbis generall acUnovoclcOgemcnc, tbat notbing but mcere naugbtines r«ig netb in alt tbe parte© of oar foals, ^ots iuttbttanatng ere IB pioceco anp fn^ber 31 5»il fapfomfrbat of tbefroojo [yachc- mochcnii] 3«iongf j^ebjtrofsittstoojo fo* iooozD, [Pne bet btrfeife of mee] of chc SJJOJO [yacham Chamam] &!)tcb* fiantfiftb [too bcate 01 too a>arme.] ^eaeftbelelTe fojafmuclje as tbat mancr of fpea'amg ts fouufofoot vppon the. lj. Pfalmc. TT 20} fontc«)l)3tfeit!)t!)ci)ar&cfl:t[)c3i;mcrpjei tcrobooconm'ngip mitigate the mctapboj febcn the? tranfiate it , [ mp mother con* ccpucb me. ] 3! t feemetb too mec that tbe }£;iopbct mcnt to Boo tos too bn&erftanb, thai fee becberifOjcbf Kept fearme in fin, as longas fee Ipe bib in the bowels of our motbers./frow 3! returnc to tf)e matter it felfe. Cbc artsnoroieDgment of onefinne Djawetl) IDauio to a long examination of his fehoie life, bntill bee fpnbc nothing in bimfelfc but fin. y it fpeafcetb be not of the cojtrujtfncffc of bis nature as btpocrpts Doe, febtcb are feont to wafcc a bcvle of it d to conertbep? fault feithatl . 31 confefle 31 > haue finneb, but febat fboulD 31 Doo ^ % C am flctb,fec arc all fojtefearb too fmne bp nature, nap rather our learob lulls holb /f bsbounb $ tpebbntotbcm , fo as it is bt= <^7 tcrip belonging too man too fmne. H)auiO ^fought no fucb lurtungboles fehcretn too bpbebimfclf fro gobs iubgmct:but rather to tbentent to enlarge the greuoufeneGe of bis mif Deebs,hcfetchetbhi8 beginning fro ojiginall fin: as tf be Cboulo fap,it feas.not novo a late tbatbebabpjocureb giltpriefle bp thisfeuib of fin o; that, but ije came full frawgbteb feptb fmne from bis inotbcrs feomb. 3lnDtrulp,thiS is aligtjtfome text fop ttyrpjoof of original fin, febcrin 3!Bam tiftrcpneittotbe lower part of tbefowle anb to trje groffc befir«s3nb although tt per tencc Qjcro plainlp , that this co;rupt= nefle reignes in meneuen too tbe enbe of tbepi ipfc : pit tbep benp it too be fin afrer fee baptpjeb. HSutoneicflTe it be graunteo that finnc poffciTctb all tbe parts of the &ow!e , feec know not tbe ftrengtb ana fozceof it . Chercfoje febofocuer con= feflttb not that tbe minb of man is bttcrip co;rupteb,f bis bart altogtther frotoarb; be fcnowctb but a fmall percell of original! fin . Snbfurcip tbe feoojbes of JDatiib fownb,far otbcrwpfe, than tbe papifts babble : tbat is te feit, [that be was fba= penm-finne .anofcept fearmc tnnaugb= tpnefle. ] ^Fo? bee entrcatetb not of thofe groffelufts: butfeitbout exempting anp part of bimfelfe, he fapetb that fin fticUeth in him bp nature . jp ow hssrc is inoueb a qucSion,after ici?at fozt finnc is conucpeb ouer from tbe parents intoo the cbiloun : fehtcb qucftio after ioarb bjecbeth another concerning £ co.uetancc ouer of p fouie,bp; caufemanp benp tbat the (laine of the j-va ■ rents cometi) to the cbplb, onles tbcfoulc bee begotten of the fub&ancc of tbefewie. 215 ut lead feee bes bziuen too enter intoo tbeiS4na3cs,let itfuffijc bsto Know,thst aoam after bis fail feas bereft of alt the batb fejtappeb all manbpnb.ainbjjerebp al * giftes feitb febicb h* bab bin garnifbeo : fo map be g&tbcreb the rpght Definition of it. Jn tpme pr.ft.tbe pelagians, Cbpcaufc tbep thought it ageinft reafon tbat all of bs (bouit> be fozloznc fo; one mannes of- fence, )tnfleb tbat fin pjcce&eb fr6 3!oam, onlpbpcountcrfetinghis example . 1But the fcripture,botbc m tbis place 9 in manp otbers,auouchctb opelptbatfinis b?eb in bo bp nature,fo as the co?ruptio ts fettled * faftenco toitbin bs. fo} IDautb accufetb not bis patets,nc puttctl) ouer f fault bnto tbcm:butcptetbbiinfclfto the uibgement fcateofd5ob,auoucbing bimfelf too bee a finful crcamre,fo as be feas alreabp a fin ner before he feas bojnc intoo tl>e feo?lb. Znb thcrfo^e tofeicUcolp bib |3clagius Benp that finnc flowetb bp infection intoo the offpjing.anb is as itfeere heritable . %t this bape the papifts , although tbep benp not but mana nature is corrupt : pit tbep lefTen it in fucb fepfc as original finne Qjoiiio bee almolle nothing clfe tl?an an euiil inclination too finning. SUgeuicthep f fo feben the reafon feas quecbeb febicy (bpneb tn bint t efo?e,anb the fe tlfeas be - come ftubbojnG , felncb crftfeasframea to the obcbicncc of <& ob : be feas cojtup= tcb as feell tn mpnb as in bart,ano confc= qucntlpbegate cbilb?en l;Ucbitnfclf.3if a= np man tnahe exception, tl;at onip hooves arc begotten of bobpcs,anb therefore tbat there tsno alpanccbetttoeene &owlc anb ^oulcttbcfolution is, tbatfo?afinucb as d5 0 3d bab not garnif flicb 2ibam feith the giftes of bpsfpint as fame one pjiuate bobp,butb«b conucpeb intoo ins pcrfon, febatfoeuer bee feooio fi^oulb bee comon to all manHpnb : all of bs are falnc iu bim from our firft founbneffe anb perfection . 8 [25cbo!btbouhaaioucb*fc] Chpis feerfe confp?mctb that fehicb fapbecuen now,that 3Dauib bib not put onti- Ins gil - tpneflc to the tjsme of hiffconception^oo catct) occaOcn of epedfe, but rather that bee mpgbt matie tt Hnotoen bow l)cc feas Cc.tit, boimb lohn Caluins Commentarie bacvnb too eternal! Dc-itl) cucn from \)\s ct)tlo!)oa . wt)*f tpon »t folowjtl) that bis Saljoie Ipfe usaa banablc. 5' o? fo far 10 be of from Suiting bis fault Upon gob, (as fomc filtbp fcoggcsbo.'ujbicb quarell Sutti) bim bpcaufe \)t batb nor gtuen msn another na ture)tbat be ratber fetter!) His tabgement ageinft our corruption,: as if lie fbuibfap, as oft a3 Set come fojtb into <5o3s fpgbt, sffurcb Damnation is barb at our bceles, bif aufe tljat iaijeras %>t be borne bnto ftn, <2>oo oehgbtetb w'nsbtwoafncsanb c!en= ncfieiiobcrcoppou it muftnccbesfolowe, tbat Sacs bee batcfull to bim.i£oa>beitbee fpeaUetb wore forctblp , fo>ben be auoco= cijetb tbat <£ob requvjetb not onlp tbat our Ipfefijoulo bee frames after fomc fas fijion of rpgbtuoufn&fictbut alfo tbat our hart Itooulb be pure anb tbrougblp elenjeb from all bccept:anb in tbio refpect be fattb tbat <2>ob required bnbefplcbncfle in ttjc imoarb partes , orCtobtcb tmplpetlj as muciOthatnot onlp bee »s offenbeb ioptb outaarb finnes.but alfo that be requirctb bnbcftlcb clenncffe of tbc b*art,fo as be ab- bojrctb fecret filtbpnes.3!n tbc nejet berfe be cnljauitcctb the crime pit furtber,name Ip tbat b« coulb not ejecufc bimfelf bp pre- tence of ignorance, forafmucb as bee bab bin fuffscientlp inUrncteb ef bis be«5tp,bp 2>,anb fapetb tbat out&arb apparanc: bearetb no great ftoape there, but there isrequpreb perfect tonbcfplcb= nciTc furthermore be abbctb, tbat bee is not one of tbe comon fort, tbat be mpgbt pafle awape frntl) flpcjl>t punifbment bp tb.uifiing bimfelfe into tbe pzeacc: but tbat be is bounb bnuer greater biame,bpcaufe bex»as bcaxwtpfpeb 'tuitb fingular giftes of tbc fpirit . 4J3om let ecbe man lerne to conuep tbis boctrtne to bimfelfe, f *w ben beefeelestberemourre of onefin,letbim call otber finncs too mpnbe alfo, fo as bee map tbjotoc bimfelfe altogitber fiat before v£oo.S>econDtplet bim ioep bote b?cao= full bis iubgment is : anb bp comparing bts otene banitie feitb bis rpgbtfulncs, let bim confiber bimfelfe too bcetotterlp eueri»belmeb MnH laftlp let bim make bp tbe beapc iettb tbis , tbat tf bee baue bin taugbt bp (5ob as one ef Ins boufebelb, be is bounb toe fo mucb tbe greater bam; nacton,bpcaufc bee l;atb cliohcb tbe Ipgbt of tbe bolp (25boft , become a frowaro feboier ,anb troben bnber bis feete fo ma= np prccioufe gifts it>bcriottb b« Seas gar= mffijeb . 9. Thou shalt purge mc with Hop, and shalbee clcanc : thou shalt wash meejand I shalbe whyter than Snow. 10. Make mec to heere of ioy and gladneflc : the bones that thou hafte broken shall reioyce. 11 Hide yppon tnc. Ijt TOmj 1 1. Hide thyface from my finncs,and flrike out all mine offences. 3C4 p. [fftboufbalt purge mee.fc] $ego: etbeni»ptbtbefamcp;urer ♦ SPnbtbts bcsptngtogttljeroffeorcjsftcu.ntbbc'to careful be it>as too obteme fo;giucnrfle. 3Mfo bee maUctb mention titer of 13 Hop, allobing to tbe cetemonies of the iatoe, not >- bee put bis rruft in tbe ontrcarb ce rrmonte of t!ett;ing:but bteanfe be Uncio there iras nothing commaanbeb tn tbe JLaw in batne* jffoj tnafmucb asfacrpfis crs Soerc tn tbofe Cavrs f fealcs of gobs grace, bee btb right too feefcc afTurance of bts rcconctaltacton at tbe fame : hfee as it bceommctb v>s too fboje bp our faptb & tbe fame p?ops as oft as our tninbs fern- uer.JDautb tbe befircb no more but this, that tbe thing migbt be tffe ctuail anb ra title b tn btm, &b»tb <5ob bab tcftificb to bis people. 3!nb tb,efame rule muft free bclbe at tbi.3 bap* foi although there be no deling too bee fougbt fo? tiff where then tn tbe bloub of €b??ft: pit nottrttb ltanbtng fojafmucb as tbe fpinttml grace is ncy tber fcene iuptb epes no; felt frith banocs, tucc cannot (but bp tbe belpe of cutwaro fignts) ieetU) qupet mtnocs bc= lecue tbat 45on is at one frttb bo. &oc&e frbatfreebauefarxbof[l$tfep,] let tbe fame tafee place of [feafbtngatlo*] fo% tbe (baborotfb bcfp;tnchiings fcbicb tbe 3 etres bfeb bnber tbe 3Lavoe,bare frit- ncs tba t Sue are purgeb from all unclen= ncs,fo as (Sob 10 at one frith bs,anb ac ceptetb bo tntoo bis fauonr* iT^oicc mt fee fcneroe it too bee tbe office of the help tib bofte,to frafb our conferences tnroaeD Ip frith tbe bloub cf Cbjpft . tbat our fih tbuiesKcepbsnotfT0acccffebnto(15ob. ailfo tbe tico bcrfeo are topncD togttber: tbe bjiftcof febicbC) is tbat (S5od fgoulb fl-,ctDbtmfclftobeatonefritb.bitn.wbet as fome tbinfc tbat JDauibs fr ifijing too beare of glabnes> is tbat 1 1, ere mtgbt bec frnt bnto btm fome ?3 jepbet a© a mefiett ger anb & ttnt He of tbe reconcilement, tt Iccmctbtobeionmcbreftnlncb.lKatbcr tbcttD ingo of glabncs is tafeen infinites lpfojnfniraunccoffauour* ^rojbp [tbe bjcaKmg of bio boneo] beemeenctb ii;at be fr as fojippneb frttb extreme fojoro, fo as bis ltuetpncs feasjalmoftc foment* fr aftcb ,anb bee tn tnehcr at tbe lafi cafi« CberfojebeetotbfreHfobcfircrbfittcp mapbercficzcbrolmnagcne frbcrtoitb all be trap be qnicfeneb to a new lifc.atnb be faptb tbto top to recepueb tp bee ring, btcaufc tbat ttl tbe ftnntr be cbercb bp bp tbe fr ooje of (009, fo as bee map gather hattagcine, it fbaibcc too no purpefe fo; btm to procure bimfeite other comi'ems* :ouerb*2^*i+ bcrelp mcauft; tbefaonco wbicb tojmtens m\> tbem, openetb tbem tbe- gate to true iop«TI5tttb^rztt ifl8Gittaunbei),tbat "te ing ID iutD baD barD bp the mautb pf tf)« j3iopbet #>cUban,tbatbts Qnne &>a3 ** Hen awip,2^am 1 2*13* wbp be embia ceo not tfrs abfolution , tbat b?c mpgbte qupetlp eniope the true glaoncffe. : faj bee cou!Den0tDtfcr.ebttetbe3£>iGpb£te,witb out booms wjang bntoo (0 © 3D : lUfee as at tins Dap>#QD fenoetfynot bis #n= gci0outofl£eaue,.batbolDetbittnougb to comfort bs bp tbe boice of men, accojs Ding as tf topfte fapetb, tbat wbatfoeuer bis JDifcppies {bailrckafe bppon eartb, ttjc fame fljall bee relenftb in l$cauen : 3jobn. z 0.2 ji ano $attle 2. Co;intb.5* 2 o. tcac'DCtb tbat tbe mintfrersof y 3D waspactrtecfejtttsnonouel* tit tn tbe £>ertptni e, foz tbofe tb tugs to bee iorneb togptber in tbe teste, wbpebe hang not togitber in time* jfteytber 10 it ageinft reafon, tbat after ©od bab flrpa hen bis fernaunt with tbat beamneOe it QjoulD be b»s pleafurc too tojment bint a ft)ljile,tootbe entent too bntnblehtai the better* 115p this meanes,2DautD iboulbe report bow foze bo was flareo , anD bow grceuous torments bee abobe,wSjien bee was bjougbt too tbe kno weieDge of bis fmne,befoje be recepueo wojd of bis fo^ gmenes.(5ox»bteit,!tftriuetbnocaro;'jtt agcinftf nature of faitbjtbat tbep wbicb are alre8bp affertepncD of tbe fauour of (S52>1D,fbouiO neucrtbelefTe contmew eatnettlp anD tboug^fuilp tn crautngfojs giuenefle. Cberetozc bowfoeuer 3Dauio were eafeb of Come part 0? bis foioio : pit ceafea be not to fcele new packings from time too time,wbiebe migbt c jrnpcll btm too fleebnmblp ano fcarfuilp too (5»£>2D fci mercp. jfoj altbougb <£ob bp ptomps fma Ps fngtueneiTejDoo freelp allure US tomo qtiutnes: ?it ts it our ouetteto co= ftoer bow fojre wee baue offenoeb bt tn,fo as tbe foipneCfc map fettle tt fetfe beep in onrbarts. ©Jfioestbis, tbeflenrer abi= lute ot our fattlj wilnot fuflfcr bs too res cetue out of banb,tbe fulnelTe of toe grace tbat is offereb bs. 2&bcrfo;eit is no wo Dcr tbougb JD»uil» being oiftreflfeb wttb anguilbe , perfcucreo in afaing fozgiuc= nefTc tb jee 02 four c tt m?s , ano offreb btm fe'.fc oftentimes into 45obs figbt, too tbe entent too allure Ijtmftife tbe better.^ ea rather it is to be tbougbt tbus, tbat wee cannot earneftlp p?ap d5©ID to foigtue bs wben we baue ftnneo ,f rccpt we baue firft cawcepaeb bp fattb>tbat be wil be tn treatcb* f o? wbo is bee tbat ourft open bi0moutb,onlefl,cbeewcreperfuabebof bisfatberlpgooDwil!^^5utttbeboaetb \is alujapes too begin our pzapmgat bc= ftreoffojgtuenes, wbcrcbp itappeeretb tbat tbcfe two tbm^eo ftgbte not one a- gemttanotber:namclp tbat wben wee baueemb^aceb 2D fojgme PS quite anD deane, pit Dotb not tbe narobsnes of our faptb aomitte bts fo large goobneffe,feut mud needs baue it b2oppe& intott bp Ur= tie ano Uttle. Snu tberef oje tbat wee re= peat one p2aper ofcenttmes^it to referred to tbecapacttie of our faptb , btcaufe tbat altboitgb (B'JD'O bee not au~uageb bp lit^ tie anD httie,of tcr tbe matter of men : pit eretbep;oceotng0ofour faptb but flow isbtcbe leaoe \95bntoofull ccrteintie* ^urtbermoje tbe name of [purging toitb li)pfope, anbof beipimcblfng.,1 warnetb bs,tbat as often times as wee make oar piapers fo 2 remiff ton of finnes,iwc mutt Itfte bppe our mmDes too tbat Sacrifice toberwttb Cb?pfte pactfieb b«* ^atber, ^rox as tbe^poftle teacljetb ^eb?.9.2 2. fimies are not reieafea wptboutblonD; fljco : anD loobe wbat tbtng <0oD taugbt tbe people tn olD time Pnoer tbe figure of tbe lawjtljat batb bee moie fullp manp- feftcDbptbecomtngoftfbitft.Cberfoje that the finiicv map obteutc grace , ftrfte let vppon the . Ij . Pfalme. aoc np topfe too bee hopeb,tl;at aeificc of €bzilr,bp wbfcb the fiunes of tip ioozlDe are purgeb.HlftcrbjatD let bim call to bim tfyefyolp Supper, anb 1& uptime too con^ firine bis favtb Szntbali. ^F oz it tjs not in a= 12. A cleane hart create in mce 6 God, and renewe a ryght Spirirc in my bowelles. 13 . Caft nice not away from thy face,and take not the Spirit of thy holy- neife from mce. 14 Reftore too met the ioy of thy faluacion, and ftablish mee with thy free Spirit. Tet bSbp onfooteagein tobenfoc be faute, &>batfoeucr rpgbtncfie is in bs, it is fciS free gift.Jfojt be requcftctb not to baue tys toeafce Ijart bcipeb.anb bis feeble fpirit to becbnaerpzoppcbtoitbfomcfbQzetbutbe confeffetb tijat there is tn his hart nothing rpght oz cieanc,bntiil tbc fame come from elfiobere. wberbppon it folofcetb, tbat $ &bote Ijarte of manSoben it is eonftocnb in tt oS»nnature,iseroo&eb ? bntotoarb. ■$o% if tbere feere anp rpgbtucu"e oz den - neffe in it bp nature, JDautb voooID not terme tbc fapb rpgl)tneffe [ tbe gifte of tbc £)pirit]anb nature, [ <£ o&s creation] 3 « tocncjctbcrfeijeepurfetoeti) tbe fame res queft,anb Hnittetb remtffion of fmnes SS> gouernement of tbefpirtt: accozbingas it aepenDcfy bpen free reconciliation , that S»e be rnlcb bp the fpirit of aboption, as tf oczbes,tbnt although tbe gir'tfs of tlje bolpd&boftctoerc fmolocrcb in ijtm, pit toere tijep notbttcrn> iaHc afcap. %mfo rrtp the tbingc it fclf fbcS»etb,-bat y gift* toberinbceicccUefibefojCjWcrcnotquptc ra^eboutiffoxbcccafebnotin tbc meanc time to execute tbe bewtie of a Xung rigbt nobip,stog!uebimfciftopzapcr $ other ctercpfes of goblpneflTcanb too frame bis Meaccozoing to tbc ftGligton cf (Boo. dew ^¥t- 1 2 [2Jc!eancbart.etcr afftrmetb plainlp.tbat tbe fc>oo?o toljcrwitl) «?c bee begotten anrw.ia an bncorrupttble feebe, i.pctr.i.2^nD3!3£malfoteaebctbtbat tbe cl}C jr n are S»ithb'.''D , tbat tbep fall not qupt attap.i.jfobn.^i 9. Albeit tben that ®ob noto J tbtn caft tljem of to outi»arD appeerance-.pitDootbbcnotfofcerecuetbe of ail gifts, but tbat tt appecretb at legtb boo? tbep ioere not btterlp DiQjeritcD cue at tbe tpme fcljen tbe fignes of grace fbp- neb norm tbem.^.f anptnan obiecte, tbat IDauiD fpcafeetb bowfinglp, as tbougb be feare o to bee bereft of d&oss fpirit : 31 an= ftocv, tbat the faptbfua i»ben tbep banc finneD arc aortbclp greeueb, bpcaufe tbe? baucreicctcb d&'ocs grace asmucb as in tbern Ipeth: but pit tbat thep muSe ftanbe bpon tl)is popnt,tbat inafmucb as ? feebe of <2£)QD is bnco^ruptible, tbe grace fc>ber-= feitb tbep acre once eubeiueD , can neucr banifb aujap.g»o iDauiD m cofibcring bis i funic fcrns ftrtfecn S»itb feare : anb pit on the cotrnrie beleeucD,tbat bpcaufe he iaas one of d5obs cl)tlD?en, tbe tbinge remavneo too btm flili , Sabiclj be bab loft bp bis oimie fault. i-f [IKcftorc to].£)ncc agein bee repctetl) tbat be S»ill gme himfclf to moors mng.tmtillbe baue msbe tys peace Sottb <5od. 3inb milp tbep bee too oultmttcD, tbat can giue theiiifelucs too rctte vcben goD is DifplcaftD ft>itb tfyem. IDauis tber- fore teaefceth tbat tbere fball no reft come in bis bcaoe , till tbe fatijcrlp fauoure of <£oo Ibpnc bpon bun . Cbe fecono mem- ber pertepnetl) too tbe fame cace tbat tbe two o former bcrfesboo: namelp tbat bee migbt not bee bereft of tbe gifts of tbe bo- ip gboftc, but contincio bntmpeacbeb in them. 31n tbe toorbes there is fomc bout s fulnefTe.^Foi fome interpreters toil baue tbe- oerbe [Tifmccoi] too bee of tbe tbirbe perfone, bpcaufe tbe noomc [ Roach ] is of tbe feminine genber : anb therefore tbep tranOateit, [let thp fpirit ftablitbe mee.] But tins Diuerfitie is of no grcatcimpo:^ tance as inrefpecte of tbe fence. Cbere is more bificultie in tbe proper aibiectiuc PNedibaiijjf or in afmacb as tbe ©erbe [Nadabj fjgnifietbtoobealc bounteouflp, ibe l^ebreioes for eycellcncp cal ^2>;fnccjQ( [Ncnsbim] . 2Pnb therefore lerneb men fup= pofe tbat jDauib fpcafeet^ hcerc of [a prin- cipal or |$? incelp fpirit] accorbing alfo as the ©reefee interpreters baue tranflateo it,anb tl)at tljis maner of praping fiio &el befeeme tbe perfone of S)auib3 i»bo i>ao neebe to ercell in ^S>rmcc!p bertue for the crccutingof bis cbarge , bpcauft Ije £oas createb &mg. /^ofoealtbougb tbifi fenfe mifline mee not,ne agrcetb amiffe : pit notrpitbftanbing J. ertcnb tbts fentence further. Chat iDauiD acfenowlebginge IjimfelfctbcbonDflaue of fbin, anb bcinge bampereb in bis otonc gilt,laboretb fo? f fr6canDfelftt>illingfpint fremtobtcb bte i»ao almeft quptc falnc atnap . if or in as mucb as bcljab brought bmifclfe in bon; Sage too finnc, bee i»as not able to reco- uer tbatineftunable gift of freeDOine, but bp tbe lingular grace of <£>oe. j; I vvil teachethc wicked thy vvaycs;and the vngodly shalbc conuertcd vntoo thee. \6 Deliuer mee from bludsheds 6 God the God of my fa!uation,and my tune; shall iing of thy ryghtuoufeneiTe ioy fully. ?7 Lord open thou my lippes, and my mouth shall shewe fborthc thy prayfe. i5> [31 Will vppon the . \\ . Pfalme. 15. [31 will tcacl)]i$ ere ijcpjomifetb to become tbanUftiil bntoo & O 2D, «f b« toil! becrcbtm : t be njencionttb tbefrute of l)is tban&fulnetTe : ramelp, tbat be fctll enbtuer ibat otyns map take crumple at l)im to amcao . 3nb furcip, not onip tb» rule of c'aaritic commaunbcil) tbat ttiofe Sx>I)Oir«tljo 2L£>la2D tjatl) liftcb Dp fboula reaebe tbeir banb tmto otbers: but atfo tl;e louc of <&o&lpneffe , anb tbe jele of d&oos glo^.e, cugbt to mouc tbcm tbus far foojttl) tbat ( as mucb as m tbem is 3 tbe? ujoulo tnafce all men partakers of tljefame grace. j?ttrtbermo;tc,b? iopningtbe effect of con= uerfion tobiaboetrine.bc (bewetbbtmfelf to bope t!;at bis labour (ball be pjo titable. 5Foj altijougb toe oftcntpmea tell a talc to tbem tljatbcebcafe, toben S»ec enscucr to call toanocrers bacUetnto tl;c toap:pit toe doo not alroapes lofe our labour bpcatife tbe Jioin bumws tooojb. 16. [JDclraer mee from blubfBebs.fc.] i^ccrbp it appceretbboco little 2D auto flat tereb btmfelf , anb bow barb an encounter be abobe ageintt tbe terronrs of ocatb, tbat be retv?ctb fo oft backe to befpjung of foigiucneffe. robereas fome taUc [ 2!5lubs fbeos,] fo; tbe tojongfull murtber of 2D . 3tnb tbe rv glituouf- ncue of 2D , bpcaufc be is rough in crecnting bengeance, as it is flfc monlpfuppefcb : but ratber bpcaufe be is faptbfull in mafcing gooa ))is pjomifes , 18 206 anb in mapntcpning tbe toelfanfof blp ff r uantes,anb neucr mfappc^ntctij tlje tojet ■■ cbeo fowlcs.tobatfoeucr tij*? bec tbat call toppon bint fo? !>clp . iftow, Sbbereas he fayctb , [ €> 'i&oo , t!;e cf m? fafua= tion,] t^cre is in tbts lepetitton a ccurrt pttbtbpnefTe 0? tocbemtncic: iyl;erbppon X»ee gatber alfo, tbataiwa?c6^>:rbfcare anbfo;orofull fpgb ngb- ceniibereb iobat be baa beferucb. jn tl;e mcaneliobflebe (bevoetbbimfelfto be To bepco ivttb bti= quietneffe, anb to longe fo in Dcf^oulhejff, tbat ncuertbeles bs is futmn;cb iuttb t!;e armonr of faptbc : bpcaufc be b: lecueib tbat b»a faluacien is lapcb bp tn <25 £> 2D . /Co tbe fame purpefe mahetb alfo tbe ncrt bcrfc , \v\)zvt be piapstl) tbat bis hppes ma? be openeb,iot)icb tmpojtctii as muc<; as tbat matter of p;a?fc fljoulb bee mitu- flerco bnto bim. 3 fenocoe,tbat tbts place is to oont to be eicpounbeb tn tins u??re,ao tboug't 2Dauib IboulD i»ia> b»s tung to be Directeb b? (J5obs fptrtt,fo as be m?2bt be meeteto fctfoojttbe ins pja?fcc: anb trttl?, ejcccjst (5 £> 2D minifter ioo^bes bnto nc, Soee (bail bee btterl? bumb.26ut Dantb ment an otber tbiug, namel? , tbat note be is after a fe;t bumb, bnttUbe be calico too tbankfgiuing b? obtcvnmg fo^gpuenclie. f^efeemetb bntoo mee to rcquc&Vbat bis iippes ma? be openeb, in tbe fame fence, tbat l;e fa?etb in an otber place,tbat a new fong icas put into btsmoutb^fal.40.4. ilnb fo agcin be auoucbetb, tbat be ioilbee tbanKfull bntoo <3 €> 2D, anb mrnafull cf bisbenefvtc,b?caufebebcfp;ctb not too bee rece?ucb intoo fauour too an? otber enb,tbanteo bee a lows picacber of d5ooa grace among all men . ■$ ox it is an ctrcc - tuall maner of fpcafcing , too fa?, [ £^? montb IfcaN fl)ew foo?tb tbp pjavfe: ] as if bee Q)cuia pnomis , tbat bee toill giue tbanlaes too 0 2D sottl; a lowft and fi;trle bo^«. 19 20 For thou wilt not pafTe for fkrififc : and though I shouldc giuc thec a burnt offering, it should not pleafc thee. The facrififes of God arc a trubbled fpirit , thou 6 God wilt not de- fpyfe a trubbled and broken harte. Bee fauourable of thy good pleafure vnto Sion,buylde vp the walks. oflerufalcm. 2i.(5Tbcn lohn Caluins Commentarie v Then shalt thou accept the facrify fes of ryghtuoufeneffe, cucn burnt- offerinres and oblations : then shall Calucs comrae vopon thyne Altar. 18. [if o: t!)oa^)iltnot pafife.?c.]3I« t'oid place ycVcoicl)Ctl) tljat altbougb bepcelD no receiptee 'onto (Sod, yit ncti»itbftanDtng fcppon trua of bi0 free mcrcpe, !>c€^opetlj affureDlp tbat ljc ftulbee cntreatcbb^ljim. 3lna Qrft of aU be confeffctb tljat ljc corns metl) bdpleffc ana emptie too tym, S»birt) tbing ticuertl)cie0 fbalbe no let.but tbat be map obtepnc lits fcrcte, bpcaufe <& £> 3D padetb not foj facrtf pfc0. Ino it 10 not too bee Dou^teD, but tbat bp a fecret compari= fon be fvnbetb fault fcritb ttje groffc errour of tbecomon peoplc,t»bicb S»eeauoa>e to baa e reigncD almoS in alt age0 among trje 31cu?e0. #0? fel;cra0 tbe Hawe taugbc, tbat finnc0 i»ere to bee cien^eD feitb S>a* crifpfes, totbcntenttbatDtttrutting tbeir o«?neiooojUc0,tbep fboulD feeUe fat(0fac; tionat CbVkflc0 banDc0 onlv : ttjcp ttept foojttb. bGlDlp fojitb tbeir ^acrifpfte, a0 if tbep (bonlb rebccntetl)cmfciuG0fro (i£oD0 iuogment bp paving a raunfomc. Ccrtcin it i0,tbat tlnstontowarD pjefumption i0 DervbeD bp 3DauiD, i»i;cn bcbenpctb.tbat be !)3 tlj awgbt at all fcrtjcrtattliall to mafcc t)t0 attonentent ft>itli d5£>3D , toljo 10 not Deipgbteb tn g>acnfpfc0. 35nbeeDe d5ob babe tbat g>acrtfpfe0 fboulD be offereDbn* too Inm, nnD ibatiio DiD in no ftjyfc neglect tbat ferui0 : tberfoje be fpeaUctb not pcr= empto^ilv,a0 tljougb <& ® 3D f eiecteD tlje I &>acrupfe0 , fc>b'cb Sucre offeree bp bis ov»ne coatmaunDement , 0; a0 though, anp manmpgbt baue otmtteD tbein a© fupcr? flnou0: but rn:l)er ,as is c Ijaue feen a lolnU ago,2DautD ano all tbecongregacion of tlje goblp, Sucre belpeb bp the Ceremonie0 of ti)t Lame, i&ut be bab'an epc to tbe cnb onlp , bpcaufe bppocrite© becing blpnoeb Sy itb leawD pjcfumption , imagincb trjat tbepcarncD (25oD0fauout. Ci;etfo; iijousb be cjcercpfeD bimfeif bujclp in &as crtfp fe0,(l?Uc a0 noman can loobe to bauc <5oS0 fr.uour , but be tbat fcttetl) bmtnit (3d £> 3D ariD btm tbe onlp skaerifpfc of €.\jii!t, Sjohcxbv tbe finne0 of tbcioo?lD be purgeb : ) pit nofuntbftanDing it teas tr ulp f fotooztbclp auoucljcb of bim.tbat be b?in getlj no rccompeucc,bpcaufe be fougl;t too rjane rccocthation cf free gtft.5r 0; if a man fboulD fpcaKe p?operlp,tbc '£cwts in flea^ ing tlieir facrifpfe0 bjottgbt not atip tbing of tbeir owne : but rather bojotoeb that of Cb?tft , i»bicl) 10 ioanttng too all mojtall fopgbtc0, tbat is to font, tlje p?pcc of tbeir reoemption: anb fo confequentlp tlje &a= crifpfes of tbe JLawe, Soere in refpect of men , but mere paflpue. 19. [Cbefacrififeo of J5ob.f cllfter tbat be bati) bereft ^>acrtfpft0 of tbe power of purcbactng C0 bab falflp furmpfeb to tljem: novo be fapetb tbat altbougb \)t b^ougbt notbtngu.itb bint but a fojie ano bumbleb bart,tbe fame fuf - fpfctl) <0 £> IDabunbantlp, bpcaufe be re- qupjetb no raoje of fmnero , but tbat th,ep fboulD cad tbemfelue0 flat botone before bitii,anti crane mcrcp at b?0 bano . 3!nb tt i0 not fo? nougbt tbat be batb bfeo tbe plu rail nombcr, to tbcntentbe mpgbt crpjeflfe tbat tlje onlp one ^acrifpfe of repentance fufftrctb in fteb of all ^acrifpfe0.jf be bab fapb ,tbat tb»0 bab bin a fepnb of g>acrtfpfe of a goob fcnt,tlie 31cwe0tooolb ba«« bin reap to cauill,tbatnotwjitli(lanbmgy tbeif foere otber fo?tc0 of S>accifpfc0 , fertn'cb pleafcb d^ob nolefle: acco?Dinga0icc fcef papifte© at tbis bap to mingle tbeir ovonc fc?ojK0 iottb (J5ob0 gracc,lcafl fo?giuene0 cf finnc0 fboulD be a frcegift. JDautb tber^ fo?,to occlube all fojgertc© of fatt0facti60, auoucijetb fo; tbe nonce, t'oat tbe onlp bum bling of tbe bart cop?ebenbctb in it isbatfo- euerfacriGfc0 d5ob allowetb^rbtobera© be nametb tbem tbefacrifife0cf ,rbcn ceaf:tl) it to be of free gtft.l an= fvocr.tljat 3DauiD Difcuffctb not berc torjat p?pce men pap unto <& ® 3D, 0? fo? &ljat befert thty> obtepnc fo?giucnefTc of fin= ne0 : but ?atber bp matcbing ttjc fo?rneffe of tbe vppontlie. Lj.Pfaln of ti)c yar t agelnft coiiterfet rccompences, tyemcnt too Detect tbcnakconeGV of mm: accoibing a!fo as t'je calling Downs 02 fo;? neu"c of tb'djart tcnSctl) to nont other pur* pofc.buttoabac-: inan 02 too lying inm to nothing. #02 it cannot bee,bitf tijat our mpnoc mud lift top tt fcl? to fomc p?tfump= tion,wbem xoe leaue anp ibing remaining in our felues . w'nerapon itfolowttb that to!)5te tl)e bart is broken , t'jere all Defer* utngo arc lab awater,fo as men bjiu.. no t tlnng to Icno.^f an? man make exception, tljat faptlj is a moje cjccclK'n . facri^c,* of greater fa:cc to pacifpe <0oo, bpcaufe it biingct!) f 002th, Chjift Suftb the true ano fubftanciall pcacemaUmg oz attoncment : firft it is to be conftaireo that faptlj cauo: be fcparateb from tijis lorslinc iT;> of wbicb, IDauib fpeaHetb.;f o; although £ bngooip be fyeagaft before #cd, pit tbepfoiscr a froswarb ftabboinejs inw iroip,* c:afe not to fret $ murmunano although t hep fome not out their curftbartebnefTe openlp , pit their hart cotmefoKtb cuer leaning. 'Cb5 fitij the fpint of greeutoncfle f the broken o: foip bar t Doo no t only iviti) true fcare $ miiliHurs fubbcw tl)e man that i0 &cun ; Deb will) the feeling of gobs W2atb,but ab fo t'aroug'jlp mojtiue bim , fo as be is no- bobp inlns o wnc concept.but fctcbeth Ins tobolcfaluacion at 0o2s mcrcp: t.tsr.i maruellthat IDantb auoucbetb <$ob to be contemcb toitb this one facrtSje . #02 bee ncptber frparatetb faptb from it,nei reck- netb bp the partes of repentance, but onlp teacb:tbthatS;ne obtcpne not fauour ferity ©8D othcrtDpfe,than at fact) rpme as bce= ing caft bo&ne f confoubeD in ourfclues, 5uee reft onlp topon bis mcrcp : when fe»ec come bcfo;e bim bumblp with bartp wxo tonreprtcb ac&noiuelcbgcmente of our« oi»ne nahebnette : ana fina^p when «j« ipc bout»>8 anobjouen, that bes map lift tos*p. 20. [^efauom*ablc,fe.].03wpiapeth benotfoz bimfelfe alone, but tafcecb the :e. 207 (asintic!) ?.S lap inbim'JSacrtbJoteQ geDS cburclj: pitnotujiibftabing be rcqucftstb tijat tt map b£ reftojea agsin bp gobs free mcrcp.3lnD bealJeDjctbno. ot?>er menncs bngiitpneffe, but omlp leanctb ^r\to ;oos gooo p'leafare: as if \je fsjoulD fap, f> So'gi f Cl;urc!) is falnc,t!jc reftojemnn thereof is not elfw'jsrc to be t}op;s foi, tba of tlje free m^rcp oiCBrt.&oxD altl)oug!) 3;cru- falcn acre t!)e aircop bu!lfero,pitp,zapet]) f;C Si! foz § bUiloing of it,na»nclp bpcaufe it fi>3S not pij C3mf to !)ts full perfect: jh, inafmueb a&' t!>ere uoanteD f cljtef parte of it. ^oiiDaubbabauepcrotl)ea:iru3ej« in Wqki) ©o^1 ^ab pjomtfta that tb? abp^ bingplaccof tbe ^rbc Gjoulo bee fctilb t';eie,$ f^conblp alfo t!)e JStmgs feats: a::b tijerfojetbe temple bzinj pit bnbuilbcb, tr fc>as but as a cotagc. i^oobsit, tbia piac; Uacbity tbat it isiljs pcru!tartuoo;^c; ©oD to buplb tl)S €lyaicl)Z, nccozbing as tt ia fapD t.i another place, [ iC.?e foimoa ; cioiw tljerof are in tyebolp mountains, pfal. 87.1.] if oj 2Dauto bab not a refpect tea tljs outwarD buplbmg onlp, but ))Q fet bisrapnocijceSp bppon dEJe&s fpintuali ^anctuarie,4obicb cannot bee buplDeb bp tlje bauo anD connibg uim:n. Crew it is in DeeD:>tbat bow mucb foeucr itcnes am tno?tar men clap togtt!j:r, pit Cjall tljep pjofit notbing bp tl)eir papne in bupjbtng cartblp loalles. 15ut tbe rcsring or (Sods churcb is a ptcaliar tying bp itfelf, io'ikl) being fonnscb bppon eartl>e bp tbe woon= berfuH u»oo2feing of <15ob,is rapfeo ab^ue tlje l^eaucns . ;ff urtbermazc, becrc is no fpt-aUmg of one monctbs, 0: of oae vcereiS buplomg onlp , buc tbat <£oo fboulo pxe^ ferae tl)e ftste of btsCljurcb in fafcp^ mm \ Dnto tbe comming of C\)iid. l&m feeing 1 tbat iDauta, botlje in tbc beginning of th« i p faime , anb in tbc i»i)dc fcquele batl) p; 0 fciTeo biiufcif too be foloznc ano pa ft rccb-. J uerie: Silence comctb, now tbis fo foacin 1 f fo grcate bolbncs,tbatbe ftiefcert; noi to coittmend tbe^Dbole gijurct^lmto (Coo^ $»:pIeJTb.urcb i»itbbim , f not ait^out jfo^aco Ojallbe carp all otter men bp in caafc. f oj tljere was n« let in tym , but £ to beaucn, t»!jo is " I t»:)3le femgooms of Cljiift migbt bane fttcapeO. f 02 being anopnicb &:n^ too t'je<2>o03Cburcbtogit:}cr,})ce babbpbts ftjamefull reuolting DifpcrfeD it,fo a3 tlje btttr osftruction of it tote to be fearea.3!ltI;ougl) ijcl^ao bp Ijis ot?cncc, fcarflpcropeoufofbell Ijtmfelfr' Crulp 'imz fee btere tljat affoonc as lse are recocileb to 4&ob,not onlp cuerp man bath free Uberttc to piap foj l)t0 owne iDeifare,but alio fo; be aomutcb to be fu* terafoi others: ojratbar (foljicb is moje l)ono2able) it is lawtull fo; bs too com= mcndl icnn ^aiuins v^oinmemanc mens tbeglozic ef Cljzifte.* fetngeDoaie, ioW)t t0 iiwje icooith, tljan tlje Welfare 2 r. cecaUetbtl;cm[ &a- ct tfpje0 of rpgbtuoufcneflfe ] bp crpzeffe teiHtc0,t!)at isrofap.rpgbteElaiofuli fa= crtSje* Salucb are rpgbUp oflcrcD bp f ap poistment of goo.ivtycb feinb of fpeafctng be batb alfo bfco in tbe $fa.oozbe0 ] Baiii % Gnoh ] to be botbe of one Ggmficarion: pit ItUe 3 better of tijetr opinion>'i»bicb ttjuifc tbat t^e firft S»ooz& i0 Dtfttnetlp put foz f fatrtGce of tbe $3zecftes,bpcaufc tbe offe- ring in t bat toao burnco. /^cucrtbcica bp tbt0 bar ictic 5Daui& mcenct!) that goo ne; tier likctb of all tbe ceremonies of j> law, faue tcben tbep be referred to tbeir rigbt= ful end.wbcras fome taHe all ins 5»boie 3fterfe mctapbozicallp, aplping tt too tbe tung&omc of £ bzift : it t.s to cunning an& conftrepneb. 3R confeffe tbat Id okas i+. jcalletb pzapfes mtytvm tbanfes arc peel* bed tonto (!5oD[tbecalue0 of tncn0lippe0] i0 enibent pnougb, tbat beere tbe foietnneCeremonie0ivbcrti>itl| tbe S»o,:= fbippersof d5oo piofedeb tbeir osuotton, arc iownco»itl)t^epHrc affection of tbe Jjarte. &cr go80 gracious goo&neffe fecretlp too TheContcintsofthelij. Pfalme. ^{tftich tyme as yppon tbefaughter of *Ach imelccb and thereftc of tbe Vreefls }al the people yooc eneryyebcre friken in feare,fo As noman dmftc fuccouy Dawd: and tbat Dorg tryumpbed in tbe profperota fuccefje of bis wicked talebearing: tbeboly man Dauid neucrthehjfe plutkjng vp a good hart through fayth, made this Vfaltnc:y»berein he yamc.tb bnnfelfageirtfl tbe cruell treebsrie of tbe wicked t alebearer, and eneouragctb hiwfelfe tea hpc Tvell,bycanfc Godfutetb a iuft Iudge in be atten, botbe toofuccourhis feruantes tbat raft all their truji yppon bim3 and alfo too bee auenged of theprydc of them that defpyfe him and take leaue too tbemfclues its dot ■xshai fie uer they lufl. The, lii. Pfalme, t. ~*oo the ch ccf Chauntcr,an inflruftion of Dauids. i, At what time Doeo; the Eciomitc came and brought Saule ty dings 5c had told liim that Dauid came into the houfe of Achimclech. tt concern in 3 tbefeoozb [Mafokirj t»: baue alreabp berctofo?e tol&e pen, tort it ia Suoontpjoptrlp to bswiittcn befoje |3fabne0, robe 3D auto oeclaretb tbat be is cljzfivict) bp £ ban") of goo.o; at leafiispfe «s toarnefe bp fame hyn* of affliction , to gatb« pzofpte as it to ere bnier j rob of a fcbolcmmficr : fobtfef tee bane bab cxaplcs in p" pHilinea 3 i.s 4*.H?m tbcrc^jas a spuerrerefpect in tbe rlto-pfalms: namefp tbat tbe tSea= fcerjs migbt feno5»,tl)at in $ fong of louc, tberc t0 no frantonneflc, but tbat tbere 10 oeferi&ea the bolp ff fpirituall ioenbtng of ClmQeanb bi0 Cburebc. 15ut \?ntoo tW pfalme and tl;e ^falmes faioSrang, t!?ere vppon the. Lij tyere agreety inftruction tyaVpyocerbcty ofeozrection. 5Foj3iboubtnot,but that !Dauib0 weening is , that be S»a0 trpcD 9 eramineb after a raremaner at tysttpm;, to thentent be wpgbt I?rne to rcfigne bp Mmftlf fcljollp bnto <0 £> ID. 21 nb tycftt tic is bnca>cn,tyat Sohen 3Dauib fc anbjcb ipfce an came to ii^ob to 2iicbi* mclccl) tyc |2>?e:ft , 9 bpcaufc Ijc burft not bifcoucr Ijiobaungcr.ije fcpneb y tbc&mg IjaD fent him tot!) fectet commiffion about ccrtein Sue?p>P affaire*. 215? mean?* wherof be obtepneb bcty btttcttc0 anb tbe fwoojtb.witb wbiebb*bab flapwe $>o]tt0. ^ow,fc>bcn 3E>ocg,who »a0tye Siingcs &brep?eeue , anb bab bunteb fojt faults fauour , feafe caught tyitf bp the enb, he bp 3 V Vhat boafteft thou of thy naughtyneflc thou mighty Felovvc ? the goodneflc of God endurcth day ly. 4 Thy tung reckencth vp thy mifchecuous decdes, vvoorking deceit like a shap razor. c Thou loueft naughtyneflc better than goodnefle, too fpeake vntrcuth rather than r y ghtuoufenefle. $ ctab, 6 Thou loueft: all woordes of fly nefle thou deceitfull tung. Pfalme. 208 "btfitoic^ebtakbWimjH^bWf^j^ants rage not onipagemft tljat one gtltles man, but a!fo ageinft all tije jfrtctftcs.lBv toes? ne0 wberof it came too paffr.that ail pap* pes Sucre ftoppeo ngetnfr f feje JcS^cb outs lauot.jFoi the terrtbic erampic of tbar cw= eltic, babfo cut tr>e bartcs of nil men, that none Durft ftjea? ijiraanp oc «?tp of curttfie. Jftouj , bpcaufe 5Doeg , beeing patTtb op fenth t\)is istcfetfcues , bebaueb fcimfeff 0- ucr fioutlp : anb that the rcwar&.&btcb be bab gotten fo? fyis trccbcncmvgbc be «0 a fpur too piih ofyxs! too cemppje SDautos. beftruction w bo mpgbt boo it foonclh the ijcip man lifting bp ^imftif aloft bj> tjolp comfort, repjeuetb bus wic&tb boUmcffe. J. [What boaflcft thou.f c]3lt Sabaf i?m« tye tteafon of tyat wtckeb man JDoegrjab taUen effect acceding to tys bef??e,?t ioas (as 3B fapb) afo?e anb barb temptation to ttriac tlj?ougb tije mpnb ofSDausb. 2Pnb tyerfcjs J bonbt not but be armcb fyfm&if to tbe encounter & ity t\iis bcip boaffing. %m urfl of aii, be enfo^cctf; tbe crpme of iDocg, fox retopcingm i)t0 power, tbat be bab gotten bp become mifcljeeuonfeneffc. /Beptberisitanp Crannge tfemg,tbat a fi>bs^erccuc fbeulbbiebonojeb Suitbfo gapafptie.jFcj i)z 5ra0 net a Ijerbman tfyat tco'&e pepne c to Uceps ilecfee0: but be S»«s placcb in QSict ws a u^aScroftbc ft>L;epcbcrbc0, mucb after tijc fame mancr e0tbcrcbc at ti;eic ©a^tfi &,air?c* of tlje froblc in ^mgu Comtek, ^yt fgpctl; tljcr j foje,f tberc 10 no Qufe ^bp© ocg fljoulb fiatter Inrnftlf in bts f;reatr.eG> , feeing tljat ije {bamcfuUp atufetb t^t fame to eras tltie am iaicUebnes: no nojt to be pjoub of tbe fting0 new fauour ,fe»b-d) J>G ^ali) Puri c^aceb bp S»icUco Qaunbcr : foj onlp bp- I rpgl;tnc0 to { faithful! p?eftrucr of power anb bignitic. 2J3at no tpjarnfenH bfefence, no tretberie ojfe?oofulnc0 10 icngfailing. 3!n tbe fetonb mtmbcr !>e crpjteCFttb »«o?e clcetip \)Qxc it cometb to pafT: tbat tbe bn^ goblp are Co ScilUfTe anb felpr.b, tbat fba= king cf tlje feare of <©ob , zrti o.ucucbing fijame, tbep Dare UHe footbe of tbemfcltt€3 in tbctr own naugbtpnes: that 10 too Satr, bpcaufc that in f tuning fuel) a0 be btfpp^ feb ar,b bjougbt lowe , tbep imagin tbep ma> boo fo>bat tbcv lift to tljetu : fojt tbep tljinfe them bnwcojtbP tbat <0cb ftoulo tabe anp care ef tbem. ij^apjatber accou= ting (0o£0 p?ouiDencc (wbcrcbp !jcc p?e= feruetb bis feruantC03 too bee a tying* of nogljt, tl^ep warrant tbtfelu^0 an enDUffe libertie of finnias.iDn tye ccntram parte, £>autb rpfetb bp Ssui; belp boicntffe, bp= b?apbing tyefc pjcfumptuoua ©pantea, tbat tbep peelsz no bono? too <5ods goebs neffe. ^oi»beeit,fo? uktntye 00 etb t!?: affurances of bis good* f titfii from r?me to tytmMyfo bp fo facing, be fbewcflj ljimfclf too Ijope fo2 tbat tbtag fjeerofter, fobicb be bat') bab experience of befeie, b?ca'.;fe Coco is not fo SoecrycD & beipirrg ijis feruantcs, anb rcleeuing tijetr wifcries.but Ijcafoeuer be fuflrer tbem too bee afsftcteb fcjttb abuevfitic a bunbzeb tpntrg, lie ftnti ausapes be rebpe too bclp tfytm* a., [ Cb? tang reefcenet!) bp.*e/]2DautD boor}} not as comonlp men are&oonttoo boo, toben ttjcp arctozongfulty barmeb. Soy be btifSctb not out into mi (language too fcjzeafcc bimfelf: but accufmg bis ene- miebefoze 45 £> 3D, beetberbppongathes: rcttj matter of comfejt. JFojtbtmo?ema= fapcrtlp tbat emU men ronne rpof ,fo mucb tbe moie is it ccttein £ tbcp fein&Ic d5oos tozatb. wbnrbponrcbounbctb a berp goeo cemfozt bnto bs, tbat tben is £ rppe tpmz of Deliuerance at b«nb , Saben tfecp that af= fault our torifarefc?zongfulb;,tumble oner tljcmfclues into molt ejetveme foncUcones. Cberfojte, JDauto rebercctb not in ttyst place f repioebes of bis aoueifaric, Sobers is it!) be Dtffamctb l)im among men: but iuwvji <25oD0utD2ment before bis eves, be bartenctb bimfelf to goebbepe, egemft fo bojriblc inmries as be bao abtoecn. iffurtbcrmoze.altbougb 3D erg & ere a era ell anD bluDbp man, pit m tljis place is tc* pzoucb but bis inwarb n:iugbt?neiTc , fos i tijat bebab teify Ins pziute talebearing be; trapeD ti)e giltleffe ^leeflxs bptrcjfon $ bnbermpning: anb tberfoz be likrnetrj bis tungtooau)arpra*.er,ltUe as alfo in the Bfalm. no. i.allbcncmoustunge* are fapb too bre Ipfce fijarpe arosres . jfj/janp refer tbe5ooo:ces[tDOojlvingbeceit,] too tbe ra5er, bpeaufc it cuttctb flplp anb not fait)) mapnc ftrofcc, as a fwoojD Dootb : f tbts is die rcafon of their likening, l&ut it feemetb too mee tbat tbe construction Smll bee tbe fitter , if tbe fayb abbirion bee topneD too [ tlje tung. ] :f ozafmucb as ttje fooozo [Baling] (tobicb tb^V tranflatebe= ftruction) figntfpetbamogthe ^ebzewes [a lipo ing: ] tbis latter fence itHcb me bed. 3f o? SDauiD feemetb to allubc to tbe bzat»5 ing bp of tbe tung,i»btcb is tl;e beginning of froalowing.aSnD tt is a trim f^etapboj that 3D orgs tungltcUcibbpbntrui»02DS to fttalouictop fsmple anb gtltlrs perfoncs &itball. ^FinaU?,3Dauib meenetb nothing elfc b? tbds berfes, but to feefee conf»rma= cion of bis bepeat tbe extreme anb befpes ratemifebeeuoufnes of bis rncmie,to tben tent bee mpgbtioofeefo? tbe certeiner belts iterance at <£o&£banb. Eucn God shall deftroy thee for eucr, he shall take hold of thee, and plucke thee out of thy tent, and roote thee out of the land of the liuing. Seikh. And the ryghtuoufe shall fee and feare , and they shall lawgh vp- pon him. Behold the man that tooke not GOD for his ftrcngth: but trufted in the multitude of his riches , and ftrengthened himfelf in his nawghtynede . 7 [€uenobfba!lbcftro?tbeeffc.] $e ujeujetlj mojeplapnlp tbatfeliicb 38 too?? ctjee men noa>, tbat tbe cno too isbicb ke enfozceotlje cr??meof3Doeg, Soastotlje intent t)C mpgbt £oitl) tbe mote aflurancc, Denounce bnto Ijim bis iubgement at banb ffrbatnotfo mucb to put 3D oeg in feare, as to raife bp bis c&ne bopc.Cbcrfoix be gatl;eretl;, tl;at fiUbougb ©ob bole ^s banb fo? a time^ifioil be not fufier fo be?* nous a treafon to remaine bnpunifljcb f9j euer.^ow fozafimtcb as notbing ia mozc ftubbozne tba tlje bngoDIp, as long as tbe feojlo gcetb on their fpoe : anb foiafmucb as ttyy befppic anb fliojne <£»obs iuog= ments , bpcawfc tljcj? tbinfe tbemfelues too bei»itbout£unfbat:tbcirpocDermaUcib cue the goblp afrapb.iubo bebolDing tlnm fen= vppon the. II j. Pfalme. 269 fenceb "with Oronq belpe s,erc in matter be (it>e tbemfeluj0. € be p?op"qct confinneth onefentener *oill> man? foao;to0,to tbens tent l)c map perfwabc bimfclf the better in a thing that is barb to be bclrueb. 3D auto therefore nipping the cateldheffe of tbe pjcuD man.fefth, tijifl heaping tcgitber of 4dooj3cj8,[(0oo Rial! confovonb fyee , be- Crop tljee, plucfce the out, roote thee top, anb btfpatcb thee awap : ] rapfetb topbp* ewne mpno to dope to ell , anb cbaflhHCtb bi0 owne fcarefulneffcias tf be fboulb fap, altboug ID eeg bauc taken bepe roote,ano t'aat his ftrengtb be fcttleb: pit (ball <£>ob be flremg anb ftrcng tnougb to pluck bun top ♦ Co the Tame effect feructb it that bs faith, [be (ball plucke htm out of Ins tent, anb from the lanb of the lining: ] namelp, that although the tongoblp nettle them* felius anb couch them docs in their tent*, bpcaufetbep think no mefchaauce is able to perce thither, anb glo?ie of enolcfle pef= feffion of Ipf e:pit (ball thep be febeinlp caft boti>ne,fc>ben the ripe time of <£ ods twath comcth- tfi cucr ttjclefTc it map bc,tbat in p 5»ojb[Cent]be allubeb too the pcrfon of ©oeg, bpcaufe fbecperbcsantobetDmen fecr c S» ont to Dwell in Centes. S [Xno the r igbtuous jc] ^e reafonctb alfo toppon the enb how it is not pofitbie that 3Doeg (feoulb fcapc the punt 0 went k>bu:b he hath beferucb : namelp bpcawfe <#ob both- execute bts iubgement to flips enb, that he mat purcbacc btmfcif the mo?e I reuerence among tbefaptbfttll , anb chere I them top &>itbp*oofe* efbtsroftpce.jfoj although the beftructton of 2)ocg Cboulb be a fpectacle enentoo the reprobates alfo anb the befpifers of ^ob: pit are the r ttoo wufts foj fcbicb he reftrepnetb the beboM bins iher of peculiarly to tberigbtuous on Ip. foj. the r cpjobat0 ar e blinb euen in tb« manpfea i»ojkes of <£eb,fo it is no mars uell though thep fee nothing mtobtsiubge utenrs. 31nb tbstfoie both IDamb rtgbtlp to fap.f tl;c righttucus fbal fee it,foj thep haueepes. jftow commeth f other rcafon, namlp y gob fo: his elect* fake, (to tbetet he map teftifp p cbarine© Sehich beberetb in mapntepning their i»elfarc,)rebatetb £ fccrccnes of p tongobip,* fo turneth their fojow into iop . Cher ef o?e it i0 no mar uel tf lOaBibcalltootbernnsfcMtneffcs, fot i»l;efe fake pecul?arlp,<£ob ftcwctlj fuel; a fight. [#eare in this place Ggmftetb not the bjeabfttlneiTe toberwitball the to^nge^ ance of gob ofttpmes ftribetb men bowne 9 mahett) them agaft : but it i0 taken fo? the tnerp 9 cheerful reuerence , Sohen the fapthfuljpercepue tbefelues to be fo hjgblp i •ftcemeo before <©ob,tbat be taketh thep? cace0 in banb, anb fettctb himfelfe ageinft t\)tfi enemies! . iro? as long as thep are fuffereb to takefo?eng, anb percepue not that (Sob <0 their auengcr : thep bjople in manp bouts,as though hee hab no care at all of ruling theioo;lb , 'i5ut the *.rpcn= ence of bt0 Suffice rapfetb top thep; Hepp mpnbs,to the carncft folowing ef goblp= neffe^nb this feare in no irife fainbereth the laughter Svbtcb iDauibabbetb itmue- biatlp after, jroj, tl)eis two tlungcs agree berp i»cl altogithertnmelp that ibe fapth - full fboulbfubmtt themfelues rcuerentlp tonto (Sod,tobom thep 'mow to be the re uenger of S»?ongfull cruclt?e:f tkat thep fboulb concetne inedimable top,femg htm to (lanb on thep) fpbe, bpcaufe that S»l;ert he tooutfaueth to take part Sb toS,to main teepne our quarell as &ell as &>e: this fo? ctetie of bis, is moje 5»o?th than ail trp* umphes. Che trim likelphob Ssbteit ts in the t^cbiew Svo;bs,betwe;ne [bei^olbing f fearing, lean not be crpyeffeb in ilatm : bp lobicb the )i>zophet ment too betoken, that the [bebolDmg] of Suhicbhefpeaketb (boulb not be pble but foojkfull. 9 [UBeholbtbemanfe.] S>ometbpnb that this feasb^utebabjobe as a bpwojb concerning the p?pbe of 3D oeg . W ut that ^ fecmeth to mucb;reftreineb. Ji rather tabc it to be an ejepofition of[ the feare anb the laughter, Jbicaufe iEDautb ment to eppicfle after i»bat fojt the fapthful pjofit in gobs iubgments . jro> the fcifappointtng of the bngoblp,putteth the in mpnbc that p.ipbe mull be patientlp borne fcrftbal.fobict) fal ietb bp it ox»nefwap.3gcin it endructcth them alfo too meeibnss that t^epbecnot puffeb top in it!) the Ipke toanitie, anb 5dck ftatelp ageinft (0ob anbman.tDauib than «uoucbctb that the faithfull fbnll laugh at tbe beftruction of $ ioickeb,not fo as thep fbulo. flout the»n,btit fo a s tbcp map k ccpe themfelues gnuttonasr it!) (lie!) ma ncrncr of examples, «5jd bjtawetb baefce to bpmfelf our i»:ts &>!)icb otbcrwpfe arc to foiewarb to gabomgabjto&e , tbat bee map poOeflc tlje alone. il^ozeouer tbe ao= uerb beboia is taken here bemenftratiuelp as if iDauio (bulb bjing fo?tb bpon a ftage tbcmtfcrable cno tbat remapnert) fo? tlje pjotib befppfcrs of <0ob:acco;bmg as tt is no fmal! popnt of i&pfcbome to gatljer bp on; cjeample of pjoof, tbattbep be all mife rablc anb appomteb to a berp cuillbeilruc tion, tbat pat tt) eir truSt in anp tbmg elfe t!)aninC5oD, ^IJuttbetS two members [betooStnotiEoDfo: bwsftrengtb, anb i)i truftebjm ibe multttuoe of bis n>cbcs, ] tnr4ft be rcD ioinctip togitber. :f ojJDauiD ««een;tb tbat men neuerieane tonto^ob tmfepne&lp.till being feare cf tbeir owne neebpneffe,tbep btterlp put all from tbem fclues. iPoj as long as tbcp tmagm , tljat augbt remapnett) in tbemfelues, tt ts not soluble tljat tbcp ftoulb mount onto gob. 10 ", Wm fo tbja is an eucrlafting pjineiple.f loofc b®w mucb men c'jalcnbgc too them mucl) tahc tbcp awap from t©oD anotbep tbat trull in t'.jep? owne ricljcs, ta&e not gob fo? tbcp } ftregtb. a nb loofce &b£t JDaub auoca?cbrtb concerning one feucral fppce, tlje lame is ettenbeb to all : tbat loone boo? often mens mpnbes fettle fepon the ir>o;!D anb taojlDlp ljclps,fo ma; np letts batie tbcp.tbat Hecpc tbcm bae&e fromfeefeing $J>ZD. Cbcfe?oo;b [Hauaj (ft>btcb f mo?cpart of interpreters tranf- late Chalice o? naugbtpnes,] anb Sobtcb fome alfo take actpuelp fo? [mtfcljetfe 01 beftruction]) fcemctb in this place to be= tofcenratber ffubftance.] jfojfc>cfenowe tbat no tbmg is tnoze ojbinarie & JDautb, tljan to repete one tbing tn bmerfe i»o?bs. Cberfoje tins tcr t toil Son? berp toel.tbat tbe man &W) truftetb in tyis ricbes, ? is Orengtbeneb in tys ovem fubttance o? in bis owne [bceing] (as tbep terme it>)bes frau&ctb €»ob of Ins bewbonour. I Haue As for mec, I shalbe as a greenc Oliuc in the houfc of God trufted in tlacgoodncfle of God for euer and aye. I will alwaye prayfe thce3for thou haftc doone it : I will wayt vppon thy name,bycaufe it is good becforc thy meeke ones. 10 [3Jsfo?metc.]3iftertbat JDautbbc* ing lift bp a loft fcmt) tbe tmnges of faptlj « bope, batb eojagcoudp befpifeb tbe^lo- noufneffe of JDocgesi*>eJ$b. , ioljerewifb be bab btn !pbe(bp all manncs reafon) to liauebtn ouericbelmcbUjebpmfelf alfo ri* feti) out of bis miferis . 3nb altbongb be ip pttli^ean tenp?o5table anb rotten log; pit bp reafon of tbe bopc of tbe(reQozemet tbat teas to come , be comparetb bimfelf to aluttpOlif. 3inbfurelpt!ier<;ottlono comfojt bane reboun&cb to S>au«b bp tb« beftruction of IDoeg, erceptbeebabbm perfwabeb, tfeat£ bengeahcetbatloasta ten upon tbe mansiruclifefelucb be baa pjactijebageint't j innocents, ioastaKen bp gob.3Dauib tberfo^e reouting gob to be tbe reucger cf ibe birms ? be bao fuffereb lmwo?t!)Clp:bebigbtctb bimfelf f tbmg j> teas to enfew,^ itt to u>tt,tbat bee fi)0«lo gather nstoftflgtb , ? flo^iOj frefb agein. ^otujitbllanDing b? flieu;cl1) tfcr&itbal, Y be i»tlltafe« tbis fo^cbecf point ofbts p?ofperitie,|' is, to bcregiftr^D amog tt)e ioo^Qjippers of d£ob,anb to bauearoome among them fo as \)t map erercpfe btrafclf in tbe p?cfel7ipn of goblpncs.accobrng as S»e2bauebtcrctoofoje feene , bow it fojas mo^ebttterto tym too bee banifoeb from d5obsfanctuarie,tban to foanber in bens* ofiuplbbea(les,bercft of t)ts*»pfe anb of ail tl)c gooses tbat be bab • wlfcras fome ii?tl tbat tbere be a couert implping of con trarieties in tbe perfon of 2>oeg, bpcaufe tljat bnber gwpiefull pjtetencc (as tbougb be Ijab bm aDeucutij?o?Q)ipper of ©oo,> be cameto tbe iCabernaciebut to fpputis fetcbeo fro afarre comccture, iSatbcr JDa uid fcttetb btmfelf as&cllageinft iDocg, as agepnft all \)is enempes, tfrat altbougb be being now as an outlaw from tbe boip lanb, v»aut tbe ftgbt of tbe tabernacle : pit be bopetb foj reftttution, toben tb> !^ipo -- criesfbalbiplucKcb bp, iobiclmbt onlp poflss tljat place,but alfo cniop tl>c temp'e nlO!;e,feb!cbtbC9Dobut befplef itftatnc toitb ibeiv ttftbphefie . l^tre tb€refo?e let \)S cat to minb tljat tobjeb bad) bin fpofeen beretofo^c vppon thc.Iij. Pfalme. 210 bcertcfo;e, name!? { free mnft alroapes looK that fr e hue to none other cr.D, tha to be coutnets in tr/c Sock of <£qd : $ bp= caufe onr (flfirnntit)aif) mcbof oatirarD helps, tijat it is to be countco £3 ;tt;ofte f»«gular bcnefit,tbat frc map baur.t bo ■ ip aflcmbiies, frlr re thefaitb&ili Sir top one another to fr czfljl? <5?eb ar.D too cai tjpon htm, 23e Gbcs this, Ufccajs <2?ob ijj alfo to the intent free msp be one tn httn,bc eatberetb x>z to£ttfccr intco £ bcpctftijeblifreoftcrriittsjjpt'oecomon facramcnt*,« frilbatieaUtner, topzatfc bts name frith one ftotttf>« ^f)en bp the ejramplc of JDautb let t>s icat n to pzeter our place m 0gds cbtrcb^befrze all Dc= celts X rcafen is afcorb frbi> hee fljallc e ufeeaflo2iwtr>g®uac,Raffi:pbicaufi[be bath trotlcD in the goobnea cf (Cat : Ifoj 31 fuppip the freojo [foz] ano after t'bitf manor be purfurti; ti;c matcbink cf con* trarics fr btci? J touches cacti nc«?,tbat although bis enemies flc?ift>eD,ar.D fp; c bib oat tbctr boughs afar cf>ar.D perbeb top pzcuDip fot t!j tgeir loftp betgth : pit fhoulb their reote be twtnrieb frttblna frbt!t,btc;mfc it fr so not faftneb tn goO0 goooncf.t tbcrfoze that frbtle thep fri* tfjereb awayjbee fijoulD r.eoer frant iap * ilrergrii, btcaafc fcee repofeb bis hope tn scb. ti® ozcow r kicaufe be might b sue btn cefumcb frith the long fequelc of mi? fcrtcsif be (bonis notcjtteno tbceonftas cp of Ijio tr uft to a long timz : be cjepzt fc 1 frrh fiaiR ip ,tbat becbab not fct cb anp J ccrtctne tune, but lias G rctcbeD bis bopt I tcotimefrtthoutenb.jfojbc teniae not baoebepcbfo;tuer>bat bec mufteput botbe ijts life ano bts heath freelp to the Bifcretion cf ® ob to do & bat bee liftco : fr herb? fee perceiue fr bat it is ttjat put tctb bttfrcene dSobs lawfuil cbilbjen 3 trje bipocrttes.^o; altbougbe botbcftbebemcllrb tsgitiict in? cburs frbcat is ratnglcD frith (bate top on rbe fioji : pit notwttbftanDtng f bope of tii c one fo:t 8rcngthntth them cor.tps ncivallp in their ftanbtng: anb tbe toanis tte of tbe other fozt feature tb tt e abzobe Wiecbaffe* ii. 3ir>ttaltt;ap+fc.] ^cconclubct^ tbepfaan frith iljts tbahfgintng,wbich be faptb bee peclbcth baric Ip anb bufi p= neblp,btcanfc be acbnc w Jcbgctb it to bee the frojfe cf vSob, frbicb is a thtng fro> tbp to be marfceb* -foi accozbtng asms er e malfcions , altbougbe thep fr itneffc fome thanhfulnes frith oeg 9 frhtras be bab not pertfbes a h»ozeb times afterwaroe, ithab notbmpotTib ie to bsuc came fo to paffe,cnles be b&> btn fbeeibeb bp tbebelp of tftocts be p?omb fetb to become tbanbtull net fo j one bap oncipe, but eucrmoze c: alt bis life long* 3nb frheras in alt other Duties of get ip nes it become th the cbtfDjt n cf «5cD too enseuer y thep map bol&ont -to the cno : 31 n this bcbalfc thep Y,aue mo ft neeb too be carntfl % tl;cmlelucs:btcaufc y both foigetfulnes ftealcth caflp open t^em, tr King thefelues to t cc frcll btfch^rgeD fr ben thep banc be- ftcweb two oj thzee tapes pjapfes bpon tf,bcbpanbp burp thstfrh^ch ought to rjauc bin aepts tn rctnembtance fo; cucr. ILaftlp be fapth that bts bope fhalbcpo beo frith tftanbftilncs. £$} [to frait foi the bst:b of Cob] ig nothing c!s but tco fratt patientlp fo; his grace alti;oug!> it behtbbcn,ano to hang open his pzomtle airhogh p effect therot be oclapb eta leg timcSno to the intet be map bo tt frith the better courage, Ijec ocnpetg ibat hts hope fb&lbe tn baine. [liStcaufe tht name of gobis goob befoze the faithful] Seme tafec tbcfc froozbes newtralip, that tt ts geob to hope7ltae as tn tbt 0UI n 8.8 * 25utintnp tubgement there is another fence mo;c fimplcj namelp that o&'oD ue= aer bifappointcth bis faithful ones, but bttrctl; hts goobnes bntoo tl;f m mant= feftlpe. C^crcfozc although the tame of (£fob bee hateful to the bnteic'cucrs , pea anb ft rib rib a tcrroi tnto them as oft as it (ounce tl> in their cares ■> btcaufe tl;ep t.aue no feeling of hts goobnes : IDautb faith that tbt faithful haue cucrmozcfctt bp continual -^e^c fa-ect $ pie fane the name of <5cb ts. Chat the ctjit= b;cn are calleb [meeb oner ]b;nufe ttjcp ought toe rtfcinolctbcirhcauctilp father tn curteGe f botintecufnes, 1 5)£iw tolee ponairca5p:nthepfat»ic,i(5.,'» Che lohn Caluins Commcntarie, 7 be. xliti.rtatme. Bkaufe this Vfalme is en a mdner4.ll one -with thcxiiii* let the expojitton of it be fetched from thence. To the chccfchauntcr vpon 1 UhdUth, an inftruction of Dauids. 2. The foolc (aid in his hart,thcrc is no God:they hauc corrupted & done abhominable wickednesrtherc is none that dooth good. 3. God lokcd out from Hcaucn vpon the children of men,too fee if there were any that would vnderftand and fcek after God. 4. Eucry man is gone back,they are rotten all togither : there is none that dooth gooa,no not one. 5. Do not all the workers of iniquitic knowc? eating my people, they cat I brcad,thcy call not vpon the Lord. 6. There they trembled for feare where no fcare was : for God hathe (bat- tered the bones of him that encamped agcinfte thee : thou haft put them to shame bicaufe God hath defpifed them. 7. V V"ho shall giue faluation to Ifrael out of Sion ? when the Lorde shall hauc turned the captiuitic of his pcople,thcn shall Iacob rcioy ce,& Ifrael shalbc glad. The contcints of die liiij.Pfalmc. In this Vfalme Dauid reherceth the pr dyers that he tndde te God -when he ynderjlood thdt he -was betrdyedby the ?xif>boeans 3by meanes -where/be -was falne into prefent peril of his life. *Andin tbisvrifcbesbevectb the inuinci- bleftrengtb of bis faith, thdt although dedtb (toed before bis cyes>yit ceafed be not to call ypon God. The hii'u'Pfdlme. To the chcef chaunter in Neginoth an inftru&ion of Dauids. 2. V Vhen the Ziphocans came and fay d vnto Saule,is not Dauid hidden among vs? I f&at JDaaio fottght cmtxtt often net fo btfmapeft &>i$ attp mtferfeg , bat times too lube bjmfelfe, mttytt tjerofetiptmtoo <&ot>b?i)0pe« Swrclp parte of the farttoerneffe tobtcbe itibajs a pjoof of a rare anb p:tncrlp con foas nqct too the ^ is feno= rage, that being hemmeE In on all Got* isen bv the holy fto;ues.3nD it apperctb fpptb the b slice of brar enempe0 , fo as bp ti>c firfte bookc of s&am. 23..11. i6.u fobicb &&? fo etur be ftirreo btj3 foot be t&at be %>aa twice betrayed bv tbofe tbat faie ocftrui t ton meertng bun in tbe face, Dwelt bp. jftotferftboutcaufetbercfoje bctoasnotttsitbil^nomgHOtouerwbeb Dootb be note tbta cucumftance of time mrt>fc>ithDefpair,bntis>a&eo oat of tbat totijetnttntiscraapbnowcbciDajsne becpe oarfcne* too call *pon 45£>ID foj __Wp vppon the.liiij. Pfalm c. 211 b;lp.;ff ox he coulb not Ijaue pjapeb fo,on= ieffe be bab bin ^crfwabeb, tbat it i0 a* eajie « matter fox $5ob to rapfc a bebman out of typ graue, as to pzeferucsituingc man fafe anb founb in bis etiatc : conG&c = ring tl>eretoa3 none otber lifcclpbca but too Hzuc bis ipfc in t l;e scenes Suljere be Suas hitDDcn. Saue me 6 God in thy name.,and'iudge me in thy power . O God here my prayer,and herken to the wordes of my mouth. For fhaungers are rizen vp ageinft mee , and the dreadfull ones hauc fought my foule:they haue not fet God before them. ScUh. t, [g>atteme£)<2>cD&e.] 25pcatife Soee bnovce tbat ©auib fejasat tbattptne be^ ftitute of ailjmansbclpanb fuccour,t})cre i0amatet)ing of contraric0 to bebnber= frobe,bettcei:ne[<0obs name anb power,] anb betcrcncali meanes (a0 tbep fap) bp Sobicb men are front to be bclpeb. f o? al tljougb fbere be no fjclp at all-out <£>ob, pit Ijattj be ozbiaarie &>berbp too Utter b<0 grace ano power toaarbes fcs. ambSohenbe batb -fo abanboneb bs 00 tljat trjcr appcaretb no belp bnber bcauen, tbcnSooxlmbbebpbunfeIf.3Dauibtberc= fozeinafmuebas tljcrSoas no b ope remap ningin tbeercatures.botb icoztljcip fie to *b«0 rjolj> fanctuatie, tbat bolbtng Ijimfclf contenteb Scitb tb.e onip Seox&tng of <£ob, be trufteb to be faueb bp miracle. I^otobctt in ibe feconb member, bp calling <£ob 1)10 iubgeozabuocatetoo pleabc tyscatt fez Ijvm , info boing&e auovvcrjett; i)is oicnc innocencie. «$n& truly to t'oc intent tbat <£>ob map take bpen l;im te befenbtos, S»e tnuft firft anb fczmoft intcuer toobauea goob anb a elere conference. j ^foz ttyrc is no greater popnt of frotcarbneffe , tban too fteppc fooztbe rafblp too callbppon ljpm, ao if bee Sucre a mapntepner of anil matters.SDautb tl;erfoze is encoura= gcb tobefpzc fafegarb, bp tbe goobne0 ef bis enccanb tye clecrncs of bi0 cofcicnce* f, oz tnaftnttcb as be puttetb bis innocecie totbctrpatofgob0iuDgment,bebOttJtetb not butljeSotl&cfauozable to bun, j tber= Sr itljal a fozc iubge in puniffb ing tbe falfes l;ot anb crueltie of i;is encmie0. 4 [O (2?ob bere mp pjapcr f c.] jEn tbci0 Soozbs be cjcpzefictlj t!je carncftnes of bis affcctton.SSinb no bout but be pzapcb cares fullp $ Sottlj gtcatearncifnes,confibcring \)Ovo IjeeSoas biftrefleb Soitbfo great ne= ccfiitie. ifoz it cannot be but l)is Sdoczos bzaUe foozil? out of a trubbicb mpnb.Jf n& tljat bootb l)te beclare mtlicneit berfe, Sober e lie coplapncrb tljat be barb to beale icit)) barbarou0anb fauage tnen , Ssbom no fcare of (5ob refftrepnen) from perfoz- Kianceof tfytyi Soichebne0.jB^cptber botjj be tbis bpcaufe gob barb ncebc cf a reme= bzancer:butbp reporting tbe caufe of i;ts oione fearc anb bnqitietne0,bee bnburbe-- netb bis cares into ins iap , $ urtbermoze S&bitbcr l>e mcene (bp tbe name ot arafj* gers,) tbe ^PPbocans oneip, oz S»r;ttljeir be put tbe S&bcic bofte of giauie to tbem, \)c femetb to me, tbcrbp to blame tbe out- rageoufc barbareufeneffe of tbem.£^anp fuppofe tbattbcparccalleb [ftraungers] bpcaufe tbep Scere but baftarb flips of 3i= bzaljantjf bp cafling awapc tbe regarb cf goblpnefle bab rcuoiteb to tbe bcatljentfb coztuptionsof tbe d5entples.2!nb 3R con- fcCTe tbat v pzopbets bo oftcntr mes cal ti;s 3 ewcs[Oiattgers,3 bpcaufe tbep l)ab ba« niffbeb tbefelues fro gobs ci;urcb,bp tbctr bngoblp $ SficUeb Ipfe. 15m me tluntectb, tbat tbis place batb anotber mcening.^F oz Sub eras nepbozeb is So ont to moue euen a mans enemies bntofomc gcnt!cres,JDa' uib (tofetouttbepzcruelitc totbefiUIat Sobofebanbsbebabbinno ieffe roSogblp beltSottbaUbananp bnfer.oSocperfcn oz one tbat bin boznc in anotljcr Soozlb,)fap; etb y [ftrangers] mabc cflault bpon bim: meening tbat tbep ran bpyen bim Sottl; beafilpmoob. Co tbe kl;*cb?,m pole per- tcpnctl; alfo tljc feconb tpttbeton [bzcab= full ones.] ^oz tbep ^ tranflatc it [firong oz fiurbp ones,] bo to mud) biminifb tl;e bozrtblsncs of tbetbing . Cbc meening tben is, tbat 3D auibs enemies caOinga- Soapetbe fence of all manbob, ronnebps pon bim too bed ope, turn liUe a fozte of enragcb foplbc bcafres . TPljcrcfcx it is no maruellif IjeeSoerc fo bpfmapebtbat iSDb.iii.- 1)9 lohn Caluins Commentaric he flcb fearful!? to tljc tqieton of ;£oo.3lnO thep arc fa;0 torjefte a man0 foulc,]x»hofc crti:Itt>fcctn2f contcntee Smth. no mcanc Ijarmeoooing, cannot bee fattfaeO but b^ Oeath 3PnO to tbentcnt I): map ctpzes t'^etr bnbztoteo rage y better, he faith t^cp bane no rcg sro of (5 do, br caufc the onlp bjioie tofyztm X) ti;cp might Ijaue bin KftrtineD, Soae iftbcp haO remembico tbsmfclucs, that there firteib a tuogeoftbefoozioin l;caucn, before fybofr moscment fcate all men muffc one Oap rfoer an acrofit cf their lpfe:but ft>bcn th/c rcmcmbz«unc2 of (0oo S»a0 once (batten off, tljere Suas no tome leftfojftapeOneffe, Be'noldjGacl is my helper, the Lord is among them that beare vp my foule He thall rewardc euill too myne aduerfaries : cut them vp in thy truth. I will offer facrifize to thee willingly, I will prayfe thy name 6 Lord, bycaufe it is good. Por he hath delmered me out of all diftrefle,and myne eye hath fcenc in myne aduerfaries. be alluOetbtobt0owntnakcOneffc. ;ffo? in afmucb as be xom Oeftitute of all mans help, tins mancr of fpeccb map be refoluco in fucb S»ife,a0 if be bao fapo ^ the mains tenance of goo alone i» ao a0 gooo to b/.m as if ije ijao i;aO men Without nombcr. 6 [5J5ebolo,<£oo is mp helper frcOCtnS Uerfe tcacfectb *S y JDautO caft not fo2tb I)t0 pzapers into trjc aire at aOucnture,but tUat be pjapeo out of the Uuclp feeiing of fapil)3nO tlje popnting aoucrb [bcbolO] contcpuctbagrcatj pitbtbpneg. Btufces ing be couiO not ipe fafc,no not ameg totlo bcaft0:i»ner £»as tW ncerenefie of goo ■> feeing tbat f Oar&nco of oeatb oucru?hcl= mcOI)im a0 gooo a0 Ozotcnco in y graue, fjouj coulO be beljolo go&p2crent,ano as it Srcre popnt to bint Smtb bis finger r'fetng bee ioc&so fcarfullp f o? oe&ruction cuerp minut,!)Oi-D coulO beboaft of i25oos pjefet f afmrco at>0? :' Chen muft it neeO0 bee tljat bec erceilcO SDonoerfulIp in ftrongs ncU"c of faptb, ixs^crc tljzcugb bee mouns t;ng oust fo tnanpc lertes, paffcoquiH= ip turn from the bcrp fccnO0 bntoo C5»co. 3t no fobercas be rccHcnctb C? fl> 3D a; mong tbeocfcoer0of his fouiebe menctl) not fmglp than be is but one of them: foj be fbuID gme him but fmaibono?, to place r>tm in the ocgre cf mcn,$ it Snerc better to maUeno mctionatall of bmMbanfo to a-- fcace bim:but ratljcr he mcenttb tbat d5oO S»a0 on tbeir fioe febicb bao a care of bt0 foclfare , of iobicb fo;t ir as 3 onat^aa f fpcb ctljcrs. 2i5nt 5»bcra0 tijofefijere but fcaajc in nomber,anO fcealss,a!iO fearful, pit mainteinetb!^ himfelf toitb $)is truft, tbatmafmucbas putting in fuel) fentenc:0,to tbentent he map p?ib himfelf fozc\»aro thcmo?c (barplp, $ quicfeenbp aoefiroqfenes to.perfeuer. wherfoze it is no abfurOitie,that in pjaping he intcrmco bleth tl)i0.fcntcncc,that «5oo ioilbe a iufb reucget to pap the wgcOi? 9 ioicbco per fpnes il)«p? retraro.^urthermojc it auap. ieth not a little too the confirmation of hopc,thatd5oOi0 Caftcrafojt) chargco S»it!i[his cvone truth.] ^0? onlcs that tn the ficzmss of temptations, ioe beleeuco affureoip affarcDJ^tbatWoft, febocbalcngctb to btmfeitfcbargeofourfetUare, tsfootb faft.anD fODctb notlj te fcraatmtcs fete?) batne feoj&s: onr mtnoca feoulb quaile as oft as bee oclapctli oj bsfcontmcwcrb bis belpe* iCberefojcnotfeltbcut goob reafonbootb IDaufDCap btsbopeof ofas tepning toppon tbts point , tbat <2>ob cart no moje bee tontruc of \}i$ pjomifc, tljan be can Dcnpbttifclf* 5. Ufeu offer &8crifi?e,fc] 3«o^ ttng to bis feot bepjomifctb to be mint) fui of (Sods gracious gocbncs.feben be fbalbee DcliuereD. ©no no Doubt but bee pzompfetb tbat bee feiil render folcmne tbanbs to <0ob,as feone as it (ball He in bis power to Dootr, ^ojeitbonglxBoft be contcnteD fetrtj tbe tnwarD affection : pit ougbt not 3Dante tco fcauc ncglcctcb tbe cuftomS apyc intcD in tbe Haw, tber rojebertfttfiebbtemtnDfulncsofrbebe ncfi te , fettb facrtn>s ? acceding as tbe common Duetic of tbe goDlp rcqutrcb, to tbe intent be tmgbt atfo fitrrc bp otbers bptbc cjc-ARipicotbimfelf.ainDbcfarctb be fetl to it ftanfclp anb freelpjnot oaelp btcaufe it feas frc foj tucrp man to offer facrpfijes of tfcar.fecfgtutng at tys owne picafurc : but alfo btcaufe trjr-t (fitb bee is new quite rtb out cf bang ;er) bee feill pap bie bow fetlltnglp $ fettb a cbcerful bartc* ^o^feccfenutoetbot tbe greater part of tbe feo}ib,febfr. jfarspmaniieDci maunD febii'b-tr it hi lawful fo? tbecbil b?en of CoD.too ccuctc tarncfilp fucbe a ftgU5feben <5co punin:eeb fetcfecDni-s: tbeanfuierctseaficrro tbattljfit epeabe cteere tco beligbt after a gotlp ar;D bolp manner in tbe recojbes ot "Cfofcs tufiiee: but if tbcp bee infcctcD fettb arip feicbeb Hrtt,as it fecrc fettb fomc bleaufb, tbep bjaiu all tb ings to a fanltie anb fee-tear o enb* The conteintrof the lv.Pfalmc. although thatwttny Interpreters refer this VfklrM too' tbe confyirdcy sf iAbftlomjkroHoJ) which Dauid bein^put from his kj>t°djme fied fearful- ly into the mldemcs :yit is it a more Ukelyhod tbat bee compi 'aynedvr.too Cod of Sauls wrongful cmeltie}at what time he leas brought too yttcr dtf- JlrrJJe by him Font is a lamentable vtonc and fid of 'great. heat ofajjl'ctior/s wberin he gather etb all the circumftances that may be3 to moue God to mcr cy.Xcue> thclcs after tbat bee hxth made his prayers >and rttered hi, gircfe \ he liftah.yp his mindc-to hope, ofdclittcrancc: g~ as though he bad already ebteynedthat he prayd for fhe fcttith forth Cods gratious gpodnes> . Dd.iiii. The lohn Caluins Commentarie The IWPfklme. To the chcef chauntcr vpon Neginoth,an inftm&ion of Dauids. 2. Harken vntoo my prayer O God,& hide not thy feiff-6 my petition. 3. Giuc heed vnto me,and anfwere me : I will wring my hands and make a shrcek in my fpeaking. 4. At the voyce of mine encmie before the perfecution of the vngodly: bicaufc they tumble down iniquitie vpon me, they arc ageinft me in anger. .. 5rh«i bntomrp;apcr.fc/}3l5p tbefc iooojoe 0 tc appcercrb tbat j»bcn 2>auio concepueb tbtfe piaptri3,t)cc fuas DiftrcflcD feul) r sccc= Din 3 great grce»v. if oMtioaona meane inccnuemence 0; an? o;bintrpe trouble, tljat coulD fo gteatip bane gripaD y bart of a bolp man enbetoeb fojitbropallcous r age* fCbcn was it a fo;e QngmSji that cnfo;ceb bim to fc>;ing bis b&nos ano to Qi;ti 'a ouu ■$. 0; Sa t/creas fome tranflate tbe S»o;D LArir] [3 (Bait get tbe tnatftrp] it repngnetbbttet Ip agetnft tbe tett, fo; IDautb boftetb not of bts ftontncs,tv!)cr tb?ongb be coulb refrein btmfelf fro {pea King : but bctoapletb bid mifcrp ,ano (to malic bimfelf to be pitieb)(aitb be t3 en? fo;ccb to troblous ontcrpes. Chat te>bt= cbe foloroetb nfterroaro , nameip [at tbe boice of mine enemp] altbongb it bange feel to tbe lad berfe before, pit map it be iopu:D & tbe otber fa;mer S»o;ds [bar* Ken and Ijios net tbp felf: ] onleffe peraDa uenture pe bab leuet too ertenD it too tbe tobolefequcletogttbc** W? tbe fecoioe [boice] tfiep tbinfe tbere \s bctoHeneba ibumng 0; buffeling,fuebe as is toon: to bee in a great p;cace of people : as if bee bab fapea, bts enemies bab comebppon l;im furnifneb fejitb a great boft. 35 ut 3B rather bnberiiaHb[cb;eatning3]tberbpj bicaufc tl)er is no Doubt but tbat iifee a* fi^aulepurpofeb the daughter of tbe gtlt lejB pjopbet iti bis bar t ; fo alfo bee eras $. My hart trembleth within mee^and the terrors of death are falne vpon mee, 6. Fear and trembling are come vpon me, and gaftnes hath couercd mc. 7. And I fayed,who wil giue me winges like a Doue? I wil flee away and bee at reft* 8. Bcholde fecb of it oft times 5m>ij feicf men r&* 3 ifo fetjetca* t'gtp tahc [tumbling botone of iniqmtie] fo; burdening o> charging a man fintb wife crpmts febici? i»as gilt- les anb bab befcruca nofucb tbing:tt fc; mctb too fine anb btfagrcetng i»ptb tbe test. 3 1 mfttcbetb iottb tbie latter mem bcr,[tbepare agemft me in anger. t£bt* fa;c [too tumble bownelniquitle] is nos tbtng els in mp Inagcment, but to tonne bpon tbe ftlie foule to bettrop liim,am> to pjacttjt all tbat map bee to Difpacbe bim. j©nlcu*c peraD uenture anp maniiKe too malic t\)is Dift inction between tbefe two membcrsubat [to be ageinft bim in a»= ger] Qjoulb SgmQe to go to it epenlp too beftrop tbe man b? main fojtc: anb tbat [to tumble bsu>n iniqui tie] (boulb fignp fie to figtjt ageinil bim Suitb craft $ polt= iicie^o (bail ebe kooo;be [Anen] itgnide fecretma'.tce^Cbe pcrftcutionoftbe bn goblp] is taben actiuelp fo; tbe io j ong= tul opp;e(Tid fsbicb be oftretb to otbers. Ibm be Diffametb l)is enemic bp y name of [bngobtp] not fo mucb to accufe him, as too tefti&ebis clone cUemes. JPo; in perfecuttos tt is a great comfort to banc a deer confcicnce, anb too be appeac'oeb, not fo? a mannes otoai fault.bnt fo; no= tbtng -. bf caufe entu tl)cn alfo free mttft bopc fo; ictitte at tbe ILo;bs banbe;febo batb p;ompfeb tbat b^ Soiibce our abtio= cate anb befenber tn ail miferies. vppon the . Iv . Pialmc. _Ji3 8 Beholdel will fly a srent way of, and lodge mee in the wildernclle. SeUk 9 I will haftc my ddiucrancestofcdpe from the vvynde ftirred vp by the ftormc, 5 [$£pb3rttrcmb!etb,<*c]&erebpnot» it appccre;b mo?c c!ccr£lp, bofoe fo?c to?= mcntesJDciutDcnbureo. Crulp it is no foomsnifi) o? npeepcrfone tbat feeafeetb: butfucba one as Jjao alrcaop fljecoeojnas npp?ofes of I310 ftoutnetfc. iftottoitb&ani omg,bcenotoneip eoNiplapnctbbeerc of tl)c cruell Conges of l;is mimics : but in fapingc tfyit l)ct foas eouerco ano ouer= lobeltneo rotti; terrours, be cofeffctb that be batb not a bartc of ftonc . <£nb beerebp is gatbereo tbe greateneffe of tys enccun-. tcrs. /j3euertbeIefTe it is to8 bee learnee bercfoittjall.tbat S»bro gob eccrcifetb b'# feruantes an? tbin&ebarDip ,tbcr8ts no courage fo ftoutfobicbefoill notquaple. 3(0 long as foee bec foci at cafe, cci;c man tbinHetblnmfelfan innincible foulDiour : but foben it commetb to fcigbtmg in cars ne8 «nc fo;tb banoftrolies,our fosaHncS be«??apetb it fclf openlp . $nb by tljis oc- cafion eootlj S>atan G^ip mone bs $ en; fozcebs to befpap?e: astbouglje d5oD, bp fo'ttbojatoins toe beip ofln's fptrit., fbetos eb bitwfelfc to baucno care anp longer of our Welfare. CbJs C£rampletberfo?e is fooottijp to be marfccD, tbat JDauio being encompaffcD rounbe about fottl) a £> iD,be muS nceocs baue fon'se out of banb. 7 [wljo fotll giue mee, f c] H5p tbetfe fooo?bes,bec not onltfmeanetb tbat tbere is no ftartmgbole open fo? bim too fcape out at, but alfo bctraplctb \)is fo?ctcbeb eace,tl;at be coulo foiOj nothing better fo? bimtbanbantujmente: ana pttnotfuebe baniQjemcnt as is graunteb to men : but imeas if a 3D one OjoulO flpe out a far of mtoo feme oefert co?ner : Confequcntlp bee mccnetlj tbat Ije cannot fcape but bp miracle; ana mojeouer tijattyerc is no place fo? bimroo red tnamonge men , but tint ties is bjougbt to tbat popnt,t;?at bee tsmfarrefooo?iecflcc tban anp btrDe is. wbercas fotttmetbinUc tbat tbe JDoue ss nameo ratber tban otljer fair&es , bpcaufs 0)ee occellctb »« fwtftneflfc of flpgbt : 3 canot tell fobitber it bee of fufficiit firmc- neffe o; no. j t is far rao;c feno frbieb tbe 3lcfficsbable,tl)at it is^ittcnCSoingJtn tbe Ongular nombsr , bpcaufc S>oue3 fip but xDtrb one fcnngat once: 5»bcreastbe alteracionofnomber is cuttpafytn rpfe in tbe fcriptures . <%\)z reafon of tbe fitni- lituoets tbisratber , tbat 2Dauib oeftretb t« fcape tbe erueltie of bis enemies after tbe maner of a 5Doue, fobicl) is fearfull f un jrmcD,ana efcb^etb tbe&roffebato&e. TDbercbp S»e gatber,tnto bofre narovo a ftreigbtbefoasbjtue, tbatfo?sct£ing tbe ftingDorae fobicb feas p?omi(eb b»n , bee fearfullp tljin^eti) of nothing butCbame- full Qpgbt,f is reop toofoifafee bis coun • trief to bpoebpmfelf fomu»bcre m p foils DcrncSTe out of tbe companie cf men.^no to tbefame purpefe pertcpnetb it tbat \)es aDactb, tbat be refufctb not too remoue a farre of, i\)at bee map gtae place too tbe furie of i)is enimtes : no? fcebetb truce, 03 brtuetb of tbe time , as tbe? are fooont to boo tbat baue anp bape o? cemfojt pitre= matning. t^bcifebeefooejoes of amaniu befpap;e,accoiiing to tbe reafon of { flc Cj . v?beruppon foee gatber, bofoe fo?e to? - ments be fe/t, foben being rebp to abanoo all tbtnges, \)t coulo not cuen bp fo boo: ingc pnrcbiice bto Ipfe. (&\)tnfoie it is no maruell tbougb tn fucbe to?mentes of an = guiflje, bio barte foere, tb?ougblp foonn- beo witb beablp fo?ot»e.[ Sognah is tranf* iatcb of fome tempeftuoufe, o? fto?mp.] 3lno farelp l)tct e is betobco a bopftoiss fopnoefobicbe isftirrcDbp bp afto;me, H5ut foben as it is fapo too bee ftirrco bp bp tbe fto?me, it is a Defcription of a bca= bp $ a trubbiefome fopnb, fobtcb maisetb foapfarers to runne a pace till tb«P map 6nbe aboufe oj, fome place tobpoe tbe in. JDb b. io. JDe? lohn Caluins Commentaric Deltroy them Lorde, flit their tung, fori hauc fecne quarciing and brawling in the Cit ie. Day and night vvalke they about it vpon the walles of it, labour and troubbleare inthemiddesofit. V Y^ickednelTe is in the middes of it, and craftin elTe and deceit goe 10 12 not out of the ftrcetes of it. 10 [JDcSropfycm lLozb,«e.U£cercta'- king bart agem to btm,be turnetb bimfelf to calling bpon gob. £)tber wife it bab bin but folic to call bp complamtcs tntoo tbe apje in bapne, like ljcatijcaifbe perfoncs iutjicl) Doo not fo mud) ioee= r? tbemfelucs faritb a fonb fcpnbe of com= fozt31n beco p" i^atnetes mingle confufeo anb mazoinate gronings ioitb tijetr pzap= ers:butpitatiengtb ifcl? cailtbcmfeiues baefce to bolbneffe of pzaping. 3nb ier>er; as be &Hfbetb[tbat ttjctr tunges migbt be cut of o^ flit,] m fo booing it feemctb tbat be allubetb to tbe punifbeinente tbat Suas tapo bpontbeSabpIonians.Cbe effect is tbat Cood n^ouio bp fobein Debates cut of tbeir xoic'acb ocupfes, $ bifappopm their traptcrousconrptraces. 25ut tonbircctlp> be mencionetb tbat notable pzoof,i»berbp 0ob once auoucbzb Inmfelf to be able too confbunatbcfixengtbf attempted of tbe i»icHeb ana bngoblp,bp Difappopntinge tbeir mutuall communication $ entetuew onCuMib anorbcr. j&>o Qoetb bebapip cut afunber frowara fac;ionS, tobenbefcttetb. tbecnrmicsoftbeCburcbatobbcsamog tbemfcUies.foastljspenupe oneanotljer, bifiruft one anotber,are of cotrarieminbS one to another ,ano SoilfuHp xueahen tbe* felttes.fabple eucrp man iwoolD be a lozb, anb cannot finbe in bis ljart to gtue place bntootbers . Slfjezeoucr, foz mozc affu* ranee of obtepntngbis fewte, bee rccoun= tetl) botoe great tbe SoicUcbncfTe $ malice of Ins enemies is. fo?, al ujapes tljat pzin- ciplc muft bee bozne in mpnoc . Cl;at t'oe moit pzefamptuouflp men ronne a bcabe to finningjib raucb tbnieerer is 45 oboes bengeaiice at banb to encounter tljetr outs trage. Cbcrefoze op the bnb?pblcbltccn= ttoufcueu": of bis enemies , IDauib gati;e< retb tijat (Sobs betpc nppzocbctb nccre bmobim.bpcaufc it is tbe pzopertie of <& £> ID tco refifie the pzoubc, anb too gpue grace too tbe lotrip. 3acob.4. 6. 5f trftc bee affirmetb (-bat rjee curfetb not bis enempes tonabuifcblp : jFoz bee bao founo bpetpmencctbat tbep ioere gps uen too barmef ulneffe , bifquictneffe, anb troubble. 3!nmp3iubgemcntc,tbe Jin- terpzeters troubbfe tbemfelues too no purpofe,aboutc tbexooozDe CCitte,]i»bu tberiti»ere3ierufaI«mo? ftcila . jfo^ 2D auto fecmetb too baue put tbe name of Citiein an otber fence : namelp tbat bolb; neiTe too boo Ijarme anDmifcl)eefcreig= neb cucrpvobcrc anb opnilp . 5Foz tbere is a certepne coutrt matcbinge of contra- ries bcttveene a due, anb (ecrete aflem- blpes. 3ls if bee baa fa?be,tbat the cu~ Home of qtiarcltnge luas grozoen pafte fbamc, anb bp baplp bfc ioas recepueb no kite iiian tbe common Raises of a £it- tie. ^owcaltbouglje UbcealpKclpbob t'.iat tbr^ootbercttie of tl?e IKcalme fbouloebee betobeneb, oz atleafte iupfe tbe €-it\z io\)zre S>aule abcoc : pit is tbere no impebimentc but tbat a man map ejett nbc it bniucrfallp too tbe 5»bolt Sate oftbeKealmc. i3euertbelcfre, 31 bolbc mcc too tbat fe>bicbe 3 tyix euen howe : tlmt tbe name of [Citie 3 is put bnbeicr-. mtnateip, tootbeintcnte 2>auib mpgbte Qytwc, bowc liccnticufcneffe of finnmge rc:gti;D no leffe in tbe open face of tbe fe>o;lbe , tban Cbecuesare ioooutto rob men m tljecoucrtcs ofiuocbes. Coo tbe fame purpofemaketb tbat i»l)tcl;efo= ioa>etb,nam£lptbat tbcife bpces &>atcl)6 anb ivarbbppontbefealles. ^ozf»bers as Cities arc enclofeb Switlj o?alics, too beegarbeb Uam rebberpes anb foeepne inuafions: %[\z pzopbet JDaoib beicapi letb , tbattbeozDer of i^ainrc is rcuerz feb , fo an m fteb of foztifications : qua= rellinges anb oppzembns enuirone tbe Ctttie aboute , oz garoe tlje \uallcs rounfec about . Concerning tl/e iooozbes [Aucn] vppon the . 1 v . Pfalme. [ Auen ant) Gnamal , ] i»€C l)aUC fpOfeCn Of tijem clfobrtc. 3Ufa be popntctl) out tbe *»cifpz;ns,S»ben b> fapetb.tbat [ Soiefccbs nefle Dvceiletl) in tl?c tmSDcs of it ,anb tbat crafiineffcf Deceit retgimfrtn tbe Greets of it.] if o; it is rot pofltblc,but £ fcljere D:fp2e of DefrauDing anD Icarco 5 frotearo flpg^tcs baue pines, tijere fuel) as fee tljep map Doo it DnpuniGjcD , mutt alfo fteps fooztb too robbing anD recti ing , anD too facing fimple anD ciuict pcrfonc0. Co bee fbozt, i>z fctretl) $ fovole - j Dcteftable map- mcDneffe.toljtcl) toascuerp ft>bere bnDer gbaul,agetnft a iceli ozbercD como focale: 80 if be fooulD fap,tlj*t all tijc iuftice of tt, 214 all tlje o?terlpneu"e, ana ail iccll Ipfctng of reafen anD boncttte fejas qupte banifteD, ^cw,fc>bitbcr tl)is S»as fpefcen of one Ctticonlp, o$oftno,furcip it ougbtroo ftanb in greatc ftcte namclp,£ tbcp fobicb boaftcD tbemfelues too be tbe !;olp people of <& ■£> 3D,&crcrontie!ntofogroiTccoz tuptions , tbat tljeir Cities Socre become as it So ere tlje eomon bauntes of robbers. 35 p tlje Soap it is too bee confiDereD, fljat tl;e Citt'es^btcbarefocoztupteDanD be* ftapncD Sr>itb ftncfeeD bcbamour,are ban* neb to cueriafting DeHruetion,noc onlp bp tbe curung of 2DautD,but alfo bp tbeiuDg tnent of tbe S|oip 4&bofte. 13. Surely it is no enemy e that hath wrought mee this reproche : for then I could haue borne it : neyther was it an aducrfarie that bathe magnify ed himfelf ouer mee, for then myght I haue hid myfelf from him. 14.. But euen thou, a man of myne owne order, my guyde, and my familiar. 1 5. Which fweetely tooke counfell toogither in fecret , and went as companions intoo the howfe of God. \6 . Let death feaze vppon them , let them go downe quicke intoo thegraue : for wickednelTe is in their dwelling place, euen in the middes. 1 3 . [*§>urclp it Sras no.f c.3 l&e cnbsmt % cetb tbebojnblenes of tlje iniurie.bpcaufg tbat not onlp \)\& pjofeffcD enempes trobs bleD bim, but alfo Iris fcpncD anD falfljars teD freenDes.^f oj tfa grecf is tbe gtcater, tbc tbofc go about our Dc&ructton,tobicli ougbt to belp \>$.T5vit bpcaufe tbe SdoozD [Naflia] is till tranflateD, as tbougb ID as uiD fljoulD fap, be coulD baue taken tt pas ticntlp,ifan open enempe b*& fc>;ougbt bint tbat bifpleafure : tbe reabcrs are too bee SsarncD , tbat be ratber cowtplapnctb* tl?ati;ccoulDnotbccS»arcofp;(upetrea= fons. Jroj 31 confiDer tbe bubbling of [51 baD, ] anD [ 3! baD Inb tnpfelf. } Cbcrf oze in this placc[to beare,] fignifp= etb not too fuffcr , 0? abpDe, but ratber tea put baefce a flroHc bp ftrifeing it DpScaro, accojfctngas&jccfaptntfjngiifb: 311 l]aD SoarDcDbtsbiowe. ^roz &beu ioce bes bttjpe to beware of our encmpes,tben Doo bolowbartcD men enter tbe eaQp^r to doo tos bartne DnDer pzetenec of frecnDujip. C&wfo?eJjefapctI),tt ^»as not an open enempe, tobofe blotce be coulb bau* t«= cepucD , oj SuatDeD : no; an aDuerfarpc, S»bofe bar»nc be mpgbt baue fbnnncD. Wbera© fome take tbe SbooiD [ 2^ agnifp] to fignifpc daunting m Sdoojdcs , in mp tuDgtncnt it is to mucb » cunpneo . 5Fo? tt impoztctl) as mucb as to putfooztb a manncs feif ^iolentlp, cj too rpfe Dp a= geinft a maw too burt bi«« « 3n fpne, 2Dauta complapnctb tbat be $»as oppzef. feD bp pziape flepgbtcs , agrmd luljicb be coulD make no Defence. 0J5ut it tsDtt- ccrtcinSsbombcnotetbbecre. 3 cannot bee bjougbt t3o fubferpbe too tbe opinion of tbofc tbat Saul baue it too bts 2&cbitO; pl;ell; foj tl;c Sub^c pioccffe of tb« tcit agrectl; lohn Caluins Commentarie agreed) no: too tbe perfecutton of Sb« Mom . xvlpreas others ttyn&e , tbat foiHine traptour of tip Cttte feeila iiS notes , 3 learn tbat tn fufpencc. $otsbeeit , it is of no ieffe Ukclpbob,tbat font? one of tip jftoblemcn of the Court i0 blamcb, fonp c*»as comonlp Hnowen to beencerlpalpcatoo 3Dauio,anb familiar tettbbjm. ^D'nlcffe percbaunce fome matt bab leun? to ejtcnb it to manpc, aecoibing as it is eafpc too coniecture , ttjat it Soas not feme one man tlpt S»a0 tins coue* nnmbjeafcer, but tljat accojbing ao ccbe man grew in cftimacion, fo becamme be a fo tentoo tbe^olp^jopbet,fo?feare of lofmg tip Hinges fauour . Cbe« is no tmpeDitncm tbcrfojcbut tbat be map tyw fpeaUe to tipebeef of tbe Hinges bans to; gittpr Soltb tbeir Ipab. &Qw, totyn inee fee tbat 2Dsutb fcjas not onlp aflaulteo fcnfb open fojee, but alfo maliciouflp be= t rapeo bp bio bacUefteenbcs : in bts per* fonc t0 papnteb out tontoo fcs tije cace of all tlp<0oe!p , too tbentent tbat eucrp of tos fijou'D beerebpc too tljig: bubble en- counter . ■$ 01 e&atan not onlp outragetl; ageinft tip Cburclje of as, 2Danibtermetb Inm firft, [a man of b»0 oconc o?ecr.] -f c? fo boo 3B inters p?et the i»oo?D [ Gnarak, ] bpcaufe a name of cftimacion agrccflj not, fc>bttber it bee tafecn $>afipuelpft>? equalttie,o?lctpuclp fo? 2Dauib0 ovene iubgment.accojoing as fome tranflatc it , [ Cbow Soert mpne e- quall.oj my fclbsoe,] ana otberfometranf: late it: [3! mabe accompt of tlpe as of an otfpr 1 ,ojas of mpfelf.JButtbisagreetb toerp %jell5tbat IDauib Hi Quia complapnc, tbat tip banb of mutual! focietic Soas b?os Ben, bp ft>bicb 45 €> 2D cuppletb men to= gitber among tlpinfelues. jfo? l&cas one fcjarbingplace mabetb foulbpers felon? c= lifcein a camp:fo IpKevupfc is it meete tbat aliancc anb comon conuerfatton , anb tbcrujitball comon courtefpe , fbouIB alfo procure frcenbfbip among all men in all partes of tijia Ipfe . Cberfoje, Mjsn anp tojoo ere caliea botbe togttber to on? cf^= fice, <& £) 5D iopnctb tl)em toogitljcr as tt Soere tn&cr b'-0 ftanbero , tbat tbcp ffjoulD belp one an otber iplic bjortjera. 2>auiD tijen incrcacctb t!)e crpme of tip trapteur bp ti)ts circum&ance : lil?e as Ip booztb alfo S»besi be callcil) ^im l)t0 gupbc oj ouerfeer. Clnrblp,S»bsn bee caft'etb X)\m in tbe teetl), tbat tl;ep bane taUen fe= cret counfell togttber S»itb grcate fweete* nelTe : anbiaQlp, tbat tbep baue baunteb i)9lp affcmblpes toogitljcr. -$ oj [ Raghcs ] ngnifpetb in tbi0 place [ focitie, o? felows fljip,] Cas if bs fbeulD fap,be bab bin nejet too tbts falfc freenb of bis,) ratber tban it tboulb bee rcferreo too tbe nopfe of a raulfttubc . 1B ut in ti)i& lad member , be complapnctbtbatbc babbin betrapcb bp fucbaman, asbebab bfeb as i)is felowc: pea 9 as bts Rafter, not onlp in S»o?lb= Ip affapjes, but alfo in tbe IScligion of <£»£> 2D : 5»bcn notontbftanbing ISclis gion ts tbe moft bolp bonb of manncs alp- ance . Bp tip i»ap, let bs lernc, tbat tbe help dSboft conbemnetb all fuel) as b?eafce tbe facreb bonbes of nature, ioberbp ttyt? ioere fcnit tsogttljer among tlpmfelties. Cbcreisajcertctn felowfijip between all manhpnb : but tbe ncerer tbat anp man is alpeb Dittos bs, feritb fo mucb tbeljolper bonb is be linfccb bntoo bo. ;ffoj tbc p^ins ciple^bicbtDasbubnooien to l^catben men, muft bee bo?ne m mpnb bp b0: na= tnelp, tbat it comraecf) too pa(Te, not bp cbaunce, bp cafualtie, o^bp ^o?tune. but bp tl)cp?outbence of <& £> 25, tbat ncp= bonrcb, Hinreb, anb comon bocatton tna« Uetb felowfbip among men. ainb tip leage ef IScligion is tip bolpcft of all. i6. [ILctbcatbfeaje.jcliBow innepctb be ageinft tbe tubole faction: anb ^it be fo?appetb not all tlpfobole ifjealme toitl) out exception feitbin fbto curfe , but tip Captcpnes, o? &tanberbbearcrs, iotycb perfecute& inm wicUeblp Smtbout anp caufe at all. xote bane fapb becrtoofoje, tlpt 2D aula Stuff beb not tljus to bis cne= tnpes of a blpnb oj frowaro affectton: fc? be belt not in bis ounte p^puatccace, but m <© £) 5D ^ cace, anb be &>as go= ucrnea bp tip belp ©bofte. Cbis totfb t^crfo;c p?octeocb not of a trubbieb, oj bnabupfeb ipaa , oj, of mooopnefTe : ieaft anp man mpglp tbinte , tbat bp tip «jc= ample of IDauib iti»erelaw?fullfo?l)im, to vppon the. Lv. P/alme. to bzeaKe oat into eurfmge e banning afe foonc an \)t is nnTufed . iff oz tf &>ee bee led fulth beiirc of rcucngc, Sue foal! counter; fet ttjc bolp $e>zepbet amiflg.Sobo fc>&b an tones jruptcD and isell fettleo >cle , callctb bccre&pon ©od foz dcngeanceagatnfi: the repjobatcs, tobtcb were alredpappopntvd toe etcrnall damnation . wtiereas fome tranflate tbc Sdoo?d[ codemne] it is eon(trepued:and fo istbat alfo leljicb Ifeetb etbers.namelp [iettelum appo.'nte beatb te bee rbe tr tafcetnaifter*] J l)au: chosen that Svbicb i» as moft Gmpie. 30 nu 31 t»tlimg!j» admit that iobicb foraf a!) as an annotacton,that io!;crc be teifljstb tbat f?ip enempes map go downe qutclie into y graucbe alladetb too the pumfljement of CczabjIDatban , f 3bir em, and tr)e re fte of tbat facrton-jB um. 1 6 . ; i .0otttittbfta= dinge, it feemctbtomeetbat ljett?ercfo?c fettetbdewne tbeir fedein $ bnlooked fa; kpnd of deatb, bpcante tljep thought tbctn felucjs fafe from deatb bp reafen of their a>? fc)«altb:a0 if £>amd trjouid lap,lo»d,foz= afinucb as tbep be re blpnded w?itbthw# oSon puiflfence tbat tbsp think not tbem= feiass anp msze in the Hate of moztall me: make the earth to faaicfrs them qutcfee : tbattstofap.derilpfoas tijeremap bene let,but tbat tbep and tbcf r p?pde tegpibrc mapbeedzawentotbe pum$emtKt tbat tbep bee feoezthp of. Cbe rendsnng off caufe Ibe:ae;b agein tbat DauiD inuepctb net fo mucb agemfr tlje perfones ef bts e- be fccnsunceth puniibmcnt to ail fucb as afflict $ Church Smtb i»?ong= fttUtroubbles.[wtc!scdKctTe(faitb bce> is tntbetr tentesOas tf be fyouid fap,fc>ber= foeuer tbep cbe05ctoodH?eU,tbcre dtoel! man? foztes of naugbtpneffeaPbrch. thing beerpzeffetb better after war*, raping tb*c it heepetb reftdt nee m the middes of the, fc»btcb implietb afmucb as that tbep foiler it tDtthin tbem, ana tberfozt that tbep bee infepar able Companions,^ abpde toeci? b^rinonelodginge. 17 I will cryc vnto God, and the Lordc shall faue mec. 18 At cuentyde,m the morning,and at noonctydcvvill I pray and make a noy fe,and hex shall heerc my voyec. 19 He hath redeemed my foule into peace,from the battdl that was to- wardes mce: for in many were they with mce, 20 God shall hcere,and punishe them, euen he that fitteth from cuerla- fting. SeUh. For there bee no alterations in them: and they fearc not God. 17 [UtoiUcrpbntodSod.fcl JUtpe trill tbefuturc tewcem the bcrbes,bicaufe beedootbnot fomuebe rcpojte iBbatbee bad doone, a0 eneozage and crbozte bim^ feif as feell too earneftneflfc in piping as teobope and confidence . Cbwtfojteali though there toere no efcaptngfoj bim, fo as bee differed in maner noibtnge frem a dead man: pitnotwitbftandmgbee p;otes Oeth that be imllnot ccafle from pxauing, and bec bebjpgljteib bbnfelf good fuccefle. 3En the nert ^enc b" eniopnetb perfcue= ranc^ too btmfe'fe moje crp2eflfelp . JP02 it S»a0 not pneugh fox bun too baue fapd in one & oojdc [ J u-iU pzapc]: bpcaufe ma= np doe tbe fame frem the ttetyt onttoard, &bo &ithin a ipbple after Soan^e quvio aiuap. ^Firft of all is beto&emD cdntmei»s ance, 9 fecondlp carneftnefle. 2f nd 5»bcr« asbeenametb the [mo,tnmg;,eueningc, end noonetpde] , a tmn map ga.ber that tbep i»ere the Oidtnarietpmes cfrljegods lptoo pzap in atthofedapes. ^ojinaf- mucbe as lacrifpfcs i»er e daplp offered in tbe temple ettcrp moaning and euerp euc^ nmge, echc man Suaa put in mpndc too piapc pzpuatelp at home at bis boufe alfo. Che miotpme i»as appopnted foj their? ^acrififes . 3g«nc , fo? afmuch as free aremoze flowe too pzapinge , than free ought lohn Caluins Ccrrmientarie '""He bttgbt to bee: except tbat ccbe of 00 fiirre bp ana tnfojee l>xr»rcif,tl)tDf c!;cef s crcpfc of goMmcffeSoilbJC but cola anionic 00, pea ana bp little t little toe fba! quy te fo^ i get to p?ap at all, if S»e bclo not ourfelucs f tn,SoU) fome typaie.d&oa tbcrcfoiein ap; popntingc ccrtepne bourcs before Ijanbe, menttopjoupbe fo? our inSrmitte: ana tbe fame reafon map bee applpeo too p:fc= nate piapcr,aceo2bmge as it appeerctb bp tbi3piace,tco Solucbe alio anfocarctb tbe erampleof 2Danpell,9.*. 2!na altbougiie fcenfifes beeaboiifbeb in tbcfebapco : pit nottoitb&anbmge foiafmttcbe aewcubce not free from tlje flott?ftilncffei»i)tcIi ncc= tea fuel) bdpes too Soafcen it in olb tpme : tbe ^atbirs ana arc all in one cncc,fo as eucrp one of bs ougbt to p;cfcribecer= tcinboure© to !jimfclfe,%o!jtcl) bee Soilnot fuSer to flip awap Soitboutpiapera. 06p tbe&>oo?be0[mafeeanop?e,] tbereis U? tofceneb (a0 3 bauefarfi fapo) earneftc- neu*e,S»bub tfjtng JDauiD put as a Ggr.e of erccebing great grecfe $ a berp fojoios full mpnbe. jp 01 be mabe no nop3e 0? crpj ing ottt,but it Soao Soictte* from bim bp fojoioeana angnifbe of mpnbe. «£e auous cbeth trjerefojic tr/atno tojmente* 02 grcef (ball let btm,toootrecte bts plainte0 bnto ob, and too foO er a fade anD ft cap hope of bcliueranee inbifl fcarte • bpcaufe be is perfuaocb fo: a cctteintie , tbat <£od ioiit 5ea«ijU5p:aperjB too effect*. 19 [&e«batb&:mwc&mp,$c.] ag^t? tbat reaae tbe tojoo latter aierfes in tbe f$2etertcnce,feemetooIcflHe too fonutu reafon, asif ZDauta fbontocpioue bcere, tbat bee feas bcarce bpcaufe b,ce baa but beltucrca. 33uttl)ist0 eafelp toaffbeb a? Saap,cptber bpcaufe tbat be'einge perfua^ bea of bis beliucrance, bee bosflrt!) tiiat bee is fafe,o? elfc bpcaufe bee mtermcaietl) towers tbougbtes, ItKe as %>:z know tbat noSoe ana tben t!je fticccffe t!>at Soljicbe enferocb is (apnea ioit J) tlje fsutc tbat itas maae fo; it . djcrcfoie after bee batbe bcclareb bis papers, bee a&actl) alfo ti)C p20&tctbatcnfcvcca of tbcm , too tbe in- tent be "tap Sin: <25oa tbanKcs foi bis bee liuerance.ainb befap'tb.Miat [bee £»a0 re= bcemea intopesce,oJbmo peace, ]btcaufe tbat bcinj bjcugbt to tl)t lattt caft bee ob- tepneb it not bttt bp Gngulare miracle* Cbat wbiebe foloccet!) after, [tbeptere Soitl) tnt c in manp:] abmittcil) a boubble bnotrftanDmg. *i>cmc erpounb it of bto cnemico: anb acco?bmgc to ti,m , Vmul) mce]ifi afmucb too fap as [agcinft e-tnee:] at-Dfo tt fb onto bee a confirmscion of tbe IScbeemingtbatbeefpaUc of cum no'bot, tJjatbccing befeegcb iaitb abctvg? mnlth tube of cncmiejs.bc efcapeb not fafe btit bp tbefeoonberfull grace of tber3 fome bad leuer to bnbcrftanb it of %\\c gc; U0,:v b 0 me 'enow to fcpgbt in bat- te:irap foj b0,acco?binge us ibep pifebe their ttntiS rcunbe abont thofc tbat fcare ^5eb. 3'nb tbep tljinbe tfjc letter [Beth] to bcefupcrfluoufe bcere, line as in manp 0= tber placc0,as if be baa fapbe fimplp [ma= np in ere fcutl; m ee.] 3nD tbia latter fence contepnetlj a bectrine full of cbmfo?t,tbat alibougb 45 £> 3D haue no necoe of otber folbt s brtp«0, ptt fo; our infirmtttes fabr b;e fcfetb manp belperjs too our freifare* H&ut pcrcbaunce tt ietlbee me;e apt to re= ferre tt too l)to enemies, tbat 3Dautb in rcpo? tinge tfic multitubc ef tbciu.fboulDe tbcrcbp mo;e ejctoit tf)epttiUancetI;atBe^ liuercb btm. 2 o [^ 00 fpall beere, 96] bpcaufe tbe &»oo?be [ Gnaua ] agnifictbfommetpme to SuitnefTe 0? auoucbe,fomc tafee tt tbu0 : (0obfball rpfe bp 80 a Xmtnefle agcina? tbcm. liBut 31 cannot tell Sobttbcr tbe confrruction will beare it o; no . $ 02 5»bcn tbe ^»cb2etx?f 0 intreate of l» fingc oj auoucbtnge, tbep abbe tbe let; tre [Beth], 3B but S>auib putted) tl)i0 f»oo2b f 0? to[affl jet 02 to pu- nifb, ] bob. b«t oalping Dotibtfullp a0 in Soap of telle. JFoi [ Gnau*] amongc tbe l^c'c;c^c0 fignificib to aunfrocrc . Cre= Sob?i« be bab fapb,[gob Ojai bccr?,&bicb tbmgboutleffe bee referretbto bi0oo?ne perfone. flovot tljsrfou bcabtet^ tbat be ioas bero itttb effect,rb as goo rofe op a0 a rcuenger to plage bitf enemies. '2T hcTe= vottbalbe aD02nctb gooiottb an abbition, iob^bp t'uc <5oblp mpnbes fcele no fmall ccnfoitem cms of troubble anb confu- Gon. foi fobcteoppon cemmetb our fo great rjeate of bnpattence islncbc bipuetb bo bcablong>but bpcaufe Sue lifte not op ourempnbe0 too <^obbeo euerlaftingc= neffe f 115 ut tbcre can bee no greater popnt of 4roo?arbnc0,tljanfo2 mojtal mr , vnpon the. Lv. Pfalrnc. Sobtcb flectc aeoap euerp twincling of an epc Ipkc a QjaDoixic, too mcafure d5©D bptbeircapacitte. jfQ} info oooing, tycy pull bun Doton fro bi3 cnerlafling tbjonc", and wa&c bimfubicct to the funtyp incli- nations of tbCu>o;iD . [ ;f 01 t')crcbecno alterations in t bent.] l£ vcaufc tl)f S»oo?D [Chaiaph ] figmfpetb as fo>c!l to [ cut bp, ] as too [alter, o; cbaunge,] fomme tbtnke that ID autD cotnplapnctb tbat C?cd Doot!? too long Del avct lie t> eft ruction offucbas Sucre i»oo;tbpc too bee ptimQjcD out of bano . 33 ut 3H fee not bow tbts fbouID n - gree.CbcrfojtcotbrrsBoo better to tranfc iatcit [cbaunges:] ami yit tbc 3 ntcrpjes tcrs bane in tins btbalf atfo. fox fonie bnberftanbit tbus,£ tbere is no cbaunge too better too bee bopeo foj, bpeaufe t!;etr &>ilfulncffe is pad rccouerir, ano tbep are fo gtuen ouer to their ot»nc natigbrpneiTc, that it is nop poffiblc to turne tbem to re= pentance, anb a certein natural! erudite poffciTctbfotbcirmpnbes, tbat tbep can not at an? ivinc enclpnc to mercte o? gent - iencs. J3^ej« rpgbtl? boo otbers erpounb it to be fpoHcn bnper Uje maner of a com- 216 tJapnt, , tbat tbrir p^ofpTrWe flowetb con- tmuaIlp&>itbfullftreamc,a0 if rb?p i»ere not fubicct to tbe comon mifebaunces. SnO be fapctb,tbep ate fo tnarrcD tltfougb (JgoDs to mnebfozb raring, ti$at tbep fba&e of all fearc.asif ti;ep &>creeje;mpcee from tbetotofallntfn. 2IPp tins meanes f!?e I^ebjcts copulattuc (ball impoju an mfcc= ring , as tbus : 'Cbcp feclc none altera- tions,ano tberfojc tbep feare net <££) ID. 3nb trulp ,tbc longer tbat tljep fepe in tbc?? betygbtas , tbe mo?e coo tbep alfo bamen in tbeir naugbtpneffe : ano tobere ctpDe re?gnctb,tbcrc as long as tlje 31 o?a fparetb bs.focc call notto tnpnb tbatiuce bee men . 3But inDtrectlp bee nippetb tbc tnaonciTe of tbofe tbat imagin tbemfelites too b: as it Sucre baif (25 oos, bpeaufe tljep Ipe not bnber aouerfittc as tbe refibeeo boo,5Fo; earnefHp reucngctb tbc tt?onges tbat are boonc bntoo bim. ix>bicb tlnng bf pur fewetb-aftcrwarb mo?e at large , faping, tbat butter f bple arc in l)is lippes, ioben nGtiDitbfrairtiing foar is i« b'sbart, anb eucn bts berp i»o;Dcs arcbartcs. 5?o? ab ibougb tbepfauojcb ofnoibtngbutfwect^ ncfleartbe firft tnQc,ptt tbep Suounocb \jm toi;b tbetr pn'tue bcnemouf«es,ttoles tba feitb aartes oj fwo?6co,acco?biH2 as it is fapo in tbe p?oucrb,F falfebartrti folU bear in tbeir tnourtj tyotv? bippeo m pcifon. 3nD lolm Caluins Cornmcntarie 3nD the erne Itic that ffotoettj out of tbe hart, bttereb itfelf there alfo. &$o?eoucr, £»ee fenowe tljat &>aulc did oftentpme0 pjomis all that might be in fapje Sse?De0, o? ratijer that he fiattercDSDauiD.te allure fnm into bis trappc0,anD no Doubt but bis Courtper0 folocoeb the fame futlletpe of \)itt. 3nfc fun:lp,tt 10 a peculiar encounter 0 cl)i'.Q?en,ti)at futtiebeaDCD perfona go about te begupletljem xoitfy their alius rementss, anb to frate them mratfebeef. Ii5ut bp tl)c iaap, tlje i^ol^ dgboft, con* Detuning all ouertbtcartSBples, f cbceflp &ecc^efaii flattcrie0, cjebojtetb, tljcm too foiorue finglenefle. 2 3. [ Call tljp giuing. «c. 3 UBpcaufe the \jerb[yahab] in ikebjen? figntfietb to giue, the o>Dcr of «©?ammer requpjetb tl>at [yc- iabecha] fijoulD in tbi0 place bee ttanfla* teo [tbp giuing, ojttjP Sift. 3 &9w,&U tbo ugh ti)z mo?e pact of 3!nterp?etct0 al= low a biuerfe fence,pitearpetbitnatea:= fon 5»i?*> it fboulD bee tranflatcD [tbp bur s then . jIFoj the ajerb [ yahab 3 10 not taken anp &bere too [ burthen: 3 anb that tbe jfrOttne,S»bicb iff betpueb tUcrof, OjoulD fignifpe a burthen, itappeereth not bp anp example . wherbp, it appeeretb that bps caufe tbep thought it a barb anb bnreafo= nable maner of fpeeebe too fap, [Caft tbp gift bppontljt &o?D:] ibep fo> ere compels leb ofneccfutie to Deupfe t^c other fence. Cralp it is a goDip meeninjs, tbat all tbe care* f trubblcs, fcheriEirtj ft>ee be gree* ueb,ujoulDfeeebnburtbcneDtntoo Sods lap, bpcaufe there is no other retnebp^ too eafe tbe grecueDmpnb,but to leans bpon tbepjouibence of <& ® ID. jftotrcitbSan t>ing,fojafmucl) as there is not anp eieam^ pie of tbe Ipfee to be met Sottbin the Scheie fcriptures/jC &>illingip embrace tbe other fence, the i»btcb conteprietb a pjoatabie '4 fcerp plentifull bectrinc in tt;tbat is to >«, if Suee take [our gift] pau>udy,fpzail be> neBtes, £»lucb &>ee couct to baue <&:£)!&> too beftowe bppon bg. Cberfo?e, the et= bojtaeion tenbetb too tbt0enb, tbat feee fbouib refigne t>p britoo <& £> 2D the care of all tbinges tbat are nceofull fo? b0. f oj it is not ynougb too (5obu?arD,too befpjte Ijim too fuccour our neebepjbnieffe our pe ttttons attb requ«(lc0 be alfo fcttieb bppon lji0 p?outoence. ^Foj &>ee fee manp pjap trubbloua]?, ajat iljo«s& «}ep Ssoole fajne comptil

bicb 31 baue fet bownc. $ oj, in af= mucb a0 our ipfe Jjatbe neebe of manp qd* pes iozz are almoft euer bnquiet anb Soa? ncr ing .25 ut IDauib p? omifrtb tb^t be Swill be in Geo of fl^epebeb to b0,tbat Still bane regard of our ncectfitie c,anb mil mimflcr bntoo b0 frljatfoeucr our neebe (ball rc= qup^e. i^e abbetb afierroarb, tbat l)Z ioill not fuffer tbe r pgbtueufe too fall fo? euer, si to ftasger continualip. if oj if pee take [ Mot j foj [ falling, ] tbe meening Suilbee, tbat 3D Soil! ftabliflj tbe rpsbtuoufa perfoncf© a0 be (bamot fall fo? euermo?e. wbicb fence altbougb 3R bifallou? not, pit inclpne 3B ratber to rtje other. JFo^toce fee tberpgb£tioufeftaggerfo?atpme,anb in maner to quaple "bbple tb«T betoHeb fro pefte to piiler,a0 it 5»erc feitb funo?p ft e? sines', aBnbbpcaufe nothing ismoje miff* rabie, than too bee fo turmopleb bettoecne contmuali t^ixtsi SDautb p^omifeth that tijere fbail enebap be an enb:bpcaufe ^00 Soiluot fuffer them too be aiicapes fubiect to fo?occe0, 0? too bee cruflTheb toogitber Saitb, continual! baungcrg anb cares, but Smll giue tl)z;n a calme anb quiet date. J4- [2Butthou,^)cr is a rifting pjcpareD f oj tbofe S»l)ieb novo be fcarce able to bole bp ttjcir bcafcS fo? fearc among fo man? Daungcvs.anD aifo to foje fee bp faptb , tbe iubgement tbat Ijangetb oner tbcsr enemies ^caoes.^s concerning tbcS»o;t6es,bpcanfc tly.te 10 fct dou nc ttie fc>oojfce[pit,] anMb:rcbntoo is ao&eo [shacachjio bicb tlgrafietba granc,$tbat u&jetcbnpjQpcrlp fpeUcnicofap, tfnp fbulDbeojaujcnintotbepit of tbe grauc. Cbtffoje manp J\nt$rQittiv& folon? ra^ tber tbe etymologic of tbe l?ebzcvo5yo;D (fo; it is DcriueD of[shacath]febicl) fignis fictb to corrupt ojbeftrop) anb tranflatc it [tbe pit of corruption. ^;o?afmucb as it f Utiles little too tbe effect of tbe matter f&btclj of tbcm poti cboo5e,3B laue it inof? fetet.^Fo? JDauiD mecnetb,tl?atnotonlp a tempojall plague bangctb oucr bis cnc= mics,but aifo an eubicfle Deftruction.ainb fo !;c ftolrtb tijein out from tbe faptbfull, Xyljo aifo are oft tymes plunogeo mtoo bepepittes of mifcrics,out of Subpcb tljep rpfe agemaftetnjarb : but3Dambfapetb f tb? fell. of bis enemps fbalbee bcablp, fcvcaufc d3oa fbalicafr ti;cm Doune mtoo tlje graue,fo>b*re tbep (ball ret. [BSIubbp men.] 215 p a gcncrall rcafonbe cofirmetb tbat ftrtitcb be barb fapb . fo; feeingtbat | bengcance of gob fbal ccrteinlp Ipgbt bps pen all tbat bee crttell anb gupicfubbe ga - tbcrctb tljat b'S enemies (5»bofe crucltic anb gupkfulnes be l;ab felt bp experience) cannot efcsp tbe fame . Wut experience fapctb nap to tbat . fr oz notbmgis moje blubbp tl;an t pjants ,& ljo appopnt tv I] c !c manb^noto tbe daughter attbepzoame pleafure.l£ut a tpjant tbat batb murtbe= tbereo tbjtcebun&je& tboufanb men, fbal! iiue til be be agco ;anb tljofe be tl;cp fcjtjom 5D aaio notctb,anb not tbe cotndiTiSnffp? aKS.31 anfvser tbat altbougb &QS t>o not ahvapes t&ke putuibment fo fpeebrtp ; pit is tbe tbmg tbat is fpoben beer^ mam plavr.ebpmanppzoofes . IStispnougb. that tbe tcmpozali pnntfbmcntes ere fo? tbe moft pare feene : ^epeber is it too be pzecpfeip reqapzeo tbac tbep fboulo \)olo on aioaapes after one rate.accozDing as 3B baaefbcrtcDmoje at large in tbe fcuen= antlnrtitb jDfalme. Hlgein bordbeuer tljat SuicbcQ men Iiue to be Perp clo.vit bo tljep IeaD but a fearefull at-b bnqmct lpfc,fo as tbep Soaifcintbc fbaDcrt? ef Dcatb,ano (to fpcahc p?epfrip )ieao notbingleflc tban a lpfe. iftcs fceng tbat tl;e bfc iabicb is cur= feD fo of tbe i,o?D,is i»o?fctban amlseatb, ttbeferuetb not too bee mauc account of: fpecialtp confibering tbat tbeir oo?ne euiil confcicncimar^ictbtbcni Suttb bisto?* mentes lifee a mod crucll bangman. 2fnb trulp if SrceconfjocrSscIl S3}t;atttrt0 too icabe outafuilterinc of lpfe : none etljcr come te tbe matMban fad) as Iiue t tyz bnto (0oo, bpcaufe tl;st too tijem onlp as &>el ceatb as lpf< is an abuaunttge . Inb tin's is a berp timelp comfort as oft as tbe &ickcb aflTautt bs cptijcr 5»itb frtojn oj futtletie,f tljep fi^alnot iiue long, bpcaufe gob fbal fnatcb tbe aitap as it Xoer k4tb a fobet'ne tulnibxpr.B , anb cbacc aixap tbctr attemptes i*;ep feere but m\QzB, fcjbcrvcubtbe^arc bfeelp toobefiroptbe &bolc Sooilii . 2lifo tl;e clofmg bp of tbe ^falmcooctb bs to &>i?, tbattbis iufcge* tnent is not fene but bp faitli ano patiece. 5fe?3Dauib lapctb bp bis ioeifare in (be cuftooic of bopc.wbetbp Socgatbtr tbat tbe bngcblp arc not taken out off icoilo To fpccDelp, but tbat tbep firft cjjercpfe bs ioitb baplp barmes, eucntill foebefcjerp o? tpjeb. The contcints of thc.lvj.Pfalmc. This Tptlmc pdrtly intmnccttcth compluynts -with prAyers 3 And partly df- fwdgethforo-vf with mufwg vppon Cods grace. For Dauid editing vppon gods help ageinji tbe crueltie of Sank and his enemies: glorieth of bis fucctffc . Kofwithftdndingyit may bee that bedddedtbis thdnb^fgiuingd goodvbyle dfteu-wben be was difpAtchcdof the daun°er. Ee.i. The j.^';;!i ^diuuo VjUUI UiCllldliC Tbe.hi.Tplwf. To the cheef Chaunter , vppon the dumb Douc in far places , Dauids Mictham when the Philiftincs had caught him in Gad. $je llojp feljerof this title makes eyilT/s wiencion, (0 Smitten in ti;e firfl; g<^llgoobcof £>anmcli, tlje.jcvi. ' "Chepicr. ■$$} atfucb tpme as he conlfi not reft in anp of l)ts cottertcs : he iozs cnfojceD at length too fle to feing %- cl)i2. ^ombeit,hc fapctli becre that h6 u>aS caught in bis iourncpte a man map gath:r the fame tljing by t^e ^olp do^te , iohere 3icbts fapetb : 2BebolD, pebaue fcenethe mab f eloisfoc , to is hat purpofe bauc pee bjongbthiminUntomee : 2! no it tehhe pnougb tbat be teas fufpectcii ,ss if he ba'o btnatraptour , ei ba'o come too pjactpfc fomccDhat. j$ow although be counterfetc tea bimfelfc too bee a foole too efcapc the oaungsrof DeafhtpitnotaMthflanDtng be fcciaretb here fuffictentlp,£ he csileb upo t2>03 ScDfaSip feitb a fettieb mpnb, fo as b'fl faith 5aJ>tcbi3?a0 hio Unocr tbat infir= miticDttcree bis f9icebefo2ed5o9.Cben teas it no facb bnrulines of mine as could carp htm tjeablong to Unlawful! meanest but in caee of er :remit:c , feare Bjaucbim tofceupfea Cuttlsfhifttoo fane bis life,ra* 2. Haue inercie vppon mee O God, for man dcuowreth mte, day ly af- faultmgmeeheholdeth mee (freight. 3. Myne enemyes deuour mee day ly : furely many are bent to diilrelTe meeOmpfthygh 4. In the day that I was afrayd,! did put my trufl in thee. c. In God will I prayfe his woord : In God haue I trufted, I will not bee afrayd what flesh can doo to mee. tber tba to ffonb Upon f rrputatto of his bono?. 3!no loofee bow much bis piincch* cojagefcsas lefle apparant before men, Co much f moje ftotui? bio bt0 faith to?cftle ageinfc bis inooen tetreurs it appearctbbpthc$falmc. /frowfebcras befapcth [ Upon the bomb JDonc, ] fomc think it too bee the beginning of fomc co= men bonnet. £Dtbcrfbmefuppefc that JDaniD is mctaphsjieallp calico a[2D one] ano furelp tb is abbition agrccth Uerp b;ell tothematter. (&o the fame porpofe alfo matt eft) the &>02D3[in far placcsjbicaufe SDauiD being bjiuen intoo the ianb of his enemies bp f farie of Ins foes.might Swoj tbelp complaine that be iaas cart out a far of as it ioerc into Dffertplaccs.Jroj lnljer as others tranflatc tt[a palacejit ts can? Orcpncb. £Dft!)efc>02b[&f)tctbam,]fe)ec bene fpolten heretofore. 31nb although 31 auoucb nothing , fojafmuch as that the Uerp ^eb?ew IBntcrpzeters tbcmfelues bo bifagrejpit^notvettbftan&mg it fecmeth al&elphoD Cas 3 fapbat that tpme) that it isas cptljcr atipn^ of tune c 2 a muncr.Il inuTument. 2 C^aucinercpUponmefc.] 3Stt'Sbns certein Slither he fpahe of fojein , 02 of houfebcio cHcmpes. Cruip feijen hs^oas brought to U:ng3cins,l)eicas as it Ujere oneujeepc alone betocne tfeorou?tesof i»olucs;:conriOcringh3K3 l)t icasDeaoip bebaUD of tl;c ^bfltlluis, e no icffc cruel* Ip ano outraceouHp fought Uisaon bp hps oronc counrrpmen , SWc?touerinfamg [man] in f •fingnlar nomber,bc coplafnetb inbecmitetp y he finbeth no bpnones at all among men: as if he (bulb fai, 3LoiD,now both Utter c: tr cnuti craue thp faithfumes f thine aip,bicaufc al f toojlD gapeth Upo «nc to bcuour me:fci bpanbp after he r epe tetl) p fame fentece in f plural nober.Chc perccl[eatly] aateetb bed to i&aule 9 h»s faction, jpeaei theieffe 2DauiD bceaailetl) 1)!S JM bis mtferpe,tbat bee is oppjeffeb fe ttb a great ana puiffant muttitub « of encmir 0 &no affaulteb feitb paffttig crneltic . 3 0 foztbefeojtbs^fometcanflate [shaaph] to regard] but 3 am out of sour, that tbat bnfactablc outrage feberewitb bis ene= mtfo burncb toofwaioate bttn bp, tseic- p;elT:D in a trimmc &fktapbc;r .Blto tbe feCOJbC [Lacham] feblCbc J0 fOlOtt>lngO= tbcrsl baue trauflateb bp tbcfeo?b [af-- faulte] Cgnifietb alfo among tbe !$e= b;c tecs [to eat bp] anb fo it fljouio bee a contineteing of the ilgjecapboz. ffiut fez= afmncb as m mode places it is taken [in tbe fojmer fence, 3 feeuloe not cbaunge tbatfebtcbfeasmofterccepueb* Cbus ttmcb onlpfetl 3D bzecflp glaunce at,tbat t\)tv corrupt tbe fence amtffe, fefciebcltt tbefecono place tranflatc[manp are figb ting feitb me :] as if be fboutts fap , that tbe Sngrls came to bis fuccoor,fo? tbep bjcaU of tbe complaint fob', cb bolbetb, on tbzongb tbe febole betfe. 4. [3!ntbebaptbat»?c.[>CbeflJerbe0 are of tbe future tence^but tbe V mud bee «folued into $ pjctertence* 3-nt> it is an acknowledgement of infirmitic ■& fear, borcbecit ioub erceptten, fo as bee p rel- et e not nnto fearc+l"o? altbougb bis ba gers berebbitn at tke bart : Vit benpetb be tbat be bao frjaken of bope.Cben bos ftetb be not of ropall baultines of mtnb, febcrthzougb be quietlp befytfeb al ebafi cts : but acanotolebging bis oton fcare, be fapetb beeperfcuereb ncuertbtleffc in tbe bope of <£ods grace, 3&nb farelp it is a true trpall of our faitb, feben fear bib quitttetb bs after tbe feling of tbe flf fb, at.'b pit our «r. t ^Dff fitch fl ii to (bar tack bng.^in beeb fearc arm bopc feeme to bee affections moze contrary, tben ttjGt tbe? can bvoci toosf tber in one barte, tot er= pcrience fbcteetb tbat $cpe reignetb no febere Scc!,f«je tbcre as fcare pcffcffetb fome parte of tbe barte* $o% bope is not ejeercifeb intbecalme ettate of tbcminb, but tatljcr Ipetb as it feere founb a deep but tben it bttrr tb bts fozee,febc it rap= fetb bp tbe tntnbe tbat feasoucrtbzowe feitb cares , foben tt qupctetb tbe barte tbat feas ttcubleb feitb gresfe, f feberi it f;;ftrpnctb ana bpbolsctb tbe minbe £ fees ftnhcn tbzougl) feitb f< are* 3lno tyercfozc tbts feasan earRcftetrpalltf vppon the. Ivj. Flalme. 2l« faitb in 3D«ifb,:tbs2 fo? all f)i0feare7ber ecafeb nctto rrnffi in tbe &o?b : tbat be s ins thought? oil fo % tb e greatnefTc cf bis pertUbeenenertbilcffcpltsCfe^jpaRPOb bart : anb tbat bee trufteb tbat € $> £> feoulo be bis belinerer. 5. [Ifin ©ob toil J pzatfcfc] ^n tit's berfe be fbcwetb tbat bis co?ag« intrtis feb bp beping, febicbe tbfnsts fnont tao betibe to all ^5obs feruants./o? tbougb tbep bane mucb a bo too ff anb in bope at tbe fttfte , 0^ ratljer beetng foze lapeb at Suitb terrors ,ri fe not bp too bope fci tb= out barb encounter: vi^P ftrtnfng tbtP gatber firengtb to fcabe tbjou&b? bnttu like aontcbawptons, tbep grolnc to brc able too repulfe tbe affaultee ?t»itb R«a= ter boloenes « fl^oirouer [too pjwifc] in tbisplfceGgr.iSetb 80 mucb as to gioj? o? boeft : as tf be fbatilb fip.bec is fo ars men i»itb inuinctble f iitb,tbat be iepf tb fo? affureb ^oye.Cbecaore of tbiS gjab; nesbc grounbetb bpo tbe inoib of «0od, gluing fcs conertlp too bnberftanb, tbat botofoenerbe map feeme too be fojfakcn 9 as it Sotre btterlp abanboneb b^ (Sod: pit bis pzomtfe fufrt^et^ bims bicaufe bee is tbjougblp perfuabeb,f be is footbfafi: in bis p?omifes.3E fell not ceafe Cfepccb be) to glojtp in tbat p icfcr ring tijccf, and to fcatter tbeir, IjoSeSjfoe ins Cirectlp oimimfbe bis power : oz ratber foeemafeebimno better tbsnamcztaU 6. Dayly do mine owne words trouble me : All their thoughts afmeyare to mifcheefc me. 7. T hey flock togither,they keep themfclucs clofe,they wa tch my heels, bicaufe they long for my foulc. 8. After their mifcheefe they efcapc : thou O God shalt caft downe peo- ples in thine anger. 9. Thou keepefta reckening of my fleeting : put my teares intoo thy bottle : Are they not in thy regiftcr? man, wbo bsci tg able too matcbe ens. is banqat 3>eO of twaine.But it is Dcmaun deb bow jDacub bad fo fbbenlp put of all snfirmttir, tbat fobercas cucn tiewebee f»a0 bozriblp efrapo of deatb,now be as bauncetb Uurtfelf boiol? egctnft bis ene* niies;' 35 amwcrtbatbp tins boldncs is not betufecneb clcane bopancs of fear,a0 tbougb being quite fo! t'jc ut gun foot bee fboulo fwectlp fmiie at ail d i^gcrs : but f ojafmucb as be peeldcd not fo m:icb bn s to f ear,tbattt got 'better band of inm but femng tb* fbecld of bop: before bint bid biiuc b ,cfe all fear, j fenced bimfelfe foitb affarance of dcitucrp : be Did foci to boafr foitb boip Daunting. [3Intberfbzc foil 3 nat be afcapd.] 3!nb in tbe foap of contempt, be termetb men bp tbe name of [flc(b] to tbe intent to put btmfelf in mino or tbeir foitfb p;e- fmnptuoufnes, in tbat forgetting tbem= feiucs tbep fticfc not too giue tbe aduen= ture fcpon fo manp tbings. «j. t2Daplpbomineowne,fc,]Cbe3C« terpzeters bale tbe firftpart of ttjeberfe biuer0 foapes. ^omc read lmr> foozds] intbeno^inattue cacc, j rigbtlpe in mp tBOgemcnt.^tberfomerefcrtbisto 3Da utt>0 enemic0,ano iranflate it cbus:tbep mticonSruempfooozos: cztbepgrceue me foitb mine owne fooozos* Cbcrcb* tbat taae tbe 38erbe [yagnacfauo]newtral Ijp,anD tcsnflatcit t\)vm, mpfooo?fisare troablefome. But fojafmnebe as;[Gnat- Tab] tnoftc commanlp ftgmfsetb to mabe faooe c? beaup,anO 10 eurr tali en tranft * stud? m [Pi'nf 1.] tbere is no neeoe to Hi- grefle from tije piopertie of tbe tang3l & it foil ftowe better ,to lap thus ; £®iat owne fooibs put me to beauineffe, tban if it fbouiobe 6?awn to tbe enemies. 3t is tbercfo;e a Doable complaint, namelp tbat JDauiD on tbe one fine fmbetb no comfort, but feetb ail tbings go btilucbc ip ageiult btm.f bis Demies oucrtbjoujn foitb fojowfm iffue.: ano tbat on tbe cos trarp parte bis enemies confpire bis be* Oruction , and pjactije funojp po!pcie0 agemft bim. Cb*s ac tbe firft figbt fee = tn;tb tn no fotfe agrceable^tbat fobcra0 erewbiie be bao foarrantco bimfeife too be fst free anb loofe from fear, be fboulb nowe fap beefoozbetb bis owne fozowe* 15at 3 baue foafneb pju alrcaDpc ■> tbat altbougb be looheb Down bpon bis cne= tnies vppon uic.ivj. fiaimc. mpeo from the tootcbiil of fapfy, pit Suas be not out of carefulncilc ano fearc . $?e fpeabcil) licrc of bts temptation© , fcjljtcb tjc D:D not take qupte air ap, but u anquifb bptbcftcDfnftne0offaitb.^efapetbther:: fo:e that be is oeftttute of reafon $ coun- fell, bpcaufe tbat i»haifocuer be Dcupfetfj o? purpofefl) comes Ul to paffe.3nb \)nn- tjauncctb tbe greuoufnes oft bis incoue= nienec , in rbat I)t0 enempes ccafc not too lap tbeir beaoes togptber , antt to copne funbzp crafts to Ijis beftruction* Ctye felf fame tying purfcicecb be i»ben be fapetb, tbcp[flocKetogitl}er/]:tfoztobauebabto bo feirb one oz two, it bab bin fomerobat tolerable. iBut foz one man to be affaulteb of a multitude oz of an $?ofic of men.tbat foas to baro.-©p tbeir [ keeping of rtjem-i fcltif 0 cloce, ] be finbetlj fawtt Sot i\) tbeir fcnlcs o? pzzme conueiaces fcbcrtbioug?) tbep cnoeucrcb to oppieflc t)im bnroares. ^Foz tbe Soojb[yccfaphinou]ougbtC bp the ozDerofgrammer)tobauetbelettre[Vau] in tbe mioses of it . Cbcrfoze tbep tbtnft tbe[ioch]tobcea0 ittoerea marli ofi^i- pb-tl, to cjcpicffe that JDauibs enempes feehc lur lunge boles mtbepjfcn-lco.too tbentent ttjcp map compafle rjim fccretlp* l^eabDctb tbat ir>l)!t!)crfocucr bee tunic btmfeif, tbcp pzeace cgerlp bpon bim ant) in a maner treab bpen bts bee!e0,fo as be can banc no refpit.l^e faptb tbat tbe caufe of it t0 tbeir bnappcafablc batreD, fcjbtcb cannot be fattffieo cujcrwpfe tban bptlje Death, of qim. I 8 [3ftertf)etrtmfct}ecf$c.]£>omGrea&0 tbe beginning of tbeberfeinterrogatiues I iy,tbus,[:g>bat tbep fcapc quire u-ttb tbeir toicUeonco:- SiBut foz afmucb as no nccef; fit ie ccpelletb to fctcb tbe fence fo far , it ts better to tahe tbe &)O2Dcs80:bep founo, tijus ,3t! tbougb tbe? Rape clcre i»itb tbeir icatooneffe, pit fbalt thou caGbou?nefucb people &> ©ob. 2C no tb<0 faptb befcicaufe tbat Sobe tbe bngooip bauc bnrultlp rop: ftca ir out let in tbeir mtfcbeuousDeeoes: tbep ronne rpot as tbougb tbcp bab got* ten leauc to Do ioljat t!)ep ytt , acewbtng as&>efeeattbj0Dapp beatbmfl) pert* 60 are puffeD bp ft»tb ©taut tpUc pjefumps tuoufncs.btcauCe tbcp feme to tbcmfelucs too bcc&j;tbcwtatD, lb mttcb tbcp tbtnk tbcmfelucfl too bauc tbe better remebieagcinft all tnconuenicncc0. after tbat SDatttb batbrepo;tebtb'0ac- cobbing to tbeir mesning , bpanbp b. c bea= tetb back tljis rb.cir oucrtr)vcart p?cfumps tuoufenes,bp appealing to gooo tuegmet. ailtbougb tbep bt fo pjoub,(faptrj be:)ptt CjalttbouiD C5(2^ID caftaotone peoples, Zo ben tb. e rppe tp me of bengeace is come, iHnDbebfctbtbe plurallnomberto tben= tent to conMrmc bts orcnempnb , bpcaufe it bab bin barb fo; bim not to haue bin as bafaiebat fo borogc a multitube of cnes wues .300 oft tben as trje banb0 of our ene mpes fballmaKeaffault bpponb£,lett)0 call to mpnb bow tt 10 tbe proper on^tce of <25ob to cad Downe , not one man onlp ,0; a feaTO, no? one people enlp , but cuen-tbe ftbole ivojlb. 9 [Cboufeeepeftarecfeen(ngfc.]3itt0 a b20Ren maner of pzaping . ■$ cj fe beras l;e baE begon to beQre ® ib to b?u; re; garb to bis tcarce : bpanbp as if fyee bad obtepneb W auoucbetb tbat tbcp beioxitten in 45oD£ booke.fSDnelcGTe pcr- abuenture fome man bab leuer too take tins interrogation in maner of p?aping. ^eumbelcstbis fence femctb f fimplcr, 3LezD 3 neebe not to made manp i»o;ns bnto tbee,fo2 3 fenow tbat tboro baft tor* neb tbp fclfe to mee befoze hanbe, to per- fo;me tl;at \x>\)ic\) 31 iw as about to befpze. IBut it ts better to Sbep euerp i»o?o bp it felfc. t^e fapctl) tl;at (5ob [Usepctb tale of fei0 fleeting 02 flpgb, t,] to thcnt:t be map maUc bimfelfe to be pit;cb.^02rjebab not ccafeD now of along tpme toioancer fro place to place uK* a bagabonb anb an out larec. Bnb bee fpeabetl) not of one flpght onlp,butiti3acbatmgingoftbenombcr. i^owbeett it fcemetb tbat bf tty Hngu= larnotubcrbec betoUene^tttttrja ucljcs mencic t'oa: alt l)is Ipfe Suas in twabcring, as if be Tboulo call it a continuall fleeting. Cbat continual! fleeting therefore ougbt to bauepurcrjaccD E>autb fauaur fozpis ti£0faUe,bvcaufcl)cebab lingercb foc?t«) bi0 Ipfe in fozotre anb greef bp longanD intricate iopnblaffcs. 3!noti;er«fo?cbce <£e.mV rcque Iohr, Caluim Commentarie, f eqneSctb to fjacte \)\b tcares yat pp in d5 355 bot ;le . Cb«? S»er c fe> ont to fcespe &>?ncana oplcm bottles. Cbemcemng thsnistbat <£ob fbouibnot fufer lDa= utos tearcs to fall to tbe groanb , bat re- fcructbctttin fafekeepmg , as precious i £0 ozcoaer 5»e fe btre tbat SDauid groun= Dcil) Irs pzapsrs bpon \l be fa'jf r il)ziv blab to be fpilt,bat that !)S ioiil bepe a recfecning cf cuerp cz op of it.CirantesburneDp tbe bones and the Qtll) , bat pit tbe blub S»ill remains aliae fojcncr,toerp outfo? fcengeance. ;ffoi no tpm: can oat 5»eare the tbing tbat gob bsti) cngroccb in\)i$ remembrance. i o Then shall my ne enemy cs be turned backe, when I crie out : I know this,that God is with mec. li InGOD Willi prayfe bis word, In the Lord will Iprayfe bis word. 12 In God hauc I trufted:I wilnot fearc what man can do vnto mee. ouer bpo f cocept of tins faitb,bc fticfcctb not to $efppf?-i»batfoener ^atananoall tbe roat of tbebniOblp fballattempt, ii [3i n gob Soil jlpzaife f c.]i$ :re in not tberelatiae[bis] ejepjeffed, asitisauttle befeze : borcbeit a man map gather b^ tbo faib former place, tbat it is to be fupplied. ai.^s tbe dubling of it impojtetb not a litie fozce:as if tt bad binfa?d, alrboagtjtbat (Boa belai tbe open fbewing of bis grace: foasbe mapfcerae toperfozme notbing, but to fobe JDattidSsitl) bapne Soozdcs: pit Cbalnottbeljolp mannes hart fbiinfe, bat tbat be fenl aicuais glozie in tl)t Soojd of (Sob.ainb furelp ibe bo tben fallp agre tbat <2?od is foottjfaft, jE cbn. 3.33, Suljen ioe ceafenot to ptclD fabftanctall glozp to \)\s fcozb,e«en at facb titne as tbe percet; uerance of \)is goooncuc anb migb.t in tas fern nrrap.Cije babbling(as "§ faibjtzn? betb tc tins enD . Albeit tbat ^>oo fecme to bap to bebepsrtebfrom me, b^caafe be bail; witbbzrtwcn bis belp,pit &>iii 31 reft bpon ?iis toozb. 3f ti;e fame ibmg betibe me to mozoto $ tbe bap aftcr,3i j&il pcrQft inpceldmgtbefamepzapfc QUI . JLettbe faiti;fni acenftome tbemfclues to tbin&mg (o,y in time of temptation rijep map boin tljsm 10 [Cbsn fliall mpne $c .1 ^ebQaOttn mo?e ebjerfaUp of bis bictozp. ■$ oz as sf it ioere in apzefent matter, lj:e popntetb cat tbe berp infant tbat bi* entmies fbal bctnnrebbache . ii^ow albeeit tbat bee fao? not titty?, raine as pit fo ncere at bab: Vit bppou trafl; of (5obS pzomis, beioas able to note tbe rppe tpms i»btcb ioas as pit to be pattcntlp wapteo foz.^o be bzscf sltbottgb ©ob mabc notfo pzefent fpecoe no? D^'fpsrfeb 2DautD3 enemies at f fame infant tbat be p?apeD . yit tbe bowman beleeaeb tbat l)\is pzapers fbalb not be in t»apne , ano beciarctb bcrpe tocii \)ow oj from^beaccbe'was affcrteinea tijat bi* enemies fbalb be pat to tljefople : narae= Ip bpeaafe ©ob neaer bifappo?ntctb tbe pzapers s: petitions of biofecaants. 3nb fozaftmicb as be is 3d ell affctrcb of tins in bisbart, beepaticntiprefpuctb tbebef^ roafnts of b'.s mpno.tbat be map qa^etip i»apt fo? tbe cffect.^Cbis place conteinetb a p:oatableboctnne.i? oz Oaaib to t*oen= tent to obtepnc bis pctit:6,fapetb not tbat Ijepja^tbat all abacntarc oz ooutfallp: bat p be bztngett} an aflTarcb bekef ^ gob tetlmercifulipgrafttbisrequsfts.^ozc^ vppon the.Ivj. Pfalme. 820 tbcm faftc too true slopping) contenting tenting tbcmfelaes foitb tbe bare foo#>« jrQ} albcctt tbat d50D wir.ifter tottto tbe funBjp cccafioas of eloping from time too time in f)is bencStes : fit Gj-all tbep fcarcelp bee able too marcbe foojtl) tbjee frcppes at any time, onlcffe tbcp baue let- tub too lease too tbe foocjbc alone.Coo tbe fame putpofe per tcy net b alfo tbe re- peating of tbe otber, [3in 2D, there is no caufe fobp foe fboulb be caufe tt Gjall btt2rlp baniib afoap fobat foeuer is otberroife terrible in tbero. Vpon mc arc thy vowes O God,! wil pay pra}1 &s vnto thec. For thou haft deliuered my fbulefrom Death : and haft thou not al- fo deliucred my feetefrom falling headlong? that I may walke be- fore thee in the light of the liuing ? i^ [STponttteare.fc.] 3?fapebattbe beginning , tbat foi afmucbe as ©auto ban atrcabp efcapcb tbe baunger atfncbe tnnc as bee eoinppleb tbp0 pfalme , it fr&0alikelpbobetbatbis soob fuccefTe baD rengbt him to put to tbi 0 tbanitefgu ning. 35 p tfee foap it is to be confibereb, t V, at euen in tbe mtbi c ft of affliction bee fosg alfoapr 0 emboibenab foitb To great courage, tbat be foas reabp anb pjeft to gluetbanbes* Snbbcefapctb that [tbe toctoes of 45©2D foere toppon bim]bps caufe bee foas bounb to performs tbem: ufecastbeJUtincsfap, tbepareconbe":= «e b of i\) etr bow 3 fob en t l>cp baue obtcp neb tbe tbing tbat tl;cp ft vo top , at fucbe time as tbep bnbertcobe tbe borce»;JFoj tbcre is as tt foere an obligation msbe, fobe foe baue p;omlfeb to become 1 ljafc= ful bnto 45&1D, anb <&ob batb graun= ftb ocrrequt&es.^nbtor.DctftanD tbou tbat tbep bee tbe bou>es of (0Gb, as if 31 (l;oulo fa? tbat tbe bo?ox»eb monp fobt- ci;c t0 in in? bnnji,to tbe monp cf n\y eve bttoj.bicaufe 3 am in bis betle. 2D auto tbeu being bcliueecb,confrffecb tbat tbts fefliuerancepjoctebib of 45 00 : anb iljrr fo?c fapetb tbat bee is cbargeable bp tbe foofoes tbat b« babbe aiabe,btcaufe tbe condition is perfojmeb* &oxoe of fobat bobxo i}cfpcabc0,ttappecrctb bp tbcfe; cone part cf the fcerfe, wbicb tbmg is to be man beb in tbts r-.fpec t, ieaft anp man mtgbt bnabutfcbi r e imagine as tbe pa= pifletf boo,tbat all manner of bovues are alloweb.foi bee faptb be foil renber p?ap Tes oj tbe Sacrifices of p?apfcs.^fo;als tbougb tljc foa?D Ognifie but piatfes, vit iS it applpeb bnto facrp Sees ^ fo farfo;tb 80 tbcp focrc tobenso? Sacraments of pjtapfes* Cf aelp IDmio Kneto tbat(0ob neptber rr quireb no^ regarbcb racrit^es p?ccifeip anb of tbemfdues* 35 nt fojaf- mucbe as being fubiect to tbe iaa»c, bee ougbt not too neglect tbe bclpc csremo nies tbat foere commaunbeb to f fobcle people tt bcarctb a eoutenancc of trutl;, tbatbcfpfshctb of tbe o^Dtnarr manner of foitntffmg,('ucb3 as tlje faitijfal foere foont too peelo foben tbcp bab rccepueb anp notable benefit at <&zo& r>auD*. »4* [^ojtboubaftbfliuereb.fc] lie confirmetb tbatfobicb 31 fapb euenou?, rami? tbat bcimputctb tbefaf-.tpof Ijis life tmto tiSoo .btcaufe bee bab penfbeD if (&>ob b^b not fooberfnlip pteferncb 'ninu $0} to tbe intent to fcifpatcbe all bout's tiag, b? fa?tb be foas pjeferueb not ontr/ from tbe craite, tlie malicc,tbe biolence, anb vbefu?c;bs of bis enemies ; but alio men from bcatb it CcKw 'i l>e &me tbtng ejcpicffctb be t" anotber fo;mc offpecdj. C^batbefoasbiib ba:b.bp©obsbariD at fuel) time as be foas falling bebiongl fo? fame translate tbe focojbe [Midechi] amifie,fo;[frcitt fiibtiig]i»bet'as '£>&:•& mcn«{l)i5tJj«aVjioiCttu3}wafsiw*v;o. <£?.!itif* Co Iohn Caluins Commentarie, Cobefe?ecfc,bp Hiegreanifsoftljc 8«= ger ,ije ga tbcr c tb tljat be S»a0 p;cft rut b bpttjebnrrteof <£od. ^boufcetelfe i»ben ©ob batb rid b0out of an? r,i»cc muft &cale in fuel) fo;t as fue map tseare in minbe, boto great anb boro D; eabful it S»a0.;f oj in tbe bcrp newer fittee foe are to tearful : but afterfearb botb tbe f care anb tbe remembrance of $000 grace ba mft> awsp togit jer-LCo Saalfc m p ligbj of tfje lining] t0 nctfjing e!0 but to eniop tbe ipgbtc of tbe ij>onne aline* 3$uttbe irojts [befoje©ob] isbtcbe arc inters meoleb,bf tofcrnetb f btffm nee between tbe fmtbfal,to>bof( inentng is to emplop tbeir litem tb« fcrniccof ©obranotbe 5»c?laHngs foyboukcrunawaprsgaDbc abrobe at ranbon : not tbat tbepcan flee fro bi© figbt, but btcaufe the? turn tbcir tailesbponbjm. The conteints of the lvij.P&lmc. This Vfalme is of tvet partes. In tbefirft^auiddcclavctb bis owngreefs, and according as necefjitie required , bee calletb toa GOD for helpe agctnfl Saule and tbe reft of his enemies.*And in the fecond parte, having conccy- ned hope ofdclhwamcc3bec addreffcth bimfelfe too pay bis Sacrifice vntoo COD. The hii.'Pfalme. To the cheefe Chaunter.Deftroy not,Dauids Michtham,whenhee fledde from the face of Saule,in the Cauc, 2. Haue mercy vpon me O God, haue mefcy vppon mee : for my fbule trufteth in thee,and in the shadow of thy wings wil I truft till ini- quiticbeouerpaft. bp tbe fdfalme ffjoulbebeetntituleb [ZDcftrope not] anb tberfbje tbe Ji ntcrpje tcra ba= rp a0 in a barfcfome anb boubtfutl mat = ter.g>ome tbinbe it too baue bin tbe be - ginning of an otoefong* g>ometbinbp S»bt« 3Daotb bao no Soap roo efcape,bce S»a«enfo?ceb to crp cnt,[© tfFiiDJD be* drop me not.] £>tberrometbtnbtbatbp tbi0 fapmg 10 eommebcb 2Damb0goob nature, fc>bofe>ttbbilb Ibtfai from b«0 outt8gtoufnc0tebcnberanbpon^aule to baue bilieb bim : fc; in tbe bolp frojp tbere to put tl)i0 rcftremt [IDeftrop bim not.] iBnt fozafmucbe as ZDauib babbe pjapeo before, ttjts opinio cannot fit tbe place. Wb e«fo?e ft>cc muft cboofe one of tbe otber two : eptber tbat tbe pfalme Ssa0 fct to tbe note of feme common bal= labe:oji«l0 that IDautomente too baue tbi0 pcrttion tobicbe toa* fojeftcb from btmbpfobetnefcare,tobeeb;eeflpneteb beercaeatbmg fc>o^tb!? tobeeremcm= bjeo. u [($attem?rcpt>pponmee*£c+ Cb* baubling of tfye petition fbewctbf 2Das ui^ i»?0 tntanpteo in no fligbte fezonje, care,anb feare. 115 ut tbe manner of fees bing mercp mufre bee marbeb botoe bee ttuQiD vppon the. Lvij. Pfalme. 221 be trnftrb in <&w. Hint) tbere is a coucrt fcice in f Sssozb [g> culc,]as if tit fboiua fap l)c ba& bopeb euen from tlje bottom of Ins bart : anD tr>at tys !>opc Sr-as not gee* ting (as tbepicrmeit)butbab tb^ongbl? tafecn beepe roote. Cbe fame tbinge res petetli be again bpanbp in a metapboz,fap< ing,tbat ttjc fbaboSoc of 0o3be0 Smngs fbstbe a coucrmg f cj bim. ;£ o? alttjougbe tbe iooojbe [ chafah j ftgnifie noto 9 tben [to truft](acco2bing aifo a03! tjaue tranf- lateb it): pttnofeitbftan&ing fozafmuebe as it tmpoztetb alfo afmacb as [ to iobge, 0? to fbzoab] 3 mtfltfee not tljat it ftoulb bee taken fo in thjs place, fe>bere mention is mace of tbe fi-aoou e of bis &»r?gf0. Cbe effeae tenbetb to t'uis, tbatfeeinge JCDautS bat!) committeb Ijtmftlf foljollp to tb* tuition of <2>ob,be may nolo feeie tbat clung of &>iugG0S»e bane fpofeenberctofoze. ifrovotbat <25ob to tbe intent be map allure to* vmto Inm f 111022 fami!tarlp,fapctb tbat be fpzebbetb out ty$ iotnges lifee a i£ en oz a birb too ebcer iflje be. 0o mucijetbe Icfifctben isourton= tbanfcefulnefle anb frocoarbneflc C£cufa= tic, if fe»cc come not ronning a pace too fo gentle a callinge. ^ojeouer be faptl? not^matter feeraetb too requpze,tljat tt fliouio canfe bee Soill flee tontoo <2> 3D ID uupme ofnecbe. 3lnb bee aboznctbd&ob&mba notableCptle,namelp,tbat bee accom^ plifmetb toit>arbe0 tjttw fe>bat fo cuer bee bat!) pzomifeb : oi tljat bee xstil bjmge too pafle t'.)e iuoozfcc tbat Ijcc batbe begonne. if 0? J tafec tbe5»oo?be [ Gomar ] too bee put beeretn tbe fame ftgmfication tbat it is vut in tbe pfalme 138.8. bpcaure tbe grounbeoftbe matter in all one in botlje places. Sliab to ftablifbe tbeperfeuerance of our l;ope,Sxtf mufte bear etbio in mino, tbat© & 2D,(bpcaufebccfozfafeetb not tbe 5boozfee of ijis Ott>ncbanocs,)boctb fullp m all popnte0 aecompltftjie tbe Sosl= fare of tl;e #apibefull, anb forillalwapes bectbeirgupbe, tontill bee bauc biougbte trjem too tl;c cf.dc of tbeir race . wbereas others tranflate it, [ too <& £> 2D isbit he recoarbetb mee:] it t0 but colbe. Jn mp iubgemente it &ooibe agree better too tranflate tt [too <©£>3D tljat failetb mee.] 3nb tfien mufte tbe fentence bee rcfoiueo asuerfatpuelp in tbi0 frpfe t 2!ltbo«gbe C5o\) faple mee at t\)is tpme, anb reaclje not out »v:0 banbetoobtipemee : pit ne= uertbelefie will 3 crp bntoo bim . % mo?e conftrepneb espofition is tijia : "Ji fei:! crpebnto <£ i£> iD fe>bic!j accompliQjetb 0; tbjougblp ejeccutetb W rigourc to; isarbe0 mee. Snb tbe coucbinge of tbe funplp Soitbout circuftance,tl)at b«0 bope fbaibeefettlebtn©ob,buttbat it fbalbee feit/eb in bim at fuebe tpme as iniquttie fljall paflfc bp a0 a ft o?me oj, a Icbtrlvcpno , Cccept pcrabucntutc fome ma bad leucr to tranflate tbe &> oojtbr r chaua potoer 0} mpgbt.]26ut bewfocuecit be, 5Dauib af= flrmetb tbat bifl refuge fbalbe in ID, mutt ncebesbirectc tljctr pzaperg bnto bim. 3!nb tberefojc IDauio pioonctb W bope bp tbe erTecte of it, bp; ratljer bee referrcb toodgobbe© benefites, fo as iucc mapali»ape0 beare in mpnbe tbe ftebfaftnefle of <0od in continetvinge l)t0 goolmcffc, bpcaufe bee leauctb not tl;e S»oo2fee of bis bancice bnaccomplifljeb. 4 [$eeftuUfcnbfrom, u ,] 31 banc tolb pou nolo oftentpmes, tbat 2>aniD inters meblctb goblp concepte0 among bispiaps cr0,to co>nf oitc l)is fab bar t w tball, as it Soerebp fettingebefoiebisfepestbc frute of l)is bope. £>o nome be gioxpetb no lefle of <^ob0 belpe, tban if bee felte l)is banbe pjtefettt.wrjereasbefapctb C ^eioiilfenb from ii?cauen3fome fuppip b'.s 3!ngeUe0.] 2&ut in mpne opinion tbe mbeflnite man; ner of fpeafeing fecmetb too agree better : namelp tbat ©ob fboulb totter tbe fauing bcltbit>l)icb be %oa0 about too fenoc, not barfeclpno? after a common maner, but migbttlp anbtoitb an euioent miracle. £>auib tbcrefoie bp tins fapmgemeenctl;, <0c to* rtot IoImCamins Commentarie chat ';: bopctb fa? a mpghtp anb fmgulare fcpribe of Deltaerance. 3nb fobc matcbctb i^raragcmftearrblpo? natural mcanes. (^,l)s.tri3>\)itl)tto\owtt\) ma? bee ejcpoan= Deo tvcQO Ssapcs : Cbtp thai tranflate it rfromthercp?oche,(upph>$ letter Mem.] •Z&utperrijatmce it fooolbbceas fit too tal« it appofitpuelp,tbus:[i|ceSmllp?e:: fcruemce to tberep?ocbeof him tbatfn>a= loroetb m-:c bp.] Bcuertbelcffe, the pars ticipk [ shvaf ] ntpgbt bee tafcen for [ one tl)attj>aprcte giltlcSe, than anp fi»oo;Des . wee know that g>au:bs cheer" encounter laas agemfte faife crpmes iDbereteitball tlje ' foic'seb charges bun. i^oise Sohen %>tz brers that a bo'p man Soas a!FaulteD fo cruciip ario fo funb?ie Scapes : Jet not \>$ taHcffeo?ne to bee b?acoen intoo the fam* liftes : bat let bs !joJD ourfclses conten- tcx> to put bp cur complapnte0 bnto gob, to &bom it bciongeth. too rcftrepne falte tunges anb frtcHeb banbesfrom booing? barme. ainb t!jercfo?e bp?.nbp after, JDa= hid cslletb bppon bim fo? Defence. fn% although, this p?aper teeme too bee out cf t\)tmktlti : tsofap [^eethou^Kaitcba^ bone the bcauens iD greats the malapcrtnefle of ti;e hn? goDlpia, ano bowe carclefFc their p?pbj0 i5,tc!)en goD ioinhttl) at their '.ntfoeeacs: £»ee map focne pcrcci'ue, it teas mt fyo* hen Without caafc. ^peciallp feeing that £&auleanb all the i^ealme ccnfpp;eD to; gttber, it bebcucb c5oo to rapfe bim bp after fome notable manner, too the in- tente, too cade boron that hautineffe. Klnb bcerbp commeth bnto ps a lingular corns fo?t,S»hen gob fhctoetb that he fuccourcth bs to faue ins oo»ne glo?te . jIFoj the iuic= fees irpumpbe nolelTe at hint than at bS : but bee roill not abpbe anp impeachentettt of hts glo?ie, no? gine oner his botp name fo? them to fkof at. 3if • ertoarb bee rctur= wetli ageine to compiapningetanb wheres asheefapb crfr,tbatbseS&as crueilp bejc? eb : &QWZ Ijee complapneth that there be ambufibesana marcs lapbe fo? him . $ee fapeth bis S^oule is bco?:D Downs lihe as fearfnll men are isoonte too fl)?mhc in themfelues, anb incaceas 25irDes boo, Suhentljepare afrapDe of hawhingeanb Dare net ft irre a fethcr , but Ipe fiat bppen tbegrounoe. €>thcrfommc tranflatcit, [3^se bathe boSoeb bowne tnp fi>0ulc] Wnt the other &W2 is mo?e fimpie, a»D thsGierbc [Caphachj is oftentpmes ta--- hen ^jatralip , SJtoD although^ the &ao?bs[Nepheiii ] amonge the ^eb?£toes bee of the iFetninine genucr , pit in otber places ic is topneb alio too ftcojdcs of il;c^afcHi»ii8gcr.bcr. 8 My vppon inc. XwVij. r laime. 222 8 . My hart is redye 1 6 God , my hart is redye : I will fing , and giue prayfe. p , Vp my tung, vp Vyall and Harp, I will awake early. 10. I will prayfe thee , 6 God , among the Gentyles , I will fing vntoo thee among Heathen people, l r . For grcate is thy goodneife vntoo the heauens, and thy truthe vntoo the cloudes. ia. Bee thou exalted aboue the heauens, 6 God, and thy glorie oucr all the earth. S. iQpf hart tsrebp.*e.]&ome erpouno this [ chenoz,is CrafaitfOjci) : ] s ttje l$e~ b;crc fr oojb tignifpetb as frell to ftablifi) as to mafcc rebpe. J f this tranflation like anp man , the fancc frill bee , that 3DauiD tub tftengblp <£ a longfrbple befoje pur= p«fe in his bart iljc p?apfes,frbicb be bath novo perfozmcb hntoo (50 3D : as if be fboulb fap , 31 bnrft net fooztb fob6inlp to tbanbfgming as feme me boo, but 38 Ijaue bcntn;?felf to £ tinging cf <© obs yzayfes frith a Ccbpe f conftant purpofe of mpno. ^>cn«rtl]cleffc,t!je other transition iibes mec better, that 3Dautb ffeouib fap, be co= metb ebccrfullp to the tinging cf igjeos p:apfcs,accozbing as free fap in <£ngliib : 31 ambifpefeb,aj mpnbeb.,$>eiv,a{tbott3b thiSfozctcar&frttlmgneiTe.frhcn it pzo^ eccbetb of earned: affection, boo comonlp carve ftcbfaftncGe in compante frith it: p it fr as it bcbooucfuil too bo tiie r eaters too J bnbcrft8ttDfrl;ar the 3&eb?erofroo;b im~ I pojtetb. 3Dauto them matcbetb bis rebpe hart as frell agema t!?e liplabour off bP2 pocrites,as agctnft the blocfctfyncfie of o^ tbers : as if he fboulb fa? , i$e is btnoicD frith an wcojrupt jele , anb hauing Cba= ben of all uothfulncs, anb taben btsleauc of all lettes, ts lurjoilp bent too thts free- will offering, 9. [Sip nip tung.f c] JDauft crpzcfletb that bshcmcNctc anb earncfrncOe cf his hart gdoetiifcc, ^Tojc he caileth to him W tmtg.ljf* bpall,anb his harp, that thep fbculo be reope frith him to pzapfe the name of <& 0 3D . iftot fritbout caufe haue 3 tranflateb the froojb £Kc«od , a tung.] f*i albeeit that it bee mod com* monlp taben fo? glozic,pit tt appseretb b? manp places that it teaMbptstfo; a tung arcoiDing as free haue fa?o in tbe.rbj. 43ralm .aino this figniScation f bcrp tect itfclf requp?cth,frhcrin fcojtbiutb after is mention mabe of a bpall nno a harp: es if 3Dauib (boulb fap , bee frill piapft C£obs name asfrsll frith founb of bopce, asfrith inurutnentes of &|ufib.*#c gaue the firS place to the hart: frberbnto he iopnetb the ccnfcffion of the mouth: anb tbirblp, he ab&ctb the furthea ranees that map feinble bis befp?c mo?e. Jf ?.np man Iia tso tafectfce froo;D [Hag- nir] tranutpttelp, it fl^albec all cne. 5rc? bee that is through!? awabec too pjapfe ($> £D 3D, Icatietb no part br.bsonr. i o . [31 frill pjapfc tijee.5 c] ^o?afmuch as 3Dauib p?omtfeth that the dentils anb the heathen ^aciens fball bee fritneffes of hist thanfefulncffe : free gather that in thets afflictiens l^e bare the perfonc of iitlftift : anb it is grcatlp to cur behoof to fcnorce the fame, to thentent onr cSatt map Ctanb before our epes as it fr ere m a glaffe. %xin that in tbcts froo^bes I;-cc hab an cpe to Chjiiues liiingbOKic , ii ap= peeretli trrft bp the autbejuteoftaaule, K om. 1 5 . 9 . anb ftcsnWy , alfo bp plapnc rcaftn. 5To? although d5obS pjapfes map bee fung among recbes anb Uoncs : pit frere it a fonbneffe too Cap: 3 frill rjcacb the name cf © £> 3D to beat men : frhcr^ Yjpon tt folowcth, that the Cpenttles fr ere to be callcb to the bnotclebgc of © £> 3D, thattljis p?otefrattonmpgbt agree bntoo tl>cm. ^itertoarD bte touchcth bieeflp frhat matter he frill tabe too ting bppen: namely, that the goobneffe anb trHtbe of <5 O 3D fill all the frhoic frojlb . wee haue toft pou heertofo;c , how it is not fo? lonn v^aiums ^ommentane f o: noug'i t tljat be ta&ettj bis beginning at <£oD0 gooonefle , and afterward aDDctb tbereo i>i« faptbfulnefle. fox 45 £> 3D ts not lea too be fojcwarD ano frank in p?o = in ifing, fo; anp etbtr reject, tban foj bis owns free gooDneflefafee. U5ut lead t!»3 eafpne0 of lite? mpgbt torn* to want ftcD- fa(Jnc0> all bis pjotnifes arc ratifpeD anD ftabltffbeD fatty tbe tptle of faptbfiilnes f trutbe. Jntbe enb oftlje pfalme be tar* wfy agcm to pja?ing,tbju E> faooiD not bp bis forbearing enereafe ttjc mala* pertneB of tbe bngoDlp, f by fljat mcane* Deface bis ownegtoMcaDnletTeperaDuens ture after be batije bcerc pjepbcfpcs of tbe calling oftbe alfo make apett^ tion foj tbe baftmg of it fojewarD: ass if be fboulD fap,ltojD,not onlp in 3Iew;pe ao= uaunce tfa,ou tbp piuffance bp ijelpmgtbe innocent , but aifo erecutc tbou tUv iuDg= tnentea tfoougb tbefaboic wo?ie,anD get tljpfeif Dominion ouerall^acions. The Contcintes of the . lviij . Pfalme. Tin's Pfalme is of two partes. For firjl of all Dauid mainteyneth his oxene Zpod bebauiour aveinfl tbe [launders of bis enemy es. *And yvben be bathe complayned that be bearethfore wronges at bis enemyes bandes ynxvoortbe- ly, and that be is affaultedno leffe by their fecret flygbtes and policies, tban by their open crueltie : be appealetb at tbe length vntoo Cods Judgment ,and •veifjheth tbem[uch dejlrutlion as they bane defcrued. « The. hut » Tfalmc. Too the cheef Chaunter,defl:roy not, DauicJs Michtham. 2. Speakc yee ryghtuoufeneflc in decde , 6 yce congregation? iudge yce aryght,yee fbnnes of men? 3. Nay, rather yec imagin mifcheef in your hart, and your handes vvey out crueltye vppon the earth. 4. The vngodly are become ftraungers from their moothers womb: euen from the womb are they gone a ftray, fpeaking lyes. c» They haue poy (on euen like the poyfon of a ferpent , euen like the deaf Adder thatfftoppeth his eare. 6. Which herkeneth not too the voyce of the wizard that charmeth, bee he neuer fo conning in charming. 2 . [£>pca&e pee tfje trutbe.frc] 2DauiD of bis ownc accojD flapping to bis enempc0 fontb a DemaunD.Cbcwetl) \)0\x> grcatccon fioencc bebatbc in a good eace. jf o?fabcn face Dare take ftntnefle of oar aDuerfanc patt,face Ojewe bow tl;cre is no Doubtful* nefle in tbe matter, foi it it were Dark* fome,it iacrea fooltf^ pzsfamption to call our enempc to wirneOc. 2>auiD tben,bee= r>g affareD of a good confcicnce , ttcppetb foojtb frcclp,$ Difpjouctb tl;e fonD Oaun= Ders.faberioitbtbcp charged m'ttt befojc tbe fimple foir, ano tijat euen bp t\)t iusgs ment of tbemfclac0 : tis if be fboulD fap, pon pourfelue0 arefaitneflte of mpttein= nocecie.snD pit pee ieawDlp beje inee wilb furmifeb crpmes: bow ia it tben tljat pou bee not aibameb to oppjeffe a giltleu"epcr= fone fo tottbout caufe^ i!5ow,it is too bee eonfiDcreo febo tbep be iobotn 2DauiD fin* Detb fault Smtb. ^e termetb tbetn firft a cogregation,? afterward [fonnes of mc.] vppon the . Iviij . Pfalmc. 223 $91 t!)£p tb&t tt)i!tfee t"»C MO0jD[Ellein] to bse an asaition bnto [ Iftt j'otii JnftneiTe, f translate it Dumb, ] are u>pi>efiro;n 5Da= utD0mecmnge,tnmpiuD3einenr..0cuer= tijcicfTs.tlje Jnterp^ctera agree not bpon tbctooorD[Congrcgatton.] £>o;ne fup- pafe tbat Bauibs cn;mie0 are fppgbtfuU lptamucD,tbattbep Cbouibcbaue tljetrc mectinges to co.tfultc bpon mifebcefe: ac= eo?Dmge 20 leaivs p;rfon td are toont oft- tpmes to lap trjeir bcaD50 togit!)er to Boa^otttJttljftanDinge, 3B rafyer fobs fcribe to otbers, tobtcb tlunfc that SDauiD toitb bonoure of tbeir eftate ( bowbeir bp toap of abmtttuig)itotctl)^)auli,0 Coun- fcUr0,inl)O affembleb about 'ni.3 Scftrucs tton,a0it iycrc to confultcf tbe common tocale.sDtbers tl;at iopne tr>c letter [Beth] to p toooja [Eicm ]come totlje fame tncc= ning. 25 wt fojafmuc!) as tbat Deupfc is far from ilje tooo?De0,tt to better to reteinc £ former naturall translation. iDauiD tl;cr= fojefpcafcetl) too tbat iUffcmbip , fD^tclje ^aulccalUb bnto bimbnber pjetence of a lawful! counfcll,too oppjeflc tbeinno^ cente.liSutpzraDuenturett 10 tnDifoeine tl)atbct:nnctbtl)tm[tijeforute0Ofmen,"j pluc&inge from tijem tbat tobtcbe bee bad graunteD ti;emfoj fafytons fa&e , bpcauft tbep toere ratbsr a rowt of murtbercrs, tbana Scmon of 3ubgc0, st= uante0be aflaplcDbptbc tolple toojloe, pit map notljmge let tbem too bearc out tl)emfeluc0 a© toell agemfte Hingeoano tl)CirCounfclie0,a0asc(nn: ft)Z offeows rings oftrje pcopie,fo tbat fijiix cofciences becelcere.^nB toe map lerne bp IDautDS erample,to leane to a goob conference, al - tbougb tt)6 uaboletoojlD beDeafe,anDfo to appcalc to goo* lubgcment featc. 3tu0tine, tobo bnberftoob no moje but tlje <25recHe tranflation,Difputetl) bcere curiouflp.tbat men bauc power to iuoac arpgbt in gene^ rallgrounbc0:but affoone astbepcape too particulars, bpanbp tbep arc ewers feene, bpcaufe tbe faultie affections boo I Darfeen oj Depjauc ti)z tljingcs tbat toere rigbtlp conccpncD . Cruelp tl);0t0 an rU fovDablefaptnge.peaanD alfo pjoatable, boivebett notljing to tbe myM of 3D auto, 9 LIV-P vatb^r, f c. ] 3!ftcr tbat be Ijatlj compUpncD of tbeir groffc bnfl)amefaftei neflfs, nowc bee ftcppeil) to tbem foz ima? BiaingefeicUeDncfTe in tytin !jarte0anb Cjcecutmg it Uiitb tljeir tjand*0 : anb tljsr= fo?e J trandatc tbc 5woo?b [APh ]nap ra^ tber.] $01 31 Doubt not but t'oat after £>auio bat!) clecreb bimfeifc of fyavc falfs flaunber0, b« p^ocecbetb pit further, anb bjtngetb tbeir faulte0 too open ligbt. Cbe feconb member map be? trantlateb twoo5»ape0, eptberCpcetoep 9\xt crusitte i»itb ?9w 3janoe0,oj pour banbe0 iucpe ontcrueltte:] ^otwitbdanDingc, fojaa muclj a0 ti)*rc is no alteration inf fenfe, let tbe 1ftea9er0folotx>e tob'fc!) t'jep I'^e bed. jfroxo S»betca0ljefopctb tbcp [ &>ep out]fojtbep Sooojfee 0^ erccute, fomine tbmfetbemecningoftbemctapboie to bee t!)i0, tbat tbefecounfei;er0 opp^ffeb 2Das uio anoer tbe p?ctscc of equitie,a0 tbougfj be bab bin a traptour ano a rebell agetnfte tlic ltmg,anb aoulurbsr of tbe cotsmen peace. 3ino noooubtcbut t^ep colouteb tbeir Cp^annie to it!) boneS tpttes:a0 bt- pocrpte0aretooontteooo,toi)Otbougi)e tbcpbaue no colour of trutije.pit alwapcs p?eteno fomei©bat.U5ut fo?afmucl) a$ tbe !^eb?effietooojbe [Paias] batbc a larger fcopeanbi0ta?icn to [Direct ojmake fit,] peraoucnture tljc fenft totll bee '.be plap ner"tofap,tbattbepput in pjactpje o;ftt abjtoebe tbe toicseoneffe tobtel) tijep ija* concepueo in tbeir bart. Cije percell [op - pon tbe eartb, 3 taHe to tmplp a0 muebs a0 openip: ]fo as bee CboulDrpnbefattlte bceretoitbe tbeir bnbjpbcleD libertic,foj tbat tbep erecateb not tbeir crueltie m fe^ crcte 0? in corners onelp. 4. [Cb« bngoalpare become,? e.]©2 tn- bauncctb tbetr to:chc&ne0,tl)at ttyy bega not of latetogiuetbefclucsto fummg.but fecrebometo naugbtinc0.i:o^ toe Knoio tbat manp(tobo otberwile arc not of euill Dsfpofition bp nata-:c)are eptlier carieb a= toap bp ligbtneffe anb beat of iuft, oj coy- rupteb b^euill examples, ojelfe bp fome occafion peelD tbefcltiesto cmi.*5ut con- trariwpfe 2DaatD auoucbctb \)is cnejaiea to befapeb in naugbtpnss from tbeir tno= tljer0 toomb: as ri Ije ujoula fa?,tbat tre; cl;cr<^ Iohn Caluim Commcntaric t\)tnz ana crucltte W er z boinc wirt) taem. iroj aUljougb, Soee bee bbme faaltic all of 03, anb tijat fume bssbjeb bp nature in aUtbepofrerttieof&bam.lo as tljcpcan boonotlnngarpgbtas long as t'.jep bee leb bp :'i)tir oxone nature: pi: fcn'C linowe tbtttbcroojepairtisreffrpmDbp the fc; cret bjpsle o< gob,fo as t!jep gtuc not tbes kfnesouee to all Kpnoo of Hj;ckcDn2;ej wee there bes fome kyntes of popfoa tbat Uili witb tbcire coloeneu? anb Gtb?r= fommc t'nat coafume toe partes of ipfc, ia'.ti) fweltings anb bnrninge . Cb« mee- nuige tbzrefoj; is, JDauibs enemies arc fall aaifrb fentl) ocnemons malice to boo mifebief*, as weil as &>erptfitcs bee. Sftcrwarbe tjec pepntetb oat mo?e Cjc= pjcffel? tbeire turnecotc craftpneffe, lap- inge tbep arc li&e toobeafe Sobers, tijat flojpe tbeir cares ageinft tbe bopce of tbe Charmers : asif bee Ojomoerap.tbep bee not of tbe common fojte of ^erpentes, but in xoplpnelTe tbep paffe tije Gpcft 3JD; bus of all.tbat can bell tbifttbem fro tbe featcs of tbe cbarmes.llf a man bemaub, febit^cr tberebeeanp 3!rte of 3lncl)aunt* met: 3 anfujer,tf tbercfojjr no 3!ncljaut* ment0,it iaerc a cfjplDiD> $ fenbe fapinge fcjbjcb is fpofeen beere. jf oj be fl)Olb tahe a Qmilitttse of notbmgronieffe anp ma per cbaunce trjmUrat&ertbatDauio fpeafcetl) acco^bmg to t'ne crrottr of tije comon peo; plc.j^cucrtbcleflc bs feemetljto gpuean tncling tbst fcrpentcs are inc^aunteb britb fejitcrafts: j fo mud) a man map confefle ioitbout psrtll.3lnD in olo tpmes p ^ar= fes in 3B taip foers belecueb to erccl in rl;is craft.^5urelpiftbcretoereno3incbaunts ments,it were in bapne foz tbe iLace of C5ob to fo?btD tbem anb cebbrtjmc tbem : JDcum 8*n. yit boo J not graunt it to be a rcafon o? an arte.but tbat it is boonc b^ | mccrc fligbf^ of tbe 2Diutl,to iel;ofe be* cepuablenes goo icttctt) looce tbe reegnes among tbe onfaitblcfo,but fufferctb l)im not fo to ocluoe ijis feruantes bpo iubcin be fbpnzVi) bp bis woojb anb fys fpir ste. I^owbett if i>ee li9 too cut of occalion of euneufequcihons,lctbsfolow f vo\)i(fy 3! toucbeb alate, y 3Dauib bojioiBcb tl)ts fmuUtu&c out of tbe comon errours : as if be has fapb,ti)cr is no ioplmes to be foao in ferpets i»!)icb rcignetb not in tbefe me : pe3 ti)oug') it be fo y Sobers be feneeb bp rbeir oiune dpnefTc agcinfte 3Hncbauntc* 10 m?ts, yit are tl)efc men as craftp as tbep. O Loicie burfl the teethes of them in their mouthes: crush thechawes of the Lyons 6 Lorde. Let them sheaci away as vvater,let them go their vvayes? let them bend their bovveasif they should breake themfelues. Let him vanish away lrke a fnayle that mcltetb, and as the vntymcly frute ofa woman that fceth noi: the Sonne. Before your pottes feele the Thorncs, let as ic were a whirlevvynd ca- ry e him away li ke ra we flesh . tije bngoblp,S»!)en tljep woo:Ue troubblc tetljegiitlefle.lSutbecrerbsozt'cnstco bcmarU2D,tljat3>auibarfi:cc6mi.l4v:;:5 of il)z ibicUvBnclT: of Ijis enemies, ano t^ougbt 7 kO S.03tbr,f c] & Dtos cOjnetb \\tz too curfiuge t^em,a»o appeals^ too (gob fos b:n2?.inc-r,accc,:bingeasu: is Ins ps£ti= iiar c!;argctoo wftljftanJe t\)z bictenx of vppon the . Iviij . Pfalmc. 224 bought foo;tb a goob ConQ:tenc« of bp0 o ivn,t cfozc be calico <2?ob to him to be tljS Siotiocatc 0} 3!uDgc of bts cace. :fFo; it 10 not in anp ippfc to be bopcb, tljat bee i»il! tonocrtake th: maintenance of cuill caeca. jftoto be Dff^ctb. in t\)is berfe, tJ?at <£5qd CboulO bp In© poroer b:eafce tbcrotcHeb, ana refnepne the rate of mifcljecf, Sobers roitbtbep are inflames. ;fFo;bp tbcrooojb [teeth jbe mecnetb £ the? are as grce&p of renbing anb tearing in peece0 , as roplb bcafteo bee . i»5jicf) thing bee rrpjeUcf b mojc plapnc in the feconb member, bp co? paring them to *Lpon£. wherbp it appec- retb 5)On? outrageot*u> rtyep ruf (heb bnto bis beftruction. 3in rtje tiert bcrfe,anb in the otl)er foloroing , be goctb on Smth tijc fame mecning, ff garmfiberb it fc>ttb mo& apt funilitubeo. jfirf! be Dcfp^etl; C5ob to make rb. em floroe aroap lifce S»atcr,tbat i& to fap, moft froiftlp. 2i5p iubicb faping l)c tottereb no flcnDcrraptb.S£e farochi0 ene^ mpes furnif iheo Smth greatcporoer anb fcjelth: t»e faroethem fettlco Soith bcepe roote0, anb tgcic ftrengrb to be bcrp &>cll grounbcB: fmallp,befaroe tl)em to be IpUe the Gonnpe cliffca : nap , rather inafmueh a0tl)c isbole ISealme "u^s angrpeimrli Inm,befaroe manpc iKocfccs call: in bis fo>ap , the bcrp bcholbtng feherof tnpght caft Borone l)i$ cojagc Smtl) c^cccomg fearc. as a popnt of rare faptb anb conlrancie . jFoj it fe>as an bncrebible tbin3,onieue be bab abuaunceb C5 000 power afcoue all the :m< p:bimcnt0 cf tbc ioojla. (<£berc folotx'Ctb an otljer Gmilitabc , that tbctr attempte© map patTe aroap iiwitbout effect, ^foj the fence of the iooojbeato.tbat S»hen tbep fljall baue bent their boroe , their aroroes fljoulb fall boron in toapne a© if tbep f»cre bjoben. ;ffo;afrauel) tben a* their- ctaels tie fc>aSbnappeafablc,iDaniB bcfpjctb tbat tbeir attempt0 map bee oi{lippcpns tcb. fllj)o;eoncr, be coulb not Jjatie maoe tbi0 p?apcr, eitcept be bab bin armeb foitb tomianquifibable co?agc, fo an be: coulb fubmtt the tyeaofuli pzeparation0 of bi0 enemvea to tbe plcafure of <£>ob : mip,ra; t Ijer tn fo pzaping , bee t^?orocri) all tbeir power *>nocr d5ob0 fecte. Cbt0 ctrenras fiance tljerfcje is to be marfecb , tbat.&ee fapnt not in o«r p?apcr0, alrt)ougb tbe a= roroe0 rocre alreBpet>?aroentotbcbf2b, f manaceb to Grikc bs beab cut of ba-o. 9. [lLpUca S>naple.ijc.]Cbci0txnoor:5 miiitu&C0ame at tbc fame mark tbat rije firfl; bib: namelp , tbattbcp fboulD be btf= patrfjeb ont off feap 00 Stj^tfuli things. "St mpgbtfcetHe a mocfcene to i!feen moft fturbpe ] u gn'fpetbbothea^>ot anb nCi)o;n,tbcre map be picUco out a bubble fcnee : li5efo?c pour tbo?ncs groroc 'op into a ^afb, that 10 too fap , before tbep greroe bp too anp greateljeicsbtb 0? tbifeneOc: c; clfe, before pour pottc© fecle the fp?c, that 10 feinbieo of tbc rbo;ne0. Jf S»ec erpounb it of pct= U&, then (ball ti)t ft>oo;b [qutcS ej bee ta -- ken fo;[raroe affl),]acco;binj aUo as 3! haue trannatco it « ^But if iacc ca= poun?) it of •Cbo?nes ,t!jen Cball itb-:cta= fecn fo; poong anb tenber . ^cucrtfce- IciTethc |£>zopheets mcentng 10 nothing bubble . ;$f 0; lip thcis fejoojcc0 he bcto= fecnctl) tbe Ijafttng of ofcs t>c::scance: anb thcrfoze be p?apctb tljat thep map tec frocpt atcap as it 5»erc S»ttb a Sobtrlc- topiiU; lohn Caluins Commcntaric •1 vn'o: eprtjei before tbcp come to tbeir ffifl fcrmrrb too float b?ft : namely , tijat tt>« groutlje cf ftrengtb, as tijojnes barocsi in Sazatb of (S £> *D fi;ou»D fcrftb bepftontf to pjiefces: o: become raep growcrppe, as ttolence fweepc area? tbevrtdscDitjsCbn- the fiefa tbar is bopleD in tbe pot oj 'caub fooocn flefb, anD foci) as Ijatfce fcarce yit Djon. ^otattljftanDing.tljw latter fence felttbeurttfojarmtboftljefpjc. 1 1 . The ryghtuoufe shall reioyce when Pie teeth the vengeance : he shall wash his handes in the bludofthevngodly. 1 2. And man shall fay, But there is fmte for the ryghtuoufc , But there is a God that iudgeth the earthc. 1 1. [t£l»e rpgbtuonfc.f «.] 3Utyougb he fecme too attttbate to tbe rpgbtuoufc an affection farrc topoe from gooip meehnes: yit notajitbfi-anBmg,if &>ce bcarc in mpno tljat iofjicb 3 bauefaiD ofti)cretofo?e,na- melp,tl)3t iDauiO comtnenDctb tbe pure f SoeliDifpcfco affections,t!icrc is no abfur= Wtte at nil m ttys, tbat die 2D , be fball no lefle teiopec arpgbt as oft be fectfo pamffcraent lapD bppon the tongc&p bp tbe banO of <0 £> 2D, tjjan Io= uinglp l)zn no refpit can procure a- menDement : ne bis rigoioufneffe lmpea= cbet!) an? tohit l)is mercpe . &o alfo tbe rpgbmoufc SdooID glaDlp call backc tbeir cnempes too tlje iaap of faluation bp beas ling Sozengcs quietip, anD baa lener tbep fboulo amenotban periOj. ij^ott»ttbftfin= bing, xntyn tbepi orone fcjiifulnclTe batbc biougijt tbem too tbe rppe tpme of ben* grance, tbe goblp baoe tuft cattfe of reiop= cmg : bpcaufc tbat bp ttyai meaneg tbep percevwe c^etr Ipfe to be pjecioufe in goos fpgbt. Cberfojc , IpMe as tbcp gronc ana are sreeueo,as ions as (B £> 5D Soinlictb it can not fall cut but tbat it tnnft be a pleafure bntoo ti;cmf f»^en fjjickeimeffe is papcb ^t's rpg^tfull rewaro. i2. [ainomanfballfap.^c.] ©ptbccanfe ano cno of tbe top, (Tucb as it is oefcribeo becrc.) it appecrerb tljat tbts affection i* cleere from all fault in tbe &aincte£. !^Oft>beeft,!je fecmctb to erteno tbat gene^ ralip to all men, frbicb be b^o fpoUen erft but of t\)e rpg'otaoufe onip. H3ut fo?afs mud) as coufefuon can not agree toe anp.but tb z faptbfult , &bo bane epes in OeeOe: "§ tbinfe tl;em onlp to be fcetoUene&O brocr the name of man.^o«7bett,pit: iiit^ t\)ij c%maeracion , tl;at iDauio meenetl), tl?at mahp, ^yljiclj ioerc ftrifeen anD ttuba blco , (bail returne too a quiet mpnD. Cbcn, altbougb be meette none but tbe •c^tiD?en of <& <|) 3D, vit oootb be arpg^t to fpcake inoetermtnateip, as it frere of a muUttuDe. ^Fo^ioebnoiMCbotomanpbe crajco tbjousb tbe confufion « Difo?oer of tbinges in tl)t fro;lD , ^bo at tbe appec.« ranee of <£>oos tuftice plult top tljetr I, arts, fo as t^eir mpnbcs are cbattngeo euerp^ S»bere,atroonc as <5 ® 5D battye rcacbeD bis bano out of ftcanen . <&l)ig confefHon tbcrfoje fball eyteno far anD 5»pDe,accoj: Ding alfo as fa^etb Cfat. 1 6. 9. wben tljp mogmentes appccre.iD <5oo,tben fi)ail tl;e tnbabiters of tbetartb lernc rpgi)ta= oufneffe. ^ooj altbougb tbe iooo?o [ Ac] boo now 9 tben but ftmplp affirme among tbe ^eb^etces : pit notwitbftanotng foj- afmucb as it oftempmes cnlargetb s 3B ooubt not but tbat in tbts place tbere Ts to be bnocrftooo a matching of contraries tattccene tl)C tempiacion, 5t>irl) febtcb the ioca'rtC tnpnbcs are trnbbleD During tbe tpmetl;at <&sb telapctb bis tocngeance, 6nbtbctrtiftS»bicb tl;ep concepue of l)i& iuDgmentes.€ bcrfo?c bp tlje aoucrfatiue yait itut,'} ti;ep puJ bacfee tl;at Doubting, ipljtcl; yppon the .lviij.Pfalme. 21$ feliicb is toont tofcrcpcinbpontbcmbp gob laying afibc the care oftbetoojtiDfate dSoos btfconntcnance ano fo;bcartng , as 9 bib nothing in bcauen.£>f Sobicb matter thougb trjep being fc>afecneo from Ocepe Sue &ill intrcatc moje at large in f irjtiif . QjulDrebuhe tJjciroroneb?oto5tncfi. 3no }Dfalme. ^eabBetharcafcnfeibptbccbil it is nofmall pjoceaing bnto geDlpncOc, o?cn of €>ob are not beftifute of tbefrute to be Seellanb tb?ougbl?perfa>aocD, tbnt of tbetr goblpncfle, namctybpcfoifcCflBoD frgbttuous lore not tb«r labour bpfcals i0tI;eiubgcoftljefco?iO.J5c?tttbckcjlD king carefully in £ fearc of gob.35nb tljer= be tulcb fc? the pjcuiDcncc of <^oD,it can- fo?c <£ lap. 3 • 9 .bi&bctb tbc cbilBjc n of goo not bee but that at ? Icngtb be mutt fijc w traucl f 0? frs ieife&ome : fay pec tbe ngb= bea> be mafeetb biffcrcnce bcctvcccr.c tlje tuon0 fbalbe Seen" at cafe, f;e fbal eate ilje gcot anb tbe bab, men fc>cre fojtbrcttb anfaetablcto j teclBofng tbinfeingHojtunebearcstbe foueremtie eftbevisbtaeus,all mens mtnbs are Oip= intbe&)o?lb,wclofcgobsbemuiion&ith peric anb fo? ware to bifiruft, as trjsnflb m tlje bo&mbes of ijeaucn, The conteintsof thc.lix.Pfalme. The ty tie -which shall enfewbyandby, dcclaveth yppon "what occafon this Tfalme yeas y»rytten3yokich is in a m drier like the lafl before . For in the firft fart ofitito thentent he may accufe the ycrongefull crucltic of his ene~ myes the more greuo-wfiy3bc ajpmeth that he hath giuen them no caufe to be fo fur dt oddes -with h im . ^Andyehen he hath complayned ef their -wrong- full dealingfbe callcth yppon CO D fsr kelp : and after he hath encouraged himfelfe to good hope by bolymufngs3he prophefyeth eftheyr ynluchje endcm Finally he prom ifeth that he -wilbc myndfull of his delinerance3fo as he -will fet forth Csds grace yvith commend acions. The, lix. Tfalme, To the cheefe Chaunter^deftroy not,Dauids Michtham^hcn Saulefcnt, and they watched his houfe to haue killed him. 1 Deliuer me from myne enemyes 6 God,lift mc vp from them that rife vp ageinft mee. 3» Deliuer mee from the woorkers of wickednefle 3 and faue mee from bluddy men. 4. For behold they haue layd wayt for my foule, flrong men are gathe- red togithcr ageinft mee : not for my finr.e3nor for myne offence 6 Lord. 5. without fault on my behalf r they haue ronnc and made themfelues ic- dye : aryfe to meete mee, and fee. Ff.j. 6. And Iohn (Jalums (Jommcntane, And thou 6 Loed God of hofts^thou God of lfrae!,awalcc to vific all nacions:pitie none of them all that tranfgrflc mallcioufely. SeUb. s*^ «} l&e fto;le 5»ljet tof mencien ts v>urelp at foljat tpme 3D air.D Seas bce= fct at borne at bis ovwne l>ofe i& a banD of foulDpers . i . % am . 1 9 1 1 .« tl)t garD tbat itaa fent b? £?aule hUD all tlje tSfewcs of tbe Cute, tbere Seas no bopcof efcaping,ojof Ipfe left, /$ow al= tbougibee fltppcD awape bplnsfopues fe)i!f,pttfougbtbecnct fc>£ fafegarD clfc= t»;j6rc tljan m tbe mercpe of tf& «0 3D . %xfo trroelp altbougb flWicbol DcupfcD tbat futtle fbpftc too begvople l)tr ifa* tljcre *>oulDters:pitis ttccrrein tbat tbe goo'.p man irao not DeliuereD otlierrcpfe than bp tlje toonDet full Defence of ©05 . Ebcrfcjte tbe [toatebntgoftbeboufc] is pat beer e,ac if it h&5 bin fapD,bee bao bin coopea bp at tl)at time in tbe ftreigbtcs of oratb- 5Fc£ tberfojercmenfentfro 0aule, not to take !nm aliuc,but to Hill bjm 0a1 1 of banD. 2 [tDcHuermee.fc] Co client ent too harten btrafclfe t\)c mojs too call bppon 05 sD ID, be Defcrpbttb tbe bioltnt power of btsenetnias . Jfojbptbe&joojD [rpfe bp] Ijce bciofcencib not onlp rbepi bolD* nc{T:,o; thepj GowtanDSoljot aiTauttcs, mt alio tbep? ftrengtb fcbcrbp tbep oner; matcbcD tjitn : anb pit bee scfpjtti) to bee Ufiea op aloft , to t'ocntcnt l;ce map bee a= bene as it iyere ibis SuatcrfluD . ^Jnb tins matter ot fpeaUtmj mud bcj marines, to p irctet ioc bout not but tt Ipcrl) in 5003 poixer to jfceftrue bs.tbousb our enemies isere euen ouer our beaDa . 3fntbcberfe foiocojng, bee not onlp Taper!) bee is ouer= wbchneD , but alfo finbeti) fault Soitij toe Sojourn anD ioicHcD crueitic of \)is en»'s ropes.'3lfterS»arD btcompzebenbetb both tocgttljcr, namely tbat benstcfJrtutc ef ttrengtb too reuft t anDpii nQ£witbft-'m= Ding,ti)at i)ec enauretij tbFwnoToje anD l.arb b?um'es ioitljout anp offence of ins. fcoxo 3! IjaacfqlDpoabeeretcfoje.ojras tber jfl aaueoftpmesrcp.-tso imtoo pca\ tbat the cl.erer tbe favtijfull b:c uitljcr? oxyne ccnfuenccs , fo mucbe tbe mo?o bottmefle banc tbep too fecKc c5 O 2D : bpcaufe tbep baue tl?e! freer accco,maf; tnucbastbep mamtan tbccacctliat(£fo3 tnaintetnetbiPo; inafmucb as ^ob is tbe mamtepner of rtgl)tuoufenc0,anb Ujc ao- uocnteofgoobcatcfi : ^c toagetb ibar a- gcinfl htm i&bofoeaer aflaultctb tbe inno- cent. ^rfl;tberfo?c^ecouiplatnetl) t!;atbc is opp^tJTcD bp a mtgbtp cenfptracte , ano tbat be isbefet bp treafon: Sobers Upon it foio'ioctu tbattbere is no fuccour remain ning f 0; bint in tbe ^oo^lb. 3Ef tcrsrarD bee come tl; eocene to tbe auoucljment of bps innoccncic.^oj altbougb C5oD bp plagtng t)is feruantes do cbaQi3etbeir ftnnrs : pit bootl) 3DauiD tuftip cjeempt Ijtmfclfc from all fault in refpect of S>aule , ano bp tbis meanes put tbe iubgmet of bis innos cencte bnto gob bpcaufe be inas opp?e0eb Sottl) tbe oucrtbwart flaanbersofmen. wbatfbcwcr tbep boaft (fapetb be) tbrre fball no iatck concll e 0? offence bee foams in mee.lnD altbougb tbep came not in o;c ber of battel!: be fapetb tbep [bie ihem oi befttr tbem.] 25p icbicb too?ccs be mee= nctb tbat tbep omit notbing,tbat Diligence map rcquire:fo grebclp in gooo fot!) tocre tbep bent to Dcftrop one filtefouie* 5 [Stepfe to tnccte mee.]^e aliuDctb too t!je batting of bis enempes of 5»b»cbbc batb fpoHcn, tbat <©od ftoulD bec no icflc bu?? in maUtng tban tbep fa5sre bnftt e too mifc!}*ef bint.j$euertbeicffe,tQ totn b»ms felf fauour befo?e <0od , agetn be maUetb fjtm fontneflx anD iuogc of bis cacc. ^ o;c ouer i»l}en be fapctb[fce,]be mmgletbtbe TjnDciflanDingoftbe fleajioit^ tbe &oc= trine offattb.^oj as tb ougH'^obbaD bn^ to tbat Dap pafTeb oucr all Sponges fentb c'ofeD cprs,bs befeecbetb b'ni noio to lofee bp ano[fec: ] anD this is Doone in refpect of tbeunf&ufuiiTcfTe of mans mtnD. jfi^ot= roitbftattbing, bp tb,t iuap, tn attributing t'jc poorer cf -Terns Jbnto acKnou.= leagetb bp feptb3 tbatnotlnng tsb'D from CSix> ID S> fo:e fi q\)t. $) airbeU .it is to be notcD,£ ipauiD iiutte"^ not tl;.us alter tbe n;anev of mi!tt } bat ri?at ijects Jbjougblp pcr« vppantrieJte, Pfalme. perfnabeb tbat %is otm«e afflictions, to^ gitbrv fomb bis br.gtMncs,$ tbe&zong ful DealtngB of his tnetntf s,are alreabpe Knoioen tmtoo ©on.lijutbp tljts itoo?o be lapctb foitb tbctobole matter too bee craminebbpthfot> of l,ofirs ftnb tbe ®ob of Jfra el :] bp tbe fotmcr if Suburb br cemmen bctb b«s tnfxntt power^anb bp tbe ctber, bi0 peculiar cbarines ivfjirb r)ee fccarctrj tetoar&obfoclni&jcn, enb toivarastbe fc>hole cburcb. 2llfo tbe pxor.cwne [Ata] [thou] is of great fozcejas if bee fboutoe fap,ittsno mo2epciTtble tbath geance of (Bob : a moze certctnanDmoze bo jrtb'.c mbgement bangetb oucr tbe in tcarDcnemtc0,tl)ctbncer tbe title of bio therbeDaretroublefomctotbe goblp, 9 b2caU tbe c?cer t fiat lifbrb in tbe cburcb bp <£cb.3Ubcugb tl>i n t;;at SDastb baa net foar forth all /flatters : pit r.ottf itb ftanbtng,bp requeuing <25jD2> too biut tbcmali,bcfbctDctb that ttfboulD bee a« cci.ift reafen fo; bun tco fuffcr tbe bouf- boloe enemies of tbe <£burcL;e to rage & 226 outpnnifbctmn% t)ecrwttbalta!fohee fozrftJctb agelnft temprat:ion,fob£twmb all it is a bUelpfecb tbat beefoas basbip beftaD.^c? be foas affailcD, not of f cure 0? Sue !na?D ptrfens, but of aljooge mul tituee am? rl?c»ttl;c contrary part be as uaunceib htmfclfp, in conftberfttion *b«t it ?0 tbe picpci cbatge cf ^ooojuct ontlp to bzfng a feu? fcnocr co^arn , but alfo 100 taKepuntfhcmcrctcf tbe offences oftbe fobolc foojib, fo% Qtb be cjetenoeD go&0 tubgemcut too (be bttermeft bozbero of tl)c eartb,be ought not too be afrapeb of fucb a multtfobc fobtcb foa0 but a fmall portion of man&inbe*s>>o«?bcctt (accois Ding as foe {halt fee agein ilnn a 5»tnie ) tbic map (not br fitlp) be fenberfro&e of the ■jifraclitcs, tobicb 1 &ere be« 39 haut toucbeb afo2e,namelp tbat 2Da; uio foai? as ioel toopo of ptiuate affect i= on, as cleere from all troublcfome intern peramcstBcfiDcs then tbat bee Kncai = cib tbe perfonsofiobombefpeftbetb fo foxeEp,to be alreaop appointed to bam na tion :i»ttbapurc ano feel fetleD jeaic of tbe fpirite bee pleabetb the esmmon cace oftbcci)iircg,rati;crtbanbi0cron. '3tnD ttjc t f oic the r 10 no cattle tub)1 tljep lb uio pietenb b»s ejeample, febome tbeir otone pziuate gret fe tnouctl; to thunder cat ce= commauicattorfr* 7. [ %l)cv 5»« returnee c] V) elifcerrctrj bts enemies too bungrp anb mab bogs, iybcrr tji.r.gcr cr.fcjcrtS) to tun gabbing abDitt isttbout ccafmr : 9 bp tbis means bcblametb tbc;rbnfanablecrueltp,tbat turn tng m Dcfire tco bo batine,tbcp ctin utucrrcil&bt'ntbcpb^uedcsucinousb' 7. They wil returne in the cueningtbark like a Dogge5 and go about the Qtie. 8. Beholde,they wil prate with their moutj^, fwoords are in their lippes : for who shall heere? >C" 9. But thou O Lord shalt laugh at them,thou shalt ieft at all Nations. 10. I wil keep his ftrength vnto thee,for God is my defence, ^o?.bcfapt^ tbcp return in the cuening: not tbat tbe prcfteb all tbe time befoze, tut bitaufe tbcp p20cecbcb in tbeir ma? lice Sc irb bntrer pable tcauaile. ^bougb tbcp baut pjoatcbnctbiuga-.irbebafe leng (Tap?t!) bee 0 ptt G):li a man finae tbs ronntng l>y $ oown m tbe euen tibe» ^.f.t?. atps» Iohn Caluins Commcntarie, aiptlp in good foot;) oootij tbe umtltcuoe of barbing agree to cr p jcffe tb ttr bjeab ful afiaults«Un tbe nert berfe be befcris bctb tbetr fecrccnes. jf o* bp Taking tbac tljrv p?ate o j tbat tbep fpittc out at tbetr moutbSjbe menctltfb&f tbep fetter tbetr fetched purpofes opelp ano fritboat etfs fimalatton.iFo* altbougb tbetoojb [Na- bang] figntfie $J)etapbo;tcallpe in l&cs bieto [to fpcaa : ] pij notontbftanbing fo; aftnucb as tt p?operlp tmpottetfe aftnucb as to [babble fep as atocifpjtng oootbj ttfeemetb to betoken mojte tban fimplp to fpeaH. Cbt mccning is.tbat ttjep not onlp confult fecrctlp in »?necs to tr)e be (traction of tbe innocent perfon:but alfo tbat tbep fetter fe>battbrp baae purpos fcD in tbetr mmbes,openIp $ tottb bjags gtng.Cberfo;etDbcras it fatocoetb tbat [ftoojbs be in tbetr lips] it implpctb af= mucb astbep bicatbs notbmg bat mur- tbcr,o; y tbep fpecu oat as manp fujoj-os to cat y innocent p;rfons tb? o.e.a 3 tbe i fetter rsoooins^t Ungtb bee abbct!) tbat tbe caufe iubp tbep run fo far at racoon, is fo; tbat tbep feare no fljame tbat map come of tt./j^ow altbogb it be liUelp tbac 3D aula nccojDmg to bis ojbinarp muter toacbetb beere tije bjamHcU fottimefft of tbe bngoblp,S»bo to flja&e of fearc, troa ■ gin <5dU to be a deep in S^eaae:pit in mp tubgement bee eompiapnetb tbat tbep fo mucb f mojecarclcflp bold tbetr Smcscb coanfcls.f pubitfbe tbe asitfoerein tbe open market, btcaufc tbep are but ncwip flsfbt m boing mifcbeefe.iF oj tbep bab fo beSmtcijeo tbeSobole commanaltie, 9 fo DefaceD iDamo witb tbetr dangerous re pajtes, tbat no man biirfr once open bis Itpstncycukoftbeistjefcbeofoule.Ji^P ratber tbemoje fpttefulip tbat anp man pcrfecutcb tbe ftbc foule in tbe Stings be balf j,fo mucb /.»as be tbe mo 1 e let bp,as abame Dcfcnbcr of tbe common S»ealc» 9. pi3uttbou£>ftMb»fc]£genfttbefe unpebtments IDoutb netwrtbeleffe raps fctlj bp bimfclf ton tbe better bope* 3too be bfctb 6tip tbeftmtlttabc eflatigbing, tbercbp too craltc €>obs putfflmce moje mtgbt£ip:astfbtefboulofa^,^bentbc fengoblp baue pjactijzb all tbat map be, (Sab ttiDittb all tbetr &eupfes toptb no a boo.anb astt Soerc ioitl) fpo^ting.jlrcj as long as 45ob S»in&etb tbetr icwbnes tt^tue tb * burflctb out moie malapert- Ip : bicaafe tbep fenBerffcand not, y ©od febenbe fecmetb to fit (hi, wcutctb bis tubgernents toitb Ijts onelp bccU» •€ bcr - foje in ioap of contempt , bee fa pet b tbat d5ob neebetb no greatepjepararure, fo; as foone as be liftctb to puntQ) tbem,bce IdiI bjing tbem to notbmg, cuen tu pup ing* ^nb bp tbis means be inuepetb gre uouQp agetnft tbetr blinbe f arpe,btcanfe tbattnauauncing tbetr orone ttrcngtb fenfrapeblp^tbepfeine^obtoUeadcep. bicb ts aboeb tntbefcconb mem ber concerning all nations , tenoctb too tbis purpofe.tbat altbogb tbep frere as manp tn nombcr as tbe fobole Soo;lD be fioe, pit fboulb tbep bee maoe a mocker p S»ici) all tbetr ricbes anb power, l^ow- beettttmapbeerefolueb tbus> [Hike as tbou iefteft at all Rations.] ^ure it ts tbat 3Da;u b icftetb out tbe f oltQje b:aues rpof bis enemies , i»bo bppon trade of tbeir otone multttube, ourii gate tbe ab= ntnture fepon all tbings. 1 o. CH i»tl seep bis ftrengt&.f c] Cbe barKfomnes of tbis place batb mabe tbe 3nterp;etcrsto ^e(tttutn&;p ioapes 5h tbeu* bcuifes* H3ut none of tbe fDjteft tt mo;e btolentlp, tban tbep tbat imagm tbat tbere ts a cbaunging of tbe perfone in tbe Belattue [bis] as tf iDauto fpea - feing of t)tmrtif,(bouib puttbetbtrb per; fonfo;tbe tlrft.^erabuentnretbe tbing tbat moaeb as toell tbem as tbe (SrceUe tranflater , ioas tbis Socaac reafon : bu emit tbat in tbe lad feerfe tbere is reb [1 So ill fing mp ffrengt'a fentoo tbee, 0? inp ftrengtb ujal ftngfentotbee].^6utfx>ben toe fbalbe coute to tbat place, tt toill ap = peere fufficientlp boro aptlp 5X>auib csn- ferpctb tbe tbing too bimfelfe, fobiebe be babfpoKenearCtofS>aule> Cberetsno bout tit erfoje but tbe fapb relatiue [bis] is to be fenberftoob of ^aole. foi fome erponnb tbispercellfeuerallp bp ttfelfe? [tbat tbe Otrcnrjib is Stauics] bicaufc be is far 1 03 ftrong, fo as tbe toicto^p is al= reabp in bisbanb. jlDtbers anit it togp- tber tbus.aiUijougb tbou be bis ftregtb toobapiiD tooo, btcaufe tbou ^pbolbeft 9 maihtspneft bttnmbfs btngoome : pit fltallttot J alfo ceafe too bope , till tbou lift mc alfo fep tnto tlie cbatr of eftate,ac- cojtotns as f baft p;omtfsb./]*JOtt? nc^res ipto vppon the. Iix. Pfalme. Ip to thempnb of the Prophet come tbep, frbicb reomg in one ftreine [ jR frill feepe his ftrcngt) "onto the,] picUc out this fence. 3! kho u gb mine enernp boafi himfelf frith out mcafure bppou truftc of bis eeone ftrength: pet frill 3! abpbcqupet,bpeaufe 3 Know that frbatfoeuer he goctt) about, is booted bp the fecret prouioence . ano furelp all men muft be brought fo into o?= ber,as that fr c map maUc their attempts anb their ftrcngbtfubiect to the pieafure of <£ os. ^eucrtbcleffe me tbtnttetb there is a nether tranflation that agretb better, namclp,[mp Grengtb is Unto thee, 3 toil Kccpciaiceoiotng alfo as in the end of the Idfaime, 31 bout not but it is te be tranf= latcb m thenominatiue cace, [mp ftrength, is bnto tbee.3i frill ftng.]3Js towarD the effect of the matter , it makes no greate fail fop 3DautO mounteth Dp tntoo the fratcbtotser of faptb,from frhence he Io« fceth bourne frithout feare, bpon the bio- lent aflaultes of his encmic,affuring lmn= felf he can bo nothing ercept gco Soil gtue himleaue. ftjoojifpercabctbcistwof^ uerallp,[l)is ftregtb belonged vnto thee, 31 S» ill b epct] the mccntng fr ilbe the piai= 227 ner.-tfo* in i tbefirft place,?Dauib cbalcnte gmg bnto <0oo, abicneflc to geuerne the frbolefrorio , gatberctb that bis enemte is repnes frith a fecret bit,anb that al his ftrength bepenbeth elfctsbere than of him= as be cannot ftir one ringer but bp the leaue of d5oo . Hftcrwarb he aobctb that he himfelf fr tlbc of a qupct anb calme mpno,to awaprpatiemlp for frbatfoeuer (hailbetpbe.^o? the frorb [&cepc] (ignis fpetlj in this place as much as , [3 frill hoib in mp felfe , or 31 frill quietip frapt frhatitpieafctb <£od toboo.Bnb m this fence is it taken in the coniitgacion rjEJip-- hal]Cfap.7.+.^eere in ottm it is put in the coniugacion [Cal.] l^owbeit thisis no let,but that fr c map trafiate it 3 toill frithout making anp Idojlos mar fee fr hat enb feeuer 45ob (ball boutfaue to giue. ] H5p $ fr ap 3B mifltttc not that fomc make anote.tbatJDauioallubetbtootbefrars bers that fr ere fent to befet bus houfe : as if he (boulo fap, that bee on the contrarie part hath another frarbe,fr bile hee fraps teth frith a quiet anb fcttleb rapno frbat (SfODfrUiDOO. xi. 12. !3* The God of my raercic shall prcucnt mee,God shall make me to fee my defyre vppon myne enemies. Slca them not, leafc peraduentnre my people forget : make them to wander in thy powcr,and cafl: them downe 6 Lord our Sheeld. The fin of theyr mouth,thetalkc of theyr lippes:let them be caught in theyr pryde,and let them talke of curling and lying. 1 1 [Che d&oo of mp tnercfe t c] 3tn thpfl place there isfrritttn the abbittenofthe thir5pcrfon,bnt there is aprtcfeput too, fr hich bctofeeneth the fit ft perfone. Che C&'vecUc 3 ntcrpretcr hath tranflateb it in tbethfrbperfon, anb 3t»Gmtofetbtbpj3 tret oftpmes agctnft the pelagians , too pjtoue dooos grace gceib before all f mc= rits of men.iCrulp it is bcone berp gob= rplp,borobeit,to curiouflp.?Lme as alfo he oftentpmesellebgctbtbe laft nerfe, too fcifprouc frhatfocuer freewill mencha^ lenbgc too their oronc ftrength . 3 frill (fapth he)hccpe mp ftrength bntoo thee, that is to fap, men muft fubmit thefclues mcelbip $ ljumblp bnto goo, bpcaufc thep hauc no ftrength at all,but fitch as hee gi- HCth them. &>ore it is a topfull thing fo; a man to fap, that hee Ueepeth tys ftrength tonto(<0o&,frben attributing no ftrength to himfelf frithout him he bepebeth it hob Ip b p on his onlp ftrength c fbculo tuclpnougb pjreetae (2? oDS Diligence and fpcdpneffcin Ijciptng bs.li5ut 5o?Ijpic &>ee make to mucb baft. t)e fecmetb to be to be to Qoir.^ojcouer toflregtbenbio faitl) feitb all be termctb bitn tbe [ <£ob of bts mctcp,]bieaufebee bad oftentpmes found bimbp experience too bee mcrcifull. iFo? tb? pjtoofco of former tpmc, gaue bim af- fureobope of lihc grace bcercaftcr. fo} frbcrasfometakeitactiuelp , astbougb iDautd fboulD attribute tbe p?aife of met; ep to fnimclf ,tt is botb cold and conftr«p= ncd:but the pafliuc niancr of laced; is co- tnon. 12 [&tea tfjem not fc] IDauid berp Smfelp mintrtrctb tb'S trjing to bimfelf as an occafion of patience. iSDnleffc 2D bzmgour enemies to nought out of band wee iraagin tbcm too bee leaped out of <0s£)2DS> banb:anbaltbougbbee ioafte tbemawap bp little and little teitb alinge- ringcand longlaftmgcconfumption, pit tlunfcnot &>ee tljatbe lapetl) bis punish ment bppon tbem . Cbercfojetnafmnd) as(ut a maneOail men dntowardlp gape foj tlje fobein beftruction of their enemies, ZDautd reftrepmnge bimfelf , Soepctb €> sD 3D & iuDgcment euen in the ligbtcr fo?tof inconueniences bnder febicft the catfawapes confume . Crew it is in deeDe,tbatcjeccptour owne flnggifbnefle fceled bp our cvcs,45 £> ZD§> dengcance is wc;c apparant in tbe fodeln deftrucs tion ef ttjc bngodlp : but bpcaufe the res meinberancc of it flipped) awap bpanbp, I ZDau!D(notS»ithoutcaufe)&ntbefb too ♦ bauctbc famcGgbt rencincD Dap bp Dap, to thentent tbe knowledge ofd5 3D 3D S> Judgement map abpdefaft in tbe botom of our banes. $?owbsit (as 3D bauc fapdJbe arntcth, and fo?tt6ctb bimfelf, agetnft the ioeerpnes of langer dclap,tottb tbis Doci trinc,tbat 3D deferred? tbebtter= mod punnptyment fo? ibenonce , kaft if be fbould fweepetbem afcjap in one mo* ment,tbc remembiaunce of it fejeoia fone beef02gott£» . ^ndfo be noted) couertlp tlje bntbanKtfulneflc of die people of 311= raell, fc? p?ofirtng fo il in tbe mamfeft iubgcmcntesof (Sod . CbiS D ifcafe reig- ned; too mud) in the S»o:lD euen at tbps dap that tbe iudgementes of UBoeioljicti are mc?c apparant than t^at tbcp can bee paflcD oucr fcitl) epes fbet , bee Dzoroned in Darfeenzfle tb?ougb feiclted fojgetfuls ne(Te:fo as free baue necoc to bee b?ougbt daplpbntoo tbe &tage tljere too beebolo tbe band of <& £> 2D &>bithcr &>ee frill oj> no . Chen letbs beare this JlefiTon in mpnd.asoft asiffif £> 3D tbunocretb not bpanbpageinft tbe fe>ic&ed,!no? ta&ctb tl)coutofffe02ld,but confumctb tljebp Socaringtbe awap bp litlc § litle. JFurtber<©£)3Di»iilirwfee [tbemto fcander : ] that is to Suit, that beeing af- flicted foitb mpferie and pouertie, tbep fbould feander bcere and tb. ere, andne= uerfpnde comfort of tbep? greefe.wbicb tbing is e jcp? edeD better in j o t l)cr ii) o;d, [maHe tljemtoogo dotoneo;caftetbem do^one . ] jf oi Ijis defp?c is tbat tbep fbould bee pulled from tbep? b?£>?& &2atb bp tbep? tnifcric and repjoebe . Cbcrefoje iobcreas fome tranflate tbe &?oo2de [ chii. an ^oft 02 airmp , 3 and take it fo? d5 £> 2D £s> people : it is too mucb conftrepneD . JDatiiD Dootb ratber appcale to gods power to dcQrop tbe bn- godlp, bicaufebpo trnfi of toojlDIp bclps, tbeptbougbt tbemfelucs bnuaquilbable* i^oieouertotbetcnt be map tbe eaflpcr obtcinc \)is requcft,in tbe enD of tbe bcrfe be ftefoetb bimfelfe to plcaoe tbe cace of tl)C&>beI* Cburcb- JFo? too tbat purpofe maivctb f plurall nomber[tbc IL02De our fbeeld. ] 3tnD truelp inafmucb asbe &>as cbojcnbmg itf btcb folotoetb immcDlatlp after [let ftjembee caught in tbetr oxune pjtbc.f or be pout^ tetb out tbe fountainc of tbeir ttateltnc* that tbcp to fauetlp anb toptbout foame opp^(T(b an innocent font b, tijeic grcate vppon tne.Jix. i-uime. 228 t»o;D0« 3Bfterwerb be fbevsp tb fncctallp bow tbep UttrcD tbetr SoicHebnefie frith tbeir ovene moutbjfaping tbat[tb^P talk of curfingano lptng*]215p xpbicbfpcccbc bee meenrtbtbat tbep crane of nothing but bojrible cni feff, $ tbat fii?r be febo= lp giucn to Deceits anb Gaunbers. Cljep tbat take tbe 5»o;b[Sephar] paffiuelr anb interpjctc it. tbat tbe bngoblp fijaibs an erample of <2?ob» bengeance,as in S»ho beebatbecngraaenfure anb toel laEmg mark0 of tbe fame : tbcp (tetne to go too far from tbe minbe of 2Danio. 14, 16. 17- Confume them confume them in thy wrath, that they may not bee : let them knowe that God is he that beareth rule in Iacob,euen vn- to the ends of the earth. ScUb. And they wil returne in the euening : they will bark as a Dogge ,and skulk about the Cittic. They wil prole about for meate : and if they be not fatiffied they shal alfofaft all night. As for mc,I wil fing of thy ftrcngth,I will praife thy mercy betimes in the morning.For thou hafte bin my fortrcflc and my refuge in the day of my trouble. 18. My ftrength is vntoo thee : I will fing. For God is my fortrefle cuen the Goo* of my mercy . foJDaatbpjapetbttoto, tbat&bcndSob batb furrVcD tbeSeicneb to teaiamenltue foj a t tme ,t»ntiii bee baue triumpheD fo= ietnip ouer tbem : tbcp map at length be beliucreb to beftructton. ainD tbefe two tbtnss agree bcrp feel togttber,^ (£000 ititgem cnts fljoalb be fet before our epc0 a long continuance of time : lead tbe res membjtanceof tbem might (Up from b0, f pit neuertbcUflc that icben tbefc>o?lb i0 fufftctcntlp tangbte , that nothing re-- marnctb too tbe reprobates feben C5ob 10 Dtfpieafeb Sr it b tbem anb bent agctnft tbem, but lingiing eonfnmption: the are tbcp IebfpecDeip to tbeir bcftnic tton, tco tbe intent that fuebe a fpcctacie map the better arcane tbe mtnbc tbat be btowjic oitaBeieffcbccb of lighter pumu)inet0« 4Cbetcft)?e bee acbctb [that tbcp mape know too the bttermoftc crDc0cf tbe dEartb, bcto tbat <££>2D (o he that bea= rctbmlein 3Bacob«]^cj 5a>h«a0Oihcr; fcmeputtrng in tbe Copalatiue [anb,] ^Ff.iUj. trar.Qatc 14* [Confume tqrttwf c« ] JDaitib fees meth contrarpto bimfdf,in that lie novo S»i 11) ctb Utter oeftructid to h>0 cneuite*, fobcm bciyoutD net bsueflaine fo foone encn no». jf ozfo>bat fboulb be mcenebp containing in fc> jatb, but p tit od fbouifec qutcfelp bifpatcbe out of the isojlb fntbe a0i£eretobeDc0ropcb,anbnotbeean? w cane fertile 0? long time in punpfbtng tbem t But no tout be bctcfecnetb a con trarp time.SD nb fo the btfagrcrr, it t0 eafs Ip taben axvap^bicanfe y toobc £r fc 0 tbcp be tbat bane bin a long t 'me apointcb to rrample,tbe curfetb be to bttcr bcltruc= tion at tbe length , tbat <£ tco Si. it, Sr ben tbe f ul t:me of tbeir r ipence is ccme. XDt bnc . w it Stag the cufloinc of the Jixomam (Jr mpc rc?P , after tbcp bab leb tbeir r?'= feners stent the CtttieScbcm tbtPb&b rtfcruco to tbe bap of tbeir ttitmpbj afs fonc sb tbcp came 1 0 tbe Capitc 1, to tell ucr tbem into ti. c \. a? rs of their c fftcers to baue then tbjett 0 cut It an bp. Caen John Caluins Commentarie tnnllatc tr,tbat tbev map bnowe bow it tavftoDtbat beared rule in3Bacob,anb malletber coaftc0OftbefeojlD : 3 it&e , not of it , anD it ouertbjoujetb the fence* 5Foj IDauiD betofcenetb rather fome efpe cfalltunb of puniQjmeMVbc report tober of map come euen to the f uitbcft nation, anDftrtfceafeareof<£oDeuentntoo tbe blinbe anD beatbtn folfee4U5ut natnlp be fell baue (©oD0 Dominion fenotocn in tbe gouernment of tbe Cburcb'.fo? it migbt fecme bcrpe tnuebe agetnfte reafon, tbat tbing0 fbonioebee fo confufeb in y place febere <©od bad fet bp a cbaire of eftate fo? bimfclf : f o a0 bis &anctuarp ftjonlb Differ notbing from a ben o f tb ecu cs» 15. [SnD tbep fell retitrne*fe*;!3ltf6ll0 not gteatlp ferjtiber fee reaa tbefc fee?* bes in tbe ifuture tence, oj febitber fee fet tbcm Down in tbemanet cf feiujing fo as IDautb QioutD i o tincw bi0 PW= ing,bowbceit J fetllmglp incline to bis optnton tbat after 2Dauio batbe snabc an cnD of bis futes,no«j be conceinetb bppe ofbapppfucceffe feblebebebaDfeiCbcD* 3nb it 10 a trim aUufion to tljct feb icb e be bab faptD ere feb tie of tljctr rauenoutf bunger.^o? be tcoeatetb ttot tbe feojD0 novo: in tbe fame fence that bee bab bfeb tbem befe;e : bat m tbe feap of mocfeagc bee fapctb tbep fbalbe bungrp after anos tber fojt,anb tbat it fballbettbe tbem oa tbertclfetbantbcplofeebfoi.^eertofoje be coplapneb tbat tbep barfeeb like bogs namelpbpcaufetbepfecre carpeb feptb bnfactabie btGre anb rage too doo rolls cbecf c+li5 ut now letting at tbeir leroD at tem?ts,bc faiib tbat febea tbep baue t i= r eo tl)cmfclnc 0 fettb booing tbe feoojft tbep can all f bap long* tl?ep ujalue Dtfap posntcD of tbeir longing* CberfejetbiS rctopQng at tbeir bain anb bifappotnteb Double Diligence, 10 matcbeb ageutft bis former complaint. ?n tbe enb of tbe jtbf '. btrfe.fomefeil baue tbe percel[3Df tbep be not] to be a fojtne of otbe. TBm fojaf= muci)e as tbep fe?eft tbe feoojDeg of tbe }5>?opbet to futtlp>3E agree not too tbeir Denice.© tberfeme fell tbat tbe cental is repetiD tn>ice,tbn*« [$U\}ty bee not fa= ctffieo, neptber fell tbep tarp all npgbr.] liButtbtsalfoiectnetbtob^far of. Wm tl;c plain: anD nattui rccenmg offerctb it /, felfe of it own acce?D:tbat altbougb tbep fpeeb net cf tbeir purpofejpit tbep mufte be faine to get tbem to beo. 3lnb bp tbitf ctrcumftance tbe tncommobitie of tbeir bunger anD famine is increafeb tbe mo;c tbat feben tbep bane fpent all tbe Dap in begging feitboutreleefe , tbep mud ne; uertbele0fee faine to tying a fatting anD emptiebellptobeb* 17. 3b fo* race, 38 feUUfrc] Bp rbefe tootos benotonlp tncenetb tbat be (ball bane occafion to Qng.bnt alfo aDDjelfci b bimfelf alrcop to giaing of tbanbs. %an be confefTetb tbat bts Dtltucrance fbalbe firtt a migiitie feooiu of <£qb0 power, % feconolp a fre benefit* Cruc it to in DeeD tbat IDaniD fit tbat time cfcapeb pjiuelie out of tbe bancs of bio ennmes feitbont nopfc,bp tbe coitcie of U0 feife, l^owbe ttfo?afmucbea0 aul being bono bp tbe fecret p;outbcnc£ of 2D , feas not able to lift bp fo mucb as one finger. 2Hno now ijoiu feeabfo ener be bmifclfe be, bee auoucljetb tbat tbere is ftrengtb utougb foj b'.m'm (0oD,anD tber fojc aD= bctb tbat tbere tctcfrc caufefo^btmtoo ftng : Itbe as tbe fy trite Dp tbe moutb cf panics. 5. 13* enconragetb tbe merpe 9 cbecrful vppon the . Ix. Pfalmc. ^^ 229 cbecrfoll to fmg .Sobcreas others reaoe, &eft. 3lnD therefoze 3 eonbt no^6utt!)ae [ 31 fcnll Gng mp Crengtb tonto thee,] the tbefe tfc>oo bee Diftinct anb fetterall meats la* cattery fee it t,9 fomewhat ieitb the har= ber0,accezDins ajs 3 baue touches before. The conteints of the Lx.Pfalmc. Ddttid beeingnow placed 'in thefecge BgydU, dndbduing gotten certeyne notdble victories ^hich might dudyle to the ftublishemem of his kjttgdome, pnblifbeth dndextollcth Coddes grdce,dnd thdt not onely too veitneffe bis tbdnkefiilnejfe,but dlfo to yvinne the re fie of the people -whuhe ds yit refufed to come vnder bisyokf, dndfo togdther the people into one body . xAnd dfter becbdtbcfdyde,tbdt tbemanifeft fignes of Cods blifsingfoyne foorth 3-which -witnefje tbdt hf is chosen King by God: bee fpecidlly cdlleth bdekg the fdith- fullvnto thepromife of Cod, thdt they way perceyue how they groove toogy- ther by the direHion of God 3 if they -with their confent dllowe the dnoynting thdt -wds done by Sdmuell xAndheerewithdllhee intermedials pr dyers 3thdt Cod -willy outfdue too fini[h thdt -which e bee hdthe began. The Lx. Tfdlme. Too the checf Chaunter/vppon Sufan Eduth, Dauids Michtham,too teache. X When hee fought ageinft the Syrians of Mefbpotamia, and ageinfte the Syrians of Soba, and that loab returning home had flay ne the Edomitcsin theKingcs Dale about twelue thoufande. fl> the cheef,f c] 5F ozafinttehe ag tag aboliflheb, thep that erftc hab bin re- 31 baae fpofeen oftlje former part belic0 , becinge euercome rottb fo manp 5§l^|of tbctptlebceretofeze,3] ttaaoe pzofe0,migbtatleatto)pfe now atlengtb ^^-tbeleflebponitnoaKfaurngtbat aefenotdege him to bane bin creates &ing 31 Tap agetnetbat [gmfen OBuntb (Sohicb bp 4&ob:a0if be {boalofap, aitieaftwpfe, ttjep tranuate the Jlillp of SoitKeffe 0; ti)e let erperience teacljc poa that mp retgric Utilp of beantic])feemett) to mee to be the pieafetb©oD,£ &>bicb he bcaatifpetb kith beginning of fome comon ballabe.ivbera* man? buffing* in § eie0 of me. jftoto come afterwarbe i0aDDeo,[toteache:]cemonip 31 to tbecircamttanee of tbeftojie ano of thep taKe it that tbi* 0falme fe>a0 gpuen tbe tpme. Chi* £falrae fecmetb to be ass to the Hcaif eo too lerne bp barte. H5 ut 0= it iwerc a € aroli of £ toicto.zic that be gate tbers boo toooztbelp refafe this ecapce, in the gjpzian* anb ttb« nation* confer bpcaofe a peculiar tptle fcooto not agree Derate' - lEpcanfc the ^ebzeu?e0 recUen in a matter tb*t is comon to al fpfalme*. J3f)efop0tamta 5 other Conntrpe0teitt> Cb^foze it i3 a moze ItHclpboD^bat here- in bicl) tbep name [Hlrara:] thep ijBbetoKcnco tbe kpno of ftoctrtne that itt arecompellebto DiftinguiEbe them after= implpeo in tbt* £>falme.ain6 a man mape &arO into feucrall fl)pze0 , Itbe as in tl>?0 coniecture ttjat firb 5Daaio being aoozneo place S>pzia [Ncharim] is ptU foz £$cfo< ioitb fo manp notable bictozies , opB not potamia,i»bube eertetne of tlie latincs aspiteniop tbefcingoomin qaiet: bptbi0 counterfettingc tr>e ©reefces, l^aae calleb fpzecbe be beroheneo tbe eno tbat Ije par= [ 3Interamai0] i&bielje map bee tcrmeb in pofcD bpon, nam:lp that all factions bee- Cngliftje [ $$mmv,op s@toolebzocbe, tf f t>. 0^ Iohn Caluins Commentane cz •l^iDsJcboojnc. 0etU i& put j£>pzia [ Tfoba]isbni3(not Without reafon)fome gcfla to bee [ ibopbene] bpcaufc it buttctl; oppon tgc rtacr OJupbzates. Hlua in tije 2.^am.8.3.iti0fapa,tbatirtOboblEtoba!»a0 flapnc bp 3DauiD,Wbcnbcc maae a bopagc to get the Dominion of the r iter. Cbere alfo tfi pat in the tbtrb place *>pzia of 2>amafco,U3l)icb t0 a poztion of 3Bct»z?e, ana confcquentlpaaiopnmgeto tt. 3iifotn other placc0 of the Scripture, ^pziaisettenaea moze large!? , $ acco?= Ding to the Diucrfitie of the places, pzoper tptlcs are aanco to it. *^5ut in afwuc lie as cuertat that tpme.tbat ^pzta Wtcbe boz= ftGretl) \jppon 3! ea>zp,maoe Warre bppon 2Dama, ana be banquifljea the arm? tbat came from thence to help the <£Domrte0, ana the Ammonites alfo: Ijeere rpfetba qucftion, Wbp be nametb none , bat onelp the inhabited of £lj)cfopotamia ana of tlje v£ounerie of S)oba. 31 1 feemetb libelp too mec , tbat mencion Was maae of the farre jftaeions, fozafmucb as tbep ftrafecmen m greater feare : foz ft was a moze nota= blc token of ©oafffauoore , tbat Dauiajs Uingaome Was enlargea fo far of.Cbere= foje patting? oucr tije nepgbboure <& oun- tnc0,3Dauit) reckoner!) bp tl)J farre &*- cions.anofuci) a© Were terrible foz tbetre onelpfame.tbe (laughter cf Wbome Was foz tbe ftraungcnefTe tbereof in mancr in= credible. 3!no Wbcra0 in tbe balp ^»tojie, tbep be nomberea jcrtuboufana, ana bete tl)cC?tlc fpcctfpecb but oftwcluetbou= fanae : Che folution is cafic. tfoi tbcre 3bpfapisfapactoo baue gpum tbat ar= ra:e the oaertb?oix>c,tbc flaugbtcr Where; ofisreferreabcerc bntoo 31oab bis b?o= tljcr. 25tit becreiDitball is too bee notea, tbat tbep aeniaea their 31 rime b itw tr t tbe. jj}oa>e,conftaermge that Ibpfap Was in* fcriour in aegree of bonoure ana in aattjo? ritic, a 13 no mantel', though When botbc eftbemgauc tbe ouertbzowetoegptber, tbecommenoacion of tbebictojie 10 gp^ ucn too the general! of thefcel&e : liUe a0 alfo in the Qrftc boofcc of Satnuell, 18.7. all this 10 attribu tea bntoo £>aui& bnaer Wbofc grtanbera it W as aoonc. TBv the toap alfo it is a lfkeipbooD,tbat aboute the one baife of tbenomber 5»as flapnein the topninge of the battel!, ana the rcfte Were flapne bp J oab as tbep flea tn the cbacc. O God thou haft put vs backc, and fcattered vs : thou arte angry with vs, returne vntoo vs Thou hafte made the lande too quake, thou hafte made it too crauy, heale the broozes thereof,for it is shaken. Thou haft shewed thy people hardnefle, thou hafte made vs too drink of the wync of amazednefle. ? iO <5oa thou bafte, f c] Coo the im urn h2e map the better fttir top bimfelfcf otberc to confioer ,fo as h« Cbould not rctgn;. QFozvefoiz after bee bathe coinplavnea of tbe tiitfcrable ana fojowfull aifperfing, be pzapetb ©oa to tame thtnge0too abcttci; ftate, ana to fljeicc bimfelfcfauourable ts his people . foi iebcrea© fome fuppofe that lOauiafpeakctb of ht0 otoncaffi'cti? ons,itagrczthnotfou;eU. 31 confeffe in Setae, that bet %o&$ baraip trpeo befoze bee obtcjmcB tl)C ikingoome . i&ut feeing I !;ee matc!;fth Ijiwfslf S»tt^ the 5»ho2c pco-- ple.awb bet»?apeth the miferies of them all tn com on: J] Doubt not but that bp co^ partfon bee fctretb fooztb 0OD0 grace, Scinch bpanbp at l)is cnterauce uitoo hpfl retgne,baa fbonetoppon them after a ticw fozte.25p thtsmcaneo therfozc he belsap^ tetb the grccuous ana ionge tmfcrics, Wherethrough the Church had bin in tttas nes qupte fozioznc bnber ^>aul;. 3EinD this 10 feooztb tbe noting, tbat albeit bee !jaa felt hts oirnc countrpmen to bee bps to: eft ana crucllcft enemies.pit nom When he baa obtcinco f crovone ,befozgcttetb al their tDZong6,btcaufcbcis mindful of his own calling 3 tberfozc coraeth into <5oD0 fight but as one off pcop!e:anD he bpnetb [ftattcring oj aifperang ] as £ chief euill, fo? vppon the . 1*. Pfalme. 20 foj bp the oifcou?iiture,oj confuming of &au!c power, ttje land toas in fuel) iorfc fet open fo: a p?a$> to t he cnsropc0,ihat no man coulb hpde himfclf in t)t£ own Ijo wft , but all iy c re r e&p to ronne avoap,and f 0^ faUe their orone countrie . 3Df tcrwaro bee bcfcribeib, thta S»aitene0 agein £l9ctapr;o ricallp, fapmg that the land io no lefle dc= faced , than if it hab bin biofecn *x»itri an earthquake. JFo? be mccneth not that the earth frag rent afunber, but that the date of the ISf aline i»asfo becapcb.o? thought bnDerfoote,tbat ? miferiefc>a0 to be fecne in all placed , fuel) as 10 is ooitf too enfeco after a quaking 0; opening of the earth. ^Fo? fince the tpme that &aule fell from 000, \)ia affap?es began to go to isjec&e, till he lumfelf bttcrlp perifheo,anb left the is hole IRcalmc bnder foote,ano in maner pair recouerie. 5*urelp,all men iscrcat that tpme in berp great fcarc and amaseds neffe,? thefeede of Hibjahamioas a ;eilmg flocfce to the cnempe0: ncptljcr iuolo thep hauc refufeb the p oUe,tf there hab btn anp tolerable condition of bounbage offered them . H3p tbeis fignes 2>auid fberocth, that <£od isac \mcrlp eftraunged from 6 . Thou haftc giuen a banner too them that feare thee , too difplay it before the truthe. SeLtb, 7 . That thy bcloued may bee deliucred , help with thy ryght hand , and heerc mee. 8 . God hath fpoken in his holy nefiTc, I vvill reioyce : I will dcuyde Si- chem,and mete out the vallye of Suchoth. 9 . Galaad is myne, and Manaffes is myne : and Ephraim is the ftrcngth of my head:Iuda is my Lawsjiuer. 10. Moab is my waf hpot : ouer Edom will I caft my f hooc: Palefthyne fhew thv felf dad of mee. )auie,« tijerfo?e l?c Difciofctli the Sc»cl!= heab of all mifericjs, in fapmg that (Sob Saas i»?otb. iBeuerthelefle he calleth bp= pon bi«» that ieounded, too bee the §>uxs gion ,befccihtng him to l;ca!c the breaches. 5. [Chow &aft made.ffc.] iFirft he Tape:?) that the people iuete roughlp hanbleo.ano bpanbp he enhaunceth the bittevnts of the mifarics imtb a fimilitube,that thep i»ere buum isitl) the iovnz of D;ou?pne0 oj gib bpne0. il^otcu^nthe^cbjetDjnterp^c? ter0 themfeiueg agree about the iwoojo [ Targuaiach. ] ^oj ntanp tranflatc it [bes nim,o? popfon ] 2l5ut it is eafp to gather, that the ^zophct fpeaketh fpcciallp of a bewitched djink , that bereeueth menne0 input) cs of isit anb dnderftanbing : as if he hab fapb, that the J ei»c0 hab bin atto= npcb i»itb their miferie0.iFo? his purpofe isac to fct bcfojtc their cpf0 the curfebnes that hab reigned in the tpme of pmte: too thententthatlaping awap all Soilful= nes/tbsp C&oulo ceafe too bphoio istth their apbe the tljjone that i»as r elected of 6. [fi£houbaftgiaen.£C.] ©omcrranfi pefe the #jetcrtence of the 31Urb into the £>ptatiuc moobe, that it map bee a contt= nuall pjaper. ©utiDauid rather bpin= termcbling rciopcementtoitb his Papers, booeth fes too toit that in the alteration, tobieh had happened , there appeereo an euidsnt tohen of (6000 fauour. Cherfo?e he giueth <& O ID tban&c0m the name of the iohole Itf ealme,foi rapGng top a baner to chcere their hartetf, and to gather them togither as it &ere wt of the chacc. Che parcell[befoze the truth,] which foloroeth, i0in mpne opinion tab en colblp $ hunger > 19 of fuch a0 think <5 © ?D ioaa therfoje fauojiable too the Jecoeo.bptaufe thep iocrefounb tobefoothfaft anb found, foi f»ee Knoooe that the grcate men ioere bubble j trebble traptours ,f that all the commons togitber feutb their heab, i»ere truceb?eaHer0.jFojallofthetH,euenfrom the utft to the laft,had confpired to qucc-j (Sous grace. lUnd therfoje 3 doubt not, but John Caluins Commentarie bat thru Dauro mceMCtb .tljat^oDfi trud; rofcagcin out of barluies.atfrbattpmc t.jC Clmrcbe began to be redoxes foobein * lpbeponb allljope . fo} frtjo froolb not haue djougbt that gobs pzoutifes bab bm rjapb info greatc an afterbcalcr* Cbcrfozc fr ben iDautb fras fet bp bpon tbc t'ozonc, there fr ithall came f oojubc €r odo trutl;e, frbicl; bab bin fmoolbereb along frhple. anb altbougl; this banefite fr ere bellow* eb &ppon the frhole IKealme , pit boot!) SDamo giue bs to bnberftanb , that ob. 15? fr bid; fpeecbe he giuetb an inclmg , f 2D booth not fo peelb reward to his frozfbippcrs.but that l;c bath tberwitball an ope to his own free louc. xeV, eras he am nejcctb pjapers.frc be taught tbetbp ,tbat although <25ob haue abuaunceb bs aloft fritt; his benefptes.pit mud free ai wapes meelblp anb humblp befceche bim too goe fojewarb ft ill fr it!) Ins fr oo?fe. 8. [dSoto bath fpoKe.f c] ^trbcrtobebatb t'oucheb the erperienccs, bp frhicb fpaKe[ in bis bolpnes: ] frhicb as 31 IpHe not to be bnberftoose of the boip (Shofte, bpcaufe it feemetb to curioufea beupce : fo 3 fr ote not fr hither it ought to be bnber * ftoobe of the *>anctuaric. fop free reabe not that the anfwer fr as gtuen bnto 3>a« mnel there. (Eben frill it be rpghter to r z- tein t\)z terme of [holmes,] bpcaufe that to tbentent the anfwer might bearc Cuf Scient crebit. he bab belareb his own conftancie, 9 confequentlp the effectualnes of the pzo= mis.bp manp toUens.31 nafmucb djerfoze as there fras no caufc of boubting left, be giuctb an honorable tptlc to the thins that fras pzomiftb bp the mend; of Samuel. Snb bpanbp after he abbctb, that he bim= fclf reftetb cheerlp bpe tbisitoojb of &ob. jfot although be bab obtcpneb manp bics tojpes, fr l) tch boubtlcs hab encrcaceb !ns cozage: pit notwithftanbing be meenetb p l;c tooke moze iop of the fr ttnes bp fr oozb of meutbe, than of all other Ognes . 3Pnb b crclp,ald;ongb all <5obs benefits ought to auaple much to the cheering of bs, pit booth faptb fr ooztbelp obtein the bpgheft the frhicb. ts able to put awap all bcablp fojowes, anb to quicken the beab frid; fpirituall iop. j3^ozGOuer,be not oni \p fapetb.tbat i;e rctopceb to Ijimieif alone, but alfo called; all the goblp to the feiow^ fbip of bis glabnes. 3&ftcrfrarb he rel;er- cetb the fumme of d;e pzomis, bowbeit in fucb fr pfe as that be Declared) the certeins tie of his owne faptb. ffo% be fpeaUc tl; as it fr ere of a thing frell hno wen onto bim, $ out of all boubt: f be mafeetb l;is baunt that \\z frill boo the tbmgitbtcs; <&oa bad; pzomifeb.31 frill (fapctb be) [SeuvtiC &? cljem.f meete out the ballp of ^>uchod;:3 be nametb thofe partes frl;ich came late in to his poflfeffjon: anb the |&fsl»ic feemetb to haue bin msbe at the fame tpme y thep remapneb in y poffeulon of g>aulcs foune. j Jnafc! vppon the. Lx. Pfitlme. 23» 31 natmucb therefore as 2Dautb bab much a dod about tbefc countrpes, be faptt) that though it be long firftc,ptt fba:l th^p come bnbcr h :3 vo'ivc , bpcaufe <$>oo bath pout= faucbto gpucbisfrooibfojtbe matter. Cl>e fame reafon frructlj alfo fa: dfc>alaab and fl^anaflijs.atfli concerning ©phjaim, fojafmucb as tl9.1t trpbe toasmoae popu= lous, bee booth iufrlp call it the ftrcngtb of bis beab.tbat to to fape of bis 2D omint ■ on. Jrurthcrmo:c to tlje intent antiquitie map purcbace the moje crcbtt to the pzoa mtfe, be abDctb in the ense, [tbat3luba tbail be bis gupbe]as if be fboulD fap,tbat 3b;abam0 offpjinge cannot otbertopfe growe togtthcr as thep ought to boo, on= leffe thep bee gatljcreb togptber pnber the trpbe of 3luba,o?bnber a Captcinctbat (ball bercenb of that trpbe: bpcaufe it tons fo pj opbcfvcb long agoe bp tije patriar & c Jacob. fop be allubetb to that pjophefpe Seiche is rcpojteb bp Styoks d5en.+9. 1 o. Che Scepter (ball not go out of ]f u = ba. j c. 3im> there alfo is put the *» oojoe, [ Mekokek]tolH'cb tbep tranQate [a 3lauj= gpuer,o$ a Hatcemafecr. ] J^crebp tbere= fo;eitisccrtcin,tbat the bingebome can- not bee liable, onlefTe tt bee fettleo m the trpbe of 3Iu33> bpcaufe dpaa bathe not onlp becreeb it from the bcginning,but ab foauoucbeb yit 10 bis frill, .tffjojeouer, this • s aptlper rcferrcb too the fr iioie Jficalmc, tba to 2D auto ,li&c as 3 Earned pou alate , that bee boothe net fo nuiche fpcan in l;ts own name, as tabte bpon him the pcrfonc cf the iorjole Church. 10 [iapoabismpfrafbpot.flEc.] jftoae he paffeth fooztb to the fojreiners,frbom bcefarbnbermatcbetb to hi* onmc pco= pie. fi o: tt behoueb him to reign; amonge thcchtlb?cnof abjahstn as amonge his taetfr:e,ano not as ouer bonbfjaues.l0ut oner tlje heathen anb bncircumcifcb, tt 11 Who will leade mee intoo the ftron* Citie ? who will leade mcc e- uen vntoo Edom ? 12 V Vile not thou doo it 6 God which haddeft put vs backc , and didft not goe out amonge our hoftcs O God ? 13 Giuc vs helpe of our troubble, for vaync is the hclpe of man. 14 In God shall wee doo valeantly, and hee shall treade our aduerfaries vnder foote. 11 [Who. iv^spermitteb him too etecutea barber iurifbittion, that he inpgbt fubbcroc them bp fo?ce. ytt is it not lawful fo; Conque* rours to fetch from hence a clone fo; their tp;annie,thatthepmapat tbetrc ph autre oppzeffe the nacions tobtcb tbep baue fub- bzwzn bp battell. :Jf 0: tbep mufte ljaue an c^z to <&qss commaunbement , therein tbep biffer far from 2Dauib, tobo not ontp S»as enbecocb frith ropal power, but alfo fras appopntcb bpdooe to bee the rcuen= ger of the Church, fpeciallp ageinfte tbofc tonsppeafablcabuerfaries, utbicb bauinge qupte forgotten all tnanholb, ceafeb not to troubble tijeir oameBtnfrolHe. 3Infrav> of contempt he fapeth that $ $® oabttes fbal be his fr afbboll to frafbe Ijts fcete in : top free Snotoe that the fojafliing of feete toas in opinariebfe among the dEaftern peo- pie. Che fame reafon ferueth fo? cafftnge of hts O)oz ouer <©bom. ^Foj it is a tonen of repjoebe, bpcaufe that Iphc as thep tiab pzouolp leapt bppon the ciecte people of <25oD: fo iocre thep alfo to bee banblcb fla= tti(hlp*Chat whidje folotoeth concerning ^aleftpne is boubtfull. Coo lomeitfee= nicti) to beatnaner of taunting fpeedie,as though 2Dauib fboulb bpbjapbc the $>l)U liftpnes 5»ith tbeire bapne bzagges , bp= caufe that tohen their ftrength iuas bna= bateb, thep foere tooont too raple bppon bun malapertlp. %i\b the iboozbe [ Dung ] ftgnifiethnotonelptofhorot anb Ijaloivc in rci3pcingc,but alfo to mafee a nop^e as foulbiours boo Schcn thep encourage th I = fclucs to iopne battell . €)thcrfomme eje- pounocit fimplpof flauiflje clapptnge of hanocs. fox hotcfocuer their 3ubbo;ne hartes h^teb the poke, pit ioerc thep com : pelieb to make goob countenance to tbtire conquer our, Ube as iuce baue feene in the Idfalme 1 8. +5.the chilb^en of j&trsun? gcrsujalilpc Unto mee, lohn Carums Commentane I it [^!)0 ft ill leaoe mee,f c.j £ o» in tb« Soapofpzeuentttmbe pioceeaetbfurtber, I anafapt!) tljat be loo&co fox tbVrefiaea) at ! <5oD3!)in5j\jnttlll)cl)auetahen y ftrong I boiaes of Ijis enemies ana gotten full totes • toite of tl)cm. 5Foz tnafumebe as man? as f pit maae (b.irp refiftencc.bee mig'jc feeme I to glajiebcfoze!n0tpme.ll3uff3;afmsicb as 05 oa batb pzomifeD, tbat all lus abucr- fariepeople ibouia come tonaer bis power $ fubicctioti^batfocueraiftrcfie ozaati'. gecs be fee to Tematne.gcpioCiCaei!) cber= f allp ijauing d5ob to Ins Soacfman, ao tm= to aoutlcffe gooa iuefce . S>ome take tljt£j ftrong Citic to bee ISabotb, 5ol)tc^c S»as tbemootbercitteoftbe $J)oabt:es . iSnt others mojc rigbtlp aeciare, tljat tljere is a tranfyofmg of tb,e nomber,ana tJjatJDa^ u:b fpeakctb tn&cfinttelp of all tfjc <&itizs of bis enemies, toppon truff: of iebofe fuc* cour,tt)?p toere aetertninea not to peciae. 15 ur i)c auoucbeti; tljat #o& {ball bee bis gupac in foinning tfyem, like as l>cc gaae l)im toictozie in tlje f eclDe.3wa once ageing bp a coparifon \)z enlarged) tbe grace ttjat bab ftjone bpen tbem tonaer Us tbe intent be ma? pzoii6 tberep , tbat bps calling is lawfu'i ana bolp.<25oa(faitbbO Sobo 0aa beretofoze fozfafcen Me, « fuffe= tea tos to go bp tlje fe>c*^fl in baitell , fljall now open me legates of tbe£ittes,tbat 3 mi? bzeaiu tb?ougb all tijefoztiacatie ons of mpnc enemies. 1 5 [C&iuc ps beipe,*c] $gctn bee rctur - net)) to piping: oj ratljer tbat fame cer= teinttc of bopei»!)icbfc>;C ijaue fcenc, leas tier!? r}im to pzape io earneftelp. ainabee | fapetlj,ijjat tf '©si* 3D ^elpe b'.m, tijougbc i there com; no other fucceur from elfwber i !)is onlpl)?na is pnougljeto fauebim.iFoz j dps <3:tia2utenS»oozafo;&oo2a,[aina ! toain is maniies belp:]asif be Iboula fap, I jLoiae,eueu as thou neeacil none other | belper is? ben itplcafetb thee too btter tljp I poirer:cu:n fo,alToone as thou (bait Ijaue j tijcwra cb? fclf to fauour tos,we Qjal f;aue I no n:ca te feche anp mo^efoz manes belp: I fo;at ttjc bzps5)tnciTe of t'gp pow^r , ail ! iDOiiai?JKlpesbamu>eawap ^oti»ts;!)= i ftanam5,brcaufet!jeco^ttlattiw03fti&] i& I almoSbp lijeconfente of all men turnca j !j.3rei«t3t^etenacrm3p£tticle[^FDj:"j J ; affjajo toiflmglp aosiiit tl>c famco;nm- i -on. 2&nD 5»acia 0 2b, this fentence i»cre iuell fettlca in ottr partes. ^Fo:$»)btreapj pen comett) it tljat rbc So oolc ivozlDe in a manner ioauerett) 02 eoncepuetb bapng boyeo to pnf top it felf , neglecting? batfoeuer belp is looKea foa from anp iubcre clfe,tbanfrom <& £> ID alone. •E b»s fentence contirmetb bee in tbe lade fllierfe, bpcaufe feeenzpttjercanaoo anp tl;ing but bp b andftablifjhcd'm tbefcege Rgyall. The . Ixi . Vfalme. Too the checf Chaunter, vppon Neginoth Dauick 2 . Hecre my crye , 6 God , giuc eare too my prayer. 3 . From the vttermofte boundes of the land will I crye vnto thee when my hart is tumbled : thou shalt leadc mee in too the ftronghold which is aboue mee. 4. For thou haft e bin my hope, the towrc of my ftrength from the face of myne encmye. 5 . I will dwell in thy Tabernacle for cucr, I shall bee fafe vnder the couert of thy winges. from acces of tbe £>ancfnartc 9 off beab HCre mp] ailtbougb it b« hot berp cmtin at fa>bat tpme tljia fDfalme &>a0 maoe, pit not; joitbllanbmg it is moft ipUelp bp confccturc, y 3Dauio fja 0 a fcjbple emopcD f &iug&0iue,fo>bcn be fell into tljeis fnares of ft>b»cb befpca&ctb bere.31nD 3 fa>i!fmg« Ip fubferibe to the opinion of tbofe,f refer I it too tlje tptue of 2U>falottis infurrection. I fo; ejeept be bao bin cbaceo out,bc coulo ? not bauc crpeo fro tbe bttermoSe bojocraf of tbe Uno.iDbicl) tbmg be fapetb in the fe 5 eono. aerfe tbat !>e vwtll 000. jFurtbcrmoie in tbe pjapcr betokenetb beb*me= cie cf affection by tbe tooo?o [ crpe. ] foz £d tjuber be made bis moane bnto d5'£> ID fcttlj afoft bopce, oj Sobitber be bfieD bp l)t£» bopce on bp&b: pit is tbe tnroaro ear- neftnes 3 bcate of bi0 sele 'ajcojtbeip com pareD to erping out . attfo tbe rcpeting of it Ojewetb tbat be perfcuercD fteefaftip in p,:ap;u;. 2lnD this Diligence of bismufl) be an example too ds, not too be toeerp of pzaping.altbougb 4tH>lD ma&e ttnot ap peer* bp auo bp tbat Ik faucureib oav re= qucttes. 25p tl;e[>ttermoa bounty or tbe lano,] 3I acubt not but be betofecnctlj tbe place Qi\)\a cj,iie, To a3 be Sua? p;ol;ibiteD Cine, jf o;fc>berasfometahe it BHcgo?i= if be Iboulfi fap, be piapeib out of a ocepc pit: mee tlnnfefl it 10 fcarce fubftan tmll. Slnb fojtafmucb as be afterward ::ar. tnetb btmfelf Sing, (iobicb tbing tec reafcc not? cucrbcbiobefojc v aeatb of SDaulO it is cafp to bs gatlje reD.f be beitcA\ cafl in ourfe»ap,fcing y <©oD alluretb ^sfo gent-. 1? bntoljim,* tbat tbe Snap is openco on to bs bp tbe bluo of Cb?ift • Cberfo?c, if anp bee barrcb from *be p?cacbmg of tbe S»oo?o, $ Depjpueo of tbe ^acramentes, as lonn i^aiums ^ommentane ! astboug!) tbtp Sucre baniffbcb front tbe Cburcbe of <& £> ID , let tbem lerne bp \ tlje cramplc of IDauiD to crpc bnto dEJob ! eucu out the v.erp Dcfcrt, be it neucr fo fat: | of. $f terwarb be maKetb mencion of moo; ■: ning ano bcaupncfTe: anb tljer&nto abbct!) [ tbat be fojas fbet out from all refuge, to tbentcnt <25o©0 grace mpgbt fbpne in tbe fcerpc tfTcco tljerof. UBpcaufe tbe Saoojb [ Gnacaph ] figmfpetb fometpme [to couer, o? fc)*ap bp,] fome tranflate in tbts place, [iube my bart is tumblcD:] a0 if be fboulb f*p, tbat bis bart is tofleb bp % Downe.o? tbat \)is bart flotetlj.liPut tl)t0 tranflatton is fe>itb tbe b^^beft. iSJJoje rpgbtlp boo otljcr tranflate tt^faljen mp bart 10 fc)?ap pcb,o? oucrtobelmcb.] 31 Ijab leuer to fos iowe tbat io\)ic\) is tbe ftmpler: anb yit 31 reiect not tbat flJJetapbo?. t£owbecit,bp tbi0 parte bee tefttfpctb tbat bi0 beaup= nefle lettcb Inni not to See bnto (SB saD 2>. £Df trjc outwarb tcmptacionSoe banc fpo; nen eucn noa\ tbat M)e be fras rcmoncb far from tbe gbanetuarte, be ouerpafTeb y Dtftance tbat ioas betwijet Ijtm anb it, fo 80 be birccteb bt0 erpe bnto tf> £> ID : anb now be eonfeflctb tbat be batb not a ftcelg bart,o? a bart tljat to benomcb &>i$b |?to; icall ljarbne0 ascinfj grcefo anb trtibble0: bnt tljat be bciD euen imtbrnbiinfclf a barb encounter ageinft bcamme© anb fejowe of bart. Cbe mo?c tbe tbat tbefaptbfuli feele tlicm(elue0 nippsb fottb grcefo? tboit3bt, fo nuicb £ mojc ftabetlj it tljcminbanb to ftrpue tbat tijep map b^eafee ttuougb tbci0 iette0.2Hnb bisb?ift i0 tbt0, tbat tcb befecmeb to be crclubeb. rtf oj bp tlje name of [ IRocbe , oj §>trong bolo,]bemeenctl) furc protection: from tbis (be fapeib.) bei0Smtbbil£>,bpcaufcbe can not moue one flep,onlcffe be be fiapeb bpbptb2banbofd5£)ID. ;ffoj5a)benl)e loofeeo rounb about Inm , be tbougljt tl;at all place0offafcgarb anb quictnc0 Sucre afrcr a fozt ejawen bp as be migbt not come at tbent. i^e complapmtb tly:v~ fO2e,t')atallbelpc0 are taUen from Inm, ano iyitbbjavrcn a grcate Saap of. 26ut ift t'nc meane fcafon, aitljowgb tbere appecre ,no isap of Delui:rance>j'it Ije boubtctb not but l): flia!! ?S«pe, if it ma? pleafc <&o\s to VeacbelwfB b^ljar.b Cbcrfsjc the lim- ine iacs S»ti5jout %ure 10 ; iliU^cugl; all bclpc© bee ibiibbjaoien mee , anb tbat tbe iobole tooilb fojcfofc all fcaptngplottr 0, yit fljalt tbou, £) d5ob, Deliucr mee con- trarie to bope. wlncb boctrine 10 Gngus larlp i»o ojtb v noting, tbat &ee map leme bow tbe l]clp, S»bicb is to be loofceb fo? at ID §> infjnpte power intoo a ftrcigl;t. 4» C JFo? t^ott bafte bin mp bope. «c. ] Cptljer be calletb dBobo former bebeftte0 to rcmembcranee,to ftrcngtljen bi0faptb fcitball, 0} cifc be reiopectb before banb of bt0 p?efent icliueranc?. $qi anp of tbem bort;e are p;ouable. JFo?, inafmucb a0 no= tljtng can barten b0 better too bope frcll, tban tbe rememberancc of (5cds grace, Subicb! 5»ce bane fenowen anb fecne : 3Da* uiD ercrcifetb Ijttnfclf oft tpme0 ititl; mpn< Ding of tbe fame a0 be is at l)ig p?aper0. tfl ottoitl]ftanbing,bpcaufc fje fpenbctb tbe reft of f ^falme tn tbanfefgiuing, it iocte notageinHreafon,totaBc tbe beginning of lus tbanfecsgiumg from bence . ^ow= beeit, if tbt'0 fence bee lthcb of, tbe pattitle [chi]fball ratber affirme,tban renbera caufc. Crulp, in ti)t nertberfe folowing be boadetb Svitbout feare, tbat from ^Uz foo?tb be mall aUcapes bauc b is roomc in tbe ^anctuarie of €»ob . 5Fo?,&berca0 fome tbinfe t^at being pit a0 an outcafl . 0? a0anoutlawe,b.e pjomifetb bbnfelftbat be Qjall returnc agein,3! can not tell 9x>\)U tber it map agres 0; no. ifFo? it map feeme ratljcr,tbat lie retopcetb of b'0 ownerefti- tution,tba fecbetb matter of comfort a far of to appeafe bus grcef Suttball • ivl)k\) tbing lull appeere better bp tbe fequele fo= lowing. 3nb altljougb be 5»crc rcturncb into bi0 ^ alace,a0 tt toere from bann!lb= ment , y\t be p?eferrctlj tbe ferui0 of d5@D bcfo?c bi0 IKopall bignitie, ricbe0, glo?ie, anb belpgbte0 . 5Fo: a0 be fbcwctb in an otl)cr place, tbat among lH0fo?cft n;ifcric0 none grccueb tjtm fo n:ucb,r.0 tl;at l;e 5»an teb tbe ecercpfc0 of Religion : fo now be cftceutctb it a greater popnt of bapppnr0 to Ipe tyumblp befo?c tfyz ^Itar, tljan to fit tnhts vppon thc.Ixj. Pfalme. in bis cbap?e of efltate. I^owbctt itnmzbt- atlp after ,be fbcwetb tbat bebiD not \m= bcr t'nofe outivarD figure^ iu ojCbtp C cO fupcrftictouflp as grcflcfolkeiDcrcSuont to oo,fo? be cboojetb l)t« reftin g place[fcn bcrtbefbabow cf bpalcfr,!oo feefce inccbocbe ♦ ' if ojt in afnrucb as in pjaping be mabe bon ber the one part be ttnplpetb tbe wbole. Cbe effect is.tbataitqougb be bab Sopfes IptkenbtStpnreto gatber ftrcngtf) > ana tljat be bab bin belpcb bp tbe faucur of the |i?'?cft0 anb tbe ft cut seines raising of bis foulo iers : pit be r ccouereb not l;is date tut bp tbe affureb anb manifcG footing ofdSob, 31ftbeIettre[Lamed]S»ere in tbe i»oo;b[ycrci]tbere&ere nebowtbutbee fboulb gcnerallp fap,tbat (2>ob bab giuen tbe inheritance to bis wo^fbippcrs . 25ut now anotber fence map agree not atniffe : namclp,tbat tbe inberitanc6 wbicb fbonio ocfccnbteoalltbe wo?Cbippers of (Cob, fc>a0 giuen bnto JDauto. #Jeuertbclcs 3fl glaolpcr embrace ti;e gcncrail fenced gob ncucr bifappopntetb bt0 fcruant0,but re- waroeib tbcm in tbe enb Settb eucrlafting f£licitte,wbcn tljcp baue rio tbcpj banbc0 of tbe encounters $ nubbles witb wbkb be ercrcifctb anb trpetb tljepjt faptb • $ 0} JDautb couertlp laugbetb at j foolifb bclb ncu"c , Sotjcrctlijougb tlje bngoblp baunt tbemfclues in p?ofperltic,as long a0 <2?ob fo?bcarctb 0? fparetb tl)tm. 5Toi tlj^e bap^ ppneffe of tbeire iebe^ in tljep footb tljem^ ielue0,i0but imaginatiue anbbaniffljetb awapftrcpt . 3E>ut2DautD bptbetettne [3!nberitancc,]teacbetb tbattbe fentante of dBobeniop, notabanif(l)ing p^ofperis tie,but a fteope anb fubftantiali giabnefte. 5Fo?tbe temporal! anb Ipgbt afflictions SoberfcHtbtbepbeetrpeo, are furtberans ce0 to eternal faluacion. (STberefcje be gi^ uctb <0£>iD tbanfes tijat be glabDetb not bi0 feoo^fbtppers foj two 0? tb?ce bapes, but ftabhffbetb tbem in an affureb 9 ftebs faft Ipfe, affigning it Ymto ti)em a0tbe in= beritancc of a pcece of grounb . %t\i> ccr= teflc feeing that tbe bngoblppcffcffenot ^5 ob0 benefptco bp faptb » trjep hue a0 it Xoere but fo? a bap, bp robberpe. if 0; tbe trew anb lawful fruition of goobs remap* nctb cnip m tbeico?fl)tpper0 of <£>c&. 7 [Ct50ufbaltgiue$c . ] ^rjis rciopce^ ment cannot be rcftrepneo to tbe ^cii'cu of JDauib. #0? altbeugb I'is life ieerc pzc= iongcb to tbe laft pomt of do age,ano tbat be bpeb full of bapc0 rjauing qupctcbtl^e ftate of bts J^ealuie anb bcltuticb ti;c fuc= cefGo of l;ig fcaigbemc 10 big ©onnc: pit S»ent be not fceponbe tbe age of one man: pea anb tbe greater parte ct bis lite was piteouflpfpentin inanpuufctics, cares, cnb fojowes . wbcrefojc tbcrets no fccut but bee cottnewetb tijis rowc cf pectco peaanbofages,euenbnto€b?ift . jioi C5g.|. Snc Iohn Caluins Commentarie, SucbauctolDpou now oftcntpmes Subat Sua3 tbe Sate of bis UingtDome , namelp tbat god CbulD oefcnD t^at one people ga= to sitter bnDer oiu l)eao, anb bring tbem togitterageinSubcntbcpSucreDifperfcD, liSutuow ibis fucccffion belongetb alfo Unto Ds.fozit beljouert) tbat Cbrcft Utie not onlp tn bio same perfon but alfo in bid membtrs,enenbnto tbe cnb of tbe toorlD: accoromg as it is faiD in <2Bfa?. 5 3. S.wbo fball Declare bis generation oj age ^ $0% albeit f DiuerfG tetnpeftes anb Holmes, $ Oiucr0 aiTaulies of enemies do bail? tbjes ten manp oumbrowes to tbe cburcb : pit tbe J3:opl)ct anouebctb tbat it (ball eons tineu; aliue tbrougb out alages:anD 3Da= uio |£>jopljefictl) before of tbe continewall fucceulon of the fcingDome , euen too tlje berp coming of Cbuft bunfelf* 8 [i£;fball Dwell for eucr ec] Jitis* pUpncr fyeccb , tbanSu'aen befapocuen now, [31 will Dwell in tbp Cabernaclc.] iff or befoul) be Qjalbe out of fcare,* quiet bnber tbe protection of d5oD, bpcaufc bee 11) ill bauc Ijim t\yz fccper of bis life . -$oi tbcre 10 no Dout,but tbat bp[<0oDs face,] is bctoReneD tbe prouiDcnce anD fatbcrlp care Id !)icb b* tafcetb for tbofc tbat be bis. 3to3 furcip among fo man? perils tbat be fecge bo r 6unD about ,tse fboulD not bee able to Hand one minute, if tbe epe of gob usd not prefcrue bs in fafetp.Cb«fore tbe trcw aabilitie of bltiTeD lpfe,ts tfns,S»ben Sue bee pcri'waoeD tljatit is goucrneD bp tiEJoD.^frow falowctb tbe otber DemaunD, tbat (Sod [fboulD appoint bis mercp anb f aitbfullnes] to prefer ue anD mamtcintbc fcing: of tub id) DemaunD tbe fence map be bubble. 5For inafmucb as genfclcneffe anD faitbfulnesare f trelubpbolDcrs of Umg= Domes : it Sucre not ageinft reafon tbat JDauiDfbouiD Defire tbe fpirit oftnccfee= neffe 0; mercp anD bprigbtneffe , tbat bp tl\is meanes be migbt be (labifbeD in bps feingbome. tfi otwitbftaDing in mp iubge= menttbis otber fence will agrcwcll tbat (0od QjnlD prepare hunfelf to prefernctbe lung Smtb Ins mercp anD trutb . if or tbe SoorD[Manna] figmfictb not onlptoo pres pare,aDDrcfTe,or make rcaDp, but alfo too appopnt ororDcpne:asifbebaofayDtbat 1 tbe aiTurcD preferuacton of l)i& &ingcs Dome confiftcD in tbeonlp mercp anD faitb fulneiTe of gos. *&y tbe Sua?, bp tbe u*orb [prepare or appoint,]l)e inewctb tbat gob ba b mcancsin a reotneffe ,iubcr witb coo preferuebts feruanteslin tbe enD be con= cluoetb tbat be Su 11 ttcDfattlp anD contt - newallp implop Ijis trauell infettmg fortl; d5oDS pz.ipfc 3, to performe b'3 uowes . if!)cr agein is to be marfceD $ tunablenes betwenctbetwo partes of calling uppon <2?oo . ;JFor 2DauiD fleet!) no Icffc bntoo dE»oD for belpintbe tntDDxs of bis pertls, tban be fbswetb tymfclt tl?anUf»ii after bebaDbinDclmerea. The -contcints of the lxij.Pfalme, This Tftlmefor the morepftrt conteyneth meditations ^hereby Dauid en- couragetk h imfilfc and others to fettle theyr hope vpo/t COD and armeth and inflru&etb them ageinft encounters of tempt actons. And forbycaufe nothing is more redy with vs,tban to haue our -wits drawen aw>4y from God by the gwylefiill entycements of the world, fo as they jlye out of our heads and ya- nifb away:he inueycth fjarply ageinft this yanitie}to thentent he may kgeg* himfelfe and others to God alone,. TheJxii.'Pfalme. To the chcefe Chaunter, vppon Icduthun,a Pfalme of Dauicfs. 2. But yit my fowle keepcth filence vnto God, from him commcth my welfare. 3. But. vppon the.Ixij.Pfalme. 234 But yit he is my rock,and my wclfare^nc! my ftrong holdc: I shall not i>e moued greatly. jlcaufi tttsfenarcentbat Heda •bH3&)aso;acoi tbe cbeefeGu* _ gcrs,fo!netbJn&ft*»asalGtte3 to bts charge to (rag tijis ^cilme. 3n& furelp tt t0 a UHriptjoD ibat in the iqcnr. $falme is betoUerreDafmgtng manot" t&atboufc.asntbeer tbercfeemetb to be afunDzpconfiberatton, bicaufe $ J3falm is not fapb to b: giuen to 31eDutljtm,bat tobemat-ctopon jeoutbun. EPbcrupon fome comccturetbattt S»as tbe begin? ntng 0 f tome notable fong. ^ oaibectc fo 2. afmucb as tbe perticIe[Gnal]ofmmcs itn po2tctb afmucb as [to, vntf o;foz,bcfoze, afozc oz-Scitb :] it fe?:ll not uvlagree t^at this pfalme foms leftfonib tbe pofhritp of Jebatbun.lflnb tbu3mucbbz:cflp co ccrnmg tbetitUVgf tS»c tranflation belts feeb Sabtcb 31 baue fct borr>ne,y pfalme (ball begtn topon tbe fobeint ,iikc as fcn= fences tbat be fal of affecttos, are fez tbe moftpattbcfectiueianDfucbcfcjalltbe fejojibe is tbe beginning of 73. pfclme* ;ff 01 as Soee (bail fee moze plamip tljere, ttje ]3?opbet calling bis Suits to btm fro tbe bebatings among fc>b«cbe be bao flo j teb bunfelf : as tbougb bee fl>outo cut of occafton of contrary rcafons? auoutbetb aDucrfmtiti p,pt t is €> co goob bntco bis people of J. frac l« Cbc fame tbtnfe ji alfo of tbis pzefct place, we fcnoto tbe mines of tbe go&Ip are not fo toeil fctlcd , but y it befallctb tbem tobee oftentimes toff;D ioitb intcrcbangeablc flotings. jl n tecs tbep couet to rcceiue udcds *eoo:b &>ttb qupet GicnceianD to bolb ttjeir peace if be cbaftije tbtm.but in tbe mean Svbile ma nj> mfoioct cD affections bzeali tbe ftlece of faitb # patience Ssitb ttjeir troublous tnrmopltng* u>bciuponitcGmmcf;) too pafTe tbat men burQ for- bp ttjeir oum impattencie bo as xoci feozu bnqui etnes to alfo bee comber fome onto tfjob.jrozafmucb as tlje parti cle [Ac] rg oft times cjcciuDue among tbe l?cb;civc0:fb'.i:e tranfiate it[oneip 0; al onip,] $nb f czafmucb aa it fometime af firmetb : ocbcrfomeeepjtuVit bp [berc* lp,trulp,ccrtcffc] «i feme fuel) like u>ozo it&ut t\)t fuller fence confiftetb tn pzefup pofing tbe fo^efapo conttanou&us,trom &tycb IDsufd riobctb bimfeifbtclcntlp, as if bee tbouio bolb i)is foits in p*;fo .«.« compel tbe to obebtece. Cberfoze btc aufe ^atanbaoftfrrzobptroubJcfoine afftc tions in b»m , f felt!) b'0 pzacttjes tsziue bimintofomebnralp bumoz: now b.ube ling bimfelf,be Deter inmct'j to [bee ftiu] 2Bp iabicbe Soozbbebotb \?3 to v»;t tijac tbe crofTe mu& be bozne S»ltb a patirnt $ qui.t minb: fo; itia fct agemir tb.c bnqui ttnts ft>bertb?ougb Sue rife aaeinO: gob. (go conclude tbis filence ts notbtng eis tbsn a fctlcb fubmiffton, t»ban tl;e faitb ful reft bppon tbcpzomtffs of 'oo buti) (0 maup t\~ tleSjis tbtJinamelp tbat be map Suavoe a ftr&c bac^ tbe blouses of >s>a-;an mfo as manp fbceloes. 3R n tbe eub of £ berfe Sobere bee fapctb [31 (ball net fl-.bJ 01 $1 fijallnot be moueo grtattp :] tjee giuetb an inclmg l;ovo if is po^ble tbat be map beeptnebeb Sottb adueriitpc>bicaufe bee bneto bimfelf tobefubiectto mconuetu= ces as al otber mcnbciucucrtueles ivar rantetb bimieife tbatbtsfaultes are not ceaolp, bicaufe ^od (ball put bio b^nbe bnber btm.l^eerafter yee toil fap ftmpl? tottboutanpaDOttion, [3i (bail not (tag gee o?3 fijait not flfoc : J peratuwturc bicaufe t)U bab p;ofif tt) fornu;'.) bp pzaps ing, tbat be culD o:»p-.l'e a^lictions moze b"lolp^oa!bccit beefcemetb too metne allonettjiuatabQtbVjlaccs.aiabtruipai it is not fo mnc!)£ as daggering 0} Up= foifc aft cth the tip : ttyep cannot pjoper = Ding. How farre wil you prolong your treafbn agcinft. the man? Yee shalbee killed euery one of you as a leaning mud wall, or as a (lone wal that is shaken. Yit confult they of his lifting vp,to thrufl: him downrthey loue lefings they blifle with their mouth and curfe in their harts. SeUb. Yit keep thou filece to the lord 6 my foule,for vpo him is my waiting. Yit is he my rocke^and my welfare,my ftrong holdcj shall not Hide. [?got» far foil pou.«c] *S>ome think (bait totterlp crufbethem in peeeeS. ifej 4- the foojt& [Tehotehu] to be taken to think o? imagin treafbn* £> there inrirpjete tt to ; hiuit out f nps in token of f kojmng. 3lro or berfotne tranflate it to ruuj topon one. iinto me it femctb to agrc tier p toe I thus* i^oro long foil pou be thinking tip on tbs matt :' cj, foil pou not Icaue i na gt = nmg nufebeef to the ma tn pour frotoatd thought*:' ;ffo* he accdVtb bts enemies of connate malice , btcaafe tbep fought a 1 the foaps y cculo be to oo btmbarm, S pjact ifeo nt co mtfehceues from time to tune. l!3p fohtebe ejcample foe be taught to bear f matter patientlp as oft as our enemies p:ocieti forth onajena'cl* cruel tie to piacu3C fotcked o miles to our de= ftructiosi , $ t bat $<* tan alio mfntftretb ncto tricks tonic the from time to time* CB5nt it is to be feene to fohat end the fis nulttube tcrsbetb fobtch enfneth ftreit af tcr.iiD ajnc tbinke y the fotcked ate iikes atti to a leaning foa$,fobicbe aiaketb as though tt fools fall contuieojallp ,uke as the? mri)i'ir foickeim?s are euer Aiding, tti thsprallbedioftg oowmlSutm tap q* pinion Emote reipecteo another thing* ^ojltkcasa maiifoail that is ill cow a cljcd ftocUetb out forth a beiip , $ in ma- ner smbieib his t to outward ap pecrance:foh«ras bte inward holsrores tenaetb to iuint: £>o the sngidlpfweb Ung forth £ fomoe of tijrir pjtoe,cnlarge the D.ica&f ',:!i;efle of their confuUa.ions* 2f>uc ilk* as a foall that is fauitp $ iooce la?£0 foit'om 3 fallett) Scrub fooetnc topo= icttce, $ not o'nlp burftetb afun&er four) his own foeight,but alfo is cruibeotnto tbiners : fo 2DauiO denou.icctb to \}i0 cnenttes a looetn fall, $ fuel; a one as fobcreas [gather] figmfictb pjopertp a np enclofure y is maDe of light $ foeake ftuffetpit notwitbftaDtng there is added a proper atnectiue to crp;?s the hiDeous f titaient fdlitng.JDauiD the. f:-?c meneth y alchogh bis enrmics be climbed aloft, $ crake fo;e tb;carrs oat of their large $ fo»olnc ftomacks ptt a)alttbepfallfobtn lp, pea an") foith a b^rakneck fall , like a foall that in oucrthjtouien, 5. [?it confult thep*$c,] 3B alwapesins ttrp^cte the particle [Ac] aouerfatmelp : btcaufe Hike as IDauibon the one fine buiiscth tys oro^e faith that it map rrfte ft coelp tipoon (Sods grace : fo on the 0= tberfiDehefetteth fojth th*p?actijcs of bis enemies ful of p?iDe,cru2ltte,t>eceitc, f p;efumptuoufnes : as if he fooulD fap. Although thep nothing els bpat= tempting all that map bce,but the h-;ao= long throwing boron of themfclues : pit are thep carpeo foith fucb furp,that tbet ceafe not to p;acti;e alvrapes fame tieroe beutce to caft me Down* 3tno couertlp he gtuetb an incling , that the foarre is not tnaoe fomuch ageinS bint as agemft gob like as among the poets , tongoblinefTe is printed out tinocr the perfo of the xmfcif tomo conftancie: .mo tottb as manp btiblcs repnctii be the itgijtr.effv' of bis ae3),leaft be fbonlD fcefce ^.nr part of bis welfare clfe i»r)erc than in &&TD. 3mD after be hart) S» ell bar teneD 'junfelf ,\>z turnetb bis talfet bntoo o:tjers anoallurrtbtbcm tootle felofttp of t|tj8 encounters ,tbattbep map bcc partakers ioitb Inm of the totctojie anD tnutnpbe . whereas be fapetb. [pee people . ] % oout not but be meenetbtbe jjlcroes. iFor bee* fozefucb tpme as religion anD tip fenocos IcDgcof ©iDiD Q>ncb bppon tbc (Bens tples ■ ,bopc anD calling toppon 0D coulD not flaiiil) elfetoberc itjan in 3iurp . 1&nD beplapnlp (botetbouttljj chosen people from tbe heathen nactons, as if be ujoulD ioere a foule tbame if tbjcbilbien of Stnnbam, (to inborn ©oo baDDifclojcD bis grace.anD inborn be bab f ccemcb into i>js tutcion, ) fboulb not peelD tbcmfelues iohoUp bma bim.3tnD bp tbeS»ooiD [al= -bapsslbe mernctij all tpmes i» hither it be of pjofperitte ci abttcrfitie , fignifptng that tbep boo amifle ibat giue place anD sjoppebowncat euerp little alteracton. £bcrefoic albeit tbat (Boa trp bis fer= names S»ttb afltcttons.pit iDauiD a&mos mfbetb tbem,tbat tljep mud lianD ftoutlp mbopcanB iutfcrancc.-J^tbe i?tpoerus tbat clap tbeir b^nDcs at 45$) ID fo: top in tpme of p;tofpcritie,f quaple tn tbeir barts affoone as anp abuerfTtie bappenetb : foj= clo3c the gate agemft Ins puiffance , not i»itlj outlfyeiyzong iontobtm.Cbcrfojs i»e muft giuc honour bn;o d5ob, j neucr ceafc(no not etien in fozc;r abtierfittes, to comfojt our fclucs il> this thought, tbat tbeuTccres of aearb arctn bis banD. jrur= :v-f jmo^c fozafinucb as mens barts are taavocn into anguilb bp, f tbat bp this fault tbep bo nothing but Ojarpen tljcmfclues agemft gob anD ence eafe tbeir own fojojj.JDautD mintftretb a bcrp gooD rcmeDte, namelp tbat the faitbfull bp bn= burtbemng tbeir cares bpen longtbe bar* i* IccUeD bp Snub fo20U),fo log can free pzai ers neucr get foo^be-Cbercfoieleafhbe burthens of tempiacions mpgbt oucr= \»lj;lmc b#, iye mud fetch rclcefe from bence : namelp tbat 1D Seillfuccour our greefe, fo fee take not f feojne too otf* c'oargc our felueo of it into bis lap. £Wojes oucr fo;afmuc!? as a ccrteine pceutib res (IrepncDneile, poffefl'mg tbeljartes fceb neereof all men, caaetb tbcm at tbc laft into Dcfpapic : SDauios abmontQ)inent is fo much tbe mojefo? ourbeboofe « $■$} although tbat ail men bee nolcfTc t&ittpz than Diligent to feHe an cnD fo;t tbeir oisne miferies : pit fojafmucb as tbep Qjunne C3oDs p;cfencc fo; the nonce, tbep Do no= tbmg clfe but foige ma^esto tbemfclucs* Co be fbojt.lDauiD co;rcctetb the mala= Die that is b?cD m bs bp nature , in that ivebaD leuer to chafe bpon the bnblc bp btbing our greef,than to eafe ourfelues bp pouring out goDIp compiatntes anD piapa ers unto <£»od . wljer bp it comes to pafle that being entangleD mo?e anD mo? c info - rocofulntffe , Soebe D^ouneDin Difpap^e. 3nb loo^e tohat he bab fpohen of bimfelf alone, that Doth bee ectcno too the fcbole people, auouchiug that tl;ep (balbc lafe bnoer (Bobs tuicion. io [TitaretbecbilD^ensc] 3Bfanpman IiUctotaft|[Ac]affirmatiatlp fo; [Dorots If ffe,trulp,o; berclp :] it {balbc a confir= ination of die former ftntencciano ©auiD foill fb'cuj bp repugnance, that tnafmucl) as men arc mo:e bainc than banitic it fdf, there remapnetb no mojc but too put alt their truftm 45oD.4Beucrtbclcfle,tbe tcrt foill flowe aptlp, ifiuee fap that fo?af= much as 'O auto fawe bow bee fung tbps 5Doctrine to Deaf cares , namelp that tbc people ucco:Dmg too their nature 'w an^cb awapintoo Dcceitfull bopes: i^ocobec cnetb o«>t fox Difpleafure : bocobeit there remapnetb notlnng in tlj: cb!ilD?en of men but mere banuie . 25 p tbps meanes bee. fboulb conoemne the blpnbe mpf- bclecfeof mennc, iuho haboc leuer too beceint tbemfciues ioitb batne entpce= mentes tbantno leaKetoo C5€>2D $fr piomtfes iatucb cannot becetue . %tib bpcaufe IDauio founbe fo greate banp= tte tn the chofen tfhplDien of ^bja= bam r be? p;onouncetb that all man- fetnDt ts giucn too Iptnge . ;f oi bp the 3ouerbe [yaczd] bee tneencth tbat all men fopibdut exception ficfee c^ufe of crttnge ♦ iJtioio tohcn5a»ee bcarethat thi? tt)t0 navogbrpncffc of bcetnge bapner tban bamtte ■> is not eonbemnrb in a fetoe mcnnc , but (n tobole manhpnljje: tobat (ball tote Tape too remapne bs= too re afon, ano f KU > anb free tot li r* ^Jeptbcr ts tt ari}> lette , rrjat (PD3D purgctb tr^c ^Faubtult of tt>is Difeaic ♦ ^foj if Iptnge ano toanpttt bee cojrecs teomtbcmbp regeneration of tbe *>pps tltc : it fol!Ou>etb tbat tbep totre ipers bp Mature* 3nDattljo«grj tbe full: man toao created (bono ano perfct : pit batbc bee bp bis fall bjaujen bo into fucbe cojt« ruption.tbattobatfceuerlpgbttoasgis nenboof © £> ID tbe fame isbtrerlpe darhentb. 3 f anp tnanne obiecte tbat pit newer the W fie tberc remaine in men gifts of <£> 1£> 3D not too bre Defppfed, toljere tbjtoogb tbcp rjccell among all orljer err- attires : tbe rotation to cafie^ altbougb men bee gar m fbeb'toitb notable gpfecs : pit are tbe fame cojrppteb toitb tbe infer tion of fume, anb bantfbc atoap into no= tbtag. ■$ oj it to tbe onelp Uncwelebgc of 3D tbatmaimbtobatfetuergiftes iD1D battjfeeftoxveDbrponbo, too beepe tttlltbcircrcellenep. jsDtberteifc tbep bee b t file b toitb tbe frame of firm?, tobpebe leauctb no bzoppe of pcrfecte founcnefTe in man . J n ccnfibctattctt tobercf JDautb crpcthout.tbatailmozs toll topgbt0 are bamtie anb tying* of nougbt* ii. [Cruftnot in.f r«] t?eerc3Da= nib bootb bo too bnderftanot.tbat men truQe not fubffantiallp in <©£>&, brcfoje tbep baue pnt of all bcceptfuU truftco , tobtcbe are bat calipnges a= toapc , as manp a0 bee of ttjem « 'Sbcrfoie bee- fciucrball impediments to be tafcen atoap, ano meatus mim?0 too bee clewed from tbebieco tl;ac oz cuppe CS £> 3D £>. roume < ♦ »nd al* tbougb bee but certctnc ipicrs : pit bp tbe figure £>uiecoocbe, Ijccttg* ntftetb tbat mans bar ce tsnencrbneo;- ruptip ano toityout dtffimulation ads icteD bntoo (SOD, untill ttbauertd it felfe of allcomratp trufts. 3i$? op= pjetuon ano robberp tose tnape m.bcr= ftane as toel tyc toerp act of ejcto;tio, 80 vppon the.lxij. Pfalmc. »3l the tbrngs tbat are eu til ano toiongfullp gotten* Crue it ts in Ceto tbat bp tbts eje bo?tatton is repiefftd tbe botDenfffe of mens liftings tobtcbe bltnbctb menttes as tbep tbinb tbat ail ia lau>= ful tobtcb tbcp are fuffrcb to do toitbout pumfbment. Cbe interpreters bar* al fo tn placing of tbe tooozbes. fo; fome matcbeuerp/fromne toitb bis tbts totfe : truft not tn erio;tion , bee not baine in rebbtnge : ano if l&tcbes cncrcacc, fctnot pour bart bppon.tbem. jOtyerfomehmc ejttoition ano robberp toogttljer toptb one JKtrb.anb rcabe tbe feoo^De [uaniQje] tnocftnttip alone bp tt felfe. wbttber cf*befe confiructions fbilletb not greaiip too tbcpptb of tbe matter , froj, toben tbe #?opbet batbe conoemneo tbe bjatnes ficBc p?efumptuoufeacfTe tobcrccottb ro« bbersarcpnffcobp, beepotntetb itorot ma proper terme , namelp tbat tt is but a mere 3!ilufton tobercm men banifbe aioap, l^apratber tbe ^opbettclletb bs tlatlp in onctooo;oe, tbat nil bope© tobiebe toptb bjawbs from ©dt>3t> on^ too bis Creature©, are but topes anb leftngff, fpectallpc tob«ntoee ccuettoo enrtciji our fclues bp eutl anb bntotoaro meancs.^na after tbat be batb cor.oems nebtbclei»oeltains0 toberentbercaps pecretb open toicfeeanes.bec aooetb this mebtatlp , tbat -toce mult a'.fo beeroarc toatnebes pcatb3USl)tbepb5go:tenbp ngbtfui meane© jjoloe ba not tpea bnto tbem. ^ o;eouer [to fct a mana bart bp on rtcbes] ftiniftetb notonplp 10 gay; to grecoelp after tbcm,but alfo Co be m;f:a= rpco toitb tbe truCt ottbem , anb to loUe to loftelpasfaptb |2)aule. 153 m. 1 1. 20. ^oa5,l>ow ©nfapcrduotis tijiS «?arnmg ts.tocelearne bpoaplpccy,>ertence. jpcj tberc t0 notbm^ mo;e comaton ibanfjj piioetobiecoofabuioancc, j fojmjns mmb«0 to be fo bimoeo toitb b lultnes, y tbep no Uffc become malapert a^cpntt c5JJ,tbaatoctltacetptb*ou ',b tonbitbe leo lib:rtieto oa b^rme. ;i5ut f^cctailp is tbat Carious blmDites tobccfjaccD, sobc anp man puerfbotmg Ijt-Ucit to far bpo aouttte, foigetrctbbisonjjifraUtie j ia- betb to ioftcip toitb coutimpt of ^00. G 5.111?. 12 Once lohn Catuins Commcntaric 12. '3- Once hath God fpoken it,I haue heard it twice, that power belongeth vntoGod. And mercy vnto thee O Lord, Surely thou shalt rewardc euery man according; to his woork. 12. [£>nccbathfo!iercbp (Soo aaoncbetb bimfeife to rule tbefoojlD bp rightful goucrnace* %r,b bicaufe it ftanctb b0 grcatlp in foab jobe(tabltuVbtnbefcefoftbefo02D: be comenbetb tbe ccrtetnneotberof.iBnb at tbogb tbcfe foojoo map beecoftrueo two ix> a?0 : rit tbe b2tft of them to, tbat & oo is tbjougbip ftcbp in bimfelf, (o as there is no alt eracio to be feareb fobe be batb fpofeen tbe teojb^atip reabeit tbao,^ <2?od batb fpofee tt once « twice cj ttje fe« conb time : fo as the repeting of f luoibs Ojoulb auatletotbe confitmattonof the, as tf be bao fatb,£ gob baft once 02 twice openlp anoucbtb bi0 power 9 goobnes, fc a0 tc fbouib net be lawful to bout of it beerafter. 2tn9 tbe place in 3 00, 3 3.1 4.fe metb not too be mucbe 'onltfee, that 45oD fpeafeetb once 02 twice* ■$ 02 tbe fooejoa are all one. fauing tbat in tbat place is ab D*b tbe copulattue*38fanp man ithc ra= tber of this other Dtftinctton,{;once batb «D"obfpofetnit,twtcebaue35 berbtt] let btm emop b" own meentng. $ 02 botb it agreetb foel to f ctrcumttance off place, 9 alfo out of tt 10 picfeeb a profitable boc trtne,namtp y fojafmucb a0 dEfob eatett) not 1)10 foojb wbf n fee batb once fpoken 'tut t0 our on tie totbtnh lepjurelp « ab* utfeblp bppon fobat foeuer is pjoceeoeb out of bio mouth : as tbougb 2Dautb bab faro 3 ^>£> 2D t cache tb bs bp bi* woojd, : Subtcb tmtfi be fatten as an caerlattfng 9 unchangeable becrcc:f 31 bane ejeercifeb mpfelfoftttme0inbi0wo2O,lefrfo2gct' faints of tb' * boctrine might krrep bpo me in pzeceffc of time. H5nt fez afmuche a0 £ other mancroffpeafctngfeemetb to be the Gmpler, v (©od batb fpobc it once 02 twice : 31 eaflpincline to f fame* #}ot i»itbft abing^bp tbe foap,tbe curioafne0 of tbe i0 to be reiecteb. tbat fap be fpafee once in tbe law, 9 afterwarb ageine in the prophet 0, foj 3D auto ment nothing el0 but that f anth02itte of tbl0 boctrine foas foel ftabltfncD3lthe as we are wot to take f thing foz mod confirmeb 9 ta« ttfieD,fobicb t0 oftencfepjoelapmeD. Jn tbe meane feafon let bs remember, tbat affone a0 gob hath nttreb the foojb, foe mutt bp anb bp fettle oar fclucs bntoo it 9 not gainfap it, aofomeft Itbp oogs bo, fobicbe refujc to embrace anp Doctrine f ie not p2oeneb bp tb;ee 02 foure utts of &cripture+ 5Fo2enenfoburtttbatbars let p2ate among bo, fobo attemptebtoo ouertb^owe dBoos free election anb fe= cret p2ombence. JF02 3Dauib ment not re put <$)£) 3D too lito taf be of fpcahmg of- ten but to Difpatcbe all Doubting of that boctrine, fobicbe to tettifieb.not & bout ful but foitb eep2effe foO2D04^fterwarD 3Dautb bpljts own eraple tcachctb, tbat dFoos fo02b mutt be cccepueb reuerent= Ip anb foitb goblp becb,ano not be ref us feo foitb fucbe fao2nefulne0 as the mo:e part of men refufc it* 15ut fojafmucb a0 be notetb not beer mbtfferetlp al point0 of the boctrine alike '. it is erpebtent too bnit that unto tt, fobttbe bee abbeth im~ meDiatly after : namelp that if foe »e Dr e to neepe of the wanes of temptations & ttefcfatte mtnbee, foce mutte gf oe <0oD0 paiffaunce anb mercp their Due honour, f02 that ntan (halt niucr tteppe from the rpght line, fohatfoeucr bee to that belee neth earneQlpe,that nothing happeneth but bp the appointment cf(S^ID-,aiio that b« etceiletb no leff? in mercpe than tnmigbte. 'Cljcrtfojc after tbatZDazuo batr) l vppon the . Ixij. Pfalmc. *>7 tat!) mabe an ho nozabic pzoh (ration con- cerning tbe auarebneffe of 115000 iuoozo: Bow \)Z fapetb be is inftntcteb of bis aU migbtpneffcano gooonefJc.£>emc inters pzcte it tbat (Soli ts armeo is itb power to help: trje f aitbf all , anb ttjat I) e 10 alfo leb bp I)t0 mcrepfulneffc to doo it. jB cucrtbe= Ictfe moze rpgbtl? (in mpne opinion) 600 otijzra Difhnguifbe tt.tbat (000 is of poa> : cr to rcftrcrnc trje Setcaeb rjorocpiouDlp fo cuer tbep baunte themfelues 0; rather that rjec ts ftrong: pnoujb to bieaKc :r>ctr haroeneffe, a no to cbeerifb and maintepne Ij'.s oome feruauntcs , bpcaufe bee ncuer fozgettctb bt0 mcrcp ano goooneffe..0oa> tebofoeaer mallfe.tbtsmpiioc oppon t\)is putffance ano goobnelTe of k0ob,t»bicb it is la wfuil fo; Inm too hopefo; at(0obbes banb: bee (ball (tanbe bprpgbtanbquiete euen among t\)z fojsff turmoplings of all. 23ttt&>bcnweftrip<0oboutofbis pow- er, (as men are comonlp isoont to 0 0 0 ) it is but rp gb t , tbat 5»ee on the other fpbe be left ocfittutc of the bcfcnce.Ss'n'cb toere a= ble pnougb to b;pue back all temptations from too. 0ctng then that tbcisozlotma ginetb (0oo to bee pole.botec fboulo it not tremble at cuerp fmall (hrringe, confibe= ring that it tbmfces it felf to befet open to theblpno of fortune r' ^erebpon tberefojc cbmetb the calme quternefft , if ieecmafce th: iuozlo fubicct to <0oos go- ucrnance , anoftrbmitte our femes $ our Ipues pnto bim. li5uc Srfteit bebouetb to begin at bis migbttneiTe.leafte fejee fboulo Doubt t!;at tbofs fr>bicl;e liue bnoer bPS j banb , are not (beclortj f»ttt> fnff tctent Cafe I Defence : i^owbeit tbereunto toce mufte ttrctght iopne bis mcrcp, lead anp care; fulneffc fbouto oeice bs. Otberwpfc, fuel) Debat as tbis Soil rpfe in our mpnbttsbat botetb it ps tbat the fooilo is bnoer goos gouemance ■> will bee therefore ijcipc us , tbat are bnw oo;tbp of bis regard ^ Cber- fojenotSeitbouicaufe booth 3D auto cups pie t ogi thcr bis Crcngtb ano ins mcrcpe. Jro? bp rljefe twoo images atefcee bca= ucobpbntO(3oD,ano bppon tbefctwoo ftiltesoootDceieaueboloip,foaonoQ)tp= isjeefces of temptations map b?owne bs. Cbe effect is tbis : tbat as oft as anp tcr ; rour encounter etb bs, free> bo of & 00s power, to to ijoi tie it is an ca- I fie ano r cop matter too fbaUe of All anof = tbep neuer foojteabfuil.ajnoajbe it (bait fo pjenaple in our mpnDcs , it feill eaflp oiiettbzoise wbatfoeuer is contra* rie to our Sselfare. tfni Ssbat is tbere too be feared,^) her tbefame<0oD tbat a>;ow ■■- Serb bs snoer the ibaoowe of bis icings, gouernc:b the Ssbole Saozio britb bis enlp becfeer ^oloetl) Satan anO all the PngoO -■ ip bound in fecrete cbapnes i ano too bee tbojt,rulcwi ail the beupces, enoeucrs, f pzactp^es of all men -: conoicionallp, tbat ioee Hickz fade too tb is.namelp, tbat bps goooneffeis fct free fo; all the gooip tbat bepenoppon it.[Cbou (bait rewaro.f c] ^ecapplpeth tbe thing tbat be bathe fpo- ben mote nccre to bis purpofc. f oz bee a= uouchetbtbe iootlbotobeeiii fucbetepfe bnoer <0obs pzouioence, tbat bee txtil be a iuftejuoge. i^oiwc.ifour mpnocs bee once fettieD toisaptefo; tbis: it Sail b?au> tbem from all feaucringes, appeafe al im •> paticnce.pea anb bjpble ail as fbalnot dart out to reuenge imuries. ■foj to tb'-S enbebotb IDauib c^xz ano ar ■■ reft bunfelfe anb all otbers too tbe iuoge= ment feate of <0ob , namelp tbat bee maps confirmebtmfctfeintbebdpeof tbe belts u:rancc to come, snb kiitb baleaut cozagc bcfppfe tbetr bjonken auoacitie, bpcaufc it cannot bee, but tljat all tnenhes ooomges muft come to accounte befote (0oo , i»bo ioiilno moze ceafe from tbe Derctie of a 3! uoge.tban bee toiil oenp bimfelf . vuber- bppon it foloroetb tbat bow mucbe focucr free becfubicct to feiongs.oz rather how mucbe foeuer bea tbenifbc folUe count? bS but as oiftioojings : pit both (0oo rcgarD our mifcries to relecue tbzm m I:afon,bp; caufc be i»Ul notbifappopnte the patience of bisfcruantes. iftow i»hcrcas iljc ^a= p tics go about to pzoue bp tljcfc fcntcccs, tl)at ioee attcpne rpgbtuoufcneffc ano fals nation bptbeoefertes of our oi»nttozbs: boioefonbeitis, freebau? fbc^co befozc. % ffoouc as mention is mabe of w 0 ozUcs, tbep catebe that bp tbe enoe , as if C?oo ts ftceming only ccbe manes mcntss.iboulD pap; tbem tbeir bewe wages . 15 ut tbe j^olp (0boft? pzomtfetl) retoarbe pntoo fcjoozfics in afarre.stber meeninge :na= melp,tbat men fljoolb gpue tbcirJcluec to tnnocencie.anb not ioepc pjswtc 'uptcaps teroufe truft in tbem ieljicbe outrturr.etb tbeir f»boU^alttarvOrt,ciun Lp it*: rootc. (i.-gb. <09b lohn Caluins Commentaric <£ob t\)tn fo luogetb of tbe iooo;hcD of tin tbat tbe pjvce ano eftima* tton of tbem Depenbctl) rtrae bppon the free fojgiucneCTe of ftnne0,S»beretb*ou3b bee tabetb tbe fcnrooe?tbp mtoo fauourc: ano feconD i\> bppon bis mere bearing intb tbcmojacceptinge ttjcm , fobtcbe gpuetr) tlicm grace isberea^tbep bee but map; meb ano filtbp of tbcmfcitifc. $0} free fenowe tbat no &>oo?&ceomctb into goes pjefence eptber perfect , o? pure, o? umtcp= neo fcttb anp infection, wbetcuppon tt folowetb ,trjat it is of iffos? mere bounte= oufencfle that tbep fpnbe rc&arD.^beres f ojc fit'.) that tbe Scripture in piomifing reioarb to tbe cbilD?cn of <©ob, boorb bat onelp ftir t ijcm bp to tbe f olouring of gobs Ipncffc ano rpgl;teoufc Dealing , to tbe in- tent tbcp map figljt tl;e cbeeriper tn goD0 quarcll, ano Derogate nougbt at all from ti)e mere ifulneflfe of ] frbcre JDautD&anDereba grcatc iobpic to bpbe bimfclfe /ftcnvfciafmucb a0 bee repojttetb faitbfuli?,bctr be foas mpnbeb in tbe toerp tpnieof bis Dawigcrs.itxe ga* tber tbat Ikc ioao neucr fo qup:couer= tbiotocnS»ttbb«0 mifcac0 , but tbat bee fent bp bis pzapcrs bntco bcaucn : oj ra- tbcrleaneb to itbonaf. furcb ans ftebfafr fattb.wbjttb ibtngeis fo •nucb tbe note to be r.orcb, too tbe interne tbat t»e alfo(lobom almoff eticrp trpfitng temptation fetteib befpbe ail tmoaicbgt of C5ob , )map in tbe cbecf of enr fo?ofee0, laboj&tonto&oDtoarbe. 21? ut JDantDnot onlp calletb bpon btm.but a!fo nuoucbctb bitn to bee bt0 d5oD , fo us rjee fticfceD not to c«ftb'0 cares intoob»0 lap, i»ben not^ f»ttbftano,ing becmg Deftitute of all be'P, bee in a meiner ppneb ctcap in a ieafte anb b?pe U-ilDcrnciTe. Cb^faitb iwbfcbp bee $oac perfuaDcb that e fbouloe fape, altfjoug'? tbat being tjwngrp and fading be lacbco all twinges tbat fljoulo fulcin ipfe: pit was 2> botb wttlj bobpeand foi»le. JFozaltijougijtlje boopc bee moucD witb no appctptc as of it felf, pit 10 it fuffictentlp hnowen , tbat tlje affections of tljcfowle pcrcc enen ttjUjcr and are fbeb iatoo it. }. [g>obaue31 bcbilo.anetuaric. 3s long as 2D auto was tttltbertte to commc to ti>c 2>anc:uaric, be neglected not tljar feruis of tbe Jlawc, bpcaufe l;cc knew bee bad ncedc cf fuel) lielpes. ".no now, wljcn be is pzobtbttcd from commtng tljere , he (bcwctlj that bis tnpnd is not tpeD to tbofc outward Cignes: bpcaufe be bclpgbtctb turn fcif ncucrttjclcs in tbc fptiituatf bcbolamg of &£> £> . a no tbercwttball alfo be ftjcwetb bp tbe decde itfcuMjow well be bad pzoftted in tljofe ers erepfes of^odlpncs^ljtcb tbe Jlozo bab commaunded m bts llawe. <©;ofi*c ano fu= pcrftitioufe folk fceme too be rauifajca bp tntoo hcaucn i»itb carncftnefie of ;cle , as long as tlje Ceremonies bee befoze tljcir- epes: but all tt*cir bcuoiion toanirojetb a- wap,asfooncastbc outmard fbape,tljac. tljcp ga?cd once out of tljctr fpgbt. But as fo? iDauib, alttjougb be bee now btterlp bereft ofCcremoniesipit rctep= nepnetb be fhll tbercmemberancc oftijera to belp bts cnacuer ano traucil bnto <£>ob ■ ward, wb^rfojc let bs lernc bp bis cram= pie, tljac altbougb wee bappen to bee be= reft of all tbe outward fij>acramentcs of <8 S> 2D £> grace , pit raaft »ec cuen in V)€ mibdes of tbe feagulfeo loolic tip too o mitil tbe fptutuail iLaucr , ix>i>tctj once to; all repzefentetb Cbzift bntobs in 25ap tunc, continent fadenco in our remember ranee all our Ipfe long. bole courfe of ipfe. 3nD !tUc as £ fit ft fence con tepnetb a moje plentiful! ooeirine, To alfo fecmettj tt too agree better, in tl)t0 Scpfe: 25pcaufe 31 remapne fafc anb founb alpue bp tbp benefptc, 3 fenll p?apt'e tr>ce tbe mojecbeerfulIp.g>o alfo in an otber place, 31 fball not bpc.but line, anb Qjeroe foojtb tbe $»oo?bc0 of tbe 3loj&,^>fdlm.i 1 8. i 7. ailfo : Cbe beab ftjall not pjapfe tbee , £> 2lo?b, no? all tbep tbat go bourne into tbe graue: but fe»ce tbat line. are tbep r p?apfc tbe 3Lo?o.f c.^falm.i 15.1 7. 3n f fecono part of tbe berfc, bp tbe [ lifting top of lji0 ljant>0,] be betoHcnetb bov»e0 § pjapcr0: us if be fljoulb fap,be feioolb not onlp giue tban&cSjbut alfo take bart to bint to p?ap, 9 fo occuppelnmfeif continuallp in calling bppon ©ob. 3nb fitrclp, Cob bimfelf bp Sealing bounte ouflp fe»itb b0,not onlp al= lurctb te0 to tbanbfttlne0, but alfo confirm metb our bopc fo? tbe tpute to come , tbat fete fboulb notboubtoftbcfullaccompliQ) ment of bi0 grace , Sebereof fetec baue felt an enterancebp cjcpericnce.5)omc bnbers ftanb f lifting bp of bi0 banb0 bnto ^ ob , to bee tbe clapping of bi0 b*nb0. iDtbets fome tbinb it tmplpetb a0 tnucb 30 tf IDa* uia fboulb fap , tbat bppon trulr of d5oD0 belp be fejtll encounter fetitb bte enempes bnfearfullp.'Snt Ji baue fbcu?eb pou aU= rtbpeSouatJlifcebcft. arc at tbe popnt to periflj ,ano tolncb t* tbe onlp rcmebp to fuppip allbefault0. wber- as 3ugftmbcfcantetbfpnelp lifee a J2>b»t0; fopber bponrbs plurallnomber,iti0fcarce fubitanttaU pnougb-Cbc i^cb^xe* name Ipfe [ Caiim . 3 aino bpcaufe 2tfugftin reb it [!?»»,] be tbougbt tbat acco?binga0cue rp man gapetb after goobe0,o? is giuen to pisafurcs, o* f olocoetb after belpgbtes, oj, couetrtb bonour0,o; 10 giue ouer to pam permgbi0 b:llp :fo ecbe of tbcm batbe \)\tt proper Ipfe allottcb to bim.3nb ageinft all tljcio bpecs be fettetb eternall Ipfe, fe»bicb ( accojo'ing bnto bint) id bp putting ouer of name, called d5ob0 mercp, bpcaufe it 10 giuen b0 of <5ob0 mere grace,? not pur= cbaccB \>p befert of fe»oo;bc0. 26ut (a0 3J fapb)tbejD?opbctsmecnmgi0mo;cfim* pie , namelp, tbat altbougb men ftoim m goobe0,anb 8o?iftj inricbe0,3nb finailp be garbcb bp all mean0 tbat can pjtoct irefurej mstolpfe:piti0itbuta0nott;m3,bpeaufe »t i0 better to bepenb bpontbc onlp mercp of ;onge0,lan= guifb in fihnes , fuffct bunger anb tijirfl;, anb be bejeeb fetitb wanp cares 5 fojotee0: pit are tbep bapppe neucrtbcleffe, bpcaufe tbep can not bee but in goob cace, as long a0 tljep bcafTurcb of <£>o&0 mercp. 3Hnb a= gzin, tbat tbe faptbles, altbougb p iohole fe»o:lb lawgb bpon tbem.are netreitbftan btngfe>jctcbeb,bpcaufe d5i£> 2D is ageinft tbcm, 5 fo confequentlp tljeir ftatc is cms fcb. l^ecrbp iDauib gatberetb,tbat be t0 bounb to pjapfe <5 £D 3D,acco?binga0tbe Unovolebgc of bi0 gooonefic openctb our moutbe . 3lnb be beclarctb ti)z fame tbing mojic plapnlp m tbe nci-t berfc , fe»berc be faTJetb[beitillpjGprebimtnbi0lpfttpme.] ^occbeittberet0fome boubtfulncs in tbe 6 My Soulc shalbee fatisfyed as with marcc and fatnes , and my mouthc shall prayfc thee with lippes of loyfulneflc. 7 Surely, I will bee myndfull of thee vpon my bed: I will think vpon thee when I lye awake. 8 For thou hade bin my help, and I shall rcioyce vnder the shadoo of thy winges. 9 My fowle hath rawghted after thee: thy ryghthand shall hold mee vp. . 6. rj9£? vppon the. Lxiij. Pfalme. 6 [ iffl?v fcule fbaibcc. a-c] Jtis a com firmationoftbc former fentence . 5foj 2Dauid mctapbozicallp bebpgbtetb bun* felfe fucbe plentiful! abundance of all good tbfngcs at dSoddes bande , asmape peelD him matter of top and gladni ife.3!nD although bee did fct this #faime tositber in the tpmc of his cafe and toeltl) : pit is it alpHclphod.tbat be hoped foj this fitffp- jance'rohenbe feandercd as pit far from if ,pooze anb bungrp m tl)e fc>«lderneffe. 2tnd it is a notable trpaii of faptb, frljen e bee otfeottraged as i&bcn tbefrrictied bee fed beintelp, ozratber, cram tbemfelues anb rpot in their abunbance leitbout mcafure: and toee in poucrtie fufteine hunger anb tbirft. JIFoz 2Dautds needpneffe fc>as web alfo,as might hauc dziucn him to defpaire. 25 ut fozafmucb ao he fcneto ft was the pc= cuitar charge of d5ob,too fatisfte the ban* grp fenles, he hoped bee fbould Suant no- thing as long as he *»as in his fauoure. aind.b?caufe»£>od Smlltrpe enr patience bpmanpnecefftties in this Ipfe: lettebs icrne to bcare our iozongts patientlp, bn= till the tptne.of full fuffp^ancc bee come. jS^ozeouer tt is to be notcb, that bnder £ metaphoj of [ 38)arec anb fatnes ] is not mentfuctj pampering as is fcene amonge fc)OilDlitfgs,fo>i]c baucnoftap ef tljefclues in rpottous ejeceffe of filling the paunche : I but onercharging tbemfelues , are berefte of their rpgbt fcjittes : foz 2Dauid ftintctb ■ bimfelfe in his fuffpjance, that bee map fo I much the moje chcerfullp addzeffc IjfinfciC to the pubiifbing of (Bods pzap3CS. 7 [£mrelp3ns»ili,fre.l3!tmapalfobte reb Obenox as oft as 31 fljall remember thee, 31 ucill pzap to thee S»ben 31 am «?a= Kmg.]:i£>ut fozafmucb as the conbitional parttcle [ im ]notonlp is taken foz anabs uerb of tpme,but alfo fomtpmeaffirmctb: 35 iooolo not departefrem the ozdinane fence fojitljout caufe. 3! fpecreade Kaffirs matiuelp: to [bee rapnofull anb to tbinbe bpon]iball unpoztallenetbing.f it fljai- bebut arehcrfa I of one meenpng twpce. Ii5 ut tf pec libe better too haue the parti- tie ioo bee conditional! , the meenmg tail-- bee, that as of te as 45oas name comctrj 239 _ to 5Dautdsremcmbzance, hee foill glass lp thinfee, pea and alfo fpeafec of his benc- fptes. 3lnd bee menctoncth fcjatebingc oz toaktnge,bpcanfc that i»h'n toee be ioith - dzaiocnfromthefpglite of men, not onelp cares haue ttjetre recourfe , but alfo the mpndcdootbemoze frcelp applpitfclfeto tbefe oztbofe tbougbtes . Chen folow= ctb, a renoeringe of the caufe , namelp, foz that hee had bm pzcreruco bp the heipe eV C5 50 2D. CertefTc, fuchc an erpsrtence muftc (as 3! bnuefapde ofte bceretofoze) not onelp fpurre bs too the fitting foozttj of d^ods pzapjes , but alfo too call bppon his name, accozbingc as it is tapo pfalm 5. 8 bppon tl)e multitude of ihp Ioumge=: fcpndeneff: Soill 31 enter intoo tbp 'Ccm= pie. Che feconde parte ef the berfeis re- ferred bnto hopc,namelp that JDauid Soil reiopce oz in iopefulntffc trpumpbe bnber the fbadowe of (Sods fc>mges,bpcaufe he (ball i»ith a mcrp and cheerfullharterefte bnder ^5ods protection, no leffe bopbc of feare,than tf i;e iosre out of all hazard. 9 [S9pfou!ehath,fc.]5Fozafmuchefls the &oozd[Dabeca]ofttpmes fignifieth too [rawht after, oz too foloa>eaftcr]fpectallp iahen itis conflrued toith the pzepo futon [Acar:]itfeill agree no leffe to be tranfla= ted thus: [3S@p foule fballfeloir oz hP l)im a pace after thee. ]25ut if fi»oojd[clcaue] UUe anp man better : pit bothc the toaves 2Dauid meeneth ^ his hart fbaii alsoap :s imt'i) rtcbie perfeuerance be fet faQ; appen ap, pea and althougbe <0od him felfe fbould goe a great inap of: pit ix.00 is notbeebeefocerpeb, bot^ooidpurfeiue ftedfaftlp after him «C^« latter member might be taken fimplp of that del tur race ioherofhehath made mention befozc : as if he Qjouldfap, that bis fozmcrrtanotnge bp rpght and bnappapzed bp the pzotcctt: on of ^5od bnto that tpme.ts his bed flap to holae htm bp infeefeing ana purfewtng (^odher*after.^ottoithftading 31 crteua it furtber,nameip that2Dautd iuarrantetb bimfelfe tl>egtfte of ftedfaftnciTc from the bolp 05hoft ^Foj it had bin to much &o«t tierTefoz l;im too hauebzagged,tUatthc defire lohn Caluins Commentarie , bsftrc ofin'smpnsefboalbbaue binfrebi faft> in purfecoinge oz embracing © cucn bntoo tlje btterinofte, onlcde i;c IjaD bpanbp abbeb this refireinte,tbat bi0 bart fboulb bee fo fl;cD?,fo farrcfoozthasbee fi;oula bce.bpbtio bp the banbe of ©od. 10 And they in feekingetoo deftroy my (bule, shall eoc into the lovveft partes of the earth, li They shall carte him dovvne vppon the edge of the fwoord,thcy shal- bee the portion of Foxes. 12 But the Kingc shall rcioyce in GOD: and vvhofbeusr fvveareth by him shall bee ioyfull: for the niouthc of them that fpeakelyes shalbee flopped. 10 [3Bnbtbcp in] ^erdDas uO retapccti) mozc boloelp as though bee bab gorten the bpptr banb. 3Snb although bee compplco tljts ^falme Sobenbps afs fatres fccre fettleo : pit is it not too bee ooubteb, but tbat bee bopcD foz tbefe felfes fame tbinges Sobtcbc bee fange of afters fcjaroe , eucn at fucbe tpine as bps Ipfe bunge as pit bp a tbzeebe. Che effecte is, tbat altbotigb pis enemies bee rebpe too ipg&t bppon Ins beab,pit (bail tbep fbojts ipperifbe,bpcaufe 45o& (ball cafte tbem boamebeaolongc, anb noi onelp belui-rr tbem too beftructton, bat alfo bjtnge too pafie tbat their fcar&effes Ohall ipc bnbu= rpcb, JFoi [to bee lbs portion of iffojes,] impipetl) as miicbc as too bee beuoureb anb toznc in pacts of Soplbe beaftes.^na (Sobbootb ofontpmes manace tbtsp«; niQjement too tbe rep2oba- cs , tbat f»ben thep bee Gapncbp the fa>oo;bc of tbeir e= nemtcs, tbep fbalbec a p?ap foz wclues$ Bagges, bpcaufc be will Difappopnt tljem of ttjc !)onof-irs of bur paii. 3in seebe tbe fame thing bcfailetb cum toe tbcbeftfojt of men nocoe an3 then, accojbinge as Sac Unotus tbat I? np02dl puntuhememes are comon bootb *oo gftob ano bab : but bcere is tbe Difference , that <5?ob gatterctb to= gitber the bones of bis feruatintcs, eiien te'izn the? bee fuatterca heere ano there, anb iapctb them &p m fare faki ceding, fj as none of tbem peridjerfc : but the hmc= ringe abzobe of the re^ofcitcsboncs, tea banbfcll of their cuerlafting Damnation. 12 [Suttbc&in3,?c.2i5pcaufc(I5oDba& not oneip beipe.3 r>!t«D feueralip , but alfo bab(m his pcrfoncM^PDe fo; tl)C ml- fareofibci»bole€burcb:l;ecii>oo2tb;lp fopnetbbecretbecomon ioptoirb hisoisn top : accozDinge aIfo as tbe ft>c!farc of the $»bolcbobpbepenbeb bppon tbebcabe. ainb bis goolp bpghmpn3eDnetTe is to bee noteb,tbat being befet iantb manp fceatbs, pit bee boubtctb not to cailbimfelfe fcmg, bpeaufe tbat a'.tbougbe bee eniopeb not the Hingbome tbat iuas p;omifcb him, tn effe: pit maintcpneb tbe pofleffion of tt bp faptl). 3Qn?} in fapingc that be: fbal rciopce in ^ ob, bee not oneip auoucljetb that hee i» ilbee tbanKcfnll, but alfo ecteiicth gobs granoufe goobnefle, bpcause it cctenDctb to tlje pjeferuation of alitbe gobip . ^Fo; &>e bane tois pou that tl)c (late of the elect people coalD not at tbat tvmt bee otber= Sn^k pjeferucb, than bp tbe contmewace anb p;ofperine of iDauibsretgne,bpcaufe (&0K8 feillioas too teacbe bsbnber tbat figure.tbatallourbapppncffe anb glojie ie founbeb bppon Ch?tft.li5p tbofc [ that fircare in the name of gobjlje betokened) figttratpuelp alitbe gobip ieozfbippers of l)im.$'op tnafmucb as it is afppce of gobs fcruis to ma&e bim our vuitneffe accounteth tbc'm all fo? bis fer= uauntcs, as man? as baueb'S help name in tbetrc mouth? : confibennge tbat ma= m offer him grccuous rrpzocljc bp foz= f^iearingc tbemftiues i»;cKeb!p : anb o= thcrs eptber bifboaoure ozbtminiaje bps ja^aicSiCbplpghteanbfcnbe Oibcs: nnD tbc^tpocrptesiecuubipabufc his ntrnc. 515. at the 02op':,etc iDauib betokcuctb none other Ijeere, than furt)c as fo-cars bp £>£>, Difbonour tbe name of d&jaDJD ftnth. tbetr r;e fettcth. [fucb a0 fpeafce ipes.J ©p frbtcb trap ierous occeptes. The Conteintes of the . lxiiij . Pfalmc. This Vfalme contaynetb a complaynt mingled-wixb prayer. For too the in- tent Damd may the more enclyne COD too mercy , he complaynetb as -well of his enemyes wrongful! crueltie3as of their treasons and ouerthwart prachfes. lAndin the end 3 turning his eyes yntoo GO D t he reioycetb to9 himfelf of the better falling out of his cace. The . Ixiiii.Vfalme. Too the cheef Chaunter, a Pfalmc ofDauids. 3L Hcere my voyce, 6 God, in my prayer : kecpe my lyfe from the feare of mync cnemye. 3. Hyde meefrom theconfpiracieof the maIicioufe,and from the rowt of them that vvoork wickcdneile. 4. For they haue whetted their tung like a iwoord, and hauc shot foorth their arowe, euen bitter talk. c". Too shootc priuely at the vpryght perfonc : fbodeinly will they shoote, and not feare. 6. They fettle themfelues vntoo mifcheef, they confult of hyding their fnares:they fay, who shall fee them? 7. They haue ferched out iniquities, they hauc accomplifshed the fcrche that they fought out, euen euery manne his fecret thoughtes , and the depth of his hart.. 2. [8Mew wp toopce,£> 4do&.$ c.]I&* pto; 0oo fttccour lu'm. Ikotobeit the boubtful- reflet!) that be pjapetb carneftlp $ imtb a ncs of the ii)002Des pcelbctb \>e a bubble feruaitaffcction,f tljerttjitballbclbewctb mcening. 5Fo£tbe&>oo2b [Sod ] x»btcbe bis neceffitie. l^is Iovod piaping t0 a fi^ne ugnifpetb fecret , ts taken of tome fo? p2i= of bis earncttnelTe anb toebemencie. ainon ute pacfeinges : f of otb«fome,fo2 a cem= be commetb Downe to the naroroe fbrfvCS ponie fitttng in counfell . 3 bane put Jbc that be aas buuen bnto .Declaring t\)t ton Statin &002D [confpiracie .] forincb alfo is rours of ocato that fo>6rc fciccb topon bitn of boubtfuil figmficattou, anb map bee ta= bp l)is enempes, anb afterwavb other cir= feen as xdcII fo; a companpc that confult cumftanccs , iobcrbp too 5»m Ijimfelf fa= about mtfcljecf, as foj the mifcbecf itfcif uour . iroj bp calling bppen 45 j£> 2D too £&btcb tbcp bau; beupfeb. 3!n tlje iecon5 pjefcrue b»0 Ipfc , be booetb t>0 too font, place is aobco the Saojo [RagcQiath]fo)bicb that be ioas in bajaro of it. 31ntbe fecona foinetprac figmfpetb a uopte, 02 crptng= bcrfe be fapctb, Ije bathe too encounter a- out,* fometpmea companpc of men. 3 no gemrt manpe, ano tberfoje tbat be ts \jn= it is oerpuco of? rootetRaga^»]iobicb fig able to bcare out tlje U2unt of tijem,etccpt mfpcti; to maUe an bpjozc. jf an? ma itUe too. lonn i^uuim vAjnuiiciiuiric too take [ sod ] foz pzutie pzactp?es , tijeu Hjall f Rageflia] fignifpe afojctbU aflault. 3!nD fo QjoulD IDauiD rcqupje to be Defcn; Deo as tocU from tbe couertmalicteufnes of bis cncmpes,asfrom tijeir open foice f Violence, fo>bc bautng confuiteD bow tbep map Doo barme, tbep acp fooztbc too pat tbeir Deupfesinecccutton. jftotwitbftan- Dmg.tbe foztucr mecning is botb mozc fun pie anD mozc natural!: namelp, tbat 3Da= uio, to tljentent be map tbe moze pzouobe © £> 5D to bee mercpfulltowarDcsbiw, compiapnetb of tberaultituDc of bis cue- mpeo. jfl n tbe mcane Sobple 2DauiD auou= ciictb.tbat altbougb be bee oppzeffco ftntb mucr fo great amultituDc,pit tbe pzotec= tton, fc>l)tcb be fewctb foz out of bcaucn, fuffpjetl) l)im. 3lfo be commenDctb bis caci bp tbe malicioafnes 9 imcKeDnes of tyss enempes. ;(Foz tbe moze Sujongfullp, oz £ moze cruelty tljat tl;ep Deale Smtb bs, fo mucb tbe moze certeinlp map Sac afliirc our fclues.tbat 3D Sotlbee mercpful bntoo bs. 4- C foj, tbep bauc SobetteD tbeir rung u&e a fwoozb.fc.]3ibeit tbat Ins enemies bare btm DeaDlp fooDc,pltDootb be c!;ecfl? fpno fault foutb tbeir benemoufnes. 3inD itis a lifcclpboD tljat be fpcafcetb of f faife repoztcs * flaunDers, forfjcrwttb be knew lumfelf to be cbargcb,anD to bo bjcugbt tit batreD of tbetobolc rcalmeSmtboutcaufe SDb^.'Eberfozc be lifeenctb tljetr tunges to fwoojDes, $ tbctr bitter $ benemous talk toaroecs.€onirarni:pfebeauoucbc;bbi£ own innoccneie,infaptng that tbep fboote at an bpzpgbt ano giltlefte pcrfonr. Cbe tmfi tbcrfoje, ft>her& bee encozageD bim fclf to obtcj?nc,is t!ns,tl]at knowing Inm- fclfgiltieofnoneoflFence,be$»asneucrtbe icle affaultcD bnwooztbeip $ trccbctouQp bpleawD 9 S»icbcD perfoncs. J^ozcouer, in faping tliat tbep fboote pziuelp 9 in tbe bark, ana tbat tbep fopne Sattb tbeir &>ca= .p5s foD.un!p,be mccnetlj tbat tljcp ercecDe in raamfolD policies tbat tbep be not onlp fljavp fct to doo mifcbecf,but alfo wittc f politic : fo as tbep %uft a man bnwarcs to tfjs birt.befozc be can miftruft tbat anp cuiuis toowatbesbim. iBoiv,^bcnis)ce becrc tljat 2DautD (S»bo baD fo rjehlp ano purelp folowcD rtgbtuouwc0)\»as neucr tbeleffc fubiectto tontrew accufations; let bs not nmuzll tfat anp tpmc <£> 0 3D er= ercpfe via &)itb tbe UUekpnD of temptacto, i»bo are far ft)02t of 2DauiD0bertuoufne0. 5Toz tbis &)'.lbce our fingular cofo?t,eucn to flee bnto d5 £> 3D, tbat be map tafce to- pon btm tbe mapntcnace of our gooD cace. i^e aDbetl) an otber orcumfrance,namcIpf tbat fe> ttbout fbame oz feare [ tbep fboote arrooes Dippco in popfon out of tljetr rnoutbe.] TBut fucb a carelcfncs is a Ogne of Defpcrate pzefumption, S»bcn y iotcbeD beemg a bunDzcD tptnes tahen tarDic, Doo neuc«bele0 mafee ioilfull refiftence, fo as neptber anp feare of (© fbame ef tbe SuojlD, can fcnibbolo tbcm from ron- ning a IjcaD iiUc fenfers anD Defpcrate per = fonc0. 6. [Cbep fettle tl1emfeIuc0.5c.3Bow be complapnetb of tbeiuilfubies ano SuicHeD confpiractcs of bis cnempe0.3Lafllp be aD= Dctbtbrirtzefutnptucufncs,\ibcrtb?ougb tl;ep cinboloen tbcmfclues tooaDucnture bppon anp tljing * 21 nD no Doubt but tbat 3DauiDS^j:aUneS gauc tbcm t))z mo?c coj rage to bet ti?e miferabie anD outcaft fovol tbe mozc malapcrrtP,&bom tbep faroc De^ (titutz of all fuccour . 2ifter be tjatl; fapD, tbat tbep bee incurable , anD fucb as tbere is no bope of Winning tr}em to anpgentle; nes: \)t aDDetb,tbat tbep confer to anD fro among tbcmfelues,boxx» tbep mapDcftrop btm bp treafon . 9t lengtlj folowetl) tljctr fcercenes,bpcaufetbcp tbougbt tbeir 5»p= les to bee inutftb'.e. ^roz toec bnowc Ijoru malapertlp tbcSuicfeeD rpDc Dpon tbe fim« j pic, Dppon truG of tijeir owne craftpnes, bpcaufe tl;cp tljmH tbep bauc a buuDzeD Qjtftcs altoapes at tbeir fingars cnDrs, to dob e tl;e naugbttues of tbctr Mcb eo Dca= linges. 3! man map csnucnicutlp refer tbe particle [zamo, j asiaclUoo tl;e &oozfe= maptters of mtfebeef tbcfelues.asto tbeir fnares ana trapnes. iBotwitbftanDing.J bab kuer bnDcrftanD it of trjcmfclttr&fo? afmucb as being blpnDeD&ttb pzpbe.tbep ronne bolDlp anD ioocelp Sobitbcrfocuer tbeir lutt ieaDetb tl\em, bpcaufe no feare of <& «£> 25 noz fbame of tlje ioozlD reftrep= nctb tbem. 31n tbe next berfe be cnfo?ccri) tbeir craftpnes pit furtljer. 3nD tl;erfo^e be fapctb,tbep baucfcrcbcD out all i'ltapes of imfcbccf ,fo,as tbep bauc omtttcD no= tbing tbatis poffibie to be fougljt. Ii5p tbe termc of [fercln'ng, ] be bnDerttan&ctb tbe pztufcconucpances of itoozUins mifcbeef. ^InD vppon the.lxiiij. Pfalme. 241 8nb be abbctb tfc eonuctaces oftbcir malice are bccpe.;fFo?bp[tbairbcepeb;irt, anb bp tljcir inwaro 0? fecret partes, ]!)ee mccnetbtbecouertcs tmt'.jin tlje tobicb tbe foncbeb conuep tbefelues. sjome take tbe foojb [Aijrh] tnbefmitelp in tr>is toife: mine tttcmtrtf gatber to tbemfdues u>bat = foeuer p J'tcic and futtiCvie is to bee foimo amongmen. Uf5utas toucbing tbe zftxt oftrje matrer,it f iulletb ltttlc,&vcaufc it is pnotigb to beare in minb.tbat JDautDSCs ncmies p?ac< ijcti bis beftruction, not on!? bp open fojtce.but alfo bp ppuie malice : f tljat t'n ep Sucre as quick figbteb as migljt belue bp mcanco cf mifcljjef tbat ne; uer to ere tbougbt of, as if it were out of ti;e oea pti) of Darbcmffc. 8. And God shall shoote an arowc at them/oodeinly shall they r Hrokes lyght vppon them. 9. And they shall make theyr ownc tung dash vppon them,and whofo- cuer teeth them shall flee away. 10. And all men shall fee it,and declare the woork of God,and they shall vndcrftand what he hath wrought* 11. The ryghtuoufe shal rcioyce in the Lord arid trufl: in him,and all that are vpryght of hart shall glorie in him. 8 [3Pnb toinfcetb anb bolbetb \)is peace at tbem : pi; be faintctb notfoj tocarineffe , but can finbe m bis bart to laric.ttli 45 £> 2D after long fuffes ranee appeercfoQefnlp as a ^ubgc,accoj= bing as be is tooont to (rep out ere be bec loofceb fo?,anb to take tbe bngoblp tarbp, isben tbinUing tbeuuelucs to bee cfc/.p^D , rbep plap tbetoantons toitbout tneafure. •Cberf o;c in our baplp mtfrojtfunes let bs alcoapes beare in tmrtt) tins comfojt, tbat &® © fo? tbe nonce oelaietb tbe pum(n= ment t» b'-ebbe purpofeib to lap jopon tl;e bngnfclp to tbentent bee map tbunber tbe ruojc bpoiemlp opon tbe : anb tbat toben the? ttfftU fay,allistobiftanbquvct,trjen be map oucrirbclm tbemtoitbfobeinbc^ ftruction.3ir'*e»»-8.n. 9 [A.niitnnnbsllmaUcfc*] i^ep?ocee- berb <& ii\y Ayi fame B ntence : namelp tljat fc)b-itf:cucrpotfontbep~bjca?mtbcircon5 witatians anb fpit out to urj il;cp? tungs, tt fl)anturne in tbe enoc too t\)tvi owne bane. Cbefametiungcep/effetr/be dft= 1n\)tx e in anorbcr mancr of fpeecl). Cbep fbalbee fnarleb in tbep; ovont fnares, ano fail mtoo tbe pit ioincb tbcp batte mab^ tbemfelues: fafalme. 57.7. ^o^ttisa iufl rc&arb tbat 45 £> 2) foouio turne bppon tbcp? o&ne beabs , Sebatfocuer barmetbep fozge ageintt tbe goob 5 fim= PU fo?t . glow altbougb o5ob btter berp manp ejeamples of tbis iubgcinent baplp becfojeourepes: pit is it a matter berp barb foj us to bnecuc. wbercfoje fo mucb tbetno?e miift wt gat> our felues to tbin^ bpon tbts poiiit, namelp y goo toategstb cno fcjarbcib fo? bs , too turr.e too ri>cir ou>nebe(lruction,tobatfotucr fligbts tlje feickcofojgeagctnftbs, as if tbep bab feugbtfo? fucbarcicarb ofrctpurpofe.Jin tbe enb or tl)G bcrfe be boetb tos to bnber= ftanb , tbat tbe Uinb of bengeance fnalbce notable, bpcaufetljat CiDbefocuer arctbe bebolbtrs of ;t,flj3l flceaieap ojt tremble.] ^Fouonubtringboaj ^yobs iuogmentea glpbeawap bpy bleereb cpzsof men,tbe marfees ba8 neefce to bj notable tl;at (bulb compcll tbe ico?ib to b? a'r.ipD $ Stfto$&, 1 o [3inb all men n).Ul fee it >c. ] Ifyc ope= nctb mozc plainly ti;c irut; e'nat D;al come of C5;DID^ ttA$eittCnt,.nam6y t\&t fucb as bccretofbje mabenonitarcount cf ®& JD §> pjomsencc.brfth^ <,» •,... we tuiib tbe (Iraunge $ t>n%)ORteb £tgl)t,m«l v;:.;.t. bectin John Calums Commcntanc, begin too confiDer better the tgmgc tba; S&as crft &n.'moir cu unto tbent, fo au one oitbemfball tell anodic of tt.jrojSauib reftrepnetb not rJ>c HnoleDge of t))ts notas ble grace bnto a fcatce: but !>c fmtb it (bal ■■ berenofemeo eucrp teber&anb tberefo^ be puttetl)[al mm.] ^ojeouer fojafmucb astbefeoojB [shacai] in tljc comugatton $ipbeli0 ta&enas SiieUnmtralipasacs tiu6lp:tbeptbat SoiUbaueitto be atserb ncutenpicU? out this fcnce:mcn (bail x>ni ■■ uerfallp be compclleo to acfenoideoge ti)tfi tiling to betbe ^o;"a of <£oo : ano i»bcn tljcp onotrftanb it, tbep ftall alfo pubUflj it atotooe. Ii5nt foiafmncb a0 SDauib is fcpoont commonlp too rcpeete one tbinge toice,$6 tranfitini figmfication ioiUiot mifagre : 3mrbc laftbcrfeiaocfcrtbcb Vita mo;e plenteous fruite, namelptbat this beliuerance (ball mmtfrer matter of iopfulr.elTe,bops,3nD bolp boafting too all tbe goolp:tbat is to fe>it,bpcaufe tbep fbal gatijer tbsrebp , that <& £> £> Soiibe tbe fame to tbemvt»ar'o,t^at be Gjeroeo bnnfelf to be towards \)is lent ant IDaaiD. 21 tib tt »0 too bee noteo tljat thofc tabtcl) a Uttle betfoic'were callebrpgbtuoufe, art now calico [tlie bpngbt of barf. 3 too tbentcnt ioe (boulb fcnau>e,tbat d5 © 33? alloroctb no rigbtuoufcneCTe,but tljat rigbtuQufnes Sobtcb p20ccebetb from tbe in&arb purcs ucfle of tbe bart: of fe>b,tcb matter 31 ijaue. tntreattD mo je at large tjeer etof oje > The contcints of the. lxv. Pfalme, This Tftlme is a medlye of prayer and tbankgfgiuing.^nd Although ther he put in a propbefe of the yniuerfall faytb of tbe Gcntylcs :yit is Gods fa- therly louin^kjndnejj'e towards bis Church defcribed with fpeciall commen- dacions yandihe bliffedncQe alp that foioweth of the fame . ^AndGODis befougbt fpecially to continew tbe fame bounti fulnes which tbe I ewes bad had experience of. Finally there be declared two poynts of Gods jauouribotb that be defended the land my*htcly3 and alfo enriched it with abundant* of all 1 odds \ The.txy.Vfabne\ To tbe cheefe Chauntcr,a Pfalmc or fbng of Dauids. 2 . For thee O God awaytcth pray fc in Sion : and vnto thee shall the vow bee performed. 3. Thm art hee that hcercth mens prayers, vntoo thee shall all flefhe come. 4. words vppon tJie.lxiiij.P/alrne. 242 Words ofwickednes hauc preuayled ageinfl; nice : thou shale elenze our mifcieeds. fa>; tb« €> &ot>.M*~] We;b to; woczo tt ts [to tbec bootb pzaife keep filence.]H$ut tbe S»ozb[Du- m ]i0 take metapbo;tcallp [to be ftii] » fa confcqucntlp to amapf . jftow tt}e mentng cemmciij to tbiff cffcct.tbat <£ob 10 (0 be ncfictau tctvatba bt0 bvunntg, tbat bee min tftrcio bepip bnto tbcm new matter cf pzaife.jfo; altl;ougbe bis bounteouf* nr 0 Ojcd tt feife inteo tbefoboU fcozSb : fit be bootbfauetb a peculiar fauour bp on bt0 C b ai'cb ♦ Cb ts aifo bene t bep f 0; an frtccmrae , that all ctbero botefocucr tfjcp bee rcplentfbcb foitb bts benefited, pttpcrccme tbcp not from fsbencetbcp come j atib fo tbcp (Vcaic we top anb cons fume tn barfcnes,%cbatfocucr goob thin? See <25od btftcmctb bpontbennllBut tbe idjopbetc mtnbeb too c]ep;ciTe bp name, tbat gcDB goebnea fljinetb foitbmfucb Sntfe tnbtfi CburdMbat fee is iuo;cfecrp pjapfeb tbire.Co ttjc fame pur pofepcr- tcpnetb tbe otbtr member icbetc bee m< treatctb of performing the bote. 5; oil;ce fo p;cmtfetb tn tbe name of tbe tbat notiuttbfranbtrg.bce bctoacnetb tp tbe tatter,tt;at tb ere Obeli alt»apc0bccncre creation of tcUtfung f fetttng fo;tb ob ncucr bifappotntctb t)t0 feruanrs S»bc the? cat bpon btm,but faucjafc'p grauntetb tbctr rtquctto : oubfo tbe tbmg tbat 10 put in tbeftconb place is uottrttbftan&tr.g tuft tn o;t cr.ffiut tbifi title foljcrcrouo SDa utb acoxnetb <5od cor.tcmctb a torrj? p;o fitabic boctrtne : namely tbat our p;ap* ere ffc all ncucr feec in baine.btcaufe tljat if © 0 d fljeul&c rricct tbem,bte fboulb m manner abanbouc bt0 etcne nature* if 0; IDauibrctptctb net Sabot fcjao eooncat tome one ttmc>btttLecrtctbctt vS © 3D fettij bis ccnttnual robe : &a if be fbcuib tape , tt tot re no mc;e pefTrbletbat eb Cjcuio be bcaf to tbe pzapci 0 of tys fcr= ttant0,tban to benfc b ttuftlfe* jftoro f f it be tbxougblp ingraue tn our barts, tbat ttt0pzopcrtoo(J5cb anbinfcperabletro bint to bear tbe pzapcrs of hie Utnants: ice ffcall neuer be fct befibe bolbenetTe to p^ap* f urtbermeze feeing be ncuer 5»a= tctb abtlitie too belp, boubf letTc fee map bopc fo; topfull anb pzof pcreu0 (ucaSe, %nD no leffe inoztb ttje. . marking io tbat fettcbe enfuetb : namelp tbat tberefoze [all fleflje ffifli come bnto <$ob]^oz UUe as no man burfc pzeace tntoo 4c5ob0 p;e fence cnlcfle be & ere perfuabeb tbat bee Sotulb be tntreatc b : fo Sub en be mcetctb ti;cm of b?0 crone acco?be , anb aflfcr etb tb e tbat tt, ep call net bpen btm tn bain, tbe gate is let open foz all men to flee bn to btmfebotnap come fafte ft ♦ i"czal= though btpocriteo anb too2(bting0 Sing bp tbeir pzapcts into tbe aire isben nes cefftttc pmeb^tb t tern : fit is tt no true appzecbtng bnto <3ot i&bcn tl;cp bzing not tbe cettctntte of fattb ccnccpueb top; eneb0fbtneberozeb0,btcaufe r«be fbtp be taHen ewap5S»ee bee p;ob;bp tco from tbe pzefcrce ef <0ob,ltbe as f^auie Cpbe. 3. iz. appotntetb this oiber, tbat Stbsfocuer befiretb too app;ocbe Dnreo <^ob mall be caouco Ssut; tut:) thzou^b CbzrC-, too cutcuragc btm bntoo oolbe; ms. U?eerbp itocegatbertbat tberetano ru!e of pzaptng in tbe ^apttirte , totytc tbep pzap too vie O ID alirape0 tottb iins gring f boubtful mtnDee.iSuc inefl una biceuecmozc 10 tb!0pzinileDgeisbtc^e S»eebtctnebp tbe £>♦. «Hnd bp naming all Qefbegencralip 9 tbe 43;0pbvteb£ciaretbb;ccfi? tbat { tbing icbtcn at tbat time isa© peculiar too t \-,z J, ecoea ,Q;oulo in tune to come bee corns mon to ail #i .u;onu. &t& fo it 10 a p;os pbcue conccrnpng €'j;?u ts Upugbomo rbentocome. 4* Lt»o;b0OfJ»itUtincs*fc.]^ecom t^b'ti* . piap= Iohn Caluim Commcntarie, plapnctb not tbat tbe people is cbargco ir>itl) faUeoccufattona, bnt be ectifcffctb ftmplp tbat tbe fcnckecncffc off heroes is tbc let tbat 45 £>5D Oiewtrbnotbtats Ccif* gentle ano fauo arable coo tl)ctn,ac= cozoing too bia front* 2Dno tbis place a^ greed) te.tb tbat of ©fap.5 9.1* tbc car.: of r lj: HozDe is fo litrlco, tbar bee cannot bcarc : bnt oar iniquities put a &utance berwtjet y>3 ana bun.Coo bee fbszt,rbst

3D i»bo is feonr too bslpt bis fers nauntco frceipc, 0; ratber a? bo aiuretb tbem gent!?. ant> curtcoafl? to.ttoo l, in ttboznwetb bts bant) fi>2 a time : ZDas uto touted) tbe blame of tl>:s tnconucni= ence, bpontbe fmnefi of turn frlfe ant> tbe people.,^ oj in tbc tuft piece be acknoro- letigctb b«B crone gtlnttcf&.accoztmis as 2Daniel oootb> ?♦ 5« fmb fooztbrotib ab- (opnetb tbe fo>b Jle people tn fcloroQjuipe too btm.Siitb tbe $zopbcte put in tbitf f> ntence? net too r-jobibite bi;inclfe ancotberc (rombolocneiTe of p;ailng, bat ratber too tteppc cucr tbe ftnmblitig block tbat fboulb Keep of all moztali mc from accefte bntoc <££)£) j creeps tbep bcieeatb tbat rum tbc fenisaozibpa arc bears alfr.&itD it 10 a ubeipboa tt,at »be fattbfultkjere at tbat time fir iKcr. irprb fomcpicfcnt fignecf<£joto alfo mult ibis ncrfc bee imi"ttr forth, tbe foimeT bcrfCj ano bee ctpr imotb aD= nctfatiuclp in tbis wife. SJitbougbeonr finnrsas the? eefcruc repalfe, Doo cafte toofarreoutcf tbppztftwc : nttiotrortb ftantung fozafmucb as ?bou ftcrorlt tin' fdfe rca&p too reconcilement , rbcp iball not ftoppe our pzapers of tbtir courfe. jftoro foee bee taugbt bp tbts place ,tbat 2D cannot otberwlfe bccmtrcatJD bp bS, tban ep fcung bumblp fez paroon ofourfmncs. ant* bptbefoape,ut0out Of all Doubte-tfeav the fret fozsMcncfTe of finncc is tbe ll)ing $bat mehctb 0545 2> at one fottb &s. i^oto if be fottbozaro bis fauour foj afobUe, rca J tirrne bis back bpon ps : p n waft axe after ibe eram= pis of JDamb : burft foozsb in tbc bope of reto»ciUacion. r^bereas tn tbe Unguler nomber v,t conf. (Tctb ?;i;nfcif alone to bee cucrrobiimco SitpH) ftnnes , tbereafon map be fyis : tbat tnafttWfl&e as be i»as a lStwg,be rcpzeiinteo fr,t tebolj realm! oi els ri)kt in fbisfozmc of teaching , ac= coiDt.ig as ID a hie! 0!t»,bccti>oUttb cnei rp feuerali prthn coo e rmnm'e t hf ft lues pjAHai/aH»ro ac cebe man map bzmg t\}t confeffiyvt of 'its orotic gtimjes* ftpfrz Hnoroc bote bspocrircs feinpe bp tbcm± ft luce fo? fsiiljion faUc wttiz comtn beab roll, too tbe entent tbcrbp roo tjtDe tbetr fmnes* -J5ut JDanttt not »oz fcpneo :-;io= oefties faSe onelp, but of eanu fte intent beginning at in^fc If ,acculctb ^U men as gtitu b£(oze d5oo, 5. Blifled is he whom thou chofeft and makeft neci«c vnto thee : he shall dwel in thy Courts : we shalbcfatifficd with the goods of thy houfe eucn of the fanctuary of thy Palace. 6. • TerriblethingsshaltthouanfwervsinthyrightuoufiiesO GOD of our wclfare,thou that art the hope of al the ends of the earth^and of the farneiTc of the Sea, 7. That ftabhsheth the Mountaines with his power, and is girded about with ftrength. 8. That appeafeth the noy fe of the Seas,& the noyfe of the waues of the, and the vprorcs of the people. 0. And they that dwel in the vttermofte parts of the earth shalbeafrayd at thy llgnes : tliou shalt make the outgoings of the morning and eucning to reioyce. . 5* WliOtO vppon the. lxv. Pfalme. 5 [® li(Teb is bee &l)om thou *c] H3p« caufc he baD cuen now confefTed tlpt ttjc people bad bp their owne finncs dtuozced tbcmfcmcsfrom<0i£>3D , and therefore S»ere bnwoztbp to be hero : new be Acerb, into the fanctaaree of dp £> 3D §> free fa= uour,bndcr which is included fozgiucnes of fins . atnofo };e conSrmetl) that toljtch bceijad fpofecn of the elenjing of finnes, fbcvcmg 5»hat is the caufe tljat mabeti) <8> £> 3D at one Smth. miferablc fmners: nameip,btcaufe bebatbfrelp imbzaced the fcjitb bisfatfjerlp ioue,tt;itbout anp befert of theirs . 5Fo? the fozgtueneffc fc?bici) *)« bettowetbdaplp bpon bs,dcpendetb bp= pon adoption, like as alfo our pzavxrs bee grounded bpon the fame, fop bpon iibat right durft the (inner pzeace intoo 3D is his fas rbcr:,jftotwttb(ranaing,bcrc be extended? not vEods grace too tlje Gentiles as fjee Did a little befotc.but fpeaketb according to tbe (fate of the age that be himfe if hues in. ^i o; at tbattpme (15 od made account of the Jewcs onlp too be his-ficefce , anb abmitteb them onlp intoo h ts fanctaarie. 25 ut now bpcanfe he bath taken awap the bifferencc,and calleb the <©cntpis as&cll as them : it is lawfull f oz all men too come familiarly 'bntoo Inm . f oz Cbzift is out peace , iuhohath topned tliofc that Sucre nccrc band anb tbofe that Snere far of to= githcr (IBph.2.14. ^Jow toe perccpue too fobat enb SDauids ezift tendctb. $ oz tn= almcbas rcmiffton of finncs is pzomifed to \\)z Church anb tlje elecc-.ijcc cricth out tbat tbcp be bltflebSrhcm €>o& rcccpuefl) intoo h»s flcckc, to cniop this incempas rable pziuiltdge. flfc ozceuer bee tcachf tb that the election Sea's not at that tpme cos montcoallmen:ejetoU!ng the 3 ewes in tl;at pzcrogatme,bicaufe C£>3D bab pze-> fcrr to them befoze ail other nactcns« jlroz- ifmen coulb pzcaet gobs grace, the fbuld not ihe election oj choice, thereof tbc pofrer and right ts attributed fcntoolnm temapneinh!Sbanb»Xutthcrfoasnone other refpect S»bpil)c j,ewcs fboulbbce betcr thdn other mcn.faumg foz tbat d£cd toouciaucb bis peculiar fauonTtpon them. % Tib now although f ical be bzoke dfiirn fo as<0cb caUeJ) the gctuplcs alfo, €plj. 243_ 2. H.yitts it certcin,^ all be not caileba- lifeetf experience btfp?oueth f ignoznunee of tbofciohicb pzate that <£>ods grace is comon to all men Without chopce - ^Foj Suhat caufe can a man imagtn i»bp C5od callctl) not all men bhto \)im at once , but fop that his free election fl>ol?th ottt t!ic one from the otber :* ^n becbe fapth anb pzapcrare tbemeanes too get fcs(5cbs fauour : but tl;eberpe iselfpzinge of it nwftbcefowgbtfoi, quite Sutthout cure felucs . 35lifleb are ioce trulp bp trading in d5cb ,anb bp embracing bis pzojnifes : bliflcbarefc)ee(3 Cape,) Srljenbppon confibenceof Ch?tG the atcbtato?, ioce affure ouve fclues that <& & 3D is out iFatl;er , anb birectc our pzapers bntoo him . 2l5ut \)Gvo come ioce bp fapth anb pzapcr , tut bpcaufe grace bath alpcb bs to him, Srlnch 5»cre ftraungers too him bp nature e £)ur neereneffe then corns mctb of tljis , that (ffii £D 3D bath bout= faueb too rcachc out his hanbebntcobs euen bnto hell , anbnotthatipeepzeuens tcbl^imof ourowne accozbe . ^)apra= ther.toofpcafee pzopcrlp. aifter that bee haii; chosen bs, hceiritncflah hisloue torcarbs bs bp calling bs. 3inb although d5 fD 3D hab gathcrcb afpbethefcebe of Sb^aham as a pectmar pofleffson to him- fclf,fo as Circumcifiongauethema place fn his temple : pit is itnot too bee bow= teb , but that 3Dauib puttetb feme biffe= rence,cuen betweene J, exo anb 3 eto.^r o? neptber bab (15 £> 3D calleb them a!! bnto bitn effectuaiip : neptber hab all of ihcnt rpght too the place Srsl)td> thep biib in the Ccmple. 3!" becee the ^zophct aliu= betl) too the outfearbe Sanctuarte, in faymg that the 3 ewes arc chojen too ap= pzoch bntee 4b £> 3D . ^S5nt Ssccmuftc bearemrcmfmbzaccthatiDbiehwe^aue fecneinthe|Dfaltne.i5.*.24.3-rj0wthep Snerc not ail lareefull Citijcns of tlje €burcb,fc>bieb trampleb bpon tlje paue^ mentof the Ccmple, bpcaufe thethinge that is checfip requpjeb is fcunbnefle of l;art anb clenneCEe of banbes . whtrefoje bnbeiftanb thou that tbcp bcemabencp* bcuresbnto <^ob,not iohtch onlp in ouf= watb in f chmti;, butiuh'ch offer fheTcincs into <5obcp?cc fence & an bnbcfilebfatt!). ^urtbermoze, lead anp man tnjgl;t bjcattte that C5obs H?h.ii?« Ojccpe lohn Caluins Commentaric fneepe wanber cottnewaUp anb arc neuer gatbcreb into tlje fold: bnto election, l;eere is abbcb calling. ;ff oj be tin* effect sootb 45D3D £> fre aoopiton fbcw itfelf.namc; Ipwisen fc>ce cometol)iS£&anctuartebp tbegupbingoflns fpirit. Cbe £>£opbet commenDetb tlje frute of 2£lM"eoncfrcin faying tbattbe faptbfall befattfaeb fcntb tbe foujen of tbe Cemplc. 5Fojait!;ougb tljel^ipocritcs come tbitbt* alfo : pit res turne tijep botnc emptie 9 faffing as con * ccrtnng tf>c fruition of tlje fpirituall goob tbings.^nbtbecbangmgoftbepcrfonis to be noteb.'tDbcre jDauib gatberetb lum= fc!f into tbe nombcr of tbe fatibJiiU . #0; foe fcttctij foztt) in bimfelf tlje pjoof of tbe fuffrjance of Sabicb b*lp*&«b- $?owbctt tbcu tnuft tmserftanb tbat tbe faitbfuil arefatifQeo,t;otat one infiant.butbpbea gree0:foj altbougb <35ob bffttll tbe giftes of bis fpirit into tbem:p it notwitbftabtng 1)2 enridKtli tljem fo far foojttb as is p?©6= table foj t!;cm,bntill be b?ing tbem to full perfection . Crew m bcebe ts tbat feping of tbe ^falmc.i o 3.5 . tbat our moutb to fatts8ebS»itb bounteoufrnffe, &orebctt rtts too bcenotcb alfo SjoWb is faiQ m another place : £>pen tb? moutb anb 3! ft>ill fill it.^falm.8 1.1 1. But our ownenarowneffe isaietbntoobs, tbat <£f£) © cannot replenilb tos imtb fo great abundance of gooD tljinges,but accojtoing as ly; fcetb *>s ftrelteneb, fo temperetl) be \y.% Ubcrbilitie aceojbing to our capaeitie. IS? terming tbe tb«gooas of tbe £>anc* tuarie,be comcnbetljtbc cuiwarb helped tbat lea} bs to tbe fruition of tbe bjaunt= ip goo&Mf. foj, altbougb «S>iX>2D coulo in ois tftm \)m: r^acbeb bto banb too bis feruanus, out of beauen : pit fejas it bpS Sciii to fattsfic r'n: fapiijfull foules bp tbe Doctrine of t^cilUw.bp tbefacrifife^anb ottjer Ceremonies , anbbp tb« ourwaro tjclpes ofi&cligton : accojbiugalfoes at this bap \)t bfctb tbe like belpca torearbs bsMSHnb altbougb it be not meetc too flap in t'qsm : fit is not lawfuil too neglect t.)V.n. 6 [Ccrviblctb-ngcs?c] ^confirmed) bp another inaner effpeafeing.tbat it isas iiotfojnougbt tbat bee bab cailcb tljsm bUflea,t8 febom <&£>£> bab openeb bps Ccmplc,^ tljcp iniifcbe fib in bts Ijoufe. 3lnb Ijc faith, tbat <& £D 3D &ill anfwere bis people in miracles 0; bjcatful ligncs: as if be fboulb fap, 3lo^b,tbouiotltbcere bs al^?aies,fo as bp tbp ieooubcrfull tc= liucringcs,tbp power map bee fbcSoeo a= bioDtinlihe iopfeao in olb tpme Svben ourfatberscameoutof aiegppt ♦ ^Foj (^od batbalu?apcsp?ercrnebbis ff burcl;, not bp comon anb ojcinaric mcattcs, but bp Uis terrible poiocr.3 nb tbiS iuas p?oc citable to be knotcen, tbat in caces of 1 1= ter ertremitic,d5iDID§) cbilb?en fboulb ncuer tbe mo?e ceace to bope So ell. SW o?er oucrfcoljcnbcbatb allotteb tbefaluation of^aDJD totbe^cwes.beabbetl) trjer- io jtbai tbat be is tbe bope of all tbe enbes oftl)ccartb,cncnto? bttermoff bobbers of 1 Ik ioojtlaavbcr ebpon it folowetb tbat (&JD3D& grace is ejetenbeb totbcd5en= tples alfo. 7 [Cbat ftabltftyeib t^e mountaines f c] 2i5p occafionbce toucbetb tl)cpou?cr of ^00 fcbicb to feene in tbe tobole frame of tbe&ozlDe . ftoi in tbat age it foas a llraungeti)ing,tooma]j(etbe €»cntples partcners of tbe bope of tbe J -ewes. 3lnb tberefoje to tane acoap abfurDiti2,3Dauib auoxvjcbetb in bcrp goob feafon,ti;atgobs mpgbtp power is apparant in all parts of tbe ioojio.lnb benametb tbe mountains rafyir tban tbe plapne grottnbs , bpcauft 2D appcafctb ti;e opjojes tbat be rapfeb bp piefumptu- oufeneffe of men;Ukeas be ftilietb. all tbe nopjesof tbe &ea. Oti)froS»ill baueit to be a mctap!)o;icall fpeecbe, Sx)l)icb 3Da= uib fboulb aftcrwarb ejepzeffe witbout fp* gure . 3i5ut3]iuogetbat3Dauibfpa&i mo?c funplp.aab tbat in tbe fpjft member bee bjpngztb a pjoofc of <£> obs power in tbe fea, anb in tbe otljer member a pjoofe thereof in men : as if bee fboulb fap,<® 09 bp ft tiling tbe Soaucs anb flojmes of tbe fea.fbewetb ioitb l)Ow great puiffance Ije is enbeweb.^nb tbe famep;oofe ftewetb be alfo in men, bp appearing tbe bp?o?es &l«'cl) tljcp bauerr.pfeb. 9 [3nu tl;cp tbatowcll.f c] 3 bout not but tbat bt tl;c[figncs of gob]be mccHetb . i;w i bis notable teojacanb fucb as be ivoj= tbp tuo be fpoUen of, m i»t>i«?jc bee batbe engraucn tbe mains of Ms gioip. g»ot!j Ipt&ere i3 noting fo fmali oj ticfpifab U in & e auen t % earth *ob telje rcy: etentetb not d?o80 gtcjp bnro \js : bnt this name isgtucn to miracles bppjrrog.ttpuc, bis cauf* d5oD£ utaiefhe finned) fojttbemoje fc.:tgbtfp in tbe.Cbe effect 10 tbat fcttb tbe H- !)t tljcre of, ano lifcc&ife alfoiobcntbe jQJJooneanb tije^tarrcs OjVtxe in tbenigbtc, the Cat neffe &>b pebe men fl;oulo els coneetuc of tbe barfeneffe i 0 affuageD^ ? ttjis meaneg trje iooojo vppon the.kv. P/alme. 244 [foj] iaere to be fupplpcb, ana t&at me= bcr Sucre too be rcb in tbjs fetfe : [cbou fbaltemane tkttn rciovce fo; tbe outgo^ tags of the fining am tbe (JBtenma] as tf tbe idiaybi t baft (hp eo» &o?Mbau cbeereft menne as Sscll a mornings as a eucmBS3,bptbertfiRgof;be&or.neibc ^onean&tbe&tarres.TiSutfc^fmucb a0 tbe fojoojbes as tbsp fctmbc of ti)em= fclues, contaneano ante ana pjufualle meenmg : 3 It be not to fctclje any tl.tng from elftDbere to fxl top tlje lenience. 3D a nto bab fapeb tbat fcarclbculbcomebp on irje totrcrmefte coaits of the cartb bp reafon of etp,fo* fomc btrtue it of [shuk] t&btcb fignifietb [to tn ifTc, to want , to be fire oj to long :] 9 otberfome beriue tt of [shaka] f»bicb fig- nitletb to giue b;mb« arbs %\8 Cburcbe. ^ubiintco tbts 0= pinion agreetb tbat Sx>btcbc beeabbetlj iiiimcDiatlpctooit, [iljat €>cbsb;oche Ql IRpucr is full of titers,] fox io\)ctc= as feme take deebs IRiutr too figmrle a £rtateanb large ISpuer^ itfsb^fceanbj J^b.iur* cons' lohn Caluins Commentaric I conftrepneo : anb be fboulo rather bane fapD [ttucr0] mtbe plural! Romberg n mpiuogemeut bcefettetb tbefmallanD dcnticr bioofee of ^>ilo, ageinft tbenatu rail fircame0 tbat enticbe tbcirCoun= tries &l)cre tbcp ronne^allubtng to ct»at place of ^opfcs.IDeut.n.iQ.^belano SsMcbetbe&ozDetbp @s£>2D xmllgiiic tbcCj&aUnotbccliHeGBgipt&jbicbetbe oner flowing of jlrltlusmabctb frutefui : but tbat isno lobctb fo? raine from l$ea* uta*S>% els pcratmemnrebp a SJ9cta- p'-Wbe* termctb tbe rainc tt felfc <©oos rpucr,&ureipe tins mntt bee reftrepned too 3cw2p, like as alfo bp tbe pattures o% habitations of ttjc fcnloerneo, 10 met tl)c top eno tougber parte of tbe realm?, iobicbe tbc Scripture calletb tbebil ctU trie. jficucMbf leffc altboagb beer be co* menDeDtbatbontttieof (©i2>3D tobicbe ioas wojc familiar Ip bnoxoentoo bpse* lect people : pit 10 it our outie &>bercfo= caer &e n well too ac¬oeleoge ttjc rp^ cbcffof 4B>ods gootmeffs in tbe increace anbfopjon oftijc Cartb ,fozttbJccoetb net tbe manrfolot abunoaunce of gooo tbtng0>of it owne power,but fo farfoztb a0 <& £> 3D batlje maoe tt fitte too fofttr m en. &b llfullp tber feze ane tr imlp Dotb IDamo fapc, tbat Cozne ia pzepareo fo; mcnne,bicaufe tbe &Oi&* rjatt) oz&epmo tbe cartb too tbe fame purpef? . Unb bis mcentngtstbat tbps fop5oniu"uctbout of tbe eartb, btcaufc^CJD ltt« a Qngu lar gooo ijouSjolDcrjtninDiug to pzomfie foi men,batl) fo created it, M>at tt Qjould i peeid tbem food an& fuUenancc. u. &3tnefctte dortme tbefe voozds intoo tlje manner of firffbtng , foa0tt fboutoe bee a p^aper* 25 ut 31 amoutof ocnbt, tbat JDauiOco tinetoetb bis tbsnbfgiamg, bicaufe #od bp moifting ano fofetng the #artb ioity ratne,gttmb it ablcneffe to peelde U ait. 2J$p &)l)icbetooojD0t}C£ figniSetb, tbat tbs&>beteo;der cfil5aturct0atoitnc0 ot 'd»oos fatberlp louc tctoar&0 bs,inai= muctje as be fcoeicbfaueti) to baue a care ofourdapipfufteranacc^ndbeeitans oetbDpontbw grace of 4500 teub man? S»oc;o0 icbicb *b? nioze part of p iooiio barbenctb ful icwdelp aao »icheolp,fo> t^e mo?f quicbeugbtib tbat ecbe man 10 tnmatbing tjje natusai means: fo muclj tbe m3?eabpBetbbefA!lneo to tbcm,fo as bee can in no Soifc mount bppe bntoo 45 0 3D. Cruelp ft\) ticfopbP *bc mo;e narotolp tljat it fearcbetb out tbe fecrcts of <££>£>, feoulD bjing 00 io mucbetbe me jc neerlp bnto bim,but tljat our ovon cojruptneff: ano \7ntbanbfulneffe frpll not gpue b0 leaue . ll&ut bicaufe all tbe fbarpeft inittco fo jtc , fecbing tbe 0; igt= nalrof tbje raine in tbe aire ano tbe <£ic= ment0 , bo turneaQDe tbeir fences from ppon t^e lops of f mtnntafns. 3^ftc»oaro vppon the . Ixvj aftcraarDo be: coimnet!) aonmetootb: oallpes ana plapnecountn«s,tbat be map tr. g ,vc bowe their c is no parte of tbc earth bopoe of <£Jods rtcbetf, bpcaufe b«s boans ttfulneffe fttffpfctli to make all the frozlDe ricbe. 3llfo tberc is aoocb a commenoacio inrefpect of tlie tjerp "barictic,foj t^at tt)c talipes ana lot»e grounded are clao, as fcjellforitb fbecpeasfoHtb cozne. l^eebtts pzspcrlp attributetb glaoneffe to ipueleffe things : like as alfo trje fceloes arc fapoc tolaugbc, foben tljep cbeere men bartcs frith, their gooolpneffe. 115 ut it tsamar^ . Pfalmc. 24c tteloufe tljinge, tbatbntoo [ reiopctng bee iopnetb alfo fmginge , ] puttinge Ui tbe parttcle [ Apfc ] febiebe Soeehnoroe to bee an enforcement : toben HOtroitbttanDingc it is a leflTc tbinge too [ fmge , than too fbontefoziop. 2i5ut3Brcferre it tootbe eontinewinge of the top, tbat beefapetb, [ pea ano tbep (ball fmge,] too the interne &>ce map Know it (ball not bee one peercs top,bttt a contincroallrecourfeof iop.i&e- fpocs this *»ee knoa»e bowe rpfe a tbmge it is among: tbe J&ebzctocs too tranfpofe tbcozDcrofiooozDW* The Contcintes of the. lxvj. Pfalmc. ^Although it may bee that the Prophet fettetb foorthfome one deliuer trice cheefly,vndcr the per [one of the Churche , yit hee comprehended? the many- folde graces wheyewith Cod ceafednot too ply e his chofen people. ^ind like as hee auoucheth that they were prefcrued by Cod, when they were in miferie, and brought levee :fo hee minijlreth mntoo them matter ofcomforte and pa- tience, infayinge that they -were tryed as finer, when they were fubiect too the tyrannye of their enemies. In the ende hee feemeth too fpeahg of himfclf ■ ahne, alledginge it for a proofe of his owne fiwndenejfe, tbat hee was herde of God, whofljdkctb off the yngodly and wicked. The AxvuVfahne. Too theehcef Chaunter,a {bng or Pfalme. Reioyce too Godvvarde all the earth. 2 §ing the glorie of his name, make glorie his prayfe. 3 Saf^nto God, how dreadrull art thoa in thy vvoorkes, in the multi- * tude of thy ftrength shall thyne enemies lye vntoo thee. 4 All the earth shall woorship thee, and iing vntoo thee , they shall fing vntoo thy name. Selab, ^j€iopcetoa_d5obtt7arb,fc.] 3Itte arLv agenerall fDzeface, iobereuppon 3WJ? fballfoloro bpanbp the fpecial ap? ^plications, aino bpcaufe bebtrecs tetb Ins tal&c to tbeftbole toozlD: 31 Bout not but tt is a pzopbefie.of tlje largcneffe of (EfoDs hingbome to come, Suljicbe ioas feene at tbe laft, at tbe coming of Cbiifte. 3ntbe feconoc bcrfe be confirmed f fame tbing feuh. greater tbe ins tent be map tbc better tttrre bp fucbe too pxapfe <& i£) £> , as otbcrwpfe&ooio bee flotbfufl anb Howe. what it is too [ fmge tbepzapfe of oos name, ] it is no aarfce matter : tbat is too Suit, to ertoll bis bo;p name accozDing to t'oc Defer ie anb iaoo:= tbpnefTe tbereof,foasbec map obtepn bis rpghtfull ant> fnbftanttall glozic, 31 n tlje feconb member tbere is torn: ooute . ■$ oz fome tbinKinge one tbinge too bee rcpe; teb in oviicrfctDooiDcs, tranfiate it, [ fet bourne tbc glezie of bis piapfe.] HBut 3d ratberfubferpbe too otrjn-s, S»bicb tranf: late it, [ maUe glo?ie W pzapfc. ] W>v tbs 1$\)\>. S»ap lohn Calu'ins Commentnrie & i? it UHcti) i!t33 not that tbe? etpounoc Uyfj.ttmcnmu&enotglozietnanptbmgc cif; tljan m tb: pzapKS of goa.^t is moje rpgbtlpano mote funplpfapDc, tooertoll CSoDspjnp-empgbrelp , Hjat it mape bee glozioafe. iroz ibe pjopbet is not content t6*> *»itb means comenomge of <25ods ba nef?tes,but frill Ijaue tijem fet foo?ttj glos rioufelpaccozbina to ttyeirlargcnefle. 3 [§)apbnto<|>oD,jc.]$ot»el)cebttci rettj tye reafon tob? f)cc SdooID ijauc <2>oa ptapfeD* 3lnD bpcaufe man? areasoont to talHe colDlp of itbont toitncfTcs oj bmpeercc, anD fectb. tljerc is no place foz countcrfettmge: be Wteretb earned!? tljat io Incite be bathe frcltbctbougbt bun of in bis Ijartebefozc. ■$q% notbingc bztuetb bS better too tbe aroc of 0D,tban toljcn foe cite ourfslucs befoze bio face. Hint) to tbe intent bee ma? themozeen&in01ctbisaffectton,befapetb, that [d5oD3 enemies I? bntoo l)im bp rea= fon of tbe multitude of btsftrengtb-] :ffo* if tliebarbcano fttfnec&cD (tobicbe fc>ooiD fapne dip tbeir necUes out of bis coier, ) are cowpclleoCfcHH tfjep nill tbe?) too bumble tbcmfelues befoze bint: »bat muft tbcfa?tbfull soo,i»b°inc bee uibDeroetb not to b*m b? fearc, butailuretb bnto bin* bp gentle mcanes t ^ozfucbacouertcfis paruon is tberc betweene tbe Smiling fcr= a:cs 5»b*dj fbs fer-tbfull pcrfozme beeinge allures fritl) tbe foee:ne(Te of bis grace : ano tljc ftau i$c anD conftr c?ncO fubicctio too iDlitc'} tfje bnbrlccucrs arccia?.;cn b? fo.tce.3nn in DecDtbstuoozD[ILpe,]f!gm * f?etb not to corns to fubmimo lutttj cheer t full obcoience 9 wiilingip.but bpcaufe ne- ceffitie enfozcetb : accotDinge as iven baue fapDintbe pfalme 18.45. fn iotjercas fome ecpounoe it, M lengtbbtsenempes CjaU percepue tbemfelues to bauc bin dc- eepucDfcritlj guplefullbopc: 9 otljcrfome, tbe? fballoen? tbefe'atesto banc attempt ttD an? cntmitic ageinft tbee: it is to farre of from tbe f»oo;Des 9 meenmg of f $>zo* pbet.&no altbougbe bipocrptes lpe bntoo 0oo manpioapes: pttin rbtsylace p pto* pbcte ment nothings clfc , but tl)it <25oss power tsDzcaofuleucnto bis eneinpes,fo as it fttboeojet!) tbe fppgbt oftrjetr bans. 4 [3iUveanb fbaU,?c ]31tisnotageinft rcafon tfiat tbe ptopljct ftanDetb fo mucbe bpontbe iiacltna of tbispofnt.jf oztobet; asaiitungsaretoiseaHetoo cntreatc of tin's groanb,toec fee bocontgarolp f ma= licioufe me as tbe? fcarce bcfpzfncle <5od foitb a Qcnocr 9 Icaneptapfc, too fet foottb ft>bofe gfbtic tbcp ottgbt to ftrepne all tbeir Qnetnes , 9 enforce thcmfeluco to tbe bttcnnoa.acno agein tbe pzopbet fote -- tctle^b^ altbougb tbe 3 ewes alone too?:: foippeo 0eb as tljcn in tljcire comer : pit fboulbalitbe ^entples come tenser bis Dominion, ip eptber fapetb be now as bee fais alatc, tljat fuel) fboulD come bnDcr bis poke as couiii fpnb in tbeir harts to inttb= fians it if tbe? mpgbt : but bee cr^zeOctl) trevo anD tencozrupteD iooojpoippmge. [ Cbep iball Ginae to tbee,tbep fball fmge bnto tl;p name, jfoz tbts facrifije of pjapfe iiStbe chcef facrifpje, accozbingeas it is S»ziftcnintbe|5falme,5©,i4.2?.pcaanD it is alfo f treco toitneite of gooD ffieitgto. Come and fee yee thewoorkesof God terrible in vvoorke vppon the fbnnes of men, Hee turned the Sea intoo dr)'elanc{e: they paiTed on fbotc thorough the ryucr: there wee reioyced in him. Hee ruleth the vvorlde in his owne ftrength .- his eyes are watching o- uer the heathen : the rebclles shalnot exalt, thcmfelues. SeUb. Ye people blille our God,and found ye foorth the voyccofliisprayfe. V Vhicli hath fet our ibulcs intoo lyfc, and hathe not gyucn ouer our fecte vntoofallin , 5 [Come D* vppon the . Itfvj. Pialmc. 246 5. [Commc,5nb fee.ffc] $:cre be ouer* tbwartlpc tattntctb tbe (loth foemeere of all men , tbjouglj \»bofe Default €> &> ID is Dcfraubeo of luoDero pjapfes. iff oj l?ox» corumctii it to paflc,tbat tbc moje pan of tbc fc>o;lb oaerbippctb d&otis tooojfccs &>irb fcelcb r vts , tut bpcaufc fcarce tbe bunbjctb pcrfonc applpet^ b»0 mpnb too tbc confioeracion oftbeVwec baueticebe of fpurrcs tberfo*e,to pneke fojetuarb tbe bullarbco. Cbc liUc place almoft tyatte iue bao 4ti tbe $falme .46.9. from frbencc pee map fetcb tlje ejeppfition of tbis place, (£be effect commetb too tljt* : bpcaufc tbc 3$?opbete fees men eptbec occuppcb in papncbuifpncflcs,G?raunging in bntos warb anb bantering Oubpea : be erboj* tetbtbem too prepare tbemfclues toe ttje be wing of btcb be bfctb in goucrmug manHpnD .■ if o? tljto know; leogc bp c tpcrtenre^s it tbat mouetb men moft , djerfo?e paule ( ftctw.ij. 27O after be batb intreateb of <5ods power in generall.rcftreinctb bis talk to tbis point, anb fonllctb enerp man to enter intoo bim feif , bpcaufe be Q>ait fee <$ O 3D pjefent tberc . 31 mtcrpjtcnt tbis parcell , [ tbat 2D is Sooonbcrfull in SuoojtU ouer tbe fonncg of men, 3 tbu* : not tbat bio ^aieffie mottntetb abouc men, but tbat bis p;toutbence 10 moft iooonberfull in be; fcnbmg anb pjcferutng tbeir cftate: accoj* bing alfo as &>ec baue fapb m tbc$->falme 40.6. ailtbougb tben tbat men loohc no furtber tba tbcmfeluco, pit Gjall tbep finb caufe pnougb ft>bp to ftanb in awe * fearc of bim, mtlcngtl) tbe0?opljetpau"etb fro tbe p?efcruacion of iobole mankpnb,to bio fpcciall care toroarbPS the Cburcbe,rccp* tins tbe bclitterance of tlje cbojen people. 3Rntol;ictj member tberc is tbc figure k>f nectibac'oc . ■$ 0? ho boubt, but be biecflp puttetb tbe faptbfull tn mpnb of ©obo in- numerable bene to , Scberwttball be af= tcrwarb rattfpa) tbio grace of beU'uciace. wbicb tbing be fjgiiif^cclj t^ccSp in aa= bin 3 bpanbp, [tbere i»C2 retopeco in ban. J ^Fo? tbe top of tbat Deliuerancc ftjouiu not pertepne to bim anb otbero tbat cam eaf= tcr , fatttng mafmucb as it Suao ir?ougbt bp e0 fignifictb fomctpme abtmb^eb peercs, o? a pcrpetuitie of tpme, s fome= tpme tbe frame of tbe ft> o?lb.3ino tins la ■ tcr fence fecmetb to fit tbe tejet bcfc,ano ts tnoft rcecpueb , namelp, tbat st> ID is enbecoeb Sx>itl) ftrengtb pnougb too bolo all tbe ieo;lb bnber bis obcpfTanccvobcrs bntoo alfo is referreb tbe ne^t member: [tbat bis epes Soatcb ouer tbe ^catben.j jfpo.z altbeugb be bab fct bp bis peculiar feate tn jpero^pe bnber tbe &aw>e : pit be euermo;e embjaceb tbe M)oi: tto?19 fctitb bis pzotubence : anb tbat fibular p^tuis lebge ,ioIjtcl) be bab bou:faucb bppon tbe clnlb?en of atbjabam in rtfpcct of tbe C 0 ; uenant,i»as no let but tbat tbc be alfo ey ■■ tenbeb bio loolie too fofter anb cber tib all otber jfracicne » l^ee confirmetb tbat 45 £> 2D batb a care of tbe i&eatbcn , bp= cauic tbat cuen tberc alfe be tabetb pu^ nifbment of tbc 5»icfeeb anb reprobates, 3tnt> fo tbe )3;apbet pjouctl; bp tbe ef- fect , tbat <& £> ID neglectctb no part of nunHpnb , mafmucb as bee caftctii tbe iolcHeb beablong borone. ^0? altbousb tnanp tbtnges bee mingleb confufcolp in tbeiyooilD : pit bootbe bee ncuer ftiffcr bis iubgmentes too Ipe fo in bubber mub= tber , but tbat bee fetcetb foo:t;i fommc ftgnes of tbem, pea anb tbofs ftgnes n3= table pnougb tooibell epeb anb Ijeebfuli bebolbcrs. 8. [ yee people bliffe.fc] aitbougb bee crbojt all people tn comon too tbe pjapfpng of <& Q 5D ,^it bee mcenctb fomc fpeciall belp of 3D gaue b«S cbojen people a tadc at £ tpm:* K3p tbeit)ap,bcbootb fcs teobnberdanb, t'jat it voas a oeltuerance rigljt notable ana Suao^tbr to be bab inrcmcmbGrance, tbe tenotome xn'.icrof be "sdooID bane to founo out cucrp Solvere . $>ow, albceit tbat bee auoucbct'jat tbe 3 ewes Sucre reftojeo to Ipfe, C bp Sobicb maner of fpcafeing be fb eco etij, y it S»as not after anp ojofnarp S»pfe tbat tbep Suere fuccojc&O Pit notroitbdan bing be tbccDCtb anon afcer,tbat tbep )attz raiber pjcfcrueD from fome baungcr, tban reftojeb as it Sucre from c*tle,after fame greatemtfebauncc. ^roz mafmucb as bee fapetb,tbat tbeit fectc [Sucre bept from fal Img,] it folotoetb, tbat tbep fell not, but Sucre fuccojeb in tpme, fo as tbep ftoobe ftebpc . yu bootb trot tbe |5jopbet tber= fcneimbacc d5obs gracious gooones , bp= caufe be pjcuenteD tbe inifebeef: but be con fcffctb,tbattbep Sucre new quicfecncb,bp; eaufe tbep Sucre pzefcrueb in fauftie bp t^c benjfpte of €>£>£>. 10. For thou hafte proued vs , 6 God , thou hafte tryed vs lyke as fylucr is tryed. 1 1 . Thou hafte led vs into the (hare, thou hafte put a ftrey gtening vpou our loynes. 12. Thou hafte made man too ryde vppon our h cades : wee haue coinne intoo fyre and water, and thou hafte led vs out intoo the play ne ground . 10. [JFojtboubaapjouebbs.fclCbitf mtgljt be reo in Suap of graunttng.bp put= ttngin tbe particle [3lltbougb,0? 3Hbctt.] Hiiib fo fboulb tbe $?opbct enlarge <£>obs grace, bpcaufe be bab beliuereb tlje people out of mod greeuous uufcrtes . ivbicb tbing altbougb 31 Suillmglp abmtt , pit jD t!;inU tbe |£zopbei: bab tbcrtoitballan tye too anotber enb aifo: natnelp, too cafe tbe fojtoroe of tlic goblp Suitl) a mod excellent comfozt, Subtcb is too bee gatbereb of bis iuoo2Scs. jroi nothing is mo;c fo? our behoof , tban too belccue tbat Suee bee af = fitctcb bp tbe benb 0? c5:£> 3D , as oft as aDuerfitte pinc'r.etb bs : ana that fo? none ctber intent, tba fo? tbefafetp of our Suel= fare J^ceibntoo pertcpne tbe pzouinganb tbe trpall,S»btcb.tiie|2>topbet fpcabctU. of. 3Jnb altljougb <5?£)iD trpebisferuantes after tbe maner tbat fplucr is trpeb , too purge area? tljcir bpecs , as if be fboulb melt aroap tbeir bjoffc in tbe fpje: pit not= wubftan&mgbe mcenetb tijcmitbalMljat tbere xcas taUcn a trpall of tijetr patience alfo. HinD bp tbe fimtiitabc Gf fplucr , be fcemctb too erp:cu~c tbat tlicp Sucre trpeb ico tl)t quieUc , ly&c as fplucr is cad into ti;c fi>jc mo?e tbjm once, Jfcj al^ougl) tbe faptbfull tbanhe & itbdan« bing,tbc teariette anb greeuonfeneffe of tijdr mifcrics is clcerlp crp?cfleb, not on= ip in tbts $»oo?b , but alfo tn tlje &bo!e tejet, ^bcre tbep fap,tbcp tocre b?iuen ins too fnares , bjougbt intoo btter bidrefXe, men Socrc fet to rpbc bppon tbeir bcabes, anb finallp, tbat tbep bab paffeb tb?ougb fbtpa>?ac&e anb fp?e. 3Pnb ibben tbep fap, tbat [ a drepgbtcning , 0? cbcpn, iyas put bpon tbeir lopnes , ] tbep aggrauatc tbat &>b'cb tbep bao fpoben before of tbe fnare. ^0? tbe mcening is , not onlp tbat tbep Sucre fnarleb in tlje nettes , but alfo tljat rbepSoeretpcbfbo?t Smtb a barbebepn, tl^tcoulb not bee bnboone. 3lfo bp tbe Sooojb [rpbc,] tbep meene tljat Cpzantg bare 3Lo?blp anb bifbepnfull bosninton oner tbcm, anb abufeb tbcm in maner as b?ute beades. Jfto boubt but thatbp [fp?e anb Sbater,] beementrpgbt mantfclD mis fcrics. 3nb tbe mecntng is, tljat.t^ere SoasnoKpnb of affliction Sr>bert>itb <^ob crcrcpfcbnotbtsCburcbc. JFo? itfee as tljcis twoo ilElementcs are of grcatc fojee too tbe chcrifsbing of manncslpfe, fo alfo are tncp of fo?cc too beftrep it. 2Hnb vppon the. Lxvj. Plalme. 247 2D mi fifdeii is toe be notcD, tljat ioljat beere bp a metapbojt it is taken foj a glad - fome anD pleafant tbougljc tl>c fjUrtjfuU fbou'o f cf Deface tip ano at eate in fpne and frutefull feclDc0. Che e fee etc is, tbataltbouoo cljtiftpjc bis fcruantea fi)arplptmtbtcmp:jaUpnntfbcmen:0:ptt ijzc alo>a pes spurtb t'oem a iucfepe f top= full cnDi. fop in \wj> iuDgetncntc t'ocp are DSv;pueD fobicl) reftrepne it ta tbe poUfcfs fioa of t)C lanoe of Cbanaan: bpcaufe here ta not tnenc.6 maDe of tbe unlDcrnefrc, oris ly,bat alfa tije $->jopbet coinpzcbcnDctb ? miferies of alitpmeo S»berewitb f people bao bm tyouaftt bnoer foo.c. Pi lapbsbpponUiesnbp <£oDSbanDe; leafte tbe f aitbfttll tbouias rtjinfc bee was eptber aQeepe,oz o:bcru>?fe occiippcD,tD'uen tbe? iocre fo barDlP D:it i^it^ail. Cbeilate of t'jr Cljurcb »0 fet besre befo:e our epesas it $r-zvz in s gjtafle : ieaft if it happen \?s to bee balco tbiousj tw anauiatct,anD tof= fea frompoft-gto pii!cr,tbe i>erp ftraungc; neflcoft'je cacs mpgi;t &til our bartcs 0? put bs m feare. Cb* a>oa?& [ Rama ] figs « ifpetb pzoperlp a inspire grounb . 1(5 at 13 I will come intoo thy houfc with burnt offeringes, I will pay my vowes vr.too thee. 14 Which my lippes hauc vttercd, and my mouthc hathe fpoken in myne affliction- i) I will offer vnto thee burnt offerings with the perfume of Rammed I wjl facrifjze Oxen with Gotes. SeUb. \6 Come yee,heere yee, and I will shewe foorth too all that feare God, what thinges hee hath doone tod my foule, .1 $ [31 u)UlcoHicinto,?c.ja:iil)0U3be.ti;e foioioe fcfte top fct'0 barfe too d5ob, anb ^zopbetbauebit'icrtc boine tbeperfone of the xt>I)0lc C owen: pit notuntbllafiing be fpc&etb i»ofc> maze fezfiblp cut of tta feeltnjc of bis oam tnpno, anD flirted) up all men moze toebemen :lp to tbe scants cf gooipneiTe. -$n ioben euerp man is fecli mpnte? to gpue tbanltts bp Jntnfefe,tljep totll tbe mojecbetrfui'p fall into one tuns of pz^p$mgc 0oo altogttber. Cbs effecte i0,tl)at goos glojie is fbamcfuiip fuppzcf- fcb,ao oft as be fuccoumb 00 in tibuerfi= tie,if after Dclum-ance tbetc fgloa? not fo= lemnc giutngc of tljanhea. i^cptbcr pjo - ratfetbneetbanlJCfutrietTe fimplp. JrO;in fapingtbat bee bcbpg^tcb botoe0 in \\)i uirofics of btatronbble, bee fbcroctb tb« conftancic of bis fapd) • €be ejdio^tacicn. of 3iaiitC0,5.ij.isfenowen : letbuntbat 10 tocceo ano ho, p;ap: ano let bun tba,t ts merpc, fing. foj, ibee Tee manp, tbat 9.U tboagb i" tpwe of pjofyctitic tbep faoine bppon 0oo iottb fcpneo pzap^es ; pit af- foone && tbep bee mppeD fomeivljat bav 0= Ip,eptbcr tbep fretfurioufip agemfte bim, 0; cUc become Dull tbiougb grea( otfcom = fozt. S5ut tbe trexoe trpali of goMpnelfe t0 tyis, if a man euen in tlje cUccfcG of b<0 pjoue tije peri'currancc of bw fa>'tb RnD patience b? pjaptnge : anD afteinjaroe Cb$^ebtmftlie tbanHefull . ^nD tt is no; fo: nouiiijt tbat befapetl; [bee ttrrcr $ D ins uoairiJca>itbt,;i& lippes: ] meeningetliat beciuasKsuerfo fairc oucrfettoitb foj- rosue,butti>at bp mafeuigc p?aper in if- piegetooejoes, beep?otcftcD bimfeUe too repofebts Welfare in tbe banb of iip£) £>. Concerning^ boaes,3! mufte repetc tbat tqing bjieSp beerc, i»t)tcbe 33 bau.e l;anD= lea moze at large in another place . Cbat 13 to ix»:£, firfte tbat tlje bolp $ atbers ne.- uer t)oaj2Danpt'oingebnto <5ao,batfucb as t!)Ci> Rnco>e to bee aUoo>eD of bun.3!nD feconDlp, tbat tbep 'coitiec too none other cr.D5,t')an to gpae a rcccjD cf their tbon^ fulnefle.voijcrefoje too fonolp 000 tbe pa= piffespjc^nDf tbcirerampie fox a docHe too tbeire boires, felj-clje are not onelp rafce, fen- alio blafpbetnoua.tnaTmucb as firftc tb:p lauifblp ftnee bpon iti) ameltibc p:poe bpnDctbemfclues to tl,u\j» tgat are notpcrautitbtbem, i5 3(Sbm Iohn Caluins Commentarie 1 5 [31 frill cilfer bnto tbw,f c] |t made neeDcs bee tbat ettber JDautD o? fomc one of tbc ebeef nobilittcfpcabetbbeere . ;f oi tbc abilitte of men of mcane cftatc frooloc not differ tbcm to offer fo ridjeano goob= lp facrifp5C0. 3! t is a lpbelpboo therefore, tbat JDautb fr ao tbe aatljour of ppfalme, SdIjo ootrctl) to bee at ropall charges in mafetngc facrifp3e. TWecbnowefrbp &od cbmmaunoeo faenfpses to bee offered too bim foj tban&cfgiutnge in tbofe bapes : namdp,tbat the people might Unom, bofr ($000 pjapfesfrcrc ftapnebanb bcfplcb frith, tbeire bnclenncfle, if tbep frere not matte bolp bp fome other meanc.;ffo;t bom mud) focner free bee bent to pjapfe gobs name: pit fboulb free but Difbenoure turn frith bncleane lippes , frerc it not tbat Cbnftbatbc offeree bimfelfc in factors once f o; all, too make b0 and all our ocos tngesbolp. Snb therefore tbc HipofHg 1ft eb?. i o .7.tcad)ctf) ,tbat f p?«pfes ttbicb tore otuT bnto <5od, are acceptable tljo= rough t im. Cbc ^?opb«e commcn&ctb beere tbe fume of I) to oil nc bttrntfactif pfc, S» lien as tbet frcttt bp notbmge elfe from it too Ijcauenwarbe, but a ranfcc anb (rins Utng ftneil. t^ofr beett, foj afmucbe as tbe Wammcs anb otber facrifpfes frere a fi- gure of Cb?ift,tbep gaue a ffreete fent bc^ foje 45od. $nb noun- frben tbc Jr tgnves of tbe llatoebec abolifbcb, t»?c fptrttuall trutbe abpoctb to bs fhll,tbcfrb'd) is eti p?effeo better in tbe nert btrfc, frberetbe f^jopljcte fapttb,be totlbce a publisher of gobs benefpteo. foj cuen brber tbc lan?, it beboueo tbe outfr ar&c € ct c monies too fbootc at thio wtarbe : fcpcaufc tbat rife tbepompe of tbcmbaD bm bnp;tc Stable. <&l)tn fres tl?e publtfbing of efp?oufencfic to pubiifbe tbe grace felncb tbep battc taftcb, not oneip to tbe intente all men map bee fturcD too pzapfe 1) tm faitl) one confent, but alfo tbat tbep map bee cnco??gcb tofaptb anb hope bp tbe Declaration of bis grace. 3int> tbe reafon tobP bee tclletb bis tale ondp too tbe teoojfbtppero of <2> £> 5D , to, bpcaufe U?ep oneip are mcctchcirers : ano too tell it too tr.o;iDltr.gco auD l&ipocrptcs.frere but too an i e before dcafe f olfee. 17 I cryed to him with my mouth,anel I hauc exalted him'vnder my tung. t8 If 1 haue had an eye too vvickednefle in my harte, the Lordc will not heere mee. ip Vcrely God hath herde mee, hee hathc gyuen eare to the voyce of my prayer. 20 BhiT:d bee God who hathc not put away my prayer nor mikbik his mercic from mee. 1 7 C3 cfpeb too !)tm,?c.]&e conflrmetb tbat b?e t0 p?efcrusb bp tbe belpc of tf>o&, bpcaufe that after bee bao P?apco, bee felt bp tbe berpeeffecte, bofre bee bao bin fa- uourable to btm. i?ot tbe frute of bowes fcoctb not a little enlpgbten ^000 grace, that it map be2 tbc certcpner bntoo ns. aigetnc, bp tbe [ moatbe ano tbe tunge, ] bee erpjtflltb tbe carneftncfTe anbbebc= tnencu of pjaper, as bee bpb a little afo:e. jffbeeb^ notpjapeD from tbe bottome of bis barte,bce bad bin fbaken off: but be mnKetli b»o tunr^e too accompante bis barte.too tbe intent free map Hnoa->c tl;at bcep^apefi notcolblp. "aJbereasfomc fup^ pofc.tbat [pnder tbe ttmgc]impo:tctb tbe famctbinge rljat [t« tbcbart:]it is ageinft reafon. jFo.s tbe fpercbe tbat ptocecbetb oftbereflerion of tbc tunge, icfnpDe too fpung bnoer tbe tunge: ltbe ao in anotber place, [tbe popfon of ao&ero to bnber tijetr tungs,,20pf ii.Go?b[€j:alt]bce menctb tbat 30D is not fro^fbtppeo better fr ttl) anp otber fepnb of bonour,tban frbe fafegarb to fougbt at bio batiD. xotytc bp it appeeicib f in tbe popedom be is fpoileb of tbe cbeef part of l)is giojic, bberemennes platers are bjawl ai«ap, either to aeaofolfc 0? v^pwn tut. j-.xvj. riauiic. 02 toaimagrs.anb the calling bppondoob is countco m inattsr as noting. Wat fcp the Soap, the p jopljct aDbetb rlje ojber of pzaytng purely anD r?gb?ip,ieaft anp man ouerleapmgfaptl) ano repentance, mpgbi tl)?uftln:nfflf f jo;!!) to f?ap onto <©£)£> bnaDutfeD!p.*a>c*Knocjeboro bololp tb«r bppocrpteoanQiDCjloiingcsftcpfooittbe, anbmincJetbcmfelHesSintbtbefaptbfult, as oft 00 tl)c Scripture pjenouMcetb in general!, tb it © £> id is to be pjapcb tons too . Cbc #nopijet tbcrfo^e, too ftet the gate ogeinft fuel) mockeries , reqtrpjetf) founbnes of lyixt . 1£r utp 3! confefft ti>at in tbco tooozDrst the $)»opbct auoucbcri) ijia ovrnemnocencte, Ipbcafl DautD alfo oftentpiues fcrfenDeti) I; is oivnc founoncs from flaunocrs.bp the IK call reco;b (as a man map terme it) of ©obs grace. 25 nt Ijta intent S»a* djecfly too gtue a generall rule bp bis own: example, that iuce map lcrnetGcommebmb<0i&3) it>itf> a pure bart/Cbeltfeeplace is alfo in Jobn,9.3i. tf? £> 2D bearetf j not Gnnc-s. Crea> it ts in beebe, that none other tym finners are herb: fo: the ferns of pzaping isi appopn- tea to all alifce iritljou: erception.namclp, toooefpje too ban; their fmnesfozgmen tbem . 2t5ut although tbefaptbfull tying an bnfepneb confefliou of tbeir gilt bntoo ID acqup- tcti) tljcnx bppon their fubmiffion. itfoj &>ee mud beare in mpnb 0m\z 3 abmoni= ttoii, i. futi. z.19. that euerp one i»hich callerh bpon the name of the lloio Qioulo bepart from iniquitie . £\>)o;tQucv , [ too Ijauc an epe too Ssic&;oncs in ones ijart,] 74* is not too be gilticin ones ownc conicten^ ce, ( fo: the cbilbzcn of 2D . f o? onleffe the inwarb trcrr^ neffe of the hart be anfvoerable to the out= jcaro conuerfation , fo as there iuiix no naughtpnes fcntbin: tljat 5»btcb glifterctl) before men, (ball bee an abhominacionbe= foie«U0 2D. 3&n&beabbctbl»ttb an af- firmation, that his p?aperc 5»ere hero. Whcrbppon \t is to be gatbereb, that our hope Qjail neuer becbifappopntse, fo icec fee&e <£ 2DS»iJlj our iorjele hart. 20. [$$ttiTA be flfob.f c] J^e elofeth bp the £>fatme it-itb thanbe0 giuing,at tehich alfo he began it :anb he abbetb the caufe Sulip he faffereb not repulfe. ^02 0 c> 2D is figuratiuelp fopb [ too put aroap ones pznvtr from him, 3 if he "joutfau: not too belp him, as though he turneo hts bacbe bppon him. 3nb he popntctl) out the frel - fpjiHg,namclp,bpcaufe ©3D 2D fcjithbzew not his metcp. jf 0? there is none other thing , than onlp his free fauour , that ep = ther appeafeth him tosoarbes bs, 02 that purchaceth eftimacion anb graceof obtep; rung to our piap kb, tljat the? be not fru» teJclft, The conteints of the Lxvij.Pfalme. It is a fruyer fir the happic ft ate of the Cburcbc , not only that COD (hotdd maynteyne itfafc una found within Ieyvryt, but dlf» he fhould encreafe it yvith a new and yuaccuftowed mancr of ' ffredin^ tt abrode. In ■which place he alfo intreatcth brcefly of Gods Kingdome, which yeas too bee netted through the whole world by the cotnm ing oj'Cbrift. The Lxyii. Tftlme. Too the Chauntcr vppon Neginoth,a Pfalme or long. 2. God John Caluins Commentary 2. 4- $ 6. 7- 8. God, bee mercyfull vntoo vs, andbliile vs, and make his countenance too shyne in vs. SeUk That they may knowethy way vppon earth,thy failing helth among all Nacions. Let the people prayfe thee, 6 God, let all people prayfe thee. Let the people bee glad and reioyce. For thou shalt iudge the people in ryghtuoufneiTe, and gouerne the people vppon earth. ScLtb. Let the people prayfe thee, 6 God, let all people prayfe thee. The earth hath yeelded foorth hir incrcace : and God , r«o our God shall bhile vs. God shall bliiTe vs,and all the coaftes of the earth shall feare him. ;. [<£o$ bee mcrcpfull.t c] Although tbe ^jopbet boo in tty& ^fatme pzopb cfie of tbc coming of Cbjuft.tonDcr toljom oos a&option OjottlD becomme comon too tbe 5»rjoie S»o?lD : pit be Soifibetb <2>obs grace pcculparlp to trjc Jctvcs^ccozomtjasiue hnoroetbat tbep tuerc tbe Grfibegottcn, d:roD . 4 . : 8 . fo ao <2>eDs bhffmg, ioljiclj isas too beefpjteb tbjougb all jltJactons, ougbt of rpBbt to begin at ttjem . 3lnb al* tbsugb 3H baiw tranQatebnlltbtjB^bole pfalme tn trie tnanzr of fortifying, bpcaufe almoft all Jntcrpjetcrs agree in tbe fame knez : vit notHrttbftanDtng a man map as Gil? translate ail tbe iUerbes in ti'cfuture tcnccaccojotng as tljep arere&fn tbe ^e; biea>: ano fo fijoulo itbeabolprciopcing, to (lap v>p tbe goDlp mpnacs fc>itball,tbat fyc? mpgbt no ooubt of tbe continuallfuc* ceiTe of 45030 fauour , but ratber Ijope fo? incrc^ccofif.Bettcr£bflatcr,fojafmucba^ it :s recepwro c«elnc«re bp gcnrrall con= ! fent) tljat tbe J&jopbet m tbis place p?ap* c>\) : it futrVfetb mce to bane giuen tlje xta- j tiers Naming of it. j$o?e»ner., inafmucb. as be talfcctb not of fojreiners, but of tbe ! Clutrcbe itfelf,ano pit Sob/at goobfoeuer be iotffl) ;ti) too bee bettoiccb yppon it, be bjcptictb z\)2 fame from tlje forenfepne of ©ods grace: it foiowctb, rbaC as long as iacc Imcoj being in Jjappie ftatc,o? flow* ing in abunbance of all goo&tbinges, anb finallp o? liui.ig tn p.20fperitie, coinntrrl) not from elftrijere, tban of bis embracing bs Sottb bis fre'e gracioufc gcocnesjkbjcb t'jtng beciug trcn>, fo^s Cbal! pjeuent Inm ioii^lnsovoneseferamcrcsv aftnDcr tb? [enUgbtcning of \y& countenance,] be fees mctb too compzebenb botbe: fo? %o)jm as i£> 2D botbe infpiretb our bartes i»:tb tbe feeling of bis lone, j alfo fljewetb bim felf mercpfull in oeebe: bis1 countenance is fapbto fbpneclccrcbpponbsrlrae as it is fapD to be ouerraft Saitrj cloubes, fo>bcn bceing offenbeb atourfmnes,be fwetb our tonftievtcs, anb tabetl) awap tbe to= feens of bis faucur. 3 . [Cbat ibep map] I^eere ts an euioent ^opbeue concerning tbe fp?e= Ding abzobc pf <0oBs grace, Scbcrtbjouglj it came to pafTe,tbat tlje l^eatbe greto tn^ too one boope voni) tlje cffpjting of 3b?a= \jarn. Cbc t??opbct tb?tfc?c fenffbetb tbat d5ooe fauoar map bee matr.fcft in b^»s elect people , too tbentcnt it map fcitlj the b?>- gOtnenle tijer cf b?mg t!;c <& entiles aKo into t\:e fclo'.r (tip cf tl/efamr bope. Ii3p [tljci»ap ef e trcw <£> S> ID, 9 c. Jobn. 1 7. 3. 4. [ &ct tbe people pjapfc tbce. f c] ©p- cattfeb:babfapb,tbat alligations fboul9 bee pavttaUcrs of t!;e.Unoa?le£>ge of CBfoD, fc>bici) S»0O>feetb falaacion : noiv bee fapa etl),tbep fball bee rublifmers of fo greate grace, anDtbcri»itbnHirbo?tetb tbcm to tbflnhfu$nc0.3nDtbcJ>ubblmgcfit,fbci» ctb tbat l;c fpcaixctb of a new ana bnacca^ ftomcD Ksntter. jfoj, tbcre ncebco no fucb toel;ejnencie , tf <© & JD bab continetcca bi* vppon the.lxvij.Pfalme. *49 Ms grace towar&cs tbe cbtlbiert of 2&b?a= rjam,aftcr accuftomcb matter j tofuall oj« Dcr r'ifo? firfi l)c fattlj let tlje people pjapft tbee,pca let all people p?apfc thee: $ after- toarDi»itbina tofy'U1 be repcteth f fame outer? agein . 315ut in bcrp gooo feafon $ to? 2) tbe caufe thereof to tnterntcbleD 2? f reft.5Fo: btc6 paflctb all wt&crftanDing getteti) tbe toppcrbanD in our hartfi.plul.4- 7 3nb tbetoerpren* benng of £ caufe fbctoetb piapnlp the cal= ling of ibe <£entples. foi <0oos goners nace iabcr of mentto is mabc in cbifi place, t0 not ment ofbis gencrall foucremtte, but of bifi fpirituall inrifbtction iwbtcb be erecutetb in lufi Cburcb-iFojCin pjopper fpeccb)(£5oD tafcetiynot ttpponbimto go= uerneanp otber0,tlja fucb as be gatberetb bnto ijtfi obcatence bp tbe bocmneof ibe law.ainb the termc [l&pgbtuoufcncffc] is fct Downs fo? tbe nonce.m commenbacton of this stitcrnacc. jFurtljermoje the fame SoozO0 almoft,areto?ittentn <£fap.i 1.4/ 9 in ^9ichea0,4.3.wbcr tbe boetrtne co= cerning tbe fp;ebbing ab:oce of faluacion tljjougu tbe febolc too?lD t0 pjeacbeb. 7 [Cbceartbfc] Sifter be bath fposcn of tbe cbeef grace of © oo : bee atrbetb tbat iotjotn iE>o& bontfauetb to loue.tbem alfo botb be pipe foitb bio benefices, fo as tbcp tbat be in b^ fauotir can Scant notbmg to coarb a blideb anb bappp btfe« 25 ut fee mutt bearc in tup no Sobat foe bauefato as fo?c; natnelp tbat 80 oft as <0OD garnifbeo tbe people of olD tpmc toitb bi0 benefits, bcfbonetootbetobolefeojlo as itiotrc S»ttb abjtgbt burning lampe, £ be migbt allnr; the €> rntplco to feefee bun. Cbcrc^ foje if (©obDeale ltberallp too bio people iobatfocuer tbep baue neebe of , be auon- cbctb tbat out of 1)3 bountifulncffe (as it Soere out of a fountaine,) tber fcilfpjtng tbefeareof C5oo : b:relp bicaufe all tbe coattes of tbe SdojIO Sail tbe fcnlinglpcr. pcelbe tbcmfelu£0 tobi0 obepfance, &>ben tbep fbalbe taught bp cjcpcricnce,tbatbe« is fo bpnbbartcD a father totoattic-0 thof? tbatbe &i*. The contcints of the. lxviii. Pfalme. although Dauids purpofe in this Vfalme3bce tofet out the vi&ories "which bee bad gotten of bis enemies by tbe pace of GOD: yitnotwith- ftanding, by commending Gods puijfance and goodnejfc in gencrall at the entrance y be propounded) matter of pray fwg him in the goucrncment of the whole world . *Afterxcard be commetb to the deliueran ce of tbe chosen peophj wberevnto he ioyneth alfo tbe courfe of Gods fatherly bounteouje- riefje, which be bath alwayes youtfaued to eypreffe. towards tbe offpring jof Abraham. *At length be entreatctb at large vppon tbe ground that bepur- pofelywndertal\eth3and with beavetyfull tytles commendeth that excellent goodnejfe of GOD yehich be bimfelf had had experience of priuately,and which was therewithal! manifeft to all tbe people . 'Whcrevppon be gatbe- retb,tbat dffonc as be was created Kin g,the fate of the Church was ryght- ly fettled ,fo asgod(luumgasit werfet vp bis chair e ofefiate) began then to reigneagein,who before tbat tymefeemed to bane bin gone a greate way of . lAndno dont but tbat vndcr this fygure, hepcynteth out tbat royall glorie of God>wbkb at length appeercdin Cbrift. 7/.r. r.h Iohn Caluins Commcntarie, 2. 4- 6, TbeJxviii.'Pfilme. " To the Chauntcr a Pfalmcor fong of Dauids. God will ary fe,and his enemies shalbc fcattcred,and they that hate him shall flee from his prefence. Like as fmoke is driucn, fo shalt thou driue them like as wax mcltcth at the fy ght of the fyrc, fo shall the wicked perish at the prefence of Butthcryghtuoufe shall reioyce,they shalbc glad at the prefence of God,and they shall Icapc for ioy . Sing yec vntoGod,fing prayfc to his name.exalt yce him that rydcth vppon the Clowdes in his name Ub3 and reioycc yec bcefore his prefence. He is the Father of the fatherlefTcjand the iudge of the widooes euen God in the dwelling place of his holynes. He i< the God that makcth the folitarie to dwell tsgitbn m one houfc- hold, that bringeth prifoners out of the flocks: but rebells shall dwellinadrycland. fitientmpgbt an& ftrengtb to oaertl;jot& ©a &«! arifc «.] IDaufo m ttya arft uerfc ootlj as itrotvc giue m melius of s» bat things be 'toil in- treatc in tbts pfalmo. f£bc effect ist\)is: $U1)ou!) <©od Dt tttil fo? a tyme , fertile tljetongoDip pcrfccutc tbe Cburcb mala- pcrtlp ana cruelly : pit at length be rpfetb top to iubgemet, ana tbat tbcre is Defence pnougbfo; ^faptbrull in biobelp.affoone as bee ftrctcbetb out bis band ageinft tbe tongoblp.wberas tbe 3!ntcrpjctcrs tbinfc tilts fentence too be tafeen out of £Wopfco 3 glaWpgratmtit jfojU tout not but fi^opfjs taugbt all ages «je fo?mc of pjaptngtttjat tbe faitbfuli (noulo bciectte tbcmfclues to be fafc bpon trull of tbe 3U & of coucaant as tbe totftoic ftgne of <$£> n>& pzeftnee . £>n!p tbis Difference is to be mar&co, tljat fl^opfes pjapctb tn fpcu&tng to d5£>2> bimfclf :anto tbat Da= uio g!o;t;tii anb auoucbctl) tbe fame tbing to bee fulftlleb baplp , in toerp Decoe. ^Foj tijep tbat tranflate it intbefrap ofejebo?* ting: [ jlet goa arife ec.]feemc riot(in tnpn opmion)tooconaocrbistnrentfuff(Cieiit3 ip-iro? tbe effect is tl)is : tb^tbat&btcl) £0 opfe j l>a:b taugbt once , is Hnotvcn op experience to be trevomamclptbatnffoone a* ^od arpjetb , b* te cnaeweo & ttb, fufe allb'.s cnempcs.ano too puttbem bttcrlp to apgbt./ricuertbclefle tlje manct of ejes bojting mtflpfcetb me not pc re : rcfoluc it in fuel) imft as J bauebcclarcbi tlia; is to loir,as if be bab faiD,,t ootJ> but lift top bis fingar . 115? tbe ioap be gtuetb an incURgcouert!p,tbatnott>anb tint it be- falletb tbjoagb (IBodo fuffcrance, tbat tbe enemies pjeua.ic btcaufe it is not pit time fo; l;im to arpfe: ano pit tbat tl;rp can doo notbing fciicljout I;is leauc,looke tbcp r.c- ucr fo bigllfo tb to ts a tbing full of moft ftoctc comfojt, tbat tbcp arc callco[ben it is mine bp f ioinD.o: as uraje meltctb agetnft p firc^t is almoft increbi ■■ blt,y t!je Dtfpatcbing of fo (IcDic ftrcngtf>; fbuld be So^ougotfo fobeinlp.^ut y holj» • $WI vppon the.bcviiij. Pfalmc. <15b5ftme»tbj)tl)!3m:an?,toocozrcctf ouer great fearfulnefle of ourflefbe : as if be (boulDfcpe.tljer (a not y pitibrnes in our enemies tabic!) io : fuppofe to be, but oar fences are d 33 tie 0 as it &>ere & f»HOhe : pea anb toe be becepueb in their b3tbne(Te aifo, bpcaufe iocc conftber net tbat earn tbe Sipountalncs welt atoap at tbeonlpIoobcof(E>oD. 4. [H5uttberi3btuotis»fc3©cer3Da= uiD beclarctb tbat <£>ob ts bzeofull to tbe bngotlp 3 cljccflpe fo: tbcf»elrare 0 ttbc C burcb. Snb be fecmctb to matebe tbts glaoncff* moircnlp agcinfte tbe fozowe febctwitball tbe mtnos of tbe goblp u?cr poiTcflco along fe>biic tonber S>au!e:as it be bad f jyb*3 ft er tut <£>oo batb bnnt bleb bis fcruants fo; a time ,bc bjingctb tbcm a netee Ipgbte of tope, bpcaufe tbcp Qjouibe uot bee alwapes bzowncb in fo= roro.HBp tbe fojapc bee teaebctb, tbat tbe gooip be tben cbccrcb arigbt Sr ben tbcp fee Ob ob merciful to war c 0 tbe, anb tbat bee is cbatc ouer tbetr Welfare. $qw at tbOUgb [Mippcni] anb [Lippeni] fcoo Oft? times impose all one tiling emenge tbe r- c b;c to r 0 : pit in tbts place 31 tt tribe f |3;o^bctc puttetb a Difference betwijete t\) i to ? tbe nonce : fo; tbe Smcbcd fl)ame tbe pretence 0 t '(& cd , bpcaufe tbep bee a ■■ frapb cf it : but tbe rtgbtuous reiopecat tbe fame pzcfcnce,b:caufetbfPbcfirettos tb ing mote tban to feclc 3 to coticetu? no gtoffc oz eartb lp imagination of mm : pit it fpccnllp co menDctb bis cbeefe fouerciutie , tbat bee tnapbztngbstoftanDinaweofit: as if bee fboulo fap,b« furmountctb tn fucbe ft>tfe,tbatall pzapfes come far too fbojte of bim.jfoz tob^n foe banc ftrepneb our (clues to tbe Dttcrmoftc, furtlp toe (ball not compzebenb beaue ano eartb, i»b»-b noittitbftanbing are not able to matebe tbe greatnes of ©00s glozp. Cbat wbtcb isabeebbp anbp after concerning [bis name Jab] map be taken Muerdp, wee fenotoe tbat f letter [Beth] is oftentimes fuperSuous among tbe l^cbzcooes , ano tberfoze it map be tranQat. b[ 3Pab ts bis name.] £>tbcrfome tranflate tt iooozbe fo; iooozoc [in Sab is b»0 name] tobiclje tbtngmiapsctb me not,bcwtetu J, bao I .-iter to put tbe Ssezb [name] tn tbcab^ lattuc cace alfo , as tbus : C 3in lab bra name,ozmbtsname3ab.] 25»t*D« neco tbe leffe to ftanb bpon tbe Svo;bS3 btcanfe 3Dautbs meentng ts not bail;?* ^Fo?inafmucbe as furcrtttcionbaobe at tbat time fillcb tbe fefcclctoozlocfoptb fonoe fipning of <£5oD0 : bee mtnbeo too niatnteinetbconiponc©!£>3X> tntjtse-: flate.actfbeQjoulobtoaU tbe^bolsbe pacbing, ii^ben tbe <15oB of 5 fracll corns wetb ab?cbe« 35 ne fozafmi;ct)a0 ttfecre notir.ougb fcztbefiubfu'ltoo feoztbip c \x>U totrcs ano fatbericilc , Doubtlcu'c bp ;be figure spnccoocbebce eontpzebenbetb al I fucb as tbe u:c?lD paCs:l) oucr as Dn tooztbp toa bee fa bp. JFoj comonlp tree beactDcourccuttciKs irljcre tbere^ps pcerctb feme bopc ot rccampcn:f agttn. atgetne. John caiuins \^ommentane, SPgefnc.fcu the mode parte, tjunoar anD rcnoton cbttm the firft place, whcrbp it commetb to pau"c,tbat tbepoojliebtfpk feDvCbat which folcwrth [namely that <&ol\ is m the Dvucl'mg place of i)ts boh- neo] wbubcr pe refcrr c it to $?caucn,oi to the temple; tt fa> tl agrc c tocr p well too tbe pjcfent matter* Jro j neptber is <2> cd Q)tt top in l)caaen too hue tDcllp, but ra= tber^caacntsastt Sucre btscbaireof eftatefcom whence to tuogc tbe woziD : anD fojafmncbe as bee batb ebojen btms felfe a Dwelling place among men, from Sobenee bee calletb tbem frcenoip bntoo bim i nothing w mojte fit too raife bp the faitb of cl>c poojtc, tban irljni tbcv bear* tbat tbep necD not too fecU bim farre of* 3Jn tt}t ncit fccrfe be aDDetb otber (pices alfo , namelp tbat bee gtaetb [pientifull iffuc too tlje chUDUffe anD fucbe as bee as lonc]anDtbat[bceicttcfbloocerucbea8 be bour D in fctttrs.]3nD in trje laft me- bcrbe Denounced) <£c&s iuDgcment too tbe wtcbcD 9 beatbctuQ) bcfpifers there of , not or.lp to put them in fear r,bu t alfo tbat tbe faubfuM fboulD not enure tbeir gocb fojtune, Cbe effects is , that S» ttb &>bat htnDe of affliction fo cuerwecbee pincbeb , there ts comfojtte f 3; bs in (U5odb banD lohenr ttball to auuage our fo;owcs $ toDifburbentos of our cares. 3lnD altbogb tbe w tctuo like feci of tbe= felues fa z- a time : pit what fo ucr fetnetb to tbam new to be hi eft pjtefperous, fball in tbe enD Call out bniucacip agctnft tbe* 5Foj [to cine l in aDjp lant>]ts as aimucb to fap as too be bamflbeo tntoo a wtlDers nefle , tbat tbep map no two? c eniop goos ^fatberlp ioutng binDncfTc iol;icfce tbep IjauewtcHeDlpabufeD. 3, 10. O God,when thou wenteft forth before thy pcoplc,when thou diddeft ioutney in the wilderncfTe. Seldh. The Earth shookc , and the Heauens dropped at the prefenceof thys God : yea and Sinai Jlmki at the prcfence of God, men of the God oflfrael. Thou O God shalt make a gracious raine to poure down vpon thine inheritance,and thou refreshed: it when it is weary. Thy Churche shall dwell in it : thou shalt prepare for the pore in thy goodnes O God. 8. fj© ods gooDncffc uecpetb rcfiD(nccpzoperlpmbtscbarcb,wbiebe fece bail) c peculiar ip cbojen too tbe enD it fnouio bee tbeftage of bis father lpcare= fulnes. 2lnD ibis is aDDcb bp f JDjopbet of fit purpofe,too tbe tntcnt tbe cbilbjten of Sbjabam frjoulDc applp moze neerelp to tbemfelues, tbe tbing that was fpokc before : bicaufe tbep be of tbe ebofenpeo p!r .£$czcencr fozafmucbe as tbeir Dclt= uerarice out of € gipt teas a fpectall anD encrlafttngpicDgc of tbe louc.wberwttb tbe aboption alfo that was maDe a voWe a go in tbe banD of Ulbzabam, teas cfta= bltfbeo : be toucljct'i the ftojp thereof in few wojos^be ccVccr commetb to this tbat d5oD bp tbat notable bjtnging of tbe out of Cgtpte, gauea token too ail ages \jovo muche bee loueD \}iz Church. ^0% S&bat purpofe fcrneD fo manp fronbers, tbe fbaHtng of beaucn anD cartb,anD tbe quaiimg of tbe mountaines,but to mabe itapparant tbat (5oos power was alp= cD witbibe welfare of btcprople^Cbet foie bee attnbutctb to tfoD tljz office cf a iCapteine tbat leD foo;tb bis people Ton- DerbisftanoerD.Sno tbat , not onelp in pa(fingtb;ougbtbereD^ea,butalfoRS long a j the 5 iVaciitcs ivanbereD in tbe jwUDetncflfe, Q9o?t oacr 3D DnDerftanbc not onelp [tbe eartbquabtng] tbat was at tbepubltft)ing of tbe law} but alfo tbe ccntincwall p?ogrefle of tbeir whole 10; * ncp}btcaufe tbat During the fame , tb c o;= Der of nature was oftttmes turneD,as if all tbe Clements bao trf blcD at tbe p;e- fence of (Sod . ^otwitbftansmg, foiafs mucb ao <0od n^erotD bisternbjepows ercbceSpbpon ^ount£@iiiai.btcaufe tbat tbatbotb cbutiDrringcs Soerc JprDtntbe bcaucn.ano allege aire fc>as full of flaf= fbes of lightening the 0zopbet purpofelp nametb that mountapne mS»bicb the ma* teftic of 0oo Seas to be fene moic bjigb> Ip tban anp totjerc elk * &ome fail colDlp referrc ibc pzonoun Dcmonftrattne [zah,] tmto i^ount §>tnai:tt;heras JDautD Dotb rather fetfojtb tbcglozie of the d5iD£> of Jfrael.J? oz bp hfec figure tljc ^zopljetcs in mo places tban one, Declare y t\yc <£od &mch ts iz>ozfbippeD among the ebilDzcn of 3lbzabam,is no fozgeD €>od not y lKc= iigion that is appeimcD in bis law a Dout- fulliReiigion.gDo aEfai.25.9 . Cbi0,(3I fap)tiU3 0urautD then, ae though he IbuiD conuep tys peo- ple into tbe pzefent fight ef (25od , confir= metb tbe ccrtcintie of faitb,ano DiiJinguifi (bet!) it from tl)e Doutfull err ours of tbe beatfjen : f therewithal! be oncrth&artlp tauntctb themaDnes of ibcft>o;lD, Srbicb fbapingitfelfadE»oDm icco&eanDftone, and in gold anD filuer,te fo far from pzo = firing in tbe ttnoitieDgc of ??pe, Sobofc fruitfulncfle DcpcnDeD toppon tl)c DCEfeozfbowzcsfroml^eaucn . jjntbe famerefpectbe fapctbtljat [it is refreffb= CD Soben it is out of ijart.] 2i»D tbe rcafo is aDDeD : bpcaufe = leDgc tbis bounteoufnefTe,be lifcenetb tbe to bungerp foibes tl^at arc feD from bar.D too moutb ♦ j(?oz altbougb 45 u> 25 feD tbe Depntclp cucn to tbe full.&itb froze of €oznc,ft>itb plcntp ofSuine , fotttb l?on= nie.f i»itb sDple: pit baD l;c fucb a trap of bis gracious gooDneffc, y tbcp i»cre fain to bang fcppon btm onlp . xvber^s otbers taUe[Tobahifoz abunDaunce cf focDc : al= rl)OugbJ Difalo»itnot,pit3! rather tn= dine to tl;c contrarie fencetnamclp y C5oD is not ice to lap fo; bis Teruates fo ioare^ Ip, inanpotb^tefpect tban fo? bis owne &00D frill anD pleafure. 1 2. The Lord shall giyc matter of talke too the women reporters of the greate armve. 1;. TheKingsof Armyes shall flee: they shall flee : and the woman that dwelleth in the howfe shall diuyde the fpoyles. li.iij. 14. 1fj Iohn Caluins Commentarie 14. If yte lye among the pottes : yet (l.ull yee bee as the fcthers of a doouc couercd with filuer^and whofc hinder parts are as yellow as gold. 1 j. when the almightie fcattereth Kings in it : thon shalt be made white in Salmon. 12 [C&eHoi&tfiaflecl^ttealfoJDas mid commznbetb the bictoaie0 Soberebp $obbab notably a3uaueebbi0 power in maintepning j Welfare of bis people. ainb &hera0becbtmfclfhaumg pat bis enes mies to flight, hab qupeteb the lano f en- largzb the bounbe0 of bi0 feingebome : b« pcelbetb ouer tl)e pxapfe of all the poilice0j bnto gob. ifoz in auovocbing y it belong* etrjto (Sod to giue fonge of eomenbacton oi triumph, be teacbetb bp this figure, y the piofperous fucceffe of battcll is in bps banb.aigeinbc fapetb that fooomen be re= p outers of the armte, bicatifc it 'ions taken bp of an olD cuftome, that foomen (boulb , ling the fonges of bicto2te:lmc as 85)itU amf Jbtfterof ^oifcs Soitb acompanie ofij)Otucn,fangthep?aife0 of <£ob bpon Cimberclles <©ro. i 5»* o 3ilfo p toomen minSrclles fang 3Dawbs trpumpb ft>bcn hchao flapne dPolias anb ouertb?ot»en y $5htKttines 1 .fi>atn. 18.6, ^otv»ithftan* Ding bp the name of fong Cas 3 fapb cum noro)£>auib mcencth, y btetojic pjocees Detb from none but only d5oo. I&otobecit tbersoitfoal he puttetb tljc faithful m minb of their Dca?tp, to pubiifb d5cD0 benefits Smth. fuel) thar&fulucffc as bec6mc:b/$n the n:ii Deri's be teacbetb , tbat although tbj encnu'rs march foojttb fntntlheb S»itb neiier fo great $ ftrcng armies to Deftrop y church : Pit fbaltbcp.befcatereS.HInDbc fcemctb to repojt § fong of £ b50me,albeit y it map as feel be taften tn ftt0 o«m pcr= fon.3!nb this circumflacc both not a little auano? the grace of eahe to encounter :tf 02 i»herbp came it to paffc that tljcp not only ft>cnt their bap bifappointcb.but aifo toere chaccb atoap iniongfhgbt.t&bo ^cre of fuch puiffance ? thep infght & cafebaue oucrrohclmeb f lanD'.but bscaufe ice,bpcaufe f inua= ftono of the enemies fo>ere oftentimes put to the fople bp help from hcauen . ^o:e; ouer he noteth the greatneffe of f p?ap bp tliiflf circumftance,^ part of it came to the Soomcns fhare that fate quiet as home: as if he fhuib fap,not onlp the gjoidtiers re= turneb ic ell d e: Hcb iuith the fpotlc of their cncmtc0,buteaen the io omen alio (frbscb neuer fought ftroKe,) feere partabersof the ptap,bp reafon of the ricbeneffe of the fame, 14 C3Cfpc Ip among -ft] 55pcanfe he bab tacn novo fapb that (Boo fpgl)teth fox hP0 peoplc.noiu in the maner of correction, he abbeth that although the faithfull happen fometpme to Ip in barfeneffetpit ncuerthe= lefTc ©os iotli in tpme ftep fc^th anb belts ucr them. 3lnb it is not to bee touteo but he inbireetlp towcb?tb that miferable anb fozowfuil tpme, fohen tt^ people of<£>ob Soere harbclpafflictcb bnber i&aule. ^foj the reQitution foas the moie renolamcb 9 notable,bicaufc the people foabcb fobeinlp out of bar&encffe mtoo light . I^ovobetit tlje boctrine hath a larger fcepc . ^Foj it a.Diitonifheth generallp, thatthe/aithfuii, eucn in th^ mib'bcs of afflicttons,arG pje* feruebfafeanbfounbbp the Tuonberous &>02&ing of CBob , 02 elfe bee fobeinlp fct bppe ageinc,fo as there appecreno fignes at all of abuerfitie . ^fo2tl;ciooo2Dcs abmtt epther of both the fcnfe0: that is to tni^y [although thep lp in fmofec»barfer neffe,] pit ceafe thep not to looke bipgbt : 02 elfe that thepj Dcliunancefkouojeth as toap the blacbricffe $»hich thep haue got* tmb^ thep2imfcrics . whither of them fo eucr pee choose, itcommeth too this effect, that the fapthfull arc ncucr fo con^ fumeb 02 oucrtDhclmcb Smth/affiictiong, but that thep contincwe fafc anbfounbCc 3inb tl;at booth hec tcachebpatrpmntc figure] vppon the.Ixvnj.Pialme. figure in cut as it [tDoonco] cointnfng from among pots 01 Cauibjons.fboulD gather no blacfenes upon tbetr fringes, bnt G)OalDc fccepe dill tbe nattue bcautte of tbetr be a>*it>b«rupou it folowt tb tbat tbe Cburcb t enlopetb not aitoapes ptca= fantcaimncs,buti3pluchcDoutofDar& npo, anb rceoueretb btr bjtgbtneffe as it fbeebaDbcneucrbpntoucbeb&ntb anp tmffojtune. 15. [Wbcntbealmfgbtip.] ll&pcanfe tbe froojb [Parash] figm fictb to ftrcrclie out 0; too beutbe : tbio place mtgbtalfo be tranflateo tbus. [ivbcti bee leD tbcm aboute in trputnpbc« jRcucttbclc fo ft a= greetb better too beetranQateo [featu- ring :] ano it aunfwcrctb too tbe flpgbtc febcreof UccmaDs menciona title afoze. i£berct0 utoje barafomneffe tntbelY= cono mcmber,fo; fonts rcferre tbe £&o?D [Tcshiicg] to tbe congregation of <£> 0 0 : as tbougb jOantb (boulo fap, it inaa beau? ttfull foj fe>b»tenc0. /frotwltbHanbtngit map be alfo of tbe ftconb per font tn tb t0 fence :Cbou £> <25£> 3D DoollmaHctt SbbttenoictTetbantbe mountame^aU mon iff fc)bite fentb S>no wc . I? ou>bt eit 2^2 fojafmocb 80 itDffferctb almott nothing ittrbeeffecte of tbe matter :t\)t tcabcrs map foiioia febicb tbep beta if ucreft. £5 f tbis trulp 3 am outoffioubt,tbat£>as utb p;oceoetb feitb tbat tobicb be fpaie euen noise ofjtfjc SnbptcnefTe of gnluer. Cbcrfoje although tbe lanb fo>ere cone= rcb frith folpcbnefTe tbjougbe tbe trou= biou0 tnuaftonof tbe ensmteatptt (faptb 3D auto ) ttrecouere&bfr f»bit€neu"£, fo as it became as frbpte as^noioelpbr too £0ounte Salmon , Ss^pctjcisiceii fenowen to be fnowp. £> tijer fome thinfe it too be a jj^owne appellattue anb tran flate it [2& turn Cbabcro,] but tt is better not too Depart from tbe rccepueb tranfla tion* 25? tbe fr ape 3D alluwc fr ell of tbe altiifion too the cjigtnall of tbe fr oo^De. JFojtnafmucheas [Tselim] figmfictb a fbaaowe, tbcrefoje feas £^ounte 3>ais mon fo calico , as it fr ere Dint 0; barbe= fome. Snt) tbe Qmilitube frtll fit § place berp Swell , tbat like as tl;e g> notoc mas fcetb tbebarafome bill frbite euen fo tbe countenance of tbe fianbe fbpncb frbpte agctne,SDbc« tbe Darfefomneffc of it fras frpptbowap. x6„ The hill of God,the hil of Baian,a highe hil,thc hil of Bafan. 17. Why hop yce 6 yce high hils? the hill in which it hath pleated God to dwel : verely the Lord wil dwell for cuer. 18 The Chariots of God are twentic thouland thoufand of Angellesrthc Lord is among therein the Sanctuary of Sinai. **♦ [CbfcbilefJJob.fC] ©cercbenos tctb tbe eaufe anb beginning of <£>'obs fo great gooones : tbac is to fr tt bicaufc be bab ebojen mount g&ion too be bis J3a= lace anb Ccmple , from frben bio grace ftoulb dote upon alt tbe people*$nD foj armucbe as tbts pzoimfs isas niaac bn= to £>autb)betu(rip tberbp p^ouetb btm- fclf a lawful Bttnganb ozbepneb bp gob, ticauft mount & ton teas abo;neD fetch tljis bigmtte anb pjcrogatiue. fo% tbep & ere tbt ngo tbat isent iopntlp to gttl;er , foj JDauiD to fit in tbe fcege ropal to go? mrnc tbe people ) anb foj©obtool;a»e Ins ljo!p Dwelling place bppon tbat if il* IBcuci tbUater tbe iroojos map bee Xtn bcruooo $ wo Soapt0 : cpttjer tbat be co= paretb ton cjcceitt. tflo w albeeit tbat it fHUUtt tic too tbt ef* feet of tbe matter : pit notwptbftanbing tbe 0 tftmction to ilbc as fit tf i»e r cab tt fcucrallp [tbe b»l of$oi£anD afterioatb on tbe contrarp part [mount 113afan] i» bis btgbnes be feilleb too gmc place too tbe boipt bill of *>ion : as tf 2Dauib bab f3pcD,tbere is but one btl of €>ob,namc« ip tb e fame Subicbe bee bat b balowcb bp bisp;omtfc.ainDaltbougb mounte Wfc Tan bee btSbc ano rcnowmeD foj ^is fats 3li,cu}. nes: 1 John Caluins Commentarie \ nto : pit let it corae,pea f all other mofi taincs fc>v*b tt,anb tt)src fbalbec no caufe wbP ttjcp fbonlo be pzoub oj baunt the* fdue3 : foj tbep cannot matcbe gnon, S»bicbe tbe Hozae of bis olone gooo fcnll batb pzefcrreo befojc all mWB.&tutv. tf}e!€(Tc if pec lift to rcferre all tbe &>bole bcrfc togitbtr in one ftreine,nnto mout ^ion : it fbalbee callsb a blgb bill ano a f rutefull, btcaufc the bliffing of <£> O ID, i»bcretb?ougbetbe3!ewes crcelleD all men lining fceuacs.flowcb from thence. 17. LWbpboppecfc,] 3!n this berk tbcicts no oarfenesoz Doubtfulncs.iFojt after 3Daaib barf) beclareD tbat tbat one Ip fcil in all the &>o?lo IpKeD ©3>2D : be bzmgetb alltbebigbeft fountains tort; e'er cczam.$?owbcettfozafmucbe as bee repcatetb new in the plurall nober,tbat iuljicbe t;ec i)t® fapo eucnnow of mount liSafasi alone: it leaoetb mee tootbtnae tbat fira mount 2l3afan, anb aftcrwaro wbatfoeuerbeisbtslntbeiBOjlb^smat cl)€Dageua^ton.^o;eoucrfo?aftnucb a0 JDauiDfpcaUctb of tbe ^ounraines meta pbozicaiip, tbere mutt a fivnple fece bee gatbereb of tbls figure, namelp tbat Cbztitcs ktngoomei»bicb ce unowboit> mucb CbZpftes&ingDome is btto f kozn of among eartblp ano beatbc^ ntS) folk, iobo bang gtue iubolp to thtiv pleafurcs c?z ricbes, are ftarKe bltnbe in <&ob:Tpimual graces.Sno fo mucb tbe largelpcr ette nDctb tbe Profit of this doc trinc,a8tbcflefbemozebauntetbitfelfe Soitb balnc pztoe,fo feone as aup (tenter occafionis giaen. rffoziftbcptbathaue no caufe at all to bee pzcuoe, cannot flap tbemfelurs from pjioe : bowe fhoulfi tbe ricb f toeltbp fcapecbalengmg fome er= cellencp to tbefetues:' jftotSMtbftft'oing, bow mucbe fo cuer tbepfootb tbefciues, pit becommetb tt tbe faithful too content tbefciues & tjjis one p;erogattue,tbat it bath plrafeo ©00 to o wei in tbe mios of the. ^Foz as long as tbep be iopneo tmto (©ooCin'ujbomonlp rcmapnetb their ful rjapptncffO tbere is no rcafon 5»bp tbep fboulo BnDc fault ieitb their cftate. 184 [CbejCbariotgofgob.fc3H5ieaufe (I5ods pzefence ts cotnmonlp cftecmed af ter a nigarolp fozt anD not to tbe ful rm= loz of it : H>auiD comenDetb it beer fcitb an bonojablc (rile, -f oj,as our nature is foztoaro to mifooubting: ^batfoeuer Da gers ft>e meet & in t^is t»ozlb, tbe fame farre outweretb dPoos power in tlje ba* lance of our ft>it*31aD becruppon co nctb trembling at eucrp triSing temptation, btcaufe Sa>e ftnp (Idod of bis tonmeafura* blemtgbt, oz at le aft wife bifableit otter mucbe. 3Dau«.D tbcrfoze mtnoing to care tbia bifcafc, bzingctb tojttl) innumerable bofts of 2lngellcs i»bicbc map eaflp blfs patcb all impediments in tbe S»ozlo.3HnD altbogb bee name bnt two mtllions>pit $ mancr of fotabmg implrctb afmucb as if be fbonlb fap,£ <5od batb bouge armies in a rcoines at bis f maintcnace of oucioelfarc, Snbtcb tbing eugbt to fuffije too encourage oar barts altbougb an bunozeb ocatbs so manace tjs.TDberasbeaDOttb £ <5oo [is among tbcm] it pcrrepmti) alfo to tb^ commena oation of gois pzcfince,a3 tf ijebaD Capo tbat v©ob can no moje be? fee bcfiDe bps power, in Beeping all tbe 3ln$elUs as it iocre decs bnDer bim, tban be can be fe= peratebfrotn Ms own being ojfubftace* f^owbeeit bp the ioap, be tbcrfiball ootb tosto&it, f cE>obaloneisofmozefo?ce tban ten 5»ozloes of 2Hngelles,as a man map fap^^ozeouer left cbe long DtSace febicb toe are front to imagine to be be* twtrt^oO f toS.woulDftoptbecourfeof our faptb : bcefettetbbefozc bs ^ount % in ai; Sy b a e bis maieftie appecreb ope Ip: S&beruponit followetbtbatbeabp^ BetbfttlinbtQ fanctuarp« ^roztoo wbat enbb^tl)ap not in tbp bart i»bo (bait climb tip into bea= ucn :' xol)o fljall go Dotone into tbe occp^ wbo ftjsU paiTe oucr tbe S)ea ^ foz tbe ioozD is mgb tbee in tbp moutb.f c*Cbe bnser tbe name of &>ixmi IDauib menetb that too tbe intent wee map be pzeferueo bp goes inmnciole ocfence,i»e mnft not fecfe affurance of bis pzefjntnes elfebere tt;an m tbe law« anD tbe $zopbets. 19, 'Cboa vppon the . teviij. Plalme. *53 19 Thou art gone vp on hygh , thou hafte led captiuitie, captiue, thou hafte receyued gyftes in men : yea and the rebelles , that the Lorde God may dwell there. 20 Bhlfed bee God from day too day, God shall lode vs with our ovvnc welfare. Selab. 21 God is too vs the God of our welfares: and in the hande of the Lorde God are the ilTues of deathe. 22 Surely God will wounde the heade of his enimies, yea euen the hcary skalp of him that goeth on in his wickedneiTe. The Lord hatlfe faide, I will turne ageine fromBafaml willbringe tkehi ageine from the bottome of the fea That thy footc may bee dipped in blud, and the tung of thy dogges in the bind of the enemyes,by him. They haue feene thy going 6 God, they hauefeene the goinges of my God and my King in the San&uarie. 23 24 2> 19 [Cbou art gone bp, comparing tl;c biucr lis tie ofttje tpmes,f nccD Srace ts fetfoojtb: totycl) being burpeb bnber Rattle, fbone foo2tlj agjinc feljen S>auib bab gotten tbe fe,ingbome.;f o? tberc is a couert matebmg of contraries,bctioe2nc [Hying loicc, ano oingbponbpg'.i:] as if bee babfapbe, tbat dd'oDs glojtte ban not app:cvcD To ma= mfcfr.'p in tlie Dilperfion of :Joc people, as it bab boonc in olo tpme bcfo?e. faj, inaf= much as Sjaules tungcoomc bab his be* ginning of an cuillanbbnlaoifullgrouno: it couiD not bee but accurfcD, bntill ©ob rellozcb the Ipgbt of bis grace bnber JDa? uib: bp fo) !)ich bappp fucceffe it S»as mabe mantfeftctbatSDautb reigncb bplarofuH autbO£ttie,bpcaufe be teas cbo?e bp (0o&. jftoto altbougbe IDauib bab mabe toarre manfully : pit bee remonetbtbe pzapfe of the bictdjie from bimfelfc , anb afcribeth it onlpfento (5ob. iffojtbeefapctlMtfeasbe that bab taken bis enempes pjifoners, $ compellcb them to pap tribute : pea f tbat bab bjoUcn the fturbpwcfle of tlje rebellcs, anb b?ougbt tljem to fubicction. ainb it is mod ccr tein, that tbep itbo w bee termetb bcere [ sorerim ] tbat is te fap [ Iftcbellcs, Craitours,] arebtftinguifv fl)CD from tbc otber cnempesSsbomebec Ijabfapb too bee taken putoncrs a little afotc. 2Ds if bee fljoulb fap, not onelp fucb as ijauc place upcnbiftrufixofttjciroten ftrengtb,anb fuel) as eboseratijer to peclb tbemfelues, tban to refifte foHifulip,[i»cre bjougbt bnber fubicction : but alfo cuen tbcp?oicbeftof tbem all&eretameb. 3tf= tcrfcoarbebecnotetbtoo foijat enbe:na= tnel?,tbat [dS £> 2> Qjoulo Di»eU] in tbc mibbes of bis pcople,anb bp bis befmbing tbcm, ujefoe tbein too bee blifleb as manp as (b?o\»ocD tbemfelues bnber i)is p:ote ction. ^owbeit fojtafmucbe as $>aulc, ( fpnelp applpctlj tijps place bntoo Cbuft : iuee mufte fee botoc £dc» tl>c fame asrcetb toitl) tbe meeningc of JDauib . §>urelp this principle can bp no mcanes bee ouertbjoxwen, tbat JDauio &as mabe gjoucreine oucr tbe people in olb tpme,bppon conbicion tbat bnber tlje figure thereof, CbJifte tbc eternall feings fboulb beginners reigne. foi 5»cc muft aiaapes bearc in mpnbe the pjomife of tbe euerlafting fucceffton.&b^b k>as at legth ftabiitbeoin tbeperfone of. Cl»tfte, Chen liiseaS(0£)iDauoucb2bb^ovcn poroer bp tbe banbe of tbe intentc tbat bcebeeingeabuauncc&on bpgtjc , mpgbte alfo lifte bpp? bts people : fo in Us onelp begotten gionuc Cl^ifte, heefbelucDtbe bcrp bttermolte of bisbePS^- iruitljer= moje.tbat euerp member map agree font!) otber: before tbat €b?iftebias eyalteb,be abaceb himfclfc, not onelp in tabingc bp= ponbim tbc njapc of a ^eruaunt, buf ab fo tn Rumblings bbnfclfe cacti, too tbe Ji b. ceatb lohn Caluins Commcntaric death of the Croflc . Cbcrcfore to the in; tent the ftjabocoe map bee anfcocrable too to the tr uthe: J&aule fa?«l; that the thing fehicl) tDaum bab prophefped tn £ pfalm. 2 Z.7.VD33 fulfillcb tn dcebe in the perfonc or Cbrtft.bpcaufe that ere he afcendeb top, he baft tun caft downc to the locoed partes oftbeeartb.fehenbe became tbJf&ojme of men ana the ewtcaft of the people. Azores oner leaft this[goinge top]ntap be rcftreis nco to the bobp of Cbzitte : Cbe force f fritte thereof is befcrpbeb? namelp that be hath brought hcancn ana cartl? *mder bis Dominion . jforTuchcaserftfecrctons fubfir a?eo cucmtes,them bath bee compels leD 10 obepiT.mce , ano mabe them trib«= tarictool)im: Uni&c fepfeastheJDecs trine ottljc (JPofpell tender!) too this enb, that the tonbeiecuers iapingc afpbe the ptotrdueffcand Gubborncfle of the flefbe, moulde fubmitte tberafclnes and all that tl)*p haue, bnto Cbrifre : nnb that alllof- tvneffc lb oula bee brought too order , ano menncs feittes ano affections become prifoucrs bnto bim.iflnd as for the feendS ano all the i8cprobatcs,febomc fetlfull maltee fltrreth cucrmorc too rebellion, be holDcth them fettered in bisfecretepoto; er, that the? cannot mingle and deftrope ail things at their pleafure . hitherto the (imilituDe hangctl) togithcr toerpe feel!. liSutfehcrcas ^aulc fapctb that Cbrille gauegpftes too men, hecbtpartetb fomes fehat from 3?auids feoo?,aes,bpcaufc(to tbj intent to apply bimfcifc to the tonfHib full forte,) he folotoctb the ©reefcetranfe lation.25utin p matter itfelfther is no difs agreement . ;tfo2lifccas3DauiOfetthtbe fpople of his enemies enriched nst bimfelf but bis people. ^0 Chzifr fought not too be enriched I)imfe!f?femg beefeantert) no« thing : but made bis enempes trpbutarte to him,fo the intent to garnifb his church. Cherf oie in refpset of the fecrct felowfbtp that is t stvoccne the head « the boopibott) of them are truip and pzoperip fapdc :mu nieipf (gobbsmg manifcftcd in the fleQic hath di&ributed too bis people the gpfrcs tobicb he bath taken of hts pzifoncrs : and alfo no icffe agrectb that to the pertanc of Chrtfl: febich is ftpd m the ende of p berfe [that <£od obtepned bictoriejto the intent to Dwell among bs. rJFoj Chrifl-c fleeted not from tos,to the intent tecc ftjeuld fefcc farre for him, but to fulfill all things, it&e as #>aule alfo faptb ©phef.4.10. ;*f or bp afcenotng intoo beaucn.bcc boihe tottered more fulip the pocecr of bps godhead: and although be be not conucrfant topon cart!) in bis flefb, pit feebeth he our foules fpiri= tuallp feuh h is flefbe 9 blud , bpeaufe the Dtftance of place icttet!) not,but y his f left) is berp mcatc bnto bs,and his blttd bevy drum* 20 [HSiitTed bcs : <2? £> 3D bath aifo innumerable Ssapcs of pzefcruation in a rebtnefle , too tbe enb that ibzougl) bceing beliuercb too bap, tDec fljoulb hope incil agcmfi to mo= rotcc. -Coo tbe fame effect refer 3! the fes eonbmeinber,fe>berebc teacbetb that the tffcivco of beatl) arc in bf s banb. f oz tobcr a0 fome tranflate ft, [ tbc ttJewes bntoo Death: J as tticugl; JDauiD ment that d5ob coulb fpecbclp anb fcntb cafe be abuengeb of bis enempes, anb Dcftrop tbem : it fees met?) to mcc to bee conftrcpneb, 25 ut tbe otber Cjcpofttton flcujctb bcrp Socll, tbat © $) 2D barb fcjoonberfull , anb bpuerfe, anb fecret Sa>apcs,£»berbp to rapfe bis fer=; uantes from Death to ipfe. ;f oz be Deter = minctb in what wpfe <15 £> 3D is tbc pzes fcrucr of \\is people : not tbat bec alroapes pzcuetetb tbe bcrp beatb of tbem,but tbat ioben be batb fuffereb tbem to bee after a fozt fajalo.ojcb bp , bc foobepnlp mafectt) a Soap ontfo; tbem. 3nt> this is fo mucb tbc moic too bee markcb, to tbentent wee map Icrne , not to mcafurc bi0 help bp our ownc wit , but (cuen wben we be plunbs gcb in tbe bottomlcffe pittc0) to refer our bopc too tbc ban& of £> 2D,wbore pzo= jicrtte it t0 too make bs waj? wberc no . wap is? . ?2t [gmreip ,boa> care-- full be is of our wcifare,tt is bcrp S»2f I cu pzefleD m tbei0fo?mc0 of fpecce, Cd5£)iD willwouna tbebcab of bis enempes, pea cucn tbe bearp f kalp. f c.] a0 toljo fc>oQi& fap, tbat as manp as trubbletbe Clntrc-b, fljalbe wounbeb to bcatb, 02-ttrikcn witfj an incurable ftrppe : anb fpcctallp , where 2^4 anon after be Defcnbetl; 45 £> 2D~failtng bppon tbemioitb mucb flaugbtcr. 23. [Cbe &ozd batb fapD.f c] SBpcaufc tbe 3Ifraclite0 Iboulb not top in tbeir btc ■■ toitea.after tljemancr of tbe ^catben.but acknoroleBge £)3D. iFoz tins fentence implpi ctb as mucb ^S if be bab fapb: d5ob bathe not tberfoze beltuercb bis people once out of tl)c Ijanbcs of tl)e45pantc0,f out of tbc bottom of tbe rcb fea, to tbentent to gtn: tbem oucr noo» in tbe like Daungers : but be So ill bee at banb to Dcliucr tbem as oft as ncebe (ball rcqupic. f oz 5»ce know it is an ozbinaric mancr among tbe ^3zc- pbetcs, (as oft as tbep meene too ectoll 4c* ob0 grace rapgbtelp 3 to allcbge tbe bi- ftozi • of tbeir beliuerancc: tbat bp tbe bcrp oziginall of tbeir Welfare , f faptbrull map gatber,bott? tbeir pzoccebinges Qjal be tbc fame hereafter. 31110 too tbentent tbe fcn= tence map baue tbc moze fozce,be bztngetb in <0ob fpeaking . Qnb bp tljei0 feoozDee be cbalenbgctb to 45 £D 3D tbe power anb office of railing from lpfc to beatb:bpcaufe tlje palling of tbc people tb^ougb tl;e rcb fea,anb tbeir conquefte0 ageinft tbe ioat's lik i^acion0,4oere a certein kpnb of rcfur rcction.wbcra0fomc ejepounb it, [33 ^J)iH cljace tlje znenvpes out of liSafan : ] it can net ftanb-.f bcfibcstb3t,itftriuctb ageinil tlic iierp tect : foz tberc folotoctb imtncDi • atip after, [3d foill bzingtbsm agcin cut of tbe bottom of f fea.]3inb tubcra0 IDauib bzingctb in 4Efob [ mopftcb , oz imbzeurcb fc>itt) blub,] it mud npt be take nsa toke of crueitte.but ratbet fo as tbefavtbfull map pcreeiue boro Deer e anb piecioufc tbep b« to bim, feeing be is fo rigozoufe in tbeir bebalf. 5Poj 5»ee knoeoe tbat cucn 3DauiD bimfelf was not of a cruell b-.fpofition, but tnarmucbasbewepcDCBQDSiuDgmentes ioit\) a pure anb bpzpgbt mpnb,be mpgbt fcjitb a bolp ?ele reiopec in tbe Deduction of tbc rcpzobatcs. 3!lfo it is too be notcb, tbat tbe tljing iobicb belonged too tl;c S»boIcCi)urcbe is afctibcD to ©ob alone, accszbmoc John Caluins Commentarie accojbing as be erxcuterb iuffc bcngeance agcmft the vepzobatcsbp the banbcs of l.te fjruantes. wljcras in the cnb of the \3erfc feme Dza«?e tbsparcell [bp tjtm] too the &mg of tljcir enemies : it is no part of IDauios mcctiing. Che fence then is, that t\)c tunges of bosses fbalbereb toith licking, fo grcate fball the nomber of fear= Heflfes bee cucrpvobere, 2 5. [ Chep bant fcene.ire. ] CbiS berfe mapbcbnoerftoobasSaclloftbebatclles oj conduct of of tbanfcfgiuing. ;JFo? Soce Hnowe that Soben there bappe* neth anp notable bictoue , the faptbfull Socre Sooontto go foojtb in ozber,to offer peaceofferinges in the temple. Cbere bee tijerfoic that refer the [goings of d5£>iD] to the tbJongcs of people flocking togitber into the anctuarie . iBotarttbiianbing, it mtflifeeth- not mec,£ the chargu of Cap= tcin generall in gupbing anb 02bering the armpes, fhoulb beeattributeb bnto ©oo. 26 The fingers went bcfore,the players of inftrumentes folowed, in the middes are the damzelles playing with timbrellcs. BlifTe yee God in the Congregations, tnd the Lord out of the fbun- taineof Ifraell. There was little Beniamin their ruler , the Princes of Iuda in the Congregation of them, the Princes of]Zabulon,t»anctuarie,] is a trim allufion to tlje bifible token of 2D tooke bppon hint the charge of governing the people , anb Seent bcfo;e them too repulfe the biolcnce of their enerapes,but bpcaufc he hab p;tomifeb that he tooolo heere the pjapfe of his people ont of the §>anctua= rie f Cherfoie he is fapb to hauc bin feenc Jeabing his people Smtblucktegouernace, inlpkecaceas if he fboulO hauc comme foo?the of that bolp habitation. 3nb tber= foze iDautb in calling him Ins Iting, tur= neth acoap the epes of the people from him felf, leaft the name of[&ing,3 Sobicb S»as beftoroeb nppon a moztall man but in the XDapofalmcfle,migbtbefaectbebeanenlp p2ehemmenceoftbechcef bcab. fop al= though he fpeake in the pcrfone off fc>bole IScalme, pit booth he not in anp iupfc eje* empt himfelf out of the nomber. 27 1 S»crc to be fungfo? i$y of bictojie. I no fojafmucb as <& £D 2> hab op ;nlp fberceo himfelf to be the Captcin of the tosrrcs: f trpumpl) is iuttlppciiocbbntoo htm. d)crfo?e he bzingctb in hecre the companies feucrallp f02t€D in ringing dEJobs pzapfes, ano put* tctb in tfjc ttmbzell plapers bp name, fcps eaafe it Seas the cuftome tn thofe bapes fo? Soomcn to plap bppon tEtmbjelles,tohich now a bflyes Soetc a fottb thing amog fcs. TDherac t'oerc folowcth, [p?ayfevec - totthftanbing,thcnaturallmecningoftht0 faping ts.that as manp as arebefcenbeb of tl)c ho»P patriarfe 3iacob , (bouib comme togithcr to p?apfe <& £) ID . fop albecit that all of them ioerenotanfteerabletoo their calling, yit booth he iocll too call coo tbiSbecDtv of gosipncs,all the £t>hole race &hich 5»as cbojen of TD. iBeuerthes leflc, if anp man hab leuer that bp j name of [fountains? offpjing,] the hypocrites, Suhtc'i falflp bcaftcb tbemfclues to be the c'.nlDien of aifcjaijam, Qiolytrus in beebe tijep iuerc but ballarb flippes, ) fhoulb bee fljoleD from the goob ano holy ones: 31 5t3i!l not garnfap it. foi onlp the fcloxt crs of ^b^ahams fapth ?>rc recke= neb among his iaxvfuli c!;i!D2en. 15 ut vppon the. Lxvhj. Ffalme. H5ut feeing bee fpcafcetb generally of the bolpaflcmblpes : it is ftraunge that bee fljould place tljetrpbcof iBentamtn firfte. 2» omc Jn erpzeters conjecture, tljat bp- caufe the :£eniam?tesS»cre rebp at ID as uiD0 banae bp rcafon of tbeirnejrneffe, f tbctwoo Crpbcsof 5a°ulon anoi^cps tbali moje helping ana frcendlp bnto him tijougl) tbepiacrefurrc of bp Diftance of place: tberfozehee gaue tbcm tl)is bono?. £>tbcrfome ioill, that b? the fpgure S>p= necdocbe,beefboulDbp tbe farrcf neere, betoken tbe indole 18 calme.$ owbcitfozs afraucbe a0tl)erc mpgbtebecfottic o:I>cr eaufe,fo)bJcbeiSbnknorocntoo *>s : it is better to leaneit inbiffercnt, altbougbe 31 reiecte not allowable coniectureatriarKco tb>mfelues:it is nomaruellthat thepotteritie of ii5enias minarecallebalitlG try be, in refpeete of their father fo>bo fo>as the leafte amonge the fonnes of J acob , although it bab not bin fo populous before the daughter tobieb it hadreccpued . g»carfipalfoboo31ad- init ( iobieb thing? interpreters auouebe iytth greatetonfente) that IScniamin is called tbcLi£uler,]bpcaufe &aulc? Srtte &ing foas bozhe of that trpbe, frbofe me = mozwvl IDauib Iboulo haue renewed out of tpme, confibcr mg bow Socc Unoco> that the mapmedneffe of that tpme is euerps Sobcre conbemneb in the scripture , anb /^aulcs dominion was burped bp the t- lection of 2Dauid, frbtcbe is cbccfip com - menbeb in rather it femeth to nice a Ip&elpbod, that that trpbe is ad= ozneo lutij this tptlc of foucr cintic in ret: pect of their feawncfle: as if he fbaulo far, that although the ll3eniamptes ertelled nepter in great number, no; tn puiflance : Ipit bio the? make one bead . 3tnd this fee* mctb to agree fitlp : onleffc perchaunce pe bad icuer think that there toas fome cbeef Captein of that trpbe , as there foere in v other two Crpbcs fo>btcb he menctonetb: ozclfeperaduenture that the ft>hole pco, pieoflfteniaminbaddoone fome notable crplopt in fome bat tell, flow although he beckc thefe trpbes So itb an honorable tp s tie: pic bpanbp after he cailetb the bacfe to the cbeet bead, mabinge the noble men of 31 uda gencrallcs in muttering all the ar= mpes. £>ome fupplp the copuIatiue[and,] as thus : [ Che JSxinces of 3I«da, anb the congregation of them. ] £>tbcrfomc Cranflate it [2ln0 the ftonning of them.] 15ut in mp 3i«dgements,the firfte is the rpgbtcft, that the [Congrcgation]ttjould bee referred too the fame Crpbe> bnder fo>bofe Standard it warred. Cbcrefoje, tbccbeefe place and pzebeminence of £>o - uereintie is ebalenoged too the Crpbe of '31 uda, too S»bome it belonged of rpght to compel! the people* 29 39 3» Thy God hath commaunded thy ftrcngth : Stablish 6 God, that which thou haftc wrought in vs. Out of thy temple vppon lerufalcm, kings shall offer a prefcnte vn- too thee. Deftroy the companie of the reede,the hcrde of Bulles with the Calues of the people, tramplinge in wedges of filuer: fcatter the nations that are defyrous of warrcs.' 2 9 TChP <3Pod hathe,ffc 1 ■$ 02afmuchc as nothing is mozcredp 5»ith men than to cbalenoge to thefclucs,that iJ.h'ch5»oolo become them to impute bnto (£od ; JDa= tit'd auoncljcth agcin , that his people gate not thebpperhande of their enempes b? theire owne puiffance, but that ttrengtb Svas S?ttt» t^ern from i^cauen . ^Fo? bee attoucbetb lohn Caluins Commcntarie auouebrtb tbat <5 O D was tbe autboj of tljeir ftrengrt) , Ujouglj tbe Israelites fougbt manfullptanbbp tln'omeane beers boztetl) rljcm to tbanHfulnctt"e,anb correc- ted) t\)S ftatdpneffe w!)crctbo;cagbc tbe wozlDe(foztb;moft part)Defacetb * d)Os feetb oules. •Cijcrfoje M)tn wemuft fcigftt wttli*>a' ian.toub sMti,? aottb tbe wo,slb,toe mud ttecbesfinfce anb quapie entry minute of an bower, onleffe <2?o6 urcngbten bs too Ijolbe cui.we tmtft tben aflure our tellies, tbat Sobatfocucr power foe bane, it flow; c 1 1) onlp from <05ob,anb is fb:o into bs bp bis comtnaunbement :anb not ondp tbat tbe beginning tberof is of bint, but cue tbe berp contincwance cf it alfo . wfyercos in tbe ncct berfe there foloccetb [ out of tbp Ccmple:]it Ijangct!) to tbe famefentence. foi tbereisaboco areafon S»'jp lieljacij* tooutfaucb to arme tbat people ratber tba ot bers.toit b \)is Grcngtb : tbat is to w tt, bicaufe it was his foil to bttcr bis fl regtlj out of tbe £>anctuaricanb tbeahrhcof cos u?nant«3!n£obicb refp:ctalfo,3Dauib b?« dareb euen nowe.tbatbc Soas tbe CFob of tbe proplc of 3Ifradi. iFozafmudj tben as tt was not foznougbMbat <2>ob comaun* oeb bimfdfe to be woozfbippcb tn t\,t fan- etuarie (from fobcncsalfo bcebab pzomi- feb tljat be ioaolo bee ncerc at IjaaD to bps people) rtberefoze is be fa pa nowe to Ijaue comaunopD \)ia ftrcngtlj , out of bis terns plc,bpcaufc,tbccertcmtteofgraccwasto becfetebco out of tbe Coucnantanb p?o= tmfes. wbereas otbers tranilatc linjt* rufalem:] it is colbe anb pcruertetb tb? mccntng of tbe ?3 jop' cz l)tz pjapctb tbat fircnjtb map Use pa w;eb ouie of tbe "Ifeanctuaric bpon tbe ebofen people ubirb iSCbptbe figure ^pnecoocije) compze; benbeo onber tbe name of tbat ropall €U tie. l^utbtere it \s bemaunbeb , wbp bee tnaaetb mentto of ttjcC^mple iobicb teas not as tben buplbeb. J\t is a mo;; ipf. dps l)on tbat tbe Cemple oj, palace is take foj tbe tabernacle : tl; m to fepne an anticipa- tion^* manp fuppofe. Ulno it is ccrtcpne, tbat tbe 3irU of couenant was alrcbp (ere tbat tpme)fettleb in £> ton. .€ owe ltKe as crewbple be afcrtbeb tbe bictojiies tbat be fyab gotten,bnto ($ob:fb now be cbslcno getb tbe frute of tbem to btmfeif . $$% bee (aptb,tbat | ftings wbicb were bjougbt in fubiection,Q)Ou!bnotondp become tris butartes to tjim anb to bis fucceu"ozs:but alfoacttnoutlebged^ob tbeconquerour of tbem. wberfo?c To mucb tbe moze became it tbefaptbful ibemfciues,to offer facrifis fes of tban&fgiuing of tbdr owne acco?b. 31 [2Deftrop tbe companp,«c] &ome tranHateit [IScbuUc. ] W>ut J line well of tbe biftmction wb'd) tbe tbe rutifuiicft of tbe bebzewe tung obferuc;uamdpt tbat tbber= as btc cailctb tbem tbe companp of tl;e [Cane oj li-»ccoe,] be: bootb not bp tbps tptle betoben tbeir toeakcne(Tc,buta bpnb of armoured as if bee fl)culb tcrme tbem [ 5) pearmen.] foj, inafmudje as in fome Countrpes,l^ccbcsgroweintoo trees 0? aEleaftwpfc become as firme astimter : S) pcares anb 3D ?.r tc 5 fb ere fooont to bee tnabc of tbem. ?Jnb lace huowne tbat tbe <2afierne people n.n mofte commonlp bfe 3Dartes in battel!. 3ftcrwar oe bee cailetl) tbem a berbe oz multitube of guiles, bp reafon of tbeir cruelneffe. iFcj altoougbe ftrong^men bee callebin ^ebzcic [Abirim] pit notvoitbJlanltngc fozafmn:!)e ns tbe fame name is alfo lente buto OBnWcs (as iocc hauefcene becrevofoze , anb as iDa* utoabbctij beere tmmebtareip afier,wbeu Recalled tbem [Calues 02 25ulloUes of tbe vppon the. Lxviij. Plalme. V tl)c people: ] 3! boubtnot but Ijc ^era= PbozicaHpnotetbtbefecrccnclTc anb cm- cltte of bis entmfcs, ozatleaftapfcOn auauncing tbeir ftrcngrl),) confcQctl) tbat t!jc jGfraclitcs (houiD bee too frca&ctoo frirfjftanb tbctn, ctcept tbcp frere apbeb bp <£ £) 3D . Cbe nept member is not fritljout DoubtfumeiTc: namelp, [tram? plmg in freoges oz pceces of fpiurr.l CfcfcjOOjb [Rapltfm] figmfpctb Ut i^f- bzeto [too trample, pztreao bnberfoote.] JSJowbeir, fozafmuclj it i0 put becre n tbe coniugactoui£itbp&c!, it mufr be refolueb fr oo;o foz fr oozb tou0 : f Wbicij ma&etb bimfclf to trample: ] and Tome bnberftanb it too bee fpofecn of bussing o? boafttng. Otljerfcmc piefce out a r !;anc ecr.trari; fence, nanielp, tbat the tncmpco bumble tljciu fclucar, auo in to Sen of fabmiffton bxing pecces of fplucr. 113 ut to frba: pat- pofe (l)oulb £DauiD bci'pze to baue ijt-3 dan quntbco enempes beftr^peb anb cut Dp, Svbo frttb btfeozagco bartcs otb bum:b pap bim tribute alrebpe t Cbcp anfuocr, tijat altljon tjb tbep.frbic'i arc rib of time armour anb fr:apon, flietw not tbern feb ttcs (lout opcnlp: pit tbe? lap not tljar ttoutnciFe totterlp amap, but be cuermoze rcop to r« : jcll,fpcciallp the enempes of tbe Cburcbc,bpcaufe tljep alcoapcs foftcr be* nemous batreb , tboug'i tliep bolD tiicm feiueo in Suz a tr me. anb burii out intoo new rage affoone occafton is giuen them. 25ut fozafmucb a0 tljcrc nrcoca no fucb frzeiling of iDauibs froozbco , 3 bab Inter too bitbirftano , tbat tbcp baunt tbem fclurs fritb trebbing plates of fpU uer. %tto it map fceet!jattbc?frare'/pl* ucc bit&Uff bp?on tljcir ft)Ooes9accoj= bing as free bnowe \)Ow bnmeafurabie erccfTe retgneb alwaps among tbe people of tlje <&<&. £>urelp,tbatfrbtcb folowctb Ob*t is to fap, [fcattcr tlje people mat be- ivgbt in fr arre0,] ) aomittetb not tbc f ojti frpo interpretation of fabtnifton. jfo; be fberoetb tb:re , y tbcp feefce after francs anb infurrec^ions fritboa* caufe: anb tbat altbouib nomanpzouJlic tbctn, pit tbcp of t'actr owm accoza an c^re to aftaplc fud) 00 be in quiet. 315 ut fting that *DaniD gifts ting fo oitentpmes tbe bictojic, comment bctb bnro id tijeuupntcna:icj of tbc Suc'fai : of Inmfclf ano bis icljolt Iftealme: bcerbp ioz map lerne tbat tbcre is no quiet ftate of tbe € hard) to be bopeb foz in t!jts fDOjub : bpcaufe S>a' ban ft trrctb bp new enempes from tpmcto tpmc, anb €»'C>JD alfo hp tbismeanescrercpfetl) ano trpetb b»0 fern intei. a hd iobtrasbc comparetb ttjem too guiles anb Calttcs nnb fapcfb tbat[tbep bJ?g')t in i»arrcs:]bp ti) fpno belp rebpe fo? tbem in (S3 &) 3D. ifoz tbe moze mala= pculp tbat oarcnempcsra(bbpponb0t anb fbiococ ibeir luftpneffe tbe moze furt= ou3p : fo macb tbe fozecoarber iri!I d5ob bee too fuccour bs : eonfibtr ng tbat it is bis P?op:r charge to fuboecoiiBuUesano iuariibe (Spantes.Jf ozafmucb tb^ a0 tfyz pzapcrteacbet!) bs tbat 3D. 3D:} bp tobicb inaner of fpeafeingbcbetofecnctb, y tbofe fball becommc frilling to oojfjuppcw of (15 '■■$> 2D, tobicb bereofoze dctppfed l)im. i?Ql the onlp knowledge of 3D . %m tljerfo?: berbp is pzos ucd'tbc calling of the if :athcn, inafmucb a0 ^opfes $ the J$zop'aetcs allure them to offer tbe faerifpfe of pzapfc. $$ ozceuer, lead anp man fbcula tbtnkc it a fonbneffe foz tbe tobole toojio to be calleb to tbe fer ■ uisof 45 2D, to ho fittetb bppon tljcbeaucns, compzebendctb all tbe dwel= lcrobppon tbe earth- Cbc caufc tobpbe termetb tbe bcaueno, [ tbe beaueno of oio tpme, J is tbat toce map ano we,bow tbat alt mantvpnb toa0 tonder bis band eucn fooztbicitb from tbe beginning. 25ut tbe glozie of 45 £> 3D fbpnctb foo;trj tbe bzigj) ■■ term tbisbebalf, tbat toberas tbe com- pan": of tbe beaucus i0bnmeafurable,tbcir mouing fo ftoift, $ fo bvuerc rcuolut tons fepgbting oneageinflan otber:pitistbere amoSe ercellent agrecabUneiTe and tem- perature, and tl)t0 fo goodip and trim 0;= der bathe bin continccoeb toitb bpzpgbt f eucn pzoceeding fo manp bundled pecres. . wee fee tljen bow tbe anUquttie of tbe bea.« uens dootb tbe better commend 45 000 tooondcrfulltooozhmanfbip.^ozeouer, a0 foone be batb doone fpcabmg of t l;e ere ation , be commetb down to j thunders: tbe tobicb be betoHcnctl) bp [tbe mpgbtp, ozftrong found of toopcej J according alfo as toce baue feene in tbe pfalme .29.4* ^owbeit.tbe mancr of fpeccbemap be eics pounded ttooo toapeo : cptber tbat bp bi0 commandement bo ftirrctlj bp tbundcr, tobicb fbaHetb botb beaueand cart!) toitb btdeoufe nopfc:c2 elfe,tbatl)e bttcretb b<0 bopccftroglp utf tbunder.25ut in $ fame place, tobicb 31 cptcd eucn now,3I bane moje largelp declared ,bow it is not lutl)- our caufc, tbat d5*2> 2D 10 fet fooitb tbun* bering bnto bs, confidering bow tljerc is notbing y mojecffcctuallp pcrcctb menes mpnDes to ftriiic tbcm in feare.Sind to tbe intent be niap toaBcn tip our dzowfpneffe, oz ratber cozrect our dtitneffe, as it toere tbat not33Jttbfl;andingti)i0,be batb lateftllji; popping iiaat a tbi»3 p?e(ent,l)«bfetl)^e dominion ouct 'all partes of tbceartl), bp= dcmonflratptteparticl|f Otjebolb, 3Lo,o^ caufc [be rpdctl) bppon all tbe iirmime.] 1Bv tobicb fpecd) bee mrerirt^ ^ccozdnig1 a0 31 baue fapd in tbe beginning of tl)i0 l^falme^ tl;at lie is tije fouercin Jlojd of all creatures , andgoucmctb tbe tobole toozld bp b»0b«Tcrcttcn. jj^ow, altboug!) tbis tbing.being fpo^ch generallp, pzocu= rctb reucrence to tbe maicfttc of 0aP^D: yit muft not tlje circumftancc of Replace ^>cet] 35* ' ; t <^fU^HrretigtTh¥c.3 #?attudetb to tbeiafl fentence , tob^e be bad fapd , tbat d&j©'3D.btteretb a ftrpng bopa. f~oi C too rpcafee pzopcrlp) it Ipetb not in our power too giue bint anp tlnng . 115ut bp= caufc tosbefraub4;imof bis &«w honour, aftcttbat iDawd batb bzougbtbim in ttn't 1 enng toitb ojeaof ult cts&cBt be biddetb vppon the .Ixviij. Pfalme. \3S agesn on the otbcrfiDc to fount) out b ts p:apfc0. tfiottoitljfranDing leaft the <£en= tries mtgtjt icati5C atoap after ttjeir iron - ted tnancr in tljctr own ficuiff s:l)e calietr) tbembacfee to the Doctrine of law, sobers bp 2D bat!) mfc loft D hjmfelf : a0 if be Ujouto fap,tbcp mud necDcs proceed from ti)c creation of tfoeiroiIDanD tlje goucrn* tnent of tbe fame , tmtootljatDocmne bp tolucli d5oD barb appjocbcD familiarlp bn= to men , lead tbep fb ouio SoanDer ant t fl"e> i^cre vnto per tcr netb the tptie of [the goD of J fraei.] $cuertbelcfle be fcrill not on= lpbaucdSotis mpgbtpncu'c pjapfeD&itb menncs iungcs:but alfo tbcrcroit^allbee crbo^tctl) tbem to faptb» bpcaufe S»c tljcn pzopcrlppcctolircngtb bnto ©cd &bni ire letUe our fcuus t> cpon his Defence on= Ip, C bcrfozc after be bail) fa? D Ctrjat bp© potrcr is iu il;e clouDe8,]ljeaBDetlj imtnea Diaiip,[tbat beijBcacactult in bis Sbatics tuarics: 3 tbatis to fap, that bee tottcra ft. fuebpouer out cf be ten'pie,as is offuf= ficientablencfle to teateDorcne bis cnc= mjefi. ^ejSuhcrcas feme ejepeunottof l<7 $eaucn « eartb : tt agrcetb not fotrti tbe teict:fo> bpanbp after fo!ovcetb,[tbattl?e ^oDof^fracUfbaligiucftrcngtb to his people . wberebp S»c gather that be fpca= feetb of tbep20tectio of <£oD0 cburcb.ainD befaitb[S>attctuaric0] tn tbc plural nom bcr, fa0S»eehauefeene heretofore,) bp= caufetbeCabemacle Soas DiuiDeD tntoo tbjee partes.Co be ffcozt, be fettetb foith tbeairbofcouenant as a token ofaffu= ranee to the fattbfttll, fbat toppon tr utt of tbtspzomis. [3bwelintbemiD0ofpou, €jcoD.2f. 8. f 29 . 45 -jtbEp might reft qnietlpfcnDertbeSDinges ofcBoD, fcail feppen btm Soitbout fcare.^oi bp none o« tberrigbtttD the people of Ifraeil forar ercell others pthep might fafelp fbzorrD thcmftluesbnDer ofanim, 31 baucfpofcenbeertoo= foje. 310 in a thing toncertein 9 oar&fome, 3 frillinglp fubferpbe to the conicctun of tbofe, that tl)in& it fras the beginning of foms fong. j^awbeit, if am? man bao ieuer to take it foj fome tnftrument of $J)uufc, 3D frill not ftrtas frith him . 015 ut font ts the geflTe of them, that thinfe tins ^falms Soas mabe in the S>p?ing of the peere, at frbat tpme ILillpesbegin to bloffom.£^o: reouec , befoje iocs pjoceebe anp farther, it is too bee no:eo,tbat 3D auib folate trjtst fS>falmc,not To much in his oton beiial^as tn the p.nrfone of the frhole Churche , bp= caure he bare the iwage of the heab of it, accojtbtng asitfriil bctterappeerebptbe fcqu:lc. at ne it is a thing in especially to be noteb,to thentent free map gine the better beebe to this glaflfe, tn frhich is fet befoje our face the comonftateof atttbc Cgoblp. ifteuertbcleae tt feemeth to mee a ipfeeh>= hob, that JDautb hit!) compjebenbeb not one fepnb of perfecution onlp,butfrbatfa= euer abuerfitte he bab abiooen manp pee- red toogithcr. 2 [&aue tnce,i£> 45ob,§c.] ftlnber the fc gure of fratcrs hebefcribetb tljat though ertremerttiferie0bet»a0b?0ugbteuebn* to befpatre: anb pit free know he fras not npee, no? one that bab a fr omans hart, in nfmucb as hee ouercamz hojrtble mnpta; cion0 frirt; incrcbtblc cojagewbeebp fr c gather frith frbat anguifb Ije fras btttrefs leo at that tpme.Jn rapnc opinion it 10 but a coib coniecture, that fome take £ fr oo?b [forolc,] foj Ipfe. f flunk rather that it bes tokenetb the hart . j?o? although a man fall into abeepcponb.pit map bekeepe out the fraterfoj a frhrle , bp flopping his month * his nofetb?illes: but pit at length bpcaufe fr c ca not liue frithout breathing, the ftneolbering itfelf frill compell him to let in tl;e frater , fo as it (ball perce euen tmtorbebart. 3tabthtSt0 2Dauib0mce= ntng bp this &j?etapbo?,not onlp that hee fr as ouertohzlmcb frith frater, but alfo y hee fuc&cb it in. 3ftern?arb hee compareth bis afflictions to abeepc mub,frhere there is ittoze baunger. ■$ oj if a man map haue fure footing toppon firme grotonb, he map heauc b p himfelf : accojb ing a0 fr e fee ma= np rpfe bp aboue tb> fr atcro frith a puflj: but he that fttchctb in the mub,pertfQjetb. iffurtliermojc he abbeth other ckeumftan ces alfo, that [he fras borne boom bp fojee of the ftreame of the fracers,] bp frhich fpecche hemeeneth that he frag toffeb anb tumbleb frith greate trnbble. 4. [3IamfreerpofRrpin3.fe.]3Itfra0 an crampie of rare anb fr oonberfull pati* ence, too feeKe (0ob in fo befperate a cace. 2Lnb Damb complapnctb that he hab tp- rco himfelf uiith ttrping out to no purpofe, mm till he fr as hoarce.H^p frhich fr ootb he ment not anp eeaftng , a0 though he left his eariu ftneffc in pjapmg, fr Ijcn he fatoc it booteb him not: but rather he befcribetb anbnt&eerpabie holbing out : as it map frell be gathered bp [his boarce tbjot anb bajcling cpes.]^urelp,hee nepthcr pelleb out afo;c men too be moneb, 0? fpoHcn of, neptber fr ao this hoarcenes gotten in one bap. wee fee tberfoje, that boajfoeuer his booplp feufes fapleb him, pit fr ao not the fa?ceoffaptl)afrhitqucnc^ebinhim.Co= flooring then that SDauib hath fpoKen as it fr ere out of the mouth of Ch?tft,anb as it fr ere out of the mouth of all the d£oblp, tnafmucb as thep bee Ch?iftes members, free mnft not think it agemft reafon , if at anp tpme fr e be oucrioheimeb frith beatb, a tljere appeere no fparfc of Ipfe. i0ap ras tber let bs lerne to put ourfemes m rebp; neffe 9 to bztbinti bs of it bctpmes,frh!*le C5ob fpareth bs,F eucin f becpeft tohoo?l« pools of abucrritte0,fatth ma? ^olD bsbp, 0^ rather lift bs top ton to ti&ob : acco^btpg asbjv vppon thc.lxvii). Pfalme. asbp f reco;o of J2>aule 18o.8.z 9.tber 10 nobcpgbtb, ozocptb fought tofepcate bo fro f pttmeafurable loue of bi«t,fcbo f walo wetb up ai beptbSjPea 3 he I it fcif. : 5- CCbep tbat bate mec fc*] Bow rjc= pzcfletb be toout figure, tbat tobtcb bee bab favb 3J9etapbo;tcallp a0 toell of the mp;e,a0eftbet>iolent flowing off toss tere . 5Fo; fitb tbere p;eaccb fo great a mnlmuoc of enemies ypon bab gooacaufcto bcafrapbof innumerable beatbe0* jfteptb er ouerreacbetb be in fa p IngtbrptoeremotbantbebairesofbiS bcae>confiberingbowbetoasbatebanb bttelrcb of the tobole !Healmc:inafmucb ao all mm tocre pcrfwaaeb f be toao a tolcfeebtrattGUrfocScbf b<0 countrte. 2PgeintoeRnowbp£ bolp^iftoztes, & bo to manp £ bow ftrcng armpes *>auie purfewebbim . IsccjcpzetTrtbabeablp batrcD in faring f tbepieckebisbcftruc tion,bpraufe tbep feoia bene bin cut b p : t pitbeauoncbetbf be toas perfecutcb 2boutbtfl&cfcrt.5Fo;tbei»o?b[chinnam] (tobicb tbep tranflatcr [Gnus,] tbat is to fap[freei*0 tmplpctb 80tnucb a0, f tbep be caticb grtcbelp tco bo mifebeef, being bpnomrancetojogeb, no;p;ouoUcbbp an? mifufage.anb tberfo;e be caletb bi£ cncmit0[shakar,]tbat is to fap3 [fliers:] name lp s0 tobo tab no cawfe too mafcc toar.fSTbiniftoccatanp tpmebeperfes cutcb,toc muft bp bis c f ample cnbcacr, tbat tbe toitntfie of a gocb confcicnce map Vpbolb Vs, anb tbat toce map frees lp pzoteft bcfo;e drob, tbatonr £nemie0 are cur enemies toitb out caufe*3 nb tbe mejt barb it 10 fo; a ma to bcare bimfelf fo inbefcrentlptfo tnucb tbe mo;e bcbo= uetb itfcs to enfezee our fel&cs too bo it* Cbc petatfb npecnc0 of tbem tbat tbmfc it an intolerable matter too bee arTUcteb tozogfuiip.lscomngip tepjoueb bp tbat noble anfwet of gjocrates . JFoz toben bi0 totfe lamcntcb in pz:fon tbat be toas conccmncb Snzongf^Hp :tofcat tbcn(fatb be, gabbed thou leuer J (bulb baue fuf= firebfozfome offeree :* aiifo 3Z>auibab; bttb,not onlp tbat be toco affltcteb toitb $DZongf0,but aifo Usat bcfcffetcb rcup:; lingeo f r(pzocbe0,a0 if be bab bm cons utcrto of man? crimes : tobicb tbmge \s bitterer to an boned man Hian to ft. Her a bunDzcb ecatijes. ;ff 0; many avc too b.c S$8 founb tbat toil rebel? Sp: tobo are not as blc to enbure fljame. ^Furt'oermoze 3Das mb fa«.ib,tbd t not onlp bin goobes to ere taken awav bp catcbpollc03but a'fo tbat be bimfelf toas msnglcb libe a tbetf anb a robber* $r.o furelp toben bisenrmpes fpopleb bim3 tbep boafteb tbtmfelcesto bebirtasjubgcs of a toickeb felon? :pca anb toe Hnoro tbep fc ere bonozabtp tit ea meb as 3 ub gc0.u>b< r fisjc toe map let ne bp tbt0 example, not onlp to prepare our feiues tobeatebomages $ trubbie?, pea anb bctb it felf qupetlptbut alfo to beare (bamean&repzocb,ifat an? tpme it bap= pen \>s to be cbargeD & falfc flaurber0« yea ratbt v feeing tbat Cijjtft Ijimfelf tbe tountaine of all rtgbtuoufneUe anb bolp - ik IT*' , toa0 not pzmtlebsea from falfe ilaunbcr0:tobP (n oulb tbc like cacc bpfs: map b0,cofi'oirtng bow it is a crew trial ef goob bebauiour to abpbe Qebfalllp in cjccercpfeofrigbtuoufne0,altbotanb as it tocre loobetb botonein fbo;n frct.ia= loft bpotbetr raitings:acco;bing alfo as 3!ercmpfpeafeetb.zo,7.tboubaftbegup leb me 3© lo;b,f % am begwpuo. wb'^ place alfo isDtolentip racked bp cerccin pnlcrneb perfones, astbeugb I'eremte tnent,tt)atbetoa0bccetucb inbecbtobe as be rr.tber fpitefulip tafitetb bi0 flaun> bcrers,btraufe tbat in finbing fault tottb bim,tbeioffcrcb rep;ocb J blafpbnnp to ^obbimfclf.^oaKotn tbi0 place, leaft JDauib tbu'b ibzib bnocr f frotoatb mif« boingsofmcn,bemaUetb"B0bbisiub2f. $nb bpc?ufe bee 10 futc be ftanbs 'open a clrcrc grounb , bee tuaKctb none acs count of mcn3 tozongfu'l opinior.0 « Crulp it tocre too be toiflub, tljat men &U.u. aifo Iohn Caluins Commcntaric, alfo mig'ot UU;of oar fcpji^incife : ano t!jat,not fo tmtcb fo.i ear oume faUcs* as fjjt'jeeoefpingofour bJetbien . 25 at iubctt ^cchaacsoortcour belt to make ourfelues allowable before men,if tbep cciftrcu? rbtnges to tbe %>o?ft, ano miU repojt tobatfozucr is rigbtlp oone 01 faio bp bsttoemuftbauc tbis tjaultmcCTc of bart toit!) vsr>tljat being contented font!} tbeiuogementof C5oo alone, free muft 7 dcfppfe tbe i»ojlo anball tbe ocntlles in bell* jfoi it 10 not poutble but tbep muft sftentpnus quav»lc,tl;at be too p;ecife of tbeir goal namc,3let bs altoapes be res b? to fatis&e mm: but if foe map not bee bero, let bs go fojevoarb as feel bp tnfa - mic as bp good fame, like as ft aulc ♦ i Co;.^..5« appealctb bnfearefmlp to tbe tubgcmentoffffifoD , tobofball reuelef tbincTes tbat be bio in barUcncffo Let not them that wait on thee O Lord god of hofts be ashamed in me. Let not them that feeke thee be put to shame in mee,0 god of Ifraell S. For euen for thy fake haue 1 fuffered reproche : shame hath coacred my face. 9. I haue bin a ftrangcr to my brethren,and am become an aleant to my Mothers children, i o. For the zele of thyne houfc hath eaten mcc vp : and the railinges of them thatrayled at thec,are falnc vppon mee. 7 [ket northern tbat fc*]iDauiD cecla- reto bow bets fct foub fo? n patterns, fro fobecealtbegoalpma? fetcb matter of bope oi bifpapje.iffoj alrbougb all tbe people abbojreo bun : pit tbere remaineD a fearoc bpngbt ano frenDlp toitneffes of bis innoeencic .15 ut albeit y tbep fenew be&as&jjongfuupcbargca, $ tbat bee leaned alioass to <3ob5 grace, anD i»as net Difcojtageo ton!) anp temptacions, but ftooe ftebp in tbe folowmg of goblp= ncs:pit coulo tbep gatber notbing of bis fojorofuli ano tonluckp fucceflc, but tbat be loft bis labour in fcruinggob Ocuout; I?, fo? UUcac b inttb asmanp feales : Caen fo it coulo not banc bin cfcbcroeO) but y tbe faitbfull muft bauebin tottcrlp bif= cbargeb , ifJDaaio baa bin fojfa&en in t)t0 ^ttemecefTttte « CbisperillalleO- g«b be no&> buto CBoo : not tbat <2?oD neebetb anp abmoni(bment3but bpcaufe be giuetb bsleaue to oeale after a borne? lp fo?t fentb bim.'Cbc &)o?b[fc>ait]is p?o pcrip referred to bope? UUe as [too fecUc (2>oD]is refcrrcb topjaier.2Bnbtbtscup= pirns of tbem teacbetb pjofitablp , tbat fiptfc is not Ootbfull, bpcaufe it ttircetb tostafcefeedlJoo. 8 [ fo? euen fojtbpfaUejc+3 0oxo ejc= pjcffctb be incie cutbentlp bovo it &>aS but in left, tbat l;c fapo bis faultes feere not bio from ©od.B*P be p?occbetb pit f ur rtjc i , namelp tbac be is not onlp per s fecuteb comrarp to rigbt ano reafon,but alfo tbat bu cace is vg jD3 cace , bn i jfe bee bas atteytco notbing tmtbout goos comtnaunoement. JfojaUbousb *>auie bao otber canfes , o? atleail isiic otbtr pjetences : pitnotiMftanoms, fojsftuucb as it is mofte ccrtcia, y bis enup toivaco JDauto greui bpo gooscalmg, bicaufe be bao annointeD b t m Umg.bc ooto ngbtlp to aaoucb tbat bee in ix>;ongfullp conDc- nco hv tl)c beroites of all men, not foj a* np off ence of bis 0tone,but btcaufc be bab obepeb 45£>2D+3tao bereof tbe faitbfull tahe no final cotnfo?t,fr ben as tbep map laujfulip auon? tbat tbep bane attempt; o notbing befioes tbat S»bicb tbep are tar© fullp call eo to bp goo. jftow if tbe fr>o;ia beoffeneofoitb vsfojeoafeffton of tbe f jitb,C^cco;bing as %ozt fee tbat tbe bn- goblp neaer plap tbe miDme mo?e ferce; lp,tban i»bcn tbep affanlt (0ji)Sioojo anb bis religionjour confioence is bubs bieo*3Hn the meane ioap alfo tbis place aouertpfetb vs7bow pjootguuisf ma= liccofmeniSjfobicb turne tbe befireof bis glone,into repjocb^ 10ut toell oca= letbbet»itbbs,in tbat be notonlp iop; petb amap tbe rep^ocbes foberenutb tbe SuicUcD lone bs3but alfo cnnobletb tbe, fo as tbep furmount al $ trutmpbes or f Soo?l9 . 3!ifo be cnlargctl; ))i$ complaint ioptb. Ssitb this c.rcumfiancc, that pcfeaabn fepnDlprciecteD of bis oivnc Umfmcn ano nc>t>ours Atfbcrbp alio i»c be taug'.i , that dtjoDmuftbcfalowcD cuitljout refpcct of flcflj f bluD,iffoz goahmeffcfaUeitjecani not efcape tijcDifpleafurc of our o u?ne bze « tbzen . io [ire? tbp scale $c.]3SUbougb SDauibs enemies pzofcffeD tbartbep ment nothing Icfle tl)an to touch <£ obs bolp name:?it in rcpzouing tljeir falfe pzetences, be confirm inetbtbatbelianDetb tn cIPods behalf, f fbewctb f mancrmamelp bpcaufe be bur= nctb & a jele towarDs the church of goo. laocpbeitljenct otw> inueatctb off caufe, but alfo faitb.tbat although be be neuer fo Defpitfullp belt &al:pit as it i»erc forget- ting bimfel f,be puttetb en an I)olp affectio •f maintepnmg the church togttber &>ttb tbeglozie of goo. Chat elite map y better appeare:it is to fce notes, tLjat although, all eftbemboaGinixjozDco^tbeplcaujgoD I)te glo?ie:?>itnoiwitbftc";noing ttben it coz metb to f law l&hicb is ? rule of go Dip life, the? do but Dalp •& ges:? not fo onlp, but alfb.tbcp fur t onflp a flault him in bis it 020 as though bis ioil iocre to be wozfyippeb but in t&e aire onlp, j y Ije baD not rather fet bp himfelf a throne among men,to gos tternetbemfro thence. CbcrfozcJDauiD fettetb here the church in oDs rome:not to vedD bnto the church the thing that is pzoper bntoo little is JDauiD Difcozageb S» t tb this bnwoztbp ocaltng, that he ioillmglp fufteinctb al af= fanltes.;tf oz y Defence of the trcw church. 3ln?meane feafon he Denpetb that bete inoucb &>itb their pziuate raplinges,bp= caufe that lartng afioc the care of himfelf, he is DifqupeteD anb fozie on!p,foz the ops pzcfTio of churcli,infomuch as he fweltetlj fo,zgrcef,oz rather in eosifumcD fcutb the beats of his grecfe . Coo the fame effect pertcpnetb the fcconD member : ;ffozbee u. And I wcpt;my foule vppen tnc.Jxix.ruimc. ~^F fapeth bee bathe notbuige feiterall front .S>ome take it otlierwpfenamelp y tbcbngoDlp.of fctrpurpofetofpigljt 3j>a mo,maac their affults agziuft goD,anD fo flung the hoi? man ouertb>artlp S» tbcpz b/afphemies,bpcattfe tbzp knew bee eoulD abiDc nothing 'JDOozfc. 315 ut tl)ts interpze= tacion is to much fozceD,l;Ue as this other alfo that 3DauiD maDeno lefle fupplieatfo as oft as be herd goDs name repzocbfullp rcnt.thanif Ijec haD bin giltie himfclfe of bpgh treafon.jP thcrfoze holD me dill to y iohich 31 bauc fapD alreDpmamelp y 5Da= ntD fozgotte Inmfelf.f tl;at i»l;at greefe fo eucrbcfe!t,tbc fame pzocecDeb of the ho- !*> 5ele wherxoith he burncb Sobett he fato goDa holp name abufeo fotth fhameful re ■■ pj ocijes. ii5p iohich craple iw c be taught, that ishereas ire bee bp nature to tenDer hat a large fcope this doc= trine hathmamelp that benDing tbcfelucs Suhollp to gobs glozie, thep fhoulb in all thep? fapingsanD Doomgs enaeuer to pze fcrue f fame bnappapzcD,? aDupfeclp be- Xuarc that it be not DefaceD bp thep? fault. flow feeing that Cb?»&\ ("tinhorn Qjp= nethfozth the fubftactalmatefliecfgoD) toohe no f Hozn to fet himfelf agcinft al res pzocbes, foztbc mair.tenauncc of his fa; thers glo2tc:how foule a fbamc foaliu be foz bs to rcfufe ihc fame lot^ in faffing, and that was laid too mec as a Kk.iij. re- Tohn Caluins Commf ntatk 11 o 14 rcproche. I arayed race alfo in fackdothrand the}' made a fkoffms; at mee for it. They that fit in the gate make tales of mcc and they that drink ftrong drink,make fbnges of mee . But as for meejmy prayer is vnto the O Lord, t h ere -xeilbec a tymc of thy good pleafurc O God: In the multitude of thy mercy aunfwerc thou mee in the truth of thy fafegarde. ntcane wbple we mtifl beware that wee pat not opte into tl?e cbimneptbut rather fcjcrcniftfoloioetbeftcppcs cf Dauio $ ?Lor ,who though tbep might not rebuke tijc wtcftcb , pit DtD tber fojowc in tfjeir owns hartcs. Bap ratber eocn when the bngoblp Qjalbe conftrcpneo ro bere ss, then G)aumccloncn"c anb bumtlttic be? be Jt fauce of bo t? *eale « Che? that fom bauc IDaatb to banc fojowco f oj the fill- tj>nc(Tc of biff cnemtr s ,confirme tbetr o s pinion imtb tbtflf be put on facbdotb. 25ut3D tafeeitmojefimplp, that when befawetbtngesfo confufeb, be fell too moojtnutg of bis own acco?b, to tbtntet to afTurc folk , that notbfnge was mojc btttcr to bint, than to fe goo* bolp atttne mafic a iefttngftoctte* i ? [«bep tbat fit in tbe gate.]3f be faab binbsrebbatonipbp barlates anarafc calles , it hab bin the mojc tolerable : fo; it ig no maruell tbat fbaKeragsCwbicb bauenorcgarDeofboncftie)bibpjatef railc with oat Cbaaie.But fob? a tbe be -. rp iubges fojge tting ttjeir cwne grauttte fcio caft tbemfeincs mto tbe Tame mala- pcrtncs,£ Ibamcfuinesof f matter was greattp inrreafeb . Cberfoje JDauib cos plapnetb erp«ffeip,tbat bee wasafcofs fmgttocb to £ berp p jtnece, ■$ ox wber* as feme tafee [ tbem f fit tn tbe gate] to be met of the Scheie people: firtt tt iff cold f fetonblp far fro the wo*Dcs of JDamo* fci although men of all Degrees affems bleb in f gate:? it none fate but f iubges. 3no y confirmctb he bp tbe fecono part cfthebcrfttfoxbp [tbe that. bjinfeftrog b?f na,]boutles be betofeenetb tbe doer* that ercelieb tn wcltb anb Dlgmtte. anr= relp it was an tree cBtng fojc grecf, that not ontp the i&afcill Cost ttubb'.eo the botp man ,but that the berp pjefiocntf s cf lattice anb the cbecfeoftbeCbutcb fecrermgettreers too tbe reft . $m> fojafmucb ti [JnblJ weptfe.]i&ere,bptncfignfg qi cffcctes.bee pjonctb btmfelf coo haae faugbt <25ods glojtte wttb a pure f right framco $cle:tiamelp btcaafc bebotlcb not & bcaoins of the fleO}, but rather chose <35eb too be wtracs of bis fojero, bpfub= mtttinghmtfclfbumblp.wberbpvbnin; treatable ftubbojncnefle of bis enempes is the mo;c conainccb.Ofmr.irs tt corns nmbtopaffejtbat fucb esfettbcfelues ftoutlp tn befenee of gobs moje t>;ouobe tbe bngoDip ano matte tbem the frerrer , btcaafe tbep arpucScithtbcm quarrcliinglp anb ioptb ovot meelbnefilr. 23nt IDautb auoucbctlj becre tbat bpd ;cie teas fo tempered ,as ft ought to baue Coftcneb euena fteelpharbncu"e.^ovos bat bee Cbtroetb bp this ctrcumftance boto foze he ^»as eppjeffeb foitb f mates pertneffe of bts encmpes.infomuch as be bao not libertie to open once his lippes, no> anp other (bfft than to befenb 0ong cace tottb teares # raeojniitg.yo; as tee know j bee &a0 abjibges of Ubertte too fpia^etoj rahcr bts tame Ojulo baue bin retecteo as f teojbs of a conoemneo pers ten.TQfyrfoie tt »as a point off greater confianctc,net to ceafe fro bis $eaie> no; tooleaae tbat wilting fojowfng of his, ^btch be &ab taaen bpon bim fo; (ffifob* I?nes fa&e.l^efaftb thetfoje Kbefoept, anb tbatbts foule was tn fallings that bewasciabinf&CRCiotb, ] which were tokens cf meowing among the 3ewes« 3nb to\;ztc&8 alt tijets tbtnges were bp them tusneb into mocbage anb feofftng, itfjlowccb ^ tbep were aught fottha «jtaeltfl3 fane«9nbitbecomctbbs to be i; -itbtb with tt)ta erample 5leaft m theis bujfstheittte fpptcfnll Sdbbojneneae, (wbertb;ougb t6e tnzmits of the ote pell Qjtwc tijcmfclaec too be feeu!>s ras if^cr tgan raen;map bvfec^age bS*in tbe vppon tnc.ixix.i-vjimc. fciafmucb a* tb,s Jfawtc tying betiaetbm our espcs , not fcr.tbout caufc Ijaitjc tbe i >olp bat account matte tbe? of tbem t* cruip,tf ts one of tbeir cares, (* not j leaft of tbem) to giro attbem f bomnglp ft tbeir taunts', not onlp at tbeir tabico, but alfo in tbeir tbjoneo , too tbe intent too bifereoit tbem. Genera!!? alfo tbc? iett at ail tbe <0ooip, and make pleafant ditico of tbeir Grapltci- tbougb tbeg ioere far ouerfeene,to ire cr? $ ppnc tbem fclues To fo?e fcj goo- Ip l&eiigtons fake* 1 4-CU5 nt a0 foj mce.«.33B t feas a popnt of rare fioutneo , tbat not cucn f fatdbard; RC0 it) as able te pcrcc 5Dauibs tntmd too make bimtoo quaple. l$cra>itbaila!fobe tcac!)ctb,i» itb iobat rcincbpbe fenceb b«m fdf agemft tbat foje flumbungbiocbc. ■$ o % fit'o tbat Soben tbe Soieacb bio beate open bint & tl;cir rkofftn5cccc|»t0,£0 it bab bin & artii!crie,to batter bis faptb? be faith be poa??cd cutpjaver, Sabcvwitb too repulfe all t'Atit afauliea. j$o aoubt but be toas c onftrepneo to bee muet among men. JSes ing tberfojc fbet om of tbe Soojlb, be tur« nrtb Wsnfclf bnioo <& £> 2> . Bow alfo in ipbe topfe, altbougb tbe faptbfuli ea beare no fwa? Smtb tbe foicfeco : pit fbaUtbep a ana frith Otctoxtc, if tbe? fKrinkin, ano gatber tn tbemfdueo to pjtap bntoo C5ob. fClie fummc is.tbat feljcn 3Dauio bautag trpeo all tb,e ioapes to tbe Soood.fawe tya *5 labour fea* in bapne: ^? left men, 4flt) belt feitl) a&odonip. Cbatfrbicbfoicwetb, tiamelp C'be *P»tte of tbP S«oo pleafure ,J> 0oot] io otbcrwpre expounded b? warn 31nterp?etcr0, tbat fsto fc> it.tbeprcaEe it in oneftre?ne»tbu0:C3l p?a?co bnto <&ob in v t?me of I) 10 good pleafnre,] accoso mg to tbe place of Cfap.5 5*6. Call bpon btm fa>bplebeisneereatband. sDtberfome re= folue it tbu0: [31 SoifQjcb tbat tbe tpme of €>odsgood pleafure mpgbt command tbat bee fooolD begirt to be mcrcrmil too mce.'j 23ut 3H tbin& ratber tbf.t JDauia rcpo?^ tetb i»bat comfort be concepneo at that tpme .bpcaufe be tbougbt *b"0 *o,tl' b»n fdf : altbottgb it bee now a trtibblcfomme t?m, is> b?rtn 3D feeme to ptofit nogbt b? p;a?mg:pit (ball gobo goob pleafure baue bi0 turne alfo. ^0 alfo a bacuh. tn ins fe - cono cbapter enb firft bcrrc,fapetb,be iyiii Oanb bpon tbe featebforcer* Sifter y fan: e mancrbo tjatl? b*-Osen !ji0 race from Jlacob.iFojt tbe onlp cap fo? t)gte banqutfb.ts fallen bore fbpnctb too bs inoarkneffc, ano tbat tbeipapttng fc: (B oos goob pleafure fuftcpnf tb bs. a fter tbat SDauib batljc tijus bnocrp;cppeb bis Own perfcucra'te.bpanbp gatbering boio= neffe agetn bppon tbe nature of © 0 D , t)e aobetl): [Snfwcrc mee in t!;e tnul.itube of tb? goobneffe. ainb too tgocbncffc,] Ije iopnetb [trutb of fafegato:] as if be fboulo fap, tbat »3&ob0 mere? is certeinip p?oueb bp effect, ioben be fucco?etb btfl fcruar.tts inbefpap?e. 2Hno from bence fioweo bis P?ajing,tbat bjawing bacbe btsipittcs bntoo 3D , leaft be mpgbt fcan^c a trap bp reafon of b«0 turtnophng fextb tlje tngoblp.befeao perfuabeo tbat tbc barK' neffe fboulo one Dap bee cljaeeD awap , aub a calme ano Ipgbtfome tpme of (^£) JD &> goob pleafure fboulo fuccceoe. Pluk mcc out of the myrc,that I bec not drowned : let mce bee deli- vered from myncaduerfarics, and from the deepe waters. 16. Let not the ftreames of water ouerflowc mee,and let not the deepe fwa lov/c mce, and let not the pit shct his mouth vppon mce. 17. Anfwcr mce, o Lord, for tliy mercy is good : in the multitude of thy tompaGions lookc badce vntoo mcc. K k .'nij. And lohn Calums Commcntarie ;8. And hyde not thy face from thy fcmaunt, for I am in trubble, make haftc,anfwermee. 19. Comine ncere too my fowle, raunfbme it, deliuer mee for myne ad- uerHiries fakes. cf bt's Stccf, as tbcearneftnes off^td^rle. $?e Delpzctb © £> *D that bee ftjoutt) not rjpbe his face: not bpcaufe be is aftapeD Df fibaking of, but bpcaufe it is impcffible, y bifquietne© of mpnb fljoulDnot tofle men hither anD thither, io\}zn tlicp bee m m:fe- vie. 2nb fozefmucb as d5 0 3D calletb none to him but bis feru antes , JDnuiD a= uoucbctb btmfclf to bee one of the nombcr of them, iroj (as 31 baustolDbccr:ofo2e, anb muft Declare moze at large bcerafter ) be boaftcth not of bis feruiccs, tberbp too clapme anp thing of Defcrt: but rather lea t netb to the free election of <©£>3D : faumg that tberxcithall he peelbctb an aflurace of his that he ba& faithfully fers ueD <0 hom he ft>as calico. 19. [ Come neerc too.f c] Although he ioere pcrfuaDeD bp faptb , that C60D i»as ncere to him: pit notivitbftanDing, accojs Ding as i»cc be fojoont too mcafurc (i5oS0 picfence oj abfenccbp bis i»oozbing:S>a* uiD hecre C after the bnberOanbing of the fleQO complapnetb that bee is far. of. 5r oz bp the Sooozb (come ncere, ) he mcenctb y C5on bao norcgarb of his Welfare: that is to Smt,as far as mpgljt be-gathercD bp the matter itfelf. 2Cgcin,bp calling d5 £> 2D to come ncere bntoo his ipfe, (S»bicb he ftc= ineb to foifauc) bee giues a notable p? oof of his faptb : 0? rather, the mozertucUp y be is conftrepneb, fo much the wo?e tra- (retbbe that 45ob s»ilbccbiSDcliuerer. 3inD accozbing as it hath bin fapb bcerto= fozc,thio mud ahvapes bee btlo as a pzin« clpletCbatfozafmutb as <0oo trcftftetf) the pzouo, Qacob.4.6.) although beDifc fctnble foz a tpmc: pit can it not otberojpfc bee, but be muft at length fuppzeflc the baultpnes of them that flanD aseuui Ijim i»ttl)Otit mcafurc. 1 >. r^iuU mee. f c] ^c repeteth the fame fimtlituDc that he baD toftt> bufoze,bowbcit afrcrabpuevfemaner. ^eebaD fapb ere. Subpie,tbat he i»as bzoivncD, anb now he Defpzetb that bee map not bee Dzowneb. Ceo bee S)Ozt,looUe itbat thinges he bab complapncb too baucbinbappencD bntoo him : rioo? he pjapetb that the? map not happen . 015 ut tb'S bifagreeableneffe is caQp ioaQjt aroap , bpcaufc that in the be* ginning bee fpa&e accojbing too his owne feeling anb experience *. but now bluing an cpe too the falling out, he Uueth m the inibDes of Death, tbzougb the hope of Deli= ttcrance. 3lnD that ts erpzefTeD moze deer s ip bp the laft parcell , C that the pit P.iouiD not met bis moutl) : ] S»bich implpeth as much as tf he baa fapo, let not the ho«?ge= ncu"e of miferieo ouerwhelmcmee,* fwal- lotce mee \jp foz fozowe ♦ $nD his befees thing of <& 0 io bp his mercp * compaf= fiou, [beivctlj intth in hat Diftrcffc the rjolp |>2ophct i»as nippeD . ^Foz there is no Doubt but bee enbureD an barb encounter, Subcn he haD none other fence but this. 3mB truip it is a matter of great barDncfTe to beletue that <& £> 2D ts mercpfuU iolic he is angrp Soith bs.anb too bee ncere bs i»henhe i3i»itbDzawcnfrom bs. 'Chet- foze 2)autD gatberctb ioltat to fct ageinft this Dtfiruft ; anb bp calling bppon <5ods mercpes anb greste compatftons,be ftjeto ctt) that the caufe tobp he hopetl) foci'., is foz tbatdU j© ID is mercpfull. wheras be fapcth, [HooHebacfeetoomec,] it impoz- tetb as much as if he hab fapD : J® aKc it be fcene in bcrp b;eoe y thou 'oaftc herd mee, namelp.bptbpfuccozingofmee. 31n the nect btrfe alfo he Dopcth the fame thing. ainD bp repeting the" fame thinges often= tpmes, he bcciarc ti; as well the bitternes 20. Thow knowefc my reprochc, and my confufion, and my shame : all myne aduerfarics are before thee. 21 . Reprochc hathc broken my hart, and I am fulj of hcauynclTe : And vppon the . Ixix. Pfolme. 261 And Hooked for fame bodie tooluuc pitied mee, but there was and for comforters, but I found none. none 22 And they put gall intoo my mcate, and in my thirft they gauc mee vinesicre toodrinkc. ZO [Cbon hnoweft^cllfit »s acomfirs macten of the laft fentcnce.jfF 0? tobereups pon eomntetb it that the greater parte arc faintharttd i»be tliep fee the pngooipruflj toppon tbcm fontbout ftape , and too rage litre a waterfluo, but bpcaufe thep tbin&e tbat beaucn '0 fo oucrcaft teitb clowdes, tbatili come to our rcf^coj in feafon . ^ozneptbercanbeefbet bt0cpc0 at our mifcne0,nozfuffertbeoutrageoufeneiTeof the SmcKed bnpunifhed , onlefle be fyould ocupebimfclf. IDatrio tbcrfoze leanctb too tbis comfcztc: tbat d5oD is pztute too \)v& greefc, feare, fojowesand carc0 : berelp bpcaufe nothing 10 bpd from tbc 3! ubge § <& otterner of t Ije in 0 : id . |« eptber 10 be to zi [!8epjocbeliathb?ofcen,fre.3 &ecer= pzefietb moze euibentlp, not onlp tijat iice fiija0 adorned at tbe Fo?owfuifigbt,to be= bolD bow bee feas fozfalun :b;ut alfo t'oat be bad in maner peeld'cd Dni/GfojQwc, bps caufc be lap fo longe in repjoclje. wljcrcbp Soee gather , tbat bee ouerc-ime not tottb ■■ out SojcaUng: and tbat tbe rcafon 5»bj>b? foHtbftoode tbe i»aue0 of temptacior,-: To conftantlp , fo>ao not fo? that tbcp touched not tu'0 bart: but bpcaufe tbat beingbard= lpfmirten,be madcreftftece aitl) 20 great ftoutneu"e.i$e addetb another etrcuftance, howbeioasbifappopnted of all dewties of bttmanitie , fo as tljcre &as not anp ma tbat 'was fo?pe fo? bint , 0? too fobom bee might bif burthen bunfeJfc of bi0 grcefe. $qi fomc take tbe ftoozd [Nod to fignifie to tell 0? Declare, ] bpcaufe it is fome eafe full of Sxjoozdcs in repcting of bi0 frame- ^tonto P0 to power out our complapnte0 to fuUnufu&ge.irojit ftoobc him tn ban& to fet fure garb agcinS fo grecuous engines of temptations, S»bicljc nipgbt baueap= palled f flouted co?agc tbat i0 . Nothing is mo;c bitter to men of a noble anb ft out couragctban rcp?ocb6 : but when y fame is bubbled, pea $ tbere come manp at once cluttering tn a beape one bppon another : bow fmgular ftrengtb banc free ncebc of, tbat fee bee not bo?ne downe with tbcm t iff 0? oefpap?c breepetb eaflp in, tbozougb SoeerpneflTe of long bclap. Cberefoze lead IDauio mpgl;t baue funke bnocr the bur* tljen: bt gatberetb , tbat the roantfolbe afi fliction0 witb ioljicb bee i0 loben, are not pnhnowentodEloD. 30 fo? tbefbametffc repiocbcs, tbe? i»ill aptlp be referred a0 toell to tbc outwarb appeerancc, a0 to tbc effeetc of it. 5Fe? booth it is lucll bnowen, tbat bek>a0 cuerp fe'jere hab In berifton: « alfo it coulb not be Q>iftcb,but that fuel) f koffes muft ftrtfec into him both frame 9 fo?owc.31n Itfee refpect he aoottb, that his enempco arc knowen bnto ©od j as if bee fboulD fap, iLo?Dc, thou bnoweftbowe JB am befet rouno abo u t , as 1 1 foere but one (heepe amongc manp ttjoufanbes of xooU nes. our freubs .Jin tb«0 topfc fecfecth be mcr cp at ©OD3 banb43pcaufc be feas bcreftc of all fo)0?iblp belpes ana comf oyte0 . Hif' terwarb be mafeeth mention ageine , t'jat Ino enempes ftjew him tbe ^tterttiDft cru s' cltic that an bee: j^o w although the? bee bozoweb fpeece0 to fap, that [ tbcp mingle gal oz popfonfefth Ins mcate,anb ep?cl 0: binegere frith bus szinke, itfee a0 in 3!e= remtc put ioooB into bzeab:] pit notwithftanbing.not nntbont rcafon Doth JB ohn 1 9.2 9.fpccifpc that this Scripture ioas fulfilled , S»bcuthc *>oulDter0 gaiie Cbzift binegere to o.iinb Upon tbe crofie: bpcaufe that loofe S»hat crueltic the rep?o bates ereeute uppon the tncmbers of Cbnfte, it behooueb the fame too bee rc« pzefcntcb bp mftble token in Ch^ifte btm felfe: lifec ao alfo m the ^falme 22.19. 31 fapbt that at &>bat tpmc the £>oulbp= ers parted Cl)?iftc0 garmentes amonge thcm,it feao not out of fealon to cpte tht0 Slcrfe, [ Cljcp parted mp garmentes a= lnongethem , and bppon ux)> Core opd tbep cade iottes , howbecit that 5Dauio tneeneth $ iguratpuelp , that bee himfelfe ioao robbed , and hps good0 facKcD as it tbcp Ijad bin a pzap . iBeuett^cliiTe, the iat» to- na= ichn Calutns Commentarie narpue fcnfe mud betbezn2mmimDe,na= mere ocljcrtwpff Vnifcrablj? aiTltcteb.ujoaia mclvtbattb$bol?$3zopbeti«baD»orclcef aifo fpnoe bis meat* anb Dzinae autrca giucn bim: tar ufcc maner as if a man tyat fouij kitterneOe. 13 Let their table before them bee a (hare vnto them : and the thinges thdtfbtuldhdue bin their pcace,a net, 24 Let their eyes bee darkened that they may not fee , and make their looy ties al way cs too tremble. 2$ Powre but thy wrath vppon them, and let the rage of thy difpleafure catch hold of them. 16 Let their palace bee voyde,and let none dwell in their Tcntcs, 27 For they haue perfecuted him whome thou haftc fmittcn , and they hauc added to the forovve of them whom thou haftc wounded. 2 S And wickednefTe too their wickedncfle, and let them not enter into thy rightuoufenciTe. 20 Let them bee wyped out of the booke of the liuing>and let them not bee written among the ry ghtuoufc. 30 Asformee,W^» Iampoorcand in hcauynciTc, thy hclpe shall fct mec vp on hygh. 25 [let tbclr table, fc.] lE&erefolotee twoo curfes,mft?bicbe free tmift beare in mpno tbat fo>b»cbe 3! bane fapbe beereto= fair: tbat tstoSmtte, tbat IDanio did not letbimfelfe at ranbon toopowzeoutbps cbolcr (accozbing as tbt moGe men batie no flap of tbemraues infeeDing tbeir ot»n butnour frben tbep bee &)ZongeD):bnt bp tbcguiomgoftbe bolp <&\)0&e calico bp= pon ©oo foi tua tubgemente agsinftc tbe rcpzobat:s : ano ageme , tbat bee Dcltnot m ins oame pztuatecaee, but foias moueb fe>itb a bolp scale of (Sods glozictoo cp te tbe toicUcD to bis movement feate^ljers ' by airo tt came to pau"e, tbat bee fc>as not carpcD atcap Smtb a trubblefcme mooDc, I as tbe? be tbat are Defirous to iozeafe tbe= i f:l:!cs Cben feeing fyat tbe fptrft oftoifr ' come , fcpzpgbtncGfe , anb ftape&neflfcDpD put tb:fc curfmgcsintoQ IDsutos beaoe : tbere to no caufe frbp ins example Ujcuid be pzetenbro bp fucb as cptber fpecee oute tbeir pztfulnelfe \jppon euerp man : 02 cife are mifcarpcb bp impa ifee to reuenging, foas il/cp ncptber refpect rpgbt enoe, no; U?epe meafure. iroz tbcre nee&etb ieffe Dome to Difc etr.e tlje repzobatcs from fucb as are pit curable : &1 pipgbtncffe tbat no man bee bent too (n'mfelfe pzpttatlp : anb ftapcDncfie too f ;ttlc mennes inpnDcS too quiet fufferance. jf 01 afmucb tben as tl;efe tbzeetbingsiDcre (Doutlcffe) in JDautD : fol)ofoeuer batb a mpnD to folowe b(m a- rpgbt : ft trft be muft not raffclp leape out tn a blpna ra^c bntocurftag: muft repzeffe tbe trubblcf ams pafltons of tyg mpnoe: anb tbirolp bee muttc not bee anbfcteD tobtmfelf, but muft cmplopcbpa Defpzes ana affections too tbe fceUinge of auio.:tf irft Sse mud put bppon bs tbe perfone of Cbjift, leait bee turne H)t fame faping bppon bs at ibis aap,i»bicb b« obicctco agemft bis JDtfciplcsmo!&£pme,Cpcefenowenotof iobatlpirit peebe,lLuH.9-550 ^Fu«ber= mozefozafmucb as IDauto bao coplapned tbat bis enempes bab put galle into bis meats : jftowe be pzapctb tbat tbeir table map bee maae afnarc bnto tbcra: ono tbat tbe tljinss tbat arc fo? tbetr peace tnap b«; come a net to tb m : ioifibing mcrapb^zi ' callp bp thefe i»oojfics , tbat %>batfccucr tbingswere ozocpneD foz tfcir k^ ioci= farc.j comtnobitic,goDix.oolo tametijent to tl;eir beitructtOR. Wl;«bi« i»ec gatber, v tbat vppon the . ixix.Pfilme. 262 ' t?>at ifcc as foliplc &>ee bcc in gobs faaoz, rt)e ibmgs tbatnamrallp f ef tbcmftlucs b? j liurtfuli.are furtherances to our £»el= fare: fo S»bcn Ije t0 ongrpe Soul) bs,fcbat focuer tbinges foerc foz onr pzcfpte, tl;ep arc curfeb ana become as tnanpc catties of onr Deftroctfoit. 2mb ibis bengcaunc* of 4>cD oug'^ to 5rfke bs in mo Cmall f?are, w'oentbeb&ipdEJbotte auoucb«b tbat all tbe beipes of thps lpfe are beaD!p too £!)« reprobates, ^it.u if.foastbebeip baps fumKftbiclKarpetb ljc«!tl:falncfr«r snbps Bit.igf3,i^a!a.4.2.b?eat!)ctb oat noting fez tb cm but ti;c fauour of Dcailj. J4 [3Ut tt)drcpcs,*c] 2£>pcaufcbcno2 teri) cber;ip twoo powzes oftbeboopetn tb: 5 place, 31 imllinglp "tmbjace the opinio •f tbofe fc>btcb Snill baue tbe meenrng too bcc t!)f s : t o:o bereeuc them of r cafon ano bnaedranDingc , ano alio cnfcsble tbcire (ircngtfy.tliAt tbep map be btterip bnpi j= Stable to Boo an? (bins, if 0; S»ce bno we , tbat notbing can beeboone arpgbt, onieffe aDapftbnciT: go; befoze it, anD tljat tbere- fcrttballcomeablencffe to etccntcv fame IE 0 w.fcciag tbat tbb* curfe banget !) ouet tb 1 beiDcj of tbe enempes of tbe Cburcb, tljcr c is no caufc tohp tbe malice or raooos neflfc of p tngooip fnoulo make bs afraid: bpcaufc it is in O5oD0 band to ftrpfc them fooctnlp iDttb blpnoneOe, To as tbep (ball fee notbiti3,ono to bzeaae tbeir rib jbone, To as tbep thall Ipc confounbeo. 25 rjdowzeout.fc] 31 1 is nomantell tljat JDauio ftanoetb fomewbat longe bp= pon tbefe carGnges. ;# 02 Soee fcnowctbat the furious enemies of tlje cburcbCSubonz be ment to put in feare)are nat eau> moos uca.Cberfoze tbat tbep mpgbt ccafefrom tl)eir malapartncffe, berpfeib fcpagemitg tbem tbe moze bebcmentlp. i^ofobent, £>auio bao an epe cbceSp to tbefaptbfall. fobo being oppzeOeb fe>itbm;fcrics, baue none otfjcr ftap to leane too, but tl;at tbep beereat t To cd tbe curable too bee eozrecteo So itb cba&psementes , but bee eurretb tlje incurable to tbeir oewe beSruction, fo as tbep mpgbtnot fcape tbe punifomentt'uat was eppopntcofoj tbem an& Sobiebtbcp babbefcrucb. 3In tbencrte berfe bee pzo^ cetDcti) fut iijcr mamelp tbat ©00 Ibouloe (bebfooitbbiototatb to tl;:Jr pcfterjtic, acco;o>ngas it ts no new tbmg fs: {> isitz hconeCc of the JFat'ier to bee cad ir.ta tbe bofome of of tbe cb«!o?e. fo% USjeas S»a- ttin conccpueb tbcfc curfew bp ibe in^Iincte of tbefpint : fo aSfo tooae bee tbem out of tbe toerp £awe,ome crpouno tbis berfe in tl)ps fopfc : 3lozo,tbp plages coulo not content cljem, but tbep baue Qjeweb crueltic to tbe bitt-* ci;eb nu tbat Seas alreaop iooanDco with tb? banb. %nn furelp inafmuebe as man^ 1»0D 5»illetb tafuccour tbe affliCiCD: i»bo^ focuer trcaoetf j aowne tbe oppzeOco be= Si?japetb bimfclfc too bee of bcaftlp cruel j tuflfe. iDtberfomerepzouetljts ecpoQtion, (feb'^bcr frttb fufficient ftrong reafon oz no,JR Saote not) fapmg.t^at 50auto fc>as nor ozopcrlp ftrpfecn bp ©oos banbe, bp= caufe tbzougb tbe toljole ^falme, be com= plain:tb of tbebiolet rage of btS6nitnpes. Cbcrefo?e tbep beu?fe a futtle ftitte , as if JDanib fboulb fap , bi* tnzm^es baosc leawoip fcpneb tbemfclucs to baue iufte caufe agema \)im, fozafmucb as tbep glo.- riebtl)attbep S»cre ®QbB mimftecs, too tabepunitbement of btm as of a &icacb perfone:accozDingas tlje \jngoblpmofte common^ bnoer tbis pzrtcnce,tbinlseit lawfull foj tbem to bo fc>bat tbep litte too fucbas beemmifene, isitbont controle ment : '.me as alfo it if fapbe in anotber place, Come let bs perfecute bim:foz goo batb fozfa&enbim,f c.pfalm.7 u 11. 25ut 3B ratbertbmhebimtobeetjrmeo [fmit= ten]wbomc0ooste>illis to cbaftpje as one of bis djUDzen , fo as tberempgbt bee fome tofeen of bis fatberlp ioue tmpzintcb intbe beip cbaftpjement. zHnobenametb tbem tberivounbcbof <5oo] almoSe in tbe fame fence tbat €fap, j3D,]namelp, tebicb eucn in berp oeatb abooc onocr tbe cuQooxof(J5oD. jlPoz tbis cannot bee cjc= tenbeo to al men altbe,bat psrtcmetb oniv > t0 John Caiuim Comincntarte too tbc faptt)futl,fr!)ofc opeountneo <5oJ) trpeti) bp tbe Croft. 31f tbe bnjoolp ta&e t lie r at occafto of greasier looeenco,tt to no muruell tijougb tyc? purebacemojcgrccs uoitf; Damnaeion. jiFoj bppsn tbc beco of furl) cca tuples, it id oolo bait: become tbem to rcafon tl)uo fritb tbemfelueo: 3!f tbto beDooneintbe greenctrce.frbattbcn fbal bc&ooneintbefrttbereotreer'iluK.t^i. ^ut now fcttig tbcp barocn tnoje $ mo?e, it oppeeretl) tl-jat tbeir baultp bebauiour a.- ge tuft tlje cbtlfiien of i£ sD ID , pjocecDetl) of contempt anb liatrcfc of goolpneo. Cbe fr OOZO [ yafipherm ] frbt'Cl) IS fr OOnt to be traiiftateD,[tt)ep fljal Declare,] ]D interpret otberwpfc. ;f oj pjoperlp it (igmfpetb too nomber,ano tberfbjc it frill fitlp be refers reo to encreafing , trjat is to h? , tbat tbep beapcti bp bio fo?oivc, o; grerf, to tbe top no full ao it could l;olo ,bp ab&injj bnto ljio mtferieo. 28. [3ofrtckcbncffcto tbctr.f e.3^o?afs mucb ao tbe iu oojo[ Aucn] fignifpetb now $ t\)tn among y i^ebjeujo aofrcli [blame] as alfo [fricUebneo:] it is fo tranflatcn bp foiite in tin's place , tbat <5 £> 3D fboulb bcapc pumfbmentco upon pumfbmentco. sDtberfome Djawe it n>it fur tljcr out, tbat frtcfccb mm tboulb punifb tbem fo? tljcir fr tcKeoneo. 25 ut it appeeretb fr elpnougb bp f fecono member,tbat JDauib fr iffbetb tbe fame tying, frbicb ifi aDmittcD in ma= ner bp comon rcafon : tbat to to frit, tijat d5 £> 2D taking tys fpint qupte $ cleane from ti)e bngoclp.tboulD giue tl;cm \>p to a reprobate tnpnb,fo ao tbep fboulD neuer feebetoamciio. ;tfojfrbcraofbute inter* p?et [to come into rpgbtuoufnes,] to fig= nifp too [be acquit,] ttfeemetb fomefrbat mo;e frateriffc gccre,tban tbe tnaucr of fpecebe trnpoitetb- 'Cbtrfoje the fr oo>oco mud be ejepounoco tbuo : JLet tbeir fric= Uconcs increacc moic anD mo;tc, * let tbetn abbo? amcnbme t ,iljat it map appcerc boo? ibep beebtterlp eftraungebfrom 453D3D. ilno fojafmucsj ao tins fo;me of fpeecljc io familiar tn tlie Scripture, anb to be met : xvitljall euerp cohere , free muft not tljtnfe it rougb.noj frjeft it, foj auoptring of ab== fttroittc ao Tome d oo .frbicb is but a fonD= neffe . Cbep mafcc ecpofttion, tljat tffioD aooetb ftnneo to finneo,bp fuffering.UlnD fo; tbeir clo&c,tbcp tap, it is a pb?afe of tbe i^zbiece tung, frbicb tlnng no i^eb?u cian frill confeffe. jRcptbcmceottb tbcre anp fucb cauiltactono tooejecufc d5 uD 2?, bpcaufe it 10 pnoagb fo? os, tbat frben <& 0 3D blpnoct!) tbc repjobateo,bc batb tuft caufe fo too doo, fo ao it is to no pur= pofe foz men to murmur anD quarcll fritb Inm, ao tbottsb tbcp CboulD not fin but bp IjiO impulfton.JTo? altbougb tbc caufco of blpnbmg boo eucr now ana tbin Ipe bib m tbe fecrct purpofc of (5oo, pit Dootb cuerp m^nneooameconCcicncerepjoucbimjano it to our occotic to bonour attD conuncnb fr itli reuerence tbe mifterico of <& od tbat fitimouut our ttnoerftanDing . jfoj it to not fr itbout caufe fapo , tbat $000 iubg; menteo are calico a bottomleffe beptb, $Mm . t,6. 7. Certeffe, ao concerning tljio pzefent place , tt frerc too tnucb rro- rcarDnco too fr?,ap 45 £> 3D in part of tbc blame, frben be erxcutctb InoiuDgmcnto. Cbc effect io.tbat tbe fcngoilp bee d?oojs neo in tbe Deepc gulf flf fr icKcDncflfe bp tbe iuft uengeance of <©oo7 tbat tfcp map ne= uer returne tao a founb bnbcrft anotng, fo ao be tljat is fiitbp fbalbe mo?e filtbp dill, atpec. J2.n. iQcuertbelefle, 3 crpouno not <25oD0 [r?gl)tuoufncfle] actiuelp, too bee tbc rpgbtuoafneo frbicb be beftowctb bppon bio cl]ilb2en bp begetting tbem a new friib b'O spirit: but too bee tbe bo= ipneo of Ipfe , fr Ljtcf; bee alloa etij anb lps fcctij of. 2 9-HLtt tbem be frppeb.f c] ure it io, tbat no- tbtnj can bee djaungeb in it. 3Pgetn,fr cc fenowe, tbat tbofe, frbicb areaDoptco too tbe boye of faiuacion,frere fr;itten before tl;e creation of tbefrojls. Cpbe.1.4. J5ttt vppon the. Lxix. Pfalmc. i': 3B tit fojafaracij as ©ods cternall election 10 tncompzebenfiblc , in refpect of marines tonDcrfldiiiiiristfcp fac fapo to be So2tttcn, Suborn <& iDJD muftcret^ among l)is pco pie bp open anBreutDcnt figncsr£>D"agcm bptbefameTcaftm,tbcpare SoppcD out, Suborn 45 uD 2> openly reicctetb anD banifs fbetboutofbisCburcbc. iBpcaufe tben tba: SDau'D Dcfpzetb toobaue <2?oD0ben= geance mamtefUD , be Dootb Soell to applp tbe reprobation of bis euempes to our ton; DcrttanDing: as if l)C fboalDfap, €> (©3D, tnuftcr tbem not in tbenombct ozram«3 of tbp people,ne let tbem be gatberco icirb tbp Cburcbe:butratber,bp Beftroping tbem , fbewe that tbow baft caft tbem of : anD altbougb ti;cp bauc a place among tbp fapthfu'.l foz a rpm;, pit at Icngtb cut tbem of, t\)%t it map bee feenc bow tbep bee foj^ reiners , t'.jougb tb:p Su;rc interroeoleD Soitb tbp boaifebolD'folU. SBccozDing alfo as fapctl) be ca'.lcD [rpgbtuoufe,] bpcaufe, a0 paule fapetb, (i.Ct5efif.-f.70&>ebenot calico to bndcnnes,but to bolines,tI;at cuerp man fboulo poffeffebf* own? beflell in bonour, 1. Cbcfl". *. 4. ainD Soell Hnowcn is tbat graDacion,02 mounting bp eegices.icbicb i2>aulcbferb,iSom.8.;o.Sobombcbatb cbojcn,tbcm batb be callcD; ano Suborn be batb called, tbem oootb bemfltfp.ojmaUe rpgbtuoufe. «c. 30. [ a 0 foz mee, Sob-m 31 -5 c] 23 p this berfc tt appecrctl) better , bow far JDauiD Soa0 from tbe fuelling anD fecrce affection of tbofe tbat beaDclp fpeco out tlyzit own* rcuengeruent. ;ff oz tberc is no Doubt, but be oiferetb ^tmfclf becre bntoo <& Q £> Soitb tbe facnfpfe of a bzoken anD iowlp bart, tbat bp tl) is m;cHencffe be nup pur- cbace bitnfclf fauour. bicb others Dzewto caufeof Dcfpapje. ailfo tljefcnrecc mpgbt be crpounoco aDucrfatiuclp, t!;tto: Sltbougb 31 now mooine inbe.Htpnes.pit (ball tbp belp lift mee bp. But 3! am affu* reD,tbat IDauio alleogctb bis ownc afflict tion,to tbentent to pjocurc bimfclf mctcp . 2HnD be not onlp fapetb,tbat be fbalbe rap^ feD bp , but be purpofelp nametb, [fctting bp on bpg^lalluDingto foztreffe© fet bpon bpgb grounoc0 : foz fo Dootb tbe S0002D I shagah ] fignifpe pioperlp. I will prayfc the name of God in a fontanel I will magnify him in prayfe. And this will plea(c the Lord more than a yoong bullockc that bca- rcth homes and hoofes. The afflicted haue feenc it, and they that fecke God shalbc glad of it : and your hart shall hue. For the Lord hath herkened too the afflicted, and hath not defpy fed his prifoncrs. baungers, pit is it certein,tbat be baD ttje fame tbinges in bis mpno at fuel) tpme 00 be Soa0 in tys tbougbtfull fcarc , bpcaufe tbat bp aOTurco faptb be too&c bolD bppon firacc,tl)0u3b ^ pit it Suas IjiDDe in bopc. 3inD 3'- 52- 33- 34. j 1. [ 3J Soill p:apfe tbeef e. ] l&ecre noa> be rpfctb fcp cbccrfullp,anD fingetb tbe trp umpb of btctozp,bpon affurco bope of De- Imcrance. jfox altbougb bepenneotbts ^falme after tbat be Soas riD out of all lohn Caluins Commentarie 3tti> (5ot)i-3fapDC to W [magnifpeD toirb our pzapfeo, not tbat \)is tmmeafuwble glozic'i0 aw? t lunge mereafcb, but bpcaufe I) is name is ejcalteb gmong men. ifrurtfjcc' mozeto tbe intentetbat 3Damb m3p tbe b^ter confirme Ijimfeif, be auoucb^b tl;at t'oe tban»efgiutng Sobicb bee 10 about too vzanct bnto (BjD ID, Ojalbce afacrtfpfe of gooo anb fiocetc fmcll . ;f oz tljcrc can no foarpcr fpur be put to tbanUfulncffe, tban wl)cn it is certetn,tbat thi0 betotie of oe= uottonoootbfobpgbippleafe(lciOD:accoz= Ding a0 be rcqnpzetb none ottycrrccopence of ail tbe benefpte0 tbat be beftotoctb top j ponos, but that wzt Q)Ouloc pzapfe bp0 name. &o mucb tbe IfflTo eitcufable tbere- foze id tbe CburltfrmetTe of tbem, iohicbe fuppzsffe W pzapfc0 Saitb filencc ojfoz; getfulncfle ♦ $joo> altbougbc that ZDaut'O ncptber oacrmppeb noj nealecccb tbe outs usarb facrtfpfc0febicl)tbe flawe comaun* Sco : pit did bcc Suojtbclp prefer tbe fpirt ■- tuaii fcrutfe.Subicb k>a0 tbe enbe of al tbe ccrcmonied . £>fi»bu:h matter 3] baue tntreateb moje at large m tbe pfalme 50. 8. anb i+. 113 p tbe leap fojesmulJemarke 2Dautoa mcelDencfle , tbat altbougbe bee toeremouwebtop to bee a patterns of bea* uenlp tUings,pttbeDtfoepnebnot to bums biehimfelfefoz tbe common profit of tbe Cburcl), a0 ibougb bcc b?D bm but one of tljecomon tbe intent, be mpgbte lenie tbat tbmg bp tbe figure** of tbe law?, toijtcb af .ec^aro was Wtereb mozeplain* Ip ib!cbe cat? letb agcin tnto pfe t'je oufiuaro folemnitie of tto ceremonies that areabolifhcD bp f facrifpfc of Eb?tSc0 bcatbtanbtbinU tbat (©ob t0 ngl;tlp pacifpeb w\)tn tbcp baue Soccrpco tbemfelue© about rigbt nought: iutyebsis notbmge elfc tban S»itb ibtcKe laepl?3 too ccuer tht'0 lafefull feruifc of tban'ar.jiiUngCjtDbicIi 3D auto flhcfcetb not to pzefer a greattoapbefozV tbe Ccrcmo= n;e0 appopnteb bp <0od . 26 p tbe [ ponge 2B£»lj£8e] \s wenteacbcpceonc, 00 if bee ftioula fapr, there 13 no g>acrtfpfe fo fat 02 coftip, thai plcafetb © £D 2D fo S»cU«0 tljanfeejsjjutpage; 3 j C Cbe afflicted bauc,*c] fyt teacbetb thattbefrme of \)\3 Deliuerance fbati cjc= teno to ortjer0 aa iccli ac too bimfelfe,lihe aau)c;l)i'.icfecnem tbe pfalme 22.2;. f 2 <5. ano in manpotber places . 2tnD tbpjs Dootl; bic, partly too commenbe (ffifobbefi grace among tbe faithfull, anb partlp tbat <£f.iD btmfelfe fboulb bee tljc rebper too belpebun. ^ozeouer , bee mcenctb that tbe fattijfu.l ftal! reiopec at tl)i» fpgbtmot oneip foj bzotberlp frenofijippco fabe, bat bpcaufe tbat in tbe perfone of one man, there fbalbce gpuen an bniuerfall plebge ofhelpebntoallmcn : 3Jn fcljicb refpecte alfobetermetb them [afflicteb.] wbofoc- uer (fapetbbec) fceUe<© €> S), altrjougb tbcp bee affiictcD ioit!) mifericG : pit fbailtbeprecouercozagebp mp example. ^0; tbefetvooo tbmge0 muOe fcee rebba topntlp togpt'jer, bpcaufe tbe fence &00ID notbange tbgptber, onleue it Soere thp0 S»ap , tbat © auiDO er ample fb ouioe bee a caufe of glabneffe too all tbe beuout iooj= fbipper© of <®iD JD,i»bcn tl)ep Inall feebe remebie of their aSlictions. ;iino bee botb rpgbtlp to iopnc tbe befpjeof fcetilrfg gob, 5»itb affltc. Ion-., bpcaufe all men p*ofpte not fo ftnoer <& oddcs rob, tbat tbcp feeHe belpe at bi0 banbe feiitb bnfepneb affecti- on of ^aitl). 3n the laft parte of the perfe, there i0 a cbaunging of theperfonc, tebtcrj notxoi tbdanoing barHenctb not tbe fenfe : pea ratber :bi0 lurninge of fpecebe a0 it toere in a piefcnte mattcr,etpzefietb moze cffcctuallpSi)ljat3DauiD mente.' rffoz in fpcaliingctootbofe bpname that lapea0 gocti a© foz beab, bp reafon t\)tv ioere op= pzeffeb iuib mifericG : bee fettetb a ccr= tein image of the remrrcetion befozc tr>etr cpeo : ao if bcc Cjoulb fapc, 5Unto pou £) DeabfoiKc f^all neoje rpueipneffe bee re= ftozeo. iBottbatfapth Spctbin tbe cb»l= Ozen of #3DS> tmtil theeicample of other foUieo ocliuerance quicken it toolpfc a? gcinc: but bpcaufe the tygbt tljatiuas ebobeb , 10 iu.iDl.-D agephe, fo a0 after a fo?tc it rpfefh to Ipfe agepne . 2|5panbp 3D babfbetocb alltbatbeein amterOtie^ to fi^ccour tl;cm. bp beep oeeos , tljat I)ce S»ilbee at tjanO to 35 Let the Heauens,and the earth, and the feas prayfc him, and whatfoe- uer kreepcth in thera. 36* For God shall preferue Sion, and build vp the Cities of Iuda, and they shall dwell there and hold it by inheritance. 27 And the feede of his feruauntes shall poiTefTc it for an heritage, and they that loue his name shall dwell in it. H [&etrbe$eancttaf,fc.]$eerbvttiap amancaflpgatbertbat Sx>\)ic\)Ji toucbeo eaen nowe : namelp tt^at in this pfalme JDauiD toas tl)C fpcrsriman of tbe iobole Cburcl): fo?noxx>bce cowiepetb bnto it, fcljatfocucr bec bab fpofcenpcctilparlp of bimfelfe. 3nb tobcteas be cjebojttetb tbe fcnlltCe CUmcntcs to pjapfct)oie Soozlbc ) onlcde 10 cc mount abo tic our ovon toittefl. 115 ut tbe t binge tbat cbeeflp feinblcb tbte oarneftneffe in iDauios barte S»as foj tbe picferuacion of tbe *£burcbc.3lnb no oout buttbatbptbefpiriteofpzopbeGe,becom pzcbenOco all tbat tpmt in fe>btcbe tt wzs Cfco&s toii.tbat tbe feingoome $ pzecftboo fbouio continzw among tlje auncient peo : pie. jftotxmtbfianDmg , bee begtnnetb at tbat refto: tmeti»l;ic!) (bone bp l)i$ tooozU nno banofoDcinlp after faults oeatli, at iobattpme tbe foz-owfull bauoc&e mana* ceo as iceli tbe otter dedruction of goo# Wcligion,as olfo tbe laving inaftc of tbe 'lano. 3nb firfte lis favctl) tbat suon fball bee picferueo, bpcaufe goo Smll befenb tbe place iobere bee iuooio bee calico bpon, f io Unot fuffer tbe Religion too bee put a= roap tob'tb bebintfeif bab appopnteD.Bf= tcrcoarb from tljc ^rHe of couenaunt ano tbe ^anctuarie, be cc t cnbetb (5odo bhf- finge to tbe raljole Jlanbe : bpcaufe p »cl-- fare of the ifvcaline &>a« founbeo bppon tbe Kcltgion;* $cuertbelefTe Ijcc rates net!) tbat tbifi cbatmge bntoo better (bail not beef 01 a (tart, but tbat tbe iRealmc fljallalcoapes bee in gooo eacc tljzougb tbe fteop anb (table protection of d5£>2D* ainbtbercfojiebK auoucbctb tbat bp bps auauncemente, tliat tbiuge is trewelp ra= tifpeb,S»bicbe ubftantiall perpe= tttitie of all goob tbmgcjs rcftetb bppon CbJPfte, of Sobome tlje ?&?opbcte Da= uibujasa ^Figure . /freuertbelater, bp tbe i»ap bee Dootb b0 too bnDcrllanDe, tbat none (ball inbtnte tbe jianac , but fucbeajtbee tbe laiofull CbHo?en of^l-- bjabam . ^Foj it fcjas ncebcfull, tbat all caufc of ottervoeeninge fboulD bee taUcn atoapfrom tbei^ipocrptes, S»bo p?cfu= minge tjppon tl>c onelp o?igtnaH of tbeire ftocfee,btaggeb amiflQe tbat tbe ianoc S»a0tbeire0 bprpgbteof ^n'jeritaunce, ioben as notceutbftanomge tljep ioerc re« nolteo from tbe- ^Faptb of tbeir $- 0}tfa- tbers . ii^otee , altbougbe tbat tbat Canoe tocrc gpuen too tbe cljojcn people too poffeffc till tl)e commtngc of iCt)?ifte: pit jonn ^.aiuins ^.ommentane yit let b0 bcarc in mpno ,tbat it &a0 but a tin* Dap,bpcanfe it is net to be fcarcb,tijat token of tbc beaucnlp inbetitanec,? tljera ttje buplbing of tijc £>piritaaU Ccmple fo?ctbat tbe tljingtoliicb is fet Down beere Ojali Decay, in frbicb tbc beauenly. poww concerning tbe protection of tbc Cbnrcb, of <& $> 3D t)atb. appcercft. tjs mojc truly anO fubftantiallv fulfilled at The contcints of the Lxx.Pfalme. Farafmuch as this Vfalme is nothing elfe but apecce of the . X L. Tfalme, peraducnture the tytle , Too call toe remember mice t mcchetb the fane thing, bycaufe Daniel hauing taken the is fyue verfes out of that other place, hath applycd than too fome fpeciall yfe : I will repete but only the yeoerdes, and let the inter pretacion be fet out of the place aforefayd. The Lxx.Pfalme. Too Dauids Chaunter, too call too rememberance. 2. O God , make fpeede to dcliuer mee, 6 Lord, make haftc to help mec. 3 . Let them bee ashamed and put to confufion, that feeke my lyfe : let them bee driuen backe and put to shame, that wish mee euill. 4. Let them bee deftroyed in reward of their shame, that fay too mee, aha , aha. e . Let them all bee glad and reioy ce in thee,that feeke thee: and let them that louc thy faluacion, fay, God bee prayfed eucrmore. 6. I truly am poore and needy e,6 God, make hafte too mee: thou artmy help and my deliuerer : make thou no tarycnce,6 Lord. The Contcintes ofthe.lxxj.Pfalmc. lifter that Dauid badfpokenfomewbat of his t>yvn truft in God,bc partly calletb ypon him for deliverance, and partly complayneth ofthepryde.ofhis enemyes: and partly for the ftrengthentng ofhis fay th,p)-e pare th andaddrcf- fcth hhvfdftoo tcftifyehis thank fulneffe. The.lxxi.Tfalmc. x . In thee, 6 Lord, doo I truft, let mec not bee shamed for euer. 2. Rcskew mee in thy ryghtuoufhcfle,and deliuer mec,bow down thync care vntoo mee, and fauemee. 3 . Bee thou vntoo mee a fortrefle of ftrength, for mee too enter intoo at all tymes : thou haftc giuen commaundment too faucmee,for thou art my tower and my bulwark. ., 4 My vppon the.lxxj. Ffalmc. :6> My God, deliucr mee from the hand of the vngodly, from the hand of the wicked and boyftous man. 10 tbee, ® 3LojB.«c] Cbcp ttjmb that this pfalme toastozit ten bpen 3 bfalems confpiracie: anD tl}e coniecture to likeh> , f o:= afmticb no 30aulb inafectlj mention cf bis etcn olo agc.jftoctynafmucb as fa^tlj on-- Ip opcnctl) the gate foz bo toben tocc bee cot tuning bn to i3 O 5D , too then tent tbat JDaiub map obtepne bis pctttton,be auou cbf tl) after bis oziinarse matter, y be ma= bctbnotfepneb papers? but ficctb bntoo tf?£D3D m goob earned: bpcaufc be is af= ftircD foz a certetntie, that bis toelfare is beftoroea to bis banb . ifoz be that s$ ca= rpcb about bitty r ana thither, $ beutbetl) I) to hope bluer flp , oj bifputctb fcarfullp &itb htm feif,ojt refufct!) #oas help &ub= boinlp, oz frettetb anb cbafetb impatitnt* l?, to unto ooz dip of <£obs belp.Cty pars ttclc [l cgnoiam] in tty cnB of tbe bcr fe ab > mittetb a buble fcncc.accozbtng as J bauc taugbt m tlje jDfalme. 31.2. if 0? cptljer it ie a count matching of contraries, be- troeenc tlje pzefent mtfertes, anb tbeiop.5 full enb,tobicl) 3Daatb bopeb foj : as if be bab fapb , Hojb , noiv % ipe as confoun= beb, buttl;ou fbalt caufemec toobeeoclt= uereb one t p mc ei other : c% e! fe, [ not too bee Qjnmcb foz cuer , ] impoztctl) as mud) as to bee neuer fbamca . 3tnD f ozafiflucl) as tt;e reftbetr agreed) to cinccre l&id) tbe be= s timing of tbe.rr£i.^fdme,looHctobat 3 ouerpaffe tyere , let tbe Kcabcrs fetd) tt there, tobom 38 eouctto eafe of tebioufc nefTe. jfin tins par cell, [fojt mee too enter into, oz come bnto at alttpmes] (tobtcb i* not put there) 3Danib rcqucttetb bzee U lp to baue <£»obs J>rip in fuel) a rebpnes f n bun, as be map baue fafe recourfe tbitber as often as anp baungcr (ball bee at (jano. Chat to to fap,3t o:b be thou alrcape 0 res bve to befenb mee,anb as oft as 3D flee too tbecrcarb.meete mcefauozablp bp £ toap. wberas there foloteeti) [<3Tbou bafts Sine comwaunbmfttofcuemce,]ioim3]nter= pzercrsbnfoJbitmtbemaneroftotfljrng: as if 3Dauib Cboulb requcfl to be commit- tea to tbe ctiftobie of Sugelles. 15 tit it is better to fccepcttitltbepzetertcnceofthc *Kerb , fo as be Hioulb bar ten bun felf too hope toeil bp reafon of bis foznur expert 3 cues. % Ifo there is no ncece tco rear cm tbe fe)00?b [commaunbment] bntoo Sns gclles. i'ejaitbougb <& O 30 bfc tljctc feruiotoobefenb b'» peoplc^unotroitbs ftanbtng f ojafmucb as be had) in bts bano innumerable S»apcs of fauing , 3! take it inbcfinitelp, tbat <& Q 3D concerning tl>e Welfare of bis (cruantcs,commaunbcd) y iobtcb be bad) bccrccb, as oft as be bttc- reth bis fauour openlp bp anp figne.f ere cutett)tbatfe>l)icbbeba:b bctcnr.tncD £0 l)tm felf, foir. etpme bp bis onlp becUe,foup tpme bp men, oj clfe bp other creatures. 3 n tbe meane fcblfle % boubt not but ±Da uibs meening is, that <£> £D 5D is puiffant pnougb of htm felf, although be call fo? no bclpcs from cifetcbere: as if be 3)0ulb fap, 3D- f c] lltboug!) the fin^ gular nomber be fet beere , pit betokened) be not one man alone: fo; it is a itfce'v boo that be compzebenbetb the inbole boftc of bis enempes, bp5»ben» be £oas aflaultcb. 3nb 35 baue tolb pou beertoofo?c, bow greatlp it auapletb too the truft of obtep= ning.that toe bcaffuveo of our ocrn clecrs nciTe, fo as wee map freelp complaync be« fozc <& iD 3D , tljat to ee bee to^ongfullp f feicHcblp attaulteb bp our enempes. if 0 j it is not in anp topfe too bee boubt cd, but tbat <5 0 3D toill taUe our cace tn banb, tobobatb pjtomifeo to becommetbe 4 duo cate of fuel) as be oppzcOeb bniuftlp. 5 . For thou art my longing,6 Lord God,thou art my truft cucn from my chyldhod. 6. Vppon thee haue I bin frayed from my moothers womb , thou art the drawer of mce out of my moothers bowelles, my prayfe fball bet alwayes in thee. L 1 .j. 7.I haue lohn Camms Commentane 1 hnuc bin as a monfter too the grcatc men : but thou art my fure truft. 8. My mouth shall bee filled with thy prayfc,and with thy glorie \>it onleffe d&ob after a fojt putting bnber Ins banD fl>oulD rccepue \>a mtoo bi0 lap, ioijat (boulo become of bs , o? tobat bope boztc tljerc of f continuance of Ipfe^ jfrap ratber, tlje comming out of our mooters S»omb, fboulD be an entcrance into a tbott fano Deatbcs.Hlnb ti)crfozenoi£bouf caufe i0b 2D : bur be iopnetj) ejeperiene^ alfo tljertmto, <* confcflctl? tbat men Suben be &>a0 but pit a cbplo,be ba& fbctocD bnto bim pzoofes of <2?ods grace, Srberbp be mpgbt lerne ljon> tberc 10 no trufhng but onipbnto <2>oD.3lnD altljougb \)t beto&cn tl>c reall caufc of fap:b, bp tbe affection itfe'f: pit nottcitbftanDing a man map gatber tbcrbp,boto effcctuall tlje re- memberance of <£ods benefptcs ft>a0,too nonriinbfe tyope. witb tins toerfe nut- cljnb alfo tbenert,faain§tl)at £>autD pzos ccebetb furtber. foi be commenbetb not onlp tbe benefits &>btd) b,c bao bab rrpall of fmce be £»as a cbplo.but alfo febicl) tjab retb tlje clofmg bp cf tbe berfc,[mp pzapfe (ball atoapes be in tbce.]5Foj Ije mecnetb tbat be l;ab caufe to piapfc a3oppzc£rcD.3inb altljiougty (to feemmg) tb. ?t*c be fome cons trartfic tn ttycis fooozbes, tbat be bab al= ix>apcs bin abozncD Sottlj^oBs benefits,? alfo countsb a© a feonberingft ocfce bp rea^ (on of b '8 inifcrabis af a tetiemp :t picfec fee out a mofte profitable Doctrine.namdp, y menbeb 4&0DS toonDerfull fecozUing and hiefitmablc gcobnes in the ingenbering of men : tbe reafon feberof Sscre bttcrlp m= creoible.but tbat fezc be acquapntco icitb tt. f c; if fece SuoonDcr at tbe fluD, fe>ben i^opfs0beclaretbC(I52n.8.nOtbatj^oe ar.o bisljowfcbolo hueb tenne moonctbes tnaftiiihuigmaUbill ,&!)CRl)cecoulD not taarcc in t\): b?ctb to line bp : 5»bP fl50uiO 5»c not ma» ueli as mucb tbat tl>e cbplo It- uctb cloce (bet bp Soitljin tbe mootbers toomb,uiMcbbnclcmiC0S0ft>oGlDcr;oUe tbe ftronscfi: man that is 5»ttl;in tbe fcace of Ijalf an bowje:' But trulpfo boo ^000 miracles grovoe out of eflimacion tcitb b0 bp cuaemc . 0 ot feitbout canfc tljerf oje oootb tl;c Spirit cbafrpfe tblsbmb?.nkful uc0,co»HtnenDing goss fo notable grace in car birtlj % b?ecomg.^o?eoucr,felientt)2 cgim to be bojnc into ibeft)C?i&,aItl)Ougb tl;«? mootber boo !;.ir oeiotp,* tbe miDivfle bcebp fjic, 1 manp otlycx put to tl;eir Ijclp: tbe taft of Cods goobmlTe , ^icl) be i;ab bm bedocprb bpo bim befozeljcfeas bojn concepucb, i»as not oueroiljelmcD i» anp in YwojlD.Cbslifeecofcffionalfoinamas i)ot»gene0ofabu!rfitic0.aHtljougbtbenf tier is in tbe $&f«lm. 12.1 o.bp mlncl; ts co< Ije faae bimfclf abbo?rcb:ptt coulb not tlje remeb^nce of <0obsbencfit0,fel)icb icas as a lamp in bis bart to Direct l;is faith, be quencbeb bp anp DarKncs.3inD bp f termc £monftcr,] tbete is crpieffeD no ojbinnrie aDuerfitie.^o;onlcu*ebebaDbincppjeH"cD after fomme bnaccuftomeb mancr/ucr) as fecrc not igno.mnt of tbe miferablc date of inanKinb,i»oolo notljaucabbojreDlnin fo far cut faffbton.Cbcrfo^e it Ssas fo mud; tbe mo;e comcnbablc to^en of condancte, tbat bee S»asnotbifco?ageDuojcffeebleD h)',t\) (batne:but t^at tbe moze be i»as rc= icctebef tljeioojlo, y mo?el)2 leaned bnto (Sod . 5Foj f fentence muC be lapco foo?tb nbuerfatutclp: y altljougb mmftar&leD at b m as at a monfter : pit Hee (rood fiitfclp bp leaning bntoo

. Jf anp man Ipke too tranflatetbeSuoo?b [Rabim, mas np, ] tlje fence feill bee , tbat SDauiDS mi- feries Sucre comonlp bnowen anobruteD abjoDe: as if be bab bin b?ougbt fooity bi pon a H;age, auo fct fo? all tbe people too m* vppon thc.lxxj. Pfalme. 266 gajebpon* l^owbcc.Mnmpiubgcment it toti agre better to bnberftab tt.of great nun 01 noble men.] 35ns it is agree; that perr cth eucn t:.;e Croatia barter, pea and that not flpgbtlp • fefrn the? tljat fctme to etccll in fepfclomc anb fub£cmcnt5f fucb a0 arc of authentic , abbcz a fe2et= cIjeD crcature.UltJon after, as though he 9 ba'c obremeo bis bartcs Dcfire,be abbctb arrcojocftbe tban&fulnetfe febtcb rjt'c purpofctb to fbcroe.31nb to tbentent be map a rife the cbccrlper to goob hope : be pjomifc tb that be toil fwg <0obs pjasfes fettb a loteb bopce : anb that not at one tpme on\p,btit fettb tnwcanable perfe -» u trance Call mcc not of in myne old age,forfake mee not when my ftrcngth faylcth mcc. For my ne enemies haue {aid of me:and they that lay wai t for my life, hauc confulted togither. Saying:God hath fbrfaken him,folow vppon him,aiid yec shall ouer- take him,for there is none to delyuerhim. O GOD bee not far from mee, my G O D make haft too helpmee. 13 Let the be put to shame and fayl of their purpofe,that are ageinft my life:let the \>c couered with reproch and shamc,that feeke my harm. 9 [Cad me not of fcc] Bpcaufebebab cfgoD:fo:u;efcn$icf enerp naugbtpaclt 10 12 eucn note rtpojtcb tbat goo bab bin the Vicfevuct of bis life at bis btrtb, f afters toarb biafefk* fatber in his cbUbbeb, peaftbemamtepner of bis felfarebus ntgtbefebole race ofbis life: now bees tng fpent feu h age be caftctb btmfelf as gcin into gobs fatberip lap: fo? the me;e that our ftrcngth fapletb bs3 Itfec as be^ rp neebe bjtluetb bs to fccHe JU?be febicb baftefuftepneb mre tn the flour e ofmp pootb feben 39 feas frefb ar?o lufhe-.foj fafce mcc not now fehcn'J am Shopping anb aimoft feptberebtbut tbe moze tbat 3 bauc net c of tbp btlp 3tbe mo;c let mp neebe moue tljcc too pttie mcc* 2l3p this \jetfe tbe Interpreters (not feourgooo ltbelpbobjComecture,tbat in tb is $5fal* he entrearctl) off eonfpiracp of aibfoio* 3Cnb truip y boznble ana tragical fight? might bung to paffe, tbat not onlp £ co 3 men people, but alfo eucn tbep tbat e jc= cellcbin gra-jtttie,turneb atoattrjetr rpes fro btm as fro abctcftablc mofter confix bcring y \ fan bating bepofeb bis father fro j tunsoomcbib alfo feke bim,(euen tb?»ugl) f befertc to banc put hi to bctb. 1 o [ jroi tr.pncenempes ?c] l^epzocits rctb 30&S merer bp an other circiiflacc: namtlp that tbe Sbtctwli na rage agemft him fettb the greater boibcneffc.btcaufe tycp t'ci tnti him to be rtucttb ■? gtue ouer gro toes ftoutf bolb.febe in trubling y gtirk 3 , tbep tmagin that tbep bealc not at all feitb gob.JFoj not onlp tbe b°pe of reaping bnpummebbartenetb the : but alfo the glo?p of their fucccfTcfehe there apperctb no let to r eft rem their luftmes. iJ-Jou? loobefehatbappcncbtooSDauiD at y time,tbe fame is in mancr o;btnarp to ai gobs ch tibicn :namelp that the br. = thjiftcs bare bo anp thing agcinft them, feben tbep imagin y <25cb WH "ft the tntcs ih?«t hanbs as a p:ap« foi inafs much as tbep meafurc dSous grace,ontv bp the pjcfctrt eftate:fehomfoeucr be fuf« ferct!) to be afltcteb.thep tbmS he befprs teth them ,fojfafeeth them , anbeaftctb them of. ^nb hecre open thepetecoiage anDft)3rpen one another topjacttjeanp thing ageinft the affactcb, bpcaute thep thmb that no boop fetll rcnenge it.ldut this malapert baunting of theirs mult a gein on the otherftse lift bp our bartes: btcaafe it concerned d^ocs g'c?u- y tbe j thing tobtct) he hath fo of:en WQm'tco,(^ is to fett,£ he lotl fuccour the pr>?c f a^ mcteb,)fbnlbbcpetfo;imoinbe£b,i!nb although the bngeblp be bight tbeiclucs parbon at gebs rjanczytt bopth not ibps" t'oetr fooiiQ) tmaginatto '.cJI^n their fault but rather thep feoojfee £>ob bubble be - fptght,m beerecuing htm of that tbmgt fehicb it? mod pjopcr to him* 12 [i£>©obbefc«] l^cwharo^Oiarp JL.U* arr;;:r;5 Iobn Caluins Commentarie atetnptationtttoas tobentbe Vigaolp matte an accoant tljat 2D aaio to 13 retc a tcb of 4&0D , it ia fcarce poflTble to be tt- WzR&.tfo} tbep fpjeoeD not tbis cepojt tmaoaifeolptbut tobefto tbstr feemtng ) tbep bao tocpeb all tbinges topHp.tbep g^aeinogement as tt baa bin ofatbtng ujcl bnoi»en«Ino tbcrfo jc tt id.i 7 a paint of ropall manlpneffj foj 2DaaiD ta oacrs come tbetrfrotoaro fojDoon£0, fo as be neacrrbslcfife afTureo bintfelf£ <2>0Dfas uoj?obtm,anO refojteo familtarlp bnto bim. jfreptber it is to be bouteo,btit tbat in calitng bim[bts <&&,] be made it big backer to pat bachc tbatfojc and barb 14 i5 aflanlt toitbali.ailfo in calling bpon goo fo?belp>betb«a>?tbailpiiietb,tb3tbi* aoaerfaries ma? be pat too fb vne, ema titl tbcp be confttntco. ^ owbectt it toils not bee amiflcto reaoe tbctstootocsta tbe f atare tence>bicaafe tbat toben 2E> a = ti'D ')ci tb bone piping, be is tooont ofc- tpaus to ftep bp ageinft bis enemies, f as it toere to triampb oner tbe. /&eaer= tbeleffe H baae foloroeb tbattobtcb totll bjft fit £ ter^Slao fojafmacb as 3 baae alreaop beeretofoje Declarco»afcer tobat fozttbisntifwiajpngougbttabetinoers ftoob:}meoenonowtoo ma&canpres berfallagcin. And I will alwayes hopc,and will ad oucr and bcfides all thy prayfe. My mouth shall declare thy rightuoufiielleand thy failing help daily for I knowe no nombcr of them. 1 will go on in the ftrengthes of the Lord God, I will make mention of thy rightuoufenefTe only. neff* anb fantog fjelpJ bane tolo pon oU ten becetof o^cbow *2 <© J&s rigbtaoa f s neiTe,tsnatmenttbatbtrteu> toberebp l;e pcelbet!) to eaer^snaa bis ownc, bat tbe faltbfalnes tobicb be perfojmetb to a waroesbiSferaantesin cbertfotng Oes fenoinganobeliaenngtbera+^abberes t+ [3lnb3itoiUalttjais$c.]Dncea3ein ftcpping'bpasaconqneroar,beminoetb giamgoftbanHes* 3lnopit tbere is no boat bat tljat at facb tpme as tbe bngob Ip f kotneo bis li toieftlcD in fojcfaio topfe among tbofe ttrcigbtes: tobtcb tbiag toe gatber bp f toejbCbope.j I antboagb tben tbat tber neptber appee* bpon fp;ingetb an inettmnbte comfort, toben toebere f oat toelfareis fo groa- DeO bpon ©ens rigbtaoafenefTe^ it can not faplc,ercept tbatfaple^U t is to ell p= noagb fenotoen tbat[<£>oosfantng belp] is taken in tbis place actinelp.CbiS topi netb be to bis rigbtaoafenes as y effect of tbe cwk.foi be toas perfanoco tbat be coalo not otberwife befaaeo,tban bis canfe (£>oo toas rigbtaoasanb coalo not renoance bimfelfe ♦ jFnrtbermogc fo>af< macb as be bao bin piefcrnco fo ofcen,fo fnnojp toapeSjf fo to oonoerfailp: tbere : f oze be faptb,be totll altoapes be ear neS tncoatmenotng <0abs grace. ^>onte cjc= potto f particle[chi]aOu;rQtiaelp,tbas: altbougb 31 bee not able to comp?ebeno 45oos fining belp* 0; altboagb it pade mp capacitie:pit toill 3B be taming of it. 16 at tbe pnoper fpgniScation agreetb moje fitlp, bpcanfe tber is nothing tbat oagbtta feinoic oar minaesmo^e to tbe fetttngefoojtb of & p japfcS, tt^antoben bee ^atb b;cSoto;o innate « table i rebanpenb of bis mifcries? noitbcoas ! goolp ceafcD to laagb f tiojnfulip atbps tra3famefTe:pitoeteratpneo be to abibe fare in bis Ij 0 p z : acco joing as tt is a t relo triall of faitb to gtae iit^Dz to vKods onlp p;oatts,to bee gtopbeb bp tbe onlp ligbt tbereof t';)2oagb tlje tbic&cft oarUenes of afflictio3.'Cbts[boping]tberfojetoberof 2Daaio maHetb mention, mafl; be taogeO bp tbe encoanters tobi-b befaltepneo at tbat ttnte*9nb in aaoacbing tbat[b 1 toil so oaer am beQastbe reft of <^oos p;at; fes,]b« (be ojctb bow fare be tnaHes b of a fmall nombcr : pit if tbc innumerable multttubc ameno not botb our nommenes anb our coloncs , our bntbanfcfulnc0 10 in no fr pic crcufablc . 3Lct bo icrne tben not to tafte <© 00.0 soobne0 Ipgbtlp, ano as it fr ere fqucpmiQ)lp; but too dretel) out ali our fri .ttc0 to tbe largene© tberof , tbat it map rauiQ) tes bntoo fr oonbering at it. IB ut 3 maruell bow it came in f (ffifzeefec 3]ntcrpzetcr0mpnb too tranflats it , [ 3i fcnovee no icrning.] Cbc crrour is not frcoztli tljc notinge, but that fome bzapn- fiii pcrfenc0 in o!D tpmc (too tljcntcnt too Slo?;e in tbeir oo-n ignorance) bablcb tbat (bp tbc erample of 3DauiD)alilerning anb Itbcrall fciencc0 fr ere too be befppfeb : ac--- cozbing a0 at t\)is Dap t\)Z 3Bnabapttdc0 Ijaue none otber pzc fence too baunt tbcra felucfl fox fpirituall folk, but bpcaufe tljcp bee bttcrlp bopb of ail f lull. 1 6, [31 frill go on in tbe.fc] % man map alfo £tlp tranflatcit, [3 %£>til go intoo tbe firengtb0:] anb tl)t0 translation is no IciTc allowable tljan tbe otber . f o; ipse as in tpme of icoparbie our mpnbc0 be poflcficb fr itb ftarfulnc0 anb fozowe, bpcaufc free are not earned pneugb to conlioer <2>ob0 putu'ancc : fo tbe onlp remcbie to cafe cur fozowe in abucrfit is, is to dtp into d5oD0 ftrcngiljcs, y tbep map bebgc b0 in rounb about . /frotfritbdanotng, fozafmucb a0 tic otber tranQatton , fri;tcb i0 moze t& cetuco, agrectb toerp freli, 3 froolo not btswiTc from it: bowbett tbc jnterpzetcra bifogrcc in ibe fence of it. §>omc ejepounb ir , [ jj toil come foozt I) to battel bpon truft of ©000 drengtb:] frbicb in mpn opinion is to mucb rcdrepneb. f oz to [go on, oz omvarb,] unpoztctb 30 mucb ao toabpbc in a deap at continuall ftatc.^r oz although the faitljfull cnbeuer not fritljcut trubblc, ne flpe cheerfullp , but ratljer grone foz frccrpnsfic: p;t notwitftanDtng bpraufe ti,cp oucrcomc all lettco anb tufcafte iuitlj imunc:blccozageofmpnb,anbr,cptl>crgo bactvC,noz ftcpafyce from tbcrpgbt frap, oz at Icaftwpfc fazmfc not tlizcugb bef- papzc: tberfoze tljep arc fapb to go on,\jn« till ti;cp come to tlicir icurncrco cnb-Co be (b&zt, SDauiD boadctt) tljat be djoll ne- tier bee oifappopnteD of dSooo help, till be comme to ti>c mark . 2Unb bpcaufc tbat in tt)t0 freakencfic nothing t0 moze bare oz rare, tljan to perfcuer oz IjolD out , be gatberetl) in all \)i$ frtttcs too tbc onlp rpgbtuoufne0 of 3D. if oz ioberas be fapct!) ,be teill be mpnofull of tbat onlp: it tenoetb to tln0 purpofc, tbat laping a= fpoc all ioicUeb bopes , iobcrwitb tbc 5t>!)0lc wozlo almoft is IeD about , be frill grouno bim fcif aitogitber bppon d5ot ■% pzotcction, lead \)Z fl^oulb gab afier fys owne imaginacion0,oz bee bzawen l;tti;cr anb tbitbcr,3liigftin bfetb tbio text a bun^ bzcb tpmeoanb moze, too oucrtbzo'fc tl>e merited of $ooozUc0, anb pleafantip mats cbetlj tbe rpgbtuoafncs tbat is giucn f ice? lp bp (©£> 5E> ,agcinfttberpgl)tuoufne0 of men bp purcbace.^JcucrtbclcOe it tm& neebe0 beeconfcffeD, y 5DauiD0SuoozSe0 are fc>xedrt> to a ftraungc meening . j? o? JDautb mcenctb Gmplp.tbat be mud leane ncptber to bi0 orcne ioit, noz to lit© oame conning, no? to bi0 owne ftrengtb, noz to anpottjerapb0,to allure bimfelftljzougl}= Ip of S»elfar&:but tbat Jji0 onlp fboorc^ anberi0,tbatbpcaufe ppcnb0 , notl)ingi0 mo?e rebp tlian to fran?e awap . Stub frljofoe- uer betng not content fritb rtjc onlp grace of 2) * 'Cberfoje it can not bee wnpeD , bur tbat tbe parting of ftaUe0 ,fo>mcb tbe $3apifte0 fejge bc= tvoeene manne0 free fc> ill ana d?OD0frcc grace, typuetb «je &>;ctcbco fowl$0 IjeaD • tongintoefceftruction. »7- r8. if?. O God, thou hafte taught mcc from my chyldhod,and cuen hitherto will I shewe foorth thy woonderous woorkes. Yea cucn vntoomync old age, and that my head wcx horc , forfake mee not, 6 God, vntil I may shewe thy flxength too this genera- cion,andthy power too all that comme after. .A nd thy ryghtuoufhes, 6 God, is eucn on hy s;h: for thou hafte doone greate thinges : 6 God, who is like vntoo thee i 17. [£> $ob,tbOttbaac.$c.]a!gefobebe« claretb bow mud) be is bounbtoo ©OD0 goobncffe,not onlp to ttje intent too cnco= rage bim felf too tbanbfulnf 0,but alfo too tbc intent to eonttnew I)t0 bopefoj p" tpme coming, a0 it S»iU appeere bp f nejet betfe. 4frew tben,fceingetbat0 a0i»ellbpceing tbou bade alwape0 fbeweo tbpfelf ft) bounttfutl from tlfe beginning, £) <©oo,S»ilt tbou not reacb out tbp.bano to belp meccuen now alfo x»be* tbou feeft meebecap:' Jnoccbe 5»:e muflt cercemip belrcuettiu0,tbatf:tb (££>2> batbbouta fatus to louc b0 befozci»ce coulD fpcafcc, anoto tmbzace b0 Soitbtbcfamcfauour ialjcn wee Soerc cbtlozen : f batb not cca= fcoto boo b0 gccDSuringall tbe race of out ipfe: ft is not poflifelc,t>uttjc muS bee aUonecucntotiielallcaa. Cl)crfo;e tlje partule [N«.-n] ig taken infetrfnglp ; a0 if 5>aui& Q)0ul9 'gatber , tbat feeing <5ob0 goooncs can neucr be fpent. ano tbat be 10 not ehaungeablc ao men be: ije toil! be tbe fame towarocs men wbe tbepbe olb,tbat be toa0 towarDes tbem M)tn tbepivere cbtlo;en. 3fterroaro be confirmed bt0 pjapcr i»ttl) an otber reafon , bpcaufe tbat if be (boulb quaplein b<0 olo agc,tber£&all alfo fyoulo bani^b awap tbe grace of gob, ft>l)eri» be bat) bin fuftcineD all tbeiobple before, f o; if ([5oD (boulD bpanbp iuitl; = bzatoe bt0 grace,ipbe men baue talleb but a little fmatcb of it :b<0 memozi'all $00019 floojifl)butai»bple. Sgcin.ifbe (boulb fo;fake tljem tit tbe bttermofte popnt of tbeir lpfc, ia'oom be bao aoo?ncD & many of I?i0 benefpta before: bp tt)i3 mcan;0 ab fo bio bounteoufneo (boulb bee bifgraccb. JDautD tberfo;e ocfp^cti) too be belpcD too tbe lad enb, fo as be map comment) tbe e> quail courfe of ^obs grace too tbofe tbat commc after,an0 teftifpcCeucn at l»0berp beatlO tbat <© ^> ID neucr Dtfappopntet!) tbe faptbfull tbat flee bnto bim. JFoj bp tbe [gencracion/j* bp tl)em[£ commc after,] bemeenetbbificbilb?en 9 graunocbtlbzc, \?nto iobom tbc memo^tall of got>0 grace can not otbertoife be conuepcD ouer,bntill it be perfectcb in all popnt0,f baue accom t pltfiheri) l;io full courfe. $?e reckenctb bp [frrcngtlj 9 power ,]a0 tbe cffect0 of goO0 rpgl)tuou(nc0. /BottoitbftanDing, bp tbe 5»ap,in tl]ei0 tptle0 be garntujetb tbe ma neroftbebcr;uerance,U.bcrolbereiopcctb on l)i0 own beljnlf: 00 if be bab fapr>,tbcrc Soasbitcreo in it a rare eramplc of ljis iirciigt'9 anb puilTance. i-y. 3n^ vppon the . Ixkj. Pfilme. 26$ 19 [3 til tbcrigbtuoufencc ft*"} gtome hint tl)«0 ncric toogttbcr tout) Ujc laff $ trEKflatctttl;uc:3ibtlQ)Cwtt)pftrcgtb to tbt0 generation anotbp power to ail tbatcomme after, ar.b 31 toil! fbcroctbp r igbtuoufene© on rjtejl) £0 c5cb JBut fez atmucb as tt ma&c0but fmalt matter: J toilnot Ganb upon it. JDauto purfttectb toub mo iconics the tbinge t bat be bab fpefeen bcfoje.B'nb firftof albe faith tbat (Sots ttgbtuoufnce 10 cralteb aloft :anb fcconblp tbat it batb tojougb* tntgbtelp : j finally fo; uerp toonber be crpetb oat, [tobotoitfee tmtotbccr] 2BnDtbi0i0 8 tbing u>c?tbp to be noteb,f dpoierigbt- taoufne(Tc,Ctbe effect© toberefarenere be anb emcee tinro to 0 is nencif bclto placcb on Ijigb.bica uf: it 10 not to be co= pjebcnbcb bp our even to 1 1. #0; 00 leng a0 toe meafurc it bp our oume capaetrir, e iter p itttle temptarfo fwalowcrb V0 tip, Cbcrefojteto tbe intent it map bauc free paffagc to pjefcrue \?03otir mtntes mutt be (p2cddcd out bi?b anb lou?e,anb far $ toiBc,to conceiuc y largcnco of tt.Cbcr= tonto atfo i0 rcfcirrit ttje feconb member concerning dfobnfr.fgbrp foo?bc04^o? if toee pcclb rigbtfall anD lew pjajfr to bffi Bnorocn rcti* er:fee (ball neuer toaut occafton of beptng toell. jrinalip tt b:bo= uetb our feeling of (Bon's goobneffttoo pjcccebc fo far,a0 it map rauifb b0 into toconbcrtng*3bo totll it come to paiie,£ our mpnbeo tobicb are oft tftmet cortcD bitberanl tbitber& caoftieflctonqutrts iuffc,fbaU fettle tbemfelue0onlp nppon fjOD. jpo? if anp tempt otton be fojeco tops pon t>0)bpanbp toee malic an liDivpbant of a flp:o; ratberjue mafce \>b btgb mou= tatneo to Recpe of <@ob& banb from ts'* 3F til fo in tbe mcane tobple toe nfrrcme C5ci0porocr to a faantne0.1Dautij0 ejc= clamation tbcrfojc tenlctb to e!;ts pur? pofe,£ toe fboul& If me to burfr tbjougb bp faptb,anb to prefer C5ol0 po«?er(ac= coding a0ttbcfcructb)bcfo;c tilltturc- bimcnte0*ifo2.altboogb tbat al men ac« fenowelcbge mfoojb, tbat none istyUe tonto gob:pit 10 rbcrf banc one amog an bunbjcb tbat t0 tb?ougblp $ catncfllp perfwalbcbj, tbat be alone 10 abicpnougb to four bint. 20 21 22 For thou haft made mec to fee many and euyll tribulations but thou shalt turne and quicken mec,and thou shalt turnc and lift me out of the botomlefle pittes of the earth. Thou shalt multiply my greatne[Te,and thou shalt turnc and comfort mee. And I shall fing thy truth vnto thecvpon an inftrument of mufike O my God,l shall ling vnto thee vppou the harpc thou holy one of lfraell My lippes shall reioy cc when I fing vntoo thee,and my fbulc which thou haft redeemed. Yea and my tung shall dayly talk of thy rightuoufnelTerfor they bee brought too shame that fought my harme. confibcr 2D autb0 intent. ft% to tbe enb be map bp comparison cnltgbten 2D. ;fFc> toee muK bee bjougbttcvctie cucn tontoo bcatb , ere € dp 2D can bee fernc to be cur be nucre r. ILUtfti. iFojins H 20 [JFojtboubaftfc] 3It tg ancwm y tbe toojbC&ee] among tbe i&ebjctocs 10 tranffcrreb tonto tbe otber fcnfe0:anb tbcrfojc JDautD complamctb tbat be bab feene tbe t nrmc© tobtcb be bab fclt.^nb line a© be tbanKctb <5ob fa; l>i0 belpue? ranccc:foagetnbc acUnowlcbgctb tbat tebatfocuer abuerfute be bab criturcb,U toao not la;b byon btm,but bp goti0 be- termination anb totl,H5ut firft toe mud lohn Caluins Commentarie fs oi in afmucb as \»e be bozns: toitbont fontano bnocrftanbtng, tbe firft bcgm- ningof cur Ipfe (befoetb notbntoobs f ruucntlp pnougb tbe bcrp autboz of it* i^utiij'ocgoDfuccozecbbtfinQcfpapz?, £ bet? rap5ingof bstis bnto bsa bzigbt glaffe of ijis grace . % ftf r tins maner Dootb IDauiD a-nplifpe ©obS bcmfpte, tbat being bz ovonco in tJjs bcepe gulf, be fcas notiatthftanbing pluin out br> bis banbanb bzougbt ageintoatbe Ip'ght. 3tHb&s fapetb not onlp tbatbecioaa bp goes benefpte prefer ut D fafe aub foanb : bat alfo that be Seas increafeb in bono;. voljicl) cr change feas as it rocv an aug= mentacion of bis cace as if be baa bin lifteb out of be!, cuen intoo f^cauen ♦ wbereas bee rcpetetb tbe ttjfrb tpme , [ tbat 45 S> 2D turncb , ] it mabctb too tbe commenbacion of bis pjoutbence : as if be fljoulo fap, none of bis abuerfirie bab bappeneb too btmbp cbaunce, bpcaufe tbat aflfoncas (Sobs fauour (bone bppon bt m, t be iooz lo was qupte altered totbecontrarie. 2 2 t3lnb 3 fball ang sc] ytt bee bur* ftetb out (till into tban&fgmmg bpcaufe be pcreepuetb tbat 45 £> £> fo freelp and franfclp belpetb bis feruants»to tbe eno, tofetfoo;tbbisgoobne(Te. 31ntbcna= mes of [ ii toi anb l$arp] be asiubetb too tbe gtopfe tbat 5»as bfeo in tbefe bates* ;(Foztbereisnobout»but tbat too Gng goes pzapjes too tbe barp anb tbe bpall ioas a part of tbe trapnement anb of tbe fbaoowifb ferutsbnber tbeoib laeoe} 31 mecne of publtfee tbanfefgtuing.JFoz al= tbougbfre be notfozbtbbentointermeD ble muGcal tnftrumets pziuatelp: p it are thep bannifibcb out of Cburcbesbp raa trtfeft Decree of (be boip 0boaale.i. Coz.1+43. pcrmttterb bs not to pza?fc Cob 01 to pzap,but in a fenoro= en tung. H5p tbe touzb [ trutlj ] be mee* netl) tbat tnafmucb as be wao prefer ueo bp tbe pofrer of <5ob,tbe retoarb of Ms bops foas renbereb bnto bim. f 01 goos pzomtfes anb bis footbfeftnes in pcrfoz* tnfng tbem,are tbings lin&eb togitber in bnfcparabk ¬,H5ut onelede isce be= pent) bpon gobs &>oozb, all tbebenefits tliat be beftocectb bppon \>s totlbce but, bnfauerp geere* 3Ufb fe? fbaUneuer bee fttrrebj eptber to pzaper oz to tbanbfgi; mng.ejccepttbefatmtoozb fijpne before tos. ® ■ 0 mucb tbe moze beteftable tben is tbefurie of tbat biueliO) Soigbt &eruet, iubo teacbetb tbat tbe rule of praping is perttertcb, if faptbfnlnes be tpeb too tbe pzomtfes : as w\)o feoo'.D f -ip. \»zc coulb of our felues pzeace into tbe psc fence of (SoD,befoie fucb tpme as be alluretb bS b? bis own bopce.3In tbe nert bcrfe JDa- bid cjepzefTetb better,tbat be &>tl not giue tbannsbnto d5ob fepneolp, no: fuperft^ cialip : but frill ftcp fo?t!) to tbis be w tie of beuotion Soitb an earnefr $elonfnes« Hoy bp tbe figures frbicb bee bfctb, be botb bs b^eeflp to bnberftano, tbat tber can be no greater pleafure bnto bint, rba to p;apfe (0ob : 9 fo bee tnDirectlp taun= teb tbe beatbenifb mirth of tbofe, iobicb fetttng d3ob afpbe reiopce to tbcmfelacs in tbeir pzofpenticCo tbe fame purpofe tenoctb alio tbe lafte bcrfe : tbat is to £mf, tbat no fop fbalbe fcoeeteanbbefps rabie bntoobtm, but fucb as is iopneb ioitb tbe pzapfe of (Sob, anb tbat it uhals bee tbe plcafanteft fruitetbatcanbeeto bim,to frt fooztb bis i&eDecmcr oz ^ac Hiour fritb pzapfes« The contcints of the.lxxij.Pfalme. Dtttiid mahjn^ prayer in tbe name of tbe robole Churchy for the continn-

ambs p;tapecs,it is a moje lp'ac= Ipljofi tbat tbc pfalmc ioas maoe bp bun. £)nlefrcpcrabuenturetbat Salomon fuc= ceeDing teitfy ins p;ap crs r.c -te after Ijvjbs 5r atber,compplctj it into berfc , to ibe m« tent it 1 npgbte bee tbc better Hnetoen ano tbcmojcbfcb among tbe people, Sulnc!)*. tlmz is not tnuche bnlifee to bee a tr utljc . ^owbecit fojafmucij as [ Lamed ] among tbe &eb?ewesfignifpetb manp things : a man map e.rpounb it, tbat tljis fonge \aas maoe in tbe bebalfe of Salomon : iobtcbe thing if 'bote abmtt , pit is it to bee notes, ti)at bsiticr tljc perfonc of one man ttyere is compjebenoeD tl)e perpetualt (rate of tbo fcingDome. fetter tl;cleffc, alltbinges be» tng ccell iueped, 31 tnclpnc to tbis contec- ture,tbat tljc rtnnge toljicbc JDauib bab&e p?apeD fo; topo bis Deaebbeo^toas bjougbt into ojBer of mecter bp bis fonne , too tr>c intent it tm'gbt bee rcgiftreD in euerla&ing remembcrance. H 0? it fecmetb to bee abs Deb of fct purpofe as in a matter of nerpe great cameft,tbat tbis is tbc iaS p?apcr of 3DauiDS,to trje intent trje faptbfull OjoulD Soitb greater beebe anb carncftneffc iopne tbeir papers fc>itb tr>e notable p?aper of t!je b,olp fetng . 3! nafmucb tben as ibalo -. mon bib but garnifb S»itl)beautic of poc^ trie, the matter &>blcbc be babrecepucD of Ins father: iLettbs abmite SDauib fo*tbe cbeefautboarofit.Cbeptbatiooolbftmi pip banc it to be bat a pzopbefic of C \)\\\xS Rtngoomcfeeme toi»;efi tbe tooojtisto biolcntlp.aigeme S»ce mufte alwapes bc= S»are,tbat £oee giuc not tb&3!eroe0 occa; Con of brabbling, as S»bou>ulDfap, Soee Snsre purpofcD to b?awe bnto Cbiu'fte bp fopbtffcrie.tijz things tbat agree no; to bin» Directlp. 25ut fub tbat iDauio beinge an* opnteb &ing bp <©obs commaunbement, Knew tbat bee ano \)Us pofteriue mice tli« hmgoome bpon cooicion.tbat at £ length tljc power anb bominion OjoulD come fen- to Cbjtft.ainD mo;eouer,tbattbe SoojlD; Ip Spclfare of the people feas fo contepneb in tbat Kingbome foj trje tpme , as out of tbat fbaboroe tbere fljoulb atlengtb rP3* fomc better anb tuojc excellent tbmg, tl;at is to frit, fpirituall anb cuerlaltinge bap= ppne0e:iDO0^tbelp leas be fo carefull fo; f centinexoance of tl)is hingbome.f ioift)CD fo earneftlp fo; it,tbatbp repeting bis be=: fire at bis laft gafppe , bee isoolb ijauc it knotveu tbat of all bis cares tl; ts teas t\)t cbeef.^ o?asfo;tbatfe)hicb is 5»?itc berc concerning enbled; Dominion, it cannot be reOrepncb to one man ojto afeawe men : no no; cuen to ttoenUe agcs:but tberbp is betokenebtbefucceffion, iobicbebab tyz enb ano full accomplishment in Cbjifle. 1 [d^iue tbp iuDgcmcnt,?c.]2Htbougl) ^ £> auto in iubofc iianQ tbc piomis %>as be - ffoweb, DiD at biSDeatl) carcfullp cotncnD bnto gob , bis fonne iuljom befboulD leaue fucceffoj ofbiskingbom: pitnctwoitbfta= Ding it is not to be DouteD, but tbat be in* Dpteb to tl)0 Cburcbc a fo:mc of common p?apcr, as todl to f intent tbc fa; tl) full t- uerp one of tbcm C perfuabing tbemfelues tljat tbep coulB not otbertopfeliueiDCllf rjappelp,rban bnber one ljcab) ,(boulb ob= ferue tljis larofull o;Der : as alio tbat bp y fbabotoifb feingDom tbep migbt be led me tentoCluta:anDtbe effect is,y gob fboulb furniJb bis cbojen ISting toitb tyz fpuit of rpgbtfulncfle ano 5»pfeDome . $ 0; bp tbe tcrmes of [rps^uoufencfTes tubgement] 3Llb. ^jtl John Caluins Commentaric be u.^crftanDcci; a fo^jjjc of gouerncment framed arpght: matching ^geuift the tp; ran:;:;aii and bnbzpdlei) ItcentiotifnefTe of feozlDip &tngs, febofetting (Eod afpdc, Iojd it at their pleafure: anofobeediftm= guifcetb the &oip fttng of 35fraell endet»= co feitb beauenlp anopntinge, from other eaiiblp&ings.^owbcitfee gather of bis feojdesbp the feap,ttjat there can no go; ucrnemcnt in tbc &ozIO be framed aright, but bp <£5odaes appopntcment and bp the gupdance oftbebolp gbo(!e. jfoz if kings baa pnougb in tbemfeliies too (Jcode tbeir turnes fettball:3Jt bpo bin afondncflTe fo* JDauid to b marurl (confiocring bow ciutl ozder is a mod cjccel'enttlnng) tbat gob fe ilbe ac- knowledges to bec the autbour tbercof, $ cbalcngj the febolc pzapje of it to bimfclf. jSeuertbeiciTc it 10 expedient too defcende from the gencraU kpnd to tijc dnderkpnd. jr ez feeing it is the Angular feoojk of gob to fct bp ngljtfuu goucrnmntt in £ feozld ana to mapntcpn it : mucbemozenceofull i»as tt tbatl?c ajculd bttcr a peculiar gra- Rotifencfle of bis fpirit,m cberifbmgc and pjefcrumg that facred kingdom feqicb be f;:dc!)ojcn befeje all other. Cberc is no dotit,but bpfthc&ings fonnc] he mcenetfj bisfucccflbtirja. l^oajbcittbcrcvettballbe batb alfo an cpe to this pzomifr, [ j£)f the frutc of tljp feomb feill 3. fct bp*o tbp feat, pf 2!. ij2.n .]l'5ut tljcr 10 no fuel; fo fidnes to tec found in ihc offyzing of £>auid, till pe; come bnto&hzift. JFo? fee knofe tbat 30 foonc as Salomon feas dcad,tbc dtga niric of the kmgdome decaped, and from tbenccfooztbtbe^eltb of tt abated $ ap= pap?cd,bnttil the people feas carped into capttmtie,t'ie ftmgc fbamefullp putte too deatb.aud t:.?e rea'.mc fozowfulip; feaftcd, ^eytberfeas their frttmge bp agepn af= tcr tbeir returns, webe as could put tbem in sng great ijop? bnttil at length. Cteific tiTcxuco out of tlje ttitbered ftocUc of ITai. 31 nd ti;eifo^e among tiie clnlD?en of sba= uid, be boldsa; tbc ct)ccf place of Degree. 2. [^enjaHuidgtbppeople.frc.] giome rcadettfetfbmglp.iDtberromerctemctbc future tence, To ad it fbould bee a yjepbe- fie. 115 ut t; 10 mo^c according to rpgbt, to bnderftandfomemcanctbing.^Fojfebatt: focuer tbinges (ball bc;fpouen bcrcafrcr, tbep flowc out of Una bltfuug of ^5 £> jj>, namelp, if tbc liiing bee garmftbcd fettli rpgbtuoufne0 and Judgment. Cb«s tb;er= fo?e tnuft tbc fcntence bee conftrccced: <23 0 ucrne our laing, £> <££) 5d, tS;at !;c map tudge. €)? elfctlme-.febcntbou fbaltbaue cndea?eobtm feitb tbp rpgbtuouf»c0,t?)e fballbeiudgearpgbt, i:o? too noiimic a lRealtnefeell,(0 a far ejecelicntcf gift ,tban map growc out of tbc cartlj. l!5uta mucb mo.2eb2aa:nlp gift is Cb?iac0 fptrituall goucrnement, febcrbp all tbinges are rc= Gojed to tljcir perfect o?ticr.3lnd altboug!) tbat m the firft member be fpcake of all tbc people in general!: pit addctb be [f poo;e] bp name, feb^ bp rcafon of tbeir penune and fecakcneffe,baueneedc of otber folS0 beip , * for fehofc fa^cs fetnge are armed feitb tbc fwoo?d,to tcajcOc tbeir fe?ongs full opp?eu*ton0. ^erbppon alfo fp?tngetb tbe peace, feberof mention is made in tbe third birfe. JFoi inafmucb as tbisname of [peace] bctoKcncib among tl;e ^cbzecpes not onlp reft * quietne0, but alfo a!l p?of= pcrou0 fucccfles: 5Dauid tcachctb b0 tbat tbe people (ball dwcil at cafe, if t!;e ftate of tbc comon fecale bee framed bp the rule of vigbtuoufne0.3ino in tbe [bjingmo foo;tb of peace, 3 there io a sJifktapbo? taken of tbc fopfen of tbc earth; as if he f!;ou!a Hip there aould no corner bee bopd of happp^ ne0. foil £^ounraines] arccommonlp barrein,o?atleaftfepfc pceld notfo grcate abundance of frutes as v lovre groimoes. ^owbeeit, asfeclltbcfeoo?d [peace,] as the feooja [rpghtuoufneO*?,] bang bntoo either member, 9 muff be repcted t&vce as if be bad fapd , that bp rpgbtnoulhetfc peace Q)Ould bec fpzco ouer all partes cf the earth . SDtbcrfbme read ilrghteonfi ncfl: fimplp: bnttbc letter [ Beth ]fecmcth not too bee fupcrfluous. 4 [l?cfbai!iudgctbcpoozr,Tr.]i£epzo? ccjdetij vppon the. Ixxij.L-'uIme. 270 ceJbctb too thz cniCciuD frute of rpg'otfuil gouernement, anb opcnetb inozc at large tljat twinge iyl)tcl)c tjee Ijab fpofcen of ttjc mtfcrablefozteof tbs people . 26ut tbps principle mufte b€c boznc in mpnbe, that tt commes not otbcrcopfe too pau"e, t'.hit fctnges boloetbcmfclues in rpghtfulneffe anb equitie , than bp the grace of (Bob ; foztobcntbe Spirit of rpgbtfulncffe go.- uernet b them not out of beau-en, ali tbeire goner nement tumetb too Cpzannpe anb ertozcion. jBo*oe,bpcaufc 45 *D *D bao pz omifcb that hec tooolD banc a care of tUe pooje anb mifcrable foztc of bis people : to ttjc intente that SDauib mape obte pne the fewte fcobiehe bee maketb foztbc iunge : l$ee (bctrctbtbat the fame fljall tenbe too tbccomfojtte of thepooze. jlnBeco there is no acceptinge of pcrfonc0 roitb d5oo: but pit, not Without caufe booth U5 iSD 2E> take tnojc charge ef the flenocrcr foztc, iobtebcarc mode fubieete too imongano Violence, than bee tafeeth of others : fo$ take avoape Ulacecs anb jlubgctucntes, anb the mightper tbat anp man much fballhcebcctbcmoze able too oppzefTe e- aen Ins ownetzotbers . JDauib tberefo2c makcthfpeciallp mention that the Ikinge (balbce a ftape too Cache as are in no faftp but bp tbe Defence of tbc fll^agtftrate, anb auoucbetb tbat bee ffaal bee tbeir 18eucn* ger i»ljcn thep be £u zongcb bnwooztbclp. SJ£ozcoucr,tt is a common IMjzajc of fpceche among the ^ebzcwics.tofape, the Cbtlbzcn of the aff licteb , fojtbe afflicteb tb. emfclucs : accozDtngc as the <5rccRcs fpcafee fometpmesras taben tbcp fap,[yoi« iatron] ttjc fonnes of; rtje ^biGcians tbemfeiucs . 25 ut foz bpeaufc tbeiimg cannot erccute the charge that iDauib affigneth bntobim in fuccouringe anb befenbing tbe pooze , onlefTe bee beate bourn tfje naughtp pacfees bp autbozitie f fozecofbanbmor without goobreafon is tberc abbeb in tbe enb of tbe bcrfe,tbat the [oppzeffer 0? ejetozcioncr;ibalbe bzoken in pccccs]ft>bcr rpgbtfulncs reign6ti).5r o; it isno Ssapting foz them till tbcp fmllgtue place of tbemfclacs,buttbep mufte bee re-, pzeffeb bp the froozb,leaft tijep ron at ran* Don in tlieir naugbtpnes 5 bolbnes.Cere* to?e it bebouetb a ^zince to bc« a man of fenfoomc,* to be ftou'.lp bent too rcpzefle bntbzifts,tbnt£mcc&e$mcei& fozt map obteine their right. 3!nb fo, none fbalbe mGete too goucrne , but bee tbat batlj Icr= neb to be rougl) i»bcn tbe cace requpzetb. ^oz it cannot otberrapfc be,but iicenctour* neffe tnuft necbes retgnc.febere y fiiincz is cptber npee anb cou?arDip,oz feba c bee 10 to gentle anb too muclj fozbeanng.21nb it &as trulp faib in oiu tvme,y u is lastfe liuing bnber a pzincc tlnong^ajljefc fuffe - ranee all tbmgs arc lawfull,tban tmcer a tpzant iDljerc tb.erci'0 no Itbcrttc atai!. 5 [CbcpajanfcareUjee^cO^fpereabe tl)t0 bp conucrfion of fpecclje, tt map apt= Ip beerefsrrcb to tbe &ing : natuclp, tbat tl;cc^eef oznamentcs of ropalttc tbat map pnrcfjacc tym loue anb awe of tys tubicctg are, ifi;cc gpuccuerp man tys rpgbt inr Differentlp, tf l;ec be ccurtcoufe too l;c!pc ttjc affltctcb,anD fcuere in fubbevoinge tbe bolbncfle of nausbtp p?.cbe0. 0i5ut it fojtll agree better too bee meme of (5 & 3D bimfclfc Soitboat cljaungingc of tlje pers fone. jfozaltbough it ocean ineHitnable benefpt, to Ijaue hept bpzpgbtnc0 among men : pit booth <2?oddc0 Religion Defer ut too bee babbe in greater elibnation . 31nb tberefoze not toiibout caufe bootb 5Danib commenbeitasafruteofbolp anb gcbip goaernemente , tbat ft tyingetb, toitb it trcvoelgcligionanbtbefeare ofd5£)3D. H!nDtberefoze#au!c,i.CiiHotb.2.z.i»:l; ling \js to pzap fojt lunges, erpzcffetb tins enbpzccpfelp,that5oecmapliue a qupctc Ipfe bnber tbem in all boneftte anb goolps neffe. ifozafmuebetbenas it is a b^arbc tbat if ciutll gonetnemente SoerebecapeD, Religion fboulb beebaftjeb, anb c5obbes fcruice goetoo iozecfec: IDauib Defpzetl) (5ob to bane refpect of \}ia otvn name anb glozie.mpzcfcruing tbe Uiinge « 25ptbps felfefame argument Ijcbotl) putfetb King0 in mpnb of tbeir bca>rie , anb alfo p?icfcetb tbc people fozewarD too pjapingc bpcaufe nothing is better tban foztnen toobenbe tbemfeluc05»itb barteanb mpnbetoothe maintenance of <5ods rcligicn-i^ow tebc it comcth to Chzifr,tlnsagreetb far moze truelp tnto him, bpcaufe treco religion is founbeb noroh^r elfe.butin bis kingbom. 3inb furelp in ertenbing tl]e feruice of gob tonto the enb of the frozlb , Oamb giueth bs to tonscrftanb bp a glauncc, that hec mountctbtjp in mpnb,to"thateuerlaftinge bingocune S»h'Ci) <^oo bab pzomifebi lohn Caluins Commentarie 6 [fyzz (ball come bo«mc,f c] 3lW)0ugl) i\)t fimilitubj (ccme fomeix>bat fcjitb t\)t barfbelt : pitbootb ittrisnlpfconninglp f rp2:fl"e,t)Qtf>e!ttucl) pjo&t tcoounbctl} in comon,bp tbe good andiawfuU date of a fcUngbomc, ;ff o? S»ee tm©\»e , tbat me= dowes are fc>om to bee moucfc in f begins ntngofi§>o:nmcr,atfacbrpmeas$1a>ea= tl;sr 5»wctl)i»I)ot: fo as if tbc cartb pccld not neiccmopfturc, cucn tl;e berp rootcs iooolo Sailer bp rcafon of tbc barenes of tbe ground. SDautd tl;crfojc tcacberb tr>at tfPod laperbnokflefoitbc Soelfarc ofljps Clmrcb,bp defending it oncer tfc band of f &ing,tban bedefzusetbtbe cartlj from fco:dnnge,bp &>atcringe it. 25utioecfce this tljmg to be fulfilled cbeeflp in Cb?ift, fc>bo bp Dropping oototte bis fecrct grace, mafecty Ins Cinucbe to bloffome and So? nlbc. In his dayes shall the ryghtuoufe florishe, and abundance of peace, vn- tili there bee no morea^ Moone. And hee shall beare dominion from fea too fsa, and from the Riucr vnto theendes of the Lande The inhabiters of the wildernefle shall fall downe before him, and hys enemyes shall licke the duft. The Kinges ofTharfis and of the Ifles shall bringe him prefentes: The Kinges of Sheba and Seba shall bringe him a gifte. 11 And all Kinges shall kneele before him, all Nations shall feme him. 10 7 C3!nl)itf bapcs,f c] 3j needenottorc* pits oftentimes tbat fobicb 3 faM fapDe once,boa> all tljcfe fentences bepend bpon foe firSe berf?. C'lcrefo^c too tbe inrente the utft men mpgbt flajid), anb tl;e people liue in p?ofperiiiG:2Dautd batbpjaicd tljat tl;c &ing mpgljtbccadojneo Soitl) ttgbtu= oufenefle anb judgement . indeed it fo>as Salomons oewtie too mapntepne § rig!)? tuoufc : bat it is Cbjiacs pjopje to mafee men rpgbtuoufc. 5Foj b,s: not ontlp gpucU) eucrp manlns oome : but alfo re; fozmetb tljcir bartc0fojitb bis fpirit. 3m& bp ttyet nicanes bjtngetb b? ri^tnouTneflTe agepn from erile,tol)ieb otberwpfe Qjoalb bee qupt* bantfbed trje SoojlD.aSppon tljis folowetb ©ebs bliflingc, feberwitball be cljecrctlj all bis cbilojc.ttibpletbep fee tbat bnoer t!;cir &mg Cltfpft.tbep toante no= tljingetbat map make tljcm tlic^ougljlpe bappp. jf anp man line to take tbz t»oja rjSeace] in b»0 Ovonc fignificGtion $ ntoje reftrcpncdlp : 31 5»tllnotrtitbftanoe it. 3toafurelp to U>e fulnefle of a blttTcb Ipfe, notbing is mm to b:e bcfire^ tban peace: confibwtng tl/atin tl;e tpmc of tbc rroub= blefome turmaplss of ro>3rre , abu'hti vaCZ of all rbtn3estidot'}.meii in a manner no Sdoa.bat 3 !ii:rr .a f bioujb^ ta Ho;i.j'it. jl^iio t:;:n itf)tcz& IDaub tb:?iingg bapesto tbc ens of tlje &o?lb : bcerbp it appecretb tbs better, tbat be not onlp compjebenbetf) l)is owne pottcritte, febicl) poHcfTcb tbe eartbl^ tbjone: bnt aU fo tbat lie mounter's bp bnto \£!jxift. voho b? rp5ing from beatb, purcbafcDfjtmfelf a ^i-auenlp ipfe anb glojie , tl;at bee mpgbte gouerne tyet Cburcb tp»«e Smtbont enbe. 8 [3Jnb b?e fijail bcarc,5c] 115pcaufs tb)5 JLojDe fcjben bee pjompfeb Ins people tl;e lanb to inl)cr'igncb trjefe fowcr &nte tcllesbnto it,€>tn.i5.i8.1Dauib m'cenctlj, tbat as long as tlje bitigebemc is fafe anb founb.tbcp fl)a!l poffeffe all f Snljole; lanb: to tbc intent tl)z faithful migbt bnbertMD tbat <15oD0 bliffmg fboulb not fullp in all painccsbce m«De goob , longer tl;an tbe bingbome flojifijeb. •Cbcrcfo^el;ee auotts cijetb tbat ije Eball beare rule from tbe rcb fea.o^ from tW. bap of tbc aiegpptian fea, bntc tbe &a of 3>pjia tobtcb tbep call tr>e f:a af ^alcftine:ano alfo from dipltfatcs bntl tbe grcateiDilDcrneOTcjiv oi»e if anp man :!MKcc,c:cjtio tbat fonarowbDunss agree net to tl)c i- ingoom of Cb^iff, toijtcb ioass to bee fpjco from t'je funncrp3tng to trje funnc gDing bo«n:f rotation i# cafie,^ '©a-iiD appiietb it to };ts own time bicaule tbe fapo large'nes t»as trot aa pit stfeoue-j reb: ti)erfo?e l)z bz^xi at tljat befcrtptton, ialjicl? vppon the. Lxxij. Pfalme. 271 fpeaHctb of 'qis banqutfbcb enempes , anb of t^exuimcITs of tlieicfitbtcction < 0ots fr itbftaubiag the fcripture feemctlj to bfe tUjfe termesof fetpurpofe,to the indent to m;tigate tl)G oatoufcnclTc of the ifljeeQjoalD tnbircctlp repzoue fubtectcs foz befraudmge |3uncc3 of t^eirc cu- ftbilieS.&O'ftC frill t\)M bp[ShcbaJ Qjouia bec betokened $rabL%ano bp [ scba ] %t- tbpop.jfr :atvt\)zlefti the coiecture of tbofe t3 aHoa>ablc,frl)teb bp £ ftrftc fr oozd ton- d^rftasa aii that frbole pa,lt of the gulf of 3HrabiefrbicbelpetbtOtt>arde0 ^ffriUe : f bp the feconb bjoozd* ( iol) tcb is fr zitten tottb [samcch] ) the Countrie of gs>abea, fr-ucb frastbe pleafanter anb frutcfuller Countrie . l^owc bnfauerlp this place ts frjefteb in tbepapiftrte, itpertepnetb no- thing to the matter to tell. if oz the? ctjaut this be;*fe,of the pbilofopbers 0; frpfemi that came to frooz^ip Chzifte* 3&s frbo fr oolb fa?, it mas at their pleafurc,bppon f fobein to ma&e ftinsja of idlnMopbcrs: anb befpbes tb at alfo 3 to cbaungc the coa-* 8es of thefrozlb,tomafe?of the Caft.tbe gjoacb ez tlje wcu\ 3B n the next ocrfe be ejepzeffetb moze clccrlp, tl>at all tbefrozlb fbalbee fubiect to tl)e feingaome of € iiztS. ifoz futelptbefcingdoine of 3Suba neucr flozifbeo moze than bnder S>alomon,and pit cucri then tl>cie voere but a few icings that papcb tjun tribute: anb that fr as but mcane.vra anb Upon tb is c5dtcion,£ the? mpgbt hue frcelp after tb. eir onme lacees. 3D auto therefore beginningeatbteoame cbiiazen and their poller ttte, mounteb bp bp fpirit of pzopljefie to the fptrituat King; borne of £bzitt. Wlnche is a tbinge rpgbt baooztbp to bee noted, too the intente free map Know, that icce bee not bj ought into tbebope of cuerlafting faluacio bp cbafice: butbpcaufc our beauenlp iratber baa ai= reap pjcoeftinatea bs in \)i& ^onne.^na beerbp fr e gather fur tber ,tbat icings alfo haue rooms in Cbziftcc ^Church $ flocfee. 31na pit 3Dauio aifarmcth the not oftrieiv fa?o:b,ncfpoplctb them of their Croamc, toabmit them into the' Churche : but bee fapetb that the? Iball come frith all their e IRopaltietoo caftc tbemfelues Downs at Cbziftcsfeete. fobicb aa3 Imogen anb fpoHen of bnder thelaioeanbtbe^zophetcpeaf CbJtiie btmfelfe bzgan Ijifit reignc tl)ere,befo;c b:c paffsa into f bttcrmoa codes of the eartb: accozbing as it is fapbin tl)C J£>falme no. z.^eilozb ftall fenbe the fcepter Ovtbp power out of ^>ton. 115 utbpanbpaftcr,be beginnetb too enlarge bis bozbers, bcc'a= rmg tljat f ponfea femgs fijalbc triburarp alfo.lpfee as bee fapetb, ^ tl)e Kings of the S»:lDcmcs fljaltafee bis t>oKe bpo tbe.313 foZ the IDOOZO [Taim ] 3D OOUt UOt but \)ZZ bctoKenctl) tberbp , fucb as iocrc far from the lanbe of Cbanaan totoarbs f ^>outbe. 25nb bpanbpin gencralltbe^zopbete abs oeth [that tbe&tngs enempes fboulb Ktffe tbeeartblintoKenofrcuercnce. ifojfeee fenocoetbat the binges of the (Safte bfeb tbi3ceremonie,iDhercunto 2U!:t.mocr the great fojoolb haue compelleb his fubiectes after bee hab conguereb the ©aft:u)'ierc= bppon greffi greate quarelles, bpcaufe the &j)occbon3 ftoutlp refufeb fo Qa'utfljc anb bciftlv obepfance. Che mccntng therefoze is, that the feing tohom d5ob (hall ch 05c in 1! conic, Q) all fubbevoe his enempes far re ana c auaucijstb tbat tbe fcingbome S»b;cbefcc comracnactb, fljallnot bee tp?annpcall 0? cruell, as tbe mofte parte of ftinges bec^ X»J)3 mglectingc tbe Welfare of tl)tivc rcalmes, are gpacn fotjollp to trjeir oronc p?o6tanb cafe : 5»l',crebp it comtnetb too pafle,tbattbctbnmcreifuUp opp?cffc tycit mifcrable fabicctes : pea ratber , tbe mo?e bzeaDfulLtbatanpoftbemts,an&fa,alOtt>: ctlj Dp all tbingcs,fo much tbe mo?e cjcceU lent is bee coutueo. 25 ut if it beca fenteci to bes berefpeb of all manfcpnbc in maner of a p?ouevbe, tbat nortnnge mafeetb men uto^e Ipfce bnro d5ob,tban goobbooing : it foeretofar agepnft rcafon, tl)at tins bers tuc fbouio not (bpns foojtrj in lunges, S»bom ©od !;atb iinljeb mo?e neerlp bnto bim./CbcrfG2C S>auifi(nottoitbout caufe) to tee tnren: bee map make the &ingo bc= lousb tbat was el}0?en bp btcb is Sooont to bee counteb but bple anb as a cljmg of nougbOflialbec in bcrp great reputacio Smtb t!:is btauenlp &ing* 3rc?in the S»oo?b [ ref feeto] is beto&ena Conaanctcanb p?mcclp ftoutnefle : fo? it tectenotpnougb fo? a fcing tomiaifcc of fcUfcbob anb cttoxc:'on,onlcflc hcefct htm= felt" ftoutip agtfina them anb pumm tl)em. Slnber,the termes of]Craft anb biolece] i;ec comp?ehen&etb al &pnb of nufocaling. jf 0? a man in booingebarme , is eprbcr a iHpon o?a irefs. jf 0? fome rage for.tb 0= pen fo?« , anb otberfotne tsreepc too mif= bealing flplp anb bp p?fupe eonuepawes. #!Jo?eouer,Si;cc Unoroctbat tbe chiefs fos uercintieis gpuen bnto £b?ifte botbein beauenanb eartb.. ^aiti)*iS. 18. too tbe enbe bee migbt Defenb \)is fcruauntes,not on]p from tcmpo?all anopances, but fyzci- allpffom allbarraeat :§>atansbanD, bns til bee banc bifebargeb tl;em of all troubs ble, anb gatb. ereb tljcnt intoo eucrlading reftc. 15 cainb bee (ball liuc,* c] wljcreas by* nerfe refer this iooo?o [liue]to tl;c pooje, it fccutetl) conftrepneb. IDauib tbcrfojc a^ noucbetb tbat tbis feing fbaJbcc rcicarbeb 5x>it\) longe ipfe, toljtcb is not tbe meaneft of dffobs eartblp benefptes. Cbeiooo^bes tbat foloroe after, mufte bcereb inbefimt= lp,as if bfebab fapb, bee (baliljauegolbe of airabpc gpuen bim, anb pjapers fbalbe mabc euerpu altbougbCbnft rcignenotto boo?D bpgolbe: pit mente !DaniD figuratinelp, tbat ttje Rations S»bic!) i»cre furt'oeft of fboalb bee at fucb cominannocmcnt, tbat tbep fboulb peclDe tbemfclucs anb all tbat tbcp bab.bnto bim* ^Fo? it is no ftraunge tbing fo? tbe glojie of tbe gboQlp binges bome,to bee pepnteo out bnber outroarbe ropaltie. JDauib tI)crfo?e batb tolD bcfo?e, tbat €\)],i&c8 feingbome fijoulb bee motte ftjeltbpe , b°u>ebeeit acco?binge too tbs fpirifuall nature rbcrccf . wberebp itap= peeretb b«toe trie hcblp anb naugfctclp t\)t g3 apiC cs b'^nc abufco tins fcrape too tljemfelues tbe tranHto?ic ricbes of tl)eiao?lbe. £ljo?eouer, bnber tbe corns mon pjapersof tbe people, i»Sjcrebr> tbe lyings Welfare is commenbeb bnto (5od, be betoKcnetl; tbat t!?ei Qjalbc !)t0 fubiects 5j)itl) a gooD Suill : fo as tljep f^asi ip^c of nothing vppon ine. jlxxij. nairne. fl;in2rl)foozti),aal> a'.fo their own Suelfare ana bappphcifc is tnclubeo. 3ma tljcrefozc intl*,c jSkfaune iig.ioc* fljall fee itt the fozme of pzapcr inapteoto $ i»hoIe churb, ii)at (Soo ajoula biifTe tin© fting:nor that ChztSe bathe nccae of our fuft ragco : but bpcaufcbee mftlp crac.cth tbiorccozdc of gooipneffc at Ins fcruauntca band:©, as Suijcrcbp aifo tfjep map enure themfelues to Dears trjc comming &f ChziUca feinges Dome. noc.img fa sacll, as to be bnd:r his gouir * nance. iFoj aUljough msnpc fbunae hps poI?.e,ana the t$!pocrptc0 grudge fecrrtlp in tljemfclucgf &oolo glaalp abolifbe the mcinoziall of CI):tae,tf tlj?p might haus rbnr owns chopce : pit a 30tb, it become all the goal? to be mpnaed oth;nvpfc:Kot en-- lp bpcaufc the fcripturc comaanacth tbpa beujtp to be performed io al carthlp Kings, but airo bpcaufc rhep ramie hauc a fpeaall befpze ana care to fp2ca abzoaa tljte bing= OomO'jcicin barb tb,e £$aicfttc of ©od 16. A handfull of corne shall bee Cowed in earth vppon the knap of the hilles, the frute therof shall bee shaken asof Libanus,and they shall pafle out of the Gtie,as it were a plant of the earth. 17. His name shall continew for euer, his name shall bee fpred abrode in the fyght of the Sonne , and all Nacions shall bhflethem fclues in him, and call him blifled. i8, BlilTed bee the Lord God , the God of Ifraell that only woorketh woonders. 19. And Rifled bee the name of his glorie for euer, and let all the earth bee replenished with his glorie, Sobceit,and fobecit. 20. Keere end the prayers of Dauid the fonne of Ifai. 1 6 1% bandfull of cozn.^c] Che opinion of the carpcth gocb likclpbod, tabid) taUc [a bandfull] to impoziao much as a fmail pozcion.3BnD bp tijefc ttroo circunifraccs, thepthm&c there is bctofccnca a rare ana bnnccuftomcb fop?on : that tahcras there is foiccn but a little curfie of tab?atc (m- roclp.but afmucb as a man can hoio m the paitne of his hand,) pea ana that epon the toppe© oimomnapnss, tahici) mod com= monlp arcnoi fo frutefull grcun&cs : ptt fljall there bee mofl plcnteoufc increase, fo a© the cares (ball ma'ac a nop$e as y irecfi m iltbantt0. j£ottauh8andmg 31 cannot tell fehitbc.r 1 bis fo futtle companion bc= ttaccne the fecoetpme ana tbe barucftpme bee anltaevabie to the taoozaes of SDaiuo. 'e tranfpofmge of the tenwe iolnche fomc make tn pntttnge the name of [Sspountaine j foz t^e trees , is iutthtlje hardeft. 17 [J^ionamc fijall, 9 c] ICgeinc bee rc= petctb that tabid) bee bad fpoiien crfi of f cuerlaHmgneiTe of tins kingaome. 2Cnd there in no doubt but bec mcr.t too atftw- guiflje it from cartljlp tvingdome0, ioljich eptljcr banifbc aroap out of Ijanae, 02 ebTc fail at lengtb of trjeir oron* Troape : and doubtlcffe thep flj tw bp thilr deftruction, that nothing is of longe continuance and fiablc in t\y.a io ozlde. vuinreao be faprtb, that [bis name Q;aU continew c foz euer: ] 3itm»ae not b*c taken in fucbe iopfe, 00 thogb bps iFamc fljouloc ftill remapns alpue , frhen ijcc l;pui kHz is deade, (accoz- lonft L,aluins ^ommentane, ( acco?btns as foozblp men alfo arcbereb S»ttb tijougljt, Icaft tb«ir name fbouib bee burpcb togirtjer S»itl) tbeir bobpO ®«t f $>zopbct,fpeafctng of l*is&ing&8me,fap* ctl),t:}at'otj3 name fball euer mojebee glos rious anb rpfein tnennea moutbcsaiober* a3fomeecpofiD[iippenifhcmoih]ast!)ongI> be pzeferrco f bonour, Sobtcb 45oo toooio giue too tbe twinges of JGuba, befo:e tgc b?pg'.)tneiTe of tbe g>onne : it fagbtctb a= gcmfttbetett.jfoMntbc(am6 fence be bao fapb afoje, [fontb tbe Sonne , anb in tlje p?cfence of tbesa^oonc.] jfrow tberfoieaf* ter be b^t!) maoe mention of bis long con- tinercance, be abbctb in foap of ejepofitio, [that bis name (ball be fpzeb abjobe in tlje fpgbt of tlje ^onnc 3iHD5i)0?D foifeoojo it is, [bis name fball eljplO: ] bpcaufe tbat IpUe as t'ge Sonne rpfctl) baplp too tbe inojilD, fo (ball tbe ftrengtb of tbts fttng bee continctoallp reneweb, anb fo bolo on from cpme to tpme foz euer. $>o alfo *»ce fball fee berafter,tljat tlje Sonne $ 29 *»« are calleb feitneflcsoftijefamccternitte, $fal. 89.38. Wber^pon it followetl] tbat tl)is cannot bee bnberftoob of tbe eartljlp ttutgbomc , Soljicb. floztfibeb but a Soljple in tlje boufe of JDautb: anb not onlp 'baas Soii'jerca in the t']irb fucceflbur, but alfo ft>as at lengtb cmecbeo Suitl) fljame. 115 ut as foz €b?iftes &ingbome,nItbougl) it oh tea quaple bpon tlje eartb, accozbing as it is affapleb foitb tlje furioufe batreb of tbe ioljole fc?ozlb,anb batrereb fritl) tbe fozeft engpnestijat Satanbatl): pitisttfooon- fuUp jjiJb ^P bp £D 3D, fo as it bccapctlj not .wbtmo it felotcetb tbat[all Jfractons fball bliffe tljcm femes in bim: ] it aomit = tctb a bubble fence . ;tfoz oftentpmes tbe i^ebjewes fpeafce in tl)at%opfe,S»bcnanp man is taken fo? a patterne of bliffebneffe: asfo? cjeamplc, tbe man bliffetb bim felf in JDattib,S»b«cb bcfeccbctb C5 £> 3D tao bee as bcneficiall anb bounteoufe to bim, as be foastpo £>nm'o. ^cco?bing alfoason the contrarp fpbc, be is fapb too curfe in So= bom anb ©omoz,S»ljicb tafcetlj ttjenames of tljofc citicsto mifarifb bp. Cbe if tbcts tfc)Oofapmges,TCbep fijall bltffe them feUtes in bim , as adureb bp tbe i»oo?b of (SB iD 2D ,tljat I)i0 petition fljoulb not be in bapnc, be burfl:etb out into tlje pjtapfc of C5 O TD.tfoi etcept be bao 5»ttb tlje efts offaptbbcvccbtbctbings$»btcb^iebaue fcene bitbertOjbts^ctopcing bab not bin fo free anb cbeerfull. wljeraa b: fapetb, tbat [ 5D onlp is oojfeetb i» oonbers,] no boubtbut it is rcfrrrcD to tbe p?cfent cace, not onlp to comment) tbe erceilencie of tbe &ingbome,bntalfo too put bimfelf anb 0-- tbers in mpnb , tbat tberc necbetb (0obS £uoonberfull anb increbible ^uoo^Ktng fo? tbcp::fernationoft!)e fame. ainbfurclp no tijanfe almoa too anp of all \jis poftertt te, tbat tbe IRopall Cb?one bab not falne a buuMeo tpmes,pea$ btn fwalotoco qupte ^p.C^at 3 paffc no furtber,t»as not |ba lomos mofrfbamefutfallmgawap,^oo? ft)? a oeablp becap^ 3inb as foz tbe red of bis fucce(To?s, (fauinglofias.OE^ccbias, anb Jiofapbat , anb afeatoe others,) fell t'-,Gp not from euill too iuoe-fc, ctten as it &>ere bppon bpe , anb fo p?ouoheb d5obs curfe as it taere of fet purpofe :fo as it tnpg'Jt be a foonber tbat be tbunbereb not toppon tbem foo?tbi»itb, to beftrop them, anb tfytiv chulDzen r'IDauiD then being en-, bewetbfettb the Spirit of ^jopbefie (in afmucb as befoas not ignorant i)Ow §&sn than *(ooc!D euermo?e be an enempe to tlje ioelfare oftbeCburclje) mpgljtgatbcr ^ tbe grace of d£5oo, iotjicb becintreatetb of at tljis tptne, fboulD not lad fo: euer in fjts port cnttc, but i»itb greaie trnbbie? much barbncs.3P no trulp tbe falling out fbetvcD affctn?arb,iDitbbow manp miracles <25ob mabe goob bis p?omifcs,i»l)itber lie con< fiber tbeir returning from tb. c captiuitie of SIBabplen, 0? tbe increbible belmerances tbat foloi»cb after , bntill €b}i(t fpjawg foo?tSj as a greenc taig out of a beab tree. J^erbpon Ijeiuttip p?apetl;, tl;at tlje glo?ic Oflj}S vppon the .Ixxiij. Pfalme. 273 of bio name map fill tbe &bole earn), in ring out of tbe fame players, fcljicb JDa- afmucl) as that Uttngbomc fc)as to be ate nib bab confine web eucn to Ms laft gafp. largcb cuen to tt;e tttermoft borers of |L ct toe bcare in mp no tbe,tbat Sr c ouglit tbe S»o?lD.5§nb to tbe tntcnt all tijc dpoblp to p?ap bnto 45 £D 3D , as Soelt&ritl) rar= 0) oulD &>itb earned affection ( 0? rattier neit affection, as alfo Srttl? tnweery cb tt- jele) icifb anb bef^e tbe famMbcrt 10 ab -> ligence, tl;at be foili mapntctn bis € Ijttrcb beb a bubble confirmation, Sobcrit,an& bnber the bans of l)isonne.3!no tr)c na=« i&obeeit. ming of bis fatber 35fa«,fecmcth, to renew tbcrcmcmbcrance of Ijte firft comt'ngbp: 20. t^cet cnb tbe pjapers. 9 c.] 3! toib ibat tbcrbp tbe grace of <2> £> 3D map bee pott tbat tilt's S»as not acbeb fo? nought tl;c mcje renew H;cD,fc>bo calling a co= bv Salomon, conftDcrmg tbat be garnif- perfene out of tlje fr ccpfelb.enb fiiclj 0: cb tbto matter inttl) meeter of $•> cctrte, a one as ioas tbe poongeft anb Icflft fct bp not only bpcaufe be fcoolb not befraub Ijis of all bio bjottyers, bab abuannceb bim to faiber of bio ben? p?apfe,but alfo to ftir bp fo bye b eft ate of boncur , as to make Ijim tbe Cfjurcije tbe mc?c carncfiiy to f pow>; &mg ouer bis elect people. The conteints of thc.lxxiij. Pfalme. In tbe beginning of it, Dduid ( or ■whojocuer was tbe xAnthor of it ) com- mendcth tberygbtuoufnefje and goodncjfc ofG 0 D, euen ds it were utterly dgeinfltheyfillorynderfandingofhisowncfefh. afterward he confefjetb that inafmucb ds hefdvte the wicked for ift> in welth 3dnd [wim in pleafures, yed dnd too fkpffe dt God fkgrn fully, dnd too bdrye the good dnd Jimple wen cruelly : dnd tbe more that dny nun -was edmeft too kecpe bim felf innocent, the more he wds loden -with incommodities : or rdtber, tbdt dll tbe children of Cod did ds it tverepyne dwdy in cdre dnd for owe: dnd tbdt God fitting ds it tvereydle in beduen, rcdreffednot matters fofar out offrdme: he wds gredtly dft$nyed,fo ds he veds dt the poynt too hdue cdft of all cdre of Religion dnd fedrc of God. Thirdly, he reproueth bis owne foolifmefft , for bdfling too giue iudgment dmijfe by the prefent fate ofthinges : dnd Jhexveth tbdt he bath neede ef patience , tbat his fayth fade not through truhhlcfome tboughtcs. In the endhe concludeth, tbdt ifd wdn commit bts proceedinges too Gods fe- rret prouidence, there will bee d cleere dijference in the end, wherby it full appcere, that neytber tbe rygbtutufe dre defrduded of then reward , nor the . yticked efcape the hand of tbe Judge . Tbe.lxxiii.Pfdlme. A Pfalme of Afaphs. Yit is God good too Ifraell, too them that bee ryght in hart. 2. As for mce, my fcete were almollc Hidden , my legges were euen as 2;ood as flip t from mee. 3. For I had a hartburning at the fooles,too fee the peace of the vn godly. 49 m .f. 31 am John Caluins Commentarie 3m not curious in fcanmng teljo , (boulo be ttjc aitttboz of f pfdlme. j^3a»bci£,to mp fceming it ts libs 3^3 tbat fozafmucb a3 f cbarge of fm » Gtng it ujq0 committee to 3lfapb,bt0 name . S»aa put to it ,aui83 name lift out,oc< eojDtng as tilings £ be futTfcientip Unowe* oftbcmfciues.arcfeoontofttpniesnotto be fpofcen of . 3l5ut bow profitable tl)e cofU Deracton of rbts Doctrine ma? be bnto toss, it iscafp to gatber bp tbe example of f pzo« pl)ct &>bo (tbougb be i»ere mo?e tba after an ozDlnarte fozte eccrcpfcD in trew goDlp* ne0)pttcoulD fcarccbolo bis fotingtn tbis fo fttppette daggering: but ratljer confer fctl; l)im feif to l;auc bin falne in a tnaner in to bzutitb auincs, before be coulD rccotter l)i3 ri3l)t i» ittcat. ij^ott? tbe,bow flcnDerlp 5»e bauetafteD of <0oDspzouiDencc,e*pe< rience itfelf Gjewctb. 3M of bsconfdfe, £ t!;e ^ozlo is ru!:abpozl3.tbat it is a bars matter to be - lceue tbat <25oo regarfcetb tl»e earn? • # o? t{)-; mod part,$ bngoaip are in tbeir ruffe: ana fozafmucb, as tbep pzouofec (goDSben geancc S»ilfullp,tt feemctb y tbep fl)ali not be puntfdjCD foz tbeir mocHa2c,breaufe be fozbcarctb tbcm.Cbe gooa $ plapne fozt, | being pincbea Suit!) poucrtie, eppzcf&D ft j nnnpDtfpleafurcB,Y:creo i» manpazogo, ; g couereo tottb fbams * r«p:oc^e,are fain j to fpgb I grone: « tbe mo^e £ tbep cnDcucr I too &oo gooa to all tnaeljfcutii tbe j greater liccnttoufaco Dare tbe fotcfeeD fozt { abufe tb^pattece: wbom'wool¬fhd) tbings mou: to becfo fcrickca as to tblnfe, i |> fbc 5»ojl& in tfibleo bp i 'oitunet'Cnilp ttya opinion fitcfe :s fafir in tip m^nss of y fattbJ^iTci&fyo (SaD enUgiitcnetJ) not u-itb bi3 Spirit: to lift bptbf mfclues to eicrnail Jprc. Sno tberfoje S)a!p?t;onfapctr?, y tbe bartco of men arc fillcD ir>i?I> ic&e'Bn:0 a contcurpt of <0oD,buaurca!l tbmg0i)ippe althe too tbe gooo i to tbe bals: j tbcrfo,ic' tbe? t!}inU not. tbat Difo^scrcD tenses are bnatr tljs bahD ?f ©od. a^ce feno«>2 ttjere Sucre tome of tbe 2>b lofoj»b;r0,tbatauou i cbeD d6oo0pzouiDcnce.25uttrpall (bctwcD tbat tbep ir.ere not pit fultp perfuaDeD of it, fo a0 ;x\)i t'Dings fcil out contraric to Uictr crp£c£ac!on,tl)co openlp DnfatD tbat tobtcb tljep IjaD fays afoje.wberof S»e baiie a no= table erample tn 13 zutu0. ^iotbing ca be iitiagincD mcze cozagiouB tban tbat man: anD tbe men of \)is tpme auoucbeD b tm to })Am bin a ma of fmgular fcufoom f ft out - nes: f bc,l;kc a £)toiis,DiD migbtelp cottti menD tbe power $ pzouiDence of d5bD: pit notwitbftant>ing,$Dbcn be i»a0 cucrcomc bp 3lntonic,be crpeD out,tbat all to a© but mere trpflco iobatfoeucr be bao beleeueD concerning bertcro : f tbat tbe cnDcuer of liuing Su ell 'was but a mapgame : fo; it ist $ ozttmc ^ bearetb tbe Domimo tn mtncB affapze*. ^o,tbat man of pztneelp bart, f iubicb tow a mirrour of ioonDerfull flco^ fafrne0,renouncmg bertew,anD bnber tbe name tberof,curfing auis confefTett) beerc,tbatbe was berp npe a foil:' 25ut now jfi come to tbe tert. j [7iti0^oDgooD,«c] Cbe^Duerbe; [Ac ]^j!)icbbe bfetb, Dootb not Gmplp at* j firme tn tbto place, but ts taHt replpmglp i [fo?rft}25utptt,o? pit notiDitbftanDtng.] I 2&nD iobevaclDau ia raaUetb a bzotten be- ginning: it is fcuooztb tbe notutge.tbat be^ j fo;e bee b?abc fooztb into tbis manner of , fpeecbc,be CotcDamongebisaoutfullanD | ftrpuing concepte0.#o? bee baD crcrcpfeD bimfelre in mode Ditf icult e.icountcrslibe a ft out Cbampion : 9 after longe $ mucb labour be fi) ockc of ioicfeca im^ginacions ano ccncluaeD ieitb bimfelf,tbat [ pit not* Szjttbftar.Dfng] 0£>ID is mcrcifuil to Iris ^iruauntes, anD a ^FartljefuU ^apn- tcyncr of their iocifaf:. 3lnD fo tber: is a couert matc^H'.tg of contraries , betwicte tl;sleuu?D iuwgtnation0^ ^>atanbabput vppon the .lxxiiji . PMme. 274 inm9lKab,anbtbt0 tefttmome oftrew goon effe tobcrtettb be confirmed) bira* ft If at t is trmctao if be fbulo blame tb e bnberftanbtug of lis fl?fb,t°iabmtttmg any Dontfi»!«C0 concerning etb:but alfo tbat (Sob at= tenbetb to tbetr feetfare tot; b a peculiar car e,in none otbei roifc tba f goob bouf* bolber (0 careful f cbare eucr bid o^nc boufeboib*aUbousbtbe tbat be rule tbc lul;o!ctoo?lb:ptt be boutfauetb to loobe mojenetclptobtscburcbisbtcbbcbatt) taken bpon bim to bcfcnb.ctts ts y r«s fon tobP tbe ^>20pbct fpcaactb of Jlrael bp name:* immcbiatlp rcftrepnetb t^e fame nametoo[f rigbt inbarfOi&bcrin tbere is a Hpno of correction. $c% manp p pjeublppjetcnb f name oic^frasljas' thougb tbep tocretbc cbeef meberc off cburcb,are but Jfmaclttes $ otcomits. iDauib tbctfoju mtnbing to croft's cut f mifbc gotten cbilbjcn of &b?abam out of tbe cbciker toll of tbe gorlp,acfenowleb= gctb no man fo; an ]J,fraclUc .,bui y pure ano perfect toojfbipper of <&ob: as it be OjouiDfap, toben^Bauoucb ©obtobee gocb to his boufe of 3,frncU:3B mcene it notofalmentobtcbboibtngtt;emfelue0 contentcb toitb tbe outtoftrbp;oicu"ton onlp pjtteno a falfc ttrle.but of 3>b;taba0 fptrituall cli t in.icn, tob'.tb fancttfp tb«m« feluc0 btitoefccotottb puie affection of bart.wucras fomc expend it, y [<2?oo 10 Soog to 3 ft sell,] £ to to tou,tol)is cbo= \tn people: f lecwi.utp alfo bnco ftraun= gcrs £ tbe? folow trero bwlgbt nc(Tc:ttt0coib f coftreineb«lCbetf02elct be boib b s to char febtcb 5 bam fapb* ^ojlDsmb tn contending 45 obsgoob= ncfrero&arse h\s> chojen people $ cbmcb toaecoktfmncd too cut of manp ©ipo* critro f bab reuobcb from tbe trtw Ut~ uw ctftbifcer: tretb tb e larof ui cbtlb^en of $b;abam fro 1} ts conntc r feate0?bp this matb, y tbep be pure $ bo to fro bccetr* 2 no trulp in f ferine of ®ob,tbe tmrarb bnco^ruptnc0 of tbe bait holoctb tbe cbecf place i [&efo?mc, mpfectefc. ] wojbfoj &o?bu i0,[ain63i,]tobtcb mu(tU teg Sh a brtjeme" cp«ifoj IDautb0 mccr.tng ts f tbeto temptations tobicb tchbtootbe bcrogattcn of iDg> fcbole« Cberfo;e bp fetttngbunfclffo^tb fo? an c jcamplc ^be ment to ft tr us bp tbe mo?e,$ to fpurre b0fo?eu?arb to earneft enbeuer of tabing bee be* 3no altbougb be faintcb not :pic bp faring tbat be toas at tbe point to oaue talnr,be tearnctb bs tbat al are tn perti of failing, onlefic goo bolb tbem tip bp ftrog banb.^fcertoarD be fbetoetb tbe berp bpnb of temptation it felfmamclp tbat bp efteming tbe toic; beb to bee bappp bp reafon of Cr>eir p£e~ fmtcftate,beetoa0 toucbcbtoitbenup. Si loje f nopfome temptation 10 tt, tolje tocc not onlp finb fault ft cretlp &> «i&ob> I j} not ftttling matters tn o;ber:but al- io giuc our felues f remes to fin boictp, toben to our feemtng ice map 00 tt ijbout punntQ)menr.^amou0i0tbatfbctfs of tbe penger 2Dtnms lung of S>icit,toben bebaorobbebatemple $ bao a p?ofpe= rous icinep bp fea toub tt : [fcepounot Cfattb bObow £ goos fauo? cbm tb?ob= bcro t§& o f pjofpemp cf t^e is an inticc ^.sj. inrnt lohn Calums Commentane maDnclTe agcinft ttjc fear e of <2? od tabtcb is rljc cbeef point of toifcDomc . iJFoz al= tbougb tbe bngoblp be ix>^lp : pitnor&= ftanDing fojafntucbas tbcp tjolo not V:,z- fcU«0 to tbe grounD of rigbt iuDgement (namclp that our life mu3 beframeD acs coding to tbe to ill of «® fi) iDOUjci? are ftar&emaDmtb^ir oronefolp. tncnt to fin : bpcaufc toe tbinfc that <£od likes of tbem tobotn bee bcaretb toitb fo gemip.&o tbe pzofperou© ftateof tbem pjuekeD iDauio aotljougb notbingcoulD baue bm better tban too topne btmfcif m fciofbtp toitb tbem . 38nD bp calling tbe toicUso [f ole0 02 maofor*e0,] be me enetb not t'gat thcp fin tbzougb lacHcof f Hill, ozbpotietfigbt:but bee matcbetb ttjcpz 4 For there be no thongcs to the death of them,and there ftrength is fat. $ They are not in paines as other mcn,and they arc not fquourged with other men. 6 Therfore doth pryde wynd about them as a chcine,thc apparcll of vi- olence hath coucrcd them. 7 1 he eye of them ftrouteth out for fatncfle^thcy hauc oucrpaflcd the thoughtes of their hart. 8 They fwim a fl ote;and talk of extortion in wickednciTe, they fpeakc from aloft. 9 They hauc fct their mouth ageinft heaucn,and the tung of them wal- keth through the earth. 4- [jfo:tberebenotbonge0fc.ll^ebei fcribetb tbe como&ittes of tbe tongooip, tobicb are all of tbem engpne0 to batter tbe f aitb of tbe goDlp . 3Hno be beginnetb at tbeir p;ofperou0 bealtb,tbat tbep bee Iodic anDftrongf DzatD not to Deatbbp Imgirmg incontinctoalfiHneneo.&ome tabe[tbe tbonges fcnto Deatb,]fo> ftaiea fromfleatb.asif beljabfapD, tbe? Die a pace in tbe tunneling of an epe,f tozeftlc not toitb tbe pangeo of Deatbtlifce as al= » fo in tbe boofee of fo*>.z 10 conns tea a toojloip bliffc, foztooozloitngeo to go Doome into tbeir graue qutc&lp> tobs" tbe? baas toeltereo tbcmfelues tntbtte pleafurcs* SUiD HuliusCeafar tbeoap before bee Dpeo, fatD it feemcD too btm a bappp hinb of ocarb,to Dp foDetnlp f bns x»arj0.Cberfo?e2)amD(acco?btn3too tbofe Jnterpjcters^complainetb tbat £ toicfc:D pafle atoap too tfctr oeatb bp an caficana ieasll race toubouttrubbleo; grecf.U ut J fubfertbe rarbec to tiit opts nton of tbem tofttcb reaDc tbeiS troii me* bets iopntip togitbcr^namelp tbat tbeir ftccngtb is fat,« p tberc are no tbanges tontoo tl;cie Deatb : bpcsufe tbep are not baleD to ocatb ii&e pzifoncrs. jfo% inaf- mucbasDifsafee pull DOome our ftrcgtlj tbep are all of tbem meflcngersofDeatb topntfcffinmpnDof oar fratltic. 9nD tb:rfojetbepare(not &out caafc) corns pareDtotbonge0,toberttt>itb <0 £> 3D ttetb b3 to \)ig poke,leaft our cozage anD ftrengtb OjoalD ftir i>5 bp to licentcouf= n*fle. 3 n tbe feconD place be f ipetb , that tbe tolc&eD eniop glaDfomc qapetncffr, anD bee as ft toere ejcempteD bp puui= leDge from tbe mif«rie0tobere tontoo all manUinD is fttbiect. -$o% altbougb aff lie* rioos tojap tbem in alfoas toella0tbe gooD>anD tbat <&<£>'& ofctpmes eeecu? tetb \)\S iuDgement* l-»pon tbem:pit Dot!) tSiD ID alwapca fct fome aloft tipon tty ftage to trie our faitb toitb all, tn to bom tbereappeer^tb an exemption from mis feric0,fucb as i0Defcrtbeo beere. 9nD it t9agree(iou9temptation,toofeetbeDe« fpifer0 of 45od reft in tijeir oeltg')tc5,a * tbogb tbep toere caHc jp out of v toojlD into fame beaueulp mil ,c oifiDertng tbat tbe itfi of man 13 peinfull anD fraugbteD toitb mpfcries anD tbattbetripfeisgps uzn tbem bnoer tbe conDition anD couc= nanttbacitn)0ulDbefo.oo?D[Gnanak'j is berpueb of a cbcpn:. Cberfo?cbe mee- netb,that tbe fonefceb glo?iein ttjctr mala? pcrtne0 anb outrage no lcfl> than if tbep Sucre DccHcd Suitb a cljepnc of goto: f tbat biolcncc i0 bnto tbcm in If cb of rapment, bpcaufe the? cftecmc it a0 f fap?eb flotrer of tbeir garlonb.iFo? Subefas fome tranf= late [shirh, battofe0,] it is to far rcmoueb from the tert . 31 boubt not tbcrfo?e, but 2Dauib,aftcr be batb begonne at tbc bead, 0? the ncckc, (fo? ttje Sueo?0 [Gnanak]figs mfperi) alfo to croromOracntnotu to com- p; eljcnD tbc Su hole apparcll in one Suoo?D. 3 nb tbe effect is,r!)omcinftcab of ftroHJttng,ta&e it that tbeir episfcj ere ouergrowen Suitb fatne0, tbat tbep coulb not fcarflp loose out of tbcm. 06 ut fojtafmucb 80 farneomabcrb folUca cpc0 to fwcll outwarb.J IpHc bets ter to retepnc f p?op?e fence of ftroroting. Ik owbeett, it is to be unbcrfteo&c, y 3Da= uib fpeahctb not of tbc (bape of the bobpe, but tfJ)ctapbo?icallp erp?cfirtb the p?pbc, i»bcrroitb ? bngotrip be puffeb bp bp rca= fon of too much fulnes. ;tf 0? thep fo cram tbemreluc0S»:tbthetrabunDance,tbatat's tericarb tl;cp arc rebp too buift fo; p?vfce. Cbe later member is ejepovonbeb trooo Suapcs alfo. &otnc think that bp f Suoo?b [ gnacar] tg betoUcneb bnb?pblcb bolbncs, bpcaufe the bngoclp can not Ijolo tbcm felues fcnthin common meafurc , but ftp* abouetlje cloubcs Suit') thetr Suanbering confultacion0: lifce a0 ofttpmefl thep com fult boto tbep map get tbe Suhole Suoo?l& intoo their Oirncbanbe0 :o? rather to 00ID fapne bauc new too?lbe0 creates fo? tbem: anb finallp, fo bnfatiable tlicp be,thattbj:p oucrflp beauen anb earth Suttb their fice= ting * bnb?pbleb luft . SGnb it Suoolb not mifagrce too bnberftanb tt.tbat thetr foos lifij tbeugbtc0 can bp no raeanc0 be ruleb no? reftrepneb Sutthin anp bounces. Wat tbi0 otbet intcrp?ctacio agrcctb bGrp iucfl alfOjtbat tbeir p^ofperous (xicccs furmoti- tetb Si?batfoeuer tltep conccpuc in tl;cir tnpnb.^na trulp,4ccc fee Ijowfomcobs tepn mo?c than tljtp in$jeD foj,a0 tbougb ^o?tune lapb nettc0 fo? tbcm cuen Sobcn tbep Sucre a flcepe: accojbtng a0 tbep pleas fantlp peintcb lung 3Dcmctriu0 in that fafbion,S»ijo &>an fo manp €itic0,beeing otbert»pfc neptber ualeant, no? bigilant, no? of greate fo?ecaft. 3f pec lift too ta&e it fo, tlji0 member (hall bee put in icap of cjepofition, to fbeccc tohat tbe fapb fatne0 t0,'tt)bcrof be mabc mention befc?c,tbat i0 too fap, tbat <&Q 10 fcoffetb abunoancc ofallgbob tbinges bpontbem,mo?ct^cn cuer tbep io tfajcb 0? thought of. S. [Cbep Rutin a] dome tafee tbc 5uoo?d [ yamicu] tranfitiuclp, but fo?= aftnttd) a0 tbc o?bcr of C5?ammer aDmit= tetb alfo tbe neuter fence, 3B bauc cbo?en tbat Subicb fittcb f tert bed: namelp, that fo?gctting tbcmfcluefi to be men.anD trca= bing all fhainebnbcrfoofe &itl) b?ajrnfa= cm bolbnc0,tbep biflcmble not tbeir otcne naugbtpnee, but xaityx glo?ie openlp in tbeir cjcto?cion. 3nb furelp Soce fee tl;at iubetbc SoicKeb bauc bin matters of tbeir befr?e0anp fc>hpte,tbcp caft of all (l;ame= faftnes, anb fe efee not to boo their naught tpnes in co?nct0, but flufb out their owne biOjcncftie Suitb full moutbc, after tins fozt : ir batr* aim not 3 able too ftrio thee out of all tb?.t tbou hafte, pea anb too cut thptb?ote too r'Cbe fame tljing can tSob= fecr0 alfo boo , but tbep funk a fpbe fo? f care . 1B ut thei0 dEpanteg , 0? one epeb <0argantua0, of iobom 5Dausb fpeafeerb, not onlp furmpfc tbcmfelues tco bee lawc= leffe, but alfo beeing bwnpnbfuU of their ovone Sueafecncffc, fp lebge al= beth ouer all tlje i»l;olc earth. & ow then although itfeemean oaerreacbmgfpeecb: pit tT i»ee confiber bow bnb?tbleb their malapertnefTe iis'tot mud necbes confeffe that the fd^ophet teaebctb nothing elfe, than y iebicb experience (bewetb plamlp • ro Therfore shall his pcople'returnc hither,and waters of a full cup shal- be wroong out to them. 11 And they fay,how doth God vnderftand? and is ther knowledge in the higheft? 12 Behold theis are vngodly , and yit hauc they continewall quyetnelle without terme of tyme, and they heape vp riches. 13 Certeinly in vaine haue I clenzed my hart,and washed my hands from day to day. 14 And I was fquourged dayly,and my chaftifing was eucry morning. 1 o . [Chcrfoje fbali bis people f c] Chs 3 nterpieters 5u?eft this fentence bumfs I lp.^irft , bpcaufe there its no perfon men - tioncb afo?c to whom this people fpoulb bclong:fome take it inbefimtip of the ton- goolp : as if it bab bin fapbe,tbat the ton= gcblp retpje eucr too thinking thus : anb thep take the &>o?b [people] foj a greatc rcxt , bpcaufe a ixucacb man cannot fo foone lift top his finger, but l)sc ozawetb a greatc trapne after htm. Che? therefore tliinfe e the ^opbets mecning to bec,that euerpeoneof the tongcblp hatha greats rouiflockmg about bun, folncb after= fearb holb themfrlucs con tenteb to b?ink Stsatcr in tl)civ Courts :fo mud? Doth fro* ujarD fantijp bewitch them . OB tit much rigbter anb inoze rcccpucb bp confcnt is this fence t'jat the people of <& 0 2Drc- turne thither . jro? iohzreas fomme take the toojio [Haiom] foj anaSltcteb pcrfonc, U. — . 1 it is c5fireincb.But pit is it not troughs Ipfenowen Sohat tbe^opbet mccneth. S>ome rcab it iopntlp toogttber, tl)at the people of 00b returne hither : that ts too fap.arc fapne too bjinfe top full euppes of t^eii»ater of fo?ow t Crulp 31 thmUc thistoerfebepenbetbof hts former talHc, Jaas the mcening in , that raanpSobtch isere accounteb too bee of v0oos people, are carpeb aicap Suith the fapb temptacio. psaanbfcoalowebtopiDith fbipw^ecUe. foi be* fcemcth not to fpeafee of the cbo^ 3cn,but onlp to note the bifgwtjeD Jfrae* litcsthat&ecpcaplaceinthe Church ♦ ^ijeis(fapcth hOarc bjouncb tnbcfrruc= tton bpcaufe that being beegwplcb iuitlj fooltfh cnuping,thepbtb (©obanb gob'lpa ncflc farewell . i^eucrthcleffe it map alfo be: aptlp referred too the clcctc,of Soliom this temptation dirrctb manpc fo fo?= Ciblp,t!;at trjcp turne tbemfclaes too ton= towarb j vppon the . Ixtfiij. Ptelmc. 27 y ranrbc crrozs. jfroc that thep gtue them felu:s oner too wicUeDneffe : but bp= catifc thep Q tc& not ttcDfaffiy to their tac BUng, x[ h c fence t!; eawi I bee, that not one l» the common fojtc of fciozlbltnges, but ctten tbeberp fat thfull that arc pur ■ pofeb too fcrttc Sot , arc bztucn too tins lawfull cnuping « whereas it fbllowcth that [waters are fo jc ong out to them m full cup,] tt feemctlj to bee a renbertng of the afmucb asbcaupuco inz'ng- gctb them when ther appe aretb no frute of goblpnes* 5fojt[to be feb with waters to the full,] is bp aboioweb fpeechput [tofwalow tip onmcafarablefozowes.] ii [^nbtbtpfapjc^wberasfomeJGns terpzef erg afftrme y the J^zopbet return nctij agctn too the bngo&lp, 9 repojtcth their fUofFinges 9 blaf pbemtes wbercS ttjcp P*1cb tbcmfelucsfozewarb too dn- ningrj itbe net of it.^cj 2Dautb rather e tpoube tb y lEhtc'o be has fata m the lad pcrfr , th at is to wit y the faithful: ftybe to wtcucb imaginat ios>wbcn the ixm* litozfepzofpcritic of rbebngoblp bierctb their epcstnamlp bicaafc thep cart bouts whither there be sno oielcbge in ®ob 0; no. 3>0 touching tbewozlbUnges , this tnabnefie is too too comen among them* Chere is in becb a uerfc of £> uibs tobtcb faith [? am conftreineb to think there be no O5oo0:]but fczafmuch as we snow y the poets ejepzefie the comon conceits of mrtftbeauoucbetbas ttSycreuut/cpcrs fen of the people , that all BnototlcBgc of gob Qippetb au;ap,aiTonc as art aDttcrfi - t p bettbetb^'nb the? not only caG e ;ucs whither there be a 0£DH),bat a!fo tbep chop logics with hint ano chibe & bpm, foz what mcaneo tbisfaptng,[jftfFtbcr booth S>atutns5?nn\jew ttjefe things with a rpgbte ere,] but that the woman whtche is net belt wttba.l accoibing toa hir barrs befire, bpbjapfcetb b» S> Jupiter with bm-ightnoufiKfltr £h £> fes j Bicth xc ccafe; fro btsrcbargcTDcl Bnown j is tbi. blaming of Jeremicu. Cbou art rtghtuous tfi) i.o;o,anb rbp tuogements ate rightful jneucrtbclciTe 3! eoulb fino in tap hart to fall out with ttjecfoj p?of* perwg the wap of the wicheb.!# eerbp it apperetb how the bouttng of (©oas pzo= uloece pzickctb euen the minbes cf f \>n goDlp:bnt pit wounbeth the not though fo? 3!erempmaketh a pzetcftatio before 3 bp that mcanes cafttth a bzible. bppon bfmfelf.'y tt bo tbep. nut alwaves fj fp;r= belp pzenent the SwBes of £>3than,but y thep beraauno tn wap of bouttng,boto it map come too paCfe that <0od fnould not rebjtefie thengs fo far out of frame, tftjee regarbtbewojlb^fthofefeinbcofpeos pie that wicfecolp bzau.'e ageinft CE»oo in benping his pjcuifience , there bee t woo fojtes*^?o; fome fpue out tqetr biafpbe? mfesopen!p)tbat <0oDgtutng himfelf to btsowneeafef pleafure, permtttetbtbe rule of ail things to 5 ozttme. Che etijer fojite, althougf) the? fu?a!owebppe their thoughts inwarblp isnith filcnce: pit fret tbep nenertheies 9 blame gob of anriglj tuoafneffc 0? of negligence, fo; winlimg at the wicUeb bealingsoftbcbngoolpc, fo? negl?cttng the goolp.f foj fuflring al things to go tobause'd 9 to tolas. 25 ut befoze thefc wtcfecb 9 hojrtblc tlpugbts perceintoo theminb£ of the goblp, thep bif burthen tbemfrtues tnto ^oos lap: 9 Befire nothing els but coo reft topon his fecrete tnogements, the reafon whereof paffeth t^ctr rcacbc.Cbe mentng of this place therfoze,is that not oneip the wtc= BCD attribute a blinb gouernment to fo; tune when thep fee things toflcD 9 tur= n:ov h- b ia the wozlac : but alio that the serp faithful are fhaKcn,fo as thep Lout of (0ods , howbeett the hanb of iSB 00 hoibcth them wonbet fullp up, lb as tbep bee not btterlp Dzow.,cD tn rl;at bottomiesgnlfe* 12. [li5eb8lbctbefc.«»]2lottwerc bp a huetp rep;efentatto he occlarctb what manner of ennpmg o> bartburnpng it was that bao aimefteeucrmatcb hpm. OiBchoiDeCfapethhcc) whereas tijefebc wtcBco menne,ptt thep r^fte blifTecbje tn their DFltghts, anb ejcccllm power : arb that noi fo? a few bapcs,but wtth along contmewmganbrstt wrrean cnbclefli race. «Hno what is moie bnfeemtip ttjau ^.lit). foj Iohn Caluins Commentaric foj tbe wojlD • &bcva0 3Damo ratber corns plapnetboftbeftcDfaft ano continental! pjofpetitteoftbewtc&cD,wbtcbPpnetb awap tbe goolp wttb weertneffe to fee it lad fo long/pafmucb tbetefojeas JDa* uiD Tectb tbe wicfccD fo Deintelp cbetifb- cb bp <©£) 2D>be commetb Doton to bim= felf :anD bpcaufe be i0 well affureo of Ijts ownc trew anDbpjttgbt Dealing, be reas fonctb witb bimfelf wbat it batb bootea bimtofolorotigbtuoufncfle.fecingbeis miferablp aSbcteD. iFo* bee fapetb be tt [DaplpfqnojgeD] f tbat tbe tonne rljetb not tbat Dap tbat font: Difpleafure o; os tber i0 not pjepareD foj bim, fo as tberc i0noenD of bis miferle0.Cbe effect is, Cr uip 3D baue labo jcb in toatne to bane a pure bart % cleans banD0 .feeing 3! mad abibe continual affliction0 , tobtcb Do as it Sucre bepc tcatcb foi me to mccte mee carlp euerp mojningtfo? tl)i0 ettate fbeto etb bow there is no revoarD of innocecie before goDrfoj tbe wolD be banDls his fer uante0 a little gent!?er. %nt> fo2afmucb as tbe treto founDne0 of tbe goDlp confix tetb of two part0,that io to wit.of clen= ncfle of bart,ano of outwarD rigbtuoufs neffeof teojtes:?DauiD cbalenogetb botb of tbcm to bimfclMlet b0 alfo b? bt0 1%* ample lerne too cupple tbem toogprber, ano to begtn firit wttb cienmea of bart, anD aftertoaro too wptneff* tbe fame bp trew Dealing anD rigbtaoufneffe beefoje men. i $ If I shall fay ,1 will declare it fb:behold the generation of thy children: I haue tranigreffed. 1 6 Although I haue fee my mind to knowe it,yit was it but a trubble in myne eyes. 17 Vntill I enter into the Sanctuaries of God: then shal I vnderftand the vttermoft of them. 1 5 C Uf 1i fbaU f e.] ^ojafrnucb as 2>as niD feetb tbat the cbougbt* fcoberewttb hetoa0tempteD,befrowarD,beeca{tetb a b^tble bppo bimfclf , anD rep^euctb b'.0 ovone ItgbtnefTe fo; gtiung bimfelf teaue to eaft Dot»tc0 « %m altbougb IDauiDS mcemngbenstbinjDoutfulupitistbere fome crabbeDne0 in tbe wo?De0.[cagab] figntfictb to[tranfgrcffe] anD alfo to[bes gt»plc:]anD tberfojefome tranfiatctt[jfi baue begccileD tbe generatio $ c:]a0 if be baDfaib,bptbt0meane03i fbonlb Difapj point tbp f-bilb^cn of tbeir hope . £D tber translate it, [31 baue tranfgrefTeD ageinft tbe generacion «c.]£ is to fap, 3D OjoulD Do tbcraitbfull iujor.g ♦ 015 ut fo^afmncb no tljs p;opb et0 wo;D0 ftanD tijus: [» e bolD tt)e generation of tbp cbtlb?en : 3i banc tranfgrcOTeD:] out of wlncb tber is a berpgooD fence to beepicfeeoOluntrs pietlt fimplp tf)«s:3Bf 3 confent to i»;c= HcD Doiotmg,3i 00 amiffc:fo? bebclo,tber bee faitbf'tll foibe dill remaininge in tbe Sooj!D,aaD tijGti referued nl amies fome people to tbp felf* i£o Ojalltberc be nor, tbingu»ating,5 tbetoojtD [Bagdcthi]u>al bcrcbalcnci»Uboutc6fttuction.HinD3! baue faiD heretofore tbat tbe wo;D [Dot] i0 p^operlp referreD to tpme . jfr ow 5»ec percepue tb^ougblp i»5>at S>auiDmee= netbmamelp tbat ivben tbe too;lDling0 footb tl)cfelue0 in tbeir own fpeculatio0 tonttl at legtb tbep become fo jbsroeneD, anD {baling of tbe feare.of ©oD Do tljers ioitball cattawap tbebopeofftiuation: tbebolpman b^ioletb btmfclf leaftbee fboulD fall into fucb a ftcepe pit. [Co dss clarejimpoitctt) as mucb becre,a0 to bt j tertbatwbtcb a man batbmujcb on in bis minD*C^ fence tberefoje is tbis, if 31 Qial giue tuDgemet as of a matter ccr= tein,it(balbe a ujic'RCD offence. 'Cbcrfoje Soberas bcrctofoze be bung in Dout.noni be acUnowiebgtb bimfeif to baue finneD greuouflp3nD tbe reafon 10 alleogeD to be , bpeaafe Sod maintepnetb dill fome faitbfull people in tbe wo^lD.^c fcemctb to repctetbe Dcmonftratiue parcel [bees bolD,]inap of cantwrle matcbing, bt= caufe bee bab a little erftfapD [beebolo tbcis are iDiCrteo.]iltiow tben f- f cburcb vppon the. lxxij.Pfalme. fc>hicb ts affaulteB fo fttrioudp bp &atan, anD bp innumerable hofrcs of enempes cbt tinewcthfgfc: it is out of bout a bcrp mis tradeoff OD* i<5 [atnb3!haucfet,(tc] Chewoozbe, [cha(hob]i»Htcbebe bfctb , fignifietbpzo- pcrlp to account,ano now f then to confix bet oz wep. JB eucrtbclefle that wljiche is aooeo af terwarb requpzeth p fence which 31 baue fet oownemamelp tbat bee bib fet ez applp his mpnb to hnow it. 3M0 albeit hee baucpeeloeo himfelf gtltp of tranfgref- fion: ?it notwithftanbinge hee confeffeth fttll that hee was not qupte rpb of ail the encomberances that ozewe his mpnb bp= uerflp,bntili bee cntercb intoo the Sancs tuarie of ^ob.Jfojthe fumrne of p ixto^Dst eommetb too this cube, that althougb bee fought all the corners of Ins ioibyit coulo bee not bpbebatingecompjehenobow gob goucrnetl; tbe wojloe among fo great tur* raopies. v33 o:coucr , in fpcaUingc of him- felfe.hec abmonifbetb men bow farr e tbep map attepne when trjcp are leobe bp their owner eafon: namelp,tbat tbep fin lie tou= bcr their tronbble, bpcaufe thep fpnbe no; thing certepn oz liable . f oz it 10 not too bcebouteo.buttbathematchcthf Sanc- tuaries ageinft fleafblp rcafon.wbcrebp= pon it foioirctb, that what foeuer pcrccp- uerance men &aue of tbemfrtnes, it is but bapnc ano ftjabowilbe: f 0; their onlp icif- borne is to bee teaebeable,fo as tbep mape hange uppon (Rooties woozqc . jfftcpthcr fpeafcfth bee of ibcbnbeIeuers,SDbieh are wilfuilp blpnoe,wzappinge tbemfelucs in etrours.anogreeoelp carcbinge rjotoe of (tumbling blocks that map eftraunge the far from C5 ob. 2i5ut wbcreas hee no leflfc moocftp than earncftlp applpeo himfelf to goblp'inquiQtion, anb no leffe reuerentlp, tbanbeebfullp regarbcb goos iubgments: pit notwithftanbing hee confcffccb himfelf to hauebantfbeb awap* f;Qi [trouble] in this place impozteth as much as tonpzo fi^ table ano uapnc laboz . wbofoener bee is then, that wilbe certifieb of <& o'os iuOge= mentes bp naturall reafon,hc ft) all weerp himfelf aitbout pzofit:anb tljerfoje it fta* betb him in banb to mount bpon a higher Hep. Bp [d&oos Sanctuaries] fome Ce= ucn of the i^ebzewes) tonoerftanbe j bea=» uenlp habitation wherein the goolp foulcs 9 tlje Angels & wclhas if he hab fapo, fcn~ *77 till 31 acfcnowlebgc that men arc not crea* teb to the inter tbd fboulb a wbptc Sozt fb anb tafee their pieafure in the wdzIdc, but tbat tbep fboulb after the manner of $&iU grims trauell bnto hcauem %tio truip 3 bare be bolo to fap,tbat noman itibgeth as rpght cocerning€>oos p^ouibence, fauing be that montetb aboue tbe earth. JBeuer=: tbeleffe it wilbce a moze playne $ naturall tneening,to bnoerftano the beauenlp boc= trine bp the name of [@anctuam];JFozin afmncb as ® 00s lame was bellow eo in p Sanctuaries counfcll was to bee fetc'neo from thence.f tbe fame was the treto wap to Ierning:JDanib bio wirtinglp put [ en^ teringinto tl)eS)anct«aries,]fo? [coming to d5oosfchoole:]asif bee O)oulofap,\)n= till fuel) tpme as (0oo bee mp fcboolcmaf - fier,? that 31 lerne at bis i»ozb the tbing tbat mpnc owne reafon cannot attepne to bp anp otber meanes, 31 c°mc tb0?1 <* c°5 pzehenbing the gouernement of f wozlbe. Jnafmuch tben as we beer c, that me are not meete to conGber the ozoer of d5oobes pzouioence , onlcffe tbep baus a further Sotfaomtbancometb of thcmfclues*. what fl)al our own wifebome elfe bce,tban ob^ bicntlp to embzace the thing that goo tea-- chetb,as Soell bi? his woozb as bp b*s fpt- rttr' jFoz aUbougb tbat JDauio in f termc of [S>anctuarie] allube too tbeoutwarbe maner of tcaclnng wbich ©ob hao ojocps neb among bis pcople:pit notwitbftaoing bee eompzebenbetb the fecret cnlpghtning togitber Soitb the woozb. 25p the [enb of them oj bp the bttermoli of ihem]be \mt- nethnotf cno of their ipfc,wbicb tofecne of all men : (foz what fboulobee nccbe to enter into goos Sactuariesfoj that mat= terr1) but tbis1 cnb is ejetenoeo to <5obOes iuogetnents,bp S»hich C eucn when bee is comonlp thougbt to be adeepe)he mabetb it apparant, that hee booth but belapc tbe punifljmcnts w'oichc the wtcfeeo hauc Dc= ferueb til couenient time come.Cbi^ muft bebnfolbeb fomewbatmo^e at large. 31 f &>« be DeQrous to lerne of Coo, in what cace tbebngoblp (lano: be anfivcretb that jwhen tbep b.mi a tobplc flozifheb,thep fo> beinlp wither awap:2Inb f although P?o= fpcritie flow bnto them with centmewall courfe eucn bnto oeath:pit is the fime no-. thtng,inafmuch as tbe ipfe of them ts no* tbing. feeing then that (&ob atTureth b$ lohn Caluins Commentaric tbat sM to x&zn foi&es flj all come to an pll cnb: if Ij: take vengeance of tljcm opelp in tbtaf Ipre.ict b0 fectbmk b0 of <0obS iubg; ment: 3lnbiftbcrca?pccreno iubgement , bpon earrij, ?t bebottetb bs to fufpenb oar [ iaogcmentjB.bicauft t'^ecnb o? tbc laft bap , ortljemisnotijiccomc.ivuobc (bojt.if fo>e couet to pjof ?t aright tn tnc confiDcracton of i©oi>0 i»objfec0: firft free mnft befeeeb bttn to open our eics(fot thep boo n ottgbt clfc but botc,tl)at imlbe Sa?ci epeb $ quttu fpgbtco of tbmfemes) : anb fcconblp ioce muft gpnecrecit too tys fcjoojbc. iS )9 20 Trudy thou hafl: fet them in flipperie places 3 thou shalt throw them downcintoo defolation. How became they too bee wafted as it were in the turning of a hand? They bee perished and arcconfumed with dreadfull fcares. As it were a dreame after a man is awaked ? 6 Lord, inray zing v% vp, thou shalt make their image defpyzed. 1 8 [UTralp tbou Ijaff ,f e.]2Dattib baning noxu riD Ins banbes of bi0 encounters, bc= ginnctl) to be a0 it fo>ere a neo> man, % bee fpealuiri in ojber as it were oat of an ingb. iaatcbtowje : accojbing alfo a0 tbe Jd?o= Pb:t SlbacuU. 2 . 1 . bp bis ount 6f ample pje fcrtberb bntoo b0 tljis rcmebp in caccs of troubblc, 31 toill get mce bp (fapetl; liee) intoo inp isatcbtorDjc . SJaaiD tbercfoje fbcroetb bow mnct) it map auaplc too ap= pjocbe bnto ©03*38 fee JLo?b(faptb, bee) febat tbou boe^hfojaltbougb tbc bngobs I? Canb bp f 0 j a fc>bple,pit arc ttyep bricicn bpon a flippcris place, tbat ibep mapefatl ere it fee long 2S otlje il;e berbes arc of ibe tpme pair : ijowbert tbc fctting of tbem in Oippciic places io bnoerftocbeef tbcp:c= fent tpmc: as if ijc CboulD fap, tljcp are lif= SeD Sp on l)tglj,to tlje mttt tt>cp map banc tbefo?er fell, *£ralp ibis thing feemetb to befall tbe gooa a0 Soell as tbc bab,bpcaufe all tbc %?bolc feojlD is fltppsrie. ^owbeit fojsfmuc!) as trje faptbfull bepenbe bppon ^eauen, oj ratlier bee founbeb bppon tbe po^er of 45 cb: altbogb tl^ep to fraplc,anb t&eir caatc fcnccrtcVnjpft are tbcp not fa?b too Qanti in nipp:ric yiacts . $01 if tbe p fl?be,p:a 0? fail , tbe ILojb bp putting b?0 banbe bitter tbem, Jtapctb tbem in tliepji flpSing ,0? clfcrapjetb tbem bofcjlie tbep bec falne. US ut tl;e QippcmefTc of tbe bn > qoTAp comctb bersof,tbatt!jep fafren tbctr footing intern own power, 00 it iocrebs pon pcc.anb tb?ot;g'? ti;ctr owne bjapnfiUe b;aucr;e !;afle rlj'cinfclRrs'tp bca&longfal= ling Doivr-c. jf?02 U'ce nm^s not imagine, tbati!;crci0anpblKc!c of -ro?tunetbat tnaSc0 a 5;Otcbp3tcl) of ti;itigy bp voiitnge tbem raffjlp all togptljer : bttt^occmufrc bol& \)0 to tbis bCierminition of <& £) 3D iol)icb tbe iS>?opbct toacbetb, anb i»!)icbe bee fapetb,is bifcloieo too all tb2 goblp in tbe ^anctuarte : namelp, tl)inge0 be bircctcb bp tbe fecret p?ouibcnce of <0ob. ConcirnmgS»'oicb matter tbelReaocrs, (if tbep Uft)map fjs t!}e gooblp JSlerfes of Clantii. in bi0 urfl boHe agcinft ISuffme. 19 [^oio became tbep,fc]Cbis^»oon5 bermcntmaHetbnota little to tlie confirm macion of tbc former fentcnce.;tfo;t like as t!jep?orperitie of tbe bngoblp benomctb b0,peaanb mabetb bSblochtfljifotbcfos bcin Deftruciion of tbem , bootb tbe better &?aiienb0,i»bcneucrp man is compelled to enqupie bowc tbc tbingc came to pafTe, fe'ncb all nun tljougbt impoffibic too bee boone. Cbcrfo?e (asitioere in an meres bible matter) f piopljct afketb a queftto. i^otvoitbftanbing, be fearnctb bs tbcres wttbaU,tbat 3D, altbouglj bee put to d no banb,bootl) xo ttb f onlpbt;eab= t lilncflfe of bps blafte ttrptsc bp0 nmnpiB Ciai-fce 'ff \Jil CUV. I JVJVU^.I. AUIIJIV. */« ftar& Deab,$ bzing tljem to r.ougbf.Subcn nottoitbftanDing tl?cp rcci)Clc(Tclj> ecfp^ft all baungers, an if tljep Sucre oat of ail gonncfijot, * Sucre in a ieag^ i»ttl) Deatb: accoiDing as Soec baue fcenc tbcm tyog'it in bcrtooforc, taunting tbcm fclucs Sutti) tbis biag, wbo is our 3Lo?D^ IOfal.12.5. Ct)C reafon t!;at IcaDctl) mee too embrace ratljcr tlje fozmcr fence, 10 tbis: tbat Sube 3D feetb us fo flovoe to conaDcr bis iuogments,tben to tljintcnt to correct our oulnc0,bc erecutetb toiolcnt tuDgtnemcs, and perfecutctb tbe ungooip bp unaccufto mcbtncanc0, aotbougljljcSjjoolo fbaUe tbe earth toe fitters. 20. [2H0 it Suere a oieame.f c.3 d)ts fi* milirube 10 oft mcfottyall in tbe fcriptur 0 , li&c as <£fap. 2 9 .7. fapetb, f tbe enempes of tlie Cburcbe (ball bee Iphe a Dzeame in tbe npgbt. 31 nD to allccgc ctber places, it Sucre botf) long $ necblcs. 25ut it agreed; moft fitlp to tbe pzefent place. ;ff oz Sobers Upon cotnetb fo greatc gajmg at £ pzofpes ritie of £ ungoblp,but bpcaulc our mpnDS be fottcD in ozowfpncS:' Co be fbozt,Suce no IclTc furmpfc tljctn to be bliflcD f bap_pp , tbauSuce Dzcamc of IkingDomcs tl;at Suee ncucr fawe,Suben && be a flcepe. iff oj as foz tbofc £ are atcahc tbzongb the cnltab= tening of <£oDsSueozbc,al;bougbtbe un= gooip fceme bztgbt in their epes , pit are tbcp IjtlD at a (lap Suitb a contrarie bzigljts ncs Subicb far furmoutetb. Cbc^iopljet tbcrfoze biebctb Ms atuafce, tbat Suee map fee boo? all is but mere uanitie Sutycb Suee ga;e at in tins SuozlD:liUe as fjeliimfclf res turning now to bis rigbt Suittes,acfcnow lcogctl; bnn felf too banc DzcamcD $ Doteo befeje. 3nD be aboetb tbe reafon, bpcaufe <25ob (ball [make tbeir image DefppfeO anD rcpiocbefulU] 3n mp iuDgment.fomc me nufraUc tljts SooozD [image] to be fencers ft 0 od of tb^ fowl of tn a, bpcaufe it is maDc after tbe image of <2?oD,Subcra0 tlje ^?Os pbet bootb bnt fimplp moche tbe onttcarD pomp, Sub tcb cootb butBajlc mines epes, $ tbcrroitball flcetetb awap:accozbmg al= fo as in tbe $fai.39.7.Sueefawe bow[ma paiTctb awap in an image,] Subicb tmpozs tctb a0 mucb as to EbeaDe awap like Sua= tcr, Subcrin rijere is no fttbftamialncs : oj ratfter li&c tbe fbapc £ fbimcrb in a giafle, ano pjtljatb no fubftanceat all. [J mage] tbcrfoze in tl;is place fsgnifpctlj ( as Syce tcrmeit) the out&aro fljeroe, fecming, cji apparance.3!nD fo tbe ^zopbet inbire ctlp repjouc: b our f onbnes , in tbat Soce fozge fantafttcal! topes in our ot»n concepptcs, of notbtng. Cbe particle [Bagnir] fignifps ctb pioperlp,[in tbe ciue.l iliutfozafmucb as it Sucre a coli) Taping to fap fo,tbcre bee manp Sobicb of rpgbt gooO fbiii beeme it toimpo?ta0mucba0t{;eSco:D[Bahegnir] Subicb tbing is alfo gatbercb bp tbe p2iclic [Kames,] 3nDfo ttijstoo bctranflsrco [m rapfing,] tbat is to fap,S»be tbcis b:cam0 arc patfeb ouer, Subicb beiube Ms. 3no , tbis tljing comctb to paffc, not onlp Sobcn d5ob biingctbtrubbleb matter© to tolera= ble ojcer : but alfo Soben be cbacetlj awap Darfenes,f mafectb our mpnoescleere anb Ipgbtfome. ffrovo tbcn,aitbougb a ma can neucr fee tbtngs fo Sncll ftttlco in £ Snojlo asSneretobeSt)iffi}eb : bpcaufe 3D raplctb bp tbcDcab. Sltbougb tbis be a profitable lef fon,pit batb it no place beerc, bpcaufe it is btterip befpbes tbe tcjet . 3if anp man like better too reabe, [tbou (bait make tbeir i= mage DcfppfeD in tbe Citie,] tbe fence Soill bee, tbat (Sods nmgennce (ball not bee in bubtbcrmuDtber,atSDbattpmc Ije fball ttirne f bonour of tbe SoicfeeD to rep^ocbe: 1Sut tlje tljingc fijalbee Doonc opcnlv, tb-it all men mape fee it , as it Sycrc in ibe opencourtofaCittte. 8i5ut tbeSooozDc rapfing, oj Suafeening, Soill agree better, Subicb id matcbeo as a contrarie (00 Drea- ming. 21 For my hart glowed, and I was pricked in my reynes. 22 And I was foolish and ignorant, I was as a beaft with thee. *3 Yet John Gamins ^ommentanc 13 Yit was I alwaycs with thee, thou hildefc my ryght hand. 24 Thou shalt guydc mee with thy counfell, and at the length take nice vp into glorie. 2 1 [#oj mp ijart gloweD, $ c] 3Pgcin bee rcpstct;) tlteconfcfuontliat be2bab mace facfoic: namelp , ti)attt)zou3tj tbe fiinge of totefcen enupoufeneflfe t»bicb be felt in bis bart,b~c fell to qtnrclmg ftcutlp agcpnfte (H5od. If^c comparctli l?ts cbolcnSincu"; too llcuen. O tbers trantlate it,tbatbis Ijartc leas fteepeD tn 'amcgcr.lS tit it agrcctb bet ter tljar t)i3 Ijart toao epger 0; ftoolne like icucneD oowe : li&e as alfo in plauttis, a Ionian tbat fwclteb fojt anger ,is fapo too beeallleueneD . £)tberfome rcabc it, [mp repnea Si) ere p?ic&eo tl)jougb,]« tljep iotl bauc ti^e letter [Aicph] in tlie begfnningc of tbe ioonziB too bee put in ftebe of tbe letter [He]tDl;iclj maUetbc fmall Difference in tbe marter.BlnD toce knowc tbat tijc Sooojtbe, [Cciiorh] Cbptobicb name tbe i§eb2ea>c0 terme tbe IRepnea 0? Kpbncpe0 ) is.bcrps ueo of [Caiach]S»btcb fignifictb to lutfe op ionge after a tbing,bpcaufe tl;ep appopnte tbe r cpn:0 to b: tbe place of luftes.Cbcrs fo;c bee fapetb tbat f)C iuas pitch CD Soptb troubbicfome fbougbi' ittjaD bit lotttj tbojne©. jftoroc, frora Sotjencetius epgro bartburntnge came topon 3D auto, 3! banc told alreaap. foj, tbcre be manpe Soojtlblp men, S»bicbc alit)ougb tbcp benpc not tbe loozlD to bee goucrneD bp b^auenlp pjoi uioence , 000 notroitbttanotng not grcatlp Difqniettbcmfclucs, butlaugbat tbe Da - Ipanceo of fortune. U3 tit ibe mojte tbat tbe faptbfull bee pcrftmDeD that cb tbe? baue,i0 to freaK to cofiacr tb:m : pit bo>b jDauiD ^>ooitbclp lap t\)z fault topon bim - fclf,bicaufe bebegeneratebfro manlp rea> fon to bcaftlp bjutUbnefTe^orobett as ofi ten ao Sue miflthe oft lie manner of^obs pzotttDencc tn gouerning tbe SuojlD :Iet bs beare in mpnb tbat f fame c om ct h to patTc tb?ougb? naugbtines of onrbnbcrftabmg C'ae parttcle[Gnamakjt0 tahe beer in icap of c6partfon,fo2[bef02e tbee:]asif bee bao fapo, £o2be, altbougb 3 bauefecmeb in Come refpect to be a io'p fclow tn f too? in : pit in refpect of tbr bcauc nlptotfcbomc, jB batte bin no better tban a bjttte beaft.&nD be !;atb not put in tb to parcell in b Apn:fo 2 bow cometb it to paflc trjat men are fo fot= ten in tbetr own fonbnc0,but bpcaufe t'jat bofalt ecbe man looKetb at otbcr,nl of tbe flatter f footb tbcmfelucor'iFo? euerp ma t\m\x8 bimfelf to fee fomeicbat among tbe tbat bee blpnbe, 02 at leaft f»pfe bee boU betb bimfelfe conrentcs tottb tijis oamc tbing,tbat tbe reft are ncuer a tobpt S»p= fcr tban bcc.HEJut come tbep once to <15oo : tbat eomon errottr of tbeirs, iobcrin tbep, roa>tcD,t0 quptcbafQicb. 2 } [yit Sua© 3 alvoapes Soitb tbee, $ c] l^ecre be fapctb b« toa0 5»itb <& ob in an otber fenfe . :f02 bee gpuetb bim tljanfccs fozbolbtngbtmbp in tbat f02ci»arsncu"e of fallinge, tbat bee fell not qupte atoapc from I) tin. Ijlnb tbe greatnefle of tbp0 (Srace is tbe mo2e enlpgbtencb bp tbat confeflionofbt0,ti)aibccbao bin bcfpbca bio ibittcs, pea ana a berp b2ute bcatle. #02 bubble nnb trcbblc ioa0 bee fecojs tbpc too baue bin exit atoape , fitb bec burftc reppueagepnn; X-A-^UJ, JL 1«L111V> v> befoxe bis cpe0 , anD too bcc rulcb bp b>>0 banb,anD maintcpneb bp bt0 power : &>x clfc 5»bcn goo bp bt0 fccret bxpblc bolDetli tb6tn tn at fucb tpme a0 tbcp frmnaer anD go aftrap,anb fuffereth. tljem not to be bt^ tcrlPCftrauugeD from bun, Cberfoxctoho focuer imaginctb tbarob0 taking of him bp tl)C rpgbt banb,bc bctoHcnetb tbat be is as bp (0OD0 wonDerfull power pullet) bacHe frotn that bcepe gulf into tobich. the repxo- bate0 cad tbemfelu:0.Cbcrfoxc,tbac 2) a utb rcftrepntb bimfelf from burning tntoo manifeft blafpbcmics , anD from barbening in b i0 err our ; anb alio tbat be conbemnco bimfelf of fooli(nnc0:be imputctb it icbol- ip to the grace of ob , folio ft retcbeb out bis banb anb ftapeb btm v>p from fallings ijcablong. 3&nb becrbpioec fee,b,ow pjtects oufe our faluacion is totf&oft, in tbat tcben Sx»se ioanocr far from bitn,pit caftetb be a car efull epe bpon 00, anb r each Kb out bp£ banD to gather b0 in togptber. 3 n DeeDe, this muft not bee pxetenbeD fox a clofee of flothfuincflc :.but pit experience teacbetb, tbat (©00 regarbetb bo euen feljen we bee benomeb in bulncfle: anb that bee is neere D0,cucn when free bee becomme r onnea= &>apc0 anb flragglcr0 . 31 nb tlje fexce of tr)e metapb 0: 10 to bee noteb, Sobcn bee 10 fapb [to Ijolbc liim bp the rpgbt banb:] foj there is no temptation to Ipgbte, &>l)icbe iuooiD not eaftp oucrtbjow be, if iuc isero not bpbilbbptbe power of <©oD.Cben,£ inec quaple not euen in the foxeft encoun- ter©, it cometb not of awght clfc, than of trie bclpc of f h olp d&boft . fiot tbat be al- ioapes bttcrctb bis power bxpgbtlp in b0 (fox be oftcRtpmc© Suoojbetli tlje perfect* neffe thereof in our SoeakncfTcO but it 10 pnougb tbat be fuccour ct'o bs ignoxant 9 Unwitting of tt,anDbpbolbetb us in our flpbing,pea anb ltftetb b0 bp »btn Soz be falne. 24 [Chou fbalt gupbe mee, 9 c] iff oj as tnucl) a0 trie berbe0 be of trie future tece, 3! take the natiue fence to bee t bis: JL oxD , feeing 31 am now bxougbt once agein into the wape, bp tbp leabinge : ttjou fc>tlt alfo pzoceeDe to rule mee beereafter , vmt'.ll 31 map at length be taken bp into tbp glo?ie. jffoj ioee kno we it 10 an oxbtnarie matter ioitb iDauiD ,a0 foone as bee bathe gpucn tljanHcfi, to concepne bope f 0: the tpme to come. Cbcrfoze, after be batb nc'^no wlcb - gcb lu0 owne m6rtmtic0,anb commenbeb d5ob0 belpfull grace iwhtcii be hab has ecs pcrience of : & ow bee puttetii bimfelfe in hope oftbecontinewance of the fame to= warbe0 liun.d5uvbing bp coufcll is put in the foxmeft place : bpcaufe tbat altbougbe feolcs anb bnabupfeb pcrfonco baue now anb tljen goob fucceflc in their? matter0, bpcaufe <§ob faluetl) our crrourcs, $ tar; netb tbe thtngs to gooo enbe Subicb irere ill begonne: pit is it his oxbinarie 9 moxe fulfeme bluTmg to gpue bis fcruantcs mf = borne : ano i»ee mufte in efpcciallp bcfpxe btm to'goucrne to0 ioitb tbefpirit of coun; fell anb iubgment. $ oj ioljo focuer Darc0 attempt anp tiling upon truO of bis owne &oifebome,bee (balbce bxougbt too fbame Soitb this raCbcncfte of l)ts , bpcaufe be ta - feetb bppon l)im the tiling that is peculiar to <]5ob. foi if it ftoob Dauib on banb to baue <2?od to bee bisguvbc: boisc mucbe moxe nccoo baue wee of the fame gnpbe ? 3ftcrwarbc bntoo [ Counfell is annereb €>Ioxie] which in mp iubgement muft not bee reftrepnebto tbe ctcrnall lpfo,as fome tooolD ljaucit:but compxelienDctb v toljole courfe of our pjofperitie anb welfare, fro tbe beginning of it fubicb 10 fecne Ijerc u = pon ear t b,eucn bntoo tlie enbe which ioce hope fox in beancn. 3D auib then bebigi) tetb bimfelfe eternal gloxic tbxougb d5oos free fauour , anb pit bee c t clubct h not tbe bUffinge0 tbat be psrfewetb bis feruantes Softball bppon earth , fo as tbcp map feele fome taftc of felicitie euen licet e. 2; VVhome hauc I in heaucn ? And with thee haue I wished none vp pon earth . 26 My lohn L.aluins Lx>mmentane, 19 My flesh hath fainted,and my hart alfo : Uod is the ftrength of my hart,and my porcionfor cucrmorc. 27 For lo, they that depart from thee shall perishc : thou haft deftroyed all thofe that go a whoring from thee . 28 As for mee,ic dooth mee good too drawe neerc vnto God : I haue put my truft in the LordGod,that 1 may shewefoorth all thy workes. 25 [i?bomebaue3!,5C] f^ccbeclarctb maze plapnlp hovo tnaebbBebab pzoSteb in *obs ibanctuarie:inafmucb as bolbing bimfelf content Seitb bim alone, bee reice* f ctb S»batfoeuer tbmges offer t^emfelaes befpoes t)tm . Cbe manner of fpcaUmgc 5s>l;;ci) be ttfet!) in iopning togitber an in= tcrtogacion anb an affirmation is bar fb in ofner twinges, but rpfe amonge tbe $e = bzecoes. 'in tl;e fence tljere is no boubtful= neffsifoz 2DauibS mecning is,tbat ^e tolfV Gjctb nothing in bcaue oz in eartb befibes CPoD: anD tbat all otfjcr things ix»l)icl] aU foremen bnto tfym; fhn& toiiljoutljim. 3i«b futelp tl)en batb 45cb bis new glozis among t)3, ioljen &>eebce not carpcb bP3 ther ante t!)nl)cr,btit bote ourfelues fuffp; feo f»ub bint alone, 2£ut if S»ce fetneuer fo Ittlc of our affection bppon creatures : fo farfooztb boo iaee befraub tban tl]islra^tcroufneffe. foj, Ssbere t0 t':cre one among a nomber, ity.t bolbctb b'S affections fljet bp in CB k> 2} alonct^x>:e fee Ijcrv man* mates ftiperf!i= ticn topnetb &>:?fj Ijim . jf oz aitbeugb ibe p jptfrcs ccntcd: that all tbingcsbepen&c bbpen d5o5:r!tpiirchacctbcp tbcmfclu:s innumerable bprjclpcs bcre anbtberebe rpDcs.Otiicrfome being puSeb bppe &>itb pzprje, tbzuii in eptber t bemfeiacs oz elfe others as bciprclowcs bnto *15od . xvhers fois fo muc.\! t!;C mozs bih'gctlp is tins bor ctrinc to b:c norcb , that it ts not forcefull foz bato feckctoanp but onlp bnto45ob. it to b;emcnte of tbe beczpics Sobetewitb aimed all t!;c 5»J)0lc i»ezlo maUeib ttfeif bzunacn. ;tf oz rbofc tbat are not bcgup= led Smtb, tbat fojmer craftpnefTc of &atan toofojgc to tbemfclucs falfe <5obdcs: ep= tl;erbecepuctl)cmff lues bp ouerweeninge &bple bppon truft of their ouim conning, oz t'neir ftrengti), oz tljetr &j!tte,tbep t&hc bppon tbcm tljatjbbicb belongetl; to gob: 02 elfe foobe tliem fclues i»itl> brceptfuU entfccmentes.^JbplP tbep leane bntoo tbe fauoure of men, ez truftetoo rtjeire oame rtcbes anb otber bpfjelpes . Cbctcfoze tbeonclpteap too feciu <©odjs, not too tScc bzawen aioape bp funbjtp i»p«3lau*ee, but too fijahe off all S)uperfhtien anb PZpbe, anb too bp« t3S rpg!)tfoo?tb bntoo d5ob alone, fo; this parcel! {anb toitb tljce baue 3! "bab mpnbe too none] impoz-; tct!) as muclj as tf^cc bab fapbe, J5pcauft 3 Kno&einbccbetljat tb0uonclpartep>- nougb anb fiiff cient fozmce. 31 am not gabBing after funbz'e befires, but fettle mpfelfe bppon tl;ec. 3nb to tty intent ice mapc becfettffpeb ii?itl) tbe one <45o&,it is erpebicnt foz bs to hnofoe 5»ljat plcntp of goob binges \\et bzmgetb bs. i6 [^pfitfljljatbfaintcb,fc.] S>omc tahc t!?e fozmcr part of tbcberfc thus: tbat 2Dauibs fiefb * bartfaplcb bim tbzougb f earncftneffe cf longing: anb fo tljep tbtnH be tefhaetb bow earneftlp be ltfteb bp bps mpnbbnto gob.i^oixseaitbouglj tbelpfce maner of (peaking be to be met ivitball in otberplaces:pttnotu»itbftabing,pS»btcb tsabbebtmraebiatlp afier(namelp [ Cbc 3nb aKbSiigb tbat bp tlje names of [ bea; lozo ts tbe ftrcngrb of mp bart]3 feemetb lift* aha earebJbc betcacn isbatfoeuer me to requpze anotljer fence..!! ratije eannnagine : pit natattbftanbmg beefcc= metij lonoictbc tvooo fepnoco biiltnctlp b^ tljeinfehies. ^Ijcret'oze in fapinge tbat be feettctb ta nenetn beaue faue onlp goo, !>e reicctctb ail the cou^terfct ©ods 5»itb tob'Ci; ti;c comen trrsat $ falp of ^ wozlD fraugbtetb beauettSttb in ilyit bebenpetb &rafe fe too Saia^e anp in cartb *♦ 31 taUe requpze anotljer rence.3! ratber tbinKe tt to be a matcbiug of contraries, betS&ene tbe faintneffe tbat SDauib felt in btmfelf, f tt)$ ftregtb tbat fuas mimftcred bnto bim bp gob: asifbtfboa!bbauefa!b,altbougb 3; bccnotbingaslongas H am feparsteo fro gob,« tbat all Sebtcb 3 am able to bco is rigbtneugbt: pit incoming to bim, 3 finbcftozeofQrengib- 3nottisaberpe -. necef: vppon the. Lxxiij. Plalme. neceirarie thing to conlacr fo'iat ^»3 bcc toitbaut <^0J) , bpcaufenomun totiicnt btmfcifc tobollp dppon god.but 1)2 tob'.cl) feeling bimfclf to faint, dcfpepjctb of bps oumc abilitie. itfoj toe fce&e not augl?t >ft goes band, but that tobtc'i 15 Wanting in our men confeffc,and tbe moje part tbialie tt pnougb,tf 45 txuzttts toas beiutcbed 25 ut it bappenctl) fo? tbe mefte part,tbat men tobttb are not cjterctfed tn tbe sbcrip turco ar.D endued tottb true DtuinUte,doo neuer tbclcfie ouer & oot tbcmfclues in tbe firft principles, altbongb ttjcp bee ftulfull in the %) ebjetc c tuna . 2fcnd altbougb tbat in 4bc name of [bart] bee comprehend 1 be toijole fotrfe : pit mecnetb bee not tbat tbe fubftaunce of tbefoule ttfeife fapletij, but tbat all tbe powers tberof are toeafeencd iob'Cb U cbtcpnctb not but of - bing faitb, in calling bpon (0ob,in founb- ncft'e of bart, an) in obedience to f i» ??o. wbofocuer tljen fubtnittctb not bimfclf to tbe S»o?D of <£lob,;foas be tafee bim to be tbe onelpautbo? of all good tbingaVoepen Dtng bponbtm, peeiaingbitKfclf to bun 10 be goucrneD bp Ijim, fleeing alo?npes bnto btm,anD aoDtctingallbi0attccttons unto bim : bee is like an aduouterous teoman S»bcb4eauetb tyx ox»ne bufband,and gp; uctb bfrfelf ouer to Grangers. Cbcrefojc it is all one as tiiougb iDauid fhoulo Be- rouaccaliuipollatajctobcisduouretcrs. 2 8 [3!0 fo? me &c] woo?d fojiuezD ttis [3no 33.] 25 ut 2Dau;o fpeabtng pittffe ip cf bimfelf, nfirmetb tbat altbougb bee fee tbcSeljole ino^ld eftraugco from god bp teanDering errours:pit be bimfelf toil alumpcs abpdc bnder d5ods band . net others come to nought (.faft>) be) if Unit beadpnefle cannot bee reftrepned but t't tbcpi»iH necdesronne after tbe dicepjes of tbctDCjld:asfojmce,3! fcilabpDc fic= dp m tbispurpofe of mapntevntng t>olp alpance tottb god , lit* panbp after bee ad- detl) t'je maner of appjoebmg o? u?axv>= ing ncere : tbat t'0 to fapc,i»bcn our affy-s ancc rcftctb, in bim.^o? <©od toil not elfe tottboio b0,onele0e toe beefuUpperfirai dedjtbat toe cannot otberropfe fiano faSc tijan bpbiS gtacc . 3lnd this place is toa bee noted , too tbe ende tljat toben ail tt,c too?id tlpdctb atoap intoo mifuclcefe, tbe cuil crample tljcrof carp not bs atoap into Itccntioufneffe as toell as them : and tbat toe map learuc to Ijoroc in our felues to Ut5oQ alone, jn tbe end bee dootb bs to Suit, that after tbe time be Ijatb once confc cratea bimfclf to (Bob alone, be fbal neuer toant occafton of p:aifmg bun,bcrclp bpj canfc bee neu:r difapp9mtct!) tbe b spe of bio feruants. wberupon it folowctb tbat none raile op tangle ageinft a3cd, bu: fuel* as toilfullp ouercaft tberclues i» clouds, left bp efpping bis pjtouidence tbcp tbouid bctabe tbcmfclues too bis garde r.nd p:o= tccrton. The Iohn Caluins Commentaric, The contcints of the Lxxiiij.Pfalme. The SainBes bcwaylc the grafting offbc> Chunk, -which had brought the name of ' ifyacl almofl too deftruffion. *And although it appeere by their hum ble petitions, that they afcribe too their oxtnc fmncs -whatfoeuer t utiles they fujicyne :yit doo they yrge GOD -with his owne couenant, ycherthrough he adopted the offpring »f 3D . iHJow tfjett, that tptle [Maftkii] agrccrt) uerpiocU tbe pfalme ioas not of 2Dauib0 tnafeing;, to the matter. 5f oj although, it be it t'0 cafp to gatber bp tlje cbntcfnrc0 of it, novo ano ttjen applicb to matters bpcaufe tljerc ioas no fucb oucr itijovrc « of mirtb.accojoing as Ijatb bin fecne in t!;e beftruction of tl)e Cbnrcbc fo* b«n to be= •rm'sj. pfalmc : pit notia>itl)ftan&ing foj tt>aplcinbi0tyme.cbeptbattbmkotbcr= tbc moftpart.'itDoctijbs to tmocrftanb, fcpfe, make ejecufc,tbat3E>aui&bp the fpi= tbat tbc trcatpfe conccrnctb <£oD0 iubg= rtt of p;op!)efiefo?cfpafec tbat Sobicb *»a0 mratc0,i»berbj) men are cotnpellea to en; not pit commc to paflc.HButfojafmuch, a0 tcr into t!)cm fclncs , ar.D to qeaitttti tl;cir it is to be pjoucb,tbat siucrfe of tl?e |£fal= osonc fmncs, tbat tl;cp map Immblc tfycra mc# Soerc mabe bp fun&&> ^ut\)ois after _ S>auiD0 3Dautbs bcatb : Ji bout not but tins fcas one of the nombcr of tbem-iftotttntbdan ■■ Ding it is not berp eertcine of ioljat cala^ initte be intreatctl) bccrc.Ctbcr be two o pimos.iffoz Tome refer it to tbe beftructio of tbe citie 9 t\)t temple , at fuel) tpme as the people fens Ico air ap captiuc to H5abi- lonbnBer/frabuchabnejcr. 3Rnb otbers feme refer tt to the Defiling of rljc temple tbat bappsneb bnber ainttocbus. Cptljcr of tbem bath fome colour. € b c c fl p 1 1) c lat= ter, bpeaufc tl)e faitbfull complaine Ijccre tbat tlicr are no«? befittute of fignce anD pjopbcts:fo)bcrae it to fufficientlp Bnotoe Y manp pzopjjcts flo;ufQ;eb at fuel) tpmc as tbe people it) ere leo atrap into capttui? tie.aigeinbpcaufeitisfaib alpttle nfcje, tljatibcfanauancotDcrc burnt bp, the fearucb S33 oikcB Dcftr opco , j nothing teas left tsb ole: it agree tit not to tl; e crucltp anb tirannp of H'nttocbuo ' .' Jro? although bee fljamefullp befilcb tbe temple it .itlj the fo= perfticions of y beatben: pit the btoplbtng abobe i»bole,t tr>e tpmber $ Atones toere not at y tpmc eonfumeb toitb fpze.&ome alleogc tbat bp the Sanctuaries are ment tbe Sjsinagoges &>berin tbeir botp a(Tem= btpco Sucre Sx> cont to be kept, not onlp at i^ieru3ale but alio in ti)c reft of tbe cities of JetDzp.jttmap be alfo tbat the fattlifull bcbolDtng the horrible bnb. alowing of tbe Ccmplc, toohcfcjarnmg at fo fozorofull a fight, to caft tbe epes of tbeir minbes back to tbe former fire SDbcretbzouglj it &as eonfumeb bp tl)e € balbies,? fo compzifeb two ocftructionc in one. 3inb fo tljc con= lecture tDtlbccn:o?c probable, that tbcis complatntcs belong to tljc tvme of 25ntio= chus,bfcaufe as tbe f churcb of d&ob S»as fioitbout jOzophets . l&orobcit if anp man Itfee ratber too refer it to tbe captiuttic of 115 abilon : tbe bntping of this bnot fc>ilbce cafie.bicaufe tbat alttjougb 3Dcrctnp,<£5ei cbic!,anb iDanpel.Socrc tbe aliue:pit tbep liUD tbeir peace foz a tpmc as tbougb ibep bab fintlbcb tljc courfe of tbeir calltng:bn til at le'gtb a little afojtef bap of thctr Dcli- uerie,£>aniel came abzobe agcin to encos rage the banifbeb people to rcturn.whcr bnto dEfap.40. 1. fectnetb to bauc an epe in tbcis fe>oezbs:comfozt mp pcople,ccm* fojt mp people, rball pour Cgob fope. $ oj tbebcrb cf tl;c future tincc bitofeenetb, tfjatfilencc ionsintopneb tljc |Sjcpl;cts vppon the .Ixxv. Pfalme. 281 fo; a tpmc. 1 [£) ^cbtul)pba(5t])dti,?c.]3Cf tin's cotnpiapnt Sucre i»?iten in the capttiiite of OiSabpton,altbougb jScrempc bao era li= tnitcb tbe tb:ccfco;e anb fentb ?ccre fqz tbeir beliucrp:pit is it no fc>onbcr tbougb tbe tocerpnes of fo long bclap Sucre fomc; ieljat xoitb tbe fijarpefr, fo as t';cpbaplp fpgbcb anb gronco, anD tljougbt i'o long a fpacetohaucbinasa&bolciHCilD. %m as foj tbofe tbat Sucre fapnc too alpbe the cruelrie of a'nttocbus, fc?afmucb astljc? bab no tpme limitco bnto tbem : tbep IjaD goob caufcto coplapnc of gobs perpetual SDzatbfulncs.fpeciallcconftDcrtng y iwttl; ototljope of comfojt tbepfaxre tbe cru- elite of tbepj enemies bapip encreace, anb tbep? oicn eftatc i»cjc cuerp bap 5»o?fe tba otbet«5Fo; being bccretofo?eioo?ne to tljc barb dumps ifo tnanp bnfojtunatc fears Svtytt) tbctr nepbours bab rapfeb ageinfte tbem, tbep fecre comcattljat tpme iucl= neercto titter confumtng. inbttts to bee noteb ,y tbe faitbful beetng be jecb bp y l;ea tbennactos, bib ncucrt!;cies liftbptljcp; epes bnto gob , as tbougb b«s onlp banbe lapcb tbofe pumfbments bppon tijcm . ^ro^tbep fcnefo that tbe beatbeti iRaci-s ons fboulb not bane bin fuffcrcb fo lp= centtouQp agetnft them, cnleffc <© Q JD bab bin bifpleafcb.TDbcrcfo^e pcrftoabinge tbcmfelucs y tl;cp maoe not J»arre agcinft ficfi) anb blub, tut iicrc mftlp punifbeb bp (Bobs rightfuli mbgement : tljcp conftber trje caufe anb fountain of all tbc.r mifcttcs to bee,bicaufe ©ob(buring S»bofcfattcur tbep I) ao lineb becrtofoze at bartcs cafcj bab cafi; tbem of, anb boutfaueb not to ac- count tbeanpmozeinbis aocRc.^rojtbe Soojb[zanach]fignifietbtoretectanbbcteft anb foinetpmc alfo to S»iibb?a»» ones felf a fat of,* it wafeC0 no great matter iofopj tber of tljeioapes peetabe it in this place. ILct itfuffije to bolb tlji0 fo? tbe cffcct,tbat as oft as fee be pinchcD foul) abuerftttes, the bartcs arenottbiocccn at bs at ab= uenturebpfortune,buttbci0 tbinges are raifeb bp bp €>€>3D S> fecret be ermtna- tion, as S»l)tppes oz robbes &bcrcvcvtl) toochaftt3eour finnes . ^owbccutl;ts [reiccting anb i&jtatlfjtnuft bee teftrreb to tljc bnberftflnbing oftljcflcfb . i?o?al= t!jougl)(tofpcafee p?opctlp)ncgtlt!,ne04Cbcrcfo?c ft?befocucr <5ob execute.!) l}i0ben2cancG fepon bs,pit is our part to conftccr fejbat &>ce banc Deferucb:3Pnb to tbinK tbatal= tljoug!) (5 00 be not tondjeb teitb anp mo ; tton of angcv, pit ttjere Seas no let in bs, but that our finnes mtgb. t baue pzouohcb lum to foze bifpi4-afurc anb kt bint on fire agcinftbs.jFunbermoze to tbetent tbep map purcbaee tbemfclues nicrcp:tbe? flee to tbe remembrance cf tbc couenant iitjer bp tbep focrc abopteb to bee bis cbttojen. 5' oi in calling tbeTslues [f fl ocfec of gees paffure0 ,]tbcp comtr.cno'bis freiclcctton iobmtttfough. tbe? &cre fcperatco from y gentiles: wbicb rbmg t?;ep ejipzeffa moze plain!? in tbc nert berfe. 2 [Cbinh bp5 tbc f c.] Cbcp boaft tbem fclucs toohauebtn tbc peculiar pcepjeof 35ob:n?t foz tbeir own btjerning, but bp tlje grace of ab cdtTon . Co ftye fame pur= pofc pcrtcpnetb tbc antiquitic, in y it teas ± j?ot a ftawe monetbes ago tbat tbep earn* imocr gobs goucrnmet,but foz y tbttbab fucce:oeb :n it bp Soap of heritage. fo^i jno agC5 tbat be Ijab contineweb bis loue towarbes 1 be fceo of 9b?abi ,fo tnucb tbe better was tbeir fa^tb ftablifJhcb . Cbe? rcljcrce tbcrfojebow tbep bab bin tfjoss people from tlje beginning, namelp, eucr fincc gob bab mabe Ins inuiolable Icage & 3ibrabam. 3llfo tljere 10 abbeb tbe rebem; ption, Soberwitball tbc adoption was ra; tifpeb. fo% ©ob DID tljen rattle bts own foucrcintie.not onlp bp woojb.fcut aifo bp bceo, Cbas benefits of <©ob boo tbep fct before rbemfclursa© matter of affiance, 9 allrcge tljem bnto gob,tl)c bcrp au^'ooz of t!?em,t!)atbc QjoulD not fozfaUe lU0 oame fe>o?&.3Ufo bpo truft of $ famc,rbep i;nme biatlp callt,oemreluc0 [tb'e rob of bis inbe* r:tanc:,]riisro fap.tbeberitagCuj'ucb be barb motca out fo; bimfelf-iFoj tnafmuc') a0 tl;cp Eont to battel cut grof;D0 & metcpolcs a0 Soitb lpnc0: btalluoetb to p fame cuaomc. iftow tl)cn altl)Ougb fome bnb leuer to tranflatc tbef»oiO[s'hebae] a Crpi:e;pit notteifoanncing 35 me better ef tbi0 OLbcr metapbo?,^ gob (bp f fecret buttelling of \y,s own goob pleafure, ao it S»crc bp a tenfoote rob)boainbcb out y,U rael from tbc otber nacson0,to be bi0 oicn pjopcr grounb. JLaft of all i0 put ttjc tern - pie isbcrin gob bab pzomifeb tbatbeioolO bwelmot ^ b>0 being S»a0 inclcfeo in tbat place,a0 Ijatb bin fapb now btucrfe tpmea Glrcbp:tut bicaufe f faitbful felt l)im ncere at 'nanb f piefent faitl) tbe in tbat place bp Ins power f grace, tfl 0 to i»cc bnberftanb iuberbpon tbc people toohc bart to pzav: namelp at <0ob0 free clcction,piomtfc0^f iHeligionbeliucreb bnto tbem. 3 [ftiftbptbp Crowes fc.]jfron> on tbe 0 tber parte tbcp irifb beaalpbengeance to trjeir enempctf, accozbing 30 t\)ey crucllp outragcb ageinU tSie fanctuarte of goD:as if tbep Cbnlo fap,y no meane punmfbmct $»as pnougb f oz fo bngoblp $ traiterou0 outrage,* tberfoze y fucb ao bab bebaueb tbcfcluc0fofpiteful!p agcinft f temple* people of gOb,$uereto be beftropeb Sfcout b op e of rccouerie, bicaufe tbe :r teich ebnes foa0 befpcratc.^o^eoticr inafmucb as | boip CPboft inbiteo tl$is fozme of pzapiug: tbcrbp we gatber tbc bnmefurable lone of gob towaroo \J0,in y be iz-il fo fbarplp pu niQ) tbe iejongs y be bone bnto bs: 1 fc conblp bow great accoutbc mabetb of tbe wozflnpping of bio gobbcab, y biolating kiljcr of be pcrfccutctb, fo foze.^S cocerni 3 j S»ozb0:fomc trafiate [Phagnamim feetc, oz fteps]* gatber tb«0 fecc of it, llozb.lift bp t l)p feete 5 come flping apace to ftrmc f cnemieo.iDtbcrfomc traflateit [burners, tobicl) agrcetb aptlpmeuertbclatcr 3 baue mabcnocurteftetofoloujfopiniooftbofc y refer it to § act of ftriking 9 to tbc berp ftrobestbefeluc0 Cbc later meberifi cr- poubeb 0 tijcriu fc bp fome me,y is to toit, $ tlje cuemp bab cozrupteb ail tbings in £ fanctuarp.115 ut bicaufe tf>?0 mancr of co= ftructio is noi&bcrc to be met i»al,I ioolb not bepart fro aloiseb 9 rcccueb traflatio. 4- ['Cbpne abuerfaries 9 c. 3 Cbcp uben tbctr enemte 0 to lies, to tbentent topeint ou t tlje crucltie of tbcm,wbicb tbcp com-: plame tbat tbc? erecutcb eucn in tlie bcrp fanctuancsof © £D ID. 3! bab ieucr in tliis place to bnberftanb tbc Cempic tt)an the S>pnagog0. f oz it is no abfurbitic y tbc Ccmple alfo is calico becre in tbe plu ral nctnber [^ianctuarie0,] (Ufeeas tt is alfo vppon the.lxxv. Pfalm* 2S2 alfo often calleb elfbbf re) btcaufeit teas DeaiDeo into tbjee parts, li^oiubecittfaa tip man Itfec better too tonDerftanbe it of tlje £>inagogs : 3 fonl not (trine ageinft btm. Jftap trnlp tberc (0 no reafon to tbe comrarp.but that it map bee ejctcnoeb to t^e t»I)olc lanb tobtcb abucba&ne5er (bp tbe luitnes of Cjecbtel 2 1.21 ♦fougbt counfatlc at tbe fltgbtofbirDs)ittstomucb rertrevmeb* 315 nt tbe fotefato fojm'cr fence Soil fit tbe place tocrp fajeljfojfojbofoeuer efitrcDins ro tbe boip tanb,lje feneto ttjat tbe pecun> artoeojfbippingcf (SoDflonfbeDtbcre: $ tbe temple i»as aa tt Sucre a token of btcb feperatcb tbe people of <25oo from tbe beatben nations jtbc p,opbete novo mctcbetb tbe traptctoiss flags ano banners bzougbt into tbe teufple bp tbe enemies. 3lnb tberefoje in Doubbimg tbe teoibi be tncrcafetb tbe QjamefalnetTc of tbeir facte , in tbat tbe enemies baaing tb2e\PcnDoV>mbe monuments of goDlp ncs.bas fci top Graunse marUesin tbetr ttcao* 5. [QetbatlifteDfep.fc] l&ptr>f0ctr= cumttanec t'oe ^jopbet Dctb once agein iiiojc tnbaurtce tbe barbarous f bcaftlpe crueUtcoftbetnfmits tntbattbepoutra gtoaflp pallet) tn peeces a builbtng maoe fottb fo grcatcoSs sub cbargc0,aDo;n£O feitb fo great fpneffe $ bcautte,ana trim meo i»itbf3 great ano 5j?oo2K= manibip. ^n tijc fcjoojnes tbcre is fome CarUfomnes.ii^otxritbftcinDing trje fence tljat batl) titcftctafcen place ts tr>ts, tbat at it bat time tbe temple teas a buitimg tbe btwera cf timber fcocic rencvomeo f fa.r.ouc**>«>me tahe tbetxjooit) [Michu] acUuclr,anDCEpouni)ett,tl)attl;cptacre famous ant nnowmeo , astVjoa&b tijej? ofFrcb fdcrtflces to .Boo. 3lua t\)% elst (fybpebe lpftetr>mee better) tbe ^jopbet ntcenjtb) tbat tbere 5»as Dilp= g- nt fercbe mabe among tbe tbicfc 9 foj- grotucninoobs.tbatnotreefboulDe bee bevocn^ut fucbe as fejas cieceiUntax»bat if pe take it tbusYp in tbofetbicRiuoobs tbetrecsto £obtcbt!)cUlcetaaotoobcc put, t»ere nnoinen ano toel marUeb : as i»bo fbulb fap, tbep foere placcb on bigb anb fet out too tbe epes of tbe bebolocrs before banb fo? ttje nonce. &)ttre it is not too be Doubteo \jut tbat in tbts berfe bee commenDctl) tl>e ercellcntnes of tbe tim bcr?bicaufe it teas fucb clmzn ftn tfe, as foas able to b;ato tbe epes of all men to bebolbett,accojbingas in tbe beginning of tbe nect bcrfe.bp tbe Hcrmnge 0^ im- bowmgsl)£em£enetb tbe berpefa(l)ton fe>tjtclj ^»as polifijcD iJj ftngt,icr&)oo,&= man(i5ippe.2Slnbnottj bee fapctb tbat tbe CbalMcs'ujttboutanprcfpectatalljDtD fcttebppon tbat fo noble builDing iuttb Sires ano bammer^as %obo tooulD fap, tbat in Defacing of foropalt a Suojfe, tbep baa purpofeb to tnabe ©obs slojp tons ber tbeir fect.^ftervoarb be ccmplainctb oftlje burning of tl)£a0 bp W power anD &>ojtnng,to tbe fntft tbe people ftoulb cat \>pon bim in that place iottb tbe greater aff iance*3lnb to tbe in= tent tbe #?opbet map tbe better erpjefle tbe bo?rtblene0 of tbeir crueltte be bjtn* getb tbe in encouraging one anotber too maHenofpareoffpoplmg* 3tetbougbe Cfattb be) tbep &ere not minbcb inougb of tbemfelne0 too boo mlfcbecfe,euet.p of tbem fparretb fajloaro bis felon? to teaft 9 beftrop tbe vwfjoie people of <©ob Suit!) out exception*^ tbe enb be fattb tbat al tbe S) magogc© of anctiianc0 of £ totjolc 9- 10. 11. 12. lanb,fojcolbelpbofomeejtpoanbit,tbst btcanfe tbep coulbe not boo anpftutte 0 j bar me to <25ob0 fanetuarp in beauc, tbep fencaUeb tbeir teen Upon bis eartblp te= pie 01 bis S>tnagogs, f 0 j tbe iSjopbete Dotb bnt ftmpip cotnplaine,tbat tbe ene; m tco irere fo bet to blot oat €>ebs name tbat tbep lefteno corner fcnbcfaceb. 3lnb notamuteCaccojbingto tbe ongtnallof tbe it>o;o) bootb be conuep ouer f name of [Mogncdim] (fobiebe IB fo; tbe mofte partmentof tbe fanctnarp) Ditto tbofe places &i)erebolpau*cmbue0&evei» tit to be baanteb, not onlp fo; tbe re abing 9 ejepounbingof the 52>*opbet0,bnt atfo to call bpon tbe name of ojflbipptng of <0ob in JInrp. We fee not our fignes3there is no Prophete any more, nor any with vs that knowcth how long. O God how long shall the aduerfary worke reproche ? shall the ene- my blafphcme thy name for euer? How long wilte thou withdraw thy hand,and thy right hande? in the mids of thy bofome confume them. But God is my King from the beginning, woorking faluation in the mids of the earth. peretb not fo tnttcb 80 one fparb of ligbt &nD fojafmctcb 30 one of tbe cbefeft fig= ne0i»as,to be pjomtfeb beliueraance bp tbe U> topbeto : therefore bee bewapletb tbat tbere is no in jjc a tip ]3 :opbcrc too fojefee fame cnb of tbeir mtferiea.wbers bp 5»ee gatber, tbat tbe office of corofois ting feageniopnebto tbej3iopbet0,toa cbeere bp tbeir mtnD0 xottb bope of mer cp,&>bicbe&jerepullebbox»ne& fojoro. 3Inbeebe &>e know tbep &>ere pjeaebcra anb &>ttneflc0 of ob0fe>;atb, too com= pel tbe fttffe necaeb 9 rebellion fojt to 0 repentance bp manace0anb feare* jftot= fcutbttanbing bab tbep pjecifelp benoan ceo J5ob0 bengcauitce : tbeir ooctrpne i»bicbci»a0O2bepneofo;tbeSDelfareof tbe people bab tnrneb to notbing bat be* ftructton. Cberfoie bnto tbem Soas co* mittcb tbe fojtellmg of tbe ittnt to come* 5ro; bnoer temp^allpunilbmentsio fet fj;tb<0ob0fatberlpcbafl:tjertuntit>bicb mttigatetb b eaaine0,i»beras bt0 contis nwall oifpleafttre Sooalb ftrtfee tbe tmfe= rabtg 9 C^2feenotourfigne0.fc]C^efaitbi ful enhance tbe greeuoufneoef tbeir mi* fcrtea in tbat tbere teas no comtyt too eafe tbe fame. jf o; tbi0 i0a thing f> cbecf Ipauaplctb to tbe cbenng bp of $ minD0 of tbe goblp, fo>ben :tb bara* nes , btcaufe d5ob fijone not Dppan tbem after btsaccuffomco mannerjaccoiotng asfc>eecom!nonlpfap,tbattbeftgae0of loqeoj batreo are OjeweD bppon 00, Ja fumme,tbep complain, not onip tbat tbe time i0doubp 9 barfefome, but alfo tbat tbep lie in tljicH bar&nes, fo as there ap* vppon the . Ixxiii j. P&lme. rablc fmnenaftark beaoavherfeje w~c ah fa, tf w efeefce matter of patiencs f cofoit, mud iot)cn gob c^aftv^.b b0,lero6to 6c ourepes bppon this mobcracton where; through ©)£>£> allurctb OS to hope : anb tljcrcbp adttre our femes that <©oa tc not To angrp, that he algatcs eeafetb too bee a ;ffather.3lnb correction that bringetlj be; liucrattce,contcpnetb top mireb with bea= utnefle . CbiS is ib*tMa*Hc that all the j^zopbers bab a care too icuell their boc= trine at. ^foj although thep oftentimes beale rougblp anb barbip, too fubbew tlje ftubbcunede of tbe people bp feare : pit abbe tbep cofozt immebtatlp after , My.]) Q) owlb bee no comfort at all without hope of bcliuerance . /ftcucrtbclcffe Ijccrc is obfecteb a quedton, whither <©od mpn= bing too adwagc the greefe of bis fquej* gtng, nio alwapes betermine tbc nomber of peer es anb bapes .'31 nnfwcr,tl;at ai= t bough the Prophets hauenot cuermozc certetnlp fojefet the tpmc0 : pit thep often warrantcb beliuerace to be neere at hanb: anb all of them fpafce of the refutation of the Clmtcb that wa0 too come. 3if anp man take exception ag tin , that the afflie« tcb people bib amide in that thep bztw not the generail pzomifes to tbefeiues ,S»btcb we arc Cure belongcb alike to all agC0 : 31 anfocr thatmafmuebaodEfob iuaswont to anner tpbingo of beliuerancebntocues rp affliction: fcingtbatas now there aps peereth no prophet fent of fet purpofe fop that thing, the people compiainc not. frith, tnitcaufe , that the figncjs of fanour faple to frbtcb thep were actuft omeh. :f or bn=: till the commingof Cbztd ttwasbcrpe' nccbful'tbat the memorial of the promifeb' bcliuerance fboulb bee rencwebm ntcrp agc.that the faptbfuir.frp.ght in eucrp ef * fl'crion Ur.ow tbemfducsto be fttll regar; bco of Cob. i o [$ d5pb how longcijc] Chcir mee* nt'ng i0,thatnoihing grccuetbtbemmo?e than frben thep feeCBobo name blafpbc* mes cf the bngcblp.'ainb bp tbio fopnc of praping.tb? prophet min&eb to fctnble in our banco a $eloufcneffc of marrtcpntng the glozp of <£cb. 3Cno oerclp fczafinttcb as we bee nrituf allp to b.cpnfijfdfib tenfcer ha, tci in bearing abucrlUtcQ: it tg a tt cm trpa'lof goblvnejjif tbeDiftonom- of gob, gvecue anO DtfqmCt fcs raozje rtjanStorjajfiM " '•' 7 ettcr wTfaorr in our kUictf./fr^ouT£Ic ti$c 3? ewes were taanp frapcar f feojitcb f f&offeoatwiihmo&pnscoofreprocbtba" cne,bnber that mod cruel Cp?ant t bar* barous nacion. Inb pit the prophet fpe*- Hing in the perfon of the wbclc Churn/, maUctb in maner no rcc&ening of the bef= ppght that Suae bafiheb bppon the bcabs of r he pcople,in refpect ef the trapterou0 blafphemiesageinO- gob.accojbing to tins test ofthepfalm. 69. lo.tbercuplingsof them thatreuplcb thee arc Ipgbt bppon met . Che £oeo;b [euermo;e 0; fo? euer] is abbeb agctn.bicaufe continuall refpit of punnifement haroeneth the bngoblp bn- to bolbnede , fpeciallp tohen thep ratle at (^ob anb he maketh as though bciawctt not . ^nbtherfojc immebtatlp aftcr.hcc ftbbeth,[^oto long £> gob totit thou twth b?aw thp hanb i Move although it bee not barKfomctehatp pjophct mtebcth:pitbo the Interpreters baric about the wo?bs. TDheras fomebp the kcojo hanb in thefoje part of the berfetbnberftano t^e lift hanb, J is is but trpfling:fo? rather bpthe term? | of [right hanb]heboth but bobble one felf thmgacco?bing too bio accuftomeb ma-, ner. ^ometranflatethewoorb[Caiah]m the cnb of the Gaffe, [p?obibtt:]a0 though the p?ophct fbulo fap.ftrctch out thp hanb at length , &h^u.t!l. tcoftr John Caluins Commentary to ftir top tb!feiue0 to mozc earncftm* in p:aping.:Jf $i S»ee know JjowijarD a mat; ter it is 10 to r pje op abouc all u out i nga, ■ lb a0 i»e map faith looce * free ourfe ton* fcrfu!!^ peruft in piping. &eere t!?crfo?c the fait^full call to mpnbe the ejcainple0 of 0000 mcrcic ana mpght, iobcrbp be bat!) from tpme too tpmc through ell agc0 as uoucbeb Ijimfclfc too beetle &ingof bitf chosen people . «5nD bp ti;ts ejcample tocc be taught that femg it is not pnousbtoo maae apiapGr iuitb thclippc0,onlefre tee ptap&itrj faith alfb : Ssccmuftalwapcs call back our mpno0 to the bcncfpt0 ltbcr bp (25oD bath confirmcD tys fatberi? loue to waros bs,ft>hicb matt be fontnc ties ton to to0 of b^s election. 5F02 the tptlc of lung which t-P IWbet attribute^ tonto (000, appecrctb not omp to be reflrepneb to his foacreintie : but alio too this, tbatbebaD I taken bppon bim the cbarge ef that peo= pie to matnteinc t'?em in fafetp anb Saettb. What tbe pcrccl[from the beginning] inn poitecb, 31 ljat;c tcte pon alrto? . 33 p the [miSBG0 cf tbce naule of tbe iooziD tbat is fnhabiieD . 26 ut ft is foclpnougb Hnocpcn, tbat it io taken fo* a place rbai ftanoetb infpgbt : like as toben it&ms Tapb bnto $&baro : 3! Sailbe tmo- S»ento be <£?ob in tbe mioses of tbe earth = becit tbcp all spermine tod tbe ftnr bcliuea ranee,fr>r}erbp<25 0 KD riooebbts people from the tirraiinp of 3£g;pf' SfteriwarO betoUl come oownc too tbe gcnhsU com* ntenb scion of <& O £> & gracc/totjicb tit flies abjote into all the Soo^b.3np To f:5 the fpcciall grace fetich ©oaljatfotfoatj fatiea topon bio ot&n; church, be panftb to the gooa s»iilu»b'c^bcc bcar«b tovocv.a tofyl: manfepno. jfira l>e faith tbat be Hu uiaco 02 cut tip fca.^)ome thm'a tb: ncjtt member too bee anricrco in refpect tbat <5Q1D Qmlbhaue&iiicDtl>e toijalcffanb other grcate §>eafifbC0 bp &:pm§bptbe gjca.lSnt 3 am of opinion, tljat pharao 9 \)\gt arm? art bcto»«cD bp ioap of me= tapI|or:bpcanfe fucb mancr of fpeafefng is uerp rpfe among tb« 0;opl)et0, fpcctallp Sabe tljcp intrcate of t;-,c 2legiptia0,toborc iana toas fuftemcD u>itii fiQ) of thefca.anJ) tbe riuer f£tiu0 ronneth tbioub it . ^ot ititboat caufe tI/cr|oie i0 pbarao termeU [llcuiathatt'Jbpjrxafonof tbe comobitietf of the ^ea,bpraafe bee repgneb there as a Schaie tn tbe fo>ater . $$) oieoucr f o: af- istUm as the enO to iwbicb e la as nst to ae rcftrepncD to that on? age alone. ^n3tbcrefo?ei»GO2tbclpiti0applpebtoo tbofe that come after.^thep! map csnnrmc tljcir faith bp tbe fcnie.ifioto the although Ijcrccfecnnot top al the miracle0thatgo& Soiougrjt at tl;c coming off p;ople out of 3fcSipt VppOH U1C . 1X74IIIJ. 1'liilIllC. S&tgtpt pit nonaptbftfiotng bp tbe figure &9apfeb>& iaatcr &as flrt Hen out of the IRocfce. if mail? be aobctb [tbat the 6rcamr0 Sue re u? tb] tbat 10 to 1»it attache time a© <££)£> turning baefce tbe ftreame of Jojtban , maoe &ap fo; b'0 people to paCTe oucr. f 0? there ts no r cafen at all . in this tbat lome iy oulD baqc [Aitan] to be a proper name* 16; [f bineistbebap.fc,] l^eccometb tcane tctbcbencfiteBChJpoDtbatper:: teme in common too al! msnfcinbc* ;tfoj after b* ebatb mace bte en rreunce at tbe fpeciailgracc0,&ber«bp<2>£>ID fbeaeo bimfelfe to be tbe father of bio elect peos pie : new tnbuefeafon heatioucbetblnm to be bent detail to all men. 3nb bp tbefe Srojos be booth b0 too bnbcrftanMbat tt is not jpojttune tbat ntahctb tbe bapes anb nights too fuccceb ccbeotber bj- xm- cbaunge&bie tame ; but tbat this 0: fcer &>as fo;cfet bp tbe appointment of goo : 234 8RD tbe featonis abbc&, namcip bicaufe <0>cb barb g»uen tbe &onnc both petoer anb charge to ligbten the eart!j* -j!oi afs fone as tbe \$ jo phet bab fpofcen of light, beabbebtbej&onneatf tbe cbecf carper thereof. $cvo then fo^afmuebe a0 sSo&s incomperablc goobnestotoaros roe fbp= netb foytb oremp in tfcta o?uer : the j&jo phet booth not amine to fctche matter of truftatthefame. Coo the fame porpofe fcructb that frbicb folowetb ntyt conccr nuig tbe buttcllmg etitofthebounD0of the s fmguler benefit (btnc heers in,thatbe.f;atb alotteo to eche Ration a fcu'cllmgpfflcc of their ownc* ^ctwiths GatDmg 3i rather teKeittoo be mentof thofe bounds vobuh cannot be confouns bcti at the pleafurc of men: tbatts to S»tt that <0od hath appointtb men roam bp; on the eartb,fo muche as map fufftjc the to bit ell b pyen, further mc-e the inters courfe of fcnnter anb fommcr 60 eutbent Ip auouebe, \}cw bonntifullp <1^od hathe p: outset in mcnsnetbs^TOherupon the je>?ophct toife ip gatbere th, that nothing is mo;e nnlibcipe, than that bee fbouloe neglect the tutie of a father towarcs t)t0 oxvnc flock anb bi0 b.oulbolbe mepnp. 18. Remember this,that the aduerftry hath rajled at the Lord : 8c a peo- ple that is naughtworth hath done reproche to thy name. 15?. Giue not the life of thy Turtle Doue to the bcaft : forget not the co- gregation of thy poorc ones vnto the ende. 2 o. Haue an eye to thy coucnaunt : for the darkneflcs of the ear th are 0 - led with the habitations of cruel tie. 21. Let not the opprefled returnc ashamed : let the poorc and the helplcs praife thy name. 22. Aiife O God,plead thine owne cacc : remember thine own reproche whiche is offrcd vnto thee dayly by the foole. Nn.iiii. 13. Forget lobn CaluinsCominentaric 23. Forget not the voice of thine acuicrfarics : the noyfe of them that rife ageinft thee afcendeth continually. i8» [IScmembtt] Iftcrbebatb aftc&toptbemtnoeooftrjegoolp bpcral ting tbe power f gooone© of d&ob : new be returned) tot'^e rcGfcuc cf btspiapcr; f firabeefinoetb fault tbat tbe enemies raple agctnftd5oD tonpuntft)C&*n tbe contratp part be fepeti;,tbat eaen tafkals * bzatntefTe pcrfones fpue out tbeit repjocbes fo fau* cel?agcmajopbct tcrme rbe befpifcrs of 0ob [nsugbtp pacfes] oj naugbtwoztb* 1 9* [(&uie not tbp hfe««c] Cbe woibe [chaia] among tfce l^ebicwes figmfietb t'omctimetbe [ltfe>l anb fo bo fomc inter piet tt a Uttle afoie in tbt& felffantc nerfe But ccttein it is tbat b«r itio taae fo* a wilo beaft oj fo; a uiultitu&e. xo\\ ttfjee of tbefc wapes fo eucr pe lift too tafee it, it wilbe a b'crp apt comparifon between tbe life of a focafe anti feat ful biro, and a ftrongbofte of men 0 ^ a cruellbeaft.#o> bee httcnctbtbe Cburcbc too a turtle 3Doue,btcaufe tbat altbougb tb«e were fume notnber of tljefaptljCuti : pit were tbep far tco weabc fo; tbeir enemteo, 0% ratber fet 30 a p;ap fo? tbem.^lfterwaro bee aooetb [fojgct not tbe foule] 0; con; gregatton of tb? pooje* itfe; tbe woo?be [Hith] \b repeatcfc.anb tt carpetb a grace witb % bee is tben fapco to arife.wbe after long fbew etb in\»erpoecbibatbe fo2gatn9twbat be bab to bo.fnb to tbe intent be map bn 6ertabetb'«cace witb f better wti, tbep terme btm tbe uiatntciner of tbeir rigbt: as if tbep, fbouio fayej llojbe, feeing tbat tbme own cace ano tbine own matter ts tn bano b*er,tbere ts no time of fo?Qow uigtt.Knbbose tbiscace RjoulD belong to&to vppon the. lxxv.Pfilme. bnto <2foo,tbep Ibctotljcriwftbai!, b^caufe *** ittsDa?!ye fubfecfetoo tlje rep?ocbea of foolrs.l^orobccttanu»tHH?lKereagem. tranQats £ toojo [Nabai] naagbtppacHflf, <&l)c bepnoufcueCTc of tbe mifebief ta am ■ phfpeobp aeirmmdancc, tii tljat becinge not content S»itb one r cp: orhc , fl;cy con< tinctDtl)Ctt f Kolftngca toitljout ceflingc rtCbcrefo?e tbep conduDc , tbat d? © ID tyoulonot fo&et tijtja walapartncffc,bp-i caufc tbep not onelp are as foijot as fpjte" in ratings at bis sSaicOic, bat alfo (pen? out tbefr blafpbcmtear fcerffelp and top = ftmgip. ^nbaitbougb tbep fecmetoooo ftbnoireetlp : pit notu>itbftan©ingefoj; afmucb as ttjcp fct Ipgbt bp €> fl> 3D,tbcrs fo?o lice Taps tb. , tbep rpfe bppe agepnfte <25 ?2> 3D fontb blpnoe botbneffe after tbe manner of cre ZDauis, 0; i»b;tbcr it fcizrc fomc otber 0?opbet, bee bpanb? at tbe firtt enterancc burftetb oat into giabnefle ano retopcing. 3Bnb tbe rc= petian carpctb a fojtce bmb it too erp;cfTe tbe louc ofearntttne* in fctting foojeij tbe pjapfeu of <25o&. amoaitbougb £ tee mm bee of tbe tptne pafte, in t!>e l^cb;c;»s : pit bootbrcafonrequpje.tbatibe? flb«rati> ';:c turneb into tbe fature tpme , is'ucbe 13 1 tb'ngbcrperpfc amonge the l^tjcwee. ©nleflfepercbauncetbe i$;o?net fctctere, tbat c S»o;des are too tins effeete . ailtbougb <55 fi> 3D fuccour not bis £)eruantc0 pjcfentlp : pit beencuer to;gettetb tbem,butonelpde= lapetb tbereozeffe Sobicb beebatyreop at banc, vmtplltpmccofiucnicnt. Coo iuoge aeeozdingtoo rpgbt , impoztctb 80 muctje as to bzmge troubled anb Ctfoitet cd mats tevs to a better Sate : according as I3aule 2 . CbcfT. 1 .fi.fayctf), tt i0 agreeable to tbe rpgbtuoufeneffe of (j& gpuc rcleefc to tbofe tbat bee aSitctcd , and on tbc otbers fpdc to ptmij}) tljoft that perfect! t tbe gilts leffe . ikjob therefore auoucbetb it too bt- long to bi0 cbarge,to aflfuage troubblcs,? to frame tyera to an indifferencie , too tbe intent tbc iuaptiiig foz tbcfatne fljoalb fu= Gepiie and comfort b0 in all miferics. 4- [Cbe earcb 10, ffc] 3!Janp inters peters tbinfcc t^at t!)ts agrectb pjoperip to tbe perfon* of Cbztft, at Sobofc coming U beboueo tl)C earth , and tbc ISnhabiters tbcrof to b: fbafecntfoz 6?e fenoai tbat bee rc:gnei!; to tbe end to put a trap f old mH, and to begin b(0 oo?nfpirituatl bmgdome Soitb tbc dcftruction of A): flefbe . but pit in fuebe 5»pfc,a0 tijat afterwarsc ftal ens fewe too bee lp'ae bi^ftlft , and from tpmc too tpme mtmfttr nstrc matter of pjapft. Cbc cbaunginge of tbe perfone in tbc rcconde p Arte, batbc eaufco ccrtepne Interpreters too fupplp tbe pionowne retatpue [ AQicr] a0 if ' t b^b bin faid, £ozbe wee brill pzapfe tbec, and tbp name is ncere bntoo tbem t jat ibeo? foojtb tb? Soonbjous SjjojUcs. TBut 3 am out of ooubtc , tbat tbe &iot pbete did put tbe Cierb* [ ^Declare] mac ■■ Smtelp.anb tbatbec b«tbe ^fed tb!cepti= Ut?uz [tiad],inftcd of tbe iooozde [ foj, ] tobicb rendcrctb a cf.tntpmeo is Zomit too beedoone . (fcfyt fence tbcrfoie ^Dillflowc bcrp ioeil in tbifl iopfe : fees Syill 0:apfe tbee ofy© <& £) 3D. fo} tbp n ame is necre at band: and tb?rcfo:e (ball i-i^iyaondtiOu.jtoooiUes bee declares : Jfjznodonbtebut becmcenctb tbat tbe fame folk; fbalbec tbc publt(ber0 of gods fe>oona:rfull tooozfees , £obtcbe bee fapdc fliouloe fct foaztb \)is pzcrpfe . 3Bnd furelp tll pnougb : and l)is [ nzefence 0? neerneffe ] is deemed bp tbe apde v»btcbc bee gpuetb bi0 ^eruauntes in tbeir necde. 3 [voben 3! fbail banc, f c. ] Tyasnacl 3 a= mong tbc i^ebjeujes Ognifpetb to appoint a place ozadap. 3biatbefo>ooio[Mogncd] beinge deriueb thereof ( Soljicbc ti)t Ji^jo* pb:te bfctb bicre) Ggnifpetb as toell bolp })Oly> d ipes.anb alfo a corns panpe gatbered togvtbsr in tbe name of <8afc-&iva tben, inafmucb as it iscers lepnc, tbat ©od is b:ougl;t in becre fpcas Hing.anpofbctb tbefenfes 5»ii agree uitl: cptber tbatii&o& taking bus people bntoo bim.fcitibjingc Btfozdereb matters intoo deuce frame tvzeim: oz tbat bee forill ppcae cut a conuenient tpmc too iudge. JFoz in leauing b*0 people fo.z a tpme to tbe luff of tbeir encmpeSjbwfeemetb after afo?teto neglcctetbcm : IpHeasifaSocbcfbcuid flrap fbatteringe beere and tbere feritb= outafbepeberd: ^pndinge tbsrfo;c too pzomiffercdzeffeof tbings out of frame, bee dootb fesell to b^gin at tlje gatberinge of tbcCburv^:. x^otifcttbaandtng ifanp vppon the. Ixxv.Pfalme. few tbe fectmg bp agein of tbc ncvoc man. xoberbntoo alfo tljep refer tbe fecona part of tbettaffe, [ 3 fc>ill &abttfb tbcpUUrs tbcrof : ] as if Cbjtft ftjoulb rap, affoone as 31 come into tb: iv ojtio, tbc cartt) i»it!) btr tnljabttsrjs (ball melt ana bee loojenea tn pecces : bat pit 3 fcuHbp anb bp after frabltOj it isitb frebp ana fubftantul buts trefes , bpcaufe tbe elect being renewca bp mp Spirit, (bail no mo,ie be lifce grafts oj fejttbcriag flowcrs,but ftjall bee enoeweb fejitb new anb bnwoonteb ftcopnes, t5ut 3 tbmfc not tljat euet tbis Dettpce came in tbe ^jopbetes mpna : ana tbcrfo?e 3 in« terp;et it fimplp, t bar altbougb tbe eartbc bee loojeneb , pii are tbe buttretTes tbcrof in tiSczs bana : fo; tb'-s bcrfc bangctb. too tbe laft before . foj, it ccKfirmctb ,tbat & Q 2D fcnll in eew tptne Cbcw lumfclf an inbitferenr ana rpgbtfuU 3iuage : bpcaufe it is eafi? foj bjim too repapje all tljc aes capes cf tljc fc»oo:ttJ .tbe-ugb tbe ftjbcie frame tberof ioere falne oocrne . $vi al= bcit that tljc eartb potTciTe fte low eft place fcoitbin ti>c Ijeaucnlp rim : pit fojijatfoutt= bartons is it ftapb &pon,tmt ibTt tt is ban gcb m tljc mioses of the aire:* SJgein, fee- wg tbat fo manp Soatzrs pcrce tb?ougl) tbe mibble bepnes of it , fbonlD it not alfo fojafb awap,if it Sucre net ftapeb bp tbc fe* crct power of (»5 £> 3D * i^owbeeit , tbe $5>?opbct alfuamg bntcc nature , moun= tctb pit bpgbcr; rumcJp,tbat altbsugfa tbeSsojlotecrefalnf dowkc o? becapeb, pit is able to fet it bp ttrong ana (leap new agein. 5. [3 fapactootbefooics. fc] 2&ffer lie hati) fct <£ ods bewtp before tbe epes of bjmfclf f of tbe faptljfuil , now be trpunu pbeib at all tbebngoalp,toitl) Sobofe mab ticfleanb blpnb rage be fpnaetb fault, fcj tbctr erceflpuc foaunting of t\)im (clues, firitb tbe contempt of bicb foi f moft parte ttca^ retb menncs e^zs, is tbiS , tb^ tbep P5« about tbem on tbe rigbt bans f on tbe left f on all fpaes o?awe bclpes 9 fnccours to tiicmfclucff.bppon troll iaobcrof tljep map fulfill rtjctr luft. 3nafmncb tberfoie as tbcp mount not aboue tbe cll degrees of l)oncnr,cp= tl?cr bp tijetr own politic, oj b^ f fauour 9 &cllp"3ing cf j peopie,oj bp other eartblp mcancs. ^Ifo itftemctbtobe^co'.aren^ b?ring cf a caufe to fap,b«aufc <£5 cb \s tbc wage. 33 atifwcr^bataiJ'gcufib tnanpe clpmb alctt epti-,cr bp euiil polices, o? bp Saojlaip futt'oeranccs : pit aoctb it not bapprn bp caiiialtic : but tbeparefor.b- uauneca bp tbe fecret purpefc of <©sD JD> tbat he map anon after tofle tijem about, as Djotfc 0; ctjaffe* «^dje> lohn Caluiro Coramcntaric jfgiojeoueMlie pzopbct dootb nor Dm- pip attribute tudgmcnt miteo <£ £> ID, but alTo Dcf^nctij Sobat maner of iuogc= roent tl;e fame tot : name!? , that calling Uownc one man, anb fctting bp an otber> be o?derctb mcrmcs affaires as !)c lifted i) if* fcif . SittD J fapb , that this Seas a b c * rp good rcafon too pull downc harultie fion.ackc0: bpcaufc tlje IpcentieufcneiTe or Suojldlp p:rfoncs grotoerh bppon ilya, that tb >p met bp <£ £> 2D in bcauen.and tbinH not them felues too bcbzpbled Soitl; U-b fecret pzouidence. f. inailp, tbep put (25 3> ID out of office, that tljej? map fpnd free courfe foz tUetr luft too ronne l)i0 race isiibout flop . Ceo tl;e intent then tljat Soee map icrne too fettle our feluc0 fober= if anb mooeftlp in our Degree: be defpnetb plapnlp Sobat fecne , not enlp bp their dzunHen Bcupfes,but alfo bp tbeir traptcrous bzsg gmg.wljo Qjalllet mec^ Sobat foall Soitb= ftano meet' a0Sobo fyould Socre not an cafp matter foz <5oD,eue toitb W onlp btc%z , to caft a tboufanb lets fodeinlp in their Scapes, too btfappopnt tbeir attcms ptcs. fy 0*0 then, lifec a0 Soozlblinge0 en= ocuerbp their ralbiicffe anb tontowatddc; opfes too rob d5 0 ID of the honour of bcemg &ing: cuen fo 30 oft as Soee bee to much afraid of their tl;?eannge0, our bn= bcleef oooth pccuttblp abztbge 3D ot bif fouercintie. 26 nb as oft as free bee a= frapeb at the nopfe of eucrpe craefce, as if S»e Soere ftrracn Soitb a thunderbolt from beauen : fuch great abafibebneffe ,deela= retb £oeU that Soce doo not pit rbzongblp tndci'ftand , Sobat ft is foz the SdojId too bee gouerned bp ID is the 3B«&S** &lng of the Soezld : Sure imagin 31 Soote not Sobat manner of Soozblefle and pdle foue- reintie, astbougb be ruled not manbpnd Soitb \)i& power and pzouidence. 25 ut fys that beldetb bimfclf to tb'S principle, that ods mog- tncntfeate,ioben be ts Sozongfulip far- med. 9 , For in the Lordes hand there is a cup , and the vvyne is full of ciregges : it is full of mixture , and he shall power out of the the fame. Surely they shall wring out the dreggesof it, all the wicked of the earth shall drink therof. 10. But I will declare for euer, and fing vntoo the GOD of la- cob . ii" . And I will hreake all the homes of the vngodly : the homes of the ry^htuoufe shall bee exalted. 9^fo? inM Dn the. Lxxv. Ptalmc. 287 9 Ifot, in WefbStoejtf™***^ C?JC 3! ubgementfr hereof iv,mm mention cuen notoe , 10 apalpci> * ",rn "!0?e nere- Ip toe tbe bfc of the*'001?* ^°* beeas Macbeth fenitD. wbereuppon fr ee gas tber agcps ft>bat manner of optnion free ought t* bane of dEfoos pzomocnce : na^ mclp,<<)at frith tbe pjefente froozkinge thermit gouernetb eucrp parte of onr ipfr* Cberefoze beefapeth, tberc is a cup iv (E>oD0banDcfr herewith too made imc= &co follsesbzunkcn. Cbe froozbe [ cha- mar] Cgnifpctt) a0frell [full of Djegs, 00 alfo ifteD.] 'But fozafmuch as the rco&e frpne frao tbe ftrongcft anb (barpeft frpne among tbe i$ cozen? C0 : Cbe ibi- militube agreetb fitly * tbat there 10 in d5oDDeo hands frpne of a fumtCbe taflx, fr herewith toe make tbe bngodlp dzun= ben untoo beatb : a0 if bee ujouio fape, tbefouftneffe of <2foD0 bcngcancc 10 fits credible , lyfcc a© ftrongc frpne fnminge quicblp f ftronglp into tbebzapne, eptber engenaerctb mabnefle , 0? btnoietb into a burning age toe. Cher cfozc bee faptb tbat tbe frpne in d&oda cuppe loofeetb red, like as tn tbe pzoucrbc© z 3 . 3 1 . it i0 fapde, ioofce not toppon wpncfrhcn it loofccth rebbe in tbe glaffe. jfrcptber tsttanplet, tbat bpanbp after beeabdetb [fringe ] foi thcfetvmjotbingca agree not amtffe, tljattbefricHedarefoont made dzunfcm frith sffi»oobe0 bengeance , anb that thep fuefce it out too tbe bcrp ozegges eucn till thep Hill thcmfcluc0. tfoj, thep tbat dzao? tbe termc of [ fringe ] another frape, that in the fr hot countrpe© men are frpnt too alape their frpne frith fratcr : fpeaRe too fr atrifljlp . ifrape rather thi0 fljoulde bee added foi augmentacton fa'ac , fo a0 the pzopbetc Cboulo compare the behe= tncncie'and feruentnefle of ne c?;pe": ricncemtljctr Declaration ano Cong, i? ccr= bp alfo thep gather further , that bv 8OD0 helpe, thep (hall banquiflje frhatfoeucr pupflanceis in the rep?obate0 : anb that thep themfciuefi fbalbee fufficientlp fur- nifbcb frith rpghtuoufeneffe anD cquu tie too mapntepne theire orone frelfare. JFoz[the ho^ne0 of the rpghtuous too bee ejcalteb,]impozteth a0 much as if thep hab fapb,tbatthechil&zen of (5€>2D pnrdyace thefelues moze afiurefineffe bp their fault= leflc anb innocent ipuing , then if the? en= bctiozeD to ciisnb aloft bp all fcpnbc of fric« hedneffc. ^ The ende ofthefirftpart. . •■u auto : * tljcr efozc manp fuppofe tbat l;cre is DtfcrtbcD tbc ftozte of tbe Deltue- ranee tbat bapneb bnber h tng 3! ofapbat agamfltbe^mmomts. liput'Jlamofa- no tfjee opinion. fo?,t\)C 3JfftnansbnDcr fye conbuct of J&enacbertb, not onlp en= treo into 3?ewzte,but alfo fozctblp aft"ap= Icd tt)c bcrp Citie fobjrb &>as tlje beaDc oftbefeingoome. UlnDweeKnowebowe iaoonocrfuUp tbe feegc Sx)a0rap$eD,at what time <5od in one nigh* Deflropeb p armp wuijau Ijozrtble flaugbtcrbp tbc banDofan3Bngcll.i.iRcg.i9.3f.wber2 bpponnot bnfitlptbc $zophete faietb, tbat <£oo bzake tbc arowes , fwoozD0, (f fljcelD0. |}eucrtbclefTc tbi0 10 a tbing , mod necDfuil to be imowen, tljat in tljia place to commenfieb \Bots continual rc- garD in befenbtng tbe Cburcb fc>btcb be batb cbofen, to tbc intent trjat tbe fartl)= full fljouta not Doubt to boaft of bt0 p20= tefftoa. 2 [<£oo t0 known jc] 3&n the entrance of tbe pfalmc, tbcpzopbcteboctbboto bnocrtranD, tyowc it came not to pafTe bp tuan0 power oz pollicie that the cmmicp went awap bifappointcb, butbp tl)t fin= gular help of ob and tbe greatcnefle of bia name of fobicbe be fpeakctb, but bicaufe <&ot> ftretcbeo out bis banb after an bnaccuttonuD manner, fo a0 it was euibent to befeene, tbat tbc people $ Ct= tie were bnberbisgouernance anb pzo= tccticn r- Cbc #>zopbet therefore faptb, tbat <15oD0 glojie appcareo opcnlp, when the cnimtC0 wereoucrtbzeiwenbpfucb a miracle. 3Bn tbc berfe following be af= fignetlj tbc reafon wbp d5ob putting tbe aUTpztano to fltgbt, boutfaueb to refcue ano befenb tbat Cttte, namelp bicaufe be bab cbofen bimfclf a Dwelling place tber, wbcrin bis name fboulb be caileb bpon. Cbc fumme i0,firft tbat tber is no caufe S»bp men fboulDccbalenge anp tbing to tbetitfelucB, in tbi0 refcumgof tbc Citte Snbicb bt befcrtbetb s bicaufe \B£>3D GiD migbttlp mahel)imfelffenewcn,aniD rea= cbeo bt0 l)an out of bcauc in tbe ope face oftbc*wo2lDe. ainDfcconbclptbat (JE»ob was not inooucb to fctbim felfe agapnft bt0cnimic0tnanp otber refpecte, tban onelp foi bt0 free elcrttono faUe . i^owe tben f02 as nun be as be batl) tenfftcb bp that pzcofc,howc inutnciblc ^10 ftrengtlj 3iaa is 'V" xuii" v--rtiuiIlCS v^/UJJilllClUiUlC is in pjtferuingbts entire!): tlje pjophet been ejd>o;tctl) aii tbe fai«?f mi to nettle tbcmfelucs fritboutfear tonocrhts fbas Don?, jfo; fui) tbat ^oD fjatlj efrimatton ofl)i0Ott)«ien3mc:ittsnofmalltoKcnof tjt0 faitljCwlncfTc, frbm fr e bear c that it t0 fita fr til to bene tije grcatneffe of b*S power fcnofrn in tlje pjefcrustian of ^t0 cburcbe-^ojcouerconQbcriug tbat tbe cljurcb 'S tbe notable ftagc of go&3 glos rie:frc mutt alfraps tafec Diligent beoc, tbatoure bntban&fulncfTc oucrfrbcime nottbcbcnc&tesbcfto&cDbpon tt, fpe= ciallp fuebe frbofc memorial! o 113!} tc to flounflj mail ages, i^ovoebeit aliljougb (5cDbenotnofre abrtpe0fro;fbtppcb tn tl;c btfible tabernacle : pet notwitbftan= Ding in as utuc be a0 b*c Droclletb in tbe mtbft of b0,pca f fritbin bs bp <£b?ift : Doutleflcfre djall fpnD (a0ofta0necbe is)tbatfrcbefafcanD founb bnocrbts protection. foi if tbe cartblp ^antfuas rtefrcrctbefrclfarcof 3Urufalcm:tru= Ip be frill bauc no lclTe care at tljis Dap, of b0 frbom be batb boucfjfafcD to cbofe to be bis temples, frbe*ein to Dfr ell bp tbe boip ffihoftz. ?^ere is fetibc fimple name of tbecitie,frbicbeappcretbtobe Buncicntbp^en.H-.iS. j&ometbinfce tbe name to baue bene compounoeD bp pjocefTe of tpme, a0 it frerr [3kbufale) bicaufc it obtetneb tins name afterward in tbe menne time, as it apperetb bp tbe bookeof tbe jEebufits inbabtteb tt . 23 at moje rtgbtlp map tbe etimoiogie be fet fro tbe froo;De Yare, frbieb figmfietb to[HDec,] bpcaufe Stbjabam fapD, (5oD frill fppe outafafrt6jcfojb<*nfeifc, &cn.u.$. 4 [Ct>ere bjafcebefc] fje oefinetb after totyat maner <0od fras hnoroen: t bat i0 to frit, bp tittering a fr onoerfull trial of fcispuifface in p?eferuingtbe tt- tic. 3 no bnDcrfbefe figures iff iiefcrtbcD tbe cbacingof tbe enempe0,bpcaufe tbep conlb not otbenmfe be ouertbjtoivcn ,t'b a bp fpopiing ti;cm of tbeir armour anD freapon0. 'Cbcr fo?e be fattb tbat [tbe arowc0, fwojbs, anD fbeeID0frcre b?o= ken,pea $ altbefr babiitment0 of frar,] bpcaufe tbe frtefceo tone bereft of al po* wcrto eonarme. £*sw tben altbougb tbep fr ere flapne anD tbeir freapons res mapncb fHll frb^le: pet Dooty not tbp0 tranipoftng ot urines tntfegrec.&'orac tranflatc t\jc fro;t> Rcfliamm, [pomteo oj beD0Offreap60.] Sflnbpjopcrlpltfrere to bt tranaateD If pjies:] but tt to moje rigbtlp Doone to takettfoj [Crowes.] ^otnoro asD tben biros are termcD fe, bp reafon of tljepj fwiftnelTe. 3nD bnto arows is attributed flpmg, pram. 9 1 .6 . ;jf urtbermoje be aDDetb , tbat [z bts bojDere.Cbcr fo?e as faj ibofe greate Hing0 tbat baD gotten tbemfclnes large Dominions bp fo^cc ano bnngbtfu! flaugbters:becom= parctb tbem to fauage bcafts tbat liue bp raum.ano tbeir feingooms to tbe fr os Dp mountains frljtcb tbe beaft© baunt tbat are murcD to liue bppon pjatc- 3il= tljougb tben tbat tbe enimies fr ere fr 6t to matte DtolCRtaffault tpon 3icrufalc: petDotb tbepjopbet auoucbc,tbat (flcb mt Uetb tarrc aboue tbem all, to tbe ins tent tbe faitbfnll ibouioe not fbjinfce fo> feare. c [Cbc ttotitbarteD.fc.]Cbepo^»tr of goo in Deftroping bis enimies is abua ccb tn anorber fo?m of fpecl;. <£be fro^D tbat be bfetb is bertueb of shaiai, $ t^ letter aieph,t0put in tteDcof tbe letter he, foj frbcre as otber0 tranOate it [are mabe foolcs:]it is collreincD. ^rieucr tbe leffe 3B cSfcflTe.tbat it impojtetb afraucb 80 if bebab fepD,tbepfrer bereft of tett anDftrengtb. 23uttoemuftbolDe\Jsto tbep?op;ictte of tbe fr ojd. %o tbe fame purpof e pcrtemetb tbat fr rjicfje ts aDDcb in tbe fecoo mebcr,tbat[tbe ftrongmen founbe not tbeir banbes,] tbat is to fap, tbep fr ere no mo?e able to figbt , tban if tbeir banoes baD bene mapmcD 0? cuttc of: ^be effette i0 , tbat their ttrengtbc frbereef tbep b^aggeD frao bteerlp cons founbcD. Co tbe fameeffcttemalietbtt tbat be fapetb, Qtfjcp flepte tbeir Oeepe:] tbat is to fap, frbcre as card tbep fr ere barbp anD ttoute, nowc tbep toere as it toereoueraeptfritb ccfrarDpre * nom= neffc. j^e meanetb tberfoje tbat tbe ene; imes frcreberefte of tbat p?mcelp cou= _^ rage rpon the.lxxvij. PfaJmc. ragcfrberof tbep boa UD , ano Sp^c^e gane tbcitt fo gceate baropitcST: : fo ast neither minbe, n3jl)3rtc, no; t!j: otSj:c partes of ttjf ra couloc ccccute theirOu; tic. 25? fe)')iclj:fooojb:s fyecdoety \jj totDit, t^it so )3t Co euerabilitie man fcsinct!) to \) auc , t\\z fame 13 in tbe b ano of (IP 36, fo as I): can at tuny tnftant be 3 rene tlj:.ti of tbe uiH'oo me io'jict; b e I) atfj Siucn,ef7crHtnat tbeir barts,ma&e tbeir [jinoea totafee, ano bipngtljetr wbole flrengrbe to noujbtc. #nb as ajell tJjc coucagtoufnefTe as tbe puiffatnee of tijr enemies is ejctolleb,foi tbe t'ae 8 10 11 intent t\)c fattljf till Ojouto on tbt contra- vpz parte ejceolltbs mtgbtpneffe of <0oD. fCbe fam; fentence con fir mctl) be ageptt facing, [tbat tbe Cbartot anD tbe bo^fe ioere call in a ftrepcat the rrbuapng of ais ouerturneo toitb tbe ontp b::Ke of <5ao. Cberfoie bowfoeuer all apDes fo;fafee bs, let t'g t onlp fauour of & jo f tiSij: b s, feeing iljat bee bailjc no neebeof greatc armies toput backetbc a faults of tlyz t^bole iooxlo , but is able to GjaKc tbcm of &ttl) b is onlp blafl. Thou art terrible thou, and who is able to (Undc before thy face, after the tyme that thou arte an^ry f. Thou haft made thy judgement to'bc hard out of heauen: the earth trembled, and was ftill. (lah. Whe god rofe vp to iudgcmet,to faue al the mek: of the erth. Se- Surely the rap;e of men shall turne to thy praife : the remnant of their rage snalt thou reilrayne. Vow and performe vnto the Lord your God:Iet al that be round about him,bring prefents vnto him that is to be feared. He shall shread of the fpirit of the Princes,he is terrible to the Kin- ges of the erth. ofbeaucnlje cjepicffetl; fo;ciblp,f drafts iuDgcmgt fras maze ligbtfom, tban y it couio be afcribeo ettber to fortune, 01 to tbe pollute of inc. jfoz fomtimes beejce= cutetb b»s inogcmetsbarKlp.astbougb tfjep crept o«t of tbe cartb, liac as tf bee rapfc top a gooip 9 fiofot ptince, tl)e \)0^ Ip j lafofnll ^oucrnacc y a%i{bctb Qjal= be CfSoos tuogmcf ,* pet tt fijal not fectne to com fc«b fut bztcjbtnes fro £ beaues. Cberfo;e btcaufe tbtskpnb of Iitlp fo>as moze tb 0 ozotnarput is aauauccoumb a peculiar title of comenDatio. ^erctonto alfo gte:neib[tbc bertng of it ] fax tt is mo:e fo? goaa tubgemecs to fotio out a* louD, as tt i»crc fotu tljuDerclap, sna to aflounc f caves of all me 3? tbeir nopfe, tyzn tf tbep OjolD be fene &>iti) eies.^nb 3R pout not but tbe pzopbet batlj allubcb toy fljuUDcringfetjicb amajrtlj metsbc tbcp be ftnkcn feitb fcare. ^o: tuljeras be faptb tbe eart!) ftjas ft tl : tf :s piop;c= Ip rcferreo to tbe tongoDU\fc>«)obeemg ftriKcnfettb feare, pccloc tbe btrto^te to (Boo, anb oar c not Kcpc a ftirrc aupmozc astbepicere Soont to boo. 3!nafmucbc I atea.rj. fbm ' ii n >8 [Cbo^arttcrribletbott. fc] *Chc doubling of tbe p?onoune [tbon]contcp= nctb tnit tbe particle ccrlufiue, as if be bab fapoe : vobat foeucr pofeer ia in tbe ipo?lb, it is cafilp puffeo aftjap, ano fab Icibc to nocbing affoone as(^oocom= ittctl) abtooe: and tbcrfo^e be onlp Defer; uetb to be fcareb. wbtcb tl)ing tbe com= parifon aooco bp ano bp after , confirm mctb- Jroi it oooctlj bs to under flan a e, tljat altbougb tbe touUeo bee reabp to butft fo; pjpoc : pet arc tbep in no Saife able to abibc <5obs loke.t^o^nbcit in as mucb as be now ano tben oifTcmblctb 1 fecmeti) to be an pole lok;r on: rlje |D;o- pbet fattb ctpzcflp, tbat afTouc as be be= ginnetb to be angcp, all tbe tsjichcD are like to go to Sajacb. Altbougb t'nen tljat fo; a tab"* tbep not onlp flano out, but alfo flpe abouc tl)c clauoes toirb tbep; furioufnestpet tbe pzopbet i»arnetb bs to atpapt fo: tbe tpme of t»>atb- %tt bs alfo beare tbts in mpnD, tbat tbis tcrro; is fo Denounced ageiufl tbe bngooip, as f it ftvetclp allurctb f fattbfultonto goo. 9 [Cbau baft mabe.»c.]i5p tbe name Iohn Caiuines Comnicntane then, asitioonslp fcarethat b?pngetb them bnber eojam : be tuftelp tmputctb fcare to bee tijc cauTc of their. ftilneffe. jfrot that thep reftrapn themfelucs Sails linglp.butbicaufe <5?ob compelletb, them \»!;ttbcr tl>cp frill o; no. bcnomc cfr= pounbe it, that the enimics frben tljep finlic bnber <£ob0 tl peclb him tl)e piapfc of btrtojtc, bpcanfethep fljatt be cnfsKeb to achnofrlebgcthemfelues to haue bene toanquifbeb t? bis mightte .. ^ , banbe. UDtbcrs ptcne outamo^e tubttii fenfe : that erabucntnre alfo it S»o!D not mtfagree to fap : [ Chou (halt gather them o; trufTc them bp in a bun= blcoCberfojclctbslcarnf, &hen the SincUeD barfem the renrrafntteo'f <5ob to ioapte pacientip till <£ob gloziftc him felfe bp cbcreiper fucceffe, anb toiti) rc3 pjocb trample their b?apnlc(Te boioneffe bnber foote. 3nb if nc5»e b?oplrs rpfc one m an others necfee : leftc bs call to mpnb, hofr it is the pjopje office of gob totrufTetoptbe remnant of their outra= ges, that thep map not fheb t'hemfelacs anp further. Jn the mcane S»fjjic let bs notmaruell, though nc^ ontragc© bub out from tunc :% bum bnto the fcjojlbes cnbe,^)atan fhal alwaps haue iomc,fc)bom he map pziebe fozcwarbto bejccthcchtlorcnof (0ob. n [2Howanbperfourmcbnto.?c] iRow he ejebojitctb the faithful to rctcp= ting. 3lnb fo^afmuch as bnber the lai»c On conQberation of d5obs fingular bc= ncfitcs) thep boweb facrifices frhercbp vpon the.lxxvj.l iaime. tbep arttnoSDlebgeD tbem femes to baue 3 reccpueo tijcir i»elfarc at d5oos banoe : i he |d :op!)Ct calletb tbem roojth to t\)ia fcrmccof oeuotton; anbbp the S»oo;De [pcrfojmc] be betobenctb ftcofaftneire, tbat 10 to it»;t, that tbep fl;olD not burft out into foeapn aeHnoS»leogement onlp: but alfo teftifte m continuail procelTe of time, tbat tbe remembjaunce of t!;coe= liucrace to thjougfylp fijcco tn tboD is tbe cut^o; of Welfare : anb pet 10 not the folcmne p?os feffion of goblpncffc fupcr fluous }io\)tv~ bp e cbc man fpurretlj fojfoarbe, not on= (pbtmfelfe, but alfo others to Doo thepj Duetie.3ln tbe feconb member befemetb to fpeakc bnto t!je nepbo; nations alfo : as tf be fbo'o fai\tbbtcb,are not amtfle faib [rounD about «0ob,] bpcaufe tbat botbe tt)c Caber naclc ioao pitcbeD in tbe mtb= Dcsoftbccampe,a0long aotbejPfraes lites trauelco in tbe fc>ilocrncu~e,8nD aU fo the rcftpng place loj, tbe airkc i»as ebofen to bee m mountc & ton , tbat tbep mpgbte rcfoite tbitber from all places rouno aboute. 3nb tbe Heuitcs baft gi= uen tbem in charge to kepe tbe Ccmple, anb to kepe i»atct>c anD ioarD rotinbe a~ bout it. Cbe moic parte of interpreters rcferre tbe particle Lemora bnto d5oD, ano fo Q)Olo it be a noftnc berbal. i^oiu bctt tbe term of [feare] is paffiaclp now ano tljcn taken foj (Sod bimfelfe. 3D f pe refcrre tt to tbe <2>enttles ana beaten men : tbefenfe frill be, that tbep fball be tributaries bnto 0oo:bteaufc tbep Ojal befo Oriken fettb fearc, that tbep fyalt not bare iotthltano bim anp moje. 2S>ut it is mo?ep;ouable, tbat tbts&>o;oe is referred bnto <£>ob: Suborn tbe f^opbet euoucbetb to be mojei»o;tbp to be fea= rcD after tbe btterance of fo noble proof e of bispmffancc. 1? Cl^e ft>all ffceab off. 9 c] bicaufe tbe iooojiDe Batfad among tbe 5)cbrucs figmfietb Dpucro tpmea to ftrcngtben : fome thmkc it flioulD be tranflateo fo in tbis place. l£orobettfo;afmucb uafit is but a Doubling of one feif fame fentence : 3 boubte not but tbat tn tbe fpjft mcm= ber,tbe JS^opbct meanetb, tbat Suit anb ioifoouie ore taken atoap from tbe p?tn- ces : anD tbat after&aroc €»oD is gcne= rallp c^efTcb to be terrible to tijcm, bi= caufebc iotll cafte tbem beaDlong from tbeir btgbneffe. /j^oroe tbcn.mafmucbe as founoe fojtcfigbte is tbe begpnnmg of b?tngmgmatter0ioelto pafle, Sobereof tbe fattbfull are often beftttute, btcaufe tbep bang fuarleo in tbetr ow?n Diftrefle, iobple tbe bngoDlp are too u>irp ftgbtco in their iyp!co:!^cre tbe 0?opbct auou= cbetb.tbat it is in <8>ob0 banDe to bereuc tbem of in tt, 9 to blpnb tbem tbatfeeme fbarp 5»it tco aboue otlj:rs. 9nb bicaufe tbe greater number of p;ince0 ioclnere are ttl mpnoco to^oarDs <0oD0 cburcbe : tbe |3?opbet purpofelp auoucbetb, tbat there 10 terror inougb in (0OD, to fubDue all tbe 3kmgs of tbe ioojlDe. i^otn?itb= ftanoing i»b«re as be faptb, tbat tbeir fpint i0 [fbrcaocD]or taben aSoap from tbem, it tun it c be rcdraincb to tp;antes anD £) utlatos, i»bom <©oD fettetl) beu= Deo tbeir xoity bicaufe be feetb the applp al tbetr 5»it f p?artifes to bo mtfclnefe. The contentcs of the.lxxvij.Pialme. Whofoeuerwdsthc ;utbor of tbis Tfalme3itfeemetbtbatby bis ntoutb tbe boly Chofibdtb indited a comon forme of praying for tbe Cburch in afjliBiony euen in till their cmclleft perfections tbeyfboulde neuertbelcjjefende vp their prayers ynto bedtten. For it is not tbe pritute grief e of fome one perfone, but the troning tndmone of tbe ebofen people, tbat is expreffed here, istnd the faithful people commend the deliuerancc once made ,-whicbe -was a monument sAaa.iii. of Gods Zrpt. iohn famines Lvommentane af Gods enoLifiin^gr^cc : to tbe cndt they may the better encourage them felnes in the earncfintjfe of praying. TbcJxxi'ii.Tfalwt. O the chief chaunter vpon leduthun, a Pfalme of Afaph. 2 My voyce came vnto God, and I crycd,my voyce vnto God,and he hath heard me. 3 I fought the lord in the day of my trouble : my had was ftretched oute in the nighte, and ceaffed not : my foule refufed comfort. 4 I vvil thinke vpon God,andfhalbeoutofcjuiet : Iwilmuzewith my felfe, and my fpirite f hall be opprefTed with heuinefle.Selah. <; Thou haft held min eies waking: I am weakned,and vvil not fpeak. 6 I haue reckned vp the dayes of olde,the yeeres of auncient tyme. 7 I will call my fong to remembrance in the nighte : I will commen with myne ov vne harte,and my fpirite fhall fcarche narowly. 2 [8f)p boyce bnto goD.fc.33H tbinktt Saljcie) 10 put in ftc&c of tbeabucrbc of not to ben bare c6piatni,as fome tntcr= pzeter© fuppofc it to bee, as ttjotigb tlje fattl^fuU fboulD fejonDcr tljat <25oD, fe>bo bcrctofoze baD btn front to graum tijetr requefi0,fboiD nofr become Deaf ,anD be callcD bpon in Dapnc.Co tap fecming it is a greater lifcelpboD tbat tbc |£>zopbet fpcshctl) accozDing as be fras pxtfentlp mpnDcD at tljat ttme,o? clfetljat bccai= letb to mpnDe bocee fozwarD anD cafp be baD founoe <&dD in bearKcning to Ijis pzapets, ^ovobctt 33 friUmgtp gute mp confcnt,tbat ttye pzopbet repoztctl) fritl) rjow great fozowe be i»a0 gricueD : anD (in mp iubgcment,)as fr el! bp tbc pze= tcr tenfe as bp tbc future tenfe of tbe fcerbes, be bztofecnctb a continuaUBos mg. 3inD 5rft be beclaretb, tljat be &pD not fesaDmfeSip bofrlc out mto tbc atre sccozDmg as manp poure out tbc ejeceffe of tljeir grief fr itbout Dtfcretion : but &e Dtretfeo bis talhcarigljt fojtl) fcnto goD, at fucb time nsncccfTitie cnfozccD bun to ctie out.^oz tbc copulatmc[anD]i»bicI) is topnes to tbe frozb crtcD,mufr be tur= nebznto f aDucrb of time [frb>n]tbus: [wben 31 crteD]ntp toopce pzoccbeo Dn= to gob.^crctoiJbal alfolic fljewetb tbat bcbaD not fljafee offpctfeucracc.tbougb be frere Dziuen to repetc l)is crping out oftentimes. e fboulb fap: 3 crp onto d&ob,foz be 10 front to be mer= cifull & .treatable Dnto me. 3in tbc ncjete Dcrfc be espzeffcto mo2£ piapnelp, boroe grcuouflp 9 bar&t? tbc cburcb fras ops pxcffeD at tbat tunc, i^ofrcbctt.tbere is fome Doubtfulncffe in tlje fro;oe0. Yad, fr bid) fomtime bp a metapboz Gghifictb a frounbe : anD tr)erfoze manp mtcrpzcs tcrspicfeouttbisfcnfci^pixjounoran in t\): nigbte, anD ecafeb nut : tbat is to fap, tbc matter fras not clcnfco afrap, tbat itmpgbtcbaucicfte running. W ut 3B ratber tafec tf;e i»ozD Haud, m bis na= turail Ggnificatton : bicaufc tbe SooozDe Nagara 'iufylL])t bCCbfttb, ftgntfictb UOt onlptorunasafozeDotb,but alfotobc fl5caDfDoutc,oztobc ftretcbcD oute in IcngtbJl^oiDC feben be fapctlj, tbat bee fougbt v0od m tbe Dape of bis trouble,* tbat bis ba^Dcs frere ftretcbcD out to l)tm in tbc mgbt time : tl)is Dittrtbution ofb>s bctoUenctbacontinuacc of time, as if be iboJD fap, be gauc bimfclf totyoU lpto pzapcr,i»stb Tsnfrcariable earncfi^ neffc. 'Cbe clofmg Dp of tbc Dcrfe mud be reD aouerfatiUiip.Cbat eltbougb tbe ^3zopbctcs foule founbe no comfozte to afroagc \)is gricfc feitball : ^ct Dotbc be fltli frretebe cut bts banDcs Dnto <0od. 2dnD cucn fo becommctb it bo to frzeQle Zoitl) Difpatrcm fucb &>ifc> ^ tbat cure fozo\5?e tbougb tt be Dncurable, fozciofc not vponthe.lxxvij. Pialmc. not t!)c gate agipnit our papers. 4[]B xmltbtnfc;.;] beejepjcfTctb m mup itmas tb* toebememeffe of fjis grief,* tberwitbalalfo tljs greuoufneffe of bis mifcrp.if oj be uuaetb tya mone, tbat tbe fame itjmg a>l;tcb i»as tbe onlp rerocbp to afluage btsfoiow,becamc tbe canfeof b?3 touqutetuelfe . ^ootbelpit mag fecutc aH auU: tbmg,tbat tbe mpn= DcsoftIj:ci0»3Olp iboulacbee dtfquieced t»itl) tl)tnbmgtopon u5oa:25at £I)C p?o= pbctc mearutl) fimplp, ti>at altbougb be tt)Diig})Cppoa<2fJ3 : pet 'ans n'jt bts fo= rowfuutefiPe appeafeD.^rnlp itoft bct?= oetfj,tbat tb? ijjm&tng topon <2>o& in ab= ucrfiur, encreafetb t'jc grief of tbe gob= lp:namclpt»ben tb?p talis aconcepte, t^tt^c is angrp*D;fplcafc8toubc&e!n. 25 at tfjc f£>zopl>et nieanctb not tbat bis ljartt»as ftri&en ih»icb neto tonqutctnes as oft as l)e rememb,ie& <2>do ; but oneip bebewaplctb, tbat tbcre came nocofojt from goo to quiet him >»itba!, tobieb is a moft gveuous iiinb of temptatto. 3 1 is no maruel that ibc S&i&tD ar to?.mercD *Dttb fio^rtbte tonquietnestfoj inafmucb as their oefire ts to beparte from <2?oD, the? fuffer tufte pumfhementc fc^tbetr trapteroufnes. 115 nt fobeu oar thinking topon ®oo,febcrbp foe fefee relief of our rafferics.quictetb notour mpnos-.he fe= metbto eallp &*itb tos. jftcuertbeleffe tbfs place S»M teach tos, tl)at bot» ful fo euer fc>c be of frettiug,mournmg,ana of Difquietnefle:pet until toe pjoeeD? in ibe bocattonfgoDcallerb tos onto, cue tbo? rough the mibs of tbefe impeoime t$. %o the tame purpofe malictl) tbe nejet ftaffe fobere be fattb ,be fpent fe>bole nig!) ts in iaatcbmg.bicaufe (Sod gauc him no re= Icef.JFo; inafmucb as? nigbtfoasfoot to be DeuibeD into manp iaatcbes j bp a metapbojt bctermetb bus gnefc(ig!)icbc g^ue bim no refptt to flcpe)bp tlje name of i»atcbcs.H5ut iDheras a little erfl be fatD,bepjapD to ©00 frith a bub botcc, anb now faptb be ^>U bolo bis peace : it fcmctbtobencertainfpicc of contraries tic.Cbis queftio bath ben anfwercD al= rebp in the 0falm.:$i.:$.fobcre foe baue tolD pau, that p faithful beingoppjtc (Tea & fojouj ,feepe not an cucn hao , but one fobtle burft out into figbs * coplaints, anoanotbcrajhile arefobift, as though their mouths Iberc ttcpcwbevfoje tt is no maracl.if tbc pjspbet report bpmfelf tobaue bsnfooucrwljeimeb, ano as it: S»ere cboUeb toirb. miftric, tl;at be S»a«: not able to fpeafee. 6 [ J baue re:feacb bp f c] Kl)tt is no boubt but be afTapD to mitigate tySQViet taiti) tbe remembjace of l;is former top : but be Dcntetb tbatbe felt anp eafe fo fo= bvintp.l^ow jcit,bp tbe [bapes of olDe,* tbe pcres of ancient time] ^efeemctbuoc onlp to note tbe fijojj racs of bis iife,bur alfo to cop^cbeno manp ages. 2&nD ccr= tcs,tbc faithful aa:ltction,t'ctbc= fo?etbeir epcs.f call to rcmeb?ancc, not onlp tlj 2 benefits of gob, ^»lncb tbcp tbe fclues baue tafteb, butalfo tob^t focucr benefits b^batbbefrowcDbpo biscbur cbe tn al agcs.i^owbeit it is to be coiec= tureo bp tbe tejet ,f i»be the pxopbet ga= tbereo toguljer <0oDs former graces tn l)is iutnb, be bega at bis oi»n c^pericce. iffo.z 30 Doubt not but ti;at bp bis[fong] be betolienetb tb* tbafefgiutng tn ioliicb be bao ejccrcifcD btmfelfe tnbts mtrtb $ pjofperitp. 3Lna aitbougb tber be no fit= ter remebp to beateour grccfs.asjC fatD ctten noroc : pet Daotb ^>atan oft times craftelp put <©oos benefits m our beaD.3 totbemtenttbcbcrpfcUngoftbciDant of tbe, map tootlo our mpn^s tlje fozer. Cb«fo?e it ts a ltHeltl>oD,p tl>c pjopl;ct $»as tojmentcD tottb fbarps p?tc&ings, feljenbecompareotbetopfulncfrcof tlje titnc pafr,i»ttb bto pjcfSt mtfcries.ainD Ijc mabet^ ccpzefTe men; to of tbc[nigl)t] btcaufe t; engco^etb mo cares trulp (Sod is p;op;clp fapD to fcrcb ibat mansfpirtte.frbomc befraKcnctb from b«s D;ofr5pncfTe,anD frbom l)C cjc= ammctb fr ub ltuclp to;ment6.;tf 0; tbcn arc all lurking boles ano blpnbc noofecs fougbt ont,anD tbe affections tbat frcre carftc bnUnofr en, are Dzafrnc into tlje ipgbt. I&ofrbcit fo;afmucb 30 tbe ozoer of tfframmer fufferetb tbe gcnDcroftbe nofrne to be Doubt fuli,ortjcr fome tran= flatc it mo;e at Ubertie, [iSJpp fptrtt batlj fcarcbco.]$:be Web* tranfiationltfee as it is mod rccepucD , anb floujctb bed, fo 31 frtllinglpemb;acetr.Cberefo;e in tbat Debate frbcrcof be &atb >naDc mcn= uon,be fearc jjeD fo; fr bat caufe be teas (0 fo;e attitcteo : ano alio frbat enoc t>iD mifcries fbouioc at lengtbe come bntoo. Sno furrlp it 10 a profitable bctbtnKir.g ^jbcrOntocucn (5oo5nmfclfaurctl)Ofl bp aDucrfities : fo; noting is mo;c fro- fr arD tban tbe fluggtfbneffe of tijofe irjat barocn tyem felucs bnDcr d&oDsfcours grS. £Dntp fr e muft &cpc meafure.tbat fojrowc fwalowe tos not bp : ano tbat tbc battcmlcffe gulfe of 0oos mogc s mentesouerfrbclme bo nor, tf frceaf- fape to fearebe tbcm outc . fiowe tt^cn, tbe pzopbetcs meanpng is, tbat fr ben be Ijao fcrcbeD al tbe cozners of bis iott, tljcre appeared no comfozte to affwagc bts gricfe. 8 Will the Lord put me backe for euer ' and will he shevve no more fauour i 9 Is his mercy cleane gone for euer? Is his promife confumed from ge- neration to generation ? 10 Hath God forgotten to be pitifull i or hath he shut vp his mercies in difpleafure i Selah. 11 And I fayde, my death, the yeres of the right hand of the mod high. 8 [TSiltbe&ozD.jc] 5Doubtlcs tb«f fras a part of tbe fcarcbmgs i»J)icljc be betbougbt tymot in bis mpnD. 25ptbe frap be mesnetb tbat be "was almoft at tbe lart cafte,tbzougb Daplp continuance of mtferies. foi be bzaHe not fooztb in* to tbtfc fro;Des,but after fuel) long fo;= bearing as be burft fcarce bope tbat goo froulD euer fbexo tym fauour . woztbilp in gooo footbe DID tbe $;opbcte Debate ixjitbbifnfelf iatytljtt at fo euer benefits tbe fattb- full receiue at babplon, and the co* mmgof Cb^tfte : bpcaufc that at that tpme, ttjecourfe of pzopbeftc i»ao after a fozt bzohen of ,and there Suao none en- dewed ta>itb tbc peculiar gifte of tr>e fpt= rtte, tbat tnpgbt rapfe Dp tbe heartco of tb i m tbat Sucre fame, o: bolde them top from fallpng. a5efide0tbts,itbefallctb fomtpmcs,tbat although i0oos Sooozde be o ffcrco too: yet dothe it not enter into too, bicaufc toe be fo dtftretTcd Soitb an- gu t Qjf , tbaf toe admit no Dzoppe of com- fozt. TBut 31 embrace tbe fozmer fenfe, tbat to to &>tt,tbat tbe Cburcbe ix>b tebe ao vtt bung uppontbe onelp bcbolotng of fbadoS»o,ano had nebc of daplp pzop= ptsMw quite itottboute pzopbefies. $oi»bcit berebp is gathered a pzofita- ble Doctrine, tbat Soccmuftcnot bedtf= quieted outeof meafure, if <0oo at anp tpme &>itbdzawe bts tooozbe from too, rtccoxmng ao be ejeercifetb bi0 fcruan tcs bp i»onderfull mcaneo , fo ao tbcp tma- gtnc tbat tbe S»bote fcrtptnre io turned fome other waptand although tbcp long to hear c <& o D fpcafce: y c t can tbcp not be perfuaded to applp bio Soozdo to the bc= hoofeof tbemfclueo. QttyB (a0 31 fapd) ioafozowfulano fharp thing : W> ut pet it mufrc not (but top the paffage of oure pjapcro. i o [l^ath god fozgotte *e ] Che pzo= pbet pzoccdetb fhl in that fapo debating: tbe end ft bcrof notiajitbfranding, io not to tocabe bis faith , but rather to r here it top.^ozbedemaundeth notao of a thing Doubt fit! l : 15 ut it io al one ao if he (bold Cap, hath d5od fo;gotten btmfclf.o* bath bccbiungcdbto nature r'iroz be cannot bee ao lapd at, fo much did bee leancthe mozctotbio doctrine, that<£>odo goooncfTeis fo iopneotoith bisbeeing.tbitttio tmpo fable foz htm to bee mcrcplcfTc. /Cbcrcfozc aoofteas douteo creepc to pen too in our careo and grefco, let too alwapes learnc to amc at this marfce, whither ©'oobauc fbtfted hto nature, that he fbouid nor be merct= full. 'Co the fame effecte tendcth the la= termembze,[hatbhefi)«ttetopo^S»ith= dzaSuen his mcrcieo in difplefure:] iffo; tr&ao an ozdmarpe commendacion a= mongtbcg)ainctc0,tofap tbat<2?od to long fuffcring, flowc to *Dzatb,rcaap to fozgiuc.anb eafie to be cntreatcd.U">ber= toppon 3bacufc grounded that fapingof bio in hto fong, i.i . € uen in hto anger ioill be be mindefull of bio mercpe. Che J£>Zopbct then gatbereth heere, that the cbaftpfement S»hicbe be fceleth, Icttctb not,but that (2>oo, being eftfooncrccen= tiled, map turne htmfelfe agapne to hto accuftomed maner of benefiting, bicaufe bio anger towardeo bio childzen laftetb but the turning of anband./ftap rather in (bttopng Ogneoof bio fozatbe, hcio= ueth moft tendcrip them &>bom he cha= ftijeth. 31 « deedebto tozath abpdetb al= Xoapeo toppon the rcp;obates. -25ut the Pzophetenumbjing htmfelfe foz one of bio childzen, and fpeafeing of the reft of the fattbfuH,dotbc ioozthtlp conclude of impoffibilitie, that v5obo difplcafurc foz a tpme cutteth not off the race of hpo tnercie. ii [3ln& 3! fapdejc] (&W place to tranflated fundzp fyaycB. «iomc deriue the&>ozdeCaiithi,of CaJa,^jhn:o oeatbe . Cbep tljat coins tl)>.otl)ct feap, mtcrpzcccit forae^ febatotberu?:fe:33iftbcp2ophctfl)OuID fap,fel)p fboijiDeft tljOBnot bsarcfeirl) fetl Ij a«e i rngemct, y ti)C piopbet fljolD cal to teme bzance p petes mfebicf) be baofaao goD msrciful to htm. 3$ut moie rtgljtlp map fee bnDcrftai it thus: £bcr is no caufc fe!)P tfjou fijoulbeft Difcoiage tl)p felfe bntobeatb^nafmucljeastbou art ficfee of a curable Difeafc:fe; fo is <0ods ijanD feiont to make feljole fuebe as it batlje ftriHcn.Tct Dos 31 not retectetlje opinion i)crtofo?er'liHca0>cmg feee b'iue rcceiueD goob at ni as affureo teftimonics of \)iss euccjUftins grace : SnD tljerfozc fo; the iHpjw x»cbca:eiictc,Dublct!jtbe fentencc, hjbbins an affirmation alfo. ^oj tjje fje= ops %)?2D chi,febicb is put w tbis P3-ace :3oM) but onlp to&Vitti oj enlargc.Cl^rs fo jc as sne Waning gotfe" t^e topper Ijanb be triumpbttl), in t^c rememberance of &oDs feoojfes, bicaufe be is certatnlp perfuabcD, that *©od fell be none ot!jcr, ttianbe!)atb iljefecd btmfelftobcefrom tbe beginning. 3lnD in trjc ftconD mcm= ber ^e riallp ectolletb tbe pofe?c of (5oD feljicb be babbttercD m prefecuing b»s fcruants-j!n Deebe be fezttctb »t, [thy ftcrctojtb? feanDerfullfeoo2B:] TBut 31baue notfticfeeoto co?rcc6tbeDarUe= neflTe bp altering tbe nuinber:lifce a© alfo anon after be fem in tbe fame Angular namber bctoKen manp miracles . Cb« effecScis, tljat <0od© feonberful feoo2= Uingfehichbc r>atlic allfeopesbfcD in mains vpoil the. lxxvij.Pfalmc. rtiamteimngihe faKlterc of hisfcruato, tiGUc] l^oiobeit lonlirauieDlp. jfoiai- (if S»ee &ap tt accojDlnglp) is inougbe mucbe the as the ojtfer of grarnmcr fc>n to toanqutfb alfo^owes. Sno bcrebp S»c fcar0p aDmttte ibat.Y»c muft fee if ther? map lerne, that although at fomctpmes ttjc rcmembjancc of (2>ods iu ojks tymg t)0not comfouinoughe :petmuftfcjce ftriue, thatS»e faint not foj$»cruufrc. \v\)ic\) thing t0 to be raarkeD aoutfcBlp. 3in time of fjeauincfTe S»e fc)ifb atioatsa to fiaoc tf)e thing that map aff&age the bittcrneffe of our greefc : 3ino the onlp fo>ap to do that, is to caff our care bppon <£oD.l«5ut it often failed) out, that the nercr tl)at iffitob appjochcth tmto ba.the mo;tc(to our fecming) he encreafeth our grecfe^anp thcrfoze, «»l)cn thep p?o= fite nothing that fc>ap:tbmkc noting better fo? them than to fojget d5ob.3-uD fo th.cp lotbe bis Sddojd, anD b? b, eering tbcrofthepj fojofcj is rather fbarpenco than abateD: nap rather thep foolD fcutlj all their hart tbat<0oD foerefarre of, febo in fuebe i»?fc co:*ictb anb cnfla= raecb tljctr grecf. g)ihcrfome,totbcin= tent to burpc ttye rcmembcrancc of him, btt3J> tljemfclues attogitber aboutioo^lD Ip matter©. iBut the prophet ocalctb far othcrfrifenvbo though be obtetncD not fo?tbft)ftb, fcrhc fucceffe as be SoifbcD: pet ceafcD be not tofcrte olb gobs fcjozhs.thc cjcccllcncic tcberof becomes bile in our epes bp refon of our Dulfigb= tconeflc:* petit rauifberh tjsinto io6= Diingatthcm,tftt)c mark the abuifeblp. Che fame thing rcpetctb be in f twelfth ftaffc, nsmelp thatbc\»iti neticr leauc tuning thtr upon till be rrcctuethc rppc frutc there f m Due rime.;ffoz tbat fo ma npcramplccof (Sobs grace pzofitt bs not at al,nc cDifie our fcub: it comcth to pafTc bcrebp, biraufc ttjat as feme &a fc?c baucbejun to tauea taft of tbe,our oton itgbme© Diatoctb be fomc other ioap, » tue bantfb awap at our bcrp becunmng. i* [ £1)? fe>nps £> dpoD*c.] Btcatt'fc it femctb to fomc a colo 9 bPrc UpnD of to fap tbat <5oos &apes arc in bts ^aR*uarp,tijep tranflate tt in ljoli= be not a .pfitable leffon to be picbcsuift of the naturall Ggntftcatson of tfte s«o?5, Becodesk o^ factuarte. Wl)cras fome fciiii Ijauc tt to bee an Unpcrfcrt ejcdamation, as if be Qjouios fap , £> (Bon that art m tbc ^anduane.iiD tbp *oaW$ h&e nor of it, bicanfe tljat tbep alio S»?eftc the prophets iuo?Do toioicntip. ape0, [Wbo ta fo great a goo as our c0oo ej 35p iobicb cotnparifon, be fppbxctb not tbat ttjere be many <0ob0 : but bee tnoircttlp taun= t«b tljc maoneffeof tbeS»oMoe, in tbat being not contented iottb the one <0oo, fcbofe gloiie is apparaunt, tbcp forge tbcmftluf0 man? goo©. § oj if mc ioolo loUc topon <0oos ftioifes fuitb pure epes tbep fbouioeafilpreft tbemfcluco topen bim alone. 15 [Cbouarttbe<£ob.*c] |£eeon= firmetb tbe fame fcntence.pzouing goos greatneflebptbe fojoneerfulnefTe of bis &>ojfee0:a0ifbefboulDe fpafec not of (0000 fccrctc beeing, Sobtcbc fpl= letb botbe beaucn anb eartb : but of tbe p;oofe0 of ins power, fcjifeoome, gooo= nelTe,andrpgbtcoufncffei»b»cbe are 0s penlp fene.altbougb tbcp cjeceoetbe me= fure of oure tonberftanotng. woozoe fo; fcoibe it is, [tbat iooz&efr a fooonber :] but it i0 an alteration of tbe number, as 31 fapoe euen notoe.^no bercbp Sue ga= tbcr.tbat (J5oD0 glozic is nearer to0, ano mo?e euioenteip feeneof ts, tban tbat there can be anp iufl ercufc of ignorance fo% d5oo ftjoozfcetb S»onberfullp, fo as not turn tlje bltnoncflc of tbe beatbe na= tions ca ejecufe tbem.9nb tberfo?e tl)cre <0aDOcb, [€bou baft mabetbp fir egtb fenowne among tbe 4ftation0.]xt>bicbe faptngaMjougb it pettapne to tbe oeii= ueranccoftbe Cburcbe: pet ft (bewetb tbat (0000 glozte can not bee Dcfptjeb foitbout bigb treafon, feing be batbe a= uoucbeb it fo manifeftlp anb fo migbtllp among tbe l^eatben. \C Thou haft reskued thy people with thine o-wne arme, euen the fons of Iacob and Iofeph. Selah. 17 The waters favve thee O God, the waters fa vv thee : they were afrayde,yea euen the decpes trembled. 18 The cloudes made the waters to flovve, the heauens yccldcd a noyfe,yea and thyne arrowes runne about. IP The voyce of thy thunder was in the aire, the lyghtnings jhone v- pon the worlde : the earth trembled and shoke. 20 Thy wayes were in the fea,and thy pathes in the greate waters : and thy footcfteps are not knovven. 21 Thou leddeft thy people as shepe by the hand of Moyfes 5c Aaron. 16 [CboubaftrcffeueD. fc.] flbouc fapneb fi^opfc© to be 3 feote not febat a wtjarD, ano fozgco tbofe fo manp mos ttrousltcs &b«cbe ^ofepbuo bat£e ga= ail tt)« otber miracles of <0oo,bc aouans cetbtbeoclmcranceof tbe people, tonto Subtcbc t!;c bolp dBtyoft eucrp Sobcre cal= letb backe tbe gooip, tbat tbcp map cbe= nfb tbe bopc of tbrir focifarc tberSmtb- all. anottappearetbioclliuougb, tbat <0ot)O poroer ioa0 at tbat tpme DtfclolcO to tbe (0enrtlc0. Jrozaltbougbettcame to palTe,tb?ougb £>atan0falfe packing, tbat tlje trucncflc of tbeftoxte fc>a0 co*= ruptcOftmbmanp falc0; pet 10 tbat to be tmputeo to tbe malictoufnefTc of tbem tobtcb baumg fene tbe tbmg i»ttb tbctr oroncepc0,bad ieucr fcjilfullp to otters caftc rbemfeluc0 Jaitb oarHencffe . jroi ^btre^PPoncatneittopaffe, tbat trjep tbereb togitber againft idppicn : but bu caufe tbcp Soerepurpofelp benteto fups pjeffetbemigbtie poroerof (0oo^/]5e= uertbelcfTe tbe p?opbet0 purpofe in tbt0 place ,i0 not fo mucbe to conbewme tbe (0entik0 of tonbpnbntffc: as to ratnifter matter of gooo bopc to bim felfe, ano to all otber tbe ebtinjten of (0oo, bpcaufc tbat at tbat time (0oo tottcrco a pzoof of bt* loue to&aro tys elctte people , fo* all people, m all ages to loobc topon. [$10 arme]to taKen beerc fo? bts notable ano renoumco oj (0oo beliuerco not bis people, p:tuilp,oz after anoxoi= narie vpon the. Ixxvij.PfaJme. narte manner : Jaw as tt fscre fern!) bt0 arme ftrctcfjcB out!. 3D n calling tbcm bp tbe name of Jacob anb 3lofcpb0 d)il= bzen, be afftgnetb the caufe SobP gob ac= counteb tbcm foz I>ts people, tljat is to fcut, in refpect of tbc coaenant tbat bee baD maoeiottb tbcubolpfatbcrs. 3'nb altbongb tbe tfcjo Crtbc3 5»I)tcJ) befcen Deb of tbe tfojo fonncs of Jofcpb b^ooe tbeir firttozigmallfrom 3iacob,a0 &>cll a0 tbc rcfte : pet 10 tbe name of 33 ofepl) crpjefleD foz bonouro fake, as bp iwbofc iooozkmg anb benefite, all tbe Echoic feebe of apbjabam , S»as pzefcruco m fafette. 17 [Cbc &atcr0 fafrc tbec. »c] $c toucbetb bztcfip ccrtaine of tbc miraclc0 in iobtebe d£>oD bab fbeweD fooztbe bt0 arme.SlnD in a ttguratiue fpeccb be fap= ctb, tbat tbc &>atcr0 faroe d5ob : bcrplp bpcaufc tbat becmg moueb a0 tt Sucre iuttb a fecrcte infttnetc, ttjcp obepeD bis commaunDemcnt in gtupng paffagc :o bp0 ebofen people . ;ffoz neptber baooc tbe fea noi JozDane altereb tbeir nature bp gtumg place of tbeir ofom accojb, on= lefTc tbe feltng of <5oD3 power bab rou= cbcb tbem botbe. iftottbat tbep altereb tbeir courfe bacbtoarbc bp Dtfcrction oz bnDerfianDpng : but bicaufe tbat in tbat retiring, <&ob fbcxtjeb bote cuen tbe be= rp b?ab elf mentc0 Socre rcabp to pcelDc tbeir obedience bnto brm. 1£nb bcrem is an inotrcctc couerte matcbing of contra* ricotopzicUe fotfoarbfe tbc oulncffcof fucbe as acUsto&rteDge not aters. btcb Snap foener men turn tbeir epe0, tbebzigbtneffeof^oDsgloziefpzeaDetb cut tt fclfe in tbc Deltuerance of b is pco. ple,cueri eucrp ijsbcre bpcoarD 9 Dovcn= fcmro from tbc beflticns to iljc bottom of tbefcas . iS^ozcoucr itts nor certapnc &>bat^to:te be betokenetb-.onlcffe per= cbaunce it be tbat ft>b"bc ts repoztcb in 4Bxoo. 9-2 5.namclp SobcnbaplempjccD SoitbtbunDeranD Ipgbtenmg bzougbte an bozriblc plague bppon Oggppte fop fbcre 15 no Doubt, buttbatbp tbe [feai- Umg arotos,] bcbctofecnctb ligbtnmgs. ^erebnto clcaucfb tk>c ncjet ffactciober ljc faptb, tijat tbe bopec of tbutibcr toas bearD in tbe aire, « bgbtntng Cionc topon tbe teojlD,fo fojc tljat it cue fbefee it.Jii comctb to tins effect, lbat in j paffmg of tbe people out of <2Bgpptc, (0ods poiocr iuas inougb 9 inoze tban inougb auou= cbeD in tl)e figljt 9 bf aring of all men, at fcjbatttme bcrbtbcbeaucntbunD?cD on nl fiDcs,j al (beaire gltftrcD&itb ligb= tcntng,anb tb,e eartb tt fclf Suas fbaken. 20 [CbP Soapcs.^c.] i^ebefenberb agein in otber S»ozDes, tbe miracle tbat &>aa inzougbtin Doping bp tbe reb fca. • ;JFoz loofee fcbat agrcetb pjopzelp to 1 bcc ifraclites,xbat Dotb be put ouer to goo, bnDer&bpfc afTurance onDlcaoingtfjep I PafftDcnD.:iefooteJbzougbtbcmiD0of tbcreo j£>ta.2JnD be o~claretb tbat tbeir paffa'gcfcjas mabe after an bnaccufto; mcb manner : f oz neptber fras tbe fea bzapneo bp manned poltcte,ntptber i»ss tbc flreameof tt turneD an otber foap : but tbe people W.xxt on footc tbjtougb tbe miooe0offbei»aters,ini»btcbe bpanD bp after, pbarao onD bP» boifc fecre Dzo5»nco. Jnc°nfiDeration febcrof l;c faptb, [tbat tbc footllep0 of cj5od Sucre not fenci»n]btcaufe tbat a© foone ao tbc people ixjasconucpeooucr, bcercftozco tbe i»ate rs to t'nctr accuftomcD courfe againc.Cbe enb to fc>btcb it ioas Done, iB aDDeo : nainclp t\)t Dcbucrancc of tbe Cburcb,fo)btcb bnto al tbc goDlp cugbt to be a f;itTtcient%oarrat to bepe fo? bclp anD Deltuerance. 3Pn comparing tbc pco = pic to fijccpcbcgmctb an mcblmg, tbat tberc teas no imfDOin,policie,nc?Trrcn= gtbein tl;em : faning tl;at <&qd bcu:b= fafeb Iohn Caluines Commentarie f aucO to plip t\)t parte of a Ojcpebero m felt anb ocfptfcott pcrfona, agai ntl tljc icabmg I) ts fi ocfcc (i»Ij ic ij &>a* neop anD f urtoufe rage anD Ijoujgt bofts of a mod Deftttate of ail tbtnj0)tbiougb tjjc ^>ca piofr) king. ;ffo? &>bac coulD tbc robof anD tbc Svtlbcrneffc, an6 cbioug't) all os an cirnlafyt atiD fugicutc, anD tbc bopce tt)tt lettc0,miotbeber stage Hjo\)'-:\j i)tc efa filic fecuant i)aue Doone age tuft a liao pj otmfcb tbem. Cb<3 cenfinnettj he terrible tpjant anD a fcMrlifee nations bp tlje perfons of &j)opfc0 anb Jaron. £jd o truebe tbe mo:c tbe appeared ubflanbmg,<0ob bibnot atuie fap not, but tijat be tljerfojitballcommen ennoble bis mtgbtp pofojer bp tt)ts citr= bcth (be mmiftcrfi to Suborn <£to& tmop» c a fr an cc ,t ft at !;c «w tdjcD two of tbe bar neb f o b o no jahU a cb arge. 2 6, The contentes of the.lxxviij.Pfalmc. To the intent be may comprehend many things infmall rome, it is to be noted, that there be two cheefe poynts of this p fame. For on the one parte the Prophet declareth in -what forte God adopted himfelfe a Churcbeoute ofthefeede of Abraham, howfwetely and gently he cherifhed it,how won der fully he gathered it out of Egipt ,and howe fundry benefites he beflowed rppon if.iAnd in the other parte he ypbraideth the lews with their froward and wicked reuolting from time to time from fo bownti full a father 3 who had made themfo muche beholden ynto him, that his ineflimable goodneffe appeered, not only in the yery welfpring of his fee adoption ybut alfo in that heneuer ceafedto ftriuewith continuall holding on3againfi the flubbor- neffe of fo falfehayted and vnt am able people. ^ind he maketh mencion of the renewingof Gods grace and as it were of a fecond election $f his 3 at what time he cho^e Dauid out of the Tribe of Iuda t» banc the gouernment «f the realme. Thedxxviii.'Pfalme. N inftru&ion of Afaph. Hcarc my Iawe O my peoplejincline your eares to the wordes of my mouth. I wil open my mouth into a parable.I wil vtter riddles from ofoldetime. 3 Which vvehauehard and known,& which our fathers haue de- clared vnto vs. 4 Wee will not hide them from their children in the generation to come, f hewing forth the praifes of the Lord,and his mighty po~ wer,and his wonderous woork which he hath done. 5 Hee ftablifhed a couenant in Iacob,and fet a lawe in Ifrael, for hce hath comaunded our fathers, that they f hold make the fame kno- wen to their children. 6 That their pofteritie maie knoy v it,and that the children which f hal be borne of them may rife vp and fhew it vnto their children. 1 [tfearc m i [l^carcmptaw jc] |n nip tuDge= mente, a itfcclp cenUcasrc mate bee ta= benbp the cn&e of this pfalmc, that te ttns trntften teng after tl>c ocatlje of JDauib : fop in t\jc fame is commenbeb tb e Btngbome that S»a0 fet top op <25oD0 appointment tn 2DautD0 boufc. 3igainc bp toate of contention there to matcbeD againft it tbe Cnbe of (ffipf):aitti,\»b»cb is faibe to banc bin reicrteD.wbercbp it appcaretb tl>at tbe ttmte Crtbcs &>ere at ibat ttmcfcjttbbjawen from tbe rede of the boop. ; 10 not foj nought, that tb? fcingoome of <8?pb?aim is noteb ttutb Dttbonour, as a bartered? Ktngc= borne. jj3euertbelefl>,fe>b°focuer tc tSje 3&utbojoftbelMalme,be bzingetbnot in <0ob fp»Mhtng,80 fpme trjinKe:buC be ipcafectb bi'tt fdfe to tbe 3lctoc0 in the perfonofateacber. Ulnb it is no tettbat be tcrmcrb them bis people, IiHe as be atfo termctb tbe lawc bbJ latoe : fex tt is no netoe thing among t!jc #jopbctco, to bozotoe to tbcm (cluco tbe name of Htm that fcrtt e tbe fntente tt>etr JDoctnne mate be of tbe mo:cai:thoiu tic. $nD tntelp not DnSooonbcip tc tbe truth (foijertoUI) tb« p be put tn trufte) fapD to be tbeirc.&o #aul,lRom.».i6. glozictb, of bis ofeme ® t tbat be b tbf n if fee coftocr ljoto flofc> tbep be to bcare al content hofeitioas not foz nought that tbe pjo* pbetmooetbi0p2cface.^Fo;bcfj}eahetb moceoe to tbe bntcacbabie j ftubbojne fojtc, feljtcb toitfnltp refute to (ubmtrte tbem feluc0 to cJ5oD0 foozDc. S£oS»ebcit foz-afmuebe as tbrrc is cowonlp to much Ooi»cnefTe cucn in tbc faitbftill alfo : it Suae not fuperfluouo to triahe tbis t%- boztaticn to tbe Cotfjful. 3BnD to tbc tn= tent to purcbafebimfrifetbe better ct= tcntincneffc:bc btarnbtfce mbanb,tbat be toill tntreatc of great f \)\q\) maters. $o% tbe beb?ue SoozDo Mithie toe tebub 3 bane tranflateb parabies,bctokenetb graue ana notable fentencc0,fucb ac a= bagc0o?moucrbe0,anbfe)it«pfapmgc0 be. 5F czafmucb tberfbzr as tbe matter tt fclfc,tf it be graue ana Soeigbtic,tpa&c^ nctb bp mennetf t?its: the autfto? of tbe g£>falme auowcbctb tbat be tmnbctbto totter nothing eife but pittbie an 0 (harp faptngs . Che t^ebzue tooozoe Hidoth, ieb'cl) 3B (folcfcnr.g others) baue tra= flatcb !8tD&tc0,t0put, not to mucbe fo? Dar&efpcacbe»,a0 fo? feniencesthatbt mpfttcall, anb tooitbp too be marfecD. j?o% tbe jDjopbct meanctb not to roll bp bis fong tn Doubtfnll tcrmc0, but ligbt= fomlp anb plapnlp to tntreatc, as toelof <8>ob0 bencfites 80 of tbc peoples bn= tbanbfulncffe.iDnlpCac 31 fap)b<0 pur= pofe is to fljarpen bis rcabcr0,that tbcp map toepgh tbt0 fermon tpitb the mp?e becoc. 3no tbto place iccitcbbp ^)a- tbett). 2 j. 3 5. anb applpeb to the pcrfonc of CbJtftc,tPbc«be boloctb tbc peoples mpnbea in a ma?e S»itb \)ia batUc para= btc0 : fo; tn fo booing \je ment to pzoue bim felfe an ercellent Jdiopbct of dfjob, tbat be might be rccctuco feitb tbc grcas ter reuerece.^02afmucb then as b? toad like a #>:opbct in this rcipecte, rt;at he pzcacbcbofbtgb mpftere0 tnalratclpcr maner of ftpie.tbc thing isfttlp put otter to tbepcrfonofbtm/jjlnchthc ?5topbet attouchctb but of btmfclfe. jfrlowtbcn, if in tbt0 ^falmc there fljinc fcojtb fucb maieftte, as of bue right ought to ntrre bp ftnflame the IRcabcrs i»ttb Dcfire to icrne it;fee gather bercbpfcntb !;oto car= neft beoe it becommcrh b0 to rcceute t^t gofpel.febertn Cb?pfl openeth to bs the trcafurec of ht0 bcauenlp Sutffoome. ^ [Tt>bicbfecbauebcat0.5c.]^3bercs as hauing fapb befoje, that be ioolo in? treatc of great f mimical moter0,he ab^ betb now that it is a c5mon Doctrine, 5 bcliucrco from hano to banb:tbcre fcc= mcth to be fome bnagreablcncs, fo? if tt bchoueb the fathers to tel their cbtlDtcn the things y be fpcHcn fare : then ou£bt it to be a Doctrine familiarlp fenottmc to the io)}Olc pcoplc,pca anb cue to the rtt= btfl cno tgno^anteft fo^te of all. irbcre then arc the riDDtce that he fpafe of cucn noicr" 3 anftocre tbattbcfe tbing0arc "" eafp ■ln luiiu vmumw v/uiwmvi eat? co beteconctlcD. ifoz although tf>e pfalmecontepnemanp things comonlp Unoconc : pctbotbe it fct them put teitt) lightfome garnifbcment , to tl>e interne be map the mojc moue mend l)art0, anb wmnebintfelfethemojeautbojitie.llSp ii;e kjap it (0 to be noteo,- that although tlje maicfhcof d&'oDs wo;D be neuer To high : pet is tr)c fame no lette, but that tlje pzofite thereof map ejetenbe euento the tonlcarneb anb little ones, aceozbing a0 the bolp gboftc (not without caufe) allureth them to the learnpng thereof: which thing 10 to be marfceb abutfcblp. dfo; if <2?ob applpmg himfelfe to the ca= pacific of man, fpcalic anp thing lo wlp : thelowlpmancrof hi0 teaebpngisbab t n Difoame : Tllno if he mount anp thing hpgb, to matte his woojdc the tnoje re= uerenceb : men pzctcnb his Darke i>ant>= ling of it fo;t en cjccufc of their lop tcring= neffe . |-}owc then for an mucbeas the wojID 10 infcctco with thefc two Dices: the holp €>boft fo tempereth bis ft He, a$ that the loftinetTc of ht0 boctrincannot be IjidDc cuen from the meancfr fojt ,tf fo be that thep b:ing tontb them quiet Soil= lingnefTe to be taught.anb earned DcGre to pxofit. 3llfo it is the f2>jtopbrtrs pur= pole to btfcbaige his fapmgs of all bou= tes, in afmuch a0 he intenbeth to bjung fojtb no new thing : hut things long a= go wcl fcnowen 9 recepueb in the cbur= cbefontbout gapnfaptng. 3lnb therefore he not onlp m'afeetb mention of becrfap: butalfoabDetb[Hnott)leDgc.]5Fojmanp things are rafbip bjutcb abzooc, blcb, is hao atbomctbut bicaufc there ie moze fcopcfojfojgerte,^>hen things be bzou= ght out of a farrc countrep. 'But chieflp u ta to be not'eD.tbat not al maner of fa= tbers are bcrofcencD bcerc : but fuch fa- thers as lucre ebofen to be 45oDS pccu= Uar people, anb among wbome the hca= uenlp boctrtne tons left in fceptng. + [we toiilnot hibe.f c] S>omc tafcc the fewojbe medz e fboulb not concele trom our pofreritic]tbe tl;m- geo that we recepueb of our aunceter0. but fbouib cnbeuer to conuep them ouci to our chiibzens chilbicn. 2Hnb bp tbptf meane0ts all p?etence of tgnozasicc ta= benatoape, bicaufe tt oos pzapfto anb t)is mpghtte po'iucr in the ioonber© that he hab tozought.] fetters thelcfTe,foz as mucljc as the confente of men iucre not tnough to giuc full erect t to the boctrinc : the $zopbctpzocccbctb, pet further, $ mafcetb. €>ob theauthour of it. Cherfo^ehebcdareththat the fa= thetS trapneb bp tbetrcbiiDzenin this Doctrine, not of their oiunc mpnbe, but butbptbe commaunbement of (0ob. xotyte as fome referrc the iooozbo [fta= ttite anb law] to the p?cfentpttrpofe,bts caufe «0ob had put his Decree in Jacob, as antnuiolable rule, that the brittle- ranee of the people mpght bee talbeo of m euerp mans montbe fo; euertnozc : it feemtt^ too muche rcltrapncb. Cherc; fo^ 3ff cjctenD it to the law written, the S»bicbc notwit'hftanbing toas in parte giuen to thw cnb,that the of their bcliuerance mpght bepe ti;e peo= pie tonber the obebience of <£>ob, after that thep ^»ere once gathcrcD togither. Che 43>zophetc then mcanetb, not onelp that (Bob purchafeb the 3d ewes to him: fcife witha mpghttchanb: butalfo that he fcalcb top bts grace,to the intentc the luiowclebgc thereof fboulbe neuer bee outwo^nc. 29nb ecrteffe it ioas then as ttwere regiftrcb in common lKcco?bcs, iDh^n the couenaunt was ftablifheb bp thctawe wzitten: that theoffpjpngof 3ibjaham mpght bnowe thcmfelucsto haue ben fbolcO out from all other nati- ono. ^foztf tt hab bene a matter but of ipghte tinpojtonce, to bauc Hnownc the onelp vpon tntuxxviij. riajme. onelp bare ftcjte.tftbepbaD not babrefs pelt to their aooptiomanD to the frute of the fame, fcyc Decree therfoje istbis,f the farI,<,ra&eem3 inltrutfeb in the oo:= trine of the law ^f mfcluw.HjoolD Ca0 it ft) ere outof the mouth of gOS)!*^? re= p3it to cbctr cbtl&?en,tbat rbep S»er not onlp once oeUucreo, but alfo gatb?eD tti= to one boop of f church, that the? might bolilp anb purelp wojfbip (5oD tijetc De* Uuerer, though allas*0.3l Doabre not bat tbat tbe librae particle Ashcr, is put berc inwav of cjepofm6,fo?[natuclp] o? [tbat is to wit.] 31 baue traufUteo it bp tbe wojb [foj]i»bteb is all one. 33 n the ncjet berfc be confirmed tbat Sobicbe be fapb concerning *bc continual fucceffton of tbe Doitrtn. foi itftanoetl; PS great= \y> iubanbe to bu^k, tbat tbe la we was not gitien fo? one age onlp,bnt to tbe in- tcnt£tbc fathers fbouiae conuep it ouer to tbeir cbUDjwn,] as it were bp wap of inberitance, fo as it migljt ncuer becop, but continue in fo:ce to tbe wojlbs enoe. Cbis ts tl>e reafon wb? fdaule faptb i. Cim ?.if. tbat tbe Church istbepiller anb founbatton of truth*, /plot tbat tbe truth is weafe of it fclf.ano" bath neoe of other folnsbeip: butbicaufe (Boo fpjtc- betb it abiobebp bis mtmficrs,wbo wbe tbep fattbfutlp ttttntt tbeir office of tf a - chin g,ooo after a fojtt boiD bp tbe trutbe with tbeir $ouU>;rs.9nb tbe$?oplj£t ootbe bsto wtt.tbat wee muft cnbeuer tbattbere map be continual! fucceopng one after an other in tbe charge of tea= cbmg.<£bcrfo;e li&e as ere tbe law was pet w?itten,it is faib of Sbjabam.tfJen. 18.19 be will bjungbp bis cbtiO?euube fc:u>s,anb cemanbements * ojbinanccs of tbe jlojd: : foafrcrbte Death tbe 0a= triarftes were emopneo of necefftf ic to bo tbe fame. 3ft tbe making of the iavee <0oo appopnteo #>ieefrs ouet bis cbur= cbc to be publi&e fcbolcmafrers anb tea= cbers.'CJjat tbe felfe fame tbmg is to be obferueo tottber tbe rcigne of Cbjift, be barbtea(fpeDbp€fat.59.2i.faping:3l wpll put mp mpnoe in tbe moutb of tbp feebe, anb of tbe feeoe tbat fball fpjing of tbem to} eucrmoje.j^otwitbftanbing bptbe mean* toap here is giucnapecus liar commaunoementto fathers, tbat e= ucrp of them fljoulo biltgentlp mftruitc tbeir boufbolbes, ano all arewarncb in general!, tbat it is a moft acceptable la= bour to <£>oDwaroc, when tbep enbeuer to conuep ouer Ifig name bnto pofterttie tbat ts to come, foi tbep be not efewe fobomc tbe p?opbct betofeenctb bp tbefc &o?os, [tbat tbe cbtlo?en which fbalbc bom of tbcm map rije bp:]but lottc bow manp fbeucr arc bojwe, fo manp fcnli be baue to grow bp aspjecbers, bp wbofe traucll, the pure religion map cuermoxe flourifl)canbaca?e. 10 11 That they may put their trull: in J not forget the vvorkes of God, and that they may kepc his commaundementes. And that they be not as their fathers, a backflyding andprouoking generation, a generation that hath not fet their harte aryght, ancl vvhofe fpirite was not faithfull to godvvardc. The children of Ephraim being armed and shooting in bowes, tur- ned backe in the day of battel!. They kept not the couenant of God, & refufed to walk in his law. And they forgat his woorkes, and the wonderful! thyngs that he had shcyved them. on the other Gdc tbeir cbityen being in- fiameo&ub greater oefiroufneffefbolbe enforce tbemfelues to learne 9 not roue at fono fpecnlatios,but ame at the right warH. fa% it is but an bnl;appp 9 to;ct= cbcb werping of ones felf, to be alvoaps lerning anb neucrto attcin to the bnois T[Chattbepmapput.jc.]?jenoteth tbe bfe of $ boflruu-.firft ttyr.t rhi oucrb fo ? jc ;to us frute of tbeir labs;, tbe fathers fljolo be f moie cbeereb bp to teach their cblloif ,fe>fcf the? fee tbemfelues both to maintelit the pure &>oj!bippms of <©ob, t alfo to pjoutbe top the welfare 3 foule= belth of tbetr chilojen : anb feedbip tljat lege of thetrutb-2.'Cim.3.7.^:he^fo^ UPbb. fob"* 1 •Pi: Iohn Caluincs Commentarie %}\)zn %x>c fycavmo iz\)it cnoe rbclawe Sr>as giucn, it 10 eafp to gather thereby, Sob ict) ts tlje true* autipiable mcanc to pjoSt artgl)t,C5}<:rfojc rjefettctbCtruft] in tbe firft rooms. UlftcrwarDbeejcartetb tbe Hoping of tbe c6manDement0: anD in tt>c intDDlc rjee batb? ptaceD fyc remems bjficc 0} mmoing of goDs tno^s,tu!)JcEi auaplctb to tbe flrengtbing of faitij: «3s if be fljoulD fap,tbe furmm of tbe beauc= lpfc>ifcDom? is tbis : tijat folfce fhcktng fall bnto d£>oD, fbonlD Suit!) tmcojrupte fattbcall fcponbim: 9 foj Abetter fo= ftcrfng of tbeir affiance , cjccrcife tbem= felues in tb mfcing toppon bis benefites : anD confcquentlp pcloc t^em fclncs ton= fcpneolp bnto bis obepfance. liBttt bere= bpfcee map leame tbat tbe laufullfer= uice anD iuojfbipping of <25ob begtnnetb atfaitl). foi (25oD i0DefrauDcDoff dnef part of Ins fosnour , if frtcc put ouc'r cure truft to anp otber ttjing. 8 [3nD that tbep be not.fc.]©ptbiS circumftance be Dotb tljcm better to Km? DerftanDbowneDeful afcrmontbt0 10: fcettlp bicaufe t^e Jtz\»ts are fotfc>arDc to failing att>ap,if tbep be not beib bacfec ioitb furc bonDes. jf o; be taUctb it as a tfnng tbat can not be DcnptD, tbat tbep are ncucr a S»bit better DifpofeD tban tbeir fathers , Soljom bcauofcjcbetb to b aue bene falfebarteD, rcbclliQufe,croo= fecD.anD bnobcDtent.liSpanobp trjcrc= foje fcooulbetbep bceflpDingai'oape if tbeir barts &ere not ftrcngtrJeneD fc>ttb continual! (rapes . jftape ratber ,tbat iobtcbe $?o;ace fc>?ttctbe of bps oiytte countrcpincnne, experience fbcSoctb to be truccnerp inhere : -HThe tpme of our fatbers fooc^fe tban our granbfatfyers bat b tyeDfce bs a fetrfec DDcr tban tbcm= fellies, anD &>c anone after fljall leaue a fmfuller offp^ng bcbinD oo.u>bat c naugbtineffe $ lefojDneflTe of tbeir farbers,tbat tbe 31 cin zb baD heDc of drcigbt Difctpiine to pull tb« following of the footft epsof fatbers is asgoob as a law. j^eptrjer Dotty tfee p^oprjet entreat? of all tnaner ot peopie,but of il)z t>oip anD ctjO= fen offp^tng of £ bjab^m ; neptijer fpn= Dctbbefaultc tsjit)) afc'iwc ertbcm,but almofte voiti) t\)Z i»b^e nation, among iDbom tb:rc reigneo eucrp isljcre afwel flubbo^nnefTe as fojgc tf uineffe of Cods grace, anD falfebarteD Dtdimulatton. jltJeptber mectonetb be tbe peecc of fome one age, but bee comp^tfetr) a long ami- qtutie,leaG tbep mtgbt DctenDe tbcmfeU ur o bp tb. e long continuance of finning. Wbcrfoje free mufte aDutfeDlpe mafec cbopce amog trje fatbcrs,ii>b»cb of ibem it is erpeDtent fo? bs to foiotoc. '^no foj w mucb as the bntoroarDe foioiying of the fatbers io barb to be plucHeD ai»ap, bicaufe tbcre is b;co in be a cettepne rc= uerencing of tbembp nature: ttye f^?o= pbet enbaucctb tbeir U;icHcDneu~es 5»itl; manpl»oo?Des, ttpb?apDing tbem witlj tbeir bacbQtbing,tb«ir pjouobmg,tbep? falfebartebneflfe, anD rbctr i)ppccrtfpe : tobi'b tbougb t^ep be mod greuou0 re= piocbes : pet ioiU tt appsre anon bp trje Cejrt, tbat tbep i»ere not greater tban tbep baD DcferucD.^omctraflate Cachin to Habit Qj o; fcttit.ffi ut tn mp iuogemet tbc $ jopbete meanetf) ratber, tbat tbep alivapes turncD afpDe from dooD intoo croofer D bppatl;cs. % Ko in tlje ftrcpn fo= !ofring,fomeinfrcDeofnot being faitb- fuii bnto 0D,aii bee it tbat tl)tp tocre fxvo^nc "onto btm. i^oSo febctc astbe |£>apiae0 gather b?tl)i8 place , tbat it is in m uns poSccr to bow tys ownc bart, febicbe i»ap be wil,anD to Direfte ir bc?b tcapes : it is but a fonD confequence. 5Fo? altbougbe tbe f£)?os pbctcDoo iuftelp blame tbofc t\)t>t baue not fette tbep? bart arpgbt:pct notwttb= franDpng , f)t0 purpofe is not too oif= cufTe fcbat t\)zy be able to Do of tbemfeU ucs. ■$ 0} altbougb tt belong onip to goD to turnc mens bartcs to bpm bp trje tn= toarDemoupng of bis fptrtte: pet fl^all tbep not bee cjcempteD from blame, no^ cfcapcpunifbenicnt,febonte tbep? owne lufte oj letoDncfTc D?aw«b a*wape from bpm. CUSutbp tbe toices tbac are rcp?o= neb rjeere, it is too bee learneD in i»bat rpon tne.ixxvuj. riairac. SopfedSoDSJill be ltJoo;QjtppcD of 00. tfo} fpilte i»ce muitelape afpocftubs burneffe, anD ta&c i;»ia poke Dppon bs. £>econDlp, ircc mult pat Dppon Do rl;c fptrpre of utec fccncfk : Cbc affections of cure barte mtiltc bee bjougbt c in o - beDtcnee to <&'£>£>, ano tl>e rpg!)tc it fcif: mutte bee foUovrcD , anD tbat not isttb a &amQipngbcat,butiDtt&abvai;* tic ftebfaitncfTc.' 9 . [ <£b- ctuloicn of <£pb;aim ? e.] *&c p;opounoctb an example of tt;e fapoc \>n- tatttjfuincfTc, tntbe;bilD;cn of &pb;a= tm. 2tnD fcnafmucb aa ui0 not eaficfoj. tbofcto amend bp Dortrme alone, S»btcb arc k>itfulii> bene to eueil:bcp;ouetbbp tbeptimfbrnrnts fent bpfc?tI)em to turne tljctr bacUs in battcll. 3toQ be DC* clarctbefa; ttjc non:e, tbat tr;cp Soere cunnpng arcljcro: bpeaufc it wf tbc mo;e fbamefo; fucbe to flee fo; feare, as are artncD Ssitb arttUerie to ftrifee tbeir eni- mic0 afarreoff. TDljcrebp alfo it appea= tetb mo;c cuiDentlp,tbat <2?oo&>asans griefamb tbcm , in tb/it bee not onelp iefte tbcut Deftttute of b»0 belpc,butal= fo maoe tbeir bartcscotoarDelp. 3!ti0 DcmaunDcD fe^erefojc be finDetb fattlte onelp ftntb tbc cbplDjcn of Cpb;aim, feeing tljat cucn now i)C cpmp;cbcnDeD all ti)t Crpbcs in gcnerall. *£>otne Jwu terp;etours reftrrc it to tbc flaugbtcr tbat i»asmaDe among tbem bp tlje men of qftetb, totyn tbep came foo;tl) agcinft tbe€;pb;acimtcsiorccouer tbe bootp. i. paralipo. 7. ji.s. n.wbicbe erpofi= tton is to muclje rcftrcpneD. fo; it map be , tbat tbc &ingbome of 31 fraeli foas DecapcD, anD inmancr brought to mine at the time tbat tbi0 pfalme foias maDe. Jibbers tbcrefo;c tbpnfce (not amifTc) tbat becre is tbc figure ibpnccDocbe, anD fo take tbc cbplDtenof <£pb:aim, fo? rbe tobolc people: ^aupng tbat tbcp bnaouifeoipe paffeoaer,bo&e tbe 45= pb;aemttes are nameD fo; tbe nonce, bi= caufe tbep fcjerc rbe firfte autbourro of rebcllton Unto otbers ,at i»bat tpme Jeroboam fctte Dp tl;c Calues.iFo; it t0 rtmuCtte, tljat S»ce bcare in mpnDe tbatSobtcbe free l)auz fapDe alrcaope: natnelp botoe it is not fo; nougbte, tbat about tbe cnoe of tbe pfalme tbe rcfu= fal of tbeCrtbe of <£pb;aim is tompa= tcD toptb tbe electing of tbe tribe of jfi u= Da. 3nD tberfoje tuen bcre alfo t;e fpea= fcetb of tbe cbUDjen of <£pbjatm,in Soap of comparifon, to giue Soarnpng to tlje true cljtldjen of 35b?abam,bp tbe eyam= pie of tbofe tbat baD Diffrancln?cD tbcm felue0 from tl)eCburtb,anDpct bjag= gco of tbe oapne title of tbe Cb«rcbe. ^ro; in a0 mucbe ao tl;ep escetleD in multituoe anD S»ealtbpneffe: it&aoa pjerogatiue of tbe too mucb fojee to be= guplc tbe Ample : Sobereof tl;e ^?o= pbeteoootbe noo>ebereuc tbem, auou= cbpng tbem to bee fctterlpe nopDe of oD0 feengeaunce in tbat Crtbe fo; tbe nonce : bpcaufe U baD bp tbe autbo;itie thereof co^ruptcD ioelnecre tbe 5a>^ole ISealme . ^ro; as mutely tljcti , a0 ti;e glo;pe anbopgnttie of ^pb?atm &ja0 aoitioereaftanDerD of fbamefulbacU= fliDing to all tbe refhtye |2>;opbetmpn= Deo to giue a caueat, lead tbe fame *>ifo; migbt continue flill to Decepue tbe Gm= pie. ^o;eouer,bee blamctb tbem not Ipgbtlpe , but bee bpb;apD 3D. of tbe tfaptbefulncffc of bl'0 P?o«np= fc0,of 3Rnuocation, anD of tlje JDoc= trine of Deuotion, tbe foundation u?bcr= of fcjss tbe aooptton . Cbcwfojc b^c caltetb tbent CouenantcbjcaHcrs,bp= caufe tbep fotre fallen from tbep; affp= aunce in tbe pzompfes, fobcrebp ^SoD baD couenanteD to be tl]cp; fatber. /flc- ucrtbeleffe, after&arD bee ftilp aDDetb, O^bb.ij. [t5-)C Iohn Caluines Commentarie [tbe iaSo:]tahermtijccouenat Seas lea? icD bp as it ioercm common rccojD3. Cl)e SooiD[iRcfu5e]augmetctb tbe bet- ncufrnefTe of tl>s crime , as SeberbP be beetokenetbe not onip tbat iljcp Soere raGjlp carieD aSoap Soub a ccrtaine f)c&i neffe, fo as tbep finneD tbiougbe ligbt neffe,lackc of fljillano oucrf:gbt:but aU fo that tbep hao bzoken <5ods bolpcos ucnant of kt purpofe ano pzetenfeo Soil= fulncffe. %\fo bcpopntetl) out the foun= tame of fo greate bngoblpncffe to baue ben bntbanfefumefl'c, m tbat tbep malt- ctouflp burpeD ano efieemeD at nougbt, tbe Deliuerance So?)icb SoasSooztbp of Ittsto Dcpartcfrom epi fa= tbtrs,to make tbcm acceffaricsoftbe fame gtlt.3! n tbe firfi place be toteebctb tlje miracles tbat Soere iozougbt in tbe mibbsoftbe bofomeof <£gipt. lBefoze tbcBepartureoftbepcepie:anDfoz ligbt fomcr knoSoicge fake be nametb tbe fa= moufeft place of tbe Ii5calme.2tfteru7arb be Defccnbetb W tbe pafTage cf tbe jfota, fobercbe rcpetctb tl)at Sobicb Soebaue fecne hettofozemamelp tbat tbe ozbgr of nature Sbas as f Soaters Uicre floppcb of tbeir courfc.pca $ raijeb top in to bugc banks as it bab ben mountains. CbPxDip be Declare tb y <0od ftill gutDed bis people on tbeir tozncp after tbep Soer paffco tbe rcb £>ea : ano tbat to tbe in; tent tbe fame Detiuerancc fbolD not laft fo? a fmal time onlp:bec6tmucb bis gra cionfc goobnefTc toitb recbtng bisbenb Oill out bnto t\)tmfoj, mafmutbe as it Soas a barb mtt troublcfome matter to ioznep ibo?imghbzoiogbtte anbfanDie greSonDs:tt Soas no fmatl bcneSie to be couercD fro tbe beat of f &un bp tbe 0= ucr calling of a clouD.H&ut petSoas tbis a plcDgc of mozc eicccllet gracious gooo= nes: namelp f> d£>OD auoucbeo tbis pco= pic to be bnber bis pzotettion.bntil tbep migbt come tc ti)t tnbetitance of l;eauf . u>bcr npon alfo |£>aul. 1 .Coz. 10.2 .Decla= retb y tbere Soas a repzefentacto of bap= tint in thr.t clouO,Iibe 80 tbere loss alfo in f paffpng tb?ougb tbe fea : tbe frute iobcrof is not incluDcD SottbtntljisUfe bnt vpon tne. lxxvuj.mme. ii bat firetcbec euenbnto cnerlafimg fab uacton. 15 [^eclanetbelffocfesfcl^eaHe* getb another pleoge of father!? lone, toherbp d5oD ftetocs boi» greate re= garo he hao of thmr Welfare. 3it'.P <£ob tsnot funpipfapoto b^ue gettentbem Pjtntte.bat to batte Poone it contrary to nature. 31 n becoe lireame© Doe fomttme fp^mg out of l&ocUs : but the ISocHe S»bicb SJJotfes fmot,S»a0 bttcrlp moi= fturele0.vo berbp it 10 ccrten,tbat f foas ter toaonot fetcbeo out of anpfpzing, but S»aa foicep euen out of the molt bot= tomleffcoeptbcs: a0if a man fboioe fap, euen out of the hart of the earth- Cher- fojetbepattcpneo not to the poppets meaning, fc)btcb baue rjcpounoeo it that the 3fraute0 rccetuco P?tnfc out of tt;e bottomleffe beep0 , bpcaufe there fpoib? teb out abunbace of Patera unto tpem, fl^opfc0 oothe rather enlarge tbemt= that <&ob comaunoco tbofc&a= tcrs to come gufbing out of panes that Sucre facte of. Che fame thing confirm tnethhein the ncjctberfematnelp that there S»a0 a large ano greate ftrcame foibcrcasioasno Piopoffc)aterbefo;e. $*l haD there run neucr fo fmal a becU, <£»oD0 gracioufe goooneffe might pane bene parfetnep bp the heathen men. 16 ut fcing there gufpeD out fooctnlp fo great abunoance of i»atcr : Subo fees not ra= tber, that the eourfe of nature is chaun= gep,tban that fomebepne that lapbtb= Pen in the grounDe,fo>as openeo t 17 Yer continued they ftil to fin ageynft him,to prouokc the mod high in the wildemeffe. 18 19 Can God prepare a table in And they tempted God in their harte to require meate for theyr foule. And they fpake againfl God,fayin* the wildernefle? 20 Bcholde he flrake the rocke,and the waters gufshed out, and the ftreames ouerflowed. Can he glue bread alfo. t or prepare fief he for his people? 21 Therfore the Lordc heard it,and was angry,and the fyre was kin- dled in Iacob, and alfo wrath came vppon Ifraell. 22 Bicaufe they beleeued not in God, and trufted not in his helpe. 1 -jljzt continue)) f c] after t\\z |2»20= pj?fcnce &>erc oaplp tpjuft into the epes of them, anp icbere euen Pcrp neceffttte pbet hath b?ce flp (befceo, that <2>op haP mamfeftcp bp the centtnuall pzceeeping of pis benefits ,bow grcarip hcioueo the cfeilbirn of 2Jb^ham,nofeeheaP0eth that after he hab boi»nP them to him fo fubQanciallp , tbcp accozopag to the?: cuftomcanb nature, rebelleo fojtctoolp againfr him. 2lnp firft he iapcth to ttjetc charge that tbcp pzouokr p hint bp their foilfull hcappng ckiii pppon eupli : ano afteru?arocbeaoD£tb the mancr of ttjctr ptouofepng. ^nobptbefcoozoc C^zo= uofee,] be figmfietp that tt foas no light offence, bnt an intolerable fpitcfulncOe. 99ozcoucr the circumff ante of the place alfo cnbauncetb the grcateneffc of the time: that in the Uerp fcjilcerneffe fo>ben £ rcmebzance »f their Peliucrie $»as ^et frefb in mpn&e,iohcre toUcns of ©ops fbouio rjaue conftramco them to obc0i= encc : cpep reftraineo not their bnrulp= neffe. SDoutlcffe then that tbcp behaneb tbemfetucs fo &>tlfullp,encn in the pzc= fmccof <©op, it>ho m?.Dc tpem afrapbe fc?itb the piefcnte beholDtng of his glo= rte,fe!jo ailurco them fo gcntlp $ frvctlp Pn:o inn: : pea $ at fucbe a time a0 thctr S»ant of all things fljoulp hauebrnthe bcflremtptc to fccpcebem Pnacr: tt feas a mcffr monftj uoufe mabneffe. 18 [3Sn0 tl>cp temptep ^ob,«c,] Chi0ioae the tcm^tatten that he fpabc of: not that it ioan bnlaw'full as of it felfe to Pe fire mcate if hunger conftrcb peb : fojfaho can blame htuigrp follie to cal PpondBob thctr foderfather r'F-'i tins ts tt that thep finncp m,ti;ai pct::g UPbb.'tj. M^f •pt. lohn Caluines Commentane not contcnteb fontlj tbe foooe tutjtcn gob bab appopnteb tbem , tbep 1ft loe(e t!jc repn?0 of tbetr o&mc in ft .JF o; (Sod \)\H at tbat tpme begun to febe tbcm toitl) ^ free (bail fee ageptte a^onc. Cbercfote tt toao tbetr lotbtngof t'jat fuftcnaunce tbat b?auc tbcm tofecbea nefcjfbobe:a0tbougb tbep mifitKcb tbetr fathers altotoance.ainb iob^n tfjs $£>?qj pbete fapetlj tljat [tbep requires mcate fO£tbcfrja)Ottlc:]l)Cc mcanctb not tl>at bunger conflrepncb tbent.btn tbat tbetr luft &83 not fatifaeb Sottb t\)t cattng of f meat appopnteb tbcm bp d&ob.jiln re* fpert^)b«9fbefnptb,tbartI)cptcmptco ob,bpcaufe tbep icapcb beponbe tbe bounbs limitteb bp vi5oo. $01 S»!)0 foes ucrtefufing anb ncgiertmg (£obs alio= &>ance,gmetbltbcrtieto btsofcme bn^ rulpneffe to long fo? mojc tl)a la laufut : be to fapbe to tempt (gob, as if be ment to tnaUe bint atbis comtnaunbemenf ,o;t toolb put bim to l)ts fbirtcs to Deo moie tbanbettftetbtooo. %i\o fureip tobo fo euer fcparatctb d5obs pofoer anb toil a; funber,botbc 30 muebe as in bint Ipetfj, to reno bbn in piece0 : anb tbat boo tbep tebicbebefire to trie s»b«bcr 'oce i»;il grattt moje than be batb giucn leant to requcfr.3nb tbcrfo?c ieafi tbe luft of the fleflje map fttr b0 to tempt «i5oo : let b0 learne to bjible cur befu"C0,anb mcOtft= Jp to fettle our friues tontbin t\js bounbs appointeo bnto w. JFojt tf tfje fiefb baue Hbcnie to leape out, our Datip bieab foil not c5tent bs,but toe fljal outers Uwps be repining agcpnft (£ob &>ltljout ceaf= fing.BnB fo?afmucb as be bab faib.tbat tljrp tetnpteb gob in tbetr bartc0:be ao= betb, tbat tbep tocrc not afrapb to otter openlp tottb bnclcane anb blafpbetnouB tnoutfjc, tbe bngobbmeflefobicbctbep bab roncemrb miuarblp . xc\)ttb?it ap^ pearctb tbe better ,tbat tbetr barte tenet SoboNp poffefTcb U>tJl) rnaiice anb tt>tc= feebnes. ■$<,% fo botb concupifeence bzeeb fin, fofcn it is abimtteo bp Sutcbeb con= (e»t.3ftertoarb tbe Snne tt fclf burficib out furtber, like as ioc fe £ tbe 3B fraelis tes p.tocccocb to traitcrous ioantoneffe, S»ben tbep fcl to eraminitig of »J5oD0 po= ioer vas tbougb tbep mabe none account of tt furtber foo^tb tbatt it fcrueb tbepj lull, 2©p [pjeparings table,]b« menctf) fucb D^pnticsastbep tofreaccuttemcb Dnto in ctr maiapatncffc 5»ut>a bpttenauntc. jFo?tt is Hot ItUclp tbat tbep fnpb fo:but ratber ibepjopbct(a0 tt i»ere tn tbe perfon of tbcm) rcpcjtctb tbe tbings £ v»cr bone before tbetr tit©. 21 [«ibc 3Lo?o btfb tt.f c] Chts bta= ring of goDS,tn:pojtetl) afmucl) as ful 8 gfert bnoiolcbgc^p a fumluuDc tabe of eartbtp tubges,$»bo cannot punifl) off i- ber0,tottboutpcrft£» feitovolcDgc ef ttjeir cafe. Cberfojc u&e bd be tc fapb to bcre bis fcruantSjipbofc requcfts be graun= tctb t»itb fauour : fo agepn \b be fapb to berc tljcfe blafpr;cttifc& f»\)W) efcape not bis bengcance. ^otwttbftanbing.lcaft tb' %caeiTc of #oos i»jatb n;igbt feme to ejeceebe mcafurc : tbc i0topb« Dcfcri^ betb agepn f bepnoufRciTc of tfjctr crime nainelp, tbat tbep biiaicb not (0od, nc^ trufteb in bis bclpc.^nb be taHctb tt fo} a tbmg tbat co not be bcmcb.iljat f p;o= tmfe0 lucre giuen bnto tbcm,i»b^ tbep ougbt to baue giuen crectt, bab not iiupojttunat tttabneffe tytucn tljcin qutte f cotrarpfeap. [^otruftingobobclp] ttupoitctb afmuit;e,as telcanc bnto bts fatbevlp p^ouibence:fo 80 our febolc c6: tf tatio map be fctlcb in l)tm.3lnD ty re= bp 5»e gatbcr,not onlp Ijovce cbb0»:ina= blebnbtleefe tsm tbe ugbt of <2>oa, but alfo tobat 10 tbe true nature of fcttb,anb febat fruteo tfJue out of tt. ax>l;crebpon eoractb it tbat men fubmit tbemfelucs qutetlpV»nto^ £> ID,butbtcaufc being pcrfuabeb, tbat tbur falttatton is bere 9 picctouo in bts neb*> tbep bcienc alfo ^ be tpil giuc tb? 5i»batfoeucr is ejepebtet, f fo tbep KID tbemfelucs bp to berulcb bp bis Btfcrctton i J, t is Jpattb tben y to tbe roote of true goblinesut is f a ttb tbat tecbet!) bs to bope foj 9 to beftre al goob rblngo at gobo banb, 9 tbat framctb bs to the obeping of JjintrlpUc as tbep muff tsc&cfl be ai&japcs beauing 9 ft trring a= gainft gob, ioSpfocuer tbep be f oiSruft bim. Cb^ P?opbet0 treatise cometb to t!;t0 effca:tl;at tbep falflp p^ctenb faith , vpon the. lxxviij.Pfame. febicbc hope not foz Ssdfarc at <5ot>0 banbe : bicaufe tljnt toijerc focucr ©80 t0beleeueo, bp ano bp tijcrc fp^ngcti) Dp conQoence of Valuation, Srujpcljc aitnbutetbto Ijimtfycpiatfc of alt goob tbpnss. 23 But he had commaunded the cloudes aboue, and opened the dores ofheauen. 24 And had rayned dovvne Manna vpon them to eat,and giuen them of the vvheate ofheauen. 2f Man had eaten the bread of the mightics,hc had fcnt them meate c- uen their fill. :j [Sjebab eominiJebfe.]Cbeptbic t\)\nlC tijis mieacle to be repojttco m (loa rpanfc.are far Dfceiucei. ji^y rather the fDzopl)?t bzjcth £ Jfraitte moze iljarp= If bp tl)ts comparifon.tbat being full f eD foitij ^3nn3,tb,ep ecafeb not to lull af= tcr t!je Dfintttn fcjbicb tbep &nci» tbat ^oDbabbebemcfitbim. :ff°J teSuasa Double anD treble bntbanUefulnefTe to refufe the ^caucnlp foobe, fc>btcbe after a fozt?,maoe tbem tablefclofcjes fcmb tbe Slngels. 3!f amantbat Diaclleoin ^raoncc 0; jDtalp, fboulbetafeepzitcbe t'gat be bab not bicab of Cgppt to feeoe bpon.oz ferine of &fia to t>:tnkc : Ojaulb be not mafec foarre agcfnft d5£>2> anb nature, ao tbe 2&ut leffe ercufablc &>as tbe inoztunatc lull of tbe jjflfraelitea, to fe»bom <£od not onlp mu niftreb cartblp foobe ae mucbe as tbep eoulb eate,but alfo gaue ttyem beauenl? bzeabc fo2 tljcir fuflenance. 3f tbep \)ntt fuffereb long bunger, pet bab it become tbem to bane afkeb fooDc of (Bob maze mobcftlp. Ifab tbep bab but bzanne anb bzaffe to fecac bppon : pet bab tt become tbem to acfenotolebge <$5oDS fpngulxr graee.bcing in tbe fe>tlDerntg.y ea f bao tbep baa but crtblebzeaa allowcD tbem : itb3bb?ncaufeinougb^»b?tbe>'fb3ulb bauegtuenbim great tbanks.lguchoto mucb are tbe? novo bJbolDen bnto <2?oo, Cub be batb creates a nex» feinb of fu ie= nancc,tbe fe>bicbC&s it fe>er bp reaching bis bans to tbem eut of banb)be DcaletH among tbem pletifullp and in great fbts 5Dn :' #no tins 10 f rcfon fe>b? tbe £9^- m is calleb [ajbca't of beaucn,? bzeao of % migbtie0.j ^oi» tben Saber a0 forae tSfe! tbC bi-'biUefoOJtO Ab:rim3f0Z tbe b^= uenstsltborigb 31 reieSttnot-.petooo 31 lib: IcfTeof it tlja to take itfoz [Angels] accozDing astbeCbalbic tranflatcr, 9 otbcr0 after bpnt baue tafeen it. Croc it is in Deeoe, that tbe miracle 12 tbcrfoje bigbl? magni6eb,to f intet tbe fejicfeebs nea of tlje people fbolb be mabe tbe mo;e beteftable. Jf 01 it 5»a0 a far mojc erccl- let tbing for S^anna to be raineb boiati from beau en, tban if tbep bab ben febae cptbcrfottb b"bc0 oj frutc0, o:&ptb other increace of tbe cartb -Paul. 1 .€0= r t n ■ 1 6 .5 ca U c tlj t b e 8$ anna a fptritual meatc in an otber fenfe : namelp bicaufe it is as a figure anb facratnf t of Cbuft. Butbccre tbe|2)jopbetc3 intentei0to rcpzouc Double UntbanKfulneffe of tbe pcopic,in tbat tbep bcfpifcb,not onlp the common meats tbat come of tbe grouo, but alfo tbe bzeaa of angels. Co take a= iaaralooutfulneffclB tbougbt beftcto tranflatetl)e\>crbs m tl)C pieterpluper= fctte tenfe , to tlje intcntetbe ISeabcrS mpgbttbe better bnDcrftanDe, tbat tbe thing tijbtebe it>a0 bone befoze i» called egepnc to remembzance. 2at be tnclincb fauas rablpto tbatgruosing bcfp?eof tbeirs : bnttl)at be fb:weo bp tlje berp tffeit, Ijmto it foas iu lji0 Ijano to do ti;at Svtyfy tbep belccueo not. TDljcrbp it appecretb, bow fonblp feme J nterp?ctera topne tt>e flefb anb tbe 8»)anm togttber, of i»bu"b tbe reafon ts brterlp biffer-et 5foj in tbe jj^anna 45&a plapb il)e part of a faiber. But be fatiffpeb tbep? glutton? Sou!) fkfb,to tbc intent bis indignation fljolD cbofee tbem. 3nb altbougb tt bao ben no barb matter fo? d5eo to b«ue creatcb £luaplcs m tbe miDs of tbe SmlbctncfTc; pet i»ao it bis fc>ill,tbat tbep fboulb bee bjongbttbitberbpfojeeof tbeiopnbes, tbat tbe jfifraclits migbtlerne, boa? ail tbe clemcts are ebeoicnt to bis comauns Dcmcnts,ano tl;at tbe Diftancc of places is no let, but tbat bis pofrcr map fo?tb= feitb perce from tbe ©aft into tbe toeft. Cbe Unbeleeucrs tbcrfo?e baue a ma= mfeft p?oofe of tbepoxoer t»!)«l)C tbep maliciouflp repinco at, febetas all tbe elements are m a rtirincfle to obep, anb fpeebelp to ejeecute Sobatfoeuer Ije batlje comaunocb. il^ozcoucrtber is no bonbt but be raifeb tbc Soinbo acco?btng to tbe loogingoftbc campe , altbougb bebab i^atl/f fcuiiooc fe>batfoeucrtbcpi»t{b: pet is be fapb bsreto bauc folorocb tbe frorcarb rcqucfisof il)c frtcbeb people after anotljcr manen bpcaufe tbat loofce S»5)cit bcfeoiDe baue benieobctng iucll plcafefc, tbat boibc be noi» graunt bee= tngapgrpe. wljtcb cjcamplcts ft>o?tbpc to be ntteb, leaft itc fboulb finbfaulte tbat ont beftrcs arc oucrr uleb bp tbc fe = cret pzouitcncc tl <]5oD,fehi' tbep runnc atraDOHci»itbontojDer. jjfoz tJ5ob Dotl) tben trulp bftcbs,fc?bcnbc bcaretb net fettb our feolfb oefites.but tempcrctb bm bouuteoiuncfle eceojDtng to tbe mc= furc of our Snertarc :UHe as in being tuo?e lauifbe to tl;e bngoblp tijan is fo? their bebofe,be botb not £?op?c!p becre tbem, but ouerlobctb tbem irul; a bcablp bur= tbcn,S»bitl)bmgetb tbe beblcngoofom into beftruftton. C bis betbe be c,ry?cfi'c ntc?e clcrclp bp f bp after, m abbpng £ tbe fame &as a baplp papertng to tbem, as vcljo isjcED fap tbat foub tbetr meate tbcpDcuoureb atfotbe ft??atbc cfdftob. # u?[not tobsuebenSocaneo from ttieir beftre oj longing] tmpo^tetb as mucb as to baue burned fttll mtbeir ownelufle. 3f anp man obiert,tbat tbt0 agrectb not feutb tbc iaft ftntecc,i»bete it ioas fapb btneablefrutbout anpmeanes tob?ing tbat tb«? ate tbep? fill : tbefoluttow is in flefb among tbem. 3nD be fnpctb tbat eafp. f o? S»e bnowe,tbatc)tccptc mens tbep are ano Sucre fillco: not onlp to tbc intent S»e mtgbt bnoio , tbat tbep b^b grcate fto?c of biros b?ougbt bnto tbem irbctwttb to ftuffe tbetr bcllpes cucn to tbc full: but alfo tbat ibeptocre mouco to befirc flcfb,of a bcrp i»ant6ncu*c,anD not fo? anp tbougbt tbat tbep toone fo? tbep? fuftcnancc. Jn oceocbe i;at> f.ipb ercirbilCtbat tb?P bao iljcit fil of £^a= na guir n tbenr.but in tbi0 place be ment cjcp;cfTelj> to note tbc rpotc anb rauc= noufcncfTe in i»bif b tbcw t»;tbziDlcD gre= bpneffe bew;ap.btirclfe. 3inb althougr> mpnbes bolbe tbem felues &ttbin tbc bcunbes of reafen anb frapeDnelTe : tbep are bnfatiablc,anb t berfo?e tbat tbc beat of tbep? iouUcD appetite tsnot quen= ci>cD Snub fuS tvmce. ^>omc tranfiate it tbat tbep ism not &tfappopntcb,anb o- tber fomc,tbat tbep fecr not pet glutteb $»itl) tbetr uic8t;S»bicb latter tranfl^tio cjcp?cfletb not tbe mentngof tbep?opbet amiffe.butpet it is far fro tbcS»o?bTsur, Cbep?opbettberefo?e ment toejep?e(Tc in ti»o S»o?Dcs,tbcir pzefent be b.te. f o? euen fe>I;cn goo tobc bengeance of tbem, tbep \ vpon the.lxxviij.Pfalme. '3 Hjep tttli ptapco t^c txiantons m ibeir furfctting. j#o«» then, the to^atj) of goo i0 mctapboucallp fapo to[come top Upon tbem,] 5»f)cn be rtfctb Dp fobamclp to iubgemente : bicaufc that as long as be mafectb as tf>ougl) he hip not tl)ttr fins , 1)2 fecmetb after a fo;te to be a Qccpe. 3DnD although the punifl>mente paflcD tbjtougb &U Degrees : pet Dotb tbe $?o- Pbcte name [tbe fat ano cbofen ones] fo? tbe nonce, to tbe cnoe tljat tffitoos iuDges mente migbt (bine foojtb tbe brighter. 5foj tt bappencb not bp cbaonce , tbat tbe plague DifpatcbeO tbe ftrongefl ano fuebe as teere tbe lufrpeft among tbem. 3gaine fc?afmucbe as eommonlp men are oeceiueo in trjttr ofem ftrengtb, fo astbrp beare tbcmfclues ftoutagemft <2>ODtbemo?e boloctp, bicaufe tbatfoju getting tbctr o£»n innrmittc, tyep think tbep map Doo fc?bat *bep li&c: Cbcrfoje tt is no marucll though 0oos &?atb &erc tbe fearccr ano baroer agapnft tbem. 31 For al this they finned ftil,and beleued not his vvonderous vvorkes. 33 And he confumed their daies in vanitie,and their yeres in hafte. 34 When he flew them,they fought him:they returned and made haft vnto God early. 35" And they remembred that God was their rocke,and that the high God was their deliuerer. 3tfc tf tljep be fe>el beaten, wberebpon it foloSsctij tbat tbcp bee tottcrlp pad hope, Seiche are oftcttmes cbafiijeoof u5oD, ano pet arc nruer tbe better. &>ucbe a ttnbboin- neffc ootbe tbe ptopberc oefcrtbc in tbe Israelites, fcbicb coalo bp no feourges be amenoeo. Jx i»as a tycaDfoU \>cn= of d5oo,to fee fo great a daughter of tbefttongeft ano ittftptft men. Chen, tbat tbep iscre not nioucD fcntb fo mon= ftruouf: a figbte, tberebpis conuinrco tbeir monftruonfc bar&mfic. fl?o&>cbeit bp[tbc Soonberfuil fe>ooibs]be meanetl) not onelp tbe plague, thereof be fpsfce cuennofo : butalfo compjebenoetbtbe other tobens tobcreof mention batb ben maoe. Cbercfojc be occufctb tbem cf Dubble mattcioufnefle : hot onelp foi etf= creoitmg *£oos fcojoc, but alfo fe? oe= fppfingb«S miracles. '4 no therefore be aooetb, tbat tbeir plagues Sucre mcrea= fco, acceding as vISod auotocbctb and tb?catnctb bp 3popfts,tb&t be i»«l oeale- feuenfoloe barocr f»ttb tbe toilful tbat pcrfific in their totclicDncrfc.i}?oto be it, fojaitnutfbe as be fpeahctbberc of the tol;olc people : as if be fboulb fate, tbat al toitbout exception, foere ftoiftlp con= fumco , zutn from tbe fmaliefr to tbe greateft : tt might bp ItUelpbooe of rea= fon be refcrrco to that moftc grccuous plage tobicb S»as ftabUfljeO bp an otbe, namelp tbat tb?P fbouioeiipenfb tn tbe toilDcrncu*c(fauing onelp ttoo,tbatts to tott,3ofue anD Calcb)bicaufe il)at bt= (ngnoiD necre tonto tbeianocof Cana= au,tbcp turncD tbeir Soap baebe agapnc, Cberefoje after tbepba* barreotbem= felucsfrotu tbat mnumtrs- blc multttuoe OpcO in tbe SDefcrt S»ub= in fo?tie peres fpace.^c p«ttctb[oats]m tbe fojmer place, ano [petes ] in tl;c fecdo: as if be fbouiofap, tbat tbe time of tbctr life Soas cutoff bptbecurfcofi5oo,fo as it might eafilp appear c, that tbcp iat= leo eucn tn tbe mtooes cf tbctr race. *CbeW [&a?es] then Socrc confumeo [in toamtte,] bicaufe tbep toamfbeo afrape as fmobe,[ano tbctr peres tn bafte] bp= caufetbep paffcD as ffonfcip ai»ap as a ftreame. ^»ome tranflate Caheb feare: 0l5ut JD libe better to baue tt tranflatco trouble. 5?ojOoubticffctbe ^>?opbetes meening ts that tbeir life S»as b?ofeen of tioublouflp.ii^cucrtbelatcr J, fcjouis not alter tbetcrme of [haflcjubub &>-£ 0l3bb\>. the Iohn Calumes Commentarie the at3mfeftcr: now tl)en,tt>c feittjmng of their itrengtb, whereof tbcp tocre fa pjouDe, ana the fioifte palling ao>aj> of them 30 a fljaaofe, feao a iufte rcfearoe of t^etr feitftttnefTe. H [When be flew t^em.fc.]^ptl)i0 Circumftancebe encreafetb tljar faulte. 5fo; fit!) f being conuttoDef tbJtr feie= UcDncffe, t'ocp acfenofeleoge chcmLiucs to be mftlp pumfb :D ,anD pet bumble not tbemfelucs fettb bufameD mtna.but ra- tb«r mocfe fetth tSob bp letpa DifTima!a= tton : their feu&coneffc ia the leffctc be ejccufeD.31f a man y is out of bis fett0, feelc not his ofon etuis, Jus lacfce of etf= crction is to be bo?ne fettbal.l© ut as foj f)im tbst 10 compelleb to acfcnofeleage bis ofen mifocmeansj ,ana pet continue erb fttt al ene.o; clfe after a title cotoureo fbcfe of fo;mc&\\retumetb again to bis fojmer DtfpofUton :lje bp bis b0'»9fe ha*3 tJOr.^fTe G)cfeetb bimfelfc to be pncura= ble. B<>fe then the ^jop'ncte giuetb an inkling, that tbcp feere no common o; meaneplages.fehJrbp that fame fo fftfs necfccD nation o:uuh to fecHe <£> )D. &na be repo;tctb,not onelp f tbcp feere conuictcaof wcfecDtuffe : but alio that tbcp feere toucbeD feitb the feeling anD remembrance of tbat l&eDemption from febicb tbcp feere fallen. U3p thts meane is the pretence of ignojtace the better ta= feenafeap:a3ifbefboulDfap,tbep feere not carpeb afeap for lacfee of bebe,ot De= eeiucD bp er rot: but baD pjouo'd:D <0oDS feratb againfl: tbefclucs bp Dealing tre= cberoufl?,cacnof fet purpofe: acceding a0d5oD openea their cres to this enae, that b* might Detect their Defperatc toils fulneffe tbe more opentp, in cafe a0 tf be fbsulb Ojafeeof their bipocrifie,anD feif= footbtng, anDarafe tbe out of tbeir Dun- geons into tbe Ugbt. 20nD tbe #>:opbet biammi tbeir falfebarteoncffcm y tbcp neuner con. aim tneir tame xput) a true mening bcrt,m>r truly? attrtbuteo 4 glojp of tljar Deliuerance tonto v£oD:faub that [tbcp flattercD btm feitb tbetr moutyes, anD DtfTemblcb fettb tbetr toug:] not for that tbep made none acfenofelcDgement at all, but blcaufe tbe coufcfTion of tbe moutb, coming not from tbe beart.toas not fettling, usbicy i0 a t!)tng toojtbP to be tuarUeD. ^ojb^rebp fee gatber, tbat not oncly groffe bipocrifie is to be fbuiu neD, febicb is, febcu mens tongs tetter one tl)ing, f tbeir bearts tbiua another : but alfo tbat oeper Diffunuiation is to be efcbueS, feben tbe fmncr being enfojceD bp fcarc, flattcretb <5oa flauiCblp, f pet cculb fttto tn bis hcvt to fbuti Ijts tuDge^ mcnt.i^ut tbe greater part are DeaDip ficfe of tbis Difcafe, fo? alibougb tbe tna^ itHic of <£?oD enfojee tljem tofomebinbe of atttCipet coulD tbep fino in tbetr bcrts, tbat al tight of Doetrme feere quencbeD. wbercf oje it is not pnougb to confent to d5oDS feoiDc.dhleffe there go feitb it an esraefl affertion tofearbs tt, foas our heart be not Double no$ DeuiDeb. Cbc |3iophct th'ifoic notetbhofethecaufe anD fotttaine of tbiSDifftmulatton, feaS fo; that tbep feere not [ftcDfaft anD true bartco,] asifbcfb^ulDfap, allts tahen but fo; leafing anD Deceit before ^oo, febicb p?occDetb not fro pure bnfaineD= neffe of heart, jfrofe foiafmucbas fucbe founbneffe is required euerpfehere in tbe accufctb tbent of p;omifbjea= feing,fe!jo has not obferasD v0oD0 coues nant fettb fucb faitbfulncfTe as became them to b*ne Done. fo% (as 3! baue fapo heretofore) there is a mutuall tn* countring to be kept betfeene our faith 5 anD d5oDsco»enante:fo as tbcfcnfau ncDaffcnteof tbeone,maD tntercbauns gcabip anffeeare to the^oot^eneffeof the other. 38 And he of his mercy ciezeci their iniquitie,& dellrroied the not: 8c he multiplied to tame away his anger,& did not (lir vp al his vrrath. 39 And he remembred that they v v«re but flesh : a fpiritc that palTcth and commeth not agayne. (vvildcrnefTe'f 40 How oft did they prouoke him in the defert, and preue him in the 41 And they went to it againe,and tempted god,and let bounds about the holy one of Ifrael. 38 [3to he.f c] tSTo the tntent it map meane to benD t!;c,tl;at thep mfght come the better appcare tj )fe there feas no againe to their right faith nofec tljat vpon the.uxviij.riaimev 14 rust dpoo batiioUt) manp Una ot ttjeirs; and pet that as oft as be fojgaue them, tijrp continued nolcfle Snicked tnabu= fing bis g?tlncffc ,t ha the? bao blK Hub: boxne agctnft l^is ngo;oufnefrc.li5p the Soap he ftcteeth the caufc Sob? *bep pe= rifljcu nor altogitber.;tfcz although thep halt all of them defcrucd ceftructtompet he D:clar cth that od belt Sri. b totter frit emitie:tbc p topbet tciietb bs here, that the plages i&ere tneafurable,oz ra= tl)er mildc in compartfo of the hemoufc^ neffc of their effer»cc0. fn d£>odS»l:bs biiDbis", notfo mucberefpcrUng Suhat the? liaDDefcru'cb, as mtnDingto giue place to his oSan tncrcte. yet is tber no caufc iobp &>ec fboulo imagine od bareSnitb ihem mo tpmes and mo Soaps than one:tbcfc>zo= pbet faicth Cbe clcn$eb their fniquitie, f> he might not deftro? them:] 9 agcine y S»heras be bad ben eftettmes pzouofced, pet he eeafed not to turne a wap Ins an= ger:f finallp y he mitigated his plages, leaft £ grcttoufucfrc of ihem mtgbt bauc ouerrobclmed bt0 people. 59 [Ind he remembered fc.]ii^ofo he allcgetb another caufc , y is to Sott,£ d&od Snolo net trp bis ftrcugtb agamit men of nature fltgbtfull 9 fbadeSmfrj. irozy fpeeches Sabicb he tofeth bcioken the frailncfTe S»bert!uoup,l) mans Cute is made mifcreble. 'Che fcripture bcrp oftematcheth cbeflcCh and the fpirtt m Soapofccjtrariette one age tuft another; not onlp S»hen bp fiefh is ment our coz= rupt 9 finful nature,* bp fptrtte the pure foundneffe to Sebicb the children of vI5od recoucr tbefelucs againe, but alfo Sobcn men arc called flrflj, btcaufc there is no= thing firmeoz fuftantial in the,likcas in €fat.3i.?. [vEgtptts flefb snotfpint] 1i5ut imbra place the pzopbctbatb put the Ssozbs[rlcfb# fpnitjbotb in one (etc, meaning bp the firft it>02b,tbat men ere fubicct to cozruptio 9 rotting: ano \>y the other Soozbc, that thep are but a blaft oz fomefi)CdoiotCb thmg,3R S»ot not Suhat. jroi in as much &s the continual decap- ing of mcnfojtcetb them to &cftruriion,be comparctb them to a SobifbmgSmnd, 9 fucb a one as falletbof itoSnncaccozse, and commeth not againe. fn% S&bcn Soc bauc runne onr race ,i»c begin not a new life againe boon earth, according Job. 14. is fapd that trees fpzinga** gaine fro pere to pcre:and the herbs that S»cre dead inf tointcrtime,becom grene againe. Ii5ut man after he ts once gone, rccoucreth h'S ftrength no moze. /i^oS» isebnderftand the pzephcts meaning, namelptbat <0od foihisowne merries fakebarefe>itb the 3iewes,not bicaufc thep Vocre feozthp.bnt bicaufe tijeir tra fitozp 9 flightful ftatc obtemed pardo foz them. ap. 16.14 foz doubtlcffc me bztng not f hope of the repairing to comc-feitb them out of their mothersS»5be,but ttmuftbe fetchet out ofygraceofbtsregcneratioo?nctt)birth. 4-0 r^-c. iontv gamines v->ommentane +o [^os>cofi2DiDtl)ep.«crni?ee(m= ficmetb tbe laft fcntence:namelpbicaufe ttjep Jjao pzouofceb <2>oo fo often in the fcjtloemeffc fowb tbe tonmcafurable bougcmlTe of tbetr feucHeDnelFes, fo as tbep mud ueebes Jj^uepcct(ljeDatljpu= fanoe ttmc0,if (5oo tyao not a e boufanoe times fostDCD t^cm fauo?. BnD tlje jflns terrogation c^pjcfTetl? mo?e behementlp tljat tbcp b»b »o bo tn their ftnntng.UCbe name of [">iloerncuY]conteinetb m tt tbe frcl of placets of tunc, as though the pjopbe* u)°"to caft them mtbe teeth fcttb their churliGjneffe, fa that thep Soerenot at leaftwire i»ithhelD bp *0oD0 fo late be«efitc0, oj rather b? tbe oaptp beholDtngof them:anbfecom>= !p CboutDconDemne tljctc Violent beab?= ncffe, in tbat tbep ba& beapeo Dp fo ma= np>inne0 fo>itbin fo Ojo?t a ttme.jl n tfje tame fcnfc be aobetb immeoiateip after, that thep toent to it agamc ana tempteD <0od. jFoj the tpozosCtoent to tt agame] bo not ftgnifp tyzn a cbaunge,bttt a con- tmual ijoloing on tn fuming. $nb be qe= pjcfTeth bp a gooblp metapbo;,bofo> bct= nous repjbci) men off er onto 45od, SDhe" tbcp temptc l)im. ;ffoj tbe fooxae Toua Sohjtrtj be bfetb, fignifietb pioperip too marfee ont,oj Dcfcrtbe.lSut be teactjetb, tbat toben the people bao abuentureo to appoint <5od the nteanes at their ofome plcafure, be toao a0 it ioerc tmparfceD about i»tt b liftes, 9 b;S bnmcafurable power mclofeo tturhm tbe ftrcigbtes of tmoelicf . a&no toertlp a0 oft a0 men ftanb bpon tbnroS»ne Soif: it to all one as if tbe? Sooulb mcafure tl&ob bp tbetr ofcm inn l capacine:iol)icb <0 notbmg elfe but to piucHc him oo wnc oute of Ijio tb;one. ^42 They remembred not his hand in the day that he deliuered them from the oppreflbur. 43 When he fet his fignesin Egypt, & his vvoders in the field of Soan. 44 When he turned their Riuers into bloud, and their ftreames that they could not drinke. 4? He fent a fvvarme among them,vvhiche deuoured them, and the frog vvhiche deftroied them. 4<» And he gaue their fruitesvnto the Caterpiller, and their labour to the Grafsehopper. 47 And he killed their vines with haile, and their vvylde figgetrces with the Haileftone. 48 And he gaue their cattel to the hail,& their floks to the thuderbolts 49 He cafl vppon them the feerceneife of his difpleafure.euen anger, wrathfullnefle and rexation, and fet euell Angels among them. fo He made a way to his anger : he fpared not their foule from death, and he shet vp their catteil into the plage. $1 And he fmote all thefirftborncin Egipt,the beginning of itrength in the tents of Cham. 42 [Cbeprcmebzebnotfc.]^epj03 cecoctb m his bpbzaiDtng , bpcaufetbe onlv rememberance of 45o&s benefits might bane bxtolcD tbem.if tbep bao not maltciouoflp anb Soilfullp pot out of 'nino ,i»batfoeuer things tf>ep bab feene the trpal of .^Dut of this bngooip forgets tullneffe fp^mgetb al malcpertnefTcano rcbctlion. Cbat tbehanb of<15oot0ta= Ken fo? b»s pototr bp tbe figure iflpeto? upmta : ( ■u?!;icbe ift a tranfpofmg of tcrmes)it iotocll inongb fenoS»cn.1£ nb in that firfle oeliucrance of tbe people, <£o&0 bano feas ftrctcbcb out afecra ftrange anb Dn'cooonteD manner. 2f nb tberfoie fo muclje tbe mojc beteftable ioastbc bngob'.pneffe of tbe people, a- geinft ^oljicb the pjopbet noU> inuepetl): name Ip to efteme as notbing op bpanbbp to burp, tljat totytb no continuance of time ought to bane put out of miub. f ur tbermoie be mencionctb certeine epam? pies vpon the. xxvn nra me. K pits of dPoD3 imgbtp Soooifemg, fc>bfc= cbe be calletb firfte [fignes] anD after= frarDe [wonoers,] ;otlje intent be mop agame toucbe tlie foule DulneiTe of tbe people. 3toD altbougtje be fpeafce one tying twpce : pet in t!>e feconDc member there is aDDeD a rcafon, as if be fbouloe fate, tyepfrere ftrifem in feare bp fucbe meane0 ajs tjan neucr benne bearbe of, wbube ougbt not to banifbc out of the peopled minocs fo foone. 44 rjfce turneD tbcir.«c]#erechcs nctb not bp in oiocr tbe piracies bp iobicb <5oo auoucbcD bid power mtbc Dcliuerance of bte people, fo? it was p= nougb fo? btm to put tbe in remetnbzacc oftbefenewen ftozie0,tbat migbt fuffije tt ueie(ttbcptopk0 malice, f tmtbanfc fulncfTe: /ftcttber id it woeful to ftanDc longer bpon tljcfc things, feeing tbst ilpopfcs fto?ic fbctoctbtbc tbings tnoze at large, fcrtucb at recites bere in a bjief. Q£ty& oncip tbiug let tbe IS cabero bcarc acoap,tbai altbougb goo at funbzp otber timc0 punt Qj cd tbe luxrusoi tbe C?ca= tljzn wubbatleanD otber cozruptiono: pet notwitbffanbing wbatfoeucr bap- pencb tbat time in Cgppt, wao ejetra- ozbinarie,anbneuer herb of befoze.SnD ttjc tefoic tbe f^zopbet aouauncetb tbefe fo notable bcugtance s of <0od tottb ma= tip wozD0,as tbatCbc fcnt tbe fierccneffc ofbi0bifpleafurc,angcr,Sx)?atb,anDan= gutflj.] jfv; to tbtscnbmafcctb tbe be *- ping \jp of thefc feojns: namelp tbat tbe DZOH?ic minbo fbonlD be foafcene D at fo tbich miraclcs,wbcrof botb tbe number bhd tbe ejccellcncietoas to be felt, cum of tbcm tbat be blinoe. ;tfinallpbeaDDetb, tbat tfl>oD[eicccutcD tbefe tuogementsbp Angels.] fei altbougb be b«uc appctn± teb certaine lawcstobcaucn anD cartb at bi0 pleafurc , anb fo gotternctb tbe wbele ozDer of nature, tbat erb creature batb b«0 P?oper buettc anD office : pet notwitbftanomg,ae ofte as be naetb,be bfetb tbe fcrntce of tbe Inge!*, in tbe execution of bbo mabe tbe great flaugbter m tbe armie of tbe 3 fTpjtnns, nnb bjaue tbcm from tbe Ccgc of tbe bo- ipCttie,4iaeg.i9.35- but tbe^ngeil ti;at foas appoiutebat tbat time fo? tbe Defence of tbe Cities &o alfo tbe Bngel tbat flew tbe firftbo?ne of OEgppt.Cjco- bus. ii. 5. S»as not onelp a tmmfter anO erecuterof ©obs w?atb againft ty &? gpptians : but alfo a pjeferucr of tbe Welfare of tbe 33fraelitc0. 3gatnc at fucbe time 80 tbe couetous anD blouDDp bingo, (o? ratber cuttb?Otcs) meDDUD bcaucn anD' cartb togcatber : get bot'o* 5Da«,auoucbetbatbolp3!ngel0 Sucre appomteD to bauc tbe cbarge, of tbem. 3nD altbougb it be a iikelp mat= tcr,tbattbe .^. II? e calletb tbc ljoufc0 of OBgppt [tbe temesof Cham] bpcaufe fl£ifratm,:»bo gaue tbe name to tbe Countrep,fe>a0 tbc Ton of Cbam, ^furthermore the fiSzopbetc eommenactb bcre tbc free lone of <©oa to&arD0 tbe pofterittcof j5em,tn that be pzeferrco tbem before tbc cbil&icn of Cba,i£>b-nas notforttbftanamgtbep eje; ceilcD nut foz anpfcoztbmes of tbctr own f2 And he made his people to go out like shecpe, and led them in the vvtlderneiTc like a ff ocke. 53 And he caryed them foorth in fafetie, and they were not afrayde: and the Tea couered their enemies. f4 And he brought them into the borders of his fan&uarie, euen to this hill vvhiche he hath purchafed with his right hande. f 51 And he draue out the heathen before the,and caft the into the lot of his inheritace: 8c made the chtldre of Ifrael to dwel in their tents . f <5" And they tempted and prouoked the mofte high God,and kept not his teftimonies. 57 And they turned backe,and delte falfly , as their fathers did : they ftartcd backe like a deceitful bovve, 58 And they prouoked him to anger with their high places : and ftir- rcd him to wrath with their grauen Images. 52 [3nD be mabc $c.]3Jgem be fcc= afeara.ljaa not their o&>nebnbelecfccn= fozcea tbcm to fcarc. ama tbcrupo came ttjefe gruagingfpcecbco: i»bp ba*b <©°& cad b0 tnto tbefe ftreigbto:' wao ttjere tetb out got>0 fatbcrlp loue towarDs bt0 cbojm people, fytyom (a0fc>e baue fapoe eretobple)be Itfcenetb to a QocUe of fheep bpcaufe ttyep baa not baa anp counccll 0; help at all to matnteme thcmfeluc0, if 0oD bao not boutfauca to tahe toppon him the office ana charge of a fbepcbcrD. 3*na it 13 moxc than an czainatp token of (Sobfllcucjtljat be btiDaiitcbnot to abafe btmfeifc fo farrc , as to fccDe bis owne fbipc./l^eitbcr toa0 anbnSoarh&c mni= tttnDc able to ho anp tbmg agcinft ftotot ■1 iroarUfce cneraicg. jffoziocfcnoSo tljat y people tiiS foz a tunc put to bomeip occupacton0,a0 though tr>cp baa bin co - apnea to mctalmtnes 0: to ftonemines* 3Uia be faptb tbep fojerc lebfoztb toityz out fearc : not ir>at tb'ep leaneb ^)nfear= follp ana forth qutct mines fcppon (ffitoa: but bpraufe tfyat 30 long 80 <0ob i»a0 ibcir gupa ana tbe mamteincr of tbepj Welfare, tljcp baa ba& no tuft caufe to be notrome tnougb toburpto0tnCgtptr' Cjcob. 14.11. Cbt0 fapo bnferfulncffc tbcn,t0not referrcbtotbc perfcHcrance of tbc people, but to tbc aefence of d5oa, foberbpit came to palfet^at tbctr ene= miesiDere D^ovoncb,ana tl;eprefteaqui= etlp in tbc i»tlDerncflfc. 2Hlfo be recuctb ettjzr bcnefitt0of d^oa, ana tbcrfettball Other tranfgreflTtong iolucb bo more be* Soiaptbe tbanfcleffcneffe of tbc people: tbati0tofott,tbatbautng obtetneD tbc heritage that Soa0 p^omtfea tbcm , as tbougb tbcp i»cre nothing beboiacn to <5oa, tbcpSuere alSoape0 ofa5»tlfull$ tontrartable nature. Cbccloftngbp of tbeir acimerance toao the potting of the utpoflTefftonoftbc lanaof €banaan:of the commmgi»berinto tbcp baaatfbar= rca thcmfclue0, but that d5oo ioas ae= tcr mined, vpon tne. lxxvnj.riaime. 16 termmeD,(not&»tbftanDtng their leub= nefTe,) to fintfb in alpotnt0 tbe thing be bao bcgon. ipurtijcr mc;c <;; t:t:uct!j :b.e lansc it felfe [the bounbs oz borers of (0000 j£>anrtuarp] btcaufe that (000 In aligning tt to b*0 people, bob alio bnlo= 5ucd It to bmt fcifc. wh wbp tt appearctb that tt)C pcoplc0 fault fc>a0 the fouler >m blingmg tfjc fame DetUcmet 0 in tbitber, S»itbfejl)tcb tt bao ben ocfilco tbertofoze. f-oj fob at a maDnefFe ions it foztbepeo pie of 35 fraell to contenbe with tlje for- mer inhabited in all feinoe of Sutcftcs>-- neffe, feeing tl;ep bnefe tbe p &ere oxi= aen ont foz their abbotntnatiO0f a0 5oho Sooulb fape, tt)cp toere full? brnteof fet purpofe, to bzing (be fame bengcancs of d£oo bpon their own b,caDS,ft>btcb tbep bao fecne crxcutco bpon otbero.wbcras afterwarbc be abbetb [tbt0 l;tli,] fome boo not i»cl (in mp luDgemente) too C£= teno it to tbe whole lano, tulncb ttjoug!) it Sucre ful of billc0,pct bao it alfo plapn anD kuell grounbes of fufftctcnt good bzeabtb anb length. Wherefore 39 bonbt not but be aobcb [mount &ion] in S»ap of honour foz amplification fafee,asm fc> biel) place (0ob bab cljofen to bimfelfe bio habitation, anb cljicfc feate. 35 con- feffe it in beebe to be tbe figure &>pnecs Bocbe (that t0 to Cap, a putting of a part for tbe tobolc) fo tbat tbe rcabers beare in minb, tbat tbat place is ejcpzeffeD pi?= etfelp, from tobence as from tl)e fotu bcabe,iu*ueD tbebolpneffe of tfeeiybols lanoe. l^efaptb that [tbi0 bill i»a0pof= fefTeo oi purcbafco bp tbe right banbe of (Boo,] (foi tbctoozoe Kanach ftgnifietb cither of botbe) leaft tbe 3Ifraelttes fljoulb Vaunt tbefeluc0a0 though tbep bab conqucrco the lanbe, oz tne re fettleD in the poffeffion of it bp their oton fwozb accoxoing a© bath ben fapb in the |Sfa!. 4^..j.8no.4. jfoj 'it tt>as not tljeir otomc ftooio that mabe them inheritc iljc lanb, r.oz their Drone arme that faueo tbcm : but it was tfjp right banoc, anD tbpne arme, ano the light of tbp countenance, btcaufe tboubaODeftfi louetob0. «HnD bpanfrbp folowctb the cjcpofition of it, that [tbe heathen foere bztucn cut, ana caffc into the iotte of bt's mbcritancc]bp febichc fcozD0 t!;e *3zopbete Dctcrmls netb tlje manner of their comming bp it: a0tfbcfbulDbaucfapo,tbatncitb£rthc people of J frael bab ben fo ftoute men of &ar,noj thofe betben natio0 fo cowaro= lp, onlerre tijes ijiac?!? bao ben gotten bp the policic ano power of (jfrob : :&>»;£:3D (febo fpopleo the former in= babttants3 bo*D0. yet notfeitbfranoing in trypting the afterwsrDc bp their apoanc: fteoz bacfefltOing,anD fal(bartcbncfrj,bc mafeetbbptbcbcnpcsf t^cir giJtinefTc. <0oD bao aftoptsb them to be b?0 People, tljcp oefypfing \)is gooD teiW ,&o Ssjtlful - Ipbanifij tbcmfshies.l^c baDgathereo tbcm togeatber bnoer bis fjjings : tbep runne at-zcabe maiapartlp , fcattering berc ano tbcrc. }^e b^o pzomtfeo to feca father to tbcra: Cbcp rcfufc to be bis cbilozen. ^c bab fl^c'wcti tbcm tljc 5.vap of iedfare ; Cbep cafte tbcm fciues iciifullpjjTto Deduction bp ftraping awap. >= fcas.y. 16. tfetb alfo. f ?» 2*; & t"00fe archff* --; oecciucb, that bane a bofcoe to^icb is ettbe* too xocake.ct ill bent, 0^ croofccb anD cad a"uHp: fo fapth be, that this pecpU ftartcD baekc anD DjionUc afrap ^ottb their flippcueano SoinDtng UjiiincCfc,leaft tbep might baue bcmu fbccl&b S»ttb the banbe of (0oo. 54 [CbeppjujuokeD,jc.]$e allege^ the maner of failing a&ap of the 3 fraes Utc0, bp U>hich tb*P openlp fhzSwcb that tbepbenicb fatthfulnefTe anD allegcance tont0<5oD. jFoj the? baobab Soarmng pnougb anD to much, that €>Qb0 ferutce toas peruerteb onb befileb, enlcflfc thep bepenocB bponhiaiooj&c. l&ut now, ca- foo^tb into their onme fantafttcal oeup= fco. 31 no this ts the fruttc that the con- tempt of the lata bjwgetb fojtbmamclp that tf)ep iohtch b?.D leuer to foloto their own? fenfuahtte, than to fobmit them- fclucs t)nto<25oo, no guictbemfeluco o- uer to grofTc fuperSttion0.Ulfo be coins platnctb that the fcruice of <©oo Saaa impeachco two toap0 : &tit bp their be- fating of (0ot>0 glojip, in making to them felucs 3Sbol0 nno graucn image0 : anb feconDlp bpbcuiftngof fojrein anb foj- bioben Ceremonies to pacific <2> £>£> teitbal. ip God heard it and was wroth,and abhorred Ifrael exceedingly. 60 And he forfooke his habitation of Siloh, the Tabernacle where he dwelt among men. 61 And he gaue his ftrcngth into thra!dome,and his bcautie into the hande of the aduerfarie. 6z And he shette vp his people into the fwordc,and was angry with his owne inheritance. 63 The fyre deuoured his chozen,and his maidens were notpraifed. 64 His Priefts fel vpon the fword,and his wido wes mourned not. d And the Lorde awaked as one afleepe,as aftrong man that cryeth out through wine. 66 And he fmote his enemies behind,and put the to an endlefle shame. 59 [dffobbcarb] ^gainc the pjos phet (bewetb that xolym (2£ob faroe he coulb boonogooD&itb bi0 fufferance, (inljicl) the people not iuitbout moeautg abufeh to greater iooceneffeof finning) hetookefojepumfbmentoftbem. 3^nD the fimilitube fcbtcb he taketb of earth- lp 3Subge0vt0 rife to be met tuttb in the fcrtpture. JF oj- (Bon 10 fatbe to hecrc,not that he buth neebetomake inoutfition: but bicaafe hee Geppetb not faojtb to hi0 iuogementco tonaDmfc&lp,leaft anp man might thin&c him to be bailie. Che effede to , that the people tin continue their taHekebneffe.tbat at length the eric of it tnounteb bp into bcauen : anb the herp grceuoufneJTc of the puniibmente i.cuszapctb the heinoufnefTe of the of= lencr. jfoj, after he hath faibe that J U r&el (tobom <&ob b*b loocD fo muche) was become abbominable: jftotu be ao= beth.tbat it fc>a0 bereft anb befpolleb of (I5ob0 p;efencetf»hicb fc>a0 the onelp fe= Itcitie thereof, pea, anb the onelp comfojt in abuerfitie. Che abhorring of J fraell therefojc,fea0thi0:iohen (0od fuffreb the Srke of ceuenant to be carfeb into another countrepfanb he bimfclfercmo» umg out of Jl cwjip.bab the people farc= torll. 36 1 10 out of alt Doubt, that <£ob f»a0nottpebtothebifible token 0; fas crament. 35ut fojafmuche a© be hab gt= ucn the fame a0 an affurance of h'0 alp- ante frith tbe people, bp the taking a= foap of that, he fejitnefTcb ^im felfc alfo to begone, jfro&e then fojafmuche «0 the continual abobe of tbe 9rke ioao in ^tlob. anb that it fotf taken tbere bp the 4ahihftinc0.i. ^am. +. 11. it 10 calico the habitation op Duelling place of Sod, T&at tbe maner of W bSoclllng i0 ejeyieffco trtmlp a little after, namelp bicaufe vpon the.lxxviij. Pfalme. bicaufe it Soas but boufe among men. 17 f oj altbougb ^°9 ftU b°ty beaucn and eartbipctnotroitbftanDmgfojafmucbas fee at tame not to btebnmtfurable higb3 comming dofom bnto bs bp ntff po&erf grace, (fo far an ts ejepcoient, 9 a© our fmalneffe toil beare)ootb mabe bimfclfe ncre bnto be. 3 no it 10 a berp forcible mancr of fpcabing , tbat dBon i»a0 fo btfpleafeb fcjitb trje continuall fcHcbebneffeof bis people, tbat be iyaa fainc to foifabe tbe onlp place fob»cb be bab ebofen to btmfelfebpon cartb. J\n the ncjete ftaffc be pnrfuctb tbe fame tbing.faplngjbat [tbeftrengtb] of <5ob to'.ierbp tbe jfraclitcsbab ben fbeclbcb anb befenbeD,fra0 tben [tabe pjpfoncr] jftor tbat Ins migbtineffc Soao rpeb to tbc©iuft>arb figne : but in refpe ci tbat be baa fette btmfeUe again a tbe enemies heretofore, it i»ao bis Smltljatrbc grace iuberexottb be babbefenbeb bis people, fboulb after a fo;t be tabe pitfoncr . 3lnb pet t0 not tbt0 rcferreo to tbe $biU= (tints, 80 tbougb thep bao gotten c is rcpo2tcb b«re of $ilob. 3Heremie. 7.12. teaebctb tbat it toucbetb all fuebe as falffpe barmte tbem felucs bnber tbe bapne pretence of <£?oos picfcncc , t5oe poure toapes into ^>ilob Qtwty be) anb fee S&bat fbaHictattncfle d&ob batb bjougbt bpon tbat place, frbcre b»0 niaiettie fbone in time patter 3tn6 tbercfoie except Sue re= ceiued&eb barter? fcrnb fucbe reucrencc asbecommttb.S»bfnbecommctbfr£nb= !p tnto bs : tt is to be feareb leaft it fall out fa>itb bs,a0 it btb Soitb tbe &ilep= tes. £>© mucbe tbe more pcemfb tb«n ts tbe blagging of tbe $ope anb tys abbe= rentes, &>btcb WoUtbe&caof l&orae onlp ioitb tbts title, bicaufe tbe Cburcb batb flourifbeb in olbettme in ISomc. 2H0 iobo ftoulb fap,tbat€bipft febo is tbe true temple of tbe d^obbeab, ioas not boine in Hi5etblecm , anb biougbt bp in .tfjajaretb : ot as fc?bo fboulo fap, be bab not btocKe anb p^eacbeb in Ca= pernaumanb]Bcrufalem: 2atb cofumcb it aroap: tobicbe tljing tbe #?opbet betcbenctb metapbojicallp bp tbe name of fp>c.5foj tbcre perpfbeo of tbe ebofen of 1,fra= ell, to tbe number ©f trjtrtp tboufanbe. 1 .^>am. 4. 1 o.bp tbe ft&cibe of tbe enc= mtc,anb not bp fp^e. l&\it bp tbis meane is ejcpicffcb tbe fobeme biolcnce, to put tbem in fcare, as if be fljouto fap, tbep fecre quicfclp beuou«b,Ubc as (baffc ts conrnmcb i»itb fpje.Cbts flaugbtet co= armctb be S»ttr> an otber figurc,tbat fo^ 5r art of men tbe matbens abobe tontna= rtcb-if 02 be faptb tbep [&cre not p;ap= feb] bicaufe tbep S»erc *t»ont in marta= ges to fwg H52tbefong0. 2!no it encrea= fed) tbe grccf,tbdt tbe bcrp ppitttB tljcm fclucs,V»bom ©obbabpecuitarlp rccci- ucbintobt0 tuition, peiifi)^D fcoitb tbe rcfre. TDbcrcas be fapetb , tbat [tlje Soi= boiocs mourncD not,] 31 ta^i it tbus : citber tbat tbep bpcb foi fojowc befozc tbe tpmc,02 elfc tbat Srben tbep tocre leb afeav pjifoncro bp tbeir enemies, tbep Soere piobtbitcb to mourne. 2'no in thefe S»02DS be ment to tcucb bjtcflp, Ccc. tbat Iohn Caluines Commentane tbatnotbing ioanteb toljicb migbt maUc bp tbe fail meafurc of mifcrrt. 6 j [21 no £ teza $c] grome ftjiUljaue tbtstobe oftbe Jurar lits : anD o;l)ct fomr ,of tbnr enemies. 3 f tbe fir ft application It&e anp man, ttis no mars uell tijoagb t\)t 3lfraclit0 bn termcb (0090 enemies , like asm CEfav. 1.24. 3b, 35 nmftaaenge mp felfecfmmee= n?mies.3h}DtbemeenmgS»tlbe,tbattbe 3Uraelits pais ocerlj? foz tycfr abufing of (fjoos patience to liccntioufnsfFc,bicanfc be awoofee foQemlp,anb fell bppon tbem ioit\) greater btolcnce. 35 ut fozafmucbe as Sye fee tbat tbc ^zopbets fctfb tbetr £>octrinz cut of <&2opfe0,fiHo Rlfo frame tbnr *r>o?03 a^cojoing to ti>c fame pat= terne;no lefTc alofcjabie is the opinion of tbcui, fcljicb VnasrSanbit oftyc$fefe liSincs. jFeztbis oar^zopbet fecmetb to bau? bo?ov»£D this ezuer oat of tbc fong oi Staphs SDcar.}i« 27. xoYjtte (B»oo auotDcberb> that l;c eotb not fo pu= ntfi) r)t0 people, but y be fnafflctb tl;cir enemies agsine. jfo} couriering bow? it is a comon fSzduerb , tbat tbe fallings out sf iaarres are bncerteinenf tljere bao folcwjeb no cbaungc ,tbiS pumfijment inicbt baR^fem tbs mozesarHfome.3$at feing tbat cb after be bao bzongbt tbe Jfraelits &nber foote, turneb tbe plage Uppon tbe conqueror, feutbout mans bnna,beponb al feczlolp eypeftation.anb contrane to accuftomeb front : berebp it appearetb tyz brmr,tbat tbe 3!ffaelites Suere not pat to tbe fople otberteifc tban onelp bp <2>ob. 35p tlje S»ap tbe Sdzopbet 5t>arnctb bwretouball, tbat tf?oD ftrns conftrapneb of necefFttie to puntfl) fome= Sabat fbarplper tljan be Soonioe baue Dacue,bpcaafe tbat in paging tbe f5bt= liflmes afterward ,b«nobip mapntctneb bis couenant, S»!ucbc be migbtfecmeto bane bttcrlp fozgotten.iro* alrtjoagb be baD after a loxte tafecn parte 5»Ub tbe |M)i!:(lmes fo; a time : pet froaloe be not bttcrlp gtae oner bis lotte toSaarbes tbe 1 bilDzcn of aib?al;ajn,leafl lps fapifj migbt baue benne bifappopntee. $ 02 aU tbongb tbe fimilitube of tbe ojonfeen man befomcrobat itttb tbe barfbcft,pct is it not frt ooomc Sxwbout gooa reafou, bicaufe it is applpeb to tfcc •biccfrifbncffe of tbe people. jTci bad t \}tv ben of a pure anb uk l fined fe:t , &ob teoulb not baue fo tranffozmeb bimfelfe,no2 taUenbpon btmanotljer mans per fon.*Cbercfoze it fc?as tbe peoples bitmfeenneffe (tbat is tcfa?,tbcir bulbeabOcDneffe) tbat maoe b,im to UHen bimfelfe to a Dznnfccn man, tbe Sr bicbe Suns a foule fljamc foz tbcm. 3s to ©obfearbe, tbe fhmiituDc is no berogation at all of bis glszp.£>nleu"c l)e rcozcHe our mpfenes ioub fp«eoe, be fecmeib to be a flepe.li3ut toljcncc corns met!) tl)is neepiibncCTe , fcemg tbat in ftrcngtb be pafTetb all tbe pacfee of tbe gpants, iobo can eafzlp a^ap i»it]) long ioatcbtng,anb are fanfhcb Soitij little ileepe^ ^ is fozbearing is ta&en of tlje buiuros, as tboagb bebimfclfe isere oucrisstcy eD. 71 no be faptb tbat 45063 fooem awa^aig f^all touble tbem moze, tban if be IzaD liftc bp bis band agemft tbem at tbe firfhinlibccafc as if a bzan- ben dopant, bautng not pet (lept out hw fnrfet,fboulD ftart bp feoeinlp out cf b:s ficepe. TOhcvzB tyc fapetb [tbe cnemtcs Soere ftriUen belnnb in t\)t bm9er parts] manp rcflreine it to tbe plage iaberfcntb t!je ^l)ilifiines i»creftriUcn.i.g)«m.5. n.llnbtbc tcrmeof [cnDlcfTe 0)8me]a- greet!) to tt, bicaufe tbe punifrjing of tbe fzritb t\)z emo2O0s m tbeir bmoer parts Soas repzocbfuil. &ut fozafmucl>astbe fc>o?osaDmita inozc fimplefenfc,name= Iptbattbep Sucre Urifee bcl;mb:3 leaue tttnotttercnr Cj And he rcfufed theTentcof Iofcph, and cho2c not the Tribe of Ephraim. ilo teas a perpetuall mo= numentofbtsDifpleafure.Cbcrcfcrebe refufea tbe tribe ef <£pbraim,nos: ttjat be baa caft tbe of for euer, oj cut tbe quite from tbe reft of tbe boap of b& Cfcarcfc: ■ but btcaufe be teouia not banc Ijts 3&r&e on:as if £ propbf t bao faia.fbat goa teas to reS any mojc tgere. Jfe? agemfi tbe not pet fo futip pauSea teitb tbe tetcfeca trpbe of Cpbraim, ber e is matcbeo tbe baefcfltaers , buttbattbere appeared a trtbeof 3uoa,teberch fome Qgnes of their cbaa^cment m f bis altbougb tbat afcer tbe feparation(to tbe teicfeea ana tbaufelePfe pcopleof 31ffael, euenbnto tbe eiiDc.-tto tbispurpofe t«n^ betb tbe refufail iubtcb Ijccfpeatietbof novo, tbat tbe 33fraclits S»ere bereft of tbeprtuilegeof bonouie tDberwitb <0od baa aao^ea tbcui, i»!jen be ieaulatjauc bis 3lrUe te be cariea awap to another plact.Cwo popnti tberfo^e or to be no= teH bere t firfl; in afmucb as tbe $b*lp- ftwes ujercftnUen tv.tb filth)* biles : it appeerca bp eutaent p?ofc,tbat it bappe^ aeb not otljertepfe rljin bp (5ods up- pointmet, tbat tbe 3ifraelita i»ere bau= quifbea b? tbcm. ^oj neitber DiD <0oa recotier nc^ frrewgth, or gatberancfo boS,to fet bppon tbe conquerers wub= tn a ferine after: neptber teas be helpeo in tbe matter bp foir cine apb.C^c oti):r inretit ttyc people fljoulb icoUe better to tbemfciues tbercaf.eOtbcrc fcjas no full ana perfic reftitution:pet &as it a point 0? no frnai mere*, £ <0oa cbofe a fteDfaS abiaingplacc for i>«S arke again. 3lnD for afmttcbastbearn, after frcturnetl)er= of, fcjanbiea m ©a:b « '^cfcavon, ana tn o:bcr places, \jnull mvunt ^toit teas pomteb out bp miracieub'er is no regara baa of y mjane time, bicacft p propbets purpofe.teasno more, butt.3 commenb to memorteasteell tbe esawi^le of tbe pumtymettte , as alfo <2?cas gracioufe gooaneffeonlolsea for-Cbat tb'.ng 10 alfo to be bo;n in mina.tebicb ts ofte rcpetea in fl^opfes, teben tbe Horae 0)35! bauc cbofen bimfelf a place for cljee to cal v\>-- pou bis name m. 3gapnc bpcaufe ^> lo bfD £ lohn Caluines Commentane V)80 obrctnebfo great renoume bp tea- ton of the continual! abode of the 3lrHe there : after that the «irUc S»30 conuc.>= eo ta the enemies .mens mihbS i»:re tn a ftrange pcrpiepitte, till the election of the place Seas knofoen. <|ino although that the tcnCtpbes'cocre not caftof at that tymt, butbab their intereft in the fringe borne anb £ pzteftboobe as Seel as the Crpbc of jp'uba. |?ct notwithstanding, in pzoceffe of time, their otomc rebellion, did cut them quite of. Xi& tbt0 is the caufe Suhptfye |2»jop!jetf3ptl) tnteapof Dcfppte , that the amtuarie. JFtirs thermoze lead the caufe fholb be fought foz, out of *£>od: thc|3?ophet faith, that the preferring ef mount jbton befozcall other placc0, anb thegarnifbmg thereof fcDtth h great cjeellcncte ante of d5ob« free election. JFoz the Gelatine [&>mch] is put here tn fled of [foz ,] the abuerb of caufc:a3 if he bad faid.tbat the gfcanctus arp of <25od S»30 frablifheo there: not foz the SoozthpnefTe of the place, but foz the onlpfrellutUngofdSoojroznelefrcfree ought tbi0 later reftitutton of the people to be, than wao their firft aboption Sobe (©ob tnabe h!0 couenant toitb *Hbiaham ozfe)hen he beliuereo his people out of <£gipt.3lnb the [louing] of the placehab refpectto theme. wheruponitfoloweth that the Church hath alwape0 from the beginning, bin gathered through j mere grace anb bounteoufneffc of <0oo : bp- caufe that neprhcr couib there be euer founb anp inward SoozthpncfTein man: and aifo it is a pzecioafer thmg,tba that it map bang bpon the power of isen.jn the ncyt ftaffe the $>zophet meanetb no^ thmg elfe.but chat mount ^jionhaba fmguler beautte giuen onto it,the i»l»t= ehemufrc notwithftanding be referred to the beauenlp pattcrnc. 5Foz it wa0 not (!5oD0tDtu, that the mindc* of his feruams {boulo oe occupied, eptber a= bout ttjc gooDlpncffe of the bupldtng,oz in the potupc of the tcrcmouica : but to itftc them bp btno Chzift, tn whom the truths of th?fbADoS»e0SD30 cybtbttcd. Cbercfoze he iapth that [the £>:inctua= rie wa0 butloeb as the high tnmgsjtbat i0 to fap,tt wa0 Gghti? cucn among the higb taour.tapna.lUUs as <3 fat. 2. 2. anb i^tchca0.4.i. (where ttjep pzophefie of the butlbtng of the new anb fptrituall Cemplc) fap it 0) albc fet fepon the toppe of mouni:apn0,ihat it mzy appere aboue all btlle0. ^no 8»e huoi» that topics ioercin tbofcoaps fet bponh.igh places. 2tfterS»arbehccomp;trcthiS)ion to the Ss>hole compaffc of tye earth- ^Fo> at= though it happen fomc feueral countreis to be either fba&en,oj to pertfh bp fome toatcrflouo , oz to be troubled bp fome biolente earthquake, oz tofuffcr fome alteration : pet the berp bobp of tbe earth abpbeth ftebic anb fure : bpcaufe it i0grounbeb bponbeepefounbattons. Cb2 0zophetc therefoze meaneth, that the buplbtng ^hereof he fpeafeeth, is not tempczai, as the fumptuoufc pala= ces of Kings be (Zotyitlw either oecap in continuance of time, oz are in banger of befiructionbiuerfefe>at0)but t0 founbeb to ftanbe i»!jolc anb founbe euentothe enbeof the5oozlb.31fanpmanmabec)C= ceptton,that that temple ioa0 beffropcb bp the Chalbpes 9 Sffffpzians, it ts eafte to be anfioearcb : that this fubftantiall founbneffciBbicb thepzophct comment bcth conftftcth not but onelp in Cb;p£t. ^oz if theolbe anb fhabotoifh ^auctua= rie be conftbercb m it felfc,it Sjalbe but a baine<5hoft-lBut f ozafmucbe a0 (0ods i»tli»as,that it fboulb be an affureb to= ben of Cbzpft to come : eucrlaffingnefTe is iuftlp attrtbutcb bnto it, lifee as it t0 fapbe in another place,he h'"^h lapbe the founbations thereof in the bolp hilles, fS>fa.87.i.^lfoinCfai,i+.32.hei0fai*o to baue lapbe the founbation of &>ion ioith his own hanb.^nb again. fM.74.. 2 . he is fapb to biecll in it, to the intent it fboulb neuer quaple. 7o[^nb he hath cljofen.] ^ftcr hchath maoe mention of thcCe>npic,he pafTcth alfo to the Btngbome:foz thefe tino £»ere tl;e chief Cgnesof gobs election^ grace: like vponthe. Ixxyuj. Flame. IP Itfce as Ct^tft &lfo bathe appeerco our HmganD pjceft to tying fcsfuU faluaci= on. 3! no be pjoucti) JDauib to bane bin creates &ing b? d5oo, inafmucbeashe _ a0 rapjco from the dbecpfoID and from keeping of cattcli, unto thefeegeropall, ^Fo?tt)ts( cjcrb/mnge Dotbnot a tittle fet fbojttb <15oD0 grace, that a ma of the etm= trp S»as taKen out of ins b^omclp cotage, ana maoe Hing. $no the ^opbct re= (trepnefb not thu* grace to the pcrfon of !DauiD,butl)eoooctl)*)0tol)nberfranD, that tobatfoeuer tuojtfbpneffe fc> a0 in tb« ihilojcn of a&btabam , tbc Tame floxceD out of tbc faio fountatne of (25 oes mcrcp. Jfoj tbc fch,ole glojp anbhappmefTe of that people _ao conteincb m the King = Dome anb pjecftboD : botJje tlje fojbicb be afcrpbctb to tbc onlp gcoD&>illcf(J5oD. Sin j tbcrfojc tt bcljoueb the beginning of Chjttts t eigne tp be bafe* befptfablc, to the intent tt might be conformable to the figure thereof , anb that <0ob might fbcSDopcnlp , ljofc) be bfeb nooutftmrQ helpcs in the comparing of our falnacio. feccommenbetb. <£»oD0 gracioufe goo&s ruffe bp another rir;ninftace,fo that 2Da moot afbcpebJrD of Ojecpc,fe)a0maoc The Contents of the.Ixxix.Pfalme. It is a complaint and mone of the Church fore ajflichd^herin although - thcfaithfull beyeayle their oyene piteoufe and vnyvorthy harmes,and accufe their enemies of crueltieyet they csnfjje themfclues to be iuftly chafli^ed, and flee -with humbleneffe ynto Gods mcrcte^chicfly ypon this hope,bicaufc they fee Gods difhonor to be matched with their calamities} -while the v>;- godly blafpbeme his holy name in opprejfyttg bts Churchc. The. Ixxix. Vj'alm e. ^Pfalme of Afaph.O God theHeathen are come into thine inherit tance,they haue defiled the Temple of thy holirie(Te,they haue put Ierufalem into heapes. 2 They haue geuen the Karkafes of thy feruantesto bemcate vnto the foules of the aire,and the fleshe of thy meke ones vnto the beaits of the earth. 3 They haue shed out their bloudl ike vvater round about Ierufalem: and there was none to burie them. 4 Weehauebenareprochetoour neig1ifc»ours,a iefting ftocke and a mocking to thofe that-bcrounde about vs. i [€> ralmc among other fljeweth it fclfe of ejecufe, fap that tbc aff lictions of tbc platnlptr)atui»a0mabetongaftcr3Da= Church. fc>ere tejeteibe bpthefpintcof _ Ccc.u'j. tf?opbc= the OjepberD of tijc eirrt people anb ucrt= tagc of (©ob.SPnb although tt be an alius Con to JDautbs former ftate:pctnotw>itr) aanb ntucbctai»fuil&mgscs»bomitbeboueth to be as fbcpherb0)&:ffer from Cprats, cutth?otc0 , anb tsuctoufe ejetojeioners 2CfterS»arb beaDDetb , that be cjcccuteD fattbfullp the charge that ms tnio^neD him. wbcrbp alfo ia inbiroth? tauntcb the bntbanUfulneiTe anb Icafcobncffe of the people, fcjbo not onlp biffeateb f lios ip anb inutoiable o?ber of 0ob:but alfo fl^abing oflji0 bealthfull poUe, Did caft thcfcluc0 into mtferablc hauocbe. Chat &)l)ich folo5»eth cocerning the [oifcrccto ofhi0hanb0, jfeemeth to be bnpzoperlp fpofecn.iBeuerthelefTe,thc ^?ophet met to c^effe piththelp , that JDauib tow not onlp fortunate in his Doings, but al= fo goucrncD bp the fpirit of ©od, fo as he put not fo?tb Ijie hanb imabuifcDlp to anp Soojfec,but Directcb t&gmbanbfotti- lp anb fbilfullp thither as faith anb \m owne Dcu>tp calico them : &herbp in the falling out of his oeebs, there appcareo mo;c commenbation of l)0s fcnfcDome thanofhisgooblacfee, • Iohn Caluines Commentarie $5?opbcfje,to t\)c cntenr that tljcp felucb feere to comc,migl)£ be bartneb to bcare the cro3e:it is bop!) oi rea&n. ;ffo} nep* tber arc the gophers feont tofpeaKe fo htftojicallp in thin p?opb?f»e0'.anD febo= fomcr fijall fee? fye tcxtc feitb founoc tnbgement, fhaiicaflp fee it feas mabc either at futlje time as the temple feas burnt top, anb tljcctue euevrbuwen bp the ^fftrian^anb ttjc people leo into cap tiuttic:o? elfe at fucbe time ap f Cempie feas befiicb bp 3ntiocb»0 feitb the com= mittfng of manp daughters: for f grotio of the matter agreetjj berp feed toep= tbcrofbotbetbofc tttnes. 3lctbs tbere= fGje tafcc it as a tljtng grauntea , that tins complaint feastnbiteb to tbegeb= I?, at f«cbe time as the Cbarcbcfeas oppredea, anb matters feere brought to the berp point of eefpairctf or fecfenofe bofe cruellp the ^dinas outrageb. 3Snb agetnetf anp manburdfo much as but once open bta itppes in Defence of d5obS iKeligion tonsertbe tp^annp of Sntto- cl)usu*)crc fe^Sne Gjtfc butty mad pre fentip base bpeb for it. $ ird, the ^jo= pljet in the perfoaof tbefaithfuU, corns plaincti) of the Defiling cf the Ccmplc $ thebtdrmltoftoftbe Cute: anb afters fearb in the fecob dage anb in the tljiro, be ccraplapnetlj that the faituts feere tmtrtbereb fetfbout refpcite ,anb ihzn beab bospes cad abrefcefettb out honour ofburiali.^nb aimed cuerp feorbc cs= WiUztfythz heinoufneffe cf tbc matter. 5ror conGbering 1}0«? <0od bab fcucrco ewt'tbatlanbfo^bis crone pcopicutfeas agetnS right that it fljoaib fecabanbos neb to tbc heathen naciens , that the? might reproebfuiip trample it borone, anbfehod? msfcc hauocfec of it at their plcafarc.Che $?opbet thcrfore GnDeth fault as it feere feitb the inucrtingof tbeorberof nature, febenbefaieth that the beathen feere come into the heritage of (Sob. 2lna the oucrtbJtounngofthe Cempte febcrof be entrcatcth In the fes cons place, feas the lede tolerable, bp= caufe that bp that mean?s <5obs feruice feas quenches bppon earth, anb his res ligion quite perid)cb.!$e abbeth that 3e rnfalem(tohtch feas d5oDsrcpal featc) toas brought into l>eapcs:bp febitb fa?5 ing is betcUcneb the Soiils oucrthjofe of tt./frofe then l»ac 00 the Unbalofeing of the temple, anb the otter thro w of the help Citie, feere not boncfettbout ioicUed treafon to (2>0Dwarbe : fo ought tt>ep of gooa rcafontopjouofee <£>oos fe?atha= gapnft the encnucs , anb therefore tl;e prophet bcgtnncth feuh tbem,anD after= fearb paffcth on to the daughters of the co'oi p. 31 no the crucltie is noteb to be the gveatcr bp this circumlrnnce t that tbep not onelp Hue thcfcruant0ef(£ob,but alfo cad their co^fes bnburieb to beads anb foules to p?aie bpon-3 n otoz a ccr^ tain reltgtoufneffc hath alfeais poflfeffeb mcnsminbcSjinfomncbe as thep feoulb not befraube euen their enemies of the hono3> of burpal:Wherbpon it folofecth, that thep be liHe outragious bead s,febi= the are fo fsuagc that it both them goob to fee ocab men to?ne in pecces. I&e Cbc= feeth alfo, that thep rageb not after the ojtbinarp maner of enemies, bicfiufctbep mnbe no mo^efpare of raansblomvhan if it hab bin but featcrtfebcrbp is gathe= rcb their grctbineffc of daughter, ainb febcras h^ abbtth r^t [there was none to burp thtm]it is ertenbeb to tljcir b?c= th;cn anb feinffoifee: as if lie fhoulb fap, tbep feere drifecn in fo great reave, anb alfo fo murbcrcb eucrp fehcre as thep feere met fcftb&ll,tbst ne tnan onrft go abjobe. ^furthermore feljereas «5ob feoulbc that in the bnrpal of men, there fljculbrematne fomefeimedeof the l«d refurrcrticn : fo? the faimts to bcrobbeb of this rigbt after beatb,tt feas a boubie fe?ong. amDbcrcrtjcthaquetfion.tbat tnafmnch as gob both oftentimes th?ea= ten this pnniChmcnt to the reprobates : fehp he fufireb bts faithful ones to be be uoureD of beads ^fec mud bcarc in minb that febtebe fee hatie fapbe elfcfeherc: namelpy temporal punifl)mcnts fetich pcrtcinconlp to tbcfle(h,'igbt affeelbpo the cleft as bpo the reprobates.£)nlp the Difference ism the falling out: bfcaufc gob turncth that thing to the feclfarc of the goblp,tohicb naturailp teas a token of btsfe?ath.3il one thing tberfojc is to be farb of bur iall as of beat!). 3 1 happen cctb that the beRe fcruanto of <&fob are put to Death bp torture: fephe pnntQ): tnent toe Unofe is ofttimes cicccutcb bp= pon marketers anb other Defpifers of <0eb: vpon the, lxxix. Pfalme. zo <£yod : eno pei eoty not tfye Dead; of dje (dints ceafc to be pjectoufe In f)t0 figbt : but ioben be b^tb fuffercd tbem to be Sojongfullp opp?eu"ed int\)Z fleCb,l)e Gjc- *»?tb b» attending tljcm, fooSo dere Ujep Soere bnto him.& the intent to ims p;int tbe tnarkctf of b'0 Swatlj in the re- probates euen after tl^ctr dcatb : bebe- reuctbtbemof burpall:and tbcrfojebe manacet'n tbe ft>lcacd king,ibat be fibal* be buried as tbe 2lu"c ts.Jerem. n. 1 9. ^5utt»be«bebelmfrctb bis otone Uv= iwnw te tbe ttfee repjtoebe altboagfy be be tbougbt to l;aue fojfa&entbcm foja time; pet afterward be turned) it to tbe furtherance of t'qtyj, Welfare , bpcaufc tbeir fai.'be being tried bp tbia mcanes, purcbafedj to it felfe anew reward of bitfozie. f 0? fc>beras in olD tune tbep an nopntco Dead failss.tbat ceremenie S»as Son: but fot tbeir fakes tbat ioerc aline, to the intent tbat teben tljep faw tbe bo= bptobeclapd bum fafctp , tl)ep fbould liourtfl) in tbeir bartstbe bopcof a bet= ter Ufe.wberfa^e it is no loffe to v faitb= full to be beojiucd of buriall: fnaimuclj* a0 bp fan!) tbep moitt aboue tl)th meant belpe0, to make bade to tljc buffed im- mojtalitie. * txoe bane ben.aFc] !£ere ts anotber compiapnt to p^onokc <0od bnto nurcp. ;tfoj tbe pjouoelper tbat tbe bngodlp bemeane tbe fclncs agapnft bs,fo nrucb tbenererdatbetbe bgpe of deliucrance fbtne bpon b 0, bicaufe <£o& rmH in no toife beare &>itb tljctr malapertenefTe, fe>ben it ranged; fo itccntiouflp.fpcctaUp Wjcn it fljall rcdounde to tbe repjocbe of bi0 bol? name : like as be fattb in birs gin daughter g>ion t* 3Jnd furelp tbeir neighbors, £»bo yartlp Sucre eitfjer apo= ftata5e,oj cifc but baGardfbips of 3b?a- bam, and partip f£yo?ne enemies of tbe Keligion: fojbare not to biaipbente, fc>bcu tbep bejeed tbe mifrrable people, wherefore i»e map bndcrftande , tbat tbe favtJ)ful complapne not bere of tljctr repjtocbes : but of fucb as t!)cp favw te be indireffip leueled at <0o& $ bis laxo : like as toe fijal fc again in f enD of f fdfalm. f Lord how long wilt thou be angry for euer? shall thy gclo7.y burne like fyre? C Powre out thine anger vpon the Heathen that haue not knowen thee,and vpon the Realmes that call not vpon thy name. 7 For they haue deuoured Iacob, and laide his dwelling vvaite. 8 Remember not ageinitvs the iniquities of foretimes : make ha(le,let thy mercies preuent vs,for we are in great miferie. P Succor vs O God of our welfare for the glory of thy name:and dc- liuer vs,and be merciful to our finnes for thy names fake. 5 [ILojde bo^> lang.f c] 31 baueairc^ be pcrfi»aded, tbat tbe bngodlp Cp^a? ctt^e tbcp tbe iccojtfre tljcp can) are able to doo noibbig meije tban d5od gpues tbeni leaue : bpon tl)is pzinetple tbep ca= flpreafon, tbat be is sngrp and fo?e Dtf- picafed, feeing bee giuct'n fo greate ip= bertie to tbeir Ijjeatben enempee. ^5ci= tljcr e euloe tb* p otbcri»pfe l>opc too be pjtefcrued bp tbe beipe ct god, bpcaufe it is bis onlp i»ozU bcti) to rcpne tbem in, anotogiuctl;cb;poie. l&uucbcbocc;!) bs to loche to ^5oD3 bande aa oftc as fje ftrpbetb bs feptbbis frourgc0,fpeciaU Ip&bcn our otoneconfcicnccrcpjouctb bs.jj^etber blame tb^p god of bniuft dtf- pcafure.but tljep acnncwicDgc tbcfelucs Ciiij- to die toloepouberetofo?e,tbattbefe two ioojdes [bowlong, and foieuer] ioben tbep bee matcbtd togidjer , betoken a daplp and long continuance of mifcrics, thereof alfo tbere appearctb no endc bereafter t TDee gather tbercfo;e, tbat tbis compiapnt Suae indited, not Soitbtn a monetb oj tS»o after tbe Cburclje be- ganne too bee ptrfecuted : but at farebe tpme as tljcir bearts Soere mote tban balfc bjiohenioitb'iweerpncffe. l^owbc- it tbe faptbfull confeffe here, tbat tbep are not oiierrobclmed Soitb fo boug>j a beape of mtferies, otberwifetban bp t\)z bJiatb of <0ob. iro? iuaftnutlje as tb«p 2-gt. Iohri Caluines Commentane too bcc puniQjcD feo?tbelp. altbougb god fbal slroaps find tull cau= festn l)tiJ £eruantsi?l)p to cijatttjettjem: pet nctfeitbftandmg ofterhnes>fo?bi0 toning Hinoeneffe fa'ae, be fparetb tbeir offences, and ejccrafcib il>cm fettb tbe croffe to fonic otber cno : Itfee as it feas bi0 feill to tr^e £t)e pactence of 3Eob,and as \)i bouebfaueb to call ttjc martpjs to an bonojable toarfare. 12>uttbe people bere ctttng tbemfelues of tfyetr owncac= cojb to (0OD0 iudgcmciufeate, tmputetb ibe calamities feb id) e tbep fuftcine, to tbeir ownt fmncs.wberbpon map be ta= ften a Ufcelp coniectttre, tbat tbe l&falme feas mode in tbe ttme oC tbe tb?aldome at a&abplon. $01 bnder tbe Cpjtaitz nte of ^nttoci)U0,tbep bfeb another fo?m ofpjaper, as fee bane fcene heretofore : namelp, fee bane not departed fromtbp commandements, fee bane not Cb?inHeD from tbp couenant, fee banc not turned afpde from t\)t e,no? faluc from tbp law, and pet are all sljefe tbmgs come bpon t)0.|9ral.44.n.i8.^ottbBtt^e faiths fnl qaarded feitb <5od,butbicaufe tbep fenevo tbat <0od purpofed a further me= ning than to punifb fames. $0} through tbofebarb encounters,be made tbcm res dp to the conqucu\febieb thep feerc cal= led to from aboue. 6 [fSoureoutfc] CbtS feifbe fce= metb not to agree feitb the rule of cba= ritie. f o? it becommctb ecb man to be fo pjrceueb feitb bn ofene tbat be Deftre to bane others releeneb as feel asbtmfelfe.wbsrfoje tbefairbful fceme to bo amtffe in feifbing Deft ruttion to tbe bnbeleucrs, for febom tbep ought ra- tbertobaue ba&a care that the? might be faueb.li5ut tbe thing is to be remema b?eb,febicb 31 bane tolo pou heretofore, tbat to tbe intente a man map make this pjaper arigbte, be muft put bpon btma publtHe auTftton,tbatbc bcnotttcfcelca toitb anp p?tuate uuuric0,lcafl: be be ca- rped againft b«0 enemies bp tbe beadp= neffe of tbe flefb : but mufic forget bim fclfe,and onelpbaue anepcaadregardc to t\)t common feelfare of the Church* 20nd feeon&lp tbat be muftc call fo? tbe fpirite of btferction anD iudgementc, leaft bnaautfed seals enforce b'nt fo to p?ap : <£>f fel;tcbe thing fece bauc w= trcaecb mo?e at large m anotbit place, OBefpoes tbts, tbe faptbfull notonelp tafee care fo? tbeCburcbe.feubQBtre- fpeci of tbcmfclucs : bnt alfo cbteflp fee tljeir cpes bppon Cb?pft, tofe!u)eoe= ft ruction to bis enemies tl>at be paft re= coneric. Cbercfo?e tbep burfte not out rafijlp mto tbis fpeccb.tbat «I5ob fboulo beftrop tbefe cj tbofe i neither bo tbep p^eucnt (0oD0 lubgement, but fetfbmg to tbe reprobates fuchc tudgemente as tbep beferue , tbep pacientlp feapte till tbe beaucnlp mogeoco fl)Ole out tbe re= probates fro tbe cbojen. Cb«0 caft tbep not afibc tbe affcrtton of cljantie:btcaufe tljat altbougb tbep feoulo fapne tbat all fecre fanea : pet tbep fenofee bofee fome are bncurabie enemies of Cb?pft, tbe febtcb are fure to be bamneb.l^efe= beit as pet tbe quefhon is not fullp an= ffeeareb : bpcaufe tbat tn tbe nejet berfe, in finding faulte feub tbe crucitte of tbeir cnemtcs,tbcp feme to require ben= geancclBut tbe tbing muft be rcmeb?eb febicb 5 fatbalate:tbat ncne can pjap in tbis feife/auing fucb as bane put bpon tbetbeperfonofaltbefaitbfnl, f laping afibc all felfregarD,baue bnbertafeen tbe regard of tbe febole Cburcbe ♦ o? ratber febicb bane fet before tbeir epes.ChJpft tbe bead of tbe Cburcb'.anb fmaiip none but fucb as bp tbe fo?eleading of tbe fpi= nte.bauc lifted bp tbeir minbs to lcDgc of udod Direct b0,i»e are not able to pzofcfTe tbc true religion bnco;- ruptlp.3lttbattpme tbebeatben bofteo euerp fc>bcr c tt»at tbcp ferueb dSob.^ut fo; as muebe a0 tbeir Doings iscrc not SoarranteD bp <0oD0 tawozbe, buttbsir efome fozgeries anb faife imaginations Sucre i»ttb ti)cm in ft ebe of (Sod S»as abbominable tart) at focuer tbcp tannic in bants e Sx*ttij : ipbe 80 attbis Dapetntbc |5>opcDeme, bicaufe tbe blpnb irOifbip= per© Determine not tartjat if <5gd ,ne cn= quire at bis moutb febat be allotoetb of, but folcujc £Doo2fbipping0 of tbeir o&m Deuice : it is out of bout tl;at tbcp be re= urteDof vJ5od, bicaufe tbepfet tapiDcis in b>0 place. 8 [ISemembcrnot. sc] -€befaftl)ful confirm tbat tying fobicb CJjcp b*D tou= cbcb fomcSubat biteflp anD sarktp: tbat iff to u?it, tbat tbcp are iufretp pumfbcD fc? t"b«r fpnneo : bpcaufe tbc reUcfe of tbeir mifcrfco ioao to btc fctcrjcD out of rcionriliaucn. jfoz tbe cbccfc remebte of all gnefc0 ts,tbat sSob map bfi t«= to frtuout : bicaufe tbat 30 long as be i0 DifpleafcD faith \>3,cuen our pjofpt rifie fallctlj outaniiffc anb bnlucfeilp.25p tbc fmne0 of [fojetpmco] tome a NOenranD tbe finncs tbat faere committcD bp our fo;efatbcr0 .£>tber feme tbmfc t\)*t tbc fumes fabicb tbcp tbat piapc coinittcb fabentbep faere cb*lDzen 02 pong men, are calleb fin0 of olb time. Wut 31 tbmfe it to baue 0 larger fcopc, zs tbougb ttjcp Ojoulb acUnofalegs tbcmfclucs,not onlp to be giltp of a fault 02 tfa apn (pea anb of late time csmmitteo)b»t alfo tbat tbcp tbat ore a gooo fabple agoe bci&iappto" in manpfblD gtltinefle, pea $ tbat of ieng continuace,euen 'ixntb tbeir fo;cfath:re. 2&nD fo tb?p acbno&leDgc a long contts neiuing i»r;;clj tbcp bab barbneb tbcmfclueg ageinft d5oo. 3 no tbio acbnorolcbgrnent t0 Bnffeicrableto tbe rebuUtng0 of tbe ^£>2opb(t0. ^c^ tbc fto2ie0 of tlje ^5tblc bcare a>ttaeu"e,tboi tbe punifbment of tbiaibom iuao put of, bntill v!5od bao founb bp cjrpcrie nee, tbat tbeir fotlfulncffe 5»ao incurable. $ep= tbcrt0tt onp maruell tbougb tbe cbU= b?cn p2ap,tbat tbe oflfece of tbeir tV.tbcr0 map not be lapb to tbcp? cbargc : feeing tbattbelaroe auoSucbctb tbat <0obca= ftetb tbc offence0 of tt>e fatbero m to tbc bofomo of tbeir cbtlD2cn, anD tahctljbe- gcance of tbeir Gnneg bnto ti)£ tljirD anb fourtb generacion. ^nDtbe matebmg of contraries 10 to be nctcD,betiyfrnctbc foojb0 [matte bsft? tbe fumes of foxt; ttmcsO^oj if a0 tn tfytix fmnco : not iuttbout caufe Deo tbcp furtberDcfirc, [tbat tbcp map f^cDtip meetc iuitb (Sobs mcrcic] 9 [S»nccojbflfc. ] -ajgcinetijefaitb? fullrepecciiubi0bcrfe,tbatta)batfocucr affltctior.o tljep etiDurc, it pzocecDctb of (5oD0 bifpfeaftttetattt tbat tljtrc .0 none ctbcrcoii!fo2t of aDucrfUfe, but onlp to rn^Uc c5oD at one £witb tljr m. 3nD ioz- aftnncb as tbepi confctcnccs accufeb tbe cf manp offencc0 : tbcp confirm? tbetr bopcofcbteiriingfo2giucricfTe,fe)itbfut! Djp mantis of fpeafemg. icictt tyep ft& Cccta. tbcm: Iohn Caluines Commcntarie tbsmfelues fauoj bp mtttltnj^jo, cue [<£jo oftfjetr Welfare.] &:co:iDlptbcp pioteft tbat tljep bung nothing o( {"bents fellies tbat map procure (Soosmerciei ano therefore tbey allege nothing to him but his oiuaeglojp whecebptnz gatbcr.tbit as man? a3 Ijaue fmnco.arc reconcileo toartp fatiffaiti= onsozoeferts offcoaifes.butbp frecfoj: giucnefife. 3Ufo it is to bee remembem) (vo\)ici)z 31 bane toneljco a little afoie, ano &!)!cf) J baue bttereo moze largely in tbefijetpfalinc,)tbat$D!)en<0oo clja- ftt;et^ei)S,to3 muS not oulpDcfirerc= leafe of outfcjaro aDuerfitics : but in ef= pcciatip tyinbz tjo i» to pacme iffi>oD,ano not folofo the ejeample ot fooliflj ficfce perfon*,5»!)icb oeftrc to baue but tbepz fittcs taken awape, ano matte none ac~ cotnpte of the iu^lfpzpng and caufe ot their oifeafe. Concerning tbe Soozd Ca- piur (fol)U\)z t\)z interpreters trauflate [li5emercifulloz fauourable]) 3 bane fpoB.mberetofazc.^zopielp it Ggntfietb to [clenje] ano is applpeb to facrificcs. 3lno therefore asefte as &>ee couete to come in fancur toitlj 4fc>oo, let bs call to mpnoeCbziftes Death: foi there ts no fozgiueiWiTe Satthoute btoaoe. ijeb?. 9.22. io Wherfore should the Heathen faye, where is their God { Let the reuengement of the bloud of thy feruants vvhiche hath bin shed, be made knovvne among the heathen before our eyes. H Let thefighingoftheprifonercomme before thy face: accordyng to the greatnefTeofthynearmereferuethechyldren of death. 12 And paye oure neyghboures feuen folde into theyr bofome, cuen their reprochervhervvith they haue reproched thee. 13 And wee thy people and the sheepe of thypafture will prayfe thee for euer, fettyngfoorthe thy prayfe from generation to ge- neration. 10 [wherefore fyxfoM-ltyeteUfc ful charge <0ob foicb bis na:ne as nofo, in w other mening.;ffoz be beret!) fc>itb Us foz bis own names faHe: bicaufetbat fozafaiucbe as be is mercpfull, ano &>tli baue our mouths ftoppeD, to tbeintent that \)z onlp map be counteo eigbtuous: befozguietb bs our fins frelp. ~$nb novo the faithful befecb oDsglozp, in Uiifcparable Knotte. saDut of e!;c feconoe membze rtfetrj tlje fame queftion fobicb toas anfreereD euen now. tfoi although goo aflure Us tfjit be iaill be our reuen= ger : pet is it not tberfoze lawful fox Us tooefire bsngeanceSDben&Kbe mpfin= treateo. 215 n't Id c mnftcbeareiu tmnDe, tlj it tb*-S foimof piaper is not fet out foz cuerp man to follofae fits oomepitttate paiTtonsibutto pleaoetbecomoncafc of the Cijurcb agcpwft tl;c repjobates, b)> tbf gttibmg ano tnftrnttion of tbe $Mp gboft.Cbentotbemtenti»emap p?ape artgljt after tbis maner : firfl tb«r mnft fl)pne in Us tbe toifeoome of tbe fptrite. &>econolp f jele toftd) is t ronbleo i»itb tbe ntuDOp aSemonsof tbe flcQj ,mnft be fctleo anb cleereb.^nb tben fottb fucb a cieere ano calms ?ele,s man map lawful: Ip require d5ob to fljeto bp cuioet ejeam* pies befoiecnr epes,tbat be fettetb ftoze bp tbe ipfe of bis feruants, iobofe blono bereuengctb. 5fot tbe faitbful mean not beere to be fines fe>itb bloub, astbougb tfjep longeb greeDplp after it -.but ©nip befire tbe confirmation of tbctr fattbbp f fatberlp loue ef <5oD, fcbicb apperetb in reuenging tbeir tpiogs.^urtbermote it is to be marUeb , tbat tl) ep are called [the feruants of (£>od,3 febo notft>itb= ftanbiug!»ere iutlp puntdjeb foz tljeir fmnes.iro; botofoeuer v0ob cbaftije bs be ootlje not tberfoie b? 9 bp cafl bs of, but ratljer teftifictb tberbp,p be is care* ful of our ioelfare.UgcinciDcKnof», f to'at <2c*ods Difplcafare Itgljtcty bppon tbe I vpon the.lxxix.rlalme. 22 tb»- i&bolc fcoop of ti;e Cbmcbe : fozaf- mucbastbcgooD anbbabare mingled togui;cr,tI)tpar ptmtfbeoalfo onetoub another :lihea0 erc not btterlp fattltlcuV.pttijs it cers taine,tbatfo great mtferic i»a0not lapo bpon tbe people fo* tbeir fafec0! but ra= tbcrmtbc perron of tbem,tberc &>as fct out a fpertacle to tbe bngoolp, tbat tbep mtgbt be tbe mo?egrecueD. 1 1 . [Hct tbe figbing f c] ;ff otafmttcbe 80 31 ooubt not but tbe people of ere tben m capttuittc, &>benfbcboip dSboft tnbiteb tbitf ptapcr : 3! tljinH tbe f&iopbct callctl) tbcm all gcnerallp[pji= foners,] tr^at Soerc inclofcD ivtttnn tlje bonnb0 of aiffpjta anbCalbca/oasit baD bin (clonic foj tbe m to banc ftirred enefoote from thence. #nb be tcrmetb tbem tbe cbildzen of bcatb , ?.» appointed or- condemned to beatb in refpert of f bctr capttutttc.lj&otebcit it iotll not be aim (Te to rcftrapn tljis fentenceto a fevoetbat Soere put in mo? c firatgbt Ueping. Hind by tbt0 fpeecb tbe ptopbet mcanctb tbat tbofe fierce courage0 i»b^b bad ben lu= ftte anb Hout crc5»bil2 agcinft <5ob,feer nowbjtougbt dottmc 9 rtgbtlp mefcencd. <$nd Ije callttb bppon tbe grcatcneffc of <£>oD0armc,btcattfe tljerc coulo no refti= tutfonof tbecburcb be bopcb foi,ft>itb= out fomc fmgular miracle, 12 [^nd pap our .§c] J nongb i0 fpo= ben alreaop concerning bengcanee : and beretbe fattbful fytve mo?: cttldentlp, £ tljep are not fomucbe mettcd fcritl) tbeir ofome pituat fo>zong0,80 fet on fire Spit b gobip jele, bicaufe tbep fee <2?oss i;clp name bafpbemco. wbtcbe affedion rctg= ning in our ininos, 5»ill eaflp rule tbe beabtneffe of tbe flcCb:anbiffputtuaU Soifbome matcb &>«b it , our reqneftes Qjalrigbtlp agree i»itbgoD0iu(rtuOge= ment0. 3in tbeiafr bcrfc tbep declare, boi»tbcfn;teof tbeir dcliutrance fbaU be,[tbat<£oo0 name map bcpiapjed,] according as fee mufl not in anp isifc fo>ifb foi&elfare 0? faluationtoanpo= tber cnb. Tea anbbe bimfelfe gfurtb bs all tbtng0 freelp , onip to tbe intent to blaje abiode bis gcodncffe.^lnd tl;cp pio tttifc tbanbfulncffc, not of a fl;ozt tunes continuance: but fuclje as tbe memorial of it map be conuepcoouerto tbeir po= fteritte,and paffefrom banbetobande tbzougb all ages aslongastbefcjciloe ftanbes. Cbc ctrcumftance alfo ts to be noteD,botP be fapetb,[i»c arc tbp people anbtbefbeepeoftbppaQurc.] -fojinaf= mucb as tbe poftcrttte of 3b2sbam S»a0 cb03eto magmfie d5oos name, andj^io to founb out bis p?ap3es:fcbat Seas like tobauc enfetoed tftbat people bad bin deftreped, but tbe btter feccap of<2pcDs gloipe ^ 2lnD no doubt but tfns place 10 anftaersble to tbat pzopljecp of aj,i\\ of Afaphs. >f Afap 2 Hearken O thou that feedeft Ifrael, that leaded; Iofeph as shepe : thou that fitted betwene the Cherubins,shevv thy felfe. 5 Before Ephraim ,and Beniamin,and ManalTes, ftir vp thy ilrength anu come nelpe vs. 4 Turre 2.0L ionn ^amines ^ommentane Turne vs ageync O God, and make thy face to shyne, and vvcc shallbe fafc. 3icbeugbe tbfs $3falm€beel?fectbe laJie befoze : pet notfcritbftanDing to mp feeming , it toas maDe in fauoure of tbetenne Cribes, after tbat tbe fcmg= Dome began 10 be Dcfaccb bp funbzp pla= guc«. ^fojitisnot foznougbt, tbaccjc= pzeffe mention i0mabe of J!ofepb,C= pbzatmanD ^anadcs.^omeintcrpjZi ttrs tafes deception, tbat the &m>'<.)tti alUioctb to tbe pitching f ozber of tfocpz camp, fucbastttoDcfcribebbp £3?)opfe0 ii^time.2.i8.i9.2o.j.n. bicaufc ^pa= nafTcsano <©pbzaim marcbeb togitijer on one Hoc. Ii5ut it b«0 bencolblp Done, to banc pafftb oner the trpbc of ^uba, pea ano the bolpCitic alfo, anb to baue bzougbt m 3orepb,£9anau"e0,4Epbza- im, nno Beniamw: onlefTebebab went to fpeafee fpcctallp of tfoe bpngbome of 39fraell. 35 f anp manne obied,tbat fine* tbe tpme tbat tlje ten 1£rtbc0 Soere rent from t\)z fooufe of JDauio , tbep Sucre grorone out of bpnbe, anb tbe feruice of C5od ions there cozruptcb : 3 anfo>ere tbat tbcre d Spelt manp aeuout S»oz£bip= pcr0of<2>oDtberc,fo?bicbbaDnotbou)eD tbeir fence befeze O0aal, no? giuen oucr tbemfelutfi to tbecomon fuper(rition0. atriD tljerJoze 3£mo0.6.6.fpnDetb faulte ftntb tbe barb bartcimefle of tbe tribe of 3! uoa, bicaufe no man there bib figb fo& tl>e plague of 3 ofepb. Wee feno&e alfo, thai after tbat falling afo>ap, tb ere &>ere |S>zapbetc0fente among them, to puttc them inbope of Deliuerance. Cberefoze albeit tbep herein maner all eftbema= po!farae» ; pet gob neglecteb not tbe feco f fc>a0 left. 3lno Itfec afi erfl be baD giue them comfort of tbeir miferie0 to come, bp tbe pzophecies of bis grace : fo no&>e bpenbitingtbcm confirm:fb anb fceoetb them in tbe fapb hope,tonttll tbep map fpnbe bp effctf, tbat tbep fc>ere not foaorb foojth &tfb bapne pzomife0. Sssercbp fcjepercepuetnfrhat fozttbefe two lafte #f«lmc0 Differ one from an 0= fber. 3;f anp man bee not fatiffieD frith that Sr»bicbe 3 baue fapc,bc is at bte ii= bcrtietechooje.jftcuertb,elatcrS»bofoe= ncr fbMlfecp allthecircumf!ance0, (3 hope) be Votii fetllinglp agree fenth mce. Jtoiil not ftanbefcppontbe fcoazbes, Sofanim anD Eduth, bpcailfc 3 tyWt III' reebp in tbe fiue anb foztitb pfalme De= clareo i»bat j interpreters tbmfe tber= of : neptfoer 10 it a tbmg of fo grcate tm= poztancc,tbat a man fboulb ttrepnbim= felfemacbefoj it. 2f gepn, tJjep tbat bee belt feenc in 3 nttqmtie0,bzmg notbmg butconietfurc0eflpfeelpbo&e. 2 [f^earfeeniDtbou.fC.] iBefoietbe |&iopbetfpeafe of ^anafTes^ €pb?a= tm, l;e fettctb ooame tbe name of 3Bo= fepb:anDft>bpratbcrof 3iefepbtban of Jaoa, but bicaufc tyt purpofeD to in? treatc feuerallp oftbefeingbeme of Jf= raell, tlje ttate lobcrof 5»a0 in tbe fami= lie ano offpiing of IDofepb :' Bcitber 10 it agepnft reafon(a0 3B fapb) tbat feing peculiar ^»iopbct0 i» cr c gtuen t bem af = tcr tbep Soere ftrifeen toitb gob0 fcurge : pzaper alfo i»as abbeb, tbat <0ob tooiD gather togitber tbe remnant to tjtmfclf. ^cu?rtbcleffc leaft tbep mpgbte flatter tbemfelues m tbeir mifi»ozfl;ipping,tbe l^jopbet calletb tbem bacfee to tbe pure tofe of tbelatoe, bp terming a0 not lawful. Cbc 3B fraelits tberfoj ar Soarneb * S»ilUD to return to tbeir firft original,^ tbep map finbe gob fauotirable: /l^enertbeleffe bp t!)is title tbere is eicpzcfteD t'ne i»onber= fulloueofgob toxoaros men, in tbat foe after a fozte abafctb bP*n felfe to come bofcjnebnto tbcm.anb to cboofc bimfelf a refting place anb an abode bpon eartfo, f be migbt cotinne among tfoem.^Foz foe ftttetb nof.ltfec a0 alfo foe is not tnclofeb tn place, i»b°>n tbe beauens of focauen0 are not able to recepue.l&ut m refpect of tiien.bc is placeD betfeecne tbe Cberu= bins, lead tfoJ faitfofull imagmpngb'^ to be farre from tfoem, mpgbt ftanoe in perplcitiiie boioc to comme at fopm . 1i5ptbeioap peemufte bearctnmpnb« tbat tobicbe 3 foaue toucbeb > namelp vpon the. Ixxviij.Pfal me. 23 that here is fet fojtb a rule fo;t the 3lfra= elits ho&> to p?ap artgbt,tbat tbcp fbolb not call bppon the 45obs of their obme making at 5Dan J 35ctbcl, but bto their fnperfhtions farb>el,anbberuleb bp tbe true Ipgbte of faptbe, in foliottpng the iDOjD Of (0OD . 4 [Curn bs agctn sc.Cbat is to fap, fct \)0 agepne in our fojmcr ftate. Cbcp bao Defirco in tlje lafte berfc, tbat dEfoD Sooulbfltrrebpbi0 flrengtb before C= pb?atm ano ^ana(Tc0 : anbnow>ctbep complapne,tbst tbcp are but caftatnaps bntiUdftobfucconrctbem, anb remebie regeneration at geb0bar»D. But btcaufc tbati0ouer curious, lit bs be content Smtb tbc former erpofttion , that the faithfull being pincbeb toitb flbucrfttic, fleebwo pll(fap tbep) bre a berpe refurreitian bmo bo, if tbp ccuntenaunce map fbine bppon b0 : %s if tbep fbouiae fapc, <1£bat mpgbte tbcp once ftanbe in Cods inercpe ano fa^ uo?, bappp fbolb tbep be, anb alltbing0 Soouib fall out lucfeilp on tbepj ftDe0. tbeir mpfcrablcbifperfpng. ^>omc take tbe&>ojD[turneagepn]otberu?pfc, as if tbefaitbfullfboalDe beftre the fpirtteof f O Lord God of hoftes,hovve long vvilte thou fume at the prayers of thy people? 6 Thou hafte fed vs with the bread of teares, and giuen vs plentie of tearestodrinke. 7 Thou haft made vs a ftryfe to our neybours,and our enemies fcoffe at vs among themfelues. 8 Turne vs ageyne, O God of hoftes, and make thy countenance to shyne vppon vs, and vve shal be fafe. 5 [j£> lojtb eingtbat (Sob of fnsGftMcacccjbpjomifetb, ano fo of- tentimes afTurctb bs, tbat tbe petitions of l)is feruants (bal not be btfappointeb: it is ftrangc tbat tbe f atnrts fbolb beare bim in bsnbe, tbat be is bnreconcilablc, bow focuer tbep flee bnto b»m.;#o£ tbep complapnc, not onelp tbat tbep are not bears, but alfo tbat (SoDCfumetbl&bcn be is calico though be refufeb this Duetie of beuotion, of fet purpofe. where is tbat pjtomifc becom then, tbat £pa0fpcfceof in Cfai.65.24..bcfo^e tijei ftp, 311 foul beare tbem:' $orobcit fo$ as mucb as C5ob crercifetb tbe pacience of bi0 feruant0bp belapmg bis belpe : tbe pjepbet Becoming to flcfblp refon ,faitb, tbat be is Deaf to our papers, iftot that it is mete fo? tbem tbat ftano bs pontbio optmon:(fojfo ftjolO tl;cpfojtc= clofc tbe Snap agcmllthemfclucsOSut although it bebouetb them to lafcotiron the contrarp part bvtbe bnocrfranoing offattb,anbfotopeVcctntobeaucn,tbcr to bcbolo their biobe faluarion : yet not= 5»UbitanDpng,foj the better DifburDts ning of their utpnoes , dE»ob permtttcth tbem to bttcr the tares, thoughts, grc= fe0 ano fearc0, i»hcrc&3ith tbep are bi- IfrcffeD.^no there femetb to be a couert allufion betbmte f fume of <25ob0 fo? at!) ano the fume of the inctfe that ioaa put tothefaenfices in tbe tpmeofthelarot. fo} fcjbcre a0 this fume of the famfice fcrucDto clere the aire: tb?p costiplatnc that the aire iuas tbickcncD foitb a con= trarp fume,fo as their figljs cam not bp bntc09. 6 [<^l)Ottl)aft feb bS.6FC.H5p tfjcfc mas ti£roffpcccbc0,tbcpbtterthegreatnefi"e of their grief, ano alfo the long continu= ance of ti>etr miferic0 : as if tbcp fi)oulo fap,tbep Soert' fo;lo?ne bjith fo:ow,?uen tiil tbcp coulo no mo£e.3!ftCf fejarD tbep abbe, y ltY,zy a ftrifetctbctr nr ighbo?0]tbe bJ!)tcb wap be bncerftooe txx^o $»apo:cpther that tbcp foere at ba: nauncc ioitb their neighbours : oi elk that tljcir nepgh'ooureo bt'Utng gotten the brper banb of t!>c,fei togttljer bp tbc eares fo? t^c boottr, accoiDtng aa it is ioont to fall cut Schcn ccrje man ftrtucs to get to g« the Cpoplc to bimfelf. j$«uertbe= left?,tbe former eicpoution feemetb to a= grcc bcfl : ttyxt tl)cp (boulD complain* boi» tbcp bao a0 matt? enemies as nep= bours, i»b,er«0 nott&itbftanoing , ncps bo^ooD ought to be a bono of mutuail goobfoill.Cotbe fame purpofepcrtep= nerb the feconO membcr[tbat tbsp laugh to themfelues,] t!jat tsto fap, that the? common to ana fro among tftcmfeJitra of their abuerfitics, in ix>?.p of fpo;t an& mocfcage. ^ofeebcit the? afcribc tbps thing to tbetttDgcment of <©ob tnfeljDfe pofejer it is to bofc> the b^ts of men; ta tbenfent tberbp to further themfelues to repentance. /froto tben feeing feee two fcj our felues gut? of i be fame fault at tins oap:ttts no maruell though our eftate be nothing better ti>a tbctrs t»as. j$ot= S»itb£aamg inafmucb as the help gboft inoiteb tins fojmc of pjaper fojt tbem fobentbep toere almofl: paftc all hope: &e are tbei'bp put m hope, tbat our fins fijaulbncfftnthDjafoj bs fromp?apmg. Ononis not to be Douteb, but tbat the thing SubicbSoaa fpofcen afo?c is repe-- tco agemc to oucrcome the Ict.^-o? od ment not to inoite abatne repetition of fe)OtU0 f oi btsfcrusta. n&ut to the intet £ Stfbetbep be lebcn frith mifcries.tbep might neuei tljclcs ftep top & a flout co- rage. CbiS btntreffeloas ofttunes of= freo tbcm,accoieir.g as it is repecea the thud time in f ctofing top of ttys pfalm. 0 Thou haft remoued a vine out of Egipt,thou haft eaft out the hea- then,an J planted it. 10 Thou haft clenfed the grounde before it, thou hafte made it to take roote, and it hath tilled the lande. 11 The mountaynes were coucred with the shadow of it : and the braunches therof were as the Ceders of God. 12 It ftretched out his branches vnto the fea, and his burgeons vntoo the riuer. 13 Why then haft thou broken downe the hedge of it, and all they that paffe by the way haue plucked it in peeces. 14 The wylde bore out of the wood hath wafted it,and the wyldc beaft of the flclde hath eaten i t vp. 9 [Cbou hafte temoueb.fc] HSptbe bjeDpercsafoje.Cbc effect is this Jhow it tsan tonfemelp thing, that gob tyouia differ the toinefebicb he baD platcb i»«h his ovon hano,anD trtmmeD fo ejcquifitts fumluuoeof the bmf,thepjophct corns meneeth (Boos fingular gracious gooD= neffe SDhtch ije boutfaueb bpon tys pco= pie : fobub thing fe>as of no fmall fojee tothehopeofobtcining. ^fejtohichc of bs D ires ftep into <5ods pjefenee, bntil bspjenettosr'/j-ioftj tbeifeje he alluretb bs as frell bp his beneftres, as bp hi* Sdojd : anb nowe is bis bountcoufneffe aHcDgcb bnto him to this ense, that bee fl)oulo not icaue the toojU of ins hanDS 'Jn ftnt(?)2D.ainD alifpngb tot ftjolD baue but a coiac fentof (©003 benefUs.ttHtbs outbis &>ojb: pet nettaitbltanDmgfobe' ecpertence matrbetb i»tth the fcntneOe of bis frojoe, it Dotbe not a little enc-oii; rage bs. 3lno the Deliuerance, tobcreof the i^?ophet maHeth mencton hcre,%oas dab t»ith ebs covenant : fo? Son baD couenanteb it bnto atbjaljam four i)un= Ip, to be pulleb oo&nc bp ioilbe bealrs. foi<5ot>2 coucnant iuas notmabefo; two oi thzce bapes, 0? foj a fmall tpme : but he h ab aoopteb the cij;lb?e of 2!bja= ham, to mapntcpne them fo? etier. ^nb bp the mine of Uinc, tljc prophet both bs to bnberftanbe, ho&e highip this peos pie fe>as eftecmeb in d^oDs fights cons ftDcring that his Sail &jas,notonlp that thep fhoulo be to him as a peece of lanbe of mherttaunce : but alfo to bouchefaue them a peculiarc bonoure , ipUe as a topne etcclleth all other poffrtTpons. Where ashcefapeth, t^at[tl;e lanbe 0% grounb leas clenfeb] ,be repeteth meta= phojticallp the thpng that \)£ c had fposen befo?e4U>iii)out figure,namelp that the I bMbcn I vp on the. IPS xxx.rialme. beaten i»erecsit oat, tbat tbere migbt b: do?o rome fo.i Ijisctjofcn people. €)a- lefTe n'fraouenture b? c allude to tbe con- ttnuail Diggings, 5»bcttottb tunes mult, be clcnfeb, leaft tbep QjoiiID groto iopld, to tbe intent be mape fijCajc Ijoioe £5'od z4 bofrbete to tbtsende, tbat Unpeoples fcmbanfefulinefle fbouib be made mo?e detertable, iobicb entozced tbat monftc; roufefepndefpumrbmct.Jntbcmcane fcafon, not fembont caufe arc tbf fau!;= full Settled to concciue affiance fcppcn bad plaped tlje part of agoob bufbande 'o:fee of bt0 banbf0. ■$ oj au tboug!) tbe people £y ere btouobtto de= planting the bine, be f onflow ed not bid labour in cbcriftjtng $ pzeferumg it. -ffojt in tbat be bp and bp addet&,[tbat it tofce bcepc rooting ] it mull not be bnderftede of ri)e firit fernng of it, but of tbe fpzca - ding of tt sbit»de, fc?bicb ist a Part °f tJK dzeiTing of it WJjerbppon it felo&ctb, £ tbe mountains S»srecouerco feiitb tbe fbadoroeoftt, bicaufe alltbeeouncrepe (tbougb it S»ro biltpOfcms replenifbed iuttb tr.babiters: &>o grcate a multitude bib tbat people growe bnto. %nb tbcre= fezebe eomparctbtbebxauncbes of it to tfje Ccocrsef d5od, tljst is to fap, to tbe goodlpeft 8Kb cjcccUentcft Ccdcrs tbat coulb be, to tb? intent the bltflmgof <£>cd tntgbt be mabe moze mamfcfie.We bno w tbat tbe^eaanb <£upbzatcs feeretbe bounds of tbe pxomifed inheritance aps pointed bp€fod. n [wbp tben baft tbou arc] 3Rti3aa applying of tbcfUr>lttude:bj>raufe nor tbing is leflfe fcemlp.tba tbat \0oo Gjold abandon tbe bpne tbat be b*b planted, to be pulled bp bp istifc beafte. Cljat bee foolb bo fe, be tb?eatnetb and tozeroar- net!) tbetu oftentimes bp tbe pzopbetS flumo,tb?ougbtbefaulteGftbeiro,tune incurable (tubb02nefle:pet notSyitbftan= btng (0ob re&ojeo b*0 bpne afrerftesDe agcrae, bp a feS» fpjiggtjS tbat bercfcr= ned « Stlerclp tys fojetntreatance foss fcf foozibefo? tbeSuhole people, tberbp to pzeuent their bozrible bifirumd.^cw belt bicaufe fetoe oj nonemabe fute to <06b feitb a treSo bumbles ^arte , to quenche bis anger : it Syas inoug!) that t!)Ofe ft&je ioerc oeliuereb from oefl rue tion,tbat anem bpne tntgbt fp?ingof tbeni ageine. fi^o^ccucr bp tbefcitiat= ebings of contraries, tbe fbamefulncfTs cf tbe matter is increafeb,i»ben (^oo is fet on tbe one fioe ns tbe toine heper, anb on the orb? r parte not onlp all tbat pafTe bp,but alfe tl)e &plb bojes, ano otSicr Soplbbearrs of tbeiooobs. ^om« tahe tbC&0?b Cara&s, fo? to[fltiffe t!)e bfHt>,] iobJcb figmScatton foolfi ftity agree to ttyB pjefet pLicc,but tbat it is fonur bat tofaroutofcoMQRfcfe. i^ TurneageynelbcfeechethecOGod of hoiles, Joke dovvnefrom heauen, and fee and vifitc this vync. iC And the vineyard which thy right hand hath plantcd3and theyono- impc which thou haltemade ftrongforthy felfe. 17 It is burnte vp with fyrc, it is cut vp : they perish c at the rebuke of thy countenance. 18 Let thy hande be vpon the man of thy right hande, vpon the fonne of man, whom thou hafte made ftrong for thy felfe. 19 And we will not go backe from thee :thoushalt quicken vs, and we will call vpon thy name. 20 Turne vs ageyne, O Lord God of hoftes, make thy face to shyne, and vvc shall be fafe. 1- [£"r~r flgepne J. befrrrtje tbee time, 02 ratbrr makes countenance of fc.]XBp tbefcto Hbstbe JSzopbet r-tcnt being qnttc gone:pet mnd^c not in my> t'.jat sitneagbe C5:D InDe buifaccfoia &)tfcpctttotcmplacio,bicaufcf,i»l>om Irf-mrD Iohn Caluines Commentarie befcemcDio retett , be tefcetb agcmmto fauourc, anD isfeetl pleafcD ftttttj them, fobe be fougbt bntofojitb aflureo bope of fo?giucneffe. jfrou? tljen altbougb it it> jre a greate efttmacion fox f people to be counteo goD0 DpniparD:petnot&)ttb= ftanDmg frberao tbe fattt;falfefec <15oDff fauonr in refpert tl;crcof:tljep tying no= tiling of tljctr ofcjue, but onlp Dcfirc bit" tbat tic faile thou not tn the nuD race cf bi0 bountcoufcnefTe . 31 Dowt not but tbeparcell [from beanen] &>ao put in, to tbe intent tbe fattbfaft QjolD not fticHe to ftrctcbout tbett faitb a far of, altbougb d5oD,from tobome tgep bao Departed, iocrc far from tl>e: anD f urtbermoje tljat tf there appeared no hope of. Deliucrancc bppon eartb,tbcp fboalD loofeebpbnto beaucn.«80 tombing tbe fo>o^De, jH fcnlungip aD mit tbatfcjbieb (ome tran= Gate it: namelp a[place prepared oj route mabe.] jBotSmtbiiaDtng lejtafmucbe a# fomc ti)inU tl)crei0a cbaunging of tbe letter Nun into as it Cboulo figni- fie a [garoeino^bineparD:]lettbc cbotcj: continerc free. Cb*ff is cereatnc, tbat it isamctapbojltUcto tbe fo;mer,i»bcrbp tbe ftngular bountcoufnciTe of (2&'od in garnifbmg bio people,io betohcneD.3! l= fo be termctb tbe bimbjancbe tbat was fet fontb d5o&j3 banoe, [tbe man of biff rtgbtbano.] 17 [3ltt0burnt bpje.]jBo&>beeje= p?e(T:tb mozc plapnlp tbe imferieo of tbe people. ^eljaDfapD that goO0bpnefc>a0 fctopen to beaftotobe pluelrt in pcce0. 2i5atmucb»nojie l^arDtis it tobeconfu= meo'isjttb fp?e,rooteDbp anDtopertfl). ii^ots? altbougb tbe 31 fraelttc* bao trap* tcrouflp falne oSonpfrom goblp rcltgis on: pet fcjere tbcp (fill apoition of tbe Cburcb, 80 it batb bin fapD. wberefozc bprtus fozotofull example oftbetr0,ftjc be aDmonifbcD,bo foze punifbmcnt0 our bntbanHfulncffe Defcruetb, fpcciat= fp U>ben it is niatcIjeD fcjitb SoilfulnefTe, foa0v0oD can Doe no gooD fcmbbobp bis tbzcatnuig anD rebuliing. 21nD bcre= ioitball let bo Icarnc, euen in tbe miDD0 of tbe flaming of d5oD0 &jatb iobcntt burnttb S»!;ottcfl, to caff our fozoiocff nto tl)t lappe of btm,^)bo bp fooDeroufe mcanc0 rapjetb bp bi0 Cburcb fromDe= ilrucfton.^e furelp fo^bte part,i»ererc= Dp notonelp to bolfie on bi0 fauoar to= &>arD0 be &>ttb continuall fucceffe : but alfo to enricbe bo mojeanD ntozc, if our IcawDneffe lettco bint not. i^owbeit foz= afmucb 80 U is not poffible, but be mud be DifpleafcD at fo manp 0 ttencco : it ts a popnt of ineftimable mercic, tofjentlje f -p je feljicb fc>e our (clues t^auc HinDltD batbcfp^cD far anD fojpoe : euen ttjen to quencb tbe fame, e to referue fomc parte of tbe Cburcb fafe,oze be fullpperfoja- DeD,tbat tbepare tufllp lapD bppon bo bp (0OD0 banoe. $nD tt frao a flgne of amenDcmet, tbat tbep baD an epe to tbe bano tbat ftrabe tbem, as it 10 fapD elf= S»betedBfap.9.i2. 18 [3let tl)P banD be f c] Cbc P?8p= er ivbtcb b2 b=iD bfeD bnDer tbe figure of tbe bpneparD , bee repctetb inplapnc &)O^Ds:namelp tbat <5oD fbolo iuitb biff banD [DcfcnD tbe man of bio rigbt banb, anD tbe man S»bom b* batb niaDe frrog fo;bi"» felfe.]^euertbclcfTe tt is bncer= tam,ivbeiber be fpeak of tbe femg alone o j of I &>bole people, -f 0 % altbougb 3" *= roboam fecrc anopnteo bing: pet cam be not bp tbat bonour la^ofullp , ncptber did <0cD fo atofe>anpofbt0fucceu~o?0, but tbat alioapes tbe rigbt anD p?ebe- minence of tbe Uingoome abobe &itb tbepofteritpof JDamD.^fo?(a0Uiebaue fene tn tbe pfalm.7 8 .67.) tfijoD cbofe not tbe tribe of Cpl^atm: but ratber bp bis bncbaungcable Decree, tbefecpter i»ao giucntotbcboufeof3naa,8cco?Dmga0 33acob0 pjopbefie impo?tetb (0cn.49. io.Cbcrfojc itfc>a0 but a fetcltcD rcn.- Ding of,i»ben l\)t moje part of tbe peo? pie fell awap to 31eroboam. £>zmvt\}^ IcfTctbisfcnot map bee lojcncb, bpcaufe tbat aitbougb tbe beginning of tbe btng= Dome foao bntotoarD , acco?Ding as 10 fapDinsiDfea0.13.11.3i gaucpouabing in mp Difpleefurc: pet Sua0 it aftertcarD confirmeo bp fufferance:anD tbe annoin= ttng &)itncu"eD,tbat tbe tbing ioaff rate fieD vpon the.lxxxj.Pfalme. iy fiebbp <©od, i»f>tcJ?e Was Doone amiffe in an bpwc of ti;: people. %ty people of 3Q Tract therefore mpgijte Soell fapc.tbat ttjepj feing Soascrcatco ahb frabltfbeb bp <0oo, fc>b° bao aooeo btm to the cl)il= ojenof 2DautD, foi aremebpof £bebif= feucrtng. fro? albeeit that tbieugb that DiuYacrmg.tbei^ucoftbclttcalmeiDaaf appap?e5:peti»a3 chat pillcr put bnber ttbpcbc fecrcte pjoutoence of <0oo, to tbc latent it fljouID not fall Do tunc. IB ;tt 3d fojtlltnglp compjebenfc ci>c whole bo= opoftbe Church- jfteitber fc>asitton= fc>are0 tbattbe ?£>;opljet bfco the fin- gulare number, femg ttioas v£>oa0 iaiil that people fboulo baue bin buta0on» man.3Intob»cb refpcdalfo ?£)aulc d5a= lath? i<5. fapetl) tfjat the pjomife con= (ifretb inonefccbe.f oj, 3fmaell,£fau, anootber0 5»«w Cbjunfceafoap, Sobsn JEToD refberoro ano gnthcrcb togttber tbe fecoe of 3biabam. aino fo bp [tbc fonneof man,] f^albe ment tbe people S»!)icb <©oO baD aooptco to btm felfc, tbat thep mtgbt becasoneman.iftots iDttbtaoingfoiafm-Jcbeaotbtooncncffe oepcnbcb bppon abeab : 31 mifltftcnot tbat tbc king fl;ouioc bee purpofclp bc= tobeneo, tnafmncb as beinlobacUetbe mod patte of tbc people from penfytrtg bp beablp Occap.-^nt bete ageme tbe ^opbet reffetb onlp bppon d&eosfojs mcr benefits mfccbmg bt0fauoure : a0 if be flbouio fap, JLo?o, fojafmucb as it i0tbP charge toomafeeanenoe of tbat i»bicb tbou baft begonne : p^efcru: the btng Sobom tijou b3tt gtucn tea. 3Sn the eno tbe faitbfull pjomifc to be thankfull to <& oo,if ijee totll bcre tbem: ano that, not onelp S»ttb tbc facrtfice of pjapfe, but alfo &>itb tbeir fobolc life, f oj [tbe calling bpon <2?oba name,] tstafcen fo; tbccaluea of tbe itppes. 2&nb be oecla= rctb tbe confent of tbe Soholc ipfe,i»b?« be faprtb, [foe i»tll not go bacfee from thee ] il^eumbeiefTe, tbeberfemap bee lapD togitber thus: lo?D, cum in tlje bt= termofl; popnt of our cjctrcrmtte,$»e i»tll nbioc bnber tbp obcifance, neither (ball the fbarpHcfTe of abuer fute enforce b0 to fal from tbce.mnb &>ben &>e be refto^cb tbp grace anb power,iae 5»tll magnifpe tbp name. Cofpeafes anp mojtcof the bftftaffe, (tohpebeths ^jtopbete bar= petb bppon noflje U;e tbP?oe tpine) it Sucre fuper9uon0. The Contents of the.lxxxj.Pfalme. This Vfalme is oftw parts. For -rvhofoeuer was tbe autbour of it Me ex- hort eth tbc people, tbat femg they be deliuered by tbe band of God, and cho- fen to be a Kingly priefibo d , and peculiar Cburche : tbeyfooulde in remem- braunce of this ineftimable grace faithfully v/orfbip tbeir deliuerer, as -well ■witbprayfes,as -with holy lyf>\Afterwarde folowetb in the per fin of God, an vpb> aiding of tbeir -vnkjndnefje : namely that -where as he allureth tbe peo- ple gently? and curteoujly ~vnto him : he coulde nothyngpreuayle with tbem, but they wilfully refufed the yoke of his lawe. 7'he.lxxxi. Vfalme. O the chiefe chaunter vpon Githith,Afaphs. i Sing ye ioy fully vnto God our tlxengtiv.fing loude to the Godoflacob. 3 Take the fon^, and bring foorththe Tabret, the merrie Harpe with the viole. 4 Strike vp the harpe in the newe Moone , in the tyme appoyntcd at the daye of our facrifice. 5" For it is a ftatutc for Ifrael, a lawc to the God of Iacob. Ddd.j. 6 He 2.Dt. Iohn Caluines Commentarie 6 He fet it for a witneflfe in Iofeph, when hee wente out vppon the land of Egypt : I heard a language that I vnderftodenot. 7 I haue rcmoued his shoulder from the burthen : and his handes are gone away from the pottes. 8 Thou cryedft out in tribulation and I delyucred thee : I aunfwered thee in the fecrete of thunder: I proued thee vppon the waters-ef Meriba. Selah. 2 [§a>fngpc topfull? 6fc3 3Bt i& a Ufecs lpr>oD tbat ttjis pfalme foas nppopntcD foj t!)c feaftfull Dapcs , in fobtcbe trjc 31 ewes Kept ttyit folemnc affcinblpcs. ^Fezattbefirrt cnterance bee fbeujctbc that it toas no ozocr appointee, bp ts enbmamc- Ip to crcrcifctbcmfclues tn true Deuos call (ffifobs benefits to remembe= pxofit tn bis fcozb,anb to te(ti= fie tbe confent of tbeir fatttj. ^Foiincnne bo but mocfe <25ob foitb trifling anb bn= pzofitabie ceremonies, wceptc tbeboes trine of faptbe boo cl)ieflp flourtflje, to ftirre t!>cm te ral bpon (£ob:anb enlcfTe tbe mpnbf ulnefle of d&obs benefites mi= ntftcr matter of ptapfe. j$ap ratbtr it is a mere bifb°nozwg of (Sobs name, fob? tbe people qucnclje tbe ligb* of Doctrine, anb scale onlp fo;tb tbe outfoarb feruice 3nbtbcrfo:e tbe #>*opbet not onlp bibr bctb tbe people come togitberro tbeta= bernaele, but alfo inftrurtctbc t'y.m to tortjat enbe, to tbe tntcnte tbe temembes ranee of tbe free couenaunt map be rtjere renucD,fobcrbp tbeir faitb anb bcuotion map incrcsfc, tr>at <0oss benefits mapc be magnificb, anb tberbp menncs mpn= dcs fitm'D bp to giutug of tijanfccs.ais concerning tbe tablet ,barpe, anD biolc, foe fvjue fapbe bcrctofoze anD muff Tape agepne bercafter, tbat tbe ILeuttcs, not foubcuf ceufc,bl'cD mftruments of mu= litie bnoer tbe olbc lafoe,bpcaufe it foas <0o5b toiil to trame \)is people (fobtebe as pet toerc tenber anb cbpIbcIiUc)foub fucb introbuctios, bnttl tbe camming of Cbzift.lBut nofo fobtn tbe bzigbtncffe of tqe dt>ofpcll (baumg cbaccD airaptbe Q)3bofocsoftbclafo)be:ahctbbnco bs tbe fcrutceof (©obtnaplapncr fozt, foe fijoulb boo but fotifylp auD leatebip, to co titer fet tbat Hung fobtcb tbe ^zeptjet appointcbonip foz Ins ofone time, wberr bpitappccrctb.ttjat tbe ^apilrsfoerc ngljt 3lpes m couepiug oucr il>is tbir.g to tbcmfclues.ainber tbe [new fll^con] bee compjebenDctb alfo tbe otber I>pst?e jfcaftsbp tl)C figure |a>pnecDocbc. TUm altbougb faenficcsfo ere offered baplp: pet be termctb tbofc [tbe Dapcs of ^a- crifift,] bp foap of pzeeminece,in fobicb tbe fattbful pzcfentcb tbemfelurs at tbe tabernacle bp tbe apopn tmct of tQelaw. 5 if o? it is a ftatute *c] ^o tbe in^ tent bis ec!) D?tacio map be tbe mozc ef; fectuall : be teller t) <&obs people bom it is lapD bpon tljem as a lafe,fobcrbp tbe cuerlaffing league isratificD.iJ^ofofoz afmucbe as in leagues iberets imcr= cbaungeabiecouenating on ettber parte: be fapetb it foas a ffatute giurnto JtU racll,anD tbat <2?od flra&e bp ttys couc= nant to bimfelfc.^omc benue tbe toozb Gnadoth of Gnada.fobicbe figmfietljC tO becfee oz gorntfl),3 rranflatc u [tlje bcc= Uing oj, garnifijment] of 3Bofepb. But ratberit cemmctboftbe foeozbGncud, anb tlje tejet requiretb tb^t it fboulb bee tranflateb foz[a fottnes, WecojD, li5ar= gaine.oz couenant.] /Bo twitbftanbing , intbenatneof 3Iofcpb,tbe^zopbctl}?b an epe to tbeir firftc oziginall, tf)8Ugfec sftcrtfee beatbof ^acob tl;cp focrc Di= ftm= vpon the.lxxxj.PfaJme. id frtrtgmfljcD into two boufes . jfor in as mucbe a0 tbc foutrapimeSoasnot pet com: twto 3! uoa, anb IBuben ioas fab len from bpo rpgbt of eioerfbpp : tl>crc frasgoob reafon f»bp 3Wepbsp8tre= ritte QioulD h 3t»c the preeminence, in re= membzauncc of his bcuefpte,bpcaufe be b^Dc ben tl>c father anb fofterer of bP3 urrtbren, anb of nit tljcfobolc (rockc of tbem. jfteuertbelcffr t^c |3?opbet com= menbetbtbebolpnefTe of tbc coucnaunt bv a fpectall marke.bicaufe <0sD3D bao purcbafeb tbat people to btmfelfe, fc>bc n bccljalcngeD this honour to beepcelDcb fcnto btm : a0if be fb°wlbc fap, that tbc people iiiMS oeituercD bppontyto cau bition, tbat tbe? Ibonlbe refort togitbcr bppon tbe bapes appopnteb, to renege i$k remembrance of tbtobenefpte.Cbia fapmg, I9x>\)zn be went outjagreetr) as SselltoCEtoa, as to tbc peopled it is an optniirte mancr of fap tfyzt gob gstb out before bis people, Ipke as ttjc g&lKpijcrDc goctb before bis fljeepe, or tbc Captapne before bis \)cc can b*»c no communica= tton bp fprcclj: , fobpeqe is tbe cbtefe boafie of fo:utieanofclou>fbpp.^For in as mucb* as tbe tons is as it iscrc tbe ecpreffe image anb gtaffcof tbe mpnoc : tbep tbat is &nte tbe entercourfe of language , arc a« iefTe flraungers one toanotber , tban tbe Soplbe beaftecof Ujcforcfr. 2Jno obs benefpte to bee fo mucbe tbe more cjccetlentun tbat tbep lucre Oelpuereo from tbe Cgpptians, S»'oofc language tbep bnberftooe not. 7 [31 bane rcmoucb f c.J i&ecrenofoj (Soboedaretb toitb iob^tf bofc> greatc benefits be bao mabe tbe people of 3if= raell bcbolben onto bjm. jffor tbc grees uoufer tbat tbe tbratbomc &>as from Sob'fb tbep Socrc beltuercb: fo mucb tbe more bcfirable anb precioufe Soastbepj libcrtie.Cb«rfare fcbEnastbc |£>ropbet rcpo:tcrb , t!jat tbep tocr mabc to ftoupc linbcr tbc b ur t'ocn.ano put to brick ma- kmg.ano otber flauifb anb Ijarb ioo?ks bp comparing tbeir contrarp eftats one Suitb anotber, be botbe tbe morefet out tbe benefice of tbeir beliuerancc. /3o5» is tbe fame mtfticall comparifon to bee bilb from tbem bnto t>s.;ffor feeing tbat (5od b^tbe not onlp fentbDrafrcn our fboulocrs from tbe burtben of bricbe, nor onelp remoucb oare b^nbes from tbe Clamp: but alfo raunfomcb bs out of tbcmoflempferable tpzannicof ^>a= tban, anoic&De fcs out of ljclic: iH^ucfic mare arc free bounbeanb bjljoiocn \>n- too bpm , tban isas tbe people in oloc tpme. Cbe fame mcanpng purfetoetf) bee intbeneicte ftaffe foiloiopng. <0ob fapetbbee , rcfaetoeo tbem Saben tbep crpcb to bpm in tbepr bpftreffe : iobifbe tbmg 31 ipke n:o 2> bartplp, but bee tbat bapctbe foz bealpe at bps banoe: tbps crpmg of t^e 31fraclitcs IDDD.rj. ougbt .pt. lohn Calaines Commentarie °ugbte tbe better to continue tbcm, to afcribe bnto (I5ob alone tbe ocliucraancc tbat ioao offercb tyztn. *bome ejepounb E*!)C fecrct of C bunber] too curtouflp in nip tuDgemet, namelp, tbat goD bp t\)ii- bering,Dib bibc tbe gronmgs of bts pco= pie from the Cgpptiano,fo? bout cf ma= &ingtbem$oo;tfcto tbem. 2i5ut J, take tt fimplp,tl)at il)t people Socre !;earb af= terafccretanbSDonoerfullmaner.jpet tbat figneo Sucre flKweb openlp,to!)crbp tbe Israelites mtgbt perceiue,tbat tbep toerc bclpeb bp tbe hanbe of <©ob . 211= tboiigb tb^n ibat <0o& appeareo not fare to face : pet Soas tbe tbunber a nota= blcafiTuranceofbiO couerte pjefentneffe among tbcm-ipjow to t!;e intent tbe 3 U raclirs map fct tbe mozc fioje bp this be= nc6t:goo bpbjat&ctb tbcm coucrtlp, that USoao beftereeb Upon t^etn bniooifbi- Ip, bpcaule tljep baooe gpucn a talte el tijepj malicious ana froxoarbc nature at tbe Scalers of a^nba. Bum. i+.j.f.^.. %8 tf be fljoulo fa?:fcing tbat pear S»ic= fcconefle bcwiapeo tt felfe opcnlp at tbat tpme : furelp 3 bab no refperteof poure Syoo^bpncfTc. aino tbts rcbube agreetb noleffe tobs.tban too tbe Ififracittcs: b?caufe <^eo not enelp beatkenea to our fpsbcsfebcw SoceSoere aifitrtcD bnber 0atans tpj&anme : but alfo Determines tbat bus onip begotten fonne fljuio be tlje pjttce ef our rcbemptton,befo;te Soe Soerc bojnc: 3nbafterSoarbc, Sobereas Soe Socre tys enemies, be batb callcb bo to tbe partaking of btfl grace, bv enipgbt= ning too S»itt) bis <£>ofpcll, anb l)i0 fpu rttc:f.nD pet Soeceafc not to repine at bim noSoe ano tljen : oj rather ficrcelp to rcbell agcpM bim. P Here O mv people, and I vvyll proteft vnto thee : If thou vvylt here mee O Ifraell. io Let there be no ftraunge God in thec.neyther worship thou any llraunge God. n I am the Lord the God that haue broughte thee out of the lancle of Egypt : open thy mouth wide and I will fill it. 12 But my people hearkened not to my voyce , and Ifraell refu- Ced mee. 13 And I gaue them vp to the thoughts of their ovvne hart, they shal walkein their ovvne deuifes. lemn maner,to £ intent bts Seojbs map baue £ moieautbojttte.ltbis Sobu*bfo= iewetb, (f is to fap,[30 f tbou Satlt bere me £) Jfracli]) 3 tbmbe it to be put in after a b?ofeemancr,aco;tcingas to Soot to be bone in affecfionat fpccbc0,fc>bcr $ Soant of fome tbing cjepKffetb a greater tebemencic. HDt&cr fome annex; tt to tbe fraffe following, tljus: Ofracil tf tbou Sotlt bcarc me, tbcre fijal be no Graunge Cto&tntbee.] m$nt 3] taHe it to fee the fpercbeof one tbat finbetblacfee. i^ow?= beit $>£>£> giuetbaninciinginbirectc= lp,tbatbcDtftruactbbt0ftubbo?nepeo= pie, anb fcarfe bopetbe tbat tljcp Sotll be obebient anb teacbable. atftcrtoarbc bee p?opounbetb tbe cbicfe article of tbe couenaunt, ano S»elnearc tbe iul;oic fumme of ittnamelp tljat be alone CbolDe bcarc tbe belle . jftotoe pf anp mannc li'Ur better too fette it Do&ne thus: [jjfracl I 9 [i^cre£)mp people dr.] Co the in= tent tbe fDjopbet map tbe better mouc tbcirmmos, bcclotbcti) (15ob initb tbe perfon cf a teacber, enb bjtngetb bun m fpcaUtng frenoelp m tbe mtbs of tbe co- gregatt'jn:to tbe enb the people map per= cciuc, tbat al affcmblies arc imputable anbtriOing,Soberef boiceof(5ob foun- bctb not m ejebojting to faitb anb goblpa neu"e.H3utit io goeo to fcep tbe ioo^oo. 'Ebi0 Preface fljcfectb bjccflp, tbat tbe bolpoaps are nos Kept put£lp anb rigbt= Ip, tjecept (be faitbful be attcttue to gobo fcopec : bicaufe tbat if tbep mpnb to con= fccratcttjctr banbe0,fcetc,cpc0,pea anb tl)cmfclufGfc)boU bnto tbe obepfaunce of <©cd : tfjep mud ofnecelTitie begin at tbetr eareo.ainbfo bee fbeu5etb,tbatbe acfenorclegctb none foz bis fcruiite, but fucb as be Icrncrs. liBp f ioo?D [p?otcft] be meaner!; p be couenantctb after a fo= vpon cue. ixxxj. naime. 27 [Jfracl.rt thou colics Deare me, ctjere «s notbingtbat 3 fo mucb require ezejcac* attbp banoe, as tbat tyou fyould contet tbp felf S»itb m; alone, anb notpurcb3fc tbp felf anp ftraugc c<5jds :] 3J bifalloro not tbe meaning. Crulp bp tbjs facing, gob cofirmctl) ttjat tiyins fe'hicj) be bea= tcib bpon fo often clfci»bcre in tbt laroe anb tljc ^?otphetc3 : natneip tbat bee is a gcslous (Sod, fo as be canabibe no partner of bis r>onour.U5ut bp tlje Soap beeaomomf^rtb tberefotrbail, tbat tbe ground of trwefeozfljtppmg , begmneeb atobebience. sBjDopfcs Hcepctbanotb^r fepnaeof o;&jr(gjcoD.2o.2.4. f SDcu.f. 6 8. $0} after tbat cj&'oo bath fpzffc tolD tbem, tbat be is tbe <2?ob of 35 frael-.tben be fozbiobetb tbem to make tbemfciues an? new <£?obs. 015ut bcrc tbe p^obibitti on ts piacco firfr, anb aftcrwarbc is ab= oco tlje caufc £»b? J namely foz tbat tbe peopie ougl)t to boibe tbefelucs fattffieb abun&antlp.fcjitb fhJ gob tbat bab pur := CljafeO tbcmtsbnnfelfe. perchance nlfo b£ fettc this m tbe fozefront in ftebc of a pjeparatiue , to Soitbbzawc tbe people from fupcrftttions : i»bicbe inuft of iw& ceffitie be firfr plaebcb Up anb fojcbcb a? i»apc, crc-trac goblp.ncffe ano religion can take rootc. 11 [£>pcntbpmoutbfc>]1libe as erewbiie bp opening tbe bcliucratmce of tbe people, (Boa did caft a bztcic upon bis feruants,tberbp to ijolD tbem bonno bnoer bis obepfance: fo now be affurctfa tbem tbat be batb foi^on of al gooD tbm- gs fo: tbe time to come,ft>berfc)itb to fa= ttffpe tbe longing of tbe peopic.3lno bcre are to be ncteb tbe tb?ec reafons,i»ber= 5oitb^0obbolDetb in tbe Israelites to bimfclfe alone, anb ftcwctb tbem tbat tbep bo frtcbcbl? anb naugbtilp, if tbep turne afpoe to anp ftraunge (©00s. 5F01 by tbe tooozbc ichoua Cw'qic\)£ 3R folios fotngtbcgencrall confcntofall fo;m?r tranflattos,baue alfo trafiateb [JLezb] ) be auoucbctb bimfclfe to be (8>ob bp na- ture, anb bentctb tbat it Ipcs in maimrs ebopec to fozgc new? c£obs: anb tbe pzo= nounc 1, tmplpctb a great fozce.^cj al= tbougb tbe € gppttns pzetebcb to i»ozs fljippc <5ob tbe creatour ofbeaucnanb cartb,pct bib tbeirbefpifing off gob of 3ftaelopcnlpc6uincetbeoflpmg.jFoi affoone as men beparc from bimubep bo butbecfee tbeir ottme beuifes Smtbtbc fpople of bim : fr'nat colozs fo euer tbep fet pppon ibeir boings. ^ftev be b«be EfFirmco btmfelfe tobetbe ILozo,bea= uoacbetb b*s tcb teas fecne at tbat time,ougb^ not to batie bm confibereb fcuerallp bp tt felfe , bpcattfe it bepenbeb t)ppon tbe couenant mabe longafoze fejttb ^bzabam, bp tbe fame ^ob tbat bab purcbafeb bimfelf pzapfe, nolcfTe bp tbetriall of bis footbefaft= neffc.tban bp b_iss migl)tp power . &be tbirb time now ageinc bs ofceretbbim= felfe fo? tbe time to cotnc: tnocr tbis co= bition, tbat if jttatl pzoceebc in faptb, be Soil conttnue tbe fame tofearos tbet r cbilbzcn, S»botn tbeir faibers bab founb bim beretofczs , btcaufe Ins bauntcouf= nefTccan not bcecoiifumcb. iro; bptbc [opening feibc]be roucrtlp uotctb tb«r naroroncs, S»bicb bammctb bp tl;e &ap agcpnfte bis bouureoufneffe , as if bee fboulbfap:tbat tbe blame of tbe peoples penurp is in tbemfelucs.bicaufe tbep are not of fufftciencic torcceiuc t\)z goob tbmgs tbat tbep bane necbcof:ozratber bpcaufe tbat tbzougb tbe impebimente of tbeir bnbelcfe,tbep fetifulip Uepeof anb b^im awap j benefits tbat of tbeir own accozbe&oulbceomc fiovopng to tl)cm. i^citber botb be onlp btb tbem ope tbeir mouibc:but be mozc biSb^V eommenbctb tbe abunbace of l)ts grace, in auoucbmg tbatboio far anbiupbe fo eucrourbe= fires ftrefeb fbemfclnes, efjcr fbal Suant notbing tbat mape fatiffie bs to tl;e full, wberupppon it folotcctb, tbat be biop= petb boinne tyB U^cauenipe bencfites toppan bs fparinglp anb flsnbctlp , bp= caufecur moufljc is to narofe: anb tbat otber feme are let alone faffing anb emp^ tpc,bpcaufc tbep fbut ttjeir moutb clofe. jpoz tbe mozc parte , cp*b^ of fqucp= tnpfljeneffe , oz of p'.pbe, 02 of man = neffe , rcfufe iubfitfoeuer goob tbtngis offercb tbtm from bccSuen.^Dtbrr fome, altbougbe tbep boo not btterlp refiifc it, pet boo tljcp fcarcelptafec m a feepe 2DDb.iij. fmrll fmall bjoppcs , bpcaufc tl;eir faittj is fo ftrdgbtlaceb, tljot tt bmbers tbe po&>= ring in of abunDance.Snbbetbpistbe leainbncfTe of tbe S»02lb tor? opftilp Dif= eoucreb:in ttjatu cannot abybe cither to tmbjaee ob, o? to fettle tbemfciucs in bim, &)!)* » t^cp Hntiye l)f m . 3P 02 al- though d5ob require berc to be $D02fl)ip= pebfentbtbe outiuarb fumcofbenoure: pctbotb benotpaffefoj t!;e bare name, (fo? tys ttiaiefite eonuflctb notlntioo 02 tb2ecf;il3bles)but rather loohctbbp= pen ttjc bcrp tying: that our hope be not rannging anD rouingelffc>bere,02tbKt tbe pjtapfcof rtgbtecufncffe.faiuflcion, anD all goob tb?ngs,be not put oucr bn= to an? other. jFo; \}t cbalegetb tfa 4fr;&= beats to bun fcife in this refperi, bpcaufe bee bathe plentiful! fop^on of all goob thing** to fas iftpe anb 6tlbs fontball. 12 [USutmp people ?c] nofe> gob co= platnctb tbatfebere *s bee nlltiretb tr>c Jfraciits gentlp two him : pet is tbi5 gentle calling of bi0, befp^eb : 01 rathe* S»bcra0 \)i began tog ago to erbojt irje, tbep alfraps (Joppeb their eares agctnft bi0fo)S2b.;fFo£ tti0notonebapesftub= bo^nefie that be finbetb fault fc»Ub:but bee meanetbe tbat tys people feereal= S»ape0 bull, anb ftubbojnc,cuen from tbe beginning,anb tbat tbep fteccbz mil in tbe fame fetlfulnefTe.^n goob feotfje it is a monftrcufe frptfulneffe, fofbet out <15od from cnterance ano to benp bim bering.fcoben be i0rcabp to couenat ioitb b© in maner cfeuenbanbe. 3Pnb left tb3? migbt IcfTcn their faultbp p?t = tence of ignozacc:be abbctb that be was reierteb of a pjctefeb $betcrmincb f?tte. TOberbp it aoperetb , tbat tbcpjminDS fe>ere betoltcbeb bptbebiuell.^ercbpi pan be auGucbetb bo&> it came topaffe tbat be ga»c tbem ouer in their bar&e= bartebneffe : 01 ao otber tranflatc tt in tbepj o&ne imagination . $9% Sarar, Oberof t\)i0 Sdojd is Beriueb)ftgnifietf ptapcrlp a naule. jfront Sobenre tbcre i0 an apte metapboje to tbe thoughts tbat arc fejappcb bp in folfeo bart0,ej aifo to tbe barbneftc that pofleffetb the mibbe0 of tbe ba»*. iftotioitbftanbing fo^nftmubs a0 i»ee fcnoioe tbat intbe pfalrne© one thing 10 fcooutto berepe= tcbtfoifetj baue yiefcrrcD the name of thought, bpcaufc there folca?etb tmme= biatclp, [tbep fljailioalRe in their owne bcupfe0.]ii5cuertbeleffe, bp tbefc Soooi= be© bee S»ttneft"ftb, tbat b« punifbeb b«0 people iufilp, Spben beebcreftetb-m of fount) bodrtne, anb caft tbem bp into a repicbate mpnbe . Jrc? ipse 80 bp ru= iing bs fcoitb tys fo)0oibe,be repnetb b0 in, as tt focrc *oub a bipble, tbat free fljouii not gabbe after errours: fo tn tas feingaroapbis pjtopbttcs from tbe 3*c- foe0, be gaue bcab to tycir frowarb be= upfe0, tbat tbep migbt leabc tbemfelues fooitb into errourc. <$nb furelp it i0 tbe greuoufeft hpnbe of bengeance tbat csn bee, anb a toHcn of boinblc bcfperate= neffe, frben (Sob bolbtngb«3 pcece,nnb frtuKpng at oure malapcrtncfTe, n;ini= ftretbnottbemcbicineofcozrctfibn.Jroz fo long as be fpnbetb fault S»ub be, anb fcarctb b0i»itb fear of tubgemet bp ei= tmg bs to Ins iubgement fcate.l^c tber= fritball alluretb bsalfo to repentance. If. at 5»bcnbe fecjs it 10 but loftc labour to cbpbe bs anp moie,anb tbat b*0 foar= ning© can nothing aaep!e: tben bpbol= bing bi/* peece, be fijeweJb b»m fclfe not to paffe frbetber io?c finfcc o: fwimmr. ij^otbing tbcrfoze is to be moie bzeatcb tban fo,i men to befo let flip bp (Bob, a0 tbep map run rpot after their ofonc be= upfe0',anbbeebalcb bp ^atljanieohfre be lift.jftcuertbclcfle tl)i0 map be erttn= btt) moie largelp : tbat <0ob being tpjcb $»itb Sceerpncffe, carcb no moie foj tbe bolbing baca of bi0 people, S»bo bp tljetr DefpcrateSBtlfulncu*c,bab cut tbemfeU tic0 off from all hope of amenbement. jf onblpbo feme inferre Vpen tbi0 place tbat <^ob0 grace is beftcweb equallp b= pon all men.biuill it be fbaKeu of. jfoj cuen tben btb (5ob (fcttmg afibe all fl>c febole i»02ib)^oucbfaue to ca! tbe cnlp offp2pngof "Sibiabam bntobim bp fin= gular p2iutlcbgc. %t tb«0 baps (39 con- feffe)tbebiffcrcncei0taUena«?ap,foa0 tbe meffage cf t!je d^ofpcll , febcrcbp (0ob ft«r= retb bp goblp teacbero in certapne pla- ces. iReucrtbclelTe tbeonelp outwarbe p2eacbing&>oulDc not fuffpfe , oneleffe \)t fi;oulbc cSeituall? bjaroc tbofe bn= to vpon the. lxxxj. Pfalme. 28 tobpm, wbome hceb-Jtb calUO. i$owe= bete fo?afm«cl)«a0tl)is place teachetb, that there i© no plage mozeDcaDlp.tban fo;mmto runnebpon ttjepj owne h*»3 ecs , ioee baue no moze too doo, but to tabe ourc leauc of flcfhelpe S»pfe= Dome, snD to follows the gupumg of tijc holp <0bolle. 14 O that my people had hearkened to me, and that Ifraell had wal- ked in my vvayes. if I vvoulde foone haue broughte theyr enimies lovve , and. turned myne hande ageynft their aducrfaries. 16 The haters of the Lordeshoulde haue fawned vpponthem, and their tyme should haue ben for euer, 17 And I vvoulde haue fedde them with the fatte of Come, and I vvoulde hauefurFized thee with Honieout of therocke. 14 [O that mp people jc] Hgetne bp an honorable title be Dctcctetb the Sjame ano repjacb of tbe people the better. $01 icjcitoUencc Sua© Double, tnafmucbe a© tij:p bewg <£>oD© people bp boeaticn, SUu-rrcD nothing front fucbe as 'meet moft firaungcrs:Ufcta©tn <£fap.i.},^e copJ?.pnetb:tbe€)]cefenoi»etbl)i0oS»ner anD the 3lu"e bi0 maiftersertb : but ntp people bathe rone \MDcrftanDing. foy~ afmucb a0 tbc Sooth Lo, among tbe be= bme©,i© not cfinDtcionall, but fojiBung, 3B Dofot not but <0oD (after tl)e maner of one that figbetb,) crpctbeout that this people i0 wzetrbeD, ft>bicb bauc fc>ilful= Ip refufco to baue tbctr Welfare feell pzo uiDeD fo^.^oi taking topon him the per= fonofa fatber, iDbcnlaftcr tbeattemp= ting of all rcmc&ie0be fee© btficbtlD^en paftrccouerictbe eaffetb oat S»oiD0of grccfe, a0 tt were f»ttb figbing ano gros ning.tflot that bee i©fubied topaffions a0 men br.but bpcaufe be cannot other* fopfc ejcp2eu> ins loae towarbs bs.^lnD tbc J£>2opbet fecmctb to ftaue boiofojcB tl)t0 place outc of tbc fong of ^IJJopfe© Spent.} 2 -, j *. fehere bee be waplctb the itubboineire of the people wclneerc in tbc fame weoi&e© . -$m there is bw a coucrt bpbiaiomg that tbc 3ewc© map fcncfcj bofe) thcp2 own feiifulnette ton© the onelp tet that tbefooilbe faint hot fcell imtb tbem.3l f anp men obieit that <£oD complopnetb in toapn'c to* With- out ctmk fe?bp, eonftDertncr bow it 10 in biBbanDc, tcbenDctbe barDenecke©cf tbe people s anD that noroe feeing bee \yi fte» not to doo it, tbere to no caufe whP he fhoulD compare him felfe to a fo?cws fuUperfoa.3! anfweriti© rpgbtlpbone fo? our fa&e©,leafi: S»cc mpgbt fecfec tbe blame of our pnbappincfTe elfwbcre tba tnourfeiuc©. 015uthcere fecmufte be= 0 is?02De, anD calling al mtn Srttbout t%- ccptton,Difappopntetbnom8n. jffo% a0 manp a0 cemebnto hlil!,bimi <©oD haue maDe their front* h«rfe0 fltSjtc : nap ra; tber,tbi0 rtm-ing (p.b 2iU2inc ffeplfullp tca;'vi?th)t» of moie cjtccllencie,than the creatio.ainD S»bat letictbJ'gob bofceib JDDD.uij. not lohn "oalumes Lommentane not ne framed not all monies fatten a geinfre tbafe that Soert enemies botbe to tpbe to Ins ebepfance ?• I$eerc therefore him s them. ;ff o? imc as S»02lDlp 0?m= muiremobcfiteanb foberncffe be Keptc, ce0(tf tbep be btfappointeb bp their teag tbat toe atiempte not to rufhe into bp0' f clow>c0) fail to compoCtto fc>itb the reft fecrete tusgemtnte: bat that bis frill of their enemies, anb fo rcuengetbem= map fuffife KS, Sobiche he bath bifclofcb fclucs of the pcrtarcb coucnauntc bieae in bis t»o?0. ;tfojrpgbtclptshebeemcb feero : eacnfo <& £) 3D both the 3ifrae= to fonlltbc faluation of tt)cm, to Soljome ' tbi0fap1n3tsbirettcbiKfa.21.12.Comc tonto n:ee,anb turnc agdn.Jn the fecob member ,tbe g>iopbct ocfpnccb.'fcbat it is cohere <£ob. ;#o? it &>s*e not inough to foot!) (©oB in l)is fapmg,fo? hjpecnts ooo eaftlp graunt,tbat iDbatfoeucrp;o= teesctb out of «£obS month is tructiHe as an afie fbcutae ioag bis cares. !0ut i^is.^iop^seDotbe tosto tonDcrftanb, that ts obepfa::cc. 15. [?. fooulb foone. $c] ^crebc ab= mom&eti) tbe jliraclitcs, that fc>bat fo cner plaguss rljep furTcrcS, °.bep &>cre to beimputco so.tljetr s'k a fmncs:bpcaufe t!;ev;.fmmics fought no; agepnft them imtl) anp ether fttsugt!)c, than Cache as l.i>c*p taflcre furiiiCb^o 5»Ugall from bea* nen. (Boo hab piompfto, that r>ts ciecte people Zboutoc (bpbpsgupbing,) gcttc the topper banb of aU. enemies ; anb noro lenffc anp man mpgljt charge bpm frith fcjeacbe of pjotmfe , hee. affirmetb tbat he ha& bene fo, if he hab not bene letteo bp the Gnncs of his pcople.3lnb no bout but hee conertcip puttetb tljctn in minb of their fozmer toirto2ies,frbiri> tt>cp has notobtepneb, bptbev? ofrne (rrengthe, bat bp bis gupbing. iftofr hefapeth bee isnotonelp rjcftrcpneb bp tbep?fauitc: fo as bee is fapne to foibeare bcfcnbpng them ; but alfo e pmpelleb bp f hep? lctoJD= aeffe, to ieaue their enemies, anb to fall topon them frith armcb l>anB.Cbe ff w fentehee purfucfh' he Sa>r)Cii r>c fa v t ^ , tlj^t their enemies fhouib bumblpbaue corns tonocr their poke, hab not tbe friefteb tier© Ittes to feu, that he hab fpareb bis eni mies anb theirs, bicaufe tbep hab faiflp anb traptcrouflp begupleb hptn : fei SchP fuffcrcth he his open enemies bn= punifheo, anb cc/iffeth fo? atpmlfront mapntcpntng hts orone gloxpc : but bp= caufchefcttcth them agcpnft his ofcme rebellious anb bifobebiet peopte,to fub= tut them r* what is mem b? tbe &02be Bacafii,i»c baue tclb herctofoic.^h- P?o= phet giuctb anincltng,that tberets none other peace to be bopco fo? Soith the re= piobatcs, than fo farfoojth a0 <2>ob rc= ftrcpneth thep? rage bp fecretc cbapnes, IpUe as a Upon fl^ut top in an p?on cage ts a JLion fttl,anb pet ts reftrapneb from tcarpng anb plucfepng in pieces, men thofe ih&t be not paft a fiuc 0? fir loot off from hpm. Cucnfo althsughe the toiz- fecb gape alter our beftruftion : tr>cp are not able to wwxz that Sobicb ti;ctr har= tcs couioc feme them to boo-.but rathet <2?ob tamcth their ficrccncffc, fo as tbep counter/cat a fepnbe of mcchncfTc. Che effect ts,that it hapecneth tht?ough the fault of the 3ifraclue# tljemfeluc©, that their enimies p?euaple agcpnfte tijtm^ anb beare themfeiucs fo malapertclp , ix>l)cras thep fl)Olo hane ben but tonbers Ipngs to them,if theph^B contmueb the ImmWe.anb pbebtent z cbUsjcK of (Boh. 31fo the euerlaftpngncflt of the tpme muff be ref?ircb tqthep?omifes,lifec as mufte alfo th? ftP?e of 5»bcate anb J^o? nie, tP feruc tbsm to the full i iffoj <&G& lja^aHon>e|>, that he feclbbe thctr pjoi tcc;owr anb necper \mto th& tnoe. Che ch3angethcre^ie;tbat hab happencb fo neffe of tbe 3flfrscUtes giuen them fr>ca= fbbcinlp^sbtfDapnfullp obtccteb ageinft „«„ *.rU**X tu«m ««■ iiUnr+io Uvt eUahnnrr t\\e>*tt. in tt then Uah fn (cane rt^ftp n"»*ia« pen to fettc them at libertie bp fbafepng of (Jdoos pone though their o&n &an= tonneffe.lln calling them the enemies oftheHo^bjhciaunteththe.liifraiClitcSi bicaufe that bp buafting thc bonbf f t{)* coucnannte, tl)cp feparateb tljem fcJues from <£5£>3D, fo as he ceulb notfooitbs fepth toubcrtaUe fe?arre fo? them , a= th€«u> in f thc,pH3b. fo foone cade aioap theirbapppe ftate of fcttepurpofe. (SThe fame thmg alfo is tofte fato of lbs frutc= f ulncffe of f iaBft^o^ho w dalles it out, tbat tiyty fuffer hunger in f lab m S»hi= chcgooha&p?omifcbthmi.abunbaceof S»heate «honie»hutbtcanfef buffing of d5ob ts Sbutjcrcb aioap bp thctr fault;* vs. vpon the.lxxxij.Pfalme. 29 16 p Lctjc (at of cozucj be maapboitcaUp menetb t!>e flofejc of tt, onlcffe anp man lifce rather to tafee it foi tbe fined ano purcft fc>bcatc.g>ontc tbinfee tt)at [J)Qnp out of ti;eiSocKc] 15 fpofeen bp Soap of ouerreacbmg : as tbougb it !;ao benne fapo bonp fbouiD baue flococD out of tt?e IKocfccs, ratbcr than <3£>oo 5»oulD not tjaue fatiffieb tb/.s people.^ ut inafmuc!) as tt appearetb bp tfjs ftoucs of tljc 2l3p= blc,tbatt)onpioasfounb cucrp fobcrc, in ttjc feantcs ano nftcs of iRochcs.aa long as d&'ocs bleffpng flourtQ;co : tbe plapne meaning is , tfyat (Sobs grace CboulDc b^ne tjtibe on Soitb continual! aim toncbangeo race : if tt bab not bcnne bioUcn of bp tfyc malice anfc $»ic&ebneffe of tyt people. The Contents of thc.lxxxij.Pfalme. Forbkaufe Kings andfuch ds be en de-wed -with dnthoritie being blinded ■with pidedoo for the mofte parte take libertieto ds yob At they lift: be gineth them yoarning3that they muft render an account before thefouerein iudge, •which furmountetb all worldly higbnejfe, *And after he hath pa them in minde of their duetie and eftate: forafmnche as he ferceiueth himfelfto talk^ to dcafefolkg, he calleth vpon God for vengeance. TheXxxxij .Vfalme. 5iPfalme of Afaphs.God fitteth in the congrcgatio of God>in the \ middesoftheGodsshalheiudge. z How long vvilyeeiudgevniu(tly,and accept the pcrfons of the wicked? 3 Doo right to thepoorcand fatherleflc : doo iu/lice to the helpeleffe and ncedie. 4 Delyuer the poore and opprefl"ed,delyucr them out of thehandeof thevngodly. t[urelp a is an tonfcemlp tbmg tljat Soberas d5oos Smll is,tbat certetne men fboulo bane pjetyemtnec e otter ma- Utnb fo? tbe comon tecalc of all: tbcp ac= fenotolcgc not to S»bat fnoe tijep baue fupcrio;tttp,nozpct bp S»bofc benefit V$e? be placco in (o bjgb Degree: but befpifmg all cquitte.lozD it at tbctr ofcme luft.^oj tljctr epes beeeajclcb S»ub tbeirofome gltftrmg , fo astljcp tbinUe tf>c $x>\)0lz iz>02lD to bee bozne foj tbett pteafures. li&cfibf* t\na% tbcp tbttifce it ftanos not fc>itb tbetr bonoure to be rulcD bp fagc ant»etfcreetccouncell.Hc>ut totyr&s trjc p are to mucbe fotteb m tbeir ovvne folp alrcbp : pet fecfee tbcp Kill fojj clarobachS to flatter tbcm ana fooibttjeup intbeir topees. Co tbe intet to t oitest tl)io pztbc, iffirtt the jS>?opbet fa^etb that men arc not fo ftaHeo in tljctr Clones « fo&ge= ment rentes, buttbnt <0oD IjolDctb Oill ti;c fouereintie , accojbtng alfo as «25ob SoaulD baue tbefame auoucljtD bp the nsoutbe ofabeatbenano Dncljaft ?£>cer, &ijo fapetiMbf togs tbat are DjctDfull to ttjelrowne flocks, eucn fi>c fdfe im:\c htngs 3! fapbauca foucretnc lozD, cuen y oue rcno wincb fetcb triumpb oucr tbe CpsntS, 3 cue tbat maUetl) $\\ tljtnfes quake toitb W locUe.Cbe*fo;c leaft tbe greate men of tbe SrozIH frjolb mczc Uppon tbcm tban ts meetc: tl>e i£>zopijct bcr e fcttctb bp a cbaire of eftate foz goD , from feljence to tubge tbcm all, anb to bzing tbem in o?ber, i»l>id)c is atlung Ucrp ncedcfull. fci altbougb tfef? W«f fcflc tbcmfelues to rctgne bptbegt-arc cf d5oD, anb &o?fi>ip !nm iDttb cerrapne Ceremonies : pet tbetr oione greatneffe JDbb.b. ortctl- Iohn Caluincs Commentarie Datett) tt)em,fo as in t^ctr falfe tmagma= tiou ti)ep Druic !)im a great feap oat of tjjetr coaipante ; for t Jjco cannot abpoc to be fubiccie to reafon ano lai»c0. C!)'.o maonefft %o\)itvoitl) tbe$rinces of (be toorlDe arc bewttcticD : it feas tbe |£>io= pbets purpofe to fcorne,bicaufe tbep fuf= fer (030 to baue no roome in cont= pante. 3taD to tbe intent be map tlje bst= ter reproue tbe DtunUen oucrweentng of tbem felites.tobcretn t!)e Smrlstp |£Uin= ce0 be fottcD : be tctmctb tbe cimll order [tbe congregation of <2>oo,] bicanfe tbat bavufocaerbts glorp fbine foortb in ccbe fcucraU partof ibe&nrlDc.petpecidetb becbiefeft ligbremtbi0 pointe, namelp Sx>b?n lawful! goucrnementc florifbctlj among men.^n Decoe 3P confefle it is an orbinarxe tbmg among tbe i^ebrues, to garuifliJ eaerp rare and fingulcr 'tbmg toJtty t!)etptlcof[d5jd].l5utbcreit fec= metl),tbat according to tl>e circumfrance of t\)z place,tbe#>ropbet cailetb tbe Rate of truces b? tlje name of [d5oo0]30 in Sobtcbe a pecnlicr matcftteof d£>oo fbp= nctbfo:tb:ltSca0 Salomon, $ioucr. 2. 1 7. cailetb tocDlocti [<0od0 coucnam jbt- caufe it ejcceiletb tn a ccrtapne fingulcr bolpncfTc. 33 n tbe feconde member it make© fmatl ffcill as in refpetf of tbe pitb of tbe matter, fejljitoer v»e reaoc it [ 3H» tbe miooeo of tbe 45ods,] cj[fbaH iuoge tbe >>I5oD0intbe miooesjfauingtbattbe 6rft conftruttion runnetb bed : tbat aU tbougb tbe trades of tbe Soorlde cjealtc tt)ctmetue0 neucr fomuebe, pet can tbep not oimimfi)c<5oO0 autboritie, tbat be fboulD i\)t leffe retcine tys foueremtie, anobolae tbe frerncw bi»oixm?banDe. H5 at in fyiB place, iifcc a0 nlfo a litis af= ter,finotberplace0,tbenamcof[goo0] is taken for Ju&gcs, tn febom (©od bat!) imprinted a fpcciail marfee of btS glozie. jfo; to draw it bnto tbe Angels, it JGOHcntmcbf tmefteo. 2 [l^oit>longt9illpe.fc.]^anpfap= pofe that \)zt£i& aefcribcdtbcmanerof lubgement. 2£utit feemetb too mera= tber tbat tbe ^jopijet (to mafce Soap to rebuking,) bat!) fapoe tfjus in fc^pof preface. 2f Itbougb binges lifte tbeir beades aboue tbe clou^eo : pet do eucn tbep alfo liae tonoer tbislafe, tbat tbe? fljould be rule© bp (£090 band:# tbere- fore it 10 but a fonoeneffe for tbem to make fo fierce frrugling to exempt tbem felues from rcafon.^f or albeit tbat Cp^ rants are t'^e ioorrt tbmgs tbat map be, and podcife tbat place bp r antic treafon: ^u if anp feruante of «©oo Dare but once open b<0 iippe0 agapnft tbem, bp ano bp (a0 trjougl) tbep bao Srwt Suiong Done bnto tbem) tbeppj^tenoe tbe balp nam? of c^ 30 . 3lno fo febple tbep fur= mi>c tbemfelaes to be exempted ano pn= ttileogeo from tbe common lai» of man- fetnbe, tbep bamS) a^iap <0oO0 ootsnne ano tb* ministers tberof bnto tbe people. ^Fiaallp tbep tbinfe tbere i0 no foucrem= tic, but oJbere bnbiibleo luSe leapes at libertie.^5uttl)ts principle beeingonce fet DotDne,[tbat (5oo gouernetb among tbem,] tbere is alreDp fome enterance fet openfoiDotfrine.iSEbe P?opb«t tben,af= ter be batb purcbafeo buu fclfe autbozi- ticinuepctb freelp agamft |5>zince0,an8 rep^ouet!) tbat moft groffe bite of tbeir0 fe)b*n tbep fet tl)emfclue0 to fale to tbe S»2ongfultroubler0oftbcpootc,anDfo£ bpxe of rei»arDe peruerte at equitic.3lno be openetb tbe [voicfteo] bp name : for goob men fell ncuer go about to corrupt tuoges. ^oreouer a certapne biuilifb frf n3te fetteti) f great men of tbe tooilDc befioe0 tbeir &U0, fo as tbep gtuc more crcoite bp naugbtppacfees.tban bp innos cent ano ftntple perfon0. Hetboabmit tbattbefcicfceDfitttill,anbfeefeenotta Soinne tbemfelue0 fauor,neitbcr bp flat= terte,nor bp fraube, nor bp brpbcrie,nor bp anp otber fligbtes: pet notfe>itl)8an= bing, eucn tbep tbem fclue0 tbat beare rulc,are mafic commonlp tnclinco to tbe iuozfer parte. Wnb tbe reafon S»b? tbe |5ropb:t Upbrapoetb tbemi0 tbt0: tbat fejtcfeco men finde more fauour at tbeir banos,tban gooo and boned men. 5 [£>oo right too. «c] Cb« J&ropbcte tnftrurtetb bricflp , bp Sobat trpall a man map bifcerne a infts ano bprigbte go? ucrnement: tbat i0 to iaitte, if tbep %iut to tbemtferabte ant>oppreu~c&,tbe tbing tbat ia tbeir rigbte. Cbere is in tbe Sooros tiit figure ^>pnecbocbe ,for it is certapne,tbat tbep arc bouuee teo 000 rigljtc too all men. ifteuertbeleffe tbe iSropbete (not fettbout reafon) fapctb, t'nat tbep arc appointed to be Defenders of vpon tne.ixxxij.riaime. 30 of luetic as arem tnttcne ox eppirfleo: btcaufe ti^at fucbe, bothc ftan&e m necbe ef other foiUc0l)dpc, anD (ball not tmoc it elfe Sphere, tban iebere couetoufneffe, ambitton,anb other coiruption0 are not. Cbcrfo^e 000 3] uDges bearc the ftoo?b, to rcftrapne tbeSoicKeb, icaft their t>to* lence might p?euaple in the oucragtoufe btfozberebneffe of tbc fcjozlDe, anb icaft tbata0cnerpmani0ofmozefireHgtb:fb befboulD become tbeboiber to oppiefTc tbeioeakc. I&cloome therefore bo rtcbe men rcfozte to tlje magiftratcs foz ^ctpe: ejcccptc it be Srben tbep happen to fall out among tbcmfelue0. j^ofe) tt?ce pcr= ctiut Sobercfeze the 0zopbete cemmen= ftctb rt)u ftp the poozc anb ncebte: that t0 to 5»tt, btcaufe tbat fucbe a0 arc in ban; gerof tbe crucltie anb barmes ef riebe inen,rjaue no leffe necbe of tbc befenee of S$agtftrate0, than ficke follies battcof fbifittan0. were 3&ingcs anb otber ubges once tbzougblp perfftmbcb of tbi0 point, tbat the? beappopntcb to be as vBarbcms to tbc pooje, to fet tbem= felues bet weene them ano their it>?ongs, anb to fuppzefTe alliozongfull fozcc:pcr= fecte bp.iigbtneffe Soouib flozifb euerpe &>bcrc. fa% Sobofceucr can fuibc in bis hart tobefenb tbe poozc, bei»tlnotbcc bofe»cD hither ano thither ioitfy fauourc: but be iu:ll hauc en epe onlp to the thing that i0 right. Ch«s atfo 5»ee gatberbp tbe Jdzopbets Scoops: that although no man fcebe to the magistrates foz hctpc: pet are the 5££)agiffrate0 ccnbcmnco of negligence befoje (Bob, it tbep fuccour not fotkc bnrcqucflcD.^re; S»ben manp; fed SmcfceDncffc rctgn:tb,anDf!gb&2an& lamentations founbe euci p Sphere : thep bntrulp pzctenb this coloz.tbat thep ran tiotrcbzcffe mtfDealmgs, onteffc tbep be complapneBbnto.3Rnasinu:betba-tojs a0 tbeoppzeffion crictbout fufftcientip of it fclf : if tbc 31 ubgc fitting in the htgh Snatch teurcioinb at tt,tbep?opbet tcl= lerh btm platnelp tb*t be fballnotfcnpc fcotfrcc Suttb bis Dtffi mutation, f They neither know nor vnderfr.and,they walk in darkneffe, though all the foundations of the earth be moued. C I haue fayd, ye are Gods,and children of the mode high, all of you. 7 But ye shall dye as a man :and ye princes shall fall as one of the com- mon fort. 8 Arize O God and iudge the earth, for thou shalt inherit in all nacios. 5; [Chcp neither fcnoS» fc.] aiftet bee Insauerpnourctbatbe map boH) bs in fcntb the b?;b!eoi rus fooxb. Cbte lafi member [r^otigb the foim&actons e>f the eartbc bee mouco,] is of oil men foz tlje mofS: part etherfotfe applpcC:a0 if f p;os phetfboulDfap,thatoralihcnurcheciK0 tn the S»o?lo,tbe grestcft 10 fc>hen py.n~ ce0 execute not their Dtrotp-.bpcauff the flap of the earth, Obat i3to fap the flntc cfmen)ftanceth bppcntbhs founDatt- on,namelp that3HwdtcefbonlD flo?tO). Cberefojeaceojbtng to tbem, the mca- ntng «0,that the f»0;.lDc is toeakcneD bp tbebniuftc Cp?annieof ^jtnees. 31= though 3! bifallon? not tjjio meaning, ptt tbinHc J\ rather (a© j \yaut alreap fapbe) that here is ronocmncb the mon= ftruoufe Duincffr of 3!uDge0 , &h»che arc not meueo at the confu'fton of thm= gcsinhojrible iopfe,no nejattbcVJcrp fbalung of the earth- 6 13 fapt> 9C]J,tiB a grautmg,tohtf - bp ncttertbelclTe the |3?optjct fljewjetrj. th, t 1 hath put pjtinccs in minbe of their Deio= tp: becomplainctb that itbootctljnet, bpcaufe thep bee bullcros, anb.5»tllnot atmut foionb boctrine. Tea though the S»hole Sdo^Id fhoalD be fbafeen m peces: thep abtbc raracfie tn their ecjjne flug= gtfbncffe. jfojhiffbp both bee moi? re= p?cue anb enforce thcpjmaDncffe: that although thep fee ljcatunanb earth con- founDeb togithertpctare tbep no it>htt moucb.'3D0 ioba &oU> fap,thcp care not fehtcb fc>ap the iuo^lD Soent, tt>hena0 notcoithftaotng thcpbcfpeciallp thojen anaappointco fo; tbc prefer uatio tberof. 3S hauc ticclarcb a little afo;e,tol;at it is that molt tereuctbe thcmofbnDerftan= bing : f i0 to Soit, bpcaufe thep be blm= bc\> f»ttb tljetr otonc glojioufcaeffe: anb fo?afmuchc C0 thep fecrflpfbafecoff all pobc, no fearc of (0oo feill bcrtDc them bntomobcftte.5Forvbcgtnmngoffounb bnowltge anb ioifoome.ts to pcclb <0ob 2.0C lonn ^amines ^ommentane tip: tbcre fljal be no Defence for Sxhc&cd inoges, m tbe facrcD perfon fetjtcb oD jjatl) putbpon tbem. ^no altfjougbbe bitng tbem not in fpcafcing : pet tbi0 cjc= ccpnon i5 of as trnitbe fozce, as if be bao fapD ,tbougb pc pjctcnD pour Dtgnttie m ftcoeofabucKler5tbis boating oi pours fljall nothing aaaple poa, but ratlj:r pee beguile pour felues toitl) foolifb trail : foj &ob batb not bereftc bimfclfe of Ijss otwic foneraintie,tn ttnfemgpon bis oz- pnties. iTgatne Ijccfeouloe ban? pou minDef all of voar otor.c infirmuies-.rbat pemap carefallp,anD in ttjc feareof cir autbo= rttie b^ beftoweo bis name alfo topou tbem.3SnMtfcsnctbtoagrecft)iJb<£u?i- ft:s faping, tbat tbcp are calleD <0ods to febom W - &>°?& o* b?cbe (ball pad* awap togitljer fcmb tbefafl)ionoftbeS»o;lDe. 3!ntbeSi>bicb fenfebe aDDctb imme&iatclp, [Bat pee fljall ope as men,] as if bcfbonlDcfap, altbougb tbcp be cnDewcD iottb pomcr to rale tbc S»o*lDe :pet foz all tbat tbcp baue not pat of tljctr nature, tbat tbcp 0)oalD ceafe to be men (till. Cbc latter parte «f tbc ftaffe is miftranflateb of fomeCut mp iubgement) tbus : [pe (bail fall use one of tbe Unices:] anD tbcp tbinite tbat tbcre isabiolentDcatbbc= btgbtcb tljcm , acco^Dtug as tbe poet faptb,feaw lyings ano Cpjaunts goc Dotone to the fenne in law of Ccrcobp o^pbeatb.feitboat flaugbter * blaDfijeo. ;J5atf^afmucbeas tfjit tranflation is confer apnea, anb farre from tbc matter: J boubt not bat tbs |5^nc£S are com= pciico to tbe bale anD common foiceot men.^Fo? tj)is feojb 2>ne,figmfietb anp of tbe common fojt.Cb^cfoje altboagb tb?p fojgette tbem felacs too bee men, ano malie tbem felacs Djnnfcen ioiil) gu'.lefall bope of perpetaitie : pet fball tbep bebaico bnto bcatb as Bellas o- tijer men.Cbjpft meaning to confate the fl mnber tD!)er&?ttl? tbe twines cbar= gcDbim,:5licagcStbi0 tc^t, 3B0bu.1o.55. 3Bf t\)z j&criptare (faptb be) call cbcm ^003, to febom (15obs commanDemcnt came : is not be maebe fc>o?t!>per of tins tptle, b?bom «5ob ibc fatber batb 5»ar= ranteo to be fo r* j^euertbclcfTe Cbipft 6td not bp fyite ^oo?as place bmi feife tn t'ge number of 3 uogea::but be reafonerb from tbe tbmg of le(fe itfeelpbaobe , to tbc tbmg of tnoje ItkelpijooDc , tljat tf tbe name of <25oo bee conucpeb ouer to dftoBS ofificcrs.mncb moze agrcetb it too tbc on?lp begotten fonne, iol)o bearetb tbe pcrfon of tbe fatber, tn febom tbc fa= tbers ^aicftte fhtttctb foa^tb , anb m Sobom tbc fe>boic fulneffe of ti;c ?optje tper= ceiai'igbee canbocnogoob bpabmont= fijtng ano rcbufeing, bpcaafe pjinccsjfe= tr.g paffcD bp iuttrj p?ibe, hoio fbo^nc of all Doctrine of rigbteoafneffs :tarnetbe l;tmfel?e to <|>ob, anD callctl) bppon btm to fapp?effe tljcir ftatelpncffe. Uno bp tbis meancs f b°lP ^bofre fettetbe fo^tb a comfo^te fez bs, as oft as Cpzants beicbs at tbeirpleafare.jfo; altboagb tbep mcete fritb nob^iDle bppon eartbe to reftreinetbeir licecioufneffc: pet mad fe>c looHe lip to b.caaen,anD fefee rrDzeffe from tbcncc,bpcaufe it is not fo: noagbt tbat(0oD clapmctb to him fclfe tbc of = dee of tnDgmg. ^nD tbcrfoze i»ee mafic befccct)!)imtc fettle DifozbereD matters tn fomc reafonablc iayfe. /Cbc rcafon ^ folowctb bp f 'oy> after, femctb to fomc to be a pjopbefte coccrning CbMds femg Dome, iubcrbp t0 feucrcmtie,bp letting the Soo?toe m one ojoer. n ■ • The Contents of the.lxxxiij.Pfalme. !T/k Trophet calleth for Gods helpe again]} the enemies of the Churche. ^indto the intent he may the eaflyer obteine3 he declared) hove manynati- ons haue confpired together ', and onely of purpofe to yvype out the people of Jfraell3dtidto quenche out the name of God. By the way to the intent toftirre vp himfelfe and others to pray -with greater ajfyance : heflseveeth by allega - tion of many examples, hotv mightely Godhathe benne-wontc tofuccour his fcruantes. The.lxxxiij.ffalme. ^?.Song orPfalmeof Afaphs. Holdenot thy peace O God, keepe not fylence vrith thy felfe, and be not ftill O God. 3~ For lo, thine enemies beftirre them, and they that hate thee haue lifte vp their heade. 4 They haue founde out a craftie deuife agaynft thy people , and they haue confulted agaynft thy hidden ones, f. They haue fayd, come and let vs cut them off from a nation : and let not the name of Ifrael be had any more in remembrance. 2 [^olBe not tbp pear c. f c] whcta0 tt is agrees bppon bp tlje confente. of manp.tbat t\)is #>falme fc>«0 raabeis tbc tune of king. 3IorapI)a£: 31 alfo allow of it. -$o% S»e Hnofo> bcia> great b;unte of toarn, tljat goblp king abobe, againft manp anb funbzp artmea of bis ennc= mtes. jpox- altbougb tl)e 3&mmonite0 anb Sl9oabtte0 Soerc tbe cr^tefe iRing= leabcra of tbe iuarrcs: pet fcab tbcp gntberco apbc, not onelp oute of |s>p= rta , biit alfo oute of farre Countries, fcbtcbe bab in manner oueriobelmcD 3lctt?;,ie feitb tbeir multitude. jF&ja0 mutbc tbcn,as hereierebearfeba long muftcrbookc of enemie0tl)at bab cor/pi= rco among tbemfelac0 toocftrop<2>oo0 people : it 13 a gooo nkelptjou that t\\is pfalme i»a0 inbttcb at tbat time. 5roz tl>e bclpcbzonadcs rcpozt,botbf tbatoncof tbe lltuite pzcmifeb tbs king-Ynetezp bg tljcfpttttecf ptotibrflc, anb alfo ;battl;c ilemre fong befoze <£>o$. jftou? tben fcy- muebe aa tt coulb not be, bnt tbat m fo greate baungcrs the xu^olc reaimefc>a0 in Ifflatb a0 5oclla0thebolpUing : ijcrc t0contctneo ap?aper fulloftoebemcnctc anb carcfulnefTc. 3! nb bcreunto ten&ctb tbe rtpettng of the iocjes tbat come to- gttber bp ajib bp in the firft toerfe, [fjcJDe not tbp peace, keepc not .fpJcnce, bee not fittl,] B0 if «je fattbfull fboulo fap ; if 3& foberefoitb foee be Befenoco, is not feene: like as man other phce. CoUof.}. 3. the Ipfe of the faptfjfuU is fapoe too bee [hiODen] it is too muebe eondrcfueb, anb btterlp re= moncb , as foell from the meaning, as from the tejoo^os of the ^ropbete. f or bee teaebctb fimplp, that foee be fb?oto= oebbnber the fb s&^foe of <©od tilings, bpcaufe that although free fee me too ipe open , ano too bee fubtectc too the luftc of our enemies : pet are free pjeferueo bp the btDbcn pofocr of (Sod. 3mo there- fore tt ts fapbe in another place : <€boti (balte htoc mee in the fecrete of tbp Ca= bernacie, ^falm. 17.5. jfrotfoitbdaii* bing it ts too bee notes bcrctouball , that none are fhxoirDcD bnDer dfc»obs Heptng, but fucbe as Dtlhudmg their ofonc ftrcngtb, flee fearefullp bnto <0od. jtfor tbep that belecue them felues too bee able too make their parte goob , anb tberebppon encounter bolbclp ano foejee foanton, as though tbep tocrc pafteall fcare, fijail in the enDe fcele the fmartc of their naKcDnefTe.^nb therefore foben foe bidrudour otync ti>eakenefle, there is no better affurance, than too creeps bnber the couert of dftob, ano to cad the care of foelfare into bis lappe. 5 GCb*l? bane fapoe. f c] -Che \w? no ufneffe of the matter is tncreafeb bp tl)ts ctrenmdaunce , that the fopekeb foerc fnll benteto cuttebpthe Church bp the roote. CbtS map be reftrapneb too the Ammonites anb ^eabites,fobo foere as 3i$ellofoes too lltrre bp the refte. 25 ut fo jaf inu cbc as bp their fet= ting on, the Htgarenes , the £>p?tans, anb the other Rations beeing incenfeb foith iiltc batreb anb outrage , bab ta- ben foeapon in banbe to bedrop <15obs people : foee map fitlp applpe this fap- tng to them all, namelp bicaufe that bp; pon the making of tbctr lcague,thep ru= flieD fozfoarbe fobo couloc be fo;cfoar^ bed, anb encourageb one another to be? drop the btngoome of JuDa./i^owthen the caufc of fo cruell bstrcb foas,chte= dp, fo^ that ^athan hath alfoaps gone about too roote out <£>obs£burcbe,anD tbcrefoze bath not ceafeb too dirre bp bis impes too outrage. [Coo cut them 0$ from a /Ration] figmfpeih too roote them bttcrlp out, that the? mat* bee no moze a Ration 0? people. Wbtcb thing appeareth moje eutbentlp b^ the feconbe member, [Chat the name of jflfraell be no mere haD in remembrauncc.] 3fnD this circttmSaunccauaplcth top?ouoUe <©ob to mercp, in that this foarre foas not taKen in hano after the common ma; ncr of foarrcs, to the imente that fohen thep vpon the. lxxxiij.Pfalme. & tbep i»> re conquer cd anfi fubDucD,tbcp ftructto ti. 2(tnD it S»8S all one cafc,es if G)oulB be at their enemies commaunbe= rfcep bat) gone about to oucrtbzsu) gobs ment to fcrttc them : but tfjat t^cir ene= bctcrminacton.^bcrtn tbe Church Suas mteo crueltie tenbeb to their tottir De= founbeb to continue fozeuer. e:= ing tfirn that fo tnanp nations f»itb fo ftrong alpance enfozccO tljcmfclucs to tbe oellructionof fo tbeafee a hmgoome : it ftoob them in banb to be rcffeavcD bc= times bp the toeanoer ful I belpc of €> od , confioertng that tbcpSocre efnoabiu= tie to eefcDtbemfelues. 25 nD pet in that fo greatt an afterbcele.tbe holp fetng %- fa bzafcc out into tb to right pzincelp fap- ing,z.0aral.i4.ii.3]ttsnoharbmBt= terfoztbe lozoto fucco£tos,iz>bttberit bee ageinde a grcate armpc oz a fmall: ncytber map our feafemeffe bmberhtm to faue bo from a huge multttnbe. Z\z- relp i\)t felfe fame fpirit that enbefrcb tl)at goblp King S»itb tbat inumctblc cos ragc,mo?tcD alfo this pfatm to f tc bole Cbuttbe J tbat it might refoztt Wears fullp bnte (Sobfoz bclpe. Snbattb'S bap alfo be goetl) befoze tos bp b»s ft>o:o lead anp oaungcr map Cb c t too out of ttjc gate from callmgbpon (0ob. ;tfozboa?= foeuer tbe Swhole feozlb confptrc age tnft too : tbta iofetasa bzajen fcjallfoztbc befence of Cbiifts Cburche, [fcbpatt nactonsbponantopzozcfrc.g3falm.2.i .] jfteitber pzofitctb it too a little to bcc= bolb in tbis ejtaple aa it &>crc in a g'.affe, &bat fjatb bappencb to <0obs Cburche from tbcbeginntng:lea(lat.tbts Dap t,l>c famcozf Derp like fftatc might truble bS,i»bpIC tljt X»l)filC S»OZlD IBM DtaDlp foot>e fottb bo. jIFoz S»ce fee 6>oi» tbe $opcft>ith biudtfb malice fctlctb tbe frfeolc ftjozlb on fpze agema bs.'1£bat no n eu> thing Ijappcnetb tonto tos:fc>e fbalbe connr mcb to patience bp tbe auucicntc lot of tbe Cburche, tonrill C5cb btter fooztbebts potoer fobeinlp, i»bicbc alone fcritt bee mougb to oifappoint all tbe pzactisco of tbc fe>ozf D. JFurtbcrmezc leaft tbe taiifc; ful might cafl pours fojlnther tb« lajerc help pztparcb foz tbcm front bcaucn. tbc |E>zopbttc auoucbetbe flatlp , tbattljcp mafee toar agcinff goo, iobofecuer er)cp be tljat trouble tbe Cburcbe, ft>!)tcl) 15 mamteincD bp Jjtsbef ece.^f o? fee Ur.ow bppon febat conbicton be fapcth bee fell be our belpcr.l^ce that tonebctbe pou (fapeibbO toucbetb tbe apple of mine epc.^acar. i.8.2!nbtbat&bicb tsfapb manoibcrpfalme concerning tbe patri= aiKs,ts eytenscb to all tbe faitbfull. Coucb not mine anopr.tcos,an6 trouble notmp ^zopbets.^fal.105 n.jfo^be Soil! baue tbe anointpug SubcrS»ttb \)ee lyxtl) annotnteo bo too bee no goob as a bucKk r to feepe b3 fafc anb founo. tx>1)CV- foic altbougb tbe nations tbat bcnure= bercOfepbcre,maoe not open befpance tonto (5ob : pet notfeubfranotng fozaf= muebcastoben t0obfectbbis feruants Spzongfullp au"aulteb,be tt^ttftes b»m= fclfe bcttocenc tbem anb tbetr enemies to bcarc off tbc bioroes: tbe $zopbcte botl) rigljtip to fap tbat all tbcp bao cn= tereo in league agapnfl <©oo , IpUc ns at tbts bap feben tbe ^appfta lap tljcir bcabes toogetber too Dcupfe cur be= flruction , tf a man affeetljcm faljithcr trjcp bee flrcngcr tljan ©£)?D, tbcp Supll ftrapgbte ioapes rrptpc , that it is no parte of tbeir mpnbc to ? (Taulte ^aganilCB after tbe manner of the lohn Caluines Commentaric tiuC5pants. 25 at foiafmuctje aa itelp ano iaiti> , great beebe.b&ca* %>: fape, a tbmg ts •bone from ttjt tjart, t»bJcb is bon: iaitij an arbent anb earnest miaa. 25ut ratljer bp tbtsi»o:be tbe pjopbet meant to be= (tofecn tbe ftcrete imles,of i»l)tcl) Ijc ba-rb complapneb atuljrle sarti. 2&ome inters pjetersrefcrrc [tlje Cents ofdEbom] to tbeir furniture foj tbe S»arr'e,as tbougb ttjr ^jopbete £bralb fap,tb?p came S» ell ifurmflbcb $oitb ^ent0 to Ijoloeout tbe ^arrcg at le^tara «but be fceme'ttjj tatter 'to.atlubit'tot!)tminef ottbofc ria:tons, b:caufctbcp liucbm Xcntcsanb itjalcs. 0euertbeieu*c it is a fembe of furmoun= ting fpeeel), as if Ijeffeioulb fap,tbat tbep eucn plucltcb bp tijcirljales s, fo; tbe great befp?£ tbat tijep bab to tljis toarrc. Ss.foj euerp fcucrall nation, 3 rntubs not curiouflp to intreatcofJbem, bicaufc tlje moy. part of tbcm iQ toell p= nougb feno&en bp tlj'e common tofe of tl)e fcripturc.H5ut a?bcras be faptlj tbat #u"ur anb others Sacre [an arme to tt>c cbllb:en of JLotb,]truclp tjcrcbp tbe gre= uoafheffc of tl;c matter is not a lutlc tn? creafeb. 38 1 babbenapopntof \>nnatu= rallcruclticto baucapbeb fojrctn natt= oris agapnft tbetroome feinffolfces. 25 ut now to blow bp tbe trumpet firft tbem= Ccl:us,aub of tljetr owne min^c to fetcljc m t\)z aiflpjians, anb tbe otber nations tobeflrop ti)ctro\»itcb;tetl#cn, i»as tt not a barbarous fauagencflrei»o:tbP to be abbojreb f jffoj (as 35ofepbas t;tm= felfe rrp'^tct!)) tbe JBfraclttcs b'-'O paf= febtbJtougb tljcir bobbers fcrttijout of= fence o: i>ar me booing, bicaufc ib:p bab fpareo tl>ctr ocone bloub at tfyc comaun? bementof u5od. Conftbering tb ax ibat tlje ^oabites anb Ammonites faw boto t!):tr b^otbers bab a fpcctal remenu b^ancc of cljctr confangumitie : ougbte not ri-jcp alfo on tf)£tr parte to IjaueEbC: njLO fo muclje fcinaeneffc agapne, as not to baue attempteb anp enimttte agapnft them :i3 ut tbis alfo ts as tt toere a Dcftis ntc off Cburcb, not onelp to be affapleb bpouttoarb enemies , but alfo to fufifer uioic trouble at tfye ijanas of tbe baftarb biet^cn :, Ufec as at t!)iabap , none are mo:: impo:tunatelp mab b?on bs, ti;an tbc coun;erfaptCt)^tftians. io Do to them as vnto the Madianits,as to Sifara,and as to Iabin,at the brookeofKifon. : ii They perished in Endor, and becam as dotig of the earth. 12 Make them, make the princes oPthem as Oreb and as Zcb', and like asZeba and as Salmona,all th'e princes of them. 13 Which haue fayd,Let vs take into our polTefsion the habitations of God. 1 o [iDoo to tljem w.] lifter tljat t^e as to £ ^abianites in f bjoohc Dttfon.] fanbfuUbiuecomplapncb oftbetrmofl 2Bnt fje tntcrmeblctb W flaugbtcrof grecuoufs opp:efftons:to tt)? intent (Bon ^binanb fi>i.fara,anb pet tbe i«tfpoin= Ujotilbbetijc foieiuarbcr to Ijelptbenu. ting of it mafectl) no great mater, ^ojtt no^o tbcp callto rcmembcrance {jofoofV ft>aspuougb fo? fjtm to bvlfhtm fclf.anb tenbeljab tjclpcbljis people euen at trje tlje reflcoftljefaptbfull inmmbeof t!u lafr cal^e. wljcrcbp tt ts eafte to gather, tbat 'SsD bclapctl) l)is Ijclp foj tfje nonce \»bcn \)ts fcruants be oppjeffeb, totbe mtcntc to fucconr tljcm tjonberfullp, tpljen tb?p be at ttje1 taftccaae anb foz- lo:ne. ^be 0iop!>et mtngletl) tiw fJo= nes tojecber : fo: foe Ojoaiae ba«c fentt together in one ftrapne , [000 bnto tljetn miracles trjat (0ob/babbe oftentimes fcnongbt in bcltuering.of bis people, jfbj tbts is f enbeof lngl"b?ift,tj)at <5ob iobo f)ab fo oftentimes put b»s enetntcs to fltgl)t,anb refftetocb ifio fcarfull ftepe ontoftbe raoutbesof t5)e Xbolucs.ia not no&beftitute of t!)C fame ttrcngtb- 3Ct ts ujcll Unoicen Ipio marueliouflp be refbesoeb vpon the.lxxxiij.Pfalme. tcD bpon \\)z eartb,oz p tbcp &?ere tHm= pleD bnocr foote as Dung:anD tf?is latter cjcpofuion agreetb beft, anD pctji reicrte not tbe fozmcr.wbP be fljoulb fap, [tbcp pcrifljcB m Cnbo?,] tljere appearctl; no ntanpfcft matter .Cbis na:ne[CnDo?]i0 reo of in 31 ofuc. 1 7. 1 1 ,3lnb tt is a ituclt= bobe tbat f l)Oft of Hing 3P abtn S»as 6c= ftropeb tbcrc. ;tfo* febcrcas fome take [Cnooz] to be fpoHcn but as a bptcrme, as ttyougb it bab ben fapb tbcp Skcc oe^ ftropeb opcnlp, artb fetrb ntanpfcft flau= gbtcr,3IUfecnotofit. 1 j lxo\)\t\) baite fapD.ffc] 3!gein be ac= etifctb the l^eatbcn men of trealon to cSoDtoarb foz frying bpon b° (rjep fcncfe to be fojozfljippeD of tbe3!fraeti= tes ,tt is feel bone of bint to burttjen tbe &ttb tl)isfault,tbattbepi»ent about to DifpofTefle pcareo m tbe Uaugbter of^ifara.f King 3!abin.3HuD.+. jffozbotliof tbcm 5»ere bnoertbe conDurteof a feoman put to fltgbc bpli5«raci),wljo abuentureb to fet a final bauoftil agapnft tbeir bugeboftS- pea anb ^>tfara tbe captain btmfclf ioas not flapne manfullp in tbe battell,but ftrtKen bp tbe banb of a tooman,febe i)s fougbtcouert fo; bis fafetic. Cberefo?e leaft fcare migbtc oziu'c tbe faptbfuil to Dtfpaire,tbcp fenfe tbemfcluec bcrp con= uenirntlp feitb tbefc eramplcs of ocitue= ranee, S»berbp cJ5od batb auoucbcb,tbat tbcre rcmaimtb power inougbinliimfelf alone to Defend bis. as oft as tbcp being Deftitufeofman3l)Clp,Do ficetobim fo.r fuccour.^ozcoucr bp tbofe increbibie f bnfeonteb maner of oeluierances,tbcp gatbercb tbat goD is a tajonocrful feozH= mafler in pjcfciutng bis Cburcb : fo as tbep migljt toe' afTurc tbcinfiiues,f b»s onelp blaft is of fuffictcnt Urcnji!) to o- uertbJtOTOtbcircnemies./^eU^crmtbts place isr tt)io fl.iugbrhrsf tl>c ^abtant= tes rcpoiteow t'ms enXit but alfo Cfa.9. ^confirmctb ^ rcttttuttonof tbe Cburcb bp tbe far.iercafon.TDljcras be faitb tljcp to:rc [bung of tbe eartb,] it map be c;e= potinbeo two i»aps,citbcr tbnt tbep rot Iohn Calumes Commentane toVjcn tbep fet tl)cinfcluc0 to bcfrrop tl)C Cburcbcithe J->Zopbct bcfirctb Udcd to put tbcm to [bamcfulje that etbcrioifc tbeir baultineffe cannot be abateo, till cljep Ip tonDer foot confounbcD J (batnea fillip bifapouueb. 3 no iabera0 ibe f->£0 p'tjet fa^etlj , tljat tt;crb^ ttfcjtllcemeto paftc,[rbat tbep fl)all fcckcihcnameof (08b :] tt tnulle not tn nip tubgment bec bnberfroob of tbeir true cornier fion.3in bccbejl cenfefle that the fir ft ttcptoa= mcnDment,i0 S»ben men being bzougbt lowc bp affliction , do bumble U)emuiuc0 fotlimglp.iput tbc }2>xopbet betebenrrrj fimplp a conflreincb j flauifb fubtmu"t= on.futcbe as J&baraeo ioas.fop it fal= leeb out Dtucrfc tunc©, that the iuicUcD being fubecfc cb bp abucrfitic , boo gtue gloxiecoc00Dfejalittlefc>bplc.l!5utfoi afmucbe a* anon after tbc? are carpco atoap agcin itntb frettR mabnclTe:bere= bptbetre btpocrtfie is DifcouertD, 9 tbc beaftlpneflc that lurKcb m thepz harts brojjflpftb itfelfe.l^c tncanco then, tbat tbc bngoblp are eompciicB bp ftrppro to acKnotnlege gob Sv^ttljcr tbep foil 0; no, that at leaftfenfe their furie tbatp;toee= betb of fcaptng bnpumfbeb , 10 btlD m fetters ano pzifon. 3nb this appearetb better bp tbe ncrt ftaffc, Sober be openlp Soifbctb tbtm enDlefleBamnacioiSobicb Socio tn no Soife agree, tf be baD allurcb tbe to repctace. /^cither 13 it fojt nought that tbc #zophct c beapctbe bp fo monp fo>oib0,j*artlp btcaufe tbe repjobats ae= cobbing to the?; bntameable nature, tbougb tbep be oftentimes cbaftijeMoo notrottbftanbing from time to time ga- ther nefc> ftrcngtb anb netD cozage: anb partlp bpcaufe noting t0 mo;cbarDto fink in our ftomacko , tba w tbat fucht 20 foelteratcafe in tbeir pzofperitie (ball foonc perifb. 2JtnD tbto cometh to pafTc bpcaufe foe confiber not fufftcicntlp b°to bzcabful bengeancc of d5eb abtbctbfo? tr)e oppieffers of bis Cburcbe. 19 [Jnb let them knoi» «c] $Spct alfo be intreatctbc not of tbe bcaltbfull knoieiege of cji €> 3D : but of fuebe as 10 iozong out of tbc repzobats bp tbc enfo % cing banbof^ob.l^o&becitbefapctbc not ftmplp tbat tbep (ball knot* tbcre to a (S5ob:but \)tt fettetbe Dofenca fpeciall kpnb of knotolcgc.tbat tbe foozlblp folk (5»bo crctot)?ie eeipticD tbc true reli- gion,) (ball m tbe enoc percciue boise tbcre i0 no mo <£fobs , but tbat one isljicb bath bttercb btmlclfe in tbe lafe>, anb io iuo?u)ippcb in 3! cu?;p .^otujitl)= flanbtng,bp tbe Soap, be toctoknetb but a faotng knorciefigc tir.tljout roote f liuclp fappc,bicaufetti0 wither in good emeft noi lottb tbeir gaob Sollies, tbat the res probates fubmtt tbctufcluco to 4&eb,but cither tbep be Dzaroen to a coittcrfct ebe= Diece bp fozee ,oj elfc inaf mucb as be t)ol= betb them fboir, tbep bare not bur ft out into open rage. Cbts t nerefozc 10 but a knotolcDge of experience, Suhtcb pcrcetb not to tbe bsrt ,but 10 So;og out bp fozee anb copuifion. % nb tbcre 10 a pubinetTc in f pzoncunc[tbou] fox tbcre 10 a coucrt matt bins of con trar pes bcuvijtt tbc gob of 351'racll anb another fapneb go 00, as if tbe p;opl)et bab fatb ,Lo?d ,mafcc tbcm to percciue tbat tbc 3 ootlcs iclucb tbep bane fojgcb to tbcmfclucs, arc nothing. 3Tnb trulp although tbc befpifero of *25ob bo (rjuntbe ltghte,encSnhile ouercafting thcmfclues ioitb mifto, f anotber while biuing into bepe barknctTc, petbotb gob purfuc tbcm, anb bjaxo tbcm out to tbc bnorolebge of bimfclf, tobtcb tbep toclo fo fapne burp in ignorance. 3no fo?af; mucb as tbc %»o;1d conf ufcblp 1 fbamc= (ullp conueietl) tbc facrcb name of gob to tbeir oSon fc:gertco,thc pzophct cozre- (tctb bis Difbonojmig togttber Soiib tbe rcft.tobcbe abbctb[tbp name 31ebouab] as if be ftoio fap,trjat none can be rigb t= Ip fapb to be but be alone, 0: tbat be to in bebe tbat k)b»'b be is fapb to be, btcaufe r)0%ofocuer thcbnbclfHtrs Difmebcr bis glozp, pet both be abtbc iohoic $ foimoe. 3 Itoapc pou muff beare in initio f mat = cbuig of contraries tbat 31 tolbc pou of. $ t j tber batb not ben anp fo barbarous a nat 16 ,i»htcb tuozujippcb not fome ma - ncr of gobbeb, but eucrp countrp fozgcb peculiar gobs to tbefelues. %nb al thogh tbe ^eabites> <£»omftcs,9 tbc rcfibue graunteb fomc pze rcgattttc to the cj^ob of 3frael,pet thought tbep f tbc fame pie rogatiue toas inclofeb ioitbm f bobbers of J cmzp>ltHc ao tbc king of £> tr 1a cal - leb bint tbe <&ob of tbe £$ountapn0. i.lBeg.20.2^. Cbi0 ouerttobart par- tition of 45oD0£lozp is bifpzoueb monc &>e;b ypon the.lxxxhij.PfaJmc. fe>o;oe, mo all the fupcrituion tyat S»a0 (n tye tocc it ftno&en tycrfoze tyat <©oo baty not bts p:chcmt- nenceamog me, etyertmfe tyan fotyen be emopety f full fouereintte,§ tbat nothing is matcbeo iwty bim to oarUe bisslo?P- The Contents of the.lxxxiiij.Pfalme. He compldyneth thxt nothing troubles him moreythdn to be kept from com- mingdt thcTdberndde}dnd to be bxnifhed from the djjembly of the rodly where God is cdUedypon.Butyet befiitb, thxt nothing is Able to withjldnde the longing of the Godly ythdt they fboulde not confldntly bredf^e through to feeke God.^it length he dejyreth to be refloredjdndonce dgdin duoucheth thdt to dwell but eueoneJdy in the Tdbertudc of God3is more worth to himtthdn t9 Hue d long time dmong the fdithlejj'e. Thc.lxxxiiij .Tfitlme. 0 the chiefe Chaunter vpon Githith. A pfalme of the fonnes of Core. How amiable are thy Tabernacles.O Lorde of Hoftes'f 1 My foule longeth, yea and fayntcth after the Courts ef the Lord: my hart and my rlesh,rcioice in the liuin» God. 4 Yea the Sparow hath found hir a houfe, and the S walow a ncitc for hir, where she may bellow hir yong ones, O thine Altars thou Lorde of hofl:es,my king and my God. ? Blefled ar they that dwel in thy houfe,they vvil be alway praifinothec. i [Cotyctyief tyanter,$c.]3Mtyougb b*s fonne. H5nt tye ft>ozs0 of tye jMalm Declare tyat be 5»aa tofTeb at tbat tpmc tbwugb funbzp ano longc eontinucD fle- ttugs . itjoipbeit if S»ee confioer boi» SDaui* bpo a long tpme after comptpfe in J3falmcff , tye tyinges tyat be bao fuftcrcb bHocr *>aulc:i»e Ojal not mar= uell tyatlje namety mount &>iontyere: IDauios name be not tntttleD Unto it : pet notroityftanbtng fozafmutyc a0 tye raat= teragreety to bt0 i0 a li&elibooe ty it be S»a0 tbc antyoz of it. fo z i»ljer- ao foMtc ty ink it fe> aa mabe bp tye fo nn :0 of Coic in bis btyalfe , to mv Iteming tyis one reafon ia pnougb to Dtfp? c tie it, namelp tyat IDauib in bi0 time bio tnoze ejccell intyegtfte of p;opbcQc,tyantyat be nteoeb to commicte tyis tyargc to tye Heuite*.£>nrlp one Difftcultie tuttyftai- Oetb, namelp tyat be mahety mentton of monnt^ion,to fo^tye place tye 3rne of couenante taao not biougbt , before tyat be ioas fettleb qnietipinb<0 Wn^- bome.UlnD from tbat time foo;ty be it>a0 but onelp once fe: a fbojte time bereftc of ioit\). Concerning tye i»o:be c0ttyity, 31 bane fpoken bcretofoje tit tye cpgbty 0falme. * [t?ow amiable.f c.]lDanib coplainety tyu beta barreo of bis place in 4E5ods tyurcl),fo as Ik canot btter b«s fattb,noi pjofit in goblpncu"e,noj eiccrcift bimfclf in tye fcruifc of U5oD. foi asfojtbem tyar fooulb banc goos tabernacles to ftgntfir tye bingbome of bcaocn, as tljougb ?Da tye Ggbt of tye $rfee, toljcri b.c fleb from mo fbolo raoHwe tyat be &a» a pilgrim - ..- Cce.q. in •pt Iohn Caluines Commentarie in tbe feojtlbe : tl)ep boo not fuffictcmip confiOer bt0 pjcfent naefifttte. If c fcncw tljnt ^olp affcitibl^cs fe:rc notappoin= tcbbp C9Q. fo? n«ugt)C,foj«(niuctjea3 tbe fat'.ljfull baue nccoe of fucljc l)clpc0, a0iongas tbcp arc feapfarer0mtbts iDojlO.«Jifo Ijc 4»a0 pztutc o£^t0otone infirmitie, anbfetft fecll bow far bee Suss off fromtbe perfection^ Ulngcls. XO\)ctfoi2 not fenbout caufebe>»apietb bcbunfelfc to be bereft of ttjofc meaneo, febctof r*)c bfe is lecll hnofeentotbe goblp-iroj ao oou->t but \)z bab an epc to the right cnbe efcutfearb o;Dcr,maf= mud) as bee not itfec the bipomts, Sub? at fuebe tunes a© tbcp frequent fo= Ictnne afllmblpes fertbe greaicpomp, although tljcp feeme as fe'note as colc0, Doo notfetthft aomg tncane to btfebarge tbemfcluesagemft<0ob, fettb nothing clfebutoutfenrb fbefe.Crulp 2Damo feaS not occuppeb about trjts grofie fozgcrie;buttu0 iOiCbmg To earnefilp to banc freelp accede to the gmnrtuarpe, feas that be migbte feojfbtp <0ob tbcre finccrelp anb after a fpirttuall master. Che occlamacion to a fignc of earned affeftiomtbe febicb beecspieffetb mo?e fullp in the fecoo berfc. ivbctbp fee ga= th:r, tbat tbep be too bulbcabeo febicb CaiCleflfelpnegieittbc ozber apointebbp 45oo, as though tbcp couio ftpebptneo beaue bp their ofen ftregtb.3l baue fatb tbat in the fecoo berfe 10 cspjeiTeD moje than an ojbtnar tc maner of longing, fop febera0 Cefceph figutftetb to long fojtefoj a tfjing: being not cotetea feitb y feojto, be aobetb tbat [bis fowle feipntctb after tbe courts of <©oo,] fefatcb betohenetb a0 tnucb, a0 to ppne afeap feben fee be bereft of our feito bp tmmeafurable af= fertton. Ulno bee put [courts,] bpcaufe tftat being no p?ectt, it X&as not lafefull fo? bint to pjeaceanp furtber. 5Fo?fece fenofe that none but tbe pzeefto might enter into tbe tnnermoze gjantfnarp. ait lengtb bee beclaretbc tbat this Deft= roufeneffe is fbeaoco foojtb eucnbnto bis bobp:natnclp In that be tottcreb btm felf bp outfearb gefture, in inoutb epes anb banD0.3!nb be fapetb [to tbe liuing <15ob]not that 45iiD 2D feas fret Upina nat rofeCcnt : but bpcaufe be feuefe be hao nccoc of labbers tobcrbp to clproc bp into bcaucn, * tbat tbe btftblc j£>an= ctuartcfeasmftcoc of labbers, btcaufe tt birccteo tbe gooip minus acceding to tbe beauenlp patterue. 2tno footbip t ou= fto^mg tbat tt^elumpta)ncu"c of tfci flefb fuffrctb PS not ta mout bp to tbe bcigtb of tt>aloi»0 : foj it is an bnfeemelp iljtng fojtbc cbtlDzcnof aibiab^m toLcDztucn out uf tbetr pjomifeb berttage,fetng tl)at tbe Utle btrbo fino fomc place oz otber to neftle in. ainb altbogb be b^b at femtime gotten a banbfome lobging,oj ratber al= tbougb b^ tnigbtc ijattc abtDDcn among tbe bnbcicucro fettb fomc cftimatton : pet notfeitbftanbmg be feemcb toi^tm= felfe to be after a foztc bantfbcb from tf;e febole feozlbe,a0long aobcnugljtenot Ijaueacceffe to tbe fanctHarp.^fo? furelp tlje enbeto febube feeliue, t0 tbat fee fboulb occupp our felucs in ferutng gob. i^ofe tbe altbougb bt be not iv ozfluppeb aright, ejeceptbebe fe02fbtppeb fptrttu= allp:pet baue fee ncbe of f fucco^s febicl) not feitbout caufe be battj appotnteb bs. 31no t^is is tbe reafon feljp 3Dautb bur= fretb foo?tb into fbt© outcrp, [£) t!)pne altars.UD 3Lozb.f c.]^fo? inafmucb aa it bab ben eafp to baue obtcctc&.tbat tbcre be manp noofee0 in tbe feezloc febefc be migbt baue rcffcD fafclp,ot ratber tbat tbere be manp bodes tbat feolo baue ben glab of fuel) agucfi-,ans foljetroubleb btm ' vpon the. lxxxnij. rialmc. 3> bun fclfe ana necoeo not : be anffreretb, l)0t» l)C tjdJjac leuer foxfatiC tijc frbolc toozloe, tban to be barreb from tbe bolp Cabernaclc,fo;i betbougbtno place ple= fane tbatfr as far from <0oDs altars, oj ratber b^ lmebnobfrellmgplaceoutof rbcbolplanb.^nD berebntopertcme tbc tptlcs tbat be giuctbto <0od, frbenlje faptb [fl^P fcing.ano mp e ootb frs *9 *»lt» tJJat ^ ltfe ,B Paittef'*^ ana bitter to bin*, bteaafe be t3 bantfljeo from tberealmeof<0oD:asifbcfb3m"D fap,altbougb all "»en tooulD offer me c«= tertcincmcnt,frbo mtflft* &° tt beifcfr bat ftjolD it plcaftire me to liuc in tbe frozlD, as long as J am (bet ont of tbP bozocrs, fcemgtbattbou art mp King:* 3!gcpn,fc= ing tbou art mp (1500, frfjerefoze fljoulB 31 hue but to ic&c tt>cc:'3LnD feeing trjott catteft me off, frbp fljoulD 3 not Dcfpifc alt D cycilmgs, be toep neuer fo pie afattt ano Deltgbttull to mp flcOj * 5 C^leffeD arc tbep. #c.]^ere bebes termmetb moze ejcpzeffelp tbc ngbt anD lawful bfe of tbe |5>anctuaric : ano fo be fboletb oute bitw telfe from tl)c !$ipo= crites, fr bo aifo come (locking a pace to tt)t ourfrarDe Ceremonies , b'^bctt toopoc of gooip beuotion. 3lnD JDautD auoucbetb,tbat tbe true frozlbippcrs of t!5oo oo b^pngtljc Sacrifice ofpzapfc, Subtle cannot be fcuereo from faptl). jtoi none cun pzapfe d5 Q 2D from tbe bart,but be tbat retting bpon bis grace, eniopcib tbe peace ano glaontffe of tys fptrite. 6 Bleflfed is the man whofe ftrength is in thee, and thy wayes are in their hearts. 7 They traueling through the rallie of weeping, will diggeawell: yea and rayne alfo shall couer their pittes. 8 Thev shall go from ftrength to strength, the God of Gods shall bee fcene in Sion. 6 [U3lcffco is tbeman.fc] aigapnbc bedaretb trj^t be fccKctb tbe £>anctua? rtc, not to Deligbtc bts cpes, but to fur= tber bts faptb- 5 oz it »s moze tljan an oj= bmanc fctnoe of profiting, to Irane bp= pon (0od fr Jtb ones frbolc be?rt: frljtcb tbnig cannot be Done, wept all pzpDe be caftcDoame, ano mennes minbes tynm- bleb arigbt. lif> ut tyc Deter mmctlj tbat the meane too fcc&c (<3'od, is foz Inm too bozofre of bim bp petition, tbe flrcngtb frbtreof be fcelctb i)im felfe ecftitute. TObercasit folofretb immebiatelp, tbat [bis frapes arc in tbeir bcarts,] fome cjcponnBc tt all m one flrapnc tbus : tbat tbep are bappie frtytebe foloro t'ge frap appepntco bp <2>oD, bpcaufe notbtng is mo?c noifomc,tban to be fclfetsife. foti- tber is it fo? nougljt faib of tbc lai»,tbiS is tbe ioap, frame in it. HBfai.^o. }i. Crue tt is tben, tbat men arc leb about S»itb ontofrar&e crrours , &ben tbep fteppe neucr fo little afioe from 45obS i»o;be. IBut it is better reflrapneo to tbe pjefent ctrcumflancc, tbat tljcp arc bappie tobicb coutt to baue <$od tbe bi= rctter of tbeir ltfe,ana tb?refo?c befpje to come tonto bim. jfoj (as batU ben fapb) dc?ob paffet!) not fo; tbc ott? waro Ccrc= monies, but frill rule ano fuboue to bun felfc.fucbeasbe callctbto bts 'Caber; nacle. wbo'oeucr tbcre.ojc batb IcarncD bow great a blcffetmcffe tt is to icane ttnto €>od, frui applp al bis enbeuer ano all bis toittes to bpc bun fr itb all fpeebe Unto 0ob. 7 CCbep traucltng.fc] ^ts meaning is tbatnotbing can barrctbefrpfcanb ftoute fro?wtpprrs of (Boo from ba- fttngtofrarbe <£»oos ^>anctuarte. 3mo bptl)is maner of fpeccbebe confirmctb tbat frbicbe be fapoc before, bofrc no= tlnngis moze to be friOjcB.tban to be occupieo 8aplp tn (Sobs ferutcc, tnaf: mucb as no biftreffiS,noj let tcs can Kop tbe bcfpjou'ncffcof tbcgcDlp,but tbat tbep frill runne cberefullp togttber* t^o= rougboiougbttcf Defert places, to fre= qucnt b»lp metings. 25icaufctbcfrozi)e Eaca figntfietl) to tocepc, anb tbe lettcre He anb Alcph arc of as tbc one is cameo tnto tbe otber, mnnp tranflate it [tbc bale of l»:e?jug] jtfcuertbclefTe tbe opinion of tbofeis allovoablc,frbicb tranflate it[^ulbcrtcs.]^ouJbetttbfrc is no Doubt ,but tbat bete arc bctcUcncD € barrein lohn Caluincs Commentane barreiu anD bungrp Defertcs , tb.iougb &>tyci) it ti3 l?«ir3 co traucll.;tfo.: noting to moze Hcocfti! in traucung.tbaa Qjtnfe. ID .una i'.):rfoj€:ncnt to auourb ibc con= (Meie of tl)c goolp,in afmucb ac £ fcarcc= nctfe of ioarer (foz- is?anc io'jcro'f traucs lers famt)canuot let fbj toKcpe on tbeir Soap a pace tljjouglj tbe fanop Dales.tao feeae <£a5.Bpu/)icb Saozos tbc fiout^ fumcGTc of t!)0ie t3 rrpjoucD, toljic!)C arc lotb to abiDc an? mcGucmente S»!)e tbcp map pzofirc itx tljs (autre of <0oD. Cbep fct to much, bp tijcir a*»n cafe # plcafurc. Cbcrfoze to {btp ««<*p not neeoc to fttrre ttjetr footctljep can fino tn ttjctr barts to Piofcfretbefelue3tb2fer«3t0of3oo*but asfoztbc freebfe of tbeoortrtne* g)a= cram :!U0,tl)cpS»M not bup itfcntl) tl)2 lefTe of a tjtare.TSe fee a nfibcr fo tp*D to fnetr nctrcofcm'o tl)ia floil)fulncffc,tbat t'jcp cannot abtoe to fozbeare anp part of tbeir cc:nmobitie,no«ot cacn ibbcrt tyep be calm to common pzapevs, to tbc bca= ring of t$c Doctrine of faluation, oz to tbc partaking of trjc bolp mpflcrieo. wee fee fomc fleepe, fome bufping tljem fcluc0 about gapnc,fome intagleD fritb SuozlO^ Ip matters, pea ano otljer fomccuento plap. w^trefojc it is no marucll tbougb fucb as be far of, 9 fucb as can not cniop tbcfebclpfl of faluation i»itbonttb2bm= Derance of tbeir pzo&tc,tarp ftuat borne. l£ou?bcit icafl t'gep mtgbf ouercotne tbe fclues in tbeir owne Deltgbts : £>autD a- uoucbctb,rbat fucbe as fcttc tbeir bearts topon goDlmcfTcs fcrue d>oD itx goob er neft,bo go fozn>aro,nQt onlp ibiougb tbc cafp *cberelp fyap,m tl;e GjaDovo.anD bp plcafant patljes : but alio cucr tfyzougij rouglj iotlDci neflTc0,auO Saill raifeicr Dig tliffcluca pits to t'geir great papnc, tban t!;e D;o;jgt)tin3u"c of tbc coalr Ojall let t!)cir laincp.Cbsfamcibmg repctctl)i)C in U>c ac %t tjerfc : foz mafmucb ao bp tr)e appointment of tbe law,aitcr tbat f arfce of coueuant iaas rcmouco into moimtc g> ton, tbc bolp mctmgu fcjerc Kept tberc: $}t fcmb troat tbc fafttjfiiU fbal come tln= tber bp!;cape0.d;e S»o;b chil oottj fcl- Dome [jgntfiea uoope 02banD of mentbut it oftennmes figmfutb power oj fitegtb. Cbcrfo?c accczomgto tbe common t>fc of tbc tong, tt iini be tnoje fit to tranfiatc tt[tbep fbal go from fhegtb to Brengt^] as if be fbonlD fap.ibc fau!)ful gatbermg ftrcngib frcQj s frefb, do go Dp to mount S&ton.anD tp;e not foj anp i»crine fle till tbepcome to tbefigbt of <£>oDs countt: nance. ^otoJtbftanDmgif anp man itfee better of tbc ioo;o[troope] tl)C fcnfeisjiU be.tbat not a fefr? onlp flj^l come.but be= rp manp companies. ^ojcouer boi» gob appcarco to b<0 fcruants in olDc tpm: in tbc temple, it in DcclareD clfciobcre, anD fpeciallp in tbc |£>fal.2 7.4. f. 5. foj, ai= - tbougb tbcre ioas tberc no fcifible image of d5oD : pet nottottbtianDtng , fozaf= muc'oe 00 tbe «&rbc of couenantc Snas a pl^ogcof «SoD0 p?cfcncc : tbe faithful founD bp ocpericnce,tbat tb'S btlpc &as ap?ofitablefurcberanccto tbc, in fctting i!)cm fo2eu>arDc tonto (5od . p O Lord God of holies here my prayer,herken vnto me O God of la- cob. Selah. (nointed. jo Loke vpon vs O God our shcld, and loke vpon the face of thine an- il For better is one day in thy courts, than a thoufande clfe where, I had leuer be a doore keper in the houfe of my God, than to drvrell in the tents of vngodlynefle. tiz For the Lord God is our S unnc &sh eld :the Lord shal ginevs grace $ and glory,he vvil not shct vp good fro them that walk vprightly. 13 O Lord of hoftes,blifled is the man that trufteth in thee. 9 [£> 3Le?5e Huotoctb tbcp are Uep colDe Saitlitn. ^rirftb^bcf»retbgcncrallptobcbarD:af- terwarb ,bicaufc be migbt fecme to be cut offbp ti)z cburcb, be pzcueutctb tins tcp= tation.accompanpmg* gatbering bimfcif manp bppoctitcs zvt,\»l)iti) pzc* ioitl^ all tl)e goDfp UnDcr tl;c pzotcttion of * amucl. r.£>atmscl. 16. li.tfo} to tap, [loohc topo the face of thin? aaoin= teO]ib a forcible tusD of fpcUtng, f i»^fclj man? interpreter full colDlp oucrOjippe. jif 0} be bcbigbtetb bimfclfc tfjobs fauour m tins refpect, bpcaufe fee baD bin nnopn= teb feing bp biscD'Ha11"0*'"*"* p of mp fclfe to bee fct bp ageiHe bp tbee : pet is thts eefcrucb bp tijc anopnting i»herbp tbou baft mal)e me the Cppc of ttyc onlp rcDccmer.^p febicb feozDs fee be taugbMbat hicbbe Dcccrmmctb tolute,tS 10 feme <18>oD : but alfo tbat bee fettctb meze bp one Dap i»bxcb be map beftofcj in the fcrutcc of goo,tban to liue a long time among fcjozlDltngS from S»bom the re= ligion of d5oo ia bamfbcD. 2!nD fojafs much? as it feas lawful foz none but tbc PZefts enter into j temple: 5Da= utD Dcclaretb eicpzcfielp, tbat if bee map but fit feitbout in the pozcbc,bc tutli be'.S bimfclfe contente& fentb bis lot. foj, stiph figntfietb a fiDc port 02 ^ItfcfboaiD of a l)0uf:.3nD tbiff coparifon enlarged tbe matter greatlp,S»beu be fapetbbccbao Icusr tar le [at tbc berp Dozes of f temple, tb-»nropoffc(rctbctetsofbng9Df?ncuV] ao tf be b-D favD,be hab letter to be call of into a common anD bate placc(fo be map be rccfccneD among d&obo peoplc)rban to bolDtbc cbcefe fca among tbe bngoMp. JDoutlcffc a rare example of goDlpnrffe. ■$ 02 although tbere be manp tbat fooulD (apnc bane place in the Cburcbcpet Doth ambtttoufenefic pzeuatie to nmc^t, tbat t>erp fcato can feolD tbefelucs feel apapu to abibc in tbe number of the comon fozt. ;tf ojiin a maner all are carpeD awap fcntb tbc frcntik Defircof turning bigbenfo a0 tljcp can fpnD no place to ftanD rtiil except thcpmapouerloo&c all others. 12 [^oztbelozDfc]^:bccomparifcn of rbcfunnetcnbctb to tluo cnb, tbat bite astbefunne Soitb l;is Ugbtegiue:bltfc, rcurtfliuicnt , anD cbcrctuineffe to tbc SdozUc. &>oarc tbe faptljfull refrcfbeD Soitb tlje cbecrelp countenance of d£fcD,o; ratber tbcp neitber Hue noz bzcatb oilers $»tfe,tban fo ferrc fooztl) a0 (Bob fbinctlj b?on them. Wv »bt tenneof [Q^cclD] tbe PZOpljct menctb tbat our &elfarc(i»bicb otbertvife tnerc in bataro of innumerable Dangers) i0 fbectbcD bpbi0 Defence, ^o? it Ssere not pnougb foz <2?oD0 fauour to ginc bs life, ctxept be fo oa!D alfo fct bis putfacc before be in Defence of b0 againft fo manp Oanger0. TDbereas itfoloSoctb afterS»arDe,tb?.t [be fl;all giue grace anD glozie,] it migbte be ta&cn tbus : that ioonetob3»n *^cD batb garnifljeD fettb bis grace in this 5»ozlDe,tbcmalfo fcill be crowne at icngtb Soitb bcauenlp glo= nemluooirue htngDome. 2i5ut fc:af= nmcbea0 3J fesrcleaft tbat Diftinction bee feitb tbc curiafeft, tt Saill bee better (in mp tuogemenO to eypounDe tbe fcn= tencetbus : after tljat65oD batb embza= feD tbe faptbfull i»itb bis fauoure, t)te iotll aDuauncc tbcm to btgbe bonoure, anb neucr ccafe to enrtebe tbcm toitb \)is gtfteo. wbicf) tbing alfo be confirmetb in this ncict mebcr,faping,[be fcill not fbet tsp gooD from tbcm tbat Scalkc bpzigljt= Ip : ] as if be fboulB Cap, <25cDs bountis ftilncffeisncncr DzapntD bzpc, but Co= roftb feitbeut ccafing. y.n tbc ntcanc fe'iple fee garbcr bp tl;cfc feozDa, tbat Subat forttrr crccllencie is in b£j,tbe fame flobctbcut oftb.: meere grace of (0od. ^erefeitballb: gtuffb a rpcciaM matke to fenou) p i»02fbippt re ofgocbp: names Ip that tbeir life is framco accozDtngto bpzigbintfre. whereas in the cnoc cf rtjefMalmebe crpctbout that [thtp are blefTco isbiche truU tn the l,o?Dc,]it fees mctb to b: rcfcrrrD to the time cf bis ba= nifbrnet l^ebaD faiD afoze,tbattbcptoere bappp tDljtrb Do?cl in f courts of the loj 0 . <2ee.iitj. 3no 2.QC. Iohu Caluines Cornmentane 2tnD noia altbougb be *»cre banco of tbat fclicme foz a time: pet benpetbbe bimfrlfetobaucbcn btt:rip miferablc, btcaufc tbat bppon afT.irancc of rtgbte goob comfeztc,be beb^loe tfEJass fauoz a farrcof. 3tnD u 10 an example fe)ojtljp 10 bmotcb.iFoj as long as fecebc barreo from ec mud ncebco grant foz fozow anD beaupneffc.SButleQ: tljc feeling of our rmfertc migbtcouer= S»bcime b0 : u befjooiuti; P0 too bc= Icecxe, tbat earn tn tbc micDco of our tmftrics.tec be bieffeb rfczougb bcPc •*»& The Contents of the.Ixxxv.Pialme. BycaufeGod had feourged' the faythfuli with new difpleafures and hinder ances after their ret time from the thraldomc of Babylon : fyrfle they make mention of their deliuerancc ,that he floouldnot leaue the nvorke ofhts f^ace vnfynijloed. +./2fterwarde they complayne of the longe continu- ance of their mifiries. Thirdely beeing rayfedyvitb hope and afj;yancc3they boafle of the bliffcfuhtejfe that had benne promt fed them, bycaufe the biin- pingof them home agayneinto their countny, yv.ts annexed yeith Cbryfts Kingdome3from yvhence they hoped for abundance sf all good things. Tbe.lxxxv.Tftlme. O the chauntcr aPfalme of the formes of Core. • O Lord thou haile ben fauourable to thy iand,thou haft brought ageyne the captiuitie of Iaccb. Thou hail taken away the iniquitie of thy people , thou haft couered all their finnes.Selah. 4 Thou hafte turned away all thine anger,thou haftc called backe the fcercenefle of thy wrath. ? Turne vs O God of our welfare5Sc relcfe thy difplefure towards vs. z [€> iczb tbou f c] £b*P tbat tratt= contmuati : anb tbcruppon tbc faityfull flate t'ocfe tuozosin tbe time to came, femc(ta mp ivtozmef) to mar tbe #10= pbera mecnfcipj . Jt is a lifeclpbob tbat trjio p'almei»a0 tnbiteb to tbe people, febentbe? toereplagee fejubtbecrucU obs free lone, febcrtoitb bt imbjaceo bis lanb bpcaufe bf bab cbojen it.wbcruppo it foloinctb, tbat tl;e courfe of i\)is goob S»ui fta* gatber confioence te pzap, bpeauie <©ob being minofuU of bid electee , bab bin RicrcsfuUto bis 0 tone ianb.^nb J haat tolopout)eretufo?e, tbat aotbmg barter nctb b0 better to pzaptng,tban febe ioe remember <£obs fctmcr bene firs. ^poz our faitb&olD flreitwapes famt in ab= tier Que, ana fozovre i»o!b fmoctber our bart0,it tbe ejepertece of tbe former time bib not foarrar.t t>s fbat<^ob is treiaf table to b»sferuant0,anb aliuupcs fuc= couretb ibcmattbepz nceDc,efpeciallp S»befa0tbcre 10 tbe fame eo.ufeofcon; ttnuing bi0 geonneffc. % nD fo tbe |£.zo- pbete applpetb iotrelp to tbe faptbfull efbtstime^be bentfites ibat(0oD bab bcftoi»«b bppon tbeir fatbits long a= goe, bpcaufe borbe tbep anb tl-jeir fa- thers SocrecallcDtnto tbebopcaf at one bcrttage ^ C'Cbo« baft t*k* aiuap. f c] tfoy- afinui'bc as tbc finnes of tbc faitbfull mtgbt baue frriHen tbem ioiti) feare anb beaw?5 vpon the.lxxxv.Pfalme. 37 pic, foasbc SDttb&jcvre tys banbfrom cbaUrsing ttycm . w^at can tbe £>opbu ft ere bar he agapnft tb?0, tobo benp Cod to bee rpgbtcous, onelcffc tbat after I;cc batb fojgtucn tb« fault, be crccute pn ntfbeincutc accojbpng to b«s rrgo?ouf:= nefTc :• -ffo? tl)€ effect rljat foicvcctl) foj- gtuwtefis of tbe faulte, is tbat S£>30 fljOulD bp bpo blpffpngc , fc-ptiuffc bpm fclfe to btno longer bifpieefcb. 5 [Cuwebs£> t£>ob*c] .^owbco trjefaufyfull applpc tljat Unng to tfjeyj picfent bfe.Soincb tbep b^& repc?r cb bt-- foje concerning t)t0 fatfjerip tenberncfife tcwarbs bic people iobom be bab OcH - ucteb.3'nb tljey call b»« bp inborn tbep bcurctobec rettojeb, tbe €>od of tbepj Welfare, tbat in matters paftrccoucrtc anb fejloinc.tljcpmap pctnourtfbtbts bcpe.tbat tbep fbalbe e pzeferueb bp stje pofrer of <25oO. -foi aiti)0ugl)r)e offer not matter of gooo \yr$i te be fecne ii> uh. our cpcs:pet bebouett) it bs to belecue, that our Welfare 10 Kipo bp in bis bano, ano tbst bee can eafiip ana rcbtlp finbe meanes to manifeft tfcc fame 00 often as bee ttftetb*3ltU) fojtafmucb as <©cbs bifpleafim is tbe caufe anbgrounoef all mtferics ; trje faitbfuil befeecbebtm now to fcritb&jafc) tbe fame alfo. Zim tbi0 oyoet is to be mnrHeb abusfeDlp.bp - caufe tbat accozbtng to our tenctr anb nice nature in bearing abacrfmc,au"one as <2?ob begtnnctb to cicb-s bs ftnti) b'.s little finger, toe are toccping r?pc, anb befeecbe 'Ijpitt to (pare bs . 113 ut tbat febicbeistbccljeefc tbpng fee le: flip, nameip tbat bec ffcoulbe acquptc bs from ourc gpltc, bpcaufc S»ce arc not Satlltngto floupefo lovoeastoejcaminc our felues. C Wilt thou be angric with vs for eucr'wilt thou prolog thy wrath from age to age? 7 Wilt thou not turneagein and quicken vs,that thy people mayre- ioyecin thee? 8 Shew vs thy mercie O Iord,and graunt vs thy help. p I vvil harke what the lord God vvtl fay ^truly he will fpeake peace to his people.and to his meeke ones, and they shall not return c a- geineto foolibhnefTe. 6 [wilt tboa becfrc ] 3Bn tbisplaee, tbdrmtfertcs,an&reafbnbF 0 rtjep bewaple ttje long contmuance of tureof <©ob, frubc afirtrfsscfc v g Cec.b. bcaumclfc tbe paopbet otlpntctjctt) trjis bout alfo, inafmncb as ^obbabbttetib a notable pzoofe of free fojgtucneffe bp beltucrpngbifli people, i^ee bab fbesecb before, tbat tbe fountapne foas <£obS free goob foill.bnt after tbat btfplcafure foaogrowne betroccne <0ob anb Mum, ^bctbp t\)Z people bab efirangcb tJjcm fclucs from bun : it flobe t be m m banbe te meete u)Ut) trjts remebte. $oi in fay= tngiljetr iniquities ere taHen airape : be meanetb not tbat tbe feptbfull iu ere co^rcttcb anb purgcb from ibetr finnca, (IpHcas dco&bp famttfpmg tljcmfoitb tbe fpinte of regeneration tabctb aiyap tbctr finnes in toerp becbe) but be bete- retb ^V anb bp f&bat be mcnt.Cbc effect is, tbat <£ob teas reconctleb to tbe 3c= fees, bp not imputing tbeir finnes bn* totbem. foj. Sot ts.fapbcto [couer tbe finnes,] to>b«cbe bee burietb, tbat tbep come not into tubgemcnt,acco;bingas is fapb mote at full in tbe pfalm. 32. 1. Cbtrefoje icben bee bab ebafhjft tbe finnes of bis people bp capttutttc : m:tts bingtovtffoze tbemtnto tbeir countrte toeHc awap tbe let bp fepptng atoap tbetr gilttneffc. fo% bppon tbe re= mimon of tbe faulte , beptnbet!) alfo tbe rekafe9ftbcpunifbment:fc>berbptsbtf= p?oueb tbe fo^gerie of tbe ^opbtftcrs 5»rjici> tljep b?ag of as of a grcate mifte= rte,namelp,'Cbob auou: cbetb cuerp tobcre tbat tbe intente too tobicb fee parbonetb,is,tbat being paci= ficb,be fboulbe alfo mitigate tbe penab tics : anb tbat botbc tbe ^)jopbcte cons firme agepnc in tbe ncjet ftaffe, tobcre be faitb tbat gob loas treatable to bb0 not foztb= voitb Into fauoz opcnlp:pct muft.not S»ce ceafc fro conttnuall earneflneffe of pzap= iug.3! f anp inanobte£t,tl)at t®(od pzomts fctt) mbatn tbat bi0 anger fbalbc fljozt, certeffeif iocSocp eur ©tone finnea,it is ali»apcD fbezt : Snd tf Sr>c cat to mmde tlje conttnuall holding on of b*0 mercte: uk fbail confeffe bl0 to;at!j to be but of a minuta lading, fop inafmucbe a0 our flefb fiidctb bacUe from time to time tons to i»antoncffe : it batbe nceDc of fundzp corrections to fubdero it tbzougblp. 35n tbe fame fenfe demaund tbep i>bttbcr [il5oDii)Unotturnc totbem toqutcben tl)jm.] jfoz in afmucl) as tb*0 principle Suaa grounded in tbcp: ba«a,tbattbe puMfbmentaS»berttJtib <2»od cbaftijetb bi0 cbUdzcn , arc but tempozall :tyccrbp tbcp gatfjer aflurace, tbat altbougb goa be now iooztbelp dtfpleaCed and turned from tbe:pet be toilbe treatable to tbcm fo aa be fetll rapfe tbe beab to life agcin, 9 turne tljeir moozntng into mtrtb-tfoi bptbe k>ozd[i&uicfecn3tbcp complapne tbemfclucfi to be altnoft like folK fcntb^ out life o: foule tbzongb miferie. 2Nd in afmucl) as tbcp pzcmtfe tbefclwca mat= tcr of rciopcing :nou> tbep pcrceiuc.tbe= fclucato be in tnaner fozfpcnt fcttb, fo= rowe and beaamefTe. 8 [©betnc \J0 tl)p. ?c] .Cbere is in tbefc&)9^0 t&c fame matcl/ing ofcon= trariea tbat fc>a0 before, -ft} in bcfiring to bauc mercp fijeiueo tbcm , anD bclpc gtucn tljcm, tbcp confefTe tbemfelue0 to be d.-pjiucd of alltaftofeptber of tbem. ii^owe tben, feeing tt>attl;e ftatc otthic famrc0 i»ao fuclje tn old time :(me mape lecune, euen i»l;en \o: be oppjeffca anD fotloxnc ioitb Cjctrcmc nufcrus, to rc= foitc ueuertbeleffe bnto <& $> 3D. Slp= pan greateffeill truelp 10 mercp fcttetn t\)i fir lie place, and afterivarde bcalpc added, S»bKb is ingendied and bjougbt foo^tb of tbe otbev. ^0? d5od i0 notm? duces to bee a &>auiour in anp otber re= fpcit,but bpcaufe bceta nierctfnl.wber= bpontt foloivetb,t'b'.it na manp 00 plead tt;:ir oyjne mertcca to purci)afe t>is fa= uour bp tl)em, fo^clofe tbe 5»ap of ttjt tr faluatton. 9 13 i»tl batfeen 9C] ^ccrc bp bt0 owne era mple , b ec cjcljo; t c tbe tbe tm)ole bodp of tbe Cburcbe to quiet and Soil- Ipng fuff erance. f. oi in aa mucbe aa be Ijad cbafed tb^ougb a ccrtein Ijaftpncffe: no^> be boldctb btm fclfe in, a a it iocrc Spitb a bridle :libe ae in all our pjapera, (be tb. cp nctier fo godlp 9 r>olp)fcc muft aituapcs bctfearc1, tbat tbcp Icape not out of compaflV. if 0; feb en a man folo= 5beti)bt0 o«?ne infirmitie :l)eei0eafilp caried b«0 bounda tottb ^nmc= furable beate. Nippon tlr.c cor.fidcrat:- on tbe ^?opbct eniopnetb ftlencc to bint fclfe and otbera, tbat tbcp map patients Ip abpde <0ob0 lepfure : SPno bp tbefe iueidcs be (beiuetb. btmfclfe to bee of a fettled mpndc and aait fecrctongtped, bicaufe be ie affured tbat (0£>1D caret!) fo; tbe cburcb. fop bad be tbougbr tbat fortune barefvoap in tl)C tuozld.anD tbat manltpnd is rolled feitl) blind b?apdea: bei&oui¬ afenbebnto *5ed tbeou-- tbojtitie efcomanndlng. fox [tofap] in tbia pi ace i mpo j tcf b as mucbe as to ap= point 0; commaund ,86' tf be Qjonld fap, f o:af mucb ao be is affured f tl)c re medp of bio p;efent lnifcrica is in dBois band: be foill qttiet btmfclfe tontitl conuenient time rome,tbat tbe Cburcb map be fie? burred. Cberfo^e lpbc aa tbe bnteeldi- neffcof oureaffectfona rebciictb egctnft <5od, fo ia patience a fppce of flplncffc, S»bcrctbo?ougb tbe godlp mpnde* bold tbemfciuea tn ai»c Under b ia obepfance. 3ln vpon the.Ixxxv.Pfalme. 3* 31 tt ttjc fccoo member be gathered) that t !;c Hate of the church (Ijal be moic p iof= pcrous, bpcaufe it belongetb to <&"oi» to comauD in mens affatres,auD therefore it can not be but he mud neebes pro upae for tbe Welfare of the church tobtcbe be leuctb. 31 baue tolD pou heretofore, f bp thefuarae [peace] the l^ebznes betoken happpfuccefTc of things. Cbecfferttbcr fore t0 , y the church fljjilbc m goon pligb t bp the bencftte of <15oD.3Ina bppiooro [fpeafc]£ prophet giuetb an incimg, that be toil take h co c to bis promifcs.JF or be ceulD bane fpoken more plainly of gobs proui&ence 9 bane fa to: j [toilfc to hat Cdoo irt l bo.] liSut forafm uch as the be- nefits y d5ob bcftoioctb topon bis church flow out of his prom tfes : he meactonetb his fpecch rather than his ha nbc :f tber= Suttball fberectb, that his pacience bans gctb upon the quiet bctkcnuigof fatth. Wh^rao in r efpert of ©oas pc ople,be aa= bctb [his mefce ones:] bp this markebe puttetl) a bifterence betwenc <5ob& true people, ana his pretenfea people.^f or in afmuch as bipocrit es prouaelp chalcnge to tbemfciues all tbeprtnilcagcsof the Church, it is cypcaicnt that their b?ag* gingfijoulb beaifprouca,tbattbe? map hnoro he to thep be tuftlp ejcduacD from <25oas protmfes. [3tna the? fbai net re= turn agepn] Cbts parcel is fcoont to be ejepounaca thus : ted thep fljouia turn agepn to their fooitfhncrTe:as fob? tooia aaaca the frutc of <0o&s gracious gooaneffc. fop inafmucb as <0oa alius 10 rctb bis feruauntcs bnto htm b? Dealing graciouap totth them,tba; eh^P map co^ tinue fcnber bis obepfaucc : the prophet (as tbefc interpreters fuppofc) aenpetb that thep fhall returne to their folic, bi= caufe att) fuffictetip correctca bis church, he toil at legtb be at one fo>itb then; :tbat the faints beciug nurturcb toieb correc= tion, map take better heeb to tbcmfelats hereafter, fop bee fbctoetb f caufe S»h? <2?oDaelapetb saefcrretb ¥& gracious gooaneffc. fop ipke as the fSbpfitian, though bie pacicnt be fouitobat eafea cf his grief.fecpetb htm fttli bnacr his Diet til he be fullp recoacrea, 9 £ caufe of bts bifeafe takcaioap,* he grotoen ttrcng i luftp agcin, bicaufe it ioere nopfome tor him to grannt bp'u to ttfe fcohat aiet he tDOloeutcfb80:fogooprol5gctbbiscba tftfcments,bicaufe he feeth y ioe arc not in one bap Sort ana tbjougblp rcclaunca fro our Vices, f op othcrtoife fc>c ioouia (one dip bacfc agem into them.Che Pro- phet the rfo?e affuagcth the grief fehef ? ioitb f logcotmuaceof mifcrp feoia op pjeffe f faithful 3? this cofc?t : t^at goa (op f nonce lapcth nxope punifbmct topo the than thep giablp tuoia he (hold, to f tntet thep fhbla amenbe in gooa earncfc, ana become mo?c toare afterioarac. Surely his helpe is nerc to them that feare him,that glory may dvvel in ourlande. Mercy and truth shall mcete togithcr,ryghteoufneiTe and peace shal kifle one an other. Truth shall budde out oftheearthe, and righteoufnefie shall looke dovvne from hcauen. 13 Yea,thc Lord shall giue good, and our landeshal yceld hir rncreafe. 14 Righteoufnes shal walk before him,& fet hir fteps in the way. i<^[^urelphi3he'PK.]hcc65rmcth j^owcif pcliffe to take the particle An, abuerfatiuelp fop [but] (as it ts oftcn= tpmestafeen among the ^cbjtucc) the fentence 5»tll be fuller, fop inafmuebe os he h^a fapa cuen note, that <£>oa p?o= cebcth far in chaffifmg his feruauntcs, Soljen Ije fecth them ouer fojeroarcc to falling 11 12 f laft fercce.^na although to alfeming, goa 5»as far of fro his pcop!c:pct not^^ ttaoing ije puiteth bimfelf f other 4oo:= fljippers of t5oa in hope, y acliucrace ia nere at hanae,bicaufe dSoa regaracth fe^ ctctlpthofe iehom he neglettetb opcnlp. Z.J»t. lonn ^amines ^ommenune failpugc a nei»c : leaft tbe toerp lingering fboulobetroublefome: t;:f aosscotljps rcSrapnt, tbat caen S»ben bw bclpe fec= metb, do tocrt in co turning, tijcn is u nere at banD. Ccrtepnc it is, tbat tbe glojpe Sntytrol b? fpeafeetl) in c!;c feconbe parte 0/ tbe ftt!tFe,i3 matcbeD agcmft tbcfraft nefteoftbelanbe, febtcbsbepngatofcten ef 0jD3 tjoiriblc &>jatb3conDcmncD ibe lanDeof fljame ano rcpjocbe. HSptbefe ioDojH)e0 tberfoje, tbe l^opbet encou= ragctb bimfclf « otber0 to repctace, ao* tttoniftmgtyem £ itfo>a0nottoitboute tb?p? fbame, tbattbep S»ere fo fo?cop= p^cflTco toitb tpjannie b? tbcir tnimiea : fo?. tb:? bao oztuen (©350 l)?lpc a great? *»ap fromtb?mfc>itb tbsir fmnea. ir [sJ^crcieano trurl). «.] Cbebcr5 be0 in occoe are of tl>e tpnt: pafte: but pet fo as the tcjet required? to baue t!) e t« tarn;D into tbe tpme to come : 3lno ]fl Smlipnglp embzaee tbatiobitb i* rccep= ueo bp tbe content of manpmamelp tbat tins p;opbcfic is ejetenoeo to tbe reigne of Cbztft. jfreptbertsittobeDoubteD, but tbat tbe faitbful Ipftco top tbetr eics tonto Cb:iu\a0 oft a© tbe toeifarc ef tbe Cburcbe toafi to be bopco foz, fpeciallp fincc tbe tpme tb«preturncb from 35as bplon. 3fntbemeanei»boo Dcales i»itb b1** cburcb, after be is reconcileb.Jfoj be taptb, tbat tbefe frut€0 growc of tt: namelptbat mercie ano trutb mectetogitber.aab tbat rigb= tuoufnefife ano peace embrace ccbe otber. ♦Dutof tljcfe i»ojoc0 Martin ptcketb a rpgbt gooolp meaning, ano full of mod froeete comfort: namelp tbat £JoD0 mer? cic totbebegtmnpng ano founrapne of alibis pzonufes: from Ixtyricc ifTuetb rigbtueufneffe , Sabpcbe »0 offered to* bptbs (Bofpcll, anooute of tbat rig!)* tuoufnefTe fpjmgcrb peace, fo>bicbc *»ce attepn to bp fatty , feben beratf fome take tlj(» ftaffe alicgojicallp, to be ment of tbe increafe of fptritualt goob0 : it a: grectbe not feitb tbe particle Gem ,bp U)')icl)tbc ^opbet feemetbfn nuneo- pinion to betoHen tbe full meafure of tbat bliffulne0 ioberof be fpabc. Cber= f 0 %t be fettetb eowne ljere t!>c[f mtcs of tbe eartb,] a0 an income of a moje ejc= cellcnt boanteoufenefTe. 5Po? altbougbe tbe cb^efe bappineffe oft^e C^urcbebe conteincb in tbofe fofrer gifts tbat bee fpaKeof'.pcttffnot tbe comoOitte of tbe out- vpon the. Ixxxvj.Pfalme. V o uttoarD fare to be ncgleCcD, to tt abpDe SDttbtn I)t0o5une compaffe.jf anp man obiect, tbat tbe plentiful tncreafe is mtfs tntermeDlcb %btrb tbe fptrttualrcigne of CbJift : it «0 eafie to be anfwereo, ^bat tt is no iolnt agcpnft rcafon , tf <13'od m blifling tbe fattbfull fpirttuallp , bo gtue tbem torn taft o f bio f atbcrlp louc in ont= iuaro benefits alfo : conftoenng tbat t* ucn(bp tt)e fcritneffe of |5aulc. i . fCim. +.80go&bneirel)atbp2omtfcsnotofrbe Itfe to come onlp.but aifo of tbe life p2e= fcnt/l0ut it is to be noreb tbat tbe como= tmes of this tranfitoite ipfe are tbcre= foiereitrepneb,bieaufe tbe faitbful fboio not fleepc tn tbctr cartblp bclpgbts. 3inD tbcrfoze 3 fapbe, tljcp bab but a tafle of d5oDs fat tjcrlp lone bpon cartb, anD not tbeir fill of ttjozlDlpiDCEltbc. Q^oicoucr t i)is ftaffc teacrjetrj bo, tbat tbe poteer anD grace of frutefuincfTe to pelD bs fu= ftinance, S»as not giucn bnto tbe cartl) once foi all, (as bctbcniflj men furmpfe, tbat d5o& appapntcD to eebe clement bio p:op;c cbarge at Ins ftrfte creatiomano nov»fittetb fttllanbbotbc nothing) but tbat tbe earrb is from pere to pere mabe frutefult bp tbe fecrete operation of goo, accoutring as bis &ti is to fyaue bis goob neffe mantfeftcb bnto Ms. i4-[18igbteoufncu~e $c.]XDberas tome take ngbtcoufndfc fo^a ngbtcouie per; tone,tt is barfb-3!nbccoe there is a pzo= Stable bortrtnc contcuuDin ejcpounfctng it tbus. ^bat tl;e rtgbtcoufernanSotU ioalfe before (0oD,anb frame Ins bomgs accczbtng to bpzigbrneffe. 2i5utfcctng no neeDe cofirapnetb to iujeft tbe fc>02b rigbtcoufenefle to biolcmip: iet bs tc-tee tbat&bicbe is moze right arib funplc: namelp thai ojocr fball bee fofeeilfct= leb bnber tljc rctg'ne of Cbzifrc:as xi$)? teoufneffe.fbaii triaike before <25ob , nno pofTefTe allpatljes. Jn tins Supft \yc fte metb to catltbe faptljful bat He agepn to tbe cbiefe bitfTebnctrcbtcaufc tbat boco- fecuer (0oD gtue bio feruaunf es Itbcrall fuftenance , pet tt becommctb iljcm not to Stcfee fttlt tbere. 2Knb furelp tlje thing tbatS»ebfffer in from f bzute beafrots tbts ; tbat<2?£>2>pampcretbb0 notne ft uffetb our bellies tbat S»c fboulo tjaue tbe &02ID at feil,btit leaoctb b3 Ingger. ^vbcre as bee fapctb , tbat rpgbteoufs ncfTc [fball&al&e] before 45 £> £> : bee mcanetb, tbat d&'oos appopntmente is tbecaufe fo>bP rpgbteoumefTe tjatb bcr courfe. fobtebcisasmucbeas [to ictte bir fieppes in tbe toap] : ipke as on tbe c6trarppart(£fai59.i+.complapnefb, tbat equitie can not goe, bpcaufe CJje is Kept from comming abzooe. The contentes of the.lxxxvj.Pfalme. Tins Vfalme conteyneth prayers medledyoith holy m-ufynzs to now/the and confi) 'me faith: and furthermore alfo pray fes andthanh^^ininzs. For in of much as (according toflcjlAy reafonfit yoas hard for Dauid tofcapefrom the diflreffes rvberwith he yoas befet : he fetteth Cods tnfynite goodnefje and power ageinjf them. Neither crancth he only to he rid of his enemies -.but alfo to banc his harte framed tn thefeare ofCod,andto be ftedfaftcly fettled in the fame. The.lxxx-vi.ffalme. jAuids prayer. Bovve do vvne thine eare O Lord, aunfvvere me, for I am poore and helpleflTe. 2 Keepe my foule.for lam meeke:faue thy feaiant O God which uuttefth hi? trull in thee. 3 Haue mercy vpon me O Lord, for dayly do I cry vnto thee. 4 Cheer'e the foule of thy feruant, for vnto thee, O Lorde, doo I lyfte vp my foule. ? For Iohn CaluinesCommentarie 5 For thou O Lord art good and gracious, and of much louing kynd- neflfe to vvardcs ail that call vppon thee. 6* OLord hearken to my prayer, take hcede to the voyceofmy peti- tions. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thee , bycaufc thou rvilt anfvver mcc. i [ 55 otoe aotone tbpne care.* c] &U though that neptber trje title Cbctoc.noz anv manmapgatbercertenlpbp ttjc teict of %or>ac baungero JDautb complamerb bere, pet is it a ttkciphooD tbat at fuebe time a0 S>aul perfecuteb mpnb toas occupied topon the tbmgs tobicb be batb aftcrtearoe defcribeb beerc at bus better lepfure tobe be toao in quiet .&no not toitbout caufe Dotl) be allege bus mt fectco bnto god, tbat tbep map purcbafc btm fauoj, coGdering f notbing is moze p;op;c to bis nature, tban to inccoi ttic affitctco, ana tbe moze bardelp tbat anp man to beftad and left fuccozlelTc of mas belpe, fo muebe the moie graciouflp to help bpm.Wbercfo?e lead Difpairc map ouertobelme sure bar t com our grcateft afflictions, let too leane tos to ttys paler, STbat the bolp <5l)o(t batb indited t\)itt pxaper fo; ttyepooze anb affltcteo. 2 [Ikcpe mp foule f c. ]l$e mecumcrb ttoootber caufe0 toberbp totombim; fclf <0oO0 bclpc,tf)at ts to wit, btooirnc gentteneffe totoardo tys nepbozs , anb alfo bis truft tbat be batb in vEtod.!*oto albeit tbat be feeme in tbc fir ft member topietcnd feme toozthpnefle, pet not= \»itb(tanbing,bt0 purpofe fbctoctl) no= tbing lcRc,tban to bind 4£*od bp anp be= ferto.HSut tbe mecioningof bis [mcke= neffe] tenottbeto tbe cbargmgofbi0e= ntmits *wb greter batreo, xo\)0 no lefle fl> am fuiip tb a tonearteouflptroubleb btm tbat toas barmclcfTe, pea anb tbat bab jefcrticD S»eli at tbepx bmOc0. f »zaf- muebe tberfoic as <2>od abuoucbetb tbat be toil be an am locate as to el to good ca= fe0,a0to tbe folotocrsof rpgbtcoufhes. TDauto batb good reafon to allcbge tbat be bab fbeojed tbcm frendefbip. ix»bere= bp tt apperetb, tbat be is ill rewarded of v,iz entKiteff ,tobo eaufeleffc are cruel to= toards btm tbat ts mercifull. i&otobett btcaufe tt toer not inongb to lute tuttip « frenblp in tbe ttwzla : there is alfo added ! truft tb«t flapetb it felfe bppon <£ob,] u»!;tcb is tbe motber of goDlweffe. Wee knotoe tbat fome banc ben fo founde in all thctr a outgo, tbat tbep baue obteineb tl)e pzapfe of Angular toprigljtnes amog men : like as 3ridides glozteb, tbat be bab neuer giuen man caufe to be fozie. T&nt fozafmucb as tbofe men tbtaugb £ ejccclleacie of tbetr bcrtuco toere cptber fluffed tott!; ambUioufu£3,oz puffed top tottb pzpde, fo ao tbep trufteo moze to tbcmfelueo tban to $od : tt is no mar- uell tbougb tbep abide tbe pumCbmentc oftbetrtoanitteMpbeaoin rcadpng tbe ftozico of tbe beatben, toe foolifblp mar= uel b^to it co me o to paffe.tbat gob batb giuen ouer bonett.fober, t abupfeb per- tons into tbe banoo of tbe toickeb mul= titube: wijetao tbep topon oucrtoeening of tbetr otonc toertuoufneffe , befppfed (0OD0 grace tottb traptcrouo pzioe. jFoz tnafmucb as tbep mabc an tbolcof tbetr ovone toertue, tbep bifoapneo to lifte Dp tbetr epe0 tonto Con. Cberefoic albeit tbat toe knotoe notbmg but toell bp our felue0, f tbat <0ob bee tbe bed toitneffe ef our clecreneffe : pet if toe be mpnbeb to baue bt0b*lpe, toee muft be fapne to (lap our trufl*caft our care toponbu*. 31 f anp man obtcit ,tbat bp tbto meaneo, tbe gate is fbut againd fmner0 : y an- f toer , tbat toben <5ot calletb tbe gtltle0 Unto btm, be Dotf;c not foztbtottb barre outeall focbe atf are pumfbcD foztbepz offences : foi tbep map fue fo; parbon if tbep to)ill.2£ut tf fuclje ao toee netter of: fenoeb, boo tozongfullp impeaciie to0: tben to our trudboubleb. 5 [l^auemercie.»c.]3igein!jefleett)ta gobo mercp. Jf ox tbe toozb chanan G jnt- Hetb afmucb in bebzue,as [to boo a man plcafure:] ao if be Qjolo fap, be bzingetb no&eferutngofbiootone, but bnmblp crauctb beliueratmce at tbe onelp mer= cp of <0od.i$oto m tbat be faitb,be crp= etl) [baplp,]it ts a fritnette of tbe bopc * affiance vpon the. lxxxvj .Pfa'ime a tftance that foe fpaKc of a little afoie. 3 nD bp tl)e foozbe [Crie] is betofecneD bebcmentneiTf as J baue to ID pou ode = times alreop. 5Fojt although the faints Do not alfoaio mafec their pzapcrs foitb louD bopre:pet Do their fecret figb0 giue an eccbo bpfoarb.anD mount from their hnrt3Dpmtohcauen.Chrr%jithalalfo, beiopneth the intet foe map Unefo that he uias not DtfcouragcD at the firfl o? (ecend bzunt,but cotinucD htspzapcro forth bnfoerpable earned- neffe . j!n the nejete bcrfe bee cjcpzeiTctb motcpiecifclp to fobatcnDebe befougbt \5od to be merciful to him : namelp y he might be rib of his fozofo.^nb in the Cc- cokd member he Dcclareth that there is no fepnttng in b«0 crp, btcaufche lifteth t>P bio foulebnto goD.fobicb to the chief popnt of piping arpgbt. 5 If oztboujD iozdjc] fceconfirs meththe fobole former Doctrine bptbe nature of ob to bountifullanb treatable, anb that bts mercp io fogreafc, that he cannot (haUe of anp that call bppon him faibelpe. 31 no fobereas hecaiictb <£>od [gracioufe o; treatable, ] it tea fp tee of bis goooneffe. font bare notinoughe 40 that he foere in gcneral[45ocD,] onlefTe he fbouiD alio beare foith finners.fobicb thing is bnDerftoob bp the toooiD SaUeh. 3nb albeit that he commcnD the man;; foiDneflc of lozD herben«c] 3Bn ibps bcrfe anD the nejct,fozafmucb as he feruentlp repcteth htfl requelto, he Qjcfoetb bpm= fclfe to haue ben pinchcD foith no Ipght toffeD foith meane carr.SnD bp this ejcample foe be taught.tbat thep are to colbe 0? ficfelempnoeD, fohich bp= pontheotfpatchingof one piapcr, gme ouer,if €»oDgraunte not thetr Dcfirc bp ano bp./fteptber is the repetition bain, fobcrbp f faithful! btfebarge their care* into goD0lap:anbthi0 tmpoztunatenefTe is a facrificeof ffoeete fmell before <35od. Whenhefapcth, [tfflD foil! beare mee fobe 3 crp bnto htm in the Dap of ttou= ble.$ccapplpttbtobt0 ofone peculiar tofetbetbpng thatbefapD eucn nofoe: that is to fott: Cbat#oD is mercpfHli anD eafp to be intreatco of all that call bppon him. tf Among the Gods there is none like thee O lord,nor any that can do as thou do eft. 9 All the nacions whom thou haft made shall come and worship bee- fore thy face O lord, and shall giue glory to thy name. 10 For thou art greate, and thou art the only G0d that vvoorkefte v vonderfull things. u Shew me thy wayesOLord,Iwill walkc in thy truth, knit my harte vnto thee to feare thy name. 8 JSmongtfce itb fonoe topes, tebicbe rcafon cnrtouflp UKe |dhtlo{gpljer0 about goos fecrctc [Being,] ano ouerffctp the ma- npfcft marfcea , in tohiche bis niatcftie fbpnetb foojt^e. 3! n a© much* then 80 our tests map not reacbe to the htgbncs of (09D;3DautDcomentmgbsmfelf Dif= cretelp i»ttl) tljc ittttiieffe of biff i»ojUs : .auoucbeth tljat tbep arc all but counters fct goO0,fehicb totter no power bp fo>oj= lung. 31 f anp ma obte6,tbat it i0 agcfnffc refon foi (Sob to be coparcD iottb empep is cafp to be anfwereD, tljat !)i0 talfec i0 applpeD to the tonffeilfuineffe of the comon foitc. ^Fo? fe>e Htioto befc> bolDlp the fuperftttiou0 rable abuauncc the fonD Deuiccs of their o'wnt bzapn a= bouetbeCkpes. 3Uid SDauiDtoerp fo>ell fpurncrb at their maDncfTe,foj fogging v0ob0 to t")ctnfeluc0 Sstsbout anp ty ar = raunt. 9 [blithe nations fc] IRfanputan Uflro reffreine tbis.totbe.pzcfentcace, be map fo? all mee. 3tnD furelp 2Dautb ootb often bp fuebe titles of potmncnDa= tton, enhaunce the gracioufe goooneffe that hechaa tafteb of. ^euertljeleffea mansjuap fitlp ejetenbe it to (Bods but = uerfall power, t^ofcjbeeit thither bee intreate of the (Brace that &>as bcftq= ft>cb Pppon htm felfe alone, oj of (2>oD0 i»o;ke tn gcnerall : Soee mufte bcarc in tmnbe(a0 J! !)aue fapD heretofore) that as oftc as bec fpca&cthe of agreements tn goblpnefTc among the bcaihe, he bath an epe to the HmgDome.of Chjift.bcfoze bofe camming, C5ob btb'b'ut giuc ccr= taine tipped of the manifeftacionofhts glo?ie,U)btcl) at the length teas Dtfpers feb ou?r all the to'jsle fo>ozlb bp f bopec of the d5ofp?H . ^eptljrr feas 3Dauto tgnoiantof th« callpng of tbe (Scuttles, 'ftotobctt fozafmucbe as bp rcafon of the ftraungpneffe trjcrof,tr {jab beft a harfbe thl?ng to hauc bcn€ fpoKcn among the Jrioes, tljat the hp* a= g'tnft rcafon, tfthep alfo bctng enltgbt= neefboulo at the lengthe acUnofojlcoge tljetr maker anb ^)Ooihmaifter.3nba= getneinthencjet fraffebec repeteth the fapb caufc: natnelp, that 0oD0glojp 10 Utiowz bp thc[grcatnefTe of l)i0 i»o?Us] S»!)tcb t0 the true W^) benre ibttneffe of htm .TDherfozc let Ps Icarne to Sa iKe Pp our &itf0,to confibcr dE»oD0 SDO^us-.f let Ps gute the pzxfumptuous Xp?t lca«Je to ioanserm tbctr o^onioinb lafes, theenb iohcrof ^pllalteaps be fuchTtmase as fbep can neucr 5opnbe tbefclucs out of.1^oi»beit left it mpght trUebsof thi0 mooeftie : 5DauiD Dothe mpghtplpe aouaunce <0cds i»oo:hc0 bp the title of [woonbcrfull,] thoughe in the z^ts of blpnbc anD i»pile(Te pcrfons thep be but bacc gecre. Bp the £»ap,thi0 is to be notcD fo; a principle, that the glozp of [d?ooheaD]agreeth hot to anp but the onlp one d5oo,bpcaufe that neither tbcfe»fDome,no;ube might noz the rpghreoufneffe, nojoughteclfe of theheaucnlp operation that Cbpnctb foortl) inhts S»onotrfuU pjozkcs,is to be fotmb anp *Q5f)crc elfc. tolnhctl) thatthf ?9aptfts (as much as tnthcmlpcth) Dcnietbe. true <15oDheaD, .masmucfje asthep bcreue <^oDof his pcrtucs,^ leauc htm but his ban name. ii [S>hew me fc.]/!^oco Dothe 3Da= utD mount top higher , that hecmap bee rulc5 iciti) the fptrite of founDc PnDcr= ftanbtng to, itue bolp, anD b?e ftrcngfh= I nebtoJitbthe fpintof manlpncffe in the: fame purpofe.iBnD he coucrtlp matchfth (5oDsfeapcs agcinft all coucclsfehitb be might talie bp flcfblp rcafon. jIFo; in fubmit- vpon the.lxxxvj.Pfalme. W fubtmtttngbtmtetfe to ,caUing 6p= on mm co be his guiDe,t)C confciTetb that there 13 none other mcane toliuctocit, but foi to h jug bun to 30 before ano "ukc to folo«5e:anD fo the? are UO avoap tnto crroja* manpasftep neucr fo little a= QDefrotHelavo.totb: totfoome of their owne bjapne. 2&nD ibis confirmetb bee better bv> aoDmg uuineaiattp , 3 ttill [toal&m tbp trutbe.] iro? bicconoem= netb them of tianmeanolping,ft>bofoc= ucr tbep bee that bolo not tbps rule of trutbe. ^uribertnojebe DeQretb not to b: taught in <$oas toaps, as though be 1^30 ben titter ip ignorant of all Dottr ine afoje : but fojafmucfo a0 be knew ljua= felfe to be frill tinappeo in manp mifles ofigaoiance.bslabourcDto profile fur= tljcr.^lfo it 10 to be noteD, that be fpca= Uctb not onlp of the outwaroe maner of teaching but fo?ai"!uuc,be as bebaD the lat»e before bisepes, be craueth the in= toarDipgl)toftbebolpC>i)ofre,tbatbee mpgbt not labo; tinpjofuablp in lerning of the letter, according as be faptb in an other place,sj>pen mpne epes anD J toil conftDcr the tooonDcrous things in thp iatoe, 0 fal. 1 1 9. 1 8 .»/frot»e if fo grcate a piopbet.ano one that to as enbueo tottb f j great largeneffe of fptrit, Doth nc tier- tbclcffe onfepncDlp confeflebpm fclfero haue tgnojance : tobat a maoneffe i»cre ufo:ti3not tofelcouretonetoant, that tbetitiotopngof oureowne flcnDerticfTe mapfpurretis foztoarocto pioceoe fur= tV)cr:*3tnotrulp tt)c more a ma hath pi9= ftteo in the Dotfrin of goblineffe: fo much the better perceiuetl) be rjtmfclf to be far from the m it fc . & cconMp it ts to be ao - Deo, toat reomg 0; bertng 10 not mougb, ejeccptgoo enlighten tis wroarDlp tottb bisfpinte 55cuD:0tbt3, bcDefirctb to banc h to hart framed to the obedience of d&fao, * to banc it tteofaftlp ftabltfljeo in $ dnKof oz line ao our mpnd r>atlj need of light ,fo hat h our toil ncoe of Dtredto. sDther Tome translate it, [Chere tip mp hart,] ao though f bcrbe iocrc Derpueo of the root charah. 25at tt ts rather Derl= ueo of Yachar,t»^iehe figm&etb to [unite oj Umt.Sobtcb fenfe agrectb tierp toel to thepicfent place, foi there is a couert matching of contraries (to I; tcb to as not fo toell obferued a0 it fboulD haue bene bettomc the ftcoie purpofe tybcrcbp the barte of man cleauetb tinto d5oo ti/.mt it is rnieb bp the bolp ghoft, and the He- fcleneffe herein it flotctb, anti iB toffcD hither ano thither as long as it toaucth among bi0 otonc affections . Cbcrefoje after that the faithful baue ierneo &*bat is right : tbenmuft fteop affent neeocs matche initb it.tbat their hart bople not tnto leube lulls. 3ln& tljcr fozc tb ere is a mod apte mctapbo; tn the too:Dc [bnit] bp Sgbtch to e gather, that mans hart is troublefome,anD ozatonc funtijtp ioaps, ano as it to er oifpcrfeo into Diners pee- ccs, tin till 45od gathering it to brmfelf, tDttbholDeittn ftcaope anDtinmouable (late of obeDicnce. i&erebp alfottis ma- npfeft , i»:>it our frcetotll is able t o Doo of icfelf. jfojtiJhcrao there be but itoo potuers of tt,2DauiD coKfefTeth htmfelfe tobeoellituteof tI)cbotb,fettmgf light of f lj3l? gbofr ageinfl f blinDnca of his owne mpno : ano affirming £ rigrjtneffc of the hart to be the mere gift of <0oo. iz I will prayfel thee O Lord God with all my harte, and I willglo- rifye thy name for euer. 13 For great hath thy mercy ben towardes mee, and thou haft deliue- red me from the lower graue, 14 O God, the proud ar rifen vp a^ienft me, and the companies of the mighty haue fought my fouled haue not fet thee before their eies. iC And thou O Lord art a merciful God and forward to forgiue : far from wrath, and muche in mercie and truthe. 16 Lookebacketomeeandpitiemee : giue thyftrengthetoo thy fer- uant,and faue thefonnc of thy handmayde. 17 Shew fome toke of goodnes vpon me,Sc myn aduerfaries shal fe it, & be ashamed,bicaufethou O lord haft helped me,& coforted me. . ' ftt u3it»m Iohn Caluincs Commentane 12 [3 toil p?atfe thee. jc.H$ep?omt= fctlj tbanfefulncs bnto a&'oo.tebc be fljal Vjauc feunb l)tm bp all mcanes a benefit ctall father. 3Uib Ufee a0 bee befiretb too bane bis bart Knit Unto gob to fear bun: cucn fo be faitl) be ioil publifb bis p?ap= Us, not enclpSuitb btsmoutbc o? \)\& tongue, but alfo i»;tb cfirneft affection of hart, pea anOtl^tcbftantlp.3iftcn»aro be abbeth the caufe, fo? tl)at bera0 tlje ?3aptfts ftriue to ptefceout their ^urgatojie from bencc, a0 though that toerc tbe Upper bell: it is too fonb,anb necocth no confuting. 14 [£> i©ob,tb,ep?oube.«c ]£>tbcrs reabe wrim, which GgmSetb grangers. 3nb trulp bp this too?&, the &crtpcure ofttimes betofecneti) l)tbeou0 fauagencs as if it fholb termetbem crucll. jl3eucr= tbe leffc 3 hab leucr foloSu tbat iubtcb is moje rccepueb.^fo: in as mucb as tbc ^ebzuescall p?oube men zedim, it is a IpUclpboo tbat bp reafonof tbeltUcncffe of them, tbe letter Daieth, toas turneb into tbc letterResh, $nb bptbis meane the tejtt will flo&> tbc better : fo? imme= biatlp after, be ealletb them [firong] e? [fhirbie] tobicb ramie Uppon him with Utolent affault anb Serccneffe to beftrop btm,acco:oing as toe Unowe there is no aapcbncffctoberep?pbe reignctb. Wrto be cjtncffetb tbat tbingtoitbout figure, tobicb- be bab fpo&cn tuzn noteccon= cerntngtbe geaue.jfro; confibcringhoiu be was as a lab ambg a fo?t of toolucs : bebaObenquicKelpfnattht bp, if <£>oo bao not (as it were bp mil ;acte) beltue= rcb bun out ef the mpooes of bcath.l^e bctoKcnctbancjttrcme rage of crueUic, iobenbe fapctl) tbep baa no rcgacoe of (Sob. irojaulcife tbe fearcof vI5obre= ftrepn us, ano tbc felpng of bis tubge= ment: monlliousto tbt outrage of our luft to abuenture bpon anp tbmg. fl^02e ouer,bc fehctl) remebp fo? tbefc unfcbie= uc0,atd5abs mercie. $1; m afmuct) as l)c flippetb bp tub bp to tbefc titles of comcnbation, [(IbouiD 3102b mpgcb, merciful.* c. ] 31 1 is allone as tf be fapb: tbcre is befence mougb foi bS agepnfte tbebolbneffc anb outrage of tbe nagob= lp,m tljc goobnefTc,mercic,anbfaitbful= >icU'cof<£ob. 3!tma? bcalfo tbatmas mucb as be bnberftobe i;oio tl)c bngob= lp are tbe icourges of <£>oo : be fct gobS mcrcp befaic bun toalTuagc tbc ejeceffe offearc. jfr'oz tbis is tbc true anbonelp comfoit, y altbougl) goo cljaftife bs,pet be foigcttct!) not bio mercie. %ttb it ts ioel mougb Known, tbat tbi3 fentcce 10 taKe out of Cvob t. 34. 6 .febcrc tbere 10 a notable befcrlptton of tbc nature of 096. f irft be is calico [&f)crciful:]tben enfuetb [fo2vt»arbncffcto pitie:] namcip 4obJn be 10 fo2p witb bs fo? our fjarms: tl)trDlp i0ao6eb [bis fo?benng,]bicaufe tje is not angrp fe foone as be is £02011= gcb,but of bis loutng fepnbnt (Tc bcarctl) toitb bs : anb finallp be ts fapbe to bee ofmucl)e[mcrcpano truth:] bp tobtche S»oo?D0 31 bnberftanbe bun to be conti; nuallp gracious anbfeotbfflfr.i^ow al= though be be no leffc com tub able fo: his rigojoufnes than fo? b''0 mercp:pct no 1 3 iouhftaoing in afmucb as he is not rigo rous but tb?ougb our totlfull ttubbo?n- neffe,as iobo toolo is info?cco to puniO) : ? fcripture bp retting htm fo?tb nicrcifull anb pitifuli bp nature, giuctb tostoobnoerGanbe, that it is but as it Sucre a chaunce, if be be at anp time ri= go?ous anb rough, ^nbecoe J fpcaSe tmp?op?elp ano groffilp : but pet this title of coramenbauon, ioberbp tbc na= ture of v^ob is befenbeb, tenbeth to this cnbe , that «£feb t0 of bis otone nature fo gractoufrano refep to fo?gme: that he btffemblctb ano bclapetb punitliment, anb vpon the.lxxxvj. Pfalme. 4* ano neuer aooxeffccl) btm&tfto revenge, onlcflTcbebeecoinpelleb bp our malict= oufcneffr.Wb? (35003 footbfaftueffe iflf jopncofrub b?s merete, 3 bauetolbe l)txctof9pt.foi inafmitcbe as cactt tbofc tbat bee moft H*nbc barteo coulo famc= times fino t« their bart to ojtafr e bacfee, \» )5 ci):p biuctuotuifeo a ti)tns,bicaufc it repentetb tbem oftgepj cafie graun= ting: free (frbo arett»ont to mcafure 0od atmfle bp our oome felues, ) btf= truft His wemifcs. <2?oD tberfo^e auou= ebetl) bimfclfc to bee bnlrfee to men:bp= caufebceisnolcffr eonftant in perfe^ rotng largelp frbatfocuer bee batb pio= imfco,f!) rf'.i be ia Ubcrail tn p:omt fuig. 1 6 [Hoofte bacK to me f c] *$e applp^ rtb moieplapnlptobts pjefent bfe, tl)e tbmg tbat be b3& fapo concerning oos fano? bioocnaojap to trpe bis patience .«n;ve it fr as a trpall of no fmall ftebfaftneffe, to frjeftle in fuel) fr ifc fr itb tbis tcm p= tacion,tbat b*e ecafebnot to fee ligbt in DarHncfTe. IBnb bee befyjetbe to [baue bis enemies pnt to fbamc,] bpeaufc tbep mabea floating ano a ffcofflngat bis fi mplicite , as tljougb bee bab boonc foo - Ufbip to truft m <15ob. The Contentes of the. lxxxvij. Pfalme. Fordfmucbas the miferdble dnd for oyo full fldte of the Cburche (fuche as it -w.u dfterthe cdptiuitie ofBdbylon)might veedken the mirtdes of the god- lie : heere the Holie Chofleproinifeth x -wonder full dnd incredible reftitution ofit3fo as nothing may be more deferable than to be decounted d member of thefdme. The Jxxxyq.ff dime. Pfalme or Song of the fonnes of Core. His foundations are in the holyhilles. (Iacob. z The Lord loueth the gates of Sion aboue al the dwellings of 3 Glorious things are fpo ken of thee,0 thou citie of God. Selah. 3!slongas tbccl)tl&;enoftbiSfro;lD felues to bee bapptefrttboutob.3lRb oftentimes ttfallctb ottt, the ilojbe pamperctb tb«n U)itb all fepno of gsob tbingSjibbc tn tfj-: en^ \)Z menctb to lap rigbtfull f ripe punifl)incutbpon tbem foj tlKir bntbabfnlncs: but piefTetb b»s cburdj fottb fiiojp « fo;c imfcrtco,oj at leaftcoife b^loctb tt Downz in bafe * low ft;itc,fo as tt map tljinfe it felf miferable o^ at left ft) ife be fubicct to f cotept of o - tbers. Cbrrfoje left tbis ftjabotoifb ap= paracemigljtbcctuc^ fattl}ful:it iscjcpc= ^Fff.g. bicnt are in piofperitee.bjefee borogreatea gooo liKmgtbep baucof tbep; oronee= ftatc,anb boco ropallp tbep ectoll it toitb p;oud cotempi of tbe Cburcbe: pea ano euen tbougb tbep be timcb fomb abuer= Qtte,pct tbis b?unacn botage of tbeirs frill not outoftbeirbeabs.3Infmeane feafon tbep carclefl1? befptfc religion anb tbe froifbtpptng of d5ob,bicaufe tbat be ing fottco frttb plcafures, riches f ttje guttering gloffc of bono?,tbep frene t^e *.pt Iohn Caluincs C ommentane mcnt fo? tljcm to be calleD an otber *uap that ttyep map bctcuett to be trae.tobtcl) is fapD tn § pfalm.3 3. i * .Cbepeople is bappp,t»t)icb b^ue £ 3Lo?D to tbeir d5oo. ^bc" lit £ Cumme of tb*s pfalra be £ tbe onlp djurclj of u5o& ercelle t b al tbe king; Domes « common Soeales of tbe tuodo, bicaufe €>ob maintcpnetl) tbe Welfare of tt,anb ruletb « Settb b'ogouernement : namelp firft tbat among tbe troublcfom tutmoplesano bQd'tble fto?mefl tob**5 iott!) tbe i»bo!c ioadoc is fbafeen from tpme to tpme , it conttmtetb fafe. Klnb fcconDtp (pea anb tbat cbteflp) tbat be= tngtoonoctfullp p?cfcrucD bpy Defence of tljc fame <25oD: at lengtbc after long i»arfare, it aitepnetb tbe btCojtie totyaz tonto it is calico fro aboue. IBtisa fmgu lar benefit of v0ob ,5 tbcr&ali a notable miracle,^ among Co funb?p alteratido of tbe fetngboms of f cartb,be fp?cDtngbt0 cbmcb ab?ooe ccttnuallp fro age to age, fauetl) it from bedrurtion, fo ao it cnelp is of perpetuate in £ ioojlo . ,#}ot&ita= bing bicaufe ofttimes i»bcu tbe SoicUcb ffcim in freltb, « flourtCb in rtcbc0 anb autbo?itie,it 10 fenc f tbe ftlie cburrt) is tofTcb in fanb?p Dangers ,ojratbcrouer= febdmcb & innumerable fbipro?ccfccs: tbe bappineffe of it mud be Determined cbicflp in tb<0 pomt,tbat it batb an cuer lading Hate lapbe Up fo? it in bcaucn. 3Fur:i)crmo?e tbe ctrcumftace of y time ini»bicbtbifl pfalmc &a0 compplcb, tnanctbnotauctieto tbebnocrflanoing of tbe fame. •$ 0? altbougbe tbe people frierc returnco from t!je thjaloomc of U5abpron ,tbc € burcl) of d5ob gatbercb togitber agein, * grofcme agein into one bob? out of tbeir longbifpcrfmg, Cb« temple anftaltare of c©oD builbeb bpa= getn,anb tbeferuicc of <£5od reSojcb : pit notroitbttantung bpcaufe tbat offo bouge a multttufte of men tljcrc rcmap= neb but a (mail portion: ano tbat Subtcb teas left fe>as Daplp ft ummfbco bp f ene tnico : * tbe (late of v cburcb toas becom bate 9 ebfeure:* tbe temple far inferior in beautte $ goooimcffe to tbat it ioas afo?c: tljcrc toac fearceanpeaufefobp tbe.'aitbful fboulb bape tod thereafter. aicrclp.tbat tbcp fboulb be a&uaanccb ageinc to tbeir former eflate frofobece tbcp toerc falne : it feeracb tonpoCTtble. vut)mo;u it xom to bee icareft, lead it?c minD0 of tbe goblp being opp?cffeo botb ivitb t\)t rememberance of tije Destruc- tion alreDp receiueb,anb wtb tbe bage= neffe of tbcp? p?efent mp fence, imgbt famt,anb firrallp fink in Dcf pairc.Co tbe tntent tlje p Ujouio hoc quaitc in fo fo?e aftucrfities, tbe io?o not onip pjomifeib ibem rccouerie of tyatfefyicfy ib'P bab loll,butalfo liftetb tbem Dp to bopeof incomparable glo?p , acceding to tbts pjopbdte of Siggeus. glo?P of tbe fcconO temple djalbe greater tban i»HB tbe glojp of tbe fird. &oto lad of 811 rcmapncib,tbat vyc lr aruc to applpe tbiopfalinc to ourbfealfo. 'HCtys mm? toy. ougbt to baue iocpcD fo muebe tottb f goolp folk of tb&t age, tbat tbcp djolo not onlp banc doobe bp;pgbt tntbep? aDucrfitieo , but alfo baue reacbeb out oftbcirgrauesbntobeauen.^tttbmba? fdng i»cc imoro tbat all to so fulifilleD Sobatfocucr iu^0 fo;eto!D bp tbe fpirit: iuc be too too mucbe bntbanUfult,tf tl;c ejeper ieuce of tbe fatbers matebmg i»irb bis tnooios, confirme not out fattbc tbe mo^e, $ oj it cannot be fuffuicntlp cjc= pjeiTe&accojDmgto f &o?tbmcfl*e tber? of.bow glo?iouflp Cbjid beauttficbtb« Cburcbc&itb b<0 conimmg.5Fo?tban tbe trctu religion, &b!'b <»'d b^D bin fl)Ct Up toubm tbe niircTO fcourcs of 3ctv)p,i»asfp?eb abzooctnto vSrbele lpo;lb.Cbtn d&ob fcb'o baft bin Hnctone butofoneboufe,beganto be calico bp - pen bp tbe funo?p tungoofall nations. '"SCbcntbcftjodDe, %\)\t\)t l;ab binmps ferabip to;ne in peeccs Sottb innume? table ktta of fupcrditton $ erro?,grcfr togitber into tbe t;olp bnitie ot faitbe. Cbcn all men ( as fad as couio bee) fc^ci» to tbe compenp of tbe J, ewes, fvbom tbep abbo?rco l)crctofo;e . Cbe bings of tl;e eartbanft tbeir peoplepceU ccotbefciucsfenliinglp to tbe obepfacc of Cbdd : v?oolues anb II pons tocre turncD into iambes:Cbegtfts of tbe bo- Ip vISbcft &>erc poto^cD out tppon tbe faitbfull, i»l)id)c farre crccilct b all tbe glo?p, all tbe beautpe, anb all tbe nebes of tbe toOdfte : tbe Dcrpe boftpe ot tbe Cb'.trrtjc ioas &onbcrfullp vicferuro, tncrcaccb, ano gatbereft out of far coun- tries a grcatefeap off one from another. Cbe vpon tne. ixxxvjj. l'ialme. 43 Cl)c tacreoiole ipzeaoiag abzoocottbc go fpcll in fljozt timc/aus matcbco fcmb as notable iUvceflc. C^crtoyealciyons^ tbcrenowmconcu'e of the Cburclje bao not bm blajcb bp t bis pzopbcfie:p«t ootb. t\)i excellent ano incomparable liate of rljat 3 Jiocn age, openly fbcu? ic to be t\)Z bcrp beaucnlp femgDomc of dBoo.^c- ucrtbeteffe it Soas rcqmfiie.ibai y fattb1 ful fbtmloe euen tljen aifo bauc a ereper confiocratum in cftemtng tlje ctcellcncte of tlje cburdjc,ti)tia flUfl;lp reafen coulbe pclo. rffoj at iabat umc it floztftjeb moll it gltftrcb not ixntb purple, golbe, anb precious Hones : butinubtbebloub of tunrtirs, CbJagb ft* Caiete ricl?c m fp|s rit, pet fcjas flje neucrtbcl:rTc pooze anb necoieof canbt? goobes. aisbcauttfuil anb gloztous as (be S»as foz bir boltncs before nr : ano tnwarocip there i»as fearc anb trcafon. Co be fl>ojt,tbe otgnitie of rjtr (tn dcdc Sooztbp to be bo * iozcd, bowbeit alto^:t!j£r fpiruuaU)iaj» bio as ^tt bnocr the erode of Cbztfte. iHnb tberfojc the confolatton tljat is cow te?n?b S5 tt)is pfalme.iBGUlSc Sseli tj aue fcfueb tbat tpmeatfo.bpcanfc it Saouibe bauc cHecrco tbe bartcs of tlje faitbfull to fee tbe Cburcb tn perferter (Tate tljan it bib ben afoie. But t^c cafe (lanbetb otbcrS»pfe ioitb bs. tscome to paffe bp tbe befaultcof our fatbers, tbat tba t fame excellent bcautie of tbe r burc b bath lpnelotl)fomeano Defozmro bnber tbe feet of tbe bngooip. 3lnb at t bis bap tljoiougb our fins, it gronetb oppzcfTtb bnber imferable toafteneffc, bnber re- ptoclje of tbe btuel ano tbe iuozlo, bnber cruritic of tp:ata,ano bnDer tbe fbarnc? full Q ■umbiro of tbe enemies : fc as tbe cbilozcnof ibctoozlD tbatfotfbto betn goob csfc, befire notbing Icflc tban to be coutcb among tbe people of <£ob.wbcr= bp it is tbe better feene bowe profitable ibtspfalmcifl, anob'Jw nebcfullittsto be cttoaps tbougbt bpon Cbe tptlc be- tobenctb noi fo mucb tbe autbozc of tbe pfalmc , as tbe chief rbaumers to Suborn it teas comittcb to be lung. 0 cucr tije= IciTe u map be, tbat feme Jlcuite of tbc fame race 010 alfo compile it. 1 [i&i3founDacion0$c35Fe?afmucbe as v rviatmc is mafcuiine, mmpiubge= menc tljep are oeceiueb tbat it to be nunc of ~$crufaiCM,a0tbougb it fboulo be fapo to be founoia [bppon tbe bolp billo.J $no jC am not ignozunt in bitja't isoife foinc tearnebmen eycufe uubat is to fait, tbat tbe name of tbe people is to be cnberft oeoc, alrbougb it be tb; cbtefe cittc tbat ts of. utJ«t bow coUreis nco an ejcpcfiaon cfjat is, all mennc fee, tbougi) 39 b^brnp peace. S>ombeb;ucs bauetbougbtnotbmgtno^e librlp, tban tljui it ts rctcrreb to f pfalm tt felf. a no fo tbep mctapbo^tcallp cjcpounb f too^oe [founbatiosjto be ment of [tty grouno] 01 [tbemej tbat tbe pfalmc mtreatctb of, bicaufe it 1'pcaHctb of tbe b*>i? cttie Je- rufalem,i»btcb ibas fituate bpo biiles. 3nb 3; tnaruei tl;at tbep iucre becetueb in a tbmg fo eafp * mamfeft. foj. in as mucbao it is a ccmon tbmg among tbe l^cbzues to put a rclattue fmtbouc b's anteccoent: uougbt to feme to tbemno barfb maner of fpcabing. But ioitlun a iutte after, tberc followerb tbe name of 0ob. Sub toe know tbat jGcrufalem is fapD eucrp feija-c to be founbeb bp tym, ^"ber&s bp tbe bdles feme bnberftanbe %oua ano ^)iou(tobicb Svcre tbe mo tnapsof a tfriftcb mountatne) it ts too muche couQrcpncb. IKatber fub tbat tbe iv bole coutrie wan ful of buicsuljc pzo= pbec bttobeneb tbe lulles tbat enuironcb J crufaietn about ,* iolucb butted b*r&? bpon it, It tec as fee fbali fee in an otber place, tbAt jRerufalcm bath bpiles roub aboueu pf-:l iji.ij.lEbcfimptcsna: ttue mcaniiig tbenis, tbat 50D cfiefc tbe biUcs ioberon to fei b(s cute, f oi a ltt= tic after, tbcre follow^ b >n tbe Cejcte, Cbe tnofic bpgbbimfclfe fball ftabltfbe btr. Crulp bc »s the founber of otber cu tics aifo : pet 10 tt not rcb.tbat be fapctb of anp otber Cute, Cbts ts mp retting pine foz cucr, bere i»ui 3 Dwell, foz j biuecbojcntt.^dfal. 132.14. Cbtsbii^ fcrcrcc is aii&aps te bc rcmcmb;tb,tbat to b eras otber fozetn cities iocr founbeb bp tbe appomtmente anb potoer et c5c t bnlpfo;uutUgoucrnmentsfalie:3lleru falcm teas l)to peculiar ©anctuari: ,nnb ^fftp. bis *£t. Iohn Gatumes Gomrnentane l)is ropail fecit. Sftcr the fame mapcrtfi fa fpi'nUet!)\efai. i+. 3fi.'l#efrDea this", frhcras (goo bag frncnftcD al 31 cisitc : pet to \jk fapbe to haue racteb ail o; Ijjcr eities.anb to haue taken tins one to Sum kit to reign tn.;tf cohere is a a tasking cf cmilgoucrncmeate/auto? fptritnall go; uernjmtmentt'jicati'c that as then pure religion, anb tfcc lawful feruing o'f gob, anb the Doctrine of gootinsff? , Sjjctc no fojb?re clfc to be foao5btit in 31crafa!ew. Waiclje thing i3 ejcpiefTca in the feconbe ftafe, [Ebe SLoioc louerb the gates of gj>ion nbouc alt f Dwellings of Jacob.] Wbcrbp iot be taugVjt, that altrje cjcccl- t:ncif oftheholp CttieocpcnDco bppon <0oD3 free election. TOljcrcntito agrcetb t\)it%>\)U\)i& foiittcn .&fo.j2.6o.t\)M gob refufeb ^ilo,tbe tribe of ion,ft>bicbeb:loueD. >%\)t #iophcte tberfojc notct^ t*)t caufc frbp <&** P?e= fcrreb that one place befeze the reft.3inD be Deter mineth tr>c caafe to be, not in tbc foottbpn? ffc of the Pla^, but in the free lone of (ISob ,l5?hcrfoje if it be bemafiD rb &>hp anb ia'tjrrefoie ^erufalem bab ttjc preeminence : let this Q)3*t snfvoere fuf = fife,bicaufe it fo pieafso <5ob. 3no thia Seas tl)c beginning of geDs loue-.anb tfec enD of tt fc>3S, t!)cit t!jerc might be foine place a name, »rin the true religion might banc abpbmg, to fefter tr>e Unk tic of fapth ,tmtil trjc commtng of €\)}\£ nnb from i»hcnce it mpgbt floroe after = frarbe into all coaflsof the ftwlb. Che &iopbcte therefore gtneib thtstptle of commenDfttionto ^erufalem, thatdSob fe>aS tlje fcoz&rnaifrcr anb goaerncr of it SBozcouer obs faaoj anb nbopttpn. vs\)tvas the .[ alteration nfing bp Satlp \jn* loofeeb foj : anb ftanDpngm bajarbetoo fall bp little anb little from i»oo?fc too i»3jfc:anD confequcntlpc to goc lo btt« tozccUt :it eouSb fcarcc be tjepcb ityit the bolpcitic ihoulaereceucrag.pne. oj&. 4 I vyiII make mention of Rahab and Babel among the knovvers of me.Behold the Philiftins 8c Tyrus with Ethibp. There is he borne. < And shalbefayd, Man and man is borne in Kir, and the mofte high himfelfe shall ftablishe hir. a The Lorde shall counte when bee vvriteth the people : Hec was borne there. 4. rH frp» maU«.«] Cbc name of the fcrtpture fo? egppt: anb that figni= ISababis tafeen in wanp other places of ficattoa fittteth this place fcerp fym. iToj Vpon the.lxxxvij. Plalme. 44 f a} it 10 the p;^)icl) ijcrctofoje rotrr oeaDlp enempes , oj bttcr araun= gerrf, fbati noi oaip beccomc familiar frtbs ,but aifo be ingrafcFri uuo one bo= Dp.foastljcpfbalt be acountcb fo;Ct= ajcnsof Jltrafatcm. Jntbc fcrft mcm= b:r he fapctb, jflftnil [recnen $p <£gtpt * Sabplon among tr.p baufeboibe meps m:.] 31ud tn the Cecono member bee ab= oetb.f $btbftins,'Cp:tJns,s CtbtopU an9f,i»b0 tntberto bane bin at fo great bebate ttjitb gobs people, thai notn agree as ioell iuub tbem ,as pf rb«p feere 'JOeSos &:>;n.3ln excellent oignttte of tije £burcbc,tbat'cuen tbep tbatocfptfeO btr fljal come flocking to btr on al fists *. ano tbat tbep frbtch cotiio baue foutibe tn tbetr harts to hauebao r>tr cutbp anb ncfcropcb.CbaU thmfe if the greatcfi; bo* nojtoatcanbc, to beanb tobecounteb l)ir cutjeus. Cbcp (ball ail. of them re= nouncc tbetr otnnc countries of fobub rb?p bab fttcb p;pDeberctofo;c.£>f Sahat place foeuer tbep be bc;nc then ,i»buber tt be €gipt,o; ^aleftmc, o;,Cp;e:tbcp fljall pjtofcflctbemfclurs citizens of the holp ctttc. Che fjebswe cjtpounbeb tr>iss place tbus. Chat tbcre fbt'Ucome bcrp feiocotitofcrbcrnacions tbat Ibaii ep cell either in Suit o; brrtecp : but tbcre fbail be grcatc flojic of them in Jfracti. Cbere fljall (fap tb:p) be fear cc Bjfere a man anb tbsrc a man foo.ztbpof pjapfe among the Cvitans, <& gip tubs, <& tbp= optans.o; anp other nrittcmfo as if there be anp fiJcbc.bc map be popntcb of \yitb r finger fo;anobccm<"m:butm[£>tcn, mrmrnb man .fljali be bo:nc,]ibat w jto fap, there fbntbe great fjpicsf Cucb t«?n. Cbc cbitftians alrtiofl ajn&ttbbne ccn:=. fentjefcrre it b'nfo dthufhanb arc of a- ptnton, tbittberte rentytcb a caufe tohp tbofcarcnoiD tobenumbiro among the Citizens of IBcrttfalem, iDlncb bUbcrto baD bene fejetn2is„virai!nb bcabh* iiH mtcs : Chat tsto*tt>tt, bicaufc Cbtille Qjaii ijc bo:n; tbcre; tcbofe office it is to gatticr tog:i»)?r tnto ilje Umtte frf fatt^ anb nope sf ctcrnalt!pfe,tbe mennetbat tocrc Btfpirfeb as tt totrc to^uc mem- bers. 'Cbeftrftejcpofttionbcmg altogi^ tber tojccD,nccDet!) no contuttngagem tttsapparant tnougb, tbat the 31cloc0 being Icooe i»ttb bolttfbe am bit ton , boo to?elt tbi3 place as tt tocr of fct purpofe. atsfozttjat i»bicl;c tbc €b;tfiwnsal= lebge, altbougbc it bee oclettablc at ti)t firlt bicanfe at rrjc finencs of it : pet batl) tt no fubiiencc tn it : anb tbc piopbotcs fcjoojbcs arc tlcerc, tbat Saorjaj cotmtrep focucrmenbe of, tbep fbslistV.tngip re= nouncetbrtr conntrcptobc i&itttcn in tbc&cgtlterof i$)ctU'fiep:ople. ^o?be puttetb not [bojtnc] fojfud) a0 arc b?cb m the cowntrte;bat fo? rucbe as bee free acnt5cn0.iob£re us is abbeb afterccaro, [Ci?emoficbpgb fr>all(lablifbc bcr,] it fc)tllbfca0 6tlp tranflatcb [iljall cjtocr btr,]namelp bicaufc ^ob goucrnetl) bt0 Cburcbe.Cpcciajlp ioubbts i»o?oe. 5 [anbufbaUbcfaposc.]^ conti= nei»ctb tije fame meaning, namelp U>at new cttt^ens tbfilbc gather eb into (IJcos CburtbjOiitofbiucrspartseff &o;lb. l^ ou?bcett he bfctb another figure, that the ftraungers bojrtc fc>cre reputeba: ntong the holy people , m like cafe as if the? h^b bm cf I right line of % bjtabam . i^e hab fapb in f lail tocric, Che Chal= Beans anb Cgtpttans fball become the boui'cb'jlb mepute of the Churcbc: anb the Ctbiopttins , ^^ilifttnea anb Cp= nans fl>ailgtu: in thep; names among the naturail chtlbjen. ^okj in Swap of ccnftimacen^enbbctb, that the tuuUfs tube of nevw iffevo (halbe ejeccbing great, fa as the.cttic tolncl) h-o bin fo; a tunc bnmbabttcb, ano aftcr5uarb alfofcorcc balteycplemfhcD Soub a ftnail number of nie'.fljaibc pcftereb S»ith a huge muU tttubc of people. Che fam? thing that i0 p?onmeb oefte bjucgp % ts befcrtbeb in ^3^.0, by Cfap.,54..i. Ectopcc tboubctrrcm that bsre&no chtib?en, fo; fl)cc that feas ocfoiate ptlje tr.oe cbtl= b%zn than fi;ee tbat ts marrpe'b : fcttc ouUbpinrnstorDcr, Oretchcctite tljp eo^)cc;anD fs^rn "focll (Bf wnnes. *c ailfo thpfli^lUicn'^al cons? from farre, tpfrc bp t^v,t?r^?srour.r.c about thee, ftUtl)4fc ©all bff -'gatbfWB ^nto tljee. 2!f.birt;:amT, anb fuel) Ipbe, fball bee of the 8ccHe ef li>,csof the 4T jjurclje, e muff remem<= ber the biffcrcncc that the 3poff le put= tetb bet&ecne tbceartbclp jcrufatcnt (to\)ic\)e being a benbcSooman bcamb ebtlb?en to tb?alDome>nD the beane nip jgcrafalem S»btcb fcccretb free cbpi&icn bp the <£ofpel. 3tn the fetonb part of tbc fccrfeiGcr^effcsbir long continuance. -f 0% oft tpmes tt falletb out, that the Coj ncr t!)at € ittes grofo> to a Angular high neffe, the 0>ojtcr t0 tfc emttnuannce of tbctr p:ofpe ritic. iftofcj leaft cbepjofpe- ritte ef f he Cburch map be thought cran fitojie after t!)is fo;t, tbc p?cpbet auou= c'oetb tbat (be fball be IHblpfbeb bp the JLojD:*s if he CboiD fap, jB t is no manic! though other €u tee rce!c, * be fubiccte from ttme to tpme to lunDzp incltnattds bf coufe tbep be rolleb &uf) tbck>o;loc, anb bsue not cutrlafting keepers. W>nt the cafe of tbene^c 3ierufatcm foaUbe of another fo?t,i»bofe perpetuate being faunoeb upon the poiucr of dpotJ, Gjaii cotinuc cucn S»ben bfaue * earth occap. 6 [ ion:;han tobeaio^b anp &bcrc clfe. inoti»ithflanbmghca&monifhahhere= fo>ttball,from t»igB] is taUcn mctapbojtcallp tn thts place, »t is out cf all comronerQe: but prtthe in- terpreters baric in the opewng of the tnetapboJ £>omc (nterp^cte tt to betefce [hope oj trutt,] fome [aftccttoit0]aa5 o= ther fomc [thoughtes] y fcjoulee ioi\- linglp fabfenbe to them that tranflatc tt [5Ditte»] tf thepjopertte »f tl)f tung Suoulf-c abiDc tt .15 ur foMfmur h es that mtghtfeeme toferrcfet:!; embrace the; fehpche te:tt«jfte agreeable bnto rra^ fon : namclr thet tt bcttcHencth [loo= bpngo] a0pf trhab bencfapoe, Ji fetil alwapes loolie earncftlp bnto thee ao ft ^>rrc IJ.I.HJtJJ '■ J lucre imttj mine epes talrn*b bpon tt)cr. if o? tbe roote of tbe toojtb Ctgntfict!) an cpe. 3»iD no5» HiuGc fajee fee iu^at t0 ment bp tbat oirjcr member [Che fm= gers as tbe piapcrs \jpon tnftf oments.] 3!n oecoe tt 10 a crafeb maner of fpecbe. I^otvbeit fo as t\)t meaning ts wti\ p= nougb agreeb toppon among all men : namelp tbat tberc fbcilbe fo great raufe of top, tbat d5obs p;apics (nail refotmoc tberc cotfnuaUp, as feel & Ituclpbopce, as to«b muficall inffrtttnents. *>ocon= firm? tt) b^ c ropall fetting bp agapnc of £>ton. j o? bp x\)z grcatneffe of ttje top ano tbr manpfolb barmenie of p?&pfcs, Ijcfbewetb bafc» great tbe bappmeffeof ttfbalbc noffeitbltanomg , bp tr>e feap be Dcfcrtbetbtbf cnbeof all goobgtftes fobcrciuttl) tbcrs tranflate choiieiim Cior)icIj oauce vpon thc.lxxxviij.Pfalme. 4? ot trtffc bp tbe tnfirumeitt] IBtatttjsrcth i8 fmall oodcs , fe?a(mucbc as it ts p nougb to fencfo tbis, that Mjerc fy&ibe a cotuinnall menaeojtb of <2>obs papers in tbe Cburcbe anb a rnmualt tmcrcotirfc of Cn^tng icben be fballbauefrtfoo;tb tbe trcafnrcs of bis grace, ^o^coucr me ^jopbete fbcioetl) bimfelfe to embrace cbs Cburcb fcub fingttlrr lour, carr, anb gccbfcnlf , to tbe tnrent that bp ins, ofcme example be map rucojage rnfim: flame all tbe gootpe to be of tbe fame minoc, accojbtng to tin© faptng of tbe #>falmc. 137. 5. Ht'tmprtgbtbpn'oe be forgotten if 3 remember not tbee & jperufale in tbe begmnmg of mp mtrtb- fo; tben truelp arc all oure affections fettieb in tbe tfburcbe , ivben toeing gatbcreD in from foanoertrtg anb toapne &>itbb?afe>tngs,ans fcttmg tpgbte bp all bonourSjDclpgbteSjricbciTCj and pomps of tbe t»o?!Dc : tbepare ccntcnteb &>itb tbe onetp fptrttuall gio;te of Clj^pua liingoomc, The contentes of the.lxxxviij.Pfalme. although this Vfalme conteine ntojl greeuous complaynts of a man mojle piteoujly affly&ed, and almofie at tbe piynt ofdefpaire :yct doth tbe 7>ro- fbcte thcrevtitbaU decUre tbe invincible ftedfaflmjjc of btsfaytbsbyyvrc~ filing agaynfl fonxve , inafmuche as euen out of the deepe darknejfe of death }heneuerthdcffe crietb Vfon Cod to deliuerbim. The.lxxxviij. Vfalme, Song orPfalmeofthefonnes of Core, to the chiefc Chmnter vppon Mahalath , to make humble, an inftruftion of-Hcman the Efraite. 2 O Lord God of my welfare,! cry day and night before thee. 3 Let my prayer come into thy fighte , bovvdovvne thyne eare too my crye. 4 For my foule is accloyed with myfcries,and my life dravveth ncere vntothegraue. f Ihaueben reckened with them that go dovvne into the graue : I haueben as a man without ftrcngth. 6 Free among the dead,as the flaine that lye in the graue, whom thou remembreftno more,and which are cut off from thyne hande. 1 [3 &ong 0? ^falme. ic] 3fittsa mention is male in tbe ^olp fto?tes ItHelpboobe tbat tbts Iceman, fehofe ?.18eg +.?i fcberetntbecomm^atiOR name is here entttleb.ts thci'ame of tt>bo of j&aicmons Sotfi ome, be is tompareb jFff.b, fo»b { Iohn Caluines Commcntane fcmb &tan, l&eman, Ct)a!ct)0l, ano 5DarDa. 2tnD tl;crcfo>c it lanomarucit tbougbbe toasautbozof tl)io {Bfalme, being a man tbat cjccclleD tntbe fptrite of fcnfeoomc. S>omc tranflatc the particle Gaaimabalatls [&P0n tl>C infirmtllC] l&Vt bptljc co;nai5n\)f.',tti3 liUcip , tlj.U tt bctofccnetl) eitljcr Tame tnftrumeme of muSke,oz tbe bcgtnntngoffome fonj. Ql ttjcottjcr tsjoozoo 3 baue fpofccnp= nougb ellctohcre. tfljjozcouer it t0 rc= qmCite to bears in imnDe,tbat in tbepcr= ton of one man tbcrcia fit before our epes a mpzrour, botljc of rare trouble, ano alfo of rare patiencc.;tf oz ioelof bis oi»ne infirmitic0,as alfo of bis faptb fine* ftcDfaftncffc. .# oj tt t0 grcatip to our beboofe, to ioofecbpoti tbentobls fcruant of <5ob (Sobo cr,ccllcD i»u!) flnguler gifts of tr>c fptrite,) oucr= iobcl'Rtbttjubfo grcataburtbcnofmi= ferieo, tl)ii be lamentably complapnetb bo -Id be Diffcrrtb notlung from a DeaDc man , too trje intent our mpfcrtcs becmg ncuer Co fate, fijoulDe not oppzeffe b0 S»ttb oefpairctoz if at anp time anguifb, carc,grceft,foiott>fulnefre,ojfcarcioea= fcen.U0,?etfyec (boulDc not fbztnfccfoz it, fpcctailp Gtbc i»ce fee t\)*t tbcbo'P ^ropijet SxwDctb not out of tl)£ Dcptb of oarlicncfTe intotbclpgbt of goo&bopc, i^itbout enfojemg bwi fclfe to tbe bt= urmolrc. 2J5utrati)crfece mufl affurc curfelue0,tb?.t bp tbr moutf) of l^cman, ay* fptrite of (0oD tnottctb a fozmc of piaptng,S»bcrbp be alturctlj buto bim al tb'.t are pa&ljascof rccouerte. 2 [£D1Lo^0C(©*] 3! ti0 to be ko= tcD Cac Ji toloe pou cum noco) tb*t al= tboujb tb: pzopbtt 00 fimal? ? fcritbout otterrcacbmg,rccite tbetoimenteof t'ne fnmics anD grtefeo tb-U be fuffcrcDtpet tjc cnattea a-foime of njaper foj fucb as lie affttcteo,tea(lti)epfboulDfatntbnocr il burft out bp anfi bp into \Kijcmcnc complaints : pet &oib< l)c in bet -p gooo feafoti fojttfic bimfctfc feui> a fljojtte preface, leaft bectng carico awap iottbtbc bcateof btsaffectton,bcmigbt ratb« quaicl ano cbiDc totti) «i5oo, tban fimplp tue foj parbon. if 0? bp tctmtng l)tm tlje goo of b'.s Welfare, be botb (as it S»cre bv caatng n bjtDle bpon bts own l)eao)ieiirapne trje ejeceffe of bis fo^oo), fl)ct tbe gate agapnft Difpatre, ano alfo fojuifie ano frame bimfelf to tbc abtotng of tbc creffe. HBp bis crptng out, ano bp bis continuing, be Ojetoetb b8^» earned: be tsas to p}ap. "Jn oee&e it map be that be did not fet out bis tbzetc ano pclltbut petl)ebfetbtbcfco?c[crp]notamtu*e,to bctcUen l)to finuing luitl) btmfdfe. Eo tbe fame ptirpofe per.emetb bis bo lb mg out, feben be faptb be contmucD [oapes ano nigbts.] |5ettbcr is tbc parcctl [bc= fote tbee] fuperfluoufe, btcaufe that aU tbousb al men 00 comonlp maHe a com^ plapntugintbcirbeauincfrctpetare^p far off from pouring out ttyix figljcs be- fo?e(0o5: napratber tbe greater parte feeHe iur&tngbolcs^befein tbep mur= mure ngatnC Cob, ano to blame tym of oucrmucb fbarpneffc. 3 nfc otber fame caftfocjtbtbetrpdlmgs raujipfnto tbc afre.wberbp S»cgatbcr,t"natit tsapotnt of rare totttuz to fet gob before our tics, to Direct our pjapcrs bnto bim. 4 If 01 mp foule.f c] 3in tb«f« fcozes tbe ^»?opbete ercufctbtbcgreatnefTeof bis grief: as if be fbouio fap,tt ts not fo: tenberneffe 0^ ntcencflft tbar be ts fo full ofnopfc,buttfbis cafe be feci confio^cD, be 10 tufilp cmtctt to maltc mone bp tbe bn«i:afurablebngenefreofbismifcric0. /i^cttber ailegctb be fame one fetnoe of mtfertes enelp : but be faitlje tl)at jone tbjogso in anotbers nccK,fo a0 bi0 ba^t ioas acclopcb feitb fo:oi» tui it cotilb no mo:e. 3Pgain be cypjcfTctb in a fo:te,tbat bis life to is not farre of from tbe graue. 155nt tbis alfo be ejeaggeratctb moze in tbincjtt btrfc, febere be coplainctb bttn felfe to baue b;nne as it *bcrc ir itljout a foulc, fa} altbottgtb be bzctbco aootber men Do : ^ct mnfejitb&anotng tbe ntiber of Deaths tbat bung ouer bis beaD,S»«re as manp graues,into c&tych be lobeD to bcfioalomcD bpeucrp boure,f be femetb vpon the.lxxxviij.Pfalme. A6 topuctbeia>oiDGibbor(ft>tHcb isfoter= hicD of manuticfre)ratber tljan tbe toojD [man] to tbe intent be mtgbt tl>c better fbcfr>,tbat f greuoufneffeof i)is mtfertes Svae fo great, as mtgfytbaue bjoben ttjc ftourcft mans bcart m tbe i»o;loc, < [;tf rce among tbc DcaD $c] Cb* $?opbct ment to ejepxeffe fome greater ono greuotifer tying eban comon Dcatb. iFirftbe &>as free among tbe DeaD,bpcaufc be S»as bnfit fo; all fctio - ipes of UfcanD as tr iacrc bantftjes out oftbe foozlD. ^oj tbis futtle Deuifeof 3Puftins/Cbat Cnjtfi is fapD to bee free among tbe BcaD,bpcaufe be obtcincD \>ic toxp bp Angular pziutlcDge, fo as Dcatb coulb baue no power ouer btm , ts no= tbingto tbe meaning of tbe 45>:opbcte. Cbe $?opbet fapetb ratber.tbat bee is cafbeD from tbe foulDperfare of tbis p^cc fent life , anb Difquietctb W nunoe no mojefritb anpe care, bpcaufe i)is;mfe= rfesbauemaoebim paftall feeitng.$f= tcrwarb comparing btm fclfe 5»itb fuel) asbefr>ouDcD:bebewapletb bimfclfe to bee in frozfecafc ftyan if bee ieerc fo Soeahncb feitb Difeafcs,tbat bee mtgbt come to Deatb bp tittle anb little,bpcaufe feee naturallp abbozre biolcnt Dcatb. ilpozc bar& to ftming is :i y be ac&ctb, [tbat be is fozgottenef cJ5oD,anD is cut of from b'.s &an&,o? tuition,] fclicras it is certame/.tbar tbe DcaD ar no leffe bn= Ber (0oos protection , tljan tbe Jiutng. Tea cucn tbat bntbzift JBalaam, Sobofe purpofe fo?as lotnrneligbt into Darken ncfle, fojaa neuertbelcffc conffrcweD to crp out, 3! pzap cJ5od tbat mp foule map bpctbcbcatb of tbc ngb>eo"Hfe. jftutti.' z).i o. Cbcrfoze it map fecme to bec tbc .fepwg of a l)catbcn man,tbat <2?oa 13 no moic mmDfttltof tbe man tbat xz Deao- 3nfn>cr map be gium,tbat tl?e43;op'jer fpcabetbe accozfcmg to rbe rcafon of tlje common fojt, like as tbe fcrtpturc alio Oben cJ5ods pzouiDe"cc is intrcatcb of) applpcih b'.rfttle to tbebilible ftate of tbe toozlD, bpcaufe toe Htcunt not bp to tbe life to come (fo>bicbisbibben)buc bp Degrees, jftcucrtbelatcr jS tbmtMbat tbe i^iopbet fpabe ratfar according to tbctroublcfomc affemo of a man in mi= fene^banregarDco fubat ttyz ruJcanD bnfHplfull bo furmifc,ncptbcr isita= np marucll, tbat a man cuoewco fcmb <£>'ods fpint foas as it S»cr? am?5eo, fcbenfozowcucrmarebc&bbn, &*& bc- let fltp fome fc>ozDS fcarce toeii acuufctv Ip. f oz attbougb y in t^cir cljef troubles tl;eferuants of <25oB baue tljts faith fail fetlf D tn tbem,tb?.t <0o& ijatb a care botb of tbe quiche * tt)C Deao ; pet Dotb foiofo ofttimes fo ouerclouD tljcir nunDs,tbat tbep pcrcctuc not «0cDS pzefence at tbe pzefent b?unt.31n tbc copiaintsof 31cb a man map oftcttmes finD, tl?at i»ben tbc tntnDs of tbc goblp bcfo^epolTcffcD U»t-b bcauincflfc, tbep puree not out ofbanb. bnto <^ods pjouiDciiee : tbeisbiebnor- Sottbftandtng tl>cp bauefcellbttboiig^t tbe of befuje, * bcarc it tngraucn in tljeir barts.Cbcrfo;e albeit tbat tbc ^opbet feere prrftr)aDe&,tbat f ocas alfo arc \>n Bcr goDS piotcitiontpct n.o'i&itbdanDin^ tn y 6rft b:unt of Ins beuuveffe, b« fp^bf not fo aDutfcttp as hecame l;tm, bicaufe tbeligbt of faptljisas Ditnmc&,i»bicbt anone after (banc oute agapne as wee (ball fcc.3lnD U is a t'rjing ngl)t ncfcffa= rte to be notcD,tb*t if temptations teas Urn bs, i^ec map not pet caft Dsixm our bcarts. 7 Thou hafte lavde me in the lo weft pitte, in darkneflcs, and in the deepes. 8 Thyne indignation, lyeth heauie vppon mee, and thouhafte vexed mee with all thy vvaues. 9 Thou hartc put away myne acquaintance from me, and made me to be abhorred of them: I amshet vp that I can not get foorth. . ro Myne eye aketh by rcafon of my afflictions: Lord I call Vpon thee, I ftretch out mine hands vnto thee. 7 ['£boii baft lam]iFioj»b?aC' ecbctb oftbe \)fo of (Sob. $£f£&frttn!p kuoi»lcgctb me:c pzcnfcly,y iubatfecs S»U6nptna.fitcbnto goc er:iaiptc»frbc uer GDuerOtp be cnDurctb.tjje fame p?o- rcmcDp at bl& bac , but be tW ts a!.rc5P prrii»a:. 1.2t. lohn Caluines Commentarie pcrftoabCD.tbat lye is ftrifce bp Ijta Ijsro, anb t^at nothing tjnppcactlj bp mtifoz= taue.3Uio te 1 3 to be macaco, £ tl>e nerer be awioc\)tt\) onto<5oo,tbe tnoze 10 bis cozjiea , bpcaufc nothing is moje ozeaoful to tbefamrts.tba <2>J8S tuage= men 13. £>:bcrfome translate uCC^ne indignation tsappzocbfO upon utejanb fotst'ie Sdjzo samak taken fomztttmzt. 25 at f ctrcuml incc of the place cauferb rrtV va ta&e it bcre(itHc as tit manp other places) fovto[compalleozbefet abaut,] 6j[rolpe,leam:,o;i\»epbcattp upon one] :»f ot fem j bee isttrcatetb of a man ftin&c aoojie into a treble graue : it S»ere to coir- in cjcpofitton, to fapc that the fame oorb'mtappzocbeozo^aconpe.llSuttbc trmQ:.'icmtt>;j:cb JB baue foloiucD ?n~ fi»erctbucrp %>ell to the tettc, namelp that tbe 0zopbet fiboulo fapbebearetb tlje i»?jole birchen of d5o&9i»r.uI},bp- caufe be is troubled ioitb the ioaties of it. 0oxo tl)tn fetng fo liozrtble a fluo let^ ted not the $iop'iiet to lift Up biffbart aao pzapcrs Unto 4&"od :i»e map lerncbp bis ejeample, to cart tbe aincboz of fatti) and pzaper into i^eaucn , in all our 'unecas. 9 [Choa baft pat fl&>apw]wberas tbe $2>zopbete iota bereft of all man a hcl»c:!;e ifcribcti) that alfo Unto <5oos bifpleafurr ,in iahofc bano it is ,c ttber to bovo mens harts onto gentlencfTe,oj to tnaSe tbe fecrce.tobicb is a tbing fcjooj^ tljy r 9 be noted : foz onlcfle ioee bearc in mmd,tboo ts Dtfplcafcb until os, be tiiutb. axo ip .tje fuccozs rtjac tjee tjab appointed iapxts: Ipaeas alfo ti : can eaftlp t»ljen dc lift so piocure Us tbe fauoureofali men, that t'jep (ball ftretcb out t!?cj>: b*nd to 000 Us gooo. :nifo be aooetb pec a greeuoufcr f'nnj,.bat ;-;is Arenas lotfjcD bun:ano ft ulipiiee concluded that there is no Soap top bun to get out of ijto mifertes. 10 [jflptne epe afectb *cj ileaft Stxe migbt imagine tbe |3zopbete to be ftteu barted : be iclletb Us agipne tl) 3 1 l)is af= fltctions to ere fo bardc finb papncfull, ttiat iljcrc remapneo pztnts of b«J fo;ox» euen tn bis countenance ana etcs.wb??- bp xocc gatber bocoloco be ioas caftc Don>ne. W»ut bp tbeioap be auaucbctfy tbat be ioao not Dzauj-cn from (5oo ac- coibtng as manp be, wtj tcb? fretting fe= cretlp wttb tbemfclues anD cl) ifing Up ^ pontbe btttc(astbep;ouerb faptbjDC; tcrminc r.2t^!!!2 ---; ^a" t0 °*f£batsc tbeir cares Unto (25oD,'tbat the? map fctcb comfozt at biff banoe . 3Bn fpeaktng of [tbe ftretcbing out of biff banDea] be puttetb tt)e ftgne of tbe thtng, fo: f tbing it felf.Snb 3 baue tolo pou clfewbere to iobat purpofc tljtff ceremonp feruesfobi cb hatb brn gencrallp UfeD in ail ages. 11 Wilte thou do a miracle too the dead i or shall the dead ryfc and prayfe thee ? Selah. iz Shall thy louing kindncfTc bee declared in thegraue, or thyfooth- faftneffe in dertruftion^ 13 Shall thy vvonderoufe works be acknowledged in the darke, and thy righteoufneflc in the lande of for^etfulneiTc^ 14 But vnto thee haue I cried O Lorde,and early in the morning shall my prayer come before thee. neuer,foz hereafter it toill be to late. $c uemaunbctb tbrrfoze boto long <2?oo totl belap,ano inb"bf r be toil rapfe tbe oeao bp mtraclc.Bawai boaib the )d;opbet fpeatte not of tbe lad refurrcttion,fe)btcb fbali furmount all o.ljcr miracles ; pec , notfettbsi it [xvilte tbou. *c] ^e meanetr) bp rb?feioozt)0, that U<&on maHe not tbe m9it bade to bclpr, be Q)all not come in time, btcaufetb"re tsfcarfe anincb^bes tnttitte him anb beatb, and tberefoze if d5oO toil belpe htm , be muft do it nolo 0; vpon the. lxxxviij.Pfalme. noti»ub!tanomg be cannot be ticcufco of going to farrc, tnafmucb as it btcometb not tis to appopnte <$co imtbtn S»bat time be (ball b ,lpc. fox voce imbace bis power, if fore belecue not that be can as eaflp redone life to tbc oeab, as be can in Due time encounter anb pjcuent tbc San- ger tbat is to come. 3lno furelp as con- ftant ajs tbe &>ainrts fc>ere,tbep alxoaps fauoteD of tbe infiruutteof tbe flclb, fo aaf it beboucb goD0 fatberlp lotting HmD= neffe to beare iuttb tbe faut tncu\' tljat toas intermcDieb eucn tomb tbctr tiers tueS. irben be ocmaunDctlj [xo\)ittyv <2?qds gooDnefle (bail be fljcwco in tbc graue] be mcanctb not tr>st tbe DcaD are fontbout tinoe r (tantiing :bu t be pioccDctb Soitb tb^ttobicb beb^o faio afo^ Ip M)at i\)c time feructb better to bclpe men Solute tbeparepet crping in oann= ger, tban to rapfe them tip &>br n tbep beebeab anb burpeb. 3!nobcrcafenct!) after tbe common mancr of men,bicaufe d&eo is not fronte to b;iing men out of tb^r cranes to be tiritnefTcs ana pub! t = fbers ofbts goooneffcSUfo be anuejectb (5obS foofbfaftncflTe to bis mercp. fox as ofte as <0od ocliueretb, bis feruarirs, be conftrmetb bun felfe too bee footbfatt oj faitbful!. 3tno agapne nothing leas betb bim to piomife, but bis oronc onelp gooaneffe. 0ovo tben &>beras tbc J320s pbet fayctb, that aftoel 0ods goobneffe, 47 as b»s ioofbiatincfrejmigbtCjanD ngb- tuoufneffe, are not hnocoen m tbe lanoc of fajgetfulneffe. sS^abbzapneb perfons Dzaw it amiffe to grofTe errours , as tbougb men frerc quite ntabc atoapbp beat!;, fox be fpeaimb but onelp of tbeejtbtnarp tnaner of helping, bicaufe it Soas <0oos totll that this Sooiloe CboulDc bee as a ftagc, ipbercon to £bew tbe gracieufe gooDncffe that l;e tioucbfa= uetbtiponmantunoe. i+ LWut tinto tbce.fc] although there baue ben fome tiifozDcrcbnefie m tbc|&?opbcts &oo?os, tsbtebe jB banc confefTco too bee faultie ; pet "was it a toben of rare faptb anb gooipnefic, that begetter gaue ouer pzaptng. fox in this- fenfe Dotbc bee fap.tbat [beebpeobun apace betpmes in tlje moznmg] leaft Spce tnigbte tbtnUe bee linger eo Ho roelp anb coioelp , tpll titter necefTitte conflrap- neb bpm. 3!nb bec boetbe tis mos beftlp too tiHOcrftanoebptbefefcozos, that it came not too paffe bp hts oi»ne floutbfulnefTe, that bee ppnea fo in his long conttnueompfertcg,as though he bab notfoughte d5eo. 3!noit is an cjc= atnple right ft>eztbp to bee noteo, to the intent eur hearts faple tis not, if at anp tpme our pzapcrs happen to Soant fuc- ccfre,though tbep bee neuer fo Smliinglp and inceffantlp maoe. i? Lorde why wiltc thou rcieft my foule,and hide thy face from me? iC I wretch and alwayes dying from my childehoode haue endured thy terrours with doubting. 17 Thyne indignations haue gone ouer myne headc , and the feare of thee hath cut mee off. 18 They haue enclofed mee about daylylyke water, they haue girded mee about togither. 19 Bothe friende and companion hade thou put away from mee:mine acquaintance are darknefle. paule mnfcetb mention, t&om.g. 26. fox trtielp, haD the Jdjopbefc thought beebao bennc rcierteo sh3 abho?r£D,hcc tijoulDcnot haue pcrfeucreo to piapmg. IBut here he b^ngetb fcoith the flcfb=. li> tinocrftanotne, agfapnft fehtchc be ioieflleD maniullp :• too tbc tntcntc it mpghte at length bp manpfeft effecre appcarc f^oicoe hec IjaDDc not p?apeo tm tiapne. 15 [3Loibe&bP fcpltc ] 211= belt that thefe complapnts do at tbc firft fight pzetenbe fozoio i»tthout comfozte, pet contain tbep couerte p^apcrs.JFoi he quarclerb not piouoelp tofrb^oD, but be lancntablp feð fo: reBieffe of bis •npfcrics. 2lnb tbio bpnbeof complapnt is i»elllDOjthv>tobce recbtncD among the tonutterable gronpngs. feljcrcof j?I lohn Caluines Commentane bapnc. Cbtffoic albeit tbattbw pfatmc be ntt clofeo »p ioitb tbinfcf jming, but CiOct!) xoiA) a ptttfult eontplapn:c,a0 tfeOJi&bt tljv're remapnei) no roome foi grace : pet is it fo mucbe tbe pzo1t*= Diet ,ro tattbijolB bs in £ ouetie of pup= tng-iFozcertcfTc.^en tbe pzopbctbik ci) irg:tb t!)cfc figbc0 into <2>oD0 lappc, l); ecafeb net to bope faz the tjeipe i»!jic!? be faro not. 5F0? be calleb {jmt not tbe <5ob of I) to Welfare at the ftrfr , to i»ar= rante tnmfelfe notljmgat l)!0!janoeaf= tertoaro. it>bp b« fljoulb fap,be [bao al= toap0 ben Dpmg from t;ts cbttDbooBeJtt ti bncertatne , fauing tbat a man map reafoaablp gcfTe, tbat Ije bab ben funbtp tt>apc0 put fojetobtstrpall, aotbougb b(0 life Ijab bungbp a ti»pncD tbzeebe a nong trnitvs tremblings anb fearc0. Wbercbp alfo fc>e gatber, tbat <5o*8 tn= btgnattons ano fcaics,of 5xH>tcl> be fpea= fectb tminebtatelp after , ivere not of a | fmall continuance : ft>btcbe tbtng bet|c= pseffetb bp tbe fcazb [oaplp.] jftofr tty:n mafmuci)C as nothing 10 moze ozcaotull tban to tabe a eonceice.tbat (!5oD its opf- pleafcb fcttb b0 : be batb gooo reafon to compare bis foiott>fuineffc to a flu&be. 2inD berebpon alfo commetb W boub= tmg. jpoj it coulo not otberS»pfebe,bnt tbat tbc feeling of <£ob0 birpleafurc, bio bejee tys mpnut &>itb fozebnquiet= neffe. H5ut bere it is ocmaunbeb, bo&> tbt0 feauering map agree i»itb feptl), anb truclp &ben foeuer anp man frpc= bctb in perpleritic anb doubtfulnefle, oj, ratber is toffeo to anb fro,bi0 taptb fee= metb to be fioaloi»eb bp.^euertl;clcfTc erpertence teaebetb b0>tbat S»bcn faptb flotctb in tbefe troublc0, it rpfetb ofte= times bp,lcaft it mtgbt be bzoumeb: anb if at anp tpme tt bappen to bee cboheb, pet it t0 couertlp cbertfbeb • btcaufc tljat altbougb tbe furgc0 fiwel neucr fo bigb, pet it bearetb tbem off fejitb tbi* HjielD , tbat <0ob continuetb faitbfull, fo a0 be neuer bifappointetb 0; fozfafeetb tbofe tbat be bid. The contentes of the.Ixxxix.Pfalme. Tbe frophete (wbofieuer be w.ts thdt wxs dutbor */ this Vfdlme) intending t>o mdkgfupplkdtion too God for tbe dfflycled Church, fetteth downe the couendnt that God hddmdde with Dduid, alomo anD bciuapleo the beautc ano fojovpfull Dmtfion tbatbapneo at that tiuie,tobicb ioae as a banfeil of the becap that foas to come. ;tfo; although "the 18eal«icbe= tngtben beiuoea in ttoo parts, Qoobe pet in goob cafe: pet notfejttbftan&tng tnafmucbastbatbiuiuonbzaKcafunbcr the mimic rftabltfbcD bp gob:fo>bat hope coulo there remaine :' ©efiDs this, the foeifarcof the tobolc bobp bepenoeb bp= pontheone heab, front isbtcb tbctenne Crpbes &>crc SoicUcolp falne aioap. 3 no hoiu horrible a monfteroufcncfTc f»as it to fee that feingbome befaceb and mtferabl? rent afunberimnubiatlp after one in a 3 time, iBbtcb ought to haue 60- rifbed S»bolc ana founb, cucn to the cnD of f Suozlb r'feho toolb not hauc thought the faio pzonttfe to hauc bin but a toapr.e mocHerpc, feingtbe faithfull &>erc oif* appointcDofit mfofbojt fpaceofttme. 'Ktyvhie pf anp man ipUe to haue the fapD Cthan to be j autboz of tbtspfalm he map put otter Ins complaints into thattime,in5»hich not onlp the throne of DauiD lo as appapzeb , but alfatbc mozc pert of the people focrc gcnea= vcap front <5oo, anb the toothers began to murthcrcche other i»itlimutuaU ano init>ar5bifco:t).3fnDtrulp(ns(nabout= ful cafe) 33 fee nothing mozc lifcclp. $0% as fojttbem tljat %>\\\ haue the people too be fozciuarnrb of their miferics to come bp the fpmrc pf pzopbefic : tljep are eafelp atfpzoucb bp the tocrp tejet, Svbcfe rfcc irzptcr (iubat fecucr hec &>as) cjepjcflTelp befoaplety the altera* tton that happincb bp the rebellion cf 3leroboam. 1 [JfttlifingtbefcOyemufrbeare in mtnD(as 31 toucljco cuennotu) bou> hemafeeth bis cntcranccat tbepzapfes ofdEtob anb the memoziallof bis cout- nant,thatthe fairhfull map fczttfietbcir faith agemft the ftrong engtnes of temp tacions. Jf o> io^m Sse bucfeic our fcluc0 to pzaier,if otfpatre mete femh 00 at the tocrp poztall, m muft tocafee in bp tozce anb bioleacc, leaft our hart0 fatntc ano bttcrlp quaple-Cbercfoz* the fSzopljers purpofe fc>as to foztifie the minDS of the goblp (cucn at the nrft entrance) forth itebpanb fubftantiatl buttrctTes,to the intent that though truft of 05803 pzo= mtfe fcrincb ioas (to outfearo aparace) in a mancr falnc to f greunb.Ujcp might totue bacUe all the engines of temptatu ons foberfoitb their faith tow fozc fba= fccn,ananot Doubt of the rrftirutionof the bingbome.but pzap ac&faftlp foz the famc.^lthough then that bp the fozcfo= full fight of the becap, Or than might ac= C02bmg to flefljip rcafon coRtecture,that hcanotherraof tbcfapthfulli»crebc= guilce : pet nctfutthaonbing ijcfaptl) he toi'.l noSo ccmmmoe.viSoDs mcrcico, fehieb at that time tocre htD0en.3lnD fo; afmuche ao it i»as not eaftc fo^ i;pm to atbno&lcbge vIdod too bee mcrcpfull, iohom he founoe too bee foze ana rough: toothemtcnte the plcntie ano toyrictie of d&oDDcs grace map tanquiGK th?s temptation , hec fctreth befozc hpm ^doos goobneffes in the plurail num= bcr. 1 [5Foz J fapo.?c] ^caUfQjcth rh? caufci»hPhccontiniicth:np;apnnggcb ma^ucrfi;tes:thattetoS-ti!t,bicaufcu ts not cucn d5cbsfl)nrpc cbaftijinijof his fcrunnt0 tljat canmahchunbtfpairc of <5cds louing KmbnefTc to^arbs them. fn :9L Iohn Calumes Commentanc jfdi there is not m? wan tbat imll open bu moutbe freelp Co p?apfe d5oo,but be frbtcb is full? pcrfi»aaeD t^at i£od nc* uer taped* afioe b is fatberlp affection to= foarosbts not euenivt)cn lje is angric toitb tbc. jo* tbis[faptng] -o)I)crof be tnabctb iaencion,ts as much as to bane ittbzougblp 6ceD and faftned m bis barr:a8tf be fi):>uiafap,&>batfoc= uer batb befaln btm berctofozt, pet batb ttnotsjutato-tpbis hopeoftfjoDsgra-- cioufc fauo: tn time to come, but be totll abide alwapes in tbe fame mind . Ulna it istobenoteo, tljit ttfousnot fentbout barD encounter ,tbat tbe j3zopbet OiD bp faitb embrace d5oD0gooDne(Te,fc>bJcb at tbat time S»as btterlp banifbeaoutof fight : to tbe intent ttjjt if <2>od atanpe time fontbozaw all tbe of bis loue from bS,ioe uiap lerneneuertbcfcffeto fettle in our bart0 [$ euerlaftmg fetting top of '0ods mcrcie] fobtcb is mtrcatea of beretbp Subtcb metapboz tbe J£>?opbet mcanetb tbat d5oDS mercie (ball be fpzea abiODco^ be of continuance, till it come to b'S ena o; full accempltfbment. 31 n tbefeconb member fomevobat mnftbee fupplpeb. foi tbe effect of it is tbisttbat tber fbalbe no lefTe fteafaftnefTe tn oas pjomifes,tban in $ ftcfip contineroancc of tbe bcaucns.'ujbtcb is euerlaftmg ana free from all cbaunge. aind bp tbe ix>ozo I [beauens] 3D tonacrftana , not onlp tbe biftble ffepco, but alfo tbe beauens tbat ar abotte tbe tobole frame of tbe feozld. f oi bcrc <&oas trutbe is placcb aboue tbe elcmets of tbe fojoziD ,tn tbe bcauen= ip gtezp of ine(Te in tbpsmanerbf fpeabmg, i»ben od bimfelfe eommetb foitbe.f alluretb bs bp bis orone botes. 3tnbfeingtbatbe in this Sopfep;euea= tctbbs:itts norafbneffeat all,iffo>ee pjcace baldelp bnto bint : lifee as en tbe contraric part , it is not latofull foj bs to pzefnme anp thing bppon ti&o&s grace imthout bis ioozb , oz to bopc at our ocon pieafure, to; anp imng tbat be batb not pjompfed. ^o^eoucrtbep^omifets maoe of greater autbozitie bp tbts,tbat <0oo rcpoztetb tbitb anotbe bofo be batb maDe a couenant isitb bis fcruant IDa~ uto. Jpoj tnafmucbe as in oiae tpme leagues f couenants Sucre Suontctobce tnjrauco in tables of bzaflc , be bfetb a ^tpetapbo^ tafeen of tbe fame. 3no bee garntfbetb IDauio &itbta>otptlcB,cai= Itngbtm botbe bts [cbofen,] anb bis fcr nante.] 5Foz tbep tbat dzai» tbe former tptle bnto Sbzabam, marfcc not futTici- cntlp tbe common maner of fpeafcing, iDbsrtn one tbing is repetcb tioice.^ur: tbr rmo:c be is called [cbofen,] bpcaufe <5od of bis ofenc meere gooo tvtll pzcc ferreb btm, not onelp before tbe poftcrt- tie of *baule,anb fo manp notable men, but alfo cuen befojebts otonc bzotbers. Cbcrcfoze if tbe caufco: oztgtnall bee fought foz,ioce muftc necbes baue re- courfc to^oos election. Che name of [fcruant,] fehtebe folot»etb imme&t- atlp after, muftc not matte men tbtnbc tbat JDattto earncb anp tbing bp \H8 ownc feruifablencffe : iput be is calico <£>jos feruant in refpecteefbis ropall eftate, bpcaufe be t bxnl not bimfelfe tn; to tbat roome bpon bis ofrne beabe,but bnbertobe tbe government otTereb btm bp <2>ob, bp tbe iuarraittc of bis latpful calling. £^o:eouer bptbc effecteof the couenant, tot e gather tbat tbe pzopbet batb not applpeo tbe fame tbings to tbe tofe of bimfelfe, anb of the feboie peo= pie iuithaut caufe : tnafmucbe as <£oo inabe not tbe couenant i»ub JDauib pzt^ natelp, but bab an epe to tbe Subtle boc b^ of tbe Cburcbe in all ages too come. fai altbougb tbat tbts faptng [31 fepll ftabfifb tb? tbzone fo? cuer,] muftc in parte be bnberftoobc of Salomon anb tbe rcfteof IDauiDS fucccfTozs : i^tttiib tbe )dzopbet bno»,tbat tbe fubftanttall eueriaftingneffe coulb not bee founb but tn Cbzpfr. 3nb furelp in maHingonc manbing, <&on refpecteb not tbat one boufc alone, fetting afioe anb neglecting tbe people Suttb iobombebao maoe bis couenant before tn tbe banbe of 3!bza- bam: but bee beftoiocb tbefoucraintic bpon 5>a«io anb bis cbilozcn,to tbe in- tent tbepfboulb retgnefo? tbe common mean vpon the.lxxxix.Pfalme. 49 toealeot tljcau all, bjuiu tbe Cbjone might be tbjougblp UablifljeObp the cam- ming of Cbzpft. 5: And the heatiens shall prayfe thy miracle O Lord,yca cuen thy truth in the congregation of the faincis. 6 For who shall be equall to the Lorde in the Cloudes, or bee like too the Lorde among the Tonnes of the Gods. 7 God is very terrible in the congregation of the Sain&s, and too bee feared aboue all that are about him . 8 O Lorde G od of holles.vvho is itrong lykc thee O God i and thy truthe is rounde about thee. anb crtetb out Soirb a toebemencic [febo I3l)tm the clonus that can be compareb to vJ5oD:'] 3lnD be nametb [tbe clouos oj bcaucs] btcaufc it 13 no warned that there is nothing to be founD opon cartb iohiche map come neere to d5oas giojp. iro^albcn that man cjccell oil)cr ipmng &>igbt0 : pet boo to: fee b3^ miferable ana bafe ly.s ftne t0,o? rather boa? fui of ftjameanb repjocbcit t0. Whereupon it foioft>ctb, tbat bnber beauen tberc 10 no cjccellencte fc>hicbc map compare tottl) ©oo.^Snt 'toljcn frc cltmbeinto beauen, tbenbeeing rautib'O frith SoonDeriug, free imagine a rablc of 45ob8, toljtcrje quite put ateap tbe true (©oDbeaD. 3tnb the latter member ejepottnoctb tbe firft, tob^e tbe 0zx>pbetc Denpetb, tbat tbere 10 anp among tbe fonncoof tbcdEJobS, tobich tslp&c toe true ano one unne, ^oonc.auo S>tarrea , it 13 mfpjoueo b? tbe \jerp tcjete. Cbectfectc then i0, that the one goo rcignetb alonlp fouerame * ftutbout peerc, eucn m tbe bcrp \)taums t\)tm- fel4C0. ain?) be callctb tbe 'Jngeites tbe fbnnc0 of tbe go&s, bicaufe tbrp ncptber banc bao their beginning of tbe ertb\no;i are clao frith corruptible boo? : but arc b:aucnlp fpirti0 enbucb ioittj tt>e glojp of Sob. #>ot tbat tbep bee anp part of <&:ba being 02 fublrance, a0 bzamfiefec perfono bzeame: but b;:aufc 30b tottretb bis migbtp po'&cr in them, tfyercfozc is tbeir nature oiftmgutffoeo f-om our0 bp this title. Che effcet tbcrfoze 10, tbat ab though there thine fojtba greater maie= ftie. in j 3lngcl0 tban in otber creature©, infomucbca0tl)ep ramfhbs tofronber at theln:pet come tbcp nothing ncre tonto d5gg. <25oo 5 [] Che $zo= pjjet bautng fpokenof CZjjos couenant, (lifce a0 faptlj mu£ tafc:bts beginning at tbe frojoc) cowimctb bafruc nofr to thcgenerall comenbationof bi0froz&a. /|>;uerti)eleu"e it 10 too bee HKeb.tbat tbe ^zopbete entrcatetb not of e fe- quclcof the tejete, that all bt0 tptlc0 of comm:naation arc leucleb at tbe fapae ji3pl)Cte openeth nmc at large that i»hichhct)ab fpofeenof gob0 feonbers, Iohn Caluines Commcntahe dftod^bat ti;cp flioulD cimmcbtmfettb tljctr cjcccllcnne, oj parte ftafcesof foue= rcimie feitb tym rc\)V.\) thing »0 too bee marUco sduifcdl?,bicaufe that although (0OD dco cuerp febcre auoucbe the An- gels io be but feruantg,artD rcadp at b«o commaimdcmcnt : pet the fcjojlo bcetng not contented feitb the one (25od,fo;tgetb to it Ceifc manp godheads, l^crebntu alio pcrtttnt(!)t!jcncictrjcrfe,fei)Ctetbep?o= pljct ftmbLtijat Cod te terrible m ttjc co= grcgatton of tbeiaincts] jFoz be cojrec= tctt) tbatciucliG) fupermtion.feherbnro almo'> al uttn arcgiucn,febcn tbcp cjctol 3Utgtls teubout mcafurc oj rcfon. 15 ut if tl)e berp Angels tbcmfcluee bo trem^ blc, and be afrapdc afoje tl)e matcftteof <0oo : febP fl)Ouib fcijep not be counted as t"ubiect.s,tbat only c£od map tjattcttje full foticrainttc .-' &)o?eouer bp placing tbem [about <0ob] be mcanctb (l;ac tijep ftauoc about bis »b?one UHe as a garoe, and are altuaps reabp at band to cjcccute his commaundements. aiftirfeardc h* repctetb the fame thing agapn, [feb° is ftrong tifee thee:'] to tlje tment tbat at ieaftfeife foi berp fearc, fee map learnc, not to rob buu of l)is buc banoj. l^owbeit left be might put tes into too mcub feare, be mtcrmcdletb fome Ifectnetfe feitb it, taping tbat [bis truth is to be fene found about bim:] as if be fboid fap,goo is al= feaps as good as (jis feojd, f although tber Ijappc ncucr to manp alterattcs,pct abidctb be ftii fotbfaft, botlj before 9 be= btnD,both on tbc ngbt hand $ on the left. 9 Thou reigneftouerthc pride of the Sea: when the waues thereof aryfe thou (tilled them. iq Thou haft fmitten Egypt downe as a wounded man : in the arme of thy itrength halte thou fcattered thyne enemies. 1 1 The heauens are thyne,the earth alfo is thyne : thou hafte made the worlde and the fulnefTe thereof. li Thou hafte created the North/and the South: Thabor and Her- mon shall reioyce in thy name. 13 Thou hafte an arme of mighte : thou shalt strengthen thyne hande, thou shalt lyft vp thy righte hande. 14 Righteoufnefle and iudgement are the place of thy throne : mercy and truthe shall goe before thy face. 9 [Cbou reigned « c.] 31 bcueairebp felfc and others, totrje intent be might fapa tbat t!)C tbtngs febieb tljc^jtopbet rjatb r>it!)crto fpoUen generallp concern ning d5cos peu?er, muft bee referred to the miracle deituermg the 31fraelit06ut ofdEgipt t\)rfal)ic\)\jt fettetb out now in eicp?cffe tcrmes. jroj although feme Interpret* it , that the feaues oftbefea arc ftiittd, bpcaufc <0cd furrcrctbe not tbc fehole feojldto be cttcrfioujed feitb featcr: petnottoirbftanding 3! reading bothe tbefe ftaucs iopntlp tagtt!|er,doo think that tbe lc>?QPbct fpcaheth of the reab §>ca, febieb ®>od Silled, to mafee feap foj ty$ peeple to pafle. JFo; be ad= dcthimmcdtatlp after , that [all OBgipt feas oucrtfoofecn as a man y is flame] i£p febicij feo^ds be commedetb d5odS gracioufc goodneffe m Dcliucrmg bpS Cburcbe.^oittbere is no doubt,but bee did Ut <&ods fatr>erlp leue before lnut= repairc tl)c meje frcclpbnto Ijimtlptie as in autmebing tbat [vI5'cd bad bjchen l)ts enemies m peec ts totcb b*s ttitgbtp arme,] be gatberetb bp hnov»ledgeof ejc= perience, tbat l)e can doo tlje fame agapn asoftasbeliQetr;. 1 1 [o&, fljould r.oro be rolled h^ fortune : and tbat things fbould be min= gled bpon cartb, cither at tbeplcafuic of nicn,o?,bpcrjauncc c b noer ftan:> tng of t l;e r uoe people : as if be fboulO fap, tbere is no part of tbci»o?lDiobicl) Dorbnotrc= uerence anb tjono? tbe creator tbcrof.3!l= fo j Knit tbe ncjrt torfefeub it, CCbat goD0 arme is fumttbeb fottb po*ucr,ane btsbano foitbftrengtb, ttfcat but right bans obtcinctb tbe bigb«ft foucrctntie.] yoi tobcras fame cjcpcunO it in tbe ma= ncr of lifting, [ftrcngtben tbp banoe, ano bfte bp tbp rtgbt banbe,] it fcemetb to farre of from tbe $ropbcts mraning : io\)0 to tbe intent f o encorage al tbe goo = lp, Detb fimplp commenbe <£ods inefti= mable power anb ftrer.gtb- 14 [18 igbteoafncffc.fc] Cb^fe tptlcs of commenoation nlfa , make more to tbe confirmation of bope,tban if gcb0 ftrcn= gib bao ben allcDgcD alone. 3t nb a0 ofte as mention (0 maoe of ^oo, it beljouetb bs to fet onr mmos dneflp uppon tbefe bertues buvio bp fopti;,icft toe ba- mflj afoap fonoip in curious (peculate c«0, ipbcrctti toben foolifb men beligbt tbem felues, tl;ep bnocrftanoe net tobat d5oo 10. Cbe propljet tbcrefo2c alluding too tbe royalties ano pompoufneffe cf bmg0,faitl) tbatrigbtucuineffc $ iubgc= ment are tbe topbetoers of f;ls rbjonc, foberan \)Z fittctb fo? to be if nc of al me , ano tbat mercp anb rrutb areas it toe re b is fcruants : as if be G;oulb fap , tbat in ftcoe of rebc of eftate,biabem or fecpter, gob tSDccUeo ■& tr)tfe ornamccstnamelp tbat be is H)t tuft f bprigbt ittbgc of tbe &orlb, a merciful fatb«r,ano a fiptyfatl befenber of tbofc £ be I;is. jf or mafmueb as ertblp kings bane no eigiuttcfottfem tbefelue0,tbfp arc fame to boroio it elfe= iotycte. H5nt fc>bo \a fufficfcntof btmfelf,and fcjantetb none otber l)?li?B> fcttetb foo?tb bnto bs tbe brigbtneffe of b>0 image, tn bis oione rtgbtcoiifu?u~e, increp anb trutye. I? Bleffed is the people that knovveth how to reioyce : O Lorde,they shall vvalke in the brightnefle of thy countenance. 16 In thy name shall they dayly reioyce,and in thy righteoufnefle shall they bee exalted. 17 For thou art the glory of their ftrength, and in thy fauour shall our home bee exalted. (Ifraell. 18 For our Buckler is of the Lorde,and our king is too the holy one of 1 5 [BlcfTcb is tbe f c]!&c proceebctij tbem tbe tafte of bi0 goooneffe , fo as tbep map taKc beart fcnto tbem to re= topee ano bee glaosc. Zno furelp no- tbmg is mo?e mtferable tbco pampcretb tbcm,fo nmcb tbe foio= Icr is tbeir tbanfelcffcneffc. Cb^ true bappmefle tbrrcf9?c,is,to concctuc gebs gooDncfTc, tljat tbe fame pofTefTrng our bcarts iottl) lop, map ftirrc bs bp too pjapfc ano tljanafgining. ^Iftcrioaroe bep^ouctb bj» t!;e falling out, tbattbep arcblcflcO ioljict) i»itbmtrtbant>glal>: nefle a(Knoa>koge goo to be tbeir fatber bicaufe tbep not oncip eniop bi0 benc= fits, but alfo bpon mitt cf bt0 fauour pafle tbe S»ljole courfe cf tbtir ipfc toitb in itb tbat Sz>bicb b^ bab touebco concer- ning tbe Cburcb,not onlpbpcaufc tbe bnbelceucro are blpnbe at tbe figljt of (0000 feojfca : but alfo bpcaufc it is tbe ^3;opbets purpofe,to put none but tbe gobip tn gooo bopc, tbat tbep map leane bppon (S£> E> ioit'QOut feare,anO not be fcifcjjagtb for anp aOutrfitie0, but call bppon bptn boioip. 31nb bee fapetb ib«? arcbappietotobomitis giue toreiopce in iSQD.foi albeit tbat all men in gene; rail are fco frub (Sods bountcoufcnefTe: pet ootl;e not tbe feeling of bio fatber Ip goobneffe come bnto all men mfutcije ix>pfe as tbep can pcrftoabe tbcmfclurs to be in bps fauour e , ano fo rciopce tco t b c m fcluc 0 fo; tbeir ctone blcu~cb ftate* ■■(i-bcrcfoic be toutrfauctb a lingular pxualcbge bppon bio clerte , in gluing •Pc Iohn Caluines Commcntarie fcjrtb qutet mints. foi to [foalKmtbe Itgbt of bis countenance,]impoztetb a0 t«ucl)J as to reft bppon t)tfl pioutoence bpcaufc&cbdcue tijat be bail) a pccu= War rcgaiD of our ftjclfare, aub fecepctb featcrjean!) iuaro foitbcfamc.Cotbe fame purpefc pertepne [Cbe retepctng ill l)t0 name, 5 tbe globing tn bi0figbt; oufenc ffe. ] iroj £ ctfcrS tssti;at ibc faittj- {ullfinb pnougb tn<0oD,pea ana moze tban inougb i»r>erof to retopce ano glo= rp.llBp tbe Suoza [£>atlp] befecmetb to betoken a ftrtw anD fubftanciall contt= nuance : ano fo be ceuertip tauntetb tl)e fooUQ) outrfojeening of fucbe 00 being puffco tip %!tb notbmg buti»tnb,anb tatting apzp&e in tbeir otoneftrengtb, lift top tbeir boznc0 aloft. 5F oz tnafmuclj e»0tb^pftanD bppon an Ulfounoation, tbepmufrneeos atlengtbe fall Dotnnc. TDb? ruppen tt folofaetb. , ttjat tbere i0 not anp true noblmeffc of cozage,nep= tber anp bcrtue of continuauce.but on= Ipfeberettisftspebbpon d5ob0 grace, li&eas^aule alfo IHom. 8.31. ropallp toauntetb rjttnfclfc. [3If ©09 be on our fibe , febo fb^U pzeuaple agctnft tos:1] ano ffcoznctb all abuerftties a0 &cl pzc= fentas to come. 17 Ifn tbouarMc] $e confirmed tbe fame fcntcnce,tbst 10 tofapctljat ©0?! ncucr leauctl) b*0 fattbfullfcruats beftuute of ftregtb ;ffoztn terming b»« [tbe glezp of their ftrcngtb] be meenetb. tbat t^rp be alt»ape0 fo ftapeo bp S»ttb the pzefent belp cfi0ob, tt>et tbepmap tuftlp glozp in btm :oz (fobicb impoztetb atlonctbtng)(^oospefecrapperetbal= Szjapeaglczioufein beiptng anbtopboU Otng tbem. ^oabeit bp tbe fojaptbcp be aDmoniftjeo of tbeir be&>tp,1tbat tb cp fbouia pcclD gob tbe pza?fe of tbeir (fan- Ding fafear.D foumD. j£oi» tbentftbte betruclpfapD of tbe pzefent life: rmicbe moze oott) it agree to tbe fpmtualt life of tbe foule. 3no to tbe intent bee map tbe better comment) this boumcoufeneieof 03OD:bc teebctb tl):rft>ttball, bofo> tt oe- penoctb onlp bppon bis gooo plcafure. wbcruppon tt folcfojctl) that ityy arc tabolpand altQgttbcr botmo bnto oD Scbofeotilp ofeme free bounttfullMcfTe moucetb tym to continue iy.s i;cipc to= roaros tbem. 18 Cifoz our buckler.* c] ;tfojafmurb as tlje peoples cbcfc fafctie toasin tbeir feing : tbe Jdzopbete Sotb them fpectaltp to bnberftanoe , bcSo it is alio tbe gtftc of <25od, tbat tbe bmg bim fclfe mapn- tepnetb tbe Welfare of tbe fapt&full. i^eucrtbclcfTe it is too bee norcb, ;r>at tbe ?0zopbcte Seas not fofallct pro too tbe Ccmpo^all ano tranfito?tc liiing= Dome :but tbat be tbcrcfeitbali Sucpco tbe cube alfo, nccojoing ts tore Qjall fee anone. jfaj, befescto bovo it teas onelp in rcfpcctc of Cb?pft,tbat d£>ooo fcuour floiDCD from tbe Ijeao into tlje Sabdc bc= bpoftbe Cburcbe. %nb firfteofall, feljen be SJJJetapbojttcailp tcrmctb tbe lfeing[a2l5utWer] cj, [&b«*Oft] (ac= ce?bmga0 tbe ^crtpturc bfctbtbat 5= gure oftentimes,) vet bctb be confeffe, tbat t\)Z people are not bcfenbcD bp b»0 banbe 8 traucll, otberioifc tbnn tb?ougb tbe power anb Scoring of <5ob. 'Snb be rcpttetb tljc fame tl;ing agapn in tbe fc= conbe member, auoucbing (bat tbe bing ioaogiucnbp dpoatogoucrnc tf)epco= pie : 2ln0 tbercfeje tbat tbe beftnee febicb commctb from tlje Utng,»0 tbcbc= neftte of d5eo. il^o^i muft Soee bearc in mine, tbat ioofee teb^tts fpobcnof tbe fbabofootfl) Uingoom, tbe fame cotl) p?o= perlp fit tbe peffon of Cb?pft,febom tbe fatber batb giucn to be tljc maintctner of our S»clf arc, tbat ioee map bee fbeelocD bpbiflbanoe. 19 Then fpakeft thou to tliymccke ones in a vifion , and faydeft: : I haue layde helpe vppon one that is mighty, I haue exalted one chofen out of the people. 20 I haue fought out Dauid my feruaunt,vvith theoyleofmyneholy- neffe haue I anoynted him. 21 Therefore shall my hand be ftablished with him : doubtlefle myne arme shall ftrengthen him. 22 The vpon the.lxxxix. Pialme. *i 11 The cnemie shall not encroche vpon him, neythcr shall the childeof iniquitie hurt him. 13 And I will breake his opprefTers in pecces before his facc,and I will ftrike them that hate him. 19 tHEl)zntp?kt(tt])OU9c.~]filovoiiC3 clarctbbec mojs at large, Soijerfojc bee faib tl)tit t\jz lung of the etett people frad giuentbent frombeaucn fejulje prefers uacton of tbe publikc tt>calc:namclp bp= catife be nepttjer fc>as cboje bp tbe for- ces of men, noj bfurpcb tlje ftatc ofijps orcne bcab,noj crept in bp etui pellictco, but Suas electca bp <0oD to be tlje m«pu= tcincr of f Welfare of cr>c iobolerealrnc, and perfojmeD b# bcvwtp bp t^e appoint ment t gupbiug of tbe fame autb from band to banb,anb ftalleb bim in tlje feegc rop= all bp \)i8 ot»?ne antbojttic. Cbe particle Aph(i»b*cb pjoperlp figntflctb tben) its taken alfo fojt[long ago,o? ii\ time paft.] Cb* meaning tbcrfejctaf, tbati»bcra0 fomebcbojmc kings anD fucccebctbetr fatljcrs bp rigbt of mberitance,anb forttc be mabc kmgs bp clettto, anb otb?rfotne purcbafc tbcmfelucs Dommion bp bto= IcnceanbfoKcofarmes : d5obS»a0tbe autljc; of tbts kingbome , bpcaufe bee cbo^eBauiD bp bisofonc bopce.3nb altbougb be bifclo?eb l)t0 intent to g>a= muell:pct notfonrbftanbtng fojwfmucbe as tbe 433topr>ctc fapetbein tlje plurall number,tbat tl;e fame &o;b &>as bite- reb bnto manp : a man map gatber foj a ccrtainttc,tbat tbere fcjerc no $ioplje;0 b^ottgbt to bearereco?b,feb«cbfbculD U)itl) one confente auoucbe tbat £>auib fcjaoereatebkmgbpd&obsappetntmet. 3nb furelp tnafmucb as otljer pjopbets fiojifbeb at tbat time: it is no Ukclpbob tbat fo greate a matter fc>as concealco from tbem.yet is $>amuell onlp namcb bpcaufe be S»a0 bortje tlje publtfberof tlje p?opbefie, anb the mtmftcr of tlje a = notnting. Stfjojeouer &>bera0 d&ob fpake tobts p?opi;ct0 in tljofe bapes.eptbcr bp became op bp btuons: bere t0 put but tlje one kpnb. atfterroarb folotmtb tlje fumme of tlje p?opbettc, tbat obbab f aruiajeo anb tenfeb tlje ftoute 0} ftrong man fc^m be bab ebofen too be fetng. ^ei0ca!leb firong, not fo? tbat beejc= ccllcb in iircngtlj of bun fclfc , (fc? be S»a0 but of a fmalJ ftature, anb leaft fet bp of all bt0 bjotbers, 10 a0eucn &*-, muell alfo paffeb btm ouer ioitbout re= gatbeof bun:>but btcaufc tbat after bis election, be feas cnoncb iuttb a nei» firengtb * otijer p;incctp qualutcs, like a0iol)cn €b?ptt cr>sfe bi0 3!po6le0, be Dio not onelp oecbc tbem 5»ttb tbe tptle, but tberv»itl)all alfo beftovoeb fcl)atfoc= uer Svss neceffarie fc; tbe ejcccution of tbeir suetie. Bnb cucn at tijts bap be bt= teretb tlje fame p«iver of tbe fptrit m bi0 mmiftcrs.Cbeftrengtb of iDautb tben, toberof mention i0 mabe bcre, Sxms tbe effect of bt0 clcctton,bicaufc gos in crea= ttng btm king, furnifbeb b»m alfo fe>ttb fucb ftrcngtb a0 fboulb fuff tfe fo.i f p^e^ fcruatton of tlje people. wb»cb tbmg ap= peart tl) pet mo?e cutbcntlp bp tbe feconb member ,fol)ere tye o^tgtnauof tlfism= utncible ftrengtb 10 noteo to be, bpcaufe (0oo bab cbofen b»m, anb ejcalteb btm a^ boue tlje people, fof. ail tbe S»o?bf tm. po?t a pttlnneffe. jifo: fcemg d5ob auou= cbctb btmfeife to bauc cralteb btm ; it is to be bnberftebe, tbat tbe ftate loberetn JDautb lap bib anb bnknoi»en,ioa0 but bomelp anb bafe,brfo?e (J5ob rcacbetb outbi0 banoe bnto b»w.Co tl;e fame effect mabctb tljat tr-btcb folcfceib: [fro among tlje people ] foj, tbe nientng t0, tbatbe&?a0a0 tbenbut one of tbebafe anb inc^ncfi fozt of tbe people, anb fuel; a one a0 bare no countenance of anp cje: ccllencp,conf!b?tng tbat be iozs but a0 a refuge in a countrcp cotage ameg ijcrb- men. 3!ntbe5po?b [cbofen] c= mgtben tbat <£oo of bisowne accozb anb mere good &>tU pzeucntctb IDauib, to anoint bmi king bp tbe ban& of £>*- uiueil:brDotbe iuftlp auoacbe b»mfelfc to batierfougbt b»m out.]3ftcru>arb be aooctbtbatbe fctll be a mapntetner of tbis king3ome,ij>bcrof be t»as ? fenn* dcr.accozamg as be is wot fcont to leaue bisSoczksbaUebnbOHe.butfcttbcontis nnal pzoccdingrzingctb tbe to tbeir enb. 2 2 [Cbc cnemie (ball not «.] f&e eje? piefTetb pzecpfelp tbat altbougb 2Dautb be notfe>t«boHt cnemies:pct (ball d5ods power attend fcppcn bimto defend bim tbat be be not oppefledfeitb Sozongfull btolzncc. l&c Dcnietb tberfozc tbat £>as utd frail be tributarie to bps enemies: like as be tbat is fcanquifbcb bp battcll, is condrapned to take pncquall condtct= ons of peace at tys conquerozs band.USp tbe fcap in terming \}i* enemies [tbe chtldzen of tniquttte:] bee couertlp u>c= wcil; tbat bis gouernemem fbal be fucb a bar mlefTe ktnb of gottcrn cm ent , a s no man map attept to oucrtbzowe it fcjttb- out Sazong anb io tcUeonc fl c. auid anb bts poftcune fijal be pzefcruedand well fenced bp tbctmcicn of <£oo,fe as tl;ep Dial not be abandoned to tbe luft of tbeir enemies. 3 no fcljcr = as(25oobatb fuflercb tbat ktngoome to go to S»icch , fo as 3Dauids fucceffozs bane bin faine to pap greate tribute to fo; rcmc kmgs: tt in no 'votyt agcinft tbis pzomifc,bicaufep> altljougb v fratelincfle of tbc kingdom foas cut fljoz t : pet was it pnougb tbat tbe roote remapneb fhli, Vntill Cbzpft came, in i»bofc banbe tbc kincDome was at lengtb ftabliG)C&.;ffoz tnauuucb as botb tbe king 9 tbc people bab wicfccblp rctectco goes fo grct blcf= fing,tbe kingdom* was often fbake tbo= row tbeir own Default,? afterward mi= ntfbeb,? laftlp becapeo: anb pet gob cea- fed not in tbe meanc intjtie (to tbc intent be mtgb t make goob bis piomifc center; ntng tl>c pcrpctuttte of tbe kingbemc)ro cberifb * maintein feme bope bp ftriumg againft tbeir bntbankfulnctTe. ltBcfibcs tbis,tnfetttng boi»ne 3Dauios [batcrs] anb Eopp?cffo2S] bp name, be Dotb bs to S»it,tbat tbis cbaire of eftatc fyal not be pzuulcbgcD frcmbtfplcafures.anb trou= bits, bicaufc it (ball alivaps bawc fome beablpcr.cmtc0,if (E»eo fet notbisbanbe agapnfltbcm. 24'Mvtmthe alfo and my mercy shalbc with him: and in my name shall his home bee exalted. Zf I will fet his hande alfo in the fea,and his right hande in the running ftreames. 2fa(l be i»il alcoaps fee bcnrficiall 24 [yJ9ptrtttbe] ^efljewet^ tbat be tort contmiiallt> \yolb on iuttl| tbe grace iolncb bc pjstnifeb JDamo at 1 be= vpon the.lxxxix. Pialme. ?* bcneiictaU. *Cbus "u>« Tee bou> c0ao notonelp gaue a banfe u of his go JDneflc to 2>auto at ti) ; brgtnmng , 'jut alfo beta on ftptl fortb t'j? fame merctfulneffe. wljicb rtnng belogztb to £ fertile cburcb of CbJpft.tbat <09O3 goooneffe map ap- peare m tt)C frbole courfe of our faiuau= on.ano not onelp at tbc entrp of it,as tbe *>opi)tfl>*f a bablc. [ JDanios tb^onc] is tafcen bere ftytya gto?p,Digmti€,anD po= fo>er,ano tbcrfoje the mmtng is, tl;at bp (IJoosbeneatctbrftatcofbia&mgDome fbat ali»ap0bep?ofperou0f fiajtlb'ng. ?;»io bp * bptberc t0 aDDeb tbe largen;s tljcrcof : fo; inafmucb as tbe people baa fe^eclofeo ti)£ toapof(5oD0 buffing bp t!) cir own fmncs: ttjeir heritage ioas ga= tbcrco into- a «aro coer reome tban j pio- mifc bebigbtco. i&nt rioty gob Dcclatctb tbat it fbalbe cnlargeD again bnocr IDas uib,fe 00 tbc people Cbal poiteffe p* febole countrie fro tbe fea.cucn bnto dipbjas tc0. wbtrbp &>ce gatber, tbat tbc tbmg Soljicb goD bao pjomifeo bp fllJJofes.toafl not ful&lleo but in tl>e perfon of JDauiD. 25? tbe i»ojo[fircame0]a man map bns DerftanO as frcll dipbtatcs alone, bi= caufe it 10 cut into manp cbancl0:a0 alfo tbe nette nuers bnto jjcwjp bpon tbe bojDcrs of &p?ia. 16 [©e fball] $c beelaretb bowtbe cbicfepjerogattueof tbi0hing fball bcein tb«0, tbat be (ball be conns eeotbe fonnc of <2>oo. j^otp altbougb god toouebfafetb tt;e fame bono; bpon as manp 80 be ojoctncD to be fctingtf (accojs bing aa ft»e baue fenc clfe f»bcrc,j! baue fai6,pebegoD0,*'alofponbecbilo?enof tbe moft btgb- #fam.8*.6.) pet in tbi0 place befpeafcetb fome fmguler tbmg of tbc tjolp fcing tbat Spao rbofen bp bim, meaning tbatfc (balbe bis fonnc after anotberfo^t. Bnbanonc after £oe fbal fee bim ftalleD in bigbcr Degree tban tbe ttojlotp tungo bee, altbougb tbep bane larger Domtnto.Cberfoje to be calico tbe fonne of goD^astbc pjerogatiue of tbto onelp one bing in all tbefrojlb. jfo* clfe bas tb: atpollle, Iftebj.i.+.rcafoncbnot onlp cololp, but alfo aublp,inauoucb«ng CbjpS to benbmctbc 3lngiie,bicaufe it is fapoe , J i»ili be bis t'dtntr, and be (ball be mp Tonne. ailbett tben tbat tbe Slngcls, ano as manp Kings alfo as arc box\:z ane5DbptbefptritzofaD&ptt= on,be caiieo <2»oO0 fonncs: pet is JDautD b^ a fmguler pjerogattue ijceptcb from tbe common fo?teoffemga,fc>ben(ll>oD pjoiutfctJ? to t&kz tym (of, bi0 Tonne. wbtebe tbing appcaretb mo;c cnioentlp bp tbe ncjet ftaffc,Scbcre be termetb bim bi0 firft [begotten fonne] alfo.bicaufe be is b^gber tban all tbe i*mg0 of cbc cartb*. toiiicl} fjonot ia mo;e excellent tban all btgnttie , afbellof men as alfo of 1&n- gellcs. 3lf anp man obicit, tbat 3Dauio beepnga mortal! man as otbcr0 bc.ioas not equall too tbe Angelica : u is eafie to be anfxoereb. JB f be bee conQocrco as" tn bimfclf,be cannot iuftlp bee abuaun= ceb to fo btgb Degree : but in afmucb be bearctb tbc perfon of €b£pft% be map. x3 [3Jno 3 S»ill hecpc.^c.j d5oo botb oftentimes bcate into our bcaos tljis one pepnt,tbat be bao fct bp 3Damos bing? Dome.feutb tbis conDitton.tbat it fboulb be ftabltfbeo bnto tbe enb. &j)o;e3ucr bp putting bis [mercp] in tbe nrft place, ano ftftcrfoaro abbtng b?s [couenant,] be pointctb out tbe caufe of tbe coucnat: as if be fboulD tap in one &o;b, [it is of free gift:]anb it is not onlp founbeb bp- pon b'flf mecrc gracioufe goooneffc, but alfo it continuetbin tbe fame, ^o^tbe effect of tbe ioojos is this, tbat (§ob %>\i alioaps be mcrcifull to IDauto,fo as bis couenante fball nettcr brcap. wbcrebp= pon it folowetb tbat rlje ftecbinelTe fljer= of is founbeD bppon tll.3!n tbe nert ftaffc be crpjeffctb tbc rftecteof bio [trutbe] bpcaufe S>auibs poderitte fljall fttte m tbc feege ropail foj euermojc foi bnocr beaucn tbete is notbing of long contiwtiaunce : tbc ^jopbet bp tbe [oapesof beaucn] mea= netl) an eticrlafltng contmuancc. vobtc; bppon it folo'mctb. tbat tbe effect of bio picpbefte can not tafee place, till it come to Cbjpft, in f»bom alcne fljalbc founa t'o»3 euerlafttng^cffe. 30 If his children shall forfake my law, -and vvalkc not inmyiudge- ments- 31 If they breake my ftatutcs,and kepc not my commaundements. Ggg.iiij. i,z Then 2.2t. Iohn Caluines Commentane 31 Then will I vifite their tranfgrefsionwith the rodde, and their ini- quitie with ftrypes. 33 But my lou'ing kindneffe will I not take from him : neyther wyll I belye my truthe. 34 Mycouenante will I not repeale, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lippes. 3? Once hauelfworne !nmyneholynefle,ifIlyevnto Dauid. 36 His feede shall endure for euer :and his throne as the Sunne be- fore mee. 37 As the Moone shall he be ftablished for euermore, and as a faythfull witneflc in the heauen. Selah. 30 [31f bi3CbUDie.$e.]^bci2>?opbet pjocce b«b pet farmer , that altbeugb JDatiiDS poftcntte QjoulD fmne : pet rjao (0oD pjcmufcD to be merciful to tl)em,fo asbe^ouiDnot pumG) tbeir ttanfsref= fion ftmli ejetreme rtgo^.i^oSubeit to tbe intent tl)e pjomtfe migtjt be tbe mo;te ef= fcrtuall: be b?ingctb m dooo ai the "while fpca&mg, as if be fboulo oealc fcuit!) bim bp tbe pzccifc ioo?r>0 of tbe couenan:e. 3i no it S»as a r igb te nsceffiSnc afiottton, btcaufc^tbat onlcffe CSooof bis infinite louing fembneffe parbon fes, fc>ee ere fo flppperte and fojc$x>arbe to continuall falling ef our felues, tbat no coucnant of \)i3 &>ill continue firm?-anb ftcDfaft futtbfcs. 3!naftnucbctl)ercfo?e«3(S'OD fawit couiD not ctbtrfoife fallout, but tbat tbe pofterup of "0amb(as '-inneb ?.0 intbemioas) itfonfb from ttmeto'time fall from tbe coucnante tb?o'n|$b> ttjctr ownc Default : bet)atbabbeDtbtsejccep= tton fez a rcmecte. jfteucrtbclefTe, bp= caufc it 10 foz mens beboofe to be cbafhi 3eo &ntb €»oD0 commons, <5ob p?omi= fctb not to let tbcm fcapc bnpumfyrtK ttjat tb:p mtgbt be fobco in tSjeir unties : but be pjomifctb a fatberlp mitigation of tbeir puntfbmcats , fo a0 be fcnUnot crxciue vengeance i»itb ejttrcmc rigour. 2&no be pjomtfetb fo?giucnefTe,not onelp to ltgljt faults, but alfo to greuotts fins. ■$qi it i0 net fo? nongbt tbat be bfetb fbcfe mancr of fpcecbes, [to fo^faKc biff lave ,to b;eafcc IjiS ftatutes,not to ioalfee tn b's iubgcincncs, anb not £ 0 fee epc rjid comtuaunorments.,] jfynttyv is it foj nought y ty bafb puttljetr [rrafgreffion oj faiibartcDnefTc f tnrquittc J^ljeo arc ct)c fuffcrancc $ foftneffr of bcrs bp be reconciler!) to him tbe poftcrttie of JDauto, ejctcnbcD euen to tlje greuoufeft offences tbat map be. i^ojeoner tl)is place fbewetb, tbat fcben men are ab; optcb bp <£>ob,tb?p 000 not bpanobp tap aroaptljc flea? i»itb tbe faults tber= of,as mabbc&ocD folks furimfc,tbat af= fooneas Xoczbz grnfttD into tbe bospcf Cbipft, ail tbe corruption tbat is in bs ougb^o be out of banDbifplaceb.Crulp iooulD g ob &c couio fo?tl)fettb alter our Difpofiiio,fo as' tbis angelical perfection Sbb'tbetb^P iX&cte, migijt flo^tfb tn\)S. JBut fo^afmucb as it is mamfefttbat Soc arc farre fljo^t of it,as long as ft>ee carp tbts fieflj about bs:let bs rafec ourleaue of that btuclifb oeutfe.anb let bs al fie to tlje common fanctuarpof fo?gtucnefTc. ■foi farelp d5ob fyeahctij of tbe boufc= bolDt folHc of Ijis (ITburcbe , bo^m in piotmQng paraou to tbeir ogcnccs,bc auoucbetb tbat tbcp O^allbe giltpc of rc= noltingfrom bitn. jftofcj to reftrcin tbat thing to the people of oioc time &>lncb ts fpohen berc, it is not onlp tmfaucrp,but alfo bttcrtp %jitpt. j| iv.t, J t.afec tbat tbing fbz-srauRtcb ia*j!cb balljbtn often fe hefte of tbe tb^cne rtjat is fpc/Ke ot.-* j?o? tb* nejtt fucceffdito 2)auto fautngonc, bein^ bereft oftlje moft part of tbrumg- 08m,.n2lD-fttl of ti»elue tribes fcarfc one tribe anb a Ijalf. Jfutt^ermoje fcnrb bow tnanio vpon the.lxxxix.Pfalme. manp imffp2tunes teas y pummgoonie Ocfaceo afterfc>arb,ttllat length both tlje King 9 the people wet led into thraldom to their utter fyame ana rcp2o chc ? 3lnd fobat Digrttrtcor iooiCijuicfTe to as there ap, till be come that batb tbe rpght to it. i t foil 1= S»eth then, tljat f eucrlafttng (late of chc fcingoome reftetb onelp m tbe pcrfort of Chjia. 3md trulp fc>bat (hold f 3! ewes banc bad to boo tottb <2>od in oloe ty me, oji»ealfo at thi0tpme: if tbe Sljjcdiatojt ftjerenotameane to bung U0 mto bis fauour.4BoS»etbcrfojtc tbe qualittc0 of tb? kingdom S»hichfc)ehaucfpokenof, inuft be applpcd to our feluctf. JFoj ipke as f euzrialrmgttcs tberof leadeth Us to tbe hope of bltflVo immottalitie, anb tbe inuincible ftrcngtb tberof calmctb cure tnpnbf0, ana fuffcrctb not ourc faptb to fbiinkcfojhatfoeucr Nathan pjacfijeth 02 1)0X0 fundjp deathes befct b0 : fo alfo t!)c pardon that tspxomifed, belongctb to ChziftcsipU'ttuall Uingaome : acco2= ding alfo a0 tt is likctoite to be gatberco bp tbts place, tbat tbe Welfare of tbe Churehcrcfterhno fobsrcbuconclp in tbe mere gracious gcodneffeanD faptb= fulnefTe of ®oo. Jiia manne obtcct that ihofe i»l)tcbe are regenerated bp <£>oas fpirtte , boo neuer btterJp fall afoap?, btcaufe tbe Uncorruptible fee&e abpDsfh m them. 33 confefic it to be mottcrrus. jfrepfher t0 there an Utter falling a&jav betokened hcre,fo as there fholD remain no goaunclTeaTall. 115 ut btc*ufe u hap- net!) crcroh^ca, tbat tbe faithful ooo in fuclje i»pfc (bake off f he poke , a0 tbe feare of (££>£> map f feme to befmouu acreb in thcmtiherfojc it fc»as ncbcfull,. ttjat fotgtueneifc cf heprtoufe' ofoncesi tboulDbcpro-nf:^ alfj, lea*cti--rpfucl)5 maneroffatlmt;bt cusri»hjhus thenr Sm.b bcipapje.^o Kiauib^eaiettto oa)t= iuaro appearand to be bereft ef tbei;3= ip $ho3, fobom be oeP.csth to be rethta _Jl reb unto btm agepne. aius tt>is is tl)e caufe iohp u£»od leauctb bop: of fc2gme= nefle euen to tbe foulc ano De^dl? tranif- Breffion.namelp lead tbe hepnoufnes of anp offcecs nugbt put ua bacU ,o; bmbcr ts from fefcmg attoncinet.wbirbp alfo i0 repjouco the oucrmucbe ftreitneffi of tbe olb father©, tolncb mabe a confaecc to rccetue ageine Unto repentance, fi?cfjc as bab falne twice op t^pce. foi albeit tbat fycebc be to be taken, tbat getlcnelTc let not Qtppe tbe bitoie Unto \)icz : pet is tberet0 nalelTe baungerm oucrmucbe rigour. l!5p tr>e ioapc tt is to becnotcb,' j> ioberas d5oD faitr) ljei»il be mercpful to offenbers tbatbaue bjoaen bis laSwc, anb tranfgreffeD btscommaunDcments: be allcogctb tbcfe batefull tcanuea for tbe nance, too make Us to bate anoab; f)D2 t'nefe bices, anb not to allure us to finnmg.CrulpfoeHtttaboloeUsrotbis fo? aboo:tbatali!)ougb tbe fattbniil bee not fullp aufiecrabic to ii5oDs grace, anb tljat t^erfojc tbcp be &ortbp to bee caft off:petnoti»itl)ftanDtng ,tban See be abic to per = foiwr.all tbat be batb p2omifeo tberc is Uopbc of effect anb tnUatnc: utyerUpon paulc 5Rom.+.i4-. bat!) tbts CapingMf tbeinberitaunce comebp tbelafee, tljth is faitb in Uapne,anb tbe protnife is oif- anullgo. wberunro alfo pertcpnetb ti)is favmg of 3lercmte.>i. 31. 53: 3 ^.« 5+. 3 iyill make^a couenant ioitl) pou, not fuclje a one as 31 mabe i»it!j pour; fas tbers,to;ucl)e tbcp brake bp ano bp : bat tbe couenant totyefyc 3B"i»iii make ttjub pou fr>al be tbis: J feUiaritcmp laiues tn tbeir harts, anb 31 i»(l be ntlccpful to their Gns. il^cuertJjelcfTc fozafmucbas <&oo nDoptctb Us hot to t'?c mrjnt ijott ftolb fm Unpimifbcb : here is i»retiiieD= lea cbafti?ement, feberbp u5o& Qy: ci:tb that bec batetb nnne ; ana puttetybpS cb'iloien m rciitcmbcrance i»bsf tb?p !jan:br.fevueb , aiiucctb unD eicb^tetb tt>cin to amenbmctit-tuJicrfoie bectccnc c?'c'u:fmg, tubtcbeis m aUurcmcnt to fmi extreme rtg02%3McbtbrotDrtbl):b ito Qeftrnfiio-. tbe meaniefatbrr- ip cf/aftijcjucnt, iDbicbe \m\) t\)c opera; ©gg.u. tion 2.fct. Iohn Caluincs Commtntaric tton of a meDtcine.3lH9 the piopbettou= cbctli \}tte the pzopbcue that is tomten 2.&am.7.i+.Wbcre <0ob fapth Ijcfetll cbaftije the faithfull after the manerof meir.cptber fo; that the anger of the fa= tli'tin correcting bl0 cbtlo;en fp;ing:tb oflouc, m as muche ad otI>cri»tfc t>cc fbonlb beale amtffc fo; their wifare; o; elfe there t0 a matching of cStraries be* itoene him anb men : as if be ftjoulb mp be fyoulbe be fluke anb gentle, bicaufe that if l)c flpulo inter ijta io;cc,be OjolD out of !)r,iOt b:mg ^0 to nothing, S»icb f onlp ftirrmgof one ftngcr of lus.lBott) ti)e plac?0 tcno to tljts cub, that asofte as (0od puuiujetlj, there Cball altoapes be a ft)l)olfome temperatnre : anb there- fore tac muft pin tt to this bfe, that lobe bo*» man? penalties h- laperb bpon bs, thep map bee as manp mebictnes . 3lno m this behalfe the Rapides are too fya - tmfultp ouerfeene. jr 0: in as muche as the true enbe anb frute of cbaftifemcnts S»as Unknown to them : thep imagtneb that (0ob reuengeb bimfclfe of tinners. wherettpou greft>e their fatiffactions, anb of fatiff actions agepne grefoe tljcp; parbons.SobttbNtb thep i»ent about to raunfome thcmfclucs. 115 ut <2>oos pur - pofets nothing elfe,but to refourme the toices of bis cbilbien, that ioben he hath ioellpurgeb them, he map take them m= to \)i3 fauour agepmaceoibtng as^aule 1 . Cozintb.ii •) 3 .teacheth that the fattl^ full are chaftifco.ieafttbep fboulbc bee bammbfc>ith tljisioo^ee. 3mbtbere= fine leaft he mpght opp;effe them frith ouermuche punifbement, he flakcth hts hanbe,anbbeareth ivitb thetr i»eakes uefTe. Cbusia this piompfe fulfilleb, [Chat \)\8 mercie is not taken afeape from the faitbf«U fohen he is angrp]bis caufehe ccafetb not to lone tljofe whom he topll haue cotrerteb foi their ofone Welfare . jfteuerthelefFe the alteration oftheperfontn the tooo;bes, is to bee notco. fox after he hath fapbe,[ 35 fh»s cbplb;en fljall fotfake my lafre,] anb fo fooith as followeth : ~$n t!jc eno beab* betb,C3 frill not take afrapmpmercp o? lamng kinaneffe from him.] gmrclp he iholD haue fapb [thcm]m the plurall mimb;e, of frhom he had fpoken afoie. :& tit the 0?9phct feemetb to haue bone tt fo; the nonce, to the intente to tcache t>0, t^acio:c be not reconcpleb to <2>oa, butinrefpectof Chzpft, anb tljatmer- cp is to be iougbtc fo;, from out of that toar.tapnc . ivijztc ens there follofretl) afterujarac , [ jB frpll not beclpe mp tiuthe:] 31 1 ejepzeffeth lomefrbat mo;e tbanif he haofapoe, that <&:&>& topil bee footh^fatte tnhps fapings. jHoz tt map fall out that (Sons piomiiTes map Soantc effecte, anb pet that hee abpbcth fapthfull (till. ID therefore in this place tcabtthe Tos fur= ther :pzompfing that Ins couenant fljall be eff cctuatl anb of full fozee, not ouelp bpcaufe hee tupti bee true of hts ^0020, but alio bpcaufe he frpll holDc the fatth= full at a ftape, that thep flip not afoap in their ot»ne fcamtte. 1+ C#pcouenant.fc.]iFo:asmuch as the trefoe knoivleoge of ©ods met- cpe can not be concepucb from elfiohere, than of hisivo^be : hebpobeth bs Hick faft too his couenaunte . Jroj the mozc excellent anb mcftimable benefite it i#, neuer to be cafte afeap after foe be once abopteb : fo muche the barber ta it too bebelcetteb. 3LnbSx>eefcnou> hotefun- Dtpe boubtes arc fooont to Scale bpon ts from tpme to tpme. 'Cbcrefoze too the tntente the fapthfull fboulbe not too carefuilp anb bnmefurablp ttzbite i»ttb them feiues , febctber thep Sanbc in 45obS fauour 01 no , thep are frilkb to iooke bnto the cbuenant, anb to imbiace the faluation that is offeree them there. ^OID then co menbeth hi0o^»n faith- fulne(Ie,to the entcnt h<0 onclp piomtfe mpght fuffpje bs, ano that ioce flpulb not fceke fo; the certamtte of our falua- tion anp t»here clfe^nb bpcaufe he hab fapb: C'3Bf JDanioo chilbzen fljal b;eabe mviai»cs: ]allubr>ngnoi» to t!;:fame [bieache,] he fapctb he topll not requite them feith ipke fo; ipke : 3s if he hab fapbe, altboughethe fapthfull aunfcoe= reb not thep; be cation in all popntcs as thepoughteto boo : pet t»iuibc not he fuffer, that the couenaunte Qpulbebee btfanullcb fox tbepz befawltcbicattfe hee tooulbe pzeucnte them it»tch thefpeeope rebieffe vpon the.ixxxix.rialme. H reo?eu*e otbtotreeparoou. jjfo?bcpur= (mtl)tl)C former fapmg, [31 foil not be- lvcmptrutbc:]no~t oncip pzcmifing to He pc touebc S»ub tbcm on b is ofonc bc= balfe, but alfo tbat tbc tbpng fe>bpcb be l)at\)C pjompfco , (ball ftanoe tn fozee, icbatfocutr ictte uterine caS in tlje foap: JrGj^ee tupllftrpuc foitb tbcpjfmnco, tbat tbc effect of bio goooneffe map come ontoo tbcm . XnD certeffe albeit, tbat tbe Ji'boce baue eftraungee tbcmfei= uf 0. frem <2? £> 3D bp tbep? oS»ncbn- tbanUfulnefTe anb treacberie 2 pet fc> as net tbe couenaunte Btfanulleb, bpca'ufe it &>ao grounoeb bppon bis bnmoua- ble ffrbfattneffcyca ano at t\jis bapc, fob?" as our fins mount cucn into tbe beucns,(0oD0 goobneofurmountingas boue tbc bcucc far onermatrbetb tbcm. 35 [Once baue Jl ac] jftow botbe <0ot> Warrant tbe tying foitb an otbe, foblcb crft bee fapbbecbaD pzormfcDto 3DauiD:ix>bctbp it apperctb tbat it foa» a tbing of no Ugbt (mpo? tancc. jf oz <2?oa foolbnot itgbtlp gtuebis' bolpttamein p. Hur an cc . lfr p tbe foep , it 10 a toben of rare louingncfTe, tbat iobcras bee feed) b s pione to Diftruft,bc pzeucntctb b0 fo courteoufclp.&o mucb t"bc lefTe tbcrfb^e arc fee able to cccufeourfelueo, iftoee imb?sce not foitb DoutlcfTe faptlj , tbc p?omtfc tbat t0 fo foeil affurco, confi= bering tbat <5ct> fo? loue of our Welfare, fparctb not btsofoncnamc,bpcaufcbee foillbauc feB frtcbe fan to bpsfoooia. 5F0? lead \)is fmgle p?omtfc migb'tfwf* fi^e bs,bc batl) aDDCo tne ottie fo? a fur ^ tbft foarrantijcEbc f.'Ducrb[oncc]bc= tofeenctb tbat tbc otr)c cannot bec calico in ageinctanb tbat tbamtuane:anbpct be toearetb not otberfoife tban bp btm felfc: bpcaufe y in naming tbc temple fobcrtn be reftetb, be ttcppetb not out of bimfclfe : but onlp applptng btmftlfe to our bnfbilfulnco, fsuearctb bp bis bolP= neo iobicb reraainco btfiblebpon cartb. %q fo? tbc clipped manner of tbe ctbc, locebaue fcene elfe5»r>sre tbat it ioac o?0inarie among tbe ^cb^circo.^no fo S»etc tbep put tn mpnDe too bee iutl ab= ttifcD in tabpng <©gdo name, Icaft tbcp mpgbt rafbtpano bolDlp purcbafc bem= nation to tbemfeluco. $0% tbe b?oKen 6t beiapeo mancr of fpeeeb ioao no gaol) as a b?poie to fottbbolo tbem.'Slno tt is no newe tbpng, fo? Sot to bo?oto fom- fobat of tbe common cuftomc of met; . ? 6 [f^to feebe fijatl J c] ijOoi»c enfus etb tbe p?omife,tbat tbe rtgbt of f ktng= tJomc fljall altoapto nbpoeitJitb tbc po; fteritieof JDauto. ^fo? bee tspnetb tSoo tbtngs tegitbcr:namelp tya offp?tng. ar.Dbto tb?one,bpfebtcb iroioo is p?o= mifeb tbe cuerlaffingnefTe oftbebing- b omc ,m fucbe Soifc ao it fboulD not at a np time paffe bnto altents.Cbc g»nnne ano fl^oonearc cpteo fo? foitncff:©, bt= caufe tbat tbep bee fubicrJ to ce?ruption, pet baue tbcp me?c ftc&p= neffe in tbem (ban tbc cartb c? tbc aper, i onfiotrttig tbat fcuec fee tbc cicmento to be fubtcrt to conttnuail tbaunges. lif p= caufe tben tbat conttnuail alttracton cbaungctbtbc 4ob°lci3?o?lD:tbeftebpcr (fate to p?opounBeD in t\)t ^unncanb tbc fircone, leatt SDautas ifetngoomc mpgbtc bee cftccmrb ncto?bpng to tbe common o?Bcr of nature . jfurtber = mo?e, fectng tbat tbe fiege ropnllfoao fbaKe bnOcr it*obc&m,a0&5Cbaue fctoe a S»bplc etfl) $ afteriearr. puilcb Oofen ana ouertb?oftme: tt folofectb tljet tbis p?ompfc can not bee rcflrcpncD to 2)a= mo. ^fc? neptber b;b ti)c ftinne ccafc to fbpne ccapc tpmc0,ne? tbe ^ijoonc bp md,itc,a!rf>ougb tbc outeisarBcpampc of cbc ISpngoom ircrc abolifncD f»ttb - cut ijepe of rcftteuiton. Cbcrcfo?c till ttbec come to Cbttttc,<5 €> ID migbte feetuc Decctptfolt tn bps p?otnpfee. 1i5tttf 2.f?t. Iohn Caluines Commcntarie 115 ut thi» bzauncbc tl>at 10 fpiong outc Decoc,tbat there S»a0 mofte faptfcefuU of tyereote of 31 fat , fbe&ctb in *crp tPttcljefeeptcintbcfepzomife*. 38 But thou hafte abhorred vs and put vsbacke, thou haft benangric vriththyneannoynted. - 39 Thou hafte made the couenaunt of thy feruant to ceatfe : thou haft vnhalov ved his crovvne dovvne to the grounde. 40 Thou hafte broken dovvne ail his vvalles, thou hafte put his for- trefles to the breache. 41 All that go by the way haue fpoyled him : hee hathc bene a iefting ftocke to his neyghbour. 41 Thou hafte exalted the ryghthande of his opprefTers , thou hafte made all his aduerfaries reioyce. 43 Yea thou haft blunted the ftrength of his fvvoorde, and thou haft not made him toftandeinbattell. 44 Thou haft vvyped away his glorioufneflfe, and pulled his Throne dovvne to the grounde. 4? Thou hafte shortened the dayes of his youthe, Thou hafte couercd hym with shame. ^8 [215uttt)OU baft 9e.]$ere tbe p:o= pbet complapnetb tljat tbepzomtfe aps pereb not ,to be faitbfull,bp reafontbac tbettateoftbefetngDome SoasDccapeD. j^ot tbat be goctb about to accufc oDS lap,acco2Dpng as beegpuetb tos leaue to oeale & hint after an bome= Ip faftuon. ;tfo£ although it be mccte 5oe Ojoulb frame our Defies accozoingto bis pleafurc: yctbotbenotbee paffebps bounDs,fc>hicb bumble bexcapletb him- fdfe to bee bereft of the fignc0 of <15oD0 grace 9 fauour , fo a© be do not ocfpapze o^ftubboznlp murmur ageinftbim, ac- cozotng aoi»e fljali fee Ijerafter. t^e ao= octb a tcftimome of l>t0 quiet obebience, Sobcrb? be cozrertctb 01 mitigatetb hp0 coinplaint0,fe>bcn be blifTetb <2>ob in tbc enboftbcpfalmc CherfozxtDbicboftbc iSabbmcc focucr U S»as, that Deny cd tt to be lawfull foz tljts pfalm to be rcher= (eoutfeas a foiifb ana bngoDlp pzecife= neffe, fo; b»m to conoemne tbat tiling, •fejVjtclj bcarctfj iuttljall in bi0Cbil= Dieu. $01 this Itberttc o.f faultfinding liflbtcb tbc #>?ophet bfetb,tenDctb not to !snp otbev enb, than to refiftmifDouting ano impatience, bp bnburtljcning lum- fclfe afo?e <&ob. jfrofoj feherasbefapctb [Cbou hafte ebbozrcD bs, ano put D0 backc :] if a man fbolo cjtamt nc it acco£= Ding to tbc rule of the <0reeUe 0; ILatm tong: it S»olD be fenb matter ,bicaufc the thing that iff mode greuous is put foz= moft.i then f tobicb is f lighter. 35 ut in afmucbe 00 jf f&ebzues obferue notour Dcgrec0:tbercis intbto nufplactng, no abfurDttie at all. Jn tht tbp.if Sceo?D tbcre 10 a rer.Dering of the caufe,fo? tlje 42>zopbet meenetb that the king is caft off, bpcaufe <0od; is angrie iuptb bpm. ^.ome are of opinion that here arcrc^ cttco the railings of tbe emmics 5 9 that 10, to tbe intent to cfebue tbe ft umbltng blocne tobicb tbe fozfaib IRabbine coulb not awap Soitbal in tbat barfbunancr of fpening. CUB at it t0 tobcconfiocrcb.tbat tbepzopbetc fpeafectb accoj&ing to the common reafon of man,and pet be ioas iocli afiureb in bimfelfe, tbatbcSvbtcbe S&a0 once cbofen,coulD net be caft off a= gapne . Co the fame purpofe alfo ma - lie t'b tbat 'bolfKbc follotoetb concerning tbe abol:fl)mcnt of tbe couenant . f 0; be rcpzouctb not«0oDof ltgbtneffcanDin= coftancie, but onlp lamentetb tbat tbofe notable tbings tobtcb fee bane fene pio .-. nufcD , i»ere (too outwaroefeempng) come vpon the. lxxxix.Pfalme. V come to naugbt-iffoa furelp 800ft as tbc fattf)futl DcniannD[^ovD long *»ilt -bou flcipcr*] anD alfo, [bow long SWtt tljou fezgcttoD:'] il>cv charge not d5oDS»ttb Qceping 0; fcntb fozgctfulnefre:bat tbcp lap open tlje temptactO0itl), to ttjc tntent d5oD flioutD fpeDplp fuccoz ttyc tnfirtuuie tobcrwirb t5>cp be DiftrefreD. 3nD tbcr= fezc it t0 no marucU tl)buglj tfjc #>zo= pbctinfo fjozrible confufion bctoucbeb ftutb feme ftatltic ,intl)at b« fapb ljo\» tbe tying Subid) S00 baD pzomifeD^ae not to be ftene- jFo; be S»a0 not fo ftccle= barteD, tban fo>bcn bee fawe all tbingo contrarie to dBooS pzomtfe, be teas nvt moncD tuttb tbat fozoivful anD confttfeb figbt.Butbpftcpping foztbfrcelptnto d5oo0 pjcfencr,h.c feeKetb rcmcDtettyat Ijccbe not froalowcD top ftutb fozo&c. Wbicb tying baD bappeneD , pfbccbaD cbafeD toppon tyc bptte iDityinbtmftlfc, anDnegieiteD tyisrclccf. Ctyat fotyicb be aDDcty Fooztbtoity concerning [tbc ca= tfing of tye crotone to ttjz grounD,]fce= mcty not to fit tye titric of iftoboam, on= icfTe paraDuenture the rending of f King Dome map be termed a caflmg Do'a) :c of tyc croione. But tbe tying* tbat fc>lofc> afteri»arB, miift nccDs be refcrreb to a greater miffozttme , except a man take tycmbipcrbolicallp.jflf it fo Cectnc good: tycn fbaljnet f fapD *£tyan i»I>tclj i»a0 otic cftyefoure fag^mcnctoncDuitye bolpflo^ie^.lRcgom.^-. tbcantljoj of tyt0 pfalme. "Wljerfoze in fo ooutfull a cafe.lct eucrp man be at bis free tyopce, toconiccturc a0 be tyin&0 mert liUMp. 40 ['^bou l)aft bzoUe Doamc 4 c ] 3U= ty ougl) £ ^Q^opbJt couia cafilp Ijatzc fc>i= tcD tyc bzeafeing Doi»n anD rajiraj of tye fo?tt'6cation0 toppon feme otycr caufc : pet Dotbe be goDltlp anD bolitp acfenows leDgc <£>oD to be tye autbez of it : foz be alfa» apeff boiDco bun felfe to ttjis pzinci= pic, tyattycfeingDome fcbtfb 45cd baD fet bp, coulbe not bauc bene DertropcD at tbe plcafutcof men, onlefle be bnD bene angrie. 31ftcrwarDe be metepbozicallp bcwailety ,tljat it tons fet open foz a p?ap to all commers anD gocr0, Itfcc as if tye bebgc of a fielDe , oj tyc pale ef a garoetn fboulD be plucUt Dovon, anD tbe grounD bee lapbc open to tyc fpople . Cbc tying tytit of it fetfc toas grenons tnougl; nno too thitc!;,bc mcrcfcwj iuitb anotber Dtf= plcafurc, faping, [i^e ts a ie!Ung ftockc to !;i0 ntpgbbour0.]ir 02 tl;cr is no bout but tbc 5»oztoltng0 oii) malapcrtlp fcoffe at bun fcben tb«P bab gotten fo mete an eccaQon.faptng : j,B t!;io t!;atkpng of <£5cD3 cboofing, moje cvccilem t(jan tbe % rig#0, i»bofc tbzone fl;oulDc continue aalsngaotbere&edeptljcr^unne oz £^ooner' Jr!uTO fc2afmucb as tbcfc rap= lings rcDounbcD agemft \5cD : tije |$zo= PbftDotb f'pgbf Jp to bcfcjaple tbe repzo= cljcfuilfcczningof'tbc ^cffias, iyl;ofe Dignute ^nas Uablpfljeo bp beaucnlp a= nopttiiing .'^fterfejarbe IjicaDDetb , tljat <5oo .too fee parte &stt!i btscninue©, bp- canfe be fenex» 5»cl tnougl),tbat bi0 cue: tm'e0 coulD not bauc pzcuaptcD but bp f &ilof gob, ioljo [furnifbctb fome k>ufj ftrcngrb 5 cozagc,^ mafectb ctljcr fome SseafeeanDfapnrbarteD.] Cobt fbozte, looke Ijo'soe inanp nuffoztunrs baD l/ap= peneD;fo manp Dttl; be gat'orr to bee t^c fpgnc0 ot<15oD0£aitt)Dzau>prtg auiape, Durpng fe>l)0*fe- fauoure, ali tbe Sx>i)Ole S»oziDe(pzactife it>bat u cc«lD)i»a0not able to tmpeacbe tbe ftablcnclFe of tbat feingDom.i|FozifbcbaDfatDbi0enemif0 l)nD gotten tl;e bpper banDc, it baD bin true in Dceoe ; bofrbcit it baD bene foitb tbe Dat.feert to aDuaunce tbe piitffance of ©oD,a0 rbougl) men fetting tbemfcJuco agcpnfl (©od , ^btcb #mifcs bn= to <0oo,be was well afTurco in bimfclf, y it was not poffibiebutgoo fbolo fbcw bimfclf fotbfaft. ipo; iiftc ao bmcrs fwa loo? bp tbeir ownefozow m tbcmfeluc0, bpcaufetbepare patteall bopc of fpcc= bing : Cucn to tbc if aitbfull trje mo?e freelpthcpchalenoge 45oo fo; tys p:e* mifes, fo mutbe tbc mo;e ftoutelp w;es Me tbep agcpnft bpftrufte, ano fo mucb tbe mo;e boo tbcp cncomagetbemfelucs to hope well, 4« *«£,. Z\ Jt,,^„lll/\ 1 ™ butcountcrfetlp . 3tabtbe$jopbctc in matcbingpiaper i»itb biscomplaintes botb b0 to bnoerftab ,tbat be wa0 neucr bereft of bcleef of d^obs p?onufc0. Cons cernmg tbio maner of fpcecbi^ow long fo; cuerr*] we baue fpoUcn in tbe pfalme 79.5.namelp tbat it betokenetb to long continuance of pll fucccfTc.^ojeouer bp afemg [l?owe long (©oo-will bioc bim= felfe awap, jbc giuetb an inbling tbatal fballb:fafca0f9onee0 befbewetbbis countenance cbcrcful.^nb in tbe feconb member bee fpccifietb agepne f»b«fo?e ods bcunti= fulnefle in tbisfeostio.wbcrbpon be ga= theretb,tbat mcnare bozne in bapn, cje= ccptgcD (ljctt> Ijimfelf a father totoarbs them. $j)o;couer fojafmucb as the race of this tpfc lis fl)02t ,if goo malic net baft to bo feeibp b0,begatberctb that it fell be paftctpme to boo (t, tub en tlj:0 life is run out. 10 ut firft the ^ainfts fceme to tafee much bpon them to fct goo a time. 3igeiu although <£ob bcjce bsfeitb con== tinuali tojmcntsas long as fee toanbcr in the feozlo: pet notfeubftanbing it is bntofearblp bone io infcrrctbcrbpcn, f fee be ercateb in bapnc,bicaufe there re= mainetb a better life fo? bo in beucn, in? to the hope feberof fozafmucb as fee ar abopteb,itiS no marucl though our life be novo bioben I; ere on eart'o . J anfvoere *tf asbeeisneaerfo fternc tofearosbps, but that t)e fberectb bis fauour tefear= bcs them in bcrp Deeb $ to their feeling: itftanbctb eltoapcs true, that it bootctb not men tolme,onleu"e tbep map fete goo to be tbetr fatber,in their life tune. 21 nb aseoccrnmg tbc fecob member, 3! bane told pou becrctofoze, H;at ourpzr.pcrs feeepe alfeapes one courfe, but bo fome= time befezap an bnftapeonefTe offozofe. 2Pnb tberfeze it is no fcoonber though tbcgoblp becfo far ouerfecne tbatthep bauc not tbc life to come, alfeapes bec= fozc their epes, febenbnmcafurablc fo= rofee o; fcarc Ijampereth tbcp? feitts anb holbeth them in p?ifon.fl!9anp tbtnfe it to be mucbe agcinlt rcafon^if the chiU tyen of(0obbonctat eucrp thought bp ano bp ftpe bp intoo bcauen. %b febo that it ts bp goes licence that £ &afnfts fi;oulb fopc,it befell not oftentimes that ► ,!,. »!../» M,^-Hi- nf I, ■'». *.-.,» 1L1.U u.iA. ^i.A>. ■.„!.. _ _ -■ » _ take this libcrtte of pzouofttng him too make haft ,bp their p?aier0, conbitienal- Ip f thep bzpblc themfclues feitb the bit of mobeftp,* reftrcining their ofen heat pe!b tbcmfelucs febollp to bis Difcrctto. Concerning thefeconb popnt Sue mufre thtnke thus: Chat if this Ipfc of ours fholo be harblp haicb on fe it h continual to?mrnts,true it is in bceb.y ther isco= fozt ino ugh to mafcc bs bear out our mi = feries, if toe lift bp our minbs into bea- uen.H5ut nepther 'toil anp man bo that, being fo feeafce as fee be,cr,ccpt he haue a tafte of viotobS goobneffe befozc banbe J in this ipfe : 3lnb agepne it is to be no* tcb, that the complapntcs of the faptfo= full arc not to bee ejeaetcb accozbpng to the rule of pcrfcctenefTe , bpeaufc tbcp pjoccbe not of a fetttcb anb quiet mpnb, bat boobzaws feme troublcbncffeoute of tbefefhemenctcof paffions. 3d con= fefTe in becoe, that if anp man meafure <0obslouebpthep?efent ftate, he boeth amiffe:foj &hom <£>ob loueth, themhee chaftijeth- i^ebj. 12.6. 1&ut inafmuche thicfe mitte crofTe bs in our S»ap,5»f;ic b map cither ftopo; htnbcr our fight, jpoj tohaaefaithbtmmcb,isonc thing: anb to hauc it btterlp quencheb is another. 3Pnb certefTe Swhofeeucr is pjaflijco in gQbsiubgcnuntsanbin theioarfcreof tcmptacions, (hall confeffchimfclfenct to be fo minofuil of the fpirituall life as he ought to be. Albeit the that this fen= tence be grofibeb bpon a goob pjinciple, pet fauo?cih it of a faultie c^ceflfe it>ber= bpit appecreth that eucn in our bcfl fra= mcb p?apers fee haue alfeapes neebe of parbon.^rcj onlf ffc ^eo bcare feitb cur mSrinitie, cuermeze there efcapcth bs fome cjccclTe. ^nfnejet ftaffe he ccnfir= meththat fehtchj! bau^fapb erftcon= ccrning the njoztneffc of mans life. Che fumme tstbat (0oos grace fijalbc (bet ont of thcbQzc,onUu"2 he hpc h»" a pace to Sjefe htmfclfe a father to men.Hno he fettctb boian y feo?b Gibbar,feh:ch is oe= nucb of putfTance, to tbc intent bee map tbebctter c^pzeffepno man tsejcemp= tcb from the fcucramtie of bcath. 49 Lord .where are thy former mercies? thou hail fvvorne to Dauid in thy trathe. fo Lord remember the reproch of thy feru ants: I haue borne vp in my bofome all the reproches of mi^htie peoples. fl Which thine enemies haue caft foorth O lord.vvhich they hauc cafl in the footftepps of thine anoyntcd. <2 BlefTed lohn Cajuines L,ommentane 51 BlefTed be the Lord for euer. Sobeit,and Sobeir. 4.9 [JLaidttT-jcrc.jc/iChJ^topbete tafeetb tjart bp callpngto nxpiiDc tlje bc = ncfitsof u5JD,ao;t!)JU3f)i)CfljiulO rca= foH,tbat goo can not be tyitp&c buufelf, * tberfoje flj3t the b v~ue JufnefTe to'.jicb be fljeined m olde tpine too tlje fathers, can not be cctuxgitil) :o . 3>ootbelp this companion mpgljtc quaplc tlje mpnocs of ti>s godlp, fe'jen tl)-f he t'jemfclues not alroogitfjsr. Co gcntlp entreated at vE> oba ijanoc, if there encountrco tbem not tbcruutball an other tbmg, namel? that (0od is ncpt'.jcr cbauuged at anpe tpine, noi toeerped in the courfeof \)i$ bounttfulnefTe. ^ome wtfrpieters knit the fecono tnebcr to tbcfpjft,bp putting tl>erto ti)e relattue thus: [ax>t>ere are tijc mercies xo\)ic\) tr^ou bad ftoojn^]i»I)icl) thing 31 giaolp admit, bicaufe tbc fenfe is in maner all one, though the relattuc beleftoutc. 5Fo2(5oo baoauoacbedtbe foarbfafhiciTe of bis piemife bp cutocnt pioofsianotberfoje ti>e faithful aliedge tmto d5ob as feci tbe pzomife tt felfe as tbc manpfolde effects of t'gc fame. 3lnD tbcp fap [m trutbe,] totbe mteatc tljep map tbeboldlper diau> bnco tbcmfelues febatfocucr things d5'od hao performed in tpmes pafle . if 01 tbc cafe is ail one, tnafmuebe as <0oD(fe>bo is alfoaps Ufec bmtfclfe) bathe froornc tbathefcnllbee mcrciftillto JDautds poflcrme tbrougb out all ages. 5 1 [(Lord rcitKmber it,] Slgetne tbep allege tbat,ft>btcb was of no fmall force to pjauokc *0oDa mercp : namelp that cbep Sucre ffeoinco of tbc bngodlp. 5?ot the grccueufcrand more troublefome temptation it is to b*uc our patience mocRJO bp tbc bngooip, tbat tbcp map conocmuc our faith *caftbs headlong into much? tbc reaper is god to refUue bs, leaftour i»cafee bartes (l)onlo peelD to tbc temptation. foitUc $rophct boot!) not ftmplp meanetbat tbcrcprodjca of b»S enemies are more tlja be »« abie to beare: but f tbis mala= pcrtnes of fijetrs iobertDUb tbcp fpurne at tbc faitb' ana patience of tbcgoblp, ttu'l be reprefTcD bp ©00, left tbep tbat truft in bim fbolo be put to fbame.Cbi* feUe fame tiding oootbe bee exaggerate more and more m .the feeond member » iobenbe fapccbbcc bare aUfcpnDof re- pzacbes at tijc banos of manp peoples or greate peoples. jFox tbe S»oro Robim, map be taken botbcS»apcs.*$orcoucr fo:s!mucbeasbeeba& fpofeen ofdE>oos fcrults tn general!, it is not amifTc tbat be chauugecb tbe number, to the mtcnte ccbe one of tbe faithful map be earnctttp moueo to prapc. 3Ufo tbe particle, [ > n rop bofome] tsef greate force, astf bee fboulb fape, tbat tbebngoiilp net onelp fiuigouttbeu raplmgsa farreof at tbe chiioien of i0od, but alfo fpetu tbemout agemft tbem, in fucbe topfe as tbcp arc fapne torecepuetbem tu ttjctr bofome. 2Jl nD tbe ouertbwart frowaroncs of this oure age ts fucbe, tbat it mafectl; bs too bauencebeof tbcbfe of tljis JDoctrme : fojtbe earth faarmetb feitb bwtbcnifb and pjouDdcfpijersof od bunfclfe.iroz tt is of mucbe moie fo2ce tn purcbafing fauour,to befeeecbe andrequcft(0odto maintem bis ofen cafe, not onip bicaufe be ts ioouoco in the perfon of his cijur^ cbe , but alfo bpcaufc that all rep:o = cbes feberebp the fimpltcittc of ^paptbe ts impeached, redound agcmtibim, ac= cozding asbcfaptbmCfap.37.22. %t S»h°mc bathe t'bpnc cncmic fljaUen t)is bead ^ and atbibome batb he raplco i£) mapdendaugbter guon: Chat iopcUcD traptour IRapfaces tbougbtbc bad fcof= fed but at tbe fezetcbed % circs, to bom be befieged, and i»bome be belceued, be fl)Ouldc anon after baue gotten into bts bands : and y>ct <£»od tabctb it in fucbe ioife as if tbcp ba&de leueled rbeir blaf= pbemies full butteatbtmfelfe. 3!n tb<0 refpette alfo be calletb tbem tbe enemies of tl£o&, bpcaufe tbat in perfecuting tbe Cb»tcb I vpon the.lxxxix.Pfalme. Ct)iirci)Cof <2>oo,tbcp aOauice tbers tranflatc it a[pace o£ftep]tn tbe fame feafc.aawrelp u is not to be oouteo but Jljat tbe pjopbtt bp ptnting tbe part foj tbe tu!)3l2, bctoHenctb tlje fecte : anD agipne bp putting ouer tbe name of one tbmgtinto anotber, meanctb tfje com= mingof CbJifte : top tnafmucbe as i\)t fcwUcD fawe ctje 3Qevoes bang bpon tlje bope of rcoempttan, anD to bcare all ao= uerfittes pacteullpe, bpcaufe tbep ieerc pjomifcD a oeliucrer : tljep fcojnefullp fcoffeo at tb?w pacicncc as tbouater. 5? [^ufTeobetbe JLo;o.frc.]3l mar= ncl xufjp outers interpreters imagin tbin berfe tobauebmaDDcbbp tome tfacios ncr, bicaure it futctb not tbe reft of tt)C tcjet. His ioi)o ajoulo fap tbat pjapfe ano tbanfeefgiumg bnto <©oo ioouib not as iocll befecme tbe knitting bp of a mate ter as tbe beginning of it. Cbcrcfoje J Baubtc not,bm tbat after t\)t #>?opbcu batljfrcclp bcwapleb tbeuuicttesoftbe Cburcbe: tben to tbe intent be map alap tbe bitterneffe of tbe purpofe= Ipburftctb out into tbepjapfeof v!5od. Concerning tbe parcell [&obctt, ano £>obcit,] 3D cafllp granntejtf M be fette bourne bere, (ipfce as in tbe pfalme.+i . i+.f 72.19. S.)tobifhngutfb tbe boofee Soitbal.But frbofocaer be fc>as y copu led tbis pfalm ,09uUcs btff purpofe Suas to afluage p* gretneffe of bis grief in b«* moft beumeffc, &>ttb tbis burfling fo?tb into reiopcing, tbat be mpgbtc tbe moje cbcerefulip bope foj beUuerance. The contentes of the. xc.Pfalme. Bycdiife Moyfcs intended to intrctte -dce,xehich God bath vouebfafed vpo bis chose 'people.^ifterwdrd herecitcth in few words how wretched tbe fate of man is »if they fettle them felues in tbe world, fpecially when ds God citeth tbe offenders to bis iudge- mentfedte. *And after he hath bewayled thdt cue tbe children of ^Abraham alfobauc tdjlcdoftbis fljdrpneffe for a timeyfo d\- they were almojl confumed •with for ow, vpon truftof Gods free fatisr, wherthrough he hdd ddoptedtbty he befecheth him tofoew himfclfe mercifull dnd beneficidll to them ageyne as he had ben in times pafi,fo as he fboulde continue the whole courfe of his *rdce euen ynto the ende. The. xc.Pj dime. He prayer of Moy fes the man of God. Lorde thou hafl: ben our dwelling place from generation to generation, z Before the moutains wer created, and before thou madeft the Hhh.i. earth a-pt Iohn Caluines Commcntaric earth, 8c the world, & fro euerlafting to euerlaiting,thou art God. 31 1 is bourcb abttljcr this pfalm S»cr maoc bp a^opfco bnnfclfc , o: &)l?ttbcr feme one of the^jophctsfo? tt?e bec= boofc of ibc people framcb it into a fong out of the fozmc of pjapiag beltucreD bp £0opfcs from batiotoobano?€crtefTc not feutbeut coufc 10 tt lifcclp f it fbouiD be fathered- bppon i3$opfc0: pea rather mafmucbastbcbfeofpfalmesflojifbcD eucnin bisbapes, 3 Doubt not but bet ,i»a3tbeautbojohtmDccDe.'3!0foztbc" that think tlje reafon Sob? itiowritteb to htm is bpcaufe tt feas comonlp lung bpc b?0 po&erttic. 3 fee not fcjhp tbep fijoulD flee to fo colD a furmtje. jfftap ra= tbcr.tbe proper aDDitum tbat is put too it bp an| bp after, booth opcnlp Difpzoue them, jfopit is not foj nought £ fl®ep= fesis here pzee?felp termeb ibe [2$an of 45od] butbets DecfccD fejutbtbui title ofboaozioopurchace ambozitte tobp0 bortrme.1$n& pfcomerturcs mapctafce place.u is IiKc tnougf) ibat tohen p time of bis Death Dzcia nccrc, be inottcD thpS pzapcr to afftoage tbeeontinuall fozowe %>btrtbzougb f people S»ae almoft pp= neo afo>3p,anD to rcfrefh tbetr harts op= pxeflco ft>itb the heaping en of aDucrfi= tica.faj, although ttjc goobneffe of d£>0D bao (hone bpon tbf m tooon&erfullp m Jtjnr oel:uerace,w fuel) feifc as it might baueburpeD tbetr fojmer mifcriesano SJlcD tbcm i»itb top : pet boo fecefenofc) that t\)t fame toas foftrjin a Sobple after quettcbeD tbzougb their otonc fcntbanK= fwlncfTc ,anb fo conttmiall langutfbing cosfumeo tbem tn y tsilocrnefTe bp the fpaceof fozttc pcerc© togither.^in gooo fcafon tberfoxt mtgbt £5f)opfes at that time few fento v0od to deale merctfullp anS geatlp fetib his people, acceding to tbe pecres tb*t be babplagcb them. 1 [JLeiD thou baft bm «.] 3» fepara^ ting the cbiloze of ^Ibzabam bp a fmgu= iar pziutlegc from the refionc of man= bpnb ,hc commenBeth £ grace of aboptt= en irb?r^oUb 2D, toitbout tbe io\)it\) tbcp couid fcarcc haue ben coun= teb a0 tnbabitcrs of the too;ilB, conftbc= ringhou3tbepi»tre caerp Sobercfcjci; nets, anb cen'cqiicntlpe harpeD aboutc bp fun5?p fleettnge. il^oto iy.bcrc an the jiLojDe fuftepncb them 5 n;ec!Drb tbcm Soitb hishanDc throughout ail tbetr ptU grimages, at fuehc tpmes P0 tbtyfe iourncb among faitage nnD cruel nattoo, anDlape oprntorecciuc harmeatthep? h6nDe:^opfrs eanauncetl) ztys gra= eioufmffcloitha fmguiar title, mafftgs ningdoeb to them fo? tljctr Jjoufe anb Doodling place fohen tbf-p ficeteD ant feanDerco conttnuail? fro?n enc loDgmg to another. SnDhc ampUlisrhthc^nie bp tbcJ£ngtboitbetpmc,fe;t btcanfchcc habnotc?t»feD to fljcclBethJm'fcjttb bis befcnce.aboiic foure htmbzeD pearee to- B«hcr> to as tbep DvxieUeb &11 the iihple j bnotr vponthe.xc.Pfalme. IT bnaer bt0xouigs. 2 pl5«foie tb»]VDbcre as ^ofks mpno is to totter foate b'ab ana inoDcti mpft-:rtc : pet feemctb be to fpeafee barclp eua mtnaner cbtioirijelp. 5Fo$ i»!jo knowetbc not tbat <25oD was before tueiaojloe t* Crue it is m occ&c tbat al men confeffe btm fo to be, but pet in tbe tueane Subtle fcarfe tbe hunczc ttj pa Ion t0 t'osio'.jg!;!? perfuaoeD tn btm- felt", tbat 45oo contiauctb alv»ap0 at one (lap. 26ac oa bp tljeir swnc i0p!aceb bere in quiet (late. 31 no fo thi0 cucrlaflingneiTe offolnclj il0opfc0fpe= Uctlj,isrefsrreD not onlp to bt0 being, but alio to bi0 p;ouiDSRce i»I)erbp bee goucmetb tbe fojajtljj. ifoj altljougb bee matte tbe S»a;ib fubterttoa funDip alte= ractans-.petabpaetb be IjimCclfc in fct= lcancffc:ana tbat not onlp a0 to btmfclfc= wara, but alio tn reipetfe tbat tlje fattb- fuii fm&btm not fc>aucring,butftcbfaft tnhtff pototr, trutb, rigbteoufneffeano gooancfTc, euc tn tbe feltfatne cace a© be batb btn front tbe firft beginning. UttyB eutrlailtng anb toncbaungcable ttcbfatr= neffcoftSob coulonottruelp bepercep= ucbbefoictbciDOjilD i»a0 tnaac, io\)m as pet tljcre i&erc no cpe0 to bcarc fonts nefTcoftr.^ut ttt0 gstbercboftbefez quclc, bpcaufc tbat fc>bcrc a0 all tbmg0 arc taffco anb rollco iottb funDipe tur= rnoples, be retcpnetb b'3 ofcme nature ftpll. i^crealfo mtgbtc bee a matebpng of contraries benvecne b»watibautbe counterfeat <£>o03 of tbe ^eatben , tl;e rablc of i»ljtcl)c creptc tn bp Utile anD little tbazougb tbe crrourc anbfolltcof mennc. 23ut 3 b^ucalrcaap fbeimb to Sobat enaetbe D^tftof 3^opfc0 rencctb: tbat is to S»it,tbat i»e oo amtfTe if i»ee meafure 45oa bp our oftme bnberdani Ding, ana tbat -uk mull mo ut abouc tbe cartbc, pea ana abouc beauen too, as oft as tote tijtaUe bpon tym. 3 Thou shalt turne man to deftmclion, and sha!t fay, come back agein ye fonncs of Adam. 4 For a thoufande yeeres are in thy fyghte as yefterday when it is paft, and as a vvatche in the nyght. $• Thou haft ouerflovved them, they shall bee as a flcepe : in the mor- ning he shall grovve as ^rafle. 6 In the morning he shall I'lourishe and grovve : at night h§e shall bee cut vp and wither. 7 For wee be aftonished at thyne anger, and in thy wrathe arc wee ouerthrowne. 8 Thou haft fet our iniquities in thy fight, and our fecretc finnes in the light of thy countenaunce. 5 [.^foaufljilt* titrn:maii.«.] jffirft bee Dfdarc^b bows fraple ana tratiftto= rieununcsipfets, ana bavapletlje tbe mtfertea thereof, fcot to pieHcq:tarci0 agcpuir (5 DID. 213 ut to tl)c tntcntc ta !n.i&: bim mnz foxvoarae nnta mcrc;>e, l:»Ite aa tn otijer pla:cs bt t0 fata to bhr i»i.biuoztaUmcn,i»b2nbcconfpocre;b il>e maulBe tljat tfjtp bee maac o$, cinD remctttbcrctl) tbat tbcp bee bit onfte anabapr. pfalme.io3.i+.^nab?cotn- parctbtbecourfeof oureipre to a ring, bicatife tl5 O TD plactns bs bpon eartb turnctb x>3 abautc in a naroire roomc, ana xiiijeii we come to tbe lafl popnt of oariDfe, tbmplttcUetbbebs Gaelic too b:;nf;lf tn tlie turning of a l)ano sDtbcro tntcrpjetc it orberS»pfe , namcip tbat <2»oa i»bpl«b men fooztb to ocltrucSion. ana aftcrnj^rb repairetb tbeni agepn at tbe ISefurrectton. Ii5ut tbtc fine oeui:c is farre fetch? , ana agrccibnot iottb tlje tcetc. Cbcrfozc bcrc to fet aofejr.e a fim= pie at ftnttion of our ipfc, boto it t0 a ccr; ^bb-U- tejui I 2,pt trine fl)0?t turning about,tn fobtcb ft>ce Quicbtp fintfl) top our racc.tbc laft pcynt totjerof to tbe furtljefi borcnD of our tox= ncy.SDnb tljts fcnoftjlcgc fbs&Ktb better l)0S» notabiy d5ob oealetb, tontb bis fcr= uant0, inefmuebe fl0ljee aboptctb ttycm tG be b'3 peculiar po(rcffion,tbat be may e.t lcncttl) gatljer tbem tofliiljcr into i)ts cucrlcfflmg brwagc. /jScytbcr 10 ttfo; nought tbat tjc abbctl) by fray 0! cotra= ricttc[tbat a tboufap.D yecrc© before gob arc but as ycftcrDayJFojalbeit thai z%- pcriencc pjoue it to be true tbat men are by anb by taken out of tr>e &>o;lb affone 00 they baue rnnne trje compaffcof tbetr circle:yct botl)€ not tijc fcnovclege of ttyst frayltie fettle in our tjarts, bycaufc fojee loone not aboue tbe too?lD.JFo?5»l)cnce comctbfogreatcbulncfrc.tbctmenbecs tng tyebtootln0 pjefent life booojber tbetr account© in fucbe S»yfe,a0iftbey ftjoulb liae ttna tboufano ipccvts a pecce: but bycaufc tbey cocetuc no bigbf r mats cer in tljeir mutes tljan is offercbtotbe cycr'^cbeman copanng bimfelfe Sottb; etljer, imagine?!) tbat be (ball lyue long. Co be fbe;tt,m tbisoulnelfe tbcymafee accountc of tljirtte yecres yea 0? frafocr a0 of an cnblcfTe time,neytber achnotos lege tbey tHc fbojtneffe of tbcyjt life 80 long a0 tbc i»ojtlo poffeffetb tbtir foits. C&iStsnbccaufe &>by $f)eyfes toafee= neMjtoS, lifting top our minb0 to d5oD0 bcauciycuerlaftingncu"c,bo iuil not be taugbt y tbey are mcjtal,uo not ctten by continual cufiom anb experience. Cbts fcntcncc 10 ctteb by |3cter to fo'mrcbat an otljcr meaning 2;|bctcr.3.8.«n:Dpctnota».ifre,buaufe be aptly anb ffetlfully b?etrctl) out of tbc teftimomcof &3opfcs,tbc tbtng tbat tjc ^cuOUtb in tljat place . Cbcmtente cf £J})oyfe0i0 to i»Ubo?aw men fro grofTc imagination©, anb to lyfte tbem bp into bcauen.anb iub^t boctlje f£*cter r' H5y= caufe many men (inafmuebe a© Cbjiifte maKctb not bade acceding to tbctr bes ftrc)foji»eannefre of long belay, caft off tijebopcoftbe refurrcctton : beco?rcc= tctb tbi0 oucrtbwart baftincfTc fcttb a bery gooa remcoye. $je fectrj men i»a^;e loofc ano to fall from gGbs p?.emifcs, bi- caufc Cb?ift femetb to maUc too longta- nance.wbcrof cometb tbuj, but btcaufc tbey fettle tljcmfcluc© bppon tbe cer tb ^ 5Fttly tbercfo^e botb be epply tbe faytng of fl^oyfeotoo tbcfaluingcf tbyofoje. 5fojlpbee0tbcbnbclcucr0 maUetfjem fcluc0fpo;t tn tbat tljcp beyng too mucl) tycb to tbc fuo^lbe, tnde net of ilje bca= ucnly etcrmtie : fo alfo oute of tlje fame fountayne fp?ingetb tmpaciencte. Snb hereby i»ce gatber tbe true bfenftbys Doctrine, ^fo; febcrof come© it tbat &>e be fo careful fo;i our Itfc,tbat notljing ca fufftfc b0 ,anb be a trouble to curfefuc0, but btcaufe i»ee fonbly bcare our felue© inbanb tbat Zoz fjjai ncflle in tb;a SdojID fo? eucr e 2Pgcyne, fcl>nice commctb fo greatcfeayioarbnefrc, tr;at our bartc© quayle in looUyng foatbecommyng of Cbjyfo , but bycaufc oure barteo arc fcttlcb bppon tbc cartb ? 3Lct b0 lecrnc tben not to iubge acco?bmg to tf)e bn= bcrftanDyng of tb? rlcflje , but too be= penbe bppon tljciuDgemcnt of ©s£)2> : ^inb tbcnfoje let bo mountc bptcarbe by faytb cuen to !)i0 fjeuenly tb?onc, fro Sobcncclje afTurctbbo tbat tbe earthly lyfe i0 rigbte neugbte . tfl cytber oootbe ^oyfco only reftrayn a tboufanb ycrco bnto one bay , but %z fcttrtb bo5snc tbat [ycfrerbay,] &bicb is fslreaby pad anb gonc.^Fo? fobatfoenfr is p?efcnt ftil bc= fo?e our tfts , tbe fame bctrmetb alfo our mtnbcs. 015 tit that Sobpcbe is pafle Dotb vpon the.xc. rlalme. 59 both Iffle moue tosi»ubrbercmebiancc tt)crof. 31a touching tt)c Sdozd [ft>atcb,] toe bnoir |)Oiv mciiKC in oloe tpme toct c front to otuioe tf>e n tgb t into four Ssa t= c!)c0 ,o f iol) tcb ccl)e one eonfiftcb of tljjc Ijourc3 a pcccc. /froto tljto fimUitude iff aobco to make tl)c matter fceme ir>l>o iaoulD Tap, that a tboufanbe pcres m (15oD8 fpgbte Differeo noting from tl)Ki bourca of t\)C nygbic, in feljpclje menne fcarflp hnoioe, S»bctbcrtbcp be atoafceozaflcepc. 5 [Cboubafl ouerflotecD tbemfe.] l^cconfirmetb tbat iuljicl) bee bab fapo afoic,namclp tbat as tong as men S»an= Dcr in tbts Soozlb tijep boo but runnc a certctn circuit of a minnute long, fo% 3 reftrcinc not tbc fcocjD [oucrfloroc] ro tbe fojer fojtc of plagues, but 3 tijinbe tbat Deatb in gcncrall is fimplp compa^ rco too a fcjatcrfloub . tfoi'a>\)m %oce baae ftoooe a ipttie frbplc in tbc feo?!D , bpanD bp free fall into tbe graue, ana are oucrfr belmcb frp th eartbe : 2tno fo common Dcatbeispzop^cIycallcDan o= uer flofrpng. fn tbc ILozb Dotb no icffe oucrflofrbs in tbe berpbzcatb, teller- bp incc iiuc, tbanfje ouerflowctl) Ujofc tbatpcrifl)ebpbeeing ffralofrcb topbp fl)ipfc?ccHe : fo &s Deatb mapc fitlp bee tcrmeo an tnutfible oucrfiotDing. 3 no S19opfcsfaptb,tbattbenutsmaBctua= npfcfre.botoctbat mennc frbpebe cba= lenbgefroonberiull luftpneffe too tb«m fclucs in tbetr race,arc but as a fleepc. Cbc Ipfeentng of tbent tograu"e,frbi= d)c is aDDcD , fenbetbc to tbis cffcctc, tbat me come foul) in tbc moining, ano bloflbmclifee tbc graft": , * tbat tbcp be= come green, oz padc afrap i»tn a fmall tpmc.ttttbcp be cut oofrnc anD fritber. 15icaufc tbe berbes are of tbe fingular number, tbcp fecme better to bee hmt to tbe fr oozbc [gra(Te:]bofrbcit tljep mape alfo be fittp apptpcb to ecbe man. /ftot= frttbftanbtngfozas raucbeasit ftiiU o not grcatelp in refprete of tbe pitb of tbe matter, 31 paiTc tbc icfleofit. &f}o?co= ucr t bis Doctrtn rcqutrctb cottnual min- D wg of it, fo?. altbougb all of \jg confeffe tbat notbtng ts meic tr afitoztc tban our life : pctbp * bp aftrr.cucrponc of ts ts carpcb afrap i» a bzapnficU bl*bpncs to fanfiean crtbip tmmozialine.JFoifrbo lo euer bearetb in mpnD tbat be is moz- tal.bzpblctb biff ottme aftccttons,tbat be topic not bpm felfe aboue mcafure, but malic l;aflc too ti;c tnarUc. 2But frtyen freeeppopnt no cnD to our cares, it be- bouetb bs to bee Sung frith conttnuall pzicHcs, leaftfrefboulb became bppon otboufanocipucom ftccbe of a Qcnocr fbabofreoflpfe. 7 [Jfozfreare.frc/J flpopfes mahetb mention of <0oos anger foz tbe nonce, fr ub tbe feelpng frbcrof , onlefle menne be toucb-'D, tbcp neucr frepgb frcll tbe tbingfrbicbe experience enfezcetb tbcm to acfenofr lege.tbat ie to frit, bofr fene tbetr race is runout, f tbcp tbcmfclues faoc afrap. S^ofrcbttt s^opfes batbpet anotberrcfon frbp be iopneb tbcfc tfro tbmgs togitber : namelp tbat Sobcrc as men are bp nature fo tranfuo^ie anb in mancr fbabofuifij : tbepeopleof3!fraell &ere afflirtco iuttb aoucrfttic bp tlje banbeof <£ob, fojtbe iojatb of <^od tff leffc tolerable to bs being fraplc 9 tran= fttoite.tfyan it fbouloc bee if Joe bao but anp mcane ftrcngrbe at all. !^oiocbe= it to tbcintcnte bee mapc fbet&ebotoe be mpnbetb noibmg icfTe tban to ijj^anr gle fettb C5ob bp tb«s complapntc, bee faptj) tbat d5oDS 5»?atbe (toere it ncucr fo terrible) teas notfc>itbftanbing iuff, bicaufe bis people babpsouoHeoit tl)o= rougb tljctr oisjnc fault , foj tbcp tbat be not bumblcD i»bcn tbep be ftrtfecn toitr> tbc banc of \0oo, oo bareen tbemfelues tbc mojc.Cbeeefojctbc true mranc to pzofitc ano alfo to fubbue ptibc,is to fete tbat (Boo is a rigbtcous tubge. ^opfes tbercfoze i»bn: be batb bief cJp taugbte tbat menbp nature banifbc afcapc ipne fmobe, gatberctb tbcrcbppon, tbat it ts no to on'rer if d5oo aftomfb anb confume tbofc i»l)0 be perfecutetb m bts tciatb. 2Hno tbc mancr of fpcaUtngts to be nc= reo, tbat d5oD i»ben be bttcrctb tbe tc= bens of lu» inzat b .Bci!) fct mens ftnncs befozc bts epes, foz tbere\jppon it folios Sueti), tbattobat focucr relecfe ozeafe isgiucnbs, ougbtof Dttcttc to be afcri= bco bnto <0oos fozbearing, Sobo burp= etlj our finncs to tljc intent to fparc bs. S>ome tranflatc tfjc fo>ozoc GnalomJn,fn tbe feconDemember.youtbfulnefrcs: as if be baDfapb,tl)r4 tbe offences ofpoutlj ©bb-fti. arc Iohn Caluines Commentane are calico to remembrance : Sob'-cb ts to mucbe fojeeb anb ix>jcfteb : fo? le tyoulb periflj tfcematcbing cf corranes bctivtrt i\)i fetrcte fames anb tbc lpsbtof gobs countenance: vj'vjerbp $£ap»0 botljbs tofocete, fttt as lonjjtasd&aa fbpnttbe ttOt&po;n:nfo>u1)tl)cugbtofbi3iub3Cs merit, tijep bilK tbcmrautsm lurking boles ,ano beftjjeppe tocmlclucs m ma- np Deceits: but afloone as tisob pluc&cs tl;em baefce from their flatting boles at inbidj tbepenbeuerte flippeirom bitn, anb kttub bcefczc ins epes tlje fpnncs Sul)icb ti>cp bibe bp bppocrifp: tljcn icarc anb b?eabcftibbett>etbtbem,anb bum= blctbtbcmmbccbc. 9 For all our dayes are paffed avvay at thy difpleafure : we luue fpent were a thought. 10 In the dayes of our yeares are three fcore and ten yeeres, and if in ftrength foure fcore yeeres : and the pryde of them is but paynful- neflc and trauell: for it pafleth ouer fvviftly,and we flie away. 9 [iFoi al o'ttr bapsfc ] 3'lMpagb it •! migbtbc a general! confirmation of tbe | fozmer fentencc, tljat f ^olt race of a mans life is qmcUip btfpatcbzb as foonc as *0ob mCtoetb b*mfelfc btfptcafebipct noturityftanbtng (in mp tubgemente) SJ^opfesbotb ratljcr enlarge that frbicb })t fapbcafszc concerning tbe rigour of fi5obsfeiatb,anbbtc ftreigbt tion incbsdifingof finncc. foilje faitb not tbat tl)is tcrrez Sebicb «^ob lapb bs pon bis people i*>as not fez a fmall time onelp ,bu: tbat it Seas baieb en all after snsratc cuen bntobeatbe. Cbcrfozx be complavnctb.tbat trjc 31 ores Sucre in a mancrpmcDan>ap m continuail mpfc= rfes", bicaufc zatb lap bpon tijem fo con= tfmiallo output ceaumg. i o [jB n tl)c bnpes. 5c] V)t rcttirnetb agepn to bis general boctrin,boix> fltgbt full mans (late is altbongb 35ob bttcr not bis Suxatb openlp to put the in feare. •!X>bat cStiuiiance bath, our Ufefaptb tyt Cftcrtlp if i»c reckon al our pcercs to t\)t bttermoftc fee fballatiengtbecometo r5;c tbzecfcoxe anb tentbpere : cz if tbere be an? of a moxe luftp arib liuelp mctall, get Djal tbcp come to foure fcozcSnb be batb put tbefcarsofpnrcsin Capoten:: forcing tljc matter: bicau.fe that ertRcu"e,fozo'<)k\) mans ipfe is fubtect. ^eucrtbelefTe,tbt3 isrefcrrcbtof iDboleraceofvipfcSinb ccrtcfTeifa man c^n'Qocr or febatftaic our ipfe is from oare infamie bntoonr graue, be Gj a I finb trtiblcs f ccmfulnrs m cucrp partof ii.frop tsb^n Gham^l ,mb Auen arc iophcD iogifber, tbcp bee taKcn paff!ue= vpon the.xc. iJfaJme. Co paffpuclpfo? mcommuomes •moaffltc- tioris: as if Copies fjabfapD, tbat tbe ipfcof tuattispcpnfulauo ouerfraugb- tebsmtHmaup geppcs.pcaf tbattobm tbcp be in tljcir cljufe p£pbe.*3Cbe rcafoti tobicb* becaoDetb, (namelp [it paffctb Qiim fu)iulp,J toe flleatoJip] ) femctb. :a fii £ place fcacdyi toeil. Jfor it can nut be > tb* felicitte ioi^iclj is butujojf, fl)ouia tljcrf^c be none at ai. itntt ? rncnmg of staples iff p* men Do folifbip to giojtfie in iljcir ejcc£Uecic,btcaufe f toil tf>ep ,ml tljcp, tfjep are cotremeD to lobe into ttje time to come. Slr.b aflooneas tbcp open tljcir cpes, tbcp fee tbcmfclues carpcb £ bacpeo toubijcaDp fligbtefcnto oeatb, anD tbat tijsir toiitte tocimfrjetb atoapc cuerp moment. ii i: Who Icnoweth the force of thy wrathe? And according to thy feare fo is thy vvrathe. Make vs fo to knovve, that we may number our dayes : and wee vvil bring our hartes vnto vvifedome. Returne O Lorde,how long i Be pacified towards thy feruants. n [-!X»boknot9etblc.iaigeinebtCte: tpjetb bus tain to tbe pjuuatc ablutions ot the people, i'ojuppon tlje fame occa= ftoiibabbeerfrcomplapncbof tbegcne= rail frapltic anb mifcneo of manUpnbe. $no too^tfoclpoootb be crp out tbat i\)c foiccof gonstojatb iatncftimabJc. f oj 9g,lcng ao be imtbnoloerb bis banD, me leaptabiHU toantonip lt|ic a fo?t of fugt= ttue fciuants tob»cb m no mojc afrapb bpcaufe tbcp bee out of tbcp? matftcrs ftgljt. 0eptbcr can tbcpj ftubojm nature be otberfo>i>fe compclicD to obebtece.on; lefTcdSoD ftrilie tbem toitb tlje feare of bis tubg:mcnt. Cbe fenfc tbercfoze ia, tb^ta3loiiga,O(0o8btDetbbimfcifc,a;to Diflcbletb \)is Dtfplcafurc, men are puft bp S»ttb toilfulneffc anD runnc a bcab toitl) biolcnt bzapD: but affoonc as tbcp bccompellcD ty fecic J)oi» Dzcabfuil bis bifpleafurc is, tbcp fojget tbe pz iuftp= ncfTc f falatoap tonocbmg.Sbai: tob»cb folotoctbnejctCnameip acco?oing as tbp fearetsfois tbptozatb]i3toooRt:ob;c eppotonocD t!)us : «a,be mozc y anp man flanos matoe of iH5oo, fo muc'w y mo;c Ijarolpf ftcrnlp isbe^oosnt tcbreoclt tottbaU:fei iubgemetbcgatnetb at goos 17. 3>nD tobcras becnourifbetl) tbc reprobates mt'o'pi ottm fozpmetb tys clpscn to:tb contmuatl troubles,* to be fbozt,cljairi= 3«tb tbem tobom be touctb.i^cb. 1 2 . 6. 31 true Doctrines pioS:ablei0 tttberfozc, y <|>o& cr,tr:at?tb bts elect mojtc Ip tban b? Doctt> tbe caftaioapcs.llBut 3 trjinb. y a^op^s batb a notber mcenmg tn tljts place y is to imt,tl;at v rcucrcnt feare 0? (0ob is tl)C onlp ceufc iljat foee fcelc bts tojtatb truip ano carneftlp.^Foj Ie)cfeeboi»fofcait0,astboiigb tfjcp bee fb irplp cbafti3eD,Do eitber cbafc bp5 t!je bit.o? btcUe agemfr c^od j runnc ftarUs tnaD.oj etfe ftao ama^eb as tbougb t'jeir bartstoercfojbarDneD asetnftaii inco= ucntences: fo far are tbcp off from being fubce&cD. ?Jnb abbouctb tljcp mafeca fhrrings a pcUing.pct bbotb not d5obs tojatbe fopercetnto tbctrbartes, tbat tbcp? fecrcenefTc abatctb.C>nlp tlfz goD= Ip mtnbcs are irjounbcD fcjttb tbc Soiatb oW £> 5D , neptber loq&e tbep foj tbe tbunDerboUcsagcmft i^ljiclj tlje repro- bates ijoioeoute tbeir baroeauD fteeip necbes : but tljcp tremble bp anD t-p if CB0 3D toagge but Ijts little finger at at tbcm.ittc boiae Ijojrible 2D. Cb»0 frpfebome Ipgljtetb not to ppon reprobate pcrfon0, fc>bpcl)c can not lapc afrapc tbe PJPbe tobcretojitb tbcp bee puffco top : fojt tbcp bee net toucbcD feirf) tljc fceltng of tnfl S»2atbc, bpcaufe t^cp alfo Sana e not in feareofbun. 1 2 [Cbat toe map number our bapr0 «c] £bome tranflate tt [to tbc number of our napes :]^oi»bcit,all to one mea= ning fsi mafmucfoc as i!lJ?opfes fa&e boft» f tbmg tr>at be bab btlbcrto taugbt is not compzehenDcD bp mans fcm,ton= tilKfljob fbpnc toppon btmfcrttb r>ts fpi= ritmofo be turnetb bimfclfe to pjaping. Crulp at tf>c 6rft blufn it fecmetb a fob pjaper to ocfsre tbat fo>ec migbthnoto>c tbe number of our peerc0. jFoj Sob?:' feeing tbat euen tbe Qrongcft fojtt boo fcarcelp atteine to fonre froze pccrc0, 10 tt fo barb a matter to rechen fo feafce pmest'cbilbie Icarne number0 affoone as tbcp begin to pjattlc , neptbtr bane free neene of a fcoolemafter in aritbmes tifec to tracbe toe to tell tbe number of a bunbzeb toppon our fingers cnD0. 3!n goob footb fo tnucb tbe fotoler f (l)8tnt= fuller is our bloc&tfbncfTe tbat ince nc= uer compjebenb tbe fpaec of our life be= ingfo fl)02t.:ffoi euen Ijectfjat is beft in antbmctife anb can moil pzecifelp anb ffctKfullp bcare in mpnb anb bcuibc miU lions of mtllpons , is neucrtbclelTe too feefcebofttoaceouutfoure feozc peares in b«0 ofcme life. <2>urelp it is a monfte= roufe cafe,tbat mc fboulD S»itbout tbe= felucs mcafurcall btftanccs.fcnefr bofc> manp foot c tbe moone is off fro f miblc popntof tbe cartbc,boi» muebe fpaec ts betfoecne planet i planet, anb finallp to compzebenb all tbe mcafuvmgs botbe of beaucn anb cartb:anb pet cannot num= bcrtbjiec fco2eanbtcnnepceres intbein fclucs.we fee tben tbat the tfjtng Sohtclj &f*opfes erauctbe at <&ous banbe, is a popnt of rare anb lingular &>tfcbomc. ^b? latter member ts alfo rigbti»oo^ tbptobcemarUeD,flsfebctcbp bcetca= cbetb tos tbat Sncc tben trulp applp our minbs to fcjiubome , toben 5»e tonbcr= ftanbe tbe ftojuneffe of manmg Ipfe. ^02tul;at greater mabneffe cantberc bee, tban to roue Sottbout amtng at anp certain marbc 1 But onlp tbe fapthfull, to i»bometbe btf&rcncelsfenofcmebcs tfeenc tl;ts tranfitojie lpfe,anb tbe bU(- feb euerlaftpngneffe , fencSuc fobetber tbep ougbt to Direct tijetr Ipfe. 0o man tben can frame bis Ipfe toptb a fettleo mvnbe, fauiug be iolncbc bneftpng tbe cnoc of Ipfe, tbat is to fap, Dcatb it felfe, is fo lebbc foez; be to tbc confiberation of tbeintent tc?, i»b^bc be ipuetb, as tbat be pzocebctb to tbe toictojtc totyfyc fte '* caliebtofromaboue. i? [] flUntobiS complapnt be anncjectb a p?aper : Cbat d5obi»bo bab a late plagueo bis peeple tocrp fo^c, ftoulbe at ler.gtbe bee botwb tonto gcntlcncfTe. JF02 altbougb be gaue baplpfometefte otbps louc: pet foas tbcirbantfbmcntoutoftbctanbe of be= beft, a moftc grcucus feourgcas i»bcr= bp tbcp fojcre abmont&yb , tbat tbep Soerc tontooitbpc of tbfitbuiTcb tnberu tence, fcbirbc tfpobbab appopntfD (oz \)ie cbilbtcn. 5rc?tbcp coulbe not but often tunes call to mpnbc tl;at c;cabfu!l otbcto>b'c!)f v0oo bab thur.Ozcb outca= gapnft tbcm, Cbep 0>ail not enter into mp reft , but tbetr carhafes flidi rottc intbcteplbernefTc. ij^u. 14,2 3.32.3 nb 3 bout not but be matcbetb tbat ftjarpe bobagc of tbeirs totyrt) tbcp bab fuffrcb in €gppt, &itb tbeir S»am>jtng0 in tbe Soilberneffe : anb tbercfo?c not feitljout caufc DotfjC be in tbe toozb [l^otpelong] be&aplc tbetr baplp langutfbmg.jBoltoc ipfee as ^5od is fatbc to turnc bts bactte toppon tos,oz to bepartc farrc from tos, ioben be tottpDzavrctb tbc fpgnes of bis fauour:fobp bis coming agepn is tnent tbc open Cbettoing of bis grace. 3scon: ecrning tbc Sroojbc Nacham, foiafmucbc asitfigntfictb too rcpente, it frill not be amiffe to ejeponnb it tljU0 : 3Ut tt rc= pent tbec of tbp feruauntr 0 . Jfoi it ap= pcrctb bp tbc comon cuftom of tbc fcrtp= ture, tbat tt is termcb tbe repentance of goD,ft>bcn putting ai»ap mens fe?ofo> 9 reftoting matter of glabncffe, be femctb as it Soercaltcreb. Metier tbelcffc tbep fecmcto come ncercr to tbemecningof Sli)opfe0,i»b'cb tranflate it,[cofo?t tbp fdfc (Jl vpon the.xc.Pfalme. fciteouertbpfcruant0.j;ffojgodtncbe= too bee pacifieo , e? too be mcrcpfull rifting bs frocetclp, tabctfi no IcfTc top accozomg as free baue CranfJatcb it, of tiff, than both a father of hiff orone too the intcnte the (entente IboulD he the cbtiDjtcn. 9nD that iff nothing cifc, but plainer. 14 Fill vs with thy goodnelTe betymes, and vvce shall rcioyce and tee glad all our dayes. if Cheare vs vp according too the dayes of our arTlic"tion,and the yeres in vvhiche wee haue feene euill. 10* Let thyworke appeare to warde thy feruaunts, and thy glory vp- pon their children. 17 And let the beautie of the Lorde our God bee vppon vs, and guyde thouthewoorkeofourhandes vppon vs, yea guyde thou the vvoorke of our hands. 16 [3Lcttbp&ojke.«e.]iFo?afmucbc 80 <£>od fojfatung btff Cburcbc,boM) af= ter a foztc put on the perfon of a ft raun= gcr : fljpopfeff botbe imtttr.gip calt the grace of protection iohich he hao p^omp^ fcDto ttje ttulD^cn of SCbzaham, [dpobff pcculicr Ssojti ] 3Ct>rfo;u although that tnallthccjcampleff of pumflimcte fcnth S»h02lb:pet not&mb= ftanbing mafmucbe as nothing is mo?e naturall S»ith hint than to {hew btmfelfe beneficial! , tbcrfoic his glojpts fapocto ejeccll in his bencfites. ais touching the p?cfenf place, dfc»ob hab but then begonnc to fct bis people at libcrtte:foz the cntop= ing of the ianbe of Cbanaan ft>as pet be= binbe.Cberfoze f f tbcp hab gone no fur= thcr than the fcrilberneflc, their beltuc= ranee hab ben barhencb.SBcGbestbis, iT^ofcff cftcmctb gobs ft>02ft bp hts pzs= tmfc, anb thcrfozc he benieth , that it is a full anb perfect S»ozUe in all popnts,on= leffe he continue bis grace too the lafte ?>bicb thing is ejepjeffeb pet ptatn- iper m thefeconoe member , Sobcrc he pzapetb fo? the toclf arc, not onelp of the age that he bitnfclfcfoas in, hut alfo of the age y S»as as then to come, f 01 fucb alfoiuasf fourmcoftbccouenam\<2?cn. i 7- 7. 31 iutli be thp (0ob, anb the 000 of thp Use. iftcucrtbeleflc.ioe are fo>ar= neb in this cjcampic ,to haue a care of the that are to come: fpeciallp bicaufe foe arc pzoimfcb an cucrlafhng continuance of the Church tonto the enbe of the toozlb, accozbtngas free (ball fee in the nejetc Idfalmc, that in all the papers fobitbe ioce make fo?, the ioclfare thereof, tt bc= houeth tosto compjebenb alfo our pofte= ritie&>bicb are not pet home. jTurthers moxe the ioozbs [gloz? anb beautie] arc to becmarheb, as fobc"bpfo>ce gather hofo incoparable gobs icuc iff tofoaros bS.;f oz although he purchafe nothing to htm fclfc, bp becfetng tos foitb bts gifts, pet is it hie i»tli to fbpne fcojtb, anb to manpfeft his glojtp opcnlp tonto tos,bp healing bounteouflp faith tos,as though hts beautie Soerc bcfaccD S»bcnbecea= fcth to pip toff faith his bounttfull goob= nefTc. ^fterfoarbc foiofcKtb, [b*rict. Iohn Caluincs Commentarie ranee oz fyoioms on of tbe grace of <2?o&. JFoju were nor pnotigb foj 00 too be bzougb1 to tije buboes of our tournep, onlcffe rjc finifb our tu^ole race. aptljcr= fometranflUT it [continue oiftablift:] wtncl) fenfe is teierable.ifteucrtbeles J| Ijaue toiouji'D tbat wbtcb was fi;teft foj tbe wtyolepzocefTe.nameip tbat <& i$> £> fyoulo Otrcct all tbcbOQlngs of tb> gsblp aUtberepzobates DoqppUttfi : pefcbscb, tb? Cbwcbc a fp-ctaii pjtuiL'oge, ajs m io!)icl) <©ja cjcerciietb a peaceable Domi= nton. tfoi olp Cpint?, witbm : anb ctocrefosc" be pzopcrip. ujocs retb tbe wozH: of tljetr lja:O0. 2lnb tbe repctmg of $ foozbs Ity eroetij rtjat ttjere too a lucUp cnbe. is rcqciiutctoobcacoutmuall perfcue= ' The Contents of the. xcj.Pfalme. He declareth that God bath a care of the welfare of the godly 3fo ds he newer forfaketh them at thepmche. ^ind therefore he exhortcth the fayth- fulltJoyvaV{£ caychjf through' a'l- dangers yppon affurance of his defence, ^i mofie profyt able doclrine. For albeit that all men talkeof Gods proui- dcnce,and confefje him tt be afaythfiill keper :yet is there fcarfe one among an hundredi that putteih him in'trhfte with the preferuatim of his eftate.. The.xcuVfalme. .E that dwelleth in the iecret of the mod high,shaH abide ih the shadow of the almighty. *!' '• - I I willlay vnto the Lord, he is my hope, my.fdrtrefl*e,ano alfo in tbis place tbe pjopbet faptlj.tljat tbofe iur>tct) bio ell m tbcfecrctcbf at is to i»it, bicaufe tbcp tbmHe one ti)ing to be repetco twice in tbe 5rit fccrfc,? tbcfitoj? t'nev can piclie out na fenfe : i»l),enn tbcp ar far DeceiucD. tfoi tbepzopbetOaHpfo= euerbc was y-was autbazof tbcJ2>fa.) betoHnetb omers things Taping, y tfjofc vpon tne.xcj.naime. 6Z fare.laue onctpm tbc Dekuce of <2?oo. Cbcrcfoje \)t matcljctb all tbc bo pro i»!)cri»tth ivc be Dciueco to% ttje mode parte, agapnft tlje affureonefTc of tijeru ttjat reft bpon d5oD. Cbc fame bocti me confirmed lie in tl;e feconbe berfe, auo tbercSottbal fbcv»ctb,tbat !je fpebctljit of IjiS o&nfeelmg,anb of tbc experience of faptb: fo>bicb 10 a tying rigrjt neoefull inateaebcr. i oj ttje toerp true fenofo>= lebgeto tr>at Syijtrfj a man map ocltuer oner too otbero bp banbe, foben &>e tt= tcr tbe tbmg0 that <2£>eb barb openeb tmto t>0,not from our lippcs onrtp, but from tbe bottome ef our beart.Cbc p?os pbet tlje auoucbetb tbat tbc tying iobity be taugbtc euennow, pjocecbety from t!jc tnuermoft affectto of bis bart. jftoto altyougb tbc letter lamed be tafecn fo;[of oj concerning] anb tbat manp trantiate it fo in typ0 place : pet batye tyit mo?e pitytypneffe ftjbjci) J, baue traflatcb al= rebp.;JFo£tbe fattfjfall bclceue not fim= pip tbat <©ob Soil be to tyeminfrebofa bulwark, but bpo truft of bi0 pjtomtfes, tyep talKPntobi'nfamiliarlp.^lnbfo bp tbetr boibneffc of pjaptng \)t conSruiety febat a faletp it is to bft>cll tmbcr tlje fbaboit)eofv5oi).jFo^tbi0boipboaff-ing i0 trjc grcatcft trtumpb of fatty , 5»l)cn Sure appiotyc bnto <25£>3D bnfearfullp tDbatfecucr betibe 9 are tyz-ougljlp pers f&abeb in our felueo, not onlp that bec beercty our piapcro, but alfo tynt tycre iabefcnceinougb frith anoucrpluofoj bs in \)is b^nb.31n £ tyirb bcrfc be fap= etb tljat tye'oope Sx>bet of be fpaUe fgai= not be bccciuable oz. Difappopntcb ,bp= caufe dt»ob to a continual! bclintrer of tbofc tbat be b»0« $0 £ '3 bout r;o t but be turnerl) bis talK to tjimfclfe, fthfe ttyibp bartnetb f>tsufclfG too bope fojelf. £>o'me mafee a "beftinetion betwixt [tye f^arc ar.bbeftructteno^efhlcns;] as ttSserc bctfctictafccrctbarme anb a manifefle barmc,a0tyougb ttyc J$*opbet bab fapb iD^ittjertt be fo tbat fi^atban lap ft>apt foj\j0 bp pjtuic p?artijc0, cz tbat nee af- fault tos bp open fozxe,s. + [^eS»iil9cO<3tbe fimlitubc,(tl)e S»bubtlje fcripture *ofttb tnotbapia cc0 alfo) booetb bcai»ti?ulip pemt out (0OD0 SDcnbcrfuil cbenncffc mpzcfcr= umg our foelfarc. ^urelp if tbcinate= ftic of ^ob be condb1 reo in tt fufe,tt can baue noalipance feitb benncoojot^rr birbo tbat be fljolb fp?eo cut bio fern- x to cbcrtfb bi0 cljicKen0. ^o&bcit to :t)e intent to fucco? our thfirtnitie^e Difoc p= netb not to befcenb after a fort from b«s bcaucnlp glo?p, to allure t>0 f mo?e gct^ lp\)nbcrtbeimagcofabcnne.Cbcrfo?c tberc is notljing tbat fboulb ftoppebs from familiar acceffe bnto bim, feeing be bumblctbbmtfclfe folcuinglp bntob0. jfrlow altbougb ropbet openctb mo?e at large f tbmg tbat | touched bccfo?c , rijat on tub at GDc foeucr^atba put bo to trouble, ana &>ttb ft>bat kpnos of fcjeapon foeucrbe affapletoa.bcfbailDoobo nobarme at all tf fo>e content onrfelueo toitl) tbe on= Ip Defence of 45 si) 3D. 3fnD it 10 a tying S»o?tb tbe labour, to bcare in mtno tbac tbcpfrbsm <0OD b^tbe taken tntobp0 tm?ton,arcft>cllfcnceD onalluDe0.JFo? although HOtbingbe more Difficult than to embrace ©jd for our Deliuerer, albe- it tbat an? ma ijauc proStcD fo far forth, pet notnncljfianDing, affoone 30 bee co= metb too tbe encountering of fomanpe beatbeff anD fo manpe inconucnicrtceg Roberts itb tljisMU of eur0 10 befecgcD, ibercioitball becpetb in mtfooubttng u)i)icl)bu'cDdb bnquietncfTe 9 fearfuU ncfle./ftot toitbout caufe tberfoze Dootb tbe &?opbet recben bp funb?p fo?to of mifcbeeue0 , to tbe intent tbe faitbfull fbouib not Searrat thcmfeln:0 fome one Deliucrance at <25ods banD,but tbat tbep fbolD manfullp feutbftanb innumerable temptacions. Che caufe i»bp ¥ maketb mention of tbe fearc in tbe ntgijt tune, 13 botbe fo? tbat Darkneffe mak0 me fear= f nil , ano alfo fo? tbat tbe night i0 fubiect to manpDtfplca(urc0:agcine tfanptbing Do but crachlc ,\occ imagm to our felncsf greater fcare0.Cb^ caufe iobP b^ tatber cbo?e tbe are voc tbat flpetb bp Dap,tban anp otber freapo\i0 On mptuDgement) fo: tbat it is botbe fbotrc furtber, 9 alfo for tbat it cannot eafelp bee fbunncD bp reafon of tbe fa>if tneffe of it . IB n tbe fe= cono member be beatetb bppon tbe fame tbmg m otber fc>o?D0,namelp tbat tberc 10 no kpnD of bar me 5»bicb oD Difap- psintctb not frith f bucHlcrof bis bclp. 7 [3 tbotofanD (ball fall 9 c] ©epur= fefrctb b*s former purpofe, tbat tbougb tbe cafe of al men be alike to fee too, pet tbe faitbfull are bp a angular p.riuilcDgc rrcpicD fro tbe eutl0 tbat appzocb tbem, anD mi miner hangouer tbeir beaD0. iffo? otyerfoife tbepfeolD think thus: fclHtr art not tbou one of tbe common fort of men irbofe life is enuironeD frith a ttpfr fano Dcatbcs:' Co tl)e intent tbe prophet map reorctrc tb»0 mifDouting, be tciictb tbem cjcpzeQp , tbat although tbe i»bolc fr orlDc fboulD be mingleo to - gitber , pet ootbc (Bob frith fmgular cbarcnefTc tap fo? b'0 feruant0 tbat tbep (l)ouiD not perifb at auenture among tbe multttuDe. & berp neceffarp framing, tbat although free be bp nature fubiect to all nuffor t unes as frcll as other men: pet fre be bp ungular p?iuilcDge ejecmp= tco, fo as free be alfrapes fate, eucn in Daungers. 35 n tbe ncjet ftaff e be not onlp Dotb os to onDerftanoe, tbat experience (ball be a teacber, bpcaufc tbe faptbfull fball finbe in berp Deeoc,anD as it fr ere bcbolDefrttb tbeir epestbat tbeir frcl= fare 10 lapbe bp in tbe banoe of v0oD:but alfo b: confirmetb tbt0 Doctrine fr trb an otber reafon, tbat is to Xante, tbatdftoD, frbo »»' tb? tufte 3lubge of tbe fro?ioe, punifbmg tbe fricbeD anD caftafrape© frith Dcferueb beftruction , DefenDetb tbem tbat bee bis. Although tben tbat tbtngs bee oftentimes confounDcD bp= poncartb : pet Dotbe tbe ^ropljctc fap, tbat tbe faptbfull fball tn tins Darke mi- fttneffe plainer? perceiue C5cds iuDge= ments, frbcrcbp tbep map gatber tbat tbep b^ue not truftcDtn \)im inbapne. l&c fpcakctb to fucbe as baue epes anD are enbueD toitb tbe true light of faptb, &>b»cb it>atcb earnedlp in tbe confibrtng of go 00 uiogcments, Swbo alfo Do paci= entlp * uiitb filence atoaptc fo? tbe tpme conucnicnt -fop tbe more parte running before tubgement do trouble tbemfcluro ta»itb tbeir ovont ouerbaftineffe, febrrbp it commetb to paffe tbat fiefblp bnbcr= ftanDing 10 dark blinb at tbe proutor nee of C5ob. ^orcouer it ougbtto fuffpfc Too, if d5ob Deferring btsiuagements fo? tbe mo?e parte to t'.jcDaponbc laffres uelation,Do gtue b0 note but fome talis of tbem. 2 For thou Lordc art my defence,thouhaftc fet the mofte hye for thy refuge II 12 refuge. 10 There shall no euill encounter thee, neythcr shall any plague come neere thy tente. For he hath giuen his Angelles charge of thee, too keepe thee in all thy vvayes. In their hands shall they beare thee vp,that thou dash not thy foote agaynft aftone. fterttieof tfcc Coolp. JFotfcce bno&, tbat ioobc &>bat fatberip Iokc <£'£)£> boutfafetb bppon bto fcruaunts, fcttb tbe famcimb:acetb Ijc tijetr cljilD?enat= fo. £)nleffc pcrcbaunce,anp man bab lc= uercoo tabctt mo:c Uinplp, tbat tbofe fo>btcbe cboofe (25q&s fo? tljcir Duelling place, Cbalt o&cll in fafetie at borne tn tf)Ctroi»ne!)Otife0. 9 [tfo: tbou &ozbMc.} i$e is much in commenotng <25oD0 pzoutoence, bp= caufc manneo floutbfulacffe to not but Goft>l? anb fcmb man? fourrco ftirrcb tip to leaue tlje toozlblp ftapeo, to frbicb tl)rp bee faftenap!eB,anbtoo bpctbem right fooztlj tonto i0od. jftoSo Ube a0 to tht0 gdfalmc be often futftctb tbe pcr= tn rtno berfe firftc bee fpeabctb Unto <0ob, anb tben turnctb bis talc a= game too bini felfe. 3mb Ije nametb d5ob tys Defence, too tbc tntcntc bee map tbe mo:e cffctiuaUp bp b*0 oione crample Dxpuc tbc reftc of tbc faptbfull Unto btm. Nippon ipfec confibcratton fpeabctb bee too b«n fclfcnfterfojarbc, too tbc interne bee map mabe tbe woic afTurance of b«0 tntoar&c affection. ;ffo: tbc bcrp trpatl of jf aptb »*, ft>bcn ccbe man gathering bis fonttco too bun felfe, ejeammctb l>:s own mpnb foithout bmpcro.^fc: fc>ben fee bolbc not our feluco contenteo i» ttl) 0500 alone, but caff baefce our cpe0 bnto men, it can fcarceip bec etbctfenfc , bat tfeatDefire ofbapnc glozpmuffe iopnbe it felfe in, in ftecbc of foptfj. 3nb ®oo t0 fapbe too bec aecountcb fo: a Dfo>cllmg place, bpcaufe that botbe bptoarbcanD botoneioarbe bee is our befenber from all barmc0, Ipfec a0 is fapbe alio in tbc fMalme. 90. i. Cbio fta^fe m&P bee rebbe iopntlp fotth the fiaffc tbat folo= S»etb,fo a0 it map becarcn&cnngof a caufe. foj, tberc folofectb, [there fball none cutll encounter tbec] iBut -hoio arc tbc encounters of euilleo bifbarrtD, but bicaufe 'bote bee fbjo&oeb quietlp bnber the tuition of 45ob. Crue tt 10 in Dceoe, tbatmanp inconuenienceo be= fall tbe fsptbfuil alfo : but tbe ?2>zopbct meanctl) , tbat ni felfe our boufc 0? rcfuge.anb finallp fpzcbtng out bts totngs to crjertfb b0,are Soc not too too tontbanbefull, if fo manp anb fo cutbentp:omifc0 luff ife\? snot:' ~ji bi0 maieft te put bs in fcare,bc ipbenetb turn felfe too a l^enne : j,f toce bee afrapbc at the puifance of our enemies ,c; if nxc bee at our ijjito c noes fo? tbe muititubc of &aungcr0,be fettetb fooztb i)is inutn= cibic poiucr , Sx>\)i:\) is able to fcoaioto Dp all contrarp peooero. ij^ci» fecpng tbat be tjstb attempteb to allure bs fo to btm manp Soapcs, foiafmucb «0 ^c fectl) bo tjpe bo but floxolp j lepfartip toiuarbo bim,a0 tl)Ougb5»cS»ercnot rontcnteb iuitb btm alone : be tssbetb tbc Ulngclo ioitbbtm alfo, $ offrctb tbcm to bs fo: garberoofour inclfarc. Crucfptt is a notable auouebment of bistenber loue, in tbat bc relceuetb our btfti uft.bp affu^ ting bo tbat bets furntfbeb to.ifj migtjtp boftco to befenb bo. jfi^citber botb be af- f:gnc to ccfj man one angcll, but be ccm= maunbetb bio beucnlp beftec to be care; full fo: t^e toelfareof euerp onecf th;e fattbfull. jlro: tbe #:opbetc fpcabc;b to , ecbe ±£i lohn L/aluincs.Uommentanc zc\)z one of tij: faptbfull, iptie 00 ait'c m the fMnlme. ?+.>ccbaujfccnclpU» the ftngclles pitcbc t.pir tentesrounbe abwittbofet'uit fcare<2>ob. Wbercbpit appearctb to be a ratft furmife, that eae= rp man bub Ijtaf 3lngell appointed Ijim b? Ijisufelre. 3ino it is greailp fo^bur behove to babcrftinoe, tbit Itkeasioc bane to encounter fait!) man? foes: fo atfot»:be feufeD tyitb man? fcjaroers. 3K'45q3Q)-juI0 3M2 mcbutone^lngcll toj mp ctjecfe Defence, pet fl)onlb tt bee fomeiv'ju : but iu'jen J beare tljnt be batl) commit tcb the charge of m? \»cl= fare to man? Sirjellcs, novo botljetlje pzomife bearc greater fvt?ap Snub m:e. iitfecas though ttjia ttufl 4BUfeus DtD fct light b? the great boftes of bis cne= mieo.2.1Scg:6,i^.i^c!tl)fr90tbofepla= ceo of Scripture repugae, Sobicb feeme to Dtfrribute to UlngeUes tbeir feuerail charges ,fo astljep Qpulo baue the oucr= fight of feuerail perfons. jfoz it is cer^ tainc tljat <©ob; toazhet!) oiucrfl? b? !)ifl as b* fatet'n fome one of them oucr man? people, * man? of tbemouer foaie one perfon./ftow tniobat Sotfe the? confptrc togitber among tbemfetucs to la? fo: oar &jteifire,it ts mt fo?, bs to be to bufteano curioufe in fearebtng. 2i5ut let bs b^loe our felues contenteb toitb this Doctrine of t!)e Spoffle, that fozaf- ntucb as the? be appopnteo to Do bs fer= nice.tbc? be alto aps bent to tbeir charge. ;ffoz^bcras hereafter, ^>ul. 10$. ro.anb n.tbeparefaweto beat banbetoobe? vSob.ana to crccufebis commbements: tbcfam: thing alfo is auaplable too the confirmation of our fsttb .fcing that goD bfctb their ferutce in aefenbing bs. 3lno although tl>e |S>zo?bet intreatcoftbefe= ucrall members of the Church :?ct is it not foz mught that ifyz Dmelt appipeb it tatbeperfon of ob: pet nor^ttb^ (ranbutg tn gencrail groanbs be ftttetb USoapes a gap colour, ano is a mretelp 3iarpc Dtu&e. 35nb ftireip mafmnclje as the febole offpztn | of aioam isbaniflje D from tlje fem^oomeof <©oo, 'toe banc no= rbmg to boo i»it!) £ 2Pngc!s,nst tlj: 3In- gels to 09ofc>itbbs. lUwonelpChzpft cben, fofyicfy taking aioap tbe oifco;oe, matietb OS at one witty tbe 4lngct0, ac= cozomg as it is tys pxopcrtte to butt to= gttber tbe t!)ingo tljat tocre at ebbes botbe in beaueu ano eartb, as 0aulc faptbCpb ii°>rCbc fame tb»ng toss fbe^oca to tije bol? patriarKe 3!acob bn= &ertbeSgurcoftbelaDber,<®en.2 3. u. aenobicaufe tbat tbiougb Cb:pft ioze groi» into one boopioitbtbe^ fj?b ; hereafter pcc'fb ctll fee tbc b^anmj open, ano tbe 3Jngclles (ball go bp anb bovoue. Jobn.i. 51. Wee fee tben tbat tbe thing Dotlje p^operl? agree too t!)C beab,\»bicb bp bis bencfite perteinetl) to fell tb? numbers. aDuermojtetbc^zo- pbet fettct!) osrone [a! tlje fotycat] in tbe plural number ,of fet purpofe to f jcp^eite more plamlp,tbat tubttb'r foeucr ioe go, tbe Angels fl) alcucr be oar gupos.aniO certcfTe 4oc fee bovo full of crooked ano turnagainrs tbe rafe of our Ipfe is, ano tob at a number if ftozmes Ijarru bo bitber ano tl)ttbcr frosn tpme to tpme. J! t tins rcqmfUc rtjerefo^e tbat 3lngels b? name Ojouib bee %iuz\\ bsfo^guibes in eutrponeo? our oooings anb purpo- f?s, fo as toee map Knoi» tbat tbep goe before bs,^)bftber necefTitiebziue bs to tbe rigbte banae 01 too t!)e lefte. 115? tbe fcjap ttis pzouable,tbatbnber tbe name of feapes is commenDcb bnto bs mo= be3ie, too tbe tntentc xaec fboulDe not tempt <0obS»!tb b^bprufljtngfooztb, but Uepe our felues tottbm tt^z bounos of our calling, fni if a man cart ooi»nc bimfclfc rafl)lp, anb attempt mo:e 'tban 0ob pcrmittetb,as though be ioouloe climbe abouetbecloubes tobcther <5oo •bill 91 no r there is no reafon be fboulb loofee to haue the <$nge!s to be feruants f furtberere of bis ramncfTe. Wnb S)a= than fecmetb to hauc blurrcb this pcrceil craftelp, at feb^t tpme bee afTapeD too oziue Cbzpfr toiotlful tbjoioingof htm fcIfeooWne. 1 1 [ Jn their b^nbs.f c ] $}z cnlargetb that ^»h"b he fpabc concerning tbe gar- Ding of aingels, as tf be fboulo fap, that tbep notonclphcepe featche about bs, leafranpbarmc fbonlD befalb3,butalfo fta? bp our foteftcps i»uh thepz banDS, that foe map go tbjougb Suitb our courfe i»itl;out ftumblmg. CerceflTe it appear r«b t)erp Ipttle t!;at tbe faptbfull are carieb vpon tne. xcj.Plalme. H earpcb alofte, confieenng ljoi» tljcp o^ tcnttmcs arc otitc of bjcath. , oj tp?cD fomlUtng, anD oftctpme© (tumble c } clfe flpoe , pea ano iuttr) mucfye aooo fcarfc Djafoc tljcir legges alter tl)Ctn. $o&>= belt fo? r.g tnnctjc r.2 m fo great an5 afcoap, onlcOc (0qd bio ironberfullp fbo?e\)0 top : 31 1 is feo^elp boonc of trjc $?o= V\)£t£ too fct fo ropall a commenoatton bppoH tijcbflpctljatic gtuenb© bptbe feruiccof ^ngcttcs. jpurtbcrmo?e fc>ee EboulDe tn no fepfc bee able too ouer= come fo l)fgb« ftumbling bleths a0 o tbmgs rogitljcr, tljat is too *i»ttte, our oionc fraple S»eafcc= nelfeon the one fiDe,ano on tbe etber ftDc tbe tbo^nrs.buIbes.piunD jtngplot= tc0, teugbneffc of i»apceenDftrapgbt0, oucr ano befioe© tbe bulncffe of our Sxmtcs, ano tbe Soplincflc of i^ctljon tn laptng fnarcs fojt bo: fball fpnoe tt too bee no oucrrracbing commenDation, but Ojall conffffe trjatS»cccannot goc tb:cc fteppe© fojt&?arDe,onlcfle tije 3 n- gclic0 opo (after a fo? tc contrarp too our nature) bcare b© tippe tntbc ap?e. iftofre in ibat ft>ec oftentimes trippe, tt is too bee fcjptcb toppon ourfelue 0 by- caufeioce fcparote ourfelue© front our rjcabJfiub altljougb goo ftul baue b© co. uictcDofourofenctnftrmttiebpourtrtp ptngo;ftumbltng:pctbpeaufcl)ccfuf?c= rctb b© not to be crufijeb , tt is all one a0 if Ije fboulo put b'o b^nD bnocr b0. 13 Vppon the Lyon and the Adder shalt thou vvalke, thou shalt tread doune the yong Lyon and the Dragon. 14 Bycaufe he relied vppon mee,I wil deliuer h;'m:I exalt him, bycaufe he hath khowen my name. 15 He shall call vppon me,and I will aunfvver him:I wil be with him in troublej wil deliuer him and glorifie him. i(J With length of day es will I fatiftie him,and I will shew him my welfare. left matter© of all ,our tmnbs rttnnc bp= en Ipon© anb bjtagsns, ano fere furmtje eurfelue© to be leo to manp flaugbtcrs: anD tbcrf??e tlje $>?©pi;cr batb tcmpcrcD bp©talfe too tbe tmocrftanijing of our fiefb.xvbcrao tl)C (SrccH© ba«e trf.nfla= tcb il [an Sibber,] tbe l)cb?cvx> tnojo Qg= rnticfbCajLpcnlanotntbcfeconbmems ber tber is a repcting of one tlnng twee 5»bicb is an s?Dmarp matter among tbe ^cb?uc0. '3lnDtbcrfo?ctt is too nepur= pofc to be cimoufe in ntafemg eifrintJion bctUJcnc tlje fowcr fcuerall fo?ts,faumg tbat it is ccttetn tbat bp tbe IponsanD Iponsfobelpesarctorofernebbtoietario open barmes : * bp the o&Dcr© ano Dra- gons arc brtohneo tbe pjtnfe anoyance© SubcrcSotrb fc>ce bee nflV.pkD flpip ano ba&aresasittocre cut of tbe Dtnne© offcrpent©. i-f [^pcatifc be b^bfrc 3 Co tbe in= rent free bee not oucrtecrtfommc in fo long tauX^on'e mud benrc inmrr.otbe fbu-g £ 3 ^auefavBbcfojc,rtjat||S>jo= prjet bp tfjt© tneancs pjouioctb fc? our mfittttirte 13 [btcf) bangouer\)s^ wbofoeuer tberfoje fyay etb bis oi»ne tcmptacions,i»ilnot tcon= ber tbat tb? ?2>?ot-bet batb bfeD an oucr: reaebmg Upnb of fpecebe to t?;e intent to rib tbe faptbful from DifmapconefTc ano fcarc:nap ratbcrbccfetll fay it ?anoo= uerreacbtng at all, bpcawfe tbe effects ^nfwerablr to tbe toojos in berp oeebr. -S>ooi)'.p ao long as toce be a gooo fcjep out of gnnfbottc , tnee fecme too too iuarbUedjaiKpions: ? pctcttcn infmal= :£: Iohn Caluines Commentarie tnfinmtte, bpcaufe i»e ncucr leant rtcos faftlp mougfo to <0oD3 pzouiocnee,\»b£ri QH-p Oaunger appeerc0.3On ctjtjs confioe- racion alio booth the Jdjopbet bzmg in <0oo fpeafetng , to the intent tn bis pcr= fouc to continue the thing that be bathe taught before. 3tno (0oo in telling bs frombcauen tljat co:c fbatbe fafe Under cl^c fbjocooof Ht5 fonngs.requtretbeof 1)10 feruants no maze but ijopc : fox the iuojo ehafak,t»5)tcb figniftetb to iu&af= ter,o} too loue , oz (as men commonly term? tt)to take ones picture of a ibuig, impozietbeas mucbebecre a0 too rcfte faeetlp bppon <0oo,ano to tai\e ocligbt m l)t0 fauourcCbcrfozebe pzomifetb to bee rcopc to fuccoz bs if free fecUebpm iuir!) all our hart. t>p tbc toap be Doetb bs to ioit £ our life Upon earth is befee iottb funojp ocarhes, onlcalje baue bps bano ftretcbcO out to pzefer uc ba. 31 no although &ec oftenttme0 rjelp tbc bnbe= lecuers alfo. pet is it to ch e faubitill onfp that be reached) outhtabano, in fucbe iatfc a0 f be t0 ttjctr pzeferuer tbzougb - Ip ano to tbc eno. 3tptlp alfo 10 £ uno w -. lege of go&0 name aoiopneo to bope ano longmg.iFo? tbe rcafon S»bp tnzn ftanb gajtng about them huhec ano thither, anb are t?alcD Oiuerflp bp tbcpz .oixmc fearfulneffc, is foz tbat tbcp are ignozat of (0090 power : oz ratber foz tbat tbcp baue not fo much as Itgbtlp tafteo frbat U5ot> in bt0 ftcO trjep Ozeame of 3 toote not frbat a bcao pooll. jfFojtafmucb then as tbe true knorolege of tbe name of(0oDbzcebetbofufelfe afTurcO truftc anb inuocation,ano tbat u5 O ID is not finccrelp fought of anp otber tban facbe a0 embracing l)is pzotntfes, pceio bps due bo.iozfcnto bumtbe^zopbet batb fruitfully ano pzoperlp fct ocivnctbps fcnofoieoge as f frclfpzingof faith. 3ino tbep>o6tablcncfTc of this Osttrme frill cl)e better appcerc, if 'vote conftocr bote onfaucrlp £ paptits bableof faitlj.^Fc; bofr m^ucj^^oeuer tbcp btomenfrtckc pttcrlp bat be ment bp tbc fapoc retting tn <0oo, ©J bp fetttng bu louc anb Oebgbt(a0 mentermett) upon (0oo. iPoz tbe lapoe loue ano ton= gmgS»bojtb tban long continuance : ano tbat toe faiaation of <2>oo is m no S»tfeinclubcb ioitljin tbe frrctgljtsof ertljlp becometi) goblp men too fet rbeir mtnoa bppon tlje fame faluatto cbetflv ,afrod in life ao in Oeattj. fop tl;e J£)zopbet foi tl;c nonce abbcb it a0 a lad knitting op to all tbc benefiteo of <^oot ttjat be fbcroetl) Y)is faluation too tbe faptbfull after be batb bauntco trjem fowb btfl fattjerlp loumgntlTc oil ttyeir life long. The contentes of the.xcij.Pfalme. It cmteinetb an exhortation to prayfe god:tbe ground -wberofbe propoun- deth in bis yrorkj, among -which h: cbeefly commendetb bis rigbteoufnejje in defending tbe faithful yand his iudgemet in defraying the reprobates which doBrine bartenetb all men to the earn eft folonving of ' goodneffe.*And left they jhould faint in bearing the crojfe,he vrarrantctb them a bappie falling out of all miseries. xAgar*cyt9 the intent he may fcare them from -wickedncfje, he telleih them flatly that all the yngodly, bowfoeuer they florifh for a time, JbaUfooneperiJb. The.xcij.VfaJme. Pfalme to be fung on the Saboth day. 2 It is a good thing too prayfe the Lorde,and too fing vnto thy name O mofte high. J Too declare thy louing kindneiTe in the morning, and thy truthein the night. 4 Vppon the Pialterie.and vppon the ViolI,and vppon Higgaton with theHarpe. $ For thou O Lorde haft made me glad in thy works : in the works of thy hands will I reioyec. comrnfatng tbe feozfes of gob.zBut it is fcnoroen tbat tf)c letter Lamed ootb com* monip tmpozt notbing clfe but to be a to= ben M Makor,tbat io ts fap,of § infir.itiuc mcDc,*t'nerfo:e tbe memacj tbat $ Ijauc fct boron ,ta tbe plainer. 3 no it to an eafp matter i o pelbe a reafon t»bp tbc pzopber applietl) tb«s botfrmc to tbc fabotl). tfoi tbat bap wna not n;abc r;olp,ai3 tbougij gob i»crc ioozfbip^cD bp mens pblcncs but to tbe intent tbat tijc people being rib of al buunefTc, foula employ ttjemfcluen 5»bollptotbemmbingof(Soo0 toozka ■$a} fo flippene arc oar minac, tbatif tbcp b: !)aleo bttber ano tb«bcr, tljcp be J it. eatelp t C3It t0a goab ] J boubte not but tbep were wont to fing tins pul. bpon tbe ^abotb bap , accozbing as tbc title pzetenoetb : anb as it appcaretlj bp o ti)cr placc0,tbat certamc otber pfaimeo m:rc pcculurclp appotnteb too tbei'ame purpere./i^oro foxafmucb as m f bebzuc itiaiuzutc iuozofoztoazb.c jCs icgooa to cofciTr]fomc mterptetero mane a ftic= Hingvpon tbe letter Lamed, ftonbcrftao it to be' gocb tbat fome certain bzy fbolb be fozcap point cd to fmg gobspiaifcoiri: ao rbougb tbc pjopbet fljonio fap,it ts a profitable o;ocr tb it one bap was cbofen fo; tbe faptbful to cjccrctfc t bcmfcluco in Iohn Caluines Commentarse cafely cifrangeo from cp ma? applp tl>etti felncs carnnilp toctljcpiapung of a= bottje ic f)aicw?eb ancji)£i»u^ccfftyi5^o iue?l»e,foj tbat SoereiogroiTc a matter : but tbat it i»aso;i)einrbto fct fojtb goos pjapfc in. ainb Us ejct)e?t«i}ti>cm fojrbe p^o6tablcne(Tcoftt;fo^HOt!)inapnchstb bs mojc fi>arplp to oar bactp,ttjar. £»be Sec know toe tofc not our labo£,but tbat our Doing is ale&ea of gob. 31n tlje ncjct fta^ 1)2 mmifrreti) matter -j grounb of pjapfing &od : as tf be fjjoulbc fap.tbat <2>oa fejouls not bauc bs pjatfe b'S name fo£naugbt,oj onlp foj f)ts greatneffe anD migbtsnctTe, but aifo foj tua goobnefTe anb fanbfnraeffc,tbe feeling anbc&pes nence iwbereef of tbcmfclnea mufte en= feinole fticbc a befire in our bcarts. 25p Sob^l) 5»ozos be onlp tbat (0oo is iua^ttjp too becpjapfeb,but aifo that v-jC be maltc loufe anb bntbanUful tf ioe faplc in ttjts berjalfe. 5fo; feeing tbat tbe faptbfumetTe ane goobnefTe of d5eb are pjoperlp bircitcb too tos&arbe, our flbutbfulnefle ts bncpcufable : but pf tbcp Allure anb rautfb our mpnbsto ibe pzapfcof brni- 115 utfrbercas be %> illctb <£oDS gooonctTe too bee Declares tn tlic manning, anb b»s trutlje fn tbe npglitc tpmes: ttfccmetl) toobcafonbe hiHtU butian. jFojtf <©cd bee bounttfull con= tmnaUp.fmD notbp frarrcs,S:»bP fbaN a Ipttie patclis of tbebsp bee allotted too tfe'efctttng too?! b of Hits graeloufnctTe:' t^be fame tbing map be fapb of tbe other part,foj tt is not t!>e nigbtonelp tbat bis trut'u appealer!} tn. 25 at tlie f^opbet fpealiet!) inanotijer fcnfe,ir>atis toiott, if tnc begin to pjapfe 45oo at tbe bjeabe of tbe bap. &cc muft continue Ins com= inenaatjone to t!;e iaft part of ibc nigbt, b?caufe bis louing km&ncffr anb faprb= fftmeflTebeferueit. ainbif amanbegmne iuitb bis goobncffe,tmmcB»atlp aifo Soil bis t?ut!)C fucceebe. j&o iaill tljcre be a continual! bolbtug en, itftc as tberc is a mutuail eonfent. Cbe £»?opi>ct rberfoje merit noi to fcperftte tl)t one from tlje o= t!);r,i:i3fmHc'^astl-)£pg3alS»apStopnt= ip togttber : but onip to teaei) tbat rtjere i\ f])ftil ntaer S»anCcaui'c of y^apfsng goo onlefft: our qwkz BBll)eabetiheff«t)ma£t bs: cin'.i tljat S?jc brfebarge ttorcuvfelnes of our Duetie m H)anbttt!neffe,«nU(re %»c bee conttnuall m U)c fa?«e, Ipke as b^ euerntoje contmuetl) bts goobneffc anb faU'bfuintfFeco'ujarDe na.yn H)c ^urtl) 'otri*e be fpfaHetb p?ectfeip roo tbe He? uites jo io^ein ti;c oSice of fxngtngioas ent-:- ; , I bat tijep fnoulb aifo ttie tbeir inftrutttents of ^ufifec : net tliat tbe fame ft>as of mcc tTiite in it felt"e,but bp= cauie it inas a profitable trapnement to t\)i people of olbe tp«te. ^Foj it teas not <5obs mpnbe tbat i^arpes (bonioebce plapeb bppon , as iboagbe bee toofec picafure of tbe meiebpe of tbem after tbe mancr of mennc. ^3ut be belae in tl>e 31 ewes bnber tljofc ibtlbtfli jKntrsi bucttons , bpcaufe tljc tpme of tbctr mann:s eSateiDasnot pet come. 2!nb tl;e cnee too febsebe be Dpb tt, fcjastbat tbcp G)ouloe fbaUc off tbeir ojoujpneflc, anb benbe tbemfelues tbe mo?ecbtrc= fullp too pjapfe d5oo from tbctr bcarr. foi tt is too be bnberfioobc tbat <&oa* ferutfeneuer confifJeb m tbofe entfojarb tbings, but tl;at tbe rube anb foeaUe bab neebeof tbefe belpcs too iwe^fttppe bun $>ptruualrp. ^eretvitbali aifo is too bee confibcreb tbe Difference betrocene tbe olbe people ana tbe ncvo. ^To? feeing tbat Cb?pft is etiubttcD, anb tbe cb«tcb come too l)ir full gr»5i»tb , tbep rbofee tbe ligbte of tbe <£ofpcll, tbat ic?ap tl>c Cburcbc ffpll in tlyz oioe fbaoovecs. Wberebppon foeegatber tbat tbe ^2>a= piftes in tbetr muficall 3nfiru»ncntcs are not foloivers of tbefatbers, but 25- pes tbat arc fooUfljlp fill! b£ligbteo toitl) tbe fhabowiO) fermfeof tbe la«?,fel)fcbe tbc(S>ofpell batb mabe an enbe ofti£>f S»l;tcbe matter 3 muft fntrcate agapne in otber piaces. 5 t$Ql tbou iD ilo?b. je.]3E!gapne tbe #?epbet5»arnttb,tbat tbe ^abstbbap Syas neteppointeb tb«»t men fboulo fittc pblc, but tiiat tbcp fijoulb gatber togp= t^eralt tbeirfejittestootbe minapngcf (5obs i»o?fes. IBnb bcreieitbaii be fbc= Snctb, tljat tbofe onelpare ioo^bpanb befceming publiQjcrs of t£oos p:?.pffs, irrt)!cbe cenfiber anb feelc bis fatfjerip bountcoufueiTe(ou?arbstl;cm,foasrbcp take vpon the.xaj.Pfahne. 66 taacBpjit CrjMi cffu «)dfg«: or 'o.uocum toitrj free ana gia3ijarta». j&ttKr$ele&: tl)2 piopljtt ioarnct'n as bf ttyz u>.sp,t!)*c if w: i»ap g)33 froj&s artgt)t,tl)erc n« Qj il fee W3 gojDnefTc and faptrjfuliufi":, toljevcsf rjerjatl) fpoKcn jFojOcrtbppou coinmctl) tra2 gLi&ncafc, ti;ic c!5o3 fljc= fcml) tjunfclfe a father toioaroa os.ano teft&ecb, ttjat our iijelfareisDccrcano pjeuoufe ia I; ta ftgbje : ip&e as tye caufc 5a: baue too bnfauerp moml^s to tafite t\)z enoeof <2>oDsS»oz&s.S£ozeaucrfc= wig ctjat tl)e toijolc fra^nc of ttje Soozisc a'ooue auo beucatlj ertcci) aut lijat(3os i3 bauntiful and/ootbfattc: let \>is Ictnz too giue Ijcqc aDiufcOlp too tljcfe tejets, tfcat tl)?p map ftirre tos too fcntb bo!p giaoncffc to fit fooztl) ii)t pzayfes of Ijts name. ? bclap tlje pnnunment of offences foz a tn*ie,Dootb at lengtlj fljcfc tij:it be is not blftrt,t)9u> lo.igfo etier JjcbilTcmble : ncp:tncgtec= cctl) t!j2 Welfare of r)ts feroants fo)l)eu be cjccrctfctl) t'tjtm i»:rb tbecroffe. 31 no in nip mogement tbe caufe ft>bP be f?e= ctallpcoucbeu) rt)is part, is fo? >l)^t tbe plfauourco confufion tl)at rstgactb tn HtatlS life, boot?) molt darken ttje o;D?r= linen": of dSoospzout^nct*. ^ajtSaee fee tlic iwicfecD in tfjeir ruff: as ttjaugb tfjcr tt>:re no iuoge in beauen, anp too foot!) tt) cmfelues in fyzit gooo fo?ftme: t Sob? be f parcel) tr>etu, Pnoer pretence tbcreof rfjcp runnemto greater Uccntioufneff:, a0tl)ittg')it,:pu):r2 cfcapcD QUfptitf£ l)3nb.03 Ueepetl) ioatcl) aubSoarD io% t!)t pzefcr- nacion of tnanitpnD. 21nD l)ce bcgthnctlj foitb, an outcrpc bpcaufc tf)at oifojocreD ^eaoineffe bootr) fa trouble t»S,tr)at £»ee cannot fee tl)C reafon of(2E»oD3 tt>oo?Ks t'uougl) it fbpne ntucp fo bjigbt. 5Firft tt to to bee bozne aroap ibat the i£nopljet DtfcourfetJ) not rjecre of tlje iooojHman= fl;ip of r>eauc»anD eartrj,nQj of (Bobs gcnerallp;outb?nce in t!)c gosernment of ttjc iooilo-.but reftrapnetr) l)is toojDs to tr)eiuDgcnients fc)t)tcl) goo cjcccute*l> among mcn.UlnDtjecrpctb out l)erctr)at gcb3 i»o;U3 ar glozious 3 i)is tl)Ougrjts Deepe,Pcrclp bpcaufc Ije rulctl) maapno far ot5):r^»ifc tlja our capacttte Can co = ccitie toato. Jf oj furslp if it lap in out d)opce,cuecp man taolD glaOIp peruert tljeojoer &i)icb. «©03 m;untcmet!).31nD bpcaufe it 10 not in oar potoer fo to Do, So:e q«:ircll vgit!) t)im \jntoS»arDlp,bp= caufc t):c maltctl) no maic t)aft, as ioell toocluicr tJ)C fatt^Ml, as topttntfl) the rcp:obcits. jFo: nothing femetb, lc(Teco= henicat tljan i)) u !;: (Vjoulo fit (Till ^ul)e t);ep toc?c lullic agapnu fj»n , feb^n tbepfunne at ranoon too all tnpfcbcefc &!tb \)ubipbclcD bolocncffc, anetobai attb^tro'tnie pteafaresi t\)ey bpfquicte gooj ano fpmple folfee : 31 fap it fee= iucti) intollerablc t!)ai(50 3D fboulo: abauDcab^>3 feruauiucs tootbc fezon^ gpg ano tjpolcncc of ttjc naugljtpp^c- K:fli anb confequeutlp tooktloofe tbe bipDlc tc o:ccp:fttlncfTc , Iping, rob; b;rp , ^lauabicr , ano tdl Kpncc of •tmcHCOi ^uUeDHClTe. 25cfpBes t^ia »!> tlu iFcircrfJ 1)13 trutb to I?e tn& mDattvri^iTc.ana jjig cw?abolp name to be rtpgocbciulip ira= pleB bnocr footc.CJji0tsi:j)eglc?umic= nca"e of gobs fcjcc^as, tbps 10 tge Deep= iieflfe of J)is foifc&omj, iol)tc^ tbe |3?o= PbetSsonocretb at. Ciuc tt tsm&ecDc that ti)£ Beptb of (EaDS potuc r anD %>rf= Dome m tl)c frame of y iao;tf D is fe great tbat it far paffctb our UnDerftanomg. zButttft>astbe |2>?opbcts tmno tore= trame bs bp name fram Strangling fcntb 0od i»bcn be gouernrtb manKpnD otberropfe than acceding to ouroame Iohn Caiuines Coramcntaric ■ malt marbe tbcriftraintt^at ij unmeDtatlp aftcr,hoi» t^ef flu= rtO) b«t to? amomet,itfeegraffc,bccaafe tbcir fciumc fembercti; uioap battel?* 3tnbfo'b2 "btftlp taUab ai»apanDbt= tcrlp rctuouefb ttje (tumbling tiocfcc, agapnft Sabicb almoar tbe xotyju fc)o?$& Dau)al,\intbat S»e 8ucrfolifl;ipactouut tbe«3 tu be bteiTVb ir>bofc baftp Dcftrutfu enouerenpet}). 3!nBetDe t^p fiojtifi) to bap, but to mujoi» tl;cp Ojattbc cut bp tbat rljcp map Sutler. 3in other places iocelee tbcm lifecncd bnto berbes tbat bart0Dcu^Sben^letbbe»B^: ^XL^^oft^^ cept rcuernlp tbat &b«cbabbo?retb fro arco^c.btcauf tJepfcXit ffi common rcaf8n,bpcau£c^Q,totbe in= oftbcgrtuRD ttDMwf«woiof Sue tent to ppue our oMfcie.!UflTe,liftetb bp tbe ^ttt SraKSSK fl£? bis tccrct tuogeraet far aboue our rcacb. n - 7 [Cbcfoolifbman $c.] C?ce abbetb this of fct purpofe,to tr>c tntet fe>e fiVMD Kaon? bow tbc fault is tn ourfelues tbat SoeepeiD not <©tbs iuDgements trjepjt Due p?apft. f$i altbeagb be baucfapb that tbep be Deepe mpftcrtcs: pctauou= c^etb bee noft> tbat our owneDulneffc anD blochifbneffc is to blame, tbat thep are not apparant bnto bo. 3nD bee ter= metb all bnbelecucrs anD mifbelccucrs fooles, anD couertlp matebctb tbcm a- gemft tbc bcteeucra bppen toljom d5oD fbpnetb bp bto S»o?D and fpnit.^f o? ti)t0 folte and buntmefTe pofTefletb tf)e mtnD0 of all men aliUe,bnril &>e be maoe quick* fightcD bp bcauenlp grace. %nb tbcrfoje fo»ee muft befeecbe d5oD to clcerc &cll our epc0, tbistSoce map thjougljip con= fiber b»s Soojfeo. 3!n tbe meancfeafon be boibe Difcbargetb (Sobs tncompK= benftbU fcnfeDome from contempt,cen= Demntngailfucbeof folte anOmaOneffe 30 Difoamfulip retett tbe fame : anD alfo calletb bacbe tbc faitbfuil from j bloch^ Ifbneffe of tbe comen fe:t, to mo?c bcco= fullapplpingtbemftlucoto tbc conf:De= racionoftbefecreto of ptbc. %n* bere to too bec notco tbe matcbtng of contratpes bcttoijcrc tbur fbo?tc ronti= naancc anD cucrlaftmg Deftruction : as if be tboulDe fap, tbep are not fo cut off, aa tbat tbeir roote QjoulDc fboote bp agapne at tbe nejetc 3>pjmg tpmc, after tbc mancr of ^erbes tbat gather frefl)= neffe agapae toben tbep baae ben crop= pco , but are DamncD too cnbiefle De= ftruttion. ainDfcbercas ontbecontra= lle *!?"/ *>* fa?et^ ^at ^ ^ 2> fittetb Cb»3bc fccrete piouiocacc. jfo; troublcfotnc is tfyetr fight ttjai flap topon tl)C eartb-Cben too tijc intent fc>e map bcljolb £ iubgements of o;ac [btgbJ that ^ooDcalctbnotaf= not aiu-apo off rcD) are carped bcaoicng accoiDing to tr>c continual ttsrmoplcs of tl?c feo;to,pca titio cucn our faptb atfo to comb/ co $ impcacbcD : tl>e pjopbet batb fet <2?oD before our epes, fitting in bis e= ternall anD oncljangcabic tbjonc, from Sobencebcbeiapetb bts iubgements fea= fonablp. Cbts rule then to notoncip foj « our cnterpjtfco fo; tbe mod parte tafce fljiucr fozotofuilpbps crtb.pct borb gob, nDteSect, naoo tmifr at lengtlj call bofcme bts cnemtrs, Sobercbp i»cc pcrcctuc moje clccrclpUjc tbtngtbat 31 taugbt cucnncfc>,ttjatrbcpurpofccf tlje p? epbet tebctt) to none orljcr cud t ban to annc our fattb agatnft al eneoutero,anD fpcciallp to turne aroap tbis ftumbltng= blocMbat raanp arc tb?uft out of j rtgbt Soap, tube tije pjtofpcrttie of tbc bngoolp oucrclouoctb £ lubgementof goD.I'low UKe as tn tljio bcbalfc ttjerc to nceoe of ftoutc ano biffuulte fezcfUing : fo tbc pzopbet ftanbctb earncftip bpon tbc con= firmatto of b»o Doctrine, jlfoz rtgbt pufjp is afiwcl f Demoftration as tbe rcpetttt= on. f trft be auoucbctb as affurcDip tljat dt>obS enemies (ball pcrtfb , as if Deftructton fojerc alreabp pzefent too bee fcnc,anD tbat ootb be conftrinc twifc to= gttber. "VObcrcbp fee gatber a= uaplctbbtm to (lap abouc £ SooiD fcmb tbc tnfigbt of bis faitb, fo as be Direricb bis cico to tbc Ijcaucr.lp tlizenc of <£>'od. Cbcrfoze let bo Urne bp bts cjcamplc to mount bp into beucn, se oft as tbe pzos fperute of tbc SotcfeeD fljaKctb our fattb- 5foz anonetoiil floio tbencc tljis Icffon, tbat uis not pofftbictbat bis enempes fboulD continue long tn pzofperous date. Cber5» itl;al alfo the $zopbct betcrm<= nctb febo be tbe enemies of gob. ;tfoj be Ijatctb no manfontbout caufe,but ratber fojafniucbe as men are tbcSoojfee of bis oi»nebanDcs,bctmb?acetl) tbcm Soul) fatbctlp louf.i!5 ut inafmucb asnotbtng is mo^e agapnft bis nature tban bnrigb= tuoufneffe, be pjoclapmctl) bnrcconcila; ble &arrc agapnft all Suicfeco pirfons. 3Pnb bercbp tbe faptbfull tabe no (mall cotufojtc , ioben tljcp ore affertapneb tbat tbe caufe of tbe Defrructton of tbe rcpjtobateo is, fo; tbat tbcp muff nce&es be bebateo of <0oD,f»bo cannot benpbtm fclfc. 2lnD tbe ^jopbete alfo a Ipttie af; ttr,bcclarcib tljai bcfctlcb btmfcife \jp; po tbe fame popnt, tbat bp tljr bope tr>cr= of be tntgbtc afffcagcallmpfcrtco , fo^ rotccs , cares, grecfes , ano troubles. ^ozcoucrbnDcr tbe figure of [ipple]bc bctoHenctb tbat be fljallcntop tbe blcf= ftngo of <5od, ar.D tp [greenc £)plc] be meaHCtb freflj oj, nciy op!c Sobpcbc to not ineahcncDsub Sccjccb cucr fralcbp too long Hccptsig. Zl(o it to ivo;tl>p tco bee notco.tbat ^c petultareip appipctb to b«s oSun bfe, tbc grace cf falme, as though it S»cr a UUclp mat- ter y bis pofterttie rofe bp agamS i,um. and that there is none iniquitie in him 1} C^he rigbteoufesc] %}ze paffctb gctbnottopontb agcine to a comon bottrtne-.tbat aitbogb s^3D cjccrcifc bis feruants &>itb manp anopances anb put tb?m to trouble,am> plague tljem fcrirb mtferies foj a time : yzt at th* laft bpftpt be fljcvyetl) tbat be barb not forgotten tljem. 3mb nomar= ueUthougbtb2$?opbet ftanb fobeeb= full? topon tfyis popnt of Dortrmctfoj no= thing is moie baro foi tbc S>amtts tban to hope &eil of refinement, Sobcn tbep be Ipfec beab men,anb tbeir life is bi&be. TDbcraS fome thmfe tbat b? tbc ccbers is betokeneb a fent ofgoobfanour, anb b? tij: ^almes ftoeeineffe of frate: pcr= aournture it is fettb tbe eurioufeft. Cbc ampler fenfe is tbat altbougb the? bee cpthct fcmijercD o: cut boion top a time, ret tbep fljall gather neiafap anb fpimg tjpag-ine,fo as tbe? map Soitfh fcriib no leffe cjeceUcncte anb fenjthpneiTe in tbe Cbnrchc of rootff tbtp be through li>gretinbcbtb:rc foas tbep fiicfcefaft tomo goD.Wbcraa befpeaKctb of courts be amiDctb to the Strife of rb* temple, bpcanfe it fcas latofull fop nmt but tbe picefts to enter into t!;e fanttuarte,af02e y>eoplc,thspto>?fbippeb in tbe courts, ^ismeenmg tberfojc is thatfucbeas areplanteo in <03bs bonfe,are Unit bn= to btmisitb true anb mtoarb affection of liwr.^nD tbcrfejc l;e benietb tbat tbeir felicitie fbaibe nightfall .bpcaufe it ban= , ia02lb, ftp no Doubt but bp fettling tbeir roetc in tbe courts oftiSoo,be crtenDttb this Soiifljmgcf tbeirstootbefpintuall anb cueriaftmg ltfe.31ttfo>i)icb fenfe be fapctbObcp'CbPU bud anb bloffom ililt, anb bec fat m oibe age]io3tcb Dzpctb ^p tbe fapnnb nata= rail mepfturc. if op it is all one aa if bee fboulb ejeempt tbcm from ibe common ftatc of oiber mcn,oji ratber affure tbeir life agctnfl tl>c genirall la^>c of nature. ^oCfai 65.2o.fpca&ui2oftbcrciicijo= ing of tb^Cburcbe,fapctb tbat in tbat bicffcD ftatc an olbc man of a bunotcb percs fbalbcliUc a cbtloc : meaning tbat altbougb olbeage boonaturalip^aope bowncwaroe to becap, fo as be tbat is a buuD2cb pcre olbJ is as goob as balfe beao:pct bnber Cbipft tl>c entrance into tbe bunb^etb pcre fb all be as a cfnlDbebe anb a beginning to Itue agapne. wbicbe tbing is not otber^yifcfulfilleb, tban bp= caufe tbat after bcaih. ie: continue aliuc in beauen. 1 5 [Cbat tbep map Ktclm.scJ'&tys claufc Dotb manpfedlp confirmc tbat tbc pjopbet is ioljollp occuptebinnjewpng tb^ttbe faptbfuH cug!>t too !>oloc fttll a fettlcb ftate of minbe in al cafes of trou^ ble : 9 tbat altbougb tljcp fee tbcmfclues banbleb barblp anb tcughlp, anb tbc re= probates to eniop tycaitb « foucramtw, anb alfo to be frefb anb lufiie, 5 to foum fn plcafurcs anb bonoj, pet tl)cp ougbtc pacientlp toabibe £^bslcafurc,tpllbe migbtc in feafonable tpmc tyiuc aftjap BarUcneSe: anb rcftoie Ipgbtefome anb biftinctc ojber. 3inb be fapctb namelp [too beclare tbat d5o& is rigbte oufc,]bp-- caufe tl;at if ©cb temper not iucjicclp effaces vpon the.xcij.rlalme. <5S affaires accoiDtng to out oeurc,our fleiij notonelp tmagmerb bimtoucglertctf)C SuoztD, buralfo blamctb bimof bnrigb= tbougb Ijciojfofee I)i0i»o^= Cbtppers.anb gaue liber cp to all Soicfceo = neffe. jftoSu if gob gioitfp bis rigbteeuf= ncffc bp punitymg p vepzobats, Sue map be Suell aliurco tfjat urijatfoeuer pzofpc= ritie tijep obtcwe,ic is but a lightning a= gain a a molt Sujetcbca enD, Hi no j p;o= Pbet in calling gooEbta IBocfe] incluDctb (jimfclf agaptic m tbe number of tljofc to Suborn (l5oo Soil manpfeft bt0 rigbteouf; ncfle bp mapntcining (t>etr SueUare, The Contents of the.xciij.Pfalme. In the enter ance he fetteth foorth Gods incompr ehenfible glory, *Aftcr- ■xcArdehe addeth that God ts fitytb full, fo m be neuer difappointetb tbofe that be hts3T»bicb embracingbis prowifes, do with quiet minds wyte for Uhution3Amongthc Jlormes andturmoyles of the yvorlde. Thc.xcitj.Pfdlme. He Lord rei°;neth,he hath clothed himfelf with maieftie,the Lord hath clothed himfelf with ilrength,hc hath girded himfelfe : the vvorlde alfo hath he ftablished, and it shall not bee moued. Stedfaft is thy Throne: thou art from euerlafting. i [Cbe ILoxbc.w.'] "accefee trjctijtng tljat 3! toucbeO alatc, namelp tbat ttjete is matter of trud fet fooztl) foj bs in tbe pow:rofgo9.jFo;commoulp bereof cb- mctbourfcarejoifmaieoneu"e,tl)atSuee clotb not goo Suitb l)ts power, as reafon Suoulo Sue OjoulD, but maliciouflp ftnp btm out of bis foneraintie. 3! n occbe Sue DarcnotDoottopenlp,butti Suee Sucre tbiougblp perfwaoco of bis almigl)ti= neflc, tt Suoul& bee an bnpzegnable (lap fozbs agamftal affaulrs of ieutptattos. 31n SuoxosaUmciiconfcffc tbatSobictje tbepzopbet teaebctb bcre, namelp [tbat gob rcignctb] 115 ut iurjers i8 tberc anp one tbet fcttctb tbis CbclD as b^ ougbtto ooo, agiinftall contrarp poSucrs of the S»o;lD,fo as be fcaretb nothing, be it nc= uer fo DjeaDful^ iSpjerfozeit is th; gl^ZP of goo to goucrn tnanbino after bss oum Bifcretioa.Dje is faibe to clothe bun feife Smtb maicfticano ftrcngtb, not tbat Sue Cboulb imagine anp tbmg to comebpon jnm bp darts, but to £ intent be map bp berp dtdc,j bp afTureo pzofes fbew tbat t)c rbertQ>ctb manfcinb bp bis Suonbcrful iufticc * Suifoome. flj^o^couer that d5oD ncutr rciectetb tbe care of tbe SdojId, be pxouctb bp tjjc berp creation tt felf.3ino in gooo foot!) tbe onlp fight of tfje toozlb ought to fcrf.febsfoj the auouebment of goos pjoutDCHce. tEbe ffeie is oaplp tui:= n;D abottt.ano pet in that matte oc'fo grct bugenefTc there is no ruujmg toguber that map otftrouble | ojDcrip courfc foi, all tbe great fSotftnciTe of it. Wlicras tbe *>uniic feccperf) a contrarp courfc m tys baplp cucr at trjc peres enoe l)creturnctb too tbe famepopnt agapne. Ct)C |3lancts in ityzit SuanDzmg Do nc- ucrtbeicfrenotfozfaUetbarownojDtna- rp Hale, i^ow fljolo trjc eart!; bang in tbe aire, if it Sucre not (tatcb bp bp the banD of goDr* i^ovu cculo it IfanD bnmoueable in fo fwtft Subif 1^3 about of f btauens, oniciTcit l;aD tbisCcomefTcfro l)U ma= feer^ tJTlje parttcle APh tbcrfpje is full of fojce,as if Sue QjoUlD fap.ano BoubtlefTe. 2 [gHcofaft is tbp 5C.]Wl)cras oiber tramliie it [tbp tliione is p2cpareo,] tt agreet!) notamtffcSuitb Mjc tejCfc,foSuec reaoc topntlp tbefc to>o members, [HojD femj tljou art from equalling, atbzonc bailjalfo bitinc fet bp foi rljce ener fince tljat ttmc.jjroi t&bcrao tl)ctntcrpic:cr£5 Sutllbauctt tobcfpoUcn fim pip concern ntng d5oos cucr!aftmgn:fre, tt ts coioc gcre rfojtntbefeSuoioatbc piopbcttca= c )etb,p Ufec as goos being is cucr lading fotuas be alfo cuermoie utDeSuco toitb power anD maicftie.^f ox bnDcr tbe name of [ttytonc] l^ebcoHcneitj (bp tbe figure 3UUi^___£>pnc^ Iohn Caluines Commentane &>pnecDocbe) ri)« odice of jflutlice anD guucrncmcnt : accojoing as tijcTc fum- ntuoes becpng bojotoeo of men , arc fyontfo? tbeS»caheneffcof our capacity to be tmpjopcrip appbcD bnto <2>oo.3nD bp tbis tttlc of commcubatton the $?o= pb-te foppctb ai»ap all groffe forgeries tbat either Ddanul o: ttubafe goos mujb= tlneflfc : as if be fbauiDe fap, be frcrc no

oD at al,onledc be fit bpon bis tij2onc, tbat is to fap, onicflfc be alfo bolDc tt;c bclmcof tbeioojlD. 3 The fluddes O Lordehaue lifted vp,the fluddes haue lifted vp their voyce,the fluddes shall lifte vp their vvaues. 4 Terrible are the vvaues of the fea,forthe noyfe of their great waters. yen terrible is the Lorde on high. ? Exceeding true are thy Teftimonies,holyneflc is the garnishing of thy houfe O Lorde,in length of dayes. 3 [Cbefluooesjc] Cb« 31ntcrp3tc= pet is not (©oospofcicr bimintfljeb, bp tcrs ejepounb tbis dadc outers Shapes. S>omeibinUtbcitbcerc ate merapbo?i = caii» noteD tbe toiolent a dailies of t\)z e= nemics tbat rofe bp agcinft tbe Cburcb, ano tbat dSons grace ts commeuDco foj fupp:edmgtbem. £>tbcrfbmc baoitaer taUe it ftmplp tban figurattuclpitbat al= tbougb tbe ro.iing of great iaaters bee tcrrible,anb tbe i»aues of tbe fca mojie terrible tban the?, pet <2>oO is mod tcrs ribleof all. 33 fo;& mee Ipfee as J, fo:ce notoftbecurtoufenede of tbe compari= tons, fo 31 Doubt not but tbat tbe #?o- phctbootb bp a Demonftration cjepjede bere bnto bs t!jc puifTance of (2>oo: as if be fboulD fap,ft>cc nebs not fecfec fo;& anp euioentcr aduraneeof <25oD3 power tbat tbe mateftie tbcrof map be Djeaofull bn= tobs.tbantbcfwiftfal of frefb toilers, ano tbe tempeds of tbe fcarliUc as in tbe pfalme.2 9.4..ttbatb bin fapo tbat goos terrible bopce founbetb out in tbe tbun= ber.Cbe effect is f <2?oo,in tbe rowing ftrcames of frcflj Waters ano tbe ftojmp S»auesof tljc fea.bttcrctl) bpspofrcr Soberbptomouebs tao danotnaweof btm.iftow, if anp ma Itfee of tbe compa= rifon,be muft ab tbis alfo, tbat all ttjps is notbmg toben ioee come to tbe maie= (lie of d5o3fucbc as it is m bwuen.ainb pet 31 gapnfap not but tbat our off fame fojojtos mapbepi-jfecD tbJSfenfc. &bat although this ioojtlD beefurtbjtp Soapcs fbaUen togitber to outtearo apparance, caufe tbat bp bia terrible comaunocmet bee eafip alapetb all troubles. 5 [<£jccccDing true «c.]!$itbertotbe ^opbetbati) BeclnrcDbofo) &>oi;Dtrfull foot* ts partip in tl)c creation of £ iuc?lo ano alfo in tbe gouernmg ofmanbpno. /Bo io be mencionetb £ peculiar benefice fc>btcb &rob \)at\) DoutfaucD bpponbps cbejen people, bp fctting fooab il>c &oc= trmeof faluacton.aino firGbeccomme= Dctb tbe lato of gob foj tbe adureD faitb= fulnefTe ano trucb of tbe fame. l£oSt>bc= ttfojafmucbeas rljis trcafure teas not odcr co in common to all people, bp ano bp after bee aOOetb tbat (Sods boufc is garnifbe 0 fontb cuerlading b;igbtncde. Albeit tben tbat d^oos geoonede ejtteno it feif to al tbe iuojloc: pet ts it n;ojtl)Clp Done of tbe pjtopbet to dano bpon tbe ro^ menoation of tbis inedimable bene fi te of (5oo,tbat be batlj tomitteD tbe couenant of eternal life to bis cburcb, fo as bis be= uclp glojp might fljtne tbcre mo?c fullp. jSwne talte Ncoth fo? ocfirable,as tbogb tbepjopbet bao faibc.tbat tf)i beautie of tbe temple is fumptudufe: but tbe o;Dcr of gramcrrcqutrctbotbcrftnfe. Ii5p tbe [legtb of Dais] is bett fcneo £ cuerlading fttccedton,i»bcrof it is alfo notablp fapo iaCf.59.ii.bebol0 31bat»cputmpioo?D fn tbP moutb,in f moutb of tbp feoe,« of tbe febc f fl^al foloro aftcrwaro, tbat the bcucnlp Doctrine map tbjougb faptbfull faftfecping So^tfb tbjougb »«anp ages. The Contents of the.xciiij.Pfalme. He callcth vpon God for bclpe agay'nfl the -wicked and yiolent perfsns that opprc-Jjcd the S dints cruelly. tAnd no doubt but hej^eaf^cth of the vpon the.xciiij.Pfalme. 69 the hmfebolde opprejjers, whofe wmgfull lordlynejje n\ts no Icjfe trouble and anoyance to the Sain&es3 than -were nil the injuries of the Heathen. Tbe.xciiif. Vfalme. Lorde God of vengeaunce, O God of vengeaunce, shevvc thy felfe. z Auaunce thy felfe thou iudge of the earth, giuc the proudc their revvarde. 3 Lordehovve long shall the wicked, hovve long shall the wicked triumphed 4 They blabbe,thcy talk ftoutly,all the workers ofiniquitie aduance themfclues. ? They tread down thy people O Lord, and trouble thine heritage. C They murther the widovve and the ftranger,and flea the fatherlefle. i W ILozb d5ob of bengeancet c.]3Jt but rather fozafmucbe a© he tempered; hts iubgemeutes frbplc he feemctb too make long lingering i in this frpfe the fattbfult confioer bts nature frith them= f«lucs,to the intent to encozage tljemfcl - uc0 to better hope, anbtofpurre tljctn- tscertcine that the 3D ewes frerc hem= meo in frith cuiil nepbo ur a , ano that all the frholcpacfccof the frcre moli fbarp enemtco , frh1 c h ceafeo not too bet anb freer? them. D^cfrbceit fozafrnGche as frbtic tb-- toicfcebiojocbftas tbettifteb, their fnwarb fojofre greeucb them fo= rc(t,of right gooa reafen booth the p jes plift crp bnro u5cd to remcotc fo beaolp a mifchief . Cbc mancr of fpecbe ts o:bi= narte pnougbC'CbatdSob appcretbeuis benrip] ano to abuaunceb alof t ,fr hen he fhefreth h«nt felfe a rcuenger bp manp= feft effect : fioi then fecmcth he to geite him to bia tntgetmnte featc to tahe pu= ntfbmcnr of offences, * to bttcr his po= frer to the fr oztbe, bp compellpng them tooxber. 3!nb that is fapbe m tefpect of bs: fozfrccpcrccpuebim nottohauca care of bs,funherfoo?th than he opcnlp, anb as it frcre after a fcifible manner, reacbeth fooztb bis banbe to bcnlpc bs. Wbcrasbctotfrtcc callcb [the <0ob of bcngcancc,]anb aftem>arb[thc iubgc of the earth,] tbcfc peculiar titles pcrtcpn pjtopzelp to the ctreumftance of the pze= fent cafe, as though the piopbtt fbouJbe puttchtmmmpnbcofhts fcuette frptb tbcfc froozecB : loz&c tt is tbp buttc to punifbc the frttkeb, anb too tttbgetljc tartyc: anb thou fecft that as long as thepjitniquttte rcigncrb fritbottte cows troiment, tbcp triumph frith malapert bolbnrs.JBottbat &e& tfrbo netter t'cz= gcttrtb hmu'clfc) nc&eib enp framing: felues fozfrarb to carncftncfle in pzr>p= ing: to the frbicb purpofe pertepnetb al= fo the boubltng of the fr ozbs. Cberfoze the moze malapcrtlp that f fricheb fl)all runnc rpot, letbs alfraps bctbpnfeetts of this leflbit, that it can not bee taUcn from v!5oo,but that he muft be the iubge ofthcfrozlbtotafeepuntfbmet offrtc= fcebnefle. 2lnb although that accozbing to our flcfhelp tonberftanbtng, d5ob Ipc btbbc in barfcncfTc: pet notuntbftanbtng let bs not fttcfc to take bolb of this foiia of pzaping,frbtcb is inbitcb bp the holp dE>boft,namclp that he fboib fbctoe hints felfe to bs at the length. 3 [Hczb] 3lnrbtsfrpfe tbefMopbete ejecufetb btsofrncbeatc, bvcaufc it fras bpgbe tpme to mafec hade, tithe the fcucfeco mabe noftapeef thetrp?poc. 3l!nafmuchctherfozeas »e= cefTtttc muft giue bs h^rtc to Kr.ofr that tuft pzapers are bearo : tlje ^zophettc= fitficth hcrc,that bis ccmplapnr pzoccc; t>£i\) not of nougbic, oj, of a light caufc, but that .it is enfozeco fro htm, bp moft grcuous frz,ongs, atlfo the circumHcite oftbetpmemrfeetb tootheatiomcnting of tljc hcinoufnefTc of the mattered that tbep b^ofrcjeeb barbhartcb through the long fuffrancc of <2Sob, anb that bp their IDtt.b. baro^ 2.J5!. Iohn Calaines Commentarie barbtuffe tb?p bab no t onlp groan ftub- bojne, but alfo fl;amelcffe, as tbongbe (5 jo ftpulD fauaur tijctr lefeoDticfTc. jfoj mtbeaoucrbe [l^oio long] ttDtccrepe= tcb, there ts betsksnco a continuall De= lapofpunifbment; astf bee baofapDc, that this is not tb? 5rft beginning of the bngoolp.but trjat there is ita hoc of tijeip mtfbcbauieur , bicaafe the? baue bene bDjne Softball too long, jftoij? feing that the repjobate0 baue ejeecutcD fo great tpiannp tn the <£burcb of olo time, anb (BJDbJtbnotrcDjetreD it outofbanB:lcc bs notmarueU if the Church? at tbp0 Dap alfo Ipc long time oppicu*cD,neptber let bs tbtnb, it to bee btterlp fajfafeen of <2> jd .although fye fet not bis banD to the rcDjcfftngof btrbarme0 bp anD b?.25p tb.e^J3;e [Crtumpb] b« betaUenetl) a glaoncffe fulof malapertneffe anD b?ag= ging,i»b'rn tbefojtcfeeD being ouerfottcD toitn long p?ofperftie belecue thep map Doo fo>bat tbcplift. 4 [STbep p?ate $c]!£e espiCfTctb tbe fame tbing mo;e plapnlp.tbat is to toit, tbat thep fioell f»itb fo great pjUDc, that tbcp ftiefcenottoboattoftbeir iotcfeeb= nefic.'Cbe&>ojD Nabang,i»bicb S»c baue tranflateD to [pzate]t0 mo?e than to talK ojfpeafee. ;ffoj in as mucbe as pjopjelp it fignifietb to guQj oat, tt is bp a meta= pbojt tranffcrrt-0 to bnaonifeb talking. 2InDS»efee fcjbcfbertbe ambition anb pipDeofbngoDlp p:rfon0 carpetbtbem a0 tbcp Eonblp baunt tbem= felue0of tljcir piitflVmce, eue fentb their orotic great repjtoebe anD fbame. jfoj m tbeir manace0 t!)cp craafee of notbpng but daughter©, eietojti5,e bcaftlp criicl= neffe. Cbefe be tbe belHings ou£,fo>ber= of tbe |2>jopbet fpeal$etb,ft>bcn tbe i»i:= fcjD fojgettmg fbame anD moDeftie flick not to bjag tb it trjcp fetil doo S»batfoe= uer thep lift tb;mfclue0,3lnD tbi0 is tbe haroneHe of fpeecb tobtcb neither rcafon no^fcare.nojregarDeofbaneftiecanre: ftrcpn from bjtuStng out i»bitber focuer bnbzpDleDlooccnclFc Dztuctb it. jfrofee iviic as it tons a grcuous temptation to tbCfaithfuHin olb time to fee tetter con = fufeb lozDJpueflfc tntbc Cburcbc: g>o arc tsjeenotD abapes taught, tbat there bippencti) naueractbpngaooftas the Churcbc ts gouerncD tontaroarblp, oj rather oppicffcD btterlp : but that fc>*e mutt call bpon <03D, &>bo after long oe= lap, is &onte to ytipe tyis fcruauntcs in tbecnoe. 5 CCbep trcab Downefc] 3lfterbee bath fpoHcn of their Drunken and mala= pert bragging in iuojD0,i;cc Defer ibeto alfo ajctr Doings that tbep outragiouflp perfecute the Churrb of <0oD. Bowc pf it'oecbnmeetc that fubicctc0fI)OulDebe Spjongfullp oppjeffeb bp beatben femgg furelp mucbe moje is it bntolcrablc that the cbojen pjop le of *©0D*»bit& arch to peculiar heritage, fljolD be troDcn Downc bp mapnc fojee. i^ojeouer let bs beare fnmpnoctbatheere 10 inbiteb toots a fo^me of pjapmg,a0 oft as tutcaco pcr= fons(f fpectallp t'ne haufeholD enemies) arc troublefotne to b0 anD to the reft of the faubf uli.^Fo; tnafmucb a0 our ioeU fare ts not onip rcgaroeo of goD bpcaufe icce be men anb creates bp btnr.but alfo p.iccioufc in bis fight bpcaufe be account tethbs his peculiar poffefTian : if voce fuScr anp iojong^cc map the mo?e fa= miliarlprefo^t bnto him. Cbcrcfolo= teeth another amplpfication tnat tbep [fpare not eucn iDtootoes.anD that thep murther the fatherleffe anb theftraun^ gers.]215ut gob, after he hath comaun= ceo bs tn gcnerall termes to maiuteine rigbtcoufeneffe anD equitie oncfrttb an othertboothecbeeflp neuerthelcffe gme bs charge of the fcnOoiocs, theftrauni gers,anD the fatherlcffe, bpcaufe f mo^e thep be fubtert to barmta&tng, the moje thep Defertie too bee fauo^eD anD pptteD. ^)o muebe the mo?c tljerfo^c Doth their SoicbeDneffe anD contemptcof d5 £> ID bcfojjtap itfelfe,i»hen bp their outraging agemftbs.notonlp the c5monlafc)e of nature isimpcacheD,but alfo tbefpeciall p^iutleDge totycl) c©od boutfaucD too gtuc them foj the mapntcnancc of t^epjt iuelfare.^nD tbcrfoje thofe that rife Dp crucllp agetnft them , pjouofee v0oos i»^ath the mojc agcintt tbcmfclues. 3tnD trulp in chiiDjen, bpcaufe thep be not able to Defend cbemfelucs, men the Soeafencf&of their age is a Defence too them ag :ind boga * ijjtlD bcafts. l^oio fbamefull anb mdnftrous a thing then is tt fo; me to trp their ftrcngtH agetnft tbem :* <%\)U& fee i»e(a0iti»ere in a glaffe, vpon the.xciiij.Pfalme. 70 SiafTO i)3'a>e foxolp trie Cgurctjc ix><\a &>afteo in tljotc Dapo.^be lafo w fojtce, t!^c iuogctnentoappopnteb bp <0od toer in fence : anD pec fre fee boio all kpnD of fr)icke&neffoucrflofo)CD mbojrible S»ife. Cbcf f9?e &)* '"oft take narrofo> bzeoe, t!) 1 1 there befall not ipbe tbmgs to Da : not u>it bftanomtj if it jjappe that (Iran- gcra bec S»;iongfuUpber.e9, Sopoofocss maoe a pzaic , ano fatberleffc cbtlDzcn put too tbe fpople : &>ee mufte befecebe <& £> 3D too take bppon bint tbe cbarge of tbem , aceozbpng ao tbe #>?cipbete bphto crumple, cjcbojtetb b0 to relieuetbetrmpfcrieflf. 7 And they fayde, God shall not fee it, the G o d of Iacob shall not knovveit. 8 Vnderftand'eyee, Oycevnwife among the people : andyeefooles when will ye be wyfe S p He that hath planted the eare, shall he not heare i or hee that hathe made the eye, shall he not fee ,J. 10 Or he that chaftizeth nations, shall he not correct i he that tcacheth menne wifedome. 7 [IPnbtbq? fapoc.fe.] whereas tbe ^jtopbete fapctb, tbat tbe fyickee piape mockcbolpoape&Ktb <3?oo , as thoughe tl) :p ban fceleo bp b»s cpes ; it muflt not befo bnUcrdobcao though tbet thought pjecpfelp to boo it in oecoe : but bpcaufe tbep bcfppfe btstuDgementinlpkc cafe, a0 tf bee isere touches toptb no care of manbpnbe. $0} ioere it tb20ughip gra= ucn tn mennes bartes tbat tbep can not efcape tbe fpgbt of <2>oa,it toouloc bee a fuffictcntc bzpble to rcftrapne tbep? ipfe. 3!n afmuebe tben as thep leape out into fo greate bolDnctTc.tbst tbep flttp one, 9 rob an otber, nnb beuoure tbe tbtrDe, it iocertcin that tbep be DzoSimcb tutbepj o«?n DulneflTe,a0 if tbep toercbteccn fro tbe epenof ©oo. Qicrtlp fo founDc Qre= pirtgrecblcfneffc fljciostlj tbem to finnc in fucbe iopfc, as if tbep fljouloe neucr be calico to rer.ocr anaccountcof their lpfe. SHtbaagb- tben tbat tbep bare net fpeS»e out fo groffe blafpbcmtes , no too fap tljat (BoH to tgnoznnt of all things, anb in mancrlpkea blocUe : pet Ootbc tbe $zoph«e iuftelp cafte tbem in tbe teetb S»ttb it , bicaufe tbep thinks tbe tocz-lo t5 not ruleo bp doooo ozouiocncc, but ratner Do opentp DifpofTcfTc l)tm of | office ano autbajitic of a luDgc.^ro; fcer tljep pcrfuaocD as became tbctn, concern ntng zopbct0 pnr= pofe ts to cjepzeffeijctremc ano bnrcco- ucrablenaugbtpnefTe,namelp Soljcn tbe fpnncr bamngc Ojaken off tbe fcare of <5od, gpuetb htm icaueto Do iaijat bim Ipftctb. 3?f ai^eatben man tbat neuer tafles anp t»btt of tbs bcaucnlp bottrinc fbsuiae make fucbe bauntco, it luere a Kiadnconottobebo?ni»ttb.aibo?tibl2 mondroufnefTe feas it tbcrefo?e , that menne tobicbe bab bin bjougbt Dp from tbep? cbpiBboae m tbe Doctrpnc of the lafc), fbouib fo Dcfpt2btfuUp motfe ^oo oj gj about to bcguple bim. 8 [QUnDerftanbpeC>peDnf»ife.fc.] 3!nafmUcb fl3 ,t is a eurfco blafpbemie, to bep;iue CPoo of f office of a tuOgc:tbc Riopbetinucpetbmo2e Dcbeuieutlpe a= gemft tbebutncfTeefibcfctbat beleeae ttjep map Qi\> afeapfrom Ino lUDgcmct, 0? ratber begupic bim 5bitb tbeir futtk= ties. 2lnb i: is a fojer tl)tng to cal tbem [tbcfooleo among tbe peepier]tban teo call tbem fimplp [fooleo ]bpcaufe fuc^ manner of tonSxuttpnefTc Zone leffe n= cufable in tijc cbplu;en of ^lb?abam, of Sobemc is^cpfcfibaD fapbe JDcutcron. 4.. 7.&bat people 10 fo noblc,tl)at Ijatljc dp'c&0 ncre nbont tbem, line aoibp t0oi3 comctb tins bap oe&n Dnto iljce i jfc: t?)t0 10 poureDnierffanOpng before ail iP5ation0 , anb pourc fetfeoome, tbat pcubaueC5£>5D to be your lawmaker. sD?il?f!'c Iohn Caluines Commentarie jDnlcOe percbaunce bee tcrmetbofe ttjc rcpzocbeful among the pcople,ft>oo note S»itbftanbing fc>cre the beattesof tbcm, anDbeloetbebi&heftttegrecot honour: as if^e fboultt call them rafcallcs. fop it ts pzofitablc and ncettful.tbat tlje pzouo frbome t^ctr oume ttigimtc blpnoetb, fboltt to be tmbacett to ozacr,as that tbet map percetue bofr tl)cre ts no better ac= count matte of them befojte (£>3tt,tban of anp rafcalt of the p20ple.3ma furelp Ijce fcemetb to fentte them oouu to y meane people, to the intent rr>cj> fboulo ccafc to lihc of tbcinfelucs m tbetr ofrme bauM= neffc : fauing tbat be tauntmglp nippetb their fratcipneffe tastfbefboitt fa p, the cbtefeft marbe to Unoiu tbcm bp,ts tbat the? furmount all otber tn fooltfbnefle : foz fomucbeimplpetbthe interrogation, [When frill pe be frpfer'] whenbebes manttetb [frbetber €>ott frbo matte the cares coulttc not bcerc,]be femctb to ttc= fentte <0otts pzoutttence , but eolttelp a= gepnft tbe frickctt,foz no man is fo bju= fifb as titterlp to taUe afrap all know- ledge from ott. 15 ut as 31 fapoe cunt nofre, tbe grofTe ouerboloeneffe frbere^ in tbe greater part of tbefrozloc fottetb itfelfe, is a frttneffe that tbofe frbicbe ruffce fo rafljelp agepnft d5£)H> , tma= gin bim too bee bat atteatt pttoll. foj, tf thep bJlectictt in goott carnefre tbat be feetb antt marfcetb. tbeir botngs, thep froulttatleaft frife pccl&e him noUffe bonour tban tbep pecloe to moztall men, tbzough feare antt rcuerenceof fr borne, thep bee refrcaineo from bootng amiffc. 0ot frithout caufe therefore, to tbe tn= tent to fljahcof ibis Bjoufmeflc ttotb tbe ^zopbetfeafonbppon tbeoztter ofnas ture, tbat frbcras men be cnttuett toitk fijbtano bearing, conftbertng bofr tbe fame pofrer is gtucntbcm bp <0ott tbat matte tbcm : it ts not pofltble tbatanp tbing fbolo be bttt from bim, frbo bath creatctt affr el tbe cares as tbe cies. i o[l$e £ cb*fti?«b f c] Jit ts an argu- ment from the grcter tbing to the IcfTer , tbat it is not pofftblc tbat *I5ott frbicbe fparetb not frbole nactos but pumfbetb tbetr Gnnes,0)Oultt let flip afcafr men fcnpumfljctt. l^owbcctt tt maptbe alfo a comparing of tbe gctiles fritbp Jctos. ;JFozifgooc]cccu:eDfbarpneu"e lowartts the gentiles tbat frere ignorant of hps lafrc:mucbmoze greeuoufe puntfbmct Defcruetbc 3Icfreo frbom <5ob batbe trapnett top fatmltarlp in t}\3 ofr n fcoolc: bpcaufe tbat itijc as, be rctgnetb ouer his ctjo;en people, fo is it rcafon tbat bis ite ttice {boultt fbine fojtr; tbsrc moze clere= Ip.tfzeucrtbelcfre 3 rather embjacetbe fozmcr fenfe,namclp that it is a folp foz afeafr men to looketoo fcape frithout touchc of bzeft.toben thep fce<0oo plage all nations openlp.Sj>ome refrratnc tins to the notable antt famoufc plages that arc rctt of in tbe fenpturr ,ftul)c aslocrc iohen d5ott tteftropctt ^ooom i»tth fpzt from beaucn,antt all manhpnb fontb the flutt.iI5c.i9.7.15ut3! hatt leuer to take it moje rimplp.namelp that the totlfub neire of tljofc ia too ouertbfo>arte , that hope too fcapc fcoifree i»hen &>bsle na= cionspcrifb.TOberas hoc attttcth after= iy ar& tljat [it is bee fe)bicb teachctb men £oifeDomc]tt makcrb to the rcpzoutngof tbefoolifhbartttnefTeof thofcthat hunt fo? commenttacion of fbarpc i»it oz iop= lmc(Te,bp contemning d5ott: IpHeos C- fap 26.13. cwrfeth thefe d^c contemners that big themfclucs bozoioes ioberm to bttte them from the fight of^oo.^no Svoulo vloott the t»ozltt Were not oucrat= tcpntctti»ptb the fame Dtfeafe nofajca baps alfo.U3ut toz fee frith iorjat fhzou= Oing facets as ft) ell courtiers as men of lame oncrfhattofrc thepz minttes, fo as thep bare iotthout f>np fhamc piap mocfe holpttap frtth Sou. yon fozfoth (fapfth h:( trutfrngto pour ofrncfrittcs tabe )»ponpoutoiii8cbc(5ottout of counter nauncc,as though it lap in pour potoer to brreuc htm of fcnorolcttgc, frho ttzop= peth ttofrne tnto the frozlttc butafefre fmall ttzopo of his 0 to tic fulneffe. 11 The Lord knovvcth the thoughts ofmen.that they be vayne. iz BleflfeH is the man whom thou O God inftru&eft, 8c whom thou tcacheft in thy lawe. H To vporx the. xciiij.Pfalme. 7r 13 To giue., him relt in the dayes of euili, vvhyle the pic is a digging for the wicked. 11 [*£> 5D,ix>ncn tfjcp ottcrcaft tbemfclucs Suub rapftcs. Cberfo;ctotbcintcntctbep m.w leauc to flatter H)cm fciues bnDer tf;ts bapnc pzetence, bretDarnctb ttjem tbat trjcfc fwi8afe:0 iotil foett be cbaccD avcap iut>c ti)cp (bat be cotnmc intoo tbe p;efe nc c of Cdob. wbcrebpporr.t folio wctb, tbatit rootcrb [btmnotb'.ngacall, confieenng tbat <25od from bcaucn conbemnetb f°J banittc, i»!jat focuct tlycf bemfc mofte craftilj* ^FoztH citing tbcm te gods tubs geuicntfcate, be b;awetb tbtm baefee to tb : triad of ttjctr 0 wnc confciencc . Jr o; febence comes ttmr careiefneffe, but bt= caufe tbep turne tbeir tables bpongoo, burping alt Difference of goob sno cupl, (ans as muebe as in tbcm Ipetl)) p;i u ttng awapat reafon * wbplctbep cofees tbemfclucs fo fonblp, tbep;opbcttellctb tbcm flitlv, tbatob laugijctb at tbept fe cbiloifbe ropes. 3Jt is a fcaofewc anb a rpf clemcnce: (newer wttb tbcp? futtlctie, wbcre as fome tranflaceft, [ Cbcp tbemf clncs be banttie,] it is too mucbecondrcpntb : fo; tbc manner of fpcccbcisas will ^ebjnc asdSreeUc, iobicbe muff be lapbe out tbus. v2>£> ID fenou>e:b vrb»tigbtaofmcntobc bapn. u [H5ltflcDisibeman.jc.]i$owtbe |2>;opbct palTctb from rcbuktng to corns routing, as well of btmfclfe as of ail tbc goblp. Cb«t <©ob ootb it fo; ttjrtr fveU fare, Soljcn be fuffretl) tbcm to be afflic= tcb fo; a time. % rtgbt profitable boctrin furelp fo; tbc whole courfc of oure Ipfc, Subicbe tor muftc pafle oucr in contmu= all warfare . fa abmit tbat ob r^ary ga^ tbereb bs to be b«s owne people, be Ut- mctb to rjauc Ccgregateb bs from the refit of tbe wo;lbc,t<)ac fee fboulo allot bs cniop bltftul peace bp eject afing ngb- tcoufeneffe 9 equine among ct;r Celtics, liputoftc times it bee fallctb tbat ouDcr p;ctcneeofbouo;ab!eautbo;ittc)tirants oppjcfTctbe Cbnrcb wicUcblp. $nbe; uenfucbewas irje temptation tbat tbe ^;opbctet)atbe complapncb of tntbps fjfaltn: fo; be accufcrb none orbcr tban tbe Ijeufcbalb enemies, wl;icb p;ofe(TcD tbemfclucs to betbeuibges oftbepco= plc.^ferc flcfblp rcafon tcl.les bs,tf gob regarocb bs,bce iuoio neucr giue t'nem fo great Ubcrtie tooDooi&bat ttjcp nir. 25 at tbe $;cpbct crpctb out on tbe cb- trarie part , tbatwec tnuft fctrbe our 5o tfoom fro cli'tobtre tban fro our oiott b;ain,anb f i»e bauc nebe of f tjcdwcrtlp wifebomc. Jfo; tbus inter p;ct 31 tbis place, tbat tt cannot come too paffe tbat &>cc Q)oulb ftanb (till witb qutet mmos Sobcn aouerfities pmcl) bs ,ar.o pact en t,- lp ivapt fo; d5oso be loe,ot [jcr wpfe tban tfvffifootrapnbs binnbisfcboolc. jfo; tbc )9;opbet confeflctb tbat men arc net fo topic of tbeir oconc nature, as to p:o= cccbe fo;tb to f mart S»ub qutct mmbs tb;ougb conttnuall affiuttons, but tbat tbis frtfebome is giucntbem of d?oo. 2lnD therefore Ijec crpctb etlt tljnt tbcp be blcffcb iuhom (Sod bp tbe boetrtne of bis lawe bati) cnarco too tbc fuffcrance of tbccroffe,anbalfo iobombtc fJapet!) bpbpf fecretcomfo;t ofbts fpirit,tbat tbep finUc not tortber abucrfitie . Jr 0; wbcrasbc faptb fir ft [bleffeb ts be to bo tbou tnftruticftrj 51 cictcnb tt to y intoarb gift of cnligbtning.lout bp f bp tbc p: 0 - pbet abbctb, tbat tbis foiCcbomc i&lntb (0ob giueti) bs bp mwarb mfpiratton, is alfo fct fo;tb anb bttereb in tbe if. roe. 16 p feb'tb title be comenbeti) tbc bfc of otutoarb boctrin:acco;bing alfo as ^aui fapetb Worn, lf.+rf all tbings arc \x>;i- tcn fo; our lerntng,f ioec migbt fymt bcpctbzongb patience % comfo;toftbc fcripturcs. •2gt. lohii Caiumes Commentaric fcriyturcs . /ftotos ii»cc fee out ot ^ojac fountain pscuhce ts to be Djau»n,namc: i? ooi of g3D3 Ujsja , toe S»yiclj peciaetl) Da raster at bopcbpmttigaag our gre= fes.'Coijc Ctj3?t, uistbtppp^etspur:: pofc, tlrfl to ejeaojt tt)c faufyfull to pact* ence, that tbep ft olB not be fapntlurtco in pcrfecutton, out iattb quicmclfe * ft- ience 5»apt far, aclmcrance at goas b. ana: ana f:con->«p touoo trjem to bnacrftanoe from fo'gicncc this 2»ucaame 10 to be £:t. $oiimimutl)ea8Qm&zQ)t eggctb bs con-.inuallp to aefpaire : our bopc^oolse b mtdj aroa? a bi«#a atnc0,ontcffc iyc aacu? op gob* teaching, that al mifcn?0 flj ail turne to our «>elfare.2l&p cijc Soape i):au3ucb:cb,tbat^oasla»»pclBetbb0 true matter of comfort, fo as&bofasuer b.nbepi-ofttcD tbsrem artgljte ,cau ne= u:r oefpaire, quapl;, op counte bimfclfe toicid^D. jfoxrbe b.tbgc feberbp <2>aD otfcernetb bis true atfcipies from p" cafts t?rfcat,tstoi0, iftbepbersaapana full ft ttlea to bearc tlje crou"e,anD neither re= piuenoz ftrug^H,but hope foj Dcl:ue= racequietlp. &no furclp tbetrue wane* of pactcce i0,not to &sd fc>iiftillp agetnit aaucrftties, (accoiamg 80 the g)toiacs comena fiubboine barabarreaneiTe fo: a Dertuc) but to fubrmt our fclucs to gob i»UUngt?,bicaufc i»e lean bnto b^s gra= ctaus gaoBitciTe.ixnttmgip tberfoie ootb ti>e pjop&et begin tmtb t?)i0 faunDation : that rbe faithful map learne bow tbep be sifi&eD foj tbe turning of a bana, to tbe intent that i»be thep banc gone through Suitb tyzit fouiaiozfan,tbep map obtctu blitfea reft. l£e couia bauc fata that tbofc bebl'ffcalosb^bbauebptbc laroof gob lernea to enaurc the erofTe ftjitb Upright mmsc. 2i5utbcfoatbfetDov»;ica cofozt, ioberwitlj mens mtnBes arc mtttgatce, tljat tbep map peaceably fubmit tbefcU ties to ffiiba plcafure. $ or though a ma m aaucrlitic S&itbbola bimfelf from tca= res ana figbes.tfhe chaw boon tbebitte •ioitbout bope.anb onlp halo bim 1a tbefe principles, Cbatib: be mortal/Chat it t3 in bame to refill fteccflitte or to ftriue Rgepa^t acirimc,* tbat fortune is blpns: ttts rat!)cr a liubbo^nefTe tban a pact= cntncfTc.bicaufc tbat in tbe mean fejbple hcth-itDcfpifetb bis aDucrfities bnacr the pzstenccef manipneu*e,ceulDfpnD in bis bait to iptirnc agetnlt (0oo. W>m to fubaeia our minba to mccfeneffc, tr/trc t0 none oibrr^aitrtncbut tl>js,tt^at xsi)i €>'ja oeluuretb yta fcruats mto trouble li : Doo.b ibetbp piouibe f 0,: tbcp? quiets nclTe. ^Ina iubcre a0 tbpa btlccte rcig= netb.namclp tbat reft and rclcef 10 ttjen in preparing foj tbe faitbfull,tDl)en tbep are bjteplmg in tbe b«ate oiaBueriittc, bpcaufe tbep Q)Outa not perifb it)\t\) tl;e to Jiia ,it tail be of futficunt fo^ce to aisp tbcbitterncfTe of anp grcefe bee it neucr fo greatc,3ifter tbia recHcnmg,bp[euill oi^ea, 0} oape0 of euiti] tbe ^djapijet Cjjulb mecne tlje enolcffc Damnacion io ly.zl) %> iptctb iop all tbe rep^obata af= ter tbat (0 £> 5D batb fpareb trjem foja tubpl^Cbs 0pop\)ns fe>o;aa map bu efpounaea tl)u0 alfo: SSlefleo 10 bee tbat batb lernco to be quiet ana ftili,m affiic= tto.^nb fa fbalbe beto&ento. tbe inosjra ftilneffe i»btcb tye faitbfull cmop cuen in tl)t mtaas of all fto^mes.^be mee= niug af S»l)icb tejet fljaulb be tb»0:li5lef= fee t0 tbs mm tbat batb fo farfejtb P*o= iitca in <&qq& lai8C,tbatbe cnaurctb all aa"ault0af mtffojtune0 fritb a quiet ana iDClfettiea mtnD. i^oiobeit mafmucb a0 ftrcigijt after, tbcrcfolcteetb,[t»biletbc graue 10 a Digging fo? tbefcngoaip,]tao tbe intent tbe contrarp m£mber0[oftbe fentencc]map be anffe>cribU one to ano= tber:t'nc |£>ppbet feemetb to wapfc ibe fcifeaome of tbern tbat acounc tbem= fclue0 to be aCfitctca of <2?ob, to tbe intet tbep fbottia be faucD from aeftruttton, 5 at iengtl) eniop a bapptc enD.2tgein,it ioas of neceffittc tbat tins otber patt of tbe comfort ibouia be abbca. jro} it can not be but tbat a Violent beate of grcefe mud nccD0 boplc bp m our bart0 ,fe>ben tbcbngoblp ar in ttjctr ruffe j (©oB re= ftrcinetb tbcm not.3ln gooB feafon tl)er= fo:e Botb tbe ?£>?opbet p^euet tt, gtumg D3 to bnacrftaa tbat tbe feicfeea arc left bppon tbe eartb ipKc a0 a cojfe tbat ts lapDfoojtbmacbambcr hrtb ttill there til tbe graue be maoe foj it,31n& bp tbcfe S»o?as be mctiKtb y tbc faitbfull cannot clfe abiae ftcafaftlp, onleffe tbep get tbe \jpintof S»atcl)toure 30 f p?opbet2t= bacuH tcrmctb it. 2.1. ana from thence ef&rpe dSoos iubgemets a far of. ^bep Q)Hlk p bngoalp iniop cartblp Delights. i^ovoe, vj-'uii lih--. Acuij.i laimc. 72 tljcir graue is a Diggmrs to? tbtnvmD fa thcpabpoeabottethegrotiHOe/tabouor: femhfranoing areDamr.cD alrcacpe tuo bcQtuctton: i:hts romfo?te fe>pn ImU fpj« to affuagc their bcautneffe. ^•3v»,j(ci)cpfl;rtcct)cnotciUtt;ciC cow= uDCMtienpet further, ttfcull fpue them at tlj: biirte to bebolD tt. 25u;- tf tbcp be= tbmLubemfclucs.tbat thcboufcs Subi= cbe arc appelates fop the qutcfce, arc fop a little tobyle grantr d to the Deae fehtic 14 Truly the Lorde will not caftc avvayc his people , nor forfake his inheritaunce. 1? For iudgement shall returne to iuftice, and all the vpryght inhartc after him. 14 [CrueiptbeIlo?De.?c,]^eec0n= firmetb the fopmcr (entente mope cui= Dentlp,Denping tt to be poffiblc,that goD fhoulD cafta&ap the people S»bicbeh** baD cbofen to bee bis heritage . 3nb as ofce no Sdc be fcmpteD Sy til; aDncrfittes this mufi be an our bolp fanrtuariefhat SPe be neuertbelcu*c ec gather agepn, that patience flippctb afpDe, anD toanifbetb atoap, ecccpt the feno&jleoge of grace fljpnetoppon'bs, to appeafeall the bppopes of tbeaeuje. 15 Cf 0?] iffopafrauch as in the DarKcnefTe of afflictions it is netcafpetoefppe tone iDhereroitb (Sob imbpacctbbisppiuitp: tl)e $?opbet tofetH another reafon, that is to Ssjitte, that after confufeB titrmop liug, gco fenl at length fettle things in Dnc o?ber.i5i= caufe the pbpafe of the gopher is fom= Xohat BarUfome, fontc reaa: tbcfe tia>oo tbmga feticraUp : thatio to frit, ftrfte [Juftitt ffcatt returne to thccnDe:] ano then [iuDgement fbaU returne] iuistbp tbt0 meanes thep mpfcDprftthe Cejcte, anD tenre it in pieces. 3! tberioze Doute net to talte it in cafe astf it haD ben faiD. [3!ut>gementfhallfeeeapplpcbopmaDc cor.fopma'olc tmto 3!nftice.]31nD inDge= merit in tbts place, ip&c'aa in manpos thrr places, is token fop goucrmncnt 0? publtfe aomintftratton-i^otw fopafmwch as t\y; irate of gcuernment feeinetb&n= rightfull attD pcrticrtes, bvikifttft\0$8 are fo tofTcD anD tnhnotfeb in the feOtlD: tberfene he hebtghtctb a tcr cnD .2fti& he not giU? fap2tb,that mcn'£»!nxVc erft plapbtbe tppants mopDtnatelp, fball re= turn to topjtght Dealmg:but he ioaocth Dcper:Chat| ^ojd feti at length in rc= (toping the church, kt open thejuiitce fcjfncb i)z hao InDDe : not y his ppouiocce DothanpiuhuatalbotD afiDc fro "rig^i; opDer : but bicaufe y to the fight of men, there appcarctb not aliDaps fuel) moDe= ration 9 temperature, y hts iuftice map be euioentlp fene : fop goucrnmet 10 fapD to be iuft, S»bcn inrqualitie ts coprcrteD. ■$oi Ufce as the light ts bttDe tn f night, op tn clou&te loether :fo at tohat tpmc the &tcfeeD tcye gooo innt tppannonflp,anD the rcpnes arc let ioore to thetr luftco 9 mtfchieuoufneu"e,tbe mtftcs that get be- tfcjene t)s 9 goos ppoutDcncc, Do Darken the light efhtsrjpptgbtncfrc, anD febts iuDgemcntc is after a fo?tcbtf!riemb?e& from his iuftice. 715 nt toben things are bpougbt agepn into Due o?B?r, then ap= peareth a ijerpgooD agreement of foue= ratntieanD inline tn moocratc bypight= ncfTe.Certeffett becomtueth ts m all tnrmoplesto taKel^olD of <©ods iufttce bettncu?rfo mnchhiD&en,bpfatih:but that ©OD5 iulltce fbailfupnc as it Sucre in ciecr< appc,thst i-2 rcferrcD to pcrccp= nerauceanDocpcnence [3111 the \jppfght fljall foloco after him.] ^"ometrar.flate tEraftertt,]mfan6ig[iuihce.]^0tobecit fopaftnuchc as this v»oid [3!afttce] 10 tane fop ttppfght ^n^ opbcrlp gtucrnmet &hcn©£> £> rahcth bengcanre of the S*;icB?Den&Dcltucrctb l)ts feruarorthat ejcpoDtion feemeth not to agree. 3 itUe better ttjerfope to biiDcrilanD it of <0oD !jtmfelfe,9 fo tt fbali be a relattue fouh= *cttt an anteceDet.^f o? iz is no rare tbmg .mucngthe^ebpucsCfehenmcncton i© mate of gob) to put the rclatmc tn ftcbe Of his natnc.Chc meaning then is, tb^t alp rtgbtcoufiObe goD fl;alhauc frtlco ■ the j '¥v lunu famines oommcnunc tbeftateof tbcS»o?lD,>ffoaltaHc co?age etmucncsanD atrttcuon5,pctnot&mb= to foUottJ blm the mo?e cbecrcfullp. ^po? ftanDtng tohen tbep feclc btm to be tbeir although tbcp hpe them tetoarbs btm cs oeltucrcr , a fee bis hano to be fucb, thep tie n inhering £ erode through the mtos about tbcmfclucs to btm more futip. Iairpfetop.fc.]|jjeerethc #>?opbetasit&>cre bp a Demembration fbetoetb hotoe greatlp be fc>as Dcttttute of mans helped ojt &s it icoere tn a thing pjefent, be crpctb out, [who fctll Qanbe on mpfpbej'] 01 i»boio«Ufcttebtmfelfe a£cpnftmpne enemies :' Slnb tmraebi= atlp be anfrotrctb bimfclfe, that it <©eo bab not bcipeb bun, bis gaob tapes bad ben pafte. ainb it auaplcth te tbe enler= gtngof ©ob3 gracious goooncftcfehen be Declarer b that be fo>as reibucb by mi= racle from Death, btcanfc bee fcjao tozfa- UtnoftheiDhelc fcjoilor. ;tfo* although tbatmennc Ibbcnthcp reacbe out then: hanbe onto Ms, are bur tbe mtniilers of c£obo grnctous gcobnefiV: pet notrottb= ftv.Kbtwg as ofte aa onr epeo Ipgrjt \>pon cup mfenour fuccour.toe cc f.uaur fentcce. ;ffoz to the mtentbc map tbe better comenoe cjfrobS goobneffe ano mpght, be auoucbctb him felfe to baue btn beliuereo not from fome mcaneperiil, but as it &>ere from pzo= fent Death. 21 no the mentng of £ fe>ozbs 13, that Death ioaueb fo before bis epes, that, tn b»s otonc tuDgcmente,hee fc>as pall all recouertc:l!fex as ^euIc.x.Co?. 1.9-fapctbbebao rccepucbtbc outrage of Dcatlje m himfclfc, at S»hat tpmc all hope being cut 0 tf ,bc haD biDDen h>s Ipfe farefecll. j?.ow U>here as the |d?cpbet f»b>3 had peiocD htmfelf ouer tnto heath foas Deltuereb paft all hope : fomucb the mantfefter ioas the helpe of <$5ct> . fm: thermo?e,tfSoebnocrftanb [the flipping of the foote] to bee fpoben of temporal! heath onlp, thereto til bee no abfurottte at all in the oefperatton of the )d;ophct, btcaufe d5cboite tpmes p^eiongeth the Ipfe of bis fcruaunts in tbts feojtlhe, t\ though that being pafte all hope of Ipfe, tbcp be rcabp to bepartc. /H5cucrthclctTe it map be, that the |S>?opbct reftrcpneth this [b«sfaping]totbe bnberftanDtngof the flcftje : febube thmg 33 tabc to bee a mejetpfceltboDe, bpcaufe fechaucfecne bun heretofore, ncuer to haue ceafeh fro calling vppon dgfob.toheruppon it folo= teeth that be bopcbtojiomeiubat : pnb that is garhrreb mo^c apparantlp of the nejctbcrfe,S»berc herepo^teth that hts fo^oiosloerealioapsalapfbiotth Tome comfort. Jjfc} bp htc[thoughts]he mca= netb h*3 fo^oSuf ull ar.b intangleb cares, fc)bcrta)ttbbf*baO binouerioh^«wb,tf feme comfojtc bao not bin mtntftrcbto htm from €>os.Ch(fi place tbcrfoic tea- cbethtbat c5ob fuccojetb hts feruantes eucnattheberppincb,acco;bing to the greatneffe of thetr fo?oi» ano bcutneffe, to the intent too fet them at lcrge out of their btftreiTe,UHe as is fapb in the pfal= mcs.^.2.anD. 1 i8.5.Cbcrfojc the meje that our mifcrtes groioe tcob^autefo; Do, the mo?cIet bobopc that his grace fhol be { mtgbtier in abating our grcefs. H5ut riaJme. 15 lit if,tbat thzougb ine fc>eafeneflc of p" 7* fleQj rarcs 9 griefs fhng b0 ano tozmct be, let this remebp fetich fbc pzopbete cjctolietb fo ropailp,futfpfe b0 . jfo* tbe faitljfwi beare a Double affection m ibepz bart0. Jfoj on p ohc fioc tJjep arc bejeca, pea $ baicD biuertip into limo?p fcareB at carcftbtit gob bjutljeib frcrct giaoncfi in to tbe, 9 ttjai acozDfng to tbc mcalurc of tbeir ncccfiutc:fe as no fo>boe*l*poolc of tmfenes ,bee it nener fo eeepe, is abic to ffejalou? tbcm bp. to Shal the throne of iniquitie haue fclovvship with thee? which for- geth trouble in fted of lawe? 21 They wil mcete togither ageinfl: the life of the righteoufe, and con- demne the blud of the giltJelTe. 22. But the Lord hath bin my fortrcfTe,and my God hath bin the rock of my aflurance. 23 And he shall recompence their vvickedneflc vpon themfelues, and deltroy them in their naughtyneirc,euen the Lorde our God shall deftroy them i<* [£>ballthetbZ3ne.fc.]$c garbc= rctlj aflurance agepne opon tbc nature of ub tbnr SuicfceD Deeogf.^c cicpoftDctl) bun= fclfc moze apparatip in tbe other mcber, S»bfrc be auoucbetb al fucb to be tnccre fhaungcrsto (!5oD, a0 fozge trouble in ft;sonaS»e.CbcS»o?D chok Qgntfictb a laioe anD Decree, 01 a GablifbcD ozocr. Cbe 0:opbct tbcrfoze nippcib wicHcd iuDgeo S»btcb reigning though al fepnD ofoppjc(Tion,Dto neuertbclelTe pzetcno tooitolDtbengbt courfe of their office. fo} foooo falfe iuDgcs purchafc funs Dip glofca to couer tb? foMcftcDncffc of tbctr tpzam>, to tbc fmet tfjcp map fecpe ftilltbc poflciTton of their bonoiable anD gloztoufc tit'.e.i^oix) 5»ce percetue i»bat tbe pzopbetment, namelp that although tbe name of [Cbzonc] be bonozable:pct notfcHtbftanDtng aflbene as itiomar= tcD bp tbe tefe>Dnc0of mcn,tt lofctb h»0 eftimactonanD bonoure fc>ttbgoD,f»b° cannot giue bt0 confent to tntqutttc. z 1 [Cbcp Soil meetc $c] ^ozafmucb as tbe fe)o:D Gadad oi God figmfictb too leuie an armpe oj to afTemble a banD of men, there 10 na Doubt but tbe ^zopl)Ct meanetb that bee 5»a0 not put too bP0 Q;ifts bp como pcrfona, but bp v Lotos of tbe people that btlDtbe fouercinttc. 25p tbi0 5»cjD alfo bee eypicffctb ,tbat be t the reft of tbc fattbf uil ioere fo>?6g= fullp mtfufcD.not bp one oz ttoo pztuate pcrfons, but bp tbc iobole companpof tbc cbeef bcaD0. 31 fo;3iofull pea ano a ft) a mcf u II example i»as it that tbc iuic= bcD fboulD r eigne fo in a lai»full aficm= blp,fo as tbe b:c tljcrhoe of the 31 ubges fboulDbce nothing clfc but a route of tbecucs. ^oz tt is a Double fbame that giitleffc pcrfons ii-ljc tbcp be oppzeffeo, fboulD togitber S»tib tbctr fezong, fuf= tcine repzoebe aifo. HLgcin^bat 10 leffe befcemtng, than that all the fo?bolc con- ference of a court fboulD be nothing clfc but a confpiracie to conbcmnc innocet0. Ii5at it befjouctb bs to bee armcD fonth this example at this bap, if <©OD giue | SsicbcD fo nr.ichc itbcrtic, as to mount bp into tbciuDgcmcnt fcatc bnDcrp?c= tenccoila'aje.totbc tonDoingof gooDcf fimplc folHc.3tltbowcjr!) tl)?n it be not to= lerabte at f firft blufb,tbat gtltleffe pcr= fons fboulD be cruellp bcccD pea anD ab ftbk fogre- lohn v>aluines L-ommentane fo ateeucD isitb repiocb* bp tf>c tuSges tbemfclucs: pet nottoritbftanomg fezafc mucbe as d5ob Ijatljc cjccrctfcb btsfers uants tottb cttljcrofbot^e tbefctemp- tattos in olo ttme.lct tis lent to bcarc £b tppgbt minMot onlptoiogful btolece, but alio £ (bamful Qaunbers fe>bert»itb i»e be cbargeo cotrarp toowr Defcruing. 22 [!©uttbelLo?D.»c.;i CbepiepUet eonchioetb £ altbougb be *»<•* e brought to fo great mfttelTe: pet S»as tbere belpe pnougb foj bi*n »» <^oD alonc; bP felMcb 4oo20s be auauKcetbbtspofccragepn, fo^ tbat be alone bao fuboueb fo ftout at= great aemtc0,anb fohjtgc ft*= rtoufnefTe. 3&no be not onlp faptb, y gob fc>as to bim as gooD a0 a fojtrcffe, from i»bencc be migbt bf foolD al tbeir affauU t?0 1 S»here be migbt fb*oub btmfelfe in fafctic: but afToone as be batb mabe tope to btmfelf foztbe pzotcctiS De= nonces beftf urtton to bis emmics alfo, bicaufe it ts the peculiar office of <£oo to beat bach topo tbeir oicn rjcDfi tobatfoe= iter trouble tbep manace to goott we. 31 f tbc:r attepts (bulb but onlp be pjcuetco 9 DifappouucD,cu ownc SotlpnefTe, Sob'en as tbep flplp ftbe al f toaps po(Ti= blc to beBrop the goeo,s fcjije tbep oauc trpcb al their llregib ,flea ibemfelucs & tbetr own fiuoiDs .tben d5obs SoODcrful tudgemet aperetb j better, 3inQ btcaufc this is baroe to bebcieeued, be repctctb ttoicc [jgc urn ocftrop tbe, cum our goo fcnlDcliroptbc.J 3Ini»bub place alio it is beboueful to note, y iubc tl)c piopljct fattb [our d5oD] tbrrc ts matter of bope giue to f fattbfuUfot be bxingctb to mtnb agein tr>e tbmg y be fapo afojte, natnelp, oozfl)tp= ping of ob0 piefence: wbtd) S»a0a djing ttsbt ucebfuil too bee bonne in fo grfatcaoutbfiilneffeasw bjcb mbffb? naturc,atfucbcdmc0 as <0ob called) bs to giue Ijtm tbrmko. j'^ottj lilscas £ pzo= pbet Dotb tnbirecttp mp tbe floutbfuinefle of tijc people of old time tn ringing pzatfe bnto <15o0:fo let bsfenofo that 4uel;iue ncebe of the fame fpurre at tl)ts bap alfo, bpcanfe iot be no ieffe bndjauKf uli than tbep Sucre, jfrettbttbootco it a little too d)£ frtntnjbpof tbe peoples beuocion, S»hcn be babe tbem [come fozd) tn0oba p;cfcnce.] JFoz noting t0 moze to be toi= fbebtban tootftt in <0o3s presence tbe facnSfc t'jat <0ob auoudjerb to bee tnoft acceptable too bpuviroz tbp0 manerof fpeeebe tmpoxtetb as mucfye no tf be ban fato , tbat c5ow 10 pzefent before ttjctr fas ccsas a fe>ttncffe,leaft thep migbt d)tnfe tbefelucs to lefe tbeir iaboj. 3i no as fox gobs prefencc tn tljc fanrtuarie, 3! bane fbefocb elfobercin Sx>b<\t foztc it S»as. 3 [^ejtbe3Lozbtc.355ptbefei»o:D0 the ^zopbet booed) bo too bnberftanb, tbatdjcrctflpli-utp inougb of matter to pzatfc (0ob fo:,foaa bee ncebetb no foz= ge'o commebactona after ti)c mancr tbat Iftbctoztcians are S»ont to flatetr fcmgs. ^firff becjctollctb <55oos greatneffe, co= uertlp matcbing bim agctnft all tbe far- ««?cb gob0 tbat me forge to t'uemfciues. wcchnofcjc tberc batbeartnapes bina grcate rablc of vflyobstn £ foazlb, fe>bcr= upon coined) d;c foping of fatnet ^aule 1 . € oz . s . r -t bat manp on cat tb arc calico <2>oos. wemufte tbercfoze confiocr tijc tnatd)tng of contraries bctiuijct tbe d5ob of 31 frael anb al d)l;3t focucr ts leffe tba be fnrmoutctb al ertblp fozgerp, 3!nbeebe3ngcl0 areno<5o03. ^oS»- beit fozafmucbe as tljcp nppzocbe moze neerlp bnto (Bob, tb,is name [d5o&] is tmpzopertp conaepeo bnto tljem, fpecp: allpinrefpettofmen.iDbotbzougb bn- meafurable ouerlihing aouaunce tl)cm fnperflittouflp.llput tf f maicftp of gob alone boo compell tbe Angels of beauen to obcbicce,i»bat a fi)atne ist tt tbat for- geries of rigbt nougbt fljonio ^ttb^ab bio gtozpr" a ftcrtoarb be fettetb foztb a banfei of tljis greatneffe to be fecn in tl)e Svozkmifbip of v tDozio,tnafmucb as be faitb, [it is j foozk of goos haos] « fub= net bnto bun. 3 no ttis a gcnerall pzapfc y gob batb mamfefteobts glozie tn tbe creation of tl;e i»ozlo,t fetll be hnofome baplf tn tbe gouernmet tberof.^f oz tt?bf be fait!) y [tbeintrailesoff eartb ore in l;ic banb] be menetl) y it ts ruleb bp b>s ^utoece « fubtcct to bis comafi Dmr t.£> -. tber fome traflate it [bczbr rs]but be ra= tber bcto!>enetb[bcptb0]f tobtcb be mat cbed) agctnft f b'«gd)s off mountains 6 Come let vs worship and falldovvne,aiic{knccle before the face of the Lord our maker. 7 ForheistheLordourGod,and wee are the people of hispaftures and the flocke of his hande : if yec heare his voyce to day. 6 [Come let bsfeoz£btp«c.]irozaf= mpniCrctb bnto bs moze fulfom matter of pzapfc \x\) vti be boucl)cfauetb fptru tualbonozbpon bs, (ffeub^utourDc- fcrutng pjcfcrrctl) Xta bcefozc all orljcr me. 'Cbcrfozc ^e marbetb out one tbmg Sib tb^c ioezbs, bertlp to tljetHtcnt f tbe febfetj. cbii= mucbeastbe^zopb^te boetb notccr bozt tbe cbo^cn people to tbanKfulncffe, foj tbat tbep bp tbe free bencfite of (5oo ejccell all tbe b^atben:bpstalHeistbe moze bebtment : accozbtng as <& O £> M?c Iohn Caluines Commentarie cbtU^en of aib?aJjam fbouio adbiO: tbctu feints Sutjollpbnto lum- 'Erucitism Decde,ibat tl)c fcrutcc cf d5eo tobub tbe jiSjicpbetcpjeacbctb of, is of fo grcate tuc«s!)t,tt)atitic©ztljtlp clapmcrb alour cndeiurs. 3i3ut tljc circumftance mufic be notc&,naanclp tbat be cbmcottb 2°ds fatbcrlploue uijcrofti) be tHib^aceo tbe cbtio;en of aibjtaham onclp/o as fyc ad= opted tljem to tfjc b_cpc of tbe fpirttuail ano cuerlafitng ipfc. Cbtsalfo is to bee not ed, tbat not onlp tbe tbankfulncfle of Y bart is tntrcatcd of bere, but alfo tbat tbcrroitbat is required tbe outward p^o* fcCTion ef godlmcfle . ^Fo?tbc tfcfng tbat iscjcpieffeb in tbe tbjeciDOjDesCCome, iro^fl)ip,anb bnecie,] 10 tljat tbe fattb- full difebargenot tljtfclwco of t!;ttr du= tie, enlefle tbcpopcnlp offer tbcmfclucs in facuftfe bnto gob, botb imtb bowing of tbe bnecs to ttb otl>er figncs : 35 take Ctbc face of «I5i2)D] tn tbe fenfe tbat 31 fpabe of eucn nowe, tbat is to %Dtt, tbat tbe people fbouia caft tbctufelues dofrm bcfoic tbe a^rfec of concnant, bicaufe be fpcabetb of tbe &au> SoojGbipping./rie^ tiertbcleffe, tbts exception mufl al5»aps be added,?7 tbe fattbfm mnft lift top tbefr epes tobeu«n,«tuo^{btpgoD fpirttuallp. 7 [5FC? beisour <©0D.$c.]3lbett tbat ali manbindc tacrc created to tl;to enDr : pet not i&itbout caufe is tbe cijurcb tcr= meD goos planting, plated to bis p?a tfc. €>f g3oo rigbt tberfo?e botb tbepjopbet require tbis buetie fpeciaiip of bis eieite people. 31nd tbi0 is tbe caufe tbat bee puttetb tbe cbtf&zen of 3lb:aba in minde of tbeir ineftimable pzmtledge tobpebe <3x)U} fcoucljfaucDdppon tbem fr> \)tn bee toobe tbcm into bis tuition, jr oz at- tbougb tljis tying migbt after a foitc be referred to al manbindc: pet is it cert cm tbat 0oo is called tbe fljeepberde of bis cburcbc,not in fucb fbztcas beefeedetb, \}pboldetb andgoHcrr.ctl; tberefiduc of men S»ttbout difference : butbicanfe be batb dtftingaifbt it fro £fc>b°te fcjojtd, to cberifb it in bis fatbcrlp bofom.Cber foze tbep are ealled[tbe people of bis pa= flares,] tobom <£>od defendetb tottb §i& peculiar care, f tobom be enduetb $»itb all bindc of benefices. Slierilp be mtgb*e bauefpohe mozedtltindlp tn calling tbe tbe flock of bis pafrurcs,$ tbe people of b:s bano^z i>ti*J be put but onlp £ name oftbclafc)e,icx»oufobaueruntn contt= nual mctapboz. l©ut be pafleo not fomu= cbe fe; tbe ftnencfle of fpeccb,fo be mtgbc put tbe people m retnembzaunce of ttjctr mcaunable grace of adoption, ttjc ende iobcrot was, tbat tbcp fboto ituetonocr tbecuffrbie and tuition of (gob, semap all good tbphgB. Cbep arc ttrmcD[ibe flocH ef *Bods banec,] not fo mucbe b?= caufe tb«p tocrc creaieo bp b'«*, as bps caufe tbe? be goucrncd bp !)ts band. 3! n ifrencbe tljcp tcrmc it,Lcnoupcaudefa conduite, tb?.t IS to fapr,tl}C tlOCtlC £if t)t0 leading. ii*)a5»e altbougb tb^ matc^vng of contraries, iabtcb tnanp obferue(na- tnelp, tbat (0oo isbed'efuim feeding bus peopU- bi«tfclfe,f bfe;b net bpjed fljep: berDs)bc pcraSucntnrc fou;e\cb*t »«p?^ curious tban tbe natural meaning cf tbe ^E) jopbet purpo^tetg : pet it ts not to bee doutcd,but tbe pjopbet incut to ejepjefife tbatnecrc f familiar mana of gouetne= ment, %ofytl)c at t.bat ume appeared in tbat one people oncip./p>ot tbat fal. A^oi?fc0lDcu.4.6.7.!jaD fato before. Chat it 10 pour uoblencflc in the ftgtjt of other natto0. fop &>Hat na- tion to tber bnDcr bcuen,tbat bath their n ot ii;:ir cie0. S$e btDbctb tijem therefore to acknoioiebge btnt fo; their fry pbcro, in tbat tbep ber* bid bopce, bicaufc it co= inctb of bi0 lingular grace that be bout- fauetb to fpcake to tbem fo familiarly, wberao other fome translate it CojonlDe €>ob] anb Soil bane it to be an abuerb of ejcb02ttng,31 am afrapbc it 10 too mucrje conftrctneo.li5 ut tbe otber nlnctl) trims go&0 fo neerc about tbem :' 0o9x> £ p20= Ip,tbat fetng <0oD0 bopce founbetb con pbct0 arc front to bozroto manp tbpitga tinuallp in tbetr care0, anb tbat be bath not fl)«oeb a token of bt0 ujepbearo= ip care to their fatber0onceotielp, 0? rc= nefretb a memorial! of it onelp once a peare , but continuctb tbt'0 bt0i charge frttboutccaffpng: it is mabe eutoenti= nougb, tbattjjc 3]efrc0arccbo5entobe l;t0 floebc. of ^opfe0,asit is known frelinougb. 3lnb m tbe abuerb[ Co bap] the piopbct beclarctb frith a bebemencie , tbat tbe 3jctoc0 are gob0 people feeing tbat tbep b*arc l;i0 bopcetf tbat tbcp neebe not to feke far fo?. fr ttneffc, fitb it appearctb in the piefent cafe, 9 abpbetb (till in f figbt £ Harden not your hart as in Meriba, according to the daye of Mafia in the wylderncfle. 9 When your fathers tempted mee, and proued me, when notvvith- {landing they had fcene my vvoorke. 10 Fortic yeares-long was I at (tryfe with this generation, and I fayd, They are a people that erre in harte : and they hauenot knovvne my vvayes. 11 Wherforelfware in my wrath, If they shall enter into my reft. s.. C£*J?>en ."?* • . ^ ^P.canfe tbep footh is it ncebful tfjat fr e fbonlb be ca= frerc ftiffcneckeb 9 barbe to be bjougbt to obebience : after be bath cjealtcb 9 to- menbeb goD0 grace in the office of fljeps ljcrbc:fo on tbe otber fioe be counfellc tl) tbem to pzouc tljemfelues to be bi0 flock of ftepe, bp tbe«r fr iilinguefTe to learne, anb bp tbetr gctle mckencffc.aino to tbe intent tbep map be toucbeb tbe bcttcr,be bpb:apbctbtbemf»ttb tbe ftubboinefTe of tbetr father©. Boto although y frojo <31£cribamapbccanofrne appcilattue, fo as it map fignifie ftrife 02 contention, pet notwitbaanbing fo?afmucb ao rtjere i0no bout but tbe p2opbet bat!) an cpe to tlje ftoiie toljicl) is rccojbeb in Creb. 1 7-i-f .7. 3D cboje rather to referre it to tbe plac,':febifhfdffame thing befalletb alfe to pfeoro [fl^aflTa.] /^cuerthelefTe fo? afmucb a0 tn the feconb mcbcr,tbcre is abbeb the name of Sotlbcrncffe , too mark out the place of the temptation : tf anp man like better to tranflate it, [ac* coioingto the bap of remptatio] 3 ft>ii notttriaeSDUhhtm. ifrepiher m goeD riou« in fo fmalla matter.3l5ut &hcra0 fomelwolDhatiethemto betioo fipnero place0,therto agree 31 not. ^ifrcr&aro be bttretb the barbc harteoneffe of the people in manp fc>ozbc0: anb to the intet hi0 taike map baue the tnoze fo?ce , bee bitngcth in d5oo fpcahtng Slab no bout but that bnber the barbning of the hart thcpiophcte bctokencrl) anp manner of contempt of dPobs &oib, although tber be manp f funbjp Ib2tc0 of it.^02 ioljcn it t'0 lapbc out to the &oz!b,&ee fee tt is offome barkeneb too butcolblp,offomc lothtnglprcfufeb : of fotnc p205abip re- iccteb : anb ef other fomealfo furiouf; Ip (pea anb not&ithoute rcp?oche anb blafph:mic) raplcb at. Chcrf02eU)herc n0 of bearer0, fotnc bec actttbfull, fomc fqucinitrh,fomcfco2nful,fomcb2apnrt U anb fome ftarkcmab, the piophct com pitfeth all theff bice© tn one feoibe . fox out hart Cball not bee countcb fofte mb plpablcto heare(0o&,onlcffe &>c rereiuc hto boctrtnc reucrentlp, 9 &tth affectic jiitkk.trj. fo2; ■Pl ionn famines ^ommentane fezwaro to obedience. But if bts autb*= ritie be no i»btt able to frep fruh bs.iae efteemc no better of him tba of a mo?tall wan.Wbcrm oar barbneffe of bartc be= frzapctb tt fclfcvabu'ijcr it pzoccedc but onlp of flontbr,o2 frhnber u pzocee be ef pztoc oz of froutnes. 3tno be bfeo a tjatc= fall terme foz t^e nonce, to Uje tntente to maae the cotempt of £ fr ozde to be mezc abhorred : liaeas in the tavoe, Under tlje name ef aduoutrie,be codemnctb, almas ncr of iccrjcrtc & Unclean lnflc0 : anD Un= der tr>e name of murtljer ,all fewd of bio = lrncc ana UHong,pca anD cue hatred and pziuie grudge too. 'Cberfoze frbofoeucr ouerpaffctb gods frozd negligent!?, 9 is not bent taoi-;cp,tiiil>ougr» be be not ope- \f is be faid to be ftonebar* tcb. *&nd pet fa form are the |3aptftcg,f tbep enaeucr to builds ^rcetoil tipo tins place. Jfir&itistobenotcd,tbatbp na= turc ai mes fearr 0 be ftonp. fa; the fcrtp ture, frben it fpebctb of ftoncfjarteDnes (Qyicl) }6.i6. reftrainctb not that Uice to a fcfr.buroenoftcetb in general frbat j nature ef ma iSi neasrtbf les although there be fuel) a cozrupmcfTe bzed fritbm U0,b? nature'.petnotumbftading fozaf= much as tbe fame is toilful, and that fe>e be not fenfele (Teas Crones bejfrbafceucr fuffrctb not rum felf to be ruled bp gods fr0Zd,bar3enctb Ins efrnebart,frbtcbe fras aireadp Atonic before, 9 fo is ccuic= ted of !)is ftubbozneffe bp bis ofr ne ton= fctcncc.3md pet it folotoetl) not tf?at it is in our band to b3ue a bart foft and plp= able to ep;brc parte, •$ oz trie cozruptton of nature maketb tbe frbole fr tl of man to be inclined, pea end to be carped ai»ap to eml.yetnotfritbfianoing, cucrp mm bardtnetb btmfclfe as oft as be obepctl) not god, fo; \)?can not father the default of bts naugbtincfTe Upon en? Unrig clfc than bimfclfe. 9 [yotyn pour fathers.* c.] T£be P*o= pbet coucrtlp giuetb bs to tindcrftands (as £ bauetoldebefozc) tljat the 31e= loss frcre of a frovearb * in miner %n= fubauable nature, cuen from t!)e bcgin= ning : vet teas it neceftarp fo* ttoo con- fiocratios.tbattbeebiiozenfhoiobeput in remembrance of their fathers faultc. weUnowbowfozfrarsfrcbe to flip in tlje foloroing of their ejcamplc. iFozbotb it fee inrtl) lawfull trjac butt) once gotten roote , and anttquitic nlfrapc.s cbalcn= gecb fome nuerecc to it felf,? the ejca»n= pies of mennes ntmccftcrs blcare their cpcs,fo as tfjcp that come after, do frith out anp ebopec maamg,tafee tip fozUcr= tue,frhatfeeucr batbpioceocd fro their aunccltcrs. 3!nd tbcrfoje iwc fee boia) o= uerboldclp the autho;ittc of the fathers is &?om to be fcuc agemft the soojde of €>od m the 0apiftrie: pea * the Vetoes alfo, iuith iubomc it fe>a# anc^omarie matter to gloiic of tbepj faihers,wpght mcje eafiip h^ue ben decerned in ibis be balfe. %m therefore not Without eaufe doth the $?opbet XDithD^afe them from their fathers, btcaufe tbetr bnbpndncffe feasdctedahle . oa is r.oihmg elfe than too burft out thzough leude « bnlaroful de- fire to feebe a trial of his pofr er ez able; neffe, it map be red in one ftrepn [Che? tempted me,* pzoucd me, although thep had fenc mp roaming alredp befo;c.]^nd Turelp tins copiaint of gods fras right- ful, v although he had bp fo manp pzoo= fes natablp auouched his abilitie atnog them : pet thep fought nctoe trpals (till. iS^euerthcleffe the frozbCpzone] map be tahenotherfrife alfo after this manner : your fathers tempteb meat (ucijctimz as ihep could not fee mp fo manp bcnc= fices,butdemaunded frhere d5odfras. Chep pzoued therefore, that is to Tap, thep foundc bp experience, bpcaufeji ecaffed not to btter openlp the fignes of mp pzefence among them , anb fo con= fcqucntelp thep fafrc m^ frozfee. whe^ thcrfoeuer of tbefc fenfesa man choofe, the vponthe.xcv.PfaJrne. yd thep untftjco top their miquUte to the fill fo as that ontp one quarelpicKmg, being as it foere toe apiljat of al their uomos, did openip fl) wio that tijcir iyUfull ftuH- bojnedt Soac paft cure. io [tfoittepccreslongfcO&hepxo:: p^ct ejeaggcratetb the crime ef tljctr ob- fttnatemfiltce, uuhat dSeDb-tb felong tunc ftriueo frith tt, $ coulo not auallc. if or tt ts ty oa t to happen nofc) $ t^cu f Urn ieoQttcB ftartcth out,ft)h icb cooletfc &tn a ittle i»ljtie after, ©itr goo ceplai= neth y he bao cottnual ftrifc i» this peo= pic ioljoie fojrp pcrea togtthenioberupo it ma? be gatbercb y their naugbaneffe &>ao bnable to bee tameb. Sine t;c t-fftb the term [gencratio] to $ fame cab. jffox Dor figaiftctb an age, or tr)e fpace of a mans life. 3lnb be tranffcrreth tt to the men of one S»bole age.aa if the propbete fl)Olb long ao the JfraelitSltneO Subornc 30 befpf= feo :] 3lnb the Crctte interpreter cran= Hates it, [3 fefis angrp »r fere greueo.] 25at the bebrues Uctpc { natural fenfe, that <£ob through tbepr quarcling bab conttnuall ftrtfefcmh tbcm-.'toljtcb tbmg feag a notable proof ef their bnrccouc= rablc (rubbornefle.Sfterfoarb be fljews ctb bis o tone iubgement: as if be QjoulD fap, after thep bab fo manp fe>apes \itz- iorapebtbepr ftMcfeebnciTe, tbcprmab? neffe &>asto fcjell ttnotoen 3tnb be put= tctb not the [errourofbart]mtoolcflen their fault, but t)caaouc!)ctbtbem to bee brjaros anb mao folUs:astf be Cbolb Tap be bio not tobcale fontli men cnbcu>:b i»Ub iatt anb bnbcrftanbtng, but rather teitb bcaftes.'aJnD tbc reafon is bpcaufe tbcp bab gtucn no becb to fo manp xooj= Ucs of ($ai)iD,anbfpcciaflptobis tea= tl)v\q.tfoi fcn?>cr tbefoorb co= prrbenbeth affecll tfrc laio anb the con- tmuall iaarnpngs, as the miracles bp i»bul)C (gob bab mftrurtrd them. ^e= in* then that the llc^b bab bfoelleb fa= miiisrlp in tljemioosoi rhcm.r.nsimu npfcfteo l)is giejpe, as tos\\ bp a>30?= Ucs ss bp te)30?,be , it fc?as a marucb lous maDnefTe of tbcm t33 paffe o = uer ail ttywges feptb tbcp; cpes tbtit. (t£\)ts is thscaufetbatt^e pjopbet to- JiUH.iiij. o:mttcsb the prophets meaning icnoetb too tl)is effefl,tbatp 3fleix>eaiDcricu"ec]Ccufable, bpcaufe fycy require to bauc ^5ods pu= tffancc mantfcacD tiato tbem, febercof tl;cpbaa but toarrautco fo often bpe)c= pericnccafoie, asthonglj tbep bab not Ursowcn uil-ja t bee wan able too boo. J n Demaunaiug 5»hp gso ^as left t{jem bc= ftuure of mearc * D?infe, although there bao bin none other figne f^Ccoeo , thep bea>$apcD their oi»neunrulpneu*e.H5ut fctng goo bab fati) ftretcheb banb pluc- bco th^n out of Cgipt, anb bp fo manp cutocnt toliens Qjeiucb himfelfc to be at bano to them: iuafmuchc as thep boubt of \)ia pjcfe'ce as though he bab bin h«b- aenfrem them before: their froioara iozgctfulntffe augmenteth their crpme. ChcrfosieCaU things confiDercb) 3! bao leuer bnfolb the 3&iopb?tstt3?Ds thus: your fathers tepteb mee,ft>beHOtf»ttb= flanbing thep baa inough anb moje than tnoagh pwurb mee (that is too fape, bp true ani caibcnt afTurances founo mee) to be goo,o? rather tuhtump fcrnKsbab bin apparat to thar cpes. oino this boc= crme pcrtctnetb inotfferetlp bnto bs al= fj.jFojcbc better that d5obs grace anb po5»cr h*th bm teftifteb bnte bs.if Soee ilill fecUc fo; nevo trials of htm, fo much the ioojife is our it)icUcDneu"e: ipbe as at this bap i»e fe manp to crauc miracles, f fome to quarcll i»ith <^obstf he gratit not their brfircs.liSut here rifctl) a quc= Qm\ 4ohetJo;ethe ^?ophct paffmgo= uer fo manp ftorica maUeth mentio otu- ipof i^criba.^orfeingtljat eucn in the tocrp pamng of the reab £$ea thep began alrcop to fttrrc ageintt vffifob,^ neucr left from that bap foj?foarb: m t)pb?apDtng them ioithp one fault alone, bcfccmcth bp his filencc to acquite the from y red. I5ut femg that i^pnecbochcs be rtfe in the fcripturc,tt£oilbenone abfurbiticif ■toe fap,that manp hpnbsarc bctoKcncb Dnoer Qne-iftcucrtbelcffe there feemetl) to be fomc other rcafb ft>h? the ^cphct chofcthts example afoxe others, ^poi it is cafie to gather bp f feiitmg of «^op= fee, that | bttcrmoft income of f peoples DnkmbnefTc ano frubbo;tnfU"eS»asSDb5 thep quarellt o fox featcr.31 tmofo f in- terpreters thmHotherfetfc.^utpet the matter is fo m beeoe , that at that time 2. pi. Ioim Caluines Commentarie oeumetb tbctr dulnefle of madncire, bp= catife tbat m fo grcate ligbt tbep erreb a0 if t\)tf l)a6 bin blpnbc. 11 [x\>berfore3lftoare«e.]31fpelusc too take tbe ralattueAshenn t)\s otone fenfc,31 am not ageinft it: according al= foas man? baue traflatcbit. Cbe S^eKe interpreter taking it too bee a mat fee of fimilttube,batbctranaatcb Os, and tbe inferring feemciij not too mtfagrce,not tljat tSjcp incre tljcn fir ft DcpxtucD of ttje promifeb heritage, tobf tbep bab temp= tcb (15 £D 2D :but after trjat ibe prophet ^ati) fpoUcn of tfjeic ftubbo?ncu~e,intbe pcrfonef<0ob,beegaiberctb tbat tbep Sucre not for nougbt probmttcd bp an otbefrom entering into tl;c IjolvianD. Jf or tnafmuebe as tt appecreb pnougb anb to muebe bp tbeir cent tnuall prece- ding in t'neir toil hconrff, tbat tbep could bp no meaner be amedcb:tbep to ere not toiibout goob conftberation bantfbed from tl;c reft of ropb«s tooros importe. :» or be tahctb tbts for a princi= pic, tbat fttb tbat bndcr tbe menacing of punifbmente tbere is inciubeb a couert promife :tbcre is promifeb bnto <©odfl peoplea better reft tbantn tbe lanbeof Cbanaan. fo% after tbe 3 ewes to ere come intbitber, $od putbts Cburcbin bopc of a netoe rcft.Cbe at poftie conclu? octb tbat tbe benpallaf o urfclucs is tbe tbingtoberbp toecfeeepe bolpbap from allourotonc toorUS, tbzotigb tbetoo:= Uing of d5ob in bs • 3? nb bppon tijis oc-- cafion \)ct comparetb tbe olD £>abotb of V lato , tub tcb toas but fljabotoiflj.toitb tbe fpiritual nevtmeffe of lifeavijcres be faitb[b« ftoare in bis toratblbe botb bs to bnoerftanb f be toas in maner tnfor= ceb to lap tbts plage bpon tbem:as if bee fboulb fap,it toas no ligbt or fmall cro = uocation : but it toas trjctr bctcftebte frotoarbnefle tbat btnblcb mine anger, anb in fo boing enforced me to ftocare. The contents of the. xevj. Pfalme. Ft is an exhortation to prayfe God, -which is dire&ednot only to the le- vees, but a (Jo t9 all the Gentiles. IVhcrby -wee gather that this Vfalmc is re- Jen ed to the kingdome oJChrifi.For twill he teas manijefied to the -world, his name could not be called vj>o elfrehere tha in Iexwy,& tben as in refpeff ojthtt vponthe.xcvj.Pfalme. 77 of this devrty of deuotion, the gentiles were botbe dumb And deaf \ In the meane while, no doubt but that vnder the Ijtve the holy Ghofie ftirred yp the faythfuli toofetfoortbthef>rayfesofGod3vntiB Chryfl enUgbtning all corners of the vtorldc with bit glory tdidfyrcd out the light of the true do- fitrinc turn thither alfo. The.xcyi.Vfdlme. Tngvnto the Lorde a new Cong, Singvnto the Lorde all the earth. Singvnto the Lorde, prayfe his name, shevvfoorth hisfal- uation from day to day. 3 Declare his glory among the heathen, and his vvonderoufe vvoorkes among all people. Ip, tbat all people {ball be parrahcrs of <25oE>0 grace, fending tt)em too fet foojtb his faiuation encrp "bbcrc^nt) be afTu= retb tbem tbattbio faluatio is not tran^ fitojtp o; fabtng , but tbat tt flo;ifbctb euerlafttnglp : fo? be Soil! baucitcom= mcnbcD from Dap to Dap. } [IDeclare b»0 glojp.frclfce enno- btetb the fapbe faiuation Smtb otber names, tbat 10 too Sxtit/witlj tfjc names of glojp f foonDers, as tf be CboulD fap, it ibal be glojttoufe anD SconDcrfull.Bp ti)C S»b»cb tptles beputtctb a Difference betrceene tt,anD the Dcliucraneesof oioe time.30 DoubtlefTc <2?od fbctocD a much mojcnoblcanD excellent pjoofe botbeef bi0 bnttuafurablc gooancfTc, anD alfo of l)i0 pofcjer, at fucbe time a0 ibe 18eDte= mcr appcareDtco all tbe febcle frojlDe, tban cucr tbcretofo;e. liPnttbiS falua= tion (a0 3D fapDe cucn novo) coulDc not baue ben p^eacbcD too tbe gentiles, pf tbcp baD baD no parte of tt tbem fcluc0 . /ftow fe»ecbcciyarncDbptbcfefe)O?D0, tbat fee Do not fufftctcntip acfenorjjleDge tbe reDcntptton purcbafcD bp Cr»jitfl:,ae= coding too tbe Dcfert of it,cjccept fee lift bp our ioi to to tbe incomparable miracle tbat fbrncib foo?tb mtbe fame. 4 For the Lorde is great and much too bee prayfed,he is too hee feared aboueall Gods. ? For all the Gods of the Heathen are but vanities: but the Lord made the heauens. 6 Power and beautic are before him, ftrength and vvoorship are in hisSan&uarie. Ikbfe.b. 4-ffp? 1 [S>»ngtontotbe Ho;D.«c.]Cb'Sens tcranct ftetoetb (as JB fapDe) tbat tbe |&jopbct ejcbo?t£tb not onelp tbe 3 frac= Ittes.but alfo all tbe frholc foo?lD to itij- out exception to tcfjtifie tb. cir Deuotton. wbicb thing coalo not be Done ton til goo S»as made bnotoen euerp iobcrc bp b»0 <5ofpell. f 051 foe muftaltoapes beare in mmD tbat toping of paules .IRo. 10.14,. lijoco (ball tbcp call upon tym on $»bo m tbep baue not belccuco r' 3lnD inafmucbe as tbe fame paul in anatber place. 1ft 0. 1 5. 1 o.pjtouetb tbe calling of tbe (dentils bp tbio teict,$&japfebimpee beat ben to= gttber fawtb bis people : tt folowetb tbat tbere is felotoflup of faptb in tbe confent of pzapfe. ii3cfiDc0 tbis, tbe p?opbc t res quiretb not a common oj ojomarp fong, but anefe> one. wbcrebp *wz gatber tbat bere is tabling giuenof fong. Cbe p;opbete therefore inarnetb tbem tbat tbe time ami come tbat<2$oD ioillrapfe bp bio ftingDome after an bnloobeDfo* maner.^gapne be ejepjr fleib mo?c clere= .pt. Ielin Caluincs Commentarie * [ irej tljc iLojS 5 c.J t?e patntctl) out tbeanber m tbetr trro^o accojtbing rotl>etr Sooont. Cb«* to tljc intent the &?bole iuaztQ map cart; axeap fajscrilittcH ano tjpc tljcir. too ttjc true religion, bee fbcwetb fbattheonlp one u5o'j t0 ujojtbpc of all p^apfc. 3Jub tl)is ftanberb men grcatlp on banbe: foj oBlt ffe tbep re&rapnc tfeemfelucs So>ttt> this bxtblc, t'oc mojtc labo? tliey beftowe too »apfe <2?90, tbe moze tbep (ball rob btm of bps gio^p. Cb»reffijc S»ee mufte Kccpe this ozber, lead Ssee rafrjlp 6tft)0= noj^ebsnameastbcfenbclcuers doo, m becking tber&Hfn f falfe gobs fclnib tljcp tbemfclucs tynut fojgeb.Cbc name of Eiohim map bee raken ay &ell of 3ln= gels as of 2eols,as 31 Ijauc fapb in tl)t pfalme. 95.5. 3mD 3! abtocta the fame mtnb that J, foas in tbcrc,tbat 10 to fap r baj m that Soozb 10 compjebenbeb eues rp kpna of thing thai ts a 3sO,cz to ta= ben fo; a (woo.^o^ bpcaufe gco cnligbt= netb tlje fojbole i»02lb b? l>ts ^ngciis, there Ojpne foztb intern foiue fparks of tbe<©8o^eaD. jftow 5»b^^cn«t3tie3s bolls to tbeuif flues, tbep bcutfctbem= fclues ©ODD of nothing. Che |3zopbrt therefore teaebctb bo1*) tbep are foiolp becepncb.Ssbicb pcelO mojegloiptbsn tbcp ought to DS8,cptber to the aingelis ojtoo tbetr owne 3 bolls, iDbtcbcwape leaD tbem afc>a» from the true and onlp onegoo.^ftcrijjaro bepurpofelp tepjos uetb the mabncOeof tr>e beatbe,bpcaufe itisbatbamtie anb a thing of noting i»batfocucr tbep call <2> £> 3D. jfoj tbat booctb the beb;ue foozbc Eiihm impose, ibeSabtcbetnittap of Defpitc t0 tranf= ferrcb onto 31bolis.Cbe effect is, that tnafmncbe as tijc true ano fubaantiall 45oBbeab to no ioljere elfc faue onlp in tbe maker of tr>e ieojtlo 7 the religions tbat cozruptppure S»o: (hipping of bim arc but font) snD foltfl). 25ut bcerc tt is ocmattnbeb fc»bttber angcl0ougl;t to be countcbas fcamtte oz things of nougbt: btcaufe manp ar occepuco tn tbe,tbink= t»tg them ts be 3000. 3 anfivere tbat tbe Singulis are Sozongco Soben tbcmaie= fttc of l;atfcs eucrtsgtuen tbem to; an oucrpius bp mans imagination, tbe fame is nothing, i^axebctt here id mtreateo oneip of tbe groffe errours of the Heathen, fe>bpcbe boloetp imagines (&oes too trjemtciues. ^ut before the §3>ophete Opfp^oueo tbetr forgeries , l;e fapbe fepfelp, that (0ob iff greate anbmucbe too bee p;ap= fc&:tbatts too fap,tbatbee)ccelUtb m fuebe feife,as that tl^c mrtnttcneffe of bts gio^p btb caap fwalero top &)bb*rc be neglecting the confeme of all men, Dotbeftouttp mapntctnc the glo?pof the true vg«b.2J great anb fo?e encounter bab the true fe^feippers of (£>od in tbofe H&^cs agapnft facbe a ra= bic, ana fuclje a bcapc of fuperfitttons Soberrottb p i»bolc ioojib toas fraugh= teb-ifoj the true d5ob lap bib in Jlewjp asttbab btninabaittertoolte. jfiuptter ioas eucrp itberc rtgbt rcnouracb, all Sfia,€urope,anb ^ trtca, rongof rop= aitie. whereas cuerp CotiHtrcp bab b»0 peculiar c @Qi>s ; pet obtcpneb tbcp u± nomine m other places alfo. ^)nelptbe true gob Suent Suttboutbono;. SJiltbogb then that the Sufcoic ix>o^lD bab cofpireb in (pes, pet f piopbf t bere tabetlj fco^ne to lobe from alofte iubat all mcu liutng tbmfe,oj S»bat tbcp alloio bp tbetr Ucr. bits,btcaufethetrtoanitptsnoberogatio at at to the giojp of f one gco. wbertopou it fotaio zt\) that tt 10 but a fro&arbncfie to giuc tubgement of religio bp the con= fent of the multttubc. ^po; ioere tt fo that either religion might be frabitfbcb bp the teerottc0 of mcn,o'i that the iooj= fbipping of (0oD hung toppon mans ap= potntment, then Ojoulb tbta meaning of the prophet quatle.'(SriKffo?eboio manp men foeuer ivithout number bo content fepon crrcj, fye map freelp crp after the hoip <2>bofre, that tbcp can not btmp- nifb f;cn be batl) auoucl)tb gobs glozp,hc alfo conftrmctb tt, bpcaufe the image thereof fbpneth foojth t» the frame of the &o?lb.^o? tn afmucbe as tt is the pjtopcrtie of e ©ob too bee of btmfclfe,anb too (tanbe bp bts OiiHlG /u owns power : it folowctb t^ac all tbalc are but counteract <©3D3, 5»i)icb arc not tbe m.iteraof tljefejoiio. 3twa bp tl)e 6= gurcsbpaecoocbe b: batyput tbe bca* uciis foz trjs oz&er of d5ooa garnifbmmt ano bcautic,bicanfe tl>at m tbein bis po- Soert0 molt appar ant. 6 [$ow?r anb beatttfe.fc] 5Fozak miiclj aa ciieuodfigmfieib puifance, mzz tbtafcc tt)e tranflatcra Bo wt i»cll confi= Der tbe reafan of tbe'jen tije? && (late itglozp. ifaj ftrvctp tntbzfeconoe member tbere is a repetition of tbe fame fettfe. 3mo tbere It tor fapoe [ftrengcb anb glozic are in bta S>an!iuarie.] 115? fc>bicbe t»oib0 be meanctb , tbat (£>od can not be htto'iom arigbt.but tbat tbere ■will fb?ne m bim incomparable power and maicftie.Sfnb benametb power anb arengtbm toe fozeioaroe ptace, as ct|C matter oz grouno of gtozie. Sn'o bicaut'e <2>3di0 of btmfelfe inutfiole, tbe |2>jo- pijrte calletbbac&etb* faptbtulltootbe gunttuarie, tob'ebe u>aa tij* affurancc of bis pzefence, as i»ce banc feenebere= tofoze. foj, tnafmucij* as tbe Soeafcneflfc of our mtnoe clpmbetb not bp too tbe bcigbt of Ijeanen : tbe pzoabec tcUetb tos biff glozp is not \)ib from bs, bpcaufe tt foas bia *»tU to bane tbe cogmfancea of bis pzefence rcmapne in ibe Cempie,in tbe Sacrifices, aao in rfte Stki of couc= nante. Ifcowbetc aaoftc aa mention ta maae of <©ao, let bs lcrnc ta conceiuc in ourminbstbte giozp S»b;cbe fbmctb in bis face.jfojtbep p fcperate tbispower from btm, aoo ratb^rtmagms a ccrtapae being fcmbont life.tban a uumg gaabeb. 7 Bryngvnto the Lordeyee congregations of people, bryngvnto the Lorde honor and ftrength 8 Bryng vnto the Lorde the honor of his name,tafec vp an offering,and enter into«his courts. 9 Woorship before the Lordc in the beautie of his Sancluarie : trem- ble at the fio-ht of him all the earth. 7 [25it.i3t>ntotbei,ozb.*c.]<£onfi= Bering tbat tn tijofe bapes <0ooiuas to bee pzapfeo in &iont anb tbat t'jat place Ssaa balowcbto fet fooztb tbe glo:pof <2?oo in ! ano aUo tbat tbe onelp poftcrf s tie of Sbzatjuti feaa aboznea font!) tbe- ^2ieilb330 : it ia not to be tbat tbe fDjopbet popnterb outbere tbe renuingoftbcSbarcb,^»bicbatl:;;gtb came to pads bp ti?e commmg of Cbzpit. 31 1 10 tberfoze a matebmg of contraries bctwict tbe people of olDe time, a«D tbe families of tbe \)tzt))zn,wWb fboulbat lengtbbe^ »noe partencraof tbe fame aboptton. ij^ojeoner to bjmg glojp ano ftrengt!),i0 ao mucb to fap,a0 to pelo rtje gloipof ftrengtb.Bnb too tbeintenrebe migbt fljew bow menbjtng notbingof tbetr owae, but tbat tljcp ioicHeblp oea fraube d5ao of I)i0 sue pjapfetf tfirp bo= nojtbitttttot*. iK a05ctb aftcrwari3,rbat it ls[tbe glo^p 9f bi0ita!ue,]Dp tetytty fap= ingbe menetb ttjat ifs bojowctb itnot at otbermen* b^nos, bat tbat tbe pjapfe tobicbcb« reqnirctb refioene in bi'nfelfc. ainbbc iotttinglp calietb tbe Gentiles to tbe pclbing of tbe fame bono: bnto (Bon, as focll aa tbe 3Iewea: not tbat ioe mult now fejo^fbtp (Bob iiottb tbeoattoaro cercmomea tbat foKre appotntcbofoiDetpmeintbelaw, but biS meaning ts ,trjat tbcre fb;ilbe but one rule o; fojme of oiuouon i»Ijerbnco all people fbal agree. 15 ut tf tljz teal bab not ben bjoU! aown, it bao not ben law= full fo? tbe dUentiies to \)>mz cutreo Into tbe court0 of i\)z fanrtuarpaa tntercom- monera feitb <&*Q8 cbilozcn Slfo it is a miapfeftp^pl)jfieof tbe calltngof tbe 45tnti!ea w^icb was tljm to comc:toi)0 coulo not be gatbcreD into tbe copanp of tbe bolp onea, till tbeir bnclenneOe xoas purgco aiwap. 'Cruelp Minhah iwas bnt one particular binbe of facrificc : bat pet tbe pjoptjet eompiebenbiJtb baocr it tbe to^oleferuice of d5oo, bpcatife tbe fame ioas a moje ojoinarp pzof effton of Seuo? tton.3lno it appearetb b^ tljis place,u^e aa bpmanp otber places, tbat fc>bmta= eaer tbe p:op!jeca intrcat of t!je km Toom of Cbtpft, tbepmarfejout ti|s tnwaroe &oza)ipmg>bnaer v ceremonies of tbetr own time, jpo: tt teas not go&a umoe to baue fweete cabsfi offcreo bun after tbat Cbzpa I ' Ct)ipft &a0 once comc.l5ut tt is al one 00 it tbe #iopbcte G)Ouiae fap,tbat tljc ooj?0 of tl>e temple tofytcb bab bin kept fbetageinfttbe beatben m times paft, ftoulD bee fet open too tbem. 3lnd tottl) S»b<« facrificcs <2>ab Si>tU be f»ozO)tps pes m tljefc oapes, tbc ^poftie tcactjctlj biccflp in tbe entitle to tbe Ijeiuuca. g>o mttcbtbelefTe tberfoze are tbe $S>apifts co bee borne foitfyall , Sxtyn tbep i»zeft tbefe tejct0 to tbetr maffc oz etber gcio- gawco of tbcirs.215p tbc feap, i&ec map aptlp gatber of tbis place, tljat t be true S»oz(bippers of d&ob come not emptp into bis pzefence : accozbing as 'bee bee commamtDcb to pcio our reafonablc fci= utfe bnto btm,bp offering ourfclues anb al y is ours,in facet fife to him.i.^e. :,z 9 ['OJozfbip before tbc &ozb $ c.] ©ee purfeteetb (fill the fame matter . fop to!)?ra0 <&ob requtrcb oblations of bis people in olo time, be oio tt not bpcaufe be bab neebe of mens fcruife,buttoo t\ft intent tbep fbouloe bttcr tbeir faitb too tbc foozlo. Cbc jdzopbet tberfoze tea= cbetb too fo>bat purpofc offerings per- teine, namelp tbat tbc fattbfull fboulb cafr tbemfeiues botone afozeob,ano acHnowlege tbat botbe tbemfeiues anb all tbat euer tbepbaueis ins. 3lub once agetnc be maHctb mencton oftrje bean?- tp of tfje temple, of purpofc to Cjcw tbat tbe beatben fhouio be enablcb to a newe bonoar, fo as tbep anb tbe cbo^en peo- ple migbtmaHe all one bsopc. 115 ut at tbe time tbat tbe pfalme 'torn mabe tt S»as not a tljtttgj too bee beaten into all mens beaos, tbat tbe beatben nacwns fboulo Smtbout btfference be aomttteb into tbe temple S»itb tbe bolpoffpimg of 31bzaba.U5ut fo muebe tbemozcougbt fecofgoob reafonto becaflurcb mour felues of oure calling ,fc>bicbc m t^ole baps baa counteb as a moftreufe trjtng bpcaufe 5»e be fcjelaffurcb tbat tbe gate offaluacioSoasnot openeb bnto bs but bp tbe appopntraent of <0ob.3mb bp tbe title of beautp, tbe ^zopbete pzocuretb reuerence to tbe temple, tbat men fljolb notmfb rafblp into 0obspzcfence, but tbat tbep fboulb tying feare anb lon?lp= neffc S»itb tbem. Co tbe fame purpofe jwafeetb tbeclofing bpof f bcrfe [trem= ble before tbe face of b»m:] namelp, tbat conftbering bo«> gret tbe maieftp of gob ts:tbep fbouio bow tbemfeiues boftme bumblp before tym. 3tob pet be mente not too put tbe ioozfbippers of (ffitob in feare.tbat be migbt cbafe tbem from ap- ptocbing too bin* , (feberea* notbing ougbttoobeemeze fwcete o* pleafante too tbem tbantofeefcebfnO but bicaufe it is requiftte tbat fee fboulb be meene= neb, to tbe intent S»ee map fcozfbip gob trulp anb carneftlp. $nb tbe goeblinefTe ox beautte of tbe temple confiftctij not in aiuer oz goloe, no* in coQlp tpmber oz fquareaones, not in fucbeotber glides ring anb ricbeftuffe, but in tbe refem- blance of tbe beauenip paterne tbat feas fl)cajcD too^opfes bppon tyt mount. Cjcob. 25. 9. 10 Say among the heathen,tRe Lorde is king : verily the rvorlde shall bee fet faft,and shall not bee moued, he shall iudge the Nations in righteoufnefle. 11 Let the heauens bee glad,and the earth reioyce, let the Sea rore and the fulnefle thereof! iz Let the feelde reioyce and vvhatfoeucr is therein, and let all the trees of the wood fing aloude. 13 Before the Lorde : for he is come, he is come too iadgc the earth :hc shall iudge the vvorlde in rightcoufneffe , and the Nations in truthe. 10 C&ap among tbe beatbcn.ffc] %s tbtowe Soas in a coiner of 3e»2p, tbe gapne be tbteapetb bppon bstbat tbe ©entiles coulb not ptofeffe tys religion ttjotfbtpfjing of <©oa tbztuctb not, but artgbt, feeing tbep fcere not bnberbi0 j»berc as b* bim felfe is matter of tbe bommion. Cb* ^)?opbet tberfoje eyten= lebole too rule tt. ^Fozas long a0<£tabs betbb»0femgbometo |bttermoftcoftc0 of' vpon the. xcvj.Pfalme. 19 ot tbe too;loc, tbat t!)dc tobtcb tocre Jjetttofo;e oifperfeo, mtgbtcgrow into one pnbcr bis goucnn'mcr.t. &uu bp tbe too;bc [fap] Ijc Dotl) P& to PniiaftanDc, t^ac <25oDs totll 10 ts baue tbe boto crs of i;i3 krogoomc cnUr gcb bp I;ts too? S anb bis Doaime. 3 nD ibat tobtcb be a&dctb concerning tbc [fcttmg faft] o;ftablifb= ment of tbc toojloc, ts too;tbP to be uo= teD. S 0; altbougl; toe know tbat tbc 0;= bcr of nature toas ftabltfbcb bp <£>'od fro the begmmng : that ibc fame funne, raoone, ano ftarres, bio alwaps Chine in tbc bcauen,tbat tljc Pnbelcucrs banc al= toapsben faftapneb toitb £ fame fooDc0 tbat the fattbfull be : ano tbat tbep baue alwaps fuckcD in t\jz fame b;ctb of ipfc, pet notwttbft anbing it is to be conftb;co that all tbmgsarc confufeb, a:iD that a bo;riblemeanp boldctb al the tooxio bn= Der foote,b;owacb in barkeneffe like a i»atcrfloobaalonga0T9ngoDiuKffcpof= fcflfetb men0 barts : fp; tobat can be fta= blc tottboat gob :* jjftot Pnwoj tijelp tber= fo;e botb tbi0 place teaeb, that tbc toc;u> i0 ftabltfbcb ,fo as it (bail not toaucr ah p mo;e, toben men be bjeugbt bnber goos ebetfance. Wberbp toe muft alio lcarne, that ecb creature bo tbeir ouc= tits, pet ts notbing in t!)e too;lbe in oy- der,».itttl<£>3bbaue let bpb's cljaircof cftare among men to goucrnc tbewt. ;tfo; tobat toaftneffe can be mo;e ouglp .tljan toben ibe creator of all ttimgs bimfelf is not fenotoen^ Jfurtbcrraoje.bow macbe foeucr the mtfbelecucro ftanbe m tbeir own concetto, pet muft tbep nrbc0 be al= toapc0toantng, ano their life muftcali toapcobang bpatb;eebc, bpcaufc tbeir ftatc i0 not grounbeb Ppon €>oo. 3inu bereitbebouetb to call to remembrance tfjat tobtcb toe banc fcenc in the pfalme. +5.6. [d5ob is tn tbe mibbeo of bio fjotp €itp,ano tbcrfo;e dial it not be moucb.] iftettber bo 3fl miQtke(confibering bow all tbmgs toere as pet in fufpence Pnoer tbc law) tbat tbe full eftatc of bappmeffe tobicbtoaotbcHtocome PnberCb?p&, isinbircttlp compareb toitb tbofc fo;erc= femblanccsr. 3!fterw»arbe be faprb, tbat tbi0 ktngbome fbalbc ful of Pp;tgbtncu*e like a0 toe bane fene tn tbc pfalitt.46.6. Cbe roo of tbP ktngbome is tljerob of bpjigbtnefCc, U3p the too;oe [mbge] is bctcticnco tuaewg tbe $?cb;tt£S anp mas ner of goucrncmcnc. $oto it tbc mancr of 0OD0 reigning bee to frame and fettle tnan0 Ipfe too Pp;igbtncfTe: firft a man mapgatber, tfyatatthougbmen imene= ucr fo tocll of tl;cm feluc0 : pet arc all things crceksb, till Cbjpft fubbuc all tb»ng0 to btmfclf.a'nD tl;tjs Up?igbtne«"e not onclp torcferrcb too tfyc outtoarcc Decbe0 of tbel«fe,but ioan tnwaro ncw= neu*coftbcba«,bicauieiiOcpeiweti;tp- pen tbe regeneration of tbe fpuit,tohet; bp voce bee rcfo?mco acco^dins to ti)e J- mngeef <0cD. 1 1 catct tbe beauend. f c .] Co t!)e in- tent ))£ map tbe better enlarge tS-jc greats neffe of ©oD0 grace, in ti;ai be Pcutfa= fctb to gstber all men Pnocr b?0 banoe : be cailetb alfa tbe bumbe creatures, as tbe trees, tbc eartl), tbe fea,anO tbe bea= nen0,to tbefelcwfl;ipoftbe fame giao^ neffe. %m be fpeanctb not bp toap of mi'icrmpngof ^ngelles 0? menne : fo; be totllccb tbc Pcrp fyBjcs too make a nopfe fo; top. 3 1 ts tbercfojc an oucr= reaebmg ktnoe of- fpecebe, tobcrebp be meanetb tbat notbmg ts mc&e Def»ra= blco; blciTfb,tban to be Pnber goos tui= tiott.li5p tbc toap be gutctb bs to \jnber= ffanb,tl)at t!5oo reignetb not after a tp= ranntcail anb terrible maner, but tbat bts goucrnement is full of pleafure anb glabfomnefTe.^Fo; toberas | bngoolp ar aftraugbt affonc as a tbjonc is fet bp fo; <2>oD, tbat commctb to tljem but bpea; fuaUic.jfi^eucrtbeleffc tt i^fuebe a km3c of ouerreacbing,a3 is not toubemt rea= fon. j(I:o;lik2 8s now (afcczotngtootbc tottncfTe of ^aule. iSom.8 it.) ail tbc elements trauell ofcljtiD anb grone toitb ts,bpcoufe tbep befubtert to co;ruption fo; our fakes : fo 10 tt no marucil if tbe rcfto;ement of tbetoo;loe tolncbe tbep carefullp toapte f 0? ,00 make them glao. H5p tbis place toe gatber alfo bow fren= ttkc tbc mtrtbe of folke to, toben tbep make fpo;te witbout ©ob. 31 n tbelafte claufctoec bceraugbt mo;capparantlp, tbat as long as (&5oD0 bice ts bi&uen from Ps, tberc fl)tnctlj no fpsrkc o." true glaoneffc teppon P0. Cbep l;ape fo; top (fapetb be) at tbe p?cicucc of G5ot>, bpcaufc bets come, ij^owpf tbc^ea, anb tbe cartb bee ouertobclmtfi tottb bcaup- i.nt Iohn Caiuines Common taric !?ca«?iierrc,tttl the conuninj; o; dho ap= pcarc : to:)ac fljail became of bs.on tobo the bojnble curfe Dot!) pjoperl? lic-^nd bpcaufe it wis a matter bard to bee be- lecued : tb? iDiopbctrcbcatfctb it tance, and tberfottlj bcSaetlj tbe fapD bp*tght= ncfTe i»!jtch be glaucco at eusn iww,tbat 13 to ioit, tbat C5 JD [0)311 gou:rn« tbc Saojld ioubbisownngbtcQuuicffe ano truthe.] if»i)cn?;ouii ieloi»etb that the naugbttneffc and btpocriue ibat are tyud naturally m men, arc not chafes afc>ap and purged, otberSutfe than bp the itfftt of <25do£* luirtcc aaD truth. The Contents of the.xcvij.Pfalme. 71&# Vfdlme dlfo defer ibeth the hjngdame ofGod,fuch us it tests not v«- dcY the Ldxp.iyberevpport itfolo°wetbtb,dt it is .t Vrophefie ofGbryfts king- dome -which jbone foorthfoddinly by mednes of tbe Gojpcll. Not-with ft ending the Prophet ddorneth God -with fuche gredtncjfe and glory .ts ought ofrigbte too enforce dll men to humilitie . Finally to the intent to make men caft d hue andfitnor to Gods kingdomc,he tclleth them it tendetb to none other end than to the rvelfdre dndftludtion of men. The.xcyif.Vfdlme. He Lord reigneth,let the earth reioyce, let the great Hands be g] ad. z Cloudes and darknefle are rounde about him, rightcouf- nefle and judgement arc the place of his throne. 3 Fyre shal walk before his face,and burne vp his enemies rounde about him. 4 His lightnings gaue light vnto the worlde, the earth shall fee it and tremble thereat. 5 Tbe mountayncs melted like waxe at the prefence of the Lorde, at the prtfenee of the Lorde of the whole earth. i [Cbc JLojb reignetb «c.]2iBpl)t0ab ro? in bcbiidmgtbc Soccer f»b«i **** clou&ptbanfybcn it uj ctcere ano iigbt= fome.bicaufe tbat darHfomneffe maacib our harts too QjaiiKe. 3!n0 t!j;r cfojc 31 lurtngofmento giadiieffe bee Declares fuffictent).? that goo ncuer retgnetb, but tbat faluacion ano full fcltatte fljmeth to pan tbem tt)CvioicJ>all.3ino in commu= ntcatlngtblsiop too tbe iobote toDjld, pea and to tlje nations bepond tbc 1 ea,bs dootl) tos to tonderftand,tbat gods bmg- dome iobtcb as then Snas mcfofcd \v tti) = m tbe narrowc bounds af Heujjp.fbalbe farre largcr,b?caufe u fbai be fp;ed bn= to tbe e i&jopbete garmfbmg dSo&s glozp iaitb his titles .ment to fubdew all m n to tbc reucrencmg of tbe tame. $0% btamatcfttc is fet fojube terrible, to the C!1D ttiboulo iljiairc dorone and tread tonocr foot tbz pjpdeano lecoa boldnefTe of tl|c flcfy. Wcfenoi» there is ntoje ter- ooubt not but toe |3?opt;ct ttnUctbme in feare iottb bl« aiicgacion, to tbe tntet tbe iaojld (bould rccetue tbers expound it mo^e futs Ipe, bow tbere is a cioude roundabout ged,toreftrcinetbe rafljiuffc ano ouera boldneflfeof manstoit , lealr tbeptbat are to curionfc fyoulo teaoc too farre m fercbing out <£»oos mitlertes. ^tltbougb. this crpofition contcme a profitable hi- fonipct notio ttbftaniJing fojafmuebe as 3D deltgbt not in quiddities, J bald mee (till to tbe mening of t\)Z p;opbet,iot)tcl) Scao to arifte ines barts Suit!) tfje grim countenance of €»od, (0 as tbcp fbeuioe quabe ' I-'WI 1 IIIV..A.V. V J.J. 1H11I1C. fl<_) bamfbco from fcs ali, tontttl d5c3 b^ tlj f fptrttc of tuccbencflc bowetb ano tamctb bs to the taking of tbe p/. fee of jjta s»cjac topon tos.l^orcbctt fozafmucl) as a great number of men ceo Soilfullp reuaeanD fbafceoff tbeccmmaunDcmentof CfoD, the p?opbet ts fame to papnt out the face of \SBob fternettbat Ije map teach os that the bngoDlp thai not fcape fcotfrce fcttb their ftubbojme maltciotrihcffc.'&no fce= tngthat tbetDtcUcDnefTeof mcntsD©u= bleo,if tbep ooo not reuercntlp f mplDlp recetac goo toljcn be Djaivcth neerc onto the m : this Denouncing of toengcance ts tuff ip applieo to the bingDom of € bipft. Sints as fo; them that Defpife (Bod in the perfon of hia onelp begotten fonne, the prophet faptb,£ at lengtbCSou" tr>cp, ntu thep)tbep fljat fele boft> Djcoful hie ma= teftie xsAox fo meaneth he bp tbe Soojtoe [fee.]^o? &hen the iotcfecb fee, hofc> all their beauins agapnff dpoa.ano all their f renttbe bcaDtuc fife ts to no purpoie,tbcp begin to febe fbifts $ iurbmghelea: but pet the ^jtopijet bentetb that this bloc= bifbnefle of theirs can auapie them too htoe them from d5oos light. 6 The hcauens haue declared his righteoufnefle , and all people haue fecne his glory. 7 A shame take all the feruers of imagerie,that glorie in forgeries: let all Goddes worship before him. 8 Sion heard it, and was glad of it,and the daughters of Iuda rcioyced bicaufe of thy judgements O Lorde. * CChe hcauens «e.] I^ee^affirraetb though tbe feeling thereof fljoulopcrce cucn Onto them alfo. qua&c at (t. 3Ubicb thmg isaliocontir: mcD bp tbe fequeleeftbetejtt, Sober c he fapetb that[fpje fcaifcetbbcfojebim] to burnc top bts encmtcs,anD that bis tb»= De rclappcs fhaHc the earth, pea anD alfo melt tf)e mountains. 31 f anp man mabe exception that this ojcaDfulncfTc agreeth not ioith the glaDncfTe.feberof be maoe mention turn new : y anfwerc firfi\f although *2>oDbp fctcmgtopbpstbjtone is reaOp,(asmucbe esinhimlprtb)to mah e all men bappte : pet arc not al men apte to receiuc hts gnpnc S»ee muff braretn mmoc tbatiobtch 31 tou= cheb err iobpie, bot» it is an auaplable doctrine to the faptbfull, too make them caff aivap the ftatclpncffe of the flefb, and to ioojtfbfp o3 fcmb lofotpneffe. 09x» bp fetting his tbjone in [inftice ano tuogement] he commcnDetb €»oos bingDome fo; the fruitc that tt>ce rcceiue bp it. $qi inafmuch as there is no gre8s ter fe>}ctchconcH~e than to line fotthont tuftfec ano iuogement , the prophet cha^ lengeth it onto df?aD fo i a fpecial p japfe, that bp his reigning he alone reftojetb mfttcc too the ioojlbe, &s Doubtlcflc it is that the glo;tpof d5oos tnfttcc fhalbc fo notable.tbst cuen £ tocrp hcautns (ball fiiefe fojtl) the fame.H5ut ^et that Sobtcb is fapo heere from the ftnrence that is iozttten in tbcpfalme.19. 2. Che heaues Declare the gio?p of (0oo fc. $q% uubfit place JDautD fljetoctb onelp that there fbpnetli fo?tb in the frame of the bcaues an image 0; refemblonce of 45ods fcnfes Dome anD putflance: as if $o8 ajouio a^ uoucbe the bp rcco?D of his ewne boyce. HSut heere bee fapcth that tbe fpirituall puttier Sbbiche (poo fball tbcu? opcnlp bnDertbebtngooincofCh^pfttfbalbefo great, that it (ball fill betlje heaucn anD earth. 3nD there is great fore 'ntbts fepmngof perfon, iohen he b?mgctb tn tbe hcauens fpeabtng of <3oi>9 tuaice,as 7 1% fbsmc tabe all.fc.] $ere the $5;opbet (Itfee as in the ISfalmc before) Doib opcnlp Difcerne the true oDbeaDDe xctc eafelp aomttte (5 £> 3D tco bee* pjapfcD. I&ut as focc bee fojtcrcarDctoo fupcrfiitton, fcarfe the b«nD?ctb ptrfon holDcth him fclfctcothe ptre Sro^fbtp- pingofd0oo,but affooneas menticnis maoe of (§oD,loc flip afiDc to our owne Dotagcs.^no although twerp man fn^ne a pccultar goDtobi«nfelf,pet%r,eltbe%j(l of our felttes incur foconfufeD barietie. t%\)\o is the reafon fobp the #iepbc?s, loben tbcp cjcho?t mento £ &e?fbippmg cf .JJU 6"{<£»«}0,0ootl)rrci»ul)alU'o Soarclp dc= fcrtbe f»btcb to tbc true <£oo, lead tbep Q)OtUD fc>o?fb

ap,but if tbe true religion bcare y bell. Ifo? tnafmucb aflt'jcpaticme hoi too tlje true 45oa bp reafon or tt?e DuinctTc of tbeir foit, tbep muff nccoooucrfbotetbffcluco in ibep? oxonc leftngs:tl;e ,i»r>ict) are Gjabcn out 5 clcnjcD tip tf)C onlp fcnovelegc of goD, m liUc matter a j tl;e fonne cbftletb a«>ap Darkiuffc&iti) Ino b?tgbcncfTe. Cbcre taacertcme fcarc or bere bee fpcafectl) of ti)c riling of tlje iigbtof tbe <£>of?ell, aaoctb bp f bf after, tben fball al tbe grauen images of 4Egfpt DCs cap. s3j)o?eouer, feeing tbat tbtfenof»= lege of <0bd SoasbiD from men, let 00 nat maruell tbougb fo fimD?p fupcrfriti= on0auerfo)b:!meo tlje f»o?'Dfrom tbe begtnnmg.^ao £ fame rcafon to of fo?ce nofoalfo.;»fo?Sx>ee&nofD tbat tbeltgbt of true Docirinc is quite quecbcD among tbc Curh0,3Jct»ca, ?opbcu tneanctb,tl;at tt to tunc tbat tbep fobtci) baue bin giuen to fuperftutono, trjoulD amcnD,»applp tbemfelneo totbcf»o?= fbtpping ot tbe onlp one true (Soo.^ot tbat all men are abbe tsuebco foitb true repentance, (fo? foec fee manp 3Luctan= litic men at tl)ts oap,fobtcb batting Q>v Ucnotc fupcrftmono, become ao fbdiue= telle ao an bariot .) 15 ut tbc Hnololebgc of 00 to fooo?fbtppeD fubSanttattp, anbinfucbe foife batb bio; preeminence, ao tbat no creature boo Deface bio £b) atcif te. 3nb cjeceptfoecfotllbaue tbe true ISeltgion go to UJiccfec among bo,foec mult bolbc bo to tb'.o principle, tbat foee abuaunce not anp creature abone meafure. 8 [£bnmbcarb tt.«c] Altbougb Ijcc bab cant mabe it a common iop to all tbc foo?lb: notobcfpcaUctb pcculiarelp too tbe cbofen people: ftrft bicaufc tbat bnto tbcm tuci c offcreo tbe ftrfl fruiteo of tbe glaDneffc : anD fcconblp fo? tljetabpng aroapof allfpigbttnganb cnup. Albeit tben tbat be baue fapb tbat tbe ©entiles fbouio be mabefelowltbe tuttl) tbc cbpl- b?ctt of 3ib?abam : nofo be aDbetb, tbat tbe 3 cfoco baue no bwDcrancc at all bp tbto f elofo Q)tp:but ratber tbat tljep baue tuft- caufe to be glad, tbat (Sob foatretb tbe fobolc fDO?lo out of tbeir fountapne. l^ofobcit tbe ^?opbet fpeabctb but onlp of tbe lafvfuil cbtlDzcn of 2Hb?abam, fo'oo bab a Double top,f»ben gob cjcteDcb bto vpon thc.xcvij.Pfaime. "fcl I)i0 Dominion aito giojp trem tijc Funne rtfmgtof (ungotngDaamcifirli Dtcauf: gob Did then fulip per tojme tn ci^pft the rebcption tljat l>c tjao pzomifeb,? fecobip foj £ tbcp fcivxr goDs glo;p febtcb Ij-jd Iten ij:o in jsefetp, too be fp?co ab;ooe euerp tobere.3tn'0 tt feas no frual ftrcngthning of their faptb,toben the heathen (accoj= Ding too the $b;opl)efie) Did bUfle them uiucs in the fcebc of ai&jabawt, ano the reit jtott that liab ben eptljer batco o£ De fpiltb, teas euerp febcre recctueb. 2$ur febp fapth he rather that ^>ion hears tt, than that the fau? its'* J anf«?cr,tbat the f£kjopbet tteti this feo^D iaj two caufes: that is too fett, that t!;e httbfuil.bcfoie that that fe ere fulfilleb , fljoulo nstfetth- ftanbing concciue glabncffe afojtcljanb by bapc: 9 fecortblp b£ both to bnberlranfce, that the glojp of the gofpctl fbalbe fpjcb abjobe far $ fetbc,fo as p 31ct»es fboulb know? of it rather bp repo?t,tbJ bp light. 9 For thou O Lorde art high aboucallthe earth, thou art greatly ex- alted aboue all Gods. io You that loue the Lorde,hate that vvhiche is euill :he preferueth the foules of his mcekc ones,and he vvil delmer them out of the hand of the vngodly. X 1 Light is fovven for the righteous,5c gladneflfe for the vpright in hut. iz Be glad yee righteous in the Lorde, and celebrate yee the memorial] of his holynelTe. 9 [-ffojtboutDHop*c.];fFo;tafmttcb as 3! banc rjcpounocO the feozbs bcrto= i$los, anb the aingcls, anb febat^ Cottier ercrlUtb. fv% »'bc |3?ophct bitn= g.tb all btgburfTe onocr obeDiece in fuel* feif c as that ail matcftie fljouio be rcfu bcmintbeonlp one dStob. which thing fell o nt maze fulip at fuchc time as u5od appecrco m h«s «nlp begotte fonne.febe i3 l)io ttuetp image, fo; iiRe before that tunc, the bnoivlcgc of bun xoas the moje ba tfe feas his cjcaltaito k lie fene. io [yon that loucf c] decre bee eje^ hojteth the feozftippers of <£>od too fo= iowcbpjigb>ncfre,iiUca5 |daalealfo.2. Ci«n.2 1 9. fapth, let euerp one that taU let!) bppon the name of the &9?o Depart fromfinncCberfozehc pjtouetbbp the nature of «Sod , that none are acknorolc= gcb o; accountcD in the number of bis (eruants,but fuel) as Depart fro naugh= as thep giue thcmfelucs febo* Ip tobpngbt Ocalmg,fo?inafmuchcas he is the feclfpjingof all nghtcoufeneffe he mud of ncecffitie hate al iniquttie,bps caufe he canot benpe bjmfelfe.ainD tljer= fojc he b°l&f tb »* bonmo bnta htm bn= oerthis conottion, that fee (bculD beat bttcr Debate feith. all ^nnghteoufe neffe. foot wtthftaDtng frjafmucb es f fb?euD HcfTtofour enemies lootrje oftentimes frir ^3 to rettengement, anb it femetl) to \>z that fere cannot fcape fafc but bp c= mil fbifts : too the intent the i-uopbet map counierpcife thefc tempteaons, he auoucheththat d5oois tl)c prefer tier of thofc that be his. fo} thep that ere pcr= fwabcb in themfilucs th-u thep Dfetll bnDir 0oDa tuicion,contcnb notfetth the fetcKeD^no? requite the fejongs that thep l)Mt recepueb , bp booing hurt if thep be hurt thcmfclues.but comic their cafe too the faithfull matmcincr therof. 3!nDfo ts there a fcuolc caft bppon t)S that it fholb not grceuc bs o; be a peine to bs to abfteine from euill Dcaltng.anb to becpe cleane hanDS, although ? fete- fecD p^ouo&ebs, confioering that <0ob boutfauct^c too ta&: our Huts into hps cti'lobt? . 1 1 [jLtgljt is towi «.] ^t canfirmeth the former fentence,anb therfeithal p;e- uenteth anobiection might be bjou= gljt agamll tt. iroifee fcether-ighteoufc oftentimes mifufeb anb bntwojthelp belt though thep fecre gtucnbptoo the luile of their enemies. o>& [fofoj] fctttftl) fomc^»5)at&)tt!j f l)aroc;l.&>onie fap that glabncfle is fo^eo for tlje rtgb= tcoufc, m Ukc lotfc aa feccsr, ^cn it is caft into I be grounbuici!} cj itcib bib foi a fcafor.,befo£c it fpjtng agapne. vebicb? ?s«:of!iionalt!)OU£t) 31 &tfaloa>uot,petif JB be no: occf tucD, ttys fenfe fljiilb be tbe fimplcr.^ljit altbougb f righteous can fcarfs fmoe place bpon eartb, ojat lead fcjtfe b.irc nor come abjooe into tbe face off wo;ia.buUpebibUfeeB;ounclifoHic, pet bot'oc <2>aD Difpcrfe tbeir felicttie far * feioe lifce feebe : ci elfe S»ill b?ing fo?tf? tbe bgbtc of tljnt tap, &>b*cl) is ipeo fcp. Htbe f cionfic member of tbe fraffe is an cjcpofitionei inc firft uo?bc pntutb glao- ncfle fo? ligbt,anb[tbc bp?igl)t in bcart] fojtberigbtcoufe.4incifbtaoffinmoncf rtgbtcoufncflc is too bee noted : ttantctp tbat it in not a btfojt.bat tljat it rcquu retlj an bnco^rup^b ptneneffe of trje bcart, fo as it is not pnougb to rcfrapne mens tongs, banbs.ano feete from eutil booing, tf SsccoeGretobceountcb ngb= tcoufe before «©'o&. %t tbc icngtb in tbe iaftc ftatTc be c^l;o3trctt>tr>c goelp bnto tbanUcfulncffe : that is too feiittc, tljat aflurpngtbeinfelues tfjat J5oo is tljcir bclpucrer, tbep fboulbc rbpnbe tl;cm felucs bcljolDen toobtsgracto;ifegoob= neffe foj tbctr life : anb bolbc tbem fciucs contcnteo Sottl) bis Defence, i»bat focucr Rjall ceiHCcfit. The contentes of the.xcviij.Pfalme. This Vfahne is of alliance to the foarefcore and fix tenth ffalme, and not only the ground of them is like, hut alfo they agree in -words. The effect is, that asfoone as the knowledge of God fhalhe fpred oucr al the -world J) is glory foal he more apparent ,than it hath hen heretofore, both hicaufe that yahen the re- deemer is exhihited,the cffcclofthepromifes giuen to the offering of \Ahra- ha will appear e more fulfilled: and alfo hicaufe that faluation jhallfodeynly rife vp to the -whole -world,in -which reffetJes he -willeth Cods renoume too he . fctout royally. \ Tbc.xcviff.Pfalme. Pfalme. Singvnto the Lordeanevv fong,forhe hath doone vvonderfull things,his ovvne hande,and the armeof his ho- lynefle hath gotten him the vi&orie. z The Lorde hath made his faluation knovven : in the fight of the hea- then hath he vttered his righteoufnefle. 3 He hath remembred his goodnelTe and truth tovvarde the houfe of If- raelh Al the ends of the earth haue feene the faluation of our Q od. i [^utgbneo the c] 31 fame tolb pou, bow tbat bp tljcfc toojos ts bts toUncb an ejequtute anb fmgular tl;anhf= mujng,i»!jicb tying appcretbalfo bp tbe f eafcm tbat is aDDcb ftrcigbt aftcr.names ip bicaufc goo bttreb bis faluation in tbe face of tbe fe>oi!o,bp a feonocrfnl anb in? cre&iblc mcane. $0} fpcaUing of mira? clcs,bc reftrapnetb tljcm fpcctallp to one popnt,lobicb is, tbat <25oD bab purcbafeb bintfclfc bicto?ie bp bte owne powcr-l^p Sobitbe Sueops be mcanctl) tbat tbe cburcb h9^ bzn p?eferncb,not bp S»3j!&!p mcancs, oi bp acenftomeb cjbe r, but tp fttrbetnefiiteasbabnotben card b??™ off.crap. 59n arm*, ano foztt9eo bun ftlfe ih b«s ofe>ac ng'a - tcoufnctle. %i baibe *b: places (i&'oo^ arme is fet agapnfi: ozbmarp mcancs : Solncbc a\ti)ow$) tbcp bee no berogauon at al to <5 jos paiilance : pet bicaulc fcijcp barfcentae figljt of it, as if tbep&crca ccrtapue bcpie;it is all one, as if tbe ?£>£Ophct IjaO fapD-, fe><)cras[faluation] t»ijitS) is tbe frure of ngbteoufenefle, is put in tbe foz-moft place, altbougb tbe o?ccr bee tnttcrtco : pet 13 that no rare tt)ing, sui= ttytv map it feme anp aUfarDitpCio'jcnas talk ))V>\) b:n ljaa concerning goos bene= ftts^tbat tlje mancr of f Doing of a ifting (S»b'.cb in o;Dcr gotl) befoje )is pleccD af tcr in bap of c??of;tto.^ozeoucr,500s rigbteoufnefTe, out of ^>gici) floroetb the faluatioofme.confifietb not in requiring £ icbub cljcp bane beferueD,but it is the banfclof Ijts gaoDucflV, grace* faithfuls nc(Te,as batb ben fapb Ijerctofojc. 3 [^ee ! remembereb *c] *Sftcr J)?eJ)atbefpoh:nof tbe gencrallrcuele= mcntoffaluacion,becommen&etbfcjltb afcuerslltttle ©ods peculiar grace to= wares bis cl)03tn people. -tfoz altbou§b (0ob gffcrco Inmfclfetobe a father to tbe (25tntiles * 31 ewes botlje aHfee t pet be= gan l;e at tbe 3!ci»cs,tbatt!;cp migbt be 4 Reioycc vnto tnc Lordc all the earth : make a noyfe, and leape, and clap your hands. <> Sing prayfe vnto the Lordc vppon thcharpe, vppon the harpe, and with the voyce of fingin»« Lll.ij. 6VSvh Xi as o»s firitbegattcu. jf cz tljeglozp oi ;'.) :■■ Annies is ti)$s$ ?bcp \»ere aosptco d greifeb litto tj[)c (iocbtof Stb?abam:fi!ib t .) it t\)s bniuerfall reoi'mptto of f rm jeic S»oz?o is flovocb out of ii)c pzonule i«,«oc bn.o ^bzAbaiiuaccez'omg al.o as €\n it fapetb3Iobn.4.22.[rcHiebaco f pzsmtfe] i»bicb be b Jb maoc to tbe people of 31 fra;ll.13p S»b1^ ioojas be teaebctb alfo.tbat tl;ere fe»as none otber caufe to tnbuce i)im too 030 fo, butbpeaufebee tooulo faufefuUp perfozmetbat 5»btcbbee bai5p?omireD. ^nn to tbc intent be may p' better fbefc) tbai tbis pzoraifc is not fbun&cb \)^)6 (be aefcrumgsozrigbteaufcnfffeofmcn:l)c fcttetb niercp in vije firft place, ano tl)en iopnetb tbcrunto [faubfulnrffe] &>bicb Oepcnbetb topponit. Cbeeffertis, that (©obDeparteb net out of t)imUiti(aB men fap)but fonnb ttje caufe in bis oron free goooncflc « mccve goeb VoiU,ioiucb tbing bee b^ »»^e geeb alate to aibja- bam ano bis polemic. Cbe iuozDt^ 1- mcmber]is reffrreo to mens bnbcnian= bmg,bpcaufe bis continual oeiap mtsb^ fecmetobeacerteinefozgctfulnclTe.^oj from tbe bap of fb:pzomtfmafcing tijere bab pafTeb aboue tfeo ttjoufanopceres, befoze (JTbziil ioas etbi^itcb : aito in tlje meane labile tbe fap;i>fnll tocre af li^cb fe)itb fo manp miferies anb btfplcafcrcs from time too time: tbat it is no m#uelt tljougb tbe? Ggbco rigbt fo;arofuUp,as if tt)cpba° bin bifbarreb of nil b&peof fcepng anb cnioping tljsir rtbcmpiicn. U>beras bpanb bp after fljcrc isabbcb [tbat aU tbe cnoes of tbe eartb faroe t'.je faluatiou of (Bohl it not on'.p pcrtemetb to bis cciiicr.baciou, as if be bab iapb it fi)3u!obca famoufc fepub offaluacion, tbe renoumc Soberof fl)Oul?) come to tljc bttcrmofl bovx3ii03 of trje cartlj'.but alfo it figntfjetb tbat tbe dSu'itales iol>icbc bcrctefozc bab benne bewttcbebintbetr oronbotages, fbolbbepartahcrstbctof. lohn volumes v^ommentane 6 \VithTrampets,and with the found of Shalmes fing prayfes before the Lorde the king. 7 Let the Sea rore and all that is therein: the roundc worldc, and all that dwell in it. 8 Let the Riuers clap their hands,and let the mountaines skippc. 9 At the fight oftheLord:for he is come too iudge the earth : he will iud»e the world in righteoufne(fe,and the nations with equitie. ^4 [IRciopce.fc] ^ercpctct^tljccic- tl)e Doubling of tbe&ojbstbcre is a bes bojtationtobicbe befab bfeb at tbcbes ginning, bp btrcding tljc fo>i)tcbe too tbe (©entiles , b« fyewetb fufficientlp tljat tbere fbalbe but one Cb«"b though tbe frbolc feojlb,in tbe Sobict) 9°b bjcafetng Down £ mibS»al,fbal gather al men tnto one fclf fame bnittc of faittj.^n tbe mu- tual mftruments,boubtleffc be altuaetb to tbe maner of bis time. 3nb bp ? wap fje ment not to binbe t^c (©entiles to tbe ceremonies of tijetaw. jftcuertyeleffe in bemencp,as tf be bab i'apo,l)Ovofcruct!p fo eucr men enforce tbcm felucs to com= menb tl)c nbemptton of f woUD,pet can no commenbattons be ableto matcb tbe grcatnclfr of tbe grace. wl)tcb tbing ap= pearctb tbe better alfa b? tbe fcqueic, S»bcre be giuctb fenfc to bnlming crea= turc0 . liDut fo;afmiicl)e as all tops Ssbole Cejctc batbc benne ejepounbeb beeretofojf, J ccafeto fpeafec anp mojie of it. The contentes of the.xcix.Pfalme. This/Pfalme dijfereth from the firmer Pf times in one thing, namely that it extendeth not' to the kingdome of Cod3and the bliffcdneffe that folovcetb the fame ,-witbout the borders of Icwy.But rather feparating the children of ^Abraham from the rejie of the -world \by reafonofthe priuiledge of their ddoption3he prm&ketb them peculiarly to theprayfmg of God. The.xcix.Pfalme. He Lorde reigneth,let the people tremble: dwelling be- twixte the Cherubines,let the earth be moued. i The Lorde is great in Sion , and highe is he aboue all Nations. (holy. J 3 They shal acknowledge thy grc at and terrible name,it is 4 And the kings power loueth iudgement:thou hafte ftablished right- fulneflfe:thou haft done iudgement and iuftice in Iacob. tremble ,anb fomctimc to be an grp : anb eonfequentlp it io referrcb to anp maner of motion, tobetberit fpjttngof p?cfu!- ncflfeo;offeare,^be f^opbet tijerfoye tncauetb now , tbat (Soo fcpll fbewe fucbe power in ocimcring tys cbejen people, as {ball trouble allnations,anb maHe tbem feele at lengtb bow mucbe tljcp bab plapco tbe mab men too tbeir ownc oelltution. jfci «Sob is fapbc toorcigne too mans refped2,i»benbee auauncctb blm fclf aloft bp ropall pjofes of i [Cbc 3lo?3 reignetb.fc] ISeDotb but w\i tbe people to tremble, inborn be bab called to glabneffe before, fo} maf= mucbastbe 3 ewes S»erebefcgcDrouD about witb enemies,it SoasrcquifUefo; tb^m to bane <0oas puiflf aunce abuaun= ceo among tbem, tbat tb«p migbt Unow tbat bp bis Defence tbcp fbulb eucr moje be p;c fcr ucd agatnff tbe batreb anb outs rage of al men . Cbt toojb Kagar ("as l»e b«ue feenc bcrctofiue) figntfieibamous tbe "^cbjues fosneumes too quake oj vp-Mi t'*e. xax. i/ialme. «3 oiijis paufance: bf>c dufe tnat as long tiy bee ^ioctlj awap bis i)ip,rannea;rpot tb: moje bolaclp, a0 tljougb be xucu no bo op. a [Che &Q£be t0 great jc] we mutt bcare in mmo tbe fapD matebmg of con= crariejor t'nat 3 fpaltc of, bow toat <0oo to greate i:t j£>:on too oelirop ana bzmg tonottjjbttbe enemies of iu0 Xljurclje. 2&na. Snberas immcotatlp after be aDbctb tbat be t0 l)tsb abotte all people: tt mult not bee Co talscuas t-bougb be fateouer tbeta to ibctr fcelfarc.buc to oilappomt tljeir Demfe0,to Diftru uble tljctr att CjJta , anb to oaertbjow tbeir S»bole ftrengtb. %S foz tbat iobteb folowctlj concerutng tbcpjapfingof€>DDsname,ttbelQngctb not to all nations : but in :n? tubgrment tljc pzopbet reqttiretb tyanfcfuIaeOe on-, ip of tbe fattbfuii.f oz aitbottgb god ens fozce Ijts baqutftjca enemies to acfenotx>- lege btmipet notinitbfraoing fozafmucl) as tl)f p ceafe not ts repine at bi0 glozpe anb alto too fpit oat blafpbemies,tt can- not agree to tbat befapetb, pzayfe tbe name of gos.foj it is I)olp.]fit ts tbe fattbfuH tben tbat bee pjopcrlp fpeanetb ti)0,iobomtbcUno«)lcgc of fjaipneffc of d5oDsname allurctb to p:apfe u of tl;:ir ounteacco^a. + [ainbtbcftmgtf fc] 31cmigtjtbea tbzeate to put tbe enemie0 m fcareras tf bcQjouiefap.tbat zongs, bpcaafe bee looetb rigbteoufeneffe and equate. H5ut 31 baoleucrtorcferrett to tbe Cburcb. as io\)Q Qjoulb fap tbat tt 10 fubieti too tffi>oB0 Dominion, bpon conbicion tbat it roonlaeemctfc rigbteoufeneffe and bp- rigbt a :aung . 31ifo there is anetber fenfe tgat fcjolo nut auiagree, tbat tsiofojit, tbat tt is bnlafotu! to twagtn anp ttran= geuernement tn goo.bpcaufe tbcre is a perpetuaUcoTcne beturijet bt j power ana bis Oi)rtgbtne(l"c.2115utU)bcn 31 fc>tp tbe iz>bole tcjct.31 Doubt no; but tljai tbe ^zopbetafier beeb*^)* placeb <0oDm bis fcegc rop4i!,bdtb nafe tntrcatc of tbe ntaner of t)ia retgmag. ;ffoj i;ce aooet!) tbatbebstbe ftaultfi;ea rigbteoufeneffe ano cquitie:5»b^b nat&trbftabiag map bectafecn tx»a &>apc0, eptber tijardooo batb comaunocD pertert cqumc tocbP0 people in bts laiv.oz elfe tbat be batb al= &)c.p0gtuen pjofcof b»0e«3')tJu!n:iTe f equine, tn cberifbmg anb bcfenbmg b*0 people. Utao altboagb it bctnoftecrue, tbat perfect rigbteoufnclT^ bat!) cltoaps fbtneb fooztlj tn goos ioozHs anb tuoge= ment0 : pet notiottbftaaDing it fcemcti; moze pzobable tb^tt tt fboulD bee bnDcr= ftoobe of bis oortrme, nainclp tbat (ffioD, fe?ha louctb rigbtfulneffe , inQttuteb a fozme of gouernementatnong tbe people of 3flfraeil,&)b»cbfbaulabetbe beftrule feberbp to litteboncftlp* bpztgbtlp.ainb fo tbe i»o?D[boo] fljal Unpjoperlp be ta= ben to charge oz commaub.£)nlcu"e pc>= cbaunce anp man like too tabc tbi0 lafte part to be ment of goos gottcrncment fc= uerallp bp it fclf ,fo>b«cb tbmg 31 tmattie not . JF oz tbere ts nctbtng tbat m^e en= cozagetb tbe faitbful to obep g©D,oz tbat confirmctb tbe moze in tbe tetlitngneflTc to Hepe bt0 lan?,tban ioljen tbcp finDc bp experience tbat ^5 iD 5D batb a care of f bem : anb loohe i»bat rigbtfulneffe be reqtttretb in tooozbs at b'0 feruaunts banbs,tbe fame tbcp perfojme in tbeir Doings one toiaara anotber. 5" Exalte the Lorde our God,and worship at the footeftoole of his feete : for he is holy. C Moyfes and Aaron among his Priefts,and Samuell among them that called vpon his name,they hauecryed vnto the Lorde, and he will anfwerc them. 7 Hefpake vntotheminapillerof cloude , they kept his teftimonies, and the law that he gaue them. % O Lorde our Qod,thou diddeft anfwere them,thou waft a fauora- ble God vnto them,and a reucnger vpon their works. 5> Exalt the Lord our God,and worship at the mountaine of his holi- ncfle,for the Lorde our God is holy. : 3Utf. 5 [Cralfc it l.Ot. Iohn Gamines Commentane 5 f<£cnitt>4Clozb *c] <&We*tfMtte cib ts pzouerlp Dtreiicn cnlp to ? Church to them tent that baumgbab experience cfo"s0 gracioufe gsooneflc, tt fbouio enforce tt fcifc fo muebe the mote cl)ccr= fulip 10 ibcobfcrumg of gooipncffe/Cbc 3icvocs then arc ti^P feftom be cm- ieib. to tl)C exalting of bom thep f3we to mcctc them &ulinglp«l$cwbcK fozafmucbeas mes rainbs are foz&irbe bnto fupcrltitton,it ton. if o? hec fo temper rctb bis ilile , that sltbougb hee lift the geDlpmmD0abeuethcS»ozlb, pet botbe 0e nothing iaipeacbc the bolpncffc of the temple fo farrc fextbe ao d&obbaacho= 3cnthatonlp place bppon earth fsberin be fcjolb be calleb t>pon.& erebp ftje per= cetue boi» fortoip manp beftbes Slnftin Dtfquiet the feluco to finb in fc>het Smfc the £>2opbct cominaunbetb <2?oC0 fete= ftaletobeiaoz&sppcb.^uftmesanfwer is capttoufe. J.t face hauc an epe too Cbztfta manhoD f farctb. bec)tbc meane is fonnb bow (Sobs footeftcie map bee SuojfbtppeD leitbout bzeache of goblp= neffc.iFo? he toottc his bobp of the earth in the tt)!)tche tt ta hps foill too be ico^ fljippc&.nnb pet ts not aapthmgSj)oj= fhippeb m the fapbe earth, but d£> £> 3D: fo? both that eanh ts the Dwelling place of the go&beas, anb <£joa bun fclfc hath tooutfaucb too become earth- Crneip all this gere ts ^electable too bee fpoben, how ben nothing too the meaning of the ^;ophctc, fcho mpnoing too put a biffcrcncc bettnijtf e the hii» iooo?lhipr pmg,(bohiche fe>as the cnclpSajoifhip- pmgthat (©oballoweD) anb the fupcr= ftttionoof the i^carhen : callcth ont the chtl&icnof asbzaham too the Cemplr, astftocrctoo el^ctr ftanbaroe , 5»fjere= as not^ithftanbtng he rommaunbeth them too isozfhtp (£>ob after a fpirttuall msner, bpcaufe hcbioclleth inhcaucn= lp glozic. 3!n thefe bapes S»hen fhs= DoS»es are abolpfhca, 31 conftflfe that 355 i0 not rlghtcip U)oozfl)ipptb, but iohen &>ce h?e t>0 foozth right bn= to ChZPfte, in tohom btoellcth the ful= neffc of the tiScstjeaa. ^utittoercljn: pzoperip anb afoKcip bone foi anp man too termc him a feoteftoole. jroz bp tljisf mancr of fpcafetng the ^xophetc ment, that 45ob £oaa not inclofeb in the bifi= ble Cemple, but &)u0 too bt e fottghtc aboue all beaacua, nccozotng as h? is aboucallthe fajojlbc. ^iguttooSUhe^ lp bit the mab&tbzapnco HBpfnoppes of <5rece abnfe tljis place in the feceubc Councell ef ^ipce , too pzoue that C5 €> 3D inas too bee i»oozfhPPPeb in 31 mages anb $>prtures. Che «nbc= rpng of the caufe contepneth a mat= chpng of contrarpes. ;ffo? the ^Dzo= phete in halloising the name of the one <& £) 3D , bnbaicfcjeth all the 31 = bolles of the ^eatfcen : as if he fboulbc fap, althoughc ibc l^rathen cljalcngc an pmaginattuc bolpncffe too tbr pj 31= bolles : pet arc tfjcp but mccre banp= tie, abhomination, anb bunghilles full of ftincbe. €>thcrs Cranflate it, [fo; it is holp,] but it totu* eppcarc bv the tnbt of the plalmc hoto it feas the |0zophcts meaning to bifecrne t^ob from al j Dols bp this abbition. 6 [a^opfesanb^aron.jr.]lfccom= inenbeth ti^e pcculiarc grace of <£>0&, tohtclje he Tjoutfafeb bppon the fecbe of aibitaham b? tbpsmarRe, rl;at outc oC vponthe.xcix.Piaime . 84 of tt t)c ctjolc b»m |3wp9ctflf iino Jesuits to be as it toeve dapfme bctwijct ijtm and tbe people, to (ink: Up tbe ceuenantcof faluattan. Sno benamctl) tb.zcetbatcr= celled in tbe ftrft times, jjfoziflpofes i»as au it iycre a fpoKeunan to get tbepeos pie cSodS fauour. 2Laron lupplpcd tlje fame office: and at lengtl; Samuel plap- ed tbe fame part. Slnopctno doubt but tbat Under tbcfe tbjee pcrfons \)i corns pzeljenDcO tl;e Sobolc people toitl) bottom (0oo rnaoc bi3 coucnant. 2l5ut be opencrlj tljcfe bp name fertjtcb S»erc(as pe Suould fap)tbc fcofftcs 9 beepers of tbis income parable treafure. iv>b trcas I)? faptb,tbat 8J)ofcs Soasone of tbe thefts, ttndgbt cemc an abfurditie,confioering tbat ly.s tonnes Socre but atnog tbe ojstnarp %& uttes,ano that be bimfeif r.ciur toUc fcp= pon btm tbe bono? of tbe bigb pjttellbooe rifter tbe 3LaS» S»as glticn.l^orobctt foz= .ifmucb as t\)z ^cb^ucs cal Cohcnim cbtef :«cn,fuct)c as fcings formes bee, tberc is no impcoiment SebP tbe $?opbct fbould not toonour ^opfes fcmb tbis title, as if be b*9 Swas one of tbe facrcD nobilittc. •JUgapnc if frecbauc an epe too tbe firfte ojigmall , ccrtaphlp befoze tbe lao?i»asgtucn, ^opfcsSnascndc&Kd ioitb tljc ijtgb #xtcftboo. 3nd tbe pjo= pbetcs meaning is to bcconG0ereD,l;oa> t bat 4$oD not onelp adopted tbe of fp? ing of aibxabam, butalfo (re tbe intent t'je crcditeof tbe couenaunt mtgbt fee of tbe moje ccrtapntic} be i&oulo tbcp fbould be certapneme0tat0£s,on to bom belated tl)c cbargc of calling bpon bis name, f 01 tbe [calling bppon] iotftcrje be mabctb mention of, ia not too bee tafecn fo? anp maner of [calling open,] but foj fuel) as teas Don bp tbe $3 ;nefrs,namelp bicaufe tbepiucre as 3»mbaffadours ebofenbp <5oo, to come into €>ods pzti'euce tn tbe bcbalfof tbe fcbole people, ano to fpcaUe fo; tbem all [Cbcp. crpco bnto.fc] $c ijttrcrb mozeplapnl? tbatSubtcb J. banc fapoe cuen nou\tbat dpoo p?efccutco tbe cbilOjenof 3&bxabant Sottb lingular bc= nefits from tbe beginning, and tbat onlp in refpert of tbe free couenant.^fo^ loohe b9» manp benefits foeucr be beftotoco at anp time fcppon tbe jjerocs, tbcp G9= teed all out of tbat fountapn.3ms tbcr= fo ?c as oft as tljep found <£>od fauojablc, tt bebeued tbem to rcmic tbe remebjance of tbat firfr fauour .2tlfo tbe pzopbec ma; Hctb mention cyp;cfrelp of tbe biublc to? fecnoftbc^louoppiHcrJiDbefbpgoos 5»ill i»as to Ijauc bts p?efcntncffc regis fhco to all ages, f.cccjbmg as 0oD t j'co temporal li suca, not onlp ro: tbctr faHcs tea voboin tl)ep iycre Qjeweo , but aifo (0;, tbetr faUcs tbat foloivco after. 31= tb9ugl; t';cn tbat 0oO Dto not ali&apcs fljciv a douop filler too tbe epes of tbe people tn olDe t^mc : pet notvx>ttbftan= ding fozafmucb as tbe DulneOfe of men is fucljc, tbat tbcp perceiue not <£qd& p?c= fence, ccccpt tbcp be put in mmDc bp out= ioarde figncs : tl)s pzopbit Dstb ngbt to call bacUe tbe Jcroes too tbis notable toUcn. ^roz 0oD baa appeared openlp to tbeir fatijers tn tljc i»tlocrncffe, too tbe intent tbeir poller tt ic fhouis be ccrtainlp aiTurcDtbat bcisoulDbcat bnnDe ivttb tbemalfo. 31 no of fet purpofc be aDQttb tbat tbcp bad Kept 0ods tcflimcmcs, to tlje intent be migbt b°tt> otl;er ages bn= dcr tl;e fame obedience. 8 [iiD3lojdcour(II?od.jc.] *£e ootids to VnderllanDe tbat tbep iocre beard, bt= caufc tbere fras a mutuall confente be= tioccne (0ods grace and tbetr goMmclTe. Cben folowetb it, tbat tbetr poflcrttie ougbt bp tbeir example fo too call tippen <5eD, not onelp as tbat bto name map found t)pon tbe tippe of tbeir tungs, but Blfoas -tbcp map fecepe l;is Coucnante iuitrj \jnc02ruptc0 affection. ^5p tlje &ap be totlj bs to tmderffand,£ teberas goo fettctb not fojtb l)is glo?p fo loutng= lp and abunDantlp tn all ages .tbat bctp= dttb tb?8Kgb cbe faulteof men, bpcaufc tbetr potlcritie doo mofte commonlp ep= tber fall quite awap,oz at leaftfepfe flip afpdc from tbe faprboftbeparcnts.^oz it ts no mcruapic &>ben godlpucffe S»a]cetb coloe tn tbe ioozlde , tbougbe 0 jJ) 2>alfo fejttl)d?aiv bPS banoe , oz at lcaftv\ipfc ftrctcbe ttnot out mfoap-- parant maner. [ CbO" to&tt a fauoura= blc^od bntotbem.jc] Cbat tl)c tl)tng %ibtcb be fpaUe bentofo?c of £ilj3opfcs, 2taron,and S»amufll,pcrtetncd teotbc i»bole people, ttapperctb mo?c eutocntlp bp-tbefe&o^ds. 21nd truclp tbeptocre net |3>;ic(ls tberc fo; tbcirowne cafes, bat foztbecotnmonSuclfarcof tbe irrjclc Hllt.tit). people. l.f*. Iohn Cahunes Commentanc people. ?9f)erefe;e not bnutlp Dottje tbe pjopbet pafTe from tbofc tl#ce to tl)C bo= dpoftbercftof tbc people. ^Fo^ncitljer do 1 reftrapne trie rclattucs to tbc fapbc thjee pctfori0, nether ooo 3 mterprete trjem p^cctfclp cf ibefame men : but 3D ratrjer fuppofe the ftatc of tbe Saboie Cljurcrjte bcbctofccncD-.tbatts to font, tbat c£od at tbe papers of bio &iitQ* &>as faiiottrable to tbc 3!cvcc0,anopct bid fbarplp puntfe tbetr offeces. fm on ttjc one Gbe £>e tommsn&etb gobs fauo?, in that be cr)ertGje& tbat people fo tcn= Dfrtp,anb bare iatth tbetr Gnnes fo mcr= cifullp. 3lnD on tbe etber parte be ope= netb tbc djca&fuH cicampUfl.'tobcrbp be pumfbeb tbeir tbanfeicfnciTe, too tbe in= tent tljctr poftcrittc fboulb lerne to fub= imt tbem leluts to htm obebtcntlp. $ o; it fs aliacps to be rcmembjcB, tbac ioHe bow mucb tt)e moje boiititullp gob bea^ Ictlj io i- 1) Vis, fo mucb tbc leffe can be a= btDe tbat ir.a ttberalmc fyoulD bee fce?= neb. 3n tbeelonngbpefthepfaltnejje rcpctetl) tbe fcntcncctbat i»c bab tn tbt ftftb fteff e,anD in Qcbc of the Sea? d fotc= ftcolc,puttctb [tbebilofb»0 bolpncfle.] Snb fa^cras tbjongb bjeefneffe fcctjab earft moj : barfelp fapbe Kadufli hou, novo be openetb it tnejcfullp, faptng : [Che &ojDourgobi0balpOifojbi0mening 10 tbat Q.OD t0 not S»o?Q)tppc& at abucn= ture bptlje "jCfraelite0,(ltfeeas the rclu gton of tbe betben bung al bpon tpuuo) but t!?at tbe fcjejfbtppmg ot b»m tfl fou= dco topon aflurebneffc of faptij The Contents of the.C.Pfalme. ThctytUmHJlcfuffyfcvsford Contente: and agayne thefbortnejftre- quircth m long treatise. He precifely allureth the faythfull t w prayfe God, bycaufc bee bath chofen than too bee his people, and taken them into his tuition. The.C.Pfalme. £>\$x Pfalme to prayfe. Beioyfullin the Lorde all the earth. j|/r^\& i Seme yee the Lorde in gladneflfe, come intoo hisprefence Al£g$» with ioyfulnefle. 3 Know yee that euen the Lord is God, he hath made vs,and not we our fclues,wc are his people,and the shcepe of his pafturc. i [U5ee] $c toacbetbbttt tbat part of «I5ol>s fcrutcc, fobtcb conG= ftetb tn tbe cenfidcring of bis benefits anb in tljanfccfgtumg. 3inD btcaufe bee fpcafeetb to tbe toljolc eartb tndtffcrent= Ip, be fecmetb to banc bad an epc,bp tbe fptrtte of pjtopbefie , fcnto tbe tptne tn tjbtcb a Cb"rcb iaas to be gatbereb of btmrf: nations, ^ecomanfietb fljcrfajc tbat «15ob fJ)OUlb bee fooifbippcb t»ttb gtabnciTe,ntcnmg tbat be '3 fo bcnciaal tow'ir&B bio fctuats^batbcwlmftrctb abunbat matter of giabntfle bnto tbera. Cbe feb'cb thing b: ejtp^earne all mtr\ to rcturne to tbetr ngbt toit0,a«D to leaue to rob ob of bis bo= ne? iltib Ije repjouetb tbeir mabneffe,m tSwt tbcp being not cotcnt fettb tbe one 6?o&, bo ^amfb awap after tbeir cfene concctt0.^Foj bowfocuer all tbe pacbe of tbrm f5 compdUb too achnotoiebge in tooib.tbat tbere t0 feme ene gob f feas tbc tn-fcer cf beauen » carib :pt t bo tbep firet5l)t after etfpcrfebts gto;p bitber f tbitber. ^nb bp tbat means tty goobeao (a0raurbastntbemiictb)t0bmi3brtc notbtng. feeing t^en tt isasnattcr rf grrat biffirwlttirfie to retatne mn ti be pure fcojfpipping of :cl> is tnbe his rsght 10 left febolcbnto him, $ no <£>obbea& ts countermatchcb iy tt'j htm,to Deface hts honour. 3!naceDc in tl)e papacie tt)cre is; left him bis name of oD:!)Ofebelt fcjafmuche as his gt02pe is not induoeD feithin one tillable: it id certcuie iljat thep acknofelrgc him not foz C5oD.li5c it Hnofeen tberfoze that the feozfbipptng ef «5od ftanbetb not op- right, bnttll the feickcb Defacing of bid honourc, febicb fupcrfttttos bz-ug toith it, bee refozmeb. 3fterwarbe hec publt- fbeth bis fingular benefit, in the c6Gbe= ring fe>herof,be foil bauc the faithfull to fpmbf tbnr labour cbceflp. jEt feemtt!) to be atbmgtoofeellknofen, [that goo mabe ts:] but (to fa? nothing of mens general tbanklefncfle) that fcarcc one a- mongabun02eb Deotbcin goobcarneft tbinkc btmfafe bcboloen to d5co foz l)ie lpfe)altbongb that fehen the? be bzitien to the pinch, f bep &cnp not but tb. at the? feere mabe of nothing : pet notfeithft a- Ding eucrp manne is his otsne gob, and feozfbtppetb bimfrtfe, in imputing euc- rp man tobisowneftrengthetbethpng that 0ob auoucheth to be bus. 3lgepn it 10 to be ccntibereb that the ^zopbet tn= treatcth not here of tbc generall creation as 31 haue faib bet etofeze.but of the fpfc= ritual re gene ration, fehcrbp be makctb bts cfene image nefe agepn in his clef). 3! t is the faithful onip tberfoze, fehome the i£>zopbete auoucheth here to bee the feozkeof 3D:'^iep= ther in it laufut to unputi it to our ear? thcip parents, that thep ftouia beget bs of their ofcme ftrcngth : fci i»hat toerc rotten febe able to bo:' 3nb yet the moze part of men fticke not to tytaro to tbem= fclucs the pzatfe of the fptrituai iife.^f 02 S»h"t elfe mean the pntiifijcrs of ^ree= S»Ul,butto perfuaoe b0,that &c attcpn to be mabe of aioams impcs,tbc fons of (0ob bp our orcne traucl. W> ut the ^20= phet in calling ts <&oos people,teachetb that it 10 through bis frecgoobnefte y Sree befptntuatipregenerateb. 3!nbbp tcrmpngt0 [Che fhepe of hi0paflure] he boothe ts to tnscrftanbe, that ttjo= rough the fame grace , the thpng that feasance giucnts, remapneth feh«le tnto ts tnto the enb. 3 1 msirhr alfo bte rcbbeothcn»ife[i^ehathc mabe tsh^s people, jfc] Hfcut fo^ as muche as the fenfe is not cbangeb, 3 kept me to that febtcbe fees mode recepucb. Enter yec into his gates with prayfe, and into his courtesvvith re- toycing : prayfe yee him, and bliiTe yce his name. For the Corde is gracious,his mercie endureth for cuer, and his truth from generation to generation. + [4Em>r pe into h»s gates ? c] Che cl»fing bp iB in maner Ukr the begming, fatttng th^t be inter meflrth a mction of thc!ntccij>o?@)ti«pmg:%>herbpnotfeith: *t1n^fngh^fe bctbf no mozr but ferfrne fKtn, that the ft v>. ^f•*•r•'l jonn amines i^ommcncane burctb foj euer , anb tbat bis trufytaifo is cucrlaftmj ] &eing tben tbat be cea= fetlj not to ocau m fuel) toife tout) bs:it e fcclc not <0ebs mcr= not euen iuitb groping, Sw^cn it offrctb itfclfeopcm?, bntilt rjcopcnbis boip mom\)z to tcitifte ljis fattjcrlg loue torcarDsbi, The contents of the. Cj. Pfalme. although Dauid were not yet fettled in the ]\inzdow,yet notwitbftAn- dingforafmucbe as be was alredy created king by zpds Abo intment, he ft ti- met!) and addreffetb himfelfe to the befi maner of gouernement.^nd be not otdyfiirretb yp himfelfe to tbc performing of bis kingly office, by tbis godly foreconfideration : but alfo making a vow vnto God, bepromifeth to become hi* faithful minifter3 to the intent he may obtcyne fpecdie '■jjojjejfion. Thc.a.Tfdtnt. Pfalme of Dauids. I will fing of mercic and iudgement, vnto thee O Lorde will I fing. Wf»z I will deale wifely in perfect way,til thou eomc vnto mce : I wil walk in the foundneffe of my hart in the mids of my houfe. 3 I will fet no wrongfull thin* before myne eyes : I hate the workc of them that ftep afyde, it shall not cleaue vntoo mce. 4 A fro ward harte shall departe from mce, I wyll kno we none euill. j Whofoeucr backbitcth his neyghbor priuily,him will I deftroy,who foeuer is haultyc of countenance, and wide of harte, him can not I abyde. i [31 *>M fmg.f c] wbtratf be fpea^ fcctb of futjing, tbc rebcrs mail bnoers aanozittbu3: that be btterctb in tbis pfalme, tbc tying tbat be bab mufeo bp= pon Srttb bttnfelfe, tbat is to %oit, tobat maner a King be intenbeb to be a0 foone asbefboulb bate obtepneb the PJtotntfcb femgoome. Cberefoie to fing of mcrcp an^s tubgem :nt im?9;rtctb as rouebeaS to teStficbp folcwtic pjoteftattoof i»oj= bes , tbat be foolb become a tuft anb bp= rtgijt King, ^uftin tattetb it futtlp, tbat <&ot is to be p;aifcD,t»betbcr be puniftj men fbarpip, ©^ totjettjer be fbewebV'"3 fdfe merctfull to tijem. 33 ut IDauib itt= treitttb not bcrc of 4&oas fecrct iubge= mencs, but of tbc lawful! gouernement )f tbefeingbome, fo as be mpgbte fulfill bis calling as frcll in Soojtbc a0 in bccD. wbcre as be faptb [bn:o tbee tf> 3lo?be %>i\l 3H ffng,] be acknotolebgctb ^imfelf to banc bene appopnteb to fo noble anb bonourAblc a cbarge bp tr>e benefite of cp= etb tb;eugbip b°wc fo je a burthen teas | iapbebppoti \)$m tebenbeetpas tnabe king. vpon the.C.Pfalmc. $6 ttfng.weUnofc),pcaanDejcpertcncefbe= fo>etb, bote? almaft ail litmgs arc hyaw- Ucntoitb ttyit otnnc glojtoufnefTe: ncp= tberfrastt fez nougbtc bfcb a0 a bp= iy ojO tn else tpme, that a iimg mud be bojnc eptl)cr a Io,\dc oj a loutc, Subicbe faping fc>as Doutlcffe mifconftrucD, fce= rtlp b tea ufc it com wo nip failetb oat that fac'ge as bauc t!je foucratntie fboulbc be foolcsanbboltco. 3ln& trulp it is ane= table bengeance of tf&oo.tbat bcafto anb fucb a« arc bm»cjf bP to bee ceunieb in tlje number of men, are commonlp (tab lea in trjc Ijigbeft roomes of genernmet. 25utaltbougb Kings be notbojtn fock0 in oecD : pet dog the their Oigntttc blpnbe tbcm, fo ao tbf p think tbep arc no Sobit inbcttcD to their fubicct0,bat m^ feaant tbemfclues after the lojblpeft manner, Suelter rbcfclucs carcleflp in their oume \>icts, ana at lengtb bttcrlp fojgcttbem femes. {DauiD therefore fapttb, be *»pU beale S»pfcIp,o;i (Sobicbc is all one) bee toerptearcanbftoellaDuifed, bpcaufe it is a rare bertne fo^bim tbat mapc bso &bat be US, to bauc fuc!) a flape of \)Un fclfe,a0 to Deo no moje than h: ought to Boo. lit tben tbat bathe the lafo? tnbps oton bans, anb pet tricfb net tobat bee t0 able to oo bp boing amtiTe, bat bjibc- letb bimfelfc bp bis mplbnefTc : is enbucb foitb the true tsnbcrftanbpng: ano confequenteip fbcfoetb tbat be Snpil not be ItKe ether Ktng0,&hom ttjctr ofcm Bigmttc maHctb foolcs:bat acceding to tbe greatncfTc of Ins eijarge, imllput to bts biligccc to fulfill Ins carp abutfeDlp. 3 no it is to be notcb that be maUetb tbe [ptrfrtf Suap o? i3pg5-;tfuineffc]to be tlje groun&eSnojbecf topfecomc. }Pbcrcbp tocc gathcr,tbat to ^oDfcarD, tpjtantes bauc no Saifoomc at aU,fe>'oicl)C itnplopc tbctr lens to ipicUib topics, mbcutfjug Daplp nc£» policies to burthen f grccue tbfpjfubicct0, J finallp 5®l)itb at fljarp; Srjittcb m nothing, but in Dooingbarme. lcc tnatcljctb tbtmi&oof bio boufe agtinft palaces % pnblth buil&tngs5a3 tf be fljoib fap tuttb ut tbe toalleo of bts oroncpziuatc boufe. 9 [3 toiilfcttjc] acftcrtbatbebailjc pjotf itcb to become a foiotoer of bertuc anb rtgbteottfencffe in bis ownc feuerall ltfCf£ccc?fcingalfoa0 ttbccommetb gocb 0;ttncc0 too beginne at tbe fame point : notoc bee aDbctb, tbat in bearing tbe ofr fice of prince, bee foill become ancnt= mtctoi»;ongfuiiBfalpng anb 5»uHeb= ncfTe. ;tfo;tofetie before onto epeo tbe tbmgtbatts S»?ongfull, impoitetl) as mucbv as too purpofc to boo tbe tljtng tbat is fejicHcb. Cbcr^e befattl) flatip tbatbcfeilbebttfrlpagetnftaliuicheb= nefTctas boubtlcffcno man can become aiuftanb bp?igbtpunifber of mifbea= ling,bat beeibatbttetlpebbo^rctbtt in bisbarte. wbcruppGntt fclou?ctbeib?t Utngo cjcccutc not iljcir Dci»tp , except tbep be deerc from all iopcKcu afTcnte. ^omeiopne Cnafhoh tee tt, fupr-lvtng tlje letter Lamed ao if be bab fapb, ^ Vim net agree to tbe Doing of anp tbtng p is i»icUeD,o?31 UJtl not UHe of anp icuDnc c tr. Iohn Caluines Commentary "tTejcccutc the fame. -5ut moje allo_»a= ble is the other fenfe, tijat after IDauiD bath pjotefteb that be fcnll fuftcr no ini- quitte in bis fight, be aDbctb tmme_tat= lp,tbatbec fcnlt become an enimic to all mtfbotngs.^ntbclaft member there ts a fbtfting of the number, if pe referre it to the pc rfons of them tljat ftcp afpde. jfreucrtbcfcfTc tt map fitlp be ejepoundeb of the i»o?he tt fclfe : aa if be bad Capbc, he feioulDc bane no alliance at all truth anp maner of tongoolp bacBfltbings. «* 1% froi»aro bar: uc.jwberasibme men taac a fro warn hart to be fpoken of falfebartcb men, 31 retcct it afl conftrep= nco, and the tcjetit felfcrefufethtt. ■$*}, in afmucb as be bath added t'mmcoiatlp, [31 fetl hnofcje none euillfJOoubtlefTe in tbc former member bee aabucberb , that be tinll be free from f arte hob and naugb - tineffe. aino the effete is, that JDauid i»til ooo bis enoeuer to rib bis bands of all mifdealpng : anb alfo to be ignorant iobat tt ts to bo frjoag to b is nepbojs. 5 [xvbofocuerbachbptetb.fc.]3!ntbia berfeb-e tntrcarei) mojeemdenilp of the btttic of a king lobicb is armeb frith the ftooojtd to bolbe fhczte tbecuill oooers. f oj. although bacHbtttng,pipde, anb all topees be iuftlp mtflpbeb of al good men, pet belongetb tt not to euerp of them to cat of thepzoudeoj the bacHbptcrs, bp= caufetbeparcnot inbneb frith publifee autbozitie, but bane their banbestpcb top. 2&nd t!)ts btftinctton muft be botne afrap, to § tntcnte v_>oos children mapc 1)019 : tbemfelucs fr ttbm the bounaes of mploencffe, anb none of tbempaffe be= ponb \ bounds of his ofrne calling.^ oj furelp a* log as ©awid lined in? Sate of a neucr dura tafee tbis tbtg to= po him . 10 ut afToon as be fras flailed m tbe chair c of cftate, bercccpucda ffrojd at (J5 3b 3 band ,frbicb be rapgbt dz-afr to punpfbe raifdoings fr«b. lull of the mightier fo:t, accept pimccs fet their autbnttieageinfteit too rep^effe tbcp: bolbneffe. i^opj feing it is 45ods frill that princes fhoulb bate wibc, it tscer= tain that he himfelfe alfo hateth it. *Unb thrr to:c he requireth a gentle mzsbntttz et his chtlb^ena Ijanos, bpcaufe be is at to'.ter defiance & al fucb as feHe to perbe higbet than their cftate map bear tbem. 6 Mine eyes are toward the faithfull of the land, that they may dwell with mee:hc that walkcth in the found way shall feme mee. 7 He that worketh wiles shal not dwell in the midds of mine houfc: hee that fpcaketh vntruthes shall not abide in my fight. 8 Betimes will I deftroy all the wicked of the land , to thruft all the workers of iniquicie out of the citic of the Lord. , ^_ 6 [$9pne vpon the. Cj.Pialmc. *7 6 [^mceicsfc] IScfettetbdorcnc another cjcamplcef a fr if c pjince, fap= ing^e frill maeucr to baue tt>e fatthfull menofthclano neere about bun too bfe tljar a&uife, and alfo to banc jotted and truftV (truants. £>o mc tabe tljts percel [that thep map Dwell frith mee,]gcne= rallp, tt; this fenfe : J fr tit not ncglrcte tbe good and bcrtuous perfons.noi fuf- fcr tbem to be beted frjongfullp : but 39 frill tying to p iffc t!j at t&ep [ball liue in quiet (late bnd:rmec.€?oa>beit,btsme= npng is rather ttj-itlicc frill mabc hi* chopce,anb not tabe tag and rag fritlp out refp :ct, but oifcern eucrp man frbat lie t0, to tlje intec be map baue tbofc that be of godlp conuerfatton neereft aboutc bim,and put them in the cfjicf offices of the common fr tale, aind be placet!) tt)? [fatthfull] tntbefirfte ranUc.bpcaufc tbat althoughe a mamte ejccell in qua= lities,p?t tf bee bec not giucn to ;ffaptb- fulnefTe and bncojrupt Dealing, be fbali neuet bebaue bim fclfc frclt in tudges mcnt.^nD it is a tbmg fronbp to be no= ted,bicaufc tbat although tljc (djtince be neuet fo gooo,pet fljal bis fubieds bara= Ip be pamabers of bis bncojruptiteffe, ejecept bis officers be accojdtngto buns felfe. jfoMnafmucbc aa tbe tender offi* cers are tbe handes of the pjincc : loobe frbatfoeuer bccoctcrmmetb , tbat frill tbep trapterouflp ouertb£Owe,if the? be eptber couttouc e: craftie, o; ettojno - ners : frbtcb thing ta too fr ell bnofrne bp ctpcncnce. iBJJoft kings in DccD paf= fmg ouer the gooo and bcrtueus men, o: rather btoopng them farefr ell afarre off ,ooo of fct purpofe feebc officers lpbe tb cm fclues , and fittc men fo? their ofr ne tpiannie . yea anb mm tbe goad f fr ell Difpofco pztneco alfo are founde to be fo tcnOerbarteb,tbattbepare rulcb bpthe fraifr mennes adupfes, anb beftofr the common offices fonolp , fr about confi= Deration. 7 [^ctbatfrojbetb f c] CbtS berfe map be taken as fr ell of alt magiftratcs that execute publtbe tudgements, as of boufhold fernanto. ^cwbeit fojafmucb as he bad fpobe n cucn nofr genera Up of all officers, bee fecmeth nofrc to fpcabe pcculiarlp of the &pngs trapne . foj, hence come all corruptions : if j lyings chute OConnlellcrs ano other ijts Dapelp frapters frhtcb are alfrapa in his earc, be beceptfull anb craftie, then frill the? bp their ejcample as it frerc btfplap the banner of UccnttoufncfT: . 31ud tt is not pofltble that he frbicbe can not hold his oi» tic boufe tn good oiocr , fboulD be able to bold a frbole realme in afr c. ■$ oz the autbojitie i»bic!)cts not ablefo muche as to holoe Dp his beabc fr ttljin Dopes, Doth foone lofe his cffiaiatton abrade. 8 [2l5etpmes.f c]31n tbe cno hecon= cludcth,thatheeix>illDohts euocuer to tbettttermou\toclcnfe the lansc from naugbtiepacbesanDtDkbcbmen. aino hefapthbctpmes,bpcaufeif pipnee/j be flacbeanbilout?)fuU, thsp fljiinot in- counter the mifchteues to reiwcbte them tpme inougb. Chep mull thcrfoze frith (lanb the beginnings, pjouiocb slfraps thattheiubgebo nothing bponp^tuaie Difplcafurcnojrun beaolong frttboute abuifemmt. 25lfo bp the plural number is betobeneb ftoutneffe, btcaufc it fr ere not inougb fo; a iubge to pumfb naugh^ tppaebsonceoitwtce fo^elpj (harpip, ejecept he frcre full bent to go thorough frith lbs? fame charge frtllfrom tpme to tpme. ainb b? this fapmg is condemned the flouthfulnelTcof p?mccs,frhenthep fee totrbeb menrunne boldip to doo mifs cheef ,and pet cither fo? fcarc o; fa p aff er= tio frinb at them fro dap to d ip. Chcr= fo?c let btngo anb magtfrrars bcare in mmb how thep be armeo frith ffa>02d, to the intent thep fbottib erccutc&'s bs tudgements ftouilp and fpcdplp. £>auid could not indctoe purge the land from all defilements though bee had bucblcd htmfelf-e ncucr fo couragiouflp to p mat= tcr.HButhecpjomtfeth onip to become a ftrctgbt iubge in tabtng awap all the bn godlp frtthout refpett of anp manspcr= fon.£>ftcntimes fcarfulncffe ts a htube= ranee bnto iudges that thep cannot ma*; fullpinough fupp?clTc the ma!apcrtne3 of the naugbttpaebs. U)l)crfojc thep had nceoe te bee endeweb frit!) the fpintc of inmnctble ftoutneffe ,fo asbpponnffu-- race of gobs hclpc,thep ntap go tlueugl) frith the charge eniopned Dntstl)cin.3l= geme,ambition f fauoj mabe thcuj pU : able f tbep hoi8 not en atlafrer one r:tte tn punifbuiS offences frhen nreac ts C'VercU;) 2. J?t. Iohn Caluines Cornmentaric 1j) :<•&? S»e gather tp to grcatlp j fi)arp=> tmpiopc not ail tbcir chdbiuc, to purge ueflfctbatcececDstb not nteafare, plea= atoape all ttacleauue;T; , Defile $330 fctl) :lfari, but alfo commute l)tgh, treafon :o fitmc,tl)'ini3n?n?umu):n;nt. Cnsc- agapnlt^ooljirofelfe. j#afc> iojafmuclj fo^e tlj:p mull remenoer tbi3 fapmg of as 2>aui03 kutgaotn: Soaa but a Dar&= ^aloition0,pjoucrbi7.i5.^:iljataC2 lome image of Chipfteo&msDome, S»c quttct'r) tb; Stmljco aab b> tbuconbeni i matt fct Cbjtft b0,i»io altbougb netb i\yi giltieflV, arebotb of tbemab!p= foe bear? fe»ub manp bppocrttea:pct not= wimble before <2>o'0. ISijijt lexcMc al- i»;tb tanoing fojafmucbe as be fijatl be fo totbat ta>bKbc bee aaae*!), [that 31 iubgcof tbc fe>bolc£»o?lD, fojtll encoap maptbiuft all tbeoflfenbero out of tbe cal all men to account, anofct tbe &am- Citte of «0od.] fo} tf eucn tyc beathen bee afuaocr from the dc*oate«.^na if be toigc bet couiinattiiocb in gencrall too fceme to make femi»hatfc>itb tije logeft pumfhc fcjpcUcDuefle : 3E>amo Kncftje tariance,tDecmuftebct!)inUe \>0 oftbat bmtfelfc to be bouno toicb a furcr bona, mojntng i»bicljc (bail nfc op foaeinelp, conQoenng bo&rbc S»ae fette ouer the S»ben all fpltbpHcfTe fball bee denies a= Cburcbe of d5aD2D . ^na truelp tbcp Soape, ana true clcanneffe fyall fl;?ne a= tbet boiuc tfyat place of honour, tf tljcp gepn foz euer. The contentes of the.Cij.Pfalme. This prayer feemes to hauc ben giuen out t& the faithful!, when they pi- ned out of their countrey in Babylon. Fir ft e they for ow fully and humbly be- ■wayle their owne ajfUfHons ,and afterward betake the reft itut ion of the holy citie and of the Temple ynto God.*And to the interne they maye make their prayers with the greater affiance, they bethinkjhem sfGods promifes3con^- ceming the happie fetting yp againe afwel of the kingdome as oftbeprieft- hode.: /.nd.h.y not onely ajfurc themfclues of dcliucraunce from captiuitie, but alfo pray God to bring kings andnatios ynder their dominion. Finally intermcdlin^ agem a Jhort complaint concerning their for owful and mi fera- blc fate, thcyfeeke comfort at Gods euerlaftingneffe, bycaufc that in adop- tinghis femamtcs te a better hope, he hath feparated them from the comon lot of all other men. The. Of. Pfalme. /^ss; Praier for the afflicted when he shal be in diftrene,and povvre *^r©^ out kys tn°U£hts before the Lord. ^3£^z O Lord here my prayer and let my cry come vnto thee. 3 Hide not thy face from me in the day of my trouble : bow dovvne thine earevntomec: in the day that I call make hafte,aunfvvere mee„ i [3 i mm ~j i>.' xiii*' t ■ vpon the. Cj. Pfalme. 88 i [dtp.iapcr.#c.] Wi)tctjc©ft!)e pio= pbeta focucrsuasaatb?; of tbta pfalme, it t0 cettain tynfyziimttb it in fozm of pjaping fo? tbe repairing oftr>e t£cmple ano tr>e cute, wljcreaa fonts reftrapne tt totbetpme,S»)crmtbe butlbingef tlje temple ftna IjtnDieo bp tbe nations tbat bojbcreb Upon 31 efojzp; jl itUc not of it : butratber3l tljinHc tb: pfalme foaa made becfote t\y. rcturncof tbe people, "hi\)zn tlje tpme of ttjctr pjomifeD bcimc= ranee S»aanoi»? at binse- ^Fo^tben be= gantbe pzapbeta to be msjc bujte m lif- ting pp tbe bartea of ttjc goolp , aecojs Ding to tbta pzopbeep of e of goob clbcrc mp peop!e,be of goon c'nerc fbalpoarcSobfap. 2Hnb iti»astbcp;o= pljcts purpofe.not onlp to cljcere Dp tlje peoples bartea to bopeS»:!i, but alfo to malic tbem baue a care anb regaroe of tbe Welfare ef tbe cburcbe. 3nd tbe in- tiitmgoftl)c|3f,amcfbci»ctb to isljat bfc ano enoc it fcjas fojeappopnteb.;f o? tbtp tbattraflite ttintbe tpme paft,[3B. pjaperfojubcaffurtcb febcubc fcjaam troub!c,ano pourcboutbia tljougbtco] feme to renbsr tbe tnening amiffe. jftap ratber be ment to comfort tbe foiotoful* nelTc of tljofe S&bofe bar*ea hz fe^e 6if= mapDC,naifbe fboulbfape, 2tltbougbe tbep toereppnebeb fontl) benineile anb befpaire, pet $»as tbere refpitc foj tbem to p?ap,|i>omc tranfhte tbe tocibe Gnas taph [^b^wbefballbiDc )jimkl(c :] anb tbinbe tbat tbere ta mctapboiicallp ejc= p^effcDtbcgcftureof btmtbat pzapeib, fc)bc baring no: lift bp bis face fo; grief, be fbjinfeJS bimfelfe in, anbaaitix>er?, bpbes bia bcab m bio bofome. 115 at m tup opimon it femctb a ti tmmc alluGeu, i»bcn on tbe one Que are fet boixmcan- guinea of mpnbe mo oiftreiTc : ano on tbeotber parte tbe pouring out of pjip= crs,to tijt intent toe map Unovo baro *bc gate la fo little fljuttc agepn3 cur pjap= era febenfceearc foOiftrcffeb feu!) foa roto, tbat fc>c fbutinc tbe ligbt ano com= panic of menne, tbat ciicu tijen is tbe bcrp fit tpme to p?ap, bicaufe tbe oneip eafe of oure grcfea is.tbat toe map frees Ip poure owte our bartea btfric <£$) Jp . 3BnDseoctbci»oo?Ocshukto'ofu tpracs tafcen [to pzapc : ] boiobett fdj^ftyUfbe as it fignifiUt.b to tbinlre toppona tbpng, tbeS»3ojoct'.)at toocriucooi uta p^o= pjelpbercamuriugo^ tbm&tng bpona tbing. ^rurtbenuoje tt istobec uoitb, tl)at bp tbcfe &O2D0 tlje 3!iraclita tocrc aBmonirocbinfejbaIfo^ ifbouloe be= cemetbcmtobcc fctcicb in rljeir mpn; bca S»bcn tbep tbougljt topon tbps man; ner of pjapmg, as if be bao fapb,b: ap- popntcb ttto noncotljer tban fucbe aa 5»ere grceucb fo; tlj* mp.ferie of tbe Cburcije. 2 [€>3Lo?bbcre f c] Cbps carncfls ncfTe fbcivctb agernc, tbat tljcic u>c;oca i»cre not penneo foi tbem to poure out S»bcn tbep ioere carcleffc anb mcrp:fo? tbatbab bin a groffe tnothmg ofdfrJD. jroi in fo fpeafetng tbep auouebe tljctns felu?a to cnbure fo?e gripes,anb to burn tottlj grcatc longing tooobrctne rclcafe. Wherefore no mannempgbtbttcr tbsfe Soozbsljjitb b'-S moutbc, but bw multc blafpbcme goos name, onlefTc tbere i»et an earned affeitionof tbe mmbe iyitb it. ainbtbe circumdance of tbe place tbat 31 fpabc of ta too be notcb,bofr ix>ee bee ioa&cncb bp bp tbe bolp <0i)Oft at fucbe time aa ^ob is to bee fctet b too foi tbe common toelfare of tbe Cburcbe. Jfox i»ben eacbe man batb cbarge but of b(0 OEonep?iuatc mattcra.fcarce f buno?ctl) perfontagrecucb at tbemtferteaofUjc Cburcbe aa bee CHgbttobc.S>o mmebe tbe moje tberefoie baue 4occ nceDs of fpurrca, accozbing aa fcjecfee bote) tbe ?3jopbctl)eapctba grcatc fo:t of Sdoids togitber to cozretJ oure colDncffc j fiovo= nefTc.31 graunt it toere tbebe*3tpof rbc bart too mouc ano Direct; tbe tong tonte ptaping.^otobectt fo?afmucbcastt of- tentimes fiintctb oj elfe cjeccutctbljpa buetp flo'ojclp an-D lajclp, it bitbc nteoe of tlje tung to belpc it. l^ccrc ta tbcrfojc a muu;aUrcf*3ca\foj l!fe?aa f^«rtmuft go bcfois tly: too?os anb frame tbcmifo nlfo nooibc tbe ttmg b?lp the DulncfTe of tbe bart. 3: n occbe it map oftci; come too paffe tb^ttbe fattbff.ll map pznp ncton= l^earnelflp but alfoferncMtl?, anb pet tbat bopec EbftUnet paOc tut cf tbep? mcutbe: nruertbeieifc it (a nri too bee bOttbtco but tbat bp cDllpng , tb: ^D?o= Pbe^" meanttb tije beb^«*enteue(re tn^ roc W-yohc, fojroiDecompeHetij men to buratoojii}. ; &to* £. Pt. Iohn Caiuincs Coinmencarie ? [^poenot.fc] W!jcraa ttjep beQre &9!>,tt)ati)e fljasio not i)tDe l)tc face, tt ts not fuperfluous. jfoiin as macbc aa tbe people bab langmfbtb noxu almofte tb?cc fco:e ano ten peares in captiuitie, <0>oD3 fauour mvg^t fecmc to be Otter; ip turnco atoap from tljcm.HBut in tljcic bttcrmo.t affliction, tbep are i»illeb m- uer^eleffc to refoue b:uo pjaper>aa to tbeir oulp remebie. f o% tbep fap tbe? call in the Dap of t!)ctr trouble, not aa bppocrtccs are Soonte, fo>!ncbe befttrre tt)tm fentb cbafpng , bat bpeaufe tbep tbepfeelctbJtnfeluea to bec calico cueu then bp .ircip te i» ere to nut-be onbefecming bs j tuiefttc to i»'iiinpcr befoicb»m UHf babes, onlcfTe \y. of Ins own acco;0 gauc tosleauctoboofo. 3D tofetbefapoterme of [\» 'umpiring] fo: the nonce,to trjc in- tent t :j : vu : a & : imga tb at arc afrapo too pzeacc bnto cp are allureo fo gentlp , least anp tbmg migbte bmocr tbem from camming fa= mtliarlp bnto \)im. 4 For my dayes arc confumed as fmoke,and my bones are burnt vp asaharthe. 5" My hart is fmitten and vvithercd as graflfe , bycaufe I haue forgotten to eate my bread. 6 By reafonofthe noyze of mygroning, my bones are clung to my flesh. 7 I become like a Pellicanc of the vvyldernciTe, I haue benelykcan Oule of the deferts. 8 I vvatched,and was as a fparovv alone vppon the houfe toppe. 4- CiFo? mp bapea t c] Cbc fpceebes tbtrb GmiUtube, tobcrin bee fapetbbps are in oeeoe ouerreaibing, but pet fucbe as notftmbftanomg ooo trulp crpxelTe bocofoze tbe Defoiatton of tbeCburcbe ougbt to Soounbe trje mmbsof trjc goo - Ip.adnb in tbis bcbalfe let euerp man,ejc= a mm bimfelfe tbzougblp-iffoj ejecept &>e pjeferre tbc Ctprcfyc before all otber carca ,i»c be bniaoztbp to be ceunteo a^ mong clje members of it. 3lnb as oft as i»c mccte witb tbefe fojmesof fpeeebe, ca.) c muft bcare in mt no (bat i»re be bp; bzapbeb tpttb ourownfloutbfulnefTe.m that tec be leffe greeueb &>itb tbe incon= uemencca o U be Cburcb tban toe ougbt to bee. $) ee itfcenetb bis bap is too fmofce ano bta bones to tbe ftonea of tbe barrb, Sobtcbare confumeb mpiocefTcoftime bp tbe fp?e» 3lnb bp bonca bee meanetbe v^batfoener ftrengtbe ia in mannc. %nb Doutlcffe , if tbepiwerenotttopb of fee= lmg,tt coulbnot be but tbat tbe fojotos full ftgbt of gooa fcuatb tnuft neebs bjp op ttjcir bones ano Soaft eioap all tbeir ImeltncfTe. 5 [^PbartiSfcOBotofoio&etba bart ts teitbereb anb btterlp b^peb bp like an bet b tbat is ftmtte 3lnb tbe pzo - pbet ment to ocpicfTe fome f urtber thing if be bab fapb tbat bis bart bao bm i»itbcrco anb bis bones biougbt bnto a bjmeffe : tbat ts too U)tt,tbat like as tbe grafTe frbeit ig cut ooiune,canno mo^e receiue fappe of tbe car tb noi rctcine tbe life ivbicb ts receiucb from bis rootc:e- uen fo meanetb be tbat bis bart being as it to ere plucht b p o; cut bp , is beftitute efnaturallnouriEbtnents.[3! folate to eatefc] Cbat istofap,mpfo;oiobjas fo greate,tbat 31 ncglertcb mine ojtbina- rte meate. Cruip tbe faitbfull bib eatc in tbrtr captiuitie, anb to baue ftarueb tbemfelues fo j b unger bab bin a token of foicbeb befpaire. H5ut bis meaning is that be foas fo biftreffeb fcitb fo?oi»e, trjat bee refufeb all beltgbts, infomucbe asbe ptncbeb bimfclfeofbismeatcanb bjinfe. j^oia altbougb tbe faitbfull toy- fafec tbeir accuffomeb foobe, tub en trjep pzap bumblp fo; tbe turning afeap of <0obs tt>;atr}, bp billing abfttnence: pet bootb vponthe. ^ij.lJlaJme. 59 m feareras tf t)t ftjonio fap, t)cc was w- mouco from Aje eompanp of me, a no be= cams m a maner like a wilde bead m the wooD£tf .3ino truly although ct?e faptb= fuil oiocu in a lanoeSoell inhabited anD frutfuli:petisita ccrteimp f oil Cbab deaano3tfrpjia Was to tbcmasawiU demefTe, coniiocrmgboivctbe Ccmpic f their countrcp out of which the? were caft, tuld tljepj mtnosaa it Wtrcm fcr= tcrs.Cbe t!)trd ftmtlitnde take" of a fpa= row: betokenctbc moojntng fullofbn= qutetncffe: zjFojalrbougb Tfcphor fignifie anp maner of bird : pec doubt j8 not but U is taken here foz a ^parotoe. 2lno be tcrmetb him [alone] mrefpert that bee is bncoupled fro bis make:and we knowe tbatthofc kpnoof biros take the want of their makes fo foje to bart,f tbeir fo= rosy m a mancr furmountcib all fo;ow. Dootbenottbe #u:-vd- ipeebe beertot tbat kmo of fading, but of fucbc faffing ascjctremittc of faoneftc bjiagetl) togi= tb« with tbe loehmgot foboe and a mtf= liking of all things. 3« tbe end bee ab= oetbtbatbps baapwas as it were pp= neo awap fo as he was noising but fkm anobone. 7 [31 became like 3c]3Mcd of the wojo[f2>cltcanc,]fomeput an Cftrtcbe tfomc a Cuckoo? : an3 in ftcd of[£>ulc] tb? gr eekc tranflater hubs tranflarebit [antgbtcrow.] i^oWbsit fojafmucbe as tbep be birds dnknoioen to tbe 31 ewes alfojitis inougbto bnserftand fmtplp, tbat bp this berfc arcbeetokenco foules of fo?otoe which kcepe in tljc couerts of mountames and S»iloerncu"es , wbofe finging is fo far re from all deligbte and fwcctencffe.tbat it rather ftrtkstb folke p Mine enemies reuiled me dayly,and being mad vpon me haue fworne by mee. io For I haue eaten dad as bread, 5c mingled my drink vvith weping. 1 1 At the fight of thy difpleafure and thy wrath : bycaufe thou haftc lifted me vp and caft mee do vvne. 12 My dayes are like a shado vvre that goeth dovvne,and I am withe- red as srafXe. 9 [$£] 3Tbe faithful! tuKUtc tljemfelucs mcrcic bp this ctr= c.aftance,m p the? not onlp arc a laugh- wg ftoi"a,but aifo a curling (lock to tl>cir sOf th'0 MtfemclinefTe(p is to U)U, that? bngoaip bcaretbefelucsfo rcpjochefuilp agepnft f cbofcn people of goo, that tbcv> boiaw tbeir mifiojtunes as a pattern to fwearc bp)tbe pjopbet complapnctb in this place. 3dnb it was ail one, as if tb?p fboulde tnketbc 31 e- wesfoja fingalar pattcrne of curfefc- ncfTc. 3U this aapetbcn,wben the ton= gobipgiuetbemfclues ibe b?pble to all malapermeOTe afmucb as tbep bio tben, lecteV)Slearucto armcour felucstpitb tbcfc weapons, tberewttb to tnsnuifbe tljis kmcic of tcinptatton bcejit neuer fa fbarpe. ;tfoz tbe tjoip gboftc bp inbiting tbis fo?mc of piping, mentto ictte bs bnoerftanb,tbat bp fucbc manner of re= utltngs d5oD is moiieo too fuccour bs, acco:omg as iris tobefecne in Cfape ^7.2 3.xvl)Dmc i).iftetrjourenilcD ^ano onfeljomeljafre tljoa rapleb t'agcintte ix>i)0m baft tbou lift bp ttjp bo»ccr' cucn agcinft tbcbolponeof 3!fracll. Snbin tbe berfc tbat t»ente ncyre afo?c,l)c bab b^tbc DcfptfcQ tbee £> baugbter of ^E>ion, agcinft tbec batbbce fl)aken bisljcabe,!© baugntcrof ^icrufalem. CcrtcfTett is an tncftimable comfojt:, tbat (Soa tbjougb tlje maiapcrtnifTf of our enemies ts tbe mo?? kinblcb to be in a rsoineffe ioo belpcbs. 38ntbefcconbe member be cjcpicffccb *"02c pUmelptljc crucUieofbisencmiec, (aping tbep bee mad. ainb fozafmucl) as iY;s woib Haliel, figm5etl)fojtbemo[t part [to pjtapfc,] it migljtc be conftnicb bp tbe contrarp, [Cbep btfp?.ap?eo mee] i^otobci'tttt is better to folowe tbat iab'Cb is molt rc= cciucb. ^nOWbcras fwnc fuppofetljat tbep ioere calleb tnab febicl) bcto2apco tbeir owne lacke of i»tt, fo as tt appce- reb bp tl)c berp becb, tljat t'rjcp were but naugbtppacks, ej rat'ocr but b?:gs ano bjaffut femctb to mucb 5»?efteD.Chcr: £l$mm. foie Iohn Caluines Common tane i'r-jte let men Ijoloe thcmCelucs contenteD \x>n\) f former fenfe, that 10 to toit, that the faitbfuU fprtDefaulte Ssttbtbeeuill tongcD perfones foz t^ctr fptrefulncffr 0; cutragiuusfrurcb. io riFoi 31 Ijaue eaten. *c] *>Ottte il)tuH c"t^ 3t t!;e ejber in tranfpofrD , anb that the fisne oftpfeenmg Caph fe>l)ic!)2 10 put afozc Zecfeem, ought to be fct afeze Ahper,fl0tftj!)aDbenfapDe,31 fpnac ho moze fauour in mp bzeaD than in Duftc, tocriip btcaufe the beautnefTc of the hart cngenDzeih lotting of meatc. 0i5ut tl>e plrpncr meaning to.thit tbep Sohtcb lap flat agcpnft t'oe grounDe , to as tbep Dto as it S»ere Ifcfce clje earthy, ate cuftc in ftcDe of bzcao. tfoi St>c know it Suas an ojtDinanc matter Smth. tucb as mourncD to ipc flat bpon the grounDe. l^oiscbeit tbe^opb-t mcnte too fpeaUe another tbing.nsmelp t&atS»hett he fbouloga to htsmealcs, there tuas no table fettefoj btm,butbisbjeaoc S»asbncienli!p caft htm bpon the grounbe. i^berfoic tn tbe perfonoftbe faithful! be faptljbce tt>as fo naplcb to the grounbe, as be rofe not bp fo imtcb as to tafee bis mc«it. Wljcrs alfopcrtcpnetb tbJ latter member [thathcminglcbbts Dzinhe Smtb toee= ping.] jfoz Sober as mourners are S»ont to rcfirepne their fozofe) fo? a Utile time ii>b?lc ttjcp rclrcfbe them fclucs ioptrj mcale : the iDzopbct faith there fe>as no refpitc at all front mourning,fc>:th bu». £s>omc rcab not m the firft mcmbcr[3i0 bzeaD,but tn bzxaoc:] ar.b fozafmucb as there ts a great Itkcneffc befojecne CapK anD Berh, 31 ipfcc better of tbe faincrea^ Ding, bpcaufe it anftocrcth better to the fcccr.D^ member. 11 [Stthefigbt.fc.] j$otothe£?o= phct cppzefTetb better ftow the greatneaf of hts gcref grew not fimplp of his bur- tea anD mifertcs , but of the feeling of the puntfbmcnt iapectoponbim bp gob. 3his furelp nothing ougbte to Soounbe bs fo fcze.asleben S»c felcgoo &tiplca= ft& with be Hi is afmucb tljcrfoze as if the pzophet fjjculD fpcafee thus: &ozb, 5I not onlp co finer f things that feozlb? lp foifec might bcthinKe them off, bm ra= the*' 3 turne nice to the conftberation of ihp i»zatb: roz onlctTe thou Syert agcmQ: Ma, 5dc fbolD cntop £ heritage that thou gaucft Ds, ^ahcrot ihp otipicafure bath tuil5pDtfpofl*£frcbto3.Crulpuisapzor Arable aDmomChmcnt i»be S°b \J5 ^3?ith his own haD.not onlp to grone at the firipes as fooitfb men are loont tc Dc:bnt ch'tfl^ to fe>ep the caitfe t!jar iac map be hubleo in geeb earned. d)C lats tcr mtber aomitttth a Double fenfe.^oj in afmajh as tee lift bp the things aloft fe>btc!j ^e !nP-ib to oafbemojebarolp a= gemfl the grounb : a biolente th?on?png boi»n mpght be bctoHcneb in fuel) fc>oj= bs as ibefe: Ch^u haft crufheo mefczer &tth thzovoing me ijeablong from aloft, than if 3B h^b bm but fl;ooueb boron fro mp ftabtng.l3ut tt fetnetb to be another matter of enlarging of Ins grecf.Jf oz in= afmuch as nothing ts mozc bitter tSja to be plucU cb oa'ion from happp ftate, f to bzcaft into otter miferics : thef^ophete coplaineih lamcmablp heere, that gobs people cmzv bereft of »he notable bsnefi- tes ij>heti»it'.) the? fab bengarmfbeb in ttmes paft,fo as the tocrp rcineb^ance of <0oDs benefited S»!)ich fljolb ha«e bin to their cofozt.Dtb moze mfozee their fozovo ii^epthcr feas it a pomt of bnbtnbncfTe, to mafee (0obs fojmer benefits a matter of greater grecf, fcing the? achnoi»leD= geb thefclues to bee bzougbt to that mt- fc table ano fhamcfull bareneffe though their otone faulte. ^oz (J5oD Delight ct!) notmchangeablcncffcthathc fl)OlDDif= appotntbsof hts gooonefTe affooneas he hath gtuen bs a fbozt taft c of it. ii5 ut UU?a0h''SgooDneffc is bneonfumabic : fo alfo fljolb his bltlTtng flafre continue allp bpon bs, if our Qns DID not bzeafec off the conrfc of it .Cbetfozc sphere as p remembrance of gooa btncfits ought to afTuage oar fozroiues : it is no lee at all, but that tt map the mozc greue bs to be falnefromaloftcrohen S»c fecfoehauc pjoucfeeb goss bifplefure, fo as he ioas fapn to feithtjato his liberal $ bountt= ful hanb from bs.£?o i»hcn fee bethinU bs of the image of 2D bathe bzonbcb in fcs, tntoKen of his i»?afl;s : ccrttfTc it can not otbcriotfe bee butthps compartfon mufl nebts SdouD \js t\yz moze fbarrlp. Cher- vpon cac. Ci).lJ Jaime. po ■<£&erci02ea3 0ic aa <0oa tirtppugbs ftariu nafeeb out of tl)Z ojnamctfs fobicb be babbeftOttjeD bpon bo , giuetb os bp to rcp20Cbe;let bsierne tljat Ssec bauc fo mucbe H)i greater caufc too lawtent.bps caufei»cc b<*ue tbiongb our oamc fault turneo tbe Ugbt ittto barUncfTc. u [£$? bapes arc ec] wecfeno&e that Subtle tljcfunu: Ijangctb oner our beaDS, tbat is to fer.t,a: the berp pitclje of ii3onc tpDe, tt)crc arc not fecue fofo= Dein alteraeicns of mens fljaDowes: but tobentbe £>unnc &2afc>etbtowarDgos trig eouue, tbe fljaoovoes barp aliaost c= aerp tarniuj of a bana.Sno t\)is to tbc reafon S»b? bee termes it cjtpjcffclp [a fbabowtb it goctb bourne.] 4ftoi»aibe= ittbattbe tbingSubicbtbepjopbttat- tnbutetb too tbc perfonc of t!je af*it!f cb Cburci),fecme to belong to all otber me ioitbout exception : pet fc>as it a fpcciall reafontba: took* fpcciall place in ? mis fcrp of tbc people Ssbe t^cp Socre in caps 13 And thou Lord siialt dwell for to generacion and generacion 14 Thou wilt arife and hauepitie tiehir,bycaufe the appointed 1? For thy feruants haaealoueto dull. 13 cainD tl)0u2t92bfc]TX)hcustbc prophet minDmg to cbcerebp bimfclfe roitbgaob hope, fcttetlj bcfojcbtmfelfe tbe eternal Sate of <5o&, tt fecmetb a fat fet comfort . f 0? 'ojbat is *W too bs if gob fit bncbaungeable anb alioapes tlje fclfe fame in biobe^ucnlp tbtonc.fexing tbatintbi meaneiabitt our brittle ano tranfuoip ftatc fufferetb not bs to (lana ftebp one momente:* f$w ratber bp tbc Htt3\»l?g? of tl)e blcffeb ftcdmcfTc i>)I);cb <©oo cuiovetb.itappceretb f better tijst our life is but a berp top.i5ut tb: $10- pbet in calling to rcmemberace ibepjos mifestobcrbp <£?ob habauencbea tbat be toole bane rcgirb of tbe Cb:ircb,ana fpeciaUptbat notable article of the coues nant ®%*n. 25.S. 3 feilltftKllc intrje miDd3 8ipou:OoutetbnotY)ppontrHfS:c of ihai hoip anb bn&tflbluablc bano.tou malic al y goDlp(tob»cb lap as fojtejnO fcleqjs f panaliers of tbt bcaucwip glo=» rp frbtcfc goo D&mictb. tn.flno hereon* tmitie.iCrucittc in occDe,tt)at aficcn 83 S»e bjoope to olD agevoaro,i»cc occap foityin a little Sobple.iSut tbe £>2opb« tna&etb b^ moanc tbat tt befell fo to tbe people of <3>oD in tljec^ce£ floure of tljcir cge.^fo; bit 3er tbe name of D a ps i;e bes tolscnctb t!;e Seboleraceeftbciriueias if be fboulD fap, rbattbecaptmit'.c&as nsittoere a funne going bovone too tbc goblp, bpcanfc trjcp Decapcb apace. 3!n tbc eab bee repj^tctt) ageinc tbe fumlts tuDcoftbcioitbcrcbgrafTeiajbicbbebaD l3fcba title afote,mcanmg that tbeir life in ttje captiuttie iuas bci»jappco in fos roujes tbat burneb bp mzn j berp fappc of lifc.Htnii no martiel!,confiOeringbctt> tbat frateof Ipfcb^DDe bin Soojfe tljan a bunbjca biatbes.if tbcp b^b not bm bn- Ocrp2oppeb%oitbbopeofbcliucrancctoo come, iftoiaje alt'oougb tbcp i»')3t goob fboulb it 00 ts,y <5ob3 beemgeontmuftb cucrlafrmglp : onicfTe tbc fcaoSslcDge tljcrof iucr frcfije tn cur barts,3 mcane f fame Hnofelcbgc tber of iarjictj being concciueb bp bis free cos ncr.ant, cngenajetl) affiance of mutuall comunttton bet^jijet bim 5 MS. llct ibis tljercfo;c betbefumme: tbatnltljougSj toe be lifee toictjerca l)ap,bccaping eticrp minute efanljourc, 5 bcingaltuapco at bcatl)3boot::,o: rat'ner bl»cilmgalrcop, as it tnerc m tbe fgcaixc: pet notteitrjftds oing bicaufi: ©ob baib cntrco couenats fettb bs, toi)erb^ljebailjp?pmtfe5to be b cfenber of bto people, ana tjat!jc alptD Ijtmfclfebntoo bs» bpponfonbittontoo bS»dl aliaapfi among tt : &c mttPtfecs of 500b cljcsre : anb'alint as long. as we Sa?em our fclues, tb^re rcmapnetb notijing but btter befpaire : pet mufte i^cc Iff: bp our mpnoes to tbc bcauens Ip tl;ione, from St^cncc lcgc tbat as oft as fee arc befecgca fettb newer fo manp Bcaton.3lnO tbe ctemttie mu3 be be bilb inbtsweraoitallotfeojtsfebercbebatb bounb 5jt:« fclfe to take Dppon turn tbe maintenance of our feclfarc.Q9o2eouer in afmucbe as be s»antctb no ablcncfTe, noi it is pofftbie tbatfc ftjolb be coirarp to bimfelfeattsnotto be miftrufteb but IjcfeiU in tpme conucntcnt pcrfotme f S»ijttbebeeb*tbP?mttrte&. 31baue tolb peaberctofozc.tbat tl;c feoibc [arpfejts referreb to tbe toerp experience f»r)tcl>e apptretb tatto bs. f oj altbougb be «ft toncbaungeab'.c : get notfeitbftanbing fetye be ejcccucetb bt0 power , be G)ea>etb I)t0 matcftie bp outwarb art a0 fee term it. 3tab tbe i^?opbcte ccrtcfTc feben bee intreatctb of tbe repairing of tbe cburcb, fettetb bofenc goos mcrcic as tbe caufe of tt : befecbett bee mafeetb tbe fame of tfeo foztes.anb tberfoie tofetb biuerfitie of feoo^o.3.;ns concerning tbe fcrft Uinb of mercie,tbc manner of it is tbt0. 35p= caufe mens beferuings beare no ftuape in tbis eebalf , anb tbat tberc to not anp otber tl;ing tbat can lease e tanet!) caufe at bis ofene free goobnerrc.3lftmt>atS,be ab- bctb tbe feconbe mtrcie XoWh feas tpca to bi0 pzomifes : [Cbeu tben feiltbaue pttic, bpcaufe tbe tpme r"o;tefette bp tbp goob pieafurc is at bant.] 3In tbe mean febple it feas i\)z pzopbeteo meaning to afiuaunce e famc,febcn ^e.ment to pzape for tbe repairing agepne of tbe cburcbe. 5Dan.9.2.38iupk£fetfeai:'ottfea0tbc ^zopbets purpofc at tbts tpme, (to t!;e irttente to tneourage Ijtmfelfe anb otbers too piaping tinfearcfullp) to allcoge tbe fapbe notable piopbefte bnto dEfoe, tbat be mpgbe maac an cnoc of tbctr fo?ofe; fal capctuitie.ainb bcrtlponlcffe in pjat- tngfec alfeapes betbmfec bs of <©eos p2omtfc0, fete boo btutbiullebpoure rcqucfts into tlje aire ItUe ftnohe. $crc= tettballitistobeenotcb tbat altbougbe tbe tune of tbe piomifeo belmerance ap= pzocbeD.oifecrcalrcDpfululleD-.pcttbe |2>2opbec ceafctb not p2apmg : febcrbn? to dpob fttrrctb bs bp bp bt0 feo^o.^nD altbougb tbe time toere coucnantcb: ^zt oootbe tbe |^2opbete in fucbefepfe call bppon (0ob fo? perfo2»natmcc of bt0coi beceaferbnot to flecfttll to bi0 mecre goobncfTc: bpcaufe tbepio-- tntfes feberefe itb be btnsetb b<0 crebit, boo in no fepfe Darken \)is grace. t5 [JF02 tbp feruauntc0. $c.] Cbat tbps fboutee bee riftrcpneb too Cp^us anb S>arius,tt is a meere fonbncu>.anb 3 maruclltbat fomc of ottrtvme banc fubferpbeb too fo colbca conterture. ^oz it iff no ftraungc matter foi t!>c !Rabbi= ne0tob«nteouer greebtlp after fooltfbe quiobittes. J knoioe tbat in fome pla= ces tbe fepefeeb are calleb goos feruan= tcs, as in ^icremie. 25. 9. bpcaufe bee cjcccuteib bi0tubgement0 bp tbe banb0 of tbcm./ftap ratber 3 cofefTe tbat Cp= rns is bp name calleb gob0 cboff feroSt OB fap.4.4.. 2 8 . but pet feolD not tbe bolp <5b»fte baHe Uoucbfafeo fo banoiable a tptle eptbir bpon bim,oibpon iDartus, ; fettb= vpon the.Cij. Pfalme. 91 fouboutactrcumftancc. atgepncftttfio bepjoaca, tbat tt)? fKalmefoao maac befoietbe publifijiugef the commtflton fo? tljc rewrite of tl)C people. 'Ebercfojc anlp tbe fattbfut! are recbencB fimplp in tbe regiftcc of 3 appointment, § tbe repaupng tbereof p^omtfeo bp tbe fame et fcttetbe fo?tbe t^efrutc of t&e bclt= glo^p ftjalbc mabe remmmca among na^ ) - -.■■ ■ -,-, . fi^mm.i;). cieno Iohn Caluines Gommentane tians ana Hmgs. Wljerm he gtuetb a fc^ tret mcltng,t*)a: febcn the church is op= pzcffco , *5obs glozte alfo is thzofen: oovone tf?crewit!)aU : lifcc as out of all Doutc t!)C tmgool? fcogjo at the <2>oa of 31 fraelt,as fel)3 toouloc fap, be feantcb poujer to fuccour b»s people. <3Ebe $>zo= pb:t thcrfoze faith,tbat tl <5od fbal once rebeme ijis people, it fell be fact?c a no- table auoucbement of his mpgbtmcfte, as ma? compel the <&t ntilf 0 to rcucrcce htm tobo the? now feeffe at.;ff oz be fattl) that (Sob is fene in bis glo?te, fel)en be bath ltDbt his cburche out of the oarfe= KefTe ofbeath, accozbingas ittsfapbcf tbe firfltc oeltuerauscctn an other place. Chen became 3 aba bis bolpnefTc, ana 31frael fens h«s mpgljtpneffe. ^falme 1 1 +. z .g>o alfo in tbts place 45°b bp ga= thcring bnto hpm agetn bis people »bat feere fcatterco abjwaoe, otib bp rapfing bis Cburche as it fecre front Death, ap= pcareo in bis glozte- %xi& it ts no flen= &er comf9Zt,tbat (Sobs loue is fo grcate tofearos \>s that be feul nauc btsgle;p fblncfoozthinourc feclfarc. ,$owcal= though* that <09os mtgbtie feozhing feere htoben from the fattl)ful,tohe thep fecr in fmtasef affliction: pet notcottbi ftanbtngtbcp alfeapes bc!)dbc it fettb tbe cpes of faithe.anb in tbe glaffc of bts pzomifes. 18 [^cbatbbabancpe.fc.] Cbiflis a tljtng feoztbp to be notcD,that tbe b--U= ucraunccofihegdsipts afcribco to tbe pzatersof thefaubful-ifroz altbougb no= thing but g^as ocon m*rc mercp led him to belpuer bts eburebe, aecozoing as bee bab freelp pzomifcbto bo it:pct notwitb= aanbmgtoftirre bp tbc ^aptbefull too the loue of Raping, bec bearctbtbem in hanoe that bee boothc the tbpng at their tntrcataunce , febpebe bee feast mpnbeb too haue ooone of his ofenc ac= cozDe. jTRicptljer boa tbefc twotfumgs fight one agcpnft another, that<0£>3D picferucth bps Cburche of bis ofenc frecmcrcpe, anbtbatin pzcfcrupng it, nee ia fauourable too tbe dues of brs feruauntrs . JFoz in as mucbe as the #zapcrs arc tpcbtotbe free pzomp = fes, tb? effede of tbc one flofectb outc ofthcotber. Jftofee in Taping that [tbe papers of tbc ^olttartc] feere bcarb, bee fpca&etb nut ot onctp one* bp anft bp after, bee feill bfc the plurall number, 2fc>utbecallcthalltbc 31cfecs [folttartc] as long ac fijep fecre caft out ©f their counrrie, ano l:ucD as bantfbt in a fozem lanoc, bicaufe that bofecfocucr 3i(TpziaanD Cbaloea fecre countrcpes fmgularlp frutefull anDplcafant:p£totb the poczc cimifl3?a fouleo feancir tberc in no better cafe than m a feu&crncffc, as 3! bauc fato bcrctofozcl^ofebctt UHc as tbcK tbe folitaric people obtcpncD fa= uoz bp ftgbing : fo alio nofec altbougbe tbz fattbefnll bee fcateercD , anb bauc no mcetpnge place abmpttcD fijim bp lata : petfeill tbc ILo?a bcarc their figb- tngstn this feaftc hauocfec,tf fobecit that tbep fuc altogitber feub Uncozrup? tco confent of ^aitl; foz tijercftozement of the cburche. 19 [5tb!sfball befezittcn.*c] ^cc afiuauncetb the frutcof tbebamirance the mozc, to the mtent be mop encozage htmfclfe aus all others to hope of obtci; nmg. 3 no bp tbefc feozbes be hotbe \>s to feitte,tbattb:a feoozbe of n- to manp ages, fhalbca notable one. JFo? fee Hnotpc there bee manp tbmgs feoz= tbp pzapfe,tbe mcmoziall febcrot Dooth nottimbiranDingteamfb afe.ip.D5ut tbc ^?ophetputtcth a bifference bctfeeenc the feclfarc of tl>c cburcbe foz febicb he maKctb ftttc, anb other common bcnc= fites. U5p the feozbe fezite, he mcanetb that the thing ooone is feoubp to be re= gifireD in tbe com mun recozoes fo as the rcmcmbzanccofitmap bec conucpebo= uer to them that fhall come after. 3ino there is a trim couert matching of co«= trarics bctfeene the ncfe creation of the people, 9 their p;efcntaftcrbealc,fehicb tljmg tbc (ntcrpzeters ho amiflc to ouer= fltppe. ^Fozfebcn the people fecre bant= fhcb, the church feas after afoitcqupte ^uencheb. Cruclp the fcerp name of it tnpght femcoeab feben the Refers be- ing mpngleb feiththe I)eathen nations, coulb mabc no cozpozation of their ofen. Cberfozc their rcturne feas as a birth, anb in that refpett it ig not amifTc that the |3zopbctc looheth foz 0 ncfec creation , bpcaufe that althoughc the Cburche baa totcrlpperifbeDjbcrteas feet ij.i irtlllil. y* tt o nct» agepne, asaft as it IpKecb m felte, tbattlSoo tip l)P5 fooonbcrfull pv-ycr sb is able to? bzpngtoo paffc, tbant (bou'.berpfe top alpue ncte: agepne. 3nb tbts is a rigbt natable place, tbat tbe Cburcbcts not albttpes pieferueo in fa. be fopfea* it mape appcare to bee alpue , but euen tobcri it femctb bcaoe, is foDepnlpcrea= 10 For hee hathe looked oute from the hyghe place of hys Ho - lyneflfe, the Lorde bathe looked dovvne from Heaiien vnto the earths. 21 Tohcarethe groaning of the prifoner, to fette looce the formes of death. 22 That the name of the Lord may be declared in Sion , and the prayfe of him in Ierufalem. 23 When nacions shalbe gathered togither,and kingdoms to feme the Lord. 20 [5Fo;bebatbfe.] jftofo tbe^ios pbct cmbtacetb tbc Dcitucraunce fobi= cbc beccarefullp longnb foi , no icffe (ban tf it focve perfour,meb alreabpr. 3lnb lead tbe fpttefulncfTc af men mtgbt darken fo grcatc a be ncfite of & £> 3D : bee cballcngetb too (Sobbtsbuepzapfe opcnlp ano m crp2cfl*e fooopes, acco:= Dtngalfa as tbe people foerc bp manv m?ancsenfozab-taacHnofoicDgcc0oDa banse. iffmteng tunc bcfoie t!)cp foerc baleo tnro captiuittc, t!)cp foerc foivoari ncaoftbts inconucnience, to tbe intent v0oasiutjgctnent fboulD be fottnciTeb. Cbcrfottljall alfo foas p^'iitfcDibcm tbe Dcliuerancc-.ano tlje time foas fet,e- uenattb? termeoftbzeefcoze an&tmne pceres.CbcueouID not inansbnHinDc^ neffcimsgm 01 furrmfe anp other cau= fcsoftbcirrcturn^tbagobsonlpgooO:: nefle. ?Jno tberfoie be fapctb [that <0cb looUeo 9iitofbcauen,]lea(ttbe3!cfoc3 (l)OulB t'omK tbemfeiucs brtjolbcn to tbe grace ano fauotcTf Cpiuo,fo2 tljctr Dclt= ucrance fob id) cam to tbcm opcnlp from bcattcn [(Jbcljtg!) place of b^ bolincfFe 01 fanduarp] impozctl) as muebe bere, as beaucn. fQ% lifec as tbe temple pfalm 2 6.£.anb 7 6 .3 .is calfcD <£»obs Duelling place in rcfpecJ of men : fo alfo leair tote tnigbt conceiuc anp cartbh1 tmagtnaiio, of goo,l)2 affignetb blmfclfc a bfoe lling^ place in beaucn: not tfjat be ts fbet by it beatten:but to tbe. intent foe (bold fecfee bitu about tbe fooito. 3tfterfoato be rc= prtetb agetne tbe ttjwg that be bab glafi = ceo at c onccrntng pzepcr,io tlje intent be map agcinc fhr bp tbe barts or f fapi|)= full too pzapmg : anb confcqucntlp that foben tljcp bee oeliucrcb, tbcp mapper- cctue bofo it foas grauntcb tb^ fo; tbeir fattbes fafeebpeaufc t!)ep bab fent tbeir figbes bpfoaro b^pon trufte of bis pio~ mifes.aDnDbe termetb tbcm pztfoners, bpcaufe tbat altbougb tbep foerc net t?-- cb m fetters :pet foas tbeir captiuittc as goobtotbemasa mcftbatb unpiifon ment. jjOap ratl)tr, bee fapctb anencaf= tcr tbat t'yep foerc appemteo tobcatbe, to tbe intcntctbepfljouibe tonDcrftanDc tijcit tbep; gooo baprs foerc at an enoc, pf tbcp focre not refkefoco from acatljsbp tbe cjctracjeinarpcpofocrcf (Soo. 22 [iatui puiicb osfome tottfe tb*8 bao none in tpme paftibucfttfotbal peopie fesnlb recite tbu'jcr from at cjuartew, atiO in fevmng <5bD, arpjmpantc ibeinfeji8^$»ith.fh« 3Rcy»c0, fc>b'tb 3t tl>8t tpme S»ere as a rotten cartas. •Cruclp tbc $iopbcr (ta put tlje people in l)opc &■ returne) bfeti) fcbis rcalbatnamelp thafii; ts tnipowtbte, lj|)3t tl)Z plflCC 'Wijt-I) V00D l)atb f Sjofc.i to bttnfclfc, fljoulD be left befolatt foz cacr. U5ut be tcllctb tl>era tberc (ball bec ncu? matter to p:apfeod fijall be fejojfbippcb of all natton«,ahb tbc churcbe fijal conftft.not of one nation onlp, but of all tbc iobole toojlDe. xobiebe tbing *»c fell0i» &•&* bcn'fulSlicb tmbcr f anrcfign of Cbzfc, accoismg alfo ac it Suae auoucbrb bp i o. vjiito Hitu mail U)c dB>i.Btil.s gather." I^owbcit io2aunucl) as ttia anoiomarp rna/'t }»tt!)tlje^:opSjvta, locontinue tb^betiUcraunct from tlye capuuiticof 2l5abptoabato tbe commmgof Cbjpft : tijefSicpbetccotchctb norbot&eof anp onepcvce alone, but iec:Dt£b tbe grace ol (J5ob tbiougboultp his mil cno. J no al- tboagbtt were not oi aeceiiitte tljat as manp ae fi>jul&c.bec coauertcb tmtoo Cbipftc, ujouiscgocbp to 3!crufalcm: pet neto;itbftanoi.!gaccejtomg:o tbe b= ftiail maner, be bath put tl;c iawlctuice aaapleogeoicogattariccof iljetrue re- ligioft. #)eu£rtheku*e fo>ee tnaplcraebp this place,tbat"gco3«amc ts neucr bet= ter gloiiSeg tbaft toben b'-0 tglfgiwi \8 fpzcao abzoaae, ano u»hcn tl)C Cburcbe tncrcafetb, **>b'& in tbe fame refpetie 10 term co aplantmgplantc&to tbepzayte of €>3D.Cfap.«si.$. tbepxophcfic of bolpj 31acob, ©en. 4.9. 24 He weakened my ftrength in the way,andshortnedmy days. 25 I fayde, my God take me not avvaye in themiddes of my days : thy yeares endure from generation to generation. 26 Thou hafte afore tyme lavde the foundation of the earthe, and the heauens are the v vo'rkes of thy handes. 27 They shall perishe, but thou shake endure, and they shall all vvaxe olde as dothe a garment, as a vefture shalt thou chaunge ihem,and they shall be chaunged. 28 But thon arte the fame, and thy yeares shal not fayle. z<> The children of thy feruants shall dvvell,and the feede of them shal ftand faft before thee. 2+ [$cefc>eafcene& mp ftrengtbfc] 3HnfHtlfuUp(m my iubgcment>0 fome wen refrrcinc t^ts «C«Jct to tbc time in ft>bicbtbe3!et»c* fcereputtoe trouble after that libcrtie feas giuen tbcm to rc=> turn borne. IRatbcr there ta a metapboi in tbe S»ozb[3B«?hcpo?foap.] tfezfecs tag that tbe cemmmg of Cb?ifte fea0 tbe eno of tbe auncient peoples race :tt is rigbtlpoooncoftbemtocomplapnetbat tbcp are freaheneo in tbc mtDDa of trjctr courfe.^nb fo tbep charge gob iaitb bis p^omifc ,f i»bcras tbep banc net runne rafbip.but baue foloi»co b?a fcarrante, tbcp&erebattereobp bio banbe tntbe mit:D0 of tbeif ioznep.Crulp tbep quar= rcllnot.&itb^Daotbousjbe h^ bifap= pointeb tbep? b^P* • but fo?aftnn#be a0 tfjep arc affure?>,f be bcalctb not gutlc= fulip iottb bts feruato,bp this coplapnt tbfpconfiru:etbcmfelue0 to bopei»cll. 3« I fame fenfctljcp ao tljat tljetr Daprfi are cut off, oj bought into a narrofec roomc,bpcaufe tbep baue an epe too the fulneffe of tbe tnnctobtcb alwape b"ng lmgrmg til €fyi\(l Seas rcuelcD,f tber= fo?e tber f3leruetb,fciumenot off in tbe mibo of mp Sape0.] ^o? tbep compare f meane fpacc bntill tbe tttnc t!)at Cb?tfte fboulo b^ne appereb,bnto tbc tmbbes of a itfe,bpcaufe the ripe age of j Cburcbe toaatbeaccom*pItfbeb,Sobe Cb?«ft iraa come',a0 Ji baue fapb afoic.^o? aitbogb p miferte of tbeiro &»erc toib to tbe be- foje, petf nature off couenat requires, tbat <0 €> JD fboulbebcfcnb anb mapn^ tepne vjjuu inc.v^jj.i laime. n tcpn that people bRDCt ois uano; t* ibei - fojc f captiutttc feasas it fecre a molet buaKtngoff :m febich reipett/ocgoblp. rcqtiircb feith fa miubtbc mo:e e«rneit= neflTe.tbat Mkp might not b? IjaicD afeap tn the miobes of tncir io?ncp. faithcv bio net bp this mcams bebigbte the m= felucs a certapnc rcrmc of life : but mafs much as e banbe of tbj» £t)w(t. what meanrthbe tbcnbpcutttngof in the tnfbbcft of tfye race:' Cbe rcafon tbat folowcth , fectnetb too make notl)tng too tbepjefent cafe. ;#o;altbougb;eofgrafTc: but tbcfeoojdcof tbe' 3Lo;d endurctb fo: cuer./^ofe inafmurb as be fcmttetb bs too him (dk bpbvs feo?be,bot*> much foeuer eur fraple date be dtftant from bis heautnlp glo;p ; pet muftcour fapth pearfe through too that blcflcdftate, from febence tffodbatf) an epctooour miferi£0. ^ovebe'tt there is another refpecte alfo in tl>e compartfen betonjet theeuerlaftingUfcof 45od, and tbcfijojt rafeofman0lpfe:cnD@oo 10 moucb to wcrcp in tbt0 rcfpc£talfo,bp= caiife be fectb t!)at men pafTe bp as it feerc insimowente, and fooneDamfb aroap, accejtbtng as it 10 {befeed mojc largelp anonc after.. 16 [Cbou hafte afojert'mc.fc.] $e enlargetb tbat fehich be bab fapdc afo?e, that is re feit.tbft ail tbe fecita in com - parifon of 0od 10 but a teaming jfp= gurc: ano pBtfa little aKer,oe ijumpu-iu the Churchc from tins common lot,bp= caufctns founbed fcpon <2>od0 feojfcc, anb fyclbcb fetth the defence of the fame fcc-jDcCijere ^ic tljerefcie tfea poitu 0: tb? one, tt;ar fitb thciicr? heaucus bo in a maner buf.r nothing from fmohe, the frapleneu"L- af manbinoe ncebes bJ fuchc as oughte too pjjoueUi O^ob tMito mercp: anb the ether popnt is,£h ^ b°w- foeuer there be no ireeDmuIs in the b^- ucn anb t\)C earth, pet (hall tljc feelfare of tht Churthe (ianb« fteefait fo; ea«-, bicaufe it is fcpbci&e bp ®rus eueria- ftmg truthe. 3!n tl)C firitc member the fapthtull arc taught fehen tbep picate into l)ac ta ttjerc in ^abutrotrcnneffez'anoto'jstclfcbcioe our feluea but p loHmg giaffca of ocatb:* i^)ojcoucri»batc!feia tbe changeable: nefle of tbe fotjoft toojlo , but a ccrtapne fozctobi,oz rather fozeflozifi. of beftruc= tio^JBf tbeujbole frame of f ioo^lo rjad towards bia enbe, Sobat (ball become of manftinDej'jflfall nations fljall pcridj, fobat fteaDmefTe fbal there be m anp one man feucrailp^ CtKn ia not ftableuefTe cite iobcrc too bee fought .ban in dB»ob alone. 29 [<£be cbii&zen of. jc] i©p tbcfc i»Dz33tbe^iopbctooib &a too bnber= ftan&e, tbat be fcefcetb the pjefcruation of tbe Church, not fcicaufe it is a part of mankind, but btcaufc dPobbath enhan^ feo tt ioubout tbe rcuolutiona of tbe f»o;lo. 3tuo furelp tbe condition, bppon Svbtcb be bath aooptcb ba, ta to cbcrifb ba in bta ofcon bOiOine.TPbcrfozc tbe in: fcrring ia not tar fct, that among tbe Ul= numerable ftozmca, of ixjrjictjr,c cbe one 4u ;rc able to carp ba awap.tbe pzopbec bopetb tbe ftectp conttmtauncc of tbe church, jot altbougb tbat tbzougb our owne fault tocc be eftranged from (_5oD, and tbcrcfottbaU as tt fvcre cut of from tbe tziclfpzmg of life : pet notfembitan^ dingaflfoone aa fee be reconciled fegoo, be bcgtmietb too flow aownc into ba a= gapne. wijcrcbpomt folowctb,tbat tlje faptljfull.trmfmucbeas tbep be begotten agune of mcozruptible feebc,QjaU oner? lute after bcatb,bicaufe tBob continuetb altoapa one.^Foz bp tbe S»o;d [Drocl] tjc betofeenctb an affurcb « cucrlaiting {;e= mage. 2lnb befaptb [befozc tbe face of <0oo]btcaufe tbe ioclfare of tbe gooip is affure ?,not acozbtng to iDOziblp refpcit, oz accozomg to tbe common ozocr of tl)e bcauen * eartb,but bp renfon of tbe Iplp coniuniian tobict) is betwijetc tbcm anb »Sod. ll&p tbe [feebe anb cbtlo?cn of tbe gosip,]bc tueanctli net anp of tbctr tffue toitbaut exception, (foz manp tbat bee bazneof tbe Sifbgrowoutof Hinbe)but fucbeaa ftart not from tbe faitb of tbctr parents. 3&nD ttjc fucceffton is puttnbp cjcpzetTe iaozos, bicaufe tbe couenant ta cctcnocb to tbe ages to come.aa i»c fijal fecagapne m tbe nejet |3fa!me. ^->ou? if i»c heepe (Icofaftlp tlje treafurc of ipfe committee too our cufloa ic, iet ba not bout(a?t!)Oiig!) innumerable Dcatbobem t)3 in on all fioea)to faflen tbe 3nkozof our fattb tn beauen, that the ftableneffe of our ioelfare map be flapcb in (25ob. The contentcs of thc.ciij.Pfalme. In this Vfdlme ccbe of the godly is tdu^ht to giue tbd*fe priitAtlyfor him felfi v?ito God3dnd dftenv.tra foy the common grace vebicbe he hath voHtfa- fed ypin tbe elect, by mdkjrigtbe coueruntc of fdlttdtion with them in his Ldv>, thereby to m#ke them partakers of bis adoption. But cheefly he com- mendetb the mercy vobcretbrou^) G 0 D fpdreth dnd forbear eth his people, dltbjugb they bee yforrtbyof grceuoufe pumfhementes : and thdt not in re$c&c of their deferte or wortbynep , but byedufe hce bedreth -with their vpon the.Ciij.Pfalme. 24 thetrjrailtie. ts bebalfe. jftapc ratber, if tbe bcrp pzopbet bimfclfe, tpbo £» as uu flamcb foutb a fingular 5c tc abouc o t f k r 3 iuaa not free from tins tnalabp of flout b f ulnt fl*c,ar o;bmg as be confefleti) bp bte ftirringbp of bimfclfe:boi» mm be mo jc is this mcbicinc ncebefull fo; bs S»f)icb are too feci affureb in our fclucs of tbifl D?ot;5incfTe r1 Cb c bolp d5bo(r trjcr fozc bp tnc moutbeof ttjc pzopbet booty oucr= trjroartlp upbjapb ba tbat S»cc bee not mo;c Diligent in pjapfmg doob.anc; tbcr- imtball fbevvctb tl>c reraebp, tbat cucrp man entering bowme into bimfclfe map cojrectbisoitm fluggifbncffe.rfo; being not content fantb tr>c name of [Motile,] Cbpf»bitb bnboitteblpbc ftgniSetb tt)C feat of bnbcrftanbingantt affections )be abbe tb alfo oepjcflcip ins urtoarb parts as it fo>er fpcafeing to bin minb $ l)art,^ to ail tbe powers of cptber of tbem botb. flow be tbat fprfectb fo to bfmfclf , Do t b asitiocrcommen foltb l)tmfetfe beftjc <£'ob, all bmpcrs fct apart- 3nD tbe re- pctingcartetbfeitbit ancnfo;ccmet, as if be ChonlDe fince fault fc>itl> bps ofomc floTOcnefTc. * C:tf ojget n°t w .] lflp tbfs perccll be aomomfbetb bo.tljat <2>oo ts not brb tub banb fo; \)\b part, in mintft ring eeufe a- bunbantlp too p;npfc btm ,fcere it not tljatouroitme bntbanfefiilncffe Sucre a let bnto bs. 2fno fir ft of ail bee teat be tb tbat bee Dealetlj fo bounttfuup fritb ba fo; tl;e nonce, to £ intent bis name fbolo be pjnpfco bp bs:but pet bp tbe fo>ap be nippctb our fonbneffc iubicbe baletb bs au>ap too anp thing clfe ratber tbm too tbat.'fo^bbfe commctbit topr.fTctbat fcjecbefo benommcb intbiscbccfcjcir= cifeof goblpncffe, but bpcanfe our foule anb iuicHcb fozgctfulncffe burtetb tn cur barto tbe infinite benefits of l)tcb nppcrc openlp botb to b?aue anb cartb- 5Fo;S»erc S»cc fufFtcientlp tninbfullof tbem,tl)e p;opbct tclletb bs i»c fboulb be fo;cfc>arb tnougbe to boo our buctie, feeing be botb but onlp fojbtb bs to fe;- get tbem. 3 [TObtcl) is utcrcifutt je/J/fioro reck; netbbeebp bptbcp; fcncratl hmbs,tbc benefits, in conflbering febcrof l;c tcibe Ibs fee i»cre to fozgrtfull anb negligent. 2Unb it ts not fo; nougb* tbat bee bt gnu netbattbis point, tbat ^5cb fo?g;uctbc our finnes:bpcat«fe free attoncmct ts the fountainc from fetjenct all tbe reflbuc fpMng. JFo; altbougb (Sobs gracioufe goobneffe fbcao tt fetfc fo;tbe eucn bnto tbe iuicfecb.yct Detl; it Utile boct tbem, tbat tbcp boo not fc mucbe nc once teflc of tt. Cberfc;c of all benefits irbftcof tbe true > fubfrantial fruition rommetb bnto Us,tbefirftentcrf>ncc iB tins tbat e alfo tberfettball fanc= ciSs febatfocucr gooo things bee ae£o= w:tb pppon to3,fo p-0 tbep tame too our feelfare.Cb; feconD member is cttber a repetition oftlje fame fentence,o;t elfe it ijatb a larger fcope. fo} tbe fruts of free fojgiuenefTcare trjcfc: tfcat <0ob go= ucrntng 00 \»itb bis fpirite, mojttfietb tbe lufta of tbe flcfb,anD clcn^etb to0 fro topcc0, ana refto^etbe tonto too tl>e true founimcflrcQfgeolp anDrigb* conuerfa= tkm. $3 fox tbofe febicb ton&erftanb[our infirmttiei to be bcaleobp^5oD]bicaufe tbatfebenbcbatb? reUafeoour fmnc0, be alfa tberfettballrtODetb to0 from bo= ailp Difeafe0:feeme to reftreine tbe |D?o= pbct0 meaning oucrbung«rlp.wberfoze 3! ooubmot but tbe mcoecinefebertof tbe ?2*xopbetfpeaKetb,pertcinerb too t!je feipingafea*poftbegiltmefre:attDconfe= quentip to tbe beaungs of tbe topee0 tbat fticfce fall in to0 : S»b'»cb tfjing is Done ^ t!>e fpirite of rcgcncracicn. 3!f anp man feill ao a U)irD tbmg,namcip,tbatfe!>cn dfJoo 10 at one feicb toa, be aifo releafctb our pumfl)mcnf0,31 feillnotgcinfaptt. 31 n tbe raeanc febple fece map learne bp tt)i0placc,tb'H till tbe b^»enlppbifu tan bclpe \>s ', feee fouer fettfnn to a not onlp manp bifcafeabutalfo ma?p Deatb'0. 4 [Wbicb rcDecmetb?c.]©ceejcpicf= fetb mozcplainlp of feijst fazt our ftate 10 befoje fucb time as <5oo remeop our »r)o!c pzecccbtng of tbe fame.iF 0? tbe moze enlarging of tbe commenbacio of febicb abbetb alfo[Compaf= fion0]m tlje plural mimber.^tnD \)t fap= etb feecbe crouneb fettb tbent: a0if bee fboulD fap,bcfoxc,b;:ljttiD,en either fiDc, about, enb beneatbe tbe tonroeafurablc abttnbacc of goD0 grace t0 reapc at b*nD feitb to0,fo a© tbere ts no place toopa of it. Cbc famctbmg amplt&ctb betters fear&etn fapmg : [our farces are fa= tiffieb,] in &>btcb mctapboj bca»wb«l) to tbe libcrtie of fcatlmg.iobtre tbere is mo?e abunoante fio;e of meate0. jrop tbep tbat fyvii but t^in farc.Bare fcarttp taft of f Kieat.ii^ot tbat be allowetb ra= uenoufneffc in Deuoormg d5oD0 bene= rites oucr greebclp, accojDing as men commonlp Ijaue no (tap of tbcm f elue0, ioben tbcp finDe fomeSobat plentpfull fopfon : but be toUe r>t3 tuaner of fpecbe of tbe common cuftomeof men, tbcrcbp t<3 tcacbel?0,tbat feljat goob cbmgg foe- uer our bart can fritl), tbe fame fiotoetb bnto top from gob0 bottntcoufneffc^ucn tpU fee fap bo- Cb«P that ^fee Gnadi foj i»itb t^ctr acutfe marre t\)\3 place, anD 3B maruell bow fo fonbe an imaginatio came in tljeir minD0,fautng tbat if 10 a common lot tbat befalls. rl) all curtoufc beabe0, too b;ing foojtb mecse topes febile tbep pjartife tr>c fbarpeneffc of tbeir loittea. Sifter fear &c fje aDoetb, tbat new co;age is b:oppco into bun bp d5pB,fo ao be conttnuctbalroap0 founo ; like as €fep. 65. 10. entreating ef tbe refrttutienof t^e Cburcrje, fapt^ tbat a man of an InmejeD per eg oioe (ball bee IpHe a cbilbe. 3!n& bp tins maner of fpeafemg be betobenctb tbat togctber felt}) mode plentiful! fopfon of all goob tbtngs, v0ob giuetb b»u alio inwarbe liuelpneflc, tbat be map eniop trjem mc= relp,a0 if bi0 ftrengtb fboulD contma= allp flojifl? new agapne. "Cbc compart? fon of tbe Cglegaue f3lewe0 occafion tofojge fable0. jfoj febcrea0:bepton= Ber flanD not f pztneipleo of anp fciecc at al,pct are tbep fo b^afenfaccD.tbat feljat matter foeuer ts intreateb of ,tljep ncucr mafee bone© tn it, anb afToone a0 tbep mccte feitb anp bncouil)>ere 10 notanp fopeemfb afozgenefebtcb tbep tb?eape not topon men as an.o;aciefrom doob.^o in tbt0 place tbep furmpfc tfyat eucrp tentlj pcre cije cagleo ftie bp to tbe ctementall fp?c,anbaftcrfearb: plunge tl)em fcluca m tbe fca, an? tbat bp « bp nefe fetbcr0 grofe top agapne. 'But tbe plain meaning of the Jd£opb:t is pic&eb out vpon the. Ciij.Pfalme. 9 S out of the nature of the <£gle octcnbrD top f phtlofepl):r3,ag%!)tcij is th;o«gfj- Ip fenowen bp experience. ;ff o? that foule is atwapcs luftic anb in goob Ufetng c- uen to t)ir ola age,and iff not e ff ccblcD bp peeres no: fubiect toooifcafesttllat tijc length (bee Dietb fo? fmnger. Certeine it iff tljat Cbee ipucth long : but at the length bit beaHc ouergrowctb fo as (be can not rcceiue meate, but only is fapnc to fucUe in the blub of it,o: cife to refrefb bit fetfe iuith blinking, wberupon came trje pjouerb. [Kin dEglcs olb agc:]foi nc= ceffttte compellctb them to be euer btb= lmg.3Uto bpcaufe bzinfe alone ts not ps no ugh to mainteine itfc.tbcp rather pine aioap fo? hunger ano %t> ant of foobe,tba Dccav for frant of ftrengtb- tfl^io fc>itbs ontanp fable fecepercetuc the naturall meenmg of § pjophct : t ha t Itfee as C gleff contmctcc ataapes iuftie and in goob plight , fo as thep bee youth full emn in their olb age I eucn fo the goblp are fuf= tcincbbptbc fecretpeteer cf0oD,fo as tbeprctcmc their ftrcngtbe frill bnap= pap?eb. 3nd altbougbe thep bee not al- ia apes full of coiagc in tbiff life, but ra= tber iDhilccntbcmfclucs inuhmuthca boo in eontinuall faintnefle :pct both the thing that iff fpofeen heer c right fitlp a= gree to them after their maner. ^ruclp Without alt qucftton this iff a thing that touchcthaUmenne:namelp,thatbcemg brought out of the graur,tbcp feele d£>oo bountiful l to them innumerable Suapes . % no fare if euerp man bib conQDer \)orw wucbe thep are m his octtc, thep might Soell fap that their moutbe to SlleD to u'n goob things,' itKe as in the pfalme 139. 1 S . iDauiD confefletbe himfeife bnabic to number them, bpcaufe thep are mo than the fanbs of the »ca.3tnb frcreitnot that our owns: churlifbnefTc ooteD our Evicts, ioc fboulb fee that eucn in berth toe arc fo f co xehen toce bee lmngrp,as that al- frapes (0ob biingetb foo.ith the manp= folb riches of his goooneffc. 3!sconcer= ningliuclpnefTe,tt ts too bee taKeatbus: that inafmucheas our outward tnanne becapetb,ft>e be renewed to a better life: there is no caufe tohP fre fbouia be gre= uco at the Becap of our ftrengtb,fpectal= Ip feeing he fuftcinetb ourfecbiegs fapn= ting foulcs frith tyofyiut. C TheLordeexecutethrighteoufncfleandiudgementtoo all that are oppreffed. 7 He opened his vrayes vnto Moyfes, and his vvoorks vnto the chyl- dren of Ilraell. S TheLordcisfullof compafsion and mercy, flow to anger, and Gf much mercy. them. ;f 0? bercbp arefrc inllrutfcd too patience, frben &o& tauetb bppon hi*» tbereuengmgof ourfc^ongo,? fcncctl> bs frith, the ajelb of bts tufiicc,o; ocfcn= dctb bs frith, the ffrc?d of his tuogrmet 8S oft asfre be afiaulteb frjongfullp. 7 [^ebflthopencb. jc] i^owbothc 6 CChe io?Decj;ccutcth.*c.] 2Pftcr that iDauib bath recbeneb the benefttes of (Sob tocoarbs \)im felfe, from this pimatc cenfioeration be mounteth bp higher. 33 no pet usooubt but feljenhc Dcclarcth that goo fuccoteth the opp;ef- feb : he mafceth himfeife one of the fame n fiber .accozDing as he bab felt his helpe in manp perfecutions nfo;c : anb bp Inff oxon cjcpencce he befcribetb tobat mancr a one gob is front too Qjecu hnnfclfe to= fraros al fucb as be fcnogfultp afflntcD . ^otrbeit fojafmuche as the faptbfull in tbiff &02ID are euermo?c conuetfanta= mong feoiucs, be commenbeth biucrfe bclueranceBtHthcplttralnumber,to(he intent 5»e fboulb Knoto hon? it is viooDs o^binarp office, too reffeew his feruantff as ofte as be feeth anp iojoug offered 2DauiD taHe bpon himtheperfonof the chofen people, anb truelp 'in bcrpgoirb fcaf/jn (Pff beeing put in miuoc bp the bencfttcsbtftoioeb bpon him)(traighJ= foapcsfcttetl) his mmce bppon the ec= ncrail concnante, bpcaufe he fras furc befrasnot cnricljcb ftntbfo manp goob things manp other refpect than thai he foas a member of the church- 3 grauw be contlnucth the famefentencetfo; t^tle [feaies] i»l)ich be faptb fr'rc fbftoeo bnto ^ofeSjfrcre nothing cife but the Deltue-- 2.£t. lohn famines i^ommentane deaucranccGftbeptuple,dnttUtbcpcn= tred into fyz landc of pzomifc, 2Hnd \y.z cbofetfytsa notable pzoofc aboue alios t\)ZT8,of<8oD2 tulhce and judgement, tberbp to pzouc tt>.it cEtod al&apeo io a rigbteoao aiocr of tljofc £ arc oppzcfTcd. H3ut fojannucb ao tbto t'jtng depended tippon ti)Z pzomtfr.t'.jere 10 no oout bttt be bad an cpe fpectalip to tf>e f3mc: cs if bee (boulo fape, tl)at <0ods tufhec &>as piapnlp pzoacd and mantfeftcb too bP3 ebofen people Solucb be *)*& adopted, and fottb&>boml)e l>aD maDeb>0 coucnat. 3Uid b^e is fayb to bane manifested bpo fc)apo,firltbnto y^o?fc0,S»bo'x»a0bi0 fcruant ana meffengcr , and aftcrtoard toallilKPWple. foi S^opfco bimfelfc ts tndetaea fentb a pcrfon put bpen bun bp (0ob .bpcaufc it teas Sons ftult to be hnoiaentotbe people bp tbeljanocand bp tbc wojhing of bint. Cb* foap.eo tbe ana tbe[t»9zHo of goo]arc bi0 rtfing bp 'foUb fc)ondcrfuil power too dentin- the people.bis leading of tljtm ttyzongb tbe reab fca, and \ys auoucbmg of b*s P?e= fence fontb manp figncg anb mtraclc0. l$ofo>bcttrbzafmacb ao ali t!;efe floSseb from tbe free coaenat: S>aaid cjcl)Oztctb bimfelfe anootbero too tbc peclduigof tbanfcs bnto <£?3d,foz- c'aostng tljcm too be bis peculiar people, $ foz enltgbtning tbeirbart0bp tbe doctrine oftbeiafre: bpcaufc tbat line as nothing ts moze m- ferable tban man fcmft.out tbe Knoralege of dt»ob:fot0 it an incomparable trca= fare of perfect fc!icuic,tbat ti&od i0 come Downc \3nt0 bo fettb rccaza of bis fa= tbcrlp loucto&ardsbs. 8 [^bc3Lozbt0fimfc.]2Daaibfee? mctlj to allude to f cjcclamactoofS^cp^ feotliatisredof tnCrob.^.6.wbet*e (Boss nature 10 m3zc ligbtfomlp defers bes tbo an? fcljerc clfc, accessing .to tlje notable maner 0! th* teueiacton. ;jf oz at "tabu time it iaas grannt.cb &9opfes to fc C^od, mcrciCuUand fail of cotspafucm and piiiz, d:\x>z too ftrtatb,and great e in gco5aeiTc. yozaU maebe tljerfazc sstn ttjat place fyebatlje bzcctlp co.apzcbendcd fefjat to bcljoae= f tsll foz bo to fcnofcj: cocermng god bim= fclfr.SDauiddootbefoifclp to appiptbc tapdc titles to flj>« pzxi'eaie pwrpoic. ^ro; i)to meaning to to attribute u ontp bnto gob,tl)atti>e people !bljicb tbiougl) ttjctr oicn t^.uits bab from tunc to lime falne afoap from tbe grace of aboption, botbe newcrtbtic ffe Ucpc (hit their ftate.^orc- bct:,mgcncrall it muff be taUcn tbus : t i)Cd tbc true UiioSulcage of gob mult al= Saapo be refeneb to tbc fecbug of faptb: biCrtUie gob fc? Ui not be fongbt foz m luo fccretbemg,but mfucbSoiIe ao be b:tc= ret!) Mm fcifc bnto bo : tobtcb 10 a tiding 5»Dztl)p too bee mariicb. jpoj aooftcas mention ts maoe of ^5oo, iuec fee meno Snito oncrtbfoartlp rapt to colb fpccula? ttoo.anb to catcb l>oJc of t Inn go tbat are to no purp3fe:in lbs mcanc i»t)tlc ncglc= itiiijt'oe ber-acs cl>at mete bo in j face, S»b« m las liuelp Image fljinetb toeztb. Ii3ut lubtrcaboutco focucr menapplp tijcir ftabie,tl)ep fljal nofrfyere ftnb bct= tcr pzofit tban m tbe continuali minbutg of bio ioifbomc , gooone.lTe , ngbtcouf- nefi? ,5 mercp.gipeciallptlK Unowicbge of Ins gcoSncfTc tomcty Suell ti)e turnc, as Socll to tge eDU>mg of oar faub,afi to tbe bla5ing abzobc of b*s pjapfes. 3inD tijerfeze )daul nt is ta fc)it,fvrft that god ts mcrctful,« fc; conMp graciottfe, 5 tbitdlp a gentle and uufcc bearer loUb meno fins, and lafllp of mud) compaction and goodncCfc. 9[^C vpon the. Ciij.Pfalme. 96 9 He will not be alwayes pleading, nor keepe anger for cuer. 10 He hath not delte with vs after our fmnes,n or rewarded vs accor- ding to our iniquities. ii For according too the highnelfe of the heauens aboue the earthy hath his goodnefle preuayled vppon them that feare him. 12 As farre as the eafr. is from the welt, Co farre hath he remoued our fmnesfrom vs. 9 [?£etotUnot.«c.] SDautbbpcn tlje fozmer titles of <0j&, gathered) a confer quence, that3b,tol)en bcio btfptea= icD,totll neucrtbclciTs bee cafic to be in? trcateb , bpcaufe be is of \jia otone na= turealtoapc0 reabp too fozgiuc.|3ebc- full tt Wis to3 make tl;:s cnterancc: foz our fumes tooulo fbctthe gate agapnft: bis gootmefie , if tljef c ftcpte not m a raeane to paciietbc fame. 31 no SDattto gutcth an mUling, tljat gob commencctb an action agapnft finnera, too the intent to bumble them toith the feeling of tbetr. giUtncfle: but pet that hebpfrbplettcth ttfcVu,au*oonea0l;c fectb the tatneb ano b20ugl)t low. 36 1 10 after another fozt £ in €>enc. 6 . 3 .be fnptf) ,mp fpirit (ball not pleab tottb maanp moic: that is to tott, bicaufc tljcp torre conutctca of tljctr cuill their ful conbemnation toad flfcs reabp come. But in this place Daupb faptb,bc toiilnot beatwapes pleabing, bicanfetbat accojbtng a0 be i0 treatable aiib eafte to foigtue, be purfuctb not bis rtgbt.BnBhcteuntopcrtcinetbtbefecoo toozbe, tob»cb anfivcrccb fcerp toell too thisengltfb phjafr, [31 toitltoatchbim ojtoapt bun a goob turncjat tobat time there is purpofeo a fecret reucge5tohicb tsfoftrco in the hart of him that can not fozgiue uiluries^but isaptettj foz occafid to be cuen toith him bpfomebifpieafure. HBut JDamD Dcnicth' t'jsr dPoo bcarctb oifpleafurcs m mine after the matter of men, bicaufc be Cometh *o reconcilement of his cirnc accojbe. j£otv» it io to be fcno wen, tljat tbi0 thing befaU ictl) net to all manfembe toitbout cjtc cp= tionrbtui0tbsp?i?'.tlcbgi:oftbc€ht!rcb. foi sSJfcfcsm ctp?e{rcS»op0.5?e.5.9. callrtb cfcoo a bzcabfull reucnger.tohw'I) cafretb the fumes of the father© into the bofomc of v cbil3zen.1i5ut 5Dautb oticr= lading the bnbftcm r0,bpon foljotti re= tcU)ibc Ctfftiafttnij ana bnnppeafablc u?zath of <2>30, fheroctb, \)0\v grcatlp he bcare:h toith bis own crjiloze: accoutring alfo as (Sob him lelfc fpcafcetb m 8 is bnmefurablc. 3ifter f S»02D Gcbcr iohi= tbet pee tahe it neutrallp cz trar.atiueip, it mafectb fmall matter ,bicaufe that enp of both i»aps,the bnmtafurabSencu"c of gobs mcrcp is coparesto thclatgencfle of the foozlbe. 25nb fozafmuclje as there fhoulb bee no pafTage foz d^obs mercp to come \jnto bs, ejecept the impebtment cf cur giltineffcicere taben ax»ap,be ab= bed) ttnmebiatlp, that gob bjiuetb aroap our fins a0 far fro \)0, as the eaft is bi= ttat fro the feeuWbe ctTr it is,that goDs incrcp is fact out Upon the fatihfuil,far $ 5»iBC,as greet as the toozib is: f lead anp thing might hmber the courie oi it, their fmnes arc Soi^cb quite a to a p. Jl ^b he confirntc-th t^at tehidjc 3 favbc euch r.oro, nainclp that h: rntrcatettji not gc= ncrallp tohat menrr a one <2?ob tcto= toarcs all the tohole tonjfbc, but tohat ntancr a one he (heweth h'.J" ftlft to the faithful.'VPhcrbp alfo it appcrnh tlh't he mtrcss i-umi v>diuint.3 ^v'li entrcatetb not Ijccre of the mere? bp i»!ncb be rcconciletb bs ro btmfclf at tlje arft beginning : but of that mere? fowb SobKb b? conrmtalip pitetb tHefr fc?bom 1)2 batt) once cmtJzaccD rottb be rcconct= letb bstoobimfelfe,in not laptng oar finms to our charge, is not Ojet bp bp 3Dauto tetthina moment of tpme,but is cjctenbco cuen too the enbe of our Ipfc. jfto leffe ftrongelp alfo both tty0 place btfpzoue tbe franttbe beabs tbat bewitch? tbern felucs anb ethers S»ttb tbe bzatncftcUe opinion efperferte rtgb- tcoufncfTc, fo as tbcp nccoc not fojgiue- neJTt anp moze. 13 Like as the father pytieth his ovvne children : fo hath the Lorde ben pitifull towards them that feare him. 14 For he knovveth whereof wee bee made, he remembred that vvc are but dufte. 15 Thedayes of man are as grafle, as a flowreof thefleldc fo flori- sheth he. \6 Aflbone as the wynde paffeth ouer it,it is gone,and the place ther- of shall know it no more. 13 [iUfce o» the] Jftee not onelp ocpounoetb bp a fumlituoc tbe tbmg tbat be bath fpo&en,but alfo tber= ferithall affignctb tbe caufe S»bp €tob Do;tj fo louingip beare Smthbe.tbatisto font, bicaufebeiaour father. Chen ts tt tijc free aaopticn tbat maUctb (0od con= tmuallp to beare S»ttb our fmnes : anb therefore t\)z bop* of fozgiueneffc mufte bee fetcbeo out of that fount apnc.jftoio tnafmuebe as no man bath bm aoopteb fozbtaoiunebefcrumg : it foloSoetb tbat finncs are fozgtucn freelp. 3no Suce Jsnowj tbat gob ts cosnpareb foutb cartb= tp fathers, not btcaafe be is Ufee them, but bicanfe bis incomparable loue to- foarbsbs cannot bee c£p2cffeb others i»ife. ^furthermore leaft tI5oos fatberlp tozbeartng might be ozscocu too libertp of finning : £>autb repetcth agapn, that he is not fo fauozab!e,bnttoo fucbe as Ujozfl)tp htm b*tco2ruptip. s&urelp it is apopntof no meancfozbearing.thathe moke:bbis|s)unne teoartfebppon the goobanD the bab. $$<\tt).;s place ijecntreatetb of the free im- putation of the righteonfnefTe, febercbp ob to fbeuj mercp : as S»h° t0 6o *B 800D l3 contenteb eucn fejtth our clap anb nude. Coo vpon tne. ^ it,tbat al tbe bjaueneffe of man S»itberetb away no leffe than the bcauttc of a fatimg flowzc 'wuijcrctb at oncblaftof the fejmDe.3lnDeoeu ist>n= pzoperlp fapDtbat man floitfbetb. Bot= ixMtb&anDing foiafsnucbc as it map Uce obtecieD that be nsuertbeleffe ciccelletb to fome grace 02 other: 2Damo bp a maner ofgrauntingDoth, rather top, be fl02i= fljetbas anb«be,tban fl3tI? denounce btin too bee a fmo&c, o? a ftVioow, o; a thins of nought, as be might haue law= fnllp Done, tfty although as long as fe>e lpue in this fe>02loe,fe)cebee garnifbeo femb natnrall giftes, anD (too let paffe tbetefte)bauc our becing anDmouing in <(p3D.3bt.17. 28. pet notfeoitbrtanoing inafmucb as fe>e bane nothing but bpon curtefic, anD fuel) as map be taken from baf eucrp hour; :it is but a pomp oj fbew that paffetb awap. pzoperlp be iutrea= te.b. *):" of fyi QMtntttc of !pfe,fe>bcrof uj.riaJme. 97 Ccmjd bath a regaroe in bearing with bs mercpfullp : acco^Ding as is fapDe to another place: fleremcmbzctb that ityf be but fleQj,a bzeatb that paffetb ana re= turncth notagapne.^falmc.78.?9.3!f anp man DemaunDe, iobcrcfoze sbauto letting dip the mtnoe ttitbout making mention of it(i»bicb neuertbeleffe is the pzincipaller parte of man) Denouncer!) Xts too bee but Dud anD dap. 3J anfiocr, it is pnougb foj benbefectb bow nothing is moze fraple than our Ipfe. aino alrhough.tbe foule remapne aliue after it is DeparteD out of the pips fon of this boDp: pet hath it no fteDincffe toitfelfe.3Jtfe>as creatcDto giuclifcto the bobp,anD pet is it cnDeweD ioitb no moze life than gab b2catbetb into it.TB ut if cfi?oD ioitbDzaw his grace from it, the foule fballbe but a blaftc, no leffe than the boDp is Dufte : anD Doubtlcffe there fbalbe founDe in the iobole man nothing but mere banitte. 17 ButthegoodneffeoftheLoideisforeuerand euer vpon them that feare him,and his righteoufneire vpon their children. 18 Vnto them that keepehys couenant, and are myndfullof his com- maundements too doo them. 17 [liButtbegooDneffejclCbeonrp thing that he leauetb bnto men, ts too haue tljnr bcetng anD continuance m the mercpof^oD, bpcaufe tbep fboulDplap the fooles too much to fecfee (lap tn them fclues. 2lnD after he hath tottcrlp nbaceD men , be miniftretb bnto them a comfozt in Due feafon: namelp that aithogh there be no tnfejarD power in them Stobicb t>a= nifbeth not into fmo'ae : pet is <0oD an bnDzapnable fountapne of life, to relcue their Drought. Cbto matching of eotra? rics muft be noteo : foz fejbat maner of men be tbep s»bombebeftrippetbof all pofejer ■> euen the faptbfull, tobicbe are bozuc a new of d5oos fputtc, j fcjszfbtp bim ty ul) true Deuotion : anD pet be !ea= uetlj them nothing tooleanc their truftc bnto,faue the oneip goooneffe of <0oD. l^awbeit foiafnuicb as ooc ioit\)in anp o- ther bounDs of time , than be tnclofeth €>3DS grace, feheretoppsn their hope is grounoeD. Clin to gooDneffebeanncicetb rtghtcoufn2u"e,bp fc>btcb ioojoe 3! haue toiD pou oftettmes how there is b:t oUc - nco goas Defence, bp Sx>bicb he mapntet= ncth, anDpiefcructb tbofc that bee his. d5oD then ts righteous : not bicaufe be retoarDeth euerp man accozDmg as He Deferuetb: but bicaufe be Dealetb faptli= fullp frith b*s feruants in fbclDing them fewb \)is banbe. HinD the pjopbci hatb iv ittinglp fet ootone this rigbteoufneffe in the lofejer Degrce,as the eff ecJ of gooo= ncffe.3*lfo hefapth that the fame (ball be fpjcD foitb bpon their chilDien,anD chib Dcrs chUDi*>, acco2Dtog to this tejeteof 3De.7.9- <£>oD fbefejcth merrp to a thou= fanD gcneratios. 3uD bnDouteDip it is a lingular piofe of loue : tljat he not onelp recciucth tbepcrfons them fclues to bis fauo?, but alfo eDmittctl) their oHpzing into the fame fclcfesfhip as it Sucre bp B«". tight wmii xjaiLlilliwO VJUIHUlLlililHi. ngt)i of inbentace, that tijep m^ be co= pijrmcrs oi tl)S fimeaooprwn.5r0i Ijdvo 0)0lD ty^e caft Ua au>ap,\ bo bp receumg our c'mlozen ana ct)tlo:eno clulojen into bi3 protection, fbcioctg t«*bc pcrfonsof tt)2m,ljo'u) greatc account tjc maHettj of Ouriscltare;' $ou>'j:cit fo^afmucbe as notljmgis moze eatie,tban to? hipocms to beguile ttje friue0 bnocr the falfe p?c= tence of (B JD0fauo2, o? fox tbc bafiaro = lp cbilojtn to ozai»: ionongfulip to tbe= fclucatbe thing that toaopjOiiufeDtoo tbetr fathers : tljefojefapDc exception ta fetbo jD 50 , it 10 S»o?tb £ marking : bpcaufe that bp t\)\s meanes £>autb oooctt) ba to bnserttao Mat none Qtfcr accf true fojosfljtppera cf(£oD,tban futebe 80 reucrentlpobcp bpo toDjoe. Coo too farre of from tb?3 point are f Jdapifta, &>bo thinking ibes fetues to mate!) the Slngeiis in boipneffe 000 ncueitbcleue ityie.e oi in: pofcecf <0oo, trampling Ins bolp Soezbe tmoer their fecteaoiftbep fc>ere afo;tofmaO beaft£.2Dautb then both ngbtlp eftmne imnne0 g3Dlpncu"e bp tbt0 : trjat 10, tf tbep fubmit tbeinfclues to <2>oD3 ioojb, and foiosus tijc rule appomtco bp bpm. •51 no bpcaufe the coueuant taUctbbia beginning at ti)C commcnbacio of grace: ttjc laajfull beeping of the fame requu retb ct^efip faitl) anb pzaper./ftcitber 10 tt fupcraucuifc r*jai l)caDoett)[iy!)icJ) ars mtnbtullofbtocommaunbemcnto.DJfGj although (0ob put b0 m mtnb contmu= allp:pet two %>ee bp anb bp flip baefce to ixoztolr care0,tuanp bacH caittngo rtng in our earea, anb manp inticemcnt0 call our minbo into a flumber. 2Hnb fo fo?= gctfulncffe d)Gbetb the boctrineof light onlclTe ttje faithful! ftir toptbemfclueo from tpinc to tp:ne. Ii5«t JDautb faperb that this mmMulnefle Dooib then rlojtfb foben mm occupic tbemfeluea in bomg. jfFo; man? SBbefe fcetearetooflofcj, 9 i»bofe?)anb0 be as goob aobeab, Ijaue tijeir tungs rebite inougf; to Difpute, 19 The Lorde hath ftablished his throne in heaucn, and his kingdome ruleth ouerall. zo BleiTethe Lorde yce Angeilesof his that are mighty in ftrength, which doo his vvorde,in hearing the voyceof his vvorde. 21 Bleffe the Lorde all yee holies of his, yee feruants of'his thatdohis pieafure. 22 Ble'fe the Lorde at! yee works of his in all places of his dominion: O my foule blelTe thou the Lorde. T9 [Cbc Ho£bcbatb ftablifbeb. 9C] bp calling t^cm into the felowfbip of 3tftcrtl)3t3D3utbL}3tb fcb«fea p bene= ficcaof gob,afwel tobe^wit!) f)« binbetl) ccb of bfrtnto bim,a0 iwbertoit^ be en= buetb bi0 'iDifolt cburcb. |3ofc) i)e cjctol= letbbt3\)nmeafHrablc glovp ingenerall. t)ofc flotbfulnelTc is fo grcat.tafee bppon b0 tbe charge too cjebojtetbcm:' 3ttbongb the 2ingelle0 ranne fi»iftelp afo?e,# toce corns fcarfl? laggtng after: K>ct noti»ithHdnbtng 5Dauto emopneih tbe to fmg gobs p?atfe0 fo? our fafee.rbat r>e map iuaHen 00 from out b?ou;meflc b? vponthe. Ciij.Pialme. & bptbeerampic ot ttjc.u. Bp ttje a>ap ioe muitc marks tjtiJ purpofe i»bteb 3 baue toucbeb af oze:tbat ts,tbat be btrcc= tcib l)t0 cam to tf)c 3tngels,to the intent S»cfl)3lDfenow i)oa? tt):rc t0 stout otber enb appoimcb tb>m but to aouauncc tlje glozp of goo.Cbcr fojc on tbc one Gbe tyz beebctf) tbcm fe>ui) tfrengtl), anb pet be abbctb immcoiatetp tbat ttjep bepenbs Sob3llpDpongoD0bcc&,[pou(faitbbO UJl)icl) oo b»0 Suoib:] as irbe Ojoulb fap, botogcetporoerfoeucrtbepbe cnbeo?eO fDitljal, notbtug t0 mo:e bonoj too ttjeut tbantbctr obcpmgof <£ob. 3mbbenet onip faitb tbat tbe angei3 execute G5ooS comanbements: but aifototbe intent be map the better erpzetTe tbeiaUlingnctTj of tbetr obebicxe.tjeiattb ttjep beaitoaps reaop to go in banoc i»«b tyo beftcs. H [3illpeeb'3Se0ofb£5.jc.]©ptbifl( fpeecije b* beto&cnctbnot feme fuppofe: but be continued) bts foj= mcr fentence. jfteitber, foj ati :bat,i0 tbe repetition fupccfluous,bpcaufetbat bp [bofteo] \)z bctoHenetb tbc millions of millions, tt>!)icb* ftanoing about 3 "sos tb?one,recciuc alibis comaunbements. J ro again be calictb tljein ijioCfcruants tt/rncb oo bis pleafurc,] to tbc intent Sue map Unow tbcp are not faftneo to f pble fpcculatienof goos glojp, butmafmucb as tbcp are appomtzo to be our feruants anb iepcrs, tbep are reaop to Booibcir t»o;ke.3!n{reebeoftbeterme[tDOjD]be puttctb note tlje terme [plcfurc,] j botb arc bone ftulfuilp j to fcerp goob reafon. f oi altbougb £ funne l tbe moenc : anb tbc ftars fc;pc tbc o;bers tbat d&obb^b appotntcb tbcm; pet forafmucbeas tbcp iuant tonberftanbing , tbcp arc not pis= pcrlp fepb to obrp b»s fcooib * tys boice. 3Jnb:bc tl;cxoojb [obep] tsfomctimes applies Ento oumb creatures : but it is in a boiorocbmanerof fpeclje, tl)attl)ep arefapb[berjtento]gobsbopce: namelp S»bcnbi>f fecret infinite of nature tbcp obep bisbcterminattosibut it ts rigbtip toereScb of tbc3tngels,%obofc parpofe it tstoobep<£>9b,acco2bmg alfo as tbcp bnberftano at b!0 bolp moutb,ro!)at bis SDtllt0.3Jnb tbefooibe [pleafurc] boUjc mow clerelp cjcpzcffc a glab anb cbcrcfull obeoience : as if bebab fapb,tbat tlje an- gels not onlp are obeoicnt to gobs com= maunbemcnts.butalfc recctue bis com= mifTtons Sstflinglp, anb Soitb cscecbfng great bcligbt,tbat tbcp map execute bps pleafurc : foi fo Dot!) tbe i^bzue Ssozbe tmpo:t,as 31 b^ue fa&b beretofore. 22 [2Wbisi»oz*ts.<5C.] 3U length be turncib l?imfelfc to al creaturesrbtcaufe tbat altbougb tbcp want fpeeb * bnoer= Hanging, pst muffc tb«? (after a foite) founb out tbe pjapfes of <^oo. 3tnB tbtS boibc be foj our fafees, to teacbe bs tbat tberc is no coiner of beuen oj, eartb boib of <©3bs pjaifes . if oj ft>e are to be Ijelbe tbe leffe ejecufeb, i^ben all tbe froifes of C5ob bp p?apftng tbetr mafecr ^pbiapbc bs tou'b tactic of tuit ,at leafttotfe if ir :s foloro not tbetr ejcample.aino be fcemetb to put [al placesofljis bommicnjfo^ tbe nonce^otbc intent tbc faitbf ull Ojoulbc implop their labour tyc earncftlicr tbers bnto.^rojif tnfetttn§fo?tbt0 fcerp being : truelp he Dfrelletb in ttnappjtocbable Itght.But inafmucbe as hee cntigbtnetb the frholc frculoc tnit\) hps bjttghtneffe : the fame to as it fr ere the garment in Which bee (frho in btm= feife is htboen from bs, ) boothe after a fojtappcare biQble tonto bs. ainbthPS bottrine tsbcrp profitable to be fenofre. ■tfo} if men goe about to climbetootbe beightb of goo, although thep ftpeaboue | cloubs, pet fbailthep be fapne to leane of in the mitts of tbep? race. 31n& truelp thep are out of their frits that feeUe gob in l)ts nafecb maiefltc. ir>hcrfo;c too the intent fre map come to the fight of hint, let him come foojth frith bis apparent that is to fape, let bs turne our cpes too this moftc gooblp fr ojfcmanCbip of the frojlD in frhich tt is his frtll to befeene of bs,leaflfrc be to ctmeufeinthcfer= cbingoutof his fecret [being.] feeing then that <0od offeretb hint felfe toobs dotheotn Itght, there is noreafonfrhp thep fl)0ulb pjctenb anp cjecufe of tbepj bloc&ifbneffe.frbiche fljiinh afrap from f fenowleoge of him,as though be brcelt in beepe barHeneffc. 2PnD bee termetb ^eaucn[a Curtain] not meaning that 00) bibctb htinfclf cnDcr it,but tba: he if he fbolo fap it is his pjince ip pautlton. 3 [JLapingthe beames $c.]2Dautb ejc= pjcffetb m mo fro?, do, that frhich be hab fpoKen bjecflp anB figuratiuelp c oncer= ntng <5oos rapmet.Cbe effca commcth to this pomt , that men muft not perce a= bone the heauens to feebedDOb,bpcaufe be meeteth bs in the fr o?io anb fcttcth ltuclp puSttrcs cucrp frhcre becfojeottr epes.^ojeouer left fre migbt imagine anp income in him, as Who fljoulD fap, he fr ere tnereafeb o?. become bigger bp y creation of the fr o?lo at ts to be bo?ne tn minb , t h at he putt c th on apparel! f o? our fafccs.£>omfrbat mojc barb femctb tbe bojofrtng of this fpcch,£ goo laicth the beames of his cbambers m the fraters : but it fr as £ pjophers meaning to mouc bs the mo?c to fronber at tbe tncompjc= benfibleneffc of tbe thing. ■$ oj cjcccpte beames be founb 9 ftrong, thep fr til not be able too beare tbe freight of a meanc boufc.Cben in that goo grouDfcleth his heauenlp pallace frith ibe fratcrs.frbo fr oulD not bee aftomeb at fo incrcbible a miracles /ftofr confining our Dulncffe, fuchfurmountingfpecbesarcnotfupcr= fluous, frhiebe fcarflp frafcen bs to anp light pcrceueracc.what is ment b^ fr al= feing topon tbe fr ings of j frinb it appe= reth better bp the bcrfc folofr ing,tobere hefapth that the frtnosarc goos meffe^ gers .2!5cholo Ijofr gob riDcth in f cloubs f is carieb bpon the wings of tbe frtnb, terilp bicaufe be bztucth tbe frinbsanb cloubs about at his pleafurc,$ fbctoeth theweft'nee of bis power, bp conucping tbe bitber * tfetthcr as ffr tftlp as be lp* ftitl) . 2H no bp frjcfc fro^os be Dotb bo to Unucrfl.anb,tba( tbe fr tnbs rife not at al aue&s vpon the.Ciiij.Piaime. 99 aeucnturcs,no? ctje lightnings AaUjbp cafuall Uiole*ce:but that <£>od b? hifi ap= pomtm ent r uteth and dtfpefctb tobar fo euer troubloufneffe is m the apze. £>f i»lHCl| doctrine th. ere ts a Double fruite. fQl if at anp time there rife nopfome tombs, fo 80 tbefoutbtomd infect fapzc, op fcarc dp co;nc : the noj-th wtnda oners tt) zoun, nor onelp trees, but alfo boufes: and other towoomar tbcfrmcrsof the earth:toe mud quake bnder thefe fcour= gesofd&od.Hlgapnetftjfrod affuage the oucrmucbe hcate toitb fome cold to md, if he purge tl>e fonle apzc toitb the ne^- theme tomdc, oz if he mopfte the Dip ground toitb the foatrjcrn toind: in tbta cafe toe muft thmUe bpon bia goodne tic . $ o robeit ioiafmucH a0 the spoil le citctb th ta piace to \ l^cbjuca. i. y. 9 applictb it bnto Oingcls : both the od dfctb the tomd0 a0 inefTcngers, turning them hither and thither , and lapmgthem, andrapfmg them as often as he Itftetb, too the intent too Qjero bis power bp the feruice of them : fo tocre the 3ngelle0 alfo created too ejeccute (0od0 commaudements. 3ind truiptoc precede but ttfauourcdlp in the tohol* contemplation of natnre.oniciTc toe ooo with the cpes of f aptb , fpie out his fpiris tuall glozp,tobcrof the image appcaretb dnto us in the toozio, 5 He hath founded the earth vppon their pillers, it shall not moue for euer and euer. 6 Hehathcoueredit with the deepe as with a garment, the waters. shall flande aboue the mountaynes. 7 At thy rebuke they shall fl ee away,at the voyce of thy thunder shall they hafte away. & The hilles shall afcende, and the dales shall defcende too the place which thou haft fet faft: for them. 9 Thou hafte fet them a bounde,they shall not pafle it > they shall not returne too couer the earth. 5 [$e hath founded .fcH&erc he fet= tech fojth CI5od3 glv»;p in the ftablcnciTc ofthe earth, ^ojbp tohat meanca &*e= pethicbi0placctoithoutremouing,fce= ingit bangc :hm the undoes of the aire, and (0 onlp dndcrpjopped toith the toa- ters^grauntittonottoitbout rcfoit, bicaufe the earth poflfeflmg the lowed roomc,inafmuct) aa it is th: cctre of the tooilo, doth nacurallp fettle there. 26ut euen tn tbis pecce of too:Uc aifo fhpneth foouh the toondcrfull power of <5oo. 2f game tf tyz tocp not the couer ct;c toljoic e •irtt; round about t Jn tht0 cafe truelp tbe fihilefophcra haue nothmg to anfecer ,but that f ojocr of nature toaa mended bp €5oD0 pjom= dence, tbat men migbte hauc roome too dweldpon-iPojonlelTcthepgrauntthat the toatcro be reftramed bp the oetcrm:? natc appointment of d&od, thep bcto?ap not onlp their malice I dnthanfefulncffe, but alfo their tnfUtlfulnciTc, and fo are thep dttcrip barbarcuo. /i«lot Dnfitlp thcrfcjte doth f PWPbet rccfec dp among goO0 miraclca, $ thing tohicb toe could ncucr be made tobcleue,tf cjcpcrience did not pzouc it to be true to cur facc0.3PnD toiitoo ill difpofed are toe,U toe teUc not ^nn.iQ. tonrnmg lohn Cakuncs Ccmmcntane feavmns ai tljia to afmrcD pioc.f,s Icrne tlerebptbat nothing to (Uofaftuitbps fa>oilD,furtS)crto;tb iljantc tsftapcbbp bp it)c baroof ©oo. ^ro? the ioo?lQ Ijattj not bts beginning ottl fclfc:anD tberfoic tljc ix>l)otc offttv of nature tcpcnoe.n net bupon anp tljmg clfr,tt;an bppon tl)c ap= pomtmtnt of (£oD,ft>bcrbp ect)e clement bath Ins pccuitar p;opcttie puttntott. f2cptbcr booth the £>2opbet only c pl)o?t U0 too gtuc thanks tinto <2>oD: but alfo ftrcngtljcn bs foj> the time to com?, that toe might not line fearfully anb fcjofc); full? in the fe>e muft of ncccflt= tie batte Doonf,if QD baD not auoucbcD btmfelfetobauegtucn mcn a fure Qm:: omg place Dpon card). aino it is a fmgu= lar bencfitcof bts, that be fonlUjauc me to Dtocl topen $ earth i»ub quiet mtnb0, bpcaufc be bathe ftabltftKD ttbppene= ucrlaftmgpMcrs. ;JFe2 aitbegh tt bappe Diuer0 t'.mc0,tbat ctttcc pcrttn by crtb= gttakcryet bootbetbebobp oubecartbe continue fttll. ycaDoubtlcfle,iDbatfoc= ucr raouingD bettbe, the fame boo better affurc t>0,tbattbe eart!) mtgbtbcftca= io&cDfcp cucrp momrnt, but tbat it ijs ftapco by tljc fecret pafocr of <£o«). 6 [t&e bath coueree tt jc] Cbts ma? be taken two knives: f ptber that novoe the *&ea coucrct!) tbe earth a© it toere a aarmrnt:02 that at tbe bcgtnnmg.bcfoie <5od l;ab bp bts £>o?o gathcrco tr>e fca= tcrs tegttber into abeape,thc earth ft as coacrtbinub tbe bcepc. |3otvuitl)3an= Ding,it femctb to fl-anO better S»ub the 0iophets tnozas, that tbe ^ca (0 now the coumng of tbe earth. f 02 fit tbe firft creation the Dccpc fc>as nBtfomutchea garment a© a grauc, bycaufe notbtng is jno^e fcnltHe to garmfoment of apparell, tban i»a» that confufcb fe>aftncffe anb mt&apcn meblpe.^cere tbcrfo2c(tn mp iibgemcnt)ts commenDcb this toonbers fullDtfttMtton,tbatfe>berastbeDecpei3 fbapelefle of itfclfc, ?ct ncucrtbeUfre it t0 the gerntfbnient of tbe eartbc.$?ofo>= belt bpraufe j fcqude of tlje tc« fecmetb to leaoc tbt other feay: tbe interpreters leane mctt tbit&fffc'ar&tnamerjMbat tbe eartbe S»as couercB &>ttb tbe Beepc bee* fojtefacbe tune aotbefejatersfocrcfe* paratebfrom it. 115 ut tbisbnottscafly tontieD,if(Ssbcras tbe $?opbtt fapib,) [tbe toaters (ball tfanoc abouc the hue] d man fct it oownc tints, [if ,oj altbouglj the heaters llanb about tl>e bus:] ix?fjtc^ tjcatbtng fomci»bat rtfc among tbe ljc= b^ues.a nD Jt tout not but tbat affoonc G0 tbe ^?cpbet batl) fapo l^at tbe caul) isac clotbcb ijjitbioautB:bc aboctb im= mcbtatlp infeapcf ejepofmen, [tbe fe>a= tcrs fe>oiD ftauo abcue tbe ijiis, but tbat tbep flee awap at tl;p rcbuHe.] foj, fcber bponcomctb tttljatf mountalncs fbote t)p,ano tbe bailers tinfecbo»»ne3bntbi= caufe tbe tuatcro l;auebounbs pttcbeb tbe, fo as tbcp can not rcturnc to cuer= fcbeim tbe cartl) :'^o«) toe fee boS» tbe tcjet runnetb berp bc»u» togittcr : tbat Is to toit,tbat tbe fca,bcing a Ocepe tbat ftrtfectbme infcarcfettbbtsbuse= neffe, is ncuertbclcffc a goobip garment to tl)£ earth. Sno tbercafenef tbcme= ta?bo?'S,bpcaufc the Upper face of tbe earth ftanoctb bnceuetrD. Znh tty prophet attouchctl), that tl)ts thing hap- pencth.not bp chauntc.^o? onlcffe gee© pioutb:ncc 5»ubhelb tf>c Waters, toculb thep not bp ano bp poure out the felucs to oner 4Bbtime the earths What bifttn= ttion of btiies ans Dales fljouic there re- mapncr, ji^ot Unabutfeoip then both the prophet anouch tt to come to paflfe bp e= utbent miracle, ano not bp nature, that there appearcth anp bppcr face of the earth. jfFo? if <2?oo fhoulb glue the S»ea Itbcrtie too banc full cOurfe : bp anb bp the toatcrs ^oulDe ftati&e abouc the inouncapnes. Uput nei» bpcaufc thep flee from (S'obs rebuke,thcp turne them fciucs another %»ap.^lnb bp [tlje rrbube of <^ob,anb the toopceof bts thunber] he betcbeni th, the bjeabfrll commaun^ Dement , feberebp (fob rep?effeth the biolentc raging of the £>ca. $ oj aU though hec hauc fct this Diflindton bp his onelp bccke,anb maintepne the fame bp bts becUc at tbts Dap : pet if % ce con- fiCe r IjcSn ragmgip the Spooling of the ^ca cafteth bp bts fame , tt is not fo? nought that the ^lophete hath fapbc, that it ts Heptc tn afoe bp the bpolentc commaunbement of aj>oD:ttke as in 3;e= remie.5.22.f in 3P0b.28.25. (EoDbaa; tcth his potoer ropallp in this bchaife. [Che afceotng bp of | Jpl0,f the ftnfeing Doton of tl;c Bale0]arc poetical 8gu rrs, impe?- vpon the.Ciiij.Pialme. 100 importing trjat if bi[b turne to tbe Dcftruction of Tome certame places , ouerturnenoc tbe (late of tbe whole earth : fo alfo iff it to be bnbcrftoobof the fea, thst attljogb in feme places it pairc biff bounos, vet both the o?btnancc a • tbe fafr,fo as there continuctb boibe roome moug!) bpon the earth fo? men to Dwell in. ob tuubbelbe that cruell eletnente bp biff fo>o?bCr' Che effett is,tbat although the waters coulbe naturatlp center the earth : pet fbrtlit not come fo to paffe, bpcaufe that ipfec as the trutbe is euer= lading, fo remapnetb the ojber liable, iobicb gob bath appopntcb bp tys wo?&. 10 Sending out fprings in the vallcys,which shal vvalke amog the hils. 11 All beaftes of the fieldc shall drinke : the vvyldc Aflcs shall quench their thirftc. li By them shall the foulcs of the ayre dvvell,out of the myddes of the boughes shall they yeeldc their voyce. 13 Watering the mountaynes out of his chambers : out of thefrute of thy works shall the earth be fufryzed. 14 Making graflfe to grow for cattel,and hcrbe for the feruice of man, too bring foorth bread out of the earth. I? And wyne gladdeth the hart of man, too make his face shine with oyle, and breade ftrengthneth mans harte 10 [gbcribtng out.fc] ^ebcfcrtbetb another warrant, as well of <2>cDS po- w er , ns of his goobnc ffc ,tb a t be mafcetb toellcs too fp?tng bpon the mountapns, Sobicbe runnc Daione among the bai= icps. fQi although the D?pnefTe of tbe ground bee net Defull :fo? bs too Dwell bpon:petifS»cbaDnotfeaterroD?i;tKe, anb that tbe ertb openeb not htr beines, attfeinbeof Utting creatures Qjouio DC? cap. Cbe $?opbcte tberrfoie commen= Jbetb tljis temperature ,tl)at iije earth at though it be D?p,bctb neucrtbcleffe mot; ftentis with blr lio.uo.:..*5>ome trfifiate Nechaiinn[b:oo!iesoj niters: ] but that fobtcb 3B bauc frtbown is ? tt^hter/Ju y i»hich fcnfe alfohcaboeth tmmcDiatlp after, that [tbep runne among the bits,] iiohen noti»ithftanDing it 10 fcarfe to be bcleueb th^tfountaincs mapfpzingout of rccUcs anb ftonp placrs. But here tt IsDcmaunbCD fehcrefojc thc43?cphctc feouBe fap,tbat the beaftea of the ficioe Do[ratber queued tijeic tbirftitban men, ffit-n.iu). ftj Iohn Caluines Commentanc fcjtfrbdfc fakes f S»o;lo*»a0maOc.3l doubt not but tbe |3;opbct fapdc fo too amplifp <5oos gractoufe gcoor.efle, m that be toaurfauec!) to cjctcno bto care to t\yz bjure beaft0, pea cucn to tbc [fe>pld aides] tender iobicb kino bs bctokenctb alt raancr of fcpld beado.Slnd tbc J3;o= pbctcfpeakctbof oefcrte places foitbc tbc cub tbat c ucrp of too fboulo afterioard compare ioitb tbcm £ plea= fantcr parts of tbc cart!), ar.o futcne as arc manured &>ttb anpc; rp= ucrorunne cucn through the ioaftiinl; bcrneffeo: 9 cuen tlytte tbc iopld beads emop fameblcffing of oDsgoodnefleandmigbt:bofo> mucbe commendation befcruettj tbc mod plen= tifull ;up;on of fo manp good things , tobjeb »s to be fcenc tn the cotltreis tbat be manured anb plcfanr t Cntclp i»!>cr= as not fome one riuer is running , no? grade growing to fecoc fotlb beads on= ip,no; btrdes fingtng bpon a feroe trees but manifolb abubace of ai goob tbtngs, frttbtoarietfe meeting bs eucrpfo>bcre, our dulncflc is mo;c tb*n b;utifb,if fee be not fo mucbe tbe moie bent to tbc be*, nout minding of odsglo;p.i£e purfu= etb tbc famefentence fttll S»btn bee fap= etb.tbat <2>od foateretb tbe meunrafnes ont of bis cbambcrs c; parlors, fo; it is no trifling miracle ,tbat tbe mountaincs 5»ijicb fecme to be condemned to pe rpc= ttiall Drought , (and after a fc?t boo bang in tbe aire,)boo ncuertbelcfTe abound in pa-fturcCbercfoje tbc jS>;opbct dootbe iudlp conclude , tbat tbPfl frutefnlncffe pjocccbetb not from elfwbcrc,tban bp= caufc0oddootb fccretl* manure than. Sftnptopcrlp in deede doorb be attribute labo;bnto(£>oo,boa>beett not tottboat reafon : bpcaufc (Sod b! effing tbe cartbe from bis reding pUce,1roozkcib mo;c ef= fetfaallp,tban if all tbe men in tbc ioozld fbonide topic tbcm femes out of tbcp; fktns ioitb continuall laboring. 14. [Shaking grade «.] ffioio corns metb be ootrnc too men , bppen fobom as b»s cbild?en,o pertepne not onclptoo ncccu"ittc,but alfo toomp;;lj. &>.wptake tbC fcjOldC Legnabodoch tOO bee ment of tbc labour tbat men bedon? in bui'banojtp. TBut fo;afmucb as graffe growetb onmountapnesofitofcme u- cozo.ano Soitbout mans trauaple: it Us S»eil ttnococn, tbat cozne and gardepne bcrbcs.requtrc tbc trauell and ftoeate of men. Cberefo;e according too tbcm, tbe meaning (bo uid bee, tbat Cod bit flub tbe obcoicntncfle of men, iobiebe tbcp pcrfourme in tilling tbc ground. ^&»= beit fojtafmucbe as tbis deutfe is feme- i»bat too draptciaccd : tbc fapdc too^dc map better be taken fo; feruifablcnefle. Jf anp man tpbe too take tbe iooojdc [H5?cad] flraptslp, I fet'.l not Aanoe ioitb btm. /Bcuertbaefle ittsoltkelp= boode.tbat tn tbc fame are compzeben; ded all otber mcates alfo iDiKlp J dif; Ipke tbc opinion of vljofc tbat exclude b^cad. rocake in good footbe is httr teafen, fobubc is,fo; tbat bp and bp af= eer tbcrcispddcd anotiicr tit of o?od b^tngctb fos^tb $crbes fo; men too feede them fcsttbalt, not oneip bpcaufc tbc earth pccldetb tbcm fade- nance in ccine, but alfo in bcrbs 9 other fruites. Sn toe bauc mo kinds of foode taan one to feede upon. 15 [i»ine gladfietb. 9 c] 3Bn tfjcfc Soo^ds be dotb bs to bnderdad ,tbat god not onlp p^ouidetb fo; mes neccu"ttp,but alfo grauntctb as mncbe as fuffifetb fo; tbe o;otaarp bfes of tbe iifc:and further^ mo;c of bis louing femont S dcalctb mo;e bountifullp ioitb thcm,in gladding tbeir harts fontb feinc and ople. j(Fo; certefle nature toould be contented fottb foater too d;inbc: ergo tbe ouerplus of topne is of <©o 00 liberalitie. ix>berasbe faptb, their faces are made to fbine ioitb ople, it isdiuerflp crpomiocd. 5F0; inafmnebe as fadneffe makctb £ countenance glum, fome vpon the.L.inj.rlalme. lor feme bnocrQ-ano tr tfjat tbep fbpne foul; cbetrfulncffc, fof;cn menemop tbc corns HtoDttic0 of fopnc anb ople.g>omc moze captiouflpreferrcit to lampesttobtcb t0 foubaut reafon . CHljcrfome taftc thr letter Mem m foap of if it bab bin fapb , mennes faces fhpnc mozc foubfoPHC tbanfouboplc.^ut 3! trtt- lp am out of ooubt that tbe pioptjctc fpeabetb of o pntmets . 5F oz b is meaning 10 tb w, tbat gob not onlp beftofoctft bp= pon men tbat foljicb is fufftciet foz tljctr meafurable bfcs:bat alfo pzoccBctb fur= tber in furtbermg tricir D plights ff plca= fures.lflnbas foz tbt lad member fobete be faptb tbat[b:eab flrcngtbenetb mans bartc;] J tafee it tbus: ?\n becoebzeab focrc fuffictcnt to tuftetne mannesiife fottball:out 90b giuetb tbcm fopne ano oplefozanouerplu0 Cbe is not tbe res petition of tbebfe of bjeab fuperfluoufe: bat tt is fet bourne to tbe coinmenbatien of C5o80 goooneffe, in tbat fee bzingctb men Dp tcnbcrlp ano a moft Bpnbebartcb father oortje bw crjilb^en. Cbcrefoje be fapetb ag*puc, feeing tbat tBob fbcwetb btmfelf a Sufficient loutng fofterfatber in bzeab alone : bee Qjctoctb bimfeifc to be bouble anb treble bountt* full in gtuing batnties alfo.i^ ofobcit foz afmucbe as nothing 10 rao;c reaop toitb b0 tban to abufe tbzougb tbeir mifufagc tbc? befplenottbc abunbancc fobteburoffes reo tbcm. Cbercfeze not foitbout caufe ootb 0aule JHo. n. i+.fozbtD men to be carefnll foz tbe flefb after tbc luts tbcr= of. ^Pojtljcre fetll bee no bo if foe giuc tbc flf fl) bio fulbcOre. ftnb ccrteffettbe a0 *£>£>£> bootbloutngiptcnbcrb0:fo alfo batb be fet a laroc of temperaunee, tbat ecbe man fbouio teilltngtp reftrepn bimfclfcmbto abunbance. ^cefenbeib out £>jccn anb %Scs into pafturco, anb tbep cotent tbemfciuc0 fottb fuff ifancc. 25ur bnto be bee giuetb mojc tban focc bane ncebc of, anb tbcrcwitrjaU p;efcris betb tbe meafurable bfage of it, lead toe fbooloe beuoure bt0 benctltco fo grce^ btlp,to trp ourttyttftpneffein moze plen= tifull abunbancc. Crulp tbf lawful ma? ner of bfing tbcm, 10 tbat foobe Gjouioc fuUcpnc pa, ano not Odette 00 . 4*110 tbe mutual! imparting of tbcm bnto 0= tbers C&bPCbc i0 a tbmg commaunbeb bp (0oo) istbebcKc bzpble of riottou0 eiccetTe. Jozrtcbe men baue tbeit abmu bance boon condition, tbat tljcp fbouloc rtlceae tbe foant of tbetr bzctl;zcn.ecr= teffc in as mttebe a0 tbc £>?opi;ct Dctbe net bcrc iittermeble mfs gluttonie i»ttlj (Kobs pzoutBcncc : f»ee gatber bp bt- Sooojbeo, tbat men mape bfe fo>pne not onlp fo; neceflitie0 fabe,but alfo to mafec n)em twerrie : bowbeit tbismtrtb muftc be fauceb foitb fobcrneffe :to tbc intent men bo not fojtget tbcmfciuc0,« bjofonc tbeir ioit0, anb enfeeble tbctr ftrcngtb : but be mcrp before tbeir <£ob,acco;btng a0Q9o5fc0foiUetbtbem.3ieuit.23.4o- anb cbecre bp tbemfeluetf foitb tbanfc- fulneffe,fo as tbep map become tbe foel= bpertnobepingdgob. IQeyrcioycetbin tbi0 foife,fotl alfo berebp to iufttr beui= neffe asoft as it fball pleafe gob.iFej foe muft bo»bbs to tbat rule of pml ^b«- 4..n. J baue lemcb to bauc plcntte, J bane learncb to fuffer fcarcitie. f oj if tberc come anptohen of vSocs fozatb, cucnbctbatffoimmctb wall abunoacc of baintie pnomCon , foill bee fparc in btsbpct.bpcaufebebnotoetb be ttcal= leb too facfeecloarbe anb aOjcs. ^uebe moze ratber tben is bee foxbiobcn W beligbtes, fobomc bis ofone fcarcitie compciletb too bee tbtif tfz anb fober . Co be fboit,if one man be cofrrapmb to fojbcare fopnebp ftcfeuefTe, anbanotber man baue but pooje Gnglcalc, anb tbe tbirb notbing but Cbecre foater:let cucrp man content bimfelfe foitb b'sotoneiot, anbfoillinglp anb quietlp foeanc tym* felfe from tbc mirtbe fobicb the 3Loi&c grauntctb bim not.Cbt fame tbtng is to be fapb of ©pie alfo. wee fee bofo opnt= ment0foerecommonlp bfeb among tbc 3D cfoeo libe as tbcp focre amog tbc r c.l of tbc eaftcrnc nacumo.^ut ^ cafe flan- betb otbcrfoifcfoitb bs at tbiobap.bp-- caufe opntmento arc refcruco fo? furgcs rie ratber tban bfeb foi ^itafure.Jj^ot; toitbftanbtng, tb« #?oj5bcce fapctl) tbat j£)plc i0 to tl)i0 intent ailoytbatwrnnc • QjoulD anopnt tbemfcluco foitbai.:.H5ur r it is too bee confibercb, tbat fciafuurcbc as men arc oucr fczctcar&c bnto pirn $nn.b. fure. i.&t. Iohn Caluines Commencarie f ure : tf)e lafe> of temperance muft not be fepnrated from &JU3 bounteoufcneffe, leaft tbep rume tbetr Itberttc into riot= tous ejcceffc 3Uii> alfoapstbis cjcceptu on muft be aDD:o, leaft an? man mpgbte tabe occafion of liccnttoufneffe at tin* Doctrine . jftcucrtbeleffe after tbat men be tbJougblp xocl toarnco to brpble tljcir lufi : it to profitable fo; t!?cm to bnoisc, tbat ©Jci pcrtnittctb meafurable pleas furcs i»b*r5 abtlitte fuftijetbtfor otbers ifc tbep fboulb neuer be able fo tnucije astoorepaftctbemfclues of brcaoeanb fe>pne toitl) a quiet confetence . /ftap ra= tberat the icngtb tl)ep fooulDe inabe a ftraputoufnege about rl;e tad of Soatcr: f boubtleffc tb> p fbolD neuer come to tbe tabic, but in fcarfulneffe. 3Jn tr>e meane S»l;pic,f greater part of tbe fe>orlo ioal= low tbzmfelucs in plcfurca iutttjour re= morfc : bicaufe tbep it?cpe not &>bat it is tbat \5o& gtuetl) tbcm leJueto Doe $qi gobs fatberlp loumg fcpnDnefTc ougbt to be our bift fcbolcmatfter of tbriftpneffe. 1 6 [Cbe JLorbS trees. *c.]1|tgcin be cntreatetb of <0obs general! prouibcnce in cberifljing all tbe partes oftije iogjio. 3lno firft bee faptb, tbat Mt\) tbe fapbc fratering&bicbebe fpabeof, tl)e trees are fattffieb, fo as ttjcp pec toe barber to tbebiroes.Sfterwarbbe faptb tbere is barton alfo fojt tbe *»plo ISoes anb Co= npes : to as it map appeare tbat no part of tbe toojiseta negletteo of oure mode bere fatber ,nor anp creature of fohicb be batb not a care. <£be $?opbet tben paf= fctl) from men to tbe trees; as if be fbolb 16 The Lords trees shalbe fatiftied,the Cedcrs of Libanus which hee hathe planted. 17 For there the birds make their ncfts,the Stork whofe dwelling are the firre tres. 18 The high mountaines are for the decre, and the rocks are a den for thehedgehoggs. fap, it is no maruell tbouglje <£od bo fo bountifull? cbcrifbe menne , $»bpcb arc crcateb after bis ofome image, fepng bee DifOepnetb not to ftrctcbe b»s care euen too tbe Crecs. 2&p [tbe Crces of tbe &ojt&]lje mcanetb tbe trees tbat be bigb ano Sobtcb erxeil in gooblpncfTe,bpcaufe <©oos bltfftng is more apparant in tbem inafmucbe as tt fcarfe feemetb a lpbeip= boobe tbat tbe eartb fbeuiae pectbe anp fucbe fappe as coulb reacbe to fo greate a bctgbtb, conGoertng boroe trjep renue tbeir leaues euerp peare. 15? He appointed the Moon for ccrtcinfeafons: and the Sunnc know- eth his going dovvne. 10 Thou makeft darknefle and it is night : wherin all the bcafts of the foreft creepe foorth. zi TheLionsrorc after their pray,anddoo feekethcir meateatGod. zz The Sunnc shall rife,and they shall retire, and couche thcmfeluesin their dennes. x\ Man shal go forth to his work and vnto his labor vntil the euening. 19 [^eappopnteojc] jftofe comecf) be faptb tbe fl^oon teas crcateb for ccr= tcin feafons : tbe interpreters agree tbat tbis ought to be bnberftooe of tbe o;oi? narie anb appopntcb feaftes. :tfor in as mucbe as tbe l^cbiuctf arc wont to rcc= ben tbeir monctbo bp tbe s&poonc: tb«P bfe btr as tbe Dtrefler of tbeir fcftiuail Dapes, anb as ttirllfor tb«ir bolp au"em= blies, as for tbeir meetings about poli- t;be aff aires. /frotfc>itbftanomg 31 bout not but tbere is tl)c figure ^pnccbocbc: as; be bourne to an otber commenoation of <0obs prouibenee : tbat is to foitte, tbat <& £> JD b'^tbe fo Dtfpofeo tbe eourfe of tbc^unacan^tbe SiJJoone, tbat tbeir tntcrcbangeablc fuccecomg one an otber bangetb mod fitlp togttl>tr : for tbe ba= rtette in beeping tbeir mutual turncs ts fo far from brcabmgof oroer : as it map eaGlpbefcene, tbat tbe time comae not Ijaue ben DiamguiQjcd better, wbere as vpon the.L.iiij.rIaime. 102 as tf t\)C |d;opl;erc t>dD fapoe , tt;at tt)z £^oonc nor onclp puttctb a Difference betlobtt tlie nigbts anD tbebapes; but al/bbounbctb tljepcarcs anbmoncths, anb confcqucntip feruetb to manp i ur= pofca, bicaufetbebtfttnetionof tpmes is fctdjeo ont of ber courfe.TDlieras be fap= etb, [tbe Auntie Unowetl) bie gopng boom : 33B bnacrftanb it not onlp of b»0 Daplp circuit:but alfo Iv.caufc tbat in bis oneSebile coming nerer to bo $ another iobple going aSoap agepne, be hnowetb Ijouj to meafurc bis ftations Zotyctty to mafce gsommer, winter, ILcnton ano $arucft. tyz fapctb tbat the [beattcsef of tbe JFozeft] creepe foztb a ntgljts, bU canfc ifjcp ftcale fcarefullp ont of tbepz benucs , g>ome tahe tbe S002D Ramafh foz to Soalsc: but tbe pzopzc ftgnificatton of it agreet!) not amtffc.btcaufe y altbougb b linger bo ofte tpmes bzpue ioploc bca= lies into a mabnefTe : pet tbep couet tbe barfcnefle of tbe nf gbt.fn refpctt.of Scbi= cbe fearcfnlneffe , ttyep are. fapbe too creepe fsojtrj. 21 [Cbe&tcnsrezc*c]3llthougblp= onS(tf banger compel! tbe) come abzcDc ano maKe a roztng euen at noone bapes: pet bail) f |??opbct befcribeb tbat Seincl) is ioont to happen rifeft ,anb cfjerfo?c be faptb tbat ipons bare not ft trie abzoDe a bap times but xx nil too tbe DarbcnefTe of tbe nigbt So be tbep Stnil range abicbc foztbeir pzapc. 3 no beer cm appecreth; (2>ods SeonberfHll pzcuiocnee , that fo bzeabfull a bcafl fcccpctb, rjtmfclfc in bis bcn,tbat men map tbe mozc freelp SoalK abzoocHlnO Seljeras tf;e iions bo non?c anb tbenraunge abzobc Suit*) greater U= bertie : tbat is to be Xsttcb bpon tbe fall ofjpoam, Sobicbe bercftebimofbtsbos minion ouer 1 j>i iopiDc beaftcs j[2eu?r; tbelcffem tbe mean fe?b?k tbcre remain, ft til certain rcmnantes pf vcoss foznur buffing, inafmucb as be Soitbbelbeib fo manp crueil beaftoSct; b *be i^&I)t ot tbe bap as it S»cre in cages oz cbepnes. 2i5p fapmg, tbat [tbep iecfcetbctr mcatcat <0ebsbanb,] be meanetb nottljat tt)ep refozt couDOOsp^outDcncc, as ttjougbe tbep acfenoiolebgeb b»m foz tbeir fofte= rcr : but be betofeenetb tbe matter it felf , tbat is to frit, tbat af; tcr f failof man,S»pU> beafts map feeme to be bzcb to our oeff ructton,to renb anb teare in peeces as manp as tbepmccte Soitb: tbis omragtoufe crueltte of tbcirs babneeoetebebilb fboztbp ILozb bovo manpfolb ?c]Cbe pzopbet rcfenetb not bp 0 ftti befcrtptio of ©ot>sfe)02fe3,fc)b«cb« Sucre an cnbUfte tbingro oo:bntcnlp totjcbetbcertcnpar titulars, to f tntft cc b ma map moze ab Nifeblp Seep 9 rofibcr i» btfclf, & febat ^utbence gob goutrnctb f S»bole fec;lo 9 cttcrp parttberof. 3:nb tbtrfczebzea- ning of bis talfe,bc trpctb out Soitb Sno Dcrmet,[bottmamfclDarctbvSoo2b0r'j arfpi: 2.pC lohn volumes ^ommentane accozomg as tot tljen ontp pelo 4B>oo \)\a Due honour, wben being at our 5»ttte0 cnosfrcconfctTetbat ourc tonganball out fenfeo faple b*. /fcofc if a fmalpo;^ tun Of d5ob0 to otfeco make b0 amajco : bofo>e farre too little t0tbe capacme of oar toit to camp jebenD tlje tobole bug*= neffeof tbcm i $n& firft b£ fapetb, tbat <©oo mabe ail tb mgo totfelp : anb after = ward aooctb ,»bat tbc cartb is filico anb replema)ebfe)ttbbi««cbc0. ^ojcouer bp tbc name of [feifebome] be ejcclubetb net b'.0 migbtincff e.but be meanetb tbat there 10 noting confufeo in tbe fooii&c: pcaratbcrlic meanetb that tbe ttujeture Of fo manp tbtngo 10 oxbercb fo>itb fm= gularreafon, fo a0 notbpng can be ab= Deb , taken aSpape , 0; amenbeb. 3nbtbp0 commenbacton 10 fctageinft tbe tefojD tmaginacionf tbat oft crcepe bpon \30, feben ibe cannot attepn to tbe rcafenof (ffitooo &>o;fe0. 30 fe>bo tooulo fap,tbat oo fecrc bounDtoourfo!tfb= ne(Te,fo as be muff be fapne to beare tbe r cpioo f of facbe as arc ftarK blinb tn tbe confu)eringofbt0feo;tt0. 3i5p tbe fame commenbacton alfo Dootbe tbe ^zopbet rcpzoue tbep; tnabneffe , &b*cb b;eame tbat tbetoozlD Soao bio wen togitber bp chance, Ipfee ao <$ptcuru0babblebt!iat tbcCtcmentc© i»cre raabe of bebileffe moate0. 0 oujc fo; as mttcbe a0 it to too beaftlp a fo;gcrte to fap, tbat fo goblp a peece of S»oo;&c fette outfoitb fo inefti= mabie dottcrcb bp of tbe blpnbc cluttering toogitber of bobpIefTe moateo : tbe 0zopbct beere biobctb b0 toloobemozefetfclpbpon d5ob0 fc)tfc= Dom and incredible ft>othmafbipfe>birb ftinetb foo;tb tn tbcfeholc gouernment of rbefooitoe. Under [riebco] are com= p;ebcnded <2>ob0 goobneffe anb bounte* oufneffe. $0} bi0 rpebeneffe i* not too bimfelfe, bnt bt0 abunbance if fo; onre beb06fe,leaft ir>e mpgbt leant anp tying tbat &>ce bane nccde of. 2Hnd toe mutte taae it fo; a ccrtatntie, that tbe eartb to not fo f r uitf all 0; rtclje of it ofonc fetfe, but tbat it 10 tbe mpntftcr of 00b* U= bcralstte. 2? [S>bta tyc great* fc] after bee batye tntreatcb of tbe eartblp rece;D0 of bale,bpcaafc tb 10 onlp oac beaft ootb tnougb anb too mucb to fet «I5oD0 terrt= ble power befo;e our epc0:anb tbat to tbe caufei»bP tbere iomabc fo long intreas tance of bint in tbe fcooke of 3! ob. % nb bpcaufebtofttrrmgbotbctottb great as bafbemente trouble menneo bartco no IcfTe tban tbe fea : tbe |d;opb«e betoHe= netb tb*0 mouing of bis bp tbc terme of [plapinglaoin refpecteof &ob :a0if b« fbouloc fape, Cbc fea 10 gtuen too tbc TObalef, ass fields too fpo;te tbemfeh ttC0 in. 27 All thefe wait vppon thcc,that thou mayft giue them foode in due fcafon. z8 Thou shalt giue it them, and they shall gather ft:thou shalt open thy hand and they shalbe filled rvith good. 29 Thou shalt hide thy face,they shalbe afrayd : thou shalt take away their breath, they shall dye and turne ageine to their duft. 30 Thou shalt fend forth thy fcreath and they shalbe created: and thou shalt renue the face of the earth. 27 [Sill tbefefrait #c] ^ecre ageine a feiecafttng boufebolder anb fofter fa- tbe 0;opbet ocfcrtbctb (Cob bntobfi a* tber toSoaroo all Uuing tbmgo.ipirft bt bab vpon the. Ciiij.Pfalme. 103 bao iapo tljat foDDer wa0 creatco on tbe billc0 foj cattell to be feb fcntb : £ after- unt d f foooe f0 giuen to v bcrp l/pona b? the banb of tbe fame d5ob, aitbougb tbeptiuebppon tbe p?ap. ifroto aobing a ctrcumftaunce, be ejepjeffetb tije fapbc SbonDerfulnefTe of <5ob0 liberalttic.;ffo; feberaa the fcneral fojt0 of liuing crea= tares arc almofte innumerable, anb of ccbe fojt fo great a companp:pct is tbere none of tbem all iobtcb batb not necoc of baplp fuftenace: anb fo menetb be feben be faptb tbat all tbmgs["tt)3itbpon gob] as if be ftjoulb fap.tbep conl° HOt cont^ neroe fo mutcbe a0 tbjtce Dapt0 in gaoo pligbt, onleffe d&oD relectting tbctr oap= Ip neebe,fboulo refrefb euerp one of tbe. hereunto perteinet'j tbe great biuerfitte offrute0,bpcaufe <0oo giuctl) an&ap= pointetb to ccbe of tbem tbctr couenient anbpjoperfoobc.^on? aitbougb § bjute benfts batte no reafon anb bffcretion too fecke rebjeffc of tljeir neceffttie at <15oD0 banb.butratbcrgogroueltngbppontbe eartb to glut tbemfcuie0i»itb foDettpet bib tbe $?opb« fpeake pjopcrlp in fap= ingtrjat tbepi*>apt bppond5ob,fe>bofe bounteoufeneffe mnft releeue tbeir i»at •ffoobe, leaft tbep beeap out ofbanbe. ifrcitber is tbe marking out of tbe time fupcrfluonfe,tbat Cob lapctb bp ftiftes nance in (lojte foj all liuing creatures, fo a0 tbep map finb febcron to fccDe all tbe pcere long, f 0% feeing tbat in ft>inter= time tbe cartb fbettctb bp tyv compafft* on:S»bat 0)310 become of t\)cii be fijoulb net pioutbc tbem fuficiuncc foj a long time/ €be miracle tl)en 10 tl>e greater, in tbat (fob making tbe eartlje frutefull at ojbinarp ttme0,cictenbctb !>is blifftng to tbe reftDue of tbepcarc, aitbougb bee make a Q)eu?c of Dearrb anb famin. fQi io\)it were in tootfe cafe tban f»c,feben tbe eartb in Winter timcbpbftb efcape btr fopjon, ifljope of ncio tncrMfe ftolb not cbecre our bartca :' 31rxS»l)icl) fenfe beefapetb fitly, tbat [Cob epcnctl) bt0 banbe.] ^fo? if ^oUeatc frjeui3 grofc? bp baplp, Cobs pjoutDcncc OpulDc bee tbe rnojc . 3&ut fc>bcn tbccanlje becommetb barrein ,it 10 all one a0 if gob fboalD fbetb'-sbanb. wbcrbponitfolos &»etb,tbatfc>benbe makctl)it fruitful!, be after a fo?t ftrctcbctb l)is bans out of i!?«:auen,ano reacbecb bs meate. jfrofojc if bee gtue fuftenaunce m Due feafon to tbe foploe anb tytote beafts , febcrbpon to feeoe tbeir fill : DoutlclTe l)is bliffmg (ball bee to baas a (tojtcboufeoffopson tbat canneuerbee confumeb,iffobe it that fee our fclue0 binber it not through tbe impebimentof our oSsnbnbeicefe. 29 [] U5? tbefc Sooo?bC0beteacbctl),tbiit wz fhmbeoj fall accojbing to Cobs fcntl . $ o? iuec ftanb fo farrefoojtb a0b' mapntcpnet!) b0 bp bt0 poieer : but affoone as bee 5»itb^aa»ctbbi0 quicluning fptrttc.fee becap. fMato alfo fatoetbio.'ajbo oftcn= tpme0 teacbetb in pjoper anb ejep^effe fpeeeb^, tbat tbere is but one <2?ob, nno tbat all tbtngsb^ue tljcir being tnbim alone. 2Jnb 31 bout nor but tljat it 'was Cod 3 ioill to tuaken all men bp tbat bc= tben fc)jtter,tbat tbep rapgbt knou? bow tbep bojroiae tbeir Ipfe from elfcivberc. WW) firffe be fapctb tbep areafrapbe pf d5ab bpoe b'-0 face awape : anb frconblp tbat if be tabe a\rap ln'0 bjeatb tbfP bic, anb confequentip turne agepn into tbeir buft. H5p &bicb "looses be botbc be to bnberfranbe, t^at tbe epes of d5cb are tbecaufer0 of lpfe,i»ben be tooutfafeb to lokc bpan bs : 9 tbat tbep infpire ipfe into all creatures, as long as b»fi coun= tenance fbpnerb clcere bpon tbem. Coo too bncjccufable tbcrcfoje is our bltnbc= neffe, but if feec on tbe otber fibe cafte oureepc0bpon tbat goobneffe i»bicb* qutcknctb tbe iuljoi: SdojID . 35nb be gotb bp Degrees in Defcrtbmg tb? Deftnutum of liumgcreature0 Ww^at tpnic o^lbei0 bapelp [renueb,] bpcaufc God fenbetb foo^tbbio b:eatl).3lnb tru= Ip in tbenero engenbjing of cattcll, wt fee continuallp a nevoe creation of tbe fe>o?lbc. 3!nb iobere a0 noSuc l;c cailctb tbe _M5' iohn oaluines Commentarie tije fatfie bjtcaib (Sods b,:eatb , Sohufoe crcir bile I)-: fapoe i»as tlje bjcatye of U= utng creatures, tijercts tmtnocontra= rictie. vSobfenDccb foottljetije b;eathc tobtcbz abiostbrn b!spounT,ft>l)itbcr [)C nftctlj: a0 foonc a© i)ce Ijatljc fentc it fOD^tl) alltbmgs are crcatcD'.ano bp tl)ts mcanca look; voljat loan l)ifl , bec ma= fectljoara. U5ut tbps Ijcl^ctlj nothing tbcoloc Dotage of tljc mantcbes , fc>b"b tbat tlltbpe Doggc £>eructus tjatlje tn= crcafeDto tbefrojfc in tbefc our Dapcs. Cbe &pantcb«s fapne , tbat manncs fouic is aparccii of dgoDs fptrite, anD tsb,tcbOt of ;t bp renuepanceoucr :but this barlct Durft fap, tbat sDjccn, atfTcs, anb TDoggcs , are panes of (SobB being ojfub lance. Cbe SSjJamcbccs DiBDe at icafte topfc pjctcnDetbtscolourf, tbat mannes t'eule feasmaoe afiertlje 31 = mage of dSob : but to conuepc tlje fame tbpng to ffojpnc anD cattcll, toaa Double Dcteflabte inoiifrruaufncffe . U5ut t\)Z {.yjopbete meant ncttjpng tciic itjan to parte <£ovs fpirite, fo as a portion of tt fbouloe Dwell fublrarutaity in eucrp Ipumg creature : but be tcr meb tbat tbe bjcatrj of <& aD 2D , i»l)tir)c pjtocee&ctl) out from I)pm. SinD bp tr>e reap be Dotb bs tu inn ti)5t it is ourcs, bpcaufc it is gmen bs to liuc bp. Cbecffiiictenbctb to tins popnee, tbat feijenioecfee tl)c S»o;lDe Daplp becape anbrcnuc sgcpn: it ts a glaflc forfjercin (2?OD0 quickening pofeer fbpnetb-bnto bs . jfo£ Icke bote manpocatijesof Iputng things befall: fo manp examples bee tbcre of ourc no= tbwgncfie p.s 3 mapctcarme it : anb S»bcnotber tbpngs gtofrebp intbev? ft eoe, tbcre to fbecccB a ccrtcpnc rem»= tng of tt)e SaojlDe. &>ctng trjen tbat tlje S»o?lbe bootbe baplp ope anb quicken as gepne in trje partes of tt : tt is cafpe to gather beerebp, tbat tbep baue not a- npe bectng but bp Cb'oos fccrctc ope- ration. 31 Gloriebeetothe Lorde foreuer: lette the Lorde reioyce in his ovvne workes. 31 When he looketh vppon the earth it shall tremble, if he touche the mountaines they shall fmoke. 33 I will fing vnto the Lord while I liue : I will prayfe my God as long as I haue any being. 34 Let my words be acceptable vnto him: I will reioyce in the Lord. 35 Let the wicked be confumed out of the earth,and the vngodly till they ceafe to be any more:my foule prayfe thou the Lorde, prayfe yee the Lord. 31 [©'lojpbcetofrc.]^ecfbewft1jtoo 'votyzt purpofe be batljc bitbeno comme= dco goes intg!)tmeu*c,^)tfeDome 9 gooa= neffe m l)ts i»o?ks, tl;at is to S»it,tbat be nugl)t ft tr bp menus 'to ttts to p^apfe bun. foi it is no meandjonoMbatgob ■)atb.cDcckcb tb,e ^»o?lb fatt) fo bcantfr ful arpp foj our as toe map not onclpbcbcljolDers of tljts gooblpftage, but alfo cntop t!jc mantfolb abunbance f barictiecf (iood ibmgs, i»bic!) are fet out bpo tc fo: bs. Cbc onlp recomptnee ?ljat (Sou a;ceptctb fo: it,ts r{)ts tl)anh= fulnefTc, fevbeu toecpcelb bim bps Due piavfc whereas i;c abbctb, [let p ilojoc retopcein bts Sdo?U0:] it ts tnnotopfe dtperfluoufe. -ffo^ Ijce befiretb trjaftbe o?ber iubicb dEfoo batbe appointed ftom tljc bcginning,map pjoceebe m trjc laif ? full bfeof bis gtfts. fo% like as it repcn= tcb bim tbat be bab mabe ma.<2>cn. 6.6. cuen fo iojbc be fce:^ bis blefftng oeftleb b?oureo?rttprtng5,bcc ccafctb too take pleafure of it. ainbtrulp f confufebturi mopltngs tbat bappen at fuebe times as tljc elements ccak to boo tbcpj bewttc , Deo tclttSe tbat Dtfpleafurc anb irkfom= ncfTeb^tue d5oD too bje^kc oftbecuen courfcofbps 5»elDoomg tnottbatanpe fucbe pafftons ligbt bppon bim , but in refpect tbat f)c putmit bpo btm f pcrfon of a moft louing barteD father, &bo Dc= ligbtctb vpon me. v^iuj.naime. 104 Ug^terb fyitnfelfc m cberttbwg l)ta ctitU ojcntcnoerlp, anD m Dealing fottb tfycm liberally. 31 nti)ene^t berfc t^c D)cu>ctg 1)9X0 t\)i ftate of ttjc tooilD 13 (onnDCD bppon tliat rciopctng of <25ods, bpcaufc tbat tf be Dt¬ cbcere tbe eartbe futtb btsglaDfomc anD fatbcrlp affctfion, af= (oonc as fyc Did but looUc bppon u fomb a ftcrne countenance, be fboulD tuaHe tt quabe, anD burnc Up tyz bcrp jQ^oim= tamc0. 33 [3Dfetllfingfc.]^ee goetbbefoze others in ejcample gtumg, anD Deciaretb that !)«c fmUneucr bee freerp of fetUng fooub (0oDs pzapfes as long a0 bee li- ntel) 3mb ibe bttermofr bounD of p2ap= Gng (Efo6,lje plaectb m Deatbc. jftot tijat tbe^aincteceafe of this Dcu?tpofgoD= Ipncfle &b«n tbep be fleeteb into anotber Itfc: but bpcaufe ioe be creates to tbcenD ice flpulc falajc abzooe d£>oD0 rcnorontc bppon eartbe. I^ot&beett fozafmuebe ?s bee acUnofcjiebgctb b*»wfrtfebn$»oztbp to offer fo pzecioufe a facrtftfe bnto goo, bee bumblp befcecbetb bpm , tbat [tbe pjapfc0iobtcbbf «*»?"" Cng bnto bpm map bee fcKllacceptcD,] altljougb tbcp pzocecoe out of bncleane lippca. Cruc it istnDccDc tbatdScD itfeeibozaJlofoetb noting mo?e tban tbc fctting fooztbof lH0piapfr0,acco;omg alfo astberets nothing tbat b"?e rcqutretb fo ttiutcljc at our b*nD0. H5utfozafmucbe a© our bn= clenneffe Defiletb t^at tijtng fo^ic!; of it otcne nature &ao inoft bolp : tbe f3zo= pbet batbc tuft caufe to flee bnto (jfcoDa fozbcaring,leaft be mtgbt refufc too aD= nritour fengs:anD tberfozetbe3!pofr!c. l^,9. tcacljctb tbatourfacrififc0 of tbaUfgiumg pleafe d5oD to farrcfoztbe a© tljcp be offcreD tfyzouglj CbZ'ft Wnt noioefe>bcnailincn i&ttbont exception cniopc U5OD0 bencfitcs : coz as mucl;e as fcarce tbe bunozctbe pcrfonc batbc an epe too tbe founoer of tljcm : tbe ^jto= Pbctc aDDctl) alfo, [31 iotll retopec in tbe JlozDc : bcfoHenpng tbcrcbp a rare bertue . 5F 02 notbpng is mozc barDer tban fo to ozaiB b°'ne a inns mpno from tbeioauDzpng topes tbat bantfb afrap tbjougb bcaucnanDcartlje.asbce map bolD btmfclfe in 05ca. ?5 [JUt tbe fcuckeD. ffc] Gtysmfe fcufbmg DepcnDctb bpon tl;cfapDcfen= tence, [let oife- manfbtppe, anD in a matter btccrip mif= iFUetb tt. foj. « can not otbertepfc bee, but tbat bnclcanKcfTt muite Dtfpkafe bpm, i»btcbebcetng fpjeaD abjeoc tbor rougb all parres of tbc a?cjiDe,marretb anb cozruptctb tba^ noble iuG2be of bto ^benfemg tbittb^UjicHeD Do bptbctr frofoaroc abufeof ^ods gpftcs b2png to paffe tbat tbe fc>oiiDc Dot!) after a fou grocoe out ofbpnoeano fall aiyap from bt0 fpjft ozigtnall : rpsbrth"? ootbc tbe |3zopbetebcrpjetoo bauetbem &ccdcD out.eiten till tberc be none of tbctn lefte. 3let "os tljen beare in mpnoe, fo to ioepe goDs p20utDencc,as bemg tDljoUp giur n to obep bint, ioe map rt^btlp mb purelp bfe tl>e benefits Su!)icbe befanritfictb reo our bfe. IBefiDcs tbts.let tt crrcue bs, y fo piectoustrefures fijolo be~lo totcaeDr Ip mifpent:anb let bs taUe tt fo^ a bozrt= ble moaroufne ffc.tbat moztal men fbdD not onelp foigct tbeir m^bcr.but aifo as ttroeroffetpurpoieturn tea cctrarp* bnfcemlp cnbe.teb'^focuer gooa tbmgs d5oD 5;a.'b beftotoco bpon tbem. TheContentesof the.Cv.Pfalme. Hecommendith Gods flnguhr g-dce for fi-eely adopting ttohinifeife cne pcrpleontofdlltbeyvbole-vjrlde. ^Andto the intent h^ might Jhcwtbatbe made not d couenant -xsitb ^ibrubam And bis offering in bare words : after be hdd delimred tbe?n, he ceafj'cdnot alfo to bcape innumo'abk benefits vp- pon them , to the aide tbat -when they vers dcliucrcd, they asnvi m the oiler fyde jhould faithfully dbferue bis couenant ', and giu-c themjelues -wbully to. tbe pure y»oor flipping of him. The Tbe.Cv.Pfdlme. Rayfe the Lorde,call vppon his name,dcclare his works among nacions i Sing ynto him,fing prayfc vnto him, talk ye of all his wonde- foiis works. 3 Reioyceinhis holy name,Ietthe harts of them that feeke the Lorde reioyce. 4 Secke the Lord and his ftrength,fecke after his face continually. f Be mindfull of the maruelloufe works which hec hathe doone,of his wonders, and ofthe Judgements of his mouthe. i [$?apfe the £o*be*c] Cl)t0 ente= rancc tenoeth to none other purpofe.but that the cffpjmg of aibjaham fbouioe grouno all tbcp? tobole bluTebncflc in goD0 free aboptto. foj, although it i»crc no benefite to be befpifeb^hat tyep toere creatcb men,that thep toere chcrtCbeo m the toojlo bp his fatherlp care, anb that thep recepueo fuftcnace at his hano:pet toas it a farre mo;e excellent pj«roga= tiue,tobccbo5cntobc the peculiar peo= pie of (0od.5Foj inafmueh as t^e race of al mankpnb 10 curfeb in 3ibam:«je ftatc of tbat people toas fo ejecrapteb fromthe reft of tlje ©entiles, £ the? might boaft thcmfclucs to bee bolp bnto <5oo. SfnD tbat i0 the caufc ioljp tlje pjopljct tl)jton= geth togither fo manp toojbes to the cd= menoactonof hps grace, jffo? heintrea= tetb not of the goucrnmentof the tobole toojlDeashecoio in the fojmerpfalme: but fettetb oute the fatherly gooD toiil toherroitb <15od cttibjaceo the 3J fracittjff t$ec namctbc in beeoe taDefiniteJp [hps toojks anb bis toonbcrs:]hotobcctt hee reftremeth them bothe to the fpirituall coucnar.tohcrbphecboje out a Church tobicb fijoulD mpnba heauenlp life ruen bppon ecirth.ifoj he Dotbe not noto call them toobcrs,that the *>unnc,flffioone ana &tarres,ooo Baplp rife to giueitght to the toojlD.that § earth bcarethe frute in hi0 teafos.that abmtbanreof all goob t!)ing0 i0 giucn to lining creature© too fecoc on,that fo manp comwtobtties are bomutfuiip potojeDout bppon all man- kpnb:bot that out of the foilojnc race of 3tdam,goo hath chosen hiiii feife a finall par to, to her utito to fhctoe himfelfe a fa= thcr: anb chcrfoje bee biDbetbetbcm rc= topes in the name of 45ob, anb call bpon him : tohtch to b» is the pjtuilege t»her= in the church onlp ejxellcth. Wberbpon it follotocth that his talkc is bircttcb to none bHt the faithfull , tobom d&obta= king into bis tuition anb cuftootc, toolb haue them to glo?u m his name. . 4 [£>ccketbeio?b&c.]ai!thougbhee babeucn notoe tnhono?eb the faithfull tout) this title that the? feeke ©obrpct booth he noa?e ejehojt them to the enbc= ucr of ft ehing him, 9 not toithout goob caufe. tfoi true it is in tome, that the fameisp;op?elp tbe mar ke toherbptbe faithfull are d ifcerncb from the too?lbe= lingoihorobeit thep came farre flj'ojtc as pet of fcekingbim fo carneftlpeas thep oughte to boo : anb therefore thep hauc nccoeof fpurres continuallp,tohertoith topjicke them fojetoarb although thep be running of their oomeaccojbc . 5Foj thep be ncpthcr gabbing perfons no; al= tegither bullarbs nc? fuche as are fafte tpeo to carthlp bjcggs.tohom the |b?o= phet ftirreth bp to fecke <£ob : but fuche 00 toith a fo^efearb mpnbe tocnt about it alrcabp : Sllcrilpbicaufehefeetb them letteb toith manp hinberaunces , fo as thep can not runne fafte pROugh.S?otoc toclltoillingthcn fo euerinee bee, pet haue toce neeDcof ihJ0 packing fo?e= toarb,tbat it map cc^rert our floxneheflc. Whcras he fapeth[hi0 ftrength anb hi0 face,]noboubtebutbee bctokenetb the kpnbeofmanifefting, toherbp €»£)JD bjeto the rffaithefuU bntohim mthofe Oapes,acco?bpngtothcrubcnefleofthe tpme. 3! nbtoeeknowe that in manpo= ther places, the 3&r&c of coucnaunte is toont to be tctmeb the ftrength anb face of2 tbe carnefter Dclirc. »^ptD= neffe alfo is commenbeb bnto \js, to tbe intent tbat being mpnbfull of our Gat»= ncfTe infeefemg c[5oD,iycmapbolocti?c iu-ip tbat bee batb* appopntcb, anb not take fcojnc of tbe introbuction0 , bp frfyicbe be bjmgctb bs to bimfelf bp Iit= tie ano Uttle.ailfo tbere ijs abbcb [Con= ttnuallp,] lead anp manne fljoulb fcejee toerie m tb 10 rac*, oj be puffei) bp imtb foolifbe opinion of perfection, to negtecte tbe o:uu?aro furtberanceg of gobiincfle, accojbtng aa manp bo, fetjo S»ben tbep bauc pioccocb a foure o; Que footc in tbe fenorolcbge of d5ob,eiccmpte tbemfclucs from tbe common c(tatc,a0 tbougb tbep Socre better tban tbe Angela. "SUgein be kuUctbtbcmto remember gooo mira= cico iybicbc bee feuougbt at tbf ocimc= ring of tya people, bicaufe i»ecfenotoe tbat tberc bee bttereb bps poioer bp ftraunge anb bniwoontcb mcancs. ®P [tbe jBuogemcntefiof bis mout!;,] fome bnberftanbe tbe JUS»e . 115 ut Cm afmuebe as 31 reabe tbcm alt tluec m one ftreine : 3 bab leaucr cjepounb i it of tijc figneff bp torjtc^ goo bjafce ti;c pitbc of ^barao. jlOotumbfranouiq;, there t£f pet dill a bout of tbe rcafon off fpecctj. ja>ome tbmfe rbe to be calleD tbe tuogc^ ments of d5oD0 moutb, bprattfcbf foj:c= toiotbc:Urt)icbisap?obabletbmg.l!)oi» belt, tbe fimpler bnDerfranbtng Xoere, tbat c0oO0 incrcbible poioer appecreb in b<0 miraclc0 , iuberbp it i0caQctoo gatber,tbatbei»a0tbe5»o?ber of tbe. 3!ngoobfootb 31 ejcclubcnot tbcferutfc of s£$opfe0 5»bo«n ob bab rapfeb bp to be a l^opbet to tbe Cgtptian0,'u>bo o;b , pet bib it openlp ap= peercbp tbe DccDe ttfclfe , tr^at r;ee &>30 tbe Defenocrof lji0 people. C O ye fcede of Abraham,™ hich ayc his feruauntes, yee Tonnes of Iacob hischofen. 7 He is the Lord our God, his iudgements are through all the earthe. 8 He hathe bin alvvay mindfull of his couenaf.and of thepromife that he made to a thoufand generacions. • 9 Even that he made to Abraham.and of his othe vnto Ifaac. io And hathe confirmed it to Iacob for a lavve,and vnto Ifraell for an cuerlafting couenant. i r Saying I will giue thee the land of Chanaan, the meete line of your inheritance. 6 [>"cf«ocofaib;abam?c.] Cecals letb to bt0 o&ne countne men bp name, i»bom(a0 batb bin fapD)goo IjaD bounD bnto butt bp b<0 fpcciallaooption. 5roj tt &>;i0 a rigbt afTurco bonbe of alpance, to be p^efcrreb before all nations bp t\)t meerc g ?ob iotll ol 0ob. 3lr.D in calling tbcm tbe fonnco of 2fb?abam, anb cbii= bjenof 3Iacob,bceputtetb tbemtn rc= memberauttcc, tbat tbep bab not attcp= mt> fo great bonour foj tbeir otonc ibel= booing, but bpcatifc tbep Socrcbcfccn^ bcoof l)olpfatber0.l^oa?cbcitbe attou- cbctb tl)crei»ttball,tb3: tbe botpncfTc of tbcirfatbettJiffueb from»J5oD0 elcrtion enclp,anD not from nature, fo; be fct= tetb boxonc botbc of tbcm bp crpjeffc termes : namelp tbat before 3b;abam babbc anp cbilbien bo?ne, ttjep i»cre al; rcabp l)ty}tB of tbecoucnaunt.bpcaufc tbep fljoulbe baue tbeir oiigmiUl from bolp faibers : ?ilub alfo tbat t\y; fat\):ve £)oo. tbcm- ,' John Caluines Commenting tycmiclaej piKCDafco mt toj fbem tins rtotcfeosenof cj>3).] j?5j mr!p«gi) ai= t$at)am bttnitto brc alfj caiicD [(goes feraaunt,] <$>znt&$*i6 . 24- bicauie i)« i»33,ipurcvao3^n):p;4cr of bun. yctw t!)c feconoe puie; tlje v>2Qpij«e teftUKtJ) tijat ti)c bcgutiiUtg oi it came not of men, but 36^03 alone, ialjo bpaeljefafaD 100 (afc: tbcm to use ins peculiar pafleffion. Sipov *%u coucaaunt \)z mferrcto, tljae albeit ©jae Dominion ftretcb tbozongb i^cxo'pie fi)o?lce, enb tijat ijc ccecucc bts wogemcnt rusrp iwljerc : Tct 10 ljce tbe peculiar <5eo cf cbat omprjpie , ac- cozDmg as it is fate in tfc foni,6f i^)o= fee. JDcut. 3 2. &.VEM)en Jr)c tjigi>rft Deut- DcD tbe nattou3,*ano iBljeu bee feucrcD peoples, %,)z ttiCtc!«co t)\2 mccteipne ftp- ponjjacob. Stib once agepne tY}c ?*\20= p'jet meat 10 Cbcvur, tljat t!>c csrrclicnctc of ti)J Jfraelitesfoas not bicaufe tftep facte better trja o;t;£rs, bat buaufe goD Ijabaloucto-tbem. jfo} tfuSoosiUDge- mentcs cjclcn&nbcmfclnes tbiougb alt tljecaaflirsof tijcioo^l&c: tl»z ftatc ofall nations is cqinU,as in rcfpefSc of tljeni. U^'bpponit fololoctb, tJjat tJJe' 5iffc- reectstnsi)eloacof:e (ball fpnoe ijoSx) it i»ao no fojim t^tng £ ico goo to pufcirebsbefoie others: but £ be toos cote'nteD to 00 it of bis o5aon mere grace. 8 [\£':batbbenab»ap.fc.] 0owc Se ccmmcnDctb *bc veail effect of tbe coacs nant (as tl)cp termc it) ano pzouct!) rrje tbingtbatbsfpafteafoze, bp rlje bclwc= ranee : tljat is to i»tt,tbat 0oD retgnctb alvkc nueralt nattons, *no pet tbitbec batbemty-accD nonefcrnb bis faaoure, but tr>e oiilp offpxmg of 3lbza!)am. f 02 toberbpon coikjhcs t?, tbat <15oD iaDtlt= ueritig bis people, &to opcnlp aouaimcc ri)e 'joiver of I)ta arme teitb fo man? sni= ratles : butoneip to t\)i pjomtfc {;^a:bci>aotnaecfol)l5Ufuantsmnme paii?1 Ccrietsi u tett)-:n,t!;ac tljs foimcc coacnaunr*»?0ib; caaieo; tij: ocituc: ranee : (oj tj i\ys mtent t:.)K (0bo wtfcftt b: foot-ita:i in Keeping i)ts p^ainrfei^ tj beb^uco l;un S? Jt to be mcrcpfaii a? ije, '4ina fo; as muct^t a.a trjerc b-5 paJlV^a tongp?oceffeofpeerc0 bctiutjet c^ct29= Kn-.V ano tijc perfojtMancc? il)c ^>jopi)Ct tJfeto cije ix>o3to [«^?n8*tlls] au it i;rc fi)3to fap, ©0t*6 pio'uufco dj not i»carc oat ofrcr.{;:nbMr;ccbp lon^ conr.usnce e-f time : bar eucu rujl)c« clje iuozlue be- leenetb tijcct to be qutte B:oaneD 02 'mi-. peQ avoape b? foigctfulncflc, tb^'n ta tl^e tcmcinozanceof t{)?m frcfl): afore Q>chy t3 fulfil tbcirunaae feafou.tO^tcb tbuig be c5ttvmctb barter v.\ tbe nctt member, iDijcrbccomcnastbtb^cofojitfibkncfrc ct:3 confent i%at is bcrtcenc tbe tozmc of il)': coacnanr anD ttje tftcti of tt.^at fop a Dap 0: two (&\?tlr} \)t) batb <^ofi cou;= nanwD i»ttb 3lb2abam,ncptbcrbatbbc tt~:criutncobi3CotsGrjanti»;tl}tii ^ Ufcof Ijnn alone : bat be b*tbc p*omifeD to be-- cornc tlic d5iD ID of bis podrritte cucn a thoufann generations ott. 'Cberfoje aU tljjougb tty perfojtHartcc to. re oelapco a lonejtobpte 1 pet Botb <5oa a^crj bp t!)c berp 5c:oe, t^at ijia «ru(fpneiTe Botb not Decay 0.1 fitppe aSyap bp Irsgti) Of tpme. 5i^oicouef fctaftnucb as iSb2ai)am «?as tbe §x$l ii>a; feas callc&,peacueucj!»bv!i bctoasmtcrmfDUDajitbtaolatiro.tljer fojctlje ?3;ypV!Ct brgninetf) at t!)e per^ fmofb.!m.iiI?ut!)cDe£larctbtl}attl)f co= uenant toas rattfieo afierroarDctn tbe banoof lji3 fonne ano fonncs fonaealfo. vl&'oDbcffo^>eD b?s coucsanttwttl'Sbza^ l):im,anbbp folc:nncotl)?bounD bimfclf tobecttjc <©ooof btmanDofb^sfccir. CH3tit to cbr mtent b"S c?otmfc tnpgbt be l\)s tnoic affurco, tt ijjas b!0 ii>ill to rc- imcttto lifancanb 3;acob. ;fo2 faebe manerof fenuance botlje mnfcctl) nc anD fp:D ab20D? , i»brn u io oftentimes aucuctyet) bp birpingftUl bppefti tt'.3inD trjerfc^c te iscj:p2cfrco bp Degrees b°we tirs;:c rtyc ftabieneiTc of itjat coucnatto^foi loot.: feijat io fapD coccrntng trjc patriarfeef, tl;e fame pcrtepnctb/avpKctoaUnien. c tuto jluvic. v) ta ;j,*r u-n* uvjj ictoo jjt= bzintm aeiojef pea out of Doubt Ijz. i^:c taped) aliatbant ioaa Oonrirmca i o Jl acoD ca; a la eo * &»J ia eu tftaftin 3 cou..ic\at:]i»a0Uf3to(i£t)ai:tl):cQii nac is is bu; ccmpozall ant; cranfitoiie be- foze , ano !)ao tbcK altered bpa natures Cb-u ia ott-:rlp no p.m 0: ttjc pjo^bcfa .uc;u::it 2@tlPfyH)l0 Of.icra fo^ttieftof fp.c >,t>. ana u'o-^b a ful * fubiHtial co= umacto jf f couenanttifs aaf.tS y calling u?:ce oartvfo •neiuoue p» in, tt imgbtfcee .jcuioie ealtg'jtnea bpconuepttigoucr tiie auoacfj- men-: t!jrrof to tb^tbat came .u'tcr, bpcaufe ti?at in fa 0001*13 tbe aiTu- rsticc ttjerbf i»as ? better ratified. ptre ag :•?! x»ce Htufi: call to mm5, that C5^D .3C.iix::j ;x>it^ a .r tDMtineffcoasr cecfec^ rt4gip, tsjbcn bort>e tip otbe anoalfo bp ortcrt toota tf mou.!)C Jje xaarrantctb toa the t\)',\i$ that l^etjHaas once pzomifco, VP.-jeri'jU' fo mucfre tbe fouler ts cur bus tban&ftslnjrffe m oifcrcbttpng bpm.nJt o,itv 'w'qcii Ijce aot'ae but fpea&c but aSfo loijfribe froearetb. n [aipmg,31 ffltllic] f&*in% tbif c'tjis 0313 but a (null poztion of £ grace offercj) ro toe fatbera: the isfctopbete fcc= aie:l>to mclofcijjtrljia to tiarrotoc tome tfjecoucnautef Sob i»b*cb metiDcoe^ uentorbebope of ri)-: eternal! heritage. 'J5utfl)C $iopbetc t!)OU'ibtttwougj)to nbcurbptbt fh;rc i^pn-Cdoclje.t'a.utbe thl'l3^)5)ic!)(03O i)10 pjOMlfcD UiQ tl)€ fatljcra, iuas pcrJozmcD ana fulijHeo. ifo:l))'i$ azifeiyaa rb;>a ; tbai tbepbad none otljer right too poffefle tbe lano of Cbanaaa, but b?caufc u *d*.0 tbc Jai»; fulinbcrnnuncebf aibiabam bpt&fflta Tn^ntof(I5aa.'Ctutt>»f ano man fbewe rbeearucflpenpofa bargapn*, bccitu- pcacbctl) «i3t tbc bargipnc . Cbcrefoje 12 When they were yet bat very fewe in number, and ftraungers in the land/ r ; 1; And walked about from nacion to nacion, from one kingdome to another people. He furffre J riot me to hurt t$e,!& reproued eue kings for their fakes. °rophets noharnje Zitfta stye ^opi^EK p?ouiti) aptbcoi= ftbic pleage, tl;a v©aa «iaDen4acoue= naatxo.f;) i;u tcr«-iai'a m; oifapom£co.bwbope:bf&ot})>>nectuae aw^ o^aooUHj rrjc omit part3 of ijps grac^.jflap rattjer, ^u!)en tlje Jifraclua beerc t,oio tyip poiliin t\)t tano up ng,')t at tii;jctitare,bj»uiufe tlj

ij.n @ao ooatbe miojuc p^in fuiSsl Ijiapjomifca to^arbs ba, ios be itialtaoufe ano tl)aabU ffc, if t?pa fame experience be not anaplable too t$z cenSrmatiou cf our Uuq. jfoj it is not tobeDaub:co,buttbataaf oft 83goa mu terctb .''.ife a father caic.u-Dea "osfyz fcalstb opt^e fo:ce ano c&'tcacieof !)ta wa^D reailp(aa . l)Cj> term tr)m our bar= Un Bovj) if tbc lanoof Cijanaanougrjt to bsucteo tbc biiro rjeauen, bicaufc tbep bucto tbefeluc^ to be b;ou- Q :yc into n m refpect cf trje couenannfae moze (i»ai) ougbt it to bcaretott!) ba y goa :)atb ejc!}tbucD bis CJ)2iftsm t»bom aibiapiom!f<.sare,yca:f 21utcn.2 C02. four), 3 \oii gtuc tljce tljc ii^cctelpiica gIvqxxx ii\\)zx\tm:x\~] tbc aljewti 3 of I stunner Qjeyjctb.vljaJ <®oo maar bta coujRant gcueraltp irjiij) an tbc people, dttftouabe tjee (pake U}2 &oo;dc6 too a ktoe folUe, ntic ns a Ut= tic afoje iisee f>;c tfj^t trje Decree o;. tatse feaa euerlaStng, f cj alllioug!)? tr)e ftt'o tbc cuilobie of the couenaow j p«t Sibt'ocp not cm- bzacc pziuatetp 10 tbesufclucsi be grace t-jar^jaa 0if«rc9,tit« m f^c'tie^ffcns' t!;5Cir poflrntic migbt baucassoo'o part in it as tbemfcluta. lobn Calumes Commcntane Oiallfcc, tcndetbtotbiscg;3c,tt|at be* bab cbcrtOjcd fttyabam Sbonderfullp e* ucrfmccbe too&elnm tnto&urpxatecti- on; and alfo that bis fat&crlp tone and care appered i» Def ending ti>c other tfro ^atriartscs. i^oiBocit.ioI^ras l>c faps erb,tbep iocre ocrp fewe m number : bp tbtscircututtance be not onlp commeu= Beth gods ptitOancc : but alfo tbcr&>Ub = | all nocctbtbc caufe iobetfoze god foa* fo chare ouer Ijts fcruauntcs. Jfirft and fozmolte tljcrfoxe toe mufk bearc this m mpnbe,tt)at icaHctl)c3Iei»e0 fboulde cbaleng? artpthpngtotbem fclue0: the pzopbete in ocpicCTc S»oc!Des tafcetb. e&s ception too their fathers, that thep bad the trpailof <©ods fauour bp ejcpcriece, euen then Ssben tl)cp iocrc a0 ?rt fe>'a& and oefppfco,i»antiertng anb pooze,and (as in refpect of the flcfl>e)bp all mcane0 mtferablc. &>o alfo dotbe fflf)opfes caste tljetti in the tectbe 5>cu.7.7.e Ijoufc of^a* cob focrc moze fnttefull: pet fo>as it but a pziuatc boufe. Bcfioes thi0, thep fe>er ^ not snip dnaoble anb oefpifed, a0 thep tbat&jere but foionrners in a ftrange ladetbut alfo oertb and Ccarcitie of other things, compelled them too fbift places oftentimes, which thing bem$pxefup=: pofed, the rcfpcctc of tnan0 fo>o?tbineu"e is quite oafbed : anD it appearcth maui= feftlp,tbst tohaifoeucr benefits gob be- flofrca bpon them, thep flowed not out of anp other fountainetban the fountain of !nslcuc. Slndasfo: the caufe of bis is not to be fought fo; out of him. ^ox» if the bolp <0boft doo fo carefullp commenbe (Btods grace in eartblp bene- fitcs : bowe muche rather tnuft bee bee thought to boo fo toben communication is bad of the beauenlp heritage r1 Wljers as he faptb> [thep fleeted from nation to nation : ] bp tbtscir cumftance he decla= rctbmoxeplapnelp, bo&e taoonderfull <£>JdS protection Soas inp;efcruingibe\ "Jf U)ephao but a notable figne of &Mi3 grace. iBnt feeing tbepfo>cre as baniQ)eo folke in outers ceunrrepes, anD tofTeo from poft to ptller S»ith great fppght : ipfec as if the iamb fljouio toffe chaSe : therin appeareth muche mojee= uiomtlpc the pzoteition of od defend h>s feruants:but alfo « vpon the.^v.rialme. b fo btcaufc be tyait) p?ofeffco bimlcife ro 107 eetljm Defender m rpgtjtcof bis free adoption, 4£bis is now the reafon»bp tbe p^opljct ennobled) ti;c fyolp #atn= arfceS ioitb ttD3 titles , callpng tfjeiR p;opb?tes, and the annopnted of (ffitod. sDf other men, »£>3D ioouldc ban: fapo , Coucl)ciiotJjar(nelciT: men, hurte not Qlliefoulcs, ivbicbe l;auc &efcrucd no fuel) thing at pourc bandes. 115 ut tn $s bjabam and bis cbilDzcn, be tbtvotO) an other eaufei»bp he fljoulO defend them, 8?c termetb tbcm [anapntcd,] whom he bad cbofen t© be bid peculiar people. 3 n the fame fenfe callctb be tbem prophets : ioitb wbtel) title 3tb;ahambtmfelfealfo io garniCbed. asafterfc)ard Unserve law. 2i5utisofee what tying (©03 Sjewcd afs tcri»aiOc in tbe ceremonies of t't)i lam : tbat dotbc the jajopbet auoucbe to bauc bm in 3lb?abam tnucrp deed, accojdmg as <&£>!& engrattetbtbe mar&e of fane tfification in all bis elect, j$oi» if <0cas tnward anopnttng i»er of fo great fojee at fucbe time as <0od bad not publifbed fo much as tbs figures of tbelaw:fc>ttb bowe mucbe greater care fell be defend bis fcruaunte no;»e, after be batb t%\)U bited tbe fulnede of anointing m bis sn- ip begotten fonne i \C Andhecalledadcarthevppon the lande, hec brake all the (caflTe of breade. 17 He fent a man before them, Iofeph was folde foraflaue. 18 They nipped his feete in the flockes,the yron entered into his foule . 19 Vntyll the tyme that his fentence came : thevvordcof the Lorde tryed him. i<5 [2&nd be called a dearth 9 c] i&ere bcefettetb foo?tbea moft noble pjofc of <5od3 pjioutdencc to ward bis elect , at fucbe time as tbe couenant migbt fecmc to baue bin Uopb and difanulled . ft qt. as 31 fapd afoje.tbc inheritance of tbe land of € hanaan 'conn added fo; affurancc in ftede of an earned penpo; a pawne.|^e= lng then tlr>t the going downt into c hid in it as a ftaffe, fo long as it tsttje i,oj3es tepil t'.jat our ftrengtb fl)SU be rcftefb^ bp this mean. 3Jnd this itaffeis b;oUcnt\J30i»apec: cpthcr ioljcn hit taHctlj a&ape the fup? jon of grapnc, tobichc fbouide fnSpje to fuftcpac Us : (and fo fecmet!) €5ecbici totalic'if. +.16. fav'fng) J ^m b^tike tbcCaffe cfbjeaoein S^ierufaleKr, thep fi;?ll eate bp meafure and m fcjro&r, Ooo.trj. arM) 2.rr. lohn famines Commentane and t&ep fijall sjwfectontcrtDitl) fcare, Icaft psrtyauncc tbsp fhouttc bccapOe? cli'c fcSjen C5t'J puffcti) bp tbe bjcao tt= fclfc fo as it map not tafcc aSaap b tiger, butfucnsas fecUc futti^anccbp beuou= uourmg tr, remapne bungrp ftill. 3Jnd trulpthisfceondc'sothccmmonip urnl) tljc barcnncffe cf fyc earth ,tbat <©os ta= fectb a&apthe fopjaa from tfjcb^; caufc b?eab of it felfe quickened) not(as itisfapoiniDcutX}.) bus bo?rovoetb bjs inward opcratio at p mouth of gob. 17 [i^c fentc a man before tijem.fc] • 3111 this tDbolc fcquclc Dotb (as u &)cre bp dcmoaration)Chcw> that£»bf;tfocner befell mtbat nation, it ft>as gouernebbp the ano bctcrmmatton of (25i£> jD. jEtbabbcnebutafimple narration too Ijaue fapO, that tberc came a drttrtb inro tbc iar.&e at fuebe cpmr as 3iofcpl; isc.s felbe bp b'.s brother s , and Carped sown into as calico tnta t!jc tense : anb • then a remespe giuen bp (5ods p?oni= bfcebeponbe alibope. jftowe although this trjtnrjE be gcnerflllp true in al feo?lb= Ip affaires: yn ootb tljt $->?opbct men^ 'tion it as a peculiar care of gottcrnpng trjc Cfourebe, ano fye reciter!) that tbmg as feconde :n place, Sobicb *s firfl tn e?= iber of tpmc.Cberfojte m tt)c Sso?o [fen= jbing] tl)cp?etcr pluperfect tcnfc£otlbct= 'fer r£piefre the fenfettbat is to Sott, that :befo?c<£?od atTltrJco the lanbe of €l)a= naan &>itl) famin, bee Ijaa p?cparcd a rc= imedp fo? bis ieruauntc Jacob, anb bis Jpufchoioe. 5fotbcbabfente3ofepb as foie as abater to p^oiipbe tljem Victu- als. 3InO bee fettetl) Oowne as it Saere two contraries, wh£rebpoo. tfoi at fucb tpme as ceur.fcli Saas tafcen of murtl)C= ring bim^hoSsouiD hauc thought hee Qjoutbe bauc ben tbc fuftepner of bis fa- tbers boufe r* aiftcriraroe tberc taas bcupfeb a fcpnd of bcatb fo? b"n not be= rp cruell : but s»ben bee iuas eaSe into tbe pit, boSoc comoe be fuccour others r* 'SbeVttermaaebopc voas.tljatst lad bemg feapeb out cf tbc pit^ H5ut pet cucn tijen egepn alfo bee foas at tl)e berp pome to baue rottco at his ipfe log ta-fltpfon. volyo iooul&etbmfee tbatfo croofeco 5»inDlatTcs i»ere ruleb bp Robs p?outacncc ^ 'Cbe pjopbet tbcrfo^e'me-- telb at tbe balfe turnc, feping: %bat in refpectc of mcnnc.bc &as in DceD[folb:] boxDbctt ^ct fent afojebp tbc appopnte? ment of <&o'o . Cbis place is fcjoojtijp to bemarhf&.bpcau-rett fingularlp auou= cbctb Coobs piouioence ageinft tbefro= •ujarbe buluctTeofoure flcfbe. Jfo? cp= t'neriyeefloppe at tbe mcanes ibat en= counter bs, 01 ^aeafenbe btuo mannes police iubatfocuer is boone.ojclfc tocc t:)tnHe itbappznet!) bp cbaunce : anb fo no man ;u a mauer percetb dnto (35ob. IBM t\)2 felling of 3!ofcp!) is not pjc= tenbeo beere as a curtainc to btde (2Jods P2ouioence,butratbcrasa notable mo= nument iybcrebp ioee are taugbtc, tljat i»ben ^nm baue p;attifeD tbis 0; tbat, the fallings out are tn tbe banb of «0ob : o? rather that be bofrefb mennes barts this U>ap $ tbat icuape bp bis bi&den in- as be b?tngetb to pafle tbc tl)itt= ges that bee bathe bctcrmmcb, eucn bp tbctufelttcs cither bnfcjittmg 0? \>nfeil= im^.^jo m ISofcpb !)imfelfetcacbe bis b^otbers. d5cn.+5. 5.tttuas uotpombst folbe mee, but <5ob !)atb fente me before pou to bee a father to pou. i^oabcit gob fcgoucrneth mens affaires &prt) a cc= ucrt b?pble, anb bfctb tbcpj leube Dzuu Uss to a right tbat l)is iubgemen^ tes arc nottoitbftabingnotintermebteb S»ith thtir neughtpnefTe. Cb^ b?ot!)crs of ^ofcpb bo fcwfcedlp in confpiring the deatb of htm : to?ongful!p alfe bo tl^ep fel bim \ tbc faultc abibctb m them felues. (0odbp their baiiocpjouibctb as iyell fo? them as fo? their fatber 3!acob, pea anb fo? all bis cfturcljc. Cb'.S bolp pur= pofc gatberetb no fsplc 0? fpot bp rfj z ma itceof tf)cm,&l;ichctenbeb btterlp too tl;e contrarpc cnoe : acco?bpng as ijjc fame 3!ofcpb S»imeffeb after fcaro. at^ tuineDit to gooo . 18 [Cbcpnippco l)ts icctc jc] j0ot feitbout caufe Dootl) bee piocecoefcittb ti>at fennDlaffe i»b«cb migbt oucrcnft nunnes minoo Soul) a clouoc, fo as tbep migbt not leoKe op to vSods Dctcrmma= tiou.irot S»bat t0 icflTe mccte, tb*n tljac ©90 (l)3UlD fctcbe fo funD2icfe>mDiau*cs tocomcto^tspurpofcD cud ? liSutgoDS pjomoencc Saaoctbe out miiebe mo2c bzigbtfeme bp oucrcommmg fo manp ictt0,t!)antfljcfbouiootfpatcl)cf feibole matter bp fb?2t $ cans catting tfaougb. I^ao3!otcpl)atl)i0 oerp ftritcotummg bm p:efenteD to tbe King and maoe ruler of(iggiptc:tt)2 paflage tsnto tbefecond popntbao bin but cafu.liSut feeing b;e i»a0 caneo afejap into pjufon, anD tbcre leD his life out of t'»c companpof meuuc 30 one Ijalfe braoc,ano along fettle after bcponD all hope became Kyiofe>en to the King :tbatfoDziner,cb,aungc entigbtneb the miracle after no meane faujto. C!)t0 fetching about then fe>!)icb the 0;opijct mencionctb,mahctl) not a little toe the effect of the matter. jfiefepl) femotenne times Deao ere t>ce fe>a0 folo : (Crgoas often Ijab <25od a careof !}ts Cbnrcfyc bp oeliucrmg the father tljcrot. tOljercafl afterhJ0co mating into Cgipt, toectoas toffedfrombanDetobanDe tplllje came into an other graue : JDotlje it not bere= bp mojte cuiocntl? apperc.tbat d5£)2D bootfjc then tnoofre of aliKcepcwatcbc foj 1)10 fcruauntc0,tohcn bee fecmctb to bee a fUcpe tn l;«auen i anD to go better fojioare bp tljcfe funsip fennbmgs, tlja pf bcfboiilDcbauc gonearcigbrfoottb, pea oj runne apace 4 Coercfojc tbe pio= pbctefapetj), bis fcetc Sucre npppcD in the (roe&0.lDbicb thing although S2?op- f:s Declare not, pet is it ccrtem y Ij: Cfcfc j Ketb it as a thing Known anD publiibcD. $nD truelp mmp things "were DcliuereD bp banbe tc the % eSoes , of fe>bicb tl>crc is no mention tnaDe m the fcripture. 1JH= fe it to lifcelp inougbe tij fit bee fe>as not put into free pjifon at tbe 6ru\ao tt b*P - penco afterioirD : but rather tbat bee fcnsKsptc fircightlp. iftofeje tabptber wc rcabctljat btofoulc emercb into tbe pjon.oj tijepion into bis foul?, the fenfc abpDctl; all one : namelp tbat tlje bolp man ioas io piiicbeOttHcb tetters, as tf bjs life bao ben giucn ouer to tbe fwojo. wl)ercbpon ittotowetb, tbat tl^cre Saas no more ipfc to be bopt 0 foj in b»n, tban tit a beab carKaffc. 19 [iJilntpll tbe time fc] l^ccrctbe piopbet teaebctb, tl;at altbougbeccoi= Dmgto fleOjlp bitocrjtanOmg.cipjo fcine to be too flofoKpet be feepetb a toerp turn banb,thatJ)einapeat lengrb inbuefea= fou acccmpUO) tbe tbmg tbat Ijcchatbc DetcrnimcD. IDoubtlcfTcf S»o?D[^>cn= tmce~]in tbis place figmficsb nocoooc= trin,Uu~on,oj tnftrumo,buttbc bcauelp Decree. 3nD altbougl) t^crelatiuc[bis] map bt-e tonberftoobe as iocll of d5i? ID bimiclfe, as of 3!ofcpb : pet lp!;c 31 b:t= ter of tijie latter, tbat is too fc>tt, bntili ^ofepbscnbe wasDifclofeD, felncb lap l)iD tn d5oDs bcrminattou.3It is al^aps to be boine in mpnde, tl>at tbe Oiopbet calletlj batKe menncs m.nDco from tljat bearbentflje imagination, tl)at fojtane toffctl) mens aSaire0 at aDucntnre.jtfoj in as mucl)c as notbtng coulDe bee moje confttfeD tban ferns t!)e fe>elfare of tbe church fo long as 3Iofepb toas connteD but icp a coocmneb per fon.^Cbe p?op^et Dotb here lift Do np,f willetb bs to con fiDcr tbe biDGen Decree, fe»bofc manife- flation ioas not pet feafonablc 0^ ripe. 3ifter tbe fame maner interpret 3 tbat fe>!)t-b foloU>;tbc: [Cb" fe»^Dc of d5oD trpeDbttn.] ^0^ too crpounD it of p20= pbccpmg(as manp Doo)tt feemctb ouer curious, ainttl tl)c time tljcn that tljcrc appecreoa moicglaDfomeiffue, fe>!)icb goD Kept biDDe f a loofe a greatc ioljile, 31ofcp!pp-cicnce fejas carnea.'p trpeb. ^nb looUe lob^tiBailDlpmenneCfetb'cb acKnofe>lcgc not (5od to betbegoucrner of mennes afffiptcs) call fate: tbe fame boot!) tbe picpb* t b.'autifle fejitb a jnojc piopcr name, tinning It gebs fe)02D anD ccbe manncs fentence. i^ettber is it too b: miflibco if we terme it bp tbe frencbe fejDi'oClDrflmie.lWbcntbe^toiliSDif-- pute 0: ratbrr babble of DcJlt'.:p,tl)ep not onip bcfnarle tbefelucs J tlje t!)tng it feif m evatbeb KrinKs : but alfo befocc f tor = rp true beginning, bpcaufc tbnt bp tljcsr tnttQiM^gof a fejjcipppncj togptber of cauftS ib'P t&z fro cSo"b tb? goucf usee oftbcfejoiisc. 3!ti0afcjuneo fc^gene, £>00 .MiJ. (0 to lohn Caluines Commcntarie all things to tforir cnoc. 25 p the S»ap als fo,tbis place tcacbetb, tbattbc cnbeof ti): aff Unions of tbe goolp 10 fojefettebp <25£> 2>:namelpbntiltbep bctbjeugb- lp welltrpco. foto Ipnke togptbcr caufesfnarleb one fejitlim another, as f 45ot> bwifeif fbolD b?tpcD to them. 'Cbcrsi'ojenbrbowctl; that our faub mount bp to rbc fecret Oe= crec of <£oO, wb'rc bp be freelp birctfetb 20 The king fent and lozed him: euen the ruler of the people and de- livered him. 21 He made him Lord of his houfe,and ruler of all his fubftance. 22 To bind his princes vnto his vvill,andto teache the old men too be wife. 23 And Ifrael came into Egipt,and Iacob was a ftraunger in the lande of Ham. 24 Andheincrefed his people mightyly,he multiplied him aboue his opprcifers 20 [ Cbc king fent «.] |£cebeauttfi- ctb Jafcpbsbeltucrcince S»«b gloztoufe Soozos ,bpcaufe tSo&s lingular power appeercD moft tn a matter fo incrcbtble. jfozfobat is mozc toKltbelp,tban that a moft putfTant king fboulb fcrcrje a fozrctn pcrfon out of pzifone, to make Inm ruler of bis whole &caime, ano to pat bun in c\)ezt efiate ncjet bmo btmrelfe i 31 nb fobc ras be fapetb[too btnb W pzinces:] the? comcnlp ereounfcc tt, tbat the cbeef fourratntic Sra0 giuen bnto IBofcpb btmfelfe,fo as be migbt eaft cucn ? neble men of tbc realtne into pzifon at bt0 own p!eafure.2>tbers(bpfaufetbisintcrpze3 facto feemrtlj fc?itb tbc reugbeft) beriue tb2 fej3?& LaferOf t\)C feOZQ YafarfobtCb fignifictb to init ruff , fo as tbc letter Yod fi)0ttlD be t'baungcb into tbe letter Aicph. H3ut 31 marucll tbat none of tbcm botbe fpicb tbc mctapb^z in t\)iB faping,tbat is tofe>tt,tbat jjiofepb bUO tbe JLo?O0of Cgtpt bounbebntobim at bis pleafure, 0% fubtctf to l)is power. i£ ce tntreatetbe not bcre of fetters, but of tbe binbingoz knot of obcbtcncc fo>be as "well tbe p;m= ceaasall tbe refiouc bung bppon bP* betke.^nb fosafmuebe as bp anb bp af= ter be abbctb [to teacbe tbc elbcrs too be &>tfe:]be fbefecfb bofe> Jofepblozbco it not like a Cv?ant (acceding as it ts a barb anb a rare matter fo; men to bo no= tbing bppen So ill frben tbcp bane tbe lafeein tbeir owne bants.-) but was a rule $ patterne of moft moo eft gojiernc= mcnt.eucntotbc cbecftft of tbero. 23 [3nb3!fraci came tc.]l&e refers fctb not tbc whole "Cite, neither neebeb itrbut enlp fettc tb befoze our epes (Sobs piouiocnce , wbtcb fcarce one among a bunozco confiocre th wbe tbcP rcabc tbat S»b»cb is wztttcn bp topics, ©berfoze be faptb, $ after 3ofcpij babben fetittos foze to gme cntertatnmet to bis father $ bt&bou%oib:tbc'31acob cam into Cgipt toertlp when things were wonberfutlp bzotigbt in 02&cr ,f tbcp tntgljt rtnD doze of fu&enaxrc among mod pzoub people, euen tobe all other men (larueb foi i»ant of foooe. Trbcrbp it appeeretb tbat gobs fozGewpng(a0itistbougbt)tenbetbte none other pur pofe than to accomplice \)is &oo2ke n?hen occafton fcrueb beft. 24. [Unbbceincreafcb.jc] il^oSo(0 <^o&0 fmgular faueure towarbes bis Cburcbccomenbeb bp anotbercircum? flauncc, fo2afmucbc80 tbat people toas knitbin fljozt fpacc of tpme increafeb bc= ponbe tbc common manner : in Sobicbe be!) alfeappeareb tbe feonber full blitTing of <0oo. 3nbtbcrfo2e fo much the moze pccutfbc is the barkpng of fome,ioben tbep malapcrtlp fcoffe at tbe multiplp- tng of tbc people , fobpebe to rcpoztcb bp j^opfes , bpcaufe it furmountctbe tbe common manner of Mature, il^ut if tbe people fboulb Ijaue tncrcafeb but after tbe ozbinahe maner,tbep %t>oio bp anbbp bauemabe exception, tbat there 5x) as no froozke of (5od to be ferae tber= in. £10 tbe onlp thing that tbcp bunt foz bp tbeir cauillings, 10 too tbzuftc = hmg of bts. Chat fetiche folo&ctb afc tcr, is fomcSrhat bar&fomc, fpectallp tf ioe reab tljat the people foas [ftrcngrb - neb] ifo? the|a?ophct fecmctb not too bctofeen trjat time tfjat trjc 31 fraclites ti= ueD at cafe in pjtofperous ftatc : but the time tbat thep Sucre fpttefullp oucrueireD n0 flaucfl. jBot^ottbrtanDtng i»ee map bp pjcucntion bnberfranb it of the thing tbat Ssas to come, f oj in tfjc ncjet toerfe the $?opbetcfaptb,tbatthe Egyptians cbaungtng t^ctr mpnos, began to rage crucllp agapnft tbe people. 31tbougb t\)cn that tv,i tCgppttanobpbnotaopet feafe topen the ^rraelttes opcnlp,fo>bile tb^pfeere pet tncrcafing botbetn num- ber of mcn,anb alfo in ftrcngtb: pet both tbe 0?opbete call trjctn perfecutere. iftottouhttanoing, it is certapne , that tlje3ifisdite0 Soereatzrrourtoo tr^cir cnemic0,cuen fcben tbcp iuct c kept bn- bcra0 flaue0.2lnb &£)opfc0.4£jcob.i.i2. afFtrmctb ope nip tbat gobs blefTing fc?as fittlmanpfe(t,euen bn&er their tpjannic anb fe>jongfullopp?efiions. z$ He turned their harte too hate his pcop!e,and to deale craftely with his feruants. 26 He fent Moyfes his feruant,and Aaron whom he had chofen. 2,7 They fetfoorth among them the meflage of his fignes. and won- ders in the landc of Ham. 2fc He fent darkenefle and made it darke, and they were not difobe- dient too.his words. 29 He turned their waters into bloud,and flue their fishe. 30 Their landc brought foorth frogges , e»f» in the chambers of their kings. 1 5 [$e turntb their] wberas L the ©gpptians of goob anb curtcowe boftco became aftcrroarb cruel enemies : that alfo Docbc the $?>?ophct father bpon gob0 betcrmtnatio.Ccrtain it te in bebc that their orone moltcioufc naturr,pjibe anb couetoufncfTe bjauc them to it:bof»= beit.not Without goos pjouibence, Sobo bp fncompiebenfible meanc0accompli= Q.) c tb bi0 iuo^Hc in fuch c iorfc in the res probates, 00 tbat be cngenbjefb lighte, eueofbarhneffc.^ojafmucb aotfeema:: nerof fpedje fecmctb fotib the barbeft, thep tranOate it pau"tuerp,tbat £ <2?gpp= nans harts Sucre turneb : iobiebe tb»ng neither anfircretb to the fequclc,anbpct i0 coioe geare. f g; free fee doid u ts the $>?opbet0 purpofe to put the ix>i;olc gc- uernement of the Church bnber gob foj the nonce, fo as nothing map fall out but accojoing to hi0 toitl.^ow if the tenber care0of fome cannot atsap teitbtbps thing as fomSobat S»itb the bar o eft : th e holp gboSlooth m other places alfo bolo= lp auoucb that mens mmbs arebjttuen to anb fro bp gob0 fecret lnfhnct.^0.21.1 . ^0 as thep can neither toill no; feozke anp thins but bp hte appopnt mcnt.X ut how great a maoneffe 10 tt, too embrace nothing but that S»btcbc (0 pleafant too mans rtafonr'isbut eutbojttic fhalgobs S»o?.d be of, if it be not admitted further than it liKctb bSt'Chep tbenthat rcfufe this ooctrine , bpcaufe it 10 not Co picas fant to mans bnberftanbing, arc puffeb tpiotthfrotuarbouerTOeening. £>Jb«r fome flaunber it malictouflp,not fo? lacfe of fbpll,o? though ouerfight, but onlp to the intent too frirre bp trouble in tbe Churcbe,o? clfc too pttrcbafebshatrcb among the igno?ant.S>omc there be alfo ouerfcarcfull, iob'cb coulD finbe tn tl)eir hartsthat this oortrtnc Sverc bunco fc; quictneffe fafee : ecrteffe Dninbiffc rente \3mpcr0. fn &ce fee tbat this Soao the coufe m tpraco paft, iobP ihc testers of the Church ftarttb afeap from the true anb natiuc t!5ofpel,anb turncb theft lues too i»o:lblp $bilofopbte. 5ro?S»hfncc comes our free fotll, S»h£ncc comes our rtgbteoufneffeoffcojfes.-'butbicaufetbc goob fathers Sucre afropoc lead tbey Gjoalo giuefcope to raplingf malapart pcrfons,if thep (bonlb freelp p;ofcffc the £>oo.b. tbinn *.2t. Iohn Caluines Co mmentarie tbmgtbatts tottcreDin tbefcripturcS:' Slna l)a3 nat i©oaCas tt were bp Violent b.'.ua:) CDtttpelleD atuittn, bebaa beans to:t;rlp lift: ib: reft. 35 u: Sod as it ioere palifbinj {)'-« *»tff? a ^anrnkri cozrertca tijar fooltfb toifctoame.fobict) rapfetb *>P itfelfe agajmtf tlje bolp (Stpft. Wee fee b'i*z>tb& b>lP ©aoft auoucf)ctt),tb,attl)3 t£3?ptians Sucre m fuel) e toJifccuUi, as tljanSoD tunica t'ocir barts too tbe ba= tiitg of bts people. C?)e ittfclcrs trifle out remitter, fapb? t^tlje tunica tbeir barts^tcaufebcfiifrercatbcmtobcturs neO: oj clfe btcaufe tijat S»ben tbe <£gtp= ttans bio fet tbeir bar ts to tbe fapae b.a- trea , be tofco tbeir naujbtmefT: a0 it Sw:rebpacl)aun:e : as ioooSuoulafap, tbeb^l? 0!)3it Saasababe, ana fpaUe one tying fo? another. Jf tbiStbms feme au&eat tbc fir ft blu lb, Soeemufte tonaerftanD boio it is not fo? nougbttbat tn otljsr places gobs iuagemcts are caU$om.ii.3$.anDaboc= tomleirebeptb.0fai»n.36.7.jrojonleffe our capaeuie came fboztof tbebeigtbof tbem ,tbere Soere no maje at ali. 3E>p tb£ S»ap tt t0 to be tonacr(loDe,t!)at t'ae row* of tbe malice io is in tlj e € gppttans the felue0,fo as tfc: fault can not be fatberca topon «5od,31 fap tbep Sucre ini»arblp e= mil oftbetr oinncftt>ap,ana notcnfozccD bpanotljer boates compulfton. Ulna as fo? in refpert of dBfoo, altbougb tbecaufe apperc not.pct muft gobs Sail fufftfc tos. 3f>uttbereappearctbalfoacaufc,Sui)trb Dcfenaetb goa frontal UnrigbtcoufncITc. i^ocobm if tpe baue once caugbt bola of tins p?tnciple,tbat men mult reucremlp reft topoadftoDs S*>o?ae : tbefe mitterpes Subicb offenbe fucb as b: eitber p?oua o? ouerroarc, Sotil aoubileflfc faua? Suell ps i nougb to too. aifcerroarD tbc p?Qpbet z%~ pjeffett) tbc miner oit\yzit Ijurtmg. foj, tbe <£gpptfans DtD not efTaulte <0obs people openlp tooDtfpafcbe tbcm out of bandc, but ailapcb too opp?eu*ctbcmbp little ana littu bp craft ana pollicte. ^oj tl)e pzopbet batb bozoweb the taping out of ^opfes bint fclfe.^tna it is cspzeffca fo? tbe nonce , lead Sue mtgbttbinSie tljat tb? bartsof tbc tongoblp er&cacteo to our Bcftrurtton Suit!) full fcope. as tbe mtnifter of <03a. Cbe fame tT)iugis ejpzeff^o raoze plapnclp in tbe pcrton of 3: Ji on,S»bcn b: is fapae to be clpfen. 5iina tooUc tuhat is attrtbutea too ecljc of tbcm, tbc fame agrcetb too b:tbe of tbcm, anD tbercfoje tbc fcn= ttnee mitftg bee tonfoulDca tbns: tbat d5JD fentc ^opfes ana ISJaron bl0fer= uaunts, nat bpcaufe tijep ioerc fit fo? it of rf)*»it fcUtes , ana tbat tbcp offerea tbeir fcruice of tljtit ovone free Sotll : but bicaufc be clpfe t'oem. 3nD tbts place teacbetb.tljat ^ototusr tbep bee tbat implop tbeir fcruice to tbcbcbofe of trje Cburcbe, tbcp bee not pzepareo bp tbeit ovone fozeioaraneffe, o? framea too tt bp tbeir ofone traucll, but tltrrea bp bp tbc appopntment of <3oo. £Jj)opfcs Svas a manofpztncclptocrtnc. 35ut if be bee cft:cmeaa0ofbim felfe, be is no bobp. ^na tberefozc tbc gSjopbcte Smll bauc ail aft rtbeD to ob. 27 [Cbcpfctfoztb.fc] ^firftfpzai pl)ete glaunccib ligbtlp bp tl)ofc t'mngs Vabicb are occiarcD bp ^opfesmojeat large ana in ma Sdozds . ^Jeptber pur= fuetb bee tije continuall pzoccfTc ot tbc flo?te, vpon tne.Cv.PlVlme. UO fto2te,bpcaufe tt 'tons wougb foj t)im to (bcco ijoft) tl>c fapb aeltueranceSaas the fcjozKofgoa. 3lna once ageing :?f-'ttetb fi Difference bWwtyt tt}C poiucrbf dpoa, ana tbf fcruifc of atopics aha 3iuiou. jrojbefaptb,tbattbcfc me mainaecae C)Cfo> fooztbe tl)e miracles, but tljc mp= raeles tbemfelu£0pzocebeaof<0o&,fo as tbe beauenlp power appccreD mamfefts Ipintbebanae oftbem. ^fter'fc>ar& bee meneionetb one particular , i»bu^not= SiDttbiranDing i»asnot tb* ftrfi i» p;ae/, but pet fuebe a cue a0 ttyerbp itiseaffc to gatber,tbat dfJoa Suas tbcautbozoftbe asuuerance, coftaering bofb'ail p ioijole courfe of nature St?as cbaungea tn tt,in= afmucl;e as r.otbing is mozc to be Suoti- Dcre&attban to banc aarfeeneffe tunica into ligbt. 3!" tbe fecona member bee commenoetl) tbe faubfultieftYof £$op- fes an9 3laron,bpcaufc tbep (ioutip ejce= cuteb iubatfoeuer <5oa baogiuentbem in commiftion to aoo: as if be fbouia fap, tberc S»as a fmgulat gooa confent be- tfmjcttbe commaunoing of (0qo bP'M= fcUe,anatbcfcruifablcnclTc of cprbcrof btscommiftioners. 29 C^ec turneatbctoatcr«.] ^ofo fozeaplagc tb»sfo>as totbcCgtptias, a ma map connrture bcrebp.foz tljat tbe elemet of foatcr is one of tl>c ti»o foun= bacions of itfe. 38 no tSsas pofyer Q)oue fooztbetbebzigbfertn tbat frbcrastbe countrie of Cgipt is fratrtecf itfclfe: pec Sucre tbe a- ttr. 3lftcrtt>arD ijee feipetb tberc [iocre frogges bjougbt fooztb,] ft>b!«b paQYo cuen mto i\)t Clings cbambcrs, jibber bp goa auoudjea bimfeife to be £ autboz of tb* mtracle.5Foz aloeetf tbl)icl)btcb btfoapns fullp tramplea bnber tbcm.'tbc ftatelp= neffcoftbatftoznefull nation, of Sobam Sue UtioiM t be iaboic inotia ioas Qcfpp = fcD. 31t babbeti bono^bJe fojtbcmtoo baue funh*!*na;r tbe banacof flrong enempes : but noise tso peelae bntoo frogs,S»bat aotfbonour ioas tt^ 113ut fo i»as tt ^loDs i»pll too fl>c&e bp p;oofe, rbat bee neeactb not putfTauntc armpes too acftrop tbe bngc&lp , bp= caufc bee can boo it, eucn in fps^t ioijen bcliftetb. 31 HefpAke,andtherecameafvvarme of Flees, and Lice in all their borders. 31 He gaue them hayle forrayne, and a flaming fyre in their lande. 3} And he ilrake their vynes and their rlggetrees, and tare dovvne the trees in their borders. 34 He (pake and there came the Grashoppenand the Caterpiller with- out number. 35 And ate vp all the grafle in their lande, and wafted the fruite of their ground. IC And he fmote all the firfte borne in their lande, euen the beginning o fall their ftrength. .37 And he-brought them foorth with filuer ind golde,and there was none feeble among his tribes. :3^ 'Egypt was pjad of their departin; vppon them. for die feare of them was falne 31 [©J lohn famines ^omniencane "TTrjfe ec f pafec ana tbere w.] 23p tl?e fcoja [g>pafec]be ftctoctb tbat ?[apes ana ipce] came not feojtbe bp cbaunce. %nb i»ccUnoi»e that tbt0 ioojae fe>a0 fpoken bp tbe moutljeof flpopfesibps caufe tljat altbougb gob caulo bauc com= uuunbebbpbiwrclfe: pet bib bee put m ai)opfcflas b/.s fpofcefraan. iftot&>itb= ftanbiiig, <2>oa gaue no !c(Te cfficacic to bis fc>ojo ioben b^ SotUeD it to be tottercb bp a man,ti)an if be Ijtmiclfe bab tbnn= bereb from beauen.;ffo£ S»ljen tbe minis iter babblctb out notbmg, bat ejeecutctb his commtffion faittjfulip fo farce foojtij asljct0 0oo0 wftrument:tbetnft>aro poi»:rof the fpirit is iopnea fcntbb!?0 outi»arD toopce. %nn have agcin it 10 to be no:eo, tbat tbe <©gtptians were fub= tertto apes ana ipce, to tbe intente C5oo mi jijt labour tbeir ftubbojneffeto tbeir greater repiocbe. XOhzxas tbe 0jop!jet faptb,tbattl;eirrapne Soas tttrnebwto haple:b?emcanctb tljat tbe baple came tottb fucbe an babble po x»er, a0 coulB not be attributcb tmta nature. 3!nD it 10 a ipfectpbob tljat ® gtpt is leffe fubieit to tfjts anopancc tljau orijer countries be. £>j ratber , it aootbe not often rcctiue r3pne,but is watreb ioitbtbe i$ile,ana tberf02c it 5»aa fo umcb £ moje ftraiige to tijc (£giptian0to baue their countrtc ftribcuijjitbb'Jple.Stfo to ftrtfce tljem tbe mo?e to feare , c0oo [minglca] fpje ioitb it. Cbe baplc tljcrfoje fe>as rmngs U8 Suttb a ftojume fo)i)UT..v>ma,to tbe ins tent tbat tlje <£giptiss, tbbicb .bab batb neb tbeTcluesageinilcbe otfjcr miracles imgijt notiuttbiranbing b^ fojeeof fcare percctuc that tijep b*& l»o bcslc ftntlj ©OD. ?+ [3!nb User cams tbe graffebopper *c."j£bts Rafting oftlje'fcld'ffcoulb not b: teptcb bnto fojmuc.bpcaufe p graffes Ijoppcts came botrje bppoa tbe fobem, ar.balfo fcutbout nombcr, fo as tbcp 0s uercouercb alKUgipc. i5ut tbe miracle i-oas jj'.oii cutbet in tljc it>o:b, mafmuclj as t:-;c fojctcllmg of u aifpatcijca al bou- tmg.^bcrfoje tbe $?Gpbetf8pctbP?es cifcip.tbat t!jc graffebspper0anb cater= ptltcrs rufljeb tn at <0ob0 cemmauube^ ment,in cafe as if fouiopers sfbolD runne to battcll at j for,b of a trumpct.Crulp fvbenfoeuer tbefe cutfonjus anop l-s, anb beftro? tbe I rutes of tbeeartbt,tbep be al%uape0 tbe feurges of €»eb:buttbe ^;opijct mentbere to betoHenan £3tra= o^omarp ioo:Ue of <0ob. 2frt lengtb tbe l&opbct rccitetb tbe tad miracle i»btcb tbe aingelt ^ougbt tbe laft mg^t before the peoples departure, mfleatng all tbe £rft bo;ne tbmgs. 3 patfc Ugbtlp oucr tbis fto;p, ufte as y boo tbe otbers tbat i»cnt before, both btcaufe ttjep bane ben tntreatebotJPmejc fullp berctofoje , anb altobpcaufettfufttfetbat ttustpme too bnbtt? tbe ^>?opbetc0 meaning. j0euer= tbeleffc be cnlargetl; tljts mtgbtmcfTe of (j5od bp a repctuton, faying, tljat [tbeir ftrftbojne,ans tbe Moure of tbeir ftregtb Sucre beftrcpeb.] $ t is ill tranflatebbp fome [tbe beginning of tbeir fojroto.] foi tnafmnclje as mans ftrengtb fije? ivetb it felfe m tbe arte of generationttbe l^ebjucs terme tbe fir ft begotten [tbe beginning of ftrcngtlj,] as toe bauc fapb indpenef.49-3' 37 [^nobelebtberaout.fc.]€>ntbe contrarp parte bee commenoetb ©obs grace, Subicb p?eferuetb Ijts cbofen peo= pic bntoucbeb anb fafe from all plages. 31 f botbc partic0 bab felte tbe plagc0 as libe,4D0bs ijanbe bab ben tbe leffe nota= ble. 15 at now, feeing tljat among fo maup plagues tljcp fceleno inconu€nf= enceat all, tljts Difference papntetb ont <5ob0 fatljcrlp care toroarbo b t0 clc tt,a0 u iuere in a table. 31 n tbi0 rcfpcite be faptb tljcrc &>as none tbat iuas feeble,o; tbat ftumbleb : foj tbe fe>o;tbc Cafhai fig= mfletb eitljer of botb- ^et bnb 31 letter tt fboulo be tafeen ftmplp,tbat fytytvas (£= gpptbafteb to befl ruction : tbe people of iS'ob i»ere luflie anb free from all btfra? fcs. Wljeras be faptlj [t;c bjougbt tbem foojtb,] anb aftcr5»arbe abbetlj [inbPS tr ibes :. 3 it i0 an altering of tbe number fomeiubat rife among tbe i^ebjue0.iFoj i»')trc a0 fome rcferretlje [^ts] bnto (0ob, 3 am afrapbe Icait it be too inucbecoMlrepneb. 38 [(Egiptfeasgiabfcl^ccfcttetb. out <£>obs migbtineffe bp auotber cir= cumdauce , tbat the Cgiptians Svere fapnc to let tbe cbofen people goe:i»ben Hotfcitbflabmg tbcp mentnotbmg lefTc jpojaltbougb tbcp Soifbcb tbem a bun* b?cb times at tbe diuel,pet tbcp triougbt tbem vpon the. Cv.Pfalme. Hi ttjctn i'clucs toa ijoloc the fojolfe bp the cares : anb fo tljc fcareof reuengcmcnt maoe them inoje foulfull to totpe out the mcmoiwilof that people, irbcrc'eporitt foloxocth.tbat it Su3S a fccrctfow&e of <&oba pjouibence, tbattbep lapbe au?ap their former minbe b pon the fob npn .Co the fame purpofe pertepnetb. that fo>buh he fapb in the lad to erf e afo;c , [that ibep fojerc' bjtougbtc out truth golbc anD Ql= uer.] ^Fo? the Cgppttans coulbe neuer haue founD in that Harts to robbe them femes curtche them fo)bom thep fojoulb haue rtbbe out of the fo>o?lD foutb al their harts. J t tuao thcr fozc the Ubcraluteofherfojte not fombout caufc Both the $5>jophetc recUen it foj one of vi£>oBs toenberous fo)0?bs, that he bao mtaplcb tbebioletfurie,toherfouthaHtbeCgip= tians botlcD afo;c,fo as thep let ttjcin go free, fojbora thep has card fo>o?ne to the barbc ftmnpes foutb flautfb fowfcs : in cafe as if he fboulb tnafee tbefojolucs a= frapocofthefheepe. 39 He ipred out a cloude too bee a couering, and fyre too geue lyghte in the night. 40 They asked and he brought quailes,and filled them with the bread ofheauen. 41 He opened the Rockc,and the waters gushed out, and ranne in dryplacesasariuer. 4Z For heremembredhisholypromifetoo Abraham his feruaunt. 43 And he brought foorth his people with ioy,and his chozen with gladnefle. ^opfcet to another cnb than it hath ben in other places. Certame tt ts, that the bringing in oftbeabunbancc of quatlcs, foj the people to fill tbemfclucs font!) the flefh of them, is afcrtbeb rather to %o~bs fo)?atb,tban to bis itberalitie: Itfee as fooe haue fene them bpbzapbeb fojtth tt bere= tofo:c.li5ut now letttng tb>ir tonthanfc= fulnefTe alone, the fDjophct fettctb out gobs cotimtallouing fembneffetowarbs tljem. £>nlcffe pcrabuenture pee Itfee too tabctbefo>o?b [affec] ineuilpart,bt:aufe the people befougbt not gob XPttrj burnt; ltttc,but of an intemperate bumo; leapt outtoocjeatttng, o? rather too malapartc quareling fojtth gob.3lfccr this maner tt is an enlargement, that dt>ob Departing fourb his ou?nc rtgbtc,BpD folcaj tljctc mmoscucnin thftr naugbtt: luft .tflot- foutbtranbmg fcjtafmucb as the fault ts notfpo&enof.lctbs fuffcr that to fiance fo>btcbe is Gtnplcft : namelp that (Sobs bene; 39 [$e fpjtbout a clonbe. jc] l^e rccfeencth bp certame tmrac les,fo)hcrc= through (0ob continueb bis grace 10= fo>arbs ms people in £ foulDcrnctlc.ainb this holDtng on ts fourth the noting: foji bnto that tncomparable fojozK of odt ite- rance, there fojac abbcb a notable ccnfir= ntation,fo)hcn d5ob ccafeo not to become the guibeof their uuncp. Cherfozc after thep toerc paffcD the rcb fca, he fpico a cioiiDc oucr them in the bap time, too be= fenbe the people from the heatc of tfee funnc : anb in the nigbte time he gaue them light bp a ptilcr of fp:c,t h a t cucn in the Barb there might he a bright toKe of bisp^efence. S>urelp this continuance fojas a n:he auouchemenc of his contt- nuall loue, as if he fboulb opcnlp fl;cw horo he bab aboptcb the chil^en of %* b:aba , to fofter tbe bnber hi* Pio t, tt ton, euen to the cn&e. Chat fehteh foloroeth concerning [quailcs,] is rectteb bp tlje lonn famines oouiraentane bcnelits 5»i)crbp tyce rattfuorge b»itue= ranee i»i)Wii gc gao once gtucn,are bca= pea op togngcr. 2ilftcn#Cfe6iko Soul) tge Jjjcabot' i)cauctijf3? 10 Deo tgcp tcrme cbe[inj/an= nVKbpa picrogc grouna v02 OS ^0 fCCBC bppOn:i£5ob as tl)ctl opes t»cb t)ts l)ar.oc toioct to tgc Jtu)es,too aeds ti)Ciu from tjcauen.i^no fo^afmucfy cu U S»ajs iittg ibjabam tljatgc fejoib be= toeie tl)c cjftob ot tjis fecsc. a no fojttgout caufegia tgc f^jopgets fo (jugular a care ro Ojci^c , tgat tlje free couenant is tfyefbttfpungftoift \t>t>cace igcoeimss ranee ana cotunali iiKlfareaf p people floxDcb. jro^ tgirop u) *D feas not leo tobcltucr guj people fo? anp new caufc:buttljat ge ra= nfpeotue faugcumeffeano cfeil of bps oxbue couenaiir.i.i eate as it a man fhuio ota; bp a tbjcaiut c tijat tjee bad t)tiOiOCD tn the grouao. 3inb tgcre is no ooubt bus tgc |3?opbet tnent to tcabc tlje fat.g of t)is coun.rp me pet t*urtb>r;naaulp,tgat ail i'ucgeaa tone pet coo tome , mtggt ccricmip bclccuc, tgat ina.mucgeas goo bae tljcn aucucgia tbc iurc & fubttan ttalrrutgeofgtopjtotmfc fo2inanpgun= Dtco peercs after : be i»oto become non otbtr t'yanibvir fatijertf Dao ioimb l)Pm tj be tn ttmro pair. 2lni) itjcrfoie l>tc gu ucib a bcautuull tttle to y tuoiD 02 pio mife,i»f)Kl) {)tlb rttU tys liuclp toice af- ter lijat ^bjabam \»as ocnb.jfoj fejgcn <5oD gab fpofecn tt too aib2abjm , tt>L fojeeof tge coutnaunte opeo not lung ^b2a?jafn, but vlSoD fbcvncD Ijunfclfc footgfaft towards tys pollerttte. . +3 [illnbljc b?ouggte fooitf) fc] ^e ntaUcttj menaon of [lop ano gtaoncfie,] too tbc mten:c gee map abuanncc tgc grratncfTc of ^5000 grace tgc gpgbcr. fW ttioaonofmaU tfnng, tgat isjtjcn tge <2gpptian0_ioere aft'tprtcb bp fo>e ar.D ^recu&ufe mcanc0 , Sogcn all tgc iiU Itm fyas full of ineeptnganb tjow- Img.uca ano ioben all boufco Sucre full of Co2fes: ct>c people igat late afo;e groncb foj fo2oB-od \>t= rr,:D gt0 Saon&VrfuU pcivc? fo tnanp j-iapco i;ibc::«cringbiS people, i ecafeb an roo ctjertS!) artir bffenftc iMm in tbc l»sioerHcirr,anb gaac tbcm tgciance tco d;:t3p,a«p;btng *# gt tjaa pzoiuticDitgst is ta isit, tljat tijep ilj Julbe ibgollp abs bt^c anb gtue ourr tgem felues coo tljc iaoo2Q)ippmgof gun. 3Hnb furelptbe enDc of cietiion i3 litis, tl;at <& €> S> l»Vli gaue a people oppon eartge , bp iofjom tco bee toc2Gitppco, anb fcru:D. 53i)02eou.r too tbemtente gee map tge bdter fcirrc bptfjc 3> cvocs too tganUe= fulJif£It,ge e^toUctgtgc largcneffc of irjc grace, vpon tne. Cyj-Pfalmc. 112 gcaccrCai»tng ctjat tt>cp jjao gocten uuo tfyz mmct oFgTuirpiiig <_**o : H~mcip tlicir pofTcfiftoa tbe lanes of tl)« t):a= tijatrl>c^> 0>3aio Hiccju^ijj tciv^.:,f (01 u tgeufarano UJ^Dc,aao nawtjcio (as it tocrs not paougb ft pjta^fe ©3&a ^p«w _).:rc op ng>jcc of in\)ztitwz) all tt)3£ fcmb tljcir tungs, cxccpif camcft v.jofeo east fo manp people bat) gattcn bp great of goo'pneff: snatciicD fb£r%ttt}aU.3ifco labour. &no tt>c plural! number , as fojtal'mucbcas <2?ot>r;:cr!:tt} al counter: mil m tlic [lianas] as in the [#ati= fctte fc>oifb:ppmg_: there is bu- one ani- ons] botbc the maze bi'auttfie _>oD3t>r= ipsup to froifbipbtmangbr, to'i'cbis ntfue. ;Jf urtbermoje be ocfincth. bzeefip to U-cp? ijis lawes. The contentes of the.Cvj.Pfalme, This Pfalmc differ ctb from the lafle,for when he had flawed there , that God was more than a bene fie iall father toy bis chofen people, too the interne he might pur chafe himfelje pure worfhippers in tyme too come : now he con- fcjfetb,that thofe notable beneptes were ill be flowed, bicaufe the lewes fljjke of his yoke from time to timeframe fully abufmg Gods grace, defiling than [clues with many ynclenneffes , and trayteroufly faliin* away from his worde.Howbeittt U notfo muche a rebuke or fault fyndino , as an acknow- ledgement with defre of fotgineneffc. For the Trophete begirmeth at the prayfes of Gad, too the interne hee may cheer e yp himfelfe, andotho's too be of good hope, ^ifterwardehemaketh a pyaycr,that God fboulde continue Us blefdng t awards the floc^e of .Abraham. Ncucrtbcleflc forafmuche as the people was ynwortby of continuall fauor at Gods handc,fithe they had fo often times fleeted from him : aftn he hath acknowledged brio they had prouoked Gods wrath ,euen from the beginmngfrom age to aoe,throuo'h their malicioufhej]e,ytitbankefulneffe, pride, falfehartedmflfe, and other Dices : netwitbftanding all this, he craueth pardon. The. Cvi. 7'falme. Alleluia. Prayfe yee the Lorde bicaufe he is good, for his J mercy endureth for euer. l Who can exprelfe the nightie power of theLorde, or shew foorth all his prayfe £ ffgWJj Bleffed are they that keepe iudgement, and he that Vvor- kcth righteoufnefle at all times. 4 Remember mee O Lorde in the fauour of thy people: vifiremeein thy defence. 5 That I may fee the bounteoufnefTc of thy chofen, that I may rcioyce in the ioy of thy people , th_t I may glory with thine inheri- taunce. , 1 C^zapfc peetbc ?Lo?D.f c.]^bm= tptle : not that rb? pfalmc cmttmttb Station is put as tt &cre in facte of a onl? a tbanfefgtumg.o; f p^tfes of gfe* but lonn v^aluines Uommentane but too tljc interne tbe people fljouiD ga- tber a durance of attonemet bp tt)e bcnc= S is paft,to ijipc tbat goo iooiD be fauo= rable bectafrcr altbougtj bee Soeretbm Dii'pleafco.Cben in finging <5oDs pzap= tc0l)Cix)iUetb tbctu to call fucbctlungs to rnapaffwagctbe grccf of tbeir pzcfsnt mifcrtes, 9 ct)ecre bp tl)cir barta from Difpapze. 2 lxo\}0 can ejepzeffetje] CbiStoerfe map be crpounDeD two u>apes. ■$ oz if pe rcao tt topntlp S»itb that iotyty enfew= etl) nejet tt-.tbe meaning will be, tbat not alt mancr of me are meetc fetters foozt!) oft!5oDspzapfes,bpraufe the bngoblp ano totcUcD boo noting clfc butbUf= pbemebts bolp name i»wb tljcir ftltbp raoutb.accozomg astt ts fapo in j pfalm 50.16.anb fofljoutD tbere bceabDeban anfwer to tbe qucfrion,i»bicb anfwer is tbis:[bleffcb are tbcp tbat HccpeiuDge- ment JifrotfcjitbftanDing, 31 amof opi= nton tbat tbe lS>zopbets meaning is 0= tbcrft>ife:tbatnomanlmtng, bow mucb fo euerbe emplopall bis ftubp anben= beuer to let foztb bofe mftmtcncffe ouertDbelmetb all our vmtia.ft owbecit bis purpofe in ab= uauncmg gobsmigbtie ioo2bsfob»Sb, tS not to fcare fes from fetting tjjem out: but ratber bp tljis mcancs be ejeboztetb b«to ftrepneour felues aboue ourpo= wer.iFoz if in running ncucr fo lufrelp, iuc ai wapes fttll come farrc f&ozt of per= fc£ton:i»batroome is tbere left tbenfoz aotbfulnelTe:' li5uttl?c bcfl comfozttoo barren bs foitbatl, ts tbat ozks is fo greate tbat all tungs are too little to fct fooztb tbe piapfes oftbcm:noi»alfo be abbetb, tbat (0od lifectb not of tl;e piapfes tbat louuu but tn tbe mauttje onlp, except tbe I barte agree ioitb it, oz ratber tbe tuna= bleneffc of tbe coyote itfe anfwer bnto tt. 3lnb tt is a Giozt Definition of goDlineffc, ioijcn be feuiiccb men firtt too [fceepe iubgement] ano aftcrwaroe [to bo rtgb= teouincfTc.] foi 3 Doubt not but in tr)e fozraer part be betoHcnetb tbe pure af= fettton of tbe bart, ano aftcrfearoe com= metb Do wne too outfrarDc foozfes. jf 01 toz ktiofc) tbat ngbtcoufc Dealing is but fbaDowifb, onleffc a man purpofe gooo= neffe in l»sbarte3ifobe rcqutretb per= feucrance 0? boloing out,too tbe intcnte tbat no man fpoulo tbinUe bim felfe Dif= cbargeD,fauing be tbat is fullp anD fteD= fattlp mmbcD to bolbeon conttnuallp in tbe mbeucr too hue S»eU anD bpiigbtlp. ;ffoz i»ce fee manp catte bp a certapne f rotb, ano otber fome too 0>ew? fome to= fees of bertue,but tbep hepe not on tbeir courfe all after one rate. 4. [l&cmembcr me. jc] 2^?p tbefe fcjojtbs tbe|Diopbete Ojevoctb bow bis cbeef DeGre ts, tbat in tbe fauour of tbp people : ] tbat is to'fap, mabe tbe free fauour fo>bicb tbou boutfafeft bpon tbp people too ftrctcbe bnto me, fo as 31 map not be fcperateb from tbp &l)uvd), but bee accomptcD one of tl)^ number : 5Fo£ tbe fauoj of tbe people is tafecn paf= fiuclp foj tbe lotiingneffe &berc&itb <0oD embjacetb bis cfjofen people frcelp. ii^cuertbelcfTe,tbe ^jopbete (bp a con= UGping oucr of tbe tcrmc) tranfferrctb trjicf S»oo:De [fauour] too tl;e fignesof <25oDs louc. jiFojt d5oDS abuoutbmg of bts grace bp berp becbe, anb bp cjcperi= encc flowetb eutof tl>e fapb fountapn of free gift. £19o?eouer,tbe ptopbet groun= Detb? 5»bole fubftace of true bappineffe bpon vponthe. Cvj.Pialme. i r opon tfyi0 p opnt : tbat id, it be map bee rcckeneb among ©ods people : bpiaafc bp tljat mcancs be Qjail tinoc (Bob mcfs ctfuli too t)tm (than ti>e lohube nothing is moie too bee Deftreo) pea am be (ball feele bint liberall alfo. Che fr ojtDe [re- member] is referriD to t tjc ctrcumftance of time, ifej bp the enbe free Cjaii fee til at this pfalme fraa fet together at fuctj time as (be people toere in a fojows full anD mtferable plighte, in fo mucbe as tbc faptb tali might bauc mtftrufteD tbat tbep baD ben totterlp fojgottcn.Co the fame purpofe pcrtcmetb tbe latter member, [8&ifue memojt.frtth tbpoe= fence.] jpoi &b* feemttb to toi ate tijofe, from whom bee baa bp all UHclpbeoDe fr!tt)Diaojen btmfclfe. XibbceaDDctl; tbe fojmzr fentence in the nejete berfe, fapmg, [tbat 30 map fee tbe bounteouf= neffe of tbp ebofen.] fop be DeQrcs to be f ctlo to anD partaker of the botitifulnefJe frbtebe v0ods ebofen baae ali»apesta= fteo.iFo; [tofee] is tahenfojto[entop,] as tt ts xo ell pnougtj hnofren, as too fee tbeKmgDomeof^oD 3lobn.;.}.anDto fee gooaitfe.r. peter.}. io.jtfojtbcp are DecetueD tobicb ejepouno it, tbat J map lee t\)cc 00 gooo to tbe cbofcn:c6noermg that neither tbe fojmer fentence (frljer= toppan this Dcpcnoctb) abmutctb tbps fenfe, anD alfo tbat tbe fenfe iuijicbe jfi bauc allegeD is cbfirmeD bp tbofe tbmgs tbat cnfue,frbich arc» lXet «nc reiopce trt tlje top of tbp people, f glojp &ttb tijine I nberitance.j jfoj it 10 apparant pno ugh tbat tlje pjopbet fouQytb bim felfc tlje partncrQjtpof all goob things feitlj tlje elect, fo ad be bolbtng bin* felte contente Soitb tbe one Hue blefTcblp aao bapptlptonD.r b«0 protection. 3lnDal= tbougb £ church fr ere in frjtetcbeD cafe ascenfufeo 83 tbmgs Soerc, the prophet boloctb b^ too this p:inciplc,tbat nothing to better than too be reefceneo among tbe 9oc» f people of goD,b:caufeljebQtbctiermo>cbenamo(i louing fatber of tbofe that bee bis, anD a faptbfull mapntcpnerof tbeir frclfare. £) nip bis bcfirc is to be belt fritljali af= ter tbe fame raaner tbat d5oo ts altoaps front to beale frith bis Ctjurcb.lpp tbe Soap there isacouerte complapnt,tbat (0oo Did then frttbholoe his goooneffe from bis afflictcD Cburclje, as if tjc bao put bir au?ap from \)im. C Wee haue finned with our fathers, we haue dooncamifTe,we hauc behaued our felues wickedly. 7 Our fathers in Egypte vnderftoode not thy wonders : they remem- bered not the multitude of thy mercies, and rebelled at the Sea, euenm the red Sea. H And he faned them for his names fake , that hce mighte make hys power knowen. 9 And he rebuked the red fea,and it was dryed vp: and he made them vvalke in the deepes as in a vvildernelte. 10 And he faued themout of thehandeof the enemie, and deliuered them from the hande of the foe. 1 1 And the waters couered their oppreffours , not one of them was leftc. 6 [VDebauefimied.«c.]!$crcbpit8p= pearetb the moxe plapnlp, tljat although the pjopbete Ijauefpo&en in tbe perfon of one man.p'et he gaue footfb a common fojate of p.rapmg too the frb°le Church, fozaf mncbe as be now tafectb to htm the tobolebcDp therof.^lnD from henceforth to ttje cnDc of tlje p falrac, he gatljcrctlj bp the Uluncient ftojieS, that tljet'r fo:e= fatbew frere alfrapes of a malicious anD eutll Difpofttton, of frofraroe conoi= tions,rebeliieufe,thanfeeleff?, anD falfe= Ijartco too ^5oDloaroc,auD heacUuoo>= IcDgetb their offpjing too bee ncuer= frh»t better: tbst bpon the putting fojtb ofthts confeffion h»0^ut«g top par&on ppp. nvo wmi VJ.UUIUCS S-sUlIMUCUltillC map taKc place. Jfln as much* tbcit as toe be not mete to obteme paroou bcfoie fucbe time as isscc ijaue conDemnco our o co uc fumes: aitatbatquroumouintffc Cbcttctbtbe gate agapnft <©oD0 grace, toojtbilp oot'n t!;c pzopbet in the loje an* barb cbafttfement of ilje people, bumblp confeffe tlje faio gt!uncffe,as Sr>bo ftjolb fap, if *0od t^uiD cjeccutc pet l'ojcr pa= mftment.bc fljoulo Do but rtgbt. Cbere is anotber caufe aifo, foj frbtcb it iaas fojtbe 3!cu>c0beboofe tobauctbeir fin0 lapD bcfojte tljetr faces. ^foj tf dpoo cfja= fttletosanp thing flharplp, by anD bp toe imagine tbat be batb forgotten bis pjo- ratfes. li&ut fo>bcn on U)e contrary parte S»e bebjougbt m mmb, tbat toeooo but rcceiue tbe revoaroc tbat toe bane Defers ueD fo? our fumes, tberroitbalt alfo s»ee betbmfee bs of tbc p?omifc0 frbcrin gob offerctb bts tauour bnto bs, if fo be tbat free omenoe from tbe bottome of our hart. iFurtI>ermojc be enbaunretb the bepnoufneffe of tbe toickcDncffe bp tbjtee tno^ tbc enD (as it commonlp com= mctb to pa u"0 tbeir minos fboulb not be Ugbilp toucbeb , but ratber thjougblp SoouDeb toitb fojovo.^Fo^ ft>e Unoro bo«> men be berojappeb in tbeir owne toprc0, anb how tbep beare &>ttb tbcm felqes, tonttll tbep bee conftrapneD bnto earneft trial./frap truip,cuen tben S»ben { ilo?b cttetlj tbcm too iuDgcment, tbep ooobut fltgbtip fap in one &o;& tbat tbep bane OnncD:anD m tbc meanc tobile htpocrtfie bolbctb tbeir imnbo aflepc. Cben ts not this bcapmg tpgrtljer of n?o;bs fnpcr= fluotw, iohenp ?Ozopbctfaptb,tbat[tbe people DibbcamtfTein fmnina,] && came tottcrlp bngoblp anD fewfceD. 3nD fttrelp if euerp of bs warninc bim felfe, Sdk (ball foone fee bow it is no S&bittc If ire nceoefull fo? \>s too bee rnfoiceD to true confefltou, bpeatife although free Dare not acquire our felucs, pet tbcre is none of bs frbtebe couio not finbe in bis banc too feeHe couertes ano ftarttng= boles, in tbe.famemaneralmofre Doth jpanicimhwnpntb Chapter conoenmc tl>e fume* of bun fclfe ano bis £oun- trepmen. 3nD it map bee that the aii- 2? °S?tf6,inc «^Atew! : pie. HSut frcemaplearneofbotbcof tbem , tbat tbe oncip Suap too pactae <2>oD, is too beefrrapte oucrloobcrs of our (clues. 3tio tt is to bee marbeo ao - micoip, tljat although tbcfeholp J3?o=! pbc tea ba& ncucr fame avoap from tt)C tcarc ana teo^rbtpping of <2>oD : pet tljep bnoeitabsibc common gplttncfTe xo«b tb"r cotmtrepmen: ? tbat,not foj coun= tcrfct mooeftics fahc, but bicaufe tbep fenew tbem fclues too bee tnf cttcD S»itb manp corruptions : acco?bmg as u is not pofltble, but tbat i»ben topees are a flote,aub tbe unUt of tbem otter florcetb, fome infcutou muff e nreDes fp^eb tt felfe turn too tbe befte men. jffoj tbepcom= pare not tbem feiuc0 Sottb tbe rettc of men : but comming foojtb too (£>obs tubgemente ftate, tbep fee tbem fclue0 tonable too efcape. 3no at tbat tpme bn= goolpnelTe S»a0 grofeen fo ftrong a= mongtbe 3Iei»cs: tljat it is no i»on= ber, tbougb enen tbc bcac anD fouubeft of tbemivere carpcb aiwapas tt Sucre of a tempeft. S>o mucbe tbe mojeoetcirablctbenistbcpjiecoftbofe iolncbe tbinhe tbem fclues fcarfc tcoof= fenoeligbtlp,o? ratber S»bicbfanQe J Sootcnot fa>bat fome fantaaicall foibe boo at tbiff Dap, ^urelp it is too bee belceucb, tbat ais tbougb S^lniell (inborn cuen tbe l&oip 3D : pet Dio be not fapneoip acbno&iebgetbe fmnes of bim felf,anb Ins countrepfolfee,S»ben b«e confefTeb tbcm Soitb a grceuoufe an& fo;c Deteftation before d5ob. Crue= Ip bee Soas not ojtofojncb tn tbc fame guifc tbat tbe common fejtte of men bee : anb pet bee bnctvbecbab gotten manp fpottes. ainb furtbermo?e the f&?o= Pbcte Dotbe not tbercfoje allcDge the fa= tb«r0 , tbotbetnpgbte bp tbeir pretence maHe his exone faultc feeme tbe leffe.afi manp Deo, (i»bo feben tbep bee rebu= HeD,mahc tbis their bucblcr, tbat tbep toere fo taagbte bv tbeir fathers, anb tbeir ill bzmging top <0 tbc caufe of «:> but ratber be auoucbetb bim fclf onD \jis countrepmen too bee in Daungcr of fojcr panimmente, bicaufc tbat beginning at tbeir firft entrance, « a3 it fecre at tbeir firft infanrie, tbep neucr ceafco too p?o= nobe 0OD0 i»jatb agapnft tbcm fclues mo?e rpon the. Cvj.Plalme. 1 14 ma^c anD moje xo tc.j ntvo ftMCkeoneflto. jf 0; fo Do ti) be S»;ap top t be fatJj rrs auo t ije ebtlDzcn togitber in manpfolDe gvl- tmtffe. 7 [&>ur fathers tc] l&eere bethel cth tjoiy tlje people cucn bp anD bp aU teethe commencement of their Dcuue= rance,S»ere tontbankfutt to <5oDx»arb, anD bebaucD tbctu feluc0 ftubbojnelp ageittftbtm. :ffojbee Deciarrtb net the ftojp of one time onlp: but fyis talk fcn= Dctbtotbtapomt.tbattbe people neuec ftmteD from their uaugljtiacffc.altbogh god firauc agetnft them Sottb incredible goooneffr. wljercbp it appeared boi»e unfubD liable ano paftcatlrecoucnetbe UttdnefTeof tbat.nactonSva0.3inD fjrft be finactb fault Smth the peoples lacUc of ix>it,fo)bicb 5»a0 the caufe of tbfir ton tbankfulnelTe. f 01 be IrfTenetb not trjftr fault? tonDer pretence of tonfoittinclTc, (as men are comntonlpfroont to boo) but b^e repiouctb tljc. foule anD fbame= full bloekiQjneflc of the people fojbccttig blmD in fo apparant matter0.^roj goO0 i» ojU sfc) ere fuel) e a0 eucn bipnDmen ougbtto baue fefcnctbem.if rom fobeee tbencame fo groflfc ignorance ,butbp= caufc $»atban bad bereft them of tbepj icitt0,tosifglnt (J5ods miracles ioivci) Sucre able to mouc eucn £ tocrp Crones :* jftoto) io\)t be addctb rbar£tbcp rcm.em= bereD]not:bc better crp?effttb tbat tbcic tgnojance S»as bnejccufablc : oz rather that their bltnbneffe proceeded mc:e of fcnlful becdiefi*eneflc , than of tonfkilfuU neffe.' ^fo? tbe caufe of tbeir ignorance Soao.that tbcp burieD the tbingo Sob'th frere euibent mougb of thcmfcluc0.i$c adDttb bo'ioc foseme their forgetting ft>as : xo\)izl) thing anapletfo to tbe aug* mentingof their crime, foj, it i»a&a mon3roH0 tbing,tbat not eucn the toerp beholding of tbmgs coulb fiir top tljetc mtnb0.^crcupponitcamctopafrc,tbat being pet fcarcelp gone out of <£gtpt, tbcp maiapertlp made infurecfio agetnft tljetr dcltuercr , cucn in tbsp? pairing tbxougb tbegKa. Crulp itfejasnota pecre , no no j a fojbolc ioojlo of pcrrr0 tbat ougbt too baue topped fo notable Soodcro out of their harts/what a mad? nefle then S»a0 it, that tbcpquarcllcda= getnft<£od eucn fobpie the thing 5»a0. pet a 000 mg, as though be bad bctrapefi the to tbeir enemies to baue tbett tb?o- te0 cut:- £be Hcbjucs call £ arme of the £>ea 'o>l;ere the people &erc conuepcD ouer the fca of £>upb. s&ome translate it [rugged,] ano&ill baue the fc>oo?oe supk too figntSc [tfecke of the <&ea.] Ht>ut tobac foeucr the ojugtnalt of the ioojde b;c,tbere is no ooufctof the place. ainatt 10a likelpboedetbatbpcaufc the fame place t0 full of IRufbcs, t^ercfo^c that name fcjao giucn tonto it. 8 [3nD be fauea] €be£>?o= Phct awetb a thing iubtcb bab ben eafie fo; anp man to gather of the corner fcn= tence : namelp that tlje 3 frac!itc0 toerc p?eferuco,not btcaufc tbep fee^c ttojthp but bscaufegob mtnbcbte pioutbfojhts o^n sic^p.Cherefore Icaft d&oD uitghte abanoon hi0 oamljolp name to the bea- tljtn to be raplco topon,he lept oust that flop, j s»cnt fo?th ftil to the accopUfbmg of the Delmerance Sxtyth he hao begou. fljtocouer the matching of ccntraricg b£tiuittLgoD0 name] 9 men© beferuingfl 0; ca S»a0 rebukeb, he fct- tetl) out ea,that there mpght bee free pafTage foj tb«n , cucn bec= tto'ecne the hcapes of S»ater0 that fa= ccb them one another. 3nb that hee map cjctoll the miracle, hee tofctb a fimu UtuDc^htche bp alilikclpboooc Gjoulbe bee taken out of Orfap. 5rojhce inbi0 Dcitj. Chapter,?. jcuj.tocrfe fapth,Chou harrc uiaDc tbp people too ioalke tho= rough the bcepc0 a© a bojfc in tbcfepl^ bernelTe,tbat he might not ftumblc.^i0 meaning 10, that the iuonberfull power cf gob \rnn the caufe that the people to?= nepcD through ffca, ao if it baa btn topon a Dip leuett grounDe.3!t map be In beeoc that the ioilDcrnelTe in i»hithc thcpeo= pie SoanDereD, hab manp Dccpes , nnD that their S»ap 5oa0 rough forth manp |2> bilittf t)Ulc0 anb bates, anb ruggcb rocfestn tt. /frcuectbelcflett is not to be bouteb, but tbat tbe $>iopbctc abus'incctb, <2>obs -tuigbtp foozfetnguubepaflagcoff fea : tbe ft>bicb be encrclctb S»ub ttjt0 rom= part fon,tf)at tljc Sijap fo>as leucll tbzogb tbatbepcfea\3llfo be confirmed) tbe mu *.pt. Iohn Caluines Commentanc racle,&>be« Ijc faitb[tbattbeu enemies iocre ozotmcD.] fo; foberao y fea gaue frcepaffage to tbe 3D fraclttcs, $ couereb anb fvoaloxib Dp tbe C5crtptians, [fo as not oneot' tl)em cfcapeb aiiue:]fo)be **fcpo came tbat fobapn ouference^ut bpcaufe bcn tbe? Smls ltnglp embzaccgoB0i»Q2b,an& irebfaa= Ipperfeucr mobcbteceofibe fame.Slnb to tbe mtent bee map repzouetbc ligbts ncflc of tbe peoplet.bcc iaptb [tbep mabe baft]ifoz totyme fomecrpounb It, tbat tbep toofee tbem too ttjetr i02nep mpoft baftc anb f»cnc a pace to tbc'place &9a= rab:tbep pafie oucr to colblp tbe forcible fpeeeb of tbe P^Pbct,ij^erbp be finoctb fault feub tt)i\t bcabp out rfigbt,trr tbat tbep beleeucD but fo? a mGmet,asb foz= gate <5oos femzfcg in poll baft. -$t>% tbep b^b but tbzcebapcoiozncp from \bt ar= riualloutof tbcreab &>ea,bnto&f)a= rab:anopctm'tbemcanetob«lc£bcpbe= ganto quarelt $»itb tbat tbeone= Ip caufe u>bp men arc fo tbanfeelcfle to= fojarbs & *& ID,l0 fo; tbat tbep regaroe notbisbemfitcs. ^poi if tbe retw:m= bzance of tbcm fiaeUc fafte in our barts, ittoouiee bee as goob as a bzpbic too fceepebsin bis feare. itPje ^zopbete popntetb out tt;c mancr of tljcir tranf= grefften , nanulp tbat tbep fufpcnbeb not tbep; befpic tpU tpmc conurr.tente. :ffoz fconbcrfull to tbe beabpneffe of our luffes, in fo muebe as tbep can fcarfe beare £»ftb d5cu fa? one bap. itfoz cjcceptcbe follows our rapnbs out of banbe, Sx>ee bp anu b^ fall mto tmpa= citncie, anb confequcntlp mto befpapze. as tt furelp, in one moment too burpe the notable bc= ncfits tobicb tbep bab bin enfojeeb too acfenowlcge. Cbeefo?cbe faptb,fbat tlje grctneffe of ©obs ioo?Us cnfo?ccb tbzm to bclceuc anb pjapfc geb,cuen 5»l;ct^er ibep feolb 0? no,to tbe intent to tncreafe tbeif trapterouffneffe,tn tbat altbougb rtjeir baroncOTetoerefubbueb, pet tbep bp anb bp after flibc baefceagetn to their bnbclefe.U5utbcrertfctb a qutftto.jfo? feeing tbat truefaitb 10 acco?bing to tbe nature of tbe feozb: Ipfee as tbe toozb ts an bncoiruptiblc fccbc,fo ts faptb neuer quencbeb,altbougb it bap too be fmool- berco.lBut tbere to a certem tcmpo?all faptbeasit tstcrmeb bp ^arB.4.17. ^bub pzoceeberl) not fo mucbe of tbe fpirit of regenerations of fomc cbanges able affe^ton,onbtbcrfo?ebanifljetb out ofbaHb.^orcbcittbatf |d?opbct fpea= hetb net beere of anp billing bclefe,but ratberof a bcicfc chat teas fronnebp fo?cc: tocrelp bpcaufe men Sobitber tbep SBtllo?no,arebp tbefelingof<0ob0po: toer.compeUea to baue feme reuerence of btm .Cb«s place 10 to be mar beb, too tbe cnb tbat tbep &>b»cb bane once fub= tnUteb tbemfeiues to <©ab , bo not fiat* rpon tne.^vj.i'iaime. J if not gcatlp' call Bppon ljun, anD pacicnttp abbe till be gratturco tbctr requefts,but ruQ)-0 foa?tb toul) rebcllioufc bcaOtuctTc as Lljougl) tijep mmOeb to appoint d&oo tobatbee fljouiD Dos. 3tno tbcrfo^etoo ttalu' cl)c fault o( their bafrtnclTc mo;c bepnoufe.bebfetb tbctertue [aBuice:]a0 cd!)o toolo Tap that ttjcp being but mennc luffer not <2>oo too bauc anpfcjit, nebe= peno bppon bis counfell aa tt iuoio b?s come tbem to Doo : but Lotlbc mozr foje= afting tban i0 latofull fo; tbcm,anb i»ill ratber rule i£'o3 tban pceto tbemff fuccf co be ruleo bp bis abutfe. wbcrfoie leaft t»e piouohc u5oDO Dtfplcafurc.iijce itmfl bold os too tb«s grounoiy o:U, that Syce giuc (0ob leauc to pxouibe fo? b0 in fuel) o>pf c as bee Kno vo c tb tt to be fei our be= boof.^nb truly, faith fpopling bs of our lionc iuifcDOine^tt'bbOiSctb b0 lit bopc ano filence , bnttll d£5oo accomplifl) bps1 i»o;he,S»bera0tbe fiefboootbealwapcs mrc of feafon pjeucnte tl;c councell of o mucb tbe mo^e tbcrfojte ftanbetb it t)0 in banbe to inbeucr to bztole tl)c licentioufeneffe of luffing , xbhicb naturallp boplctbcbp in bs.tfox bee tbat fuffcretl) Ijtntfclfc to co= uct tnoze tban 10 lawful! , oootbc openlp ma He oefpancebnto d3oo,bpcaufcaltbc luft0of tbe flefb runnc full but ngeinft ti&oD . [ Co tempt (15oO]i0,not to reft bps on <5oD0 arbtfrcment, but to Dcfire tnoje tban fjio xu ill to to graunt. 3ino spheres gob i0 temptcb funojp Soapec, tbe |3?o= pbet popntctlfoutbccre butcneoftbem: namelp that the people burft binbe <2>oD totb* meanc0 that tfjcp tbcmfclucobab bcuifeb:8no fo befirfng the mcanc &>bicf> tbepougbtto bauc cmbjaccb , imagmeb to tbemfelneo a nefo> foozfctng of <£>oo,tii tb<0 tutfc : 3>f d5ob &tll not fcebebs fcitb fled), toe ami not raHe bim fo: our (©ob.yctbab bee gincn them foobe that might fufftje tijem. 3tnb although *15o& be not tpeb too anp meanco, pet iodl fytt baue our fmfca fubiette too tbe mcane0 tbat bebatb ojbepneb. 3P0 fojejcamplcfi Cake, altboagb bee bee able too fceoc bs U)itbout bzeao,pct iutll btc baucour life f uttatneb icitb tl;at foobe : ioijicl) tf iucc neglc(t,anb appoint btm another meanc, Succ tempt btc pou-cr. 15 [i$c gauc t^em.fc] Cbeteisa trim 3illufjon in tb« Sooozoe Kazon. ^Fojtf Zain btCptUW ftCCOC Cf TfaJc, tt fball figntfie [ee fee baplp too befall bntoo bapntie anb fquc= mifb pcrfon0 , fpcciallp Sobcn their fto^ maUe, bp reafon of cozrupte h«'»o?B, can not atoap S»ttb .bdlcfomc meatco. 5Foj fucbemaner of folbe long not foj anp tbmgo, but fucbe 00 are mode nop; fome. 2Hnb the moje tfjcp erammc in, fo tttuebc the moze bnhealthinciTe ooo thep gatber.anb fo bp little ana little the be= rp meate it felfe fojppncth them. Ch« ^jophctc therefore fcemctb too conucp ouertbe faultie cifpofiticnof the boop, bntoo mcn0 mpnoc0,ano too compare the jjlcroesbnto fuch^ as bee inacon- fumption,&htehe arc ncucr the better foj their raucnoufc eating , but rasher tbeSroo^fc, bp reafon of their confump= tton. Che caufe is (op trj«t CSoO baibc curfcO the foooe iurjtclje thep ocfirco e^ ccfTimlp, too the interne too b?tng tljtm loo? bp puntfbing them xcith ihc fame thing fehcrctn thep hab offcuDcb-jRovo irbcrens not cucn this nother opo coz- rcctc their ftubbozncnclTc : -Oft rem their naughtpneffe bexrzapcth tt fclfc toe bee the greater. 3It 10 faroc in acemmon pzoucrbc, that foolc0 become ix>pfc bp rtcepumg barmc. Cbcn uuiflctbcp nccbeo bemao,pcaanbbHcrlpbnciua- bic,fo>btcb amcnbcbnot,no net cuen bp compulfion. 0pp. iij. icD.,?c] $e tott= c!)etf> b?cSp aaottjcr rr$fgreflion. If ou?= belt fuclje a oncasisbcrem beefsttctb bourne matter batijiuj ijitn fcife.anbTcj otbsrs too mufc long time bpon. ^?o; Sabcrcas the people Sucre berp Syttttc ut p^ouofeing <£obg ia^atb, bp Deupftng ncro manners of finning from tpmctoo tpmc, tbe lame mu&c ftrpnc tfje gtea= tcr fcare mico bs. iJ^ejcouer S»bere= as be fapetb ijjcp fppgljtcb slDcpfcs anb 3Saton : b*0 meaning t0, tf)at t^cp ab= uaunccb tljem fclu«0 S»ub tljeir Diuc= US) -p?ibc agapnil 3b,too fijafec ofr ct)e poke tbat be fcab lapbc bppon t\}cm : ac* coding alfo as d^opfes fapfc Jftum.i 6« ii.Wbatam3! ano aiaronr'JFo? fcepng it ftns ©303 Sopil too rale bps people bp tl)*m : too mifluu of this fcpnoc of goucrriement, S»as nothing elfe but too iottbftanbe t!je commiffton of 'd5aD *D. CbcrefoK bnber tbe Suoo^dc [fppgbic] ibcretpctb b»& a great u>:tgbtimffe,tbat iubera0 (25Gb bib cberifb tbe IRfraclitcs gcntlp ano fuKetflp bnoer bis Smngs : pet tljep becing not contcntcb Soitb tr>cir lot,bpb Uicfce ano ioince agepnft btm. Co irbat cnac S»as al tb?0 outragtottfs nefTc,bat biraufe tljcp ipbingnct to Ijauc t0ob to be tbctr foflercr anp longer, are bcQroufe too clpmbe cuen abouc tbe clouUcs.Cbat 3faron is callco.[rbc bolp one of rtyc iLcjbe,] tt is boone to tfyis m= tent, tbat ioe mtgb: fenooj.tbat asfejc'.l be a0 S^opfc 0 Socr« [ut ti^at refpecf) all onc5attl)(2?ob. iroj bnber tljeperfon of tbe one, tbis title to gcucn bnto iljcm botij: iuljcrbp tl)2 pjopbet fignt&ctb rt;at tijcpSwerc fet a parte 100 tbat cbargc bp dt>oo.£>3tban $ 3biramtb'rfo?cm Dtf= anullmg U)t0 cl)otfe,&o make S»arrc, not not fcmb mcn,but tottb goD,btcaufc (a0 mucb ao m tbcm Ipctb) tbep Dtlbonour U)Cbolponcsof(0oo. 17 [Cbc«artbopen:b.5e.] Ebebep^ noufneffe of trjc crpmc intgbtc bee opf= ccrncb bp tbegrcacnefieof tbe punpfljc= ment 25ut tbe |£»iopbctes inttnte fc>as too blame tbe bartsebartcbncflc of i\)Z people, S&l)ici) toasfo far fromamcnO; ment bp plagues, (Sober, notfcmbftan^ bmg,cucntbe berp ftonc0ougbtto baue ben motieb at 0obs fo l>o;rtble bcn= gcaec)tbet tbep plapcb tbe mab men tbe mo?e malapcrtlp.Ccrtcffe it feasabo?? rtblc Earning tbat [tbe eartb fwaloweb bp JDatban anb aibiram,] anb all tl>cir c ompUcc0 qUtcfce : anb tbat [fp?c bef; cenbmg from beauenotbburne tbe bp,] accojOmgasi2i)oresfapb,iBum.i6.2 9. if anp common tljmg bcfal^tl>erM,beleuc not tbat <£?ob iubicb tctgnct'o in bcaucn, reignctb ouer pou ano nice : but if tbi0 nevo $ bnvoonsco tying baPPfn,tljst tbe cartb open , tben at lca(lf4jpfc beiccuc tbat 31 am fent of <0ob. H5ut feeing tbat tbe 3 fraclttcs beeing banco avoap SDitb tbctr oibne outrage, bpb eucn tben alfo quarcll agapnft <$ob : tt appearctb itjat ttfra0 vpon the.Cvj.Pfalme. 116 it S»as tao too foie a mataope, Syljicbe coulDc not bee amcuoco toitb fo bpo= Icntcaremcaie. Sno feeing tbat <25oD0 rou^t) baling botbtmaUecuentbe bP= pocntt0 afrapbe: u ivas a popate of inonfrruoufe tnabneffe too frette ano bzaute agapnft Cfc>ob, fc>bcu b*e ftrafee fo IjarDC. 41 ubCiDemaunazfiS»b?tbe ^jopbete* cljargctb tbe S»bole people mtl) tijc faultt of a fcan? men : ttjc folu^ tion to eafie, bpcaufe Ujat altbougb but rrooioere tbccbcefcrmgleabers of tbe mfnrrectijn, in szatring towo ttyziii two ijunbi-cD tbicefUoje ana tenne febictoufe p;rfon3: pet tt appearetb bp tlje peo= pics fretting anb rcuplmg, tljat tbcp at= fo focrc attapmcb xoitb ttjc fame infetft= on. Cb-' puntfbctnentfcocntnofurtbcr tban ttjc Captapm'o anD ringleaders of tl)e fctc&cb csnfpiracie, beritp bicaufc it teas <2$od0 iotil too mittgate tt , anD roo fpare tt>c common people , Soblcb* ncuertbeleffe baooc alforbenne bsfpzoufe of altcratton,fi) as al©ftbcmftcrcioce= rp of Q^opfcs anb Ularon. 19 [Cbtp»na&cfc.]l$eercbefettctb fooztb tbc frjamcfulieft bacfecflpoing of allfmtJjat tbcp fojefooHc tbefcruife of rbc true <0ob anb tnabc tbcmfclues a calfc jPJowe altbougb tbeir intent fojas tooi»o?Q)ip <0od after tbat mancr. yet botb tbc pjopbete finbe fault Smtb tbeir bcaftlp blocfetfbneffe , tn tbat tljep fell borone before a molte image, anb rcp?e= fenteb <©ob ouber tbc fbape of an £>jce tbatcatetbbap. JFoz- b«rcbptbe}dzo= pbete gattjerctb, tljat (Sob , is robbeb of bis bue, ana alibis gioip befaccb. 2!nb trulp fa is it. fop altbougb tljz Joolas tcrs pzetcnb a ?clc of S»o;fl)ipping <*5ob. yet nofiDitbdanbing affoonc as tbcp (bape tonto tbcmfcluesa tnfiblc dftoD, tbcp renounce tbc true d5ob, anb Saic= feeblp fojgc to tbemfelucs an iboll. 15 ut be tjpbzapbetbtbcmlDitb tbeir SuicHcb= neffe tbc mop: greeuoufelp,,S»bc be laps etb,aftcr[£imeneffe of an 4Djc tyat eas tctb bap]anb on ibe otb^r fibc[matcb£tb tbftr bono: o: glozp] agcinft tt, fop in= afmuebe as <2?sb bccHcb tbcm Suit!) IjiiS glojp : iob^t a bloefciflmcffe teas it too put tn bis Acs, not onlp an £Dr, but aifo tbcbcabfbapc of an £Djc, a© S»b° ^oio fap t10 to an &>jc, S»b?n men fuftein tbeir life bp mcatcs b?eab , faafmuebe a0 tbcp bojoi»e tbc* intcrcft tbereof at b'ab creatures : tbcp acbnovolcbgc \)0io fraple tbeir (late ss. i^oio muebe greater stfbonc; tbe fs of= fercb gcb,^bc be ts tbzuft Dou?ne too tbe b?ute beads r* -furtbermaje tbe compartfon of febicb Scce baue fooben, cnbauncett) tbe crptne. fop fobat ho- nour i»a0 it fop tbe bolp 5»o?= fbtptbc bcab fbapeofan^jcfoz^cBr* 25utd5obbab boutfafebtoo fpztDDcoui \)?8 glozf in maner of iupngo fcppon tbe cbplbzcn of Sbzabam* tootbetn= tcntc ico garnpfbc tljetn tent) t'jc bigb- cftbonour tbat migbtbe.^bcp then bp inafemg tbcm felucs naUcb, b?t> fettc a= b?oabe tbeir owne fbamcfulneffe too bec maoe a laugbins tlocfet* too tbe bca= tben. ?,!nb tbercfozc il^Jopfcs in ik(- cnbtnor tirat crpme of 35bolatrte, tofetb tbc tcrme of [jjSakc&ncflc. ] 35 f anp man mafec deception, tbat tbe Sr&c of Coucnatmte&aoen llmageof^oorjg anfx»ere,tbat tbatpieoge toas octucn too tbe 3i fraclites,not to f aftcn tbeir tjppon.but ratber toobeca furtberance too tbc ^pirituall i»oozfl;ipppng of (Sob. 21 [Cbcp fs?gate. jc] Clje #;bs pbetc pet once agapnc repetetb, tbat tbc people bib amiffc,notcn:lp tbzcugb tg^ no?ancc, but alfo tbzougb feilfulnciTc, brcaufe d5ob !;ab alrcabp bttcrcb bpni; felfepnougb anb too mucbe. Cjccufe i0 taUen avrap, cucn from tbc bluiDc, inaf- muctie as <|5oD appcarctb tnanpfcftlp in tbc fcoo?b«inanfl)pp-of Fjcatten ano canb. 2»5ut farrc mo?: bepnoufc .is.tljc I^PP.tuj. effvnee Iohn Caluines Commentate offence of t\)t 2fruiuca,iDl>o btbDing 35oo farefcel after lye baa f .muitarlp co- mutucat cD rjtmfeife tmto tb;m,oo turne tbcmfeluco to beaftip fupcrlirttons. Jfojt thcr iscoucrtlp bio a great fozctblcncffe in tbcfc tptlcs cf commcnDation, trjat goo bao b^tercD bts maeDtbiepiitfTancc out of (panel) toe fauc tlycm. 30 f f)c baO UttcrcD bnt feme ozotnarp tobcno»r)i3 porocr,Kt ought ftjcrj t)ceoe to Ijaiu ben gttiea to" u ,ac might baue bciac hi* pco= pie in the f rare anD fcruice of tjtm. 15 ut now ficij \)i>3 Sooting© Sucre \)crpno= tabic, ot ratber terrtble ano firaungc, it fo>a0 toofoulcafbanie fo^trje|5jopbct too r unnebcaolong into 3 belatnc femb clofeb cpc0. 5fo2innfmucbcaobpibat fenoivleoge of goo, their etmfigbtcbnciTe iy o.cj enligbtcncb, as it IjaD ben bp li)c bzightneffe of tbc funnciit bao ben meae tbat all fozgertcs anD feuckeb crrours fboulb \)&ut fcanifljcD avoap. ix And he mente too haue deftroyed them,had not Moyfes his chofen ftande in the breache before his face,too turne away his wrath, leaft he, should vvype them out. Z4 And they hildc fcorne of that pleafaunt lande, and gaue no ere- ditetoo(his vvorde. z c And they murmured in their tcntes,and barkened not too the voyce of theLorde. 26 And he lyfted vp his hande agaynft them too deftroy them in the vvildernefle. 27 And too fcatter their feede among the heathen, and too fovv them throughout the countreis. 2; [3nb be oecrecD, Jc.] UPp tbcfe fcoioa tbe jSzopljct Dcclarctb,tbatfetng 45oD0 bengeanee toa0 rclrrapntDonclp bp pzapcr,tbc people percciueb ttfoaoa i»onbcr that tljep fejcrcbcltucrcDfrom tbe Definition, too Sobicbe tbtp toere no\» fo neere, S»beretn ttjstr ftubboznc maucwufnefTe befejzapetb tt felfe , fittyc* that i»itbtna i»bpl« after ttjcp fell too tr>cir olDJ bpaffe agapne.-Coo ttjc intent bee mapeypzeffc tbc fozeneffeof <2>oD0 Difpicafute, be faptb, be ment 0; purpo= f:D too Ijauc Dcftropco the tranfgreffozo: not tbat mans pafftomj Ipgbte toppon <5oD, tbatbcirj^uiDcbecfinefoiamo; tnent, ano aftertoaroe bppon pactficas tton alter \)ia purpofc : fo: <2>od baD in \)\a fecretc Determination purpofeD too paroon tbcm, accezDtng alio a0 bee DpD. HPuttbe |t>zopbcte fpeaUetbof anotber purpofe, ipijerefap <5eD mente too put the people in feare, that thep migrate bee bumblco bp acfcnoroleDging tbe gree= uoufnefTe of tbeir offence. Hl)\a is l)itt repentance , iubereof mention is ma&e fo often in tr>e fcripturca. iftot tbat gob is plpable in bpm felfe, but bpcaufe be i0 fapne too put bpon fjtm tbe perfon of a man, too trjc intente f)f c map toucbe bo carncfilp xyitrj tbe feelpag of bp0 Syzatb: liiie as ifafemgtbat iscrc at. termmeo too paroon an offenDer, fcoulD notwitbftanDtng ttrfte mafce bP>n ap- pear c at bto tuDgement feate,to tbe cnoe too fctoutebp0Oivnegoooncffetbcbet= tcr. (25ob tben, keeping bt0 otone fecretc Determination p?ime too bim felfe, tottc= reo anoibcr purpofe 0; mening, Subttbp beQjeweo tbat tbe people ioctebounde bn'oer tbe gtUe of etcrnall Damnation. 3fterwarDc bee fapctb , tbat S^opfc0 ftoooe in tbe bjtcadje, meaning tbat Ijce cncountreD i5ob lotrb bt0 interceffton, lead \)t fboulDbaue burff foztI> tpitb eje- treme tocngeance. ^ino it 10 an atiufion to tbc affaulting of cities, iroi if tbe iwal be battereb foit \) batelrammea , 0; other engtneo , tbc ff oute foulDiers fbet bp the b?eacbc , bp fetttng tbctr 0 w?ne bodtc0 in= toit.3lnbtberfo2cI)tclj p people baD maoe [atwog tbctnfclucs]bpbzeafcmg<15oDscoucnat, anD tbcbolp \jHivti- :ano itcommctb all to one meaning, :tfoz intbebzeacbe, the reafon of tl?c mctapbo? is tbis-.tbat d5oo in DefenDing the people bp tyts tuition, Soas to them as good as a toal anD a ba= mure. 3i gepne in ins anger he ran bpon tl)cm to Dcftrop them, baD not fi^opfes ftept in betroecne bun anD tljcm. 24. [3lnD tb*p bilDe] Cb»S wasatoHcnofbnrubDuablemalice,tbat the jfl ewes after tbcp bad ben appointeb te Dcdruitton, being fcarcelp pctdeltue= reD from fo grcate aub pzefent oaunger, Doo murmur agcpnfte 45od. 31 hd irljat toas tijc eaufe of their murmurpng r* Cbcir loathing of the bolpclanDc, than S»hicbcnotbtngt»asino2ctobei»tfbcD at their bands. 31nb tfje cofitrtp of Cba= naan, (\»!;irbc ioas pzcDeftmatcD bnto tbem.tbat tbcp mpgbt be nourifb co tn tt as in (0ODS fatberip lappe,and being fc= parnted from trje beatben nations fcruc d5oo purelp : 02 rather fobtcfye S»as an earncft penp to tbem of the bcauenlp he- ritage:) isasSocllberre as m manpo= tber places, caltcD the [ILanD of the &>tl= oemeffe ]^owfouiea point of bntbab^ fulncfle then S»as it to tafee fcozn of that holp Dwelling place of gobs cbofen pco= pic :* tSeftees this, the pzopbet popns tctb out ths caufe of their loathing, na- melp, that [tb*P gaueno trebitto gobs SJooozb.] iFozhaQtbep cmbzaced ods pzomife S»ub (ucb beleefe as tiirp ought to rjanc Done, t h ep Soouldc hsue ben en= flamed toitb foo greatc a longing after that lanDe, that tbcp' SootilD bauc oiiers leapeb all icttcs. I5ut neu>,bicaufc tbcp difcrcoirebim, tbcpmutHCiprctulcihi heritage that fc>as ottered trjem, but al; fo make ait bpzaze in their Ccntcs, as tbougbetbcpaioulOc stall ihcmfauco agepnftdSoD. 26 [3!nD be lifted bp.fK.] l^ebcfcri- bcth another plagtuef <0eo, she rcmf= bzance Soberof ougl;tc fa to bauc fettlcD tn their hartes , as tt mpghtc alfo bauc made them to loeHc Ssarelp io ibemfeU ues,bp renuing their feat e contmuailp. 215 ut no'coe feeing it bererb not at ail : it is manpfeft that the outrage of that na= tion Soas incurable. <25od trulp DtD then flap bbufrlf fro calling out their feed nu to Diuers quarters of f fe)ezl0.1£ofo>beit bis enlpthjctntngtbcrGf ought to bauc be inougb to bzmg their pzidc mfubtcc= tto, if tbcp had not ben bnable to be belt ibail.[Co lift bp f ba»D] map be tafeen two Soaps in tins place, f 02 <2?od is of. tentiines in tbefenpturcs fapD to lift top bis banb to puntfljefolfec. Jftotteubfra: Otng fozafmucb as it is abmittcD bp the confente iaclnccrc of all men , that the l^zopbetfpeabeth off bearing: $ bnU Imglp incline to the fame. 3t ioasa fo- lemnc matter to Ufte bp the banoe, as pf men ioolD bane 4E>cb called to th«m out of beaucn : thcrfoze ttts bnpzopzclp ap= piped bnto d5od, &ho ioitb tys hpgh= neffe furtnountetb all hcpghtl), ano cm not fioearc bp a greater than bp bimfilfe as the 3!poftte faptth i^cb;. 6.13. /|-)ot= SoiibftanDtng, be bozrowctl) thps thing of common cuitome of men, IpKe as l>e doth manp other things. l?02riblc tljcr= fozc bad tbefcattering of the people ben, if the poffeflfion of the holp lanDe haD net benrctipned bptbe pzapers of ^opfes. 28 And they ioyned themfeluestoBaalPeor:and ate the offcryngs of the deade. 29 And they prouoked hym to anger with their works, and the plage brake in vpon them. 30 AndPhinecs ftoodevpand executed Iuftice, and the plague was flayed. _j 31 And it y vas imputed to him for righteoufcneiTe,from <*fnc racion to generacion foreuer. 28 [3CnDthepiopncbthcmfclurSfc.] diDncuertbclcfrecuenb? nndbp fall s= ^c oeclartth ho^»c the 3Gck>co after the tow agcr« to a newbacKa ding. Ifcomt denouncing of fo boxrtble pumQjmentc, tbinUt tl)tp arc coucttlp repiouco fez be= ^pp.b. tng :..,■- 1. Iohn Caiuines Commentaric ia,jaea;iu:Dbpthe enticement© of\»J= uun,auo far falling to thefapcrftitions octijc &;ni>tamt3.3lnDfurciptbat&>as eg: couucell of a5alaam,tDbcn l>ce fa&>: htstung i»as tpeo tip bp iSoo fo asbcc couio ii3t cucf : the people, iff or be ceun= fcleD Uir»3 SaLucb to fctiuecbes before tl)c people toentpce tbzmtooftraunge ixm trippings b? their fugreo fpeccfje, 3)ane.?i.itf, ifforafmucbe then as tbe unlatne i»!jcro; m:nttonts mabJberc, bio it b:gtnnpngof tohoorifne copula: lions : fame interpreters are of opinion that the 0ro?bete Doublet}) toe people© fmne bp thia circum iance, ttjat bcfiocs tbeir intangungo: tbemfclucs Smth the copulation of So 3mm ;thrpmabcalfo an other bonbe fc)ttb I3aal |2>eoj. l$3i»fo= euer the cafe franoctb, the ^.rophct in- uepetb agepnfte the faifebarteDncfTe of btooronccountrepmen, for breaking of their fpirituall S»eolocKe, bp falling a= Soap from tye trueSoorfbtpptng of goo. ^8?i»ee feno&>e,that m e©tnucbe as ©ob takeththeCi)urebefo£ h?©S»pfr, %ohen Ibc gtucth btr felfc to Jools, (bee no leflc ft) amefullp brea&cth bit fapthe, tbantfamarpeo Sooman fbouioc leaue htr bufoanb, anD peelD bit fclfe to abul= tcrcrs. 31 1 is tocll inougb fenoione tljat 1l5aal 0eor was the 3loollof the fi^a= Dianitcs. i5ttt &>bp bee &>as names fo, it is not full? agreeo tipon. .Crulp x*g- nai importeth asmucbc as a [patron or 3l&U3Cate.] ^nb biCcllUC Phagnar figntfb etl) to open : fome interpreted [the <0ob of openmg:]anb tbep aSDe rijat the caufc fc>a© for tljat tbcp bifcouereb their prime membcrsbeforehfm: Sobicbc tiding 31 bare not auouebe fo; ccrtcwttc . ^LnD it map be t b at it to the name of fome place, accorbmg as toe fcnoto, tbat oftentpmes the heathen nun gaue their ioois the na= inesof tbecountrcps. iftoit) tinberftab ioe the propbets meaning, tbat the 3iea Sues oiuojeeb rbcfclue© 5»ic"aeDlp from <2>oo,to aeSle themfclucs Soitb cbe com= panic of ligaaU$C3i:3inD he inbauncctb their fnsmcfulneflc pet more, in Taping [Cbcp at.' the fsci*tf:fesof the DcaDe.] ix>berbp be meaneth f thing© fijat fecre olfcrcD to the 35oo!0,&>beras heretofore th?p toere Suent to cat of the facrififes £ coupleo tljcm tinto the true gob, fo>bo is t\)z f outain of life tb at ca neucr be brai? neb Drt>e.£>o machc the mojc Qjamcfull tbcrfojc feas the ejccl>aunge, iobc» t&e? i»tlfullp gauetbefelues oucr bnto beacn b^ their totcfeieD traitercufncuV4ino 5oe Hnoto ihat eating &>as as it toet an ap= purtenace of the fcruice o? S»oj flapping: ano tberfcje fyz looctb tbe *oub a oouble fpame : not oneip y tbepboweo the fence befoje 10 ail, ano flue facrtftccs to \)\m : but alfo t!)3tthep ate of b»S facrifit'es. z 9 [2Jno thep pjousfeeb f c] l^gem be beclarctt) boi»e tbep y»cxc ixjarneo bp a ncu? plagc;to f intet it map appere tbat C5ab was altwaps a foje rmegcr of btS oi»n glo?p in chafttfing ijis peop!e,how= bett Without pjofit,bicaufe no plages a= meocD the.^lnb liKe as be fapb cue noi» that Son isao appcafeB at the pjap*r of fl^opfes: f«3 uoto be faitb,tbat the plage fcjasftapeDojbcalco bp ibe bencfite of pbmces.^ome tranttatc tb« i»oiDPiiid to p:ap.Z5 tit f other fenfc(£ 10 to fap,to ccecute iuflice) fittctb { place better: na^ melp f b£ P^cuetcth goo© 5»;ath bp bis jeale tn executing tufttee bppon | i}00}C: monger $ tbe boo;e.[i$e ftoooe bp thers fojc,]tbat is to rofe bp,oj b^e fct himfelfe ageinft it,at fuel) tpmc as alio- thers fbjonU awap thzougb lajtc f care= leffe cotDarblmelTe.^cing then that tbe 3ICu>espercciueb the plague to be ap= peafeb bp the benefit of one ma: fo much the lefTe ejccufable fjjas these fenlfulucs, tljat thei bih not maUe cucn an titter cnb of finning. 2^no ft>e muff tinacrfranD,^ all tbefc things are fpohe to tis. iroi ai= though (0od from time to time cbafnfe tis, oi allure tis to repentance bp other fol&es example© : frbtrc is there one a= mong a number, that i© f better for bis co^rettion^ i^otDb:tt, it is tooithp to be noteb,that the plague ccafeb from tbat time fooztbe that fM)inccs hab epecutcb iufiice : to the intent toe map Hnoto tbat thebeft remeote too quencbetbe fpie of (0obs fcjiatb?, is S»bcn tbe fiuner l)im= fclfe bothe iuillpnglp plap tbe parte of a iubge in puntfbmg himfelfe, accoibpng asp>aulcfapetb.r.Coi.ii.3i.3Jf toee feouiD iuogeour felnes, trulp S»c fi;olo not be tubgco of the 3Lc:'o .^nb fure it is a lingular pierogatiue, fo>hen <0ob put= teth th? iubgement ouer to oure felues for tis to take puntftimentof?our o^one ftnnes. /j^otSoithftanDing it is to be no* teb, tcD ti;crU)Ui)aU,tt)a; tl)t plage isas cea= feo at ttjcit time in tbe punifbment of one raan,bicaufe tbe people did tlien ablioire tbe SmcfccDiieiTe fcucb S»t>tci?c tbcp fyaD acquaintco tijcmfcluc0. ?i [b'ch map not be esamtricb bp tbe com= mon rulc.TDbe $9opfes fleto tbe <25 gip= trans Cjcod. 2 .1 2 . alibaugb h? e Sncrc at tbat rime caHcbipcinot&ntbftabing fo?= afmuchcas tbcpoi»er off fi»02bi»as not pet giucn bnto btm:it ts ccrtein t b at be ft>as moueo to giue tbat attempt.bp tb? fecret tnftincte cf (25oo. <€bc fame mancr of impulsion tone in Pbinecs. ■fvi attbongb no man tbougbr bpm too bcarmcD tmtb d&obs K»oxT>:pet foms be tocllaiTurebinbtmfclfc tbat autbozitie fojasgraimtcD bimbp bfe:b,isno let but tbat tojjzn <25oDltftctbb^»napc alfo goucmc !ns clcrt twib § fccrctmo= tion of bis fpirit. 015ut tljerc remapnetb pet a bar bcr qaefticn:boi» tbe fame one fccebe fe>as imputcb too ^b^ccs loj, rtgntcoufcnetTcr'^aule lfiom.+.2. pjo= uctb tbat men be mabc rigbtcous onlp b? faitb,b«caufcii is Smitten, 3! b:?.b6tn belecucb d5oO, ano tt toss imputcb too bim fo* rtgbtcoufheffe. Cbcfamc^otb bfctb s^opfcom tbe frpDc place. /i-Joto if a man map maUe deception on tbe to = trarp part concerning &>02&cs} rtjen fe>tl l^auies rcalanbc not uncsp u>catie , but alfo clipibifbe. jftrft fo>ec mutt fee fc>b> tbe,;ftebpit feirc, but mahetb-rigbteoufncfrc confift in tbe perfect obferumg of all tlic commaunbe- ments.Cbcn bebouctb it bs tofap, tbat ^InnccHs koozUc tDa.-s uuputcD to btm fo; rigbteoufncUe : acco20png as (0od imputetb tbcSooifeeo of tlje faptbfitll to tbem fo;rigbtJou(nciTc,not m refpect of their intoarb bcftrt,but of Ins ofcm frtc goobnciTc. ^01 femg tbat tbe ontl^ pcr= fetSobferwngof tbclato (iubtebe ifi not nnp iobcrc founbe) is rigbteoufneu*e:ail inenne mufte nccbes Ipc confoanbcb at (0ODS3u&gemcnte fcate. £l^o:eo«er, eadjeoue of our inoiS0,tf tijep i»cre calleD too ejcaminacion , fl;ouloe bee founbe fpottcbftitb fommc blemifbe. (&\)cn rcltetb our onlp refuge tn tbe free mercp ofv5ob. ^furtbcrmoie not onlp 5a>ee our fclucs atteinc rigbtcoufenede frecrp tb^ougb fattt) : but alfo it&e as tt;c ^oonbo;oi»etbbir light off g>unnc: fo alfo bootbc tbe fame faitbe mahcour i»o;Us rigbteoufc.biceufe tbat tbe faul= tineffeof tbcm beemg once put afciap, tbep are accounteb fo^tigbtcoufc. Coo be fboit,iti0 onlp faitbe anb notbefert tbat purcbafctb the title cf rtgbtcoufr= neffe, as todl too tbe perfor.o a0 too tfje fc)ojfe0.jFSorctume 31 to^auie. 31 1 is not toppon one S»02b onlp tbat be rca= fonetb, tbat tpce are lufhftco frcelp anb bpfaptbeonclp. lButbec taUetl) beeper grounbs£t)btcb31 baucglaunrebat 8U rebp:tbat i0 too toit, tljat all mrnne are Dopbof rigbtcoufeneffe. \jnttll <0obrc= concite tljcm to bim bp f blctiD of JrftiB Chitf* : anb then that tbe meant to cb - tcinc fojgiucncffc anb 8ttcnemet,t0 fattJj bpcaufe there is nortgbtcoufcncffc cf fco:fes te be founb. ^^'>berfoJe bee iuftlp ronclu?)ctb,tbat \»c be iuftificb bp fa»tb alone. ^J-nto tbts rtgbtccufneiTc cf fattb the rigbtcoufenrffe of S»o?Us is as it foerean bnficrnpnb: tubicb^o^sbe^ feruc no rctoarb, but cntp :of tbe mcere gocb feill of <0od , fo farre foojtfc as !j:c reputctt) tbcm fo; vigljtcoufe. 52 And 2.J)t. loan ^amines ^uiunicnmiic And they prouoked him to anger at the waters of itrife : and it fell out ami(Te to Moyfes for their fakes. 33 Bicaufe they vexed his fpirit,fo as he fpake with his lippes. 34 They dellroycd not the n'acions that God had commaundcd them. 3? Bat were mingled vvith the heathen and learned .their workes. 36 And ferued their Idblls, and thofe were their decay. 37 And they facrififed their fonnes and daughters vnto Diuells. 38 And they shed giklefTebloud,the bloude of their fonnes and their daughters, whom they facrififed to the idols of Chanaan, and the lande was defyled withbloud. 39 And they were fteyned with their owne woorkes : and wente a whooring after their owne inucntions. 32 [&nb tbcppiouoHcbfc.]'fe:reber= feljtclje 31 fcaue rebcrfcb alreabp agrc= fetf) a nc«j fault.tbat tbep quarclea Sottb d3 ill belt tout) foz tljcpzfafees. 3tnb bercbp i0 gatbereb tbe grecuotifencfle of i\)Z crime, trjac d5ob fparcb not eucn Ijpa oiane mod elect feruant. Cn»c it is in Deeoetfjat^opfcsioas toojtbpoftbat ptmifl);nmt,but if i»e feefee fo^ rfjc 5»el= Ipimg of tbe fault, the fmne of t&c people S»m Itgljt \jpponl)im.B3i»c if ^opfes i&crc bifappotnteb of entering into tbe l)3lp lanbc bpcaufe be was biafren away to finni ttg.tbiougb otl)cr menes Default coatrarie to bis ot»ne mpnb:i)0fo> muebe leffc tolerable is tljcvutcHcbncfTe of tbe people i»J)ic!) quarclcb ioitb (©oboffet purpofe, anb through tbepj S»tlmincfTe Djaue g^opfestooffeb asfojeUastbep:1 33 [^0;tbC?bC)CCbJC.]Maral«ftgntftr ctb piopcrlp to [berc] ©ofojebcit fozak nrecbens tr 10 puttc m tbe coniugatton Hiphii , fome tafee it tranfitiuclp , tbat tbe people roabe QJJofcsto rcbell:S»bicb 31 miflphenot. 0ott»ttbftanbing 31 fubfertbe not to tbe opinion of tbofc tbatSoill baue tbe particle Eth to bee a figne of tbe battue cafe,a0tbougb ^0? fes Cboio be fatb to ijraje rcbcUcb agctnft 0obs fpirit: ^foi'tijc ^zopbet Sooulbe notba:icfpoUm fo fljirplp of anbnab= utfeb fall anD an oucrfighte. 2But tbat etb bcrpi»cl:namelptbatfemg <0£)!D So is fo fl;arp ageinft ^ofeo, i»bo b<*& ben as it fc> ere oiolentlp enfojeeb to fm bp § furioufneffe of tbe people, tbe cbecf autljouro ftnncbfarre mo^egrceuouQp. 4ftom>itbftanbtng, tbe piopbct teacbett) bp t!?: iuap, tbat tilt Ijoa gb £l^opfcoi»cr puniibcb foi £ peoples fafcc : pet ftjas be not vottbout fault:bicaufe tbat altbougl) bps tmpaciencie toKc bps beginmng of tbe peoples mutinic:pct ougbt be to baue Hood mojc ftebfaftip.^c abbctb tbat bee [fpaae ioitb \)i8 lippes:] S»btcb tbing 3 refcrrc bntos^opfes. JFoj lcu"elphclp= bobe batty tbe conieffure of tbemiobub ejepounb it, tbat tbe pumfb ment foas oc= nouncebin ejcp?effe too;bS-iFo?beera= tberbeclarctbtbat tbemtnb of fl^opfes $»as troubleb ioitb fo greate encombe= ranee, tbat be murmurcb openlp ageinft (25od.Cbc^?opbettberfo^c botbebato bnberftanb,tl;at &>beras ^opfesioas of a treatable anb meeHe bifpofition,bee ioas (lirreb bp bp tbe peoples naugbti= ncflfe, as it toere bp a pairt of bcllotoes, fo as.euen be alfo fpabe troubleblp,fap= ing : Can (0ob gipe pou ftater oute of tbe roc&e •> ii^nmcr.2 o. \ o. •$ op' \)Z bab concepueb fo great a Difpleafure in bim- felfetbatbccoulb notbeare d^obscom^ maunbement qnietlp. 34 [Cbe? beftropcb not 9 c] ^e tbarcrctt> i^cm Smtb a neiae crpme, tlyat tbep voire cawarblp in aziuing out.f be= tben,oj ratber tr>at tl^cp refufeb to obep 4&&, in riDDtrt^tljem quite a.iD clean: out of tty lanb. 2CnD noi» isas tije finne of tbe 15 mojites come to \)\a f ui growth , fo as tt fc>ao not foi nougljte, tljat <5on i»oulo baue t'ocm curtc bp bp tbe roote, fpcciallp leaS their companie mpgbt irv= f«tte b*0 t)olp people . if o? <25od in cbo= jtngtbut lanoe fo? \)is ovonc orocilpng place, incnte to baue it fyolp ana cleans from all filtbpncffc. Cbe people tljen in refuting to ejeeeute the bengeance cniop= neb bnro them, fbeweb tbcmfclues too feefee Defplement0Of tbeir oiane accozD. 2Jna tfyerfoze Sue fee boto foze d&'oo ioas i»:otbe foul) tljcm fo; tbts tbeir rctcVjc= lefneffe. H3cbolae (Capetb be) 31 gaue comma twDcmcnic that all tbefc nations fbouiD be flapne to it!) t\)z fioaoiDc : anb note bicaufe pe baue not obepeb me,tbep fball be tboxnes to pou, rljcp Qj ill pzicfce rbxougb botb pour fpoes, anb tbep (bail pztctiepour cifrum.}*. 5-5. jfo? altbougb tt frere a fpice of mercie not to flea tl>t»n cuerpcbonctpct is not the pco= pie to be btlb ejecufeb fo; neglctting gobs toengcance,anb leauing the lanb fubiect to bcfplementes. 3Uto this is a thing to be noteo, bicaufe men beare ia it 1) tbem= felues too mucbe in cvn'ncr bchalfe, as \uellm becing too rougbe tobere there is no neeoc, as alfo in binbermg iuftice bp oucrmucl) gentlenefTe.we mud tber= fojte aepenDe bppon t£ooe mou the. that Sore reele not tbtsiaapoz tbat Saape a= miffe. 5Fojt if ttje IB fracltrwt beconacms neb fox fparing tetjole nationstSabat \s to be faio of 31ubgcs,tobo tbzougb tbeir flacbncffeanacofcjaraipBcffc toSoaroes a fefo)etlctte loofe tbe repnes of Saicftca= neffe too tbe beftruction of a iahoic realmc^ 55 [;] ©e beta crtbetbtbefruteof the fapi> bntotaarac pltifuUufTe: name !p tljat tijep cntanglca tbemfeluesin the be filcments of thenar tions Sabomc tbep baa fparca.jBf tijep bab inhabitcb tbe lanoe alone, it baa bm eafper fo? tbcta too baue biiac flm t%z pure iaozftjipping ot «5od. 2&ut noise tt is no mantel! though tb?p grovae out of Upnb,bctng ailurcD thereunto bptbcpz nepbozs, fox fee be ouerfo;ei»aro otour fclueatoo tbe foloujmg of ill ejeansplcs. 3! no noio be fpcaftetl) of tlje poftertttc of tbofe Sobicb bao fo often pzouokto ©od to anger in tbe fcnlDerncffc. ainblje fbc^ feetb tbem to bee neuer a frljitte better tban tbeir fatbers, bicaufe a© ibcp:of= fpzing rcnueb, fo reigncD tbere m tbem tbe fame bnbelecfe, fturomcfTe, anb bn= tbanfefulneffe.^ozeouftr tbio mingling of tbemfelues feitb tbe openrciecttng of grace. ;ffoi f«b tbat <15od baooc cbofen tl?cm S»itb conbttion tbat tbep fbouloe be fcparatea from tbe beatbennattono: tbep bp tbetr rcrcblcffc mingling of tbemfelue0 feitb tbem, btb (as mucbe as in tb«m lape) tying tbps fanctificatton tonoitgbt. xo beras'bcaD^ Oetb [Cbat tljep learneb tbe i»oiUcs of tbem,] bcegimtb bs ioarniHg.tbatno- tbing is moze peftilent tl>an tbe compa= Hieoftbcbngobip : bicaufe tbat accoz= bing to our fozeftjarbneffc bnto finning, it can not be but tbe infection muft foon creepe furrber abzoae, S»ben fee be con= uerfant among cozruptions. wbf^foje ioee nrnfl bfe fingttlar beebe anb fo>arc= ncfTcin tb«sbeebalfe,tbat tbe fcpc&cb flapne bsnotfeitb tbetr finftjll cbnoi= tiono i»ben tbep bee familiar feitb ba : ano fpeciailp febere tbere t© baungcr of ^oolatrte, ip!j«rt»nto eucrp mono ofom nature tnclinctb bim.l^oi» Gjalfce then bo Sabere ctb"t follies eggmg of be fl;al caft oplctnto f fire :• Cbe pzopbet t^er= fozc oeclarctb f tbe 3 c&es became tbe fcbolcrs of tbe beatben, f0 as tbep gaue tbemfclues ouer to tbeir fupcrftitiona. ainbbcebfctbtbetooozDe [S>eruc,]bp S»bicbe is Dlfpzsucb tbe crjHDia?e fbifte of cljc ?3apifts, io\)cn tbep malic cjecufc tbat tb?p bonoz 3!magcs feitb tlje aao^ ration of feruicc anDnot of iyozftitppe. 25ut if it bee iafefull too feme Jma^ ge0, tbe Pzopbet oootb asniffc to fpnDr fault fy itl) bi0ofemecountrrpmcnne foj fcruingftraungein^y anb images fcjitb fcrutce. IS?e trl= letb agepn, tl;at tljis fel out [to tbetr dc- cape] _±£: Iohn Caluines Commcntarie cap] to tlje end tt map tbe better appcarc p itjcp ftacUc ftubbojnlp ui tfjar crrojc, cue;; foul) contempt of dUobs fcourges. 27 [$nD ti>cp faenfifco *c] Cbep^o= Pb'ct popntctlj outc one fpice of fuperfr i= tionxoJ)crcin i\)t monftrousblpBDenefTc of tb« people appcaretb: namelp tbat it u-lvCD tbem not to faertfifc their founcs enb Daugb^crs bnto Diucis. l}cc fettctb bofonc an o& ious name fo? t!jc nonce, to the intent to mane the peoples fault thc mozc Detcftablc.wb'^P toe gatber rjcxo fonDe tb - pjctcncc of bnao m ko jeale 10. JF02 lobe boa? mucb p" botcer tbc3l crocs foere, fo much botbe tbe $?opbece con= uincetb*mto be tbe foicbtbDcr, btcanfc tbctr maonelTe carpco tbem fo far swap, tbat tbep fpareb riot cuen tbepj ofone cb'iejf n. Ccrtcffe if gooo Intent focrc of anp balue in fuebe foj:eas 3Bbolatcra furmpfe : it bab bene a fooojfee fooitbic mofie fingulareommenbation to forget alt afctfions of nature m fleaing tbepj oronecbt'&Jen. 2tf>utfoben men areca= rpeo bp tbeir ofone froap, tbe moietbcp ftnuc to coo , the more tbep increafe tbeir fault. :tfoifobaibnlpfccnefFcfoa0tbcre betrotjee 3! bjabam $ tbefe follt,of inborn tbe tdjopbet mafcetb mention : but tbat be aobtcflcD btmfelf e to offer bp tys fon in facrtfifc tb?ougb obebienceof faptbe : ano tbcfe are barpcbbcablongbp ma0= b2apnDe}tle,tolap afi&etbe affcrtionof manboobe, ano too plap tbe butcbersa= gcpnfl tbeir ofone bloub r* 3 8 C^nD tbep fiK&.tc] .g>til be imc?* etb mojtc fbarplp agcpnft tbat buttbcrlf= ncfTc of tl^irs in Defiling tfje lanbe fottb giUicfle biuo bp fleaing tbeir ofone cb«l= ojen. $0} it nnp man obtect.tbat 3bia= bam 10 piapfcD btcaufc be fparcD not \)is onlp begotten fonncube folution t0 cafp: tbat in aa maebe ao be obepeb <15od tbo - roitgb tbe purcneffe of faptb, alt fpot of cruelttcfoasfoppcDaroap. ■$*% pf obc* Dience be cjecctlentcr tljan all facrtfifco • i.&am.i5.2 2.ttietbcbeftralcof goo= Ipnmbfoell booing. i3utit is an bo?rt= bletonen ot <£ooj»fozaib, ttbenoecmg giucn oucr onctp to tbeir ownc (uperfti = nous Dcuifco, tbep bar Den intoe bealtlp cruclacffe. 3-s oft a& tbe mar tvzo fpeno tbeir Ipuesfoj maputcpupsg tbe ttu'b, tbe fent of tbat fact 1 life is tfocte tn goes figbtc. 26utfobcn £>eciuil'c0 m curled maner boro i bcmfelur 0 bnto Dcatb, U is an bjupeatiabtc trcafon agepntt »I5£>2D. iftoifoitboute caufe tbsrtbie oootb* tbe ^?opb«tc enbaunce tl>e peoples offence, foul; tljto circumfrance, tbat butcbcrJp ctuelncffc fijail enfue tbetr pcrucrfe ratf= foooifbippmg. j^eptrjor tottfottboute caufe tl;at be opb?apDctb tbem foitbbe= ftlpng of tl;e lanbe outc of fobicbc <0oD bab commaunbeb tbe olbe tnbabiters to be caft out, to tbe intent be mpgbtbaue fome peculiar place fo; bis feruicctoo fccucllm. JDouble foicbeD tbercfo:e are tbe 3!fraeltte0,fob'>eb ocfraub vSoo,anD in a maner bifappopnt buuofb'0 rtgtjt, not onlp bp Defiling tbe lanbe foitb tbep? fupcrftition0,but atfo bp cruell murtbc= ring of tbeir ovonc cbtl&jcn. ■■3,9 [Sinotbep toerc llapne6.fc.]t^c cocluoctb no tec genera Up ti;at f 3! ewes forre bp all mcanes ecfileo, confibcrmg tbat tbep focre fiipr into tbe manners of tbe beatben : bpcaufe all tbep? inuenttons tr>rrc is netting but filtbp= ncfTe.5fo2 bp[mennes fooznsjbce mea? netl) ail foigcD fooo:fl)ippmg0,fo!)icbe tbepbeuifeto tbefclues fottbout Sods fo errant :ao if be frjolb fap, tbat tbe true rjQlpncffc of (Sobs tffuctl) outc of bis foo2o:anb fobatfoeucr menne m= tcrmcDlcano tbiuftin of tbcmfclucs, it is itnbolp, ant infectctb (S'ocs feruice foith tbe If enclic of it. 2DoutlcfTe tbe in= tent of tbe 35 fraclitcs fo as to ferue gob : anb pet al tbat tbep foanne bp tbeir bot= nefTe,foa0tbi0,tbat tbe bdp ©bofte a- uoucbetl) tbem to banc ben abbommoblc bnto d5ob foitb tbe ftincbe of tbeir oc- filcmcnts ano fottb tbeir bookings. f*i tbe fpirituall cbaftncfTe is to QicRe faft Unto <0ot>s foojsc. 40 And the vyrath of the Lorde burned hot ageynfl his people, and he abhorred his ov vne inheritance. 41 And he gaue them v'p into the handes of the heathen, and their ene- mies were lordes ouer them. 42 And vpontne. ^vj.L'iaime, 1 20 41 And their enemies fubdued them , and they were afflicted vndcr their hande. 43 Many tymes deliuered he them,and they prouoked him in their de- uifes, and were brought dovvne in their 0 wnc finne. 44 And he faw when they were in diilreffe,by hearing their cry. 4? And he remembered his couenaunt towards them, and it repented him according to the multitude of his mercies. 4\)iti)Z 31 tapO enen tioiu : namelp boi»c it i»as no ipgb cc offence, tbat :!jc people bur ft corrupt tl;c Tccutcc of <2>oD, But tbe peopte tbemfelue0 beruzapeb t'jeit incurable naugljttnclTe fo mucbe the moze , tljat not etien all t'tjps couib calltbeinbacKeto true rcpcntace.Ccr- leffe it Sunn an tjozribie bengcace,tbat £ people i»l)tr b Suao fyio tjolp and rtjojen heritage S»a0 giuen top to the luft of 1 be bcatbcn.iuljo notautbftaomg Sucre but tb£ SDiucla bouDfliuco . -^tjen pet at Icafltut fc 0 ugijt thep to banc 10 1 bco cbcir onmc Su tckcDncfTes, by mcanc0 Suijccof tbep bao bin cade into itbofc octrctnc mu fenea. Ct)e pxopbet tberfozc augmen= tetbe tbe bnweztbpnefTe of the matter, fapmgtbat [tbep Sucre fubduebanbaf- ftitXen bp tbeir emmits : 3 anb fo mac \)Z tbe fbamfullcr Sua0 tbetr mabncflc.tbat bp fucbe repzocbes tr>ep Sucre not trudp anb f jar nip bumbleb bnber tlje migbtp banbeof (0ob. foi tljep f>ab ben S»ar= neb a late bp fl$opfc0 ,tljat tbep Suer not caft into that barb tbzaloom bp cljancc, 0; bp tfye par fiance of tbetr enc-nteo: but bicaufe t!jep Sucre giuen? ouer, anb as it Sucre foloe bp Son bv.nkli. 3Lno it iuaa a mofte rigtjtfuit bengcauce, tfjat tljofe febtcJjebaa refufebtbs poHeof <&£)«&, fljouiD be giuen bp to bec.bcjr.c9 anb op= pzeffeb bp Cpiantes : anD tbat tbofe fljouib bee caft bnber iljcir enemies feet to be rroDcubppon, Sub»cbe coul&c not fpn&c mtljctr bancs to bec rulcb bp the fafberip goticruement of <£>3b. 4.5 [3ftenp routes <»c.]}LpU<: as tbe bnctojiipihirDmrfTcof tl>e people batljc bin bccSuJapcb, m thac tt coutDc not bee cozrerfeb, nonotcuenSuitb moft Gjarpe fcourgea: fonoSu cbc pzopbetoe fctpur= pofe rcpzouctlj tbnr SutcfccD ftccicbar= tc&ncfTc, in tbat no benefits coulb boSu tljem to obeDtece. 3 1 appc cretb in beebe tbat tbep groncb Under tbe burtyenm time of tbetr affUcitens : but Subcn <£>od notonlp affuagctb tbat: puntfbincnts, butalfo Suonbcrfullp Dcliucrctl) tljcm: is tbeir bacfecfliotng aftciSuarb too be ejecufeb^ 3lnb tucc mud remember tbat tbe bifpo futon' of allmanHinoe tsfettc beere becfozebs as it Sucre in a glafTc. iFoz Subere as (Bah affapetb bp botlj tbe meancs, to bring bacfee almofte all men into tbe feap : tubal is be tbat centinu- etb not tbe fame ma be $»a0 afo;c:' 31^3 if be citber fenoche bs togttber &>irtj bts fcourge0, oj fofte b0 toitb b's goobne©: tbpsfoftenefTe laftctb but a tobple. ^poz bp f bp S»c tumble bacbe agepn into the famebtce0, pcacuen tbougbbeecptber lap puntfbmet bpon punt (foment oz gen= tlcncffe bpon gentlcnefTe neuer fo ©fren. 30 toucbing tbe 3eme0 , truelp tbepz iacHe of Soit anb bloc&tfbneffe vvjao ao fi)Ctt!j:tr cares l£L lohn Caluines Commentarie nganit l)i9 bealthfull aocinne, ana b 10 ben oeafe co all ins chiding^ anD tb?cat= mngs t 3lnD pet coutoc not nil tbi0 per= feucrice of Ins. cure their Diueliflj furp. +ere 'ajoojrtbp too bauc bene cut bp, tbep ac= HnovdcDgeo not tbcmfclucs to baue bin faucb bp the mcrcp of <15oD . xo bicb thing bee confirmed) better in tbe ncjetmcm= bcr,fapmg that goo fparebtbcmCaccojs Dingtotbegreatne(TeofbidCompafTtO0] foi feeing d5ob fejao fapne to lafb out the greate trcafurcs of bio goobneffe in Df li tiering tbeuberbp ts gatbereb Soljat tbep baue Deferucb.ll5p £ Suo?o[lftepet] there ts not betofceneb anp alteration in <£>ob bmtfelfe , bat onlp in tbe bcrp pu= mflj ententes. ,-fo? <§tob in mitigating the punifbments oj pulling baefce bP0 banoc from ejweuung bps mogements, fcewtctlj after a fojt to alter bis purpofe. Htnb therefore tbe fcripturc applying it felfetoo our ruoenefle, fpeafcetb accojs bing to our bnberftanbtng. +o [i!?egauctl)emfauour 9c.]3LpHe as i): bao fapb ercrobple, tbat £ 31 ewes bad bin belmcreb into tbe Ijanbs of their cnemtcs.bptaufc tbe onlp iinatb of gob bab annco their enemies to tying them bnaer fubtcflton : fo now bee rapt h tbat (Sdoo bao mccbeneo tljctr fapb enemtes, i»!)tch b1- cretofojtc bao bp eruell thean'e* ejeeeutebbts bengeancc.3lnafmueb tben as mens harts bee rulcb bp (So&s banO fo as be map eptber fette them on fp?e to crueltte, ojt benOe tl>cm Onto gentlenefTe as oft as bee tbmhetb goob : as long as bis Oifplcafure burned i»boc ageinft bis people, their enemies alfo burneO Suitb bnappcafable batreo . 15 ut as fooncas be i»as paci6eD,nct onlp that fpjtc fc>b*= cbc iffuco out of f fojnace of bis iuogts mentiuas quencbeo, but tljcir crueltte toas turneo into pitie. $ o; it bao bene anmcrebtbleturne, tbat tbe tierce ano cructl enemies Ojoulb begin to lone anD pittetbofefebonttbep bao bateD afojc, onlefTe tbep bab bp dJoos pjoutoence bin tnabe lambes of Woollies. 47 Saue vs O Lordc our God,and gather vs from among the heathen, to fet forth the renoume of thy holinefTe,& to glorie in thy praife. 48 BlefTed bee the Lorde God of Ifracll for euer and euer, and lctte all the people fay Amen. Prayfc yec the Lorde. +7 [Sfcaucbsfc] 31 1 appeeretb bp tbe people to bebnmbleb jnbebc,lcaft tbtsclaufe, tbat tbe pfalmeioasmabe tn tjje mtferablcanb fojoroful btfperftng sf p people. 3!rd although tljcr ioer not anp notable p?opbetes among £ people tbep fljolb murmur ageinft dffobs cba= ftt5ement.^nb feing tbat togt= tbct into tbe onitte of fattb- iFo? alrtjogb y people Dto neucr recoucrtbetr eanbip tiugoameano common feeale: pet fea0 itamo^bappiegat;;c>mgtogiebcr,ibat being grpffco into fyz boop of Cbjud, febsrfoeucrtbcp Dwelt tfap feerefemt botljc togi;i)er among tbemfclueo ana alfo feitl) tbe (©entiles, bp tlje bolp and fptr ituatl bono of fat 1), fo aa tljcp mabc bat one Cburcbe fiifpcrfcD rtftoagb tye feljoie feojla.Cbcp aooe tbe enb febcr= Oji:> f!>ctr Deltuer fcruetb,febicb i0, rto fct foojtbe <5oos rcnonmc,] anb too ccernfe tb^mfcluco in bis pjapfeo. 4.8 [H5leff;o be tbe ILojD «.] t^ccre '^e fo remperctb tl)e Defirea of £ people, cbat tbe mtfcrablc capttuc0 eucn in tbc inioos of tijeic gronmgs ceafe not top ailtbat , to gn*.c tb^Ha btuo <£>>£>£). wbtctje circumstance mnft bee ir.arbeo aDuifeOlp,bpt aufe tbat iobcit fee be pm cbet» feitj aoucrfitic, fcarcc tbe buDjctb perfon of to0 rcfojtctb ouietlp onto goo, butcitbcrbpourfecerifomcp^ping.ojt elfe bp our q nreloufe complapnmg, fee befejapour ofencp?ibe.li5ut tbconlp fesp to mtrratc (2>oo, 10 to fubmit our felues feiib mceUe b^rt Onto b«s toojn bearingpatientlpcbc erode tbat be lap - ctb bppon 00. Cbtrefoje not feubout caufc boctb: tbe p?opb?t «bo?t tbc af = fiutcD outlafec0 to pjapfe d5oD,altbogb \>c cbaftije t\)t fomfe^at ajarplp.wbcr- Onto pertepnetb alfo tbisparccll, [JLet all tbcpeople fap asmen ] 2£i0 if be Ihoio fepll tbcm all too fubfertbe too ratb,veberby God citeth men as offenders to bis iudgement featc, *And thai all profperoufc and ioyfullfu.c- cejfes ought to be afcribed to his oracefo as bee maye alwayes obteine the prayfe that bee defemeth : whither it bee of a moft merciful father, or of a righie&ufc iudge.In the end be inueyeth a^einfl the yvorldclings yvhiche blindfold tbemfelues info euident proofs ofGodspronidence. The. CvuWfalmc. Prayfe the Lorde bycaufe hee is good , for his mercy endureth foreuer. •Jz Lette the Lordes redeemed faye, vvhomehee hath deliuercd from the hande of the trou'oler. 3 Whome he hath gathered out of the landes, from the Eaft too the Wefl:,from the North and the Southe. 4 When they wandered out of the waye, in the folitarie defert,and found no citie to dwell in. ? Bothehungrie and thirh:ie,fo as their hart faynted in them. 6 And they cry d vnto the Lorde in their diltreiTes and hee deliuered them out of their troubles. Qqq. 7 And lohn L-alumes Commentane 7 And he led them foprth in the right way , ibAl they might come to a citie inhabited. 8 Let them acknowledge the Lords mercy before him, and his won- drous vvorkes before the fonnes of menne. 9 For hce hath faeiffied the grcedye appetite, and hathe filled the hun- grie perfon with good things i [pjapfc tlje JLojd. sc] ^ljtatocrf* &>c bauecjcpounOeDatreaSp : ioi tt&as t&cbcgianmgoft!;? la&pfalme. Sao it 13 mamfeft £ u u>cie not on!)? \>erp rifelp tofrD among rlj: jfic&fs, but alfo taont to be fo intcriaccD in otber £>ialmsubat i»bcn one fiDc of cij? £lueere fi»g fojtlj* anp ftaSe, t!>c otber floe of tlje £laccrc fin3 anfocrabl? &p coarfc, [pjapfe t\)Z 3lo;bc bpcaafe bnagooo,fo? t)!0,'jc.] Cl)2rto^e Sobo fo cum i»a3 tlje aatl)oj of ttje ]$falme, h> ^atr>c fct oofcmc b're a common « ojoinan* fcntcncc in fteo of a general preface, 2if teriaarb be eomrrb oowne to t\)t particulars. Slna Srftc be ejrt)cjtctb tbofe to tl>an'dfulneff2,^)b«b2 fojere rctarncb bome fafe from a fares j comberfom icumep,pca ana out of bete b;gc ano impurcnnjcnt. 3Sn3 fuel)* ter= met!) l)r [tlje &ojos rebecmefc] bpeaafe t!?at tnioanoimg tfaougb Defrrtesana teaplcffc Soilbcmcffcs, tbepbaboftcati^ racs benfbet oai fro coming tpme, bab not^o^aoitiuer rcarbco t^efushano ans mabe btrofelfe their Scaocr. /j-lcucr- tbeicGi" \yz brtofcenctb not l>cre anp tua= nzrof xaapfarsrs^bat fucb asept'acr bp fojee of emmtc, 02 bp feme ssfjcr biolf ce t nectfnne i»cr D^uenoutmto far co«= trcpes,anb biMelte all Mtrcmifiea of baanger.oj rather iDbtcb b*& bzn pjjfo* ners &itb t&efr ckimes, o,; \»«!) p.? jats, oi imtb eatlaawa. ^eeiiHrnctl) them tbctfoictbat tbcpbabROtbm toffeb b? cfcaua'cr, no no; pet b;oagb:e borne (n- too tbetr countrepebp fojtane, bat that tbeirxsj^HOmngab^b bengoacrneb bp <2>oba p?oaib:nce. 31 no Vqis fecono (la J migbt be &mt tentl) the 6rft, a0 tbougbc tlje |^iopl)2t flplb bib tbofe to fcobom be fpcaKetb, rcberfe tbc fapbcaccufiomeb fang. Bat it kill be tcooe aa fuip bp it fclfe after tl;tsmancr. 3tettljc I'm oca rebeemeb,S»btcb*arereturneb after ba^ mfbmentoat of capnuttie,comcfoo:t!ic anb tafe? bppon tbcm the fmging i^oo i pjapfcfi, ano let ity m Cy.Soc foojttjc cije grace of (5ob fofjicbe tbep ba«^ fcltc ii» tfynr bcliuerance. ^oiuaUbougb? t!;at (oto boo ioere a common ti)tng at:iong tl)C 31e\»eD tl;at bappeneo to toiiOertabe anp farrc ioarncpa : btcaufc trjep cottibe fcarflp depone foote oat of tbep?oi»ne lanb.but tbat tb«P i»:rc fapite on ail fi= bea; to encsanter cptyer toitl) roagl) aub coarberfeme ioapca, o? ix»it!> £aap« tbat foercfallof funojp peri ilea : pctcj:ten= betb' t!)is Docnac inOtffercntelp to ali manHpno. Slab it patteti) tbcm in m* no bov» ofcenttmes t!;ep iotrc tyuljDjswne from tljeir rigijt^uap, anb fimTeb cflob- gtng : Wjiclj tijtng bcfallctl) bcrp oft in places bnmSjabit^o. yratvulpif enter into a fo?£ft, tf l>e be not ftulfuU of bia &ap, be map nou?e ano ti;cn bp b«a Soanbermg become a p?ap of ILpona anb wolacs. J5utl)e betofeenetb tbofe pecu^ itarlp, iofyitty being taUcn tarbtc in dc= fcrt places, arc alfo m baanger to ftarue fc? i)mtger anb tlarft -foi it to certain, tbat facljc are cacrp^oare in Danger of bcatb, onclea".: t!^e ILo?be ftircoar rftcm. 6 [3lnbtbcpcrpco.fc] Cb^betbea of tbc pjetertence betoHenljcre (astb« d5rammanano terme tt)a continual ba; ing. Cbe fenfz t\)tuo}t is, tbat fucl>as Soanberrnocfertc places, are often puu cbtb faitl) banger « tbtra, biraafe tbcp fpnb no baiting place, % tbat 'bofyzn hope fapletb tl)em, tljen tbcp eric bmo 0ob. ^rae it is m bceoc , tbat <2?ob fuccou= rctl) rnanp tbat arc in peril!, altbougb* tbep pjapc not bnto bim. |Oeptl)er fc>aa ittbep;op}jcrcs parpofefo macbe too pzapfc tbcfattb of tljegooip, tljat fceUe <0ob toitl; all trjeir bartc, aa to befenbe tbe comon aff ertton of nature, ^oj al= tbaagb t\)Z bopcof -.-nanp me be not faftc neb \;pon goo :pct notion bftaDing\i} t)f a anp greate nccbe p?e(Tetb t!>em, tijep be btaionc too dSoo bp a fccrctc leaopng. ^Inbbp rbta meanco ges c.ifcKftb il'cm toacfenorolege,f iuclfere is tab: fougI>t fojuo 5i?l;ci'c bat at J;is ijanb oacip-il'la* ratl>e i rather upoo cop cllcen £ onjootp (tuljicl) ctl)cr 'mk oo feoff: at \)iw u>bc ti)cp line m pleafure f eafe) to call bpon bto name euenmaugrctbar failles. 3! i batijben an ozoinane matter in all ag*0,p bJt!jc= mfb tolfec,^D'i>tf!j mahc bin a fable of re= ligiem.erp o.uo <25 JD i»lj:n tb?p bee foz= cro bp ncc- ft'itie . 2©«t doo tfn'P ft in icit :* jftap: rat'ger tbep are toicco bp ige frcrete tnftmcre of jfaaturc to mag= mfie i5obS nam; , io'-jtcl): iijcp b-aow aerifiOH afoic. &l)zwoj\)zit\)Zsfnz (in mp itiDgemmOfljCiyet!) beerc tlje tb»ng tbat is comonlp ioant to come to pa fle: tljat io too i»it, tljat men although t^p be O0j>0 of gaoipneiT* ano fattb.f fucbe as coulo finD intbeir harts to baueRO= tbingtoooo feitlj ^oo,arebptbc qui- omjanb ttillractios of natur^ozmea ta cuilbppan <15o5 cucn loitrjaut anp ccr= tembetbf.t&Mgoft&'tbepbe puttooanp foze Dtfrrcirc. Cben feeing ti)cp fl. e lb bnto <25o5 in matters of ba~- jaro o*. pad r:coa:ric:tljt«jac&!ia&lege= mentof tl)cir0 tntbefulrp rcpzouc tbeir MorhtfljnefTc.f ^ tgat tljep neglect goo in ttm?of .quictnelTc , b?caufc tbeirofome pzofp; mjfeetb tljem Dzunnen-.aaD alfo fo: tbataltbottsb tbe feme of rcligts on be fo*»ne in tbeir barts, pet tl)fp ne= uec learn* to be i»ife,(3 u?eane tore= member tbat there is a vJ5oo tn b'auen) tilltbep becoftrapneo bp mifct&s.&iu therts there caufc fc>bp anproanfbalo cbeg me in the mouthe fer.tb tbel&ofte of c!)it old rtbavoo. 5Fozfo)!}cn bee came i.ito tfjc Cburcbe, nnD bcljilD t!$c tables tbat mzrr'oaantmen bao bungbn t'jere, foherin the? acfenxuvlcgcD tbeuifducs tJbauebm faueo from RjtpiD.eec&ebp rb* bcacute of the <2?ods : bee i'ecmcD to bpmfclfea merp eonccitcb anoozpefos fcfi»etureplpingtbus : buttbeDcatbcs are not numbered of tbafe that ban? vponthe. Cvij.Plalme. 122 Urn o:otuncD,tbe tauttiruoc of tobom is innumerable, ^eraouenfurcbec might fcu'l inougb fhoifc fo at j fotgco Jbois. OBut tbongi) a lianoero falD mo Soere Dzonmeo in clic ica , than efcapc fafc too tlie fl)oze:petoootbc not tb'.SD.irticn tbe glozpof goDo gooDneffc, vubo io m fa:b Satfe merctfuU, as tljar tb'rtettbeil bee ncKcrtbelcflfe cjcecutetl) bts tttbgereets. Cb'fdJne uto bee f:ipo of^pfarcra tiw ftrap ano i»anDer in tolaernrfTrs. 3Ht" manpof tbeiH pcrifb foj b'»ngcr ana tbirrt.if manpbcOeuaiireD of beads, tf tnanp ape for cob: D oubliette mz fo ma= np flj:wesof bts tut) wnenr oootb (Bon Ut fooitb Unto Mb. wbffbp fee gatljcr, t^atti-cfame tbmg p?eafetb b^bbpou all men , tacre it nott!;3t ^Ds %m is to bauefom part of inan&pnD pjeferueo. 3nO rjftepptng in as atuDge,i;e fauctb fomcto tbe intent to refhfie bismcrcp, anb in otber fomc bee Cbc«?etb bto rigoi. U>oo?tb:lp tberfoic bootb tbe pjopbete aoo;, tbat tbep be biougbt into tlje iuap bp tbe i)3nb of v5cD,tl)3t tbep map finoc cafp Isbjtng: anDfberfojeb* ctbojtctb tb*m to t'oanHfgiuing. 3tn?j to tbe intent bemap t!)c better conftrmev!5oosbene3 fite, be iopnttb 3°bs a-oocrous i»ojUs to b«s mcrcp: ao if be fboulD Tipc.qSoDS grace is moze apparant in tljis bencKte, tban tbat it ougbt to be biaocn:a.tD tbat i»ben tbep fc?b'c!> be fo DeltucreD bo con- ceals it, tbep bp tljeir travtcroufe con= cealemcnt ooo m leffc fuppreffc <5oa3 SoenacrfuU &>ozUmg, tban tf tbep fb^io go about to trample f Ugljtof riicfunnc butJer tbrir fcete. ;ffoi feljat clfe tsto be fapo: r" feeing tbat our bcrp naturall bHOerftanDrng ijaletl) bs bnto elp at bt0 0anD.a3o?eoucr tbe marking out of tlje ranfc teoctb not to this cno, tbat tbepiatjomc tbe^jopljete fpe?fcetb of fljoulb be counted iyicHco 30 it Secre o= penlp in tbe Court of man: but bp irjcfc Soozbes be ctbojtetl) the afflttSco to rjca= mm ct>etr ouonc Ipfe trulp : s tbougb no ma accufc tbem,, pel to enter Down into tbemfclues, f&bcre tbcp mape alfc»apc0 fznbe tbc caufe of tr>cir mtfcrtc0:ncitber faptb be ftmplp tbat tbcp b^D finnco:but y tbcp bab rcbellcDagcmft (35oD3 Ssojb. wbe»"bp be ootb bo to bnocrftanoc, tbat tt>: onlp rule to liue \v.\ ,ta to foloto tbat toijicbipo bat!) conuunbeD. wbofocuer tben arc bila fo coutctco : if bttcr ncccffi- tie enforce tbctn to crie bnto (5ob : t'.jcp arc oucr blocfcifb but if tbcp acHnowlege tbeir bnbopcb oeliucrace to com ci goo. 5Foj be fpea&:tb of bjajen gates f pzon barrc0, ta tbc intent to fet out tlje brne= 6te moze at large : a0 if be fboulDc fap, tbe bonoc0 of cucrlattpng flauerpc arc bzafcen. i o [ Cbc? tbat biocll.f c] Cb* ?£>i° - pbet mencionctb another fptce ofouun= ger fobertn goo bttcrctb opcnlpbts po= i»er anb grace in Dcliuering men. Cb« i»o?loe (80 3d fapbe) called tljcfe tof=. fmga tbc plap of foztune:anb fcarcc ccbe bunozetb perfone leauctb anp roome foi «15oDs pzoutDcncc. l!5uttbe |3?opbetrc= quiretb an otljcr maner of SopfeDomc at our banbcfl : namelp tbat in all ebuet= fities.iaefboulDconuDer <2?gD0 iuoge= mentea : 3 in tbe faUtngout of tbem, bis gooSneffe. 5Foz- neptijer fallctb anp man mto tlje banDsof encmieo oz of tbecucot bp cbauncc : neptber is bee fauco from tbembp cbauncc. 215 ut ioe mutt bolo b0 to tbc fapD pjtncipic : tljat afEUittons are (0000 fcourges : anu tljcrfo^c tljat tr>£tc i0no resneute of t\)zm elfctt>bcre tban m biofauourc. 31 f a man beeingtaUcn bp tbceue© oj fca roucr0, be not murtberet* out of banb, b2 iinetb bat worn moment to moment, pea ana tbat fettbouie bope of Ipfe,anD tbcrci'o;? iyis D£liucrance (0 a Warrant of 45oD3 fauo?,ft$bt£i) fbrnab fo mucbe tbe bjugbter a0 tberc be fciocr tbat efcape : fo farre i»»De to it, tbat tlje multitube of DcftruiSiono fbouiO quencl) b?0 p*apfc0. wbcrcfo^c tbe |S?opbcte conoemnetb al1 fafye of bnHpnoneffc^ as being fo $»onaerfnll?DeliucrcD, dod i»itbin a vobple after, quite fo?gette tbe belp tbat was miniflreb bnto tbem.3mjj to ttjc intent bee map tbc better repzoue t^sir fault : agepne be cuctb trjetr oione crpeo a© iottneffeo agepaftc tbem, 5foj fcpngtljatin tbcp? biftreffco tbe? P?o= iy Fooles are afTJicred for the way of their tranfgrefsion, and for theyr iniquities. 18 Theyr ftomacke abhorreth allmeate, and they are broughte too deathesdoore. 19 Then crie they to the Lordc in theyr trouble, and heefaueth them from their diftrefles . 20 Hefendeth his worde and healeth them, and riddeth them from all their corruptions. I 2i Let vpon the.Cyjj.Pfalme. "3 21 Let them tbrrfire acknowledge the Lordes mercie before him,and his wonderfulll works before the formes of men. 22 And let them facrifife the facrififes of prayfe, and she wc foorth his works with rcioycing. 17 Ifooles are affiictcb «.] ©c eom= mctrj oofcjne to another fptce of crjafttjcs mcnt.^c? iitec as crefcjbplc rje fapb tljat fuel): as flip if}* toiler ofobcbtcnceton= to C&QD,are giucn bpfoj pztfoncrsinto the Ijanbs of men : fo nouje bee teacberb that fictwcfTes arclapb Upon menne bp the banoe of (Bod, fo; tbctr finncs fa&e. ifrofo io'jcn the fmner pereciuctb bpm= felfcto bccbafti?cb fetd) (Sods roD, bee fballbauc sneaftc paffagc fromtbence to tbe Hnovolcgc of grace. 3dno be cailctb rboffc fooico,ix»r>irlje purcbafe thefclucs' Deftructton bp foloujtng ttjetr oiin lufrs tonabuifeblp. /ftot that tbcp ooo amtfic, onlp through tgwuanccanb oucrfight : but bpcaufe ti)ctr blpnbe at? ccttons oe= pziuc them of right iubgcmetjoastbep iroifee the fc>02tt fo? tbcmfclues. 3lnb trucip S»c mad bolo fcs aii»apcs to this pzinciple.tbat the featc of (Bon is i»ifc= borne. Ttfberuppon it folofoett) ttja 1 tbcp arc carpcb ai»ap Soitb fooltfbncffe anb furp,fo>biebe fbaUc off tbe poke of d5ob to pelb t hcmfelucs italics to tbe btuel to finne. 3 no tbe pzopljctc fettetb bofome [bachefltbing 0; tranfgrciTton] as the beaoeof follie : anb aftercare t abDetb [^Iniquities] bpcaufe tbat toben amantsoncegoncafejap from d£5oD,be mud neebs be cottnuallp IjarpcD bitijrr anb thither fo as be ccafctb not to bcape fmne toppon 2J nb bee intrcatctb not becre of common fictsnefreojbtfea- fcs:butof fucheas arc cotmteb altogts tber beablp anb leaue no bopc of life re= mapningtebcrbp tbe grace of recGtterp map fljpne fooifbc tbe better. jPozifa man be relecueb fc)ben bee isbutfome= &bat ill at cafe: ly fotll not fo Swell iucp dpobsb^ab in that itgbt oltciact9n,aa iubcnbecarcrcbctbitout bp fomc no= table anb apparant meaues in rcftozmg full ftregtb to fuclje as fcjere balfe beao. Cberfo2c be fapctb tbepare pzcfcrueb from manp cojrupttos in fclfcfame cafe as from manp beatbes. 3lnb bcereunto alfo pcrtetn trjcfc f ircuuift ances, &htn p pjopbet faptb[Cbat tbep be fought to 0 eatbes b02C,anb lotbc all mcatc.^F 02 of crpmg i»e baue fpehen alrebp :name= Ip tbat sibcn mm bee b?cugbt too Utter biftrcfTc, tbcp acfcnofrlcbge bp crptng out, that tbcp? gooo bapes ft>ere at an enb,ejcccpt <£oo lujcojeo tbcm bp &on= bcrfull mcancs. ' [i^efcnDetb. f c] aigcpnthe ^zop^ct fbccoetb tbat be mtreatctb of Deablp btf= cafes febtcb itttng men to bcatbs booze, &>bsn be faptlj tbat tl)fp be bctmerco:tra ttter bcftrtitttons . l§o&cbctt be fettetb (Sobs Ijclpc agcinfr ail iyozlbclp rcine= bits : as if be CbouUjc fap, tbcp recoucr Ipfc bp tbe onip pofcjcr of ^foo, btcaufe it fenrc tmpofTtble to fpnbe a ?3bpfittan bppon cartb. 3ilfo ibe mancrofbcaltng is to be noieo : namelp that d5ob bp bis onelpbccfeeo? commanbement, eztuctfo all bifeares.pca anb beatb it felfe a great Soap off. fop 3j reftrapn not tbis totl;e faitbfull as manp Do.'Crue it is in Decbc tbat tbe bealing of tbe bobp is offmall cffcct,onlelTe tljcfoule bee clenfeb bp tbe SDOczbof<5ob. H5ut it is tl;ep;opbetes mpnsc to baue (Bobs mercp confiocrea cnen in tbe repzobate anb tbanUeleffe perfons. Cbe meaning tberfoie is, that lpfee as bifcafes ligbt not bppon men bp cbauncc,nozp20cccDeof natural! caufes onelp, but erccure omners :fo alfo bcbea= let!) tbe fame perfonc tobome becbatbe ftriUcn iottb. out anp aboo, bpcaufe it is inougb pf be Bo but comaunoe &bat be S»illbaue bone. BeucrtbeUflfe noio p See bnberftanoe tbe |5:opbetcsminbe, tbe application tbcrof ioill not mtfagree afrer^arbetnbts place: tbat tstoioit, tbat tf bobilp bifcafes arc not mrcb but bp tljc fciozb 01 commaunbcmcHt of goo, mucbelelTearc meusfeulrs reftozebto ipfe, but bp the fc02be,pca bp tbe fooibe taHcnbolbeonbpfaitb. 22 [3inblcttbem?cOCbc$2opbct Ebbetl) ti)«s fentence in &>ap of ejepofitu on,totb,e intent be might the bettered &qq»U- p?effc 2-Pt. lohn Caluines Commcnune p;c(Tc, t!)at d5a02D is bcfrauoeD of bps rigbt.ciccept bis pjouiocnccbc acfenofc>= kgcDintbtsbcbaih*. jftature tcit.tbbs tbat tbcrc is fome fcmbc of S»ojfbtp Due tonto ps tn tie among all nation©, jfrcptbcriott tobcoouteb but t bat (0DD3 toll i»as to b^iD mankind m afee bp tbat principle, as bp fome feling of Dcuotton. Clje.^opbct therfojc caU ictb baebctbe oucttlocfeifb anb buii fojt bnto tbat popnf.bsmg las to tonocrfiao, tbat tbe true famuTmg is, toiicri bis bountifulncffe is ac&aoojieogcD . 3lnD pet 3J Denpcnotbutbec atl:iDcth. to the ceremonies of tbe law. ^oa>bctt fojaf= mud) as religion Suae ccnfufrolp obfcr= ueDtbojougb rbe iobcie S»o?lDc bpfa; crififcD : 5;c: conDcmnctbtbem gplcic ef bntbanKfulnsfTe, t»l)tc^c ioben ttjep bee bcltuft cd from anp Daungcr , ooo burpc <0oo0p?apfcinQltnie. 23 They that go downe into the Tea in shippes , vfing trafickc in the greate waters. 24 They fee the Lordes workes,and his wonders in the deepe. 25 He fayeth the woorde and rayzeth the ftormye wynde, and lifteth vp the waues of it alofte. *S They mount vpto theheauens, and finke dovvne to the deepes: their hart mclteth for foro we. 27 They be toffed too and fro, and reele lyke a drunken man, and all their vnderftandin°; is fwalowed vp. 28 And they cryevnto theLordein their diftrelTe : and hee Ieadeth them out of their troubles. 29 He makcth the ftorme to itand ftillfo as the waues of the be calme. 30 And they reioycebycaufe they are quieted : and hee bringeth them to the coaft where they wifshed to bee. 31 Let them prayfe the Lordes mercie before him, and his wondrous vvoorkes before the fonnes of menne. 32 And lette them exalte him in the congregation of the people , and prayfe him in the aflemblie of the elders. 1 } [Cb?1? tbat go Downe. «c] Ulcere c pzopljct fcemct!) to crpounD btmfclfe, in fbeftnng after &bat fojte pefts. Cbc effert is tbis.tljat fucbe as be framen are trpes to tbe quick with tcm= as tbe bcrp toflmg manacctb as manp beatbes as there fwell bp furges. U3uc bec pemtctb out (Sods pjombence pet niojte Itutlp.^f oj to 7 tnrent fee map fcnowc tbat tbe fca turmoplctb not of it ownc aeco?D,hee bfctb «bc ioo:D [&ap] fci tbe nonce : meaning tbat tbe S»pnos blswc too trouble the fca bp ra menne geffeat flo^mcs tbat are too come, bp natural! caufes: but tbe foDcin altcracions come not but of dSobS fcircte appopntment. Cbe botb, be not in ftojptmfc onlp mafee report ^ow tcpeffs 9 'w))it\vovnl}& anfc, but vpon the.Cvij.Plalme. 114 but iojafmucbc as Ije beared) tt)e perfon of a teacber , bee bctftnneib at tljCtocrp caufc of thcin. $tteni»arD b* erpjeiTctb tbe greats flc of £ paill, ojratljcr petn= tetb out as it to ere tbe image of oeatbe in a table, to tbe latent <5m grucioulc goooncflc map u>ne fooitfje in tbe tops full falling out. [ C'KP fopfe top (faptlj be) Onto ijcaiicn ano fmke ooujne agem onto t\)Z Deepen:] as tf bcefljoulMape, ttjep fljiotebp fo as tljcir life Damfbefb aajip.f afteruxiro fall Ijcablong ootone anD arcDMU-t.i.-D. ^:fo(.)c aooe;i) tbetr feares^bicl) ama*e t'jeir mtnbs.oj ra= tljer fct tbe befiocs tbeir taits: meaning bp tbdc Sooojbes tljat aStbougb cbema= (lets of fljippfs tfjat bauc the gmomg of tbv' iremes b:e ncuer fo failfull : pet are tbcpbttcrlp fct befioc tbeirbiioiajlege. "Btyeruppon it fololsctlj, t'oat tbe;? are Detftitue of tf)ofe fjclpess .iab'^'bc S»olb (las ibem m no ftcae,altb3ugb tbep b*a tbcm reap st binbc .fo% atoxic tbat tbep gac'oer bp tbep? tac&elmgs , cad tljepr fWamnglpne into tbe beepe, ana ioyrib char fa?!cs Intber ana tbitber:pct fo)j)cn tbep baue trpcb all tbtngs, at f laft febc tijetr canning faplctb, tbep peclac tfjems fcltics too bee bjtuen imtb tbe Snctbcr. jFo; befpapje leaaetl) tbcm noabuifc. Qtytfoidnbc tbcre appeartty no corns foit in tl)e Suojloe, tljcrc rcmapnetb no= tbtng but crping, S»bicb conmncctO rt}£ to fymc bin as gooa as bean. 19 C^ee mafcetb tbeic] SfeojtlMp manioola in reposing a ftojp, fape tbat ti)c topnaa tort Doftmeaaotbeaujtmes fc>:redlapo. I5ut tbe ?!?Uopbete inifj'.s aitc.aao commenced) d5oos p/oulfcece, Booing ds too buoeiftano, iuat it coins tnctb not too paffe bp ioojiaip mcanes, tbat tipfe uioicnt ragtngs of tijc (ea ano tbe iopnos i»bcrtb;umgb bee (emetlj to fbanett)^ frame of tbc *»o£lo, boo ceafe fo foamilp. Cijcrfoje Warn as tbe *bea boplctb bp foul) foojnble rage,fs as c= u«:rp Sjtap oootbe as it S3 ere figbt one a= gemft another ; S&bcrttppon commetb tbat faotin ftilne ffc $ rcft,but tf)at <0co reftrctneti) t!)e Id sues, fcbofc Dafnmg togubcrfras fo Djcabfull,anbmaUctb f Sabers to it.ina leffe tban tf ;i)ep Sucre frojen^bec marebctb retopcing as ganfl feare.Wbercbp it appcamb »«oje euibmtlp.t'oat tbep bee PntbanSfull, if tbep bonourc not tl)t mcino^all of fo notable a ocuuerance. tfoj, tbepneebe no fcbsoUmafterconfiDermg tbatbotbc bp tbe tocrp baunger ano bp tht reftitus tto of calauiefTc, tljcp are taugbt inougb anb too mucb, tbat tbetr lifefoas tonber tljefjMbanb cuftob? of d5 ao. ^urtber^ mj;ebeauoucbetb it too bee a hpnbof benefice, ts'./'iCl) befcructb not onlp to be acKnoiolcgcb in a mannes fclfe,o? to be bcclarcb tottbtn p? ioalls : but alfo to be yubltfbcD euerp tobere anb in [fo= lemne afTembltcs.] yea ratljcr bee purs pofelp ma&ctlj mention of [Clbcrs,] meaning tb?rbp tbat tb^mo?eanp man cjcccllcb m 5»tfebom,tbc mcctcr bearer » i»ttnciTe fbolo be beoftbefc pjapfmgs. 33 He turn sth foorth riuers into the vvildcrnefle, and fprings of water into dryneffe. 34 And a frure ful land into faltnefTe for the vvickedneffe of them that dwell therm. 3f He tur.neththe wildcrn efTe into a poole of water : andabarrein land into fp rings of waters. y> And there he maketh the hungrie to d well,vvhich build them a ci- tic to dwell in. 37 And they fo we the feelds and plant vineyards,and cate the frute of the increafe. 35 And hce bleifeth them and they are mightyly multiplyed : and hec diminisheth not their cattell. 39 Afterward they are diminished and cafl down with fearc> mifery, andforowe. Q.qq.iiij. 40 He *.pt. lohu Caluines Commentane 40 He poureth out contempt vpon princes, and maketh thcmto wan- der in places where as is no way. 41 And he rayfeth the afflicted out of raiferic, and maketh him fami- lies Jyke a ftocke ofsheepe. $ ; [$e turnctb fojtb .$c] i^c recitctl) Cjccbaungco, which; it toeretco mud) a= gcpnft rcafon to afcnbc tonto ^Fojtunc. foj, it fallctb out that fruitful ianbo bc= come barrem,an& bartcin lanDO put tops pon them a new nature, whertopon co= met!) it to parte, that one cotmtrep bcco= metb barrcpne, anb an other purcbafab tonaccuftomeD fatneffc,but bteaufe (Sob ejcecuteib bis ittbgemcts agemft the ins babttcrs of the one m taking a&ap \)is buffing from them: anb maketh tbeo= tber full ef fop5on to fcebe tbcbtuigric &>i thall ^ Cl)at manp part0 of % fta ano d5reecc(of isbtdje trjc frutfulntiTc was famous in o!D time) Do now? lie fojlojne, Untight be imputes too the fearoric fTe of menne. 115 ut mafmucbe a0 experience teaebctb, that the fatneffe of feme lanDS isD^ebbp/iBberasotberfomebcgmto S»cjc frutefull : tnulpm tbps bcbalfcit inuftneebo be acknowlegcDtoobeetfoe p?ouiDcnce of v0oD, which tbe f->?opbet ejctoUctb./pcucrtbdefie it 10 not inougb to beleeuc that u5oSs Deter minaciei bca* retb the fwap in thtfc alterackmSjCrccpt it be matd)eD Ssttb trjps feccnD point, (which tbe $;topbetc alfo bathe not 0= mitttb)tbat tbe lab i0 eurfeb fo? hi* »n= babttcrs fakes when tb£p be bnwojttbp to be libcrallp feb at gobo banD.^c rjatfj put [poolc0 anb fpjmgo of Soatcro] fej moptt grounb0 o; watrte countrep0,bis caufc continuall mopfturepclDetb frute^ full fap.lSn the wo^D [g>amuffe,]tbere isa wetapboj: bteaufe netbtngto bars rciner than fair : wbertoppon alfo com= mctl) this fapmg of Chita £$ark:9- f o. 31 1 tbe fait be bnfauerp, to what purs pofe (ball it feme anp niojet'trulp not e= ucn tonto barrcmeffr.ainD tberfojc wbe tbcp 'woulD baue anp place neucr to bee tnhabitcD moictbcp bcn the ^jc-pbetc fapb that the lanoe was bcftrowcD S»ub fait, be allubcD too to tbccuftomeofolDetime. ; 5 [$« turnelb *c.3 Cbt0 alteracf s on being fctagcinft tl)e fo;mer,botbctl)e better enlighten goDs woDcrfuii power. fn% if mennesgrcunss fl)oulb fojgoe anp parte of their former fopjon,wojUD= Ip foike woulo fap(as batt) bm ccmonlp bjutcb in oibc tpmc)tbat the eartb after often crops rcftetbas it teere from cbtlb bearing.H5ut Whence baue Djpe groun= Oc0 their netoe fatneffe, fo ao tbe aire map feme to be altrcb tegptber fontb the laper of tbe grounbe : but bteaufe d5ob bttcrctl) tbcre a fmgular tcben of bi0 gooDnefTc^xrberfo?e not foutbout ceufe botbc tbe #>?opbet fapc,tl;at fejticerncf; fes arc tourneD tntoo ivaterpoolco , fo as populous citieo map rpfc top tn S»afr anbbnmanurcD places, tucn tcijere ao 5»a0notone*cotageafo?e. Jfoj it to no mo?c Ipkelp, tljat tbe nature of tbcfople to altreo.tba tbat tbe courfe of tbe &un anb ftarrco 10 altcrcb. where as be fap= ctb,tbat :l)c [bungrp are filltbo?. fattfs ficb :] UaDmttierb a Double fenfe: either that tbe bungrp foiUes themfelues ftnD ioberujitb to fatiffic their long faftpng : oj ctfe tbat as their moother) are placcb at cafe in the iutlDernefrc0,foas thep increafc there tbiougbthebiifTtngof itb a copulattrtc, thuo:[frutcanDtncrcace.]li5utthep?o pljet bcrokenett) rather the perelp ft ute: as if he 0)010 fap:3it to not foz once 0; a pcarco; two that tbofccountrcpo pelDe frute: but there to a eontinuall frntc- fulneffe . JFo? the !$cb?c&>t0 call fuche vponthe.Cvij.Pfaime. I2f foe!) frutes a0 the earth bjtngetb fcztbe pcere bp pccre.Tebcoch. wbcras hce fap= ttl) that the ncfrc tnbabttcrs [foiocihe lanoe:] bee gmcth an tncltng that there toas no bfe of tillage o; bufbanb?p tl)cre before that tunc, ano therefore that the countrtc to frtpfe fople that bnfroon= teb fatneflfe is gtucn , doo loobc after a new foitc. jf inallp bee abbetb that it commctb not to pafTe but bp the blcfling of(25ob, tbattbepfrbom frantanbpos ucrticpmcheb alatc, fboulD beenricbeb fr ttl? continnall fucccfie. 39 [SPfterroarb thep are 9 c] IBefoje 3! come to the matter, thn0 much e is to be bzecflpnorco concerning the frozbs, f Gnocfer 10 bp fomc traflatcb[ Cpzanp] anb trulp the fr oib Gnatfar fignifieth too beare ruie.lSut foiafmucbc as tt to me- taphozicallp fatten fo.2[angnifb 02 feare] tbi0 fenfc fcemetb to agree better. Cbe rcflbue map bee reo eptber tt)U0, [frith feare of tmfcrtc anb fojrowe,] oj elfe a© tt 10 fet boxxjnc alrcbp. I^ofr becit 31 like better to reabe it thus : through the anguifh of mifcrie anb fozofr ciftow as touching tbe effect eftbe matter, IpKe as hitherto b^be bin befcribeb tonto b0 frbat alteration bappeneth to lanes in rcfpcctcof the Copies: fonofre free bee taught that men abtbe not alvoapes at onellap. f oj, thep becteafein number, anb becap from their cfrate bp becing as bated either bp battelt, oz bp infrarb fc= bttious,oz elfe bp other mifchaunccs. Chen frbithcr the plage confumepart of the,e2 frhither thep recciue a Claugh= bp their cnimtc8,oj frhptl>er thep mur= ther one another bp falling togtthcr bp t\)C cares amogthemfelues: their cfrate bootbc alter oftentimes. 3Gnb fr hence commes this, but bpcaufe <2>oD friths b2afrcth his grace , frbtcb beerctofeje fras as a fecrct frclfpjing fromfrbcee piofpcritir flofreB:' afnbfrhcras cities comctofunczp mtfehaunces :tbe?$20s pbiterpxefTeth onefpice,notableanb ap= parantaboue the reft. Jfoz mafinucbe as gooshanb 10 net conuotreo (0 much in pziuate ano bafe pcrfons: he bzingcth f 002th the punccs themfclucs bpon the ftage,frt)ofe nobleneffe fuffrctb it not to Ipe bio if anp thing bettbe them fr oztbp to be baD in remember ace. 5f 02 f frozlo feemethe too bee mabe foz their fakes. Cberefoze frben d5ob tjjzofretb them borone from their date, mens tninbs are moze fr afecneb co confiber ob: ] UUc as on the other fibc bow long foeuer he minbeth to matntcin them m their eftate, he pzocureth them reucrencc.JDanicls fentencets frc!Hno= fren. JDaniel. 2.38. £) femg, <0ob hath put the feare of thee in the berpbirbeo ofthe afie.anb ttje benftes of the earth. 3tnb bnboubteblp al. hough piwccs bee arineb frith pofrcr, pet ootbe nothing befenbe ihcm moze than the tntoarb ma= leftic frhtch gob hath tngrauen in them, ifrcptber coulbc anp one billagc ftanbe tbzxe baps,onlefTc 45'co rulcb the miixts of all the men of it frith bis fecrete bi p= ble.Cber'fo2C frhen fecucr vBoD mafectb the pzmccs to be befpifeb,it wuft nccoes come to paffc,th8t cucn the grctcft btngr bome0 bee appalleb. 3Ino hereof boo ftojico beare fritneffe, that the greateft feing0,frbicb fr ete a tcrro? to the frbole fro^lbe, frcre fcozneb of their orcne fcr= uattnt0, after thep frcre ftrippcb out of their eftate. 23ut frhercas tbts altcra= tion ought too be countcb fox a fronber, our bulncffc frill not fuffcr bs oucefo mucheastoolcobebppcnd5>ob8 p2oni= bcnce.2ftftcr\»arbc on the contrarp parte the $2opbcte tcacbeth, [ibat the out= cades anb bafe perfons arc eicalteb] anb their houfes encrcafeb : anb theft fucbe as no man mabc account of coo fobctnlp fiozifb in riches anb cftimatton. wherin men froulb acUnowlcogc d5obs pzoui; bencc,tf their otcne leauDeneffe Mb not mafec them bull. 4Z The rightcoufe shall fee it and reioyce : and all iniquitie shall flop his ovvne mouth. 43 Who is wife that he may marke thefe thin gsl and they shall vnder- ftande the louing kindnefle of the Lordc. ^5qcj.b. 4* Cne 2.0t. lohn Ciluines Commencarie +2 [Sbcrigbteoufcsc] 3Hn tbe enb t'n:}3zopbetccoartuDctb tnac fo man? pnofao? (2?oos pzoutocncc flip nor out ot rememberance fettb tbe rigbteouf?, but bpcaufc tbep be feelilsbtro tbzong!) fatrb.tbcpreiopce infucbea figbtianD tbe fetcfccb alfo are ftrtfeen Dumb feitb fbame. ^ozb/»« feifelp puttcttja Dtfifc= rcncc bctfeeenc tbe one ana tbeotber: bpcaufe tbat botofoeuer tbe tmgoblp be enrbzeeb to achnafeiege <0od foi gou;r= nour of tlif feozlb: pes are Jtbep bipnb in feeing, ano tljeir fijbt femes tbem too noneotljer purpofebat too make tbem mote fcnejecufable. 35 ut tijc rtgbtcous, not onlp are able to otfeerne, but aifo bo frilling!? open tbetr epes to bcljoio gobs iuittce.goobneffe, out fottte blafpbemies agcmlr gob. yet nottt it^fl:anbing,tlji0 faptug of-tbc pzopbeMbatf moutljcoffoicUcrmeflTe is ftoppeb , is mod true, fop inberpe bfeait ib- more faucilp tljep burft out,fo mucin tbe openlper is their lewbnc&e eonuiaccb . &9ozeouer this rctopcing fe'Krsftbe ^zopbet maUctb mention, fpiingetbof tl)i0, tbat noting is fitter to ttfp&tfiing cf faptfj, than tbe nnofe- legcot \5oo3 pzouiocnee, bpcaufe tljatic that be once taken nfeap,ccbe man (ball not or!? chafe feitb bnnfclfe, but alfo furmpfe, rbit tbe feozloc ia tofleb bp cbauricc. Cljerfoie tbep tbat goo about to cucrtbzatve this popntof bortrmeibD bepziuc Cdods cbtlozen of the true top, anb tormenting their mpnb:0 feitb tnU Arabic bnqutetneffe, mane tbem a bell in tljts feozioe. fop fegat moze bozti= ble to;ment can there bee bntoo b0,tban too tremble tn fozofeiulncflc feptbout c.i be * 2£ ut quiet tbcre can bee none, bmui feet hauelearneD too rcfte bppon i0oo pzomoence. 3nb this clanlc fljc= wctb, tbatfebtrcas (Sob ofiferctb i>pa goobnetfe bntoo all men feitboute cjc= ceptton : pet tberc are but fecoe of an innumerable fozt ,t\)a> fare tbe better bp it. vcberc bppon tt folorcetb tbat bis foz= mer csbozcmg of all menne too p;apfe (Sooa goobneite, feas too inabe u ma= npfca febat a muititubc feerc t^ankc= IcfTe. 4? [TDbo is fepfc.fc] C?cemcanctb tbat men are tben fepfe,feben tbep ap= pip tbnr cnbeucrtoo tl)c conferring of <15oboco feoozh0 : anb tbat tbe telle C "ml^m tbep pafle oucr tbe ipgbt tbat 10 offreo tbem , fetif). defeb t^cs ) are bm£?fe,ano fean^c awape in tijeir ou?ne fettttneffe tbougb tbep fecme neuer fo futile. 3 no bp tbe bemaunbing be 0= uertbwartlp tauntetb tlje falfe ptrfvea- Gon tbat rctguctt; cSmonlp in tbe feozlb, febplc cucrp one tbat can mofte bolbclp Dcfppfe C5 £> 2> tbmHctb bimfclfe mod feife : as if be fboulb lap , tljep iW all ef tbem bee founbe to be but foolcs, feljicb are net feelfpgbteo in tbts bebalfc. 3Jnb fomucb tbe moze requtfitc is tbts fears mng,bpcaufe feee fee tbat fomcot tbe cbeefe pljilofopbero fecre fo maltcious, tbat tbep labozeo in notbing moze, than in burping <©ob0 pzouioencc : oz at leaftfeifc tn copning mene caufes feber= bntoo too tpe tbem fclucs anb otber folUeo.bttcrl? ncglerting (0 €> 3D. %- riftotle tjcccUeb tnolle 30 ferll in 'xoit as in lcerntng:anb pet being a beatben man anb euill mpnbeb , it feas alfeapc0 b'S tubntertoo fezapbp (0obs pzouibence tn man? feanbertng fpccalr.tionS. iFiap ratber , febatfocucr tnfpgtjt <& & JD bao bcOofecb bpp^n tl>at trapteroas applpcb tb« fame totbeqwen: tbmg of all Ipgbt. %no the ^zepbet not onlu conbfmnctb tbe epicures of mabneffe(febofc foliefeasouer groffe) buz alfo botb bs to bnDerftan9?,tbat tbe moze betcit able anb monftruous blinoc- ncflfe vpon the.Cvij.Pfalme. U6 ncflc ioaa in tl>c tljccfc |3ljilofopt)crs. tijar is a true bcboioer or dBoos ioooj= IBp tbe fewoe [marfee] be ootl) »s too fees r' 3 fterwaroe be fbcwctb Ijow tljofe fcut, tbat it 10 not pnouglj, if a man (o= Sooifes ano tuogcmcnrcs bt c before alt oenlp taKe t>oloe of bcrebp footgefttbiahnoroleogc ^ot&beitifanpmanefkc5i)b?fb2?2>;to= bctpmes. <<£bercfo?ctbcrcts required pbetc, after bee foaib tntrcateoof <£oDs continnaJl tmnotng, tbat map mgraue it iuagcmcnts,anD of bts rigour.toucbetb tbtongblp in our bans. cre, tton of tbe number is not fritbout a tbat among <25oDsS»o?fcsbi0gooi)nefre gracciobentbcpzopbcre faptb,D»bo botbc nlfoapcs ejcctil,anb as it ft>crc ts fe>pft, anb tbcpfbalt bnftcrftanbet' ] boibctbe foueramtic,accc?oing alfo as jpo; firOe bee romplapnctt) coucrtlp of be is bp natnre fo;ei»arbc tonro boun= tbe feronciTe of ttjofe tbat marhc (0ods tcoufncfTe. wbcrebp alto rje aiiureth fcs iuogements : as if be fboulD fap.icbcrc cbccflp bnto lnni, (ball a man fpnoe one among a number, Tbe.C-piij.Tfdlme. Song orPfalme of Dauids. z My harte is ready O God,my hart is ready : I will Ting and giud prayfe,eucn with my glory. 3 Vp my vyole and harpe,I will arife early. 4 Ivvil praife thee OLord,amongpeoplcs,andfing vnto thee among Nations. f For great is thy goodneflfc aboue the heauens, and thy truth vnto the Cloudes. C Exalte thy felfe O God aboue the heauens, and thy glory aboue all the earth. 7 That thy beloued may bee deliuercd : fauewff with thy right hand, and heare mee. 8 God hath fpoken in his holineife,! vvyll reioyce, I shall deuide Si- chem,and mete out the valley of Suchoth. P Galaad is myne, ManafTes is myne, Ephraim is the flrcngth of my head,Iuda is my lavygiuer. io Moab is my washpot,ouer Edom will I cafte my shoe: vpon Phi- liftine will I triumphe. n Who will leade mee intoo the ftrong Citicf who will bring mee vnto Edom? 12 Wiltc not thou O God,vvhich haddeftput vsbacke, and wenteft not out O God among our armies? 13 Giue vs reskue from our\rouble,for vayne is the helpe of man._ 14 Through God wee shall doo mightely, and hee shall t re a devour aduerfaries vnderfoote. ■fc;pi- loan famines L>oramentane ^oiafmaclje as this- Ctm). fSfalmc is compplcD partlp of ttyc feauen ano fif- tieth , atiD partelp of tlje tljjcclcojtljc $)falme : it to ere but a fuperfluoufe las bour to repete 'oeere agapne t^e things tJjat toe l;auc fapD tljcre. The contcntes of the.Cix.Pfalme. /r confijieth of three cheefe poynts. For it beginneth -with a complaint y ihereynto ii Added abeadroll of ' many mifwijljings, dad after them folo- ■wctb d prayer, -with a teflimon ie ofthankefulncj]}. ^And although there be no doubt but Dauid complayned of the -wrongs done vnto him: yet not- ycithftanding forafmuche as he bare vppon him another perfon : yebatfoe- uer tsfayde, the fame doth properly agree to Chryft the head of the Church: and too eche one of the faythfuU, inafmuche as they are his members, fo as they may call for the helps of the heauenly lufiiccr, -when they be "wrong- fully yexed by enimies. The. Cix. Tfalme. O the cheefe Chaunter. A Pfalme of Dauids. i O God of my prayfe,holde not thy peace. z For the mouth ofthewicked,and the mouth of deceite are opened vppon mee, they haue fpoken to me with thetongofguyle. 3 And they haue compafled mee about with the words of hatred, and haue fought agaynft mee without caufe. 4 For my Jouingneife they hauebenne agaynft mee : but Igauc my felfe to prayer. f And they haue rewarded mee euill for good , and hatred for my louingnefle. i [3D <2»oD of mp] JBp tbts ciucrance £>auiD auoucbctb, tbat nep* tber bee oefirctb anp otljer Defender of bis innoccncic tljan 45oo, noubat there ts anp otber to be fouo tn anp placebo; m calling b»« tl?c <0od of bis p?apfe,bee b:Mh:tb uts tnnocencte bnto bim , pea tbougb l)c bee conbemncD bp tlje bcrbtte almoft of tbe fc>bolc fcjojloe. *bomc ijn= Derft&nDe it atfiuelp,as if Dauio fboulo name ljun felfe tbe pjortapmcr of (I£>ods P^apfcs. IBM tbe cfrcumftance oifpjos uetl) tljat fenfr ,bicatifc fejee fee tbat IDa-; uiD beetng eppjtcfTeo S»itb buiufte anD cruVll batrcb in tbe ft)Ojlb,refojrtetb Dn= to (08D0 iuogement. 21 nD tbere is a co= uert matching of contraries. jroiSotytn flaunocroas repojstes p;euatlc,tbcnootb tmteeencie noiobcre elfe rctapne W c- ftimatton auD pjtce , but onelp befoje <£>oo. Cbe fenfe tben is tuts : i,o?oc, botofocuer 31 bee taken fo; tbe berpeft nausbupacfee aliue, anD abanooneD teo tbe flaunberof tbefcjbolc too}\tz: pet feiitc tijon bee tbemepntcpnerofmtne tnnocencte , ano fcj tljc fame caufe tnp pjapfer alfo. iFitlp alfo anfroerctb tbat S»bicb be aooetb bp ano bp after, [f?oio not tbp peace.] f oj it S»cre agapnft rea= fon, tljat ^5oD,iv!)o is tbe iDttncffc of onr tnnocencte, fijonloe bolbe \)is peace, vA)(\\ Sdcc bee ouerfot}elmcb tottb tljc flautioerous reposes of tl)c fopcUeo. 5Furtbermo?epcc muftcbearctn mtnbe tbat SobicI) 31 baue fapoc,bowe Ijee fo bevoaptctb tljc pjiuate Srjongs tljat bee fuffereb vpon the. Cix.Pfalme. 127 that u\ t)is oujnc perion be repjefentetb Cbzift ano the iuijolc boop oU)i0 Cbutcb. ClKffo.c although men iouc bo ftntb all npno of rep?ocbes,fo)e muft learne too fettle ourfelucs in the onlp Defence of «©od alone, foi there 10 no man that can commit bimfclfe too <2>oD toitt) an tonfapneD bar t, but he that t0 Dctermtnco in bimfclfe to Defpifc all tcpzocbeoof tbcftjozlD ,fo l)ce bee iocll aflfureo of a gooo confetence, anD tbatfye bathe <£oD to tnapnteinc b is cafe. 1 CiFoz tbe montb w.] IDauiD erp;cf= fcth mozc piapnlp, that the caufe i»hp he caltetb toppon as ftrcigbtlper bcfccgco bp tbcm,tbanbe fljoulo bauebmof a grcac bofteof men , pea anD tbatSujrtjout anp Defect of bis.^bisrcfcmblacc of iparre i0 to be mar&eDjSobcrfcmbau" go& com? monlp crcrcpfctb his ovone cbUfyc. f 0; although Nathan affaple tbemfotrb 0= pen Violence ; pet notroiibftanDing Ipfee an archfatber of Ipca a0 bec i0,bc affcipr ctbalfo too Deface tbcm bp SoonDcrfull fligbro of mtfrepozto, ao though tbcp to ere the Dzeggo.anD offfeotmngs of the ioozlo.jftowc like a0 the thing that baD bin ft) aooi»CD in ^auiDfoaoa'i cruris fulfilled in Cb:ift: fo muftisit bcarc «n mpno that the rcuumts ofChJUfofuf; fcrmgg are Daplp accompltfrjeb tn the fattbfnl.ColofT.i 1 +. br-caufc he bauing once fuffcrco in bti?tfcifc,calletb them to bcfeliorocoajiD copartcners $Dttl>bim. 4 If of, mp louingneifc^c] l^efyjD alrcop pjotcftcD, that tys enemtco bung bnpzouofceD S»ttb anp inturte,batea b«n DcaolpS»itbout caufe, ano onelp of a ni- uciiirj fpigbt.'Cbe fame thing cofirmctb l;e now, Taping he baD ben their fricnoe. tfo} it ia a greater thing to loue,tban to abfteine from al barme Doing.3ino bcre= bp5»ee pcrcciue boroe monftruous tbe motions of $atyan be,fo>bcn be bolDetb mens mpnDo in tb?alDo me. jff oj nothing is lefle agrcablc to nature, than batefuU ip too purfue, ano crucllp to fptght fuel) a0 loue too. %\{q \jnto loue be abDetb gooo Doing : meaning that be baD cnDc^ uereD to Dcfcrue £»ell at their banDs bp bis outtoaroe bencfites. But 31 [gauc inp felfe bnto p^apcr.] ^omc biioerr ftanbe it,tbat oUbougb iDaniDo cnimico •rufbcD lopon bim fcmb fo great outrage: pet IDauto p?apeD fo? the* fl*nto fobid) mesning anftocretb that iobich i»c hauc baDinthe}3ralme.35-i5.13utmjthin= bctb tbe plapncr meaning is, that rohen bee feiao cruellp bciceD.hce fct not bis minoe topon bnlawfull meancs, too re- quite Iplie foj ipUc : but ioa0 ronicntco S»ith thcp?otcatonof ijo[fc caflctb a bz^Dlt-1 bppon D0, anD tdlefb be, that bovofoeuer our enimic0 bp tbtir outrage enfo^c %% a bunDzeD times too tbe Defirc of rcucngc- mrnt, pet muft iucc bio all anD craftineiTe auaunte,auo bctnfcc "os onelp bnto ourpzapers. Snob? this trample of h(0, £>autD ttacbetb bs,tbat t?jcfc bee the Weapons fohcrivith toe mull fight, if tuecbaue a Dcftre tco banquifhjiit: Der (5oDS fl-anDaroc. Coe lpbojftcc 12 there in the phi^c. 69. n.lRer tbufatcin the date fpsJteAjfapnfl: »we, anD tl;e? fyzt DjtnUe ftrbng Ditmie fi _: cs : h$± Iohn Caiuines Commentarie cf met : U3uc 3 [mabc] m? pjapcr snto t'i)cc £> itoja:;J?oj tljere alio is a clipped miner cf fpeccijc *309jeoucr bp tt>cfc loop* IDaato menetlj,tbat al Ijougb be founo altJje £»l;ole toojl?) agapn t fyttri : ?tt So as it pnougb to qujct Ijts cofeience to cad tya cares a?on (5ob. jftow fcctng tljat tijtctjaip gijoiUjurtjnoc moiceo £l)Clt pjapers too Emuio ano too all tbc gooip f;i nought: i»!)ofocucr fclooietb tbi0 o;ocr, nccoetb nottoo&oubtc, but tljat occo/owg asiSoofball lecbim fbame= fuiip bcjtcD, fo anil be be reaop too bcipe bun. 6 Set thou a wicked man ouer him,an J let the aduerfarie ftandc at his righte hande. 7 When he commeth in too bee iudged, let him go foorth giltie , and let his prayer bee turned into finne. 8 Let his dayes bee fevve,and let another man take his charge, 9 Let his children bee fatherleiTe,and his wife a widow. io Let his children wander as vagabonds, and begge, and let them feeke out of their wafted places. n Let the extortioner intangle all that hee hath : and let forreiners fpoyle his labour. 6 [&ette tbou a frfcUco man. H-l Whereas be baub b^bcrto mtbe plarall number. tomplapncD of a great multp- tube: noiv> beepopntctbout asitSacre but oh; man. ^otrcitbftanoing, it map bectbit focefpca&ctb of cacrpof tbem, as it iserc of one. &no pet tt is no JcfTe Ufe£lpl)OObe,tbat fomc out cmapne per- fect, tebtebe bare tbc brifeamong trjofc naugbttpacfecs, is nippcD mo?c fyatefah ip iljan tbc refte.^eptber mifltne jB t!je coateiture of tbcm,ft>bicb rcfcr ** teo t^e perfon of Dorg,i»!)5 toee knoia to baue purc'bafeb Defirurtion.bp the falfebarteb trccbericialjtcl) be Pfcb not onlp ageinft JDatuo, but alfo agapnfr tbc gobfp pjies fte*:anD fee hnoro that tbis fMalme is applies bp $Jeter too 3iu3as. 3Wcs. i. i o . 25 ut it %}iil agree afa>ell (anb per? a&u^Rturc better) too tmscrflanbe tbis complaprttof feme familiar frcno of bis. iBew as concerning tbe cm-fee, pc mu& bcare tn Kiinoc that tabic!) 3i fane fapbe berctofoje : tljat is too Salt, t!;at as oftc aa 5DaiH3 eoncepucD tbcfe bamungsoj uufhes of cunlng, b?e teas not moucb tberetmto bp iitimoberatc affection of the CkG),noj aeUcin bisocone initiate cafe, no^jtft foas fet en fp?c bj> fenaouifeb } -i^£l/efc t'jjce tbmgsuiuacbee no= tcbWgentlp, top accusing as celje man UuetbbKH fclfc, fo is b^cbente too bpa ofane commobttics , anb bp ano bp Oars tctb cmt to rcucnge : anb tberfoje acco?= Ding as cucrp man is abbi«eD p^tuatelp too i)tm felfe, fo is be camb bcabilp too the regarbc of !)is oxvne piiuate p?ofitc. ■Dl the loueof fclfc p;ofjce tl;ercrpfetb anotber topec.^cj no man brfiretb to be reuengeb of bts enimtes bpcaufe it is rigtjt anb iz$,but bicaufc be feebctb tys ewnebitrcD. 31 n beebe tfjts colour 10 p?ttenbcb, but tbc rancour tbatbepleflj itjttljin blinbetb niensHitr.Qs,bpDifpla= cing tbc remembrance of topjigbtnefife. xv\)cn tbefc two fcicefl (t\)&: is too foit, tbc p^inatc refpecie of our fclfc, ano tbe bnx»clDJneffe of tijc flefb) bee cojrcctco : tljerc is alfo rcqutrcb a tbiree ftap,tb2t is,too alap tbc bcate of fool'.fb 5eale,ano to foloas the fpiritc as our gupee. il^cfe if an? can tbat is cariea aroap Su«b an DntowarDejsale, pjetena tbe example of fijaU bvOte l)t«i nothing at ail. jrci t!)at fc>l)icb Ctj?pft anfujcrcs to IjtS Difcipltsfeill tusitbclpbee applpeb \ju= to tbcm, rt>at is too fap,pee knots not of vtljat fpirttepc be.^ fo mud) 1 be Ijepncufcr treafon is it,tbat t\)Z JT^onfesCaub fpcciallptbc 5rrancif= ernes ojtgra? 5rricrs)iJcfaptrj= fall bcujare of too much, rjaftinefTc io\)cn tbcp pjap, tmfclfc2i5ut tbiafmnebe aa it agrectb rtgl>tlp too tnenns iubgc^ meats: 38 ment not too ficpafiae from tbeaccuftomeDinterp:ctact8n.3!ItftaD0 tljen of two pomes : tbat 10 to i»:i\t'ja: tbe fr>tcUcbncfTe of t!>c bngo&lp mtgbt be lapb opc,fo as tbere migrjt be no S»ap to clcere tbemiclucs anb tbat ait tntrca= tance mtgljt be bttcrlp reicrtf b. Cbcre= foje bee fapetb l)cc gactb out gtltte from tbepztfenccof tljc mbge , bpcaufc bps SmcKcd beebsare btfeoucrco ana con= bemncb,an$ '.): bcarctt) a6»ap ibitl) \}in tlje fljameof condemnation Sotricr) bee bab befcrueb. 2!g in refpert of vJdoos tabgcmcnrfratCjit iscrcnatalfo agemft rrafontijat (1)e inppiprarfcn oftl)eUn= gootp fbot»{Jrbet>:rvita bppon them. foi Qnue. ifci 'iuec Unciue tbat all ibefr fa- criSfrc arc lotyrlp: anb that ItWc as tl)ty (bemfciues are Ultbpe, (0 aii bcrtuc0 5o?}tcb feemegobtp int^cm, boo fhncfce before t!5oa. i^owbectt fojafmuebcas tbeti*jct runnetl) better bppen eariljip ru&gea : 3 Doe not ftlcilc bjjpow 'U^t popnt. 8 [ILet !)i0 bapcabc feawc jc,] ZU tbougi; ibis ipfc bee replemfljeD tottrj manp mtftric0j pet 030 tree fenowe tt to be a ptcge anb wunctle oi gobs bJcffing: accoxomg 30 <0ob oftentimes in token of })i0 fauourc , piomifctb too pzolong men0 tines : not bpcaufc it 10 ejepebtem foi teg too matiaour abobemtbetame, but bpcattfc goD0 fatbertp io;ie 10 tasleb in it,i»bicb teaoctb bs to tbe bope af trje ifucrlaftingiifc. £)p.tJ;e contranc part, tbe flioitntfTe' of life 10 fct b;cre fo: a figne of curfeDncfle. froi C5ob bp taking flic Soitfecb ou? of the wajta sfter a bto- lent maner, hulwtfy il)&t t!)ep are bn- ir^tbi of ibecomon bict^. C^efamc ti)^i0 so be fapb alio tyijen be tb?ufc= e?ij d)zm oat of autbojittic anb tt^owetb ttjem borone fro tbeir litg!) edaicCrue it 10 in Dcebe t^at tl)i0 feltfamc (ijing be= tibetb tbccbilbieof <0ob alfo.^oj tem= poial pumfbmf »s ligbt 00 Zoti bpon tbe goobaa tlje bab foit^out cjccepttcn.HSut pettrjis mcbtte is nam fo confufeD.but tbat nofe anb tbentberc appearc rtgbic inanpfefi; tuogementa of ^!£»oo,anb feoj- tbptoobee matUeb. |5cter epeing tbts \jcrfe. 3Sct. 1. 2 o.faptb,«t ongbt of neaf=: fific to bee fulStlcb tn J ubas, btraufe it is xo 1 \m n bore ,tet anor'.jc r take tjib bv- Bjopiifec. Snb bec tatutb tt)ts foi \)vs grounb, tr^at iDauib fpafcc tn tbe pet fan ofCb??ft. UUtbougl) tbe tbat tbe \jcbius iaoibe Pcco Jak do ftgntfie gcnerallp enp manerofcbargc:petbo:b?ii)etcrcx}.ofio it fitlp of tbe a&pofttcCbip of 3!uoas. 3nb it iaiiHe pr-ougbtljat tb£ cicpoftttJDit fobifb tbcb:biue mteryictero inakcbpo tljta p'.ace, 10 mabe cf purpofeb roattce, foi fomeof tl)cm cpycanbr itcfa^jpfc, fomc of Hie foaic (ij>!)iclj 10 t.J;epit«au - feft jjciyetl m \n>>.n) nub ofrjerfome 0? fubfrancc. jFo^to^afpnrpcfe necico fo rter.^ ts eafte a ayiz*) (ps be fo h?icftcO , bttttljati^cp lalKutrnf mancctaa^pc* tr,katt tbe Ptacc migUrc rrcmcroobec ftitj> ailcagcb bp fitter r" lycv.oua- bp ti;c{"e iociDs 5ue be taag^t,t^at tfu-rc ts nc z.ut. lohn Caluines L,ommentane is no caute "0)1)? ti}c Sx>tcfteo (bouloc bee pxOito^ isiicn snep repgne m tlie wozlb, btcaufe tt)sre ab'.bctb faztbMi the en3e vp.jul) tlie bolp iicfiiatt benouncetb Jjerr. '4L::o tonto b i alio fyeere in mmittcreb ttij te escelienic matter of pactenccanb nmfort.lDbca face bcarc,tbat bow Sjigl) fo eticr :bcp ucaauauncib noiv.pettbeir catting Dowuc 1.0 commmg bppon ttjem at baribe. 31a tijenejete two berfes tlje curfe 10 Cjctcnbeb too the foifs ano cbil= Djenaifo : anb trnt'lp tt)C fonbowboobe of t!)C iatfc, aab tlie fatberlefneffe of the cotib?cn bepenbe bpppit t\)t fojcfapbe {buitcneiTc of Ipfc tljat the $2>jopbcte fyafejofrtgntnouj. l&ut there tsaDbeb [&>cggaie] ano xuasuc ot au things, Wbcr^b? is gatbereb sbe bepnouihetfe of tbe crpmc. Jf oz tlie boip v0botl Syouib not benounce lb grceuoufe ano foje pu- mnimcntfozaaigbte fautte. wb^cas £>auib bebtgbtetii t)i£( goobC0 too [tbe ejctozcioner ,] anb abanoonctb tiiem too tbe i'popie : ttjat is refcrrcb to tbepouer= tic of tbe cbtlDicn : foz be fpeafeetb not of anprafcall anb pooze pcrfontbatarbis Death leuctlj nothing to ins cbilozen.but of fuel) a one as bp booUc * bp ccoHe barb gatbereb too In.n fclfc fc)bcrfo)ttb too en- ricb bis cbtlozcn, t J gab oto net pluck out of ins bce fenon? it faUetb out fo: tl?e mofte parte, tbat tbe ioii^mifcne of tbe criemte, cttber cnfo2= cctb euen cmell natures toocompaffion, c:eife caufctb tlicm too fozsettl)ctrba= trcb anb ill fcj^TBut rjecrc JDantb &i- fljctb ,tbat bts cnemte, anb ait tbat come of bun, map become fo obtoufe anb be^ tcftable,tbatp b^trcb of tbefobole peo= pie map bp no mifcrtes bee fattfficb, but tbat all men map frejee barbe at tbe ftgbt of it ,as tbougb tbeir barts were of ft etc. 3! no it ia too bee boznem minbe, tbat S>auib is not carpcb rad)lp bp tys pii- uate grcefc, but (as it fvere out of tbe moutb of <15ob) b tt crctb iobat maner of punifbmrnts are iapbc bpfoztbcS»pc= Ueb : ipke as alfo tbe %avoz recbenetb tbts foi one of gobs iubgements: name= !p tbat be bardenctb mens barts.too tbe intent tbat fitch as baue ben crucit tDitb= out mcafure, fljouib not ttnb anp mcrcp. JDcut. t. 3 o. f oz it is goob right tbat the fame meafure tobtcb tbep banc bfeb to= 5oarbs oibcrs, fljouib be moten to tbctn fcluco agapne. H [let b«s pofteritie.5c] ^epzoce- bctbiPtfbtbatiDbiche bee began too fap cucn vponthe. CiX.PlaJme. 1Z9 euen aow;Bamclp cyattujoo fljuulocaft bacfee tbe finnes of cfye latijcrs into tlje bpfoms of ttjc cbiloztn.wbcras be tofci b 4ioiu tl)c plurall number it map be taken ttjLij.tiycaufctjcc bab tooDcaleizmb tl)c ioljoic trapne of jbaulc anb not iy ttb aup one man. i^owbccitfozafmucbc as fe>e know tbat in al mtfo;mcuo2s, fame .arc c apectnes anb nngleabers : it 10 no marucil tljouglj \)z turnc from enc man bnto manp.ano tbe" returns ie toe fame oncagcin. j^orwitb-tanomg, tl;epiap= ncltioapts, tljat ttfljoulb bee cfcrreD to bt0 offpztng, bpcaufe t^e icojD Achc= rich wnplperb a muitituDc. 25 no tt is a fozcrcurfe ttjantije otber tbattocnta= foze. ifoj ofmmcs it bcttoctb tbat a bonfe ^oijici) is ouertbzo wen bp fame fo ; Oein miffoztunc , bootbe after waio rife bpagcin. Ji5ut beerc tbe$zopbcti»i= fljetb tl)e bngooip to be caft oownc mto fuebe rume,astbcp map neucr gatber ftrengtb ageme corecoucr tbeirfozmer ftate. Jfoz fo 10 ment.bp Sopping out tij z nam; of tbcm in the ncjet gencratto, 0: at 1 1) c cnb of tijat one age. 3mb like as be curfctbt!)e fcbole boufes of tl)ctuic= feeb bnto oefrruffton , tbat^eb fbouia puniflj tljcm in tbeir pofteritie: fobcfi= retb be tbat tbe faults of tbeir fatbers anb motbers map be calico to remember ranee , tbat tljcp map aifo encrcace tbe bcapeof tbeir Damnation: anbtbtsts taHen out of tbe common aortrnccf ttje frttpture. f 0; like as<£>ob pzotongetb anb continuctb b\0 mere? totoarQ tbe offpzing, bpraufe tbe rememberance of bis coucuant flozifberb too a tbowfanb generations : fo aifo oootbc bee puniCb fmncs to tije tbirb anb fourtb gcneraci= on. jtfot tbat bee fe>zappctl> tbe giitlcffc anb tbe toufceb togitber Sottbow excep- tion : but bpcaufe tbat in oepztumg tbe repzobne of tbe ltgbtofbis fpittt,bce pzcparctb tbe bcffclls of iozatl) to oanu nation euen befoze tr>cp be bozne , I80 .9 . 2 1 .Comon rcfon can not bioUe tbtfl ri= gn: but tberbp it is to b? Itrneo y gobs fecrete f mconipzcbcnflble tuogcmentoi arc iozongeb, *ol)tn iue mrafure tbe bp our 0 one fmatl capacitic. Cijcn tet tbis forigotoufe beclaracion ftru>ebsft)ttl) fucbe feare as map bumble our wunba bntoo reuerenemg. 3s fo; tije of ^3cci}UU. id. 20. ,<£ne lonnc Ojatl noi bearc tije tmquitie of bps fatber, but tbe foule tbat Unnctlj, ts tbe fame tbat B);\U ope : Soec knoZoe tbat m tbat place are confutcb tbe Sozongfull com- piapntes of tbe people, wi)ict)C boaiieb tbcm Tclucs too bcegpltletTe, and tberr foze too bee punpfbeo onocfcrticoip. H5ut Sobca focuer 45 £> 3d puriuttb Ijps bengcaunce from tbe fathers too tbe cbplozcn , b».e leauctb tbcm no place of oelencc, bpcaufe tb:p bee all of tbcm &zappeo tn ibe faaie btmoleof Ungoo= IpnelTc. 2Hiio foeeb^ueatrcaopfapoe, tbat tbe beginning of bengcaunce is, tbat 0ob m SzutbDzawng bPS spirits as teen from tbe cbtlozcn, as from tbe fatbers, pceibetb batb of tbcm m tbzaU Dome too ^>atban. Jit mpgbtbccbe= maunbcb,tbat fecpng tbe |5wbet w\- tbetb tbeir finne too b;c babbe altoapcs in rcmmibcraunce becfoze ©od , tob^ bee aboctb not aifo , tbat tbeir name fl)ouioe bee irppeb out of bcaucn, but enelp topfbetb tbem too bccapanbpe= rtfbe in tije ioozloe : 31 anfu>cre,tbat be fpaKe accozbmg too tbe manner of bps tpmc, m xobicb l¥ S>pintuall pumfb= tncntes fcercnotaspct fo manpfcfllp bifclofcb, bpcaufe tberppc tpmc of tbe full reucalcments i»as not pet come. 3lgapnc JDauibs mpnbe ts too baue ©oqdcs bengcaunce appcare cuieent amongc memic, foo as the Sobole Soozloe map perccpue !jim too bee a mft iubgc. 16 [©pcaufe bee mpnbcb not.^c] iitzooj b£ fljeto^tb bow it ^uas notftntb^ out caufe, tbat bee ispfbetij fo foze anb crucll punifbmente too ins cnimics: in= afmucbe as tbeir outrage feas infatia^ bie, perfecutmg tbe filte foule ioitb fu= rioufneffc no icfff i»plcul tban tf trjrp fijouloe trample bpp on abeabc bogjc.jroz euen tl;c |Db»lofopbcrs ac= couatutbepzoperttcof rafcall anb Ha= utfi) natures too bee crucll againft mp= ferablc pcrfons tbat bane no power too i»icbn:ano;tbf:fozenuioufneffeiseucr among cquall matebrs. %nn tbercfozc tbe ?3?opbete enlargctl) tije maHcioaf= neffe of bta cnimics, tn tbat tbep pcr= fecuteo In in toben bee u>as ih nr.fcrte fiab po'.icrtic. SlSfQii Inzi'jl: -* '-1 3 A': Z.A. lohn Calumes Commeiuanc b;&D0etb [tlje E)cUtcb2oUet!3 oj [fojow= faib/irtiA ] jloi there arc man? too be fouHDc/iroici) to; all tbetf imfme ceafe no J too fcoctl in pjiDc : anb tijc IcITe tljac fucbc monlrruoufucffewtoo becoojnc iuiti),fomucbctbc mojtcooo fbcppjo= uoUw agapnft tiyzm fclues the Oifplea- fure of tljeir fupenour0. ■llfrut t»rjcn ti)t barte 10 once cade w a to= Ucn of cjetreme cruclttc if a man fpurne at tbcm fhll.JFo* fobat 10 rtjat file than too fowftle agapnft Cbaioiofffr* £^o;e= ouer bis tonfattable crucltte (0 bctoUc= nco b? t!)»3 taping, tt)at be minbetb not too Q)?s> pitie. ^Foi t)C meanet b, tb*t no mifcrie of the gtUcleffc anb ixnetcbco pcrfon coulbe affuagc tym too lap aftoe bt0 ficrccnefTe, no not eucn in refpert cf manboobe. f&bercfojtc tbc matching of comratic0 anfvoeretb t)erp iocll , b*e= fojijet fucbc ioitfuli ftubbojnenefTe.anD <©08S fcmntrcatablc iu&gemcnte.ji-joa? then feeing IDauiD bath not fpoKen but bp the mouing of tb? Wv vi&boft » ttys car fuig 13 too bee tafeen m Itfec cafe as if d^od btmfelfe jfcoulMbun&cr out of bj0 tjsaucnip tfojtone. j2>o on the one fioc be bcateib ooi»nc,anD j?2ioictt) m Ds all tctuDe oclircs of uoatng Ijarmc, bp Dc= noimcmg toengeance :anb on ttjcotrjer fpoc affuagab our farrow bp giutng o« comfojt^bercbp too bcare all fcjjong© pactenttp.3|n dccbc ii)c Satchel) Co foj a tpme tnutnpbm tljcir tntruuiTc &wb; out controlement. 23ut cljts tb2cattng ft? Jw?ctb,tb -it gob rccctuctb not the mt= fcrable into tii0 protection in bapne, but onlp tbat tbc faitljfut mult tcfrratne the fetucg in meefceneffe , tbat ityc cafhng Down of trjetr Jjarr map a f ccnoc into tbc figbtofgob.atnb fojafmucbaottisnot giuen bnto bs too Difccrnc tbc ebofen from tbc caftawap0,&c mufrlcarne too Smfl) cli bnto all fucbc ae trouble tjo, to&eiitc tbc falaatiGnofalimantnnb£. pea, anb too bee careful! fox cttcrpfe= utrall pn-fon. aino pet in the mcanc frfyple tbi0 iosiii be no let, (if our mints bee clere ano iedl fcttlcb) but tbat free map frccip appeals to goO0 tubgement, tbat b; fboulo be&rop all thai bee pafie bopeof rccoucrte. 17 He loued currcdncfTe,ancI it shall come vpon him : he had no de- light in blefTednetfe, and therefore it shall bee farrc from him. 18 And let him bee clothed with curfednefTe as with a garmentc : and let it come as vvatcrinto his bowels, and as oyleintoohis bones. 19 Let it bee as a cote too couer him,and as the girdle that he always girdeth him felfe vvithall. 20 Let this bee the worke from God of them that bee agaynfl; mee, and of fuche as fpeake euitl agaynft mee. 17 [l^eloncb curfebneffe «c.]2Dauib franb0 muebe ))ppon tbc rcberfail of rj 10 cncmie0 intquttie, to tbc tntenttt mope tbc better appecre, tbat febcraa be to fa foje ageinft trjtm,be fiotbe but fitbferibe to *£>oo0 mbgementc. 5Foz tott muft al= toap0 fe to tbi0,tbat as eft m toe p;eacc bnto (0ob0iubgcmentfeate,tbe ccrtctn anb apparant gooonefTc of our cafe map Procure bsbtff fauoure.lDauiD tbcrfcie auoucb«b, that ttppon afrurcDncffc of a goobc9nfctcncc,bcc giuetb cutbcncca= gcinft bt0 cnemie0 bct'oir <&'oo. ^Trulp Jt!)eluo;b£arcoftl)C tuncpaaaofbuo, ctirfcDnrfTecamc bponbmianDblcfTfB- neffe i»a0 farrc fro Ijftn:, but tfjcp mufl be tranflatcb in tbc mancr of fcjifbmg. -$ c} pet fttl 3DautD p^atctb tbat bis nw mpe map be rcquiteb tbc entile tbat bet tub brm. Cberfojc IpHe a0 t^efeaotts tcrlp bopb of all goob bootng, 0? ratber btD fct bi0 fchcttic tn ill Doe mg : fo nofo bec ioolD bauc bim fubtect too all emlia. Ib>o me taKc curfebneffe f 0; i» avpmg anb bannmgtas tU;te fapo,bc bab bmgiuen too curfmg, anb babbe bctUcboutno? tbmg but foifrjinge cf mift benouo, bn- gractoufe , anb tonb. appte miffo;tunc0. Wbtcbc tbmg altl;ougb 3 rctcct nct:pct 3 Irfee&cll to ejetenb ttfurtberttbat bp bto vpon the.Cix.Pialme. 130 \)'.o burtiuincuc ar.b aii&pance l;c rnoc- ttereo to abobfb ail blclicOneflc, and baD a Dtligljt in tfjc b^nus of gcob * platne foltt. iSpanp interpreters tranfiatc tbe two ncjct berfcs in tlj? rime part, tljuff, [bcectotbca InuifcUs tt)itb currebucffe *c.]at0tbougb2DauiO fbcuio fap,tbat l)t0 cncmp foao nolzfrcbcfircus of cur= feonefTe tljan of a coftip tcvorllioz t!jat be lappco btmfclfe in it as in a garment, anD tbat tljis Dtfeafe ioas tnxoarDlp fct= leb in Ijis bonce ano In l)is tnarp. /ftct^ 'imtbftanDtng , tlje piapntr meaning is otberfenfc: tljatcurfeoncffe OjouiD fitcK fa!t to £ bngoblp,couer bun tine a ctobe, ntrD t}ur4 about a0 b-s gtrble , pea ano perce cucn into J)i0 bonc0. 213 nt alwapcs it beljouetJ) to beare t» mino , tbat 3Da= utDDcalctb not in a pjtuate cafe cfijiff ovcnc,noz is as fomc one of tbe common fozt,lcaft an? man migbt rafbl? take ec= ample at tbat Web bee fpea&ctb bcere bp tbe peeulpar inftmct. of f b°lp ozlb!p nfpecis: accozuing alfo as be DtoriDbwi clean?, from p?efnlneffc, t*al troublcfomc pnfFtos,fo a0 be migbt ^ttt) Ijolp moDcftic ano aDuifcbncffeof minoe curfc a reprobate pcrfon eno caft oefrrurtian. xofytxt as fomc cp pounD [bee loticb curfcbncfTe,] m tbps fojtfe, namelp f be pzouoUco bcngcaucc agapnft bin* fclfe of fctte purpofe, as tbougbbc purcljafcD bimfelfc Dcftructt= on bp mafetng Drfpance bnto fe= mctb to bee conftrapncD. bat= (better tbep purpofebntootbcrs,tn ipKe cafeastlje SmnCc calico Cccias, bp blowing ajs to douses bnto !»tm. 20 [JUtrijis bee tbe] $Jc meaneti; tbe bp?e e£ reivaroe,* l;e tsptb erpiefTclp [from ©00,] to tbe intent too SwtncfT?, tbat be \)im fclfe truftetl) in (03D,altbougl) be be left bare ano bcftt= tiuc of all S»oziDip beipes loppon cartb. atnt! bp tbts berfc iset gatber , tbat SDatiio curfcD not bis entmies latiifblp cnb raQ)Clp : but pzonouncco quutip tljat iDbubetbefpiriic Dpbputm bps mpnoe. 35 confefTe tn OccDe tl;at manp bnacr pjetence of fucbe afTurtDncffe bo nrucribcUffe rufb beablong into mala= pcrtncJTcano intemperance. 13 ut loohe tofjat tljing IDauiDfaw bptbeclcrecpe of iraptb, fy&t bio bee alfo btter feptl) quiet affetfton : tbat is too i»tt,t^at in? as mucbe ao be gauc l)tm felfc too goo= lpncfTc,Rnbfcas fenccb bp <5oos banb, tbereiyasabpze lapocbp fo; biscuit mi£0.a no berebp 3 gatber,tb2t be bab not an eie bnto men to Suaucv tbis isap ano tl)atfeap,acc6Z0ing as be fai»c tbe $302iD 50 i»ubbtm oz agatnil.but rcftcD bpon goo alone. % no furelp feb^fceuct: bangctb bpon men, (ball be out of paci= ence foz cuerp Utlc trifle, ^bftfoze after tbecyample of tbisbolp man, altbougb tbe iobolc isozio fozfr&cbs :pct tt be= cometl) bs to lift bp our minDS alofte,f to looUc fez our DcfciiDcr fro tbencc. 31 f be ltd to beluter bo bp f bano of mcn,be foill fonc finD out mtnifters to do tt bp. li ut if I) coifapopnte bsofall fejojlQip bclpe foz tbe trtallof our mufte not be ab:i&gcD of bis bonoz, bnttU bps iiiogement (iobicb toe pactcntlpSoapte foz) Bo appcare in Due fcafon. 21 And thou O Lordc my LorJcdeale with mee according too thy name : deliuermee bicaufe thy mercy is good. 22 Bycaufe I am poore and needie : and my harte is wounded with- in mee. 23 I rralkc foorth as a shadow when it is going downc : I am Rrr.ij. shaken *-pr« Iobn Caluines Commentane shaken off as agrashopper. 24 My knees foltcr through fafting,and my flesh is dryed vpfrom the fatneflc. 25 Alfo I became a reproche vnto them, when they fee mee tkey shake their head. 26 Helpe meeOLorde my God, fauemee according too thymcr- fulnefle. 27 And they shal! know that this «\thy hande, and that thou O Lord haltedoneit. 21 [2lno thou £> 3io:bc.fc] ^prettt bis complapnts anD from curfmg of bt0 entmf C0 bee paffctb tinto pjtapcrs. /$ap ratber after \y: bub affurcD tjun fcifc of (©00 too be l)is oeltuercr,bc fecmctb (00 j)-:ug cncoiagco btm felfe too piping bp occafion tberof,tihe as al tbe goblp tmas gmattons trfjerc wtitj tbe fa tacts DO rjc- erctfe anD confmne tijetr fa^ttj, boo alfo fhrretbemtop too calling bppeu^oDS name, l$ou?bcit be neptber biaggeti) of anp fcmtfableHcffe, tobcrcbp be fboiitDe Defcrue d5oDS bclpe : neither leanetb be too bis owmc fcjoitbpncfTe, but makes anctu= arte. 3Cn Dczoe be DtD fci t*)C mnocenae, Sorjerof be teas affureD m bun fclfc, a=> gapnft bi0 emmtes, too tbe intent fljejr DtunDttTfrtiunciTe m-gbtc appearc tbe better. Ii5ut bceD?alctt>noti»ttbC5oD about recorapenfmg, bicaufe bee boloes bim too a Deeper gretmD : tljst is to Smt , that be ovoc tb all t|)ings to <0oDs free e= ls&en,ano that bistoclfarc bangetbb= pon tbe fame, jftso? if anp man tmgbtc glo:p of bis oumc bertue ano merues, certeffe 2>autD fojas not be tbat mpgbtc !)autboncifi»o2ft. 3.'nDbcfiscsti?is,!)e bare tbe perfon of Cfetpfl: 1 of tbe S»bole Cburcb-Wacrctopon it folowetb.ibat al P2apcrs Doo but taafb an>ap,cjcccpt ibep bee gretm&eD bpon <0oDs mcrcp. <3Tbe cafe of Cbjtpft (fc>bo bp bt0o»ne"3H~ teoufneffe pactfieD tbe fatber) fc>as in oecbe a fpectal cafe, l^oiubnt fozafmucb asiobatfoeucrbeebabm bisbumapnc nature DepcnDeD bpon tbe gooD plcfure of 0od : bts tmit foas too leabe bs too tbe fame fountapne bp bis owns ejcam= pie. 55utij?!)ara;a!li»ceDoo,ofipbom euen tbe founoeQ; muile alroapcs b:e fapnc too confeffe bim felfe too bee lo= Den iottl) manp fumes :' fo farre off is anp of bs from maUmg <25oD bcbclocn too btm of anp rtgbte. C ben remapnetb tberc but one tl)tng: tljatbpcaufe dpoD is gracioufc of ins ofome nature, anb &>ill baue bis gractoufneffe too fbpnc foe:tb in our -Welfare : anD bpcaufe bps mcrcp is gooD, bec fljouioc DifenDc bs. Cb"efo2e as eft c as i»ec come bntoo v£? O "O , iocc mufte rcmeutcer tbcfe tivotbtngs: tbatioccbaucnetDcof tbe teftimome of a gcoo conference , anD tbat iuce mufic furmpfe ne 5uoo?tbp; neffe , febercfritb too bpnBc <& £> £> bntoo bs, ho; no beferte, feberceaieo bee fbouiDc oroe anp rcfojarbr. ^01 if <5 jjD 2D boo gioztfir bps name anb bps gooDnclTc m tbe pzeferuatton of tbp0 Etgb'full anD tranfu oxtc Ufe : bote Kiucb moic ongbte ali irufrc ef lt)02bes ccale Svbcn i»ee beale fo; tbe beam nip anD cuerlaftmglifc^ 3!fl)ce doo but prolong mp life a tpttle tel)ile bppon canb, tn fo booing bee gloufietb bis name, tT)ci»mg btm felfe too bee gooD anb bountcoufc of bts ci»n: acco2be. feeing tljen t^ut bee plucking mce out of tbe I>tuels ly- rannie, abopcetb mee among bps ob)ne crjtlDzcn, fojafbetl) ^fenp mp fpltbtncffc iDttbtbe blotto of CbJpft, begrttitbm: a nev» ioitb bis fjdlp fptrtte, graffetb me tntoo tbe bobp of bis fonne, anD bjpn= getb mee too tbe Ipfe of beauen : ccrteffc l)of» mucbe tbe mojte ttberailp lite cca= irtb fentb mce , fo mucbe tbe ietTe ts tt laioefuU fez mee too ibalcngc anpe parte of tbe ptapfe too mp felfe. Ctn- trarpu>pfe IDauio , too tbe entente too purcbafe bpm (cite fauonre , alieDgetb bps otone mpfcric anD nceDpncCTe. 3inD 2Jno fojafmuctjc as uutioaro atfiution tooiD not fufft $c , onleflfe tjee Sucre Quirts blco d:tD alt itubooznciTe putatoap: bere repecetrj agctne y bt0 Ijart to S»ounbeo. iPl)ccbp iocc be frarncd tbat e. JFoj i»bcntbefunnc rtfctb o;i3 mountco a= lofi.tbe conttnuall altcracto of fbadoros (0 not fo caft? percctueo. 25 ut iyijen bee djafoetb coibaros bis going Do^me, tbere paffctb no moment misbicb'be fljado&Kfcemitb not to Qiooteoutbc= foze our epes. H5? trjc otrjer Cmilttube t0 aifo betofeenco cljs bnfrablcncffe of elate. ^f 02 ipfce as graffebappers arc e= uer f Hipping rjttfjcr anb tb)ttr;er: eucn fo 2Dauid comptapnetb tijat be bad a fic&le life .bpcaufe bio per fee titer© foioftjeo 0 -- pon bint from time to time, anb fuffcred bim to be in red in no corner: according aifo as in tfjc pfalme 11 1. bee fapti) bee ts compelled toifiectc hue a fparovo that batb nettcs fet foi rjir eucrp S»bcre bp foulers. li5nttobcfbo;t,bcc belsaptctb IjiS miserable lot, tl>at bcecannocobtrc abtoc in fafctic : 02 ratljer t'nat tbereis no roome left foz bim among men. j£oa> foiafmucbc as b*e reprefentccb bnto bs trje image of tbe %o!)Olc Cbnrcbe m tljts pfalme:lct bs not marucll if goo Dtfqut= etbsalfo, ano fljifce of our oicurmclTc toitb muebbanctieof cbaunccs:<5cco2= 0ingaspaulM.(it02.+.ii.callctbbim= fclfeano others toanberers 02 toapfa= rers,fe>bicb title agrect!) after a fozt too all tl)C chtlDicn of ©oo. 24. [ 3$ p Knees jc] 35 t imp be taken as a toncn of mooting, tbat £>amo ai= ttjougb be b«o meatc and djtnti at fetll, bib notS»itbftanding no reffe fojppnc bimfclf fontb abfrwece anb oucrfaftmg, tfym giue bimfelfe to pzaping. 3llfo trjct= bp map be betobeneo tbe lotbmgef meat anb bzinhc:foz w Unofoje tr>at fuebe as becin fq2Q&>canotjeaupncffij , ipfcc 00 tbepbee focerp.of tbett ipfc. &>o alio (s ftjetc foooe bnfaucrte bntoo tb/em, 31 f anp man bad leuer refcrrc tt to nec= dm Jf;, bpcaufe IDauid fuffered mncbe bunger anb penurte , i»bcu bec bpdde bimfctfcm tbe oenncs of foplocbcafts, too efebue tbe crueltte of bt0 emmpca: let bpm entop l;t0 oxonc meaning jj5e= uertbclefTc be fcemctb ontoo mcetoo bc= tofcen bp ib'S fign: mofte foiofocfull mourning, mafmiubc a0 b« abboireb bo;b- mcatc ano b^pnbe, bpcaufc bee fat»e bcaibc befoje bps €^ts. Coo tbe fame effctte alfo tenbetb (r;at %>\)it\)t folofomb bp anb bp after : namelp [tbat l)is flffb ioas DjpcD bppe from tbe fat- nefTc,] bpcaufeafoiro£ufull bean bzp= etb bp tb« bones, pjoucrbe©. 17.22. ^ome ejepounoe fatneffe too bctoUen bapKtics : a0 tf bee fboulo fap,bec ioa0 bereirs of all bapntie fare. ii^ottoitb= ftanomg tbe plapncr fenfe is, tbat bee Soas become leane tb?ougb rjcautncfTe ano faatng , bpcaufc bis mopfiur e S»a0 confumco. auib bee cncrcaletb tbe beps noufnefTc of tbe matter bp anotberctrs cumftauHce, [tbat bee Soaoalaugbmg ftoebe] too ail men , according alfo blb bee ba;bcoinplapneb in tbe ^falme.22. 7. at fo2oi»fuii anb a bitter tbing 10 it to C5oos cbU02cn to fcele tbe enrfc (iobtcb itb tbe bngeblp (faljrn tb*pfet bptbeir biifflco bnDa pierence of cur atfections)tbcriyitbal to rapleat our faitfj anb religion, btcauff (©3D fuccomb bs noi tn ous: mtfertes. 26 [V)clpc mec £) ilozfcc. f c] d)C ^>zopbn falletb tco bis pzapcragapnc, lifec as iotil) i)^'-x> manp tbe mo engines fcjatban afraultctbbs.iottb fo mucb tbe greater earnctfneiTe bebouctb it bs toe IRrr.ii}. enccun 1* r 1 "«.UI. ionn famines ^ommcmauc encounter tbcm ano bzcaHc tbzougb tbcm. 5rozaltbougb*»ee bcctfciougbs rppcrfuaoeDtbat &>ce rtanoc tn<2?oD0 fauour : pet notiwttb'lanbmg ^ben bee makcti) Dclap.anbtbcbngoolp affaplc fes tDitb their canities : it is not poffis btc but manp Doubles tuufte fojpnbe tbcm feluco tn, anb from ipmc too tune rctpie bppon bs. Cbct'fcze too tbe tntentctoa boibc oute fucbe affauitcs, JDauib boil) not amtffe, in fctttng tbps fbicl&c fo often bcfoie l}iin. Cb^t t5 feruan= tcs barkelp : anb fometpmee ftrctcbetb out bt0 armc ope;ilp,(o as trje bngcblp, (pea t^ougb tbcp fbet tbe ?z *8f#0 are nctSsjitbftauDing compelled topercctue fome fupcrnatorali Suoo2king. jtfozitRc a© bP0 enimpcs !)Eboc toauntcDtbcms fcluesagapnfr vJ5ofi. *s>g en tr>c etber fpDebccouctctbtoo trtumpboucrtljem in (2JoD3 btbalfe. fop btc fecUctb not too purc'oafe btm feif tbe pzapfe of Soars tike p:ofo?effe:feut toopubltfbe <£5ofis putffaunce,tbat tt migbtc biting aii Scfb lotoc. i^ofrbccieaU ti)i0 map not ones Ip bet baocraoooc of tbe falling outc : butalfo bee eyren&cDtcotbc berp aU flirtion tt felfc. jrfttucrtbeicffcbis cbecfe bciVrc to,tbat Ins Welfare fijoulb b: afs cribco too tbe grace of d&'oo. foi m fets ting gobs bao afajciagair.ft f«ztune,a0 agair.ft al tooilbip meant 0: bis mening is to banc gob to be unoroen fo: tbe onlp aut'ooz of tt. w'nicb tbmg 10 to bee mars keo abtufcblp, bicaufe tbat aUbougb all of b0Defire to be pzcferucb bpgobs bab: pet notirttl)ftanoing fcarfc tbe buns D?ebtbperfon tnaketfj tbefettmg fooztb of gobs glo?p,bi0 math to (bote at. But tt xdoid become bs to make moze accent ©f tbat,tban of our ou?nfc)elfarc,aceoz= bing alfo as it cjccelleeb tt in begrc./tfoto iebofoeucr be is tbat coueteib too bane tbe bngoblp fo Qucicome.ns iljcp migijt netbetgnozanc cf <25oos iooikmg : bee mufte mucbe tnoze S»cp tbe rjetpc of dc»ob,i»l)icbUefecietb bp experience m bimfclfe.^foz itfccrcto auk* a dealing, to obtecie the b*nbe of dfcioD agapnft 0= tbero, onUffe f knorclcbge tljerof Socre icttlcoineurmiH50. 28 They shall curfe and thou shall bleffe : when they rife vp they shall bee put too shame, but thy feruaunt shall reioyce. 29 Myne aduerfaries shalbe clothed with rcproche,snd they shall eo- uer themfelues with their own shame,as with a garment. 30 I will prayfe the Lorde greatly with my mouth, and Iwillmag- nific him in the aflembly of great men. 31 Bycaufe he ftandeth at the right hande of the poorc,to faue his lyfe from condemnations. * iS [Cbcpfball c!irfe.«.] J\n tbpS place tbe interpreters baric, foi feme tranflate tbe fnbotc fentence in t!je mas ntrr of futfljing : 3Lct tljem cttrfe,fo tbat tljou bleffe: let tbcm rife bp $ beclotbeb toitb fljamc. £5tbero ktpc GUI tbe time to come tn maner of ialjom 3B ioillmglp gmc mpconfent. 0met= tbelater tf anp man bab leuer to bnbers flanbe after tbe maner of graanttng,3l fetllnot toitljClano tbcm: notwitbUans btng,tn mp iubgement tbcp be bccciucb iobicb 'toil banc it to be a pzaienfo; 5Da uia ratl)cr,aft cr be i^atl) mabe f;ts pzats er0,botl)e noto fentyout feareglozpof d5ob0 fauour.3!n bapne(fa«b tye)fbalt tbcp curfe mcebpeaufe tbou feilt bleffe tnee. 3nbbptbtsmeanesbecfi)ciDeti) bi::t felf not to be afratbc of f)ic ennmes t^jcato, albeit i^at tljcp be armeb ioitb tjenemoufnefie of tong, tobomtfebcefe neo leffe tban ioitb a Ifrczbc. Cbcn too tbe infentc the malice , tbe Sx>yc= kebneffc, tbe bolbeneffe, tbe bopfteoufs neffe , anb the furioufnefle of our tnU mi€B map not atanptpmenbaftje our bans : let bs learne bp JDaiuD.o cram; pie to fet gob en our fibe,ix>bo 10 able to blow ypon the. Cx.PiaJme. J32 blow arcay all t ijcsr *tt empis an if tbtp &>ere fmofcc.3ino furclp then ljciil; goos tauour i)ta free fcope gtu.u turn, u>Q;n tbzough cbebzigbtneffe thereof alt ma- tter or terro; that fejastrumpco mour S»ap bp the toozlb is fozeeb too banpfb atoap. iDautd therefore Upon iruit of mi, btcaufc tljcp fbail notpzeuapte a= gapnit 40oas bicllmg. wbtchc thing t3 tjje better cjcpzeffai bp the ncrte tierfe, [ailttjougb tijep rtfe ba.pct ftat ttjfp be put to ujajne.] jfoz be meaitctb,tbat tbe xoUfulacfTe. of bis emmtes 10 not pet eauicD:ncucrt:i)ci£tTe \)tgmzt\)i%z teaue to rage * to calf fojtb their beaap bzatas fo long as be bimfclfc be fenceo urtth the fbccla of CSoDs banb. 2luo 10 be raptcih anb confirm cb both lum felfe * others bp bis example, a^iapnft all tbcpzios of tbctDOZia.cuen tobc iije toicferonefTeof our emmtes fcemcth too b m-' the bpper bana.i&?on this hope he pzomtetbtnnt felfe an en&e of bis fozowfalncfle foz ityz umetocom:. *J?b£rbpfc>eegttber,tbat afflictions muff be bozue mtlDlp f ixwb incb?mtnb9,\)n:tt t!jertpcttmeofglao= neffe ma? come. 3Jlfo be pzoccoctb with the fame glozpmg tntlje ncjet berfe.jFoz altbagb be fee ? aaagbtipaclis to be boi= fca bpm great ftatclmcffc pctnotuntb= ftaDtng be ftr-tcbetb out tijc cpefigbc of bta faptb afar of, not boubnngbut that \Bvti izuli at tic length Dtfappcpnt ar.D Oalip out all their aztfts. 30 r.3!fc>lllpzapfe tbc3Uzb*c.]:5p this clonic appecrerb mo:e plapntp that i2>ijicije 3D fapo euennowe: ttyjtt JDaura ooebe rather pzouoUe bis enemies vytti) bal* baafhng/tbtnpzap .fo} as though bee h^b obtemeo Hts aefire, be c aooief- feth httufclfc to tbafefguur.g. 3ma tuber as he lapetb [with tnp mouth:] there to not tntbofe fuoo2Dcs a fuperflmtte of fpeeeb as fomc tm:ru!p furmi;e: butijee etpzcUVtb that he fenll gtuc tbanfea cato <& 00 opcnlp:as if bee fb*ulo fap, 3! faull not onlp fc>?p i»icb mp felfe tn the fecret afifecttsn of mj hart, oz by mpfelfc alone iuithoutrecozb^htt (Sob bath befto= ^>ea uppon mec: but aifobp fulcmnc fa= crifite ot tbatiiitgimnij tpenlp acfemoS»= lcb£c bceto;e incn,l)ovo muche 31 am bounotoohisgractoufe goobneffe. Jin the iohtih fenlc he eoceth bp anb bp af= tcr,[mthc alfcmblp ot greate men,J 02 ot manp men. ^foj th^ toozb Robim Hiap be co».trapne6oothe ca fecmeb to haue bm gbn farrefrom hun, neglecting anD fojfafetng iumpet 5»as he al'isapcs nerc at h^rtOivithhtm,fo as hei»asret5pto help htm m Due feafon. Jfoz furclp 2Da= uiss pouertie ana affltrtton gauc a cer= tame rcfemblatmce of cafiing off, was much as 45oO bto feitljazavo oz btac a= Spap his fsuoz. J?ct ootljeht acHnolcagc tijatgoa was afbats pzefent totthhUR though he ^>cre afflifteb 1 po2C.a^n5 he crpzc^rrb f crtremuie of his cafe tnsze piaiaip,iulichcfatth,thttr.!jci»a3tfaueD fro f wages or his life.]H5p fchici) i»02 besheborh t^cto bnaerftao.not onlr> y he haa to oeaie & mo.'t puiiTut eminics, namelp cue &tbf btng f the noblcuc of $ rcalmc.but atfo ^thep bp5 pjoua pzc- fuptto of their own pofcicr .ocfrifvO him asoDcaaoogge, as though hi3 ittcha?) ben paftrecoucrp. Jftfrilp 3 sanbt net Iohn Caluines Commentarie but t)ce complapuctb bccre , not enelp topon. foi toec fenoft) be teas oppzcfTeo that l)ce iw.ifl foze bcjcco bp t';c crucltte bp tljc fojicferoneflc of fnche a© fo>crc in of b's cnumto, butalfo thai bee fcjas ainbo:tne,airobOdftcDof tbc falfe $>J£= flciunberouGp ano rcpjocbtullp rapico tence of tuttuc. The contcntes of the.Cx.Pfalme. Heere is fet forth the euerlaflingneffi3asweUofChryftes k^ngdome, as of his Triefihoode. *And fyrfte of all, Dauid affirmeth that God hath giuen Chryfl absolute authorttie , togither -with inuincible puijjaunce, ■wherewith too beate downe all Ins enimies from -whence fi euer they ryfe yf>, or elfe too force them too obedience. Secondely he addeth , that Cod ■will enlarge the bounds of this kingdoms fane and wide. Thirdely hee auouchetb Chryfl too bee garnif\ied> no leffe with the honour of Vriefi than of king, yea and tbatbyfilemneotbe. [Andlaflely hefayth, thatitjhall be a new order of Pricfthoode, the cemming whereof fhall make art ende of the LettiticallPrieftboode, which was ordcined but fur a time, and frail it felfe continue eucrmore without ende. The.Cx.Pfalme* />\^n Pfalme of Dauids. TheLorde fayde vntoo my Lorde , fitte j6|||g thou on my righte hande, vntyll I make thyne enimies Mgffij* thy footcftoole. 2 The Lordc shall fende the fcepter of thy power out of Sion : beare thou rule in the middes of thine enimies. 3 Thy people foallcomc with willing oblations in theday of f/v mu- ftering 0/thine armie,in beautic of holyneflfe : the deaw of thy yoxxih fhall come vnto thee out of thy womb from the morning. feeing tbat Cbzpfte auouchcth fjimfclfe ncjtofanpof \jis fueceffourcB this $->fal>nc too hsac ben maoc concern coulDe bee auoucbe, that a King Cboulbe nmg bun fclfc,fc)C ought no. to fetch the retgncfarre, S»ho alfo Cboulbe bee a ecrtainttc thereof clfhvb-tre than at bts $Dztelte,not after the ozber of the 3Ute>, mouth. i5tst let bis authentic fl!?,pca but after tbc ozber of ^elcbtfeoccfcc, anbtbe tcittmontcof tbe3!poftlesalfo: pea anbtbatfozeuer. 5?oz tberc couloc the berp ^fatmc iifrlfe truth out, that, not ao then anp new? ar.b bnarcufto= it S»11aomit none other rjcpofmon.;jfoz mco btgmttc of 32>ztcftooBc bee crec: tbong'i fece baue to encounter S»ttb tb« teb, but bp tafermg aS»ap tbc fame bo= peemfbcfl of all the J! r«?c0:pct fball i»e nour from the ileutrcs. jftcptber eoulbc enfozce them too thus itmrtc bp fJrong tbc cucrlafltngneffe it>bicbc is mention rcafono, ffjat tbc tb:ngo tobicb arc fpo= neb becre , bee tocrpfico bp anp moy. henbtrc agree neither bnto 5Datuo, noz tall man, bpcaufc tbat in all other fa= to anp other pcrfon,fatie onlp to the mc= upng tljps one man, the honour com; Dtatoz. J grauntmDccDe, that the image mcth foone too an enbe, fep tnf8ncs of JThzpfts feingoome Ssas fbaoo'uKD of tb? fbozteanD flpgbtfullraccof ipfe. in tbc per ."on of IDauib : but nrpthcr of l?si»beett fozafmuchc as tbcfe tbpngs mufl vpon the.Cx.Pfalme. m ejccmpt I)ub(cI{c from the comon foju cf Kmgstastfhe fl}Olbfap,tbatc0ob fc>as the autbojt of bio rcigmng. l^owebcit, f U)i0 thing can not in ail rcfpctfs be fiilp appli.b cucn Unto 3Dauto,it appcretl) bp Cbjttts anfwer, 'vobicb is ttb in S^ath. 22.44.. 5F0; 5»l)cntl)e f^bartfeps bab fnpD (bat Cbztft Qjolo be she (on of £>a= obicctcb.bocDC then both HDautb cal bun 34,02b:* ainb tber 10 no caufe xohP the 31c£dcs fbolb bzabblc.f €biifr bfeb n cautll,bieaufe JDauib fpcafcctb, not in bio oumc name.but m f peoples . Cbts cjeceptio is cafp to be Difpzoucb . ;ff oz al= though it be to be cofcflcb.tbat £ pfalme toae mabc to tl>c comon bfe of £ f»^ole church :pet notrotthftanbing fozafmuebe as £>auib btmfelf tea© one of tbe nuttu ber of the gooip,anb a member of tbcbo= bp bnoer tbe beab, be coulb not ejeerapte tnmfelfcoutoftt. /j}ap rather be coulD not enbite tbe fong onto others, but that be bunfclfe alfo muft bcare a parte in it. 3Ufo it 10 lab02 ii)C2il) to mark an other thing: foj, bee tafeetbfoz grauntcb tbe principle 02 grounb iobtcb fc>as then ab - mitteb:namc(p that 2>auiD fpabe bp tbe fptrit of pjefbectr, tnbfo pzepbeot b of CbziftcsftingDome as then too come. Cbis being p:sfuppofco , ooubtkiTc it is to be gatbereD, tbat be bab en epe bntoo Cb;Ur, Sobo toas to be manifeftcb aftcr= ioaro.bpcaufc be is tbe higher anb onlp hcac of tbe church- Wbcrtopon alfo it fo= lovoctb, that there ftmofoinc erccllenter tbmg Ux CbJift tban bis manbob.m ref= pert of i»bicb to callcb tbcitozb of bis father 3Dauib. wbichc thing ts better confirmee in the fcconSc parte of rbi0 "bcrfc. Jf oz- although tbe lyings of tbe cartb boo (after fomefoztc) ftttc at d5ob0 right banbc,in tobofe behalf tbcp baue tbctr foucramtte : pet notfc>itbft a= bmgbere 10 ejepzeiTcb feme rjfgljcr thing, namelp, tbat there 10 pccultarlpchofcn one King that obtcpnetb tbe ncj:tc Degree of potoer ano foricratnttc bnto <£qD : of S»btib bignttic tbcrcappcrcb but a berp finaUfparhlcinJDaiiia.bur tbe perfect bitgljtucfTc ftonefoojtb tn Cbzpft. ;ffoz feeing that Sobe right hanac farre fur- mountetbal*ngels:lt folcvofth that bee Sohich is placeb pzcfcrnb abeuc ail creatures. 25ut Sue iutllnot Cap thai the » mm pee liiireuuo 01 moze iargap aaon; Hct it fuffije to hauc touches them nottz tnfevee &00ZDS. 1 L Che] Chat tobich tfl fpofeen hcerc, might after a fojt agree to the perfon of JDautb, bicaufe he ncp= thcr monntebtop into the feegcropalt of his otone heco; , no; fras abuaunccb to it bp foolifhc bopceff , but toao mabc liimgbp the commaunbementof <5co. yeatruip,tt mpght iufllp be fapb of all Kings of the too2toe,tl)at thep bee placco in their tbzoncs bp Sob, btcaufe the De- grees of eftatc in this Suozlbc arc fet in ozoer bp heauenlp becree , anb there is nopoiocr butof dpob.tRom.iz.i. Oi5ut 2Dauto met to put a Di&crcncc bctfocne the Kingdom iubcrofhe tntrcatcth novo, anb all other Kingoomes, cccozDmg alfo as the cafe of it icas peculiar. Sob tn bceoc furmfbetb ^tngs lonij au:ho?i= tie : pet are thep not fandificD as SDauib teas, that the bolp anopnting fljoulb en- noble them to be as Cbziftes biccgcrcn: tea. Cruelpfoee bane heretofore fcene them namcb dE»obs. pfalme. 82.1.^.6. botbe bicaufe tbcp banc their roome bp *0oDspleafiire,anb alfo after a fo^teboo repzefent hts perfone, in as much as all bominton is tn his onlp pofecr. Ii5ut pet thep fc>antetbefacrcb matcftie fehercm JDautD ejccclleb, namelp of becing the i= m^gcof v!5oD0onclp begotten g>onne. 215efiBestht0,he iufllp auouchcth , that the amgocmc Sjjp.s giuen ethcrSrpfcto him, than to o;bcr cartbip Stmgo, fcjho though thep tntttlc them felues to reign b]> the grace of Sob, bo notfeithdabtng thmfccnoibtnglefleStntbtn themfclues, than that thep be jnapntcpneb bp (gobs hanoe, bur rather imagine thcmfelues to retgnecptherbp their oi»nepoluie,pj bp right of inheritance, 02 bp the benefit of jffojrunc : anb tbcrfo^e as tn refpette of themfclues, their calling is not law= full. %nb fojafmuche as trjep thtnb not themfclues bthoiDentod5£)!D to? that toh'the tbcp owe him : (Sods commiffu on to not otrctfeb pzopzelp tnto the m. ?6tit JDautoiobo 5»as iocll adurcb in himfclfe that (•DODbabchofenbim, anb h^b htlbe hiuifelfe moocftlp tn p2tuate c= (late bntttl he to as comatinbeo bpgoos boiccto rcigne;bothnot Sotthotttcaufe Iohn Caluines Commentarie tij.* &ti&citi am c uoacei> to tar tig tu o:e in De DnDerlingsto Damo. Wljat tbcn rcmitncs,but f bp ttjc fyirtt of pzoptyccp «£nurra itizone u ejcaUcD on tjtgl) abouc altbcpzmcipdlitie0ofbcauen:'4m.) tt 10 a fi.utiicuac ta&e of me:b' aule y liHc an in tbc foazlDe, !)•■ tt)c:t ta hejtt pcrfon to a Umg.fittctb at btsn^tijano: cucrx fo £ foiwc of <0od, bp foljofc banD the father r»ictt) tt)c triple u>3Zlo:ts bp tb is fitting metapboztcaUp al'Ojneo foitij cincf fouea ram«c.[i3a.4itU J mafee$c.]l9erep p:o= pijer auoucbctb,p altbougb Cbztfts cnc= mica ma&e tnfurrccUsn on ail fpDeo to trouble bis bmgDam: pet ftjal be gettbe Upper l)ano ot al Icto. 35? tty tea? be gi» uctb an mealing, tbat Ctyz-iflff hmgoom (bait not be qutct,Unttll be t;auc fubbu. D man? $ funozp cntmtca . Cbcn albeit f rhc fo bale foozlbe pat tbeir cngm es ra piatttje to oacrturne ^bziftes cbatrc of eftate ;pet Dotb IDatuD fa? it fbal ftanoe fill tn b»s fozmcr ftebtneffc.f foboloeucr rife up agemft tt,fbat in tr>c enb be tbzo= foenDoit>ntbemftlue0.wemuftUn&cr= ftanD tbcrfoje, y altbougb innumerable emmica cofptrc agemft tbefonneof goo, a«D Do al tbat tb p can to ouertbzoro b*s feingbom: pet foal tt be to no purpofe,bi; caufc tb-p fb*l not pzeuatle agemft gob0 Uncbauagcable Decree, but ratber rbc? fijal be caft bnber Crudes feetc, b? tb? infinite power of (£?09.lg5ut fozafmucbe aa tb'S pzopbette fljall not be fulfilled a- fo:e tbc laft sap: Cb?ifta ktngbom fmift of ticceffitie bee affaultcD bp funDz? mi- mics from tpine to tpme eucn till tbc enD of tlje tuozlo : accozaingaa fljali be fapoe anon af:er, [15 ear tbou rule in tfoe tmD0 of t!rc*n: cr.traics.] «apozcou?r, t!je pars tide [until!, ] ftgntfictb not fo'bat (bail come to paffe aUn tr;c laft Dcftrurtton of cl)iifrocuttmea.3inDeeD^aul.i.Co.i5 : ^..fapetb , be fljall tben Dcltuer Up unto bio fatber, f tiingDomc tljat bcreceiucb f.t btsb™D:but bcmeaneibnotbp tljofe foozDa tbat b? fhalbebepofeD fro bis atu tbo'juieanD become as a pztuate perfon. ©ncl? be betolicnetb tbc manner of b»0 rcigmng, tbat 10 to fott, tlj^t tl)c mate? Trie of tys gcDbfD ftjall be mozc apparat. V* owebcit, bcerc 13 racneton m?Dc of tlje repzobarca onlp, folp fal bnDer Cbxifts feet to tr>ctr oam Dcfrructto, bicaufc tbat umeraa b? nature tuljole manhtnD ftri- nctb agemft Cbftft^ be fo tametb • rjurn bletl) tome unto folding obeDience,? af= tencarb Ije aauancttr) ebem into ti)C fe; torofbtp of bia oivn gloip: ano tt)20iuctr> Do«jncc£berftimc, loaatijcptpe UnDrr fooie fojerttr. 2[ClKic?D fbal frM>- ffc.]$e not onlp cufirmetb ^otljeri. .oea £ trnng y ^c bab fpofec crctrbtle't but alfo aDDctb tbtff mo?e,^ Cb?ift fbal rctgn far a i»ibe,bi= caufc goD ftjal ftrctcb out b,is mace a far off.|frott>c altbougblDauiDmaDcmanp of bis nepbo; nattoa trtbutartc to bun : pet if bia hingoom be compareo to ot^cr iS^onarc bus : it r*sas alioapea cncloieD il'tnnarofo bouDg.iSuttl^creisamata rbmg of cotrarie0,e(0 if be b^D fapb tbat Cbjtfte fb^H notretgne in mount ^>pon onlv.foj \)i al tbc foljale itooilD in a maner ftroue a= C?tnft CbM&tpct iuaa lua Ringbom ne= iter t\)t leffe fp?co abjoDe.^o be fljojte, S)aulb confirmetb bere f minDeo of tlje goDlp,lcft tljep mtgbtquatlcib?ougb tl)e biapniJcU otierbolonefTe t D?caDfull Up= roje0 of fucb as fbolD fct Up tbefelueo to Dtilurb Cbztft0 KingDom , bicaufc f Un= Uanquifbablc pofocr of t©oD foil Utter it felfe to Kiapntetn tl)t g!o?p of tb«s facrcb tbzone. $3 oft tben as foe be turmoptcD among funDi? encobzancea, let Us learn to lean Unto tbispzop,tbat rage p foozlD ncuerfe mncb.f bancs of it are not long inougb to plticb Dofone Cbzift from tbe rtgbt banD of bis fat!)er.3nD fozafmucb as Cbzifte rcignctb R3t foz btmfelfe,but foz our foeifare: foe ftjal be fafe« founbe Unuer tbe tuition of fo inumemlea bmg. 31 n ppbe it is a fbarp eftate, boiabett fo; nfrnuebe &b it lihctb e gofpcl publifbcfi : toe arc gatberco togttber into tbc boDpc of bis Cljurcl), ano Cbitftcopotoer is fijto a; bzoDcto mapntctn ano Defense Da. J [ €b? people sc] l$ere be co.neDctb Cbxtfts feingDom,aftocl fozfbcfoifcnro f cbxrcfull obcDtcnce of ct?c people £ art iubouco : as foz tl)e multttuDe of (fyem. Cbc toozb Nedaboch fignifietb oftctmus [toillmg oblatios oz frcwtl ctfrmgolbut in tl)is place et)C mening is, y tt?c cboi'cti people ano fucljc a0 are reefer ncD to be of Cbztfrcs flocke in D:cD, (ball be totlling people, fo as tfjcp fljall offer tbefctucs to obep toitb a free ano franU to ill. 3>nb fje faifbCtn tbe Dap of tbpne armp,]f is,as oft astber fljal be fumoneb anp felemne 9 laufull aflemblies, ez as oft as j Umg toil tahe a bieto of bis people, as toe fop incngurt),it£ [mu!terDi?.]£>ff)cr fotn tranflatc if [ Jn tbe Dap of potocrJBut tlje fapD fozme r transition agreetb bct= ttt: namelp y tobenfocucrCbiiftuftctb to gatber bis people togttbcr,bpsbp tbr? toil be rebp at bis beca.altbougb ^eP be nor copcilfO b-,» fence of coniannDement. ;ffurcbcr to tbc intent be map afTure &s irjat this fetngDomc is confccratcb bnto gob abotte all otl>er femgDas s be aboetl) [tl)e bcautpes oj b,ono?sof "nolpnc(Te]as if \)t fljottlb fap,tbep tobtcb O^ail become Cbiula fubicfts (frail not come as tt to'. re into tijc p?cfcnct of fomc tooziDlp fetng:but as of goo rjimfcifc:* tlje mara tabid) all of tbem ame at.fbalbctopcclD fcruice bnto <£>oD. [s£>ut of tljp toob fro tlje tnozntng w.j Co Declare $ parttcu= lar ocoofittos of tbts place tt toere to no purpofe. jf oz tofoe 3 fljal banc allcogcD tbetrucanb natural! fenfe, 3 (ball not neeb to fpco mucb laboz in oifpzoutng f otber.Crulp 38 Doubt not but tbat 3Da= uiD comenoett) fjcre gobs blcffmg in aus gmettng Cbzifts people: * tberefozc ttje djilDboD oz ifTne ttjat (ball fpzmg top, is itBencD bp l)im tomoo [Detoc] bpcaufe it foallgrotoebcpottDe an ozotnarts man= ner. jFoz Use as al men maracl tbat tfjc eartbe tc mopft,tol)cn nottottbftanDing tbc falling of tbcDctocta not feme but bccguilctb tbe epes of tbc bccljolDers : euenfoOautD fnpctb tbat £b?tft (ball Ijaae uurcDiblc iffuc boznc tntoo b'<» tola t)i (bail couer ttje tobole cartt;e. Cbcn is tbe[Deojc of c!)tloljOD]cellc'o tbe bcrp pputrje tofjtcljc alrer ttjc manner of tbc oewe fnlletb botonc in greater a= bunbance tbau map bee numberco. ^foz tbe tooza Yaiedothtsa tooib tljat tmplp: al) a mui tttuoc. 3i t" ar.p man lift to baue tbe fenfe of tbe tooios mozc oiftincip :ljc map tmfolb tbem tljus. "Cbat tnnumc: rabic tiTuc fljall come out of i)ts toombe, like as tbebctoe bzecpetb botonefrom tbc mozniug. Cr^at tbts thing toao not bnabtufeDlp foitoiD,ejc?crte« (i)etoetb. Jfoz it tocrc tncreoiblc tbat fo grcacca muitttubc (boulbe bee gatb?rco bnber Cbn(tes Dominion in To ujo:t a ttme.pca jcnlpbptbe pzcadnng of tbc dpofpell, conftoeriKg boto tbe tobolc to&zlD bent itfelfefurtoufl? ngctnftbr.n.ainD y oiee men oz meniocil grotonc in peeres bee; tngnetolp conucrtcD Unto Cbiift fbolb beecaileDcbilozcn neto bezne from tbe toomb,itisnomaruell:foztr)cfpintuali rcgcncractb mahetl) alltlje goolp to be; come Ipfe; infants , accozotng as fScttr teatijetb i.peter.z.a.^oaifo indEfap 5?.]o.ttis fajiDtbat Cbiift fballfeea longlincD feebe,anD il)tre is pzomtfeb an ineftimable frutcfulnciTe of tbc Cburtl) briber tbe retguc of Cbjtift. Fiji's mucb concerning tbe caufe ot tbc name.-Cntlp ittoereatoonber tbat tl)ercQ)oulD bee anp number (tbougf) but bcrp fmaii) gatbcnDoutoftl)eD2cggsoftl)etoczlD, tobtci) bolbctb onlp tbe cl)il&ze of toiat?) but it is a bubble tooonber tbet almoft an innumerable multttuDe of menne arc begotten agem bnto€b?tft bp tljcljolp g!)oft * tbe d5ofpell. TBat toe mail bcare in minD.tbat to runne ctjee rfullp too tbc executing of gebs commatiDfmets, cno to be ruleb bp bis an fjcnoz tbat Ije boutfauetl) onlp bpo bis cbojen..1foz C!;ztft toill acKnotolegenone foz bis, butfucljcas totlltahe i)ispohebppon tbem toillinglp,anb come into bts pzc= fence at tbc becrtng of bis toatcbtoczo . ^Furtbcrmoze icaft any man maptbmU r)tmfc{ice Di^bargcD bp bis cpcfcruur:bc muft alfe tabctbis moje tottb bim,tljat Cbztft tt>ill not bee toooifbippea toul; outu?arb pomp.but toul) true bolineffc, fucbe as \)tc btmfelf; tC3Cf)ctl) bstoo bzmg into 45oDs Qglit. 4 Cbc i lohn Caluines Commentaric 4 The Lord hath fvvorne and will not repent him : thou art a prceft for euer according to the mancr of Melchifedek. + [Cae Unoe bath. *c] Cl)ts oerfc fuff icuitlp,tbat l>ccr£ 10 no com - municatton b*o of anpe etijcr than of Chitft. ^oifrheras tije 3lccoc3,toDj= face the pibpbcfxc , tranQats Cohen [a pzwce]it is too flcnoer pea a no to fono. 33 graunt trjat noble men o* fuciK as be out): blotto ropall, arc calico Cohenim 5foj frhat thing befeemmg CbiuT, b*o IDautO fpoiicn , tn honouring him but fritb the title of a noble man, frljtcb 10 inferior to £ Hate 0 1 a king ? 4 gein what fl)3iilo tjt)ts mcane , that nee ts an euer- lading pzmee, ano accozomg to the ma? ner of at)elcl)ifcOcfe^Ct)crci0noooubt tb:n>Jt that the Iplp^qoftbetoUcncth fotne lingular thing , that ma? Otfcerne ano feparate tl)i0 king from all otber Kings, iSpozeouer tt 13 a Knowen title tDherwfthalpelchtfeDe&tfl garnifbeo bp ■afjopfes in ©enef. 1+.1S. jj graunt m OccOetbat in olo time euen among tbe beatben nactons.t^c Kings fupplpeo tbe roo mes of pzeelrbooo. 3]5utfozafmuebc as iJ$elcbifeocK did fr ozfh'P f onlp one (0oo aright:hz is calico tfyc ptccft of the btgbeft *©3D :anD <25oo froio notbaue thefe offices enter mmgleo in hi0P?ople. Cberfoze frben ^ias(5»!)0 frao 2>a= ui03l3wfulirucccn*o?,)tooKeV)ponh«m to offer incenfe onto d£>00:hec fc>as ftri* Ken frith a lepzolie 2 .]£>araltpo. 26.21. Cbe cafe therfoje ftooo otherfr ife fritb IDauiosoffpzing, tba tt did frith sUJ)et= cbtfeOcK. 3&nD it ts cafte to be gathereo, that this Otfferecc is nateo.bpcaufe that inthtsnefrj King tt>c religion of tbe piceftbDD IbalbetopncD fritb thecrowne ana cijatre of eftatc. jfoj furelp there fras nor fo greate maielrieof Dominion i-Hbitobfcure little King ^clchifcbeK that onlp in refpert tljcrof ijec fljoulD be fct foojth foj apatterne. foi &>ilem bis onlp 2j)ea ,fr as tly.n but a bace Itttlc tofrne, frhere b^cretgnco bp petition, fo as tbrre fras nothing in b'mfrooztl) the nottng.but tbe ityninz of ctjc pzeeit= bob oo. Ct u= Ip Onto 00 tbe apo!tlc0 atiiho^ttie ought to be inough to pnt bs out of Ooubt t bat JDauio ment (0. 31n0 that altlpu jij t^e 38ewe0flriuencucrfoftubbojnelp, pet manpfcft rcafonconuincetl) tl);m,ti>u f fapo beautte of hglineffe.frberof menti- on fras maoe a late, is ocfcribeo Ijeere moiceuiDcntlp: 9 t^att^erbnto is aO> d.d a fure ano tmaccuftomeO marKe , frbichc in the bono: of piefthooe aDuan- cetl)Cl)itftaboueotb*r Kings, 9thcre= fritball mafcetb a Oifference bctfrecne bis pjteftbooc anO the ^ncltboDe of tbe 3teuttc0. Co tbe furtherance hereof co= metb d^oos (wearing, frbo trulp is not front to tntermeole inn botp name fritb trifling matters : but rather to tbe intet to teach 00 bp 1)10 ofru cjcaple, to fcoear (oberlpf rcuercntlp, l)eneucrffreareth but bpon a frcigbtte ano carneft caufe. /j^ofrc tf d5oo bao ftoojne tljat the mef= Has fboulo baue bin the captein anO go= ncrner 0 f his people, a0 ^clchifeOcK fra0:ithao bin an Onfaucrp OtChono: ring of bis name. ^5ut nofrc feeing it appcaretb,tbat there fras beetoKeneo fome rare ano Angular thing: a manne map gather frhat a matter of freight Cbitfts p^ecRboo ts, frhicb is rattfleo bp (25oo0 otbc.ajno trulp ourfaluation bangeth topon tljat popnt. foj, if it frere not Oppon trttfl of Ch^iff our meoiaro?, fr e frere all of 08 fhet out of gaoo pie - feHce. 35ut fojafmucbe a0 in piping frehaue?4cc0cof notbmg mo;ctbanof affpance. (5oo not onlp allurctb ob ton= to bun, but alfo bp tntermeoiing an othe bebatb affignco OS a patron to purcbafc 05 fauour. 'Co? r fo;e fucb as fljet t!)cm fclucs out of the Ooie0,Oo charge goo 3> Iping ano alfo frith fo?ffrearing . 31n0 notfrttbout caufe oootlj the 3poftlc a- uoucbc.tb it bp this mcanrS tljc ^Lcuiti- calpicfthoo frasabiogatco, fo?, as long astbat flooa in fojee ,gon fr olo not hauc ffro;nc tbot there Qjoulo be a ncfr ma= ncr of pj ccfthoo.onleffe there Choio baue bci vpon the. Cxj.Pfalme. W bmiotuc aU'maon. fyay raider wijen bee p?omt(ett) a new pitcft : there is no doubt but bee ts p;;cfcrrcb fno;c all o= U)crgs, anD alfo 10 fucb«aoncas £balla= bolidje tbe matter tben aDmtttcD. £>ome traflatc Debarcclu[acojomg to mp Ssoxd] wbofc opinion J, ooonot ptterlp meet. JFo? bp tbts mraneo 2Dauio fboulo fap, itjat s^clc^tCcDcUo piccftbcD ivas fou= DeDtopon«i5oD0 calling ano comaunoc- ment. 313 ut foiafmucb a© tbe letter vod is ofttpmes fupcrflueus, 31 cbofe rather to translate it plapnlp[ fanner ,]acco?= Ding alfo a0 the moje parte of interpre- ter© incline fjecrcputo . i^owbett fojaf= inu'l) 30 tbe Itfcenmg of CbJttde bntoo s^cicljifcDct-v hath beguiled manp of tbe aunctcm "wtuers of tbe cb avctyxoc mud I:rne of the 3lpoftle what is US c in tbe : Sober bp it fb ail beceafp to gather Sattb bow great OnaDuifebncfTctbep ouerftot tbefelues. f e: ivbat to mc:c aufce.tban to let flip all tbe mpftmro.of whichc the bolp d5t)ofl I)atb mrrcatcD bp the moiaf) of tbe #poftle : ano to catcb boloe of one tbtngtobicbt&ebolp 3^oft rPcakegnot oft* jfoi tbcp plap f }2>bU,°fbplKrs oncip atijut y uicao $ "wgt\t,f otfrinij toi;erof (acco?omgtotbcirfaping) is comon to tbcin botl;.25ut fi^cicbueotUsogcnng of bjcao anD iapne was bnto Sbjabatn to butaple bun teuij, anb not onto got* fojt a faenfife. Jftepttjcr is tberc an offc^ rmg of bzeao anD iopne in tbe bolp fup= pcr,as tbcp bauc falflp furmpfco : but a communion among tbe fattbful. 31 no as concermng tbepzefent place, tbe frnuii- tuoe i0 to bee tjitoc cbeefip in tbe eucrla= fhngncfftoftbep2ceftbo0:accoiotngalfo a0 tbe particle Lcgnoiam ftmrnetb bs. Cberefo^e tine as ^opfes Dcftrtbetb Q^elcbifcbecfe to be as a certctn bcancn Ip man: <£ucn foJDauiD bplpkmpng Cbjuft bntobtm,»ncnctbtbatbi0p;cli bob (ball be feitbout cnoc. wbcrbpun it followetb, (i»b»cb tbtng alfo tbe apoftlc MfcufTctb) tbattnafmucbeaobeto not letteD bp aeatb from executing bt0 office: tbcrfoz* be batb no fucceffo:: toberbp is confuteb ti)C curfcD facrilcbge of tbe po= psO) s^affe. if o; to tbe intentc tbe |3o; pifl) pztefts map reconcile men Onto goo tbcp are fapne to bmcue € bjufte of tbe bonour tbst bis fatber bartj gmen bun. f The Lorde at thy right hande hath broken Kings in the daye of hys vvrathe. 6 Hee shall iudge among the heathen, he shall fyll all with mines, hce shall breake the head ouer a myghtie lande. 7 Hce shall drynke of the brooke in the vvaye , thcrforc shall he lyft vp his heape, Der b's fabtecf i8n:acco?oing as batb bin fapDtntbe0falm. 2. 8. sl^ozcouer fo;= afmurbc as tberc fbouioe be maitp btfo= beoient f rcbeilcs as xotiux nil coalrs of tbe cartb,a0 ttjitlnn tb« bouoee of J cw= ru:be intrcat'tt) alfo of tbeu Otftrurtion: aotf be fl)olbfap,i»bofocuer fl)oulo rc= fill Cbztftc, tbep fboulD be b^oben ano tbeir barbnefTc coo. 7 [C^e fballBMufec*c] ^anpintcr= p:eters (000 mmp iuogcmcnt)C)cpouno tljis berfc oucr baroip : that te too iuit, tbatrbe number of fbeflapnc fb-ll befo great, that tbnrbiouo (ball runne ipbc a bzoofer, feptb tl>e oiinbpng ^jb^cc: Cb.wiltije conquerour (bah be factifuo l^otbmg rpgbtlpcr nifo 00 other to&? u allegozicaljp foj rtufenes anD tbirowea, as if it bub b^n fapbe, ttyu Ci;?i > ftjolo in 5 [Cbe lloio at tbp f c.]lifcre £)3ui& fcttctb fiJo^rbc Cbjiftcs terrible power to chafe bi0 cntmtes wirljai: : $ bp tbis mcaneo be C9nfir«ietb,tbat sltbougb be be bcmrtKD m on al QDcs iattij rotifc s of OcaDlpcnimicsrpct fljill tb^ir leuoeat? tempts be no let, but that vSod i&tll ac= fenoe tbe (.ting whosuc bee batb fet bp. i^otwubflanomg , tbe particle in [tbe oap of fonatb] 10 too he notes : ioberebp wearcaD!nomjp, pea arm tbat frit-bout tarpancc , fo a0 tbep quenebe tJjcir tbtrft at tb^ fratcr, ftanDing foi in tl)is frife Did (ScDcon trpc out the ftoutbarteD ano frarltkc foulopcrs,con= lecturing tbofctoobe but co warDs tb at Hnccleo DOione ro Dunk, anD tberfoze !j: fent tbem borne agem. 3uogcs.7.5; Cberfoje 3! Doubt not but *DautDDotb figuratiuelp attribute frarlikc ftrengtb bnto Ci):ifr,ocnpmg tbat bee fo all red to Dimk.bpcaufe in gooing fozefrarD be (nail ozmk of t\)t riuer but bp fnatcbes. 2i5p frgtcb commenDactou bee went too (Hike bts enemies m feare, to tt>e intent tbep mtgbt know bofr tbar t!)is bafttag baftctb^bctr Deftrurtum. jGf an? manne nfHe,icbtfctbcnts become tbatfpmt of mcrcp anD meeUcncKc , frbcrcfrub the fcnpiure in ctljcr places teaebctb bo tbat be fbalbe tnDewcD .-" (£fap.6i.i.33 am'frer ibat like as a fbepberD is mecke toroarDs ijis Che; pc , but fturDp anD ter« rtble totoarDs frooiues ano Ukciks : c= ucn fo Cbztft Doortj fwcctcip anD gentlp cbertfb fuebe as commit tbcmfcluea bn= to bts fcecping,buttbofcfrbtcb of fril= full malice ("banc cf bts poke, (bail feclc Saitbbovo Dzcebfull putflance bee tsars mcD.'Cberlojc looke m fr!;at frpfc free tjattefecnem tbe pfalme.z.9. tt>ut t!>cre to in bts ijano an p?ou mace too bzeake tn peces all tl;e fturomeOfe of tbJ fro?lo : tn tbe fame fr tfc alfo to bee fapD too bec bluDtbttfrp to be auegeo of bis entmies, avberfoze fo mucbe tbe moze becofullp muil free beware, tbat fr e bp our ftub= bozne anD fcm ratable Dtfpofition p?o- ijoUc not bts anger tol;cn be aUurcib bs gentlp fcntobtnt. The Contentesof the. Cxj.Pfalme. The title may declare tbe contentes ynto ys. Keuertheleffe to the intent be may the better encoraoe oilmen tn prayfe God,be himfUfegpetb before them in example, afterward be reherfcth breefly thefundry benefits which he youtfaucd in old time yppon hi* faith full ones, audflill befloweth ypon them continually. .And the pfalm is difpofedin order of the lApccc : howbeit in fuch -wife that ettcry yerfc coteyneth two letters. The beginning oftbefirfl yerfc is And therfore the Trophets difiinclion was yH negletled by the Bookeprinters. Tbe.Cxi.Vfalme. Irayfeyethe Lord. Aleph.I will prayfe the Lordewith my whole hart,Beth. in the congregation and aflcmbly of the iuflr. i GimellGreate are the works of the Lord, Daleph.fought out of all thathaueadefireto them. 3 He,Beautie and comlynefle is his vrorke,Vau,and his righteoufneue cnduieth for cuen s . Zain vpon the.Cxj.Pfalme. 13$ 4 Zain. He hath made amemoriail tohiswonders.Hcth. TheLordc is mercifull>and full of compafsion. 1 [3B] Che $?opbet offered) bimfclft as a captem; to others* in ringing \15cds yzopfee: bpcaufc the fame 10 the bed ano mod effecsualU mar ncr of ejeboztmg . %nn of this fentence there bee ttoo members : fitft that the 43zspbct toitl feetc fcztb sSoos pjapfes bartilp.anDtottbbnfcpncD affection of mpnbc : ano fcconfclp that be toillboe ft openlp m the congrcg mon of trjc goblp. 25nD toojtbtlp Doth he brgm at the bart, bicaufeic isbct:cr to pzapfcCSoo too a mans fcif, ano toubout r:co?D> : , than too pell out tottb a fapneb mpnoc,* to tbun- Dcr oot bis pjapfc tottb, ful tbzotc. jBc= acrtbelatcr tobofacucr to til be thankful ttntogob foftlp bp l)tmfclf ,totl alfo tbcr= toitbil burft fojtr> tnto open fpeccb. fop otberu?pfe dpobtsbefratiDebof tljc one half of bis bono;. CVpzopbct tben p«r= pofeb to pzatfe goo fir ft tout) al bis bar r, trjat t0 to fap,toitb a founbe anb bnfc p= neb r>a*ic. fop bee pjomifctlj not to cjce= cutcbtSDutitthzougblpto the full, but onelp benpetb that be toil be Ip&e tbc bi= pocr its, ton it b coiblp ant to: t!) a Double Ijart (oj rather gutlefullp)occupte onelp ibetr tong m fettmg foztb «i5obs pjapfe. 3nb this to a thing too bcenoteD,lca(te bcfpaircmpgbt btfeozage anp man if be Jbzing notfucb perfection of bart as fecr to be toiibcb. fop bofe tnapmeb focucr our pjapfes bc,pct ceafc tljep not to plefe oD,tf toe ftrepn our fclucs fcnfcpneblp to pcrfourme this fcrnice of goblpncfTe. /fjoto folotocib the other part tohcre be pzompfetb to fet fojtt!) <5obo pjayfes bc= foic men.ainb althogh the toojD sod fig= ntfie a fecrct meting : pet dco 31 tbmfee, tTjat bcrc be put to>o toojas of one figm= fication. 16 p tbf toap, tf anp man lift to folic it moje curiouflp, lette rum *>& his otoncbifcretion . 3lnD he fapetb [in the congregation ofthctuftc,] bpcaufc the cbeef meting of bolp aflfinbltes is to the enbe that the true tooj ("nippers of d5ob fbolD offer bnto him $ facrtfife of pzatfe, accojbmg as in the pfalme. 6 5. 1 . it is fapbe, Sllppon thee i£> a,ojoe, booty* ptapfe attenbe in £>pon. 2 [^reat arc the feojhs. «c] /Roto h'Doaj Dstobnoerftanae, that there is fuff tctent matter to pzapfe CSod foz- in bis toooitiC0,tohtch although be name now in gcnera!i:pct toil he anon bp a mote c= utbent bm'olDtng reftrcpnc them too the gouerncment of the church- t?ovobcit foz- afmucb as thts greatneffe of gobs to di- kes ts fcnoamc tonto fctoc, but comonlp fbunnetb the epes of men: tbepiopbetc toptttb the tgncjtauncc thcrof bppon the bnlnede anD PnthanafulnefTe-of f too: in bicaufc fevo bcuchefafe to confiber hotoe great toifbome ,goobncffe, i«fttce,« po= toer fliinctb fo;tl) in them. jjtlottoithfta= bing, the interpreters bane in the fecoo partofthebtrfc. 5rcjfometranftate tt, [fought out to all tbcDefires of them.] IPnb trulp ckephcts figntfieth among the l^eb?ucs,[a goob tottl,plcafure,c; toell ipfetng] i&utfozafmucbe as that fenfe ts fomctobst in the baroe ft: it toil mo?c rtghtip bee tafecn abtetttuclifee, fc? [car^ net! mpnbcb,Dcfirous, 0; longing.] 3ls concerning the participle [^ooghtout,] aUbougl)Daia(hmt^cbjue figmfie p;o= perlp[to fearch :]pet notccithftabtng the toO?fcSOfthC JLOJtDCarc CallCb Dcroshjm, astttoere[pcrccmebo? founbe out]ltfee as (2 ffpe. 65.1.3 toas founbe of them that fought me not. jfteto to rcturnc to the p20phcts meaning : btcaufc ferae pp= pip their mpnb to confiocr (Bobs toooj= bcs.the ^zophet tcacheth bs that ther= bp commcth too paffc, that the greater pert ba5elctb in the open ltgijt 5F0; inafs muchashefapth.thatthe ejeccllcncie of dfjobs too;ns is bnotone to ail men that are bcfpjtous of tt:he mcaneth that none arc ignejant of it, but fuche as totlfullp fbette their cpts, o;t rather feith maiicu bus contempt 000 choke the light. XSot? to«hftanbing,the mefure of Unbcrftatt; bing is to be cofioercb.^oj toe fenoto y ns long as f faithful toaocr fepo f cat rh their mpnbs arc no 11102c fcble % bu! ,tha that tfjcp> can perce to $ htbDf n betgt b of gobs tooins. "©ut hotocfocucr tl;c bn= mefurablcncsofgobstoifDom,brtight= ncffc,tufticc,mtghfineffej mcrcp,bcm: 1 COtv- I I _Jb?E: Iohn Caluines Commentarie comprcbtnfible tn bus frocks: pet Do tbe fait hi ua tad f uc t) a pern puerancc of t b e* aa luftpfctb to ttjc glojtie of viSofc.iDnetp Ut oe tear tic ro begin at rcucrcntnc (Te,fo as feer map fin&e a fauoz in (Jbuus fojor= fee0,i»f;tcbe become bile among the re= probates tbrougb icicftrD iotbfemneflc. netcaufe the (£frchc interpreter bat}) tra flatcD u,[ougbtout into al bis toils:] ,pet is tljerc an ctber fecret Determination, fobctbp bee gouernetbe tnanfepnDc in toocnDcrfuU topfc. m>ut tbat pcrtcpnetb noting too t be pi Eicnt place. 3 [] SD= tber fomc tranflatc [}£zigbtneu*c.] Cljc effect is, tbat iobatfoeucr <25oc Dootbe, tbe fame is ful of ropall inatefhc.3lHD m tbe fcconDe member bee befpnetb tbps comlpnefleanb beautie mozeplapnlp, in efmuebe as ©005 iufttce is apparent in ail places- iho? tt (s CBods *»M,not on= Ip tbat there fboulo remapn in bis iuo: - bes fuel) an aflurance of b«£ trngbtmeffe anD foticramtie, as ttitgbi it» ;Uc ail ir.^s mpnDcs in fearc: but alto bco&cretb i)is tut! ice to be fene in fuebe teifc,as it map allure fcs ictrb tbefiocctcncffctbcrcof, 3i no tl)is title of conuncnDatton is fcttc agcpnftctbc brabbling flaunbersof tbe tongofeipjiabf^rtb tl>cP fcJtcheolp De; face t'oc glojp of goDs i»ezbs annuel) r s intbcmltetb- 31° tbencjet bcrfctjccom, menDctl) pecuitarlp tbe iuonDcrsi»bcr= bp (0oD batl) cbceflp t ttcrcD \)iz power. 3inD [to make a memorial! to l;te fc>on- bers,] impoztctl) as mucbeas tooDoo tbtngs tuczi l;p of remetnbcrance,oz too bo ftictjc tbtngs as tbe fame of tbe map neticr Dccap. 3 nD Ipfce as cuen ncfc> bee c;cbo?tcD bs too confiDer l)ts iufttce, fo novo be comitt cnbctb b«a grace and tner = cp.cbeeflp in bis ft?oonbcrs:anD that,al= mod all in one fenfe, inafmucbe as tbat iufttceofbisiobtcb be ftjctoctb utpze= ferutr.gbis fcruats, flcioctrj out Of tbe fountapne of bis free loue. 5 He hathe giuen a porclon to them that feare him: he will remember his couenant for euer. 6 He hathe shewed his people the power of his works : to giue vnto them the heritage of the heathen. 7 The works of his hands are truths and iudgement: all his ftatuts arc foothfall. 8 r&uing= lp tottb tbe people of 3Traetl tnrefpect of tbe free couenanteucn fo tljc benefits tbatbe beftciocei) tsppcnbs.fiofee not front elftobcarc tban fcpcaufe bee r>atl?c acqptcDbsto bcbis people.^ozcouer befaptb tbattbe rcmemberanc« cfbps couenant is alioapes frefb in W mpnd, bicattfc bicaulc<25oo isneuerioearteof Dealing frenolp tottb bts people. 2tna like as b« continued) tlje ucoibs of l)ta grace from Dap to Dap cucn to tbc lafteno: to to £ tn= tec our faitb mat be anfwcrable Vmtu bis muftc not be Acting, but cipmbc once life $ Dcatb-'Cbc ncjet aerfe tsa'ooca tnlh-oeofaii erpofttton, Cbat oo QjolDopenlpbaue SmmcfTeD to tbc cbtl; Bjcnof 3lbjabam, Saitbbofo mcompas rablepowcrbcisenDucD.I^crcbntoalfo pcrtctnetl) tt,tbat agcinft manp nations be matcbetb tbat one people, S»bo furelp baD neuer pjcuatUD agenft fo manp cm= mies, but bpo affuracc of ijelp fro bene". 7 ['Cbci»o;fe0ofi)t0banD0.fc] Jn tbc firft parte be crpcrt) out that <5ob 10 fcno xon to be fai'.tjfall ana bpjtgtjt in bis t»o;k3:an& aftcrwarD ty comcnDetb tbe fame truth ano bpjigbtnefTe in tbe Doc= trine of tbc lam : as if be QjolD fap,tbere is a mod gooDlp agreement betwene tlje fapmgi anD Doings of J5eo, btcaufebee tsfcencto beeuerp S»bcre footbfaftanb taft . j$ow although tbe Dcltutrance of tbc people in olDe tpmefeere a notable P?oofe of this tbing;pet J Doubt not but tbat bnBcr t^e name of wojiiGf, the p?o= Pbete bath comyjebenocD tbc continual! goucrnmg of tbc Church, bpcaufc (Bod ljM\) nor ccaffeo to fbew btrnfclfoa^lp to be iuit anD true, 9 to bo!D on thtscourfe fcmbout fc,crtneffc . ^no altbogb tt Socr a greater thing among a bobp to ' be fcno wnc tuft ratb?r in Deeocs than in [ S»o?D3:pct notwubftanbtng fo^afmuebc as tbc Doctrine of tbc law S»as tbc Ipfe $ ' welfare of tbe peoplcut is not foj naugbt : tbat tbe 0?opbete ftanoctb bppontbts. feconbepart with manpwo^Dcs.faptng tbat all bis ftatutes are footbfafte, anD 1 tbat tlw cnDurc fc? euer, anD tbat tbep beperfcrtip fraineDaco? Ding to thefquire cf faitbfulncffeanDrpgbt. 3mD trulp,if (Bon baD not tpeD bts people tmto 1pm bp tl;e bolp banbe of bio lain, tbc frutc of tbeir DeliueranccbaD bene toerp flenDcr, pea ano tbat bcnetltc bab witbereb a= Ssap bp anD bp. Cbcn map free marfcc tbat tbe cbiefc pjerogatiuc is giucn here to tbe Doctrine, bicaufc it gauc Ipfe bp a= noucbing tbe etcrnali loue of C5od 9 He fent deli'uerance to his people : hee commaunded his couenaunt for euer : Holy and terrible is his name. 10 The feare of the Lorde is the beginning of vvifdome : Agoodvn- demanding haue all they that doo them : his prayfe endureth for euer. ring bis people : but alfo ftablifbeD b*'S fauour bp publifl)tng bia law,to tlje in- tent tbe bopc of eternal l?fc fboulD euer^ mo;e be refibent in tl>2 <£t)Utc\). i^e?e= oner pc mufl brarc in mpno tbat wbtcbe 3S bauc fearwcD pou off alrcaDpc, anD mufr be repeteD mc?e largclp agepne in tbc bunD2co jnpnteentb ^falm,i»bere tbe laioc is tntrcatcD of, that is to frit tbat t))c bare comaunDetnents mufr not aiwaps be caugbt bolD of ,bicuufc f rjolp <2>bodcbatb an epe etyen'p U^to tbe pio* mifco founocD in Cbitfl, bp \obicb PIO- mprcs,<5aD gatljering bis ebofen people tobtmfelfc; batb begotten tbem a new bnto etcrnali ipfe. 10 [Cbefcarcoftbe1LoiD.fc]^fter g>\(. thai 9 [^cfentDcliueranct.jc] l^crepcs tetb in other wo:£S : 1; : tbtng tbat h c baD fpoken alrcDp. 3mo bfcaufe their Deliuc= rauncewa3 the beginning of tbeir 5ucl3 fettetb Doione tbat in tbe former place,anD aftcrroarDc aDDctb tlje ronSrs mation thereof in the lafoc, wbercbp it came to paiTe tljat (&0D0 aboption coulD neucr Decap. tf 01 altbogb c he ejtho;tcth the faithful to tbea'bc of goo, anotoihecnscucrofcbfuiungtbelaiu. 3ln calling [the feare of (SoDjthe begm= ning o? heaDfpjmg of fr>»,bee cen= Ocmnctb all tbofeoi focliQjciutre, that pclocncc tbemfcluce in obcottncc bmoo (000.31c if be fbouiDcfap, Chcpate all tocitfneoucrjQjcctung ttjat isc (pake cf, the pzopbet couertlp tauntcth ttjofe that are frou>arolp fbarpuuttcDiastf be fboio fap, 31 graunt tbep becemmonlp eoun-- tco topic, tbat fhtft ft>cl fo2 tbemi'elue0, that fc rue the ma» bet, ar.D that arc fc>tt- ttcmbGiomgthcmfclucffin fauoj frith the fo>o:lb, pea * Scinch begupie other©. 2&utlohatan&tf 31 graunt them thps name:* pet is their fenfeoom bnp?ofita= of them but 3tu"e0, f fcnoto not fomucbe-' blc ano >»moa?arD,bicaufe trjc fotiOncffe as tljc firft fchookpQtnjff cf bctng imfc, Srbicbe are not thc2ougb!p fettuo in the fear 'of <2?ob, ant frame not their life ac= coiOing to f)\a law : isbicbe thing iff too bemarHcO aouifeolp. jfo2fo>haea0 ail tnen couct to be &>pfe,almcft el £ whole &02IO: fetteth hgtjtlp br aher= the lawc. woozthtlp therefore Ootbe the fo?ei»t;erastljei»o?ftf8?t are thought to be fc»tfc aboue ether mc,ano fwelung topon opinio tbcrof,oo harocn the" k\ws ageinft0oD:thc02opbctfapti)flaflp,y al the Wtfoom of y wo?ib is but a f niche 0; an elliptic Cbabew, ^ttljoat tl;e fcare of d5ob. ^ino furelp iubofoeucr tbep bee tljat feuofec not to toljat enDe tJjcp l^ue, certeinc it is tljat tijep be foole©,^ quite out of tbetr S»itte0 . T&ut the cube too tohicb we be bojne.anb fo; wl;i£l;c i»ee liuc 10 this : that feje S?oulo occupic our fclucs in goo© feruice. Chen is there no fcjoenfer blpnDcnefTc, no? Dulneffe moje beafllp, than i»h*n \vc Befpife (ipob ano turnc our enoeuer© an other toapc. foj, fcatoctuurVefocucr feo?iolp men creel! in craftpnefle : pet ioant tl)ep the bfaDe, that ib to fape, true goDlineffe. Co the fame purpefe pertepneth that 5»h'chet0 abbeb fo?th&>ith,thct fuch as bepe gob0 tommautiDenuntc0hau«a goob bnber= ftanDing. 2Pnb there iff a great c foice m tht abictttuc suk;fo^ in bifpjouing tlje ?2>?oph:t teach b0,thattht tructrpallof fearing <£ob, ts if toe taUc hts poKe Dp= pen \?s fcntlmglp , anb fuffer our fcluc0 tobecrulebbph«0fe>o?Bc. Che fejoojbe [H5egiiming] hath fecccpucb fomemen, fo a© tbep baue thought the feare of gob to be calico the [f?jft entrance intoi»if= bom,] aHb aff a man Sootils terme it the Spcce, bicnufe it pjepareth men to true goblpneac. ^5ut that iff a tope, Cut) that in an other place it iff calico feift borne, 31ob. 28.28.^0? [feare] 10 not tafeen becre, foithc flrfle trapningoi fdjoole pepnteof gob'pnr ffe , aff it 10 'taken in the fpift Canonicall 5D. Che cloafmg V)p of the fDfahnc uce= bcth no cjcpoimbtng. Jpo? the fSjophctc Soouibe noo mo;c but thus , that the ^Fapthefull fbouioc bnberftanoc , holye notbpng 10 better fp? thf m all their ipfe longtljantop?apfc ii5oD. The Contents of the. Cxij.Pfalme. Forufwuche .%$ the morepm of the world hopcth to j}ecdc well byyll do- iTig:mdgaine u comonly fought fir by catching decerning , and all maner of wrong dealing: the Tropbetrcckpetb-vp the blejfmgs of Cod wbiche are feene tn the pure worfjippers ofGod3to tbc intent wee may knowc that tbc indcuer of godly and rigjneoufe lining wantctb not a Jin ydar reward. The , rponthc. Cxj.PlaJme. 13* The Cxij..Vfalmc. Rayfe ye the Lorde, Blifled is the man that fearcth the Lord, he vvilll delight greatly in his commaundementes. z His fcede shall be myghtie vppon earthc : the generation of the ryghteous shall bebliiled. 3 Weakhe and riches are in his houfes : and his ryghtcoufnefle endu- reth for eutr. 1 [H5!f(Tct>fUt!jcmanjc.]3!!tboagl) tbc iooid of encozngement bee fct for* mod: pet l)ijue 3jtoio pou tjccrctofoje tbat tbe pzopbetioaDrt!) weeper tban to tvWt tlje faitljftttt to f fmgmg of goDS pzapfes. ;JFoz tnafmucbe ao it is eucrp %?l)cre cotmrce abappmeffeto range as bzobe in Doing bp eutll mcanes atiD tniurtcs,an3 altbougb innoccuciebe now anb tb?n pzapftb, pet fearce one a= inong a bunozco fetowctb it , i»r)?le ell men tbcfclues in an iii cafe, if tbcp cannot bp booexe 02 bp croofcc fnatcbe bp to tbeTelues fcttwtfectier Iprtb fit for tbe to piap 'jpott. Cbc Jdzopbet on tbe con= trarp part fbewetb,tbattberc is mozeto be bo;eD* fo: at s£»ods fartjsrlp fauoure, tljanbp al K?no of mifbealings:anD caU letb be bachc to tbe enbeuer cf bpztgbt= neffc anb goob booing.bp fettmg £ \jopz of rcwarb bccfoic bs. 35 bnfoio tbe is orbs in ri)'-3 Smfe. HSlcfTcb is tbc man tijatfenretb Ujc £,ozb , anb Dslfgb?et!j bi'tifelfe in Ins comtnaunocments:fo as tbe iSropljct map in tbe fecoria member Define fcbertntbe fcarofcoD.confurctb. 3inb tfjts abbitton Suasberp nccDfnl!, accorbmga3i»ec Ijaue toucbcb fli»btfp mtbecno: of tbe iafte #fa!mc. jfez iobereao all menne ddo carried? Dcfpife t2>9b3 laibe: pet ts notbpng mozc-rpfc fontb tbem tban to pzttenoc tbe f:arc of ^£> 2>. Cb<3 naugbrpncfTe S3 bcrpe ■Sailt bifpzoucb b? tl)e pzopbet, fob en be aDmittetbnoman among tIjei»o^fbtp= pcrflof (Sob, but b?ni tbat fcttetb 1^3 mpnbctotbc Uc-rpingof tljelafo. .$!■:?= tber i3 foe toaozb chaphecs, foitlput an? enforcement, fol)tcb figitfietb asimtcb as to [banc a pleafure] as tbep comoiiip tcrme it . 3nD 35 baue traaflateb it too [IDtltgfcMJFo* rbc^iopfatbiflmgut? ftetb tbe foilipng anb cb«rcfull cubes uct of Seeping tbe lafoe, from tbe fla* mfb ana conftreme&obepfancetbpcaufe it is not tnougb too gtue care too (150D3 lawc , cnelcffe focc embrace tt giaolpe, fo as tbc lone of it map fottb b*3 fnjece= nefTe cuercome al tbc emtcements of tbe flefb 'Cbcftorc bntttl a ma be come tbus farrcfooztlj.tbat ^is bclpgbt w tbe latoe bolbetbbim glablpein b»s Dtietie : bee fbalnot bee countebatrae obferuer of tbcHa&c. ftomz rcturne 31 too tbe Sobote fentence.Cbe pjopbctctn afftrs mpng tbe i»orfbippers of dp £) JD to be bapptc, irarnctb bs on tbe cantrarpe parte, tbat it ts a peStlent Deceit^ iob^ fcutl) tbe fetcSeb bcguplc tbemfeluC9 in fapnmg to tbcmfelues a counteract b*p= ppnefTcb? euill botng. 2 mis fcebe fbalbctc] Cbc?3ro= pbetiop.otictbefcntcncc tbat Jjcebatb ntlegcb,recHenctb bp tbe teftimontes of (Sobs grace, ^jbcriottb lK? *s Sooont to retoarb Ijis toorfbippcrs. BnD firft of allb-: fapctb.notenlptbat d&'oosfatbers: Ip loumg fembncfTc rcitetb mtbeirpcrV fon.bttt alfo is ettenbeb to rbeir poftcri^ tu". accc2Dtng alfo as it is fapbe in tbe iabe,'3! am merctfull too a tboufenae gencractons in tbem tbatloucmceano H'epcmpcoiumatmbcmcHts.^rob.j-f. 7.ttnbmtbcpfalme.io5.8 9.anDino= t bcr places,i»e bauc toucbeb tbts pomt ©f Doctrine alreaop . llpttt forafmuebe as tnanpmennc iuill mcafure (looDStemi poi^ll graces amtffeall after one rate: fee; mufte beare in mpnbe tfjatfebP5 cbe 31 baue taugljtc in tbe ^falme \T> M.Hbattstootoitte, 'Cbat tbep bee opuerflp DifpofcD ; accozDpng asu &fftj. plcar. .pt. Iohn Caluines Commentarie plcafctbdSoD. 31 1 bappencthnofeanb then that a toerpgooo mamsebUolefre: anb ?>« d)ilWeffcRc(rc in it fclfc is cotin- tcb a curfc of <0eD. ^o alfo , iHanpof cSobs feruants arc pincheD feitb po= ucrtic nno nccbmefTV: , combereb feith IkHncflTes , anb puifullp troubleb feitb funbzp mifcnrs. we mu9 ttjcrfojc bote to0 to i l)i gcnrrali rule ,i bar acceding as (Sod fcnofeetb tt to be to? ccbe mans be= hoof, bee is fomctimembje largely anb foincttme mo;e fparelp bcncftciall to? fear D his fcruant0:o? rat !;cr fomel tmes htortb nwap ttjc (igncs of bts fauour. To as bee map fecme too banc no rcgarb of his fcruanta at all. iSotfeithftanoing, in thi0 confufcbncffc it cuerwojte appce= retb.that tt fea0 not fapb in bapne,that thegoblp are blcffeb anbtbnroffpjung too.;ff8;tfebcra0tbe feic&co purpofe no thing clfs but to rcigne in the feo;lb,anb to abuance ttjctr cbilb2en abouc the clou- we: «0od moll commonlp Dtfappointetb thttr toaine hopc0. 3flgcut, fozsfmMCb a0 the faitbf ull thtnhc tt motigh to b:png top tbeir cbtlDZcn inlbc fear of <£»ob,cbac the? mape Hue fetch a little : <0oD as it feer reaching out bt0 banb, Ufteth them top aloft. 13CQDC0 this, tnolac tunc the p^oofc of this botfrm feao moze apparat ton&cr rheiafec, bicaufe it behoucD tf)c nice anb t&eaUe people to bee trapncD b? little anb little to better hope.bp cartblp bleffmgs. ®ofebcttif ourcofenetoices Icttco wot, d5o30 earthlp benefits feoia fhine mo;: bzigbtlp topon too ewe at this Dap alfo. S°f feberas there tsaboeb bp anb bp,[tf)at feealth anbrtcbes fl)all be in the boule0 of £ rpgbtcoua:] cjcpcriecc* Chcfeetb tbat tt ts not true alfeaps after one rate, ^oz oftentimes it faileth oute tbathoncft anD r>olp> folHe hunger f are beflitutecucnof meafurabic foobe : toe- rilp bicaufe it feolo be hurtfutt to them to bee cutreatib anp ttjpng frcnUelpe at C5ods banbe , fo; as muclje as manp are tonmcete too enbure feealtbmcffe. H3p the feop fee map note, that j grace felnchetbe pzopbeic commenbeeb , ts feene mod: m this pemt, that hontfl anb plapne fol&e are contented feitb ihepj meanneffe, feheras the feozlblmgsare fatifficb feith no abun&ace.tbougb thep fhouloc ftvalotce top the feholcfeozlb. ;JFoz true 10 the oibe pzoucrb , that the couttoufeperfon feanteth asfeclUbat fehtcb he hath, 20 that fehtcb bee bathe nat,bpcaufe he is matter 0 I noting, but his riches are matter oucr tjtm. 3iopnt - Ipalfofetth thts uicmbcr mutt bee reb thatfel)ichfolofeeth aftcrfearb, [tljae the rtghteoufencflie of goob mcncn&ti= reth fo;euer.]2lnD this-ts j mode p?o= per anb affurcb btfference, bpcaufe that although the bngoblp ftuffe their boa= fes full of greate riches fo; a time : all tbatbeapingtop of things (hall (as the |2>jophctf.ipcth) foocmlp toanifh afeap at one blaft of <0ods mouthe: 3tggeus. 1.9 .anb fee baplp fee hofee the things ^ fecr gotten bp fcratchmg 8 crafttneffe, arelapbouttothefpople.25utmnaccn; cict0thc bed anb faith fi4lelt beeper of (0CD0 bit tonto the faith full. 4 Vnto therighteoufejlightisrizcnindarknefle : heeis mercifull, and full of companion, and nghteoufe. 5 A god man is mercifull and lendcth, heemeafureth his words invp- rightnefTe. 6 Surely he shall neuer ftagger,the righteoufe shal Jdc had in remembe- ranccforeuer. 7 He shall not be afrayd ofcuillhearing:hishartisfet fall bycaufehe putteth his truft in the Lord. 8 His hart \s vnderpropped,hc shal not be afrayd,vntill he fee his defre vppon his aduerfaries. 4 [3Unto the righteoufe fc] votytljct IBttt pet fehitberfoettcr of the feapes a man lift to ta&e vi»o;9 larach neutrab pc taHc it.ihe fee?D0 abmtt ftill a Bouble Ip 0? actiuclp,thc meaning fetlbe all one. fcnte:euher y 0ob Hccpetb f nghteoufe free vpon the.Cxij.Pfalme. >3J> tree tt om the commo mifcrtcs, «s Ibcgb tfjc <*>unnc fboulb fbpne in fomecojner feben all tl)i earth; befios 10 couercD fettb barfencflc : 0; that <£od rcftojetb btsfcruants fap.ic feetber, although be oucrcaft 1 bar romoo tost b beataneffe to; attmc.lpbe as the bapefucccebctb tbe iv.3bf .31 f tbto later ocpofttio be allow co tb«nbp DarUncfle 0; bptbccloubpcanb rapnic fcafon , tbe \ 5 ;opbct meaner b the troubles febcrfe it b <&'od rjccmfcibb'0 fcruants Unto patience, t^owbectttbe other fenfe (eetnctb \ tltrcnnamelp that febcnalttbe fetjole feojtlbc tsDjoroneo tn miferfcs.dPobs grace fbpuab toppon tbe fattbfuli , fe as tbep teste tt)efcluc0 to bee tn good ano bappte plight bpeaufe goD i0 fauojtable to trjf .15? erjts meanest their cfrare 10 bcrp feci! fo;tci> from the common lot of men. $v% although tbe butljnft0 friffe about tn pjofperttic: pet notfeitbff anbmg , fojafmucbe as tbep taft not gcb0 tarbcrlp loue:thcp oa$cl in f oapltgbt, anb tn time of nbuerfittc are ojotvncD tn oeaoip burHneiTe-.boubtleiTe tbep ncuer qaur anp feme calmncs. IB nt tbe goDtp bpon febom <£foO0 grace fbpnetf) atfeapc0,aUbougb tbep be fub- icrt to mtfertcs as fee-Has all ether men, pet arc tbep neuer oucrtpbilmeo fertb barfcncffctanb tljcrcfojte n t0 not bnfUlp fapb,tbaf ligb? artfetl) to tljr m tn oarh= ntffe. jpJottDUljftanbtmg, if fee taHe the bcrbe zaraatttuelp: the coftrucfton or the feoxos fetll fiofec tl>e better all tn one ftrctncCrulp 3! ooubt not but tbep?o= pbcte aoomcrb c?Ds toommt)e. 5 [$ gooo man. (Sobs grace bnto them bp tbtir frenolpnciTe anb goob botng, as it lojere bp a cunottc pipe, fn the Soojb Tob iB oftentimes taken ncutrallp in tbe tnafailme <2>cfiber. li^cefcttctt) sofenc [3teDing,]a0 the »rutc of inercpfulneffe. froj, the Safurcr lenfletb , but tt is too ffcefee Spjetcbcb folin b?pe bp \)\b Deceit. full pretence of helping tljem . <2?oti then pjomifctb pjefperous fuccelTc to fucr>c asarcfranUhartcbtnbccb, &l)tchc fw« coure the pootc fo; compalTpons fahe, anb not too lape fnarce fo; tbcm . "? tahe ibe i»ao;o Dckaum mtbc en^tof tbebcrfc,fo; [^ttapjco c^bufir.ctTeso; botngs]lpfce as IDamo Btimhialfoboth Robots the faitbefullelt of the $abbb nes. ifo} 10 baue it tmDerfrkJooe of fpcc= cbc, tt fecreioo colDc,anbthc ^^ophete Sooulbe h^ue fpofecn nto;e playnclp. 2i5ut thto agrceth bcrp feill lp;fte, that the rpgbfeous ll)Outbe meafurc ihep? affap;cs bpreafon anb JtiDgemrnte, fo as tn theithoufibolbe matters thtp bee neprhcrlaut9)e,no; ntgatoelp 0; oucr= fpartng, but Ucepe a meafurc fettboute ejrcrils : ano fcconslptbat tn bargaining thep fboulDc alSnapeo obieroc the rule eibpjtgbtneu'r. 6 [^urclphee fhall neuer ti tnnocencie to Qjincutno tfkttx betbethem from feicr.gnu tlbo1e ftage ef tbe goblp. 7[t$e fi;*l not be afrato #c] 35 1 migbt f ccm; to be a con lirmatio n of itj; former tf tbs p:opb«t l^b fapb tt)c rpgbtuoua are free from tl)eintfrc= pojttolncbctb? rcpzobcitca purcbafcto tbemfehwsbp tbeir otone fault anbof= fences. 2!5ut 31 rather bnbeifiao it tljat the rpgbtuousarcnot itfce tbe bnbclc= uers tol,uci) quaHeat euerp little blait of baftic ncto:a: but pcaceablpanb qufeilp leane bntoo<25obSfatberlp pjoutbence, to!) itfociier eutl tioinga is r i-po jtco fop bow comet!) tt to paffc rjjjat tbe bnbelec= tiers are eucr flonng, butbicaufe tl)ep tbinfee tbat to!)ile 05 jo takes bta eafe m beatien, Jpo^tunc plapes htr pianUabp^ poncartl) ? Cberefojcit is nomaruell tbep be abafbeb anb fbunH in tbeir bea- bes at tbc fltttrmg of cucrp leaf tbat fal= letb.jfromfucbebaqmetneflre tbe |3^o= pbet ejeemptetb tl)e faUbfuil.btcatifc tl)ti bang not bpon repojts, no: be letttb bp fearfulneJTc to C2.ll upon Soq continual Ip. CntcitiaiubcebtbatcSobS cbiloje are afrapbe alio, to I) en anp Danger b*n= getb oucr their beaDeS:.;JFo;iftbep fjjolb be taucl)ct\ toitl) no care of fncontienten= ces, fficljt frcurttie totr a blocHtfijnefTe, anb not a conJiantncfTMi5ut to!) en tbep lonn ^amines i^ommentanc aTfenoroUbgc <5£)£> to be clje Uep:r of tbeir ipie.&ugougb U)cp be not quite rib ofalltbougbteanofcarc: pet uottoitb= ftanotng,in pjocecbiug fojwarb tnibeir race, ibep commit tbeir toclfare bntoo 500 ,batd tobofe Oiicrctio tbep toillinglp gtue oucr tbcmfelues.CbtS is t!)C (lout mpnDcbneiTeoftbe rpgbteous, tob>rc= tbJouga tlje p?opbet faptb, Cb2P b;fpife aJfcartull repo' be fatten tlje map*3, peft tbcrof tntbc iL-\-D= jroi inaji muclje as innumerable ocas tbes befcege bs on tbc rlgbibanbe j on tbe left : to; muftnecocs be oucrtobcb tneb toitb bcfpaire, if tl)is truft furcour bs not,£ toe be fafe tonber gobs Ucping. >&i)t rtgbt ft ablenefte tberfoje is fa*;!; as ti)t piopljet befinctb>tbat is to toit.if \vs put our tr nit mgoD.J?o?tobcrna too?.l= belp folbe make tbefclucs Drunken toitb carclefneffc, fo muc'oe tbc moje Doo tbep p:ouolu* gooa tbuberboltaageind tbem bicaufc tbep fo;gct boto bjtttlc t!)e ftatc of mans life ia,j ooltifbipabuance tbcm felues 2b their p^ibc agcpnft dcVoD.Cber fo;e tobeatbep (ball fape,$eace, all is tobiflfc : tljen fljai fobein bcffruition ligbt bpon tbe. 1 .iopbet mranetb onelp, tbat tbe rigbtcous arc not fo ftrcigbtlaceb, but be altoaps rebp to giuc a fpjinfeling. ^ftercoarb b£ abbetb tbertoitbail, [tbat tb«P I gem be alf trmet!) tbat t^e rigbtcous are ncucr bifappomtcbof tbefrute anb rc= toarb of tbetr liberalise. $nD Grit anb i foimPii.bp [fp:muimg,]tbe ^iopbete 1 mean:tbn3ttba:tbe?gpu2out fomltt= tie tbing riigarbip * gruDginj'p, accoj: oingasmanpfaUtc tbmUeto otfcb-irge tbcmfclues totoarbes tbe pooze toitb a vpon the.Cxij.Pfalme. tljcp gtuc to f poojte,mcnmg £ tbep lauj not tbctrtbtg0bnaoutfcbip,buttofe foul* Doih j tljoife to furcoj ioljcr ncfD 10. ivc Utioxv tbat tbe i»o?lo oft spine© pjtaifetli ticcDlcfTe j fuperfluouocrpcfc© tbat are Done foj baine oftentation : anb tberfoje not oz ambition ioaftctb an btibKofolbc tnojc gooDC0 tljan meafurabie ttberaiitie beftotcetb.35ut tbe $iopbete teaebctb, tbat tbe p?apfc of ttberaiitie confiftetbe not in iaupfbcnciTe S&uboute fjccepti= on , but inrclecupng tlic ioante of fbe poojic, anb in fpenbpng moncp aboute rpgbtc anb taS&cfull 1sfc0 . <3CI)p0 place is citcb bp panic. 2 .Cojtintb- 9 • 9 . fc>bcrcl)Ctellctb D0tti0an eafpc mat= tcrS»itbd5ob too giue to0 obunbancc, Sobcrbp our liberalise map flotoc fottl) cquail courfc: Sobicb tfjing agrcctb bcrp focll fcftlj f p?opl)ct0 meaning, u^ers a0 it folotoctb aftcrfojarb , f [tr}e rig!^ tcoufeneffc of fucb a man cnburelbfo? c= ucr]itmapbec taken tuoofompe©. jfoj, inaCmucbc a0 tbe fapbe bcaDiuetTc of ambttio fortiieb P?tcKctl) tbe inojloling© to fcattcr trjctr gooo0, beferuetb not ttjc namc^fV>crtue:it foul not mifagrce, tbat tbe p?opbct frjoulb pjapfe tlje continu= all bolbing on: arrowing as l)cc fapbc a= fo?e,tl)at tbe rtgbf^oufe boo ozocr tbep? booing© b£ oifcrcrio. /ftot&itbfranbfng if anp man like better, tbat tficrc fljouib be bctoKncb tlje frute of rigbf coufeneffe, jB fcnllinglp agree bntoliim. SPns trulp it fcemetb to bee a repettng of tlje fame fcntcncc iolitcl) S»e fafc) cuen noi» . 3f= tcrfcjarb trjc #?opl)et fbcvtctlnn &>bat The Contents of the. Cxiij.Pfalme. In tits' pfabne alfo ts nutter win fired ttprayfe God fir bis prouidence, whereas he fan c fiitr mount eth all theheauens ■with hps hio-lmeffe 3yet rsotwtbftandin^ he youtfaueth to look? dovene yppon the earthy too bane a rareofmankind.^Andhycaufc the yariablcnej]} that isfcene yppon earth 3 troubleth many.thc Prophet ycarneth vs by e\preJ)eyvords3tbat in the [ode in alt erac ions W; ich happen beyond hopes®? nwft bane an eye to Cod.: pro"., i- dence,fo as w doubt not but that all things are gouaned by his beck? and aptmntmrnt. TheCxiy.Tfahne. "Irayfe ye the Lord.Pnayfe O ye feruants of the Lorde, prayfe yethensmeoftheLord. 1 Blefied be the name of the lord fro hefforth & for cuermore. Sssiiij. ? The __I4° ante <2?oo op l;i0 benefit© auoucljctfTtfJe piapfe of tbetr rigbteoufnefTc,ano otfap- popntctb icnototouc rcioarb: tljoti0to Soit, bicaufc be ejcaltctb[tbeir t)02ii]tyat t0tofape,tbcirftrcngtb 0? pzofperou© cftate moje anb mo;c. jo CCbetoicHeb fljall fee it f c.]l^cre fetofejecb fucljc a matting of cotrartc© a© 1t»c fafee in tbe pfalmc.i.f.tbe tobicb bootbemo^eeommenb pee fcruant0 tc] 3B!= though the pfalme content a matter that concerned atl men fettbout ejeccprnn: petoootbetbe 0*oph*tefpeaHetootbe faithfull pecultarip , bpcaufe tbrp outp arc eabeweD fettb fptrttuall epco too fee (0000 ?)an^ .fccptfyt is the Dubltng fu= pcrfluoufe,tf feeeconftoer bow coio and flawe men bee in this escrctfc of goolp= neffe. 3Dn Dccoe fece confclTe all of 00 that ice be crcateo to pzapfc goos name, buttn the mesne fcafonbisgiozp If ess Dcabc among D3 . 2Sinb therefore this folcwoc flautbmlncffe ts tuftip foimoe faultc feub ranoali bnoer one laboure the f$2opb* te fttrretb \>g fcpto onfeca= nableenDtuerof piapungpfci»e ought to uiocucr fettb all Diligence During fo fnezt fpace as fee baucto feaaber m thus feozlo , t!).u:!)e rcmcmbiauce thereof map fiozifbfehen fee be Dcao. 31 n tbe ncict berfe be f£tcn= bet\) tbf gloive of (J5aos namcuuooal coailsoftbecartl; .wbabppcntt fofo= feetl), thatourcdouihcfuincffetoin no feife to be cjccuftD, tf fee founbe not out \)ii piapfc© one to another among oure felue0. UnD although that bnoer y law, (£5oD coulDe not be t p$b'ty P^pieo anp fehcre rife than in 3Ecfeipe, btcaufc bee fe30notUnofeenbuttohto chofen pto= plerpet feer ht0 feoib0(feh«b ^er ma- ntfcftlp fet foith to all natto»0,) feoozs tl;pe the commcnDattJU0 of tlye $x>\)Qiz feozlb.Co the fame purpofe mafecrt> al- fo that fehtch followeth coiicerning the [highneffe] of <£oD0 glojte . ^oz fehat greater bnftmelpneffe can there be, thft f oz 00 to be mgarblp anD tlofec in tjcaU ting tt, fepng tt ought to r ainflj al mens mpnDt0 bpfearbe too feoor.ter at tt f Che 0zophete thcrefozc cjctollethe not gobc name fo greatlp to no purpofe, bttt rather to the intente fete QjoulD Unotpe bofee there iz no roome fo; floutbefuU neffe,anDthattti0atrapterou0 ftlence, | tf feee enfozcenot our fcluco aboue our pofecr to magmfiehim fettb pzaife0, fo 60 our affection map after a fozt mounte aboue tbebcaueno . 31 n that bee fapeth [Ujc is high aboue all nation0,]thcr is a couerte topbzapbpng too conoemne tbe fluggtfl)neffe of the ehofen people, foj, fehat to iuozeagepnft reafen, than that fucheaoarcfettneffeoof goD0 glozp bp epc fpght, fhoulD ceafe from pzapftng it, feing it Cbpnctb foozthc eaen among the Dipnoi jFoz although d&oDboucbfawcD the ipght of hi0 iheaucnlp Dartrpne onlp bpon the 3Befeeoas then : pet DtD fjene^ ucrlcaue htmfelfe feit!)ot::c fettneffe, accozbing a0£>aulefap?tb, aictcs. 14.. ij.anD Woman. 1. 10. !^owebett,thp0 hpghneffefeas perccpueb the better bp the publtfhmg of the d5ofpell , bpcoufe that then toertip the feozloe feas gathe- tea toguber buoer his obepfance. 5 [Who ^pon theXxiij.Pialme. 241 Whoishke vntotheLorde our God, that bath his dwelling on f hi|?h. 6 And yet humbleth him felfe to behold things in heuen and in earth? 7 Lyfting vp the poore out of the duibout of the hunghill rayfeth he the wretched. 8 To fee him with the Princes,^-/* with the Princes of his people. 9 Miking the barren woman too dwell in a.houfe,and too be a iov- fu!l mother of children. Prayfc yee the Lorde. 5 IXOfyj ti ipliebiuo fc] S?ccret!)e pjopbet comparing f rjisljneffe of tSaoa 3I02P anDpuuTancc.xDtitj J)i0 bn«neafti= rcble goooneffe, Doottjc tbcrbp enlarge bis glojtp. trjat <2jod3 goebneffe can be fcparatco from bis glo?p:but tfoio dc= fttnttion is fct bourne in refpetf cf men, to Sob am vT5oDi3 maieStc sioulb of it? fclfc be ternbic.onlcflc bee did gcntlp a= bace tjtiiifclfc too allure bs to btm fottl) his amtoblc frocctnefle. Cbc eftett then is, tbataltb3U3b<2?oD bfoKllmg a'boue tijs b eauens bee fo farrcoff frombo:pet 10 tboo to fjtglj abouctbe bcaucno.tbc *^opbet not on= ip comtnenoetty his mcrcp rotoaros men t»'jof<: cildc: t0 bile anb bacc : but atfo boetbbo too bnocrftanb, Ujat h« inape fejitb goob right befpife cue the 3lngcll0 ofbcauen,if bio fatljctlp loue mouetb l)i r.t not to come 00 b nc to embrace the ftncbin b»0 charge. .0oS) if beecmbace bunfclfc bp Dcfrenbing but to $ Inge lo, S»!jai 10 to be fapb in rrfperi of me, S»bo crceptng bpontbccarttj, aretljtr,tpitb= a! alfo bcfeMppcb in fiUbincfTe Syitbout number t'Sfanp man afke ioljttijcr gcD fill not botbe bcaueu anD earth: the fo= UUion is cafie: that tberc iz nothing elfe .taught i\i tbcfc tbe ^?op^et0 toojtoo, but that bee to able to trcabc the neblcft creature© bnocr bi0 feete,o? rather tbat l)cc map neglect trjem fozttjeir farre oi= ftance from btm.'Co be bzeef ,&jce mutt lcarne tbat tt comes not too paffc bp our ncerencmVbat <£>od bathe a care of bo: butbpeaufebee obaccth btmfelfc of bis oixweaccojtb. 7 [ILifting bp tbe poo;c*c] tycttz Itljc- ptopbet commenbetb dBtocopiouis bencc tu tbcbarpablc altccacwno fcjbicb are thought to bappe bp chaunee. Cbcr= fojc tobcrao things arc cbaugeo bepono ourerpcaattou:tbat(fapctb tjcj) ta 0011c bprtjc appointment of apce cue= Ip after one fclfefame rate, all men Soolo boaft of nature,naturc: but nou? £ inter cbaungeablcncffe putrttb be m mmbe l)bw it 10 (JBobts frcrct bctcrimnacton ^ bearcfi tbe fwap. ^gatnc Suben Suec be amajcb at tbc loDcnncfTc of tbtngs bn= IoUcd fo^,ftraigljt toap £dc imagtiie it io be the Doing of fo?tunc.5r cjafmucli tben as i»e be al of b0 U Dtfpofco:U?e p?opbet ioiUetb b0 to iconSt r at gobs pwuiDccc ibben tljerc bapnetb anp ftrangc 0} "on- ioontco tljing. 5?oj femg £ ncatbcrO0 9 otber of $ bafeft fo?t of men baue moun= teo bp tvir btgbcfc empires, rcfon iuoio tbat our tbiw fbelobctoabncDtl;-cbet= ter at fo ftraunge a noueltie bnt.^ougbt bpo.ii^oto iue bnDtrffanb tbepzopbctd meaning, fo;l)c coulD baucfet foztijtljc ioojfenianfbipof beauen $ cartb, 80 be batbbone m otbcJ"p!acf0:but fojafmuc no our minbo are purbimo in t\)t o;ou narp courfc of nature, be fsitb f <5oD0 banb io moje manifefl in bto bnvoontcD S»o?K0.UiuD be cnltirgctlj^ miracle fo>be be fattrj,et)at tr>c bafe $ rafcal fo?t of sue are not onelp abuaunrcb to feme maner cfp;tncipalitic, but foaDnarcco as tlup Ijciuc pueminence ouer Ins bolp people, tbe Voi)\c\) is a grettr matcr.iba to bcarc rule in otb^r parts of tbe cartb-irej t^e (rate of tbc cbnrcb is tbe cbrfeft g bcau= ttfulleft flage, feb^bpon cb b^tngctb foztl) * bttcrctb tbcp:ofr 0 cf bis S^oocr ful pou?cr,fe>tfDome,* rigbtroufnefre. 9 [a*i^alimg tbe barren, ic] i^cDC- claretb another tooojkc of ^06, Xv\)\t\) tbottgb ^ fecme not to be fo notablc,pet botl)itnottbe lefTc trouble our foutco. fojufthc iwoman tbat Ijatl^ ben barren &>nr.b. * Commcntane fohn Caluine: c long runs, Doo fooepnip bearc a grea:e fozte of ct)tlo?eti , Soeebec cotupelLD too marucll, bee fcjec ncuer so Dull m <5oxns Daplp Soozfts. Coe S»ozue Hackh js ta= Hen not onlp fimplp foz a boufe, but alfo foz a bouftjoloc, uaiuclp S»ben ttye tying tl)at contetnetb 10 put foz tbat i»bicb 10 contctneD, liUc ao in dEfrcke tlje Sdoozdc Oikon, anD in Hatin Domus, anD in ii6c,t0 enDucD fcmb. fruptcfulneffe , fo a0 foce t)atb a Ijoui'c fui ofc!)i:o:en.;tnbL)c attributed} lopfulneffc totljc moibcrs.btcaufctbat altbotigb tb? mmO0 of all iolusbe fozc- ioaroc m feeUmg ncbeffc, oz bonour,oj plefurc0,oz anp manerof commcBtties: pet i0 liTue pzcfcrreD befoze all ottjer tbtngs. feeing tijrn tbat goo not onelp goucrnetb p aeuftomcD ozber of nature, but alfo cbagcth p c jurfee of things ,Uf- tmg tbofc Up alofic fc>I)tcb lap DcfptfcD, ano matting tbc barren feotua fruitful: ourouincfTt ts Double Damnable, but tf fc>r be attcnttue to confiDer t)ts &anD. The contentes of the.Cxiiij.Pfalme. It is a breefc defcription of the deliucrance, yvberin Cod uttered a notA- bk proofs of bis power and grace ,by leading bis people out ofE^ypt into the promifed beritage.Tbe endeveberofisjbat the children of \Abrabam fhould yecld them fellies "wholly vnto God3-wbo embracing tbc with his free adop- tijn}youtfit(cdto haue them to be his holy and peculiar people. The.cxiii}- Vfahne. _ _ _Hen Ifraell went out of Egypt,and the houfe of Iacob from V/V/ ihe ftraunge Nation. z Iuda was his fancrification, and Ifrael his dominion. 3 The fea fawitandfled:Iordan was turned backe. 4 The Mountaynes skipped lyke Rammes, and the Hilles lykc the Lambes of sheepe. 1 [TX>bcn3Bfracl.f c.]§>cingtbat that Dcliucrance tons to excellent a plcoge anD tofecn of d>oD0 loue towaro© tbe cbjlozcn of 3!bjaba»n,no maruci rbougb it be fo often callcD to rcmembzSce. 3lno in t\jz ftrft entrance tbc pzopberc tcilctb \j0,tbat tbe people i»j)om goDljaDpur= cbafes fo Dcrclp to \y.m felfc,?re no mojte matfrero of them fcluc0. 5roz S»berca0 fome inttrpzet it,tl)at tbc tribe of 3Suba toa0tben f anrti&cD bnto gob, accozbing to t\)is place of €50.19.6. anD alfo tl*i0 oftbcfirfcedBptfrleof ^etcr.2.9. you are a holp natton,* a pztcftlp ktngDome: me trjinfec it Difcigrccil) wttl) p" pzopbet0 meaning 31ndt!)3t lxo\)itl) tesoacD trn= mebiatlp after Dtfpatcbcibellboubt0: namelp Mjctt jB frael tern t\)zn appointeD to gooo aominto. fo; i: is a repcting of one felf fame fentece bnoer Diucr0 fc>c^ h:a : anD tbc tribe of JuDa 10 pzcfcrreD before tbc reflcof tbe peoplc,oz f p:cro= gattue of pzcbemincncc:anD prt it is not too bee DoubtcD, but tbat tl)c fame title tobcr vyitl) tljat tribe is enbonozcD pecu: liarlp, pertctnetb to tbebobp off tobole people. wnD gob is faiD to be fanatficD in rcfpcitof men, fozm bimfclfcl)encitber tncrefctl) nozabatetb. 2EnD jpubaiofaiD to baue ben b's [bolmeffe 02 fanrttficati: on, anD 3!fracl!bt3 Dorainton,] bpcaufc fusbolp maicfrie,i»btcb carftioa0 Dar= bcneD,DtB tben bzau? 80 manp too reue= rente it, as Sucre Soitncffe© of foincrc= bible power, j^ow if gob DiD fct bp bim felf a feingoome,* purcbafe rcucrcnce to T)i0 l)0lpnamcbp beliucrtng bis people, tlje peoples rccHlefnefTe is not to be ejecu feo,c)c:ept tljcp citercifc tbe fclucs in tlje cottnuall minDiug of fo great a bencfite. 3 [^befea fau? tt.fc] l^cpurfuetb not all tlje mtraclc0 y Xocrc iuzougbt at tbat v^vju we. v^xmi.riaimc. Hz that time, but ligotlp oeclaretb oo.v cue fea Caltt)9ugj> it bee ti beao clement an) boibe of fenfe)i»asnatwithftanDing a= bafljeo iottb fearc of gobs power,* rtjat 3ozoan oio tfye like, $ tbebcrp momu taines leapcb bp. Boo? although p pzo= pbet bo poecliH: bei'enbe eh* going back of the fea ano-of jg ozoau : pet oo not bis woids eiccecbe the matter of the thing, jfoj the fea truaip in peclDing fuch obe= bience tooljis maker, bio fanctifie tyss nam.'.3iozbanb? his (ubmtfTion, beau tmeo his ootmnton.aub the mouutatnes bp their trembling bib beare toitneffe, how much the? ftooe tn awe of tuff ma= icftie. •JSutljia purpofc to no mozetoo commenb goosmtgbtp power, than his fathcrlp care f cnbeuer too pzefcrue the Churche. aino therefore he fkslfullp fes parateth lifrarll from t^e £>ca,from 3!ozoan,anD from thetuountapnes : ac= cozotng as the cafe of the ctttte people, anb thecafeof theocao elements iocre biuerfe. f What ayled thee OSea,that thou fleddefH and thou Iordanthat thou turnedft backwarde? 6 Yee monntaynes ftaf yee leaped lyke Rammes, andyee hilleslyke the Lamb^s of sheepe. 7 Tremble thou earth at the prefence of the Lorde,at the prefence of the God oflacob. & Which turned the Rockes into poolcs of water, and the Flint into a fountayne of water, 5 [ivijat aplcth thee f c] 3ti&e as t!je |$$opt)ec otb erewbple attribute bnbcr= ftanomganbaweof (Bona power tonto tbc&ca , bnto 3!ozban , and bnco the npuatames: fo now becrc hee bcmaun= octh of iljciu a question in common. 2&no bpthefe figures he rtpjbuetij mesbuU neffc the moze Hjarplp, tf thep appip not the Unbcrftanbing Soi)cri»tt!j thep bee enbefceo, too the confiDcring ofd5oos fco:U3. yea cucn the berp fight of the £>ca M)Ztot tbej&zopbet of foice tnough ano to much to cobemuc their blmoncffe. jf oi the S>ea coulb not bcebzpcb ,no?, thenuer 31ozbanrumie back , but bp fecret tuftincl fo as ozbS,lct ecb:ofb3 anfwer ,tyat fo greatc alteracton can not befatbereb bpon nature oz inferioz cati- fes.but it is <5obs h^nb that frjirtctl; o= penlp in this behatfe. Che ftmtlttubs that istaken of rammes anblambcofc^ met!) to bee berp farrc fejpbe from the grtatneffc of the matter. aiSut it fejas the ^zophcts pnrpofe too cjcpzcffc afrcr theplapncftmancr, bp bofe> mcrebiblc nteancs d5obbttcrcb his pofejer in that behalf c. if oz fetng that the Jtableneflfe of the female earth is grounbeo after a fozt in the mountapnes: fetyat likenefTets there betwtjet the $ rammes oj lambes, that tlKp Q)0ulb ftir themfclucs hither anb tht^hcr with flipping i Che |£>zos phet tljcrfoze Dothe not leffen $ miracle: but bnocr a grsffe kvm of fpeeche , hee boothe ihe better imprint thef^raunge figncs of »©obs poiwer in fuchc as bee of anibe'wit. 7 [Cremble thou earth «c.]3Iftcr&c hachio^euED mehncs iwitts ioithaf; Uingquc(lion8,noi»e he aoocth ananf= o too, fo itougbt to be tljat tlje cantj fljolD tremble at tlje defence of bir tung.;f oj tbere 10 put the ioetD Adon, fo>bub fig= niflet!) a lo?o,o^ a martcr. jfjeucrtbeleffe afteru>aroe he ao&ctb cjrpieflp the name [of the d5oo of 3Jaa>b,]fo>b'rbphe&)il= Ictboii counterfct £000 to be packing a far of. fax confi&enngbovercaopmen be to beguile 5b?tufcl*cs : it is alfcapcfl to be feared left tbep fl^otila fet top tools in fredc of tbe ttue <£sd. 3n the cnoe be rccHenetl) top another miracle, wberebp gob greatip magmficd bta power agamc m the SmldcnvflMfter ibe people ioere pafTed trjr re b fca.3lnd bp this mean© be Doth, tos to bndcrft«nd,tbai 0ods glo?p appeared net foj one Dap eneip tn p coin-. mmg out of ttje people: but ioas manps felted conttnuaitp tram time to time in bts other fcojfco, like as twljeji a rpuer gulbco foocnlp out of tt)e o;p rot k.Oc;o . 1 7.6. "Crue it i6 tn ded* tyat fountains comctrubling out from among rocfets a -.10 (Ionic places : but to toll Soater out of a djtp rocU, toas bndoubtcdlp bcponD the o;Oir of nature. 3 iaiU not here ie He tyonrae toodiftulTe cuuoufip r>cro trje (lone Soas turned into iuater : and the pjopbet mcanctb fuuplp, t bat tber e flo= fc>ed fo>atcr fojbcrc carti &jas Djpncfle and bardncfic. jftcucrtbciclTe it appca= retl)l)crebp,r)Ott> fonb t!>c fopbtfters bee tnfapmng a tranfnbftanttaticn, Sphere the fcripture faptb.tbat tbtooitbat is turned, f c;t the fubftance teas not tben turncD into foatcrtbut gob bp fo>ondtr= ful mennes created toater,S»blcb flowed outoftbeD^procbc. The contentes of the.Cxv.Pfalme. It is eafte to be gathered that this Vfalme was giuen out to the Churches "when it "was hardly diJireJJ'ed.For the faithfull pray , that although they bee ynveorthy to be heard at Gads hande :yct they may bee deliuered, leaft his holy name fliould beefubiecl to tbe feoff ings and reproches of the Gentiles, ^iftcrvearde hautng taken hartc3 they triumph at the Tvitlefriefje cfalfncb as are ^iuen to idolles : andyvtth holy boaftmg they auaunce their (hvne hdppinejfcjn that they be adopted of God3-whcrcyppon alfi they encoraze one another ynto thankefuhufje. The.cxv. Vfalme. Otvnto vs Lord, not vntovs, but vnto thy name giue the rlory for thy mercy, and for thy truthe. 2 Why should the heathen fay, where is now their God? 3 But our God is in heaucn, he hath doone vvhatfoeuer he lilted. 1 [ jftot bnco b3 HoiDft.] ailtboug!) tijerc be no certatntie S»bo toas tl)c au; tbo; of itye alfo frbe tt toaa maDcpet ootb tbtsbcgtnnmg fljeu\tbat tbe faptbfull fleebnio d5oo tn cafes of ertremttie. Cb^P tJtrcr not in ejepjeffe iootD fob** Iheir m j>:ioe 10 , but iotnb tntbeir rcquefl inbtrettlp. 2Bp tbe $o*t tl)cpp?otcft,tbat tbep allege no merits, nc conefftic here ef oWcpnmg , otbcr= ietfctbsnfo? ibat goD fbaii inapmapae bis ofenc glojtpbp ochuermg tl)em,bp= caufe ?bcp bee tbmgc Unute toguber i»itb mfeparabicfctjcit. Bitbougb fbw tbattbepbeferi'e too bte fbabenoff, pet tbep befeecb t!5 €> 2D t^at !;e i»oulD net abandon bis name too the tnocUcncp of tbe beatben. 3|n ocbe tbep couet to baur romf^it vpon the. Cxiiij.Pfafrm '43 costirozt ana mtpc ot Ajcu mucrtes, out btcaufc tbep finD noting to tbemfclucs fojoztbp of <®oD0 fauour :tbep appcale to bun 10 be i t)C Defender of t>t3 own gie;p. 3lnD it t0 a thing &0;tbp too bec mar= bed, that although foccbee bnwoztbp (bat i2>oD fboulD rcgarDcbff,petinuftc fejee hope ftoell, bpcaufe bee Swtllglo:t; fpc l)!0 name in fautng bs, foljom fjee bath aooptcD tenth conoitionneucrtoo fozfabe bs. 2li>p the temp it is too be no= tcb > tbac foz bumilitic and moDefltcs fabe,tbep complapne not openlp of their mpfertcs, nc begin at tljcir owne te>el- fare, bntat the glozp of <©oD. $01 in= asmuebcaatbeir berpmpfcrte toaaa binDcof carting off, tbep te»ere fo aba= fteD&jitb fljame, tljat tbcpDtirftc not openlp craue tbctbtngat oSoca banoe, feblcb tfcp tertuye foz:anD tberfozc tbcp baue bicD a te»tnoing m,tbat gob fboulD tn refpecte of bts owns glozp fljevo bpta felfe a father to (inner© that bio Defer = uto no fauour. S no f ozafmuebe as trjtd fozmc of pzrirtng b^tb once ben gtucn our imto the Cburcbtas oftc as te>c ap= pzocbe bnro goo,let tt come to our minD to ftnp our fellies out of our own ioo;^ rbpncfle , tbat rns free gooDneffe map barren bs to bopc te»el. Jfrap rather cue to t b is bch -life Sx>\)<:n te>cc Deftrc too bec belpeD, our marbe too fboote at mud be tbat tbc Dcliuerace te>btcl) S»e ftjal baue 'ObtcincD, map enlighten <^obs glozp. Snoit is altbelpbooQctbattbe pzotmfc Dto yut tbcm m minoe too pzap fo. jfoj C5oo baD fapD m the time of tbecapttui= tie,not foi pour fafc*s,but fo; mine own fabetenllJK Doo thty (Cfap.4S.11. ana now tbep acbucwUDge that this ts tbeir onelp refuge , te>ben all oiber hopes faple. 3lno bp repetmg it twpec, tbep fbew the b:t;crl)owi»cllaffureD the? are of tbeir oteme tonwozthpneffc : fo as if tbeir pjaicre fboulD happen to bcre= tectcD on bun&uD tunes, tbep couto not blame bun m their own* bebtfire. 2 [Wbp IboulDe tljsp] jftote) tbep Declare bow (£>oo is p?f (ocuins Ins Cburcbc, fb-uloc bec f;ma>ni:emcrof bis •tone glozie ; bpcaufs t'jat pf bee GjoulDc fpftrr bit toogo'c too wet be, !)to n.imc in-juio bec fubtctcto Utfteiic- bCD bauna.igs of i\)i t^cutbemfoz tbeir tnngs worno oee bufie tc rapie,tl^at tlje cr bereft of all power, fitbbefozfabc^b bis rctapners tn tbeir bttcrmoft Dtftreffc. Bot tbat ©00 bath necoc ef anp fucbe fomrning, but ratber to the intent the faptbfull mtgbt refcrre tbeir minoes tonto tl)at bolp jeale; , of inbicl) u?e baue fenebcrctofoze, tbattbe rapltnga of tbofe that raplcD Upon tbee, arcfalne\)ponmc, foi tbcpbzmg not tn ISbtoztcail colour© fepnmglp.totbcmtcnt toperf«aDC:but tbep pzotert that tbep arc m fucbe topic carefull of trjeir ownc Welfare, as that iioiwitbrtanomg tbep mabe moze ac-- countofQ5oDSgiozp,accozDingasttDc- feruetlj. 3tftcrwaroc tbep atleage tb: caafe fe>by tt fboulD conccrne (Seas 2:0- rp tbat tbep fboulDe bec faueD : namclp bpcasife beioastbemaHcr of ibecoue- naunt iotytl) tbcUngoblp baD bzutco to be aboltfbeo anD topptb out : * bp ibat mjancs tjao fapo,botb tbat tt Isas to no purpofe to baue <25obs fauour, ar.D aifo tbat bis pzomife3 were Panic. ITbcrfoze tbep cljnrge Cos with !)ts fauour , ano atfo loitb l)ts taitbfuin.effe,botr)e fc>b0 pco- plc^ljom bee baD bounSe bnto b»n bp etterlafttng bonD,anD iyb5 be b«D asop: teb bp bis frccmercp. /|-5otoe al 0 fj.'br goo l>at b maoe bs partakers ef bts gof= pell, nno boutfafco to mgrpffe bs into tbc boop of b*0 Cburcl) : tt (ball be lato-- full foz bs to mileage tl)c fame t^tojp^r felucsalfo. 3 [Butour©oD.!jc.]ii>ototbcfi!itb= full doo mozc encozage tbctn fciucs tjo pzaping&itbboip boiDncffc. JFoz tuec bnowourpzapcrsarebutbapnetf ioce XoaucranD bang to Doubt, jjlf tbt fame blafpbemtebaDpcrceo into tljeubArtec:, tbc toounBe toeuldc baue benne DeaDlp. Cberfozc tbep fct a ft>cclD agamft tt be-- tpmes,anD bp reafon tl)f rrof DobZfnbc otf ti)C courfc of their pzapcr.anone toe SvtllbanDle tbefeconoe ntember tn b?f PZopcrplacc.iobere tbep triumph at tb< ^DolsanD ioicbcD fuperftittons ; i»bc heathen, asfoznoiv.t isrequuire toe iocp eci> SoozD of this fertte ucr. IB? pla Ctng45oD inbeauen,tl)C5>jnclOie l>toi r.ot •Sttifbtoanpfouipaffe of place, nozfette Urtcc 1 £! Iohn Caluines Commentarie t'.jwg can bee Done but bp IjtafepilanO ozDtnancc. f trip tljcrcfo?c and Ifctlfullp fcoti) 3'uflutc pzouc bp this tcrt,tljat tbe tbtngs toljiclj fccmc Dnto to© to be auHe anD to ttljout rcafon, happen no: fimptp bp (§000 futTcrance,but enen bp b«s ap= pomcHicnt J Determination. $Q% if <£oD doo febatfocucr be itttetb, S»bp fbouiDe be f titter the things to be Dene iybicbhe Itfktb net :' TD5?p reftratnetb be not the Dwell, anD all the SoicHcD that figbtc a= gapnft hu» •' 3f there btc furmifcb a mcanc betSrccnc Dcmg, anD being Don? Dr. jo, fo as ljc fljouioc in tier tlje things the t $jc lifietb not to 5)aue Denc-.tben ftjal r>c be tDieinl)ffcue,accozDinga0tbctlE= picurcs farmtfe bt»« too bccliSut tf fc>ce grant tbat goo to cnBueD fcutb fozecaft, fo as bcc regarbetb anD gouernetb tlje fciozlD^bcrof ljct3 the matter, f ncgiec tctlj no part of it, it fell folouj tberbpon IbactobatfocucrtsDone.bcfajilictbitta be Done. this means ft ok id be the atttboj; of cutl: are bntowarD ^cgitiens./ftcttbcr fbail tijcp bp their barring (be tjjepneuer fo foule curs)b:tng to pafff,eittjer ttja€ t\)i p:o«;!?et bath Ipco, cz y tljep ma? SojcfJ tbe goucrnmct of tb, eicozlD out ofgoDS banc. 31f nothing be Done but bp vfceDS fojecaft f Dcterratnation,be fecmetb not (fap tbcp)toDtfaloS» Qn:but be bath, l)ia fecret caufes bnltnofcjcn too b0,S»bP be Sutlhaue the tl)tng Done fcrtjicb frofejarD falke oco.bat pet not acceding to their finful affertto. 3 1 fees goDS Soil f 31 *3 rufale QiolD be DcftroicD,* the totlof tlje ChalBe'es aifo inas to Do trjc fame\bott> bctt after another maner.>3nD although be oftentimes tcrme the USabiiontana rjtsijpjcD fotilDtcrs, nno fap tbepSoere fttrrcD bp bp bis tobifrie.igfai.^^ pc$ anD call tbcm rljc ftoozDe of l)io cirne IjsnD: pet map fojc not therefore fap tfjep Sucre l)ts fellciocs, bpcaufc ttjc intent! oz pttrpofc fcjas farre Diucrfe : that if to arit,tbat in the beftruction of3fcrtifa« lent goDS iuftfre mtgljt fljine foojtlj.anD t'nc luftc, cciie tonfneffe, anD crucltie of the Cbalotcs migl) t tooztbtlp conDcmne Hjcmfclue0. $ifrtttycn. that ft t0goD6 St> il to banc Done febatfocucr is Done in ttjc fcozlD : pet is it not fyo Srtll to fjauf anp cutll Done. 4F02 ti;«?ugb iott bcc not able UitjcUMut i)it> onuuiurabtc being: but Dcnpe ijis petver too Ijauc anp cnD 02 too be tpcD to isojlDlp meanest ^l)ep Denp it to be bounD n late 0} fortune. 3PnD to bee fijo;t,tbi-p fubmit tlje ioljole foo?s& DnDcr fjts gcucmcmcnt, fo as fjee being farre abone all ictts , ejrecutetrj frcctp fehdtfocucr bcc Uftctlj. TCfjicb tljmg is ejepzeffeo mojc eutDt ntlp m tlje member [be ooccttj feljatfocucr tje tutctlj.] i^oio ttjen Dcotljc (©od dojcU m lj:autnr'b?= caufc tlje ioojtlo ts fubiert to tjts 5oill,(o as notljmg is able to fouijftaiH) ljim,but tljat b^e fiilfillctlj iubatfocuer fje Ijatlj Dt= creeD. Ctulp tt ts a notable Doctrine, that <5oH Dootljtufjatfoeucrbceltftctb, fo tt be applpca too tlje true anD lai»full bfcoitc. J giuctljt0iaarmng,icafl:ctt= noufco; malapert pcrfons C)onlD after tljetr maftcr catcljeoccaGon to tranfpofc tlje founD Doctrine to bzainftclt Dotages. 3lnO foe oaplp fee to much, the S»antons neffcof man0iuit Ui tbtsbcbalfc. jtop in anp men pzaic iottljout fljameo? mo= Deftie, of tfjta miflerte fetjtcije it tr>olDc become tljem to ioonccr at iuttb Cngu= lor rcucrcncc. il^ojeouer to tlje intent tlj: profit of tljio Doctrtnc ma? rcbotinD tonto b0:it beljoucttj be too marUc ix>ljp <0od tsfapD to Do fofjatfocuer^eltftctlj. ^irft bpcaufe (E»oD ts of full ahtlitie to matntetne tlje Welfare of fjtsChurcljc: anDfcconDlp bpcaufc tljat tnafmuclje as bebolDcttj all creatures bnDcr IjtsljartD no-tinpestmcBt can IjtnDcr btm to biing bto purpofeo too effect, ailtfjougb fljen that tlje fattbfuli fee all f.feapcoof iDd= fare fozcclofcD ageinft tbcm : pet taUc tljcp barte Dnto tbcm, bpcaufe <©oD not onlp t0 abouc all impeDttne nts, but alfo bfctlj Hjeiw 100 caufie bts i»ap fottljall. Wf tlje feap, tljisalfo muabelojnem minD, tbat alltbings are aoencbptbc apuotntment of tfJoB onlp, anD tbat no= thing bnpnctb bp djaunce. i2Dnclp it be« boueD too fpeaHc t^ua mucije befoje bano concerning tlj: bfc of tlje DoUrinc, y our miiiDs nnp fettbljolD tljcmfelueo from imsgfeunganp t!)tng bnfcemlp foj ^000 glozp , an gioDpbjatnb fpzits arc iaoont to Doo.Cbc fapD pzinctpfc be eing aDmtttcD:letb0notbe oQjamcD to con: fcfr* freelp , tljat d50D fo goucwetb all things bp b;s ctcrnall pttrpofc, as no= vpon the. Cxv.Pfalme. 144 able to cempjieftenDc t)is intent, pet is u euermore grounbcb opon maft ejeccliait reafon. 2But tf t>ijs oriel? fonll be ptiougb foj bs too allure tos foj a certatnttc, that although tjis luDgcmcitfo be a bete tomlefrcbcepe.^falme. 36.7. petnot= SDittjftaomg.meft pr rfcfl rigbtcoufncffc reignctb in n)cm.Chi0 bUmrncffc fljall be far better learn cd , then all tbc lbarp= fcnttcDnctfc of tbofc that Dare meafure hie frejUs bp trjctr oum capacitie.iFur- tbermoje i!;ut alfo 10 to be noteb agapn , that if geo lift to bo frbatfeeuer be Dory, then be lifterb not to 000 fe>batfoeuf r 13 not don,frhicb to a thing n3l)t profita- ble to be Knoroe. jIF oj cftentunco bicaufe toberciojebe fuffrctbit toppne,fcemg it to tn tnohanb to fuccourhir. Couc= tcufncuXbeccite, fo?fo>eanng, crueltic, ambition, pjioc, lccberie,b?uimeRncffc, ano (too bee fbojte) all fcpnDc of co;= ruptneffe rcignetb at this bap m the &>o;>lD,elfc)hicb 0)oulb ccafeoutofbanb if it plcafeb goo torebjeffe thcm.TDher= fo;c,&>ljen (Sea fcemetb too bee aQecpe, ojbeftitute of ablcneffe too belpe bo : let tbio bee a b?pble too mahc bo tarp bio lepfure : namelp ttjat^e fcnobjeth, that bclap anb typutng off au- bchouts fullfojbo: aab Doubtlefrcthatb? mas fcing no countcnauncc too the contvarp, he ts frilling to fuller N}e-tinngs,frbKb bee ceulDcrecjcfTc in tbz turning of a banD,ifhchfteD. gob frmfcetb * IjciDctb hio peace at the atftutionfl of the Church ,fre bemaunbe 4 Their Idolles arefiluer and golde,thevvorkeofmens hands. 5 They time month and fpeake not : they haue eyes and fee not. e" They haue eares and heare .not: they haue nofes and fmell not. 7 They haue hands and fecle not : they haue feetc and vvalke not : neither cry they with their throte. 8 They that make them shalbe like vnto them, and fifloa.ll they allbcc vvhofoeuer truft in them. 4. ['Cbcir 31bolles are. sc] Chte matching of contrarieo mud be refcrrcb to tbto cnbc,that the goblp map the bct= tcr conftrme tbctr fapth, frberebp tbcp ftap tbemfcluco bpon the onelp one gob : bicaufe that frbatfoenergo&beaDmeno mmbofurmtfcfrithoui: bun, it iobutfo= Ufh 9 trifling fojgcrtc.^f op furelp it boo= tcth not a ittic to the cofirmatton of true bnow the crroj j maSncfTe of the frbole fro;i!De,frbcn on the o.ber partfrcmecte frith goD,frbo roe Unofr afmrcblp to be the maker of bcaucn anb earth, anb that free frojfbip mm uoc in bapneoj bp chaunce.^oicouer too the intent be map the ftronglicr be ritcbarue the malapertncflfe of the bngo&lp,frbicb Dnrfr be fo pjoub as to befpifc C5od, anb hts ebofc pcople,be bifoainfullp fcojmetb their falfcgcoo.firft calling them tDolo, that 10 to fap thing© of nought : anb af= tcrivarb finDing fault frith the, btcaufc that being mabc of ocab flutfe,tbcp free bopbe ot ltuclpneffe « bnorrftanotng. Jfo; frbat can bee ino;c agatnfl reafon, than to hope io^anp helps at the !:atiD0 ei them: feeing that neither tbcfiiiiTe, frberof tl)rp be mabe,noj f Cbapc frijtcb is giucn them bp mano banD,eontemctb fo much 88 one b^opof hcaucniinefT£,to purcbafe them reucrencc Souhals'/i^ot= Soithftaubmg, bp tbcfcrnptbc |2>?ophet giucthanmUUng,thatthcpucioufncffc of tbeftiiffj giucth no ciece llcncic to the iJbolo.thatthc? Qjoulb Defense to befct the mo;c bp. aiiib therefore the fcnrcncc map be traflatcb abucrfattuelp, tl^st al= though tl>ep be of filucr ^ go lb, pet arc thcpnotgoD0,btcau{ethepbethe^jo?He of mano hanb:fej if he had purpofcD fim pip to tmbafc the fluff c of them ,be ioolb rather haue calieb them fooob 9 flonc. but now he ma&ctb mention anlp of the golbe anb filuer: ncuerthf leffe the |5?o= pbetaDmonifbetb bo bp the iyap, that nothing in icfTc befcemmg, than that a gob fhoulD recciue cither [his bccing,or his fljape,pca ot his l)ono?]at the hanbo of mcR.fcmg y ithep thefelueo botD thctr fits I; t fa! bjtcathbutbp tenure of curtc- ftt.XPhcr'opo tt folowetl) that thf bcthen bo facl'.fi)lp to glo?p of thehclpe of their <0co,of iuhom tl;cp thefelueo lucre the firfte CounDcrs.^oj frou: iohence haue the J.^H iviiia vjaiuiiiD v^uiiiiuciusiut: t«je JdJiifi tgcjr ocji.iumg , uul ufiae SoiUof mcn^iuffe 13 at bande:an&it toere tree fo> it)i too make ot tijcir goiu o> timer not culpa t>iQ)op tome ottjer plate, but alto a ctjamberpot; but it hk* tbem better to make a cpuo. ama&yat can b:e a greater fonDneif:, tban tbat a huddle lump (l>olo become a gobr' 3lnD tljc pjopijet adDctlj Dzplp , tl;at aUfyougb toe ijeattjen faftio out member0 to tbeir images: pet ran tljep not gtuc tljem cp= ti)cr tbe mt>utng,oz tl)c bfe of tl;cm.^o mucljc tbe nobler tbert'dze Doo tbe faitb= full perceiuc tbcmfelucs to be belt S»itb= oh.bpcaufc tbe true 9 onlp (Bon Dootbe bnooutcoip ftar.D on tljcir Goe: iobctas tbcp are certctu tbat alt t!;c beatben boo butgto^p in Panic of tije Defence of fba= aovocs. l&ou?bccittb.i0do(Srmcmuftbc cjctcnDeDfurtbcr:fo;uberbpS»ecgatb££ ginerallp,tqar dEob is miffeugbt bnoer onn»arb (bapes , iuljidj baue nolpke= lpi)03e no; afftnThe isttb bis bcaucnlp glozp. foi onleflc wee rjolD Pa too tt;is grou j at t\)\Q Dap: it is ere an caflc mats terfoztbeb^ben too make exception, ttjat ttjcp be iezongfullp conDemncs,bp= caufe tbat altyougb tijep uiabe tbem= fclues 3D Dolls t>ppouearrb,pettbepbe= lceuco tbat tijc (Boa is in bcaucn. $0} tbep tbougbt not tl)at J uptter bimfclfe i»as either of (tone 0; of goto ,oz or cr tl) , but tl)at be 5r> as repjcfentcD bnber tljo U Qjapes.^f 0} ioberupsn came tbis pb?afe of fpcccijc, [Co matte fupplicatid at tye (Sodocs,] but bpcaufe tbep thought tlje tmages to bee as it S»erc tyz repjefenta= cionoof tbe d5obDS:' Cbe Sicilians (faptb Ciccro)baue no (Boas too pjtape at.^ecfl)oulo in fe taping bauefpoken it baD not bin an opinion fettleb in the minus of the comonfozt, t\)Ut\)t fl)apes of tbe U&cDsin bcauen ioere rcpzefentcb tonto tbeir cpes in bzafTc,filucr o? ftone. 35 tit' fozafmucbe as tJjcp thought the uE>oos too b e ncercr tfycm t»bea tbep came before trjeir tma= ges:tbe $;opbcteDootl)e lultlp taunt tins Dotage of theirs, that tijtp tnclofe the (©o^beD tattym corruptible ftjapes: bpcaufc nothing- is further of from ttjc nature of d5ob, iba to Dwell bnber done oj a pcccc of marble,oz Sdod 9 timber ,0; bzaffe,oiaiuer.3fnDtntbt»; refpeet 21= uacu».z.8. sennet!) clt?ac groffemaner of ijjozfb ipp mg vtf>0D,tbe febote of f alfe= booD.^jf uiibvtmoje berc ts too bee mar* Heotbat mucping of b^s, [«i,bcp base moutbanD fpeabe not.ic] ^oz\»bf"= toil ace i»ce ^nto i©oD,but bicaufe ©ur life DcpcHDetb bpoa bmt, our toelfarcts tnl)is abunbaceof algeob tljmgs,? tljc ablcncffe to l)dp bs rcltctb m l;ts po&cr ? \v\)&t is moze agapnlt reafontben, tbnn to crauetbattbmg of tmages, iobtcb tbcpra)antt'ocmfciucs, confibcnngboiD tbep bee bopDc both of momng ano of fenfe^ 8 ["C'oeptbatmaaetbem.fc] C&nte manp tbifi fecmctb a curfing,anD jljcrc- foze tbcp tranOate tl)t future fence m t'nemaner oficifbing, [3Lct tbcm tbat malic tbem become itHe bnto] H5ut it agreetb no leffe to be a mocking: as tftbe $>zopbcte fboulD aff inne, tbat 3! oolatcrs arc no leffe blockifl) tban tbe berp ftockes oj flones tbcui felues-UlnD iuftlp botb be wuep fo fbarplp agapnft men naturailp inbuco Sx>ui) reafon, bp= caufe tbep banifb all reafon anb iuDge= ment from tbem, anb bepjiue tbe fclucs of comon bnberffanbing. fo% tbep tbat crauc life at Dcab tbmgs,bo tbep not(as mud; as in ti>cm is) que ncl)e alt ligbt of reafon.Ct^c effect is, tbat if tbcre iocre intbemanp bzop of founbe bnbertian= btng,tbep ioouiD not attribute (0oDbeb to tbe frozks of tbeir tjanbs, too ^oljic)) tbep ar not able to giue fenfe 3inb trulp cue tl)is one tying Socre pnougb to take a'toap rbc pzctence of ignozance, in fo?= ging fatfc goos to tbem femes contrarp to naturall reafen. wbcrcbppon it folo? fectb tbat tbep fijet tbeir tv(S, ottercaft tbem felucs ioitb barkneffc, anb aftonc t!)em fclues iutlfullp. wbiebe iotlfull blinDneffc maketb tbem bttcrlp bncjc= cufable,fo as tbep can not pzctenbe tbat tljetr crro; p?ocebctb of a goDlp 3ele.Be- tber bo 3 Doubt^but y tbe p^opbet ment to fbake aioap tbe pretence 9 celc? of igs nozancc, bicaufe men bofoilfaitpica^e bzutia;.Civbofoeucrtruftctb-5c.]^erc= bp it appcrctb mo?e cttiDentlp, fe>bp SOD ab\)o;vni) images fo greadp.namdp bt= caufe be can notabice t!jat bis fcruifc ft;oulD be taken from bim,? gtuen oucr Dnto tt;cm. Nothing belongctb mo?« ptcus vponthe. Cxv.Plalme. *4? S»bm bia fonlcoome, grace, anB poSuer i arc bclceucb too bee fact bp iti Joollcs. I i^oiDbca , to fojge tDola, ano then to rpc mens truft tomo tt?cin, arc Difcafcs al= moltmfcparablc. jpoj febcrbpon com= mctb it that the foojUo to grcebctp ccuc- retb 3000 of ftonc,c?. of timber ,oj of clap 0£ ot anp eardjtp rtuS:, but bicau'e tbep imagine <£oo ro bee far from them, tpli tbcp map beioe bint tpcb too ti^em bp feme bar.oc ? :fc?af:micbc tb^refojeae tbcp lift not teo CccHe ©ob fpirituailp, the? piucfc bun boron out of fyis tb?onc, ana tb:uft ijtm twocr beao elements. i^crctopon it cemmetb to paffc that tbcp btrcrt their papers to £ image0,bicaufe tbep HjtnK that in them goos earcs,pc j l)ls epes « JjanDa arc ncerc bnto them. 31 basse role pou aireaop,tbat thefc tu?o tycts can fcarflp be feparaico, but ti;at &hofocuer bp mafctng Jools seo turne gjbs truth mttfa lie, mult alfo ncoes cha ieuge otutne power to their tbol0:ncucr= tbcicflcas J tola pau eatnnowj,thcp?o= pbeis intent 'was to conaene the cbecfeft treebcric,* the thing that of al others is moil octcftablc, iuben he fapth,that the tnifbeiciici-0[Do put their truft in ibols.] ptcutiarlp tonte goo, u;-a tout (he xjoiio fbouiD acfenewltDgc him to be ibe onelp autbo; of S»elfarc, ano crauc ano icoUc tojtobatfccucr 10 nccocfuli, at bun a= lone. i&no therefore he isrobbco of bps cue houoj,ano tits matcftic 10 a0 it S»erc bought tea nothing, %s oete as trutf 10 rcpoieowanptijuig elje. iCbtStraptc- ronfneile oocb tyc -fDjophet tinse fault* toitij: aecozotngaUo as goo0 tnOtgnati= oil is m manp places compare & onto ££= icjte, (50 one as l)i feed) the J Dote anD coiUttfct goos becKcD "auto bisipoplcs. 3! f a man fbouioc but ma fee an jl mage 3 i ule, tpmbcr, ej& biafle : 0? if bee ajoulb but caftc one of goloe 0? fituer : tins i»cre not of it fclfc Co bepnoufe a matter. UutiBbentbep go about to tpe <2>ooto rbartiuientions, anbaotifciere too plUcKe hl,n out of h?auen : then is t^efc a mere falfboo fet \jp in htsroomc. Cruc it to in Detoc, that <&&s §lo:p 10 (if J mapfotermeit)falfirteb,asfoonc as it 10 claaos iauh corruptible fijape. (jfo: toSoboinbaft thoumabemeltUe, cii«h he bp the pjopbete 3!fracUtruff.fc.] 30gapnCiIje hce fpeafeeth too thehoufe of 2faron bp J&iop^ct returrtcth to this popat of D^ itrme,tat feare i0od : in tohichc ojocr there 10 \>crp gooo reafon , foj (0O£> eboptca the S»belc people without ex- cepuan,aaDhis grace i»30otfercb too then all, (0 as thep ought generally too too boo it.U?6t9btthflan&tng;,in the firffc l)anc f:tt!cb their hope in hi'", t:i ^htcr) placethe pjaphct ejchoitethal^fracl in fcufe^aolc.aiitc 26.7. fapeti), that the g::tcnl!tootrue ti)e SUmrs peculiarly to rjimfcifct anbfpectaUp tfye pjefts of tbc Ijoufcof 3aron to go before tbc reft ano to be as it ioeretbe ringicabers of ltJeligion:bce rcqutrctb mojeoftbem tbonottbercfi of tbe coroonaltic. ,{j}ot tbat faluacton ioaopjcmifcD fpeetallp bnto tbem: but bpcaufeit teas mcctetbattbcpfbouib fberee tbc ioap bnto otber,lpbc ag tbn? onlp tmgbt enter into tbc ^anctuaric: a0 if tbc |3?opbct fboato tonnes of Parent w\)om 30batbcft>illeDtoo bemafterof iRcltgtonbntobts people, be pe an cjcample of faitb to tbc reft, fe= ing bebatb boatfaucb pou tljia fingalar bono* , opening bntoo pou bis j^an* duarp. ii [yeetbatfearc tbc&ojtbfrc.]l$ee fpcafeetb not of fojtreincrs as fome falflp fuppofc, a0 tbougb it fboulDc be a p?o= Pbccic of tbe calling of tbe <£ettles.:f o$ tnafmnebe as bee iopnetb tbem too tbe cbtlbjen of jflfraell ana tbe cb«b?cnof 3iaron,thep trjinfe tbat tbe Dnctrcumcp* feb are betofeencb,fo)bo fcicrcnoc as tbe gatbercbinto tbe fbepfolb.Bp tbe fame argument a man mapgatber tljat tbe p?ceft0 arc not of tbe flocUc of 3ib;a= bam, bpcaufe mention is mabe of tbem alone bp tbemfcines. iftap ratber tijere isintbefc fc>oo;bcsa coucrtcojretJion, S»bcrcbpbecfbolctb out tbe true fo>o>= fijippers of goo fro tbe bipocrits tobicb ioercbuttbebaftaroip flippeoof3b?a= bam . ^ojafmucbetbenasmanpofrbe fleft)lpcbilD?cnofa!b?abam iocrefalne from tbe faitb of tbeir f atber: ctje $io? Pbct rettretnetb tbe pjosmfebnto tbofe tbatemtaaeeb tbc fame bp faitb ,«fc>o?= fbippeD d5ob bncojraptlp. 3Pno fo noi» fcjee perceiue S»bP l;e pjtocecbeo bp tbefe tljjtcc ftepps: ipKe a0 if a man ftjoulbe at this bapebtrea bis tal&c ftrfte bntotbe iubole bobpof tbe Cburcbc, ano aftcr= toarb come bourne to tbc miniftcrs ano tcacbcrsfrbicbemuft bee tbc ftanDero^ bearers to tbe reft. 3lnD fojafmuebe as manp boo falflp b?ag tbcrafelucs of tbe cmptletitleoftbeCburcbe.anbtberfoje beferuenottobc countebamong^oos """I s^aiuuics v^omrnencane naturali cbuojtentbe* nawetb bcftlnaip tbc pure anb mt tlje cotintcrfftte fcjcjs fbtppe^of $QD. u DCbe llojo ijatb ben tnfttbfat.t cO )8Jpeup tranflate tbe fooojtbe Lblcffe] tn tbc tpine pafte, ao tbougb be Ojonio fttr bptbe faptbful too hope toclljbpfctt ing af o?e tbem tbc experience of tl;e tpmes paftc,in tht0 iopfe : it>ee banc novo ler= neb bp long experience fc?bat tbc faaour of our (09b map auaple tis , bpcaufe ioee bane not baD anp pjofperitie , ano abounbancc of ail gocb tbjmgs, no; anp ftcebtneffe of ftate anp Sob/rc p ' ' To; bee taUe;b tbat tbmg fo$ a \ i'c, tobiebcucrpofbs ougbt too tahelo^a certauute: namelp tbat tljcfeojlbncaee goctb ioell nnb luc&clp on our Goes, furtber tban & •£> sD blcffctb bs. /j^ow tljerefo?e loofee bo$o often tbe3ftac= ltte0fc>cre bcliaercD out of tbeir manps folDcbaungcrs,ojbelpcDat tbeir nebe, 0} frcnscip intrcatco, fo manp cutoente p?oofcsbabtbcpof <5obs gracious fa= ttourtofejarbstbem. ilrlotS»ttbftanotng fo;afmucbe as no rcafon compellctb too alter tbe future tence of tbc 3Uerbc : it feull agree berp feell, tbat tbc faptfjfuU baue tbe fame fauour pjomifco tbJ,Wj S»btcb tbcp hab baa eicperimce of befojr. 23 nb fo tbe meaning Ojoalb be, tbat gob beeingminoefailof bis couenaunt batb i cgaroeD bs buberto : ergd lp^e as bi'0 blefTmg batbe begonne, fo iotli it flofee bo'ajnc bppon bs cuen too tbe er.Dc.a U fo betepctetb tlje fame o;ber,giutngtbc *ppcr roome tn (Sobs blefTmg too tbc cbilb?en of 2£aron,ano fettingouttbe Difoitb ^fcaelitcs quite frowit. J^e faptij, [botbetbc fmalianb tbc great,] bp fc>bpc!)e ctrcamftaancc bee comment Bctb ^obs fatbcrlp loutng Ivpnficncffe tbe mo;e, in as mwebe as bee ncglcrtetb not eucn tl)!: bpleft anD mofte oefppfeo perfons, onelp fo that tbcp call fo;bpfl belpe ioptb all tbeir bcarte. £a>ecpng tbentb«t tljere is no accepting of per- fons afo?c (0ob, kt not our bafe ana mi= ferable ftate frap b0 from app;iocbing bnto »5ob,conftbering tbat bee fo gcnt= Ip ailuretb tbem tbat fecme too bee of no balour. 3lfo tbc repeating c4 tbe Soo^bc [bleiTe] bctoltcnetb a continuall courfe of bis fauour. 3 f anp man Ipbe better vponthe. Cxvj.PlaJme. better coo bolbe Itiii tt)e pjctcrtence: ti;c fenfe frill be tbat ^oos sracfouo gooo= nclTc to\»arb0 l>pa people Sou;e& iottzj a long raft, fejlncb otigbt too bee an af= fureo proofc of bis cuerialtmg toue. ainD cl)p5 rente (0 furthered bp tbe nejet berfe, iobcrc be fapcM)tbitl muitipipjtljc benefits tbat be b«o befto= S»eD beretofoje.^roi inafmucb as 5000 bouHteoufnefTe t3 tbc fountapne tbat can neuer be trapneb Soillntuer ceafe too keepe In0 courl'c , as long as nun aepe it not of? S»ub tljs Damme of tbeir ofr itbanbfwlneffe. wberebppon it Out . ,) alio too tbeir poftentic,bpcaufe goo fp;easetb foojtbtbe grace anb frute of bis ao option Unto a tbouranbe oef= ccntes. 15 [BlcCTcD are pou.fc] 3!" *be laSe tterfe tbe jDzopbrte bab puttbem mbope of corumuall fdicttie, bpcaufe #oD3 bnmcafurablc abilitic Dotb neuer frs,cc b;F,ngitljcr ceaietb beat anp time 146 too ennebe tbofe frbom bee batb once mabc partaacro of bio bountcouineifay. /Bofr too continue tbt0bectrme,bc oc= claretb tbat tbe cbilbjen of aibzabam frcrc cbofen out from all otber nation©, tbat bppon afFurcbnefTe of tbi0 p?mt= ledge, tbep fboulbe not ttitbt too peclbe tbemfelue© frtyollp to fo goob ana bene= fjctallafatbcr. 3gapne fozafmucbeao tbe flcCb (bp reafon of l»0 lumpifljneffe) appjerjenbetb not ?opb?te bp calling bpm [tbe roa= bcr of beaucn anb cartbc,] puttctbbs in remembjauncc tbat tljerc 10 no caufc too fearc icaft bee alone CboulDe not bee fufficientc too Defense b0. ^Foj (£08 batbc not fo maoe bcauen anb cartb, as tbat be fittctb nofr pblc in bcauen : but fo aar bee rulctb bp b?0 gouerne= tnente , iobat fo euer bee batbc onct maoe. 16 The heauens, etteit the heauens,are the Lordes : but hse hath giuen the earth too the children of men. 17 Not the dead shall pray fe thee O God, neither all they that go e dovvne into filence. 18 But wee will prayfe God from this tyme foorth foreuermore. Prayfe yee the Lorde. 16 [Cl)ebea«£itfifc]^cretbep?o=: pbctcommenbctl) <0ods goobnefife anb fatb^rlp loue toroaras mankmbe , tbat frtycreao \): \}im felfe fr antetb notbing, pet be bad) mabc tbe frozlD fritb all tbe ncbciTc ano fopfon tbcrof fo: mens bfe. foi bocoe failetb it oute tbat tbe eartije is fraugljtcD frnb fo greate barietie of goob tbmga, i»J)tcrje euerp tobcre offer tbem felues too our figbte : but bpcaufe *J5)b a0 a fojccafhng boufbolbct batb p:outbcb afojebano fojourneccfTif.eo:' Cb-fl lose bow manpeommobiticofre percciue bere,fo manp are tbe affuraces of bis fatberlp cberetulnefTe.dn© 13 tbe p;opbct3 meaning, tbe iurjtcl) 31 maruel to be fo carelcflp ouerflippcb of moll m= tcrpjcters.Cbe cfte^is,tbat©ob being content i»itb bisoiun glojp, bail) enrp? cbco tbe eartb feitb all abunbancc,fo a0 men Qjoulo not to ant anp tbing,anb bee pjonetb ^ gob can be feitboat a! &oj!d= ip tuclt!),bicaufe be bwciletb in beaucn. ifo^furelp tbcregro«?ab neitber&pnt noj co?ne, no? anp otber fuftcnancc© of life.wberbpontt foloiwctb.tbat gob ne= Dctb not to fefee anp tbing out of bimrclf , 3tno bcrebnto pertcmetb tbi0 baubling [Cbe beauen0,tbcbcauen0 fuffifetbe 3lo;bc:] * inafmucb a0 be batb no nebe of anp bclps, be ioa0 goob a0 a bunb?eb 5»o;los to btmfclf.Cber; remamctb tbi0 fecono potnt,tbatSDbarfocucrfccaltb ie in tbe fejo?lD,it pjoclaimctb fc>it!) alous boice bow bencficiall a fatber gob is to- voarb0 men.^But femg tbat j ijolp gbo^ bab p:ccbeb of tbiatneoparaoie goobnes of gob,it is aiDonacr y tberc fbolo be no fmatcb of bis Dortrine. ainber y papacie tbcp cbameo tbi0 pfalmc(anb to 00 rbcp tttll at tbi0 cap) in tbeir Cburcb20. iSutbotb tbebanojctb pcrfon of tbem Ctt.ij. &kp •J?t. Iorm Caluincs Commentaric iE>cp,tsjatC5Gbbp guiag all things toft? to tos, cefcrueth wotfjmg to buwfetfc but rbanKfgiutng e &a$, not m that point onlpbtb the ityanliie'ftufleoftbcSseiloc bewjn? ttfclfc : but the uucUco baric, s utmost fbamclcfie matter Ourftoptni? burd out into gt'oite 5 inofi: fijaeml bidfi pyemic , mug this tocrfefojaffcoifmg bpS»3jb ioij:" tfi&P SuolO fapc ti>ac <25oo toofee bis cafcuub plcafurc mbcauen, anb cootie no care of S»o?lblp affatrea. 3lnb fcfecras the pjopbetc beclaretb l)«rcc)cp;e{rtp,tl)at ll)C ieojlocferuetb rJSobs turne to nam other purpcfe,but onlp too totter bis fatb.crlp carcfulneffc towarbs men:tl)cfc fapne $ tl>cfc &o§gs banc te:c(l:o the |£ijopS)cta Sdojds too a febo fc>olo fap be bao no rega'rD of menbprcafan of ins farrc Dt= fiance from tfoem. 31 am compellcb too report a notable (Iojk.'3I £ bappeneo that as *»c were at fnppcr tn a crrtcm J ane, aheatbemfh bdpifer of a= Detnlp at that Sb-djd be foasfafcenfenti) fotc to?ment0,anb began to pell out [tD ^53D,d>^15oD,]anD (csbeehaoa fopoe tbjote of bis ov»ne)bc fi'leb all the pars lo?0 with Ins bellow mg. Cb?n J, (Sebo haobmfcJhot artaearneft agctniibinO pzocceBcs after m]> manner , Declaring ftoutlp tmto bun, that bee might pet at leaStmfetbcn percetae bofo) there ft>aaf nsmochingofgoD Soitiyout punf fljinct. £)neof tbe guefts (i»ho tspetaliucat rbis fcape) an beneft man anb of a gooa religion , but pet merpconcepteD ,tofeO this opinio to anotber enb. what q? bev caileft tljou bppon t)slofoprjier- x\>bp fuffcrcft thou bin» net ts take hts cafe in his eron 3D nut ? 3na a© oft as the other tbun= bun out, [£> ©ob,] trjt0 taan meeting btm.replpcb fcjhcrc 10 nofoe thp cxium cccii domino. 3tnb trulp fo? that time hP0 papnc fecnt ai»ap:but pet bee fpent tr>c reft of hts tpfc tn bis former tonclcane filtbpneffe. 17 C/ftot the Scab «r.]^eerc the pjo* pbete pjocccDetb furtber.anb bcfccchetb e ^jopljcte Ijatb cumebcD^oDs peculiar gracious gooDnciJc towar&stbe Jfraelneo, anb confcquentlp tlje bountpfulnetTe tl)at tjcctofetb toSyaros all ma»ibpnb.|5o«j bee refoztcib tontoo <©oddcs mercpful? neffe,tl)at tyz fbculbe paroon the fin= nca of bps people. 2!nD hctaheth tr>i0 fojt hps grouuDe , that Sobcreas ttje Deatljen Rations boo glut them (elites Settb <5otts benefptes , omlp ^lb:a; hams offp^ing ts choferi too fct foojtth. bps pjapfes. 3is if bee fbcuiDe i&^, JLojtbe,if thou fhoulDefi fufer tostoo penfhc, fc>t)at elfe ijjoulDe enfuc of it, but that t!)p reno'ujine Opuloc Dpc,ano bee burpcb toogtther fowl) bs :' lSut heere rpfceb a bbubte, bpcauie hc^ tec= meth to berceuc all the beafce of pctccp= ucraun:e. ^ui if tl;c iculcs rcmapnc alpue , after tljcp bee Departcb ouie of the p?pfon of the bo?p : tt in ccrtapne that then fljep flso;tfh t$Pl* cheicfullp, Whcrcbppon ttfoloiyecrj; that (0 £> £> is pjapfco of tljeecabe alfo. 0!5efp&cs thps, in afTpgmng trienne thctr DS»cl= Img place bppon earth, bee fo fcpara: teth tbem from €> 3D , - tfcat he lea- net!? them none other ipfc than fuclje as the bjtuc liScaftes haue as fccll as trjsp. $ai the earths i0 not Qvi^tt too menalcne,bu: alfo too €>jcen,&t,u)pne, JDoggeo, ILpons, ano Scares, pea, anb too cuerp of tlje Cmfonfcs al; fo. -fo^ there is not a ;# Ipe, noo no; a iLofece , but the eartbe lenficth them a btoelling place.Cbc foiutionof the fir ft qucftion 10 eafic, fo? men &>cre tberfo^e plac'eb bpon ea«h,that tbcp might as tt tecrctouhonemouibfouube foo;tb the pzapfesof (S5on. Mnto tljic tontfounuc hab the |3jophct refpett, anb the fcrtp= turc auoucbctb it in manp other places: 3 S»tll not bpc but itue, anb tell foojth ailtbc&ojftooftheHojae.j& 17. ailfo the goblp King <£3ecb!as fapD, Whple J tpue,S»bpU;3!tP«c,i»rb31 pjapfe the JLoioc,Cfai. 58 19. Jonas alfo beeing cart out of the wbaUs belip, fapD, 'XI ll-.HIIV. ■T' lebgc (Sod to be bts father. 31 h ttje enoe tbc p?opi)ctconciuD:tlj, tfjat if goo Ojoto not niatntcincbta Ctaurcb,al toe fcjtjole ojbtr of nature i»ouia be trafpofeb top= fuo?me. fop in Dapne t»erc tfjs fajojtloc crcateo ,onlcu~e there mtgbtbc fome Ktnb of peoplcto call Upon d&oo.^crefcpon begatberctb, tbat ttjerc fljall ati»apc0 remapnc feme remnant. ifcno be net on; ip pjomtfctb tljat tbe Cburcb ibal con= Unite fafe: but alio cjebojtetb (tube as fbalbe taueo bp tbts means, X>nto tljan= feefgtutng:ttapraiijer, bcbinD:tbbw = felfc tn fbc name of t!jem at to tb> letting fo;;botgoD0pzapfts.j^eitl)er fpeaUctb be of tbc men of one age onclp,but of tljc i»I)Ol£ bobp of tbe Cburcbe, tbeiobtcfj t0 conttnueb bp(£>0Duiccefuuclp from age to age, to tfoe intent Ije map ali»ap0 baue 'yjptneflte, ano publifljers of \}is iuftice,gooon«;u"e,3no mercp. The conter.tes of the.Cxvj.Pfalme. Dduid beeing delivered out of vttcr per ilia yrecitcth bonfire torments and greefes of minde he hxd furred }and alfo bow wonderfully Gdd lud prefer tied him : for by the very forUrnneffe itfilfe, Gods goodncfje apped- red the brighter in refloringhim to his former jidte, bicdufi all hope had ben cut of, if God had not h Aped him. By this meancs heprouokcth bimfelf togiuitig oftbankjjd'nd confefjeth himfelfe to hxue none other kind of thing togiue him mrecompence for his innumerable beneptes. The.cxvi.'Pfdlme. KHaue loued,bicaufe the Lord shal heare the voice of my praier. j9s For he hath incline! his eare vntomee,and in my d ayes I Lri^^D will call vpon him. 3 The Snares of death haue compared mee, and the forovves of the grauc haue founde mee out: I haue found trouble and greefe. 4 I will call vpon the name of the Lorde: Lorde Ibefeechetheedeli- uer my foul c. i [J rjauc lottcD.fcl^crc at tl)c ftrfl cntcrance ©auto pzotcfrctb , tbat tbe fo?cctcn£(Tcof <3obs goooueCTc aUureb Inm to rcile bppou l)tm alone. 5Foj rtje Ibcfctftttc matter of fpcccbc is mo;te fo$= able, fc^crbp !>c ej:p?eu"ctl) tljat be barb no iynctc Cue eitl)cr top eircfr,faue cn- iptn <5cd. foi toe bnotiMbat till fuel) ttme as <5'oo tpctb our minO0 tb:ousb= Ipbntofjtm^ljepore alfojapeo gabttng after Dapnc tnttcements, aub burnpng tntonqutetncfTe. jDautb aucttcbetbitsat Ctt.tij. this Mji0 mfeafc is curcDin i)»w,t>criip bp;» caule \)i bat!) felte Cp'dq fauourable bn= to V>im. Sins bptfrafe be Ijaeb fotmicbp experience, tljar tbofe are fubilautidUp blcffcD, tbat c all bppon Cj?0Q,hepiotc= ftctl) t'.pr no Dthglji fball Dwrolnnt a= toapfromljim. l)er= bp toce gather tbat tbofc pjoftcc but flenDcrip in ttjc experience of <£>oDs grace, Vol) icbeljauing ben tjrarD, peclDe not them feluc0 totjollp tnto l)is p*stec= tion. 10 a tbing berp rife among tlje i^eb:uc0. 2J3ut trjctt»oc?DC3 topii agree acrp toelltoobce tapce toguljcr tl)uc : bpcaufc be bat!) gtuen care unroo mcc, ^o\)zn 31 caileb opponljuu in mp tpmcc of aoucrfitic , pea anb cuen at rrje bcrp ppnebe of bttcrtneile neccf= fitic. ^otwubftanbing if nnp man U&e better of tijc former expofittori , 31 fctll not ftrtue toftb rjttn : j£ot»blU,tfJe trjingstbat foloto feeme too alloto mojc tl)io feconD crpoftticn. f-oi JDaniDbe; gurnet bin manner of cxpoimDtng, too fl)cto tobat Umse of bapes tijofe oapes tocre. 3ub too tbe tntenrc bee map tl)C mo?cabuaunce C5ob0 glo;te, accejbing too t!;e toco jtbpncffc tbereof, l)ebecla= retb tbat tberc toas no ftartmg Ijclc fe^bim too cfcape from beat!) : iiUcrs if a man bfctngtpeb among rjiocntmtcg toitb tuanaccs s guic0,toerc bttcrlp bc= reft of al bope cf ranfoming.Cbf n con= feffctb l>e tljat be to30 folbCbnfo bcatt), 8Hb tbat be toaaoucrtafeen ? caagrjt, fo 30 trjrre Vys0 no Gjift to efcapc.Bnc Ufee as be faut) be toas tpeb U)itb t!je co?bc0 of beatl),fo alfo aooetb be,tljat ^e fell m= to troublrs J grccfes . 2linb becrc be con= firmetb tbat tobulj bee fapbccntobtle: namelp tbattobcnrjemigbt baucfemeD to be caff a great toap off from gob,tljcn toes y time moQ fitted foj Ijwn to p?ap. <; The Lorde is merciful! and iu{le,and our God is pitifull. 6 The Lorde preferucth the fimple : I was in myferie and Ikc fa- ued mee. 7' Returne vnto thy refte O my foule,for the Lorde hath rewarded vppon thee. S Bycaufe thou haftc deliuered my foule from death, mync eye from teares,and my foote from falling. 5 I shall vvaike before the face of the Lorde in the landes of the liuing. 5 [Cbc ^LojbtSmcrc^fHH.jc.l/^ow bur.gctf) beefooitb tbe fruptes of ttpt [lomng] tobicb ijccfpafeccfjctttsg be- fore bjm Fcifc <2>ob0 tptlcs of commens Da tion, tljat migbt bee offeree to i::ain= tcpncfaptl) ftti! in \)im. ^irfle bee cal= let!) bpm mercifiUI, bpcaufeb^c in foje-; toar^e too Ijelpe men fTcelp.^ccrcbpon fpjingetb Ijts 31uQicc, t^c toljicb be cje= ccutetl) in befcuDtngtbofc tbat bee bps. 3mb confeqaentip 10 aDDcD pitie, feftb= out tr-.jic:; toccarc bnirorttptbat «£oo fboulbe fncccnr bs. %av fo?afmucb as tbe affiictien© tbat Oep in,0o oftentimes fecme too Gjet tl)t gatcagspnft bi0 in? (lice : it foloroctl) tfjercbpfion, tbat no* t^in; vpon the.Cxvj.Plalme. 148 tl)\njia tweeter roan too fettle m !j?m alon:, fo 30 all our ioittcs map bee fa= ftened bppou bis fattjcrlj? loue, aub no Delight 01 plcafure map brato bs away anp iobptljer fife, aiftcrioaroe be np= pltcttj tije tifeof 05od3 merev anb tufttce too[t^cpjefcrmngof iljcfimplc,] tljac 15 too in it, of fuclje as bceiagDeftitutc of counceli, are not able too Qjifte for tljcm felUCS. 'C^tSf fcj002DC pechaimiS taken ofttttnes tneutll parte for bnab= titfcb aub foolifl) folk-* tljat fcrill not bec rulcDbpgoobcounccU. liSttt nofcjtljep bectearmrbcrjinple,] tliatlpeopcn too rcrciue S»zong, fobicb are not foittie in cfcbetotng prime trapnes, anb finallp ttbtcb arc cafie too be b:tra*?peD)fo)bc*'= astSje cljtlbrcn oftljts&joribcooo both egccell in *a>pUncffe, ano alfo are anneo frith fljiftcs too oefenbe tljcm fclues. IDamb therefore acknqttJlcbgctb him-: felfc £00 bec as a cbplDe,' that coulbe not fljiftc foi it felfc : ant) that be fr as in no iu*>fe able too fritbftanbeebe Daungers r bat be frafl fubicct bnto.3Uib tbcrfore tbeob is frtfe fo; them, anb fertetb tbc fecrctc fbecloe of bis pjouibence bc= tfrcene tbcm ano all the peritl ia!jere= frith tbctr frclfare is affaultcD3Laftc!p iDauib prepounbetb an ejcample in btm fclf,tbat being bzougbt to fetter pemme be recouercD bto pcrfettc (late through tbefauourof *0ob. 7 [IRcturnebntotb? refljc] /$ofr be eibortctb bimfclfe to takebart to J)im or rather fpcakmg to bis ofr ne foulc,bc bibbctbit bee quiet , bpcaufe <£5oD bab fbefrcDbifclfc fauo?ablc tento u.wl)cr= as font interpreters bp tbc fc>o?&[lRcft] bo tonbcrftanb[<5oD]tt is to muclje c*n~ ftrcincb. fox ratljcr it is taken for a caliuc f frcil fettlcb ftatc of minoe. fox DautD confeflctb bimfclfe too tjauc bin foreftrtken , anb toffeo among m.-uipe ttirmoplcs : ipkc as euerp one of tests P£tute of bis ofrne tenqutetneffe , frljcu tljc terrors of ocatb bang otter *bs on all fibcs.3tltbougb then that JDauib zxczU leb in rare ftoutnefre,pet fr 3S be btfqui= eteottjrcugb itje eulorccmcnt of greet, ano bps inroarb encomberancc Dpb fo trouble bis minD ttljat rjee iuftlp com= plapnet!? ^tmfelfe too baue bin oeprtneb of l)ia qutetneffe. 15ut b^efgpctb tijat <2»oD3 grace fuSijcD to appeafe ail tljcfc encutuberances . ii^ctisr.fjelefTc , tjeerc rtfetb a question , totyityzv tljc ©nip ex- pertencs of (Sobs grace rcmcoict!) tljc fcarc ano bifqutetnclFs of our minos.for IDautb fapetb te ioiH be qmct bcrafter, bpcaufe becbabbm rcleeucb bpdUoDs bdp. 0ow if tbc faitbfull rcccusr not tbeir qutetneffe furtljerfoortb tljan docb fljcvactb bimfelfc too be tbetr beltuercr: &bftt roo me tl)cn fhall tljcrc be for fattlj, an9 of UJljnt force fljalltljc promtfes bcr* 5for furelp f trpall of fattlj is t\)is,%ol)c $»c Sj>ttbout mabing feorcs Do quietlp inapt for tbe tokens of©ot)5 fsuourc 5x>r>tcl) Ijc bibetb from bo.2Uno lobcrfoes ucrfattb tbrpwetb, ttqutcteib menncs confcicncfsanb mtuos,fo as tije peace of *JE»ob h)h.khz paffetb allbnbcrftanDiug bcaretb all tbc fo?aptbcrc, according as Idaulcfapctlj ^btbpp-+7. 3lno :bfte= fore tljc gablp reft ftill in tbctr ftanoing, tbougi; al t'je Suoria go to fcjreck.Wbat mcanetb tljc tbts[rcturningt>nto rcft^J 3H aunfincre tljat altljouglj (!5ods cbtb Dren bee toffeo bp anb boit»ne : pet not= S»ttb5anoing,tbep Ijauc tbefr flap ftill rcmapning in gobsSoorb , fo as tljc p ca= not fall afe>apfor 'altogttljcr. l^oaibceit altbougb tijep cafttbcmfelues bpo gobs prouibeucetn truft ofljis promifcs:pct ncucrtbclcffc tljcp bee cncombcrcb fettb tmqutctnefle , anb pitcouflp turmoplco among t\)t ftoimcs of temptations. 215 ut afToone as (Boo fuccorctb tbon, net oncip tljctr minbes bane peace tn= foarblp:but alfo tbcp conceiuc matter of mtrtbanb glabneffe at tljis mantfefting of }j?5 fauor- £>f trjts latter fptce of qui= etnefte 2Dautb intrcatctb noS»,fccingtt i5 time for Ijim to Delight rjtmfclf qiuet= Jp in frob,aUbb"Sb trottblcfenmcfTe Ijab oucrmaftrcbbimforatimc.Cbt?tran= flatc Gamai bnpropcrlp [to rcSoatbe,] inbttas gcnerallp among tbc l^cbrucs tt ftgnifi?tb affeel to beftofoj o bcnefjte, as tbc rcubcr a rcioarccano trjat botlje be con fir me in tlje nt)tectecrfe,ix»bcnr)c fapetlj tbat bps feule feas btlpuereb '^ttjul. ftom 2,pt. Iohn Caluines Commenune from >€be rcu?aroc tijcrefcjc u ci)ij, itjit (JB»'oo l) !& foppfDtbe "area from l)ia cpca Dp ociiucring tjtm from Dead), aino t!);: o?ocv of tl)£ ivqjds t0 tranfpofco. i:ej alter our maner,bcc fljoulDc rather baue fapD tljus : b* l)att) bctiuercc* mp fcete from falling, anD mine ctcs from tcarc0,oj rather t>c tjatl) Deltuerea mp foulefvom Dcatrj-ioj loofee Sebat 13 c'oecfeft, that arc Xoec fcjonte to fctm tl)c laftc place. But among tlje i^ebjuca it is no abfurDttic too place flje i»ooz80 as tfoep bee hers, tt>tmi) are too bee cicpounDcD tbuc : <15ob bath not onelp faiuD uue from p^efenr Dcatb,but alfo Deal: moje freeipwul) mcc,ojuuing nt»ap rjcaupncffe from thee , anD rca= cbmg mee In* banoc , tbat 3 fbouloc not Humble, foj, tt 10 an enlarging of $o&0 grace, trjat be reftojcD one to life 10 I haue beleeued, bycaufe I will fpeake : I 1 1 I haue fayde in my f eare;all men arc lyers ttjatiaao aa gooo as DtaD. 9 [J fljaUto«u&cbcfojc.«.3$ere3 take toalKmg bCtOjc vI3oo too tmploy a0 much as 13 titu Dnoec b»s tuitiOH.i$crc= bponJDauiD^opetb locniopliis fafctp conttnuallp. jt o: noting is tncjc to bee SDtQjcD.tljanto &atw eur life Cpct t>ptn= Dcr l)Jo cu;lo&p,loaahe mapbepcioatcb anb toaro for bs. CbircfQie 1e toufccDtbinkc t!)cmieluc0 beftatrcftc feirjen triipbc'tirtrjeftof from goo:fo the gooip t&infctfceftlHcfe blcffco in tljis on= ippopnt,tljat t0oo utreCiCti; ttjttr ioljolc life. IDautDtbmfapttjbefiitill liuc,bp= caufc ijr bath CS'oD too pzefcriu t)i0 Ipfe. foiM)zt{\B Ijcaobcil) [m tlje lanbeof tfje tiutng]itimpo2-tctb tl)U0 muibubat fee b2 fojiojne, anD rljat new ttfiructi= one pzcace bpo do almoft t net p minute of an bcure,tf he foigct b0. m fore troubled. 10 [31 bane bciceucb jej atgembee renerfetb tn \joxo grcatc Daungcr Ijee S»aa\to ujc intent trj: miracle of bio dc= liuerancctnap fbpncfoojtljetbe better. But frrft be pjotcfteUj that be fpeafcctb of an bnfepneo meaning in l)ia bart.anD tbat bee tJttcretl) net aupe otI>cr tfjing Sxmi) bio moutl)«,tl)an fuebc a© bee baD long bethought bun of $ iscll fcigelrcD befoic. fa: fo tmpojttctb the pcrccll [ 3 bclcuc& bpcaufc 3 Snill fpeake,] names Ip tl)ati)t0 ioozoa pzoccDcof camefrafs tectum of bane. f5aule citing this place 2.Co:.4..i3.tolo\»abtbcgrccfectrafla= tion:[3 belecuca,anD therefore baue 31 fpo&cn.] 213 nt fojafmucbe a0 3 bauc tolD pou bcretofozc, tbat it S»aa not ir>e intent of tljc 3!poftle0 too recpieeuerp ioo^D anD filiablcttt map fufftjetbat tbe iBOjD0of IDautD arc pjoperlpapplpcD in tbeir natiuc fenfc to tbe cafe £ |2>aule iatrcatetb of tbere. ^0^ after bee batlje coutrtlp tauntcD tbe Coxintbians foj aouancmgtbeuifclues abouctbc cloubs ao tbougb ibep baD *in cjcemptcD from tbe common lot of men :[3 bclceuco] (fapctb bO [anl> tljcrefojc baue 3 fpobe it,] tbat bee S»hicb batbe onct rapfeo Cb^ift fro Deatb,&>iU alio crtcD Cl)?ifts life tmto to: tbat 10 too fap, 3 bclteue, anD tb«rfo?e 30 (pffthe it.(Cb«fupponbe gatberetf) tljat tbe Ccjtintb'as arc puf; feb top foul) focliSli p^pDe, bpcaufc tbep Doo not bnmblp cmbiace Chaffs croffe, ioberas it fcolo become tbcm tofpcaKe bp tbe fame fptnt of faitbil^oto altbogb fome bebjue interpictcr© Do taHe p par= ttcle cb aouerfatiuelp: pet £ rigbtcr bn= DerfraDmg(tbe tobicb, alfo 10 alo&KD bp tbe beft lerncD) is tr;is: J, 5cil not fpebe otberS»ifc tljan 3 ba«e concetueD m mp bart. if oi tbe circumffance of tbe place requiretb, tbat tbe outfejarb p;otcfiati6 oftbetung CboulD agree ioitb tbe toerp meaning of tbebartc:bpcaufcmanp Doo iautfrVp bable tbe tbuig febsebe ncaer came in tfjetr tljcugbto : a0 if be fl)OnlD fape,let no man tbmkc 3 caft foo^tb ln= utfi) ouerrcacb»ng0 , foj looKe Syljat 31 fpeabe,£fame baue 3 bclecucD. TOber= toppon t0 gatbcrcD a profitable Doctrine, tbat fattb canot Ipe DeaD in men© barts, but muftof neccffitie bjeaUeout. fo% tbcbolp <©boft couplctb becre tbe fattlj of the heart ar.D tbe outfojarD confeffi- on in one tjolp feonD togitber : anD tobat <0oDbafb couplcD, let not man put a f unDer-Crccljeroufip therefore Doo Dif= fetnblers cozrupte the i»bole l»co?Dc of <5 £> ID, i»b° ccuioc finae in tbep? bart0 too burp their faptb in DarfencfTc. a9uti»cmuft bcarcmrmnb !):ix> <0oD rcnui i, requtreib at b«s d)tiDjens Ratios ttjc o?- bet that ZDautb pjefcctbctytnamelp tijat thep fboutbe firft belccuc, ere tbep pjo= fcfle fo>»tb their tung.:2i5uc (a0 31 Tape) 1)2 imrcaretboftbcgrcatneffc ofbts pc- nil, to the intent he map p mo?c cnligb= ten the help that feas fent htm fro u5oo. ii [3ifapDcm mp fcarc «c] #>ome tciUe £ 5»o?9 chephez foz [haft o? fleeing] anb mterpzete it , that ZDauib fpabe fa fcjbtnbccrlcDbafrcip from tlje pjefence of SDaule.i$oicbcct£ fojtafmncbc as it figmfietb mcrapbojtcallp [atrenibimg] 3B Doubt not but JDauiD bcclaretbbsiB hce ^330 abafheb m his hart , fa as bee fcjasreep to fail headlong bovor.e. ^Fo?= an ttuube therefore as the troubicfcm= ncfleof bis mtnb barpcb bun afo>ap,bce confcfTeth that his hart ioas in a mancr quite quapleb. jjFn the feconb pan of the bcrfc alf© the 31nter^ctcr0 bifagree. ©ommc thmbe that SDautb confcfTeth bimfcifctqljauc boubtebof cbcpzonufc that toa© mabc bnto him bp the $dio= Pbet ^amueU.i^ce in becbe ioas a fuf= ficient itsitnefle: bofebecit ioben 3DauiD fawe htmfelfe D2iue out of h«0 countrcp, anb from time to time funbzp &>apes in baunger of Deatb:tfrcre might fome fuch temptation creepe bppon htm, that his anopnting bp &>amuetl fojas bapne anb to no purpofc. Cbctfozc accosting too thcm,the meaning of the i»ozDs is this: it toantcb but little, but that 3! bab bt= tcrlp quapleb in mp fitgbt, aub the p?o= tmfe maDe bnto me hab banifhcb afc>ap: nap rather 3i thought mpfclfe becgupr leb&tth bspnehope. jDtberfomc ptcfee out a cotrarp fenfe: namelp that 2DamD oucrcame tya temptation , mfomuchc tbatftjbtfas Nathan hab traftclpeg- gebbis minb too Defpapze,bcc chaflijco htmfelfe out of hanb, anb cut of the oc= cafion ofbts ofomc bnbcelecfe , mthps fo>ife:fe>bat Doeft thou ft>zctcbc ;• Tot)?- thcr tbzoweft thou tljtfcifcr* barcfl thou triDircctlp charge <0oo ioitb iptng^/j^ap rather let him be true of b'0 Srciti,anD tahe bantttc,fping, $ falfbco to thp fcif. But 31 fuppofetbis bottrtneto ertenbe moze gencral!p:that is to i»it,f DauiD pzopotioeD not tfcis ,ppbf 0> to bimfclf bt rectlptbut y being troublcb in his fonts, he intfiglcb bimfetf in the fnares of j^a= vponthe.Cxvj.Pfalme< 149 tanbufearcs,fo A3 bee cculDc noTtlll foljcrc to ftaphtmfclf. foj, although tl>e faithful Do oftcttmes faint, fo as j ft>c2D ef atan caiiteth tbtcti oarknefTc tn tuetr S»ap:pct fozfcbc thep not trjeir fouHbation,ncubcr blame the? (©ob ef bntrutl) purpofcip : but ra= rber cafrca bzpblc bppon tbarSmcbeD thoughts. Crulp m afinurh as the vdo^o [£>ap,]bctotu net!) among the l^cbzttcs a feteicb perfuefwn, (acco^otug as toee fapin ■£> at that mftannte. ■f 0? although the faitbfuit boo uct of fct purpofc quarcll,o? enquire tobtthcr gob bee true of bis inojo 0? no, neither br tie tbeir i»its poffcfleD feitb this fapb cur= feb blafphcmtc fc as iljcir ntinbs BjouID be full bent bppcnitafo?ebanb:but ra= ther b?tue it baefce anD beteff it as oft as it Sypnbctb it felfe into their nuiibs: pet it bappcnctb/iovo ano then, that thep be fottoubleD,£tbfpfcco*DifccrnwHbtng but bntrutl) * banttic.^ucb foas JDa= utbs pcrcciueianccpea nnb fo cenfufeb in his fearc,as if tbttb clouos fijolo tebc a&ap the fpgbt of the itght-'Cbttc is no cemmtie(faith he) thereto no ftrbfafe nefre:tchatfnc-!l3! thmb^batfuall 31 trufl- bnto ^ 4»i)Ur>cr fbftil J ficc r £ nD etienfoboothe fcutbfull oftctpmes bc= bate,tbat there is no certemttem men. ■fo} there is a fcavf bjavecnafcjicfbcpj cpcs.febicb beepctb themfrombechoh Bing the light of <©ob, anb tberfcjte thep bare bpon the cartb, bnttl fuch time as bctng itfteb bp abouetbcbcauens,tbcp begin again to fee the truth of goD.3Da= utbo purpofe (as 31 toucbeb filatc)ts to enlarge (Bobs grace bp alt mcaneo. ■tfoi this caufc in making metiDn ofbts orcne temptation© ,bcconfciTcthbtmfclt bn&ojtbr tbatd^ob fljoulD rcletucrjtm feith \)VB bclpe. 5F0? he ougbteto b .tic gatljcrcb btsloits in bnto htm, that bp leaning to the p?opbectc, be n-'igfit banc bcauebbtmfclfabcucallDiftruft.^tbe^ npcthhttnfclfctobauebocnefo,bpc3ure 'Ctt-b. b;s Iohn Galuines Commentane _ too the encounter: fo? fljefe combats arc incrcuibie tilt tljcp cemc to the toerp trps Ijismmo being troublcD.fawengtbing but to jnitic. iftowe feetng that bee t»>30 frnlu'n frith (j b. o^rtbiG a blovoe.frbat tyall betioe \)S if €>ob Imoerflpze *3 natanb bo'.attsbp :' ?et maKecb not tbttx totbccnMhittbe futbfull Ojouio bang oautftillanDtoncertcm: but racijrr that tbep fboulo call carn:ftlp Dpo gao. lima fc>:e mult bttcUlc our fctius bu}Up 12 What shall I rcpayc vnto the Lordc ponmee. 13 Iwyllreceyue thecuppeoffaluation, and call vpponthe name of the Lorde. 14 I will pay my vovves vnto the Lorde, cucn novvc in the prcfence of all his people. all. l^otobeeit Saec uiuft tberwttball bcaremmmbe.tbat U)t0 troublcDiicffc ladiD but a Uttt Subtle in 3DautO,name= Iptljat bee StunDHCD tnooubt bpcaufc tbe rcmemberancc of the pzopljectc iuas dipt out of bis misiD. All hys benefytes *re vp- n [what Cball 38 rcpap. f c] Bofoe be crpcti; out ar.tb a fronarrmtnt, tbat \yzz \s moze ouervuljelmeD fontl) tt>e bn= meafurablebeapc of bul>e remapnetjj to bee ooonc, tbat is to ioit , to magmfic <2>ob8 grace Smtb &>b*tfoeuer pzapfes be can. 3! Ssanlo (faptb he)fapne Diftbarge mp Duac :but Subcn 31 iooUc about mccon all fyoe0, 31 fpnoe nothing in tr>e ioozlD tbat map make recompense. 33 0 conccr= ning tlje tooozo3,fome crpoimd t!>c par= cell Cbpon tue] in fucbe iopfc 20 though, 2Dauib fbolofap, there ts fettlcomht0 mmDtbereine'bzancc ofalthebcnefUc0 £ d&'ooba^belrorocDbponbim. iDtbcr Come fupplp p Sooib [fo:] accozbmgalfo as the grecae interpreter barbtraflatcD it.HSut it agrcctb better that tber tyoib bcafal popntattljeluo2b:[iLo:Dl.jroi afcer be bath acfcnouMcDgeb Inm fclf bn= able to make rccompcnfc bnto (0oo, oz rather that bee can ineetc tottb nothing tl;at map mahc rccompcncc: to confirme tbe matter, l;ce aDDeti) tljcrioitljull that beisbounbe, uotfozfome one Upn&e of benefite, butfc; innumerable: as if bee {fcottiD lap : feeing tberc is no fcinDe of 'jec Ojonloc J\ be able to requite tb^m i foizimucl) t'yen as si recompeccd faple,be fleetb bnto tbaafef- giuing:tl)c i»l)icbe one papment botl) a= bunbantip farifS; (Sod. ^nb tbis ejeams pic of 2DauiD0 toarnetl> Ms, tbat u5odc bcnctitcB are not to be eftemeb ligbtlp 02 fot fafl)ion0 faKc : foz if tbep be eftemeb accozDmg to tbeir befert, tbe toerp tl)in= femg of tbcui mud rauiflj b0 to Soonber attbetu. if02 tberc 10 none of to0fe>btcb 13 not locihcn ioxth an infinite beap; of goi»0 benefites. 015 ut our banitie fe>bicb Dzawetbatoap our mpnbc0bntofcan: Czing fpccuiattO0,bzingetb in fozgctfuU ncae of ibi0ootfrin, ^»b>cb notfeitbfta= Ding cugbt to ocenpie b0 in tbe continu= allminbingoftt. 2inbfo macb rbcinozc pzapfe bcleruetb oos Uberaiitie to= SbarbiS tto, in y- fc loUetb fo? notbing at our banb0 agcpn,neptbcr can rccciue a= np tbmg,btcaufe tbatneptber betoatctb anp tbv.ig.ans s»c ere bare ana begger= Ipofailgoobtbingo. 13 [31 Sx)ilreccpuetl)ecup.$c]^caU: luDctl) to trje Kianertbat i»a0bfeo tin= bcr tbe law.^foz fe»be tbep gaue folemnc thanks tinto (^ob, tberc 5»a0 alfo a fcaft mabc, iebereat t»a0 mabc a bolp bzin= Utng in token ofglaonclTe. StnDbieaufc t bis Dooing &a0 a0 a facrament of tbctr beltueraunce oute of CBgppte : bee ter= met!) it [tbe Cup of faluatton.]2flno the fc>02D [call bpon] fignirtetb to magnifpe C5oD0 naiuc, wl,ucb felf tbing be erpzef- fetl) moze cuiocntlp immcDiatclp after, S»bcr l)c fapt^be [toil pap bj0 tioioee] in tbe pzefence of tbefaitbful: foz ifmas not lawful to offer facrifife cifu^ere tba in rv" »jv in tbc taiiauartc. C jc ctfett ts rbts, that tljc faptljfuil nesoc not to trouble rbe»» * frlueo grctlp f)ou> to Difcljargc their &u= tic0,bicaufe go& rcquirctfj nofattffactta on© S»l»Gr«of be Unoroctb tljcm to be Dc= fritute,but is contcntcD foitb nakcD nnD fimpletbanfcfulncffe. Jfo^f Ducpapmce is to cofeffc £ foe ofoc lutn fo; al things. /$cfo if dfrosbcare foitb b3 fofcuiDlp$ curtcoufip:(b much the mo;e Detcftabie t0 our flotitbfuincflc,tf foe r cber not ton to btm at leaft fotfe tlje p;apfco that bee rcqutrctb.'JnD ccrtcffc tbep be totoo bn= foo;:bp of the &unipgbt, f of the b;ctb of ipfc, (3! foil! not fap to cniopc tr>c rt= cbes of tbefobole foo;iD,)tb3t oefrauoe their maker of fo fiiiatl a right. 3inD al- though tbc ceremonies of the law be not note in bfc,« y tberfo;e this c;infe offe- ring ccafetbfobcrof JDauiD tnabctb me rio:pctthefptntualfcrutce fraoctbfril in fo;cc,of fohtcb foe tyatte few m p pfalm 5o.23.Cbefacrt6feofp?atfeQ)3lglc?i= fiemc.li5pf foap let bs bear m mpnD, £ foe tijen p;apfe gob artgbt, foben foe offer bnto btm in facrifife, not onip our togs, butalfo our feluesf fobatfecuer istnbs. 0oty d5oDta&ctbanpp;ol5t tbcrbp:but bicaufe it w rcfo y our tbafc fulncffc fbolb fbeco it felfe bp y meanc0. 14. [3fotUpapmpboroe0 3c.]#o?= afmuchc ao be maoe bowes m tbe miDS of bis pcriils, fbcrin ' flnncrb foo;tl)e tbc conftancic of bis goblputflc. ifroto bee fbcvoetb Mjat hecfoas not tnanpfopfe fojtgetfullof d5ob as moff men be, fobo foben th£p bee DiftrcfTeb bp <0oDS banb, s 00 caM bpbn bis tuicto fo; a little tohiic, nno anon after Do burp tbc rememb;lcc of tijc belp tbep bauc rccctuco. 2Sut tgc boip d5boit iacreatmg of the true foo^ 0)ipping,Dotb(notfoitboi;tcaufc)topn tbcfc two pepnta togttber foitb mfepa- rablc htiot.namelp, [Call bppon mec m tl;c Dap of trouble:]anD [fo; tty? Dcliue= raucc*glo;ifie thou me.] $dfaimc.5 0.15. 3!fanp ma tbinb it to be agemft reafon that the faithful! fboulDbargjpnefottb 45od bp matung bo coc0,tbat tbep mybt fomtbemiduefi faucurc : Ji aimffoer,. t!jcpp;o»nifcnot tbc facrifife of p;sp('e, toaclawcbpm fottl) fiatterp, as if bee foere a mo;ta!l man: 0; to binb bim too tbem bp p;oinifmg ljun a refoarD : fa; 2DauiD p;otcftcD euen now, that beb;iu = get!) no recompence at al. ^bc cnD thru anD bfc of bofoes is,firfc to fcale bp tbe bopcofobtetning in tbc bart0ofc2>eD0 cbilb;en:ar«D feccnDlp to make tbem fnr bp tbemfclues tl;e mb;e to tbaUfgiuing. 5F0; furelp f itbcrtie of bofoiug 10 gra= tcD to Sods cbiiDje, to bnthtplop tijetr infirmitic foitball: bpcaufe tfjat bp Hy.s mcanes.tbctrtnofte fepn&ebarteo father commctb Downe bnto tbcm, anD giuetb tbem leaue to Dcalc after a bomclp fc;tc fottbbtm.fotbcp bofoto tbcfapb ence 3 bauc tolb.l^owfoeucr f foo;JD go, no thing mud be nttcptcD but bp bis leaue. wbe refoje fo mucftt the fonccrare the ^apiftSjfobicbcDefcnD fobatfoeuer fo= UO) anb bnreafcjiable bofoes tbep bfi: toflufbeout foitbout Difcretteri,bntcr this pjetence, as fob0 fooulbc fape that Diunfecnncffe foere lanofull bpcaufe goD giuctb bs leaue to eatc anD blink:. 11 Precious in the fight of the Lord,is the death of his meeke ones. 16 Goto Lord,for I am thy feruantj am thy fcruant the fonne of thy handmayd,thou haft broken my bonds afunder. I will offer to thee the facrifife of prayfe,and call vppon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vovvesvnto the Lord3f«c« now in the prefence of all his people. ip In the courts of the Lords houfe,r«f« in the midds of thee O Ieru- falem. Prayfe ye the Lord. catifc t^m fpfe is p;ecioufe in bps fight. SnD foitb this buchunr bce«u-ni to fence bira felfe ogcpnfrr the rrrrouro cf 3Dcafb » fobp£hcP?cafTtb o:tcn bp= ron ^7 iS 15 [|&;eciottf2 in the fpgbfn. «c] ^cr pafTrtb too a general! JDccinne: that <£ u> "& baihe a tare of ibe go^lp, tobealpc tb:m in th^.p; ncccffittc, b?= pon i)im &>bcn be lohcb to be ftcalofecb bp iucip turning of a banoe. fop feben fee be in pcrtti febple ®oB fepn&ctb fo, the top tafe:tb bs in tbc beaD tl>at fee be ncglcctcb aa uile bonDfUues,anD our life accounts as a fning of nougbte. jrur= tberm.ucfe:&nofe tf)atfebzntbefetc= Sub fee ba oeftttutc of all Defence * fuc= cour, the? bzag tbemfelucs fo itiuctjc tbe moze bololp agcpnffc ba.aa though there feere no account of our life oz oearb- 21= gcmlt tbetr lufrmefTc ttjerfo^e batl) 2Da= mo fct tins fentence, Chat oo fe:ll (l)ttD openlp at length, bofe ocarelp be louctb our foules-IUke as at tbia bap ■uj^en gillcfTc blouo iafbeD, o;couer feben b; 01= termuietb the caufcof htsbeltueraunce to bee thathefeasthc fcruantof (Bob: he both tn no fe tfe bzag of h»s ofene fci-= uiccs, but rather conuepctb b»s mpnoe baca to <£>oos free clettton. fox tt Ipeth not tn bs to make ourc feluea 31n bain tljerfozx fboio £ pzopljet talU to f t)ctl)cn t'^cp fejerc not to be gatbcrcD into f tomtit of ■ fattt) togitber i»«tlj iti;c c!nlo?c of asbjet- Ija.ijtic itljcr 10 tb zx caufe ferijp tljcfe nofe fenfemen fboalo go aboat to tcfl out tfris rcfan of ^.^>auls feritb tljctr caatis. 3! graunt in dcco £ in otljcr places il)c Ijolp <5boft cjcbo?tetb affenlmoiitatns as rt= aers,fe>itb trees, rapne, ferinDS, $ tl>u= Dcr to foftofojtb tbcpiatfcsof goD.Ujat is to feut, bieaufe all creatures cucn in boiotng tbetr peace, Bo pzociapiK Ijtm to be tbeir mafecr. H5ut be ia psapfeD after an otljcr mancr bp me, Sabtcb ar cnDacD feritb tm&erftanDing. 3lccozDtng alfo as trie r eo;mg of trjc caafe ferijtcb tc ab&cD Dotb, Dcelareitbat ts teferit,btcanfc gob© mercp anb tratb Do mintftcr matter trjer of.^ojeoaer trjcp?epbetmcanctb,tl)at <0oD fljoalDc bee pjapfcD cacrp fejbcrc of tlje d5entiles,not bpcaufe tb»s fenotelcge reftctb in trje corner of 3B'e«zp , bat bp= caufc tt fbal be fpzcD abjtoDc tt^oagb tlje fe>bolc foozlD. iff trft trjcrfojte be btBDctb tl>cm p;npfe<15oD,btcaafebto goooneffe is cncreafcD [oj fcttlcD] (fo: Gcbar amog il)c fytbpjtQ Qgm&ctl) toatty)* feconoip bpcaw&bis titui;c en&nretjjfleljfaftfoj cner. 'iiljep tijen Uj<-;t pafft oner j^oos goooncfTc fe> i:lj bjiitiflj Oiiitirti&aiib re= fufc bisbcuenlp Doctrine femlj Dcafe ta= res, IjoUj: fijoulDc tljcp be re&p to fing goDs pia^fcsr'iJpojcoucr <^oD0[trtitb] unpoztctb y?opKlp in tbps place tbe a(= faraee of bis graced !jc map be true, auDpstmanace Dcftructta to tlje ferijoic fej CUD. 15 ut be batb tberfoie marfballcD mercp in tr>c firftc roomc, too tl)t tnfent tlm U)ts faptbefulncffc contcpJuhg4l;.c fiffuracc of ijtsfatbcrlpgooD S&.iljiapaftt cbcercbp t!)e inpnoca; cf t^c^oDlge. 'Cralp !)i0 power ano Ijts 38afticeDe; ferae no leffe p?apfe tba tb,e oiijrr. ^svo b'ceitfo;afmacb as mcnfljalincacrbtc rigbtlp mtnbco too p;apfc (5cS , ohieffe ibep be allurcb bp fomc tad of ins goo&= nefrc:tl)c i^^opbet 'jppon bcrp gooo cb- fibcrattoubatbecbojen out tnercv anD fattbfalneffe , i»!)tcbe aionlp open tbe motttbes of tfjc Dumbr. irartljcrmozc I)t0 tratbe i0not fapQc to bceaerlaftsng astboagb bismcrcp fboaiDfloartfije a little fc)b?lc,ana afterft>arb qutcUlp ba= nifh a&ap : (foj bp tbatreafon it Gjoulb be bat ftnail in refpect of mercp, febiebe ia fapac too bee plenteous : ) but ti)c meaning is,tbat (Sods mercp is plentb fall boponbs, anb tbat it flo&cifc ferity inceffat coarfc,bicattfe it is totneD % l)to caerla(lingtratb.'i0utiffe)creaDe-K bis mercp is fettlcD, f fcrapte feiii be tafeen quae a roap : fo? tb en fbal a fa? el bis trntb as bic mercp be abozneo aliUc feutl; t!;c comcnDacton ofconftancu ? ftcDincffe. L The Contents of the. Cxviij.Pfalme. *At vb-dt timefi eucr this pfalme nude, Dauid bauin^ gotten the Jvfira in hand, for afinuche .is be krtcve tbat bis being king was for tbe wcl- fare of the -whole Church ,exhortctb all the children of Graham to confidcr this grace.^Alfo he makc-th mention of bis perils, the greatncJJ'e and varie- tur wherof might haue diffatchedbim an hundred tune:, bad not God hel- ped htm -m ndcr fully W her by it is cafe to conic&urc, that bee came not to tbefcege royall either by bis oxmc j> ,hcie,or by the fauoure of men, or by a- ny worldly meancs.Thcrythball alfo he dcrefented the per] on of him. The Cxyiij.Vfame. Rayfe ye the Lord bycaufe hce is good,for his mercy enduretb for euer. z Let Ifradl now faye,that his mercy enduretb for euer. 3 Let the houfe of Aaron now fay,that his mercy enduretb for euer. 4 Let them that fear the lord now fay,that his mercy enduretb for euer. i [jgjapfe pertje Jlozbe_f c] weefee as in tbc pfalm.51.17.fee bauc fene tbr bo&> 3Dat»D gmccb not tbafes Onto goo pziuilp.but ami) a louo Oopce ejeboztetb tbe people to communicate S»itb Inm in tbe Ductp of goDunclfe. 2lnb tbts DootI) be,not onlp bpcaufe bee ferns ozbepneo to be a captctn anD matter Onto others: but alfo bpcaufe <® £D 3D in mailing btm king,baD ftjeujcD compaffio" on bis P*r= fecuteb Cburcbe. Cberfozc be ejeboztetb, tbc H fraetits to pzapfe tbe grace of gob, Onbcrfe>bofe fortunate GanDera bee co= mrtl) fooztb to mamteinc trjeir Welfare. l$c faptb generally at tbe ftrft, tr>at gob ts goob.f tbat bis merep is euerlading. TJSutafterroarD beallegetb tbe pjofe of f goobneffe in bimfclf„80 fee fbal fee in place conuenientc. 3B» tljerocanc feafon ft bebouetb pou to call to rcmembzance, bow 3! toloepou in tbelaGpfalme, tbat occaftonof pzaifing <&qx> is fct fo?tl) Oa= to 03 in l)i0 mcrcp ratber tba in tys po= fejcranD 31uftice,bicaufetbat altfcougb bis glozie fijine fooztt) in tbem alfo : pet Qjal toe neuer fmg bis pzapfes cberefub ip 9 bartilp,Onttl f;ec allure Osfentb tbc ftt>ete taft of bis goobnes : acozbing alfo moutbesof tbefattbtullopcncD to piaife (Bob, bp feclmg bim to bee tbeir beliue= rer. Stub fcberas jje fpea&etb snip Onto Jlfracl j tbc cbilDzen of ataron • be oetb it in refpett of bis time.bieaufe tbe abop= ticn remawco as pet in tbat one nation, \)Owbcitt\)at\y. foloroctb agcin tbc fame ozDer fcbicbc be fcept in tbe bunozcD an* ftftccntl) pfalmc. foi after be batb e*= bozteo tbecbUbzen of 3lbzabam, fe>bicb fejere fegregarcD from tbe Gentiles bp tbe election of 45 i2> 3D : anD alfo tbe cbUQzen of 3!aron,fe»bicbebprpgbtt9f tbeir ^zicftboobe ougbte too Ong be= feze tbe reftc:be tournetb b'S talfce to tbe otber ioojfbippers of <££>£>, bpcaufe tbere fe>crc manp DtfgupfcD Jlfraelitcs, fe>bo tbougbe tbep bilbe tbeir roomes m tbe cburcb, fe>erc neuertbelcfTe Gran; gcrs Onto it. jfreitber ts it anp let tbat SDauib bptbefptrttof pzopbeeie intrea= tctb becre, of €\);i{i£S UpngSome tbat feas to come, foi altbougb it bee no5»e eptcnDfb to tbe (2>entiles : pet bab it I)is ozigiual anb firrt frutes among t^e cfjo= fen people. 5 Out of trouble haue I called vppon God: and hee hath hard mee at large. 6 The Lord is with mee,T will not fear e what man can do vnto me 7 God is with me among my helpers : and I shall fee my defire vppon mineaduerfaries. rr 8 It is better to trufl: in the Lord,than to truft in men. 9 It is better to trull in the Lord,than to trull in princes. 5 [&utoftrcnbleffr,]'Cbf0isafpe= iopcmg of t\)t toholc Cburcbe frbofe ctallapplpmg of tbc Dortrine that free faloc,bntotbeperfonof 3Dauio:ii)bcr= Onto notojitbftanbmgisanntjcco tbe res common Welfare d5ob bab pzouibcb foz bp matnrcmmg tl;at one man . Ulnb bp !;is ownc example bee confjrraetb ail tbe goblv vpon the. L>xvij.rialme. iftf Fipzaatfcfi^ are attempted agcmtt bun. gcotp,tbac tt;s? Ujouioc not tctcbcp; bartsqnavtc in abuerfitie. t$efeemccb alfo of fct p urpof c to encounter a Boute, ix>i)icl) l0SuQnttoftcalebpponmenbp£ bp as oft a0 gobs gooDnefTet0 pzeacbeb: namelp Subp bee then fufferctfj bts fcr= uantgtobefo fo^e oppjeffebanb put to their plunge. 3Dauib tbcrcfo;c abmonis fljetb tbem, that pet fo; all that, q&'ods mercte becopetb not,bkaufe there iff w= fez t and remebp pjcpavcb fez cur inifes rie0 bp pzaping . Che circumftauncc of tpme,Subtcbe b« fcttctl)Dfia»n,(tijat iff to ixitt, Subenhefaptb bepzapcb out of biff biftreffc 03 trouble, ) ana b^ that mean Suas fet at large, aDmoniflietb us that Suben a ouerfi t ic 3 oppzeffc bs moft, then t0 it fitted time f oj us too fall too pzapcr. 6 [ €he &o*oc 10 with tnce f c.] sb, Subcn in refpecte of bim the tobole power of the Suozlb ia eftee^ meb as nothing. 15p t!)ts tueane0 alfo be tauntetb the bnbefeefealmofteof all mm who Suilfulip call down thefeluc0 toitb bapne fcaresjfoz although al men couct tb : calme eft ate of mpnbe : pet bp= caufetbcpwicBcDlpDcfrauDetSSDJD of the piapfe of bi0 power, their oSune bn- tban&efulncfTc, bereuctb them of that fo grcatagoobturne. jfojtf thcpSuoulbe fubmitall things bnto rm to bo: thep fhouloe ftano bnfcarfullpiu a reDpncfTc to ouereomc all tbnnconuemcnccs, fbj fcare Suberof thep are now an*> then be= fibes tbcmfclues. IButnowcfeing thep pjefcrre mcn3burtfull attempts bcfeie <0oO0 befence ; thep be Suoztbp to be a= bafbeb at tbenopfe of euerpleafe that falleth. Cbts mifozDZcbnefTe intnt2Da= uid to correct hp his oSune cpample.Sube be fapth, tfj-tt inafmuchc as be i0 fare of c5oDs fauour,bc fcarcth not all the men mtbcS»02lD«:bmrpbtcaufebebelcuetb that it itetb in \)is power to Dtfappopnte 0oj» if be fang this fong after !>ic belt uerace,it apperettj boiuSuei be hao pzo= fitcb in the experience of cIPoos grace. Cbcrfojc 80 oft as <5od (ball bauc \)£U pcob0,our truft muft tberbp encrcafe fo; the time to come, anb iaec muff ne= ucr bee fo fozgctfull , but that Sueeal= toapesbcaretnininD the goobneflcanb pc cwcr of <5ob Subtcb wee bao trpal! ot tn the berp bznnt of our neceffttie. Snb it mapc bee that bee rcberfetbbetfctbe thing© that bee bethought bun of m the miob0 of his caungers. /tfeuer tbclefle, the ether former cppoHtton is the lti»c= Ipcrmamclp that after be baD gotten the btrtoziebe fboulD glozp of ^5ods contt= nuall help foz the time commmg.w^ct=" a0 fomc taUe[^clpers]foj f fmall banb of men that jDauib bftbrctcincb about biur.intmnc opinion it tstoo^atrift). 3roz it Sucre cololp boone ot'bim tomu- ftcr <0ob among tbcfijccbunDzeb that be leb wu!) htm, as though be Sucre one of tbctroope. Cbcrcfozejfl interpret tt mozcplamlp, that bee callcth Cpoobio helper, a© if he fboulD fape, it is inougb fo? htm fo he haue d&ob on bt0 fibe. 5Foj although bee Sucre beflituicofmannes belpe : pet fttcfecth be not to match (0od ageinft all cnimie0. 8 Ijtis better toe truft «c] DM fcc= tneth to fap nothing but fuel) gearc as 10 common anD rife. 5roz al men Suitb or.c confent confefTe, that toljcn companfon commc0 to be mabe betSuf ne bun 9 me, he alone ought too be mabe nmebe mo;e account of than all the?, ftberfoze that nothing 10 better than to ftape bponthe hope of the help Subtcb he Ijatlj pzomifeb to tbofe that be bis.Crulp this cofeffton riugeth m all mens moutbes. 3inD pet in the meane feafon fearfe one among a bunbzeo, is fullp rcfolueo inhtmfclfe, y «0ob alone is inougb foz htm. c5rcat- ip therfoje hath b« pzofitcD,Suhicbe boi= bing htmfelfe contenteb Suitb v one goo, ceaffctb net to hope Suell, pea though he finoc no help at albpon earth -^ ut it t0 an bnpzoper companion , bicaufc tt is btterlpc bnlaSuefull too puttcoucr bn= to menanp Suhpttcof our truft, Subtcbe muft be fijeeb Subollp tn d5oD.jj:lotSuttb~ ftanbing the fenfe 10 nothing Doubtfuiu namelp Z.Dt. iohn v^alumes Oommentane t) jpc, &i)i lenmg onto gaa alone,be l;aD paeicntip tancn tbc bcruung of al "ajojlD lp Ijclps.Jn tbc fcconO part of tbe ocrfc S»^ere t)J puttett) [0jmcea] m ticbe of [menjtberc is an amplification's u be llpuloc fapc, not onelp tl^p are fooltfl) i i? ouerfcenc tobicb put ii>eir trud m co> nmycrfoas : but alfo tbep tbat be titti* Deo to great eft amgs : bicaufc p" als»aps tntt)ecnbctl)2truftc (ball bee accurfro tbat is greunbeo opou flcfl? : but t»berc as&ODSfauourc 10, rljcre euen o^atl) fball be turned into Ipfc. io All nacionshaue comparted mce about: but in the name of the Lord I shall furely 5leitroy them. n They haue compaffed mee,andcopafledmeagein: but in the name of the Lord I shall furely deilroy them. 1 x They haue come about mee like bees,they are quenched as a fire of rhornes: but in the name of the Lord I shall furely deftroy them. 13 In thrufting thou hail thruft at me that I myght fall, and the Lorde hath helped mee. 14 God is my (trength, and my fong, and he hath faued mee. 10 [ 3M nations fc] l^eoeciaretbm Hotwttbftaoutg fojafmucb astycr&as no quiet abioingfojbim bat among tht namelp tijat mena oapne Ijopcs areiau= gbeb to fcojne, fc>ui> isljicb tbjp be lja= rpeo l)tti)cr auo tbitbcr:anD tbat as long as tlje ceo^lo fmftctb opon tljcm,tbep fee bptbcirbiiillcs, either ouerutppm g 9; cite Defpifmg goo . £s>om tbm& tbat 3E>a= ttib otfocpnfutip cattcti) tji3 eniiwiea in p tectljxottb, tij:t'r being DeccmeD mban= ging fcpo ^>auls fauoj. H5ut ine tl)inbs tbat tljis is ouermucl) reftrcmcb . 3ino 3! Doubt not but tbat JDanib fettettj i)im= Celf as an example to al tt;c gsDlp:mcaufc tyztyaD rcccuteo a large rewaroc of l)is tbcfe Ucrfes I)Oiwe &>onacrf uUp be (jab bm oclmereo : to tbc intent tbat all men map fcna co foj a certetuti:,t!)at tijc ocu= ueracctobJCbcoulOnot ijappenbp mas po*»cr, Seas bcrilp tlje booing of <5oo. tfoi !je repctctb oftettmes, tbat be foas bcfcgcb,anb tbat not b? a few, but bp a b'.igc multitude, ffmng then p tly: voljole realms burning ageintt bun %)\t\) anger ano lunoufncu~e,fo fycmmeD bun m onal fiOesst')(it there So as no taapc foj bt'n to efcape: tb«recoula no bclpecometobtut from an? Sy^erc elfe \ljan front Ijcauen. !$oa>b?it S»l)cra£ he complapnetb, tbat ail nations Soere bent agemft btm: fome veferrc tt to the nations tbatfcrrre box- bf rers.bp %)])$m i»c Unou? tljat JDnuia was cnbangereb on all rpacs.jl^atcottb; ffanbingtnmp tuagementbee nuMnet!) funplptbas alt elje foo^lbe ^oas agepntl bun. iFojbe fcttcc?) tlje !?elpsr of Ucfoo a= i one, agcpnft tlje Bcaol? anb outragf ous batreo t^atfaas ejcteocD agemft l)imtss i»ell br> discsuntrepthen as bp b?0 nep= bois, fo as ti)crc S»aSno corner bppon carrlj (.o% l)im to reft in fafetiein.^o? al= though t!)erc tscr no armie gatl)creb to= gttber of inanp Rations to befege ?nia:pet couerts of \j)plo bcaftcs, (nap father b« fcjas Df uie fro tljencc alfo bp fear.s loHc l)ovx> manp folfe be met i»ttb, eue fo ma^ np i»ere tf)c fnares tbat be fav» lapoe fo? btm:)it is no maruell tbougb b^ fapc be foascopaffco about bpallnations.Itnb t!)8clippeDmaneroffpeahmgba&b moje fojee isjnb tt.tba if be bao faio l)t trnftea in rof bab gotten p Upper banbe. tfn in ailcbgmg[tbe onlp nameof <2>3D,]i)cauoucbctb btmfclfe to baac ben un^pntDCo of allotber fnccc?s: fo as be mmlfjauc crrteinlp perifbeb, if gob alone Ijao not belpcb \)i\n . J t liUeb, me to trafl.itc p particle clu aff irmattuc= lp;l)Owbcit.m tr>ts fenfe: lltljougb 31 be beficgefi roftb about b^ tbetoo?l3:pct let bat 10003 pouter onlp fuccoj me,f trulp it iljalbe ftrog inougb $ too ftrog to De= ftrop al mv cni'.nics. wbcras be ^arpetl) fo often tjpo bis being encopaffco about: tberin is cx'PJclTcD a liubbojn * &nfatia= biel)atreD:$bp p fimtUtubcofliScesfje betofeenerlj a b^iprJeffe bcat:fo: altJjogfj tfocrbenot fo grct ftregtl) in ti;ofe crcas turcs:pct is tber a frcberful tur Jfnco in tht,f tfyep make foiUe not a itfle afrapb, &>hen tbep fall bppon them in tljctr blpnb mooae. jBotwitbfranbing, a little after be r,DDetl>,[tbat tbep tocre que*cheo as a fire ot tl)omcs,i»l)tch though itmabe-a great crackeling at the fir IT, $ cad top a greater fiame tha a fpzc of fiibfta call iooo&e:pi t it Dpctb oat of baK&.fSrbc effect is that 3D a* nibs enemies afTatlco him bopftoufip,but their toiolcneenbateo out of banb. Cbcr= r'oje be repetctb agein the tbtrb tpme, tljat %>h a tfocuer mtff 02 tunc fectpbe,it fell fonc fabe aroap, if fo be y oD is bis ftregtb anb bis pzaife.;jFoz in the firft titlc.bp acs fcnotolebgmg plainlphiS oumtfojeaknes, be dfcribctb bis becing fafe, bnto <25od a= lone 3no keben be bath cSfeffcb bimfclf to baue bin ftrong in 0£D2D onlp, (natnelp fo far f oztb as be fcas tophilb bp Irs poica cr:)inuneiiatlp !;e aoaetb.tbat d5i2>JD is [bis pzapfe oz bis fong :] Sohicb Seoozb iti taken p&fliuelp,as if bee (boulb fap, there teas no matter i»hp bee Qioulo <5io?ie in bimfelfibutthe fc>hole pzapfe of bis 5oel= booing rcftcb in^DOb alone . wbertontoo alfo pcrtcpnetb the clofing top of the toerfe, Sobers bee beclareth tl;at @> £> 3D fauco him. as sbcp that arc able too make their part 1 j. The voyce of ioy and welfare is in the tents of the ryghtuoufe : the Lords hand ham wrought ftrength. 16. The Lords ryght hand is cxalted:the Lords ryght hand hath waought ftrength. 17. 1 jhalnot dye,but liue and declare the workes of God. 18. GOD hath chaftized mee fore, but he hathe not deliuered mee vn- too death, ip. Open yee vntoo mee the gates of ryghtuoufencs, I wil go in at them and prayfe God. 20. This is the Lordes gate, the ryghtuoufe shall enter in at it. 81. I wil prayfe thee bycaufe thou haft herd me,and bin my deliuerance. [ pjapfe s accojbinge as it feecommethnottbe faithfull in anpiopfc toreiopec,toitbbutf confibcratio of gobs gracc.fl0o?concr[toSoo2barcngth,]inii poztetbas much as too Dttcr btspotecr mpgbtclp fo as as the bipgbtnclTe thereof map fl)inc out ope lp. ;tf 02 oftentimes gob beliuereth bis fa*thfull ones pjiue'p 5 ton* tier pretence of Socabcncne , fo as tl;cp in bcco bo feele thcmfelucs too bee bcliurreb mtoto.f. bpbis 15 ctb d5obs benefpte to l;auc bin fudi, as it Soa0 notpnoughtogiucthanfccsfo? it in a blpnb coiner . jftot onlp bpcaufe <5obS S» oihing baa appecrea therin botbc nota- ble anb feojrljp to be ban in vcincmb: ace: but alfo bpcaufe the frutc thereof fljoulD rebowno too tbe&bole Church . jFozaf-- much therefore no bis beliueraunce iuas ioonberfull.anD pzofitable in general to al tbegobip: JDauio pjomifeth openthanUf giuing,* in fo bomg cjthojtetb all f geblp too bcarehim copanie in that bolp fcruts. W ut cliecflp his purpofe is bp this circus (lance to tr tol f greatnes of gobs grace : anb alfo to Ujtxo bp f toerp effect of it,tbat not he alone to as pzc fcrucb, but the u hole Church mbispcrfon.€bcniutuaU6mui JOiJl I V^UUliO V-AJJllJin-nvaii^. bpbishand, but the fame thing is notfo bitlhnoweu to others. 1311: JDatiiD affir.- mctlj tiiat d5ot)0 was openl? a as it coulo not be&outcb at al iromw'gcncc that deliuernnee came. Co the fame purpofe pcrtctnetb the other fa?= tng,[tbat i©oos right band mas cicaltco:] bpcaufe <&£>'& bad lifted bp bia band b? S»oztrtngmi3btclp,and bepond bw a«»l'5 tomebntaucr. '7 C3 fbalnotbpsc] JDauid fpeaketb lifee one v acre creeping out of bi0 graue. ^ozbetbatfaitbCJJfyalnotdpJaeKnow lcOgctbbimfclftoobeoeUuerid from tlje death to fobicb be was appointed . 3nd ccrtcfl'e be bad Itued man? yccrcs togitber in btter dcrpaire , fo as fund;? Dcathca pzeafed bpon l)tm cuer? momcnt,and b?0 patting out of one,fr as the entering into another. Chen fattb bc,'.ie fljalnot d?, bp: caufe be bath, rccouercd life which be was paft hope of .015 ut w c wbofe life is bidden (n £>XD i»itb Cbzift.Coloir.3.3 . tmtft tl)tnte bppen this fong all tbedapea of our j Ipfe3!f an? refpft be giucn bs now 9 the, toe tnuftfapteitbiDauid, that Sac frbicl) fecreCbct bp in death, are loaded out to new ipfe sgcin .f&ot witbftanouig , Soee muft croud out continually tbzougb tbc mioses of darken etTe, b? caufe our falua- t!on,tobtcb is laid bptnbopc, can not be feene of bo openl? < 3Qn the fecond part of the berfs be fbeweth the lawful bfe of life. iro) ID *> rod b? their bandes : and alfo that the fame was afatherlp cbaflijancnMnafmucb afi <©0D frrabc bint not toitb deadlp ftrppes, but meafurco bi0 rigour, 3nd be fecmctb too pjcuent tbefroward foziudgin \S wbcrcs toitb be faaj bimfclf fppbgtfullp* oppzciTcd as tbowgb all the miferifSthat bee baft fuft'cred.bad bin as msnpftgncs of rcpze? batton.i^bcn looUc toljcrwuh the rcpzo* bat0 mifc'aargeo him: that rcuerfct*i be to tbe contrar? part fa?ing be was cozrectcd genttp 5 after a fatberl? fozt: f fir ft point in aoucrutic, is to fcnoto y we be bzougbt low b? god0 baud: * trjen mud come tb'.s other point, v b? this meancs our obediee t0 trpcd.toe our fclucs are wakened from our oucrdzowjinefTcour old man 10 mi; cifped , our fpltbinctTe f bowzcd.'wec oar fcluc0 compelled to good o;dcr,f fptirrcd bp to f mpndtng of the b eaucnlp l?fc.iFoz if ioe call tbet0 things to rcmembzance. tb -r is none of be all bat be frilbc afra?d to fret ageind ^5od:na? rather cuer? one of b3 foil ii> mecHe hart fubmit our felnes bnto Inm.aind furel? our biting bpo ? bit 9 our burftmg fozth into impaciencie bap pen becrebppon, bpcaufe the moze part of b0 conftder not that afflictions are <25ods cl)aft?;ement0,anb otberrome of bs tafte not or bis fatberl? gouernement. ix>ber= foze this fecond member is to bec mar feed aduifcdl? ,tbat d5od dcaleib alica?cs mer- cifull? toitb thofc that bee bis,fo as be liea letb b? ftrtHing. |^ot that bis fatberl? lo* ning&pnbnerTe is feene at all tpmes : but b?caufc the falling out at length fbeweth how bis ftr?pes ioere fo far from deadlp, y the? were as good as a medicine which ie eaKnctb bs fo? a little wb?lc,and after- ward h^aleth our finnes , and mahctt) bs as f refb and iuftic as cuer we iocrc. 19. [£Dpcn pee bnto tnee.fc] l^ecre tbzougb beat of 5cle,a>auid burfteth fozth to rcftific bis thanbfulncffe,iDben he bids bctbthe Ccmplc to be opened bntoo hi»«» as if he were bringing facriftfes intoo it. 3ind age in bee confirmctb that which bee bathfapdebccictofozc : namelp, that bee 4oill gtue tbanfes bntoo d5od openl? m a lawefuli congrcgacion of godl? people. /Row although the m^cs did cuftoma^ bi?opcntSr)e Ceiup'cdoozes fozthepeo^ pie : pit notwubftandlng IDaaid feemeth to allude to his o^ne continual cdlclnd this coni:cturc is the better confirmed bp the nert berfcllnafmuc;) then as bee had bin hnjt a long t? me from coming &>ttb- in the §>anctuaric, pea i'atl,cr bttcrl? be - reft of the fpgbt of it : note bee reiopectb fr trpump'ieth that Itee is admitted agcin, that he ma? maXc facrtfpfc bnto god. Hind tbcrwitbalbe Q)cwetbthathcfe>il come, not as the bppocrpo were wont , whom god goo by v pzopbet <£fap.i.u,bpb;tatbet!) £ tbcvfeer bt0 paucmct "in bam: but il;at tie fell ccmeitttb the racrlficcofpzatle.ainb fozafmucb a? be fetft feel be bad true be notion,be faith it 10 geob rcafon tb«t tbe -Cemple fcojc 3 (to febicbe bee our ft not ucacf a febtlc aaone) tboulD be openco f j: butt ano Tucbc as be fens. Jt is (faith be) tbe jLojbs ooze : 9 therefore be feill at length open it feu tbe rtgbtuous. €bc effect comtnetb to tbts cnb.tbat altbogb JDftoto fecre a bemfbeb can, botb from tbe Cemplcf from bis tuntriciptt not feftanbuig,noro as fecllbeao a I y true feojQ, tppcre of (Sob receuer tbeir rrgbt after tbat tbe (rate of tbe fctngoome feas rcf ozmcb to tbe be ttcr .31 no To be tnbtrect \v be wapletb tbe btrbaloi&tng of tbe tctm pie fo long as (t feas pcffcrlcD bptbebea tlitmfb befptfers of (£5od bnber tbe tiran np of £ auic,As tf it bab bin a bermil (oj, vppon the.Cxviij. Pfalme. tj4 ~ isfouncfttuifefeitl) : buTnofeefebtui* ftanbes open foi rlgbtuous folke, bee a? auouebetb it to be tbe boufc of gob.2|r:D looa febat bappeneo tn £pauls time, tbe fame 43 feme at tbts cap : rametpc,tijat <©obstraptozip enemies pcflVflebts fac; tuarp feitbout ail rtgbt 0; bontft p. fox tbe )dope fecrc not 3nticb:tfte tf be fate notm tbe temple of <25ob* l^orcbccufoz - afnuitb as nc bp btS filthy befibngs batb eucipfebcrcturncball CcmpJrs tntoo bjoti;cl boufes : let tos rnocucr ta cleric ttjf tn Cas mucb as fee can.) f ©co map bee feozfbippeo in tbcm pu rctr.3! nD Tub dfc>ob boutfauetb to cboje b'S holp btocl= lmg place among us : let tos boo tbe bed fee can too beep aroap tbe m ftiemc uts f ftmti trig mtngie mangles tbat marre tbe purencs of tbe £burcr?.a»fccrrcarb 2>a= utrj dc claret b bzee ape foi febat caufe bee purpofctb too offer tbe facrtficc of pzatle tot* ta co bp bp ©jbs call, obtcpneth a glozp tbatfurmountetb theiubgements of the tohoie feoilo.l^ovcbcit fczafmucl) as it feas a b tbe intent the autbozttp the rcf map bzible ai I le wb anb qu ar e lmg JLifc&.ij. ialHcs. Iohn Caluins Commentaric talhetf. [3Btt0(faptbbc)thei,o;b0 Do intern cace as tf bee (1;ouid far *d5o pour ftat?0,ano qtiarclpcc ftttb this, fclja t all of them So cr c compcllcb to ft on= ber at the thtng t hat ft as boone, as at a tiling tner cotblc^otc ft be n as <25£> 2D fto:Uet!i ftonb?rfullp anb aboue onr bn berftanbtng, bis power mud neebco bee apparant tontoo bs. 3 fan? man ltd too tabe ttabucrfatluclpe, In this fenced 1= though men be amascb at tbi0 ftoozb of anb no man bare quetcb agctnd btm anp moze.;tf tnallp bote tijefe tbtng0 map pjoptrl p agree bnto CbJid 3 map tnozeconncnientlp beclareftbcn 31 fbalbee come to tije fine ana twentttb toirfe* 24.* [Cbtetstbebap.fc.l/^owljebes claretb Ijoirc tt ft as a luebp if fortunate bapftbwbefta0at length abmffteb to be king, * tbe annotating of btm br $a mnel fiabiifbeb bp effecte. 2FnD although tt be true tbat d5ob bane created al baps a ilbe : pit nottottbdanbtng, JDauib bp a P2crogattue rallctb that bap ©obobape ftbicbe after long Darfencs bab batoneb to tbe Welfare of tbe Cburcbe, btcaufett ftao beautificb ft a notable mark ft 02= tb p of r enowne among tbtm tbat fbonlb come after. 3lnb btcacfe tbe Church bab ft coca out of fo beep barbnes: bcerbots tetlj tbe faithful to mirth anb glabne0: ? tbfseootbbec of fet purpofe,bicatifema= np cptber dtl ft id tt not too bee of aul, tbat it ftuo a cc??ie too tbem too fubm tt ti)cftlu€0 tmber tbe of 2Dauib* 2 5 ■ 3 befcecb tbcc£> ito2b.£ c] ssteaufe [Na] among tbe i^eb?e«?c0 is of. g:tmc0 ansouerboftime tmanp tranflateitin this place [faue me note % befcecb tije*-3 i3ot«?itbdanbing,fojafmucb a0iti0 oft tunes alfo an atuetb of tntreataunce, 3 bauc cbo^en mine own former rvanflatt* on ft btcb ft U not mtfagree ft itb tbe pie« fent place, foj J boubte not but tbe bolp d&bod in tb is often repetition, ment too dure bp a finguler fcebemenep anb ear= ncdnes of piaping in tbe barto off Uitt) full, bp tbe mouth etttje $iopbcte.43e= uer tbeleffe if anp man cbofe rather fome other fcnce,3I cadtp bearc ft ttb uv<£hf0 truelp f 0 eetteme , that beer e is a fojme cf p japing giuen foitb to the ebojen peo= ple,tbat thep might ft tfbe lucbp futccfie to 3DauiO0nignc,asftbcruponbepcn= beb tbe comen ftclfare of tbem all* ainb bp thefe ftooibes bee anoncheb bimfclfe to retgne bp OPobo appointment : $ cons fequenttp tbat thep be bnft o? tbr to pof= feffe anpe place in the £burcbe,fr bofoes ner thep be y cannot tlnbctn thetr harts to fttdjc the p2ofperttic of ht0 reign. 30n the nejc te bcrfe is abbcb a fp rep ail ftiflje ftbtcbe the faithful mud conceiue: name lp that like ao <&eb bathe o;bepneb 5Da- nib to be the mtnider of bis grace, fo bee djoulb [bliffe bim a lfo. fo} thep are fapb to come in tbe name of the i!o;be, ftbofe fernf ce he bfetb to the ft cifarc of bt0 peo pie : Ubea0 )d^ophetes $ tcacbtrs,ftb6 he rapfetb bp to gather h to Cburcbe to either : $ as Captcms $ offtccrs ft bom he furnlfbetb fttth biofptrue.But £>a= uib0 cace ft as a fpcctail cace, tnafmttcbe sb he rcp?efenteb a figure of € i)i\ ft : bu eanfe tt ft a0 d5 oD0 ft pi! that bus people fhoulbe line \>nber htm $ bi0 fuccctTouro tonttl the commtng of CI) jpd. 5 1 map ai fo be an tottraunce of glabncs ftben it 10 fapb [bliffeb 10 he thatcometh^c.] i^ow becit f ozafmuch 80 bp an bp after thcr i0 abbeb the bltfftng of the i3 jecftes : % ra? t her incline to this point , that the people Sntfheth d£>obs grace f fauour bnto £>a< utb3nb too the intent the fattbfull map mabe this piaper the mo:e cbeerfailpe,f thcrebp bee enceurageb too embrace t?>e &mg fthom €>obhath fet ouer the : mi mcbtatlpe after there (0 aboeb tbi0 p?o= mtfe tn the perfon of the ^2>?ecde0 [wee bltde pon out of tbe houfe of the Hozt>e.] if oj fo boo thep fpc abe aceojotng too the oiber of their office, to fthom the charge of bltfling ft as entopneb acco;btng a0 ^opfeo teacheth tn manp place0, j fpes ctallp tn jftamcr(.6,z3.2£utit to r.ot fej naught vppon the . Ctfviij. Pfalme. lSS noagbt tbat tbey ioync tbeiaelfareoftbe cburcb 9 tbe pidfpcrous ftatc of t!;e king; &omctogitl)cr.25utratl)criI}GppuuI)ciit tnmtnd tljat tbe Iftcalmc Qjallbc in fafety aslongas^ feingdome flojifbctlj,? tbat aloftbcmfijalbc buffed Sutd) tbeir bins, bicaufc tljcr 10 an mfeperablc hnot betocnc tljc bead ana tljc members;, j$ow feeinge toe ftno!D,fyat wljen JDr.uio leas created 3tng,ti)euia0 $ fotldation latD off euer= lading feingdome tdjtcb tons at legtb fet open in tbe coming of £b?itt :$ tbat tfjat tcmpezall tltfonc ioljcr in JDautd anb bis potter trie fate,fo>as an image of fyz cuer* laflingfeingdome i&berwirliCbjuft iraa endewed by i)i0 father ,fo as i)ce obtepned full power botb m bcaucn anb eartb: it 10 not too bee boutcd.bnt tljat tfye f-!>2opbec &illctljtbcfairt)fuiltO0 piay continually foi tlje topfutif pjofperous proceeding of tbis fpirituall Uingoomc. f 0: it beboued tljofc tbat liucb bnocr tljc ole figures, too piay f02 IDauid anb Ijts fucceflbis , 3lnd toben tljctobolc dtgmtte of trjat fctngbome &as hccakniit bcljouebtbe frith greater carneftnes to toiO> foj feting bp of it agent fe>btcb £) bad called tbetn to ano= tbercnd,bstermetbtbemfttll dB£)iDS> feruantcsand mcfTengers.&o alfo at tbis day, bdwfocuer f ^ope and bisftinging clergiebfurptoo tbemfelues tbetytle cf p?eftbod: yit ceafe tljep not to be £ fwoine cne mtes cf Cbiift.iPbcrbpon ttfolotterl) tbat tbep fcc r.oibing leffe tban dpods latos full tniuifisrs: andfe mucb tbe greuoufer damnacton fballtbeybaue.tljtatwbereas tbey boldtberoomes of £>bcpebcrds, yit neuertbeles tbep maUebauoctae of Cb?i= fies fiocUe. jBoio altbougb trjcr be greate oddes bctwtjtt tbem and leuitical %> jefis : y ttnotwitbftandtng inafmucb as tbe o?di= nary autbozity rcftetb in tbeir is no bar m c at all to graunt tbe tbe ty tie , fo y tbey ftjzoudnot tbe Qjamefuineo oftl-c.r tiranny mtder y pietence. iff 02 if tlje bare tytlc fuffy3cd too mafee tljem retterend: Cbiift mufi needes bauc bin put too fi;, feeing tbat tbe I32ccftcs tin cuerp- wbere refufc bifi 3Doctrine . iBay rarljer, tbis place teacljetb , tbat now and tben tbofc bee tbe i» 002ft iD02^men,to i»bo»n tbe cbarg of ruling of the tfburcb is com-- mittctt , 2?auid tn wayc of |32opl;cf:e, tennett) tbem cbeef [bwtlbcrs] tbat went about to aeftro? d5ods fonnc and tbe fal- uacion of all manbynde , and by frbome tbeferuis of €» ^> 3D fc?as defied , !Se= ligion wbolly co?ruptco,and tbe Cesnple of 45 sD 3D bnbalowcd . (^bftefojc tf euery one tbat is ensc&ed wttb oidiuarie autl)02ttie , mull ix»ttrjput exception bee Ijerlsened untcoas alawcfuil fbcpljcrd : tli'b.iii. tb«i iohnCaluins Commentarie f]HmufT€^i& tjolt) bis peace . fox it it was ef recrfuiis that Cttfift ffeouls be happcnetb tnoft comonip, that bis fpitful* rcfufco of tbcb&ilDer?. Cniip the c?}urc;) kftfocslurk wDertbctiifo} of £>bcepe< feermtUpHgbMfit fboulD neucrbaue as berbrs.wec fee with how (trong sno fure np otl>er fbcpherDS,but fucb as wcr ocaD a buckler tbc fcolp <©hoflc armctb bs a* gclnft tbctjainbjtagges of tbcpoptfb cIhm gte. "JngooD foott) ict i hem bee bupiocrs mi m nauictbwt if tbcp re.cct Cbwft'.muft fee alfo ncebes Dcnp btra tor* |ftap ratljct let b0 Defpvfe their Decree? anD treab the bnber foote,anD let bs honour tty0pje= clous ftonc,bppon whom our welfare t0 founbeD . fo} febcras it is fat&Ctoobre c^nietbebeaD cojtnerftone :") tonDerftaaD ihou bp ueia wo;Des,t!ist he to tbe seep f ounDacton of ibe Cburcb^bicb bearctl) \jp t')C feepgbt oftliefeljoie bwp!amg, bpcaufetbecbccf ftrcngtb of bfrUomgca ought to be in the corners : f ei 3 like not this curious Den ice of 3ugulhnes, that Chull 10 rt)cco;n."raancbycaufc hcbatl) knit the Metres 9 tbc <0cnt?lc0 togitber, like a0 a co;ner is § coping par t bctwc*nc twofunD?pfealles . SftcrfearD 2>auiD (as 3! bane fate) beatetlj into tijeir bean? ^t>itlj manpfeo?D0,how it i0 amtffc to cf; tcemcCbii&sliiingbome bpthc berDtt ani bopces of men , bpcaufe it is reereD feonDerfnllpbp tbe power of <0oD,mato= grc tbc will * wttbftanDing of tbe toojlb. TBpthc feap fee muff remebcr, that looke fe l)at thing was fulfilicD in tl;e pcrfon of £bJi8>tlie fame belonged) to tip continue al courfe of bisfcmtjDoinc.cue bmo f enD of the feojlD.'Cbe p?elates of the-Cbttrcii DifppfcD Cbzift feben be UucD bppon tbe earth:* now thefe that name tbefelues y fucceffejs of peter ano panic, (libera? tb>P be aitogitber amnafes 9 <£ataphafes bo after tbemaner ef<£tantC0 mats c fear agcinft tbedPofpel 9 tbe ijolp 6bou\3i5ut tber 10 no reafon fehp this fumits rcbeU iton CboulD trubble bs:but let bo bumbip honour bis wounDerfull pmu"ance,b,b Jch (hall ouertbjowe tbc pcruerfe iuogracnt0 of tlic feojlD . ^ro; if tbc fmall capactric of our wit were able too coneetue thcojDer that<15 O 3Dhcepetfoinmatntcmingbis Cl)iircl):thcrc fboulD bee no fpcakinge of feoonDerfulneflfc . wbcrebpwecgatbcr, that tbe maner of Ins wo?Hmg is mcom= pjei)enfiblc:anb fucb a© Dadjctb airman* ne0 wittcowtof conerit. ii^otwitbftan^ Dings, it is DemauuDcD Ijcerc, wl;pther lpencmicH of l)ir welfare. 3 seine }$3ult i.Coj.?. 10. naming btmfeifcabwtlDer, teaebetS) that it wao the comon office of al tl)c 3lpoaie0.3l anfa cr tberfoje, that not all fo\)ift bcarc antbozitie m the iCljurcb, arcconDcmneD of blpnDncfTecentinualip: bus tbe bolp 'Sb^oft encounterctb a fhtms bllngblocHe wbtcb otberwpfc is woont to ftoppe manp men© wapes , when t'icp fceCbjtifhJ name oucrw'.elmcD feitbtbe glo?ioufcncfic of tbe wo?lDe. 3!nafmucb tL;cna0 c better , ttjat Cbjift rcignetb not bp the aDuice 9 conn* fcil of mcn,no? is fcnccD teiti) eartblp foj« tiiiraticno: acco?Ding alfo as he bath not obtcpneD biskingDomc bpmen0bopcc0. 15 ut bp the wap,if p bicilDcrsblEiib kcl: fo much tbc leflc' cjccufable is tbc malice of tbe,^ 5s>ilnot;lfelacs to beapplps eD to die bolp bttiluing.ilowbcctr, as oft as betrpeD % tbi0kpnoe of teptacion,let bs al wapes call too mpnb, !>ow it is in no wpfe mecte tl>at tl}t cburch fboulD be gos ucrnro after cur fancic : 9 tljat tbe gaucrs n ng tljcrof 10 bnknowen teo bs,bpcatife fee are notable too compjchenD the thing that is Dooncbp miracle . whereas it fo= lotcetb aftcrwarDe , [ihat this fiape feas tnabe of & £> a> : if fearne th V)0, that there repgnctb nothing but DeaDlp Dark= ncffc,Dntpil £bi»ftc the Dapfunncof ngh* tuonf- vppon t;ie . Cxvii). Pf aline. i>* tuoufncflc fbpnebponbsbp bis (Sofpcl. Sjeerwttb alfo Socbce Soar ncD,ibat tins isoojkc is afcubefc bntoo c Cuangcttfts beare isntnefTf ,tbat Cb? iS feaa foeicoc mcb fojitb tbefame mancr of fprccb-^na noboubtcbutitioasdEtoDfi ivClaetbat time to mafce gooo tbe pjopfecfie fobicbe bcebabtortercbbptbemoucl),of2Dautb» jftap ratber,rbat acclamation bctbO£Jj= ip Declare, tbat tbe itucrpze ration agctnft tabic!) tbe 3c«?c« bo now qnarcl $ bark, taas tbe n taken foj goob by comon celts fent. wbcrfojc fo mucbe tbe lefle is tbeir fct'fulncs anb taicUccnes tc be ercufeb* jlfo? if blame tbem not tbougb tbcp bee Dul, fctit.g tb:p. ouctcafr t^emfclue0 anb to fcn'a mtfrsa cf tanojaimciToj tl)« c. Uab tabcrastn ? fojoroful taeft» otbet nonce, i^ao *x>«erapin ? neuYant tboferupnausbefaclnges, tb« 3 ewes ccafeb not fo? all tijat to bfe ttyg pjaper : tbeir pirfeupranee muftgiue bs courage to bo UHeroife at tbls 'cap. Cbe? bab as tben no btgnute of ttmgbome , no eoaire of efface, no name but cnejp taptb 0 €> 2D. : anb pit beeing in this fejlojnc i anb befeerate plIgEjtc, tbcp rjito* ftlU tbe foimc cf p^iaver tncpteb once bnrco tbem bp tbe bcn> (2?boft.25itboagb tbe cburcb be pttcouflpfcattereDattbis Dap:pitnots tt>ubftanbinglctb0iearnebptbi3C)cam pie, too continent ft outlp tn p;a? tr.g fo; ti;e rcftitution of it . ^urtbermo^e taee betaugbtagcuie bptbefetaoojbes, tbat Cbipfts feingbome Is not eptber furtbc? reb O! tpbtibc bp tbe poUcie of men , but is tbe n?o;fe of goo alone, ^fo? tbefaitbful are taugbt too rcfojte to tins or rip b:if= ftng.$lfo tbe berp repeating of j> i»cjbs (fo>bicbe 31 baui toloe poa tmpojtetb a te?ce) muft qutcfeen bp oar D^owjinzs : to tbe intent fe?ce tnap bee tbe eacneillp= er bent tco this bcurs+3Bn beeo <&£) £> conlB botbe fette bppc anb mainteme bi0 ^onwfl&^.gootnejOfbiCoroncucco^be anb ioitbout intrcstanncc : but it is not fo^nougbt tbat bee batbe cntcpneb ti;ts cbarge bntoo \>s. $Qi t^cre is notbpng &berein tbe faitbful map ercrctfe tbems felues bettcr,tban tn fuing foj !^ts glo?p. 17. Tlie Lord is G6cl,and he hatli shyned vpon vs : binde yec the Lambe with cordes vnto the Homes of the Altar. 28. Thou art my God, and 1 wil praife thee : my God, 1 ml exalt thee. 29, PrayfeyeetheLorde bicaufe-heeisgood,for hisiWfortyx'eridwctkfor eucr. 27. C©ob is tbe &ojtb. f c] ©e confirm metb tbat 5»bicb b- fapD >jt : uamelp, tbar 2D«5Foj tbefc is a courtt fojee (n tbefc tqocjbes [tbe fLtfiiie*. btrnfrlfc isa ttirong €5db:, foj fcec batb t cfto^eb 1>S tbe ligbt Qf life.] 5Foj tnafmaebe as bp teafo of tbe confufeb ftate of tbr Cburcbe, ttje faitbful toere ahnofte quite out of barttf tbe tongosip tinagtntb tbat tl;e Cfeilblf of 3tb;abam fcerepafte recouc^pe : ^ob bitnfelfe S»as r.f?f r a fntc bibuen atoap. Itbcrefojt bcjc Jcfficetrbetrj aueinr bntoo giaing of ibant.cs Unb fcnf!«ucJ;s as tt)s faptbfull teer$ not ioont too gtu? fo= villtib.itj'j. lemn lohn Caluins l^ommcntane \ lemnetbanfcs bntoo (JSoDtrttbout ^>a« <2>ob bp Cbjpfie , fr>bo famtifietb tljcm cringes : tie bibbetb [tbcmblnbetbefas fcntb bio paretics, left &>e might bsfyat crifice too the bejnes of U)e 3<ar*l _f oj oat from tbe feraicc of tbis Deuotton,bp ire knotoetbat JDattiDbeetnga Diligent tbe filtbincsof our own ficflje. ^nc tbat obferner of trjf law, did in no foufeneg* 2Dautb leauclcb bis mince a: tbe p*aifes Icctc tbe ceremonies ttjat dPoD baD com: of ob : it ap peer ctb mcje eutbentlp: bp maunDcD. jftotvmtljQaiiDtng, bee bab als tbe ncjtt berfe , iubere bee piomifetb too wayes an eye to ttje lawful cnb of tbern, magmfie <£>oos name, bicaufcbcc babbe too tbe intent tbat tbofc introbuctiong fbanb rum to b? bis OPod : that to to ftp, migbt be a belp to bitn in c firing tbe fpi= bicaufe be bab pcrctpucb tn berp beeDe, rituall ferutsfcnto <0ob. 115 tit now wbe tt)at s t i;ts banoe Ijee was always fate tbefbaoowesoftbeiLawebe aboliQieD, ofrcaopb,elp» S»e mud offer oar fyanfefglulngs bntoo The conteints of the Gcjx.Pfalme. Forafmucbe asfondry matters are intrcated of in this Pfalme: it is bard to jbcvp in a breefe fomme what it conteyneth :fauing tbat tber be two cbecf f dints ^ or tbe Vrophetc dootb botbeexborte Cods children too tbe flowing of godlynts and bolye life : and alfo prefcrybeth tbe rule and manner of true W9rfApping3that tbe faithful may giue tbemfelues wboly oner too the lear- ning oftbeLawe.Hdwbeeit forafmucbe as oftentimes bee intermedleth pro- mifes, thereby the more too encorage tbe worfhippers of God too liue after a godly and rightuous forte : beputteth in aljo complaints for the wicked de- fpifing of tbe Lawe, leafi they fhould defile tbemfelues through lewd exam- ples.Finally yee [hall meete with fun dry faffing* from one point of doctrines to another : neytber holdeth bee on thrsughout with anye one grounde : and '■■ tber fore it fhalbe befi to difcujfe euery thing in their pyoper places* ■ ■ • ' ■ ■ ■ Tbe Cxix. ffalme. Buffed are thofe that are fbunde in their wayc, walking in the Lawc of the Lord. 2. BliiTcd arc they that keepe his tcftimonies^and fceke after him with all their hart. 3. Truly they that walke in his wayes woork nc iniquitie. 4. Thou haft commaunded thy ftatutes to be thorowly kept. $. O that my wayes might be guy ded to the keepiug ojf thy ftatutcs. 6. Then shall I. not bee shamed when I hauc relpccte vntoo all thy corn*. maundements. 7. I will praife thee in vprightnes of harte, when Ishall haue learned the Judgements of thy rightuousnes. 8. I wil keep thy ftatutes, forfake me not ouer long. £>ome| vppon tne.^xix.Fialme. iDme name tbjs pfalmc tbe[iDci tosmric], bpcanfc tljat ibiougb e - r>^g|acrp epgljt berfea, y firft ft>o?Ds "^x£Jof6uerpberfe begin allSmtbonc letter, accojbinge to tbe o;Decoftbei|e= bjew 3tpccc. 3n3 tbat tljto S»a0 bone fo; tbe helping of mcmojte, it is to bee gatbes rcb bp tbe tiling itfclr". .-# oj it contcpnetb a Doctrine fc>rjicb a pjmciple,tbat bcerci0pjopounDcDfucb a Doctrine, a0 all <5oao cbilDjen ougbt to etercpfc tbefelucs in,anD to icrnc it bpfyart, to tye intente it map bee tbe moje familiar anD rpfc to tl)e. Concerning tl)C«uti)Our , 31 art\rme nos tbing,bpcaufe a man car.ot bp anp allocs able coniecture geffc £»bo be S»ag,neitber rcutapncib tb:rc anp ccrteintie of it bp tbe confent of 3!ntcrp;cfctj8! . ^ottoitrjftan- bingfo^afmucb as JDauiD ejccelleD alios tbetfiin tijtfl gift: 31 S»iil make no confcU encj to put in l)is name r.oro anD t ben. ail s fo concerning tbe termc0 Soin'cb iocc (ball mccte foutb bp often rcpeiingtit 10 comics t;icnt tbat ftiee fboulD fapcfomea?bat be; fojscbano. 3 fyilnot fpeake of tbe tooojDe [Toda]bpcaufe tbat altbougbe it bee berps neb of [JLerning]ptt it t0 euerprobcre ta- ken fo> [Hatoe.] SomeSfebjewelDocs to;0fapetbat[chokim]fignifpcib fueb Gas tutco ano ojibinancc0 of 4&oD,a0fo>bercof tbe reafbnt0appar aunt.. £b:pit>iU baue [Pekodim}to fignifpc tbepjeccpts tbat cos ccrne tlje bpipgbtncfleof nature.Ccrtcme it is tbat[Miflipctim] figntfpctb comanBc-- bcment0: S»!ncb tbing pjooueb bp tbe oji- ginall of tbe Sdoojd. "Che l^ebzewca tafce [Gnodothjfoj tbe Doctrine of tbe law, bow beett fentb a certcpn limitation , fo 20 free map Know that there is compjcbenaeD in fo>bat &>pfe gob couenantetb fentb i)is pco plc.wbp tbe precepts of tbe Uro are calteD 3D ubgcmcnteo, Ifiigbtuoufncffes, ojt3Bu^ is nnowen S»el pnougb: namelp to tbe intent S»e migijt anberttana tliat <£ od »*7 comtnaunDcti) noting, but tbat tobicl) is rpgljtfull j iuft: anD confequemlp £ tl;cre 10 none overrule or' perfect boipneffc fo; men to feekc,bttt bp framing tbeir ipfe too tbefolowing of tbelaw.31n tbefamefencc fc>clneer, tbcp bee calleb tlje ioaprs of tbe ilo?D : to tbe fntet tbat wbofoeucr ftcppcil) not afpDe from tbe gupbancc of tbe lawc, mapccrteinlp hnotub'tnfclf tobccfiifcfro all 8rap!ng.25ut fo?afmucb a0 all manner of o^Dinancco ofJ5ob o? of ftmges are ms biffcrentlp calleb bp tbe name of[Chokim]: anD alfo feeing it is manifell: bp inanp pia= ce0tl;at [Pekodim] i0 cjctenbeD too Biucrfe fo?te0:ti)cfo?efapD curioufe biatneficnia DifpjoucD. inb m tbi0 p?cfcnt pfalm itfclf, itiyiliappeerc bptbe fequcle, tbat all tbe , fo?cfapb 5»oo?be0 are in a manner of one figmfication. Co tbe intent tberfojte ti;at tbe^?opbetmaprurcbKcetbelatoeino?e enbonojietli it icitlj manp tp -, tics: but pit aliDapcc comenaetb onefelfe fame Doctrine, ^ow come 3! boxon to t!;e Ccrte. 1 [25liu"eb are tbofe tbat bcefounD, 5c] l^eere is fctfoojttl; tlje fame ftraungc Doc trine(t»b^bioefan?eintbebeg:nningcof Ibeboofec. iro^ albeit tbat all men boona- turailp couct to bee bliffeb : pit are tbcp fo farrefromtraueling tljc rpgbtiwap bn^o blifrcBRcffeubattbep ba& leuer to fomnfcer Soilfulip to tbeir own Deltructio, bp innu- merable bpojapes.wb^rfoje j bolp marbe. 35n tlje fcconD memberbe befinetb mo?e mantfcftlp, feijat is tbe maner of lp= ling gcDlilp « ngbtuoaup: namelp, [Coo S»alb in tbe Haw of yfeblifrcb,asyitnotwitb fUnsmg they be fayne to flee bnto mercy, bpcaufc their founDncfle is but byljalfes. Cbuo are they ryghtly fayb to be bliffcD, (bat obferne <35ob0 Haw faythfully : anb yit tberwitb is fulfilllcD this faying,30iif- leb are they to So borne <15oD imputes!) not theuTmne0,f2>falm.52.2. 3n tbefeconbe b.'rfe be confirmed) tbcfameDoctrinebet= ter,callingctbofe [ ©UtTeb, ] not that can fbtft tocl! foj tbcmfelues, o? fejlncb tnucnt a holrneffc too tbemfetucs of theirc obsne bzapne:but Scbicb are abDictcD too it, that S&ee may lerne too put our S»bole iyfe to the gonemance of <^ob:nh9 alfo that SocttuiY be the moze attentyuc j carcfall to bcerc bis Doctrine. «81 men can* fciTe that fuel) a0 obey d&eD, are out of pes nil of Doomg amtfie: but in the meant fca-: fen cuery man tfeppeth afyDe to his ownc bypathes. 3Dootb not t!)t0 leawocnrffe oj bb-Dnefle openly pzoue that they fct tnctfe fto,e by their own uutcntion0,than by tUff ccrtcin =Lsw ofgbDr'gjqein.ns oft as H,p man i0 fame, booth Ijee not byanby taye fozbhufclftbepzetence of ouenyght^as SDhoiuooibray.nomon&oolo eucr haue finneb feitttngly ano SDtll!ng!y^£)j£0 though <£?ot>0 flaw u^hich b?nt3Cth rentes Die fo? all mifQooinga, by bjybling all ftn- fttll luScs minifrieo no? iuifootn ynough to maHc men toartr'^nD therfoje the pjo- phct booth ioojt!;elp Declare, that as mac «y as are lerneb in v0obs law, arc bnrrcb cf pzetence of ignozanre, bycaufc that , if they be bimb,it is thicugh their own b>il= fulnctlc. ^roj if tljey gaue gcoo care too <©ods poyce,thsi fhonio be ioell feneeb a= geinftallthciDylesof^atan. ^Furtljers the intent bee may 0 riHe them in fcare, hecfayethm the fourth fcerfe, [that d5oD requyzeth ftreightly] the seeping of t)i0 law. wheruppon it fo!owcth,that the contempt of it fball norfcape bnpumfhcb. 3nb by fpeaUing pnto d5cb in tlje feconbe perfone,bc fettctl; him befoze our eyes as n^ubgc. 5 [£> that my feaye-j, f eOJFowrmuc^ as the tuoozb [Coujfttvntfpeth alfo fomeiymc to Gablilbc, the fiizopyctc ma^ fceme too fofflj tohimftlf the power to perfeuertnot SoithftanBing, 3 uhe better of [guybing, o? Directing] bycaufc that a'.tbougbc ©od inflruct bs openly in hfeilawe;t yit not= withUanbing, fuch is the Dulneffe of our mynb,j fuch (0 the ftubboznncffe of cure hart, that S»ebauenceDe to bee guytct z- uery minutby his fptrit. -a>h;rfozc let itk cljeef poynt of all our Dcfircc H,th craue a mynbethat may net bee&yfe fauearccz= Ding to goos law.t atfo a teschabie $ obe; ^tcnt hart.Wterwarb he? abbcth,that if a "man bee isbolly gyc:cn ro the kceptnge of <0oO0 law.hc neeecti; not to fcare that he fball repent him of anye Dtuycc o^bootng. [® y bailing refpcctJhe mecneth that Sbe may notg'iue feay too our owncbruyces, hojta&eccafeil oj fiefhly reafon txfyzt is mcctc to doo: but muft Determine once foj all toppon this poynt, that tbofebolsc the rpght iyay,S>jhteh ftep n jtafybc frc go&s cotnmaunDements,neythcr too the right h?.no no? top the lefts . Ino although the greater ndutber of men c?afc kn to blame tfjofe tfrat veturcntiy regarbc x^s Hatoe : vtthtft ^zop?:)GteDmycth, that ti)cp fiball htti 0; 3 rhebtj bycaufc tljey bciseHaffurco cfagoG^confdeneebcfozs cowmaunben cr.ts:] bpcaufc tbat among fo many fnarcs of ;&a tan, in fo tbicUe barbnc0, * in fuel) butnc0 of ours, fo>cc bab ncebc of no ftnaSl silte gence to bc»rare,if & c mpnb to tfchcu? of- fencc0 in allrefpcctc0. wbcrfoje ice mutt enbcucr,tbatin euerp r>)tn3$ubid)\»cboo tbe rGmembcrancc of tl;e Jlaroc ma? be be-- fo?c our e?cs,to (lap b0 bp from falsing. 7. ["5 &>tll pzapfc tljcs.jc.]^c p.uoucbeti) tt too be tbe (insular benefptc of c5oe, if a man profit arpgijt in Ijtc ILoirc. Jfo? tljis tbatiufgiuing is put in fteb of a fignc : a0 if be 1)30 lapb,lLo:b3tt)Ou (bait too mce an incomparable gobb turnc, if tbou inflruct mee in tbp 2Utre. wbcrtopon st folowctb, tljatnotbT.gwmo^cto be bcfpjeb tottjtfl tyfc: anb froolD d5£> 2) fcscc Sucre tscil « HBOugblp perfuaDeb tbat U 10 fo . ;$Foj Srbyiciyccoucrfiipno commobitieoTtbc fieil),in fcKmg carefully foj all fucb tbingai a0 fojcetaHc too bee fo? our profit: in t\)C meant fcafon free neglect tbe tbtng p S*>a0 tl>ceff ft. [ < 2D foitb tl)e moutb anb tung, if our Ipfe bitbenour l)im . fjSpgbtlp tberfcjc boot!) i\)t propbet Ijeere fct bourne tbe pjapSng ef <& iD 3D foritbout bppccriuc, to betbefrutc cf treto goblpnc0. 8« [jil toillHecp.jclJPira beauotidjctb that l;e is mpnbeb too beepe tljc Qawc of <£> £D ID, but in tl)e meane &bplc, fo?afs tv.ut\) us ijc i0 pnure of t)tjs oismc innrmu tie, be annejectb p?aving, tijat be "tap net be beftitute of ^5000 grace . ij^eucrtijcla- ter tbi0 [fo^lhHing,] map bee tafecn tioco &ape0 : eptber Sobcn <5od li>itbb;au7etl) I)tc fptrtt.o? i»bcn be fufferetb i)is fcruats to bctrubblcbioitb abuerntie,in caceao if be iscre eftraungcb from tbctn . 3inb tl)i0 later ejcpofition U ttctl) f place bcft.bp rea= fon of tbe p&rccll[oucrlong,]fe>I)tcb 10 ab- ten immebiatlp after . ^0? tbe |D?opbct (bunnctl) not altogitljer to banc bi0 faptb trpcb bp teptacton0,but if tbetrialt fr,onlo be ijiD out to long, be 13 afrapb l>e fboulo fa?nt: f tbcrfo?e be befp;ctb tbat bi0 infir mittc map be fcojne Soitball. CiiC effect is tivis: C'oou, £> <©ob, feed of u»but mpnb 31 am:bo\.t>beit,fo?afraucba031 am a ma, it ir>cre grcatlp ejepebient foj mee f> tbou fl)Oulbcft not \iinz tbe fig:tc0 of H)P fauour avoap from me to long , neptber bslap tbp belp.icaft 31 migbttbinfempfclftojjefoj: f«Ucn , anb fo Qj.:tnld axuap from tlje trcro folocoing of (8?obtinc0. lohn Caluins Commentaric 9. [toljcrtottl) (ball a. $c.j \$c rcpctctlj in ottjcr froo?de0 ttje thing that he bao fpoben afoxe : namelp, tbat l)Ot» much lb c»!cr men footbc tbcmfclues in tbeir orone doomgeo, pit 10 there no clcnneffe at all in tlicir ipfc, untill tbep bane frbollp addic* ted theinfciuc0 too the fr ooxd of 45 &> 3D. H5tit toe the intent bemap moue the mo?e effcctuallp, be bzingctb in ftripiingeo op poonawen ef fctpurpofefo?cramplc. ifoj be 5 zotl) not bp naming tbcm.lct looce the bjidle to fucb a0 are men growen oj (tribe in age , as though tbcp fr ere able pneugb too rule tbsrn felue0 , and tbat tbeir owne fbi'.lfrercao good 00 a ilarce totbem: but fozafmueb aopoutb fcttctb mena0tt fr ere in a tfr oo cUoofe to tbem felueofomc traDc of Ipfe 0? otbenbe doctb bs to bndcrffand, that frben anp man be? tbinbefb bim to tabe bimfclf tofome trade no dcupce can baue far tbfuli fucces.onics be fct tf?od0 la«?e bcfojte bim fo? rjt0 ntap= Ocr and gupde.lSp tbi0 meane0 tbe $20 ; P^et pjoaobetb men reo frame tr>ctr raan« nei'0 l$ctpmes,and not to djiue of to a lon= ger tpme, according as Salomon fapetb, Ccclef. 1 2 . 1 . IHemembcr tbp mabet in tbp poutb,befozc the capes oftrubblecomc, and the pecre0 frbercif thou iotlt bee iuce= rpe. Znn truip free fee,tijat fucb 00 dxpue of from dap to dap,doo harden in tbc.r *>U ccs , fo a0 it 10 to late f 02 tbem to frriue to amend tbem frben tbep bee entered intoo manne0 eftate . Cbcrc commcth aifo an other reafon: GEfyat poong fp2tngalde0, in fubom tbe luftes of the flelb doo boople mejte ferusntlp,baue nceiie as it frcrc of a bubble repne : and tbe iclTe (lap ttyv baue of mucb mo?c needctb tbcp? loocenefle to be reftrepned. $ ot fr ithout eaufe tberfoje deotb tbcj>?opbetc;tbo?t tbem peculiarlp to tbe Hub? of tbe Hawe. jBoto malt free conucp tbe argument fro tbe greater matter to tbe lefler. ;f 0? tftUe Hawe of tbe i.0213 be of fucb fo?ceteb;pbIs the beabinc0 of pontb,tbat it becpeth them pure and bndefplcd as manp a© regard tt: no doubt but it frill be a bcrp good rcmc= b iz to cure bpces.frben men be comme to rppencs of pccrco.asd their lufte0 be coo* led. Cbcrfo;e,tbettl)ere 10 fo greate a puddle of topees in tbe comon trade of ipfe, it fp2ingetb beer frppon.tbat all men cocber tbemfclnes in tbetr ocvnbnc!encs,G? truft moze too tbeir oa?ne iy tt, tban to tbe bca= uenlp doctrine, fo} tbe onlp treto tabing beed, 10 to lobe to our fclncs according to god0 u»o;D.H3ut fcmc,ix»l)ilc tbcp fril bee ittfc in tbeic own conccpt,doca(t tbcfclucs into tlje fnarc0 of &atan , and otberfome foftcr a Glebed Ipfc bp tbeir fluggifbneo. 1 o. [witb mp ioljoic bart.$c.]3ltl)ougb tt bee trero, tbat tbe Jdjopbet fapetb » be batljantp?igbt ba^t: pitnotwitbftanding leaft be nipgbt fall tb?oagb infirmitic , bee callctb bppon <$? £> 2) foi Ijelp. i^cptber fo; all tbat dootb be bona b rerc of ahp p;e« paracion of bis own,a0 tbougb be bad be* gonnc too fecbe <© aD ID ef bis owne mo= tion : but be magmfrctb tlje grace tbat be bad obtcpncd.and tbcrroitball fetcetb fo? ftcdfaftne0 of c6tinea>mg.iTooli(l)lp tbets fojc boo tl>e iiDaptiles catch bold of tbis f fucb otber libe placcs.aa tbougb f faincts bad bp tbeir ou?ne free frill pjcuented tbe grace of tl;e bolp (Sbofte, f aftertoard bm furtbeted bp bi0 belp ^0.2 tbe f^jopbet dootb not beere part ftabes betroecnebtm felf and ^5od : but rarber bcfcccbctb d5od to ccntinew bis feoojb bntco tbe end,ac= coding as free bee taugljt eucrpfrbere to lap <£od0 benef?tcsafo?e i)\m, bntill bee baue bjougbt tbem to perfection. Jn t^z meane frbple it is larofuH fcjt bs too p?ap tbe 3Lojd to rcacbe out bi0 band bnto b0, frljen be feetb our mindes fo difpofcd,tbat free couet notbing fo mucb a0 too doo a= rpgbt. 1^nd libe ns be rapfetb bs bp bp faptb, to eraue the gift of perfeuerancc at fucb tpmc a0 be infppjeti) a right affection in our bartc0: fo alfo ftirretb be b0 bp fo? tbetpmctocomcAbatfrcfbouldnotfitie fliigging as fouldpersout of frages, but defp?cbimtogupDcbsfrt£b tbe fpirit of frifdom,and bold bs bp fritb tbe fpirit of| ftrcngtbeuerp minute of an boroer. 5F0; JDatud beere bp bis owne example giuctb bs out a ISule , tbat according as cucrp manfeeletb htmfclf to bauebm helped bp d5ods band ; fo fljouid be frirb tbe grca= tcr care and earncftneue bu moued too call foj bis continuall belpc : bpcaufe tbat except bee bcloe bs bacbcfrttbbps bande,bpanbp free fall into crrour:frhtclj thing is crp?eu"cd mojc plapnlp in the i^e- b?es») frco?b[TaOiegem],^Fo? it i0a bcrbe tr3nfitpucu.bicb impo?tetb as mucb a0 to lead into tx r 02 : not y J, fr oolD go about too vppon the. Cxix. Pfalme. to p;oue oo;b ibixtto tbe intent tljc reabers ma? bnbcrftanD , that though our fo;ewarbneflc bnto (inning , as foone no (000 flafectb bis banbe, iocebpanbv flip into erro;.3llfo tbis place toarnetb bs, tbat i»bofo cucr ftcppctb netier fo ittie fro 0000 comroaunbments, Vaancjett) out of tbetoap. 1 1 O banc tyo, « c] f o;afrnueb as tbps pfaltnc was not mace fo; anpepxpuate oft aolDauib fcttetlj fooxtb bis oton crampic,S»cmuft bcarc in tnpno, tbat bn; btra C?pe tbcre tspzefcribebbntoo bs, fojbat S»ce ougbt to folow. 31 n tbis place bee teaebctb tljat iucc bee tben armeo too aucto tl)c btucllcs fc>ples,S»ben gobs law 10 tbxougblp fcttleb in our barts. 5F 0; eje* cept it pofleffe our bartc0 after (net] a fub= ftantiall falb ton: foce (ball flip awap from tyme too tpme. f 0? li&e as tbofe tbat are but booKcwpfe, 000 quifelp beaizap tbeire laefce of f Hill 1 if rtjep baue not tbeir boehe af ozc tbeir e^ea : cucn fo,cjteept iocc b sue b;onh 4&0D0 ooctrine in ,9 bee fc>ei ftcpeo in tlje fame, &atanS»ill foone take b0 tar; bie.f fnarleb0inbisfnare0: tbcrcfojetbc berp trew fortification 10, not to baue ta« ftco (0oD0 lawe flpgbtlp , 0; to baue rone otter it s-Dltb reabtnge : but too beftowe it beepe in our mpnbes. 3!n tbc meanc tpme agep nfeee bee fearneo, tbat tub. at opinio onfo euer men baue of tbeir owncispfe- borne, pit are tbcp beftttute of all rpgbt tubgement, fautng fo farrcfooztl; as <©od 10 tbeir SicbooScmaifter. 12 [2i5iiuebarttbou,?c.] Iltbougbetbe ^3;opbct bab p;ofiteb fo far f oo;tb a0 bee not onlp iuas one of <0obsbifcpples, but alfo an open teacber cf the Cburcbe : pit notwitbftanbing f ozafmucb a0 bee knows erb bwrfelf f all tbe perfected fo;te too bee but in tbeir race, till tbcp come to tbe cnos of tbeir Ipfe: beeccafletb too craue (till tbc fpirit of bnBcrftabing.'3lnb gencrallp tbis place Qjeroctb tbat altbougb <©obs JLawe bcealwapcsafo;c our epc0 : pit are not free fo fbarpfigbtcb , tbat S» ec can fee tbe Ipgbt tobicb t0 fctfoo;tb tbere , bntill goo enlpgbten bs iuitb tbe fpirit of iubgemet. 2Hrio tbe caufc i»bp manp are blpno m tbe clccre Ipgbt of tbc boctrtnc, ts fo; tbat b= pon truft to tbeir own fbarpfpgbtebnefle, tbep regarb not tbe fecret enlpgbtening of »*P tbe fpirit. §>cconblp £u ec mapc lerne, tbat no.moztal man batb fo great ercellencie of bnbctftanbtng.but tbat bee batb alwapes necbe of increafe. iFo; if tbe J^jopbetCbp* pon fobom oo bab beftoweb fo bono;a= ble an office)p;oteftetb biwfclf to bee fttll but a fcbolert'tobat a boitifbneffe 10 it fo; b0(&btcb a0 pit are far of fro bint) not to enbrucr to p?ofit^ HScGbes stbis, be tru= (let?) not in bio own bcfrruinijg,to obtctne bis fcwtfojitball : but bee bcfeecljetb 4c ob fo; ins otone glo;ie0 false, f oz bp mabing bi0 enterancc Ssitb [15li(reo art tbou, i) 3Lo;b,]bee fbetoetb tbat tbe grounb from iobence bcc.fetcbctb.bi0 confiocncc too p2ap,i0bpcaufed5 3©3D is !»oo:tbpe of all pzapfc fo; l)t0 <£Q0&neu"c,3l ufttce, anb S^ercie. 1? ]witbmplippe0,o;lb: becconfirmctb agepnc, tbat bee bab implopcb bans bio toa cipplpcal! our in&eu6ctt)crebnto. 3Ina foj alWtuebao mannea Ipfe ia fleeting , fo as tljcp ccafc not to bceDzawen r)itlier * tlip* tber bp tbe uiftca of the flefb: tbercfoze i)« rapil),t)cc&)ilbc Diligent in [contiocringc <2>oo0>ati):0.] Sfterwar c bec rcfiererq a- gcpn,t hai :[\)sz teas fingularlp DdpgbtcD in tl)to thuic.] ^poz-tili fuel) tpme as a ma fettetb l;ia myno bpon 0 tla*» cbrcr; fullp ana t»iti) a bcipgbt : Ijee tbalt jnofit . buttolDlp anb Qowip m it. 31 no tbisiothe beginning to lute 'okII :eucn to At G&'ooDca la i» allure 00 tottb £ fvfcctnelie of UY^Tbe Tarn? alio t0 the onlp ntcanc to fubbcuj oz 10 cure tbc luttcs of eke flcil) . :ff o; naturally Sobatltbctg D0,onli(Tc it be finful.Cber-' fozc u?c {ball eucrmoze be car) ea a mapnc tbat Saav, ercept tt)£ Dclpgbt of tlje jLafojc 000 contrarptopfc plucfec x>n baefce. '7 20 21 22 1 Bee good vntoo thy Seruaunt, th*t I may Hue and fceepc thy woord. Open tnyne eyes3and I shall lee woonders in thy Lawe. I am a ltraunger vppon earth , hyde not thy commaundementes from mee. j\ly ioulc is broken for defyre too thy iudgements alwayes. Thou haftedefhoyed the prowd,curfcd bee they that ftep afyde from thy commaundementes. .Take from mee rcprochc and contempt, for I haue keptcthy.tefti- monies. 23 Princes alio haue fit and fpoken ageinfl: mee, but thy feruant my nded I thy ftatutes, 24 Alfbthy teftimonies Are my delygjit, and my counlellcrs. 18 [Seegoob bntoo,jcO'Cbe$»oo2De elfcatimll: bislpfefboulb btcnolpfe,ct' cept be mpgljt pcreepue tbat $co fauojeo rjun.^5utmo?erpgbter 10 tijta otber ejes •pofition.tbat tbe |D?opbcc rcnueftetb it aa a lingular benefpte, tbat Ijcc map ipuetoo gpuc oucr bimfclf %>bollp bnto ©ob, bp: cauic be to fullp rcfo'uco tbat tljcv ia no 0* tber caufc nbv bee fbouio iincbut onlp to cccrctfe tjimfelf in tbe fcruifc of (Sob. 2Pnb tljcfe ttcoo popntes [tbat 31 map Uue anD tl)at31 mapKcepctbpiooo?b] boobangc togptber: aa tf lice fbotiio fap, bee Dcfpjeo none otber Ipfe, tbr.11 fuel) 80 rjc mvgbt bp it piouc bimfclf too bee a trcw 9 faptbfull feruerofd5oo aillmenfeifbcbat fljoulb p?olonge tbeir Ipfe, * ail tbe ieljoie iLotlD io carpeo bcablong tnto tbi0 beftre: .anD in tfjc meanc tptr.c ftarcc one amonge abunb?eO confioeretb tooft>batcnoebcc 0115b; to ipue : Ceo tbc mrente tbe \^;o- pbcte map call 'as backs from t!)i0 bcalr= toj affection : J£ce fette.b tioione ibe ;iLawruUenoetooi»butjC S»cefbou:bu?. ! 3»' [Gamai,(i»bicb feme tranflate to rcqupte, 01 torecompence]) fignifpetb not among t\)i V> tbieivts a mutuali repapment : but cf tcnti mcjs it uu pojtcrtj 00 mucb 30 to be- ftotcc a benefpte , aa u appecretb bp tbe pf.ilmc 1 1 ©ob flictoctbp felfc goob l)nto tbp Seruaunt : S>o fball 3! hue, oj tben (ball jfl tbinke mpfrife b^apppe:] «0j eire tbat tbe S»I;olc fcntcncc fi)OuiD bec reo tn onettrapnc after tbi0 fo^tc, [ 45raunt tbp fcruaunt tlma tmiclje &> Son, tbat 3! map hue anb Ue.'p tby cSmaunOcmcuta.] JX ibe foztuer tranOatton bec befreipheb : tbc ^>2opbctauOucbetb in tbefe i&bozbea, tbat toit!)out (SoDo fauourbc ia ao a-ocao ?uan, anb tljat altbougl; be l;ab all tbings vppon inc. ^xix. l/iaimc. ioo r€ b:ift (in &bom arc bibocn all tljY trca= furc0Ofbnott>leDge*fotfoome,Col.i.3O i£5t!jccnDoftl)c3Laaic, li\oni io, 4. ft 15 maruell tbouglj ttjc piopbct comment) u foj tljie bpgl) mifreriC0tberof. 19. £3Um a c.] 3Bt is fooztb tbe labour to tnarb fob? Ijc calietb l)im felt" a fotcojner anb ftraunger in tljCfooilD. _ $*% tlic foojlblmgs anb cartblp men care ft% after \)U batb eonfcfTed,tbat £ power J for nothing, but boo< t'ncp map liuc at eafe of beeping ttjc llaroc is giuen bntoo imn ljeere . But tbep fobtcl) bno*c tljat ture 3 n tbe meane fobplc bee teacljetb , tljat if an? man obferue <©obo JLatve,l;i3 fo boo- ing ptscecbetb of ttje lingular grace of the !&oip dPfjoae. ;£ oj if Ijc ijaD tiiougljt tljat it confiftcb in bid ownc! to p?cpar c bim felf too the beeping of

3D £) Jtawe , 1)10 pjapcr Ijab bin but a DiiTctn- bling pjaper. Jftccre foljertontoo appios cljctb tbe boctrme of tbe feconb bcrfc. bp C5 3D 2D : bpanbp be abbctb tbat cuerp of bs is bipnb.tontill tbe fame <&£> 2D au lpgbten tlje cpe0 of our mpnb . Crew it is inbcebe, tbat <££>£> fbpnetljtonto bs bp in0 fooojb: but tl)e $E>?opbet mcenctb, tljat foe bajlc in tbe open ligbt,bntill C3oo tabctlj avrap tbe fbarf from our epro. 31 1 10 alone tbcrfojc as if tbe pzophct fljouio bewaplc ib: blpnbnc0 of bimfclf anb of all manbpnb,fobenlje cofcfletl) tbat lii0 cpe0 be as tljcp can not beljolb tlje lpgbt of tbe bcaucnlp boctrine, tonttll <& j© © open tbcm foitb tljc fecret grace of l)i0 fpi= rit. l3orobcit,fol)cn 35 Q 2D eljalcnbgctlj tl) is office too bimfclf, l)c tcacbetb trjat rc= mebte is at banb , fo focc befppfc not tbe grace of enlpgbtcning foljiclj rjee offcrcfr), topon truft of our owne ttjarp Ggl)t. ^urs tbcrmo; c free map lerne, tbat foce be not tbctfoje cnlpgbtcnebjtbat foccfnoulb befi ppfc tlje otritpam fooojtb , anb ronne gab= . bmg after fecret infpiracios: a0 manp fan ■■ tafticall foolcs boo, folio tlnnh not tbetns felucs too bee fpirituall, or.ieffe tbcp map cad aivap €>ods fooo:b, anb fct top tbeir 0 ton botages in deb of it. But tbe p^o = Pbet marbetb out a far otber bfc of enltgb tcning: tbatis to foit,tbat our ept0 map be able to Difccrne tbe froicbening Ipgbt, fobicb ©ob bztngctV foo2ttj bp bisfooGao. <$nb be tcrmeth tljc joctrinc of tbe Haivc, [tooonoer0,3 firft to tbintcnttoo bumble bs, tl;at Soce map ioonbrr at tbe bpgbnetf of it : anb f^conblp, to tljintcnt be map tbe better perfuabc t>0, tljat foe l;aue necbe of bcauenlp grace to tbebnbcrftanoing of tbe frcrctes fobicb v^ ourcapncttic. 3nb beer bpon focc gatber, tbat bp tbe name of tbe Uncoc tljcre is ment.notonl? tbe tenn: Commaunirtncnts, but r.lfo tl)C couenat of tijc cucrlaUing faluacion,fob'cl) *Ic?od bat!) mabc,foitb Vjz appurtenances of tbe fame. $nb furelp, feeing focc Unoae tl}at Ijaue but a race to romie, anb t!;at our be rit age is iapb \>p f oj bs in bean en , are not tpbe no? cntagleb icitb tranfito?ic tbinger, but trauell tb.itberwarb as tbcp be called. Cbe fence iljtnis : 3Lojb, feeing TC niKft ncebs pafTe a pace tb,iougb t!)e cartrj,foliat fball become of mce, if £ bee beftitnte of t^e boctrine of tl>p ILawet'^erbp foe map lcrne,tobctat it bebouetl) b0 to bcgin.tbat foce map bcepe our foap cbcerfullp bnteo ape0. ] foi fotnetpmes it bappenetl) tbat a man is moucb foitr) greatc carncftneffe too tbe fiubie of t!;j beaucnlp boctrine , but his bcate fbaHcti) bp ano bp. xotc muft tljcrfo^e lpauc ftcb= fa ftneffe, tbat our tyarts faint not foj fo:c= rinclTe. 2 1. [Cbou baft beSroptb.]3T>t!?crs tranf latCit,rtboubaftercbuiveb.^c.]i fo frgttt fpCtb tl)G j^:b:eit> foOOJb [Gagnar; ] l;0lV = Le:!t,t'!at isfobentbc^ettcvLBctkliij tcp-. nes foitn it inlconftntctia. 15ut r.6'.v,i,!)e \)t fapetb fUtlf 1?, [ Gagnarctha zedimj t!;C fooozo lohn ^aiums ^ommcniane, j Sooozb [ be ftrop] azvzttl) moze aptlp , ac= ' coding to § ozbcr of (0?3mcr , U^otioitl)- i ftanbing , tt f killed) little, as in refpcct of I tljc effect of tljc matter, 5ro2 tlje pzopljcts i tncenins i0 noting Doubtful! : namelp, ! tbat iSJobouibgmentestaugbt bttntoe fct bio tttpnb too ttje ftubp of tljc Ha we. 3Gno trulp S»cc ma? not tarpc ttU tf>ob cbaftpfc be Syilk l)t0 robbco : bat S»ben i)c pumfe fbctb tbe bngoDip anb tljc befpifcro of bio iyc:D/wc be ouerwitlctTe if bis fquoo2ge0 tnftruct fee not. 3rd ooubtlcfle, tt to tbe lingular mercp of <& £> 3D, S»b*n be fpa= t : tlj too , anb Dbotl) but fear e too a far of , to tbintcnt too bzing too tontoe bun Smthout touching bo oz cbafttQng too at all i$cps tljer is tt foz nougbt , that be tcrmctl) all tonbiiecuero [pzoteb.] foj, tt io onip fairtj t'.iat makctb too lowly,* all rcfccllioufnctf fpzingetb ef pzpbc. 3ino b«tbp &>e gatfcer bow bcbooffull it is to coftDer <£5obo iuDg tnent0 beebfullp ano biligentlp,S»berbp be fuppzcflctb fucb ftatelineffe.iJFozaolor.g as tlie Socaklingco fee tbe Smckcb rpfc bp fudouGp ageinft iD 3D, malapertlp flja king of all poke,anb f kozning all goblmco iuitljoiu toucbe of b?eft : tljep begin too boubt,S»bltber there fit an? obao3jubg in beauen.ailtbougl) tben tt>at <£oo Sznnk fez a tpme, pit affoonc ao be btteretl) anpe eramplc, Sx>ec map aflureblp belccur , that goo batb not in bapn tbzeatcneb trjc tranf* grcu"02S of bteHawe: anb fo let it commc to our rcKicmbcrancc, tbat all are curfeb Sobicb lljzink awap from bun. ^owbecif, it is to becnoteb,t!;atbp [fteppmgafpbe,] tbere t0 not betokeneb eucrp manner of i u\ isbut onlp tbe bnlziblcb licenttoulheo tbat fpzingetb of tbe Swickeb contempt of 45 £> 3D.3Rt is mbecbeantomuerfall fen= tenet, tbat cuerpone to curfeb Swbicb cons ttnuetb not in all t!jc tbtngco tbat be Srztt tcn,3Dcut.i 7. * d.l&ut fozafmucb a0 <2>ob of lji0 fatberlp kpnbbartcbneffe bcarctb Soitb tbofetbat baitbircafonof tnrlrmitie: bcere be pzecifelp intrcatetb but of y iubg= mcnt0 S»bicb be erecutetb ageinft tbe re= pzobatco . aino 3D too ocfeno tbe finccre 15cligion,^»bicb tbep embrace, ageintt benemoufe tungca. il^ept^er icill it mtfagrce to bee bnDerft coo tijus: ilcjd , fo?«fnmcl)a0 3 Unow mpfelf to bccleere, ano tbat tbou alfo art p?tuteof mp trcw founoncs: fuffcr not tbe fetclico to Orfamc mp Ipfc bp peftcting falfc reposes \jppon tncc. l&ut tbe fentence iottl bee fuller tf tt bee t£Dallinoneftrepne,ti>u0: £> ®od fuffcr not tl;e tngosip to f fcoffe at mcc foj mp cnDeuenng to bcepc tl;p Hatoe* #oj it is a fo)tcUeDne0 tbat batb re^nebin t\)t &jo?lD euen from tljc beginning, tbattbe S»oojujippcr0 of <5 £> 3D baue bin tfap- tco bf tbctr ftmplicttte m fcap of npjocljc, 9 mocK D fo; it:lihe 80 at this bap alfo tbe fame ffec^mngco Sp tljicUc ab?ooc agemft <$oD0 cl;ilD?en,as iobo 0 by bto owne erample,too flee bntoatbi0 refuge: Cbat Scbcn tbefeHckebbooivercefp cafi-fooztb tbeir repzocbeo bppon cartb, our Jlubge notwitbftanbing ftttetb in beauen. 3n tbenejrt yjcrfe tbe ^?opbet auoucbetb tnozepiapnlp.tbatjic Ijatlj not in toapne p^apco bnto f lozbfo befenb btm fro fucb repzocbeo: bicanfe be Syao bab in bcrifton not onlp of tbe comon fozt , anb cf the be- rpeft fbakragge0,but alfo eui of f greate mai.Sobicb fare ao 3!ubge0. f 02 bp [fit* ting,] be betokcnctb,tltat tbep bab fpoken naugbtelp anb Srtckeolp of btm, not onlp in tbeir cbambcr0,anb at tljctr tablco, but alfo YY of toe, Out to go tijiougb icitb t\)i miuuuig of <©ob0 3Utw .flow tljcrcfojo tlje ^o= pbcttcacbetb tnfe>bat fcjpfebzc fc?2cffcD lumfelffro tbt0 temptation, flftcrclp (fattl) be)tbptefhmonie0arempbcligbt,tbati0 tofap, altbouobtbcbnboncft bcaiingof men in blaming meefalflpbec bitter ano trubblefome to race.ytt to tbc picafantnc0 of tbp lay? a fujfrcict recopcnce.|$e abbetb f <©obs teflttucnics ave [fjiscounfclcrs] bp itljtcb. mancr of fpelung be betofcenctb, tbat bee Icanetl) not too bis oiins fcut,tut feckctb abupceai tbeSoojb of ©ob.wbtci) tiling is to be marhcb abupfcblp. foj, Sue fee \)Ovo blpnb affect (on0 oucrrulc men in ojocring tl>cp2 ipfe. Jrom iobence Dootb tbc couctciifcman fetcbccounfcU, but at Insfaifc principle iobtel) bebatb tmagtneo to ^itnfelf:tl)at.i0 to font,? noticing is bets ter tljan ricbc0:'WbP boo ambttioufe men fe eHc onlp loftpne0 , but bpcaufc tbep fur; mpfc tt^at netlnng 10 better tljan to bcare an bonojable pojtt tn the fc?02lb r* 31 t is no maruel tbcrfc>2c tbat men are fo ii?ctcl)eD > ip mtfiebbe, conflicting bote trjcp betake tbemfelues to bee ruleb bpfo cuill countc= Icr0. 115 ut it>bcn i»ec bee ruleb bp <& 000 isooio. anb ioljen our onlp S»tfebomet0 to foiow obebientlp iobatfoeuer tijc fame pjefcrpbetlj : tbcnfball tlje fcttefcetbee t 0 icci ofeo agetnft al bcceits,as 5rtl of our ownc flefb as alfo of tbc too: id , anb tben fbaUiuceftanbetonuanquiQjableagcinfte ail atfauU0 of temptations, alfo openlpanb at rljctr £ourtbarsu atan attcptcb to tyiue bint to be fpatrc:bcfapetbbc fougbt rcmcop bptbe minbing of 0obs lafe. 25 no beer c in c bee taugbttbat it is no nouelric, if iubges ;j0 fejtongfullp oppjeffc CEsDIDS) feruantc0 « rapleat tbeir gobltnc0. ?f IDauib coulD notfcapetbi0rep;ocb : febpfboulofece attbiobaplooUetobcpjiutlebgcbr'/Bot feitbftanbing,fece map lerre tljeru^ttrjal, bou> tbercis notbing ho grater fenbnefle tbantco bang bppon tbc iubgemente© of men: bicaufc y in fo booing tee fb tilD neebs feauer cuerp minute of an bourcu>bcr= fou let tt fuffi^e b0 to be iiHeb of d5€)E), tbqugbmenbofe2ougfullpmifrcpo2rt)0, anb notflnlptbc rafcai fo?t of tbc comon0, but alfo tbc bxtp 31ubges tliemfclue0 , at febofc banbe0 me?c inbtfferenciefecreto belocfccbfo?. 24 2Hfo tbp reftimonfc0^]Cbc partis clc[Nim] fenittetb tbi0bcrfe too tbclaft tbat feet afote.3!ti0an cjcfample of rare C02age not to alter a manes purpofc, noz toSBaucrSwbetljc&ozlD iv^QCtl) amtffc 25. JVly fo wle hath cleued vnto the dufr,c[uicken mee according too thy ' word. 26. 1 haue declared my wayes, and thou haft anfwered mee : teach mee thy ftatutes. 27. Make mee vnderftand the way of thy commaundements: and I will bee myndfull of thy wonderoufe woorks. 28. My fbwle droppcth away for grcef : raj fe me vp according too thy word. 25?. Take from mee the way e of falfchod , and gratify e mee with thy Lawc. 30. I hauechozen thewaV of truth, *nd I haue fet thy iudgements be- fore mee. 31 . I haue eleaued to thy teftimonies O Lord,put mee not to shame. Xxx.j. 32 I will John L.alums vx>mmcn:aris 32, 1 will ronnc the way of thy commaundemcnts,when thou shalt haue enlarged my hart. mo2e tba to be taught in goos ftatnta a= rpgbt.TDbicb tiding hcecofirmctb alfo in £ nert bcrfc,fel)cn bebefp2etb agcin to baue tl) t0 bnDerft a & tng giucn blm.atno m bo :b $ places it 10 to be noteo ,y altbougb f lato of goo be fet before our epes, pit not&fta* Ding oule0 <©oo0 fptrit come anb plap tin fchoolcmatflcr feitbin b0,fece cannot get macb bp tbe rcabing of it.^orobeit febcr 93 30 bauctranflateb [J feilbcmpnDful:] fome jnterpzetero tranflateit [31 fell in- treate:anD tijc feozD[shuk] is referred as fecit to tbe ontroarD fpcaKing, as to £ ins fearD tijmUmg.iiSuc tbe later figniftcatio agrcel!) beft i» tbis plac:. jf ojtbua Do 31 latfoitl) tbep:opbct0taozD0:to tbentet 3D map be minbful of t>ip feCocrous toozfes, mane mee to pnbcrftanD tbp comaunDe mentfl. jtox fee bnoa> y 46000 lato is bn= fauerie bnto Ds.bnttl be bauc clcnjeD our mpnbs, tbat tbep map percctue tbe taft of treto feifoome. 3tnD of tins lotbfomcnes fpzmgetb flotl) , fo as it grcuctb tbe feoztb to gtuc care reuerctlp bnto goos law,bp j caufefee tad not tbe feonoerful totfDome febicb is lapb bp trj:c.irjot fettbout caufe tberfozc bootb tbe P?opbct Define to hau: tbe gate of bnoerftanDing openeb bntoo bim bp tbe gift of goD.l$crefettball alfo it is to be lerncD,tbataccozDing as toe been: DeaBCD feitb the fpirit of bnberttanbing:fo muft tbereuerenceof <©oos lafe, anb tbe earneft mpnomg tberof increace in bs. 25 [^p Tonic bart)clcucb«c.] ^emec* nctb tbat be Defpaircb of itfc,nelcfle tbanif be baa bin locUeo bp in [)is graue. which is a thing feooztbp too bec noteo , lead it mpgbte grceuc PS oi piK PS too palTe though bpuers Dcatb3,as oft as goo fljai trjiriH it gaoo. 3nO bp bis ortm ejcample be tcacbetb O0,tbat feben fee fc noting be- fore 00 but Dcatbe.f all liopc fecmeib nu tcrlp fozloznc : fece mu.le mnertbeles Di- rect our pzapers bnto goD,in febofc bana are t!)e iffues of Death?, accozDing as fece baue feene m tbe pfalmc. 6 8 . 2 1 . $ febofe pzoper oecotie it is to rcftozc life to them tbatb:Dcao.|$9u?beit fozaimucbas it is barb encoumentberfoze ^c calletl) bimfelf anb otbers bacbe to dfjobs pjomifes. jPoz feben be faub[acco2omg to tbp feozb:]be confcilctl) tliat tber is no bope left foj him, if be (ball Depart from tbe feozDof (2?oD. i^otobecit, fozafmucb as (©obbatb affu- rcD bs tbat tbe Ipfe of the goblp is in bps bano anDtuiciontaltbougb bs beefaft tiDc to bis graue, pitnotfeitbftanbing be raps fetb bp bimfctf to bope foz lpfe. 2 6 [■ j banc Declareo f c.")3Jl« tbe firft part of tbts berfe be auouc'oetlj bimfclf to baue pzapeD feitbout Dcfimulation,anD not too baue folowcD tbe eratnple of pzouD folbe, febo bpon truft of tbei'r ownsfeifebome, ftrcn^tb.ano abilitie, flee not bnto e piepiiet faitl; be couctctl; nothing 2 8 [ && p foale Dzoppetb $ e.]ilftte as a lit* tie afozc i)2 fatD bis fouie bad cleaueb to y Duft:f6 now aimofi in tlie l&c fence be co- plainetb tbat it Dzoppetb awap foz grcef. I-) otobecit tt):re be tbat tlnnH b^ allubctb bnto tcares, as if bee bab fapbe , tliat \)is fonlc baD bin meitcD intoteares. 115ut tbe meenmg is Qmpler , tbat bis ftrengtlja fbcaoctb afeaplihefeatcr. ^notbeberb in Dccoe is of tbe future tence.bocobeeit it bctonenctb a continual Doing. ^Wozcoucr tbe ^zopbet beterminetlj.tbat tlje remeo? of c« trcme fojofects if ©1DID reacb out btobanDz. . ■$ 05 like as erefebple feben bee lape foz DcaD be conccpucD bope of rps fing bp agapne bp <©£>£>£> grace : fo nofecalfo bp the fame grace, bechopctlj fo? vppon the.Cxix. Halme. 1 162 f k reftftutfoa c f n rto aiiD full cozag; al = tboagb he bee now Panitbcb awap«2flnD be rcpeatctb ageinc tr>e fapcD per c. 1! [acs ceding to tb v wozD, bicaufe tbat (0oDo power were but cold gecte foz t> 3 frit b= out bis wooiD*l£ut wben <2?oD meetctb t>s , altbougb courage anD ftrrnrtt b fat'e na : ntfipzomife mull be of fuffictet fozee to confirmed 29* [Cafeefrommcetbcwapeoffatfe* boD««e*]25tcaufe be t-ncro bote fojtwarD menace tnclinatione bec too panitie and Iping : in the foimrr place be Dtfiretb to banc bis minDepurgcD , Icaftbreing t>.?= tangltD in &atbans Smlce it mtgbt Hip into errc?. Into aftcrware too tbe intent be map beware of Ipmg : bee rcnucftttb to be fcnccD witb tbe Doctrine of tbe laitu ^cucrtbclcffctbcfcconb member 10 in- tcrpzcteD ttucrOp.^f oz lometranflate it [maac tt)p lata to be pleafant pntoo me.] 2Hr o trutp f ozafmccr) ae tbe law 10 bate* ful to tbe fjcfrje wbom it compcllctb t n= to c:&cr : t bcrc is gooD cai-fc wbp eoffrcegtfte*]2I5nttbeS»oozDe [Channi] cottfDenotbeetranflateD otber- fanfc [grattfie tbou me, 02 ptrafure tbou me witb tbp law] wbtcb is in DeeD a grofT-:oD : tben falletb to the grounb tbat wicked fozgerp wbicb batb rr i gnco in tbe |3apacp5tbat tbe increace cf grace is pcclDcD to Defer utngo* 30. [Ibauecbsjcn.^c] 3intbi0berfe anD in tbe nert, beauouebctb bimfeifcto bsue bin minDcD tn fucbe wtfe^as be bc= fir cd notbmgmoze iban too fgilcwe t!;e tbtng tbat ?s rtgbtanD truest is not fc; nongbt tljat beer t0 put tbe iuo;d [cbofe] $ 0? tbat wbicb t0 fapcD tn tbe oio 1^20 ncrbc (namtip tbat mar.nes life 10 as it fcerc tn a iic-o Lcaplcttc) pcrternetb net or.tlp too tbe gcncrall courfejbut alfo too cuerp feucrall action* •$ 02 a0 fene a0 S»c take ncucr fo utte a tbmgtnbar.Dc, isee bee balcD bt«ber anD tbprber , an& are in funD2p nttnDes a© if ioee were carpcD a= wap witb a tempefr. Co tbe intent tber foie tbattte -^lopbttc m^gbtpzocctDe QcDfafilp in tbe rtgfct wap, be farctb bee w«0 fullp purpofcD anD DctcrmmtD not too leaitc tbe trutbc 25 p tbto m cane bee Dootb Ms too pnt rrannDe, tbat bee wa0 not qupte cleere from all temptatpono.t but pit pzeuar U D agcinfie tbcm, btcaufe be t;au fet bfs mtnDe carneftlp to tbe be= pingof tbellaws. Coo tbe famepurpofe mafee tlj tbs tatter medcr? wbcre be fat:ij be bad fee 250:0 tuDgcmersbcfozcbim. j(fo; it were no fteope cbotcc, onlcffe tbe faithful c-srctftD tbemfelucs m tljccon- titiuaJl b.bolDtng of tbe JLaice, w ttbout gtuing toe ir cpes leaue too wauoer. 3! n tbetierfcfoiowing,bccnoto:ielpefcttctb foul) tbi0 aff:ctton, but alfo matebetb it iovA) a p;apcr,tbat bee mtgbte not fincfe witb fbame bnDet tbcfKozntngco of tbe fengoDlp, wbiie bee gauc btmielfe ix>bolp bmo (Sods JL9W* l^c rcpeatctb row tlje fame iooiB tbat be l;ao PfeD afoze, i\ ben bee faveo bp0 foalc dcaucD too tbe fcuft. 21nD fo be Dcclaretb,bow rjec l;aD m .bza= ceD (£ 000 iawc fo faa,tbat be coulD not be piucUcD f torn it. Cbufoze mafmucbe ^jCJCtj. C0 lohn Caluins Commentarie «o bee <0 8fraprb of bccing put to Gjamc, oj ouervoljelmcD tottb rcpjocbes, beerbp toce gather, tbat tbemoKfinccrclpeebe man ne acbictctb btuifclfc too (25 £> 3D,fo m tic'fjc tljc mo; c p? ouolu tb !)cc vncleanc anD bent mo ua lungs age in ft btmfclf. 32. [31] Cb* 0iopi)ctmccnetbjtbattobenID3D enlarge mensbarta,tbcpu)aUnotonelpbeeDulj but alio unable to ftirre one foot towarD traueltng to bo tocl. But a (Tone as (Boa l;ati; frttbetr bartsat large, tbep fbaibc able tnougb not onlp too toal fce,but alfo too ronnc. 113 Y tbc toap be toarnctb bs , tbat tbe true beeping of tbc Ham not on lpconuftctbintbcouttoarcetoojUs,but alfo required) touting obebientnes,fo as tbe hart muft after a io;t topticn it felfe, iBot tbat it can fa frame it felf of it owne motion, but bicaufe tbat toben tbe b*r&= ticfie anb rtubbojnnefTc of it is abateb,it onretb itfelfefranchlpe, anb 10110 mo ix pmcbeb tottb it enme ftretgbtncs«3Laft Ipe tbpa place teacbetb* tbat toben (Q5ob batb frameb our mmbes too tbPS large; neffe : toe fbal toant no ftrcngtb ,btcaufe tbat togitber tottb tbe fapeb right tnclp= nation, d5sD ID toil alfo giue to a ablenes tbat our feet map be rcaop to tonne. 33. Teache mee O Lord the way of thy Statutcs^nd I wil keepe it vntoo the end. 34. Make me vnder(tand,and I will obferue thy Lawc>and keepe it with my whole hart. 5c. Guide me in the way of thy Statutes : for thcrin is my pleafure. 36, Incline my hart to thy teftimonies^and not vnto couetoufnes. 37. Turne away mine eyes from beholding vanitie : quycken mee in thy way. 3$. Make good thy woord vntoo thy feruant, whiche is £/'«?« to thefeare of thee. 39. Take away my reproche whiche I am afrayed of, for thy Judgements are good. 40. Beholde I haue had a longing vntoo thy commaundements,quicken me in thy rightuoufnes. 33. rCeacrjemc£>&o;i04£c.]yftagcfa be rcpeatetl) tbe piaper tobicbe be Vfetb oftentimes tn tb;opbct fberoctb of tobat binD of Doctrine be fpcafcetb : tbat is too iaitt of fucbe aa to of fojee to frame a tnannes fearre aright* ^cucrtbelatertbe3Inter= piCtereejrpOUnOtbetDO^D [Gnakab] two toapeo* **>omc talie it foj toages 0$ b'.rc in this fence : tobe 31 am tocl $ tbjousb Ip taugbee,31 ftall percciuebow tbep la s bo.2 not in bame tobicbe abbict tbefelues to tbe fc eying of tbp Ilaive: 9 tber fo?c 3 toiL fojill Uecpe t«p com wtaunbemcntcs foz. tljc reosarbes fabCjbpcaufc tbou neucr bifap= poimcir tbefcruamcs. Otberfome tratiCs late it [tonto tbc cnD: ] bpcaufc tbat looke wijom 2D teacbctbcffcctuallp, tJbcm alfo botb betberfoutbaii ftrengtljcn y tbep fboulb not tpzt in ti;e mioses of tljcir ic?= ncp,but bolD on ftoutlp to tbc main fontb out fcvecrpnefle . ($£iulf 3 benp not but bccfpcafcctb of tl;c grace ofpcrfcuerancc: but let the r cabers confiber &>lutber tbps bcrfc map not be reD fimplp as tbc toojbs founojr6:tbcisozDsritbnto]arcnotcit pzcffcb bp tbc pzophet : but be faptlj [ 31 fosiliHcepetljcenb: ] ana fo tbc mcening ti:ulbbce:iLC2b,31 baucnebe tobetaugbt contsnuallp,tbat J map not lcaue of,but alroats beaming fttli at rap raarfc. Jpojf comtnaunbeft nice too tonne m tbp attest fontl) conbicion that beaJj fboulb bee mp marfe.'l]5uttbisconftancie is not too bee fotmb tnme,onlcffe tbou teach mebaplp, but tf tbou bee t«p gup*be,3 fball alwaics hcepc fo>acclj,anD ncuer call mpnecpes as fiDefromnjpneetibozmarfe, /ftcuertijcs i.fic jB baucintnp translation fct downs tbat fo>l;iclj bas tnoft bfuall. 34. [^ahcmctobtibfrfianbfclftrfc be booc.ij b0 too font , tbat tbe t refo forif; dcmei0,too fetch fontonelp out ef <2?obs 3L ak>,fo 20 it map holb be in feare 9 aire of btm./froto in be firing to banc tin's fame beft etccb bppon Imnbp <35obs gift, be con fefletl) that men ame at anp tbjng clfcra= tl;er tban tbat: as long as tbep be blpnDcD foritb GeHrty reafon. 31nb trulp it to farrc of from tljc common opinion of men, too implop all tbetr enbeuer to tljc keeping of (S ob0 J. aw . o;lo eft cemetl) none fo>pfc, but fucb as can lap about tbe iucl fo* tljeir ox»nc pzoffoanb fuel) as arc fonitp $ polm'a in t'uc affairs of tins cart!-; lp lyfc,pea ana fucb as cjcceli in SwilpncfTc to bcguple tbe Gtnple. 25ut tbe |2>jtopt}ct coniramopfc aucucljett) men to bee bepo of tbe tretv long as the feare of <25ob bcarctlj not tbe crjeef Gray . •$ 0% he rcqu.'rctb none otljcr fbarpfigbteb ncfle fo t bis orone part,but onlp tbat bee map icrnc too peclbe bimfclf fosbollp too €>ob0 goucrnancc . 213 p tbe fe>ap alfo bee conf efletbv.litfl tbing to be t'ne fpecial gpft of «£oD,anb not to bee atiewcfc bp manes own labour c^pollicie. jf 02 if euerp mas fojcrc mcctcto bebis oamcfcbOitmaiftcT, this p?aper fojere but ncebleiTe. 2Cgcin fo?s afmucl) as the ofafcruing of i©obs iLato is no comon mattcr:l)c tofctb tioo icoojtbes: asifbccfnoilDfap, 3lo?b it i a bigb $ hatb ntattcr to beep tbp ILaio eractlp as it be* tometb,fo>bieb pjefcribetl; a clennes mc?e tbd mans nature auo;beth-ll5ut pit|l not gme ouer,bpo trnft of tbc Ugbt of ti)p l;eauelp fpirit. jBotu,itbfta!sing,tbe fence teilbe tbc clertr ifa man bnfolb tbe uo?os thus :Cnue «neebnbcruanDtHg,y 3 map fecepe f obferue tbp lato anDcf(lM>2D. »f. [iFwpbcmefc] Cljattbcp?opbet barpctb fo muclj bppon tljis fcntcncc,itis not fuperfiuous. ^0; inl^eras tbc enbe foz iol)ic\) men liuc, :s tbat tbcp fboulb p;o= fit in gobs feboole : &c fee bou> tbc ^uo;!b tyawctb tbem httber anb mitljcf isitl) his enticements,? tljcp tl;etnrciues alfo bcuife tbings innumerable to cal tbcfelues au ?.i. 31 nb it is to bcmarfccbljovDtberc foloto= eth.tbat it is bis plcfurc. i?o? it is a point of rarebertucfoj a man fo too gather bis fonts anb affections in bnJo bim, tbat bee tafeetbljis leaue of all f Batterings forbid) tichlc tbc fieQ) , ahb fctrctb pleafure in no= tiding clfe but in fcruing of d5ob . 2Pnb pit ti;c ^jopbet baumg gotten this bictcjte, pcrcepuetb tbat^cteantetl) fomtoljat ftil. Cbcrfoje ^e calletb ^ppon d5£>3D a ncio fozapbe,tljat his befpje map come too full effect,accoibing as 42>aulcfapetl) |5bi!ip. j.n.l^owitis (Boh tbdtfojozUctl) inios botl) to foitil anb to pcrfoitne. 2:nb it is to bee conGDercbjtbat bee boaftctlj not becre of tbe invoarb motion of 1>:S own nature : but lapctl) ab?obe tbe grace fo>btc!) be batb receiueb, tljat «©£i>2> map maKe perfect M&L tljc lohn Laluins ^ommentane t\)z tuojk SdIjic'.) be batb bcgonnca© if Ije IjaD fa«D,llo?D,tbou tbat foafrc gpuen mee,gt*je me atfe ttreotl). iff wtfjcttKOje tbe ftjoo;b[picafurc] is conerrip matcbeb agcmfttbc lufte© of tlic fiell) Web tjolti mens tjartrsfcttcrcb in tber cnticemets. 36 [31 ncltnc mp Ijart $ c. ] Jrirft be ac= nnowlc&getl) ttjat mans bart is fo far fro obcbienccbnto (Bona rigbtuoufnes, that it ratber foiapetb too tbe eontrane ftoe . i oj if fo>cc &>cr6 inclineb too t!jc rpgbttt'- oufeneffc of t'oc iawe,bp nature ano of our ovene accojb: it liao bin in bain foj b«n to t)t\ui fatb,i inclpnc m? Ijart] J, t folo^etb th^cn,tl)ar bur hearts concciuc nothing but tbat tol)ich to {Mail, $ ttyat tbcp be giuen altcgitbcrtoftubbo;ne0,bnttl ©ob bent) them the cotrarp tuap.we muft abuficblp marH ttjis acfcnorcicbgmet off prophets, Ijon? man© nature to fo cojutpee : tbat it couc tcth snp t'ling rather trja £ ttbicb is rpgbtfull, bntill it bee bo«nr eb too a ncio teacbabiencfle bp <£obs ofc>nebanD,fo as it map beging to incipnc bntoo goob. 51 nb in the otljcr member tbepjopbet fpeicctb So'iat bmoeretb men tijett tl)cp cannot at? tcpue too the Defp;e of rpgbtuoufeneflTe : tljat is too fo)tt,bpcaufc tbcp ronne groue; lingfcpon [couetoufeste0.] Inbbp thefts gure ibinccDocbe the particulcr t0 put fojt tbcgcnerall. ;tfoj[Batfcaug]ftgnpfiethtoo bcaletnoieii?, 00 to couet oj bcfrauotbut the terme of [eotrctcumcfTej agreetb bcu\ cbffiJtcionaUp tbat ice \mocrijan&,that the ^jopbet bath cbo;cn cut tbi0 pertpcular 5»i)icb »0 tbc roote of all tmfcbceki.Cvm. 6 . i (ben? boto nothing i0 mojte cotras rietotberpghtuoufencs of (£00. H5p tbe fcap Sue be general!? taugbt,£ ft>e be htlb intangleb inSyicfceoanb fmful affection0, fo a0 our bart0 abhojre the ftubie of goO0 IsSue : bntill <0ob tnfppje bs fcntb a fojc= SuaronctTebntogoob. 37 [Curneaojapmpneepe0(jc.]TX>ebe taught bp tins fc>oojba,i:hataii 0Ht fcnfes are fo peffefleb of toanitic, as it is no mar = uci thou £b ib ep bee cftraungeo from right incctter,ulitbcpbe elenjeb anbrefojmeD. il^ap ratfjef , ■tub^caa in rbcfojmer berfe l)c fapbtbatfetcfeeDneffe rdgncD in mens t;arts : now he c^tcnDctijtbc fame too tb2 outwarD fenfes alfo : 00 »f be ibotUD fape, tbc mfilaoi? of coi:cupifceiicc not onlp lurH etl) in mcii0 »i^ndejoi , but elfo i0 u^eb a= b?obe into al part0,fc £0 neptber earc0,noj fcete,nc? banbo rctcin tljCtr na* turc fownb 5 pcrfcct.ncptbcr is anp tb, tng at all frecfrctn co?ruptne0 . 3inb ccrtcinlp &ccUnOtt)t;)attl;C ftapneef o?iginall fin bootb not rcfi in fome one parte of a man onip, butpoffcffcr!).bt0£Dbolc forolc nnb bobie. jfFo? if our er C0 mud bee farnc to be turncb aroap fro toanitie bptbe fpecial grace of a; tan© Dcccpt0,Sol)icb p?efent tbcfc!uc0 bn= to tbctn cucrpiobere . Jif &atan bib but lap fnare0 f82 b0,f tljat fece of our fclue0 S»cr circumfpcct pnouglj to efebero lus be cept0:it coulb not be p?operlp faib,^ c ot^er fences: foj bserc alfo is a figuratiuc fpeccb in putting tl>c particular foj tfyz go ■ nerall . 3nb t be later member anfaeretlj tbcrbnto.^Pojt alt^cugb otbers b?ing 0= tber interp^etation0:pit 0031 ftippofc tbat tbc naturall tneening is tl)is:JLoztJ, fo^afs muci; a0 mcn0 Ipues are accurfeb 00 long 80 tliep implop tljcir potrers bntoo fins n(ng:graunt tbat toljatfoeuer abilitp isin mee, tlje fame map peelb foojtb nothing but tije r igbt uoufnes lcbicb tljou appoint ttft.&bat this map appear e fbe better, it bcbouetl) b0 to bolb tbi0 fo? a principle: y tl)efeeingoftbeerc0, tbe Ijceringoftbe eare0,tbe isalKing of tlic fete,? tlje feeling oft!)cbanbc0, areboutlelTe tbe precious giftes of c5ob : anb alfo tbat it 10 a mo?e excellent gift,tl>at S»c bee enbctocb toptl) rcafonsnbi»ill:anbpit f oj all tY,i8,t\)CTe is no fpgbt of epe, no mouinge of tbe fen - fc0, no tbougbt of mpnbc, iobc rebntoc tber cleauetl) not fome bpec $faultincu*s. iS)ttb tbecace Qanbetbfo, fe>o;tliflp botlj tbe 0?opljetc offer bimfclf Scbolip bntoo <©oD.,to be mo?tificb bp ljim3fo 00 ije map begin to litis a nctolpfe. 3 8 [S0aUc goob t\)H Sso?b f c] i^eerc t0 b^eefl? vppon the . Cx'ix. Pialiiie. 164 bzeefip petn'.cD out fyt ngbt <* oncip enD~ ofp;apcr:naraelp,tbattbecffcctofgoD3 pzotniicF map come 'unto bo.TDbcropon it foloiBCttj y> tbep Do amiff?,tDl)tcb rains \f ronne bpon tbe bziale to t»pfbc fc>bat tijep lid.rtfo; isce feebowe the #;opbct pcrrctttetb not btmfelf to craue 0; frtfbc a up otter tbing than 4£ob batb bouebfa uco to p;omiic.3inD ccrtefTe,to impo;tu? natets tbc bolDencsof tbcm , tbatraupe into (Sods p;cfece t neallcs bp anp roozb of bts,as if rt)cp feoulD mahe :but mahctb tbc feare anb arce of €> od to be b 10 mar be to fl)O0tat.^nbtruclptbcbeftan*urancccf obtr pning, t0 fr be» & c feperate not our ocGrc 0 from ©000 fcruiee.but craue on lp tbat be map r eigne in fcs. 19* [Cabeat»ap*5C«] 3i(tonotfDeU Hnotoen fr bat rep;ocbe bee be tofeenctb, iRctaptbdariDpng f foiafmucbe as bee hnrivc tbat manpeflauntsctcro lap as it fr ere in a dale fo; tym, too take occaQcn to raplebponbjm, tf ibe? miobt cbaunce to iate bi f. in anp trip : be baD tad caufe to bee afrapeb of failing intoe fucbetnfa^ mp, fpccialip tbjougb bto evene fault. 31 1 migb t be alio tbat bee fear co fom e otijt r r cpiGcbc,b:ceufc be Unttce tbat tbc lcix>= Dtdf-ite of men are front tco bee mode fauep in fpcafcing cu ill of tbc bed tnen,$ in fr;i flpng tbeir fr cil bcotngo too tbc frjong parte bp tbeir mtfrepo;tcs. € be reafo 10 aooco ,tbat [fo;afmucb ao gooo iuDgemento arc pooo] (Sob fbouiD bam per tijc fr tebe t tungs Soijicrjc fpitte outc 4> tv)cpopion or tijetr laucpnttir a^ypiufct giltlcs prrfone tb it obferue C5m 0 Haio rcucrentlp.jdf anpmanfjao Unit fc torts DcrdanD tht repjeebciu refpect of 45cd, tbe fence frill agree frel after ttys mens ncr,tbat tbe }3;opbctc (frbo eouere D no mo;e butto make bis life alowabie afo;e :D [to be quicbeneD in <&oqb r igb = tuoufneo] fliall tmpoite as mucbeao too bee qutcbeneb tn btsioape. 3nb truelpe <0ot)0 rigbtuoufnes to oftetttneo tn t b to |3falme,putfoi(£>oO0lLan?, 0; tbe rule of r tab* nous life : * in tbts icile tntll ttte two members of thisberfe bang tbe bet tec togitbcr , tb t'0 : % o;o, it is now a no table gift of tbp grace, tbat tbou bad tn= fpireD mce foitb a debfad ocfire to Uccpe tbp JL t- vr c : but pit tbere toantctb tbis : tbat tbe fame footing of tb»nc map )>tc ter ttfclfc in mp Sub ale life. $oU?bett fo* afmucbe as tbe termc of [rigbtuoufnes] batb a Double meening : it fbatbc fret fo; tbe reaDcrs too take it as tbougb be bao fapo,iLo;D,fo; tbP gooDnes fafee.wbicbe tbou art front too bfe torcarbs all tijofe tbat bee tbtne.ftt mr c bp ageine.bcfenoe me, a »D matnteinc mce . 0 cut x 1 bele iTe 35 baue ujcujio alrcsbptorjatj Ipbcb bcd« And let thy mercies come vntoomee 6 Lordc,and thy Welfare accor- ding to thy word. 42. And 1 wil anfwere thy worde to him that rayleth vpon me,bicaufe 1 haue trufled in thy worde. Xxx.iiii, 43- And lonn Caiuins Commentarie 43. And take not the vroord of truthe ouer long out of my mouth : for 1 wavtfor thy iudgements. 44. And I wil keep thy lawe alwayes for cuer and euer. 45. And I wil walkc in largenes : bicaufe 1 haue fought out thy Statutes. 46. And 1 will fpcake of thy teftimonies before Kinges; and will not bee ashamed. 47. And I will delight my felfe in thy commaundements whiche I haue loued. 48. My hands alfo will reachc out vnto thy Statutes which I haue loued, andl wil be mufing vpon thy commaundements. 41. [InDlettbp.frcl'CbertenoDout but feijcn fee fcttetb Downe [(Bobs mer = cicsl in toe tuft place, anD aftcrtearo aD Dctl) [fcelfatcj bee puttctb the caafe bes feje tbe effect, 30 the ojDer of nature res qupjeeb* 3toD bP this mcane0 be confefs ktl) ti;at bee cannot beefaueD but by tbc meet mercp of Cob* S@o;couer fo>be as be foifbctb too baue Welfare of free gift, be tijcraiitbalt !;anctb bnto tbe pjomife , like as toe baue feen alrcaop in otber pla ceo. ^ntbefeconDbcrfcbeboalrctb that bee (balbe arm tD Smtb a Gnguler Defence ageinft tbc flaunoers of his enempes ,bi> caufe bee bathe trofitD in <25obs fcjoojD, i^cicbceit a man' map tume the Mature tence into tbe maner of Smibtng.aa ma= np do : as uhebaD fapD [ilojD fojtafmucb a© 31 baue trufteD m tbp S»ojd] graune tbat mp tnoutb map be openco iopoe too Difpjoue tbeir muTapings^anD fuflfer me not too be oumbe^ben tbcp pefter falfe flaunocrs Nippon me*TObttber fcmp fo cs ner pee lift to taUe it : firft inc are taught -that tbcre (ball neucr ft/ante euil tungeb -per fons to raple bpon dpo 00 cbtlDien S> / out ceafmg,be tbep ncuer fo giltles.3lnD ) ageme it is Doubtful of SchatbinDe of re p^ocije bcefpeaketb,bpcaufetbeS»tcaeD not oneipbefpjwclc tbe cbilo;en af^ob isttb infamp : but alio ffaofe anD telle at tbeiv f .nb* jftou) fo?afmucijc as this fe= cenD ejepofuion fittetb tbc matter,befte, 31 cafel^e embrace it. $ 0.: ©auiD fcttetb bis oxer c truCe in *Bi>S>a agctnft tbeir fko.inefuiriCSiasrtfbebaDfopcD, 3 pjall bail: feOvreicptl) too anfiaere tbeir falfe b.aggcs, bpcaafe <85 £D 3D Dilappointctb tiot tijoie tgat truite in btHul@orcbccit tf anp man lift too ertenb it bnroo botbc,3B gaincfap bim not. £X$ ojeouer bee fapctb not ftmplp, tbatlje I) iD ttutteD in^ob : but tbar be bao trufteD in (ffitoDS too;oe, bicaufe bis toozD ts tbc grounD of hope. 31! fo tbc mutual* relation is too be mars beD between [tooojo anb Idoojd :] fo; tf <35oD(boulD not bp bi0 ioojaputisoiDs into our moatb too acf-no bs i»ttb,S»ee fboulD foone be ouermateD bp tbc mala- pertnes of tbcbngofilp+^berfeie if Sdcc couct to ftanb bnuanquiflnb agctnft tbc aflaultcs of tbc 5»o?!oc : becre 10 (betoco "bntoo bs tbe beginning of baleantneCfe, hamelp to trud in <5c D0 iooo;D : tofjer = Soitljaliif tote bee garDeD, (0oD0fptritc Smile tb bstoo Defpife doutlpc tbc bene mou0biafp!)cm(r0 of tbe £oicHeD.3inD y 5»e map tbe better Difpjiouc tbe fame : to tbefoooiDofbopebetopneti} tbc S»oojD of confeffiono; bttrance. +;. [Cabcnot atoap.f c+] Jit migljtbc DentQunbeD fa?bp bee Dcftrctb rather too baue bt0tung fur ntCbcD , tbanbisbarte fenceD Soitb tbeiDOjD of trutb-bTo? tins latter is botbc tbe former in oper ano al fo of greater importance* Jro> bow little (ball it bootc men too banc tbeir tunges reaDpanb eloquet, if tbeir bart0 be toopD of faitbfulne©^ "215 ut S»beras i0 fubftans tialt faitb 7 there alfo tbc tung follovoetb of it obme acco;D .3 anftocre ttja 1 9DamD teas not fo careful fo? tbc ourtoarbe p jos Ufl*on,but tbat be p?efcrreD tbe faitbful * nt0 of tbc bart before it. 215 utinafmucb^ as be fpea&etb af o;e d5oo, it is no mar = uel tbougb be fpcaUc but snip of tbe p;o= fciTton}bnDcr frbtcbe nottoitbaaDing be compje / vppon the. Gxix.Pfalme. comp?ebcnbetb tl)c other alfo, in cat* a0 if fcc bab fapD,llo2D not onlp bp'.ioloc thou mp barteSoittj faptb , that 3) map not bee orierwbclmeb fcntli temptacions: but alfo graunt ctjat mp tints map Ijaue full Itber- tte.foas 3) map tonfcarfullp magnifie tUce among men. wee fecbowe in befiring too haue bolDncffe of fpeeebe graunteb bntoo bim,bcc begmnctb at the hart. 3igcine,«t map bee Demaunoeo besre, wbp he fapetb, [iDuer longlas who Sooolb fape>be careo not fo? being befritutc sf tbe wec?b fo? a little i»bplc. 15 ut that were bcrp bnrea= fonablc,cohG&cring bow it ftanbetb bS in bao tobe carcfai cucrp minut of an boner leatt-atanptpmewecmap bee taken tars bic,bnarmeb,anb nafeco, /Che bnbooinge of tb'.s fcnetmuft bie fetcbeb fro our own crpertcncc. ;}fo? m this mSrmtiie of tbe fiefbe,itisnotalmoftepofftbIc, but that now $ then cucn tbep tbat bee of tbeftous te& fo?tc of alijboo cmafec fo? fearc, when §>atanaaaulretb tbem ouerbopffewOpc. 3Inb although tbeir faptb quapietb not: pit fe>ec pcrcepue that it fijjinHctr). %t leaftc= i»pfc their hart feruetb them not fcntb fo p?cfcnt courage, tbat tbeir tungs baueal^ wapesime rebpe btterance , o? thattbeirc anfwer 10 alwapes rebpe fbapen too tbe mortgages of ibc bngoblp:but ratber tbep dagger ana are abaOicb fo? a little fchple. 3DauiD t'jcrfoje being atteinteb wirli this infirmitie £s!jicr)c bcw?apeth it felfc in all men: tempered bis p?aper in tbis Sopfc : 3mbougb 31 bane not alwapes at banbe fucb bolbncffe of btterancc 03 focre to bee Smfbcb: yii futFcr tbou me not to be tung^ tpbe anp long tpmc. 115 p fohicb woo?bcs tbe ^iMopbct booth coucrtlp acUnowlebge ljtmfclf not to l;aue bin fo ftcDfaft anb eou» rageoufe , ns mcete was bee frjouis banc bin : but that l)is tunge was a0 it 5»erc tpbe bp fo? fearc. e af ; fcctton3oftb2hart,|s>ofarfoo?tbtben,a0 d5ob rulctb our tungs,tbep be rebp to b t -. tcr free!p:but a0foonc as be wtthb?awctb the fpint of ftourneffe, not onlp our bart0 faint, o?ratberfal tmbcrfoot, but alfo our tung© become muct. 3!nb beeaobctbtbe rcafon:namelp,bpcaufe [ heebath tcapteb fo? <3?oDs iubgc mcnt0, fo: fo fpeabetb bee woo?b fo? woo?D. wbcnbp ieee gather, *$ tbaOu&gcmcntsjarc not onip taken foJ tbs commaunocmentsof the 3Law:l>ut nl= fo tbat bp t!;e fame terme are betokeneo y p?omi3es fohtcb p?operip mapntepnc our wapting. JFo? w!;ercas femeberpuing it oftherootet»oo?D [Ghoijtran/latc it, \_J. tremblebattbpiubgemcntec: ] 3 cannot tell Xubptber it agrcctb 0? no. Cruclp, 5i)b?rea0tbep erpeunb[HuDgements too becment ofpuni£bm6nt0,]it i0qupte fro t\)t matter. 4-+ C2inD3Iwill&ceps,?c.]^ercbep20s mifetl) to bee an earnca folowcr of j ia\ve, net fo? a fewe bape0,bnt eucn to bi0 ipucs cno. 3nb Ins puttiug of y tl;?ee woojdc0 [Tamid,Gnolam,anb Gned] all m One fenfe, t0 not a fuper Suoufe pcftermg of thcm:fo? tljerebp bee gpueth an incl.ngc, tlotw:tftan= bing,lct b0 follow tijat wbicb iB moft re= ccpueb: namelp,tbat S)auia gio?ictl|,tbat bis wap fljalbee mabe letteil anb yjnencc- bcreb afo?e ijim, bpeaufebee fecfictl)bil!= gcntlp alter <£5obs commaanbementes : £ubtcbi0aU oneSDitlKiDalbinginlarge^ neffej. ^ro? toennow tbat mennes leases are moft comonlp eptber bufbpe , 0? corn; bcrfome bp reafon of narowneffc , bpcaufe tbep lap bpuerfe ftambIingblocKc0 m tbeir ownc i»ape0, 0? elfe mtangic tbemfciues in i»pnblafle.$>o cometl; it too paffe, tijat Sr>bple noman can fpnb in bi0 bart 1 0 ftib^ mit btmfelf to <£obs woo?b,anb to pecibe btmfcifouer to bcerulcb bp it , cuerp man abpbetb tbe punifljement of tbis ftatcli= neffc. 5ro? gob lapetlj fnare0 fo? us rounb about \70,maHetl) bicb:0 agemfte bs, ct:t- Ut\) off our patbe0 toitrj manp pitfallss,? finallp fbet0bs bpinbottomlcfTebecpc0: anb tbe wplper Hjat anp man is,fo mucb j mo?c is bee bcfpbe© bis wittcs in rraue= ling. 3nb tb 10 berfe teacbetb , tbat if an? man cbep (E»oD fimplp, bcefijall Ijaue tl]is rcwaro fo? biaiabo?, iliat go ^z tournep witb fl qupct anb careleffe mphD: anb tljatif bee happen too meetefcritfotmp frjc.U. Du"= lohn Calu'ms Commentarie biftrcllcs.ptt ftjall bee fpnb a isapout.foz. although the fapthfullp celb tbcfelucs ne= ucr fo frilling to bee taujbt of <£>ob, vie it oft bcfalictt) ti)2m too fticfeem tycmpie. 1 ftcHcrtbcleffe ,at length is fulfillcb that faying of^aul,i.€ox.4.8.tbat although ' tb'cp beetnbaunger.pttabpbetbepnotiu | biftreffe, bpcaufe it is d5obs part to mabe tliem a frav fr'oercno toap is.^ap rather ' although tijep becfozoatfuilp opp?eu"cb,pit fral&c tbcp neuertbcleffe atlargc,bpcaufe the? commit the bnccrtepne afrcrciappes in fuel) frpfe bnto <£ob, as tbcp boat not, but bp bis gupbtng thci (bal baue free pafc Cage, euen out of bottemlcffepittcs. 46 [ $nb 3 fr ill fpeakc,* c.]$e fecmcth becre to bcbpg'at bimfelf aflureblp f tbing that bee has pjapeb foj before . ^0? after bee hath fapb[Ca&c not the fr oojb out of mp mouth.] tflcwz bauingas itfrere ob = twncn h'flf befsre.bec fteppetb bp, anb bc= npetl) that he* fcnlbe; tungtpbe , although hec lucre to fpcahc afoje Ktnges. fo% ttyet is no bout but bee mccneth, that although all the frbole fr oz4b fr sre ageinft bim, pit fbeuib bee haue a flout courage to auoucl) gobs glojicfrcclp.^ut he choojeth Kings fr Inch are bzxabfull aboue other men, anb frith their pjpbe boo ftop the mouthes of C5obs toitneffcs.£>fttpmcsmbecb itbap= penctb, that free gpue place eucn too the bareftfoitofmen.jFoiasfooneasanpma fitted; himfclf ageing <25obsfroozb , 'byte fluinke m ourfclucsfearfullp.f that frees lulls frbicb frceptofefTcb at the niifoetb atuap. 2Bitt mod of all booth our fearfulneffc betmap irfelfe,frben fre come before the thrones of femgrs. Ebts 10 the reafonfrbp JDauio fapetb not onelp, that bee frill ftanbe ttoutelp ageinft his abucr ; 49 Remember thy woord vntoo thy Scruaunt, wherevppon thou haftc graunted mec too truft. jo It is my comfort in my troubble: for thy woord cjuickeneth mec. ci T hy prowd haue had mee ouerlong in derifion : jit haue I not ftept afyde from thy Lawc. ci Lord, I haue remembered thy iudgementcs from euerlalling , and I haue comforted mee. £3 Feafc is comrae vppon mee for the vrigodly , that foriake thy Lawe. <4 Thy fades of the bafcr fozte: but alfo that bee frill commerce ftcbfafte anb bnfcarefult, euen afojc binges. 23 v fr bicbe fr oozocs free bee taujbt, that then onclpfrcc haue pzofiteo arpgbt in <£obs froozbc.frben our mpnbcs are To frellfcnceo agcinft'tbe fcare of men, at fitch cpmes as the fr otlbe enbeuereth to caft them boconc : that tbep be not aferb eucn of the pufence of & mgs. ;»? oz it ts too much fhamc that (2? obs glo= riefoouibbecouermatcb frill; the bapne Sl02toufene(Te of them. 47 [3nb 31 frill bclight mpfelf,?e.] Che ii&efentencealmofthatb bee allebgeb as foze. Che effect is, that hce hab caft fuch a loue bnto 45>obs he coulb fpnb nothing moze pleafaunt tontoo him,thanthecontinerDalltnpnbingoftlie. ■$0% bpthefrooioebelpght, isoepjeffeb the behemcntncfTe of his louc . Coo the fame purpofe psrtepnetb it that hce abbcth immebiatlp,C3 will reach out mp banbs] j? or: loobe fr hat free r aught at frith rea- thing outioiir hanbes: fur c it in, that free grcebelp bcfp?e it. jf 0; if a man ftjoulb p]« tenbefuch an affection bp his gefture.ano ptt neglect <0obs laxoc in al the affap?es of bts fhoulb bee to ftinbing anhipo= crifie. 2|nb agcine bee auoucherl;, that the fapb earncft ano glowinge affection fp?in= geth hccrof.that tl;e fvweetneffe of the law hatb alpeb our mpnbcs bnto it. Jiafiip I;e fapeth,bec[frilbce mufing bpon (^obs tc^ ftimonies.J 5Fo? 3 bout not, but that the froojb [ shuk ] ought too bee rcferrcb too the fecrete mpnbingeo?muQngefrhcretn 45 $> JD Sciitlb?encr?rcpfethemfelues: frhich thing the mo?e parte of 3jnterp?e= toures graunteth bntoo. ff V/il UlWt VAIA.rirtlldv. 54, Thy Statutes haue bin my (bnges in the how/e of my Pilgri- mage. tf. In the nyght tyme haue I thought vppon thy name,6 Lorde , and I keepe thy Lawe. $6. This is betyded mee, bycaufe I haue obferued thy Statutes. 49. [IRcmembcr t!>p frozb.fc] $e p2ap= ct\) ^od to pcrfozme in Dcebe tbe tying tijat be l)atl) pjomtfeo. 5F 02 tbe falling out fljcueetb p 05OD is mpnDfull cf bto iroziJ. 3nD be tntrcatetb of pzotmfe0, free gatljcr bp tbe cnb of £ berfc,frberc Ijc fap= etb, be bab occafion of foope ctucn bntoo him : fr bid; tljmg; coula not ftasib, onicfTc grace bab bin offereD ijtm. 2 lib in tlje fc~ cono t>erfc Ijeauoucijctlj, p oltbougb <0oo tjiio turn pit fttli at tbe ftauea end, pit bee rcfteb bppon ljto fr oozb, 25p tlje Soap bee &ectaretb,tbat in bis t cub Lies 9 caves bee fongbrnot after bapne cofozt0,a0fro;t!b; lingee arc fr oont too boo, frbicb gajc bt= tijer $ fyitfyct foi rclcef of tbstr twifcrte0, anb if anpe ellaicments like tbem,afluage tljeir fo?ou>cs 2> fucb maner of plaifterg. liSut tbe p;opbetfapetl),be fras content tzt) fritb trjc onip froozb of <0oo,anb tfjat be bao fcuna life tbcre,eucn frbe all otijer tbmgeo fapieb Ijim . jn tbe tneane feafon be couertlp cofe&ctbtbat if be rccouer not bart bp goD0fr eo2D,bc fbal be but a beab man. 3!nb trulp aUijougb fr ozJblp me boo oftcntpmcsloohe bfg in tbeir mtfer ie0,pit are Hjcp borb of iwtoaru cozage of mpnb. i&bcrfoze not tmrpgbtlp boot!) tbe $320= pbet fap,tbat tbe faptljfuil liue 9 Ip&e fr ell in tljeir mtfcric0, in tljto onip refpect, bps caufc [(J5OD0 froo?D bjcatbetb Ipfe intoo tijcm.jwijcrfozeif freempnb frcll C5ob0 froo2b, free fljall hue cuen in tlje miobc0 of beatb, anb tljcrc (ball be no Ijcaumco fa grcatc,but it fball be cureo bp tijat falue. ainb tbat free bee left beftitute of re!c:f in our abuerGtic0,it cotnetb to pafle tizongb onr own fault, bycaufe fr e cptber befppfe, oj c!fc neglect €>oD0 froozb,s becepue our fetes foj tbe nonce fr itb bapne cenfozt©, 51. £Cbe p:oub] Cbt0 is a rfgbt profitable ccamplc to teacijc bs.tljat altijougl) our fimplicitie be fubicct too tl;s ffcoznfnges of tbe fricscb, pit to tbc "O. ^Furtbcrmojie, tljetartl) batb cuer bin fraugbteb fritb ^eatbc/.ifb ocf= ppf«:r0 of <& & 5D , anb ar tljto bap tt i0 ak mofte oucrfloiBCb fritb tljom. "iPberfczeif free barbennct our lja?fc0 agctnfttlicir f boffc0, tljcr* fballbc no ftc&incfie of our fa?tlj.3Ji»D frbe be calletb tlje bnbclccucr© [pzoub,] be termetb tbcm bp tljeir pjoprr name. jF 0? tbe frif borne of tbe fapt'nlcs to to bcfppfe <& €> 3D, to fet ligbt bp bto tubg mcnte0,to trample bto frljole religion bn : ocr tbeir feef c,anb finallp to fpit at ljto ljea ucnlp lungbome. j^eptljer froolb tljcp ronneabeab fo fatocelp,crccpt tbep frcre qupte bipnbcb fritb Pipoe. /j^otujitljflan- bmg, t!;c fr O2D0 muft be iapb fooztb tbu0: % Uljcugl? tbe p?ouo baue mocUcb mee.pit bauc 3 not (leppeb afpbe from tbp HLawe. 2Ulfo f parcell [ouerlong,] to to benotco: for it bet ofccncilj not tljat bee ir as IjcaucD at bp f vjngoolp one tpme,0£ one Dap onlp: but p bis encounter fras rcneircb ba?lp. Wljerbppon free gatber, tbat tlje fricbeD tookc f greater Iibertie,bicaufe tljep frcre tbe mo in nomber : accozbtng as tbe noms ber of tbegoblp,frljiclj fcrue 3D bzingctlj to our I remctnberance the things are alrcdp ?zmtcd m our bartes. 75ut 3B rather in? cipne to tlje otijer fence > £ JDauid remem= bcrco ctods tuDgmcntes,bp tobieb be pzo* ttcDbmifclftobaucftablifibcd his ILawe Ui cucr in the toozld. 3lnd tr>i0 confirmas tton is fcerp necdfullfoz tos, bpcaufe that 5vi)cn d^Ov)s band is not fecne openlp, of= tentpmes bis doctrine bccommetlj cold. 23 uc toben 45i3D3D punifbctlj the toicfeed, be conHrmetb tbetbinges that Ijcbad fpos ben: bprcafon tobcrof alfopunifhmentcs oi penalties arc in tlje Ciuill lawc termed CrnSrmactons. H5 ut tijis agrcetb better to <£o&siuDgmcntcs,bp tobich be confirm trretb tbeauti}02Uic ofbis3Uu>,as if there tocrca rcall p?oof matched & \)is toozds. 3! no inafmuch as be fapctb, be called too mpnd tlje auncientcft of OEScds iudgmets: toe map term bp tins faping,that our oron bntbaiifulrics,o;lackc of blame, t'.iat c pafTcd no age, tobcrin 3D bathe not bturco apparat pzoofes, to this end,tbat it mpgbt bee trulp fapd, tbat . 3!nd it is a thing that quptctb the cod to mark it: bpcaufe manp feeUe a fond ejecufe bp the co:ruptncs of the tpme : as 5»ho frjould fap , it Sucre lavrfull to doo as other men. doo . 13 ut toee fee that cucn m IDauids tpme there Sucre manp Curnecotcs , that fell from tbetreto iRtligion : and pit he fh?anfe fo little fo? the matter ,o; teas foltttte Ui* tnaped, that the feare of <£> Q 5D did ra= ther Uindle a holp pzcfulncs inhts mpnd. What is too bee doonc then, if eutll ejcam= plesbcfet tos on all fpdes , but cuen that eucrp one of Ms fhouid enforce him fclf to abbozrc them t 2Hnd bcerin is enclofcd a coucrt matching of contraries , betatjet the deceptfull ibothmg of our felucs, toherthzougl) tore bcleeue that all is lau>= full tohtch is comon : and the horrible feare, tohertoitl; the 0zophet telleth bs that he toas oucrtatien . 3 f the toiched naunt thcmfclu ■. e at their pleafure agemft e& Jong fozbeanng on the one fpdetpit toashco thzoughh' perftjaSed , that it could not b:c but (5£) 3D muft n^cdes pumuj at length. 54* CCb? vppon the. Cxix. P/alme. 167 54. [fCbpftatutes.fc.J ^eerepctetbbis former taping, in another foz-me of fpcecbc: namelp.tbat ainctS arc wapfarcrs in this ivoilQ, anb cannot bee recbeneb f 0? (H5ob0;cbilD?e anb beircs of J^eauen, otberwpfe than bp beeingc^tlgrimobppon earth. 2i5p the [t^owfe of pilgrimage] mape bee bnDer? ftooD,tberace of tins wojlolp lpfc.l^ow= beit there fecmctb to beebetoheneb afpe= eiallcircumftanee, that JDauib being has nifbeo out of bi0 Couutric.ccafcb not too take comfort of bis mifcric0 out of dpo&s 3Law,oj rattier fuel) iope as ouercamc the grecf of \)is banifljtncnt. f 0? it was a trpi ail of rare ftoutneffe, that when be wan= teb the fpgl; t of the temple, anb coulb not come to the facn fifes, but was bereft of \ ercrcpfes of goDlinctTes.pit be was not e= ftraungcb from gob. Cbcrefojetbe boufc of ijis pilgrimage 10 put in Soap of cnlar- ging.tbat being caft out of bis countrp,be bilbftill d5oO0 lawfaftencb in bis liarte t anb although tbe bitterneffe of hte baniuj * ment mpgbtbaue caft him bowne, pit bee rapfeo bimfelfc bp chccrfull? bp thinking bppon the JUvcc of (S3 £> 2D. 55" LJti tbe nigbt tpme.flfc] 31 reabetbe whole berfc in one ftrepncbpcaufe tbe fes conb member bepenbetb bppon the firfte, $0} tbe pzopbet mcenetb , tljat bee was icD to Uecpc tbe lawe, bp fctting ins mpnb bpon enptar e when it conbemnetb menes wicUcbneffe, fajjctb tbep bauc fojtgotecn <0oD,0falm.5o.22.anb78.ii,anDio6. 2i.C6trarivrpfctDauibaDmonifl)Ctl}b0, tbat tbe onelp rcmembringc of (foot) is ps nougb to fceepe bs in tbe f care of <15od , $ in the- obferuing of bi0 iLavuc. 0D picfentet!) it felfbnto our mpnbC0,the foiling of it muft nccDcs bumble be, Co as tbe thinking tijer bppon map piouofcc b0 bntoo gooipneOe. $7 J8 3nb although that bp the wodjbCtfjijbts tpmc] bee betofcenetl) not a mpribtnge of goo fa; a minute of an hou?2c, but a contu nnalltbinSting bppon him : pit Doocbbcc tljerfoitefpea&epjjecifclpoftbenpgbttpms, bpcaufe aim oft all menes wittea arc then oucrwbelmeb: a0 if be bab fapD,tbat Sube others flept founolp , then mu beempnoe (Boo cuen in Ins berp fleepe. Cbcre is al= fo another reafon wbp bee put rfjcnpgbt* tpme:namel?,to £ intent %>z mpght fenocu tbat although there were no t»itncfle 02, remembrance bp him, but rather bee Soas cou6rcD,5»ith barRneffc, pit notwithftan- bing.hee ioas no IciTe bu^ie in recojoinge the rememberance of <25oD,tban if bee hao bin ftanbmg bpon an open ftage among a great companic of people. 5 6 [Cbte i0 betpbeD mee, f c] 3f boutc not but the $> jophet bnber the p^onowiie [zeth](tbat is tofap,Ch«flf) comp?ehen= Betl) all d5oD0 benefptc0. J^orobcit fozaf= much a0bec commetl) before 45 od as in a pjefent cac?, bee fpeaUcth popnttnglpc. Chcrfo^c bnber this fe>oo2b[Cb'0]b we 10 inclubco a refenocolcbgcment of fo ma np bencfttes as \)i hao bin beebco Suithali. <£>i at leaftxvife he beclaretb that d^oo bab SuitncfiVD this honcft bcljaupour , bp fome fpeciall beliucrance . oi no \>it bee boaftcth not that bee bab oeferucD avoght, as tbe ^bmrtfei0 boo,i»ho &he thep meetc totth anp fuel) matter in the S)cripture,boo bp= anbp match it to the oc(ertc0 of iuooi&es. jlroj the ^ jophct0 intente S»a0 notlnnge clfc, but to fette bimfelfc ageinft the Dcfppa fer0 of <& £D 5), who father all their pio= fpcrttie bppon their oumc traucll anb pol: licie,oj elfe afcribe it bntoo ^Fojtune, con . cealtng d5oboc0 p?outt>cnce with wicheo filcnce . Che jDiopbcte therfoje callcti) bacbeliimfelf anbbs bnto €>od, ano put= tctb D0in mpnb,thatfotafmuch asx^ott is a rpgbtuoufe iubge, bee hath IaPeo bp res waroe in ilo?e fo? goolincfTe. ^erbappes alfo, bp tl)i0 boip boaftinge , hec bcatcth bacfee the malicioufe flaunoero of the bn= goolp , bp whom wee Ijaue fecne him fo?e aiTapleo hcertofoie. My portion Lord 1 liaue fayd, is, too keepe thy woorct1. I liauc made fute vntoo thy face with my whole.hart,haue mercy vp- pon mee according to thy woord. 59 I haue Iohn Caluins Commcntarie, $9 1 haue confidered myne owne wayes, and haue turned my fcetc vntoo thy teflimonies. 60 I haue made hafte and not forflowed too kcepe thy commaunde- mentes, 61 The cordes of the Wicked haue caught holde of nice, yi. haue I not forgotten thy Lawe. 61 At midnyght will 1 ry fe too prayfe thee for the iudgementes of thy ryghtuoufenefle. 63 I am a companion too all them that feare thee, and whiche keepe thy Statutes. 64 The earth, 6 Lorde, is full of thy mercie , teache mce thy Sta- tutes. 57 [30? portion 5.o?de,frc.] Cbccom ftruct:onof tbcS»oo?dC0i0 doutfull: fop botbe tlje fo)00#> [ Jlojdc] map bec rcb in t\)t nominattue cacc.ano tlje 5soojdc0[3 baue fapd]map bee referred aj5 tocll to tbe J former part , as to it)c feconbe parte of tbe ! fmtence. sDnc conftruction tbercfoje 10 j tbt0, [Cbt ILojd t0 mp pojtion,and tber ■■ j fojsbatic 3B Determined tobeeptbp law.J 2motber istbi0, [ sD dPod fe)btcb art trip portion, 31 am determined toobeepetbp lavoc] Cbc tl>ica 10 tlji0 : [ 3! baue faio, ojt 31 am fullp perfvoadid, trjat <©od i0 mp portion to becpebis &at». ] Cbc fourth, to tl)t0: [ 3 hsuc fapd:, 0? 31 am fullp re- folu?b,'D llo?D,tl)at mp pomo 10 to bcepe tbp 2i.awe.]2lnd tins conftructton&Mlt 31 embrace . Ctuelp tt carpctb a bcrpegooo mccninge, tbat tnafmucrj a0 d^od is cure pojtion.tbefcimetbing ougbt tooencou= rage be to the beeping of bis iUwe » 3no tt barb bin feene alredi: in manp orljer pla 1 ce0,tbat €foo i0 called tbe beritage oftrje faptbfuli, bpeaufc lice alon6 fuSfpjetb too make tbem perfectlp bappie . iJlnd furelp, conft&er tng bee batb ebojen b0 f oz bis pe= rultar podetfion: gooo rcafon &>oold, tbat £06 on $ otber fpbe fboulb fettle ourfeluc0 on butt alone.Cbcn if ice: can content our Cities Sottb ©ob alone , cure m]?ndC0 alfo Smlbc encipneb to t\)z beeping of bis law, a>f) \»ce fball bidoc tbc luttes of tbc flefrjC faretuel,andftcofaiilp bend our Subolcde: Ipgbtand inocuour to bis JUto.j^oh? al-- tbflugbtbtfl! crpofttion (a© 3 fapb) l;an= B?tb not zmittz togvtljcr , and contcpnclb a piofiMbis doctrin: : pit notottrjfta&facb tbc lad conff ruction of tbe fowieOljicbc alfo 3 faib3 Imcb heft of)ts tbe plapncft: namelp tbt0,3Lozbe, 3 atn fullp refolued, tbat tbe bed beritage tbat can bee fez mce, t0 to beepc smtf->aule,i.Cun.6.6. dBodlincffc t0 tl>c beft gapne. $01 JDauid coparetb tbc beeping of tbc Haw, tottb all tbccounterfetgooD0 tljatdiawe menneo luffeoibnto tbem:a0 if bee babfapb, let e- uerp man couet icbat r>cc(tl)tnUc0 gooo, f inciter rjimfeif in l)t» own bclpgbtes:tbcir fo booing fball neuerfppgbtmcc,folongc 80 tl;cp i»iil icttc mec a! one it>ttb tijis mp portion of abbictmg mpfelf Soljoilp bntoo <$ob0ipoo^D. 5 8 [3 ^uc mabc futc bnto tbp facc.f c] 5DamD tcfttfpctb in tbts Ucrfc , tbat bee ccaffeb not front tlje bewtte of p?aping:fo? feitbout p?apcr faptb SdooID &ere fapntc, tb?ougb bifcotmeuance.Umb altbougb tbe tnaner of fpcabtng febicb bee bfetb , were barfrj in otber Ianguage0:pit notwitbftas bing,among tbc l^cbjctrcs it e^effctb, tbat familiar communication tubcrebntoo <&ob aomittctb ano allured) bi0 fcruant0, Sobcn tfyep come into b'-0 ^ojes oucr,bcebntttctb bp tbc fruolt fumme of bisrcquefrcsin oneiuoozO: namelp, tbat Ijce called bppon d5Db fo; mercie, tbc bope iobcreof becbab conccpueb bp bi0tooo?D. JFirfl c tber efojc S»ce mapc note , tbat our fiuggpfbncffe i0t»aheneo , tbatstjccmap ccercpfc our faptl; b^ p?apcr. S5eccnb!p,p tbc cbeef poyr.t tn pjtapmg isjljat 45cD of !?:0 free goooneSfefboulec bee mcrcpful! bntoo vppon the. Cxix. I-ialme. i63 bntoo bs.baue rcgarb of oar mtfcrtes", anbrcleeue our feant.;(Foz although <2>ob help b0 innumerable feapes , $ that our ncccfatics alfo bee iy ithou t nomber : pit muft fecc ebecflp anb fpeciallp beffre this one thing, that be feill baue mercp bppou to0, from febence all the reft flowe. 3lno tbirblp, leaft fee fboulb power out tmccrs tein pzaper0 into the aire , fee muft lerne tbatcEob t0fetfooztba0afeiiling better bp bt'js orone p2omifc0. 59. C 3D baue confibcreb.] Che effect t'0, tljat after the $Dzopbet hab taken brebe to tlje trabe of his ipfe , be purpofeo noting elfe but to foioi? c the boctrtnc of the lavec. 215 p febieb tooozbe0 be couertlp gtuctb an incling,tbat the caufe itbp men raunge be* ponb their bouitbcs,anb are pittfullp feat* tcrcb Ijtthcr « tbitber, is fo; that tbcp coc= feertbem feiucs bnabupfcblp . 3ln beebe cuerp man featcbcib narowlp, 9 applpctb bis irljolc tnbeucr thither as f luft of bid mpnb inclpnetb.but pit ah of tbetn are pur blpnb in tlic cbopce of thmgs. jftap ratber ao tboagl) tbeir cpc0 Seer c feelcb bp, tljcp bee cpt'ocr carpcb aroap bcablong , 0? elfe feanjc awap hither anb tbttber tbzougb negligence . Ctulp no man confiberctlj bi0 orone feapes abupfeblp. 31 nb tberf o?c not Suit hout caufe booth tlic pzopbet iuarnc U0,tbat rtjc grounb of fecll lining (0 foz men to awake from fluggifbnc0, anb too confibcr tbeir ownc feapes, $ at one fpme 0; other too bethink thcmfclucs in goob fabnc0, febatit 10 to begin to lute. 31 n tlje fceonb place alfo be tcacbetb, tbat feben a man is earnefiip bent too ipue ozberlp, be can bethink bimfclf of no better thing, iba to f olowc febitberfocuer the iLozb leabetb bim. 3nD trulp, if men id ere not befotteb in tbeir ownc oucTfpgbt,tljcp feoolo feitb tootbe anb naple ebooje uS-D £> fertb one confent to be the gupbe of tbeir Ipfe. 60. ]^jH baue mabe bade. &c] 3Bltbougb the feoojocs import the tpmepaft, pit bc= token tbcp a continuall booing. 28nb tbe pzopbet Qjeroetb feitb tyow grcatc rcbine0 ljc offercb htmfeif to tbe feruts of <& O ID . jFezlbis bafting] betokenctb eljeferucnt: ne0 of bis 3clc. amb feljcras afterwarb be (apctb, F befozfloweb not: ] accozbing too tbe bfc of tlje iacb2et» tung, be ampltfpetb tbat tub leb ljc bao fpoacn of making hafte. ;# e? like as amog tbe i^cb2ea>s[to fpeafce anb not to bolo ones peace,] tinpoztcib 00 mud) a0 to fpeake the thing tbat is requu fite,freelp,fepfeip,anb iutbeut biffimulas crcn: cue n fo be is fapb [to make baftc ana not to foj flott>e,]fo>birt) ronneib a pace 2>= Gut ftopping 0? tarpencc. ^5on?,tf S»c call to mpnb our ownc flotbfulnes,anb on the o:ber free tbe nomber of ftoppcs.fobicb S>atban ceafeib not to call in our feapes: foce map $»cllgatbcr, tbat tl)ig 5bas not abocb in bapnc.;f 02 be a man ncner fo Dc= fpzoufctoapplprjimfelf to goelp rpgb'.u= oufnea trulp anb ioitb bt0 S»bofe bart, pit i»ee Unorec S»bac ?£)au!c fapctb, Kom.7. 15. 18. 19. namclp,tbat be pcrfoimetljnot f thing tbat l;e tooolb boo.^ltbougb tben tbat tbere be no outwarblet to binoer bs, l^it are fere bampercb feitb fo manp impc bimcnt0 feitl)in,tbat nothing is mo:e b:f= ficult,tban to bafte fozetcarb in f feccpins of v!5obs laroe. ^eucrtbelatcr,it is to be cSfibcrcD, tbat tbe Jdzopbetfpcafcetb here in feap of companfon,a0 in refpect of tbofc tbat Dziue of fro bap to bap , tbe moft part of tbeir Ipfe, $ not onlp come paw fin g ano lepfurelp bnto d5ob, but alfo fbztnU afpbe in Debating tbe matter: 0? elfe fnarle them feluc0 among croofeeb retpiingc0, p tbcp come not to €> oo at all.Cbe ^zophet the S»a0 not mo2e cbccrfull to ferue d5ob,tha |3aulefea0,but onlp fheweth in thcis to oozbes, tbat he ribbcb his race of encom bcrances bv flout fcncflltng. 3!nb bp bis cr ample be tcachcth, that tbe cycufes are fonb tobicb fee p:eteb foz our flotbfulnes, cpthcr bp tbe icttcs of the ioozlb.o; bp our oronc fecakenes. 6 1 . [Che tout0 of tbe feickeb.f c.]Cbep £ tranflate [chobbcii , fo?owe0, ] picK out no naturall meening out of it , but feeing 80 fecll them felue0 , as the f^zophctes fe oozbc0. Cbcrc remapne then twoo con ftructfon,f epther of tbem both i0 alowa- blc, that is to fap, [Che cozbC0 of the bn^ goblp haue caught holb of mce, ] 9 [ Che routs of the feicfeeb baut robbeb mee. > wlnther of tbeiofocuer pee lift to chooje, the pzopbet auouchctb that at tchat tvme ^>ata battcrcb i)ia goblmcs feltb foze'en-. giuc0 of pcrfifteb Qxbfaftlp tn the folowing of ©oos aawj.^owbeit, [cozbes]map be bnberftoob twod feapco: cpthcr lonn L,aiuins ^omincnianc, cvtljcr for their capttoufc cntpccmcnta, bp iyljicl) tbcp afiapeD to SoinD him into their compantc: or elfe for tip policies , tobicb tbcp practifsDtoobisDcftructton. Jlftlp fifS intcrpretacion like pec , JDautD com= iHcn&etb a rare bcrtccc: namcl?,tbat folje tbcft)icktDfcemcD too haue mafkeDbmt in their ncttes;pit noti»itbftan&ing be bilD bimfelf (till bnber tl)C protection ofO^oDs jtawe. iftcuertbclcffe forafraucb as it tiS aDmittcD bp the greater content , that the Snor.£Dr.Gn«et, bceing bercb bp iobolc banccs of the bngoblp, anD afcer? aarb robbeD anD riffleb at ttjctr plcafure, DiD nener forfake lus grcimD:S»bicb thing iras alfo a pzoof of fingular manlincs. $ or i»ben i»c be abanbonco too btter pe= ri Is, ii <& j£> 2D refkew bs not,S»ee be* gin bpanbp to Doubt of ins prouibenccout dfcoDlincfle fecmetb to be btterlp frutelcs: "bee furmpfc alio iljat it is free 9 larofull foj bs to rcuengc: atiD ainog tbeisfciaues the icmcmbjancc ef (Sobs ilatre is eaflp Ojoron:D. a&ut the pjopbet tcllctb bs, y the onlp token of irero <0oDlines is to co= tmcttj all after one rate in the loue of goas ilait>c,anD in the keeping of rigbtuoufnes, iuben S»cc bee giucn bp to be a p;ap to the bngoDlp, ano perccpuc no help of #£>2> comming. 6%. [a;t mibnpgljt.f c.]3!n this bcife be (bewctb not onlp that bee allorocb 5 Smtb all bis hart embraccD ivbatfocuer ods Haajc contcpnctl) : but alfo that bee bttes rcb a Ggne of tbankfulnes, for being maDc parttaker of fo greate a benefpte . 31 1 fees n.ctb too bee but a cemen tbing too alTent bntoo <25 0 3D fe)ben be tcacbetb bs bp his JLaws : for tubo bares brable ageinft biinr" 25nt vit the ioojlD is far of from ac* knotoleDsmg t©obs Doctrine to be rpgbt^ full in all refpectec. fr irft,fuch is the ma- lapcrtncs of our fi2fb,tbateuerpraafc>oto bauefometDbat eptljcr attcreD , or taken awap. 3gein,if men tnpgbt hauc their oocne cbop«,tbep baD leucr to be rulcb bp their oo>ne imll , than bp c5ods fooorb. rffinal'.p, as fcjcll manncs reafon, as bis lufte3,ace grcatlp at c&Des iottb (^oos JIawe. ^oc a little tberfojc bath be pjo= fitcD, iobich both •etubjdeetb tbchcaucnlp Doctrine obcDicnilp,? alfo bclpghting h»n i - fclf frocetlp in £ fame,ginctb <^ob thanlis. ^oa->becit,the |&?ophct reported; not Gm pip, thai he p;apfctb <^oDsrpghtuoufnes: but in fapmg.tbat he rofc at nipBnpght,l)e cjcprefletlj the earncdnes of his Dcfp?e. Jro: it bchouetl) that there CboulD be great behemctnes in the ftuDtcs anb cares,tbat bjeabe bs of our flccpe. 115 p the 5»ap alfo he Dooeth b0 to bnocrftanD , that be was far of from all bragging of his pelDingrc= co;D bnto d5oDs JLawe.bpcaufc he gamifr 0;eD his rpgbtuoufncs totth Deto tptlcs of commenbacions, bp him fclf anD fcntbout SoitneflTes. 6]. [31 amacompanion.jc.ji^enotonlp fpcahetb of theb?othcrlploue* agreemet, &hich tho faptbfull mapntcpn amog them felucs:but alfo mecnetl^that as he ItghtcB bpon anp man that fcarcD (Sod, bee gaue him his banD intoUen of fiiorofbip: $ that he bab bin not onlp one of the notnber anD liucrpc of d5 ebs feruantes, bur alfo a hel= per of them. *fcnD furelp, this content is rcm«p?eb in all tbcgoblp, tljatone of them CboulD prefer another in the fcare of 45od. 21 nb there frcmeth too be a couert compas rifon bctneene this holp concorDv&berin the faptbfull Doo foftcr t^c SooojCbippuig of <0oD anD goDlpnes among tbemfclues: anb the i»icfecD meninges, that arc mabe euerpwljere in the icorlD.^f or Soe fee how the Soorltlings raunge themfelues ina= rap ageinft (15 00, anD put to their helping hnnD.on all fpDcs to ouerthrocce (SoDDeo IRcligt on. *>o much 'he mozc thci-fo: c be-, c 0 wimcrb it the c! silD : en of <$ eD to be ft tr = reo bp to the mapntcnance of ftebfaft bni* tie. i^ce commcnBetb fye faptbfull, firfte for their fearing of gob, anD feconDlp, for their keeping of the Jla&>c . ;f or the fcare of (Sod is the roote anD original! of ail rpgbtuoufcncffe: anD then Doubtleffe ap= ptcrctbit , tljat&ccfcarc <©od, anD ftanD in awe of him, Sobcn Socc peeloe bppc our Ipfc into his obepuance. 64, [Che earth,© liorb.f c] $cre tl;e ^jophct bcfccchcih €»ob bp his infinite gooDHes.Sobicb fhpncrljfoorthinf Sobole 5b o;lD,to boutfauc the trcafure of his hca^ ucnlp icif Dome bppon him. which mancr of praping is of berp greate fo?cc. Cher= fozc, ioljcras he fapcth, the earth is full of obs mcrcp(S»bicb fljcabetb itfelf intoo all creatures) to bee opened fcnto Ijitn in tljifi one thing, namclp.tbat be ma? pzofit m €060 ILato.wberbp ioce gat!?cr,tljat be fct a0 great ftozc bp the gtfte of fcnbers (lanbinge.astpan mcfthnable trcafure. jftoro tf to bec enoetoeo Smtb tbc fpirit of fcnbcrftanbmg be the cheer tour n of 3030 faitour our orone bnbelccf beivxapetb our fbzinfcing airap from him. $ urtbewnozc 6S. 1 v>^v * -l;o bemg contented foitb a flenocrfmacKe of tljc bcauenlp boctrine, paffe not greatlp of further pzo6tittg,fc.bc 90 fo,Gngular a 3Doct oj of tljc cburcb ens beuercb slwapes defirouflp anb carncfllp tolcrncftill.ii5cfi£e0t?u0,it tsecrtcin, p be entretet!) notbere of the outtcarbboc- trme,butoftl)cfccrct enlightening of the mpnDioincb is tbe gift of tljc I)o!p <£bou\ Che Laxo if fet font) inbtifcrenttp too all men:'out tljc pzopljet percciucib that cjc* cept he bee cnligbtneb bp tbe bo/p <2>f;o&, tbc other Smlbo bim little gooo,ano thcr* ctauctb to be taught cf cauallp. Gracioufly haftc thou cfclt with thy feruant O Lord, according too thywoord. 66. Teache mce the goodneffc of taftc, and knowledge : For 1 haue be- leeued thy commaundements 67. Beefore I was brought lovve, 1 did amifle:but now I keepe thy word. 68. Thou art good and gracioule : teach e mee thy ftatutes. 69. The prowd haue trimmed a lye vppon mee: but I will keepe thy precepts with my whole hart. 70. 1 heyr hart is as fat as greace : but I delyght my felfc in thy Lawe. 71. It is good formeethat I was affli&ed : that Imay learne thy pre- cepts. 72 . Better is the Law of thy mouth vntoo mee than thoufandes of gold and filuer. 6 5- [auta oefpzctb ?oo ypp.t. lonn ^aiuins v^ommcnianc bauc fo 11152 Difccetioa art ia^zmznt to : gtrbcr foit!) Hniu>lci>3c giuen ontoo ijim. ^To^tlicp t'oatrcaa it feucratlp [gooancfiTe ana Knowleoge,] djo mar ctic fo> jole fen= teBce.|]iotfeify8&nWn2;fot!)ententfc>se map be f'jre of tljc fal m.'c.img tf tbe l3:o pbeMbe later member mull beaaaeb.l^e fa.tb b*belccuea <25oa3 pteeeptes, tl>at isf too fap,tbat b?c glaalp embzacea fel) ufo : cuer is appointea in tbc JUloeianafo ijee auaucbcta bimfelfe too bee teachable ano o bo sent. 3toa Soberas be became fo forc^ roaro i\\ obiptng 2*f -=>»~C %y>£ *y*>ft fj^^ — fapnetoobcscozrcctcb bpbiolcnc: in tbc ! jDjopljet of 0.^rojfcein3tbat tbc beginning ofobcDienceis tljemoitp; fjingof rijcasib^icb tbing allmenboo I fbunne bp na :ure:it is no mamelt tljoug'i) (S£)iDcompellb3 bntiooioecbp fun- b:p aiFictions . j$ap ratber fozafmacl): nb t'j: flefl) feicHetb ageine from tpmc too tpme , euen iuben it feemetb tameo : it t0 no i»oonDcrtl)ougb S £E) S) ooa often; tunes pull WbacKe too tbebaparD . 3nb t!)i0 i0 boonc Diucrfc fe>ape0.^f oj d5£>1D l) Tb.ctb fomc bppoucrttc,fomebp fbame, fome bo Dpfca'c0 , Tome bp faoufebolo Did plcafurcs , ana fome bp l;arD anD peinfull labours: ana fo accozbing too rbe Diuerfii tp of bpce0,be applpctl) too euerp of tt)ein tbeir fit remcoics.^oaj ice percciuc \)Ovo profitable a Doctrine tbis confcu* tcpne:lj3 n oeeD tl;e pzopbet fpca'actb of b'mfclf,lifte as 35 ercinp alfo in bio oncan • tbtrtttb cbaptcrf cj'gbtccntbPerfefaictb cf qimfelf y bcioasliiic an tintamcD bals iocli:bat be fettetb before our cpes an 3- mage of tbc loocencCTe tbat is bzca in al of bo bp nature. Co tbaniiU'ffc are fee tben, if t'i): frute txj'.j.c!) feereccpue of cjaliise- ment0 bo not alTcoage oi abate tbc bitter= nefle of t:-;em. foi noting is inoze iozctb ea tban xo ec,as long as ioee be r ebeiious a jcinii <5 oD.ii5ut tbe onlp meane icljcr* bp ID map bena b5 ana tame b0 too bp nurtnring DafeptbbP^ cbaftijcm^0. Jntbemeeane i»b?letb« ^zopbet teacbet!) tos bp Iji0 ovone c?am - plctljatatieaft iupfc (conrxocringeboo) (SB 3 TD bp fuaDcwing oar barone0 Ojeo) s etb tbat be i» 30lo faine baue bs to be bid JDifctples) i»cc fboulDDooour enaeucr too beecome m:eHe,ana laping Downe ail feercenes.istllinglp beare tbe poise tbat be lapctb bpo bs.C ?ensrt bcrfenceaetb no coatcinctb almoft | fame meening £ tbe la$ nine of p former cpgbtcontcpnstb-^ozbe befeccbetl) 45'OD of bis gooaneife, no; too encrcafe bi»n m ricbes anobonourmoz to let Ijimfwim in piefur^tbat to graunt bint to pzoSt in t'ic tonocrflanaing of tbe ILafee. JF02 febzr; a0iseln:crealltbe iu.ioic iwozlacoootb comonlp call uppon 45 £) s> *> gra= cpoufe goobneffe , ana iupS^e tbat bee Q3UID Deals f t auHlp topJ; t'ocm,sccozDtng too too the DiuerfUic of Defirc0 j fchtcfjc ttjc bnte mperatnf o of the flcfb DjtalcctEj cebe man Dines : Danib auoucbctb himfelfc too be tbo;owlv fuff.5CD,tf bee map Gnoc out our Defer umg ,<5 not onlp be rapleb bpi,but alfo brought tn !;atr t D of tl;e wo;loe bp wicbeb perfcnc0 , cunt bnDer a beautiful colotsr. JF o; foe fee ma • np, fcbtcb oiberfcife are bencft men ano gtucn to Uue cptfjer fall ojt faint fcbe thep tec ibemfelucs fc bnwo;c tbelp rcwarbcD*irbcrcfo;e fo mucbe the mo?e 's the ^?cp';ct0 example to be r.o - teD, to tl;e intent the maltcionfhes of me map cot bp snp means fbafec tjc: no? we ceafe to beep bs fttl in the feare of <&od, bowfeener ibep bereaue b0 of the report of boncfttc in tbefigbt of men: buthoiDe our feiaco contenteb that out goDlpncffe fbpnctbattbcittDgcmentfeatof(lEoD>al though the flatttiDrroufnc0 cf me Deface if .^o? a0 long as we hang bpon f lubgc menrs of men, toe fhall atwa i -zq be wa= tier ing, a© is far D air cabp* 3! gtine home ghft ertng fo euer our fco;Uvs be, pit wee Enowe there G;al! no reefcentng be made of ttjembcfo?e.IEcD,iffce icecube cAima tionoftbewo;fDelntbcm.whercfc;etet b0 learne to call; our epe0 bpon the ft age ofhcaucn}anD tobcfpifeall mifrepo;t0, ILct the chtlDje of tt-tsi wo;lb cniop their rcwarbc : fo; the crowne 10 lapeb bp fo; b0 tn bcaucn anD not in carth-Het b0 rid our feiuco out of the fraics wberie <£>a than goetb about too b tuber b£7 bp bra= ringinfampefciUinglpefojatime.Clje wojb [Taphai] ( wbtcb otberwtfe figntfis cch to iopne togtthtO is beer bp an els= gatitSfJctapbc; tahento[weauco*too trim] btcanfc tbcp not chargeD the £>;os pbetlpiufnllpwttbgrofiercpiocbcij-.but alfo inuentcb crimes ageinft him jiiot S out conning ant cclourablcncffe,lo a0 he mtgbt tame too beetbebetpcftnaugbUc tacUs ailuc* jflowc although tl»cp ceafeO vppon thc.Cx-ix. Pfalme. V° not too fexaue bim this fceb : pit m>tifc~= ftanDtng.bc b;aue through it with main ciblc conftancp : 9 locking bp his barte, bilo ftu the law in (me cuftoDfe.SPnD not Without caufe Doth he call them [pjouo] fo;.bcerebp a tnanmape coniccturc,that tbcp fcere no men of tbccctnonfo;f, but great men, who bectug puffeb bppc with truft in tbf ir honour ar.D ftches,: ofe bp agcinfte him the boibelper. ^snrelpe !;te fb-:tcetb opcnlp that he was tiopleb bn= Der foot tb;ocgb their ftare*pne0,rfO leffc than if he hab bin a Deao bog«VD$}erunto agreetb that fchtcb folcrocth isnmcoiats Ip tn the nc jet bcrfe [that iheir hart fca0 ac fat a0 grrace] fohich thing i0 an oner ciDinarpc fanltc among the Defptfer0 of (£>oD«^oifch*ruponcommethit^fctcj beD nizn fchome their ewne ccnfcpcnce gna)scthfcithin,Dobauntthcmfdue0fo faucelp agsinft the beft fcruants cf 55oDj bur bieaufc a cci tern grofene0 oaergroto ct!) tfecfr' hart03 fo aft thep bee eptber be no^cb 0? aifo btftraushteo m their own fciifulnc0^20ut fconDcrful, pea 5 fco?s tbP cfmoftehighPJaife f0 the (tout infn bebnes of the p?ophet tobitye did fet ail !)i0 Delight in 45OD0 lafc : as if he O;uio f^p.itis his feebing?anD tlje meat 5»hcrj of he tafccib b<0 repaft to the full fchichc thing coulb not come to pade,otticuc l; ts hart bab bin fcel ribse ano cteajci from IcwDbelights. 71. [Jt is gooB fo; me. 9 c*] ^econfirs met!) the Taping that fcehabafo;c:name Ip that his being fubDucb bp <©obs cljaf= ttjc mentes fcas too l;ts p;oSte, that hee might mcefecnhtmfelf too cbeDience.2!3p fc>btcb fco;D0 he confcfTeth that he fcas notcleerfro the lerob ftubbo;nc0fcber= 5ojith all manbin&ef0attepnteD.^ti;ers wife tbi0p;o6ttbathefpca&ctl) of.narac lp that b >0 beetng b;ought loivc Saaa the onetpe caufe that bee became teachable, fcere but fepneb : tike a0 none cf bs alfo booth fctilinglp fnbmtt his Fcc»e bntoo Cb'oD, bntil he foflcn cur barcncCTe fciilj \)is hammer3nD it ftauDctb bs in U :o to taSc continual!? cf t^is frute that co - ineth to b0 bp (Sods chaftijemcnts, too the intent tijep map become froectc unto bs : $ fo fcc map fuffcr our f?luf0to bee b;ougi)t br.too o;Der,fcI)3 cth" wife arc fo bnrulp? fcapwarb.tCljclaftbcrfcal: lohn Caluins Commentarie fo nccBcti) no crpofitlc n , bi caufe it contcf nctb a fente nee tVjat is fc cr pe rpfe in ibp0 ^faltn ,ant) p lame inougb of it felf:name ip tnat bee pjeferrcb q3'ooo 3Lavt>e before all rljs ricljeo cf tV>c Suojio, the fonbe be* fire S»tjcrof fettetb utotte men mifcrablp bcGbc t^cir fe)it0. ^cptijet t otb be coun terpevje ©odo ilawe fcjit'o bts ownc rp cbeo,but aaoucbctb it to be moje ioojcb fento t;tm \\)tn cr ceeomg great S»clcb. 73. Thy bands haue made mc and fashioned me : make me to vnderfland and I wil learne thy commaundements. 74. They that fear thee shall fee me and be glad,bicaufc I hauc wayted at thy worde. 1 knowe O Lord, that thy iudgements are iuftice : and thou haft hum bled me in truthe. 1 befeeche thee let thy goodnes be to comfortc me according too thy worde vnto thy feruant. Let thy mercies come vnto me,and let mee Hue : for thy Lawe is my 7$- 76. 77 delight. 78. Let the proud be put too shame,bicaufe they haue falfcly tripped vp my heeles : I wil muze vpon thy precepts. 7p. Let fuche as feare thee turne vntoo mee,and they that knowe thy tef timonies. 80. Let my hart be found in thy Statutcs,that I be not put to shame. 73. CCbi'banw^ic] wberafltbe^jo pbcte atioucbctb l)in:fc!fc too baue byn nrntjc bp (£-cD0 band : it furtbjetb great Ipbt* hope ofcbtepnlng tbegrace tbat be fuctbfe^^fo? feeing foec bee of Boxm making mih bis & o?h, ano tbat be bat?; r.ot encipe befiotceo Uuelp mouing fcpon fcs as be bamboo one bponbjute bcaG0, bar alio barb abceS tbcnm 1 0 n;e Inb t of fonbrrff anoing ano rcafen:!jiccr upon foe map gatber boiDnc0 1 3 p?ap fonta bim to Direct \>0 into tbe obedience of bio ILare* 3tm>t>itbecaUctbttottotiDOba0 to one tbat io ere bounb to bun: bat fojafinuclje as Iccb t>0 nortjmg, bntilf <0od rcfojmc our fotik0» '4ino pee mufte bcareiu mpn&e Cfotycbe tbpng J baue tolbcpou afoje,) tbat aa oft a© bee requeftctb to baue vm= berCranbing gtucn bim too Irarnc <25oD0 p;ecepte0 : bfc conoemnetb biwfelfeand all other men of blinbcmffe,fc>bereof tbe enlp r cmebp 10 to bee eiiitgbtcnco bp tbe bolp d^bofte. 74. [ Cbcp tbat feare tbec.fc*] (Bptber tl>i0 terfe bangcth to tbe laft af 0 je,o; el0 ft batbe a larger fcope ar.D ts c*tenoeb to anp otber of d5obs benefit?. 0oto Sobt5 tbtr be toucb but fome one perttculer 0; Scbtt ber be fpcaae generally : be bp tbt0 comenbatton abnauncetb tugblp tbe bc= ncfit0 »bcrt»ttb <2£>ob bao abojncD bim, to tbe eno tbat tbe iop tbereof map come tooaUtbefx>o;fbipper0of^oD Tsniutt- fallp. 5?c5 bee maketb not tbe onlp caufe of bto glabne0 to be, bicaufe be bab truf^ teD in tbe %oin : but alfo bicaufe be l;ab reapcb great rcroaro of bis bope bpbecs ingfmgnlarlpf p;cferucbanD tncreafcD Saitb man?c benefite0 at i;i5 bano. Bn& fojaftabe as (I5j0 allure tb all bp0 fer* uants in grncrall to trnft in bttn : a0 of* tenaobec btteretbabanfelofbi© grace towat b;ani' one of tbcm, f)ccauoucbctb btiufclf vppon the . Cxix. l-'ialme. 171 toimfelf to be tret» of b is-pzomts to tbcm all,* tbat tber is no canfc i»l)P tbcp DjuID bcafraiD tbat bee IdooID Difappoint tljem ialjici) trufttnij.m. 7? [il^«ow€>3Lo?Dfc] ailtbougbp" bp[fuDgemcntB]tntbis J^falrae arc met tbe pzeccpte of the 3Law:pttnotiDitbftans Ding fozafmud) as bpanbp aftcr,tbc 0z° s Pbet abbct!;^ bcioas tuftlp cbafti5co:bc fcemctb to tabs tbis i»o?B f oz tbe pumfljs mente0 bv> tetjicb <£ eo pzouokcii) men to amcnDment.iFoz tbc tu.o ibojds [Tfarak & Emonah]atcalmoft botl) of oneBgnifjcatto tn tbis ptaee/Cbcrfoz in tbc f 02 c part, tbe |Mopbctconfcff;ibgencralip, tbat €>oD To tempered) b*0 be flops pctb tbc moutbes of tbc ioickeD , if an? of tbcm complainc of bis crueltie 02 rigour: f $ ibcrc fljpnetb fo great topzigbtnefle in i»cc are cufozccD to confeffe tbat notbing is better fo? men , tban toobce fo callct) backc to tbetnfclues. jHftcrtoarD be fcttctl; Doisncan etample in bis own per-. fon . ;ff oz c«en tbc $? tpocritcs fometpme pcelD bnto (Sod tlje pzaifc of iufticc, u:l)cn be djaftactb otbers : anD tbep neuer fuiD fault in trb l)i& rigo;oufne0,fo long as bee fparcth, tbcm. Wuzu is tbc point of trei» goDlpnes, to b: fliarp anD ibzc queftmen, notfo mud) in otljer folkcs fauUcs as in our ci»n«.2lnD tbc[knou>icDge] Sobereof tbe |3 jopbet makctb mention , 10 a recozD of earneft eramination.^cHcccpt be baD S»cl i»crco bis o&n gilrinc3,be coulD not in \)is affections baue taken tjolD of (Sods 3ufliccbp uffurcDcrpcricnce^f any man t)aD leuer to take tbe t»02D[ § uogements] in b'S tofuaH figmf.cation,tbc mcening of tl;c tf jet ieilbc tf)U0: !Lo?De 3 knoinc tijat tbp iLaic is bolp anD iuft ,anD jl bane not fojgo.fen to bcclceue fo Oill bpcaufc tbou baft latD tbi- banD foze topon mce:fo; cucn int!):0 beefcaife- alfo 000 J fee fuel) top* risbtneffe , asts anftncrable too tbc nas turctbpS»co?D. 76 rjbdeccbtbcc a=c/]3iirbougbbebaue acUtiowlebgcD bimfdf too baue bin iuftip bzeu'bt loroeiptt be couetetb to baue b*0 fozoiu rdecticD bpfome comfozt. iFoj- bee caUct!) fcppon o^oas mercic as tbc necefs farie rctncDic of bis mifcrics.UlnD bp t'oiS mcane be Bjcwetbjtbat notbing isabie to &>ppc awap fozoro from tl;e faitbfull,toHi till tbe? fceic tbat *2> 2D is at one fenti) j tbem. ^ozeousr feeing tbat (!5od offerctb I bismcrciem bi0i»oozD: tberctonDerips ttl) no fmail comfort too bcalc ail greefes. 25 u; as noto be fpeabctb of mercic tbat is actual! ( if 31 map fo tcrme it, ) Sobcn <15g>TD bp tbc to cry DecDe it fclfe Declared) tbefauour tbat be bat!) pzsmifeD . ^Foj tl)C $3zopbct bppon truffeof dcioDSpzomis, DtD alreDie fetter glaDneffe in i)is bcarte tbzougbbopc of grace . i^ewbecitfozaf; mucb 00 our hope fbouID bee notbmg clfe butamcrcDifappcinting of to0,if d^£>JD fbonlD not at lengtb fbcive bimfclfe to bee our Deliuercr : l)ce requirctl) too baue tbe tiungpcrfozmcDfrbicb d5oD baDpzomt- fcD tonto bim : as if bee fbouID fap.iiczo, feeing tljat tbou of tl)p gooenclle bafte PZomifcD too bee reDie to ijelp mce : now make tbou gooD tbP S»ozD bp effect. ^Fur= tber it is too bee remembzeD tbat C^0 35 bauctolD becrctofoze) it is not in toapnc too cbargc !D *k> mcrcie too bimfelfc alone , as tbougb it baD bin pzo= inticD too bun bp fomefpeciall czacle : but looke i»bat 3D batbe pzompfeD too tbci»bolc Cbmcbe : tbatDoo;!) be,accoz Dmg to tbc nature of faitbe, applp to bints feif.if oz crcept 35 bclecaemp fclf to be one cf tbenomber oft!)cm tbat <2>qh fpcakes bntoo,fo as bis pzomifes map belong tns too mce alfo : 3 (ball neuer lift bppe mp bari too call topon bim. 31 n t^e ncrt Dcrf c be repetctb anD confirtiict!) ivdnccrc tbe fameDcfirc,boa>bcstinfrozD0 fomccobat altercD.^roz like as erei»bplc be baD fatD, tbat bis (gzo ice coulD not bee taken from bim anD glasnciTcreftozcD bim,otbcriaife tbanbp (J)£)E>^ mercp:fo now be faitb Ije cannot liue.onlcffe bee bee at one is>itb <& sO JE) .3tnD fo bccfoztctl) out bpmfcif from tbc i»ozlDlmgc0 ioljom tl):0 care Dootbnot grcatlptoucb, oz ratber fcbpcb ccafc not too make a fpozt of it cuen i»bcn <& £D 3D is DifplcafeD ioptl) tbcm . ^Foz bee flatlp auoucbctl), tbat in liuing bec is butaDcaDman,ttllbcc map knoinetbat (5 «D 1Disatoneix»itbbpm:anDagcmc tbataffocne as ftftlbSb ntetcpe fbtnctli ' yppuf. toppon John Caluins Commentarie toponbim be fljdlbt reftozcD from Death to lifc.2i5p the i»ap bcbootbbs too fent,tba!: he was bereft of the figncs of <& £>2>S> fatljtrip fauoure foz a tpnte. jFoz in bainc 0)Ou!D he witb to haue it come, if it were not awap from l)im . ^ozeoucc tootlje eno b« map obtcinethat &>bicb bee pzaps etb foz,bce fapetb tbat {.CS £D 3D §> ?Uw to bis Delight.] :ffo; clfc lie coulD not hope tbatt© 3D £>fo>oolDbccmcrcpfuUbntoo l)iiu.U5 cfiDCD tht3,nomon fccicib thzougb Ip u>t)at tf>:DID£> fauour is woztb.faue bee which groanbtnge tlje fumme of bps feiieitte in it alone, is out of boot that all web a0 Diffeuer themfelues from him, arc mtferableanDaccurfcD : which thins tbe ^zopbethaDlerneb out ofthc JUw* 78 [HettbepzouDfc] wehaucalreabp of tentpmes fcene tbe future tence taken m j maner of unfbing,am6g tbe l^ebzcaes: if pit it tooolb not mtfagrcc too make tr>is fence of it. Jr o? afmucb a0 tlje pzouD haue beltfroiaarulp with me, anb trubbleb me without mp btfert: tbe JLozD Sml pap tbe tbeir bP?e. /ftotwitbtlanDing,foz aftnuc*) a0 it is agreeo bpo So elner e among all Jin terpzeters,te be apzaper, 3 in mp tranfe lattonmetnot to Depart from theeOmon confentifpceiallp bpcaufc tbe woozbesare DtrecteDbntoome tranflatc rshakar]ioptbout caufetbnt tbep fecme to (jit but tbe one balf of tbe matter.iFoj (in mp iubgement )tbis wozb J0 referrco too tbewplcs anb crafte0S»b«eb>i:hailthe i»ickeb pcrfones went about too Deftrop 3T>amb. TWherbponioee gatbcr,tbat free be ealleD rightfozfb tonto goDS pzotectio, as oft as wee be pcrfecuteb wzongf ullp,« therwitbal toe be taught, tbat there is no caufe wbp tb«r baultineffc fboulb abaft W. btcaufc tbat bow much foeuer tbep take bppon thcmfelucstpit fbal tbe Hozb beate Down tbeir loftpneffe anb thjowe itflattetootbe grownotoo tbcpzOjame: fo 00 tbcyz confudon map bee an example bntoo other, tbatnotbing tsmozefond than too fmg trpumpb befoze bictozte, 3Bn tbefecenD member, tbewozb[Efliik]map asrpgbclpbce tranOateb [3 will fpeaUe of , oj btter , aa 31 wpll mu?e bppon, o? think bppon : ] aoif the #>zophct fbonlB fap,tbat afToone as be has gotten tbe bie= tozic,i xz to 00ID bla$e abzooe tbe grace of C5ob. JFoz to [fpcabe oi talfee of goB0 &&- tutcs,] tmpo;tetb as much a0 to beclare out of tbe Laxic , hois faithftill a Keeper, hoi» certcinea beiiuerer, anbho^oiuQe a rcucngcr of bi0 feruauntc0, <$£> ID is* (&\)c next cxerk alfo bangctb b«rcbn= too , inhere lice fapcth that the bclpuc^ ranee fojhtcb bee fballbaue obteincb, (ball become a comon fchoolcpoint to all f gob • Ip : a0 if h:e fboulb fap, mp eftate mpgbt foz a tpme haue btfcouragcb tbe gooip, as Soell no it encreafeb tbe frerceneffe of tbe SdicUcd ; but now tbep (ball tah chart too them f turnc thepz epe0to a topfull fight. £^ezeouerbp tbe tico marks t»here&>ttb be popntctb out tbe faptbfull , wee tearne So ha t is tbe nature of treua gooi j' ms. 1^ e piaccth tbe feare ez awe of £> in tbe fozewarbe : anbbpanbpbceiopnctbtoit the bnoiolebgc of the heauenlp ID ocr:::c, too the intent wee mape knowe tbat tbep bes marrowes . fo} although the fuper= flitiou0 boo pzetcnb fome f care of «Sob : pit is it but a banifbing tbow.3!gcin,tbep tbat wecrptbemfcluc0 in thevi orcneuu uention0,bobutlofc tbep; labour,bicanfe <^ob mabcib none account of anpc other Tcruices, than of fuel) ao to perfozmcb bp l)is commaunbement . Cbcrfozc tbe trcts Religion anb wo;Q)ipping of <& sD JD fpZing of faitb'.fo as no man can fcrue gob arigbt,but be tl;at is taught in <&u>t&& fcl;oolc. 80. [ILet mpbarte bee. « c] iLifte as a little afoze,bc bab teiftbeb to haue a founb mpnb gtucn bun : fo now bee tnaHctb the fame petitio foz an bncozruptcb af ectio of hart, wee fenowe that tbet0 two arc the cbecfepowcrs of mans &oule:anb wbo^ foeucr befpzetb too haue bis tonberftan^ bing enlpgbtencb bp tbe boip d^boft , anb his hart to becframeb to the obebience of the Haw, bewzapctb cutbentlp, tbat both of them arelcozrupteb anb peruertcb . ?t?bcrebp is plapnlp bifpzoucb Sobatfoc- ucr tbe Rapids bable of free will . fop tbe |3zopbct booth notonlp pzapebecre too bee bdpeo bp (©£>iD bpcaufc his wtl is wcaKc;tut be auorocljct^ fubftsutttallp that t bat bp;tgbtn es of the bar t 10 tbe gift of trje bolp <©i/oQc* 'Cbercfojc loatu tjoroe muclj ccb manbatb piofiteD in tbe bneto ifDgc of 45or»0 mocbc let bsm ep wife btm fclfe tn tbta otber p;apcr. wee be 1 augijt pit furtber bp tbcfc i»oo?DC0, frbtebe (0 tbe true obferu tng of tbe law. f o; tbe raojte parte of tbe irojlor tbmfee tbetnfelueo to fo>ant ttotbtng wben tbcp bane once fratneo tbetr life fligbttp onto <15 £> ID % t, atre , bp tbetr out&arDe fcrutce.2I3«it tbe &>ptrttt of btcb pjoceoctb fro tbe fouDncB of tbebart. Concerning tbe hjozd [Tamim] i» e fyaue fpiUen climber c, tbat to to ioir , tbat a founo batte is fit a= getnft a Doable 02 boloro bsr te : as if tbe vppon the . Cxix. Pialme. 172 §3jopbet Qjoulo fap, tbat tgeppeWtbl^ ft lues trucfp tmtoo ame : be Dootb lis to ten- DerftanD, tbatfucb is tbe cnD cf a I p;oub folBe0,fo>bteb Dtfbepnlng b<0 grace,!ean to tbetr otone ftrcngtb : ano of all bppos critco tbatfet oat tbcfclucs to tbr fberoe fe>ttb gsp coiours fo* tbe time* Cbe mc= mngtbenistbtMbatonletTe&dPZD Do bp b>0 fp trite rule b0 $ botDe bs tn awe, foao oar bartc map bee pare tn bte fra tutes : altbougb our ft) a me bee bio fc j a xol)i\t , pea ot tbat all men pjaffe b 0 ano baue b0 tn aomiration : ptt Dootb fbamc anD repj-oebe bang ouer our bcaDs. 81. My foule hath faynted for thy help yit doo I wayt at thy word* 82. Aline eves are wext dim -with lokin& for thy promife/aying, When wilt thou comfort mee? 83. For I hauc bin as a Bottle in the : fmoke yit haue I not forgotten thy ftatutes. 84 . Howe many are the day es of thy feruant? When wilt thou execute iudgement on my perfecuters? $$. The proud haue digged pittcs for mee , which thing is notaccording to chy Lawe. %6. All thy commaundements are truthe : they perfecute me deceitfully help mee. $7. T hey haue almofte confumed mee vpon earth : yit hauc I not forfi - ken thy Statutes. 88. Quicken me according too thy goodncs , and I wil keepe the tefty « mony of thy mouth. 81. [29pfbulebatb.«e.]Cbe?&J0pbet meenetb tbat altbougb bei»crc,fo;fptnf fe>ttb continual langmfljlng, anD faro no ent> of bis tmfenes: pit notrottbftanDing no trouble net ferrous coulD fo Dtfcsus rage btm, but tbat be alroapr s DepenDcD bpon «5oD.3CnD tbat tbts map bee maDt mo; e eupDcnt: toee tnnfi begin at tbe fe= com> member ,v»btcb appeeretb to be aD DcDtn'hiapofcrpofjtion.Jfoitbcrcbca- bo ucbctl) btmfelf to ttuft in CeD.&sbtcb 10 tbe groano Sdoojb* ©otabectt too tbe intent too crp;cfle tbe bnroe enable cons ftancp of biff faitb,be abbetb tbat be froa lotocD bp all tbe Sneer inr s fe>b»cbc otber folbepcelo bnto. fo} foe fee fome catcbe bolD cf d&oos p;omtfeo grecoelp tnougb: Sobofc beate anon after bantdjetb aroap, O}atieaftwpfct0 qncncb^obp abuerQc ties. 3in becoe tbe foo?D [Caia] [febtcbe figmficrl) to famt,ro quaUc.o; to be cons fumeD] fcemetb too foanD anotber tbtng attbefirftblu(be«li3uttrje)dzopbetem tbts place (like asm otber places) Dotb bp fapnting meene long faffcrance,vrbt - cbefejfahetb nottbofe tbat bee as gooD ^pp.lttj. a0teaD, lohn Calmns Commentarie agbeab.cumtobcntbepbcebopbeefall ttrcngtb, but infptu tb tbetr barts & fe= act f bnfpeakabtc figbs.Cbis fainting tljerfojeis matcbeo agetnft tbe niccncflc of tbofe tbat cannot atoap tottfa long tari anccCbe nett bcrfe is like bnto afamebas be tranffcrretb tbat tfungbn to tbe epes,tobicb be b^b fpoken afo?e of tlje foule. Cbe onlpbifferece to tbfs,tbat in flcb of longing after beip,now be puts tctblongtasaftctbispjomifeeitooib* f o; bclpe i0 in cafe o? tn pofiV ffion (as tbcptermetOtofaereaspjomtfebolbetb bs banging bpponfcopc* HBut altbougfa CSobbonotoutofbanbperfojmcopcnlp £ tobfeb faepjomifetb: pttnot&ffanbtng fojafmueb as be bebigbtctf) not faelp clfe tobcretbatnbistoo;tb:tber is alfo none otber toap of bope* tbe bp leaning to bis toojb^nafmucb tbe as tbe toojb goetb tn ojber before fae!p,o? ratber is tbe glas tobertn it is tepjelctcb bnte V>s:tbe p?o* pbet botb tocl to fap £ be ffareb in toap* ting fo? (Sods pjomife til bis epes ttajes leb*3nb bectin apperctb tbe tooberfal $ incredible fo?ce of patience in tbe infirmi tiz of tb? flefl), tofacn betng faint $ 6efli= tute of all co*age,toe feek fttl to ?opbct toas become like a fmoketojung bottle :ptt fojgate bee not ©ods ilawe. Cruflpbtsmeeningtsno tobit barb : namclp,tbat altbogb be wer pjoneb tottfa barb tvpall 9 pjtckeb to tbe qtuchtiplt bab bee not ffajunk awap from tbe fur of fojtc.bnt alfo lingcrtng:!ike as tbe fmoke tbat eomtr'eib of beate b?pct!) blabber© bp lutle ane little.TDe map pers eeiuc tberfoicthat tber toss a long row of grcefes,tobicbe migbt batie confumeo tbe J3?opbet a bunbicb times 9 it toere fcitbnotbingelsbuttoitbtbetrbailpco tmuauce , if bee bab not bin pjcferueb bp tbe tooojbe of dPob* 33nb berelp tbe true trpall of goblines is tbis , tobe toe ceafe not to fubmit our fe'.ueo ijnto gob,tbogb toe be afflicteb nener fo mucbe. 8+ [l&owmanpbetbebaps+fc]S>ome reab tbefe two members feucral bp tbem felues, as tbougb tljcrc toere firtt e a ges neral complaint of tbe fbo^tnes of mans life,fucbe as fome are to bee met toitball tn tbe 3£tfalKtes> anb are berp rife in tbe book of 310b : f afterxoarbeacco^btng to t!>cmjtbf re fboulb follow a fpcctall p:ar= er tbat ®oo fheulbe take bengeaunce of bis enemies.lBut 31 bab icuer too knitte tbemtog'tberf too redreine tbem botbe bmo2Dautbsaff!ictionS)astfbeebaobe fapb : Jtojbe,boto long art tboubtlpofeb to abanbon tbP feruant too tbe luff of tbe bngoblp: « toben toil t tbe ufct tbpfelfs as a reuenger ageing tbeic crueltp 9 out rage^^Foj tbe fcripture taketb tbe name of [baprs] oftentpmes tn tbps fence : as fo? e;c ample.tbe bapes of 5D tbat be fboulb not tottbbolb bis helping bans long. 3Lnb tobercas bp bis pjtapcr bee ilirretb bim top bnto benge= ance : to c Ijaue f rent fa eertof o;e in tobat fojtc vppon the. Cxix.Pfalme. fo; ce it feao laiofal foj i)tm to mabe fucb requeft : natnelp, bicaufebe DefireD fuel) m'ancr of rcuenging as agrcctb pjoperlp bnto <0OD. jfoi cc-rtcm it te,tbat f)cc bao lapeb afpbc al ti;c corrupt affections of tbc fletlje, tljat Ijee mpgljt tottl; pure j cicere 5 ele Defpjc UD'oiss iuogemente. 3ino pit in tins place bccioifbeib generally, tfoat goo fl)Oulbputtoobi0banbe,anDbeliucrbim from So jonge : but bee curfctb not bis ab* ;iierfarie3 to Damnation t jfojlt fuffpsctb bmijoas^obfljciubimfclftorcuengit. 58 [Cbe p?ovy>oebauc,fc] l^eema&etb fjismonetbat bee Soas intrappebbp tbc craftcs and So pies of bis if be fboulD fay , tbcp bab not onelp fougbt bps bedruction bp open fojee anb Dint of fvcoojo : but alfo maliciouflp p?acti?eb, bototoobeftropbim bp trcafon oj p?iuie policies, wbcreas bee abbetb, [ Cbat it St>a0 not accojbingc to bat in otber Sooojtbesbccrcpctetb rbetbmge tbat bee bao fpoHcn alatc,®bat altbougb bee bab binfojc tempteb , ptt Ijce bab feept bimfelfebppon bis fecte : berelp bpcaufe bee foiifoofcc not goblineffc . jfrovoc, al= tbougb it ioere pnougb to baue tolbe t\)?s once fo? all bntoo fucb as arc perfrctc, pit notwitbftanbing, if s»ee call too mpnoe our onmc iocabeneffe, feec aiall confeffe, tbat tbc often tcacbingc of it,,is not fuper= fluoufe. foj, it is not tbc affault of tbc cc= tremeft encounters onlp, tbat maUetb bs tofo?getted5oos iatce : But tljc moje parte of bs flj?infce atoap before ice come to banb ftrobes. wbcrcfo?c fo muebe tbe mo?e is tljis feoonberfuil ftrenctb or tbc i$20pbctes to bee noteb , tbat beemge in a manner as goob as beabc , bee ncuer cea fcofo?all tbat, too reupuc bis mpmsebp contmuaJl tbinfeing bppontbc JLaw.ainb not in bapnebatbbec puttc in,tfjat tbps tbing ioasbooncbpponeanb. ^fo; tberc is a coucrt matcbinge of it feitb i^caucn, as if be fboulb fap: Cb^tiobcn tbc fcares of beatb viMcco bponbim on all fpbes in eartb, bee itfteb bp bis mpnbe aloft : foj, iffapthrcacbcbpintobcfluen,itfbalbcan cafpe matter toioabc out of bcfpap^e.Cbc laft Slerfe alfo contcpnetl; no ncco tiling : 5Fo? in tiie beginning of it, 3Dauib lapctb bp bisipfe in JfeoDo mercte: not onelp bp? caufc bee i»as pjtuic in bimfclf of mannes frailtie: but bpcaufe bee faioe bimfelf bap; Ip abanboneb to manp beatljes, 0? ratber, tiiat bee lap fo?bcab7anb 0obs operation ioas rcmooucb atoapefrom bim. 3fccr- 5a>arb,5obcnbec ffcalbcc rcfto?co tcolpfc agcinc,bcep?omifctb tobectbanfeful: ano tbat not onelp Sritb bis range, but alfo ioitb W iuljole Ipfc . f 0? IpUe as (Sods belpc, bp tobiebe bee ribbetb bs oute of baungcrs,areas manpc nctDClpucs: eucn fo it is goob rpght anb reafon , tbat boax rauclj focuer bcccnlengrtjenctb our tpme, tbc fame ftoulb bccimplopeb in bis fer.- nife* wben as tbc Hu'soe is calleb [ Cbe teftimonte of tf? 3D 2D lb moutl;:]bptbis Cptlc of commenbatiou is notablp anou= cbcb tbc autboxitic thereof, Yyy v. %9 Thy i lohn Caluins Commentarie 89 Thy woord,6 Lord, cndureth for eucr in hcauen. 90 Thy truthe from generation too generation : thou hafte laydc the foundation of the earth,and it abydeth. 9 1 And thy iudgementcs continewc hy thcrtoo : for they are all thy fer- uauntes. 9 2 Except thy Law had bin my delight,I had cucn then perished in my troubblc. 93 1 will neuer forget thy ftatutes , bycaufc thou hafte quickened mcc in them. 94 I am thync,iaue mee,for 1 haue fought thy ftatutes. 9; The vngodly wayte for mec,too deftroye mce: but I confider thy te- ftimonies. 95 In all perfection I haue feene an end: but thy commaundement is very large. Ss» [Cbptoooib,«1DILojbe,«e/3 Stymt crpoub tbis toerfe in fucli S»}>fe 30 tbeugb JDauibfljoulbeallcogc it foj a pjoofeof d5oD0 trutbMbat tbeftatc oftlje be men* 10 OcDie anb faft fettleb.Cbcrefoje aceo^ btng bnto ttje.tbe mcening i& tljia : Cbat <©ob to pzoucD to bee that tbe bcaucn0 abpfee in one com in;i»all date sDtljerfomc allcbge pit a mo*e corftmneb fcncc,Cbatbolc ojber of tbe &> o;lo c bearetb fc> trneflc of tbe eonttancie of <& ob0 fcjoojb : Sotncb tbing in mod trecu. ^orobeett fo?= afmucb a0 it S»ac to beebouteb , leaftc tbe mpnuc0 of tbe goblr QjoulD bang m bneer tctntit if bee fljulb baue grounbeb f pjocf of (15oo0 trutb, bpontbcfoojlb ioberc be fo func jte alt;rations:bp placing tt in bca= uen, be gpuctb it an babttationfubicet too no ercbaungc0 . oojb,occo;bms to tl>e ben? of fo man? turning©: tbe carrb t0 coucrrtp matebco ageinQ tbebeauen,a0 if it ijao bin faiD tbat our faluation ,inafmucb as it t0 mclofeb in cPoddcs woojo, 10 not tickle ao ail ear tbip t t}ingc0 bee ; but l?ety at robe in a fafe anb quiet barbiougb.Cbc Tame tbing fapetb f pjopbet <£fap tn fonts fc>bat otber fe>ooibes,3U fietb 10 bsp,ano ail tbe gioji ; of tbe fame , as tbe flower of tbe fcclD,OEfaie 4 0 .6.f 0; Caccojbing too |i>ctcr0Ctpontion.!.jacti.2+.3bcc'n«s netb tbat tbe certeintte of faluatio 10 to be fougbt in $ iuoo?o: anb tberf o?c tbat rbep bo amiflc febieb ftap in tbcfe>o;lo, bieaufe tbe firmeneffe of o new agepne bee tcacbcib bp erperience,tbat altbougb tbe i»o?!D be rolleo.ptttbetrutb ofd^ob ujpnctbfoojtb Sottbcutbent anb notable tefttmonie0 of <2>ob, turn in tbat bebalfe nlfo ,fo as tbe ftcDfafrneo of b 10 u>oo;b 10 not fbet bp in beauen onlp,but cometb bourne cue bnto b0 alfo. Cbe r cntmew mg of tbe cartb in tbe fame it eofaftneo tbat fet it in at tbe fir ft founbacton lapinge, to abbcb in ! tbp0 confibcratton} ajs if bee fbonlb fapr, vppon the. Cxix.Pfalme. lloxb, tbe footbfaftnes of tbv *»ojb 10 oi- fible bnto b0 cuen tn tbe to crp eartb, as tt Socre tn a glaffe , bpcaufc that altbougb it be bangcb in tbe mibDcs of tbe fea , pit it fecepetb ft til Ijiff ownc ftatc . Cbeis ttooo tbfngcs tbcrfoze agree berpioelltogttbcr, tbat tbe ftcDfaftnc0 of gobs £00020 10 not to be eftcemcb after tbe Sate of tb c S»02lo, ft>f)icl) S»ancrctli from tpme to tpme, anb (abctb awap as a fbabowc : $ pit alTo tbat men bee tontbankfuU,tf tbep boo not part- ly at feflorclebsc tl)i fojcfalb fentencc in tbe fcoozhmantbtp of tbe SoojiD , bpcaufe tbe eartb ( ioljicl; clfc coulo not ftanb one mo- ment)bootb notimthftanDtngabpbe ftebe faft,bpcaufe it is fbunbeb upon tlje Sdcqzd of <25ob. furthr rmoxe, ti)ere f 0 no caufe Snbpanp man Q)0 tils obicct.tbat it i0 a barb tbing to feck cEebslootbfaflnes oat of tbe ii3 ojio , fozafmuclj as it QjoulD be fet to far out of t!;e rcacbe of inanneg tonoer- ftanbing. JF02 tlje $2opbet encountered tbetn,faptng,tbat altbougb it Dwell in bea ucn.ptt tbere arc cuiDcntfignes of it to be feene before our feetc, frbicb map bp little $ little abuatmc* fcs to tbe perfee. Knows lebgc of it , 03 farre a0 our (mall capaeitte anb rubcnc0 S»ti per* nit. 31 nb fo tbe \&io* pbet on tbe one fpbe ejftoitesl) b0 to mout aboite tlje fc»bole SoozlD bp faptli, that tbe fc>oo?b of <& & ID map Ijauc b*s full ftebs faftnes to ftap bpourfaptb: J onf others fpbe be ioarnetb b0 tbat S»e be in no \y r fc ec cufablc , tf toe fpnb not out <0obS tru tbe enen bp tije bebolbing of tlje eartb , confix Bering bo a? it lettctb itfclf Down euen bn - to our feete. 31 n tbe fir fl; member, men are callcb bacKc from tbe banitie of tbjefr bnm r cafon : anb in tbe otljcr, tlictr iocakne fle 10 rclceucb , to tbe intent tt)ep map tafte b- pon tbe eartb, f tbing tbat 10 to befougljt fozmo;e full pin beau en. 9T. [H!nbtbpfabgmentS.fe.3Cl)e&}02& [Haiom] forfjieb 3 Cfolowing otber 3nter= P2etcrs)baue traflatco [bitberto,3migbt (not tonfitly) bctranflatcb [bapip,oz cuc= rp bap:] anb pit tbe mcening Q> oulb Differ nothing . foi tbe pzopbet tnccnetb, tbat tbe &>boIc ozber of Mature ftapetb bpon tbe commaunDcment o; Determination of <& -£>3D alone. f~ ox in terming tbem[iuDg ments.lbe nlluoetb bnto the berp iHawe: ao if be iboulD fap,tbat the fame rpgbtfuU '74 he's', Sobicl; is bifclofcb in <&obs &awc, fbpnctlj fooitb cucrpSobc * f • wherbppon it folewctlutbat men be to frouaco^ben tbzoug'.i tbeir ownc bnbcleef,as muclj as in il;:m ipetb, tbep fbafecf impaire <5oDS fattbfulnes.Soberbnto all creature© lean: anb confcqucntlp,fc>be tbzougb tbeir own ftubbO2UC0,tbep impeacfje d5o&0 rpgbtu= oufnt0,anb Dtfable bi0 Deerce0,&>b"bpo tbe ft abienr 0 of tbe fc>bolc fc> ozlD 10 groun Dcd. /j-'Jow, altboiigb it bee a barb mancr of fpeecbe, to fap,tljat alltbcelcmentoare (Sobo fcruauntco : pit crpzcffctb it moie tban tf be bab fapb , tbat all trjtng0 be o?-- bercbtobooferui0bn:o(0ob. ^oil;ow (boulb tbe airciobicb i0 To thin, not con= fume itfclf So ttb blowing cotinuallp^ bow fboulb tbe ioatcr0 not toafte awap t?«b rlowinriftbcpherKcnco not bnto<£>oD0 fecret commaunDtncnt:' 5Faptl)inbccbc is tbetbmgloberbpivee percepue tbat tbe Soozlo ftanbctb bp dBobo commaunbmft. 113ut as nunp as be enbeweb ioitb anp b?op of bnbcrftanbing:bo gatber tbe fame bp'cuiDcntpxoofcs.Cbcrfoxe let tb'0 bee tb^ougljlp fafteneb in b£, tbat all tljinges arefo cbcnftjcbbp C5ob0 fecrct cyerati= on, as tbep bere <5 ods Soozd cz cimaun* Dement in bolbing fttll tljctv eftate . foi ioee muft alioats beare in minb tbe marfc . tbat tbe pzopbet leucletb at:namclp,tbat <15ob0 trutb iobtcb dipnetb fooitb in l;pjB out war D ioozfeco, leabctb bs bpgber anb bpgbtr bp fteppes , tbat tbe trutb of tbe l^caucnlp ^Doctrine map bee ovcut of all bout. 92 [Accept tbP law fc.](Cbc^?opbet conttnuetb fttll almofte tbe fame Doctrine ^02 be fa ft!) be bab bin bnboone,ff be bab not fougbt comfozt of bid mtfencs out of c&obs llawe. Cbc aibucrb [ Az ] among tbe $?ebicwc0 ftgniftetb [tjben.] i^owbeit foxaftnut b as fouif pmc0 it is' ment of a log isbplc. it impoxtctb as mucb bere as long agotcjecept anp man like better y it fboulo be an cnfo:ctngbcmonftracton,as tbougb it tocre fttll in a p2cfent cace. Sltnb be c on= rtvmetb tbe tbing tbat be bab fpoke afo;?, bpbI)icb arc offeree t>0 tlicre. ^nD certctn it i0, that Ijcre is commcnbcD t!je felffamc 5»oo:o , fc>bicb bee fapb cucn now.bib Dccell in bcaucn. JF oj altbougb it giue a founo &pon eartb , * enter into our C3rc0,anb fettle in our barccs: pit Dootl) it keep fttll !)is beauenh? naturc,bpcaufc tbe camming bownc of it Ditto b0 is fuel), a0 it is not fiibicct to fojojtlblp inclinations, Bno tbc #?opbct bedarctb, that bee foas ouercbargcD & fucb frcigbt of afflictions, a0 $»as able Mjollp to oucrwbclme \)im: ana tbat be bab bin beab in tbat cace of fo grcatec*trcmitfe,butfojtbeccfo;ttft>btd) bcrcecpucafeptbelUrce. Cbencytbcrfe cont:pnctb a tljanhfgiuing. ;tfoj inafmucb tbe 3Larcc of tbe 1lo?b bab p?cfcrucb bim, be pjomifrtb tbat be i»ill neuer be bmninb fullofit./ftotccfcbftanaing^berroitballlie fberoctb bovo nccbfull it is to beare tljc re - memberancc of d£obs ilawc in mpnb, bp* eaufc y altbougb. fee ijaue founb bp cicpe= xiicz tbat it giuctbipfe.pit boot!) fozgetful nes of it caflp fcreepe uppon b0,foj &>btcb Sue be iuftlp punitbeb,fc>be <©oa fufferetlj bs to ppnc aire? in our bcauine0. 94. C3I amtbpne jc.lilF'tftbcrakctbco: rage to pzap in t!ji0 rcfpcct.tbat bee i0 one of <0OD0 oume (lamp 0? copnagc, as a ma ma? terms it.3!nD fcconblp,bep2Ctictb bp tlje falling out, y be is belonging to «2>ob, Lpeaufc be keeper!) bts commaunbemets. 5Bcucrtbci;s,tb;0 wuft not be fo taken as tbougb beboafteo of anp befert of ijtsoirn, a0 tlje mancr of men is to allcbgc ttye fo? arcafon to obiepnctb: tbing tljatS»ccbe= fpje,3l batic alteapcslonco pou , 3 baue alroaycs fougbt too pzefer pour honour * p:ofit,mp feruisbatijalrcapcs bin rebp at pour commaunament.TBut rather IDauia alljbgctb. tl)C mere grace of CS £> 3D. 5ro? no man ca bp b 10 0 von politic purdjace bim felf fo greatc bcnour,as to be of <&ob$ xz~ tineo? , but it pzoccceerb of bis free aaops tion. ©cb tberfeze is djargcb bcere fcntb bis ovon ben-fite, to tbintcntbciboulD not lcaue tbe tooojU tbat be Ijao begonne.^fo? &ljcra0!)efavetb,bctctl,i!nreifcanitftIp tc <85oasc5ma:tnDmcnts:tbat alfo fcepens bctlj kpon &f0caijing,jjpcaufe be beganot to applp \)\b mpno to (Bong coat«wun£e= mcnts,befoze fucb tpmeas be fcas callcb, anb rcceiucb into \)\s boajfcljGla .3Uio fo?-. afmucb as bebefpzetb y JLojb to faue btm: immebiatip after bee ocpjeffetb I;i0 necoe, faping tb3t[tlje bngoblp fougbt fo? bim to beftrop btm.]^lnb pit notantbftanbing be beclaretl) tbcntntball tbe conftancic of bi0 goDlinco.tnafKiUCb as at j fame intrant be fetbismpnD bppan tbcJLaroe of (& & 2D: M)ic\) is a t'oiug Sooojtbie too bee notetu ^fo? fucb a0at otbcrtpmes&oolD bcfoi^ «?arb $ Srilling to folowe dDOb,6notonbt Subitbcr to turnc tbemfetues toben tbep be alfapleb bp tbe i»icfeeb , infomud; as tbep caflp flip afpac to leaub p2aetifc0 . wl)cr= fo;e it is a great \jectcvu,altbougb tbc Mc keb confpp?c our beftruction , fo as iuete in ieopcrbic of lpfe,a0 far as Sclb can per= eciue,pit to pcclo dOfob fo mud) bonour,as to bolo ourfcluc0 contcntcb Xoitb bts onlp pjomifes. 3inb [to confibcrof €»oos tefti- monic0, ] impo^tetb afmucb in tbis place, a0 to fet our mpnacs toboii? bpon CBodb S»oo?b,a0 ii,b:cb Sioxctb bs bp pgcinft all au"aultcs,is of fo?ceto appeafe altfcarful= nc0 , 9 reftrepnetb bs from ail ijnrcwarb beupfes. 9 6. [31 n all perfect* c.]3In ctber ftjojtbs be commenbetb agctn tlje tbmg y be bad) tattgbt tnf firfl bcrfe of tbis ILetccr.Cbat is to fc>it,tbat d5obs S»oo?d is not fubtcct toocbaungcablcncs, tycaukit mcuntctl) far aboue tbc tranato?tc clcmcnte0 of tbe fcjojlD. ^ro?beerebcfapctb, tbatnotb^ng \jnbcr Ijcaucn 10 fo perfect anb founb,oj fo abfofute on all partes.&bicb notiritbflan bing batb not an eno: f tbat j onlp &joo?& of d?ob booeb S»itb bis largcne0 paflc all botmbes $ battetles. Bpcaufe tbe ©Serb [Caiachjflgmfictb aotoell to confume $ fi= nifl),as alfo to maKcperfcct.fome tahe tbe ioooio [Tecoia] fojamcafurc o?enb.1But reafon requr?c,b tbat it fljoulb be tranfias teb perfection,^ ti;intent tbc comparu"ca map be ti]e rn&^e apparaut , and tbe better ampbfpc tbe crcbit cf (0obs tooo^tb: as if tbc fd?opl;:t baa fapb , tijat after be !;aa tctt?ca all tl;n:30,fpecia!!pi»btcb erccil in mofl ejeact pcrfccmcs : ^it iaere tljep no- tijtng too c0 fboulb concepu* ti)is largeneffe : aboue tbe beauenco? opue intoo;tbc bot- fc>I)tcb thing Qjall come to paffc.fohe tljep tome oft^c greatcft Dcepcs,o? ratmge out c cafe tbeir cafttng of tbemfcmes intoo tlje on tbe rpght banb o? on the foal be naroreneffe of tbtflf 5o>oo?lD, not paflc anp further tljan tbe trutb of goo 97 What a louc hauc 1 had vntoo thy Lawe ? all the daye doo I buzye mvmyndaboutit. 98 Thou haftc made mec wyfer than rnyne aducrfaries by thy com- maundements: for they are euer with mec. 99 Thou hafte made mee skilfullcr than all my teachers: bycaufe I hauc myndedthy teftimonies. no I vnderftoode more than the aged , bycaufe I haue keptethy fta- tutcs. ioi I hauc reficyned my feet from euery cuill path, that I myght kcepe thy woord. 102 1 haue not llcp ped afydc from thy iudgementcs, bycaufe thou hafte taught mec. i 03 Howe fwcete arc thy fayinges too my chappes, yea more [wect : than honnye too my mouthc? . 104 By thy preceptes I haue gotten vndcrftanding, and therefore I hauc hated all the wayes of falshod. 97 DEbat a lone bane, ?c.] Seetngenot content fcutb a fmgic con&rmaciou,bcc crpetb out in £»ap of ocmaunoing, that be S»as inflamcD in it'ii an incredible louc of y JLato of (®oD:ano fo:p:oof thereof l)C ao- Deth that hee ix>aa continually occuppeb in thinking bppon tbe fame* f oi if anp man mafee his boaft ,tljat bee louetb <5 000 law? becrelp ,ano pit negicctctb tbe ftuop tijere- of, ant turnc0 bts mpnbe tontoo other tbtngs: bcebeco;apctb an ouergrofTel&i* pocrp fie. foi f louc of it (fpcciallp fuel) a louc a0 the pjopbetc mencionetb becrc ) Booth alroape© cngenber a continual mpiu Dpng of it.ainb truelp creep:: 05 000 Lara inflame our bartc0 frith the louc of it, pea anbrautfb them too: manpeintpcementcal foill foonc flealc bpon \>a, ano lease \)S as ft?ap bnto toamtic.Cbe- prophet tben co= menoctb beerc fucba ioue of t!)C jLau), as S»bici)C poffeffiug all ourc fcnfc0 , fbettctl) the gate, ano barrctl) it agcinttc all tbe 0:= ce?tc3 ma co:ruptiond/t»bcrebntoo free bee otbcrswpfe oucrmucb gpuen. 9$ tCbottbafre'tnabcmee,fre.]$erethe prophet auoucbctb bjmfcif to baue bin bets terIearneo,tbanbis aoucrfarics, oj bps feb oolematfrer ,oz tbe age, bpcaufe bee bab bin a fcboler of <2>ob0 lam ^ c meenetb that bee iaas enberoeb frith bn - berftanoing aboue bis enemiC0 otbcrcopfc than aboue h to teachers . ;ff 0 j bee to ente beponb his enempe0,bpcaufe tbcp auaplcb nortnng at all bp tbetr crafts ano policies, frben the? bent their frplincffe bntoo bis Deftruction. JFo? free know bow tbe ma= iicioufenffe of tbe tmgoolp oootb alwapcs egge tbcm to boo mifcbfcf. Klnb fo:afmucb as tbcp bee oftcntpmes futile $ captioufe: ioce are afrapb lead our fimplicitvc mijbt bee impeaebco bp tbetr beccptc0,if iuec fbouioc not encounter tbcm iuitb lplse ccaftc0 anD poiltcics: anb tbcrsfo^c f p?o= Pbctglo?ictl;,that there feas fl)ift pnoug!) foj bimtn c©ods S,awe,too rto oute of all wares. ^oujiaberea&bcctauCtbtopon bimtobbec better lernet than be £3ap; ttcrsiu fccjnetl) an bnfeemcl? comparts foil, lohn Caluins Commcntarie, fac? alio tjao tearneo out of <£ods Hawe,fo inucb as fc>a0 beboofe • full to bcc hnowen. 2&ut it is out of bout iljat tbe pzophet giuetlj ?opbctfapctl?,ti)at be bao gotten mo?e tban afatberlp bifcretion bp C5obs Haw, Cbe effect t0, tljat &>bo- foeucr pcclDctb ijiinfeife tcacbcable bntoo goo,$ bolbetb btswutcs bnto bis teoc?b, anb cccuppetb biinfclf bujclp in tbtn&inge bppon ijis iUwc,fball fpnbcrsiil pnougb tljerctfo ao be map fbift fo? bjmfelf agcinft tbe ti*apnes of iu'0 cncmpes.anb bee circus fpect pnougb to cfebew tbeir bcccptcg.anb fnullp be able to matcb liDittj anp of p bed , matfters tb?oug?j tbz Subole race of bps t lpfe:petbootbnotlDauibb?agofbt0fojt& I tbe intent to bauntbimfeiftotbe J face of tbe &>o?lb.li5ut bp bi0 own eraplc, be toarnetl; b0 £ noibjng is better fo? bs ! tbefa?tbfuil,fob2wcfn: , tbat tljcp fboulb I not feeke fe?fc>ifcbo:2c cifwljcre tban at ■ C5oo0^»oo?b,lcan; ambition 0: cunoCUic ! mpgltf ticUle tljctnBp' to blH/nrboainhgc;: I Cobefoojt,tiioBcai;anb ttwimefic are ! cniopnea to a'l snc;i,to tbe fritcnte,tbat no j m>I fooulDtaUebponJjimfucb Knowledge as migbi fcauc Ijun by aboue sot!0 aaw: but tbat a0 foonc 30 tbat bcauenlp f»tXe= borne cometl) foo:tb,all men (bee tbep nes tier fo fhilfullf c6nmng)fnOulDi»iUtnglp pcclb tbemfciucs in fubmiulon . wben bcc fapctb,tbat bee batbe obferucb <0ob0 p?e- ceptc0,bee bootb b0 to &>it iobat maner a mpnctng it S»a0 Sobctcf Suee bauefpo'af , to tbe cno Soce map Know , tbat Ijcc Coobe not coiolp argewing ana befcanting bpon C5oQ0 commaunbcmente0 , but bucbleb bimfclf to tbem iDiib an earned affection. 10 1 [31 baucnfreinebmp,? c] l^emces netl) tbat bc&ao at btter Defianceiaitb al i'Pf.c&tbatbJ migbtpeclo bimfclfcbnto f feruice of dpo&.wtjerbppon «0 gatbercb a profitable boctrinc, namelp tbat to tl)e in- tent fojemapUccpe gob0 3law,firft 5 fo?* tneft i»ec nmit beware tbat our fcete flep not afpfic into croolicb bppatbc0 : fo? con - fibcrmg bow cojrnpt our nature i0,5»bat a nomber of entpcementg tljere bee, 5 bow fonblp our mpnDe0bebifpofcb:nctlung t0 mo?: rebieioitb b0,tl;a to be UO awap in- to crro?.^>ap ratber it is a rare miracle,£ anp man fboulb Ueepc bio rpgbt ccurfc in tl)i0 ipfe.Cbe faptbfull ttiercfo?c ijab nceb to take lingular goob beeb,if tbettetl fcepe tljcir fcete from &anbcringc. Jin tbe ncrt toerfe 3Dauib comcnbctl? tys own conftacp inbi0 enocucring to'accpecbelaw.Cbe*' fc?e be faptb tljat euer fmce bee rcccpueb a rule to hue bp at gobs l}ano,bc !nlo a rigbt racc.^ow tbenfeeing i^attlje ioap 10 fo flippcrte,? cur feete fo fccble.f our ti'^ole bifpofitio fo inclinable to innumerable cr= ro?s:Si)e bab necD of no fmalli&areneffe to bote our feluc0 »p?igbt,lcaft ioc flip afibe fro gob0 mD5ti:ent0.ii5ut Sdc mud mark twbatmaner of boctrine bcbetokcnetb>f02 albeit tbat all men to Suborn gob0 fe>o?b is p?cad)Cb bectaugbtf»itl)0uterccpti6 :pit fcarce § tehtb inairtaber^ a tail of it : pea (ffcarcctijeiwhtyetljpsrfonc p?ofitetl) fo mucljs^ \)z ca p?oceebe in In's rigbt conrfe to tbebttctmeft. Cben is tbcrbetoScneb bere a peculiar maner of tescbing: namelp tbat d5ob bja'w ctl) bt0 cboje bnto btm in* S»arblp:a0 if tbcp?op!5ct fboulb fap,bec 5»a0 b?ougbt into tbe Soapc of faluation, anb re te'pneb in tl;c fame b^ t!je fecrcte tn= ftinct of tbe ftiirtt. 10 s [|&oft>(wKtet«/i ^eerepctetba= gepn tbe fame tl;i»g tbat bee i;ab fpofeen in otber S»cpjt?c0, nam*!? , tbat lice £t»as fo vppon inc. i^xix. Mamie. 170 in louc witb tbe fwcctncflc of d5ot>s law, tbatbe took e none other beipgbt. iffo? it map fall out tbat a man map be bzougbt to ftanb in fomc awe of tbeilawe: but no urn fbail fo!oo?c tbe 31 aire cbecrfutlp , f«utng be that batb conccpueb tl)i8 fvccerne0.fl1 no mud pec call to mpnb,tbat(as3i baue fap& heer to fozc (tbe iLatoc of (© jD 3D is bnfancrp to bs , ( oz at leaftwpfe is neucr fo fweete tbat tt ca call bs bacbe from tbe plcafures oftbefle(b)bntilltocbaueto:cftlcblufte; \v agcinft our owne bifpofition, to fubbew the flcftj ip affections tbat reigns tn bier. 104. [©ptbp ftatuts.$c.]Cbe $->jopbct fecme t b beer c to peruert tbe ozber tbat be bab fct cucn now.5roz be fapb, be bab b*l& bacUc bis fectc from ftraping, y be mpght Ueepc d&oos JUwe.f now be fertesbown a contraric wap,maKing bis beginning at tbe beeping of tbe ilawc. jr 02 be fapctb, be was firft taught bp $003 woozoe.erc \)t coulo amenb hi* faultcs . ^enertljelcflfe tbeis twoo tbinges agree not amifTe togb tber,tbat tbe faptbfull fljoulo gather them fcluco in fro mifgoing, to tbintct to frame tbeir Ipfe accozbtng to tbe rule of <£?ods woozb: 5 alfotbatwbetbepbcnow w?!l fozewarb ontbeir wap (fozafmucb as the fcarc of <0oD.1ozifbctb in tb«m)tbe? Qjulb begin to bcare a greater batreb towaro a! biccs.f to ablio? them tbe moze earneaip. 3>nb ttulp tbe beginnmg t a liuc ti>c\l,is f oz cucrp man too enbeuer too purge l;im fclf from bpee: 3 tbe better that anp man batb pzofitco , to burne toitb tbe greater ?eic m bcteaing 9 Q;unmng of biccs.i!^ o?eoucr , Svce be taught bp tbe f&zopbets woozbs, tbat tbe rcafon wbp men are fo iszappeo inleafmgc33'jfn3rlebini»tcfeeDerrours, is bpcaufe tbepfctcb not tbeirfe it oat of <5 oDs wozb. wbcras all tbe wljolc wozlb plapetb bni»pfc part:s,tbc onlp ftarting^ ^olcfoz tbeir oncrftgljt ostitis to barb a matter foz t';em too beware of beceptcs. HBut f rcmcote i»ere necrc at bano, if we wolb folowe tbe l^zopbcts counfcll: tbat is to wit,if we wolb'not Isane to our own isifoomc, but feebe bnbcrftanbmg out of atanf ioplcs of tbe wozlo.^inD woolb 45 £) 3D tbts thing focretburrowlp fireb in tbe barts of tbofe tbat at tbis bap boaft t!j cmfciucs to be faptbfull: foz tben woolb not tbe greater part be fleeting bttber anb tljitiicr from tpme to tpme witb fo greatc Ipgbtncs,at tbe bariable motions of opu nions. 35ut as foz vs , feeing tbat §>atan bedirres btmfclf fo bufelp to (bebabzodc tbefmobes of crrour ,let \>s labour tbe moz« to attepne tbts wifoome. 10 j. Thy vvoord is a Lantcrnc too my footc, and a lyght too my path. 10 6, 1 haue fwornc, and will pcrforme it, too keepe the iudginentcs of thy ryghtuoufenefle. 107. I am vcrye fore afflided , 6 Lord , quicken mce according too thy vvoord. 108. Lord, -yfl t"w.-i lunii v^'.iuim V/uiuiu »c8. Lord , I befceche thee, let the free offcringes of my raouthe plcate thee, and tcachc mee thy iudgmentes. iop. My fowle is alwayes in mync hand, and I hauc not forgotten thy Lawe. no. The vngodly haue layd a fnare for mee, and I haue not fwarued from thy preceptes. » in. I haue taken thy tefhmonies as an heritage for euer: bycaufc they bee the ioy of my hart. 112. I haue apply ed my hart too fulfill thy flatutes for euer too the end. i o ?. [Cl)P&ootf> f0.§e.*l3!n tbls berfc tbc^opbetauoucbctb the ILaujc of <£o5 to be l)i0 <§>cboolemapficr anb gupbetoo hue ioell: anb bp his own cjcamplcbcpie= fcr ibetb the fame rule bnto fe0 ail: fojt tube euerp of b0 folowctb what liHctb him felf, wc fall into bozrible m-ises. iftcuer-belcs to tbintent fee map tonDerfranDb'0 ntpnb the moie certritilp, it 10 to bee nqteb, that gsDs Suoojtb i0 matches agcinfl; all toozlb* ip bcu'fc0. iffoiioofccwhat tlie woilb Bee* metb te be right ,that oftcntpme0 10 croo= fccb ? aw;p before <5 &> 2D: who allowetb none other trafcc of liuing, tban fuel) a0 is cut out bn> f fqup?e of bt0 &awe. ^epther trulp coulb 2DauiD otljerwife haue bin gup DeD bp <0oO0 wooib , oniefTe bte bab firft renounces tbefeifoome of the flefb.acco?:: Ding alfo a0 the fame 10 trjcfirfl papal of our teacl)cablene0 . 2i5uttbe ^etapho?, ioljtcli be bfetb.cjcp^c (Tab fomwbat mozc: that 10 too feit, that or.IcfTc €5ob0 woojb (bpne afe2e bs , the iuljole ipfe of man 10 wiappeb in Darfenc0 9 miff, foa0 be can &00 nothing but uuferablpftrap:anb alfo, that wtien wee fubmit our {dues bntoo d5cD0 JLarce willing to bee taught, wee bee out of icoperbic of ftraping. ;JFoj were there fuel) barfcnes in ©ob* woiU, a0 the g&apt&es babte of, it EboulD be but a falfc , anD to Dedicate our Ipfe bnto bim. jBotwitbffanbing, it map be bemannbeb, whttber ? |2>?ophets 0 1 1) c be not to be conbemneb of r aflj ncCTc, in y be batb p;efumcb to tabe much mojie bpo him,tl)an mannes abilitte can anoojto. ^roj who is be that is able too feccpe the 3Lawe r> ISaQ^lp tljcrfoje boorl) be now ftep foo??b to mafec abow, in bebpebting bnto <& £> 3D a thing that is iinpofubie. 20 ut the anfwer is eafie: that a0 oft a0 f faptbfull bow anp thing bnto <0od, thep loohe not what thep are able to boo of the feluc0, but thep leanebntoo <2?ob0 grace, too whom it belongetli too perfojme the thing that he rccmpjetl) at our hanbc0;nas mclp, in giuing us Clrcngth bp his fpirit. $Q% without the help of d&obsfpirit their bowing bocecth no whit in the ferui0 of <©od, ^o?,a0^aulefapeth, 2. Co?. 3.5. Wee bee mt able fo much 20 to thuiHa goob thought. 16 nt foiafluuelj as <0£>3D reaching out ins !;anb xmm \>s , biDbctb bo bee cfgooBclierre anb comfort, J Kfius >xct\) b0, tl;at be fcti! ncucr fsiic bs : tljcr^ ^ Nippon vpp Oil UlC.Vrf.MA.. l.~I«Uli:«< '// bppon cometb tbio bolonefTc too faeare. ifteptber is it anpraflmeflc at ail, S»bcn bpon truft of cSqds pzomifes Solienvttb bccpzcucntctbbs, toccon tljc otljcr fvDc offer our fclucs into bis fcr tits . Tit i# not the qucftien caufe that hovrfo- cucrtbecijilDzcn of <0ob Soabe out ii>ttb conquf ft agcinfte ail temptations bp tlje grace of the bo[p<0hoft,pit notvoithftan- tmg tliep alwaics find of fomc mfirmttie. 25 ut it is to be noteb,tbat in the voovr es $ pzomtfes of the faitl;full,£rjcrc is contprc- benoeb not onlp tbecoucnant isberbp gob ptomifetbtbat be is ill make bs to fe>atlie in bis precepts: OF 5ccl;. 1 1.2 o. but alio tbc other that is uC'oeD tberebnto concerning free fozgiucnciTe. 3Dau:o therefore accozs bing to tli e meafurc of grace that Soas gi- uen bnto !iiui,bo wnD"bimfel;c bp otije too ftcepe trjc law, aecozbing to tbts Taping of tbepzopbet pfalm.i C3.13. 3i iniilfpare tbcm as tlje y at!;et is ft out too fpar e ins cbilozcn that rente bim. i°7« [3fambcrpfozefc] Cbteberfe fl)cu.etb that goo cherifbeonot the fathers bnber the laft» fo tcnberlp in i;ts iap , but tljat be cycrcpfcD tbcm ixutb baro tcinpta - cions : f oz be faptb not that bee was afs flicteb ligbtip oz after an oidinarie maner, but aboue tncafurctanb mrcqupjing to be quiUcneb, bee betofecnetb tbat bee Suns at bcaibs Dco:c./> otit;itbftant)ing,be fbcw -. ctb tljertuitb&H , that although bee iecie befeegco bp Death, Tube fainteD not.bps caufe be ieaneb bppon 2D at the firft e : pit if tbe temptation grotee to foze.our baits qnapie: peaanb cjctre= mitit of fearc quencbetb oure bolbncfle quptc. SJut tbe pzopbet fezpetb bnto berebp too rcconcr ipfc loft . 3PUbfe>ecmuft warke well tin's part [ac* cczbing to tbp woozb. ] 5Foz our pzaping fcaibc colb, 02 rather none at all, if (Sobs pioinisgiuebs notcozage m fozswanb Diftreffe. finailp (as wee bauelntb bcere tof oncost) ce (ball tjaue no enteranceat all bntoo pzapinge, ercepttbia kpc bee at fbanb. .108 [|Lozb3BbcercccbtbeefC] Clips bcrfc itiap as Sbcil bee reo in one flrepne, as DcuiocD into two mebcrs.lccozbing to the fozmer wpfe,tbe fence woo'b be tbts: recepue mp facrtfifes too tins enb, that f teach me tbp pzecepts. jfif the biftinction into feueralties like anp man better: then (ball tbep be two pzapers , firft tbat at oft (bouib accept tbe ^zopbetes facnfifes in gooo wooztl),anb feconblp that be ftj ouib tnftruct bim in tbe Doctrine of the 3Late>. 3 indpne rather to p firft opinion, foz(as Sue bane feene beeretoofoze) tbe $Dzopbet ououchet h,tbat nothing libetb hint better tbantoobnDerftanotbe lDcotrine of the 3L«to:as tf bee ujuiofap:iLczb of tbp gooH foUl accept tbp S)acrpfifcs tljat 3 offer: f fozafmucb as trie Dzift of all mp bcures is too bee inftrnctco arpght in thp %a^r. gr aunt mee mp requeft in ti;is goob thing fetich li long foz. 'Sir.b tbe comott places are to be tnar&eb, fehcr tbe knowledge of tbe beauenip Doctrine is pzeferreb bcefoze all o:ljer bencfites of the foozlbe . 2inD queflionleffe feeing it contcpnetbmitthc plebge of cucrlafting<§aluaticn:tbcrc ts gooo caufe i»hp it ftjoulb be cfteemeb as an incomparable (restore, /l^euerthelcffe tbe ^jopl)€t bath a further fctch:^ is too $Dit,tbat dp gd i»clD boutfafe to aioio anb accept bis feruts. 3 bout not but that bp tbei»ojD[Ncdab«h]hc betobenetl] tbefa= cr (fifes iuhtcl) teerecalleb [free i»Ul ofre= ringes.] J confeiTeinbecbetbatbefpcas heti) pzopcrlp of bottes 9 pzapers.l^oroj bett fozafmucb as tbep ion's iuoiu to oU fcr facnfifes to pacifpe 05 od accozoing to euerpmannes abiliticlbolb bcare.hcaU lubctb bnto that cuftome of the law, libe asaDfeas.14.3. cailctb (Sobs pzaifes tljc calues of mens lippes. fat it was (Sobs foill to aCTure the fathers bp y cercmonp, y no pzaicrs pieafeb bim except tbep n>ere topnebXoithg>acnfpfe,to tlje intent tl>ep (boulbalwapesturue their minbesbnto the mebiat02. jn the firft place be achnoio lebgcth hhnfelfc bncooozthp tooobtepne aught bphts pzarers,onleiTc(2D'iDiD Kill becrc himfrcctp.3lnb fcconb!p hci»ifbctb to baue ti£>£>3D fauozabie bntoo him, too the enb bee map profit artght in the Doc- trine Of the 3laitC. fC% l\)t i»OOZD[Ra:fa] bhich he bfeib.figmfietb to fawo«r a man of mere goob foilt.wbervponttfolocveti) that thcr ts on iooztliincs in ouv pza ero: but that as oft as(Soo gratmtcth t^nn, tjeboctlitcfrccip. 555.I. to 9 ^V John Calu'ins Commcntarie i o 9 [i39p foulc to alrcapes f c] 3^t te= clareth p* no mtferies,afflictions,o; Daun - gcrs topt!) D;eto !;tm from tbe feniinge of <5£>1D anb tbe keeping ofr^ts lato . -$oj, to brare a mans foulc in bis band tmpo; = tctb as muc!) as too bee in icop:rDp of Ipfl lpfc,fo as l)ia foulc fboulD be as it tocre a- banboneb to tt>e minD:accojbing as 31 ob. 13.14.aT/4en bee ppnctb inmifcncs.ioos king fo? Death anb fearing euerp minute of an hour , eoplainetb that bis foule is in biS Ijano: as if be fboulD fap it toaspiuc* I; cd out of bis otone D to tiling place,? lap at tlje commauDtncnt of beat'.). JLeatoDlp tberefozets tbiS maner of fpcaHinge mif > to zcftco to an bntotoarb fence bp tbe bus learned: as if tbe ^jopbete fboulo fap, it lucre in bis oumc potest to gouern b'0 life as bee litfcD. jfrap ratbcr,bp tbis circnm= ftancebeeommendctbbi* own geblpncs, that although be mere toffed among Qjip- wjeKcs,? tbat a bunded beatbes toancd before b vs as bee coulb not bee in qupct reft one minute of an bour e : pit bee gaue not ouer p ftudp of d£>oos late. i£erc age in it is to be notcb,toi tb bote barb en- counters tbe fathers toere trieb bndcr tbe tan.' , lead that Daungers « djcades might fcare bs atoap.o? elfe weaken bs toitb o* ucrtoearincu"e,ro as tl)c retnemberance of 6sD55^l3we fbouib not ff icac in our bartcs . Che mecningeoftbenertberfe iS.allpablc tmtoo this : top tbe ^opbete pointcrl) out moje neerlp, after tobat fo:t bee carpeb btsiifc in bis band: tbat is too to tt, that beetng hemmed in on all Obes )b tbe trapnes of toicaeo fat» almoQ; no bopc of tife.toee bauc tolDc poubecrtos foie boto barb a matter it is ,no t too (trap fro the toais of p" &o:d, tobe our enemies pjacttje our deftroctton bp Ipinge in tbe toinde fo? bs.iro? botbe the tuft off Sett) ttcKietb bs to rcuenge : neptbarappeeret!) tberc anp meant to faue our life.onlcs toe encounter them toitb tbe fame policies £ the? affault bs : and toe imagine it lawful fo;ros,to bo^c amongtbe TDolues. Wljcr f o?c fo much f moje muft toe be mtnbcful of this ooctrtne:natnelp,£ tbeteicaed befef sg about,tbcr is notbin g better tba to f oloto tobitber foeuer <0od calletb bs, f to attempt notlunj but bp bis toarrout, ii i [J banc tab en tbp ?c.]&e confirmed) agepnc the fciefald fentence tobtcb cans tiotberepeteb too much mamclp that h« mabe moje account of <5oos lato,tban of all tbe pleafures, riches, anb toeltb of the tooito. | baue tolb po w bore it in not fo; nought y this thing is beaten bpon fo oft: f o; tec fe hoto the luftcs of the to ojio boile lias a fectbmg pot,* tottb horo manpfolb carefulnes eclje man froeiteth tohple ibep ceafe not to couet innumerable tbinges : f in the mcanetpme fcarceone amongean bunb?cDc implopeth anp meane trauell in the ftubte of * ocone eramplc,faith that be ha tb fttch a pleafurc in «Sobs teftimonies , that bee efteemetb nothing mo;e pj ecious.^Foj it in onlp loue that fettetb the p?tcc bpon thtngetf.Cbcr: fo:c,that toe map obferuo <&>$)'&§& lato toith fuch reuerence as becometh'.it is res qupQte f oj bs to begin at this Delightful* neffj. 3-nb it is no marucll though d5obs lato bitng fnch pleafantncs,as map mass bs to rctcct anb befpifc all other thinges,f IjoiD bs tpeo fad bntoo tt felf . JFoj tohat can be froeetcr tha to baue beauen opened bn to bs,fo as tocc map p?eacc freelp into C5obs pjefence, tnaftmtcb as hee aboptetb bs too be his cbilo?cn,$ freelp parboneth ournnnes:1 voljat can bec mo;e bcfirable than to heerethat heis fo tocl pactficD to= toarbes bs, that he taaeth bppon him the care of our ipfe ? Chis 3 thought gooo to touch b? eefelp, icaft toee mpght thinhc it ftraungc,that JDauibs hart fboulD tabe fo greats pleafurc in ©ods lato.Che fimiU= tuDe of[l^eritage]isrpfetobe metaitbal in the Scripture: anb that thing is called our uibcritance,tobicb toe tnafee chcef ac- count of , fo as toee be rcabp to fo;go all o= tljcr things, conbtcionallp y that onlp one thing map remain fafe.Cberfo? e the pro- phet meeneth tbat tohat goods fo euer be bab gotten,hee accotitcD the but as tomb- fallcs.f r the hcauenlp Doctrine onlp teas as \)i& berirage,bpcaufe topthout that, be en-etneb all tbinges clfc as nothinge: info- much as he coulb to ell finb in bis hart to leauerichcs,honours,comobities,f plea- fures bnte otbers,fo he migbt poffes this incomparable trcafure.^ot that hee alto; githeroefppfcD d5€>S)^) benerUs.tobicb pertepne to the behoof of th»s pjefent life: but bicaufe Itis mtnb toas not tpeo to the. m [3bauetBclpnebfc.]3IntbiSberfc \)tt b: oefcrpbetb tbe perftt o'jfauiug oi tbe taw: rbat is to fap.foben foe bucalc our felues cbcerrarp nab bartclp to tbe prr« filming of rbat ia^tclj tbe&aw comaun betb, #o? flamflj* * cohftrcpncfl ebt fcp ; ence^lnxretb Ittle from aubbo?ncc. Co tbe inttt tbf rfo;c ti;at tbe ^^opbet map bjecfip it fine fobat it i0 too feme toco : be faptb nottbat be InclpntD bis banDS, cp?o, oj feet omip,too tbe beeping of tbe & aw:bnt tbat bee began at tbe affection of tbe bart. i^oinbeit in fteeb of tbe too?D [incline] it vs ci :f De not mtfagrcc too put tlje foojo [e rtenb] bat 31 boloe me to tbe mott accnftonuD ftnee,tbat to to far , tba r became foitbafojfoarDDcfrtonfnciTcto tbe fecp ing of tbe f,aw./ft£ucrtbcles tfets inclpntng o? applying of tbe bart to mat* cbeb agcmQe tbe foarbermg iuftco tbat fpnrne sgcinft CHod anb bale bsanp fobi tber,ratber tbe incline too to Doing foci* 3nD foljcrcas tbe |3ap(frcs armc tbem- fcluco fottb tbi0 fwoojb fo? tbe pjoofe of free foil : it is bat a top.Htbep gatber bp on tbe jS>?opbe tts focojbcs.tbat it is in trims power too tame bis bart fobitber foapbeilftcnyJIBnt tbe folotion is eafie: tbat tbe |S> jopbet boftct b not beer foijat be bab Done of bis own ftrcngtb. foi be repcatetb new tbe fame foojD fobicbe be bad fet Down afo;e5foben befaio [incline mp bart to tbp ttftunom* s.f c«] ?f tbta focrenotaccunteTfctpjtaper.tmelpbee actmowIebgcD tbat it ie f prcaiiar fooii; of trjcbolp :&\)o3, too incline a no frame our barts bnto gooD.SSat it is no ncwe tbing to bane tbat tbmg cfcrrbtb bmoa Vo>folncbe 4?ob fooojnctb in bs. Cbifl fapingoffaintj3auleiabi'*2*3«tffcleere tbat it is 03 oD fobicbe foojketb tbe foill in tos. Sat foben tbe pjopbtt fapctb be inclpncfc bis bart3bce feperatetb net bis ewne in&euer from tbe grace cf tbe belp <£boft, bp foljofc tnftinct be barb beer to fo^eauoucbeDtbataiiisDone.^eetwitb ail alfo bee Difcernetb tbeconftaotnes of biSowncgcDlpaffcction,fromtbcfcant= fbing beat of others : f tbcrfo:e be fmi) bee bab taken care Daring alltbcfobole race of bis life, left bee mtgbt faint bp tbe foap,oj alfo go back. 3n mp ittbgemcnt tbefoojb [Gnakcbj is aDDcb to tbe foojb [Legnolam] tn foape of crpefuten : $ tbat Is bone to tbe enb tl&at foe migbt knowe boto be fojcftlcb ftoutlp ageinft ail icttes anDencombcranccs.tbattbcpmtgtjtnot qaatle bis conftancp^oj tberc its not a= np man tbat conrinctoertj in tbe pure fcr= ningof<0oD,foitboatftouttrauelax>ber as otber take it foja rewaro ojfoages, tt fctmetb to farre of from ti;e matter* 113. I haue hated crooked thoughts,and loued thy Law. 114 Thou art my refuge and my sheeld,! haue truftcd in thy word. 11 J. Away from me y ee wicked,and I will keep the commaundements of my God. u6. Vpholde me in thy word and I shal liuc ; and make me not ashamed of my way ting. 117. Stablishe mc and I shalbee fafe : and I will thinke vppon thy ftatutes continually. 118. T hou halle trodene downe all thofe that ftrayc from thy Statutes : for their guile is but a leafing* 1 r?. Thou haft made all the vngodly of the earth to ceafc fo,lj. grorxing llo. »}. [31 bauebatcD^tfiCbcp tbat foil bauetbefoo?D [scgnaphim] tobeanoton app an Rate u [tbcm tbattbtnb cmi] but tt is taken moje r ifitjtlp tc> trje lonn v^aiuins v^ommcnianc growing out of the bar te a0 boughs out cf tUcbotiie efa trcc,Do fpjcDc ttjefclucs c ucr j' toap. <8nD fojafm ucb as it is out of quctl ion, tbat tbep be taUcn be ere in eml part, "J baueauoco tbe proper 3iDiecttue [croobeb] which thing euentbe oerp o;ti gtnal of y wo;D rcqairctb.fojt UUc as tbe boughs of a tree (boot out affeew one &- in another ,$ crofTe cuertbwatt : euen To or: a mans thoughts cofufcblp mingleb togftber 2> cro&eb wtn&mgs one within another. Jfoi whereas fome l&ebjewes bntcc&ano it of tbe tawes of tbe bcatbe, Ssbtcb are cut of as bougbs oj bja fiebe s of<0oos!aw: it is in beco curious ftuffe bowbritwcaa,31 tfjercbjteboiomeitilto tbat which is mo?c fimple: namelp y tbe croUeD inncntfons of mans bare 9 what foeuer tbe tmgoDlp bo benife tbjwgb per* ucrfe bnoeraanoiug, is matcbeD agetnft <8ote ilaw which all onlp is rigbt. 3lno ccrtctTe who focucrwill embrace tnua of neccllitie firfte ano f 0 j mod weane bimfclf fro m Swicb co ano Gnful thoughts, oj ratber beparre from bis own btfpofitton. jtbat [Segnaphim] fbulD fignifpbtgf) tbougbts, bicaufe tbe Mitb [Sagnaph] 10 J ta&cntGOitftbppcojacuancc.ainDwec bnowc tbat there is no facrifice mo*e ac= ceptable to d&ob tljan obcctcnce,wbe &>e be no tbing btgb minbeb in our felues, f tbat our tcacbabJeneffe begmneib atbu- militie. Jftotwfrhffanbtng fojtafmucbas this Citpofitton aifo map fecm fomewbat fjrre fct : 31 ouerpafTe it.&et tbat which % bane fapa frff.5e,na:nlp tbatmarmucb as i5oD abmittc*b none to be oifciples of bis 2law,butfuebe as are emptie t wet ctmjeo from allcorjtrarpc oeuifes , that corrupt the mmoe : ibe pjopbet bec«a= uoucijctb bimrcif too be foe ;o all croobeb thoughts that are wont to bjaw men bp tber ano thither. 2 * 4* [Cbou art mp*«c] Cbe mcening ts,tbatfo?afm«cbastbe}3;opbctctoas pcrfuaDeo,tb8t bee couibe not otbertotfc &efafe,ihcninaMU)cba8fteiapbtt>ee&ti bcr ©000 wlngibpon truft of bis pjomi feo be was afero of nothing.^lno fureip tbe Orft point is,tbat the faithful fboulo bcleeue y tljeir life continuetbnot in faff tie among fa manpe bajaco ts} other wife tb a by the Defence of €> 0 b,too tb e intent tbep map tbcrupon flee onto him, $ leas ning onto bis wo %b quietlp to art fo; tbe belpe that bee hath pjomtfeb. Crue tt is in dccd tbat tbis affiace that <©od is our refuge anb fbeclD,is conccpucD of 45ods Soo;o:bovobeeit, we muft take this mu= tuall coniunctien with it, that when toe bau e icarneo bp tbe woo jd tbat our fafe r ef age 13 in <£> oo : tbe fame leff on is the* rtfbeo 9 confirmed in our minDes,wben we feel bow neebful tins befece of oos is fojt bs. ifte tier the! es although b"* pu* ffTance ought to fuffoe bo abtmoantlp to tuaHe bs hope fo> help: at bis banbe : pit bebouetbit 00 olwapesto let the wojdc before bs, left our faitb quaileif bis help belongincomtntng« 115. [aibjap from met* «c,] j^anpers pounb tbis betfe in fucb wife as tf Da* uto fboulo pxom tfc to giue bimfelf to tbe beping of tbe Hawc moje cheer fulip ano with carnefter enncuer ,i»h e the wicke 0 fbal hau c left au"aulting him* 9ud truip when we fcele that d5oo is our oclinerer Soe be mo;e than blocaifbe if this prrce< nerance fhr not bp an earneftneffe in bs to boo htm fer utce.^f 0; onlcfTe goDli tcfTc increacein bs acceding t j our feeling f experience of 05ods grace, wee bett>?ap a fbameful tbaUlefnes. Che fapo boctrtne therfojeisa true 1 profitable Doctrine : but the prophet baooe another mcening in this place, if 0$ tnafmucbe as be f-^^e fobatabmberancc tbeongoolp arcbn^ to bs : bebaniibctb cbcm far attia? from bim, 0; ratber be auoucbetb that be bjtil beware tbat bee in tangle not bimfclfc w their companp.iftcttber bath bee fpotscn tbis fo muche fo; bis owns faHe > as too teach bSbp bis example, y if wee minbe to p^oceeb in the wap of tbe &o?Dc £bout ftu Titling? wemuft cbeeflp bo ouc cnbe- uer to be as far as map bee from wo?lD I lings f &3icbebperfon0,not bp biftacc of place, but in bfage 9 Conner fat io. iioj it (0 force pofftblc but tbep muft cojrupte bs out of banb, if tbep map crcepe intoo bs bp familiar trie. Co be (bo?t,tt is too wel fecne hoop nppfome tbe felowQjipot euil foius is, ano beerbpon it cometb eo paffe, tbatfew ccntincb) founo bntoo tbe enD,btcaufe the So?? id is fiaugbteb tottb co;ruptions*^no tn fo gr rate weafencu"^ WH UJl . v^aia. rwinit. vtT of ottr naturc.tnotbmg (0 mo?e redp tban to be infected , and too take fooylc bv dcrpe Itttlc toucb/Jnftlp tberefo?e fiotb tbe pjo pljct bid the Soicfced get tbem aSoap from bim, tbat tie map p?occDc in rl;c fear of gob Soitbout btndcrancc. f 0? So bofocucr fl.tal banc bampcred Ijiinfelf in their eotwpanie, fbaltn p?oce© of time b?mg btmfclfat llgtU to that point, that be (ball abandon bunfelf to t be contempt of gob $ looccneffeof lpfe as tbcp bo. %nn bnto thus Taping agrcetb )9au!e0 admonifbent, 2. Co?. 6. 14. that foe ftjould not d?aw tbe pofec toitb tbe bn • be!ccuer0 . jHow although it foci c not in the |d?opbct0 power to cbace tbe fetched far from bint : ytt notfeitb&anOing bee meenci b bp 1 1: cis feo?O0,tbat be to it baue no conuerfatton irtirj tbcm liccrcaftcr . tvitb a courage aifo booth bee name htm [bio 45ob,] trjat be map feitneffe bow be mahctbmo?e account of htm alone , tban of all tbe men in tbe tooiio. f 0? tnafmucb 00 be fau-c a finK of SrieUeoncCTc to rage cucrpfeberc bpon cart b. bee Biuo?ccb bim felf from men, that bee migbt gather bints fclf bnto £)ID rcacbetb out bptf band bnto bo too rapfe bo bp feben icce bcefalne, 0? bnderp?oppetb bo fottb bte band,be fulfilletb bt0 pjomifco jRcurrtbe ic(Tc,t be piopbct fecmctb to craue conftant nefle of faitb,tfcatbeemap abpdeftedfaft inbt0&oo;d. :ffe; lihcao&cebccfapoe too fall from <25£>3Dfe feoo?d bp falling from rjt* tuition : To 00 long 00 Src leane bpponbi0 p?omp0,bcei0our bpbolder. /rJofefozafmuebas f p?oph,tt fcnew tlitr Sops not fo much ft rcngtb in man:l;c eras itctb ver feu trace at gets brno as tbe fin= gnir.r gift of the bolp (Btyoft.ityn is there not anp trcrc ftablcneflc to bee found clfe= Sober i\)9t\ in tfodo Suo?d:ncptbcr ran a; np men leane Celfsftlp to tbefame.faumg tc tl^at t0 fir engthened bp f poiocr of trje _7_^ ' bolp ©boll. Cberefoje xaec tnuft altcate* beefeecbe (S£) 3D too boioed0 tnfaitli, Svbo onlpiotbe beginner offaitb and tbe maker of it perfect.:®} o?cotterbp placing life in faitb,be ftewetb it to be but a mere falfebod febatfoeuer tbingc men bebigbt tbcfGlue0kiitbout tbe toojd.jDnlp j Lo?d tben quicbenetb bo&itb bisfee?o,acco?:= dinga0i0faidin^abacuS.2.4tberigb= tuou0 man fbal liue bp bis oton fatrb.^fo? tbe mecning of botb tbe places 10 all one: fo? after £ l&bacub barb f bo?ned tbe foo< lift* confidece of tbeflcuX&terfoptb men be moft comonlp puffed bp) foz auancing tbcmfciues aloft that tljep map fal feitb f greater btolencc:be doth them too bndets ftano,tbat onlc thefaitbfuil i»bom<^od0 So o?d bpboldetb,ftand in fafetic and bpon fare ground. 3>f the fir ft crpofiticn bc.Ips bed-.tbefecond member [mahemeenota^ fbamed of mp Soapting , ] fhnibc added in $»ap of erpofition.^Fc? tbc-0 tluo tbtng0, namclptbat the fd?opbct is p?eferucd in fafetp bp c£ot>0 grace acco?dtngetoo bp0 Soo?b,anbtbat bereapcib tbefruteofbis bope.fbuld comcSoelnereallto one point. ^eucrtbeleOe after be batbbefircd i0od to giuc bim conftancie to perfeuer,be fees mctb now to proceed fur tljcr: namelp tbat <15£)5D ftjould tn berp dedc pcrfo?mc tbe tbing be botb p?ompfed . 3lnd trulp euerp mans otone tnfirmttie can bearebim ttiu nefle boro manp doutinge0 creepebppon b0,if after long fuuxrance, tbe fucccflebee not anftoerable to our bope: bpcaufe c5od fecmetb too difappoint 00. Coo the Tame purpofe maUctbtbcnencbcrfc, fautnge tbat tbcre 10 no erp?efle mention made of tbcSuoo?d. fo; mftedeoflpfe there is put[£a>afcitc ] 3Pnd bp tbeis Sooo?de0 tbe |??epljct incenctb tbataffoencas &u>it> Suptty&zattctb bis grace, foreioel ijts fafes tictbut if bcebceftablifljcb bp tbe power ef 45 £) 3D , tbcre is notbing that be ought too bee afraid ef ♦ fljjanv tranftate tbe &oo?de [shagna] j, Spill deltgbt,]and tbe fignifi cation agrcetb not atmffc : bpcaufe tbatalthcugbC^JD giuencucrfogood atafteofbiogcooncfle in bio bare So o?d: pitnottoitbftanding Soben effect matcbetb Soitbit, ittncreafctb tbcfauerynctTcoftt not a ltttlc,tf fo be tbat Soc do not ieatvdlp fepcrate <0ot 0 fapinges and doomgeo a= funder.JFo? itiaa trcw po.nt of tlje Sotfes _r5j.tif. dome Dots of fdttl),m al gobs benefits to ttei l)is pjomifes: toberof if no account bemabe.f tofe of all goob tiungs pcriQjetb.or ratber tnrnetl) ofscntpmes to our banc, /fteuers tbdes I UHe better of[bauing an epe:]bis taufc y aceojbinge as eu:ry man ha;b bab more erpiirieiice of (Sobs l)eip,fo muft be isafecn bp Ijtsnfclf tbe more to conftber bis beaue> Dactrin.l&e aDDetb'.moreouer y be istl mitto f fame cotinaallp al bis bfe long. n 8 [Cbouf)a&troben«e.]2Bptrabing eowne,bc mecnetb tbat (Bob ouert^oro- etb all tl)e befpifers of bis latee, c caftctb tljem boame from t'oe loftineffe tbat tbep take topo tbe. JFojt it is fet agcinft tbc foo- lifb o? ratber frantik luftmeOe ioberteitb tbe tetefceb fvcel tebe tbep careleflp fkoft'e outness taDgemets: or ratljer make no bones too fcaunt tbcmfclues agcinft bpm, as ibougb tbep tecre not fubiectc too bis pocoer.^ub the later meber is to be noteo teberin f ^joph,cttcacb.ctb,f tbep auatle notbing bp tbetr &iles,but ratber arefnas reb in tbe tbefclucs, or clfe 6nD at legtb y tbep teere bat mere fligbtes. Slnffcufullp boo tbe? mar tlje fence , iobic^ put in tbe coputattue[anb,]astIjongb tbc lajopbet bao faib,tbat tbcre teas iptng anb becept ltttbcm.;tfOJtl>e$»0?&[Rcmechjfigmuctb afuttleanb craf tie oeuiee , m itcD tebeteof tbe interpreters boo often tranUatc it a [tbougbt o? conccit.]3l5ut tbis toorb Doth not fufrcientlp ejepjeffe tbe proprietie anb force of tbe i&ebrete tuojD.^Fo? tbe J3;o* pbetes mealing is tyatboa? teeli fo eucr tbe teicKcb bo iph c of tl)«r orcne flpncs: pit notteitbttanbing tbep boo notbing clfe but plap teplibegtoplc tl)cmfeincs.3inb it teas neebfullfor b«n to ao tbis:for tec fee lioto fceablp ti)e mo;tc part of the teorlb is mab: Drunken mtbeir orone balne imas gmattons, anb l)Ote barb a tbing it is too beebeclecueotVbpe^tbe i^opbet auou= cbetb tyxtc, tbM tbe fbarpcrfpgbteD tbep feeme too tbemfdncs, tl>e more tljep bee- gu>plc tlicmfclucs. Lpfec bnto tlys is ti)t nteening of tbe ncjti: bcrfe,tebcrc be fattrj tbat [tbe itfcacD are teppeb of from tbe eartb as tyoflb, jf o; tber is an bnlookcD= for alteration oticrtbeb b? tins fimilitube toben tbeir tmagmatiue giojie f bappmes turnctb into fmoke.ifreuertbeleffc it ts to be notcD3>> goojabegeance is not bttcreb agetnft ttje reprobates oat of bat?bc , t!jat tbc? fboulo bpanbp p2ru"b, or bec rooteb ototof tbeteorlb . 25 ut feeing tbat e propbet fpcaUe fo of tbeir beftructton. Jroul)e berbes a^» mong tbe ikebr csceo betoken ofttpmes a continual ocong.Cbcn like as n accorb bp bis teorb:toto llocktQ) are tbep tljat make not bade too embrace fo greate grace.Contrariteife teben be teinketb oj ueriong af mens teicbebnes, tbe Hubic of gobiincs teber ttizougb ttteoolb become ns to be rauifbeb in louc of gobs teoorb, becommptb faint* 120 [S0p0efotremblcb£c.]aittbeflrfl: fpgl)t tbe Prophet feemetb to be cotrarie to bimfelfc. fe% teberas eretebile be faib, tbat bp (Sods feuentte be teas fte eetlp al= lureb tolouebisteftimonies: note be res portctb y be is ftrike & quaking.aitbogb tbeis tteo affectios be far biucrfe:pit not- teitbftabing if tec coQoer bp tebat introa Duettos gob frametb bs to ftanb in ace of l;islau>:tee fpal fcetbem agree berp teeL Cbat vppon the . Cxix.Pfctlme. IaO awe of btm. £0ozeoucr it 10 a point of no froall quafee afo:e 0cD tobf be cjcecutetb bt0 iuDgemcnt0, twfjicl? tbe mod part of tbe to&;tlD ouerpafletb tottb fbet epc0*Cbcrfojc bp tbcfc tooroo off %=>?oplje t free be taugbt f <£od s fobgc= mcp.tfl are tco be condocreb mojc ettcn ttuelp,fo ac tljep map not onelp inftruct bs gentlpe.but alfo ptcrce b0 tbjtougb & fucbe feare a© ma? bjtngbs borne too true repentance* Cbat toemapiortg after 4l?oD0 fauour, it bsbonctb be too bee fubbueb bp feate* Cbcn fojafmuebe no feare is tbe begin? ning of louche pjopiict fapetb be toas toakencb bp tottb earned: feare of fear, tbat bee mtgbt benb bttn to ftanb in 121. I hauc done iudgement and rightuoufhes : giue me not oucr to mine oppreiTours. 122. Vndcrtake thoufbr thy feruant to his behoof,and let not the proud opprefle me. 123. Mine eyes hauc fayled for thy faucgard, and for the word of thy righ tuoufnes. 124. Deale with thy feruant according to thy goodnes, and teach me thy Statutes. 12 j. I am thy fcruant,giue mc vndcrflanding,that I may lcarnc thy tefti- monies. 12c?. It is time for thee to be doing 6 Lord, they haue deftroyed thy Law, 127. Thcrfore hauc 1 loued thy commaundementsabouc Goldc,yea euc abouc mode fine Golde. •■ 1 28. Thcrfore haue I eftcemed all thy comaundements altogithcr right- ful,and I hauc hated all the wayes of lying. 10 tuft anb rpgbte.tCbe pjaper of tbe fes in, U bauebonetubgement f c] Cbc IDjopbettnfucb totfe callctb bpon OPob fo; rjelp ageinft tbe totcbeb tbat troubleb btm,&0 tbci 2?a! be c nrucbctb btmfelf to be be £cc bp tbcm to:ongfullp.3!nb true - Ip tf toe couet to baue <2?oo to com town to beipc bis : it becometb b0 on tbe otber G&e too meet btm tottb tbe tottncfle of a gocb eonfctence.;tf ojafmuebe trjen as be enerptobercpyomifetbbisbclptof mi* fcrable y are tojongfuilp oppjefleb: this p;orcfl aticn of tbe JDjopbctes is not fu= per fluous, tbat be bob not pjouofeeb bt0 enemies but bob tottbbtlb btmfeife from alitniurpeanbmtfbealtng , anb bab not gone about fo mnebcas too requite cuill fo? cutil.iFc; in Taping tbat bee fjab at ail times bone inbgement7bce mccnetb tbat fcbatfatucrrtscfcjicUcbrjactijcbjbecos rinucbGetfaflipinbt8bp;tgbtnen*e,anb Rcuerttcppcbaft&e from tbe tying tbat conbe berfe is in a maner itbr, foifo bab 31 leuer to trandate tbe too jd t [Guarobj tban to Mandate tt as otbersbo[beltg# tbp feruant in goob] 0; matte tbp femat too beltgbt in gooo.2£notber trandatton batb tbto fence : tbat oo djoulo cbeere bp b<£ feruant tottb bis benefits, at no a tbirbetrandation batb tb us , tbatob fboulb infptre bis bart tottb loue anb be Gee of tbe rtgbt. foi tbe true perfection tstobtu juCtceanobp?tgbc bcattngbe ligbt \»s«ii5p tbe enbe of tbe berfe a man mapegatbertbatSDauib .heere beftrctb apbe ageinft bts cncmies.Knb tberefoje tbe tooo?D [onbertabe] agreetb tbe bct= fcr :ostf bee babbe fapeb : !Lo?bc,fccing tbat tbe pfoubcrufbc crucllp beponmee too beflrop nice, fteppe tbouinbettoirte toS.tboBtoertmpbojowe. wbcrcastbe letter [Lamed] is not put in bctroir-tc tbe 2mb anb tbe $own : it muC; not feeme 5#,ftii. barb lohn Caluins Commentaric batb,inannucbeas it is oftentimes fup« plyeb. aacrely ittoafaptngfulofcofozr, that s at tbeir pieafure, but fttp m as a fttefcter to faue b0+3Hnb by tbefe woozt>e0 tbe ^zopbete bootb b0 too bnb:r ttanD, tbat be was in totter baungcr, ano bab none otber bopc left bim faue only in tbe belp of <£ob. 1 2 3. [flgjine eyes baue fapleb.«e«];ff trtt be tcttirtctb tbat bee bab encounter cb w barb troubles , anb tbat not foz a ffjozte fpace only , but tn fucbe wife 80 be misbt baue quayleb foz werincc anb faintne0* 2 no pitnotwltbftanbfngbe ecclarctb a. getne , tbat in all tbofe long ano troubles foinc encounters, btebarte neuerfapleb biHJ«wbat is ment [by fainting foi faue garbe] JB baue crpounoeb afozc : tbat is too loir, tbat altbougb tbereappcere no enbofbte mifericcf tbatbefpattpzeace bppon bint cuerp way :y it be ftnuetl) a= geinft temptation cueti to tbefwoubtng of bis fcule*3f yceltft to take tbe pxcter tence of tht anerbe in ftebe of ibe pzefent tence, as it fecmetb to be puttn y fence : tbe 0zopbet repoztetb tbat bi0 eyes fay leb bim : not tbat tbey ftarrtb out of bid btb,butbicaufetbat tbzougb earned be; tjrlomgtbcy gatbcrrbaoltwereabtm* ncfle,an& ytt be ceafeb not to wait courts nualiy fbz <0obs belpe. 3 n few w 00x00, tbe rapiingof tbcm'bctobcnetb pcrfcuc= ranee iottb carneff cnbeuenf it 10 mats cljeo ageuift tbe baftie beat of tbofe tbat faint by an <©ob graunt nottbeir re qucfte.i&ccrwubaU is notcba ftjarp be- bemency wbtcb in a maner conftmtetb al tbe fences- Qlnber tbe tcrme [fauegarb] be compzebenbetb not fome one fetnbe of belp oncly5but tbe continuallbelbingon of «if?ofcs grace/ ucn til be fet bte faitbful ones tn ful fafety to; al!ogltbcr+3if?D bee etpzcfletb tbe maner, name ip tbat be oe= penbeb bpon 30 are to bee noted : y is to fap,tbat fatty is not orbcrictfe leap tcb fbz at goos banb than fa farre foztb as we y evlb our (clues into btc protection bppon truft of bte pzomtfes: j alfo v tben only we ycelb tonto gob y pzaife of fantng wbe our bope cotmuerb faffs fircb in bte woozbe.;ff oz tbte is tbe way j be muff be fought:? nl= tbogb be btbe bte wozfeing, pit muff; foe reft bpo bte bare pzomtfcsjtn wbtcb tefc pectbootb 2>autb terme to be goob bnto bim, 9 afterwarb to be bis maifter anb tcacber: but ratber be befecbetb bim bp bte goob ncs s mercy wbicb be te to ont to bfe tc= ft>ar bs all tbat be bte, to tnftrucc bint in bte Havoc. Cbe enb tben of f ^zspbets rcqueft te,tbat <&ob ffjulb teacbe bim tn bte ffatutes. ^otobeit be mabctb bte en terance at 05ods mercy, tbat be map tbe eaOier obtetne tbe tbing tbat be beftretb- Cbu0 tberfoze muff tbe fentence be lapb out :Hozb,beale gently feitb me,f fbew tby goobnes toroaros me by tnft ructing me in tby ffatutes. ainb truly our feboic bappines ffanbetb bpon tbte point: tbat foe map bee tbzougb'? totfe accozbing to dt»ob0 iuozb.ainD tbe onely truft too ob= teine it, te tbat €>ob ftjulo bttcr bte mer cy anb goobnes towaros bs.Cbe 0zoj pbet tberfoze cemmeubetb tbe greatnes onb ejccellencye of tbe benefitCmben Ijcc beCretb to baue it beftotoeb bpon bim of free gift. 0ow bow feruentlp be wtffjeb tbte tbing, anb be-to earncftip be folows eb tbe fame bcffre,tt appeeretb bp tbe res pttion S»b»cbe enfuctb in tbe nejtt berfe, lobere be fay tb [make me to twberftanb tbat jH may learne tbp comaunbements] bp wbieb ieoojas be espzeflfctb pit mo;e euibentlp,in tobat wife (5 £>3D teacbetb tbofe y be bte: tbat 10 to wit bp enUgbtc* ntngtbcirminbsw wbolfome bnberfta bing,wbicb(te ffjoulb beblinb ffil,foz it fbouiD fmallp aaaffe bs to baue tbe Haw ringing in our cares,oz to baue it fet bes foze our eyes in wztttng,? to baue it cr= poubcb bi^ mans botce: onles gob cozrec tingour bulnes , bio maae bs apt to bee taught b^ £ fecretinfttnetto of btefpirir. J0ow vppon trie. v^xix.Flalme. i3i jBoffi if an? ma" ti;mfe y> the pzopbct tbzea - petti anp merites bpon gob,tebcn he boa- ftetb bimfclf to be hto feruant,tt 10 cafte to bee DifpjoueD. Jn beeb men comoniptmas gtn,tbat teben iot be led pzepareb afczc^ banb , then & oD ad o c th a new grace tebich thep terms, an enfeteinge grace. 13 ut ttjc p zophcte t0 fo far of from boafling ofrjps oten teooztb»nes,that Ije rather Declarer!) boa) greatlp he is bound bnto d>od. 5roj it ipketb not in the pote cr of a tip man too make htmfclf the feruant of o alfo fapetb:bee in the pfalme 1 1 ob to r cflepn the teicbcD,pca 9 to puntfh them fbarplp, teben hce feeth them btterlp pad all hope of recoucrte. 31 f anp man obi ccte, that l)ce fbifheth otljcrirpfc then f rule of chart tic requpzetb: the folutio is at banD.Cbat he inrrcatctbbcrcofthcrepzobatcs.oftehofe amenbement there is no hope at all. ft oz there is no Doubt but that the fDzophtcs hart teas gouernebbp the fpirit of tepfe= Dome. 15 efpbcs this, h* coplapnetb not of bis ocone p;iuate harmes, but is mooned teith an bncozruptcDanDbpzpgbt 3 tic to teifb beftruction to the befppjers of (Boo. JF01 he allcbgeth none other thing tba the beftroping of gobs iHatee . wbcrcbp bee ftcteetb ho\o bee rcgarbeth nothing moze than the fcruice of <$ ob, anb that nothing is the beeping of the Haw. 3! haue oftcntpmes teamed pou beercto- fo;e,that ounelc is bntoivaro « trouble* fome as oft as our pziuate tezongs moue bs . Cbcrefoze it is to be marked abuifcD Ip, that the pzopbetes grcef fpzang not of anp other caufe.thanfo; that he coulb not airap teith the breaking of <2>obs Slatcc. 2flnD the effect is,tbatbolc SooztD, ma? SopnDe 00 j into tbebjeakingof<0oDsJlai».315ut tbe mo:c outrage outlp tljat tl}ci»icfecD Daunt ! tbrmfdt:cG,fo muci) t'oc mojc let tbc rcti^ rence cnoiouc of d5ot)3Carormcrcafe in to*. u8 [Cbcrefojte baue 33 cftcemeD, sc] (Cbis inferrmg alfo oeptnDctb toppon tl?c fame IcfTon: tljat 10 to Suit, Chat tftc'i&os pbet Soaptingepatientlp fo? eo?Dcs[of all] are refcrreb to the tbings, anb not too the pcrfoncs:a0 if bee (boutD fap,bc liberty of alt the lawes that €>0D battyc ojDcpncD, fcjtyat ttymgsfo cucrtbepeniopne. drtyere i0£lpkckinDoffpeccbe in Cjccbicll^^-. 3 o. 311 oblfitions of all tbtnge#: namelp, febat kpnac of tbmgs fo eucr men offer. y?ln'ch. tbtngttyc pjopbcthatbefctfeovcnc in ejepjtcfle ;iuoo?DC0, not frntbout gooa groub:fc? netbing is mojcfojeroarDiDitb D0, ttyan to ictbc 0; refufe fcrfjatfoeuer foe like not. 3R n bple pcrucr tinge cebe peecc of t\)t 21 aw s : §>o tmicb tbe mozc becometb it bs too bee fet on fpte.ana to become tbe mote courage? onfetnmapntcpnmg<£oDstrutbc. 25ut fpeciellp tbe ectrcme ongoDiincflc of eure agerequp3tetb,tbat tbcfaptbful fboulDejca ercpfe tljcmfclues in this Hume, tfoi eucn of ope boo tbe foojloltngs in Soap of moc* fcage girb at tbe Doctrine of faluation, anD cnDcuer to bjtng <& ob 0 b olp SooojD tn eo= tempt bp meanes of ttyctr f kofmigeotanb otberfome ceafe not to fpew out ttycir blaf= pbemtcs. i^hcrcfouie tece cannot cfebeioc tbe blame of cofoarbpfe , ejreept our bar ts become iohot iiutb $eIoufeneffe,anb boipe bartburningefetto0onfp?e. 5fo? tbe^>?o* pbet faptb not onlp tbat. bee ipbeb of goos ilawe tburrowlp anD &ttl]|Out«jccepttoh : but bee abDctb alfo, C«)at bcebatebiaUtbc Soapesofiping] op all falfc foapes. 3nD boubtleffe,none alloo? abe off all tbeflaunbers fobereioitb tbeiutcbcain= feet 0; Darken tbe purencflfe of tbe founbe Doctrine. Cberc is no Doubt but tbat bp [tbe foap of lping]tbe prophet betoh enetb Sobatfoeucr barpctb from tbc pureneffe of tbe Hab: as if bee bab fapbe , bee Dcteftea all corruptions tbatfetgbtagepnft <$<&& ioo9.:D(. t2p Thy testimonies arc woonderfullthingcs, therforehath my foulc kept them. 130 The enteringe intoo thy woordes is light that giueth vnderftanding too the little ones. 131 I opened my mouth and planted, becaufe I loued thy commatindc- mentes, 132 JLook-e vppon mee and pitte mee accordinge too thy iudgement to- wardes them that Jouc thy name. 133 Dire&e my llcppes accordinge too thy woorde, and let none iniqui- tie hauc dominion in mee. 134 Ref. 134 Reskewmeefromthcoppre$fionofmen,andIwill keepethy pre ccptcs. 135 Shcwe the light of thy countenaunce vppon thy feruaunt,and tcache mee thy fhtutes. 136 Riuers of waters haue gufshed out of mync eyes, bycaufc they haue not kept thy lawes. 1 2 9 [?opbet mcenctb not Gmplp tbat tt>e Doctrine of tbe &a«?c is wonDcrfcH, buttljat it compicbcnDetb bpgb f biDDen mift:rics. 2inD tljerfejtc bee faprtb.tbat fo? bpcaufc be fatoc a loftp anD rigbtii>onDerfuHft>ifDomccomp;ebcnDcD intbcllawe of 45 SD 3D,bc&>as lea tore= uerence it. 7i5«t tbis is a tbing to be mar; bed rigljtbecDfullp, bpcaufc (Boas %&vcc is f&o;nfullpDefppfeDof tbemojtcpartof men, m ti>at rhep baucnot it> ell tafteD tbe Doctrine of : acfcnotulcDge tbat <£>od fpCciHcti) from aloft ,to tbintent to rapfe DS fcp by beating Down tlje p?pDe of tbc fleQj, 23fo i»e gatber bp tbis place, tljat it is Urt poflfble fo? anp man to fceepe dSoos Hawe foitb all bisftart, onleffe be ftanD tn reuea renb awe of it . fo? bpcaufc renercntnes is tbe beginning of pure f rpgbtfubicetion. I toiD pou tbat manp doo tl)erfo?e Difotin <2>o&s &>oo?D, bpcaufc tbe? rlnnfc it infe= rlour to tbeir own fbarp Sott. jftap ratber, manpc of tljcm cad tbcm fclucs tbc mo?e p?cfumptuouflp tnto tbistrapteroufe con tempt,to tbintent fljep map mafee a fbewe of tbeir orone font, /fteucrtbelater , boo? mucb foeucr tbat i»o?lDlp men footb tbcrrt fclucs in tbe fapD ftatelines.pit is tbe $?q pbcts f omenbacion crew, 4*batin «©odb 3Law arc compicbenDcD fuel) mu'ret'tcs as far crcceDeall tbc imttcs of men. 13 o ♦ rCbc entering. « c] Cbc eSect is, tbat tbe Ipgbt of Doctrine is fo clcerein e Unoirc';Oivl}Ctt;tTcntctt)})ecrccu tbcfirft trapmnges 0; mtroDucticns.S's iff p?o pbet baDfapD: ibat not onlp fucb as bane lerncb tbc wboJc ijLawe at tbeir fingars enbes, ano fucb a© fcauc bin pcrfectlp crcr cpfeb in it, boo fee elcere Ipgbt tbcre : but alfo fucb as bane tafteD it flenDerlp, f (as pee i»oolD fap ) fainteD it at tbe pojebe. /frow muft &>ce rcafon from t!)e lefle like- IpboD to tbc greater lifeelpboD. ^Foi if tbe poong fcboolcrs anb nouiccs begin to bee i ipghteneb at tbeir firft caterance, tobat Sstli cemme to paflfe iuben a man w let in Unto full UiiowlcDgcr' Jn tbefeconDmem I ber tbe |D?opbet ecpounbctl) bunfelf pit better. .-: 0? bp little oncs,bc uteenctb fucb as neptber ejcccll in toit, no? Ire armeD & anp fo?ccaft , but ratber bee DnlerncD anD vavue: aub fucbDootb beauoticbe to be en= DecceD witb Unbcrftanbing , aCToone as tbcp banc recepneb tbe principles of <^ot3 Jlatpc. $nb tbtsfentence muft tee as a moft fbarp fpurrc too quicKen bp in Ds a Dcfp^onfnes tolcrne.conftDermgbob) ibee bcerc tbat cucn tljofs 5»l)icb be DefppfeD 3lDiotes in tbe fpgbt of tbe toojlD,Doo bp d5oDo iLato attcpne fucb Sou" borne as map fuffpfe too ctcrnall faluacion , if tbcp gius tbeir mpno bato it.^Fo?altbougb it be not giuen to all men to commence to f blgbf ft Dcgrec,pit notwitbftanDing all tbe 45 eblp map gcnerallp pjoceebe tbue farrc, ^ tbcv map attepnc toa ccrtein rule of Ipfc: anD fo no man tbat pcclDetbbitnfelf bntoo <£cd io tiling to be taugbt , (ball lofe bis labour inbss *>cboo!e,bpcaufcbc (ball get imfti= mable frute cuen in tbe Derpe po^cbe. 25 p tbe &>ap ioz be fearncD tbat all tbofe So an Dcr in tbe Dark, tbat foloro tbeir own iott. ^0? bv auoucbing tbat tbc little ones ore enligbtcncD, 2^autD Dooetb bs to t>nDer= ftanD tbat men neuer become mcetc febo- lero of tbe ILarce, till becing bopb of all felftruft , tbcp fubmtt tbemfelues bntoo ^5 €> 3D . JLct tbc ^apiftes girnc C as tl)cp Doo , ) bpcaufc &dcc &>oolD l)mc tbe tbelDcr4>turercDofallmeni»itbouters ccprton, pit is tt no falfeboD that <£> £> ID misucbety bp tt>c moutlj of 2DautD,narac; fp, tljat f ipgbt of btsboctrine is fct foojtb fo; the 3iDiote0 anD bnlcrncD.Cbcrfojc be will not Difappepnt the Defpjcoffucb as acknowledge tbeir own lackc of fkill, anD fubmit tbemfciucs bumblp tonto © © S? . i jr. ]31 opened mpmontbfe.3l©ptbeiS Swoojidcs be giuetb bs to bndcrftand,tbat \)C fe>as inflamed with To greats loue $ ton Sing after iBqds &awe, tbat be neuer left fpghmgfo: it. JFoz be batb bfco atoetp apt £jpetapl)o;,in likening bimfelf too fuel) as be b«ngrp,o? eitceeomgmucb tbirftp.^oj ' lpbe a© tljep fl?ewe foojtb tbeir d^pnes bp tfocir opening of tbeir moufb $ tljctr pcm= full pantmg , a0 tbougb tbep could find in rhctr bart to fwalewc top tfje wbole aire: cue fo t\)t £>jopbct fapctb,tbat be l)im felf fwelted in continuall dnquictnes. Cbcr* foje flje opening of the raoutlj.f tbc djaw* in§ in of bjelftcololp,i0 matched agemft? allowing of n be iapctb,ye panted con= tinualip. 131* [iLocke topo mee.jc] Jn ttys berfe be requpjetb (Bod to bauc rcgarb of bfnt> acco?D:ng as be is aiicapcs woont to look •onto tljofe tbat be b»s. iFo; the woojd [Miflipat] in this place (like a0 in man? 0= tbers') Ggnifpctb a come tale,o; ojdinarp tofagc^geinb* adder!) to what cnb be be; fyjetb to be regar beb, nameip, tbat i>e map be r eleafed of bi0 imferies ,%ti& rljcrfoje tbe pjaper of an afflicted perfonc^bofee* tmng to be beftitutc of o?lD bnto tbifi bap, tbou bade bp manp pjoofes tefiiifpeb tbpfelf to be merciful! too tbp iooojfbippcro : now, accoibtng to this rule, (bore tbou tbe like lQuingbmbnc0totoarbe0mee.^o;eoucr lead tbeir Carres map faple fc>bom (0ob anfo- cr c d) not out of y anD : it is to be t nar * bco abuifeolp , boa? tbc )&?opbet bab bin opp:eu"cD long tpmc iuitb nuftrteo, iot^b- out anp i tbeiiboD of releef. 25 ut pit beers SmtbaK alfo it is to be neteb,£ tbe p?opbct crauetb not this thing of gob in anp other refpect.than bppon truft of bts free gooo- ncs. Wbcrbpon ioee gather , that although be cjtcellcD m lingular boltnes, pit bab be none other refuge, but this. 3E>0 touching tbe fooo}D [iuDgmcnt,] ice: map lerne bp tbe prophets cic^ple, to acquaint ourfclu cs fe itlj (£>ods nature bp Diuerfe experiences, fo as free map be iucll aflurcD,tljat bee is mercpfull bnto bs. atnD truip,cjccept $0 ce baD percepuerance of bis grace bp baplp cjrperience,^bicb of bs tu . ft pjeace bnto btm:' 25ut if our epes bee not blvnD , bee ebifpetl) our faptb pnougb,anb mujc than pnougb bp eufoent teftimonies, fo as i» ee nccD not Dout, but be regarDeth all tbat be goDlp. £) nip *o>c mud inbeuer to be of .bat nobcr wbicb loue l)ts name, sap o>coucr,&e popntetbouttbcfaptl)full bptlns p;op;e tptle , bj-caufc y fuel) as boo but fcare goo flatti{bip,are net tuoojtljp tobcrccHcncb among bis fcruantes. 3:o?, be requpjetfj a frank a»D freebarteb obebience at our banbes, fo as nothing map be mo^e Delec- table to tos.tban to folovoe %ubit^:rfocuec be cailetb. jBeuertbeles,it is to bee confix bcreo bcrvritball, y this louingnes fpnn= gctbof^faptb. /Bapratbertbc|c>?opbet couimenbetb it becre to bee tbc ciiecfcft a)Oo?HofiTaptb,tbcrbp fboling out tbc », wTjicb* Teane bntoo bat is rigbt:in eofibcratio ioLjerof tbe ouiwaro pieacljmg is compas rco to a ocao letter. 3D auib tberfoze being Swell lerneb in tbe law, befirctb to baue an obcoicnt bart glucn bnto biin , tliat be map toalhe in trje fompetbat 10 fee afo?c bim. 3lno tbcfe tasoo rtnngs mufic bee martteo fcuerallp by tbemfelue0: namely , tbat 30b Deaietl) boiintcouflp &>itb men, to!) en bee eailetb them to bim bp bis Soooibe f boc= trine,anb pit tbat all bis fo booinge is but coioanDbnp?ofttab1e,untsll bee rule tbcm itutl) bisfpirit, as Swell as be batb tauglit tbem bp Ins S»oo?b.3lnD Srbcreas bee be* Grcth not fimplp to baue bis fteppes Diree tto , but to baue tbem birecteb in dgoobes Sdoozd: beerbp loee map lerne tljac be bu= teo not fo? fecrcte reuelattons ,anb fet the &>oo?oeat naugbt ,as many fantafticall beabs boo: but matcbeb tbe o'utroarb hoc trine Soith tbe imparb grace of the fpirite : accojbing as it is tbe fubftantiall perfected of tbe faptbfull,to baue (Boo fngratsen tbe tbing in tbeir bancs, fobicb be feesoctb to be rpgbt bp bis Sooojb. jftotbtas tl;erfo?« temo?e bnfauerpc tban tbis beupce, tbat bpcaufe <& ob appopntetb men fobat be toil baue tbem to boo,tberfo?e bee mafeetb ac- count of tbeir own potoer anb ftrengttyfo? tnbapnebootb (SoDsboetrmeringinour car es,cr ccp i \)is fpirit perce effectually m= to our bartcs. f 0; tbep?opb,et cofefletb it is to no purpofe fo; turn to rcabe 0; becre v !ao? of gob,onlcffc l)ts life bee ruleb bp tb& . fecret motion of tbe bbtp cEboffeTrbat bee map So am in tbe rpgbtuoufncffc of f fame boctrinc. 31ntbcfeconb member,be2puts tetb bo tn mpnb.boto requiftt it is fo? tos. to be occuppco conttnuallp in tins petitio. ;ffo? be acKno*lcbgetb bimfclf too bee the_ bonoQauc of fin,bntill <2>oos banb be reaV ejjeo out to belp bim.2Direct 0? guTbe m:e Ttaptlj be) tbat iniquitle map not r eigne m mcc. <£r30 tiicn as long as bee bee left to •■<-*• J. XuMIIiV.. ourfclucs , &atans tp?annie flo?iibctb j floo»etl),foas toe be not at our cliopce too rib ourfeluesfro iniquitie. 2i£ut tbe onelp frecDom of tbe goblp is to be gouerneb bp go9sfpirit,foas tbeppeelbc not bnto im= quitie.altbougbe tbep be turmoplsbfentb barb anb pepnfull encounters. i?4 [lRcf&cwmee,fc.]Cbe|9?opbetre^ porting iobatbab befalnebim,fbec»etb bn> b«s oron cjt»Ipl#,tbat all tbe goolp are fct to tbe rpople 9 to opp?eflion, bwcllinge as it iocrc in tbewoolues moutb,onlcffe (Bob befenb tbem. JFo? feeing tb3t bcrp feaw ar ruleo bp (Bobs fpirit,it is no marueli t!;at ail loueofequitic is banifljcb tbe 'wojlb,* al merufb eucrpwljcrmto ail him of toic fceDnefTc,fome being oztuen bp crucltie, g fome being giuen to guplfulnes.Cbcrfo?e iDbetbep?opbctfatt)bimfelfouer«?bclmcb on all fpbesioitb injuries, bee bpeb l;tm bnto d5oo fo? refftew.^o? bp tbts i»oo?o bebctofeenetb.tbat tf be bee not pzcfcrucb bp miracle.bis goob bapes are paft. 3 n f feconb member be p?ormfctb tbanKfulnes, bpcaufe tljere is notbing tbat ftregtbnctb bs better in tbe folowing of bp?pgbtneffe 9 tuftbeaiing,tban foben Sue fpnoe bp er= pertencc, t bat (Boos befence is mo? c ic 0: tb too bs, tljan all tl^e bnlawfxtll bebpes tbat t»o?lblp menareSoont to pnrcbace to tbe= fdues.^pno bp tbts place toes bee taught, tbat Sue muft not ftrpueitmb tbetoicHeb in maliciouuies.bnt cotent ourfelues b;itb tbe onlp rcf fccu? of gob, altbnugb ibep af= fault b0neucrfobniuftipgbiolcntip:anb alfo tbat as oft as toe fball liauc bab ctpe= rience of <£oos grace in beliuermge os, it mud be as a fpurre to quicUe bsbp to fo - ioto bp?pgbtncffe. 5Fo?beercfHewctb bs not to anp otber cnb, tban tl;at tbe frutes of our bcliuerancc fboulb bee feene in onr lpfe.2HnbiDcbe to frotoarb if this experi- ence futfrK bsnotmamelp tbat fuel) as to- tinted in § bnfepneb fear of fecc fee tbem flip bache ageine byanbp to tbe tntp; ceincntes of tbe feo:lo, fo as bcrp fcaroe Tct afpoe all otber bcQrr a $ fecfee earncrtlp feitb 3DauiD fo; tl;c boctrine of tbe llaroc. ^otebceitfa?afmucb a* CFeo tooutfauetb not tb«0 piunlcogc topon any ,fauing fucbe as bee balbe cmbjaceb feitb b»0 fatberly louc: it franbetb to0 in banb to begin feirt) tfjtfl f 0? we of pjap tng,t!jat rjee (bulb mahe bi0 countenance to fbpne toppon to0._$ot< fe ttliftano tnge, ttys maner of fpeecbe ejes puffttl) fomeuf !;at mcjettbat i0 to fettte, tbat (0oo bootb only tlien cbecr tbe faitb- full feitb t be beame a of b»3 fauour , febca be enlpgbtenetb tbeir minbes feitb $ trcto ton&crftanoing of lr0law.25ut oftctpmes it bappenctb tbat<2?OD0 countenance 10 o« uercaft fe tt't) clewbe0 euen bnto tbe alfo, fobcnbcebepipuetb tbem of tljc natural! tafteofbwfeoojor, 1 3 6 [IStacr0 of feater0,£c.j $ccre £>as uto Declarer!) biinfclf to bane bin inflamed feitb no try fling ;eie of <0oobe0 glojie, in tbat be melteb feboliy into tearc0,btcaufe tbe law feaa Defppfeb . f 0? altbongb bee fpeafc ouerrccbinglp: pit be totter etb truly anb plapnf? fetfy febat affection bee fea0 eribewcb-.ltat a& alfo in tbe pfaltne 69.10, be fapetb ['Create of tbpne bonfe batlje eate m:e top ]3inb trulp febcrfoeuer BO&0 fpirittei3nctb>itrapfetb top tbi0fcrucnt2 ruffe to burne tbe barts of il)t gobip.febe tbep fee tbe commaunoement of tbe mode bpgb <©ob accofttcb a0 a tying of notbmg. jpoj it 10 not pnoagb fo? cucrp one of 00, to enoeuer to pleafe (0od, owieffe bcbefire alfo tbat bis la«>e map beebao in cftima= tion of all men. 31 n tin© fepfeeib bolp mot (as p erer intneffctb)oifquyctb 1)10 foule febenbefawca pubblcof all ipicUeDncfie reign«tn^oDomc.2.petr.2.2. ^owcif theiotcHebneffeoftbe i»c;iD enforced tbe gobip to fo great foj ow in tp»ncs paft: fee tntbefe oapes are ilibbe into fucb cojrupt- neu*e,tbat tbcp bee treble anb fourctpmc0 blochifb tbat bc'aolb tijepjefent ttatc care= ledp 9 fmt b blVG epc©. f 0; bo we great t0 tbe outrage of tbe feojlo tnbefppfing gob f refuting bis boctrine ? 21 feawe tbere be in nceD, tobtcb feltb f moutb wobffe rbe= fcluco feilling to rcceiue it:but fcarce ecbe tentb man con fir me tb it bp his Ipfe. 35 n f mean feljile innumerable folK arc plucheb bacb to tbe feplea of S)atan,$ tbe fdepe. S> ome are ao bull a0 b?ute beaftc0:f mas np epicures boo openlp fkoff e at al Kpno of religion in tbefeozlb.Cben if tbere res raapne anp fparbe of goblincffe into0 : net onlp f mall D»oppc0, but alfo fun ftrcamf0 of tears© muff gufb from our e?c0.U3ut if fee couet to totter a tofcen of pure anb tons co;rupt 5€lc: let tbe beginning of our greet be tbts .feben feee fee our felue« to bee pit flillfarrcoffrom perfect obferuing of tbe 31 aw, 0; rat be r tbat tqe feicHeb luftes of tbe fiefb c rpfe top fro tpme to tptne agcinft tbe rpgbtuoufeneffe of $f 00. 137 Ryghtuoufc att thou,6 Lord, and ryght arc thy iudgementcs. 138 Thon hafte commaunded r)'ghtuoufcncfTc in thy tcftimonics , and fpecially truthe. 139 My zelc hathc confumed mcc, bycaufc mync aducrlaries hauc for- gotten thy woordes. 140 Thy voord is greatly fyncd,and thy feruant Ioucth it. 141 Small am I and defpyfed,yit haue I not forgotten thy pfeceptes. 142 Thy ryghtuoufeneile is an eucrlafting lyghtuoufcnefle, and thy law is truthe. H3 Trub- ▼ppun ujc. \^xix. l'laiinc. 15cel= Detb f pjapfc of rpgbtuoufnes bnto O^od, ant) a'cfcno wlcog c tb the Tame in his JLawc alfo. ;tfo? wbcrasfome bnbcrftanb[iuDg= tncnts] to be the uittice tt;at 10 crcrtitcD m cbafrifing the DnnejB of men: it fccmctl; not too agree fo fitlp . 3,nb f ojaftnucb as tl;c 3Diectiue [ycQier] is matcheb with inDg- mentes in the Angular nomber,£ fentence tnuft be lapb foojtb thus : £ there is none of (0ODS {augments, fc>bicb is not rpgbt= fall. 31 f anp man line to take ft fo? a &ub= fiantme,tbe fence Soili continewe in man- ner all one./ftow although all men graunt that o?lb tbinheth : JFojbp terming (252D3D rigljtuoufe.he Doth bs tobnocruanep as foone as me be Departed from him, ther in no Dzop of r igbtaoufeneffe to be founb anp where elfe.3nD whereas bee abbetb,tbat the WOOf anb affurance of this rpgbtuouk neffe is feene in his lawe: bee booth bs to Suit, that d&oo is robbeD of his pjapfe, if See fubferpbe not to his pjcceptes.Co the fame purpofe mabcth the toerfe f slowing: namcip .that <2>ob hath belinercb bs full ? ex act r ightuoufcnclTc anb truth in \)\& late , riFo? the abuerbe[Mcod](iDhichfignifieth fpcciallp)matcheth bettcrtoith f nowncs, than with the berbe[Conimaunbeb3:nas incip.bpcaufctt Soas (Sods intent to (hew there, the pcrfectc rale of rpghtaoufnefle. 3tno th c law is abo.zncb with thefe tp ties of comme nbati on, to the en 0 that all of bs map lerneto fetch wtfebome from thence, ano that no man map fancie to himfclf anp other rpgbtuourcneffe 031 rpgbtneiTc than that : occo^bingeas eaerp man coulb wiU linglp fpnbm his hart tObcupfe to bimfcif a new patternc of rpghtuonfenetTe. 1? 9. [ChP 5elc bath^c] $efpcafeetbof bisperfccutfrs.atwbofebanDesttisccr tern that he was put too much trubblc. ffiut although tbep were outragtoufe anb crucli bpon him , ptt Dcnpetb l;cc that bee &as fo much offenbeb at W own pu'uatc wjonges, as at the bjeacbe of ^000 law; nap rather.hc fapetb.tbat the grccf of this tit) fo fret him, that his own harmes mo- ucd him not at all. 3Cn cr ample right p?o=s Stable: fo? we be to tenberhartcb to beare w?ongcB : $ the r f 02 c if we be but toucheb iotih ones finger, ftraitwapes we are in a chafe fo? anger: but in the meane tpme Sue be berp coio at p btfpicafures that are of= f ercb bnto d&iDID , be the? neuer fo grec= u oufe . ^5 ut if we were as jeioufe as the $?opbct , it woolD D?awe bs too another mancr of fo?owfnlnes,tbat Cbculo occupp bs th?oughlp.3!n the nejet berfe he notetjj the caufc of this jeie , to be the loue of the heauenlp boctrine. ft 0? too bee btfplcafeb iaith the contempt of it,©? feuerelp to ton- Dcmne the contempt of it, onles we be faft tpbe to theioue of it, is flat btulmulacion. anD he loneth <£?cDS tooo? b,not^tDith ablpnb ano bnabuifeb af* fection, tnafmuche as it is maoe pure anb clcanc from aiifople 9 D?off»,euen as golo 0? filuer is: fo? the participle[fpncb]con= tepneth in it thefapoe £9ctapho?, fehiche though it feeme to founb nothing but that fobicb ifi cemonlp Hnowen t pit notwith= Danbing,inbefenbing (Sods woo:bfrosn all leawb $ malicioufc fojtbeemings, it it- picflttblpuclp the trewe obeotenrneffe of fapth. ^ojfchat is htt thatepthcr bp hps biftruftfulneiTe, o? bp his wapwaroncitc, O?bphi0ftatelpncfle,o? bp i)is npcen^Te, beftepnethnot (©odocs wdo?b wttbfome fpot 4 *>crmg then that the flefbc is fo re« bcUlotifc, it is no fmall commenbation of the heauenlp boctrine, toobecl&encD too golo that is tbjougblp fpneb fo as it fbp= neth.clcrre fro alfpltl). 3Me it auaileth not a litlc to maHc f prophets reco;b of crebit that he alTurcth it bp his own cjcpericncc. Cherfo?e to the intec to rcflrepn our licen ttoufnes the mo?ceffectuallp,as oft as we farmpfc anp fault in d5obui»oojb,l)c tc!= Inh bsplainlp,that he fpea&cth as he thin Bdth, for he 5»as (weetlp bel'.gljtcb w this purcneSjWhcrof hc'.mabeth mention, . 141 ^mali lonn ^aiums v^ominciiianc, 1+1'. [Entail am 3. $c] Cnc mecnmg i« , tbat although be S»crc trpeb fettl) po== uertte anb man? other mifcries, pit l)C con tineroeb ftebfaftl? in the ftubp of 30 Wine 0, anb in tbe feeeptng o.5 tbe ilaroc. 5f 0? rtje $2)2 opbet rcpoztctb, y tijc caafe n?bp <2>ob iaas befppfcb, toss for that loo'ac boto much ccljc man 10 fatiafpcb Suitb Cods gractoufe mucb p:apfe booth be pecib btito him: anbaman Qjallfcarflp frnD one among an bunbzcb,tbat in ill fet bis mgflb too tijc returns of Q 3D, on- iefiebe ma? fyaue the i»Q;lD at fmU$ecr ; comett) to paffe that bppocnte0, as lor; 3 as tbcp befull long as the? bcapeup riches, anb as ions as tbcp in= create m power anb cftimaaon, are berp lauifb in piapfmg <0 £> 2D. 115 ut if l)e be- gin to banale tbem anp thing rougblp, bp ano bp, that bin? ing of <& eoc name is lapo a ioatcr. iff ozafmucb tberfoze as men are coraonlp bP?elinges in ferufng <0 v2D 3D , foe ivjuft icrnebp tijc ^Uopbccscramplc, that f trew gobUn:s i§ fre'ebar tcb,in fuel) ivpfcasttiee ceafenot too pzapfc €> 3D althougb/'lje afflict bs fcrttb abuerfu ie,anb wake bs bdVpfro afoze tbe S»82lb . ainb eertefTe, tbis bpbzapbmg of Cbiift, 31oa. to bemarfceb abupfe&Jp. yce fecit mee, not bpcaufe peebauefcorie mpmira= de 0, byt bpcaufe pec its ere fiileb 'wit b ti;c ioues.; <%tytfc tl;en fcrue ep bee in befppfeb date: anbconf^quentlp , iobicb fceHeno reward Upon cana,bi;t marcbe in tbe race of tbeir SoarfajBt' tbjougb beate anb colb,pouertic, baungers,.u'aunbcrsJ | rcpjocbeS,4oitb= out tpjing. 14'. CCb'e rpsbtnoufnes* »r .] $ere be comenDeib men bifcuffe curioufig bp conning anb art, bee better imeb of: pit is tberc no fit tunes nojftibfUrceintt.^ut asfo; tbe firmncs of ©obs llawe , bee pjouctb it in tbe nert bcrfc bp one popnt of it,namelp,tbat being ro:c be^eb i»itb tern ptac tons , be founb con ttnnall comfort in it. 9nb tbe rpgbt trpall of cur profiting t$ tbis, namtfp,tobatfbe< uer bidceffes pmc'ge bS, to fet comfort as geind them out of <&>&& iuoo;b, Snbcr c- ifitb to blot out ail beauines out of our mpnbc0.3tnb be crp.zeffetb moze now,iija bee bib of late. $01 there bee fapb no moze but that bee bab ferueb <©od reuerentlp, though bp reafonof bis barb $ fbarpban; beltng bee mpgbtfeeme to lofe bis labour. SBut now be rapctb,tbat ioijc be isbejeeb anb tojincn tco ,be fpnbetb mod fweetc be - Ipgbt tn (Sobs Hatpc, itljtcb afluagctb all grcefs,anb not onlp abatctb tbe bttternes of tbem but aifo feafonetb tbem kutb a cer tein IVrcctnes. 2lnb fureip, ix>bcre tbis tad is not to Delight bs, notbmg is mo2c vcbp than to be rwaloweb bp toith beauines. % Ifo tbe maner of fpeecbe is to be noted, toberbp tl)e^zopbetteacbetb,f although be in ere on all fpbes befecgeb anb caught: pit he bab fufficicnt rtmeh^ in this,tbat be emb2accb the comf 02 1 oerereb bim bp tbe iuoozb of Son. $owt fozafmucl) as tbis thing coulb not be bcnfpbe off bare com manbements, tabicb are fo far from reme tfinq our btfeaffS, tbat tbep rather Qrttte bs into perpleritie : it is cert cm, tbat bp putting tbe part fo;tbe &>bo!e, tljeiobole boctrine of tbe fiawe iscompzebenbeb bn bcr the connnaunbtnentes: m Sobicb law 0ob net. onlp rcqupzetb the thing that ts rpgbt, hut aifo openetl; tbe gate of fun fe= licitie too bis elect,bp calling tbem too the hope of eternall faluacton. /^ap ratber>bn bcr t\)t name ef lLawe are contepneb, both the free abopn^anb all tbe piomtfes | that flowe from thence. 444. [Che rpgbtueurncs.f c.j ^ercpe? tetb tba* &bwb be bab fapb aiate.namdp, tbat there is grcate obbes betroirt ©obs rpghtuoufnes f mennes. forgeries: f glos rioufnes fcberof kantftjetb aiDap,fcbt«"as the other ftanbetb ftobfaft foz cuer. 3!nb j be bcatctb bppon tbis tropec, bpcaufe tbat although the ivoztb be enfozeco too peelb the pzapfe of rigbtfulnes bnto d^obs law: fit p greater part is earpeb avcap to tiieit owns fpeculaeions , fo as nothing can bee moze btntcuf t , than too boiae bs faft tvoe to tbcferuisof 0oo t«Htfcif, JDautbs bzift _____ ts tl;!S,, is tbi0,tbat euerlafting rig^tuoufncfTc is not compjtcficnbeD clfe5i>bertbantn auiD befirctoo banc bt0 tmno enUgbteneb bp gobtpit noti SoitbiianDiuge beteupfetb not anp other :fc)ap of bnbcrftanbing , than bp profiting aright Uift&lato.lgwivbectt t;e teach. et\j b£cre,tbat '.Wi (jo fap truth) do not hue, if the? fcjant the light of trcto forifebomc. <&inb berelp inafmucb as; me arc no: crca < tco too the cnb teo Gli their punches atf ftt>pneanD6frc0 Do:butr6 crcripfctlicm- fclues in tl)e iuicwJcbgc j feru.i of ©pa: locbefc>bentbep tigrcfle from tbatpoint, their life is : teojfc than a bunbjcb Deatbc0. JDam&tbcnpjofeflitb , that his terp lp-, utng i0,not too tbentem tco bee feb Stub, mcatc 9 b?mK,$ to cnicp earth*? comoti= ties:but to thentent to attepnc to a better Ufe,tehicb thing cannot be aonc.butbp the btrectto of faitl). % nD ibis 10 a berp neebj full 5»arning.^o? although it be an o?Dt= narieanbtpfefapfng cuerprohfrc,£ man is bojmc&rith con&tcton£be fbouloerccl tbebjute O15eaCe0bp r€>2D is the beginning of ieifoome?' ^cingtiieiuhatrhempn&mgof the heat uelp life 50 cucrssbehtieb bp eartbty cares: men do nothing eife but fink thefeiueg in? tc their grauc0, that tbep mar uue r.ntco the Sao^Dtoara anb bpe bnf 0 (Sfobfcarflci Metier ibc!es(ns 3 bane fatb feci el frfojfe) thcpzophetivflDer*hcnamecffi!c,beto= Rcmtb all that hisbart can Defire,as if be fbouiD fap:2U?D, although 3 leas croca as bcaa.pit (bal % nceb no mc;c to remue me foftbaUybnt this one grace, that H)0\i enlighten mp min&e fcjitb tl)C Uno«jlcbac of tljp tjfsncnlp 3Dcctttnc, 1 4 j. I haue kryed with my whole hart, anfwer mec O Lord, I will keepe thy flatutes. 145. I hauc called vppon thee, fame mee, and I will keepe thy teftimo- nies. 147. I haue preuented the morning twylyght,and haue kryed : I looked vp vnto thy word. 148. Ivlyne eyes haue preuented the nyghtwatches,to occupie my mynd in thy woord, 145). Heerc my voyce according to thy mercic O Lord, quicken mee ac- cording to thy iudgement* 150. They are come neere mee that perfecnte mee of malice,^'are de- parted from thy Law. iji . Thou .art neere at hande O Lord, and all thy commaundmentes are truth. 152. I lerned firft by thy teftimonies,that thou hafl:c frablished them for cuer. 1 45 13 haue hrpcb 9 c] ^bt*Vjerfc map gular befp?e too fecepe the lawc, hec mabc bee rcb all in one (irepne, fo as in the cnoc pjapcro continuallp fo? the fame thinge . he map fbetr &?bat herequp?eDbp hi0 hjp 3i5ut tlic fccrfc folorcing tnabeth me to Di; Ing : anb fo tfcee mccmug fl)0ulD bee, that ftmguilh f fcntcitCi' ot!)eru:ire:fo? no Dcut fojafnmch a0 he S»a0 tnflamebkttt) a fin but tt 10 rcpcicb there ageinc.l^ 10 requcft Siaaa.t. that, lohn Caluins Ccmincntarie t'.jen 15, tbat

auoucb btmfeif to be S»oj(l)tppeo nngfjt by tlje facrifife of pjaifetpitnotuntb ftanbingtoo tlje intent tbat JDauibmap ii)Oole out ijimfclt" from tlje l$ipocritc0, Ssbicbbobutbifbonour C5£)ID^) name teit\)ti)tiv coibanb faint pjapfes : it in rpgbtlp fapae of bpm , tbat bee fe>ill gpuc t8anSt0 imtb l)is life anD l)i0 foojtttes. Jn tbe ne.rt berfe,altboug!) be fpcatteno new tljing: , pitfpeattet!) bee ttmojeejepjedp. 3! nb fppft be (apt!) b" H Jpco bnto <©;£> ID 8 aftertoarb abbctl),tbat l): comenbeb bi0 Soeifare onto bim bp bts p?aicrs.wb«bp be bootl) bs to fe»t,tbat &>l)ttbcr \)t iocre tn fafettG,«jS»biti)er tber bung anp baun* gee oner bim tbat tbjeateneb beatb, bee= uermojeleaneo upon d£»£)ID, bpcatifc be i»30 full? p:rfvoabeb tl; at be couio not be faf: otljer wpfe tban bp baaing bim to bee Qc pjefcrucrofbpsSDelfavc. J+7 [3 I brocptfuenteb.fc.] CJnpjoper I? t0 t\)t iftsbjca? ioo;D[NcOieph] tranfla- t:b mt!}i0 place [Ciopipgbt:] floi it iig= mftet!) ratljer ttjc bjeatte of tbebap before ttjc mojnmj gmetb itgljt. i^ oicbeit fojaf; mud)O0t!)s Ratines berpue theSooojb* [Crcpufcuium](itbicb ftgmactl? ticplpgbt) Of [Creperum](SDbiCl}fignific:b DOUtful) To a0 it map bero.Hen the boatful tpme be= £u?cne Ipabt ano barttenefle , anb fo?af= mucbasf Cnglia) Soo;&[C«3pligbfjbe' m3 copoi'tDeb of [ticeae,oj twtrt.f ligbO tKtpo^tliib tbefame t!)in2 : J ment not to b; too pjccpfc in tl;e term? , fo Ojz reaber0 { — = bnberft ab taatbeerc 10 not bctotttneb tbc ettcntpbe bctwccnc t!)e fonne fetttngf tbc (betting in of tbe cucning.but tbe tpme of tSjc bim Ipgbt at tbe batoning of tbe bape, 3D aaio tbe etpjuffct!) a beri great bailing, iobcr tbjougb l)ep;eucnteb tbe cSmmg of tl)emo?ntng,i»iibbi0P?aper0 . 3Pnbbp tl]e i»o?o [Jirp] is ala>ape0 bctotteneb an earne(lnc0.iro^ it is not referreb fo macb to tbe lot»bnc0 of tbe toopce,a0 to tbe ftri; uing of tbe mpnb.^ut bemattctb mentis on of this bailing, to tbe intent be map tbe better commend l)i0!;olbingout ; fojijee fait!) , tbat altbougl) hn vy ere fo rebp too $taptng,pit i»a0 be not toecrp of it bpans bp,a0 tbe faitblefTc bee, Soljicb murmur % quarctt lottb €»ob if b^ graunt not tbeir r cqucfl0 out of banbe. Sno fo bp iopning pattentnes of Ijopc toitlj carncdnss of oc; Tp?e, be fbcaetl} tlje trcajmancr of pjap= ingacco?bingalfoa0paulc[^l)ihp.4.6. iniiling bs to matte our pet t ctono ttnoif en bnto <0ob ioitb tbanttfgining,puttetb b0 in nimtie to typble our trubblefbme affee^ tiona 5»bple i»c be p?aptng. iffoj of p^aps (ng,tbi0 atfo 10 one enb,wKti to no?iflj our bopc bp it. i^eptber 10 tbe mention of tbe fcojbfupcrfluoufe: foz tbe onelp bjtpble to rcurepne tbe beabinefle of our rlefb, is to banc tbe foo?b of d5ob continuallp cornier fant afoje our epc0* 1+8 [appnecpeabaueffc.] ^cmecnetb tliatbe toac mo?c attcnttuslp bent to tbe minbing of (15 000 Havre,tbanfoatcbmcn be to tteepe tbeir toactb in tbe npgbt*3D= tberfome ?a>ill U,aus tbe S»oy>r_shuk]to be put too bifputc. TDbicb idozz abmpt:tbe mining S»ilbe,t!jat tlje & jopbet i»a0 fo beBrou0to teacb.Cnot to fl)etoe fubat b* coiilD bo.but fa? t\)2 Welfare of !)t0 25*e- tl»cn,)tbat be gaue bimfelf no reft. 215ut tbe Sooo?b[minb,mn3e,o; tbinK bppon a= greet!) better to tljis place, ^fo; it bab bin outoffeafotobtfpute of goo0b3O?a in tbe npgbtpme:ano tl)2tcfo?e bee fccretlp bee- tbougbt buttfelf of tl)e tb>tbcrmccMtb be onp tb'.ng els bp [iubgements] tn tbc fe= conb member. 3f oz fnaOuucb as <©£>2> batb bifclofeb bis goebnes in bis foozb : tbeafTurancetbcrof rnuft becfetcbeb fro tbencc. bimfclfe tbe fame tbat bee batb pzomifeb to bc.U'bsras others crponttb tbe foozo fcponbim tooo blm mifc-becfc, tbat tbrp bcfarreoffromtbeiLatt>of(©oD,brab[cbaO tb,e |3jb= pfecrs cace bm,to fee b?s.c/ncmies(fob(cb bab (baton of cue fair oM?ob ant tbe re« uetcn.ct of bis JLJawe) naD> too lyigbrm bis neck, tf <£oa haD not bin nccr at fjao on tbe contrary part, aecojtamg'es be ?,o l>ettHmmcbfatI£r&Ta?$$ bp bunfclfe foitb tbts co.mfoititbat prr ijbiDc Gil tbc crpefttto tobif b 3(1 baue fet b&xon: tiamclptbat tbe J^optjct not onfp knew I bora tbcre ioas cucrlafting tfectntfflewi j (Dons tcGtmontes : but aifo tije-fc be bad I gotte ibe fame Hnowlcbrc out of tbe tefs > timontcstbcmfelues*iF 02 &oben tbe i^e i b2cn?es ininD to ejepzefte tbe ilacin UjcjB I [Dc]SDbicbcfigm&ttb [cfoicocernmgj j tbcp oftentimes bfe tbe parttcle [MinJ 0? tbe letter [Caph.] ^no tbcrfoic be fapctb beebablearnebof<0obsteGtmomes>o» Suns taugbte bp tbem, tbat tbepare Ga= blptbebfoieuer.Sdnb tbe firftepopnteof faptb is tliis, tbat d&'cbs Srojt it not on [Srtchebneffc] feb*cbe is otber wifrtban ip of crcbtte anb affurance fo? a time>but tbe piopet ( ic ot tt c tung foil tocare : anb a'ifo corf in ue tb eucttnoze bncb&ngeable. Tit 3; foil not Fap,tbat tbe fooeib [?««*] ^jfoiotbeitcife'amancouitxnotir.cluDe bctctomtb ratber a 01 raugb tbekty* of cterrall faluatton fenber it* tines.tbanafoicfeer'nes iCbfrtibicbee ^owctoo tbeinteme tbtsaWuttt.ncfrc faptb tbtt tlicfc pjeace vpon Mm fobicbe map fettle tn our mires: it ts nccbful fo; are fct opron maiice,f tbat tbcp fo ruffe c bp to baue tl;e tnroarbe r cuclatton of tbe 3aaatf. fptnte* tepneb bp tbc poteer of C5ob. 3nD furelp fobofocucr ts focll acquainted foitb bis oxvne (narnut ie,fotl lue to be qulcbeneD cticrp ilJJmute of an boure, ano cftecme Ins itfe as nctbing^o conclube <&$> sb oiboftcntimes put bis feruant too fucbe piange, as b« migbt iuftip feno bppe bis reapers as tt focre out of bis graue : too tbe intent bee hugbte bee rcftozeo from oeatbtolife* .150* [Cbep are come ncerme.^c.liFot afmucbe as in conft ruction tbereis fette feoton tbe foozb [Rodopia •.] 31 ooubt not but tbat tbe fooib [zema] is to tee reb in tbc gcnetiue cace : anb fo 3 e r pour be it, tbat tbcp biau> ncer to be btm barm.ainb 31 maruel fobat fboulb moue tbe Jntcrs P?ctcrs too tr annate tt Ltbeperficutcrs baucappzotbeb] c? Dzatttnnccrebntoo Hf jonn gamins v.ommentane fptrif.^o; bntUfucbe ttme as <0od fcale top ;t)£ ccrtcintie of bis ioojD fritbin tot?, 5o>e QjaU alwapes be Soanering in tbe be iccfofit- ^itootbnottbc l^opbct frith out caufe fape ? tbat bee iearucD it bp tbe frojb.iffo; loofee it>bcn <©od* 31 n tbe feconoe member jtbe letter [Umedj fccmetb to be ta&enfoitbc letter [Qph] ibe marbe of likemng,tonD? r ft^tebe be did fet bourne tlje V.'az fojwte of gaping a litle afo;e.9s gc ins feeing 2Dauib complapnetb becre tbat bee is as jt S»ere btloe in fetors b£ ghtuoufnb endure for euer. 153. [^ebQlftctnttieaffUctiotwtc.] fee tcacbetbbpb*0owjiejrample,tbat tbefo loiters otjjo&lpnefi mufte not bee out of Hrfetbongi} tbtp recctue an tail rctrarb m tl>e &>oilo* ^0? tbeir Gate 10 too go a fouloper fare, ant) tberfo?e it is not meet foj tbe to be Difmapco fo; abuerfitie, but ] ratber to fettle tbcmfelues bpon tljis cos i fbjte , tbat tbe gate i0 open fo; tbem too W&v bmo <©ob : pit Dootb not tbe ^;o= 'p\)tt b;agof bis enceucring too beep tbe ILaw, as tbougb be iooheoto be rewat* b.eb ageia*.at 45oba banb fo;it: but only fb ewclb btaifelfe to be one of <£oos fee* aattfen m like tnmit ? as i;e batb fpekeJi of bi0bopemotb«praccs.^o«>beeittbis reafon oootb P wrlp pertctne ijnto tbe pjf feme cace,fo; it is a Ggne of rare cqu^ rage,fe)bcn fee be not ies awap f rom^be bis enemies tf bee bee not refUueo bp tbt feare of 000 br abuerfitfes, butfejeftie banb of abehaerer : ' 1 ageirift temptaswnaao^s i»cft<[!$« bim euen &Deni& fcametb oUttput^e coo m im bs!a«)a?.3« tbe Sierfe foioajiag be pomtetb outti?c »:anerofafIictioinarae ly tbat be is ypiCD i»;engf utiybv tuMf bnljonea pcrlons; 32?oo;b fo; feojo it is Ci?leab tbou mp pica :] ft>b«rtje impojtetl; bebootb ioilinbcs Uti ij 1 0 b: refto;cO Jife,fo; be tbat is fo cait Dou?ne,?0 lt!se a beao man3ifo tbere is aptip* auDia Eacco;bing too t\w .Sb^belfa; $i)Q& of life (buietb V>nto bS from bence,tbat'(£>oD bp bts froojiD p;os mtfetb to become our Delinerer, wberup on tbc p jopljef e in feabing out of oarU* vppon the . Cxix. Fialme. >37 RC0 bntoitg!jt,aapetI) t liftcrl) bp bimfclf bp the t»ooiD.31f anp »nan like better off otfccr fence :tbe £halnot DautD fmtplp DCs fire to baue ipfc gruen bntoo bim,but too !;auc a fptrituall ipfc giuen htm: mid fo bee. flmlo oeiir e to be bar tenet bnto faith, the fearc of ©od, 9 the enDeaer to lute holtlp. 1 5 5 [Welfare is far from « c.] Jn afimicb a0thc|$?opUet teas perftcaDeD that tbc fuo?iD 10 rulco bp the fecret pzomoence of gob k Ijo 10 a ngbruous iuDec: out of that SDelfpiing bee D?atoct!j tbt0fentence,tbat tbc ioicUe o are fet far from Welfare , and Welfare from them : S»bcrbpcn fpzingctb bolbncffe of piping, fox itbc as <3 all tljcir Dcligbtc0f»ere curfcD anD tenbeo to ocflruction. Cberc= fozc as oft a0 tbc bngoDlp baue the ttojtlD^ fc?e fbai not Dont to appjocb bnto at $»il,fo a« being DcintilppampercD the? caufe be bath bofcmD fetmfelfe bnto bs of Daunce in their oirnc fatnetTc : let bs fo? bi0 ofcme acco?D. tberc is fiuall oDDes. Chat Mncb folotol etb,tbat <£od [CboulD quteben bimacccja Ding to bi0 tuDgmcnt0 : ] 5 bnDcrftanB it of bt0 p?omifc0.;tf 0? libera© overtake it fo? bis manev 0? cuftcme : J haue OjeteeD alrccp becrtofo?e,tbat it agreetb not fo fit Ip.Cbe Prophet tbcrfo?e cofirmetbagcin, that Ipfc cannot otberiopfe be Ijopeb fo; 0; requp?cD at CEJO&0 band, than ZoUtn hope to coneepued bp his S»oo?D:anD tfjat Doth be oftentpmes beate into b &, bpcsufe isee be bcrp fojgetfull in tbis behalfe. 15ut too tbe int£t fremap bnfearfulip appipto our felucs iobatfocuer grace cE5od p?omifsth bnto bis feruaunt0:let bs al&apes bearo in mpnDe tfjc fapDe principle concerning go&0 manifold 0? greate mercie0. ;ffo? if fee furmpfc tl;at goo p?omifetb epthcr bp ■- caufe he ought to Do it,o? bicaufeiecbane DcfcrucD tt:bpanbpioefbalfaltoDoutmg, ano fbet j gate agcinft our p?aper0 . 25 ut if toe bee tb?ougblp perf leaded that ©od is not moueD to pzemi0 faluacion ,foj anp ether caufe than fo? that bee 10 mercifull : our Defence lernc to tabc hoID of tljis buck if r icbtcb the boip ©hoft rcacheth bntoo bsnamelp that tbcp Oial at length pcrtfb buluchelp bpcaufe tl;ep fecfec not after © •£> 9D ScommaunDfmente05from tohence fp;ingcth the cOhtr«rie lc(Tcn,tbat althowgh tt?e fattijftdl , fcbplc tbep foaifee 157 C^? perfecuf er0.«e. ] 3Likea0in other placc0,fo tcQifpeth bee here, that al- though be haDbtnpjouotvCDbp manieim turtco: ^it bee ftcppcb not from the rpgbt &ap:u-h'cbthmg 3 told pouiea0 a pjoof of greate anD Ongular ccnfJancie. $ oj it is an cafie matter to Do te ell among good bnco?ruptIpmthefeareofC£D5C>,bca0 men . ^5utif i»icbc8foibeaiTdiritb0,if fbeepe eppointeD to the daughter : pit is their ii elfare at hanD iihich i0 DefenbeD bp the fecret p;efcruatton of <££)2>.ainD to th>0mccninge Dootljtl^e |azophet.inthe berfe folowing aD, that g©D0 mercies are m anp: as if he frjulD fap, none other Qjalbe faucb but fucb as flee bnto £D 3ED is mere ;f till ,bu t alfo mightelp blajcth 9 crrtollerr) hi0 compaflis ono. w licrcbponfecc gather, thnt be iy a0 contented & (0oD0 mercies in fucb frpfe a0 bee fought no bclpc at bts owne Defers uings.iBeucrthele0, theriiiithal it ts to be noteo,p the prophet icas foic totTeD & ma np temptatiors,coiUJDering l)cwhc foas faine to fet this of mcrcp agcinft tbe.$ou> tt.r)ttl;cr pc real greats? maup, one aflapie D0i»ith fozec of hanD : if ano rber rob bs : anD the tbirD t»pno bs in & $»ples : anD another lapetb bppon x>s % flaunbcr0 ; iti0harDfo>bs toepcrfiftin our bpipgbtncflc . ^ap rather Se e fai too marching cf them frith tbep? crone poftr ccs.liacfpoes this, the licencioufenesthat is permtttcD them Without puniQ)raent, is abfolcntcngpneto battreour faith. inaO much as <25od bp fcjinhing at it,feemeth to abanDon us to the fpople.Cherfo^e bp [goD0 teftimoniesjthepiophct mecneth, not oncip the rule of liutng iocl anD rigli= tuonfelv1 : but alfo the p?omtfe0.3i0 if bee OjculD fap,3Lo?Dc,nepthcr hauc 3 Depar- ted from Dp?tghtneffc although occafion ioeix giucn mce bp the ioicheb : nepthcr baucj fbaHcn off the truffc of thp grace, but paticti? fraited fo? thr htlp.lnD both ^aaa.iij. of juuii v^uuuij v>uiiuiicm«iiic of thcareneceffarp. ;tfozattb©tt2A be that 10 tozongcd encounter the malice of bi0 c- nenms tottb, dootng tocl,and fozbearc all mifocaungtpittf b? bang not tobo;ip bps pen ,ti)ifl bp?pgbtne0 ot bt0 13 not vnougb to fane him: not that anj> man be* 1 baueib Ijttnfclf fo mooeftlp, faring betbat leaned) Ppon C5 sD 2D and toaztctb to bee deluiered bp bpm:bui bpcaufe although it might fo happen, vtt toere there not fuS"i etent fO2eewtbi0 half bertew.brcaufe the faiuation of <5ed to laid ttp fo? t!)c faicb - f ui tiiat cal fo? it Voitlj the earned tneemng oifaiib.jftow tobofocuu bpontrua that d&j£> ffi> toiibc bis oeliuercr, dotb bnDer= pjoppc 5 tbo?c bp bte mind toifb bi0pzo= mpfe0,beto:llindeuer cucn too ouercome euiiluatbgooo.lintbcncrtperfe,bep2»-- cecdetb pit further declaring tbat be toa0 inflamed toiib a bolp jclc bpcaufe he farce <©oos tuto ddppfcdbp the toicfccd. jfteuer tbelcffcjbcs 3ntcrpzetcr0 agre not in one tooajd : f 0? fome ocnuc tbe toozd [Eth Cq- tecarh ot'Kut'Jtobicb oftcntpme0 fignifictb [to cbpbe:]ana ageme otberfome imtut it ii\ tl)C Coniligation [Bithpahal] Of [Katat] tobicb ngntfietb too cur Pp »? beftrop. 31 embrace ;be former interpretation bicaufe it is inoft reccpned among tbe lcrned,and agreetb beftCbe J&zopbet ft)erfo?e qjcio etbbimfciftoo bauebu; inflamed iottt} fa greats cjeleef ®sO 3D g>JLaroe:tbat bee could not beare laitb the totcked ffcoz. 1 nmg of it . j^eucrtbcletTe bp the tooozdc [Cbpde] map bee beitokertcd q0 tocll tbe: inroard hart burning,as £ outward beats cf too?oc0 tobertoitblje rofe bp Openlp a* geinft th; Bcfpy&rs of 4&od.3ino thctfeze feme translate it, [? (tardea at them,] 0? trirfeeD mee . 3nd truly no man toil! pat t)imfclffoo:tbtoofontcnbfo?tljc mamte= nacs of <2?oos glojic.but be that bath rirflr chafed uiitb binvfelf anbbin greened at the uerpbart :tmcas ageme after tbisbotp bartburning there foloiraetb commonlpa- Deeocooomg.Cobc Lboji, toe be toarneo bptlic cample oftbc02opbct, rbattbe contempt of <£od0toQZD is to be taken in I ftfcbdupleafurc, aoourbartmuftarocce tobat cue* bnto chiding. iFirft tb;refoze J lei grecf fhrKj bs mwardlp : 9 afterward < , as cccafto fcal fcrue,ift be inbeuer to tx= 1 {ijrllc tbeir malapertncu"c 8 pjibcfioutlp, ^lUietbiSnotGicktoo pjouofcetbemtoa furie ageinft bs. 159 Cfi>cc3L02Dl)0w.fc.]Tetmuftbeat inrapnbetbetbmgibat 3D bane toiopou of afo:c: Cbat tbe faints an oft as tljep commend tbep? oien goDlinctfj afe?egob, tb?«fl not out tljep? merits too jcanc '«jps pon t!jcm,but take it fo? a principle , tbat t£ OD inbo Difccrnctb bio i»o?nnppc'.-0 fro the beatbeniflj f ioicecb fojt,t»tlboe mcrs cifu 1 to tbem bpcaufc th cp feeUe bint i» t tb ttjeir fohole hart. Q©cfpb0 tbi0, the barttc ioue of i;ofte . Cl)t |D?opl}et tben,al= though hetabc not anp tbmg bppon him^ f6ife,D0Jb tuft allebgeS;io oron goblpneife, to the mtent be map conceiue tljc mo?c af^ fureb hope of obtepmng,bp reafon of gob0 grace iohcrof heebab bab experience. 26 p the ieapice be taugbt»ibat tbe trero beep 2 ing ef the law fpjingetb oplp of a ft cebars barteolorie. ^fo?i£>odrcquirethtotUmg facrifpfc0,onb tiie beginning too hue ivzl,. is tolone r)im,accojsmg a0i^ofc0 faptb JCcum o.j 1. what rcqupjetb thv <©€)2> now at thp. band £> 3UVael, bat that thou fbouldeft loue bum' which felf&me thing 10 repcted aifo in the fumme of the jatoo, S>ent.<5 5.^heu ffjalt loue the 3Lo?d tbp ^'oo.^lnb in tbi0 refpect SDauid fapde a- fo2e, that ©ob0 lafc c 5»a0 not onelp pje- ciou0,but alfo delectable r»nto l)im,iBoi» like a0 in keeping of the %axo,n man mud begin at touting obedience, fo 00 nothing map oclpgbt bs mo?e than god0 3Bufticc: fo ageineit is too bee con&dered, that our mpnb0 are not incipned toe this affection, otbertDpfe than bp the fecimge of ab'ods free goodneile and fathertp loue. $oi the bare commaundments are fo farre of from iDtnuing nun buto tbcm,tbat tbep rather fcare themaroap. i^e then that hatl) taftcd of C5od0 goodneobpthe doctrine of the 3La'*c,i0 the onelp manne that toil fct b& mpud agetn to loue it, 3nd iohcrcas the prophet repetetl) fo often il)i0 pjapcr, t hat (08d fhonld quicken lum : toe gather that be toa0 toeil acquainted toith the frap/tie of hi0 otone lpfe:infomuch as fc thought not ttjat m:n doo hue furthecfooztb than O5oD0 bzeasnciij Ipfe into them eucrp mi= nrite of an houve . jii9czecurr it is alikelps jjod, that bee bad bm beerejed of manpe dja:l;c0 ; | vppon trie . ^xix. Flalme. Deaths : toibe intent he fhculb biue the mo;e care to repair c too the fountaine of life.3inD agtinc, he laretb the faunoatid of t)is faith in the goo&ncs of *J?o&.whcr bp fee percttue, how farrc be fe as of cue note from bragging of his merttes.febtn hce pioteQcO that bee teuco the &auoe of €i£>2D. i2op!)ctr e tncemngbee not ooubtful : ? u map the itojtue be bnbrr - ft coe ttoo feate0*3F o j fome interact tf)e So o?D [beginning] in this Stiff, f d&cntt trutbe fbinetb foojtb apparantip tnbp0 feo;D,cuen at tbe berp firft entrance ins to tt,fo as it map feel be calltb the begin ntngof tt.ainb this &ntence(namip that affone as fee call our epes bpon the beas ucnlp fcoctrpne, bp on bp the rruetb of it mcetetb bsjeont tpnetb a profitable let* fon^tf our mm be bane cpes to ice it. jftot ig 8 fettbfranDtng pcrabucture no lefo right lp to others make aoifttnetion, that cue from the beginning, <£o&3 fcotc i&aa al feaprs furc to truftbntoo,am» fo contfc ncrcrth bnto the eno, jioi berp feel hag togtthcr thefc rmoo me.T.bcrs.tbat <5o& hab bin true of his pjomife eucn fro the beginning: ano alfo that bee contincioetb like hirafelf alwapc0 after one rate, wher 00 tbep refer the feojb [tuogtments] too Cod feoj*s anb not to hie ooctr ine: ah though 31 bUalow it net spit to it not an? ftoerable to the fcquclc of the mattcr.ilet Us tljer foie hot* bs to this mcnuig.tbat fincc the time that <©od began to fpca&e, bee hath alwapes bin faithful in hi© pjos miles , anb neuer bifappopnteb the hope of bis fetuants: f that tbe courfe of this footbfaftnes hath bm after fuch an equal i rate,tbat his feojbets true and faithful! eucn from the beginning too the enotng. i6t. Princeshaue perfecuted mc without a caufe,and my hart hath byn a- fray ed at thy Word . 191 . I hauc rcioyccd at thy word, as one that bringcth forth much pillage. 163. lhaue hated and abhorred deceit,andl hauc loucd thy Lawe. 164. Seauen times a day haue I pray fed thee, by reafbn of the iudgements of thy rightuoufhes. 16 j. Muche peace haue they that loue thy Law,and there is no Humbling block for them. \66. Lord, 1 haue way ted for thy welfare , and I haue kept thy commaun / dements. 197. My foule hath kept thy teftimonies, and I haue looucd them excee- dingly. i62. 1 haue kept thy comaundements and teftimonies : for all my wayes are in thy fight. ill. [|3:tnce0haucpcrfecutce.*c] l?e rcpojtctbtbatinhpo (bjear.bgrecuous temptation,he feas htlb back bp the feat of (Sob , fo as bee befircb to attempt no = thing that feas tonbefeming a got ly mi. fr 01 fee be to; war d to fall into Dcluaire, fehen ?i>*mccs febiebe arearmcofeith puifTance to ouctwbeime bs ,are otfplca fee feith b0 anb feoojtfce bs troubled 0 the increase becrofcommetb alfo the &n= btnbne0, that feberas c'ocp ought too be as bucklers to octet bs, tbep turn ifyctt ftrength to our anopance, jftep rather, febcnfejctcbfbmenbeirrmenio from a lofc,tb'v afreet a fo*c bclcu; y go&ahanb is aseinft tbeift.auib the cace "f the ®;o pbet feas peculiar, fehe he h- b to encou rcr lp tb- hebsof tbe cbojeu people, feho dpoo hao (latico m fo 'jouajabls Degree, tbattteepfcuretbepuictc of theebjureb §$c\'\t ejeyourflj it mo?c firictlp, nameip that S-au^foiowfD Cbitlls epljojratto Ctiiat is t^o rcit, i;are ntk toero that bit butt^ebodp : js fell ftewe pee offehom ^laaaaujt* pc? luun v>aiuiiii v-uiimiciHanc pc ought to be afraj'b: fear <$> oo to Ijo afs tec be batb feMeb the bobp,ts able to caft the faale intoo Cjfclfire. ^«z80 which though tt were not pit bttreb bp Cbxifts mouth , pit ought u too be fir eo In tbe bavts of all f goblp. W ben in tbeir opinto,tbe wentng to, tbat the & zopbet fens not tbzuft from the fcare of <0oa fox anp tbzetntngo oz terrozo. 35 nt he ejeten betb tbis commenbatt«n of bi0 own con ftancp pit furtber.wcl bnowen 10 tbi0 f t })92tat!OofCfa^E084i2.25rnotafraib at their tembienc0,bu t f Hold of hofts let bim be pour fear and abafbmcnf.Cbe 43;opl)t'tc fbcwctb there gcncrallp with what weapons the faithful nmft bee ars mebtoo \>anqutfbcall thcaffaultsof the woilb: that is to wit, the? not onlpmnft ftn'iD in atoe of zepbct being oppzeuVbbpfozce of |Dxincc0,wcr a fezowfui gastng (Iocs : pit benpetb bee tbat be pceibtb : Taping tbat be eonfibc= rcb S»bat wa0 lawful fsi bim to do, ano fppgbtco not tbeir topcacb pjactpfeo bp repulfing craft fentb craft, anbbpolence with bpoiencc. 5F01 a0 concerning f pje fent circuraftanee [to beafrapb at ejsoos woidc] is too reftretne a mans fclfe>an& too attempt notbing tbat 10 bnlawful»3l bane toise pea hecrctofoje that the 3flb- uttbe [chenam] [o;freeipe] t0 abbes foj aninlargemetttjui refpeettbat tbe temp taticn it as fomuche tbe barber , in tbat the ttrar>te0 afTaplcb a barmltffe perfone fo; no caufe, faue onelp tbetr cwne wtc- beb luft. jff az foe fcnowe tbat boned na- tures arc carpeb aioap t be eaflpcr bntoo ire, when fuel) a ore 10 aflaulteD as batb p;ouofeebno man* 3U Seas tb'rfozea no table pjoofc of mo&cfttc tn tbe i&zopbet, to bztbte bimfclf bp itb ttnpactcncp,a0 too fall frcm bio bocatton*Chcrefoje let Us learnetoo remains qupet, altbouglje $yzmcc0 tuannouflpc abufe tbe power tfcat <£>&>$> batb commtttebbnto them, left wee trouble lawful ojber bp our brt- qupctucfTc, \6i, [3bauerctopfcb.*M roe H no we tbat no gamebzingctb greater glabnes, than wbitbtbegainetber i&mstcbcb glo rp of trpumpbf ,anb tbe pzofirc tbat com mcrb bppon the fobeine Delpghtctb the tnozc.Chi0 is tbe rcafon ir h p IDauio co parctb tbe fenowelcrge of tbe bcauenlpe Doctrine wbicb be bab gotten £b fpor lee rather then % other richeSi^oz bp theft 5»ozbe0he betoUenetb that out of <5ob0 &>ozb be hab gotten the greareS top that couib bc,%t>berunto no gatne Svcre it tits uerfo befirable.fcas able to come necre. ♦uberbp toe gatbcr,tbat he toas conten; Ub toitb (Sobs focozb as toith the per* retpleafure anb fubftantial felicittr.Knb no mar a» ll if ID auib grouoeD the iohoU fommeof blifleb Ufem Sots ^roczoe, frberinbe bntw the trcafare of eternal! life too bee enclofcb ano offer eb too bim bp free aboption. Jn tbe tbtrbe bcrfeof tbi0 crght bee Declare th better the thing that^toucbeb crewhile: nameipthat be was elenjeb from fanltie affections) too the cnb be might perlo the itaw bis bue honour anb eftimation^Bnb fozafmuebe as ioee baue h«bbe almoft tbe fame fen » tence in another place, J, wil but bzeeSp touche whcrfo;c the ^zophetfapth firft that [bebateb beceit] etc be fpeaH of hto toning anb tmtyacing of tbe H,awc+ foi fnafmucb as we Unow tbat bipocrtfic is bzeb bp nature in the harts of all men, % that tbepbeenaturallp giucn too banitie anb beceitfulneiTe : %>t muft labour ear^ ntftlp to purge our bartes, tbat the loue of the fisup map rcigne there. jBow if the bating anb abbozring of falfbobe bee the beginning to line wet.anb the firft point of rigbtuoufnes tit folowetb that nothing ts mozc erccllent, than founbneffe oz bp rtgi.ttncs : fo; all bertues bantfbe atoap, if that bolbe not tbe fir ft roam* ^either 10 tt f oz nought tbat [abljozring] to tops neb foitb [hating] too the enbe wee map Bnowe,bow tt is not tnougb too hate be cepte after a tdmenmaner,onicfTe <25obs chtibzen be euen et bea&lp foobe with tt^ £3 ow if tbe ionz of the Hawe anb the ha* ting rppun uic. v_,xix.naime. iing of dcccpt.bcc pofccfdlowes: iefokn»= erbribat as many as bee not mfiructco in CPodS fchoolcbcnfc , are infected with craftfneiTe and btpocrpfte . H5p [feuen tpme* a Dav ] tbe p;ophete tneeneeb that lice is continually or berp oft occupped m fottngc foojti) c^oDs prapfes : Ufee as in kroner bio. z+ . \6. the rpghtuoafe man is fapdeto f«U (eucnrpmcsadape,fc>l5en l)cc falletb ofrempmes mto fundzie temp- tactons. 2lnD fo?afmuch as d5oos tuDgc- tnentes are ecberobcre talsenfortbepu nifbementes that bee lapctb bppon S»ic= feedneflc, anD fomctpme aifo arc referred to the whole pzouioence wbcretbozongb feeegouerneib ibe worloe : ^omeareof opimon,tbat the ]&;opb£tep?apf£tb <*fr>od for auoucbinge bis 3)uQtce io manifeftlp, C0 well in punt (binge of wickcaneiTc, as in the whole governance of the world. Wut 3 agree to otljcrsratbcr, which k* f x re tbcra to bis doettmetnot that 3 mi~- Ipfcctbe former <£;cpofition, but bpcaufe that ia tl)i3 ]£>lalme tbe ^>xopbet ftandetb pecultarlpe bppon t'jc coinmenbacion of g?00dc# 3Uwc. Che effcetc therefore i0, tbat JDauib bceing conrtnaallp occupped in tlje confirming of ©oos Hawc, found fogrcate perfection of 31urricenaoiop(s= borne therein, tbat from tpme too tptne bee was fapne to burl t out into pzapfe anb tbanbergpuing . Kind theft diligence in paapfmgc <0od fljewetb. tbat iDauidnot onelp (pake rcuerentlp and bonorablp of tbs iUwe, but alfo accounted it as an m= comparable benefpte towards man&pndc. ■f ez it was not on!p admiration, that ens forced him to pjtapfe <15od, but itioasalfo an affection of tbanUfulndT: , bpcaufe bee farce there Cjoulo no cjcceHcntcr thing bee gpuen unto man, than to be renewed into bliiTca and eternal life bp tbe incorruptible fcebc of the heaucnlp doctrine . /ftottoitb* Banding, of all thole to wbome d£>oo offe; rctb this treafure,fcar flp tbe bundle tb mi peeidetb fo much as a raeanc tudeucr too gtuc <£ oD tbanbes. 3lnD there rcignetb to greate naugbtineffe cuerpwhere in the fcjorld: tbatfomc dooffeo.xncfullprcicct the beattenlp doctrine , and fome r efufe it, ano otherfome barkc and fretteif there bs anp tb mge m it that lib cs them not. 165 [^ucb pcaccbauc,fc.3 3flf we* 159 taHe peace for tb^b^ppieftatilif ipfe, ac^ cezdingeas the i^ebrcrois bfurpe it of; en in that fence : then fball the wooz&LGom:: felingblocke]bee put contrarpwpfe fo: ao= ucrfitie : as if tt bad bin fapdc, that fuebe as loue tbe llatoe of 45 «D 3D fyall baue a pzofp:roufe race, and ftand tpgbf .though all the worloe fbouloe ronne too rupne. 55uttbfs other interpretation will agree aswell,namelp, Cbatthep bauc mutbc peace trulp, bpcaufe tbcp being pcrftoaDcd that the? tbemfclucs plcafc <5od,and their lpfcalfo,doo rededppon a good confeu ence. fo% wee Unococ , that this calmes nelfe of mpnde is woortbelp recUened fo; the firflc pogntc of bliffed Ipfe, namelp, when bring at one with d5od,weeipue qmetlp, and hlsfatberlp fauoureTopnetb in our bartes. ^Indiuaip daot!} tt);$)}Oz p':c;e attOHCbe ■> that wej attepne thps peace bp tljelUvwc of ppon anp tbtnge clfe, fijall tremblefrom tpme to tpme at euerp little blaftc. 3If this fence bee libeb, tb?n fijali th: iooo:d [ftutublingblocK]m the fecond member Hgnifpe all encomberanccs of mpnbe wiKrexmtb tbep are pirifuilp trub- bled and be;ed Whiche ieane not bppon <25o3s woo^d, but are carped away*.' ep^ ther bp their oconc Iwft 0? bv1 other menes pleafures. .Sewcrtljf lcs>ir-b?tber of tbcfe tcuoo iaapes foctter wee rake' the fapbe iooozdes [peace and fi«mblingblcc«e:] tbe fbzopbetes meening (ball remajmc all one: that is too Wit, that tbep are mifera; ble wljicbe addict not themfeiues bntoo 0od:bpcaufe that although tbep ithcieei of tbcmfelucs for atpmo : pit there bange ntanp aumblingbiocbes in tbeir.wap, too Dziuc them fodemlp bacRc agetne , H>nd bp the terme lotte,wee gather that this peace is not purdjacedbp Oaui(b obepfanccof the laroc, but is obtepnebbp fat tb • :tfoi the HLcs.w batb no fwcctncfl"; too allure bs bnto it,onlc(Te it offer bS too bee our father , and qupet our mindes with afiu- rancc of eternal! faluation . Contraricutf? Pi tooz'.dimges ano defppfersof (^od,are tudlppunifSedbp their oronc ftubbotnes and bngracioulhefle . fo} eaerp one of them is his oronc hangman: and the fercer tbat tbep bcasetnftdB jD JD & woozd,fo tnucb tbe fozer are tbep tormented , bntiil tbep bjtnge t^cmfelues too bttcr dettrnc- ^aaa.b. Uon. jonn Gamins Loramcnwnc I tion.ldnD although tl)C <0ooip alfo bane tljctr turmoples : pit Dootl) tljesr itia>arDe eo-.itfojt, cptbcrisppcateapeall pepnfub ncffe,0ji lift the ouer all frumblmgblocfcs, ■ oj e:(e relecuc tbcmfe as tbcp quaplc not. i<5<5 ]llo:De, Jljsuc &>aiteb,sc.] ifrot Sot:^out came oaotbe thepjopbcte ueatc ofrcntp*ie3 bppon this fcntcnce, i»t?icl)C flrcti; in aH mene0 moutbes.namclp, tbat nothing 10 cafpcr than to peclb bnto ©OD tbspaavfe anD oSicc of fautnge : febcreas nottDStb&anoing there is not altnoft anpc one ocampl? of ftcD'aft bopctoo bec mctte fontb in 1U iubolc SbojID, iuben me come to i»?crtie anv long tpme i»ttb temptaci- C112. BnD bptbc ojtoer of tbefcjoojocsioe gather, that to tfyc intent a man map keep bimfeK iit the fcarc of ®ob ano the louc of bis &at»e:be bao ncebc firft to feebe fafc tie in ©3D. ;f o) tf tbe beleefe of grace bec tafecnaa?ap,oj patience once fbafcen of, iscc bee barpeb hither anb tbttber, S»itb= oat an? mpnDing of goDlincfTc. 2Snb tl;cr^ fojethe cbeefc berteco of tbefaptbfull, is tbctrfufferanceoftbeerolTe anb wojrtuv cation,fo>berebp tbcp fnbmitte tbemfclucs mrciolp bnto <25cD. -jfoi fo Jong as no ab- uerfitic bappenetb to tbcbppocrptcs, tbcp aife fecmc i»c» mpnbcD too ptapfe <2;od. ;tf uttbermo?e there be otber reafons ttrbp ubebonct!) w to gpue attendance bntoo <0oB0 fautngc r>caltrj , if &>cc mpnbc too frame our lpfc arpgbt. $0% if ios bee tpbe to tbe cntpcemcntcs of the fejc?lD,fee (ball fc>an?e airap cut of band. 31 no Socfce that ) tbe moic part beotb tbcrfoje fatic,bpcaafe it 10 a barb matter too beiceue affureblv, that i»elfare is not too bec bopeD foLi e!fe= 5»bere,tban of(J5oasfree grace, where; foje that Soce mape i»ooj&ip CPon ferttb* ouiccaftng.favtb muftnee&eo firft fbpne befo;c bs : Cben muft patience come anD accompanic it, to cbcerifbe in bo tb: ioue of rpgbtuoufcneiTe. fo} as 3K bane fapDe, our cbeerfalneHc of going fojtcroarb fp?in-. gcth b^rebppon : rwmcip , tbat S&eecan fpnb in cur bartes too fuoer our faluation to Ipebrb ui <2>oqs bofbmc, anb not Doubt butbcctiilbcca faptbfull rewarbcrofaii fciclje as f£CU c b:m,altbcugbtbce &ttb- D.17CD? bis fauour from cur cpes. fSIbp0 IciTonconfirmcthlicfei:b other fooojbpo tnt;>e Mcctc 21 er fc, fuvtnge thathicHccs pctl) ilo the coc trine of the ILawe (bet bp beepci? in the innermoiT concept oU)is h*rce. ^be caufe of this To btltgent beeping, is tlie fmgular Ioue oftt.^jhicl) bee aooctb. iPoz bee that obepetl) theiUw of neceiTute anb flautth^ Ip,is fo far of from recepumge it intoo the imvariie concepte of bis bane too Hecpc, that \,ce iooulh fapneit isere further of. 1 6 8 [3! bane kept, «c] HoofceSobat hee hab fpoken toith mo?e beljcmcncie before: that booth bee repete no mc mcic Ompipe, aobingetherebnto a reafon. i^cucrtijeles tbts biecfncdc is not in ti)C i»holec6tetnt of the fcntcnce, but in the onelp i»oo?oe, [S>oulc] i)hici)e hee notce ieauetb out. 0!5p t!;e ioape, bntoo commaunbementcd hee lopneth tcftimonies , that hee mape fbewe mo?e plainlp, hoto hec not onlp in* treateth of the rule of liutnge frcli: but al- fo comp;ebenoeth the Sohole eouenante of pallia tion.ainD truelp tlje Doctrine of the JLafre coulD not bee fo ampabiefo? Cbcto- tng icolfax is rpgbt : if it DtD not alfo fette fco?th tbe free fauour of <15od . Chercas fon iuljicb the \l ^opbetc afTigneth tenbeth to this cnbe, thatfo^afmucheaoheiinevoe hoa?e nothing is h'bbe from © -t) 2D, tbe fame io as as goob as a typbic fo; him too tbe mapnteuance of goDlincffc fro^ctccpt i»eetiue as u iotte m (SBots fpgbt, the foantonucflV of the flefiie 5»ill quicblp ca= rpc bsaraa^c too anb fro. Che mecnmge alfo mape bee this : Cbat bee mabedpoo the bnpere anD 31uDge of t is ipfe : fojt the Scripture tcrmcth tbcm too [fcalfcc in tbe fpghi of cre Soithb^aictng tfoemftlues from tbe cpes of men, cpte thanfeiucs bnto his 3uDgement featc.3!n this S»pfcbeDooth bs too bnDcrftanbe, that bee hafibe Doone the beftehee coulb, not oucip too be cicere from all faulteanb blame before men, but alfo to offer Lps hart fotmoc anD bnfepneb bnto iI5od. whither of tbefe fenfes fo etier pou chocfc, the |3?ophet aucuebctb, that C5£) J> ft> jlacoe tsneuer cbfcrucD a^= rpsht, tpll Soecconriccr.hotuc&ee baue teoDealc Swith G5 C> ID, tbe ^ercher of hartes,ftom 5»hofe qesuorbuig is tymc. It vppuu uii. \_,AiA..i'i«juuc. i«o 31 1 raapalfo bseamancr ofpzotcftatton, aO'fbcbaQfcyB: 2,ozd, Ipu art beft Suits ties boit> ropibfullp 3, I,anc kept tl)p Haw, foj notbing is bio frum tbcc. ]&nli)zc ftfiwejb i.\tber too l;aue bctofccneo t!;t** grouno o.*£clp coimrrfatlon: namf5pstbat j b« bat) ccnfccratca ty& lyii bnto © £> £>, ! anb alwapes baD gts wtttcs faftcneo fcp= ! f on tbe beljolbtng cf l;tm. \6$. Let my cry comme before thy face, 6 Lord, giue mce vnderftandin^ according too thy woord. 170. Let my prayer comme intoo thy fyght , deliuer mec according to thy woord. 171. My lippcs shall fpeake pray ft, when- thou shalt haue taught mec thy ftatutes. 172. My tung shall fpeake thy woord , fbrall thy coramaupdementes are ryghtuoufeneflfe. 173. Let thy haud bee too help mee , for I haue chofen thy commaun- \ deraentes. 174. I haue longed for thy welfare,6 Lord, and thy Lawe is my delyght. 17$ . Let my (bwle liue, and it shall pray fe thee : and let thy ludgcmcntes fuccour mce. 176. I haue ftrayedlikealoftsheepe:feekethy feruanC,for I haue not -forgotten thy ftatutes. i(?9. [&ctmperpe.aFc.]&ereprten)tbat febirtj fc>ec baue feene alrcbp bcertoofoze, namelp.tbatbiscbccfbcfpzeis.ftbctbmg fc>bicb be ntoS fezcetb (all other fct afpbe) is that be map piofit in <£> obs Havoc, jif oz bp tbe Sdoozd [crp] be beto&enetb a bebe* !iicnuif s,as if be fbonlb (ap,f care S»btcb_ toucbeb bim cbceflp, 9 tbe longing ft) her* toitb be S»as moft inflameb,ioa0 tbat(ac= coping to rpgbt anb rcafon) the Ipgljt of bnocr*ian&ing, fojhcrt'izougb fr>ee well tbe bz utc bcatte0, anb appzoebe nccrcft ton to 45 £> 53, mpgbi be pzefcrrcb befoie all eartblp comtnobities. ^cuertbcleffe, tbe pcrcell [aecozbing to tbp fojooze,] abmir- tctb a bubble bn&erftanbing: anb fomccjc^ pound tt fa , as if 2>au?b a? oulo imft too baue b;c tnpnb framco aecozbing too tbe appotntmet of dpobs S»ozb,tbat be migbc not be to ittic otbcntpfc tban aecozbing to tbebcctnneof 35nD tins fence iy oc'.o not mfagrcc, tnere it not tbat in p ncrt berfe tbets fcoozos, [Deliuer inee ac- cozbmg ;oo cijp iuoozb,] bib feitbftanblr. i^orobeiMozafmucb^s i1 am OHt.of bout, tijat tljcis trooo trcncjs agree *u tbe feluctf, albeit tl;at tbe mozc acceptable cf botije te tbfe : Cbat SDauib ppprtb too bee mabe Snpfe aecozbing too tbe rule of tbe JLacce: pu 3; ratber iucipne to tbe otber- (one, na« melp,tbatbe befpzerb to be enbeweb Settb fcnberftanbmg accoptng a0 £> 5D bab pzomifeb. Sdnb S»ee Unovoe tbat of ail tl?e tbiHge0, iobicb bee ppmifet!) moft boun? tcoufip to bU3 fernanteo, t4;i» i& iuftlp tbe cbeef , tbat tbty map bee enlpgbt^neb ^itb bis faint to crce'.l in ttcu? ano fcunb Suif= tome. 3: no manifoib is tbe p?ofi tablcnes of tbis leffon ♦ fQ} firft ix>c be taugbMbat noting is mop too bee befppb,tljian tbat €»u) 2> fboulD gtipDebs&»ttb bislpgbt, leaft iae mrgljt become like tmtc beades. S)cconb1p,tbattt is tljc peculiar gift of tbe l^olp (5bofl: : fo: it tjab bin a fonbnes foz 2>autD,too bau« afUco tbat tlnng irliici) b* bin na.nrallp bzeb in ijun , 02 Sabici) be migbt bauc attcpneb to bp bis own tra^ ucll. Cb'rblp,comctb tbat i»b»cb 3! fapb concerning tbepzonuo: Cbat tbe faubfuil faouib not fttche to offer tljcmfclaes bnta (5 ob to bee enlpgbteneD bp bim,fc}fyo aflfus retb tbem tbat be toil bee tijc gupijc cf tbe blpnb , anb rcfufetb not to be a mapflcr $ teacber cf tlje little onc*i. i7o[3Let loiui 3D fa; Dcliuerance. wberebpbceacbnowleDs gctb bmtfclf to be contmuailp in manpe &aunger0,out of tobicb bebatb none otber nteanf to fcapc, eteept a0 D^iucrc to anp necrffitic) eallcD topon (Sod foi btlp. ^owbeit, fojafmucb as befpea= feetb tnp?ccj>ftb>,ll Doubt not but tbat bp cemmenDmg bis Ipfe generallp to tl^c tui= cion of 3D , betbinbetb bunfelf too bee inclofea foitb innumerable ocatbes, if (Sod bee not bis continuall beliuercr. 213 at tb?s is an tneatmable eomfojt, tb«C 3D aflliretb bstbatbis bdp fball aU wapes be rcop at bano foj bs in all Daun* gers. 17T. [SSipitppesfbaiifpeabc.fc.liBott) be fberoetb bp an otber reafon than be DiD m tbe lade berfc.boto bpgbb> be efteemcD to bee aDmtrteD among <©'ods 3Difctp!e0, anD to profit arpgbt tn bts S>cl)OOle : nas tneip, bpcaufe be frill ttepfoojtb fcritbrull moutb to pjapfe bcn (Sod batb fet bi0 JLatoe befoje bs,fO£ to0 too lerne out of ft &>bat= focuer is profitable to befenowen to falua^ cion: be alio becomerb our inwarD febooi- mauler , bpcaufe it fecre not pnougb too baue our cares ftriken i»itb tbe outtoarD fawns , onleffe (SOID enlpgbtcneD our mpnacs fentb tbe fpirtt of DnDeiflanDing, Jnb cojrcctco our barDnes foitb tbe fptrtt ofteacbeablcnes. SnDlifee as tbc labour of tcacbers in in bapne tnitill it bee mabc effectualitfo alfc it is to be noteb, t!jat fucb as are taugbt of o5od in Dccoe,are not ra= rpeD atoap from tbe Haw anD tbe Scrips tures bp fecret reuclaciono , as feme fans tafticali men bee, tolitcb tlnnb tbcmfclucs to fittcpmng in tbe firfi principles, if tbep map not fling avoap after tbeir ocone fo?* genes , bp trampling (Sods Iuoojd Dif- Depnfullp nnDcr tbeir feete. 3!n tbe fonrtb toerfc of tbis epgbt, be fapctb, tbat Sobcn be (ball baue p:oAteD in (Sods iLatoe, bee fe> ill alfo unplop bis labour in teacbing 0- tbers. Crulp tbis ojDer is to be bilD ,tbat tbe Doctrine Doo firft tabe rootc in our crone bar tes , bef oje loee fetter it bntoo otbero. ^cucrtbele0,ccbe man accojDing to tbc meafure of bis faptb ougbtto make bis b;otberc parttahcrs of tbat ivbicb be batb receiueD,tbat tbe Doctrine be not bu? rpeD, k>bofe bfc anD frute ttnc0,oj anfroer to tbp i»oo?D : bpcaufe tbe freto bnoxoleDge of rpgbtuoufncs is not too bee fetcbcD elf- tobercSut tljen fboulD tbe iettcrr Lamed] be fupplpCD bUtO tbC i»OOjD [Emratkeca.] 17% [lettbpbanD.fc] lBpcauftl>ee batbe aDDicteD bimfelf to tbe Doctrine of tbe tHawe , bee requp^ctb too baue 4E>OD0 banD too b re bis belper. iiotobceit, bp theiB £t>oo2Dc0 bee beclaretb , tbat fucb as peelD tbcmfelues too tbe gouernance of (SODS ioooxd, bauenees: of bis belp contis i7+ C3J faue longeb, 9 c] lltbouoftaU men imflje Swell to tlictnfelucs, anb no ma alfo flatlp rcfufetb (Erobs fauour.pit tse tlje cbopce of bappie ipfe fo confufeb anb vn= ccrtcin,tbat fcarce one among anbunbzeb afppzctb to d5obu>arb.5F oz -tu^ercast fonts are carpeb aroap Suiti) their owne ambiti-* on,fotne poffefTcb fo> itb couctoufncffc, anb • fome butne in lull : Che further that tbep* bzatoe bacltc from (Sob, fo mud) imagine tbep tbemfclues to fare the b ctter jt inallp acco zmng ad cebe man is befpzoufe to bee fafe: fo mud) tbc moze purcljacetb be gobs bifpleafure in fecfeing meanes on all fpbes. ainb the l^cbzeio construction betokened) a conftantnefie of befpze: fo? iooozoc foa Svoozsbce fapetb, [bcehabfeweb foztbe Welfare of cSod.j Eiftercoarb bee cepxef- fetb tl)e maner of the patient fen? mgc f oz £ fapDc Welfare :tbat 10 to xoit , ialjcnfocc feeKe fo? comfort anb relief of all malabies out of bofoeucr feebetb. not bimfclfs ioitb tbc afrpanceof tlje pzompfco falnatton , (ball quaple at euerp light pufbe. Cbcrefoze leafte tlje ^zopbetc mpgbtturnearoape r)t0 bnber= ftanbmg from hoping fo? f Valuation of Cob, bee bolBctb i)imfelfeS»pfelp^oitl)- int!j:2>octrincoftbeila&>c. 175 LJutmpfouleliue.w.] ifojafmucb astbeGlierbcs in tbeHebiaw areofdje ^Future fence, tbefemence mpgbt be iapo fooztb thus: JLo?De,fc>l)en thou fbaitbaue beftocD2b Ipfe bppon mee, 31 k»U intoucr too Qjcwj tup felfe tbanKefull in fcttinote foo?th tbp pzapfes. 31f tbiafence be IpUeor tb^n it fljalbe a fcpnD of rciopcingc,i»ber= in the ^:opbetc( toppontruft o?<©oDbes pzomifes ) Warranted) in'srfelf affurc&ip, t\)ail)i!s Ipfe fbalbce fafe. ^no boubtieile, although oure ipfe bee bpbbcn bnber the fbaootoe of osatb,pit map Soeeboaft, tbat it is fafe,bpcaufe timekeeper thereof is faptbfull: accozbinge alfo as this affpance fpzingctb. out of d&obs quicRcninge grace offereb bs inbisiooozbe. jj}eucrd}cicu"c, fozafmucb xs tlje mszc part of tbc 31 n.c» - pzetourstranfiate tbefapee iovoiocz in tlje manner of Smfljinge : iette 00 foloroc that iobiclje ts moil rccepueb : tbat is too S»it, tbat 3Dauib in fewing too banc bps ipfe pzolongeb , bootbe aH'o therewithal! fbet&etbe enbetoo tohtcbe becbefpzetbto hue: namely, that he map erercpfe bimfelf in fettfng fooztb d5obS pzapfes, ipfee a0 in the ^falme 1 1 5. 1 8. it bathe bin fapb,S»ee that fbalbeealpue,fhall pzapfe the iiozoc. Jntlje feconb member it Sucre bar ee too take [ iubgementes ] too bee mente of the commaunbementes , too ivhic'ae it belon--- gethnotp^operlptoogpuehelpc. Jit Ut- meth tben,tbat bpcaufc the jl^ophete per- ccpucb hi'iiiclfe in hajarb of innumerable mifcheeue0, (accozbinge as the fapthcfull in this ir>ozlb are fapne to brocll as (hcepe amonge >x>olues,bp reafon of the bnbjpba leb libcrttc of the Suicfeeb) he: calleth bp- pon (0ob fo? Defence, that hee bp tbefecret bzpblc of his pzouibencc, fboulb redrepnc all the bngoblp from booing him iiartnc. iHnbtruelp, Soheu tlnngcs are tumbleb bp anbbowne in t'.jc S»o?io,anb our luci= fare is in perill amonge the funb?ie 9 ma= nifolb ftozmes therof, it is a rpgbt r zo fi= table icfton to lift bp our epes to c^obbes iugementcs,anb tofeeUe remebieatthem. ^otwit[;aanbinge,fo?afmuch as in tb«S }lbialtiie,the fapb iuoo?b [ 31ubgementsj tscomonipreferreb to dSobs commaun- bemcntes'.ai man map fitip tranflate this this pi ice fo alfo: fo as the pjopbet fboulb attribute the office anb charge of helping, bntoo <£5cb3 Suoozbc, bpcaufc hec fobetl) bs not Soitl) bapnepzomtfes, but confirm mct^ lOim \_aiuilis i^onmicuuiuc, met!; anD rattfgetb l)t0 Sdoojdc as ofes a0 n«ae is , totti) tyc wefent footing of bis IjanD. SlnDfa (ball it bee a lingular corns tKetiDatton to aouancc tlje cfficactc of gobs SooojD.tbat t!)e ^Djoplict cailctb tbe &au> of <£od to bis bclpe . 3if an? man ba*> lt- tier to erponnb it of tbe keeping off law : 3! will not ftrpue agcpnfl; ijitii : as if the 3i jopbet fboulD fapc,?j.o?De, lette t!;e up s ngbtneffc ftljicbe 3B bane obferucD , anD ti)cinbeuer tbat 38 bane implopco tn kee= pingtbp commawiDemcntS, bee a Defence foj mcc. 176 [3 baue ftrapeD. ffc] $ee confefe fctb not bis fmncs beere(as manp falfelp furmpfe) as if bee bab bin Djatoen intoo tbe trappes of §>atan: foz $ feconD mem - ber is agcpnli it , S»bcrc bee Dcnpetb tbat bee bab foigcttcn (5odo ilawc. 3tnD it is a colD folution to far c, tbat be fc>as a ftrap fbeepe befoje tlje tpme of Ins calling, anD tbat aftertcaroebee foas gpuen to goolp= ncfTe: 0? tbat in ftraptngebee to as i»itlj- bilo bp fotnc gooip affection , tbat bee DpD not btterlp call off tbe feare of d&oo. jtot 1 1 is eerteine, tbat in botijc tbe members there is betoaencD one fclfefame tpme, 3igepn,it is cafie to gatber,tbat tbe ^?oa pbetc fpcaHctb aDuerfatiuelp : t'aat ts too fapMbataltbougbbce baD ftrapeDUHea loft (fccepe, pittas ijwncuer ouergioai iDitb fojgetfulnefle of <£ods HaSo.Cberc fo?e in mp iuDgemcnt bee l'apctb bee baofcc ftrapcb, bpcaufc tbat becing cbaceo bp tbe fojtce anD biolence of bis enempes, be cons uepeD bitnfelf fearfullp from place to place, too fpnbe fotnc const te too bpDc bint m. S>urelp ioce knotce, tt;at JDauiD ieas To bunteD, tbat bee coolbc norobere fpnbe a qupet place to rcfte bis banifbeD bones in. Wljcrfoje tljis &imi!ttnDc mpgbt bee bc< rifpeD of bun mote fitlp, in tbat lice becing eljaccD ana Djpucn awap, DiD foj all tbat, ncuer fawuc from <5ods jLawe. •£& o?eo • uer.inafinucbe as tbe woollies purfetecb bim cuerptobcrc, bee Dcfpjcib <25 «£> 3D to gatljer bim bp, anD too gpuc bim a qupet anD fafe abpDtnge,tbat bee mape at lengib leauebis ftrapinge, SinD it iuas tl;c belle meanc of obtepmnge tbat coulD bee,tbat beeing affaplcDfc>itb manpe tmuries, bee nencr fbuinHe from tbe fearc of <£> £> 2D: iobicb tbing notw itbftanoing mult rather, bee rcferreD too tbe conrfe of bis Suhcl? lpfe,tbantoo fu's particular Doomgcs, as tbe? terme tbem. f\ 01 altbougb bee iuer e foinommeb in b<0 aououtrie foj a tpme : pit is it certepne , tbat bee fras bpbiiDe in aDncrfitie bp d5oDlp fnffcrance , fo as Ijee perfeuercD infolowinge rpgbtwoufe neffc. The conteintes of the Cxx. Pfalmc. If wee tdkg Diiuiclto banc bin tbe ^iutbour of this Pjklme,}(wbich thhi* is probable): bee decUrcth bowe carefully bee bad frayed at fucbe tyme as bee wandered from place to place 3 too efcapc tbe crucltie of S aide. xAnd 7710ft of all, bee compUynctb ofleawde backebytcrs3 wbicb cbar»ed bim yrriufl- ly witb ftlfe /launders contrane too bis deferte . But if fome other conietlure bee more liked > then pull it bee afngle andgenerall complayrit a sew ft falfe rcportcs. This Tfalmeand tbe nextfowcrtcencfolowingc, are called ffalmcs oj CreeceSiStcppeSj Stayers or Degrees : but in what consideration! it is not agreed vppon, euen amonge tbe Hebrewe Dotloures. Some furmyfe, tbat there were fifteen c Greece* or Steppes vp too that pjtrtc of the Temple that was appoynted for the Men : and tbat tbe Women flayed ft dl beneath: but it is a fondegeajjc 3 and wee knowe bswe large fcope tbe Iewes take yntoo them- vppon the. Ixix. Ffalme. 192 themfclues in dark?, cacesytsfcyn what they lift.So)ve yndcr (land this moun- t if 1 g, or going vp,too bee their retimie from the capt'mitie ofBabylone: which is ytterly conjlrcyncd. For it is manifefc that the more part of them were made eytherby Dauid, or by Salomon: and it is eafi'e too gather by the con- teintes of them, that as many of them as were made by Dauid3were woont too bee fungin the Temple whyle bee was yit alyue. Otherfome thinke the fayd mountinges too bee Tunes in Dcfcanting . e ttoib. jr.] Cfec tent tljat b v bt0 own etample fie mpgbt antlio?0 name 10 not fcjiittcn bn * batten ottjee bnto bolDnefi in piping, fpe too ir, Ijoivb ett tl\t io\) ole iapmg ciallp io ij c t\)c? be pincljcb ioitl) abucr (Ut. togttljer of j fc>ozb0 rercmbleti) :ffo: although men Jjauc ncebe of <£obs s bauto bnto to0 : tberfoze altboglj belp eucrp moment , pit 10 tljcrc no tpme 31 bare auouclje nothing fo? a ccrtefntie, moie conuenient to feeUe btra, than £»bcn pit boo31 ratljer gtue mp confent tljat tbi0 Come ouergreate banngcr reignert;. Cber ijafalmc ferns mabe bp i)im. Jfteptber. jcottl fsie tbe circumftance 10 to be notcb, bote it bee amtffe (in mp iubgment ) fo too ejc= b« fe>a0 herb cuen at fucb tpme as tnbtis pounb it ao if bi0 name fejerc crpxeOcb. iacion compelleb him to pceib bimfelf into Cbi0 tban being gratmte&.altbougb that the protection of <& €> 2D« JDamb in declaring that £ 3Loid I;ao berfc 2 . [ Jlozb, deliucr. f c] /flow bec fcttctf) bun , boo in tljis bcrfe giuc tljan&c0 : pit botcn the mancr of bis affitction, nnmelp, notccitl)ftanbingbi0 cbeef purpofe 5»ao to tbat be 5»a0 bnrtljeneb imtb foJfe furmp? bcclarebnbertbefozmeofcoplapnt,bo»» fib crime0 . 3Cnb m accuQng hte enc- SoicUeblp 9 cruellp *§>aulc0 £latccbacbc0 m?f0 of iping anb falibob, t;ce auoucbctb bent all tljeir ftuop anb inbeucr to bis be= l)i0 osrnc innocencie agcinft tbctr Oauiu aruction.^>cucrtbele0^8 firftpjotcttctb bcr0. ^10 complapnte tbcrcfo?c tcnbttlj bi0o\»RetbanHfulne0,intl)atbebabnot too Uu0 cnbe, tljat inaomucb as bee caUco bppen <® Q 3D in ba?ne : to tl;m= fenowejs Ijim felf decrc from fill faulfc , it ts lobn v^aluins Lommcntane, truft of that bopcfteppcs bp tottb a great cojtage, in cace njB if bs fboulb trifipb ouer tbe tobole rout of flaunberers , aflunng tljc tbat thep aoo nothing c lie but betray it is nocemft all right anb rsafon tbat leaub pcrfones fboulo bcaacatbin*>anbbjung bitn intoo batteb toitbout bis befcrutng. 3nb toberaa bcccytfull ranges aflanlt t)0 ml * playne men trooo forayed: tbat is to \tbeir bainbefyzoumes of raylmg,? toljicb toit, eyfbcr in compaffing tbcm by topics <£ob toill at icngtb bcatc back bpon tbeir 5 capttaumcs,ozby biffamingtbetnfalGy: o&nbcabs. 3mb to affuag y grecf of altrjc t'jc 32>zopbet fynoett) fault t>cerc but toul) goMy , toben flaunberers tozongfuilp inn tbcfccounb fojt. &o\D,it a pjopbet, en- pcacbe tbeir goobname,be giuctb tbe this baveb toitb fo greate bcrtcw, anb bceing comfo;t,tbat n>y fl)all not!;tng eicsrcfromallfpotoffufpicion.ycaanbfar * caufetbs&ozb toill bifappoiw tbeir bope. of from all faultc, toas neucrtbclcs aflap= IcD toitb (lumber: tobat toeonber is it if tbe clnlo;en of C5 £D 3D at tl;ts bay be cbar geo toi4) falfe flaunber, ano tobcras tbey iabcuec too boo toell,bc nottritljGanbing ill reported of:1 Sub furcly ,fitb tbey banc t?;c ID well tbe it cnemie, tbey iniifl neeocs bee burbeneb toitb bis lyes . i$ay ratber toe fec.tbat rayling tunges fparco not cue tbe fonne of 45 £) £> . wber fo?e it becoms metl) bs to bcare it tbe wioje patiently, if naugbttpackes rayle bppon bs bnoefer= nebly. ^ro? it is ccrtein tbat Ijeere is befcri beb bnto bs tijc comon lot of tbe totyole Cbuwbe. 3. [wfjatfballtljctung.fc.lCbe^Oi pbec enbailcctb tbe malice of bis enemies, in tbat tb :-f r iwicHcD inft ojaue ttjem to ray ling , eucn tobere tberc toas no pzofcr of obuaumage. Is? acubc;r,bc feemctfj to p;o= cecbe y tt furtber, tbat is to toit,tljat after tbey baue liuffljeb out all f poyfon of t&cir fiaunberou0 reposes , yit (ball tbeir at- tempts bee in baynr anb boyb of fucccS. ^fojafmucb tbenasd5ob maynteynctb tbe innocencie of ljis fcruants, 3Dauio bppon 4. [Cbe fljarp arowes.f c] Cbc malice of fucb as trubbie fimple anD barmeleffe foroles toitb fbeir flaunbcrs,is amplifycD toitb an otber rcafon: namely , that tbey Qjoote ou.t tbeir flaunocroufe rcpojtcs afc ter tbe fame fozt as if a man fboulb ftrifee- Ins ncybour tb.zougb tottb an arotce: anb tbat tbeir flaunbers arc its c to coles of $ u nipcr, fo)bicbperccmo?efpeebely,f bo?ne mo?c Sul)otly tban coles tbat bee maae of other tooob.Cbe effect is.tbat y tunges of flannljcrcrs arc inflameb fo)itb fy?ie beatc, anb as it fojere tippeb fojitb beably poyfon, anb t hcrf o?c are iefie ercufable,tn tbat tbeir befy^e of fo beably anoying p^occebetb nGt bppon I'opc of retoarb . 3!nb fo^afmucb astbe^zopbctrepojttetl; notbing beere, butibatfo)b'cbbcljabbab ejeperience of: if be, anb fucb like as be fo?as, foa ere fayne tcobeefbortbzougbfojttb tbe aroives of lyes, anb too be as it fo>cre burnt bp tot tb tbeir coles: tijerc is no rcafon toby toee fboulb tooonber,if eucn t\)e bed fojt of d&obs feruantcs bee now erercyfeb after tljefamemaner. j Woe is mce,that I haue bin a wayfarer in Mefcch, and haiie dwelled among the tentes of Kedar. My foule hatlic dwelled long with the hater of peace. I baue fought peace : and whyle I fpeake, they bentc themfclnes too warrc. 5. ft\?o is mee.fc.]^e maketb W mone tbat l)e fboulD bee bnuen to linger among frorcarb folfe , as if fosue fojetoljeb pers fonc Qjoulb bee faync too fpcnblns lyfe infoiowfttll esylc. }*>ee tinotce tbat tbe jfflpcfccljptcjBf f Heoarencs toerc €atter? !y people: tlje former of toljfcb toofee tWv beginning of ^aptjet 3 as ^ofcsbccla= rctl) in C'cncfjs tbe tentb cbapter anb fif= csnb berfe : anb t Ijc otber bcfccnbcb of a fone of Jlfmaellcs.^Foj too bnbcrftanb it of tl)C ^etrurians, is altogicber agctnft reafen, reafon.anD bopD of all colour of liheliboD. &ome Sml baue ttje S»ojD <3i9cfccb to bee a notcne bpcaufe the foo?D [Mjfllak]Ggn(fictb too Djawc:thep thinnc that thc|D^opt;ct t eicaj ictb bis contimr allbanifbmente Swbicljbce fawe too bee pjolongtD &>ptbout enbe . 2l5utfo? as much a0 bp anb bp after , l;cc abDetbJ&ei bar.Cbp ferjtc^ name it is ccrtefn that tije 31fmaclptc0arebctokcneD,) 3 bout not but £ bp ^cfeeb bectobenetb tbe 3!rabi= ans tebtch bojbcr top on tbem.if anp man flunk that the ^pfecl)ptC0 baue obteincD that name of then: cunning in fbooting:3} iuiino: £enb ir itb lum,fo Srcc map agree bpontbis point, that tbe f&jopbet ejepjtef- fctb the trhfomncflc of a barb anb pcinfull abibing,as if be tecre barn fbcb into a ceils trpcfoutJau.cs. f o; it us too bee tubers ficGD,t hat although bee name tbe 3r abps ans.ptt hefpeakctb metapbojicallp of hi0 otonccountrtmcn-.iifccasin another place becallctb tbe corrupt* baftarblp^cites bp tbe name of dB'entples. HBut bcere too tl;e cnb bee might taunt hps enempe0 the tnojte btfbcpnefullp , hec cl)oo;e out foj tbe nonce tt;cfc fopl&e anD barbarous Marions, foljofc bnmcafurableemcltfe irasHnoircn too tbe j,cu:c0. 3inbbp theisfocojtocs&jce bee tausbMbat there fcarcelphappcnetbanpmoje bitter mife= rtetoo© fi> 2D S> cbtiD;tcn,tban lolicn bp their (tBoDlp anb barmelefle conuerfa= tton,tbepcan neucr tljcmojc cfcapctocnc= mou0 flaunbers. 3iifo tt 10 too bee noted, crjat beeingc in biw orene C ountr.te , bee teas but as a &otc8;mcr:bicaufc nothing coulb bauc greucb inm &?o;fe than to fecpe companp frith SaicfeeD folk. $e% tljcrebp iuee gatber,tbat notbing 10 mo?e Detecta- ble bnto (25 od (in£t>bofcfprrithcefpafee) tban tbe falfe baebptmges &>btcb Deface <3B $> 3D S> Churcbc £»ptb foule ha= ttccb , fo as it Differ etb in a manner no- tbinge from tbe ZDennes of Cbesues, 0; from tbe places that are DlffameD foj tl:cir burbarcuo fauagencflt . jft c w tf it bee a fojtou ful outlarte to (B® b *> ctyh D?cni»bcn tbe mnoccncicof goob men is bnmftip teipcbibotc fliottlb tbep billing - ipanQ iartborot mofte, bitter fojow of bart, mafeciongcabose in fueba^lace iobere <0 £> D !? bolpname is (hawe: full? BefjlcD isiti) l;ojnblcblafphcmie0,f vppoii the.Cxx. Pfalme. *E> reach not out bis hand bp - anbp:ltfce as free ice bow JDautd in tbps f5fiamegt8ctbthan&esbn«o<£ &> 5> fog bps beliuerance: and pit nenertbcIcO'f becoapieth bis long oppjeffton, as a man fo>fpem iot.b lingering. The ContcintesofthcCxxj.Pfalmt. This *Pfalme,to the intent to exhort the fdithfull to truft -well to Gods helpsand to teache them tofiie ynto hisf>rotcxion:firjl auoucheth tlut -whither foeuer -we caft our eyes3there is no -welfare too bee found any -where elfc : and fecondly extolleth ■with lingular tytlts of commendation 3Gods fatherly, chartnejje in defending the faith full. The. Cxxi. ffalme* A fbng of degrees.I will lift vp rnyne eyes vnto the Moun* taincs,from whence my help shall come. 2 My help b from theLord who hath made both Heaucn and earth. T» til lift bp etpne epes sfc.] Che $jopbet Obofoeuer be is) fce= mctb at the firft enteracc to take bponbbn tbepcrfon of an bnbe- lccuingman.5?o;t hkcaa d5t©3D picucntctb tbc f<bfull i»ith bis bicfTngo, ano mcercth t'ocm of bis otone accozde :fo alfo do tbep bpanb? call tbeir epesbppon lym . what meenetl) then this fickle gas 5tng of the f^opbec, feljcn be rol/eth bps cpes about vmto funojp piaccs,a0 though faith directed b»m not bnceo u5 «£) 2} r" jB anfoere that the Sa>it its of tbe ^oalp are ncu.r fo fuilp poffcfled bp <& sD 16 £> ioooztie , but that at tbe flrft frtaped tljcp bee c«rrped atoap too allurement es.&pc* ctallp at fucb tpme as daungcrs pjtouoke bs, rjtlobenfoKebcc fbakenispthfotf temptations : 31 1 ts fcarre pofforie (fo greu*l;nge arc !»e bntoa tbe earthward) but t(i it See muft ncvDes bee moued u,icl| tbe entpecmeutes tbat foiflail toss , bnspll our mpndcscaft a fnatf'.c toppon tbem; fclucs, nno return t^anfeltus bnto <£cd. 0eucrtftelefle tbe fentenee map bee tn powndeo condicionalip : as if tbepjopbet fb ottlbfap,fo>hatfoeueru>c think of tbem, all tbc hopes that x>y>\x>c 00 awape front the one (i5oi», are but flpgbtful ano dceep* uable . after this account, tbe $>?opbct (boulo not fbeoj what bee debated inn) bimfclfe 0; what be intended to doo : but onelp , that tbcp Ufe tbcp? labour tobicfe feUing <&ott afpde, ga-jc far about tbem,f fceke remedpea bp long and isanbermge Sopndlaflcs. Ccrtein it is in bccbe,tbat be fettetb fo;tb in bis atone perfonc, tbe ma* laD'.eiobereofailmanUpnb is ficde . Tit (ball it bee no vo\)it ageinfl: reafon,that he fpake according too bis ocon feeling. 5F0; i»ee bnoac tbat this banttie is b^ed in all of bsbp nature : namclpthat iolicnfeee be ftriken in anpfcare,l»e turne our eves' hither and tb tbe? , bntili faith bnng'bs bacHc fro the iopndlalfrs of our crrours, and gujpoe do bnto €?od alone . f ox the onelp thing Svl)erintoe 0 {fcr from the bn bdecuers ts t!;ts : that Sousras S»ce bee all all of b0 foKtoarD too abmtt Deceits anD ItgUof crebit to belecne fcntruthes: i&a than befo>r cct^e* I; the faptblcfle fcttb hi0 Oigbt0> but dFofc r ojr rctetb the befaulte ofournature,tfbfferctbb0nottoft>a» Der oucr far.<£>urc ly the $£jr phcte mce= ring 10 nothing Doubtful! : nanulp, tbat cltbcughc a I the m igt>t pert bcipeo in the &ojlb offer tbemfelucs bntob0:pttmuft S»c c not fccUc anp fafct v at ail fcntlicut <5oD:«? rather t'.at inben men baue fee* rrcb t befell? c0 a great febu" em bunting fnjrcmcfetfjp onelfiDcp , tbcf (ballot length fmtc by experience, bow there 10 no aflur cd help but only in d$ob. jtoi bp the [inountaincs] be betobenetb fobatfo cuit Us btgb o; c tcciicnt in earth :ao tf be (boulDf far, although all tbe glojtoufnc % of tfjc fc?o?io funk bpon Vjs: > »r 10 tbat ft uour too bee accinntcb ao nott,mg+a nb tbe fc two brrfc0 mi'ft be rcb topmlp tc= gttber, thus : to ben 3 (ball banc luted bp mine cpes bnto tbe taountatns, tbtn (ball J finDc bp crpcrtcnce tbat J drape anttffc anb icitbout p jofit , bnttl tbep bee fsfrrncb bpon^oo cmip.^inb be rnntb= ail tt to too bee notrb, tbat c5cb 10 not (a batncBbojtnco tnttb tb«» title, tbat be (0 tbe mabt* of bcautn ano cartb.jFcj ttyt vppon thc.Cxx. Pfalme. ip4 bp (0 tbe bnbtriDne© oFnitti etiertb»»srt \v tauntcD,tobe tbrp cannot SnD t k their barf es to red tbrmfetuc0 bpen bis puife faunce . iF oj if tbep atbncwe leDg? b bim tbjougblp fo; tbe Crcatour,tbcp fcjonib alfo be per fuaoco, tbar (inafmucb as tbe ix>bo>C feP?iD is tn bto banb,anb 10 rulcb bpbi0?ppoititmtnObeef0 atnubwub b j'.mr afut able powcr.HUut nc we btcaufe blinbe beabtnefle barpetb tbcm another &ap,tbep brfreube btm of bto right anD p?cbcmtncncc. Xnb tbu0 n uft&eappip tbe pjoper title to tbe parent cace* Cbl effect 10, that tobcreafl fee be bp Mature otter Diligent to fee b e eafe anb recede of ourmiftne0:fpecau> feben tbere ban* getb oat b0 anp mamfeft peril j pit fee ronne icwbtpe ttfHtng tijjoagbe croobcb Smn&lafTes : anb tben'ojc our Smts mutt be reftrepneb , tbat tbtp map nocappipe tbemfeluea too anp tbtng cie than onelp bntcc <5 £» 3D. 3nb not etrnffc (m mp tu&gemenO Boe fomeibpnfe that [El] 10 putbeercfo; [Gual] fc>btcb Ogntfietb [a» boue 0; bpon j fo as the mccmng fbouibe be .tbat altbougb men ga?e neucr fo high pit (bail tbep rtnbe ho htttit at all toity* out(S>£>2D« 3. He shall not g'me thy footc to flyding,thy keeper shall not flomber. 4. Beholde, the keeper of Ifrael shall not flomber nor fleep. j. The LORDE t thy keeper,thc LORDi: is thy defence at thy ryghte hand. ?. C^ccfbaHnotgiuf.fc] ©«retoo the intent too call bachr the faithful, anD to cut of occafion of all the cm tec mentes that are fecnt to r:at» axrap tbe tntnbeo of tbe gobip : lobe frbatfocucr the ico>to imgs ate front to fuc fc; 0; tco hope fo; at the feoilbe : that Dootb if?e p^o ^betc otiouebe too bee aburbauntai-.b teabpat banli f 7 the faithful in <0o& alone* 3nb tee rot onelp aito bucctb pcucr bntco

!D the rfo?e is fet foojtb to the faitb fula0 tbe tr beeper, tbattbepmapereae carclt fit be; pon ma p^ouibencr . ^0? lib z as all gc Dip lieff? 10 quenci: cib? b< ■ frhicbc tmagmi tl;at 05oO bath no care at ail of tbe froilD : cuen 10 tbcp that imagine 2D (balincucc tbnuc.buui tbe certanttt of tbts bepmg bee tb;ougblpc feticD tn our bar no be auoucbetb <0£)5D tos bee our keeper too the enc bee uup boloe be bppr« ^ i>c il5bbt»ij. wejb John Caluins Commcntarie foooib [Mot] among tbe $rb;ct»es figs nifictb no foela flpDtng o; falling^* al= fo a trembling ano daggering* $}ow al= tljougb tt happen tl;at tbe faithful Do of- tentimes dagger, pea anb flpDealfo : pit notwitbfranDtng fo; afmucbe as a quite anD cleane of all care anb fear : tbe g9;opbrt tcfttfictb tberrottbal,tljat d5ob Keepetb contlnuallp foatcbe. 4. [HScbolDetbehceper.jc] Cotbe intent bee map call bacKe tcbe one of the fattbful bntoo tbe gcncrall couenant : be rjetenbet?) <£obs piouibenc* to y fobole boop of tbe Cburci). j! o; to tbeenb tbat ccbe man map btlceue tbat <25€>3D fotll be gracious vmto l;tm : it bebeouetb bttn to begin at tbe gencrali couenant.atnb it foere an a war maner of fpecctje in otber ianguages.too fap [bee (ball not Oomber no? fieepc] fo; bee flpouib ratber fap, bee (ball not deep, no no; aomber,but l&btie tbe i^cbicwes tranfpofe tbis o;Dcr,tbcp reafon from tbe greater itbelpboD to tbe icfTc lifeclpbebe « Cbe mecning tben is, tbat inafmucbe as <&oX> bootb not at anp time fo mucbe as flo mbcr ,fo i c necoe not be afrapeb at all tbat anp t b t ng map bap pen unto tos fobile bee is a Qcepe.^owe foce bnberftanb tbe #;opbcts purpofe* if 0; to tbe eno be map perfuaoe ecb pets fon.tbat d££>2D batbe a fingulcr care of Mm : be allcogi tb fobat bee bad) p;omi- feb too tbe iutjole people 3ano anoucbetb <£:£>£> to be tbe beeper of bis Churcbe, to tbeintet tbat out of tins foater fpjtng cuerp man mapconuepe riuers too bttn- felfc. Ebcr cfo;e f peahuig too eucr p man feuerallp,bp an bp after be abbetb agem, [£5£>ZD tstbp Keeper] bcrelpleatte anp man migbt Doubt to applp tbat tblng to bis owne bfe , fotnebe bclongetb too all 3ifraelU %m dPoots calico [a Defence at our rtgbt bano ,] too tbe intent free map b note? ,bovo foe neeD not to go farre too kibe oD,but tbat bee is at our clbowc 0; ratber tbat b« ftanbetb bpour fioe to DefenDPS* 6. The Sonne shall not burne thee by day,nor the Moone by night' 7. The Lord wil keep thee from all euil, he wil keep thy Soule. 8. T he Lord wil harken to thy going out, and to thy comming in, from this time forth for euermore. 6. DCbe&anne. jc] H3ptbcfefb;tnes of fpeeebe bee commenDetb tbe frute of inec= Docbe,bnDer out perticuler, bee affuretb tbe faitbful tbat tbep fbalbe fafe from all aouerQttes, bicaufe tbcp bee fbetlbto & <5 obs banD* iftcuertbeleffc tbcre ts in tt a ^ctapbo; alio : fo; bp tbt coioc of tbe nigbtano sbebeaw oftbeoape.tbe |9;es Pbetebetofecnetb anp maner of mconne= ntence, <£be mening tbcnts,£ altbougb tbe fattbfulbcc fubtect totbemtfertes of mans life as foci ao others be :pit is tbe fbaaow of <£oD alroapes caft bpon tbeir GBe,tbat tbep map not feele anp barm bp tbem* ^ottoitbftanDing be foarrantetb not C5ods cbi.bjtn fucbe p;€rogattnc , y tbcp fbalbe p;tmlcDgcD from all trouble: but onlp affuagctb tbetr grcefe fottb tbis foiacip tbat as long as tbep bee in oD fotll in fucbe foifc p;e- ferue tyg feruants from all cutis, as bee foil Keep tbetr life in fafetp.Hlnb tbis tru IpisgeneraUtbutafterwarD becometb boron to tbe cbeef parts of a mane life* 8. [Cbe «.o;oe foil p;eferue.f c«] Cbe meentngis^tbat fobatfocner tbou at= tempt 0; go tn banbe fottb in all tbp Ufe> fbalcome foel anb iucbelp to paffr.jBow altbougb <£>od gutDe tbe tntentes of bps feruants fottb biSfpirtt ; pit notroitbfti Ding, tbis place feemetb ratber to be rc= ferreo too tbetr p;ofpcrouo fallings out. ,#Jcuerrbclefic tf anp manne bao leuer to ertenD tt furtber,31 gawefap rjtm nor. Jx is tnougb fo; mee too emb;ace tbe tbmg tbat is out of all controuerfpe fure anb foutiD,tbat Us toe foit^tbat ©od foiibee a coRtit vppon tne . v^xxij. Fialmc. a continual! grcpbe tc bin i'eruanrccfo as betotlvcacbe outbio banbtoa tbem, ano lcabe tbcmcuen from tijc beginntnge too tl-je enb , accozoingc too t'octv Ijarts befire. ^Wo2Coucr it t0 toooji!) the noting , tobp tb'cf-^opbct rcpetetl; fo often tbe tljinge that bee baD evpjcffco platnclp pnougb in one fooojo : fox fact) beating uppon it fees metbfupcrfluouo. But tftocctoep bow barb tt is too correct our mftruftfutneffe, tocc map gatber, tb*t tbe J£jopbci0 flan- bmgbppon tbe commenbationof<2>ob0 not tottbout good confibe= racion. Jftytobatio be among anombet tobicb peclDctb fo mucb bononre bntoo 4t»£>3D, as too tbtnfee btmfelfe aflurcb in i;tut,anD to cal upon itim in \)is neceffttte* »9? anb periUC0:'/frap ratbcr,eucntoben tocc fee me to banc tafteb bctt tobat &®TO & pjeuibeoce,map auapie bo , ad'oone as a lcafe boot!) but fall from a tree, toec ibuo - ber a0tf bebabqupte fozgottenjbo.&ttb tben that toe be to jappca tn fo ma n p nut? ooutingeo , anoareforebptoobiflruft: tbto place teilctb bat , tbat if a G;ou ft it- tence fuftrfe \>tt not, tocc map gatbev bn- too tes tobatfoeucr is too bec met topft> all atyobe tn tbe Scripture concernpnge #£>2D $> piouibcnce , bntill tfjio popnt of 2Doctrine,(namclp tbat3>3D boot!) altoaica feeepetoatcb foibo^be tlwougb ip fettleb in our a0 toee bscinge contcnteb toptb bvs oncip befence , map bib ai tbe fozgmco of tlj« toojlb farsu»cU. The contcants of the; Cxxij .Plalmc. In this Vfalme Dauidreioycetb with 'himfdfe And dlltbc Church, t\)At At length' G 0 D b*d.appowtcd ArefiingpUce far the *Arke of couenAunt, And chosen- a place where his name-jhouldbee continually called yppon. *Af- terwardto the intent to encourage and h Art en tbefaithfull to befiow cofi yp- \pn.t\xfauauAYie ; \e, ffeclarcib -bwejly tbAt the happiefate of the people de- pended yppon -this poynf,that God hath chosen Hierttfalcm to bee bis royall fctfcifrom Wt) beer is foynded fW defend, mayriteyne, and help his fer- nauts. ' The, CxxiWPfabne. Dauicfs long of degrees. I was glad when they {aid tomce,wec will go into the houfe of the Lord. 7 Our feete shalbe (landing in thy gates 6 Ierufalem. Icrulalem n bwilded as acitie,that is vniforme in it (cite. ta-t'tl) Cngnlar gtabne0:fo bcaffirmetb tbat IjccrctovccD mtbe confent of tbe tobole people tbercbnto.Cbto circumftacc barb not bin icepeb fuf fictenr lp becret ofezc,8H6] d$cb bab often fapbc bp $$ opfeo, bow tbe tpme fboulb 'one bapc come , tbat bt0 &anctuarie fbulbbaucafuref liable abpbtng place : anb pit fojt all tbat , tbe 3>rsee of tbe itoib bab bin rcmoueb to anb fro a0a toapfarer abotie atboafanbpeercstogitber . 3t lengtb ©oo rcoelco mount §>ion Unto id auto, tobcrc be tooulb Imuc tt fettleb f a Cem^ pie bwil&eb to bimfelfe. Jftow like a© £>a uib btmfslfe emb^aceb tbe promts of gob tbcrcfojc tbe tmerpzcter0 banc not tranf^ lateb it toellinlltting it bownc CD ret op = ceb.toitb tbcra tbat fapb bn:o mce.] -if o; not onelp tbe fence to mabe mo;c bar Kc bp tb*0 mcanc0:but alfo it bttcrip marreb bp tbe OSrcebetranaaiionanb tbe common tranftaiion in llatin , toljer e it to fet boron in tbe neater genoer tbuo: C3I reiopceb in tbe tbtngo p tocr fapb bnro nice.] 31 graut S5bbfc«ut. tn lohn Galium Lommentanc in bcebe tbat v»o?l> foi i»obib it i0 [IB res iopecb in them tbat faio bntomcc.] K5«t it iononcw tlnngctootrartflate tbelettre [Bech]mtot»)eaoaerb of tpmfcanDTo ootl) tbetcctrcqupze. foj, ZDauibauoucbctb Ijimfclf to baue btn f ouctycD fettb a Dubblc top;namclp, foi tbat bee fawetbe oiaele (•tDbcrbp amount g>ton iaaocboscn-too tljc folemncfcruis of <©£>£>) too becre= ictucD S»ttb bntuerfall obcaienc c of at the people. 3i5p i»t)icl) citampieteec bee put in minb , tbati»ec eugbt to mafcc bubble top ,toben <££>£> bpbps fpirttnotohcl^ framctb cucrpbnc dfbsto tiie obcoience of bio tooQio,butalfobzmgetb;Otb«r0bni tooitfcntl) oflJo as fmee map becattife- loweo of one felfefame fartb . wee fenowe bow greatc the frocoarbcncft'c of manne0 nature ts,mfoinucli as alroaieS commons.. IP tbc greater nombcr murmurcrij as oft as ■£ © 2> fpcefcetb . C l)erf oie there id, offcrebbntoobo no fmallcaufeofrciop cing.'coDen at men fubfenbe bnto dfc»£) ID s»itb to0 . Cbev tbat tranflate tt [imth tijem tbat fapb bnto nice, J picbe out tl)ps fence : J tafce Delight m the campaHp of tbem that allure mec toibe fcraiS of <£cb at:b etfcnfamfciuestooaccompanp mc* that i»ce map go to the *&anctuam too= gitbzr.liS tit bp rtK feconb berfe it torn" ap s peerc moie eutapntlp , that the glaoneffe febtcb liefpeauetl) of,fc>asconcepueD bps pon tht0, that bet faroe tbc people, i»ptb fozcioarD obebience offatth confent onto tl)c i^eaucnlp tfDiade foithelautfullanb fteufaa placmgfcof the Srhe of coucnant. JFoi bpanbp there folctoctlj, . ; h [0 jln iecDe the bcrb is of tiic picter t ence ,\ul)icij map bee banofomcrp Kept ftill. i^oajbectt f o?aftuucl) as it f fciilcth. litle to tbe effect of the matter: J maoc no confeience to gme the reaocrs there free chcrpce. Jroj 3Dautb rebcrfctb thecomon bopecof ailtbt soolp that tbtp foouloat length fet fure footing in ^erufalcntibpcaufeituias &>ill tofcttlc hi0 &>anetuarYther, i»t>icb bctctoofoie hab bin remouco into funbip toDgmgca. 25 ut fcpfuct) l$t*grimage of tbeairfe (SsD2) did put bis people in tninb,botp bet- baD not maoc iOBoifc0 too fpeakcthc tlnnge in bapne ftrtneb jfctW* c'jeo eucn novo.^o tbe as oft a0 f Slrfc of touenant S»a0 ffjiftibfroM one place too anotber, €>ob qmefecneb )op bis fernants befpjes to fern foj tbc ccrtcin fettling of it. ;fl£o£eouertbe fapoe fcttlcDneffe of abp- bmg tolnebi»eefpabeof, iuasa matter of no fmall importance, foi lihe as u.l>ilc tbc 3rbe %oanbereb , tbc pcoplco foiirje bung in fufpence : fo after €>ob bao cljos 5«n a ft«bie reftingplace, be teftifpeb moie ccr tctnlp, tliat bee iooolo bee a continual! p^eferuer of tya people. Jtijs no marucll tljercfoje rl)ougi tbc faitbfuli boo feitlj lbanl&fg(iuing ©eclarrtbaf tbepjtfeete ftal bencefo^tb ftanseftebfaftm tbc gates of jt crufalem,i»r>eras beerctof o}t tbep leer foont too trot fcpano boicnc . (^,rt\o it is in Dece that (be 3rcti D*a>al1eD a longtime in &>ilo.H5ut fo?aftnucba0dP£>5D bao made no pjomto at al epeermng rbat place } tbere coulb not be anp fett'cDnes. 3gcmc bp caufe(a0fc)C fbalt fee ^falm.132.14 ) it teas fapo of mount ^ion, Cbts "0 mp refiingplace fo; euer anb euerttbe faitbful gr ofiD tng tbemfeluts bppon that promts, bo bolb'.p boaft y tl;ctr fete (ball bcreafter beatrcftfataaap.^loujQtbf Cb?ift(in iDbombicclletb ? fulncffc of tbe gobbeaD. Col. 2. 9. J iobois our treai'Jmujanudl, Cfai.7.i4-abpoetb among bs:bec mini; ftretb occaGo of mojieplettfulwp.'wbcrej foze.bntbaftfuli pea | BuUjcabcB be i»e,if tins p?omis(3l am 4b pon bnto f x nb off i»ozio, Q^attj. 2 8 .2 o.)raui(b bs notinto ccccco ng top, fpeciallp if toe fee it reccp- utH ioitb comon confent . f 0} tbat tobid; 31 citeb etten nou> concerning tbe reding of tbe &o?D , is at lengtb aceomplifteb m tbe perfon cf Cljiift : accoibing as it is apparat bp €fapn.i o.^ts retting tbal; m glo?ic. 31 n fcrfneb place OEfap fpcalietb not of Cb;tfle0 burial Cao fjmeinterpje; ters Doo faiflp imagin) but of tl;e cecclle* cic of tbe C buret? to come. 3 [ 3H6rufaIem isbwilbeb.f c] J^cere JDautO .begtnuctb to fct out tbe pzapfes of Icrufalcm : anD tbat is boone too tbc m= tent tbt people Cboulbcontiheu) ffcbfaft'p in tbcu* obcoicuce . i oi it isas too grrare purpofe f oi tbe gobtp not too bauc tbep; mpnD0 biatocn oiucrfip,but to baur tbcm abide fettlcb in tbat ee!mott>ibat the beegmntng of tljei.r tmferable fcattes ring,t»a0tbeoiuioing of tbe people tnto two bo&ics. jfto maruel therefore tbougb 2?atiii>, vppon cne . v^xxij. Fiaimc. 1510 2D auto 000 fo earneftlpe eommenb tl>e place thM toasefcoscnbp c0£)£> . jf oj be Unene tbat the iuclfare of the Church bepcnbCD upon the chilDjtn of 2biabaa pare fcozG)tpping of (Bob tljsre , aces:- ting to the appointment of tije 1L anre: 1 alfo toppon tbetr acbnonjctcbging of tbe ropail feat f»h tcbe the fame crc bp t;(3 oicnccjoinahcc.xvbcrao he fapeth, that 3! crufalem ts builbcb Itfce a C irm : tt 10 not refmeb pnelp too tbe wallf0,oitbeCov»;e0,citbc2biclK0: but cbccfl p to the ciutl oiDcrlines : l;oiu beat % confeffe be ailutetb to the auuct= en.t ilate of it. jfnbccbe £>alembab bin a famocs icrxm cum from tbe beginning. 15ut fir a tbe time tbat (Sobs fo>ii Sr< s to bauc tt to bee the Ijr fib of tht IRcalme, ttcljatfnaebljir ccuntctance anoaftera fejtc cum tit nature : fo as it ncuer bc= gannc to tefcrue tbe name cfatoel cents pactct £■! if tn bc:D,ttt then. It tbc fitft light tt mar fecmccolDe gcere,tl?at 3 «= rufalcm to calUb aCiticllfturii to to be net: b tbc t tt to fet ecu nc as tbe JE>aias gen of tbe fc hole f idUih it 10 in toainc foi tbe telle to compat c tljffelucB} 5Fc>? cruciy SDaiiiDftiffrreD aliotb*tCi= t;ee foicmamcm tbetr fomier flat £; but be abuauncftOcrufalcm aloff ,f bat Qj,eC mapc oucrpcere tbem alt : atcojtowg as fc>c I'eebcvD 4£fap.2.2«(pcal>ctb o/^o^t £pien,'tfbalbebigtoei tfceuh etb/r 4. Thitherwcnt vp the Tribes of GOD for a ViCneilc vntoo Ifraell,too praife the name of the Lord, c. For there were thrones fet to iudgcment,euen the thrones of the hqufe ij Wee* Cca the intent ihc^soptjet map aboaunce tbto little mafceth a! tbe htgbefi iHJJoamaincs of the Swozio to be tonberhngs to it, leaft tbep might ttronc tbe glojp oftt* &o alfo noro.lDautD faps etb tbat 3 crufalem ts copacteb as a Cf tic, too tbe intent tbe faitbfull fboulo not ga?e aboute them, but bolte themfelues contcntcb frith the Citic ft>bich is cbo= 5?n of (0ob , bpcaufe tbep fiball no "htbixe finbebnr matcbc.1&nb after bt bath fcil* leb all otber Cities to ftocpe : be fjjc;i»a ctbfbccrccilcrcpeofjenifalcmin feroe •fooozbes : natnelr tbat it is bntfozme'.p buiiOfb, e; aptip ant tnnitp fenmr togu tber >n ail parts of tt.^ome take tt fo>ttb out figure: that btr Cberefo?e tntbe fo?mcr piace be fipctb tb^at cBobst'CribtB] pL$unbrc&0'fba!l come tbitber': ant bp ah bpafter be? rp= tetb t at tbe featc of tuogrment ts ff tlrb tberc fojtbtm ant \)iS poftetirtc too fit m. wee &norocfo>bp v££>5D as tben tooulo tbere fboulb be but one 3£cmplc ar.t one attar t tbatistoo iaittc, icait tbcproplt- tnpgljt gattt ao'ap fupcr=, ftutonsilDaUtb iljcn bec!are?brtbaf tbts place iras appopn*cb bP.tlje; Is ovee of -it? © ID ■> fpiaUb's &tr.Dj;cDB ox to; tbe ttoelueC«»beb *© rebate tmtoo frtHii ail quartcrs.^lnb to the intent be map totter &bbb,iiij* »n°*« lonn gamins v^ommenranc nuneplatnlpcbcwe grcatlpe ttwasfoj ttjctr bcbofe to baue tbe pure anD lawful frruiceofCEoa sept : befavctbiti0fo;ta witnestoo tbem ♦ Cbc ozigtnall of this woib,t0 tbe betb [Guud] wbtcbe Ggmfj? ctrj to bear witneflx 031 to bargainc 07, cos uenanMCnD beere is betobencD tbe mu= tuall witneffinsoj couenating between <©ob anb tbe people : as if iljc |$*opbete fljoa'.b fap, tbe Crfbe0 (boufb not come tbptber at anenfure bicaafe tljetr fancpe leb tijem r but bpcaute d?ob catletb tbem tbptber witb bis owne moatb. Cbe ef- fect iberefojc isf ,tbat tlje bolp affetnblies wbicb (batbefcept at 3Gerufaiem,Ojal not be fonbe anb trifling : bicaufe ©ob.tjatb acreeb witb W people Ppon a place eer* tcme.wberebp wee gaibct.tbattbetrue -Cemple of (H5oB is not accounteD fo but fo? \\)z JDoctrtne»faHc4 2$ls eonccmrng tbe time of IDanib , fo?afmucbe ao <£ob bababoptebtbe aunctent people 9 wolo baue tbcm ejeerepfeb in tbe eutwarb fer* ulccofbte name :becappopntebtberaa vti!e,from wbicbe tt was not latofdH fo? tbem to fteppe afiae* 2Hnb fojtbetattbful S»erenotbjawento£?)Qunt ^ionfoo= nfoelp.o* rfjjougrj antonatmifeb *eale,o? bp tbe beabtneffe of tbeir, owne b>am,a0 men arc wont to be wbtcb ftJse to tbcm fclues innumerable fojtes of feruicc out cf eticfenfuaiuicof tbeir owne wit : but tbepwcrelcbtbPtber bp @>OD0 cotnaun fccmenttoowojfbtpbnntn Amount &U on.H5P wbtcbe wo?b be botb *0 to wit, trjat all otber Cempleg are bnbolpe.anb all fco? Qjipptngs finful, btcanfe tb ep are rot anfwerable too tlje rno t0> too peclo tbe glojp of all goob tbingsbnto<0oD« jfi [ifo?tbcrc&crc.*c.]^eemcenctb tbat tbe tbionc of bis klngoome 10 fctlco ojfrablifbfbat 3!etufale,oHbattbe ccr» tctn abieing place of it 10 tber. xot snow there wa© alajapcs feme fojme of iuDge mcnt0 among ebe people* Djowbeett foj= nftnucbe as feeerctofojtc trjer* bab bin fuf= penbeb anb biucrflp altcreb : <©oo ojbcp mo a newe gour tnment in tbe pcrfone of JDatUD, wbtcbe fijoitlD fiovoc in eucrlaf= ting o;bct,m afmucbe as bee commawis beb bis potterttic to fucceeb in bte routn tjntotljecommingofCbJPGe.Cbcrfoje like a0 of late bee fpiUc of tbe % cm pic * rbe^;ceft!)ob :fo now be affirmetb ttjat tbe felngeome wbtcbe <2>ob battjc fet top, fljalbe fume anb liable, to tbe intent bee map put a bifrVrcnce betweene it ano al! otber bingbomes of tbe ix>o^De, wljicbe not onlr are temporal, but alfo rranfu q = rp-Uni) tl>ts euerlaQlngne0 batbbinc6< firmeb from tpmc too tpme bp tbe otber J? jopbctf 0 *. anb not foitbouttaufc, tos tbe intent tbe faitbful migijt bnowe,tbat (0ob %ooulbnot 'otber wife be t'oc p?tfcr= uc r of tbeir welfare, tban tonDer tbe p?o tectron anb Defence of IDauiD : ano tbat iftbepbefireb to conttnewfafe^founb, thep fboulbe not make tbemfeiue0 newe i&tnga at t'neir own pieafure,butliae qui ettpe bnoer tbat feint/ c of gouerncment. Cberei0 tberefo?e a forcible repetition in I wojd [tb^one.] Cbe tbjone of iubge ment anb ^p;igbtne0 (fapetb bec3 is ff t tbere :pea euen tbe tt)?one of tbe boufe of 3Dauio« ^o^itwa0 <35ot>0 will tbat tbe rigbt $ piel) eminence of reigning fboulD; conttnew m l)i0 pofteritte until tbe fub= ftanctall euerla&mgnes of it were oifclo febtntfbjrtte. I 6. Prayc for the peace of Hierufalem : well mought they fare that loue thee, 7. Peace be within thy Rampire^nd profperitie within thy Towres. 8. For my brethren and for my kinffolkes lakes I wil now fpcakepeace in thee. 5>. For the houfe of the Lord our God I wil feck good vnto thee. 6. $D;a? vppon the. Cxxij.Pfalme. 6 [$V?ap fo; tbepcacc, «c] jfrow 3Das fo greatlp ca^ refull fo? tbefoclfarc of that £itit,wzc baue Rjcwcd afo;t,anD !)ec to til Declare a= gepne anon in tbccnocoft'niol&falme: Cbat ms to &:t,bicaufc tlje iaclfare of tl)C iefyolc church i»30 mcluocD in that Kings Dome anb pzicftljoo. ^owc tbeu,feeinge that bp the Decap of the commonSbclEare, eaerp one of BSmuftneeDroperifljemifer rablp : 31 1 is namarueil tboujbc IDautD coHiinciiO tl) is care ana tijts (luote too all tl>e cl)tlo?en of 45 £> 3D. Cberefo;c tf^oce mpnse tobifpofc oar p;apers arpgbt.flet our beginning bee, that tr)e llozoe QjouIdc- p:cferuet:jC bobpeoftbe Crmrcbe. JFoj iotjofocucr to aDDictco pzpuatelp too Ijinv- fclfc.ant) ncglcetetb the Common ftate : \)t not onelp bew;apetb ijinfclfc to bee bopD of the feeling of trewc goDlincffe, bat alfo feroetl) in bapne fo; l>«s otone Welfare, neptber (ball bee Profit at all bp bis bnto= tcarb papers, wberbnto alfo pertepnert) tbc pzonufc that is a&Deo tmmcaiatlp bi^ too it : tljat is to font, ictil {bail tbep fare that loue thee : frlnclje member neuertbc IcflV map bee reo in the toapc of toifoinge, bocobcitalmoft in tbe fame fence. 3Pnb al= though the [shiia] Ognifpc to hue in qui; etnefleo; peace : pttnotUHtbftanDing,fo;= afmucb: as bee batb put t'oc irooitic peace gencrallp fo; a glabfome anD bappic ftate: 31 Doubt not but l;ce bebpgbtctb (foDDes btiffingcanD a pzofperous ipfc too all the gooip tbat (ball Ijauc a care of tbc cburebe. which fentence is rpfe too bee mette i»itb in <£fap 54. chapter, cuen to tbe cnD of iti 3nD beerebp i»cc gather, tbat all fucb are curled of oo?be [BeOiiiak, fcntbtn tbp rampp?e.] ■$0} although 3 Difallorce it net that 0^ thcrsbaue tranflateD it a5Dicheo2v!Ua'. tnure,pitDooth tbefcjosjD ramppzc agree better iutthtowzes. fC'jc effecte is, that 3Dau:D unlljeth pzofpentteto the church, as farre as it crtenbeth r ounce aboute. ^o?eouer,ttisto bcemarlvCD, that ID a= ntD booth not fo frtflj outcoarb pzofperitie bntoit, as though heecareb not boluc it far eo idtthtn : but in allubing alfo to their maners.liee S»tmeth the holp Citie to bee emnroncD ano foztifieb on all fpD;,s Sopth tl;cDitiT;ngof udoD. S [^Foi mp b?eth:en,f c] fyt recfeeneth tiv 0 0 caufes fo; frbicb her is touchcb tsiti) a care of the Clmrtb: that bp his com crs ampieheemapep:ouoHeall the goDIptos profit as bee bathe boone. il^ott»itbftan= Dins t her feemccb to be a ccturt matching of contraries, bpcaufe that among f Sotc^ Ueo ano maltcioufe hre mpgbt bee hab in fufpicton , 0: at lcaftivpfc iuas in baunger to be ftaunbereb bp them : as b?ho (boulD lap, that in commenDing 3Icrufalcm, hec fought p abuauncement of his oten houfc, ratber tha the pzofit of the i»hole rcalme. 3leaft anp man mpght obiect, that bp this tn canes bee polttiKlpe ftablilbcb his ovene l^tngDome, bee auoucheth that bee is not moueD 5»itb p?inate refpect of bim felf : but tijat bet compzebenDetb, the S»holc Churciie in i)is hart. 3 SoiM (iapctb hc^) fpeafeofthppeace,£)Jerufalcra:notbp= caufe it Ojall be profitable to mce 0; mpn:, bat bpcaufe tbp pzofperitie (ball fpzedbc it felfebntoallthechilojen of (Sod. # ojns Doubt but \jnber the name of btotbers, he betohenctb all tbcfaptbfull. Jfterwaro (s abbeb another reafen, bpcaufe that onlede 3!erufalemftanb,tbcferuiceof c5o'o (bait not continecoefounDe, but (ball goe too ivzecHcCben ifi»cc fet ftoze bp the 5»cl= fareofourbzetbten, if Soeeloue IScltgion toitb our barte: S»ee mafte alfo tberwt:hs all lapc foz the fafetle of the Cburcbc , as muebe as tn bo Ipeth,. wherebppon it fo= loweth, tbat fucbe as care not febat bees 2i3bbb d. cometij Iohn Caluins Commentarie* commein of tl?c ftatc of tbe Cburcbc, are no Iclc erueil tljan tbe fencfeeo tbefelucs ; 5Fonf tl)C Cburcbc bee tije |Dillsc anO JFounuation of ;Crutl)e,i.Cimotl).3. 1 5. it mutte nccoco follow tfyat religion mutt bee quenebco bp tbe becap of it . 3gcpnc, botoc CboulDnot tbcDeftruction of tbe bo. - bp tojappc tbe particulars members in tbe fame pirs^t t ;ffurtbermoje, tbpa place teacbetb, tljat t'ae Cliurc'qe 10 not a bapne tptlc.but mufte bee fougbt tbere iol)cre mte IS cit 3ion flojifbctb. wberebp it ap- pccrctl) bowt untlcfle ttjc ^ap:lrc« bee, ivbo iwu'.ng atoape tbe Doctrine of tbe 4pofpell , boo neucrtbcleffe baunte tbemfciucs JSepallp of the name ef the Cburclje. Theconteintsof the. Cxxiij.Pfalme. In thisVfabne, the faythftdl becin^opprejjed with the tyrannic of tbeire encmya, call vppon God for deliucrance3 by 1 4 rife there is nunc other hope remayning , than only in his defence. Tbt.Cxxii'uVfalme. A long of degrees. Vntoo thee will I lift vp myne eV«, . that dvvelleft in the Heaucns. 2 Beholders the eyes of feruauntes l>ol{e vntoo the handeof thcire Mai- mers, and as the eyes of an handmavde w/$ vntoo the hande of hir My ftreile : Co doo our eyes wuytc vppon the Lorde our God,vntyl hec haue mercie vppon vs. 3 Haue mercie vppon vs 6 Lord,hauc mercie vpon vs, for wee bee fore accloyed with reproche. 4 Our foule is too (ore accloyed in it felfe with the skoffing of the riche men,and vviththefpytefulnefTeofthe provvd. bare mode Swape. i^owfocucr tbe cace ftanDc,tbebolp ?opbct ocliuereD to tbe people tbp0 rule of piping) calictb bs anto (5 £) 3D Smtbalotooebopce, as oft as not one 0; tccoo onelp, but tbe Soboie Cburcbe is becco ujjongfullpanD btfbcpnfullp bp (be Itccntioufcneffe of btr enemies. 3inD m mp iuogemcntiJ5oo is purpofelp calico [tbe* bwcikr in beaucn, not onelp to tbe intent tljefaptlifull fbould attribute ad mud; too bJSpuuTtnccas tljcp ouglit,tooooo : but alfo to tbe intern tbei fbouib beare tn tniitD tbatd5oD0pococr remapnett) in perfects fulneffe inbeauen , cucn iiujcn tberc is no bope left bppan eaub * 0? rather 5»bc» tljcip &to tbeefriilj itftbp^c] He 'O Pncertcpn at S»bat tpme 0; bp a>bat |D?opbet tt^is pfalme iyaa ;omppico . Cruelp mcc tljinfe co, tbere is no kaelpbob tbat iDautD (boul'oc bee tlje 3'utbour of tt,bpcaufethat ft>bere bee bewaplcs tbe perfections 'mbicb bee babTuifcrr'j bnoer S>au!e, bee is isoonte toointcrmcGiefotnci#batp?pttatlp oflnm felfe. Cbcrcfoje 33 fuppofe tatber, tbat fomecne of t!;c ^>:opbctes inottcb ttyS fo:me of p?aping fo;t ail tbe goDlp in com= mon,eptber at fucb tpme as tbe people leb ( l.icir Ipfe in captiuttie at HBabplon , 0; at fucb tpme as tip crueltie of aPnnocijus vppon the. Cxxiij.Pfalmc. tijeir tt&tc is paft all recouerie, as if t!)ep Sucre burpeo , op toben tljep bee funaen bowneastt Sucre in a mase. Cberefozc tbere fecmetb to bee a couert matcbmge of contraries, betwccnctbc trubblcfomc ano confufeb ftatc of tbc wotioe, anb<©obDcs tjeauenip fctngcDomc, from tobence bee To moccraccti) all twinges tbat bee calntetb ail ti;e totTtngcs of ttjc iuozlDe as oftcas bee tbmactb goob, rcfkcicetb tbpnges fozlojne ano pair rccoucrp.rcftozctb Ipgbt bf Dzpuing barnnes awap,* rapfettj tbcm tr/Bt be falnc t caft oorcne . 3no tbte trying tbr J&z-opljet confirmed bp ttjc woozD[ltft top: ] tbat ts too tutt ,tbat toben all tbings tntbeiooV-b faple tos, wee muft lift bp our epes aloft , fc»bete <& Q 30 abpoctb euermoje like ijim fclf, tyowfoeuer trje fu= noufnea of men turned all tbtngs bpfpbt bownc ijeere. >. [H5el)0lbsas t^c epes.f c]CbiS Gmfs tube ts ber? apt f oj tbc pzefent caee. if o? tbep3topl}etbQoctb'bstootoit,tbattl)ere' is no comfort fo; ibe faptbfutl xoitbout dgfobs protection: but tbat tbcp are nabeb anb abanbonea to all maner of Sz>zcngeS, S»ttb out ftr engt b o: cozage too refill, anb finallp tbat tbeir SocllDooirtg Dcpenbetl) isbolip bppon tbc belp of anotljcr. wee knocre bow fbamcfullp ferttantcs focre ljanbleb in oio tpnu,anb too S»bat repzo= cbes tbep in cr c put : 3 pit foz all tbat tbcp bur ft not ft tr one finger to repuife tbc to to Icncc.Cberfozefc) ben tbep S»ere bereft of nil befence , tbere remapneb tontoo tbcm tbat fotjicb is fpoUcn of beer c, nameip, to craue Defence at tljeur mapftcrs banb. oulb pjrecue no to b: 1th eneb ton to benbflaues, as long as <& y> o;iD,to tbecnb ucc map lerne to content ourfclucjs Sottb b»o grace alone. fQ} in olb tpme.bp* caufe i: toasfdonie foz bbnbtncn too carp a fivoozb oj anp Weapon about tl)cm, ano ttyep S»cre fubiect too all frzonges : ttjctr Jtozbe s Sucre &oont too fct t!;emfc!ues fo tmicb, tbc moze ftoutlp in trjctr Defence 3 it anp man bao mtfufeb tbem fettbout eaufc. $?. o Doubt tberfoze, bat if 45 £> 50 fee tos bang bppon bis tuition , anb not put our truft in our oronc abtlitics,bc So til m our Defence encounter all tbc trubblea tbat fballbce offercb tos. iBcu:rtbclcfrc , it ts ccrtctnctbat b«rc 'S pzopcripDcfcrpbcb a tpme , &>bcretn tbe people tf v£> & ID ioere bzougbt too torter mifcric , rea anb eucn tontoo befpaire . /Cbat tbc"5»oozb Cl^anb] is put foz l;c^,tt is fenowen iocllt'nougi;, 3 [l^aue mercte topon tos. « c] ^ce pur- fetoctb anb confirmed t\)t fosmcr iclTon. I^c bab fapb, tljat b^caufe tbe goblp iocrc tottcrlp bartbzoben anb caft bourne, t^ep bent tbeir epes bppon «0obS banb: t now t)e abbctb tbat tbcp be acciopeb oz glutted of repjocbCi wljnrtoppon Suee gatt)er,tbat tbe imcfceb net onlp vumcb ioitl) toiclcnce too attempt itobat tbep Itfteb , but aifc as it incrc tramples C50DS cf)ilb;cn tonber tbeir feetc m feap of mocKage . 3Pnb trulp tbe repitttton (ivljicb ts a Qgne of earned nes ano tocbemencte)fbctoctb tbcrcu.Hil}= all bow tbep ioanteo notljirij of crtrcmc mifcric. j^ oo?,i»b eras tuzongco are mat- cljcD tottb mocfecr tc, tljerc is ho: lung tbat ioounbctl) boned bartcs moic. SnD tber- foze tbc pzopljet complaprictb mott ef (bat: as irbo tocolb fap,tt is tr>e full mca; fure of alt mtfebecucs. i^s fapctb ,tl>at [tbe nebe men anb ttje pzono men] trpumpbcb at tbe € buret] c, bpcaufe it is cotnmonlp it>oont to fall out, tbat fucb as arc bPS^eQ in tbc toozlb , loose Doanc at (3 O D a> people in DiToepne. iFo^tbeglozioufnes of tbeir bonour anb power Dajclctb t^cir t^cs, tr>at tbep tooutfafenot too mabe anp account of <£ods S>ptr ttoail SiingDome. #Jap ratber tbe mo?c pzofpcroudp tbat if ouunc fmpletb topon rbem, fo mucb tbc moze foellctb tbeir pzpb«,« caSctli abzobc tbe fome of it moze f hoznefuUp . 25 ut pit tbis place teacbetb, tbat tbere b.appcnetb no new tbing.if tbecbttbzen of tt) s wozlb tbat crcell in ricbes, ljauetr;e Cburcbe in bif ecpne . 3nD Sbooztbrtp Dootbebee aU fo tcrme tbem pjoub , fo?l>om bee callctt ricbe , bvcattfrfeeltb bzeebetb bauitmcs. i^owbccit,inafmuc^ as ioee fee tyatttr sfe.' ]ohn Galium Commcntarie olD tpme long arjo <£oD0 Cbu«bei»a0 ouercoucrcb fcritb repjoclics, anD pointeD at in f bow S»itl) tbe fingar : tljcrc ia no reafon tl)at at tl?t0 Dap tbe contempt of the toojilD fboulD Difcojage to0,oj tbattbe laic > fecD fboulD quaple oar faptb, toben tbep taunt b0 fc>itb tljcir fHoffcB , yea anD alfo bache b0 9 b*aw b0 fc>itb tl)ei'r rapling©. jf ojioe tmift alwapes bcare inmpnD ttjat toljicb tsfpofecn beere , tbat tbe l)art, not of one man onlp, o? of a fcaroe, but of tl;c iobolcCburcbC;,&>a0acclopeo not onlp twirl) toickcD biolence,erueltie,craftinc0, ant) otber tnifDealtnge0: but alfo Smtb re= pjocbe anB f koffinge0 . 2i !fo it 10 too bee bo?nc in nvpnD,tbat tuljatfoeucr bauUincti o% p:vDc 10 in t'.-e iooojtlD, tljc fame 10 fct d atone beerc agcinft !£> nctojitbftanbing accounted Ma pjectoufe. 2Hnb bp tl)efc>oojrt> [aeclop] (fpecialtp beeing repetcD infra? of enfoj- cement) rbe pjopbet batb erp^effcD aeon tinuail oppjcQlon.tol) ici) ulleo tl;c mtnDetf of tbe bebooucfull tbt0 lear- ning 10 at tbm Dap,it 10 not to tbe purpofc tofiifcufrciBitblongpjoceCTr. wee fee tbe. Cburcbc ocft ttutc of all Defence, f too Ipe Dncer iljcfcctc of btr enempe0,i»bicb a= bouno in all iveltb ,anD arearmcDfejitb DjcaDfull putflancc. wee fee tbe Rapides rpfe bp boiolp,« toitb full tb;otc too fluO) out tijetr mochages ageinft fe* anD tbe tw^olc Religion of d& £> 2D. 3lfo tbere beemmglcD Suit!) 00,* cucrpa?bcretbete ftp abjoDe bcllpgoD0, iobicb baue our fun pltctttc in Dcr ii'jon. y ca anD tnanp onetpeD <25pant0 oucrioDe b0 toitlj QaunDer0:anD tbi0 bnfeemlmeo batb laftco euer fmce tbe <© ofpcll began too put bp bis IjeaD agein, cuen bntoo tl)i0 Dap. wbat 10 to be Doone tl;cn .but onlp to fecne lp§bt inbeauen,fee= ing fo> c be compafleD about Soitb Darfcnea bppon eartbr' 3lnD altbougb our fbtole be fillcb foitb alt fepnD of repjoebe cue till toe can no hi oje : ioijat fboulD tt Doo,but feck fo? Deltuerance by p;ayer as cger 00 bun= The conteintesofthe Cxxiiij. Pfalmc. Bycaufc the Church hdd bin delinked out of extreme ^(Y ill, Dduid cx- horteth the faythfidl too thanks giuing: and veArtieth them by this notable exdmple,that their welfare flandeth net i>i>ryght otherrvyfe than by the grace and power of GO D. The Cxxiiii . Vfalme, Dauids fori g; of degrees. But for the Lord, who was on ourfydc? (may Ifraell now fay.) 2. But for the Lord , who hathc bin on our tyde, when men role vp agein ft vs ? 3 . They had then (walowed vs vp quickc, when their wrath was kind- led ageinft vs. 4. The waters had then oucrwhelmed vs,the ftreame had goncouer our fbwle. $ . The proud waters had then gone ouer our fowle. 1 i.[TBut vppon the. (Jxxiiy. Piaime. 199 mt fo2 the &ojdc, f c] whereas fotnc ^Interpreters tbm&c that becre is befcrpbcb the moSe ft* rowfult mtffojtunc of the Churche, at fuchetpme a0 tlje remnant of the people Id ere coimcpcb aroap to 2i5abplon : 31 1 fs but i»cafee.5?oj the complapntesthat are rcb beere.agrce an foell too tlje pcr&cuti= ons fobicb tbc C burclj ftitfcrcD bnoer the tpzannie of amtiocbus.'HES ut Whereas tbe pfalme 10 intptleb bntoo 2Dauib,anb be= clarctl; ijtftoncalip that tlje peopie fc>ere rcf iicweo out of cetreeme baungcr bp tbe power of 45 ob : It 10 but a fozeeb conieca ture that tbe thingeiDbtcbe ioas not pit come to pafle, t0 befcrpbcb bnocr p^opbe? tie. rlFoztbcpjopbctesarc iooont torn trcate of tlnnges too come , after anotber foztc. whercfoze it is a mozcliUclpboDc, that ZDattiD fettetb fooztb beer e a fen 0 wen bifto2ic,anb crbo:tctb tbe faptbful to con ; fiber ttb fo puiflant boftcs,tbattt ioao tn a manner euen at deathes booze : iDatuo therefore Dootbe a0 it Sucre ma glaflc.fcttc fooztc tbe daungcroufe date of tbc church , fucb as it baa bin from the bc= ginning: to the intent the favtbcfuli mapc leme, that it bab not ftoobebp hit oione ftrengtb, but baooc bin pzefcrucb by the fcjoondcrfuil power of 605 ; anb fo enure tbemfeiucs to call pppon <&®JD in their penllcs. z C3i5utfo?d5£D3D,6FC.] Hti0notfo? nought that bee beateth twpec bppon one fcntcncc. fop as long aotocebecin baun « ger, our feare erccebetb meafure : but as foone a0 Seecbeebifpatchcb, S»ce ejctenu= ate the greatncfTc of oure miferie. 3nb Nathan mocRctlj bs touh t\)iB conninge barken the grace of <© £> JD. ■ Chen inafinucbe as io[]tn the Slozo bath Stfoonacrfullp p?efcruea 00 , xs?ec fo? the moft parte Deupfc fundzie imaginations in our fclue0 too blot out the rcmcmbzacc of 4^obs grace: SDattiD offer purpolc ftan beth bppon the araplpfping of the banger, bp banging the people uia0 it^DcreattQ- npeb. wherefore it bebouctb b0 to feno w, that in thefe &>ooj;be0 there is a b?pble caft bppon bs,to repnebs bsebe in the bethinbing of ourfelues of ouroaungers, leaft the feelinge of <&obBeg grace mpght DaniQjeoutofourmpnses.Chc common tranfiation (which* i0, 3!f the iLo^beljaD not bin on ourefpbe,) e.ep?cflethnot 2Da? uiosmpnbefufificientlp.^ojlDaui&auouj cbeth that bee coulb not bee, faucb othcr- &pfe than bp (SBons helpe: anb tbcrtxuth * ail eeachtth, that the fame helpe fcsao both certetn anb euibent . Cwoo tijmgcs then nrelto bee noted hecrc bittinctlp: Chat the 3Lo;be ijab bin rebp athanbe too helpe hps feruaunte0,anb hab taRen their parte: anb agepn,tbat tgep coulbc not tlfohcre 02 0 ? tljertxipfe baue fcapeb fafe.fcho 5»crc alre= bp as goob as loft, anb fo £»e bee taugi;t, that men boo then onlp afcrpbc the glo:ie of theire pzefcruatton bntoo bereof hee hab uj&veba ptoofe m bcii= ueting his people: tothcenbtecempght Hnotoe that fucb manner of pzeferumgc \b notinctbentbnto man. ^p thetooozbe, [2ibam] (i»btch iohen it is a now nc col lectpue, fignifietbmenin gencrall) JDa= utb feemeth to betoHen a bo wgc multitube of enemies : as if bee fboulo fape, iljc peo= pie of d5ob bab not too beaiefcottbafeawe men onlp, ozioith fome one Ration : but 5»a0 affapleo toclnccrc bp the inboic 5oozlDe : accozbmgcas itismanifeftep- nough that all manbpnbe toao at beaoive foobe to ttb the 3! ewes . when he fapetb, [ Chcp hab fwaioweb bs bppe qupefee :] fCherciscjcptefTcb notonelp the outran geoufencfle of theire crucltie , but alfo the obbes of their ftrengtb. Jfirfte thcrefoze.- hcebefcrpbeth howebiolcnt the onfet of the enempesioas: 3tnb feconb ip, Ijovce &eabe the ftrengtb of the jfl cms ioas to S»«h= toitbftanac them , tnafmucbe as tbof; ou- trarjeoufe beaftcs neeaso no ftooozacs too fl.a tbem iDtttj, but i»crc able too baas eaten jp tbeirc ftfie flocke, eaen toitbout ftrohs rtrpistnge oz onp f 9jce of t;an j*. 4- [ T£be Skaters baa fit n,ff c]§ee gar» nt{bctbtbatb;cabfulufraulteoftbetrcnc= mves mill) a trimtne £Jf)cupboze, compa- ring tbem to a fojatetflub feltfcf) fontb bps cuecflo tving fwaloowtb bppe 5»batfoeuer commetb in bt* w&vz . 3lnD alraapcs lice fejjpcibfttUtbc perfonc of a man amazed fozfeare . |&ec nameibtbcra ftrfte.[fc>as i tew,] anb fceonaip,[aftreame,]anb tljirD* lp agepne bee tetmetb tbem [oiolente o$ ftowoe w a;cr3.j Mo bee fer«b [bppon John Calums Commentane,'b Uppon our fcnMe, ] as tijeugl; bee ment too ftrmc men in fcarc bp tbe pzefent bcbolotnge of tbe ibinge. 5f.nb truclp,fo mwebmurt tbtoatfecuonate fpeccbe.anb tbttJ Ipueip rcpicfcntatton tmpl?e : too tbe intent ti>c faytbfull mapc tbe better per= ccpue out of botwe beepe a gulf tbep bauc bin plucfccb bv tbe banD of d5ob. fo% bee oncip tbmKetb iitmfelfe bcbolocn bntoo <£>ob fo: bis belmcrance, S»btcb aebnow? lebgetb btmfclfc to bauc bin but loft befoze bee teas beltucrca. Cbe abuerb [ Cben] either is bemonftratpuc , as tbougbe bee fboulb popnt out a tljmg iznrb bis finger : ojelfcis taken foji [longeagoe. ] $euer= tbclefiMbe foimer Ogntficatid fiuctb beft tbe pjefent place. BlifTed isCheLordc,vvho hathenotgyuenvs for a pray vntoo theire teethe. Ourfouleisdeliucredasabirdout ofthefnareof the Fowlers: The (hare is brokcn,and wee bee deliuered. Ourehelpeisin the name of the Lorde , who hathc made heaucn and earth. 6 [zT5it(rcbtstbeliojbe,«.]jBowbcccr* hmztl) tbegoblpbnto .banhfuintfi'c, ana as tt toerc teaebctb tbem &>bat too Tape. Snbtbcreatfo bp another Gmilttubc bee Ebcwcei! botoe tl)6p babbe bin unboeme, if Cob b&d not fuccourcb tbem . foi bee I fapctb, tbat their belmerance teas like as i if a man fboulb plucb a pzap ottt off tectb [ of fotncfepiae anb eruell bcafte. Coo tbe | feme purpofe alio mafeetb tbe tbtrb fiwitli= t tn^z, Cbat tbep teerc eucrpo>a?c mataea : mra befnarleb in tbe grmncsof tbeire cnc< | mpcs,aficr tbe fome fojtr tbat little bicacs 1 ipc bnber tbe banac of tbe fowler i»ben tbrp bee caugbttn bts nette: ana tbat tt)cp I &>erc bcUucrea none otbcrujpfe tban if a roan Inoulb -let cat tbe birbes at librrrie I after tb*p i»cre taken. Cbe effect is, that I C5coacs people beeing toeabc toantinge ! counull.anDbCuitiutcofapDe, not oncip [ baa to ocaU "ami) crueltand outrageonfe | bcaftss butalfoteerc fnarea i»itb biraea nsttesanb as tbe? being farre inferiour totbcir enempes as fecll tn pols ) Wat as opciifozce, iycr*bcC;egco ef manp bfatbesntbcrebp it is cafpetoo gatber, tbat tbep toer« pjefcruca tip miracle. 8 [j2)ur bclpe is in, «.] i5otc-ebcecr= tcnactbtbat tbmgtotbc perpetuatl cftate of tbe Cburcbe,tebicb tbe faptbiuUiabbe baoecpcncnce of afoze. f&f, J tnterpjete tbis bcrfe in fucb iupfe , as bee fboulb not gvue tbanbes fo: fome one benefpte , but auoucbe tbat tbe cburcb cannot otberio^re continetv tn goob ply gb t,tban fo farfooztb as ic is (beeiaca tettb tbe banac ana pjo* tection of c5oa. 3nD l)ta pourpofc :s too encozage d^obs cb'«iazcn too bo;c SreU, fo as tbep mapebce out of ooubt, tbat t'icvz Ipfc is in fafetie bnber tbe tutcion of <£oa. mifo tt)e matcbinge of contraries is to be not:a,betcoeetie tbe bclpe of <^oo,anbo^ tber mcanes fobuljc tbe ii»o:io: trufterb bnto amt-ffc, Use as i»ec bauefcene tn tbe l^falme z o.g. *>omc truft in Cbarpots, anb fome in $?cz;cs, but teeeioiil call toppon tbe name of tbe^lozbe . wbiebe tbmge is boone too tbe ente , tbat tbe faptl)ful being purgcb anb cleane rib from all vppon the. Gxxnij. Ffalme. 200 a!! fcHcheo pjefampt(on,map rcfoit ton too tbe onlp Defence of D,f toppon trad tbcrof qutetlp befppfe tobatfocuer fi>a;an f tbe c&bolc idozUj p;m fctb agcmft ibcm. 3nD aitbougb tbe name of © S> beno= tbtng rife but tf$ iD 2) !)tm felf ,ptt to tljere g ccr , cm couert trnpltcatio. fioi tnafmuc!* es bee batb o ifciofco b 0 grace tonto bo bp bis S»ooiD,bee \)ab opnteb \)S an eafp ac- ceffe snt o &fm: To as ioeeneeoe not to fcc& btmfar of,o: bp tombing eompafe0./frep * trjer is it fo? nougb* age n, tbat bee abojs netb &£> 5D Suitii tije tptleof Creato;. f 0} toe fcnoro toub to bat fenquictnes our mpnbeo bople, wait ttjcp baue abuaunccb i£ oo rjnroo bi0 fun cftare,m fucb topfc as bailing bjouatjt oil t^e toojlo tonoer avce, it map bolD'tbepjccmJncncc alone : tobicJ? tbtng t0 not poffiblc too bee osone, tecept free beieeuc tbat ail tbmgcc are fubiect to bis appointment, rffojbcebatbnat btte< rco bto power once to; ail in tbe creation of tbc tooziD , to totrbbzawe it agein afters toarb : but bee fljewetb tbc fame continue allptttUmtbegouermngtt. 9noalbeett tbat all men tottb full moutb confeffe <£>ob too bee tbe tnahcr of beauenanb earn), in-- forauei) as eucn tbe utacUcoocft of tbem all can not fox fliamc but bonour bim toitb tbat tptle : pit nottettbftanDmg aflbone as anp terrour 10 ttumpcD in out aroap, toee be ftrcpttoapc© conutcteo of wnbeieef, bp= caufe free uoutfaroe nottoo make almofte anp account at all of b. is t>clp. The Cbnteintctof the Cxxv. Pfelme. Tarafmuch as the fay tb full bang mingled yvitb tbevngodly in thts world, feetr*e tod bee abandoned tso allmijcba-unces of this lyfe in cotnon, the Pro- phet hkeningtbem too lerufalem,fljcyvetb that they bee f$i ti fed xviih inuin- rible defence* *Andif GOD fit fflr. tbem at any tywe too bee vexed at the pie a fur e of the wicked, bee cxbortctb them too hec of good hope. Kiitvcithftan- dirgy by the way, IcaJI thehypocrytes myght -without exception drarve vntoo them f clues the thing that is fpoken beae: bee putteth a difference betxetxt the trew lfra:lyter and thefalfe. The Cxxy. Pfalmel A fong of degrees. They that truft in the Lord, (ball bee as mount Sion: ivhuh shall not beeremoucd, but shall ftandfaft for cuer. a. Like as the hilles arc round about Icrufalem,euen (6 is the Lord round about his people from hencefoorth and for cuer. $cp tbat trufj.f C.3TO0 #>falme otrfcretl) from tbcfojmcr,intbat £& a teas fapo tbcre, tljat f iCbutcb is vjcfcnitD bp .r. o& j poccer, ano not bp iuozulp mcanes:bnt beer tbe ^olp C5boftc teaebctb tbat it inai: euer berafter con tin cw fafc anD fo-jno.bpeaufc it to gar - bco icttl) tbctnuinctblcpower of ailes.$;of4tab!c alfo to be fcnorccn t0 tbc flung itjat 31 toutbeb cuen now: namclp,tbat a0 oft as <15£>1D fpeas feet!) to bio bircctctb bts foojibs too r cbc one of tbem. JFoj libe as manp of tbe pjomifes arc eetenDeb to ibe tobolc bo bye ofti;e Cburcbe : cuen fa,manye men loohe at tbemaloof,atrtftbep&>crefctfar from tbem , ano bare not apply tbem too tbcmfelues. 3inb tberftye cuerp man mud bolD bun too tbc oiDer tbat is pjefcribeb becre : nameip, tbat bee applp too bimfclf fobatfocuer 3D2D $ tbelrfe of coue= nant tocre tbere.HIS touching tlje idooj&s , tbep map bee lapb out tt»oo i»apcs . 5F oj fame ta&e tbe firft berb [Loyartmc, oj mall not be moticD,] too be fpoHen of 3 erufa= Ictn : ana tbe latter berb [ yafhab, oj, (ball ftanb faft,] to bte rcferreb to tbefaptbfull tbcmfelues i fo as tbere ftjoulb bee a fbif= ting of tbe nomber , iobicb «s atoerp rpfe tbing among tbc l^ebjetoes. Hino tru!p,it feooiD not ooo amide if tbefentence Sucre JranQateb tbus: [31 n like xopfe as mount jib ton a all neuer bee rcmoucb : fo (bail tbep tbat truft m tlje 3Lozb abpbe o% sontu ttcto ftebfaft fo^ «uer.]'iPoMn tbat fence is tbe rococo [ ft ano faft ] taken. jBcu? S?ee pcrce?ue&b^ttbej$jbu!)etmcene^: ms mcip, tbat alibougb tbe S»o:Ib bee fubiect to fo tnanp ano fo grcate alterations, tbat ttputtctb on ancn? countenance almoft c> ncrp minute of an botoer,anb j> tbe faptb* full be tunglcb fcntb o.tber , anb botbe of tbem ftanb in one ftatc i pit t!*e ioelfare of tbe 2D : 0} at leaftropfc, tbat tbep can neuer fait a= xoap, tbougb tbep cbauncc to fb^nh.^ut toee mutt mars , tbat bnbtr the Suoozo [Habotechim] (tobicb among f ^cb?ewcs figmfpetb tbem, tbat bopc, ojtto'apt fo? a tbing,) tbere is rcqupjeD a ftebfattnes of belccf. Cbcn tobofoener eouctctb too bee bilb bp bp tbe banb of <& £> 3D , let btm leane ftebfaftlp Dntoo it : anb iobofecuer couetctl; to be fer.ccb bp it,let btm reft pa= tteimip Dnberit.iFoj &bcreas eb fuffe^ rctb bs oftentimes too bee cat peb bpucrs ioapes.o; too bee toffeb about like cbaffc: tbat commetb to paffe tb?ougb our otone Ugbtnes,%t>bcn ice bab Icuer flicker in tbe aire, tban to fettle our mpnbes in tbe rocfe of bis bc'p. Cbe fimtbtube, febtcb isfet boxvne in tbe feconb berfe, is Ipgbtfomc pnougb of itfelf : tbat UHe as tlje cotinuail billcs refemble tbe faftjton of toalies rofib about 3!erufalcm : euenn fo 45 £> 3D en* u'.rcnetb tbc faptiifull iottb tys power , to bcepc of all anoyances from t!>cm . wee oftentpmes mecte fcoitb fucb pltfafes as tbeis, tbat Cd 0 3D to ill bee a to all anb a bamure to bis people . 1&ut 3Dautb (oj icbofocucr tons $ antljoj of tbispfalme) Pjtoceebetb pit furtber, anb *nber tljere= fcmblanee of billcs fbcwetb piapnlp tbe fe; crctbefence, Snbcrctottb 45 £> 3D mapn^ tcpnetb fucb as bee fj;s, too tbe intent tliat tbe rube anb tbe SoeaHiinges.tobom tbetr came buincs bolbetb bourne fttll too tbe cartb, map lift tbeir mpnbes t>px&arb b^ ijrlp of beijoicing tlje fa^D ^Ulc0« For tlic Scepter of the vngodly shall not reft wppon the lot of the ryghtuoufe , leaft the ryghsuoufc. put foortlie their handes vntoo vvickednefle. 4. Doo vppon cnc.v>xxv. nairnc. 201 Doowcll O LORDvntoo thofethat bee good and right in their hartcs. But as for them that turneafidc vntoo their ownenaughtyneiTe, the Lord shall make them walk with the workers of iniquitic; Peace vp- pon Ifracll. 3 tfot tbe ftcpter of f c.~] JtitHt certfoe correcting of t!jc former fentence.l^ebab faiD that Cp 000 t;anb is ftrctcbcb out on alt fiocs to befeno \w Churcb./ft ow fo;= afm ud; as fete glaolp bzatee d£5 £> 3D S> pzomyfeo too our far fojtb 80 Srcc map be pziu t ictigc 0 fr on mil ir ub- blc:S»ee be Seatneb bccrc,tliat <££)3Di& Defence Is no let, but iljat So ce map nowe anbtben beecjccrcpfeDSDptb petfecurien anb afflictions.anb ttjcrcfojc tbat i bens no caufc S»bp tbc fattbfuU fboulb bclr.gbt tljenifcluc0 a npee anb caGe Jpfe bppon eartb : bpcanfeitispneugbfoztbetnnot too bee fozfafeen Svben il;cp tjaue nccbe of C5 S> 3D & beipc. j-ojaltbcucljtljeir bcauenlp fatber loue tbcm molt tcnberlp: pit fcjiillic liaue them Srafccncb Soitb tbc croflfe, lead trjcp mtrjbt cocker tl)cnifcluc0 toomucb mtbcbcliehttsofibcirficfl;. U>berefoze tf Sree imbjacctbis ltiToii : a!* tbough, Sue bappen too be cppzcfTeD fetrfe tbc iHivanp of tbebngoblp,pit (rjallioee pattentlp Ssait till cptber bzeahe ^tbcir &crptcr , o; ffccUe tt out of tl;eir Vnbcs . 31 graunt it is a foze temptation to fewbc bngoblp reigning anb raging in tbelpntagc of tl;e ilozb, anb tbcfaitbfull Ipingbnbcr tbeirfcete. ^owbccitfo;af: mud; as cjBODbumblctl) not busfcruanrcs fo Saitbont iuft caufe tbep muft tafce com- fort iljcrat.3P ifo tbc rcafon is abbebmame lp,leaft ibc rigbtuoufe being ouercome & temptation , migbt glue ouer tbemfclues bnto fmning,tel]tcb t0 to be marfceb abuts oz betebp Sec ejatber, f 3D ncucrtbdcflc SctU fa pjouibc as Syce fbal= not bee ozyucb too gpuc ouertfciftcips gton tbozcugbc ou.t grcate oppzelTpon of imfcrietf. gtureipbc fbnlb afflict bssll our Ipfe long Sottljoutrdeace,* tl;c erode is atonies profitable foz- bo . foz S»e fee botljebow bntamable tbc ftubbojncfic of our fie il) is : * bow tebotlp the rage tberof bopletbbpfromtpmetotpme: oz rather bob) it ceafetb not to Kicbc cuen in tbc t a rp affitctions.bp M)Ul) it (bouib be en(o% ceb to obebience. TDberefore fo mucb tbc tnejtc necciTarte is tbts foaming , tbat tbe II ozce bootb in beSn feafon moderate our temptations, by caufe bee fecch ba bnable tofrntfeftanb tbem.jfteitber botb tbe pro- pliet fap onelp.tbat it t0 to bee fcareb lead tljcfijcafelmgcs fboulb quaplc: but lead cuen tbc rpgbtucufealfo fbulb Cnfe boten, fobtcb. fcrue eir banb0: TOber= bp l;c teacbctl) b 0 :l;at tbe aflanirs oftcp- taci60 arc fo biotcnt,tbat tbe banO0 of tbc rpgbtuoufc(S»l)icb crfl S»cr as pou Syelb fap manadeb , anb Svbofc ftirr has Srcre czbereb bp tlje appointment of #cbj) bc= ing now a0 tt S»er let looce,are carpeb m ■ to liccnttoufencflc of finning, +. [JDoo focli jD iLozb. % c] 3i.fbougb tbepropljetbab nlrcbpSoarrateb allgco- Ip men tbc belp of tltToi) tnbevo feafon : pit bootb bee fume bnnfclf bntopjapetr, ano tl)at not Smtbout caufc . ^ro? altljouc.b faitbebolbebobp : rftttorteifbftanbmge fojafmucb as tbc fe nfes of our Gcujc bco mtl}emeancS»l)ple ftacber: SBeemuSe Cccc.t. in* tntcrmc^Ulc pzapcrs too flrengtben tbein fcmbal.llct ds tbcn foloaj tl)i0 rule of tbe pzopbet,o&bo bauing e rljoztcs al tbe goblp tmto aiTurcD confiocnce: is otb alfo tl)crci» ; allfberoc t!)cit tbep mud net carcicflpfit panmmg,but tbep mutt flee onto d5iDID ant) ioptb pzapcr require tbat tbing at bis banV^bicb ij^c i»iiutb b0 bp bis iaoozo to bope fa? . 3lno certefle, in afmucb as i& & 3D S> belp i0H3t bifceraeo in tbe barfencffs of afflictions, but rather it fees mctb tbat (SB. £> 2D mafeetb no Difference bctantt tberigbtuons anb bnrigbtuou0: \cce muli bfc ti)i8 remcbp.atnb be not on: iprcqupzctb Gmplptbat <©£>£> ftoulo fccale teeil u-Ub goob men: but alfo prccifc - ip requeftctb fucb a tocll Dealing a0 flOias etb out of a fincerc affection. 3Foz it Soere norpnougbfoz <0 £> 2D £> cbiiozen too abftepnefrom all mifocaling , onlcfle tbe tntoarb founbneffe of tbepz baft be anfice ■- rable too tbe fame,o; ratber onleffe tt go* nerne tbe iuijoic lpfe of tbem. 5 [l$ut as fo? tbetn tbat f c.] foi afmueb 83 t\)t participle [Hametnn]t0 of l\)C COtltU • gation[Hiphii-.]acco;DiHge too tbe ozber of grammer tt Djou o be tratjflateb actmelp. l^owbeit fojafmucb as it i» no rare tying f oz tbe tocrbeg in tbat eoniugatien t bee taScncutrnllpairo:il)ifltranflation :l> "5 Ijaue f olo web is allowable, jftotfi ) s ftanoing feeing tljat tbe actiue figmfic t* lonn ^atums ^ommentane at tb^i»rcRebnefr«^lblfeiDbicbTbjag= gtng tbemfclues of a faife pjofeiTton,tuan= Her at tbeir owne pleafnre , oz elfe coir upt tbe funplc ano plapne joules, anb bzawe tbcmi»itbtb:mintootljc Itbertte of fin- ning, if o? no bout but be intrcatctb of $?i - pocritesSabom tbefcapinge of temporal! pumtnment oot'o fo barben,tljat tbep cba= lenbge place amongc tbe bolpeft, bpcaufc tbe llozb bearetb Sou'b tbem. wee fee tbat not onlp tbe goob anb bab are mcbblcb to; gitber in tbeix>ozlD:but alfo y tbe mljcate Ipetb bib bnber tbe cbaffe anb tbe atlcs, euen in tbe flooze of the ILozbe . 31 n tbiS Dourful anb confufeb ftate,tbefo>ickeb are as bzag as if tbep Sucre of tbe bed foit of (0iD 3D £> fcr uaun t cs . wber efojc fc>ee muft befceebe 45ii>2D too bjaivc tbem in tootbcligbt, anb too tbzufle tljcmintoo rigbtfull punnifbmentes Soitb tbe Sbojj fecro of iniqmtie.^nb tbcrbpon foloiBctb t\)is peace i»l«cb bee fcHujetb tonroo Jf- raell. 3Pno bee fpeafeetb not generallp of all tbe flcQjlp offpzpnge of Ibzabam: but rr ijer bee i»:fbctii too bauc <3 £> 2D £> Cburcbc purgeb from tbe l&ppocrptes inbicbc liccpe a rome in it, tontill ■$<& 2D Irftbppe bts banoe bntoo iubgmentc . a no tberefozc 31 fapo tbat tbe peace of tbe €burcbfp;ingetb,beretippon,euenii»ben 20 ejeecutetb bts iuft vengeance as geinfttbe countcrfet f bifgwpfeo Jibac* Ipts irljicl) renb ano teare bis bowels in pieces, anb gatberetb bp tbe rpgbtuoufe on fittcti) tbe place no leffe aptip:let eu man be; at bis free cbopce.Cb* meem».» fit bartc, beclar ing bio fatberlp goob Sotlf ia,&)it <$£>'£> ujoulb not alwapes ioinU toicaros tbem openlp bp i}W3 buffing . Thc.CcMiteintcs ofthe Cxxvj.PfaImc» This pfalme confifietb of three mewbers.Forfirft the prophet exhorteth the ftihfull that -were returned from tbe Cdptiuitie, yntc thitrth^f«lnefje3 and extolleth myghtely the grace of thcyr Heliuerance 3 too the intent they may certeinly kriowe 3 that they -were brought home agein into their countric} by the power ofC 0 D3 and not by cafuall chaunce or by the benefyte of men. xAfteyyoarde is added a Prayer 3 that GOD fhould finish the -woorke ■which bee bad begonne . .And lafily although thcyr full reflitution ap- peeve not by an by too theyr eyes : yit he ajfuageth the tedyoufnes of their ta- rience vppon the.Cxxvt. Walme. 202 ricncc : and bowjocucr their feedctune bee now bcefyinckhd with teares, yit be ■wananteib them a mery harueft. %Thc Cxxyi.Pfulme. A fong of degreei. When the Lordc brought ageinc the captiuitie of Sion , wee became like them thatdreame. Nowc shall our mouth be filled with laughter and our tung with ioye : nowe shall they fay among the Heathen the Lorde hath behaued himfelfe nobly in doing for them. The Lord hath behaued himfelf nobly in dealing with vs and we were i. made glad. 5p © m the noj6.«c] yo%ms fome Jntrrpictcrjaf frill bane beere a )£>2ept}crie o!it)c time too come: it t0 barb j conftrcpneb.^: rulr 3D Doubt not but tfor |£>falme fra0 tnabe bpon the re tutne of tbc people :'anb tberefoje 31 tbougbtegooD too tranflate tfee froo;oe [Bcfliob] tn tbep;ctertencr. $o» frbofa tuer cp tbc r of tbc JLf usto 02 of tbc £>;o= pbets fcaotbeautbour of it, becfapctb t bat tbc mancr of tbctr fieliuerance fr 30 mo;e fronbcrful,tban tbat tt cutb be af= erpbcb bnto ;ffo;tunc : foao tbc faithful map gather be erebp, that tbc |S);opbcfic ef^crcmpfraoiuuJrcfulfitreD.frbtcbe bob fojefct tbe cut of tbctr captiuttic too beattb;rcfco;eanD tenner ccita :3>r, 25. i2«an&29* io,ainD bp tbe froo;bc [Djeame] bee pointctb oat a thing tncrcs Dtble : booing ba too bnoct ftanfie , tbat tbire 10 no roume at all fojbntbanfefuis ties»f O2a0orta«(S£)JDDealctbbpo2s Dmarp Micant0,focb io tbe malicioufnc0 of mcnne,tbat t\)t p are front to fo;ge Dls uerfcca«lc0 to baraen dBobs gracc.2l5ut fo;afmucb 00 in tbe returning of tbc pco pie,tbcre fbpnrb fc;tb fucbe a miracle a0 might troallotoc bp 0; atnaje alt mcnnc0 fotttcs: ttcompeltetb them to acliticso= Icogc tt to be tbc notable ir oo?b of cB on* Cbi0i0 tbereafonSrbpbce comparctb tbe fieliuerance off people bnto a bzeam ae if bee fboulo fap, (urelp all mans bn= Dcrf anbtng is To far re from comeputng (Eodo fo mcompatablc bcntfir,tbat euen tbe berp t b ttiUtn g bpon it map Dia w b0 into a ma3e, 80 though it frere a Djeame anb not a beet? bone.uftat aletobne £Te is it th/n net to acfencttcU&g tbe antbe;ol man tntgbt aifo tranOate the frc;D [shiboc].a bzingtng backc 0; borne agctnr] as feme Do : anD fo fboiila the analogic o;p;opc;> tionablcs be the trimmer, jfrotwii'bttan Ding fonafmucbc 00 there 10 aimoffr no oD0atallintbcmecmngof the "tetter : ft to inougb too frame the rcabci a of tt Itghtip. 2. [$ct» wall our mouth^c*] ?£bc ID nctboftime[Az]i0Commonlp front to be tranflatco [then.] H5ut fojafmncb 80 the fr oe;t<0 are of the time too come :. J thought it froulD not be buaptip tt an fun tea tn this fe tfe : [/Kioto fbailour mouth be fillcD.anD noto (ball thep lap* ] l$orv>s becttif frcaDmit that frbtcbefome H«f= bicu?c Doctour0 affirme,!bnt 10 too fr ir, that the foxec of tbe fapeo particle [ti?cn] 10 too turnc the time commtng incoo the time paft : tbe ftutcnccfril bang frcito= gitbcr.3jn bcebe tbe |>;opba0 niecntt g t0 nothing larli : fo; he fr il baue tbe yc 0 pie fo to retopec tn thar rcturne7 as ti)tp map not burpc (jdooo grace m fo;getful= nc0,2tnb therfo;ehcbefcrpbc(h noo;ot= narp glaDiic0 ; but iuche a one up fa u;ea Cccctf. Octh lohn Caluins *wOmmentane fccrii it frlf into mct>sminbSj tbat it «s pcllctb c^cm tco cutccd measure (n tbeir getture anb fpeceb. 25 p tbe wap be bctb tbem too fcnt crfiano , tt;af t^c graunt of tbctr rcturne into tljctr cnntrie is a fobs ftantiall top where in bee teacbetb <15ob0 c btioicn to fettle tbemfclucs. jFo; Itbe as notbing was ttjett mo jc mtferable tbe to Hoe tn e rtle,wbere tbep were after a fejt OtrpoffefTeo of tbe inberlraunce pjemtfeb tbcm of <03D1D« £>o ougbt tbep to banc SmfbcD notbing tne;c>tban too be refto- reb. & etng tben t bat tbc banging of tbe borne agetnc into tbeir own euntrp,was an affurance of tbe aboptton rcneweb : it IS no maruatle if the #;epbetefape tbeir moutb was fjlleb wttb laughter, t tbeir tung foub top, XPiib Uhc to? aifo becom tnctij it \>g at tbts bap to trpttntpb wben <©ud gatberetb bis cbtucb cegitber.lifee as boutles foe be t;ar& ano (Icclp iiartcb , if tbe tmferablc fcattering ofitcaufetos not to fojow ano lament. jjfterwarb the |£»opbetp;occcoctb fortbcr.faping tbat tbi0 miracle teas feen enen of blino men. ■foi we fencro tbat at tbat time tbe bca* tben war.S,teb in baraneg like b'.mo me, bpcaufe tbere (bpneo no tmowclcbge of € od tn tbem: $ pit <5o&s tooling was fo apparent in tbat tcbalfc , f> tbep fccre fair e to b;utt out into open acknowclebs fitng [tbat <5 co bab belt noblp wttb lis people* ] XDbcrefbje fo rcucbe tbe inoje fbaimfullwas tbe blcthifbencffe of tbe Jii vote ,tf tbc? bib not frccip 9 foitlj full nioutb commenb <5Fodg grace wbtcb ba& purcbafebf 0 mocb p?atfc among tbe bea= tben.ainb becre te to be marato tbe wa= tier offpcaUtna,feb'ct)fetib a bcbemen< cpebcclarctb tbat tbemigbtie power of <©£>5D wssuttbts belputrauncemabe fcnelccn cucntonto tbe (fljenttles.Wbere; topontmmebiatlpafter,beerepeatetbtbe fame tl; ing ageine in tbe perfone of Ijtm fclfe ano of tbe Cburcb : as tf bee Qjotilo fap, at traft vcik let bs atooejtb fucbe con- conftflton 30 &&2D batb wjefteb enen from tbe tmbeiccacrs, 31nabbingtbat [tbep were mabe gtab] tbere is implpcD a cotter t matcbtngof contrartcSjbetwijct tbts nctoe topranb tbe long conttneroeb mourning wber wttb tbep wercbifirek feb in tbeir capttuitie* 31 no be aff trmetb foi tbe nonce, tbat tbep werercfto;cb to mtrtb,too tbe intent tbe fatttjfm map tbe better S»ep tjowe fojo wfull tbeir former ftate was* 4. J- 6, 0 Lord,bring.ageine our captiuitie,as the riucrs in the South. 1 hey that fowe in tearcs,shall reape in ioy . At his going foorthe,he shall go and weepc,carying fcareitie of feede : but at his coming home he shall come with ioy .bringine; his shcues with him. 4. [£> Ho?b,bjfng agetne.fcO ^befe= conb part of tbe |2>faim Ca0 3 fapb) eo= tepnctl) a pjaprr, tbat ©00 fbulb gat'qer togitbcrtberenantoftbcpnTonertf.Hinb tbel;olp©bo0 tnbitcbtbtflfojmofpjap ing fo; tbe iB cwcb y were alreabp come borne into tbeir cuntne,ieaft tbep migbt neglect tbeir b;etb?en tbat Soere in mife* rp.^Fo; aitbougb all tty people bab leatie ■7 itbcrttc giucn tbem to come out of caps tiuitte : pit we fe.iowe tbat a Onall ncm= ber Cm compartfon of tbe greate muiti= tubc^ioere partaberg of tbi0benefite* JFoj fotac tarpeb fttll f« feare, anu feme fo; Qotbe, bicaufc ti;ep fawfucb bangers at batoc, as tbep fccre bnablc too oners come : anb tbep babbe leuer to welter in tbeir ovone filtbpncg? tben to enbure tbe pepnes of tbe to;nep. JEttsltbe tnougb at fo tbat manpc of cbcm btb fet mojc uTo;e bp tbeir pzefente eafe anb commoDtties, tt an bp eternall faluai ion« Ceuelpe tbe tbtng was f alftlteb tbat was fo;efpoae bpt£ fap, rbataltbougtjc tbc people were as tbe lanb of tbe ^t a, pit but a remnat fboulb be faaeb« S>cing tben tbat tnanp hii> cpenlp refttfe tbe benefit wbe it fo as otTcreb : « tbat tbeir Itbertie wbicb was gotten bp intreatace, 0; fo'.:icij bung but upon anetber maus cartefie was not w out manpe iettes anb tHiomberances s fo trjai vppon we . v.xxvj. L-qaime. tbat fearce a fcaro of the bartpcr fo;t Dnrft fet foitb one is no raaruel tbougb tbe |*>iopl?c£ bio tbe entire!) mabc fupplp = cation fhll fo; their b;fngmg borne agctu. jDKcreicttbali alto is to be noteD tobat lias tbe flats of tbem tbat Srcre alrcaDp retnr* ned. iroz inafmncbastbeirJlanDfi>as poffcffcD bp fozremera , fobo *oct t all of tljcm tijeir bttcr foes f fa>o;ne enemies: tbep inert nolcffc ptifonws in tijeir ofone counts, tfjanat25ati:cn. ^!;erefo?e in two refpectes it Rcodc tbc rburci) in bano to btcarcfitfi tapping <15£> ID to gather togithec fuel; as Sucre DtfpcrfcD:rbat is to Suit, tbat be migbt cbecre fcptbe fcarcfutl, quicbcnbptbeoullarDcs.Qjafectbeafto- npeD ouro.'tbcir Dcbgbtes, anorcacb out bis gapD'-ng bsnD too all fo;tes, anD alfo tbat l;;c tingbt fettle tY,c company, tbat i»d0 rcturnco in Ipbcnpe and cafe. il^a= np tbinfe the meening of t tie fimiiuuDc tbat is aoDec to be tljts.Cbat tins tiling fi.mlD be as great a pleafurc tojt'jent.astf rsatcr fboulD fierce tbjtougb a fctlDcr ncflc. wee know !) orc grccuous anD pcinufii a tbmg it is to traucll tn a £ubot count r ic tb;ougb b;p fan 0 co . Sno tl)c fontb is taken fo; a fotlDcrneue-.trpcaufc tbe foutij coaft topon tbc Hoc of J ets;p S»as in a mancr iuafte anD toninbabitabfc . ^otiuitbfhmDing it feetnetb nnto mce.that tlic ^?op!jtt Dootb tbc mo;e abuance and enlarge tbe grace of <£•;£>£> br comparifon of tbe miracle : as tfbe(bulDfap,altbougb it be a bars mate tcr fo; t!;e tiifperfed remnant to groroe a= gen togitbcr into oncbobie: pttnotwitb* Qanbing \t lpes ui6£)S& bano to Do ft.nolcffe tljan too conuep riuers tb;oucb tbe Dip Defert. ^5 p tbc Soap \)c alius crh to tbemibsof their iojncp, as it appcerctb bptb: plot of tbofc countries.© oistljcr nothing toobec fupplpcDmtbci»oo;&cfli fcbicb fimplp tmptp tbns mucb ,ut cace as ifarpnerfboulb comcDownemtoabar. rein anD D;ougbrp countrp.Enb trulptoo opcKtbcSuayfo;bts people &b»cb S»as as gooD as 6;otrncD in a botomlefle pit, Suas all one as tf be fhoulD hauc opened a fcmtcrcourfe fo; a riuer to banc tonne tb;ougbafeHlDernes. 5 [Cb«r tbat fo*e f c] 3to m? fabgtmet tbisfentenceougbtasicdtobecctebcbto tbe tpmc comnnns, as bn&craooD cf tlje tpmc p;efent.£> bp tbe pjopbefic of jereime baD cbecreo bp trjctr minDcs to bop: fo? tbe barnefrtpme. J it feerc tbep not bales into tljept long cantinittc feutljcnt greatc beauineffe anD grecfe . 31 1 Suas tbercfeze all one ajitb tljetu , as ifaGIte plowman tbat is a bungreb alreop.ajulD in tbc tune of bcrtb bee fojcea too abjiDg : bimfclfc 0? bis o?DinariefooDc,tbat l)c migbt pzcuiDc fo; bimfclfc ageinfw t\)t ncirt pecre.j^cro altl;\J«gb tbis bee a I; ..rD cace : pit is bee moncD too fowe in bope of barueft.Ctea it io tbcn.tiu t tbc jkewes,i»bcn t!jcp tcer leD intoo captiultie , Sucre no leffe fo;c«>5 full,tbanbectbatin tbe fpmcof fcatctt(c tsfapnetocaftc bisbeerefecbeintoc: tn; grotinDe : anD tbat aftcrtoarbe cnfcir'tD tbeir giaD barucft ioben tl;epiocrcbeli= ucreb.bpcaufe <3 C» ID gauc tbemmirtl) agein as in a moft plentifull mcrcafc.liB ut in utp opinion tbe \$; opbet fcemeib to cjc= boit tbe faitbfull too patience fo; tbc time too come alfo . tfoj, tbe rcftitution of tbe Cburcb i»asnotpit accompltffbcD : tut ratber fo; tbc two caufes iolncb 31 baue rccttcD afo:e . ttappcretbtbat eucntben Snas tbc tpme of foitrng. jPo;aitbougb tbc kings p;oclamaeio DiD franfeip fnupB all tbe 3im>esteoretume: pttDtDbuta featccof manpreturnc fiou-ipanD featca fullp bp fmait companies ♦ 3gcinc, 1 V,cv Socre Q;;caitDlp anD barDlp SodcomtDof tbcpzncpbours, anD mucijtrubble tocrc tbep P«t totttoo, fo tbat t!;ep; f o;mcr bon; Dagc inas as tolerable, wbcrcbppon fete gatb«rti)ataspit tbepiucre fc?netcfuf= fer ftill, brccufc tbc full tpmc of tbep; barucft Soas not pit come. S!r;Dtbcrcfo;e it is not fo;nongbc tbat tbc #;cpbet ec= bo;tctb tbeiu to labour luftclp vanD to go tb;ongb in tbep; continuall trulblcs, a:;D nottoofamte, till btttcr ruccedc appecre. 3HS concerning tbc &>oo;ds , feme tranf= tate [Mcfhck] ap;yce , e; p;fc:oufencfic : « otberfome tranflate it a f Ucp 0; a fccDe= iiape,o;fomcotbcr tbmg tbaBtbcpfoise out of . f^bis latter tranfiation bail) no reafon in it. Cbeptijattrar.Q ire it rp;pcc o;p;ccioufenene]allcDgc ti)io place cut of tbebcehe of 3iob.2g.18.Cbe p;ccu;>;fcs nes of irifcDome is better t\)e.\\ all pei I ?s. T&ut fo; asmuclj as tbc terbc[Marbaki Cccciii, ioljaqf lohn uaiuins ^ommcntanc So^cr of t))ts SooojD is berpueo , fia«ifictb to ftrctcl) oat 0} Djavcc out:p:raDuenturc itmwbcetaKenmojc fitl? in l)t0 proper ftgaification, a0 tocll beerea0 in tljat o* tljer place.iFo? tbe j2>?opbet feemeeb tfjcr to pjatfc,not njarpnctfe of iDit,bnt biDim &tfcDome,anD fo tbc 0?awmg ont of U3ifc= Dome, (tbati0 to fap the comincwall bob binge one of it) fralbec calico better tban pcric0,bp realon of trje beepe rootcs of it. Sroilfo in tbis place tbe ojawtnge out of fccDets icfcrrt 0 too tbcfccDcracncI)cm= fetae* : namelp , tbat tljep ftretcb out oj D?aweouttbcirlpfe inlcngtb&rtjen tliep fowe.jftotfcmbftanbing, tf anp man nUc ratljer tbe fo>o?&[p?cctoufnefle,] tbe fence Soiibe, tbat fcjh,en eojne i0 fcarce, fecoc 10 laio into tbe grounb feitb teare0,bpeaufe it 10 pjccious ojbecrc. Cbi0leu*onbatb pit a larger fcope. wee fenowe our Ipfe 13 in otber place0 iifcencb to a feebetpmc . 3! nD it often betpbetb tbat isucc mutt force in tearc0Cbcrfoje to tbe enb tbat fojoroe tycafcenot of , o; at leaftwpfe Dtfapnoine not our cbeerefulnefTe:&ee moft rapfe top our barte0 fc>itb tbebope of barueft. /Be* uertbclefle i»ee muft beare in mpnbc,tbat not all tiic 31cq?c0 tbat taere earpebtoo H5abplon,biD fowe.^Fo? tnanp wtycl) bab baroencb tbemfeluc0 agcinft jopbet0, Uhcao tbepbabbe befpifeb ail tbjeatcning0, fo alfo foere tbep fet befpoe al bopc of returning. Cbfp tljerfo;e topon tob om tber lap fucb belpap?c, fc>er e confm tneb in tiictr mtfene 0 : but tljci tob om gobfl ppmi0 fufteincb.foftereb tbe bope of bars ueft in tbetr bart0,altbougb tbep bib cad tbeir fceb into tbe grounb at all abuentttre in tbe time of extreme fcarceUc.Cberfo?e to tbe enb tbat ioptnap fucceebe onrpjtea Tent beauineflfe: let t>0 lerne too benbe our mpnbe0 to tbe ifleto tbat ©£>£> pjomps fetb.^nbfo (ball&ee finb,tbat tl)i0 0?o= pbcfic bclogetb to all tbe goblp in comon: namelp tbat <& O 2D not onlp foppetb a* &>apetbeteare0 from tbeirepe0,butalfo fbeabeti) ineatmable to? into fljeir^art*. The Contcyntcs of the Cxxvij.Pfalmc. It shewed that the order of the -world, as well in publike Affaires as in houfebold matters ,fandeth not by thcpollicieidiligence^andforcajiofmen, but by the only blijfing ofGOD3and that the ijfew of mankind is kisftn- gtlat lift. The Cxxvii.Pfalmel Salomons fong of Decrees. Except the Lord buyld the hovvfe, they that buyld it,labour in vayne: Except the Lord keepe the Citie, the keeper vvatcheth in vayne. 2 It is in vayne for you too ry fe early, and too goe late too rcfte, and too eate the breade of forovves : fb will hce gyueflcepe too his belo- ued. •£jHFecpttbe 3Lo#a? c.]Cberei0no ^ireafon tobp tbe Jitws IboulD be* np tfci0 ^falme to baue bin mabe bp S>alomo;i.C^p tyfnU tbe let? tre[tamed]to import afmucb ast[toi&te lomon0 faHe, } feben nottoptbttano ingc, common bfe gepneftanoetb tbem . fro* 5u?bcrefccuer fucrjc ,a bcrfo;c tbep fojgc tbt3nercDemcfoutoffSufon,fccti;Cjita= grcctb tocrp Secli p Salomon f&bo Seas cjepericnceb In putoltbe affaires, fbulo fcp tbe fpirite of fcnfesomc intreat of tbitf gs tbst beUncto ar.D feasacqaatntcb foitb. ainbbccauoucbctb tbaitbcSucilDcanD alfo mar.ncs life 10 goucrncb bp £?oa fo; two caufes. iT tr ft, in bat foeuer eroob lucU bcfallcrb tncn.bp an bp ttjeir fcntbanfcful nclle bew;apetb it ftife , in tbat tbcp af= cribe tt toboip too tbmifclues : anb fo ia Q5iDiD befranfieb cf bto fine bono;. Co tbe intent that Salomon map cc-;rccrc tbio To f cowarfi fault, be anoncbetb tbat ticking bappenctb lucfeelp tonto tos, fac utng fo farre fo;tb as <0£>3D p;ofpcrctb our coing0*2 gttne bto purpofc fojas too bcatc bourne tbe foolifbe p;efumptlon of ijuti,&bo fctttng 0 £P ID aDcc, bareab= ucn tur c topon anp thing, o nip bpon truft oftbclrofenc fctfcfiomeanb ftrcngtbe* Cbci fo;e plucking from tbe tbat fcotjic!) tbcp cbalcnge rafbelp to tbcmfclacs, bee ftbcitctbtbcmtoottioctftteanD catling bpon <& C 3D : pit fioctb be not refect cp . tber mennes labour 0; crjetr fo;ccafte, 0; tbctr couiifaflc0 : fo; tt ts 0 MmmcHDas ble to e r f ue too bee fii If gent anb l;cc Dful in tbe tbtngo tbat belong to our butte. foi tbe lo;befe>ill not bauzb0 too bcclpUe biochs,p ; to lie fUil iilic fluggcrbo : but look Srbat fo euer be batb beftorocb tops t>0 be Soil bane fcs applp tt too our crcne bfe.Crue it t0 in aeeo^ba: f mofte part of labours fpzin g out of c£oo"s eurfe : anb yit tip DID fc?oulD baue tos fUll occuppeb altbougb fo>c rcmapneb in tbe founfincd of our fitfiftate:ltktaGbjcfce bow 28* fiain S»as put into tbe C5arDctn to Duffe it.&alomontberfwecoDemnetbnottbe faiarcbfuJneff: tcbtcb tealowcb cf <2>cd, no; pit mens labour in bomg : tnljcr c of tbcp offer acceptable facrificc bnto btm, S»be tbep take it in bar?b frilling ip acco; Ding to bis eemmaunbement. l}cu?bccit if aft becing tlr nbf 0 & p;tb£,tbcp tntgbt fhatebe tbat tbing too tbemfemes fo>b tcb is pcculpar bntco sD 3D : b« tellctb t ban tbat their be ft n ring cf tqcm feH.cs bootctb t'ocm not at all, f iu ing inafmucb as U5£DID bliffctb tbeir labour. 15 p tbe fc>oo;D boufc bee not onelp b.tohc nr tb a builfiing of timber 0; ftoiu : but alfo co= p?cbcr.Bctbtbefeboko;bcrofboGfVbol= fitng : libe asalit!cafrcr,bp tbe S.t 02:0c Citlebecbetokenctb, not onelp tbcbtnU fiings 0; eempaffe of tbe dalles, bat tbe gcncratlftafc of tbe frbotecomon {wait* «$ nb in tbe Soojfis [builoer acb feet per,] tbcre is tbe figure Smiecpocbc- Jroj bee auoncbctb gcncrallpe that inbat fb euer labour jfo;ecafr, anfi politic mtnne bjmg to tbemamtepnoncc of aboufe.o? to tbe Defence of a Citie : tt fl)Elcce too no purs pofc, ercept <® S> 3D fenfic it p?ofpcrous fucceu~e»ntof ^eauen.jBovo tt bebouetb tobcarefnmtnbe tbatfebtcbIB toucbeb alate : namelp, tbat fojefmurb as men^ mfnbC0 are commonlpe poffeft'eo fetch fo bifnbe p;ibe ■> tbat tbcp fiefpife -je ob anb abuaunce tbtir Cttjr.eabpiitic Septljoafe mcafure : noibpng is tr.oje rcqupfite fo; tbem^ban too be b;eugbt in as tbep map petcefue tbat frbatfocner tbep attempt tt fbalbe but $&fic>*mfb,onlcffe d5aD 3D of bis metre grace Do p;ofper it* TObentbc Pbllofopb^rsbpfpute of tbe Oate of a common frcale : tn goob footr) tbep gatber all tbinges fcntti Ip tagttber tbat feem to make fo; tbe purpofe,3D : &w rarber tbep grounbeb tbe cbecfe caufeof bapppe ftate,m tbcpoiccr of man. j^ouccfojaf^ mucbt as mo;tall men fteppe top vr itb fo trapterou0p;cfumptiontoo tbe butlbmg of Citieo.f to tbe o;brtng of tbe date cf tbe tobolc Sno;iD: tbe bo Ip (f>bott e bcott) &>o;tb«lp rep;oue fucbe inabneo.iLetbs tben fo ejccrcifc our fclueo cucrp man ac= co;btng to the mcafure of btsabitttp anb manner of bi0Duttc,ao tbat tbe pjaifc of Cccc.tul. all lohn Caluins Commentane tsd&obstfbji onleffc b« bccpe fratcbe out of i^eaucn , all tbe quicRfigbtctmciTe in tbefr ozloc i$ not able too efcbcwe t^c baungcrs. 2. 3lt id in bafncfrc] jftoto booth ©a= lomon cipu fTc mozc tulip, that men fo:c fpcnb tl)cmfcluG0 m balne frttb tepling, anb fozepinc tbemfdue0 in batne frttb fatting, to get tbemfelne0rtcbe0,btcaufc chat euen that alfo ts the benefit of 4Bon alone. % ub too the intent be map moone them the mozeeffectuaUp,becallctb beer to euerp man bp namrO ti0 (faitb bO in Maine fo: pen.] 3Dnb bee recKenc th bp tbe two meanes tobiche arc thought too be of greatett fozce in gathering tooQD0* :# o* it t0 no mar uel if tbep heap bp gr eat riches in a fbozt ttmc,fr bub fpare no la s bour, bat fpenD night anb bap in piping tbeir bujtneffc, anb fare ttenberlpc with tbeir labour ,TBut &>atemon affirm it'g y ncptber tbe (paring life no; tbe baste top Itngboore sap tbmgat all -net tbatbee fojbt&betb men to bfe fparencs of opet,f to rife betimes to go about tbetr bufimfs (C0.H3 ut to tbe intent to Oir b0 bp bnto pzapct anb to calling bpon dBcb,anb al= to to comment) tbanfefulnes:be bztngctb to nought the things that beface the free grace of od alonc,anb then (ball all thinges fail out alfo accoz* ting to our bar t# bcttre.2$ut tf a man be Sine bint neaer fo luftclp fetttng <5oo a= fiaeAcfcalibiit go too fezecac frith bis battle renal ng* Chen is it not the $* :o= phets minbe to bzaw men too fiotbcrul* as tbep fljoulb thinac bppon rros thing all their life !ong,bat beaome thee fc!uc0 $ cocker tbcmfeUics tn their ownt fluggtfbcncffe : but that frben tbep eres cute that frbieb 45ob hath cntopneo the, thep fboulbe ncuertheleffe begtn cner at p2a?-cr anb calling bppon <25oo,ano offer their labours ontoo him t jo bliffe.[Cbe bzeab of fozowes] map be erpouocD two Soapcs: eptber frbicbe 10 gotten frith haro anb careful tople-.oz fr htch IS eaten frith bnqutctnes,V fee as fr c fee how nfs garocipe anb pinching pcrfonco fearcelp tatte a bit of bj&cab, but thep piuckc their hanbe from their utoutbagcinc* 2J5utit fails. all picfptrous fucceGe map in the meane febile remafne bnto <££>£> alone* $ oj frtcBcbis the parting offtakes frbtcbe manpfurmtfc.tbat be frbicbe bath beba* ucb bimfeife baleantlpe fboulo leauethe one halfc of the pzaife bntoo ©£>3D,anb tabe the otberbalfe to bimfeife. U5o tru= ipe, (0ob0 Miffing mutt beare the frbolc fwap anb foucreintie alone, iftowe tf our earthlpttatc bang bppon the meergooo pteafure of 3D , anb not rather bauntcth himfelf« lelcoip.bccing puffeb bppe friti} pzibe:' Juttlp therfozc both <&£>TD ten- oer tljis rcwarbe bntoo thanblcffe men, feeing be &bcfraubcb of bis bonoz.2i5ut ifallmenfroulbmeclblpfubmittethtmi felucs bnto <£obs pzouitence : boubtlesi tbisbliffrngfrhtche Salomon commen bcth froulb (hpne fooztb in all the part0 of our Ufc,30 frel publikelpaat pziuatlp. Che fr 0?b [ Gnamal] (frt;tch 3 baM ttS flatcb [to labour].) fignifietb not onlp to implop oz bettowe a mannes trauell, but alfo to bi-j t: oz- be Ulrrc a mannes fare es utnttibcEhauctpzcb cno oucrwzottabt htmfclf .3i haue tola pou ttjat bp the icozd [Hccper0] there is betoaeneb,not oncipe t'uche a0 arc appopnteb too tbe frarebe : but alfo all 5^agittratc0 anb 3ubge0. 3f there bee ts the gift of 45Q iu «2i5 ut there is necoe agctue of another fratcb£fumcffr,frb»cb. vppon the. Cxxvij.Pfalme. f tulles little foz tbe matter, Mjittyv Jn ■■ terpzetacionamancbooje . ;j?ozfcccbcc Gmplp taugbt, tljat nigarDlp men pzofptc nothing ,no not euen bp pinebingetljcire own bcilpeo.r^o iDtil [jee gtuc to bis bc= leuco.] ilccDoorl) bs to ioit , that OSoos bltCTaig 5»l)ereof bee batb mtrcatcD 10 Teen in toerp bceD in bis cl)ti£»2cn nno feruants. jfo} it i»crc not pnougb to beleue tbe fato Doctrine, tljat iDljstfocttcr men ta&e in IjanD is to no purpofc,ccccpte tbe pzoimfe alfo d'oo matcb &>ltb it, tbat tbcp mape tbzough aflureo bope perfojme tbeir Den? ■. tie cbeerfullp. Jt map alfo be rcb,[bee toil! giue fleepe bntoo Ins belottco, 0; t;ce Soill gioe bp flccpe, ] berelp euen tlje tfnngcs tbat tbe bnbelecuero frriuc to get bp tbeir owne polieie. Cbc particle [Kon] ts putts foj affurcDnciTc foz tbe cnb tljat Salomon map tbe better pcrfoaoc tbe tbing tbat of itfclfc fcemetb mcrcDiblc ano to bee but a tale ( namelp that <&ox> gpuetbfoobe too tbefaptbfullfeitboutahp greatc care of ti)f troMjcc bootb as it ioerc popnt at tbe matter fintb bis finger. Cruelp be fpca= Uct l) in like cace as if <5od (boulb feco tbe flo t'ufuln eff: of bis feruaunts So tttj cock ; ringtbem. 215utfozafmucb as toe know tbatmen arc createo tottbconDseiontoo fecepctbemfelues occupicD,anb fozafmuch- as mtbc m%tc fMalme toec fl)all fee tbe tooozQ) ippers of 0OD accounted bapppc, toben tbcp eatc tbe laboz of tbeir banbes: it is ccrtcpn that bp tbe tooozDe [ fleepe,] tberc iB noHtetoKeneo Qetbfuinen*;, but a gentle labouring toberebnto tbe fattbe= 3 Behold, Children are an inheritance of the Lordes: 4// full applpTtbemfelucs tbzbngb the obcbi= entnefTe cf faptb. iFoz fobcrebpen comes tbisgreatbeate of tbcfaptl;!cu"c,tb2t tbep fhr not a finger toitbout trcubb!c,tbat is to fapc.tbat tbci tozment tbcmfclucs icttl) fuperfluoufe carcs.but bpcaufe tbep make none account ofarb, J ttgmfpctb tojatfocucr benefptes (SfoD bcftorcetb bppon men, as tt apoec* rc>l> cuibcntlp bp man? places of tlje fcrtp turc . Cbcrcf022 tlje tnecmnge is, tbat cljilDjcn befall not bp cafuall cljauncc , but acco2D3D frametb anb garms Q)tt\) menncs ctnlbien totl) ercellent tos torbneffe anb all fcpnbe of \jertewes. TOooztbelp bootb 3rtftot!c in b's ciurtl matters Demaunb tojitljcr tbebauinge of manp cbtlbjcn ought too bsrc caunteb as ttiong qood tljinges 02 no : anb bee benps cth tt , onleffc tbere mate!) tort) it Tuelbifs pofebneOe, tbat is too fapc, gentlcncffe 02 boncft nature in tbe cb. tlbicn tbemfcitus. 2lnb truelp it tore farre bappper foj a great fojte too bee cbilblcffe 02 barrcme, tban to bee frutcfull to tbetr oome fozoto. jftot totbout caufc therefor: bootb £> i - lomoncommcnD tol&ifpofeoncs, anb bo - nsft towarDnefTcincbilbicn, to the intent, beemapetbemoze Ipgbrfomclp fct fooztb thebenefpte of $ob. %t mpgbt fecmc in Decb:,tbat tbc fimilitube tojicb fae bfetlj, is fometcbat totb tlje barfbeft, tbat Ipfee as an x rd):v is armeD totb a bovee toll trimmeb : cucn fo, men bee garbeb fe>pH) tbeir cbf fbwn as it tore totb bowe anb arowes. 35titifaman top it fomerohat neere'.p: bee fball confefle it to»s fpofcen cteganrlp. Jro? bee boetb bs to tot ,tljat furbasbce totbout cb^ib2en, bee after a fojte bngatDcb, fo: fc>bat elfe is it too bee cbplblcu~e,iban to bee folttaric t 3 1 is no (mail gift of d5cb,foz a man to bee renews co in bis pofteritie. f 02 tl;en bootb (S 06 gpuc nea>c ftrengtb , tbat be^ to)icl}e clfe n)0ul&becap oatof banb , beginnetbasit tore to Ipue a kconn Ipfe. Cbts [effort is rpgbt neceffarie to bee Hno^cn. ^02 cum tbefrutcfutneffeof b2utibeaftcs isafcrps beb bn;o s0od. 3f (Sob to^Hljaue it ac^ counteb b^s bencfptc.tbat &pne,<* 02tb?. <2Brcrcbplebebabiibes neb cbilb2en tbat bee becbeb totb bertero anb etc cUcnctc of nature, bnto arowes. i^oco ieatt anpc man mpgbt bzacoetbptf tbing bnto biolence, as tijough bcegaue dnlDjcn leaue too ropftc it out IpHe ruffpa an0bceitrpgbt:O2toong, ioitl) tbefo2ce toncb tbep ougbt to bfe m Defence of rtjeir rtfatbers: bp erpjtcffc Soo'ojbeabc groun« Detb tbem bppon bertewe anb bp?pgbt beljattpcur. $^ce teacljctb bs tberfo2e tbat toe ougbt to toflje fo? fucb cbilb2cn,not as map biolcntlp beare Docon fiitc fouies, 02 compafTe men bp crafte anb Dcccpte, 0^ bcapc togptber grcarcricbes fezongcfuU ip,anb purcljacc to tljctnfelucs iojbip au < tljojittc vppon incv^xxvnj.Maime. tbojirfe: but fucbc as Sotllfollorce \>v* rigbtncu*c,beein5 Spilling too due tonDcr SLaiuto, anorcoptoo Dcfeno tbcircipfc, Stno although fathers ought too frame their ebilojen biligentlp fcnoer cbaftcnur= tare, pit let them bcare tnmpnb, that the? can not attepne tyert nw, bttt bp the mete To$r ano lingular grace of <& ® 3D. 3Plfo f&n lomon giuctb bs an fncling,that although Soee bec neuer To 'well giuen too gooones, pit (ball Soee neuer Scant baKbptcrs. #0; if bcrrnoufe conuerfation Sccrcfrecfro ail mtfrepojt , then (boulo there bee no con= ttouerue Smth entntpes. The Contcintes of the Cxxviij. Pfalme. This Pfitlme is like too the laj}3 and as it -were a certein appurtenance of it. For itdedareth}that the blifsing ofG 0 Dj-wbicb Salomon had auouched too bee fiied through all mankind ■» is tnofl apparant in the trew and pure woorjbippcrs of COD. The Cxxyiii. 7>falme» A fong of degrees. BlhTed is the man that feareth the Lord , and wal- kethinhiswayes. 2. When thou eateft the labour of thync handes , thou shalt be bliflcd, and it shall be well with thee. 3. Thy wy fc shall bee as a frutefull vyne on the fydes of thync houfe: and thy children as the Olif ilippes round about thy table. IMfleb is the man.flfc] £ps caufe it hathe bin fapb in the laft fdfirtmc.fyat pjtofperous faeces in all affaires,* in all the Sobole race of a ntanms ipfe, 10 too bceloofeeb fo? at 450DB grace onlp: now the jSnopbet Soarncth bs, that fuch a0 rapno to be part tahers of C5 oooca blimng,mutt giue the* felue0 oner Sobolip bnto hint, bpcaufe bee neuer hifappopntetb them that ferue him. 3nb the firft bcrfe contepnetb a Sohole fumme of the matter. JFo? the rcftoeco bee aooeD but in Soap of ecpofition. Cr ulp, it feemeth afonb p?tnctple,Soberbnto fcarce one among a-hunojea is til glue bis affent, that tbofe are bltflcb Scinch fcare 4ETg>3D* fpcciallp in tltfs ipfe: if op euerpcSobere there flp abjooe manpc (Epicures iifee torn too S)cnnis,Soho bp rcafon of his p?ofpe- rous fapling , tyaggco that tlje 0500s fa= wo;eb Cburchjobbers, yw& tbep?ofpe- tttfeofetriUmentrubbletb anb Wfmaperb the Soeatrtinges . Bgein , the Qlie forolcs ipepanting tonoer their miferies. aino ais though it Socre fo that the befppfers of &.& 3D Soere not in goob plpght , 9 that the cace of gooo men Soere tolerable : pit the greater part is eptber ftarfe blpnb , o;t elfeSohtKetbtn the conftbering of obS pjoutDence. Certeffe, this bpwoojo hath of latebin abtnitteo bp common confent Soell ncere of all men, t bat it is beft not to bcebojne at all,an& nejet to bpc as foone as mpght bee. ^inaUp,flcG}ip re«fon bec- ntetb cptber that all manfcpnD is mtferas W Soithout erception, 0? clfe that foi- tune is mo;e fauojable too bngoolp anb Seicbeo footecs, than too gooo men. $no as fo? this opinion, namelp, that tbep bec bliffcb Sohtch feare the llojo , it bttcrlp abbojtctb it , as 31 baus Declare* at large in the fcuenanb thirtitl) pfalme. bppon ail mannpnD . H5nt tbefencciDill ronne b:il it \use reaDe it all in one ftrcpn, tbatd&oos cbtlozcn are bapppe tn eating tl)Gtr laboz. iJDtbctUip^tije repiticio Sucre colD, pea ano bnfauerie. Cbc 0zopiiet tlierfoze, confirming tlic former Doctrine, aimomibctb bS bzccflp,tbat Ijappines is too bee eftcemcD after anotber foztc , tljan tbciooxiD i84ooonttoDoo,fc>bicb groun= Dctb rjappie lpfe> ;opbet calletb <25oDS fcruantcs bacfee bntoo a mcanncflc.SBbicb is rcicctcD Ssell ncere of all men. iff oz toW is be? tbat (if bee rapgljt baue his owne ebopec ) SooolD Defy ze too liue of bis labour t nap, inbo is bee tbat fooolD account it as a lingular benefptc^ 3Mb one as tbc name of Ijappts nes commetljabzcDc, (web an bnfreiabic gulf is mannea couctoiifncs) bpanbp eebe man ruffty tb out into eteeflc. Cbe \$}Q; p'oet tberfoze S»iiletb tbem to be contented iuitb tbis one tlnng, natnclp, tbat tbcp be eonucnientlp founo bp tbe labour of rljctr banbeg bnocr <25oD tbctr f oftcrfatber ? as it babe bin fapD in tbcJiMaime.} 4. 1 i.tbe Upong bungc-r, ana tcant meate,buf tbep tbatfeene after dEFoD fbdl feant noticing tbat is goob . 3no £»ee mutt beare tn mpnD , tbat t\)c pzopbet fpcafcctb not of tbe bpgbeft bliffconcB , fertnelj conttttetb not tn ureate ano Djink , noz is tnclofeD Sottbm tl}e narbtoe bounces of tbtstranfis tozie Ipfe : but pjomifctb tbff feptbfut! a bapptc ipfe suen in tbis pilgrimage , 0? in tbis cartblp lobgmg , fo farfoojtfje as tbe Irate of tbc £»oo;ID frill fuffer : accozDiag as pauic fapetb , tbat feotbc of tbem are pzomifcD bntoo (SoDIpnes: namclp, tbat <0 0 3D So til baue a care of bs During all tbc race of this Ipfe , anD alfo in tbe cnD bzing bs bntoo eternal! Ipfe. 1 .Cim.4.8. 3lUb tlje alteracion of tbc perfonc auap- letlj too enfozee tbc matter. $op bp fpea* king in tbc tlnrb perfonc, bee Direetetb bis tain bntoo cuerp man feucrnllp , tn tbis fence : iftot onlp immoztail felicitie abps Detb foz tbeetn bcaucn : but alfo as long a© tbou fcapfarcft in tbc S»ozlD , d5 jj> 3D Sciil not ccafe too perfoime tbe ©erotic of anboufebolocr in bzfngtng tbccbp.tbat tbou mapft baue bapipfcoDe at bsbanD, fo tbou bee contcD Smtb a meafurablc pit- tance. wbetfozefomurt) tbe moze bebooueib it bs t09 ftanD bppon tbe mpnbing of it. 5£ou?bceit,fezafmucb as tbis bliffcDms ta Darbfomme > too tbe intent free map concepue it , fpzft 5»ce muft mark tr)2 De- finition of it, Ssbicb iutll folotoe bp anD bp. 3nD fcconDip , it is too becbnDcrr (I-coD, tbat tljc fame DepcnDetb mod bppon 45 ods pzotection. f$i tbougb tbe |3zopbct gatberintoo abeape&batfoeuer tlnnges &eme too mafec a bappie Ipfe : fu- rclpnotbing can bee moze too bee DefpjteD, tban too fyzouB a manncs felf bnDer ti\e Defence of 45 $) 2D . iBo w, if tbis bencfite doo in our iuDgment (as it Defcruetb) eje* cell all otber goeo tbmgcj.tobofocuer be= leeuetb tbat (0 Q 2D batb a care of tbs iDOzlD ano of mennes affapzes , totli alio Doubtlcffe tberwitballbclzcue, ^ tbctbing tobicb is fetDowm tbe cbeef popnt af bappincs. But befozc 31 pzoceefic anpe furtber, it is to be notcD,tbatmtbe feconb parte of tbc oerfc.not aitljout caufe.tbere is abDcD a mark , toljtcb Dtttcrne b tl;e i»oo;fl)ippers of 2D from tbc ocfpp= frrs of 2D. Tbcfcebow euen ttjc leau- Deft fozt of all,i»itb no leffc bzaucrpethaa Q)amclefnes $ mocbertc,bzag tbcmfelucs of tbe feare of dS £> "D . Cb^ P?opbct tberfoze re^upjefb tvpail in Ipfe , foz tbe feare of 45od anD tbe keeping of b'S iaa», are tbinges bnfeparable : anD fueb as tbc roote is , fucb mutt t'.;c frute neeoes bee. ^urtbermoze , &ce gati;er bp tbis place, tbat our Ipfe is not allowable afoze <0od, eccept it be fiameD accozDing to bts Hatv. £luettionles , there to no IKcligiou Suitl)= out tbc feare ofpfefbalbee,jc] Iflsepnebeer lODcfcrpbco <5osoe3 bliffmgc suBcr tbe fame pcrticular i»!jcrcof Salomon maoe mention laft afo?c,nametp,tbat e,bpcaufe Sue fcnoroctbcp S»crea0 tbenlpfeccbilo?en. ^cucrtlieleffc bee fo temperco it, as thep migbt mount bp too tbe mpnBinge or tb e bcaucnlp Ipfe.ait this Dap alfo £05 auou.- c!)ct!j htofauour unto b0 b-p temporal be-- nefptco, tbougb fomcai;at mojefparelp : like as free cptcD euen noivc out of |$aul T.Cim.4.8. tbat<25oDlme!fcbatb p?omi* fe0 a0 &ell of tlje picfcnt Ipfe as of tbc life to come. 28nD bp tb«0 mcane0 tberc is not call anp ftop 0? tmpebiment in our Swaps that our mpnbes tannot mount bp intoo bcauen.but ratbet tbcre bee laoDcrs fcttc bpfo^D0tooclpmbc bp tbitber bppon, Gcp bp ftep. 3«ftlP therefore Dootb tbc $>?opbetaDmomQ)etbe fapthfull to tafee fomefrutc of tbeir bcrtuoufeneffe Soljen dSob gpuetb tbemfoooe, pjofperctb them in their matcb anb tbeir chtlojen, ano com met!) DoSvne to take care fo; tbeir ipfe. 115 ut bee commenbetb 45o&0 pjefent gras cionfe gooDneflfe,to f enb tijer tbep fbcaiD baftcfojtcwarb moje cbeerfullp brito their etcrnatl heritage. 75 no if tbi0 eartblp J;ap= ppneflcDoo not akcape0 fal unto the goD= lp,but tbat fomctpmc tbetr Sspfe be either fb?etoeb,o? pjowD, 0} of crabbeD ccnoici= on0 : 0? if tbeu cbtibjen beeS»plb anD ljn= rulp,peaoj S»oo?fecDiQ)onciitc tootbeire fatber0bowfe : let tbcm Knoroe ti;at tbc caufe S»l;p tbep bee Dcfraubeb of <£ioDDC0 blininge,t0foi tbat tbep baue rcpulfcbU bp tbeir ou?ne faulte . 3mo furclp if eucrp man confiDer bi0 owne faulteo, I;ec ujail confefle bmtfelfe too bcemftlp QepjpueD of ©oD0 eartblp bcuefpte0. 4 Lo,furely thus shall the man bee bliflcd that fearcth the Lord. 5 The Lorde shall blilTe thee from out of Sion, and thou shalt fee the wcale of lerufalem all the dayes of thy ly fe. 6 And thou shalt fee thy childrens children, And peace vppon Ifraell. 4 [&o,rurclp tl)u0 rball,'ic.] Cbe £>:o= pbetconfirnn-t'.U)!0 fo?mer Doctrine, ha= tnelp, tbat euen tn t!je outirartc Hate of tbia flpgbtfull Ipfe tber ujpnctb fuel) gra= cioure gooDnrlTc of 45oD , a0 a)Coict') tbat &ce lofc not our labour tn ivoo^tpping btut. iS^otcDitbftanDingfo?afmncl) as tbc tewaro of goDltneiTcappccvctbnot fo ma= riifeftlp: firflftcc tifcttj tbe popnttng par= tide [ILoijanDafterojarD bc« aboetl) [ fu- rclp;] iro; fo coo 3D interpjete tbe par= tide [chi.] ^caertt)clcu*e, S»ec mufteab Soapc0 beare in mpnbe, ( as 3B bane tonr cbeb afo;e)tbat<$oD0bIitTingi0 p^omifeo tos in fuel) Svpie Dpon cartb, as it tnap not potTeiTeanD bolDc Dotone our Soutca: foj S»ec tnap tnno S»pfe cbofee tbe bope ef ti;e ipfc to come, arberebppon it cometb tbat Sue obtcinenct d5oDs benefptes alcoapes after one rate. 5 [Clje&e?DftalbIifietbec,fC.]&orne fejllbaueit to bee a pjapcr, anb fo tbep turne tnrnetljc fururc usee mto tbe manner of Smfbing. 15 ut ratber it fecmctb too bee a eontineroing fttliof tbefamc Doctrine for novo tbe pjopljcte erprcfTctl) more plapn; Ip, that <& <£) id !0 tbe atmbour of tbe benefptcoSu'jicbebecfpaluof . Jfoj alf tliough t)i0 g^ftcs b:c oftentimes cornier- font fccfoic our c^C0 : pit Doo faifc ia;agt= nacton0 bimmc tl*»c JVgbr of tbem. wberc= fojte thi0 repetition ( ttiat 30 oft &s anpc prefperitie bappcnetl) to tt)e faitbfull , it 10 tbe bltffmgc of CB £> 3D) is not furxrflu= oufe. ^nD bee fapctb [from out of *i ton] to tbe intcntc too call bacUe tlje faptljcfuH bnto remembrance of tbe couenaunt tbat C5oo^aoniatsc Sottb tbem. if oj bee baa famibariv-e p,:omtfeb,tbat bee fojooio btc merciful! too tbeobferuers ofljie iLaroc: and tljcfe trapncmentc0 of goblpncGe baD tbep bruncft in from tbeir firftc cbJ>iob°&« wbereforetbe #>ropbetc Declarer!) tbat be brmgetb no netccUbinge,orrl)inge tbat ^atijenot bin betDe of ; for rbtp bao ler* neb long ago'c cut of tbe 3Lat»e, tbat it igmaDemanifcftcencn bp tcmpojail be= nefptc0, bovt-e ^00 10 not SsoorlbippcD tnbapne : arDtbisbootbbec afTuce tbem tliat tbep fl>all fee in bcrp Dceoe. fl£bat i»bicb bee aboctb concerning [ tbc 5»eaU of Jerafalciii,] appopntetb a ILau?c too tbe gooip, tljat tbep (bcuio not onelp lape (oj tl)emfcluc0 alone, cj bee aDDfcieD too tbeir orone peculiar profit , but ratljer tbat tbeitcbeef ocfpjc fbouto bce,to fee the 80= rtfijing ttate of tbe € burd). fn it Suere mucl)agcpnfrrcafon,.batiheS»boleboDp fboulb bee ticglectcD.enb eucrpe member fljoulD Soifiie Saljat >0 profitable for itfelf. ^o?couer,fccingi»c bee earpebtbat trap oucr gribclp, tt ienot amifle tbat ttje pjo= pbet to commenb tbt0 Dcfprc of tbe publiB locale, interlace^ boccfebolDe bltfTtngea fottbtbecemonbcnefptegoftbcCburcb. to tbe enbe icee mapc bnoiv c tl;cm too be, thinges fo iepneb, as it is not law cfuU for Dg too plucHe tijem afunc-ev. The conteints of the. Cxxix.Pfalme. This Tfalme teacbeth firfte tbc intent xoby Cod waketh his Cburche fubieele too fundrie troubbles and vexacions, is, tbat bee waye tbe better prsoue bimfelfe to bee tbe dcliuercr and defender of tt. Therefore bee puttetb the faythefull in mynd3 bow pitifully Cods people had bin perftcuted in all a*e< j and buw wonderfully they hadde bin prefer tied , that by tbofe proofes they mygbt gather hope for tbe tyme too-come. *Ar.d therefore m tbe feconde parte, ynder a manner of mifoiflnnec, bee foevceth that yengeaunce jball Jpeedelyfall vppon all the yngodly tbat troubble Gods people without ctufe. Tbe. Cxxix.Vfalme. A long of degrees. They haue oftcntymes affli&cd mec from ray youth, (let Ifrael nowefaye). a They hane oftentymes affhclcd mee, but y it they could not preuayle agcynft mec. 3 The plovvcrs haue plowed vppon my backc, and dravven out their furrovves. 4 The ryghtuoufe Lord hath broken the cordes of the wicked. — ClW _ri • "~"r» ^epbaucoftcntpmes. tic] Jit ist aliaxlpboa that tl?is}$falm fras mabe at fuel) tpme,as the Church of 05 £> 3D , beeing caft intoo bt= tcr btftreffe, op ftrtben in fcare frith fomc grcate pcrtll , oz oppjcfTtb fritb tpzanie, fr ao cucn at the popnt of ocftruction.iSnb t'oatQoo 3 comcrttire bp tlje 3iDuerb of tpme [Bow,] frbicb feemetb too mce too implp an enfo icing. 31s if toe £>jepbct fbonIO fap: when tbe faptbfull baue much a ooo too tafee b;etb bnber the burthen of temptations, then is it hpgb tpmc to con- GDer toit!} them felues, in frbat fozt to£tcs boo fufttcienrlp fritnefle, that tbe people of 3D bao not too oeate frith a fcacoe enempes, but frere adaultcb almoft of the ftboie toozlb: anb alfo that thep frere put too their fl)tftcs,not bp ontfrarb enempes onlp, but alfo bp bowfebolo enempes. 1B p the tcrmc [ poutb, ] hce betobeneth their firft commencement oj beginning , not onlp frben (5 £D 3D bzought the people out of <£gppt ,but alfo frhen bee frcc- rpeb3b?aham anb the J^atriatbea frith pcinfull frapfating almeft all their lpfe long . asifo frhen thep h^b bin outra - geouflp fnatcbt at in the lanb of Canaan, their pcftcritic hab a fr oojfc abpbing in zopbet fhoulb fet <5ods people befozc our epes , as it frere lV-Min V^.uuno v^WiXiim-iiLULi-.j . foerebalf dead, and tbetr enemies maatng no confciencc to trample tljem bndcr tijeir fecre. 3nd if free comme too ourfclucs, it fball be conucnient to at) ti>e bojriblc per= fecutions, toberfritb ttjc Cburcb bad bin eonfumco a ttjeufan? tpmes,if <15£>3D bad not pzefcrued it bp feccet mcancs, cucn as tt fejere b? tcupumg it. £S)ozcoucr,Cjccept S»ee bee foinommed in our oam mifenes, tbe ncccfTtie of tbis toniucfepc age few cn= fojeess too ajempndutgof tbe fame doc ; trine. 12. cfpdcs tbis,i»bcrcag be batb, fapd t*»pcc [tbep banc afflicted mee, tbep baue af Hideo mee:] tbe repetition ism no iepfe fuperfiuoufe, to tbe end Soee raap bnouoc, bore t'oe people of <58>1D So ere notaffaps led once ox t i» pcc.but fc>ere put to y trpall of t'ocir patience bp continuail ererepfes. J^ee fepd ,-tbcp bad begonne [ from ttysiv pocctb,] meemng , tbat tbep S»ere fa cnu= red euen from tbeir firft teginmng.tbat it fc>asan ozdinarie matter ioitb ttjem too beare tbe Croffe: and now be addctb,tbat tbat fljarp bzmging bp of tbeirs, fe>as too good purpofe.bpcaufe <& & ID ceafed not too fubdew tbctn fc)itb aducrfitics from tpmetoo tpme.#>ot»,if tlje introductions of tlje Cburcbcs cbpidbod fc ere fo fowie, too rbamcfuilfbali our npecnes bee, if Sue baue not Acuities to beare out all bzuntes at tinaf bap , rub S»ben tbe Cburcbe is come too bit full grout!) of manncs peeres bp tbe cotmning of (EtyiiQ * 31nO ttjtre is a comfort fct Dorone in tl;e lad inooio : na= melp , m tljat tbe enempes , bailing trped ail tbe ioapes too tbe Seooo, coulo not= fcjitbftanding neucr compaJTc tljat iubicb tbep iooolo baue , bpcaufe <0 £D JD bab fiirappopntco tbeir b" pc anb tbeir p?ac- tifes. 3 . [Cbe ploroers baue.frc. ] SDitb an apt fnmlituDc Dootbe bee garnifb tljat S»bicb bee baft Capo concerning tbe oppzcfiions ofti)eCb«rcbe. ifoz bee libenctb ©oos people too a fceld.tbat ts Djawcn iltfougb So ttb a plougb. I^ee fapc tij >tbat furrowes S»erc dzavcen ouc along, fo as tberc isas no coiner free from cutting and bzcaUtng fep . 2£»p tbeis Sooo^ocs bee cxpaeUctb to* uelp , tbat tbe Croffe fcatbe ai&apTj* bin fattened too tbe Cburcbis bache , too cut itbpfar ano fc>pdc. jjaotix>itliftandtng, bpanbp is aDDcD tbe fozmcr comfozt,boa>* becttbndn: a figure, tbat Q £> 2D ,beeing rtgbtuoufc, [batb cut afundcr tbe cocoes.] ^Fo? bee allubetb too a plougb, Sotycb fee Hnotpc too bee fattened fcntb ipnes to tbe neches of tbe ojren.aind t;ec Cbewetb mod rttip, tbat tbe&icbcd fecre in tceoc rcope too beepe on tbetr S»ap,bpcaufc tbeir cru= eltie i»oolo neuer baue bin frcerpcD , oj fatisfpeo : ano alfo tbat tbep iocrc fur tufa fbco toitb all tbeir tabling : but ere euer tbep looked fo?, it , 4£>co founb a meanes too oafb tbeir outrage : Ipbe as if a man fboulD put tbe oxen from tbe plougb bp fmpting tbe ipnes and tbonges afuneer. i&eerebp Svec fee iohat tbe ftate of tbe Cburcbe ie» fvf. inafmucb as lnlofo- pber, bee map fap, tbat tins plougbing is doone too tbe end tbat tbe feeld beeing fcived, map at lengtb b;ingfoo;tb f rutc . IB ut in nip iudgment tbe #?opl)tt occrti mo?e fitnplp intreateoftbe perfecutions of tbe Cburcb. Cbc tvt^ of [rpgbtuoufe] foberwitlj tbe p?opbetenbono?ctb d&oo, mutt bee applpcd too tbe cireumttance of tbe cace : as if bee (bouiDfap: ailtbougb €> 0 2D diffemblc foz a tpme , pit bee ne= ucr fojtgettet!) bisrpgbtuoufnes , but gi= uctb relecf too tl;e afQic'ted , according as faille alledgetb the fame reafon in bis fc= cond dF piffle too tbe Cbeffalonians .1.7. SJnd it is a tbing i»oo?tljp too bee noted aboue all otber , tbat tbe ioelfate of tbe Cburcbe is of necefTitic iopned foitb tbe rpgbtuoufcncffe of dp £> 2). irpfclp ab fo dcotb tbe |3?opbctadmonifbb0, tbat tbe caufe £>bp tbe enempes of tbe Cburcb p?euapleo not,, foas fo? tbat c^od b^abe of tbeir attempres , and fuffcred tbem not too paffc brpond tbat fob^b bee bad de= tennined foitb bbn felf. <. All vppon thc.lxxix. 1/lalme. ao? ^ All that hate Sion shalbcc put to shame and turned backe. 6 They fhalbe like gratfe on houfe topes,which withereth before it come foorthe 7 V Vherof the reaper filleth not his hand,nor the gleaner his lappe. 8 Ney ther haue the goers by,fayd,tlic blifling of the Lord be vpon you, wee bliiTe vow in the name of the Lord. 5. t2&H that bate gvion.frc.:] ro\>U tljtv tlits tee a p? tvpev oj a pzomts : the |D;opt}et both an eye to thcttmc to come. 3 riD furclp in afmncl) as all thcwicrbcs bee of the future tenet : tl;c fence afreet!) berr frcll , that bp tbc tbtnges pafr b,ce Cboulb gather £»l,nt is too bee hepeb f ez , ciicti bntoo tl;e enbe. wl)icl]C Snap fo cucr V on take tt : the %b jopbet t •eclat ctb i;oU> there ig no caufcSobp the faitbfullfbculD bccfctfccuragcb fcjl;cntbcp fcei^cr? *t;c= ttu'cc abuaunccb aloft. . $ cz ttjc grafle that gre&etb bppen llcufc toppeo , is not by reafon of bis bpghcr place moje fooztl) tban tbc blabe of Co;nc tbat is mmiputi Smtb menncs fecte bppen tlje loure grcunb . ;tf o* alttjougb tt;c grade of boii fe tcpo flat ib aloft abouc mens beabs: firft tt ts tnpzc fitablc, f feconbi p it foone iiatbcretb awap. *& cmc traflate the ito?D [shaiaph is pluck co tap: ] as if tt bab bin fapb , it is parcbeb foitlj out mans l;anb oj labour . 2i5m fcjafmiub as it ugntfyetb pjoperlp to bec b? ought foojtb o; to corce fooztb : in inp opinion tbc $&zopbct mce= netb tbat tbc fr efbncflc of it is of fo fmall continuance, tbat it it itl; ft c tb anb pcrtlb - ctb at the fit ft fpztaging top of it ,btcanfe it bathe no r oote bnber it noz no cartbe too giueit fappe oz ntopflurc too cberiftjit imtbali. 3 s oft tbcnastbe gloztoufcneffc oz crccllcncie of our enemies puttetbtos in fcare : let bs call to mpnbc this compa= rifon.tbat like as tbc graffc tbat groitctb bpon boufe toppes is bpgb.but pit kml); cut r oote anb therefore of no longcontte nuance : fo tbets , tbec nccrcr tl;cp ap; pzoebbnto tlje Sonne fontl) tbeir hpgh* neffc, tbefooner (ball tl«p bee confumcb Sotil) tlje bcatc, bpcaufc tbcp Soant rootc, Subet cas cnlp fctcljctb Ipfeana Ipnelpncffc at <8 ® 3D to fttfptre it fatco bS. 7 [uijerof the reaper se.]$c confirmed agcin,tbatp.ltbGugb tbcbngoblppetK tap oz abuencc tbemfclucs, pit tbep abp&c (hi intbcbIcbc.5?czncptbcrbzutgtbcpfo^tb onp goob € o;ne,neptbcr come tlcp tonto rppencfle, but fwell fcptb an onlp appce- ranee o? fbefoe . Cbat bee map mafee tbps plapne , bee tnatcbctb tbcin agemft fruitful berbes fcjbtcb bzmg fooztb fuftc- nance fez men in valipes $ ton? grounos. -if inaiip bee fapetb tbcp bee fooozfbp too bee batcb oz befppfeb, ivbercas Co?ne iss 2Sliucb Soptlj <&}npucrfstt fecU Sopfhing. ^otfeptbftanbtngeiHafmucb astbe45zopbctbatb fcozoaeo tbps JLef= Tonoutoftbecomon trabeoflpfe : few are abtnonpfljeo, tbat as foone as &ee fie anpbope of incrcafe,fecemuftbcefeecbe <& j£) ID (intobofe Ijanbc tbefrutciuU neffeof the carrtj is) too contlrmc \ypti a©ltfRnge&ptl)fullcf?cetc . 3n& lurctp confioeringtbat tbefrutes of tlje<£artbc ore gjubicct too fo manpc bajaroes, tt is ftraunge tbat tbc bcrp ncccfTitte it fclfe cn^ fozcctl) bs not too p?ap . OBcefibes tbps? beefpeabctb not of tbc onlp Cbplfczen of <& £) 5D Subo are certepneip wfo?mcb bp bps Sooozb boiv it is bps gracioufe goos= netTe tbat tnabetl) tbc earib fruterui! : but alfo bee compzebenocib tl;c io cjloip men inSnbom tlje fame hnovcelcbgc isb?c*o bp nature . 3Ifft>ccnot onlp beQrctoo bfecti tn the Cburcb of tbe 3tozb,but atfo enbeuer to becoilteb rightful c utjens of tf:u>cc map iopttjout fearc Lcfpafe all tlje g3 ou)cr of our cnempes : bpcaufc tbat ate tbougbetbepficzifbcanbbec bjauc f.?a tpracipit arc tbcp but barrcpnc anb cuvico Bddd.), T! ic /l&iJlll^4tWUlV The Conteyntcs of the Cxxx.Pfalrae. Whither the Prophet pray prittatly in bis own name,w -whither befujtaine the perfone of the whole church : being oner-whelmed with adurrftties hee re- qutveth deliverance with earneji vehementnejfe. ^ind although he acknow - ledge bimfeife to beechaj}i?xed iuftly by Gads hand-.yh he encvuragetb him- fclfe and all the godly too hope well 3 hycaufe God is a continuall t cfkgwer of h is fer names 3 and bathe mcanes in a red'weffe 3 whet by tosfaue themfrsm death. The Cxxx. Vfahne'. A fong of degrees. Out of the deepe places haue 1 kryed vnto thee 6 Lord, a . LORD, hecre my voy cc : let thyne cares herken to the voy cc of my prayers. 3 If thou 6 God doo mark iniquities. Lord who shall ftand. 4 But with thec there is mcrcie, that thow maill bee feared. $ttoft!icbcpe places fe. 13? MS toberaar&co,f tbep?opbct fen* octb f oojth W boicc as it feer* out of a ojepe gulfc,as one oiier- fo^elmcb Sept!} mifcrics. jfoi in afmucb astSje nnferics iobcreof tljere appecretb none eno,80 ccmonl? Djarcoefpatre lrttli tbcm:notbing is mo# barb tbantorapfe Dp a marines mpnD onto pjaping.out of grcsnous ano bcepc fojoto. 2Sno feeing toe p;a? but eotoip in tpme of reft ano pjofpe : htic,bpcaufe carcleffeneffc ootb tben pofs feiTc our barte0,it id a woonoer tbat ioee 0)OuH>beemojcfoj:nommet> ansamajeo bp aouerQties asbict) ougbt to qutcKen tos t?p.25uttbej3;topbctta&eLbmojecojagt top^apcbpriafcnoftbc trubbles, care, Daugers,* bwuincs bnoer itr>tcr> beinas tyownss Jnt> IjeecrpjtefTetbbtotbougbti fulneffe ano the earnefrneffe of bis Djfire as i&eUbptbeSD0?&[Bip,;ia3nlfebptbe repetition tebicb is baooe in tbe feconoe fc wfe.wherefsu:>fo mucb tbe moie oe.cfc table is tbe beaftlpc ignorance of tbe 0a= ptttefl in tbeir Ojameful Bifgraring of t bis 3&falmt, by D?awinge it too a frraunge raeeninge . jfojroe fc>b at purpofe doo tbep pottle it fo? tbe Deaoe, but bpcaufe gjanjan beefejitcbctbtbctH, tootbcen&e be maybptbrir rrccbcnc quench* Decs trpnetbat is moftcfingularlo profitable:* $ 0} fince tbe time tbat tbis J3falmc bat!| bin defied unto bcaoc £boftcs,te batb bin altnoff comonlp beelceueo to feme to no purpofe among tbe i:uing: ano fo barb tbe Sooojl&cloft an incomparable trea* fure. *. Of thou 0 <5oo . «.] latere now bee acnnotolcosetb bimfeife tofufferiuft puntQ)met,al:!)oagb be beafflicteo nener fo grcuouflp. SJJJojeouer fojafmucb as in bis oisne trample be giuetb fojtlj a rule to to tbe tobolc C burcb' let no man pjefume to ofifcr bimfeife into goospjefencewitb - out to iv J? intreatance . &pcciallp ft>ben (0oo banoletb bs ftrcitlp : tben map j»ee Know tbat tbe lame cofefQon tobicb is tot* tereo beere,ts rcquireo,at our baos. f oj& i»bofaeacr either flattcretb b wfelf oj ba • rpetb bis finnes bp neglecting tbc,is a ojj tbp to confume in bis mtferies : furelp bee is nnwojtbie to obtepneneuerfo little re= leefcatgoDsban^e. SUffsnetbenas <^oo vcteretb tbe figncs of bis 1»iatb>lct cuen bint tbat feemetb bntoo otbers to bee tbe boiicfte of ail men , come ootrnc too tbis fpeeebe, tbat tf ©£> 2D purpofe too beale lottb bs acco^oinge too our Bcfertc, and too call bs too bis judgement feate, no mannc iiumge is able too (tanoe • 2nd 9n5 3$mj$ ft be fo, tilt but one man p»apctl> bcere : pit cottj be gtue fen t e net at occeof nil manbiHbe : 80 If bee £bonl& fap,alltbefonnc0of Stem front tbe fir ft to tbe loftare bat caflawapes anb cam* neb perfons.if tfccf bee Dime n too tbe acs count of their life, Cbe r fozc euen tbe bo Ipeft fo?tc of aU matt bnbertafee tbt0 git* ttneffej tbat tbep map See to tbe gjanctu arp of merer, ^ttbotb not tbe l=>;opbet fo;ap otfeers m rottb bim, too tbe Intent to idTenMs oron fault as btpoctucs to, S»bo fc>ben tbf p Dare not bttcrip crempt tbe mfeln ts from 3Eab abe tbt* their flatting bolc.Sm 31 tbe fit ft cz tbe cnelp man y batbe Gnaeb 1 %r& fo fc Ittte tbep crorobe tbcmfciucs tnto tbe tb?ong, tbcpbcleeua tbattrjtp bauc balfe ebtcps mo tbctr qttptjB eft . © ut tbe £<;©pbctt fougbt no fuel) (Jar ting bote : rea rarber after tbat be batbe tbjougbtp fifteb bim-» felfeJomucbetbcfo;erpunt(bcmcntbtb be acfcnoroelcege bimfetfe botinb vntoo, btcapfc tbat ef all mat fetno, not fe tr.ucb 80 one is able to fcape etcrnall bamnatt s cn+30 if bee bab fapr Crobofoeucr p;efc* fetb mtoo tbe figbtef d5ob,aitbongb bee erccll in rare bolpncfle : pit (ball bee bee caft , anb rob<~ t (ball tben become of mce Sofctcb am not one of tbe beft fCbe rtgbt application oittya bcctrtn«,t0 tbat cue* rv man fbulo f&rncftlp eramine bis oron Itfebptbepetfcttion Snbicbtseniopnco to0 in tbe lame . g. c rot i it come to paflir, tbat be fbalbe ccmpcilcb to confeffc.tbat alt men Scttbout exception ate S»o;rbp of cucrlafttng befit ucuon : ar.b eucrp man (ball ae&nowrlcogc btmfdfea tbotjfanbc times caft eroap : furtbcrmo;e ttjts place tracbetbi tbat tnafmuebe as roa baae no roczfcs of our oron to ft anb bp : as man? as are taken fo; rigbaioufe afo;c &Qb, arc rigbtuoufebp to;giuenesanb remtf= •ficn:otV;cru;ifc:lrigbtuo ittlfabe aroap.Z no enen ttje bcrp papiftes con- fcffe.tbat tt>e bcfaultof roo;bs tsfuppl? cb rottb fo;giucncs.|$on>beit fo;afmucb as fgc p b;came ot a ttibruouTrf s in part robicb fuftcpnctb mtn anb botb'ti) tbcm topbefttje d5£)5D: tbep are fccrpfarre rotbc from tbe £;opt)ero mecning, as it frail at peer e me;e p la t nip bp tbe tying*, ibatfaioroe. ■*♦ [^ut rottb tbec there tiMcJCbis vppen the.Cxxix. ftfalrnc. lep bcrfelraoetbbs fmtbenjfojaltbcugbe al men from tbe tlppes outroarb confcCe tbat tber 10 no man In tbe ro o;tb fobom <££>3D map not (if bee fciln tnftlp cons btntne too eat r lading beatb : pit febcre fa tbere anp one tt at bciecuttb y fio|tcbf tbe |d;opbctabbetb beere tnametp tbat tbe grace fcbicbe be lackctb fbalbe rcabp fo; btm:' fo; eptber tbjougb czcrojint ffe tbep fleepe in tbeir fames, o; els fiote a= mong funb;p mtfboututgs -> anb at If gtb Gncae bnber befpairc. Us 3 fapcb afo;e tbis ^;mctpie [tbat no man is Smtbcut fault] bearetb fwap among al! mf fritb out gamefaptng : anb pit tbe mo;c parti Cbettetb tbctr epes at tbeir oivne tarns, anb fettle tbemft lues carcfip in tbe barb neffe of tbctr otrne tgno;ance, if tbep bee notrapfebontefttbp biolence^ 3noaf= (one as tbep be br gcb foitb tbep tremble anb are to;mentcb enen tnto oefpaire. f ojafmuclj tber fez e aonomanbopetbtbat e5^)2D toilibee faaonrabie bnto btm : tbere ts no care of crauing pareon.^f anp man be feafeeneb fe>tt b tbe earr.eft ft eltng of d5ecs 31 isbge went : bee mutt nceH0 bee bumbleb fottb fname anb fcare. 2i5 ut fucbe a tmflphtn q Snere not inougb> onlcffe ^Paptb matcbe tberecoftbi too tatfe bp trjc mi noes tbat is ere caft borons iritb fcare, bnto fumg fo; paroen.Cben to tbe intent tbat 2D a* utfi map pat on tbe trne affection of rcpe : be bootb rod too cite bimfclf firft bntoo i^oos 3Cubgement fcaWS ut tcaic bemigbtbeblanbcDfo;fearc$foquatle: bp en bp bee aboetb bopc of fozgtncncue (l bntoo iu 2&nofurclp tbep tbat pjeceeDc n^t fcCpc nD tins fteppe of tbtnfetug tbem \ femes roo;tbp of enbleffc Oeatb : rote fee tbem roftje agctnft CJ5 €> 3D rottb great totolcttce.UKc menne oat ct tleir routes. Cberfo;e too tbe enb tbe ^opbet map tbe better confirme bimfelfe anb ctijers: be faptb flatlp tbat <& C> 3D anb bis me rs ep cannot bee plucbco o; ftprrateb afun= bcr:a0tfbeefboalbefap. 2PtXooneas3B tbintt bppon tber M a;> bp 3 mftt *^y tbp goooncflfj fo as J cannot boubt but tbat tbou is.1 tit be merciful to u:r,ttc£ufe tbou canft not tape afioc tbme crone na- ture : anb 3 map ccrtctnlp r.ffure mp fclf tbat tbou art t betcfo;e nrtf iiiull, btcaufe tfjou art dp i02D* Snbroeemuftbnoroe 3DJob.t). tl;::r lonn Gamins v,ommentane tbat f)c intrc atctfo net beer of a confufcb grace cf <0&> 3D : butoffurt}cagratC60 frbcref tbe (inner map ecrtctnlp gather, that attcnement 10 reaop fo? rjtnt affone as be feenetb <£>£>3D. wbercfejc it 10 no maruailc tbougb tber e rcigne no frcbfaft calling \jppon £>£>£> among Hje^as ptfts cenucering trjat bp mingling tbeir mmtcs, fatiffactions, ant) frojthp re- paration Castbcptcrme 10 fritbob0 grace, tb«F alwape0 fraueringlp $ dou?^ ttngipftanbe in argument fritb<15s2D3D about reconciliation. g>o fallctblt oat f bp tbetr piping tbep Do notbing (Is but Hicreace tbeir ownefojsotoeanogreefe;, liUc as if a man fljoulo lap feoob topon a fire tbat fr ere aireabp felnblcb. l&ut if a man frill boo bimfelfe good bp bis p;ap= tmift of neccfittic begin at free re* million of fWRrs*aufo ttje finatl canfe is to be mar neb frberfoje d5£>3D is faped to be fojwaro too fejgiuc, anb ncuce too comeab;ode tut be fljctcetb bimfelfe fas ueur able to bis fcrnants : tbat is to frit blcaufe t tjcr U>culD no beuotion ne no fcr nice of <££>£> rcmaitie in tbe fr c?!dc &= outbopc of obtepningfojgiucnes.Cbtfl pnnctple alfo arc tbc papules tgnojant of. j^n bceb tbep make long fermons con ccrning tbc fr arc of i£ juD © : be&bc eit f ojtafmucbe as iijep bolbc GUc foule 0 Sill fnaricb in ooutofulnc e,t bep bntlD fr ttb* out foimdaticn.ainb trulp tbc ftfft point of ftrulng v25£>1D arigbt, is to fubmttte eur fclucs tonto bim frillmglp and fritb a free bart.ifej as concerntng^ frbiebe ^iiiic fpeafect!) of SUmefbeeos, 2.C0?* p«7>R(imciptbat(^^)3D louetbacbeer ful gtucr : it is cr t cms co too all partes of tbc life* £l!)o?eouer bowc can it come too pafTe tbat atip mannemap offer bimfelfe cbcerfullp tontoo $fgD3D,r!eccpt be franc Vmto bis grace,anb bepcrfuaoeo ccrtem lp,tbat bis feruices plcafe biro ■>. 0 ap ra- tber all men frill ftunne (2?obs pjefenct t be afrapd of it, 0; tf tbcp ntterlp turne not tbeir bac&e npponbmt , pit fr il tbep feefc darting boles. ^Finally tbe filing of d&'oos tudgement fritbout bopc of fo^gts ncs, ttrp&etb menne into bojrible feare, frbicb of it fctf muft nccDs b>ceb barred* 3 n deed tbe (inner frbiebe (0 to jmcntco in bimfclf fo; feare of tf? o&s tbjetntngs, defpifetbnot <©£>£> : but pit bee (bun- nctb blm-.anb tbi0 toerp (bunning of bim is an apoftafic and rebellion.?^ rcupon it folovuctb tbat <0 £> 3D to neuer ferueo trbout tbe fcnoweledge of bis grace* 9lfo tbc otberrcaTon frbiebe 3 toucbeb mud be bojnc in miner , tbat eje- ccpt fr c bclrcue tbc tbing tbat free offer tonto ©O 2D to be acceptable unto bim, fr c be Oil bilbbowne frttb Ho Aj anb DuU neiTc* fo? alvbougb tbc bnbelecucrs boo oftentimes (bcroc a face of mncb fcrucnts neffe, accojbmg as free fee bow tbe |£> as pt&s ptie tbeir fuperffittons fritb tootb 9 natlc : pit nottt'i; Ljftanbing foiafmucbc as tbep bciccne not tbat tbcp are in gobs tauouMbcp perfo;meno frilltng fcruice of all tbe fr bile. 5Po? feerc it not £ tbeir flaupfbc feare conftrcpnetb tbem , tbeir boinble ftut bojncu'e frbiebe Ipctb bibbe anb fupp^mo frttb feare fr ouloe bjuUe oatbganbp. j. 1 haue waytcd on the Lorde, my fbulc hath way ted,and 1 haue truficd in his woord. 6. My foule hath yeaytedfor the Lorde before the relecfe of the morning watche^M before the relecfe of the morning watchc. f. [3bflnefraptcb*fc] 3!ftcrbeebatb tcftifif 0 tn gcnerall, tbat <©nto bim : be conclubctb tbat bee is tbcrbp encouraged to bopc fr el. ^fojtbe 0?etcrtenceof tbe (BJerbes is taben tn ft e jc of tbe |D?ef:pre tence. ^ojtcoucr fr betas tbe repcttuon is bebement of tt felf : tbere is alfo an augmentation in tbe fr ojb [foule] as tf be (fcoulb fap, be trufs tttbind5 C 3D, pea cucn from tbc dcrp bottome of bts b-wt.lfcnd beer bp alfo fr e gatber, not onelp tbat bee fras ftoti te in tbe figbt of men, but alfo tbat bee nourt= fiicb qutctnciTe anb patience before <3ob in bis own fecret tonDcrtian&ing: frijicb is vppon the . oocvj. Pialme. is tbe beft trial offauij.;??? bWfoeucrtbe 211 bcfp;te of bapnglojp frubljoiD man? fref!« grubging againtt <££>£> opcnlp:o? from befrzaptng of tnctr ofrnebsftruft : (cares one among tm 'in np:ct!;tpon ©00 frit!) qupet minD.frbcn rljcrc be no bin pcrc no; itttncfles by. Us sbbctb immcbiatlp after, that tbe p;c>pc of bi0 patience to tljat bee reftebbppon <5iD3D *) p?omtfes:frbic!| bectngc taken afrap, 3D §& grace muftenec&cobanifea&ape.anbfomuftc our l;artc0 quaile anb bee ouerfrbclmeb fr :tb Defpalre . Z'v.t too il)c intent tbe trcwetriailof our fattbmap appccre,bee tcncljctlst bs too bee eontcnteb frptb tbe cn!p fr oo?oc of 45 £> 3D . ^f o? frben anp menne frarrantcUi bvmfcife frclfare at ICSiD 2D *> banbe tb;ougt) truft in bis froojbe:tbi0 affiance fr tibec tbe motber of fraptinge o? prticncc. % nt> altbougb beefpeake bntoo bimfcifc foztljcconfir: mat ton of b?0 ownc faptbe : pit ie there no&i'ttt,but!jcc mtnulfctb Itbe cecaficn of affiance bnto all tbe cbtlbtcn of C £> 3D anti fir ft bee fcttetlj cctrnc tbe froojjo fo; tbem,ti;at tbep map bepenb frbcllp tber* bppon.anbafterwarb abmonitbetb tljem that it is but a fabing fatty) if it frame bs not bnto patience. 6 (fl9pfeuie«c] 3Bntbi0bcrfe!)ceeti p?cfletb as fr cl tbe carncftneg as tbe con- ftanctc of fcps cnbcucr.^oj in faping £ i;e 7 But let Ifracll truft in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy ,and wyth him there is much redemption. 8 And hec shall redecme Ifracll from all his inicjuitie. pjtcuenteei) tije toatebmen, f>e ffeefejetl? bp tbat fimilitube bofr btltgcntlp anb cbeer = fulip ijc 1)55 tenant bnto <&&> jo.a no the repetition is a rccojto cf !»?q coftancie. $ oj no bout but it betokenctb a cot&ras! pemj e? boloing on , f cofequcntip a ffciic per; fcucringe.2(5oibc of tbem arc fr ocjtb J be marking. #oj it appenrctb to mucb Ijefr flofrclp anb coioip our mpnbcs baff them too dffoDwarbe, anb olfo bofr caGpe tbtp ft acUer pea anb alfo fai at cucr p ittle bid a. 21 no fo;t a0 mucb as tbe fratc!;co in oloe tpmc frcr front to bee Diuibeb into fonder parts : tbe place mar be tjcpcunbco t\)iis. Juke as tt)c npgbtl? fratr btnen tlmt Ucpc tbe roatche bp turncs fraptc fo? tU mo?= ntnge : euen fo tbe pjopbetc bab l;ps epc toppon <£fob frptb fingular bccbcfKlncfii; efmpnbe . HButtb2fenccfcemetbmo;c plainer tbustHtke as tbe frarbcr© at'tlje gates pjcucnte all otber menfrttbtbeire frakcrneflcanbare tbefirft tbat rife too meetctogptberat tbeir frarbc : cntnfoo tlje f^opbetes mpnbe bpcb it fclfc fr pti; ail fpeebe to fecke 3D.Cl;c repetition Cas 3! baue toloe pou alrcabp ) bcclarctb tbat bee ftoobe ftcbpc inbpsfapbefrap; tpng. ^or free muft alfr apes take bceoe tbat our feruencie faint nor fo? neerimfle of long taricnce.if tbe 3Lo;D bclap bs anp tljingfrptl;t&elongeu\ 7 C25utIct3Bfracllfc.] Sfter tbat tbe 43: epbet bath fpoUen of bpmfeife , anb fct Doa-nco evamplein \)is onrneprr- fon: nofr ijcc appi? etlj tbe 3D octrinc of it to tl;e frbo'.ebobp of tbe Clmrcb • 3nDtt is to bee noreb frberbpon bee frolb baue tbe l-ope of al goblp men groii&c&:name= Ip, bppon C5aD3Dft> mercp, out of nljicb lp?ingetb rebemptien . 31 n tbcfo?nur member he frametb tbe fattbfull, tbat al* tbotigb tbep bjing no ito?tbineu"c no? mc= ritcoat allfrttb tbem :pit it is pnougb foj tbem tbat €> £) 3D is mercifull. % nb tbis mutuall anftocrablcncfle beettweene tbe fattbof tie £buribanb de^lD S> free goobncfTc is too bee raarhcb : too t!je enb free map k nofr e bow all tbofc frbicb be leeue tbat <££>3D fril make tbem recom= 4)cnce in refpect cf tbeir in no frpfe fquare out tbeir Ijope bp tlje fquire of tbe &cripturc.£)ut of tljio iicls fpnngc o?epnetb bee[iac3emptton.] i. oz 3D is not moucb to be tbe rcoccmer cf bis peop!e,foj anp otber caufe tban f oi bis ct»nc mcrcp.3inb be fa^etb Iwucl) tt- bcmption,]too tbe intent tbat tbe fattbfull fboulDbolobp tbcsnfciucs eaen tnbttcr bcfpap?c,bpcaufctbercbecin 2D ib banb manp anb incrcbtblc m canes to fane tljem bp.ainb it map bee tbar t!;e J^falme teas mate at feme fuel) tptwc as £ cl;urcb frasm mott trubb!cbfratc:frbicl} mtgbt 3DB6D.ui. caa lUilllV^cJlUUlS VAJlilllltllUllil cart bown all menncs bartesif tbc greats ncffe of © iD JD& mpgbtie power to fans iji0 fcruantc0 Ijao not bin fst agcmO: it . C be trcwe tofe of ti)i0 pzefcnt 3Doctrine t0,fir(l £ i»l)c men be plungeb in ttic Dcpc iuboo jlpoolca , pit tljcp Qjouto not bout but k> 3D i0 able to make tbcm £oap outagepns , S»bo &W finbeoutlubbcn meancs ag oft 00 neebe G)allrequpzc:anb fcconblp tbat tljep ftjoulb beelccue,tbat be "will bciputr tbe cburcb a0 oft as it is pcrs fecu-'co : xpbei-cbntoo beelongctb, alfo tbe duufc tl;at foloxvctlj ncyr. 8 rjCnbbcfballreebeetneffc] I&cap= piper!) tl)e tbing trjatlje ipaKc,mozc ncre= Ip bntoo tbe Cljurcl). ^Foj be gatljerctb, tbat (25 0 2D (wbo batl) manp wapes Os pen too fauc bp)will(out of allbout) be; bcuucrtbe people i»l;om bebatbecljojcn. U5 p tobpeb Sooozbcs be bootb b0 to icit, £ ibbcn&je be afluveD of 3D £> cuerlaftinge cbarge too rcbeeme,anb that bee is not tbe rebec* mcr of all men one iupti) anotber ,but on = Ip of bP0 ebojen is not to be fca- res but tbat tlic fastbrull ioabcoutofall Baungcrs ,bpcaufe that e!fe <25£>2D ftjulb furceafc from tbc office frbicb be cbalenb-- gctl) bnro bpmfclfc.2&ns be beatetb intoo tbcm ageine,tbat if Jfraell tome bumblp onto <3 u) iD to fewe fo; parDon of tbcpj gilt, tbeir ftnncs foal not let bint too bee tfyrirlftcoeemcr.jrojt altbougb tbewojs [Gmm]bee oftcntpmc0putfoi tbepcnaltp of finne:ptt t0 tber a coucrt marfeing out of tbe berp fault, jftow tbcna0oiteao it^aii , tbat bee SDilbe fauozablc too tlje finnr 0 alfo. /ftap ratbcr,bp put? tetl) f»nnet0 in bope of fozgiuencflTe . inbtcb notbmg map banc luciiic fuccclfe. jroi tbcp iobicb couet no moje but too (babe of tbc punifbmct, are like to boting fite men.febo earing not u-bat becommctb of tbeir bifeafe, bujte tbemfelue0 onlp a= bout tbe eafing of tbcp; fitrs. Cbcn too tbc cnb tbat 0cb map ribb0 of our mi- ferie0, Sdcc muft cbeeSp tnbeuer to fall in fauour>toitbbim age me bp bauingeour fmne0 blottcb out . £> ? rife it fball fmallp auapleb0 too bane tbe tcmpo?alipunim- ment relcafeb.^Foj^ beefalletb ofttpmea cucn too tbe tcpjobatc0. 25uttbefuftan- tialanb perfect Deltucrancc, 10 a>bcn (E5ob tabetb aa-ap our finncs,anD fb Cites btm- fclfc merciful bntoo bo . auljercbp 5»c ga- ther alfo.tbat it is not too bee feareb, but tbat toben tocc fball baueobteineb fo.z- giuene(Te,gob0 loumgKpnbncs anb tner* cie arc rebie foz b0, pea anb offer tbems fclue0 bnto os . f o-i to [rebeeme from m - iquitic] implpetl) asmucl) astoomaUca (tape of punt(bmente0 0; cbafttunge© . TOijcrebp is Difpzouco tbe frowarbefo^ gene of S>atiffaction0 ano {^urgato;ie, ao tbougb C5ob fozgiuing tbc fault mn ta tcincfttll tbe punilbment . Jftow if anp man obiect : tbat (25£DID now anb tben pumibeib tbofc tbat baue obtepneb fo?= giuenefTc : 33 graunt tbat CBOTO bootf) not alwape0 Cbew tmtoo men t\)t fignctf of b !0 fauour , in tbe fame inftant tbat be reconcplecb tbcm bntoo bim.anb tbat aU tbougb be nurture tbem aftcrwarb,ptt be mitigatetb bis rigour in tbe meatie time . i^owbeeittbi0 pertepnetb notijingatall to tbc fatisfacnons , febcrcbp tbe &v pift0 furmtfe tbcfeiucg to offer bnto <$fob tbe pzicc of baife tbeir rebemption . iiburelp in innumerable places &berc (25 £> 3D pjompfctbbisowt-warDcblifa fpnge© too bps people, bee alwapes makes bpsenterancc at tbc fozgiucneffe of tbe fault . wbercfoze u is too groffe an ignozance too tljfnKe tbat tbe punifl; « ment is not releafeb,bntill tSQlD be pa - ctfpeb bp woo?fees. i^ojeoucr fcbercas it t0 <25oO0 b;ift,to compel tbe faitbful to obcbience bp pumlbements : it is iewoip bone to ejttcnb it beponb beat!;. 3<3irt it 10 no vppon ujc . \^7ixv;.f ldmic. arr no martui tbat tbe £tapift cb brapc togt • tber fomanp bcattjcnt fbc Bjcamcij, fr>bo onDcrfr anD not tbe onlp mcanc of recon* ciltatton : tbat to ro ftnr , tbat d5co is not fauourable tonto any ottjcr , tban to fucbe as fecUc t&ctr # urgatozic in tbe ^acru 65c of Ctygfc ino it us too bee marfecb* tbat be faptb [from all bio tniquitir b] to tbetntet tbat miferable fmncto, altbogb tbcp feele tbemfclucs bampcreo in f&uh mamfolocgtltlntiTe, IboulB nottoubftan Ding not ceafe too bope tbat 2> fettl beat one Spitytyem* The Conteintcs ofthc Cxxxj .Pfalin& Heere Dauid, too the intent to encourage the people to fight luftely vnder his banner »or el's too the intent to exhortc and allure all the godly tooyccldc obedience "vntoo him : auouchetb that God had alxeayes bin his puyde3and '' that 'he had neuer attempted any thing "without bis con/mijjion and calling. %Thc CxxxUffmmik Dauids fongof degrees. Lorde„ my harteis not haultie,ney ther are mine eyes ]oftie,ney ther haue I Walked in -great matters and fuche as arc hid from me. *D j&e,i«i> barte tg not«*c«] 25*- canfc JDautb fees ruler ofgobB. Cburcbc: ts tbe intent be tmgbt piouc bun fc If lawful fetng ano make -tbe faitbful cbebtent onto bun : bee ment to pzouft rbat be foas not carpcb attap bp ambition oj pjlbe to attempt anp tbmg : but ratberfcae bp qupctf gtntlcmeclD ncfie btlb bacfe tc-o fubmtt b'thfeife tntoo oulb bauc a flap ef tbe mfclurc. Cbat S»bpcbe iBabbeo con'ccrnpng tbe cpea, is afmuebcto fapas tljcrcfcjas no tohcnofp?ibcin bisgettnre oj counte- nance: Use ac in anotber place tbe pfoub are founbe fault &itbfo;tbeir lofuctpz bic9occ.i$ oivbc cit tb'e tlung migbt apt ip be cjctcnbib fome *r bat furibcr uljat ib to i»it,tbat iDauib not onelp rcflrepncD \yie bart, tl;at be migbt not abuaunt b m ielfctbjeugb ambition: but alto bjiocUO bifl epeo tbat tljep nugbt not yrelD tbem felucs fernifcabie too bic banc tbat icas btrircusofbaulttrcc.^rjccfiictisjtbat togttber & rjts b&tte all bto fenGrfi S»etc 5Dbbb,tiiJ. tub= 11,'mi v>aiumo vvinuiviiwiiVi TubmittcD bmo moDeftte*wberasbe De* npetb btmlelfc too bauc toalaeD in great matte r0,it mud nec60 be refcrreD to ttjc min&e,Crnelp,not ontiptoo execute tbe office of a i^joptict, but a'.fo too be aDoz= r?ca feritb tl)G Dignitie cf a Sting, yea and to fit in the fecrcD tb;onc of d&ofcs onclpe begotten fonne, tocrc notable tl)ing*.3fl o;mt trje otber parts of Cjccelleucp tobere tb?ougb<©£>3DejtcmptcDbimfrom trje common fojtte cf men* jftotwttbftaDing fo?afmueb a0 be into bunfclf &>f tbin t !;ts beunb, tbat bee iosuto e affec none otber tbing tban to fcrue &tt $ bia jCburcbe : belurtlpauouebetbtbatbee ioalRcbnot in grcate matter 0 ♦ ©ctvbeeit leafteanp man map fttCBC to no purpofe in tbi0 one Soofb : tftc'pe reel [aboue me] tobicb* fo= lotoetb , * 0 to bee appl peb commonly bn= to grrat anb bibben matter*, 0; to icons Dcrful tbing0. Cben 10 tbere not beer as np Declaration boive lowe ojbotuc bigbe JDautcs ftatc toas : f j; it ir a& inougbe that bee bilb the meanc,S»ttbout paCTtng tl>e bounb0 cf bis calling* ll&nt be tbogbt it not lawful fo; r^tm fo muebe as too ftir one fcote further f 0 j tb tban bee iuas r us leb bp tbe commaunbement cf dpoo.Hlnb beer e free muff conftDct tbe matcbing of contrartes,bctween SDauiDo fubraiffton ar.D tbe U;vc c r a Qjcncffc of tbem fcb'-f be fettpng (0000 commaunDetnenteafpae, tb;nlt tbemftiues fur tber tban is uiecte, o? el0 be mealing in otber tnenne0 cbar= gcs.;f 0; toberc <#oos calling fbpnctb a* fo; cbSjnotbtng fbalbce bibben from \>s 0? oucr great fo; "os : fpeciallp tf icce bee rcabp tooaoo anp maner of ferntce.2i$ut neeb0 mofl tbcp SoanDer fna ma?e»%>bo foeucr tbep be S»bom ambit t nn r; tebctb. 2BnD furelp Sac fee bow <&ob Dtfappoins t:tb tbefe bouge attempts , Sybercm tbe cbilbf en of tbi0 &of id bo bf auelp Daunt tbcuiff luc0.<£b< P riDe about in trjeir log p;ogrcu"c0,tbep toffe tbefcjbole toojlo at tbe t r pleafure, 9 tbep pafTe ouer notbing bntoucbeb : peaanb tbep like feel of [£€ feluco fo; tbeir otone fbarpe fe>lt ano po ; Hcie.lBnt ii>bcn tbep bane ptl.b bp tbeir beuife0 bppon a great beap : bp an bp it to ouertbf owc»i,bieaufe tbere 10 no fubs ttantialnt flc in u%3lnb tbep tbat fotll bee ronning afb;e <5® JD ano cannot finD in trjeir barts to foloto bim, are ouertaben &ttb two contrarp wets. JFo> Tome ran a beab in a be at,as tbougb tbep Snoulbe caft ftones togitber too butlo bppeintoo l&eaucn : anb otberfome, altbougb tbep bctc;ape not tbeir baftineffe opcnip.but go icr-furcip to frofB, enb loose farre as fo; etbem fo; along time too come : as it Snere crccptnglp,pit nottcitbttanDtng fo; afmucbe as in contempt of $qd tbep be= termine tobat tbcp toil do a ten 0; ttoens tie pceres bence.fcitb no ieffe p.tcfumpm oufnes tban if tbep ftere H ofoa of l^ea; ticnanb Carap as IDauiDDiD. If I hauc not layed dowuc and hildc my {bule in quyct, like one that is weaned of his Mother, my Ibulc vppon me as one that is weaned. Let Ifrael truft in the L O R D E from this time foorth and for eucr- morc. 2* C3If31bauetrot.fc.3i^ccrbpatrffti QmilttuDe be erp;cffctb better fobat bee ment, comparing bimfelf to a cbiiDetbat i0ncroi»«Dtbemcmngi0,tbat taaingbis lafileaue cf all tbe cares tbat are front to Dtfqupct ambtttons perfo0, be ba'o loueb fmalneflc. ^InD bicaufe it ta a tbing b. at D too bee beleeueD : be con6r= tnetb it Mt\) an ot^e : of tbe fo; me of Svbtcbeotbe 3D bauefponcnbe<~rctofofc fo; tbercis too be fupplped a miftoifbing to bimfelfc febtcb ^ not erp;effeD, to tbe enD tbat men map learneto rcfretn tbeir tang from bfurptng (I5oo3 name lautft* ip. ^0 concerning tbe i»co;Dt0 [too lap Dcwnc a manuesitfuieliUea € fvloe] is to vppon theCxxxij.Pfalme. too tying it in am?, tbat ft mapc bee Ipfcc a cljplo. 3iifo is there fbcu>cb in icbat thing, namely , that it mpgb t bee quiet anb dill. ;fo;CDomirhthi] is afo>oojbfquarc&out of [Dum] io htch i0 raKcn rranfttpuelp too make one b°lb his peace. $6) o?ccucr, tbis [bceing quiet o; (nil, ] is matcbeb ageinft the boplingbcfites S»!)crcccttl;all .manpc men encomber tbemfclues anb the irljcie ioojlo. Ci)c Gmilitnbe of a fueling babe is in other places imputeb fo? a fault. if oj fi>bentbei3;topbcte €fap,2 8. 9.fapctb, fc>home (ball 31 teaebe UnoivicDgc ? the new ioeanco t op them that bee taken from the teate -• bee f honif uUp tauntetb the bulncfle of the people , as if tljep frcre no iybtt apter to lerne, than li3abes not 2>3 that bee leancb bntoo bis owne ftrengbt : but bpcaufe bee quictlp anb fwcctlp foflc veo in bis b?eu\a mpnb tljatfoas trcubieb Sottb no lutfinges . $ot beere is too bee marbcb tbe niatebfoge bf contraries bet* u?eene tbe Soanbcrtnganb ftrapning mo= tions,oj rather tbe biolent motions of tbem Sohtcb bcing;not eotenteb fc>itb their ownelot,tb?utt out tbemfelues rafblpe: anb the mobeftie of tbem rtjat fettle them^ fclues qutctlp in tbe calling of gob. $$ ojes euer it appeereth bp the eonclufion.too iobat en&e JDauib auoucberb himfclfe too baueattempfebnotbtnge bp enforcement of the flefb. l^ee bibbetb C 3fracll trull in dPob.] Cruelp ttfoere a crasebfentence, but that tttoas greatlpauaptablefoj the ttooopccresolbe. 115 ut beere their fimpli- eomo toelfare of the Church, to baue lum ? citic is tf&pfcb, m tbe fame refpecte that placet) in tl;e feege Igopail bp the banbe of iCbjpfrc fapetb 50atb. 18. ?. erceptepoa <£ob. :ffo? bp that meanes the fapthcfull become IpHc this cbplb, pee cannot enter ioere affurcb of tbe pzomifeb Miffing, into tbe Iitngoorne of <15ob.3nb beeret>ps aino truelp, the belle manner of Ijopmge pon come tbefe ioitlefT? befpzes ,tbat men ts,&>benbauingeafober anb humble o* couet to bee wtoie Supfc anb fozccaftmge pinion of our femes , free befpie not, ne than tneete is. ZDauib therefore abbctb, tuefume not anp thing, but bp $ obg oh- I [flpp fouie toas quiet bppon mee. ] $ot &)0}itit anb allowance. The contcints of the.Cxxxii.Pfalme. Thepropbete (yebofoeuer was the ^futhoure of the ffalme) dootb in the perfsne of the fay th fully ckalcndoc GOD vppon bis\promisythat hccfhould netfujfer the Kingdome or the Temple at any tyme too decay > amo fritb bis afflictions fljouib come into 0D in the place tbat bee bat) cboOs 5en,2Dcuter. 12.5. JDauic hnevre that tbe full tptne £oasnoo:e come, in &?l)ic!)e tbat place fboulobcc opcnlp fljcceeD : anD pit fhc&cDfhU tn Doubt , tabtcb tbing cculDe not bee Without a tbougl)full iongtr.gfojt it: fpcciallp feeing bee ioas infiatnea &>itb fo great Defpje to fcruc goo, anD alfo trncD fojtbefcttingofdBoDspiefcncc to Defend anD gouernebis people. 2$nD be Declare^ I tbat bee ftoar e too baue a care of tbe bu y ! = Ding of tbe ^Temple, all other things fcta part, ifteuertbticfle tbe mancr of the bins Ding of lumfelf is fomrobat of the ftrcigb^ teft.asifbcc fboulD fozfeucare flecpeanD fooae,* tbe other fulrenaKceS of-ipfe tons till a place foere popm«D out foi the Cents pie. SIB tit fo to doo haD bin a raQ) anD bu= aaupfeD jeale, ttpcaufe it tons not m bpa potocr too fet <£5od a tpine , anD fyps ovene ablcncflc tons not too enDuremanp Dapcs abftincncjj no? manpe npgbtcauatcbing. 3efpDcstbtS,i»benn)allS»efaptbatl)ce mabet!nsl>Ofc>:,3] ttnou) Sobat feme off I? cbxvctft. anfrocre,namclp ,that ibts otbe teas then maDc bp btm,S»be be fell DOu>ri fo? feare at tbe fyghte of tbe 5ngcll. 31 graunt <£>2D remember SDauiD, $c] interpreters agree not Dp; pon tijc 2ftutboi of the pfalm, anD pit no Doubtc but it irao cptbet £>auib 0? elfe gmloj mon. iFo; in tbe folemne Dc^ Dicationof tbe Ccmplei»hrn Salomon maDe bts p;apcrs, the bolp Gotic reciteth ccrtctn of the oerfes iotycb bee Ijatb p?os nounccD 'jeere.wheretippon i0 gatbereo a ipJiclpcomecturc, cptber that the 0(atme 'was cucn then btnowen anD rpfe atnonge ¥ people: oj elfethat^>aiomon appipeb a fcaroe tuojDcs of it to tbefeme Dfe that be baD appotnteD the Suhole fdfamrc . 3tuD fozafmuch as the perpetuus of the binges Dome anD the Cemple baD bin pjomticD tento 2>auiD: bis name is fetDotone: bp= caufed^oDs trutbeftooDeneuertbeleffe in fozee cuen after bis Death. 3nD fo mpgbt tbe Cburcb iuftip p?ap in tl)is mancr,tbat d5oa fboulD perfozme the t.nng 5»bicb be baD pzomifcD to hi0 feruaunt 5DauiD./Bot f 0% bis fake alone, but in refpecte of all tbe goDlp. wherebp is pnougb anD too muebe Dtfp?oncDtbc toolifbneflc of tbepapiftes fobo inferre bpon this place, that feee bee belpeD bp interceffto of them that beDcaD. $0 &bo fboulD fap, the fapthfull Dps beer cal a DeaDman out of his grauc to be their fpokefman bnto goD. iBap rather it toill appt ere bp f fequcle of tbe tcrt itfclfe, that thep baD an epc onelp to y couenant ttlnch <©£>IDbaDmaDct»itbjX>auiD. ^rojtbep line© it iuasbcftovoeDin the cuftoDpof that one man,to the intent it mpgbt ccmc Unto all men from banD to ijanD. ?Jno not Without caufe is there mention mabe of affliction oj bumbling. iro?iobcras feme tranflate it [meeUcneffe]it Dtffentcth from rcafon. 31 graunt that in the fecona booHc of £!)?8nacles, 6.4,2* there :s put [ chc- i'edin]tbat is tsfap mercies op gooDnefTe0 iub'-cb fcemctb to mzc to bs put paffmclp: fo; tbebenefptes tobjTcantb iDauiD ioa0 aoc2neD.2©ut beireDoutiene 3 fublcrpbe Unto tlictr opmion,.to!):cij bp tt doo bnDcr .-. flatiD the rbougbtfuil cares ana the mitiU folD Dtflreffes anD encounters toberesottb JDair.D Seas turmoplcoas lenge as (2»oD btlo btiti at the ftaucs cns.C'je effect t^ec fotc is t'ms : (Sod remember in l)Owe grca: cares 3DauD fcas tdfTeD, ahD &itb bo^ocgreate troubblcs hee ioas fapne too vppon the^x'Xxij.Fialme. Jj graunt in DccDe, y the plat&as fbewcb Ijtmanon after. H5at ttts abcrpefc>eatie geffc ano btterlp enfo?ceb,too rcftrepn tbe tijtng too tljat one irritant of tpme, i»l;ict> ouglst ratfjer too bee jnocrfteooc of a Ions fo;e bcterminacion. Cbctfo;ic,tl)crc will be none abfurbitie tn the matter, if fee fa? ft is a UpnD of oucr r caebmg fpecclje: J tbat beere is not repo^teb tbe bcrp fo;{me of tbe bow,as itioas maoe in crpjctle wojdco: but tbat tbe S»o;tDes are to be qualifpeb in tbis topic : 2Let ntce neuer enter intoo mp botifc.noi come bpon mp bcbftcD ,but tbat tbis care map euer ronne in mp beao. I£ee &>as perfuabeb f oj a certeinttctbat the fctltng of tbe S>anctuarte, anb tbe (late of tbe &tngbommc , Socce tbmgcs annereb: $ tljcrcf o:c no tttarucii tbougb bee neptber tbongbt bimfclf ftmg, no; gaucbimfelf leaue too cniop am: commobities of tbis Ipfe quictlp : tontill bee Snas auureb of tbe place of thc(€emple. BoiwubftanDtng, 214 fb?afmucb as fcee baue nothing eertcm, &>bcrc wee &> ant tbe warranttfc of 0cri - pture , 31 alleage no moze but fo wmcb as ts allowable in mp iubgment. 25ut tins fence will fit tbe turne not aimffe , y wfji- tber SDautb tarte at borne, 0; wbitber bee ipc in bis ft all ncuer be well at eafc anb rroiet in bisbart,mitill be be infozmcb &>bcre tbe Slrfc fball reft f 0? cucr. 7ts tou cbing tbe bow, tbe ^aptftes mifgatber of tbis anb fucb otber like places , tljat <1dcd allowctb i»batfoeuer toowes tbep flufb out at all abuenturcs. $ 0? as xt ts a tbing Soooztbp piapfe too bow bntoo <£> 2D tbat fetneb bee auoucbett) to be acceptable bntoo bim : fo is it to finfull a pzefumptu= oufnes,wben men ftart out to bow Soijat tbep itft.after tbe fcnfualittc of tbeir owne flcflj. Cbctfoze fc>eemuftconabcrwbat bee allowctb>tbat bee bee not befraubeb of btscbeefbonour. fro* before turn, obc= bience is better ti)an facrifpje. 6. Lo, wee herd of it in Ephrata, and found it in the feeldes of the fo- red 7. Wee will enter intoo his dwelling places , wee will woorship at hisfooteftoole. 8. Vp Lord intoo thy reft, thou and the Ark of thy ftreng th. 9. Let thy Preeftes bee clothed with ryghtuoufenefTc^nd let thy meekc ones reioycc. 6. [3Lo, foee herb of tt.f c] Cbte berfe is berpoarn,fo as ttisnomaruclltbougli tlje interpreters rackc tbcm felues in fcrs cbing out tbe fence of it. rffirfttbere is no= tl)tng going nfozc to anfwer to tbe iuooio [3Iti]anb tbcrfoze neceflttie compelletb too refer it to tbe b welting placc0,wbcr of bcemaoc mention afozc, altbough tbep be fct bownc in tbe piurall nombcr. Cbcre is pit mozc a ooo in tbe inoozb [ ilo. i&ut feemg it ts out of boubt tbat tl>e ?&?opbct fpeaKetb of a new b welling place, febp i& <£pb?ata putfoz *)ion^S)omcbncom-: bertbemfcJucs ioitb afonb beupce ,tl)at Replace ijao twoo names, ajib tljat t!;c pIot,6)!)icb feas fljeweb tntoo IDauib, S»as alfo calleb[€pb?ata,]bpcaufe itfcas a batling grounb: Soberbppon $>-31 erotn tranflatcb it [a frutematfeet : ] bow>b«it tbat not euen be agreed) in alt places fertt) r»m felf. fa% in foramc places, fcobcrc bee balpetl) in bis SUlego?ics,be interp«tetb ttCifurte:] febicb is agcinft reafon. Cruelp 31 boubt not but tbe Sooojtbe id berpueo-of [ Parah ] iobiebe fignifpctli too bcare frute: Ipheas ©etbUem, iobiebe Seas fituatc in tbe fame C ountrie , is cal leb tlje boufc of bjeab, bpcaufe of tbe trut^ fulneiTc of it. 115 nt it is eolbe geflmg Dp* pon f name of tbe placetanb tbcrfo:e foms wbat mutt be fougbt y mapc come merer to a lihelibob of trutb- JFtrft tber ts mucr) colo; of trutb in tl;iserpofitio folowin? : 3It|jaB luiui vjfjiuau 3 1 hao bin a common bjute, ttjat tl)C 9rfc of the Couenant fbonlD bceplaceu in <£s pbjata, from Whence IDauios aunccters came. 3nD trulp tc is creDiblc.tbat the fits tcft place, as fccll fo? the 3rb, as fo; tlj« &anctuaric,&>as thought too haue bin in I)to na:iuc foopie. jfreptber is it anp mars uell, that this opinion grew tbercbppon, anD tt)at this becrfap fboulD bee put f o; a common report. /ftOtt>,iftbisfencc bee lis feeD, tlje sacrb fboulD be of the ji^eterpUi perfect fence, thus: [ wee baD herD of tt at Cpl#ata, but fee founD it in the Sdoods,] that is too Tap , in a place not fo tottt mas nureo, na; fo Delectable, ;tf o; Soce Knowc that Jcrufalc &as cnmrOneD fcutb billes, 9 that that part of the ianD toast not fr«te= full, fo as it i»as not foutbout caufe calieD C fojcfHp&C;, o^ feiplD.] ilflfo let the 18ca= Dersfrcp.icbitbertbis other fence feill agrceatmflc: that the faptbfnll fboalD fap, thep baD bcrD of it at Cpb?ata: as though the JLojb baD pzomifeb fomcbpgbcr thing of Cpbjata, tban of g>ion. ;ff o; although tl;at notable pjopbecic of ^ichcas^.a. toas notpitbttereDiptt notwitbftanDinj it map be that d5oD baueuentbeafpofcen fome ropallanb notable thing concerning 2Sctblcem.mhaucbcrDthenof2£ctblee. 113 at fojafmticU as r place is as pit b to Den tontoo os in hops, free mud in the meane tpme fojoozfbip <£>od itia toooDDpe place, t mill he fulfill the p?omis,frbicb he hath DclapcD, concerning Cphjata. f^owbeit, bpcaufe this eicpofition is conftrcpneD, 3 Dare fearcelp imbjace it : furelp 31 cotncnD it not fo; a natiue one. Co mec it fecmeth mo;e plapnc, that the Sdcoid Cpb?ata fhoulb bee bnDerftooo of the perfone of IDauiD, rather than of the place : as if the #;ophet baD fapD,tbat now at length, ins afmucb as <© 3D ID baD chofen him fclf a femg out of €ph?ata, tbcrif itball he lK»D alfo appopnttD a place fo? the 3 rti of Cos uenant. Znh fo in the firft place is put the beerfap: bpcaufe it ferns not at manes ap- pointwent too fettle the 2Grfc in anp place, bntill © 3D him fclf, where he woolD bee iu oojuMppeD : libc as in the rpghtfull feruing of e chcef roomc, which fapth fpjmgctb of hecring. $*ot»brit,alfc}ettgh mount ^ion haD aimoft no crccllcnt giftcs at all , ptt notnntbftanDing thefapthfull fbca>c i)Ow tt is bnlavrfult too cauill about the choo« Cng of the place: brcaufe thep hauehcrD alreDpSvhat <^obs pleafurc^as. 7. [toce & ill enter mtoo.fc] ^ccrchec giueth out a gcnerall fo?me of erbojtacion fo; all tl]C 45oDlp, ioljerbp too call one an other too the place that haD bin fb erocD bp the3!ngeil. Sino trulp it is gooorpgl-jt, t'.iat the certefnlpcr iot be p;iuie of ©ods fcill, the moK Sr>c CboulD become checrftUI too Doo lum feruic. Jnafmuch then as the people Knew the place that «]£>©£> hab cbofen, there fe>as now no mcic ercufe of flotljfulnrs left them , but tl;cp ought too hade thither in the mo;c carneftnes , bps caufc <& €) iD , hauing chofen him a fure rcftingplace , calleD them mo:e familiarlp bnteo him. 25 p i»lnch &>oo;dcb hec cons Demnetli the (loth of all them, feilnch p?o= fit not fo much as in ;clc, accozbing to the meafurc ef tbatfehich 45 £) JD hatljc res ueled bnto them, wbcreas thep ii?ill hauc the putting of the ixmjt [Duelling places] tn tbe ^dlurall nombcr too bet Doonc, bps caufc that in the Cemple there ixmo an ins ner ^anctuarie ,anD then a miDDle part, anD thirDlp a Court : 31 can not tell &b> ther the Euthc; of the 3&falmc fpaHefo conninglp : but pit 3! t'circt it not. Chcre is mo?c importance in the aDDition that foloivcth anon after, f 0; the |£>:opl;Ct bp calling the 5rh,«©cDsfootftooie,fljea?crt| fc:ccfip, that (Boos bnmcafurabtc [ 25ces ingjis not inciofcb in the ^anctuartc, as groffe men furmpfcD. ^0? if the fehole fl^mcftie of the outiuarD Cempie toast nothing elf. buthisfootcftoolc : it kchoos ueD the fapthfull too mount bp too heas ucn , that thep mpgbt bcholD <5 £SD 2D re* ucrcntlp. Certcmlp, it tons not lawful! fej them too imagtn anpe earthlincs in him . 3!« an other place ( ]$(a'ni.{ 7. 80 it ts calieb dBobs facr,o; coimtcnance, vc j relp to Uuntcnt the people fboulD through fubftan: , vppon the. Cxxxij. Plalme. ai< fubftantfall ano aflurcb faptij gpuebccoe to t'jc plcogc tbat£>2D in the Couplets a icawbe fuper ft ition : anb pit that it is not fo? nought that the church bfetb ©utsoarb ccremont*0 : toerilp to the mt> thep fboulb not epthcr neglect the furtberaceg of their faptb, oj elfe bee too much tytn to them. 3lltbouQb then that <5ob brocll m-hcancrt anb aboue all bcauen0 : pet ate fcee not compelled too ftpe bppe thither in fccbmg btm.Saitbout foclpeg. ifojbp reacbtnge tmtoobs tbcplebgc ofbt0 p.icfencc, lice ftretcbctb bouoncbio fecte bnto the earth, anb otfcretb them to b0 to hanble them, jfrowe&ecfee.bowe pjtofitablp tbzbolp <15boft ftamerctb aeco?bmg to the capaete tie of our freahneffe, that hee map liftc b0 bp from the earrblpe Clemenrc0 tmtoo $cauen . Certefle, mejc than beaftlpe Sua0 the blpnbncffc of flje feconbe Court- cell office, iohcrethc gooo |->etifatber0 pjefumeo to i» jeft thi0 place fojt the p?oof of 38 0 olatrte , 80 frbo ftjouloe Tape , that SDaitiO 0? Salomon commaunbeth imas gea to bee fct bp bnto & £> 3D to i»oo;= fbip htm fc>i;h. 115 ut now:, after that the $ tgurw of the JUivcbcc abo!ifl;e&: there boo rtghtlp uioojfbip at acramente0, clprabing bppc to b?0 fcete bp Qeppe0, bpcaufe thep fcnowe, b« commcth not btfiblp bourne from i^ea-- ucn.but fbjinHetb bp h 10 feete tbptber. 3inb fojafmucbe ao not onelpthc feete of <0ob, but alfo the Soijoie fulnefle of hv0 bceing ano glojtte boo red in ChiiSe : the father mud bee fought in him.31nb tru= ip bbat a grofli manner of fpcccbe,tbat gob ir> 1)0 filled) tocauen anb earth fooulo gette him into a netce looginge , ©ut the outs i»aro ejcercpfc0 of Religion febfebe emptic fbaooroe, but fuel) a thing a0 fbeteeb in fteebe that ion 10 termeu d5obo reft, bpcaufe <5 00 iooolbnotheereufter bee Sooojfbippcoin anp place elfe, awojbinge a0 31 tballbes clare agepnc anon. 9 [ilette tbp Hbt\itCtt#, 9 c] iBowe1;cc pjapctb gencrallp tty il} ic «iofperou0 ftate of the Churche : fobich thtnge *5«P«t^*7 bppon the iaft fentence. jfo^ <0oo nfeel- ictb not among 00 to anp other enb, than fo j our Welfare, ^omc think rather hoiv beerei0 t»iffljcb, that the pure fevuicc of o tafec33 rpghtuoufeneffe foj the frute of rpghtu= oufeneffe, anb 3 bnberft anbe it not of the rpghtnoufeneflTe of men, but of the rpgh - tuoufeneffe of Son. Chat the p?ccftcs are placeo in tl;e firftc ranHe tt is no ftraunge thing, fsi inec fenoir c, that the o;oer of the Churche ft>30 fo bifpofeo, a0 that thep bab checfe p^ehemtnence. ifrotc SotthftanOingem fifftgnmac them thetre begrcc,bceceafetb not too p^pe fo; the fe>ho!c Church in comon : a0tf hee fboulo fapc, 3LojO,b;ting to paffe that ths bzpghti ncu~e of tbp rpghtuoufeneffe map fpzcooc b?0 %id beaine* from the J$?i£&cs intoo all Cl|£ people. 3nD (?6& 13 fapoe too clothe I90 with bis rpgbtuoufcneflc , when bee tefeencteo bee our SD diner e,fc>bcn bee inapntepnetb bs bp bis power, anb when bee fo goucrnetb as bee witnefletb btm= feifc to bane a care of \>g. #nb furelp , the [ISetopcing which bee abbetb imme slates ip,betofcen6tbablpffeblpfe. &eeinge bee iopnctb theft two tbinges toogptijer : it folowetb, that the woo?t>e [IBpgbtuoufe* RtfiTc]t0 not taken fo? anp tying rife, than lohn Camim Commentane, fo? tfobs tuition a»& aencmaree, Co rlje fame mecKinge willfolowe anon,£Cbp |^?ceae0 (balbec clotbeb with welfare.] 2tnb Salomon in the fo?cfepbe p?apcr fobicb 3 toucbeb afoje , mafcetbnot men- tion of the name of [iRpgbtuanfcnes, but of welfare] onclp. wbp all tbcfaptbcfuH beetertnebche«obbcs m«cfcc ones, it hath bin often toib afo?e:natnrlp, bpcaufe there is no ucrtewe wbcrebp men app?ochcn£crcr fcnto £oe, tbanbp gcob booing. 19 For thy fcruaunt Dauids fake , shunne not the face of thync anoyn- tcd. n The Lordc bathe (worne vntoo Dauid in truthc, and hec will not turncavvay from it. Of the frute of thy vvombe vvilllfttvp- pon thy throne, i a If thy Sonnes Jk^epe ray Icage, and my couenauntes , vvhiche I shall tcachc them : their Sonnes alfo shall fittc vppon thy Scatc for cuer- morc. f *$ rfty tb? feruatmr, «.} £>oine knit I the beginning of this feerfc too the enbe of j the laft that tocnt beto?e. xo\)k\)t tbmge, though 1 btfp?oue not, pit fball the ISea- j Sets eafelp fee, that this fc erfe mud be rcb all in one ftrepne.$J)o?eouer,bcfo?c 3 er= pounb the meening of the 0?opbete, it i0 to be bnoerft ood, that bpon tbcfe nojfccs, there is ouercuriouflp fepneb this fence folowinge, [ Cur ne not awapc the face of tbpne anopntcb : ]that id to Tape, berecne 198 not cf the fp gist of our US foremen fo? it ia certepnlp gather eb bp Salomons p?apet,tbat bee rather bcfcccljeib Cob too ftewebimfelfefaueurable to the limge. 3Uhc as in the tbtro boofee of the feinges, * . i o .Suben 25 etfabec fc we th to Inr fonne Salomon, (bee tofetb the fame S»oo?b : as if (bee GjcuId fap.put mee-not cute of thp ttcflmcc. Cbercfo?e it implpeth as murfje 05 to fljunne: « it was neeoefull to touch* it b?C£Qp,bpcaufe the fojcfapb interp?eta= cion(namelp, take not a war the mcmtfeD IflcBeewer ) wools with the Iccffomnefle of it eafelp allure the bttf3UfuU.25ut d5ob is beere funplp Befp?co, not tobifocpnc o? retcct the &uigc* pjapers wbnbe be^ma* feetb fo? bis whole Iftcaline. 3 ns grace o? faucj is rcqucGtD heer in JDcuibs name, fo? none other eaufe, then fo? that $£> 3D bao tnaoe the couenartt with h mi. :ffe? in refpect of this p?mitebge , bee was not to bee reputeb as fotne one of the comon fozt. $Tbc effect is.tbat <5ob beeinge mpnbfull of b(0 womia , fbeulo continewe bis fa= uourtowarb S>ambspofterttic: f c} eul to encrp one of the limge was beet m d v - teb a fo?me of p;aping fo; the Cburcbe : but the fouubacion of it ix-as lapeb in tijc perfonc of JDauiD.Cberefoie cucn at that tpme were th> faytlful abmomlbeo bnber a figure, that c b ?ift (boulb bee the £t^c» biato? that ujottie mahc intcrcefRon fo? v fobole bobp of the people. ^»owbeeit,fo?s afraucb as Cb?ift bab not fit put on ture fie lh,no? as pit accomplifycb his facri&3Cf enb cntcreb into the Sbanctuartc of l^eas uen: there fc>ao a fhabowiftie ^cbiatour put in fo? a tpme»to gpue the people boib= neu*etop?ap. ii [Che 1Lo?& bath fwo?nc,f c.j jfrovce he ccp?cflc tl; mo? c plainlp,tl)at he hath not an epe to anp thing cifein £)autb,tban too the free p?omife whiche was beftoweb ioitbhim. 3nOlcaf£chcc feotJ&efoaucr in the belecfe of it, <&cn fapcth, hec fcounb it with an otbc . 3Hs tourinng the wo?bes, ^ee feptb that <5£>3D fwo?c truti;,that is to vppon the. Cxxxij. Pfalme. 21$ to(ap,notbeceptful!p,butfngoobcameft, anb t \)ctioie it feao not to bet feareo ti>at' heU)O0tDliflrtfrwmI)tjpjom!S.Ct)ej3xo= mi 10 tbat be mao?, feas 100 gtue Bants a fucccflbjt of bisfecDe. ifoj be feas noto ah mo3 out of bopc of tic continuall fuccef- fioit , not bpcaufe be feantco cbilojcn, but bpcaufe bee faioe beasip turmoplcs rclgs ntng in bis boufe : f tbc fame too bee rent afunoer feitb fucb inroaro DUT:ntions , as mpgljt eaQp put btc febols ftocae too fejccKc. %tii> altbousb Salomon fecic tbc partic tbat feas appointco,pit is tbcre no Doubt but the piomm ertenbeb too the feboic pebegree cnfcwing foj euer . 3no fojafmucb as 05 i) ID bp tbis meancs bab pjtoupbeo.not fo; tDauto alone.but foz tbe fei)o!c£fytrcbc:tijc faptlifull are bulled novt> to b; of goob eljtre,inafmucb as C5 od bab fct bp fact) a fiingbome among t bem , not as feec rranfitojue, o; apgbrfull : but as feas ftablifujco in aflureb ftebfaftnes. Slnb it feas n;cbf uU , tbat as fecll v fttng as tbc people Iboulo bee put in rcmembc= ranee of tb«S tx traojDtnartc (tap. $ ojfe e fee boo? pjoublp tbc caubl? fcmgcs baunt tbem felues : fo? altbousb tbat from tbe lippes outcoarotbep confeffe tbetn feiues tp retgnebptbe grace of <8> © 3D, pit tbcp fiecte atoap in tbetr ctone ftatettnes. yea fee map fa? farther ,tfjat f o? tbe tnoS part tbcp rufb Violrntlp into £ cbatre of eftatc, fo as lawful! calling ea ftlsomc take place. TX>oo?tbcipe tbercfojc is JDauibs facreb reigning, febicb feas grounbeb bppen tbe J^eauenlp cemmiffton , fbQleb out from eartljlp «Empp?cs. ». C3f tbp fonneS c] fioto b» pjoceebctlj mo.ic openlp bnto tbe fo:cfar e pebegree , tbat 3D fpaHc of, feberebp tbe long continuance of it is auoucbeb. atnb altbougb tbat in tlnstnojlD i-ungs Tonnes fuccicoe rtjrir fatrjers bprpgbr cf mbcrt- tan«, pit is it certcut cljat JDautBS Slings some is bp lingular pjiutlebgc eremptco from tbe cemon cacc: bpcaufe \$> £> ID a« i uoucbetb erpjtcflre , tbat tbere (ball ah feapcsrpfcbpulcco.febtcb (ball pofleffe tbe feege i^opalt : arm tbat not fo; an age oj ttoapne,but foj tpme feitbout enb.^oj altbougb tl>at amgoomt frag beftropeo, pitfeubtn a topple after tbere folonseba rc(titatton,j tbe euerlafringncs of it feas ftablilorb in Cbzifl. 15utbecrerpfctli a qucftion,\)icl) C5ob coucnantctlj,piictenbetb as tbougb <0oos couenant fboulb not ftanb in fo?ce, onlctTz men bept toucbe faptbfullp Sottb tym on tbeir part . wberbppon it folotcetl), tbat tbe effect of tbc p^cmrfeo grace bepenbetb V-pon t >eir obebiencc. 25ut rlrft S»e mud confibcr, tbat inafmncb as 45 £D 5D bab p;omtfeb toe fenb a Iftcbecmtr , at Ssbofc banbfaluacionfoas to bcloo^eb fo;: tbat couenant &>as btecrlp of free gift,bpcanfe tt Qoweb ont of tbcfirft adoption , inrjub alfo is itfeif of free gtft. ^nb trulp tbe fatfebartcones of tbat fetches £ ado fens no Ut,bu: tbat <&& JD bp fenbing Ch?:d U;cvncD openlp bow be mabe none account of beferuings.S'wb tl;crfo;e panic, ISom. 3. }. fapetb : Cbouglj feme of tbcm bcle^; ueb not , is tbe trutbe of <^£>JD tbcrfo?c mabe of none effects £\$ ecning tbat <5 oD bab contmueb bis fauour totoarb tl;c jlewcs, bpcaufe be bab chofen tbem free- lp : anb tbat febcreao tbcp bab fcmtv of-= tentpmes Ccuen of fet purpofe) too baue gone about to b;mg bis pjotmfes too no- tbing , pit bee Qrtueb agctjsd their malice feirb incrcbtble geobnes: ano fo it came toe paflc, tbat b'S truttjc gate tbe bp^cr banb . ;ff 01 bee loobeb not febat tbep bab beferuco, but frobe Qebfaft in bis ocrne purpofe. fiovo feec percepne b^ro tbc fapb couenant feas not conbiiionatl of tt= felf :but bpcaufe it b;eiv otber appartc= naccs U)ttbit,tberfo;e b>as tliis conbicton armtreo,[3f peefetil obep mpcommatut: bements, jl feill blifle pec. ] # ojafmucl) as tbe jl ctccs tocre fb;unK from this obzt bicnce,tbcp feere carpeo atoap into captts uitte. 3PnJ) tben fecmeb &oo too bifanull bis couenant, oj to cancel! tt, as feec banc fceneelftobcre. Cbat fcattcrtng therefore feas accrtnnbjcabtng of tbe ^oueuant, bocDbeeit but m part snip, 9 too cuttcars fecming.3no trjis tijtng feill be mabe dec rer, if fee re pete beepclpcr out of tl;c tsolte ^ to 1 1 zs ,febat befell fet t bm a febp ic after OdutDE oeatln f, c: tbc btngoom feas be capcb bp tbe failing aware of tije tcn»e ^rpbcs,fo as tbere remapnebbuta fmall pozttoti. SPfterwaroc it feas feome from tpmebntootpincfeptb great flaugbtcrfc, bntU JUiui vuiuiip vA^inuiviiiuinv, bntill at lengtlj it &>as pulicb bp bp tbe rostc.^no alttjougb t^etr returning from tbe captiuitic gauc tijem fonte tiopc of refti tntion, pit So as tljere none tben tynt bare t!;g name of fring, anb tbc eftate &>as but mcane in 3ozobab2l, bnrtll tberc Qcpt bp Utinges tljat ieere of ai»2ong fiamp, anb not of tbs rpgbt lpne. \v\)o ioolb not b we fapb trjat ©ocs couenant bab bin btferlp aboUibcD:» jBotSmtbfranbingall tbisjo^ aftnucb as tl;c IReoeemcr came not from clfc frbcre, it appcerctb bp tbe falling out bow it bab ftooDe fure ano ftable. 3!n tins fence it is faro in tbe f*>;opbet Cjeclncll 21. 26. concerning tbe fringes Crorone: aicoap S»itlj y cloce Crorcne: aw2p,a\Mp, aroxp iwiil J fet it , bntill bee come iebofe it is. Crulp tbe |2>2opbet feemetb to cans cell dBobs banov»?ptmg , ano too reuerfe ^is couenant. f or tbe faiuacton of tbe pco ? pic inas annc.rcD to tbe It tngbome,acco2s etng as it is fetfttcn in tbe iUu.cntacioRS of 3!cremie, Ctyiift.o? tbe 38nopntc&,our Hozb, in &bofe fptrit face bjeatbe. jftow aitljougb tbe 02opbcfc fecme too bjcafce of tbe couenant, by taking awap tbe crown, pit notvritbftanbing bpanbp in tbe feconb part be (bewetb tbat it (ball be cucrlaffing « inuielablc, inafmucb as tt is of free gift, fo tljat altbougb tl;e Jewzs Ijab eftraun= gcb tljcmfelues f 02 a tpmc from tbe fauour of d5 £D> 3D , pit neucrtbclcs tt p2otmfctb tbem a Ifteoccmer. f oz like as <2? 0 3D puni&eb bis bntbanfeftiii peoples tberbp fbcrceb tbat bee bab not fpeUcn conbtcio= nail? in bapnc : eucn fo alfo bp tbe com= mtngof jCbjufl Ikc frcelp perfojtmeb tlje tbmg tbat bee bab frcelp p20tnifcb,fe> ben bee fet tbe Crowne agetn oppon Cbjiflcs beabe . jBowc , &>bcn <& £> 2D cm- tetbfo flrcptlp tbe keeping of b'S cones nant, bee reiectetb all inucntions of men, anb bolbetb t»o baefce to tbe pure Doctrine of l)t s fcooojb. 13. Bycaufe the Lord hathe chofen Sion, hce hathe loued too dwell in it. 14. This is my reft for euer, hcere will I dwell : for I haue a loue too hir. *T 1 c. Blifsing will I blilTe hir vittellcs , and fatisfyc hir poore with bread. 16. And I will clothe hir Prceftes with welfare , and hir meeke ones shall leape for ioy. 12.. [5i5pcaBfetbe3Lo2b.£c.] Eccretnat* cbmg tbe fringbome fcottb tbe 0iee(lbOD 9 fpirituall feruis, bee confirmctb mozt eje* pxeflp bow it foas not cbofen bp raanne* afftgnement, but grounbeb (n tbe bcaucn= lp Dccrec.Cbts knitting togitber ti;erfoze is to be marfecb. 5r ot tbe ftablencs of tbat fringbomc i»as not too beefougbt fo: elf- ialjcrc tban in £b?i&: but tbe Hinge emc of tfimfr id infcparable from b'S p2ccft= boo. I* eerbp ioce fee to faljat cnb be becla rctb tbat ^ion ixjas cbofen: cuen bpcaufe <0 k> 3D bao not bccrccb anp tbing concer ■ ning tbe Jiingbomc bp ttfelf alone , but Seaolb baue tl;e ^>anctuarie go iopntlp S»itb it,tbat it mpgbt bee a trcto imaoe of tbe ^coiato? tbat Xoas to ccmc,fc>bo ac= coibing too &)t mancr of ^elcbiTebccb.fe not onlp a fting,but alfo a ^2cc(hwbcr= bppontt foicwctb, tbat tbe Rate of tbe &ingbome,anb tbe ftate of tbe Cabema= cle , are tbinges infepar able . 3ftcrtoarD is noteb tbe caufe of tbe fapb cboofmg: tbat is too fait, tljat mount j&ion Soas not cbofen foi b»r c,vccllencte,(as ioc baue alfo fcene ^faitn .62.630 but bpcaufc it plcafeb tbe %oxx> fo too boo. ^02 tbe fa- uour 0? goob pleafure of C5 0 3D, is mats cbcb agemfl tbe to combines of tbe place, ivbercbp appcerctb agein tbat i»bicb 31 toucbeb cuen note : namelp ? tljat t\)t co- uenant iobicb <& €> 3D mabcioUb 203= uio , p2octcbcb of bjs oumemcrcgooDa neffe. ' 14. 1®W vponthe. Cxxxij.r'laJme. ii7 i+ [Ct)ta ts mi? rcttfc.j Coo gtue tbcfoiefapb fenterice tbemozea*tlp?i- ttc.bee repitctl) it m tt)c perfon or'iSoD. 3no (Soo auou:betb tljat ttjc temple fyal not bee builoeo fo? btm m oapn, iti= afmucb as be will re actjc oowne bo bao out of bcauen, ano in berp oeebc ano ef = fetfuallp fbctoe , tbit bee acceptetb tbe woifyippmg wrjuo bebatb commaun= D:o . Jfoj (Soosrefte anD Duelling be- token tbe p.iefentnelTe of ijts power in refpecte of menne . £&o Dweite bee in £>pon , bjDcaufe tbe ;ffaptbefull calleb bppon b o in oioerip there, acco;Dpng too tbe appointment of tbe lawemcitber alfo bib tt>cp mif ijeiro cue tbetr tabojs, fo; \jc graunteo tbeir DeGrcs.ainD it to .13 ma= nifeftco b^ tbe oceoe itfelfe, that $ fame tbtngfoas pzotmfeb bp d£>ob iotjo can« not Deectue. jf ox aitbougbe tbe Cemple i»f t ottertb:ofon,tbe alter beaten Down ano all tbe lafoc ioo:fl)ipptng bzougbte to an enoe: pctbtb <0o&0 glozp anb mas ieftterecurnebuanDbpaoit were oute of ejctlc, ano tbcrehepe tbetr refibenee t- uen tmto tbe coming of Cbilftc. 31 n tbe meane feafon sx>vi knowe bowe lewDlp ano wtckeblp tbe 'Jzmcn abufeb tbta pjopbecir , as wljo fboulb Tap, tbat C5oD bob bm bounbe to tbem ao a fl me : m fo m .u'n as bnber this pietence tljcp ourft pjoublp bcfpife, 01 ratber crnclip perfes cute ail tbe p:opI) cts , wljcr fojc failful- lp Dootb - Luther call tbis pzomifc tbe bluboic p:o.tufc . foi accojomg tootle gupfe of bppoct itcs (wbo are Soont to matte a curtains of <25oosboip name too fbjouoe tbetr naugbtineffe bnber) wbat focuer mpfebtcucs tbcp were cbargcb ioitball, tbcp fhckcD not to tell tbe pjo- pbcts to tbeir faccs,tbatpet foi all tbat, ttlap not in tbe power of Jdxopbets, too take awap tbat wbtebe <©ob baD gtuen. fo; to bereue tbe temple of obs giozp was all one toitb to cbarge bim witblping, oj to made a Diuozccmente b:cwitt bim anb bis trutb. Wtys onm= ben belcfe of rljcirs ozaue tbem to thrao giitleflcblubtoitbout meafure* with- out cnbe. 3no trulp , were tbe IRomiChe S&atanattbtsoape armeb witb U bo* notable a title : wbat Durfl: be not boo t •Cber is no Tollable in t be fcr iptitre tbac jean fo tnucbe as fa a colour bppon bis tpzannte. £>ctiag ttyen tbat be oetacetb all religion ano jjooipneffe, tattb outra- gtaus bealtipneffe, ro tbe open repjocbe of<0oo: free fee fcjitbbofo) fierce 0? ra- tber with bofee cruell ftatelpntffe Ije ta= betb to Inmfclfe tbe name of tbe cburch> Wbattben.-' (ball tbe bolp pjimactebee aboliQ;eo,i»b«cb tnn& of neceffttie flanb eiccepte €\m>(te 000 falUp fojfalie bps fpoufe r" )©ut&)ebaue an cjcccptton re= Die fo?tbat,nameip y tbe Cljurcb «s not tpcb to anp one place, f tbat euerfmce tbe raatcftieof(0obi»asmabe hnowne cuen to tbe bttcrmofi; boubs of tbe earth bis rcfttng place is net etfefrbere tban in Cbjulrc and rjis membxes. ^oieouer tbt0 cuerlaflpng cotinuancc of tbe tem- ple i»bicb tbe p?opbet fpeafeetb of,muft be bnDcrttoobe after a conucnient fozt. JFo? in a0 mucbe aa tbe Soozioe &>as re^ nueb m Cb:tHe, ioe can not fap tbat tbe figures wer bapn, ftberoftbefoiceanb accomplitbmcnt iocrem btm. jl-yoiae if anp man obiett tbat mount ^>pon 10 na- 1 mcb a0 tbe eternal! bwellpngpiace0of d5oD:the folution is rebp Q)apen:namelp tbat fo; tbe affuring of the tr utbc of tbe p;opbecte,tt fuSifetb tbat Cbufte bat^e now bp biscommmg enlargeo tbat bill euen td tbebttermott bozberseff eartb 15- [i5ltn*tng fell 31 blitte fc.Jjfltfras tbebpgbeftpointeof bappplpfeto t)aue <5od Dwelling in tbe mibbes of bis peo - pie. 0 owe are aobcD tbe tokens of bis fatberlp fauour,in tbat \yx will pzeparc anbgiueojoinariefoooe toobts people, reieeue tbeir feante,0ecke tbeir pztcfles iDitbfc>elfare,anDbefetteafl tbe 05oblp rounbe about toitlj glabneffc. ^nb tbp« abbition^DdS notfuperfluous. ^foz foe be not fo fpirituall, tbat wee canperce intobeauen, oecepte d5obs blifTing offer it fclfe to our epeo. 2Hnb tt is to be conft= d er co , t b at tb ' s bliffing tn our baplp foob its Double : tbat is too wit, in enrtcbuig tbe eartb tbat it map pecloebsgrapne, frpnc, anb ople: ano alfo in multiplp; ing tbe r euenues of tbe eartb . bp bt3 fe= crcte woiamg, tbat tbcp map fuffifeto noutifbe bs. jln tbis place «0od Qecla= retq, that be iotii bauc afp?etall care of bts people, foaetbepmape toanteno: tbmg to trjeir fpnbingi Una alvhoujbc tber be not alwaps great ftoje : pst aiii €cee, be bccb'.tngtoo pafle, tbat tjjc pooje fljail bee fatiftpeb cuen til penurie.^p leffe notable than fonbe is A)Z bnfUiUulnefle of tbe papiftcs m t\)is place, iolncbe ftefeetb tljat tbcp Cereal ftrpUcntmtb tbefptntcof blocUifl;cnefretntbat (fo? Saante of iubgemente) tljcp maoe foooe of bung. jFojtobere as in tbe &atme it fc>as fejjmen victum, (S»bpcbe fpguifps ctl) foooe O£butual0)tbep tnsHp.ngno bifttnrtion betSaecne tbe twoo letters of c anb t,buf eenfounbing tbctu tntoo a d, reobc it vidum : anb bpcaufe tbe S»oo?be "teas pet fttUmapmcb : tbep tbougbte tt fboulaebc rcDbeviduam, fobtebe ugni= fpctb a £mbofr>e : anb fo of bitatlcs tbcp ttigr nbereb ftuDoSaes, furelp a monfter mcreoible , if tbcp DpbDc no: toitboutc fbame cbauntc tbefatuefongpctftillin tijeir Cbutcbcs.2(5ut IpHe as (Sob p*o= mifctbtoo bliffe bis peoples \nttells,fo be curfetb tljetr minos ano tbetttungs, tbat tbcp mape perucrt tt)C icoijole o;oer of nature fcmb tbcu monftrucufc Do- tages. 3tftcro>atb agetn bee confirmctb tbat Sobicbc be: fapoe stoic concerning the tea of d5obs benefits, failing tbat m ftcD pattetb fo>cl= fcirc, botubcett m tt)c fame fenfe, as '31 foaue beclarcb b«rtofo?e. -ffoj i»beras fomc iniil banc tbe S»oiD[welfare]too impoitc pureneffeof ooctnnc anb bolp* ncifeof life, ic is too farre fctcbt. -$qi tbc 0?opbcte mcanctb fimplp, rtjat tbe? fbalbefafeatiobappp Snoct v0odspjo; tectum. 17 There will Imake the home of Dauid too bud,Ihaue prepared a candle for mine anoynted. 18 I will clothe his enemies with shame: but vpon him shall the dia- demefforish. 17 [Cbcre*»ul 3Uc]$eretnrnctb too tbeftate of trje feingoome &>bcrcof gob 1)o:9s muft be marbea mojc nccrlp. 3J i»ill(fapc!b be) make tl>c boinc of 2>a= uib too bub. 3 1 is batb rerteine anb alfo common among tbe Cjcbjues, tbattbe i»o*b b^ne implictb ftrcugtb,'anbpo= focroz Defence. H5u* bptbeiroibbuD the ssuopb^f bcroHcmtb as &ell tbe De= fpifeb beginning of tbe kmgbome,as al- fo tbe iuonbcrfull refhtutios of tt.2)a= utb^bo b:cmg nbtinuncea from a bace cotagc anb frem t\jc fbeepes oung bnto tbe feege ropall, grcroe bp continuall in= ereacements beponb bopc , fo>«s bnt tbe pongeftfDnneof an b«o man.Ulgcin ftje Btingbome fcjasfooucrcroptbp 3"*°= boam.asit fc)*0fspneto bubbeconti= nuallp,tbat it micftt flab in fomc mcane efrfltM5eribcsti)is,booje wanp pluc^ Umgs bp foloweb tberc,fel)icl) s»er ba= frlsof as manp erilruttions , tf netoe fpjtggsbab not bubbcb bp fromttme to tiinc:* #nbi»bat Q)Ouls bauc become of tbe people Sahcti tbcp S»crc fcattcreb in- to captiuitie, tf d5oo bab not mabe tbctr bjofecn anb battcreb \)W* ^0 bub a= gctn^^nb tberfo?e not bnfitlp Dotb timnell.2 3.5.tobcrebeccommcnDC(b tbe coniinnall tncrcace me* ts of bis femg= bome,bnbertbcfamcterme. "But becrc tbe iSjopbcte mcanffb.tbat alibougb tbcbo?neof2?autD boo notreanbtbrn eitber feitber op tacaUe of:pet iollt ©oo bf iDOHbcrfulmeancscaufc tt to groroe \jp agent. Co tbe fame purpofe mabctb tbe metapboz of tbe [Candle] iurjtctje rs rtfc too bee met feuball in ctb*r places: bpcaufe tbe piopbefie feas commonip nnou?e among tbe fccpic.Cbc ''tncahmg is , tbat although tbe bignttie of tbe Uingbome &erc femenme barhneo oj Bimmcb i»itb miflincffc : yet migbt tt neucr come too paffc , tbat anp nuffoi= fuiics couibe bttcrlp qucncbcit ,bp^ taufe d5oDo canole cj lampe burntb eucr there. vpon the. Cxxxij.Pialrne. 2Ig rt)crc,tt)ca3i)t fcDbefor,auboub ircoulo not be feene a farte of , Did notcDitt?rtan= Ding fljewe certetn faiuacto to tbe fauij= full/4mD trnlp tyzn fljonc little gleamcs of tbat canofc at jRcrufaiem, but nowc Dotb Cb»ft tbe bapfunne of rigbteoufe= nefle enlpsbtca vijc &?c;lDe feutb full bJigbtncu'e. iS CjD 4ptU clotbc W enemies sc] ILpUc asaft>ie,bce clotbcD tbe 0?:cfls i»ttb rigbtcouCencfc anD fo>ctfare:fo al= fo no«>e b:cciOtl)er!) IDautos enemies loicl> fbameinftcD of rapment. ;#ojm= afmucbe as it Sucre not inaugb too bee Socliat cafe inixurDlp ,cjcccpc^jo oe= fenDeobs alfj from oatvoarD fo:cc auD harote taking : now tberc is aDoeDtbis fecono pjomtfe, tetynin arfo d5oDs fas ttourc 00£l) oftentimes fljpne moje cleete bppon bs , tban ft>bea bee enricbeib ds Smi!) all Hpno of gooo tlnngs in peace. $01 tljc mo;e tbat ouc enemies t;#cat» mugs * terribieneffentp toe at tbe batt: fo mucb tbe moje aifo mud tbcp toafcen our fp:its tbattbep tnape take bclDof (5ods bdp. %nt> pet Snce bee fejarncb in tbtsp'-acc,tbattbe Cburcb (ball ncuer be in xacll at reft topon ea«b:but tbu tt (ball from muz to tunc be troubUD iutfy iunojp *nemies, i»bom ^>atban ccaCtftj not too fttr top too tbe Deftruction of it. W ut it is ioell foj bs,tbat fe>ce beerc at (©odd moutb , tbat tbep fball at iengtij retire fcmb fbamc ano npjtocb ,&>bcn tfeep i?3ue tvpeo all tbe ioapes too tbe fcjooo mfcaine. Cbattobtcbefoloioeti) ioonurfl-j S»?ffteobptbc interpreters. $ 0} tnafmucbe astfcebcrbe Pits.mtbe comugation Hiphii,figmSetb fomctimes to loose at: feme ttanflate it [SDauiDs Biabeme Ci^^il bee iocfctat in tbe fame fame place SEbcrebisboine fball bnDoe, siDtber fome Dertue it of ftics, Sclncb fig- mficti) a [piate:]as if it ljeD bin fapD,tbc litmgs eroionc (ball beguacring fcjitb piatcsef goto .But moje rpg?)tlp(in mp mogement) Dotbc be noio auoucbe tbat bis crofcjne (ball flouriibe, in tbe fame fenfe tbat be fpafee a late of tbebuDDmg of it . 2Ukcas comrarp&pfe ®fat. 28. i.lpUcnerb tbe Dmnfcen crofojnc of ©c pbjaim tooa ftjptaereD flourc. Slab fo fbaii tbe meaning be.tbat altb-ougbtbe JDpaDemc of JDautos pofrcntie fball eftentpmes bee occapable too fee too : pet (1)2U it bee rcnei»eo b\> a fecretc quitfeesipnge , fo 80 tt (ball flourplbe lrP cuer. The contcntes of the.Cxxxiij.Pfalme. It ts d rcioyringfor the holy concord of the people: to the cheyfljing whcYof one to -wards am tker, the Prophet allurcth all the fa itbfttll. The Cxxxiij.Vfalme. AuicJs fong of degrees. Behold how good and comly a thing it is for brethren to dwell euen togither. Lyke as the precioufe oyle vppon die head, that ronneth dovvne vpon the berd eue the beard of Aaron, which droppeth downe vppon the border of his garments. 3 Like as the dewe'of Hermon wh'iche falleth vppon the hylles of Sion: for there hathe the Lorde commaunded blifsing, and life for euer. 1 [iScboib bott S°ob 9C] 5! bont not tbe fo)b°lc peop!c,aftcr tbtp 5»cr gather bnt JbauiDS intet toas in tbis pfalmc to r co togubcr agcin ont of tbetr log ccnti; giue tbafes bnto goo foj p recocilsmct of nucb f fojoaful fcattcringr. 9 to cjeboMs 1 (Sccc.t). eurrp xtiuiiice v^uiuuicuuuic cucrpmanne tootle enbcuer ofmapn= tetmng peace. jfojttjeflanDeti) long (at leaftctoifc fofarrca0 the fl)Ojtencffe of tb,c$falme ftjoulDe fuffcr) bppon'tbe commenbactonoftt. 3mD not imtfyout caufe DDtl) be comenb <2?oDs grace &mi) bonozable title 3, foi gathering into one bobp agem # people ttjat toere mifcrablp btfmembereo.^f 01 after be bab obtcpneb tbe tungbome, bpcaufe be bab bin eftee= aieb a long time foj a common cnemie, t5)e greater parte Sx>ere flill fomeS»l)at ftraungebnto l)tm. |}ape ratberfeee bno'ise tbat tbe 3lcn7C0^t>creoiutbeb at Deablp Debate among tbemfelaes, foa0 tfyere foaa no Ijcpc of agreement, bat in tbe beftrurtion of tbeonepart. 3ltfoa0 tberfojc a tooonberfull ana bnlofeeb foi fcw k of (5ob , that tbep coutb fait toe a= greement $ embrace one another ,&>bicb bab contenbeb ftmb fo fringing batrcb. Cb«0 cfrcumfrance boo tbe tnterpietertf mifcoacrQ!p:a0S»bo&)Olb fap, tbat 3£>a= utb Dio generally anb S»ttbout bauutg epe to bmtfelfe, pzapfe agreement amog tt)ete^i(bi?pcr0of(i5oD. ainDfirftanb fozwoft 31 tbinH tbe abuerb [bebolb]to caric grcatefoice £>itb it: not onlpbp= caufe it lapetb tbe matter bcfojtc mcnn0 epc0,but aifo bpcaufe tber 10 m it a cer= tcin coucrt coparifon of tbe ciuill toarrc (toberbp tbep fo>ere almofr biougbt too bticrb'iuocbc)5»itbiopfullanD amiable peace. Chen amplpfietb be <2>ob0 grace, in refpert tfjat log experience bab taugbt tbe 3Ic\»c0 tbe better , boro incftimabie a beucSte bnitir is, bpcaufe tbep bab al- moft bnbonc tbemfelueo bp inward Di£> coise. xo\)icl) erpofition foconfirmeb bp tb2 particle Gam (tbat 10 to fap, [eucn]) {wl)ict) is put in tbe eno of tbe berfe. fo% tbofe interp;eter0 marre tbe iSiopbetea meaning, fotjltbc tabe tbe fame fojtbe copulattuc [anb, oz alfo], feeing tbat it mabrtb not a little bnto bebemencie: as if l>e bab fapb : fee tbat are bzotbcw bp nature, banc bin fs bakb afunocr , tbat Sbc baui ben mojtebateb one of an other tban of foicpn cnimirc. jfroiD tbcrfoze fee bofe goob a tying it 10 to foftcr tbat biotbetlp fcmete eucn in our barte0. i&p tbefrap it is not to bee boutco.but tbat tbebolpe (J5!joaeabuauncetb fottbbuc cammenbauong tbe b^otbcrlpagreemet tbat ought to fiourtftje euen among all tbe cl)tiD;cn of (25ob : to tbe tntcnte tbat euerp man ftjoulb applp tys mpnb tber= bnt8o.H3ut if batreb renbe b0 afunocr, 0; bartbuming pluck b0a ftiDcr; footb= Ip toe fijall rematue b?otber0 fhit, tn re- (pert of C5ob : borobut bpcaufe See fbaU be but gobbet0 of tbe tufmembuo bO= bp,fc>ee (ball notbecaccountebati one. djcrfojc ipse 80 wz be one in 45ob tbe father anb Cbitfc bis fonncteue fo muft tonitie bee ftabltfbeb among b0 through mutuall agreement ano biotbcrlp ioue. 3 fat anp time tbe tlozo graunt $ |£>a= Fill a to returne from tljeir rebellion bn= toconcoz&,SDecmape giue <2>obtbantt0 Soitb t'.icfc ioojtD0.3On tbe meane feafon it becommctb bs too embrace aa manpe of tbem p.s fubmtt tbera ft luce gentlp t)Rto *H>'od. l^otnbeett fo^afmucbe a© S>atban cotinuallp rapfetb bp trouble^ fome fpirit0:lct b0 gatnftanb tbem,anl^ let b0 otiigcntip bolb ft'll aa manp ns peelD tbemfclues teacbable anb obebi^ cut 215 ut wzi moft nceoo lettbefoitfuli fou at0ne,bt£b 2Dauio commenoctb muft begin at tbe lafofull beab. xobcrbp is fuffici= entlp otfpieticD tbe IraubnefTe of tbe |^apt(}0 ,it>bicbebpb?apbb0 fpitfullp 5»ui) fcl)tfmc0 anb btffenttons,a0 tbou- gbe tt%oerenotTuffictcntlpapp;oueb on oure bebalfc,botocioee befire notbpng clfc.but tbat tbep ftouibe confent ftnttj D0 bnto tbe tr utb of <*5oD , W.)i(\) is tbe onelp bonbe of bdpe anb inuiolable b= mtte. 2 [ILibea0tbep?eciou0opleafc]lDas uto bootbe openip conftrme tbe tl)tng 31 tolo pou cuen nour.tbat is too iuit ,t bat tbe true bmtieof b^ctb^nbatb bis be? ginning of d5€)5D, anb tbat tbe latos fullenbeof tti0 , tbat all mennc fboulD fooifbtppc (0ob purelp , anb call bpon bpmfeptb one confentc. ^o; tofc)bat purpoft; boiroioetb bee tbe fpmtittube of tbe boipe Ople , but tbat iftcltgson fboulbe alt»ape0 baue tbe roomer %s if be fboulbe fap, it fejerebut an bnfauc= rpe peace t'qat mrnne fljeulbe beepe a= mogtbefeluci.ejcceptuSDercperfumcb &ttb vpon the.Cxxxiij.Flalme* \? iuttl) tt>e fern or good t'erutce. #}o«j tben ioe percepuc.tbat men muff bs fo UnUeD togttber i»ub mutuall torn-, asal of the muftbebnber *H?obs gouernauncc. 31 s foj them t^at IpUe not tbis conoiaon, tt is better tojbstoo fpibte ficrap ioitlj tbem,tban to purchai'e tbetr peace fejttb tbecontempteof <£>oo . ^fczfcjccmuftc bcare tins tn mpnbe, tljat in t!;c pcrfone ot tbe }32tefi,bere is fljcroeo boioetrue concozb floractb from tbe true anb pure religion 02 fcrutcc of <2joD : anb atfo tbat bp tlje p2icfts bearbc anb tbe bttcrmofte bozbersof l)t0 garments isbctoUenco, tbat tbe peace n?btcb iffuctb fromCbzift tbe bcab,t0 rt)eD abzoBe as far anb foipoe a3 tbe cljurcb? ejctenbctlj. Cbe otber 0= mtlitube i»birh is bojoweb of tbe bcavu that fallecbas Swell Ppon &?ount!$crs mon a0 bppon mounts i£>pon : G;cwetb tbat goblp conco2b not cnlp \fit\) a fwcte fent afozc (Sou, but alfo b2tngctb foojtlj profitable frutes, UHc as tbe oeaw pecU Detb fappe anb fop3ontoo tbe caribe bp mopflmg it. xoct UnovoeSubat S^opfc0 fapetl) of 3!e«>2p> boft> tt is not iphe auiD tljenabmomfljeb tbcm, ttyat trje Iffz of man (ball be but Icanc * bnrrem, pea ana iojtetcbco alfo, tf it bee not cJjc= rifbeb tattb b?otberlp agreements %i is ccrtcpn tbat mount Sermon foas fat anb battling : foz it is renoumcD among tbe pafture grounbes. 2!nb tbe cbcefe plentuoumcu~eofbtlic0 commetb of tbe Dearoe from beauen : Swbtclje tbmg S»a0 apparant mougb m mount g>ion. 3Uft= Ip IDauio abbetb tbat <0oo comaunbetb [bltfTpng] 02 bluTebncffc to bee fobere peace is mapntepneo : tbat is to fap, bee Sottncffetb bp abubancc of al gooD tbtn= gcs,bon?c grcatip tt plcafctb inmtoben men Hue in bntticanb be of one mpnoe. Cbiofentcnce batl) fdaule foiloweb in other Soozos.z.Co^i^ 4-9- faping, 115 e at one among pour fcU ue0,anb tgs <©ob of peace iuill bee &>ttb pou. JLctttstbcnenbruer Ca0 mucbas in fcs Ipetb) to mabe roome fo? biotfjcr= !p cencojbe, tbat d5oDs bltfTmg may alfo reft among bs. yea Icttc ns befpzouflp flretcbe out our atme's to imbzacc tbcm Salad? areatoDDrsSriitb bs,if fo bee it that tbcp rcfufc not to returne into tbe tmitte of faptb- 3nD if anp kickz attos, let P0 bib tbcm farwell. fop as Jt baue fapb,S»emuftbaueno bzotljcrfjooDbut teiti) tlje cljiiDzcn of #oo. The Contents of the. Cxxxiiij.Pfalme. It is an exhortdcion to prayfe God: -which though it belong generally to aU the godly :yet is it peculiarly direBed to theprfts andleuits. The. Cxxxiiif. 7-falwe. 4jjAgj Song of degrees. Behold, pray fe ye the Lord all ye feruants of ^^vg the Lorde, which ftadinthehoufeofthe Lord by night. ^»H^^2 Lift vp your hands vnto the Sanctuarie , and prayfeyecthe Lord. 3 The Lord that made heauen and earth,blifTe thee from out of Sion. i [2Scbolbp?apfepec.«c.]S»omein= tcrpjetcrsfuppofc tbatfcttb ibc3leut= tes arc cop?chenDcD tljcottjcr fcjojfljtp: pers of (Sod alfo. 3nb certcfte 3B gtaut tbat ccrtamc ©f tbe people Subtcbe incre mojefcruent in ?elc tljan otbers, abobc all nigbt in the temple ipfcc as in Jlufee. Ltf.iiUs fapec of ainnatfje fciboibe, that fbc cccuppco htrfclfe in p?apir.g co? tmualip botb nigbt anb bap. j&ut tt ap= peeretb bp ttjc cno of tbe pra!me,tbat tbe pzopqct cjcl)o:tctb none but tl;e p?ccfis. JTQl\)cz cnbttctbtinto tijema fojmeof bltfring.fcberrcttl; to pzap toj, tlje com; mon foeifarc: icrjtclj cljargc fens miop=. nco onlp to tlje pzecfts. ^Ijcrfoxe J m- terpzet ■<-•;> tcrputtr,tl)atti)cicutte0 arc calico of <2?oo0fcruant0,bpreafonof their office to which thep frcr apomteo, ao trulp it feu© c!)icfl-;> tljcir charge to fratebe in p temple all night, ano that bp turnco ac= coding a3 the far rcD ftojncs fljcio . iLc= utt.8. 35. 3ln3 therefore bptlje Demons ftnutue [bebclD] he tyingctl) tl>cm as tt iucr to a thing pjefeut, buaufc it becatn tl)em to be tijc moze ftirrcb to tl)e cj:erct= fc0 of goblincffe, bp the bebolbtng of the temple, further tt i0 too bee notcb foz lobar pttrpofc tljc 0 zopbet is fo bufp in fiirrtng them to pzapfe acri&fe , fo ao <£ob0 pzapfes map be fet fooztb . %s it be (l)oulo fape, pee tbpnue tt a pcpnefull matter , tljat iubple otljcr men fleepe in tljcir houfc0, pou ft&nofraUtng all night in tljc boonc bp the p?uft tn the Cbitrcbc. 31 nb to bltffc the people toas cntopncD too them in refpetfetbat thepbarcthepcrfonof CbJiftc apo?e= oucr, not bn6tlp are tljcfc tfeothpngs fet bofrnc btfttnctlp : namelp that botbe tijepanb alfo dE»ob,toho is trjc maHer of hcaucn ano earth, fliolD alfo bltfTe. Che title of[^abcr 0? Creato?]ts fet boton to bcto&c gobs puifTancc,that the faith= full map be bolb to hope fo; anp thing at *<5obs hanb. ;tfo;t frljat clfe is the frojlb than tl;c mp?rour of bis infinite poxrerr' foasthep are tootoo biocbtCbe, i»i)tcbc thlnKe it not fnougb fo? them too hauc the fattour of him, at frhofc commaun^ bement tbc? fee all things to be, anbin frhoic hanbe thep fee all fop jon to bee. ^owbettfo^afmuch as at the hearing of the name of [Crcato?] manp iooulb bef= papje of eucr coming at ob , as thou= ghc he fo> ere to be fougbte a great ioapc off: Cberfojtc the ^>?ophct bath fet bc= fo?e their epeo a pleoge of hto ncrcncffc, fo as thep map bee bolDe to pzcace famts Jfarlp anb bolblp bnto him, tbhotnc thep pcrccpueto allure them bntoo hpm no leffegcntlp, than pf hec piofercbthem bio Jfathcrlp lappe . Chen in bechou bpng of the l^eaucn , thep acUnofes lebgc d5ob0 mpghte anb power : anb tn bio broellpng place of £>ton , thep ac= Imowicbgc hts fathcrlp tone, The Contents of the. Cxxxv.Pfalme. It is an exhortation tofmg Cods pray fes, fdrtly bycaufe be bad yont- fafed vpon the.Cxxxu). Pialmef, zi 3 fdfed fiitguhw grace vjon his cbofeu people : and partly bycaitfe bis tnygh- tye power and gljrye a e in the whole worlde . *Aif) there is added a inatcbyris of contraries betweene idollcs, whkhe are but y a ine forgeries of the Godbcade : and the Gad of lftdell> who by affured and cuidente teftiwonics bathe proiicd himfelfe to bee the true and onely GOD : that the godly maye bee ledde the more cheer e fully to pray fe God, and to yclde them Jclues vnto his obeyjauncc, The. Cxxxy.Tfame. Rayfe yc the Lord. Prayfethe name of the Lord,ye feruants of che Lord prayfe ye him. > Yeethat ftandin the houfeoftheLorde,inthecourtes of the houfeof our God. 3 Prayfe yee God, for the Lorde is good : fmgyee vnto his name, for it is a fvveete thing. 4 For God hath chofen Iacob too himfelfe, and Ifraell for his ovvnc cheefe treafure. t [}3?apfc the name sc] aitbotiglj ttycre b;e in a manner no Difference in feoc^asbetwenc trjc beginning oftljis pfalme $ the beginning of the laft pfalm: pet notivirrjftabtng tlje pjopljet mtgbt fceme nofe to etbojt not onlp tbe leutts, but alfo tbe febole people. jFo; be rcch= net!) bp t!)ccaufe0 of pjapfing (5 £> 2D febiclj ougljt to bearc fwap feub all tl)Z goDlp ingtncFall.Beitbcr fpcafectb bee of tlje continual! ftanDing oftbemgljt- featcl)C0. H5nt fojafmucbe as it feas tbe peculiar cbarge of tbe pzeefts,too go befojef rcfibcw m tl;i0 ejeercrfe of lftc= Iigion,anDas it feere too ting ojgme out d5o&0 pjtapfe0t)nrofbcm;itfeilbc no abfurbitic tbat tbcp be firfr calico anb fpnrrco fojewarb too Doo tjjeir butties. 3lnD febofocuer fejll fecp tbefeoo?D0 fomefebat necrlp jfpall fee tbe people raatcbeb in y fecoo rank feitb >> p^ccfts. foi t\)t pjtop'jft fpcaHctl) to v0oD0 fcr= uant0,6tft ttyat ftanb in bis tcmplc,anD feeonblp tbat ftanb in bis court0,febcr= 80 in the former pfalme tljcrc tpaa mabe no mentio of any courts. 3inb be femctb to tjaue fct Dotcne courts in tbe JMurall number , bpcaufe tljc 0?ccft0 baD alfo 1 tbeir eotirt:anD tben feas tljcre anotber 1 common court foj *" *he people, febom tnelawe %euit. i6.i7.fojfcnbcD tbe en= tcrtng into tbe £>anctuaric. a^ojeouer leaft tl)i0 Doctrine o^ crbojtacio to pjaife (0ob fo often repcteb mapc tying feeert= neffctfec muft beatc m mtnb tbat xotyrt) fee tjatie fapb bccrtofo?c:namelp tbat no facrificepleafetb b"» mo?e, than feben feec tcftifieour tbanfefulncffe tofearD0 rum,e?ccozbing alfo a0 fee baue fecne in tbe pfalme 50.14. £)rrcrbnto<15oDtbe facrift?c of pjapfe anb pa? tbpbofec© tontotbcmoftbtgbeft-3llfointbcpfalmc ii6.n.febatreccmpence fball3J mabe bnto tbe %o'M fo£ all b»0 benefits r* 3! feillrccetuctbc cup offaluacion anb call fcppcu tbenamcoftbcilo^bc. ainbtbc places tbat boo notablp , cralt tl)i0 fpir U tuallfcruifearetobemarUebabuifeblp, to t!;e intent fee mifpcnb not our labour in tnfles tljiougb anbntowarb tnbeuer to feruc i!5oD,a0 tbe moft part of menne Doo: febo omitting tlje cbeef fooltfl)lp muent anb patcljc tbmgcs too tbe fermcc of (0oD anb tire tbem felues inbapne . Cbc reafon febv tbe l^olpe (ffifboft botl) fo often beat bpon tbe feo?D [p;< pfc,] is tbat tb»0 butic of goolpncfTc fboulD not feare colDe o; out of eftima; ttofeitb toS./rtcucrtbelcfTc betberwitb^ al alfo oucrtl)ioartlp tnuntcrrj our floros Ceec.tttj. neffe, lohn famines Commentane nefTe : foi among fucbe as arc Diligent anDi»Umgoft!)cinfci«e«,Icu*cc]cf)o^a= ttonfeoulb*: feme. ao f apb f <5cb iumfclf is goob : o? clfc bp= caufc tt ts a facets tbpng too Cms tonto €>ob. j^otivitbftan&tng t!)C &>o?bencg= min Ggmfittl) p?9p?dp [cotnelp, feme!?, o? beautiful]: anD here tlje general fenfe Soill fit the place belt, 4- if o? <©od batb- $c] hereafter bee gatberctbctbcrrcfons fcpon t!)egoucr= nementoftl)cfeo2tt>e Ssbpmen fljoulbe pjapfe <£fob. i^ofc/octt fo;afmuct)e as be coalse not be p?apfcb as tljen bp snpe o= tber tban bp tbe offp?png of 3ib?abam, to &>bomc onelp be £020 hnovrne : Cbe pjopbet piopoanDetb matter tonto tl^m 5 m tbat tbep toere ebofen to be dpoos pes cultarpcople.3iabtrucip tbat tbep one= ip Snere aooptcD nnb all ttjc (©entiles o- ucrflipt,fe>as an incomparable bene fite, &bcrei»ub tt became tbem to bauc bm rauifbtD d mfiamcD to giuc bun tbatts. :#o?bp afcrtb:ngtbcp?apfeof Cledtcn unto d5oD, U)c p?opfjct Dotb tbem plains ip to bnbcrftanb, tbat tbep S»er notp?c= ferreb fe? tbctr ofom tocrtuc, but btcaufc tbctr beaucnlp iffatber trnb?accb tbem Seitb b»s free loue. Cruelp bee bpnbttl) all menne bnto bim toitbout exception, fuffcring bis funnc tdrpfe baplp bppon tbc goob anb tbc bab, fllpatb- 5.45. but at tbat tptnc be bounb tbc of %- b?abam bnto bun S»ttb a flreptcr bonbe: UUc as bcootb at tbts bap, bnto as ma= npe asbecaboptctbtnto btsflocke,anD graftetb tntotbc bobpeof bisonclpbe= gotten forme. For I knovve that the Lord is great , and that our Godisaboueall Gods. The Lord doth all things that he Iifteth in heauen,and in earth,in the fea,and in all depthes. Making the clouds to come vp from the vttermofl: of the earth, hee maketh lightnings vnto rayne,bringing the vvynd out of hisfe- cret places tbe intent b?e mt'gbtfftr bsbp tbe tuo?e eftcrtuaitp, bccallurctb b£ bp bts otonc cjcample too tbc HnoroJegc of il&'obs glo= rp:o? rather bee cbafhjctf; ourfluggifb= ntfTe,in tbat &>c be not bcebfull tnougb too confibcrtr. OI5p tbcfcconb member S»c gailjcr mo?e certein?p itje tbmg tbat 31 toucbeb eucn nowc : namelp tbat tbe fb ?opbcts purpofe is to bolb tbe 3! frae= lits :n tbe ferutfe S frarc of tbc one gob, bpcaufetbat ibe famctf5obir>bitbebab mabe tbe cournant feitb tb/tr fibers, ts tbe bcrp maker of beauen anD cartb. jroi after be b^b uamcD l^m rlje 2Lo?b: immcbiatl? be atbctb tbat be is tbc gob of 3ifrael. wbcrupp folowctb, f as ma- np as ficp afioc fro t!)is goD,bo falflp p?e tenD I name of (0ob, lihe as at tbts bap f jficfrs f Itiuxhs bo,&bo tbougbtbep p?ofcfTc tbcfelucS to rco?Q)tp goD j crca; toz of f it>ojlD,pet bo tbci notbfg els tut trifle, jfojt i»bcre menne brpart from tbe lavuanD tbc P a'l otbers to bee as beebcfull as btmfelfctbat becingfoa&encD tbep map hnoi»e tbe tbpng tljat is manpfeftc. tfoi altbougb no man comp?ebenb gobs bnmcafurab'cncfrc : pet ts bis glojpe (fo farrefc^trb as ts r jcpebtcnt)apparant inougbe bntoo DS, fo as all tbe SbojIDc isfcitboutc iuft pretence of ignorance. jf o;t fcbefocuer batbe tbe figbtofljea= ucn ano eartb,b°w tan bee fcjttbout cc= trcamc^otctif.ineflcpifrcoucrtbcfonn- Dcrof tbem ioUljbts epes fbet.-'Butto vpon the.Cxxxiilj.Pfalme. jftot&ntbout caufc tl^uioje Dcrljcibe 221 ibiopljctc clctbc (£5cD i»itl) tljatipcctsli tftie,iOti)C enD that the 3ifracJitcs map bolDetbemfetucoto t be true Dortrtncof rbeiLanj.jRf bpEiohimpeebnDcrltanDe the counter fet Cdods of the i^catbcn, tt fbalibce a graunttng: foz bnpzopcrlp fboulD he compare (£>oo to bapnc fczgc= rtcs anD things of nought. ^no tlje tne= ntng ftnii bee, that v0oi>e greatneffc t%- celietb fo far, that it b:mgcU) to nought frbatfocuer goDbcaD is fapncD befpoe. jftcaertheicfrebefecmcib too compjpfe the 2fingelle0, as 3i haue fapbe hereto? foze. foi although there appearc fotne DtuincncfTc in tbcm,tnafmuil)C as thep bccbeaucnlp powers anD pzincebocos: pet Doth ©oD biwfqlfc furmount them, fo as he c Uccpcth them in awe that ttjcp abace not his greatneffc. 6 [<£bc&ozDDooctbnll anD the ws'ers baefecncib aparwulur care, j^uenbrteffe tl>c c^ecf weight is m the wozd tf£hc holp (i&'boft auoucbeib that c5ob fcooihc i^barfocuer ttplcafeth htm. Sis foz tijc confufcD £3= tmnmnuwberot tt)ep pzaic cbmomp, tt tcn&ctb onlp too this enoc, that &ot> Dootb bnabuiiebip continue the o?Dcr of tbcwcztD. 3nD fobptbtsmcancobis ioilt 18 bjeugbt too naught- fW if hee wtlictb, then bathe bee botbe a purpofe anD an affurco mcane. xvberuppon t0 gatljcrcD hts fpectall pzouiDcncc S»t>tcrjc btfrrtbuutbtt fozce bnto the ruling of cucrp fcucrall part of the wo;lD , fo as nothing happeneth bp fortune , but all things (pea euen tbofe that feeme mod cafuall)are ruleD anD Dirctteb bp bis fc= crctpurpofcoz Determination. 2&nDal; though tt Ipe not m bs too Dtfcuffc wbp he wilt haue thofe tbing0 Doonc whiche are repugnant tao cur lonDcrftanotng : pa notwttbftanDtng onlcfTe SnceiD)tll plucfeebpalthe grounosot gccipncav, ihts mufte abpbc fafle fttll,that nothing happeneth fautng that k>bicb ^ob hath DctctmtncD ano bccrceD. 3ino although hts fetll bec btfiben from bs : pet bcho- ueth tt )os too haue the fame m nuerenb aDnurattcn as the iuclfpzing of all 3 »= fttcc anD npiightncffe.bpcaufe nothing ismo:emecte,than that ttfboulDbauc the cheefcphice of iff tmation among bS. 31 f the Keaocrs thmfee gooD, let them fcefef moze of tl)ts ome of ttjcljun&ieD anD fificnth IDfalme. •7 [^atitng thcCloubes.fc] Che p2053hettouchcth aparncularoitumtne iohcrcbp tt map tlje better bee bnocr= floobe,hoi» nothing ts moueD oftteion ficinoge, faumg fo farrc fooith as it ts gupbeb bp tlje purpofe anD banD of gob. ^nafmuchcthcrefojcas our fcittsnot able too ccmpZiljcnDc the tboufrmDtb parte of dDODswoo2bs : the pzepbete Doth but gtue a fmatcbe of a frca> e^am= pics here, i»hcrcm bcfcjoulb haue the thing tbjougblp fe^pfb . tohtch« h« taught concerning the hcaucnlpp2Ctu- Dcncc. m fapth that [the clouDrs rrc Ipftebpirom the bppcrmoftc parts of tlje earth,] bpcaufc the favours that rpfeeutct the earth, bccpr.g ciottereD togttl)tr, boo at length mo,Uc Clou^cs. Jputicho tootiiD tl)tnric t£ frjoulD come tco , that «hc bapcurcs iylitcl-c face fee (reaming bp a fam off, CboiwS ononc after Darken the fUpc, on; -hang oucr our heaDcs:' jt is tt)£iercze a dFcce b. notable lohn Caluines Oommentane BPtabfe Mool* of iSa30 ur.gbtp pavuer, that the triune ttapoura fajjicl); fteamc Op, ftfoulbe iou!)trt a tittle fcjbple after ouzrcaile ti>e Sabolc apje. Che p?o= pbete aDbeth (wbtclje thins auaplctb not a Ipttlc to tbemcreaftag of tljz mis racle) that ligbtentngs arc muco i»it!> the rapne, fabich tvoo things are bttcr= Ip comrarp. Jf tbi0 mingling of ttjc fpie ant) Soater S»«r; not Bnotaen bp experience, iobofcnulD not (a? itioere anmcrcQiblemonfter-/ C^efame rea= fon t0 of tije frpntio, ;ff oj although it beecertapne, that the mynoes arcen= gcnbjeo naturally ,anb tljat the J3l)ilo= fopber0 fh^ro the ojigmail of them : pet totbemanpfoloe tobirling about of the fc>pn&c0 the ScoonDerfull fcjao^Ue of d5^ JO. jfoeuwt&cleffe \}W oifptapeth not v5oD0 mipjhttcpotoct in fucbe fojte 80 the pbilolopber* graunt it, but bee meaucth, tt^at: there failed; no ojoppe of rapne from the ffcpc, iol)ic!jc 10 not b?e= peb oonme bp <£>oD0 ccrtapne oifpofmg. m mm confeffe, that $ £> 2D 10 the autboj of iRapnc,anDlpKefo)ife of the Cbunbcr anD the i»pnb0, bpcaufebee hath: once bpfpofeb dnoojocr m na- ture: but tbs ^joptjete paffctb fur= ther tjcerc : natnelp that a$ otte a0 it rapnctb,tbatcommetbnot toppafTc bp thcblpnoc tnftinrtc of nature, butbp= caufe (0 £> JD bathe fo appopnteb it, too i»bomc it bclongcth at hpfl bpf= cretion , too miUc the ibfepe clouDpe fcoben it is cleare, ano too fenbe elcare Jlpgbte agapnc bp chafing afrap ttye mpttcs. , ' ■ H He fmote.the fyrit borne of Egypte,from man too beaft. 0 Heiente foorth tokens and wonders inthemiddes of thee O E- gypte,vppon Pharao and vppon all his feruants. 19 He fmote great Nations?and flew mightie kings. ,11 Sihon king of the Arnorrhytes,and Og king of Bafan, and ail the kingdomes of Chanaan. 11 And gaue their lande for an heritage, men far an heritage ynto If- raeil his people. 8 [He fmote the firftebo?ne.$c.] St- gapne bee cntreatctb of d5oos peculiar bencfitea, tobercbp bee hab bounbe bt0 Church ano hi0 elccie people Unto him. ifor in 80 mucbe a0 hee birertetb bp0 talae too the faptbfull onelp : bee fct= tetbboamctbio aotbs cljeefc popnteof d5oD0 p^apfeo, that bee bathe aboptep a fmall number outc of all manapnbe, anb alfo that bee bathe fette bpm fclfe in their Defence, euen agapnft greatc I&tngbome0 anb puiffaunte /Rations. fo} looKe bofcje manp mtraclc0 <2>ob i»joughte, af%cll in Cgppte a0 in Chanaan ; fo manpe reco;oc0 Socre tbepof hpofatbcrlp lone tofo>arbe0bt0 chofen people. ?Jnb ioitycms bee fet= tcth boione the fleapng of the firftci borne of ^gppte in thefojmofjc place: hee Ueepeth not the ojber of the S^tos tie , but piopounbcth a notable cjcam= pie , feherebp it map appeare hoto pjes ciowfctijc Suelfareof theChtirche Voa0 bntoo (5 €) 2>, in refpecfe S»hercof he fpareo not fo greate ano fcjcaltbpe a IRcalJiu. 'Che effeetc to, that ©'000 tnpghtic potpcr, toogpther ioith W grace, toao inougb , ano m@>e than 1= nough iattnerreem the beliucraunce of hie people. 10 [l^ee finote great /Rations. «c] in: cotnmeth ootpne too the enbe of the belmeraunce.^Fo? C5 £> 3D brought nothio people out of <^gppte, too the cnbe too fo^fabe them bp anb bp in their Soanbering pilgrimage , but too the enbe too feale them in the pxompfco heritage. Che |5?ophete then becla= refh , trjat d5oo0 fauour &afl appa= raunt , ano alfo bi0 holoing out tna= ble too bee iocerpcb, cuen inthi0 be= halfe alfo, that after bee hab once rea= cbcb oute hpflhanbctoothccljilojcn of Ubjaham, \>,zz lebbcthem foojthftp^* anb eontinueb mattering of hio power, tntpll thep eniopeb thep^emifeb lanbe. ^wnorxir SflnD bee aDuoucbrtl) d5oD0 mpgbtie poloer, bpcaufe tljep obtcpncD not tbe quiet polTcflTton of tij: ILanDe, but bp man? flaugbtcrs. 21nD l)cc DtfplapecB vS cD0 gooDiicfTc bp tljis ctrcumftaunce, tbat bee pzcfcrrcD a rafcall rable before puiflaunte &fnge0 anD ftrong ^atps en0, €)ec menttonctl) tbe two icings &>ibon and £>g, not bpcaufe tl)cp were tbe mpgbtieft of -all tbe refte , but bp= caufe tfiep ioeremozc DzcaDcD tbanttje otbcr0, bp rcafon tbat tbeir Countrcp0 Socre fo elofeb in , tbat tberc was no commpng too tbcm : fpcctallp ioben tljc people tot re not pet euureD toptb fcatc0 of ft>arre. 3mD a0 a clofmg top of (0oD0 bounttc, tbepjopbetab- bctb,tbat tbe31fcaelttc0 obtcpncD tlje full poflefTtonof tbe JUnDc. 3lti0no lefTe iutfeDomc(fap£b onc)to keeps tban too get.31nafmucbe tben ao tlje 3Rfrae- lite© ftnre cnuironeD rounD about imtb mod beaalp eninue0, d£oD0 migbtp po= ioerappcarcbmofte of all in tl;at ttjcp Sucre ucttber DcftropcD no; Dziuen out : iobtctjc tb/»ns migl)t c bauc bappenro a buno?cDtpme0, if tbep baD not bemie maintetncD in tbetr peffeflton. 13 Thy name O Lorde endurcth for eucr : O Lorde thy memon'all is from generation too generation, 14 For the Lorde shall iudge his people, and haue remorfe vppon his feruaunts. 15 [CbPnamc j£> Hozbe. f c] %U tbougb tbere bee man? reafons S»l)P (25oos name ougbte too float fb al«?ape0 in tbe S»0ilbe: pet booty tljc §3zopbcte intreate becre , of tbe eternall pzapfe ioblcbc bee Defcructb anb purcbaccty too lumfcifc bp pzcfcruingbi0 Cburcb. ■froi bp anb bp is abbtD a rendering of tbe caufe : namclp,tbat (Son (ball inDge bis people. 3lnb truelp iphc a0 tbe iobolc ttJo:!oe is tbe fragc of d5oboe0 goobneffe , fo)ifeDoine,rigbrcoufcnefle, anb migbtic power: §>o i0 tbe Ctyurcbe tbe notabler parte of it , eucn a0 it iccre tye pulpttte. 3lnd tbeneerer tbat d5oD apzocbctb bnto bs,anb tbe moze famtliarlp tbat bee communtcatcty l»0 benefjte0 bnto b0 : fo muclje tbe maze beebefullp becemmety it b0 too ctcrctte our felue0 in tbe minDtng of tbcm.^ow fozafmuebe a0 tbe Soozoe [3luDge] a= mong tbe l^cbzues contctnetb ail tbe part0oftbe tuft anD lawfiill goucrnc= ment: 3! expound tbe futertencc too bee put f oz a contmuall oooing, as it oft= ttmco t0 trioont too be: anD tyerfoze tbat the welfare of tbe goblpi0infafegarD, mafmuebcas C5oD tabctb cbargcof it. sDnlefTc percbauncc tbe pzopbctcbaue fct bovonc tbe future Cpme fo; tlje noncc,tbat wee map learnctoo fufpenoe our ijopc in afflulior.o, anD not too bee DiftnapeD if at anp tpmc it fecme too bee negledcb anb fozfafcenof (5oD : bpcaufe tbat bofr fo eucr bee irp&c awap \)?s belpcfoz a time, pet after beefectb b'S fcruaunt0 too bee bzougbtc lou?c p= nougbe, bee fbcwetb bim fclfe tbeir Dc= fenber in Due feafon. ifteityer Dootbe tins erpofitieu miflpfet mce , bpcaufe it is a nuclpboobe tbat tbe$zopbetcoi= lucetb too tbe faping of <29opfe0.2Deut. 32.36. 31n S»l)Ofc Sdooz-dcs alfe bee citctbit. iFoz ^opfr© mmoingtooaf: ftoagc tbe fozrow Sob^bc tbe people CbculDfutTerbpreafonof <15oD0 fcour= gc0: bcclarctb tbat «©ob iooaloe iubgc his people , fo as bee ioouioc rclecue anb oefenbe tbcm i»bcn tbe? Socrcmi- fcrablp aulirteb. Cb^t botb bee novo (tobatfocucr bee Sr»a0 tbat Sr»a0 au= tboz of tbe ^Malme) applp to tbe conti= nuall beboofcof tbe Clmrcb : Declaring tbat ©ob frill neucr fuffcr tbe Cburcb too periCbe bttcrlp , bp tbe abolpfijtng ioberof bee fboulb ceafc too be fcmg. 3i0 fo; too cbaungc tbe time of tbe bcrbe fa* to tbe )3zxtcrtence, as tbougb (25oo IjaD befenbeb b'.s pcopu agapnft tbe Cgpp= tian0 : it i0 a coIdc Deuifc, anb far from tbetcjcteof50opfc0 anDoftbt0pfa'»tf» 5roz tbe iooozDe nscham among t^e i^e= bzuc0 figmfictb ^0 fecll too [baue res mozce,] a0olfo too taHccomfoztc.wbP- tbcrfccucr i»ap pe tafec it,tbe fenfe iutll ttanbebcrp Socll. ^roz asoftcas d5cD become bccommctbatone &:tb bis Cl)urcf)c, aUbougb tbcre can no cbaungeablcncffe ligbt bppou tjtm ♦. pet appeared) ttjcre a cljaangc in tbe ttymg it felfc. Cijcn flj ill be bee I'apoe too baue remote, fc>bcn fyz beginuctb too oeale maje gentlp S»itb h<3 Snivel), Wjam be baDtuftl? puni= fbcbinbis otrplcafure. 3tno be is fapDe too taac comfort o; pleafureof bts pco? pie, frbenbe remembering l)tseuerla= fling coucnaunt,plpetb tben i»itb con= ttnuall Kteretes after bee batb cbaftifeb tbem ioj, tlje turning of a banoe : accoj= Dtng a©bee faptb tu4]?fap.5+. S.Cbe effect i0 this, tb it (Sodo Dtfplcafurc to= x»arD0tbefaptl)uiUlafrctb butaiBbile, ano tbat S»bcn bee punf fbetfc tbetr of= ftncej,bcremcmb:ctb'.)tsmercp in tbe mtoocs of anger, accoxoiag as Slbaeuk teacb:t').3-2. 2Enb fo to <25cb papntca out bnto bs bnbrr tbe 8)ape of man, jpoj be is cnbueo Jo>tr!) fatbcrlp afferti= on, i»oen bee tatsetlj borne bis cb;!B?en tbatbadbcfertttb rob: tbutft out of tbe bojes ; bpcaufe be can not be pJncfeeo as Syap from bis otone bovu Jllcs, 3ts if be CboulDc fap, tbat <£>od is merctfull bnto tbe faptbfull, bpcaufe tbcp bee bis cbtU Djcn , anb bee i©pll not maUe bim fclfe cbilbclcffe, anb unallp tbat be is tberc= foje eafte too bee reconcplea , bpcaufe it is bps beligbt too cbetiuj tbofe fa>etc= ip, i»bombcc acUnoSDleogctb foj b£S cbilbjcn. i<; The images of the Heathen are filuer and golde, the vvoorke of mans hands. 16 They haue mouth and fpeake not,they haue eyes and fee not. 17 They haue eares and heare not : yea there is no breath in their mouth. iK Let them that make them bee lyke them,and vvhofoeuer trufteth in them. 19 Yee houfeof Iiraell prayfe the Lorde, yee houfe of Aaron prayfe the Lorde. 20 Yee houfe of Leui prayfe theLorde,yee that feare the Lord prayfe the Lorde. 21 Prayfed bee the Lorde from out of Sion, vvhiche dvvelleth at Ie- rufalem. Prayfe yee the Lorde. if [Cbe images of tbe. fc] 5Fojaf= mucbeas all tins parte of tbe fMalme batb ben ejcpounbeD in anotber place, it iocrc moje tban ncroetb too ftanbe long bppon it : ano tbe repetition iooulo bee papnefulltoo tbereaocis. «flnD tljerfoje 31 Smll but Itgbtlptoucbctbc ^jtopbets meaning tn fei» (sjoojds. Jf cp tip taun= ttng tbe blocKiflmclTe of tbe beatben foj Hotbclccumg (0OD too beencere bnto tbem, ejecept tbep refajteb toeioql0,bee puttetb tbe Ji fracltccs in mum bofcj no= tablp Socll tbep l)aD ben Dealt S»itb, too tbe intent tbep migbt boloetbemfelues mojcaDiitfcaiptoo tbe ftmpleano pure feruiccofC5oo,anDG)un all beatbemfb fupcrfl:i:io;i0. jf 0.1 in 'be enoebe conclu= Dctb,t!)at tbe mo;te labour anbeoft tbat tbe 3Boolatcfe bcftoiDemfcrmngtbctr ibols,fo macbe tr>r greeaoufer bamna= tton doo tbep purcbafe. 3nD furelp bis benounemgof fobojrible bcngeancea= Sjapnft tbe ioojfljippers of falfc gob0,is to tbe tntcnt tbat as manp as bz Icarncb in 45on3 lata, migbte bp tbeir example be frapeb atoap from it. 2BnD febcreaS tbe b«noieb ano fifteentb |5falme ejes bortctb tbem too truft in C5ob: be" ^e ^jopbet biDbetb tbem pjapfe on.%W) be matcbetb tbe Olenites too tbe b°»fe of 3iaron, bpcaufe of tbe ti»o ozbers of p;ieaboobe. mi otber tbingo clfe agree initb tbe fapbe. Cicb. ?E>falme, faumg tbat tn tbe lafte be rfe \)tn, t\jc |£>?opbet bim felfe p?apfctb <5od $»itb tbe tcfte of tbe congregation of tbe gootp. "Slnbbe faptb [from out of <&ion,] bpcaufe tbat tnafmucbe as v2?ob bab pjomtfco to bere tbe J. A 1*1.11111.. tlje requite* ot »i» tcruauntefl irom tbence,ano too Hire ac abzooe tl)e fwcete fenteof t)ts grace from tbencct^e ther- toitball alfo mmiftrcD matter of pzapfc. 21 Ub the reafon is aDOeD , namelpbp= caafe tjc Droeltetfj in Jcrufalcm. sobers op t0 nor mente anp grofle ox earthlp zz3 i Oing, as t&ough t0oo feme pent top m fo ftratgbt a lodging : but it mutt be re? fcrrcD to the fcnGbUncfTc of ljpj» grace. ^Foi experience teacbetb them, tbat al= though bis matcftle fill beancn* earth, pet is bee piefente toe bt0 feruaaiitjB bp power ano grace* The contentes of the.Cxxxvj.Pfalme. The 'Prophet e telletb ys tbat God is defrauded of the due fruit e of his bencfytes, tftbefitytbfull bee not- continually occupied in fettin^foortb bts prayfes. *And by commending bis mercy in eueryebone of his bene fit esy he teacbetb therewith all 3tb at God is net pray fed aright, tnleffe wee acknow- ledge tbat wbatfoeuer he beftowetb yppon vs3ts offreegifte. The.cxxxvi. Vfabne. Rayfe yee the Lorde bycaufe hee is good, for hys mercy endu - reth for euer. z Prayfe yee the God of gods,for his mercy endureth for euer. 3 Prayfe yee the Lorde of Lordes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 4 Which hathe doone great wonders alone, for his mercy endureth for euer. ? Whiche made the hcauens skylfully, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 6 Which hath ftretched out the earth vppori the waters, for his mer- cy endureth for euer. 7 Which hath made great lightes,for his mercy endureth for euer. 8 TheSunne too hauepovverby day, for hys mercy endureth for euer 9 The Moone and the Starres too haue power by night, for his mer- cy endureth for euer. i [^ozbtsmercp enourettj.fc] Jit map feemea toapnc tabling, in tbat bee repctetb this one perccl fa oft in fo (bo; t air? curiaiee fentences. ii5ut if oooe in- rermcDleo torrfes bee bozne toitlnll (oz ratber purcbafc pzapfeanD gooD Itfcing) in bcatben ^>»:tctj,tt)is repetition muft not fcemc fonoe, beeing grotmoco bps pon toerp gooo reafen. fej, although all men bee enfbzceO too confefle <0ods bounteo'.ifneffe too bee :be fountapne of ,11 gooo tbinges : pet is not bpe free TODonedc aci.noi»lcDgc5 purelp ano fubftanttallp : S»ben not&HtbftanDing, the Scripture alft>apes aliottctb it too the bigbeft roome of all. jBap rather, |2>aule fpeafeing of that inatter.lKom. 3. 2 3 . ootbe tn S»ap of pzcrogattue tearme it the glozp of 6ozfes, fonll not with = fta::&mg bet giotifieD ebecSp in bps nurcp. 2hiD it is cafie too gather bp the bolp ftczies, that h^ IDnuifcs appopnt= ment it tnas tafeen bp fo: a ruftome m fmgmg.tbat tb? Ilcuitcs ftyuio fing bp turncs , [foz bis mercp enourc tb foz euer.] jtfez botrje Salomon obferuco the 1 VI's lohn Volumes C-ommentarie clje turns ^emnomcmujeocotcinion of rb? C«»»Plc.2--Cljiontctf5.r7-'3 3t)£> 6. anO>aU'o JoTaJbat m tbutfolemnefong of butojrtiabicbj is meneio'ricD 'mtlje fame booJte.* o. * i. ii3nt bctoje tt)e pjo= pbet come to f reljcrfal of goO0 SuojHs: \)z cammenbett) i)i0 fouer erne oD0. 1&no tbtfefojc tlje *3:cpbcte fecmctb toobaueDfurpeo tbe plural numberff qj tbe nonce a0 iucll in ti)C feejDEiohimasm y &>0£D Arobim tf$l feojo foj £dco?d it t0 tbus: [pjtapfe pe f Ijc Iojds of lojbs:] as if t;e fboiD fap, tb* pee/eft fame lie of ail loiofbrp is not too pec fount} elUvljqre tyah i» tlje oneip one(0ob. 4 [W0!cbebatbe9oone*c.]215p tl;p0 name bee bctofcenct'n all (Bobs &02&S from t!je ieaft too tt!}» mcft.-fto tbe intent be map &>aken bs too feonber at tbem. jfo; bp reafon of oar aaggtfbncfTc tbep become little &>ojtb, iaficnas notvrub= ftammig,i«'c£l)C0ncof tbem tijerc are tngrauc notable marks, as SjcII of goos incrcotbU fonfoomc as alfo cf bis trutb . 3!nD bee anoncbetb t!>at <25ob alone baeb bcone anb bootbe ftljatfoeuer tying 10 iuoztljic abmiracion : to3 tbe intent toce map Hnoivc,ibattbvre cannot anpfc:op cf bis pjapfe (bee it necer fojirtie) bee idnofcup oucr anp Sbfofefietf elfe,i»it!)OUt tntcilcrab'le traptcreiifnefTe , fcpca'nfc tbat ^trben^jc baue bterocb fjcsttrn anb cartbtb;ougbout, fee fljallnot fhbanp feb^re anp fpiceof<0o&!)eaD,tbatfc>ee mapc iopnc fcntb hm as bi0 mate 0% companion. 3ftrw&roI)ce cammenbetb gobs iutfeoome in oncravttcttl^.i:namc= Ip iljat tfje beauens are fet togtt!;cr fettb fo grrat Saoojfctnan&tp , acr tamtbep tbcmfclues erp out, t5jat tbrp? bmr.% DccUeD Scab fo beanttfnll bt&mriton 10 bp fejon&erfull meanes. 5f rom tbenee ber commrfb botone too ib* cartbe,tl)at ioee map icarnctoo mhgmfpe tbt0 no= table ana rcno&meb fejjsrKc of (jpoa alfo, in fpieaomg o»j;c ;f Ijc bare ano bjpe Icueli of tl)eeartl|Uppon tbefoa= ters.. Jro^inafmticbiastl): Clemcn= tesare fbapeb in Ip^encd; of arounbe ^oulc,ci)e isjaters Suoulbc naturallp onercouer t!)2 eartbe, pf thepS»ere not feept feitbm tijcirctoiureSjbpcattfe it is u5otia^?Ul toogiue manfeinoe a bvoeU ' ling glace: anbtbis arc ti)t |£yi)piofos pbers t apne too pattc among tl;etr p;in= crples. Cben is tijps fp;cabing oute of tljc cartbe , ano tbps bopbe fpace 5o\)lt\)Z to not ouertobei'"^ &>£*&. fea= ter , i»oo?tbc!p accOtmteo among tbe cbcefeof ^obs mpjaclcs. 3nb it is al= . fo tb^reiDttball afcnbcD ^000 grace : foj tbcre ioas no reafon f»bP be fljottloeopfplacc tbe festerSifrom ttjeir pjopcr feate , but bpcaufi:tbatcrbi0 infinite gocSncHe tyz ment to pjouioe foj men. i 7 \_xo%it\) Wh mabegrcst UgfytSM.] .^eepngtbat ^cpf:s calletb cbfiutine aub tbe ^oone tbe tfeo, great ligbte0, 3i boubt not but tbe $?opfycte ba(b fo- lofeco tbe fanse raaner ef fperebc. % nb tljcrfojc tl;at Ssbtclj l)e aobeib itnmcMs atlp after concerning tbe £>tarrcs , is an acceffone o? income, ^nb aiiljongb tbeotljcr pianettes cyccll tbei^oone inbpgnefle: pet not i»itbent caufc 10 it namco the feconoe Ugbte , bp; reafon cf tbe manpfeft eflcctc ef it. fox it i»as not tlje l)Olp <0l)Ofr0 tnc&ning too teacb aiitrologic. H5ut fojafmacbe a0 bee toas about too fet foojtl; a bottrine tbat fbculbe bee common , etten too eucrp of tbercbeft 3!biote0 : be fyabe bon»clP bptbemontbsof^ofcsanboftbcp?o= p^ctc0;ieaft anpman migbt Qnmnc it tnDer pretence of Difncultp, acco^opng a0 face fee bote men raugbte notbpng mo?e greebelp tban pretence of igno= rauncc, if tljc tbP"3 »bat i0 intrcatcb cf bee oucr Ijv^c arO bP&&cn. 211= tljeM? tijen'tbat tijc |3lsncte &a* turncb:: bpgacrtban tlje S^oone, pet notfetrbftanofng fo? afmtub a0 it is net epparaant too menncs epes bp reafen of tbefarrcbiCaunceof it frombsi ibc holp (^boflc cbofe rather after a fojte to rpon me. ^xxxvj.naime. 224 mintoii : biubpcauieCUoostDonoertuU baufbolQ 02Def Ojinctb foztb m that Dp= Unbutton. 3 no truetp febcn the funne rnlpghtcnetb tbc earth fcuth Ejts bztgbt? ncflc m the Dap time, anD toe 4ai}oone anbtbc flarrrstn tl)c npgbt time, the? peclDe (a0 31 map term* itj bcmozable fcrutce fcnto (Soo. Uammcr.tban to tt)ct top tnctoap ot ur= ning from tbc totilgar anD DnlcrncD fo2t. £>f the fame fute alfo is that &>btch the pzopbet aDDttb thcrtpitb> that gob hath partcD £ turncs of tbc fun f the moonc tnozber, fo as bee bathe ft t the one ouer the bap, ano the other oucr the nigbtc: not that tbcp eniop anp iozDcfbtp 02 00= 10 Which fmotc the Egyptians in their firfl borne, for his mercy en- dureth for cucr. 11 And broughteout Ifraell from the middes of them, for hys mercy endurethforeuer. 12 In aftrong hande andaftrcyned outarme, for hys mercy endu- reth foreuer. 13 Which diuided the red Sea into diuifions, for his mercy endureth ror euer. . , 14 And made Ifraell paffe through the middes of it, for his mercy en- dureth for euer. And ouerthfe vv Pharao and his hofte in the red fea, for hys mercy endurethforeuer. And ledde his people through the vvildernefle,for his mercy endu- reth for euer. , , 1? 16 10 [tDfytchc fntote the Cgpptfanste their fir (ie bazne. f c] ©omc tranflate the Utter bctfa [i»itb trjctr firfrcbozne.] but tbc fozmct tranfiation fecmeth too floio better .j^cueribclefrc.cjccept a man tt(icbteonM&eafcrmon,ttiacrcfupcr? flaoustoo flap the reaoers heerc faith mattp SsoozDcff. ;foz h«re id nothing fcbicb bathe not ben intreateD of afc;e. XnDit istruelp fapbeof htm, that the (EgpptiansSscre fmttten intbetr firfte boznc, bpcaufe that although tbcp i»ere often jmt in fearc faith the other plages, pet Dpd tbcp nor ccafe reo rage fttll in tbcirfiXibboznncffc.tontill this laft plage. tamcD oz quapleo them, fo as tffo$ gauc place bnto (Boa. 31 nb bpcaufe he pur; pofco mi too rcchca top all the m;p;a= cles one bpenc in o;Dcr,bce compzpfcD the fabGletn one faozDe, fcptng that th; people i»as bzongV;t out of tbcmrDDcs! 0! faerc on-all fiocs.tbcrcfaasnp u)ap fozthem ieofcapc.o'ut,'btit bp the' faonocrfnU faozktngcf 0oD. 1£bcfiV milituDcof [the annc ftrepncD out] is bcrpaptc. foi faeearenot;faoonrctoo ftrcpneoutourarme but fallen faecal tempt fomchafD 02 Difficult thing. Che meaning tbcrfeze is ,y gob tofeD no light hanD, buttotreD bzspofaer after nn ton= faontco mancr tn Bcltuermgbts people. H [HJ.hwliDiut.Dcd the Kb fca *e.]i£>f the S»ozDe suph y banc fpoken hecrcto - foze, anD therefore 31 make no mccncffc too tranflate it [the rcDDe fca] 2JnD bp: caufe the ^zoph'tfpeaUcth of Diuifions 02 partes in the plurall number: fomc of the 5$ cbzucs contctturc.thnt there facrc mo paffages than one , arcozbing as their gupfeiqt too trpfle toppon matters tmknowen, anD too marrc the fabolc Scripture faubxbctr glofcs. /ftouj aU though fuebe topes arc iroztljp too bee laugbeD at : pet tbcrfattbal it to mete to Dctcftc them alte. ^o? no Doubt but the iScibbmcs frcrc inbuccD b'trbnto bp the ^ot'.tr.cffe of |i>atban, too Ccfacc the crcGitc of the fcrtptures.i^oyfcs nuotir chcth opcnlp * platntpjtbat the&ci(crs f!o*Dc tn banfecs o; heapes on nth^r for i»herbr^oc ga*hcr, th*:t there to is bin one Stoholc l'pace tbzeu§b out. Uc>utfcis Bfmach Iohn Ciluines Commentarie ai'mucrje ks £ people matched tn troopcn ar-o notfeatwirtg one after anatbertbp reafon of tt)S bioanc fle of the S»ap tob c r in tl)i nteiuhb domett marches ac cafe foHtb their tjoafcljQlD and cartcli.f pio= pbet fowl) gooo feill tcrmetb them Dtui= fion0 m refpett of the men . .foz this ctr- cumftancc of bcbolbing tl)c fcagulfs oj?cd farrc anb iapoe , fo as there fo>as plapne fcapc fox the people toomarcbe fozewarb ^oU togitber in tbnr tropes bib not a little increace the bcncSic of vl53D.'Cbi3 alfo mafcetb further too the confirmation of the benefit , that anon after, J&4iirae foas bzouneb. ;tfoztbe Diuerftttc fberocb that it bappenebnot bp an? fecret motion of nature, that the onefoztcpmfbcb anb the otbft paffeb tbicugb fafe anb founb. CbiS Difference tbcrfcicmabedfJabomcrcp apparent in fauing b* 0 people. Chat fc>btcb he tons cheb m one &>3:b(nauich> that [<5u>2> guioco bto people tn the ioiloerncffe) hath a large fcope. JFoz there nebeb ma= n^> anb funbzpe miracles, foz the leabing of that life foitic pcrcs togtther in a place that Soas bzaugbtte and fcantcb allrelccfs of life. 3Bnto this place tljcrc- faie muft bee conucpeb fubatfoeucr rc= cczbsofdSobs goooneffe anb mistype power are recUencb bpbp, that he feb his bungrte people Suit b b :a= uenlp foobe, that bee commaunbeb ioa- ter too flofoe out of the rocbe j that hec (heltercb them bnbera cloub from the hcatc of the *&nnne,tbat bee gaue them atofeenofhis pzefence in the pilfer of fire, that bee Kept rapment febole front Shearing, that bee befenbeo them anb their little ones tonber y coucrt of leaues fo>bcn thep Soanbereo as banifbeb fola, f that bee ttiti innumerable other things foztbein&lncbctbe reabers mapftaoe out. 17 Which fmote great kings,for his mercy endureth for euer, li And flew migntie kings,for his mercy endureth for euer. 19 Sihon kin^ of the Amorites,for his mercy endureth for euer. - 20 And Og the king of Bafon,for his mercy endureth for euer. 11 And gaue their Lande for an heritage, for his mercy endureth for euer. 22 For an heritage too Ifraell hys feruaunt , for hys mercy endureth for euer. 23 Which was myndefull of vs in our low eflate, for his mercy en- dureth for euer. 24 And deliuered vs from our oppreflburs , for his mercy endureth for euer. 25" Which giueth foode vnto al fl esh,for his mercy endureth for euer. zC Prayfc yee the God of heauen,for his mercy endureth for euer. 2 3 [which fe>as minbful of bs in our mifcrics, fo>a 0 a moic notable pzoofe of his gracious fauour.tban to haue cberi= fljcoihem infafetie attoapes after one rate. jfoi- nccemtte it felfc opcuetboar epes.anb quichenetbour Sous. SPgapne inafmuchc as $ob oeliueretb bis fers uaunts fo often,tt f oiofrr tb that he par- aonctb their Qnnrs. 3 n the en be be tt& tenbeth gobs fatberlp pzeuibence fe>ttb= out cjtce ption,»ct onelp to all manHtnb, bnt alfo too all itmng things : fo as it iB no raaruel though be be fo fozr catting anb beneficial! a father tewaros bps lofee eftate] Chefi* berfes that are ta= fceoutcf the laftpfalme, 31 touchebnot at all. Che other alfo,fozafraucb as thep necbeno long ejepofition, J, ic ill but b;eef4pouerrunncthcm. Che f?>zopbet oeclareth no mozebut that inafmuch as d^ob bathe not ceafeb to help his people continuallp fro time to time: there &as no age beffitute of that goobneffe intjicb hao bene ertenbeb totoarbs the fathers. 3Jnb furelp toorefeeto the people lohen thep&ere almofteattbelaflcaftcipith ClCftC, filljiKOUOclPilCci} rtdt coo p^outoc cacn foz ojccn ano .i'.Ics.rauens anb fpa- row :s. feeing tbeu tbat men Do far eje^ cell imitc bealts, ano tijat auuugmm 3lfotf;crc t0 great oooc0 , tiotioj tbctr yjiuuuivi wA/>.vr i). i iajimv oa?ae voottbpnefreVbuT'up (j^oTaloSpT tiait-: ttj3 J3jopbetc reafoneti) from t()e tcircl&clpbdoc, tbatvlffjotf tncompara= blc grace toivaros bis bouflplD mepmc can not be cjctoileD pnougb. The contentes of the.Cxxxvij.Pialme, Forafmuche .a the Ltwfull fcruice of God cc.tfcd in tbe captiiutic of Babylon : tbe Vropbet takingvpon him the Vcrfon of tbe -whole Cburcbc, complayneth 'if tbe enemies learnings 3 yvbicbe were leuded at tbe furred name of God, and enditin^ a ewagioits tnaner of j[>cecbe for the prif oners, rayfetb them vp too hope for deliverance. Tbe. Cxxxv/j. e. Y the Riuers of Babylon there wee fate euen vveping when wee remembred thee O Sion. z Wee hanged our harpesvppon the WUlowes in the mid- des'ofit, 3 Then they that hadde taken vs pryfoners required of vs the wor- des of fynging,and mirthein our hangings vp, fing vnto vs one of the fongs of Sion. 4 How shall we fing a fpng of the Lorde in a ftraunge Landed i [l]5ptberiuersoflI5abplon.fc,]3R l):iuc tolDc go u becrctofoje, ttjac fojaf= utneb as tl;c pjopbets are toot to fpefee of tbtngs to cont2,after anotber maner : tbcp are too groffelp ouerfcene, i»ljicl)e tbinfce trjat IDauiD toarneo tbe people of tljcir captmitte to comc,bp tbe fpirite of 0>iopbefte. iFo; becret0 atrcatifc of a tljmg Unoiucu ano f elte bp experience, 3mD i»I)attl)C pzopljcts meaning was, that muftc bee bttcrco tn fen) too?O0. ifos tbefcojtufull ("baking off, mtgbte bee an occafion tbat fapcb ano religion iaoeO among tljc 3]cu>:0, 3'nQ accoj= Dtng too our rcaDincfTc m falling too fit; pcrititioufnclTc ano corruptions, tobcu voce, be mingleD Soitb tbe.bngoblp:tbcp lucre in bojarb: too grou? bcatbcntfbe among tbe iSabplouiano. 25cudcs tins tb:ir caprtuiuc ano barbc bonbag?, anth tljc tinfephtetp tilings tbat tbcp to:re: fapni to ftftrer tbcrc,imgbt caftcDQuiiiC: tl)C iKart£* of. tljc, favtljfull. .ivbofocucr t'brn isas tlje acitljoi ot tbe #falme, ljc moitct!) a fov:mc of lamenting : tbatbp. figbing ano pjtaptng tbcp mtgbt cbertfb tbe fjopc of tbetr fojlojne toeltare. jfi e= uerttjelcffe , tljerc is alfo anotber cnDc too bee tnarUcD : foj bee cjctiojtctb tbem tbat tbcp fboulDc not ccafc from ejecr- ctfing goDlpncffcm a l^catbcn lanbc, nojftapne tbcmfclitcs toitb tl>cDcftlc= ments of tbe d$'enttlcs. 3!n tins refpert bctDifljetbtbccbtlojcn of CBOomfucbe tiengeauncc as tbep baue Dcferuco, ano crpctl) out tbat u&abplon (ti)l)ofc ticfele felicitie baD>b°^ 5»o?loc too nmnc \jpon wbertes: ts tnifcrablcnnD ncerc'oit oeftrurtton. i^ottj'-jowconuc- nicnt,o; ratber ncccdartc it toao fo.i tbe ntinDcBof tljc goDlp toobebnocrpzop; peo tbat tl)epuagi)tc notfbunUc: tbe onelp long contmununcc of tljc tpme fljetoetb^ #o?tt l)c*D bm sncafic matter cnurco tljcm fclues ioitl) tbe fiicbp mancrs ant) cuftomco of tl;c !jca= ti)cn"iaitbintbcfpacc of tljiccfcoje ano tcnjKycrc6,tf tbepbaonot ben enDticO i»ubi»oonDcrfiulfroi!fcncflre of b"arc. •5;i)crfo^c bp tlje i»o:oe[fatc il>c bctofec= fill. netb 2.^. netbtfyc long conrmucDtune of cc.vti- umc : as tf be ftoulD hp.tfje people i>ao net onclp btnnc i>alcD a$»p from tbc fi^ec of tbctr crountrep , but alfo as u iscrc fljee ftp in a jjrauc. C'jc popn= ting alfo bp i jc atoutrbc [tberc,] carps «b src«« ;,)ii;c' M to'^rebp b« &ttcc= tctb. ti>c IReafccrs nsie to -re to atbmg pacfentc. THUD altljougb tl)£ Plcafaunt= neffe of tije Countrcp, beemg fo i»cil toatcrcb, tnigbte affuage tl)Ctr bcaup= ncfle :pet notvmtbftanotng bec fapetb, tbat tr>c fapibfull tocre in contmaall mourning as log a* tl)Gp DtoctlcD tbere. 3Jna tbercfoje b^ bfctb tbc partpcle Gam (tbat is too fap, ctKn,)tob!cb ma= fcttb too tbc inc. ,:afeor tbc matter: as if !jce ftonlbt fa? , Cbc faptbfnU »« tobcm tbe pure fcare of »0ob aojtujeo, toere not maoc bxur.Uen tottb tbc be- U2brc0of liSabplou, tbat tbeptoouloe Defpife tbetrotonc in'ocritaunce. j?lot= tt)itbftanomgi)8* fbstoct!) tbcretottb= all, tbat tbep neptljer tocre fo aftontco at tbeir mtfer ico, but tbat tbep percet= ueD tbe mft cbafl:i5ementeofbicb tbmg appear rctl> cutDcntl? bp tbeir rcmcm= b^ing of g>ton : TDbcrebp be bo.'b bs to bn&crStanfcc.tbat tbep tocre not aDictcD to eartbip pleafurcs, but raibcr toere bent to tbc fcruice of iSod : foi t^oD bnD fct bis gmnccuarie as it toere a ftan= DarD boon mount g> ion, tbat iijc bcbol= Ding tbcrcofmigbte bolDc tbemftill in tbc a (fares b°Pe of Oeliuerauricc.3ltbe= tt tbentbat the faptbfulimabeiongas bcoe in a pleafaant ano fruttcfull count trep, tobicb migbtfeitbtbe inticcmen- tes tbercof C3irupre tenocr bearts : yet tbep fap tbat tearcs (tobicbe arc fapoe too Bipebp qutcaelp) gufljeo altoapcs oute of tbeir epes , bpcaufe tbep tocre letteD from tbc accuftomeD fcruice of c£oD, and fatoe tbemfclucs iuftlp DiC= poffefTeDof tbc tnbentaunce that toas pzotuifcD tbem. 2 [] $ee bctoaplctb tbe mtcrruptton of tbc mirrt) tobicbe vi& 3D 2D bao commaanbeo too bee bfeD in \)is Cctnplc. $op toe fenoxw ibat tbe ILcutfcs tocre mtcpneo too fir»g, tb&ttbep tmgbte bec as iRingiea= Sera aabi^apfi its tootbetobslcpco; pie in tb'S ejeerctfe of ecuotton. j!f anp manafUe too iybat purpofe trjep carp= co tljcir b^rpes i»ub tbem fo farrc from tbeir countrep : tbepjopbet mcnttoncib cucutbifl tbmg asabaDgc ofiFapilj, nu3 a tcftunotue of goblp 5cale , tbat S»bereastbe JLeuitcs $»cre beftrtppeb of all tbeir ftjojilolp gooocs, pec tbep carcfullp Ucpteftili tbeir i^arpes as a pjccioufe boufeboloe flufc , too applp tl^m agapne too tbeir foiincr bfc i»ben tpmc fboulbe ferae. 2(in0 ecrteffe tt ts a ttfcelpboooc, ^at tbc true ft>0£fl)tp: pcrs of (5&D IjaD a fmgular eftimatton oftlj: iocliques of cj&obs fcruice, anD toobe great becoc fox tbc p:efcrumgof tbemtpil trje tune of rcihtutionrmgbc comeagrpn?. ^ojeoucr bp tbe Wpl= loiocs ri'C fcemctb too bctoben, tbat tbc banbes fe>j)trbc Snerc befttte ^oitrj tbem "bsrc bcrp Delegable for cooles n:fTc. Cbe pjopbetc tbtrcfo?e D*np= ctb tbat anp fl)aboi»cs (ttjerc tbep ne= uer fo p!cafaunt,)5yerc able too franc off tbc foiro&e tbat bab fcaica tt feife bccpclpcr in tbe bearts of tbe faprbfuli, than tbat tbep coulbe admit anp uoojlO; Ip comfoit o: betigbte. Cruelp tbe be= rp commaoioufn-fTe of tbe place (tnaf? mucbees tbep fatebppon tbe ISpners banbe, fbcltcreb &«b tbe fi)abo&c of trees) :-r.igbtc bauc pzoucfeco anD a»u= reo ibem too taHc tbeir barpes, ano too alap tbeir grecfcfcmb Tinging. :2i5uttbe ^diopbctc fbctoctbbofctbcp foerc tou= cbcD moie grecuouflp at tb« barte fotf b tbc fieling of ©ods i»?atb, tban tbat tbep coulDe bcguple tbem frlucs fottb bapnefoiaces. yea bee pjoccc&rtb fur= tber, tbat tbep Suere bcreftc of »bctruc anD boip tmrtb iFet altbougb tt baD ben neptber goolp noi Difcrctlp Doone to fbarpen tbeir ofen fo?rocaje : pet is It no tnarucl tbougb tbep Deferreo rfjctr pub- Ube finginges bntpl! trjetr rciournc, confibering boi»e ^eos cbaftifements cnfozccD tbem bnto Sapling anD mour- ning. 3 CCberi tbc?] no Doubt but tbe Jtrfjelttes i»erc rougbtp ano barblp banDlcD bnDer tbat barbarous tpjannp. vpon the.LyXxxvij.rlaime. zr6 l&ut pet trjcp meant tbat tbe btg'oeifc beape of alt muertca, ioaa tijac tbe am= qucroura etofcoincfullp triumph ouer ttjem,pea ano silo feoff eat tbem.m fucb ixufc aa U)cp iuciit about too SoounO clje barta of tbefrjctcbcD pjtfonere.bpDars ting blafpbemtca agapnft doob.^f o; ttjc 22>ab|?lomanfl did it not of an? tofire to beare tbe ijolp fongs , neither pera&= uenturctooulbtbJpbauc fu£«D (©cos name too baue b?n openlp foozGjippcD among tljem : but n i»a3 a forcing oj taunting manerof fpceclje, as if t\)z? fljoulD lco?nefulipbauntc,tbatrbe &c- uitcs frbtcbctefebilesiocrc'ttjontc too foanDe outeebeb0*? fonga,S»crc no&e ftriKen Dumbe : aa if tljrp fljoulDc fap, 31a pour bp boiD pou pour peace -i Cb« 3interpzercr0fc>zc(ie tlje latter member of tbe terfr Diuerflp.jf oj fome bcrtue trje feozoe Toiienu of tbe llcrbc aid, i»b"b figmfictb to boulc, ano tranfljre it [mtrtb in ftccos g? our boultngs.j b^b 3 baucfet Down alrcDpJccmctb to rift to be tfy plapner. + [li)otx>fl)3Ute)efmgaFc.] l^ccrctbe 02opbcte armetij tbe faitbfull imtb a ttatelp anfl noble anfeoer ageinfr £ pzouD Haunting of tbe 25abilomaua : narnelp tbat trjep abfretne fro tbe fongra of gob * alfo fro tbefaenfifeaof tbciafc>,b'.caufe tbclaSu toaabr.clcne. Jrozaltbougbtf)? Cbaloico thougijt £ 3!eit>c0 to be tuD to tbt place of tbfpz capnuttteipct tljc pzo -- pbet bp calling it a ftrange lano,Dotb tl>c to tont y? tljep arc but aa foiojmcra tljere foz a time, jftcroutbftanbtng be meneff) cbecSp tbat Cbaloie to bnfyoitbte of fa gr.'atljouiure as to bmte Let my tongue cleaue to the roofe of my mouth, if I renumber not Hff.ii. thec: tbe cbtiDzcn of d5oo (ixberfocua tbcp UucD)fc)cre ahcapce fotojnets m tbe iyo^io. 13 at fojafmuclje aa tbe latiot of Cbanaan^oaa tbetr bolie veiling place: tbej3;opt;cteOJOtb ivc:ti)£lp tape tbat trjeptccre fo?reincra ar.b fctojintra m a ftraungc lanD.'Aino bp ttjis tncanea be iDtiictl) ifcin aiivapea to be in pjeit ano in a reiitncfu too rcturnccoucrtip con> firming tbe pjopfcfk of J| cremp S»b^ bp t\)i time of tt>eir captiuitte ioaa fojes fet.3icretu.25.11.anD 29.1o.t0o tl)em= tent tb^p fljoulo not at anp tunc fejget tbcirowne countite.lSptbc toapbear: mctb tl>e faitbfuil Svttb confianiie.tbat tncp CboulD not mingle tb<.mfciucs iyirg tbe ^abtlontaafoj fearcof aap tbjeata. SLifee aa tn tl)4"fe oapea altbouglj tl)e tattrjfullbe mgtcat icopcrDiconocttbe papacp ii tbcp be net conformable to tl;e accuflcmcD bfagestpet nottDKb&an= Ding bp tins cam at tijc bolpc C5Ijo{t Cif- fcuerctb tbem from al ioulitt)Diffimu= lacion.^ci bnto tbe frencbcmcn,3Uau= ans ano 43ngUtt)me irbtcb baue a bar= Cte lining ano enocucr of fmcerereugi- on.euen tbcireroue countrie is berelp a ftraungc lano,aalog as tbcp bi»cll bn= bcrtbat ttrante. i^cucrtljcleiTc t'oerc ta foinc Differ cucc bctnurt ba anD tjje peo= pie of oiD tune, jroj, at tbat tune it toaa not iatofuil too ferae (0od anpfrijerc elfe tban m one place. 15 ut ncto i»btr= foeucr two oj tbice be gatbercD togtrbsr mtbenamc of Cijj'.ite.tbercia <£?oDs temple, fo bee tt tljat tljcp be feparateO fromallpjofcmonof 30 oolatrle.s keeps tbemfelucatn tbe pure i»02fbtpptngcf ^oO. jfteucrtbelcu~etbcf->zopbct ment notbptbcfeS»o?Dc0, too c?tmgttiB)all inoeucrof pzapfmgCp'oD ottcrlp: but ratber too cjrbczte tbe goDl)? mpnoa \>n- to patience, bntill t'jc publtUe Itbcrttc of fcrutng c that is concciucb fox bir atHtcrfittc, fhet allbeatbcntfb anbioojlDIp iopesoutof tbeboojes. 7 [JLojd remember ?c] Confibcrmg bare T3cngcaricc iop.3 at baabc bppon all tlje tcrntejie nacions that bao confpircD the Deftrurtion of J\ crttfaicm: thereto no Doubt but bp the figure ISunccDocbe the g3>?op!jct bctoUcnctb tbem ail tonber the cbiUucn of CDom : either bpcaufc thep furtnountcD all the refiocw in outs rage of batreD, op elfe bpcaufe their cru= cltieiSoas IcfTc tollerable agemft thep? Umffolfce anb b?etbjen:foj tbepfcpere tbeoffp;ungof Cfau, anb atfuchetimc as gobs people mabe bauoK of al things IpUc enemies, tbcp fpareb the 3!bumits bptbecomaunbement of C>oD.iDc.2.i. 3!t 5uas tbcrfoie to blinb an outrage to fetch in {' 15abplonians tobeftrep their bxethicn, op to be as belloiacs to limbic fcp thetr crucltic mojc * tno^e. 115 ut it is to be marUcD,that the prophet here ftars tcth not out to curfmg anb baning rafl)= Ip, but is <©oDscomimffionertoo con= firme the former p^ophefies. jfoi dEfoD bp C5cchiel.15-.15.anb bp3Iercmie.^-9. 7.hab fo:ctolD that hcfcoulD taUel)en= gcancc of the Coomttcs. 2lnb3lbDiaS m his. n. Chapter allcagctb a rcafon S»bu:b anfiucrcth mc?c eutbctlp to tins place: natnelp bicaufe thep hab confpireb iuith the 15 abplonians. 25 ut i»e tmoiv it S»as (!5ods purpofc too bnsctfbojie the tninbs of his people S»ttb this com= fojt tn thetr tnoflc fojotofulmtffoztunc. fop otberi&pfe tlje clertion of ^lacob mtght fectnc too haue bcnbifanulltb, if tbcoffpjung of Cfautmghtebaueto^ne his cl)ilb?en in pecccs fooutragiouflp, Without puntfhmente. Che p^ophctc tl)crcfo?e bp the infltncte of tlje Ijolp d5hoftc, bcfcccbetb (Pob too fl)ci»e m fcerp bebc,hol» thC'fatne thing Spas not pjopbecicb in toapne. 3iub £Dberea3bcc f(ipth,1Lo?be remcmbcr,hce puttcth the goblp in mtnb of the pjomifc, that being afTurcD of Cobs Defence , thep mpght pacicntlp anb tmlDclp S»aptc fo? the fal= ling out.5ro? ttS»as not lawfull teo be; fire anp other bcngcancc than «25od hab pjomifeb : yea anD that alfo ougbte too bee agapnft fuclrw iwerc reprobate anD incurable. 'V7l» lia.V\AAH • A 1 Dftotbtbc |3z9pbcti»ub tl^e cprsofbitf f ltUjc bebolDe tbe btoDf n iubgement of ii5oo, tpUe astbc <$pofric i^cbj.n.i. rtgbt f&tlfullp tailed fattb tijc beboi- Ding of tljmgs bioont. 2Pltbongb tben it tucr c increoible tbat anp mifbap couiD befall fo migljtte a monarcbie as 2J5abi = Ion i»30 at tbat time , anD tbat all men tbougbttbe ftrengtb ofittobeinp?eg= nable :peetbe|3;opbetebecbolbctb tbe fail anD Deft tuition of it in tbe glade of (E^&s&jozd. 3mD tbe fame tying feth letb be all tbe faitbfull to Doo,>> tbiougfj aflurance of tbe beauenlp pzopbefics, tycp map,- as it toere loo&e Dotone in fbo;ne from aloft bpontye p?iDe of tbat SolcheD citie. /flow if fcelcarncto con= cetue aflurance anD feopc bp d5cos p;o- mif:0, tljougb ft>:cbcc ncuer fo mucbe abicris, pet map tote lift bp our bcaDS out of belt, anD boaft ourfelucs too be bliffeD cucn in ejetrcame mtferic, anD tbmli tbat our enemies are DamneD too Dcftruttion:fo becit tbat ©cDs fpirtt th per all our affections &>ity bbs rigbtes fuincffe. iWoicouer i»beu be auoutyety tbcm too bee bliffeD foftitye fljall rcnDer bengeance to tbe U5abtlontans:be meas nctljnot tbat(250DbaD UKcDfeelloftye fcruiceableneffc of tbe pcrfians anD iJfJiocfr, ii?bo ambition anb toniatiabie couetouf«ncfle , pea anD alfo fcpckcD fpfrcfuineflc moucD to make &>arrc:but fojafmutye as tbat 5»art i S»as UragcD as ittpcre bnb:r ©cos banner,f pzs= pbet fapctb it ftjall baue lac&pc fucceft>. ifojinaf mucbe as <0o& baD Deicrmt= neb to be reucngeo of 2&abilon:bee blik fcD &nu8 ar.D JDarius: eccojDmg alfo asm tp&e confioeracion Jeremp. 48. lo.anoucbctbtbemtobecurftDicbJcbe fljall Doo tyt ttojilt of (Sod ncgligcntlp; tbat is to fdp,*Db>cb C)«l not peclD tycir ferntfclttftclp unto d5oD in ft>afting anD Dcftroping, Snbcnbe bP?etb tbem 10 bee bta tjcpcut toners. ainD altbougb it feeme a cruell tbmg, &>ben bee &>pfbcty tbcj?; tcnDcr H5abes , Sr>l>ic!;c as pet eouloc Doo no barme, too bee DafljeD anD bjap= neD agapnft tbe ftones : pet notfoitjj- ftanbtng fo^af mucbe as be fpcaHcty not of biso&m beaD,but fetcbety bis Seozds at dPoDs moutb , tt is noticing clfe but a Pioclapmtngof u5coinufte tuogement : itlic as alfo Ssben tbe jLozdc auoucbety, tbat loolie ivbat mcafure ecbe man barb DfeD towarD otycrs, f fame fbalbe mea= furcD a game bnto bimfcife. ift^atb ,7. z . 215 ut 4£fai. 1 j. 1 6. baDbtrcrcD a fpcctall piopbefie concerning U5abpIon, iobctc- bnro tbe fd^opbete (n« Doubt) agrcctb bere.U5ebelD(faptb be)(PoD batb fbars peneD bis fwo;DS, anD bent bis boi»es, be fcnDetb foojtb tbe £^cDes anD |£>er- ftans, 5»b»cbe fball not fec&e after fiiur r anD golDe,but (bal ttjirft onelp af= ter biouD.gtc. The Contents of the.Cxxxviij.Pfalmc. D/tuid calling too mind how notably he had alxeayesMn helped of Cod: ■ forafmuchc as he had had experience [3 afcvel of hts goodnejje as of his fa ith- fulncffesdoth firft prepare and addreffc himfclfe to thankefgiuir/g in con ft- deration of the fayde proof es : and fecovdiy bchight hinijelfe the continu- autice of Gods bountiftdneffe after the jam: rate hereafter 3 bycaufe God is alvrayes one.^ind if he happen too bet in ieoj>ardie> heputtetb himfclfe in bepc of a ioyfulldeliueraunce. The. Cxxxviif.'Pfdme. \uids. I will prayfe thee with my whole harte, before the Gods will I ling vnto thee. Ffff.iij. t Iwill J.UIUI V^diUIllCS VUI1UHC11UI Jt % I will worship thee at the temple of thine holynefle, and fing vnto thy name bycaufe of thy mercy and truth e, for thou haft magni- fied thy name aboue all things by thy worde. j In the day that I called vnto thee,then heardelt thou mee,and hafte multiplied mee ftrength in my foule. 4 Let all kings of the earth prayfe thee O Lorde : for they haue herd the words of thy mouth. < And let them fing in the wayes of the Lorde, bycaufe the glory of the Lorde is great. i EH foul ptapfc tbee. $ c] &pfteas JDauto fyao ben aDojmeD ftnrb notable bencutes at \I5qDs b anoe : fo piomtfetb be t tjat be toil be tbanHf ul after no com- mon mancr. i$oS»beu, fojtafmucbe a0 t&ppocritcs ftapne anD Defile t\)is (atria See S»ttb fapneo anD emptte founDtng: bee aDGitb tbere&Mball, tbat bee i»v» glue <©od tbanfee0,notonelp Sjjitbbis ltppc0,but aifo i»ttb an bnfapneo bare, jFo? i»ebaue fecne in tbe ^falme. 12.;. tbat[tbe fe>bole bart]is tafecn for a pure ojttmfapncD barc,«tsmatcbeDagapnft a Double bart. f urtbcrmoie bpcaufe tt>e iooozDe Eiohim t0 r e fcrrco fometime too lyings, anD fomctime to Angela: either of tljcm bot\)t i» til fit tb<0 P2e(ent place tocrp fc>ell. 2DautD pjomifetb open tbanbefgtuing. /ftofr tben feeing tbat ttjc aslcmbl? of Ijolp men ts a0 tt toere an bcaucnlp ftage, ice Unoix? tt is asozs nco toitb the refo2te of aingels : anD tbe Cberubines DpD tberefoic cnclofc tbe SPcUeof couenaunt, tbat tbe faptbfwU migfjt bnDerftanDe bow tbe Sngcis are picfente a0 fefmelTcs, as ofte a0 tbep came to tbe S>anftuarie to tbe intent to fo)Oifl)ip<2>3D. %nb foiafmucbeastbe piinces Socnt foicstpfte, tt (bail not be amide too tafee tbe tbing tbat is fpoKcn berctobeementof tbeut.ttbeasalfo fit tbe0falme.io7.32.^2apfetbe!LoiDe in tbe a ffcmblp of tbe ctDcrs : tbat ts too fap , in a famou0 anD bonorable affcm= blp. ifteaertbelcfTe 31 UHe better of tbe foimer fenfe, bpcaufabcfaptbfull, as ofte as tbep pxeace into aulc intreattng too tbe Coxmtbt= ansofojDer anD comelpneflc, aDmonta flietb tbem too bebaue them fclucs re= uerentip in tbe open congregation , at leaftWe fo; tbe Angela fakes. 3nD it Suas (I5ods tpUl tbat tbe fame tbing CbaulD bee papntcD out in olDe time ton= I Der tl;e fljapc of tbe Cberubines , tbat be migbte glue tbe faytbfulf a btftblc fignc of fns pjtefcncc.lBp anD bp alfo to-, lovoetb ibe bnfolDing of tt, fobtre be faitb , [3 *wU feo2fbtp at tbe Cemple of tbuie bolpncde.] jfox bee mcanctb tbat be trill not onelp bee tbanbfull bp bun fclfe alone, but alfo come too tbe £&anduaric: accoiDtng too tbe comattn= Dement of tbe iatt>,tbat be map cncoiage otber to fcloiuc bis example, fro; albe= it tbat be i»o,:Q)tppeD u5oo fptrttuallp : pet (t beboueD bint to cade bis epes bp= pon tbofe outwarDe pieDgcs , fcmtcb at tbat time ferueD tbe goDlp fo: ioagons to conuep tbeir minDs bpiDaroe.^oze? ouer be grounoetb bis matter of piap- ftng <2>od bppon bps mcrcp anD trtitbe. JFo; altbougb tys migbtie potocr anD 4t)oo2Hmg Doo alfo Dcferue tbetr com= mcnDation : pet ougbt notbtng to fpurre X>8 moif fbarpelp too tbe pxapfmg of bps name, tbanbpsfreegooDncfTe, bp= caufe be epenetb our tnoutbes too fct fooitt; bis piapfes, bp Dealing Itbcrallp i»itb bs. f^oiobeit fozafmucbe as 4oc tafte not bts mcrcp, (oj, at reaftfcjpfe raKc not boibe of it tout) a liitelp fec= ling of mpnde,) tDttbou; bts i&coiDc : tberc is aoDcD faptbfulnetTe o: triu'oe . $ no tins coupling of mcrcp n\u trut he (as ^ banc tolDe pou ofte afcie ) is to be marfeeD aDnifcDlp.^02 bo&jfoeuer <^od fbeit) btm fclfe beneficial bp b'o Decoes: pet if bid Doctrine fbpne notafo;r, our Dulnefle i»til bee an tmprDimcnre tbat bps gooDnefle can not pearcc tnto our " bearts 'VJll II11.VAAAV1 .1 IclllllV,. bearto. #nb t)i3 mcrcp is placeo t'ozc- moftc, mafamcbc ad <4DO'o fijciDcrb not bun fetfc footbf aftc in an? otber rcfpcrt t ban bpeaufc ljee batbc bounbe l)tm fclfe too 1)0 bp b'0 free pzomifc. ainDccr- tcfle l)>0 mcftimable mcrcp is fccnc m tbi0, that bee pzeucntetb fucbe 80 ate f trauugcrs from l)tm , ano boutfauetb too fpeafce bnco tbcm frenoelp , tbat bee map allure them btuo him . ]Sn tbc cnoe of tbebcrfe, fame put in tbe copulatiue [anb] in fteebe of tbe 'toozse [bp,] anb tranflate it tbu0 : Cb^n baft magntficb tbp name f tbp S»o?be aboue al tbmga: w\)it\) as it 10 coloc, (0 iuftlp r ctcitco of learned 3 ntcrputcr 0,1000 ncucrtbe- leffe boo (in mp tuogement) flee alfo to an ouerfoicrD cjcpofttton, translating it thus : Cbou fynilc magnified tbp name bppon all tbp fapings. 15 ut Jt am out of boubt, tbat 3Dauib auoucbetb <25ob0 name too furmounte all tljmgcs tottb tijc bigbnetre thereof : anb alfo oefpnetb fbe fpcctall meant Soberebp $ob bath abuaunceb bts name ; namelp bpcaufe bee perfourmctb tbe tbmg faptbfullp i» Ijicb bee bab pzomtfco franfeeHp. 3tno furelp foz af mocb as t»ce oa?cl at dpobs benefitc0, bp reafon of our ofeme ouU nc ffc : tbe belie fojap too quicken bo bp, t0 ix>b"n <£ob fpeaUctb too be bp big oome bopce.ano in tbe enbe bp b«o berp Decbe rattfictb anb featetb bp ti;c grace tbatbepzomifeb. 3 CjHn tbe bap that fc.]3Utbougb gob often pzeuent our pzapcro anb a0 it feere encounter b0S»bei»ebeaflecpe: pet notwttb.tanbing, comraonlp be fur- retb t>0 too pzaping bp tbe inlrinctof bi0 fpuit , to tbe intent be map tbe better fet fooztbe b'o grace, bp making tbem too hnoaie tbat tbep pzapeb not in \>n?nt noztaitbout fuccefle. 3Juftlp tbcrcfoze botb JDauib gatber ,tljat ins ioabmg out of baunger coulb not feemc too Ijaue bappeneo bp cbaunce, bpcaufc it appce- reoopenlp tbat bee baoberDbtm.'Cbis tben is tbe onlp tbtng: tbat our pxnperar bo Qjawc c0oos grace tnozc necrtp bnto bo. 31 u tbe fecono part of tbe npaifo fupplp f copulatiue [anb]tbu0: Cbou baft multiplpeb me ano ftrengtb in mp foule : bowbeeit bnaptlp , maf- mucbe a* tbe meaning of tbe i»o;bs flo - voetbbrrp fcjell ttntbout abbing of anp tlnng , s»t)itbcr pee reab tt as JB baue tranflateo it alrebp, oz folntber pee bab leuer to reabe ttyuo. Cbou baft multi= plpco me bp ftrengtb in mp foule oz bp ftrcngtbning mp foule. Cbe effect 13 tbat beeing freafeeneb fcjitb abuerfitte be recoucreo new ftrengtb of mtnb.£>n= leffc perabucnture it like anp man bct= ter too fet it do tone tbuo : Cbou b ift multiplpeb met, tbat 10 to fap.tlpu baft bliffeb mee, anb tberuppen ts mp foule ftrengtbeneb. 4 CiLct all hinges of 9 c] Bp tbefe 5»ozds be beclaretb tbat f grace fobtcbe be botb ba& experience of Ibalbe renofe>= meb farre of, fo as tbe fame of it fljalbce fpzeD ouer all tbe tuozio. 0 euertbclcffc in Taping tbat euen kings barb f ioozbs of (ffioao mouiljc: bee meanetb not tbat tbep are fo r tgbtlp tnftructeb tn rcttgion, tbat tbep ougbt too bee graffeb tntoo tbe bobte of tbe Cburcbe:but tbat it fbalbce euerp iobcre bno%oen,boi» bee teas fox none 0 tljcr caufc ioonber fuilp pxeferueb of 0ab, but f oz tbat bee iz>as anopntcb btngbpbtocommaunbemet. Bltbouglj tben tbat tbe boioermg Kings iocrc not a&bit tbe better foz tbat beauenlpo^ racle:pet tljetc bniuer fail Hneioing tbat JDautD ivas called of gob,auap!cb gret= lp to tbecommenbation of bofoeuer is thjoughlp perfroabcb tbat bee ts cberi= fbcbbpCSobs father Ip louing UmDneOe, fcjitlnot fo cafelp beeotfmapDe. iftoto altbougb fomc ejeponnbe [i)ighe] as if 3Dauib fboulDc fop, tbat *J5ob futctb in the bcauenlp tbjtonc too rule the S»hole ftjojlb : pet boo 31 tbinfce tt to bee put in Soap of inferring a contrarieties tf ijee fyoulb fap, tbat th£rfome reabe tbe toojoe neba in tbe 3ccufatiuc cafe : tobicb fenfe alfo Soil not mifagrce, as if bee fljoulDe fap , <15eb boutlauctb not toolooUe ncerelp t>ppon tbe bautte anDp;eube,but loehettyat tbjmaloofe in btfbapne, tohcr cas bee rcgarbctb tbe little ones anb tbe abiettcs Obichc too outfoarbe appcaraunce fecmc to bee fct fartbeft otf ) no lelTe than if tijcp S»erc barbebpbwn. Chore be alfo tbat trans date the Soojbe Yadang [to bjeaUe in pe= ccs,] as if it hab ben fapbe,ihat u5od in cbcrtfbingttbc lo&lp,'birað_ boftme tbefe loftie gpants that fotb them felues in their oftmc pjofperitte. aPut toiaU mucbe as 3 feare mcc 2D auto fpeabetrj net fa cunning!? : the plapne repetition of tbe fentence fufftfctb mce , tbat ai= though dt»ob bee hpgh >P« t bee regarbctb tbe things fcjhich bee feemeth too baue no care of. 5&o baue S»ce fecne in tbe f&fatme.ii}.?. Cbe3Lo;bc batbe bptf Dwelling on bpgb, anb pet bumbletb be bun felfc too bebcibc the things that arc mhcauenaiib earth. Che effect is, tljat although tbe 5Q|j)aicftte of <2>od be higb= ertban all heauens, pet the farre Dp= dance fcntbboibcth him not from o?oc= ring the iobole &e?lbbpbispjouibfce. IS^tgb tben ts <0od, pet bebolDcthbce thmgoafarof, foasbeneebctb not too fbift b>0 Place token he i»sl come Down to baue rcgarbe of tos.Tcec be but ocfpi= feb anb ratcalles, anb pet our & jucfccb pltgbte is no let bnto viB'ob , but tbat tjee bath rcgarbe of bs. tfojttt bccommetl) b0 fo to loofee tip tmth aomtratton bnto bis infinite glo?p, ivr)ict> furmountcth all the Ijeaucns.asnotioitbffanoing toe muft not Doubt buthecberifbetbbsas itft>ercinhis fatherlp lappe. ainbutlp both JDautD itnfee tbefc tSso members tegttber:firft lead tbe maieftic of tftob ftnfemg \»s in feare, mighte tafee aroap tbe feeling of b<0 goobnefTe anb louing femoneffe : anb fcconblpleafchis gcntlc= nefre,i»berth?ougb hebtfoapnetb not to let bourne bimfelfe euen bnto bs.migljt uunifh tbe reuerence of bis alo? p . 7 C31f 31 i»alb.«c] l^ere 3Dauib be- clarctb in i»bat Soifc bee truftetrj too baue (0ob r>ts fauiour, namtip that (if ncebe bc)be S»ill rcttoje him fclf to lpfe Suben be is beab.wbicb place is i»o?tbp to bcnotcD.^o.t fucbis tbe niccneffe of our flefh ,thar eucrp one of bs toolb faine liue at eafe out of gunfbot.3lnb tberfoje toe can atoap ioitb nothing fooifc than to encounter at the bjeft toitb the feare of Dcatb. /S^ap rather affone as anp ban= ger encountretb bs,toe ffarble out of al meafurc, as though all tbat cuer <25od coulb bo, tocre not able to rib bs out of our bifrrefTcs.llPut the true rule of faitb is,to bebolbc tbe light of life euen in tbe Darbncffc of Death, anb too icane bnto (Sods gracc,fo as it map not onelpribbc bs from all inconucntfnccs,but8ifore= utue bs cuer p minute in the mibbes of Death • IpHe as be b?ingcib bis fcruants lotoetoitb funb?p afflicttons, that bee map ioobcrfullpDefcnb them, csfofljew bimfclf too be nctonelp the mapntepner of tbeir lpfe , but alfo their Deliucrer. £$oit oucr fojafmutbc as tbe faptbf till baue enemies alft>apcsp?cafing at tbeir barb !-;clf 0 m tbisioo:lb:S>autD auou- tbctb.f let tbem pjactifcS»battbcpcan, pet fballhc be fafc though gobsbelpe. Cbcn vpon the.^xxxviij.l'lalme. ^^9 fcntenceconfirmctbbe mother ioo?os : namelp that it can not fail out tbat autb btteretb iW tljmg in the fame fenfe tl>at £>aulc teaefct tl; bs, tbat «0oo0 gifcc0 anD caU ling arc wttbout repentace. ^foj Ssljcre 00 menne cptber icauc tbe tinng ipgbtip tobtcb tbcp ba»e attempted foolifblp,bp reafon tl)at tbcp be Ijaleo an ether ioape bp bacon flanctc : cjclfe are compelled bp their oiune wcafccncfTe too giue ouer t!je thing rbat tbcp atte"ptcdabouetbctr power : no fu*be rrjtng can befall bntoo <£ob j anb iberfeje tt 10 not t9 be fcareb trjat be QjoulDe bifappoj-nt oure hope m tbe mibbc0 of cure race. 5F0; tt is net onelp our naugbtincfTe anb tantbankfuU neffe tijat bjeafcetbefftbebnioeartable anb continuall bolbing on of Ijts grace. Cbcn loobc wbatfoeuer we tmb?acc bp ftebfaft faptb, that Soil <0od ncucr taUc awap from *>0, no; fuffer to fltppe from 190. j^eptber botb JDautb fap tbat d5ob accompltfl)Ctbtbeitb fab= ftanttail ccrteintie, btcaufe tbcp boubte not but be will accompitflje tbe thing be batbc begunne, eucn bntoo the bapc of Cb;pfte,lpbea0tbefapb #aule tellctb b0,^biiipp.i.6.2inb tbe bfe of tb«0 boc trine is tbi0, tbat a0 ofta0 5»e flpoe c? ftaggcr,fce fljoulb tben call tt to mpnoe tbu0: 215 utd&odbatbe fought in mcc tbe beginning of faluation,anb therefore befcnllpurfuctttotbe cnb. ^erebppon let b0 forthwith rcfo?t bnto p;aper,tbat our owne fojfiowing fljuttc not bp tbe paffage agapnftc tbe continuall ftreame of <©oD0 grace, tbe fc>elfp?tng whereof is bno?apnable. Cben tellctb bee bs, tbat be grounoctb i)i0 bope of life bppon tbtff , tbat bee 10 fijcelbcb bp tbe ftrctchmg outof<£fob0 banD, which bc bnowctl) to bee mutnci= ble f a banqutfber of al c nemic 0.wbcr= bpon it folowetb.tbatd&od fo cjccrctfctb bbsfcruantswitbfbme continual fcjar= fare, as baupng tbe one foote in tbcp; graue.tbcp fljoulbc flee fcarfullp bnbtr bi0 S»ing0,to cniop rcftc there . £>omc tafce tbe particle APh,not fo; [anger] but fo? [alfo,] reading tttbu0:ibou fbalfal? fo ftretcbe fooub tfep band bppon mpne tncmic0. jftcuc rttjclcfTe 3 baue folowcD tbat&>hicbi0 mode abmtttcb, botb bp= caufc the fenfe 10 fuller, ncptljcr batlj it anpconftrcpncbncffein it. 8 [Cbe Ho;b ioill rcioarb fc] Cl)e boubtfull ftgntflcatton of tbeivojtb c.a= martnahetbtije fentence boubtcfull. 31 1 ftgnifietb fometpmeo to re«jarbcoirc= compence, pea anb gctfcrallp to beftow. fo j tt ts often applpeb bnto benefits of free gift. IBM tbe toojtbro tbat foiow in tbe tcict,fccmc to require an ott)er figni= fication. 5fo? in a0tnucbea0 tberea= fon is abDeb , llo;be t\)v mercie0 enbure foj, cucr, tl) ou ivilt not fojfafcc f ixiojUc of tbP b^Ds :it agrcctb better to be thus. Cbe 3lo?De fliail pcrfo?mc, accompltfl), oi bung to pafTe fo; me, tbat ts to fape, be (ball pzocccbc to frjett) bow be rcgar - bctb mp welfare: anb loHc wbat i)e ba 1 1) begun, be (ball ftnifb it to tbe bttermoft popnt.Cberfo^c Ipbc as be was bcltue= red bp (5ob0 mercp : fo beleuctb be tbat tbe fame fljall continue fttll foj euer, bi= caufe <©od cbaungctb not his nature, ne can leauc off the goobncfTe wbercwitb be ts inbueb. Zns truelp to tbe interne goob bope map bpbolb bs in our penis : wcbabncfbeto faffenoure epe0 bppon tbe goobncfTe of <2>oo, wbcrin our 5»cl= farei0founbeb. ii^owc feeing tbat (5ob (i»bo bp no lawe 0; outie is bounb bn= tot>0,) p^omtfetl) of \)is owne acco?be to take cbarge of b0 : IDauib bott)c bc= rpfecllto aatber, tbatbio toclfarc fball not bee fictile no* tranfitojpc : bpcaufe goD0 goobneffc 10 euerlafting. Utnb t\)is The Contents of the. Cxxxix.Pfalme. To tbe endc that David may clenfe his hartcfrom hyfocrifcby chafing Ffffiv. dxtay_ lohn famines ^ommcncanc ~away all the mifis -wherein the mtfi part of the -worldc deceitfully xtrappetb itfelfe:hee decUreth with many words, bow nothing (be it neuerfofecret') is bidden from Gjds fight. ^€nd that confirmed hce by the creation of man.ForifGodhauegiuen vs our Jhape in our moothcrs -womb , and ap- pointed too eche member his proper force and ojficc:it cannot bee but that all our dooings mufl needs be before his eyes, lifter hee hath by this confide- ration encoraged himfclfe too the vnfeynedfeare ofG 0 D : hee auoucheth himfclfetoo bee a mofi meere ftramger too the heathenijb and yekksd de- Jhifers of God : and vjtpon trujlofthis his innocencie whereof hee tsvell affuredin hy/nfelfe, hee crieth yppon God that hee fhould not forfake him in the mid race oflns life. The. Cxxxix.Vfalme. O the cheef Chaunter,a pfalme of Dauids. Lord,thouhaft tryed mcc,and thou knovveft mee. z Thou knovveft my fitting dovvne, and myrifingvp: thou vnderftandeft my thought a farrc of. 3 Thou befettcft my path and my lying dovvne, and vn- derftandeft all my vvayes. 4 For there is not a word in my tung:£#Ho,thou knovveft itvvho- lyOGod. f Behynd and before dooft thou hold me ftreight, and thou haft layd thy hand vppon mee. G Woonderfull is thy knowledge aboue me:it is fo high that I cannot attcinc vnto it. i [MiDe rboti baftc. f c] JDaaiD p?o= tcflcib, ttjat be commctb not tnto &oo* pjefence.bpon truft to auaple any thing by countcrfeattng as ^ppoerttcs ooo, fcbtebe careleflp fpozt them fciucs as it S»er bebpnb a curtainc.llSutfojafmueb as be is perfuabeb, £ notbpng is Htoocti from <£ SD 3D, be SDillmglp otfcoueretb \)ib kobole bartc bnto bim, tbat bee map take examination of fetm. Coo tbec£) <5od (faptb he) belonged) it to fppe out iobatfocucr ipci!) b:DDc m mee, ncptber can anp thing cfcape tljee. Sflfo bee ao= betb ctrcumftances, fc>berbp bc figntfp* etb, tbat no parte of blslpfc is barke= fometontO(0JD. wb'tber jR reftCfaptb be) ojiobitber J toalhc, ojfrbttber 31 rife bp : tboa marfeetle all mp moumgs. fl£o?eoaer,foja* mucbe as Regna, us* ntfietb a frenbe oj companpon : ^omc interpreters tranflatc it, tbou bnDer= ftanbeft mp nccrnefTc a farrc of: feljtcrjc iooolb ftttbete*tmucbeaptlper,if there Suere anp fucbe Ipke cjcample too bee met fcntbaii. tfoi it is a continuall bolbmg too tbe matter , namcip tbat the tbing S»b»ch is farre of is neuertbes lefle piefent beefoje <£bos epesasif it Soere ncerc at banbe. l$oS»becit fo?af- tnucbeastbc otber tranflation is moit reeeweb : 3 burfte not beparte from it. Cbere be tl>at tranflatc tbe parcel Meris chok [log ago,o^ ere nowjin &>bicb fig= ntficatto tt is taken alio in otber places : as if it bab bin faib:&o;b,fc>batfoeaer 31 cocetac m foas foreknown fcnr to to tbce log ago.25ut tbc other S»btcb 31 Imut folo we D .ipiictb mc better , v goD is not pzifonco top in bcaucn, that be IboiD ocntc bun felfe in iDicncffr (as trjc <£ pi= cures furtnpfc) j ncglctt mens affair eg: but is nerctonto too though eS»anDcr farre from bint. I3icaufc thetoozD Zara figmfietb fointimc to imnuow, to Sopnb oi to fanne, anb fomettme to befctte ox cbmpaffc aboat : it might conucmentip be traflateo in the tbirb bcrfe[Cr>ou £D d5ob booft topnDcD] mp patbes. ;ffoz tt (5 a common mctapbo: too Tap trjat that tbtngiS tcpnDcD tyhtcl) tsplucfceDout of the barb into tbc light- -'Chcrcfojc let eucrpman folowcfcbatbcc libetbbcfr. ^r 0? the other fenfe Sobtcbe 3 bauc fct Downc.anfwerctbtocrpfoKll.JinthecnD of the bcrfe tbc 3D ntcepzctcr0 toarp ttbe- wife. ^fFojunafmucbcastbe bcrbtsacan in the conjugation Hiphii a0 it is placed beetc, ftgmfietb to mabe pzofpcroufc oz lucbpe: £>ncis of opinion tbatthanbs are peelDcb bnto d5oo fo: gtuing lucbp fucceffebnto mens Doings. TBat ftzaf= mucbe as JDauios purpofe is an other thing than to ccinmenb CffoDS buffing : that tigntficatton mabetb nothing to the pzefente place. 31s inucbe enfozccD alfo i0 that Subtche others bxing : namelp, [Cboabaftemabe mpWapcs to enure tbcinfcluc©:] as »f hefhoulb fap : 3iti0 ub mp foapes, fc as thep fojcrcfaimlurip bno fcjen tonto thee. 4- [iFoz there is not. arc.] 3rbefefc>oz= Deo afctmt a Double fcnDerftanomg : anD thcrfoze fome conftcr them thus, Jtozb, becfoxc mpfpccchc bee fafbioncd in nip toong, thou bno weft tojhnt3 Sxnlfape. 3nD other fome thus : although IB tot= tcr not a ir o:d :, but go about too coucr tup intents tout) ftlencc : nothing at all ts h«DDc from thee . ■$0% as mucbe as epther oftbcfetraHaatienscommc in a manner botbc too one popnte : 31 1 (ball bee free too cboofc any of tt)cm bothc. Che cBcrtcis.tbst inhere as the toong is calico the crpziffc image of the tnpuD. bvcaufc echc man communicateth feuh htsnepghbours bpfpiaftpng: vlt> xl» iD tobotsthefcarefcr of bartee.batbeno necbe of fpcccbc. ^ nb the JDemonftra; ttuc particle Lo, ib aoocD tn to ape of m= fozctng : as pf bee baD fapDe , that cucn the Depcft noofec 0 of the mpnD arc bzou- ghtetooth? pjefenceof the matter. 3B n the fpftb bcrfc,manp rcabc, [ Chou haft fbapcDmecbebpnDeanDbefojc] |$oS»- bcttfox asmuche astl;i&i»oozDC Tsor, figntfictb oftcntpmes to [ftrcpgijten, oz to holbeone ftrcpgbt:] 31 Dout not but JDauiD mente to fape, bee \»as ft bents hicd anD mcioff d on all ODcs fcttb gobs aght, that it S»as tn bapnc foz him too labour to fcape from btm.iobtcbc i»ape fo cuer r>cc turncD Inm. 5?oz hce that fe= cth b«0 ioap bcDgtb bp, retpzeth baebc. IBut ©autD fapeil) be ts InfDe in no leffc bebpnDe htm than befoze bun . 3no to the fame purpofe mabcth alfo the fe = conDe member, [Cbou bafte lapDe tbp hanDe bppen me.] fop colDelp doo 0= thcrs iozeft tt bnto the fb^pmg of man , thatdDODfbaulDlpfec a craftefman put too btsbanbe too the fafQ)tonpng of his iooozbe : i^epther tafce thep fuffsctent hecoe too tbc Cejctc. lx»herefoze,itis tnuchcrpghtcr,that d5£)2D asittocre bp laping his banbe bppon menne, bob betbthem all in bis fpgbtc, fo as thep can not fteppe a beare bzcaDthe afpoc, but he muft be pzmtc to it. 6 [woonDcrfullts thp.fc] % man mapc taUc tbi parttcle Memmcni tiroo Srapis : Bamclp, that<©oDS bnowe= leDge is feoonDcrfull.asappcereth bp b'.s creating of manne, accozDtng as tn the olbe pioucrb*, thep trarmcD fl^)an, a little loozlDe . 5Foz tobnt toec conft- bcr fcithh°^egreate cunntng inanncs boDp is compaoJcb, anD irttl) what gpf= tcs hP0 ftule occclleth : feee muft nee= bes bee as it were rauifbeD trtth ama^ 3cDnefre. iButthe Ccjctc requpzethan other €*poft?ton. 5Foz 3Dautes mpn^ Dtngtogoe fozvcarDc foul) that fejt)tct)C bee bathe hptbertoo fapDc.crprthout: %bat thep too IctoDlp anD fooltfbclp, tobpebe i»pll meafure d5cDS Knoroe- IcDge bp thep? ovene capacfue, ferpng tt furmountcthe tooor.Deroufclp farre abouebs . ^oz fecpnge that as foonc as mencpon is maoe of 45 %> 2) , - many -•fcM manpgtaeiuDgemcntof \)im after tbetr otonc tuttcc : there teas goob caufe to rcbufce tr>ia rarijneffc. eh: comon fojttc glue (0oo leau:tofenoa>eno mozetban thep tbemfelues are able to compiebcno. 13 at IDauio cofefletb tbat45oD0 Unow- lebge is mcompichcnfible tonto !)tm : as if be fbouio fa?, t;c 10 not able to cjcpjefT; bp anp ioozdcstbe fclfc fame thing tbat be tntrca tcttj ofmamelp tt^at notbmg is biDOenfrom3D. iffo? of b»0fenow>:= icoge tberc is no meafure noj cube. $ no tljcrfoze be bath notbmg left btm,btit to acknowledge bis orone i»eafecncfre,ano rcucrentclptoo ftsondcr ati)i& fo grcare bpgbncfle. 7 Whither shall I go from th y fpirit^and whither shall I flee from thy face? 8 If I climb vp into heauen,thou art there : If I lye in the graue,Lo thou art there. 9 Let me take the wings of the morning that I may dwell in the vt- termoft partes of the Sea. io Euen thither alfo shall thy hand lead mec,and thy right hand shall hold mee. ii If I fay, yet shall the darknetfe hide me: euen the night shal be light for mee. iz Yea the darkneffe shal not ouershadowe from thee, and the night shalbe as bright as the day,and the darkneffe shalbe as the light. 7 [Wljiitjet fhall 31 goe. «.] 31n mp iubgement IDautd pzofccutetb \ys fo:; merargumet, <£ hat turn boo tc notbmg bptbetr lurUmg botes ^ben tbepgoa= bout to flmhe out of d5aoo figbte. Cbe fcozo [fptrit] is not put fimpip bcre foz operation, power, o; ,x»oozliing,as it is commonlpinotb^r Scriptures: but fo; tnpnbe anb bndcrdandpng. jffoz- m as mucbe as in man, th e fpirite ts the fcate of tonderdandpng : bee conuepctli the fame oucr tonto <& £> 2> : Sobpcl) tbing appearetb moie plapnelpc b? tbe fe=» conoe parte Myzte tbe tooozae [ jface] isputtc fot fenowlcDgc oz fpgbte. Cbe effette is , tbat IDauio can not fbpfte bis place but ob pcrecwctlMt, oz ra= tber purfewctb bin: Sottb bis epes tobcr foeuerbc become. Cbis place tberfoze was ill S»zcftcd too pzouc tbe infinite^ neffe of «!5ods being. 5Foz altbougb it be out of Doubt, tbat crofts maiedic ullctb beaucnanb cartb'.pct bib 5Dautd meane anotber tbingmamelp tbat Sx>hat cozner fo cuer be fougbte to bpbc bis beab tn,be foouiD bec mantfed tmro C5ob , toljofc epes peree tboictigb botbe l^caucnand hcu. aibctr then tbat be fbolo flpc aboue tbebcaacne?, ezutrhe in tbe btrermoft Dctpcs: bc faptb tbat al tbings topfoiard and Doumr tuar D are openlp fecne of gob. 33 n the other toerfes there is a gooblpc tnctapboz of tbe moaning, oz of tbe bap= ftarre. jroz affoone as tbe g>nnne rifctb to tbe cart!) toatbc'oc fobciulp fpzcadctb fozth l)is bzigbtncfTc into al roads of tbe S»oz toe as it i»ere bp mod fun ft flpmg. Cbe fame mctapboj alfo is too bec met Svul)in ^alacfjie.}.*. Cbc effect is, tbat altbougb a man Sucre as fwift as tbe ^unne beames: pet coul'o bee findc no efcapiug from dfc>oo, but fhoulo al= wapesbte ioitbm \)\8 reacbe. ^o^trjc Sootd [l£and] is put bere fo; power:as if be bab fapb , as oft as men goo about toe fcmbdzafcie tbemfclues from d&oos fight, tr (hall ipe tn bis power oi clecti= on too Djatue tbetu bacbe agapne bp anb bp like fugitiues. 12 [3Bf3Hfapfc3JDanibpnttetbbp= pon b t m tljc perfon of a man tbat is bent to feeke all fbtfts,tf be map bp anp mea= ncs pcibaps cfcape out of bis biftrefTe. Cben after bee batbe grauntco tbat no fleeing can boete bim: noa c fpeaHing of a ne&cremebp, b« faptb : Cbougbe no fwifts vjjuu lijc. vjaaavj.i iainie. Isl ftwttnclTc can auapieiooconttep ku out of tll beguplc mc, bpcaufc the bnrKncfle barUneth not thp Ipgbt. 3tnb bp the par= title Gam,fc)c gather that the fapb mem- bj£0 ought to be fcnit togither in fourme afo^cfapbv /ftoft) if anp man fbnll tljinfee it to be but fuperfluous talUe, that there is no biffcrence afo?e gob bctcocne Ipgbt anbbarfcncfle : experience p;ouctb fttflt= cientlp,tbat rt is a rpght barb anb DrtTu cult matter, to perfuabe menne to cft'mc tbojtb naUeb anb open into the fpgbt of dBoo. 3!n beebe all of t>0 confeffe, that of the moil fecret tbougbt0 of men, feting bee tstbcmaUcr ofrbcpjt rcpnc0 anb «tbetr harts. Cbcrcfojc bee fapcth that enen m menncs rcpnes d5ob bath bis tuogement fc ate from 5»bfncc to execute bis utrifDution; anb that it is no Suonber tbougbc tl;c crooHco nooH0 loan v^aiumo vjuiuuicuuui- mtgbee tuftrp flnfce men in abmiration anD tcare : foljereop lj-:e t« compclieb to bucitc out into tl)e p.iaifc* of <£oD. ^o; brreupan commetb tbe oiicrcarclefncffe of tbe flefb.bicaufe foe foep not thiaugjj Ip Ijo iv foanoerfiillp tbe beauelp foazfc; matftcr barb fa ft) uneb &a. HUtervoarDe JDautD mounted) from tr)C particular to tne gcnerall/crpmg out tt>at lohe bow manp of u5aO0 fooz&es foe caft our ctc0 top^ou, fo manp Dec A)c fooonDcro.tbat ougot ic rautfibeour mmoes onto tl)«m. ^Foj aa 32 baue faib betctofo>c,ti)cngbt lonftoeratpnof <15odg i&aozK.'O is Ujat fobicb enjetb in aomtration. Wberc as bee aooetb tbat [oia foute bootb rigbtc foci know] alfo honour tb >. bnmeafurabte bigbneffe of bi5 glo^p. Cbcn ta Crjerc not let Doxone i)ere, Itiebc a fcnoa>lcoge aa map fuboue tbat tbpng to our fenfv-0, fobicb JDauto batb bnber tbe name of foonoertuU, confetTeb too enable to be compjcbenocD (ipfcc ae the oacrfoecnpng of tbe I3bplof«pbcr0 fo puffctb tl)cm op,tl)6ttbcp leaue notbtng fo; 45ob to be pziute bnto:)but onlp ncrc 10 betofeenrb fucb a gobip attcntiueneffe a0niapi»akcnb0to renber gioxpebn; todpod. ;,;•: ' 15 [Oj)p ffrengtb fobiche. «.] 2Dauib pzoccoctb to reafon bppon t\)t begetting of man, tbat notbtng t0 bio from <©od. Sno be fbeun'O tbat tfjoo farre cjccclletb atl tbe ejccellcnteft fooxfcmatftcro , fobo baue nebe of epes to hi tng tbeir ujojUc hi fafbion, fobcrc a0 <5oH ftjapctf) ba c= ucn m our motljcr© boo>cl0. 2Bnb fobc= tbec be mcane our bonc0,oj foljctbcr be meant ourc tfrcngtfye : itfluKe© little to tbeeffertof tbemacrer -.bofobeit 31 bab icaucr bnbcrftanb it oftbebonco. %U tcrfoarbc bee comparetb ourc motl)cr0 foombe too tbe netbermoftc cauea anb cabina of tbeeartbe. Jf anperaftefman fouigoin banbeiottl) apccceoffoozHe m fotnc Dat&e benne fottboute belpc of lpgbt, fobcreat (bali bee begtrmevwbat mcane fljall be bfe to pxoccDCr' anb fobat perfcttton fljall bee bzpng bia tooojUe bntoo f But (5 iO D » before banbe, etien tben foben bee taas but a fbapclcfTe mafTe,fobpcb tbe <0rebc0 call ; Kvcma $0} Cmbjpon among tt)cm is called tbe cbplbc from tlje tpme of bpa concepiicn bntoo tbe tptrn of bia btnb- 3inD IDauib rcafonctr) from tbe moje Iphclpboob too tbelcde lphclpboob: tbat if d5ooUncfo btmbefozebce foa0gro= foen into anp certain anb otfhnct fljapc, mucbe JefTc coulbebecnowecfcape bia hnofolebgc. ^>c lapctl) afterfearbtbat alltbtngafoerc fo^ittcnin (Sobobobe: tbat i0 tofott.tbat <£bo Knctbtbzougb- lp tbe fobolc manner of b*a conception, ^fozaatoucbingtbc name 10 aumilitubc bozroweo of men$ fobiebe bfc Boheo ano ^^^itpng Cabela fo? tbe bealpc of tbepz memozpe . 'Cb^ccfc?c lookc fobatfocucrtbtng3(S!3>2D bno= foctb, beeisfapDe too ingrefc tbcuun bi0 lacgtCera: fo} bia tncmoxpe nee- betb no bealpca . 31 n tbe feconbe mem= , bcr l vpo n the.Cxxxxix.Pfalme. *3* ber tbe Jwerprctcrs agree not. Jpoj fommcrcaoe Yamim in the |j5omuiattuc cafe thus : w^en tr^c bapes Secrc fafl?p= oncD : and tbep pun e out trjps fenfe, 21 II mpbencs tocrc Soritten inttjp 3l5oofee £> <2? £> £>, from tbe beginning of tbe Sooiloc, Suhcn tbou tnaocft caps fprfr, anb pet tbere bias none tnberp beebf. 215 ut tbere is an other 3lnterp?ctatton more alloSoable : jftamcip , that cucrpc parte of mannes boope is fafbtoneb m proceffe of tpme . foi there appcarctbc ner anpeor&erlp fbapc or proportion of members fortbSoitb as f°ne es tbe feebc groioetb toogttijer : but the maffe is or =♦ berco anb fnfbponeb intoo bps rpgbte fbape bp preceflc of tpme . Cbc 3!n= tcrpretcrs bo Difagrce alfo in an other tbpng. ifo?m asmucbeesiH the par = tide Lo'.tt often I;aapcnctljc , that the Jlettcrs vau anb Aicph, ure uutico: ii-mt (as thought i« SoercSortttcn teubVau, (tbat is too i» it) as tbougbe it were a fdronoSone rclanue) ejepounoc tt thus. Sltbougbcmpbofip SoercfaQjioncb bp ipttle anb Ipttle , pet Soas it alioapes one fclfe fame in trjc boobe ef <£• £) 56, Sobobatbenonceoeof tepfurt too finifb bis Soocrfec.^otSoitbffanDtng,tbough nothing So ere fbif tcb : pet oootb not the negation mifagrec : namclptbattebcn as his membxcsSr ere treated in tpme, or bp little ano little, there foas none ef ttjem : tbat is too Some , bpcatife rrjere ioas no pjopojtttonabienefls oj, btftmc= tion, but a fbapelcffe lumpe. *ioffcalt it bee a commrnoatton of C3sDs profit - bcnce.mtbatheefcifpofetb that confuted flftne into a moO bcaurtful tyapc in pjo= ccucoftpme. 17 Andhow pfecioufe arc thy thoughts vnto mee O G OD,how mightie are the fummes of them? 18 If I should number them, they will be mo than the fand: I waked and (till I am with thee. 17 r_$nd l)oo> precioufe $c.]'£cre alfo the toworbe Regna fignifietb ratber a [tbougbt]tban a eompamo 0; frccnb,as manp folio wing tbe CbalDie interpret ter,rranflatc it : as Soho Sooio fape, tbe ^jepbete cfime now too fbcltng out t!>c fanbfull from tbc reprobates jror the tcjcttt felfe require;!) beerc, that be fljcio pet fhli intreatc of <£>ocs incomparable prouibcncc. Cbcrfcre bee repctctb tbat Sobich bee bao fspb afore,an& not Sottb= out gccD reafen. $0% Sec fc tbat tlje no= table profes of d5obs fecret Smfeccmc, Sob'fbbebtceictbm tl;e crcatioof ma, anDtbeScbolcgoucrntngofbis life, arc citber nrg'cctco.or not cflrcmcb at ttjerr otic price, reberc as fontc tranflatc-tt [lRarc]tt bootb nottjing clfe but Datfccn tbe frnfc.3 graum tbe t)Olic ljt(io?tc X)= fctb tbefnmt too;D Soben it fapctlj tijat tiHons tor re rare in tbe time of <£ ly tbe p^cft.:.|?atn.3.i.2i3utucrngiba?bec Mcanctb[p?eciouff J it is betttr too bolo fttitiljat SvbicbeisSottbout alHroubt^ fulneffe. 3!nofbev ternicibcmfo,bps caufc tljep be not fubieS to mans tuoge= ment. 3!" febtcb fenfe ^c bp ano bp ao= Detb,tb6t t'^c fummes oj collftfionsof tbern are mtgbtie 01 ftrong : tbat ts too Snitbpcaufe tljep be able to ourrSobdmc mennes mtnbs. %\\Xi tljts exclamation Bootb menne too Salt, tbat tf tbep Soere not bnSoffe, oj ratber bloc^tflje , tbep SoolOe beeabcifljcDattbe fecrcttuoge- • mctusof d^£>3D,anbnotDaUpfPbolo= Ip as tbep boo, but fcarfultp anbl)um- bip cttc tbcmfclucB bnto tyss lubgerucn: fcate. Cbe fame tbmg confirmc7b be m tljencrtcberfc, taping, tbat tfaupman go about to number ©ct>o ferret octcr^ minactons,tbe infinttnriTe of them fur= mountctb tbe fanb of tbefca. wb^rup= ponit foloSoetb, tljatourfmall capact- ticis not able to concciue tbe tboufanorb partoftbem. Cbat Stbtcbe foloSoetb immet) 3D So^UcDanO (till jF ani Suitbtbcc) altbougb it bee muctflp So^efteo bptljc interpreters: pctooubt InotfoOtrHe it fmunytbat nsoftas JDauiDSiufettb outeffleepe, tbcrets neSo metter mimftrtbanO'p'ut into bis hcab,Sobv bee fl^aio tbtnh Vp p8n tins mcrcDtbie Sotfcoome of <2>rD Cbttfore Soben be faptbbcSiiabctb tit n nfi H;t. Iolm Caluincs Commentarie mud: iut be ccirrrpm'D btuo one o*g:buc ipkcas l)( l;atb cofcffcD ljts totttca to be fix>dl3vvc3 bp of clje bnmefurable greats ndTeof (Sooovouosms; fonov»ijeao= XizW), <£ucrp Dnpc toben 3H toaiie, tijere grotuftl) bnto mc netu: matter to i»ou= ocr at. Mow iw; pcrcepue IDaiitOs na= tine mcanpng, namclp t'«)atv5oo fogo = pet net!) mannpnDc, a0 nothing otat can efcape l)tm ,uo not cucn tbetr Depc tl)Qu= gljtcs. 3tnD altljougbc manp tfjojougl) biuttfb tl):mfclue0 Ijca loiigmto'aUmtfcl)tjfc,aotf tljep (l)0ulD nciKt cotue tnto d5oD3 Qgljt : pet be tcl= letb ct>eiH tljat tbcp Dtggc tbem (clues cauea tu ttapne, bpcaufe tljep fljatlbee tuaiscn into tbe ligbt foabttbei: tl>ep foil 0} no. 28 no fo mucbe tbe moje btUgent= Ipbcbouetlj ft bs to Socp. tl)io leffon,bu caufe tbat ii>ljple euerp man gajetb bp= pon l)t0 f;anO0 anb fect.ano ratified) ftel tbe beautte of Ins oum pcrfonagc: fcarcc one among a rjunbzeb rcmembzetb bis creator I3nt tf anp tl;mU tljefelues be= bolocn to goo fo? tljctr life : pet Dotlje no manclpmbc to ti;ts cl)ief popnt of toe- trm, CbaMjc toljicb mabe botb $ rpca j eare0,anb crcatcDtb anb bn= bcrftaaDettj alltbmgo. ij) O God, if thou wilt flea the wicked, then get yee from mee yee bladdie men. zo They. that haue fpoken wickedly of thee,haue taken vpalyc,^- ing thine aducrfaries. z\ Lord shall not I hate them that hate thee ? And shall not Iftriue with them that rife vp ageinftthee' z% With perfect hatred doo I hate themj take them for mine vtter c- riemies. 2-* Try me O God, and knowe my hart -.examine mee and knowe my thoughts zx And confider if there be anyway of wickednefle in mee, Sc leade mee foorth in the way of the world. alfo as it t0 fapbetn <£fape.2<5. 9. tbat ioben <0od cjccetitct!) \)\a uiDgcmenteS, tljcn 'fljall tbc inbabiters of tbc eartbc learnc rpgbtuoufneffe, tbat 10 to i»tt, to hepctbcmfclucs m tbe fcarcof d5i£>3D- 3^tbemeancfc)bple3!D°utnotbuttbe fbioptjetcpcctbbinifclfe before «2?ob a0 a vd ttacflfc of t)t0 oiDtic innocencic : ao if tf be fboulbe fap, be commetb frcelp anb tonfcpneolp bnto <5oos tttbgementfeat, bpcaufe be 10 not one of tbe itotcUcD Dcf= ptfer0 of <2?od, no j \)ta\) anp tljingat all to bcale inttb tl)cm. 20 [Cfyep tbatbaucfc] ^ccyp^cf- (etb to fo>bat loofcncfTc tbe ongoblp leap ontc as long as tlFoa fparetl; tbem anb pincbetl) tbem notfoitb bis pumfbmg banbe. jfez tbcp not ontlp belcenc ttjcp (ball fcape fcotfrec ioptlj 'tcljaf foeucr ttjcp pap, but alfo fpe£oc out mdnpfeffe blafpl)cinic0 agctnfl tlje Jubw l)tmfclf. jjFoiljcfflitb tljcpfpcaUeiatcUcblp :bi= caufc i!)cp paintcb not t^ctr maltcc Soitb anp 19 [sD (0ob tf tbou5c.]Tt>bera0fomc tlnnU tbt0 bqrfc too bang bppon tliat iu:)i;t)ei»catla(lafojc,ttt0tonltrcinco. 3Hfo to taUc tt tn tbe uunuce of iutfbtng a3 fomcDoo,tb«s» aD tljat tbou toolbcft fliatljc ioicKeD €> gob, tt ItKttb me not, /ftcucr a iulut maic incline 3 too tbepz- c ptnton i»!)tcl) tl)inb,tbat DauiD rciop= cctb in btmfclfcfoi tfje taliing of £ u?ic= UrDotttoftbe S»o?lb. fo} 3Itlmi&bee mcanctb ratber an otber tf)ing : nautclp tljat be toill applp bis mino.too tbe con= fiocrmgof^oDS tuogements, tbat bee map profit m tbefearc ofljim, anb in goDlpHCU"c as oft as bec p«mfl)etb tbe rep:obatc«.3inb trulp (5ob fettetb tbem fojtlj foiocampU* tbattl)cpumfbmcn= teo^y'jicbc be iopbc bppon t!)em, maps cab backc tbe elect from tbctr compantc. f 0^ albctt tbat SDatUb iwerc ofl)is ofcn accotb feiioaroe to tlje fcrutce anb fcate of d5ob : petbab ¥ nccbe of fomebipblc ciotl)c reft of £ faptyful banc, accoiotng VJJUUIHC:. V/AAA1A.1 lajllie. 233 an? coloured (accozotug as tlj£p i;aue Come (tap of that tongs, m iunom tyere ts anp fbame lefte) but opcnlp pzofcflcD the contempt of <£>oa. C!jc fccon& won* bcr fcibere be faptb,tbcp toofce tt>e name of Son beceptf ullp, io mc cjcpounDe oucr ftrtctlp, tbat ttjcp abufco oos name in tbeir penuries, jfre'crrr to tbe ipftelpijoo of trutij come tbep, tmjicbcfape cbat tbe toicUeD tabc u5o03 name in 'oapn,e ma= ncr of tbe 45pan;s. 21 [Jto?o,Q>alnot31 b'itefc.]l^cp?os ceoetb to fbew bow mud) be baa pzofi= tco in t\)C fapo! tbmbmg opon C5od, tbat is to *»tt, tbat bp calling bun felf bach to gobs iuDgementfcat.ano co- Gaerwg tbat be ccuib not (cape tbe ba&£ ofbauta fpehetb of gem, it tbat jeje of C5oas boufc glow in bS,fc>bercof 3D auto mabctb mencton tn tbe 0falme.6 9'io cbac;cculable is oure cotoncltc : namclpioben fcjeefuffcr not onlp bts lufttcc to be impcacbca, but al - fo bts facreo name to be malapertlp tro= Den bnoer faotc bp tbe SxncHcD, ana fap ncucr a ioozOe to it. %s concernpng tbe lafr berb faumg one, iobcras Kucfjgni;: fictbtob2atDle,cbpoe,ftrtue,o^contenD: becre in tl;e comugatton Hitkpaci, it bee= petb tbe fame ftgniftcation.: eieceptpcr- cbaunce tbat JDauio brtobeu fomc mo?c open Oifcoucne,namclp tbat bee teas fo netleo tbat be fb arpncD t;is ttcmacbe to flattc failing outage fee tben bow tbat JDautD fetttng iigrjt bp tbe batreO of tbe i»bote ioozloe, ttrpueb ftoutelp fo; tbe tnapntenance of <©oos fo mucb asbcbncertooUeopen ioarre agepulfe allfoicHcDuten. 2i [Witbperfettbatreb.$c] xoo^o fo? &>02D u is ,& ttb tbe perfection of ija tr en. iijeconfirmetb tbe tozmcr fentence : na= melp tbat be made fo greate account of €»oDs giozte.tbat be couioe not abpoe to bauc anp acquaintance to ttb tbe ocfpi= fcrs of btm. <%i)t effect commetb to tbts popnt, Cbat be bao no agreement i»ub tbeioojfeesofDarbneffe. 5fo; i»b°f°e- uer frmKctl) at ioicbeb oecocs, ano fo= fterctbtbcmu>ttb botbtngof bts peace, isafalfebartco betraper of c come tocoutenotng (oj, tbebonozof goo, ano tarber to renounce al tlje frencfljips Uppon cartb, fban b? our flattcrings oz footbtngs to map;ttepn tbcfauojof fucb as greotip purcbafc goos batreo ageinft tbcmfilucs. 3tnofomucbe tbe niozets ibis l:ffo:i>to bee noted, bicaufe tbe felfe latteofcuroxotieiDClfarCjefttmatton,* cafe,ootb fo carp bs awap.tbatioe fticb not to bnbcrt^beanp contention affonc _^ <5ggg. Rg lohn Caluincs Commentane a© anp man tmpcacbctb oure felues: but tn mapntepntng d5oos gloils toe be otter fearcfuIlanD cowarolp. 3lcc9jomg tben as cticrp of bs Is a&DirteD to bum'clfe, 9 lapctl) fa; bis ownt auaples : fo none 0= tljer caufe mouetb ba too Debates, qua^ tellings, frapes,anD battels, bat onelp too reucnge our oome injuries. Ii3ut if tbemaiefttcof <0os bee impcacbeD, no manne once ftirres lumfelfe. i!5ut tf tbe 5ele of (0od tbJiuc in bs,tt totll fbewe it felfe bp tbia ftoutbartcDneffe, toben toe bab leaner bee at Dcablp loose tottb tl>c totckeD,ano tt>ttb tbe ocfpifers of <0od, tbantobe alienates from<£5oDfo; tbeir fakes, ^aujeben it is to be notcD, f> tbe batreb tobcrof tbepzopbctma&etb me= tion.ts not bent fo mud) agamft tbe per= fans as tljcir bices, f 0; toe muff main= tepnc peace tottb all men as far re as is lawful : tbe Welfare alfo of all men is to be fougbt : anD if it be poffiblc tljcp mud be calleD baefcte into tbe toap, bp all ma= nee of gcntleneffc frcnMp selmg.rBut in refpeci j? tbep be goDs cnl>mes,toe mnft fet our fclucs fiercely sgtinli tbeir furp. 2? [CrpemeciD dt»oQ.jc] i^eauons cbetb tl>at be toss an enemte to tbe Deipi fcrsof (Soofoinone otber refpette, but bicaufebc bi'tifelf reucrcneeb (Bob pure Ip, ana 'ens befirous tlyat otbers fboulD fcare bim tott!) Ipfec iromb . ]fl t ftooe bim in bano to be fo toell afluircD of ijimfelft asberpfeu? be,tbat fl)ouiD offer bimfclf fo boloip to be trteb bp U5 jo. H5ut foz as macl) as be toas toel afiureb in bimfclfc ofbisbnco?ruptmnocecte,iti3 no point of rafbneffe fo; bun to ftep to obs tub= gement feate toub tbto bolbeneffe. 3UiD pet be ment not to p;ofctTe bunfeife cure fro al fault,tobo groneo fablp bnoer tbe bur tij en of bts finnes. CeVtem it is tbat asoftastbc&atntsfpcafeoftbelr onm innoccncie,tbepl?ane cuer bnto free fo;= glueneffe. i^otobeit in afmuebe as tbcp be per mabcD, tbat their gobltneflTe is acr ceptebcf C5aD,botoc foeucrtbep flpbe ti)3iou§b mfirmtttc : it is no mcruaple tbougbtbep freelp feparate tbcmfelue* from tbe to'.cHco. 2&nD altbougbe be ah lebge tbat be batb not a feprceb anb dqu= bis bar: : pet boebe "je not otfetjarge bint ■ i fciftof ailgiltinclfe, butouelp benpetl) tbat bee is gmen ouer bnteo naugbtp^ nefl'e. 5F0; tbe tooo;oe Gnotsab , 6g= mtpctb not eucrpe manner of offence, bucafozrotDC ant) troublefomncfTe , 0? a naugbtpncfTc : anD alto fomtpmc it is mctapbojtcall? tafcenof an 32ool:wbicb l aft figmfication agreetb riot to tbe p;e; fent place, 5fo; JDamo auoucbctb bun felfe tobeefafe, not onelp from fupcr= fiition, but alfo frotnbnrpgbtcoufncffe: acco;opng as in <£fape. 59.7. Jtis fapbe tbat in tbe toapes of fucbe menne tbcre is trouble anb toaftneffr, bp caufe tbcp maHe bauocUe of all tbmges tbo- tdiiqht bnlawf ull Dealing . sDtljrr fome Djao>e it to cuill confciencc, &>l)tcb rac= bed) t\)t ioicbeo continuallp toitb ferret toimeutcs : i&btcbc tbmg is too mucbe conftrapncD. ^utbatoe focucr tbe cafe ftanbe , JDauiD affirmetb fimplp , tbat altbougb bee uj.-re a man fubteite bntoo finnc:pettoasbendti»bollpfet bppon toicbeoncfTe. 24 [3lnD leabe mce foo^tb.fcjwbfw as fom tab; tt to be a curfing,as tbougb 2Dauio 0)mlDe iuifbe tbat mpfcbiefe mtgbtelpgbte bppon bnnfclfc : it batbe no itUelpboobe at all . J, graunte tbat tbe Inapt of tbe iobole cartb is fome tpme taken fo; common beatb. 113 ut tbe ix>oo2&e [3leaDc] beetokeneib ratber a benefite tban a pumfbement . 3Igcpne, 31 can not tell tobetber JDcatbbcc anp iubcre termeDC'Cbe Suap of tbe i»o;lD] o%no. y, Doubt not tbcrfo^e butljccrcbp is bcctoiieneb tbe continual! courfe of mannes ipfe : as if JDauiD fboulDe oe= fire <& £> JD too gupbe bwi in bis race cuen bntoo tbe marfee. jfteptbet am 35 ignoiaunt i»bat otber menne Deeme. $o% tbcp CjttcnDeit too tbe 5D b^D once flrctc'jea oute bps banbe to bps feruaunt, bee fboulbe go: uernc bpm ftpll too tbe enb, anD not fo;: fabe bim tn tljc ;n^oz toap , The -" ' .... The Contents of the. Cxl.Pfalme. Dduid complaynetb At -well of the ynappeafable aueltie of his enemies* as of their treafons and venemous flaunders . *AfterxpauleanD his counfcicrs, frbicbe ceafeb not to fet tbe Ring bimfeife mo2e on fire (i»ljo of J)t30\»ncfwap Soasfo furioufealreop) to ibc beftruction of t\)c I) alp manbote feeing tbat be bare tbe figure of Cbjuft, it is no maruell tbough tbe JDtucls garb outragco ageinft htm fo crucllp. ainti this io tbe caufe «&>bP bee' inucpetb fo barolp at rbcir furie # trapteroufnefle. V? oiv licit ,bp calling tbem cuill an i bto - lent perfones, bee betokenctb tbattbep ruiiiic follfullp anb greebtlp too bo mtf cbeef, ioitboutanp %t>iong offerebbnto tbem. ^.l)crcfoic bee commenbetb !)ts face onto gob,faping, bebatb mamtep= nc'u peace fo>itb tijcm anb in no cafe bars mcb tbem , but tbcp baue &>zongfullp' prrfccutcD rjim IdIjo bab beferueb no fucbe matter. ZHTI)C fame manner aifo mult toe bolD.tbnt c5od map fuccoz bs ageinft Violence anb enill Dcalmgtf.^oz IDauto fpittetb not oat rapling &>ooz= Dcs, as menne are fijooncetoo boo in qaarcllcs:butbce pnrcbacetb bimfelf <5eb5 fauour bp this tcflimonie of m= nocentneffe , bpcaufe it is not poffible but bee rnufte alwapes fuccoure goob anb quiet folac. 3 [Wbiehe tmagin f c] J^cere lo be finoctb fault &>itb ttjeir imoaro naugb= tfnefTe. 3flnbfc>eefee that it is not one man outp that la notcb: foz notx> bee paf fctbta tbe pturall number, (iotjzttoitl) £oee ougbtbp tbts tune too bee Soeli ac= quaintc&)to tbe intent tbe naugbtinefTe mapebaue bis paffage from tbeb^abe bnto all tbe companions ana partfa= hers. irJeucrtbelcffe a manne map tabc alltbat heebatbe fapbe rjttrjerto in tbe fingular number , inocfmttclp as tbe grammanens tcrme it. !i5p tbe S&ape bee confirm: tbt'o at fobicbc jfi toucbeb cnen no'soe : namely tbat tbepx bcablp aflaulting of bint foasnot foznnpoej fert of l)ts. Cbcrefozc tbe fozer trjat our enemies ocjee \>s , oi tbe crafttlpcr tbat tbcp affaple bs ^>itb tbeir pzmie ptactijes: fo mucbe tfjc mozc map'e free affure ourc felu»:s of tbe pzJfentc re= mebie tbat to pzomifeb bs of tb«bo= Ipe <©boftc, fr^ombiteb tljis fourme of |5>zapcr bp tbe mouttye of JDauio. <© Cbe Cbefecono member is tranilate^ th;ce fo>apcs .Wo?D fej fecio st ts, [febicb go* iljcr battclls togttijcr,] anafo tbcp tws DcrftaD it. l£ut fojafmucb as &?c Unefej tbat the l^cb?ucs dco oftentimes leaue tbepjepofitions : 3! ooubt net but bps meaning is tbattqcp bp rbcir falfcrc= pojts hmoic aUmenhes bstrcDS,anbfo be tl)C trumpets of battel!, foi iyi)eras btUCW take tb£ SsOJtD Yagoro foj to [clofc toguijer o? to mcctc togutjer: tt fecmctlj btierlpcclb anbfam from tbe matter. 3fterft>arb bee erpzcffctb m frbat fyte tbcp fftr bp tojongfutl icerremamelp bp their falfc Qauribersrbpcaufctbepccuio no£ oppjeffe tbe goob ano gtitlcflc ma bp mapnebiolcnceanDfojceofbanD.Ymttll ttyep baa oucrtPbclmcD bim i» flauoers. 5 [llojbpjeferuemcefc.] Untobps complaints ano accufations, now agcin be aooetb pjapcr .xobcrbp appearetb the better y iobtcb 31 b*ue toucbcbtnamelp tbat be oootb but call bpon (©oo foz oe= fence. iSlnD it is a repetition of trjc fame (entente, ccrtem i»ozos becing altcrco. iFo^berasbebaDfapb, [iScrfeue me] nofnbefapetbCPiteferucmecjanDmfteD of [<£ utll ma^ibe puttcrb [tbe banos of tbe fc>ickeo o% bngoblp] 3inb Sobcre as be ba& fapo [to tmagm nangbtmciTe]be turner!) it into [pjattijmgjto trip bp trje miferable marines beelrs bntaarcs.3il= fo loobe fobar he bao fapo of crafttnifle, tbac oootb Ut repete mecapnoncalip not iottbout a bebemencie. tfo). bee fapetb tbat fnares arc lapo rouno about bim to intrap bim,onlciTc tbe llo?o fuccoj bim. ii^oiu altljougb tbat metapbo?s fecnte to be fomctobat barber at tbe firlt figbt, tban piapnc ano naUcb fpcccbe:pct Dotl) not tl)ts figure Darken tbat S»b»tb fcatfo bin fpobcnbertofo?e , ano petit ccntcp= netb a greater pitbincfTc m it. ;# urtber= mojte bp tljc &>e?o Gayim (frijicb. among tbe $cb;ujes fignifietb ftatelp »p?oube pcrfons) jl gatber tbat bee intrcatctb not of tbe rafcal fojtof men, but of fuel) as (bp reafen of jftctr authojtitic^opcb to bauc eucrtbjoiuen tbcpoojc manne Smtbout anp let.<{£berfo;c as oft as our enemtes baunt tbcmfelucs fhojnefullp agemft bs,let bs icarnc bp bts cjcample to flee bnto e of rtjem togitber , namcip tbat bp= pon truite of tl)ep; autbojirpe tbep bcupfeo S»ples teo ocftrop bpm Soit^- 7 IfaydvntotbeLord, thou art my God : herken O Lordc vnto the voyceofmyfute. 8 O Lord my Lord the ftrength of my vvelfare, thou haft put a coue- ring vpponmy head in the day of battel]. 9 OLord grauntnotthe defiresofthe vngodly:They haue thought, Z>»f accomplish^ thou it not, for they will be exalted. Selah. io The head of them that befeege mee, let the troublefomnetfe of his owne lippes couer him. it Let coales with fyre fall vpon them : he shall thro we them head- long into the deepes, ana they shall not ryfe ageyne. 7 C3I fapa bnte tbe i,o;tb «c] l^e tca= rijctb bp ttjefe i»o?bcg, tbat bis papers groronot inb's lips as tbe p^aiersoff btpocntes Do,(i»bo to; a bain fyzw call out alcusc bpon (£oo,)but y be ptapctlj xo ill) an carncft « fecret feeling of fait!), ifo; b n till fu cbc time asamanbcleeue berilp tbat bee (ball bee faucb bp d5oOS grace, tbcre toill bee no bnfatneb callmg bpon bim. aCnDtrimlptsberce^ciTeb tbe nature of faitb.&bentbe p?opbet tt)itbb?awing bmtfclfe from tbe etesof men, talHerb bnto ILozb grant not fe,]3!tmigbt alfo no leffc conucntcntlp be tranflatcb, [accomplice not] bowebctt tf>c fenfc fball remapnc all unc:nainelp tbat <©ob bp bjtpDli'igt^cm&oftbe fetckeb, fbolb Otfappopnt ioijatfocitcr tl)cp attempt ez goe about. roberuponfee gatber, tbat it is in l)ts power to bifapoint mens leube oetufre anb Ungracious bopes, pea anb alfo to bzeafee tbem off, as Qftasbet!)m= fees it goob. Cbcrfoze wben fee fee our enemies pad calltng back to tljeir rtgbt fetttcs : tuee muff pzape Unto <25 i£> 2D tbat fyee feill in one moment e btfpatcbe anb oucrtbiofee tbe pzacttfes, febtcbe tbe? baue bene a bzeunng a longfebple toogttber. 3Dntbefcconb member tberc is greater boubtfulneffe. $o% as mucbe aotljefeojbcPuk among tbe l^eb?cwes Qgmfictb fomctpme too (tumble, oz too fall,ano fomctpmcto gupbe eztolcabc outc : 31 1 agrectl) not anuffc to tranflate it tbns : i ettc not (Bob bztng to pafTc tbe tbmgs fetycb tbe feicbeb agree bp= pon . 15 ut tbe opinion of tbofc alfo ts allowable , febtcbe uatuo CboulD: couhtcrfeatetbebopes tbat tbe fetc&cb fozgetootljcmfelues. JmalsUc manner feelnccre batbe t)ce beerctoo= foze befcrpbeb tbept pzpbc : iframelp, tbatbaupng taken t be?; leaueof (ftobs pzoutoence, rficp putte tbe failings out of all matters tonocr tbeir ofene f«ete, as tboagb tljcp coulbe rule tbe febole feojiDe fettb abeefcerano fo (ball tbe feoibsctbep fertlbe cjcalteb] agree berpe feeli :as if be fboulb fap,tbe fetckcb pe= ing puffeb bp fettb pzpbe,are beaued a- bouetbe cloub's, bpcaufe tfyep imagine tbat notbing can bappen bnto tbem a= mifre.3!ftbeotbet conftrufttonltke anp man better :tben rauft it bee reD in tbps fetfc; £) d5oD fuller not tbat tljtng too take cft<:& febtcb the fetckcD confult bp- pon,lea(i tbep be ejcalteb. Crulp tbis ts certem.tbat JDautb ntppetb tbe carcief: ncfTe of bis enemies , in tbat tbep ma= btng none account of gob, let tb tmfelucs at ranbon too attempt febat tbep ltft. 10 [1£bebeabe of tbem tbat befcege me-jc] jit isooubtfiiil febttber t\)t %nbcr (be termc[l$ cao] bee betoHcn 'be cbeefofbis abucrfarte faflton. ^ojtt map bee as feella fbi'ting of r'ne perfon as an alteration of tbe number , in tfyps fenfc :3Lct tbe mtfebeef febielje tbep ma- naceDnto me, in tbetr fetc^Ocomtnu= ntcatisns, iigbt bppon tbeir otone beaD. ^ofebeeit fozafmuebe as feelnccre all 3Rntcrpzetcrs agree bppon tbefoimcr opmton: fee feill folofec tbat febtcbe ts mod rcccmcb, faumg y J, t'omH^auic tee bee noteb ratber tljsn IDoeg. alftcr- fearbtbere folofectb a tommen. curfe of tbe febole banb of tbem: namelp tljat coles of fire mtgi)t fall bppon tijetu, febercbeefeemetb tooallube totljeoc^ ftrititton of £ofnno- tber places to put all tbe repzobatcs in fenre : accojbtng as (bp tbe recozb of faint 3flube)d5oo b.atb bp tbtseucrla= (ling ejtampie auoucbco once fo; oil, tbat bee fell be tlje tubge of ail tbe feicheb. Cljat febtd) foloiostb is bp fome tranf= latcD tbus: Cbcu Djalt caft tbem tnto tbe 6re:febicbe tranQation ts tolerable, i^owbeeitfozafmuebe as tbe letter Bath isofttimesa betokening of tbeinftru= mental! caufc among tbe i$ebzuee:u mape alfo conucntcntlp bee tranflateb, [Caft tbem boron bp fivc,02 feitb fire,] itiic as vDob btb caft bts itgbtttings np= pon ^oootnc anb )CSlfrom iabciccibcp ma? neucr get bpeaufebee fdiue tbcm incurable. ;ffo? toil acccpti. i o? tobwe a0.4Btoftifl iconic bab tbep ben mciinaJbU to amenDmenf , (o«iittme to bcal : fcttb as be b«b ftrtken be IjMiifcif toaulD abfo b mc ben fo?toarD berpfojetlDamflcutccSbftftberepzo^ tmtpmcriie.- 12 A man of tohg shall not bee ftabli&hed vppon earth, mifeheef shall hunt after the cruel! man to dryue-him out. n I knovvc that execute the iudgementeofthepoore and the judgement of the. afflicted. 14 Doutlefle the .ryghteou? shall prayfe thy name, theryghteous shall dwell before thy face, 1 1 t% man of tong.f c] tttyeras fome tranflate it, a talfeaiiue perfon : ft is os ucrmucbereftrapneo. 5Fo?bee tmanctH its? ti)jr- a racier nor a p?atcr,n ty a fono= Img, no? a b?agg« : but a piuite mpper tbat figbtei!) rather toitb baefcebpting anb Q?.nocr0,tbf.n ioitb open oefpaaee. fai bp fetting sotone tlje contrarp bice be ftjevoctlTtbat bis enemies fejcregtuen astoell to trceberiea ano craftmeffe, ns to ooen fo?te ant) bioiencc , anb fo iuere lr>kcbo;btmto 3lion3,anbbnto jrojce0, Ipse ao bee habcomplapneo afo?e, that tbc popfon of 3iDber0 0? fl&tpcrs to ton* Der their lips, ^otobctt fo?afmucbe a0 tbe 3Uerbcs ate of t!)e future tenfe : the mo?e parte of intcrp?cters tttrnettfnto a maucr of S»tfbtng. robicb although J reteitnot ,pet cbc?e 31 rather toofeeepe ftill tbc futuretenfe, bpeaufc JEMuiD fce= mctb not fo maebe to p?ape,ao to cbecre top bpsbarte onto tjopeof bcliuerancc. Ch«» frbPtber bis enemies crecpebp= pon bim frith craft, 0? fobitljcr the? be- fortaptbeir furic opeIp:beaffurctb btm= anb uibgcmc;n\5ro?(a0it bath bin fapD alrcaop) to pjapc nothing elfe but lafcbur loft. Cbcr£o?c be fapctb beur.ttiuclp (as of a tbmg that bee ccr= tainlp bnovortb, ano is fare of,) that it can not be* but (£?oD mull at lengtb fuc= caur fuctjeasbee aSltcteo. 215utfo?af= mucbe aobe fc>tn&;tb fo? a tpmc, anb fufferctb goobanb plapne meening men too bee pitcouflp b?;ceb : SDauib rpgbte ffeilfullp fcttctb a fbeclDc againfte tijp0 temptation :namclp that i£oo booths tt fo; the nonce, to the intent to fucco? the afflicScDanotorcrcuetbcoppjefrcD.^nb tbercfoic be fapctb in f jcpieffe $»oa?Des, .that <£>£>£> frtllbc tbcocfenlKr of tlje poojeanDaff!trtcb:anD b'ptbio meaiics he hartencti) Ijimfclf anb others to bcare aDiurfitiea pacientlp, bntill conucnient tpmc of refkuing mapc come : as tf bee fhoulD fap : Uin men tafee tnc no&> fo? a teletext, bpcaufc 3C am abanboncD too tlje lufl of the feicKcD, anD am not ref= Uueo foo?tb with bp tb? hanbeof <5co : pet fbatl not befpatre eucrf»h£hnc me fcifc. that \)ec fl)al! bane Ijcaipcat d5ob0 bpcaufe J\ Uno^jc it toobce the peculiar hanb'c ^nb the metapho? of t'nc hunter ts berp trtmme. ^Fo? lifee as Uje ba"tcr f»hen he pi'chcth his topics rotlb about a beafl, ieauctb no place fo? htm to fcapc out at: cue fo occlarctb be that although the bngoblp Cbjmfce bac&ncuer fo much pet can thep not Qm from the tuogenisnt of gao.3mb mtfebief h«ntcth after them to D?pue them out,bicaufe tbat in fefting to fcapeiwitrjout touch* of b?cafte, tbep cade themfelues the mo?c into becape. 13 IJ Unon? that the Itotb.fc] ^crt now Svtthout boubtc, 5DauiD too t\yz in- ter to feaic by hisp?apcr,bcb2teth font!) him fclfc concerning <25cb0 pjouiDcncc charge of d^oo, to bnoerta&c the cafe of thcpco?e. J?o? luhere as fome rcflrapnc it too the pcrfone of S?auia alone, it t0 Suatrf fbs gear?. i5trsxapon he gather. tb that tljc rpg!)tuoii0 iuili peelo thanks to C5ob,anatl)at tbepfijalialtxjaps be fafe tmber ])is p?0tcmo». :ff 0? the particle Ak Vmch oftentimes inferreth a contrarie= tie among t!)c ^eb?ucs, Ootbe beerc but fimplp afftrmc. ^eucrtbelcfteUis here put bp 5yap of inferring. Although then that the goolp mud be Dumb fo? a Subtle anb ccafe from piapfmggoabpccfJraint of anguifoivctbotb 2DauiD auoucb,that the tbmg Wh'ch to as taken from them, {ball vpon the.Cxij.-tJlkime Z}6 fballcbcpjiifyojttpmerfcoiw mfftb, * Git j piaifcs "onto goDs nam?. Cbc fecctf meber is a reojfngof £ caafesfoj be fa?= etbptlje matter foz iabtcl) f ngbteoito ft;at ptaifc <©od fljalbe t'9t0,tricaufe tljep fljai psrcciue tbat goa fyac?) a care of tbeir Soe.'fare. JFo;to Dwell btfoje tbe face of (003,13 to becberifbeD and inapntemcD bptyis fat'oerlp pjouiDcnct. Q) ill anan after oc veil jjeo cljem agepa, fo agtbepuVill biaj; aaioDe C53D5 rc= noi82 aw'o mtrtb ano glaanes. ^nD foi afmudjt a0 tbifl t»i0 a matter fyaroe t j be beiecaeo to^cn tm.ig0 tatr mo2 co'i= fufca : be put m tbc particle [oouUe.Te.] 5pj.: fo bei)»a:tb tt os,b? SxuciUpng toa wmz ojzmto tb»3 a Siance.tbss in bow? nmefc ;mfertefbe~4cr ib« fattnfuU lie, pet The Co nt'ents of the Gxlj.Pialme. Wbat necefitie fo cucr compelled Dauid to this maner of praying, bow -vrrxeorthely andwkbmt fault foetier be fufferctb fore wrongs :yet defreth be Cod to bridle and rule bis mind>that be fart not out to dehre ofreuenge or to requite like for ltke,andfo to ftriue witi> tbem in emlldoing.iAfterward ■when be bath fettled himfifc to forbear m< uhee callctb rppon Godtoodd- i ■ r'l • ■ ' ■ ' ' '■ • uenge him of bis/ enemies. TbeCxli.Tfalmc., Pfalme of Dauids. Lord,I hatfe called vnto thee, hye thee vnto me.herken vnto my yoyce vvhen I crye vnto thee. Let my praier be conueyed vp as incenfe before thy face: and t;ie lifting vp of mine hands as an euening faenfjze. 3 Set a watch O Lorde before my mouth, and ward thou at the dore of my lippes. 4 Incline not my hart vnto euil things,to comit works in vvic^ednes with the me that work iniquitie,let me not eate of their delicates. i [II/jjd 3i baue called ?c.]Bp tbP0 tbcceremontcsof § lawe.jfojmafmucb beginning a mamtc map gather , tbat iol}2ttDatiii5p?apcDfo,bei»a0;oacbcb fettb no ligbt temptation Jfojbeebotb Dubletl) tbe fame rcqtieil, anD alfo ftan= Dctlj bebememlp bpontbe Demaunomg ofbclp.3!nD alt'nougi) 31 Dart not popnt tipponan$> tunc, pet imflifee 31 not ibc ccnterturc of rljem that Smti bane tbps pfaimcto be ma^c bppon tbe pcrfecutt; ons Subtcbe bee fuffercD bnDsr ^aule. tflo'bo tbe,iDair.D,bpJ;i0Oiamc example mmtctb bs 1 03 fccKc otrctSlp bnco *2jod, leaffbp bufpiag oarfeluca m bunting after fimDiie'bclp.eo (ag iyoilDlmgoare toont to Do) wc-fijoniD ceafe from p2r.p= ing. i£ec fapetl; bee crpctb bntu <0ob, iz>beras tbe Saoj'Dlmgo doo focner crpc out bppon !)CUKn,cartbswen,fo?tt»u,e,f as it was (0oD3 xo\li tbattbepja^ers of tbc faubfutl OjoulD m tyofe £apcs bee baloi»:o tuub mcenfei facnfij?0: 2)a= uid icanctb ^"to ibatpjomilc. footo ^>btrasfomc coatertate ^eerupon,tbat bee^jasaotben anouilaiyano a baat- fb^D man from tbe congregation of tbc goolp:31 i»o:enot"ajl)Ui}ti: it befuffict= cnt mougb. after their opinion tbcre 10 acoucrt matebmg oiccntrartes,mtbi0 S»ife: alitboiiftlj Jbcep^ooibtteDfrom commtngaty ^>an^uarte to Q;ct»emp= felfc ttjete a"mong tbc i»o;il)ipper0 of ^ocilfctobeit feeing y no rcafon cepi iKtij to tabc it fo rcfrramct.1; :lct bo b°io Vjs cotcrcD t»Ub all tbeic oi»ncinuentton0.anD if at anp tins general Doctnr , >♦ fojafmiub 40 b? time tbepDircrttbett bopeco bnto ci ougijrc JDauio to apptpe tbefe bealpcs too bts owne bfe. ^Foj as muclje tbeti as be confidercd Jjon? ttje of= feting of mcenfe daplp d pontic all ar bp tl>e coromaundement of ygoo,S»as not a ljap'najirde, no; tbe offering of tl)C eus= nmgfacrtfifedcmc m toapnc:')c matcbetb bt0p;aper0 i»itb tbat law feruicc. Cbe lifting top of tbe bands t0 doubtteffe ta- ken fa; t'oc p;apmg it felfe . 5Fo; tl>ep tbat m ti)ts place tranflate Mefliot, a gift o; a p;eicnt, ooo Darken o; rather marrc tl;e p;opbetcs natiuc mcartpug . 5Fo; bow coloe gcarc ipere it tf i>c (bold fap* tettc »np p;efcnt o; let mine cuenmg gift plcafc tljec i j#ow ti>cu fetng tfjattljis woojb being derated of Nesha.ftgniSetb a bcautng o; lifting bp : it agrcetb bcrp well, tbat b«0 Piping fl)oulD be bctoUe- tied bi> tbe outwarbe geffure. 3nD it 1a eafpe to be fecnc,tbat 2Dauid(acco;ding too bis woonte ) repcteth one tbpng tw c:. ji^ovoeto wbat ende it ijatlje bin euermo;erccepuco bp common confente of all nations too lift bp ones bandes in pjapmg : it Ijatb bm fbewed berctofo;e. 3 [£>et ai»atcb *D lo;] U5icaufe Dauio mpgbte l)aue bin fo Q) alien w«b tbc dnb;pdeled libertie and luftineffc of, bis enitnies, as be mpgbt bane bad lefTe (lap of lumfelfe tban wasmectc: fyede- fp;ctb to bee goucrnco bp <&od . 3Mid be rcqueftctb not onelp to i;aue bts bande s reftrepned from reuengc , but alfo too baue bis tong reftrepned a0 Swell from mtfianguage as alfo from quarellpng S»ao;dc0 . 5fej It bappenetb fometpmc tbat euen tbe beft (taped tmn tbat bee, (if tljcp be barmed without tbeir defer: uing)are fo difquicted Suitb tbe bnkmd dealing of tbeir emmtes, tbat tbcp frart cut to rcucngc tbcmfclueo.'2}aut0 tbcr= foie Defp;etjji tbc 3to;de too b;pdlc bp0 toong,tbatnoouertbwartwoo;de map flip out : SnoaU'c to reftrepne btsbart from all Howard imaginations, tbat be map not requite w;o:igs.wbcras it fo= lowctb aftcrwarbe, [ILet me not catc of their delicatea :] it is a bo;owcd fpcecJj: aistfb" fbouloefape, &ette not tbeir pjofpertttc egge mce too wicked fppgb= ting of tbem . $ oj t^cfe tb?ee tbpnges music bee reodeiopnte:p together, ldut it Sotll be better to fearcbe tijem ratber one bp one. fa; as muctje tben as no- tbpng ts moje difficulte ttjan fo; trjoic >' be iojongfulip troubled, to baue fuel) bclocof tt)cir tong, as tbcp map quictlp and iottb fiiccc fwalovot bp tr;c ir to;on= ge0 : it ts not fo; nougbte tbat SDauid defirctb too baue bis mouttjc guarded toitb5»atcbe and ioarde, pea and too baue tbe oojeof bis moutb bept faft (bet bp d5 £> ID, as if a poster Ojold ioatcbe attljecommtng »« of agate. ^o;bcrt= lptbe i»oo?dc Natsira, is ratber a derbe putte in tbe manner of commaunding, rbt«n tbenameof a tbtng. S>econdlp, be addetb , tbat <0 £> 2D [fbouldc not m-. ctine I)i3 barteto cuilltbpngs : ] fo; tbe tooojtde Dabir (as in manp ofyzt places) is put bcrc fo; [a bufinefTe.] 3!nd imme= dtatelp after, bee declare tbe bts oSane meaupng-.namelp to tbe inunt be migt)t not become ipke b<0 enimies bp ftrtutng fcptbtbem i;i doing cntlt. Jf ibemonhe of iy'iontc tnention is made m Cufebt- us bad ipepgbed toelt tb»s meaning of jDautds ; be to 3 uld not baue ben fo toit- leffe, as too baue tbougbt bimfelfe too btn«2 pl3peo tbe parte of a berpc good S>cl)0ier , m bolopng b/.s peace iobole feuen peares toogctber. -f ■-•; feben bee bcarde bow it wa0 a popnt of rare uer- tue too bf pale tbe toong : be gate bim- felfe into a frilbcrneffe a farre off, and returned not to bis maifter t?H feauen peares after. 3!nd tbenbeciug demanru dedtbecaufeofbts long tarpance, bee nnfwcrcd tbat be bad bm pjacttQng tbe tbing tsbtcbe be bad learned out of tbps tocrft. T&m it (Ijoulde alfo baue binder manded of bim,i»bitbtn. foi fobat a toozbboufc ts mannes hart, anb no\» Variable beuifes forge th be almoft euerp moment:* ffrtttos tbcrfoze mnft Snec confeffe fcjitb 2Dauib,tbatifr)ofl: : am)alfo£>ati)ani»pll neuer leaue prompting of sc inith ftczc of things fcbtcb i»e fljall eaflp oz rather grt&clp imb?ace, except C5ob fet tnmfelfc agetnfl them, jftettber muft tt feeme a= gem't rcafon, tbatbom the concuptfcece ba?el= lcth'.pcaanoinafmucb as thep natural ip couct goob oz emll: tbcp tnclpne bnto cutll, net bpoutfo»arb infozcement, but Sotllinglpanb through their ofomc bc= fault. Whcras 3 baue tranaatcb it,[to commttfojozfesm fowbeDnefTc:] other- fome tranOate ttCanb notamifl'c^too thinb thoughts.] i§ofo>bcett iozafmucb? as thep come bothe too one meaning, 3] paffe not greatlp. 2i5p th« fojoza Meuegni- mi(fc>bicb 3 baue traftateo [Delicate*] bee meanetb the mirth fo>licrm the bn= goolp fpozt themfclues, fo long as <&ob of his gentlcneffe fonnUetb at their of= feuces.ainb Ufee as tljcp grofo) the moze pzefumptcoufe anb pzeuoe : fo ts it too bec feareb , leaft tlie fapthfull beepng begupleb font!) thetr pzofperiite, fljculo alfoflippearcapiDith them. 3nbtber= foze not Without caufe boothc iDauib befpzc too bee rapneb tn fowl? the ferret bpttcof the bolp atban eggeth the ioicbcn fctth bps baptes, thep them= felues alfo beguple anb are begupleb bp flattering one another: JDauibafftr= mcihh?crc,tljat he bab muche leuer too beecontimiaUp quuKcnebtjpiKith cha= filings as it iscrc icith roibes , than too be oecepueb fcjitb fonbe ficttenngs. ^poz mafmucheas among the befptfers of gob,be 10 not blameo ivhtch is mf cc= tet> &iib this faulte 02 that : fobofocuer minbcthtoo beefounbe, muQ miigcntlp matcb h«n felfe iuith honcfi men,^ map be able to fcthunbpaggpne Sunt) help ccunccl if he fal,oj cal him bacH into tl)c feap againe if he go aftrap. Jn bzcte to be biameb as ofte as feec Doo amitTe, ts nothing pleafaunttothcfiefh'.but Da= tu&bab fofettlcb bis nunbe bnto tea= cheeblcntffc anb forbearing, that no te= buUingof him35»htfh he hncu? too p?o^ dRggg.ti. creoe lohn Caluines Commentarie ±& cceoe from the fptnt of •mcfccneffe coula be bitter to bun. jjiJtvmtb.taaiug fozaf= m icb as there is i'ome Dour in the S»3Z= 0:3, it mafte bec fcene iobit fenfe S»tll agree beuVCbe tooiO chded might &tlp be tnrneb into tbeaoaerb:[nu'rcifaHp, oi chiritablploj eife there might be faps pi^es the Jdjcpofmon [w oj umb] ana onto this opinion Doth cbc mozc parrcf interpreters agree: namely tbat the coz= recttons fc>bi-b fauozcb of iouingfctnD; ne fie ana mcrcp.oj i»bicb pzoceeoeo of a gentle ana Sostl meaning mtnoe, Opala be bnto 3Danta as gooa as molte picci= cionfe ople.3!f tbistranlLmonfce nueo, then is it to oecconfiocreo, tl)at Dauta iooketbnat fonuich<: too the oatvoaroe maneroftbecbi5tng,ai5 to tbetn.t>"iroe mebcnefle cf uy: i>art. jffoz altboagh the righteoufeb^ tocrpbote innjoies.ana repzoae offenbers tier? fljarpel?: pet are the? not moueo of an? other att"ccci= on than of bzotberlploue. jftap rather euentbsittt^ptigjzoufneffspzocjcoetb of a goblp carcfutnefle, foj fearc Iwft their brothers fljolo mtfcarie.Cbe ngb^ teous man thercr'oze toill aiioapes bc= bane him fcif j charitably, altljougb bee fcemefoincbat ioze t bebement: uae= fonfetbj maltcioufc, alrbogi) tbep 00 but touch, men ng'}tlp,pctarc encp bncbarts table. irmalip bp tjjis mark tDauta met t« oifccrac the rebafcrngs. rbatpjoccb: of pure Jon:, front the rapungstbat bzitft outot'batrta gj cnmitte , accoutring as Salomon faith. 2 ,.08tfc>ub= {janbtng as fnip alfo agrcetb the other tnicrpzctation foinch 3! bane fct boron, namel? [let the righteous rebufce me, $ tt tbalbe mercp,]oz 3 Soiil accept it as a bcneStc.iUtbtsncbafttfeiu:,* it fbatbc ttnto me a ptccioufcopntment that fbail not hart snp heat). Chis latter member id otberonfe ejepounae 0 bp fome,tn this *»tfe: llet nat th : opntment of tfjc beaO bze&c tup heab : that is to fap.lct not the roicbeo clat» me orablp with their fmotb flatencs. 3lno fo bnocr the name of ople 0: opntiu?nt 1 hep t»iil haue to bec bero : Hen^D the pcfttlent flatteries toberiyitb tbJisscticbfrnae tts heaaiong mto ac= frruciton^bcn bnacr pzetence of fwct= wflctb-p plunge as mojeanamoze in - I tothebottotnlcuepittc. 33n thps iopfc ftjouioethe featenccbee thef«Uer>that £>auiD is not onelp obcbtcnt£ anb i»ii= ling too receiue co;n jtton, but alfo that hce OjunnetSj fiattertc no leSTe than the burtlull fongs of the ^armatbes. 4ln& truelp although at the firft tatte tt bec a fiojCi-c thing too bec p^apfeo.pct not= fe>ithfttinDtng S»b9focucir fljal gtue eare to flattering anb footbing, fbail anonc after fuc&c tn moftc pjefens popfon iutth btslDboie harte. B3at &)?s nvuft learne bp this example of 5Dautb0,to ftjaKe off all flitterits iahct^bnto iyec bee oucr= foiciaarse bp nature, ana alfo too lap a&ap at fc3ilfulnsflc,tbat i»e rcfufc not chaftifement, fe>!)icb« «3 the holefomcft remebp cf our bUcs. jroi mofr men tatie fuch a plcfure m pertfljtng through tbeir otsncfononeflir, that eucn hee Swhich ts tnio}tz$ toconbemne Sjimrclf,^ctl> not= $»itbttanotn:j couct to be acquitc bp the tocrbite of the xsjojlb. [tfoi pet ftiU.jc] ^T Ins member is crpouDCD thzce i»aps. g)jme picU out this meamng,tbat fs?= afnutt^aa noth^g is mojc cafie,than to be cojrupteDbplctiDe examples: SDauiD innhctb pctition,t!)3t be map not tteppe afio? into their naugh'tnefTe. Che fe? coii^c Tenfe is, that btcaufc IDauio fecth them pzactife bugractoufip tohatthep tt(r, he Dcu'reth of the 'ILotbe to be Uepte hit from their malicioumefTe.Cbe thirD forte let it Dofeme thas : feeing J per? cetae them to be tonrecoucrable, 3! i»tfl) them their Deferuiag, that (Sods faftc >jcngeaunce map at length \)ttcr it fclfe Bgapnfttbe.Cbe contrarp fenfc migbte feeme fitter : namelp that tbeir i»itful= neffe botljc nottoith^anbing not binber ©aaib to tcifl) feellbnto them. JFo? the ioojbs [pet fttll] are put tn. iaithti ^>e= hcmencie. 3nb iohQf »f ©auib fljoalbe pzophefie of their tonlucUu enber'as if be fbouio fap,aithogh th« bngobip do now plsp the Cantons, pet bp that time that b^haucreftea bint awhile," Sail fl)02tlp fal out that be him felfefbalbe fapnetoo pitie tbem. "Sna furelp the Japing togi= thcr of the i»ozas leabetb b0 the rather tber&nto : fo^ befaptb not [t^p P?aper fl^al pet fttll be in their mifenes :]but be fcemcth to fap [foz pet fttll] apart bp it felfe,ana then after»ara putting in the copuiattac[ana,] h« aaaetb> CanD K!? pzapcr pjaper (b*ibc m then* imfcrtcs ] JFoiaf= mucbe tbena0itS»a0tobeiearco ieaft £>auto lijoulD baue (UppcD ai»ap fcntb Smfelp fufpenbetb bi0 mtnb,a0 if be ftjoulD fap,3Ut b0 tarrp pet a Uttle S»btle,anb at length tbep fbalbe ftnkcu i»trl) an hobble mifTo2tune,fe>btcb thai enforce cticn me anb all other of v©oD0 cbtlbjcn to be fozp foj tbern. 6 [Cbcir 3!uoge0 «.] 3Imoft all 31nt€rpjctcr0 agree in trjc altertng of tbe moobe of tbe tocrbe. ;tf02. tbep tafce tljc pjetcrtence in ftcD of tbe futurct ece, anb then bnfolb it into tbe manner of S»tfl)uig,in this S»tfc:[fLct their 31 ud= ges bee tbioojen bourne jc.] 3lNtnpne opinion 3Dautb0 meaning S»olb be mas nifctt, if S»ce tranflateb it tntbi0 S»ife: Wbentbetr 3!ubge0 be thjovren bourne from IRocbs ci bppon (lonie place0, then (ball tbep becre mp fapingo. Cer= tein it is , that fozafmuebe as H>autD fawchowthe raging of the comonpco= pie agcinft him, S»i0 but bpcaufe tbep S»ere mifleb bp fatfe repoits:bcc lapeth all the blame bppontbeirleaber0, 2Hnb therefore S»h£nthep HjalbcDiffcatcD of tbep? autbo2ittc, bps hope i0 that tbe fitnple foite Ssill come too their rpgbt foittgagcin. ainbtbe throwing of them Doumc from the IftocUs o? into ffonpe place0, is pat beere mctapboiicallp in refpert of the bignittc S»I)ertn tbep Sacrc placeo. iftow although tbep iirrre not altogitber Suttfjout fault, S»bKhefoio= toco S»tcfecb guibcg tn pcrfccutmga goblpanbholp manne S»2ongmilp: pet booth bee tufflp hope better of t^epjta- menbment : bpcaufe tbep fonll then be= gm too 5uc]c S»pfe,b>ben ur bonc0 bee fcatter sb j c] *$ ere JDauiD complapneeb.boUj b(s enemies S»crc not contentcb to Ml htm out of banb anb raafee no mo2c a boo, but hce fapetb that bee anb bias retinue icere toinein pcecesbccfojc rhep Sscrccafr into their grauc0.3'nb S»bcra0 robbers S»bcn tbep haue murtbereb a man, boo caflh«0bobp5Dholetntothegrauc:JC)a; tub ausucbetbhtrnfclfe anb bi0 compa= nptoo haue benmojecrucUp hanoieb : namelp that their bonc0 lucre fcattcrtD abjobe,ltkc as 5»ooo tj ftones are bcu?en inpece0,ojhfee as earth ia ttggcbbp. XO\)t rbpo it folowetb that iDautb i»n0 i»onberfullp reffcetucb from manp itc^ the0, acceding aa^atilfpcfecth of ht*u fclfe.2.Coj.i.9.Wherebpalfon>ecm>u1 conrctuchope of life f toclfare,althriU3h our bones be bjokm J fcattcrcb abjooc. 8 For mine eyes /w^evnto thee O Lorde my Lorde, in thee hau? I trulted, leaue not my foule deflitute. p Keepemee from the hands of the fnare which they haue layde for mee,and from the nettes of them that vvorke iniquitie. io Let the vviclted fall into his nettes togithcr, I will euer paffe ouer them. 8 [•ffcjmpnccpcflr.jc] ^ffecbeare fnminde vahat isimplpcb tu tlje foie= fapbefcatrtngof bones, lohcrof he bat!) mafoc mention : tlju? pjtaper muff bee fo taU m,a0 though th" gobb-ts of the oif= mctnbicb an5 tejnc Bob? cr^eo Isntoo (pob. wljerebptjee gather i»tth bob? pztneelp coiagc 5DauiD i»as cnbucb, fe>ho being ouerfehehncb &ith fo house 0 burthen, ccafeb notfc? alttjattc haue bt0 epes call fttl bpor. gob,areojbiBgas it t0 the *p?cptr buet'.c of fcptfj , too gc; thcr togithcr the Dtitntapxb feUS.fchu b othcrYDtfe 'inoiD fro time to time banfjh atuap. Che Uhe a0 it i»;.oa notable niju racle of C^ob, to fceepc men alpue Si hen thrr z.pc. lonn ^amines v-.ommentanc ___ ____ tbeir banea ioere fcattcreo abtobe. £><> fon, ano rt)ercfoje 31 fuppofe t^at 45ob S»as it a bauble miracle too fploc tyctr ia couerrlp betofcencb tonbtr tbe terme mines fettUD in ftebfattneffe that tbe? [ins.] § : Ijao fapoc afoje, Hojbc Kcepe quapleo not. mee front tij: tastes anb neftcs of the 9 [ftecpe mee. fc] $ee confcffetlj tongoblp: anb now agapnfl: tbe uettea htm felfe too bee faftc QjettJ top in tbe tbat tijc teice:o bad fet too compaffc tbe trapped of l)\& cnemie0,tr be bee not oe= Ample fozte.b: fettetb 3D. j$cuer= is tojnt to catcb tbe xoilie in t!jc naugh- tb-JlcfT- bv )jist callpng toppon (J5ob in tinea ta>mcb tbcp fceuifefoz others. 3mo tljia DtfU'cflTc, bee fbeisetb fpi»e great btr aufc «: hao to beale aitb a gtet mub account b?e mabctb of bt0grace,Utvcas tttuoc,be faitb, [let tyem fall togttber.] in tb« 0falme.68 .u. be fapbe tbat tbe iFox onleffe be bab ben affureb,tbat goo tflues of Death foere in bis tjanoc, bp= ia 9blc(eucn \»irtj no abo)to ouertbzoro caufc fjeafte times Delated) Deltue rants, Sobatl'oeuer power men pack? top togu too tbe tntente it mape bee tbe moje ma = tber,tbcre baa ben no bope tot bim to ef= npfefte in the enbe, anoalfoturnetb tbe cape. aule, as if bee Eboulbe fap, let IDoeg [tob'les 3 paffe oner.] i£ia 'voids tben anb fucb? lp&e fall into tbe fnares of ta, tbat bts enemies fooulbe bee fnareb, S> aule, it fecmctb too bee fritbout rea= Subtle be "aim felfe efcapeo fafe. The contentes of the.CxIij.Pfalme. When Sauk came into tbe Cane where Daniel lay hiddey the holy man mighte in that fo great ieopardie either haue ben amazed, or elfe ben mo~ ued byfeare too haue doone that w>ts not lawfull , as they doo that de- Jfayre of their lyfe, who eyther lye lykc men in a traunce3 or elfc are hary- ed hither and thither lyke mad men. But Dauid teflifcth in thts Vfalme, that hce heldeflilla well fettled myndejo as bee leaned vppon G 0 D by affured faytb, and attempted not any vnlawfull thing, but gaue him felfe toointercefsion and prayer. Thc.Cxltf.Pfalme. I Auids inftru&ion, a prayer when he was in the caue. 1 With my voyce haue I cryed vntoo the Lorde : with my voyce haue I prayed vnto the Lorde. 3 I poure out my mynde before his face, I declare myne affection be- fore his face. 4 When my fpirite tumbled it felfe vppon mee, and thou kno weft my patherin the way that I walked they layde a fnare for me. j I caile myne eye too my rightc hande,and looked , and there was none that knew mee, flee I coulde not,and there was no man that fought after my foule. t I yoifi) mp bo?ce. f c] wonberfuU IDanib , tbat (bee toas neptber afto? -o)js ih: cjccellcncte of courage in np*0i»ttb fcare,noi ojiucntottb anger too vpon the. Cxlij.Pfalme, 239 to reuege ntmfcite 01 t)is cnertuc, icohici) bao bm eafiC foz Inm tQ boomoz pet tops ceo bp Dcfpapje too ilea l)iin: out Diredf D bis pzapcrs onto ucr to cbafc bppon tbc bit.tban too See DntogootOt agemft tbefojttleffc Gjzeefes ioV)tc1)C otberfome raft bp into tbe aire, bpcaufe tbep concciue no comfozt of <15oD0 fatljcrlp pzouioencc. Cbceffcrt tbercfuze is, tbat bee neitber bouleb out fcjttb beaftlp bjaptng afoje mcnne,no? marttreo bis minb fottb fecret to? met 0 buttottereblns greets fatmltarlp afoze (000. 4 [Wben mp fpirit ?c ] autyougfr b« confeu"ebereibatbccfc>a0 fojovcfull in bis baft: pctoootbe bccconfumctbat i»bicb b«c batb fapo of tbc conftancte of bp ftetung ftnfts bere auo tbere.Cber= foze bps meaning 10 , tbat altbougb tberc i»ao no mcattc of Dcliuerance too bee feene, pet did defob alfc>apes fenoioe boiota beliuerbim. giomc taHetbps member [tbou baft nnoioen mp patlj, j otberfrpfc : as tbougb JDauto fbouioe mafre gob a iuitneffe of 1,110 innocencie. 2!3ut tbe otberivbicb J baue allcagco is rpgbrcr: tbat fo>bereas b« toffeb anb tumbleb bis mpnoe bp anb oo&me in outers turmopltngo, anb pctcoulDt not fcnnbe bun fclfc our of tbem , Cp'ob fenci» tb« meane bott> too beliuerbim. 36 p iobub fcozbs feee bee taugbt, tbat altbougb after tbe attempting of all re= mebte0,tt bappen tbat iuce be as far to fcene as &jce $»erc at cl;e beginnmg:pet ougbt tb«0 too fuffife b0, tbat (0ob is pziuteo'f our mpferie©, auo boutfaueib toobnocrtabe tbecljargcof bs, acroz= bmg as aibzabam fapoe.t&en.i 2 . z . tbe JLozoc fcnil pzoutoe. Cb»s fclfe fame rule folotocb JDauio, 5»bcn beemg be; fct i»itb tbe barbneffe of bcatt), t)tz fytt !)t0 cpes,anb gaue oucr bimfclfe too bee ruicb bp<£?oo0 fatberlp pzoutbence. 5 C3!catt mineepcjtc.] l^c confir= metb tbat be fuffcrcb not tbofe fo^eto?= incnts i»itbout caufe, confioering bo&> tberc S»as neitber anp mano bclpe 0^ comfozt to bebopcb foz,nozanp (Jarting bole open to efcapebeatbl^otobcitiobe becfaptb, tbat in catting b«fl W aftOe, anb loohmg about, bec founoenotanp frenD among men : be mcanctb not tljat be gaue <£»od tbe (lip,$ bzaue bis minbe abom Onto toozlblp belpC0, but tbat as far<*0bclawfuilp»mgbt,bibaDfougbt iol)tti)tt tbrrefecrc anp bilpcr toppon cartb • 31 f anp«bao ben oijrca , DoubtlciTc be !»ouls bauct abni bimtoo baueben bisfaitt), 3nb it i0 a trim inetap'noz of .-* mimfter of ®oos grace. 10utit&as tbe fojzitbing anb ^zapping bp of tlje minbinitfeUc. ^fozi»bcn tbereQppee= rctb no Soap to get out of baunger0,tbe minbtoffctb among funbzpe bacheroU lingo,anb pzocuretb itfcifc moze trouble <2>oDs inil to bcrcue bim of man0 belpc, to tbc intent to rcf&uc bim fro bcatl) tbc moze fecnbcrfuHp. [Co fclie after ones foulc] 13 put berc in gooo part, fo? to be carcfull foz tbc fatting of mans life. 6 I cryed vnto thee O Lorde,I faydc,thou arte my hope,and my por- tion in the lande of the liuing. 7 Hearken vntoo my crve, for I am greately diftrefTed with myfe- ric : delyuermee from my perfecuters , for they are grovven ouer Iohn Caluines Commentarie ouer ftrong formce. % Pluckc ray foulc out of prifon, that I may prayfc thy name : the ryghteoufc menne snail crowne mcc, bycaufe thou hafte re- warded mee. 6 [3 erpeb bnto tljee.fc.] /ftofr to t\)Z intent tbat i5oo map make tbe mo?e fpeebe of \}is belpe, 3DautQ complaps nerrj tljat bee is eitcblco anobiougbte cucn loo tt)e idftc caftc.anD (as 3 banc fapDel)crctofciw,)bp tbefc>Oitf> [crp] fye betoknetb bebcmcnmc(Tc/3t t tbe lengtb befaptbbe ljabneeoe tooberanfomeb, bieaufe ijc is bciDc as a pjifoner. f-oi ioberas bp tl)c i»ojt>e p;ifon,fomeDn= bcrltanD tbc is to irtucb tcitrap- neb. Cbat S»lncb is aboco in tbc cudc, Cuamelptbe righteous fl>al croune mc) is tranfiatcb oibcranfc : tbat is too fow, f the righteous ftal iuaite for me.] 3i3ut 3 baue kept dill tije true f natural fig= .ni fication of tlje io o jo . jfr e ucr t belc fle J confcfTe tbat it is put fo; (landing rouo about bint in a ring : as if be bao fapoe, be fbalbe a fpectacte to all men, bpcaufe all men fonli cad tbeir cpes bpon fo ma: npfeft a bcltueraunce. JI anp man IpUe better too reabeit fottljout figure, tbe meaning feill bee tins : Cbe ng'uteous (ball not onelp tciopce foul? mee , but alfo fee a crotone toppon mp beab in to? nen of butozie. Cbcre are alfo tbat ins tcrpictc it ttjus:Cbep ftal floefce about mc to retopce ioitb me, anb ftanb rouno about me m a ring, Ifowbcit fczafmucty as ioo:&e fo? tx»ejbe it ts [Cbcp fljaii crofome mee,]fomc fupplp anotbet pjo= noune : namelp tfyat tljc rigbtcoufe Q)all conuep tmto tbeir ofcme glojp tbe be= Refitc tbat Sons bclloi»ed fcppen Da; uid, bpcaufe tbat as ofte as 45os be? Ipucrctl) anp one of bis feruaunts, bee croi»iictb all tbe rede of tbcm bp in- niting tbcm too tbe fame bope. jfreuer= tbcieffe, tbat fcrfucb 31 baue fctoottme is tbe plapncr : namelp that tins grace (ball bee apparaunte tonteo all men as bppon a ftagc,tbat it map bee a notable atturaunce too (bote »p tbeir faptbjff oj tbe U)0?D Gamai among tbe ^ebj,ws fig= nifpetb moic than to rewarbe, $ impoj= tctb as mud) as to bellow a benefit, ac= coding as xo e banc faib in otljer places. The Contents of the.Cxliij.Pfalme. although Dauid had to doo with wicked enimics, -which opprejfed him no lefje -wrongfully than cruelly: yet notTvithftandingforafmuchc as he ac- knowledged) it to happen by the iuft Judgement of God, to the ende he may reconcile bimfelfvnto God3he refortcth humbly to fuingfor pardon.^Afttr- •warde -when he hath complaynedofbis enimies crueltie3and auouched that no heauynejfe could emr make him to forget God : he requireth as -well too befet in good cafe agayne,as alfo to be gouerned by Gods tf>irit3tbat he may imploy the rcfl of his life ynto godlineffe. \ The.CxlUj.Vfalme. ^Afiji Pfalrne of Dauids. Lorde,heare my prayer , hearken too my «<|||s£ fupplicati'on , aunfvvere-mee in thy truthe, and in thy ^w£j&- righteoufnefle. 2 And enter not into iudgement with thy feruaunt, for in thy fighte shall none liuingbeeiuftified. . j For vpon the. Cxluj.Pfalme. 240 3 For the enirnie hathe puriued myioule,hechathcfrnittcn my lyfe dovvnetoothegrounde, hee hathe laydemee in thedarke as the dead of the vvorlde. 1 t%ottt becre mp pzaper jc] feeing tbat IDawto brwaplctb \)\g mtferics fo fo:o wmilp anD carcfuttp : it appeerctb tljat t\)c crueltic of bis enemies was ex* trccmc. 3i«& Hns pzeface Gjcwcffy \}oio bee wastourbcD with no ligbt grccf. wbp ije iopnetb rigbtcoufenefle* trutb togubcr, tt)S caufe is DcclarcD beereto= foze. fo; wee muft not PnDer the wo:D [IKlgbteoufencuY] imagine Deferte anD re ajarD ,as fome uufkttf ullp Doo: but bp goDs rigbtcoufenefTc i0 ment bts gooD= nefTe,wberbp bee is Icd too Defend tbofe tbat bee bis. Co the famepurpofealfo makctb tbe wozo [Crutb] bpcaufe that t!jc bed trpall of bis faitbf uln:u":,ts ne= ucr to foxfa&e tbem wlpm be barb pzo= mifcD to bclp. (Boo fben bp betping bp 0 feruants fbeamb bimfelfe to be ao welt rigbteoufe ao Cootljfaft: Sr ft bpcaufe bee Dtfappopntctb not tbeir bope,anD fccoo= Ip bpcaufe that bp benefiting tbem, be ntteretb a trpali of l)i0 0 tone nature. Zno tberfozc jDautD iuftlp fcttetb tbem botbebtfoxebim too tmboloen bimfclfc bnto pzaping. 2 [3lnD enter not jc.]\r>bpheecom= ractbtoocraumgofparDon, jB tolDpou alate. $ot from i»r)ence foeuer aDuer= fitie com:netb,weemuft take it too be tbe fcourge of ©od wbercroitb bee p?o= uofeetb b0 to repentance. JFox feeing be batb no beligbt at all in our mtferieotic i0 certeine tbat our fins gtue bim caufc to bauble b3 tbe rougblper. ac Ijce is tufttficD wl) cb is reputcD anD ta ten foi rigbteoufe afoze <3ob, ox wbom tbe bcauenlp 3B uDge bim felfe acquttctbas bngilttc. IDauiD tben ciccluDing all men from tbe pxapfc of tbts DngpltincfTe, Dotb bs too wit, tbat tf tberc bee m'p rigbtcoufncfTcm tbe ^airnts, it is not fo perfect as tbat tt can goc fox papment befoze goD,an.D fo tje pxonouncetb tbat a! men are in goos Danger, ans can not be acquite,but bp cofcffiou of tbeir ful gil tmelTe. («a,ruelpbeetmgbt mitlp baue boaftcb I^imfelfcto be one of tbe perf cc= tc&, if anp baD bin founD perfect in tbe woxlDe : ano bee Uneu? wbat mancr of faunonclTe tbe fonnDneffe of 2Sib:abam anD ti^t reft of tbe tjolp fatbers baD btn= jBoro feeing be fparcti) ncitber bimfelfe nox tbem , bee conelubcrb tbat tbcre is bat one wap fox all men too pacific gob, * tbat is bp flepngto bis mcrtptDbcr- bppon wee gatber bo« DtucUUi furp poflfcfretb tbe mtnDo of tb^m wbicbeat tb to Dap pxate ftu 1 of pcrfecte ri ib'ccuf- neffe, too tbe cnbe tbat tbe tctmftton of Gnncf Iohn Caluines Commentarie dance map occ qmcc DUptateo. gswcip tjjcp tootftb: ncucr bjuft out into dic-bc pjefumptcoumcffc, it tf;cp toere not full iraugoteo tout) the contempte of <0ob toubin.Cbcp cjctol regeneration imgtj= tclp,as though Cb;pfts fetngeome con* ftftco altogitber m pureneffe of lifc.ll£5ut inafmuclje as tfjep aboltfb the ebccfc ar= tide of the cuerla(tiugcoucnauntcon= cerning free attonemente , tohicbe tije faptbfull are commaunoeo too fec&c baplp, anb pufft top botbe them felucs anb others toitb bjapncficfcc ano mote than bjunfeen pjibe : trjicp boo but bv'= tojap tbiirovwnebcafllpneffe. Cberc= tojc UUc a0 tli cp coulD ftnD in t rjcir harts too fpit in dSoos face, fo let to0 abbo;re anb octette tbem. yet tbts alone fufft^ fcti) t\)cm not, fo; men the Rapides cenfcfTe, that if C5ob fbouloc ta&c top= pon t)ttu too plap the iuftc tubge in cjca= mming mens ipueo, ail men arc fubtert tonto iuftc oamnatton. 2tub in this br= balfe tfyep bee »noic faunae, mobeft,ano fober tban trjcfc monftruoufe vffi>argaw= tuas , of to 'jam tocc tjaue fpoben. 115 ut although tljc paptfrcs clapnie not full anb fubirantiall rpghteoufnefTe to tbem fclues , pet nottottbftanbtng fojafmucb as tfyep tojgc their otrne merites anb fatiffarttons, tbep bee farre off from the ejcamplecf JDautD.ChepacHnowlebge al-toapeS roiite oefaultc in toojtks, enb tbercfo?etooobtapnc grace, tbcp call mcrcp too tbeir reflate, i^ut too bec tuftifieb bp tooo?&es, anb too bee tuttt- fteD bp faptb, are matches one agapnlt another tn the Scripture a0 contra= nes, anb bcttoccnerbofetworbcrc 10 nomcane. jfoalifblp therefore doc ibe papules furmife .a tbtrbe ngbteoui'= neffe, tobtcbe partelp fljoulbe becpur= cbafeb bp their otone tooojtbco , anb partelp uuputcb bp & £> ZD of bis tcn= oer louc. '4tno truelp JDauio beerc in affirming that no man lining fbouloc bee able 100 ftanO* before <© il> 3ED if bis tocojaca fliouioc bee called too tuoge= mente , fancpetb not £f>e fapbe bauble rigbtcoufneffe , but caUctt) to0 rpgbte foojtb too this confequence, that <&oo topli not bee at one tottb toa but in re- fpertc that bee 10 mercpfuli. -fFoj tohat= foeuer rpghteoufnefTe men tbtnke tbem feluc0too bjtng, ittoamfbeti) atoap a= foje btm. 3 [jfoj the cnemie.flrc] Sifter that JDautbbatb confeffebbmifeife to differ iu(ti punifbment £ojbps fmnes.j^oa? bee commetb botone too bts enemies-, attobom toohaue maocins beginning it bab benne a pjepofterous ojber. 2Bnb tbeir crueltiets crpjcfTcb in this, that trjep cannot bee fatifflcD, but bp the beatb of f ijolp ma.ij^ap rather b? faith he is alrcbp bereft of bis life if 45oo fuc= cour him not apace, jfo? bet compareth not him felfc Qmplp to a beab man, but to a rotten carbaffc : fo? bp [the beab of the SBOilb] be incanetb thofe that toere bifpatcheb out of the foo?lbe long ago. WnD bp thefe irooios \)c teachetb, not onlp boa- he truftetb that gob toil be bi0 ph ; fitian in fome beablp bifeafe, but alfo that although W lifetocrc bunco anb forgotten long ago, pet 10 it in dc>obs hano to fende lum a refurrection, tohcr -. bp to r eftoje his Dud to life agapne. 4 And my fpirfte is troubled vppon mee, my hartc is amafed within mce. f I bethought mee of the dayes of olde,my minde ran vpon al thy do. ings,my minde hath runne vpon all the worke of thine hands. 6 I ftretched out my hands vnto thee,my foulc longctb after thee as a Lande without water. Sclah. 7 Make hafte,aunfwere mee O Lorde , my fpirite faynteth : hydc not thy face from me,for then shal I be like them that go down into the pitte. 4. [SflnDrnpfpirircfr c] !&auingfpo= confeffeth the mflrmitte of the minbe, Hen of his butwaroc mifcrtes, noto \)t tohcrcbp toec gather that hee toas not ftenp ftonpbattea , 'out ajat t»a:nijee Sbaso= uer-ttbclmco Smcl) toisivt as fnrre as S:2j coulo percetue,be ncpt bimfcifi bps pan !j»0 fccte, onelp bp (raping btmfclfc bppon faitb ano ibe grace of tbefooipc hoQ:e. lii>p -aj^icbe cjcamplefcncb^c taught, ti^.tifat anpc time affiutions 5»;aUcn Us, pea o; toelncere isaueb.s tax. t»ead:pct mi?U ioce no: icaac feJycfts Utt3,bp;a**("evi5oa i»tll grauntc bs at isn^tb to ft>aae out,fo our barf bang ft? pon bitntnour aagut/bes. 3lna in the i;:ri uerfc JDiuib Declarer') that t>e baft bujclp fougbt foz rcmcaictoo afluage bis fojroeoes. Stn it is no maruell tljat oiucrs Doq qaaple bp peciaing foilfuUp bnto roajaraipmflc, conftaermg boSs tbep rcgara not to gather forage fcp cab ling <£oas grace to rememberace. ^rae it ts in accae tfjat note and Ujen sar mi= fertca arc maac fbarper- bp calling too mmMjoo) fcysBi? t2j9&batlj belt fc>tt!) btf, bpcau'e tb^omparifon quicfeenctb ana ibarpenetboar iotts t'jj moje^But SSauta fjatb fet bint top anotljcr marUe: inmcip.ibat b= r mtgbt get cojagebp tl)c former benefits' nf (Sob. 3Lna truelp tljc beti tr.cane to Biap to bans an ep: to cI5oDs former bene&t*,cucn ftjtKn i»c be at the popnt too quaple. jStptber asat!) 5Dauia mcane tbofe benefits snip wbicb be Wmfclfe baa baa experience of • fro bis rbil&bofrfo? (tn rap iuageraent) tbep acaie too firitttp y iatcipjcte tt fo, feeing tbnt the isjoja Kercm ijatb a larger fcope. Cbcrcfoje 3! boubt not but tjjat Suttbbtso'&nc pjiuatc experience , bee matebctb the oia irojtes.Sobcrbp it fcjas eafie too behclb ©CDS conttnuailgooB= neffe to-A>arb0 tbofe that be \)io.%et bs alfo learne bp Ins cjcamplc, not onlp too ccnfiBcr the bcncSts t!?at <& <& 2D bat b beSotoeD bpponour fclues t but alfo to call too remember ante boa) often bee batb apbco bis feruancs,anatooapplp tr)5 fame foboUptoo our oSuncbcboof. $ffl>tben trjeugr) tr>c btttcrne'Jeofour g'-ccf alTfeage not oat of banae: pet ioill njofirc enfueof it after iaara.^c? \)oco- focuer JDauia compiapne becre , tljat bts cares anB troubics 5»erc noirelee= ueo out of bana bv tljtS comfo^t:pet p?o= cecaea bee tn bps inmafulncfTc , tonttll itmigbt at lengtb Cbtfr tljce fnitejs m Duefeafon.Cbe &>o?Be shakes 31 baae tola befetofo?c)ltgntfietb as i»ei to bt= tcratbing itl) tbetung, as too mujc Uppon it fejttb tbe mina. 3lnD tbcrfoje fomc tranflatc it , J tyvaz intresteo of tbp fcjojhs. 23 ut fojafrauclje as tbe SuoiDCHa-achalfc Sgnifictl) toominaa tying: J. tbjnbtbjrris all ouc thing res petea twia, nna tbae, ro tfjc cnb bcn 5»ce earneftlp ccnfiber fcjbat a one bee batb alwapes fljeisca biniftifetoo^rs feraants, ana alfo fel;at a one 5&ze baae fauna bT-w oar feints, jfsi aUbo«Sb p?ap?r fpjtng of faitbtpet no:*o)it^ftdn= bingtu afmuclje as tr>e trials o?£?cds migbtic po'aocr ana goobneffeboo cou= firms tbc (attbe tt feifcj: ri)crfe>itr>aliaifo tbcp be berp gcoa belp.'S to releeae cut* faintneiTc. 5rurt!;crmo;e beebeclarctb. bis carneslnea*e bpa goeblp fimilitaae, comparing bis foule too a D^oagbtpe grouna. $qi in ejetreme ajougtjts isn'e fee tl»c groana cbappe^ns stgjougjtft ope= nebbir moutbtoo loo&e fojDMnkfrom beauen. 5Daiua tben wcauetb, tbatbse commctl) anto <5oo Saitb feme;*; ae= fire, as tbougb liutlp mopfiure fnplea bim: xv])tcl) tbpng bee cjp^ffetbmoiie tlcrclp in tge tuft atrfe. 3^na bcre agetn tbcreappcrctbno trifliagfcSe offaitb, in that be fecitngbtmfclS to faint,-? aja= foing toiroara b»s grauc, ootb Hotii3itb= (lanbing not ga?e about ifittytt ana tbt= tberfettb teaucring mmoe, butabpbc ftili fettica m Cf>oa atone. 2lna altbougb be baa abara s foic encounter agema f tnfinmnc of b?0oi»n ficm:pet notioitb- flaotng £ fainting of i)iB fpirit -Sobtcb be fpeafecibo^'ioasa fbarpcr fpurretoo $?bbb. pjtici-e i.}H. Aonn v^djuincs v^ommcnunc pztcfcc fnni \>nto earned pzapmg , than it tjee rjao bancjiufbeD l)ts t'earcs, fb2= roo?c0, anb grccc(0 bp ftoicail fturbp= ncfic. 2j5ut it uj alfo>apc0 too bee no= tcD, tfjat too t!;c entente i)c map tpc rjim fclfe too 45oo alone,rje fcjteDetb. al ottjer rjopc© out of l) 10 mpnoc, ano alfo Siletb. tl)e berp neceffitte tt ft if to bts purpofe, making a chariot of it to mount tip tons to 45oi> in. 8 Make mee too heare thy louing kindnefTc betymes, for in thee is my trufte : shew mee the way wherein I may walke,for vnto thee haue I lifted vp my foule. p Lorde delyuermee from myne enemies , I haue hydde mee vntoo thee. lb Teache mee too doo thy will, for thou arte my God, let thy good fpirite leade mee into the right lande. Lorde thou shalt quicken mee for thy names fake, for thy ^righte- oufneffefake bring my foule out of diirreiTe. And for thy mercies fake tho u shalt fcatter mine enimies , andde- ftroy all them that perfecutc my foule,bicaufe I am thy feruant. 8 Chaise mcetoorjcrc.fe.] 3!n*bte fono2fpccbelp.i$ealleagctl)[r)«0l)ope] tint o v0ofc (as 1) c lio tt) often clfc fr> !j er c j ii 12 j toerfs agapne be befiretb to Ijaue Sohs grace manpfeft tonto btm : pea anb that S»itlj effect. wljcra© rjefapttj.iss&emee to rjeare,it fecmctb an tonpzoper fpee elj, bpcaufe <0o&3 goo&ncflc 10 ratfjer felte tbartJ)caro. t^orobctt fozafmucrje a0tt fboulbe boo \ja fmali plcafurc too re= cepuc d5oD0 benefits, ejcccptc Soft bib rutoe fauour in trjem bp tlje tad of fattb: £>atu& i)atl)e boonc Srell too beginne ac beting. 5F0? S»efecr;Orotl)eSDO;tlbltng0 cram tfycm felueo fc>itr) ttjem, fettbout perfcucrance of bis geobncfTe , bicaufe tbcp gtue no rare to rjis fc>02b,no2 l>aue anp fattlj frjtmng afozc tbe to fljero tljem tbatgobiotl)ctrfatber.ibouiefulcolo= Ip reftratnc tbe iuo;b[betime0]bnto tfjc facrificctf, foz fcje fcnorpjjow trjep ioere iuont too offer facrtficcc tropceaoap, mozntnganb cuening. ^5tl)er0bnber» ftanse tt moze curtouflp , tljar *0oo is fapb to fafrjion tbc bap a neo?,fc>bcn Ije bcalct!) gcntlp mttb. tusr fcruaunt0 . £)s trjer fame &>ill tjaue it too bee a msta? pfjoi, anb too betoken pjofperoua anb iopfuii ftate:ItHe a0 a fozonrfutl anb mu ferablc tunc 10 often bctofecneb bp barfc= neu"e.3i3ut jEmarucll fobp fo ftraungc meanings fboulb be fougbt fo? in tbt0 Suozbr, ixjbcrcui be bot b but funplp rc= tycrfc p Surjtcljbe l)at> fapb af02e,namelp [l)pctbee,oi majje r;aft.]215ctimc0 iber= foje imp62tct b as muibe a« in buc fca* fo2 bp b.ope fcc after a fozt bo call dftob tnto \)0, ItHc as rje alfo bp offering turn fclfe franfelp tonto be, anb p2omtftng to become our father, inbentctt) frmb b0 after tlje mancr of men.JIt 10 tberfo2e a btnbe of aDbligat ton. TBut pet bp our fo botng,foee be (0 far of fro bringing anp iuoitbtnc fTe 02 befert, t^at our trufte 10 rattier a imtneffe of our empttneftc anb titter lackc. wbcrcao fjee bcftretl) too !;nttctbci»apopcneD tljat rjcmaptoaib in it, it is referreb too b»0 troubles anb tncomberaunce0. 5F02 tys meaning 10, tljatrje iricUctbinaquampje.f ^0bte/ can not fttrre a footc, except d5cb mafee i»ap fo2 btm : a© if rje ftjoutb fap,JLc2D all tfjc be fire s of mp rjarte atnc at tbee, anb tl)crfo2cm matters offucljpcrple= jctttc bcutfe mee thou feme fhtft too rpb mee out. 9 [JDciiucrmce.fc] Coo t^c fame purpofe iDclnetre :enbetb tb. t0 piaptr. ^f02 trje impoztunateneffe of b.t0 ene= «uc0bab fo2ectofeball tflfuc0. Ji^ojtco; ucr, fotnc tranflate tlje fcozbc casiu too l)opc,but the ptoper Ogntficatton of it t0 [tobpbe,]from^)r)tcl) 31 toeulb notbu greffc. ij^otft)itl)ftabmg,fome lap tt out ttjU0:tbat Bauibpercemtngbtrnfclf to be abanboncb to a lrjoufano beatb0, re- couerril) btm fclfe too tbc couch c of tbe ujabctu of C5oo, enD ftjiouocb btm fclfe bnber vpon the.CxJiij.Pfalme. bnbcr bis tuition, wgicij erpolitton me tbinfeis allocable : anD trulp 31 ratfjer ttnb£acctfyat,tbanti)t0 ot'tjcr iubtd) lp= feetb man? bp reafon of tbe finencffcof it.namelp that JDauiD toanDicb not bi- tber anD f bltber.but IjciDc btm fclf con= tcntcD ttritb tberecozb of gob a!one,anb c3ilco bpon btm p^mcclp bp bit" fclfc- io [Ccacbc mc too bo f c] jftofe) be moumetb Ijigljcr. ^Fo? bee not onlpDc* firetb too bee Deliuerco from outroaro trublcstbut alfo (fetyefy is cbecf of ail) to be gouerneo bp vlt»oDs as bee mapcturnencitbertoo tbe tigbtbanoe no? too tbe left, but bolb btmfclfc in tbe true ngbtneffe. vobiebe fonffc mult bp anD bp come too our remetnberancc, as oft ae temptacios Difquict bs anp tljtng (oie. iFo? notbmg is mozc barb,tban fo to fubmit ourfclucs bnto 45oo, aa Soce map fecfee no bnlawfull rcmeDica-^e- tng tben tbatcare0,fcare,angutfl},&>ee= rtnelTc, anb greef0Do0ftcnttmc0moue manpc menne too attempt tbcp care not fo)bat:lctbs after tbe ejcampleofJDa- utb Deft re (Bob to caft a b;iDlc bppon bs icaft bp compulftcn of tbe fieff) wee bee Djiucn fobitber fee ougljt not. 2i5ut tbe manner of fpcaUing (0 to be mar&cb ab= iiifcDlp.;tf 0? b<0 Dcftrc i0 not onlp to bee taiigbt iwr)«t ^000 imll ts, but alfo to be taugb* anD framcD to obcDtenee.tbat bee map Doo it. 5fo? tbe firrt: manner of teacb'-ngfojolD be to fmall effer$,bicauie tbatirljcn^oD fhewetb^obat is rtgbt, toce folotoc not bp snb bp timber as bee calletl) b0, bnttll bee baueDjuuoen our affections bnto btm. 2mD tbcrfoi* free bao neebe of (2?ob to bee our fcboolcmas ftcr anb teacbtr, not Sottb tbe bcab let- ter onlp, but bjttb tbe fecret iniiintt of tbcbolp^bbft. jftap ratberbceerecu= tetbtbe part of a matter totoarosbs, trjice SuapcS. -f 0? firft bee tcacbetl) b0 bp b»0 5»o.iD:fccoolp be enligbtnctb our mmO0 bp bio fptrit-.anD tbtrDlp be pM»' tctb b»0 Doctrine in ourbarts, tbat face map obrp it Smtb true anb earncfl cen= fent.JFo? tbe bearing of tbe &02D fboib of itfelfe boote notbtngmeitber ffcoulDc tbe bnocrftanbing of it auaplebs, on= IcfTe imlltng obcDicntnefTe of tbe bartc Sacre matcijeb &>ttb tbem. /ftcptber faptb bee, teaebe mce, tljat 3. map boo 241 tt,a0 tlje Jdaptftes Dzeame.febtcb tbmfc t\)t grace of ap, i»ce bee taugbte gcncrallp tobot free iyiil can Do:fromi»bKb, £>autD tabctb beereall free cbopfcmaHing, bnttll tbe heart bee framcb bp 45obs fpirite bnto bolp obc= bience. 3tnb tbe^oojDc [ileabe] confirm metb tbat fubtcb 31 toucbcD cum now: namelp tbat JDautD fapnetb not a mpb= Die grace (as tbe *3aptftes babble) tbat leaDetb men inamammcring;but erp?efTetb a farre greater efficacte, ac= cojbing alfo as fdaulc tcacbctb.|3btlip» 2. i}.31ti0 <0iD 3D tbat i»o?feetbm b0botlje tbe SopllanD too perfourmc, accojbmg too bP0 gooo pleafnre. 3D tafee [tbe rpgbt banbe] uietapbojticallp fo? [iaigbtneffe] 5Fo? 3DauiD3 mea= ning is, tbataffoone as tuec ftcp afibe from (0ods gooo plcafure, i»cc bee ieb awap into errour. jS0o?eouer tbe pio? per ^oicctiue tbat ts topncD too tbe iuo?Dc fpirite , ia coucrtlp matcbeb agapuft tbe naugbtpneffc thatts :b?cD in bs bp nature : ns tf JDauiD baD fapD tbe tbougljrs of all men bee all finnc= full anD croobcb , tpll tbe grace of tbe bolp 0boftcco?rct tc tbem bp tbe rtgbtc rule, avbcrcbppcn it folowctb , tbat flefljelp rcafon tellctb bs nctbingtbat is i»l)ole 0? founbe. 3! graunte tn Dfcbc, tbat tbe iRcpjobatcs are cari= cb r.wap bp (0oDs eupll SDptnte, bp= caufe ilpoo cjcecntctb bps iubgementes febbbij. bt> 2. Of. lohn Caiuines Commcntane bp tljc SDiucis. i?ut3 tijmbcncctbat iDau'.D fpabs fo futtip in rbps place : but ratijer ti)ar bee cenDcmneb Ops o&menaucjbtiwiTe,? pccloc'o tbepjapl'c cf goooncuC, rpgljieouftieile, ano Ph? cojruptneffttoo ii>efyirt:e of (25 i£> 3D. 5ft»vtl)-:rmoze Sobefcas be faptb. [tfjoti arte mp (0oo,] Ijcc fljctoei^ bofc> bee fetcfjetb not aupnnccof obtepntng from elfe tobere , than feosa t\)z nee aoop^ tion anD p?omifc0. jfo? it is not at out appopntment tootu^fec bin: our s of b*s onmc free accojue. 11 [£,o:Dctbou fbalt.f c J i^c confir= tmtb better bptbto faptng.tbat \)tin= cljctb not afTuramc of welfare out of a- np other fountapne tijan dSsDS mere bountcoufin-ffic. fm tfbeb?eugbt anp tr>ing of ht3 oicne, tben fbouibenottljc caufe reft w (Boo onelp.3i5ut b? is tapo teljcalpe t>s fo? \)ia names fafer, fosijen fpnbing nothing tubs that map? purs chafe bis fauour, bee is inbuc;D bp ins o.rne onlp goocnetlfc . 31nb too tlje fame puruofe acrtepnJtb tbe S»o?D rtgbtcoufc neffs. 5fbj ID batlje ojOtynca the fcjrlfareof tbefapthfuUtobee the mats ter foberbp to fct feoztb \)is rpgbteouf= neu*e,as 31 haue f«po tytttcfoic. Cbers iuitftall alio bee rcpetetb tfcat Sobkbe bee ban fapocof tlje grtatetjtigmeffe of !j is a glutton 2. :tfc?m oefpzing to© bee quickened, be confdTetb that be is after a fextc foitbonte feule, 0? as goob as Seaoc, pf <& £> ID (in fc>bofe banbe the tffuesof Dcatbe bee, f&falme .6s. 21.) receuer bpm notbp fome fecret &efur= rcrtion. 12 [SrtD fa? tbp mercies fake, fc.] Jn tins bertc alfo bee beatctt) bpen tlje lame tbing tljat ijee bail) fpofcen toure op fpue tpmes afoje ; naaiclp that l)U bo= petb foj Ipfe bp t!)e mere gooDnefTc of dMDJD. fs% altbougbe <®£>K> fecme rpgojous in ocfircpuige tlje foipcbcD: petoocti) JDamDati'trme,tbat tlje pens gcauncc fcobpebe (0oD taUet?) of tljcm il;ali be bntoc Ijtirtan affuraunce of bpa fatberlp gooOtoUt tooearDesl)tm. Sine truelp fo? t ljc mode parte u&oos rigonre anD fjis mcrcte encounter one an ctijcr. jPoj &benbce mpnbetb too rcactjeout btsban&e toa faueljistiruauntes, bee Oartetb cute tbc tbunbcrboUes of ijps Sojatbe agepnft tbctr cnimics . ^00 bee fbojte , bee marcljctb ormeo too refbuc bisfcruauntes, acco?Dmg as bcefpca= Hctbm Gfap. 65.^..^bcoapof bengc= ance tsmtnp barr.anb tijiststbepfarc of mp beiitjeraance . ^oicouer feben bee cal'ictl) btmfelfe ®ods feruaunt,bce boaftet!) sot cf l)i2 ferutres : but ratber commcnoctbc C5joj grace, too febome bee cugbte too tbmfee b^mfclfe b«bol = ben fo? tt . Jro? tljis sigmtic of bf etng taben fo; o;:e of (0oos leruauntes , ts notatcb,ieucDbp our ofene labcurc ano polltctc : but bangetb bpposi bis free c- letfcen, feberetbojougb be fcoucbefafeb to regtftcc \js intoo tbe number anb bi~ greeof yisfetuauntes, cucn befojcSue ioetc bojn : acco^Smg as tbz fame 2Da= u?D c]cp?ciTeti) mc?e piapnetp in anotbtr place. 3 am tbp feruaunc, tbpferuannt anb tl)t fonncof tbp bani3mapD,i2>falmc 116.16. ;ff>T: tt is all one as if bee bab mabelnmfclfe (Sods clpcnt, anb fl)oulb put bpm in trtiite S»ptb tbe Defence of kis Ipfe. The Contents of the.Cxliiij.Pfalme. This VJalme is d medlie of tbankjrs^imrt^ *nd prtym. For Dauid extolling mizjitcly the Urgenejfc of Cods giftes wherewith hee had ben adorned, (whether it were bycaufe heefawe the whole courfe of mans lyfe in ha^ardc of many inconuemences , or whether it was bycaufc he had yet muche too doo with frowarde folke ) nukctb fute therewithal! , that God fhould; cmtinue the fame graces 3euen vnto the ende. It dijfereth from the eyghtenth7)fahnesbycaufe that there he doth but oncly triumph in hispacifycd Kingdome and inhu ajfayres flowing proffer oufly : but here here he ijinnkjctb tnfome rcajon tlut the temrmunt of hit enimies did us yet holde him tdckeftill. The.Cxliitf.Vfalinc. Auids. Blefled bee the Lorde my ftrength,which teacheth my hands to fight,and my linger too make war. z MygoodncfTe, and my fortrefle, mytovvreandmy deli- uerer,my shcelde, and in whom I trulte, which fub- dueth my people vnder mee. 3 Lorde what is man that thou shouldeft knowhim? orthefonne of man that thou shouldeft thinke vppon him? 4 Man is lyke vanitie, and hys dayes are as a shadovve that paf- feth by. i [JSleffcbbcctljelLo.tac.fcj Jtap- pearetbplapnlp,tbat feeing JDair.aab: ozneb (0OD0 grace tottb fa gloztoufe titles , l)c t)ao not onlp emopeb tlje Kings Dome, but alfo obteprjeb notable Uitto^ ries. 3 n calling oo , not enelp bpcaufc of a rube fbepbearoe tjee w as mabje a (route fearriour : but alfo bpeaufe u was trjc lingular giftc of (003 tljat l)cc conttnuebfo. 30 nb tbps woozbe [ftrcngtij] fccmetlj too fit the place better trjan tb* tooioe IRocfce.iFoj tmtmbiatlp after becabbetb tn i»ap of ejcpofttion, t!) it Ije in as trapueo too ttje iaarrcs b? the tnftruction of fa. 1 8 . r i .not that be b**b authentic cuerdSob, butbtcaufc <25oo bab created anb ozbemeb bim turn;. ire; afmucbtrjeuasfyc bab felt <0oD fo ma= np foapes goob to fjiiri, ije t?rmerb \)im rjisgooDncffe : meaning trjac k>batfoe- uer gooo tbtngs bee is owner of, trjcp flow all from dSob.Sfltbougb tbctb;on= gingtogttijerof fcoozbs f folowmtgbte feemefuperfluous, pet make tbep mucb to the confirmation of faptb- Wet Una to bow flipper le mens mtnbs bee, anb fpe= f ciallp bow eafelp tbep fall from trje con- ftancie of faptb, i»bi'"anp great fto?mc ligljtetb upon trjcirt. Cberefozc if *5ob pzomuc Ms bclpc in this infirmitic too flap Ds l>?, a i»o;o oz tfojapne xuill not fuStfe ratber, altljougb be put mm? p:ops tinder ids, pet not onelp bo fejec fuffcr manp daggerings, but alfo fozgctfulneffe of I) is grace ftealctlj Dpon fcs, which m a mane? cafletb Down our co^ages. vvljerfojc fo>e mud tinberftanb tbat IDamos gathering togitber of fo manp titles tn trjc comenbattonof gobs grace, is not onelp too teftifie bis ofenc tbanHfulncu"c:b:it alfo to arme tfje gob= Ip at all popnts agapnft all trjs aiTaults of ^attjan j.tlje wojise. ^oieoucr not toitbout raufe bctb tjce recken it among one of ^5)03 cljccfc benefites, tbat bee Heepetl) tbe pesple in obetsiencc bnto Ijim.wbereae fame laililjaiie Gnarai too be. put foz Gnamim, ano tranfiate it Ra- tions: 31 marucll fe'rjp fo conflrapneb an interpretation fljouloe bcltgbt tbem, fltb that IDauib measetb limplp, tbat tbe Hare of \)is realmc i»as not biougbt in ozber fo mucb bp tjts oftjn •wtfbcmc, ftccjigtb,P5llKitfl,anb autb3zt:te,as bp l^bbb «j. (Bona 9 Ce5oos iccreTe grace. 2toD ntip bathe tjcc DfCD Cl)£ ft>03J0* kadar, &1KC&C figmfi; ctb [toofpjcooat.] jFo'jtoijtrcaBfoHW bnocrftanDc by ctjts fpjcaDtng ontc of the people, that the people fat mcrp an* bappte ac tyctr cafe , it fcctnctb fatrc lctcl)t. jfreucratt>bttmo?cs.oo 31 ao= mit that other tooulo bauc tlje people to Ijaue bencaCte oofejnc, as u isere too beetramplcDbneerfootc: fo; fucl)t)io= lent Dominion among dSobs clcrte peo= pie, ano in \)\s t>olp heritage, bab not ben fo Socii too bee ipUcb of 2i5ut S»ben the people obey lavoes glablp ano Soil= Unglp, anb cuetp man quictip becomeil) confoimablc,goDfl blc6mg fbmctb fojtb the bcttcr.^no fitl?(as 3B fap&)w fuel) an inDiffcrenttiefTe" calico a fpjteaBing out,tDberem is no troubleoneffc 0} con= fufion. Sifter then that IDauiD rjatbc thanHeb (!5oD fo; tlje touto;te0 that tjee bathe obtcpneo agapnft bis fo;rcpn cnt= mies : be there ix>ttbatl alfo giuctb Ijun thankes fo; oibermg the ftatc of bps realmc. Zn^ truelp conftBcrmg boa? be ' i»as no noble uia»bo;nc, ano alfo that bee SDasbateD fo;thcfUunDereu0 re= po;ts that vyt-nt of bunut i-ni^fcarfe to bebelcuco tljat cuerbe&jcuiObaucbaD anp quiet rctgne./€ben,tbst bepoDbopc the people fooelp fubmttteD tbcmfelues onto bim : fo fooonDcrftrtl situation toas the fmgnlar fcjozke of fmguiarlpfc^llbee baa bcnoclte imtball, bee turned) b?0 epes. into bisn felfe, anb making cjccla= manoii,fcemauDety,fobo am31 ,to febo ©do ttoutfauctb too let btmfcif Doronc. 3in Dfcbc tl)e fc?o;bcs are fpofcrn gene; rallp of ail inankmD.Ji*leucrtbclcflc this circumfcaimcc muftetjec marfccD , itjat 3Dau;o confiocring bow bafe anb fcnrti garoco bps oiane cftatc S»a0,ccmmen= Dctb 45ods grace tbe mo;e. 3u other places be alkvigcttj f things that migljt bumble rjim felfe atone : but Ijecre bee l)Olb£tl) ijtm fclf imtbin the bev» of corns mon nature. J$ap ratber S»b«rcas bp bifcuffmg mans nature be mtgl)te bane repo;tcb other things alfo, fo;$»btcbe tbep are bni»oztbpof C5obs loueanD regarbe : be ootl) but bjccfip touciMbat tbep bee Ipfcc too a fmeUe o; a fbaDoio. wbercbppon it folowjetb.tbat ap in a moment,iobat ts tberc too bee founbe fteebic m bs:* 3Ct is too bee iearncb mo?coucr , tbat free neucr &cp ^15ods grace tbjougblp pnougb, t cccpt toee bctbmHc bs of cur otone effate. Jf o; tben ts (0ob0 Due peb Deb \)nto l)im in Debc,S»hc' i»c achnoro= leoge tbat be both bs goob bnoefcrucb. Cbe rede let rtjc iReaoers fctcbe oat of t'ne cpgbt ?9falai,i» here tberc to elmofl tdclibe raping. 5 Lorde,bovv thy heauens and come dovvne,touche the mountayns and they shall fmoke. 6 Cafte foorth the lightening and fcatter them: shcote out thyne arrovves- and deftroy them. 7 Sende thine hande from aboue,plucke mee out of the great vva- ters,and out of the hande of the itraungers children. *& For their mouthehathefpokendeceite, and their righte hande is a righte hande of falfehood. f ]lLo?beboiDthpheauens.fc.]31f3 ter he hath cjctoUeD-€feO0 fejmer grace0 accojbingtoo their Defcrte, beoeuretb fuccoji fo; the p?eferuation of his fcing= Dome accojbtng to the patent nebe3no lifee a0 bee has glojiicD in (Bon &ith pjincelp cojage : fo bol&etb bee on toith libe ftatcimeffe of S»o;b0 tn fjis papers alfo Requiring htm to boio tbebeuens, to maUc the mountapnestco imoHe,too trouble VUUll LUC. VsAl.UJ.L UillllC, *++ trouble ifr apzeium) tbunDermg,ano to fbooteottt i)is aroius.ij&p foibtci) ma= iter of fpcecbes, Doubilc ifc rjc oifcuffctfj ail toe tmpcoiments irbicb arc to baroe foi Ds to toaoc out of , too ti)c enoe that i»e map copzcbenD ©job vxdntt poiocr bpfaprl). jfintbc.jcoiij.i$fainicbecom= mcuDctl) the !jclpc0 that be l)aD feltc at gooa banoe,almoite in the fame fozmes of fpc^-i b:meantng tbcrbp tljat ^oo bao pictcrueoljtm bp S»onSerfuil j Dnroons teo meancs. ;f oz although there appcre not alfoapcs tonic fuel) iigue as ofrc ass (0od fuccojeobtni.pct notimtbftanDing be ooj be but ugij. e too aDuaunce abouc ti)C co uon ozotnarp of nature, tlie tbtn= ges tfjat bad t)appcncD beponoe hope. 15 ut b^re l)C tjao another purpofe : tljat ia too tort , that fozafmuebe a0 manp Dzathea pzcafeD opon Ijtrn, \Dbub vc nlS "oaue ousrojncimcD htsminDtottbDcf- paire ,be mtgbt concede goos tncrcDible power, tt>bemnto al the tmpcD'.mcntsof tl; c it> o:l0 mu(r neeocs gtue place.Cers teffe it teas to a gooD enD that he motT= teb thus in his oucrreaebing fpcecbes, Uaftheemjghtc inclofe fus Welfare m SoozlDip meanes. jFoj nothing baD ben mojte aufee at fuclje a timc.than to mea= fare <2>303 mightie poiaer bp ozoinarp mimiB. 7 [2>e;iothPb3nD:fc.]0o^>aton« imzoioe ttnocrftano too ftjljatpurpoic Cije fozmer figures tenoetnatnelp that fitbearthlphelpes faplcD, ©od fbouloe rcache bis banbe out of beauen,bpcauf« the gcjatn tiXz of .the pcnll rcqmrcD an cjctraczoinarte manner of helping. &nD tljerfoic li:e compared) his enemies too great and ocepe fcxitcrs.wbcras he cal= leth rbem[itrciungcrs jit ts rcfcrreo.not fo muche too the oztgmall of their birth , as to their DifpoGtionauD bebautor.^ifoz it (0 ?\l Ooonc too Dzaroe it to the onctrs cumcife!),fetngtbat SDsutD Dooth rather louche the batlarolp 3 crocs that boa= ftcD falfjp m the fleQje. 3&nS a little af= ter hce Dooeth bs too S»tt,tbat hst hath too Dcale.norfo muche Soith fozremers that fought/ agetnft hpm Smth. fozce of armes ano open Defpancc, as fcmb, m= toaro enemies. H5p the [right banoe of faifehoo fomebnocrftao rafb attempts: iohichc JDautB hopcD CboulD bee Difap= pomteo. £>tbcrfomereirreth it too ttjfe oiomorie mancr of tafcmg an otbe, as if he baD calico them penureD.sDtberfamc crpounD it, tbattrjcp as tocllcjeecute their SwctieD oemcc0 i»ith the banD.a© alfo ipe S»itb their tung0. 10 ut fozaf= muche 30 tn making pzotmfes, it hath bin an ozDJnarie cuftome to ftrifee hanD0 Cacco;omg as Salomon fapeth, pzo= uerb.i i. 2 1 .i^anoe to handc,o; fymbe in hanO,)3! Doutnotbuthemeancthfalf= harteo,trcach«rou0, ano Oeceitfullpcr= fon0. tfot ouer&tcll agree thefett»oo tbinges togither, that is too ioit, a fatfe tung,anD a guplefull hano:as tf bee baD iapDe.^jhatfocucr thep pzomifc, pet ts there nothing too bee hopes fozattbetr hanoc.bpcaufc their fatrc fpcabmgano thetr gtmng of their banoc is but too becctue men. P I will fmg a new fong vnto thee O God : vppon the Vyole and the Pfalterie will I ling vnto thee. to Which giueth welfare vnto Kings , and reskueth Dauidhisfer- uaunt from the hurtfull fvvorde. II Reskuemee,andpluckemee out of the hande of the flraungers children,vvhofe mouthe hath fpoken deceit.and their riohtha'nd is a right hande of falfehood. 9 [3!io*UTtug$e.] €ahmghsrta= foncoulo conreiac. Jroztrucfpertoftbe greatneiTc of the fjclpe , hce pzotnifetft an cjctrAOiomaric Istnoc of fong , the iwhiche bee feparatcth from the Dap: ip Sacrifices , bp a notable aDBitton. 3ls touching the [CU.pole anD the pfaU tertc] 31 hauetoloepouheretofozchou) trjcp xo ere a part of the trapumet bnber l^bbb-mi. the gan Onto him, he a&Dzefr«l) himfclfe to gtumg of thant>s,not Doubting but goo tt)!Um3intetni)t3 benefits euen tootle cnb. J, b'lue toiD heertofoze, that bp a new fong is menta rare ana fingutar fong. wijeruppon it folowcth that iDa= uid h-D boptD foz mozc than mans rca= zTpt ionn oaiumcs v^uinmciuanc tt)e l.uo. 2i5ut d)c-ca? the argnmence oz matter of the g?on3 10 too bee mass b:D:tb3ti0 too i»ic, cJjat 2>autD hao not onlp ben OefctiDcD, but alfo reffrueb bpgoo tbepzefcruer ofUmgo.bpfrbofe autbozitie ano commannocmcntbebaD bin createD anb anotnteD lung, wbcras beere femctb tonto tome too bee a coucrt matching of contrary, bctrocneUings anD common if IDamD flraio fap that net onlp the inferior fozt of me, but alfo eucn the puiuanreftfozteofall i»hKh fecme ouee fafe bf tljetr orotic po= rocrano firengtb.arepzefertKD bp tt>e hanDe of<25ob:3I cannot tell St>f?itl)ec it bcptfbpcnumgl)-' 31 lifee ratber thia 0= tber reafon, that although :re not fljcloco bp gootf fecretDefence.2i5ptbei*Mp iDauiD fbo= letb out bimfelfc from otber Hmga,imc ao m another place he is calico the firfte begotten of all Htngs. $9fatmeS9.28. £>zat leattroifc placing bimfelfc m the cb^cfroome bpcatifebee fc>as anopnteD ftuthtb:b3ipople abwealt tbcrefr.bec fapctb, that ti&obs grace ejccceDeo to= warDo btm.3l:io foz honozs fake he cba= lenogcth £00 bimfelfc the fpeciall ifric of dfoDs feruaut. itfoz although all Junga bee d5oD3 banDferuauts , anb that €p= rus bp a pzecogattue 13 called gobs fer= uauntm 45fap.+5.i.pct notrottbftan- bmg fozafmucbe as no heathen fctng did euer acfcnorolcgc (0oos calling,ano 3Da uib roas at that timealonlp in j frbolc ioozlDe iubucb frith larofull autbozi= tic,toreigne frith certem afTureonefle: this mart* 0! Difference tsfroztbclp put Unto htm. 31 Doubt not but that bnber [the hurtful! frooozo] bee compzeben^ Dctb all the perils frbtcbe hee haD paf= fcDtbzougb of fo manp ptres togubcr, fo as it might be trulp fapo of bim,ibat hee came too the feege ropail bp Dcatbcs, $-fras ftabltfbeD in bistbjone cuen m the Deatbcs them felucs. 12 For our fonnesareareasthePlantesthathauegrovvenvp in their youth: and our daughters as the corner floncs that bee poolished after the likenefle of a palace. 13 Our corners bee full,pafsing from forte too fo rt: our ewes increafe into thoufands,and into tenne thoufands in our ftreetes. 14 Our Oxen can ayvay vvnth the burthen, there u no breaking in,no going out,nor no crying in our ftreetes. 15: Blefledare the people, that are in fuche cafe, blefled are the people vvhofe God is the Lorde. 12 [5Toz our fonnes Jc] £>amebns Derftanbe thefe thzee lafte berfes in the maneref iDtfbing.£>ther fomet^inbe that 3Dauib reiopceth on tbcbe!)alfeof htm felfc anb of the fobole tftealme, bi= caufeall bpnbcof goob things flotoec lucfeclptntoo them at that tpme, bp the bleffmg of JD ha& belte frith hPS people. iBeuerthclcffc it agreetb not aimfTe, that hee Ihoulbe alfo tbcr£»ttb= al pzap foz the continuance of (Sods bc= nefites, the race iebercof fras liHetoo haue ben bzoben off bp fcicbeD folU anb houQjolo centimes , if the troubles anD ' hurlpburltes haD not ben rrbzeflcD bp ^5od. ^is SV'ftc tb«n is tins, that Sob fhouso no t fuff er his fo goobip blcffings frherefruh hee bathe looen hit people, to Decap anD f abe avoap.^Hnb 5rfl he be- gmnetb gmnccb at rtjeic crjU02en,m 'whom bee minding to cotnmend foci nutturebneffe comparctb tbe fonnc0 nnwo [|Mante0 tbat be foci growne in tbeir poutb-] Jp 02 if trees barmQj not bctpmes fobple tljcp be pet tender, fcarflp wil tbcp euer grow to be fatrc 9 bigb timber trees, t£c faptb tbat the pong foencl)C0are libe[Co2ner nones fojll jcunninglp bewen]to make a beamtfulbuplding foitljal.#)ow tben gentle and foci nurtured iflue fboto baue the fir ft roome among gods car:!); Ip brnefitcs.tti's nofoonber: of foijictj: matter 3 baue intreateb mo2c at large heretofore. But fcing tbat JDautofpca; bctb in tbc perron of the fobole rcalmc, ano intermeoietb'bis own cafe fottb t!jc (late of tbe comons : becrbp foe gather, that be foas nofobit addicted to l)is own p;t«atc commoDttic0. 13 [£>ur c] &>tbcr0 rran= Qatz tt [ftojeboufes,} tljefobicbe 3 re= ictt not-^cnertbctcfTc feing tbat tbe bc= biuc fooidc is dcriued of tV,c fame roote tbat tbe foojD zoe is, fohtcbe foe bab in tbe Uftc fcerfc, tbat fob^b 3 baue fette boron alrebp: (namelp [tbat our cozners be full]) femeb to agree better fottb *bc ozigtnall. &ometdke tbe participle Mcs phikim trafmuelp.and tranfliteit Ityin* ging foo?tb:]but tbe meaning is in ma= nerallonemamclp tbat abundance of all good things fp2tngctb out of al comers . iflfjojteouer, fobercas it is fapde Mozan Eiizan, 3 tbmfcc ratber tbat bere is be= tofecneb a manpfold ano funojp bariette of all goob things : tban t'bat (as feme intcrpzeters foolo baue tt) tbcre flowed fo plenttful tucrcafc, tbat p fpecial Hinds foere imermedlcd tcjtttjcr, ano a cons fufea bcape made of tlje bnmeafurable abttnbaunce.iPojitnceDctb not too flee to fo barb ouer reaching: anb tbe foo.ios founb an other tbing. fa if tt Ijab ben a confufeb beape : l)z (bold baucfapb fun; pip Zanzan. Cbe efferte therefore t0,tbat thcrcalme 'iacio fo cnricijcb, not onelp foitb grapne , but alfo foitb all fepnoe of fruites : tljat cuerp corner foas ful of all foztes of tbem, cuenfo much asfuf= fp3cb toaccloptbcm. •14. [£>urc6jc«i.»c] Sabai among tbe l&cbzucs fignifictb [to bcareozrarrp :] foberbpon fom tahc Mesibahm foz ftrog: vpon the. Cxliiij.P/alme. ■*4* b'.caufetbatontefTc £>jccn foerefocil fi= nowed, tbcp foere not mete fo* canagc, 02 foz ttye ozaugbte of burthens. |5ot= fottb'tanatngotber fomc tonderftand it tbattbcp bee loben fopib fatneffe . Jn fobicbepopnte 3 fotll not contended caufc it fntllcs not grcatip to tbe effect of tbe matter. Cbts ratber is foooitb tbe nottng.ti^at <0obs fatbcrlp touing K:na= nefTe is pzapfeb in tl)is rcfpcctc,tbat b« bifoapnctb not to lottc to tbe Icafl things of all tbat bee f02 mens cafe 01 cotumo- btttc. Cbcrcfoic Ipfce as in the former berfebe afcrtbed tbe irutefuines of ibctr cattell anb fbeepe onto doods grace: fo now be faptb tbat £>Ktn sre fco bp fum, to tlje enbe foe map iinovocbofoe bene^ glectctb noparteofourelpfc. t^ofobcit fojafmucbe as it QjoulDe be little to ourc bebofe to fwim in abundance of all t!jm= ges, ejecept foe might cntop tbenubc ad= detb alfo tbat bp tbe benefite of <^od,tbc people are in quiet and tranquiiline. 31nd fpift bp [b2cahtngin,] 3 doutcnot buttbereis beetokencb tbe tnuaftonof enemies : as if be ftjoulo fap,tbat tbee^ nimies bzcafee not in bppon tbem foitl; fozcc,bpburfting open tbeir gates, 02 beating bofone their foa!lc0. 3 msr= uel! fohp manp tahc [going ow]t"a? tr- iple : as ifbe bad fapd, tbe people arc not caught ano carpcb awap out of tbe bo?^ bcrs of tbeir countrcp . ^02 in mp md^ gement,bemcntto declare plopnip tljnt there needed no falpcs to be made to rc- pulfe tbe enimtes, feeing no mf n oQctco tbem barm 02 troublc.Co tfjc fame point pcrtcpnetl)tbe[crpingm the ftrcctcs,] fobiebe rpfetb of a fodepn alarme. %be meaning tben ie, tbat tbe cities are not troubled foitb anp dnqiuetncu*e,biraufc <5 3D ID feeepetlj tljetc entmtes farre from tbem. 15 [UPliffeb is tbe people, jc] ^ec concludetl) in tfjts fopfe : tbat (Bobs fa- tiour towards tbofc tbat be fuffi= cientlpc auoucbed anb mamfefreo . Jt anp mannc obicft, that be fauourctb no= tbpng but grofTcneffe anb ef tbe cartbc, forjen bee encemetb mannes bappine ffc bp tranfitone commodities : 3 anfircr that tljcfe two tbing0 mutt be reb topnt- Ip togctber : namelp, Cbat t^f be blif= fed foljicb bp tbeir abundance perceiue $bb>b. tbem 1 .pr. tijcmfeluea to itanoe m a to ftarue fo; lounger out of l)anoe,ti)antobccpampereo tpfcc bxute b2a!ta,anD not to holot tbio fo; a ctjccfc popnte, Cbattbofearc bttiTebo; bappie &>boo!)atb cijofen tobcbia peo= pie. i5ptbe iDa?tttsi6b'cconuo;rcb, tl)at altyougb (Boo gtuc ba fome fmatcb of bapppnefTe too taftc of in meate anD eipnfec : p2t arc not tbofe faitbfull one© fcnetcbeb, rtiat baue muclje a boo to hue baroip toitb penurte ana ujant. iFo; gob fupplpetb tbeir lacfeObatfocucr tt iaj ioitl) better comfo;t0. The Contents of the Cxlv.Pfalme. The Vropbet trying -with bunfclfe Gods wonderfullwifedsmygoodneffct And iuftke,fyrfl in the gouernmet of the whole world, but chiefly in main- teyningjcbi'rijhingjiind ruling manlqude, is cariedto fettingfoortb of bu prayfes. anibs feing= borne flouritbeb: it is a clrcumftaunce Sooojtb tbe noting : Cbat in calling gob rjis &mg, bee compelled l}im felfc ano allotber&o;lDlpp?mcc0 toftoupc too bis lure,to t\)t cnb that no cartr>lp biab - neffe map barhen d5obs glo^ie. yol)?t\)t tbing bee conftrmctb better alfo in tb? nrjete berfc, S»bere b)> crping outc t.bat d£»oD0 greatnefle is infinite , be abmoni= fbeth P0 tbat tljcn onelp Sue pjapfe d5ob arpgty, taben 5»ce be* 30 it fc>cre afton* npeb at the tmmcafurablenefle of bP0 mpgbtie power, o: clfe be rautfbcb oute of ourcfoittcsctit. aDntqf tbat foun= taine of admiration fonil aficrroarb flora tbc Due pjaifing of df>oD accojbtng to tbe meafut e of our abilitie. + [£Dncgcncr8tio3c.]^crebefbenj= ctb tbat all men in generall are crcatcb anD fnfteincb in tbi0 life,to tbe cnD tbcp fbouio implop tbeir inbeuer too tbe fit- ttng foojtb of <£?ob0 p?apfc0. 3inb tljcre i0a coucrt matebmg of contraries, be= trocne tbe eternal name of gob,? tbe im moitalit ie of famc,tbat grcntc me feme toopurcbacebptbeir noble beebs. fop altbougb mcn0 bcrtucsbecrenowmeb bp flojtcs : ^ct is tbe cafe farrc o:ber= roife ioitb <25ob,S»bobaptpercnewctb tbe rememberance of bis i»ozK0, o* ra= tber contmuctb it frttb piefent frute, anb mafcetb it (0 flojtfb in our bar;s,fo asttmapneucrfabe. 31n tbe fame re= fpett alfo be fapetb, tbat tbe bjigbtneffe o?[bcautp of bts maicftie 10 glojttoufe,] to tbe intent be map lift bp Ijtinfeife anb otbers tbe better too fooonber at it. 31 tafee[tbe $»o?bsot]c5ob0[iDonbcr0,] fo; tbc ineompjebenfible ojber of tys fc>oo?i$C0, bpcaufe tbat all of tbcm (as manp as tber be of tbcm,) arc miracles tbat fwaiorce Dp our bnberflanbtng. 3'nd bcrbp See gatber, tbat gobs grcat= neffe Ipetb not bpb in bis fecret bceing (the cunning fcanning i»bcrof Soitbout baufng refperttoo l)ts &>Q?fcfi,i0 but a colb trfiing:)inafmucbe as tbe true rc= ligion requiretb not a fpeculatiue ox co= templatiuc fenotolcbge, but a piaciispng fenovolebge. 3tnb after He batl) fapb [31 fc>iil tottcr,oi 31 fc>tl tljinh bpon:foi(a3 Soc baue fecne in otber place©, tlje fcozb Afhieka, map be taken botbc &>apcs : bp turning bis talke Unto otbers, be botbc &stoSsit,tl)at tbere fball alwaps bee intbefeojlbc fomepnbHfbers of <£fobs goobneffc anb uiftice: anb alfutbat gobs Dcrtue0 befcruc'to bauc tbeir fame fsub foojtbintljetungsof all men Sottb one confent. ^5 at bowfoeucr otljcrs fo^flow tbc matter, anb befraube (S'£>2> cf bis buc bonour : pet notwitbftanbiug Ije bc^ claretb tbat be fe>pil be fo biligcnt on bis eamc beljaUc, tbat l;:c fcrill fing ©obs p?apfcscbserefullplobenallotbcrobolb tbeir peace . g)omc tJjtnfee t!;at [bp tbe povoer oj ftrengtbof (15obS terrible ac= tes]tbe famctbmgis rcpetcb t'jat ioent afo?e. ^ofebeit fpcciallp bcrc aretbou= gbte to bee noteb tbe magementes tljat d5oD c^ccutetbagcvnCetbc S»ojlblings tbat befppfebtm. 7 They shall breake out into the mention of thy greate goodnefTe,and ftng aloud of thy righteoufenefle. g Gracioufe and pitifull is the Lord,flovvetoo wrath, and grcatein mercy. 9 The Lorde is good vnto alimenne,andhtsmercyes are ouerallhis vvorks. All thy vvorks shal prayfe thee O Lordc,3nd thy meeke ones shal blifle thee. They shall shew the g^ory of thy kingdom, & fpeak of thy power. 12 To 10 11 xuiiii ^aiuuigj V-/UUHUC11UUC 11 To make his povver, and the glonoufcrenovvmc of h:s kingdom kno wen vnto men. 13 Thy kingdome is a kingdome ofall ages, and thy dominion tndu- nth throughout all generations. 7 [€b«Pfballfc.]2i5pcaufe£&)o;D Nabang rigmfictl) pjoperlp [to fpjtngas fountames bo-.] w\)Z\\ ttts traffcrreo to rpcflUmg.fomc io ill bauc tt too tmplpe a coucct ncbcmcncic, Co as it tyoulD bee, not umplp ta fpeafce, but too bauc full bttcrafe at io Ul, HUc as Scater flowed) abur.bantlp out of a ipjung: anD trje Iat= tCt U)OjD^erennu(i»l;tcbe ligmttCtb 100 crpe out 0} too fing a lou&e,)anf\»crctb tberunto.&£o£eouer,[too bia5c tbc me= mojtall of iffi»obs goobnefTe,] 10 as mud) to fap as to call to rcmembcrance !)crcbp 2>autb allured) bs too come Smlltnglp anb cbccrfullp to tbe pjapftng of (0ob,o; ra tljcr too bjtealie out into tt, accoiomg as tbe mctapboj tn tbe fir It berbfounbet!) 8 [4&ractoufe anb merciful «e.]4$ofc) be enligbtnetb (Bona fojtefapb goob= ncfTc fcitti mo S»o:ds, faptng tbat ?opbetcs O^eio tbeirbottrmcoutof tbe foumaineoftbc laiyctu is no marucll tbotigb tlKP niabe fingular account of tbc btfionfbat is re- poztcbtberc: foj (0obs nature is noo febere cjcp^cfTiD mo?e cutbentip anb fa= intlinrlptbantbere. atnbtberefoje 3Da= utopurpafmgtoobetofctti bjteflp febat tbing it beboouetl) bs to hnoroe cbteflp concerning tl&'ob : bojrctvctb ieoojoes front tbencc. pea anb it i& not tbeleafte popnc of ins gracious goobneffedjat be allurct b bs bnto bim tomb fuebe fapje iDcojDco. font be fboulDe alieoge bis tnpgbtp power ,tbat teoulb ratber ftrtiic bs ooivnc i»itb feare, tban Itfte bs bp. 113 ut pet fo booibe Jdapiftes : U)bo Def = crpbc <5 iff) 2D terrible anb bluing all men out of buzpjtefcncc, ttnjerc as tbe rpgbt Knoropng of btm allured; bs to feefce bntoo bun. wbcrcbppon it folio- i»ctb tbat tbe nearer anp marine is Unit bntoo

3D booe alfo pactcntclp fojbcare t\y: iyicbcb: pet bpcaufetbep be not capable of fojgiuenefTe.tbts isbt- recteb pcculiarlp too tbefaitbfullonlp, i»bifbef"ciue<15obs goobneffe bptbe ituelp fttling of fait\). fs% bntoo tbe rcpjobates.ttts fapbe : Wbatbaue poa to boo iaitij tbe bap of tbe il02D:'<€bftt Dape is barhenefle anb not Itgbt :fo;oiue anbnottopc. aimos. 5.18. 3inbi»ce fee boi»cbopftouflp tbepjopbete /ftabum tbunD?cti; agamft tbemeuenat ibcfirft puft. Jfttbn.i. 3.iFo?aftcr be batbrcs berfeb ttfefc commenbatios out of ^0= vpon the.Cxlv.Pfalme. 247 tea :teult tljrp might tatic bartc at tijem: rjec bp anb bp inferrctb on the coutrarie part , ©cd is rough ana cruell.a terrible anb an tmtreatable 3Ju&ge. 3Rc remaps neib then that thep fc>btchs bauc pjouo= fecb od no5 onlp parbonetb fumes merci= futlpofbtsfatherlploiung&inDncfre:buc alfois bcncfictall to all men ft>itbout cp ception : accojbing as \)te maKctbhiS" *§>unne to rife bppon the goob anD ban. £^ath- f.4.5.Uiithoughc then that the treafure of fo:giucncu"c of fpnnc0 bee fbet bp from the reprobates: yzt is their malice ano naugh tines no let bntogoo, but that betpouttcth out his goobneffe topon them alfo, horocbcit tufucbe Smfe as thep beuoure tt imtbout feeling of it. 3BntI)emcanefc>hiIe» onlp tbefaitbfull bnowe S&bat tt t«f tooentoptbefauotire anb goobneffe of <2?ob: acroibpng as rt is fapoe in an other place : £>o bnto htm anb be* nlpgbtcnio, anb pour faces fbni not be afbameb : taste pee, anb fee ho&e ftpetc the Loim is. $falm.34 .6. voljtvt as it is ft pbe anon after, that [d5oDS merctc ejetenbetb it fclf tonto al his i»o?= Bcs, itnitalc not feeme epther auhe 0; harbe. jFo? feeing that ourefins Ssjtap all the too?) 02 m 35ods curfe : there is roomefo?oo?fees.9c] 5Dauib concluoetri that although? manrc oucr= Sohelmc t£o5sp):a$>frG&)itb Saictuo Ci lence: pet thep fljpne fojtbcuerp inhere of then; iclues , anb mecte mtnne of thep? ofome acco?be , anb as tt Sucre maUe a nopfe in tbebumbe creatures. SIftct&mrbc hec abactb a fpectall com; mcnbaiion too the f*?i!jfuli, fcobo both: Ijaue e^cs 10 confioci: vl5oos Saoojiws. and alfo Knoioc, that there ts nothpng iobpthe thep fhoulbe rather boo, than cjccrcpfe themfelues in fetttngout ©obs benefptes . 3s fo? that Sobpcbc foiio- TOethimmebuteip, (that ts?ooS»ttse, [Cbep fball fbe&c the glo?pe of thp &pngbome]) Jl referreit onelp to the faithfull. jfteuertbclcOetf anp tnatiltfte rather to b?a:oe it generallp to all gobs creatures : 31 fcnllnot firtue Suiti) htm. H5ut the biftinitc manner of teaebpng 5»htrsof JDauib mafectb mention here, agreeth not but toot Jie g>ain£es. 3ino therefore 31 Kecpcflill the future tenfe in the berbcs.fcjbi^ c!b>rs tunte in- to the manner of Syiflbmg . i^oSoebcit, tonoertbe Sooojbe f&tngbomc] 2)amo meancth , that tbs manif edatten of go&s &)oo?nes tenbeth to this cnbe , that the SoholeSuozlbe fhoulb bee b?augbte bn= ber a&: of htm, ano fubmit themfelues too hts gotierncutcnt. Sna he commen- beth the ejcctilenctc of ht0 Wngbomc, to tbeinientemennc map Uno^e t?>at ail things are perttcrfe awb confufeb , on= leffc (0ob alone beare the fiaap . %l jcr= &ar3e, he crpeth out that this bingbom is not tranOtoiie a0 all i»o:toip Eing^ bome0be,bBt ftanbeth ftebfaft fo? cueV. 3noro the intent that cucrlaftitignefiTe map be eonfi&crrb the niozc attentiuclp. ©ecriethoatfo? Soonbcr, anb birccteth histai&ebmo ?be l?pbolbe?b f c] 55tc recfecneth bp ccrtctu rjcGinpies of to go- uernance. 3flno by tfje S»ap be boot!) us to i»it,tbat as man? a0 feefcc comfort of tbeir ratferies at C5ob0 ba»o,Cbalnot be bifappotnteb. if [Cbeepe0ofau\Jc.;]2Daut&allcD= getb an otber proofe of *0odo gooonciTc, tbat tn mtntttring fooD to al luring cl>tn= ge0,be fbetoetb btmfcif a boufbolbcr to= S»arD0tbcin. *bo*.ne interpreters bemg tcb bp trje fc)orb[truft]rcftrepne tb*0 fe= fctngfoj fuftcnaunce attbcbeauenlp fa= ttjers banbe, bnto men onlp i»rjicrje bee tnbueb font!) reafon a no bnbetftanbing : bpcaufe tbe brute beads fefee tljcpz fooo but onlpbp figbte anb fmcUing. jfteuero tijclcflfc altbougb iber be no reafon b?eb in tbem bp nature,to maUe tbem bepenb bppon <2>ob0 pzouiDcncc : pet notix>i> \)~ fianbingfor afinwcrjc as bcrp neccflttte bp a ccrtaine pztutc mirmttc compelletb tbem to feefee f oobe : tbep are fapbe(not feritbout caufe) to trull buto «5oD. jiiUc asm tbe |2>falme. 147.: 9. tbe U£auen0 btrbo arc fapb to call bppon bun.'^s to? tbem tbat reftrepn it bnto men,tbcp can not bp tins mcaurs efcape abfurbittc : if 01 tbe Sutc&co are no more attendant bopon <©obs fatberlp pjoutDcncc, tban £>rcn anb 3&rle0. feeing tben tbat tbe o.iocr of nature is footfpofeb , tbat all rbmgs lining brute an inclinatto to waro tbetr maker :tt agrcetb notatntdc tl;at tbe cftxtfion 10 put beere for tbe beebcit felfe. 2lr«b tn tbe nert berfe all boubtfuls ncfle 10 taken aroap:foj tberc tt ts fapbc, tbat euctpiiuingcbing is fuffpfed . 2lnO be faptb tbat [tr/etrmeatetogiuentbem anb tn tys fcafon,]btcaufe tbe bartctte tt fclfcbotb tbe mo?c enltgbtcn ts bfytilt alfo goo commenbetb bteofcme froonbcrfullDifc penfatton, tn tbat be batb appopntcb for baptpme.barueft tpmc,anb djjrapettme, euerp one in bts certain fcafon,anb batb fo btfpofcb iijc courfes ot trjc peare, tbat cattcli are feb one fc>bP»e Sottb gratfe, an otber S&bplc ioitb bapeorftraSoe, pea anb fome fettb Iflkoincsalfo, anb feutb cthrr frutcs. jifc; tf bee fbcttlb iafbe out bt0 froze all at once, tbe gathering of tt S»oulbbetoerp bnbanbfomc. 3inatber= fozc tbe Due feafon beferuetb no fmall prapfe in tbe pcarelp increnfe of fruites anb fobbcr. 17 [Cbonopencft.fc] 3!tisa trim rep^efentation. foj. in afmucb as mode men fl)Ct tbctr epc0 agctnft tbe foonber= fullgoobneffeof <15ob,ix>biebcfbpnetbc apparantlp in tbis moil bcautifull o?ocr of nature : JDauib bjtngetb in (5ob rca= cbingoute btsbanbe , anb btflnbutpng foobe to all liutng creatures, xoe fonblp (lap topon tbe eartb out of S»bicbe foobe grofretb bnteo Do, anb bppon natural! tneanc0. JDauio tl;crcfo?e to correct tbt0 errour, popntetb out (!5ods banbe open afoze our ete0,G0 if be &er calling meat into tbe mo tubes of vs. Jn tbe feconbe mctnber, fome take tbe too;tbe Rctsan foj [a befire;] 80 if be bab fapb,C5ob giuetb foobe to ccbefepnbc of liutng tbmg, ac= cojbtng totbetr o&ne lpnmg ojbeGre. atnb trulp a little after tt fbali be tahcu tn tbe fame fenfe. ii^eucnbeleffc, otber fome bab leauer refcrre it bntoD: tbat be febctb liutng tbtngs,of bis o5pn mere grace anb itberalttte. ^fo? it 5r ere ncttnougb too beleuc tbat foobe 10 nu= ntftrcb \)nto t>0 from beauen:onlclTe toe take trjis feconbe member Soitb it, tbat <©ob is bounttfulofbt0ofcm mere goob S»tli, anb not moueb bp anp owfcjarbe caufe, to p2ouirjc fo abunbantlpe for all liutng tbing0. &o fball tbe caufe be put bcre fo? tbe efferte. tfoj. foobe anD fufte= nence0aretbeeffett0 of tbis goob plea= fure, Ipfecastbe gtttesof grace arc tbe efi'casof grace. ^JoS» i»beras botb me anb beaftsarcoftcnttmes pincbeb ioitb bungcr anb famine,it mull bee afcrtbeb to the corruption of Mature, foj, ftnee tbe fall of aibam, tbatmoftcbeautifull o?bcr of Mature, ipb^be <5oo bab ap= popnteb .^a popnteD at tbe beginning, ootb ettcntp- Svapcs in the mapmeO rcmnauntcs of me0 faple bp reafon of our fmnea : ano it. jro; cue n S»hen C ojne ia mo ft fcarf e pet this boantcoufnefle of df>oD0, iubt - there 10 no peare (0 bungrp ano barein, (be 2DauiD commenDctb, appeared al~ tobcrctn o?lo bp inogc- ments PnUnoiocn to tos./frofc) altbogb itfecmc toobebuta common comment batton,bpcaufett flpetb in enerpmans month : vet 10 tt a popnt of rare totfeoom to holD tbta p?inciple,tbat c5oD 10 rigl>= t eoufc in si bis fo)0?Us, fo as the pzapfc tbcrof map altoaps remapneiobolc tons to bun faftfettleD in ourbartfl,bofc>fo= ener tbe toojio be tofleo opfioc ootone. •$ oz after tbat all tnenne baue confcfTcD ©od too be rigbtcoufe, the mod part of tbcm finbeth faulc Sxutb bis ouergreatc ngoz a (Toon c as tbep be: afflttfcD ,anD if be foloxoe not their D: fires out of banc , tbcp cjuarcll fcmb htm : ano finallp no= thing 10 mojeojDtnartenjitb tbcm thorn to murmur at his 33 utttce. 3no t bcr fozc not ix>itf)Out caufe istljis rtgbtcoufc= ne(IV(Sobicbet0cuerp iobcrcmppco bp the malictoufc fozembgementsof men) ocfcnoeo agetr.ft fo grcate bnthankiul= ncffciasif bee Qjoulbfapc, although the ftjojlbc Deface <£5obs glozp icitl) ;l)cp2 quarcitng fpcecbes: petftanDctb ttfaft t remapnetb tnutnpcacbcD fo? curr.atnD he purpofelp ejpzcirethCm all hus ioapes a nb in all bis" tooths.] if o? fc>cbefrauD (JfJoDQflnsDue p£apfe,if*oeeacbnoio= lege not that bis ngbtcoufenciTe bolbe tb on,all after one rate through tbecourfe of bis frozbs.But nothing is mcze Dtf= ficult than to Kccpc Dofcme a if ectioiis of the flefb that" thep hcaue not bp ageiufr ^5oos tuogemems, m tune of aoucrfme Soben be fcemcth cither to fozfaUe tos 0; to perfecute bs tozongfuilp : accojomg as there is a notable itane rcpozteDof the Cmperoz £l$aurts:fe>befc>benbce fa toe his chiiszen put too oeath bp the falfcbarteo ano iasicKcD traptour pi)0= cas,anb fboulD htmfclfe to thi flaughtsr bpanDbp after, crpco out oftentimes. ISighteaufe art thou £> loza, ano right: full arcthp mogcments.iBotD then tike astbatgoob nmioibfct tb(0{bcctba= gein(tht^mo(lcrueUtcmptactons:foaU foictbs learnc too bztoieourmiuDes, that c0obs rtgbteoufcncfTc mape cuer= mozcretcm h'souepjapfe. ^otobeeit, JDauib pjocecoetl) pet further, that goo (eucnfrb^n be fceme'tl) moft rigozoufe) is fo farre of from crueltte, that he te$fi= pcreth encnhis fozeft tuSguncnte S»it\) equuicanbmcrcpe. 18 [ChcilozoeisncerefC.] ChPS bodnne pencpneth moll pjtoperlp to the faithfull,i»hoiii (Boo inuuethfcnto htm bpafingularpztutiege,p?omifingtoac= cept their reque(le0. % no trulpfaithe fljouibc ipe p&le oj rather bcab.^ouhout p?apcr,tc»hfrcbp ti}cfpirtt of afoptton tttcreth fcttefctlj anS (l):vozt\) ttf?lfc,anb foljers bptoc icltiftcotirf clues too be certepne ani aiTurco of all bis promtfes,Cbe ef= fefttg?nfS, tbat (!£ods ineftunable U~ uoure totoaros tbe faithful is feenc in tbjs.tbat bee Ebetoetlj himfclfea faibct to tbem. rtfurtbermoje forafmacbeatf maup bowings crccpc bppon be as oft a0 foebaus a»? petition too maHe bmo (©oo.ano fo Sdec eitber comcto bim in a mamcrmg, oj faint for lacKc of coiage anbbirte ,cr elfc our fatttjc qoapiecij tbrougb DtCmapcbncfle: tberforc SDaaib auoucbet!) tb'it <^ob i0 eafic too bzc in= trcatcD of allmcnrtc Saitboutcjeceprion tbat call bppon bu«. i$o^)beeit forbp= caufe tbe more part of tbefcoorlbeojo marre sno Defile rb*"pr calling bppon (©03 So it!) tl)dr oS»ne iciibe muentions : in tbe o.1)er member tberc is prefcrpbeo tbe true manner of praping.tbatts too Suit in Crutb- Whereas menuerefojt bnto d5obcoiolp, or rather fuelling cp= tt)er Soitb p^ibe cj Dpfpicafure quarrel! femb t)tm in their prapistg:pet tbcp 6nb fault fcottb bun t:)st t)tz hsarctb tljcm not :as iobo SoolD fape, there ioereuo DiSfereace at all bet&ccne prying anb prating , or betfcoeene tb* ioitnefiingof ones faith, 9 bipocrifie.Cbe iiiojj part being fcojappeo in tbeir oronc bnbeleef, bo fcarflp think that d5oD ts in beanen: g>oraecoulo finb in tljnv bar ts to pluck l)tm thence: Others fcoolb be fboalo bee beboioen bnto tbeitt: anb oebcrfome be= utfc fame fafbion bp tbcmfelucs bofco to pacifpe him flig!)tlp:ano fo the common manner of praper, ts nothing elfe but a pccutH) anb bapn ccrcmonie.^nb tobcte as the iobole fcoorio almofi comes run= ning to gob in their ncccfftttc: fcarcc one among ten bjingctb i»ttl> Ijtm oncb?op of faith or repentance. i$ut better it $»c?c to leaue 45gds name bnfpoken of, tban to make it fubtcct bnto fucbe moc- keries. jjSot &»fthoui caufe tberfe?c is truth requires in praper ,ibat it mape p?occcbefrcm an bnfcpncbbatt.&nbof the taitrutfj Jvbtcb is contrari? to tbps bnfepneDntfrc,tbe t'praaU KinDS are ot- nerfeanD in maner innumerable, jfop bnbcleef,nufbc!ccf,boubtJng,gruDging. coumerfeat bumtiuic, corrupt befpres, mo fucbe other like, are all bntrutjjes. m\o fojafmucbe as tljis ts a boctnnc of no fmail importance : 2>autb cenfiri metb it agcin m tfje nest berfebp Soap ofc^pofmon. atubtbc repetition is too bee mar aco aouifeblp: for our nature ts inclinable \)ntco Unbelecfe, loasfeatoe or none belecue ttcofaaipe tbat ttjzy p:ape not t»i tjapnc at tbc callpnge sf <©»£>S>. ^ecrebpon it commetb,tbat bntoi»srbs turmoplpng toffetfj tbcp? Sosnbertng mpnoes too anb fro. 3Lpj»e asintbe |i)opebomctbcp l)Buebcu?ftb tbcmfelucs manp patrons «■ fpsfeefra^, bpcaufe tty? mabe in a manner none ac= caunteatall ofimbractng Soitfj boubt= liS"c fapt!) tlje p?ompfes of dgfob So!)crc= bpbealluretb bs tattoo him. ^oo tbe intente ffjen ttyst tbe gates mope Gams isv^tt open, tlje ijsipc (©bofte bcatetf; tntoo ourc fecabes b? tbe mout!) of 3Da= utD, tbat (P £> 2D grauntetl) all tbe be= fpresof all goblp folke. wt^tclje faping t)o5»e effeauallpc it ottgfyte too pierce intoo oure mpnD?s,it can not bee eje- p?cfTcb fcyfeoorbes. fo} toljattsman tbat (& €> 2) (l)ouloc fclofoc l)is Soil! : fubett &oul5e ratber becomrae bs to reuerencebps bpgljncffe , anobuniblpe toebepe l)is commaunbementc ^ H5ut pet of bisoSoneacco?bel)c abafctb bint fclfc too ttys conbition of follotopng ourebjfpjes. ^otocbecit tbis libertie mufte becruleb i»ptb a tapble . ^fo? toee Ijaue not libertie gpu;n t)s to crauc iobat tocz iille, fo as tlje (©cblp fboula maiapcrtlpe afee anb fyam Swjjat focucr thing luftelea&ctfc tbcm bntoo : but be= fo;e fuebe tpme as <©£>2D affirmetb, tbat bee isill graunte tbeir requeues, be bpnbetb tbeir affections too the latoe of ebebience anb mobefrie : accojopng as 3el)n fapetb i Wefenots? tbat be SoiU benpe %s notbing, tf &>ec afUc it acco?= Ding too bis Soill. i. 3Bclm. 5. 4. 2ino for tbps caufe batbc Cb^pSc moitcD us tbis fourme of praping, Ss^atb- nothing is mo?etoo bee ocfpjf o than too bee linked unto turn, tbcp labour for trjt0 fclicitic fottlj al fljefc fcar t. jfteuertbeleflc it is wot to be boated, but tijat bp tbe Soap burets betobenebf cbccfe point of true dolunfTc and riglftu- l oufeneffe ltfce as alfo in £® opfes 2*>eut ♦ io. tz. ^nBnoroelGfracIt, S»batcife rcqupretti tlje lord tbp 0 £> 3D of iljce, but tbat t\) on ione turn (? c . 31 s to? this « frute of godlpnetfetbat &>c dfcel fafe and found dnder gods protection iDautd ami plpfietb it bp a contrarie member, auous ebtng tbat alltbcdngodlpffcal come to an ' ill end bp tf)e iuft bcngcatfceof ©OdJijf t-s nallp tbat the femttmg dp map agrcteith tbe beginning: beaffirhctb tbat be t>imfclf iiuiipubitflj aHoBfl prapfcs, and bpbvs owne cmmpiclje crbortetb ai! men to boo tljcfame.;tforfob«ttas fomc tranflate it, eucrp liu tng thing Ojal bltffc^ likcit not. v ber.flJJopfcsfpeaktng oftbefiudfapth : y al iicO) peril co fetjertn foas tbe b?ctb ofipferlf cen'effetbatduder tbciuoord fle ih are comprehended all brute beaftes: butlobcrfoeucr tbe &or&[fic(h]iB put et? lone fontbout anp addition , it is referred onlpbnto men. aindpitJDautdfbcwetb becfe not to oat tbsp £bolbb09,but M)at ti;ep fljoulD ao:as if be fbould Tap, <250ds bnmcafurablcaiiD dncofumablegoodnes bpnbetb al men to pjapfe IjimcontmuaUp fctthoutccaOng. reuerence, anb rcruifdbicneGc, eve be offer tbcm sa Hind of a correction: to tbe end foe map bnowe boo? far and to foljat end 45 ob fulnUctb !)is feruants dc= fires : namelp, tbat tbe derp deede itfelfe map fhcwclnm to be a f aitljfuli maitacp- ncrcftb^itelfarc. 20 [CbelLbrdprcfeructb'U.] ^e prote? bcti) mtb t!;e fame K octane tbat <5iiD3D is neere bis ss>eruantes too belpetbcm in their ncceflities-if or fobciefocucr batfocufr daungcrs bcetpde men, pitnotwitbfranDtng tljep arefure to ffeapealwatesfafe and found trough l;iS grace.^lnd St)bfreasinffeedoffeare,))ee puttctb now [loue,l tt is a tb mg foortb tbe tnarh ing. ^Foj in adorningc tbe faitbfull Stitii tbis title tbat tbcp loue <^£>iD,bee fbctoetb tbat tbe roote of true godlpneffe is to fubmit tbcmfclues 1 00 45 a) £> foitb Soilling affection-.&btcb derp tbing to do fpringctb of faitb.^or dnrtll fuel) tpme as <3 od foal baue dja wen ds foitlj tbe ftxect nesof bis grace , tbis gentle fubmiffion Sointcuer folowe. Botwitbftan&mg pcr= a&uenture tl^is louing tob^erof JDauid fpea The Contcintesofthc Cxlvj.Pfelmc. lifter that Dauidbtth mcoMrkffdhimfelfcjtnd others by his bymc example topraife God:bc corrcctctb a maUdie tbat is natural -vtelnere in all men3tbat they jhonld not begwyle tbemfelues by difpijing their hopes becrc and there. , *And tbcrvcithall be fceweth theremedie3tbat alltheirhopc andtiufl fjould be fettled yppon God. *Andt9o the end they may bye tbemfelues too him the more cherfullyibe toucheth brccfly certein tefiimonies ofbispoyver and grace. The Cxhi.'Pfalme* Prayfeyee the Lord. Prayfethou the Lord 6 ray foule. i I will prayfc the Lord in my lyre,! will fing vnto my God as lona; as Iiii, j. 1 shall xuiui v^aiuiiii x^uujuicuuujc, ;1 shall haue anv beeing. 3 Put not your truft in Princes , in the fonnc of man in whom there is no helpe. 4 His brcth shall departed he returne to his cartlyn that day shall his thoughtes perish. $ BluTedishewhofe help is the God oflacol^and vvhofetruftis in the Lord his GOD. ISatfe pee the lojtb f c ♦] Cbet's f tue laft J2> faimes are clofeb to p 2> _, tbe faraetoojb > tljcp begin tottb* < L^=' -^all . 2&nD after bee fyatb toillcb al! men generallp toopjaife d5ob: bee turnetb bt0 ta\e to bimfclf ojt (tobieb i0 all one)to I)i0 fbule;fauing tljat tonser the term fouls be fpeabetb onto all bio Tenfes moje tocbe* mentlp. Jin tbcfcconDtoerfc,bccmgreop picparcD to ttjc performing of W0 oerotie, be bartenetb al men bp bis oxww example, wherbp toe gather, tl)at bis motion toas not a light * gcerifbb?atD(aS manp.meris u$,tobicb blame their own Default in that bebajf,anb >nt bpanbp faiinto it agein)but a ftebp anb conftant affection , the tobpeb 'toas botb matcbeb toitbbiligence.anb alfo tipeb bp effect, to be tonfepneD.ainD it fcc= metb tbat to ben JD a uib farce bf « goblp en < tcrpnTcsbiuDcreD o? foiQoweD bp gDataS toplpncfte:be firfl: qmctuncD bp \)is otone feruentnes bp four ring it f ojewara ,cr c be toolop;ofeirebimfelfag«>pbe anb fcbole* maifter bnto others. 5Fo? altbogb be toas rlgbtlp anb earneftlp mpnbeb :ptt toolD be not be acknowen of it,tontillbe baa gatbe* reo greater fcruencie. jftoo? if JDauib nee= bcD to pi'.cUe bi mfelf forth too the plaiting of d5oD:bovo fbarpip bab toe nccb too bee fpurreo to fo baro a matter as is tbe mm- binge of beauenip ipfe, toitb tbe beniall of our femes :* 31 n tbe meane tpme toee muft knoro.tbat'toc fbal neuer be liuelp pnougb tontoo this crercpfe of <0oolpncfle toberof mention to now maoc, onleffe toe be (tout controllers of our fclucs . ■$ urthcrmoje fo; afmucb a0 <0ods nour ifljing $ mftcp- Ring of bis feruantcsin tljts toojlb, is too tbe cnbtbcp fboulo occupp tbemfclues in pjaifmg bmv al tbctr life long: 2? auib Dob toell m taking bimfclf to it euen Unto bts ipuesenb. 3 [|dnt not pour trnfltec] Jn tocrpgoob fcafon i0 this fentence put in. JFo; tbe caufc of mens blinbtng is this , tbat tbep entan gle tbeir mtnacs from time to time in ma - np inuentionSo fo as tbep are tbe lefle able to comelooce 9 bnencombereb to tbcp;ai= Gngofi^ob.Cotbe intent that that b0 generalip awap from al men,pit he fpeabetb of p?incc0 bp natne» tobo be mo;c too be fearco than other co = mon people . f oj tobat belpe couli) pooje foules bebtgbt, anb fuel) as ftanD m neebt of other folHes help thcmfcluco r* ligut tbe great mcn,anb men of toeltb allure bs be; ceitfullp toitb tbeir glo?ioufnes,as though tberetoerenofuchmatter,astobeCb;on}'- bto bnber tbe fbaboco of them. jBoro then f o? afmucb as tbe fimple fo?t gafe at tbep; p}ofperttie:beaDbctbtbat cum thcmtgh= tpeft ponces of tbe too^lo are but the fons of men. wberbp our folp is fufftcientlp Dtf= pjoueD , toben toe toozQ)tp them as halfe <25obsiacco;oins alfo as CfaifpeaUetl) 31. f» Che 3Jcgt'irtian ts mananbnotob: rleCb anb notfpirit. i^orofoetter tbeti that S;inccs be furnifbeb tottb puiffance^reas furc,tratnes of racn,anb other belpes : ?tt botb Canto tell bs,tbat toe 00 amiffe too put our truft tn a mo;tall anb fraile man, f that toe bo foolidjlp to fecHe belp isbere it is not too bee founb.xobicb thing be cr= pounbetb pit better in tbe nert berfe,tohcr beeoeclaretb how fhojt anb mgbtfull tbe Ipfe of men is.itf o? although 45$)JD gtue i^unces tbe bjtDle loocc, pea euen too afc fault c ^cauenbpattempttnge tobat tbep ltd: pititbe Departure of1 tbeir foule, Cos though fome Waft of topnbe paffeo bp,) turnctb — tarnctMtttyeirDCMfea * Practises fo* dctnlp fcpfibe bonme* ■$ n jafmuctjas f be bObpe is tbe boufe of tbc fowle, tbe Ujmg tbat to fpofcen bcere Sminot bccion'oct-- ftoooe amtffe of tbc fowle. rf o: 3D calk tb tt back to bmifcltc br bcatb. J|3 c- uerthclc£3 a man map bufcerftanb itmoje ftmplp of tbc itucip bjcatl).-ano tt i»til fit tl;c ttjet better , that a(Toonea0aman0 bjetb 10 gone out of btebocpe, bebeco* ntetb a carhrffcfjbtectc too rotteneOe ♦ TVbct uppon tt folowetb, tbat as mante as truft tn men, boo but bange bppon a banitbmg blaft* 2inD ioberao be fepeth tbat ia tbat bap allbb* tbougbtcs paffe ^Fo j wmcttme ctten tbc tDOjtolmgs come to t Ins poun, tbat tbcpacKnolcletigc bun too bee &»a>pfe , irbitbgtouhDitbbis bope bppon fleflj. 3ttD tbcrefoje tbep of* tentptttC0 fall out S»itb tbemfduen fo; t tufting fo bnabulfeotp foj ijcip at mens; banbe : and pit fo; all tbat ,omttttng tbe re mcoic, tbep ioptib nottbemfelueo out of tbep; crrour * Cbe |>;opbet tben bauing eoDemneb tbe bamtie iobicb i»e fapb too bee naturall mall men : ao&etb 5»pfclr,tbattbcpbe biiffeb &>bc Icaft our truft mpgbt bee tntangleb in tbemamtfle, JDamo as truft i0 tbe Ho;b 4 d9o;rouer&bcnbce auoucbetb tbofe too bee blitTeb fobome Cfc>ob belpetb: bee rcttrepnetb tbe fohole bltffconeffe of tbc fatt&f nil to tbe p;cfeue meening,a0 tbougb tbep toere not -otfyer < fopfebluTib, onietfc<8>oD(bfn>tbimfe!f tbetr belper openlp anb in outwarb b*be: but be gronnbetb tbeir bapinea in tbi0, tbat tbep bee tb*«ugblp per foabcb in tbetnfelucs^bat tbep ftanb.not b ut byj grace of <0ob. 5Purtbermo;ebp naming bimtbe<@obof3Sacob, bcfboletbbpm felfout from tbe rable oftbcfail'c<0ot0 inixmome f bnbelcners glotleb at tbo.fe uoucbctb tbat euen in pztnees aifotbe. bai£0.3Dnb too^tbdptfejaitbougb ttbc f paffageof life flmlbce ftoiftanb of fmali continuance , anb tbat all tbeir bcuftfjs (ball bamfb awap tbercwitbalU 5 [Blifltb ta bee f c«] f o^afmucb a0tt bab not bin pnougb to repjouc-tbe bpec : be abbetb tbc.rcmtbie foberbppon trcit amenbment bcpcnbctb -: namelp y mane truft i0 tben onlp ftebfaft j iocll groan* beb,fe>bcnitlcanetbbntoo (0oo alone. purpofeof allmen tofeeUc dPC>iD : pit botb fcarce tbe bunbjetb perfon boib tije rpgbt irar.3inD Ithe as be popntab oot tbe trevu gob bp b<0 rtgbt mar he: fo fb 1 0 > ctb be alfo bote tt commetb not too pafft but bp tbe aflurcb beelecfe of aboptwn, tbat anp of bs leanetb bnto b«m . f 0 » to tbe tn\> tbat b<0 beipc map bee rebp fa; b'0 jit beljoucti; ur ft tbat lee ftanb m b :3 fauour. Which made heauen and carth,the tea, & all things that are in them : which kepeth truthefor eucrmore. Which rendei'cth right to them that be wrongfully opprelTed, which giueth bread to the hungry, the Lord thatloozcth prifoners. The Lord giucth fight too the blind : the Lordliftcth vp them that ftoope dowue:the Lord loueth the li^htuous. The Lord kepeth the ftraungers , relcueth the fatherlcflc and the wi- dowe,and will deftroy the way of the vngodly. liii.ij. 10 The JUJJ11 V>«flUXII3 VAUmilCIIUillC duYeth from gene- 10, The Lord shall reigne for eiier, thy god 6 Sion end racion to generation. Prayfe yee the Lord. •-. &. CSDbtcb HtaBe tjeauen* $t& ffl$ alt cuteb, tbat tfjcp fbould not fbjtinfee fo? t be & ca fir metbitije former bo£« trtttci OJ aiiljoucvi) tbafcat the ftrubluib it fetme far t'ro.n tbe matter to mafceme* tiott of tbe-crjeatton : pit troth it moft apt* ip agra nat gofla m?gbtte power tboulo fuccour bs a0 off as an? pcrill Ijangctij o^ ucr oat ^saDfi. * o? toce ttno«> tout) boco tbcp? miferie0,but quictlp toapt foj tbztr Dcltucrer , toboma&etbtbc leflebafteof bt0 comrmng , too tbe intent bee map bee feene too bee tbe tuft tudge of tlje to ctio . 31 t folorocrb tbat bee g ■ uitb bjtead too tbe bungcrtc . wberbppon alio toe gatber: tbat bee bealetl) notalooapcs fo libcrallp Ipgbsfn^nufujca &atan rooue\b &0too totfyfots feruants, as too fill tbem toitb tHiirtift : anp^oto toe our feiudsare f ete»' full abundance : bat now artb tben tottb= fullp t0ffc0;ttranD ft o at*«ucrp ipgbt puftV bjai*ctb bb» bitffmg,too tbe ehbe too P.»c=: 'a©u'-iif toe bear* in mpnd; tbat gd&is tbe i coiir tbem tueri tol)?n tbe? be at tbe point tna&eticif t^eaaenandearrb ttoemuftef toOftarue.^Tftbc i^jopbet bad fapd that gaol) rpgbt pceiae bt«» tbis bonour, tbat tbe goucrnanccofitbc toojlb tobicbbec batij crct ttc o ,i0 in bis banc. Cbcrefojte tn. tbe ftrft tptle ibere ts&to.-rtnundacitottdT ijis itipgbiiepouscryft)biebtnu(ll*(»aioa)e bpaJil onrfearulncffc. ^Ogobceit fojafe ; jmucbasit fcere norpnougb tbat <3&D tan bclpe b0, if tbete tocnt not apzorms tl)e fattbful tic full fed, and ao it toerc pam pefea argoda band': toba tooola not bee out of bart bpanbp tn tpme of famin and pfemtric ? jftot tonbouf caufe tben is* parpofe alfo make tlfe'ttribcip.Lt'iat <& <£> ID loojztb tbe p?tfofters,'ano g ttetb Itoubtt tobcrebp to aHurrtos tbat Ve uaf fpgbttootbeblpnb.] #o:inafmucbasit &tfo touting $ frill doo it in decde: ©auto fcuoucbetb tn tbe Fccono place , tbat bee 10 fait bful anb trca? of l)to tooo^D,fo as noio t'tere can bee no rome for bocotmg, feeing t\)at \)is toill i0Unou>en onto ba. 7. [ Wtjtcb renberttb n. ] tye rccbeneab fep iotb ff peri tcoibr pamts a0 fc el of gobs mp g-jt 30 o'r. bi0gooDneu"e , tobicb a« all ( of tbem aflurance0 too grauno our truft bppou.Sna all tbings ame at tbi0 marK, fJJbatgobs tplpc fljalbee oflFcrcb anbin a rcbintffe cuer fojt tbe msftbcfppfeb fojt of a 11 : anb tberefojtetgat our nuferics (lial= t>c no let.buttbat be nil lielpbs,o; ratber f.hat bis ocon nature toil tnfo;ce btm f o;e - 'icarb to btlp euerp man acco;6mg to ecbe mans neeeffmc.;tf irft bef faptb,bc renbe •■ reth. rpgbt to tbe oppjeiTsb : to tbe intent it map come to our rcmembjance.tbat al= flbcmab Cto our fieiblp bnberaan&ing)bc toinh at our tojongs-.pit totll be no, otter fitp tbat tobtcb pertepnetb p;opcrlp fobt0 Bewf.e, tobtcb ts ioo bjawc tbf itaugbtp- patbs to an account of tbcp? toiong oea= ling £0 be ft)0? t, bpcaufe gob0 totli is to trpe bis fcruantes patience bp tbe croffc : ^eefpeafeetl? beere pjecpfelp to t&e perfes b'appenetb from tpme too tpme, tbat tbe fapt'ifularepincbcb tottb fo?owfulnc0,oj picflTeb toitb mms tpjtanme , 0% bjousbt too crtrwnttie,aa tf tbcp toere Cbet bp in moft flreit p?tfon0: tbitfojc it toas nteef- fara tbat tbis comfo?t ajoulo be fct bou,nt namelp . tbat a0 oft as toec bee falne into fuel) butrcfTcg • it is cifpfoj tbe iLojb to bxtng \js out of tbem. Co giue figbt to blpnb.tmpottctb as mucbas to giue tbem iigbt out of oarancfTc . Cbcrefojc 30 oft as to?e bee beditutc of counfcl, ano dtcke fail in perpicj; tie, and finallp lpeconfoft= be& ano amajeo as tbougb tbe barfeneffe of Deatb lap bppon bs : £ct bslearne to giue d5oo this bonoMblctptle of o?iuing av»ap Dtmncfle anb of opentng our epe0 fo; b0. $>o alfo feeing ijee is fapbe too lift bptbcm tbatftoope, toce mapiernetoo plucfte up a goqb courage , if at anp tpme to&grone bnber our burtben anb be rebp to faint . Jroz goo ment not onlp to banc bis p?apfce fttf ojtbe bcere : bat etje caufe tobp be after a fo;t rtacbetb out bts banb to fucb as be biinb,m pjtfoa , anb perfect! - tco,ts tbat tbcp fbouib caff tbeir c>are0 $ Brefesbponljsm.^ettbcri0itmoietb:n neebes 4'' necbs £ be rcpetcrii ttyics f name of[lojo.] $t% bp tbatme^ncs beefttrrctb ano pjtic- betb men to fccltc bim,$»bo oftcutpntfs in ebafing bpon ibc bit bac icuec too rOttc in tbeir tnifcncc rban to repairs too ibis fure fanctuaric.TPbcraslaftof ail <2>o& is fapo to louc i b e rigbtaous, u fecir.ctjb too be: a fppce of rcftremt. ;# ojt ttts iocu" twoweh, f> manp,altbougb tfyey befcaroip pincbebi gromng in great anguiun? lptnjr in fcarfeu ncfle : pitfeele tbep nocGutfcuatvl&ofcs; banb : toereip bpcaufe that cucn tben alfd tbcp pjouofec <& od tbc moje bp tbeir ttub* bojnneflt ,ano fcarce tbeljun&jedtb perfon caltrtbfo?b»0 grace, bprcafonSBbetccf tbcp reccpne t'p tuft reward of tbepj bns tbanbfuincs. $ ot Soptbout eaufe tl;e rf wc luhcrcas tbe £>;topbetc bab faio geoeralip rtyat <£> ob fuccoycti; tbem ub ebbe uittftfei r^nowbereftttinctb u to rbc rigbtttous, tu tbc cnb tbat as manp as beftte tc o fcelc btm tbeir bcliuercr, CbulD gnretbemfeiucs Sobolip unto bitniutb bnfeineo affection. 9 CCbc 3Lo?b beepctime ] flinber tbe ftraungcrs^c fatberlc0,$ thz toibowtffl, flfc |3;6pl;etebpibc^gnre:S>tnccbQcbe comp*ebcnactb all fucb as ate bcftitutc of itctfblp bc!p#o^ mafmucb aatuerp man fauojetb W acquaintance anb binfefoife, fo>e fenou? tbat ftraungors arc comonip tn Daunger of tabinge fc>?onge.'Cbere be not tr.enp too bcefouno tbat *o>til offer tbems fclucs to befenb j maintetn tijc toibotcttf anb fatbetleffe. f*% it feemctb too bee but loft labour iybere appteretbno Itfeelpboo ' of recompencc. fl£l$erfo?ebn&ertbci0tj£= amp!e0tbe l^opbei beclaroij, tbat wbat trubblcs fo eucr fre bee greeueb fcttb ail, fc>e our fciucs be:;o biame tf bo al= Iwctb, all X»?etcijc0 bntoo bun fo foeetlp) rcacb nor out b»0 l;ano auo ociiuer bs.iiDn tbc. eontrarp part bee fapetfr fiatfp tbat all tbmgs frail fail ou^amtiTc ano bntackelp tonto tbc SoicKcb befpifers of <0ob. 3 told pou m tbc ntft f0fa{ine tbai lp ifjc name of &>ap , is betokened the Sir l>oic comfe of mans lpfe.ilFoD tben £>?iebcO,bpcaufe hi fciflcutfc ai tbeit bcu' their oomgcfi,fo>!jat foeuer t'.)ep attempt , anb iobatfoctter rbep go in bfinb i»ttb , fo 80 ribttjtnge (ball f?il iucuelp on tbeir fibe . 3!ltbougb tben tbat ti;ep baue SiKt at iciil- pea 0; ratber bee poiitt^canb S»plp,anb tljat ail toeltb anb abiitttp bee at tbeir pleafuvcpit fbai Cob cucrtbjovrr si tbeir Doves. S°i like asr in reacbtuRe CKt bis ban& too 1 bofe, ;bat be t;t6,b? tbctfoge bepurpofelp beclaretb,tbuf^ctsbouno wto bis cb>fen people bp l]is cane facreb couenant. The ContcintesofthcCxIvij. P£dme. • This Vfalme alfo allurcth tbcfititbfulltvtbeprdifing of Cod for two confidc- fdHons:thdt is to ■wjr3[>ycaufc bis po'-wo-,yvilcdewe3goodmJ]}3Atid otbe/ver- tewes fjyne fiortb in the gcnerall zpucrnement of the -world and in all the ft- nerall partes ofbeauennndearth.ButfpeciaUy byestufc thacwithkisftcu- liar grace, heecherifjjetb and maim eineth his Chnrch-wbubhcehaib chosen freely, yea and botbftttctb it nf agein when it isfalne3and alfo gather cth it tJSJtbcr'when it is'Jc attend. li ii.iii. The TbeCxhii.Vfdlne Praife yc the Lord, for it is good to fing vnto our god,for it is si pleafantthi ng,and praife is comly. a The Lord is he that buildeth Ieiuialem,and he shall gather togither the difper'ed of Iirael. 3 Healing the broken harted,and cinding vp their fores. 4 Nomberingethe multitude of the Starrcs , and giuing eueryc one of them their names. Great is our Lord, and great in power,and of his wy fedome there is no nomber. The Lord is he that relecueth the miferable, andcafteth the wicked downe to the ground. > feet ts,tbat fyc Cburcb i S not buflbcb bp £aifepetbc5.o;tbbo sn- ip I) me cpes to efpp <5oos iooiKcs.ioijcr * ao tuc fai tbicflfc are beereft of nnberftan* bing,tlnongb tbcblmonco anb buinefle ot tbeir ou?ne mpno.aino bee not onlp tntrea*. tail) of .&oDs common brne&tcs : but alfi* commenb*fb cbecap bis grace fcobtcb teas apparant in bis cijojen people* ^ojcouer I to tbe intent tbe Cburcb »nap abojefTe bit ftlf tbe mojte cberfullp to ting ot»oos p?ai= fc9,i)c faitb that tie fame kiuoc of crcrcpfc is goob,pleafant,anb ft»:6te>SBbcrmbe o -> uertb*>artlp ntppctb tbeleaa?&n:A"e f»el- nccreof all inen, to Suborn it is trHfometo bsre anp mention maoe of d5ob:but a fin« gular pleafure to foic$cs goo ? tb^mfclues, to v enb tbei imp foiau? tbeir o&n fombge tbe moje licenteciilp : tberfoje to tfye in* tent in* map iernc to ta&e pleafore in tbis erercp& of goalpnes: tb£ id;op:)et telletlj t;.)cm tb^t p.iaifc is coin!? o; amiable , foj tlje Soojof Neua]m;>j? be raae botb i»aies*. z [Cbe lojbts f c] ^ bejinneib at gobs fpecuU grace isbiej be: boutfaueo bppon bis cburclj toben it Seas bis tout to abapt one jftacion fitting alttbercft a fio'c: anb alfo too cl)00?c a place certein 5x>beretn bee &oolo bee calleb bpon* $9; fcljcras be iS< calleb bere tbe b onloer or ^ttufalera: tt is not rcfertea fo much to rbe outioarb t ojin £ falbionaf f» to f fptrituaUfer- ntag of 30$. ISUo it ta a comon met apbojt to bretbeteruie o?[b#iibmg fo.» Cemple M)m fyc Cburcb \g insreateo of.Cb* ef = mans labour , but bp tbe t&eaucnlp power of <2>ob,f ojtncptbcr it ta tbe xuojtbpncffe of tbe place tbat maHetb 3 erufalem to bee (Boos onlp bvoelltngplace \»pon cartbtnet? tberbatb Ji erufalem gotten fo great bs= ttour bp tbe frpfebome,polUcie, iabour,oj belp of mcn'.butbpcaufe ttpleafcb (Bob to baloa? it bnto bimfelf. Crcio it is in bzebt tbat be bfcbtb* labour anb feruis of met? S»!?enbs recrcD bimfelf a Sanctuarieti.icre: but pit tbere is no reafon tbat bio fo botng fbulb bar&en b 'S grace,tobtcb alonlp 0 U tingiiiibebtbat boipCttiefroma'i otber Citics.li5ut tbe jiMop'ic; calictb (5ob tbe btuiibcr anb 'ioojsmaifter of ln'sCburcb to tbispurpofe, tbat toe map bnoioe 'jovo it iB bi$ tooibmg tbat mafeetb tbe fame to &mS in ftebfaft flate, oj tobicb rcpap?etb it iolytn it is becapeb.Tubereopon alfo bee gatberetb . it is in bis banb,ano at bis ap pointment to gatber tbemtogttber tbat be btfperfco. 5Fo;tbe-p?opbet mentbeeretoo comfott tbe miferable outlaaes tbat frere call a funber becre f tber: tbat tbep migbt bope to begatbereb togitber ageine out of tbeir as tbep mpgbt grow togitber agein into oneboop,btcaufe o&ob bab not aboptcb tbe mfo? nought . Cbeu inafmucb as f)t bab c5maunbeo a Cemple 9 an aultar to bebwtlbcb bnto bim at $6* rufalc:tbep?opbetcberctb\)ptbc33?'u5CjS tl»at were as outlawes from tbeir oome cauntrie, witbgoob bope of returns w if beeCboulbfap.ittoasnoleOrs tbe peculiar iooifi of c3ob too fet bp tbe Cburcb agein tobe it is befaccb $ ou2rtb?oiac,tb8 it ic^s to lap tbe foitbations of it at v brgtnning. 3!fc yt kas Bttt5££i$ei£3B0$tt0 purpofe f>< ftmplp to commenb goos free gooone ffe in tbe firft retting bp of the Ctjurci) :bat toreafon t»rpon the o?tgtnallefe ae ; bets baits in tbe foiowfci fclfmebjing of tbe chur cb Suljic^ ic too be feene enerp wfcere, To as ke tnap bops t bat ail tbe elect kfctcb are graffto tntoe€b?iGcs bobtc , altbougb tbep bee mtferablp btfoerfeb itUc tcznc members, {ball notwitbftanbing beca- tbereb togitber tntcii;e nnttieef faith: ano tfcat £h?pftcs mangleb bebp kbtcb is rcntbapclp inpecccs,u)albcerefto?cD to per feet fownoncfle ageutjbpcaufe gob Set I not fuffer bis kco?fee too becap ut= tctlp « 3in tijenett berfcalfobeecontts nuc t b tbe fame bectr inc. -foi becrbnto tenbetb tbe fimtlitube.tfcat although tbe Cbnrcb bee papnea kith. fo?e Dtfeafcs, pea o? bjeugbt to tbe puts bzim.anb aU tbcugb fbe be ft abbeo tbjougli tottb mas up koanos s pit kill goo eaflp bcaic bir. Trb^r ebp it appecrctb, tbat in tbns op= ners mancrs of fpcabtng tber is bnt one tbing repctcb: naraeip tbat aitlougb tbe ftate of tbe Cburcb boo not alwapes flo>- nfb • pit (ball tt alwatcs continero fafe anbfounb,bpcaufe (Sob kill pittfullp 1; talc it as aboop tbat is ful of fozes ano botches. -f [iftomberpngttejc.] iBpcaofe tbe gatljcrpngtoogpibcroftbe people that tbe P?opbet bathe tntrcatcb of , mpgbte ferncincretpble : ibcptbat tbpnfcethe fame to be cenfirmeb in this toerfr, baue pjobable rrafon too leaoe tbem. Cbus tbcrcfoze boo tbtp hnit Ujc^zopbetcs keciDe togitber: Cbat fozalmucb as it is not a barber matter to gatber men to* gufcer that be fcatterebanb bifperfeb as fanber , tfcan too nomber tbe Carres in tbeffcle: tbertsnocaufekbptbekans bertnganb bantfbeb jfraelitcs fhcuiD befpair e cf r ctnrne : to bee it tbat the? rcfoztkttl) oneconfent bntoo <£5cb as tfectr cnlp beab ♦ i]^o leffc Iiaelp contecs tut e kere ttalfo, tbat tbe p?opbet alias betb too tbe pzomts in d5en.15.54 bebols tbe&tatrtsof tbcfhie,ans fee if tbe to can nomber them: enen fo Q-.aii tt?p feetc bec.iI5otu:ttbftenbingfo?affni\ ^jargc, fo as notbtng is confutes fo? all f great nomber of tbem . wcojtbelp tl).-refo?e crpctb be out bpa^b?, [Cbac <&£> 2D ts sreat^anb tnfinit as fcell of poker as of ktfome. ] kberbpaifokecbee rutigljt, tbat tber can be no greater t ucttl; war t= neffe, tijan too bane a kill too nur.s'ure tbekojifecsef <£>ob kberetn bccofttn= tpmes ntterctb bis incopjehenfiblc ktf= borne anb power, bp tl)c fmallcapactttc of oarownekpt. 6 CbeiLoibtsbt^c] Cbiscomeni Dacpon anapletb p?opet ip too tbe con* ftrmacton of our bopcmabucrfitic , tbat our bartes map not faint in tbe triall of tbe CrcfTe. wbcrtippon alfo ke gather, tbat altbcugb the fatbers kere cberifljs eb mo;e tenberlpe bnoer tbe larvc : pit kere tbep not ntterip p;puilebgeo from tbe karfaire kberin d5oo crerepfetb bs at this bape to tbeenb kee fiioniu fecfee tbe trew reft elfekber than in p kojlo. Cbenif mtpmeof fojcpcrfec«tton>kc begin to caft bouts kucrethat bcipcis tobicb <£5ob bath p?omifcb to be elwatcs rebp fo? ds : H ct bs call too tr.pnbe t Us fentence,bow ke bee tbcrefo^ebzcugbt lowe, tbat kee map afterwarb beeitftcb bp aloft bp tbe banb of 0eb.3lfe tf fpps tinge at anp tpmeboo tjartburne rso? 8ing \js kben kee fee the "ongo&lp taKe tbetrpicafure: let ns remember kbat tbe |3?opbct faptbl5eere,how they bee t)6opfeb bp aloft, that ttw map fall beaD ; long bcwn.ifo? kben l; c fattb tbat tbep fl;albc caS bowne to the arcunb ,tur k is no bout but bee coucrtip taunt 2 tj tbep? p?pbe,kbtrbptbepabua«cetl>emfclues tbemfelues abcuc tbe c:owos,as t'congr) tbep kere not cf the nomber of men. JUlUuX. 7 ^^"g M* luini v pzcofs of bis poj»2r,30ooncfle, anD feifbojue bao from tune too tun: p;cacc bcfcze our teaajrirft be fapcrb tbat [be concretb tnefUie feitb Cloubs] febicbe alteration ougbt too quicken our ^vitaii fee fecre not toii. too bleoBtiJjc* gmrelp boajfocucr tbe innumerable miracles of J5-30 (bine in tbc l^cau ;n : pit ii ci>e fees tocr fboulb rcmaine aiwaics a UUc cl«. cr bis feeding fboulb not be fo eutbent,as fetjen bee fobenlp ouercadetlj tbe ffeic & Cloaos,fe«bo?aoj;ttj tbebjigbtnesoC tbe Sonne, anD fettctb as it fetre a nen> countenance upon tbc feojlo.&ftcr roarb be tcilerb tbem, tbat bp that weans tf?ob tijouibetij afoic bouse fo; alt lining cre&s turcs ; btcaufc that tbetcbp botbe gratfe grorcetb bp , ar.o moidttr* in mtntdteb to ma&etbe*artb fruit full. Bno fa but bp tbc cotr.mautiscmcnte of «Id?o 3jn beebe tbe fdbilefcabcr0foibe out tbe oztgtnaU ©f tbe tame in tbe ^uinents.^titqer ts it to be benpebiut rba: t'ge Cloucce are cngeaeereo of tbc greffe s?apozs febicbe tbe eartb anD tile JUiveattictb bp* JU5ut tbe meaue raufes jauire not fo oarften (Etobspzomecr.ce.but tbat bee mapgiue tontootbe iftrtb moifture nectffarpetoo bung fcozii; frutes* jftnaUpen&eas tbc saul; scpiiig ibzeugb fczou&b* oootb afc ail. lie* BVHOTR* ter a fcijte Declare bit bzougbr feitb open moutb : fo alfo on tbeotbec use<©£[>D bzeepetb ootone blink bp rapning.Cru* Ip be coulD giue frc&yncOe to it bp otber fecrete mean?s tbat it fboulDe not f iplc s but tbe featertng of it is as it feere an «a nibent figbt of tbe continuall care feljtcb bebatbouerbs« 9* C^vbicb gui-tl) to catttl»]li5p fetting b^rone oneperttculer beeopenetb *n->xe plainlp tbat febicbe bee bao fapeo afbze : namelp tbat <$> oo ptoutoetb fooDe toi aU Itutng tbings^no feberos be faitb tbat cattel are fe&ratbcr tban menttbat mas betb to tbe enlarging of tbc matttt.Cee te iue it is in Deebe ,tbat tbe feoitbe feas createb and garnifbeb feitb bis frntefu! neffeanb fjnm fo; mans fane : anb tbe neerer tbat feeappiocb vnto <& D iD j fo mucbe tbe mo;e bootb bee mantfed bis bounttonmes tocoarbes bS. l^juobtat if be btfoeine not to ttUnb tbe fame cue bn to bjute beads atfo : tberbpit appeeretb piainlp,tbatbee ts aberp teiljzt t mircc bnto bS.Cbe caufe febp bee namctij tbe [l^auens] a mode bcfp.feb bmb of btrbs is to react) 'tis tbat ©obs liberalise ucr s cetb intoo atlpartcs of tbefeojioe. %x\b feberasbefaptbtbat [tbelSaues bubs bo crp bnto i£5 ob] no ooubt bnt bee alius betb bnto tbe crocking of tbem, j?JOi3>s danbing bee puttetb bs inminbe bp tbe feap,tbattbep confestbeir feant,tf gob rcacbe tbem not foooe from out of &>ea= uen. ^ojfebereastbCJewcsbeof.ible tbat tbe olbe iSauens fojfahe tbtlr pung birbes as foone as tb

cr of nature t0 fo gupbco bp d&oo.tbat not e- ticn f l&auen0 birbes are ocUttutc of fooo: fr ho bp tbcir crocking Doo confcfle fycm- fclues to bee bungrie, ano that their want frere remcbileflTe , cjccept Ujod fuccourcb them. i o rj^ce frill baue no, jc] Sifter that the ^jopbct batb fbccccb be toe no part of the fr02la 10 bopac of C5OD0 liberal tic : bee auoucbeti) bp cjcpjcfTe fr oajoes, that men baue no irrcngtlj at all tno?c than goo btwt felf bjeatbetl) mto tl)cm frottibcauen, 3no tl) 10 abbetb bee fo? the nonce, too rep: one the pzvoc i»I;ci-:vD\tl) frelnscre all men are naturallp pnft bp, fo a0 tbep Icane too tljcir oivnc ftrengtb. Che mcening of tije froojbes man comcfurnilbeb airb all btf ftrcngtb, ano let bim bjinge all big Ijclpcs frit') bim fr herein bee tbin&0 ban felfe too crclt mod, ano pit frjaii rjee bee 253 12 13 H but afmofce anb a leafing, jftap ratijer, pnecb&ocbe ) cucrpftpno of be; fence : jftot tbat tbe beipc0 frbicbe iH5ob gpucrb b0,Doo miQiHe bim of tljemfclueo: but bpcaufe free bao neebe to bee bzawen awap frotn tbe leatob trufting in them. 5ro? notljinge is mo?* ojbinarfe Suit!) bS, tban too bee mab b?unfee frith, pipoe, af= foone ao free baue anp tln'ng too feme our turne fr itball.ainb tberfojc agcinft y puif= fancc .13 frell of men a0 of hoifcs, be mats cbctb tbe feare of gob 9 tbe rruft £ leanerb bntobismerciejas if bee CboulDfap, this point of mobeftp 10 cheap rcqupjeo at our banbs,f in fr ojQjipping^oo beuoutlp f bo!ilp,fr e (boulo bepenb bpon l) '.0 grace* Prayfe the Lord 6 Ierufalem: Prayfc thy God,0 Sion. For hee ftrengchneth the barres of thy gates,and hee blilTcth thy chil- dren in the middes of thee. Which fetteth thy borders in peace, and fatisfyeth thee with the fatnefle of Coyne. 12 [$japfetbeilojto,«c] 3Jfter bee barb uitrcatcoof<25obsbenefptes in general!, bee turnctb \)is tal&e agepn to tbe faptbe= full.frbomonlpfretoiDpouafojc to bee cnbetoco frith pcrfecte ta£re too rcccpue frith trctoe tbanbcfulncffc tb c benefptes fr b 1 cli y fr 0 jib fwalowctb frbolc, ?$ o?e j ouer be fpcabetb to tbe frbole church tons ber tlje name of jflerufalem , jbpcaufe tbe faptbfull in tbofe bape0 fecpte their holp affr mbipeg there, anb repapjeo tbttber as it frere bnbcrtr enemies rounb about hir. ® nlcCc perbappc0 anp man htl to ectenb the fr 002b [^cacc] mo?e largclp, aceoj= bmg a0bpuerfe tptiteo it is taken fo;a P2ofperou0 anb bappic date . |^oa>bccit, f02afmuch as there is mention mabc of [bojbcrs:] the former crpofttion feemctb to fit the place better* Blftertoarb is abbcb gobs mivaro tlttTing,frhcrbp it cometb to pafTe that l^r Citijenshauc a p2ofpcrou0 anb bappiebtoslling in hir, ano tij:rantl)? all are fcbabunbantlp, cucn till tbepfapc bo. ^otthat 0ob0clulo2e alwapcs l;aue Delicatc0, frbicb froulb marre tt;cm,bp reafon tijat f aefij i0fo ouerf02cij).ub bnto 31 i it. ^ foans Ihon Caluins Commentaric, Soawonnes : botbicaufc tliat in their bap* ip fooDe tbep efppe itbmtfe= rable fojo wfuwctfe Sohcn tbcp Soatrt, o$ clfe burne alwape0 in bnfaciable comtont-. nes T& ut fpcctallp in olb tpmc (15 oD bttc- reb bts fatbcrlp loac bnto the fatber0 bn= ber the olb Haw in abunbace of bittelibpa caufe it bcbouco them as then too bee leb bpgbct bp fucbtrapnementes. 1 j When hee fendeth foorth his commaundement too the earthy hys woord ronneth very fwiftly. 16 Which giueth (how as wooll,and fcattereth the hore froft like ashes. 17 Hee cafteth foorth his yce like morfelles, who is able too ftande before his cold ? 18 Hee will fend his woorde and melt them, his breth shall blowe,and the waters shall flowe. 19 Hee sheweth his woord vntoo Iacob, his ftatutes and his iudgements vntoo Ifraell. 20 Hee hath not delt {b with euery Nacion , neyther hath hee manife- fted his iudgeraentes vntoo them. Prayfe yee the Lord. 1? Dx>benbefenbetli,?e.] 3getnbe tons cbetb ccrteinperticular0 of <25ob0 iscjas that fbpne caerp iohcre in the ojtoer cf na* ture.i&owbcit fojtafmucb a© tbc feojlb fur mpfetb.tbat tbc alterations of the cartb 9 of tbc apicCS»hicb ought to be rcco?oc0 of bio poiccr )ooo happen *? cafualticibefsze the jdjopbettntreatc of g>nou>,l)Oieftoft, ano pectbee beclaretb erpjcflp that f cartb is ruleb bp i)is comntanoetnent 9 beebc. 5Fo? the fcnbin3 foojtb of bi0 comroanbe* ment,i0 nothing elfe than the fecret moo = uingiDbcrbp be moberatctb 9 tcinpereth all things. if 0; icere i: no* that be fo com* maun&etb 9 ojbepnctb it,tberc fbonlo bee no during in the elementesmeptber fbulb tbep bee carpcD too f fro of thcr orone in= ftinct,ecccptebis pzmtc eowitaunbcment ioent afo?c. Uhib he fap:tb that go'00 &o;o ronnctb fwtftlp, bpcaufe y nflaone as gob fbewetb i»bas bee ioill lyaue Doonc, ail things ronnetogptber reaps to obep bun* Tfobitb principle onieffe ire holb bs bnto, fif i iu ce out the meone catifes ncucr fo cu? riouGp, all oar fbarpfpgbtcoues Smll ba* ni3) awap.3*s fo? c?aniplc.3irifi9tle fljew etb great &it in his ^Jcteojtcs > as I;cDtf- putetlj tnoftejcactlp of tljentiturallcaufts: ano pit becleauetb out this cbcefepo^nte, Sshcrin cuerp of tljerubcG iDiotes(at lead wpfe beeing fnbew«b fontb tre*» IScligio) goeth beponb htm.^Foj mo?e than bnwpfe muftcbec necDcsbcc, fobome fo fo&cine fnoroes f bojefroftcs infojme not of this fwtftneffc of (0oss Idoojd. Cbcrcfejc er= ccpi ire purpofc to fct the £avt afojc the hojfc in argewing bpon CHo&a'ujcojJies : foe muft aUc«pc0 begin at this principle, that all the partes of the u>o; Jo are attcn- bant bnto <0ob0 pleafure,fo as the icbole eourfe of nature i 3 nothing eife but a rebpt fulfilling of the things that bee hath corns tnaunoeo* foi furelp S»hcn the it) ate rs frp5e,iohen the hapie is fcattereb through the apje,\»bcn hcjcfroilcs barken f fbpe: thercbp it eppecreth, bowccffetmallp bee freaUetlK 15ut if the mod part of y,S»o?lb bee aftonpeb at f bete fo manp i&oonbers : the berp fbarpneffe of the colb that benom; met!) our bODpes map compel bs to S»on= ber at d5oos mpgbtie power. 5roj truelp, fecinge that the beate of tbc S>unnefco^ cbetb bs in foinmer: anb agepnethe vomz tcrcommmg«fter,clingeibailthmgcst02 gpther : this alteration (&bicbcft>cre ins crcbible Without erperience) , crpetb out alaujD, that there is fomc JDiuinc power r ;s gnmg in i^eaucn* 19 [^efbcwethhisS»oo?b,fc.] Nereis mention mabe of fomwhatanotljcr mancr of •rr"" ■>*r of faping tban fo>as before . $*}, '£> tsfapb after an ottjer fozt too comauuD tbe fenfos crea:urcs,fc>bo foe gupDetb fecrctlp bmo big obepfance b? a i;t&D^n mcJinacid: tban be commaunoetb men cnDecoeD foul) tonD:rftanDmg,tDbo \)t tcacbetb bp plapne fpccci)c,t!]at tijep map to it ttngip anD voiU linglp foloiuc to'mber foeuer bee calletb. 2Plti|bu3h then tbat tbe benefptes, fobicb be recfeeneD by erecobplcare iuooztbtcno fmati eftimacio: pit booty tins far pa(Tc all tbe reft, that in fct ting fooub tbe Doctrine of IRcligion, i»l)icb is p tbzeafure of euers lading iuclfarc.bcc boutfauetb to emu to tbe office of a gpc'golcmaftcr toieat oca J)is djofen people . jro: boa? little fboulb it a- uaplc tbc Cimrclje too fawn in all rranfc tozic geeocflj ano to be befenbeb from the fojee of enempes, if bit bope monnteD not aboue tiic foozlD.-1 Chen is it tbe great eft tofeen of bis fatiour tijat can be.tbat be of- fered toS tbclpgbt of Ipfe m bis S»oo:D, Snb tberfoze not mitbout canfe is it abbeb becre as tbe of trcvo $ ftibftantiail bappincs. *MD beerbp i» ec map lerne.not onlp toentcrteine <& odb Doctrine i»ttb re; nerent and <£> oblp obepfance : but alfo too tmbzaee it louingip , bpcaufe nothing ca be beupfeb mo2c focete, oz m o zc amiable, tb, a that 05 iD 3D (noulb take bppon bun ti)e cljaifle of our S»elfare,pca $ tefttfp f fame bp bntoo Qttti bp the hana. fo} tbe mark y tbts Doctrine amctb at,is this, tbat in tbe tbtfe Darhnes of tljis toozlD.anD amog fo manic outraungmges, tobertoitb s all §>atan burrpetb mankpnD about , our moft Deere j goob father ttjtnetb aroze bs bntm iuce be gatbereD intoo tbe bcauenip inheritance. 3no it is to be mariicD, y tbe twinges fobicb ^ofes anD tbe pzopbets cjeecutcD bp tb. e commannDmcnt of bpie Ditpiacettj not Ijun felf fro the office of onlp cbeef tea- cljer, Chen is the ;30aiefticoftbefo>ooz& auoucbeD bnto it bcerc bp ti)c pcrfone off autbozofit. 3inD at icnjrb tb? )3?opI)et cniargctf) tbe TapD grace bp a comparifon, Declaring tbat all otfyer Rations bab not bin belt fo imtljali. y, oj if tijc caufe be De? maunDcD 1 icoticrfoje <0od p;eferreD p one people before all otber : furelp tbeir berpe p^erogatiue iuill leaDe bs ftrept to \ foun tapnc of tbeir free election, foj, Soee fbaii fpnD tbat tbe cbtlojen of Hfracl Differ from tbe reft of tbe xuoojid , not fo; tbeir otone bertcto, but bpcaufe <25od (ouerbippingf reft) boutfauea to aoopt tb«n. The Contcintcs of the Cxlviij. Pfalme. To tbe intent hee may the better and more effe&tidlly exprejfe how much Cod is too bee pray fed in his -woorkes, hee calleth all creatures aboue and be- neathe too thefettingfoorthe ofhisprayfej.For although hee begin at the *An- gelles3yit hee byanby extendeth his talhjoothe brute- beaftcs and dumb ele- mcHteSjtnccning that there is no part efthevoorldy-vohcrin Gods prayfes found not 3 bycaufe hee vttercth euerywbere a cleerc and manifeft -witnejje of his power y goodncfj'e } and -cvif dome . *At length heefteppeth downe yntoo men3 ■whom GOD him felf bathe ordeyned too bee the lawfull publifhcrs of his prayfes in this world. Howbecit,forafinnch as the^nbeleeuenare both to blinde to con/tder Gods works* and alfo to dumb t« fet foorth his prayfes: the Prophet in the cndofthePfalme calleth too the lfraelites3 as peculiar wit- nejfesi too whom GO D had difcouered htm felj more merely y The 1 ,. The C. xhiii. Vfalme. Prayfe yce the Lord. Prayfe yee the Lord from out of the Heaucns, prayfe yee him in the hygh places 2 . . Prayfe yee him all yee his AngclJes, prayfe yee him all yee hishoftes. 3 . Prayfe yee him yce bonne and Moone, prayfe yee him all yce bryght Starres. 4. Prayfe yee him yce Hcauens of Hcauens , and yee waters that bee aboue the Heauens. j , Let them prayfe the name of theLord : for hee commaunded , and they were created. 6 . And 1 1 ee hathe ftabhfshed them for cucr and eucr : hee hathc fet them an ordinance, and they shall not pafle it. intent bee might abbzcffebimfelftbemoje chccrfulip to the utfplaptng of boronneto it of ttKiroa?naccozb,ox ten tber OjcoieD l)tm ttjc S»ap to it. 3Jn the fes conb part of the *crfc be rcrmctb them the [boac0Ozamac,3]of©oD,hpwiuVtbcpbe euermozc pjcfi to recepue gobs celmaunb * mentcs. :tfozca0iti0£0ztisen tnlDamel, 7.t8.)mtll.on0 of imlltono ftanb about Ins thzonc Cbtsnatr,e[of bofreBjt© tranffer* rcb bnto &:arreo alfo, both bvcmfc tljcp bee dtfringmffoea m marueloufe o?bcr , $ alfo bvc&ufc d)?v erecutc ^000 ccmaunb= mentes ftmb *DOonbcrfifl!fw>tftncfi. i$ut here tl)c JSi io eElcij are called aooo a tmyca \ in tbe fame refpect that tbcp be in an other plau calico }9jmc -pain uo anb |£>ouers, C oleff i.i6.namcip,brcaufc tarre0,a0tbe 3>n jigelle0, pea anb the berp f ape jjitbif ano the aire, anD fc)bat= iiicuerisingcnbercD thereto? unmebtat* lp after tbtt'c foloujctb apartitton,fo)bcrm beeertoztctb firft the 3nge!le0,anb then the jbtarrco ano the i&Eauenlp 5»ater0. 3s touching the 3mgtilc0,c6fibcnngtbat tbcp focrc createo too be conttnuallp occu= ppcb m tins ercrcpfe of ©obline0, it 10 no marucll though tbep bee placcb tn the firft ranfc.iBbe j fcttmgfooztb of gob0 pzapfte 10 tntrcatcb of . atnb tberfozc tn £ notable btfion, iohict) i0 Sojittcn in Cfap.6.^. the Cberubin© crpe: J^olie, holic, tjolic ilezo <£ cb cf l;oUcs. zdno in manic other places the fenpture bzingctb in f 2Hngelie0 pjaps fmg d? £> 3D fonti) facb commenbacion0. What nzebeth the fuch checrfulnc0 to baue anp fpurring^ fi)z if the? iocre to bequtcs iicneb bp,pu $»bat t0letrefcemlp,tba that S»ee(i»ho arc benommeo Sxnti) fo greatc flothftimc0) fhoulb take bpo b0 f charge of encojagmg^ 2Dauia tlKn,S»fco not onlp matchcb not the 3!ngelle0 in jcic, but alfo came far fbcjt of them , coulo in no &>pfc bee a conucmentencozager of them. W ut ncpthcr iua0 y bispurpofc, (fo? hee meat rather Gmplp to teftifye that nothing i»a0 Mio;e acceptable, no? mo?c Dcfp?cb of bi0 pctrf,tha to iopne i»ith the elect Hingclies in ccuout confent of p?apfing ^obO nep= tber i»a0 it ageine reafon,that heecto tijc 3 • C i£>?apfe pec htm , pee <&onne anb ^oenc. m.] Ch'0 piace confentcrtj not fotth fi?lato,o botagc.fobo furmilcb that the Starve© are inbeweb i»uh rcafon anb bnberftanbtng. 3 0? the ^ jopljctplaccth not them in the fame begrec that hee pla= ccb f 2Pngelic0 cuen note: but onlp tiooctl; b0 too bnCcrff anb,that Cous giozle fhp^ netb eucrptt^hcre,as though the? bio foub cue hie p;tapfc0 u-tth a lcnD botce.^herbp alfo i0 ouet thwartlp taunj eb the bnbpnb nc0 of men. J, oz itoolb a men giuc care to tbt0 melcbie but a lmle,he ftjoulb be otten tint to ibeconnbcring of ©000 kootbc0. vppmi Luc Vjxivui.i-iaimc. ;tf 02,tt>2 £>un,os &>el lottb tj»s tyigbtncs a0 Swtb l^ts beat, ano ioitf; otber lingular giftcs, boot!; bee not magnific l;is Crca; towY Cbe -i'tarrcs Sr>bcn tbep goe tbo= rougblottb tbeir courfe , f boti) bcautiffe tlje f Upe anD alfo cnlpgbtcntbc eartb, boo tbep not alfo founb out CI5ods pjapfes liHe a trumpet t 23 ut fojafuuub as ii>cc bee botl) blpnD 9 blOCfeifb,tbc J.y?op!jct Dootb t>crv i» ell tc caii tljcux to Smtnelfe, y tbep map correct our lasineffc. #urtbcrmo?c, lubcicas bcccallctt) tbem [Cbe l^caucns of Ijcaueus: ] Smtliout Doubt it mufte bee referfebto tbe &pberes. iffoz tbe Cclip; fes anD other fpgbts fbecuce opcnlp , as Soelltbattbe fueoftarrcsarcaboue p pla' netes, as alfo tbat t\\t planatcs tbcm= fcluco are fitiiatc in feuerali compalTes. Cbis ccccllcnctc of iuooikmanfnipDootb tljc ?3:op!ict (not loitbeut caufc)cdmcnD in terming tbem ciep:eflelp tbc beauens of l)caucns: not tbaiin,bcrp D;cDc tbere bee thanp beauens, but bpcaufc d6ooo luoon Dcrfuli iwtfoomc iulucbc bee tofcD in crea- ting tlie Ijeaucro ,eanot be aDuatlceD rop= all p pnougb '■ cqnfiocringe bou?e bee min= gleb not tl>c purine, 0f)oonc, f g> tarrcs conrufcDlp togptber, but afftgncD too ecbe of tbem bis Proper fit nation anD Dwelling, anD alfo rulctb tbeir mamfolD cour= fcs. irurtbcrmoie, lubereas bncer tlje name of beauens be compjtebcnDetb alfo 5 asuc, oi at leaftcupfc iubatfocucr fpacc i0 from tlje mioDlc of tbe aire bptuatD : iace calletb tbe i»atcrs,tbc to at: ro tbat are a= boue tbe beauens. fQ% tbere is no reafon, tobpfomeftoulD imagine tbat tbere bee Suatcro abpoingaboue j forcer elements. E'nD tbe JDjopbct betokened) platnlp tbe falling of tberapne,S»bcnbccfapetb, tbat tbofe tuatcrs arc from aboue . Coo Has uifblp alfo Deo tbep bpnD tbcmfelucs too tbe lettrc, lobicbefurmpfe tbat tbere is a ecr rein fca in ttiCflipcs as tijc ugb tbe ry a ters ioerc alcoapcs remapningtber,S»bc as lu ee Know c tqat fll^ofcs anD tbe p20= p'jetes (to tbe intent to applpe thcmfclucs to tbe capacitic of euerp of tbe ruDcft fojt) are luont to fpeabe after tbe of tbc comon people. Snn tljcrefoie it lucre an vmoivaro Dealing too examine tbeir faps 2tf mgs bp tbe rules of plniofopi/tc ; lipbc «s in tl)ie piacc,tbat cBod ijoioetl; tbc icatcrs banging in tlje ap:e,tbe 33zopbetecom= menDs tt fo? a miracle,bpcaufc itfemcti-, to be agctnft nature tbat tbep CjoulD mount aloft,f tben ftanDe fiill in an emptp place, being of tbemfelues gpucn too fbcaDmg. 3nD ttprfoze m tbe pfalm 3 3 .7. it is fapoc tbat tbep be Jhd tbere as it lucre Qjct bp in bottles 0} blabbers. J\n tbe mcancfeafon tbc Ji^opbetbatb bojoroea bis manner of fpeaamg out of i^ofes tenner. 1.2 lubo fapetb tbat tbe Soatcrs loei-cfeucreD from tbe loaters. 5 [let client piapfe.f c.]U5pcaufe lie (pea feetb to fenactTecrearures.bee paffetb to p* tbirD perfone.wljcrbp l»e gatlier tbat Ins fpeaKing bitberto in f fecono pcrfone,U;as tomouemcntbemo?c(fojbcbaibtequp= reD none otber p?apfc , tban fucb as inape tcacb bs tbatneptber j ftarrcs bauc tbeir beginning of tbemfeluc0,no? tbe rain leas createD bp cafualtie)bicaufe tbat altbougb tljcrc ftanb fo manifeft eui^enczs of C5 ods tnigbtp poroer Daplp before our epes : pit Sue oucrflip tbc ioojamayfrcr of tlje loitb fowle blocfeifbncs.Cberfoie $ p^onotune [i&sjimpo^tctb a fcebemencieras it f p?o= pbet fboulb fap, tbc looilDe is not bcgin= ninglciTeasbeatbcn men D2camc,no;t clti= pero togi.bcr of motes : but ctysmofre gooblp o?Derlobicb lot fcc.baB bis bcan% fobeinlpbptbccommaunDement of (5od. ^02eouer,baumgrpohenoftbccreation, bee abDetli a tbing tbat is mo;c to bee ob= ferueb: namelp,tbat bee gaue tbcm a lat»c loiucb cannot bccb20Uen. f 02 manpc.als tbougb tbep graunt tbe u>02lo to bee mabe bp tbe power of (0oD : Doo notwitbft an= Ding flip acoap to coloe imaginacions, as tbougb tbe 02Der of nature ftoob noros bp itfclf, anD (Sod lucre tjeauen. 3Iuaip tbcrfojcDootbtbe ji2opbet ftanb bpon tins popnt, tbat tbebcauenlp ccea= furcs,uot onip Sucre once createD bp gob, butatfoarcnoiurulcDbpbtsgoiKrncmet: anD not onlp tbat a fecret potucrluas once put into tbcm: but alfo tbat iuben tbep bo tbeir offices 9 tbep pcelD tbeir labour anD feruicc buto <£ od in tl;c bfes tljat tbep are oibepneDfoi. Praifc ye the Lord from the earth,)' e dragons and all depthes S Fyrc Iohn Caluins Commentane 8 Fyre and hayle,fnow and yce, & windy florines that do his comandmet 9 Mountaines and all HiUes,frutebearing trees and all Ceders, 10 Beaftes and all cattell, kreeping things and fethercd fowlcs. bint to tefflpc tbcfwcctnclTeof bis goeth neffe bp mopttmg tbe earth: o? eife to cba« ftt5c tbstr fmncs bp ttoimes, baples, anb 7 [|2>?apft pec tbs iLo?o,$c.3 jftowe bee commctb Down to tl)C lower parte0 of tbe 5DOjloc,boa)bctt tbat keeping fcarQp cract ojbcr.ljce tntermeblctb tbc tlnngs tbat be macnbjcD in j ap?c,as itgbtcmngs.fnow, fro(r,anD ttojmes. jfoj tbcfc tbingo ougljt ratber to bauc bin placeb atnonge tbc foj= mcr fo?tc:butbcebaD a refpect to tbe coma tnoncapacitieofmen. Cbc effect tstbi0. tljat Sab icb fcap foeucr toee turnc oar eps es,tbc teftimontcs of ©oos mtghtic po ujs cr encounter &s eucrpwbere. 2lnD Ijcc bes ginnctl) SmtbCiobate*.] JFo? tnaftnucb as immebiatlp bee aobetb Oeptl)C0:] 3 boat not but tbat bp tbe S»oo?d [ Tinimhfl , tbat ia tofap JDjtagomj-] beemcenctb tbe f\\U foes of tbe fea, fucbas wbaic0 anb po?= pentpne0bce. jffteptber is it agepnftcrcas fon.tljat matter of now,ano ftojjncs,&>b»eb bec faictb boo tbc comaunbemsnt of ©ob, bpcaufc tijat ncptljer tbc fbp i 0 oncrcaft fctttbf clowDS, not ao?op of rapne falletb from £ domes, no? tbunocrs areftirrcb bp, bp cbaunce : but a!i tljcfe alteracion0 are goucrncb bp gobs fecret appcmtmcnt)lobUber it plcafe otber inconuenienccs. fo?, tbi0 leflbn fer= uctl) to manp bfes:to j eno fue map anoto tbat,5ubcn bcrtb is at banD,althougi)e tbe carUi bee parcljcb anb fcareo bp fcritlj con; tinuall Djtougbt, arnetb bs to call bpon <& ot>, in s»bofe banb it is too qupet all flirt well as too tbnnber upon bsinbis anger. 5F0? tins Doctrine muft not betaken fo coloip,as tbougb tbe creatures fbcuib bttcr tbe operation tbat S&a0 put into tljem at tbe beginning, anb <5od fboulbfpojt bimfelf in pblcnefle, as bcatbeniQ) fol&c p?attlc:but it is to be bc= leeucb cbceflpjtbat <& jd oucrfectb bts crcaturc0,anb notljing meuetb but bp bis p?cfent appointment,liaeas in tbe pfatmc io4,4.i»cfawcbototbe &>pnDesarcbi0 mcOcngersf l)ts miniftcrs a burning fire. Kings of the earth and all people,Princes and all Iudges of the earth: 1 1 2 Yono^men )fea and maydes, old men and children: 13 Let them prayfe the name of the Lord: for his name onely is hygh, his pray fe is aboue all the earth and the heauens. 24 And hee hathe exalted the home of his people: which is a prayfe to all his meeke ones: cuen too the children of lfraell, the people which is neere vnto him. Prayfe yee the Lord. buttbcmfdueS: l^cc erbtytctl; tbcm pe- 11 [ Xiings of tbc cartb , ? c] 2Ht tbc legtl? bre turnctb bis taJUc bnto mmjn refpect of tobomc bee eractetb tbe publifbtnge of d5'<2> *® & p?a?fcs, as fee!I at cartblp creatures as atbcauenlp creatures* 3lnb fojafinucb asUttnacsanD Noblemen bee blpnbcb %oitb tlje glutcringncflc of tbeire occne Digaitie, ia fomucb as tbcp pjou^ IpDcfppfe 45 €) 3D , tinuhing tbe S»o;tlDe ts»o ijauc bin ,mabe fo? no mennesfu^es. culinrlp too tbeire Dctotic, ano mafepnge \\ts enterancc at tbe m, rcbubctb tbeir bn= tbanfeefulnclTe , tbat iebereas tbep bee bounbebntoo (5 uD £> aboue all otbers, pit tbcp fcefraube bim of bp0 bewe pjapfc. ■fQ} trtjelp, conftbering tbat tbe &tate of ailments cquallbp tbe Creation: Cbe bpgbcr tbat anj*e £@an is abuaunceb, anb appjocbetl) necrerbntoo ^£)ZD, fo vpponcnc^. xnx. l'laime. fo mnclje toitlj t!)C frrongertoonDctsbce bonnb to fctfoozd) tljc pzapfc of f) is grace. g>o muclj tl>c lefT: tbe is tbe malictoufnes to be abiDDcn, toljen ft ingcs 9 greate men, tDbtcb ougbt to be leabers 9 febeohnafters bnto otljcrtf, erempttbem fclucs from tbe comon cace .Crulp be coulb in one fcjoozb banc it I)o::cd ait me, accozoing alfo as be fpeakctb gencrallp too all people. 25ut bp repctingtl)Cfo>oozD [j£>zinccs] tbzpcc.bce mcenctb tbep arc Qacfcc anb floivc too tljiff tbep be not tbzuftfojen?arD.3!£; terirarb foloroetb a partition of fejecs anb ages, tl; at all Suitbout exception map per- cepuc.bou? tbep iccrc createb too tbe fame enb,anb tberfoze ougbt to tmplop tljeir las bour 9 tnocuer about it all aliKc togitbcr. 2Ps concerning &>I6 men, tbe furtber tbat dPoD batljpzolongcb tbeir mud; tbe mozc becommctb it ttjem too be occuppeb in pnblt fbing bis pzapfes. 15 ut pit be mat; djetb poong men Smtlj tbcm, bpcaufe tbat altbougb tbep baue ndt fo much experience f oz lactic of longer cotinuancc: pit arc tbep not to be c.rcufco , if tbep percepue not tbe power of ©odo grace in tbeir occne luff t- nejef. wbercbccfpea&etbof[dlf)apbcns,] tbe particle [Gam] (tbat is toofap,[ccucu, oz pea anb]) is not fupcrfluoufe. Jt oz it ia put in foztoo ampltfp tbe matter: as if bee fboulD fap, tbat euen poong fcencbes alfo (iobtd) are not taugbt To largclp as men - dniocrcn , bpraufc tbep fecme to bee bozne but fo> bowfebolD fcruices) faple of tlicir bewtic, if tbep pcrfozmc not tbeir part in pzapung ©ob" Snub tbe red of tbe cburcb. wbertopon it foloroctb, tbat all folk from tbe icaft to trjc mode are bonnb in tty.s co* mon ftatutc. 14. [2Cno bee barb cjealtcb.fre.] 25pcaafe feee baue feene in tlje laft $5falme,p (0obs SoozUing is in 02c cuibentlp apparat in tl;e 2f er ~€burci?,tljan in tlje DntuerfaJI SDty&mahV n)ipoftbctoo?IO:tberfozey]3zopli£rbat!) put too tins claufe,p tbe Cburcb is fljccl beb bp (5 ods banbj pea 9 anncb & power agcinft all enempes: fo as cue m j mibbes of Daungcr, fte Dweller!) notwttbGan&ing in fafctie. Jt is well pnougb l*nowe,tbat bi f bozne isbeto&eneb Oregtb ojDtgmtic. Cbe ^?opbcttbcrfo?e mccr.ctl), £ bere,tbain goos onlp loue. 3!nD Soijcras <0ob bab as gooo rigbt to tbe Soljole &)OilD,as bnto tljem : be bt= tcreo bimfclf familtarlp too tbe cbilozen of 31fracll,$ mabe tbem nere bnto bim,S»ba Sucre no leffe ftraungers to bim tba all tbe offpzing of abam.wberbpo is tbis faping of i^ofes,3Deuter*3 z.8 . Wbcn tlje moae bigbeft fboleb outp^acions,? btffcucreD tbe peoplcs^^caft bis mcetdpnc bpo 3! a cob. Cbcn fberoetb be tbat tbe caufe S»bp' (Bon garniffbeb tljat one fmall 9 ocfppfcD people fontb ft manp ejcccilent gtftes teas f oj tljat be Jjao abop t;b tljem to l;im felt. The Conteintesofthe Cxlix.Pfalme. If 4 man lift too confer this Tfitlme vt>itb the former pfalmes andyvith the next enfcxvitigx-w)ncb fijjll bee the Uftjje fj.illfyndnone other difference but this3that vchcras the prophet (yvhufocacr vwr the ^Author of the pfthne ) hath heertoforein- tenntdlcd Cods pccultararacc, -xvherby he defendeth and the) ipjctb his Cbutche, with bit general! prouidence '3vebcrby he nminteyncth the whole world: now he iu- treateth but only of the benefytes wherwtth heflyeth his Churche:and in the next pfalme he makcth mention but only of his power in pen era I L Tht Ihon CaluinsCommentane, .■}|3!ngt»»totbelL02D.flfC*] Cbte w mterancepioueth tbat tohfcb 31 77; e C. xiix. Pfalme. Prayfe yee tlie Lord. Sing vntoo the Lord a new fong : let his prayfe bee in the congregacion of the mecke ones. Let Ifraell reioyce in his maker, let the children of Sion reioycein their King. Let them prayfe his name vppon the Flute : let them ling vntoo him with Timbrell and Harp. For the Lord hathe pleafurc in his people : and hee will glorifye the poore with dehuerance. tinuall etcrepfc fo too boo. wbcrbppon ft folowctb.tbar be: fpeafectb of feme rare 9 frrfeoontcb benefptc of d5ob,i»bicb Soots tljelp cbalcnbgctb a notable anb fpcctail tbanbfgiuing . 3lnb wbof oeuer was tlje autbo; of ti)C ]$fa!me,mce tiunfce0 Ijee aU luoetb bntoo tljat place of Cfap, 42.10. ^>mg bntoo tlie iLo:o a new fong: wbere Ijz pjteacrjctl) of tbcrcftitution off cburcb tbat was to comnte,ano of CI)?tSe0 eucr* lafting &ingoomme. 3n tl)c fecenb menu ber there i0 a eouertpionw* C2p2opbefic. ■froi although hce p?occeoc in crating £ faithful! rmtoo mutual! tunablcnes in fin* gingOPobf pjapfcs among tbemfcluc0: pit notwitliftanDtng bee fbcwstb bow the tpme will commc.that the Charcbe (ball growc toogitljcr agcin into one bobic, too abuamue 0000 pjapfes in folemnc aflcm-- blp. ^Foz wee fcnowe that tlje 3fraeltte0 were fo fcattcreD, that tjjcp left finging of their Ijolie fonges, lifee 30 alfo in an other place tbcp complapne,tbat tbep were pio s uoiseb too fing in wap of moc&agcwbcrs bntoo tbcp anfwcrcb : H on? (ball we fing the ilO2Oc0 fonge0 in a (ha tinge lanb^ $2>fal. 137.3. Cbcrfoic be crljoitetb tbcm too put t!iem fclneo in a riDtneo too feeepe belie aflcmblpcs agetn, fo? all trjat fo;ow= full Difpcrfmg of tljeirs. * ss/g 1 far D a late: namelp, that this er> — "^ l)6:tacion i0 reftrepneo onlp to £ faithful!, bpcaufe the rare libcralttic &tyd) bcebferb toowaroc© them alone,pccloetb them mo?eplentifuil matter ofpiapfing. 2flnb it t0 a Itfcclp ceniectur e , y this pfalme toa0 mabe at fuel) tpme f?s tbc people lucre in capttuitie,o; eifc after tbcp were rctur= neb from tbe captiwtie of 25ahplon intoo tbeir countrie. #01 wee (ball fee tbe refit; tutto of tbeir bccaFeDftatcpicmifebthcm in the tert. 3fti^ (in mp opinton) tbc ^:o= pbet ment too giue tbc faptbfuil cojagc to hope fo; full Dcliucrance, wbcrof the bans fellc0 ban fobcmlp 9 beponb all hope appce refc alrceoie in tbe pzorats of oenuerancc. JF01 inafmucb a0 tbe Church wa0 not re* ftojtcb out of tjano, but ratber bab mucb a boo too gatber ftrengtb agein bp long con of tprae: this coJolacton wa0 cr ' ) cecbingneceffaricfoztbcm. anfotttoasf bolicgboftc0 intent torcmebiemtfebceues tbat were too coming. ^0? fcarflp bab tbc C bwvebe begonne too taUc bietb,ix>bcn it ioa0 bcrxb agcin Soitb funb?p ncto incon; ucn(cnce0,* alfo opp2effcbi»itb tbc cruell tp?anie of 3ntiocl)U0,i»berbponfolO£DCb an bo:rtblc fpople. wbcrfo2c not i»itbout caufe oootl) tbc J^jopbet encojagefgoblp too bope fo; tbe accomplifbment cf (5ob0 gracc,too tbc cnu tbep inapbcleeue y tbcp tball bee fbcclbeb bp tbebano of d5ob,bn» till at lengtl) tbc &j)cf fias ftep bp too ga= tber all 31 fracll togitljcr. $01 a0 fee baue feenc bcertofo?e, a new fongt0fet ageinft tbc common anb o?binarie fongc0 , Sobers Suitb 0ob0 piavfes arebaplp fetfooztb a= niong tlje faptbfuil, USe ns it i0 tbeir con* 2. [let 3Bfracl rciopce. jc] $ec flanbetl) ft tit bppon tbc fame matter : namelp, tbat tbc faptbfuil fboulbcerteinlpaffure tbcm , bow it is not fo; nought tbat tbeir fiockc t0 ebofen out of tbefrbolewooilb: but tbat <2>o& will a!toapc0 bee mvnofull of bi0 couenant, tbat tbe graces 0; free be* nefpte0, wbtcb be; hatbc beft oivcb bppon tbcm , map not Dccap, 0; bee quencbeo. ^Itljcugb Trr* SUbongb then tbat the polTeOion of tbe JUno Of Cbanaan,t»bicb i»aa tljcpleoge Of tbeir aDoptton , iacrc taken from tbcm rczatpmc : pit Dootb tlje |$jopbcie call (15 od tbeir [ maKer, and rtjc i^ingc of ttje r i)iloicn of :S> pen,] to tbc intcntc too put tbsm in rctnemberance;, tbat Soben tbep Soere aoopteb to baue pjerogatpuc aboue all ottjer jftaci one ,it ioa0 a fppec of a new creation. j§>0 in tfjc fSHaimc 95. 6. the 31 fraditcs are callcD tfye fo co;ke of good banbc0,not onelp bpcaufe tb cp fc>ere crca- teb bp t)im as tb« refiberoe of men Ssere, but bpcaufe be bab mabc tbera new agein, anb garmfbeD tbcm ioitlj a newe etgntttc, tbat tbci fl;ou!b beefepcrateb from toi/oie tnanfepnb. (vSTbc name of fting batb 0 lar= ger fcope. 5F 02 tbc J3j opbet e bootb b0 to wit, tbat 0oonot enelp bib once make tiiis people , but alfo maoc tijem too tbp0 cnbe.^tljat tijev fbouib alwapes bee rulct) bp bijs gcucrnement . Cbc ^uficall in? ftrumenttfl Sofjcrcof l;cc mafeetb wenti; on,belong to tljetpme of tbeir fir ft trapns meat, iridic tbmgwccmnftcbcarc in mpno, ieaft wee bp foclifb counterfeiting mpgbtbjawc tbofc twinges too our bfee, iubtcb focre peculiar to tl;e people of oloc tpmc.2&nD tlje pjopljct confirmed) tbat wbicb 31 fapb cuen now.namelp, tbat tbe bolie aucmblpejs wtj;eb baD bin abeliifcca c The mccke ones shall tryumphe in glorie, they shall finge alowde in their beddes. 6 The aduauncinges of God shall bee in their mouth, and a twooedged (wooed in their hande. 7 Too execute vengeance vppon the Hcathcn,and corrections amonge Nacions. 8 Too byndc their Kinges in cheynes , and their Noble men with fet- ters of yron. 9 Too execute vppon them the Iudgement that is written : Thys honour shalbee gyuen too all hys meekc ones : Prayfe yec the Lordc. ~- *• *"""" , ->/ fo;a tpme,u)uulD bee rcfrozeD agein ioitbs in a wbple, thereto call \jppon &!£>£> & name after tbc o$binancc0 of tljc JLawe, 4 If*} tbe Iojd batb.f c] Coneeminge tlje woojee [Recfa] wee baucfeenemos tber placejs : bcere it crpzelTetb a free fas uour. 30 if tbe ^jopbetc ft oiiio Tape, it was 45o\)2 oven mere goob pleafurc,tbat left \)im to cboo jc tbi0 people too bimfelfe. j0ut of tbi0 fountaine fpjingcnj f wbW) folowctb in tbefeconbe member, nomeip, tbat (Bob wtll gpuc a news bonour of oc- liucrancc to fucb a0 ate afflictcb. #02 tbe I$cbjc*»c0 call tbc pocje anb affiictcD, [Guancmm] but pit aftefroat&e tljep put ouer t',u0 name bntoo fucbe a.0 bee mccl;e, bpcaufe tljatiUic a0fuiferoing ingenb^etb one rluftincflc: fo are afflictiong iooont to tamctb:pjoS»oncQ'a of tbe fieiSie. will; feafonablc comfort tbcrfojiebootb tbe p?o? pbet aituagc tbe be minefle of tbeir pjefcut mtier ic0, tbat tbe faptbfull iobtcb are caft botcncSsitb abuerfitie,map nettcrtbcleflTe bp bopc ioobe fo; tbe glow tbat is not pit fecne. Cbc effect 10, tbat bpcaufe Cod batbe louinglp imb?aceD bys eboojen people : 3ltt0notpoQible, tbatbefbouip leaue tljcm in fo greatc mpferpc0 foj cucr. f CUrbc«cefeeone0O)alI,fe.] Hetre in fpcabing of mp?tb,le»3D Ongtng,anb ropa all abuauncing of (Sod, bee p?outtb me;c manifcftlp bi? tbc effecte, tbat bee intreas retbnot of anpeommen bcnefpte.iroj cje= ccp: tbe pecf Is l;ao bin pjcfetueb bp mi- racle, tbcre bab bin no caufc of fo greats glabnefle, pea anb alfo of ttinmpbc. CUBp Sobicbc &>cc?bc0 bec puttetb fbcm furs tber in mpnbe, tbat tbe people Sras rot tyougbt bacbe from captiuttie, too tbe enb, tbep ftjouiO bpanbp flip ax&ap agem, Wtob*U tint ' llir. iADLE. but that tljcp fboulb flou'tbe »n tall feint* of blifling.'ainO b2 tberfoie ma&ecb mentian of their [Bzbbcs] tbat tbe faithful might hope f o* continual! red bnber tb2 p?otec= tton of «£oD.3Jfobc tclletl) them that tbep Ibalbsarmeb &itbfeeapon f power, not onelp to bccpc of t^str enemieo.but alfo to chacetbemagrcatfcap of, euf bntii tbep bauefubbacb the mmg0anb ^Rations to fobom the? tbcmfelucs bab bin saffapies af oje.1&nb bp [rtoo 6bgeb ftt>o;B0] he mc* MStbfwojbs that cutbotbctbe feapesrfoj in tbofc bn?t£t tbctr fwojbs fe>ere common Ip bacHfwojbs but fctaj one ebgz. 7. [Coertcutebengcance.fcl Cruel? thjs &>a0an incre&iWe thing ,a0 well in the time of their captiuitie as after t^eic returns, ^ either i»a0 it fulfillcb afoje the cemmtng of Cbipfte. ^0? b oofocuer the i^acbabees anb tbetr po&crttie biaoe lap tbctr poke bponthc bojbcring Rations : pit loss tbefame but a CbanocDilJ> foicfio* riOje to teabe the minbes of the gobip to a farther tbmg.lSat like a0 l$aggens.2.» o erpcb out at tbat time , tijat the glojpe of the feconb Couple wulb be greater than the glo?? of the firfte : fo is beer pjomifctt a bapppcr ftato than bab bin in all age0 a= fo;e. Cbw albeeit that the "Jewcs i»ere mimfbea , anb tl>etc citato foje appapjeb . pit booth the #>iop'.)eteauare tbem tbat tbep (ball reign oust all the Bations that bab bm troublefotne ano enemies bntoo them. Cberefojs feeing thepiocrsbnaer I tribute, anb ttwelleb in ^erufalem bat as tenants of Courts 3e : it beboaeb them to I itnbjacs that thing bp fait!), which, aecoj- ! Ding to Scfblp reafon might Teems too bee but a fable : a 10 to lift Dp tiieir minbs tow to (0390 infinit povo«,v»b:ch eaflp ouer* commetb all impel) intents of tljg wojIj:. 15 ? t\)z Dengeanectobicb befpeaHetb of, bnoerftanbe thou the reuzage wblcbe the 3Bfraclites fboultt take,not bp tmpal&on ef their p^tuate gr:ef,but bp tbecomroau Dement of <0ob : anb let not anp man ga* tber beerebp.tbat tt is lawful f 0.: Ds to re* uenge oar ownewpngs.Cbe nest bcrfe where mentio is matt? 0? &tn js anb Bo- ble mcnne,epntcpnetb an inlarging of the matter. JFo? bab befpoae of none but the jftuuns $ l&eichenfolke, it might haue bin reftrepueo to the bafcr fo? te anb to tlje raftalles. H5 at t\)is fs amojeglojtbns thing, that znzn Singes anb other cheefc Hates are b;afocn to csecutionin chcines anb fetters, ^ojfeaner pro mud altoapei beore »n tememb?ance that b>bicb 31 fapb cuennow : namelp tbattontil Chjpitaps pecreb,therc mis neuer km the one halfe of that Togreat g(o?ioafnes, irojalthogl) theix>elthofthe IScaime £oasnota little increafeo bnber the ^achabecs : pit 10 it fcarce too be made anp account of, railing fo farre f aoirh as ab bp that tbif t main- tepnebthe iSealme from sccap Dntoo the coinming of Cbjplk, iFo?,tbat p?ophc8e of 3acob0 fioojbs btavwen to ma&c Qaughter cuerpi»herc,anb to (bebmans blom:foj hoco agrc;th that S»ith meeaneu*e^ I5ut &»h:reas 3-3 70 him felfe is the $u; thoj of it , it 10 rpghtfull 31 uSice , anb not cracltie. Clierfoje Sobcras heere is nuns tion matte of [3abguict thatisiDiitten,] the fDjopbct booetl) D0 too felt, that the 31 ewes feerear meb bp thecommaunbe- msnt of <35ob,foj tijj mapnteiance of their otone Itbertie , So'netof tlyz? Soere fe^ongs fall? bepjpaco bp fojrcin:rs v Cp^antes* anb anb To could tbep not be blamco to; crrcu- ttng tbe 3iubgement tbat Suae entopneb tbem.jf 02 colblp t0 tl)ts place erpounccb, toben tbc|c>2O|?bcte0 mcening t0 not per* cepttct) too bee tins : namelp, tljat bee cab lctbbacfec tbe 3! ewes bntoo ob0com= mauncment , anb cattetb a bjpble bppon tbem too rcfhxpnc tljctr bcatc , leaft ttjcp mpgbt attempt ante tying bpon tyctr own beaD.atoifuccfl;culDfap:Cbcrci0ncne otber rcucnD gment pcrmitteb bnto <& ots cbilDzcn, tyan fuel) as is agreablc to ttjcit calling: bpeaufe that feb en caerp man r on netb at b<0 oron fwtnbge.tbere is no r ecm i o? moccttie . fl£bcre map aifo an otber qucftionbccobtccteb^ozlifceasiniajjas tbetc 1 1. 20. € bjtft 10 fapb too banc come Jmtboutnopfc, 0? buffeting, tafomucb a0 bee bzafee not a crafco recbe: fo mafectb be b«0 people too bee tbc fame tbat bee ioas, jfteucrtbe icffc , the folution 10 eafie : na= racip ,tbat tfbJtfl tc aifo armco frntb an ft ton inacc,fa> lj entity to tycafea alt rebelics inpcecc0.3nb tn €fap 63.2.bet0beftri:= beo bluCDyc i 9 fucb a one as Ijautng tut- rp5»berc flayne bto encmpe0,i0 notanty= ftanbing not fatiefpec ferity flaugbter, |$cttbcr 18 it anp mantel ,tyat f mercte, fobtcb id bntoooztyelp tciccttb, 10 turnco mtoo ngo20ufnefle,cenCbering tbat tbc ZcijQiz iuo2iD to full of ftubbowneffe. jf« tyrrmo:e, tbt0 Doctrine map conuenicntlp bee appipct) to our tfe tn tuis S»pfc:C bat tbc tlung &x)icb isfpohen of tye ticoo ebs gcb ftcoozD , bclongety pccultarlp too tbe 3fict»c0, anb can not bee pjtoperip applpeb bntoo v»0 , S»b 0 baue not tbc life e commifc Gon giuen '00 in tycio &apc0: fauing tbat p:ince8 anb flpagtftrats are bp 45qkb commaunficment armcD icity tbe fwocjD to punift) all btolence : but tbeit calling \& fpcnail . 38 in refpeet of tye fo'bele bbbie of tbe Cburcb, &>ce baue an otber fo'oeiD put now into our banb : namclp,f ftbodio of the fe>oo2b 9 tbc fpirtt,fority *>bicb i»ce map Oca tbem in facrifpfe bnto ® o&, tbat becrtoofoie fa>crc b*0 enempe0: 02 clfc bes iiuer tbcra bp too euct laOmg Damnacton, ertept tbep ameno. foi loobe fcljat noutye,anb aea bim brity tbe bjety of bt0 lippe8)tbe fame ertenbety ttfclf bn= too all bi0 member0.3! f tbe faptbfull beep tbem felue0 quletlp ferityin tbcife littcg of tyeir location, tbep fbaU at lengtyper- cepue how it ix &q not pf omifeb in bapne, tbat tbep Iboulb bee reuenugct) of tbetr enempes. ■$*% 30 31 fapb cucn now, cc Iboulb notabuen= ture furtber tban be batbe giucn bs com= miffion. 31n tbe cnb of tbe berfe, S»ben be fapetb,tbat tl)i0 bonour fball retiounb too all tbc meckc ones ui general!: bee not on Ip erbo;tctb b0 too tbe tnbeuer of ©ob«= nefTe, but aifo giuetb b8 a comfoit,^ 5»ee fboutb not tbuife our tneebnc0 $ patience too turnc too our lou'e : acco2bing m tbe jnoie part of men boo tberfoie boople out tn cruelneffe, bpcaufe tbep tljtnh, tbcre is none otber Soap too mapntepnc tbeir lpfc, tban bp booing 00 otber men boo. 3ii= tfeeugb tben tljat tbe faptbfuli bee neptber flurDpc a0 ®pantc07no2 care tttrren fin= gcr S»trt)out ^ob0 cemmaunbment , but are quiet in tbeir mpnbes : pitbootb tbe )d20pbet bcclare^tbat all tbeir miferies (ball came too a bono;ableanDgl02tcufe ens. TbeCLffalme. Let the Contcitites of this Ufl pfitlme bee fetched out of the Utter pfalme dfoie. Prayfc ycc the Lord . Prayfc ycc God in his San£hiarie; pray ft ycc him in the firmament of his power. Kkkk .ij. 1. Prayfe 2 . Prayfe yee him in hismyghtie power, prayfe yce him according too the multitude of his greatnelTc. 3 . Prayfe yee him in the found of the Trumpet , prayfe ycc him vppon the Viole and the Harp. 4. Prayfe yee him with Timbrcll and Flute , prayfe yee him with Virginalles and Organs. j . Prayfe yee him with founding Cymballcs, prayfe yee him with loud founding Cymballes. 6. Let euery thing that hathe breth prayfe the Lord. Prayfe yee the Lord. IRapfc pcetfcc.fc.] Cb»* pfalme commcnDctl) in generall tlje (pis rttuall feruis of 45 O 2D, wlucb conl'tftc;!; of f faenfyfe of piapfc. C')t ;e t0 no Doubt but tbat bp the s& anc> tuarie in tljtS place is bcto&cncD is^cauen, ajB in Dpuerfc oiljcr p'accs. foj, tbe fecono member is an cjcpofttion.wbcrin tbc famt tying i0 rcpeteD. 2$ut in ftcD of tbe fi>anc tuarie,tbcrc is put [Rachiang]wbieb fig* mfpctb tbc fpjccDing out, 0; the cope of tyc bcauen : wberbnrco is aDDcD tbe tptie of power, 0; puiffanee , bpcaufe <5oos ins eftimable power fljpnetb foojtb tyerc , fo a0 wee nceDco be rauttbeb witb aD= miracioB C; bun at tye fpgbt of tbc &ca~- uens, if oi 5»bcrcas fomme crpounD it tbus : f&apfe pee bun, pec aingcllcs tbat Dwell in tbc ^ caucus , aub pee men tbat Dwell bnDcr t'ie cope of ifceauca: it is con ■ ilrepneD anD far of,conftDcringtb,attbe fEk?opbet (tootle intent bee map tijebet* ter waken men, wbo elfc are coiD in fm= 31133 <©oD0 pjapfes ) biDDet^ tyttn lift top ibeir cpes bntoo tbe beaucnlp gtanctaa^ tie. ;# inallp, too tbc end tbat <&> <£> 2D & £ map baue Dew reuerencc in tbc wojjd , tbc $;opbct bpngctytym in fit* ting oucr tbem in bis ^eauenlp dtfyont: anD contineweti) tbc fame fsntence in tbe fcconD toerfc , magnifping d5oD0 mpgbtie 1 power anD gre-unefie , wijicl) Ijcc baD fet= f oc jtb in tbe $?eaucn as ma glaffe. Cbcr = f022,tf w:e Dcfpze toobauc our mpnbes tb?ougblpinflameD bntoo fbisetcrcpfeof ©oDitncffe , let bs call toorcmcroberance <£ou* bnmeafurablci)6wcr anb great= neflc.anD tbcp will eaflp Qjahc of all D?on fpnesfromt>s.5Fo? altbougb, our mpnDes bee not able too compzebeno fo grcate bn tneafurablencue , pit will tbc onip tafte of it quicken bom earned. 3nb 4££>2D will not retect tbe pzapfes wijtcb wee ©ferae coding too our fmall abilttte. ? . [ piapfc pee tym.% c] 2Ds f c? tbc $c bjtew wooiaes ,tijut Ognitpe tbtinftru; ntentes of vTpufia , 31 bufpc not mp felf about tbem . £>nlp let tbc fteabers beare in mpnb , tbat becrc bee recbcneD manpe fojtes of tbem, wberof tlje bfe was eftce= ineb in tbc fUwcferuts, tberbp tbe better too eep?eOTe,tbat <£»ods cbtlozen ougbt no lefle too befttr tbemfelues now.tban tbcp Did tben in tbe fcttingfooitb, of 2D £> pzapfes : as if bee fboulD biD tbem ebcer - fullp beftowe all tbat t ijcp Iwuz about t b ;s erercpfe of in olD tpme eps actco t!)ofeitMntfolDftngm3C0 bnber tbe Hawe,tl»at bee mtjbtreclapine tbempnDS of bis feruantes froin t\)z bapne 0; ratber frowaro Delpgbtes ( wbcrbntoo men arc oucrmucl) giuen of tbemfelues) bnto bos lie anD profitable mirtb.5fo: our ficfb frtf j hctb witb wonbcrfull looccncs3infO!nucb as manp of bs inuet cue certcin mon&crs too mahe our feiues fpozt witbaii: f pit in tbe meane wbple our cbecf pleafure is too fuppzc^ tbe rememberance of <$ oo. r ■ topfe,tba» bp Ijolotng (bo?t bis weabc anD ruse t. rube people feitb manp bziDlf « ano contts nuall curcpfco. wiierfozc tlje ^zop'nct mpnotng to cjebejt clje foptbfull to power out alt tijeir mtrtb bppon toe pjapfes ef <©ot> , gatberetb toogitber all tljt inftru= mentcsof iThuG'a tbat feeretbenm bfc: aDucrtrfing tbem, tijat ttjep ougbt all of tbent too tceiaipioveo tee tt;e fcruts of 6. [ H« cucrp tying. «c. ] l&pcaufc the feoorbe [ Ncfhima j fignifpetb a bjctb , o? blaft , anD alfo febatfoeuer tbtn g batb Ipfe, oz bze:b : it mpgbt be ejetenbeo to all Kpnb of Ipuing irpgibtcs , ac iv cc baue fecne in tbe former pfalmca , bow tbc publiflung of CoD0 pzapfee tfi attnbutcb unto fcr.f= le0 tx ea tar eg , if-ut like as briber tbe name of flea are often bctofc encb but only men, fo Is it no b. bit ageinft rcafon,tbat tbc talk id t;erebireaeb bnto tHcn,fetjo (attbougb bjute bead ts batic tbc bzctb of lpfeas teel! as rtjcp) uc o notfettbftanof ng ebrcpn tbe name of [ b2catl?ers,oz Hiring fepgbtcs,] aboue all tbc otbers. Cbat 31 fib oolo tafce it fo , tljto is tbc rcofon tbat monctb ntee: Cbe J$:opbet bauing bitbertoo erbozteo tbc people tbat 'a? ere tnur CD too tbc C crc~ monies of tbe lUwe , too tbe tinging of ©ods piaplcs: oootb m tbe cnb turnc bim fclf Mitoofebolemanfepno : couertlp fee? clartng,tbat a tpwc (ball com?,febcn tbofc fonges, febicb as rben focrc not bcrb but onip in 31 cojjp, fl)ttlD founD abzobe cue- rprobere. atn& in ttys $2>zopbefie fee be iopneb in one tune feitb the Vetoes, that (35 £> £> map bee feoozQiippcb fettb con* tfnuali facrifpfes of pzapfe among bs,\?n= till feee bee gatbcrcD tn too tbe ftmgoorae of |$ caucn, there too fing pzapfe bnto tbc %ofrt feub tye cijofen $ngelles. FINIS. All Prayites, Honour, and Thankci bec vntoo GOD. A M H N. fcbbfe.ty, f A TABLE DECLARING 1 H is frijn^ifajl matters conteyncd inthefe Commentaries vppon the Pfalincs. The firftNombcr sheweth the Pfalmc,and the fecond , the Verfe. r, 25 tmelecb, a common name i of tije &.in3« of tlje i2>lnii= Cines, ^fal.3+.3llcrf.i« SJboliQjmet of £eremontc0, 40. 8. afjoUfyment of tt)C iUx»cfetui0, 40. 8. aibialiam fometpmcinijccD &>tti) tljc^HO3 latcrs, 105.8. b*0 cbilbjen compare* fc>itb tbe reft of tbe S»oilo,24. i- h& 3$ b2en of tfc)oofo>tc0,68,26.anb 69,35* ?75,8.*86,9.#87,5«f 97,8.arU) 115,11. $bufe of $000 benefite*, 25.5. atbufe of dEJob0 grace, 8, 4- aibunoace of ft fc 10 gcD0 bliffuig, 1 0 +, 1 5 2tccc0 tonto (0 ob to giuen too none bnt ttie fopibfull, 15,1. ' 3cl»0&ing of tbe $t)iuftine0,3+,t. 3Danj0cb-lb2cn,49,2. . m ms fall biougbt all men from tt>eaf 0- rtginall,8,6. Xboptio mafcetb d£ob tofauour b0>io?, lj.tbccnDofouraooption, 102,29. Affections feigt>t one agcinft an otber in tbep;aycr0oft!)ego&lp,*4,?-&>l)P*)u* mane affccuon0 are attribute* bntoo (£500,14,4. 2lffltct'ono,from tafcmec tlicp ccmc,43.3. affitctionefrcm^ob, 33,3. « +2,8. $ 88,7. f io5,i6.anbn8,8.afatction0 are to be unputco too our finnes, 38, 5. tljcy ipglit toppon Jl>e goblp anb tongoos lpalpKc,37,i9.anbio9, bee !&#> bppon tlKgooip,4i. 2. &>bp fimbitcafflictiona arc lapb bppon men, 42,8. tbeparc not atoapes fpgnco of (0050 to?atb,*.2. thep hurt net v gob= ip,49,6.7.Soitl) &>batmpnbetbepbce to bee b02r,e, 1 09,1$. tbe? are common toCbi-ft anbtbefaptbuai, 20, 2.Cbc fboitriefle of tbnn, 30. <*« «^G cnlJC of tb«m,002u)ipi peb,89,7.aHb 96,4 ^ototbepbeecab let) (£000,95,3. *»bp tbep bee calleD t!ie cbilbjen of tbe <£oobc0,89,7, i»bp tlicp bse calk-D pjtmcipalitieo ana pow? er0,3 5,6.ano t48 , . *tbep bee ah»apf0 rebie to crccmc §000 cemaunoements, 103,19.21. anb 104,3. 2£in;fter0of (£fob0'iuftice.78,+4- flptasftcw of Welfare too tbe d5oblp,34,S'an& 3 5 > * anb 55,19. ano 68,i^- anb 91. ii- too S»l)at eno tbep t»crccreateo,i48 , utje cbccfflcercpfcoftbem,io3:i9- $ntiocbuGl0 cruelne0 anb tr?anie agcinft (©ob0 people, 44,23. f i29>». 31riftU>c0, 86,1. ariftotle0pLue,29,7« J27.3-5 I47>i5« 3rpfing , looHc ^pung top. atrfc of Coitenant, i»bp it fcias callcb tbe 3L020, 47, 6. iubv it &>a0 calico <£ob0 footcftoolc, 99,^. f i32,7.tbeplebge anbfacramentof d5ob0piefencc, 20, 3. anb 84,7. anb 106, 19. ano 132,9. anb 138,1. ^ugftm t'gnojant of tbe ^ebjeme tun?, 58,2. bi0faping concerning bumilitic, 9 , z i . hi0 ptette qmppe too tijc IDonatis Cc0,2 6,5.3!ugu(h5ie0place0,i8,2i.f 3i,t9.anb55.ii-anb88,6.anb99»5. anbioi,i.anbii5,3-anbii8,25. * i \ U X- Is. IB. 35aalpcojtl)C 3lool of tlic £@abtara'te0, to6,28. ©abvlonsDcftrucUORj t57» »• ' H5afeb?tin3,i5>3«an3»oi,5. ioofcl •aptfrepcit. 25£B5crtc, 37.25* , ,_ H&elovcing oz rczmg of tljcpaptttw, flptnefptctf bcftoweb bpon our ncpbour0 mutt bee applpeb too tlje behoof of our (€.0*0,5,11. ' ©enefptes oftf>ob,loo»eob0 bltfltagjS. 2l5lubputfozbeatb, 3°»IO« OBlpnbnco of the 3!ei»60, 22, 17. OSoefee of !j>fe,40,8.f 69,29. 25 oneo foz ftrcngtb ox power, 14,15* ©O2tngofcare0,4o, 7. 3j$ounteoufene0, ox Uberalitie, 72,i2.tni commenbacion rtjerof, 34, 15. anb 37, 2 7.anbii2,5, zeaking oftbc arme, 10, 15. 2$xeab foz anp foobe, 1 o 4, x 4, bzeab of fszooic, 127, 2. OBzotberlplouc ongbt too bee feept,i 6t). anbi3^»»« ♦xBiutc beaftesbang bppon <0o&0 pzouis utbencc, 1 45» 1 5- &ow tbcp bee fapb too truft in <2?oo, 145,10. SISictb of the mautb put fox Ipcccbe, 33,6. OI5zpbe0are tiaictfati too 3Buoge0,j6. t o. 1l3urpalt a fc«tnc0 of tbe rcfurrection too comme, 19, 1. tbe ioant of burpall a tlgne of bp tbc tb; faptbfall 000 fomctpmePfcant bu= rpaU,79,tJ el Cefar0 taunt, 48. 4. tbe name of Cefar comon to all the € mper ours of 1ft ome; 34. *• Calamities comcitotbp caruaIitie,io5,i 12 2, 3. CbarittebettDcencbzotijcrs anb totearb all men, 16, t. Cbatritie fpirituall, 10 6, 3 9. Chaftifcment, tbc end tberof, 89,31. tbepiofttrb^rof, 141,5. Cl]il02cn are <£ods gift, 127,3. S»bat maner of cbiloten are to bee &)if- lbeb,i27,5. i)Ow tbcp muft bee brought bp>2 2 , 3 1 . how tiiep bee calif 0 pzeact)er0 of <£? 000 glozie,8,3. Cbopce of meatc0taben atoap, 24, 1. CI121II i0 etemali ^00,33,6. ano 45,7* bis encounter agcinft ocatb, 22,16. manifefteb dEfob in tUc flcUj, 21,13. tbc ijeao of men anb 3ngelle0,8,6.tbe beab of thcCtjurcbe»4o,8. Ijowbc commen bed b-0 ipfc too tbe father, 5 1 , 5 .tbc bee- per of tbc faytbfull, 89,19. abac')eb be = neatbe all men, 22, 7. ix>l)v bee came bownc torttoo t>0, 28,2. how bee feiaa beliuercb from bcatb, 2 2 , 2 2 .too S»bom beeio bicabfuU,i 10 , 7. bee 10 tlie foan= baaon oftbc Cbarcn, 1 1 8 , 2 5. in 5»l;at iopfe bee ix>a0 begotten of the father, 2 , 7. the image of 45oo, 97, 9. a bub, 02, bloffom, 1 3 2 , 17. tbc trea> jmmannell, ia ;, j.tbelfittbgc of the^D02lo,2i,4,9. anbiot, 8. tlje coiner (lone, 118, 25. fubicct too the mfirm.tica ofourQeft ercept Ctnne,2 2,15. tbc onlp i^esiatoi, 50,14.9 84,9>f 210,4'anciterlaftmg Hmg,i8,5t.t 21,3. f 132,1 a.tbefcing of glo»ic,24,8.feingana 0;ccft,iio,4 ri;tit3*f2,4. fuffcreo manp thingca bp lpingtunge0,27,i i.bioonfebinegere 69,n.tbe' fljcpljero oftbc goblp,2 3,4. toi;p bee 10 fet ouer tl;c Cburcbe, 22 ,j u hotpL THb lABLfc. bow bee eomplapneb rtjat bee 1»as fez= fa&en of his father , 1 2 , 2 . tbe fecoe of 5DauiD,i3 ,5 Ujpgber tba tlje Angelica 8,6. 589,27. Uuetb fez eucr,6», nieD fo>itb an p?o mace,t49 ,9. bis afcen Ding tntoo beauc.6 8-> 1 9. his Dominion 1 8,4-+- b»s exaltation, * 1 , 4- k^0 1>CC lus enempes,ano tbeir bozrible beSrucs tion , z 1 , 9 ♦ his nam; can not be qucn= cbeb,45,i7. bis frilling people, 72, i5.anD no, 5. In0fouercinpoa>cr,:,9. anD72, 12. anD 113,5,7* his power a= gein(tbtsenempcs,t4 9, 9. hisfpm= tuall goucrnemet, 7 2,2. bis eueclaamg reigne,2i,3.ff iS^ut 72,17. bis moft largeDommion,65,2.anD -2,8)10. ano 110,3.72,15. tbeeitcellcnctc of bis &tng Dome,2i,t o.f 68,17- bis refurrcction, n. 32.bisfeepter,45, 2,17. anD 4-7. 4- bis fpoufe,45,«»i i- l)i0 5Clc,69.,to. tbe comparing of bim&ritb£bere it is to bee fought, 1 22 ,5. not pet ctarjeDfrom all filth, 26, 5. the piUeranbfeunbacionofirutbe, 78, 4. tbe Slfjootber of all the goblp, 47, 4- a£lueene,4-7,4.enerlafting, 22, 31, 32.1pfecncD too arable grouno, 129.3. IpkcneD too a fCnrtleDooue,74,i9. mountctb aboue tbe toozlD bp bopci+r r9. is tbe mirroucr 02 looUtngglaffe of (Coos grace anD rpghtuoufeneffe, in, 5. tbe notable ftagc of <0ods glojie,76, 2. ousbt to bee pzcfcrreD afoze all otbee car cs, 1 o 2 , 4. ejeccllttb all fcmjDomcs oftbeiooxlo, 8 7, 1. is pzefer ueb Tunbzp Soapes, 1 o 2 > 1 9 . is wbiecte too manpe fcpnDcs of afflictions, 66, 10. is ncacr foitboutcncmrcs, 4<*,?« tbetfburcbc oftbe^apittes,45.n.tbe biiptoingof tbe Cbu^cb is <& oDS pecaliar i»oo:fee, 51.20. ijir inwarDozbowfcbolDe encs tnpes, 41,10 anD 55-n«« 59.5-* 83, 6. loose moje in Cnnempcs. Inrtn- roaro Decking, 45* 14-*)* vtt^imtiz, 2 2,;i,32.bircUnjing,2 6,5.birpures tifO'c.2 2,26.bitDel.ucrancc, 18,7. hi* frutefulncs,i 1 o-^.litr eutwarD goucr.- nement,2^,7.lrtrfeclfare,48,8.* 129 3.birfuretie,4«,6.b r bnitie, 47;to. ^irconiunctioni»UbCb.xift,45Ji. Cbu0,tbeT>infmanof2?aule,7,i. Ciecrocsfapingcs, i5,4.ana 44., 14. ano 1 1 5,4. €itka that bee fapeD in entll conbicions arccurfcDtooenDleiTcbamnatt6,5S,io. Comfojt muff bee fetcbeD out of tlje fen* ptutes,94,t 2. tbe office of comfojring isimopneD to tlje pzopbetes, 74,9. Communion of gametes, 1 6,3. Confemon of the mouth, 1 1 6,10. C onfcffion of Gnnes, 1 9 , 1 2. CoufeiTion of tlje |S>apiQxs, 19,11* ano 32/. jEonfciencebceinggoob is tbe beff ftape, treafure,Defence,founbacion of bapppe ipfc anb comfozt of affliction, 1, 5. ano 4.x.ana 55, '.anD 69,5.011071,4. onb , 8ejlD,33A Creation of man, 89,47. Creatures foanttngc rcafon, bowe tbep obep <©0D,i47,i9.all Crcaturcsare toilleo to pxapfe <£od, 103,22., 3. anD 14, 4* anD 15, 3.a*iD 94 5 * Counterfeiting, oj folovring otamplc of otberfolbcs DntowarDlp , is too bee efs cbCttjeD,27,«3.anD28,4'anD4°»1[4- Curftngof fiaunoerers, 35. »«*<5« 6«8« Curfingof tbe crucll, ?5,z6. Curfmg of l^tpocrptes anD bngoDlp, 5,11 .ano 7. 7. anD 28. 4«ano+o,J5. 16. a C nr fmgc of greate fpeaUers, 12,4 boro farre rtislawcfull foz tbcdooDa Iptoocurfe, 28,4* anD 3s, 6, anD 79 » 6. anb io9«fal= m20,4-2,i.f +4,1. a generall teacher of the Clmrcbe, 4-2, 1. a fbeptjerD, 28,9. ertjoztetb the faptbfull to rcabc the pfab mes, 1, 1. 10 better than the HlngcUes, 8 9, it. 9 no, i.ljao an ep cbceflp bnto iCbiift, 2 r , 2 . an image of tbe beab of the Clmrcbe, 69,1. D0lmcreD fronDerfuil? frombcatb, i4J,6.isatppeofCb:iir, 18, 38, 44. f 20,1,10.$ +i,io. 9 69, 10, 2t.f 89,*9«$ 109, 3«$ no,i.anO u 8 , 2 5. f 140, 1 . fc>bat maner a &ing bee &>as, iot, 2. nametb littn feif <©ods fcruant,t8, r.f n.ij.f »3,i.f 36»i« foloroctb bis 1 oration, 18,22. bauntes boiic aflemblics bpon bolpbapes, 42 , r. is not blpnoco \»itlj nct)e0, 2 3 , 5- is e*= ercplto fcntb affiicriansfrom bispfritlj bp,i3,l.f n,iiM 30,6.5 38,9-f U5, 11. isabancsncDtoilannl)er0,7,i.ano 13,1.5 i8,m.$ 27,12.$ 31,3 i.$35, 1. $ 1 1 9 ,j *• anD 64,4. intrappeD bp faife tunges, 109, 2,3. ano 57,5. opp2eftb? pziutc trajmes, 55, 2 3. gatberctb bspe Dppon Iji0 fozloinc 8atc,5,io,t)auntctf) agemft i»i0 enemies bpon truft of <0ods ijelp, 27, 1. fepnetbbimfelfmaD, 34, 1. foifinctb too Dwell in (Sobs tcmple,2 7, 4. is greeaeD foz l)i0 banishment from tbe&ancmarie, 42,1,7.$ 43,3. fpea* fcetb of bw feifm an other tnannes pers fone, 2 o , 1 .ii>a0 not bopb of mannes in- fir ;m tic ,38,11. totter ct!) fonb anD rati; fpeecbes, 3 9 , 4, * 4 • abafctb bis piofpe= ritie, 30,7. beroaplctb bis miferable flstc, > 2,7. commenDctb i)is owncfawtb $ pcrfcaeracc,2 5, i5.aileDgctb bis oam rpgbtnotifncs afoze goo, 18 , 2 i.boaftetb of b?s oi»ncfount)neffe,7.9.anD 25,21. pzomiletb lum feif pziuileogc fro beatb, 16 ,1 o . bcbi'&btctb btm fclf a bappie Ipfc in tbisix5O^o,4i,3«curfcil)bi0 enemies, 55,I6.f5?,5.$ 69, 23>3°.* I09, 6. $ ii 2 , 1 7 • 02bc?neD of «£>ob to be befen? Dcrof the Cburcijc, 60, 10. confeGTctb \)is etrn ignozance,8 6 n, Kiafcetbmens tten of tbe Cemple before it S»a0 bupb eeb, 68,29. panquifti;etb not Ijis enes mpesfeitboutfoze encounter, 69,21. Mw\)ic Soasfo fozeafrapb of Death, 6, 6.9 3o,io.bisgoobconfc;cnce,7,6,io, * «>4«f 58,zj7.«6 9,5'f 7». 4-anO 109, 7. 9 u6,«conftanne, 38,6, bismanifolooffences,5t,5.bisbap,ii6, i.b«sclcction,6 8,26,l)iscjcilc,ii,i.r)« fur mounting fpeeebe, 1 8 , 5 . bis faytb, 22,2,3.$ 38,, i^.hjsrare balcantnes, 116, 7* b«s belie boafting, 18,26.$ 27, 1,3,5. j 109,28. ^iscnes mpes malice, 3 5, 2 o. anb 140, 3 . ttooo fo?tcs of b«s cncmpcs,4'., 7. bt'0 fonnb= nc0 anb innocencic, 6,9, to. anb 11*4. ft7,3.f 18,22,23,$ 25,«5,3i.anD26, 1,2,11.$ 27,12.$ 28,3.$ 35,7,19. anb 38,20. anb 43, i.anb 58, 27,anb 86,1. bis mobeftie, 18, ■. anb 23, t. bis fame among ty& nepbour ^acions, 22,28. tn0pattence,26,;.anD39,3.anD69,4. $ 71, 7. $ 1 19, 4 . bis continuali loan= bertng, 5^, 9. bis iiingDomc founbeb teppon<5oDSgooDpleafnre,i8,5i. bis "amgbomc 0;abOiPtifc, 2, 1. IjiB foolifb- nes, 30, 8. bis grecuoufetemptacions, 42,4. tbe fboitnes of Ijis ipfc > 2 1 , 4; bis pure5ele,i8. 38. anD 43 nanD69, to. bee befrics not moz iuitneffes but dBooonlp, 144,9. JDebate, 34?xf. JDeab men are not too bee pjapeb btitoo, 5 o, 14. i»bo bee tbe DcaD of tbe ?oo2lD, i+3,3. Solntber tbe DsaD ceafe to piapfc d5oD, 6, 6 .-anD 30 , 10 .aHDio'4, 33, anD 115, 17. £>eaUi isnottoobcefeareb, t;, 5 .beatb, &eftropetbnoitbc<35oDlp,2 5,i?.$3i,5. tbe Death of tbefaptbfuli , lookc f tj>tie iffaptbfult. 5DefcnDcrs of fupcrffition. t6,4* iDelmcrance of tlje fapthfull afcrpbeb too tl;eir ownc pzapers, ioi, 18 . t\)i cno of our beliuerancc , 9, if. 3D eniall of a mannes own e feif , 1 9 , 1 3 .anb IDennifisfbofre, 10,5-. anb 75,2.$ t2S,r. JDefcruing auoucbeb bp the JDapifres, 31, t. mannes befcruing is oucrtbzotoen, t9,i'. anD 25,6,11. anD 3i,3.anD 47,5. anD 79, 9. anD to6,8. JDcfppfers of S>acramcntes are mifcra= ble, 26, 8. anb 17*4. JDetotte of parcntcs toojarbes tl)Cir c!;»l= b?en,22,32. anb 44,3. anb 78,4* 3Diffc= inc. 1AULL 3DifFcrencebet«5eene dfc>£> 3D anD men, 37 13. 3DiffcrcnecbGttMrt 4fc>oD anD J, boiler, 9, i2.anD9f*3.anD 99,5.3^215*4. 2DiffcrcncebcttDecnetbcc>)00jen ano the caftau>apc0 : the clcete anD the rcpto; bates: the goal? anD the bngoulp : the faptbfult anD the tonfaptbfuH: tl>e righ^ tuonfeanDthcbipocrptes, 1,4. anD 2, 9.anD^,5.6,anD 5,3. anD 9,2.18, ji.« io,5.6.i2.anD i6,7*n.anD 17,1. 15. f i8»i9.22. 8. anD 55,24.anD 6,i4-anD 5 8, 12. anD 65,2.anD66,3. 5.anD68, 7j,i8.anD77,u.anD79,i.anD83,i8. anD 95,8.«.anD 102,11.3^103,3.9. i3tbfi:iloftI|cneajeCe&atncnt>33,2. anD92,2. 3Difi:tpUs,of^oD,i9,7. 2Difciple0 of the 3Lntue,t,t.anD 35, t4. JDtflinciton of ferui0 anD &>oo?n;ippmg, 109,35- _ 5DuTru&,amoa gmuouB finne, 31,22. the mcanc to co;rect fr,3 t-5* 5DiueH,fr>bP bee ;0 calieD <©OD0 cmUfpi= rit,35,6. 3Doctrine of ttje EatPcfsnceDfuU, ut,7* particular Doctrine ionceDfuU, 32, 8. Ijon? gcnerall Doctrine 10 too bcapplpcD too our Daplp bfc0,TO,t4.f 92,10. 5Do,cg tl;e Iaing0 ^>l)eej3crceue,52,t. bVfl trcchmc,io9, 6.bpP?VDc,5!,9. S?ouaiiilc0DtfpiGueD, 26.5. JDooing put fD? cominauhDiug, 9 9>4. JDoo^es of ;he tempic,lcokc <^ate0 . CagJe.o? for nature, 103,4. (£arcsbo:cD,4-o,7. Cartb.fiotK £&hcnec it hath tjijerrYutcfuU ncff1;,6 5)io.anD 85,13.5 104,10, 25. anD 1 o 7 , 3 3 . enD 1 ,- a , 1 5. the- batTeyn* neflc thereof, r o 7, 3 3. ft ?0 fctHcD bnDer I tbe&atcr,24,2.anDio4>9.tbcftabIc= ' ncncttjcrccf.i04, tcrationoftr,atoUenofod,i io,3.loobe further in &$> 3D|5> Soillmg pcoplcralfo loofce m ZDifferecie. enemies of the Chwrchcbce blpnDe, 69, 24.beelp&eneDto &pon0,74,4.bc out 0ftbeitfe>itte0, 24.anDii5. 3.thcfl02C0f them, 128,1. CBrroiirato bec cfchett>£D,i6,4. Cthanj89,i. Cutll mud bee ouercomc forth gooD, 17, 4 • <2uiU tnufte not bee requptcD ioiii} Cttill,i7.4.anD26,i.anD35,i2.anD 37, i4.anD 38,21. Cttill arte0 are to bee cfcbewcD, 27,11. trample how profitable, 3 4,4.7. 12* one^ It i tit 1 AtS L H. Ipmft-fpecil, iO6,?r*t3n0t?DiC, 69, 7.ana 91, .5. anoto6, io.tempozall faptb, i 06,1 1. tyc nature of feptb, 2 *, 8.a 10 j7,7.anDij7. Sana 1+1,5- 3Et commctb bi> bcering, 1 8 ,44- tl>* 'rpall of it, 1 1, +. ano j 1, 14. mid 37.9- ana 40.17.ano 5*5.4.3^7 ',14* tbe wife; 0omeofit,u9, 1 16. the outwarOpjO'. feflTtcn of it bow to bee obferuea, 2 6 , 6. a rule oftt, 138, 7. the treweneffe of it is Unowca top pzapcr, 21,5. #a9tbfull folk arc £hzpfte0 bzerljzen.z 2 , 2;.ctierpe faptbcfuU man is Cbzpftes fjowfe, 45, 1 1 . tljep bee bliiTeO in all res fc ectcs, 1 6 , 1 . cljofcn afoze tlje maftingc o?a]CW02lD,87,6.contcnteowitbgoa alone, 1 7,15 ana 73,25, 27,3110 77, 1+ anDi'9,5 7.anb46,2i.contenteb'i»ub Atttlc.37, M.rcfrcftjcb witb cartb, 3 7 ,27. i»!)i» tljep bee calico , 7* fubmttte lijcm felueo willinglp bntoo (£530,14.5, 1 o. fomtpme warn: burpall, 79. 1. arc not qupte mabe awapc bp beat!),25.t3*anb3i^.anoto2, 2 9-ana ii6,i% there bliflebnetTe, u6, 9. theire conitmtraon,22, 25. their fwee?c f pka- faniftatc, 16,6. theire miferable date, 10 9. ano 34, zo*ana37,i4.an0 55, t3.an06 9,5 anDn9,22«anOi23.3.ib2tr cotnfoit, t,6.an02,i,i2.an0 5,5.9. 16. ano u,6.an3 i4.5'7«ana 2o,2,anb2t, 9,i3.ana»3,4 ana 3j, io.22.ana 37,17 tS.ano 38.21 .ana 40 , 14. .ano 4- 6 , 7 »an& 49,i.ano 52,4.ano,?7,5,ana 64,8.ana 6?, 2,ana 69, 8.ano 71.14.ana 83,3'# 92,io.ana94,i2«auato2>i9-ana 109 8, ana 119.i65.ana 129.1. trjcirtmi'nr eibleconilancie,3i,24.f 109,28. tbeit greatt9?ment,4i,4«anaio2,n.f ti9. 13 6. tfjeir tcacbeablencflTc, 73, 16. Cb,e acicription of tbem,36,w. theire wooz= thpneffeana pzcrogatiue,i6,3.ana 68, \j. wb? 05oa pzofperetb tl)eire entet= p)Xc0, 37 13. tbetr erercpfes 9 ftuaietf, 33,1. their bolonefle,3o,8.ana69,8.f 83,3.ana8j,6.ana9f»i,4,7,anati5, 9. tbur bolaneiTe is iopneb with feare, 56,5. their fubftanttali bapppnefle, 1 6 , ii,unD ii,6. ano 23, i.anD 25,13. ana 37, :4.anati 9,124. 5»bat tbeir bappps neflct0, 14, 7, 1 9* wherein tbeir tope conGftetb,4,8.ana 32,11. ana 68, 4.$ tietremctno» tiall is bluTcD, jt;,6. tljeir reioaro am- pit, 5,i9.an058,i2.an0iit, baroe iuarfarc, ?7,9« ana ^9, 4. tbeire eonttnusll iaarfare.n.S.ano i8,t. ana 2?,i4,ana 3o,^ 37,24.ana 42,11, ano 1 5 8 , 7 . tbeir warfare xoiti) tbc fc>ic- &ea, 159,22+ tbeire aeatb is pzxcioufe, 88, 6.ana 1:6 t5.tbcntultiiUOcoftbe( 110,3. tbeir belle fojtiScation, 5> 13. tbeir p;afcr0 are neucr in bapn, 3 8 , 1 o an0 65,2.tbrircompletbarneue,i8,;. tt)eir patience, 2 7,1 4- ana 30,1 2 .? 31, y. looUc mo;e in patience, wherein tbeir perfectueffe conuftetb, 32, 18. ana 1 9,21. tbcirepoaerit:ets seuflea of (Soa,n 2,2. tbeir pjoceeoinged, 16, 7. tbeirioifeao»ne,i4,6.an0 22,io.ana 2<5,4.ana 28,3. tbetr welfare oi (alua* tion is pjccioufc afojc (0oa,iz, 32. tbeir welfare is u; 45obg banoe. 37, 3 q, ana 40.17.ana io2,29.tbeirreeoe tobitfi fea, 25,13. ana 37,25, 2 6. tbeir content tation> 17, 15. ttjeirc carelefneflc, 3, 6. ano 4«v.ano 3 0,7. tbetr Qm?i!cit-ie,26, 4.ano 5 5, 2 ,aho 13 r ,2 . tbeir (ttnpl'citie is lawgbcD too f fcejne, 123,3. tbeir 10 -. bcrncu"e berne0, 1 1 9, 98. tljefr bope 13 o, 7. anD t +7 , 1 9 -tfjctr ftablcncs ; 1 2 .7. tbcir inn c «rr5,;6,,77,8. ti)Circt)Ccfftregt!i,u9,i6 6.t^cn:faUcfl arcputoucr bnto Chrirte.+o, 8. tbcir tonittf,i 6, 3 look more in cljarttic. tbctr jcls,ti9, 136, 1,59. allt!)inscia fall out fc>elfojti)cm,i,:|.ant) i7,5,ano 18*38. anoj^io.anD37,3. -f aftina.lpok tofe of faffing. tbetfatbcitfbnDer tbe &at»efc>lrptbep feareo ocatbfo fore, 6,6. hoic tljeu piaters frerc acccptcD of 8 companion bctwcene tl;c iFatberg of the oloc CeftamcntanD tbejfatbers of tbe new, 9.i2.anD?j,i. toijat antyoiitte tbe ira:I;cr0 are of. 95.9. -, . tbctr tontovoarb conntcrfettng,78.8. ;tfaieof the Sjtofcl10.1o5.19. ^atncfi put f oj ptioe. 17.10. 3f care of (©ooputfoj the Sx>boie ferttfc* of 45 00, it no* put for tljc fccttng o? mfffoct of gob* imeo, 4.0, 4. put fo? tljc manner of ferutns c5oD.i 9* 919. put for tfa rule of luting fo>cll. 54*1 2. !;orcc nccDful it 10 for tbego&lp.t. 11. ano 22.24.anD 34.1 o,iz.ano in. to, ano 1 10. 78-ano 128,1* ft 10 rare tn tljc iooriD , 2 5.1 2. muff bec DfeD in proper, 5,8. if caring an 0 !) opin § b 0 iv e tbep Differ one fromanotljer,40,4. feare put for giao ano djcct'ull rcuc- rence, 52. 8, lobat feare \s in tljc goDTp, 46 2+ lion? tjopc anD feare map Dee toogitr;cv in the fattl; full, 56.4 S»bat it t0 too bee afrapcD of dSoo, 33.8- ^Icartulncs Tent as a puni foment of <©oD. 44,ii.ut0conDciHncD,ii9.46.l;ovoit mapbcamenDeD,68.2. -$ eafting in faerifijea. 2 2 , 2 7. 3f chit ti:, true l;appinc0 0; bltfleDne0, 2;. 6.anD 22,i.anD 34.13.ano 37,17.* 4-9 i4»from Whence it commctb>6 7,2. no Oneiric to be placeD in tbe frorioe, 49, i4tbefelicitic of tbe faithful, ilooa in faithful. ;f lnttcrp a imfcbccf no Me nopfouts than common,ij,4, tbe cenDtnming tljerof i2,4.anDi5,4.anD2 8,^. ;ff left e put fo; bain men, 7 8, 3 9. fie £b put fo? onelp men in genetall, 145,20* tb c carefulness of the flc0;e,3 0,8. anD 139. ^ponD foolcs Dcnp tbcmfclue0 ano otbertf to bauen:cDofforgiucnc(re,to;,u. tbe Dotage of tbctn concerning tbe nature ofangeUe0,89,7« tbeircrrour con= turning perfection of rpabtuoufeneiTe I03.n,attD,l06.6. foolcs &>:« fepfe if tbep bee well beaten 78.3*. fe>bat tbe ^ebieacgbnDcvaao bp the &)oo:d foohfbnc0,38,6. ^Forgetfu!ne0 of dPoD Dotbeeau>ferecpe Dppon b0 in tpme of profperttie.2 3. 1. irranctfeaneool grap Jfrcers,to 9.6. ^frenUfbip fepneobow nopfomiti0,4t, 7*anD 55,13.21. anD 62.5. S recwil auouchcD bp tbe jEsapifte 78,8. anD 95<8.anD 119.1 o.m. freetmlouer tl)20tt>cnbp goD0 5»oo2b.t6.7.anD 27. 86.11. ano 100*1. anD«U9. 17. 105.133. ano 144.10. ifuturetencc.lLoohc Cime to come.. <& latest 02 DOO2C0 of the temple are raer; iafting,24#7. C5entple0 turneD too 45oD bp £l)iift 2 2 , 2 9. tbep£ offering of blub m tbep* fa= crifpfe0 x6. 4. tbep? fooiiQj boafltns ii5.4.t!jep2 calling 2.8. anD, 18.44.$ t9.4«an& 22.28. ano* 57,10, anD 65. ii6» anD, 66*4. ano 67.3* ^ anD 68. 32.anD,7t.22.anD„?6.9.anD 87,5. anD 9-6,1,7. f 97,«.ano,io2.22,anD,io6, 4-7'anDtio*i.anD.u3,:.anD4it7.i. (H5cntplc0 calico 3Lp ottat a « anD baftarD; fhp0. 1 o.i<5. <15l02ieputfo? tttng.16.9. <25od to tbeautbor of fubftantiall top 65, 9.tbebmperoflpfe*Dcatb3i,t5.bon) beei0inbeaucnit5*3,jn3.i.of Soijat fojt (Epicures tnahe be is td be fougbt 5.4.bcc ac - ccptethno perfon0ii5.n.&>hpbcei0 caUco rpgbtfull anD gooo, 25.8. bee^ jtrecosnD conffant in btspjoinifcc 12* 7. to be fcrucD s»tth a pure mvnDc,«xi no man ;, no manrcc bettet.t6. j. a totllutg bet-- tct bp bis piotni© « 9 . 5 8 • *» oojtljic all piapfc t2.4.faptbfullanb footbfaft 5?, f .anb 54.7. anb s 9.3 »• 3 5- Ibmctpme brought in terrible 2 9. 5 and 68.4-anb 76.8.anD»o;.9.tb.c ^eb of bodes, 59.5. the heritage of the fapthtult 1 6.5. anb 73.26.Cbe 3!abge of the fc>bole foejlb i.6.anb s^.mn 7-9.anb 9«7«t7 anb ii.4.anbt4.2.anb26.i.anb 35.24 anb 3 8.2nanb 43.t.anb 50.6. anb 58* t2.anb 59*5- anb anb 75- 7. ana 76.10.anb 94»8.anb 109 .13. anb it9* 155. wbr bee t0 calleb rpgbtucufe 103. 17. the cortfinuallbcliucrcr of the faiths full 6 8 .14. 2 o .mercifuil bp nature 2 5. 6.notpblefnbeauen9.9.anbio. i+. anb 11. 4. anb 35. 22. the feeber 09 (bepberb of bis people 2 8.9-anb 55.2? anb 77.20. anb 7S.52.anb£o,2. £ 9*,. 7. our father 103, 13. eurefotterfather 0? nurce 104.15. euerpwberepicfenr, 66.5.bnnto wbomebce 10 faoourable f. eueriatting liung »o.i«. anb 19. 'o. anb H5.10. fttng of the fchoie wozibe, 24.1. the fcrcber of barte0 7*to.anb 17.3* anb 1 39.1. alwapc0 iphe bimfelfe 2 2 .4.$ 3i.j.anb4o.)o.n.anbt38.8.anbi4?,6.a beeper of his picmifes ianb feotbfaftc, ?.4.anb io5.s.anb u«,ti.anb ti7- i.apn* mlbcrofGnne0.5.<$.bowebeclouctbno facrif?fc0 40.70 bee ncuer rcftetb from l)i0 charge 7.1a. is S»oo2fhippeb oneip fe>itb obebience 1. 1. wparcb to abiun; ben titan , 78. 65. bee :foifafectb not the xvoozbe of b?0 hatiDcs 4.4. anb m a. £ i;s.s« wbp bee fometptne0 belapctb bis helpe ?+ to.15 1 9 anb ia*u 15. xu anb 12. 6«anb i3.3 48.8. cartel) fO2h?0 fcrnanffles 17.7.1 j.f t.s.anb 3.9. anb. 5.13. anb tt.7. anbt:. s, anb iA.5.enb t8,7.z6.anb 23.U anb 25.9. f z7.t0.anb 3t.5-t4.anb 3;.t?.2o. anb 34.s.toJ6,2t.:3.anb 36.6.7. anb 37.9. i5.>8.3J.anb 4t.i3.anb 4*>.<5.anb 47.1b* 9 4 8. 4. t4 . anb 9 7 to. anb 99* 4. anb U6.1 5, anb ut.+.anb tis.j anb t3 5 J3. €>ob re> garbcth tbeocab s>.tj. bowc bee tvocU lethtnthcCemple24.8. bewebee lib ttructetb bis is. 7. hce beholbeth the harte anb the tnpnbe 66.17. anb tt9.t. anb 130.4. boa? he is angrie wttb&in= ncrs, «. z. fcobitljcr hce bee angrie fc>itb tlje Clcctc, 74. t. $ee 10 hurte tn the pcrfonc of the ifaptl)full,5 . 11. hce bdiaerctb funbzp ioapes , 1 1 8 , 15. bow bee tsmagnifpcb, 6 9 ,31. 10 not to be meafureb bp matine0capacitie, 90,2. hot»heeisappcafcb, 143,2. icpotfcfleb bpfa^th,i6,7.giucthhimfelftobcfecne in l)i0 i»oo;o anb ht0facramcnt0,27,8. hot» hec putteth h<0 enem?e0 to flight, S , 3 .4»hp hce fauoteb 3D amb mo?c than ^aule,28,8he is fought t&oo toasts 9, u. bee tcacbetb men tn?cc Scapc0, i+4, to. how hee rcigneth, 99, t . l;oa> he cairetb the finnes of the fathers into their chtib2en0 lap, 21, 2 o. bow he rcn= bcrcrh mm the rcwarb of rightuoufnes i8,2i.heonlpfaueth,3,9.het0thetrew teacher of tt4f,t47,t9.heon!pi0inough fo2alitbe€obh>,i6,»8,32.£ 3t,6. 9 37»4«9 39,8. f 73. J5. ^7-f 77,t4« til 4 1 . 1 1. his goobne0, and ii>hat fp?ingcs thcrof 13.549. *o.f 8 .4. anb tt5.t6. anb 145.8. £ 17+7. £ 2 5. to, anb 3 3 1. anb 3t.22.anb to 6 .+}.£ 103 ,u, how bt0 goobnc0 10 taftcb 7 1 . 1 4 . bis artnc 77 . 1 6 . Ins power topneb with (nereis THlTABLE. mzrtti, 62, xi, tljs&norolcoge of bun, 130, 4. ano 6 2,10. ano 67, 3. ano 103, 7.$ 9 1, t+. S»hat tijs HnowieOge of ijhn 10 in sbcrcp>obate0,83,t8, 19. bt0 pus pofe 02 Determination, 25,14..* 33,21. ano 40,6, bis trewSx)Ooj{bippfr0an& fe>302u)ip,4,6.anot6,3.ano 18, 2. ano 22,26,28.$ 33,18. f 40,7.$ 50,4,2 5. $ 54,8.$ 66, 3 ♦ $ 100,1.5 103,17.$ 99,8.ano 119,78. ano 78,58.$ 138, u fjiffcieere countenance, 67,2. bi30ticte ple0,i9 ,7. \)is face Sobat « 10,4,7. and 27,8,9. * 31,16. ano 4.2,6. ano 67, 2, &!)? fits S»te0 paffc oft feritbouc eotct, 3 3 , 1 7+ hi* fecret couenant, 2 5 , 1+ . biff glo:ie,i9,t.$ 103,19.$ 104.,!. $113,5* $135,5.$ io9,26.bi0glO2ieisrpgbtlp fet out on!? in tbeCbnrcb,29>9.*3M. <15oO0 grace is the continual! welfpiinj ofallgoootbinge0,37,26,anOtt2,5.biff gwcei0tbe onip ipgbt of lpfc,6,9. ittst not too bee tnclofto Within the bounOeff of tb iff Ipfe, 20,6. bo to it 10 to be ettec= meb) z 7.10. t)o«? ncceJfaric it is fo; b0, 1 9, 3. ano 31,20. it muft bee fetbefosa our cpeff in the tpme of affliction , 5,8. it paeuentetb mai,anb not men pjeuenr tM5,8.$ 33,12.5 65,5, ano 67,2. ano 89>iic faptijf all ,15,9. f 28, 1. $30,6.$ 3 3,22,anb36,n.f 37,26.anU 4.0,11. f 4tj'3*S 44>*,5>9*$ 127,3. fcobo are mestc x»itncl&0 of 11,42,6, bio reigning is not rpzanou0, 99,4. ^isfo2bearing,6,4.ano i9,ti. anb 20, 7'.atib2z,3,an0 26,9.anb 40,14. ano 44,24,anb 89, 3 jatlj \»ub t!je effeetea $ figneff tbere= ofi5,9.anb 3o,6,anb 32,4*3.8110 39, 12. our finne0muftbccmafcb:O 5»ptb i)i0 s»?3.rb,38,4- <©oD03iuogcmenteff are moil rpgbtful,9,9,ano 19,9.5 145 17. tbev arc fecret, 28,5. tbeparcbot* tomleffe Dtep,36,?, bpgbfrom ti)Z totc= heb,io.5.3)ncomp:ebenub!c,28, 5* $ 36,7.anoto9.i3.anbit3. d&ooorpgb- tuoufeneflfe Sobat it 10, 40, u. put for hifffaptfiuiutcflc o2lootl)fauncfle,5, 9. anb7,i8.an0 22,32.anb3u.anb48,io anb 7t.14.t6.anb 9 9,4.ano n6,s.put foi^tsgsobnelTc^i, 16. put foi bolp= ncflP:ofipfe,69, iS*l)ow it i0 too bee conftoereb,! 1 ,17. <5oO0 p:apfe0 arc to bee fet f ooztb bp b0 alt our Ipfe long, 9 , 1 5. ano 1 8, 50. ano^34,3. 4.an0 4o,to.anoto3,<9.ano ui, 1.$ n3,z,ano ii9,i6t.anD 146,1.^10x48 n.ano 150,6. d5i>2>.-S) itbjralitie 02. bounteoufenefletotoaroe0 bi0, 23, 2.5. an0j9,n,an03«,9. ano 89.47. f 99* S.an0io4,i5.ano]ii5,t2.an0ii6. 12. ano 145,16. the fountains of all gooo tbinge0,i3?)t. (©003 Ipgbt put f 0? bp0 fauour, 43,3,4. (ffitooff ojeaofull £lj)a= feftte, 50,1. 0000 bano put fo? power, 78,42. <5oO0inercie, S»batit is, 40, 11. it i0 euerlafting,3 0,6. bnraeafura> ble, 145,9. the fountapnc of alt biff pio= mtfeff, 85, iff fp:eo abiooceucrp- Svbere, 36,6,u. all men bane neeoe of it,t9,i2.an0 143,2. it mufte notbeere= ftrcpneb to oefert, 25,8. itcontenoetb toitb menneff foic&eone(!e,4o,i5» l)°w notable iti0, 63, 4.anb 117,1. bowe much it 10 too bee eiiecraco , t o 3 , 4. 1 1 . (0000 pioper Oecotie, office, 0; cbarge, 5,ir.an0 6.3.an0 7,2.an0 9,4*i4an0 I3,4,an0i4,7.an0t7.7.a»o i8,26.f 22>i2.an0 24,5.ano 15, ano 28,3.an0 333io.anb 38,13.0110 39,8. ano 6 5, 4.anb 69, 19. ano 75,3 «ano 80 4.ano ii9,zj,y26. <0oO0 nature, 5.5. f \\.7.$ 3i.«.J ?3,?.f 38»6-^ 86.14.$ 97 to.f 102. n.j io3.«s.f 109. 2i.ano U5.8. gooff natmputfo? goo fo: hi0 maiefl;ie.9.«.p»t fo? &)* waow ? meo anotoleoge of bim.5.1. putfo? bpff pov»cr.75.3.tbeonlp caufe of our falua= cion. 31.3. muft bee bfco fobtrlp 89. 3» }>5, $ 113.5. $ t24«2'$ U6.2.ano 13 5,5. bow> THE-TABIX boo? iti0tobcft>epcb,33 38,4-* 46.8.9-fr 6242.tbeabfourtcnestbcrof 38.4. fr 39.;o.f \jmneafarablcnc3 tberof 148, 7-f \5 0.1. it is topneo S»itb rights nes,9 9. 4. tft 58.10 tbcboioipei: tbat.mcn fin ,tbe neercr 10 t?i0 twngeace bntotbem 55,10. it 10 bejrtbleagepnft bis enempes .49.7. £> 1 0.-4.11, fojliat to ment b^ goosbecring of men 8u+. ft>bat it 10 to call bppond£ob 18.4. bow <££>£> rcpcntcibbiinio6*45.anb 135. X3. ft)batitt0tofee&«€»oO9.»t.anD22.27 sano 24«6.anb 34*5. ftjljat it is foj goO fot,o!0 bio peace 28.1. fc>bat it 10 too tempt <£gd 7S.18.ano 95. 9* ano 106 t4. to tcmptd5oo,t0 a beynoufe crime, 78-40. bou-cbapne it 10 too b 24.4. loon mo:e in tbe tptle of jIFaitliful. ^oobneo taken fa; tbe effect of gooonc0, ; 1 . t 9 . all goobnc0 pjtoccebetb of 4£od0 frecmerctj,6.3.5.tbe0iffcrenceofgooo ano euill is oifcernco onlp bp goos lawc, 19.8. #ofpeil is Cl):tae0fccp£cr,45.*7.itft>itt) btatoctb not tbe Jizwb from tbe coucs nant, 47.1 o. tbe fojee tbcrof, ti\46. anoio6.2<;.anot34.i. ano t4». t. |f> drDbart cones tbioug!) libztiic of fm= m'ng, 14.2. partes of men in gob0 banb 105. 25. ano to-4. 4«. ano to9. 1 >. ano tt9< 36+ tin voi)o\z bait put foj a founo ano pure bart.9.2. Oubb!eneiTcofl>art.(2.3. a rpgbt bart .0 tbe gift of gob. 8&U . founone0 of ijart too bee septus, and 16.1. agrcableneffc of tbt fati anb tung tooa gttbcr,t5«2. i^aftineo bowtoo bee cojrecteO. ^.ty gooiie ano bolte batting. 1 3. 5* leauo baftttig, 3 1. 2 2. ano 3 4 . 23. ano 4t.2. I^eaucn put foz tlie Subolc frame of tbe »ft>02l0 33'6. bovt»c tbep bec pzeacb,cr0 of <& 0 £>£? gl02tet9*T.3'4-' tl\t teacbcr0 fr boofc0 of al people,! 9.4 bowe tbep ftjall pt rifb 102,2 6, tb« i hl 1-n.DLE,. t\)t antfquttie of rl>«m 68+32. t!)eboivtn8cftl)em.t8.9. Serfage cf rtjjfaptfjfuH. ien6ntc,63,;cv t e great otfcrticrc of € cremonirg, 15. i.atiL 50, 16 pjrtenle (Bete n?.«i:c tn t>air.e,i5.i.anb i8.4 2.l;etotl;cpfccke df od,2+. d.trjep p?af e fo? faffcton fat e, 2 8,7.trjcpfr:cfttotl)cnifclue0 it ljatfoctur tl, c ljd't <©l;cC fpcabetfe of . trjcgoBlp,} 7.3 cent) io3,;fpfcc;t fl,ip Cob from tlie t cetb cuttreib, 4c, 7.1,0* tl;cp ccnf:fTe tljctr Ur.nes.i 1*7.9 32.5 enD^S.c.tbcpbefGlfr i)«V;eD.5o. tlK fZbnrcYfi. 69.19* iottb frl;a< toeplc ttjcp clofee tbcit ffilttf 5r.7.rti)cgrestnctMtcrofrb£tn-ici.8. tbtv be taintcD. 4,6. anb 24.3 er.b+i,;Cir fonb boefttng, 4,6* enb 10.16. tbeeuGcwcotrt)ctn,4,6.« 44,18.22. anb ^.n.attft < 5,4.anb 103, 17.$ 132. i4.tbcir totbfulnciTe,5o,2 i.trjc btfre^ rence betutjet tljero f tbe gobip, ioofcc ^Difference. C? ol)' arTemblic0 f.ppointcb bp <£ob,§4 .2 tlje I? olp tfbett teacrjetrj b0 rbttc &ap03 i44,io.bt0Officc,4O,8.anO5i,9. ^opcttccbfulf02tbcgeb!p,37, ?4.f 42. 6.enlpbcfttngciibcml)n!ccknc0,37, 1 i.trje nature of l;ope 42 9 tr)t rpgbte trpal of ljopc,4^.2.tbc crueller rljottlje cncttite0 cf the € buret)? be, tbc greater eugrjtcur Ijopctobe, $8,1 7-bcro Ijopc arb fesr c be in tl)C fanl)ful,i 6 ,44 S. oob tr.c?e it; bftin tt cctiGrfctbv9,2i.m(cfTa rp to; tb«gbblr,25,i4;anb 69,11. J ■ 3Iacob0 baiting, 2 2 , 2 . 3!aeob putfo? th,e elect pcoplc.2 0.2. anb 24.6. 3?bolatnc coi.bcinneD,i 6, 4. and 1 1 5,4. anDi35«i5.tbebccnnnfngtbcrof,U5.4 3iDolater0 are biocfcifb, 1 i5,8.tbep get nothing bp becking tljesr 3 boiles Smtfj rtcbe0,i6.4. 3butncun0.44, 14. y etutimn one cf tlje djccfe Gnger0,3 9,1 anb 62.1. 3crufalcm of titofc2fc0,£7 ^betcf/f it l;abbetljpt name.76,2.bpiit)^rtgbt >t 10 t\)t &!tic of C6ur(tnc0. 3!mentcf3fDclat(r0.io6 37. 3 mtecatien 02 calling t pen <0ot> put foi t!;.eSDbo!efetutcc of dgc5, 14. 4. i>;hai trti«3nuoc«uon 10145.18. Jnnocatn put fo? p?apfing, 1 1 < fpjtngcirj ot hnowkb6canboffflitl;.i3o>4.atib44 2 o .anb 9 1 ♦ 1 4. 1 1 foioreetb l;ope,^ 7 , 2 . it ifi matcl'tbifitb bolpnec, 6 6 , 1 7.1; ts tame re*tbout the hr.cwJc&Qe of ffob, 7 9 j ^«cf fo>t>t fo:t ;t to cmona ti><- pa piDc0,i3Oj4t!}eparuft of it are tweo. 6.8. ^000 fepingn are ful ef eohipiAintfl. ? 9.1^. 3,ofeplj fent bp <4>oo tutco Cgipt. 0 5 . i ■- *.lH.j. i)t0 j ui. j ayLt., bit gcucrnetncnt tbere,io5,2 o. j?ercp!)ii0,a place of bis,+8,7» jjlop of tu>cofoxtc0,48,2. trerccanb [ubftanttall top, 35.27 «i& 37J4.anD7i,22.ant)ioo,i. ttom&>l)*nceUfp2mgctb. 5,12, 13. and 16,9,11.0110 i9,8.ano 28, 7«an533, 11. ani)65,9. tbeio? ©f ttjc fat>tbfuH, looKe ^Fatfljful. tty W Of tl)C iBtCUCD OJ BtlgODlp, iOO&e tongoblp. 3jrmacU,42?ii. 3!fraelitr0of twoo foztcs, 14, 5, 6. loofee moie tn aibjaliatua cbtlDieii. t^cit growingc out of fepnD anb couc nantbicaUing>24,5,»0. Jlatoetbclpfe of tbefoule,i9 57. 3lan?e,tDljatU 10,19,7. JUuj put fo: tbe Scheie fcrtpturc, 1 , t. &&pit'Ecasgiucn,78,7. botrc it is ftoectc,, 103. ix>bat it can Doo fc itbeut £b?ilr, 19,8. , it is tbe treafure of eucrlaaingcbtilTe, «9,9,lO. tbe cjtccUenrie of ©obs &aa>e,2 5,t4. tbe boctrine thereof is ncceffarie fo; al men, 6S,35.anbto3,to7. 5d!;o atimeetcfcboiers of tbe &,aav,t. tbe littcrall fcbolers 02 Difcipics of ti)c i&sivearetoucbeb, 25,14* bea>etbep2omifC0 of tt;c Hares are tso beetaken,i9,t2. &cuptc0bfeb muncal!'3Snfttmncntc0ia oIbtpme,8t,2.ano;92,2. liberal! feiences are not too bee b c fppfee, 7M4- iltbcralttte .loofce H5oqntcoufnefle, ^libcr tic of tbe aipoftleain cptinge teicteg offenpture, S, 6.30640,8. trueiibertie,40,8. 3ltttleone0,t9,7. 3L0t,69,»». 3Lpg!jt of C-'oao countenance, 4 ,7. Ipgbtfot fauour anb grace.43,3,4. Ipgbt fo? picafanaielTj,anD tbe pitcb of Wta*sbipfe.27,i. ILpfe foi long continuance, 30,6* Web t0 tbe trccoelpfe. 119.144. ouripfe 10 in dFo'00 hanot, :i,5.«5. bapppelpfe bangea uppon fe,i5,i. H)C Definition ofmanne0lpfe,9o,3. trie fboxtneffe of bi0 ipfe, 3 9. 5> 6. anb 8 9, 47. an& 105,14. anb 14-6,3. tbe\>amtieofbtfilpfc,io2,i2« tb«enbofbi0lpfc,6, 6,anb3o5ioi2. tbcbounDofl)to^fe!0p2cfij:cD,49.7. tbe itutngc can by no meaner ^cipc ox- plcsfurcrtjcbeab. 31.11. IL at tier* place, 132,14. S#agifiratc0 pnt in mpnb of rbctr ocwtp, 2. lo.ano 19.1. and 82. 3. anb 101. 5. anbto6.3. tfjetr flotbfulne© forcpxoueb, to 1.8. 8$ an mo? tall anb fraplc, foxtc anb fox 00? full, 8. 4. mcrcbatiittc,39<5. S»bp lice t0 callcb fleflj, 56.5. b<0 date afoze £>, looks in 5D & jflj)ercic. tbe manner of afkingit,57>*« i ^ertt, looke bcfcruing. 4$tctbattt*56.i. iJfjtfrcpoitc, 1 5,3. anb 31, 20* attb 50,17. anb 101. 5. anb 120,2. flpijar, tbe name of a cert cut $tii, fljjobeftic, oz flpecibnefle, 25.14* anb 60.6, anb 69. u4 anb 105. 4. £$oonc, tl;c pxofit tberof, 104.19. S^oonkes cozrupte tbe Scripture, 109,7' tx)e & toxw of a certepnt lUSoonke, 141.3. the rozing oftric j^oonbiff in tl;c Cburcb, 134,3. jflSofeo ano 3arcn, 105. 7. iSobo rcruantco, 105.26. flpofeo tt)C man of <& sD ©, 119.90. Styaka a $3iecu\ 99.6, a fiBebiatez, 99.5. beefpeafectbof trie creation after tbe maner of tbe com tr on people ,1 4 8 . u flpnfifec botoe farre fuffcrablc in tjolp 3flemblpc0,t2,2.anbi3.2. fcbp flpoGcall 3 nflromentcc Suerc tofcb in olbe tptm, 81, 2. anb m-9, *. mm* fimt X H-U. X JT\D LjLj. Iff. jj*amc fo? mcnt3jtal,3o,5,name of #oo, looie in the tptic<2fob. $Lzxx> fong,fe jat t3 ment bp it, 3J,5T.a«a 40,+.an3i49« tfjcpbour, 15,?. +#icoocKniTs3 oifgupreo, t6,4. ^onpamibemcnt ifi allurement to Cttine, .101,8. jftotutiana, 2<5,5. . o. jjSjgbt ouioeo intoo fo»cr SoaicIjcjSs 90j3« £>.• 2>beoimce SDbattti0.4o, 8. it jcommett) up bcertngu 1 8.44. better than an? fa* crtfpfs* ii9.iij» fDbi^on, 19,10. £> cc afict mail bee bfeb, 2 ,1 o. ant) 32,6, ano 50,22+ £>fcnce b? oncienncu*: of the Church, i5,t. offence bp tbe prorpertue of tb? - £> pinion j b;cinj cutll arc too bec efcbewj CD, I 6 4. £)io:r u not alcoapeo obferncO tnfcrip= tuce,n»?i'anai35.8. oiocr ofnature, 65,11. olOzr of comnort&ie"tla,45,7« £>tbe0 clippeo anoig tlje je \>C0) ijnh it) e reu:tc:;cc of 3) ibc3j 2 4,4, £V.tfO0faping,73>i . j©i'ic of glaaneOe, +5,7. ths fcfe of £>ple, |£apiftei renounce the treto ^oaheao,* 86,9. the? oefcribe SooierriblCi 45,8. the? be: co2£ii?:erd of 3>criptnrf, 14, 7-ano-. ano 9ep bjag in 0« >ns of the tptlc of 19s CbufCbiM 2 2 . 8. tbep tf)aiit ofiCbi'i, 45. tbep m.naietbep? ownt Soo32»es wub<£>OD0gracc,5'..i9.tbep ietil not bane the ^criptureo' reb of all m:n,t 1 9. 13 o. thep ocne: ainctei2 , t i 1 . t . toiler oppon ttyep ground J2>argat02ie,89.»2. tbcp tranffot-me <0OD , 2 7 .&. their flannoer0, U3 «. their fo;g?ne concerning grace, I4410. tljeif DcutCi' concerning fapib, 91. »4 . tbeir ecuice of rpghtujufenetfe in part, M3*j.tfoeirerrour concerning 02ig?nall finne, 51.7.. their errour concernuia re= tnuTton of u in: 3 , 1 o 3. n . tbeir erroar concerning th: fault ano t!)cpnm.})97.7. tb:ir cirdc3c bppo.rtfic.t^u. tbeir oapnebiagging,! 79.58* tbeir g:oiTc ig.iozancc, Mt. 1 5. their oapHep>apiiig^5,>.ano 130.4. tl)cir fepneo pzeparationo', 15. ».t 2 . tbeir imc'ieo, foot til) , ano trapteroug - toowes,5o.i+.an0 6; neeofutl itiz f o> all tbejpoip, 1 ■> , 1 14 i8.PHe nruQ; b^e bozne patientipv 1 04, 15/ contf 02C8 f 0; i£) 0 jic menne ,20, 30. • ,53 ^ace, fehattt itnplpetl) amaa^e the i^*« bzcco:0, 37.11. • iDbat t0 trca? peace, 133,1. treo> psace fpjingetb of faptn. T9. 8. peace put foz p;ofp6ntie.iu,7. j)o* peace !0>soo ace clj;r lujeo. j4. t J. 'aao^.-jj!.-.^ r . •.'■>. ... 0elagan3,5i.7. .: . fdeopie are not ^00 be Kept from wabing <5Joa vpooje, r5.i4.anonp.1304 l^erfecution) 42. u. f^crfe? k ni^ a n. u l x:« l&srfcue ranee, oj poising out, is d5oDs S'fc, i?,5«anD 68, 29. anD 71,1-5. 6 nail perftucrancc muft bcc ccrtein, 16, 8. perfeucrance in pzaping, 7,2. anD 1 3, 5.an92j,3.aai»27,4.anD55, i7.anD 1+5, 8. IjGvo neeDfull perfcuerance 10, 71,16. anD 68, 29. anD 69, 5, 14. anD anD 8 6, t.cnD 106,3.35:0 119,24.101, tl?. ^barao, 34, i. 5t>lpp l?ec tjs called 3Lenta= than, 74.1?. |3biiefopbic, bote far it ncce0arie,2 9 ,5. I tbe maltcioufnes of fomc jDLjilQi'opberS, l°7»*3» j^btnces, 106,19. j$lace cozruptcb bp trje 3te»eS, », 17. place iujcfteD to pictures anD 3i Doiics, 27,4. places SrzefleD to povecs, 15, 4* anD 22,26. a place iubcrof fomc gatljcr- tliat tbe Dead are DopD offence, 6,6. |lMatoe0'rapmg,45,7« i)i0potage, 148,3. bis places, 1 04, 29. anD 148,5. fMantuflio place, 73,21. the ]&opc is ainacbiift , 118, 19. tbe £>cges JDiuelifb furpe fettesaii tr)e Sj)OziDonfp2e, 83,6. tbe|£»ope0fonQbzagging, 78,59* $•> otteritie of ttje faptbfutl is blifleD,2?, 30, anD 37,2,16. our pofleritic is too bee re= garecoin our pzapcrs, 90,16. gSzaper ioitbout faptb, 5, 4. pzaper Soitb faptt), 56,10. what J£?aper is lav»fuIlaf02ed5cD, 22,5. pzapcratoz= Dinarieborozcs, 5 5, 1 7. tbe ofe anD cna of pzapcr, 17, 9. pzaper ueceffarte foz ti)c€>oDlp, 34, 16, 18. botoetljc pjaps ers of tbe Cburc'ac bee bcrD.zo ,24-anD 38,io.i8.anD65, 2.tbcp2apcrs of tbe rJFaptijfuU, lochc tbe tptle iraptbfull. Sabat mutt bee the beginning of pjaper, 25,7, 18. cbecrfulneflc of pzaping, 38, lo.boUmcffe of pjapingc, 42,10, ano 56,9. tbe crucltieof ourenempesmuft inaHcts bolDto pzap,4i, n.,tbeonelp one anD lawfull cnDe of pzaping, 119, 38. afo2tne of piping, 44,2 o. a treroe rule of piping, 5, 8. anD 7-7.anD 22, 3. anD 25,1.7. 15. 18. anD 33, 22, anD 38, 3. anD39,9.anb65,2.anD79,io. anD 9i,i5.ancio6,47.anD 115,1. anD 119. 10. fD.tapfeputfozboafring, 56,5. pzapfets a weft acceptable facrififc ton; to <25oD, 26,7. anD 50, 14,23. anD 116, 12. ^2sparation0,loolje toooz&cs. fbzcettboD of jSapiftes Us trapferdtis bn< to <£oD,iio,4.i)on>€i)2p&i0ap2Gcfl:f loobc Cb;pft. jMtnccsarc calieD C5oD0,82,6\anD no, i.loofee^agtfrrates. ^omifes of tbe 3Utoe, 19 , i2.temp02all pzetmfeSibococtoo bee tafcen,ii2, 2. p'iomis mud bee kept, 1 5 ,4. ^jopbefle, tbefoicetbereof, 18,46. tbe £o?ptmgcs of tbe ?2>?opbc:esmu(lnot bee botmD too tbe rales of ^inlofopb;c, 1485?- ^zofpertttcmaanotteeabufeD, 13,1, 4, anD 30, 7 . fcojlDlp p2ofpetit:c is Be- ccptfull, 49, 1 9 , to. PJofperitte of tty tongooip, loofee Slngoolp. l^jtouiDcnce, loofcc in t))t tptle of <2?od. |2)zpDeljaicDof dE»oD,9, "• tije mootljcr of malapertneiTe anD ouerbol&ncfle 75, 5. tbemootber of alltcjcngcs, 10, 2. it is too bee efcbewcD, 8. 4. ano 9? 21. anD 33,15, ano 40. 5.ano 101, 5. 8. tijc bea remcDic too co?r et it , 3 9 , 1 2 .anD 75,7. it bzccDeit) feiifulftubbozncffe, 19,13. tbe rewarDofitj 31,23. tbepzpD of tbe 3Diomites, 4+.J4- |9uniQ)cmentis rcleafseSobcntbe finne is relcafeD, 32.1^0130,8. punilbments UUeneD to rapne, 11,6. tetnpozall pumfbmentes are common botbe to gooD anD baD, 63, 10. ioe&e moje in 31 fictions, ^urgatoztc, 86,iz. 15abbinfc*:,36,8. JRapne commetl) at <0oDS commanbment ano biDDiug, 15 5,7. it i$ of d5obs libe= nlitic, 65, 1 1. anD 68, 10. 32, 6. tbeenDofit, 32,8. lacDtmption tnircbaceD bi CbztSe^ bluD, IReaarDing of greatemcn,40»5» ill 11 .iii. muuon lilfc 1 A BL£. ion,or vcfpcct .bcti&ccnc <£jbbjB p?o= m ifcu anb our f aptlj ,30,10. ^Religion tiic tjolttO; bono of manner foci- etw, 55>i*- it fpjingett) of the Unovoiebac of Ob, 128, r. it t0 tfac b;f: teacher of equitie between man anb man, 14,4. IRemsmtarancc of tteoo fo?te0 in (005, 25,7. IRemebianec of gob0 bcne6t0,looUeigo&0 beneStfl.icb^t p remcb2ance,of tbe botl;. IRemembenng put f o? ta&tng beebe , oj> bcr&ening, 20,+, iSemiflton of Qnncs, ioo&e Ibmne0. IRcpentance muft not bee belapeb, 50,22. anb5*,2. tbepjapfetberof, 51,12. tb: begrccfi(tberof,34.,i5. anb 83,14. IRepctf 110110, oj lRel)Ctfollc0, too 5»!jat purpofetbepferue, 29,1,3.8^24,8. anb 34, 12. iRepiobatea arc Cfojfttaes enemieg, 1 1 o, 1 ♦ bowtljep fenotee 45ob, 12, 2. tljep ctyofec f Ipgbt U;at 10 offereb tyem, 31,19. tljsp come not too <£ob0 iuogmentfeate but ageinQ; tljeir frillc©, 32,5. tl;cp are conoemneb of f 0116,39,9. C2nc0ofrcp;obation,39,i2. Sub? tlje cbil&jcn of $00 enup ttjem, lReuengement.loohe Vengeance. Kev»arDoftbcgooip,i9,ii.anb24,5. retoarb of tlje Dngooi?, 40 , 1 «s. rc«»arboftDoo2fee0, 19 ,n. $62, 12. rewarb of tljc pjouo, 31,21.' rewarb of rpg5)tuoufnc0,4i i,.9&ts,:«. tjoajretoarbi0pjomireb too w>o2fce0, 19, n.anb<52,i2. IRicbmcn are not 0)et out of 45ob0 &mg= borne, 22,30. tlKP are put in tnpnb of rijcir bewtir, 23,5- tlje truft ofticbe0<0 beccptfiill,62,ii. 3fto?mg, 0; bclowing , of ttje |Oaptfte0f 47,*. IS ale of liuing fceil, 19, 14. iftuie of pjaptig, loofce^rper. 3Rpgbtuoufem-0 forfjat it to m general! 17. 3 o.&bat treto rpgbtuoufcneflc is, 33.1. rigbtaoufctws of faptb,32.t. rpgbtuouf; neffe put foi a goob cacc,4.2 rigbtuoafe ms put fo: rbefrute of tpgbtuaufhcflfe, tn. 9. S»l)atrpgbtnou&neuci0allovt»eb of*e in parte fcpneo bv tiie 3E>apifte0, 130.3. r?gl)tu= oufeneffe of <©oo, ioofecgoba rpgljtu* oufnc0. r?gl)tuoufcr;c0 of tteoo foit£0, 12,2. rpgl)tuoufenc0 ot tbiee parte0,37. ?o.tobo i0eoutebrigl)tuon0.5.t3.f 3Rp ting bp, loofee tl)e itoojD Up. £> &abbat,9 2.2,5. gmhclotlj, 3 o , 1 2 .anb 3 5. 1 j. ^acrifpfe0 of fower fo2te0, 40,7. toe bfe anb lawefuil enb of tl)eni, id, 7. t)oxo (5ob louetli tbem not, 40, 7. and 5°, 19. fo>bat factpfpfe <8?ob acccptetbbeft,i«,3 ana 26,7. anb 50,14,23. anb 51519,21. anb8rf,6.anbti6,t2. §tainctc0JlooKc cbe 0oblp,O2 ;Jf aptljfull. fealmon, 68,15. Salomon compareb fcnfl) Cb?pft,45,7. Valuation mufte bee bopeb fo? onelp at Cbipftc0banb,2o, 10. loofce unrein welfare, ^anrtuarte put foj $eauen,2o,7. anb 150,1. fc>l)ptl)e£>anctuarie S»ast cailcbgobst j)otofe,2 6.8. tlie inner S>anctuarie, 84.2. tbe lao?= full bfe of tbe S>anctuarie,84.5,6. j>atan »0 tbe mmiaer of (£000 31u(iice, 144,10. i>ot»ei)eecggett)tI}e fapt^full too befc paire,55,5« I)i0falfdjob,3j,i. t)i0 craftincfls, i7,4.anb 19, u. anb 30, 7.anb39,:.nnj>44,:o. bi0beablpbarf,2;,8. g>atif!actton0, hereof tbep fp;ingc.8 9. tbe33ett)iuj 9 ^»opiu) farif factio0,3i,t. ^aule, 2Dauib0 cruell enentpe, i8,t. anb «5>2>. t}i0bingbomei0burpebbptl)e election of!Dauib,68.26« Raping pat for purpofing in a manner mpnb,iu,n. Taping put foj mifa>f(bing,4i,6. S>cepter of Cbzpae , loofce €\)W(tca Scepter. Scripture i0 tlje ejtpofitio of tlje aaw.t.t. fcripture ought too bee reab of etterp coai= . THE TABLE, common perfon?, 25,1+. ana 119,30. g>eaof j£>upb, io6.7.anoi3<>.t3. tbcfeaofCbarGs fo*tbe miDianD fca, +8.7. Scamttc.looUc CcirdefTcncfTc. ^ecoe, loofce tbe tptics of jf apt!)full anD t!;c tmgsDlp. Scetic goo, wont it is, 9. 1 r. S»bat tt 10 teo feefce onesfowle, 54, 4. ant) 1 42.5- too fccfce <5oD id an aflfureD token of gobltncu*e,2 2.27. Sclalj, Su^ac tt betohenetb 3. 3.$ 9.17 £>crpentcs mcbaunteo, 58,5. Seruetes err our cs confuted, 73 . *cucritie 02 rougijncffc acceptable too <£>oo, 101S. g>cruts acceptable to <££>£> <**>4» 17, Unacceptable to goo,i, t. loofeemoje in tbct?acofd5oo. & et t tng c of ones feete at largest, 8. Sboitncffc of afflictions ,loohc in 2Jfs fltction. Sbojtnefle of lpfe,loohe in Hpf«« &ignesof Dcfpavje, 36.4. Sikncfft pnt fox an? manner of inconaes nfence 0? foz.owe, 35jt3 . & implicate of tbe faitbfuUjloofce jf a? t^ full. £> w,Si>bat it t's, 5t.7.Gn pnt fo: tbe puni& ment of fin. 39. (9. I)ow fin is conucycD from the jp atbers into tbe cbtityeiMi, 7 (in is cuermojc ioineD S»itb folie oj lack of&nt;, 38.6. our Gnnesraufte bee mats cheD Saitb O5OB0 &>2atb, 3 8. 4. tobfcbe arc calico fecrete finncs* 19* «2. tuhat eonfeffionof dnnefl isrequf2et»,25«7« 11. ano 32. 5. &bat ftt remciuberanec of finnes ansyiGtlj, 32. 5.rcnmTtonofttns is manpiopfeneeDfuli, «.2.anD 65.+.f 130.8. Zot)Q beefmners.u.finncrs bee fooics.io7.t7. &ion, bow u (3 favb too bee 0000 Dtoels ling place, 9. n. tbe pjerogatiue tberof, obcrnes, 119.98. ^>ocratcr?sfavmg,44.2 3. bis anfroer too b is fcopfc, 6 9 . 5. J&oDam ano d&omoi a notable anodcbc= ment of <0g&s 3uDgement ageintt the bnfaptbfulUu;,. tbe Sonne tbe cbeef carter of the light 74. 16. bow bee pjapfetb ©00,148. 3. bow bee fcnowctb bis going Down, 104,19, ">9P tbe Sonne ano llfloone bee called Sreateligbtcs,i3«.7/ tbeir ferutfabiencs too <0oD, 136,7. tbe beate and pewer of tbe S6neo9. 4. §&0£owfulnesoft!woofoites,42, < Sofanim,69.i.anb8o.i. $>pule put fo? tbebart, 69<2.foule put foz the lpfe,3t.5. foulepntfo; tbequicaning part,44.26+ fouleput fo? tljefeat of bn* oerftanoingano of tbe affections, 3. 3. s 103.1. frbat it is topolDie ont tbe fouie, 42,?. ittbat it is too carie onesfeule 02 ipfe in bis bano. « 9, &bat it is too tecne ones fonle, 54.4. ino t42,<. lobv JDaotbcalletb bis fettle bis alone one : 35,17. foules beparteo out of tbeirebo- ties, are not bcrefte of'bn&erftanDtng 6.6.tbeimmo2talitieoffo^ics,49.t6., anb tt5.i7* SoanonefTc of I^fe ongbt to be fcloweo, 34 xo^no 43,10. Speecbe bnpjopje, 13. u a cemparatpne fpeccb,4o.7.9.tofpeabwifoome37.3o Spirit put fo? mpno ana tonoerilanaing, t39.7.^bitber tbe fpirit of c£od bee qnencbeb in tije goolp i»bsn tljcp Qnne, ^taveOneOe.to4.t5. (5U2. ^•Carres piapfe gob, 14 8.3. tbeir goooiv oiDer.8.4. Statutes, t8.t3.anD 19.7.??. Stoicallfateo2DeSinie, 104.19, tbeir bpgbmpnDeoncfTe. 34.19. StoicallbarcbarteDneffemufte not bee m tbegoDlp,?o.i2. 5Dtubbo2nnes is conbcmncD, 4.3. ano 3 2. 9-anD tbep«ninimetofa«bbo?nnes,32,9,io4 Sufferance tjome too btc conQocreD in d5cD,ii3,34 Shearing m<®ODs name, 63* 12. £>pgtys mpjceD witb tlje piapcrs of tlje goal?, 55. to. Spneoc, 02 Counfeli of iftpce, 99.5. 31 111. iiif. Cable THE TABLE, c. Cables oftbe3Latt?,3 4.1. Canmnim. 148.7- CeacUabienes is commenDcD.3 2 . 9 • it tjsf t^e gift of <£ od. 1 1 9 . 1 2 4. St>\>o ijs a true tcacfjer.19.11. Ceares put into a bottle.^ 6. 94 Cempcrance loofcftapcDnes. Cemple of boitnesputfoj tgcanen.11.4: anD 1 8.7. ti)e 'Ccmplc Suae not butibeo fcj neualji. 132.13. it Sxmsa pleogcoj Warrant of ©ods p2cfcnce.2 7.5. bowe it ioas gobs bu etlmg piacc*2+.S.ttl)p it ft>as 7« Cfcone ofi;otines,47»8. Cbunacv is not cngeocreD but bp tf?oDS appointment, 1 8, 1 4-' C* enebcrftaues are notcD,3 5+1*5, Cmic paft ot p^etertence betobeneti) a co 14. time too comeo; future tence betoKenctb alfo a ccnanu-- ai: Doing, 7»9.auD 1 o58 .tranfpoling of times ts rtfe among tl;e if ebjeroes^i. Cnitl fonnbeD bpottflefb-,1 18,8. Crutyc m M-!i te rcquireD,34, i4.trtttb is too bec founD no Sebere but in (©oDjs fe>!jC2b>2 9,9. Ci'ii^ of jGu'sa pjefmtD before tlje rede Cung:s'i)£:p fltppjrpei 391 2. tbe rung Qii^t to beti)e pure 3 mage off minb, 15,2. ana 34,14. i; arte anD sung muft agree iagubsr* (Coo b?iblc tlje tung ts a rare Dertne,i4i 3ttbc l^ebjew tung is oerj? (50^19,3. fl. Vengeance muft not bee Dcfp2eD.i7. 4.$ 25.4-.anD,,io9.4 bowfar tbe geDlpmsp Defp;c it, 28 .4. anD,4t. ■ bo? bengeancemap beetaKen bpman,i8.38, muft bee left tons togoD i7.4Joofee mo2c mtt)e tple of <^0D. ®crbes of tbe future tence betoken a con tmualDoomg,2 35.anD,2 5.i.anD.3i.5. SUfctoiic is to bee attributeD oneip bntoo Sob,9.4.anD,i8.3o+48.anD,2i.i.anD 2838.f *. 68,12.19.23. flUnbdcef abbomtnable bctoie gob 78.21 bnbeleeuers arc alt p?ou?D,i 19.21. UnbcrftanDingamo&e excellent power of tbc untie, 19.7. it is nccclTanein goD0p2apfC0.4g.6. SUngoDlp, S»bo is fo,i.i.tliebngoDtp as bufctbetr^.f.f 28.5.? 37.35. are blpnoc in tbe bjooeipglit, 2 8.5.anDJ39.i2.aregiucnDptoaS»ib ful myntc 69-28. areDamncDtooDef=,arenotberDcfgobJi8. 42.43 .ano , 6 6.1 7.are marrcD bp goos fojbesring,55.2o.are btpnbeD intbeir otvnc leauDncfle 36.25. are DifmapD at tbunDer,lpgbtening anD ftojmcs 29.3. are alwap bungem 3 7 , 2 1 .are as gobs fquoojgcs 25.2.1)oid tljcp be to be fljun neD 26, 5. tbep ftarclc at tbe rcmcm= berauce of goD 5.12. tbep are not at- soapes DziucDtinio cuil 2 6, 9. tbep ujal not fcape DnpunitneDj5i5.tbep mafee Soarre ageinftctSoDin beauing at tbe faitbful»40ji 5-tbep bee all out of tbeir £iritteS)5,6.&>bP tbep be fo oucrbolbc, 9j2 o .anD 1 o5i i* fcljp ibep ribebppon tbegoDlp89,5i.anD 109924.31*119, 69.Dntractable32%9intangiebintbeir o«?nef»iles57ji6.anD 9,i6.tbeir plap ing is bp <25oDs fuffcranc^ 1 o, 15. tbep arenottobeftarcD,7,i?:i ibep D^np tl;at tbere is a A ilf Jjl.l tbcp&innebp their flurbiac0, 18,26. fc>bp tbep be not pun .f b ca out of banb . 2 , *. tbcp are pamper cd agctnft the Dap of daughter, 17, i+.ano 3 7,iD.tbep are Iifecb:utcbcaft3,i7 i+. UliCDOjs, 22, 17-iiUe grcenc bap, 37.55. nkc S.t>ons, I7,tt anb 2 2, i4*anDs7> 5.l&ccbafife, 1 ,4..aii3 j 5 , 5 .lifee clothe 02 timber that 40 tooimeaten, 3 9 » 1. tike chips , bjoffe, 02 oiatf c, 1 , +• like bulks, 2 2 , 1 3 . tike a but02abanktoo(b03tea(,2!,i2.frbp tb:p befometime called 6obsferumtji 102,15. anoi>s,>bptbepbeecaUeD foole0,73,z.xDb?tbep be not ftreit bif= patcbeD oit' of tbe ioap, 5 9 ,i: • tbcp bee mod comtnoruprearful,;?, 2 o. t'jcp be toopeboftbefcar of45ob,36,2.anb 55, 2 o . tb ep Q) at 1 0 tie bap appeere a J 05 03 3 tubgemcnt feat.zg ,+.i»'jerof tb:ir bold rwflcomm;tb,9,io anb ano :8. 5 .cbctr cup,i r , d.tbeir attempts toatne, 2, 1. anb 7,t6.anb9,i 2i,iiv3 zi» 2o.an0 22,io.anH35,ti.anb37,t;.and 9o,i6.tbeirmtfcrableftate,94-, 12. and 112 ,i o.tlietr fooltibc tloitmciTc, 61, 6. tbctrconfcicnce0,jo,2.anb 28, 5. ano 3 5, 3. their counfel S»bat 1110,1,1. their pZcUK>C3ubcUu,5,u.tbetnntent0are mtfci)Cuou5, 6 +,9. boo? their purpofctf aretoo becu: of,5>,io. their companp iB to be cfcbucb, c i.anb 1 6 , 1 +.ano 2 6, 4, 5. anb 3 1,6. anb 1 1 9 , 1 1 5 a befcrtptio oftbe,5,io.the;rfamebpeth,9,;eir beceufut bjtasging, 1 8 , 4i.tbetr t op, 48 a.tbetr !bamc,r3 ,43«thcir tgnoiaunce, 28; mamctsfncj0,73,8.tbett?fece 1 efneo, 4. , 5 .their foze $ fooeinc beftruc- 110^1,4,6. anb 2,9, u« anb 14,5. anb 2i,9.ano«32,9,ia'anb3+, 22. anb 35*, 5,8;i8.ano 36, i3^nb 37,9,15, 34. f 58,?,to.anb6o,4.anb6l4,8.anb75l, 9.anb 76,8.anb 9 z,i o.ano 105, j 9. § 109,16. ano rio,i, 5 anbi29,5«b9toe cafte it i0 fo: <& 00 to beftrop them, to f 2 9. too fobat cnbe the faoztunss of the 5»icUcQ tenb ,38,1 7 .ho w gr cuoufl t bete faoznmgs (£,'42,11. and 2 ,2.tbcir me= mo2tepfiri35eth!,9,6.an0 34,t7.thcre? .S»3rbe.ofthem,n,6,anb2i,9.anb35, 4. anb 4©,i6.tbetrmanerstobefbti= nco, 1, 1. their mill tt tube 12, 8, 9. their S»tlfulne0,4, 3,5-thcir punii'bment, 1 1, 6.tbeir puntujmetsare fignes of goos Swath, 3 9,"»tbcir power tsiocaae, I2y,7*rlieir p20fperit:c xoanjerb awapc bicaufe it iscurfeb of 45oo,i,6» anb 4 , 7. an j 17,10, i4»ano 18,38. anb 32,10 ano 36,9,to.anb 37,1. ano 52,7«f 73* 4.an0 9o,ii.anb92,io.theircarticf= nesf 4<5.anb 9,18. anb 10,3, anb 5,6. $ ii,6.anb2S?5.anb3q,7'anb33it5.anb 64,4.anb94,i(*anbii6>9. their feed 10 curfed,* 1 .10. anb 3 7.2 8 . tl;eir b!oc= biihne0,3<$.3.theirpiibe,io.2. anb 12 6.anb 1 7. 1 o.tbeir cruelties 7. 2 , botoe their life 10 Qjoztc, 55.24, their life is curfeo, 1 . o?ft fcinbeof bfurp, 15, 5. frbp <©od barb f02bibbenit,i 5.5. Hfurp bctcftablemallplace0,i5,5.52)bi tber all mancr of 31 ntercd be Damnable 15.5, W • . Walbing afo2e 15ob fo>bat it iflf, n «, 9. f ii9.i63.toalbingatlarge,ii9,44«too ioalk in the light of the li uing, 5 6.14.10 Snalb t n .great matters, 131,1 ar ar enefK fooli fb e anb f onb. 4 o ♦ 6. Warfare of the faithful, looae in the title faithful. waters putfoj tribulations, 69, ?.fea* ter0 banging in the 3ire . 1 48 • 3 . f C = lement of water ts aboue the afire, 24.. 2.anb33,7.andio,49.f 204,9. fehi' lnc 1 rxniuK. i»!iltf?cr t'ictc bcc anpfraters reding aboue tbe fewer elements. 1 4-8.3. xc atcbe 3 DiutbeD into f owcr parts 1 ; o . * wapc pat foj maner oj tra&e of liuinge,, i.i.anb.;7,i ;.feap put fojt affapiesoj b»aneac0,?7-5fea?« ofcl>c ILojtbput foi- tljc power fcijcrwub b* bnberpaop pctbbis feruantea t7-5« toapes of rbe JUiD put fo; tlje faitljfulndTc of ljis piotnifcs 2.5.4.fa>apcs of tbe iiozbput fozljts fatfecrlp fepnbnes in clicritbmg rbc faithful. 25. lo.toapesof rpgtjtus oufcnc0 put voj plain f eafp toaic02}.2. Welfare of tbe faiihftillis iapo bpm gobtf bano.i2.6.anb;7.39.anb.4-o.i7.i»cc Rtuli care fo: tbcomon foclfnrc of our b2eib?cn 14.7.12c tmifc put gob in trufl; S»tth Qit i»dfarc.3 3.2 o. Wpnc.104.15'. wiefceb folk mutf be punifbeb bp the ma= giftrate.106.3. Wiibemeffc put f 02 rbe b«aft s in it. 29*7. Wtfoomc, 1 19.34. SsifDomcmuft bcc af- fccbatgobs banb.59.tbe totfoomeof tl)« faltbuiLIUofec faptbiull. Wljicb is Uje trew fctfbomc. 1 o 7.45. anb 1 1 r . 1 e.fobat it is to fyea&e icu oomc, 37«S°» wojlblptjelps tnuft notbeface gob0g!o? rie,2 8.8. wozbip pleafutcff banfujc as a bieam* 16. 11. *tt ozlo ttasmabcbp£bitu\3}.6.toteliat enb <££> ID creates it 8 .7. it i0 ruleb bp gobs piouiDcnce,37.2 8. anD.138. is full of beablp corruptions 1. 1. it is full of pjovoD nvcn.40. 5. u is not cucr= lading, 148. 5. it confpitcbSsbollp a- geinftCbjtft.* .i.ttlcabctbbs togobS pzouioencc. 33.6. tt>e bntfjankfulncffe tberof, 115.16. w oolfe accafetl) et>e lamb fo? trubbilng of tbctoatcr,28.4« wooxb put fo; purpofe 0; commannb= tnent, 33.4. loose more in tt>e tptle of fobttbertbcpitiftifpe,iobo bee feozhersef iniquitie,28,3. foooiacs of preparation. 2 5.8.12. Wpfc tbst in gooo is gobs gift f Miffing, 128.3. i wpnbc0.io4.3.anlM35.7« ^clegoblp anb purc.n 9,13 ^.i39«tjnabs uifeo ?eie ercufcrb not 106.37. bnros t»arb jcJcs eonbetnncb 1 o 9 *6 .©auras pure anb bolp $cle 1 8 . 3 8. anb 42. 1 i.f 69'io.tbe ?clcof Jiot. 6 9.u.tbejele of ^t)inccsio6.ifs ^INIS. r,i/nJiii<|iqT^ fMTTil^rTET) <>AT LOAQ- ; H^don by Thomas Eaft and Henry Middclton : for Lucas Harifon, and Gorge ByfJjop. AnnoDo.M.D.LXXI. < void irt^Z^t Uy ^f txs&^&y yC/-v*-?*^o-^ ^""Xa^^-c^ <0^v ur^l 'L*J^sSd *~rCw^ ^ //^£n-*C-^ nin^A -c-Vc/(X 'Jk •■•' "' V >ytt f w*i •+£. I it »